PUBLII VIRGILII MARONIS OPERA OR THE WORKS OF VIRGIL. WITH COPIOUS NOTES, MYTHOLOGICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL, HISTORICAL, GEOGRAPHICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL, ASTRONOMICAL, CRITICAL, AND EXPLANATORY, IN ENGLISH; COMPILED FROM THE BEST COMMENTATORS, WITH MANY THAT ARE NEW. TOGETHER WITH AN ORDO OF THE MOST INTRICATE PARTS OF THE TEXT UPON THE SAME PAGE WITH THE TEXT. DESIGNED FOn TItE USE OF STUDENTS IN THE COLLEGES, ACADEMIES, AND OTHER SEMINARIES, IN TBE UNITED STATES. SPECIALLY CALCULATED TO LIGHTEN THE LABOUR OF THE TEACHER, AND TO LEAD THE STUDENT INTO A KNOWLEDGE OF THE POET. TO WHICH IS ADDED 2l Cable of Ulfetence. BY THE REV. J. G. COOPER, A. M. NEW YORK: SHTELDON AND COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, 498 AND 500 BROADWAY. 1868. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, by CATHARINE COOPER, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. MANUFACTURED BY CASE, LOCKWOOD & Cc, Pites. ec dpes.and Bookbide. s HARTFORD, *CONN. RECOMMIEN DATIONS. NEW-YORK, July 6, 1815. An edition of the Works of Virgil, upon the plan adopted by the Rev. J. G. Cooper, I think preferable to those usually put into the hands of boys. Ili3 notes and explanations, so far as I have examined them, are both copious ard judicious. Believing that classical literature will be promoted thereby, I do cheerfully recommend the work. WILLIAM HARRIS, D. D. President of Columbia College. In the above opinion expressed by Dr. Harris, we do fully and cordially unite JOIN BOWDEN, D. D. Professor of R hetoric, &c. &c. Columbia College. Rev. EDMUND D. BARRY, Principal of the Ep. Acadervy, New-York. JOHN BORLAND, A. 1M. Teacher of a Select Classical School, New-York. TILLOTSON BRUNSON, D. D. Principal of the Ep. Acadely, Cheshire, Connecticut, BALTIMORE, Oct. 20, 1825. In the above opinion expressed by Dr. HIarris, we do fully and cordially unite. W. E. WYATT, D. D. Associate Min. of St. Paul's Pariah. Rev. JOHN ALLEN, A. MI. Professor of Math. in the University of Maryland, and author of an edition of tie Elements of Euciil, &c. &c.. NF.w-Yo-RK, April, 1827. In the above opinion expressed by Dr. Harris, I do fdlly and cordially agree. JAMES RENWICK, Professor of Nat. Philosophy and Chemistry in Col. College. PHILADELPHIA, June, 1827. In the above opinion expressed by Dr. Harris, I dc, fully and cordially agree. JAMES ROSS, L. L. D. Author of a Latin Grammar, &c. &c. IEXINGTON, Ky. April 1, 1825. IIaving recently examined the Rev. J. G. Cooper's proposed edition of tule Works of Virgil, I have no hesitation in giving my opinion, that tie plan which he has pursued is excellent, and the execution highly creditable to his talents and scholarship. Such a work will greatly facilitate the stludy of the poet. on the par' of the youthful learner. It will give him a correct idea of the meaning of the author in the more difficult passages; and by its copious notes upon ancient history, and mythology, will enable him to relish beauties that are now rarely perceived in the early course of classical instruction. I have no doubt but that its appearance will be welcomed by the intelligent and discerning, as a publication admirably adapted to enlist the feelings, and stimulate tle application of youtdi in the elementary. schools of our country. GEORGE T. CHAPMAN, D. D. Professor of tistory, &c. c. in Transylvania lTn'verslty, KR. iv RECOMMENDATIONS. BALTIMORE, Oct. 0O, 1825. The edition of the Works of Virgil proposed to be published by the Rev. J G. Cooper, appears to mie, as fr as a very partial examination of it has enabled me to judge, to be a work of merit, both as to the plan and execution. And 1 am persuaded, that its adoption into our Colleges and Seminaries of learning will greatly facilitate the acquisition of a correct knowledge of that elegant and distinguished poet. JAMES KEMP, D. D. Bishop of the Prot. Epis. Church in the state of Maryland. So far as I have had opportunity to examine the manuscript of the Rev. J. G. Cooperfor a new edition of the Works of Virgil, I highly approve of the plan, and think it well calculated to facilitate the study of the poet. It appears to be a leading object with Mr. Cooper, to lighten the burden of the student, by elucidating the difficult passages of the author, and by leading the youthfill mind into a relish of his beauties and excellencies. The substitution of an Ordo of the most intricate passages in the room of a general interpretation of the text, I consider a material advantage. While it removes the difficulties in the collocation of the words, it leads the student more directly to the text, and tends to fix his attention more closely upon the language of the poet. On the whole, I consider the work deserving of public patronage. and I wish him every encouragement in his endeavours to promote the interests of classical literature. FRANCIS E. GODDARD, A. M President of the Southern College, Bowling-Green, Ky. November 6, 1823. LOUJSVILLE, Ky. December 20, 1823. Having been favoured with the perusal of notes upon the Works of Virgil, compiled by the Rev. J. G. Cooper, together with an Ordo of the more intri cate parts of the text, I am fully persuaded they are well calculated to assist the younger classical students to read and understand the poet, especially in the more difficult passages; to enlarge the mind in the Geography of the country, and to explain the mythology of the age in which he wrote. The criticisms on the text are generally correct, and display an intimate acquaintance with the syntax of the Latin language: and I do not hesitate to say, that in my opinion, the work would be very useful in the Academies ar I Seminaries of the United States. GIDEON BLACKBURN, D. D CAMBRIDGE, MASS. May 10, 1815. AN edition of the Works of Virgil, upon the plan adopted by the Rev. J. G Cooper, will. I am persuaded, be found useful in instruction It provides for a portion of that assistance in the interpretation of the poet, for which resort is frequently and injudiciously had to translations; while it is, at the same tine, exempt from any of the disadvantages attending such a mode of studying Ihis author. JOHN T. KIRKLAND, D. D. President of Harvard University. HINGHAM, MASS. May 8, 1815. From a partial examination of the manuscript copy of the Works of Virgil, with English notes, &c. by the Rev. J. G. Cooper, it appears to have been prepared with much labour End care. I have no doubt that a work of this kind would be of essential advantage to classical students, especially to those who RECOMMENDATIONS. e have not made considerable progress in the Latin language, previous to tneir contmencing the study of the poet. DANIEL KIMBALL, A. M. Principal of Derby Academy. 1 fully assent to the opinion expressed above by Mr. Kimball, as to the value and usefulness of an edition of Virgil, upon the plan proposed by tile Rev. Mr. Cooper. HENRY WARE, DD. Professor of Divillity in Hlarv. University. TuE edition of the Works of Virgil, prepared by the Rev. J. G. Cooper, appears to be well calculated to facilitate a knowledge of the poet. To those who may wish to study the poet, without the aid of an instructor; and to instructors themselves, who have not enjoyed a correctly. classical education, it will be eminently useful. JOHN S. J. GARDINER, D. D. BOSTON, May, 1815. At the request of the Rev. J. G. Cooper, I have cursorily examined a printed specimen of his proposed edition of the Works of Virgil; and am of opinion, that, if the whole should be executed in the manner of this sample, it will be deserving of patronage. J. L. KINGSLEY, Professor of the Latin language. YALE COLLEGE, April 14, 1827. ELLWOOD SEMINARY, (near Philadelphia,) Dec. 9, 1826. T have perused the specimen of your proposed edition of the Works of Virgil, which, I think, will deserve a reception into every classical Academy. JAMES TATHAM. Rev. J. G. COOPER. From a specimen of the proposed edition of the Works of Virgil, by the Rev. J. G. Cooper, I am induced to believe the publication will be an aid to the tause of our literature, by going into use among the younger students. HECTOR IIUMPHRE f YS, Professor of ancient Languages, Washingtou Coli-gc. IIARTFORD, April 14, 1827 I highly approve of the plan adopted by the editor, having for many years believed such an edition of Virgil a great desideratum in our schools. TIHOMAS DUGDALE, jr. Teacher of Latin and Greek, in Fliends' Academy, Philadelphia. WASHINGTON CITY, Dec. 1 25. Sir-I am highly pleased with your edition of Virgil. I think the English notes will be of infinite advantage to the scholar, and very interesting to the teacher. I am anxious to have a sufficient number of copies to supply my school, as I am determined to use no other for the future. Yours respectfully, A. R. PLUMLEY. Rev. J. G. COOPER. BOSTON, May 9th, 1815. SI —So far as I can judge of the plan on which you propose to publish an edition of Virgil, from the few pages of manuscript submitted to my inspection, I think it calculated to facilitate the progress of the learner; and peculiarly vi RECOMMENDATIONS. adapted to the younger class of pupils, who are with difficulty made to under. stand the notes in the original, when hurried, as they frequently are, into this author. BENJAMIN A. GOULD, Principal of the public Granmmar School. 1 cheerfully concur in approving the plan of Mr. Cooper's proposed edition of the Works of Virgil. FRANCIS FELLOWS, Associate Plincipal of the Mount Pleasant Classical Institution, (near Amherst,) iMas. APRIL, 1827. We, the subscribers, de approve of the plan adopted by the Rev J. G Cooper for a new edition of the Works of Virgil: alnd, when published, we do hereby recommend his'work to those classical students, who may attend our respective Seminaries' Rev. WM. RAFFERTY, D. D. Principal of St. John's College, Maryland. EDWARD SPARKS, M. D. Professor of Languages in St. John's College, Md. Rev. SAM'L. K. JENNINGS, M. D. Principal of the Asbury College, Baltimore. MICHAEL POWER, A. M. Professor of Languages, Asbury College Baltimore. Rev. TIMOTHY CLOWES, L. L. D. Principal of Washington College, Maryland. Rev. HENRY L DAVIS, D. D. Principal of Wilmington College, Delaware. Rev. FREDERIC BEASELY, D. D. Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. J. G. THOMASON, A. M. Professor of Languages of the University of Penn. B. CONSTANT, Principal of the Literary, Scientific and Military Lyceum, Germantown, Penn JOHN BORLAND, Professor of Classical Literature in the Collegiate School, New-York. Rev. E. D. BARRY, D. D. Principal of a Classical Academy, New-York. A. PARTRIDGE, S ipertntendant of the American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy, Middletown, Conn E. B. WILLISTON, Professor of the Greek and Latin languages in the A. L. S. and Military Academy, Middletown, Conn Rev. JOSEPH SPENCER, Professor of Languages in Dickinson College, Pennsylvania Rev. JAMES WILTBANK, Principal of the Grammar School of the University of Penrsylvania, Rev. SAMUEL B. WYLIE, D. D. Principalof a Classical Academy, Philadelphia. GEORGE IIALENBAKE, Principal of a Classical and Mathematical Academy, Philadelphia. JOIIN ANDERSON, Principal of a Classical Academy, Philadelphia. C. FELLT, Principal of a Classical Academy, Philadelphia. W. J. BIRKEY, Principal of a Classical Academy, Philadelphia. HENRY HOOD, Principal of a Classical Academy, Philadelphia B. J. SCIIIPPER, Principal of a Classical Academy, Philadelphia. RECOMMENDATIONS. vii We, the subscribers, do approve of the plan adopted by the Rev. J. G. Cooper for a new edition of the Works of Virgil; and, when published, we do hereby recommend his work to those classical students, who may attend our respective Seminaries. Rev. WM. BALLANTINE, Principal of a Classical Academy, Philadelphia. WM. MANN, A. M. Principal of a Classical Academy, Philadelphia. J. P. ESPY, Principal of a Classical Academy, Philadelphia. DAVID PATTERSON, Principal of a Classical Academy, New-York. WM SHERWOOD, Principal of a Classical Academy, New-York. W. H. BOGART, A. B. Principal of a Classical Academy, New-York. JOSEPH PERRY, A. M. Principal of a Classical Academy, New-York. GOULD BROWN, Principal of a Classical Academy, New-York. JACOB T. BERGEN, Principal of a Classical Academy, New-York JAMES ANDERSON, Classical Teacher in the La FayetteSeminary, N. York J. SLOCOMB, Principal of a Classical Academy, New-York. SAMUEL U. BERRIAN, Classical Teacher, New-York. W. LORD, Associate Principal of a Classical Academy, Baltimore. A. ROGERS, Principal of a Select Classical Academy, Baltimore. JAMES STEEN, Principal of the Wentworth Academy, Baltimore. JOHN PRENTISS, Princioal of a Classical Academy, Baltimore. Rev. J. G. ROBERTSON, Principal of a select Classical Academy, Baltimore. JAMES GOULD, Principal of a Classical Academy, Baltimore. ELIJAH GARFIELD, Teacher of Languages, Middletown, Conn. ELIJAI P. BARROWS, Jr. Preceptor of the Hartford Grammar School, Conn. JOHN M. KEAGY, M. D. Principal of the Harrisburg Academy, Penn. BARNABAS BATES, Principal of a Classical Academy, New- rork. THOMAS P. HAGGERTY, Principal of a Classical Academy, Georgetown, D. C, To Professors and Teachers of Classical Literature in the Colleges, Academies, and other Seminaries in the United States: GENTLEXEN, The very favorable opinion that many of you have expressed, of the plan and execution of this Edition of the works of Virgil, claims my respectful acknowledgments. Every attempt to facilitate the acquisition of classical literature will, I am persuaded, meet your approbation; I shall, therefore, offer no apology for adding this new edition to the many others, already before the public. Soon after T commenced the instruction of youth, I became sensible of the impropriety of the use of the editions of Virgil, then in our schools. Those of Ruaeus and Davidson were generally, if not exclusively, read; both equally objectionable, the former by affording too little aid to the student in the illustration of the text, the latter by affording him too much. It was at this early period that I formed the plan of the present edition. Except the two last books of the _Eneid, it was finished in the year 1815, as you will perceive by the date of several of the recommendations. Since which time, they have been coinpleted, and the whole carefully revised and greatly improved. This delay in the publication gave me a further opportunity to become acquainted with the wants of students, especially in the early course of study, and to collect the opinions of teachers upon this subject. That opinion has uniformly been in favor of my plan; which takes a middle course between the opposite extremes of affording too little, and too much assistance to the student. The partial ordo is designed to assist him in the more intricate parts of the text; and where recourse otherwise must be had to the teacher. The notes and explanations are copious. They embrace whatever was deemed necessary to elucidate the poet, and to lead the youthful mind to relish his beauties. Some of the more difficult passages I have translated; and, in general, where a word is used out of its common acceptation, I have given its sense and meaning in that particular place: and where commentators are not agreed upon the mean. ing of a word or phrase, I have given their respective opinions. In the text, 1 have adopted the. reading of Heyne, except in a few instances, where the coin. mon reading appeared preferable. To the Bucolics, Georgics, and /Eneid, I have given, in the first instance, a general introduction; and to each Eclogue, and book of the Georgics and /neid, a summary or particular introduction: so that the student, knowing beforehand the subject, and anticipating the beauties and excellences of the poet, will proceed with ease and pleasure, and in a manner catch his spirit. To each I have added a number of questions, to be asked by the teacher, and ( x) answered by the pupil. They may be increased or modified at discretion. This method of instruction, by question and answer, will be found useful. It serves to excite inquiry and attention on the part of the student, and affords the teacher a ready method of discovering the degree of knowledge which he has obtained of the subject. In this particular, I acknowledge my obligation to several eminent teachers, who suggested the improvement. The commentators, to whom I am principally indebted, are Heyne, Ruaeus, Dr. Trapp, Davidson, and Valpy. But it will be seen, in the course of the work, that I have not been confined to these alone. Wherever I found any thing useful, tending either to elucidate the poet, or to interest the student, I have taken it. Throughout the whole, it has been a principal object with me, to render the poet intelligible, and to elucidate those passages which are obscure and intricate. To the whole is added, a table of reference to the notes, where any particular article is considered or passage explained. To you, gentlemen, I present it, with the humble trust that it will be found to answer the purposes for which it was designed, namely, to lighten the labor of the teacher, and to facilitate the acquisition of a knowledge of the poet. J. G. COOPER. NEW YORK. Oct. 1827. TIIE LIFE OF VIRGIL. PCBLIUS VIRGILIUS MARO was born at a village called Andes, about three miles from the city of Mantua, on the'15th day of October, in the year of Rome 684, and 70 years before the Christian era. Pompey the Great and Marcus Licinius Crassus were consuls. His parents were in humble circumstances. Iis father cultivated a small farm for the maintenance of his family. Iis mother, whose name was Maia, was related to Quintilius Varus, who rose to be proconsul of Sylia, and afterwards was appointed to the command of the Roman army in Germany. The first seven years of his life were passed under his paternal roof: after which he was removed to Cremona, a town situated upon the banks of the Po, and not far from Mantua. While here, he distinguished himself in those studies suited to his age, and gave presage of his future eminence. In this pleasant retreat lie passed ten years, till he assumed the Toga virilis, which, among the Romans, was at the age of 17. At an early period he showed himself to be a favorite of the Muses, and manifested a genius that one day was to rival the author of the lliad. At this time Pompey and Crassus were in their second consulship. From Cremona he removed to Mediolanum, a town not far distant, and soon after to Naples. Here he devoted his time to the study of the Greek language, of which he soon became master. By this means he was enabled to read the Greek poets in the original, to enter fully into their spirit, and to discover their beauties and excellencies. This proved of essential service to him in his future labors. With a mind thus stored with literature, and a taste formed by the best models, he entered upon the study of medicine, mathematics, and philosophy. These last, more especially, were his pleasure and delight, as he has intimated in several parts of his works. He sttlfied the Epicurean philosophy, then in much repute, under one Syro, an eminent teacher. IIe afterwards composed his Sixth Eclogue, with a view to compliment his preceptor, and to express a grateful remembrance of his instructions. Varus was a pupil with him at the same time. Here they contracted a friendship for each other, which continued during the remainder of their lives. Hiaving finished his studies at Naples, which occupied several years, it is said, he visited Rome; but it is more probable that he returned to Mantua, and retired to his paternal inheritance. Here he acquired that prac. tical information which so eminently qualified him for writing the Georgics. A person of Virgil's extensive attainments, and above all, of his poetic genius, could not long remain in obscurity. His fame reached the ears of Pollio, who was no less distinguished for his love of literature, and of the muse, than for xii LIFE OF VIRGIL. his military achievements. He was a particular friend of Antony, and under him commanded the troops in Cis-Alpine Gaul; in'which Mantua was situated. Here he became acquainted with Virgil, who was introduced to him either hy Varus or Gallus; both of whom our poet has mentioned in his Eclogues, in the most affectionate terms. After the battle of Philippi, which proved fatal to the republican party, Augustus divided the lands in the neighborhood of Mantua among his veteran troops, to whom he was indebted for that victory. Virgil was involved in the common calamity. This circumstance, in all human appearance to be lamented, and which to others proved a heavy calamity, to our poet was the commencement of an illustrious career, and the harbinger of an immortal day. Pollio, who entertained a sincere friendship for Virgil, and was well qualified to form a correct estimate of his talents and acquirements, becoming acquainted with his case, recommended him to Maecenas, who was then at Rome, and held the highest place of honor and confidence with his prince. The friend of Pollio found also a friend in Maecenas. He laid his case before Augustus, and by his influence with his prince, obtained the restoration of his estate. Virgil, at this time, probably was about 29 years of age. He immediately returned with the edict of the emperor for the restoration of his farm, which had fallen irto the hands of one Areus, a centurion; but he was resisted and ill-treated by the new possessor, and forced to swim over the Mincius to save his life. This cruel treatment is the subject of the ninth Eclogue. He went a second time to Rome upon the subject. But it is probable he never after resided upon his estate. A wider field now opened before him; and he made the seat of the empire the place of his residence. Here his acquaintance and friendship were sought by the most distinguished men; and the favorite of the Muses became also the favorite of Augustus. With a view to compliment his prince, and to express the happy state of the empire under his administration, it is said, he composed the following distich. which, in a private manner, he affixed to the gate of the palace: Nocte pluit tota, redeunt spectacula mane: Divisum imperium cum Jove Caesar habet. Augustus was highly pleased with the compliment paid to him, and the delicate manner in which it was expressed; and he desired to find out the author. Virgil's modesty and diffidence prevented him from making an avowal. At length, one Bathyllus, a poet of inferior merit, had the hardihood to claim to be the author. The emperor richly rewarded him. This greatly mortified our poet, whowvrote the same lines upon the gate of the palace, with the following one under them: Hos ego versiculos feci, tulit alter honores: together with the beginning of another line in these words, Sic vos non vobis, repeated three times. Augustus wished to find the author; and as the surest way of doing it, demanded that the lines should be finished. Several attempts were made without effect. Bathyllus was not able to do it; which led to a suspicion of his imposture. At last Virgil finished them, and thus avowed himself the author of the previous distich. The lines are as follow: Sic vos non vobis nidificatis aves; Sic vos non vobis vellera fertis oves; Sic vos non vobis mellificatis apes: Sic vos non vobis fertis aratra boves. This detected the impostor, and covered him with ridicule and cciltempt LIFE OF VIRGIL. X111 About this time, at the suggestion of Pollio, Virgil commenced writing his Eclogues; which occupied him three years. The frst was written to express his gratitude to his prince for the restoration of his lands. This he did in so delicate and modest a manner, that it raised him greatly in the estimation of his friends and countrymen: and the poet conferred a greater favor upon Augustus, by immortalizing this act of his beneficence, than he did by restoring to him his lands. The others were written upon various occasions, and for various purposes. The Eclogues were extremely popular. So well were they received, that they were several times repeated upon the stage. Cicero, upon hearing them, was so much pleased, that he did not hesitate to say of the author: Mlagnce spes altera Rome, which words the poet afterwards introduced into the twelfth book of the Eneid, applied to Iulus. Virgil may be considered the first who introduced pastorals among the Romans. It is a fact worthy of notice, that he was the introducer, and at the same time the perfector, of this kind of writing. All succeeding poets have taken him as their model, and found the surest way to success to be, to copy his beauties. It is true, he was much indebted to l'heocritus, who was the first pastoral writer of eminence among the Greeks. but he followed him with judgment, and improved upon him so much in correctness of taste, in purity of thought, and delicacy of expression, that we lose sight of the original. So much was he esteemed, that all classes of persons crowded to see him, whenever he appeared in public; and on entering the theatre, the people rose up to do him reverence, no less than to Augustus himself. During the civil wars, agriculture had been much neglected: and so general had the distress become on that account, that serious apprehensions were entertained for the peace of Italy. All classes of people began to murmur, and to cast the blame upon Augustus, and his administration. In this state of things, it occurred to Maecenas, that the most effectual method of averting the impending evils, and of restoring peace to the people, and confidence in the administration, was to revive the agricultural interests of the country. For this purpose, he desired Virgil to write a treatise upon agriculture. He well knew no person was better qualified for a work of this kind. Iie possessed an extensive knowledge of the subject, a correct taste, and could enliven it with the charms of poetic numbers; and he already possessed the confidence and affections of his countrymen. After a short respite, he entered upon the work. That he might be less interrupted in its prosecution, he retired from Rome to Naples, a city more tranquil, and, at the same time, more healthy. In this pleasant retreat, removed from the bustle of the capital, the intrigue of courts, and the jarring interests of Politics, he composed the Georgics-a poem, the most perfect and finished of any composition in the Latin language. He spent seven years in the work. The public expectation was raised high; but it was far surpassed: and Virgil conferred a greater blessing upon his country, than if, in the field, he had ob tamed the most splendid victory over its enemies,, The Georgics were every where well received, and Italy soon assumed a flourishing appearance. The people found themselves in the enjoyment of peace, plenty, and domestic happiness. The poet dedicated the work to his fiiend Maecenas, a statesman distinguished equally for his love of literature and science, tile correctness of his politics, and the wisdom of his councils. Virgil was now forty years of age. At this time, he found himself in the possession of a large estate, chiefly from the liberality of his prince. His fame was coextensive with the empire, and the lovers of the muse courted his society. Among the particular friends of Virgil, may be reckoned Horace, a distinguished 1iv rFIE LIFE OF VIRGIL. poet of that age, and a friend equally of Pollio and Maeceras. Between these two favorites of the Muses there subsisted, during their lives, the most cordial friendship. How sincerely they esteemed each other, we may learn from an ode which Horace afterwards composed upon the occasion of Virgil's setting sail for Greece, on account of his health. Having completed tie Georgics, our poet soon commenced the kAneid an epic or heroic poem. This is the noblest species of poetic composition requiring a correct judgment, a lively imagination, and an universal knowledge. Virgil possessed them all in a high degree. It is supposed that he had the suiject in contenmplation fer several years previous, and that he alludes to it in the sixth Eclogue in these words: Clim canerem reges et prelia, Cynthius aurem Vellit et admonuit: Pastorern, Tityre, pingues Pascere oportet oves, deductum dicere carmen. Ile probab)ly had something of the kind in view; but whether it was, what the Aneid afterwards proved to be, is uncertain. TIhe subject of the poem is the removal of a colony of Trojans fiom Asia Minor, under the conduct of iEneas, and their settlement in Italy. The Iliad and Odyssey undoubtedly suggested to Virgil the idea of the AEnleil; and without the former we should not have had the latter. It has been supposed by some, that the AEneid was designed merely as iencomium upon Augustus, who was now raised to the highest temporal power. But if this had been his only object, the poet might have saved much time and labor, by composing short pieces, or brief panegyrics upon his prince, as Horace did on several occasions. It is true, Virgil was very fond of complimenting the Caesars, and in several parts of his works, he has done it in the most extravagant manner. The Etneid( was undoubtedly designed for the benefit and instruction of the Roma n people generally, who were now happily enjoying the blessings of peace, after haviing suffered, for a series of years, all the calamities of civil war. The poet wished these blessings to be perpetuated. He, therefore, endeavors to dissuade his countrymen fiom further attempts to restore the republic, and advises them to submit to the authority of a man who derived his origin from the Cods, and under his auspices, to cultivate harmony, and the arts of civilized life. This is the moral of the poem, and an object worthy of the patriotism and benevolence of the poet. Virgil wrote with a wonderful degree of exactness. Every thing which he mentions is founded upon historical truth; and the voyage and adventures of his hero are given with geographical precision. He has also given us a full a4qd perfect account of the religious rites and ceremonies of the age. The whole so artfully blended with the subject, and so skilfully interwoven into it, as to become an essential part of the poem. And while he is delighting the fancy with the harmony of his numbers, he informs the understanding, and enlarges, the bounds of our knowledge. As soon as it was known that Virgil had commenced the lEnid, tile public expectation was raised very high; and so great was the enthusiasm on the occasion, that Sextius Propeitius did not hesitate to say: Ccdite, Romani scriptores, cedite Graii; Nescio quid majus nascitur Iliade. His delicate health caused considerable interruption in his labors; and he found himself under the necessity of travelling, to sustain his feeble constitution lie Visited Sizily, and several parts of Italy; but Naples was his favorite place of residence. LIFE OF VIRGIL. l lIe spent seven years in composing the first six books of the _Eneid. Augustus wished to hear what he had written, and desired I am to recite them to him. The'poet complied with the request of his prince; and for this purpose, selected the second, fourth, and sixth books. Into this last, he had incorpr rated, with an ingenious hand, the funeral rites of Marcellus, who died a shoi time before, and whom Augustus designed for his successor in the empire. Ile was a very promising youth, the darling of his mother, Octavia, a-d the favorite of the people. When the poet came to this part, Octavia, who was present, was so much affected, that she fainted away: and Augustus was so highly pleased with the compliment paid to his nephew, that he ordered ten sestertia to be given for every line of the eulogium. This amounted to a very large sum. The verse 165, had been left in an unfinished state, and in the heat of fancy, occasioned by the recital, it is said, the poet added the words, 3artemque accendere cantu, which complete the measure. In four years afterwards, he finished the remaining six books, so that the poet spent eleven' years in writing the _Eneid. At this time, he was in the fiftyfirst year of his age, and his health considerably impaired. Hie had revised the Eclogues and the Georgics, and continued to improve them till the year before nis death, as appears from some passages, particularly the closing verses of the last Georgic. Augustus was on the banks of the Euphrates, in the year of Rome 734. At this time Virgil was fifty years of age, and the Georgics had been published ten years. It was the intention of Virgil to revise the IEneid also, before it was published. And for this end he visited the classic soil of Greece, where he purposed to devote three years to the poem: and, this being done, to turn his attention to philosophy. This, from his earliest years, had been his darling study, as he rnforms us in the latter part of the second Georgic; and he wished to spend the remaining years of his life in contemplating the works of nature, and in elevating his mind to its divine Author. But soon after his arrival, his health became so delicate, and his strength so much exhausted, that he was obliged to relinquish it; and Augustus being on his return from Asia, Virgil thought proper to accompany him. At Megara, a town not far from Athens, he became seriously indisposed, and apprehensions were entertained of his recovery. He hastened his return to Italy, but continued to decline, and a few days after his arrival at Brundusium, a town in the eastern part of Italy, he expired, on the 22d day of September, being nearly 51 years of age. He died with that composure and resignation, which became so good and virtuous a man. He wished to be interred at Naples, the favorite place of his residence; and Augustus ordered his body to be removed thither, according to his desire; where it was buried with every testimony of respect and esteem. Just before his death, he wrote the following lines, as his epitaph: Mantua me genuit: Calabri rapuere: tenet nune Parthenope: Cecini pascua, rura, duces. This was inscribed upon his tomb; and it is characteristic of the modesty ot -: t great poet and distinguished philosopher. It is said his tomb is to be seen at the present day on the road from Naples to Puteoli, about two miles from the former place. Virgil left a will. By it, he directed the /Eneid to be burned, as being im. perfect and unfinished. But this was countermanded by Augustus, at whose desire, it is said, it was undertaken; and we are indebted to him for the preservation of one of the greatest efforts of human genius. The manuscript was put into the hands of Varus, Tucca, and Plotius, all friends of Virgil, and poets of some distinction, with direction to expunge whatever they deemed improper: xvi LIFE OF VIRGIL. but to make no additions themselves. To this circumstance it is probably owing that we find so many imperfect lines in the AEneid. Virgil died in the possession of a large estate, the half of which he bequeathed to Valerius Proculus, his half-brother, on his mother's side. Of: the rest, he gave half to Augustus, and the remainder to Maecenas, Tucca, Varus, and Plotius. Virgil was tall and of a brown complexion, extremely temperate and regular in his habits. His constitution was feeble, and his health often delicate. He was much afflicted with a pain in his head and stomach; and often with the spitting of blood. He was extremely modest, and even bashful to a fault, attended with a hesitation in his speech. Like other great men he had his enemies and detractors: but their aspersions only served to increase his fame, and add new lustre to it. Virgil has been emphatically styled the prince of Latin poets; and it has not been decided whether the palm should be awarded to the Roman or Grecian poet. It is true, Virgil was much indebted to Homer, who may b.e considered the master; but the pupil had the happy talent of making every thing that passed through his hands, hi8 own. The condition of these two great favorites of the Muses was very different in their lives. Homer, as his name implies, was blind; and so humble was his birth and parentage, that the place of his nativity has not been ascertained He wrote the Iliad and Odyssey in detached pieces, and recited them in the va. rious cities of Greece, to obtain a subsistence. Virgil wrote under the auspices of one of the greatest of princes, and nothing was wanting that could contribute to his ease and comfort. His friends were the best and the greatest men of the age. He was honored in his life, and lamented in his death. Homer left no friend to point the traveller to his monument; and nearly four centuries rolled away, before his countrymen sufficiently appreciated his merits, to collect hms scattered productions, and rescue them from oblivion. The world is indebted to Pisistratus, an Athenian, for the preservation of these inimitable poems; which are, and will ever be, the delight, and, at the same time, the wonder and admiration of civilized man. INTRODUCTION TO THO E BUCOLICS. OF the several kinds of poetry, none is more generally admired than the pastoral. Its subjects, the variegated scenes of the country, the innocent employment of shepherds and shepherdesses, possess charms which never fail to please and interest our minds. But this species of poetry is difficult in execution; which may be the reason that there Itave been so few, who excelled in it. If the poet were to make his shepherd talk like a courtier, a philosopher, or a statesman, we should immediately perceive the impropriety; or were he to make him utter low and vulgar sentiments, we should turn from him with disgust. The medium is the true course. To maintain this, however, at all times, is no easy matter. Theocritus was the only pastoral writer of eminence among the Greeks, ~and Virgil among the Romans. The former denominated his pastorals Idyllia, the latter Eclogce. Virgil, however, cannot so properly be called an original' pastoral writer, as an imitator of Theocritus. Many of his finest touches are taken from the Grecian. He imitated him, however, with judgment, and in some respects improved upon him, particularly in preserving the true character of pastoral simplicity; in which the other on many occasions failed. The word Bucolica is of Greek derivation, and signifies pastoral songs, or the songs of shepherds. Virgil denominated his Bucolica, Eclogce; which is also from a Greek word signifying to choose or select out of. The Eclogues are, then, a selection of choice pieces, such as lie thought worthy of publication. He began this part of his works in the twenty-ninth year of his age, and in the year of Rome 713; and finished it in the space of three years. The Eclogues were so well received by his countrymen, that they were pronounced publicly on the stage. After hearing one of them, Cicero, it is said, did not hesitate to say of him: Magnce spes altera Romce. It appears to have been the design of Virgil in writing his pastorals, to cele. brate the praises of Augustus, and of some other of his friends at Romo, par. ticularly Maecenas and Pollio. QUESTIONS. What are the subjects of pastoral poetry? At what age did he begin this part of his Does this kind of poetry possess any pe- works? euliar charms? In what year of Rome? Is it difficult in execution? Isit difficul i execi How mans years did he spend in writing Who among the Greeks was the first pas- Hw m ears toral poet of eminence? the Eclogues? What did he call his pastorals? Were they well received by his country What did Virgil denominate his? men? In what light are we to consider Virgil, as What was probably the reason of his a pastoral poet? writing the Eclogues? 2 P. IRGILII MARONIS BUCOLICA. ECLOGA. PRIMA. MELIBCEUS, TITYRUS. At the termination o' the civil war, which placed Augustus securely on the Imperial throne, to reward his soldiers for their services, he gave them the lands lying about Mantua and Cremona, dispossessing the former owners. Among the unfortunate sufferers was Virgil himself; who, however, by the interest of Mwecenas with the Emperor, received his lands again. I the character of Tityrus, the poet sets forth his own good fortune; and in that of Melibeus, the calamity of his Mantuan neighbors. This is the subject of the pastoral. The scene is laid in a beautiful landscape. A shepherd, with his flock feeding around him, is lying at ease under a wide-spreading beech-tree: the sun is approaching the horizon: shadows are falling from the mountains: the air is tranquil and serene: the smoke is ascending from the neighboring villages. This scenery a painter could copy. MEL. TITYRE, tu patule recubans sub tegmine fagi, Sylvestrem tenui Musam meditaris avena: Nos patrie fines, et dulcia linquimus arva; Nos patriam fugirnus: tu, Tityre, lentus in umbra Formosam resonare doces Amaryllida sylvas. 5 TIT. O Meliboee, Deus nobis hbe otia fecit. 8. Sepe tener agnus Namque erit ille mihi semper Deus: illius aram ab nostris 9. Ille permisit meas aepe tener nostris ab ovilibus imbuet agnus. boves errre, et me ia boves errare, et me i?. [lle meas errare boves, ut cernis, et ipsum sum ludere carmina, Ludere, quoe vellem, calamo permisit agresti. 10 que MEL. Non equidem invideo: miror magis: undique 14. Namque modo Usque adeo turbatur agris. En ipse capellas [totis connixa gemellos, epem ~~. + - > ~~~~~~..., - gregis, ah! reliquit eoas Protenus aeger ago: hanc etiam vix, Tityre, duco: hic iter densas corylce 11ic inter densas corylos modo namque gemellos, in nuda silice. NOTES. 1. Fagi: gen. of Fagus, the beech-tree. 9. Errare. To feed at large. It is glandiferous. I2. Syltestrer mtm. A pastoral song. 10. Calamo agresti: upon a rural reed. 2. S~ylvestrem musam. A pastoral song. Musical instruments were at first made of Atena: properly oats. By Met. the straw; Muscal r e str; tere at first re ande bo and hence an oaten, or oat-straw pipe. Meaid hence an oaten, or ot-strazu pipe..Me- oat, or wheat straw; then of reeds and bo:dttaris: you practice or exercise. dttaris: you practice or exercise. wood; afterwards of the leg bones of the 3. Arva. neu. plu. properly cultivated crane; of the horns of animals, &c. Hencn fields: from the verb aro. they are called avena, stipula; calamus, arundo, cicuta,Jfislula; buxisu, tibia, cornua, 4. Tu lentus: thou at ease in the shade, nd ccutastul bu tib, coua dost teach the woods, &c. Amaryllida, a Greek ace. of Amaryllis. See 31. infra. 12. Turbatur usque adeo totis, &c. Lit. 6. Deus. A god, namely Augustus, who It is disturbed so much in the whole coun. had reinstated him in his possessions; and try all around. There is so much cornmowhom the Romans had deified. Hcec otia: tion in the whole country, I wonder that this rest or ease. Olium is opposed to labor you should enjoy such peace and quiet. n significa ion. 14. Corylos: hazles-Gemellus: twins. 4 P. V1RGiLII MARONIS Spem gregis, ah! silice in nuda coninixa reliquit. 15 Sape malum hoc nobis, si mens non lava fuisset, 17. Memini quercus De ccelo tactas memini praedicere quercus: dictas de clo s~pe pr- Swepe sinistra cava prcedixit ab ilice cornix. dicere Sed tamen, ille Deus qui sit, da, Tityre, nobis. 20. Ego stultus puta- TIT. Urbem, quam dicunt Romam, Meliboee, putavi vi urbem, quam dicunt Stultus ego huic nostrae similem, qu6 sape solemus Romam esse similem huic nostrae Mantusm hc Pastores ovium teneros depellere fetus. 22 Sic canibus catulus similes, sic matribus hoedos Noram: sic parvis componere magna solebam. 25. Hec Roma extulit Verum hawc tantium alias inter caput extulit urbes, 25 Quantum lenta solent inter viburna cupressi. MEL. Et que tanta fuit Romam tibi causa videndi? TIT. Libertas: quae sera, tamen respexit inertem; Candidior postquam tondenti barba cadebat: Respexit tamen, et longo p6st tempore venit, 30 Postquam nos Amaryllis habet, Galatea reliquit. Namque (fatebor enim) dum me Galatea tenebat, NOTES. 16. Hoc malum nobis. There seem to be inanimate. We have introduced it into our required here, to make the sense complete, language without any variation. Teneros the words: and I might have understood it; feetus ovium, simply, our lambs. ji mens, &c. If my mind had not been foolish. 23. Sic canibus, &c. This passage Ser18. Sinistra cornix: the ill-boding crow. vius thus explains: I thought before that The Romans were very superstitious. They Rome resembled Mantua and other cities, considered every thing as ominous. The as I knew whelps and kids resemble their flight of some kinds of birds, the croaking dams or mothers, differing only in size. In of others, the darting of a meteor, a peal this I was mistaken: I find it to be ot a of thunder, were signs of good or bad luck. different species from other cities, as the Those that appeared on their left hand, for cypress differs from the shrub. the most part, they considered unlucky. 24. Componere: in the sense of comparare. Hence sinister and Ie1vus came to signify 25. Extulit caput hath raised its head. A unlucky, ill-boding, &c. And those that ap- figurative expression,butextrenelybeautiful. peared on their right hand, they considered 26 Viburna, plu. of viburnum, a species to be lucky. Hence, dexter came to signify of shrub. Some take it for a wvithy, others fortunate, lucky, &c. The best reason that for the wild-vine. can be given, why they used sinister and 28. Libertas. Virgil here speaks df himILvus, sometimes in a good, at other times self as being an old man, having a hoary in a bad sense, is, that they occasionally beard, and as having been a slave. Neiinterpreted the omens after the manner of ther of which was the case. But it was not the Greeks, who considered those that ap- necessary for him to describe himself in all peared in the eastern part of the heavens to his circumstances. That would have been be lucky; and turning their faces to the too plain, and would have taken from the north, as their custom was, they would be beauty of the pastoral. Inertem: indolentseen on the right hand. The Romans, on inactive. Sera: late in life. the contrary, turned their faces to the south 29. Candidior barba: my gray, or hoary in observing the omens; and consequently, beard. The comp. is here plainly to be their left hand would be toward the east, taken in the sense of the pos.Tondenti: to me corresponding to the right hand of the shaving it. Greeks. Ilice: the holm-oak. 31. Amaryllis-Galatea. Some think these 19. Qui sit Deus: who may be that God of are to be taken allegorically; the former for yours-of whom you speak? Da nobis: tell Rome, the latter for Mantua. But this is not me. JNobis: in the sense of mihi. necessary; nor will it be easy to support t.1e 20. Romam. Rome, a city of Italy, situ- allegory throughout. It is better to take ated on the river Tiber, founded by Romu- them literally, for the names of the poet's ius 753 years before Christ. Mantua was mistresses. Servius thinks nothing in the a city of the Cis-Alpine Gaul, now Lom- Bucolics is to be taken allegorically. Dr. bardy, situated on the eastern bank of the Trapp thinks Virgil insinuates that his old river Mincius, which falls into the Po. mistress Galatea was in favor of Brutus, 22. Feetus. This word signifies the young and his new one Amaryllis in favor of Auof any thing or kind, whether animate or gustus; and by changing mistresses, he de BUCOLICA. ECL. I. Nee spes libertatis erat, nec cura peculi: Quamvis multa meis exiret victima septis, Pinguis et ingratae premeretur caseus urbi, 35 Non unquam gravis Oere domum mihi dextra redibat. MEL. Mirabar, quid moesta Deos, Amarylli, vocares, 37. Mirabar, quid ht Cui pendere sua patereris in arbore poma.J moesta, Amarylli, vocaTityrus hinc aberat. Ipse te, Tityre, pinus, res Deos ei cui paterer Ipsi te fontes, ipsa haec arbusta vocabant. 40 TIT. Quid facerem? neque servitio me exire licebat, Nec tam praesentes alibi cognoscere divos. Hic ilium vidi juvenem, Melibcee, quotannis Bis senos cui nostra dies altaria fumant. Hie mili responsum primus dedit ille petenti: 45 Pascite, ut ante, boves, pueri: submittite tauros. MEL. Fortunate senex! ergo tua rlra manebunt: Et tibi magna satis: quamvis lapis omnia nudus, Limosoque palus obducat pascua junco 54. Hinc scpes, qua Non insueta graves tentabunt pabula fcetas, 50 dividit tuum agrum ab Nec mala vicini pecoris contagia,edent. vicino limite, semper Fortunate senex! hic inter flumina nota, depasta quoad florem T^, r.....................salicti H yblseis apibus, Et fontes sacros, frigus captabis opacum. salicti Hybiis aibu sepe suadebit tibi inire Iinc tibi, qua semper vicino ab limite sepes somnuni levi susurro Hyblaeis apibus florem depasta salicti, 55 apum. NOTES. licately hints at his changing political sides, nominatives preceding, and to govern the and in consequence thereof leaving Mantua, pronoun te. and going to Rome. 42. Presentes: propitious or favorable.From the circumstance of Augustus de- Alibi: in any other place-any where else. priving.the Mantuans of their lands, we -Cognoscere: to experience, or find. may infer that they were generally in favor 43. Hic. Here, at Rome.-Juvinem: Oc. of the Republic, and Virgil might have been tavius, who was then about twenty-two of that party, till all hope of liberty was years of age; afterward by a decree of the lost, and prudence dictated a change of senate called Augustus.-Cui nostra: for politics. Galatea reliquit, is for reliqui Ga- whom our altars smoke,-in honor of, &c. lateam, by Euphemislnus. After he had 46. Puern. Swains. The word puer proleft Galatea, and transferred his affections perly signifies a boy, in opposition to a girlto Amaryllis,.ho obtained liberty and pro- also a male slave or waiter. perty: that is, after he had changed politi- 49. Obducat omnia pascua, &c. Rueus cal sides. understands this not of Virgil's own lands, 33. Peculi. By apocope for Peculii. This buttlf the lands of his neighbors. Dr.; ord properly denotes the property of a Trapp very justly rejects this interpretation. slave-that which his master suffers him to The poet is felicitating himself on his good possess, and call his own. In this sense, it fortune under the character of an old man. is peculiarly proper, as Virgil here speaks of And, though his farm was covered over himself as having been in that humiliating partly with rocks and stones, and partly condition. with a marsh; yet no unusual or improper 35. Urbi. The city Mantua. pasture should injure his (gravesfotas) preg36. JVon unquam, &c. Never did my nant ewes; nor any noxious contagion of a right hand return home heavy with money. neighboring flock should infect or hurt them. -Mihi: in the sense of mea. -Fota: the female of any kind big with 40. Arbusta: the groves themselves, &c. young-a breeder. There is a great beauty in the personification 52. Inter flumina nota. The Mincius and of inanimate things; or attributing to them Po. the actions of real life. The Arbusta were 55. Sepes depasta florem, &c. This eonlarge pieces of ground set with elms or other struction frequently occurs among the poet. trees, commonly at the distance of about 40 and is in imitation of the Greeks; who feet, to leave room for corn to grow between sometimes placed the noun or pronoun in them. They were sometimes pruned, and the ace. case, omitting the governing prep, served for stages to the vi ie. The verb vo- Fed upon as to, or with respect to, its flowel cabant is to be repeated with each of the of willow, &c.-HIyblaeis. an adj. from ty. 6 P. VIRGILIl MARONIS Saepe levi somnum suadebit inire susurro. Iiinc alta sub rupe canet frondatoi' ad auras. Nec tamen interea raucam, tua cura, palumbes, Nec gemere a/ria cessabit turtur ab ulmo. T1T. Ante leves ergo pascentur in rothere cervi, 60 Et freta destitelht nudos in litore pisces: Ante, pererratis amborum finibus, exul e5. At nos expulsi Aut Ararim Parthus bibet, aut Germania Tigrim, hnmc, alii nostrum ibi- Qu~am nostro illius labatur pectore vultus. mnus ad sitientes Afros, MEL. At nos hine alii sitientes ibimus Afros, 6b pars nostr2m veniemus Pars Scythiam, et rapidum Cretin veniemus Oaxem, ad Scythiam, 68. En unquam mi- Et peniths toto divisos orbe Britannos. rabor videns patrios En unquam patrios longo post tempore fines, NOTES. bla, a town and mountain in Sicily, famous divided the opinions of commentators, ap. for honey.-Vicino limile: from the neigh- pears to be this: that these two nations, boring field. Hinc: on the one hand. It the Germans and the Parthians, shall exis opposed to the Hinc in line 57. infra; change countries with each other (finibus which is to be rendered: on the other hand. amborumpererratis) sooner than (ante quam) 57. Ad auras: to the air-aloud, so as to the image of that youth should be effaced pierce the air. from his breast. But the former could never 60. Anti. Tile ante in this line is mere- be; therefore, the latter would remain. Perly expletive; the sense is complete without erratis, in thie sense of perrautatis. it. 65. Sitientes: thirsting or parched. This 61. Destituent: in the sense of relinquent. epithet is peculiarly proper for the inhabi. 62. Ante, perderratis, &c. Parthus, by tants of Africa, the greater part of which lies Synec. for the Parthians collectively. They between the tropics. were a people descended from the Scythians, 66. Scythiam. The Scythians were a and possessed that part of Asia, which is brave and warlike people, leading a wanbounded on the west by Media, on the north dering life. They extended their conquests by the Caspian sea, on the east by Bactri- over a very considerable part of Europe and ana, and on the south by the deserts of Car- Asia. Hence the term Scythia caine to mania. In process of time, they became be used indefinitely, to denote any part or very powerful, and were the most formida- the whole of the northern parts of Europe ble enemies of the Persians: and from their and Asia. Oaxis: a river of Crete; a large frequent conquests over that people, are island in the Mediterranean. It is celebrasometimes confounded with them. Germna- ted for having been the birth-place of Jupinia. An extensive country in Europe, put, ter, and for its having once had a hundred by meton. for the inhabitants of that coun- cities. Veniemus, in the sense of ibinmus. try..Rrarim. A river of France arising 68. En unquam. Alas! shall I ever wonfrom mount Vogesus (hodie Vfauge) andqun- der, beholding, &c. Germanus, Rumeus and ning in a southern direction, falls into the Davidson connect aliquot aristas with mea Rhodanus at Lyons, and along with it, into regna. But Dr. Trapp takes post aliquot the Mediteriranean. It is famous for the aristas to mean after some years; and conbridge built over it by Julius Cesar. Its strues mea regna with culmen tuguri. It is present name is the Soane. Tigrim. This is true, aristc may be taken for years. But a very rapid river of Asia, rising in Arme- aliquot aristas does not very well answer to nia, and taking a southerly direction, pass- the longo tempore post, mentioned just be. ing by Mesopotainia and Assyria, unites fore. And if it did, it would be only a usewithl the Euphrates, and with it falls into less repetition. But connect aliquot aristas the Sinus Persicus. The Araris is not in with mea regna, as in the ordo; any improGermany properly so called. But it is well priety of this kind is removed; and we have known that the Germans extended their a beautiful representation of Melibeus's conquests beyond that river, and effected possessions; which consisted in a few acres'ettlements almong the Sequani, and other of land, lying adjacent to hlis cottage, the nations of Gaul. Nor is the Tigris in Far- roof of which just rose above the corn that thia proper. But the Parthians extended was planted *around it, and might not imtneiI conquests as far west as the Euphra- properly be said to be concealed among it, tes. Not far from this river they vanquished or behind it. Tuguri, by apocope, for ltuCrassrs, the Romlan general. The mean- gurii. Congestumcespzti: covered over u itb ing o' this passage, which hath so much turf BUCOLICA. ECL. 11 7 Pauperis et tugurl congestum cespite culmen, fines longo tempore post, Post aliquot, mea regna, videns mirabor aristas? 70 et culmen pauperis tuImpils hec tam culta novalia miles habebit? gur, cngestum cep ite, stanr post aliquot arisBarbarus has segetes? En quo discordia cives tas, tola mea regna. Perduxit miseros! en queis consevimus agros Insere nunc, Melibcoe, pyros, pone ordine vites: Ite mee, felix quondam pecus, ite capellte. 75 Non ego vos posthac, viridi projectus in antro, 76. Ego posthac proDumosa pendere procul de rupe videbo. jectus in viridi antro, Cairinia nulla canam: non, me pascente, capellae non viebo vos procu Florentem cytisun et salices carpetis amaras. 79 TIT. Hie tamen hanc mecum poteris requiescere nocFronde super viridi. Sunt nobis mitia poma, [tem Castanewe molles, et pressi ccpia lactis.l Et jam summa procul villarum culmina Ifumant, Majoresque cadunt altis de montibus umbrae. NOTES. 71. Novalia: fallow-ground. had labored, and had improved his lands, to 72. Quo: whither-to what state of mi- be now possessed by a cruel soldier. sery. Perduxit: hath reduced, or brought. 82 Copia presst lactis: a plenty ofocurds and cheese. JMolles, may here mean ripe, or 74. Insere nunc, &c. Melibceus says this soft and smooth, in opposition to the hirsuironically to himself, being vexed that he to, or rough. QUESTIONS. What is the subject of this pastoral? Where is the scene of the pastoral laid? To reward his troops, what did Augustus What is the time of the day? do? What is the state of the atmosphere? Who is represented under the character To what is otium opposed? of Tityrus? Were the Romans a superstitious peoWho under that of Melibcus? pie? ECLOGA SECUNDA. ALEXIS. THE subject of this charming pastoral is the passion of the shepherd Corydon for the beautiful youth Alexis. The shepherd complains of the cruelty of the boy in slighting his overtures; and withal advises him not to trust too much to his complexion and beauty. He endeavors to prevail on him to visit the country, where he promises to entertain him with music, nuts, apples, and flowers. But when he finds nothing will avail, he resolves to seek another lover. By Corydon some understand Virgil himself, and by Alexis a beautiful slave, belonging to his friend and patron, Miacenas. In several parts of this pastoral, the poet is indebted to Theocritus. The scene is laid in Sicily. FoRMosUM pastor Corydon ardebat Alexim, Delicias domini: nee, quid speraret, habebat. NOTES. 1. Ardebal: he greatly loved-he burned 2. Delicias: the darling-the delight o for. This word very forcibly marks the his master. It is placed in apposition with degree of his passion. Alexim. It is used only in the pluraJl 8 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 3. Inter densas fagos Tantum inter densas, umbrosa cacumina, fagos hbentes umbrosa cacu- Assidue veniebat: ibi haec incondita solus mtnma. Montibus et sylvis studio jactabat inani. 5 O crudelis Alexi, nihil mea carmina curas: Nil nostri miserere: mori me denique coges. Nunc etiam pecudes umbras et frigera captant; Nunc virides etlam occultant spineta lacertos: 10. Thestylis contun- Thestylis et rapido fessis messoribus aestu 10 dit allia serpyllumque, Allia serpyllumque herbas contundit olentes. olentes herbas, messori- At mecum raucis, tua dum vestigia lustro, bus fessis rapido wstu. Sole sub ardenti resonant arbusta cicadis. At, dum l1istro tua vestigia, arbusta Nonne ftuit satius tristes Amaryllidis iras, Atque superba pati fastidia? nonne Menalcan 15 Quamvis ille niger, quamvis tu candidus esses. O formose puer, nimium ne crede colori: Alba ligustra cadunt, vaccinia nigra leguntur. Despectus tibi sum, nec qui sim quaeris, Alexi. Quam dives pecoris nivei, quam lactis abundans. 20 23. Canto carmina, Mille mee Siculis errant in montibus agne: que Dircelus Amphion Lac mihi non estate novum, non frigore defit. solitus est cantare, Canto, quwa solitus, si quando armenta vocabat, NOTES 4. Ibi solus jactabat, &c. There alone he flowers themselves, by meton. Vaccmta: pouredforth these indigested complaints. Jac- the blackberries or bilberries. Some take labat: he threw tlTm away-they were of them for the Hyacinth of Theocritus, whom no avail to him, because they were unheed- Virgil here imitates. The meaning of the ed by Alexis. poet is this: as the privets, though white and 5. Inani studio: with unavailing pleasure, fair, (cadunt,) lie neglected because they are or fondness. He speaks the language of a useless; and the blackberry is gathered and lover. The beauty and accomplishments of saved for its usefulness: so, Alexis, shalh the boy had taken possession of his affec- you, though fair and beautiful to the sight lions. He dwells upon them with rapture be neglected for your pride; while Menalcas, and delight. But all this is vain and una- though black and swarthy,. shall be loved vailing. The boy regards him not. He for his good disposition, and his conciliating then breaks forth: O crudelis Alexi, nihil temper. tnea carmina curas, &c. 21. Siculis. The mountains of Sicily are 7. Nil. This word is often used in the mentioned, either because they are famed sense of non, as a simple negative. So also for excellent pastures, or because the scene is nihil. of the pastoral is laid in that country. 9. Lacertos: lizards. Spinetum: a place 22..Estate: in summer. Frigore: in where thorns and prickly shrubs grow: here winter. put for the thorns themselves, by meton. 23. Siquando: the same as quando. When 10. Thestylis. The name of a servant; he called his herds. It was usual with sheptaken from Theocritus. herds to walk before their sheep, and call 11. Allia: plu. of allium, an herb called them. garlic. Serpyllum: wild-thyme, or running- 24. Amphion. A celebrated musician, betony; an odoriferous herb. said to have been the son of Jupiter and An 13. Cicadis. n he cicada is an insect of tiope, and born on mount Cythera. He was the species of he grasshopper, making a king of Thebes, and is said to have built the very hoarse and disagreeable noise, particu- walls of that city by the music of his lyre, larly in the heat of the day. Satius: in the We are to understand by this, perhaps, his sense ofmelius. persuading, by his eloquence, a barbarous 15. JMenalcan. A Greek ace. of Menal- people to unite, and build a city fo.' their cas. Se Ecl. 3. Fastidia: plu. offastidium: common safety. His mother was wife to disdain-haughtiness. Pati: to bear-en- Lycus, king of Thebes, and put away by duire. him for the sake of Dirce, whom he married. 18. Ligustra: plu. of Ligustrum: a privet Dirceus: an adj. either from Dirce his stepor with-bind, a species of shrub or plant mother, or from a fountain of that name in bearing very white flowers; taken fox the Beotia. Aracyntho' a town and mountain BUCOL1CA. ECL. 11 9 Amphion Dircaus in Aotaeo Aracyntho. Nec sum ade6 informis: niper me in litore vidi, 25 C(im placidhm venrs staret mare: non ego Daphnun, Judice te, metuarn, si nunquam fallat imago. 0 tantum libeat mecum tibi sordida rura, Atque humiles habitare casas, et figere cervos, H1edorumque gregem viridi compellere hibisco! 30. hIecum una in yylvis imitabere Pana canendo. Pan primus calamos cera conjungere plures [nstituit: Pan curat oves, oviumque magistros. Nec te pceniteat calamo trivisse labellum. \I rc eadem ut sciret, quid non faciebat Amyntas? 35 Est mihi disparibus septern compacta cicutis Fistula, Damcetas 41ono mihi quam dedit olim: Et dixit moriens: Te nunc habet ista secundum. 38. Nunc ista Jisuuta habet te secuntium doDixit Damoetas: invidit stultus Amyntas. minum. Praeterea duo, nec tuta mihi valle reperti, 40 40. Duo capreoli reCapreoli, sparsis etiam nunc pellibus albo, perti mihi, nec tuta valle, Bina die siccant ovis ubera: quos tibi servo. siccant bina ubera ovis Jampridem a me illos abducere Thestylis orat: in die, pellibus etiam?}, A ^.,.,...,.... J.nunc sparsis albo. Et faciet: quoniam sordent tibi munera nostra. Huc ades, 6 formose puer. Tibi lilia plenis 45 NOTES. in Beotia. But why it should be called Ac- terpretation is attended with difficulty. Dr. teus, there is a difference of opinion. Ser- Trapp takes it for a large plant or little tree, vius thinks it is so called from a Greek word out of which wands were made. He obwhich signifies the shore. Probus derives it serves, Virgil no where mentions it as food from Actaon, who, hunting near this moun- for cattle. Compellere, &c.: to drive them tain, was torn in pieces by his dogs, for hav- with a green switch. ing discovered Diana bathing herself. Mr. 31. Pana. Pan, the god of shepherds and Davidson places the mountain in the con- hunters, is said to have been the son of Mer. fines of Attica and Beotia; and thinks it is cury and the nymph Dryope. He was eduso called from Acta or Acte, the country cated in Arcadia; and wrapped in the skin about Attica. Rueus interprets Actceo by of a goat, he was carried up to heaven by maritimo. Jupiter, where all the gods ridiculed his ap. 26. Daphnim. A beautiful shepherd. pearance. He chiefly resided in Arcadia. See in Eel. 5. Placidum: in the sense of He is said to have invented the pipe w'th tranquillum. seven reeds. He was worshipped in Arca27. Imago. Iis image reflected from the dia, and is said to have given out oracles on water. Nunquam: in the sense of non. mount Lycweus. His festivals, called by the 28. 0 tantum libeat tibi: 0 that it would Greeks Lyce, were introduced into Italy by please you to inhabit with me, &c. These Evander, and established at Rcme under are sweet lines. Sordida rura. Most cor- the name of LuperElia, and celebrated the mentators join tibi to sordida, disdained or 15th of February. He was the chief of the despised by thee. But there is no need of Satyrs. this refinement. Sordida is a very proper 34. Trivisse labellum to have worn the epithet for cottages and country villages, lip. From the verb teo. which in general are indifferent in them- 36. Cicutis. Cicuta, an herb much like selves, and poorly furnished, when compar- the Hemlock. Hence used for any hollow ed with the splendor and luxury of cities. reed: hence also, by Meton. for a pipe. FisOr, we may suppose the poet to speak in the tula: a pipe connected together with seven character of a lover, who thinks nothing unequal reeds, &c. These were put togegood enough for the object of his affections. ther with wax, as mentioned 32 supra. Rus is opposed to urbs. 41. Duo Capreoli: two young goats. Ca30. Viridi hibisco. Rumus takes these preoli: a diminitive noun, from capra or words to be in the dative case, and under- caper. These were undoubtedly wild kids, stands by them: to green or verdant pasture; taken from their dams, which he esteemed ad virentem hibiscum, says he: taking the very much; and not those lost by him, and 4ibiscum foi a kind of plant. But this in- recovered again. Servius says: kids have 10 P. VIRGILI1 MARONIS Ecce ferunt Nymphae calathis: tibi candida Nais Pallentes violas et sunima papavera carpens, Narcissum et florem jungit bene olentis anethi: Tum casi, atque aliis intexens suavibus herbis, Mollia luteola pingit vaccinia caltha. 60 Ipse ego cana legam tenera lanugine mala, Castaneasque nuces, mea quas Amaryllis amabat. Addam cerea pruna: et honos erit huic quoque pomo: Et vos, 6 lauri,'carpam, et te, proxima myrte: 55. Quoniam vos po- Sic posita3 quoniam suaves miscetis odores. S6 sits sic rmiscetis Rusticus es, Corydon; nec munera curat Alexis: 58. Quid ego volui Nec si muneribus certes, concedat lolas. mild misero? Perditus nlnisi austrum floribus, Eheu, quid volui misero mihi? floribus Austrum et apros. Perditus, et liquidis immisi fontibus apios. NOTES. at firstwhite spots, which afterwards change, he killed himself. His blood was changed and lose their beauty. If it be so, this into a flower, which bears his name. circumstance will explain the words, sparsis 47. Summa papavera carpens: gather. etiam nunc pellbus albo: which also denotes ing the heads of poppies. Papaver and that they were young. Anethus were two beautiful youths; who, 46. ~cceferunt: behold the nymphs bring according to Servius, were changed, the for you lilies in full baskets, &c. The fol- former into the flower, which we call the lowing lines are extremely L-autiful. Mr. poppy; the latter into the herb, which we Warton observes, they contain the sweetest call anise or dill. Bene olentis: sweetgarland ever offered by a lover. The agi- smelling. tation and doubts of a lover's mind are 50 Pingit mollia, &c. She adorns or sets finely set forth: nec munera curat Alexis, off the soft hyacinths with saffron-colored &c. At length he seems to come to himself, marygold. Vaccinium, here is plainly the and to reflect upon the state of his affairs: Hyacinthus of Theocritus, whom Virgil here vitis semi7putata est, &c. JNymphe. They copies; so say Turnebus, Salmasius, and were a kind of female Divinities supposed Rueus. to exist for a very great length of time; but 51- Mala. Malum signifies several kinds not to be altogether immortal. They were of fruit, such as apples, peaches, quinces, divided into two general classes-Nymphs &c. The last is here meant, as appears of the land, and Nymphs of the water. from the cana tenera lanugine: white with Each of these classes was divided into seve- soft down, or fur. Mr. Dryden renders ral others. The former into Dryades-Ha- mala, pea-hes. madryades-Oreades —Napece-Limoniades, 53. Cerea: of waxen-color. &c. The latter into Oceanides-Nereides- 54. Jyrte. The Romans used crowns or NJaiades or JNaides-Potamides-Limniades, garlands of laurel in their most splendid &c. All of which are of Greek derivation. triumphs: and those of myrtle, in the ovatio, which was on horseback, and considered the The nymphs were further distinguished lesser triumph, or triumph of less honor and by an epithet taken from the place of their dignity than that in which the'conqueror residence. Thus the Nymphs of Sicily are rode in a chariot. The myrtle tree was called Sicelides-those of Corycus, Coryci- sacred to Venus, and the laurel to Apollo. ades or Corycides, &c. Proxima: next in honor to the laurel. Echo is said to have been formerly a 56. Rusticus: in the sense of stultus. nymph; but fallipnf iU love with a beautiful 57. lolas. The owner or master of Alexis. youth called N.arciss~ who refused her ad- 58. Eheu, quid volui, &c. Lit. what have dresses, at which she was so much grieved I done to myself, a miserable man? Alas! that she pined away, till every part of her ruined, I have let in the south winds, &c. was consumed but her voice, that continued These expressions are proverbial, and apto haunt the woods and fountains, which plicable to those who wish for things that she once frequented. JNarcissus, stopping to prove ruinous to them. Dr. Trapp explains repose himself by the side of a fountain, the passage thus: By my folly in indulging where he chanced to see his image reflected this extravagant passion, I have ruined my in the wafer, became enamoured with it: peace and quiet, and permitted my affairs te taking it for a nymph, he endeavored to go to decay, which were before well managed, approach it; but all his attempts being un- flourishing, and prosperous. llotui. Ruwum availing, he was so much disappointed that interprets it byfc ti. BUCOLICA. ECL. II. 1 Quem fugis,' ah, demens! habitarunt di quoque sylvas, Dardaniusque Paris. Pallas, quas condidit arces, 61 [psa colat: nobis placeant ante omnia sylvae. Torva 4I-a lupum sequitur: lupus ipse capellam: Florentem cytisum sequitur lasciva capella: Te Corydon, 6 Alexi: trahit sua quemque voluptas. 65 Aspice, aratra jugo referunt suspensa juvenci, Et sol crescentes decedens duplicat umbras. Me tamen urit ainor: quis enim modus adsit amori? Ah, Corydon, Corydon, quae te dementia cepit Semiputata tibi frondosa vitis in ulmo est. 70 Quin tu aliquid saltem potius, quorum indiget usus, 1paras deere ilte paras detexere saltem Viminibus mollique paras detexere junco? aliquid eorum, quorlm Invenies alium, si te hic fastidit.Alexim. usus indiget viminibus. NOTES. 6i. Demens: 0 foolish boy, whom do you 66. Referunt. After the labor of the flee? Demens, compounded of de and day, they drew home the plough inverted, mens. so that the share would glide easily over the 61. Paris. See nom. prop. under Paris. ground, and hang, as it were, lightly upon Dardanius, an adi. of Dardanus, one of the the yoke. founders of Troy. Pallas, the same as Mi- 71. Quin tu, &c. Why do you not rather nerva. See Geor. 1. 18. prepare to make (weave) at least some of 62. Colat: in the sense of incolat. those things which need requires, of osiers 65. Sua voluptas trahit quemque: his own and pliant rushes? The verb indigeo gopleasure draws every one-every one is verns the genitive. Usus: need, or necesdrawn by his own pleasure. sity. QUESTIONS. What is the subject o'f this pastoral? When were they celebrated? Who is represented under the character Who were the Nymphs? Into how many of Corydon? classes may they be divided? Who under that of Alexis? Was each of these classes subdivided into Where is the scene laid? other classes? Who was Amphion? What is said of Can you mention some of those subda him? visions? Who was Pan? What is said of him? Who was Echo said to have been? What were his festivals called by the From what language are the nameu of Greeks? What by the Romans? the Nymphs derived? B whom were they introduced into Italy? ECLOGA TERTIA. MENALCAS, DAICETAS, PALEMON. To8 subject of this pastoral is a trial of skill in music between the shepherds Menalca and Damretas; who after rallying each other a while, resolve to try a song in the presence of their neighbor Paletmon, whom they constitute judge of their performances, Having heard each of them attentively, he declared he was unable to decide so weighty a controversy; but pronounced each one to be deserving of the pledge. This beautiful pastoral is in imitation of the fifth and eighth of the Idylls of Theocritus. It is conjectured that under the character of Dametas, we are to understand Virgil; and under that of Menalcas, some rival poet at Rome. 1. Crjum pecus est MEN. DIC mihi, Damoeta, cujum pecus? an Melibcei? istd? a.n est pcus Me- DA. Non, verum _Egonis: nuper mihi tradidit _Egon. librai? non: vcram est T peim gonis vcrm est ME. Infelix, 6, semper, oves, pecus! ipse Neapram Dum fovet, ac, ne me sibi prmferat illa, veretur, Hic alienus oves custos bis mulget in hora: 5 Et succus pecori, et lac subducitur agnis. DA. Parcius ista viris tamen objicienda memento. 8. Novimus et qui Novimus et qui te, transversa tuentibus hircis, norruperint te et in quo Et quo, sed faciles Nymphm risere, sacello. sacello hircis tuentibus ME. Tum. credo, cum me arbustum videre Mycoms, 10 transversa, sed 10. Turn, credo, ill Atque mala vites incidere falce novellas. riserunt, cum vidsre me DA. Aut hic ad veteres fagos, cuim Daphnidis arcum incidere arbustum Fregisti et calamos: que tu, perverse Menalca, Et cuim vidist puero donata, dolebas; 16. Audent facere ta- Et si non aliqua nocuisses, mortuus esses. 15 lia. M. Quid domini facient, audent cim talia fures? NOTES. 1. Cujum: an adj. agreeing with pecus: minished or taken away proportionably in the sense of cujus. from their young. This was a heavy charge 2..Egon. The name of a shepherd, the brought against Dametas. tIe highly rerival of Menaleas in the love of JNeawra. sented it. It is derived from a Greek word signifying 8 Transversa: crosswise-asquint. An a goat. adv. from the adj. of the neu. plu. in imi. 3. 0 mes, infelix pecus. The sheep are tation of the Greeks ealled unhappy, because their master IEgon, while in love with Jeeara, had given up all 9. Sacello: any place consecrated to the care of them; and because they had fallen worship of God-a cave or grotto; as in into the hands of a hireling, who treated the present case. them so inhumanly. 10. Arbustum: propelly, a place planted 5. Alienus. An alien, or hirelig shep- with trees for vines to grow up by. By hi rd-cuslos. meton. the trees themselves. See Ecl. I. 40. 6. Succus: may mean the same with lac JVNovellas: new, or young. mentioned just after. By milking the dams, 13. Quer tu, &c. Which (bow and arrows) the natural food (lac) of the young would when you saw given to the boy, you both griea ed, be taken from them, and they suffered to and would have died, if you had not, in somn starve. Or succus may mean nourishment way, injured him. in general. It being taken away or dimi- 16. Fures: slaves. They were sometimes nished to Ihe dams, the milk would be di- so called, because notorious for stealing. BUCOLICA. ECL. Ill. 13 NoI ego te vidi Damonis, pessime, caprum Excipere insidiis, multum latrante lycisca? Et cum clamarem; " Qu nunc se proripit ille? Tityre, coge pecus:' u post carecta latebas. 20 DA. An mihi cantando victus non redderet ille, Quem mea carminibus meruisset fistula, caprum? Si nescis, meus ille caper fuit; et mihi Damon Ipse fatebatur, sed reddere posse negabat. MEP. Cantando tu illum? aut unquam tibi fistula cera 25 25. Tu vicisti illrn Juncta fuit? non tu in triviis, indocte, solebas cantando' Stridenti miserum stipula disperdere carmen? DA. Vis ergo inter nos, quid possit uterque, vicissim Experiamur? ego hanc vitulam (ne forte recuses, Bis venit ad muletraln, binos alit ubere foetus) 30 Depono: tu dic, mecum quo pignore certes. ME. De grege non ausim quicquam deponere tecum; Est mihi namque dorni pater, est injusta noverca: Bisque die numerant ambo pecus; alter et hcedos. Verrrm, id quod mult6 tute ipse fatebere majus, 35 35. Verum, quoniam Insanire libet quoniam tibi, pocula ponam libet tibi insanire, ponam id quod tute ipse fate Faina, ccelatum divini opus Alcimedontis: d quod tute ipse fate Fagina.....,. bere esse multo majus Lenta quibus torno facili superaddita vitis pignus, nempe, duo fagiDiffusos hedera vestit pallente corymbos. na pocula, ccelatum opus In medio duo signa, Conon: et quis fuit alter, 40 NOTES. 18. Lycisca. A mongrel dog-an animal 38. Lenta vitis quibus: around whtch a half dog and half wolf. limber vine, superadded by the easycarving in-g 20. Post carecta: behind the sedges. See strument, covers over (mantles) the diffused Eel. I. 68. (loosely hanging) clusters with pale ivy.21..n non victus cantando: vanquished These lines are somewhat intricate, and in singing, should he not return to me the goat have divided the opinions of commentators. which, &c. Rueus takes quibus in the abl. and inter.. ~25. Triviis. Trivium, a place in which prets facili torno by ope facilis torni. Dr threc ways met. So Bivium and Quadrivium, Trapp and some others take facili torno in places in which two and four ways met. the dat. and understand by it the wood after Disperdere miserum carmen: to murder a it is smoothed and polished in the turner's sorry, or wretchedtune, on a squeaking straw- lathe, by meton. Davidson, on the other pipe. hand, takes quibus for the dat. and facili 30. Ubere: the udder. By meton. for the torno for the abl. but then he takes these last milk contained in it. Fetus: calves. for the ingenious carver, or'easy skilful work31. Quopignore: with what pledge or bet. man, which he might do by meton. The Tell me what pledge you will put against sense I have given is the most natural and my heifer. easy. The meaning of the poet is this: 34. Aimbo numerant: they both count the That each of these bowls was engraved or flock twice in a day; and one counts the kids. carved with vine and ivy boughs, so curiously Pecus is properly a flock or herd of neat- interwoven, that the ivy-berries were shaded cattle, as here. Alter, properly is one of two or mantled with the limnber or pliant vine. -unuw, one of many. 40. Conon. The name of a famous ma36. Insanire: to be beside yourself-to play thematician and astronomer of Samos, a cothe fool; by contending with me, who am temporary and friend of Archimedes. Signa: so much more skilful than you. Poculafa- figures. Et quisfuitl alter? This is a very gina: beechen bowls-made of the beech- pleasant turn. There is something agreeable wood in this picture of pastoral simplicity. He 37. Alcimedontis. The name of a very had mentioned the name of one, but had skilful and ingenious carver. Mr. Martin forgotten the name of the other. He turns thinks he was some intimate friend of Vir- to himself and asks: quis fuit alter? b', gil, who wished to transmit his name to the name not recurring to him, he goes on posterity. History is silent respecting him. to describe him by his works It was 4e, 14 P. VIRGIIII MARONIS Descripsit radio totum qui gentibus orbem? Tempora quaw messor, quae curvus arator haberet? Necdum illis labra admovi, sed cotidita servo. DA. Et nobis idem Alcimedon duo pocula fecit, Et molli circum est ansas amplexus acantho: 43 Orpheaque in medio posuit, sylvasque sequentes. Necdum illis labra admovi, sed condita servo. Si ad vitulam spectes, nihil est quod pocula laudes. ME. Nuriquam hodie effugies:'veniam quocunque vo. Audiat haec tantum vel qui venit: ecce, Palemon: [caris Efficiam posthac ne quemquam voce lacessas. 51 DA. Quin age, si quid habes; in me mora non erit ulla: Nee quemqualn fugio: tantuim, vicine Palemon, NOTES. who, &c. It is supposed that Aratus or behold his long-lost Eurydice. He saw her, Archimedes is meant. The former wrote in but she immediately vanished away. He Greek a treatise concerning the situation attempted to follow her, but was refused. and notions of the heavenly bodies: which The only consolation he could find, was in was translated into Latin. The latter the sound of his lyre in groves and mounwas a famous mathematician and astrono- tains apart from society. The Thracian mer of Syracuse, in Sicily. By the help of women, whom by his neglect and coldness his burning-glasses and engines, he. nobly he had offended, set upon him, while they defended that city when besieged by the were celebrating the orgies of Bacchus, and Romans under Marcellus. After a siege of having torn his body in pieces, they threw three years, however, it was taken by stra- his head into the river Hebrus, which contagem. Archimedes was slain by a soldier, tinued to articulate Eurydice! Eurydice! while in the act of demonstrating a propo- as it was carried down the stream into the s'tion. lEgean sea. After his death, some say, he 45.4mplexus est ansas: he encircled received divine honors. His lyre was transhandles around with soft acanthus. The ferred to the heavens, and made a constelparts of the verb are here separated for the lation. Sequentes: obedient to his lyre. sake of the verse, by Tmesis. Acantho: a 47. Condita: laid up safe: a part. from plant called Bear's-foot. condo, agreeing with pocula. 46. Orphea: ace. of Greek ending.- 49. JVunquam effugies hodie: you shall by Orpheus was a most ancient and excellent no means avoid the trial this day. Damcepoet, the son of CEagrus, king of Thrace. tas had proposed to stake a heifer which But according to fable, he was the son of Menalcas said he could not do through fear Apollo and Caliope, one of the Muses. He of his father and step-mother; but proposed received a lyre from Apollo, some say from to pledge his bowls. Dameetas insisted upon Mercury, upon which he performed in such a the heifer, and so seemed to avoid the conmasterly manner, that the rivers ceased to test, because the conditions could not be flqo fhe savage beasts forgot their ferocity accepted by Menalcas. At length, however, -and the lofty oaks bowed their heads and confident of victory, and laying aside his listened to his song. He was beloved by all fear, he says: Veniam quocunque vociris: the nymphs. Eurydice alone could make I will come to any conditions you shall proan impression on his mind. He married pose. Accordingly the bowls are laid aside, her; but their happiness was short. For and a heifer is the prize. Aristrus fell in love with her; and fleeing 50. Tantum vel qui venit, &c. Only (I have from him, a serpent lying in the way nothing more to say) even let him who wounded her in the foot, of which she died. comes yonder, hear these things. Menalcaa Orpheus was so much afflicted at the loss, was so sure of victory, that he was willing that he resolved to recover her, or perish in to submit to the decision of any third perthe attempt. For this purpose, he descend- son; and accordingly seeing some person cd to Hell, and gained admittance to Pluto, at a distance, says: even let him, who is who was so charmed with his music, that coming there, be the judge of our controhe consented to restore to him his wife, upon versy, whoever he may be. Upon his near the condition that he would forbear to look approach, discovering who he was, he says, behind him till he passed the bounds of behold, it is Palemon our neighbor. Voce: his empire. The condition was accepted; in the sense of cantu. but as they were very near the region of 51. Eficiam: I will cause. light, the unhappy lover turned his eyes to 53. Fugio: in the sense of recuso. BUCOLICA. ECL. III. 15 Bensibus hae imis, res est non parva, reponas. PAL. Dicite: quando quidem in molli consedimus herba: Et nunc omnis ager, nunc omnis parturit arbos: 56 Nune frondent sylvae, nune formosissimus annus. Incipe, Dametla: tu deinde sequere, Menalca. Alternis dicetis: amant alterna Camenae. DA. Ab Jove principium, Musae; Jovis omnia plena: 60. O muss, princiIlle colit terras; illi mea carmina cure. 61 pium omnium eat ab ME. Et me Phoebus amat: Phoebo sua semper apud Jove: Munera sunt, lauri, et suave rubens hyacinthus. [me 62. Sunt Phebo su mper apud me sua muDA. Malo me Galatea petit, lasclva puella: nera, nempe, lauri Et fugit ad salices, et se cupit ante videri. 65 ME. At mihi sese offert ultro, meus ignis, Amyntas Notior ut jam sit canibus non Delia nostris. DA. Parta mete Veneri sunt munera: namque notavi Ipse locum, aeriae quo congessere palumbes. ME. Quod potui, puero sylvestri ex arbore lecta 70 Aurea mala decem misi: eras altera mittam. 71. Quod solum potul DA. O quoties, et qua nobis Galatea locuta est! facere Partem aliquam, venti, divum referatis ad aures. 72. Et quc dulcia rerME. Quid prodest, quod me ipse animo non spernis, Si, dum tu sectaris apros, ego retia servo? [Amynta, DA. Phyllida mitte mihi, meus est natalis, Iola. 76 Cum faciam vitula pro frugibus, ipse venito. ME. Phyllida amo ante alias: nam me discedere flevit: NOTES. 54. Imts sensibus: your deepest attention, times called Delia from Delos, the place of or thoughts. Res: the controversy. her birth. She was the goddess of hunting, 59. Alternis: in alternate verses. This and protectress of Dogs. Rueus and Dr. is called carmen amaeboum. It consists not Trapp understand by Delia, not Diana, but solely in the dialogue; but requires that a servant of Menalcas by that name. what the first says shall be replied to by ove-the dear the other upon the same or similar subject. object of my affections. Carmina: verses, is understood. Camacnoe: the Muses. It was formerly written Car- 69. Congessere: in the sense of nidficamenae and Casmence. Theme, carmen. verund. 60. Mltuse. They were nine in number, 71. Aur'ea: yellow-ripe. the daughters of Jupiter and Mnemosyne. 72. Venti, referatis: bear some part of They were supposed to preside over the them, O winds, &c. Either beeauaejher arts and sciences. They were born in words were so sweet that they would oePieria in Macedonia, and were said to re- light even the ears of the gods: or that'the side on mount Helicon and mount Parnassus, gods might be witnesses to her promises. the former in Beotia, the latter in Phocis.- 74. Quidprodest, &c. Damcetas had been Their names are: Calliope, Clio, Erato, just before expressing his joy at the converThalia, MIelpomene, Terpsichore, Eulerpe, sation which he had with his mistress. MePolyhymnia, and Urania.. nalcas now endeavors to go beyond him in. 61. Ille colit: he regards the earth he sentiments of tenderness and affection; and regards my verses. intimates that he cannot have any enjoy62. Phcebus. The same as Apollo and ment while Amyntas is absent; nay, unlesa Sol; tho son of Jupiter and Latona. The he share with him hm3 dangers. laurel and hyacinth were sacred to him. 75. Retia: plu. of rete: toils, or snares lHncothey are called sua munera, his own set to take any prey. gifts. See Eel. IV. 10. 76. Phillida: a Greek ace. of Phillia. 66. Ignis: properly a fire or flame. By She was the slave of Iolas, and mistress both meton. love —also the object of love; as in to Dametas and Menalcas. the present case. 77. Faciam, vituld: that is, faciam sacra 67. Utjam Delia non: so that Delia now ex vitula: I will make the sacr'fice of a is not better known, &c. Diana is some- heifer for the fruits. 16 P. VIRGIL11 MARONIS Et, "longum, formose, vale, vale," inquit, Iola. DA. Triste lupus stabulis; maturis frugibus imbres; 80 Arboribus venti; nobis Amaryllidis irae. ME. Dulce satis humor; depulsis arbutus hoedis, Lenta salix foeto pecori: mihi solus Amyntas. DA. Pollio amat nostram, quamvis est rustica, Musam 86. Pascitotaurum ill, Pierides, vitulam lectori pascite vestro. 85 qi jam ME. Pollio et ipse facit nova carmina; pascite taurum, Jam cornu petat, et pedibus qui spargat arenam. 8n. Veniatquoque quo DA. Qui te, Pollio, amat; veniat qu6 te quoque gaudet: gaudet eum tepervenise. Mella fluant illi, ferat et rubus asper amomum. ME. Qui Bavium non odit, amet tua carmina, Maevi: Atque idem jungat vulpes, et mulgeat hi/cos. 91 VY 0) puen, qui legitis DA. Qui legitis flores, et humi nascentia fraga, Uies et fraga nascentia Frigidus, 6 pueri! fugite hinc, latet anguis in herba. sunmi, fugitoe ME. Parcite, oves, nimium procedere: non bene ripa Creditur: ipse aries etiam nune vellera siccat. 95 DA. Tityre, pascentes a fluinine reice capellas: Ipse, ubi tempus erit, omnes in fonte lavabo. ME. Cogite oves pueri: si lac praeceperit estus, Ut nuper, frustra pressabimus ubera palmis. p DA. Eheu, quam pingui macer est mihi taurifs in arvo I 102 Neque est amor Idem amor exitium pecori est, pecorisque magistro. 3erte causa his meis ovi- ME. His certe neque amor causa est: vix ossibus hbibu, cur sint tarn macreI. Nescio quis teneros oculus mihi fascinat agnos. [rent. NOTES. 79. Longum, formose, &c. These are not learned men of his time. See Eel. IV. 12. the words of Phillis, addressed to Iolas, but 89. Amomum. An aromatic fruit of great of Menalcas; and first addressed to Me- value. The Assyrian was considered the nalcas by Phillis. They made a deep im- best. Rubus: the blackberry bush. pression on his mind-they stole his affec- 90. Qui Bavium non edit. Bavius and tions. O beautiful youth, said she, farewell Moevius were two contemptible poets, and -farewell, a long time. Stabulis: sheep- very inimical to Virgil and Horace. These folds. By meton. the sheep. Triste is to two lines are wonderfully satirical. Let be supplied with each member of the sen- the same persons yoke o,! and milk hetence following, as also the verb est. goats. But this would be a useless, as well 82. Arbutus: the strawberry tree, so call- as a ridiculous employment., -;., ed from the resemblance of its fruit to a 93. Frigidus: deadly, by meton. or cold; strawberry. Depulsis: the words a lacte descriptive of the nature of the snake. are understood. 95. Creditur. It is not easy to translate 82. Satis. The dat. plu. a stbstantive impersonal verbs always literally. They from the part. pass. of the verb sero, I sow. frequently occur in sentences, when such a It signifies any thing sown or planted-stand- version would be very awkward English. ing corn. Depulsis headis: to the weaned This is the case here. Menalcas is cautionkids. Dulcis is to be supplied in each mem- ing his sheep not to proceed too far; and ber of the sentence; as also the verb est. adds as a reason for so doing, that it is 85. Pierides. The Muses are so called not well to trust to the bank. To give force frt m Pieria, the place of their birth. See to this caution, he mentions the case of the 60. supra. ram that had just recovered of a fall from 86. Pollio. A noble Roman, the friend it into the river, and was then drying his tnd patron of Virgil. See next Eel. Nova: fleece. good-excellent. 96. Reice. Imp. of the verb reicio, by 88. Veniat quo gaudet, &c. May he also syncope for rejicio: drive back. arrive at those honors to which it delighteth 98. Preceperit: if the heat should dry up him that thou hast arrived. Pollio was in- the milk-should take it before us, then in vested with the consulate in the year of vain, &c. Rome 714, and in the following year he re- 103. Quis oculus: what evil eye bewitchceived a triumph. He was also a poet and es mytenda lambs..Mihi: in the sense of historian; and considered among the most meos. BUCOLICA. ECL. II 17 DA.. Die quibus in terris, eteris mihi magnus Apollo, Tres pateat c(eh spatium non anlplius ulnas. 105 ME. Dic quibus in terris inscripti nomina regum Nascantur flores et Phyilida solus habeto. 109. Et tu es dignus PA Non nostrum inter vos tantas componere lites. vitula, et hie. Et vitula tu dignus, et hic: et quisquis amores 110. Quisquis aut me* r,.,^ f. i i " ^^-> tuet dulces amores, aut Aut metuet dulces, aut experietur amaros. 10 experietur amarts ama. Claudite jam rivos, pueri: sat prata biberunt. res. NOTES. 105. Spalium celi pateat. Damoetashere to settle, &c. Est is to be supplied. Palm proposes a very intricate riddle. Various mon declares his inability to determine tile have been the conjectures to solve it. It is controversy between them; but pronounces most generally thought that the place in- them both worthy of the prize, tended is the bottom of a well, from whence 140. Metuet dulces: shall fear successful the space of the heavens appears no broad- love-shall fear that it would not be lasting; er than its mouth, which in the general may Experietur amaros: shall experience disapbe taken for three ells. pointed love-lovenot returned or recipro107. Flores nascantur inscripti. Without cated. solving the riddle of Damcetas, Mcnalcas 111. Claudite. This is a beautiful line: proposes this one, and it is an equal match shut up your streams, O swains, the meads for his. The solution of it is all conjec- havedrunk enough. It isametaphortaken ture. It is generally supposed that the hy- from rivers refreshing the meadows through acinth is the flower alluded to. J"umina which they pass; to music ahd poetry, deinscripti: inscribed as to the names of lighting the ear, the fancy, and the judgkings-or with the names of kings. See ment. It implies that it was time to cease Ecl. I. 55. their song; they had given sufficient proofs 108. JVon nostrum: it is not in my power of their skill in music. QUESTIONS. What is the subject of this pastoral? What did he do to recover his lost EuryDoes Virgil here imitate Theocritus? dice? Who is to be understood under the cha- What became of him at last? racter of Dam(etas? Who under that of In what consists the carmen ameebaum. Mena.cas? Who under that of Palemon? Who were the Muses? How many were Who was Conon? Who was Archimedes? they in number? What were their names? What did he do against the Romans? Who was Diana? Where was she born What became of him afterwards? Over what did she preside Who ws Orpheus? Whom did he marry? 3 ECI OGA QUARTA. POLLIO. VaIGIL's design in this pastoral is to celebrate the birth of a son of Polilo, as appesrs from verse 17; on which account he dedicated it to that noble Roman. But it is ev id nt that he ascribes to the son of his friend, what cannot be attributed, with any propriety to a being merely human. On. examination, it will be found that there are several expressions and passages, which remarkably correspond with the prophecies and pie. dictions of the Messiah, contained in the scriptures of the Old Testament; and particularly with those of the prophet Isaiah. That the poet was inspired is not pretended. We are assured, on the most credible testimony, that about this time there was a general expectation of the Messiah's appearance. This was partly from the dispersion of the Jews over the Roman empire, who carried with them their scriptures; and partly from the Sibylline oracles then much in repute. What, therefore, was generally said, and was the common opinion concerning the Messiah, the poet applies to the son of Pollio. It was not fulfilled in him. For he died on the ninth day after his birth. It was, however, actually fulfilled in about forty years afterwards, when the Savior appeared.,Sme suppose that the poet hath in view Marcellus, the son of Octavia, the sister of Augustus, whose birth corresponds with the consulship of Pollio. Augustus adopted him, and designed him for his successor in the empire. This is the same Ma-relue whom Virgil highly compliments in the sixth book of the Eneid. He died soon after Le arrived at manhood. SICELIDES Musse, paul6 majora canamus. Non omnes arbusta juvant, humilesque myricae. Si canimus sylvas, sylvae sint consule dignae. Ultima CumaEi venit jam carminis vetas: NOTES. i, Swceides: an adj. from Silicia, the residence of a sibyl. There were severa island of Sicily, the country of Theocritus, others of the same name; but the most dis. the father of pastoral poetry. Hence Sice- tinguished were, a city of.Eolis, in Asia lides JMusae, pastoral muses. Minor, and a city of Eublea, an island in 2. Arbusta-myrice. Trees and shrubs the Egeansea: hodie, Jegropont. Thereseem to be put here for pastoral subjects, or sidence of this sibyl was a cave or vault the style and manner in which they are dug into a rock. Justin Martyr informs us, sung, by meton. Myyrica: a shrub called that he visited the spot, and was shown a the tamarisk. The poet here proposes to kind of chapel in the rock, into which the write in a style different from the usual inhabitants told him (as they received it style of pastoral; for that does not please from their forefathers) she retired whenever every ear. A more elevated strain he will she gave out her oracles. lie also mennow attempt. tioned several other particulars. Onuphriuq 3. Sylvas: the woods. By meton. pas- tells us, that the cave or residence of the itoral or rural subjects. If we sing of pas- sibyl remained in the same state Justin toral subjects, those subjects should be Martyr described it, until 1539, when it was worthy of a consul's ear. entirely destroyed by an earthquake which 4. Ultima cetas: the last age of the sibyl- shook all Campania. See Prideaux's Con. line prophecy hath now arrived-the last Part 2. Lib. 9. The sibyls were women age, which was the subject, &c. I would said to have been endued with the spirit of here observe that the last days-the latter prophecy, and to have foretold the destinies days, or times, are common expressions in of states and kingdoms. They lived at the scriptures to denote the age of the Gos- different periods of time, and in different pel, which is the last dispensation of grace. countries. They took the name of Sibyliacr Cumcei: an adj. from Cum&,, a city of Cam- or Sibyls, from the first, who was thus enpania, in Italy, famous for having been the dued, her name being Sibylla. Varro enu BUCOLICA. ECL. IV. 19 Magnus ab integro seclorum nascitur ordo. 5 Jam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna: 8. Ta modS, casta Jam nova progenies ccelo demittitur alto. Lucina, fave nascenti Tu mod5 nascenti puero, quo ferrea primum puro sub quo era gens primum desinnt, ac Desinet, ac toto surget gens aurea mundo, aurea gens surget toto Casta, fave, Lucina tuus jam regnat Apollo. 10 mundo. NOTES. merates ten: i'he Delphica, Erylhrcca, Cu- set at liberty by Jupiter. But Saturn did naea, Samia, Cumana, Hellespontica, Libyca, not long remain mindful of this favor. Persica, Phrygia, and the Tsrburtina. Of He conspired against him to dethrone him, these, the one most noted was the Cumcean. and possess the empire himself. Upon this, She seems to have been the same that the Jupiter banished him from heaven. He Greeks called Erythrcea. from the circum- came to Italy, which was afterwards called stance of her being born at Erythrce in Ionia, Latium, from the circumstance of its being of the Lesser Asia; from whence she re- the place of his concealment; from the verb moved to Cumce, in Italy. Carminis: in the lateo. Janus, who was then king, received sense of vaticinii. him with hospitality, and made him partner 5. Magnus ordo. Some suppose that the in his kingdom. Saturn employed his time'poet here hath reference to the great Plato- in civilizing his subjects, teaching them agrinic year; of which Claudius says, Ch. 1 culture, and the several arts and sciences. of the sphere: Omnia, queacunque in mundo His reign was so mild, so beneficent and sunt, eodem ordine esse reditura, quo nunc virtuous, that it came to be denominated the cernuntur. This would embrace the period Golden Ag-e, to intimate the happiness and of 25,920 of our years; when the equinoxes tranquillity which then were enjoyed. The will have made the circuit of the ecliptic, and Silver Age succeeded, when men began to the same stars, which describe the equator, degenerate, and their peace to be disturbed tropics, and polar circles, by the diurnal by feuds and animosities. The Brazen Age motion of the earth, will describe them over followed, when avarice and licentiousness again. Ruteus, however, is of a different took possession of the heart. To this sucopinion, and very justly understands by ceeded the Iron Age, when the world became magnus, great and illustrious; implying that sunk into a general and total depravity. the period of which the poet spake as then These four ages are much spoken of by the commencing, should be distinguishud by poets, but particularly the first. By this great and illustrious characters. Seclorum, time men had become so wicked and degeby syncope for sceculorum. Saculum properly nerate, that they were all destroyed by a signifies the period of a hundred years. deluge, which took place in the reign of It is also used to denote an indefinite period, Deucalion, king of Thessaly. HIe and Iis as in the present instance. wife Pyrrha were the only survivors. 6. Virgo. The poet here means Astrcea, 8. Fave nascenti puero: favor, or be prothe goddess of justice, the daughter of Ju- pitious to the infant boy. J'ascens does not piter and Themis. See nom. prop. under refer here so much to his birth, as to his inAstrcea. Saturnia regna: the reign of Sa- fant years. As Lucina had safely brought turn. According to fable, Saturn was the the child into the world, it is the desire of son of Colus and Terra, or Vesta. Caelus the poet that she should continue her attenconfined in Tartarus all his sons, except tion and regard to him during the dangers Saturn; who with the assistance of his of infancy. mother, banished his father, and set his bro- 9. Gens: in the sense of crtas. thers at liberty. He succeeded to the king- 10. Casta Lucina. Lucina was the goddom by the consent of his brother Titan, on dess supposed to preside over child-bearsnn, the condition that he should raise no male and called Lucina from lux, because througll offspring. He accordingly devoured his her means children were brought to see the sons as soon as they were born. But when light. This office was attributed both to Jupiter was born, his wife Rhea, or Ops, un- Juno and Diana; the latter of wh. m is the willing to see all her sons perish, concealed one here meant, as appears from'Tus jam him; giving to her husband a stone in room regnat Apollo: now thy Apollo reifus.of the child, which he devoured, without This hath led some into a singularity, By discovering the cheat. In the same way she Apollo they would understand Augastus, preserved Neptune and Pluto. and by Lucina his sister Octavia. Virgil Titan being informed that his brother had was fond of complimenting his prince, but broken the terms of their contract, made there can be no necessity of such an interwar upon him, and made both him and his pretation here. Rumus understands it of wife prisoners; they were, however, soon Apollo himself, who may be said to rcirn, 20 P P. VIRG1LII MARONIS 11. Adeo hoc decus Teque ade6 decus hoc vevi, te consule, ingit, svi inibit, te, te consule, Pollio: et incipient magni procedere menses 0Pollio. Te duce, si qua manent sceleris vestigia nostri, Irrita perpetua solvent formidine terras. Ille Deam vitarn accipiet, Divisque videbit L5 Permixtos heroas, et ipse videbitur illis: Pacatumque reget patriis virtutibus orbem. NOTES. tecause it is now manifest that his predic- as magnus ordo saclorum, verse 5: supra tions are true. Apollo was the god, under Pollio. A very distinguished Roman. He whose influence the Sibyls were, when they arrived to the highest honors that the people prophesied, or gave out their oracles. could bestow. He was appointed Prefectus Apollo was the son of Jupiter and Latona, of Hispania Ulterior by Julius Caesar. On and brother of Diana. Juno, in order to some occasion or other, being in Cis-alpine vent her rage against Latona, sent the ser- Gaul, he became acquainted with Virgil, pent Python, to vex and torment her. She for whom he conceived a very high regard, was unable to find a place where she could and recommended him -to Maecenas, who be delivered of her children in peace, t.ll was then at Rome. A way was thus openNeptune, taking pity on her, raised the island ed to our poet for the recovery of his lands. Delos, where she was safely delivered of In the year of Rome, 714, Pollio was apApollo and Diana at a birth.'As soon as pointed consul, and in the following year he was born, Apollo slew the serpent Python, he triumphed over the Partheni, a people from which circumstance he is sometimes of Illyricum, who adhered to the party of called Pythius. He was accounted the god Brutus and Cassius. IHe wrote the history of medicine, music, poetry, and eloquence, of the civil wars, and was both a poet and all of which, it is said, he invented. His orator. He died in the eightieth year of his son Esculapius being killed by Jupiter for age, and in the year of Rome, 757. raising the dead, he in turn slew the Cy- 13. Siqua vestigia, &c. The poet here clops, who had made the thunderbolt that alludes, most probably, to the perjury of slew him. Jupiter being much enraged at Laomedon, king of Troy; to which the this piece of conduct, banished him from Trojans attributed their misfortunes and heaven, and deprived him of his dignity. calamities. See Geor. I. 502; or to the He came to Admetus, king of Thessaly, civil wars which were carried on between and hired himself as a shepherd, in which Casar and Pompey. Or lastly, to the death employment he served nine years. Hence of Julius Casar, who was slain by Brutus he is sometimes called the god of shepherds. in the senate house; which was the cause Apollo was amorous, and had many chil- of a second civil war, between Brutus and dren. His worship was. very general. At Cassius on the one part, and Octavius and Delphi, Delos, Claros, Tenedos, Patara, &c. Anthony on the other. It terminated in he had celebrated oracles. He had several the ruin of the Republic, and in the estanames: Pythius, already mentioned; Delius, blishment of the Empire. from the island Delos, where he was born; 14. Irrita: being effaced, or done away Cynthius, from Cynthus,- the name of a Will free the earth, &c. Irrita, of in negamountain on the same island; Paean, from tivum, and ratus; agreeing with vestigia. a Greek word which signifies to strike, or 15. Ille accipiet vitam: he shall partake wound, in allusion to hiskilling the Python; the life of the gods, &c. Here is an alluDelphicus, from Delphi, in Phocis, where sion to the Golden Age, when, the poets he had his most famous temple and oracle; say, the gods had familiar intercourse with Clarus, &c. He was called Phabus, or Sol, men, and dwelt on the earth. That happy in heaven. There were several among the period was again about to return. ancients, who went under the name of 17. Reget, &c. He shall rule the peaceApollo. Cicero mentions three, besides the ful world by his father's virtues. Meaning son of Jupiter and Latona. that the child should arrive at the highest 11. Hoc decus cevi: this glory of the age, honors of the state, that is, should be a coni. e. this glorious age, shall commence in your sul. Or, he shall rule the world, reduced to consulship. peace by his father's virtues. Pollio and 12..Jagni menses. Servius and Pompo- MIecenas effected a reconciliation between nius think we are to hnderstand the months Octavius and Anthony, which gave hope of July and August, because they bore the of a lasting peace. Orbem here means the names of Julius and Augustus. But we Roman Empire; which, in the height of its are undoubtedly to understand the magni greatness, comprehended the greater par menses here, in the same manner and sense of the world that was then known. BUCOLICA. ECL. IV. 21 At tioi prima, puer, nullo munuscula cultu, 18. At tellus fundet Errantes hederas passim cum baccare tellus, prima munuscula tibi, 20 puer, nullo cultii, Mixtalque ridenti colocasia fundet acantho. 2n puer, rnullo cuhtu, _vnezm~pe, errantes hedleras Isae lacte domum referent distenta capella passim cum baccare Ubera: nee magnos metuent armenta leones. colocasia que mixta riIpsa tibi blandos fundent cunabula flores: denti acantho. Occidet et serpens, et fallax herba veneni Occidet: Assyrium vulg6 nascetur amomum. 25 At silnul heroum laudes, et facta parentis 26. At simul jam poJam legere, et qun sit poteris cognoscere virtus: teris leere laudes heroum, et facta parentis Molli paulatim flavescet campus arista, et Incultisque rubens pendebit sentibus uva, Et durae quercus sudabunt roscida mella: 30 Pauca tamen suberunt prisce vestigia fraudis, Quae tentare Thetim ratibus, quae cingere muris 32. QOue jubeart hoOppida, qua jubeant telluri infindere sulcos. mines tentare Thetim Alter erit turn Tiphys; et altera qum vehat Argo ratibus; que jubeant i-. los cingere oppida nmuris; Delectos heroas: erunt etiam altera bella, 3oet quee jubeant illos iAtque iterum ad Trojam magnus mittetur Achilles. findere sulcos telluri Hinc, ubi jam firmata virum te fecerit aetas, Cedet et ipse mari vector: nec nautica pinus NOTES. 19. Baccare. Baccar, a sweet herb called omnia; and the Golden Age is to appear by some ladies-glove; by others, clown-spike- in all its felicity and glory. Fraudis: in nard. Colocasia: Egyptian beans. Acan- the sense of sceleris. tho: the herb called bear's-foot. It has a 32. Thetim. Thetis, a goddess of tne sea, long and broad leaf. the daughter of Nereus and Doris. Jupiter 23. Cunabula ipsa: the cradle itself- fell in love with her, and determined to the very cradle. Blandos: in the sense of marry her; but being informed by Promejucundos. theus of a decree of the fates, that she should 24. Serpens occidet: the serpentshalldie. bear a son who should be greater than his This is a very remarkable passage. The father, he desisted from his purpose. WhereMessiah was promised to bruise the head of upon Pele kin of Thessaly took her to the serpent, Gen. Ch. iii. 15th verse. Fallax wfe, and of her begat Achilles. T'etis, be meton. is put for the sea in this place. herba veneni: the deceiving herb of poison 34. Tiptys. The name o' the pilot of the shall die-every herb whose poisonous ship Argo. It was so called, either from quality is not known. For if it were known, Ar'gus, the architect; or from A?-ivi, Greeks, no person would meddle with it, and con- whom it carried. It was built at Pegasc, a sequently none would be deceived. Amno- promontory and town of Thessaly. Hence mum. See Eel. iii. 89. sometimes called navis Pegascta. 28. Molli: ripe. For the fields do not 35. Delectos heroas: chcsen heroes.grow yellow till the approach of harvest. These were noble Greeks, chiefly of ThesArista: corn-an ear of corn. saly. They were about fifty in number, 29. Sentibus: thorn-bushes. and went to Colchis in the ship Argo, to 31. Tamen pauca, &c. We may here bring away the golden fleece, which was observe the several gradations of the Gold- guarded by a dragon, and bulls breathing en Age. With the birth of the child it fire. Jason commanded the expedition. commenced: Cunabulafundentfores D- astor, lu, Hes. D-, Theseus, Orpheus, ring the years of his youth, the earth is to Zetcs, and Calais accompanied him. The bring forth abundantly. There is to be crew collectively was called Argonaute. no want of any thing: Campus avescet, See nom. prop uder Jason. &c. All vestiges of former crimes, howe- 36. Ach;illes-Trojai-Arg- Tipstp. These are here put for any hero, any ciy ver, were not done away. Some traces of the Iron Age were to be visible in the con- 36 Nec nautica pinus, c. Nor shall the duct and actions of men: Qu jubeant, tc. naval pine exchange commodities-carry on But when he has arrived to years of full traffic. Piinus is here put fQr a ship made maturity, then the earth is to produce all of that tree, by meton. Vecavr: the mare things spontaneously Omnis lellus feret ner. Cedet: shall leave, or abandon. 22 P. VIRGILTI MARONIS Mutabit merces: omnis feret omnia tellus. Non rastros patietur humus, non vinea falcem: 40 Robustus quoque jam tauris.juga solvet arator. Nee varies discet mentiri lana colores: 43. Sed aries ipseoin Ipse sed in pratis aries jam suave rubenti pratis mutabit vellera Murice, jam croceo mutabit vellera luto: jam suave rubenti mu- rice, jam Sponte sua sandyx pascentes vestiet agnos. 45 46. Parcre concordes Talia sacla suis dixerunt, currite, fusis stabili numine fatorum Concordes stabili fatorum numine Parca. dixerunt suis fusis, 0 Aggredere, 6, magnos, aderit jam tempus, honores, taia sacla, currite. 0 Clara Deum soboles, magnum Jovis incrementum: magnum incrementum Aspice convexo nutantem pondere mundum, 50 Jovis, aggredere mag- Terrasque, tractusque maris, ccelumque profundum nos honores Aspice venture laetentur ut ornnia smelo. 53. 0 ultima pars 0 mihi tam longm maneat pars ultima vita, tarn longe vitae maneat Spiritus et, quantum sat erit tua dicere facta! mihi, et tantunl spiritis, Non me carminibus vincet, nec Thracius Orpheus, 55 quantun Nece Linus: huic mater quamvis, atque huic pater adsit, Orphei Calliopea, Lino formosus Apollo. Pan etiam Arcadia mecum si judice certet, Pan etiam Arcadia dicat se judice victum. Incipe, parve puer, risu cognoscere matrem: 60 NOTES. 42 Lana discet, &c. Nor shall the wool ponderis, and connects it with mundum, and learn to counterfeit various colors, not with nutantem, as is commonly done. 44. jMurzce. Murex, a sea-fish of the For he observes, that it is impossible for the shell kind. It is said to have been of great earth to reel to and fro or nod, with its own use among the ancients for dying purple. weight or load. He chooses, therefore, to Hence, by meton. put for the purple color understand it of the load of its guilt and itself. Croceo: an adj. from crocum, or misery: mole malorum, vztiorumque; but crocus, saffron. Luto: the Lutum was an rejoicing at the happy change about to be herb used in dying yellow. Hence the color introduced, which is expressed in the next itself, by meton. Modern botanists describe line: omnia lIetentur sceclofuturo. Some ex it under the name of luteola, wild.woad, plain the words, aspice mundum, &c., look and dyer's weed. It is used in coloring with compassion upon a world, nutantenm both wool and silk. Mutabit: shall tinge, mole malorum vitiorumque: laboring and or dye. oppressed with a load of guilt and misery. 45. Sandyx: the scarlet color-vermilion. Ut: in the sense of quomodo. 46. Fusis: to their spindles. 55. Non vincet. Non appears to be used 47. Parcas. They were the daughters of in the sense of nullus. No one shall excel Erebus and Nox, and said to be three in me in singing, neither Thracian, &c. number: Clo/ho, Lachesis, and Atropos. 56. Linus. He was the son of Apollo They were supposed to preside over the and Terpsichore, one of the muses. He birth, life, and death of mankind. The first was an excellent musician, and the precepwas represented as presiding over the mo- tor of Orpheus and Hercules. Hte is said to ment of birth, and holding a distaff in her have been killed by the latter, by a stroke hand; the second, as spinning out the events of his lyre, because he laughed at his singand actions of human life; the last as cut- ing. Quamvis mater Calliopea adsit, &c. ting the thread of it with a pair of scissors. Although the mother Calliopea should assist They were considered powerful goddesses, this Orpheus; and fair Apollo, the father, and were worshipped with great solemnity. should assist this Linus. Orphci: a Greek Stabili numine: in the fixed purpose or de- dat. of Orpheus. cree. Clara. Some copies have cara.- 59. Arcadiiajudice: Arcadia being judge..fagnum incrementum: great son of Jove. Arcadia was an inland country of the Peio. 48. Aggredere. Rueus says accede. ponnosus, famous for its excellent pastures. 50. Arspice mundurn: see the world with The whole of it was sacred to Pan. Sec its globous rpass or load, nodding (reeling Eel. ii. 31. to and fro) both the land, &c. Dr. Trapp 60. Risu cognoscere, &c. Begin. sweet takes convexopondere in the sense of convexi boy, to know thy mother by her smiles. BUCOLICA. ECt. IV 2 Matri longa decem tulerunt fastidia menses. Incipe, parve puer, cui non risere parentes, 63. Nee Deus dsig Nee Deus hune mensa, Dea nec dignata cubili est. tus est hune mense NOTES. This is the sense which Ruseus and some kind to the child. Bat upon the nature or others give to risu. But Dr. Trapp takes extent of the threat, commentators are not it otherwise, applying it to the boy. Benin agreed. It is generally thought that refeto know and acknowledge thy mother by rence is here made to verse 15, where the smiling on her; as a kind of recompense for babe was promised divine honors: ille acthe pains she endured for thy sake. cipiet vitam Deorum; and lest he should fail 61. Fastidia: qualms, as of a woman of it, the poet urges him to smile upon his with child. Longa: tedious-without in- parents, that in turn they might smile upon termission. Decem menses: ten months him. For, on whom his parents have not brought to your mother, &c. smiled, him hath a god neither honoured 62. Cui parentes non risere, &c. It is with his table, nor a goddess with her bed. plain the poet here intends a threat of some Thus Dr. Trapp. QUESTIONS. What is the subject of this pastoral? What does Justin Martyr say of her resi. In what light has it been considered by dence? some? Who was Saturn? What is said of him: Are there any passages in it which have Whence did Latium derive its name? a resemblance to the prophecies of our Sa- How did Saturn employ his time after viour, as contained in the scriptures? his banishment to Italy? Was the poet divinely inspired? How many ages do the poets mention beAbout this time was there a general ex- fore the deluge in the reign of Deucalion? pectation of the Messiah's appearance? Describe those ages? How was this occasioned? Who was Apollo? What is said of him? At what age did the son of Pollio die? For what was he banished from heaven? How many years before the birth of What did he then do? Christ? Where were his most celebrated oracles? Do some suppose the poet celebrates the What were his names? birth of Marcellus? Who was Pollio? To what honors did Who was this Marcellus? To what ago he arrive? did he live? Was it through his means that Virgil reWho were the Sibyls? How many does covered his land? In what way? Varro mention? Of these, which was the To what age did he live? most distinguished? Who were the Parce? How many i Where did she reside? number? What was their supposed office? ECLOGA QUINTA. MENALCAS, MOPSUS. Tan subject of this excellent pastoral is the death of some eminent person under the character of Daphnis. But concerning the person intended, there have been v qrious conjectures. It is most probable the poet had in view Julius Caesar, who was killed in the senate-house by Brutus, and afterwards enrolled among the Roman deities. By Menalcas, we are to understand Virgil; and by Mopsus, some poet of reputation, who probably had been Virgil's pupil. Ruaeus thinks it was written when some games or sacrifices were performed in honor of Caesar. The scene is beautiful, and adapted to the subject. The shepherds sit on the verdant grass in the awful gloom of a grotto, overhung with wild vines. The pastoral is properly divided into two parts-the Lamentation at his death, and his Deification, or Apotheosis. 1. 0 Mopse, quoniam ME. CUR non, Mopse, boni quoniam convenimus ambo, mos convenimus una, Tu calamhos inflare leves, ego dicere versus, ambo boni; tu bonus inflare leves calamos, Hec corylis mixtas inter consedimus ulmos? ego bonus dicere versus; Mo. T'u major: tibi me est aequum parere, Menalca: cur non consedimus hic Sive sub incertas Zephyris motantibus umbras, 5 inter ulmos mixtas cory- Sie antro potiis succedimus: aspice, ut antrum 5. Sub imus umbras Sylvestris raris sparsit labrusca racemis. incertas motantibus, ME. Montibus in nostris solus tibi certet Amyntas. 6. Aspice ut sylves- Mo. Quid si idem certet Phcebum auperare canendo? iris labrusca sparsit 9. Idem Amytas certet ME. Incipe, Mopse, prior, si quos aut Phyllidis ignes, Aut Alconis habes laudes, aut jurgia. Codri. 11 NOTES. 1. Boni: skllful-expert. An adj. agree- tree, it put forth leaves. Ignis: by meton Irg with nos, understood. love; also the object loved. 11. Alconis. Gefn. of Alcon, a celebrated 4. Major. Thou art the older: or it may archer of Crete. He aimed an arrow sc, mean, my superior, in singing. truly at a serpent, entwined around the 5. IUnbras: shades. By meton. put for body of his son, that he killed him without the trees causing them. lcertas: waving- injuring the child. Jrgia Codri: the strife mvi to nd fro or contentions of Codrus. He was the son moving ~to and fro. of Menander, and the last king of Athens. 7. Sylvestris labrusca. Simply, the wild In a war with the Lacedemonians it was vine. Raris race1tis: with thin bunches of given out by an oracle that victory should grapes-its bunches scattered here and be on that side, whose king was slain. In there. the mean time the enemy had given strict 10. Si habes aut qiuos ignes: if you have charge not to hurt the Athenian king. either any loves of Phyllis, or &c. She Being informed of this, as well as what the was the daughter of Lycurgus, king of oracle had given out, Codrus put on the; Thrace, and fell in love with Demophoon, habit of a peasant, went among the enemy, the son of Theseus, king of Athens, on his raised a quarrel, and suffered himself to be return from the Trojan war. He went slain. As soon as this was known, the Iahome to settle some business, and tarrying cedemonians were panic struck, and the longer than the time appointed for their Athenians obtained a complete victory. nuptials, Phyllis, imagining herself neglect- This noble sacrifice of himself for the good ed, hung herself, and. was changed into a of his country, so endeared his name to leafless almond-tree. Demophoon after- them, that they considered no person wollhy v ards returned and on lis embracing the to succeed him. BUCOLICA. ECL. V. 25 lncipt:- pascentes servabit Tityrus hoedos. i3. lmmb experiar hae Mo. Imm6 hec, in viridi nuper quze cortice fagi carmina, qu~ nuper desCarmina descripsi, et modulans alterna notavi, 15. Jubeto u Amyn Experiar: tu deinde jubeto certet Amyntas. 15 tas certet mecum AME. Lenta salix quantum pallenti cedit olivae, Puniceis humilis quantum saliunca rosetis: Judicio nostro tantium tibi cedit Amyntas. Mo. Sed tu desine plura, puer: successinus antro. 19. Dosine loqui plura Extincturn Nympha crudeli funere Daphnim 20 verba Flebant: vos coryli testes et flumina Nymphis: 21. Vos, O coryli et Cum, complexa sui ct rpus miserabile nati, flumina fuistis teste Atque Deos atque astra vocat crudelia mater. nymphis; Non ulli pastos illis egere diebus Frigida, Daphni, boves ad flumina: nulla neque amnem 25. 0 Daphni, non Libavit quadrupes, nec graminis attigit herbam. 26 ulli pastores egere pasDaphni, tuum Parnos etiam ingemuisse leones tos boves Interitum, montesque feri sylveque loquuntur. 28. Ferique montes, Daphnis et Armenias curru subjungere tigres sylveque loquuntur r -.,.,.r\. *.1,.i.r~ L o/\ etiam Pasnca leones Instituit: Daphnis thiasos inducere Baccho, 30 etiam P hnis leones 30. Daphnis instituii Et foliis lentas intexere mollibus hastas. inducere Vitis ut arboribus decori est, ut vitibus uve, NOTES. 15. Modulans alterna notavi: tuning, or jiciendo Rubicone flumine consecrdrat, a singing them alternate, I wrote them down. vagos et sine custode dimiserat, comperit fler Experiar: I will try-attempt. Carmina: tinacissime pabulo abstinere, ubertimque verses. jlere. In this case, by quadrupes, we are to 17, Saliunca: theherb lavender. Puni- understand equus, a horse. Libavit: drank ceis rosetis: to red rose-beds: or by meton. -tasted. the red rose. Puniceus, sometimes written 27. Penos leones: African lions. Pcenos: Phceniceus, an adj. from Phanicia, a coun- in the sense ofPunjcos, vel Africanos. Cartry lying along the eastern shore of the, thage was the principal city of Africa.Mediterranean, including Tyre and Sidon, Hence by synec. it may be put for Africa in famous for its purple or red color. The general. Being founded by a colony from same word is used for an inhabitant of Phenicia, its inhabitants were called Pceni, Carthage, because that city was founded by as well as Carthaginienses. These lions are a colony from Tyre, or Phoenicia. mentioned, either because they were the 20. Daphnim extinctum: Daphnis slain, or most savage, or because Africa abounded cut off by a cruel death. This circum- in lions, and other savage beasts. stance applies very well to the case of Julius 23. Interitum: in the sense of mortem. Cesar, who was slain unexpectedly, receiv- Feri: wild-uncultivated. ing no less than twenty-three wounds with 29. Armenias: an adj. from.Jrmenia, an the dagger. extensive country of Asia, abounding in 22t Cum matercomplexa: whenthemother tigers. Curru, for currui, the dat. case. embracing, &c. Cerdanus understands by Nouns of the fourth declension sometimes mater the wife of Cesar, who a little be- formed the gen. in uis, and when the gen. fore his death dreamed her husband was was contracted into its, the dat. was somestabbed in his breast. Rumus understands times contracted into u. Many instances Rome, and Dr. Martyn Venus. Vocat, &c. of this contraction we find in Virgil and She calls the gods and stars cruel-she other writers. blames the gods and cruel stars. Vocat, 30. Thiasos. Thiasus, a kind of dance. Dr. Trapp takes for vocabat, where the The word is of Greek origin. sense evidently determines it. 31. Intexere lentas hastas, &c. To wreath, 25 Amnem: in the sense of aquam. or entwine limber spears, &c. Rumus inter26. NJulla quadrupes. Rueus thinks the prets intexere, by induere. poet hath in his view a passage in Sueto- 32. Ut vitis est decori arboribus: as the nius. Speaking of the prodigies which vine is for an ornament to the trees, as the preceded the death of Casar, he says: grapes, &c. The words sunt deori are to Proximi; diebus equa um greges, quos in Ira- be supplied. 26 IP. VIRGILII MARONIS Ut gregibus tauri, segetes ut pinguibds arvis; 34. Sic tu eras umno Tu decus omne tuis: postquam te fata tulerunt, decus tuis Ipsa Pales agros, at(lue ipse reliquit Apollo. 35 36 In sulcis, quibus Grandia saepe quibus mandavimus hordea sulcis. mandavimus grandia Infelix lolium, et steriles nascuntur avenae. hordea, sepe Pro molli viola, pro purpureo narcisso, Carduus et splnis surgit paliurus acutis. Spargite humum foliis; inducite fontilns umbras, 40 Pastores: mandat fieri sibi talia Daphnis. Et tumulum facite, et tumulo superaddite carmen: 43. Ego Daphnis ja- Daphnis ego in sylvis, hinc usque ad sidera notus; cio hit in sylvis, notus Formosi pecoris custos, formosior ipse. hiuc IME. Tale tuum carmen nobis, divine poeta, 45 Quale sopor fessis in gramine; quale per aestum Dulcis aqua saliente sitim restinguere rivo. Nee calamis solum aequiparas, sed voce magistrum. Fortunate puer, tu nunc eris alter ab illo: 50. Tamen nos dice- Nos tamen haec quocunque modo tibi nostra vicissim 50 mus hacnostra carmnina Dicemus; Daphninque tuum tollemus ad astra; Daphnin ad astra feremus: amavit nos quoque Daphnis. Mo. An quicquam nobis tab sit munere majus? Et puer ipse fuit cantari dignus, et ista Jampridem Stiinicon laudavit carmina, nobis. 5a ME. Candidus insuetum miratur limen Olympi, Sub pedibusque videt nubes et sidera Daphnis b8. Ergo alacris vo- Ergo alacris sylvas et cetcra rum voluptas, luptas tenet sylvas Panaque, pastoresque tenet, Dryadasque puellas NOTES. 34. Tu omne decus tuis: so thou wast all 49. Alter ab illo: the next from him-th Ihe ornament to thy friends. Tuis: to thy next in fame after him. fellow swains. Virgil represents Daphnis, 50. Quocunque mode: in some manner o) whoever he be, as a swain and shepherd. other-as well as I can. 35. Pales. See Geor. iii. 1. Apollo. He 52. Daphnis, &c. As we are to underis considered here under the character of stand Virgil under the character of Menalthe god of shepherds. See Eel. iv. 10. cas, it is urged that Daphnis cannot be Ju36. Hordea: barley, here put for any kind lius Caesar, because Virgil was little known o{ grain; the species for the genus. in his time. But Ruaeus explains it of the 37. Infelix lolium: the hurtful cockle. Mantuans in general, who, with the other 38.. JVrcisso: the flower Narcissus, of inhabitants of Cis-alpine Gaul, were chewhich there are two kinds, the white and rished and protected by Cesar. the purple. See Eel. ii. 46. 53. An quicquam si.: can there be any 39. Carduus: the thistle. Paliurus: a thing more acceptable (majus) to me than species of thorn. It abounds in Italy. such an employment? 42. Carmen: an epitapn, or inscription. 54. Puer ipse. Servius infers from this 45. Tale tuum carmen. The elegance that Daphnis cannot be Julius Caesar, since and sweetness of this and the two following he was 56 years old when he was killed. lines are not to be equalled, unless by the Rumeus understands it of his being lately answer, which Mopsus returns in verse 82, enrolled among the gods. But this is an et sequens. Es! is to be supplied. unnecessary refinement, and the objection 47. Restinguere, &c. To allay thirst in of Servius will be of no weight, when it is a purling rivulet of sweet water in the sum- considered that Virgil speaks of Daphnis mer heat. This is a most beautiful com- under the character of a shepherd, or swain. parison. Nothing could give a livelier idea See 43 and 44, supra; and puer is the word of the charms of his music, and the melody generally used to denote either. of his song. 56. Candidus: white-clothed in white. 48. Magistlrm: the master. It appears This is an emblem of divinity; white being from this, that Mopsus had been a pupil of the color assigned to the celestial gods, as Mena'cas, and much esteemed by him. black is to the infernal gcds. Insuetum; a BUCOLICA. ECL. V. 27 Nec lupus insidias pecori, nec retia cervis 60 60. Lupus meditatur Ulla dolum meditantur: amat bonus otia Daphnis. 63. Jam rupes ipsee [psi laetitia voces ad sidera jactant sonant carmina; jam Intonsi montes: ipsTa jam carmina rupcs; arbusta ipsa sonant hoc [psa sonant arbusta: Deus, Deus ille, Menalca. 0 Menalca, ille out Deus, Sis bonus, 6 felixque tuis! en quatuor aras: 65 65. n aspice quatuor Ecce duas tibi, Daphni, duoque altaria Phoebo. aras: ecce aspice duas Pocula bina novo spumantia lacte quotannis, aras tibi Craterasque duos statuam tibi pinguis olivi. 67. Statuam bina poEt multo imprimis hilarans convivia Baccho, cula spumantia novo Ante focum, si frigus erit; si messis, in umbr, 70 lacte, duos NOTES. part. of insuesco, unaccustomed, referring to acknowledge his divinity, and forbade his his being but lately deified. LIymen Olympi: subjects to pay adoration to him; and even the threshold of heaven. There were se- ordered Bacchus himself to be seized and vcral mountains by the name of Olympus. cast into prison. But the doors opened The most distinguished, however, was one of their own accord, as if refusing to conin Thessaly, near the confines of Macedo- tain him a prisoner. Whereupon the king nia; the top of which arose above the clouds. became enraged, and ordered the whole Hence the poets feigned it to be heaven, the band of Bacchanals to be destroyed. But seat of the gods. this was not carried into effect. Pentheus 60. Insidias: plots. This word hath no became desirous to see the celebration of singular. Retia: neu. plu. toils-snares. the Orgies, or feasts of Bacchus. For this Meditantur: devise, or prepare. purpose, he concealed himself on mount 61. Amat otia, &c. This expression seems Citheron, whence he could see all their ceto allude to the clemency of Cesar toward remonies. But being discovered, the Bachis enemies, for which he is much celebrated chanals fell upon him. His mother was by Cicero and others. the first who attacked him, and was follow62. Jactant: in the sense of emittunt. ed by her two sisters, Ino and Autone, who 63. Intonsi: uncultivated-wild. immediately tore him in pieces. See Ovid 64. Deus ille. Divine honors were de- Met. Lib. 3. creed to Julius Cesar by the Triumviri, in Midas, king of Phrygia, had entertained the year of Rome 712, Lepidus and Plancus Sl s, the preceptor of Bacchus; n ho heing consuls. From this time, Octavius Silenus, the preceptor of Bacchus; who being consuls. From this time, Octavius desired him to ask any thing he might began to be called the son of a god desired him to ask any thing h might began to be called the so an of altar dedicated. please, and it should be granted him.65. Aras. rawas an'altardedicated Whereupon he asked that whatever he both to the gods above, and to those below. cverted it d. Altare was a high altar, and dedicated to might touch should be converted into gold. Altare was a high altar, and dedicated to T w r B soon conthe gods above exclus;veFy elix: propi- This was granted. But he was soon contiohus-kind. exclusively. F prop vinced of his imprudent choice; for his food 8. Cateras: ace plu. of crater,a large became gold in his mouth, and he was on. Craeras: ace. plu. of craer, a large the point of perishing with hunger, when he cup, or bowl. This word is purely Greek. t i o r~ i- g wi h i ho cup, or bowl. This word is purely Greek. besought Bacchus to take back his gift; he Statuam: in the sense of o. eram. t69. Hilrans contvie n c. Cheering or readily did so, and directed him to wash in 69. Hilrans convivia, &c. Cheering or the river Pactolus, whose sands were conmaking merry the feasts with much wine. ted into gold. Bacchus, the god of wine, was the son of verted to old Jupiter and Semele. He was educated, ac- The festivals of Bacchus, called Orgia, cording to some, in the island of JNaxuv, Bacchanalia, or Dyonisia, were introduced one of the Cyclades, under the care of the into Greece by Danaus and his daughters, nymphs Philia, Coronis, and Clyda; and from Egypt. The panther was sacred to while asleep was carried off by some mari- him, because in his expedition to India, he ners, all of whom he changed into dolphins, was covered with the skin of that animal. except the pilot, who showed him some ten- The fir-tree, the yew-tree, the fig-tree, the derness and regard. Bacchus is celebrated ivy, and the vine, were all sacred to him as a warrior. He marched into India at Bacchus had several names: Liber, Pro the head of a large army composed of men mius, Lyeus, Evan, Thryonmeus, lacchus, &c. and women, all inspired with a divine fury, He is represented as drawn in a chariot by a and armed witl the thyrsus, cymbal, &c. tiger and a lion, accompanied by Pan, SiloHIls conquests were easy-the people sub- nus, and the other satyrs. Bacchus, by moe mitting wherever he came, without resist- ton. is frequently put for uwine, as in tle aicee. Pentheus, king of Thebes, refused to present case. ;281 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 71. Arvisia vina qua Vina novum fundam calathis Arvisia nectar. sulit. Cantabunt mihi Dameetas, et Lyctius AEgon: 79. Ut Agricole fa- Saltantes Satyros imitabitur Alphesibeus. cient vota quotannis IIte tibi semper erunt; et cuim solennla vota Baccho Ccrerique, sic Reddemus Nymphis, et cim lustrabimus agros. 75 faclfnt ea t iqle Dum juga montis aper, fluvios dum piscis amabit, reddam rDumque thymo pascentur apes, dum rore cicadae, 82. Nam neque sibi- Semper honos, nomenque tuum, laudesque manebunt. lus venientis Austri ju- Ut Baccho Cererique, tibi sic vota quotannis vat nle tantlirn; nec litora Agricolae facient: damnabis tu quoque votis. 80 percussa fluctu tam ju- Mo. Qum tibi, qu tali reddam pro carmine dona? vant me; nec flumiina quar decurrunt inter Nam neque me tantum venientis sibilus Austri, saxosas valles, tamn ju- Nee percussa juvant fluctu tam litora, nec que vant mc. Saxosas inter decurrunt flumina valles. NOTES. 71. Arrisia vina: Chian wine. 4rvisia: ration of her darling child. He endeavored an adj. from Arvisus, a promontory of the to reconcile her to Pluto as a son-in-law; island Chios, in the Archipelago, famous for but to no purpose. At length he consented its good wine. JVovum nectar: nectar was that she should be restored, provided she properly any kind of pleasant wine, or had eaten nothing in the dominions of the other liquor. Hence the poets feigned it to ravisher. Ceres repaired immediately to be the drinktof the gods. JNoum: good- the infernal- regions, and found she had excellent. The wine here offered was to eaten the seeds of a pomegranate, found in be as good as nectar-good or excellent the Elysian fields. Ier return, therefore, nectar. See Ecl. iii. 66. was impossible: but Jupiter consented that 72. Lyctztus: an adj. from Lyctus, a city she might pass six months of the year with of Crete. her mother on earth, and the remainder 73. Saltantes Satyros: leaping or wonton with Pluto satyrs. The Satyri were demi-gods of the During all this time, the cultivation of the country, the origin of whom is not well earth had been neglected. To repair the known. They were of a hideous form, loss which mankind sustained by her aband generally distinguished themselves by sence, Ceres went to Attica and instructed their riotous and wanton demeanor in the Triptolemus, the son of Celeus, in all that orgies of Bacchus, which they generally at- pertained to agriculture. tended. The Romans called them indis- Ceres is suppoed to be the same as the criminately Fauni, Panes, and lldvani. Egyptian Isis, and her worship to have been Alphesibaeus. See Eel. 8. brought into Greece by Erechtheus about 75. Lustrabimus. Lustro may here be 1426 years before Christ. She is supposed taken in the sense of circumeo, to go around to be the same as Tellus, Cybele, Berecynthia, or encompass; or of purgo, to cleanse or &c. The Romans paid her great veneration, purify by sacrifice; or it may comprehend and her festivals were generally celebrated both. For it is agreed by all, that the poet for eight days in the month of April. Ceres, hath a reference to what is called the sacri- by meton. is often put for bread grain, &c..ficium amberrale, spoken of Geor. i. 345 8 Damnabis tu, &c. Tou shalt als which see. Circumimus campos cum hostia bin them to their vows-thou shalt grant sayrs Ruseus. A~eddemvin the ense Ofbind them to their vows —thou shalt grant says Ruweus. Reddemus: in the sense of stolemus. the requests of those, who ask. The propriety of this mode of expressin will ap 79. Cereri. Ceres was the goddess ofn will ap79. Cereri. Ceres was the goddess of ^^hpear, when it is considered that the person husbandry, the daughter of Saturn and Ops, who asked any thing of a God, virtually, and mother of Proserpine by Jupiter, whom if not directly, promised or vowed sePluto carried off while she was gathering ruests ere flowers in the plains of Enna, in Sicily. nted then he became condemned, and The loss was grievous to Ceres, who sought judicially bound to the performance of hs her both day and night; when at length promie or vo And the god, when le she found her veil near the fountain of promise or vow. And the god, when lie l founed Shef r veil near the fountain of granted any petition or request, was said Cyane. She could obtain no information to condemn, or bind the promiser to pay his of her daughter, till the nymph Arethusa vows told her that she was carried off by Pluto. Upon this, she immediately ascended to 82. Sibilus: the whistling of the rising heaven, and demarn led of Jupiter the resto- south wind. BUC\)L1CA. ECL. V. 29 ME. Ilc te nos fragili donabimus ante cicuta. 85 86. MHec eadem cicuta Haec nos, Formosurn Corydon ardebat Alexim: docuit nos, Ha c eadem docuit, Cujum pecus? an Melibei? 88. Sume pedum forMo. At tu siime pedum, quod, me cum saWpe rogaret, mtsum paribus nodis Non tulit Antigenes (et erat tur dignus amari) gines non tulit, Aum Formosum paribus nodis atque aere, Menalca. 90 seepe rogaret me, et NOTES. 85. Nos donabimus: I will present thee pecus? i. e. with this same pipe I sang the with this, &c. Cicuta: properly a pipe third Eclogue. made of the stalk of the hemlock. See t oo, Ec. I. 10. 88. Sume?edum: take this crook, as a Ee. 1. 10... testimony of my regard. 86. Hec eadvem docuit: this same pipe taught me: formosun Corydon, &c. i. e. with 90. Formosum: beautified with equal knobs this same pipe I sang the second Eclogue. and brass-with knobs at equal distances: Hec docuit: this same taught me: Cujum or uniform, in regard to size. QUESTIONS. What is the subject of this pastoral? By whom were they introduced nmtc Who probably is meant by Daphnis? Greece? and from what country? Who is to be understood under the cha- What were his votaries called? racter of lenalcas? Who under that of What were some of tie names of Bacchusr Mopsus? How is he represented as drawn? When does Rumus suppose it to have What is the word Bacchus frequently been written? used for? Where is the scene laid? Who were the Satyri? How did they Into how many parts is the pastoral di- distinguish themselves? vlded? Who was Ceres? What is said of her? Who was Alcon? and what is said of Whoi a loan htiam? d o Is she supposed to be the same with the him? Who was Codrus? and what is said of Egyptian Isi? him? By whom was her worship introduced Who was Bacchus? What is said of him? into Greece and at what time What were his festivals called? When were her festivals celebrated? ECLOGA SEXTA. SILENUS, THE subject of this fine pastoral is Silenus. He had promised the swains Chromis and Mnasilus a song; but had put it off from time to time. Wearied with the delay, they surprised him asleep in his grotto, just recovering from his intoxication. His garlands lay at some distance from him: with these they bind him fast; and in this condition they demand of him the fulfilment of his promise. At this moment, ~gle, one of the nymphs, joins them. Upon which he begins, and explains to them the origin of the world upon the principles of the Epicurean philosophy; and concludes with several _iteresting fables by way of episode. It is generally supposed this pastoral was designed as a compliment to Syro the Epicurean, who taught Virgil the principles of that philosophy. By Silenus we are to under stand Syro, and by the swains Chromis and Mnasilus, his two pupils, Virgil and Varus PRIMA Syracosio dignata est ludere versu 2. Nostra Thalia pri- Nostra, nec erubuit sylvas habitare, Tllalia. ma dignata est Cum canerem reges et prelia, Cynthius aurem Vellit, et admonuit: Pastorem, Tityre, pingues Pascere oportet oves, deducturn dicere carmen. 6. Namque, O, Nunc ego tnamque super tibi erunt, qui dicere laudes, supererunttibialiipoehe Vare, tuas cupiant, et tristia condere bella) qui cupiant Agrestem tenui meditabor arundine Musam. Non injussa cano: si quis tamen hec quoque, si quis NOTES. 1. Sracosio versu: in pastoral verse. 7. Vare. It is generally thought that the Sy/racosio: an adj. from Syracuse, the birth poet here means Quintilius Varus, wh~ place of Theocritus, the first pastoral poet arose to the highest honors under Augustus, of eminence; the chief city of Sicily, and He was consul in the year of Rome 741; famous for its defence against the Romians after which he was prefect of Syria eight under Marcellus. years. Having returned home, he was sent 2. Thalia. One of the Muses. See Ecl. into Germany with three legions, which he iii. 60. NJec erubuit, &c. Nor did she blush lost, being drawn into an ambush. This to inhabit the woods. This verb here is mortified him so much, that he killed himboth expressive'and beautiful; the perf. of self. Thishappenedin the year 72. Conerubesco. Thalia was supposed to preside dere: to write —record. over comedy and pastoral poetry. Virgil was the first pastoral writer among the Ro- 9. Non injussa cane: I do not sing things mans; which explains the words, nostra forbidden by Apollo. He permits me to Thalia prima: my muse first deigned, &c. sing of pastoral subjects, but not of kings 3. Cum canerent, &c. Virgil is said to and battles. Si quis tanmen, &c. The tanlen have begun a work upon the affairs of Alba does not refer to the words, non znjussa cano, Longa, but afterwards relinquished it, and but to the third and fourth lines, where commenced the Bucolics. Cynthius: a Apollo.forbids him to write in the lofty name of Apollo. See Ecl. iv. 10. Vellit' style of heroic poetry. The meaning seenis pinched my ear; a proverbial expresion, to be this: though lie forbid me to describe implying admonition. your actions in heroic verse, he permits me 5. Deductum: a part. of deduco, humble, to do it in the humble style of pastoral. or slender. A metaphor taken from wool And if any should be taken, caplus amore, spun out tillit is made fine or slender. with the love of this kind of writing, and 6. Supererunt: in the sdnse of erunt alii should read these pastorals, he shall here poetm. The parts of the verb are separated find them. HIc: these things-these my - Tmesis. Bucolics. Qucque: in the sense of eliarm BUCOLICA. ECL. VI. 31 Captus amore leget; te nostrm, Vare, myricte, 10 10. Nostre myrinc Te nemus omne canet: nec Plcebo gratior ulla est, canenl te, 0 Vare, omne Quam sibi que Vari pra.scripsit pagina nornen. nemus cant te ne est Qu~i... >. _.. ~~~ulla pagina gratior PhePergite, Pierides. Chromis et Mnasilus in antro bo, quam ilia qua Silenum pueri somno videre jacentem, 14. Pueri Chromis et Inflatuin hesterno venas, ut semper, Iaccho. 15 Mnasilus videre Serta procul tantum capiti delapsa jacebant: 15. Ut sempr sst mos Et gravis attrita pendebat cantharus ansa. l Aggressi (nam saepe senex spe carminis ambo Luserat) injiciunt ipsis ex vincula sertis. Addit se sociam, timidisque supervenit Egle 20 AXgle Naiadum pulcherrima: jamque videnti Sanguineis frontem moris et tempora pingit. [lie dolum ridens: Quo vincula nectitis? inquit. Solvite me, puei: satis est potuisse videri. tuisso videi sic v po -. o.. ~ tuiss8 videri sic vobis. Carmina, quae vultis, cognoscite: carmina vobis, 25 25. Sunt carmina vo Huic aliud mercedis erit: simul incipit ipse. bis: huic.Ege ent aliud Tur vero in numerum Faunosque ferasque videres mercedis. Ludere, turn rigidas motare cacumina quercus. Nec tantum Phcebo gaudet Parnassia rupes, Nec tantum Rhodope mirantur et Ismarus Orphea 30 Namque canebat uti magnum per inane coacta NOTES. 10.?rostra mylicce: in the sense of nostra on him cords of these very garlands -they Bucolica. The omne nemus in the following bind him with cords made of them. line probably means every elevated cor- 20. JEgle. The name of a nymph, deposition, such as epic or heroic. We are rived froma Greek word signifying splendor, led to this interpretation from the declara- or brightness. J'aiadum. See Eel. ii. 46. tion of the poet in the sixth line, that there Videnti: to him just opening his eyes. would be other poets, who would celebrate Timidis: to the trembling swains. the praise? of Varus in heroic verse, though 22..Moris. Morus was the fruit of the he himself would prefer to do it in the mulberry-tcee. It is here called sanguineus. humbler style of pastoral. red, or bloody. It is said to have been ori14. Silenum. Silenus was one of the rural ginally white; but assumed the red or deities, the god of mysteries and knowledge, purple color, in memory of the two lovers, and the foster-father of Bacchus. He is Pyramus and Thisbe, who slew themselves said, by some, to have been the son of Pan; under a mulberry-tree. See Ovid. Met. others say, the son of Mercury. Malea, in Lib. 4. the island of Lesbos, is the supposed place 23. Quo: why-for what purpose. of his nativity. He is represented as a fat 25. Cognoscite: in the sense of audite. and merry old man, riding on an ass, 26. Aliud mercedis. The same as alia crowned with flowers, always intoxicated. merces: another reward. 15. Infiaturn, &c. Swollen as to his veins, 27. Ludere in numerum: to dance, or with his yesterday's wine. See Eel. i. 55. leap about in regular time, or measure. Jaccho: a name of Bacchus; here put, by Their motions exactly corresponded to the meton. for wine. It is derived from a Greek notes or measure of the verse. Faunos word signifying a shout or confused noise. The Fauni were demi-gods of the country, It was given to him on account of the riot to whom the first fruits of all things were and vociferation of his inebriated followers, generally offered. See Ecl. v. 73. See Edl v. 69. 29. Parnassia rup)es. Thei mountain Par16. Serta' plu. of sertum, a garland, or nassus iA Phocis; a country in Grecia Prowreath of flowers. To be crowned with a pria, much celebrated by the poets, and garland, was an indication of drunkenness, sacred to the Muses. Ilere Apollo had a Silenus had all the signs of being in such a famous temple. state. He was lying down-he was sleep- 30. Rhodope —nsmars. Two mountains, ing; but his garlands were not on his head; or rather ranges of mountains, in Thrace tanlum delapsa: they had only fallen off- the country of Orpheus. they were neither broken nor bruised. 31. JNiamque cancbnat, &c. For he sung how 18..ggressi, &c. The swains, seizing, put the seeds, both of the earth and of the air 32 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Semina terrarumque, animmquc, marisque fuissent, 33. Ut ex his primis Et liquidi simul ignis: ut his exordia primis omnia susceperunt Omnia, et ipse tener mundi concreverit orbis. 35. Turn canebat quo- Turn durare solum, et discludere Nerea ponto 35 rnodo solurn cceperit Ceperit, et rerum paulatim sumere formas. 37. Janique canebat Jamque novurn ut terraz stupeant lucescere solem, ut terra stupeant aAltiis utque cadant submotis nubibus imbres: 38. Utque'rnbres caCant e nubibus submo. Incipiant sylvan cum primum surgere, cumque tis altius a terra. Rara per ignotos errent animalia montes. 40 Hinc lapides Pyrrhae jactos, Saturnia regna, Caucaseasque refert volucres, futrumque Promethei. NOTES. and of the sea, &c. Silenus here relates channel. Ruteus says, Dispellere aquas a the origin of the world, according to the:e in mare. system of Epicurus, who taught that incor- 38. Utque. Some copies have atque, but poreal space, and corporeal atoms,were the utque is the easier. first principles, or elements, of all things. 40. Rara few in numer, or thinl di The former he denomenated Inane, the latter Plenum. The Inane or Vacuum, he considered space, every way indefinitely 41. Hinc refert lapides, &c. After that he extended. By the Plenum, he understood relates the thrown stones of Pyrrha, &c. thie atoms or minute particles of matter Pyrrha was the daughter of Epimetheus, mrfoving in every direction through the Inane, and wife of Deucalion, the son of PromeXwhich Virgil here calls the semina, because theus, and king of Thessaly. The poets it was thought by their fortuitous concur- say, that some time during his reign the inrence arose what we call the four elements, habitants of the earth were destroyed by a earth, air, water, and fire. Epicurus held universal delude, except himself and his many other erroneous notions, particularly wife Pyrrha. They were preserved in a concerning the nature of God. He was an small ship, and carried by the waters to Athenian, and born about 340 years before mount Parnassus, which was the only place the Christian era. He had many followers. not overwhelmed. Here they consulted the 32. Animn: in the sense ofaeris. With- oracle of Themis concerning the restoration out air, there could be no animal existence. of the human race; when they were in33. Liquidi ignis: of pure fire. His pri- formed, to cast behind them the bones of mis: of these first principles or elements their great mother; by which they under(earth, air, water, andfire) all things sprang stood stones. They immediately obeyed the or had a beginning. The Epicureans command of the oracle, and those thrown maintained that, though their atoms and by Deucalion became men, and those by incorporeal space were the first principles Pyrrha, women. See Ovid. Met. Lib. 1. or elements of earth, air, water, and fire, Saturia regna: the reign of Saturn, or the yet these last were the principles orelements Golden age. S0i Eel. iv. 6. of all other things, or out of which all other 42. Furtum Promethei: the theft of Prothings sprang. Omnia exordia: all things metheus. The poets say that he stole fire received or took a beginning. The verb from heaven, with which he animated a susceperunt, or some other of the like im- man of clay, made by himself. At this, port, is plainly understood, and to be sup- Jupiter was so much enraged, that he orplied. Ut: how. dered Mercury to chain him to a rock on 35. JVerea: ace. sing of JNereus, a god of mount Caucasus. He did so, and placed the sea, the son of Oceanus and Terra. He a vulture to prey upon his liver; which, married Doris, by whom he had fifty daugh- however, grew as fast as it was consumed. ters who were called Nereides. He possess- Hence Caucaseas volucres: the vultures of ed the gift of prophecy, and is said to have Caucasus. This is a very celebrated mouninformed Paris of the fatal consequences of tain, or rather range of mountains, lying his carrying off Helen, the wife of Menelaus. between the Euxine and Caspian seas. It was by the direction and assistance of Promethei: the word Prometheus is of Nereus, that Hercules obtained the golden Greek origin, and properly signifies foreapples of the Hesperides. The word JNereus sight, or an anxious care or solicitude. often put, by meton. for the sea, as in this This is a key to the story. It conveys a place. Solum, &c. Then he sang how the strong idea of the troubles men create to land began to grow hard and to separate the themselves, by taking too much care and waters from itself, and confine them to their thought for the morrow. B1JCOLICA. ECL. VI. 33 Ilis adjungit, Hylan nautae quo fonte relictum Clamassent: ut litus, Hyla, Hyla, omne sonaret. Et fortuiiatam, si nunquam armenta fuissent, 45 Pasiphaeni nivei solatur amore juvenci.. 46. Et solatur Pasi Ah, virgo infelix, qua te dementia cepit? paen amore nivei Ju Prcetides implerunt falsis mugitibus agros 49. At tamen non ulla At non tam turpes pecudum tamen ulla secuta est earunm secuta est tarn Concubitus; quamvis collo timuisset aratrum, 50 turpes Et sa3pe in levi quas'isset cornua fronte. Ah, virgo infelix, tu nune in montibus erras! Ille, latus niveum molli fultus hyacintho, 53. Ille taurus fultus Ilice sub nigra pallentes ruminat herbas, quoad niveum latus molAut aliquain in magno sequitur grege. Claudite, Nymphe, li hyacintho, ruminat Dictma Nymphae, nemorum jam claudite saltus: 56 5. Aut aliquam vacSi qua forte ferant oculis sese obvia nostris 5. Fo n _,.....' * T~ * *6 58. Forsitan aliqu~ Errabunda bovis Vestigia. Forsitan ilium, vacce perducant ilium, Aut herba captum viridi, aut armenta secutum, aut captum viridi herbk, Perducant aliquae stabula ad Gortynia vacce. 60 aut secutum armenta ad Trur canit Hesperidum miratam mala puellam: Tur Phaethontiadas musco circumdat amarae NOTES. 43. Hylan. Hylas was the companion of of my bull may present themselves to my Hercules in the Argonautic expedition, and eyes. Obvia: an adj. from obvius, agreeing much beloved by him. Having gone on with vestigia. The sense is complete withshore to obtain water, by some means or out it. Saltus, is properly a lawn, or openother, he was lost. The poets say he was ing in a grove or park, where cattle have carried off by the nymphs. Hercules and room to sport and play; from the verb salio. his companions were much grieved at the 59. Captum: delighted with, desirous of, loss of the boy, and went along the shores, the green pastures. Ruseus says, cupidum. when they found he was missing, calling 60. Gortynias: an adj. from Gortyna, a name, Hyla, Hyla. Clamassent: in city of Crete, famed for its excellent pasthe sense of vocavissent. See Ecl. iv. 35. tures. 46. Pasiphaen: a Greek ace. the daugh- 61. Tum canit puellam, &c. Then he ter of the sun, and wife of Minos, king of sings the damsel admiring the apples of the Crete. See lEn. vi. 24. Hesperides. This was Atalanta, the daugh47. YVirgo. The poet here calls Paszphae ter of Schoeneus, king of the island of Scya virgin, though she was the mother of rus, in the XEgean sea. She consented to PPhcdra, Ariadne, and Androgeus. The an- marry the man who -hould outrun her, but cients sometimes called any woman in early if he were beaten, he should lose his life. life a virgin. Several had lost their lives. At length she 48. Prattides: the daughters of Prcetus, was beaten by Hippomenes, the grandson king of the Argives, who vied with Juno in of Neptune or Mars. At the suggestion of beauty. The goddess, by way of punish- Venus, Hippomenes cast three apples, taken ment, caused them to imagine they were from the garden of the Hesperides, on the changed into heifers. Their lowings, mu- ground, one at a time, when she was gaingilus, are here called false, because they ing upon him; which so captivated the were not in reality heifers. Secuta est: in virgin, that she stopped to pick them up; the sense of qucesivit. and by this means he obtained the beauteous 50. Quamvis timuisset: although each one prize. Hesperidum. The Hesperides wers had feared the plough upon her neck-the three in number, JEgle,Arethusa, and espeyoke from which the plough was hung or rethusa, the daughters of Hesperus, the brosuspended. ther of Atlas. They resided in Mauritania, 53. Fultus: supported-resting or recli- in Africa, where it is said they had gardens, ning. in which were trees that bore golden apple.s 56. Diclersc: an adj. from Dicte, a moun- These gardens were watched by a dragon tain of Crete. Silenus turns again to the that never slept. Hercules slew him, and story of Pasiphai, whom he here introduces stole the apples. See En. iv. 484. as speaking, and calling upon the nymphs 62. Tum circumdat, &c. Thenhe encloses to shut up the openings of the groves. Per- the sisters of Phaithon in the moss of bitter " aps some where or other the wandering stops bark-he sings them transformed into pop4 34 P. VIRGIITI MARONIS 64. Turn canit ut una Corticis, atque solo proceras erigit alnos. sororum duxerit Gallum Trum canit errantem Permessi ad flumina Gallum errantem ad flumina Aonas in montes ut duxerit una sororum: 65 Perniessi 67. Ut Linus pastor Utque viro Phcebi chorus assurrexerit omnis; ornatus quoad crines flo- Ut Linus hec illi divino carmine pastor, ribus, atque amaro apio Floribus atque apio crines ornatus amaro, dixerit hac illi divino Dixerit: Hos tibl dant calamos, en accipe, Musae, carmine: 0 Galle, MusA dant hos calaos tibi; Ascraeo quos ante seni: quibus ille solebat 70 en accipe eos, quos illa Cantando rigidas deducere montibus ornos. dederant His tibi Grynai nemoris dicatur origo: 74. Aut ut narraverit Ne quis sit lucus, quo jactet Apollo. Scyllamfiliam Nisi, aut Quid loquar aut Scyllam Nisi, aut quam fama secuta est, ear quam fama secuta Candida succinctam latrantibus inguina monstris, 75 ast succinctam quoad NOTES. lar or alder trees. Phaethontadas: These Hesiod. It is the highest compliment that were the sisters of Phaethon, or Phaeton, possibly could be paid him. and daughters of the sun. They were 72. Gryncei: an adj. from Grynium, a sometimes called Heliades. Their names city of iEolis, where Apollo had a temple, werePhaethusa, Lampetie,and Lampethusa. built of white marble, and a grove. Here Phaeton imprudently desired of his father was a famous oracle. the management of his chariot for one day. 74. Scyllam. There were two by the Phebus refused for a long time. But, at name of Scylla: one the daughter of Nisus, last, overcome by his importunity, he con- king of the Megarenses, who, falling in love sented. He was, however, soon convinced with Minos, king of Crete, as he lay siege of his rashness; for the horses, perceiving to Megara,betrayed her father to his enemy. an unusual driver, became impatient of the For which deed, it is said, she was changed reins; and when they had passed the meri- into a lark; while he was changed into a dian in their course, and began to descend, hawk. See nom. prop. under J.isus. he was no longer able to restrain them, and The other was the daughter of Phorcus. the youth was thrown headlong from the car Some there are, who think Virgil here conintotheEridanus,orPo. His sistersgrieved founds the two, attributing to the former immoderately at this misfortune of their what properly belongs to the latter. But brother; and were changed, some say, into there will be no need of this, if we only suppoplar trees, others say, into alder trees, ply the word ern, or illam. See Ovid. Met. Lib. 2. The story of Scylla, the daughter of 63. Circumdat. Ruseus says, cingit. Pro- Phorcus, is briefly this: Glaucus, the sea ceras: stately. god, fell in love with her, but she refused 64. Permessi. Permessus, a river of Beo- his addresses. In order to render her more tia, rising at the foot of mount Helicon. favorable to him, he applied to the sorceGallum. See Eel. 10. ress Circe; who, as soon as she saw him, 65. In Aonas monies: to the Beotian became enamoured'with him herself; and mountains, Helicon and Citheron, famous for instead of affording him any assistance, being the seat of the Muses. Beotia was endeavored to divert his affections from originally called Aonia, from Aon, the son Scylla, and fix them on herself, but without of Neptune, who reigned in that country. any effect. For the sake of revenge, Circe 66. Omnis chorus. Here Virgil pays Gallus poured the juice of some noxious herbs into a very high compliment as a poet; and he a fountain, where Scylla used to bathe her does it in the most delicate manner. They self. And as soon as she entered it, to her rose up in his presence, to do him honor: great surprise, she found the parts below assurrexerit viro. her waist changed into frightful monsters, 67. Linus. See Eel. iv. 56. Carmine: in like dogs, that were continually barking or the sense of versibus. making a growling noise. The rest of her 70. Ascraeo seni: to the Ascrean sage- body assumed an equally hideous form. Hesiod; who was a native of Ascra, a town This sudden and unexpected metamorphosis, ofJ3eotia not far from Helicon. He was a filled her with such horror, that she threw celebrated poet. herself into that part of the sea, which di. 71. Quibus ille, &c. It is said of Orpheus, vides Sicily from Italy, where she became a that the lofty oaks bowed their heads, and rock, or rather a ledgo of rocks. See iEn. listened to the charms of his music. The iii. 420. Secuta est: reported. Lovqer: in same effetda are ascribed here to the music of the sense of dicam. BU COLICA. ECL. VI. 35 Dulichias vexasse rates, et gnrgite in alto candida inguina latran. Ah! titnidos nautas canibus lacerasse marinis? tibus monstris, vexsse Aut ut mutatos'Terei narraverit artus? 78. Mutatos in pupamn Phloel A dap quw A mutto D 80. Et quibus alis inQuas illi Philomela dapes, quae dona pararit? felix Tereus supervoliQuo cursu deserta petivcrit, et quibus ante 80 taverit tecta sua ante. Infelix sua tecta supervolitaverit alis? 82. Ille Silenus canit Omnia qua, Phoebo quondam meditante, beatus omnia, que beatus EuAudiit Eurotas, jussitque ediscere lauros, rctas audiit, Phbo.-., e, /* 1 i *. ii quondam meditante [le canit: pulsae referunt ad sidera valles; 84. Valles pulsecantu Cogere donee oves stabulis, numerumque referre 85 referunt eum ad sidera: Jussit, et invito processit Vesper Olympo. donec Vesper jussitpas tores cogere over NOTES. 76. Dulichias: an adj. from Dulichium, 80. Cursu: in the sense of celertate. an island in the Ionian sea, forming a part Desert: the deserts: loca, is to be underof the kingdom of Ulysses. Dulichias rates: stood: desert places. the ships of Ulysses. 81. Tecta sua ante: his palace his own 78. Terei: gen. of Tereus, a king of before his transformation-but his own no Thrace, who married Procne, or Progne, longer. Tectum, is any covered place that daughter of Pandion, king of Athens. She is inhabited; from the verb tego. had a sirter by the name of Philomela, whom she tenderly loved. Finding herself 82. Phcbo quondam meditante: Apollo, formerly singing. The poet here alludes to unhappy in being separated from her, she formerly ingin The poe here a s to desired her husband to go and bring her the fable of Apollo's being in love wth the to Thrace. Accordingly he went to Athens; beautiful youth Hyacinthus, the son of Labut as soon as he saw her, he was enamoured n and in that state wandering along the with her, and resolved to gratify his pas- banks of the Eurotas, singing upo hi sion. This he did, and afterwards cut out harp. her tongue, to prevent her from disclosing 83. Eurotsus A verb celebrated river of the barbarous deed. He left her in con- the Peloponnesus: its banks abounded in the finernen; and having taken every precau- laurel. In its course, it forms nearly a setion to prevent its coming to light, he re- micircle, passing by the ancient city Laceturned to his wife, and informed her that daemon, and falls into the Sinus Laconictls. Philomela had died on the way. Not long 84. Vallespulsce, &c. The vallies struck after, however, she found otherwise. Phi- with the song, waft it back to the starslomela, during her captivity, described on a bear it to the stars. piece of tapestry her misfortunes and suf- 85. Referre: to count over their number ferings, and privately conveyed it to her to see that none be missing. sister, who hastened to her release. Here 86. Vesper. The same as the planet Veihey concerted measures how to be revenged nus. When it precedes or goes before the on Tereus. It was agreed that Progne sun, it is called Lucifer, and sometimes Phosshould kill her son Itys, and serve him up phorus, from the Greek; but when it goes for his father. In the midst of his meal, behind him, Vesper, or Hesperus, the evenhe called for his son, when his wife told ing star. It is also taken for the evening, him that he was then feasting on his flesh. particularly that part denominated the twiAt this moment, Philomela appeared, and light. Processit invite Olympo: marches threw the head of Itys on the table before along the unwilling heaven. The word inhim. At this moment he drew his sword, vitus, beautifully represents the struggle and was going to punish them both, when between the light and darkness in the time he was changed into a upupa, a bird called of twilight. The day is loth, or unwilling by some the hoopoe, by others, the lapwing; to yield; or, it may refer to its regret at Philomela, into the nightingale; Progne, being deprived of so charming a song as into the swallow; and Itys, into thepheasant. that of Silenus. See Ovid. Met. Lib. 6. QUESTIONS. What probably was the design of this Where is the scene laid? pastoral? What is said of Silenus? Who is intended under the character of Does Virgil give the principles of the Silenus? Who was Syro? Epicurean philosophy? Whom are we to understand by the swains What were those principles? Chromis and Mnasilus? Who was Epicurus? 36 P VIRGILII MARONIS Who was Nereus? Of whom was he the Who were the Iesper.aes? What were father? * their names? What is the word Nereus sometimes taken Who was Phaiton? What tash act did for? he attempt? By what figure is it Eo taken? What became of him? Who was Deucalion? What is said to What were the names of his sisters? have taken place in his reign? What became of them? Who was his wife? Who was Hesiod? Where was he born? What were they directed to do in order to How many were there of the name of re-people the earth? Scylla? What do you understand by the words Describe, or give an account of each? Saturnia regna? Who was Tereus? Who was Prometheus? What is said of What is said of him? him? Into what was he transformed? What is the proper meaning of saltus? What was the name of his wife? Into Who was Atalanta? What is said of what was she transformed? &c. her? ECLOGA SEPTIMA. MELIBCEUS, CORYDON, THYRSIS. T-Hs pastoral contains a trial of skill between the shepherds Corydon and Thyrsis. It is much of the nature of the fourth, and is an imitation of the eighth of the Idylls of Theocritus. It is conjectured that by Corydon and Thyrsis we are to understand Gallus and Pollio; of whom our poet speaks on several occasions in the most honorable terms. The scene is laid on the pleasant banks of the river Mincius. Melibeus is thought to be Virgil himself, and Daphnis some mutual friend of theirs: They both listen attentively to their song; which being ended, they give the palm to Corydon. MEL. FORTE sub arguta consederat ilice Daphnis, Compulerantque greges Corydon et Thyrsis in unum: 3. Thyrsis compulerat Thyrsis oves, Corydon distentas lacte capellas. eves, Corydon compule- Ambo florentes etatibus, Arcades ambo: rat capellas Et cantare pares, et respondere parati. 6. Hi caper ipse Ar Hie mihi, dum teneras defendo a frigore myrtos, gregis deerraverat mihi, Vr gregis ipse caper deerraverat: atque ego Daphnim dum Aspicio: ille ubi me contra videt; Ocyus, inquit, NOTES. 1. Arguta: whispering. The word very for its pastures and flocks; and in a man. -aptly expresses the rustling noise made by ner sacred to shepherds. They were both the wind among the leaves: to which refe- in the prime of life: florentes cetatibs. rence is here had. 5. Pares cantare equal at singing. Par 2. Corydon: this is derived from a Greek is properly equal in match to contend for word signifying a lark. Thyrsis: from a victory. Greek word signifying a spear bound with 7. Daphnim: from a Greek word signi. vine, in honor of Bacchus. In unum: into fying a laurel. Vir: in the sense of dux. one place, locum being understood. 8. Contra. This is here used adverbially, 3. Capellas distentas lacte: his goats dis- in turn; or over against him. The word tended with milk-having their udders dis- may be taken in either sense. The former tended. seems preferable in this place. 4. Ambo Arcades. Not indeed that they 9. Ades: in the sense of veni. Meliboee: were both natives of Arcadia; but they are from a Greek word signifying a shepherd: so called, because that country was famous or one who has the care of flocks, BUCOLICA. ECL. VII. 37 Hue ades, 6 Melibcee; caper tibi salvus et hledi; 9. Caper est salvus Et si quid cessare potes, requiesce sub umbra. 10 tibi, et hcedi quoque sunt Hue ipsi poturn venient per prata juvenci: salv Hie viridis tenera pretexit arundine ripas 12. Hic viridis Min. Mincius, eque sacra resonant examina quercu. cius prtexit Quid facerem? neque ego Alcippen, nec Phyllida habeDepulsos a lacte domi, quae clauderet agnos [banm, Et certamen erat, Corydon cum Thyrside, magnum. 16. Corydon certabat Posthabui tamen illorum mea seria ludo. cum Thyrside Alternis igitur contendere versibus ambo Cepere: alternos Musae merrinisse volebant. 19. Volebant me me. Hlos Corydon, illos referebat in ordine Thyrsis. 20 minisse alternos versus COR. Nymphae, noster amor, Libethrides, aut mihi car- 20. Corydon referebat Quale meo Codro, concedite: proxima Phcebi [men, 21. Autconceditetale Versibus ille facit: aut si non possumrus omnes, carmen mihi, quale conIic arguta sacra pendebit fistula pinu. cessistis Tu. Pastores, hedera crescentem ornate poetam, 25 2 3. Jos omnes nou Arcades, invidia rumpantur ut ilia Codro. possumusfacere id, Aut si ultra placitum laudarit, baccare frontem 27. CingitemeamfronCingite, ne vati noceat mala lingua futuro. tem COR. Setosi caput hoc apri tibi, Delia, parvus 29. O Delia, parvus Et ramosa Mycon vivacis cornua cervi. 30 Mycon ofert tibi hoc Si proprium hoc fuerit, levi de marmore tota caput. NOTES. 10. Quid: temporis is understood, govern- any one lay down his art or profession, to ed by quid: any time-a little time. hang up and consecrate the instruments 11. Potunm: to drii.k: a sup. in um, of the which he had used, to the god who preverb poto, put after the verb venient. sided over that art. 12. Preftexit: in the sense of tegit. 25. Heder&. Poets were crowned some13. Mfincius: a small river rising out of times with ivy, at other times, with laurel. the lake Benacus, and falling into the Po. These both were evergreens, and designed Hodie, Menso. to denote a lasting fame. Ornate: in tho 14. Alcippen-Phyllida: the names of sense of coronate. By poetam we are to untwo servants; brth derived froin the Greek. derstand Thyrsis himself. 15. Depuleos & lacte: taken away from 26. Ilia Codro: the sides to Codrus; tho the milk: weaned. Dom0i: at home. same as Ilia Codrz., This construction is 17. Posthabui, &c. I postponed my se- frequent with Virgil: the dat. in the sense rious business to their song: to listen to their of the gen. song. Ludo: in the sense of cantui. 27. Ultra placitum: beyond my pleasure, 19. Musce volebant: the meaning is, the Mu- or desire. Immoderate praise was thought ses would have them sing alternate verses. by thie ancients to have in it something of 20. Referebat: in the sense of cantabat. the nature of fascination; and to avert its 21. Libethrides: an adj. from Libelhra, a malignant influence, they wore a garland of fountain in Beotia; others say in JMagnesia, baccar, or lady's-glove, as a counter charm. over which they presided. Hence they are The pron. me is understood. called Libethrian nymphs. Noster amor: 29. Delia: A name of Diana, from )Demy delight, or love. los, the place of her birth. Setosi: bristly. 22. Concedite: grant such a song to me 30. Mycon. The swain Mycon is supas ye granted to my Codrus: inspire such posed to be Corydon's friend, and t3 pro a song, &c. Codrus was a poet cotempo- mise these things to Diana in his name. rary with Virgil, as we learn from Servius, 31. Si hocfuerst proprium. If this (sucand of superior merit. Proxima: next in cess which you granted me in hurting) shall excellence to the verses of Apollo. Carmi- be lasting, you shall stand entire in polished fia is understood. marble: I will make you a full-length statue 23. Facit: in the sense of componit. of polished, c&. It was usual to make only 24. Sacra pinu: the pine-tree was sacred the head and neck of a marble statue. Here to Cybele, the mother of the gods, on ac- Corydon proriiises Diana an entire statue, count of the transmutation of her darling provided she continued to prosper his Fur-* Aqty into that tree. It was a custom, when suits. ;A~S P. VIRGILII MARONIS 3S. Tu stabis tota de Puniceo stab:s suras evincta cothurno. levi msrmore evincta Tn. Sinum lactis, et hwec te liba, Priape, quotannm quoad suras n E o3. 0 Priap, sat et Expectare sat est: custos es pauperis horti. te expectare quotannis Nunc te marmoreum pro tempore fecimus: at tu, 35 a me Si fcetura gregem suppleverit, aureus esto. Con. Nerine Galatea, thymo mihi dulcior IHyblae, Candidior cycnis, hedera formosior alba: Cum primum pasti repetent praesepia tauri, Si qua tui Corydonis habet te cura, venito. 40 TH. Imm6 ego Sardois videar tibi amarior heibis, 42. Alga projecta ad Horridior rusco, projecta vilior alga; it us Si mihi non haec lux toto jam longior anno est. 44. Si sit vobis quis Ite domnum pasti, si quis pudor, ite juvenci. pudor Con. Muscosi fontes, et somno Inollior herba, 45 Et quas vos rara viridis tegit arbutus umbra, Solstitium pecori defendite: jam venit aestas NOTES. 22. Puniceo: in the sense of purpureo. a forced laughter; some take it for the Crow. See Eel. 5. 17. Cothurno. The cothurnus foot. was a kind of high-heeled shoe or boot 42. Horridior rusco: rougher than the worn when, hunting and on the stage, by butcher's broom. This is a prickly shrub or both sexes. See Geor. 2. 9. plant.-Vilior: more vile, or worthless.33. Priy&e: Priapus was the tutelar god Alga. This was a kind of weed or-grass, of gardens, lakes, &c. He was the son of which grew in great abundance about the Venus, by Mercury or Bacchus. The place island of Crete. When torn from the rocks of his birth was Lampsacus, near the HIelles- where it grew, by the violence of the waves, pont,where he was chiefly worshipped. He tost about the sea, and then cast upon the was usually represented with a human face shore, it became quite useless: it lost its and the ears of a goat. He held a stick in color, and presented to the eye an unseemly his hand to drive away birds, a club to drive appearance. away thieves, and a scythe to prune the 43. Lux: in the sense of dies. trees. Sinunm: in the sense of vas; a kind 44. Pasti: in the sense of saturati. of vessel swelling out in the middle like a 45. JMuscosifontes: ye cool (mossy) foun. pitcher. tains. The epithet muscosi is expressive ot 35. Pro tempore: according to the time; coolness, because moss will seldom grow in proportion to my present ability. Thyr- where there is any considerable degree of sis promises him now a marble statue, and heat. It grows the best on the banks of rivers if his flocks increase so that he can afford it, that face the north. Also on the north side he will make him a golden one. of trees.-Herbamollior,&c. This charming 36. Suppleverit: shall enlarge-multiply. expression is taken from Theocritus. Rumus 37. JNerine: an adj. from nJereus, a god says, dulcis ad somnum, which is not the of the sea. The poet does not here mean meaning of the poet. The expression, softer that this Galatea was actually the daughter than sleep, is extremely delicate. of Nereus; but he merely intends it as a 46. Viridis arbutus, &c. This is a singucompliment, intimating that she possessed lar construction. The nom. here seems to equal charms with her namesake. Hyblae. be used in the place of the voc. By using Ilybla was a mountain in Sicily, abounding the fom. it placed the relative qu(e in the in Thyme, and celebrated for its bees, and third person, and consequently the verb; excellent honey-sweeter than the thyme of whereas they should be in the second perlfybla, fairer than the swans, more beautiful son sing. 0 viridis arbule, quce tegis vos than the white ivy. These comparisons are rara umbra. The vos refers to the fountains extremely chaste and delicate, and grass mentioned above. 39. Cum primunm: in the sense of ut pri- 47. Solstitium. This word properly sigmum.-Cura: regard. nifics that point in the ecliptic, which coin41. Sardcois herbis. The herb here spoken cides with the tropics, or is 23" 28' from the of is supposed to be the Holly-bush, of sharp equator, measured on an arc of the meriand prickly leaves, and of a very bitter dian: and the sun being in this point on a taste. Itis called Sardinian, from thq island particular day in June and December, the Sardinia, where it grew in great abu:adance. word is taken by Synec. for either summer Ut is said to have caused a convulsive laugh- or winter. Again by meton. for heat oT ter with grinning. Hence Sardi.niccs risus, cold, according as the qun is either in the BUCOLICA. ECL. VII. 39 Torrida jam leto turgent in palmite gemme. T'f. Ilic focus, et taedae pingues: hic plurimus ignis 49. tile est focumsc, Semper, et assidua postes fuligine nigri. 50 hl sunl Ilic tantum Borea curamus fiigora, quantum Aut numerum lupus, aut torrentia flumina ripas 52. Quanturn aut lu COR. Stant et juniperi, et castanera hirsute: pus curat nunl frun ovium, aut torrentia fluStrata jacent passim sua quaque sub arbore poma: mina curant ripas Omnia nunc rident: at si formosus Alexis 55 53. Hic stant et juni. AMontibus his abeat, videas et flumina sicca. per Tii. Aret ager; vitio moriens sitit aeris herba: Liber pampineas invidit collibus umbras. Phyllidis adventu nostrae nemus omne virebit: 59. Sed omre nemus Jupiter et leto descendet plurimus imbri. 60 virebit. COR. Populus Alcidme gratissima, vitis Iaccho: Formosar myrtus Veneri, sua laurea Phcebo. Phyllis amat corylos: illas dum Phyllis amabit, Ne mnvrtus vincet corylos,.nec laurea Phcebi. Tu. Fraxinus in sylvis pulilherrima, pinus in hortis, NOTES. sign of Cancer or Capricorn. It is the sol- 54. Poma jacent, &c. Much hath been stice of Cancer, or the summer solstice, said upon the reading of this line. Some which is hero meant. Defendite: in the read it thus; Ponmajacent stratapassin, quesense of avertite. que sub sua arbore: apples lie scattered all 48. Palmite: the shoot or branch of the around, every one under its own tree. vine-Gemmce: the buds, or first appear- Others read it thus: sua poma jacent strata ances of the young shoots of trees or shrubs. passim, sub qudque arbore: their own apples Leto: fruitful-fertile. lie scattered all around under every or each 49. Pingues tceda -. fat pines; or, we may tree. This last, Dr. Trapp is fully persuaded take tcdce in a wider sense, implying any is the correct reading. Heyne reads, quaque. fuel, or combustible matter. 56. Videas et, &c. You would even seo 50. Fuligine: in the sense of fumo. The the rivers dry. The word et here is emcottages of the poor seldom had a chimney. phatical. The fire was made directly under an aper- 57. Vitio aeris: by the infection of the ture in the roof to discharge the smoke. air; or, the excessive heat of the air. Sitit: We may well supposb the interior of the is parched. house to be blackened by that vapor. 58. Liber. A name of Bacchus. See 51. Hic tantum curamus. The meaning Eel. v. 69. Invidit: hath refused the shais: we care nothing for the cold of Boreas. dows of the vine to our hills. The meaning Boreas is the Greek word for the north wind. is: the vine does not flourish upon our hills. The poets say he was the son of Astrceus 60. Jupiter: the air-condensed vapor. and Aurora; or, according to others, of the Lato imbri: in fertilizing showers. river. Strymon, in Macedonia. He was king 61. Alcida:: Hercules, called also Alcides, of Thrace, and carried away by forceOrythia, from Alcceus, his grand-father. The populus the daughter of Erictheus, king of Athens, was sacred to him. It is said he wore a by whom he had two sons, Zetes and Calais. crown of white poplar leaves when he deHe was worshipped as a god. scended to the infernal regions. 53. Juniperi. The juniperus was a tree, 62. Myrtus. The myrtle tree was sacred having sharp and narrow leaves, and bearing to Venus, on account of the delicacy of its a small, round, and odoriferous fruit. Ser- odor, or because it flourishes best on the vius understands juniperi and castanec to be margin of the sea, out of the foam of which the trees which are loaded with their r?- she is said to have sprung. spective fruit. Mr. Davidson takes them for 61. Iaccho: a name of Bacchus. The the fruit itself, and considers stant in oppo- vine was sacred to him, because, it is said, eition to strata jacent: the former stand or he was the inventor of wine; or at least hrng ripening on the boughs, the latter in taught men the cultivation of the vine. rich profusion cover the ground under their 62. Laurea. The laurel tree was sacred respective trees. Hirsutce: rough-prickly, to Apollo, on account of his beloved Daphne, in opposition to those that were smooth, who was changed into a laurel; therefore mentioned Eel. i. 82: br it may only mean it is called sua, his own. that they were yet in the shell. See Eel. x. 76. 65. Fraxinus: the ash-tree. 40 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Populus in fluviis, abies in montibus altis: 06 Saepihs at si me, Lycida formose, revisas; Fraxinus in sylvis cedat tibi, pinus in hortis. ME. IIaec memini, et victum frustra contendere Thyrsin. Ex illo Corydon, Corydon est tempore nobis. 70 NOTES. 70. Ex illo lempore: from that time, Co- is in imitation of Theocritus, Idyl. viii. 92, lydon, Corydon is the one for me. Heyne but far inferior to the original. observes, this line is unworthy of Virgil. It QUESTIONS. What is the subject of this pastoral? Who was Boreas? For what did the Whom are we to understand by Corydon Greeks take the word? and Thyrsis? Whom by Melibceus and For what is the word Jupiter sometimes Daphnis? taken? Where is the scene laid? What do you understand by the -7ord Who comes off conqueror? solstitium? 1i this pastoral imitated from Theocritus? For what is it used figuratively Who was Priapus? and what is said of him? ECLOGA OCTAVA. PHARMACEUTRIA. DAMON, ALPHESIBCEUS. THIS pastoral consists of two parts: the first is taken chiefly from the third Idyl of Theocritus: the latter from the second Idyl. The shepherd Damon bewails theloss of his mistress, Nisa, and is much grieved at the success of Mopsus, who had succeeded in obtaining her for a wife. Alphesibceus relates the charms, or incantations of some enchantress, who' endeavored, by magic arts, to make Daphnis in love with her. Pharmaceutria, the title of this Eclogue, is the same with the Latin Venefica, and signifies a sorceress. This Eclogue was written in the year of Rome 715, when L. Marcus Censorinus, and C. Calvisius Sabinus, were consuls. It is not certain to whom it was inscribed, whether to Augustus or Pollio; most commentators are in favor of the latte:. 1. Dicecrus musam PASTORUM Musam, Damonis et Alphesibcti, pastorum Damonis et Immemor herbarum quos est mirata juvenca, Alphesibmi, quos cer- tantes Juvenca imme- Certantes, quorum stupefactmecarmine lynces, mor herbarum mirata Et mutata suos requierunt flumina cursus: NOTES. 1. Musam: in the sense of carmen. in an active sense in any part of his worws 4. JMutata flumina, &c. This line may and as lle is fond of initating the Greeks be read in two ways. The first and easiest it is better to suppose that he follows then is given in the ordo; the other is, mutataflu- in the present instance, than that he deviatei mina requiPrunt sues cursus. In this case, here from his uniform practice in the use of requiesco must be taken actively, and mu- the verb. Beside, if we take requiesco acfala, in the sense of turbata, as Ruwcns in- tively, we must take mutatl out of its usual terprets it. But Virgil never uses that verb acceptation, BUCOLICA. ECL. VIIi. 41 Damonis Musam dicemus et Alphesiboei. 5 est; quorum carmine Tu mihi, seu magni superas jam saxa Timavi; lynces stupefacta sunt; Sive oram Illyrici legis aequoris: en erit unquam et ilumina mutata quoad sues cursus requi~runt Ille dies, mihi cum iceat tua dicere facta! dicemus, inquam, musam En erit, ut liceat totum mihi ferre per orbem 6. Tu, O Pollie, face Soh Sophocleo tua carmina digna cothurno! 10 mihi, seu A te principium: tibi desinet: accipe jussis 8. En ille dies erit, etfm liceat mihi Carmina ccepta tuis, atque hane sine tempora circmum cum eat mihi Inter victrces hederam tibi serpere lauros. 11. rru n lciium a t................ rum laborurn. erat' to: Frigida vix ccelo noctis decesserat umbra, neus labor desinet tibi Cum ros in tenera pecori gratissimus herba est: 15 12. Sine hanc hedeIncumbens tereti Damon sic coepit olivae. ram serere DA. Nascere, praeque-diem veniens age, Lucifer, al- 17. 0 Lucifer, nascere, pramveniensque age Conjugis indigno Nisae deceptus amore [mum: almum diem: dum ego Dum queror, et divos (quanquam nil testibus illis deceptus indigno amore Profeci) extrema moriens tamen alloquor hora. 20 NOTES. 5. Dicemus: in the sense of narrabimus. covered his lands, and so had an occasion 6. Tu mihi, &c. It is generally thought given him for writing; and further, that that the poet addresses himself to Pollio, poets promise many things, which they do who, about this time, returned to Rome in not perform. triumph, having overcome the Partheni, a 12. Sie hnc, &c. Permit this ivy to peopleofIllyrTcum. Theverbfave,ortdsis, creep around thy temples amidst thy vic-. must be supplied, to make the sense corn- torious laurels-permit me to crown the plete. Ellipses of this kind are frequent, with ivy, while others crown thee with lauparticularly among the poets. Timavi. rel. This is a very delicate verse. The See An. i. 244. poet here entreats his patron to permit his 7. ive legis, &c. Whether you coast ivy to entwine about histemples among his along the shore of the Illyrian sea. Illyri- victorious laurels; in other words, tdaccept cum was a very extensive country lying on these his verses, in the midst of his victhe right of the Adriatic sea, or gulf of tories. The poetic crown was originally Venice, including the ancient Liburnia and made of ivy exclus:vely, afterwards, some. Dalmatia. /Equorts. JEquor properlysig- times it was made of laurel: but the trinifies any plain or level surface, whether umphal crown was always made of laurel. land or water. Erit: n the sense of aderit. Victrices lauros: alluding to the triumph 10. Cothurno. The cothurnus was pro- with which he was honored for his victory perly a high-heeled shoe, worn by the tra- over the Partheni. gedians to make them appear taller; by. r meton. put for tragedy, or the tragic style.. e oli leang agaist a tper. Sophocleo: an adj. from Sophocles, an Athe- olve Damon thus ban nian, the prince of tragic poetry. He was 17. Prceveniens. The parts of the verb cotemporary with Pericles. Tua carmina are separated for the sake of the verse, by sola, &c. Your verses alone worthy of the Tmesis. This figure is frequent among the buskin-worthy of being introduced upon poets. Lucifer: the morning star, or Venus. the stage. The cothumus is here called It is called Lucifer when going before the Sophoclean, because Sophocles introduced sun; Hesperus, when following after him. it upon the stage. Pollio was not only a There is a fitness and propriety in Dlamon's statesman, but a poet, and a distinguished calling upon the star, or planet Venus to writer of tragedy. See Ecl. iv. 12. arise, as if to listen to his complaint, since 11. Principium, &c. This line is elliptical. it was a love affair. Age: in the sense of The ellipsis is supplied in the ordo: the be- advehe. ginning of my labors was from thee; my 18. Conjugis. Conjux here is a betrothed labors shall end with thee. From this or expected wife. Indigno amore: may circumstance, some have been led to think mean immoderate love; or a love ill-requithat the poet alludes to Augustus, and not ted-a love of which Nisa was unworthy. to P'ollio. He wrote his first Eclogue, it is 20. Profeci: I have gained, or profited true, to colmpliment the generosity of his nothing. Illis lestibus. It would seem that prince, and the Eneid to flatter his vanity. Nisa had pledged her faith to Damon, and But we are to remember, it was through the called the gods to witness it; yet she vio intercst and friendship of Pollio, that he re- lated her promises. 42 1P. VIRG1LII MARONIS Incipe Mlnalios mecum, mea tibia, versus. Malealus argutumque nemus pinosque loquentes 23. Ille mons.lrnalus Semper habet: semper pastorum ille audit amoeis, 24. Paasus ejl calainos Panaque, qcui primus calamos non passus inertes. une Incipe Manalios mecum, mea tibia, versus. 25.Mopso Nisa datur: quid non speremus aeaignAs? Jungentur jam gryphes equis; tsvoque sequcnti Cuin canibus timidi venient ad pocula damae. Aopse, novas incide faces; tibi ducitur uxor. Sparge, marite, nuces; tib deserit Hesperus Octam Incipe Manalios mecum, mea tibia, versus. 31 3~. 0 IJVis conjuncta O digno conjuncta viro! dum despicis omnes, digno viro; ldul aespi- Damque tibi est odio mea fistula; dumque capellae, cis omnes Olios -. 34. Prolixaque mea tirsutumque supercilium, prolixaque barba: barba sunt tibi odio. Nec curare Deuhm credis mortalia quemquam. 35 Incipe Maenalios mecum, mea tibh, versus. Sepibus in nostris parvam te roscida mala, 38. Vidi te adhuc par- (Dux ego vester eram) vidi cum matre legentem vam legentemn rocida Alter ab undecino tur me jam ceperat annus: mala Jam fragiles poteram a terra contingere ramos. 40 NOTES. 21. AIrnalios versus: Menalean, or pas- eastward, would observe the stars retiring toral verses-such as used to be sung on or settling behind it. Hence, as it respected mount MAlnralus in Arcadia. It was sacred them, the expression is the same as saying, to Pan. By reason of its pleasant groves, the evening star is setting, and consequently and whisperingpines, it was much frequent- the evening somewhat advanced; which ed by shepherds, where they sang their would not be an unpleasant circumstance loves. The poet personifies the mountain, to the new-married couple.' and makes it listen to the songs of shep- 34. Hirsutum supercilium: my rough, o0 herds. shaggy eyebrows. There could be no ground 22 Loqquentes: whispering-tuneful. of complaint against i^isa for not loving 21. Qui prirmus: who first, &c. See Eel. these, and his long beard. These surely ii. 31. Inerles: in the sense of inutiles. possess no charms. But as Dr. Trapp ob27. Gryphes: griffons. They were fa- serves, the ground of his complaint lay in bulous animals, having the body of a lion, this: that her cruelty and scorn had so disand the wings and beak of an eagle. heartened him, as to render him negligent of 28. D)amo. timidi: the timid deer. Ad his outward appearance. pocula: in tne sense of ad aquam, velpotum; 35. Mortalia: things done by mortals. by meton. This line is both beautiful and pathetic. 29. Incidefaces. It was a custom among 37. In nostris sepibus: in our enclosures the RonmaL.s to lead the bride to the house -gardens, fields. This and the four folof her husband with lighted torches before lowing lines are extremely delicate, and her. These torches were pieces of pine, or show the hand of a master. The circumsome unctuous wood, which were cut to a starfces here enumerated, the age of the point, that they might be liglted the easier. young shepherd, his being just able to reach It was usual to have five of these torches. the boughs, his officiousness in helping the IHence ducere uxorem, came to signify, to girl and her mother gather the fruit, and marry a wife; it is said of the husband: nu- his falling in love with her at the samne bcre iro, to marry a husband; this is said time, are so well chosen, and happily exof the wife. pressed, that we may consider tlis passage 30. Sparge nuces: scatter nuts. It was as one of those happy and delicate touches a custom among the Romans at nuptials, which characterize the writings of Virgil. for the husband to throw nuts, &c. upon the Roscida. By this we are to understand, floor, that the boys and the rest of the com- Heyne observes, that the apples were wet pany miglit divert themselves in gathering with the dew of the morning. This will them. Hesperus deserit Oetam tib: the determine the time of the day, when they evening star is leaving Oeta for you. Oeta took their walk into the orchard. was a mountain, or rather range of moun- 39. Alter annus, &c. Lit. another year tains, of great height, in Thessaly. The in- after the eleventh had just then taken mehabitants of Attica and Beotia being to the I had just entered my twelfth year. BUCOLICA. ECL. VIIL 43 Utn k iut perii, ut mle malus abstulit error! Incipe Maenalios mecum, mea tibia, iersus NTIc scio quid sit amor. Duris in cotibus ilium lsmnaius, aut Rhodope, aut extremi Garamantes, Iee generis nostri puerum, nec sanguinis edunt. 45 45. Edunt ilium e Incipe Maenalios mecum, mea tibia, versus. duris cotibus, puorum nec nostri yenerin, nee Stevus amor docuit natorum sanguine matrem ec nostri genrisne nostri sanguinis Commaculare manus: crudelis tu quoque, mater: 48. Tu, O mater eras Crudelis mater magis, an puer improbus ille? quoque crudelis: eras e Improbus ile puer, crudelis tu quoque mater. 50 mater magis crudelis, an Incipe Maenalios mecum, mea tibia, versus. ille pIlr n magi impobus, ille puer erst imNunc et oves ultr6 fugiat lupus, aurea dura pbus! sed tu, O mater,.._ z probus; sed tu, 0 mater, Mala ferant quercus, narcisso floreat alnus, quoque eras crudelis. Pinguia corticibus sudent electra myricm. Certent et cycnis ululae: sit Titytzs Orplheus: 55 Orpheus in sylvis; inter delphinas Anion. Incipe Maenalios mecum, mea tibia, versus. Omnia vel medium fiant mare: vivite sylvae. 6. hc * -...... lA..* 60. Habeto,u hocexPraeceps aerii specula de montis in undas tremum munus tui moDeferar: extremum hoc munus morientis habeto. 60 rientis amatoris NOTES. 41. Ut vidi, ut, &c. How I gazed, how I the natural coutIe of things may be chang. languished, how a fatal delusion carried me ed. The most unlikely and unnatural things away!.NotNh.gcan exceed this line in may take place, since a woman is found tenderness of expressionf..' The me malus capable of such unfeeling and cruel conduct. ii'stulit error, represents him as snatched 5 u t a -. from himself, deprived of his reason and flower d53 a dil. ee Ed. ii. o: judgment, and lost in wonder and admira- fo d ee E 46 tion, while he surveyed her beauteous form, 54. Jyricw: shrubs-tamarisks. The and attractive charms. It also conveys to word is sometimes taken for pastoral poetry. us a just idea of the nature of love, which Sudent: in the sense of stillent. Electra is often delusive, deceptive, and unsuccess- pinguia: rich amber. ful, as was the particular case of Damon. 55. Tilyrus sit Orpheus, &c. May Tityrus Error: in the sense of insanin, vel amor, become an Orpheus;-Orpheus in the woods, says Heyne. Mlalus: fatal-unhappy. and an Orion among the dolphins. Orion 44. Ismarus, &c. Ismarus and Rhodope was a famous lyric poet of Lesbos, who, on were two very wild and rocky mountains in his return home from Italy with great Thrace. Garamantes. These were a savage wealth, was cast into the sea by the sailors people inhabiting the interior partsof Africa. for the sake of his money. A dolphin that Hence they are here called extremi. had been charmed with his music, it is said, 45. Edunt: plainly for ederunt, by Lnal- took him on his back, and carried him safe lage; and that in the sense of produxerunt to Taenarus, a town on the southern' proor genuerunt. montory of the Peloponnesus. For Orpheus, 47. Matrem. Medea, the daughter of see Eel. iii. 46. AEtes, king of Colchis, a famous sorceress. 58. Omnia vel medium, &c. Let all things She fell in love with Jason, one of the Ar- become even the middle of the sea-the gonauts, and by her directions and assist- deep sea. Since I must perish, let all the ance, he obtained the golden fleece. She world be drowned, Vivile: elegantly put married him, and returned with him to for valete. Thessaly. He afterwards repudiated her, 59. Specula: the top, or summit. It pro. and married Creiisa, the daughter of the perly signifies any eminence which comking of Corinth. In revenge for which, she mands a prospect of the country around it, slew the children,whom she bore him, be- Adrii montis. This may allude to the fafore his eyes. See Ovid. Met. 7. Docuit: mous rock in Arcadia, called the lover's in the sense of impulit. leap; from which, thos., who threw them48. Commaculare: in the sense of polluere. selves into the sea, were cured of their love. 50. Improbus: wicked-impious. 60. Deferar. This appears to be used in 52..Nunc lupus ultrB, &c. Now may the the sense of the Greek middle voice, which wolf of his own accord flee from the sheep; generally hath a reft x signification: I will the hard oaks, &c. As if he had said: now throw myself. 44 P. VIRGILI1 MARONIS Desine Menalios, jam desine, tibia, versus. 62. Damon dixit hmec: liec Damon: vos, quae respondert Alphesibaeus, yos, Pierides, dicite ea, Dicite, Pierides: non omnia possumus omnes. qua. Nos omnes non ALP. Efler aquam, et molli cinge hTc altaria vittA 63..Nos onnes non possumusfacere omnia Verbenasque adole pingues, et mascula thura, 65 Conjugis ut magicis sanos avertere sacris Experiar sensus. Nihil hic nisi carmina desunt. Ducite ab urbe domum, mea carmina, ducite Daphnim. armina vel coelo pjosutdeducere Lunam: Carminibus Circe socios mutavit Ulyss: 70 Frigidus in pratis cantando rumpitur anguis. Ducite ab urbe domum, mea carmina, ducite DaIphnim 73. Primum circumdo Terna tibi haec primum triplici diversa colore hase terna licia tibi, di- Licia circumdo, terque hec altaria circum versa - Effigiem duco. Numero Deus impare gaudet. "6 Ducite ab urbe domum, mea carmina, ducite Daphnim Necte tribus nodis ternos, Amarylli, colores; 78. Neete eos modo: Necte, Amarylli, mod6: et Veneris, die, vincula necto. et Ducite ab urbe domum, mea carmina, ducite Daphnim. 81. Sic Daphnis emo- Linus ut hic durescit, et hiec ut cera liquescit, 80 liatur nostro Uno eodcmque igni: sic nostro Daphnis amore. 33. Ego uro hanc Sparge molam, et fragiles incende bitumine lauros. NOTES. 63. Pierides: the Muses. They were so perfect of all numbers, having regard to the called from Pieria, where, it is said, they beginning, the middle, and the end. Diverwere born. See Ecl. iii. diversified-various. 64. E'er aquam. Here Alphesib'eus per- 74. Circumdo: in the sense of circumligo. sonates some enchantress, who by charms 78. Veneris: in the sense of amoris. and magic rites endeavors to make Daphnis.Modo: in the sense of nunc. in love with her. The words are supposed 80. Ut hic Limus, &c. The sorceress to be addressed to her servant maid Ama- made two images or figures, one of mud ryllis, mentioned verse 78, infra. (limus) to represent herself; the other of 65. Verbenas. A species of plant or herb wax (cera) to represent Daphnis. The called vervain, much used in magic opera- former would naturally harden, and the tions. It is sometimes taken for all kinds other melt in the same fire. It was the roof herbs used in such rites. Mascula. By ceived opinion that as the image melted this we are to understand the strongest and and consumed, so did the person it reprebest kind of frankincense. sented melt and dissolve into love, losing all 66. Ut experiar: that I may try to turn his cruelty and hardness of heart toward away the sound mind of my spouse: i. e. his mistress; while she, who was represeitthrow him into a violent passion for me, ed by the other figure, would grow harder, causing him to lose his reason and judg- and more indifferent to the object of her ment. Conjux, here means an intended or love. petled husband. Byit we are to under- 82. Sparge molam: break, or scatter the stand Daphnis, who it seems had left her salt-cake. The mola was a kind of cake for some other mistress. Sacris: rites, or much used in sacrifices. It was made of ceremonies. the flour of grain that grew the same year, 67. Carmine: charms-a solemn form of highly seasoned with salt. It was placed words; to which the ancients attributed upon the forehead of the victim, and upon great efficacy. the fire. Incende: burn the crackling lau70. Circe. The name of a famous sor- rels with bitumen. The laurels were burnt ceress. See XEn. vii. 10. to consume the flesh of Daphnis, on whose 71. Canlando: ger. in do, of the verb account these rites were performed. The canto. Ruaeus says: dum incantatur: while cake was crumbled upon his image, or upon the incantations or magic rites are per- the victims in sacrifices. Such was the na. forming. ture of these ridiculous rites. 73. Triplici c lore: with triple color. The 83. Malus Daphnis: cruel Daphnis burns ancients had a great veneration for the me; I burn this laurel upon Daphnis-upon number three. This was thcugl t the most his image. By burning the effigy of a pr BUCOLICA. ECL. VIII. 45 Dapllis me nmlus urit, ego hanc in Daphnide laurum. Ducite ab urbe domum, mea carmina, ducite Daphnim. Talis amor Daphnim, qualis, cum fessa juvencum 85 85. Utinam talis amor Pernemora, atque altos querendo bucula lucos, occupet Daphnim, quaPropher aqua rivum viridi procumbit in ulva lis, cum bucula fessa Propier a ~ l *querendo juvencumn per Perdita, nec serre meminit decedere nocti: nemora, atque altos luTalis amor teneat: nec sit mihi cura mederi. 89 cos, procumbit Ducite ab urbe domum, nea carmina, ducite Daphnim. 89. Teneat Daphnim Hlas olim exuvias mihi perfidus ille reliquit, 95. Mceris ipse dedit Pignora chara sui: qum nune ego limine in ipso, has herbas rerra, tibi mando: debent haec pignora Daphnim. Ducite ab urbe domum, mea carmina, ducite Daphnim. Has herbas, atque hwec Ponto mihi lecta venena 95 Ipse dedit Moeris, nascuntur plurima Ponto. 96. Enim plurima reHis ego swpe lupum fieri, et se condere sylvis nena nascuntur in Pon~,,.-~. ~. ~. ~. i~- ~ to. Ego vidi Merin ipMoerin, saepe animas imis excire sepulchris, sum sEope fieri lupum Atque satas alio vidi traducere messes. his venenis,et condere st Ducite ab urbe domum, mea carmina, ducite Daphnim. sylvis; vidi ilium saep Fer cineres, Amarylli, foras: rivoque fluenti, 101 excire Transque caput jace: ne respexeris. His ego Daphnim Aggrediar nihil ille Deos, nil carmina curat. Ducite ab urbe domum, mea carmina, ducite Daphnim Aspice: corripuit tremulis altaria flammis. 105 NOTES. son magically, it was thought that they burnt thought to be very efficacious in enchantthe person himself; or that some how or ments. Accordingly she lays much stress other, he was affected in a similar manner, upon them; she is sure they will bring him 85. Juvencum: the bull. Talis. Here home to her. One part of these magic rites is an ellipsis of the words, occupat juvencam, was to bury the clothes of the lover under or some other of the like import, to make the threshold, to constrain him to return. the sense complete. 95. Ponto. Pontus, an extensive coun87. U/va: a kind of sedge, or meadow- try in Asia Minor, bordering upon the Euxgrass. Some copies have herba. ine sea. It abounded in poisonous herbs. 88. Perdita: wretched-desperate; with- Mithridates, king of Pontus, rendered his out hope of finding the object of her search. country notorious by the long and bloody J.Vec sera noeti, &c. She is so intent upon wars which he maintained against the Rothe object of her love, that she thinks of mans. He was, however, at last overcome nothing else-she thinks not of returning by Pompey the Great. Venena: magic home, even though it be late at night. De- plants. Those of a poisonous quality were cedere serae noci: to yield or give place to considered the most efficacious, and were the late night. particularly sought for, and required in all 89. Mederi: to cure him. enchantments. 91. Ille perfidus, &c. That perfidious 101. Fer cineres. The most powerful, (shepherd) formerly left these clothes with and usually the last efforts of the enchanter, me, as the dear pledges of himself. It ap- were to throw the ashes of the magical sa. pears hence that Daphnis had pledged his crifice over the head backward into running love to her, but afterward violated his word. water. Scrvius says, this was done that the This justifies the use of the word conjux, as gods might catch the ashes without being applied to him, verse 66. seen, as they were unwilling to show them92. In ipso limine: in the very threshold, selves, unless on extraordinary occasions. or entrance. Servius thinks we are to un- 102. Ne respexeris: in the sense of'ne derstand the entrance of the temple of respice. Vesta; others, of Daphnis' own house. But 103. Aggrediarhis, &e. With theseashes it is better to understand it of her own house, I will assail Daphnis..Jihil and nil are for it appears that here she performed her often used as simple negatives, in the sense magic rites. of non: he does not regard the gods, &c. 93. JMando: in the sense of committo. In other words, he does not regard his soHaecyignora.: these pledges owe Daphnis to lemn promises made in the presence of the me. The clothes that a person once wore, gods; he regards not ry charms. ox any thing that belonged to him, were 105. Aspice. This and the following line 46 P. VIRGILI1 MARON1S 106. Bonum omen Sponte sua, dum ferre moror, cinis ipse: bonum sit Nescio quid certe est: et Hylax in limine latrat. Credimus? an, qui amant, ipsi sibi somnia fingunt? 109. 0 mea carmina Parcite, ab urbe veniit, jam parcite, carmina, Daphnes. N6TES. to cinis ipse, were spoken by Amaryllis, as 107. J.escio quid, &c. As if she had said: appears from dum ferre moror: while I de- some body is coming; 1 know not certainly lay to carry them. If we attribute the whoit is. Hylax. The name of a dog; from words to the enchantress, we must suppose a Greek word signifying to bark. her to do what she commands to be done. 108. Credimus? an qui, &c. Do I believe But beholding the ashes kindle the altar it? or, do those who love form dreams to into a trembling flame of its own accord, in themselves? Yes, it is he. Cease, now a transport, she exclaims: may it be a good cease, my charms, Daphnis comes from the omen. The ancients considered the sudden city. blazing of fire to be a good omen. Q.UESTIONS. How is this pastoral to be divided' When is the planet Venus called Lucifer 1 What is the subject of it? When Hesperus 1 What is the meaning of the word Phar- Can you mention any line that has been wm.ceutria, the title of the Eclogue? noticed by commentators as extremely teri. When was this Eclogue written? der 1 Who were consuls? WTho was Medea 2 To whom was it probably dedicated? What is said of her Why do you suppose it to be dedicated to Why are the Muses sometimes called Pollio rather than to Augustus 1 Pierides? ECLOGA NONA. LYCIDAS, MEClRIS. %'EN Augustus divided the lands about Mantua among his soldiers, the estate of Virgil fell to Arius, a centurion. When he went to re-enter upon his estate, after it had been restored to him, he met with much severe treatment from the new possessor, and on one occasion, was near being killed. He saved his life by swimming over the river Mincius. In consequence of which, he returned to Rome to acquaint the Emperor of the matter. He left his steward, who is here called Mceris, behind, and directed him to treat his new landlord with civility and respect. Moeris is going to him with a present of some kids, and meets Lycidas, who is supposed to be some Mantuan shepherd. Upon their meeting the pastoral opens. The scene is the road to the town. The evening is coming on: the air is tranquil and serene. The pastoral contains a complaint of Virgil's hard treatment under the character of Menalcas; a compliment to his friend Varus, and another to Julius Caesar, and consequently to Augustus; together with several scraps of poetry artfully interwoven with the subject. The whole pastoral is elegant and beautiful. 1. 0 Mocri, quo tui LYC. Qv6 te, Mceri, pedes? an, quo via ducit, in urpedes ducunt te? an du- MIA. O Lycida, vivi pervenimus; advena nostri [bem? iunt te in urbem,' qu (Quod nunquam veriti sumus) ut possessor agelli viat4ucit? NOTES. 2. Vim pervenimus: we living have come fy intruding-usurping, as well as foreig: to that condition-or have lived to see the in the present case, it includes the idea of day, that, &c. Advena: a noun of common all of them. gender, here used as an adj. It may signi BUCOLICA. ECL. IX. 47 Diceret: IIaec mea sunt; veteres migrate coloni. 2..os vivi pcrveniNunc victi, tristes, quoniam fors ornnia versat, 5 mus eo miseria, ut adHos illi (quod nec bend vertat) mittimus hodos. ven possessor 4. HIme arva sunt inca; Ly. Certe equi(lem audieram, qua se subducere colles o, 0 veteres coloni, Incipiunt, mollique jugum demittere clivo, 7. Certd equidem au. Usque ad aquam et veteris jam fiacta cacumina fagi, dieram vestrum nDtniOmnia carminibus vestrum servasse Menalcan. 10 num Menalcan servasse r A A r t r* se c * tam sibi omnia arva suis car McE. Audieras, et fama fuit: se carmina tantum minibus ab eo loco, qua Nostra valent, Lycida, tela inter Martia, quantim colles incipiunt subduChaonias dicunt, aquila veniente, columbas, core se Quod nisi me quacumque novas incikere lites 11. Audieras illud, et Ante sinistra cava monuisset ab ilice cornix; 15 talis fuit fama 13. Columbas valere Nec tuus hic Mceris, nec viveret ipse Menalcas. 14. Quod nisi sinistra LY. Heu! cadit in quemquam tantum scelus? heu tua cornix monuisset me Pene simul tecum solatia rapta, Menalca! [nobis ante ab ilice cava inciQuis caneret Nymphas? quis humum florentibus herbis dere Spargeret? aut viridi fontes induceret umbra? 20 18. Heu tua solatia.r qum sl tibi n rapta sunt pene nobis V'el qua sublegi tacitus tibi carmina nuper, simul tecun Cum te ad delicias ferres Amaryllida nostras? 21. Vel quis caneret 6' Tityre, dumn redeo, brevis est via, pasce capellas: carmina, qun, tacitus' Et poturn pastas age, Tityre, et inter agendum 23. Quorum versuum hoe est fragmenturn: 0' Occursare capro, cornu ferit ille, caveto." 25hc it fr entu: M5C. IrnU6m hec, que Varo, necdum perfecta, canebat. 6.Titr o potius quis *Vare, tuurn nomen (su'peret modo Mantua nobis, caneret heccarmina, qua ille Ailenalcas NOTES. 3. Agelli: a noun diminutive from ager: 14. Incidere novas lites, &c. To break off a little farm. my new disputes in any way whatever. 5. Fors: in the sense offortuna. Lis, is properly an action or case at law. 6. Quod nec bene vertat: which (present 15. Sinistra: ill-boding. See Eel. 1. 18. of the kids,) I wish may not turn out well 16. Hic tuus JMeri3. It appears from this to him. The usual mode of congratulation that the life of Virgil, who is here called upon receiving a favor was: Bene vertat, Menalcas, and that of Meris, had beer in I wish you joy-may it turn out well to you. danger from the new landlord. nec bene' vertal, therefore, was a kind of im- 17. Heu, tantum scelus, &c. Alas! that so precation: may it prove a mischief to you. great wickedness should fall upon any one. 7. Subducere se: to decline-to fall. Or the words may be rendered thus; Alas! 8. Demitterejugum: to lower their ridge, that so great wickedness should come into or top, by an easy descent. Here we have any one's mind:-that any one should cona description of tile farm of Virgil. It was ceive the idea of perpetrating the horrid bounded on one side by a sloping hill; in deed of murder. This is the usual sense other parts of its limits, were the broken given to the words. top of an old beech-tree, a marsh, and the 18. Heut, tua solatia, &c. Alas, Menalcas, river.~incius. your delight (the delight of your song,) was 9.,Ad aquamn: perhaps the river Mincius. almost snatched from us with yourself: and 13. Aquila veniente: the eagle coming upon if you had been quite slain, in that case, them-pursuing them. Here we have a who would have sung the nynphs, &c. Heyne beautiful circumlocution, expressing the in- observes that by solatia we are to underutility of his verses, and the charms of po- stand the song, carmina, or verses of Menal. etry, amidst martial arms. Chaonias: an cas. adj. from Chaonia, a part of Epirus, where 21. Sublegi: I purloined from you. Ruvas the city Dodona. and a grove of the seus says, surripui. same name, famous for its oracular oaks. 22. JVostras delicias: for nostram ammcam Columbas: two doves endued with a pro- Delicio is used only in the plural; delightphetic spirit are said to have resided among darling: here a mistress. these oaks. Afterward one of them is said 24. Age pastas: drive them full fed to to have flown to the temple of Apollo at drink. Potum: sup. in um, to drink-take Delphi, and the other to the temple of Jupi- water. Inter agendum: in driving them - ter. Ammon in Africa. They are here put while driving them, beware, &c. fot doves in general. 26. Varb: to Varus. See Ecl. 6. 7 48 P. VIRGILII MARON1S 27. Quorum hoc est" Mantua, vae misera nimiim vicma Cremons!) fragmentum: 0 Vare, t Cantantes sublime ferent ad sidera cycni." cantantes cyn ferent LY. Sic tua Cyrneas fugiant examina taxos, 30 Sic cytiso pastae distentent ubera vaccae. Incipe, si quid habes: et me fecere poetam' Pierides: sunt et mihi carmina: me quoque dicunt 34. Ego sum non cre- Vatem pastores, sed non ego credulus illis. dulus illis. Nam neque adhuc Varo videor, nec dicere Cinna 35 35. Nam adhuc videor Digna, sed argutos inter strepere anser olores. mili dicere carmina dig- na ncque rodrfg- M(E. Id quidem ago, et tacitus, Lycida, recum ipse vo38. Nuncrecordorfrag- Si valeam meminisse: neque est ignobile carjnen. [luto, menlum ejus: ades huc, " Huc ades, 6 Galatea: quis est nam ludus in undis? 0 Galatea: " Hic ver purpureumn; varios hic flumina circum 40 "Fundit humus flores: hic candida populus antro - Imminet, et lente texunt umbracula vites. 43. Sine ut insani " Huc ades; insani feriant sine litora fluctus." 44. Qus carmina au- Ly. Quid, quae te pura solum sub nocte canentem dieram te solum canen- Audieram? numeros memini, si verba tenerein. 45 tem sub pura nocto *em sub pura nocte MCE. " Daphni, quid antiquos signorum suspicis ortus 9 Eoce, Diontei processit Caesaris astrunm NOTES. 28. Cremonae. Cremona was a city on ipse voluto: I am thinking silently with my. the western bank of the river Po, not far self, if I can recollect it. Voluto: I am re from Mantua. Its inhabitants were in- volving it in my mind. volved in the same misfortune with those of 39. Quisnam ludus: what sport is there Mantua, in having their property and lands in the waves? The parts of the word are taken from them by Augustus. Hence the separated by Tmesis. Nothing can be more epithet miserce. beautiful than the whole of this fragment. 29. Cycni: properly swans. By meton. It is in imitation of the eleventh Idyl oI poets. The meaning of this fragment is, Theocritus. that if Mantua should be preserved from the 40. Purpureum: blooming-gay. Est is calamity which had befallen Cremona, to be supplied. through the influence of Varus, the Man- 41. Fundit: in the sense of producit. tuan poets would celebrate his praises and 42. Texunt: in the sense of efficiunt. raise his name to the stars. By Cantantes Umbracula: a dim. noun from umbra, a litc.vcni, says Heyne, we are to understand the tie, or pleasant shade. Mantuan poets. 43. Insani: raging-stormy. 30. Cyrneas; an adj. from Cyrnus, an 44. Quid: in the sense of cur. island in the Mediterranean sea. Hodie 45. JMimini numeros: I recollect the tune; Corsica. This island abounded in the yew- if I knew the words, I would sing them. tree: hence the epithet Cyrnean. The ho- These last, or some other of the like import, ney made of this tree was of a bitter quali- are evidently implied. Or else we must take ty, and universally considered bad. For si in the sense of Utimam; I wish-O that. this reason Lycidas wished the swarms of 46. Suspicis: in the sense of miraris. his friend to shun those trees. Examina: 47. Astrum. This word properly signifies swarms of bees. a constellation of stars. The poet uses it 32. Poetam': a poet. Vatem: a poet, or here for a single star, thereby giving tEa prophet. These words are frequently used greater dignity to the star of Caesar. Vit as synonymous, but they are not strictly so. gil makes Iiilus the scn of /Eneas, the founder 35. Cinna. Cornelius Cinna, the grand- of the Julian family. Iulus was the grand. son of Pompey the Great. He became a son of Venus, who according to some waj favrite of Augustus. * the daughter of Dione, a nymph of the sea, 36. Digna: things worthy of: or it may by Jupiter. Hence the epithet Dionfean. agree with carmina, understood; verses About the time of Julius Cesar's death, it is worthy of the attention of Varus and Cin- said a remarkable comet appeared, which na; or worthy to celebrate their actions. the Romans considered to be the soul of strepere anser: to gabble as a goose among Cesar received up to heaven. The poet tuneful swans-to make inharmonious calls it the star of Casar, agreeable to the sounds, &c. vulgar notion. This comet, according lt 37. Ago: in the sense offacio. Tacitus Dr Halley, appeared the third time in BUCOL1CA. ECL IX. 49 "Astrum, quo segetes gadderent fiugibus, et quo "Duceret apricis in collibus uva colorem. " Insere, Daphni, piros, carpent tua poma nepotes." 50 Omnia fert atas, animum quoque. Sape ego longos 51. Ego memini me Cantando puerum memini me condere soles. puerum saepe condere Nunc oblita mihi tot carmina: vox quoque Mcerim Jam fugit ipsa: lupi Mcerim videre priores. Sed tamen ista satis referet tibi saepe Menalcas. 55 55. Ista earmina tibi LY. Causando nostros in longum ducis amores: swpe satis Et nune omne tibi stratum silet aequor, et omnes 56. Lanfum temp (Aspice) ventosi ceciderunt murmuris aurae. line ade6 media est nobis via: namque sepulchrum Incipit apparere Bianoris: hic, ubi densas 60. T Agricola stringunt frondes; hic, Mceri, canamus: opportune Ilic hcedos depone, tamen veniemus in urbem: 63. Anti quam perveAut si, nox pluviam ne colligat ante, veremur: nerimus ad eam, licet Cantantes licet usque (minus via laedet) eamus. nobis ut eamus uque Cantantes ut eamus, ego hoc te fasce levabo. 65 cantantes. 66. Desine loqui plura M(E. Desine plura, puer: et quod nunc instat, agamus. verba Carmina tum melius, cum venerit ipse, canemus. 67 Cum.Jenacas ipse NOTES. 1680. In its nearest approach to the sun, level surface of the water, is still for you. its tail was about 60 degrees long. Pro- Stratum: smooth-level. To consider stra cessit; moves along-hath begun its course. turn as expressing the tranquillity of the 48. Quo segetes, &c. Under which (by the water is mere tautology: that is sufficiently influence of which) the fields shall rejoice expressed by silet..Equor any plain or with corn. Or, the crops shall abound in level surface, whether land or water; here, grain; taking segetes for the stalks or spring- probably, the river JMincius. Omnes aura, ing corn. Gauderent, by enallage forgaude- &c. Every breeze of whispering wind hath bunt. Sata abundabunt frumento, says Ru- ceased. Ventosi murmuris: in the sense of aeus. murmurantis venti. 49. Uva duceret colorem: shall take co- 59. Adeo: only-surely. lor-growr ripe. Duceret: for ducet, by 60. Sepulchrum Bianoris: the tomb of enailage. Bianor. He was said to be the son of the 50. Insere piros: plant or graft your pear- river Tiber and the nymph Manto. He trees. The star of Cesar shall extend its founded, or rather enlarged Mantua, and influence to them. They will grow and called it after the name of his mother. See flourish; and if you should not live to reap AEn. 10. 198. Iis tomb was placed by the the fruit of your labor yourself, be assured side of the way. your offspring will. Piros may be put for 61. Stringunt: prune, or lop off the thick fruit trees in general: the species for the boughs. genus. 62. Urbem. The city Mantua. Depone 51. JEtas: in the sense of tenpus. - ni- hedos: lay down your kids. He was promum: in the sense of memoriam. bably carrying them upon his shoulders. 52. Condere longos Soles: to pass or spend Let us stay here awhile and amuse ourlong days in singing. Sol is often taken for selves in singing: we shall, nevertheless, the day, as Luna is for the night. See ]En. arrive in town in good time. 2. 255. 64. Usque: all the way-all the time. 54. Lupi priores: the wolves first have Lade: in the sense offatigabit. seen Mceris. He hath lost his voice-he can- 65. Levabo te, &c. I will ease you of this not sing. Alluding to a superstitious notion burden-load: to wit, the kids, which he that if a wolf saw a man the first, he would was carrying to town for his new landlord. lose his voice. See verse 6, supra. 55. Referet: in the sense of recitabit. 66. Puer: swain. It is applied to shep. 56.Cawuando: by framing excuses. From herds in general. the verb causor. Ducis: you put off-defer. 67. Cum ipse, &c. It is probable that VirAmiores: pleasure-entertainment. gil composed this Eclogue when he was at 57 Omne stratum cequor, &c. The whole Rome. 5 50 P. VIRGILII MARONIS QUESTIONS. To whom did the estate of Virgil fall in What is the distinction between poeiF the distribution of the Mantuan lands? and Vates? Did he receive any hard treatment from What remarkable appearance was obArius? How did he save his life? What served in the heavens about the time of Jawas the name of his steward? Who is Ly- lius Casar's death? cuila supposed to be? When does the pas- What does the poet call it? toral open? Where is the scene laid? What When did it appear the third time? is the time of the day? What is the subject Who was Bianor? What did he do? of this pastoral What is the character of it? ECLOGA DECIMA. GALLUS. THE subject of this fine pastoral is the love of Gallus for Lycoris, who refused his aadresses, and gave her affections to an officer. This Gallus was a particular friend of Virgil, and was an excellent poet. He raised himself from a humble station to great favor with Augustus, who appointed him governor of Egypt after the death of Anthony an Cleopatra. THE scene of the pastoral is laid in Arcadia, whither the poet supposes his friend to have retired in the height of his passion. Here all the rural deities assemble around him, inquire the cause of his grief, and endeavor to moderate it. This Eclogue is not surpassed by any of the preceding, except the fourth, in beauty and grandeur. Iere, too, Virgil imitates Theocritus, particularly in his first Idyl. By Lycoris is meant Cytheris, a most beautiful woman, and celebrated actress. EXTREMUM hunc, Arethusa, mihi concede laborem. 2. Pauca carmina sunt Pauca meo Gallo, sed quai legat ipsa Lycoris, dicenda Carmina sunt dicenda: neget quis carmina Gallo? Sic tibi, cum fluctus subter labere Sicanos, Doris amara suam non intermisceat undarm. Incipe, sollicitos Galli dicamus amores, NOTES. 1. Arethusa. A nymph of great beauty, he begat the nymphs called JVereides; here the daughter of Nereus and Doris. Also, a put by meton. for the sea, whose water is fountain on the island Ortygia, in the bay salt and of an unpleasant taste; which the of Syracuse, upon which stood a part of the poet prays may not be mingled with the sweet city. Syracuse was famous for its being and pleasant waters ofthe fountainArethusa, the birth place of Theocritus and Archime- in its passage under the Sicilian sea. See des; and for its valiant defence against the.En. iii. 694 and 6. Alpheus, a river of the Roman fleet and army under Marcellus. It Peloponnesus, is said to have been in love was taken after a siege of three years. with the nymph Arethusa, who, flying from Concede, &c. Grant me this last work- him, was turned by Diana into a fountain. favor me in the execution of this my last She made her escape under the sea, to the pastoral essay. The reason that the poet island Ortygia, where she rose up. ButAlinvoked this nymph is, that she was the pheus pursuing her by the same way, arose goddess of a fountain of that name, in the up in the same fountain, mingling his waters place where Theocritus was born, and where with hers. Undam: in the sense of aquam. pastoral poetry was much cultivated. 6. Galli. There were several persons by 4. Tibi: with thee-with thy water. the name of Gallus. The one here meant 5, Amara Doris. Doris, a nymph of the is Publius Cornelius Gallus. He raised sea, the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, himself by his extraordinary merit to great and mar-ied to her brother JVereus, of whom favor with Augustus, who appointed hin BUCOLICA. ECL. X. 51 Dum tenera attondent simae virgulta capelle. Non canimus surdis, respondent omnia sylvae. Quae nemora, aut qui vos saltus habuere, puellae Naiades, indigno cum Gallus amore periret? 10 Nam neque Parnassi vobis juga, nam neque Pindi 11. Nam neque ella Ulta moram fecere, neque Aonia Aganippe. juga Parnassi, nam neque ullajuga Pin*i, iheIlium etiam lauri, ilium etiam flevere myrica. que lua ^nia Age que fors, Aonia AgaPinifer lilum etiam sola sub rupe jacentem nippe, fecere ullam moMaenalus, et gelidi fleverunt saxa Lycaei. 15 ram vobis. Etiam lauri Stant et oves circum, nostri nec pcenitet illas. fleverunt illum Nec te poeniteat pecoris, divine poeta. Et formosus oves ad flumina pavit Adonis. Venit et upilio, tardi venere bubulci: Uvidus hyberna venit de glande Menalcas. 20 Omnes, unde amor iste, rogant, tibi? Venit Apollo. 21. Unde est late amor Galle, quid insanis? inquit: tua cura Lycoris, tibi, O Gale Perque nives alium, perque horrida castra secuta est. Venit et agresti capitis Sylvanus honore, NOTES. governor of Egypt after the death of An- 15. M.fnnalus. A mountain in Arcadia, tony and Cleopatra. His prince, however, celebrated for its pines. Lycaei. Lycaeus, for some cause or other, conceiving a violent a mountain of the same country, noted for enmity against him, sent him into banish- its rocks and snows; hence the epithet gemnent; which sentence was ratified by the lidi. The whole of this passage is very senate. This cruel and undeserved treat- fine. It contains a reproof to thenymphs for ment had such an effect upon his mind, not assisting in alleviating the griefofGallus. that he killed himself. After his death, 16. Slant et oves, &c. His flocks too stand Augustus lamented his own severity and around him-nor are they ashamed of him that of the senate toward so worthy a man. -nor do they disregard his grief. Gallus Gallus was a great friend of Virgil, and is represented under the character of a swain, highly esteemed by Pollio and Cicero. He feeding his sheep on the mountains of Arwas a poet as well as statesman and soldier. cadia. JVostri: our friend —Gallus. It is said he wrote four book of elegies to 18. Adonis. He was the son of Cinyras, Cytheris, whom Virgil calls Lycoris. He king of the island of Cyprus, by his daughalso translated some part of the works of ter Myrrha. He was so beautiful, that Euphorion, a poet of Chalcis. Venus ranked him among her favorites, and 7. Simce: flat-nosed, honored him with her bed. When hunting, 8. Respondent: will answer-will echo he received a wound from a boar, of which back our song. he died, and was greatly lamented by her. 9. Habuere vos: in the sense of detinuerunt 19. Venit et upilio: the shepherd too came, vos. NJemora: properly signifies a grove or and the slow moving herdsmen came. Upilio, wood thinly set with trees, where flocks may for opilio, by metaphasmus. Opilio, probafeed and graze; derived from the Greek. bly from'oves, by changing the v into p. Saltus: properly a thick wood, where bushes The word et is often used to express emphaand fallen trees do not permit animals to sis, and has the force of eliam or quoque, as pass without leaping; from salio. Habuere in the present case. When it has its corvos: s3tained you from coming to console respondent et in the following member of Gallus in his grief. Puelce: in the sense the sentence, it is usually translated by the of nymphse. word both, and the following et by and. The 11. Juga: in the sense of cacuminiz. conj. que, when it has its correspondent Parnassi. Parnassus was a mountain, or que, is rendered in the same way. rather range of mountains in Phocis, sacred 20. Uvidus de: wet from gathering the to the Muses. Pindi. Pindus was a range winter mast. of mountains in the confines of Epirus and 21. Apollo. He came, the first of the Macedonia, also sacred to the Muses. Aga- gods; because he was the god of poetry. nippe was the name of a fountain issuing 22. Tua cura: for tua amica. from mount Helicon in Beotia, and flowing 24. Sylvanus. Ile was the god of the into the river Permessus. It is called Aonian, woods, and said to be the son of Mars. He from son, the son of Neptune, who reigned always bore on his head a branch of cypress in Beotia. Like Pan, he was represented as half manr 52 P. VIRIGILLI MARON1S Florentes ferulas et grandia lilia quassIns. 25 26. Quem nos ipsi vi- Pan Deus Arcadia venit, quem vidimus ipsi diniUs Sanguineis ebuli baccis minioque rubentem. Ecquis erit modus? inquit: amor non talia curat 29. Crudelis amor nee Nec lacrymis crudelis amor, nec gramina rivis, saturatur lacrymis. Nec cytiso saturantur apes, nec fronde capelle. SQ 31. At ille tristis inqit: Atamen, O rcadesii Tstis at ille: Tamen cantabitis, Arcades, inquit, quit: tamen, 0 Arcades, oys Montibus hac vestris: soli cantare periti Arcades. O mihi turn quam molliter ossa quiescant, Vestra meos olim si fistula dicat arnores! 35. Utinam fuissern Atque utinam ex vobis unus, vestrique fuissem 3& unus bx vobis Aut custos gregis, aut matures vinitor uve t 37. Ceite sive Phillis, Certd sive mihi Phyllis, sive esset Amyntas, ive Amyntas, seu qui- Seu quicumque furor (quid turn, si fuscus Amyntas? ror, jaceret Et nigre violae sunt, et vaccinia nigra.) Mecum inter salices lenta sub vite jaceret. 40 42. Hic, 0 Lycori, Serta mihi Phyllis legeret, cantaret Amyntas. tunt gelidi 44. Insanus amor de- Hic gelidi fontes, hic mollia prata, Lycori: tinet me in armis duri Hic nemus: hic ipso tecum consumerer avo Martis inter Nunc insanus amor duri me Martis in armis NOTES..nd half goat. He fell in love with Cypa- 31. Arcades. This address of Gallus to rissus, the favorite of Apollo, who was the Arcadians is tender and pathetic, espe. changed into a tree of that name. Agres- cially that part of it where he wishes he ti honore capitis: with the rustic honor of had been only a humble shepherd like his head-with a garland of leaves upon them. his head. Honore: in the sense of corona. 32. HIc: these my misfortunes. 25. Florentes ferulas: blooming fennel. 33. 0 quam molliter: 0 how softly then There are two kinds of ferula, or fennel, my bonesf,&c.; alluding to a superstitious the small, or common, and the large,.or notion of the ancients that the bodies of giant fennel. This last grows to the height the dead might be oppressed by the weight of six or seven feet. The stalks are thick, of the earth cast upon them. Accordingly and filled with a fungous pith, which is used they crumbled it fine, and cast it lightly into in Sicily for the same purpose as. tinder is the grave, using the words, sit tibi terra levis: with us, to kindle fire. From this circum- may the earth be light upon thee. stance, the poets feigned that Prometheus 34. Olim: hereafter. This word refers stole the heavenly fire and brought it to earth to future as well as to past time..Mihi: in in a stalk of ferula. Some derive the name the sense of mea, agreeing with ossa. fromferendo, because its stalk was used as a 36. Vinilor: a vine-dresser. It seems to walking-stick; others derive it fromferiendo, be used here in the serse of vindemiator, a because it was used by school-masters to gatherer of grapes —a vintager. strike their pupils with on the hand. Hence 38. Furor. This word properly signifies the modern instrument, or ferula, which is any inordinate passion, such as love, anger, used for the same purpose, though very dif- rage, fury, and the like; by meton. the obferent from the ancient one, and capable of ject of such passion-the person much greater pain. Fuscus: black. The verb sit is to be sup27. Rubentem: stained with the red ber- plied. ries of alder, and with vermilion. Ebuli. 39. Vaccinia: whortle-berries, or bil-ber Ebulum is the plant called dwarf elder. It ries. Mr. Martyn takes the word for the grows about three feet high, and bears red flowver of the hyacinth. berries. In England it has obtained the 41. Serta: garlands of flowers. name of dane-wort; because it was fabled 43. Consumerer, &c. I could spend my to have sprung from the blood of the Danes, very life here with you in this pleasant re. at the time of their massacre. It is chiefly treat, gazing upon the beauty of your perfound in church-yards. Jlznio. Minium is son. Rueus says: traducerem omnem (etatem the native cinnabar. It was the vermilion tecum. But consumerer may be used in the of the ancients; it is our present red lead. sense of the Greek middle voice. irgi' 28. Modus: in the sense of Jinis. was fond of the Greek idiom. 29. Rivis: with streams, or rills of water. 44. J.unc insanus amor, &c. The mean. 30. Saturantur:- are satisfied. ing of this passage appears to be: it this BUCOLICA. ECL. X. 53 Tela inter media atque adversos detinet hostes. 45 46. Tu, ah dura femiTu procul a patria (nec sit mihi credere) tantrum na! procul patria (uti. nae sit mihi nec credere Alpinas, ah dura, nives et frigora Rheni id) vides tantiin AlpiMe sine sola vides. Ah te ne frigora ledant! n as nives, et frigora Ah tibi ne teneras glacies secet aspera plantas! Rheni, sola sine mle. Ibo, et Chalcidico quze.sunt mihi condita versu 50 50. Et modulabor Carmina pastoris Siculi modulabor avena. avenA Siculi pastoris Certum est in sylvis, inter spellea ferarum, Theocriti,carmina, que Malle pati, tenerisque meos incidere amores 54. 111a arbores cresArboribus: crescent i!Aae, crescetis amores. cent: vos, 0 mi amores Ilterea mixtis lustrabo Maenala Nymphis, 55 Aut acres venabor apros: non me ulla vetabunt Frigora Parthenios canibus circumdare saltus. NOTES. pleasant place, if you had consented, we 57. Alpinas: an adj. from Alpes, a very might have both lived happy and secure. high range of mountains separating Italy But now, on account of your cruelty, we from France, Switzerland, and Germary, are both unhappy and miserable. Through and covered with almost perpetual snow. despair, I expose myself to the dangers and Rheni: the river Rhine. I-t rises in the hazards of war; and in the mean time your mountains of Switzerland, and runs a northlove of a soldier hurries you to distant erly course, forming the boundary between countries, over the snows of the Alps, &c. France and Germany, and falls into the Gallus here supposes Cytheris to accompany German sea near the Hague. Its length is her lover, and to undergo the fatigues and near six hundred miles. Dura: in the sense hardships incident to a military life. JMe. of crudelis. Sola: Lycoris was alone, as This passage would be much easier, if we respected Gallus. could read te in the room of me. The sense. 49. Plantas: in the sense of pedes. Asnaturally leads to such reading; but we pera: sharp. The whole of this address to have no authority for making the substitu- his mistress is extremely tender and pathetion. Jartis. Mars was esteemed the god tic. of war. Hew was the son of Jupiter and' 50. Quae condita sunl, &c. Which were Juno, as some say; others say, of Juno composed by me in elegiac verse. Chalcialone. His education was intrusted to Pri- dice: an adj. from Chalcis, a city of Eubcea, apus, who taught him all the manly exer- (hodie, JYegropont,) the birth-place of Eucises. In the Trojan war, he took a very phorion, an elegiac poet; some of whose active part, and was always at hand to as- verses, it is said, Gallus turned into Latin sist the favorites of Venus. His amours verse. To this, Rumus thinks, the poet rewith that goddess have been much celebra- fers. However this may be, it cannot be ted by the poets. Vulcan, her husband, made from the words without straining being informed of their intrigue, made a net them. They simply imply that Gallus of such exquisite workmanship, that it could wrote some verses or poems in the same not be perceived. In this net he caught the kind of verse, or measure, in which Euphotwo lovers, and exposed them to the ridicule rion wrote. of the gods. He kept them in this situation 51. Modulabor: in the sense of canam. for a considerable time, till Neptune pre- 52. Certum est, &c. It is certain-I am vailed upon him to set them at liberty. resolved, that I had rather suffer in the The worship of Mars was not very general woods any dangers and hardships than folamong the Greeks, but among the Romans low after Lycoris. These, or words of the he received the most unbounded honors. like import, seem to be necessary to make His most famous temple was built by Au- the sense complete. Spelcea: dens, or gustus, after the battle of Phillippi, and de- haunts of wild beasts; from the Greek. dicated to.Mars Ultor. His priests were 53. Incidee: to cut, or inscribe. called Saiii, and were first instituted by.55. Maenala: ncu. plu. a mountain in Numa. Their chief office was to keep the Arcadia. In the sing. Mcenalus. Lustrabo: sacred ancyle, or shield, which was supposed in the sense of circumibo. JMixtis rnymph is. to have fallen from heaven. Mars was The meaning is, that he was in conpany sometimes called Gradivus,.Maors, and with the nymphs; or that they, in confused Quirinus; by meton. put for war in general and irregular order, pursued their course. -a battle-a fight, &c. 56. Acres: fierce-dangerous. Velabunt. 45. Adversos: in the sense of infestos. in the sense of prohibebunt. 46 TantiUm. onl —nothing beside. 57. Parthenios. I urthenius was a moun 54 P. VIRG1LII MARONIS Jam mihi per rupes videor lucosque sonantes Ire: libet Partho torquere Cydonia cornu 60 Tanquam hec om- Spicula: tanquam haec sint nostri medicina furoris, 60 tia sint Aut Deus ille ma!is hominum mitescere discat. 61. Aut tanquam ille DeusCupido JDeuspido - Jam neque Hamadryades rursum, nec carmina nobis 64. Illum DeumCupi- Ipsa placent: ipsm rursum concedite sylve. dinem; nec equidem, si Non illum nostri possunt mutare labores; Nec si frigoribus mediis Hebrumque bibamus, 65 Sithoniasque nives hyemis subeamus aquosae: 67. Nec equidem, si Nec si, cum moriens alta liber aret in ulmo, versemus oves iEthiop- zEthiopum versemus oves sub sidere Cancri um, sub sidere cancri, Omnia vincit amor; et nos cedamus amori. cu7 Ha0 De Pieri ec sat erit, Divae, vestrum cecinisse poetam, 70 70. 0 Divm Pierides, sat erit vestrum poetam Dum sedet, et gracili fiscellam texit hibisco, cecinisse hiec carmina Pierides: vos hme facietis maxima Gallo: 72. Facietis haec fieri Gallo, cujus amor tantum mihi crescit in horas, Quantum vere novo viridis se subjicit alnus. Surgamus: solet esse gravis cantantibus umbra: 75 NOTES. ain in Arcadia, where virgins used to hunt; 68. Versemus: feed, or tend upon; in the from a Greek word signifying a virgin. It sense of pasceremus..Ethiopum: gen. plu. is here used as an adj. Circumdare: in the of.Ethiops, an inhabitant of Ethiopia, an sense of cingere. extensive country in Africa, lying principal58. Sonantes: echoing-resounding. ly within the torrid zone. Here it is put for 9. Cydoni: an aj. fm yn a cy the inhabitants of any country lying in a 59. Cydonia: an adj. from Cydon, a city hot climate. Cancri. Cancer is one of the of Crete, the arrows of which were held in twelve great estimation. Parthocornu. a Parthian ^enters it about the twenty-first day of June, bow. The Parthians were a people famed cauing ou t the twenty for their skill in handling the bow, which they made of horn. Hence cornu: a bow. 69. Amorvincit, &c. The poet here hath Libet: in the sense of juvat. finely represented the various resolutions 60. Medicina furoris: a remedy for ourand passions of a lover. Gilus having love. Tanquam: as if. tried various expedients to divert his affec61. JMalis: in the sense of miseriis. tions, and finding nothing sufficiently enti61.Mal: in the sense of misers. ing to him, to accomplish that end, finally 62. Hamadryades: nymphs of the woods abandons the vain pursuit with this reflecand trees. Their fate was supposed to be tion: Love conquers all things-let us yield connected with that of particular trees, to love. with which they lived and died. It is de- 71. Texi formed-made. Hibi o: in rived from the Greek. See Ecl. ii. 46. the sense of vmine 63. Rursum concedite: again, ye woods,ima most acceptable farewell. Concedite, is here elegantly put for valete. I wish you may grow and flourish, precous. though I languish and die. 73. In horas hourly-every hour 65. Hebrum. The Hebrus is the largest 74. Subjicit se: ehoots itself up —prings river of Thrace, rising out of mount Rho- up. dope, near its junction with mount Hfmus, 75. Umbra solet, &c. The shade of the and taking a southerly course, falls into the evening is wont to be injurious to singers. JEgean sea: hodie, JMarisa. The ancient tUmbra here must mean the shade or dusk of Thrace forms a province of the'urkish the evening, which, on account of the falling empire, by the name Romania. Frigori- dew, is reck-onad an unhealthy part of the bus: in the sense of hyeme. day. That the word is to be taken in thii 66. Sithonias: an adj. from Sithonia, a sense. sppears from the circumstance menpart of Thrace, bordering upon the Euxine tioned in the following line. Hesperus venit sea. Subeamur: elndure-undergo. thle cvenir.g star is approaching. Can!anti 67. Jtorensu libel the withering bark, or bus; some read cunctantibus: to those derind..a;.' g, or loitering. BUCOLICA. ECL. X. 55 Junipen glavYs umbra: noceni et frugibus umbrae. 77. Yos, 0 mea saturm Ite domum saturae, venit Iesperus, ite capella. capellele, ite domum NOTES. 76. Umbra juniperi: the shade of the we may be sure Virgil did in the present juniper tree is injurious: not so in fact; instance. It might have been the current it is both pleasant and healthy. It is opinion that the juniper tree changed its odoriferous in itself, and is often burned, qualities as the evening came on; or, we to absorb the noxious part of the atmos- may understand it thus: so noxious is the phere, and to prevent infection. Poets often evening air, that even the juniper tree will take liberties that are not allowable in prose not secure from its effects. writers. They may follow the common re- 77. Satura: full-fed-sufficiently fed; ceived opinions of things, however incor- implying that time enough had been spent rect, without justly incurring censure. This in pastoral writing. QUESTIONS. What is the subject of this pastoral? Where was Pindus? Who was Gallus? Where were the mountains Menalus and Where is the scene of the pastoral laid? Lycceus? What took place after his arrival in Ar- What is said of them? cadia? Who was Mars? What is the character of this pastoral? What is said of him? Whom does Virgil imitate? By whom was the most celebrated temple Who was Lycoris? of Mars built? Who was Arethusa? What were his priests called? Was there any fountain of that name? What was their chief office? Where was it situated? What were the names of Mars? For what was Syracuse famous? For what is the word.Mars put for by Why did the poet invoke the nymph Are- meton.? thusa? Where is the river Hebrus? What is said of the river Alpheus? Where does it rise and empty its wtter Where was the mountain Parnassus? Where is Ethiopia situated INTRODUCTION TO TIE GEORGICS. THE civil wars, that had distracted the Roman empire, had nearly desolated Italy. The land lay neglected, and the inhabitants were reduced to great distress for want of the necessaries of life. In this state of things, they cast the blame upon Augustus, and murmured against his administration. To remedy the existing evils, and to avert heavier calarqities, it became necessary to revive agriculture; which for many years had been almost wholly neglected, the people being taken from their lands to supply the armies. It occurred to Macenas that a treatise upon that subject would be highly useful to the inhabitants of Italy; he therefore engaged Virgil, who had just finished his Eclogues, to undertake the work. It had the desired effect. For, after the publication of the Georgics, Italy began to assume a new and flourishing appearance, and the people found themselves in plenty, and in the enjoyment of peace and content. Virgil spent about seven years in this part of his works. Iis correct taste, his chaste style, and above all, his extensive knowledge, duly qualified him for a work of this kind. The Georgics, like the Eclogues, were every where w sll received. The rules for the improvement of husbandry, and the advice given to the farmer upon the several subjects connected with it, were not only suited to tue climate of Italy, but have been esteemed valuable in every country where "' due honor has been paid to the plougn/' down to the present time. The word Georgica is from the Greek. Its original word properly signifies the cultivation or tillage of the earth. In the Georgics, Virgil imitated Hesiod, who wrote a treatise upon this subject, entitled, Opera et Dies, but he far excelled him in every respect. He began this part of his works in the year of Rome 717, being then about thirty-two years of age, and dedicated it to Maecenas, his friend and patron, at whose request he wrote it. The Georgics are divided into four books. The first treats of the various soils, and the proper method of managing each. The second treats of the various ways of propagating fruit trees, arid particularly the vine. The third treats of the several kinds of grass, and the proper method of raising horses, cattle, sheep, and goats. The fourth treats of the proper management of bees. With the main subject, the poet hath interwoven several very interesting fables and episodes, which contribute to our pleasure, and relieve the mind under the dryness of precept. QUESTIONS. What was the state of Italy, when Virgil Were they well received by his countrymen began his Georgics? Was Virgil well qualified to write upon At whose request did he write them? the subject of agriculture? To whom did he dedicate them? Whom did he imitate? What is the meaning of the word Geor. What is the comparative merit of each gica, or Georgics? work? From what language is the word derived? Do the Georgics contain valuable rules What effect had the Georgics upon the and directions to the agriculturist in all state of Italy? countries? How long was Virgil in writing them? Into how many books are they divided? In what year of Rome did he begin them? What is the subject of each book? &c. P. VIRGILII MARONIS GEORGICA. LIBER PRIMUS. THgs BOOK opens with the plan of the whole work: and in the four first lines informs us of the subject of each book. The poet then proceeds to invoke the gods, that were thought to have any concern in the affairs of tillage or husbandry; and particularly, he compliments Augustus with divinity. After which, he goes on to show the different kinds of tillage proper for the different soils. He traces out the origin of agriculture. He describes the various implements proper for that use. He notices the prognostics of the weather. And concludes, by relating the prodigies which happened about the time of Julius Ciesar's death; and by invoking the gods for the safety of Augustus, his prince. The whole is embellished with a variety of other matter, so judiciously blended with the subject, that, besides preventing languor and fatigue under the dryness of precept, it contributes to ourpleasure and delight. QUID faciat laetas segetes; quo sidere terram Vertere, Maecenas, ulmisque adjungere vites, 2. 0 Mecenas, inciConveniat: que cura bourn; qui cultus habendo piam canere hinc, quid Sit pecori; atque apibus quanta experientia parcis; faciat etas segetes, quo sidere conveniat vertere Hinc canere incipiam. Vos, 6 clarissima mundi 5 terram Lumina, labentem ccelo quaw ducitis annum: 3. Qu sit curaboum; Liber et alma Ceres, vestro si munere tellus qui Chaoniam pingui glandem mutavit arista, 7. Liber, et alma Poculaque inventis Acheloia miscuit uvis: Ceres NOTES. 1. Lcetas: in the sense of copiosas velfer- vern the seasons; rather than Ceres and tiles. Bacchus, as some imagine. 3. Qui cultus, &c. What management is 7. Liber et alma Ceres. Rucens considers necessary for raising cattle. It is plain that these as the Clarissima Lumina mundi in necessarius, aptus, or some word of the like the preceding line. But the reason which import, is to be supplied, agreeing with cul- he gives for so doing appears insufficient. tus. Habendo may be a future part. pass. Alma: an adj. cherishing-nourishing. In or a gerund in do, of the dat. case. this sense it is a very appropriate epithet 3f 4. Quanta experientia, &c. low great Ceres, as being the goddess of husbandly. care, or attention, is necessary to rear the It also signifies, pure-holy, &c. frugal bees. Or, it may mean; how great 8. Chaoniam. glandem: C'haonzan acorns, experience, foresight, and regular manage- or mast: here put for mast in general; the ment, in their affairs, there may be to the species for the genus. Chaoniam: an adj. frugal bees. When sentences are very el- from Chaonia, a part of Epirus, in which liptical, it is sometimes difficult to fall upon was the famous grove Dodona,that aboundthe meaning of the author. ed in mast-trees. 6. Lumina. W.e are here to understand, 9. Acheloia pocula: draughts of pure waI apprehend, Ihe sun and moon, as they go- ter. Pocula, properly the cups, here put by 60 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 10. Et vos, 0 Fauni, Et vos, agrestum praesentia numina, Fauni, 10 prmsentia numina agres- Ferte sirnul Faunique pedem Dryadesque puelle; turn; O Faunique Dry- m;adesque puell, frte Munera vestra cano. Tuque 0, cui prima frementem pedem simul: Fudit equum magno tellus percussa tridenti, 14. Et, tu 0 A4 isltre, Neptune: et cultor nemorum, cui pinguia Coeae cultor nemorum, cui ter Ter centum nivei tondent dumeta juvenci: 15 centurn nivei jvenci Ipse nemus linquens patrium, saltusque Lycai, 16. Tu ipse,O Tegeaee an, custos ovium, lin- Pan ovium custos, tua si tibi Maenala curse, quens patrium nenus, Adsis, 6 Tegeaee, favens: oleaeque Minerva NOTES. meton. for the water itself..cheloia: an of wisdom and the liberal arts. She is said adj. from Achelous, a river of Etolia, sup- to have been produced from the brain of Juposed by tile ancients to have been the first piter full grown, and immediately admitted that arose out of the earth: hence put, fre- into the assembly of the gods; where she quently, for water in general. Ceres, it is distinguished herself by her wise counsel. said, taught men husbandry, and Bacchus, Her power was very great. She could hurl.the cultivation of the vine: to which the the thunderbolts of Jupiter, prolong the lives words vestro munere allude. At the first, of men, and bestow the gift of prophecy. men lived upon the spontaneous productions Arachne, the daughter of Idmon, a Lydian, of thl- sarth. challenged the goddess to a trial of skill in tO. Prcsentia: in the sense of propitia. embroidery. She represented on her piece 11. Dryades. Nylmrhs or goddesses of the the amours of Jupiter in a masterly manwoods, fron a Greek word signifying an ner. She was, however, outdone, and ha. oak. See Ecl. ii. 46 ving hung herself through chagrin, was 14. J.eptune. Neptune, god of the sea, changed into a spiderby the victorious godand father of fountains and rivers. He was dess. Minerva took a very active part in the son of Saturn and Ops, and brother of support of the Greeks at the siege of Troy, Jupiter and Pluto. In the division of the and protected her favorite Ulysses in all his world with his brothers, he obtained the em- dangers. Her worship was universally es. pire of the sea. He is said to have married tablished. She had magnificent temples Amphitrite, the daughter of JVereus or Oce- dedicated to her in most countries. Sais, anus. He is said to have been the first who Rhodes, and A/thens, were her favorite plataimed the horse. Ience the poets feign, ces. She was variously represented actliat when a dispute arose between him and cording to the characters in which she apMinerva, respecting the name to be given peared; but most generally with a helmet to the city Athens, it was referred to the on her head, and a large plume waving in gods for their decision; who declared it the air; with one hand holding a spear; should be called by the name of the party with the other a shield, having the head of that should confer on mankind tile greatest Medusa upon it. This shield was called benefit; whereuponNeptunestrucktheearth the JEgis. When she is represented as the with his trident and produced the horse, a goddess of the liberal arts, she is covered warlike animal; and Minerva with her with a veil called the Peplu.n. She had a spear produced the olive, the emblem of very celebrated statue called the Palladivctr peace: upon which the case was given in said to have been about three cubits in her favor. JNVeptunus, by meton. is often height, and represented her sitting, andholdput for the sea. Cultor nemorum. The per- ing in her right hand a pipe, and in her left son here meant is Aristleus, the reputed son a distaff and a spindle. It is said to have of Apollo a ri thenymphCyrene,thedaugh- fallen from heaven near the tent of Ilus, ter of Peneus, the god of the river Peneus as he was building the citadel of Troy, on in Thessaly. After his son Actoeon was torn the preserv.ation of which, the safety of that to pieces by dogs for looking upon Diana, city depended. It was carried off by Ulysas she was bathing, Aristlous left Thebes, ses and Diomede, who privately found a way and took up his residence in the island Ccea, into the temple. It is said, however, that one of the Cyclades. He is said to have the true palladium was not taken away, been the first, who taught mankind the cul- but only a statue cf similar shape; and tivation of bees. See Geor. iv. 317. that ~Eneas carried the true one with him tq 17. Si tua.Menala, &c. The meaning is: Italy. The olive-tree, the cock, the owl, if you have a regard for Maenalus, Lycseus, and the dragon, were sacred to her. She and the rest of your mountains in Arcadia, had various names, and as various offices come and be propitious to my undertaking. and functions attributed to her. She was T'hese mountains were sacred to Pan. alled Athena, from the city of Athens, of 18. Terae: an adj. from Tegea, a city of which she was thletutclar go6ddess.: Pallas, Arcadia, sacred to Pan..Jlinerva. Goddess from a giant of that name whom she slew; GEORGICA. LIB. I 6 Inventrix, uncique puer monstrator aratri: saltusque LjcOa. si tua Et teneram ab radice ferens, Sylvane, cupressum: 20 MaIs"al sit tibi cure, adsis favens: Tu que C Dique, Deaeque omnes, studium quibus arva tueri, Minra ventrix Dique, 1' * 1J'i{wAllnerva, inventrix Quique novas alitis non ullo semine fruges, 21. 0 omnes Dique Quique satis largum ccelo demittitis imbrem. Deaeque, quibus est staTuque ade6, quem mox qure sint habitura Deorum dium Concilia, incertum est, urbesne invisere, Caesar, 25 24. Tuque adeo 0 Terrarumque velis curam: et te maximus orbis Csrt, quem incertuia est, quie concilia DeoAuctorem frugum, tempestatumque potentem rum habitura sint mox. Accipiat, cingens materna tempora myrto: ne velis invisere urbes. An deus immensi venias maris, ac tua nautae et suscipere curam ter Numina sola colant: tibi serviat ultima Thule, 30 rarum: Teque sibi generum Tethys emat omnibus undis. Anne novum tardis sidus te mensibus addas, Qua locus Erigonen inter Chelasque sequentes Panditur: ipse tibi jam brachia contrahit ardens NOTES. or rather, from a Greek word signifying to 27. Potenteull: the ruler-one who has vibrate, because as goddess of war, she power over: rectorem, says Rumus. It Ifts brandished a spear in her right hand: Par- here the force and efficacy of a substantive. thenos, because she preserved her chastity: Tempestatum: in the sense of temnporum. Tritona, because she was worshipped near a 28. Materna myrto. The myrtle tree was lake of that name in Africa: Glaucopia, be- sacred to Venus, the mother of' neas, from cause she had blue eyes: Agorea, because whom, according to Virgil, Cesar descended. she presided over markets: Ilippia, because 30. One of the Shetlnd islands she taught mankind to manage the horse: on nour of Sco the fthest ands Stratia, and JArea, because of her martial on the north of Scotland, the farthllest land character, and Area, becawestward known to the ancients. The poet, 19. Puer. Triptolemus the son of Celeus, 19. Puer. TriptolemusthesonofCeleus, therefore, calls it ultima. Colant: in the king of Elusina, a city of Attica. He is sensc of adoren, velprcentur. said to have taught the Greeks agriculture, 31. Tethys. The daughter of Ccelus and having himself been previously instructed Terra, and wife of Oceanus. She was moby Ceres. See Ecl. v. 79. ther of the nymphs Oceanides; elegantly 20. Sylvane. One of those demi-gods that put, by meton. for the sea itself. go under the general name of satyrs. He is 32. Anne addas, &c. Or whether you said to have been passionately fond of the boy would add yourself a new constellation to the Cyparissus, who having, through mistake, slow summer months. The months are called killed a deer, of which he was very fond, slow, because the days in the summer aro pined away and died. He was changed into the longest, and so their motion appears the the Cypress tree. See Ecl. 5. 73. slower; or rather, to speak philosophically, 21. Studium: in the sense of cura. because the earth moves slower in her orbit, 22. J.on ullo semine. Some read nonnullo during the summer months. sm.ine. But the former appears to be the better; and it is supported by several an- 33. Erigonen. Erigone, the daughter of cient manuscripts, as Pierus informs us. Icarus, who, on account of the murder of her cient manuscripts, as Pierus informs us. father, hung herself for grief; but was JYonullo semine: from no seed, that is, such father, hung herself for rief; but a translated to heaven, and made the constelas spring up spontaneously. Hleyne, after lation Virgo. Sequentes Ceas: the followHelnsius, reads non ullo se7nine. latlon Virgo. Sequentes Chelas: the follow24. mieo: in the sense of pracipue. ing claws-the claws following the sign 24. Adeo': in tble sense of precipue'. Virgo. The Chelem were the claws or arms 25. Urbes. The common reading is urbis; of orpo The Cnding oer clas or armc but as all interpreters agree that it is for of Sco extending over, and occuying uerbms, the ace. plu. I have ventured so to the sign of Libra. The ancients at first write it. The nom. and ace. plu. of the divided the Ecliptic into eleven parts, leaving third declensions sometimes ended in eis, out the sign Libra, and giving to Scorpio a which was contracted into is; as, omneis space of the Zodiac equal to 80~. By recontracted omnis-urbeis contracted urbis. ducing it to an equality with the rest of tho But there is no reason that it should be re- signs a space of 300 remained for Cesar, if tained in preference to the regular termina- he chose to occupy it tion Valpy reads urbes. 34. Ardens: impatient-greatly desirous 26. JIaximus: the sup. in the sense of of thy coming; rather than arde ~iinthe pos.: the great world. ing, &c. as it is sometimes rendered. 62 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Scorpius, et cceli justa plus parte reliquit. 35 36. Quiecuid Jumen Quicquid eris (nam te nec sperent Tartara regem, eris, da Nec tibi regnandi veniat tam dira cupido: Quamvis Elysios miretur Graecia campos, Nec repetita sequi curet Proserpina matrem) Da facilem cursum, atque audacibus annue ccrptis: 40 41. Tuque miseratus Ignarosque vim mecum miseratus agrestes cgrestesignarosvie,me- Ingredere, et votis jam nunc assuesce vocari. Vere novo, gelidus canis cum montibus humor Liquitur, et Zephyro putris se gleba resolvit; Depresso incipiat jam tum mihi taurus aratro 45 Ingemere, et sulco attritus splendescere vomer. Illa seges demum votis respondet avari Agricolae, bis qua solem, bis frigora sensit: Illius immensae ruperunt horrea messes. At prius ignotum ferro quam scindimus equor, 50 Ventos et varium coeli praediscere morem 52. Cura sit nob Upre- Cura sit, ac patrios cultusque habitusque iocorum: discere Et quid quaeque ferat regio, et quid quaque recuset. Hic segetes, illic veniunt felicius uvae: Arborei fcetus alibi, atque injussa virescunt 55 Gramina. Nonne vides, croceos ut Tmolus odores, b8. At nudi Chalybes India mittit ebur, molles sua thura Sabei? mittunt ad nos ferrum At Chalybes nudi ferrum, virosaque Pontus NOTES. 39. Proserpina. See Ed. v. 79. the fields are most exposed, and whether 42. Ingredere: enter upon your office of a the climate be moist or dry, cold or hot. god, and even now accustom yourself to be.Morem cceli: naturam vel temperiemn aeris, invoked by vows. says EIeyne. 43. Gelidus humor: here, ice or snow. 52. Patrios cultus: the culture of our Humor is properly any kind of moisture or fathers. This is the sense of Davidson and liquor. JVovo vere. The poet advises the Heyne. Colendi rationerm probatam usu husbandman to begin his ploughing in the majorum, says the latter. Rueus says: tarly part of the spring, as soon as the snow Propriam culturam. Habitus locorum: the melts from the mountains, and the earth be habits of the places-thle habit or peculiar sufficiently softened, that he may be in due nature of the various soils. Land, by being season with the work of the year. tilled in a certain way, acquires an aptitude 45. Depresso aratro: in the plough put, to produce some kinds of grain better than or laid, deep in the earth. Or the words others. This is what is meant here. may be put absolutely: the plough being 54. Feliciius: more luxuriantly. put deep in the earth. 55. A.rborei fetus: nurseries, or young 48. Quce bis sensit, &c. Which feels twice trees. Folus signifies the young of any the summer, and twice the winter; that is, kind, animate or inanimate. Injussa: not lies fallow for two years together, or with- sown-spontaneously. out tillage. Seges: in the sense of terra, 56. Tmolus. A mountain in Phrygia, in vol ager, says Heyne. the confines of Lydia, famous for its saffron: 49. Ruperunt. The sense seems to re- hence the epithet croceos. quire the present; accordingly Rueus hath 57. Molles S&bcei: the effeminate Sabc. interpreted it by rumpunt: his immense ans. These were a people inhabiting Arbharvests burst his barns-his barns are not bia Felix, which abounded in frankincense. capable of containing his crops. 58. Chalybes nudi: the naked Chalybes 50..Equor: properly any plain or level send us iron, and Pontus, &c. The Chalysurface, whether land or water. Here used bes were a people of Spain, according to in the sense of ager or campus. Ignotum: Justin; but of Pontus, according to Strabo, tnyus natura ignota est nobis. said to have wrought naked, on account of 51. Preediscere ventos, &c. To learn before the heat of their furnaces, or forges. Ilence hand the winds and the various qualities Chalybs came to signify the best kind of of the; weather-to observe, to what winds. iron and steel. Pontus. See F,cl. viii. 95 GEORGICA. LIB. I. 63 Castorea, Eliadum palmas Epirus equarum? Continu6 has leges tternaque fcedera certis 60 Imposuit natura locis, quo tempore primiim Deucalion vacuum lapides jactavit in orbem: Unde homines nati, durum genus. Ergo age, terra Pingue solum primis extemplo a mensibus anni 64. Extemplo i prirms Fortes invertant tauri: glebasque jacentes 65 mensibus anni forte Pulverulenta coquat maturis solibus aestas. turi At si non fuerit tellus fecunda, sub ipsum Arcturum tenui sat erit suspendere sulco: [llic officiant laetis ne frugibus herbae; [Iic, sterilem exiguus ne deserat humor arenam. 70 Alternis idem tonsas cessare novales, 71. Tu idem patlere tonsas novales cessare Et segnem patiere situ durescere campum. alternis annis et Aut ibi flava seres mutato sidere farra; 74. Unde prius sustuUnde prius laetum siliqua quassante legumen, leris letum legumen Aut tenues fcetus viciae, tristisque lupini 75 quassante siliqua, ant Sustuleris fragiles calamos, sylvamque sonantem. tenues ftus vicie, fra1**T.... ~~~~gilesquc Urit enim lni campum seges, urit avenae: 77. Seges avene urit Urunt Lethaeo perfusa papavera somno. cum. NOTES. 59. Virosa castorea: strong-scented castor. furrow, and some time in the fall, about the According to Pliny, the castor was contain- rising of Arcturus. In the former case, ed in the testicles of the beaver. But the (il/ic) that the grass and weeds may not moderns have found that the castor is con- injure the springing crop; in the latter case tained in certain odoriferous glands about (hic) that the scanty moisture may not the groin, and in both se-es. Epirus pal- leave the barren land. mas, &c. Epirus (produces) the victors of 71. Tonsas novales, &c. You should suffer the Olympic mares-produces those mares your reaped fallow grounds to rest every that obtain the palm of victory in the other year. J.Noalis terra, is properly new Olympic races. Palmas equarum; Rusus ground, ot ground newly broken up. Hence says equas victrices inOlympico cursu. Epi- it came to signify fallow ground, because rus, once -a powerful kingdom, is bounded by resting it is recruited, and, as it were, by the Ionian sea on the south and west, renewed. and by Thessalia, Macedonia, and Achaia 72. Situ: with a sword. Situs here on the north and east, famous for its excel- means the grass, weeds, &c. which overlent horses. Elid:um: an adj. gen. plu. spread the ground, and bind it down into from Elis, or Elea, a maritime country of what is commonly called a sword. Campum the Peloponnesus, the chief cities of which segnem: your field lying idle. were Elis, on the river Peneus, and Olympia, 73. Sidere mutato: the year being changed. on the river Alpheus, famous for the games Some copies read semine mutato. Sidus, in there celebrated in honor of Jupiter. They the sense of annus, is frequently used by were instituted 1458 years before Christ, Virgil. and celebrated every fifth year. 74. Letum: in the sense of fertile vel 60. Fredera: in the sense of conditiones. copiosum. Siliqua: in the rattling pod, jl 62. Deucalion. See Eel. vi. 41. shell. 63. J./ati: in the sense of orti sunt. 75. Tristis: bitter. Tenuesfoetus, Ruaeus 66. Solibus: Sol, properly the sun, by me- interprets by parva grana. ton. heat. JMaturis: in the sense of vehe- 76. Sylvam. This word is frequently used hentibus, vel ardentibus. Coquat: emoliat for a thick luxurious crop or growth of any et rarefaciat, says iHeyne. thing. 68. Sub ipsunm Arctu'um: about the rising 78. Paparera perfusa: poppies impregof Arcturus. This is a star of the first nated with oblivious sleep, or possessing the nagnitude in the constellation Bootes, near quality of causing sleep. Lethaeo: an adj. the tail of thegreat Bear. The poet recom- from Lethe, a word of Greek origin, immends, if the soil be rich, to turn it up plying forgetfulness or oblivion. The with a deep furrow early, that it may lie poets feigned it to be one of the rivers of and bake through the heat of the summer; 1e, the water of which the dead were said but if the land be of a thin soil, and light, to drink after they had been in thelgicns it will be sufficient to turn it up with a thin below some time. It was represented as 64 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 79. Labor erit facilis Sed tamen alternis facilis labor: arida tantum alternis annis: Ne saturare fimo pingui pudeat sola; neve 8C 80. Tantfm ne pudea Efoffetos cinerem immundumnjactare per agros. Sic quoque mutatis requiescunt fcetibus arva: Nee nulla interea est inaratm gratia terrae. Saepe etiam steriles incendere profuit agros, Atque levem stipulam crepitantibus urere flammis 85 Sive inde occultas vires et pabula terrae Pinguia concipiunt; sive illis omne per ignem Excoquitur vitium, atque exudat inutilis humor: Seu plures calor ille vias, et caeca relaxat 91. Seu ille calor ma- Spiramenta, novas veniat qua succus in herbas: 90 gis durat terram, et Seu durat magis, et venas astringit hiantes: 92. Ne tenues pluviae tenues pvita penetrent alti's; acriorve e tenues pluvi, rapldive potentia solis potentia Acrior, aut Borem penetrabile frigus adurat. 95. Adeo ille juvat Multuim adeo, rastris glebas qui frangit inertes, arva multiim, qui frangit Vimineasque trahit crates, juvat arva; neque illum 9b 97. Et ille multumnju- Flava Ceres alto nequicquam spectat Olympo: vat arva, qui perrumpit terga, que suscitat in Et qui, procisso qum suscitat equore, terga primo procisso e.quore, Rursus in obliquum verso perrumpit aratro: aratro verso rursus in Exercetque frequens tellurem, atque imperat arvis obliquum: Humida solstitia atque hyemes orate serenas, 100 NOTES. having the power of causing them to for- abundantly repay the farmer for this indulget whatever they had done, seen, or heard gence. before. A river in Africa of that name, 86. Sive inde, &c. The poet here gives which flowed under ground for some dis- four reasons for the farmer's firing his lands. tance, and then rose to its surface, is sup- 1. That they might hence receive an inposed to have given rise to this e4ravagant crease of nutriment. 2. That the noxious fable. moisture might be dried up to them. 3. 79. Laborfacilis. The meaning appears That the close and dense soil mightbe loosento be this: that the above mentioned crops ed. And 4. That the loose soil might be may be sown every other year, notwith- rendered closer. This he founds upon the standing their injurious qualities, provided principle of those philosophers who taught the land be well manured. that fire was the universal element.' 80. Arida sola: dry or thirsty soils. 88. Vitium: the bad quality. 81. Effmtos: worn out-exhausted. 90. Spiramenta cceca: secret avenues, or 82. Fetibus: in the sense of segetibus. passages, by which moisture is drawn into 83. Jec nulla gratia est inaratce terrer: the new plants. nor, in the mean time is there no gratitude 93. Penetrabile: in the sense ofpenetrans, in the land untilled-left fallow every other penetrating-searching. Ralidi: in the year. sense of ardentis. The whole of this section contains a num- 97. Et qui, &c. The poet recommends berof excellent precepts and instructions for to the farmer to harrow his ground eil, the husbandman. In the first place, he ad- before he commit the seed to it; but if it be vises the farmer to let his land rest every hard and obstinate, and lie up in ridges, other year; or, if he cannot do that with (terga) so that it will not yield to the harconvenience, then to change the crops, and row, then it will be profitable to plough it to sow wheat after the several kinds which he again crosswise. Proscisso cequore: in breakmentions, but not to sow flax, oats, or pop- ing up his field. Suscitat: raises uppies: for these burn and impoverish the makes. land. He says, notwithstanding this, they 99. Exercet, &c. He exercises his land may be sown in turn, provided care be taken frequently, and commands his fields. This to recruit and enrich the land by manure. is a metaphor taken from a general training The poet concludes by observing, that if the or exercising his troops giving themn conground be left fallow, as he at first advised, mands, and dispensing discipline amnng instead of being sown with any of those them. grains, twould not be ungrateful-it would 100. Solstitia: summers. GEORGICA. LTI. 1 65 Agncolae hyberno lItissima pulvere farra, 101. Farra sutat loersLetus ager: nullo tantamn se Mysia cultu sima hyberno pulvere: Jactat, el ipsa suas mirantilr Gargara messes. ager esl hetus Quid dicam, jacto qui semine cominus arva 104. Quid dicam ds [nsequitur, cumulosque ruit inale pinguis arenae? 105 eo, mui Deinde satis fluvium inducit, rivosque sequentes? Et cinn exustus ager morientibus astuat herbis, Ecce, supercilio clivosi tramitis undam Elicit: illa cadens raucum per levia murmur Saxa ciet, scatebrisque arentia temperat arva. 110 Quid, qui, ne gravidis procumbat culmus aristis, 111. Quid dicam de Luxuriern segetum tenera depascit in herba, l qu, ne culmus pro--.,, &,...n * IT ~cumbat gravidis aristis, Clm primum s'llcos equant sata? quique paludis depascit Collectum humorem bibula deducit arena? 113. Quique deducit Pr;esertim incertis si mensibus arnnis abundans 115 humoreln collectum inExit, et obducto late tenet omnia limo, star paludis bibuliarenh Unde cave tepido sudant humore lacuna. Nec tamen (hmec cum sint hominumque, bounmque labores Versando terram experti) nihil improbus anser, Strymonimque grues, et amaris intuba fibris 120 Officiunt, aut umbra nocet. Pater ipse colendi 121. Colendi terram NOTES. 101. Farra: in the sense of segetes. native. This appears to be the opinion of 102. Mysia. There were two countries Heyne. Humorem: in the sense of aquam. of this name: the one in Europe, and bound- 115. Incertis mensibus: in the variable ed on the north by the Danube; the other months-those months when the weather in Asia Minor, near the Propontis and Hel- is most changeable. lespont. The latter is here meant. Mysia 118. JVec tamen, &c. Though the farmer delights herself so much in no cultivation, be never so careful in the culture of his land. as in moist summers and dry winters-no the poet reminds him not to stop there. culture renders her so fruitful, as to have After the crop is put into the ground, it still moist, &c, requires his attention. For the foul or 103. Gargara: neu. plu. A part of mount greedy goose, the Thracian cranes, the suce Ida, the country near which was much famed cory, or endive, as also the shade, injure it. for its fertility. The two negatives, nec-nihil, amount to an 104. Quid dicam, &c. What shall I say of affirmative. him, who, the seed being sown, closely plies 120. Strymonice: an adj. from Strymon. a his fields, and breaks down the clods or river in the confines of Macedonia and ridges (cumulos) of his barren soil? For male Thrace, where cranes abounded. pinguis; Rumus says, male compactce; and 121. Pater ipse voluit: father Jupiter himValpy, too rich and adhesive. Ruit: in the self willed that the way of cultivating the sense of frangit. earth should not be easy. He was fabled to 106. Sequentes rivos: in the sense of flu- have been the son of Saturn and Ops; and entes rivulos. called the father of gods, and king of men. 108. Ecce, elicit aquam, &c. Lo! he leads Saturn, who received the kingdom of the down a stream of water from the brow of world from his brother Titan, on the condia hilly tract. JEstuat: is parched, or burn- tion of his raising no male offspring, devoured. ed his sons as soon as they were born; but 110. Scatebris: with its streams, or rills. his mother, regretting that so fair a child Temperat: Ruamus says, humectat. should be destroyed, concealed him from 114. Quique deducit. The probable mean- his father, as she also did Neptune and Pluto, ing of this passage is: that the husbandman, and intrusted him to the care of the Coryfor the purpose of watering his fields in the bantes, or Curetes, who educated him on dry season, should form reservoirs or ponds, mount Ida, in Crete. As soon as he camin by collecting into them the water that fell to mature years, he made war against the in the rainy season. He had already ad- Titans, who had made his father a prisoner. vised the plan of bringing water from the He was victorious and set him at liberty. higher grounds upon his fields. But where But growing jealous of his son's power, he that could not be done, he advises to substi- conspired against him; whereupon Jupiter tute the reservoir or pond, as the only alter- expelled him from his kingdom, and he fler 6 P. VIRGILI1 MARONIS ITaud facilem esse viam voluit, primusquc per artem vit agros, curis acuens ns ortalia corda: Nee torpere gravi passus sua regna veterno. Ante Jovern nulli subigebant arva coloni: 125 Nee signare quidem, aut partiri limite campum Fas erat: in medium querebant: ipsaque tellus Omnia liberius, nullo poscente, ferebat. Ille malum virus serpentibus addidit atris, Praedarique lupos jussit, pontumque moveri, 130 Mellaque decussit foliis, ignemque removit, Et passim rihis currentia vina repressit: Ut varias usus meditando extunderet artes Paulatim, et sulcis frumenti quereret herbam, Et silicis venis abstrusum excuderet ignem. 135 Tune alnos primum fluvii sensere cavatas: Navita tur stellis numeros et nomina fecit, 138. Appellans eas Pleiadas, Iiyadas, claramque Lycaonis 4rcton. Pleiadis Tum laqueis captare feras, et fallere visco, Inventurn; et magnos canibus circumdare saltus. 140 Atque alius latum funda jam verberat amnem NOTES. for safety to Italy, where Janus was king. found necessary to man. Decussit: he After this, Jupiter divided the empire of the shook off the honey from the leaves, i. e. he world with his two brothers, reserving to him- caused the honey to cease. self the empire of heaven and earth. The 133. Ut usus extunderet: that experience, Giants, the offspring of the earth, to avenge by observation, might find out the various the death of the Titans, whom Jupiter slew, arts by degrees. rebelled against him. Piling mountains, one 134. Sulcis: by agriculture-by the plough. upon another, they hoped to scale heaven 136. Cavatas alnos: simply, boats; beitself, and attack Jupiter in person. He, cause, at first, they were made of the alderhowever, completely vanquished them, and tree. inflicted on them the severest punishment 138. Pleiadas: ace. plu. of Greek termifor their crimes. He married his sister Juno, nation. They are seven stars in the neck who was very jealous of him, and sometimes of Taurus, and are called Pleiades, from a very troublesome. His power was the most Greek word signifying, to sail; because by extensive of any of the gods. His worship their rising, they indicated the proper time was general, and surpassed that of any of to put to sea. They were sometimes called the gods in dignity and solemnity. He had Atlantides, from Atlas, a king of Mauritaseveral celebrated oracles, but that at Do- nia, whose daughters they were fabled to dona, in Epirus, and at Ammon, inLybia,per- be, by the nymph Pleione. The Romans haps took the lead. He had several names, sometimes called them Vergilicr. Their chiefly derived from the places where he was names were, Electra, Al,:cynoe, Celceno, Slcworshipped, and from his offices and func- rope, Taygeta,.Maia, and MJerope. Hyadas. tions. He was called IHospitalis, because These are seven stars in the front of Taurus, be was the protector of strangers; Optimus, so called from a Greek word signifying, to because he wasthe best; JMaximus, because rain. They were fabled to have been the he was the greatest; Olympius, because he daughters of Allas and /Ethra. Refusing was worshipped at Olympia, &c. Jupiter, consolation for tlre death of their brother is sometimes put for the air, or weather. Hyas, who was slain by a lion, Jupiter, ta123. JMlovit: in the sense of coluit. king pity on them, changed them into as 124. Gravi veterno. Veternus,orveternum, many stars. Their nanes are Ambrosia, is a disease causing a stupor both of mind Eudoxa, Pasithoe, Cirone, Plexauris, Pytho, and body, something like the lethargy. and Syche. Arclon. A constellation near'rorperegraviveterno, is highly metaphorical, the north pole, called the Ursa Major. LyVeterno: in Ihe sense of otio, vel desidia, caon was a king of Arcadia, whose daughsays Rumus. ter Calisto, out of jealousy, was transform131. Removit ignem: he removed fire from ed by Juno into a bear; and Jupiter, for his the sight of men, and concealed it in the regard to her, translated her in that form to veins.of the flint. Prometheus is said to heaven, and made her the constellation have stolen it %rom heaven, because it was Arcton. GEORGICA. LIB. I. 07 Alta petens, pelagoque alius trahit humida lina. Tum ferri rigor, atlque argutme lamina serre; (Nam primi cuneis scindebant fissile lignum) 144. Primi homnnes Tum varie venere artes. Labor omnia vincit 145 mmprobus, et duris urgens in rebius egestas. Prima Ceres ferro mortales vertere terram Instituit: cuim jam glandes atque arbuta sacra Deficerent sylvT, et victum Dodona negaret Mox et frumentis labor additus; ut mala culmos 150 Esset rubigo, segnisque horreret in arvis Carduus: intcreunt segetes, subit aspera sylva, Lappaeque, tribulique: interque nitentia culta Infelix lolium et steriles dominantur avenve. Quod nis- etiassiduis terram insectabere rastris, 155 Et sonitu terrebis aves, et ruris opaci Falce premes umbras, votisque vocaveris imbrem: Heu, magnum alterius frustra spectabis acervum, Concussa'que famem in sylvis solabere quercu. Dicendum, et quae sint duris agrestibus arma: 160 160. Dicendum est Queis sine, nec potuere seri, nec surgere messes. nobis, et qu~ Vomis, et inflexi primum grave robur aratri, 162. Primum vomis, et Tardaque Eleusinae matris volventia plaustra, grave Tribulaque, trahemque, et iniquo pondere rastri: Virgea praterea Celei vilisque supellex, 165 Arbutee crates, et mystica vannls Iacchi. NOTES. 142. Petens alla: seeking the deep parts 159. Solabere famem, &c. The poet asof the sea, or river. Altum, when it is used sures the farmer that, unless he follow the for the sea, properly signifies the channel, directions just given, he will behold the or the deepest part of it; while pelagus pro- abundant crops of his neighbor, while his perly signifies that part of the sea near the will fail him, and he be under the necessity land. of allaying the craving of nature upon no143. Tum rigorferri: then the hardening thing better than acorns. of iron, and the blade of the grating saw, 160. Arma: implements, tools, &c. ncceswere invented. sary to the farmer. Et: in the sense of 145. Improbus labor: constant, perseve- quoque. ring labor overcomes oll difficulties. Du- 163. Tarda volrenlia: tlhe slow-moving ris rebus: in poverty. Egestas: in thesense wagons of mother Ceres. Elusince: an adj. of necessitas. Vengre: in the sense of in- from Eleusis, a city of Attica, where she ventce sunt. was worshipped. 17jtexi: in the sense of 148. Jrbuta: the fruit of the arbute tree. curvi. Dodona: a famous grove in Epirus, abound- 164. Tribula. This was a kind of sledge ing in mast trees. See Ecl. ix. 13. or carriage, used among the ancients to thresh 150. Labor: in the sense of morbus, dis- their corn with. It was pointed with iron. ease. JMala rubigo esset: that the noxious and drawn over the grain by oxen. Trahea mildew should consume the stalks. Esset, This was an instrument something like the for tderet. tribulum, and made use of for the same 152. Segnis cardlus: the useless thistle purpose; a sledge. wave, or look rough. Sylva. See 76, supra. 164. Iniquo: Rueus says, magno. 165. Vilis virgeaque supellex' the cheap 153. Lappe: burrs, a species of herb. or commonwicker-baskets. Celei: Celeus Tribuli: the brambles-land-caltrops. In- was the father of Triptolemus, whom Ceresfelix: noxious —injurious.. felix: noxious-ijurious. it is said, instructed in the art of tillage and 154. Dominantur: bear rule-have the husbandry. See Eel. v. 79. ascendency. 166. Arbuteac crates: hurdles of the ar157. Premes umbras: you should trim off bute tree. Vannus: a sieve, or winnowing the limbs (of the trees) of a shaded fiel 1, machine. It is called mystica, mystic, be&c. Umbras: in the setnse of ramos, by cause used in the mysteries of Bacchus, mleton. lacchi: Iacchus, a name of Bacchus. A68 P. VIRGILII MARON S Omnia quae mult6 ante memor provisa rtpones Si te digna manet divini gloria ruris. 16G. Continu[ in syl- Continu6 in sylvis magna vi flexa domatur vis flexa ulmus domatur Jn burirn, et curvi formam accipit ulmus aratri. 170 magna vi in burim, et Huic a stirpe pedes temo protentus in octo, 171. Iuic bur temo Binve aures, duplici aptantur deDtalia dorso. protentus a stirpe in octo Caeditur et tilia ante jugo levis, altaque fagus, pedes aptatur; binm Stivaque, quae currus a tergo torqueat imos; aures, et dentalia cum Et suspensa focis explorat robora fumus. 75 duplici dorso aptantur. Possum multa tibi veterum praecepta referre, Ni refugis, tenuesque piget cognoscere curas. 178. Cum primisrebus Area cum primis ingenti oequanda cylindro, area est mequanda in- Et vertenda manu, et creta solidanda tenaci: genti Ne subeant herbae, neu pulvere victa fatiscat: 180 Tum variae illudunt pestes. Saepe exiguus mus Sub terris posuitque domos, atque horrea fecit: Aut oculis capti fodere cubilia talpae. 184. Bufo inventus est Inventusque cavis bufo, et quae plurima terrse cavis, et plurima mon- Monstra ferunt: popiulatque ingentem farris aceIvum stra, quse Curculio, atque inopi metuens formica senectm. 186 Contemplator item, cum se nux plurima sylvis NOTES. 167. Omnia qua memor: all which things, upon wheels, which is the reason of the being provided long before hand,you should poet's calling it currus, a carriage. Ru-aus be mindful to lay up. says: quibusdam in regionibus aratrum in168. Divini ruris. The country is here siruitur rotis; but commentators are by no called divine, either on account of its inno- means agreed as to the form and construec cence and happiness, or because it was ori- tion of this plough of the poet. ginaliy the habitation of the gods. Gloria: 175. Fumus explorat. Wood seasoned in reward. Ruceus says, laus; for divini, he the way here mentioned will be less liable says, beati. to crack or split, than if seasoned in the 171. Stirpe: from the back part, or bot- usual way, in the sun and open air. tomn2. Bin ar to m d or eh 180. Victa pulvere: overcome with dry- *172. Bince aures two mould or earth ness, should crack. Pulvere. Reuas says: boards, one on each side of the temo, or cra ulvere siccitaie, quse crea! pulverem. beam. The poet here mentions the several 1.: in te sense of pr of the plough. The buns, or 181. Turn: in the sense of pratere&. parts of the plough. The buris, or bura, ~parts~~~~~ bura, 183. Talpa cap/i oculis. Talpa, the mole, was the part which the ploughman heLd in a small animalsupposed to have no eyes, his left hand-the plough tail. The dentale, nd living chiefly under the ground. the chip, or part of the plough to which the, vomer, or share, is fastened. Duplici dorso: 184. B tfo: the toad. JMonstrum, prowith a double back. Some understand du- perly signifies any thing contrary to the vlex in the sense of latus; but there is no ordinary course of nature; also, any misneed of this. The plough, which the poet clievous- animal, whether man or brute; is describing, is altogether of a singular which is the meaning here. kind to us. It had two mould-boards; two 186. Curca lio: the weavel; a mischievous chips or share-beams we might supposed it animal among grain. to have had, one on each side of the temo, 187. Contemplator item, &c. Observe in or main beam, which, being joined together, like manner when the nut-tree in the woodp might not improperly be said to form a clothes itself abundantly with blooms. Of double back. Stiva: the handle, which the the nut-tree, there are several kinds. The ploughman holds in his right hand. one here meant is supposed to be the Ar173. Et levis tilia. Tilia, the linden, or mygdala, or almond-tree, because its flow. lime-tree. It is a light wood, and therefore ers or blossoms were supposed to be an in, more suitable for the plough. dication of the fertility of the year. Plu. 174. Qu etorqueat: which mayturnthe rima: an adj. sup. agreeing with nux lowest wheels from behind-may turn the This construction frequently occurs, and is extreme or hinder part of the plough. The more elegantly translated by its correspondplough here described we may suppose run ing adverb. GEORGICA. LIB. I. 69 Ireduet in florem, et ramos curvabit olentes: 194. Equidem vidi Si superant fkrtus, pariter frumenta sequentur, multos serentes mediMagnaque cum magno veniet tritura calore. 190 care semina, et yriius quem serent, pcrfundcre At si luxuria foliorumn exuberat umbra, ea nitro et nigra amurNequicquam pingues palea teret area culmos. ca, ut Senina vidi equidern multos medicare serentes, 196. Quamvis semina Et nitro prius et nigra perfundere amurca, properata exiguo igi Grandior ut foetus siliquis fallacibus esset. 195 maderent t di, et etat Et quamvis igni exiguo properata maderent, multo labore, degeneVidi lecta diu, et multo spectata labore, rare; ni Degenerare tamen; ni vis humana quotannis 199. Sic vidi omnia Maxima quqaue manu legeret: sic omnia fatis fatis ruere in pls ac r~. A ^..i~,~ \\sublapsa referri retro. In pejus ruere, ac retro sublapsa referri.. 2 u sa rer00it reisitr 202. Si forte remlisit Non aliter quam qui adverso vix flumine lembum brachia, ruil et sublapsus Remigiis subigit: si brachia fortelremisit, refertur retro, atque alAtque ilium in prteceps prono rapit alveus amni. veus rapit illum in prmceps prono amni. Primterea tam sunt Arcturi sidera nobis, ceps pron amni. YTT~ *i~ ~~ ~ *T T * i~ * ^ S206. Quam iis vectis Hcedorumque dies servandi, et lucidus anguis; 205 per ventosa seuora in Quam quibus in patriam ventosa per tequora vectis suam patriam, quibus Pontus et ostriferi fauces tentantur Abydi. Pontus et ostriferi fauLibra die somnique pares ubi fecerit horas, ces Abydi NOTES. 189. Foetus: in the sense offlores. 198. Humana vis: human care. In the 190..Magno calore. Calor here seems to sense of honmines. Unless men should semean the sweat and heat of the laborer or lect with the hand, &c. Rumus says, homi. thresher, rather than the heat of the summer. num industria. 191. At si umbra: but if the boughs 201. Adversof umine: against the curabound in a luxuriancy of leaves, in vain, rent. &c. The meaning seems to be this: that 203. Atque. RuEus, on the authority of if the blossoms upon the tree shall exceed Gellius, takes atque in the sense of slatim. the leaves, then you may expect a plentiful Davidson and Heyne take it in its usual crop. But if, on the contrary, the leaves be signification as a conjunction, supposing an the most numerous, you may expect a scan- ellipsis of the words: ille ruit ac sublapsus ty crop-a crop rich only in husks and refertur retro. And carries him headlong chaff. Umbra: in the sense of rami. down the stream. Alveus: properly the 193. Serentes: part. of the verb, sero, channel or bed of a river; here, the river in taken as a substantive: Sowers. The poet general: the current, or impetus of the wahere gives the husbandman to understand ter; by meton. that the greatest care is to be taken in se- 2. H. wosr ine s r lecting his seeds; that it is sometimes use- 205. Hrida. Two stars n the shoulder of ful to impregnate them with other qualities Lursgan a constellation in tle heavens. to prevent: them from degenerating; and LucidusAnguis: a constellation called Drasometimes to soak and steep them over a co. The poet here intimates that it is the sometimes to soak and steep them over a -tdty of the farmer to observe the stars, and slow fire, in order to hasten their.sprouting duty of the irler to observe the stars, and and conming forward. And 3althoutgh care the various signs of the weather; and tihat and comling forward. And althouzgh care will find it as useful to him in the course be taken in the selection, they will be found e w fd t as usefl to h th course nevertheless to degenerate: and all that s business, as it is to the marner. remains for him to do, is, to select every 207. Fauces Abydi. The Hellespont or year with his own hand the fairest and best straits, which separate Europe from Asia: seeds; and in this way only he may keep called ostriferi, because abounding in Ovshis crops from degenerating to any great ters. Abydus: a city on the Asiatic shore, extent. This advice is worthy tihe atten- over against Sestus. Tentantur: in the tion of every farmer. sense of na.vigantur. 194. Perfundere: this may either mean 208. Di.e: for Diei. The gen. of the to sprinkle them (semina) over with, or put fifth declension was sometimes thus written. them into. Rumus says, spargere. Somni, is elegantly put for noctis. Ubi Li195. Fallacibus. The pods or ears are bra fecerit. Libra is one of the signs of the called fallacious, because they are some- zodiac, which the sun enters the 23d of times large, when there is very little in September; at which time he is on the equaliemn. f'xeus: the grain or produce. tor, and makes the days and nights equa(. 70 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Et medium luci atque umbris jam dividit orbem: Exercete, viri, tauros, serite hordea campis, 210 Usque sub extremum brumm intractabilis imbrem. Necnon et lini segetem et Cereale papaver 13. Tempusesttegere Tempus humo tegere, et jamdudcm incumbere rastris, et segetem lini et Ce- Dum sicca tellure licet, dum nubila pendent. 1re. Dm pap ier i io Vere fabis satio: tum te quoque, Medica, putres 215 facT re id, tellure sicc Accipiunt sulci; et milio venit annua cura: et dum. Candidus auratis aperit cum cornibus annum 215. Satio fabis est in Taurus, et averso cedens canis occidit astro. verf: tum At si triticeam in messem robustaque farra Exercebis humum, solisque instabis aristis: 220 Ante tibi Eoae Atlantides abscondantur, Gnossiaque ardentis decedat stella corona; Debita quam sulcis committas semina, quamque Invite properes anni spem credere terre. 225. Multi ccepere se- Multi ante occasum Maiae ccepere: sed illos 225 rere ante Expectata seges vanis elusit aristis. Si vero viciamque seres, vilemque faselum, NOTES. 211. Brumce: properly the shortest day month of March: but Virgil dissents from.f winter, or the winter solstice: this is its the received opinion, and assigns it to Taumeaning here. By synec. it is sometimes rus, or the month of April; because, as the put for the whole winter. The meaning is, etymology of the word implies, all nature that the farmer may extend his sowing as seems to be released from the fetters of winlate as the winter solstice, which is about ter, and vegetation opens and shoots forth. the 21st of December. Intractabilis: in the Canis cedens, &c. The dog giving way to sense of durce, vel asperce. the retrograde sign, sets. Sirius (commonly 212. Cereale: an adj. from Ceres. The called the dog star) is a star in the mouth of poppy was so called, most probably, because the great dog, a constellation in the heait was consecrated to her. Her statues vens..r1verso Astro. Astrum here is the were generally adorned with it. J.ecnon: constellation or sign Argo, which immediin the sense of quoque. ately follows the dog, and sets after him. 213. Incumbere rastris: to ply the har- It rises with its stern foremost, and in that rows. The poet is speaking of sowing, or manner goes through the heavens, contrary committing to the earth the several crops: to the ordinary motion of a ship. The epiwhich could not be' done till after the thet averso, inverted, or turned about, is ploughing. Besides it requires dry weather very proper. to use the harrow: to which reference is 221. Eo(e Atlantides. The morning Plemade in the following line. But the plough iades; that is, when they set in the mornmay be used in wet weather. Heyne reads ing, or go below the horizon about the riaratris. But he informs us that Heinsius, sing of the sun. This is called their cosmiPierius, and others read rastris, which the cal setting. See 138. supra. sense seems to require. 222. Corone. The Corona is a constella214. Pendent: in the sense of suspensa tion in the heavens called Ariadne's Crouwn. sunt. Gnossia: an adj. from Gnossus, a town in 215. JMedica. A species of grass, or plant, the island of Crete, where Minos reigned. brought into Greece by the Medes in the whose daughter Ariadne was carried off by time of the Persian wars. Hence called Theseus, and left in the island Naxus, where mredica, now lucerne. It made the best pro- she married Bacchus. At the time of their vender for cattle, and when sown, it is said nuptials, among the other presents she reto last in the ground thirty years. ceived from the gods, was a Corona or 216. Jiilio. The miliurn ws a species of crown from Venus; which Bacchus transgrass, or plant, which required to be sown lated to the heavens. Ardentis: in the every year. Hence annua cura. Now call- sense of splendentis. ed millet. 225. M1aice. The name of one of the Plei. 218. Cum candidus Taurus. Taurus is a ades, by synec. put for the'whole of them. sign of the ecliptic. The sun enters it about 227. Viciamn. The vicia is a species of the 21st of April. The year was commonly pulse called the vetch. Faselum: the fasothought to be opened by Aries, or the lus was a kind of pulse, common and GEORGICA. LIB.. 71 Nte Pelusiacae curam aspernabere lentis; Itaud obscura cadens mittet tibi signa Bootes: Incipe, et ad medias sementem extende pruinas. 230 231. Idcirco aureus Idcirco certis dimensum partibus orbem Sol regit orbem dinenPer duodena regit inundi Sol aureus astra. sum certis partibus per Quinque tenent coelum zona: quarum una corusco duodena astra mundi. Semper Sole rubens, et torrida semper ab igni: 234. Quarum una ona essemper rubens Quam circum extreme dextra levaque. trahuntur, 235 23. s ircum quam du 235. C irc 6m quam du~a,, Ccerulea glacie concretwe atque imbribus atris. extremnl zonwx trahuntur Has inter mediamque, duae mortalibus aegris dextra laevque,concretae Munere concessma Divum, et via secta per anmbas, 237. Inter has duas, )bliquus qui se signorum verteret ordo. mediamque zonan, dle Obl-~iquusi q s 01103ii~~~~~~~ c - alice concess'e sunt iegris MIundus ut ad Scythiam Riphaeasque arduus arces 240 mortalibus mu.ntre DiConsurgit; premitur Libyae devexus in Austros. vim; et via secta est per Hic vertex nobis semper sublimis; at ilium ambas, qua Sub pedibus Styx atra videt, Manesque profundi. 244. Hic.(ad sublhnem Maximus hic flexu sinuoso elabitur anguis polum) aximus anguis ~.. i. 2 elabitur circum polum Circum, perque duas in morem fuminis Aretos: 245 sinuoso fiexu, extendens Arctos, Oceani metuentes aequore tingi. que NOTES. cheap, which is the meaning of vilis, in 235. Trahuntur: are extended-stretched this place. out. 228. Lentis. The lens was a kind of pulse, 239. Obliquus ordo: the ecliptic. It is which abounded in Egypt, and particularly called obliquus, because ii makes an angle at Pelusium, a town situated near the east- with the equator. The quantity of the angle ern mouth of the Nile. Hence the adj. Pe- is 230 28'. lusiaeer. 240. Scythiam: a vast country lying to229. Bootes cadens: the Bootes setting ward the arctic circle. See Eel. i. 66. Iiwill give, &c. Bootes, a star in the constel- pheeas arces: the Riphaan mountains. An lation of the same name, near the north extensive range stretching along the north pole. It sets acronically, or with the sun, of Europe, and covered with perpetualsnow. about the beginning of November; and cos- Ut: as. In austros: simply,to the south. mically, or at the time of his rising, about 242. Hic vertex. The poles are two imathe beginning of March. The former is ginary points in the heavens directly in a here meant. JMitlet: in the sense of dabit. line with the axis of the earth. On the 232. Duodena astra.' Astronomers divide equator these points are in the horizon. In the ecliptic, or the circle in which the sun all places on the north of the equator, the appears to move, into 12 equal parts, called north pole is visible; while the south pole signs, and each of these signs into 30 equal will be depressed below the horizon. Ilumn: parts called degrees. A space 8 degrees in the south pole. breadth on each side of this circle is called 244. Maximus anguis. The dragon, the zodiac, because it contains the 12 con- (Draco,) the keeper of the garden of the steilations, which take the names of certain Hesperides, after he was killed by Hercuanimals: as Aries, Taurus, &c. It also con- les, was translated to heaven, and made a tains the orbits of the planets. constellation near the north pole. With his 233. Quinque zonce. Geographers divide tail he touches Ursa major, and with the the surface of the earth into five grand por- flexure of his body embraces Ursa minor: tions called zones: one of which they de- the greater and lesser bears: here called nominate the torrid or burning; two the.Arctos. This will be seen by looking upon temperate; and two the frozen zones. The a celestial globe. torrid is that portion of the earth's surface 246. Arctos metuentes: fearing to be included between the tropics of Cancer and touched in the waters.of the ocean. The Capricorn. In every part of which the sun elevation of the pole at any given place is is vertical twice in every year. The ancients always equal to the latitude of that place. supposed it to be uninhabitable on account Consequently all those stars that are nearof its great heat. Those parts of the earth's er the pole than the distance any place is surface that lie between the two tropics and from the equator in degrees, will not set bepolar circles, are denominated the tempe- low the horizon at that place, but continue rate zones. The two frozen zones embrace to revolve about the pole. This is the case those parts between the polar circles and the with the two constellations here mentioned, poles. in the latitude of Italy. 72 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 247. Illc, (ad autra- Illic, ut perhibent, aut intempesta silet nox lem polum) ut perhibent Semper, et obtenta densantur nocte tenebra; homnznes, aut Aut rcdit a nobis Aurora, diemque reducit; Nosque ubi primus equis oriens afflavit anhelis, 250 Illic sera rubens accendit lumina Vesperlinc tempestates dubio prmdicere ccelo Possumus; hinc messisque diem, tempusque serendi; Et quando infidumnremis impellere marmor Conveniat; quando armatas deducere classes, 255 Aut tempestivam sylvis evertere pinum. Nec frustra signorum obitus speculamur et ortus, Temporibusque parem diversis quatuor annum. 259. Si quando frigi- Frigidus agricolam si quando continet imber: dus imber continet agri- Multa, forent qute mox caclo properanda sereno, 260 eolam domi, tune tempus Maturare datur: durum procudit arator datur maturare multa, atur dum;ca t araorli qum mox forent prope- Vomeris obtusi dentem; cavat arbore lintres: randa, coelo sereno: Aut pecori signum, aut. numeros impressit ace'vis. Exacuunt alii vallos, furcasque bicornes, Atque Ameiina parant lentae retinacula viti., 265 Nunc facilis rubea. texatur fiscina virga: Nunc torrete igni fruges, nune frangite saxo Quippe etiam festis quaedam exercere diebus Fas et jura sinunt: rivos deducere nulla Religio vetuit, segeti pretendere sepem, 270 Insidias avibus moliri, incendere vepres, Balantumque gregem fluvio mersare salubri. NOTES. 248. Densantur: is thickened-rendered dug out of the solid body of trees-troughs still more dark, night being extended, or -bowls,&c. lengthened out. At the poles there are six 263. Signum: in the sense of notas. Acermonths day, and six months night, alter- vis. Acervus is a heap or pile of any thing nately. -a heap of grain. Here, probably, it is 249. Aurora: Aurora returns to them, taken for the sacks or bags that contained from us. She was goddess of the morning, the grain. the daughter of Titan and Terra. She fell 265..Amerina retinacula: osier strings, in love with Tithonus, the son of Laome- to fasten the limber vine. Amnerina: an don, king of Troy, by whom she had.Mem- adj. from Ameria, a town in Umbria, a non, who came to assist Priam against the spacious country in Italy, where osiers Greeks, and was slain by Achilles. She abounded. obtained for her lover immortality; but for- 266. Rubea virga: with the osier or wickgot, at the same time, to ask for perpetual er twig. Rubea: an adj. probably from youth and beauty. At last he grew old Rubi, a town of Campania, near which the and infirm; and requested her to remove virga, or wicker abounded. Dr. Trapp unhim from the world; but as that could not derstainds it in this sense, and as a reason be done, she is said to have changed him for so doing, he observes that rubeus, from into a grassholEper: which, as often as it rubus, the bramble, is no where found. grows old, renews its agwe. By meton. eie- Heyne is of the same opinion. gantly put for the morning. 267. Torrete: dry. Fruges: grain-corn. 250. Ortens: in the sense of Sol. 269. Fas et Jura sinunt exercere, &c. 255. Deducere: to launch the armed fleets. There is a difference of signification between M.armor: in the sense of mare. fas and jus. The former implies a divine 256. Tempestivam: seasonable-denoting law, or what may be done, or is permitted the time proper for cutting the pine. Ever. to be done, by the laws of God. The lattere: in the sense of ccedere. ter a natural right-or a law founded in 261. Maturare: to do in season-or, at reason-common law. Deducere rivos: to leisure. drain the water from his fields, 262. Dentem: the edge of his dull or 272. Balantun: gen. plu. of the pres. part. blint share. Lintres. These were vessels of bale, here used as a substantive-sheep. GEORGICA. LIB. 1. 3 Saepe oleo tardi costas agitator aselli, XVilibus aut onerat pomis: lapidemque revertens 274. lReveltensdomum Incusum, aut atra massam picis, urbe reportat. 275 cx urbe, reportat Ipsa dies alios alio dedit ordine Luna 277. Pallidus Orcus Felices operum. Quintam fuge: pallidus Orcus, salus esi, Eumenidesque Euimenidesque satae: tur partu Terra nefando satse sunt, illo die. Cceumque, iapetumque creat, savumque Typhoea, Et conjuratos ccelum rescindere fratres. 280 Ter sunt conati imponere Pelio Ossam Scilicet, atque OssaW frondosum involvere Olympum: Ter Pater extructos disjecit fulmine montes. Septima post dccimam felix, et ponere viten, 284. Septima dies post Et prensos domitare boves, et licia telt 285 decimam est felix, et poAddere: nona fugre melior, contraria furtis. nere x r 1 1 \ i - n^.s 1 * s 1 A 286. Nona dies est meMulta ade6 gelida melius se nocte dedere: lior fugre sed Aut cumr Sole novo terras irrorat Eous. Nocte leves stipulac melius, nocte arida prata Tondentur: noctes lentus non deficit humor. 290 Et quidam seros hlyberni ad luminis ignes Pervigilat, ferroque faces inspicat acuto. Interea longum cantu solata laborem Arguto conjux percurrit pectine telas: 294. Conjux solata Aut dulcis musti Vulcano decoquit humorem, 295 longum laborem cantu Et foliis undam tepidi despumat aheni. percurrit NOTES. 274. Lapidem incusum: a furrowed or 281. Pelio. The mountains here menindented stone, for the purpose of grinding tioned were very high mountains in Thescorn; something like our mill-stone. saly, near the Sinus Thermaicus. The lat. 276. Alios dies: other days. Alio ordine: ter is sometimes taken for heaven. in a different order from those above men- 286. Ftgcee: in the sense of itineri; and, tioned. The ancients superstitiously thought contraria, in the sense of adverse, vel si some days of the month to be lucky, and nistra. others unlucky. 288. Eoiis: the morning star; by meton. 278. Eumenides: the furies. They were the morning. Movo sole: in the sense of said to have sprung from the blood of a die inciptenle, vel oriente. wound, which Colus received from his 289. Stpulce: in the sense of arista, says brother Saturn. Some say they were the Rumus. Mowing in general is best effected daughters of Acheron and Nox, or of Pluto when the dew is upon the grass. and Proserpine. They were three in num- 292. Inspicat: he forms matches with a ber: Tisiphone, Megara, and Alecto. They sharp knife. Any instrument made of iron were supposed to be the ministers of ven- may be called ferrutn. geance to the gods, and to be constantly 295. Decoquit: she boils away the liquor employed in punishing the wicked in hell. of sweet must, and skims, &c. JIustum is They were sometimes called Furice and sweet or new made wine. The juice of Erinnyes. They were worshipped; butthe the grape, when boiled down one third part, people dared not to mention their names, or formed what was called sapa, and when one even to fix their eyes upon their temple. half, it formed the defrutum. Vulcanus They were represented holding a burning was the son of Jupiter and Juno. On ac. torch in one hand, and a whip of scorpisns count of his deformity, he was cast down in the other hand. from heaven upon the island of Lemnos, 278. Creat: in the sense of edidit, vel where he taught the inhabitants the smith produxit. trade, and married Venus. The Cyclops 279. Cceumque, &c. These are the names were his workmen and assistants. He was of three giants, who attempted to scale hea- the god of fire; hence Vulcanus, by meton, yen and dethrone the gods. They were the often is put for fire itself, as in the present sons of Titan and Terra. Those here named instance. Ile was sometimes called MIulciwere the principal ones. Conjuratos fratres. ber, Ignipotens, and Pandamator. These included the whole fraternity, that 296. Undam. By this we are to underwere engaged in the enterprise. stand the liquor in the boiling kettle. Terit 74 P. VRlGILIl MARONIS At rubicunda Ceres medio succiditur testu, Et medio tostas estu terit area fruges. Nudus ara, sere nudus: hyems ignava colono. Frigoribus parto agricola plerumque fiuuntur, 300 Mutuaque inter se laeti convivia curant: Initat genialis hyems, curasque resolvit. Ceu pressae cum jam portum tetigere carinae, Puppibus et leti nautae imposuere coron as. Sed tamen et quernas glandes tum stringere tempus, Et lauri baccas, oleamque, cruentaque nyrta: 306 307. Tune tempus est Tune gruibus pedicas, et retia ponere cervis, luoque ponere Auritosque sequi lepores; tur figere damas 308. Turn est tempus SStupea torquentem Balearis verbera fundt, venatorem figere damas torquentem stupea ver- Cim nix alta jacet, glaciem cum flumina trudunt. 310 bera Balearis funde, Quid tempestates autumni et sidera dicam? cum Atque, ubi jam breviorque dies, et mollior aestas, Quae vigilanda viris? vel cum ruit imbriferum ver: Spicea jam campis cum messis inhorruit, et cum IFumenta in viridi stipula lactentia turgent? 315 Saepe ego, cum flavis messorem induceret arvis Agricola, et fragili jam stringeret hordea culmo, 318. Ego sepe vidi Omnia ventorum concurrere praelia vidi, omnia praera ventorum Quat gravidam late segetem ab radicibus imis concurrere, quaeruerent Sublime expulsam eruerent; ita turbine nigro 320 Ferret hyems eulmumque levem, stipulasque volantes. Sape etiam immensum ccelo venit agmen aquarum, NOTES. threshes, or beats out. Fruges tostas: the 315. Lactentia: milky-fillingwith milk. dry, or ripe grain. 318. Omniaprcelia ventorunm: all the pow297. Medio astu: in the middle of the ers of the winds in fierce contest engage. day. Ceres: for seges, the grain, or harvest. Ruaeus says: pugnas omnium ventorum Rubicunda: in the sense of ftara. misceri. This comparison of the wind with 209. J^udus ava, &c. The poet's meaning the wind, and of growing corn with chaff, here is, that the farmer should be industrious, has been censured by some critics; but the and turn the summer to the best account; passage is probably to be understood as refor the winter is a season of rest and festi- presenting the growing corn uprooted by vity, when he may enjoy the fruit of his la- the tempest, and whirled aloft (sublime) as bors. easily as light straw is by an ordinary 300. Parto ~ what he had gotten during whirlwind. Martyn, IHeyne, and Vossius, the summer. Rebus per cestatem comparatis, concur, says Valpy, in this interpretation. says Rumus. 320. Expulsam: in the sense of dissipa301. Curant: in the sense of parant. tam..Jigro turbine: in a black whirlwind; 304. Ceu pressce carince: may either mean a whirlwind bringing with it clouds and laden ships, or weather-beaten ships. Ca- darkness, and imbruing a storm. Hyens rina is properly, the keel; by synec. the in the sense of tempestas. whole ship. 322. Immensum agmen, &c. Nothing can 305. Stringere: in the sense of colligere. surpass, in grandeur and sublimity, the de309. Balearis fundee: the Balerian sling. scription which we here have of a sudden The islands Majorca, Minorca, and Uvica, storm, of its rise, and effect. An immense on thl coast of Spain, were called by the band or army of vapors march along the ancients Balearidcs; the inhabitants of heavens; the clouds, impregnated deeply which were famous for the use of the sling, with vapor, collect together from the sea; Stupea verbera: the hempen strings. and, forming themselves into globoua 312..Estas: in the sense of calor, vel wreaths, brew a deep and threatening storm. cestus. The verb est is to be supplied. Vi- They then burst, and discharge such a degilanda: curanda, vei providenda, says luge of water, that the whole heaven seelm [Heyne. Firis: for agricolhs. dissolved, and pouring upon the fields. Tha 313. Ruit: hastens to a close. Rumaus floods sweep away the fertile (lata) crops. says desinit, and Servius, prercipitatur. the labors cf man and beast; tiLe ditclice GEORGICA. LIB. I. 7$ Et fidar glomerant tempestatem imbrlbus atris Collectae ex alto nubes: ruit arduus ether, Et pluvia ingenti sata laeta, boumque labores 325 Diluit: implentur fossae et cava flumina crescunt Cum sonitu, fervetque fretis spirantibus aequor. Ipse pater, media nimborum in nocte, corusca Fulmina molitur dextra. quo maxima motu Terra tremit: fugere ferae, et mortalia corda 330 Per gentes humilis stravit pavor: ille flagranti Aut Atho, aut Rhodopen, aut alta Ceraunia telo Dejicit: ingeminant Austri, et densissimus imber: Nunc nemora ingenti vento, nunc litora plangunt. Hoc metuens, cceli menses et sidera serva: 335 Frigida Satufni sese quo stella receptet: Quos ignis cceli Cyllenius erret in orbes. Imprimis venerare Deos, atque annua magnae Sacra refer Cereri, letis operatus in herbis, Extremae sub casum hyemis, jam vere sereno. 340 Tunc agni pingues, et tune mollissima vina: 341 Tune agni sut Tune somni dulces, densaeque in montibus umbrae. Cuncta tibi Cererem pubes agrestis adoret: Cui tu lacte favos, et miti dilue Baccho, NOTES. are filled; the winding rivers swell, and the from the circumstance of its great distance sea roars in its foaming friths. from the sun, and the small degree of heat 327. Fretis. Fretum is properly a strait, it receives from him. On the other hand, or arm of the sea. Spirans, as here used, the planet Mercury is called ignis, on acis beautiful and expressive. The figure is count of its nearness to the sun, and the dotaken from water boiling, which seems to gree of heat it probably receives from him. breathe (spirare) by emitting a steam or Cyllenius. A name of the god Mercury. vapor, and is all in commotion. He was the son of Jupiter and Maia, the 329. JMolilur: in the sense of vibrat, vel god of eloquence, and messenger of thA jacit. Quo motu. By this we are to under- gods. He had a winged cap called Pctasus, stand probably the act of vibrating or hurl- and winged feet called Talaria. The ining the thunder-bolt-the thunder itself. vention of the lyre, and its seven strings, is What the ancients supposed to be the bolt, attributed to him; which he gave to Apollo, was nothing more than the lightning-the and received in return the celebrated Caelectric matter, passing from one cloud, or duceus, which was a rod or wand encircled part of the atmosphere, to another, that was with serpents, and said to possess extraordifferently electrified, and thus became vi- dinary virtues and qualities. It was his sible. business to conduct the nlanes of the dead 330. Ferme fugere: the wild beasts have to the infernal regions. lie presided over fled. There is a peculiar force in the use of orators, merchants, and thieves. The worthe perfect tense here. Thie beasts of the ship of Mercury was established in Greece, forest fear, and they are gone, and are out Egypt, and Italy. He was called Cyllenius, of sight in a moment, seeking their wonted from a mountain in Arcadia of that name, retreats. where he is said to have been born; Caducea332. Atho: a Greek ace. A mountain tor, Triplex, Delius,&c. According to Cicero, in Macedonia, which overlooked the'Egean there were four others to wlhom tlhe name sea.'Rhodopen. A mountain, or rather of Mercury was given. Of these, was a range of mountains in Thrace. Ceraunia: famous philosopher of Egypt, whom they ace. plu. neu. mountains in Epirus. They called Hermes Trismigistus. Cyllenius ignis: were so called from a Greek word signify- the planet Mercury. ing thunder, because, from their height, they 337. Erret in te sense of moeat. rwere much exposed to it.. 337. Erret: in the sense of moveat. Orwere much exposed to it. bes: planets. 333. Ilmber densissimus. Rueus says: pl pluvr7 est copiocissina. 344. Cui tu dilue fares: for whom d 336. Quto fri ida stella: to what part of thou mingle honey with milk and sweet heaven tile cold star of Saturn betakes it- wine. Faros: the comb;. by meton. tihe seltf Saturn is called cold most probably honey contained in it. 76 P. VIRGIII MARONIS Terque novas circum felix eat hostia fiuges, 4Mb 346. Quam hostiam Omnis quam chorus et socii comitentur ovantes; omnis chorus. et ti socii Et Cererem clamore vocent in tecta: neque ante Falcemn maturis quisquan supponat aristis, Quam Cereri, torta redimitus tempora quercu, Det motus incompositos, et carmina dicat. 350 Atque haec ut certis possimus discere signis, AEtusque, pluviasque, et agentes frigora ventos; Ipse pater statuit, quid menstrua Luna moneret, Quo signo caderent Austri, quid smpe videntes Agricolae propius stabulis armenta tenerent. 355 Continu6, ventis surgentibus, aut frcta ponti Incipiunt agitata tumescere, et aridus altis Morontibus audiri fragor; aut resonantia longe Litora misceri, et nernorum increbrescere murmur. J;am sibi tumn curvis male temperat unda carinis: 360 Cmr medio celeres revolant ex aequore mergi, Clamoreinque ferunt ad litora, curnque marinse 363. Sicco lilore In sicco ludunt fulicae; notasque paludes 364. Ardca;quc deserit Deserit, atque altam supra volat ardea nubem. notas paludes, atquc vo- Sepe etiam stellas, vento impendente, videbis 365 Aal supra altamn nubem. Prmcipites ccelo labi; noctisque per umbram Flammarum longos a tergo albescere tractus; Saspe levem paleam et frondes volitare caducas; Aut sumrma nantes in aqua colludere-plumas. At Boreae de parte trucis cum fulminat, et'cum 370 Eurique Zepllyrique tonat domus; ornia plenis Rura natant fossis; atque omnis navita ponto NOTES. 345. Felix hostia. The poet here alludes 360. Jam tum unda male temperat: then to the sacriicium ambervale, so called, be- the waves scarcely restrain themselves from cause the victim was led three times around (swallowing up) the bending ships. MJale: the field; ab ambire arva. in the sense of digicile. 346. Omnis chorus et socii: the same as 361. Mergi: a species of sea-fowl, geamnis chorus sociorum. nerally taken to be the cormorant: from the 349. Redinlitus tempora: bound as to his verb mergo. temples with a wreath of oak. The poet 363. Fulice: a species of sea-fowl much enjoins upon the farmer to make two offer- like the common duck; a coot, or moor-hen inigs to Ceres: the first of honey and wine, 364. Ardea: a bird, swift on the wing, at the beginning of spring: dilue faros, &c. and soaring high. Front which circulnThe other of a victim at the beginning of stance called ardea, quasipro ardua; a heron. harvest: terfelix hoslia, &c. 365. videbis stellas: you will also 350. Incomposilos Lmoits: the irregular or often see stars, &c. The poet speaks in unmethodical dance; such as is performed conformity to the vulgar notion. No star by rustics. Cereri: nempc, in honorem Ce- moves from its station. Those appearances reris. to which the poet alludes are of an electric 351. Hfec.' nempe, cestusque, pluviasque. nature-meteors. They are sonmetines seen 353. Mloneret: in the sense of indicaret. to dart across the heavens, and througl tlle 354. Signo: in the sense of indicio. darkness of the night, appear to draw after Quood indicium esset venti mox cessuri, says them a train (tractus) of light or flamle. fleyne. Austri: here put for any boister- Impendente: threatening —being near at ous wind: the species for the genus. hand. 356. Frela ponti: simply, for pontus, vel 371. Domuts Eurique, &c. That part of mare. Freturn, properly a strait, or narrow' the heavens from which these winds blow. part of the sea. the poet calls their house or habitation. 358. Aridus fragor: a dry cracking The expression is highly poetical. Here sound, such as is made ameng dry trees the poet mentions twelve signs orprognostica when they break. of rain. GEORGICA. LIB. I. 71 Humida vela legit. Nunquam impruentljbus imber Obfuit. Aut ilium surgentem vallibus imis Aeria fugere grues; aut bucula ccelum 375 Suspiciens, patulis captavit naribus auras. 376. Suspicionsiedce. A t arguta lacus circumvolitavit hirundo: luin Et veterem in limo rana cecinere querelarn. Sapius et tectis penetralibus extulit ova Angustum formica terens iter; et bibit ingens 380 Arcus; et e pastu decedens agmine magno Corvorum increpuit densis exercitus alis. Jam varias pelagi volucres, et quae Asia circum 383. Jam videas vaDulcibus in stagnis rimantur prata Caystri, rias volucres pelagi, et Certatim laraos humeris infundere rores; 385 eas, qu rimanturcircum Nunc caput objectare fretis, nunc currere in undas, Asia prata in dulcibua stagnis Caystri, certatim Et studio incassum videas gestire lavandi. infundere largos rores'urn cornix plena pluviam vocat improba voce, humeris Et sola in sicca secum spatiatur arena. Nec nocturna quidem carpentes pensa puelle 390 Nescivere hyeem:er testa cum ardente viderent Scintillare oleum, et putres concrescere fungos. Nec minus ex imbri soles, et aperta serena imbri pter s p cere Prospicere, et certis poteris cognoscere signis. et, cert is, cogos et, certis signis, cognosNaln neque turn stellis acies obtusa videtur, 395 ceresudos soles, etaperta Nec fratris radiis obnoxia surgere Luna: et serena cela. NOTES. 373. Imprudentibus, &c. Never hath a 385. Infundere largos: to throw eagerly shower hurt any person unforwarned: that much water upon their backs. Rores: in is, a shower always gives such certain signs the sense of aquam. of its approach, that any who will attend 387. Studio lavandi: through a desire of to them, may avoid receiving injury from washing themselves in vain. Incassum may it. Heyne informs us, that the Medicean, be understood in three senses. 1. Because and some other copies, readprudentibus; he, nothing can add to the whiteness of the however, prefers the usual reading, impru- swan, the fowl here spoken of. 2. Because dentibus. Prudentibus is the easier, they need take no pains to wash themselves, 374. Illum surgentem, &c. This sentence for the impending rain will do it without is capable of two constructions: 1. The their labor. 3. Because, according to Sercranes may flee the shower, rising out of the vius, water will not wet their feathers. valleys; which is the sense Rumus gives. 2. 390. Carpentes: carding their nightly Davidson takes it to mean that the cranes tasks of wool. flee into the valleys, to avoid the rising 392. Fungos: the clots or spungy sub storm. This is also the opinion of Valpy. stance that gathers round the wick of tho 378. Et ransp cecinere, &c. This alludes lamp or candle. Scintillare: to splrtter or to the fable of the transformation of the snap in the burning shell. Lycians into frogs for reproaching Latona, 393. JNec sminis. Iaving mentioned the of which hard treatment, when they croak, signs of a storm, the poet now enumerates they are said to complain. See Ovid. Met. those of fair weather. He makes them in Lib. 6. number nine. Ex imbri: after a shower. 380. Ingens arcus: the spacious bow hath Soles: days. drunk; alluding to a vulgar notion that the 395. Acies stellis: Rufeus says, lux stella - rainbow drank the water that supplied the rum. Videtur: in the sense of apparet. clouds. 396. Luna surgere obnoxia: nor will the 383. Asia: an adj. from Asius, a lake and moon seem to rise beholden (or indebted) to town between the river Caystrus and the the beams of her brother. The moon will mountain Tmolus, in the confines of Lydia rise so clear and bright that she will seem and Phrygia Major. Caystrus falls into the to shine by her own inherent light, and not /Egean sea, not far from the once famous by reflecting the rays of the sun. Sol ard city of Ephesus. On its banks the swan Luna in heaven, the same as Apollo and abounded. Rimantur: in the sense offre- Diana on earth, were said to have been the qrtentanl. children of Latona. See Eel. iv. 10. 78 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Tenuia nec lana! per ccclum vellera ferri. Non tepidum ad solem pennas in litore pandunt Dilectae Thetidi Halcyones: non ore solutos Immundi meminere sues jactare maniplos. 400 401. Ima loca At nebula magis ima petunt, campoque recumbunt; Solis et occasum servans de culmine summo Nequicquam seros exercet noctua cantus, Apparet liquido sublimis in aere Nisus, Et pro purpureo pcenas dat Scylla capillo. 405 Quacunque illa leven fugiens secat aethera pennis, Ecce inimicus, atrox, magno stridore per auras, Insequitur Nisus: qua se fert Nisus ad auras, Illa levem fugiens raptim secat,tthera pennis 410. Tam corvi ter Turn liquidas corvi presso ter gutture voces 410 aut quater ingeninant A -It quater ingeminant: et saepe cubilibus altis, i41uiLti, n Nescio qu i proater solitum dulcedine leti, 412. Lewti, nescio qua dulcedine, praeter soli- Inter se foliis strepitant: juvat imbribus actis tum morem strepitant ~ Progeniem parvam, dulcesque revisere nidos. 415. HIaud equidem Haud equidem credo, quia sit divinitus illis 415 credo hoc fieri ita, quia Ingenium, aut rerum fato prudentia major: Verum, ubi tempestas et cacli mobilis humor 419. Densat ea, quae Mutavere vias: et Jupiter humidus Austris moda e rant rara, et re- Densat, erant que rara mod6; et, qut densa, relaxat: densa Vertuntur species animorum, et pectora motus 420 421. Concipiunt nune Nunc alios, alios, dum nubila ventus agebat, NOTES. 397. Tenuia vellera: thin white clouds, for the purple lock. Dare-reddere-penaere like fleeces o~' wool. -solvere poenas, vel supplicium, to be punish399. Halcyones. Ceyx, king of Trachi- ed. These are phrases. In like manner: nia, going to consult the oracle of Apollo at afficere poena vel supplicib-capere-sumere Ckarus, was shipwrecked in the iEgean sea. -petere paenas, vel supplicurn, to punish. His wife, Halcyone, seeing his dead body 410. Presso guttere: with their throats floating near the shore, flung herself upon compressed. This would render the sounds it in a transport of her passion. Thetis, more clear and shrill. out of compassion to the lovers, transform- 416. Ingenium: discernment, or mental ed them into the birds called king-fishers: capacity. Major prudentia fato, &c.. hence dilecte Thetidi. It is said the sea is greater knowledge or foresight in the course calm a certain number of days about the and order of things, than men have. This winter solstice, that they may more conve- passage, as it is commonly rendered, is niently bring forth their young. Hence unintelligible. To takefato in the ablative, those days were sometimes called Halcyon governed by major, Dr. Trapp observes, is days. complete nonsense; and yet this is the opi400. Mlaniplos: bundles of straw-straw nion of Heyne, and Valpy who follows him: in general. and it is very little better to take it for the 403. NJoctua serans: the owl observing agent or means by which this greater the setting of the sun, &c. The meaning knowledge was obtained. It is perfectly of the expression seems to be this: that easy as rendered above. Rumus says: reas the hooting of the owl in general is a rum prudentia, quze potentior estfato; which sign of foul weather, yet when tlese signs is with difficulty understood. of fair weather occur, she hoots in vain, 417. Mobilis humor: the moving vapor of she will be disregarded; or, if any regard heaven. Vias is here used in the sense of her prognostics, they will find themselves modus, or qualitates. Tempestas: the weadisappointed. The owl is the only bird ther-temperature of the weather. that sings exclusively in the night; hence, 418. Jupiter humidus: the air moistened seros cantus exercet. by the south winds. Jupiter is here put 404. J.isus: the falcon, or hawk. Scylla: poetically for the air; which passing over the lark. See Eel. vi. 74; also nom. prop. the sea that lay to the south of' Italy, beunder J.sus. came moist, or impregnated with vapor. 405. Scylla dat penas. Scylla is punished 420. Mlotus: motions-affections. GEORG1CA. LIB. I. 79 Concipiunt: hine ille avium concentus in agris, alios motn, elnuncalios Et lrtae pecudes, et ovantes gutture corvi. dum 422. Iine oritur ills Si vero Solem ad rapidum Lunasque sequentes concentus aviun inagris Ordine respicies; nunquam te crastina fallef 425 et hine pecudes sunt Hora, neque insidiis noctis capiere serenai. Luna, revertentes cum primum colligit ignes, Si nigrum obscuro comprenderit aera cornu; Maximus agricolis pelagoque parabitur imber. At, si virgineum suffuderit ore ruborem, 430 Ventus erit: vento semper rubet aurea Phoebe. Sin ortu in quarto (namque is certissimus auctor) 432. Sin illafuerit puPura, neque obtusis per ccelum cornibus ibit; ra in quarto ortu, neque Totus et ille dies, et qui nascentur ab illo ibit per caelum Exactum ad mensem, pluvia ventisque carebunt: 435 Votaque servati solvent in litore nautae 436. Servati a tempesGlauco,'et Panotpee, et.Inob MeliCertt. tale Sol quoque, et exoriens, et cum se'condit in undas, Signa dabit: Solem certissima signa sequuntur, Et qua mane refert, et qua surgentibus astris. 440 440. Et qum refert Ille ubi nascentem maculis variaverit ortum, mane, et que refert Conditus in nubem medioque refugerit orbe; Suspecti tibi sint imbres: namque urget ab alto NOTES. 425. OCastina hora: simply, to-morrow. JMelicertce. Melicertes was sometimes called. 427. Colligit revertentes ignes: when first Palemon. See AEn. v. 823. the moon collects the reflected, or returning 440. Astris surgentibus. When the stare rays, (ignes;) if she embrace, &c. The poet appear in the evening at the approach of here mentions three prognostics of the darkness, in the language of poetry, they weather from the moon. 1. If the new are said to rise: so when they disappear at moon be obscured by dusky air, (nigrum the approach of day, they are said to set. aera,) look for rain. 2. If she be red, look 442. Medio refugerit orbe. Most commenfor wind. 3. If, on the fourth day, she be tators take orbis here for the face or disc of bright, expect the remainder of the month the sun; and understand by the words meto be fair weather; whence the common dio refugerit orbe, when he shall disappear saying: pallida Luna pluit; rubicundajfat; with half his orb or disc. the other half realba serenat. maining visible. Rueus says: latueril me432. Auctor: sign-prognostic. did sui parte. Valpy says, "When the ri437. Glauco. Glaucus was a fisherman sing sun appears bordered by clouds, the of Anthedon, in Beotia, by some said to centre alone remaining visible." Davidson have been the son of Neptune and the nymph translates the whole passage thus: T When Nais. As he was fishing, he observed the he (the sun) shall chequer his new-born face fish that he caught, as he laid them on the with spots, hidden in a cloud, and coyly grass, to receive fresh vigor, and immedi- shun the sight with half his orb." Servius ately to escape from him by leaping into seemsto understand the words to imply that the sea. From this circumstance, he ima- the centre of the sun retired, as it were, gined there must be some extraordinary from view, by appearing hollow like the cavirtue in the grass; whereupon he tasted it, vity of the hand, while the edge was conand found himself suddenly moved with a cealed in a cloud. I know not that philodesire to live in the watery element; and sophers have noticed any such appearances leaping into the sea, he was made a sea-god of the sun; I am sure they must be very by (ceanus and Tethys. Panope: a nymph rare. Besides, this half concealment of the of the sea, the daughter of.'ereus and Do- sun does not come up to the obvious nmean-:is..lelicertce. Melicerta, or Melicertes, ing of conditus in nubem, which certainly was the son of Ino, the daughter of Cad- means that he was wholly concealed from mus, and wife of./lhamas, king of Thebes; sight. By taking medio orbe, for, in thie midwho fleeing from her husband, who had die of his course, or diurnal revolution, which slain her son Learchus, leaped into the sea may very well be done, the passage will be with.Melicerta in her arms, both of whom rendered intelligible and easy. Thus: when were changed into sea-gods, and worship- the sun, in his ascent above the horizon, oed Inoo: an adj. from Ino, agreeing with shall have passed behind fleecy clouds, and ~B~u lP. VIRGILII MARONIS Aboribusque satisque Notus, pecorique sinister. Aut ubi sub lucem densa inter nubila sese 445 Diversi erumpent radii, aut ubi pallida surget Tithoni croceuin linquens Aurora cubile; lieu, mal, turn mites defendet pampinus uvas, Tam multa in tectis crepitans salit horrida grando 450. Mag.a prfilerit Hoc, etiam emenso ctin jam decedet Olympo, 450 meirnis~e hoc, etiam Profuierit meminisse magis: nam sepe videmus ciun jam sol decedet, Ipsius in vultu varios errare colores. Olyrpo eileus sol Cceruleus pluviam denunciat, igneus Euros Sin maculae incipient rutilo immiscerier igni; Omnia tune pariter vento nimbisque videbis 455 Fervere. Non illa quisquam me nocte per altum Ire, neque a terra moneat convellere funem. 4b8. At si orbis solis At si, cum referetque diem, condetque relatum, erit lucidus, cum Lucidus orbis erit, fiustra terrebere nimbis; Et claro sylvas cernes Aquilone moveri. 460 461. Denique Sol da- Denique, quid Vesper serus vehat, unde serenas bit signa tibi, quid serus Ventus agat nubes, quid cogitet humidus Auster,'esper Sol tibi signa dabit: Solem quis dicere falsum Audeat? ille etiam cecos instare tumultus Saepe monet, fraudemque, et operta tumescere bella. 465 Ille etiam extincto miseratus Cresare Romam; Cum caput obscura nitidum ferrugine texit, Impiaque aeternam timuerunt saecula noctem. Tempore quanquam illo tellus quoque, et asquora ponti, Obsccenique canes, importunaque volucres, 470 Signa dabant. Quoties Cyclopum effervere in agros Vidimus undantem ruptis forniacibus tEtnam, Flammarumque globes, liquefactaque volvere saxa? Armorum sonitum toto Germania ccelo Audiit; insolitis tremuerunt motibus Alpes. 475 NOTES. be sometimes concealed by them from sight; 470. Obsccni canes: foul dogs-dogs of and when he shall have approached the me- bad omen-howling frightfully. The anridian, and finished half his course, he shall cients considered any thing of this kind inbe wholly concealed from sight by the in- auspicious. Importune: inauspicious. Cujus creased and condensed vapor in the atmos- cantus erat mali omninis. pherc, then rain is to be expected. Imbres: 471. Quoties vidimus: how often have we in the sense of pluvia. seen AEtna rising in waves, its furnaces being 444. Sinister: injurious-hurtful, burst, &c. Undantem, expresses very forcibly 452. In vultu: in the sense of per vullum. the violence and agitation of thle flamej 454. Immiscerier: by Paragoge, for im- pent up in the mountain, rising by turns nisceri, to be mingled with sparkling light, against its sides, which, no longer able to lgni: lunrine, says Ruteus. resist the shock, open a passage; when, in 456. Fervere. This verb forcibly ex- an instant, it covers the adjacent country presses the violence of the storm. All things with lava. The Cyclops were the servants are confusion and wild disorder. Turbari, of Vulcan, and said to be the sons of Co l.s says Ruseus. and Terra. They were so called from their 462. Cogitet: in the sense of prteparet. having but one eye, which was in the mid. Serenas: in the sense of siccas. dle of their forehead. Their business was 467. Obscura ferrugine: with a dark red to assist Vulcan in forming the thunder-bolts color-a color resembling blood. of Jupiter, and the arms of the gods, and 468. SePcula. Steculum is properly an celebrated heroes. Their forges were under age; by meton. the inhabitants or men of 2Etna. The most noted of them were that age. Impza scecula' the same as im- Brontes, Steropes, and Pyracmon. Wher tii hwomines. Ulysses visited Sicily, Polyphemus, say the GEORGICA. LIB.. I. Vox quoque per Ijcos vulgi' exaudita silentes Ingens; et simulacra rnodis pallcntia miris Visa sub obscurum noctis- pecudesque locutze, Infandum! sistunt amnes, terraeque dehiscunt: Et mcestul illacrymat templis ebur, aeraque sudant. Proluit insano contorquens vortice sylvas 481 481. Eridanus prelult Fluviorum rex Eridanus, camposque per omnes sylvas, contorquens eas Cum stabulis armenta tulit: nec tempore eodem ilsano. Tristibus aut extis fibrae apparere minaces, 484. Fibrse nec cessaAut puteis manare cruor cessavit; et altt 485 verunt aut apparere miPer noctem iesonare, lupis ululantibus, urbes. naces intristibus extis; aut cruor cessavit maNon alias ccelo ceciderunt plura sereno nare e puteis; et urbes Fulgura, nec diri toties arsere comete. non cessaverunt resonare Ergo inter sese paribus concurrere telis alte per noctem, lupis Romanas acies iterum vide're Philippi; 490 ululantibus. Nec fuit indignum Superis, bis sanguine nostro 491. Nec visum fuit Emathiam et latos Haemi pinguescere campos. NOTES. poets, was their king. Diodorus informs us battles, one fought between Casar and Pom.that the Cyclops were the first inhabitants pey; the other, between Brutus and Casof Sicily, of a gigantic stature, and of a sius on one side, and Augustus and Anthofierce and savage nature. They dwelt py on the other. But history informs us chiefly about mount /Etna. that the former was fought on the plains of 477. Simulacra: spectres, or ghosts, pale Pharsalia, in Thessaly, the latter at Philipin a wonderful manner, were seen, &c. pi, in the confines of Thrace, more than two 478. Obscurum: an adj. of the neu. taken hundred miles distant. To explain this apas a sub. in the sense of obscuritatem. Ru- parent inconsistency, there have been many eus interprets it by crepusculum. attempts. The most probable solution is, 480.!Mcestum ebur: the mournful ivory that the poet does not mean that both these (ivory statues) wept. JEra: brass-statues battles were fought on the same spot. This made of brass. would contradict history. He would not 481. Insano vortice: with its rapid current commit such a blunder. We are told that -eddies. the city Thebe. Thessalicre, or Phthoticme, 482. Eridanus: the river Po. It is here which was in sight of Pharsalia, was called called the king of rivers, because the largest also Philippi. And though historians, f r in Italy. It rises in Piedmont, and running sake of distinction, called the one Philippi, an easterly course, after receiving a number and the other Pharsalia, the poet might, of tributary streams, falls into the Gulf without any impropriety, call them both by of Venice by several mouths. the common name of Philippi. Rumus 483. Tristibus extis. One mode of con- has one conjecture which may be deserving suiting the omens, was an examination of of notice: that the adverb iterum may rethe entrails of the victim. If any defect or for, not to Philippi, but to the Roman arsingularity appeared, it was thought to be mies: Philippi saw the Roman armies portentous. Tristibus: ominous-baleful. again engage for the empire of the world, 485. Alte. Heyne reads alte, agreeing though not for the first time. They had with urbes. engaged for a similar purpose before on the 488. Cometce. Plutarch informs us that a plains of Pharsalia. This appears to solve very bright comet appeared at Rome for the difficulty. several days about the time of Casar's 492. Emathiam-Latos campos Itcemz. death. To this the poet refers in Eel. ix.47. Here is an apparent difficulty. Ilacmus is Suetonius says: Ludis, quos primo conse- a mountain in Thrace; and neither of the cratos ei hacres Augustus edebat, stella crinita battles was fought in Emathia or Mlacedoe per septem dies continuosfulsit, exoriens circa nia, properly so called. But the language undecimam horam: creditumque est animum of poetry does not always conform to hisuse Ciesaris in cclutm recepti. torical or geographical exactness. We are 489. Ergo: therefore-on account of the told that the ancient Emathia was consideath of Cesar, which was the cause of the dered by the poets to extend as far east as civil war. the river Nessus, including a considerable 490. Philippi iterum: Philippi hath seen. part of Thrace beyond Philippi; and to the Roman armies again, &c. It is agreed the south comprehending all Thessaly, and that Virgil here alludes to the two famous consequently Pharsalia, or the Pharsalian 7 62 P. VlRG1,II MARONIS Scilicet et tempus veniet, cum finibus illis Agricola, incurvo terram molitus aratro, Exesa inveniet scabra rubigine pila: 495 Aut gravibus rastris galeas pulsabit inanes, Grandiaque effossis mirabitur ossa sepulchrns. Dii patrii Indigetes, et Romule, Vestaque mater, Quae Tuscum Tiberim et Romana palatia servas, Ilunc saltem everso juvenem succurrere saeclo 500 Ne prohibete: satis jampridem sanguine nostro Laomedontee luimus perjuria Troje. Jampridem nobis coeli te regia, Caesar, Invidet, atque hominum queritur curare triumphos. 505 Sunt tot bella Quippe ubi fas versum atque nefas, tot bella per orbem, Tam multa scelerum facies: non ullus aratro 506 507. Colonis abductis Dignus honos; squalent abductis arva colonis, ad malitiam Et curvae rigidrum falces conflantur in ensem. NOTES. Philippi. Taken in this extent, the poet cause they had been men, and dwelt on tne would be consistent. Emathia could be earth: or because they were now dwelling wet twice with Roman blood. Again HMe- among the gods. Others again, and perhaps mus is not so much a single mountain as a with more propriety, derive it fromIndegere; range of mountains, branching out in va- because being translated to heaven, they rious directions, and in various parts assu- stood in need of nothing..Mater Vesta. ming different names. Casting our eye on There were two by the name of Vesta, one a map of that country, we find the range the mother of Saturn, the other his daughcommencing at the Euxine sea, and taking ter; but commonly confounded together. a south-westerly direction till it enters Ma- The latter presided over the perpetual fire. cedonia, then turning northerly till it reaches It is said that JEneas brought her along with the 43~ of N. lat. when it takes a southern his household gods into Italy, and introdudirection, passing into Thessaly; and con- ced her worship. Her mysteries were transsequently its extensive plains might be mitted to the Albans, and from them introfattened by the blood, shed in both those duced among the Romans by Numa. He battles. instituted a college of virgins, who kept 494. Molitus: in the sense of vertens. alive the perpetual fire as the safety, or Scabra: in the sense of corrosa. palladium of the state. 498. Dii patrii, Indigeles. The Romans 500. Hunc Juvenem: meaning Octavius, divided their deities into three classes. The afterward called Augustus Caesar. Everso first embraced the supreme or select gods, sceclo: the ruined or falling age. who were honored with the highest ado- 502. Satfs luimus jampridem: we have ration, and considered eminent above the long ago atoned sufficiently for the perjury rest. Of these, twelve were called Consentes, of Trojan Laomedon, with our blood. Labecause on particular occasions they were omedon was the father of Priam, and king admitted to the council of Jupiter. Six of of Troy. During his reign, the poets tell these were male and six female: Jupiter, us, the walls of Troy were built by Neptune Apollo, Mercury, Mars,.Jeptune, and Vul- and Apollo, for a certain price; but when can * funo, Dzana, Minerva, Venus, Vesta, the work was done, he refused to pay them. and Ceres. These were sometimes called On which account, they became hostile to Dii Majores. The second class compre- the Trojans, and exerted all their power hended those of inferior power, an(d was against them in the war with the Greeks. very numerous. It embraced all the deified The Romans, pretending to descend from heroes, such as Romulus, IIercules, Perseus, them, the poet supposes were punished for &c. and all that in any manner had ob- this injustice of their ancestor. The story, tained divine honors. These were some- perhaps, may be explained by supposing times called the Dii'VlMinores. The third class Laomedon to have employed the money, was without number. It embraced all the which had been designed for religious pur. sylvan deities: all tle nymphs; the penates; poses, to this use. the genii; the virtues, &c. Indigetes: pro- 505. Ubi: where-(that is,) here among peIly deified heroel. Some derive the word men. Fas atque nefas versurn: right and from Indigetare, to call by name; because.wrong are confounded. it was customary to address them by their 507. Squalent: lie neglected-are overname. Others derive it from degere, be- grown with weeds. GEORGICA. LIB. I.83 Itinc movet Euphrates, illinc Germaia bellum: Vicinae ruptis inter se legibus urbes 510 Arma ferunt: sevit toto Mars impius orbe Ut, cum carceribus sese effudere quadrigan, Addunt se in spatia: et frustra retinacula tendens, Fertur equis auriga, neque audit currus habenas NOTES. 509. Euphrates. A noble river of Asia, ed together; also, a chariot drawn by four rising in the mountains of Armenia, fertili- horses, by meton. Of Qualuor and ago,bezing Mesopotamia, as the Nile does Egypt, cause four were driven together: or conand uniting with the Tigris in its course, tracted of Quadrijugus, four yoked together. falls into the Persian gulf. It is here put, Carceribus. Carcerwasthe mark,orstarting by a figure of speech, for the nations of the place, in races. Spatia: the race ground, east, particularly the Parthians, who were or course. Eftudere. Rueus says, erupevery troublesome to the Romans. runt. 513..qddunt: in the sense of immittunt, 510. Legibus: in the sense of federibus. 513 ddunt in the sense imittunt, says Heyne. Some copies leave out the se. 511. Impius: cruel-merciless; a suitable Others read in spatio. Ruus, in his interepithet of.Mars. pretation, omits the words addunt se, and 512. Ut, cum quadrigas. This is a noble connects in spatia with the preceding verb. simile. The uncontrolled licentiousness of They are not necessary to make the sense the age is likened to the rapidity and vio- complete. lence of ungovernable horses in the chariot 514. Currus: a chariot: by meton. the race, when they mock both the driver and horses in the chariot. JYeque audit habe th reins. Quadrigce: four horses harness- nas: nor do they regard, or obey the reins. QUESTIONS. How does this book open? What precepts does the poet give about What does the poet proceed to do? ploughing land? What does he do in the next place? What does he give about planting, and To whom does he ascribe the origin of changing crops? agriculture? Who was Jupiter? What signs or prognostics of the weather To whom was his education intrusted? does he mention? Where was he educated How does he conclude the book? What are some of his names? Are there any fables introduced by way of Who were the Giants? and what is said episode? What are they? of them? Why are Bacchus and Ceres invoked next What are the Ple'iades? after the heavenly bodies? What other names have they? Who was Neptune? and what is said of What are the Hyades? him? What are their names? Who is said to have been the first who Who was Aurora? taught mankind the propagation of bees? What is said of her? Who was Aristneus? What were the Furies? Who was Minerva? and what is said of What were their names? her? What was their office? What power did she possess? Who was Vulcan? What is said of him? How is she represented under her different What were some of his names? characters? What is the word Vulcanus often ased for? What celebrated statue had she? By what figure is it so used? What are some of her names? Who were the Cyclops? Who is said to have first taught the Where does the poet represent them as Greeks agriculture? residing? What is probably meant by Ultima Thule? Why are they called Cyclops 2 Was the Ecliptic at first divided into 12 Who was Mercury? signs? How was it divided? What is said of him? Where were the Olympic games celebra- What was his office? ted? In what year before Christ were they How is he represented? instituted? Of what was he the inventori How cften were they celebrated? and in What were some of his names? honor of what god? Who was Glaucus? Wh-t is said'f him T 84 1. V1RGILII MARONIS Into how many classes were the Roman Were they tnij numerous? deities divided? Of these, how many were Who were the lndigetes? called Consentes? From what is the word probably derived I Why were they so called? Who was Vesta? What were their names? How many were there of that name? What were these sometimes called? What was her office? What did the second class contain? Who introduced her worship into Italy? What were these sometimes called? By whom were her mysteries introduced What did the third class contain? among the Romans? LIBER SECUNDUS. THE subject of this book is the cultivation of the several kinds of trees. The poet describes with much judgment the soils proper for each: and after giving a variety of excellent precepts for the management of the vine, the olive, &c. he digresses into the praises of Italy; and concludes with a panegyric upon a country life. 1. Hactenus cecini IIACTENUS arvorum cultus, et sidera cceli: oultus Nunc te, Bacche, canam, necnon sylvestria tecum Virgulta, et prolem tarde crescentis oliv-e. Ituc, pater 6 Lenaee: tuis hic omnia plena Muneribus; tibi pampineo gravidus autumno 5 Floret ager, spumat plenis vindemia labris. Hue, pater 6 Lenaee, veni: nudataque musto 8. Tingeque mecum Tinge novo mecum direptis crura cothurnis. nudata crura novo mus- Principio arboribus varia est natura creandis. to, cothurnis direptis. pt Namque alie, nullis hominum cogentibus, ipsa'1 Sponte sua veniunt, camposque et flumina late Curva tenent: ut molle siler, lentaeque genistae, Populus, et glauca canentia fionde salicta. 15). Esculusque maximanemorum, que fron- Pars autem posito surgunt de semine: ut altoa det Jovi, atque quercus, Castanea, nemorumque Jovi quae maxima frondet 15 quce habitue sunt /Esculus, atque habitae Graiis oracula quercus. NOTES. 2. JVecnon: also. Two negatives have said to ripen. Pampineo autumno: the prothe force of an affirmative in Latin and duce of the vine-grapes. English. 9. Cothurnis. The cothurnus was a kind 3. Virgulta: shrubs, or underbrush; of high-heeled shoe, worn by Bacchus. Rehere put for trees in general. Tarde cre- ference is here made to the custom of treadscentis olivae. The olive is of a very slow ing out the grapes with their feet. The cogrowth. Some say it is a hundred years in thurnus was used by tragedians tc make growing. them appear taller; hence put for tragedy 4. Lencee: Leneus, a name of Bacchus, itself-also for the tragic style. JNatura: from a Greek word signifying a vine-press. in tie sense of ratio, vel modus. Adsis, is to be supplied, or some word of the 12 Siler: an osier, or smallwithy. Ge upimameewr idmport. fenistce: the broom. Populus: the poplar tree, of which there are three kinds. 5. Ager gravidus: the field heavy with 13. Salicta: willow-grounds; by meton, the produce of the vine..uttumno: the the willows. season for gathering grapes and other pro- 16..Esculus: a species of oak, sacred to ductions of the earth, put, by meton. for Jupiter. The Esculus was a mast-tree, and the grapes themselves. Floret: in the sense abounded in Dodona, in Epirus, where there of maturescit. The fields do not bloom in were oaks said to have given out oracles; autumn, but with. propriety they may be to which here is an allusion. GEORGICA. LIB. it 8 Pullulat ab radice aliis densissima sylva: Ut cerasis, ulhmsque: etiam Parnassia laurus Parva sub ingenti matris se subjicit umbra. Hos natura modos primum dedit: his genus omne 20 20. Natura primum Sylvarum, fruticumque viret, nemorumque sacrorunl. dedit hos tres modos pro Sunt alii, quos ipse via sibi repperit usus. ducendi arbores: in hi Hic plantas tenero abscindens de corpore matrum Deposuit sulcis: hic stirpes obruit arvo, Quadrifidasque sudes, et acuto robore vallos: 25 Sylvarumque aliae presses propaginis arcus Expectant, et viva sua plantaria terra. Nil radicis egent aliae: summumque putator Haud dubitat terrae referens mandare cacumen. Quin et caudicibus sectis, mirabile dictu, 30 Truditur d sicco radix oleagina ligno. Et saepe alterius ramos impund videmus Vertere in alterius, mutatamque insita mala Ferre pyrum, et prunis lapidosa rubescere corna. Quare agite, 6, proprios generatim discite cultus, 35 Agricolae, fructusque feros mollite colendo. Neu segnes jaceant terrae: juvat Ismara Baccho Conserere, atque olea magnum vestire Taburnum. NOTES. 17. Sylva: here means the suckers, that took root, firm enough to support itself; and shoot up under, and' near the trunk of the was then severed from it. This was about parent tree. the third year. Arcus: the arches, or cur18. Cerasis: to the cherry-trees. Laurus. ved figures of the layers, or branches so bent This tree is called Parnassian, because it down. abounded on mount Parnassus. It was sa- 27. Viva plantaria: living shoots to be cred to Apollo. put in their own earth-not cut off as in 19. Subjicit se: shoots itself up. other cases, but suffered to grow to the pa21. Sylvarum fruticumque: trees and rent tree for a time. Defodi, or a word of shrubs. the like import, is understood. 22. Vid: by practice, or experience. 29. Referens mandare: to commit the topSunt alii: there are other methods of pro- most shoot to the earth whence it sprang. ducing trees, which, &c. The poet proceeds Summum cacunen: the highest shoot, or to enumerate the methods of raising the se- branch. Referens mandare, simply for manveral kinds of trees, which he reduces to dare, says Heyne. seven. 1. By planting the shoot or scion. 30. Caudicibus: Caudex, is properly the 2. By burying the stump or stock in the body of the tree distinguished from the root, earth. 3. By burying the stake or trunk as truncus is the body distinguished from split at the bottom. 4. By the layer. 5. the top or head. By planting in the earth a bough or twig 32. Impuner: without injury. Alterius; taken from the top of the tree. 6. By in the sense of unius. Arboris is underplanting the trunk or stalk of the tree, de- stood. prived of its root and branches. This sue- 33. Vertere: for verti, tne active for the ceeds very well with the olive-tree. 7. By passive, by enallage: or, vertere se in ramos grafting or transferring a branch or scion of alterius arboris. one tree into another. 34. Coma lapidosa: the corneil trees, 23. Plantas: the shoots or scions from which naturally produce a stony hard fruit, the body of the mother tree. by being grafted, will produce the plum24. Obruit stirpes: another buries the will redden with plums. stocks in the ground, and stakes split in four 37. segnes terra jaceant. Dr. Trapp parts at the lower end, and poles, the wood renders these words: let not your lands lie being sharpened into a point, idle. JNe terrce sint inutiles, says Ruanus. 26. Alice sylvarum: other trees of the But the connexion is better preserved by wood —simply, other trees. Rumsus says, rendering it: let not your barren lands lie alie arbores. Propaginis. The propago was neglected or unimproved. Ismara neu. the layer, or branch of the parent tree, bent plu. a mountain in Thrace. Tuburnus: a down and fastened in the ground, until it mountain in Campania, fertile in olives. b~86 ~P. VIRGILII MARONlS Tuque ades, inceptumque una decurre laborem; 39. Tuque, Maecenas, Q decus, o fame merito pars maxima nostra, 40 ades, decurreque incep- Mecenas, pelagoque volans da vela patenti. turn laborem una me- Non ego cuncta meis amplecti versibus opto: cum: tu, 0 decus, O Non, mihi si linguae centum sint, oraque centum, merit! maxima pars nos- D trm fame Ferrea vox: ades, et primi lege litoris oram. 43. JNon possem am- In manibus terrae: non hic te carmine ficto, 45 plecti ea, si sint mihi Atque per ambages et longa exorsa tenebo. 47. Arbores qua3 tol- Sponte sua quae se tollunt in luminis auras, lunt se sua sponte Infcecunda quidem, sed laeta et fortia surgunt. Quippe solo natura subest. Tamen haec quoque si quis Inserat, aut scrobibus mandet mutata subactis, 50 Exuerint sylvestrem animum: cultuque frequenti, In quascunque voces artes; haud tarda sequentur. 53. Et illa arbor qum Necnon et sterilis quae stirpibus exit ab imis, exit sterihs Hoc faciet, vacuos si sit digesta per agros: Nunc alte frondes et rami matris opacant, 55 Crescentique adimunt fcetus, uruntque ferentem. Jam, quae seminibus jactis se sustulit, arbos Tarda venit, seris factura nepotibus umbram: Pomaque degenerant, succos oblita priores: Et turpes avibus pradam fert uva racemos. 60 Scilicet omnibus est labor impendendus, et omnes Cogendae in sulcum, ac multa mercede domandae. dent melias de trucis-; Sed truncis olea melius, propagine vites vites de propagine, et Respondent, solido Paphia de robore myrtus, myrtus Plantis et dura coryli nascuntur, et ingens 66 NOTES. The object of the poet is to persuade the 56. Adimunt fwtus: and take away the farmer not to neglect his rugged and barren fruit from it growing up, and starve it while lands, and suffer them to lie useless; for, by bearing. The poet's meaning appears to be culture, he may render them profitable to this: that the sucker, which springs up from him. He adduces the case of Ismarus and the root of the parent tree, will be fruitful Taburnus, which, though naturally rugged and productive, if transplanted into open and barren, had become, by cultivation and ground, and arranged in proper rows. For proper attention, very productive. Baccho while it remains, the leaves and boughs of is here put for the vine. the parent tree will overshadow it, and pre39. Decurre. Here we have a beautiful vent it from bearing fruit as it grows up: or, allegory, drawn from the sailing of a ship. if it should bear fruit, it will be pinched and The verb decurro signifies to sail before the small, by being deprived of the rays of the wind-to sail with a prosperous gale. La- sun and proper nourishment. borem: the work or task, viz. the Georgics, 57. Jam: here is used in the sense of which he begun at the request of Macenas. porrb, or practerea. 41. Da volans, &c. And flying, spread the 60. Uva: the grape; by meton. for the sails to the opening sea-accompany me vine. Prcedam: as a prey for birds —only through this great work, which spreads be- fit for birds. fore me like an open sea, expanding on 62..Multa mercede: with much labor, or every side. Some copies have volens. expense. 45. Ficto carmine: in the sense offabu- 63. Olece respondent, &c. The clive is loso poemate. raised or propagated better from the stump; 46. Ambages et longa exorsa: preambles, the vine from the layer; the myrtle from and tedious introductions. the solid wood; the hazle, the ash, the pop50. Scrobibus subactis: in trenches pre- lar, and the oak, from the scion, or young pared for the purpose. Mutata: transplant- shoot. ed-removed from their native soil. 64. Paphice: Venus, so called froln Pa52. In quascunque artes, &c.: in the sense phos, a city of Cyprus, wvhere she was of in quocunque modo, vel via tractes. In particularly worshipped. The myrtle was whatever mode you may require, says sacred to her. Respondent: in the Sense of V'alpy. proveniunt, vel orzuntur. GEORGICA. LIB. II. 87 Fraxinus, Ilerculcet que arbos umbrosa coronae, Chaoniique patris glandes; etiam ardua palma Nascitur, et casus abies viszra marinos. Inseritur vero ex fcetu nucis arbutus horrida, Et steriles platani males gessere valentes: 70 Castanem fagus, ornusque incanuit albo 71. Fagus incanult Flore pyri; glandemque sues fiegere sub ulmis. flore castanee, ornusque Nec modus inserere atque oculos imponere simplex iwanuit albo flore pyri Nam qua se medio trudunt de cortice genmme, Et tenues rumpunt tunicas, angustus in ipso 75 Fit nodo sinus: hue aliena ex arbore germen Includunt, udoque docent inolescere libro. Aut rursum enodes trunci resecantur, et alte Finditur in solidum cuneis via: deinde feraces 79 n solidum itgnu Plantis immittuntur. Nec longum tempus, et ingens Exiit ad ccelum ramis felicibus arbos, 81 Miraturque novas frondes, et non sua poma. Praterea genus haud unum, nec fortibus ulmis, Nec salici, lotoque, nee Idaeis cyparissis: Nec pingues unam in faciem nascuntur olivm, 85 Orchades, et radii, et amara pausia bacca: Pomaque, et Alcinoi sylv~e: nec surculus idem Crustumiis, Syriisque pyris, gravibusque volemis. NOTES. 66. Umbrosa arbos: the poplar-tree. It 78. Aut rursum. Having described the was sacred to Hercules. He wore a crown process of inoculation, the poet gives us that made of the leaves of this tree, to the infer- of ingrafting. Truncus: the body of the nal regions. tree, properly after the top and branches 67. Glandes: properly acorns; by meton. are cut off. This is split, and the graft put the oaks that bore them. Chaonii patris: into the fissure. He seems to prefer this Jupiter; so called because he had a temple, mode of cultivating trees, inasmuch as they and was splendidly worshipped at Dodona, soon come to maturity. JVec longum tenma town of Chaonia in Epirus. The oak pus (says he,) et ingens arbos: it is not a was sacred to him. long time, and the mighty tree, exiit, hath 68. Visura. This is said of the fir-tree, shot up to the skies. There is a peculiarelcbecause ships were built of its timber. JMa- gancy in the use of the perfect tense here. rznos casus: in the sense of periculae maris. 80. Plantce: grafts, or scions of fruit69. Arbutus inseritur: the arbute or bearing trees. strawberry-tree is grafted with the shoot or 82. Poma non sua: that is, poma non sui scion of the nut-tree. generis. 70. Platani. The plane tree affords a 84. Idteis Cyparissis: to the Idean Cylarge and pleasant shade, but bears no fruit. presses. There were two mountains by the It is therefore called sterilis. However, says name of Ida, the one in Phrygia, the other the poet, even this has been made to bear in Crete; the latter is here meant. apples by being grafted. 86. Orchades. The poet here mentions 73. Imponere oculos: to inoculate. Ocu- three species of olives: the orchades, a round lus is the bud which is enclosed or pxut in olive, a word derived from the Greek; the the bark of the tree to be inoculated. In- radii, an oblong olive; the pausia, an olive serere: to ingraft. J.'ec modus, &c. Neither of a bitter taste, so called from paio, says is the method of ingrafting and inoculating Columella, because its chief use was for oil; one and the same-they are different pro- to obtain which, it was brayed or beaten. cesses. 87. Sylvae Alcinoi: the orchards of Alci76. Sinus angustus: a small slit or gash, noiis, king of the Prhaaceans. They were made in the bark of the tree, (where the bud celebrated by the poets. was putting forth,) for the purpose of re- 88. Crustumiis: to the Crustumean pears. ceiving the graft. so called from Crustumiumi, a town in Tus77. Docent: they teach it to grow up, or cany, whose pears were much esteemed; mcorporate itself with the moist bark. Li- they were of a reddish cast. Syr.iis pyris. btr is the inward part of the bark of the These were so called, because they were tree; Crtex, the whole bark, or rind. brought from Syria.'hey weio also called 88 P. VIRGILI1 MARONIS Non eadem arboribus pendet vindemia nostris, Quam Methymnaeo capit de palmite Lesbos. 90 Sunt Thasire vites, sunt et Mlreotides albar: Pinguibus hae terris habiles, levioribus illae. Et passo Psythia utilior, tenuisque lageos Tentatura pedes olim, vincturaque linguain. 95. Sunt purpuree, Purpureas, preciaeque: et quo te carmine dicam 95 precimque UVme Rhc.tica? nec cellis ideo contende Falernis. 99. Est Argitis minor Sunt et Ammineae vites, firmissima vina. uva, cui Tmolus et assurgit quibus, et rex ipse Phanaeus; 102. Et, te, O bumaste, Argitisque minor, cui non certaverit ulla, turn tuis tumidis racemis. Sed neque est nu- Aut tantum fluere, aut totidem durare per annos. 100 merus, quam multE spe- Non ego te, D's et mensis accepta secundis, cies sunt, nec quae Transierim, Rhodia; et tumidis, bumaste, racemis. 105. Quem numerum Sed neque, quam multae species, nec nomina quar sint, qui velit scire, idem ve- i vlit scere, ieq m mu tEst numerus: neque enim numero comprendere refert. lit discere quim multrn/ arenm Libyci uequoriskQuem qui scire velit, Libyci velit arquoris idem 105 turbentur Discere, quam multae Zephyro turbentur arena; NOTES. Tarentina, and were of a blackish cast. 97. Amminece vites. There arre various Some think them to be the Bergamot pear. conjectures concerning this vine,but nothing Volemis: to the Volemian pears. These were certainly known. It produced excellent so called from the circumstance of their fill- wine-firmissima vina, strong, and of good'ng the palm of the hand; from vola. -The body. surculs,' or shoot, of all these was different. 98. Quibus et Tmolus: to which both 89. Arboribus: in the sense of vitibus. Tmolus, and Phaneus himself, the king of 90. MIethymnceo: an adj. from J.ethymna, vine-bearing mountains, rise up in sign of a city of Lesbos, an island in the AEgean respect-they yield the pre-eminence to the sea, famous for its vines. Anminiean vine. Assurgit, as here used, is 9i. Thasice: an adj. from Thasus, an highly metaphorical..It conveys to our island in the ]Egean sea. Mareolides: an minds the idea of one mountain rising up to adj. probably from Mareotis, a lake near another in token of respect, and yielding to Alexandria, in Egypt. Some take it from it precedency. Tinolus: a mountain in a place of the same name in Lybia, in the Lydia, famous for its wines. Phanwus: confines of Egypt. These latter (hce) re- another mountain in tlie island Chios, in quired a rich soil; the former (illc) aliglt soil. the Egean sea, celebrated for its wines. 93. Psythia: an adj. agreeing with vitis, 99. Argitis: a species of the grape, prounderstood. Its derivation is uncertain. It bably derived from a Greek word signifyis probably from the name of some town in ing?white, or from Argos, a city of the PeGreece, where that species of vine flourish- loponncsus. ed. Utilior passo: better for passum, or 100. Tantum luere: to yield so much sweet wine. This was made of raisins or juice. dried grapes; from the word patior: quod 101. Mensis et Dis secundis. The first tasolen aut ignem patitur. Lageos. This was ble or course was composed of meats. The a species of grape, deriving its name from second of fruits, and what we generally call a Greek word signifying a hare, because it desserts. At this second table or course resembled the color of that animal. Te- there'were libations made to certain gods. nuis: subtle or penetrating. Quod facile Secundis is generally connected with Dir. ebrietatem inducit, says Servius. It is, however, better to connect it with men95. Purpuree, precixeque. These are both sis: it will then be: the Rhodian wine is adjectives, and agree with vites, or more acceptable to the second table or course, probably with uve, understood. Precie: and to the gods that were then irvokedearly ripened-ripened before other grapes. acceptable, or fit for libations. 96. Rhatica: a grape, so, called from 102. Rhodia: an adj. from Rhodus, a faRhetia, a country bordering upon Italy on mous island in the Mediterranean sea. the west. Cellis Falernis: with the Faler- Bumaste: the bumastus was a species of nian wine. Cellis: the cellars; by meton. grape, whose clusters were w-vollen out, like for the wine in them. Falernis: an adj. the udder of a cow. It is derived frori the,from Falernus,. mountain in Campania, Greek. celebrated for its good wines. 103. Quam: in the sense of tan. GEORGICA. LIB. 11. 9 Aut, ubi navigiis violentior incidit Eurus. Nosse, quot Ionii veniant ad litora fluctus. Nec vero telrae ferre omnes omnia possunt. Fluminibus salices, crassisque paludibus alni 110 Nascuntur, steriles saxosis montibus orni, Litora myrtetis laetissima: denique apertos Bacchus arnat colles, Aquilonem et frigora taxi. Aspice et extremis domitum cultoribus orbem, Eoasque domos Arabum, pictosque Gelonos. 115 Divisae arboribus patrime. Sola India nigrum Fert ebenum, solis est thurea virga Sabaeis. Quid i'T'i6dorato referam sudantia ligno Balsamaque, et baccas semper frondentis acanthi? Quid nemora JEthiopum molli'canentia lana? 120 120. Quid referam tibi Velleraque ut foliis depectant tenuia Seres? nemora Aut quos Oceano propior gerit India lucos, Extremi sinus orbis? ubi aera vincere summum Arboris haud ulla jactu potuere sagitte: NOTES. 110. Salices nascuntur: the willows by 121. Seres: a people of India, who furthe side of rivers-the alders by stagnant nished the rest of the world with silk. It pools-the barren wild ashes on the stony was a common received opinion that they mountains, spring up, and flourish. collected it from the leaves of trees. To 112. Myrtetis: in groves of myrtle. Lce- this the poet refers in the words, depectant, tissima: in the sense of.feracissima. &c. they comb off the fine fleeces from the 113. Bacchus: here put for vites, by me- eaves. ton. Taxi: the yew trees. The verb amant 123. Extremi sinus orbis. It is somewhat is to be supplied.' difficult to fix the meaning of sinus, in this 114. Aspice orbem. The meaning is, that place. If it could be read sinui, in the dat. the remotest parts of the world were redu- to agree with oceano, it ould be easy. ced to a state of cultivation by their re- But it is usually read in the nom It must spective inhabitants, both the east (Eoasdo- therefore mean the same as India, in the mos Arabum) and the north, the country of precedingline. uthow it can be applied the Geloni. The inhabitants, by meton. put wlth any propriety, to express a tract of for the country. They painted themselves ntry,4oth not appear. If we take sinus that they might be more terrible to their for the gen. connected with extremi, the dif. enemies. This explains the word picos. ficulty will be removed, in a good degree, and orbis for the nom. Now orbis sone115. Gelonos: the Geloni were a people times means no more than a single country, inhabiting the northern parts of Europe. or any division or part of the earth. If we 116. Patrice divisce: countries are distin- take, it thus, the passage may be rendered: guished by their trees. Patria, one's native Or, why need I mention the groves which country-Regio, any country. India, nearer the ocean, the country of 117. Thurea virga: the frankincense tree. (bordering upon) the farthest bay, produ118. Referam: in the sense of dicam, vel ces? Valpy says: the extreme convexity describam. of the globe. hleyne: interior remotiorque 119. Balsama: plu. of balsamum, a plant terra extremce orbis partis. Rumus: recesof a very delicious fragrance. Its juice is sus ultimi mnundi. The sinus I take for the obtained by cutting the branches in the sum- bay of Bengal, called by the ancients the mer months, from which incisions the juice Sinus Gangeticus. The parts of India beflows. Acanthi. There were two kinds of yond the Ganges were very little known to Acanthus; one the herb commonly called them; extremi, therefore, may e very well brank-ursin, or bear's-foot; the other an applied tothem. Sumnnunm aera: the highEgyptian tree, always green, and abounding est air-the air surrounding the topmost in berries.. branches. Thisis evidently an extravagant 120. Molli land: with soft cotton. AEthi- hyperbole, notwithstanding the declaration opum: gen. plu. of JEthiops: an inhabitant of Pliny, as to the height of the trees. Vinof /Ethiopia, an extensive country in Africa, cere: in the sense of superare. abounding in the cotton tree. Ut: in the 126. Media. A country of Asia, bounded sense of quomodn. on the north by the Caspian sea, on the 90 P. VIRGIL11 MARONIS Et gens illa quidem sumptis non tarda pi)1retris 125 Media fert tristes succos, tardumque saporemn Felicis mali: quo non praesentius ullurn (Pocula si quando saevae infecere noverce, Miscueruntque herbas, et non innoxia verba) Auxilium venit, ac membris agit atra venena. 13i 131. Ipsa arbor est in- Ipsa ingens arbos, faciemque simillima lauro; gena, imillimaque lauro Et, si non alium late jactaret odorem, quoad faciem Laurus erat: folia haud ullis labentia ventis: Flos apprima tenax: animas et olentia Mcdi Ora fovent illo, et senibus medicantur anhelis. 135 Sed neque Medorum sylvae, ditissima terra, Nec pulcher Ganges, atque auro turbidus Hermus, Laudibus Italiae certent: non Bactra, neque Indi, Totaque thuriferis Panchaia pinguis arenis. Haec loca non tauri spirantes naribus ignem 140 Invertere, satis immanis dentibus hydri: Nec galeis densisque virum seges horruit hastis: Sed gravidae fruges, et Bacchi Massicus humor Implevere: tenent oleaque, armentaque lketa. Hinc bellator equus campo sese arduus infert: 145 Iinc albi, Clitumne, greges, et maxima taurus NOTES. west by Armenia, on the east by Hyrcania sands. It received in its course the celeand Parthia, and on the south by Persia brated Pactolus; and with it, fell into the proper. Under Cyrus the great, it became Sinus Phocaicus. a constituent part of the Persian monarchy. 138. Bactra: neu. plu. the principal city 127. J.ali: the citron. Its rind is bitter, of the Bactrii. By synec. put for theix and its seeds are covered with a bitter skin: whole country, which was called Bactriana. hence tristes succos, bitter juices; and tar- and was bounded by Parthia on the west, dum saporem, a taste remaining long on the India on the east, and by the river Oxus on palate. It is called Felix, happy, on account the north. of its many virtues, and qualities; some of 1 Pnc f A in w h ic ar ^ menio. Non 7i-^i 139. Panchaia: a country of Arahbin Fewhich are mentioned. J\on tarda: * - * * * i eix. Pinguis: rich, in frankincenne-bearnQF^l~-~S —P~rllerp~!*,s~^li~*^iH^^pa*< ~ ing soil. 128. Infecere: have poisoned. Pocula: ng o by meton. the wine. Prcesentius: more 140. Heec loca: these places bulls breathcertain-more efficacious. Some copies ing fire have not turned, &c. This alludes have preestantis. to the fable of Jason, who, with a company 129. JNon innoxia verba: in the sense oof f en, vent to Colchis to get the golden noxias incantationes.. fleece. Here werebulls breathing fire bound 134. Apprimai: an adj. neu. plu. taken to a plough. Upon their turning theea'th, as an adverb, in imitation of the Greeks. it was sown with dragon's teeth, which irmn The same as apprinme..nimas et olentia mediately sprang up, seges virtim, into men ora, &c. With this (fruit, malo) the Medes armed and prepared for combat, to supply correct their breath, and (cleanse) their the place of those that had been slain. The stinking mouths. Se& xi Ru- dragon that guarded the fleece being slain. mus says; Corrigunt haliturn suum et grave- Jason obtained the prize. This was the fa olentia ora. mous Argonautic expedition. See Ovid, 137. Ganges. One of the finest rivers in Met. vii. It is supposed that this was onlj the world. It rises in the kingdom of Thi- a commercial expedition, which proved very bet, and taking a south-easterly direction, lucrative. after a course of about 2000 miles, falls into 143. J.lassicus: a mountain in Campanla, the gulf or bay of Bengal; having in its fertile in the vine; here used as an adj. course received a number of tributary.Massicus humor Bacchi: Massic wine. treams, eleven of which, it is said, are as Humor Bacchi: the liquor of Bacchus, i. e..arge as the Rhine. It is considered by the wine. inhabitants upon its banks, as a god. Her- 146. Clitumne: Clitumnus a river a f Ummuts; a river of Lydia, famous for its golden bria in Italy, famous for the flocks of white GEORGICA. LIB. 1I. 91 Victlma, saepe tuo pcrfusi flumine sacro, Romanos ad templa Deum duxere triumphos. Hic ver assiduuan, atque alienis mensibus aestas. Bis gravidre pecudes, bis pomis utilis arbos. 150 13. Nee sqlamens At rabidae tigres absunt, et saeva leonum:gui rapit m nso cM, * ~~~~~~. /.'~..orbes pei humum, neque Semina: nec miseros fallunt aconita legentes: colligit st in spitum cqe Nee rapit immensos orbes per humum, neque tanto tanto tractu h,, quain Sguameus in spiram tractu se colligit anguis. quibusdam aliis regionAdde tot egregias urbes, operumque laborem; 155 ibus. Tot congesta manu prwrruptis oppida saxis; 158. An memorem mare, quod alluit Itatiam Fluminaque antiques subter labentia muros. supra,quodque lluiteam An mare, quod supra, memorem, quodque alluit infrI? infra? Anne memorem Anne lacus tantos? te, Lari maxime; teque tantos lacus, te, O maxFluctibus et fremitu assurgens, Benace, marino? 160 ime Lari, teque, 0, BeAn memorem portus, Lucrinoque addita claustra, nace, Atque indignatum magnis stridoribus aequor; tu62. cirquora il nd clausra Julia qua ponto longe sonat unda refuse, magnis NOTES. sheep that fed on its banks. The victims the Tuscan sea on the south. The formeri were washed in it, to make them the whiter. was sometimes called JMare superum, and White victims alone were offered to Jove on the latter JMare inferum; hence the supra triumphal days. To this the poet alludes. applied to the one, and infra, to the other. 149..Estas alienis mensibus: summer in 159. Maxime Lari: Larius, a large lake other months-in months not its own..As- at the foot of the Alps. It communicates siduum: in the sense of perpetumn. with the Po, by the river Addua. Hodie, 150. Bis pecudes, &c. The meaning is, Lago di Coma. that the flocks bring forth twice in a year, Ben s, a large lake, co and the trees produce two crops of fruit. 160. Benace: Benacus, a large lake, comand the trees produce two crops of fruit. e Po by the river inPecudes; here must mean sheep and other mu itspresent ath e Po by the river Mn minor animals. It could not be said of cus. Its present name is Lago di Garda. minor animals. It could not be said of cattle or horses. he poet in many stan- ssurgens: swelling with the waves, and roaring of a sea. ces, in praising his country, exceeds the s bounds of credibility. Utilis: in the sense 161. Lucrino-Avernis. Lucrmus and of fertilis, says Heyne. Avernus were two lakes im Campania. ITere 152. Aconita: wolf's bane. It is taken Augustus made a haven, which he called here for any noxious or poisonous plant, or the Julian port. This was done by uniting herb. According to Solinus, it takes its them by a canal, and connecting them with name from Acon, a port in Pontus, a coun- the sea. Portum Julium apud Baias, im. try notorious for poisonous plants. Others misso in Lucrinum et Avernunl Lacum mari, take it from a Greek word signifying a eficit, says Suetonius. Addita claustra. It stone, because it grew principally on stony would seem from this, that Lucrinlus was grounds. Semina: in the sense of proles. originally a bay, and probably connected 155. Lnborem operum: the labor, or work with the sea, by a narrow strait, but afterof artificers. Operum appears to be used ward, either by some operation of the wain the sense of Opificum, ot Operariorum. ter, or artificially, was separated from it, Heyne takes laboreln operum., simply for forming a lake. This was the opinion of opera, vel cdificia. Strabo, who informs us that Lucrinus was 156. Tot oppida. Many of the cities of originally a bay; but had been separated Ita-y were built upon high and elevated from the sea, ever since the days of Hercugrounds. To this the words pracruptis saxis les, by a mound or bank of sand; that this allude. Congesta in the sense of extrueta. was occasionally broken over by the waves 157. Subter: Heyne takes this in the of the sea, but was repaired and made se. sense of prater: making the sense to be, cure against all encroachments of that ele. that the rivers flowed or passed by the walls ment by Agrppa, for the purpose of maof cities. He observes that many of the king it a safe and convenient station for the cities of Italy were built upon the margin of Romnan fleet. rivers: which seems to warrant that sense 162. Indignatum: the same as indigof the word. nans: roaring-raging. 158. An lMare, &c. Italy is washed by 163. Julia aqua. Heyne eems to underthe Adriatic sea, on the north-east, and by stand this in the sense of Ju. us portus, the 92 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Tyrrlenusque fretis immittitur astus Avernis? 165. UIae eadem ftalia iaec eadem argenti rivos, erisque metalla'66 estendit in venis rivos Ostendit venis, atque auro plurima fluxit. 167. [ltec Italia extulit IIec genus acre virum, Marsos, pubemque Sabellaim, &acre enus viruln, neite. Assuetumque malo Ligurem, Volscosque verutos 169. wIe Itaha extulit Extulit: lhac Decios, Marios, magnosque Camillos, Scipiadas duros bello; et te, maxime Caesar, 17( Qui nune extremis Asia jam victor in oris labellem avertis Romanis arcibus Indum. Salve, magmna p-?.s frvgum, Saturnia tellus, Magna virmn: tib. "-s ar.tique laudis et artis Ingredior, sanctos ausus recludere fontes: 175 Ascraeumque cano Roniana per oppida carmen 177. Locus est dicendi Nunc locus arvorum ingenits: qua robora cuique, de inlgenils Quis color, et q1,' sit rebus natura ferendis Difliciles primum terrae, collesque maligni, 180. Ubi sunt tenuis''enius ubi argilla, et dumosis calculus arvis, 180 argilia, et calculus Palladia gaudent sylva vivacis olive. Indicio est tractu surgens oleaster eodem NOTES. harbor that had been made by excluding the ble birth, he rose to the highest honors. He sea-the water in the harbor. Lucrinus triumphed over Jugurtha, king of Numidia, was not entirely separated from the sea. and over the Cimbri. He died in his se It was connected with it by a strait, or nar- venth consulship. CamLillos. Ten most cei,row channel, for the ingress and egress of brated of the Camilli was MIarcus Fur^u., the fleet, and for the admission of the water Camlillus. He triumphed over the Vientes. of the sea. He rescued Rome from the Gauls. He was 164. Fretis Arlernis: the canal which con- called a second Romulus, and died at the nected A.ernlts with Lucrinus, is here call- age of eighty years. See iEn. vi. 825. ed fretutL, a strait..Estus: in the sense of Scipiadas. See /En. vi. 843. Duros: invinmare. cible-capable of enduring the fatigues of 165. MIetalla Firis: simply, brass. Fluxit: war. in tle sense of abundavit. 173. Saturnia tellus. Italy is so called 167. Marsos. The Marsi were apeople of because here Saturn found a safe retreat Italy lying to the south of the Appenines, after his expulsion from heaven. He reignand to the east and north of the.Equi and ed here conjointly with Janus. Res: a subT'olsci. They originated, according to some, ject. Tibi: for thee-for thy advantage. fromn a son of the sorceress Circe: others. say, fiom AIarsia, a king of Lydia. Their 174. Virum: n the sense of heroum. Laudis antiquae, et artis. et exculprincipal city was Marrubium, or Marru- Laud a antiqus, et ars. cu asetecul viunl, not far from the Lacus Fucinus. Pu- tas ab anthus sy Ruauss bemn Sa&be!lam: the Sabelli were a very an- 176. scrteu carmen: an Ascrean strain, cient people of Italy, orignal-:'. l-,;he or verse; that is, in imitation of Hesiod, Samnites, the Sabines, and the Ausoneans. V w....xl.'J; iscra, a village in Beo168. Ligurem: the Ligurcan accustomnpd tia, not far from mount Helicon. it is said, to fatigue or toil. The Ligures were a ne wrote a trca:c- upon agriculture. people inhabiting that part of Italy, which 177. Ingeniis: the nature or quality of lies at the head of the Mare Liguslicum, or the lands. Robora, plu. of robutr, strength sea of Genoa. The Volsci were a very war- or ability to produce. The poet proceeds like people. They inhabited that part of Ita- to point out the several methods of distinly, through which the river Liris passes, and guisning trle various soils. He makes ten were bounded on the west by the Rutuli such methods. and Latini, on the east by Aurunci and 179. Maligni: thin-poor, with reference Compani, and on the north by the.qui to the qlality of the soil. DI)ticiles: rough. and Hernici. Verutos, armed with darts: 181. Paliadia syl;h: Milnerva's grove from veru a kind of dart. Palladia: an adj. from Pallas, a name ol 169. Decios: these were three Romans, Minerva, to whom the olive was sacred. who sacrificed their lives for their country. 182. Oleaster nascens plurimus: the wild Maarios: the.Marii, of whom Caius Marius olive, springing up thick and luxuriant in Was the most celebrated. Though of hum- the same tract, is for a sign. GEORGICA. 113B. II. 93'lurimus, et strati baccis sylvestribus agri. At quae pinguis humus, dulcique uligine lita, 184. At humus, qut Quique fiequens herbis, et fertilis ubere canpus, 185 est inguis, ltaque dulQualem sepe cava montis convalle solernus c uliin, ampuqu qui est frequens herbis, Despicere: hue summis liquuntur rupibus amnes, et fertilis ubere Felicemque trahunt limum: quique editus Austro, 188. Campusque, qui Et filicem curvis invisam pascit aratris: es editus Austro, et pasIlic tibi praevalidas olim multoque fluentes 190 cit Sufficiet Baccho vites: hic fertilis uve, ciet tili cm 6uF Hic laticis; qualem pateris libamus et auro, 191. Hic campus erit Inflavit cum pinguis ebur Tyrrhenus ad aras, fertilis uvm, hic idem Lancibus et pandis fumantia reddimus exta. erit fertils tis als laticis; Sin armenta magis studium, vitulosque tueri, 195 qualem Aut fetus ovium, aut urentes culta capellas: ib magis tueri armeta Saltus et saturi petito longinqua Tarenti, 198. Et talemcampum, Et qualem infelix amisit Mantua campum, qualem Pascentem niveos herboso flumine cycnos. Non liquidi gregibus fontes, non gramina desunt: 200 iEt quantum longis carpent armenta diebus, 201. Quantlm herbalExirua tantim gelidus ros nocte reponet. rum armenta atrn 203. Terra ferg nigra, Nigra fert, et presso pinguis sub vomere, terra, ct ii sub preso Et cui putre solum (namque hoc imitamur arando) vomere; et cui est Optima frumentis; non ullo ex aequore cernes 205 Plura domum tardis decedere plaustra juvencis: Aut unde iratus sylvam devexit arator, 207. Aut illa terra est Et nemora evertit multos ignava per annos, optimafrumentis, undo Antiquasque dornos avium cum stirpibus irnis Eruit: illae altum nidis petiere relictis: 210 210. Altum aerem At rudis enituit impulso vomere campus. NOTES. 183. Strati: covered with. 198. JMantua infelix amnisit: such as un 184. Leta: in the sense of abundans. happy Mantua hath lost. The poet alludes Uligine: the natural moisture of the earth. to the circumstance of Augustus' depriving 187. Liquuntur: in the sense of defluunt. the Mantuans of their lands, and bestowing 188. Felicem: fertilizing, or enriching. them upon his soldiers, as a reward for their 189. Filicetn: the fern or brake, whose services. Infelix, here, is peculiarly approroots, by their contexture, are very trouble- priate. Mantjua was situated upon the risome to the plough. Invisam: hated. ver Mincius, which abounded in grass and 191. Sufficiet: in the sense of producet. reeds. Flumine: perhaps, in the sense of 192. Pateris et auro: by Hendiadis, for ripa, vel litore. aureis pateris: in golden bowls. 200. Liquidi: in the sense of puri. De193. Tyrrhenus; an inhabitant of Etru- sunt: Heyne reads deerunt, in the future. ria or Tuscany, an extensive country in 204. Imitamur hoc, &c. The design of Italy, whose ancient inhabitants were fa- ploughing land being to loosen its texture, mous for indulging their appetite; hence the and to render it soft and mellow; by doing epithet pinguis: fat or corpulent. Reddi- this, we imitate, says the poet, a soil u hirh mus: we offer to the gods the warm en- is naturally so. He observes, tlat a daik trails, &c. Ebur: properly ivory-any mould, and one that looks fat and greasy, thing made of ivory. Here, an ivory pipe. as it is broken up with the share, and is, at 195. Tueri: in the sense of alere, vel the same time, rotten or mellow, is the best nutrire. for grain: non ex ullo cequore cernes, &c. 196. Urentes: nipping-destroying. Cul- The same too may be said, he observes, of ta: an adj. from cultus. This denotes any land newly cleared: unde iratus, &c. Irathing that is dressed, taken care of, or ma- tus, angry, on account of the barrenness of naged in any way by culture. Here it means the wood. Ignava: barren-useless. young trees-nurseries. 205..Equore: in the sense of agro,vel campo. 197. Tarenti: Tarentum, a town in Ca- 211. Rudis campus: but the new (before labria, in the eastern part of Italy; which uncultivated) field hath shone under the justifies the epithet longinqua: remote deep laid share. For enituit, Dr. Trapp fields. Arva is understood. would read enitet, the pres. 94 P. VIRGILTI MARONIS Nam Jejuna quidem clivosl glarea ruris Vix humniles apibus casias roremque ministrat 214. Chelydris vix Et tophus scaber, et nigris exesa chelydris ininistrant eas quoque Creta negant alios aeque serpentibus agros 215 Dulcein ferre cibum, et curvas prebere latebras. 217. lila terra qua ex- Quve tenuem exhalat nebulam, fumosque volucres, halat Et bibit humorem, et, cum vult, ex se ipsa remittit, Quteque suo viridi semper se gramine vestit, Nec scabie et salsa laedit rubigine ferrum; 220 221. Illa terra intexet Illa tibi letis intexet vitibus ulmos: Illa ferax oleae est: illam experiere colendo Et facilem pecori, et patientem vomeris unci. Talem dives arat Capua, et vicina Vesevo Ora jugo, et vacuis Clanius non aeuus Acerris. 225 226. Nunc dicam quo- Nunc, quo quarnque modo possis cognoscere, dicam. modo possis cognoscere Rara sit, an supra morem sit densa, requiras: unam quamque terram, (Altera frumentis quoniam favet, altera Baccho: si requiras, an sit rara m Crr rr q 229. Densa terra favet ensa, magis Cerer; rarssima queque, Lyeo) Cererl magis Ante locum capies oculis; alteque jubebis 230 In solido puteum demitti, omnemquie repones Rursus humum, et pedibus summas aequabis arenas. 233. Si arena deerunt Si deerunt, rarum, pecorique et vitibus almis ead reendum locu, uber Aptius, uber erit: sin in sua posse negabunt Ire loca, et scrobibus superabit terra repletis, 235 Spissus ager; glebas cunctantes crassaque terga Expecta, et validis terrain proscinde juvencis. Salsa autem tellus, et quae perhibetur amara, Frugibus infelix: ea nec mansuescit arando, Nec Baccho genus, aut pomis sua nomina servat: 240 NOTES. 212. J3am je.una glarea. Having men- 225. Ore: in the sense of regio. Jugo tioned the land best for grain, the poet here Vesevo: the mountain Vesuvius, in Camobserves, that the land in which the dry pania, near Naples, well known as a volcagravel, jejunaglarea; or the rough rotten- no. Acerris: Acerrae was an ancient city stone, scaber.tophus; or the chalk stone, of Campania, which the river Clanius, by creta, abounds, will scarcely produce the its frequent inundations, almost depopulaherb casia, and consequently is unfit for ted. Hence the propriety of non equus, not grain: besides, it is the haunt of noxious just, or kind-destructive. reptiles and vermin. Rorem: in the sense of 227. Rara. Rarus, loose, light, is the flores, says Heyne: quibus ros solet inesse. opposite of spissus; and in the present case, 215. Tophus scaber, &c. Heyne takes of densus. tophus scaber and creta exera as nominatives 228. Baccho-Lyao. These both by meto negant. ton. are here put for the vine. 220. Scabie, rubigine: with scurf-with 230. Ante': in the sense of primum. rust. Ferrum: the plough-share. 231. Demitti: in the sense of defodi. Puteum: in the sense of foveam. In solido: in 221. Intexet: will entwine —embrace, the solid ground. rmplicabit, says Ruieus. 234. Uber: in the sense of solum, vel 223. Facilem pecori: to be good for pas- humus. ture, and patient of the bending plough- 236. Expecta cunctantes: expect hard wrill bear frequent tillage. clods, and large tough ridges. 224. Capua: a city of Campania, sur- 239. Ea nec mansuescit: that land neither rounded by a fertile country. Its inhabit- mellows by ploughing, nor preserves its ants were celebrated for their wealth and kind to the vine, nor their own names to the luxury. It took its name from Capys, a fruit. The vine and fruit degenerate, and companion of _Eneas; but Strabo derives it lose their original flavor and qualities when from caput, because it was the chief city in planted in such a soil. Infelir: in tie sAnse that part of Italy. of inapta, vel irgecunda. GEORGICA. LIB. I1. 95 Tale dabit specimen. Tu spisso vimine qualos, Colaque prelorum fumosis deripe tectis. Huc ager ille nialus, dulcesque a fontibus undam Ad plenum calcentur: aqua eluctabitur omnis Scilicet, et grandes ibunt per vimina guttee. 245 At sapor indicium faciet manifestus; et ora Tristia tentantum sensu torquebit amaror. Pinguis item qute sit tellus, hoc denique pacto Discimus; haud unquam manibus jactata fatiscit; Sed picis in morem ad digitos lentescit habendo. 250 Humida majores herbas alit, ipsaque justo 251. Humida tmrs a; Latior: ah nimium ne sit mihi fertilis ilia, majores herbas, ips q* Neu se prtevalid(am primis ostendat aristis i et hetior jUS., 254. Terra, q'u "i Quat gravis est, ipso tacitam se pondere prodit; gravis, queque eYs ivF, Quaeque levis. Promptum est oculis prrediscere nigram, prodit se tacitam Et quisquis color. At sceleratum exquirere frigus 256 256. Et quisquis color Difficile est: picea tantuim, taxique nocentes sit unicmzque terrn. Interdum, aut hedera pandunt vestigia nigre. His animadversis, terram multo ante memento Excoquere, et magnos scrobibus concidere montes, Ante, supinatas Aquiloni ostendere glebas, 261 Quam latum infodias vitis genus: optima putri 262. Optima arvasuni Arva solo: id venti curant, gelidaeque pruinre, i putri solo Et labefacta movens robustus jugera fossor. At si quos baud ulla viros vigilantia fugit: 265 266. Exquirun A > 1 **i. ~.i. *" 266. Exquimxnt o^mc^ Ante locum similem exquirunt, ubi prima paretur similem illi, ubi primi Arboribus seges, et quo mox digesta feratur; seges NOTES. 242. Deripe: in the sense of cape, vel coquere: to dry-bake. The poet here adfume. Qualos: baskets made of thick vises to let the land lie exposed both to the wicker. heat of the sun during the summer, and t' 243. Huc: hither-into the basket. JMa- the north wind during winter; that is, for lus ager: the earth of bad quality. Unda:: a whole year..The ante in the following in the sense of aqua. line appears entirely expletive. Some ha-v 244. Eluctabttur * in the sense of effluet, proposed to read in room of it, atque, which vel elabitur. would be preferable, if there were authority 246. Sapor: the taste or relish, denoting for the change. Heyne seems to approve the quality of any thing. It differs from of atque. sensus, which here means the sensation or 261. Ostendere: in the sense of expo. effect produced on the mouth by the act of nere. Supinalas: turned toward, or lyirn tasting. Indicium: a discovery of the exposed to. quality of the lend. 264. Labefactajugera: his loosened acrea 247. Tentantunm: in the sense of gustan- -mellowing under the instrurr ents of hustium. Tristia: in the sense of salsa, vel bandry. Curant: in the sense of tficienm: amara. will render the ground soft and mellow. 249. Jactata: in the sense of versata. 265. Si quos: some men. 250. Habendo: by handling. 267. Seges: a nursery, or place where 251. Justo: than just-above due mea- trees are first planted or reared, till they be sure. The abl. after the comparative. of sufficient size to be transplanted. In th; 253. Aristis: arista here means the blade passage, the meaning appears to be, tlhat or stalk of the grain. those who would have good orchards, shouli 254. Tacitanm: in the sense of tacite. pay a particular attention to the soil, where 255. Promptumn: in the sense of facile. they intend to plant the trees, and select a 256. Seeleralumn. in the sense of noxium, soil of the like kind for the nursery; from el perniciosunL which (ex quo) afterward the trees are to 260 Excoquere terram: to drain, or dry be taken and transplanted; lest w-lhen so your and. Concidere. Davidson, on the transplanted, they should not read'ly unite authority of Pierius, reads circumdare. Ex- with the earth. Not only so, they should 9f6 P. VIRG1LI1 NIARONIS Mutatam ignorent subitb ne semina matrem. Quin etiam cwli regionern in cortice signant; 270. ITt restituant Ut, quo qumque modo steterit, qua parte calores 270 unamquamque eb modo, Austrinos tulerit, quac terga obverterit axi, quo qumque steterit,.qua Restituant. Adeo in teneris consuescere multum est. parte Collibus, an piano melius sit ponere vites, Quare prius. Si pinguis agros metabere campl, Densa sere. In dense non segnior ubere Bacchus 276. Sin eligas solum Sin tumulis acclive solunl, collcs(Iue supinos, 276 acclive tumulis Indulge ordinibus: nec seciuis omnis in unguem Arboribus positis secto via imnite quadret. Ut stepe ingenti bello, cum longa cohortes Explicuit legio, et campo stetit agmen aperto, 280 Directaeque acies, ac late fluctuat omnis Are renidenti tellus, necdurn horrida miscent Pralia, sed dubius mediis Mars errat in armis. 281. Omnia intervalla Omnia sint paribus numeris dimensa viarum: viarum sint dimensa Non animum mod6 uti pascat prospectus inanem, 285 Sed quia non aliter vires dabit omnibus aequas Terra, neque in vacuum poterunt se extendere rami. Forsitan et scrobibus qua sint fastigia quaeras. Ausim vel tenui vitern committere sulco. Altius ac penitius terrae defigitur arbos: 290 NOTES. carefully observe what particular side stood 278. Omnms via, &c. Every space, or avetoward the several parts of heaven, that nue, should square exactly, the trees being they might be placed, every one in the same placed in a path or line cut across —every manner-on what side they sustained the space should exactly form a square, the summer heat, and on what side the winter rows of trees being planted at equal discold. Seges: in the sense of senlinariunm, tances, and at right angles to each other says Heyne. Digesla: arranged in rows. In unguem: exactly-to a tittle. Feratur: in the sense of tran.sferatur. 281. Acies directe: the lines are formed 268. Semina: young plants, or trees. Ja- -the battalions are marshalled. Acies: trem: the ground into which they are trans- an army in order of battle; agmen: in orplanted. der of march; exercitus: in order of exer271. A1xi: in the sense of septentrioni. cise. Fluctuat: in the sense of coruscat. 272. Consuescere in leneris: to be accustoined in their tender age avails so much- 282. Renidenti sre: wth gleamng brass,.re: in the sense of cere is armis, has so much influence over them. Some re: e sense of res c copies have a teneris. Annis is understood 83.. Dubius: doubtful-uncerlaln not 274. 1Metahere: if you shall lay out for knowing on which side of the embattled planting.- Rueus interprets it by eligas. armies the victory will fall. 275. Densa: for dense, an adv. Bacchus 284. Omnria sint, &c. All the spaces non segnior: the vine will not be less fruit- should be measured out in equal proFortions..ful in a thick and rich soil. Some take in Davidson supposes inlervalla, or a word. of dense simply for dense, and render it thus: the like import, to agree with omnia, ard to the vine will not be less fruitful in a rich govern viarum. R.ueus connects via,-rm soil, if Fpinted thickly. In this case, ubere with numeris, and supposes it to be governis taken for richness or fertility of soil. ed by that word. But to take omnia viarutm This appears to be the opinion of Heyne. in the sense of omnes vice, is more simple: Ruaus connects dense with ubere. In this and of this construction we have many excase, denso must be taken in the sense of amples in Virgil. Opaca locorum: dark pingt, vel spisso; and ubere in the sense of places. _En. ii. 725. Opaca viarum: dark solo. ways, or passages. AEn. vi. 633. 276. Su:pinos: sloping-descending gra- 288. Fastigia: in the sense of profundi dually. tas. Scrobibus: to the trenches —hc'es. 277. Indulge ordinibus: indulge in your 290. Altiis. The common reading s a1rows-plant your vines farther apart. JYec tius; but Heyne, Heinsius, and some others, sectiu: also-likewise; porro, says Heyne. have altior. GEORGICA. LIB. 11 97 AEsculus imprimis, 4furl quantum vertice ad auras AEthereas,' tanti'm Iradice in Tartara tendit. Ergo non hyemes illam, non flabra, neque;mbres Convellunt: imnioja manet, multosque per annos, Multa virum volvens durando saecula vincit. 295 Turn fortes late ramos et brachia tendens lIue illuc, media ipsa ingentem sustinet umbram. 297. Ipsa media tnteNeve tibi ad Solem vergant vineta'cadentem: suos rdhlOs 8ustiet Neve inter vites corylum sere: neve flagella Summa pete, aut summas defringe ex arbore plantas, (Tantus amor terrw:) neu ferro lede retuso 301 Semina: neve olea sylvestres insere truncos. Nam saepe incautis pastoribus excidit ignis, Qui furtim pingui primum sub cortice tectus Robora comprendit, frondesque elapsus in altas 305 Ingentem ccelo sonitum dedit: inde secutus Per ramos victor, perque alta cacumina regnat, Et totum involvit flammis nemus, et- ruit atram Ad ccelum picea crassus, caligine nubem: Praesertim si tempestas a vertice sylvis 310 Incubuit, glomeratque ferens incendia ventus. Hoc ubi; non a stirpe valent, ctesaeque reverti 312. Ubi hoc acciditk Possunt, atque ima similes revirescere terra; tun vites non valent re. Infelix superat foliis oleaster amaris. verti a stirpe Nec tibi tam prudens quisquam persuadeat iuctor Tellurem Borea rigidam spirante movere. 316 Rura gelu turn claudit hyems, nec semine jacto NOTES. 292. Tartara tendit: Tartarus, mas. in the or otherwise, you shoul'd not take the top. sing. neu. in the plu. one of the regions of hell. most shoots of the tree, but those that are Here, as the poets say, the wicked and im- nearer the root; for they will grow and pious are punished. Ixion, Tityus, Tanta- flourish better, having more strength in lus, Sysyphus, and the Danaides, were sen- them, and having already contracted a fondtenced to this place. The poet advises to ness for the earth-tantus amor terrce. Se. commit the vine to a light furrow, just be- mina: in the sense of surculos, vel plantas. low the surface of the earth; but to put the 300. Defringe. Heyne reads destringe. tree, andt especiallythe.Ssculus, deep in the, &c N p t earth. that they may take root better and 302 Jee isere,&c. Norplan the trunke more firmly. The vine properly belongs the wild olive among your ines. I neither to the species of the tree, nor to that s underst of the shrub; but is between both: ter- 306. Secutus: increasing more and more, tium quiddam, quod nec arborem, neefruti- it reigns victorious. cem proprie dixerim, says Columella. See 308. Ruit: in the sense of emittit, vel AEn. iv. 445. erigit. J'emus: in the sense of vineturn. 294. Mullos per annos. Heyne reads, 310. A vertice: from on high; or, accordmultos nepotes. HIe observes that Heinsius, ing to Servius, from the north. Desuper, and some otheisl, read the same. Per annos, vel de caelo, says Heyne; a septentrione, says is tlt general reading, and appears to be Rumus. the-easiest. If nepotes be read, it must be 312. Ubi hoc: when this happens-when taken in the sense of ctates, vel ceva; but your vineyards are burnt, your vines cannot that is expressed in the following line, by shoot forth again from the root; nor, if they the words, multa secula viriim. be cut, can they do it, and spring up such 295. Vincit: in the sense,.f superat. as they were before. They will be entirely 299. J.eve pete summcr. neither seek the destroyed, and nothing but the barren wild topmost shoots nor break off the topmost olive will survive and remain. Reverti: in scions from thqtree. the sense of renasci. The advice wnleh the poet gives, is: that 317. Rura: in the sernse of arva. Semine in propagating trees, whether by grafting, jacto: in the sense of surculo defosso. 98 P VIlGILL MARONIS ConcretAil patitur radicem affigere terrae. Optima vinetis satio est, cum vere rubenti Candida venit avis longis invisa colubris: 310 Prima vcl autumni sub frigoraj cum rapidus Sol Nondum hyemem contingit equis, jam preterit tstas. 323. Adeo ver est utile Ver adeo frondi nemorum, ver utile sylvis; frondi nemoium,l er est Vere tument terras, et genitalia semina poscunt. Turn pater omnipotens fcecundis imbribus ether 325 Conjugis in gremium laetm descendit, et omnes Magnus alit, magno commixtus corpore, fcetus Avia turn resonant avibus virgulta canoris, Et Venerem certis repetunt armenta diebus. Parturit almus ager: Zephyrique tepentibus auris 340 331. Omnibus arris Laxant arva sinus; superat tener omnibus humor ^ Inque novos soles audent se germina tuto Credere: nec metuit surgentes pampinus Austros, Aut actum ccelo magnis Aquilonibus imbrem: Sed trudit gemmas, et frondes explicat omnes. 336 336. Non crediderim Non alios prirmn crescentis origine mundi alios dies illuxisse in. * prima origin crescentis Illuxisse dies, aliuinve habuisse tenorein mundi,habuisseve alium Crediderim: ver illud erat, ver magnus agebat tenorem: illud tempus Orbis, et hybernis parcebant flatibus Euri; arat vcr Cum primuim lucem pecudes hausere, virumque 340 Ferrea progenies duris caput extulit arvis, Immisstque ferae sylvis, et sidera ccelo. Nec res hunc teneras possent perferre laboreni, NOTES. 319. Rubenti: blooming-blushing; in zephyrs. This is extremely beautiful, and the sense of purpureo. highly poetical. 320. Carmlida avis: the Ciconia, or stork. 332. Germina. The usual readino is So esteemed was this bird on account of its gramina. Heyne reads germina. Burmadestroying serpents and noxious reptiles, nus, lartyn, Vossius, and some others, do that in Thessaly, Pliny informs us, it was a the same. It is evidently the better. capital crime for any person to kill one; m i i n hence, invisa longis colubris.' 340. Cum primrm, &c. This is an allu n325. Tuminv onipotes paler: ten almighty sion to the deluge, which, the poets say, 325. Turn nnipatens paler: then almigty happened in the reign of Deucalion, king father Ether descends into the bosoni of his ppend in te of Deucalon king joyous spouse in fructifying showers, and of Thessaly of which le and Isu ife Pyrrha great himiself, mingling with her great body, were the only survivors. Bing gricved at nourisles all her offspring. h g y the general destruction of mtn, tley were nourishes all her offspring. I These lines are extremely beautiful, as directed by an oracle to cast behind them well as this rhole description of spring the bones of their great mother, which th6y The 2Ether, or air, by the poets, is frequently understood to be stones, and tley should called Jupiter, on account, perhaps, of its instantlyspringup into nlen. See Ec. vi.. great utility, and its necessity to life and 341. Duris arvis: stony fields. Ferea vegetation; and because of the intimate because they sprang up all.arr.d sami connexion between the surrounding air and equipped for war. the earth, the poet represents the latter as 343. Res teners. It is not certain viJe. Juno, calling it the spouse of Jove. ther the poet here speaks of spring at the 328. Avia virgulta: the sequestered creation of the world, or returns to his dewoods, or thickets. Avius is evidently com- scription of spring in general. In the forpounded of the Greek alpha, negativum, mer case, res tenierw will be the tender and and via, a way. We meet with several in- infant creation; in the latter, the tender stances of the like composition in the Latifi productions of nature. Dr. Trapp takes it language: as demnens, of de and mens, in this latter case, and undrstands by teamens, &c. nerce, frail, an epithet, saY hle, which was, 331. trva laxant, &c. The fields open and ever will be, proper for all sublunary their bosi m to the warm breezes of the things. Rumeus seems to take it in the Cor GEORGICA LIB. IL 99 Si non tanta quies iret, frigusque caloiemque Inter; et exciperet caeli indulgentia terras. 345 Quod superest; quawcumque premes virgulta per agros, Sparge fimo pingui, et multa memor occule terra: Aut lapidem bibulum, aut squalentes infode conchas. 3418. l.fode crtcum ei Inter eniin labentur aquae, tenuisque subibit bibulum lapdem nauL IIalitus, atque animos tollent sata; jamque reperti, 350 sqlalentes conchas: Qui saxo super atque ingentis pondere teste 350. Reperti sunt hoUrgerent: hoc effusos munimen ad imbres; mines, qui urgerent ilia Hoc, abi hiulca siti findit canis aestiter arva. super saxo, atque Seminibus postis, superest deducere terran 352 Hocest munirnn 5ad effusos imbres: hoc Sepius ad capita, et duros jactare bidentes; 355 efunisen, ubi restif est muninien, ubi testifer Aut presso exercere solum sub vomere, et ipsa canis findit Flectere luctantes inter vineta juvencos: Tur leves calamos, et rasae hastilia virgae, 358. Superest turn apFixineasque aptare sudes, furcasque bicornes: tare vitibus Viribus eniti quarum, et contemnere ventos 360 Assuescant, summasque sequi tabulata per ulmos..Ac, dum prima novis adolescit frondibus aetas, Parcendum teneris: et dum se latus ad auras 363. Parcendum est Palmes agit, laxis per purum immissus habenis, tibi teneris vilibus, dum Ipsa acie nondum falcis tentanda; sed uncis 365 prima * Carpe. i le 365. Ipsa vitis nondum Carpendae manibus frondes, interque legendac. ttentanda acie falcis Inde ubi jam validis amplexae stirpibus ulmos NOTES. mer sense. JMundus adhuc tener, says he. gating the vine by the layer, the top was Heyne follows the opinion of Dr. Trapp, placed into the ground, which consequently and by teneroe res understands the young became the root. Rumus says, radices. Bianl tender vegetation in general. David- dentes: Bidens was a kind of rake or hoe, son is of the same opinion. Ilunc laborem: having two teeth or forks-a grubbing hoe; this suffering, viz. the extremes of heat and compounded of bis and dens. Seminibus cold. posilis: in the sense of surculis defossis, vel 345. Exciperet: in the sense of excepisset. plantatis. So iret in the preceding line, for ivisset. 358. Hastilia: poles pointed like spears. Exciperet: had favored-visited.. Rasce virgce: of peeled wood-the bark taken 346. Premes: in the sense of pldntabis. off to render them more smooth. Virgi. Virgulta: in the sense of surculos. decorticatis, says Rucus. 348. Infode bibulumr lapidem: bury around 359. Bicornesfurcas: two-pronged forks, them the spongy stone, and rough shells. Bicornis, of bis and cornu. 349. Tenuis halitus, &c. This is said 360. Quarum viribus: by whose support probably from an opinion, that a circulation they may accustom themselves to rise, or of air about the root was necessary to the mount up. growth of the plant or scion. Sata: in the 361. Tabulata. These were branches of sense of surculi..nimos: in the sense of elms extended at proper distances, to susvires. tain the vine and enable it to spread. We 352. Effusos imbres: excessive, or immo- have no word in English answering to it. derate rains. 364. Imnissus laxis habenis rushing 353. JEstifer canis: the sultry dog. This forth with loosened reins. This is a metais a star in the mouth of the great dog, a phor taken from the horses in the race. Agil; constellation in the heavens. It is said to in the sense of erigit. have a considerable influence, while in con- 365. Acie falcis. This is the reading of junction w ith the sun, upon the heat of the Heyne, Valpy, and some others. A.ies, in weather. This space of time is usually the nom. is the common reading. The vine denominated the dog-days. The name of is not to be attempted with the pruningthe star is Sirius. knife, but the leaves aie to be plucked and 355. Capita: here plainly means the carefully culled by the bending hand, interroots; which are so called, either because legendce. by them they draw nourishment from the 367. Validis stirpibus: with strong earth as by a mouth; or because, by propa- wreaths-stems. String: thin-tr;ti olT'. 100 P. VIRGILII M1 RONIS Exierint; turn stringe comas, turn brachia tonde: Ante reformidant ferrum: turn denique dura Exerce imperia, et ramos compesce fluentes. 370 371. Sepes texendue Texende sepes etiam, et pecus omne tenendum, ut circuim vites, et omne Praecipue dum frons tenera, imprudensque laborum: pcus tenendum est ab Cui, super indignas hyemes, Solemque potentem, Sylvestres uri assidue capreaque sequaces Illudunt: pascuntur oves, avidalque juvencae. 375 376. Nec frigora con- Frigora ne tantum canla concreta pruina, creta cana pruina, aut. ravis estas uincmbes Aut gravis incumbens scopulis arentibus awstas; gravis testas incumbens arentibus scopulis, no- Quantrum illi nocuere greges, duriquc venenum cuere vitibus tantum, Dentis, et admorso signata in stirpe cicatrix. quantum illi greges Non aliam ob culpam Baccho caper omnibus aris 380 Catditur, et veteres ineunt proscenia ludi; Praemiaque ingeniis pagos et co npita circum, Theseida posuere: atque inter pocula leti Mollibus in pratis unctos saliere per utres. Necnon Ausonii, Troja gens missa, coloni 335 Versibus incomptis ludunt, risuque soluto: Oraque corticibus sumunt horrenda cavatis. Et te, Bacche, vocant per carmina laeta, tibique Oscilla ex alta suspendunt mollia pinu. NOTES. 370. Exerce dura imperia: exercise rigid 383. Theseidce: the Athenians, so called sway-rule them imperiously. Fluentes: from Theseus, one of their kings, the son of superfluous-wide-spreading. IEgeus and ZEthra. He taught them to live 372. Imprudens laborum: unused-unac- in cities, and contributed much to their cicustomed to hardships. vilization. Tragedy is said to have origi373. Indignas: in the sense of duras, vel nated among the Athenians. Thespis, one sxvas. Super: in the sense of prater. of their poets, hath the honor of inventing 375. Illudunt: in the sense of nocent. it. It is said he performed in a kind, of 377. Gravis ceslas: excessive heat. cart. 381. Proscenia. The Roman theatre was 384. Unclos ufres. The utres were bags of a semi-circular form, and divided into of goatskins filled with wind, and besmeared four parts. The porticus, or gallery. Here with oil. At the feasts of Bacchus, it was were the seats for the common people, in the custom to leap upon them with one foot. the form of a wedge, and were called Cunei. and being slippery, often caused the leaper The Orchestra was the inner part, or -entre or dancer to fall, which always excited of the theatre. Here the senators and mirth and laughter in the by-standers. equites sat, and the dancers and musicians 385. Coloni. Colonus signifies both a performed. The Proscenium was the space tiller of the earth, and any inhabitant of a between the Orchestra and Sccna, more ele- country. In this last sense it seems to be vated than the former, but lower than the used here, denoting the Romans generally. latter. Here the actors performied. The They were originally a colony of Trojans, Scenawas that part over against the specta- led into Italy by }Eneas. Hence the protors. The Postscenium was the place be- priety of their being called gens missa Troja. hind the Scena, or curtain, where the actors Ausonii: an adj. from A.usonia, the origiretired. The amphitheatre was built in a nal name of Italy: in the sense of Romani, circular form, with nothing to obstruct the vel Itali. view from any part. Seats were all around 386. Soluto: in the sense of immodico. it, and in the middle was a large open space 387. Ora: in the sense of larnas, masks. or area, where the gladiators and wild beasts 389. Oscilla. These most probably were used to fight. small earthen images of Bacchus, hung upon 382. Ingeniis: to genius, or wit. The the branches of trees, where they swung, common reading is ingentes, an epithet en- and were turned about by the wind. They tirely useless. Davidson, on the authority were supposed to confer fertility to the vine, of Pierius, reads zngeniis. He says he in whatever direction they chanced to turn found it so in the most ancient manuscripts. their faces. Mollia: moveable, because they It is also the reading of Heyne and Bur- turned easily, and obeyed every breeze; or maunus. perhaps, effeminate, because Bacchus wa GEORGICA. LIB. II. 101 flinc omnis largo pubescit vinea ftetu: 390 Complentur vallesque cavae saltusque profundi, Et quocumque Deus circum caput egit honestum. 392. t locu, quocumErgo rite suum Baccho dicemus honorem quc Deus circumait Carininibus patriis, lancesque et liba feremus; Et ductus cornu stabit sacer hircus ad aram: 395 Pinguiaque in verubus torrebimus exta colurnis Est etiam ille labor curandis vitibus alter, Cui nunquam exhausti satis est; namque omne quotannis Trerque quaterque solurn scindendum, glebaque versis ~Eternum fiangenda bidentibus, omne levandum 400 Fronde nemus. Redit agricolis labor actus in orbem, Atque in se sua per vestigL volviYur Et am olim seras posuit curn vnea frondes, Frigidus et sylvis Aquilo decussit honorem; Jam turn acer curas venientem extendit in annum. 405 Rusticus, et curvo Saturni dente relictam Persequitur vitem attondens, fingitque putando. Primus humum fodito, prinlus devecta cremato Sarmenta, et vallos primus sub tecta referto: Postremus metito. Bis vitibus ingruit umbra: 410 Bis segetem densis obducunt sentibus herbae: Durus uterque labor. Laudato ingeta r, 413. Aspcra vlmma T. 1 E ----- -i3.^==~y ^fet-fi rusci cceduntur rer sylExigUum cQ. Necnon etiam aspera rusci vam, fluvialis arundo vam, et fluvialis arundn Vimina per sylvam, et ripis fluvialis arundo caditur ripis NOTES. always represented as youthful and de- of Saturn. The scythe, or pruning-hoot, bauched. MJobilia, says Heyne. was the badge of Saturn. Reliclam: 1e390. Faetu: in the sense ofproventu, says prived of its fruit and foliage, like a forlorn HIeyne. mother bereaved of her children. Nothing 393. Honorem: in the sense of laudes. can surpass this in force and beauty. Dente: 396. Colurnis verubus: hazle-spits. The in the sense of falce. hazle seems here to be mentioned, as the 408. Primus. The poet here advises the instrument on which the sacrifice was to be vintager to be the first to perform every roasted, because it was injurious to the vine. piece of business belonging to his vineyard; The goat was sacred to Bacchus, and usu- such as digging and mellowing the ground, ally offered to him. See 380, supra. carrying home and burning the useless 397. Est etiam ille alter: there is also branches (sarmlenta) of the vine, and carryanother labor. Curandis: in the sense of ing home and securing from the weather colendis. The dat. is here plainly used in the stakes and poles (vallos) that supported the sense of the gen. But this construction the vine; but to be the last to gather his is common with the poets. grapes, as they would grow better by re398. Satis exhausti: enough of pains maining on the vine, and having a longer taken. Exhaustum, though properly a part. time to ripen. of the verb exhaurio, is here used as a sub- 410. Bis umbra, &c. The vine requires stantive, governed by the adv. satis. to be cleared of its superfluous leaves twice 400..Eternuim: in the sense of assidue. in the season, and twice to be cleared of Bidentibus: the same with ligonibus. NJe- weeds and grass. This circumstance will mus: in the sense of vinea, vel vinetum. explain the words of the poet. 401. Actus in orbem: that is, perpetuus, 411. Sentibus: with weeds-briars. vel continuus: because there is no end or 412. Laudato. The poet here means: termination in a circle. you may admire a large farm, but be sure 402. Annus: in the sense of annuus la- to till a small one: or, you may praise a bar, vel annua opera. The same labor or large one in the possession of another, but wort is to be done every year, and it re- you should pref-r a small one yourself, beturns in the same order and course. cause you will find it in the end more pro404. Decussit honorem: hath shaken from fitable. the trees their beauty and foliage. 413. Rusci: the shrub called the hutcher's 406. Curvo dente: with the crooked knife broom. 102 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Caeditur; incultique exercet cura salicti. 415 416 Vites vinctae ul- Jam vinctie vites, jam falcem arbusta reponunt, tsi jam reponuntfalcem Jam canit extremos effcetus vinitor antes - Sollicitanda tamen, tellus, pulvisque movendus: Et jam maturis metuendus Jupiter uvis. Contra, non ulla est oleis cultura: neque ilae 420 Procurvam expectant falcem, rastrosque tenaces; 422. Radices hieserunt Cum semel haeserunt arvis, aurasque tulerunt. arvis, verticesque earum Ipsa satis tellus, cum dente recluditur unco, tuierunt auras. Tellus ipsa, cum reluditur un Sufficit humorem, et gravidas cum vomere fruges. co dente, sufficit humo- Hoc pinguem et placitam paci nutritor olivam. 425 rem satis oleis: et suffi- Poma quoque, ut primium truncos sensere valentes, ciet gravidas fruges cum Et vires habuere suas, ad sidera raptim recludilur vomere: Vi propria nituntur, opisque haud indiga nostre. Nec minus intcrea fcetu nemus omne gravescit, Sanguineisque inculta rubent aviaria baccis. 430 Tondentur cytisi: tadas sylva alta ministrat, 432. E quibus noctur- Pascunturque ignes nocturni, et lumina fundunt. u1 ignes Et dubitant homines serere, atque impendere curam? Quid majora sequar? salices, humilesque genistae, Aut ille pecori frondem, aut pastoribus umbram 435 Sufficiunt; sepemque satis, et pabula melli. 439. Juvat videre arva Etjuvat undantem buxo spectare Cytorum, non obnoxia rastris, non Naryciaeque icis lucos: juvat arva videre, ulli cura hominum. Non rastris, hominurn non ulli obnoxia curae. NOTES. 415. Salicti: willow-ground. Thepron. considering it as an hyperbole, denoting fe, is to be supplied after exercet. that the fruit would be almost coeval with d16. Reponunt. In the language of po- the ploughing. Statim cum ipso vomere, etry, the vines are said to lay aside the says Ruaus. pruning knife, when they no longer stand 425. Hoc: with this-the plough. Or ob in need of its being applied to them. This hoc, according to Servius, on account of takes place when they have sufficiently em- this facility in propagating. Placilam paci; braced or entwined around the elms, and delighting in peace. other trees planted in the vineyard for the 426. Poma: the fruits: by meton. put tor purpose of supporting them. Vinctce: in the trees that bore them. the sense of ligatce, says Rumus. Arbusta: 429. Omne nemus: Heyne says, omne gein the sense of vineta. See Eel. i. 40. nus arborum. 417. Effeetus vinitor: the wearied vinta- 431. Cytisi tondentur. This may mean ger sings his last rows-that he hath gotten either browsed upon by cattle, or cut and to his last rows. Pervenit ad extremos or- prepared for their use. The cytisus was a dines (antes) viitium, says Heyne. shrub much esteemed for its property of 419. Jupiter: the air, or weather. causing cattle to give excellent milk. Tce423. Unco dente. Dens is any instrument das: torches-materials for making torches. of one tine or fork for opening the earth 433. Serere: to plant them. about the roots of trees or plants, or for 434. Salices: the willows. Genistce: the loosening the ground in any way. The brooms. Sequar maqora: in the sense of meaning of the poet is: that the earth of commemorem najores arbores. itself, if opened and kept loose with this in- 436. Pabula melli: materials for honeystrument, will afford sufficient moisture to flowers for the bees. the olives (satis) lately planted; but if 437. Cytorum: Cytorus, a mountain in opened and kept loose with the plough, it Paphlagonia, in the neighborhood of tle will render the olive more thrifty, and cause Euxine sea, abounding in the box-tree. it to bear a fruit full, large, and good. 438. Jrarycite: an adj. from.Jargx, or Ploughing the land, says Mr. Martyn,is al-.N'Lrycia, a city in that part of Italy called ways considered to increase the produce of Magna Grccia. It abounded in trees of the the olive. This circumstance fully explains pitch and resinous kind. the poet's meaning; which Rumus, and 439. Non obnoxia: not requiring —not Dr. Trapp after him, evidently mistook, exposed to. Rueus says. non egentia. GEORG1CA. LIB. II. 103 Ipsa. Caucaseo steriles in vertice sylva, 440 Quas animosi Euri assidue fianguntque feruntque, Dant alios alia fcetus; dant utile lignum 442. Dant alios fcetus: Navigiis pinos, domibus cedrosque cupressosqua. aliw dant pines, lignum Iinc radios trivere rotis, hinc tympana plaustris utile navigii, alie d cedrosque cupressosque, Agricola, et pandas ratibus posuere carinas. 445 lignum utile domibus: Viininibus salices fccundae, frondibus ulmi: At myrtus validis hastilibus, et bona bello 447. Myrtus est bona Cornus; Ityrueos taxi torquentur in arcus. validis hastilibus, Nee tjlize leves, aut torno rasile buxum, 449. Necnon leves Non formam accipiunt, ferroque cavantur acuto. 450 Neenon et torrentem undam leVis innatat alnus Missa Pado; necnon et apes examina condunt Corticibusque cavis, vitiosaeque ilicis alveo. Quid memorandum aque Baccheia dona tulerunt? 454. Quid Bacchela Bacchus et ad culpam causas dedit: ille furentes 455 dona tulerutnt equ4 meCentauros leto domuit, Rhcetumque, Pholumque, moradum? Et ragno Itylaum Lapithis cratere minantem. 0 fortunatos nimium, sua si bona norint, Agarlolas! quibus ipsa, procul discordibus armis, Fundit humo facilem victum justissima tellus. 4G0 Si non ingentem foribus domus alta superbis 461. Si apud illos ata Mane salutantum totis vomit aidibus undam; domus cum superbis foNec varios inhiant pulchra testudine postes, tern undam honinumnsaIllusasque auro vestes, Ephyreiaque tera; lutantfm mane e totis Alba neque Assyrio fucatur lana veneno, 465 sedibus; nec illi in hiant Nec casia liquidi corrumpitur usus olivi: NOTES. 440. Caucaseo: an adj. from Caucasus, a 459. Discordibus armis: not wars, for that mountain, or rather range of mountains, would not be strictly true. They rage in extending from the Euxine to the Caspian the country, as well as city; but rather sea. factions, quarrels, and pvil commotioiIs, 444. Tympana: the naves or felloes of the which are more frequent in cities and popuwheel, in which the (radii) spokes are fast- lous towns, than in the country. sned. Some take the tympanum to be a 460. Facilem: easy procured. Justisitsolid wheel, or one without spokes. Trivere: ma: the earth may be considered most just, in the sense of fecerunt, vel tornaverunt. because it returns what is committed to it, 447. Bello: for war-the implements or with a liberal reward. Fundit: in the sense weapons of war. Ad alia arma, says Rumus. of producit. 448. Ilyrceos: an adj. from Ityrtri, a peo- 461. Si non, &c. It was a custom among pie of Parthia, according to Servius; but the Romans, for clients and dependants to others say of Syria, famous for shooting the come early in the morning to salute their bow. Cornus: the corneil-tree, or wild cher- patrons. Undam: in the sense of multii ry-tree. Taxi: the yew-trees. Buxum: the tudinem. box-tree, or box-wood. Pierius found, ii. 463. Varios: in the sense of variatos. some ancient manuscripts, curnantur for tor- 464. Illusas auro: embroidered with gold. quentur. Rumus says,Jfectuntur. Ephyreia: an adj. from Ephyra, the origi451. Alnus: the alder-tree, of which nal name of Corinth. Rueus says, Coboats were at first made. They were dug rinlhia. out of the solid wood. Pado: the Po, the 465. Assyrio veneno: with the Syrian, or largest river in Italy, put for any river. purple color. The invention of the pur453. Alveo: cavity. pie, and the method of dying that color 454. Memorandum: in the sense of dig- are attributed to the Syrians, or Phceni num laude, or simply, laudandum. clans. Phmnicia was a part of that region 456. Centaros-Lapithis. These were of Asia, called Syria; sometimes Assyria, people of Thessaly, the former inhabiting Caelosyria, and Leucosyria. Syria and As. mount Pelion, the latter mount Pindus. syria were frequently confounded. The poet here mentions the principal or 466. Casia. the bark of a tree, or strub, chief of the Centaurs only. in India, used as a spice-bastard ninna 104 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 467. At apud illus so At secura quies, et nescia fallere vita, cura quies lDives opum variarum; at latis otia fundis, Spielurice, vivique lacus'at frigida Tempe, Mugitusque bour, mollesque sub arbore somni 470 471. Illc sunt saltus Non absunt. Illic saltusac-lustra ferarum, Et patiens operum parvoque assueta juventus, Sacra Deum, santique patres. Extrema per illos Justitia excedens terris vestigia fecit. Me vero6 primim dulces ante omnia Musee, 475 476. Perculsus ingenti Quarum sacra fero, ingenti perculsus amore, &more earum Accipiant; coelique vias et sidera monstrent, Defectus Solis varios, Lunaque labores: Unde tremor terris: qua vi maria alta tumescant Objicibus ruptis, rursusque in seipsa residant: 480 Quid tantum Oceano properent se tingere Soles Ilyberni: vel quae tardis mora noctibus obstet. Sin, has ne possim naturle accedere partes, Frigidus obstiterit circum prawcordia sanguis; Rura mihi et rigui placeant in vallibus amnes, 485 NOTES. uion. The ancients used flavor their It rises with the mountain torrent. It oil.. Liquidi: in the sense of puri. rushes against the opposing mounds. Here 467. Vita nescia fellere: a life knowing it is stopped in its course for a time; but not to deceive-a life of substantial happi- gathering strength from its accumulated ness, in opposition to that of cities and waters, it bursts the barriers, sweeping every courts, which is showy, false, and deceit- thing in its course. Vis: here, not simply ful. violence or force, but the moving or effi468. Latis: some copies have lcetis. cient cause of the rising of the waters. The Ileyne takes it in the sense of apertis vel true cause of the ebbing and flowing of patentibus. the tide was not known, till the immortal 469. Tenpe: neu. plu. A most pleasant Sir Isaac Newton placed it beyond doubt, vale in Thessaly, surrounded by the moun- He demonstrated it to be the attraction of tains Ossa, Pelion, and Olympus. The river the heavenly bodies, particularly of the Peneus flows through it.. The poet here moon. means any pleasant vale, putting the species 481. Quid tantum, &c. The poet here for the genus. Vivi lacus: in the sense of speaks of winter and summer. What may perennis aqua. Frigida Tempe, for umbrosce be the reason, why the winter days are so valles. quick in ending; and what delay may put 474. Justitia: the goddess Astraca. See off, or retard the approach of the summer Eel. iv. 6. nights. What may be the reason that the 475. Vero primeum ante: but, in the first days in summer are so long. Tingere: in place, above all things, may the sweet the sense of occidere. muses accept of me, whose sacred ensigns, 484. Sin frigidus sanguis: but if cold &c. Though the poet praises the country blood around my heart should hinder, that I life so much, he prefers the charms of poe- could not, &c. Secundum Physicos, qui ditry, and the noble entertainments of science, cunt stullos homines esse frigidioris sanguiparticularly philosophy and astronomy. The nis, prudertes calidi. Unde et senes, in quimuses presided not only over poetry, but bus jam frigct; et pueri, in quibus necdum aiso over the sciences and liberal arts. The calet, minus sapiunzt; says Servius. Prepoets called themselves the priests of the cordia: properly a membrane surrounding muses. Hence the propriety of quarum the heart, and separating it from the lungs. sacra fero. It is taken often for the heart itself, as in the 477. Vias et sidera cceli: in the sense of present instance. cursus siderum in ccelo. 485. Rigui: in the sense of fluentes. The 479. Unde tremor terris: whence earth- meaning of the poet appears to be: that if quakes arise: by what power the deep seas he had not capacity for the higher subjects swell. Objicibus ruptis: its barriers being of philosophy and astronomy, he would re broken down. The poet is speaking of the tire into the country, and thee pasb his time, ebbing and flowing of the tide. He hath unheeded and unknown, amidst rural dein his view the swelling of a mighty stream. lights. GEORGICA. LIB. 11. 105 Flumina amem sylvasque inglorius. O ubi campi, 486. 0 st tssem, ubi Sperchiusque, et virginibus bacchata Lacnais SUEt i, U UiuTa ut Taygeta' qui me gelidis in vallibus Haemi, et Taygeta. 4878. 0 sit altquis, qui Sistat, et ingenti ramorum protegat umbra! sistat tme Felix, qui potuit rerlm cognoscere causas, 490 490. Ille est felis, qui Atque metus omnes et inexorabile fatum potuit Subjecit pedibus, strepitumque Acherontis avari! Fortunatus et ille, Deos qui novit agrestes, Panaque, Sylvanumque senem, Nymphasque sorores! Ilium non populi fasces, non purpura regum 495 Flexit, et infidos agitans discordia fratres; Aut conjurato descendens Dacus ab Istro: Non res Romane, perituraque regna: neque ille, Aut doluit miserans inopem, aut invidit habenti. Quos rami fructus, quos ipsa volentia rura 500 Sponte tulere sua, carpsit; nec ferrea jura, Insanumque forum, aut populi tabularia vidit. Sollicitant alii remis freta cmea, ruuntque In ferrum, penetrant aulas et limina regum. NOTES. 486. 0, ubi-O qui, &c. These, as Mr. 497. Dacus. The Dacii were a people inDavidson justly observes, are not questions, habiting the north of the Danube, or Ister, as Runeus and Dr. Trapp both take them; very troublesome to the Romans. Istro but exclamations, which in all languages conjurato: the conspiring, or leagued Danare usually elliptical. Campi: Tenpe, those ube. The name of the river put for the pleasant fields of Thessaly are undoubtedly people living near it, by meton. The Danintended. Sperchius: a river of Thessaly, ube is one of the largest rivers in Europe. rising at the foot of mount Pindus, and falls It rises in Germany, and taking an easterly into the Sinus Maliacus. course, it falls into the Euxine sea by six 488. Taygeta: neu. pleu. a mountain of mouths, at a distance of about 1600 miles Laconia, famous for hunting, and the cele- from its source. bration of the orgies of Bacchus: hence, 498. Res Romance: the Roman republic. Viginibus bacchataLaccanis; frequented by It is opposed to regna peritura. The forthe Laconian or Spartan virgins. Heemi. mer they vainly imagined would always enSee Geor. i. 49. dure; while kingdoms would fall, and their 492. Acherontis: Acheron, a fabulous names be forgotten. Flexerunt illum, is river of hell. It seems here to be put for understood. death. In that sense the epithet avari is Doluit iserans, &c. The poet could very proper. Strepitum, &c. will then men not mea n that his countryman possessed a the noise or tumultuous dread generally oc- rendered him insensicasioned through the fear of death. Or, itch rend d hm ble to the wants, and deaf to the calls or the may mean, the noise, tumult, and bustle of o th ts, and df to the cas or te the infernal regions generally. In this lastt tt in t re ee ease, Acherontis will mean hell, or the infer- not tose obects of poverty and reted ness to excite his grief and compassion; or a494. Pan. See Enel. ii. 34..ynm)has s- at least, few of them in comparison to the 94 Prore See El. ii.. Syl31. v.See Eol. number in cities. In this very circumrore See Eel. ii. 4 Slvanum. SE stance, we see a high commendation of a ~~X~~~~. 24.~~ ~country life. 495. JNon fasces populi: not the honors of the people, nor the purple, &c. The Ro- 501. Ferrea jura: the sane as duras leman magistrates were chosen by the peo- ges ple, in the Comnitia. The fasces, properly, 502. Insanum: noisy-tumultuous, or, was a bundle of birchen rods. The dicta- perhaps, litigious. Tabularia. The tabulator had 24 of these rods-the consuls 12- rium was a place at Rome, in which the the provincial printors 6-the city pretors public records were kept, and the accounts 2; which were carried before them by per-;f the public money received, and paid out. sons, who were called lictors. Fasces is It answers to our treasury office. Cteca: in Irequently put for the power and authority the sense of ignota. of the magistrate, by meton. Flexit: in 504. Penetrant, &c. Insinuant se prin. the sense of movet. cipibus, ut intimifiant, says S arvius, 106 P. IRGIlLII MAiNONIS 1Iic petit cxcidiis uibem miserosq'e Penates, 505 Ut gemrna bibat, et Sarrano indormiat ostro: Condit opes alius, defossoque incubat auro: Hic stupet attonitus rostris: hune plausus hiantem Per cuneos (geminatur enim) plebisque patrumque 510. Alii gaudentper- Corripuit; gaudent perfusi sanguine fratrun, 51G fusi Exilioque domos et dulcia limina mutant, Atque alio patriam quatrunt sub Sole jacentem. Agricola incurvo terram dimovit aratro: 514. Hine est labor Hinc anni labor: hinc patriam, parvosque nepotes nni: hin griola su Sustinet: hine armenta bourn, meritosque juvencos 515 516. Nec requies est Nec requies; quin, aut pomis exuberet annus, anno; quin Aut foctu pecorum, aut Cerealis mergite culmi: Proventuque oneret sulcos, atque horrea vincat. Venit hyems; teritur Sicyonia bacca trapetis: Glande sues laeti redeunt: dant arbuta sylvae: 520 Et varios ponit foetus autumnus; et alte Mitis in apricis coquitur vindemia saxis. 523. Dulces nati pen- Interea dulces pendent circuln oscula nati: dent circim oscula pa- Casta pudicitiam servat domus: ubera vaccaw Lactea demittunt: pinguesque in gramine lato,25 Inter se adversis luctantur cornibus hoedi NOTES. 505. Penates. These were the household geminatur per cuneos: for it is redoubled, gods; and were thought to preside over or repeated along the cunei. These weie houses and domestic affairs. Their statues seats in the back part of the theatre, approor images were usually made of wax, ivory, priated to the common people, or plebeians. silver, or earth, and generally placed in the See 381. supra. Hunc: in the sense of alium. innermost part of the house: hence that Geminatur. Heyne reads Geminatus, agreeplace was called Penetrale: and they were ing with plausus; without a parenthesis. called sometimes, from that circumstance, 512. Sub alio sole: under another sunPenetrales. They were worshipped with in another clime. This is beautiful, and wine, incense, fruits, and sometimes with highly poetical. the sacrifice of a lamb. Penates, by meton. 516. JNec requies: there is no rest: but is used for one's country, habitation, house, the year abounds either, &c. This passage or dwelling: and sometimes for the family, is extremely beautiful and poetical. The or inhabitants, as in the present instance. poet represents the year as laboring without See En. ii. 717. intermission, in bringing forth her produo506. Sarrano ostro: upon Tyrian purple. tions. Rumuis refers the whole of this fine Sarrano, an adj. from Sarra, the ancient passage to the husbandman: Nec cessat name of Tyre.'Gemma: a cup made, or agricola donee annus abundet, &c. says he. set with gems. But he gives no reason for his taking quin 508. Rostris. The Rostrum was the place in the sense of donec. of common pleas, at Rome, so called, as 517. Mergite Cerealis culmi: with bunLivy informs us, from this circumstance: dles or sheaves of grain. The Aqntiates, a maritime people of Latium, 519. Sicyonia: an adj. from Sicyon, a city being overcome by the Romans; to perpetu- of Achaia, not far frim the isthmus of Coate the memory of the victory, they placed rinth, abounding in olive trees. Bucca: the beaks of their ships (rostra) around the the olive. suggestum, or pTace of pleading, by way of 520. Arbuta: properly the fruit of the ornament. Ilic stupet: this one stands arbute tree. Here, perhaps, taken for wild amazed, being astonished at the courts of fruit in general. Laeti: in the sense of sajustice. Plausus patrumque plebisque, &c. turati. It appears that the orders of patricians and 521. Ponitfeetus: in the sense of dat, vol plebeians expressed their approbation by redditfructus. turns. If we suppose the patricians, who 524. Casta domus: the virtuous family occupied the Orchestra, or the part of the preserves, &c. By being trained to industry theatre near the stage, to be the first; this and good order, they are not in danger of will give a reason for the words, enim losing their virtue, or character. GEORG1CA. LIA. II. 101 Ipse dies agitat festos: fususque per herbam, Ignis ubi in riedio, et socii cratera coronant, 528. Ubi est igis Te libans, Lenaee, vocat: pecorisque magistris Velocis jaculi certamina ponit in ulmo, 530 Corporaque agresti nudat praedura palestra. Hanc olim veteres vitam coluere Sabini, Hanc Remus et frater: sic fortis Etruria crevit, 533. Remus et frater Scilicet et rerum facta est pulcherrima Roma, ejus Romulus colueruni Septemque una sibi muro circumdedit arces. 535 Unaue circ: 535. Unaque circumAnte etiam sceptrum Dictei regis, et ante dedit septem Impia qualm caesis gens est epulata juvencis; Aureus hanc vitam in terris Saturnus agebat. Necdum etiam audierant inflari classica, necdum 539. Necdum etiam Impositos duris crepitare incudibus enses. 540 hnnines Sed nos immensum spatiis confecimus aequor, 542. Tempus est solEt jam tempus equuhn fumantia solvere colla. vere a jugo NOTES. 527. Agitat: in the sense of celebrat. Fu- Dicte, a place in the island of Crete, where sus: in the sense of stratus. it is said, he was nourished and brought up 528. Coronant: they fill up to the brim. by the Corybantes or Curetes. 531. Paleas/ra: this may mean either the Before the reign of Jove, and before the exercise itself, or the place of exercise. impious race of men fed upon bullocks 532. Sabini. An ancient people of Italy, slain, golden Saturn led this life upon the whose young women were seized by the Ro- earth. This is a beautiful allusion to the mans, at certain shows or exhibitions, to goldenage. SeeEcl.iv.6. Agebat:inthe which they had been invited. Upon this, sense of ducebat. the Sabines made war upon them to avenge the atrocious deed. A treaty of amity, 537. Gens: in the sense of genus homi. the atrocious deed. A treaty of amity, Heyne. however, was concluded between the two hum, says Heyne. parties; and in the event they became one 541. Sed nos. This is an allegory taken people. Coluere: they religiously observed, from the chariot race. By confecimnts tequor or practised, immensum spatiis, the poet may mean that 533. Etruria: the same as Tuscia, Tus- he had run over a pl in not mcasured by cany, a country in Italy, separated from stages; or one which did not lie witlin thf Latium by the Tyber. limits or bounds of his proposed race cs 534. Scilicet et, &c. What is here said of course. In this senre, ivested of the Rome was literally true in the time of Vir- figure, it will be: I have now finished my gil. It was then in all its glory, and was digression into the praises of a countrylife, truly the wonder of the world: Rerun: res it is time to lay aside my pen. Rueus inhath a variety of significations. Here it terprets spatiis by longitudine, and underevidently means the world, or the whole stands by cequor immensum spatiis, a plain ear h. immeasurable in length. 535. Una circumdedit. The walls of Rome Each course of chariots in the race was erbraced seven hills, when that city was in called spatium. This was repeated seven the height of its glory. Their names were: times. Hence spatia, the plural, came to Pclatinus, Coelius, Capitolinu7s, Aventinus, signify the race ground. Cum septimo spalti Esqutlinus, Quirinalis, and Viminalis. palmce appropinquant. 536. Ante sceptrum: before the reign of'The starting place was called carcer, and the Dictean king. Jupiter is so called from the turning place meta. QUESTIONS. What is the subject of this book? How many kinds of soil does he make? What does the poet do in the first place? Where does the Ganges rise? How many methods does he mention for What is its length? the propagation of trees? What is it considered to be, by the inhabiWhat is the difference between grafting tants upon its banks? and inoculation? Where does it emipty? For what is the propago or layer the best? What did the ancients call the bay? After the several kinds of trees, and the What city now stands near the mouth of methods of producing them, what does the this river? poet consider in the next place? Of what country was Ilemus a river? 108 P. VIRGILII MARONIS What river did it recei e in its course? By whom were they carried? What was the Paclolus celebrated for? For what is the word fasces used by meWhere did these rivers empty? ton.? What was the Argonautic expedition? Who were the Daciz? \Vhy was it so called? Where did they inhabit? Who commanded that expedition? Where does the river Ister rise? Wihere was Colcllis? What course does it run? What was the object of that expedition? Where does it empty? How is this fable to be understood? What is its length? How many accompanied Jason? Who were the Penates? What direction does the poet give for How were they represented? planting trees? Where were their statues placed? HIow should the rows be arranged? What were they sometimes called from Among what people did scenic representa- that circumstance? tions originate? For what is the word taken by meton.? Why were tie Athenians called Theseidce? Why was the place of common please, at Who may be considered the inventor of Rome, called Rostrunm? tragedy? Whlat was the word Rostrum properly? What did he make use of as a stage? Who were the Sabines? What was the form of the Roman theatre? Did the Romans offer any violence to Into how many parts was it divided? their young women? What was the form of the amphitheatre? What was the event of the affair? What was the original name of Italy? How many hills did the walls of Rome Why were the Romans sometimes called encompass?.qusones? What were they called? What do you understand by the word How many courses were therein the ch' fasces.? riot race? H ow many of these rods were carried be- How does the book end? fore the Roman magistrates? LIBER TERTIUS. THE suoject of this book is the raising of cattle. The poet begins with an invocation ot some of the rural deities, and a compliment to Augustus. After which, he addresses himself to hiskfriend Mmcenas. He then proceeds to give rules for the breeding and management of horses, oxen, sheep, and goats. And, by way of episode and embellishment, he gives us a description of a chariot race, of a battle of bulls, of the force of love, and of a Scythian winter. He enumerates the diseases incident to cattle, and prescribes their remedies: and concludes by giving an account of a fatal murrain, which once raged among the Alps. 1. Et te, 0 pastor, TE quoque, magna Pales, et te, memorande, canemus, memorande abAmphry- Pastor ab Amphryso: vos, sylvae, amnesque Lycci so: Cancinus vos, 0 Catera, quae vacuas tenuissent carmina mentes, 4. Omnia cetera car- Omnia jam vulgata. Quis aut Eurysthea dururn, NOTES. 1. Pales. The goddess of shepherds, and dia, evidently taken for the whole country. of feeding cattle. She was worshipped by synec. with nilk. Her feasts were called Palilia, 3. Carmina: by meton. the argument, or and were celebrated on the 12th of the ca- subjects of song. Heyne reads carmine, lerds of May. connecting it with vacuas. In this case, it 2. Amphryso. A river of Thessaly, where is to be taken in its usual sense. TenuisApollo fed the flocks of Admetus, when he sent: in the sense of deleclavissent. Rueaus was driven from heaven for having killed says, omnia arguamenta. the Cyclops. See Ecl. iv. 10. Sylhce, et 4. Eurysthea. Eurystheus, was king of amnes Lyccai: the groves and streams of JIycenre. Instigated by Juno, he imposed Arcadia. L'cceus: a mountain in Arca- upon Hercules, who had been given up to GEORGICA. LIB. [II 109 Aut illaudati nescit Busiridis aras? 5 mina. que tenuissent Cui non dictus IIylas puer, et Latonia Delos, Va(u'\US Ilett0s jtail vullRippodaineque, hurneroque Pelops insignis eburno, gata sU7t. Acer equis? Tentanda via est, quai me quoque possim Tollere humo, victorque virum volitare per ora. Primus ego in patriam mecum (mod6 vita supersit) 10 Aonio reliens deducam vertice Musas: Primus Idumaeas referam tibi, Mantua, palmas: Et viridi in campo templum de marmore ponam Propter aquam, tardis ingens ubi flexibus errat Mincius, et tenera praetexit arundine ripas. 15 In melio mihi Caesar erit, templlmque tenebit. Illi victor ego, et Tyrio conspectus in ostro, Centum quadrijugos agitabo ad flumina currus. Cuncta mihi, Alpheum linquens lucosque Molorchi, NOTES. him at the command of an oracle, the se- ger and thirst; and compelled to abstain verest labors: they were twelve in number, from both meat and drink, which were plaand go under he name of the twelve la- ced before him, by way of aggravation. bors of Hercules. 8. Acer equis. This may allude to his 5. Busiridis. Busiris, a king of Egypt, victory over (Enomaus; or it may mean no who sacrificed to his gods the strangers who more than that ihe was skilled in the mavisited him. He was slain by Hercules. nagement of horses; which is the sense of llaudati: impious-infamous. This kind Ruaus. of negatives express, generally, more than 11. Aonio vertice: from the Aonian the mere want of a good quality. They mount, Helicon. This was a mountain in imply the possession of a contrary one. Beotia, originally called Aonia, sacred to Detestati, says Heyne. the muses. 6. Hylas. See Ecl. vi. 43. Latonia: an 12. Primus referam: I, the first, will bring adj. from Latona, the daughter of Cceus, to thee, O Mantua, Idumaan palms-noble one of the Titans, and mother of Apollo palms. The palm-tree abounded in Iduand Diana, whom she brought forth at a msea, a country of Syria; so called from birth on the island Delos: hence called La- Edom, a son of Esau, who settled there. tonian Delos. Virgil was not the first who introduced the 7. Hippodame. She was the daughter of Greek poetry into Italy; and, therefore, to CEnomaus, king of Elis, and Pise. who do away, or prevent any objection, he menhaving learned from an oracle that he was tions Mantua, the place of his birth. He to be slain by his son-in-law; in order to was, however, the first who brought it to avoid it, he proposed to the suitors of his any degree of perfection. daughter, a chariot race, upon this condi- 13. Ponam Tenmplum. The poet appears tion, that the one who got the victory should to mean, that he will not only imitate the have his daughter; but if vanquished should Greeks, but he will surpass them; and in be slain. After thirteen had lost their lives, honor of his victory, he will build a tenple Pelops won the beauteous prize, by bribing and institute games. Through the whole, Myrtillus, the charioteer of CEnomaus, to under color of honoring himself, he very place the chariot upon a frail or brittle axle, artfully compliments Augustus, his prince It broke during the race, and CEnomaus and patron. Ponam: in the sense of exwas so much bruised by the fall, that he truam. died of his wounds. Thus the oracle was 14. Erral: meanders-winds. fulfilled. Pelops was the son of Tantalus, 18. Centum. I will drive a hundred fourking of Phrygia; who, as the fable goes, horse chariots along the river. The poet invited the gods to a banquet, and having takes the definite'number 100 for an indefia mind to try their divinity, dressed his own nite number; or he alludes to the Circenson, and set before them. All abstained sian games, when in one day there were from so horrid a repast except Ceres, who twenty-five races of four chariots each, took a piece of the child's shoulder. Jupi- making the exact number here mentioned. ter afterwards restored him to life, and gave These were in imitation of the Olympic him an ivory one in its room. Hence in- games, and were on the margin of a river. signis eburno humero: famed for his ivory Illi: for him-in honor of Caesar. shoulder. For this horrid deed, Tantalus, 19. Cuncta Gracia. The meaning is, that after death was doomed to perpetual hun- all Greece would leave their own games 110 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Cursibus et crudo decernet Graecia caSstu. 20 Ipse, caput tonsae foliis ornatus olivme, Dona feram. Jam nunc solemnes ducere pompas Ad delubra juvat, caesosque videfe juvencos 24. Vcl videre ut scena Vel scena ut versis discedat fiontibus, utque discedat, Purpurea intexti tollant aulaea Britanni. 26 In foribus pugnam ex auro solidoque elephanto Gangaridum faciam, victorisque arma Qirini: 28. Atque hec sculpam Atque hic undantem bello, magnumque fluentem Nilum undantem bello Nilum, ac navali surgentes are columnas. Addam urbes Asiae lomitas, pulsumque Niphaten, 3( Fidentemque fuga Parthum versisque sagittis; Et duo rapta manh diverso ex hoste trophwa, NOTES. and come to these, as far excelling in gran- stage, and let down when they retired from deur and magnificence. Alpheum: a river it. It appears to mean the same thing with of Elis, in the Peloponnesus, near the city aulcea in the following line. See Geor. ii. Olympia. Hence the games there celebra- 381. ted were called Olympic. The river here, 25. Intexti. The Britons (the victories of by meton. is put for the games thetmselves. Julius Caesar over them) supposed to be They were instituted by Hercules, in honor painted on, or interwoven in, the curtains; of Jupiter, as near as their date can be as- which, by a figure of speech, they might be certained, in the summer of the year of the said to hold, or lift up. world, 3228, and before Christ, 776. They 27. Gangaridum. The Gangaride were were celebrated every fifth year; or after a people of India, near the Ganges. QutLan entire revolution of four years; which rini. This is one of the many reasons we was Olympiad. This form- have for believing that Virgil continued to ed a very important era in the history of revise the Georgics until his death. It was Greece. debated in the senate, whether Octavius Lucos JIolorchi: the groves of Molor- should be complimented with the name of chus: by meton. the JNemcea certamina, or Augustus, or Romulus, who was also called Nemean games. These were instituted in Quirinus. But this debate did not take honor of Hercules, on account of his killing place till three years after the publication the lion in the Sylva X.emnoa, near Cleonce, a of the Georgics; and was seven years becity of the Peloponnesus. JMolorchus was fore his victory over the Gangaridce. The the name of the shepherd who entertained poet must, therefore, have added this line the hero, and at whose request he slew the at least ten years after the first publication, Nemsean lion. Besides these, there were or in the year of Rome, 734. other games called Pylihia, instituted in ho- 27. Faciam: in the sense of sculpam, nor of Apollo, on account of his killing the 28. JagnuLm: Ruceus takes it in the serpent Python. Hence he derived the sense of longe. Copiose, says Heyne. Unname Pean, from a Greek word signifying dantem: swelling and waving with war, as to pierce or wound. There were also ganes it did with its waters. This is a metaphor, called Isthmia. These were instituted by beautiful and grand. The poet here alThesens, king of Athens, in honor of Nep- ludes to the victory obtained by Augustus tune. They derived their name from the over Anthony and Cleopatra, and the capcircumstance of their being celebrated on ture of Alexandria, the principal city of the Isthmus of Corinth. JIihi: for me-in Egypt, near the mouth of the Nile. It was honor of me. built by Alexander the Great. All Egypt 20. Crudo: because the ccstus, or gaunt- soon followed the fate of Alexandria, its let, was made of raw hide: or simply, cruel capital. -bloody. See lEn. v. 379. 29. JNavali are: with naval brass. Au. 2*2. Pompas. These were images of the gustus is said to have made four columns out gods carried in procession before the peo- of the brazen beaks of the ships, taken from ple at the Circensian games-the proces- Cleopatra and Anthony; to which the poet sion itself. Peram dona: in the sense of here seems to allude. proponam prcemia. 30. NJiphaten: Niphates, a mountain of 24. Ut: in the sense of quomodo. Scena: Armenia, taken for the inhabitants of that that part of the stage where the actors were country: by meton..Armeniosfugatos, says -the curtain, or hanging, behind which Rueus. they retired from the audience. It was 32. Duo trophcea. Probably those twt raised up when the actors were upon the victories obtained by Ai-gustus over Antho. GEORGICA. LIB. 111. 111 Bisque triumphatas utroque ab litore gentes Stabunt et Parni lapides, spirantia signa, Assaraci proles, demisseque ab Jove gentis 35 Nomina; Trosque parens, et Troja Cynthius auctor. 36. Trosque parenr Invidin infelix furias amnemque severum ssaraci Cocyti metuet, tortosque Ixionis angues, Immanemque rotarn, et non exsuperabile saxum. Interea Dryadlum sylvas saltusque sequamur 40 40. Sylvasque. saliaIntactos, tua, Mceenas, haud mollia jussa. que intactos ab altis TQ sir ~ ni scritoribus. TesTi.ji altuin mens inchoat: en age, segnss. Rumpe moras: vocat ingenti clamore Citharon, Taygetique canes, domitrixque Epidaurus equorum: NOTES. ny, the one at Actium, in Epirus, on the attempt upon Juno, he was cast down to northern shore of the Mediterranean, the hell, and bound with twenty snakes to a other at Alexandria, in Egypt, on the south- wheel, which kept constantly turning, as a ern. Hence the propriety of utroque litore. punishment for his crime. The poets say, Rapta manu: obtained by valor, or by his that Jupiter substituted a cloud il the form own hand-where he commanded in person. of Juno, and of it he begat the Centaurs. Diverso hoste, and triumphalas genles, mean Upon his return to the earth, lie boasted of the same; and probably we are to under- his amour with the queen of the gods, and stand the Asiatic and African troops that was punished for it by Jupiter in this excomposed the army of Anthony in these emplary manner. The truth is, the Centwo battles. This is the opinion of Ruaus. thurs were a people of Thessaly. They Some understand the passage as referring dwelt in a city by the name of JVephele. to the Gandaridap, a people of Asia, and to That being the Greek word for a cloud, the Britanni, situated in Europe, in differ- gave rise to the story of their being the offent quarters of the world. But Augustus spring of a cloud. They were the first who did not conquer the Britons. broke and tamed the horse. Ixion was their 34. Parii lapides: Parian marble. Parii: king. The poet here intimates in a very an adj. from Paros, one of the Cyclades, fa- delicate manner the unhappy end of those mous for its shining marble. Spirantia sig- who envied Augustus the glory due to his na: figures, or statues to the life. They illustrious deeds; who dared refuse to subshall be of such exquisite sculpture, that one mit to his authority; and who meditated a could scarcely distinguish them from real renewal of the civil wars. life-they should almost breathe. 39. Saxum. Sisyphus, a notorious rob35. Proles Assaraci: the offspring of As- her, was slain by Theseus, king of Athens, saracus, and the names of the family, &c. and for his punishment, he was sentenced to The poet here, as in other places, compli- hell; there to roll a stone to the top of a ments the Cnesars with divine descent. Ac- hill, which always rolled back before lie cording to him, it may be thus traced: could reach it. This made his labor perDardanus was the son of Jupiter and Elec- petual. J'on exsuperabile: not to be gotten tra; Erichthonius, the son of Dardanus; to the top of the hill. Tros, the son of Erichthonius; Ilus and 41. Trua haud mollia juPssat: thy diliTcuit Assaracus, sons of Tros; Ilus begat Lao- commands. mnedon, the father of Priam, and Assaracus Virgil, at the request of Maecenas, xw'rote begat Capys, the father of Anchises; of the Georgics; to which circumstance he Anchises and Venus sprang }Eneas, the fa- here alludes-a subject new, and which ther of Ascanius, or Iulus; the father of the had not been handled or treated of by any Julian family. preceding writer. Sequamur: we will en36. Cynthius: Apollo. He was born on ter upon. the island Delos, where was a mountain by 43. Cithcpron: a mountain in Beotia, the name of Cynthus; hence he was called abounding in pasture, and herds of cattle. Cynthius. He and Neptune, it is said, built Tay-reti: Taygetus, a mountain in Laconias the walls of Troy in the reign of Laomedon. famous for hunting. Epidaurus. There See Eel. iv. 10, and Geor. i. 502. were several places by that name. The one 37. Infelix. This epithet is added to here intended, is probably in Argolis, on tle envy, because it is the principal source of eastern shore of the Peloponnesus, near the unhappiness to men. Sinus Saronicus, that part being celebrated 38. Cocyti: Cocytus. a fabulous river of for its horses. The meaning is3, th at he shali hell, flowing out of St-!x. Ixionis: Ixion, now treat of those animals that abounded in the father of the Centaurs. For making an the above mentioned places 112 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Et vox assensu nemorum ingeminata remugi'. 45 Mox tamen ardentes accingar dicere pugnas Casaris, et nomen fama tot ferre per annos, Tithoni primra quot abest ab origine Casar. Seu quis, Olympiacse miratus prmemia palme, Pascit equos, seu quis fortes ad aratra juvencos; 50 52. Forma torvs bo- Corpora praecipue matrum legat. Optima torvae vis est optima, cui est viturpe captt, cui e st l Forma bovis, cui turpe caput, cui plurima cervix, rirma cervix, ct cui pa- Et crurum tenus a mento palearia pendent. learia pendent a Inento Tum longo nullus lateri modus: omnia magna; tendls crurum. Pes etiam, et camuris hirtm sub cornibus aures. b: 54. Omnia membra Nec mihi displiceat maculis insignis et albo: stnt magna: 56 Nec vcca insig- Aut juga detrectans, interdumque aspera cornu, 56. Nee vacca insignis maculis ct albo dis- Et faciem tauro proprior: queque ardua tota, oliceat mihi: Et gradiens ima verrit vestigia cauda. 58. Et est propior tau- zEtas Lucinam justosque pati Hymenaeos 60 ro quoad facienm: qum- Desinit ante decem, post quatuor incipit annos: 6e es Ctera etas ea- Cttera nec fueturne habilis; nec fortis aratris. rum est nec habilis foetu- Interea, superat gregibus dum 1,eta juventus, rs, nec est fortis aratris. Solve mares: mitte in Venerem pecuaria primus, 69. Erunt semper ali- Atque aliam ex alia generando suffice prolem. 66 qu(e pecudes, quarum Optima qumque dies miseris mortalibus aevi Eoror selaer refice m ari. Prima figit: subeunt morbi, tristisque senectus: Enim semper refice armenta; ac, ne p6strequi- Et labor, et durm rapit inclementia mortis. ras ea amissa, anteveni- Semper erunt, quarum mutari corpora malis. NOTES. 45. Vox Assensu, &c. The meaning is, 60. Lucinam: the goddess of child-bearthat the groves unite in inviting him, and ing, so called a luce, quam infaniibus dabat: echo back the call. by meton. child-bearing itself-the bringing 46. A4rdentes: in the sense of illtstres. forth of young in general. HIynen7tos: Accingar: in the sense of the Greek middle Hymen or Hymenweus, was the son of Bacvoice: I will prepare myself. The poet chus and Venus; the god of marriage: by here seems to intimate his purpose of writing meton. marriage itself-also the intercourse the JEneid; which was chiefly designed to of the sexes, as in the present instance. flatter Augustus and the Roman people. The meaning of the poet is, that the proper 48. Tithoni. Tithonus was either the son time for cattle to breed, ends before the or brother of Laomedon, and greatly belov- tenth, and begins after the fourth year of ed by Aurora. From his time down to Au- their age. gustus, were one thousand years, according 63. Interea: in the mean time-between to the best accounts. But to extend his the years of four and ten, let loose the males fame only for that length of time, would among your herds. Superat: abounds-is not come up to the design of the poet, whose vigorous. wish was to perpetuate his fame to the la- 64. Pecuaria: properly pasture grounds: test posterity. According to Servius and by meton. the cattle fed upon them. Here, Eustathius, Tithonus may here be taken for the females; the boves, vel vaccc. the sun, in the same sense that Titan is; 65. Suffice: raise up one stock after anothey both being derived from the same ther. JEvi: in the sense of vita. Greek verb. This would fully come up to 68. Inclementia: rigor-severity. the views of the poet in immortalizing his 69. Semper erunt. This, and the two prince. The sun hiaving existed from the following lines, Dr. Trapp thinks to be an beginning of time, may be considered a interpolation. He says, the sense of the qucedam eternitas; or the poet may assume whole three lines is extremely jejune and the definite number, 1000 years, for an in- flat. What occasion of admonishing the definite period. See,En. iv. 585. farmer to continue the succession of his 51. Legat: in the sense of eligat. cattle? The thing had just been expressed 52. Turpe: large-disproportionate. Bo- before. Let it be further considered, what vis: in the sense of vaccas. a different face it puts upon the whole, if 56. Maculis- ct albo: the same as albis these lines are left out. Having concluded maculis, by Hendiadis. A4spera: pushing, the article of the propagation of kine, with or butting. that fine reflection upon the imperfect state GEORGICA. LIB. 111. 113 Semper enim refice: ac. ne post amissa requiras, 70 Anteveni. ei sobolein a inento sortire cuotannis. Necton eT pecori est idem delectus equino. Tu niodo, quos in spen statues submittere gentis, Prmcipuuni jam inde a teneris impende laborem 74. Impcnde praeci(Continu pecoris generosi pullus in arvis 75 puum laborem illis jam Altiuis ingleditur, et mollia crura reponit: inde a teneris arl ni, Primus et ire viam, et fluvios tentare minaces qOS Audet, et ignoto sese committere ponti: Nec vanos horret strepitus. Illi ardua cervix, 79. Est illi ardua Argutumque caput, brevis alvus, obesaque terga; 80 Luxuriatque toris animosum pectus: honesti Spadices, glaucique; color deterrimus albis, 82. Spadices, glauci Et gilvo: turn, si qua sonum procul arma dedere, que sunt honesti colores Stare loco nescit, micat auribus, et tremit artus; 84. Tremit per artus Collectumque fremens volvit sub naribus ignem. 85 Densa juba, et dextro jactata recumbit in armo. At duplex agitur per lumbos spina: cavatque Tellurem, et solido graviter sonat ungula cornu. Talis Amyclaei Uomitus Pollucis habenis Cyllarus, et, quorum Graii meminere poete, 90 90. Et tales erant biMartis equi bijuges, et magni currus Achilles. juges equi Martis, et Talis et ipse jubam cervice effudit equina currus magni Achilles Conjugis adventu pernix Saturnus, et altum quorum Pelion hinnitu fugiens implevit acuto. 94 Hunc quoque, ubi aut morbo gravis, aut jam segnior Deficit, abde domo, nec turpi ignosce senectze. [annis NOTES. of mortality, he immediately passes on to mens, as Heyne informs us. That learned the propagation of horses. And what fur editor reads, fremens. Ignem: in the sense ther confirms him in this opinion, is, the use of calorem. vel ardenles anhelitus. Of the of the verbs antevenio and sortior. The for- horses of Diomede, Lucretius says ignem mer, says he, is no where else used by Vir- naribus spiraverunt. gil; and the latter never, in the sense it is 87. Duplex: round-large. In a lean used here: for substituo. horse, as the spine or back-bone rises up 71. Sobolem: a succession-issue. sharp; so in a fat horse, there is a kind of 73. Submitlere: in the sense of seponere. hollow or gutter running through the middle 75. Pullus gencrosi: a colt of generous of the back, and seeming to divide it into breed-of noble blood. Continu: from two parts. In this sense, duplex spina may the first-as soon as foaled. be a double spine. Agitur: passes along, 76. Reponit mollia crura: he moves his or extends. pliant, or nimble legs. Reponil implies both 87. Lumbos: in the sense of dorsum, v.t the alternate movements of his feet, and the tergum. quickness and frequency of them. 89. Talis Cyllarus: such was Cyllarus, 81. Luxuriat toris: his courageous breast broke by the reins, &c. Amyclcei: an adj. abounds (swells out) in muscles. from Anmyclee, a city of Laconia, not far 82. Spadices, glauci: the bright bay, and from Lacedaemon, where Castor and Pollux dappled-gray, are good colors; the worst were born. Hence they are sometimes color is the white and dun. It is very dif- called Lacedeamonii, as well as Aniyclei. ficult, as Dr. Trapp observes, to ascertain Cyllarus was the name of the horse. the names of colors in a foreign and dead 91. Currus: in the sense of equi, by melanguage. Besides, one nation may prefer ton. this color, and another may prefer that. He 92. Et. talis pernix Saturnus ipse: and takes albus for a dull, dirty white, and to be such swift Saturn himself spread his mane. distinguished from candidus; because, an- Saturn, as the poets say, was in love with teire nives candore, Virgil makes the mark Philyra, the daughter of Oceanus. During of a fine horse. See En. xii. 84. their amours, on a certain occasion, Rhea, 84. Fremens. The commonreading is pre- his wife, came upon them. To prevent a wen;- but several ancient copies have fre- discovery, Saturn transformed himself into 9 114 P. VIRGIL1l MARONIS 97. Senior eguut cst Frigidus in Venerem senior, frustraque laborem frigidus Ingratum trahit: et, si quando ad praelia vcntum est, Ut quondam in stipulis magnus sinl viribus ignis, Incassuin furit. Ergo animos evumnque notabis 100 Praecipue: hinc alias artes, prolemque parenturn 102. Quis dolor sit Et quis cuique dolor victo, quaI gloria palmae. cuique victo, quae gio- Nonne vides? ciim praecipiti certamine campum rna sit cuique palme Corripuere, ruuntque effusi carcere currus 105. Spes juvenum Ci'n spes arrectm, juvenum, exultantiaque naurit 105 arrecteS sunt. Corda pavor pulsans: illi instant verbere torto, Et proni dant lora: volat vi fervidus axis: Jamque humniles, jamque elati sublime videntur Aera per vacuum ferri, atque assurgere in auras. Nec mora, nec requies. At fulvae nimbus arenae 119 111. Equihumescunt Tollitur: humescunt spumis flatuque sequentum spumis flatuque eorum Tantus amor laudum, tantm est victoria cure. sequent m Primus Erichthonius currus et quatuor ausus 116. Dorso equorum 117. Et euum glo- Jungere equos, rapidisque rotis insistere victor. mnerare Frana Pelethroinii Lapithae, gyrosque dedelre, 11.f 118. Magistri utrius- Impositi dorso; atque equitem docuere sub armis que artis eque exquirunt Insultare solo, et gressus glomerare superbos. equumjuvenemque, cali- A/quus uterque labor: mqud juvenemque magistn dumque animisuus uterque labor: que 120. XJon exquirunt Exquir.unt, calidumque animis, et cursibus acrem: senem equum quamvis Quamvis sepe fuga versos ille egerit hostes, 120 122. Ipsa origine equi Et patriam Epirum referat, fortesque Mycenas; Neptuni. Neptunique ipsa deducat origine gentem. 123. Tempus admissu- His animadversis. instant sub tempus; et omnes rf; et 124. Distendere equum Impendunt curas denso distendere pingui, denso pingui, quem Quem legere ducem et pecori dixere maritum; 12b NOTES. a horse, and fled to Pelion, a mountain of 115. Lapilhce: a people of Thessaly, near Thessaly, filling it with his shrill neighings. mount Pelion. Pelethronii: an adj. from Philyra bore to him Chiron, one of the Cen- Pelethroniun, one of their cities. The taurs. meaning of the poet appears to be this: 96. Ignosce sencetm nec turpi: spare his that Erichthonius invented the use of the old age, not inglorious. This is the sense chariot and horses, and that the LapilhFe usually given to the words, and implies that afterward improved upon the use of the the old horse should be treated with kind- horse by managing him with the bridle, and ness and humanity, now in his old age, in turning him about with the reins at their consequence of his former glorious deeds. will. Dedere: in the sense of inrenerunt. Abde hunc domo: in the sense of include 116. Equitem. Rumus takes this in the hune stabulis. sense of equum.. Heyne observes that the old 101. Hinc alias artes: after that (you grammarians understood it in tile same should observe) his other qualities. Artes sense. But Da.vidson refers the whole here evidently means the qualities, proper- to the rider. It appears that the last ties, or endowments of the horse. Prolenl: clause of the following line should be apthe stock, breed, or ancestry. plied to the horse rather than to the rider. 102. Palmr: to the victor, or conqueror. Eques: properly, the rider; by meton. the The palm of victory, by meton. put for the horse. victor, or conqueror. 118. Uterque labor mequus: each labor, cr 104. Effusi: starting-springing. In art, is equal; the management of horses irn races, carcer was the mark, or starting the chariot, and the nanagement of them place. Exultantia: beating-palpitating. with the bridle. 107. Vi: with the rapid motion of the wheel. 121. Ep'rum-l-Myenas. Epirus and My114. Rapidis rotis. This is the common cenm were both famous for their excellent reading. But Heinsius and Heynereadra- horses. Refegat: have, claim, or boast. pidu in the nom. agreeing with victor. Ro- 124. Pingui: in the sense of pinguedine, lis: properly the wheels; by meton. the 125. JMaritum in the sense of admissa. chariot borrre upon them. riumn. GEORGICA. LIB. IIT. I15 Pubentesque secant herbas, fluviosque ministrant, Farraque: ne blando nequeat superesse labori, Invalidique patrum referant jejunia nati. Ipsa autem macie tenuant armenta volentes. Atque ubi concubitus primos jam nota voluptas 130 Sollicitat; frondesque negant, et fontibus arcent: Sape etiam cursu quatiurt, et Sole fatigant; Cum graviter tunsis gemit area frugibus, et cum Surgentem ad Zephyrum paleae jactantur inanes. Hoc faciunt, nimio ne luxu obtusior usus 135 Sit genitali arvo, et sulcos oblimet inertes: Sed rapiat sitiess Venerem, interiusque recondat. 137. Sod ut ilia pars Rursus, cura patrum cadere, et succedere matrum sitiens 138. Et cura matrum Incipit, exactis gravidau cum mensibus errant. incp. succedere incipit succcdere Non illas gravibus quisquam juga ducere plaustris, 140 140. Non quisquam Non saltu superare viain sit passus, et acri passus sit illas Carpere prata fuga, fluviosque innare rapaces. Saltibus in vacuis pascant, et plena secundum Flumina: muscus ubi, et viridissima gramine ripa, 144. Ubi sit muscus, Speluncmeque tegant, et saxea procubet umbra. 145 ct ripa Est lucos Silari circa, ilicibusque virentem Plurimus Alburnurn volitans, cui nomen asilo Romanum est, cestron Graii vertere vocantes: Asper, acerba sonans: quo tota exterrita sylvis Diffugiunt armenta, furit mugitibus aether 150 Concussus, sylvaeque, et sicci ripa Tanagri. Hoc quondam monstro horribiles exercuit iras Inachiae Juno pestemn meditata juvencae. NOTES. 127. Superesse: to accotnplish-be suffi- 146. Circa lucos Silari, Alburnumque. Sicient for. Fluvios: in the sense of aquam larus, a river ofItaly, in ucania: hodieSelo, copiosam. Alburnum: Alburnus, a mountain in Italy, 128. J\ati: the colts. Referant: in the abounding in the holm-oak: hodie Alborno; sense offerant. out of which issues the river Tanagrus, 129. Volentes: willing-on purpose, or small, and nearly dry in summer. Pluriwith design. Armenia here is evidently mus volitans: around the groves, &c. there taken for equas, the mares.. are many flies, to which asylus is the Roman 131. Frondes: in the sense of pabulum, name, but the Greeks called it cestron. vel victumn. Quatiunt: in the sense of agi- This construction is very peculiar; the idiom tant. we cannot introduce into our language. 135. JNe usus genitali arvo sit obtusior ne- Plurimus volitans we must take in the sense mio luxu- These words Rumus interprets ofplurimi volitantes. Cui nomen asylo. This thus:.Ne trajectus (via) genitalis partis sit is evidently the same as cui asylus est Romastrictior ob nimiam pinguitudinem. no nomini: perhaps by antiptosis. Asylus 136. Oblimet: in the sense of claudat. is what we commonly call the gad-fly, or 137. Venerem: the object of their desire breeze. It is the same as the tabanus, or -the semen masculinum. tabanum. The sting of this insect causes 142. Acri fugd: in the sense of celeri greatpaintothe animalthatiswounded byit.,cursu. Rapaces: in the sense of rapidos. 148. Vocantes vertere: simply, vocaverunt, 143. Saltibus. Saltus is properly an open- vel reddiderunt. ing, or vacant space, in a grove, or park. 149. Acerba: an adj. neu. plu. taken as It is, however, sometimes used in the sense an adverb in imitation of the Greeks; the of nemus and lucus; from the verb salio. same as acerbe..Asper. This may have Pamus says spatiis apertis. reference to the sharpness of its bite or sting. 145. Saxea umbra: a rocky shade may Sonans: making a sharp or shrill noise. fall on them-a rocky clift may project over 150. Furit: in tile sense of resonat. them, under which they may be sheltered 153. Inachice juvence. Io, the daughtdr from the sun and rains, of Inachus, king of the Argives, (or of a 116 P. VIRGIII1 MARONIS 154. Hunc asilum iHunc quoque (nam mediis fervoribus acrior instat) Arcebis gravido pecori; arnentaque pasces, 156 Sole recens orto, aut noctem ducentibus astris. Post partum, cura in vitulos traducitur omnis: Continu6que notas et nomina gentis inurunt: 159. Et notant eos, Et quos, aut pecori malint submittere habendo, quos malint aut submit- Aut aris servare sacros, aut scindere terram, 1C6 tere pecori Et campum horrentem fractis invertere glebis. Caetera pascuntur virides armenta per herbas. Tu, quos ad studium atque usum formabis agrestem, 164. Jam tu hortare Jam vitulos hortare, viamque insiste domandi; vltulos, quos formabis Dum faciles animi juvenum, dum mobilis atas. 165 ad studium. >.... Ac primum laxos tenui de vimine circles Cervici subnecte: dehinc, ubi libera colla Servitio assuerint; ipsis e torquibus aptos.unge pares, et coge gradum conferre, juvencos. Atque illis jam swepe rotae ducantur inanes 170 Per terram, et summo vestigia pulvere signent. Post valido nitens sub pondere faginus axis Instrepat, et junctos temo trahat aereus orbes. 174. IntereSa c IntereIntere pubi indomitae non gramina tantum, menu non tantum gra- Nec vescas salicum frondes. ulvamque palustrem; 175 Sed frumenta manu carpes sata: nec tibi fcetae, 179. Sin tuum studi- More patrum, nivea implebunt mulctralia vaccae; unm szt magis ad bellum, Sed tota in dulces consument ubera natos. ferocesque Sin ad bella magis studium, turmasque feroces, NOTES. river god of that name,) whom Jupiter 169. Junge pares, &c. The poet directs transformed into a heifer, when he was likely the farmer to begin with his steers at an to be surprised by Juno in his amour with early age; and first to hang collars lightly her. But discovering the trick, the goddess about their necks. Afterwards, join two of sent Asilus to torment her. Upon which equal size by a cord connecting these colshe fled to Egypt; where Jupiter, taking lars; and in this state make them walk and pity on her, restored her to her proper keep pace together; and after they have shape. After which, she was married to become accustomed to this discipline, then king Osiris; and, after her death, was wor- make them draw empty wheels along the shipped as a goddess under the name of Isis. ground-wheels without any carriage upon 154..Medtisfervoribus: for media die. them. 158. Inurunt: in the sense ofimprimunt. 172. Valido: in the sense ofmagno. Or159. Submittere: to set apart for breeders bes: for rotas, wheels. -for propagating your stock or herd. 174. Pubi indomitce: for your steers un161. Horrenlem: in the sense of asperum. broken-not entirely subdued to the yoke. 162. Caetera armenta. The poet's mean- 175. Ulvam. The ulva was a kind of ing is plainly this: that those calves that grass, which grew in marshy grounds. We are designed for breeding, for sacrifice, or have no particular name for it in our lanfor the plough, are to be particularly desig- guage. JN'ec: in the sense of et. nated, and taken care of; while it is suffi- 176. Frunenta sata: planted, or sown cient for the rest of the herd to feed at large, corn. without any such care or attention; and The poet would have the farmer to urder. with regard to those designed for the stand, that tle care of his steers is so implough, they should be trained up from the.portant, that he should not only gather for first, and be accustomed to the yoke, while them grass, and the tender leaves of the they are docile and tractable. willow, and the marshy ulva; but even the 164. Hortare: imp. of hortor: teach, or growing corn. He should consider nothing train up. Ad studium: for labor. Mobilis: too costly for them. in the sense of docilis. 177. Feetce vaccce: your suckling cows. 166. Circles: by syn. for circulos: bind Fcetce: having young. The wordalsosigniloose collars about their necks. fies. being with young. GEORGICA. LIB. 111. 117 Aut Alphea rotis praelabi flumina Pisae, 180 Et Jovis in luco currus agitare volantes; Primus equi labor est, animos atque arma videre Bellantuln, lituosque pati, tractuque gementem Ferie rotam, et stabulo fraenos audire sonantes. Turn magis atque magis blandis gaudere magistri 185 Laudibus, et plausm sonitum cervicis amare. Atque haec jam prirn depulsus ab ubere matris 187. Audiat hbc jam Audiat, inque vicem det mollibus ora capistris prilio depulsus ab uoere Invalidus, etiamque tremens, etiam inscius aei. At, tribus exactis, ubi quarta accesserit astas, 190 Carpere mox gyrum incipiat, gradibusque sonare Compositis: sinuetque alterna volumina crururn, Sitque laboranti similis: turn cursibus auras Provocet: ac per aperta volans, ceu liber habenis, AEquora, vix summa vestigia ponat arena. 195 Qualis hyperboreis Aquilo cumn densus ab oris Incubuit, Scythimque lhyemes atque arida differt Nubila: turn segetes altm campique natantes Lenibus horrescunt flabris, summaque sonorem Dant sylvae, longique urgent ad litora fluctus: 200 Ille volat, simul arva fuga, simul equora verrens 201. Ill ventu volat Ilic, vel ad Elei metas et maxima campi Sudabit spatia, et spumas aget ore cruentas; Belgica vel molli melius feret esseda collo. Tur demum crassa magnum farragine corpus 205 NOTES. 180. Pr.alabi rotis. The poet here alludes the poet appears to be this: After the horse to the chariot races at the Olympic games, hath commenced his fourth year, let him becelebrated upon the banks of the river Al- gin to amble, and prance, and exercise, pheus. however laborious and fatiguing it may be 183. Lituos: the clarion, or curved horn; to him. Or rather: let not his exercise in put, by meton. for the sound of that instru- reality be laborious and fatiguing, on acment. count of his age; but let him resemble, or Gementem tractu: in the sense of striden- be like to one laboring only, lest he be dispitem dum trahitur, says Heyne. rited from experience of his weakness. But 186. Sonitum plausce cervicis: the sound when he is properly trained by exercise, his of the patted neck. courage increased, and his confidence in This refers to the custom of stroking, or himself confirmed, then let him labor-let gently patting the horse on the neck, to him challenge the winds in his course. inspire him with courage. 194. Provocet. This is the common read188. Inque vicemn: by Tmesis, for invicem ing. Heyne reads turn vocet. que: and now and then —occasionally. E'quera: in the sense of campos. Audiat. This is the common reading. 197. Incubuit: rushes forth. Rumus says, But Heyne, after Heinsius, reads audeat, of imminet. the verb audeo. 198. Jatantes: in the sensn of undantes, 189. Inscius cevi: ignorant, or inexperi- 182. Animos: courage. Contentiones, enced, on account of his age-not conscious says Rueus. of strength-knowing his weakness. Ser- 202. Hic, vel ad metas: this horse, either vius says: nondum habens ab annisiduciam. at the goals of Elis, &c. Davidson says: propter imbecilitalem eviA 204. Esseda. The essedum was a kind of It is a Greek construction. vehicle, or carriage, adapted both for travel191. Sonare conpositis gradibus: to prance ling or war. It was used by the ancient in regular steps. Gauls and Britons. J.Molli: tractable. is Sinuetque: and let him bend the alternate opposition to reluctant. joints of his legs-or alternately the joints 205. Crassa farragine: with rich or fat of his legs. tening marsh. The farrago was a mixture Caqnere: in the sense of describere. of wheat bran and barley meal, acco-ding 193. Sirnmlis laboranti. The meaning of to Serviusa I [8 P. VIRGILU MARONIS 206. ali domitisjugo: Crescere jam domitis sinito: namque ante domandum. Ingentes tollent.animos; prensique negabunt Verbera lenta pati, et duris parere lupatis. Sed non ulla magis vires industria firmat, Quam Venerem et caeci stirulos avertere amoris; 210 Sive bour, sive est cui gratior usus equorum. Atque ide6 tauros procul atque in sola relegant Pascua, post montem oppositum, et trans flumina lata: Aut intus clausos satura ad praesepia servant. Carpit enim vires paulatim, uritque videndo 215 Faemina: nec nemorum patitur meminisse, nec herbae 217. Ilia quidem facit Dulcibus illa quidem illecebris, et stepe superbos hoc dulcibus illecebris, et Cornibus inter se subigit decernere amantes. sape subigit Pascitur in magna sylva formosa juvenca: Illi alternantes multa vi praelia miscent 220 Vulneribus crebris: lavit ater corpora sanguis, 222. Obnixos adversa- Versaque in obnixos urgentur cornua vasto rios Cum gemitu: reboant sylvaeque et magnus Olympus. 224. Nee est mos duos Nec mos bellantes una stabulare: sed alter bellantes Victus abit, longeque ignotis exulat oris; 225 226. Plagasfactas cor- Multa gemens ignominiam, plagasque superbi ntbus superbi victoris, Victoris, turn quos amisit inultus amores: turn eos amores, quos Et stabula aspectans regnis excessit avitis. 229. Et inter dura Ergo omni cura vires exercet, et inter saxa jacet Dura jacet pernox instrato saxa cubili; 230 Frondibus hirsutis et carice pastus acuta: Et tentat sese, atque irasci in cornua discit, Arboris obnixus trunco: ventosque lacessit Ictibus, et sparsa ad pugnam proludit arena. Post, ubi collectum robur, viresque refectae, 235 Signa movet, praecepsque oblitum fertur in hostem: NOTES. 206. J^amque. The poet advises the casional groans of each, produced by the farmer not to pamper or fatten his horses repeated strokes given and received. before they are broken, and rendered tracta- 224. Bellantes: a part. of the verb bello, ble. If he do, they will be mettlesome and used in the sense of adversarios. high minded, (tollunt ingentes animos,) they Stabulare: in the sense of habitare. will show a stout and surly temper, and 226. Multa: in the sense of mul/tm. when caught, will refuse to bear the limber 228. A.litis regnis: from his hereditary whip, and to obey the hard bits. Ante do- realms-from those fields in which he was mandum: before breaking. The gerund in born, and in which lie bore rule. dum is of the nature of a substantive noun..Aspicens: in the sense of respiciens. Rutus says, antequam domentur. 230. Instrato cubili. Dr. Trapp, and Da209. Industria: in the sense of cura. vidson understand this to be a naked or un211. Usus: in the senseof cuus. strowed bed. Rumus takes instrato in the 211. Usus: in the sense of cultus. sense of strato, strowed or made. The prep. 214. Satura: in the sense of plena. in sometimes in composition adds to the sig. 216. Fomina: the female-the heifer. nification of the primitive word; at other 220. Alternantes: in the sense of rcissim.'times, changes it to an opposite sense. 222. Cornua versa in obnixos: and their Carice acuta: sharp sedge. lorns turned against the contending foes, 235. Refectr. This is the reading of are struck, &c. Heyne, after Heinsius. But recelpta is the Cum vasto gemitu. This seems not to re- common reading. fer to the rage and violence of the antago- 236. Movet signa: he moves his standnists, so much as to the groans and bellow- ards. A metaphor taken from the move ings of the conquered party or to the oc- ment of an army. GEORGICA. LIB. III. 1 a Fluctus ut, in medio cepit cSm albescere ponto, Longius ex altoque sinum trahit: utque volutus Ad terras, immane sonat per saxa, nec ipso Monte minor procumbit: at ima exaestuat unda 240 Vorticibus, nigramque alte subjectat arenam. Omne ade6 genus in terris hominumque ferarumque, Et genus aequoreum, pecudes, pictaeque volucres, In furias ignemque ruunt: amor omnibus idem. Tempore non alio catulorum oblita leana 245 Sawvior erravit campis: nec funera vulgo Tram multa informes ursi stragemque dedere Per sylvas: tum smvus aper, turn pessima tigris: Heu! male tum Libyae solis erratur in agrs. Nonne vides, ut tota tremor pertentet equorum 250 Corpora, si tantusm notas odor attulit auras! Ac neque eos jam fraena virim, neque verbera sreva, Non scopuli, rupesque cavae, atque objecta retardant Flumina, correptos unda torquentia montes. Ipse ruit, dentesque Sabellicus exacuit sus, 255 Et pede prosubigit terram, fricat arbore costas, Atque hinc atque illinc humeros ad vulnera durat. Quid juvenis, magnum cui versat in ossibus ignem 258. Qui juvenis faDurus amor? nempe abruptis turbata procellis cit, cui duras Nocte natat caeca serus freta: quem super ingens 260 Porta tonat caeli, et scopulis illisa reclamant LEquora: nec miseri possunt revocare parentes, Nec moritura super crudeli funere virgo. NOTES. 238. Trahzt sinum: and draws a billowy 251. Odor attulit notas auras. This is, by train, far from the deep. Commulatio, for, aura attulit notum odoreqn. Utque. Davidson reads atque, and thinks Equce velfnemince is understood it to be the correct reading, as being easier. 254. Iqud: in the sense of vi aquarum. Some other copies have atque. Objecta: Rumeus says, interjecta. The whole of this description of the bat- 5. S lius sus ise: Te Sa lline tie of the bulls, as well as what precedes it, s r Sabe: an adli of.. the * pwr lvsanVgls mas- boar rushes forth, &c. Sabellicus: an adj. of the power of love, is among Virgil's mas- fro, or Sabini, a people of taly, ter-pieces an i admir * al c ri fromn Sabelli, or Sabini, a people of Italy, ter-pieces, and is admiry abounded bn forests, and ^T i i * -! * 1 - w n mi 5 whose country abounded in forests, and Nor less admired is what follows. The va-. haunts of wild beasts. riety of objects, the force of the illustra- n d basts tions, the propriety of the arrangement, and 258. Quid juvenis. The poet here alludes the beauty and grandeur of the descriptions, to he story of eander and Hero. are obvious to every reader. Leander was an inhabitant of Abydus, on 241. Subjectat: in the sense of erigit. the Asian shore of the Hellespont, and pas244. Ruunt infurias ignemque: rush into sionately in love with Hero, a beautiful a passion, and flame omad and flamestess of this kind este Venus, who resided Furia, the same asfuror, denotes any in- at Sestus, on the European shore, and opordinate passion or affection of the mind, posite to Abydus. He used to swim the such as love, anger, &c. from the verbfuro. strait to visit his fair mistress. On a certain Ignem is'much more expressive than amo- occasion, passing over in a storm, he was rem. Besides the simple idea of love, it. droned. His dead body was driven to the implies the consuming and destructive ef- Eurgpean shore,.and espied by l-Iero; who, fects of that passion upon the subjects of it. in a transport of passion, threw herself upon 248. Pessima: most fell-or savage. the corpse of her lover, and perished also. 249. Libye. Libya, a part of Africa, taken 259. lbruptis: violent-sudden. for the whole of it, by synec. This is men- 261. Reclamant: in te sense of resonant. tioned, because it abounded in the most 263. JVec virgo noritura. This alludes to savage beasts. JLMai' erratur: it is danger- the case of Hero, above mentioned. Super: o0s to wander, in, or by. 120 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Quid Lynces Bacchi varire, et genus acre luporum, 265. Quid cervi faci- Atque canum? quid, qure imbelles dant pralia cervi? unt, et que prelia illi Scilicet ante omnes furor est insignis equarum: 266 tmbelles dant? Et mentem Venus ipsa dedit, quo tempore Glauci Potniades malis membra absumpsere quadriga. Illas ducit amor trans Gargara, transque sonantem AscaniuIn: superant montes, et flumina tranant: 270 Continuoque avidis ubi subdita flamma medullis, Vere magis (quia vere calor redit ossibus) illae Ore omnnes versa in Zephyrum, stant rupibus altis, Exceptantque leves auras: et saepe sind ullis Conjugiis, vento gravidm, mirabile dictu! 275 Saxa per et scopulos et depressas convalles 277. Non ad tuos or- Diffugiunt: non, Eure, tuos, neque Solis, ad ortus, tus, O Eure; neque ad In Boream, Caurumque, aut inde nigerrimus Auster orius Solis; neque in Bo- Nascitur, et pluvio contristat frigore cclum. 279 ream, Caurumque, aut ad eam partem, undo Ilinc demurn, Hippomanes, vero quod nomine dicunt Pastores, lentum distillat ab inguine virus: Hippomanes, quod szepe malh legere novercse, 223. Miscuerunt her- Miscueruntque herbas, et non innoxia verba. bas cumn E. Sed fugit interea, fugit irreparabile tempus, 285. Dum nos capti. amore describendi Singula dum capti circumvectamur amore. 28T 286. Hoc est satis Hoc satis armentis: superat pars altera curse, Lanigeros agitare greges, hirtasque capellas. Hic labor: hinc laudem fortes sperate coloni. Nec sum animi dubius, verbis ea vincere magnum NOTES. 264. Lynces. The Lynx is an animal, nor to the north, nor to the part whence the some say, of the species of the wolf and black south wind arises. And- he gives, as deer; others say, only spotted like a deer, his reason: Qubd maxima pars scriptorum or panther, very quick sighted, and swift of videtur tribuerehanc vim (impregnandiequas) foot. The Lynces, as well as tigers, were uni Zephyro. Heyne understands it in the bound to the car of Bacchus. Hence Lyn- first sense: sed in Boream, &c. oes Bacchi. Dant: in the sense of ge- 278. Caurum: the north-west wind. runt. 279. Contristat: blackens. Rumus takes 267..Mentem: disposition-passion. In- pluvio frigore in the sense of pluvia tempesdolem, says Heyne. tate. So does Heyne. Frigus, it is plain, is 268. Potniades: an adj. from Potnia, a not here to be taken in its usual sen.;e. For town in Beotia, the native place of Glau- the south wind is not cold; on the contrary, cus: who, it is said, withheld the horse from it is hot, and generally brings with it heavy his mares; which so enraged them, that, by rains. It seems here to be used in the way of revenge, at the instigation of Venus, sense of nimbus; a cloud impregnated with they tore him in pieces. vapor and rain. Polniades quadrigac. The Potnian mares. 280. Hippomnanes. The lippomanes was See Geor. i. 437. of two kinds. The one a tough clammy 269. Gargara: neu. plu. a part of mount substance, lentuzm virus, which fell from the Ida, in Troas: here put for any mountain. mare, when she wanted the horse. This is.lscanium. Ascanius, a river in Bithynia, the kind here meant. The other was a in Asia: here put for any river, bunch, said to be on the forehead of the 275. GravidaB vento. This account of the newly foaled colt. See An. iv. 516. marcs becoming pregnant by the wind, isence at t Iinc demurm; fr(,m hence at length. wholly fabulous; although mentioned by.. & wholly fabulous; although mentioned by After the conception, above mentioned, at Salminus, Columella, and Yarro, as Rumus Slnus, Co ela, and V, as length, lenturm virus distillat. Ileyne reads: observes. 277. Vtn Eure, &c. Some understand H de the passage thus: not to thy rising, O east, 283. JNon innoxia: in the sense of mnnanor the rising of the sun; but to the north, fica, says Rumus. /c. Ruaus, thus: they fled not to the east, 287..1gitare ~ to treat of fl ecy flocks. GEORGICA. LIB. III. 121 Quam sit, et angustis hunc addere rebus honorem. Sed me Parnassi deserta per ardua dulcis 291 Raltat amor: juvat ire jugis, qua nulla priorum 292. Qua nulla orbita Castaliam molli divertitur orbita clivo. priorum poctarumn Nunc, veneranda Pales, magno nunc ore sonandum. 294. Nune sonandum Incipiens, stabulis edico in mollibus herbam 295 est nobis Carpere oves, dum mox frondosa reducitur estas: Et multa durarn stipula filicumque maniplis Sternere subter humum, glacies ne frigida laedat 298. Subtcr ipsis otiMolle pecus, scabiemque ferat, turpesque podagras. bus Post, hinc digressus, jubeo frondentia capris 300 300. Jubeo agricolam Arbuta sufficere, et fluvios prabere recentes; sufficere Et stabula a ventis hyberno opponere Soli Ad medium conversa diemn: cum frigidus olim 305. He caprae tuendie Jam cadit, extremoque irrorat Aquarius anno. sunt nobis non leviore Ilae quoque non cura nobis leviore tuendae, 305 cura quam oves 306. Milesia vellera Nee minor usus erit: quamvis Milesia magno incocta quoad Tyrios rnVellera mutentur, Tyrios incocta rubores. bores mutentur magno Densior hinc soboles, hinc largi copia lactis. pretto. Quam magis exhausto spumaverit ubere mulctra; 310. Tanto magis l1eta:0fl.Tina lactis Lmta magis pressis manabunt flumina mammis..310 flumina atis Nec minus interea barbas incanaque menta arbas icanatondent barbas, incanaCinyphii tondent hirci, setasque comantes, quo NOTES. 290.- Quam magnum: how great, or diffi- 300. Frondentia arbuta: in the sense of cult. frondes arbuti. According to Heyne,vincere ea verbis, may 301. Fluvios: in the sense of aquam. mean, to reduce, or bring those things into Sujficere: in the sense of dare. poetic numbers: Exprimere hcec commode 304. Cum frigidus quarius: when cold poitica oratione, says he. Rueus says, su- Aquarius at length sets, and sheds his dew verare isfa argumenta sermonis dignitate. in the end of the year. Angustis: in the sense of parvis vel hu- Aquarius is a sign of the Ecliptic, into milibus. which the sun enters about the 22d of Ja291. Parnassi. Parnassus was a moun- nuary. Also the same as Ganymedes, the tain in Phocis, at the foot of which was the son of Tros, king of Troy, whom Jupiter, fountain Castalia, sacred to the muses. See in the form of an eagle, carried up to heaEcl. vi. 29. ven, and made his cup-bearer. Hence he is 292. Qua nulla orbita priorum. This is usually represented with a pitcher pouring a most happy circumlocution, to denote a out water. The poet here seems to consider subject entirely new, and which had never the year as beginning with the month of been treated of by any one before him. March, or Aries. 294. Alagno ore: in a high and lofty 306. Milesia: Milesian wool..Milesia strain, in order to add dignity to the sub- an adj. from Milesus, a city in the confines ject; which, in importance, was inferior to of Ionia and Caria, famous for its wool. what he had just before been treating of. 308. Hinc densior: from hence (from the Pales: see note 1, supra. goats) is a more numerous breed than from 297. Maniplis filicum: with bundles of the sheep-from them too a greater quanthe fern. tity of milk. 299. Ferat scabiem: should bring on the Copia largi lactis: for larga copia lactis. s299ab and foul gout. solbrnon This is not, properly speaking. by any figure scab, and foul gout. of speech, but by what is commonly called The podagra was a disease of the feet, as poetice liccnia. its name implies. 309. Ubere exhausto: their udders being Columclla mentions two diseases, that drained. affect the feet of sheep. One, when there is Qudnm magis: in the sense of quan.t a galling, and filth in the parting of the magis. hoof the other, when there is a tubercle, 312. Cinyphii: an adj. from Cinyps, a or swelling, in the same place, with a hair river of Africa, near the Garamantes, where in the middle and a worm under it. the goat was the most shaggy 1I2 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Usum in castrorum et miseris velamina nautis. 314. Vero capro pas- Pascuntur vero sylvas, et summa Lycati, cuntur IIorrentesque rubos, et amantes ardua dumos. 315 Atque ipsae memores redeunt in tecta, suosque 317. Ducuntque suos Ducunt, et gravido superant vix ubere limen. oetus secum Ergo omni studio glaciem ventosque nivales, Quo minus est illis curae mortalis egestas, Avertes: victumque feres et virgea latus 320 Pabula: nec tota claudes fcenilia brurma 322. Cim leta oestas At vero, Zephyris cum lasta vocantibus aTstas, instat, Zephyris vocan- In saltus utrumque gregem atque in pascua mittes tibus, mittes utrumque Luciferi primo cum sidere, frigida rura gregem ovium et caprafCarpamus: dum mane novum, dum gramina canent, Et ros in tenera pecori gratissimus herba est. 326 Inde, ubi quarta sitim cceli collegerit hora, Et cantu querule rumpent arbusta cicade; Ad puteos, aut alta greges ad stagna jubeto Currentem ilignis potare canalibus undam: 330 /Estibus at mediis umbrosam exquirere vallem, Sicubi magna Jovis antiquo robore quercus 333. Sicubi nemus ni- Ingentes tendat ramos; aut sicubi nigrum grum crebris ilicibus ac- Ilicibus crebris sacra nemus accubet umbra. cu bept Tum tenues dare rursus aquas, et pascere rursus 335 res dare illis tenues Solis ad occasum: cum frigidus aera Vesper Temperat, et saltus reficit jam roscida Luna, Litoraque halcyonen resonant et acanthida dumi. NOTES. 314. Sylvas: in the sense of arbores, vel equator, but on every other day in the year, per sylvas, &c. it would vary from it. Summa: in the sense of cacumina. The Jews, and some other nations, began Lyccei: Lycaeus was a mountain in Ar- their day at the rising of the sun. They cadia, sacred to Pan. divided the time of his being above the ho315. Ardua: high grounds. Loca is un- rizon into 12 equal parts, and the time of derstood. his being below it into 12 other equal parts, 316. Suos: their young-the kids. making 24 portions of each diurnal revolu320 Virgea pabula: osier food-tender tion. But this would make the hours of twigs, or browse. very different lengths in the different parts 324. Cum primo, &c. The meaning is, of the year. Some nations, on the other when the planet Venus first rises, going be- hand, began the day at the setting of the fore the sun, for then it is called Lucifer, sun, and divided it in the same manner. the i'armer should drive his flocks to pas- Modern nations generally begin the day at ture; and early in the morning, when tire midnight. The nautical day begins at noon, grass is moist and tender, let them feed. or when the sun is upon the meridian. Sidere: in the sense of ortu. 328. Rumpent: weary, or rend th6 groves. Carpamus frigida rura. Servius inter- Cantu: in the sense of stridore. prets these words thus: Cogamus capras car- 330. Ilignis canalibus: in oaken troughs pere frigida rura: hoc est, educanlus greges Ilignis: an adj. from Ilex: the holm-oak. ad carpenda, &c. 331..Estibus: in the sense of die. 327. Cceli. Davidson connects ccli with 334. Accubet sacra umbrd.: hangs down, sitim. Rumeus and some others take it in or bends, with its sacred boughs. Umbra, the sense of dics, and connect it with quarta in the sense of ramis, by meton. Rueus hora. Either preserves the sense and spirit says: Explicat sacram umbram. of the poet. 338. Litora resonant: the shores resound IIe begins the day at the rising of the the king-fisher, and the bushes, the goldsun, otherwise by the fourth hour, the san finch-with the musi, of the king-fisher, could not have caused thirst to man or beast. and that of the goldfinch. This would correspond with our ten o'clock,.Jcanthida: a Greek acc. of Acanthus, on those days when the sun is upon the See Geor. i. 399. GEORGICA. LIB. III. 1 3 Quid tibi pastores Libyae, quid pascua versu Prosequar, et raris habitata mapalia tectis? 340 340. Quid prosequar Sape diern noctemque, et totum ex ordine mensem tibi versu pastores LiP;lscitur, itque pecus longa in deserta sine ullis byeS, quid 342. Saspe peeus pa.HIospitiis: tantum canmpi jacet. Omnia secur citur Armentarius Afer agit, tectumque, laremque, Armaque, Amycleumque canem, Cressamque pharetram. Non secus ac patriis acer Romanus in armis 346 Injusto sub fasce viam cum carpit, et hostem Ante expectatum positis stat in agmine castris. At non, qui Scythiam gentes, Maoticaque unda, 349. At non est sic,. Turbidus et torquens flaventes Ister arenas: 350 qua sunt Scythie gentes Qualque redit.medium Rhodope porrecta sub axem. NOTES. 340. Prosequar: in the sense of dicam. Sal- 346. Von secus: no otherwise than the brave lust describes these JMapalia, (or J.Magalia,) Roman in the arms of his country, when he thus: Edificia JNumidarum, quce mapilia illi marches out under his unequal load, and vocant, oblonga incurvis lateribus tecta sunt; stands in battle array against the expected quasi navium carincc. Heyne says of them: enemy. Sparsa passim per agros, non n vicos collecta. This passage hath somewhat divided comRuieus takes habitata in the sense of con- mentators. Vegetius, quoting it in his art slantes. Paucis casis constantes, says he. of war, hath hostem instead of hosti: ante 341. Ex ordine: in succession-one after hos!em expectatum. This certainly is the another without intermission, best and easiest reading. But hosti is the 343. Hospitiis: retreat-shelter. usual reading. Ante expectatum is usually 344. Larem. The Lares were domestic taken in the sense ofantequanexpectetur, on gods like the Penates. There is some un- the authority of verse 206, where ante docertainty with regard to their origin. At mandum is plainly for ante dometur. But the first, their office was confined to houses the two cases are not exactly similar; the and domestic affairs. Afterward, however, latter being a gerund, and the former a partheir power and influence were very much ticiple adjective. On the whole, I prefer extended. We find the Lares Urbani, that hostem, as being the easiest. presided over cities; Lares Rustici, that pre- But there is another reason, which hath sided over the country; Lares Compitales, some weight. Let it be asked, why the that presided over cross-ways; Lares Ia- Roman should march forth, pitch his canlp, rini, that presided over the sea; Lares Vi- and stand in battle array, while an enemy is ales, that presided over roads, &c. Some not looked for, or expected? But taking say there were only two that were properly expectatumn, with Vegetius, to agree with called Lares, and these the sons of Mercury hostem, the difficulty will be removed. and the nymph Lara, or Larunda. It is and the nymplh Lara, or'Larunda. It is Ante expectatum hostem: before, or against more probable, however, that they were te expected foe-in the way to meet him. the expected foe —in the way to meet him. the Manes of parents, who being buried withie a nes of parents, who being buried of Ante signifies before, with respect to place, within the walls, or at the entrance of the house they inhabited, were thought to to time, and to dignity. have a care of the things pertaining to it, and Heyne informs us that the Medicean, and through the superstition of the age, received some other copies have hostem,but he retains divine honors. They were worshipped un- the usual reading. der the form of a dog: or, as some say, 347. Sub injusto fasce. The Roman solonly covered with the skin of that animal, dier carried his shield, sword, helmet, &c. because he is a trusty guard to the house. and also provisions sufficient for half a Lares, by meton. is often put for one's month: in weight about 60 pounds. Fasce: house, habitation, or family. Agit: in the in the sense of onere. sense of fert. 349. JMlotica unda. This is the Palus 345. Anmc2leurem: an adj. from Amycle, MIWotis, or the sea of Azof, lying to the north a city of Laconia, famous for its dogs and of the Euxine, but connected with it by the hunting, and for.its being the reputed place straits of Caffa. The ancients called al! vf the nativity of Castor and Pollux. those nations lying toward the north of Cressam: an adj. from Creta. a well Europe and Asia, Scythians. known island in the Mediterranean, whose 350. Ister: the Danube. inhabitants were famous in the art of 351. Rhodope. A range of mountains shoolting. Ar ma: utensils. rising in Thrace, and extending to the east 124 rP. VIRG1LII MARONIS Illic clausa tenent stabulis armenta: neque ulle Aut herbin campo apparent, aut arbore frondes:.54. Terra jacet in- Sed jacet aggeribus niveis informis, et alto forinis niveis aggeribus, Terra gelu late, septemque assurgit in ulnas. 355 et alto gelu late e Semper hyems, semper spirantes frigora Cauri. 6. smper es t Tumr Sol pallentes haud unquam discutit umbras. Nec cum invectus equis altum petit aethera; nec cim Praecipitern Oceani rubro lavt aequore currum. Concrescunt subitae currenti in flumine crusta: 360 Undaque jam tergo ferratos sustinet orbes, Puppibus illa prius patulis, nunc hospita plaustris: _Eraque dissiliunt vulgo, vestesque rigescunt 364. Caduntvinaprism Indutae, caduntque securibus humida vina, hninida Et totm solidam in glaciem vertere lacunae, 365 Stiriaque impexis induruit horrida barbis. Interea toto non seciis aere ningit: Intereunt pecudes: stant circumfusa pruinis Corpora magna bourn: confertoque agmine cervi Torpent mole nova, et summis vix cornibus extant. 370 371. Incolae non agi- lIos non immissis canibus, non cassibus ullis, tait hos pavidos Puniceaeve agitant pavidos formidine pennae: 373. Sed comminis ob- Sed frustra oppositum trudentes pectore montem truncant eos ferro frus- Comin obtruncant ferro, graviterque rudentes tra trudentes pectore op-om obtrunant fero, grvterue rudentes positum montem nivis Cuedunt, et magno lati clamore reportant. 375 376. Incole ipsi agunt Ipsi in defossis specubus secura sub alta secura otia Otia agunt terra: congestaque robora, totasque Advolvere focis ulmos, ignique dedere. Hie noctem ludo ducunt, et pocula laeti Fermento atque acidis imitantur vitea sorbis. 380 Talis Hlyperboreo septem subjecta trioni NOTES. and south till it meets mount Hemus; after 371. JVon agitant hos: they do not puiwhich it turns, and stretches toward the sue them, &c. north. Theformido was a line or cord, to which 354. Informis: deformed-disfigured by plumes of various colors were fastened, for the mounds of snow. the purpose of terrifying wild beasts. It 355. Septem ulnas: this is about ten and was so extended or stretched in their usual a half feet of our measure. haunts, or paths, as to lead or direct them 357. Discutit: in the sense of dissipat. insensibly into the net. Punicece: red359. Lavit: washes his descending car in crimson. the red surface of the ocean. 3 The ocean is here called red, on account 379 i imitntur: joyous they imitate the draughts of wine with their beer and of the reflection of the sun's rays from its. thedr of wine with their beer and surface, when near the horizon. a der. 361. Ferratos orbes: wheels bound with Fermento: any fermented liquor. iron. Acidis sorbis: the acid sorb-apples, or 362. Ilia prits hospita: that (the water service-berries; by meton. for tle liquo in the rivers) before friendly to the broad made of them, usually rendered cider. ships-now to wagons. 380. Vitea pocula: wvine. This is highly IIospita: hospitable-kind; receiving poetical. them as a guest, and treating them with 381. Sep!em-trioni. The parts of the kindness. word are separated by Tmesis. 364. IHumida: in the sense of liquida. The Septemtrio is a constellation near the Priuis liquida, says Rureus. north pole, called the greater bear, in So intense is the cold in high northern which are seven stars, sometimes called the.atitudes, that the spirit of wine has been plough, because they are supposed to lie in frozen in the thermometer. that shape; also the parts of the wvorld GEORGICA. LIB. III.'i5 GJns effi'tnA virum Rip)hmo tunditur Euro Et pecudum fuivis velantur corpora setis. Si tibi lanicium cure: primim aspera sylva, Lappteque tribulique absint: fuge pabula leta: 385 Continuoque greges villis lege mollibus albos. Ilium autem, quamvis aries sit candidus ipse, 387. Autem, quamvis Nigra subest udo tantium cui lingua palat, aries ipse sit candidus, Rejice, ne maculis infuscet vellera pullis ill cui talt Nascentum; plenoque alium circumspice campo. 390 igra Munere sic niveo lana, si credere dignum est, Pan Deus Arcadim captam te, Luna, fefellit, In nemora alta vocans: nec tu aspernata vocantem. 393. Nec tu asprnata At cui lactis amor, cytisum, lotosque frequentes es eum Ipse manu, salsasque ferat prmsepibus herbas. 395 Iinc et amant fluvios magis, et magis ubera tendunt, Et salis occulturn referunt in lacte saporem. Multi jam excretos prohibent a matribus hoedos, Primaque ferratis prmfigunt ora capistris. Quod surgente die mulsere, horisque diurnis, 400 400. Quod lactis iulNocte premunt: quod jam tenebris, et sole cadente, 4 iuod lts mu Sub lucem exlportans calathis adit oplida- pastor, sere tenebris Aut parco sale contingunt, hyemique reponunt. Nec tibi cura canum fuerit postrema: sed una Veloces Spartm catulos, acremque Molossun 405 Pasce sero pingui: nunquam, custodibus illis, Nocturnum stabulis furem, incursusque luporum, Aut impacatos a tergo horrebis Iberos. Sape etiam cursu timidos agitabis onagros: Et canibus leporem, canibus venabere damas. 410 Sape volutabris pulsos sylvestribus apros Latratu turbabis agens: montesque per altos Ingentem clamore premes ad retia cervum. NOTES. lying under that constellation; also simply, 399. Prima ora prafigunt ferraitu catsthe north. Subjecta: lying-placed. tris: by Hypallage for, prrejiguntferrata ca384. Laniciumn: the woollen trade, or pistra primis oribus: they prefix to trie end manufacture. of their mouths iron muzzles.- These were Lappeque, tribulique: both burrs, and in such a form as to prick the dam, if she thistles. offered to let them suck; but not to prevent 386. Greges: in the sense of oves. them from eating grass. 390. J.ascentlrm: a part of nascor, used 402. Exportans calathis: carrying it in as a sub.: of the lambs. baskets, he goes, &c.-carrying it made into 391. Jiveo munere. The poet hath refer- butter, curds, and cheese. once here to the fable of Pan's being inlove 405. Spartia: the most famous city of the with Luna. By changing himself into a Peloponnesus, and celebrated for its excelsnow-white ram, he deceived her; and de- lent dogs. coying her into the woods, deflowered her. MJolossum: a dog, so called from Molcrsa, Probus, however, relates the story different- a country of Epirus, so called from 1olossuts; ly. He says, Pan being in love with Luna, the son of Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, and offered her the choice of any of his flock; Andromache, the widow of Hector. See and choosing the whitest, she was deceived, An. ii. 292. because they were the worst. 408. Iberos: the Spaniards, so called. from 396. Tendun.: in the sense of distendunt. the Iberus, (Hodie, Ebro,) a river of Spain. 398. Excretos: grown large-or suffi- They were so notorious for their robberies, ciently grown to take care of themselves; that they became a proverb. The poet here uf ex and cresco. uses their name for robbers in general. 126 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Disce et odoratam stabulis accendere cedrur, Galbaneoque agitare graves nidore chelydros. 415 Saepe sub immotis praesepibus, aut mala tactu Vipera delituit, ccelumque exterrita fugit; Aut tecto assuetus coluber succedere et umbrae, Pestis acerba bourn, pecorique aspergere virus, Fovit hurnum. Cape saxa manu, cape robora, pastor, Tollentemque minas, et sibila colla tumentem, 421 Dejice: jamque fuga timidum caput abdidit alte, Cum medii nexus, extremeque agmina caudae, Solvuntur, tardosque trahit sinus ultimus orbes. Est etiam ille malus Calabris in saltibus anguis, 425 Squamea convolvens sublato pectore terga, 427. Maculosus quoad Atque notis longam maculosus grandibus alvum: I ngam Qui, dum amnes ulli rumpuntur fontibus, et dum 428. Qui serpens colit Vere madent udo terrm, ac pluvialibus Austris, stagna Stagna colit; ripisque habitans, hic piscibus atram 430 Improbus ingluviem, ranisque loquacibus explet. Postquam exhausta palus, terraeque ardore dehiscunt, 433. In siccum cam- Exilit in siccum; et flammantia lumina torquens, nunm Saevit agris, asperque siti, atque exterritus aestu. Ne mihi turn molles sub dio carpere somnos, 435 Neu dorso nemoris libeat jacuisse per herbas, Cum positis novus exuviis, nitidusque juventa, Volvitur, aut catulos tectis aut ova relinquens, Arduus ad Solem, et linguis micat ore trisulcis. Morborum quoque te causas et signa docebo. 44u NOTES. 415. Galbaneo: an adj. from galbanum, 425. Calabris: an adj. from Calabria, the a gum, or liquor, at the smell of which ser- south-eastern part of Italy. pents flee. It is agreed that the snake here spoken of Chelydros: Chelydrus is properly a water is the chersydrus. These serpents abounded tortoise-a land or water snake: qui modo in that part of Italy. They were amphliin paludibus, nodo in arboribus latet. bious. Their name is of Greek origin. 417. Vipera: a species of serpent, very The poet here gives a very lively descrppoisonous; so called from the circumstance tion of that destructive reptile. of its bringing forth its young alive. 428. Rumpuntrur: in the sense of erumCo.lum: for lucem. Mala: noxious- punt, vel rumpunt se. poisonous. 430. Improbus implet: greedy, he fills his 418. Coluber: a species of snake, which filthy maw with fish, &c. Mr. Martyntakes for the same that Pliny 432. Exhausia: exhausted-dried up. calls boas, from the circumstance of its feed- Valpy reads exusta, but mentions no authoing on cow's milk, which it draws from the rity. Exhausta is the common reading. teat. If this be the case, we see the pro- 435. Turn ne Tibeat mihi: then may it not priety of the poet's calling the serpent, please me to take, &c. acerbapestis bourn: the direful pest of cattle. 436. Dorso. Some render, on the 420. Fovit terran: hugs the ground. back, referring it to the posture of lying. 423. JIledii ne:xus: the middle joints. But there is no necessity of this, if we supAgminaque extremem caudce: the move- pose the grove to be on an eminence, or hill ments, or windings of the end of his tail. -on the side or edge of a grove. Agmen/is properly an army of men on the 437. Positis exuviis: his skin being put march; it is also said of a serpent: Quia off. The snake, it is well known, changes corporis pars post partem succedit, atque agi- his skin every year. Exuit a capiteprinmum, tur instar exercitus agmninatim procedentis, says Pliny. says Rueaus. 438. Tectis: his habitation-den. 424 Ultimus sinus: the extreme joints or 439. Jicat ore: he vibrates with his three folds of his tail draw the slow wreaths or forked tongue in his mouth; that is, his spires along. Ruseus says, extrema curvatura. three forked tongue vibrates'n his mouth. GEORGICA. LIB. III. 127 Turpis oves tentat scabies, ubi frigidus irber Altius ad vivum persedit, et horrida cano Bruma gelu: vel cum tonsis illotus adhlesit 443. Bruma horrida Sudor, et hirsuti secuerunt corpora vepres. cano gel Dulcibus idcirco fluviis pecus omne magistri 445 Perfundunt, udisque aries in gurgite villis Mersatur, missusque secundo defluit amni: Aut tonsum tristi contingunt corpus ainurca, Et spumas miscent argenti, vivaque sulphura, Idaasque pices, et pingues unguine ceras, 450 Scillamque, helleborosque graves, nigrumque bitumen. Non tamen ulla magis praesens fortuna laborum est, Quam si quis ferro potuit rescindere summum Ilceris os: alitur vitium, vivitque tegendo: Dum medicas adhibere manus ad vulnera pastor 455 Abnegat, et meliora Deos sedet omina poscens Quin etiam ima dolor balantum lapsus ad ossa Cum furit, atque artus depascitur arida febris; Profuit incensos aestus avertere, et inter Ima ferire pedis salientem sanguine venam, 460 Bisalte quo more solent, acerque Gelonus, 461. Eodem more, quo Cum fugit in Rhodopen, atque in deserta Getarum, Bisaltte solent ferire ecEt lac concreturn cum sanguine potat equino. nana r i ~. n- 1 ~ *^ ~ i~ 1 464. Quam ovem viQuam procul, aut molli succedere saepius umbre des puat sucederis procul, aut succe. Videris, aut summas carpentem ignavius herbas, 465 dere swpiuis molli urnExtremamique sequi, ant medio procumbere campo brae Pascentem, et serte solam decedere nocti; 466. Extremamque se Continuo culpam ferro compesce, priusquam qui ctteras NOTES. 443. Tonsis: to the shorn sheep. Ovibus 456. Mleliora omira: better success-or is understood. luck. 445. Magistri: in the sense of pastores. Verbs of asking, teaching, &c. govern 446. Gurgite: in the sense of fluvio. two accusatives, one of the person, the other 448. Tristi: bitter. of the thing. Contingunl: in the sense of ungunt. 457. Lapsus: penetrating. 449. Spumuas argenti: litharge. Some 460. Inter ima pedis: in the sense of inunderstand quicksilver; but it is not certain ter imas ungulas pedis: between the diviwhether the ancients called that, spuma ar- sions or parts of the hoof. Ferire: to open genti. a vein. 450. Idceas pices: the pitch is here called 461. Bisaltce: a people of Macedonia. Idaean, from mount Ida, in Troas, whose Geloni: a people of Scythia, who paintpitch was the best. ed their bodies, to be more terrible to their 451. Scillan: the squill, or sea onion; it is a enemies. bulbous root, like an onion, but much larger. 462. Getarum: the Geta were a people Ilelleboroe. There are two kinds of hel- of Thrace, inhabiting JlfMsia interior, not lebore, the white and the black. The for- far from the mouth of the Ister. mer, says Mr. Martyn,is serviceable in dis- 463. Concretum: thickened. cases of the skin, if it be externally applied; 467. Decedere serp, nocti: to yield or give but it will not do to be taken internally, as place to the late night. She was the last the black kind will. lence he thinks, Vir- to leave the pasture grounds, and then comgil here means the white, by his using the pelled only by the darkness of the night. epithet gravis, strong-scented. She yielded to the darkness, and went 452. Fortune laborutl: remedy of their home. disease, or sufferings. Presens: speedy- 468. Culpam. By this weare to understand elficacious. the diseased sheep, and not simply the af454. Summum os ulceris: the highest part, fected part, as Rumus and some others inor head of the sore. Vitium: the malady, derstand it. The poet advises, as soon as or disease. Tegendo: by being concealed. you discover, by the signs above mentioned 128 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Dira per incautum serpant contagia vulgus. Non tam creber, agens hyemem, ruit lequore turbo; 470 471. Quam pestes pe- Quam multae pecudum pestes: nec singula morbi ruduin SUwat multw Corpora corripiunt; sed tota aestiva repente, Spemque, gregemque simul, cunctamque ab origine gen474. Turn ile sciat Tur sciat, aerias Alpes et Norica si quis ttern, oc esse verum, siquis eli- Castella in tuulis, et pidis arva Tiavi, 475 am nunc quoque tanto astella tumus, et s arva mav post videat aerias Alpes, Nunc quoque post tant6 viddat, desertaque regna et Norica castella in tu- Pastorum, et longe saltus latequre vacantes. mulis, et arva lapidis Hic quondam morbo cceli miseranda coorta est'limavi, desertaque reg- Tempestas, totoque autumni incanduit astu, a uastorum, et saltus Et genus omne neci pecudum dedit, omne ferarum, 480 Corrupitque lacus, infecit pabula tabo. Nee via mortis erat simplex: sed ubi ignea venis Omnibus acta sitis miseros adduxerat artus; Rursus abundabat fluidus liquor; omniaque in se Ossa minutatim morbo collapsa trahebat. 485 Swepe in honore Deum medio stans hostia ad aram, Lanea dum nivea circumdatur infula vitta, Inter cunctantes cecidit moribunda ministros. 489. Aut si sacerdos Aut si quam ferro mactaverat ante sacerdos; mactaverat quarm /os- Inde nelue impositis ardent altaria fibris, 490 taim ferro, ante-quam T eciderat inde s Nec responsa potest consultus reddere vates: 492. Suppositi viceri- Ac vlx suppositi tinguntur sanguine cultri, hus vix tinguntur Summaque jejuna sanie infuscatur arena. IIinc laetis vituli vulg6 moriuntur in herbis,,.498, ~. VuEt dulces animas plena ad praesepia reddunt. 495 498. Victor equus, in- - felix, et immemor studi- Ilinc canibus blandis rabies venit; et quatit aegros orum, atque herbe, la- Tussis anhela sues, ac faucibus angit obesis. bitur Labitur infelix studiorum, atque irnemor herbae NOTES. that any one of your sheep is diseased, to 485. Trahebat omnia: and drew dll the take away the faulty animal: kill it forth- bones, wasted, or consumed, little by little, with, that the contagion may not spread by the disease, into itself. Converlebat in anong the unwary flock. This is the sense se, says Ruaus. of Davidson and Valpy. 487. Infula. This was a broad wreath,. 474. JNorica: an adj. from Voricum, a or band, made of wool. and bound about tho country of Germany, in the neighborhood temples of the victim;' but not covering of the Alps, but beyond them with regard the whole head: from it hung the vitta, or to Italy. fillet. Timavi: Timavus, a small river in the, 490. Fibris: the flesh. Venetian territory, called lapidis (lapidian) from lapides, an ancient people, who in- 492. Suppositi: applied to the carcass, habited that part of it, through which the or flesh. Timnavus flowed. 493. Jejuna sanie: with the meagre gore. 476. Regna: possessions. In these diseases, the blood was wasted, or 479.;Miseranda tempestas: a direful pes- converted into a thin meagre fluid, which tilence arose. the poet calls fluidus liquor. l his perJEstu: heat. Incanduit: raged during vaded the body so thoroughly, that it even the whole heat of autumn. converted the marrow, and life of the bones, 481. Tabo: with a poisonous quality. into ttself. Lacus: in the sense of aquam. 496. Rabies: madness. 482. Jec via mortis: nor was the manner 497. Anhela iussis: a wheezing cough of their death simple and common. It was shakes the diseased swine. complicated, and attended with affecting Obesis: a disease someth'sg lie tLe circumstances. quinsy. 483. Sitis: properly thirst. By meton. 498. Studiorum: of his exercises-tnose the fever causing it. Ignea sitis: the raging races in which he bore off the palm of vicfever. tory. GEORGICA. LIB. III. 129 Victor equus, fontesque avertitur, et pede terram Crebra ferit: demissae aures: incertus ibidem 500 Sudor; et ille quidem morituris frigidus: aret 501. Et ille sudol quiPellis, et ad tactum tractanti dura resistit. dem erat frigids zs IIaec ante exitium priris dant signa diebus: mous Sin in processu ccepit crudescere morbus, 504. In processu ternTurn vero ardentes oculi, atque attractus ab alto 505 poris Spiritus interdum gemitu gravis: imaque longo Ilia singultu tendunt: it naribus ater Sanguis, et obsessas fauces premit aspera lingua. Profuit inserto latices infundere cornu 509. Primo profuit. Lcnaeos:'a visa salus moricntibus una. 510 Mox erat hoc ipsum exitio: furiisque refecti 511. Illi refecti illo Ardebant: ipsique suos, jam morte sub egra, vzno,,^. ** K.1 *n \ 512. Ipsique jam sub (Di meliora pus, erroremque hostibus illum) gra morte, laniabant Discissos nudis laniabant dentibus artus. suos artus discissos Ecce autem duro fumahs sub vomere taurus 515 Concidit, et mixtum spumis vomit ore cruorem, Extremosque ciet gemitus: it tristis arator, Moerentem abjungens fraterna morte juvencum, Atque opere in medio defixa relinquit aratra. Non umbra altorum nemorum, non mollia possunt 520 Prata movere animum, non, qui per saxa volutus Purior electro campum petit, amnis: at ima Solvuntur latera, atque oculos stupor urget inertes, Ad terramque fluit devexo pondere cervix. Quid labor, aut benefacta juvant? quid vomere terras 525. Quid eorumlabor, Invertisse graves? atqui non Massica Bacchi 526 aut benefacta homini Munera, non illis epule nocuere reposta: jlvant es? Quid jrveteos invertisse graves ter. Frondibus et victu pascuntur simplicis herba: ras vomere? Pocula sunt fontes liquidi, atque exercita cursu Flumina: nec sornnos abrupnpit cura salubres. 530 Tempore non alio, dicunt, regionibus illis, Quslsitas ad sacra boves Junonis, et uris NOTES. Infeiix: Unhappy-miserable, after all Stupor: a stupor, or death-like appearhis noble deeds. This is the sense of Rumus. ancc, rests upon their heavy eyes. 500. Incertus: uncertain-the cause of 525. Juvant: Rumus says, prosunt. which was unknown: or, various-fluctua-. s gs of B-,?.'.,1.526. jMassitca: the Massic giffts of Bacting-coming on, and going off, by turns. chus-wne. Crebra: here used adverbially; a Grecism. 506. Spirittus allraclus: their breath,.Massica: an adj. from.Massicus, a moundrawn from the bottom of the breast, is tain in Campania, famous for its rich wines. sometimes heavy (interrupted) with a groan. 30. ec cur,. Nor des care interSingultu: a sob, or sobbing. ru healthful slbers. 508. Obsessas: swollen-obstructed. 510. Lenaos latices: simply, wine. The whole account of this fatal murrain Cornu inserto: a horn put down their i ne of Virgil's finest pieces. But from the throat, through which the wine was poured. 515th line, Ecce autem, &c. it is extremely 513. Dii meliora, &c. May the gods tender, and inimitable in beauty; and par. grant better things to the pious, and that ticularly the last six lines. They were so madness, or destructL.n to our enemies. much admired by Scaliger, that he deOlares, The verb reddant. or another of the like he had rather have been the author of import, is understood. them, than to have had the favor of Cresus, 523. Ima latera: their flanks are lank, or or Cyrus. tabby. Flaccescunt, says Heyne. 532. Queaitas: sought after-wanted. 10 130 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 533. Currus ejus duc- Irnparibus ductos alta ad donaria currus. tosfumse ad I Ergo aegre rastris terram rimantur, et ipsis 534. Ergo aricol(c Unguibus infodiunt fruges, montesque per altos 535 wgre rimantur' Contenta cervice trahunt stridentia plaustra. Non lupus insidias explorat ovilia circum, Nec gregibus nocturnus obambulat: acrior illum Cura domat. Timidi damae, cervique fugaces Nunc interque canes, et circum tecta vagantur. 540 Jam maris immensi prolem, et genus omne natantdm, Litore in extremo, ceu naufraga corpora, fluctus Proluit: insolitae fugiunt in flurnina phoces. Interit et curvis frustra defensa latebris Vipera, et attoniti, squamis astantibus, hydri. 545 Ipsis est aer avibus non squus, et illae Preacipitcs alta vitam sub nube relinquunt. Praeterea, nec jam mutari pabula refert, 549. Magistri medicince Quaesitaeque nocent artes: cessere magistri, cessere mederi. Phillyrides Chiron, Amythaoniusque Melampus. 550 Stevit et in lucem Stygiis emissa tenebris 552. AntQ se Pallida Tisiphone: morbos agit ante metumque, Inque dies avidum surgens caput altius effert. Balatu pecorum, et crebris mugitibus, amnes, Arentesque sonant rips, collesque supini. 555 Jamque catervatim dat stragem, atque aggerat ipsis In stabulis turpi dilapsa cadavera tabo: 558. Donec Agricolbe Donec humo tegere, ac foveis abscondere discant. discant tegere illa humo Nam neque erat coriis usus: nec viscera quisquam 561. Nec possunt qui- Aut undis abolere potest, aut vincere flammna. 560 dem tondere vellera, pe- Nec tondere quidem morbo illuvieque peresa cesa Vellera, nec telas possunt attingere putres. NOTES. 533. Uris irnparibus: by buffaloes, une- 551. Stygiis: an adj. from Styx, a river of qually matched. Ductos: drawn. Riman- Arcadia, whose water was so cold and poitur: break up, or till. sonous, that it proved fatal to all who drank 536. Contenta cervice: with their strained it. This, together with the circumstance of neck, they draw, &c. its disappearing under the earth, led the poets 537. E lr: meditates, or designsto feign it to be a river of hell, around which, 3leditatur, says Rueus. g they say, it flowed nine times. It was held Aldttr' says * Rin such veneration by the gods, that they 541. Jam fluctus: now the waves wash usually swore by it; and if they violated up the race of the boundless, &c. their oath at any time, they were to be deSuch was the extent, and degree of the prived of their divinity for 100 years infection of the air, that it reached even to 553 n dies: daily-every day. the scaly tribes. But Aristotle observes, 555. Supini colies: sloping hills. that infectious diseases never reach to, or 556. Jamque dat: and now she (Tisi invade, fishes. phone) deals destruction by herds, &c. Natantum: a pres. part. of the verb nato, 557. Dilapsa: wasted, or consumed. taken as a sub. of fishes. 559. JVec quisquam: nor could any one 543. Insolitce; unusual-contrary to their cleanse it with water, or purify it by firecustom. conquer, or overcome the infection by fire. 550. Chiron. He was the son of Saturn Viscera: the flesh in general; all that is and Phillyra. It is said he taught ]Escu- under the skin. lapiuA in physic, Hercules in astronomy, and 560. Undis: in the sense of aqua. Achilles in music. 562. Putres telas: the putrid, or infectious MIelampus: the son of Amythaon and Do- cloth-the cloth made of the filthy and corripe. They were both famous physicians: rupted wool. here used for the masters of medicine in Telas: the web, put by synec. for the wholo general. cloth. GEORGICA. LIB. 111. 131 Verum etiam inlvsos si quis tentarat amictus; 565. Deinde sacer ig. Ardentes papula, atque immundus olentia sudor nis edbat contactos artus illi moranti dimittcre Membra sequebatur; nec longo deinde moranti 55 otus mai ttere Tempore, contactos artus sacer ignis edebat longo tempore. NOTES. 564. Ardentes papulca: red, fiery pimples, The meaning of these last six lines apor blains. pears to be this: That the people were 565. Sel uebatur: spread over the noi- forced at length to abstain from shearing some body. the infected fleeces; or touching the wool; 566. Sacer ignis: the erysipelas, or St. or ever wearing any garments, when made Anthony's fire. It consumed those parts of of it: because those, who had done so, had the body with which the garments (amictus) been great sufferers thereby. came in contact. QUESTIONS. What is the subject of this book? Where were they celebrated? How does the poet commence? And in honor of whom? Why does he first invoke Pales? Who was Tithonus? How was she worshipped? How long did he live before Augustus? What were her festivals called? In what sense do Servius and Eustathius After finishing the main subject, does he consider the word Tithonus, as used by the add any thing by way of episode? poet in reference to Augustus? What number of episodes has he added? Who were the Lapithm? What are the subjects of these episodes? What are they said to have done? What is the general character of them? What was the name of their principal city? May they be reckoned among the finest - Can you mention any nation that began parts of the Georgics? the day at the rising of the sun? How does the book conclude? How did they divide the day? Who was Hippodame? How did they divide the night? What is said of CEnomaus? What effect would this have upon the Who was his daughter? length of their hours? Who was Pelops? When do modern nations begin the day?i And what is said of his father? When does the nautical dav commence? In what year of the world were the Olym- Who, probably, were the Lares? pie games instituted? Over what did they preside? How often were they celebrated? For what is the word Lares taken by Did they form an important era in the meton.? Grecian history? What was the usual weight which the What other games were there in Greece? Roman soldier carried on his march? In honorof whom were the Nemean games Of what did it consist? instituted? What were all those nations called by the And to commemorate what event? Romans that inhabited the northern part of In honor of whom were the Pythian Europe and Asia? games instituted? Was there any particular part of thi.And to comma norate what event? book much admired by Scaliger? Who instituted the Isthmean games? What part was that? LIBER QUARTUS. THIs Book treats of the culture of bees. After proposing the subject, the poet shows the proper stations for placing their hives; and having noticed some particulars respecting the management of the swarms, &c. he digresses into a noble description of a battle between two discordant kings. tie then proceeds to consider their different kinds and qualities, the nature and form of their government, and the diseases, which often rage among them-together with the proper remedies for each; and concludes with the story of Aristaeus' recovery of his bees, after his swarms were lost, and of Orpheus' descent into hell after his wife Eurydice. This episode runs through 277 lines, and is one of the finest pieces of heathen poetry. PROTINUS aerii mellis coelestia dona 2. Hanc partem Geo- Exequar: hanc etiam, Macenias, aspice partem gieorum. Dicam spec- Admiranda tibi levium spectacula rerum, tacula levium rerum admiranda tibi aMagnanimosque duces, totiusque ordine gentis Mores, et studia, et populos, et praelia dicam. 6. Ille est labor in te- In tenui labor; at tenuis non gloria: si quem nu.i re va Num Numina laeva sinunt, auditque vocatus Apollo. nunt quem scriptorem Principlo, sedes apibus statioque petenda, exequi id Qu6 neque sit ventis aditus (nam pabula venti Ferre domum prolibent) neque oves hcedique petulci 10. Prohibent apes Floribus insultent; aut errans bucula campo ferre domum Decutiat rorem, et surgentes atterat herbas. 3.t Picti d s - Absint et piti squalentia terga lacerti Pinguibus a stabulis; meropesque, aliaeque volucres, NOTES. 1. Aerii: an adj. from air. Honey is stands by lceaa, propitious, or favorable. here called aerial, because it was thought to Heyne seems to be of the same opinion. come from the dew, which fell from the air Gellius and Wakefield take it with Rumus. upon the flowers, whence the bees collected to mean adverse. When words are indefiit. For the same reason the poet uses the nite, or are used in opposite senses, we can epithet celestsa. hardly expect unanimity among commenta2. Exequar: in the sense of describam. tors. If the adverse deities should not in6. Tenui: on a low subject. Re is terfere to prevent him, and Apollo should understood. The consideration of bees may come to his aid, the poet promises to exebe considered low, or inferior to the subjects cute a work, worthy of his friend and patreated of in the preceding books. If, how- tron, even upon the humble subject of the ever, the farmer attend properly to them, he bee. wil find them very profitable; and their go- 8. Principio: in the sense ofprirlo. Severnment and polity will afford to the phi- des. The poet proceeds to mention the prolosopher and politician much useful instruc- per places for the hives, and the form and tion. This is what we are to understand by fashion of constructing them. the words, at gloria non tenuis. 7. Ira numinoa Lus is used both in 11. Insultent: bruise-frisk about upon 7. Lrva numina. Lcevus is used both in the flowers. a good and a bad sense. Rumeus interprets it owr byad-ersa. By the deities, here called ad- 13. Picti: in the sense of maculosi. verse, or inauspicious, we are probably to 14. Meropes. These were a species of understand the infernal deities, Pluto, the bird that fed upon bees; hence called the Furies, &c. who were thought to be op- bee-eater. They were about the size of our posed to the welfare of men. Valpy under- blackbird, but of various colors. GEORGICA. LIB. IV 133 Et manlbus Procne pectus signata cruentis. 15 15. Procne signata Olnia nanl late vastant, ipsasque volantes quoad pectus cruentis Ore ferunt. dulcem nilis immitibus escam. 1anibus, absin b ii 16. Ipsasque apes At liquidi fontes, et stagna virentia musco Adsint, et tenuis, fugiens per gramina, rivus: Palmaque vestibulum, aut ingens oleaster inumbret 20 Ut, cum prima novi ducent examina reges Vere suo, ludetque favis emissa juventus; Vicina invitet decedere ripa calori, Obviaque hospitiis teneat frondentibus arbos. In medium, seu stabit iners, seu profluet humor, 25 25. Conjice salices Tiansversas salices et grandia conjice saxa: transversas ct rmnida T~ i'\,1 A i * * A *A.1 i~saxa in medium humoPontibus ut crebris possint consistere, et alas rein seu Pandere ad aestivum Solen; si forte morantes 27. Consistere in ist Sparserit, aut praceps Neptuno imnnerserit Eurus, tanquam pontibus Haec circuln casire virides et olentia late 30 30. Circumhace ioca Serpylla, et graviter spirantis copia thymbr vrdes Floreat: irriguurnmqu bilant violaria fonten. Ipsa autem, seu corticibus tibi suta cavatis, 33. Autem alvearia Seu lento fuerint alvearia vimine texta, ipsa, seu suta sint tibi e Angustos habeant aditus; narn frigore mella 35 cavatis corticibus, seu Cogit hyems, eademque calor liqucfacta remittit: Utraque vis apibus pariter metuenda: neque ilie 37. Neouc illa nequicNequicquam in tectis certatim tenuia cera qa1am linunt tenula spiSpiramenta linunt, fucoque etfloribus oras ramenta in tectis cera NOTES. 15. Procne. By Procne, or Progne, is 30. Casita. Some take the casia to be the here meant the swallow which has some same with the rosemary; but Columella, red feathers on its breast. For the story of speaking of the plants that should grow Procne, see Eel. vi. 78. about an apiary, mentions casia anc rose17. Dulcemn escam: as a sweet morsel for mary as two different plants. their merciless young. Nzdis: the nests; 31. Serpylla. There were two kinds of by meton. for the young ones in them. this plant; one of the gardens, and the other 18. Liquidi: in the sense ofpuri. Viren- wild. It is a strong-scented herb, and retla musco: either the banks of these ponds, sembles thyme. It is proper to be planted or pools skirted with green moss, or the sur- near bees, and is usually called wild-thyme. face of them covered with it. Thymbre: the herb savory. Spirantis: in 19. Fugiens: in the sense of fluens. the sense of olentis. It was a strong-scent21. JV'ova examina: the new swarms. ed herb. 22. Emissa: in the sense of eg7essa. The 32. Violaria: beds of violets-places spring abounds in flowers more than any sown or planted with the violet. season of the year; honey is collected in 33. Suta: in the sense of compacta. Corgreater abundance, and the bees are then ticibus. The bark of the cork-tree is called most diligent. In this sense, the spring may cortex, by way of eminence. emphatically be called theirs: suo ve e, their 34. Lento vimine: of li'ober osier, or own spring. wicker. 24. Obvia: in the sense of alversa: op- 36. Cogit: thickens. Remztttt: in the posite, or in front of them. Teneat in the sense of reddit. sense of accipiat. 37. Vis: force-violence; the excess of 25. Humor: in the sense of aqua. heat or cold. 26. Conjice, &c. These willows and rocks 38. Tectis: in their hives. Certatim: in were to be cast into the water, whether the sense of diligenter. running or stagnant, that the bees might 39. Fuco. Fucus was properly a kind of rest upon them: if, by any means, they fell marine weed, resembling lettuce. It was into it, that they might creep upon them, anciently used in dying; used also by woexpand their wings to the warm sun, and men as a kind of paint for the face. Hence dry themselves. all kinds of daubing obtained the nane of 29. JNeptuno: ir the vense of aqua. See fucus: not with the flowers (floribus) theinGeor. i. 14 selves, but rather with the substance cx 134 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Explent: collectumque haec ipsa ad munera gluten Et visco et Phrygiae servant pice lentius Idae. Sepe etiam effossis (si vera est fama) latebris Sub terra fovere larem; penitusque repertas Pumicibusque cavis, exeseque arboris antro. 45. Tamen tu et cir- Tu tamen et levi rimosa cubilia limo 45 cum unge rimosa cubi- Unge fovens circum, et raras superinjice frondes hla levi limo. Neu propius tectis taxum sine, neve rubentes 48. Neu crede alvearia Ure foco cancros: altae neu crede paludi: 49. Gravis odor coni Aut ubi odor coeni gravis, aut ubi concava pulsu es,, aut Sa\a sonant, vocisque offensa resultat imago. 50 Quod superest, ubi pulsan hyemem Sol aureus egit Sub terras, ccelumque aestiva luce reclusit; Illa continue saltus sylvasque peragrant, Purpureosque metunt flores, et flumina libant 55. Hinc ilke letse, Summa leves. Ilinc nescio qua dulcedine letae, 55 nesclo qua dulcedine Progeniem nidosque fovent: hinc arte recentes Excudunt ceras, et mella tenacia fingunt. iine ubi jam emissum caveis ad sidera cceli Nare per estatem liquidam suspexeris agmen, NOTES. tracted from them, by meton. Oras: the stroke or concussion, meet with an obstacle, margin, or edge, of their hives. Valpy takes and are reflected, or turned back, so as to fuco etfioribus, by Hendiadis, forfucoJloreo. make an impression on the ear. This the 40. Ad hcec ipsa munera: in the sense of poet calls the image of the voice. ad hos ipsos usus. 51. Quod superest. The poet now pro41. Lentius: an adj. of the com. deg. (of ceeds to speak of the food, the swarming, lentus) agreeing with gluten: tougher than, and the battles of the bees; and to give di&c. rectionq how to appease the fury of their 43. Scepe etiam fovere: they have even contests, and bring them back to the hive. cherished their families in caverns dug un- 52. Sub terras: under the earth-to the der the earth. Several manuscripts have southern pole. This is a beautiful circumfodere, but fovere is the best. Ruaus has locution to express the return of summer. fodere. He interprets the passage thus: The seasons are opposite, on the opposite aperuerunt sibi domum sub terra. But it is sides of the equator, beyond the tropics. not necessary to suppose that the bees dug When it is summer on the north, it is wintel these caves or cells for themselves, any more on the south, and vice versa. This is occathan that they prepared their cells in the sioned by the motion of the earth in its pumice stone, or cavities in the trees, for orbit, making an angle with the equator of their reception. Davidson, Heyne, and 23~ 28'. Heinsius, read fovere. Larem. See Geor. 54. Purpureos. The poet frequently uses iii. 344. Penitus: in the sense of profunde. purple for any gay color..Mcetunt: in the 45. Cubilia: in the sense of alvearia. sense of carpunt. Unge: smear, or plaster all around. Fo- 55. Leves libant: and lightly taste or sip. vens: cherishing-keeping then warm. Dulcedine: in the sense of delectatione. 48. Cancros. Crabs and lobsters, it is 56. Fovent: cherish-grow fond of. Jiwell known, in boiling, pass from a dark or dos: either the apartments formed in the Drown, to a red color. Hence the epithet hive for the purpose of depositing their rubentes. Alte paludi. The poet advises young, or simply, the hives themselves. not to place the hives near marshy or fenny 57. Excudunt: they form the fresh or new places, which afford no stones or bridges, on made wax. This is a metaphor taken from which the bees may rest, if occasion should the smith, who is said (excudere) to strike, require. or hammer out the instrument of iron which 49. Gravis: stinking. Pulsu: by the he forms. The bees are here compared in stroke of the voice. their labors to the Cyclops, laboring at the 50. Imago vocis: the image of the voice anvil. being struck, rebounds; i. e. where an echo 59. Suspexeris agmen emissum: when now Is heard. This is always the case when the you shall see the swarm issuing from the pulses or waves of air,put in motion by some hiXes, &c..Nare: in the sense of volare. GEORGICA. LIB. IV. 13-5 Obscuramque trahi vento mirahere nubem, 60 Contemplator: aquas dulces et frondea semper 61. Frondea teeta, ubi Tecta petulnt: huc tu jussos asperge sapores, cornsidant: Trita melisphylla, et cerintlhe ignobile gramen 64. Matris Cybeles Tinnitusque cie, et Matris quate cymbala circum. Ipsae consident medicatis sedibus: ipsae 65 Intima more suo sese in cunabula condent. Sin autein ad pugnam exierint (nam sanpe duobus Regibus incessit magno discordia motu) Continuoque animos vulgi, et trepidantia bello,9. Continuo licet tibi Corda licet longe praesciscere: namque nmorantes 70 longeprnus prtesciscere Martius ille aeris rauci canor increpat, et vox Auditur fractos sonitus imitata tubarum. Trum trepida inter se coeunt, pennisque coruscant, Spiculaque exacuunt rostris, aptantque lacertos, 74. Lacertos ad pugEt circa regem atque ipsa ad praetoria densae 75 nam Miscentur, magnisque vocant, clamoribus hostem. Erg6, ubi ver nactre sudum, camposque patentes, 77. Nactae.sunt ver Erumpunt portis: concurritur: awthere in alto sudum, aeriosque camFit sonitus: magnum mixtue glomerantur in orbem, pos patentes Praecipitesque cadunt: non densior aere grando, 80 Nec de concussa tantum pluit ilice glandis. Ipsi per medias acies, insignibus alis, 82. Reges ipsi voarntes Ingentes animos angusto in pectore versant: per medias IUsque adeo obnixi non cedere, dum gravis, aut hos, NOTES. 60. Trahi: in the sense offerri. Obscu- 69. Trepidantia: eager-anxious.rant: a dark cloud of bees. 70. Prescisere: in the sense of presentre. 63. Jlelisphylla: balm-gentle. It is an 71. Canor: in the sense of strepitus, vel herb, of which bees are very fond. It is sonitus. JMorantes: those that are behind. thought to be the same that was sometimes Increpat: rouses-urges on. called apiastrum by the Romans. Cerinthce: 73. Trepidce: eager-hurrying. Pennis the honey-suckle. The poet calls it ignobile in the sense of alis. gramen, because it was common. It abounds 75. Ipsa preltoria. In the Roman camp. in a sweet juice, like honey. the tent of the commanding officer was call64. Cie tinnitus: make, or excite a ring- ed Preetorium; hence, by meton. put for th ing. The effect of the sound of brass upon cells of the royal bees. Densce miscentur: the swarm is very great. It is the most they are crowded thick. effectual means to stop them in their flight, 77. Sudum ver: a clear spring day. Ruand collect them into the hive. Some have mus says, serenum tempus. Campospatentes. attributed this to fear, others to pleasure. the fields of air open-unobstructed by But more probably it confounds the sound wind or clouds. of their queen, or leader; and being with- 78. Concurritur: in the sense of concurbut command or direction, they fall or set- runt. tle upon the first place they meet..Matris: 79. Glomerantur. This verb hath a teCybele was the mother of the gods-the flex signification here, like the middle voice same as Rhea, or Ops. At her sacrifices, of the Greeks: they form themselves into cymbals were always used. a great circle. Mixtce: in the sense of 65. Medicatis sedibus: prepared seats, or commistee. places for them to light upon. 81. Pluit: in the sense of cadit. It is to 66. Cunabula: in the sense of recessus, be joined with grando, in the preceding vel alvearia. line. 68. Incessit: hath seized-invaded. No- 82. Insignibus alis: with distinguished thing can be more lively or animated than wings-distinguished from the rest by their this description of a battle of bees. We wings. here find the ardor of the warrior, the 83. Versant: in the sense of exercent, vol sound of the trumpet, the glittering of ar- manifestant. mour, the shouts of the soldiers, the bravery 84. Obnixi usque adeo: determined all of the leaders, and all the rage and madness the time not to yield, until the mighty conof battle. queror hath forced one side or the other, &c. 136 P. V1RGILI, MARONIS Aut hos, versa fuga victor dare terga stlbegit. 6 lli motus animorum, atque hac certamina tanta Pulveris exigui jactu compressa quiescent. Verum ubi ductores acie revocaveris ambos: 89. Dcde eum neci, Deterior qui visus, eum, ne prodigus obsit, qui visus fuerit deterior Dede neci: melior vacua sine regnet in aula. 90 90. Sine ut meliorreg- Alter erit maculis auro squalentibus ardens: net in aula vacua ab \ d s icste. (Nam duo sunt genera) hic melior, insignis et ore, 92. Genera ayum: hic Et rutilis clarus squamis: ille horridus alter est Desidia, latamque trahens inglorius alvum. Ut binae regum facies, ita corpora plebis. 95 Namque siiae turpes horrent, ceu pulvere ab alto Cum venit, et terram sicco spuit ore, viator Aridus: elucent alie, et fulgore coruscant, 99. Corpora lita sunt Ardentes auro, et paribus lita corpora guttis. Haec potior soboles: hinc cceli tempore certo 100 Dulcia mella premes; nec, tantum dulcia, quantum Et liquida, et durum Bacchi domitura saporen. At cum incerta volant coeloque examina ludunt, Contemnuntque favos, et frigida tecta relinquunt, Instabiles animos ludo proliibebis inani. 106 106. Nec est magnus Nec magnus prohibere labor: tu regibus alas labor prohibere eos Eripe: non illis quisquam cunctantibus altuin Ire iter, aut castris audebit vellere signa. NOTES. 85. Aut hos. The meaning is: till one or dirty, as when, &c. Terram: in the aide or the other of the combatants should sense of pulverem. yield. The repetition of the aut hos, from 97. Coruscant: sparkle with brightnessthe end of the preceding line, gives addi- gleaming with gold; and their bodies are tional energy. The figure is called Anadi- covered over with equal spots-spots, equal plosis. in size and proportion. 87. Compressa: in the sense of repressa. 100. Soboles: in the sense of genus. Also It agrees with certamina. cceli: in the sense of anni. Hinc: from 89. J.e podigus obsit: lest the prodigal these bees. should be an injury to the rest, either by 102. Liquida: in the sense of pura. consuming their food himself, or by setting 103. At cim volant. Here the poet proan example of sloth and gluttony. scribes the means of preventing the bees 90. A/ula: in the sense of alveari. from deserting their hives. 91. Alter erit ardens, &c. The poet here 104. Faros. Virgil uses no less than mentions the different kinds of bees. There eleven different words to express the hive: are more particularly two: the red, which cunabula, cubilia, stabula, pprcsepia, carvce, are the smaller ones, and the dark, or va- tecta, alreare, favus, donmus, sedes, and cedes; rious, which are the larger. The red ones For this diversity of style, he is remarkable. are th- best. Squalentibus: a part. of the By this means he avoided a disagreeable reverbsqualeo, (from squama:) it signifies any petition. Frigida. This Servius explains thing resembling the scales of fish, or ser- by empty, or inactive, in opposition to what pents, in roughness or shape. It also signi- is afterward said of their activity: opus fies any thing filthy or unseemly, in any ferret..respect whatever. J.rdens: shining with 105. Prohibebis: in the sense of revocabis. spots rough with gold-resembling the form 107. Altum iter: an aerial journey. of scales, and glittering like gold. Ruaeus 108. Aut vellere signa: or to move the interprets it by asperis. standards-to decamp. It was a phrase 92. Ore: in the sense offorma. among the Romans. When they pitched 95. Facies: in the sense offormfce. The their camp, they stuck their ensigns, or verb sunt is to be supplied. Plebir. This standards, into the ground before the pre-. is the reading of Heyne, and of Valpy after torium, or general's tent; and pulled then! him. The common reading is genlis. up again when tlicy decamped: so the bees. 96. N'amque alice: for the one look foul, The metaphor is beautiful. GEORGICA. LIB. IV. 137 Invitent croceis halantes floribus horti: Et custos furum atque avium, cum falce saligna, 110 Ilellespontiaci servet tutela Priapi. Ipse thymum pinosque ferens de montibus altis, 112. Ipse, cui talia'ecta serat late circum, cui talia curae: sunt curae, ferens Ipse labore manum duro terat; ipse feraces Figat humo plantas, et amicos irriget imbres. 115 Atqwe equidem, extremo ni jam sub fine laborum Vela traham, et terris festinem advertere proram, Forsitan et pingues hortos quse cura colendi Ornaret, canerem, biferique rosaria Paesti: Quoque modo potis gauderent intyba rivis, 120 Et virides apio ripae; tortusque per herbam 121. Quotnodoque cuCresceret in ventrem cucumis: nec sera comantem cumis tortus per herbam Narcissum, aut flexi tacuissem vimen acanthi, crcsceret Pallentesque hederas, et amantes litora myrtos. Namque sub CEbaliae memini me turribus altis, 125 125. Namque mremni Qua niger humectat flaventia culta Galesus, me vidisse Corycium vidisse senem: cui pauca relicti NOTES. 109. Croceis floribus. Saffron flowers from sailing. On the approach to land, appear to be put here for odorous flowers in they take in, or furl their sails. general. Halantes: in the sense of spi- 118. Pingues hortos. Some gardens rantes. among the ancients were much celebrated, 111. Priapi. Priapus was fabled to have especially those of the Hesperides, of Adobeen the son of Bacchus and Venus. He nis, of Alcinoiis, &c. was worshipped principally at Lampsacus, 119. Pesti. Paestum was a town of Lua city of Mysia Minor, near the Hellespont. cania, where the rose bloomed twice in a Hence the epithet Hellespontiacus. year; in September and May. Hence the The statue of Priapus was usually placed epithet bifer. in gardens to protect them from thieves, and 120. Intyba: plu. endive, or succory. Poto fray away birds. Hence he is called, tis riis: in refreshing streams. custos furum atque avium. The meaning 121. Apio: with parsley. This herb was appears to be: that the bees should be in- called apiun, from apes, because the bees vitedby such gardens as deserve to be under were fond of it. Some take it for smallage the protection of Priapus. Custos: in the or celery. sense of abactrix. See Ecl. vii. 33. 122. Cucumis tortus: the cucumber. 112. Thymum. This is not our common creeping along the grass, swells. This is a thyme, but the thymus capitatus, which concise. but beautiful description. Sera: grows in great plenty on the mountains in an adj. neu. plu. used as an adv. in imitaGreece. The Attic honey was considered tion of the Greeks: in the sense of serb. the best, on account of the excellence of 123. JNarcissum: the narcissus of the anthis thyme, which is found in abundance cients is the herb we now call daffodil. near Athens. Comantem: in the sense offlorentem..Acan. 114. Duro labore: with the hard labor thi: Acanthus, the herb bears-foot. of transferring them from the mountains, 125. (Ebalice. This was the city of Taand planting them around the hives. rentum in the eastern part of Italy, so called 115. Irriget: he should sprinkle, or pour from Phalantus, a'native of CEbalia, or Lathe friendly water upon them-he should conia, who rebuilt it. It was once inhabited be careful to water these plants when thus by.the Lacedernonians. transplanted, that they might flourish the 126. Galesus: a river in Calabria, falling more, and afford more abundant food for into the gulf of Tarentum. It is called the bees. niger, either, on account of the depth of its 116. Atque equidem: and indeed, unless waters, or of its banks being shaded by trees. I were furling my sails, now in the con- Flaentia: yellow with ripening grain. Area elusion of my labors, &c. These are fine is understood. lines, and lead us to wish that the poet had 127. Corycium. Either the name of the enlarged upon the subject of gardening. old man, or an adj. taken from the place of Traham vela. This is a metaphor taken his nativity. Coryius was the name of a 138 P. V1RGILII MARON1S Jugera ruris erant; nee fertilis illa juxencis, Nec pucori opportuna seges, nec commoda Baccho 130. Tamen hik pro- Hic rarum tamen in dumis olus, albaque circum 130 mens rarum Lilia, verbenasque premens, vescumque papaver, Regum aquabat opes animis: seraque revertens Nocte domum, dEjabus mensas onerabat inemptis. 134. Ille erat primus Primus vere rosam, atque autumno carpere poma carpere Et cum tristis hyems etiam nunc frigore saxa 135 Rumperet, et glacie cursus frwinaret aquarum; Ille coinam mollis jam tondebat hyaciithi AYstatem increpitans seram, Zephyrosque morantes 139. Ergo idem senex Ergo apibus fcetis idem atque examine multo erat primus abundare Primus abundare, et spumantia cogere pressis 140 141. Erant illi tilia, Mella favis' illi tilite, atque uberrima pinus: a~tque ~ Quotque in flore novo pomis se fertilis arbos Induerat, totidem autumno matura tenebat. Ille etiam seras in versum distulit ulmos, Eduramque pyrum, et spinos jam pruna ferentes, 145 Jainque ministrantem platanum potantibus umbras. a commemoraelinquo Verium hec ipse equidem, spatiis excluslsiqais,;alia cornmemorandaW aliis striptoribus post Pratereo, atque aliis pbst commemoranda relinquo me Nunc age, naturas, apibus quas Jupiter ipse NOTES. mountain, and city of Cilicia in Asia Minor. rycian, particularly in the culture of bees, Pompey made war upon the Cilicians; some he returned to his main subject. He was of whom he brought and planted in Cala- the first to abound, &c. Foetis: in the sense bria near Tarentum. The old man here of fecundis. mentioned, might have been one of them. 141. Favis: the comb-those cells which Relicti: barren-neglected,not worth tillink. contain the honey. Tilice: the linden, or Dr. Trapp renders it hereditary; left him lime-tree. by his ancestors. 142. Quotque pomis, &c. The meaning 128. JVec illa seges fertilis:'nor was that is, that as many blossoms as his fertile trees land fit for ploughing, nor suitable for pas- put forth in the spring, so much fruit they ture, nor proper for the vine. Fertilis: in had in autumn. There were no false blooms, the sense of apta, or commoda. neither did they fail to bring all to migturi129. Seges. This word most commonly ty. Pom is to be supplied with mature. signifies the crop after it is sown and cor- The word properly means apples, but it is ing forward to maturity. Here it means the used for all kind of fruit: as in the present soil or land itself. case. 130. Albaque lilia circim: the white lilies 144. Distulit ulmos: he planted (transwere most celebrated, and the best known planted) his ehns in rows. Seras. Rumus among the ancients. says, tarde crescentes, slow growing. But 131. Verbenas: the herb vervain. It was the poet may mean, far grown, or sufficiently highly esteemed by the Romans. Premens: grown to be fit for transplanting; as he in the sense of plantans. Vescum papaier: observes with respect to the other trees here the white poppy, called vescum, esculent, or mentioned. This is the opinion of Davideatable; because its seeds were roasted by son and Valpy. the ancients, and eaten with honey. 145. Spines. Spinus, is the sloe tree. 137. Comam: in the sense of frondes.- These were sufficiently grown to produce Hyacinthi. This is the reading of Heyne fruit; and the plane tree, to afford a considcand Vossius, and of several ancient manu- rable shade, before he transplanted them. scripts. It appears to be approved of by 147. Iniquis spatiis: narrow bound —inVarpy, although he adopts the common sufficient room. reading, acanthi. Heyne leaves out tunm, 149. JVunc age. The poet now proceeds which is also retained by some editors. to treat of the polity of the bees-the me139. Ergo idem primus. Having men- thod of depositing their honey-the regutioned the advantage, which a diligent cul- lar management of their affairs-their ob:tivation Df his fields brought to the old Co- dience to their sovereign, &c. GEORGICA. LIB IV. 139 Addidit, expediam: pro qua mercede, canoros 150 150. Po qua tanquam Curetum sonitus crepitantiaque aera secuta,, mercede, illa secute canoros sonitus Dictaeo cceli regem pavere sub anro. noros so Solae cormmunes natos, consortia tecta 163. tHe sole omniunn Urbis habent, magnisque agitant sub legibus evum; anvijmliiff habent Et patriam solae, et certos novere penates. 155 Veituraeque hyemis memores, zestate laborem Experiuntur, et in medium quaesita reponunt. Narmque aliae victu invigilant, et faedere pacto Exercentur agris: pars intra septa domoruin Narcissi lachrymam, et lentum de cortice gluten, 160 Prima favis ponunt fundamina: deinde tenaces 161. Tanquam prima Suspendunt ceras: alice, spem gentis, adultos fundamina favis Educunt feetus: aliae purissirna mella Stipant, et liquido distendunt nectare cellas. Sunt, quibus ad portas cecidit custodia sorti; 165 165. Sunt aliae, qaiInque vicem speculantur aquas et nubila coeli, bus custodia Aut onera accipiunt venientum, aut, agmine facto, 166. Qurque invicen Ignavurn fucos pecus a presepibus arcent. Fervet opus, redolentque thymo fragrantia mella. Ac veluti lentis Cyclopes fulmina massis 170 Cum properant: alii taurinis follibus auras NOTES. 150. Expediam: in the sense of descri- 159. Exercentur: in the sense oflaberant barn. Pro qua mercede. According to fable, Sepia: the enclosures of their hives. Saturn intending to devour his infant son 160. Narcissi. The flower of Narcissus Jupiter, he was concealed by his mother or daffodil, forms a kind of cup in the midamong the Curetes, or Corybantes, her priests, dle, which is supposed to contain the tear of the sound of whose brazen armour and cym- the youth Narcissus, who pined away with bals, as they revelled, prevented his cries the love of himself. See Eel. ii. 48. from betraying him to his father. It is said that JMelissus was then king of Crete, whose 163. Edlcunt aeullosftets: they nourish daughters, il/clissce nourished Jupiter with or tend upon their young, till they are full *.-11 >p 1~ 1 TT p~grown: or, they lead forth their full grown the milk of a goat and honey. Hence arose r r e f thei ful grown young. Servius prefers the former sense: the story of his being nourished by a goat yog S us as also Ruamus. called Anmalthea and bees, Melissae being the as u Greek name for bees. For which reason, 164. Liquido: in the sense of puro. Jecthe goat was translated to the heavens, and iare: nectar here, evidently, is to be taken his horns given to the nymphs, with this for honey-the purest, aid most refined quality added to them, that whatever they prt oflt shbuld ask for, should flow from them plen- 166. Aquas: in the sense of pluviam. teously: and for the service, which the bees 168. Fucos: the drones, a lazy herd. rendered on this occasion, they were endow- These are bees that make no honey. They ed by Jupiter with an extraordinary degree'have no stings, and they do not assist the of sagacity and wisdom, as a reward. others in their labors. Prcsepibus. See 152. Dictco: an adj. from Dicle, a city note, verse 104. supra. and mountain in Crete. On this mountain, 169. Opusfeet: the work glows-it goes it is said, Jupiter was brought up. on briskly. 153. Consortia: in the sense of communia. 154. Agitant: in the sense of ducunt. 170. Cam properant Cyclopes. The CyThe poet here speaks of the bees as living clos are said to have forged the thnderin a regular, and well organized society. bolts of Jove. To this the poet alludes. 155. Certos penates: in the sense of fixas This comparison of the bees in their labors, djtlos. with those workmen of Jupiter in their 157. Erperiuntur: they practise or use. shops, has been censured by some. Prope158. Victu: for victuL. See Eel. 5, 29. rant: in the sense of fabricantur. fnvigilrnt: watch over —have the care of 172. Alii accipiunt: simply: some blow providing. Pacto foadeie: in the sense of the bull-hidebellows. Lacu: in the trough certa lege. of water. 140 P. VIRG1L1I MARONIS Accipilnt, redduntque: alii stridentia tingunt A'ra lacu: gemit impositis incudibus zEtna: Illi inter sese magna vi brachia tollunt In numerum, versantque tenaci forcipe ferrum. 175 Non aliter, si parva licet componere magnis, 177 Ilabendi mella Cecropias innatus apes amor urget habendi, 178. Oppidasunt curm Munere quamque suo. Grandavis oppida cura:, grandevis Et munire favos, et Daedala fingere tecta. At fessa multa referunt se nocte minores, 80 181. Plena quoai cru- Crura thymo plene: pascuntur et arbuta passim, ra thymo Et glaucas salices, casiamque, crocumque rubentem, Et pinguem tiliam, et ferrugineos hyacinthos. 184. Est omnibis una Omnibus una quies operum, labor omnibus unus. quies Mlane ruunt portis, nusquam mora: rursus easdem 185 185. Rursus, ul~i ves- r. * < p185. Rursus, uit asde esper ubi e pastu tandem decedere campis apes esse temnpus tandem Admonuit, turn tecta petunt, tur corpora curant. decedero Fit sonitus, mussantque oras et limina circum. P6st, ubi jam thalarnis se composuere, siletur In noctem, fessosque sopor suus occupat artus. 190 Nec ver6 a stabulis, pluvia impendente, recedunt Longius, aut credunt ccalo, adventantibus Euris: 193. Tutw ab pluvia Sed circum tutae sub moenibus urbis aquantur, el rentpo Espe xcursusque breves tentant: et saepe lapillos,. 194. Et snspe tolhint lapillos, ut instabiles Ut cymbaw instabiles, fluctu jactante, saburram, 11F cyinbae tollunt sabur- Tollunt: his sese per inania nubila librant. raMni, fluctu jactante eas: Illum ade6 placuisse apibus mirabere morem; his lapdllis Qu6d nec concubitu indulgent, nec corpora segnes NOTES. 175. In numerum: they raise their arms 189. Thalamis: in the sense of celhs. in regular orler, making a sort of harmony 190. Suus: in the sense ofproprius. Ruwith the strokes of their hammers. Eeus says, conveniens. Jamrblicus informs us that the sound of 191. Stabulis. See note, verse 104. supra.;he smith's hammer led Pythagoras to in- 1962. Euris. Eurus, the east wind, here vent the monochord, an instrument for mea- put for wind in general: the species for the suring the quantities, and proportions of genus. sounds geometrically. 193. Aquantur. This verb appears to be 177. Cecropias: Attic, or Athenian bees, used in the sense of the middle vice of the so called from Cecrops, the first king of Greeks: they water themselves. This manAthens. The Attic honey was much cele- ner of expression is common with the poet. brated. Rueus says, hauriunt aquas. 178. Quamque suo munere: each one in 195. Saburram: ballast. This is some his own office-department. ponderous substance, as sand, gravel, iron, 179. D(edala: —DmBdalus, a &c. that light vessels usually take on board very ingenious artifi'er-o~f Athens. The to render them steady. word, as here used, signifies any thing arti- 198. Jec indulgent, &c. This account of ficial, or curiously and ingeniously wrought. the production of bees here given by the 180..linores: in the sense of juniores. poet, is justly exploded. It is found that no 181. Plene crura. The hairiness of the animal is produced without the concurrence legs of the bee is favorable to the retention of the sexes. However as this method was of the juices, which they collect from the the general received one among the ancients, flowers. the poet might very well adopt it, whatever 182 Rubentent: yellow, or of a golden his own opinion might have been upon the hue. Rueus says, rufum. subject. Pliny says of the bees: Foetus 183. Ferrugzneos: purple-dark red. quonam modo progenerarent, nmagna inltr 184. Operum: in the sense of ab opere. eruditos, et subtilis quCesfiofuit: Aypum em7m Una: one and the same rest. coitus visius est nusquam. This, however, 188. Oras: this Rumus interprets by ves- modern philosophers have solved in a satistibulum. Al.Mssant: they buzz-they make factory manner.ii-iThey have found that the a buzzing noise, laboring bees are of neither sex; that the GEORGICA. LIB. IV' 141 In Venerem solvunt, aut fcetus nixibus edunt. Verim ipsae e foliis natos et suavibus herbis 200 Ore legunt: ipsae regem, parvosque Quirites Sufficiunt: aulasque et cerea regna refingunt. S.epe etiam duris errando in cotibus alas Attrivere, ultr6que animam sub fasce dedere: Tantus amor florum, et generandi gloria mellis. 205 205. Est illis tantus Ergo ipsas quamvis angusti terminus evi amnor florum. et tanta Excipiat (neque enim pl'ls septima ducitur mstas) 207. Enim neque plus At genus immortale manet, multosque per annos quni. septiina Bstas duStat fortuna domas, et avi numerantur avorum. citur ab iils Praeterea regem non sic _Egyptus, et ingens 210 Lydia, nec populi Parthorum, aut Medus Hydaspes, Observant. Rege incolumi, mens omnibus una est; Amisso, rupere fidem: constructaque mella 213. Rege amisso Diripuere ipse, et crates solvere favorum. Ille operum custos; ilium admirantur; et omnes 215 215. Ille est custos Circumstant fremitu dense, stipantque frequentes; 217. Sua corporabello Et sepe attollunt humeris, et corpora bello Quidm homins 219. Quidam homines Objectant. pulchramque petunt per vulnera mortem. inducii his signis, atque HIs quidam signis, atque haec exempla secuti, secuti hec exempla pruEsse apibus partem divintu mentis, et haustus 220 dentif apum dixere Ethereos dixere: Deum namque ire per omnes 221. Nalque dixee Dcum Terrasque, tractusque maris, ccelumque profundum. 223. Hine dixere peLlinc pecudes, armenta, viros, genus omne ferarum, cudes NOTES. drones alone have the male organ of gene- of its kings. Populi Parthorum: simply,the ration, and that the monarch is of the fe- Parthians. They are said to have been so male sex. She is wholly employed in the submissive to their king, as to kiss his feet, increase of her family, laying several thou- and to touch the ground with their lips, sand eggs every summer, in each of which when they approached him. IIydaspes: the is hatched a small white worm, which in due name of a river put, by meton. for the intime, changes itself into a drone or bee.- lhabitants of the country, through which it Concubitu: for Concubitui. See Ecl. v. 29. flowed. 199. JVec solvunt: nor do they debilitate There have been various opinions and their bodies in lust. Segnes: in the sense of conjectures with a view to reconcile the poet inertes vel inutiles. Edunt: in tlhe sense with matters of fact. Hydaspes is a rivel of parturiunt. JNixibus: by labor, or tra- of India, and falling into the Indus, forms vail. one of its branches. How it could be call200. Foliis: from the leaves of flowers. ed Median, with any propriety, does not 201. Paryos Quitries: they raise up a king, appear. There might have been a small and little subjects. The bees are here called river by that name, rising in Media, to Qurirites, by meton. taken from the Romans, which the poet alludes. Mr. Davidson who were sometimes called Quirites from thinks the river Choaspes, which rises in Romulus, who was also called Quirinus.- Media, and passes through the province of See AEn. 1. 274. Susiana, near Susa, one of the capitals of 204. Dedere: in the sense of amiserunt. the Persian empire, is intended. However 207. Septirna /Estas. Aristotle informs this be, poets do not always confine themus that bees live six, and sometimes seven selves to historical or geographical preciyears; but if the swarm subsists nine or ten sion. years, it is considered fortunate. 212. Observant: in the sense of veneran208. At, in the sense of tamen. tur. 210. JEgyptus. The name of the coun- 213. Fidem: in the sense of societatem. try put, by meton. for the inhabitants. The 214. Crates: the structure or fabric. Egyptians were very great admirers of their 215. Cus!os: in the sense of prceses. monarchs, many of whom they deified. 216. Denso fremitu: with loud buzzing 211. Lydia: a country of Asia Minor or humming. proverbial for its wealth, and the grandeur 220. Haustus: in the sense of spi-itus. 142 P. VIRGILl MARONIS Quemque sibi tenues nascentem arcessere vitas. 225. Deinde dixere Scilicet huc reddi deinde, ac resoluta referri 225 omnia resoluta scilicet Omnia: nec morti esse locum; sed viva volare red2di acSreernri hu Sideris in numerum, atque alto succedere ccelo 226. Sed omnia viva.3 volare, quceque in nu- Si quando sedem augustam, servataque mella merum Thesauris relines, prius haustu sparsus aquarum, 231. Sunt duo tempo- Ora fove, fumosque manu praetende sequaces. 230 ra messis: u7nun simul Bis gravidos cogunt foetus, duo tempora messis. Pleias Taygete Taygete simul os terris ostendit honestum. 234. Aut ubi eadem Pleias, et Oceani spretos pede reppulit amnes: Pleias Aut eadem sidus fugiens ubi piscis aquosi, NOTES. 224. Quemque nascentem: that every one, the materials of which it is composed, or the at his birth, derives tender life to himself, manner of the workmanship. Virgil emfrom him. Hinc: from hence-from God. phatically calls their hives, Deedala tecta. 225. Scilicet: in the sense of certe. Huc: Verse 179. supra. Heyne reads augustam. hither-to God. Resoluta: in the sense of 229. Thesauris: in the sense offavis. dissoluta. Priius haustu, &c. Commentators do not 226. NJec locum, &c. Virgil here gives agree upon this passage; and it must be the opinions of those philosophers, who re- confessed a difficult one. Davidson follows jected the doctrine of a vacuum, and atoms. Servius, who takes sparsus for spargens: maThey maintained that the universe was ani- king the meaning to be: First hold in your mated: that God was omnipresent: that all mouth draughts of water, spouting it upon animals received existence from him: that them. Dr. Trapp rejects sparsus for sparafter death they are all returned, and car- gens, and thinks sparsus should be retained; ried back to him: that there is no room for thus: Fove ore haustus aquarum, take water extinction (morti) or loss of existence: that in your moutH; then by an ellipsis of the all, volare viva, fly alive into the order of his words; projice in mrodum pluvir, spout it star, and take their station in high heaven. upon them in the manner of rain, which In other words, all transmigrate into other you cannot'do without being wet yourself, beings in a perpetual round. This notion sparsus. Heinsius, Rueus, Heyne, and some was held by mary distinguished philoso- others read: Prius haustu aquarun orafove. phers of the heathen world. But it was far This, however, is not without objections. from the truth. All irrational animals perish If we could readhaustum or haustus for hausat their death. Man alone is imnortal. tu, the passage would be easier; then ore When unassisted reason is employed upon would be preferable to ora. But whatever the subject of a future state of existence, it difficulties may attend the construction, the discovers its own weakness. The research- meaning is obvious. Heyne takes Fove ora es of philosophy serve only to bewilder the haustu aquarun, in the sense of, tene vel conmind. All correct information upon that tine aquam haustam ore. subject must come through the medium of Davidson reads haustus, and ore. divine revelation. Pythagoras and his fol- 230. Fumos: it is customary, at the prelowers strenuously maintained this doctrine. sent day, to drive or force the bees from the The Epicurians maintained the doctrine of hive with smoke. a vacuum, and the atomic theory. 231. Gravidos fetus: in the sense of pet228. Si quando, &c. The poet now pro- nos favos. The comb is properly the fcetus cedsto mention the proper seasonsfor open- or production of the bees. JMessis: gathering the hives. He gives directions how to ing or taking the honey: here called the proceed in the business, and notices the pas- harvest. sionate temper of the bees upon such occa- 232. Taygete: one of the Pleiades, here sions. put for the whole, by synec. This, and the Augustam. This is the reading of the best three following lines, is a beautiful circumeditions, and is supported by ancient manu- locution to express the rising and setting of scripts. Rumus, Davidson, Valpy, andsome these stars; the former is in the latter part others, have angustam. But if the poet in- of April, the latter about the end of October, tended to inform us that the hive was small, or the beginning of November. See Geor he might have saved himself the pains. 1. 138. Besides, auguslam is, by no means, an im- 233. Amnes: in tin sense of aquas. proper epithet. It is exactly in the spirit of 234. Szdus aquosi piscis: the constellation poetry. It is well known that the bee-hive of the rainy fish. The Pisces here cannot be is a most exquisite piece of architecure, meant: for the sun does not enter that sign whether we regard the form of the comb, till some time in February. Probably the GEORGICA. LIB. IV. 143 Trist:'r hybernas ccelo descendit in undas. 235 liis ira inodum supra est, lIesaeque vcnenum Morsibus inspirant, et spicula caeca relinquunt Affimxt venis, animasque in vulnere ponunt. Sin dirain metues hyemem, parcesque futuro, 239. Futuro tabir, Contusosque animos et res miserabere fractas; 240 nenrpie, meli At suffire thymno, cerasque recidere inanes Quis dubitet? narn saipe favos ignotus adedit Stellio, lucifugis congesta cubilia blattis: 243. Cubilia sunt conImmunisque sedens aliena ad pabula fucus, gesta Aut asper crabro imparibus se imniscuit armis 245 245. Se cum apibu Aut dirum tines genus, aut invisa Minervie In foribus laxos suspendit aranea casses. Quo magis exhaustae fuerint; hoc acrius omnes Incumbent generis lapsi sarcire ruinas, Complebuntque foros, et floribus horrea texent. 250 Si ver6 (quoniam casus apibus quoque nostros Vita tulit) tristi languebunt corpora morbo; Quod jam non dubiis poteris cognoscere signis: Continuo est aegris alius color: horrida vultum NOTES. Dolphin may be intended, as that constella- they have performed their office, they soon tion rises soon after the setting of the Plei- die. Their way of living is very different ades. from the rest: they are exempt from labor, 236. Lcese: in the sense of offense. and enjoy a most luxurious fare, being fed 237. Cceca: in the sense of occulta: mor- with the best of the honey: Immunis sedens sibus: stings. Inspirant: they infuse. ad aliena pabula, may very properly be said 238..ffixce: having affixed themselves, of them. 240. Parces futuro: you should spare 245. Crabro: the hornet, a well known their future nourishment, and pity their insect. It is larger and stronger than the drooping spirits, and afflicted state. bee. Hence it is said to engage them with. Commentators have embarrassed the sense imparibus armis. of this passage. The meaning is plainly t m this: If you are afraid of a hard winter, 246i Tine: the moth; an insect very and that the bees will not be able to sustain inurious to clothes. Te common reading is durum: Heync, Valpy, and some others, the cold, unless they be well fed, you should dru He al and some others, spare their honey, their future nourishment, r dr and take none of it from them. 247. Aranea invisa. Arachne, daughter 241. At quis dubilet, &c. However you of Idmnon, a Lydian, is said to have vied may be disposed to follow my direction in with Minerva in the arts of spinning and leaving the honey untouched, there is one weaving. She performed her wcrk to adthing that should not be neglected in any miration; but being outdone, she hung hercase; and that is, to fumigate the hives, and self through grief; whereupon the goddeoz, to cut away the superfluous wax. out of pity, changed her into the spider. 243. Stellio. This is a small spotted li- Some say she represented on her work sczard, called also an eft or swift. It creeps veral of the crimes of the gods, which so into holes and corners; hence the poet calls displeased the goddess, that she, in a rage, it ignotus. Congesta: in the sense of plena. destroyed it. Hernce invisa linerve. See Blattis. The blatta is an insect something Ovid Met. Lib. 5. like a beetle. Some take it to be the cock- 248. Quo magis. The poet here observes, roach. They are called lucifugis, because the more you drain the honey from the they do not appear in the day time. bees, the more industrious they will be to 244. Fucus inmmunis. The Drones are repair the loss. By being too full fed, they the male bees. They have neither stings, become idle, and consequently less profitnor those elastic teeth which the laboring able. He then proceeds to consider the bees have for the purpose of collecting ho- diseases incident to them, and the remedies ney. Their only business seems to be, to proper for each. have intercourse with the queen: they may 250. Horrea: in the sense offavos. Texbe said to be her husbands: they are seve- ent: they will form, or make. ral hundred in number in each hive. After 252. Vita: the state, or condition of life. 144 P. VIRGILI MARONIS 255: Corpora earurn Deformat macies; turn corpora luce carentrim 255 carentum luce Exportant tectis, et tristia funera ducunt: Aut illa pedibus connexa ad limina pendent, Aut intus clausis cunctantur in aedibus omnes: Ignavaeque fame, et contracto fiigore pigraw. Tum sonus auditur gravior, tractimque susurrant: 260 Frigidus ut quondam sylvis immurniurat Auster, Ut mare sollicitum stridet refluentibus undis, i.stuat ut clausis rapidus fornacibus ignis. 261. Suadebo teinccn- Hic jam galbaneos suadebo incendere odores, dere Mellaque arundineis inferre canalibus, ultro 26 Ilortantem, et fessas ad pabula nota vocantem. Proderit ct tunsum galla admiscere saporem, Arentesque rosas, aut igni pinguia multo Defruta, vel psythia passos~ de vite racemos, Cecropiumque thymum, et graveolentia centaurea. 270 Est etiam flos in pratis, cui nomen amello Fecere agricole, facilis quaerentibus herba. Narnque uno ingentem tollit de cespite sylvam, NOTES. 255. Luce: in the sense of vita. the bees are subject in the spring, occasioned, 256. Ducunt. Pliny observes, that the says Columella, by their feeding greedily bees accompany the bodies of their dead upon spurge after their.winter penury. after the manner of a funeral procession. 269. Defruta. Defrutum was a mixture 257. Ille connexe: clung together by their made of new wine, boiled away one half, feet, they hang, &c. or one third, into which several sorts of 259. Contracto. Rumus taks t this in the sweet herbs or spices were put. Pinguia: sense of contrahente. He says: Frigore rich; implying that it slould be boiled contrahente nmemlbra. But it may be taken away, and made thick, and enriched by in its usual acceptation, without any impro- spices. Passos racemos: properly, bunches priety: for the bees may be said to contract, of grapes hung up to dry in the sun-raior take cold; and this the poet mentions as sins. Hence by meton. put for the wine one of their diseases. made of such grapes-raisin wine. See 260. Tractim: in a drawling manner- Geor. ii. 93. one after another. 270. Cecropium: Attic, or Athenian; 262. Sollicitum: in the sense of turbatum. from Cecrops, one of the first kings of Athens. 263. Rapidus: intense-excessive..Es- Centaurea: plu. the herb centaury. There tuat: roars. are two kinds of centaury, thle greater and 264. Galbaneos: an adj. from galbanum, the less. They have no other similitude a strong-scented gum, the smell of which is than the bitterness of their taste. It is said said to drive away serpents. It is made of to have derived its name from Chiron, one tie juice of the plant callcdferula. of the Centaurs, whom it cured of a wound The poet here directs the bee-master, received by an arrow from Hercules. when his bees show these symptoms, to burn 271. 4mello. Mella or Aela, a river of galbanum around the hives, which will ex- Cis-alpine Gaul, o the banks of which the pel the vermin, if any there are; to intro- fl here spoken of abounded. Henceh flower here spoken of abounded. Hence. du e honey into the hives through reeds, torvius, it was called me make up the deficiency of their food, and to Mr. Mrtyn thinks it the same Nith tmll use every means to allure them to partake e ian tr-ortt or Aster Attic of it. But in many cases, this would be pui nomen amello. This construction fre. insufficient. He must add to this honey. eei. T c f insufficient. ie nl ust add to this fony quently occurs in Virgil, and is taken from certain medicinal substances, as remedies of theGreeks. It is to be taken in the sense their diseases. th^eir dseases.. ^............... of cui amellus nomini: so, cui nomen lilo. 266. Fessas: in the sense of languidas, in the sense of c nomini: also, i and agreeing with apes, understood. Sapo- en silo. SeeGeor.iii. 47. *nmen asilo. See Geor. iii. 147. rent: juice. 267. Gallc: the nut-gall. This possesses 272. Facilis: easy to be found by those very powerful astringent qualities. It was who seek for it. vrJry proper, therefore, to recommend the 273. Cespite. Cespes, here must mean use of it, to check the looseness to which the root of the plant. Sylvanm: in the sense GEORGICA.,IB. IV. 145 Aureus ip.,e. sed in foliis, que plurima circurn Funduntur, viol suhlLcet purpura nigrre. 275 Smpe Deuln nexis ornatm torquibus arm. Asper in ore sapor: tonsis in vallibus ilium 277. Sapor ejus est Pastores, et curva legunt prope flumina Melle. psper in ore Ilujus odorato radices incoque Baccho, Pabulaque in foribus plenis appone canistris. 280 280. Apponeque paSed si qucm proles subit6 defecerit omnis, bula apibus plenis canisNec, genus unde novr stirpis revocetur, habebit: trs i foribus alvearis Tempus, et Arcadii memoranda inventa magistri 283. Tempus est nanPandere, quoque modo casis jam stpe juvencis dere Insincerus apes tulerit cruor. Altiis omnem- 285 Expediam prima repetens ab origine, fimam. Nam qua Pellei gens fortunata Canopi Accolit effuso stagnantem flumine Nilum, Et circum pictis vehitur sua rura phaselis; Quaque pharetrate vicinia Persidis uroet 290 290. Quaque ammir Et viridem Agyptum nigra fecundat arena d s u co Et diversa ruens septem discurrit in ora, ratis Indis urget Usque coloratis amnis devexus ab Indis; Omnis in hac certain regio jacit arte salutem. NOTES. of copiam caulium. Fecere' in the sense of formed by Xcnophon, that the Persian emdederunt. pire under Cyrus extended as far west as 275. JVigrce: deep colored. Funduntur: Egypt. The Nile may therefore be said to sprout, or shoot up. press upon the borders of Persia, since the 276. J.exis: made, or formed of this Persians extended their dominions as faras amellus. Egypt; which justifies the expression of the 279. Incoque: boil, or simmer. poet. Vicinia: plu. of vicinium. ThePer-:281. Sed si quenm, &c. The poet now pro- sians were famous for their skill in archery; seeds to give an account of the method hence pharetratce Persidis. practised by Aristmus for the recovery of 93. Amns: the river Nile. It rises in his bees, after all his swarms were lost. Abssinia in the mountains ofthe oon, Abvssinia, in the mountains of'the Moon, Omnnis proles: the whole stock, or race. Omnis prs: the whole st, or r in about the lat. 110 N. and runs in a north285. Innce in e sense ofputridus erly direction; and, after receiving a numAltiis: in the sense of lone. It is to be e Altis: in the sense of longe. t is to be er of tributary streams, it falls into the colnnected with repetens. Mediterranean sea in seven different chan286. Expediam: in the sense of narrabo. s, i lat. 32 N. foring the 287 Gens.ortun-ata: the Egyptians Dnels, or moutlhs, in lat. 32 N. forming the 287. Gns fortu.ata: the Egyptians. Delta of Lower Egypt. The inundation of They are here called happy, or fortunate, th ile occasions the fertility of Egypt. on account of the fertility of their country, ts waters bring with them the richness, or which is occasioned by the annual inunda- ash of the upper country, and here deposit tion of the river Nile. Canopi. Canopus..'. tion of the river Nile. Canoli. Canopus it. This the poet calls, nigra arena. The was a city of Egypt, near Alexandria, rise of the Nile is occasioned by the rai founded by Alexander the Great, who was that falls at certain season of the year in born at Pella, in Macedonia. Hencee city the mountains of Abyssinia. The proper Canopus is called Pellceus. The city, by height to which the water should rise meton. for the inhabitants; who may be Egypt is 16 cubits, or 24 feet. If it fall put, by synec. for all the Egyptians. short of that, a faine is expected; if it 288. Stagnantera: in the sense of inun88. Stagnantem: the sense of - exceed it, an injury is sustained. By means dantem. Agros is understood. of canals, the water is carried to every part 289. Vehitur circefm. During the con- of the country. For an excellent descrits linuance of the inundation, the inhabitants tion ofthe Nile, see Rollins An. His. Vol. pass from one part of the country to an-. Any country that lay in a hot cliother in boats, or small barges; here called mate, the ancients denominated India, and phaseli. Vehitur agrees with gens. its inhabitants Idi. Colora/is: tawny 290. Umget vicinia. The Nile did not touch, or border upon the neighborhood of sun-burnt. Devexus: flowing down fro Persia, properly so called. But we are in- 294. Arte: in the seiise of invento 11 146 P. VIIGI1lI MARONIS Exiguus primum, atque ipsos contractus ad usus 295 Eligitur locus: hunc angustique inibrice tecti Parietibusque premunt arctls; et quatuor addunt Quatuor a ventis obliqua luce fenestras. Turn vitulus, bima curvans jam cornua fionte, 300. Gemine nares Quairitur: hulc geminae nares, et spiritus oris 300 tbtruuntur Multa reluctanti obstruitur; plagisque perempto 301. Visceraque tunsa Tunsa per integram sQlvuntur viscera pellem plagis per integram pellem solvuntur huic pe- Sic positum in clauso linquunt: et ramea costis rempto. Subjiciunt fiagmenta, thymum, casiasque recentes. 303. Sic linquunt vz- Hoc geritur, Zephyris primum impellentibus undas, 305 tulum positum in elauso Ante novis rubeant quam prata coloribus, ante loco Garrula quamn tignis nidum suspendat h;rundo. 306. Coloribus,4orum Interea teneris tepefactus in ossibus humor Agstuat: et visenda modis animalia miris, Trunca pedum prirno, mox et stridentia pennis 310 Miscentur, tenuemque magis, magis aera carpunt 312. Donec erupere Donec, ut astivis effusus nubibus imber, tam dense, ut Erupere: aut, ut nervo pulsante sagittae, 313. Aut s am densi Prima leves ineult si quando prelia Parthi. Quis Deus hanc, Muse, quis nobis extudit artem? 315 Unde nova ingressus hominum experientia cepit? Pastor Aristeus, fugiens Peneia Tempe, Amissis, ut fama, apibus morboque fameque, NOTES. 296. Hunc premunt: they contract this string. JVervo: the string or cord of the (still more) by a narrow roof and confined bow. The Parthians were expert archers, walls -walls close together. Imbrex is pro- and usually commenced the fight by a flight perly the gutter-tile of the roof, to carry off of arrows. the water. Hence it may be taken for the 314. Si quando: in the sense of quando roof itself. Imbrice angusti tecti: with the 315 Etudit in te sense of ieni. covering of a narrow roof. covering of a narrow roof. 315. Extudit: in the sense of invenit. 297. Parietibus: parietes, properly the 316. Ingressus: acc. plu. in the sense o! walls of a house: muri, the walls of a city. originem. Premunt: in the sense of contrahunt. 317. Aristceus. He is said to have been 299. Bima: in the sense of bienni. the son of Apollo and the nymph Cyrene, 301. Multa: in the sense of multum, in the daughter of the river god Peneus, and imitation of the Greeks. born in the deserts of Lybia. He married 302. Viscera tunsa, &c. The meaning is: the daughter of Cadmus, by the name of that the entrails of the animal, as he lay Antonoe, by whom he had Acreon. Being dead, being beaten with blows, are broken enamoured with Eurydice, the wife of Or in pieces, the hide remaining entire. Vis- pheus, he pursued her into the fields, where cera, is properly the whole animal within the a snake, laying in the grass unobserved, bit hide, as well the flesh as the entrails. Pe- her; of which wound she died. Whererempto: in the sense of interfecto. upon, the gods were angry, and, by way of 305. Geritur: in the sense of agitur. punishment, destroyed his bees. In this Zephyris. The zephyrs begin to blow, in calamity, he applied to his mother, who dithat climate, early in the month of Febru- re6ted him to apply to the river god Proteus. ary, according to Pliny. Impellentibus: in He directed him to appease the manes of the sense of agitantibus. Eurydice by the sacrifice of four bulls, and 307. Antequam hirundo. The time of the four heifers. It is said that he travelled swallow's coming is said by Columella, to over various countries, teaching men the be in the latter part of February, in that cultivation of the olive, and the use of bees. climate; with us it is much later. He visited Arcadia; hence he is called Ar 309. XEstuat: ferments. Trunca: desti- cadius magister apum. He received divine tute of-wanting. Miscentur: mingle- honors, and was worshipped as a demi-god, ewarm. Carpunt: in the sense of tentant. Tempe: neu. plu. a pleasant valley of Thesa'312 Erupere: in the sense of evolaverunt. saly, through which the river Peneus flows,.t'ero pulsante (flew) from the whizzing Hence the epithet Penean, GEORGICA. LIB. IV. 147 Tristis ad extremi sacruin caput astitit amnis, Multa qucrens: atque hac affatus voce parentem: 320 Mater Cyrene, mater, qum gurgitis hujus Ima tenes: quid me proeclara stirpe Deorum 322. Tenes irna loca (Si mod6, quem perhibes, pater est Thymbraeus Apollo) hujus gurgitis: quid goInvisum fatis genuisti? aut quo tibi nostri nuisti me invisum fatis PuTsus amor? quid me caelum sperare jubebas? 325 e preclara stirpe Deo-... rum; si modo ThymEn etiam hunc ipsum vita mortalis honorem, breus ApoUo, quem perQuem mihi vix frugum et pecudum custodia solers hibes meum patrem, cst Omnia tentanti extuderat, te matre, relinquo! meus pater: aut quo est Quin age, et ipsa manl felices erue sylvas, 329 tuus amor nostri pulsus Fer stabulis inimicum ignem, atque interfice messes: tb3 E 326. En, te matre, Ure sata, et validam in vites molire bipennem: etiam relinquo hunc ipTanta mee si te ceperunt tadia laudis. sum honorem At mater sonitum thalamo sub flnminis aiti 329. Tu ipsa erue meas Sensit: eam circum Milesia vellera Nymphas felices Carpebant, hyali saturo fucata colore: 335 Drynmoque, Xanthoqus, Ligeaque, Phyllodoceque, Cesariem effusm nitidam per candida colla; 337. Effuse quoadniNesae, Spioque, Thaliaque, Cymodoceque, tidam Cydippeque, et flava Lycorias; altera virgo, 339. Atera adh virAltera tum primos Lucinae experta labores; 340 Clioque, et Beroe soror, Oceanitides ambae, Ambae auro, pictis incinctm pellibus amba; 342. Ambe incinctae Atque Ephyre, atque Opis, et Asia Deiopeia; auro, ambe insinctac Et tandem positis velox Arethusa sagittis. pictis Inter quas curam Clymene narrabat inanem 345 NOTES. 319. Ad sacrum caputl at the sacred or sea-green color; from a Greek word source of the remote river. Aristmus re- signifying glass. sided m the vale of Tempe. After the loss 336. Drymo. The names of the nymphs of his bees, he retired to the source of the here mentioned are taken from Homer and river Peneus, in mount Pindus, where his Hesiod, and are all of Greek derivation. mother had her residence. After her amour 337. Effusae: in the sense of diffuser: with Apollo, it is said that god conveyed their hair hung loose, and flowing over her to Africa, where she resided during the their snow-white necks. period of her gestation and delivery. Her 340. Experta: in the sense ofpassa. Luson was brought up by the Seasons, and fed cina,: child-bearing. The name of the upon ambrosia. goddess of child-bearing; by meton. taken 321. Gurgitis: in the sense of fontis. for child-bearing itself. It is an epithet 323. Mod: in the sense of certe. Thym- both of Juno and Diana. brceus: a name of Apollo, from Thymbra, a 341. Oceanitides: daughters of the ocean. town of Troas, where he had a magnificent See Eel. ii. 46. temple. Perhibes: in the sense of dicis, 343. Deiopeia. This nymph is called vel vocas. Asian, because she was of the Asian fen: 327. Custodia: in the sense of cura. Asia appellatur quia ex Asia palude. 328. Relinquo: in the sense of amitto. 344. Arethusa. She had been at first a Extuderat: had provided, or procured. huntress, and one of Diana's train; but af329. Felices: in the sense of fecundas. terward changed by her into a fountain 331. Molire: in the sense of immitte. nymph. Hence the propriety of sagitths 332. Teedia: in the sense of negligentia. positis. 334..Milesia: an adj. from.Jilelus, a city 345. Inter quas: among whom Clymene in the confines of Ionia and Caria. Its was relating, &c. Venus, the wife of Vul wool was held in great estimation among can, was taken in adultery with Mars. Her the Romans. husband cast a net over them, as they were 335. Carpebant: in the sense of nebant. in each other's emtrace, and in this situa Fucata: dyed with a rich sea-green color. tion they were exyosed to the laughter of Hyali: gen. of hyalus: glass; also a glassy, all the gods. The poet calls Vulcan's care 113 P. V1RGTLI1 MARONIS 347. Vulcani dc custo- Vulcani, Martisque dolos, et dulca flrta, dicnda Venere Aque Chao densos Divum numerabat amores. 348. JVymphae capt~ Carmine quo captae, dum fusis mollia pensa Devolvunt, iterum maternas impulit aures Luctus Aristai, vitreisque sedilibus omnes 350 Obstupere: sed ante alias Arethusa sorores Prospiciens, summa flavum caput extulit unda. 353. Et procul dixit: Et procul: 0, gemitu non frustra exterrita tanto, ) soror Cyrene Cyrene soror; ipse tibi, tua maxima cura, Tristis, Aristaeus, Penei genitoris ad undam 335 Stat lachrymans, et te crudelem nomine dicit 357. Mater perculsa Huic perculsa nova mentem formidine mater, quoad mentern nova for- Due, age, duc ad nos: fas illi limina Divthn midme ait huim: age, T.. midin ait huium ad nos Tangere, ait. Simul alta jubet discedere late fis est illi Flurnina, quit juvenis gressus inferret: at ilium 360 Curvata in montis faciem circumstetit unda, Accepitque sinu vasto, misitque sub amnem. Jamqlue domum mirans genitricis et humida regna, Speluncisque lacus clausos, lucosque sonantes, Ibat: et, ingenti motu stupefactus aquarum, 365 Omnia sub magna labentia flumina terra Spectabat diversa locis, Phasimque, Lycumque, Et caput, unde altus primum se erumpit Enipeus, 371. Et unde Erida- Unde pater Tyberinus, et unde Aniena fluenta, nus auratus quoad ge- Saxosumque sonans Hypanis, Mysusque Caicus, 370 mina cornua Et gemina auratus taurino cornua, vultu NOTES.:nanemn, vain, because it had no effect to re- lows, was of the opinion, that there was claim his wife, or because it served only to under the earth, a general receptacle or re. propagate his own disgrace: or rather, be- servoir of water, from which the rivers were ause he was unable, with all his care and all fed. This they called barathrum. By watchfulness, to prevent her from defiling lacus clausos, &c. the poet means this genehis bed. Venus was a wanton dame. ral reservoir of water. 346. Dulcia furta. This alludes to the 367. Diversa. remote-widely separated. amour of Mars with Venus: stolen embra- Phasim: Phasis, a noble river of Colchis. ces-sweet thefts. rising in the mountains of Armenia, falls 347. Chao: from the origin of the world; into the Euxine sea. It is famous for tho or from Chaos, who, according to fable, was expedition of the Argonauts, who entered the first of the gods. Densos: in the sense it after a long and perilous voyage. Lycum: of frequentes, vel multos. Lycus, the name of several rivers. It is not 348. Mollia pensa: the soft yarn. Car- certain, which one the poet here intends. mine: song, story, or subject. 368. Caput: the source, whence, &c. 351. A/nt: before her other sisters. Enipeus is a river of Thessaly, watering the 353. Jon frustra: not in vain alarmed: plains of Pharsalia, and falling into the you are alarmed, and not without reason. river Peneus. 355. Undam: in the sense of fontem.- 369. Tyberinus: the river Tyber in Itay. Peneus,.the river god, was the father of It is called by way of eminence pater. It Cyrene. falls into the Tuscan sea. Aniena: an adj. 360. Inferret gressus: might introduce his from Anio, the name of a small river in foot-steps-might march a!ong: a phrase. Italy. Flumina: in the sense of,aquas. 370. HI/panis: a river of the ancient Sar 361. Curvata: rolled or heaped up in the matia, uniting with the Borysthenes or Neiform of a mountain. per, and with it, flows into the Euxine sea *362. Misit: in the sense of admisit. Eum Hodie, Bog. Saxosium: an adj. of the neu. is understood. gen. used adverbially-among the rocks. 364. Speluncis. Tlere were two opinions Caicus: a river of JMysia major in the Lesser among the ancients respecting the origin of Asia. It falls into the iEgean sea, nearly rivers. Aristotle considered the sea to be opposite to Mitylene on the Island of Les. the source: but Plato, whom Virgil here fol- bos. Hence the epithet 7ysus. GEORG1CA LIB. IV. 49 Erianus, quo non alius per pinguia culta 372. Quo amne non [I mare Durpureum vioientior influit amnis. alius amns ifluit vioPostquam est in tha!ari pendentia pumice tecta. 3. Posteer 374. Postquam perPerventum, et nati fletus cognovit inanes 375 ventum est i tecta thaCyrene: nianibus liquidos dant ordine fontes lami Germanal, tonsisque ferunt mantilia villis Pars epulis onerant mensas, et plena rep)onunt Pocula; Panchalis adolescunt ignibus are. Et mater: Cape Maeonii carchesia Bacchi: 380 380. Et mater ait: Oceano libenus, ait. Simul ipsa precatur Cape Oceanumque patrem rerum, Nymphasque sorores, Centum quae sylvas, centurn quae flumina servant. Ter liquido ardentern perfudit nectare Vestam: Ter flamma ad summurn tecti subjecta reluxit. 385 Omine quo firmans animum, sic incipit ipsa: Est in Carpathio Neptuni gurgite vates, NOTES. 372. Eridanus: the river'o. This isthe 376. Dant: In the sense of erunt. Lzlargest river of Italy. quidosfontes: in the sense of puras aquas. There ij a seeming difficulty in reconciling Tiiis water was brought for the use of Ariswhat is here said of this river with matter twus; manibus may therefore refer to his of fact. We are told the Po is not a rapid hands-for washing his hands: or it may river. It flows the greater part of its course refer to the hands of the nympLs who through a level and highly cultivated coun- brought it-in their hands. try This taken into consideration, no other 377. Mantilia: towels. It would seem river perhaps, under the same circumstan- they were made of some shaggy or nappy ces, flows with greater rapidity. We are cloth, which was sometimes shorn for the not to understand the poet as speaking ab- greater smoothness and delicacy. Our napsolutely, but comparatively. It falls into kins were probably of the same sort forthe Adriatic sea, or gulf of Venice. merly, the word seeming to' be derived from Taurino vultu. The form of a bull is of- nap. Tonsis villis: the shag or nap being ten, by the poets, given to rivers, from their cut off. roaring and rapid course: the noise which 379. Panchceis: an adj. from Panchlea, a they make, bearing some resemblance to region of Arabia, abounding in frankinthe bellowing of that animal. They are also cense. Arsc: the altars burn with Arabian called cornuti, or horned, from the double frankincense. banks or channels, into which they divide 380. Carchesia. The carchesium was a themselves: or perhaps from the circum- large oblong bowl or goblet, flatted about stance of their being sometimes formed by the middle, having handles reaching quite the union of two streams or smaller rivers. to the bottom..Jlceonsii: an adj. fromn JceAs for example, the river Ohio is formed onia, the ancient name of Lydia in Asia by the union of the rivers Alleghany and Minor. It abounded in vines. Bacchi: for Monongahela.. vini. Hercules is said to have broken off one 383. Servant: in the sense of prcusidcnt. of the horns of Achelois. It is thus ex- 384. Perfundit: she sprinkled-wet. Arplained. That hero reduced the river to one dentem Veslam: the flaming fire: See iEn. 1. channel or stream. The dried part or bro- 292. JVectare: for vino. Nectar was proken horn of the river was converted into perly the best and purest wine, such as they fruitful fields and gardens. This gave rise assigned to the use of the gods. to the fable of the cornucopia, or horn of 385. Subjecla. This Ruueus takes in the plenty. This was given to the nymphs, and sense of supposita; with what propriety, by them presented to the Goddess of Plenty. however, does not appear. The meaning The verb erumpit is to be supplied with plainly is: that when the wine was poured each of the preceding nominatives. upon the fire, a flame arose, or blazed, and 374. Pendentia: vaulted, or arched with shone bright, as high as the roof of the pumice stone. Rumus says; structa zmpen- house. Subjicio, from which subjecta is dedente pumice. Pervtentum est: imp. verb, rived, signifies to rise, or mount up. See used in the sense of pervenit. Eel. x. 74, and iEn. xii. 288. It is here used 375. Inanes: vain, says Scrvius, because in the sense of surgens. they were excited by a calamity'easy to be 387. Carpathio: an adj. from Carpathus, removed an island in the Mediterranean sea, between 150 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Cceruleus Proteus, magnum qui piscibus xquor, Et juncto bipedum curru metitur equorum. Hie nunc Emathie portus, patriamque revisit 390 Pallenen; hunc et nymphe veneramur, et ipse Grandtevus Nereus: novit namque omnia vates, 3'3. Quei sintprasen- Quae sint, quae fuerint, quae mox ventura trahantur. tia, que fterint pratte- Quippe ita Neptuno vlsum est: immania cujus rita, et Armenta, et turpes pascit sub gurgite pocas. 393 Ilic tibi, nate, priIs vinclis capiendus, ut omnem Expediat morbi causam, eventusque secundet. Nam sine vi non ulla dabit prmcepta, neque ilium Orando flectes: vim duram et vincula capto 400. Circum lhae vin- Tende: doli circum htec demum frangentur inanes. 400 cula 401. Ego ipsa ducam Ipsa ego te, medios cum Sol accenderit aestus, te in secreta senis, quo Cum sitiunt herbat, et pecori jam gratior umbra est, 402. Gratior pecori In secreta senis ducam, quo fessus ab undis quam herba Se recipit; facile ut somno aggrediare jacentem. 405 Ilium correptum Verum ubi correptum manibus, vinclisque tenebis; 406 Tum variae eludent species, atque ora ferarum. Fiet enim subit6 sus horridus, atraque tigris, Squamosusque draco, et fulva cervice leaena. Aut acrem flammae sonitum dabit, atque ita vinclis Excidet, aut in aquas tenues dilapsus abibit. 410 Sed quanto ille magis formas se vertet in omnes; Tant6, nate, magis contende tenacia vincla 413. Qualem videris Donec talis erit, mutato corpore, qualem ilium Videris, incepto tegeret cum lumina somno NOTES. Rhodes and Crete, whence the neighboring 389. Jffetitur: he measures, or rides oveo. sea was called Carpathian. It is now call- Juncto: yoked, or harnessed; alluding to ed Scarpanto..NJeptuni: Neptunus, the god his marine horses, that were harnessed in of the sea, by meton. put here for the sea his car. itself, according to Peuaeus. That commen- 391. Pallenen: Pallene, a peninsula of tator takes gurgite in the sense of sinu; Macedonia, whose original name was Emabut it is better to take it in the sense of thia. nari, and JVeptuni in its usual acceptation. 393. Trahantur. There is a great proVate JVeptunl: the prophet of Neptune. priety in the use of this word, according to For Proteus, it is said, received from that the heathen notion of fate. Future events god the gift of prophecy. are said to be drawn, (trahi,) because, in 388. Proteus: a sea-god. According to that series, or chain of causes and effects, fable, he was the son of Oceanus and Te- they so follow that one may be said to draw thys, and received the gift of prophecy from the other. Neptune. He was very difficult of access, 395. Turpes: in the sense of inmmanes. and when consulted, he frequently eluded 399. Flectes: in the sense of vinces. the answers by transforming hirnself into 400. Tende: apply rigid force and chains various shapes, and so making his escape. to him, when seized. Doli: tricks-strataHomer makes him an Egyptian, and Hero- gems. dotus, akingof Egypt. Sir Isaac Newton, 406. Ora: in the sense offormn. Eh — fEnding him cotemporary with Amenopliis, dent. Illudent is the common reading. Pieor Memnon, conjectures he was only a vice- rius found in the Roman manuscript ludent; roy to that prince, and governed some part in the Lombard, Medicean, and most of tho of Lower Egypt in his absence. ancient manuscripts, eludent which is the Proteus is represented as drawn in a car reading of Heyne. by marine horses; that is, their fore part 408. Draco: a serpent, or snake. resembling the horse, their hinder a fish. 410. Excidet: will escape. Dilapsu They would consequently have only two dissolved into water, &c. feet, and those before. Hence bipedum 412. Contende: inthesenseofconstrmnge. equorum. 414. Tegeret: in the sense of!auderet GEORGICA. LIB. IV. 151 fHc ait: et liquidum ambrosim diffudit odorem, 415 Quo totum nati corpus perduxit; at illi Dulcis compositis spiravit crinibus aura, Atque habilis membris venit vigor. Est specus ingens Exesi latere in montis; quo plurima vento 419. Quo plurima un Cogitur, inque sinus scindit sese unda reductos; 420 da cogitur. Deprensis Tiim statio tutissma nautis. Intus se vasti Proteus tegitohtijc6i saxi. Hic juvenem in latebris aversum a lurnine Nympha 423. Nympha Cyrene Collocat: ipsa procul nebulis obscura resistit. collocat juvenem ArtJam rapidus torrens sitientes Sirius Indos 425 teum Ardebat coelo, et medium Sol igneus orbem Hauserat: arebant herbae, et cava flumina siccis 427. Et radii Solu Faucibus ad limum radii tepefjcta coquebant: coquebant cava flumina ^,vs ~~ T~]~ ~~~,> ~~.r~~ \tepefacta faucibus siceL Cum Proteus consueta petens e fluctibus antra usque ad lbat: eum vasti circum gens humida ponti 430 Exultans, rorem late dispergit -maarum. Sternunt se somno diversae in litore phoce. Ipse (velut stabuli custos in montibus olim, Vesper ubi e pastu vitulos ad tecta reducit, Auditisque lupos acuunt balatibus agni) 435 Considit scopulo medius, numerumque recenset. Cujus Aristrto quoniam est oblata facultas: 437. Quoniam faculVix defessa senem passus componere membra, tas capendi cujus oblata Cum clamore ruit magno, manicisque jacentem est Aristeo; vix ^,~~Tn ~ \>. *A ~~~ ~ ~~ ".439. Ruit in eum cum Occupat. Ille suee contra non immemor artis, 440 Omnia transformat sese in miracula rerum, Ignemque, horribilemque feram, fluviumque liquentem. NOTES. omno incepto: at the beginning of his droughts: hence the propriety of the epi sleep. thet sitientes. 415. Ambrosia. Ambrosia was the food 426. Igneus Sol: the fiery sun had comof the gods, and nectar their drink. But pleted (drawn out) half his course. This the two are often confounded, as here, liqui- is a circumlocution to denote the middle of dus odor is said of ambrosia. Liquidunt odo- the day. Hauserat: in the sense of cu. rem: a pure fragrancy, or perfume. currerat. 416. Perduxit: in the sense of perunxit. 428. Coquebant: in the sense of siccabant. Pierius found perfudit in the Roman MS. Faucibus: in the sense of alveis. 417. Aura: in the sense of odor. Illi: 431. Amarum: the bitter spray. The the dat. in the sense of illius. This use of sea-water is bitter as well as salt. the dat. case is frequent with Virgil. Corn- 432. Diverscc: dispersed, or scattered pogitis: in the sense of unctis. along the shore. 419. Exesi: in the sense of excavati. 433. Stabuli: in the sense of armenti, by 421. Olim: in the sense of aliquando. meton. Deprensis: caught, or overtaken in a storm. 435..Auditis. Some read auditi, to agree 423. Aversum: in the sense of remotum. with agni: but the sense leads to auditis: 424. Resistit: in the sense of remanet. the bleatingof the lambs being heard. Mr. Obscura: in the sense of occulta. Davidson observes, that auditis is found in 425. Sirius: a star of the first magnitude the Roman, Medicean, and Cambridge main the mouth of the dog. It rises about the nuscripts. Heyne reads auditis. time the sun enters the sign Leo, which 437. Facultas: an opportunity was pretakes place in the latter part of July, sented. causing what we call the dog-days. Tor- 439. Manicis: in the sense of vinculis. rens: pres. part. in the sense of comburens. Some manuscripts read vinculis. Indos. This word is here used for the in- 441. Mliracula: in the sense of prodigia, habitants of any warm climate. Such wonderful shapes, says Valpy. rountries are subject to long and excessive 442. Liquentem: in the sense ofjfluntem. 152 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Verum ubi nulla fugam reperit fallacla, victus In sese redit, atque hominis tandem ore locutus: Nam quis te, juvenum confidentissime, nostras 445 446. At ille Aristaeus Jussit adire domos? quidve hinc petis? inquit. At ille, respondit:0 Proteu, scis, Scis, Proteu, scis ipse: neque est te fallere cuiquapt. 8 Veips efallerme Sed tu desine velle. Defm pracepta secuti 448 Vell Venimus huc, lapsis qumesilum oracula rebus. 450. Effatus est hoc Tantum effatus. Ad hec vates vi denique multA 450 antum Ardentes oculos intorsit lurnine glauco: Et, graviter frendens, sic fatis ora resolvit: Non te nullius exercent numinis ire; Magna luis commissa:' tibi has miserabilis Orpheus Haudquaquam ob meritum poenas (ni fata resistant) Suscitat, et rapt' graviter pro conjuge smvit. 156 457. Ilia puella qul- Illa quiden, dum te fugeret per flumina prleceps, dem moriturn, dum pra- linmanem ante pedes hydruml, moritura puella, ceps per firnmina fugeret S te, non vidit, ante pedes Servantem ripas alta non vidit in herba. in alta herba, immanem At chorus mqualis Dryadurn clamore supremos 460 Implerunt montes: flirunt Rhodopei'e arces, 464. Ipse Orpheus so. Altaque Pangtea, et Rhesi Mavortia tellus, lans egrum amorem ca- Atque Getre, atque Hebrus, atque Actias Orithyia. va testudine, canebat te, Ipse, cava solans aegrum testudine amorem, 0 duleis conjux; canlreb Te, dulcis conjux, te solo in litore secum, 465 te secuin in solo litore: canebat te, die veniente; Te veniente die, te decedente canebat. canebat te, die decedente, Tenarias etiam fauces, alta ostia Ditis, NOTES. t43. Fugam: ecape. Fallacia: wiles- passage. It would be a useless labor to tricks-stratagems. enumerate the various opinions of commen. 447. Neque est cuique: nor is it in the tators upon it. Dr. Trapp observes, the power of any one to deceive you. parenthesis, ni fata resislant, is the most 449. Quoesitum: to seek divine counsel difficult passage in Virgil's works. To in my ruined state-my adverse circum. make any sense of it, we must supply the stances. A supine in urn, put after venimus. words: and would procure greater punish 451. Ardentes: in the sense of coruscan- ment. Ob: equal-proportionate to. tes. It is to be connected with lumine Orpheus was the son of (Eagrus, king glauco. of Thrace, and Calliope, one of the Muses. 452. Sicresolvit. Thepoet nowproceeds IHe was distinguished for his skill in music to the answer of Proteus, in which he tells and poetry. He was one of the Argonauts. Aristeus that the cause of his disaster was It is said there are some hymns of his exthe injury offered to Eurydice, the wife of tant; but there is reason to believe they Orpheus. The whole story is told in so are spurious. See Ecl. iii. 46. beautiful a manner, that it does not seem 456. Sacvit: and grieves immoderately unworthy of the mouth of a god. for. 453. Non nullts numninis. Davidson ren- 461. Arces: the Rhodopean mountains, ders this: of no mean deity. But the or- See Geor. iii. 351. dinary sense and meaning of the words are 462. Pangsea: neu. plu. sing. Pangeaus. to be preferred: of some deity. The two a mountain in Thrace, in the confines of negatives express affirmatively. Besides Macedonia. Rhesi. See,in. I. 469. the punishment of Aristaeus was procured 463. Gete. See Geor. iii. 462. Orithyta. by Orpheus and the nymphs, who were in- See Eel. vii. 51. ferior deities RUaIus and Heyne say ali- 464. Testudine. The lyre was called:tjus Dei. Exercent: in the sense of per- testudo, because anciently it was made of Jequuntur. tortoise shell. It is said that Mercury find. 454. Commissa: in the sense of scelera. ing a dead tortoise on the banks of the AMiserabilis, &c. Unhappy Orpheus procures river Nile, made a lyre of it; whence he ia this punishment for thee, by no means pro- called, parens curvwe lyrce. portionate to thy deserts, (and would pro. 467. Ingressus T7enarias. Twenarus, a cure greater,) if the fates did not oppose. promontory of the Peloponnesus, separa. This appears to be the plain meaning of the ting the Sinus Messenicus from the Si1us. GEORGICA. LIB. IV. 153 Et cahlgantem nlgra formidine lucum Ingressus, Manesque adiit, regemque tremendum, Nesciaque humanis precibus mansuescere corda. 470 At. cantu commotre Erebi de sedibus inlis 471. Cantu Orphes Umbrae ibant tenucs, simulacraque luce carentam: tenues Quan multa in sylvis avium se millia condunt, Vesper ubi, aut hybernus agit de montibus imber Matres, atque viri, defunctaque corpora vita 475 Magnanimunm heroum, pueri, innupt(eque puelle, linlositique.rogis juvenes ante ora parentum Quos circurn imrus niger, et deformis arundo Cocyti, tardaque palus inamabilis unda Alligat, et no-vies Styx interfusa coercet. 480 Quin ipsre stupuere domus, atque intima leti Tartara, cteruleosque implexae crinibus angues 482. Eumcnides i-l r, ~ *\,,3 * \~-.~ * ~ ^ pl]exae quoad caeruleos Lumelnides; tenuitque inhians tria Cerberus ora; angues crinibus Atque Ixionii cantu rota constitit orbis. Jamque pedem referens, casus evaserat omnes; 485 Redditaque Eurydice superas veniebat ad auras, NOTES. Laconicus, fabled to be the entrance of the more dreadful. See Geor. i. 278. Cerbe. infernal regions. Here Orpheus made his rus: a huge. dog with three heads, the descent to hell after his Eurydice. Ostia: door-keeper of Pluto. the doors, or gates of Pluto. 484. Cantu. Most copies have vento. 470. Corda nescia: and hearts know- But it is extremely difficult to make any ing not (incapable'of) to relent at human sense of that. Davidson reads cantu,;and prayers. informs us that Pierius found cantu in se. veral ancient MSS. This makes'the sense 472. Simulacra: tihe shades or forms of intelligible. thlose wanting life. Luce: in the sense of easy, and the passage intelligible. Ct e w g l. L: ommentators have shown a good deal vtln. of ingenuity in attempting to render this 475. Corpora: and bodies of gallant he- passage intelligible with vento. Rumus roes deprived of life. Corpora is here used says: Orbis otlc Ixioni`c quievitflante vento to denote the airy vehicle, or form, which contrario. Valpy: that the wind relaxed, the ancients assigned to departed spirits. by which the wheel was carried round; or This is the meaning here. it stood to the wind. 479. Cocqti. Cocytus, a river of Italy, Heyne hath a long note upon it. Ilo of no great magnitude, feigned by'hepoets thinks vento sould be taken in the abl. to be a river of hell. Its banks abounded The wind, by which the wheel was carried in reeds. Inamabilis: in thesense of odiosa; round, subsiding, the wheel ceased to reand unda for aqui. 1volve: Vento,quo alias circum agibatur rota, 480. Circum alligat: surrounds-confines. Iubsidente, subsideret motus rotic. Or, by The parts of the verb are frequently sepa- oentus, may be understood the air or wind, rated by Tmesis, for the sake of the verse. occasioned by the revolution of the wheel: Styx. A fabulous river of hell, around or lastly, says he, rota orbis may be taken which, the poets say, it flowed nine times. sply for the wheel: rotc substitit vento It may therefore be said to restrain the the impulse of the wind ceasing, venti imshades, and prevent them from returning to Plsu cessante, the wheel stopped. the upper regions. See Geor. iii. 551. In- The fable represents all the infernal retefsa: flowving between them and the upper gions charmed with the music of Orpheus regions of light. The furies, the depths of Tartarus, Ceru. 48f2. Tartara: properly the lowest part of rus with his triple mouth, the w;-; e 4t hell-the place in which the impious are Ixlon, all stopped to listen to; i xins!z punished, according to the poets. Intima: an ad from Iion, agreeing in os ion was sentenced te eing:/otnd fo, ix_ in the sense of profundissima. Letum, or onwas s ed to e d t Lethlm, seems here to be used for the plce, erpt y tr nootinr tta or o ogeneral. bis the rotat.;un or revolut^.,i of the wheel. or regions of the dead in general.!y r rta. eor. i. 38. 463. Eumenides. The furies were three si iy rirat. P beor. in. 38 in number, and represented with their hairs ust comi tmtwined with serpents, to render then,jwlr regions.' ilght. 154 P. VIRGlLll MA'KONIS Pone sequens; namque hanc dederat Proserpina legem Cum subita incautum dementia cepit amantem, 489. Dementia quidom Ignoscenda quidem, scirent si ignoscere Manes. igaoconda, si Manes Restjtit, Eurydicenque suam jam luce sub ipsa, 490 Immemor, lieu! victusque animi, respexit: ibi omnis 492. Rupta sunt Effusus labor; atque immitis rupta tyranni Faedera: terque fragor stagnis auditus Avernis. 494. Ilia Eurydice in- Ilia, quis et me, inquit, miseram, et te perdidit Orpheu? quit: quis perdidit et Quis tantus furor? en iterum crudelia retro 495 me uiseram, et te, 0 Fata vocant, conditque natantia lumina somnus! Orphlexi! quis tantus furor est hic? Jamque vale: feror ingenti circumdata nocte, 498. Non amplius tua Invalidasque tibi tendens, heu! non tua, palmas. ronjux. Dixit: et fugit Dixit: et ex oculis subit6, ceu fumus in auras diversa ex oculis Orphei Cornmixtus tenues, fugit diversa: neque ilium 500 Prensantem nequicquam umbras, et multa volentem Dicere, praterea vidit: nec portitor Orcl 503 I" ns t t Or- Amplius objectam passus transire paludem. ~~pheum Quid faceret? quo se, rapta bis conjuge, ferret? Quo fletu Manes, qua numina voce moveret? 505 I/a quidem Stygia nabat jam frigida cymba. p507. erhtiben. ts an Septem ilium totos perhibent ex ordine menses per septem totos bni~. a 0 r ex ordine flevisse it3 Rupe sub aeria, deserti ad Strymonis undam aeria rupe, ad Flevisse et gelidis hase evolvisse sub antris, NOTES. 487. Lezem: condition. 496. Condit: in the sense of claudzt. 488. Subitadementia: a suaaen frenzy, 497. Feror circumdata: I am carried which put the lover off his guard; oJ caused lway, encompassed by thick darkness, and him to forget the condition upon which hie stretching, &c. Eurydice was suffered to return. 5100. Diversa: in the sense of, in diver. 489. Ignoscenda quidem: pardonable mn sam ni rtem. It agrees with illa. deed, if, &c. Orpheus looked back to be 502 Prcrterea: in the sense of poste. hold his loved Eurydice. This was the fa- Portztio O(rci: Charon. He was fabled to tal error, and not to be blamed* in a lover. be the son of Erebus and Nox. It was his Even Eurydice herself did not blame him, business to %erry the souls of the deceased for it proceeded from love to her. Ovid over the river, Styx and Acheron, to the says: Jamque iterum moriens non est de con- place of the deaC.. Hence he is called porjuge quicquam questa suo: quid enim sese titor orcz. The tveb!e of Charon and his queretur amatam? JManes, here, is put for boat seems to havx originated from the the infernal gods. Egyptians, who had a custom of carrying 490. Sub ipsa luce: in the very region of their dead across a lake to a place, where light. sentence was to be passed upon them; 491. Victus animi: not master of his af- and according to their good or bad actions fections. Effusus: in the sense ofperditusest. in life, they were honored with a splendid 493. Foedera: the terms, or conditions. burial, or left unnoticed in the open air. 4Avernis: sing. eAvernus; plu. Averna: a Orci: Orcus here signifieP the regions of lake of Campania, in Italy, by the poets the dead in general-hell. placed in the infernal regions; also, by me- 503. Objectam paludem: the intervening ton. put for the regions themselves. Fra- river-Styx. Orpheus had already re crossgor. Servius takes fragor to mean the joy ed the Styx, and was approaching tte roand exultation of the shades at the return gions of light, when Eurydice was taken of Eurydice among them: a shout-a cer- from him, and hurried back to the s.adils. tain dismal and hollow sound. The infernal river, therefore, lay betwetn 495. Furor: force, or violence. It is him and the regions of the dead, to which plain that furor is not to be taken here in Eurydice was carried a second time in the its usual sense. It is probable that it refers Stygian boat. to the force or power which prevented her 506. Illa: she-Eurydice, lifeless, was froln following her husband, which she crossing, &c. must have felt previous to her second death, 508. Strymonts: gen. of Slrymon, a river or return to the shades. This;s the opi- of Macedonia, on the birders of Thrace. Rion of Vossius 509. Hcec: these misfortunes of his GEORGICA. LIB. IV. 155 Mulcentem tigrcs, et agentem carmine quercus. 610 Qualis populea mcercns Philomela sub uinbra Amissos qleritur foetus, quos durus arator bservas nido implumes, detraxit: at illa Flet noctem, ramoque sedens miserabile carmen 514. Flet per noctom Integrat, et mestis late loca questibus implet. 515 Nulla Venus, nullique animum flexere hymenai. 516. Animum Orphei Solus Hyperboreas glacies, Tanaimque nivalem, Arvaque Riphasis nunquam viduata pruinis Lustrabat, raptam Eurydicen, atque irrita Ditis 519. Raptam a se Dona querens: spreto Ciconum quo munere matres, 520. Quo rj1uptiali mnlInter sacra Dcuim, nocturnique orgia Bacchi, 521 nere spreto, matres Ciconum Discerptum latos juvenem sparsere per agros.num Tur quoque marmorea caput a cervice revulsum, 523. Turn quoque cum Gurgite cum medio portans CEagrius Hebrus CEagrius Hebrus volveVolveret, Eurydicen, vox ipsa et frigida lingua, 525 ret ejus caput revulsum A.,. 1 r. * A m..~i M a marmorea cervice, porAh miseram Eurydicen! anima fugiente, vocabat: tans id medio gurgite, Eurydicen toto referebant flumine ripam. ejus vox ipsa, et frigida Itaec Proteus: et se jactu dedit aequor in altum; lingua, vocabat Quaque dedit, spumantem undam sub vertice torsit. NOTES. 510. Ageentem: in the sense of ducentem. make any impression upon his mind except 511. Philomela: the nightingale. See Eurydice. After her death, they renewed Eel. vi. 78. This is a most exquisite simile, their suit, which was rejected. To this cirnot more generally admired than beautifully cumstance the words, quo munere spreto, conceived. To heighten the picture, the may refer: which (whose) offer being debirds are not only imnplumes, without fea- spised. They may, however, refer to his thers, but they are taken from the nest; not total indifference to all female charms, and only so, they are drawn from it by the his disregard of marriage. In this sense, hands of a cruel, hard-hearted ploughman. Mr. Davidson takes them. It is said, verse In reading it, an emphasis should be placed 516, supra.: N'ulla Venus, et nulli Hymenae dpon durus and detraxit. It may be ob- flexere aninsum. See Eel. iii. 46. Heyne served that the poplar shade is very judi- reads spretce, but the sense determines in ciously selected by the poet to heighten the favor of spreto. This disregard and indifimage; because the leaves of the poplar ference of Orpheus to the charms of the tree, trembling with the least breath of air, Thracian women, so enraged them, that make a kind of melancholy rustling. See during their revellings at a feast of Bacchus, Eel. vi. 78. they set upon him, tore him in pieces, and 512. Queeritur: laments her lost young. strowed his limbs over the Thracian fields. 514..Tiserabile carmen: mournful song. 521. jNocturni. The orgies of Bacchus fniegrat: in the sense of renovat. were usually celebrated in the night; hence 516. Venus: love-person loved. the epithet nocturnus, applied to Bacchus. 517. Tanaihn: Tanais, a large river of 523. JMar-morea: in the sense of candida. Europe. It flows through the ancient Scy- 524. CEagrius: an adj. from (Eogrus, a thia, and falls into the Palus Mceotis, or sea king of Thrace, and father of Orpheus. of Azoff, forming a part of the boundary line Gurgite: in the sense ofjifuvio, vel alveo between Europe and Asia. IHodie, the Don. Hebrus. It is the principal river of Thrace 513. Viduata: free from-destitute of. With its tributary streams, it waters a conRiphcais. See Geor. i. 240. siderable extent of country. It falls into 520. Dona irrita. This alludes to the the head of the Archipelago. Into this condition, on which Pluto consented to the river the furious Bacchanals cast the head return of Eurydice to life. The event of Orpheus, which, as it floated down the proved the favor to be a useless, and una- current, continued to repeat the name of vailing one to him. Querens: lamenting- Eurydice. belmoaninlg. Ciconum. The Cicones were 527. Referebant: repeated-echoed. a people of Thrace near mount Ismarus, 528. Dedit: in the sense of imnisit. \ here the feasts of Bacchus were celebrated. 529. Torsit spumantem: he threw the Quo mune7re spreto. The Thracian women, foaming water over his head. Dr. Trapp as the fable goes, were much in love with observes, that although this episode be ad. Orpheus. None, however, was able to mirable in itself, it is obvious to observe that 156 P. VIRGILl MARONIS 530. At Cyrene non At non Cyrene: namque ultro affata timenteir: 530 dftdd se in a/ulrn bmare. Nate, licet tristes animo deponere curas. 1Im nq ue atlata est tim -n-. tin l tln u a.!trao dicens.n- Il ollnis Inorbi causa: hine miserabile NyrnphIe, 532. Hia^. esl omCnis (lui1 quibus illa choros lucis agitabat in altis, tausa Imorbi apiLus tuis Exitiun nmisere apibus. Tu munera supplex Tendc, )etens pacem, et faciles venerare Napaeas. 535 Namque dabunt veniam votis, irasque remittent. Scd, modus orandi qui sit, priis ordine dicam 538. Primiam delige Quatuor eximios prastanti corpore tauros, quatuor Qui tibi nune viridis ldepascunt summa Lyceti, 540. Eirrutl cervice Delige, et intacta totidein cervice juvencas. 540 intacta jgr0o (ltQuatuor his aras alta ad delubra Dcarum 5tiu11. i viciimis con- Constitue, et sacrum jugulis denitte cruorem, Corporaque ipsa bourn frondoso desere luco. P6st, ubi nona suos aurora ostenderit ortus, 545. Tanquarn inferias niferias Orphei, lethtea papavera mittes, 545 ~Orp lai ~Placataln Eurydicen vitula venerabere czesa, Et nigrain mactabis overn, lucumque revises. 5-18. Est hiaud mora IHaud mora: continu6 matris praecepta facessit' id~~tlz Ad delubra venit, monstratas excitat aras, Quatuor eximios proestanti corpore tauros 550 Ducit, et intacta totidem cervice juvencas. 554. ITic vero aspi- Post, ubi nona suos aurora induxerat ortus, c;uit mon strml subi- Inferias Orphei mittit, lucumque revisit. tirn, ac nuirabile dictu, Iic vero6 subitum, ac dictu mirabile monstrum uLenape, apes stridere i * * tot tero tridere Aspiciunt; liquefacta bourn per viscera toto 555 557. Inmcnsasque nu- Stridere apes utero, et ruptis effervere costis, bes carun Immensasque trahi nubcs; jamque arbore sunma NOTES. it is introduced a little inartificially. For LycePus. This was a mountain in Arcadia, it is not to be supposed that Proteus, having where it is said, Aristnaus sometimes resided. been made a prisoner, and speaking by con- Exinmios: in the sense of insignes. straint, would tell this long story to enter- 541. Dearurn: the Nymphs. See Ecl. ii. 46. tain Aristaus, who had thus offered violence 542. Demitte: let out the sacred bliod to him. It would have been enough for from their throats. him, to inform Aristmus that his misfortunes 543. Desere: in the sense of relinque. were occasioned by the death of Eurydice, 545. Mittes: you shall offer Lethawan popwithout relating all the circumstances con- pies, as a sacrifice to Orpheus: i. e. to apsequent upon it. But it may be said, this pease the Manes of Orpheus. Infrerie. relation is more to the point than is usually properly were offerings, or sacrifices to the imiagined. These circumstances greatly ag- gods below for the dead-to the Manes. gravate the guilt of Aristrus, and so it was The poppy was usually offered in sacrifice proper enough, if not necessary, to relate on such occasions, because its property is to tlhem. I-owever the case may be, I would cause sleep, or forgetfulness: sleep being a not, says he, lose this episode to be the au- lively emblem of death. Lcl/hra: an adj. thor of all the best criticisms that were ever from Lethum: of Greek origin. written upon it. Sub vertice: in the sense 549. Excital in thle sense of erigit.of super verticem..Monstralas: in the sense of prfcscriptas. 532. Hinc: hence, for the cause or reasons, 550. Prcstantri: in the sense of pulihro. which Proteus had just mentioned. The prep. e is understood. 533. It/a: Eurydice. agiiabat: in the 553. Jifilit: in the sense of ojfert. sense of dutcebat. 554. Monstrum: in the selse of'prodigium. 535. Tende: in the sense of offer. Klapce- 555. Liquefacta: in the sense of puit.'eas: Nymphs of the groves, from a Greek facta. u-ord, signifying a grove. Faciles: easy to 556. Stridere: to hum or buzz-efferrere De appeased. in the sense of erumnlpere. W39. Sulmma viridis: the tops of verdant 557. Trahi: to be borne along. ;GEUORGICA. LIB. IV. 157 Confluree. et lentis uvam demittere ramis. 1I!ac super arvorum cultu pecorumque canebam, Et super arboribus: C:asar dum magnus ad altum 560 Fulminat Euphratem bello, victorque volentes Per popillos dat iura, viamque affectat Olympo.. Ilio Virgilium me terrpore dulcis alebat 563. TIo tomporedulParthernope, studiis florentem ignobilis oti: ci Parthenope alebata Carniina qui lusi pastorum: audaxque juvent, Tityrc, te patulac cecini sub tegmine fagi. NOTES. 558. Con fluere: to collect together-to ever demolished it afterward, because it swarm. Demnittere: to hang from the flex- proved an Injury to Cumne, which they built ile boughs like a bunch of grapes. Depen- in the neighborhood. They re-built it atthe dere in moduin uv'c, says Ruteus. command of an oracle, and called it JVeapo562. Afecl;t niam: he prepares his way lis, or thle New City. Studiis: flourishing to heaven. By the splendor of his actions, in the studies of inglorious ease. Otiun, he lays the foundation for divine honors. very properly denotes the peaceful, and rcThese he afterward received by a decree of tired life of a philosopher: which the po( t the Senate. From thlispassage, it is infer- modestly calls inglorious, (ignobilis) in comred, tliat Virgil continued the care of the parison of a public life. Every other occuGcorgics as long as he lived; for the time pation besides war and public affairs, rehere mnentioned was only the year before his ceived from the Romans, the name of Otideatl. At that time, in the year of Rome um. Or, ignobilis may here mean private, 734. Augustus was at the head of the Ro- retired, without noise and show. This is man army on the banks of the Euphrates, the sense in which Dr. Trapp understands and forced Phrlates, king of the Parthians, it. Rumus says,pri iati otii. Otitum is proto restore the Eagles, which they had taken perly opposed to labor, in signification. Oti: from Crassus, the Roman consul, in a for- by apocope for otii. mer war. The neighboring snations, and 565. Lusi: in the sense of ceceni. Aueven the Indians, awed by the splendor of dax: in the sense of confidens. Virgil was his actions, made a voluntary submission to about twenty-nineyears of age when he behim. gan his Eclogues, and finished them when 564. Parthenope: the city Naples. It be was about thlirty-three. Mr. Wharton was founded by the Chalsidenses, and by imagines these four last lines are spurious. them called Parthenope, from the circum- He thinks the book naturally concludes stance of their finding the tomb of one of with the words: Vianique afclacta Olympo. the Sirenes, of that name; who, because For, says he, nothing can be a more complete she was unable to allure Ulysses on shore and sublime conclusion, than this compliwith her music, killed herself. They how ment to Augustus. QUESTIONS. What is the subject of this book? Whence did they receive, according to Why does the poet call honey aerial? the poets, this extraordinary sagacity What places are proper for placing the What was this in consideration of? hives? ^hi'ves? * * c IT.1 How is this fable interpreted? What direction is given for recalling the swarms, when flying away? Why was the goat transferred to heaven, Is fmls practised by bee-masters at the and made a constellation? present day? To whom were his horns given? What is the character of the poet's de- What property was added to these? scription of a battle between two discordant Was the opinion of the ancients concernswarms.? ing the production of the bee, incorrect? The poet represents the leaders under the Is that opinion now exploded? appellation of kings: Is that strictly cor- How many kinds of bees are there in the rect? hive? To which of the sexes do they belong? Of what sex are the Drones? How many different words does the poet There is only one female bee in the hive, use for the hive? and what is she called? W hat are they? What is her employment? Was Virgil remarkable for this diversity Of what sex are the laboring bees? of style? Is the bee-hive a piece of exquisite work. Is the bee a very sagacious animal? manship? 158 P. V1RGILI1 MARONIS What does the poet emphatically call the With whom was he contemporary? hives? Wthere was the city Canopus situated? How is Proteus represented as drawn I W'here was the city Canopus situated I By whom was it built? How many opinions were there among Why is it called Pellcan? the ancients of the origin of rivers? Why does the poet call the Egyptians, What were they? Gens fortunata? By what distinguished philosophers were Where does the Nile take its rise? What ids the cause aof its overflowing these different opinions maintained?'What is the cause of its overflowing? What course does it run? Which opinion does Virgil follow 7 By how many mouths does it empty? What was this grand reservoir or recep By how many months does it empty?? What does it form towards its mouth? tacle called How is the water of the Nile conducted Why were the epithets Taurinus and to the different parts of Egypt? Cornulus sometimes given to rivers? How high must it rise for that purpose? What is said of the river Achelois? If it fall short of that, what is expected? Whence arose the fable of the cortuWhat did the Romans call any people copice? living in a hot climate? Who was Orpheus? In what sense may the Nile be said to What is said of the music of his lyre? have pressed upon the borders of Persia? What effect had it upon the shades beWho was Aristaus? low? What is the character of this episode re- What effect had it upon Pluto himself? specting him? Why did he descend to the realms of Is the production of the bee, as here re- Pluto? lated, fabulous? What was the issue of it? Who was Proteus? What was the probable origin of the fable What property did he possess in an emi- of Charon and his boat? nent degree? What does Dr.Trapp observe concerning Where is he said to have had his place of this episode of Aristwus? residence? Is there reason to believe that Virgil conWhom does Herodotus make him? tinued to revise his Georgics as long as he Whom does Sir Isaac Newton consider lived? him? What is that reason? INTRODUCTION TO THIE RNEID. THE AEneid is a heroic, or epic poem. It takes its name from Aencas, the son of Anchises and Venus. By his father,hle was allied to the royal family of Troy. IHe was also the son-in-law of Priam; whose daughter, Creiisa, he had married. Eneas is the hero of the poem. Its subject is his removal into Italy with a colony of Trojans, and their settlement in that country. Virgil was forty years of age when he commenced the Eneid. HIe had just finished the Georgics: and Augustus, now thirty-three year's old, had undisturbed possession of the Roman empire. And nothing appeared to interrupt the universal repose, so desirable after the long civil wars that had desolated the fairest portions of it. It was at this moment, when the minds of the Roman pe',ple were turned from the desolating scenes of war to the milder arts of peace, that the poet conceived the plan of writing the AEneid, a poem second only to the Iliad, for the entertainment and instruction of his countrymen. There are some, who think the principal object of the poet was to flatter the pride and vanity of the Roman people, and especially Augustus, who was now raised to the highest temporal power. This part of his works is by far the noblest, though not the most perfect and finished. It was his intention to have revised it before he published it to the world; but he died leaving it incomplete, as appears by several imperfect lines found in different parts of it. lie bequeathed the whole to Augustus, who put the manuscript into the hands of Tucca and Varus for publication, with an injunction not to alter, in any way, the manuscript, nor to fill up the imperfect lines. In the first six books, Virgil imitates the Odyssey of Homer; in the last six, he follows the Iliad; and it is probable that we should not have had the AEneid, if we had not, at the same time, the Odyssey and the Iliad also. Iomer may be considered the master, Virgil the pupil; but it must, at the same time, be acknowltdged, that the Roman excelled the Grecian in many instances, particularly in propriety and judgment. Paris, the son of Priam, an accomplished prince, visited the court of Menelaus, by whom he was received with the greatest cordiality. Iere he became enraptured with the beautiful Helen, the wife of his host, and conceived the base purpose of taking her with him to Troy. Taking advantage of the absence of her husband, he put his plan into execution. This atrocious deed excited a general indignation through the states of Greece; and, after sending an embassy to Troy upon the subject, to no purpose, it was determined, as the last resort, to declare war against Priam, and with the united forces of the Grecian princes, to avenge the perfidious act. After a siege of ten years, the city was taken by stratagem, and rased to the ground. AEn.eas, in the fatal night, after performing prodigies of valor, retired 160 INTRODUCTION TO THE ~ENEID. some distance from the city, bearing his aged father upon his shoulders, and leading his little son by the hand. He was followed by great numbers of his countlryimen, who had escaped the flames and the sword. At Antandros, a small town in the neighborhood of Troy, he built him a fleet of twenty ships, and having furnished himself with all things necessary for his enterprise, set sail in search of a new settlement. He visited Thrace. Here he founded a city which he called BEnos. He abandoned his undertaking at the direction of the ghost of his friend. Thence he sailed to Crete, the land of Teucer, one of the lounders of the Trojan race. Here he attempted a settlement, but through the unhealthiness of the climate, was compelled to relinquish it, after losing a great number of his companions. In the midst of his distress, he is informed in avision, that Italy, the birth place of Dardanus, was the land destined to him by the gods. Upon this informftion he left Crete; and, after various fortunes by sea and land, he arrived in Italy in about seven years after his departure from his native land. Ile was kindly received by Iatirius, king of Latium, who pro. posed to bestow upon him his daughter Lavinia, the heiress of his kingdom. Turnus, king of the Rutuli, a brave and valiant prince, had long sought her in marriagel. lie opposed her connexion with iEneas. This occasioned a bloody war, in which most of the Italian princes were engaged, on one side or the other. It ended in the death of Turnus, which closes the lEneid. XEneas afterwards married Lavinia, and succeeded Latinus in his kingdom. He built a city, whivch he called Lavinium, in honor of his wife. This he made the seat of his government. IIe was succeeded by Ascanius, or Iiilus, who reigned thirty years, when'he built Alba longa, to which he removed with his court. Here tile government was administered by a line of Trojan princes for three hundred years, till Romulus arose, who founded the city of Rome. After Romulus, the royal line was broken, and the governnent transferred to Numa Pompilius, a Sabine. Tile three first books ire not arranged in the order of time. The second book, which relates the downfall of Troy, and is the basis of the poem, is the first in time. The third, which relates the voyage of AEneas, till after his departure from Sicily for Italy, follows. The first, which relates the disper. sion of his fleet, and his arrival in Africa, with his kind reception by Dido, succeeds the third. The rest are all in the order of time. But this change, so far from being a defect in the poems is an advantage, and shows the judgment of the poet. He was enabled thereby to make his hero relate the downfall of his country, and the various fortunes of his long and eventful voyage. The poet hath contrived to introduce into his poem the outlines of the Roman history, and a number of interesting episodes, which add to the whole beauty and entertainment. For further particulars, see the introduction to the several books. QUESTIONS. What Kind of poem is the Eneid? Do sone suppose a different object? Who is the hero of it? In what light may the iEnisd be conWhat is its subject? sidered, in regard to the Iliad? What was the age of Virgil, when he be- Did Virgil live to perfect the AEneid? gan the ~Eneid? To whom did he bequeath it? How long was he engaged in it? Under whose inspection was it published?. Who was then at the head of the Roman What gave rise to the Trojan war? empire? How long was the city besieged? What was the state of that empire? What was the issue of the siege? What probably was the principal object What did AEncas do in the fatal night? of the poet in writing the JEneid? From what place did he set sail? INTRODUCTION TO THE AENEID. 161 How many ships had he? What was the conseqtuence? What place did he first visit? What was the issue of the war? What city did he found there? What did he do afterwards? To what place did he next sail? Did he build a city? Why did he go to Crete? What did he call it? What befel him there? Who succeeded him in the government From Crete, to what place did he direct What city did Ascanius afterwards build? his course? How long did it continue to be the seat How many years elapsed before he arrived of the government? in Italy? Do the books of the /Enied follow each Why was he directed to go to Italy? other in the order of time? How was he received by Latinus? What books are not placed in this order? What prince opposed his connexion with Did this afford the poet any advantage Lavinia, the daughter of Latinus? 12 Po VIRGILI1 MARONIS JENEIS. LIBER PRIMUS. THIS Book is considered one of the finest and the most perfect of the Aneid. Its subject, and the cause of Juno's resentment being premised, it opens seven years after the embarkation of XEneas. He had now arrived in the Tuscan sea, and was in sight of Italv; when Juno, to avenge herself upon the Trojans, repaired to Eolus, and by fair promises, prevailed upon him to let loose his winds. They rush forth in every direction, and cause a violent tempest; which dispersed the Trojan fleet. It sunk one ship, and drove several others on the shore. Neptune assuages the tumult of the waves, and causes a calm. Having severely rebuked the winds for invading his dominions without his permission, he assi, ts in getting off the ships. A fter this, A~neas directs his course southward, and arrives on the coast of Africa. Venus complains to Jupiter of the hardship of her son, and prays that an end may be put to his sufferings. Whereupon, he sends Mercury to procure him a kind reception among the Carthaginians. In the mean time, lEneas walks abroad to make some discoveries of the couftry, accompanied by Achates. Venus, in the form and attire of a virgin huntress, presents herself to him. Upon his inquiry, she informs him to what country he had arrived, what were the inhabitants, their manners, and customs. She also gives him a brief account of Dido, and of the settlement of the country; and, veiled in a cloud, she conducts him to the city. Passing through the crowd unseen, he goes to the temple. Here he finds his companions, wiom he expected to be lost. Here he sees Dido, and is struck with her majesty and grace. By a device of Venus, she conceives a passion for him; which, in the end, proves her ruin. The poet hath introduced several interesting episodes; particularly the description of Carthage, the representation of the Trojan battles, the song of lopas, &c. The book concludes, leaving Dido inquiring concerning Priam, and the Trojan heroes; concerning Achilles and Diomede; concerning the Trojan disasters, the stratagems of the Greeks, and the voyage of YEneas. These form the subject of the two following books. ARMA, virumque cano, Trojae qui primus ab oris 1. Qui profugus fato, Italiam, fato profugus, Lavinaque venit primus venit ab ois Litora: miultum ille et terris jactatus et alto, Troje in italiam NOTES. 1. Virum: lEneas, the hero of the poem. to Phrygia, and founded this city in conVir, properly signifies a man, as distin- junction with Teucer, whose daughter he guished from a woman; also, the male of married. It was also called Teucria, from any species or kind, as distinguished from Teucer. the female. Troice: Troy, once a famous 2. Profugus fato: driven-impelled by city of Phrygia Minor, in the Lesser Asia; fate. AEneas left his country at the direcso called from Tros, one of its kings. It tion of the gods; and under their conduct, was sometimes called Ilium, llios, or Ilion, ho came to Italy, and settled in Latium from llus, the son of Tros; Dardania, from This circumstance the poet turns to the Dardanus, the grand-father )fTres. Having honor of ZEneas and the Romans, whom he killed his b.other Janus, he fled from Italy makes to descend from him, Lavina: an 1i64 P. V1RGILII MARONiS 5. Et passus est mul- Vi Superum, sevam memorem Jurbonis ob iram. ta quQque Multa quoque et bello passus, dum conderet urbem, 5 Inferretque Deos Latio: genus unde Latinum, Albanique patres, atque altme maenia Romm. 8. 0 Musa, nlemora Musa, mihi causas memora: quo numine laeso, mihi causas earun re- Quidve dolens regina Deim tot volvere casus rum Insignem pietate virum, tot adire labores, 0 n12. ut m Tyrii coago Impulerit. Tantaene animis ccelestibus ire? nomine, contra Italiam, Urbs antiqua fuit, Tyrii tenuere coloni, Tiberinaque ostia longe Carthago, Italiam contra, Tiberinaque longe NOTES. adj. from Lavinium, a city built by jEneas; cecded his father, left Laviniuri, and having so called from Lavinia, the daughter of La- built Alba Longa, made it the seat of his tinus, whom he married. It was situated government. This city gave birth to Ro. about eight mil.s from the shore, in lat. mulus, who founded the city Rome. The 41~ 40' north, and long. 13~ 10' east from Albans may therefore be called the fathers London. of the Romans. Albani may beoeither an 4. Ob memorem iram: on account of the adj. or a sub. lasting resentment of cruel Juno. Juno 8. Quo numine laso: what god being inwas the daughter of Saturn and Ops, and jured-what god Lad he injured. Quid: the sister and wife of Jupiter. She was. in the sense of cur. Dolens: in the sense born, some say at Argos, but others say at of offensa. Ruaeus interprets laeso by violato. Samos. She was jealous of her husband, 9. Volvere casus: to struggle with misand implacable in all her resentments. She fortunes as with a load. Rumeus takes this was enraged against Paris, the son of Priam, in the sense of vovi casibus; but it is much because he adjudged the prize of beauty, more poetical to take the verb in the active which was a golden apple, to Venus, rather voice. Volvere imports labor and difficulty, than to herself. From that moment, she like a person rolling a great weight, or a became a bitter enemy to the whole Trojan river bearing down before it all opposition. race, and even to Venus herself. Not con- Volvere casus then represents ]neas resotent with the subversion of the kingdom lutely going forward, and rising superior to of Priam, she used her endeavor to destroy all difficulties and dangers; but volvi casibus the few, who escaped the sword and the would show him overcome and vanquished flames. by misfortunes. But this is not the design Juno had sumptuous temples dedicated of the poet. to her in various places. Among the chief 10. Adire. This verb properly signifies, may be reckoned her temples at Argos, Sa- to brave dangers-to look an enemy in the mos, and Carthage. The hawk, the goose, face-to undertake any thing resolutely. and the peacock were sacred to her. Va- Labores, probably refers to the wars and rious names were given her, chiefly on ac- hardships which A'neas underwent after his count of her offices, and the places where arrival in Italy; while casus may refer to she was worshipped; some of which are the toils, dangers, and misfortunes which the following: Saturnia, Olympia, Samia, he passed through on his way thither. ItmArgiva, Lacedminonia, Lucina, Pronuba, pulerit: forced, or doomed. Sospita, and Ophegena. 12. Tyrii: an adj. from Tyrus, a city in 6. Unde Latinum genus: hence (arose) Phoenicia, on the shore of the Mediterrathe Latin race. nean. IHodie, Sur. Here is some difficulty. The Latins From this city, a colony removed to Africould not spring from /Eneas; for he found ca under Xorus and Carchedon, and settled them in Italy on his arrival. Some refer at Utica: afterwards Dido followed with the word unde to Latiumr, taking the mean- her wealth, and a great number of her ing to be: from which country sprung the countrymen, and founded, or, as some say, Latin race. Servius would explainit thus: fortified Carthage. See iEn. iv. 1. Tyrii AEneas, having overcome all opposition, and coloni: a Tyrian colony. Tenuere: inhabeing seated on the throne of Latinus, in- bited-held. Stead of changing the Latin name, as he 13. Tiberina: an adj. from Tiber, the might have done, in right of his conquest, name of a river of Italy. It rises in the incorporated his Trojans along with his sub- Appenines, and running in a south-easterly Jects under the general name of Latins, so direction, falls into the Mediterranean sea. that he might not improperly be called the A few miles above its mouth, Rome was founder of the Latin race. afterwards built. It is the second river in 7.. Abanique patres. Ascanius,who sue- size in Italy. XENEIS. LIB. I. 165 Ostia, (lives opum, studiisque asperrima belli: Quam Juno fertur terris magis omnibus unam l5 P'osthabita coiuisse Samo. IHic illius anna, lHic curriis fuit: hoc regnum Dea gentibus esse, Si qua fata sinant, jam tum tenditque fovetque. Progeniem sed enim Trojano a sanguine duci 21..udierat popnlum Autderat, Tyrias olim quma verteret arces. 20 regem late, et superbum [linc populum late regem, belloque superbum, bello, venturum esse hine Ventutum excidiexcido Liby sic aa: audierat Liby,. sic vovere Parcas. Parcas volvere sic. SaId metuens, veterisque memor Saturnia belli, turnia metuens id, mePrima quod ad Trojam pro charis gesserat Argis. morque Necdum etiam causie irarum, sevique dolores 25 29. Arcebat longe a Exciderant animo. Manet alta mente repostum Latio Troas, relliquias Judicium Paridis, spretoeque injuria formm, Danafm, atqle immitls Et genus invisum, et rapti Ganymedis honores. Achillei, jactatos toto Et genus invisum, et rapti Ganymedis honores. ~equore: actique fatis His accensa super, jactatos aequore toto errabant NOTES. 14. Dives opum: abounding in wealth. 22. Parcas: the fates. See Ecl. iv. 47. Opes properly signifies power acquired by 23. Metuens id. In the long and bloody wealth. Asperima, &c. Dedita studiis belli, war which the Greeks carried on against says IIeyne. Carthage was situated in Troy, Juno took a very active part, and exAfrica, near where Tunis now stands. The erted all her power in favor of the Greeks, Carthaginians were a very commercial peo- and she feared she should be again involved pie. They planted colonies in various parts in a similar contest with the Trojan race,in of Europe, and widely extended their con- favor of her beloved Carthage. The id requests. For along time, they disputed with fers to the whole preceding sentence. Arthe Romans the empire of the world. They gis. Argos was one of the chief cities of were brave, and much devoted to the study Greece. Here J.xno had a particular resiof the arts of war. See JEn. iv. 1. dence: put, by synec. for Greece in general. 15. Quam unaon Juno: which one city, 24. Prima: an adj. agreeing with SaturJuno is reported t4 have loved more than all nia. It appears to be used here in the sense lands. Samo posthibita: Samos being less of princeps, the chief or principal in the esteemed, or set by. Samos is an island in business. the Icarian sea, over against Ephesus. Here 25. Dolores: grief-resentment. Ruasus Juno was brought up and married to Jupiter. says, indign.ttro. Sarvi: cruel-unrelenting. Here she had a most splendid temple. 27. Judztcum Paridis: the judgment, or 17. Dea jam turh reg0;um: the goddess decision of Paris. See verse 4, supra, and even then both intended and cherished (the nom. prop. under Paris. Repostunm: bysyn. hope that) it would become the ruler over for repositum. Formce: beauty. Injuria tlhe nations-would be the capital of the affront. world. Rumus interprets Hoc regnunm gen- 28. Genus invisum. In addition to the tibuts, by illa inqeratopopulis. Heyne takes decision of Paris, Juno hated the Trojans the words in the sense of caput ismperii ter- on account of Dardanus, one of the foundrarui.:.-Currus. Juno had two kinds of ers of their race. He was the son of Juchariots, one in which she was wafted piter and Electra, the daughter of Atlas. through the air by peacocks, the other for All her husband's illegitimate children were war, drawn by horses of celestial breed. the objects of her bitter resentment. HoThese last are here meant. nores rapti Ganymedis: the honors of (con20. Olim: hereafter. ferredupon) stolen Ganymede. The office 21. Popelumn, &c. (She had heard) that of cup-bearer to the gods was taken from a people of extensive sway, and renowned Hebe, th daughter of Juno, and conferred in war, should come hence to the destruc- upon Ganymede, a beautiful youth, the son tion of Lybia. Regem is plainly in the of Tros, king of Troy. He was taken up sense of regentem, vel dominantem. Ruaeus to heaven by Jupiter in the form of an eagle, interprets excidio Lybies, by, per clademn Ly- when he was upon mount Ida. This was. bice, implying by the destruction of Car- another cause of her resentment. thage, the chief city of Africa, Rome would 29. 4lccensa super his: inflamed at these become powerful and renowned in war. things; namely, the amour of her husband The sense 1 have given is evidently in the with Electra, the honors conferred upon spirit of the poet, and the best. Hinc: Ganymede, and the decision of Paris in nence-from Trojafi blood, favor of Venus. The fear ef the future 166 P. VIRGiLIl MARONIS Troas, relliqulas Danaum atque immitis Achillei, 30 Arcebat longe Latio: nmultosque per annos Errabant, acti fatis, maria omnia circum. 33. Condere Roma- Tantae molis erat Romanam condcre gentem. nam gentem, erat opus Vix e conspectu Siculaw telluris in aitum tantin molls a35. Vix Trojani l]ti Vela dabant laeti, et spuinas salis aere ruebant; 35 dabant vela Cim Juno, aternum servans sub pectore vulnis, 37. Volvebat hbec se- HIta secum: Mene incepto desistere victam, cum; Me-ne victam Nec posse Italia TIeucrorum avertere regem? Quippe vetor fatis. Pallasne exurere classem Argivum, atque ipsos potuit submergere ponto, 40 Unius ob noxam, et furias Ajacis Oilei? NOTES. destruction of her favorite Carthage, and the does not ask a question, it either is a negarecollection of her past war, in which she tive particle, or expresses some circumstance had encountered so many difficulties, do not or condition of an action. appear the only cause of her procedure. 38. Teucrorun. The Trojans were someThey contributed, no doubt, with the other times called Teucri, from Teucer, one of their particulars just mentioned, to increase the founders. See note 1. supra. By Regemn tlame in her breast. Teucrorum we are to understand AEneas. It 30. Achillei: gen. of Achilles. He was seems now to be the purpose of Juno to the son of Peleus, king of Thessaly, and prevent the settlement of the Trojans in Thetis, a goddess of the sea. While he was Italy; and by that means, counteract the an infant, his mother dipped him all over in purposes of the gods concerning their future the river Styx, to render him invulnerable, grandeur and power; to destroy theni utterexcept the heel by which she held him. He ly, if it be possible, and disperse them over was concealed among the daughters of Ly- the deep. To this end, she applies to comedes, king of the island of Scyros, in jEolus to raise a tempest on the sea, as the female apparel, that he might not go to the most likely way to effect her object. siege of Troy. While there, he deflowered 40. Argivum: for Argivorum, by syn. Deidamia, one of the princesses, who bore properly the citizens of Argos: but by him Pyrrhus. He was, however, discovered synec. put for the Greeks in general, or any by Ulysses, and afterward went to Troy. part of them. Here it means the Locrians, lie slew Hector in single combat, and drew who, with Ajax, their king, returning home his dead body, behind his chariot, seven from Troy, were shipwrecked. Ajax was times around the walls of Troy, in revenge struck by Pallas with a thunderbolt for for his friend Patroclus, whom Hector had having ravished Cassandra, the daughter of slain in battle. And he was himself slain Priam, in the temple of Pallas. But Homer by Paris, with an arrow, which pierced his gives us a different account. He says, that heel, while he was in the temple of Thym- Ajax was drowned by Neptune, for having brian Apolio. He is sometimes called Pe- impiously boasted that he would escape the lides, from Peleus his father: also.Eacides, dangers of the sea, even against the will of from his grand-father zEacus. He is repre- the gods. sented to have been of a cruel and vindictive The Greeks are sometimes called Danai, temper, but at the same time, very brave. from Danaus, one of their kings. He led a 33..Volis: magnitude-labor-difficulty. colony from Egypt into Greece; and, for 34. Siculce: an adj. from Sicilia. Sicily his services and talents, was held in high is the largest island in the Mediterranean, estimation through all the Grecian states. ying to the south of Italy, and separated 41. Ajacis Oilei. There were two persons from it by the straits of Messina. at the siege of Troy, by the name of Ajax. 35..Ere: with the brazen prow. The Thle one here meant was the son of Oileus. beaks of their ships were of brass,or over- king of the Locrians. He went with forty laid with brass.-Dabant: spread. ships against Troy. The other was the 36. Vulnus crturnum: a lasting resent- son of Talemon king of Salamis, an island mecit. The same as memnorem iram, verse iv. in the Sinus Saronicus, between Attica, and rupra. Servans: Cfeeding, cherishing. the Morea, or Peloponnesus. It is said he 37. Me-ne viclam: shall I overcome, de- fell upon his own sword, because the armour aist from my purpose, nor be able, &c.-Me of Achilles was adjudged to Ulysses rather victam: the ace. after the verb 7olvebat, or than to himself. JVoxan et furias. These some other of the like import, understood. both refer to the crime committed by him Ae, when joined to a verb, is generallyinter- upon Cassandra. He offered violence tohel -ogative, as in the present case. When it during the sack of Troy. XNEIS. LIB. I. 16T lpsa., Jovis rapidum jaculata e nubibus ignem, Disjecitque rates, evertitque aequora ventis: Ilium expiranter transfixo pectore flammas Turbine corripuit, scopuloque infixit acuto. 45 45. Turbine corripit Ast ego, que Divum incedo regina, Jovisque ilium expirantem flaw Et soror et conjux, una cum,ente tot annos mas Bella gero: et quisquam numen Junonis adoret Praeterea, aut supplex aris imponat honorem?'Ialia flarnmato secum Dea corde volutans, 50 Nimborum in patriam, loca foeta furentibus Austris, ALoliam venit. Hic vasto rex:Eolus antro 52. Hic rex AEolus m Luctantes ventos, tempestatesque sonoras vasto antro premit imImperio premit, ac vinclis et carcere frenat. perio luctantes Illi indignantes magno cum murmure montis 55 Circum claustra fremunt. Celsa sedet LEolus arce, Sceptra tenens; mollitque animos, et temperat iras. Ni faciat, maria ac terras ccelumque profundum 58. Quippe, ni faciat Quippe ferant rapidi secum, verrantque per auras. id, illi rapidi ferant sSed pater omnipotens speluncis abdidit atris, 60 cum maria hIoc metuens: molemque et montes insuper altos Imposuit; regemque dedit, qui fcedere certo 62. Qui jussus sciret Et premere, et laxas sciret dare jussus habenas. et premere eos certo fceAd quem turn Juno supplex his vocibus usa est: dere, et dare illis laxas Aiole, (namque tibi Divum pater atque hominum rex 65 Et mulcere dedit fluctus, et tollere vento,) NOTES. 42. Ipsa jaculata. Beside Jove, several of for wind in general: the species for the the Gods and Goddesses could hurl the genus. thunder of heaven. Here Pallas is said to 52. In.Eoliam venit: she came into jEodo it, to burn the ships of Ajax, to drown lia, the country of storms. their crews, and to pierce his breast with a The,Eolian islands are seven in number, stream of lightning, situated between Italy and Sicily on the 46. Qus incedo: I who walk the Queen west. They were sometimes called Vulcanie, of the Gods, and both the sister and wife and Hephazstiades. The chief of which are of Jove, carry on war, &c. Lipara, IIiera, and Strongyle. Here Eolus Servius'observes that the verb incedo sig- the son of Hippotas reigned. He is said to nifies to walk with dignity, and in state: haveinvented sailsand tohave been great Cum dignitate aliqua ambulare: and i pro- astronomer, and observer of the winds.perly applied to persons of rank, and dis- Hence the poets make him the god of the tinguished characters. winds. Homer tells us that he gave to Ulysses all the winds, that could impede his 49. Pratered: beside-in addition to the course to Ithaca, confined in a bag; but reasons already given. If I shall show my- that his companions, out of curiosity, untied self unable to effect my purpose, and satiate it, and let out all the adverse winds. my revenge-if I shall let them alone: who 54. Frainat: he curbs or governs. This will adore, &c.-Ilonorem, in the sense of is a metaphor taken from the rider, who mavictimamn. nages his steed. Imperio: power, authority. The whole of this speech of Juno is ani- 61. Molem et altos montes: for molem altomated, full of pride and haughtiness. If rum montium, by hendiadis: the weight of Pallas, a goddess of inferior honor, dignity, lofty mountains. This mode of exp-ession and power, could destroy the fleet of Ajax, is frequent with Virgil.-Insuper in the drown his followers, and kill their leader; sense of preeterea. surely I, who am both the sister and wife 63. Premere: in the sense of cohzoere.of Jove, am able to destroy these few fugi- Atssus.: commanded by Jove. Here again tive Trojans, and their king. is a metaphor taken from the rider: Dare 51. Austris furentibus: places pregnant laxas habenas: to give loose reins-to let with furious winds..luster properly signi- the horse go at full speed.-Federe: lawdoe the south v ind; but it frequently is put rule. lb~8 ~ P. VIRGILII MARONIS Gens inimica mihi Tyrrhenum navigat aquor, Ilium in Italiam portans, victosque Penates. Incute vim ventis, submersasque obrue puppes 70. Aut age cas in Aut age diversas, et disjice corpora ponto. 70 diversas partes, tu Sunt mihi bis septern prestanti corpore Nymphae: 72. Quarum jungam tibi stabili connubio Quarum, qua forma pulchernma, Deiopeiam lDeiopeiam, que est pul- Connubio jungam stabili, propriamque dicabo: cherrima earum omnium Omnes ut tecum nieritis pro talibus annos forma, dicaboque earn Exigat; et pulchra faciat te prole parentem. 76 npropria ut exigat om- Eolus hec contra: Tuus, 6 regina, quid optes, 76. Contra Eolus res- Explorare labor: mihi jussa capessere fas est. pondit hic: O regina, Tu mihi, quodcunque, hoc regni, tu sceptra, Jovemque tuus labor est Concilias: tu das epulis accumbere Divum, 78. Tu concilias mihi Nimborumque facis tempestatumque potentem. 80 oc regi, u nqudcunquei Hec ubi dicta, cavum conversa cuspide montem est: tu concilias 81. Ubi hec dicta Impulit in latus; ac venti, velut agmine facto, sunt, impulit cavum Qua data porta, ruunt, et terras turbine perfiant. montem in latus Incubuere mari, totumque a sedibus imis 84. Incubuere mari Una Eurusque. Notusque ruunt, creberque procellis 85 Eurusque notusque Af- Africus, et vastos volvunt ad litora fluctus. ricusque creber procellis, unaque ruunt totum Insequitur clamorque virum, stridorque rudentum. nmare Eripiunt subito nubes celumque, diemque, Teucrorum ex oculis: ponto nox incubat atra. Intonuere poli, et crebris micat ignibus mther: 90 Praesentemque viris intentant oinnia mortem. Extemplo AEneae solvuntur frigore membra. Ingemit, et duplices tendens ad sidera palmas, Talia voce refert: O terque quaterque beati, NOTES. 67. Tyrrhenum mare. That part of the be. Serviusthinksno more is meantby,EoMediterranean between the islands of Cor- lus' receiving his kingdom and sceptre from sica, Sardinia, and Sicily, was called the Juno, than that " the winds are, air put into Tuscan Sea. motion; which is sometimes called Juno." 68. Ilium: Troy; by meton. for the 80. Potentem: the present part. used as a Trojans-those that survived the catastro- substantive: ruler of storms and tempests. phe of the city. See note 1. supra.-Pena- 82. Agmine facto: in a formed battalion tes: see Geor. 2. 505..-or a battalion being formed.-Impulit: 69. Incute vim: add force to your winds, he struck. and overwhelm their ships sunk in the sea. 84. Incubuere: the perf. in the sense of 71. Prestanti: in the sense of pulchro. the pres. they rest upon. 73. Dicabo propriam: I will consecrate 87. Rudentum: in the sense of funium. her (to be) your own-your peculiar pro- 90. Poli. Polus is properly that part of;perty. This passage is in imitation of Ho- the heavens, called the pole. By synec. put mer. Iliad 14. 301. for the whole heavens. Poli: the heavens 77. Labor: concern-business.-Fas est, thundered.-Ignibus: lightning.-JEther: in the sense of mquum est. in the sense of aer. 78. Tu concilias, &c. The meaning of the 92. Solvunttur: shudder-are unnerved. passage appears to be: I owe to thy favor Duplices: in the sense of ambas. and kind offices the empire of the winds, and 93. Ingenluit: he groaned. Not indeed at the power and authority of a king, which the fear of death absolutely considered, but thou didst obtain of Jove for me. Through at the prospect of dying an inglorious death thy favor also, I sit at the table of the gods. among the waves. Both duty and gratitude, therefore, impel 94. Refert: he says, or pronounces such me to comply with your request, to do thy like words. 0 terque, quaterquo beati: commands.-Regni: gen. sing. governed by Simply: O thrice happy they, to whom it hoc. It is best translated as if it were of the happened to die before the faces, &c. This same case with hoc. Concilias hoc regni, &c. mode of expression denotes the highest state tou procure for me this power, whatever it of felicity. Or, if we suppose it an apo ENEIS. LIB 1 169 Queis ante ora patrum, Troje sub mcenibus altis, 95 96. 0 Tydide, fortisContigit oppetere! 6 Danaum fortissime gentis sime gentis Danaiiw. Tydide, mene [liacis occumbere campis mene non potuisse ocNon potuisse? tuaque anitnam hanc effundere dextra? cumbere Iliacis Sevus ubi XEacidae telo jacet Hector, ubi ingens 100. Ubi Simois volvit sub undis tot scuta Sarpedon: ubi tot Simois correpta sub undis 100 galeasque, et fortia corScuta virum, galeasque, et fortia corpora volvit. pora virum Talik jactanti stridens Aquilone procella 102. Procella stridens Velurn adversa ferit, fluctusque ad sidera toilit. ab aquilone, adversa ili Franguntur reini: turn prora avertit, et undis actanti talia, ferit veDat latus: insequitur cumulo praeruptus aquae mons. 103. otus torquet Hi sulmmo in fluctu pendent: his unda dehiscens 106 tres naves abreptas in Terram inter fluctus aperit: furit aestus arenis. latentia saxa, illa saxa, Tres Notus abreptaNs in saxa latentia torquet; quai in mediis fluctibus, Saxa, vocant Itali, mediis que in fluctibus Aras, Iali vocant aras; quo ~Ts\ ~ ~ * *' m ~ r~ 11 ~ wruumirnmane dorsum est Dorsum irnmane marl summo. Tres Eurus ab alto 110 r summo marn. Eurus In brevia et syrtes urget, miserabile visu; urget tres naves ab alto NOTES. strophe to those, who fell on the plains of used with this discrimination. Jactanti; Troy, fighaing for their country, we may in the sense of dicenti. render it: 0 thrice happy ye, to whom, &c. 103. A.dversa: an adj. agreeing with proThis last is the more animated and poetical. cella. As Eneas was steering toward Italy, The former is the sense of Ruaus. a north wind would be in his face, or against 97. Tydide. Diomede, the son of Tydeus, him. king of Etolia. He was wounded by _Ene- 105. Insequitur. Nothing can exceed this as in a combat. Me-ne poluisse: the ace. picture of a rolling billow. It follows (seafter the verb refert, or some other of the quitur) rolling along, constantly on the insame import, understood: why could I not crease, (cumulo) till it becomes a broken and have fallen on the Trojan plains? &c. rugged mountain of water: preruptus mons 98. Eftundere: in the sense of amittcre.- aquae. Jacet: lies slain. 107. Aperit terram. So high did the 99. Scevus Hector: valiant Hector. He waves roll, that between them the sand or was the son of Priam and Hecuba, and the bottom of the sea appeared visible. This bravest of all the Trojans. He was at last may not appear incredible, when it is conslain by Achilles, and his dead body drawn sidered that they were near shore, aihd on behind his chariot around the walls of Troy, shallows. Dehiscens: opening. Rumus inand thle tomb of Patroclus, whorn Hector terprets unda, by mare..sstus: the tide, had slain some time before. It was after- or current. wards ransoned by Priam at a great price, 108. Saxa. These rocks are generally and honorably buried..Eacidee: Achilles. supposed to be the.Egates, three Islands See note 30. supra. not far from the western promontory of Si100. Sarpedon.'He was the king of Ly- cily, where the Romans and Carthaginians cia, and came to the assistance of Priam.- made a treaty, which ended the first Punic IIe was slain by Patroclus. It is said that war. They received the name of altars, he was the son of Jupiter by Laodamia. from the oaths that were then.made by the Simois: a river in Troas, rising out of contracting parties. There is a difficultyin Mount Ida, and flowing into the Scamman- this interpretation. For it is said their huge der, and with it into the Hellespont, near back was in the surface of the water, and the promontory of Sigeum. Correpta: car- in the preceding line they a-e called latentia ried-hurried.down its current. Viram, by saxa. Abreptas: driven-forced. syn. for virorum: of heroes. The poet here 111. Brevia et Syrtes: shoals and quickalludes to the bloody battle fought on the sands. Syrtis is properly a large bank of banks 9f this river, between the Greeks and sand made by the action of the water.Trojans, related by Homer; in which the There were two of these banks, or Syrtes on latter sutfered a signal defeat. the coast of Africa, called the Syrtis MJajor. 102. Procella: properly, a storm at sea. and the Syrtis Minor: the former lay to the Hyenms, a cold storm in the winter. JXim- east of Carthage, at a considerable distance; bus, a storm of rain witl black angry clouds the latter nearly opposite. Urget: in the and wind; a squall. Imber, a gentle show- sense of impellit. JMiserabile: shocking — or of rain. They are, however, not alwa.vs distressing. Visu, is either the supine in u, li0 P VP. V1RGILII MARONIS Illiditque vadis, atque aggere cingit arenae. 114. Ingmns pontus, Unarn, qum Lycios fidumque vehebat Orontcm. an'e oculos.Eneae ip- Ipsius ante oculos ingens a vertice pontus Bius, ferit a vestice unam In puppim ferit: excutitur pronusque magister 115 naztem in puppin, qur Volvitur in caput: ast illam ter fluctus ibidem vehebat 116. Ast circumagens Torquet agens circum, et rapidus vorat rquore vortex fluctus-torquct illam na- Apparent rari nantes in gurgite vas:o vtml ter ibidem Arma virum, tabulaeque et Troia gaza per undas 118. Homines appa- Jam validam Ilionei navem, jan fortis Achatae; 120 rent rari nantes in vasto Et qua vectus Abas, et qua grandaevus Alethes, gurgite. 9ppfarent quo-'' * * X gurgite. ppar en quo- Vicit hyems: laxis laterum compagibus omnes que arma 120. Hfyems vicit jam Accipiunt inimicum imbrem, rimisque fatiscunt. validam navem Ilionei; Interea magno misceri murmure pontum, jam naverm fortis Acha- Emissamque hyemem sensit Neptunlus, et imis 125 tAae; et navete, n qua Stagna refusa vadis: graviter commotus, et alto Abas vectus est, et naveme, in qua Prospiciens, summa placidum caput extulit unda 125. Neptunus sensit Disjectam /Eneae toto videt aequore classem, pontum Fluctibus oppresses Troas, ccelique ruina. 126. Stagna refusa Nec latuere doli fratrem Junonis, et irm. )130 29. ETroasppres- Eurum ad se Zephyrumque vocat: dehinc talia fatur sos esse fluctibus Tantane vos generis tenuit fiducia vestri? 133. Jam audetis, O Jam ccelum terramque, meo sine numine, venti, NOTES. to be seen; or, for vzsui, the dat. of visus, Fatiscunt rimis: gape open in cracks, or to the sight. See Eel. 5. 29. leaks. 112. Vadis: against the bottom. Vadum 126. Stagna: plu. of stagnum, the bottom is properly a shallow part of the sea; or a or deep part of the sea. Alto: altum, the part of a river that may be forded. Aggere: deep, or open sea-out of sight of land.a bank of sand. Freturn, a strait, or narrow sea. Pelagus 113. Lycios. The Lycians were a people the sea near the land. But they are not of Asia Minor, who came to assist Priam. always used with this discrimination. After the death of Sarpedon their king, they 127. Placidunm. This must refer either to chose to accompany Agneas. Orontes took Neptune's natural character-to his mildthe command of them. ness in regard to the Trojans, or to the ef114. Pontus: here put for a wave of the feet, which his countenance had upon the sea, by synec. It was so great that it seem- raging sea. For he was greatly moved, ed as if the whole ocean was breaking upon graviter commotus, at the winds, for invading the ship. A vcrlice. Some understand by his realms without his permission. this, the head or prow of the ship. The 129. Ruina ccli: with the ruin of heaven. common acceptation of the word is the These words strongly denote the violence best: from above. It was so high that it of the tempest-the floodsof rain-the thunappeared to fall down upon the ship. derings and lightnings: all which seemed to 115. Pronus. I take this to denote the threaten the destruction of the world. posture of the helmsman, bending or stoop- 130. Doli Junonis: the wiles of Juno, and ing forward, in order to stand more firmly. her anger, did not lie concealed from her The helmsman (nmagisler) is thrown from brother —-had not escaped the knowledge of his feet, and tumbled headlong into the sea. her brother. Neptune and Juno were chil. 117. Circumagens fiuctus: the whirling dren of Saturn and Ops. See Geor. i. 14. water. 132. Ttnta-nefiducia: hath so great con118. Rari: scattered here and there.- fidence of your race possessed you? The Gurgite: in the sense of mari. winds were the offspring of Aurora and 119. Gaza: this word, signifies all kinds Astraus, one of tile Titans. Neptune hero of valuable furniture, as well as treasures intimates, that if they imitated the rebellion of gold and silver. of the Giants, their ancestors, they must 122. Conmpagibus: the seams or streaks expect to share in their punishment; or, at of the sides being loosened, they all let in least, they could not expect to escape with the hostile water. Imber, though properly impunity. a shower of rain, is here used for water in 133. JVumine: in the sense of auctoriiate general. Hyemns, in the sense of tempestas. vel voluntate. Moles in the sense ofJfuctus .ENE1S. 1. IB.. 171 Miscere, et tantas audetis tollere moles? Venti, miseere coelum Quos ego-Sed motos prmstat componere fluctus. 135 terramlque P6st mihi non sirnili puena commissa luetis. Maturate fugam, regique liec dicite vestro: Non illi imperiun pelagi, saevumque tridentem, 138. Imperium pelag, Sed milli sorte datum: tenet ille inmmania saxa, sevumque tridentem Vestras, Eure, donms: illa se jactet in aula 140 non datum esse illi, sed lolus, et clauso ventorum carcere regnet. Sic ait: et dicto citius tumida aequora placat, Collectasque fugat nubes, Solemque reducit. Cy nothoe simul, et Triton adnixus, acuto Detrudunt naves scopulo: levat ipse tridenti, 145 Et vastas aperit syrtes, et temperat Tequor; Atque rotis summas levibus perlabitur undas. Ac, veluti magno in populo cum saepe coorta est Seditio, scevitque animis ignobile vulgus; Jamque faces et saxa volant; furor arma ministrat: 150 Turn, pietate gravem ac meritis si forte virum quem 151. Turn, si forte cnConspexere, silent, arrectisque auribus adstant. epexerequem virum gra. Ille regit dictis animos, et pectora mulcet. vem pietate et ertis, Sic cunctus pelagi cecidit fragor; mquora postluam 153. Ille vir regit aniProspiciens genitor, cceloque invectus aperto, 155 mos Flectit equos, curruque volans dat lora secundo.. Con t r\>~.c *s ^.*~.r~ 158. Contenduht peDefessi Eneada, qum proxima litora cursu tere litora, que sunt Contendfnt petere, et Libywe vertuntur ad oras. proxima in cursu NOTES. 135. Quos ego. Here puniam, or some and could calm and embroil the sea at his word of the like import, is understood: pleasure. Many of the marine gods were whom I will punish, or chastise. But it is called Tritons, but the name is properly apbetter to still the raging waves, before I plicable to those only that were half man do it. and half fish. Leva t: assists-lightens. 136. Post non luetis mihi: hereafter ye 148. dc veluti cum: as when -in a great shall not atone to me for your offences crowd, a tumult often rises, and the ignoble with a like punishment. Neptune here in- throng rages in their minds, &c. timates it to be a matter of clemency in him This comparison is extremely beautiful, in permitting them to escape; but they must as well as just. Nothing can be more probeware; the next time they tlus presume, per to represent the disorder and havoc of he shall chastise them in an exemplary a violent hurricane, than the rage and the manner. desolation occasioned by an incensed mob. 138. Imperium pelagi. In the division of The suddenness, with which the noisy -waves the world between the sons of Saturn, the subside, and sink into a calm, as soon as sea fell to Neptune, the heavens and the Neptune surveys them, is finely marked by earth to Jupiter, and the regions below to the awe and silence, with which the sediPluto. Stevum: in the sense of potentem. tious multitude is immediately struck, at 139. Tenet immania: let him possess the sight of a man of superior merit and those wild and uncultivated rocks, thy ha- authority. oitations, O east wind. Inmania saxa are 150. Arma: in the sense of tela. Grathe realms of 2Eolus, mentioned verse 52, vem: in the sense of insignem. Ai'rectis supra. with listening, or attentive cars. 140. Jactel se: boast, or glory..ula: 155. Ccelo. Ccelum here means simply, in the sense of regia. the air. He was wafted in the open air. 142. Citiis diclo: sooner than said. The just above the surface of the ocean. Fracomp. cities governs dicto, in the abl. Pla- gor: the raging, or tumult. cat: calms. 156. Curru: the dat. for currui. See 144. Cymothoe: a nymph of the sea, the Edl. v. 29. Secundo: light-easy-moving. daughter of Nereus and Doris. Triton: 157. JEneadce: thle Trojans; so called the son of Amphitrite. His upper part was from Eneas, their leader. Contendunt: like a man, and his lower part like a fish. they strive to reach, or get to the nearest fie was very powerful among the sea-gods, shore. 172 P. VIRG1LII MARONIS Est in secessu longo locus: insula portum 160. Quibus lateribus Efficit objectu laterum: quibus omnis ab alto 160 oninis unda veniens ab Frangitur, inque sinus scindit sese unda reductos. alto frangiltur, scindit YT -; frangitur, scindit IIin atque hinc vast rupes,gemiique minantur In celum scopuli: quorum sub vertice late IEquora tuta silent: tum sylvis scena coruscis Desuper, horrentique atrum nemus imminet umbra. 165 166. Est antrum in Fronte sub adversa scopulis pcndentibus antrum: pendentibus scopulis Intus aquae dulces, vivoque sedilia saxo; 167. Intus sunt dulces v aqua, sediliaque e vivo Nympharum domus: hic fessas non vircula naves saxo: videtur domus Ulla tenent; unco non alligat anchora morsu. Huc septem /Eneas collectis navibus omni 170 Ex numero subit: ac magno telluris amore Egressii, optata potiuntur Troes arena, Et sale tabentes artus in litore ponunt. Ac priinum silici scintillam excudit Achates 175. Circumdedit ari- Suscepitque ignem foliis, atque arida circum 175 da Nutrimenta dedit, rapuitque in fomite flammam. 177. Tur fessi rerum Turn Cererem corruptam undis, Cerealiaque arma expediunt Cererem Expediunt fessi rerum: frugesque receptas Et torrere parant flammis, et frangere saxo. iEneas scopulum interea conscendit, et omnem 180 Prospecturn late pelago petit, Anthea si qii Jactatum vento videat, Phrygiasque biremes, Aut Capyn, aut celsis in puppibus arma Caici. NOTES. 159. Longo secessu: in a long or dark re- drenched with salt water-dripping with cess. This description of the port and salt water. harbor is beautiful in itself, and seasonably 176. Arida nutrimenta: dry fuel. Ignem: introduced to relieve the reader, and cor- the spark struck from the flint. Rapuil: pose his mind, after having dwelt upon the he quickly kindled a flame among the fuel. former images of horror and distress. 177. Cererem corruptam: their grain da160. Objectu: in the sense of oppositu. maged by the water-wet. For Ceres, see Eel. v. 79. Jrma: properly, the instru162. Rupes: properly, a precipice, or 1broken rock. opuerl, a phigh, sarp roc ments or tools of any art or profession. Cebroken rock. Scopulus, a l high, sharp rock. therfreill betheinstruent reach, or extend to heaven. or utensils used in breaki corn, and preor utensils used in breaking corn, and prereach, or extend to heaven. paring it for eating. 164. Scena sylvis: an arbor formed of 178. Fessi rerum: weary of their misforwaving trees, and a grove dark with its awful tunes-their toils-their dangers. Fruges shade, hangs over it from above. RuMus receptas: the grain saved. The same with interprets scena by ulnbraculunm. Cererem, just mentioned. 166. Sub adversa fronte. This cave was 179. Parant torrere. RuEus takes torrere -ight in front, or opposite to them, as they in the sense of coquere; and in that case it entered the harbor, and approached the follows frangere, which must be connected shore. Pondentibus: its roof was arched with fruges receptas: they prepare to break with rocks. Ruaus sayssuspensis, forpen- the corn, and to bake it into bread. But dentibus. torrere may be taken for the act of drying 169. Nonulla vincula tenent. The mean- the corn that had been wet, and partially ingis: the harbor was so safe and secure, damaged by the water; which must pre, that ships needed neither cables nor anchors. cede its being broken, or prepared for ma. JMorsu: the fluke. king bread. Expediunt: they unlade, or 170. Huc JEneas: here ZEneas entered fetch it out of their ships. with seven ships, collected, &c. He left 181. Anthea: a Greek ace. of Antheus. Troas with twenty ships. One he had just 182. Biremes: biremis is properly a gallost, and the rest were scattered in the ley of two banks of oars. See En. v. 119. storm, but were not lost. 183. Arnia Caici: the arms of Caicus: 173. Artus tabentes sale their limbs that is, Caicus himself. .ENEIS.. B. I 173 Navein in conspectu nullain; tres litore cervos Prospicit errantes: hos tota armenta sequuntur 185 185. Hs tres ductore A tergo, et longum per valles pascitur agmen. a tergo Constitit hic, arcuimque,manu celeresque sagittas Corripuit, fidus qum tela gerebat Achates. Ductoresque ipsos priminl, capita alta ferentes Cornibus arboreis, sernit: tur vulgus, et omnem 190 Miset agens telis nemora inter frondea turbam. Nec priEus absistit, quam septern ingentia victor Corpora fundat humi, et numerum cun navibus wquet. IIinc portum petit, et socios partitur in omnes. Vina, bonus que deinde cadis onerarat Acestes 19; 195. Deinde dividit Litore Triiacrio, dederatque abeuntibus heros, vina,que bonus Actes............. i * —.A,, onerarat in cadis TrinaDividit, et dictis mcrrentia pectora mulcet: crio litore, herosque de O socii, (neque enim ignari sumus ante malorum) derat illis abeuntibus O passi graviora: dabit Deus his quoque finem. 199. 0 vos passi graVos et Scyllanam rabiem, penitusque sonantes 200 viora Acceistis scopulos; vos et Cyclopea saxa Experti: revocate animos, maestumque timorem 202. Vos expert qti/ hMittite: forsan et hac olim meminisse juvabit. Per varies casus, per tot discrimina rerum,'rendimus in Latium; sedes ubi fata quietas 205 Ostendunt: illic fas regna resurgere Troja. Durate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis. Talia voce refert: curisque ingentibus aeger, Spem vultu simulat, prelnit altum corde doloremn. Illi se praedm accingunt dapibusque futuris. 210 NOTES. 186..f tergo. This might seem mere 198. Ante malorum: of past evils,r distautology, but it is consistent with the tiesses. Rumus takes ante here in tl^ sense purest Latin. Cicero says: Adolescens cursu of prceterilorum. Or perhaps, ma'oriam qua a lergo insequens. Longum agmen: the fuerunt ante'. long, or extended herd. 200. Vos accestis: ye have approached 189. Ferentes alta: bearing their lofty both the rage of Scylla, and the rocks roarheads with branching horns. The poet fine- ing within. See Eel. vi. 74, and 4En. iii. ly describes the leaders. They move with 420. Opposite the rock of Scylla is Chaa degree of majesty, having their heads rybdis, a dangerous whirlpool; which, taken erect, and their horns branching out like together, render the passage of the straits trees. Gerebatl in the sense offerebat. between Sicily and Italy very hazardous. 191. Agens telis vulgus: pursuing with Hence arose the proverb: Incidit in Scyllamn, his weapons the herd and the rest of the qui vult vitare Charybdem. This Charybdis, throng, among the leafy groves, lie disperses as fable says, was a voracious old woman, theml-he puts them into confusion by who stole tle oxen of Hercules. For which, breaking their ranks. The word misceo, as being struck by the thunder of Jove, she was here used, is beautiful and expressive. Om- turne-l into this whirlpool. Accestis: by netr turbam: in the sense of reliquam nmul- syn. for accessistis. tiludinem. 203. Olim: hereafter. Discrimina: itr 194. Partitur: he divides them among the sense of pericula. all his companions. He had killed seven 207. Secundis rebus: preserve yourselves huge deer, so that there.was one for the for prosperity. Durate: persevere. crew of each ship. 203. gEgcr ingentibus: oppressed with 195. Acesies. See JEn. v. 35. Onerarat: heavy cares, (full of anxious solicitude for had put in casks, and given them. his friends,) he dissembles hope on his coun196. Trinacrio: an adj. from Trinacria, tenance, but represses, &c. Refert: in the a name of Sicily, derived from its triangular sense of dicit. form. Its three promontories are: Pachy- 210. Accingunt se: they prepare themnum. on the south; Lilyqbaus, on the west; selves for. Tergora: the skins or hides of lnd Pelorus, on the north. the slain deer. 174 P. VIRGILI1 MARONIS Tergora diripiunt costis, et viscera nudant: Pars in frusta secant, verubusque trementia figunt Litore ahcna locant alii, flarnmasque ministrant. Turn victu revocant vires: fusique per herbam, 212. Figunt frusta Implentur veteris Bacchi, pinguisque ferinax. el adhuc trelentia verubus Postquam exempta fames epulis, mensteque remctae, 216. Exempta est Anissos longo socios sermone requirunt, 218. Seu credant eos Spemque metumque inter dubii: seu vivere credant, Sive extrema pati, nec jam exaudire vocatos 220. IEncas gemit se- Praecipue pius Aineas, nunc acris Orontei, 220 tum nune casumI acris Nunc Amyci casum gemit, et crudelia secum Orontei; nun casum Fata Lyci, fortemque Gyan, fortemqque Cloanthunl. Et jam finis erat: cum Jupiter wathere summno Despiciens mare velivolum, terrasque jacentes, 227. Atque Venus Litoraque, et latos populos; sic vertice cceli 225 tristior, et suffusa quoad Constitit, et Libya defixit lumina regnis. nitentes oculos alloqui jactanm p - tur ilium jactanuem Atque illum tales Jactantem pectore curas, 229. 0 lu, qui regis Tristior, et lachrymis oculos suffusa nitentes, res hominumque Alloquitur Venus: 0, qui res homrnumque Detinmque NOTES. 211. Viscera: neu. plu. of viscus, or vis- panions an example of magnanimous forticuit. It properly signifies all the parts of tude only, which rises superior to dangers tle animal within the skin. Here it means and misfortunes. the flesh. 224. Velivolum: navigable. Jacentes ter212. Pars secant: a part cut into pieces. ras: the earth may be said to be lying (jaN ouns of multitude may have verbs in the cens) still, dead and at rest, in opposition to sirngular or plural. the sea, which is always hi motion. The 213. A.hena: neu. plu. brazen dishes or poet considers here the sails of a ship under vessels. An adj. taken as a substantive.-' the notion of wings, by which it flies over.Mlinistrant jtfamnas: tend the fires. the sea, as a bird moves through tle air.215. Imrplentur. This is in imitation of Ruaus takes jacentes in the sense of humithe Greeks, with whom verbs of filling go- les: low-lying low. Populos: in the sense vern the genitive. Bacchi: in the sense of of gentes. vini. 225. Vertice: the pinnacle of heaven: 217. Requirunt: they inquire after their the zenith, or point over our heads. lost companions-converse about them. 226. Defixit oculos. Dr. Trapp observes, 219. Pati extrema: to suffer death- that nothing to him breathes the soul of podeath being the last of all earthly things.- etry, particularly Virgil's, more than this Pati: the present in the sense of the perf. delightful passage, in which the majesty of Vocatos nee jam: being invoked, should not Jupiter, and the beautiful grief of Venus are now hear. This alludes toa custom among so finely contrasted. She still remembers, the Romans, of calling the dead three times in all the abruptness of extreme sorrow. by name: which was the last ceremony in that she is addressing the almighty Thunfuneral obsequies. After which, the friends derer, and yet maintains all the sweetness pronounced the word Vale, three times, as of female complaint, and tender expostulathey departed from the tomb. The same tion. Jactantem: in the sense of toltenwas observed of those, who perished by tern. shipwreck, or otherwise, when their bodies 228. Suffusa oculos: wet, as to her shicould not be found. ning eyes, with tears. See Eel. i. 55. Fe220..Eneas gemit ~ Eneas laments now male beauty never appears so engaging, and the fate of brave Orontes, now, &c. The makes so deep an impression upon the bemost exalted and heroic minds are the most holder, as when suffused wi'th tears, and susceptible of humanity and compassion.- manifesting a degree of anxious solicitude. Virgil therefore says: Praccipue' pius Jineas The poet therefore introduces Venus in that gemit. But at the same time, he conducts situation, making suit to her father. The his grief witi prudence, and carefully avoids speech is of the chastest kind, and cannot whatever would tend to discourage the rest; fail to charm the reader. and therefore it is said, that he grieves pri- 229. Venus. The goddess of beauty and vately, secunm, keeping his sorrow and grief love. She is said to have sprung from thi.n his own bosom; and sho:ing to his com- foam of the sea, near the islan I of Cyprus ANEIS. LIB. I. 175 AEternis regis imperiis, et fulmine terres, 230 230. Terres mrundum Quid meus AEneas in te committere tantum, fulmine: quid tantum *uid.ran A a 1 > * a~sceluspotuit meus Enea Quid Troes potuere? quibus tot funera passis, committere in te! Cunctus ob Italiam terrarum clauditur orbis? 234. Certe pollicitus Certe hine Romanos olim, volventibus annis, es Romanos orituros esse IIinc fore ductores, revocato a sanguine Teucri, 235 hinc olim, annis volvenQui mare, qui terras omni ditione tenerent, tibus, fore ductores hine /i revoctio sanguino Pollicitus: qua te, genitor, sententia vertit? revocato sanguine HIoc equidem occasum Trojae tristesque ruinas Teucri, Equi tenerent Solabar, fatis contraria fata rependens. promisso solabar occaNOTES. or according to Hcsiod, near the island of 235. Revocalo, &c. Commentators are Cythera. She was taken up to Heaven, divided in opinion, on these words. Corrawhen all the Gods were struck with her dus takes sanguine Teucri, for the Trojans, beauty, and became jealous of her superior the offspring of Teucer; and revocato, in the attractions. Jupiter attempted, in vain, to sense of restituto. Rueus rejects this in gain her affection; and as a punishment to part. By sanguine Teucri, he understands her, for the refusal, bestowed her upon his the Trojans; and by rerocalo, their return deformed son Vulcan. She, however, had into Italy, whence Dardanus, the founder many intrigues with Mars, Mercury, and of their race, originated. The blood of TeuBacchus. Ier partiality for Adonis, indu- cer, and that of Dardanus, were united in ced her to leave Olympus. She also had the Trojans, their descendants. Revocato: an affection, it is said, for Anchises, and for recalled-called back to take possession of his sake, often visited the Groves of Mount the land of their ancestor. Ida. By him she had Eneas. 236. Ditione: sway-authority. TeneVenus possessed a mysterious girdle or rent: in the sense of regerent. Sententia: cestus, which gave to any, however ugly and in the sense of consilium. deformed, beauty, elegance, and grace. Her 238. Hoc quidem: with this promise, I worship was universally established. The was mitigating the fall, and sad catastrorose, the myrtle, and the apple, were sacred phe of Troy:-I was consoling myself, at, to her. The dove, the swan, and the spar- &c., row, were her favorite birds. 239. Fatis rependens contraria: to these She had various names, derived chiefly fates balancing, (or placing) fates contrary, from the places where she was worshipped; or of an opposite nature. Fatum, as here or from some property or quality she was used, may mean, either the purposes of the thought to possess. Some of which, are the gods concerning the Trojans, or simply, their following: Cypria, from the island Cyprus: fortune or destiny. Their city had been Paphia, from Paphos: Cytherea, from the rased, and a numerous train of ills had beisland Cythera; in each of which places fallen them. These, we are to understand she had splendid temples. She was also by fatis. By fata contraria, it is plain, we called Telepegema,bccause she presided over are to understand prosperity, or a state of marriage: Verticordia, because she turned things different from their former one. Or, the hearts of women to chastity: Etaira, if fata be taken for the purposes of the because she was the patroness of courtezans: gods toward them, the interpretation will Acidalia, from Acidalus, a fountain in Beo- be the same. tia: Basilea, because she was the queen of The downfall of Troy was a very afflictlove: Myrtea, because the myrtle was sa- ing circumstance to Venus. She strove cred to her: Libertina, on account of her hard to prevent it. And after the event, she inclinations to licentious amours: Pontea,e consoled herself with the cousideration, that JMarina, Lemnesia, and Pelagea, because she Troy was destined to rise again-that their sprung from the sea. The word Venus is race was to be restored to the land of Daroften taken for beauty and love; also for danus, and there become the rulers of the the object of love-the person loved. It is world. This lightened her sorrow, and asused sometimes for any sensual passion, or suaged her grief. Here, perhaps, it may be lust-the intercourse of the sexes. Imperiis: asked, if she knew that the future glory of in the sense of potentia. the Trojan race had been decreed and fixed 233. Quibus passis: against whom, suf- by fate; why does she appear to express so fering so many deaths, the whole world, much anxiety and solicitude upon that sub&c. ject? It may be said, that the opposition 234. Hinc: hence-from the Trojans. which Juno made to it, might make her,Dutores: probably, as Heyne observes, we doubt, and her mind waver. For, Jupiter tie to understand JuliusCmsar, and Octavius. alone had a perfect insight into futul ity, and 176 P. VIRGILII MARONIS sum, tristesque ruinas Nunc eadem fortuna viros tot casibus actos 240 Troje Insequitur: quem das finem, rex magne, laborum e 242. Antenor elapsus Antenor potuit, mediis elapsus Achivis, mediis Achivis potuit llyricos penetrare sinus, atque intima tutus t penetrare Regna Liburnorum et fontem superare Timavi: Unde per ora novem vasto cum murmure montis 245 It mare proruptum, et pelago premit arva sonanti. ilic tamen ille urbem Patavl sedesque locavit Teucrorum, et genti nomen dedit, armaque fixit Troia: nunc placida compostus pace quiescit. 2b0. Nos, quibus tu Nos, tua progenies, cceli quibus annuis areem, 250 annuis arcema cceli, na- Navibus, infandum! amissis, unius ob iram vibus, O infandum! Prodimur, atque Italis longe disjungimur oris. amissis prodimur peri- Hic pietatis honos? Sic nos in sceptra reponis! ulis ob ira Junos lli subridens hominum sator atque Deorum, 253. Est-ne nic honos Vultu, quo ccelum tempestatesque serenat, 255 nostrce pietatis? sic Oscula libavit natae: dehinc talia fatur: NOTES. the rest of the gods, knew no more than he neighboring people gave to it the name of was pleased to reveal to them. See ZEn. sea. It was formed, says he, by the conflulii. 251. ence of nine streams, issuing from a mounIt is said, by some, that Virgil makes even tain. It is, however, at the present, a small Jupiter subject to fate or destiny. But from and inconsiderable stream, falling into the several passages, it will appear, that his Adriatic, near Istria. notion of fate was truly philosophical. He 245. Unde: whence-from the fountain. makes fate to be nothing more than the de- The novem ora, I take to mean the nine crees, purposes, or counsels of Heaven, pro- streams which formed the river, and not so nounced by the mouth of Jove; as the ety- many channels, through which it fell into the mology of the word implies. He oftencalls sea. Os signifies the fountain, or head of a destiny Fata deorum, which can mean no- river, as well as its mouth. thing else than the Divine decrees, or coun- 246. It: it pours along. Proruptum: sels. And, if he give to fate the epithets, rough-swollen. Premit overflows-deinexpugnabileandinexorabile,he must mean luges. Thompson has finely imitated, in that the laws and order of nature are fixed his "Winter," this description of the Tiand unchangeable, as being the result of mavus. Infinite wisdom and foresight, and having 249. Compostus: by syn. for compositus. their foundation in the Divine mind, which settled. Fixit: in the sense of suspendit. is subject to none of those changes that af- Jos. Here Venus speaks in the person of fect feeble and erring mortals. JEneas to show how nearly she had his in242. Antenor. lie was a noble Trojan. terest at heart. Annuis: in the sense of After the sack of Troy, he led a colony of promittis. Thou hast promised that after Trojans, and Henetes, a people who came death he should be received among the to assist Priam, and lost their king, in quest gods-should be deified..Arcem coeli: the of a settlement. After various toils and dis- court or palace of heaven. asters, he arrived at the head of the Adriatic, 251. Infandum. This word is thrown in and having expelled the Euganes, a people like an interposing sigh, when she comes to inhabiting between the Alps and the sea, he the most moving part of her complaint; took possession of their country. He built and the artful pauses in this and the two a city called Antenorea, after his own name. following lines, together with the abrupt Some say he built Patavium, now Padua. manner in which the speech breaks off, show The whole nation was called Veneti. her quite overpowered by the tide of her grief. 243. Illyricos: an adj. from Illyricum, an Unius: of one, to wit, Juno. Prodimur: extensive country en the borders of the we are given up to destruction-we are Adriatic, over against Italy, including the doomed to toils, misfortunes, and dangers. ancient Liburnia and Dalmalia. Penetrare: through the resentment and influence of in the sense of intrare. Juno. 244. Superare fontem Timavi: to pass be- 253. Hones: reward-recompense. yond the fountain of Timavus. We are told 254. Olli: for illi, by antithesis. Sator: by Servius, on the authority of Varro, that in the sense of pater. the Timavus was a large river, and the 256. Libavit: he kissed the lips Of his IlNEIS. LIB. 1. 177 Parce metu, Cytherea: rnanent immota tuorum Fata tibi: cernes urbem et promissa Lavini Moenia, sublimemque feres ad sidera ccli Magnanimumn Eneanm, neque me sententia vertit. 260 Hic( (tibi fabore enim, quando hmec te cura remordet; 261. Hic geret ingean Longius et volvens fatorurn arcana movebo) bellum in Jtali Bellurn ingens geret Italia, populosque feroces Contundet, moresque viris et menia ponet: Tertia dumn Latio regnantemn viderit aestas, 265 Ternaque translerint Rutulis hyberna subactis. At puer Ascianus, cui nunc cognomen liilo 267. At puer Asca. Additur (Ilus crat, dum.res stetit Ilia regno) nius, cui nunc cogno*men lulo additur, expleTriginta magnos, volvendis mensibus, orbes bit imperio trigintamagImperio explebit, regnumque ab sede Lavinl 270 nos orbes, mensibus Transferet, et longam multa vi muniet Albam. Hic jam tercentum totos regnabitur annos 273. Donc Ilia, reGente sub Hectorea; donec regina sacerdos g sacerdos, rav Marte gravis, geminam partu dabit Ilia prolem. Marte dabit NOTES. daughter. The name Venus was given to 268. Ilia res: the Trojan state. Ilia: an adj several. The one here meant, is the daugh- from Ilium, a name of Troy. See 1. supra. ter of Jupiter and Dione, but is often con- 269. Orbes: in the sense of annos. founded with her, who sprung from the 270. Imperio: government-reign. La froth of the sea. See 229. supra. vini: by apocope for Lavinii. See 2. su257. Metu: for metui. See Eel. v. 29. pra. Vi: labor-strength. Cylherea: Venus. 273. Hecloreagente: under a Trojan line. 261. Fabor: in the sense of dicam. After the building of Rome, Alba continued 262. Movebo arcana: I will unfold the se- for a considerable time an independent gocrets of the fates, tracing (volvens) them vernment, and was a rival of the new city. down to a great distance of time. Remur- It was finally destroyed by the Romans, and det: troubles you. its inhabitants transferred to Rome. 264. Contundel: in the sense of domabil. 274. Ilia: a daughter of Numitor, king JMores: in the sense of leges. of Alba Longa. She is called regina, on 265. Duam lertia etas: until the third year account of her royal descent. She was one shall see him, &c. The meaning is, that of the vestal virgins, and for that reason three years were to be spent in the wars called sacerdos, or priestess. Being pregwith Turnus and the Rutuli; at the expira- nant (gravis) by Mars, as it is said, she tion of which, having subdued his enemies, brought forth twins, Romulus and Remus.?Eneas should commence his government Amulius, having expelled his brother Nu in Latium. Dum: in the sense of donec. mitor, commanded one Faustus, a shepherd, 266. Terna hyberna: three winters shall to expose the children to wild beasts, that have passed, the Rutuli being conquered. they might perish. Instead of which, he 267. Cui nunc cognomen: to whom now took them home, where they were nourished the sir-name of Iiilus is added. This cir- by his wife, whose name was Lupa. This cumstance is thrown in to show the origin gave rise to the story cf their being brought of the Julian family, and the occasion of up by a wolf, lupa being the name of that changing the name of luss, to Ihluls or.Julius. animal. The poet designs this as a compliment to The children grew up, and when ti" the Cresars. iilus succeeded his father in became acquainted with the conduct oftheit the government, and reigned thirty years at uncle, they collected a band of men, attackLavinium. He built Alba Longa, and made ed him in his palace, slew him, and restored it the seat of his government. The throne Numitor to the throne. Afterwards, it is was filled for three hundred years by a sue- said, each of the brothers began to build a cession of Trojan princes, down to the time city. Remus leaped over the walls of the of Romulus. He founded Rome, and chang- city founded by Romulus; whereupon, beed the seat of government from Alba Longa ing angry, he slew him. He called the city to the new city. At his death, the line of Rome, after nis own name. Romulus was succession was changed, and JNuma Pompi- sometimes called Quirinus, from Quiri, a lius, a wise and virtuous prince of the Sa- Sabine word, which signifies a spear. Gebines, filled the throne. minam prolem: simply, twins. 13 178 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 275. Inde Romulus Inde lupe fulvo nutricis tegmine hetus 275 Ietus fulvo tegmine nu- Romulus excipiet gentem, et Mavortia condet trnm iupm excipiet gen- Mwnia, Romanosque suo de nomine dicet. 277 Dicetincolas Ro- His ego nec metas rerum, nec tempora pono: manor Imperium sine fine dedi. Quin aspera Juno, Quae mare nunc terrasque metu ccelumque fatigat, S80 Consilia in melius referet, mecumque fovebit Romanos rerum dominos- gentemque togatam. Sic placitum. Veniet, lustris labentibus, wetas, Cuim domus Assaraci Phthiam clarasque Mycenas Servitio premet, ac victis dominabitur Argis. 285 Nascetur pulchra Trojanus origine Caesar, Imperium Oceano, famam qui terminet astris, t88. Ile erit Julius, Julius, a magno dermissum nomen iilo. nomen Hunc tu olim ccelo, spoliis Orientis onustum, Accipies secura: vocabitur hic quoque votis. 290 Aspera turn positis mitescent saecula bellis. Cana Fides, et Vesta, Remo cum fratre Quirinus, NOTES. 276. Mavortia: an adj. from Myavors, a who conquered Achhia; and Paulus AEminame of Mars: warlike-martial. JMenia: lius, who subdued Macedonia and Thessaly. in the sense of urberm. Argis: in the sing. Argos, neu.; in the plu. 278. JVec pcno metas: I place (prescribe) Argi, mas. It was situated about two miles to them neither bounds nor duration of do- from the sea, on the Sinus Argolicus. It minion. The Romans had a belief that was founded by Inachus, 1856 years before their empire would always continue, while Christ. Its inhabitants were called Argoother governments would be unstable and lici and Argivi: by synec. put for the Greeks fluctuating. in general. Premet: shall subject to servi280. MJetu: through fear that the Trojans tude-shall subdue. would rise to power, and become dangerous 286. Pulchra: in the sense of illustris: to her dear Carthage and Argos. Fatigat: Cesar, a Trojan of illustrious origin. in the sense of commovet. 288. Jonemen demissum: a name derived 281. In melius. This is taken adverbial- from, &c. ly: for the better. Referret: shall change. 289. Tu secura: you, sure, shall receive 282. Gentem togatam: the nation of the him hereafter. Cesar was honored with gown. The toga, or gown, was the distin- four triumphs on four successive days. To guishing badge of the Romans, as the pal- this, refer the words: Onusturn spoliis orilium was that of the Greeks. Rerum. Res entis. Cesar received divine honors by a signifies power-rule-dominion. In the decree of the senate. present case it signifies, the world. 291..eispera sccula. Here is an allusion 283. Sic placilunm: thus it pleases me- to the golden age; or, at least, to the unithis is my pleasure-it is my decree. The versal peace which took place in the reign verb est is to be supplied. JEtas venit: the of Augustus, when the temple of Janus was time shall come, years having passed away, shut.' JMitescent: shall grow mild-soften, when, &c. Lustrum: properly the period Aspera: in the sense of dura. of four years. It is often put for time in 292. Cana Jides. The meaning is. that general. ).Etas: in the sense of tempus, the fidelity of former times should returncai lustris: for annis. that men should devote more of their time 284. Domus Assaraci. By this we. are to to the service of the gods-that there should understand the Romans. Assaracus was be no more civil wars, in which brother the son of Tros, and brother of Ilus. He should be armed against brother. The epiwas the father of Capys, and Capys the thet cana alludes to the figure of faith, father of Anchises, the father of Eneas, which was represented with hoary locks, to from whom the Romans descended. Phthi- denote that it was the peculiar virtue of am. This was a city of Thessaly, the royal former times-the golden age. By the word seat of Achilles. JMycenas-Argis. These Vesta, Servius says, we are to understand wore cities of the Peloponnesus, over which religion. Vesta was the daughter of Saturn Agamemnon reigned, put, by synec. for and Ops, the goddess of fire, and patroness Greece in general. This prophecy was ful- of the vestal virgins..Eneas was the first filled under the Roman generals Mumrp;us, who introduced her mysteries into Italy A~NEIS. LIB. T. 179 Jura dabunt dirar ferro et compagibus arctis Claudentur belli portae: Furor impius intus 294 Saeva sedens super arma, et centum vinctus ahenis 295. Et vinctus post Post tergum nodis, fiemet horridus ore cruento. tergumn ewn centum Hac ait: e Maia genitum demittit ab alto; ahenis nodis, fremet Ut terrae, utque nova pateant Carth.aginis arces Ilospitio Teucris: ne fati nescia Dido Finibus arceret. Volat ille per aera magnum 300 Remigio alarum, ac Libvy citus adstitit oris: Et jam jussa facit: ponuntque ferocia Pceni Corda, volente Deo: imprimis Regina quietum Accipit in Teucros animum mentemque benignam. 305 Volvens antmo At pius Eneas, per noctem plurima volvens, 305 306. Constituit exire, Ut primnhlm lux alma data est, exire, locosque explorareque novos 1oExplorare novos; quas vento accesserit oras, cos, el queerere ad quas Qui teneant (nam inculta videt) hominesne, ferene, oras accesserit vento; Quaerere constituit, sociisque exacta referre. qui teneant eas, homines-ne, ferm-ne (nam Classem in convexo nemorum, sub rupe cavata, 310 videt loca inculta) referArboribus clausam circum atlueihorrentibus umbris, reque exacta sociis. OcOcculit: ipse uno graditur comitatus Achate, culit classem Bina manu lato crispans hastilia ferro. 314. Cui mater obvia Cui mater media sese tulit obvia sylva, gtult se media bitu yl Virginis os habituimque gerens, et virginis arma 315 316. VelerallalisquaSpartana: vel qualis equos Threissa fatigat lis Threissa NOTES. The Palladium of Troy was supposed to be his wings. Ulens alis quasi rems, says preserved in her temple; where a fire was Rumus. The motion of his wings is beaucontinually kept burning by certain virgins, tifully expressed; it was like the motion of who dedicated themselves to her service. oars in propelling a boat forward. There was another goddess of the same 302. Poeni. The Carthaginians were name, but generally confounded with Ceres, sometimes called Pceni, or P'hani, from Cybelle, Tellus, &c. The word Vesta is fre- Phoenicia, the country from which they quently used for fire, by mcton. came. Corda: in the sense of animos. 293. Arctis compagibus: with close joints 304. Quietum aninlunz: a friendly mind, -bound fast with bars of iron. and a benevolent disposition, or temper. 294. Portce. The gates, or doors of the 306. Data est: in the sense of orta est. temple of Janus were open in time of war, 309. Exacta: neu. plu. the particulars of and shut in time of peace. This happened his discovery. only three times during a period of seven 810. In convexo. The place where Eneas hundred years, so constantly engaged were moored his fleet, lay in a circular form, the Romans in the work of death! Impius nearly surrounded by a grove. Here they furor. This, Turnebus thinks, alludes could be in safety,without fear of discovery. to the image of warlike rage drawn by The words convexus and concavus are someApelles, and dedicated by Augustus in the times used for each other, which seems to be Forum. But Germanus thinks it alludes the case here; the former properly signifyto the statue of Mars, which the Spartans ing the exterior of a round surface; the had in their city, bound in this manner, in latter the interior. Ilorrentibus: deep — chains of brass., dJodis: in the sense of thick shades. Uno: in the sense of solo. catenis. See En. iv. 451. 297. Genitum JMaid: the son of Maia. 313. Crispans: in the sense of quassats. Mercury was the son of Jupiter, and Maia, Late ferro: of a broad barb, or point. the daughter of Atlas. See Geor. i. 336. 316. Spartance. The Spartan virgins 298. Arce_. This appears to be used in were trained to all kinds of manlj exercithe sense of urbs: that the country and city ses, such as running, wrestling, throwing of New Carthage might open in hospitality the quoit and javelin, riding and hunting, to the Trojans-might receive them kindly, which is the reason that the poet attires and treat them with hospitality. Venus in their habit, or dress. Os: in the 301. Remigio'alarum: by the motion of sense of rultum. 180 P. VIRGIL MARONIS Ilarpalyce, volucremque fuga praevertitur Eurum. Namque humeris de more llabilem suspenderat arlum Venatrix, dederatque comam diffundere vcntis; Nuda genu, nodoque sinus collecta fluentes. 320 321. Ac illa prior in- Ac prior, Heus, inquit, juvenes, monstrate, mearum quit: Heus, juvenes, Vidistis si quam hic errantem forte sororuin, monstrate, si vidistis Succinctam pharetra et maculosm tegmnine lyncis, furte quam mearum sororum orrantem hic,suc- Aut spumantis apri cursum clamore prementem. cinctam pharetr& Sic Venus: at Veneris contra sic filius orsus:.325 Nulla tuarum audita mihi, neque visa sororum, 327. Mortalis vultus 0, quam te memorem, Virgo? namque haud tibi vultus haud est tibi, nec tua Mortalis, nec vox hominem sonat. O Dea certe: Yv~~ox An Phoebi soror, an Nympharum sanguinis una? 330. Quecunque es, Sis felix, nostrumque leves qumcunque laborem: 330 sis fX iiX Et quo sub ccelo tandem, quibus orbis in oris Jactemur, doceas: ignari hominumque locorumque Erramus, vento huc et vastis fluctibus acti. Multa tibi ante aras nostra cadet hostia dextra. Tum Venus: haud equidem tali me dignor honore. Virginibus Tyriis mos est gestare pharetram, 336 Purpureoque alte suras vincire cothurno. Punica regna vides, Tyrios, et Agenoris urbem: Sed fines Libyci, genus intractabile bello NOTES. 317. Harpalyce: a celebrated Amazon, sound (like) a human being-it does ne said to have rescued her father, who had indicate you to be mortal. Homo, is properbeen taken in battle by the Getce. The ly either a man or woman-a human being. comparison here is simply between the habits 329. An sorer Pihobi: art thou the sister of Venus, and those of Harpalyce. Eurum. of Phoebus, or one of the blood of the Many copies read Hebrum; but there ap- nymphs? See Eel. iv. 10. The verb es is pears a manifest incongruity in it. It can to be supplied. hardly be supposed, that the poet, describing 330. Felix: kind-propitious. Oris: in the swiftness of her speed, should say that the sense of regione. Orbis: of the world, she could outride the course of a river, how- or earth. ever rapid it might be. In that there could 334. JMuia hostia: many a victim shall be no difficulty. Besides, the epithet volu- fall for you before the altars. crem, is not very applicable to a river. 335. T-laud me dignor: 1 do not consider Eurun is certainly the best reading; itis the myself -worthy, &c. language of poetry, while Hebrum is not. 338. Urbenm Agenoris: Carthage, founded Fuga: in the sense of cursu. by Dido, a descendant of Agenor. Punica 320. JVuda genu, &c. This is a Grecism: regna: the kingdom, or realm of Carthage. naked as to her knee, and collected as to her It is distinguished from the city, which is flowing robe in a knot. See Ecl. i. 55. The called Urbs Agenoris. Punica: an adj. meaning is, that she had her knee naked, from Poeni, or Phceni. and her flowing robe collected in a knot. 339. Fines Libyci: the country is Africa. Sinus: the folds of a garment; also the Libyci: an adj. from Libya, agreeing with garment itself, by synec..Jodo: nodus is fines. Libya was properly that part of properly any thing that binds or ties.- Africa bordering upon Egypt on the west; Hence, a girdle, or belt-a knot, &c. but is frequently used for any part of Africa, 321. Quam: in the sense of aliquam. or Africa in general. Genus intractabile: 323. Tegmine. It was a custom among a race fierce in war. The Carthaginians the ancients for hunters to wear the skin of extended their conquests with unexampled some one of the animals, they had killed. rapidity, and were the only people that apPrementem: pursuing. peared to dispute the empire of the world 325. Orsus: part. of the verb ordior: he with the Romans. Their misfortunes, and began. The verb est is understood. final ruin, were owing more, perhaps, to 327. Quam te memorem? whom shall I party spirit and civil cabals, than to the call you? arms of the Romans. See Rol. An. His. 323. NJec vox sonat: nor does your voice Art. Carthage. ENEIS.. LIB. 1. 181 Imperium Dido Tyria regit urbe profecta, 340 Germanurn fugiens: longa est injuria, longae Ambages: sed summa sequar fastigia rerum. Iluic conjux Sichaeus erat, ditissimus agri Phoenicum, et magno miseras dilectus amore: 344. Dilectus magno Cui pater intactam dederat, primisque jugarat 345 amore miseree Didonis 345. Dederat earn inOminibus: sed regna Tyri germanus habebat tactam Pygmalion, scelere ante alios immanior omnes. Quos inter medius venit furor: ille Sichatum, Imlpius ante aras, atque auri caecus amore, 349. Ille impius atque Clam ferro incautum superat, securus amorum 350 crcus amnore auri, clam superat Sichanum ferro Germanas: factumque diu celavit; et aegram, ante aras incautum Multa malus simulans, vana spe lusit amantem. 352. Ille malus simuIpsa sed in somnis inhumati venit imago lans multa lusit segram Conjugis, ora modis attollens pallida miris: amantem'Crudeles aras, trajectaque pectora ferro 355 Nudavit, cecumque domis scelus orne retexit. T'un celerare filgam, patriaque excedere suadet: Auxiliumque via veteres tellure recludit 358. Recluditque velThesauros, ignotum argenti pondus et auri. teresthesauros, deposit'The sar. s, ignotumargentiin tellure tanquam auxHIs comrmota, fugami Dido sociosque parabat. 360 ilium vim, ignotum pon. Conveniunt, quibus aut odium crudele tyranni, dus Aut metus acer erat: naves, quae forte palatat, 361. Omnes conveniCorripiunt, onerantque auro: portantur avari unt, quibus erat, aut Pygmalionis opes pelago: dux fromina facti. crudele NOTES. 340. Dido: the name of a Tyrian prin- 352..Egram amantem: the afflicted, or cess, implying beautiful, or well-beloved. disconsolate lover. Lusit: deceived-deSee,En. iv. 1. Regit imneriun: manages luded. the government. 353. Inhumati. According to their sys342. Ambages longe: the circumstances tern of religion, the shades of those, who are long and tedious. Sequar summa fasti- were hnburied, must wander a hundred gia rerumr: I will mention only the chief years, before they could be at rest. The heads of the business-I will trace only the circumstance of Pygmalion's leaving the outlines of the affair. Ruwus takes sequar body of Sicheus unburied, in this view, in the sense of perstringam. greatly heightens the enormity of the crime 345. Primis ominibus: with the first first committed. Inmago: in the sense of omens. This alludes to a custom among unlbra. the Romans of consulting the omens in all 354. Cornjugis. Conjvx is either a husthe important concerns of life, before they band or a wife; here the former. Pallida: entered upon them, to see if they would pale in a wonderful manner. Os: in the prove successful or not. Jugarat: by syn. sense of vultumn. forjusgaterat. Cui: to whom, to wit, Si- 356. J.'udavit: laid bare the cruel altars, chaus. Intactam: adhuc virginem, says at which le was slain. Retexit: disclosed Rlleus. -brought to light. 347. Immanior scelere ante: great in wick- 358. Recludit: shows, or opens to her, edness above all others. The comp. is here &c. Justin tells us that, for fear used in the sense of the pos. of the king, buried his money in the earth, 348. Sichacum. He was the priest of Her- fearing to keep it in his house; but no one cules, an office in dignity next to royalty. knew the place of its deposit during his It appears that Pygmalion came upon Si- life. chaeus unexpectedly, while he was officia- 362. Paratlc. Tyre, being a great cornting at the altar, and slew him. This cir- mercial city, in the ordinary course of busicumrstance greatly adds to the atrocity of ness, many ships miglt be prepared and the deed. Furor: in the sense of odium. ready for sea. The verb sunt is to be suptnter quos: between Sichmus and Pyg- plied. malion. 364. Opes arari, &c. Either the wealth 350. Securus. regardless of the love of of Sichleus, which Pygmalion now imaginhis sister. Suprtal in the sense ofinterjicit. ed his own; or along with her hus1land's 182 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 365. llli dcventre ad Devenere locos, ubi nunc ingentia cernes 365 locos, ubi Menia, surgentemque novae Carthaginis arcem. 367. Mercati sunt so- Mercatique solum, facti de nomine Byrsam, lum, dictum Byrsam de Taurino quantum possent circumdare tergo. nomine facti, tantum Sed vos qui tandem? quibus aut venistis ab oris? spatii, quantum possent 369. Sed tandem, qui Qubve tenetis iter? Quarenti talibus ille 70 cstis vos? Suspirans, imoque trahens a pectore vocem: 370. Ille suspirans, 0 Dea, si prima repetens ab origine pergain, trahensque vocem a pec- Et vacet aiinales nostrorum audire laborum; tore imo respondet ei Antd diem clauso componet vesper Olympo. quterenti in talibus ver- s * * bqur Nos, Troja antiqula, si vestras forte per aures 375 375. Tempestas sua Troje nomen lit, diversa per awquora vectos, forte appulit Libycis oris Forte sua Libycis tempestas appulit oris. nos vectos per diversa Sum pius Eneas, raptos qui ex hoste Penates equora ab antiqua Tro- Classe veho mecum, fama super arthera notus. jA, Si 380. leum genus est Italiam quero patrianm; et genus ab Jove summo. 380 ab Bis denis Phrygium conscendi navibus aequor, Matre Dea monstrante viam, data fata secutus: Vix septern convulsae undis Euroque supersunt. Ipse ignotus, egens, Libyae deserta peragro, 385. Nee Venus passa Europa atque Asia pulsus. Nec phira querentem 385 est eum querentem plura Passa Venus: medio sic interfata dolore est - NOTES. money, Dido took the treasure of her brother, opened it. Clauso Olympo: heaven being and fled with it to Africa. closed. Olympus is a.mountain in Thessa367. Mercati solum, &c. This passage ly. The ancients supposed its top touched hath been differently interpreted. Donatus the heavens: from which circumstance, the explains it, of the money being made of poets placed upon it the court of heaven. bull's leather, with which she purchased the It is about a mile and a half high. Olvinground (solurn) for the city. Others say, pus is often put for heaven. that she cut the hide into very small strings, 376. lit: hath reached, or come to. and by connecting them together, surround- 377. Suidforte. Ruaus says, solito casu. ed twenty-two stadia, or furlongs. Neither Sua vi, says Minelius. of these appears to be the true solution. 378. Penates: properly, household gods. The language of the Phoenicians was a dia- See Geor. ii. 505. In the sack of Troy, lect of the Hebrew, in which language the TEneas saved his Penales from the hands of word Bosra means a fortification, or forti- the Greeks, and took them as companions i.ed place. The Greeks, mistaking this of his adventures. See iEn. ii. 717../'hemeaning of tle word, or overlooking it, ra: a Greek ace. in the sense of celurn. supposed, from the similarity of the words, 380. Qu(ero Itali/am: I seek Italy, my that it was the same with their Blrsa, which country: my descent (genus) is from Jove means a bull's hide. Virgil followed the supreme. Dardanus was an Italian, and common received opinion. Mercati: they one of the founders of the Trojan race. He bought the ground, which they called Byrsa, was the son of Jove. from the name of the deed, &c. This story 381. Bis denis navibus: with twenty of the bull's hide, Mr: Rollin observes, is ships..*iquor: in the sense of mare: pronow generally exploded. It appears, how- perly, any level surface, whether land or ever, that Dido was to pay the Africans an water. annual tribute, as a quit rent, for the land 332. Secutusfata data: following the dowhich she purchased. This the Carthagi- crees of the gods made in my favor-obeynians afterward refused to do, which was ing the decrees, &c. the Ciiseo of the first war in which they Con in the sense of concuss 383. Convmusc: in the sense of concussa, were engaged. See /En. iv. 1. were engagd Se. i.. agreeing with raves, understood. Euro: 373. Et vacet: and there should be leisure g wh, ul. *to you to hear, &. the east wind, put for wllnd li geaerra; the to you to hear, &c. to,, you to hea~, *-, species for the genus. 374. Annales: in the sense of hivtoriam. Componet: the evening star shall shut up the 384. Ignotus: a stranger. day, before I shall have done my story. This 386. Irnerfata est: she thus interrupted is an allusion to the opinion that night shut him in the midst of his grief: she could or sealed up the gate of heaven, and the day bear the piteous story no longer. JENEIS. LIB. I. 183 Quisquls es haud credo, invisus ccelestibus auras 387. Quisquises,haud Vitales carprs, Tyriam qui adveneris urbem. credo, ut tu carpis vitaPerge mod5, atque hinc.te Regina ad limina-perfer. lest aurs, uinviss cNamque tibi reduces socios classemque relatam 390 390. Nuntio tibi socioa Nuntio, et in tutuin, versis Aquilonibus, actam: esse reduces, classemque Ni frustra auguriur vani docuere parentes. relatam esse, et actam Aspice bis senos l]tantes agmine cycnos, i tutul locum AEtherea quos lapsa plaga Jovis ales aperto 394. Quos ales Jovis Turhabat ccelo: nunc terras or(line longo 395 lapsa ex etheroa plaga Aut capere, aut captas jam despectare videntur turba Ut reduces illi ludunt stridentibus alis, Et coetu cinxere polum, cantusque d(edere: HIaud aliter puppesque tuae, pubesque tuorum Aut portum tenet, aut pleno subit ostia velo. 400 Perge mod6, et, qua te ducit via, dirige gressum Dixit: et avertens rosea cervice refulsit, Ambrosiaeque coma( divinurn vertice odorern Spiravere; pedes vestis defluxit ad imos, Et vera incessu patuit Dea. Ille, ubi matrem 405 Agnovit, tali fugientem est voce secutus: Quid natur toties crudelis tu quoque falsis 407. Quid tu quoque, Ludis imnaginibus? cur dextr ugere d extram crudelis mater, totise Non datur, ac veras audire et retddere voce s?natum falsi Talilbus incusat, gressurnque ad mcenia tendit. 410 410. Ille incusat earn At Venus obscuro gradientes aere sepsit, talibus verbis Et multo nebulat circumn Dea fudit amictu NOTES. 387. Cclestibus: in the sense of superis. they alight. By doing this, tlley descend 388. Carpis: you breathe the vital air, &c. with more ease and safety. 390. Reduces: returned safe-brought 403. Amnbrosa: an adj. from ambrosia, the back. food of the gods, according to the poets; 392. Ji parentes vani: unless my parents perfumed with -ambrosia. Vertice: in the vainly taught me divination in vain-to no sense of capite. Spiravere: in tile sense of purpose. Unless through a love of vanity emiserunt. and ostentation, they taught, &c. Hleyne 405. Patuit vera Dee. The poet here observes, that a person-nay be called ranus, mentions four characteristics of divinity: who promises what he cannot perform, or her rosy-colored neck-her ambrosial locks professes a false or useless doctrine. Aclam: -her long flowing robe, (which she had in the sense of prorectam. gathered up in a knot to prevent discovery,) 394. Ales Jovis: the bird of Jove-the and her gait, or motion. It was the opieagle..Elterea plagti: from the etherial nion of the ancients that their divinities did region. Agmine: ini a flock. Turbati: not move upon the ground, but glided along pursued-clhased. the surface with a regular motion. By 396. JVNuLC videnlur: now they seem to these signs, _Eneas knew her to be Venus, choose the ground where to alight, in a whom he had hitherto taken for a Lybian long train: or to look down upon it chosen virgin. Voce: in the sense of verbis. and selected. By alighting, they would be 408. Ludis: in the sense of decilpis out of danger from their pursuer. Imaginibus: forms-figures. Veras: true 397. Reduces: in the sense of tuti. Stri- -real-not dissembled. dentibus: flapping-making a'whizzing 411. Gradientes: eos is understood. The noise. poet here hath in his view that passage of398. Ded-re: in the sense of emiserunt. the Odyssey, where Pallas spreads a veil of Pubes tuorum: the same in sense with tui air around Ulysses, and renders him invisociz. Cinxere polun: and have made a sible. circle in the heavens in company. Polus, 412. Circusmfudit. The parts of the is properly tile pole; but by synec. is often verb are separated by Tmesis, for the sake put for the whple heaven, or any part there- of the verse: sle surrounded them with of. Fowls in a flock usually fly around, na- the thick garment of a cloud, t sat no one king one or more circles in the air before &c. 184 r. VIRGIL1I MARONIS Cernere ne quis eos, neu quis contingere posset, Molirive moraln, aut veniendi poscere causas. Ipsa Paphum sublimis abit, sedesque revisit 415 416. Ubi est templum LEta suas; ubi templum illi, centumque Sabseo RHllu ~ Thlure calent ara, sertisque recentibus halant. Corripuere viam interea, qua sernita monstrat Jamque ascendebant collem, qui plurirnus urbi Imminet, adversasque aspectat desuper arces. 420 Miratur molem YAneas, magalia quondam: Miratur portas, strepitumque et strata viarum. 423. Pars insta du- Instant ardentes Tyrii: pars ducere muros, tere Molirique arcem, et manibus subvolvere saxa: Pars optare locum tecto, et concludere sulco. 425 Jura rragistratusque legunt, sanctumque senatuin Ilic portus alii efibdiunt b hio alta theatris Fundamenta locant alii, immanesque columnas 429. Exciduntque im- Rupibus excidunt, scenis decora alta futuris. manes columnas e rupi- Qualis apes astate nova per florea rura 430 bus, quo sint alta I 4bus Eoum lasbor ^a Exercet sub sole labor, cumn gentis adultos talis, qualis exercet apes Educunt foetus, aut cum liquentia mella Stipant, et dulci distendunt nectare cellas, Aut onera accipiunt venientum, aut, agmine facto, Ignavum, fucos, pecus a praeseiLus arcent. 435 Fervet opus, redolentque tlhyno fragrantia mella NOTES. 414. Moliri: to cause-make. 424. Moliri: to erect-build. 415. Paphum: a city of Cyprus, an 425. Pars aptare: a part (instat, pushes island in the north-eastern part of the Me- on) to select the ground for building houses, diterranean sea, dedicated to Venus. Verbs and to mark it out by a furrow-to arrange of motion to a place have the ace. after and lay off the streets and squares of the city. them. 426. Legunt: in the sense of eligunt. 416. Sabceo thure: with Arabian frank- Jura: by meton. the courts of justice-the incense. Sabeo: an adj. from Saba, a place where justice is administered. They country of Arabia Felix, abounding in choose the place for the courts of justice, &c. frankincense. Illi: for her-in honor of 427. Theatris: for the theatres-buildings her. for public exhibitions. 417. Halant: emit odour from fresh gar- 429. Excidunt: they cut, or hew. lands-wreaths of flowers. Calent: burn 430. Nova aestate: in the beginning of -are hot. summer. 419. Collem. This hill was probably near 431. Sub sole: for per diem, says HIeyne. the city, from the top of which the whole Educunt: lead out. Liquentia: in the city appeared in full view. It seems that it sense of pura. This fine comparison of rose above the walls, so that you looked the industry of the Carthaginians in erect down upon it from above. Iamminet: iln- ing the buildings of their city, and other pends-overlooks. Plurinmus: in the sense works of improvement, to the zeal and asof valde, or maxime. Arces: in the sense siduity of the bees in collecting honey, and of turres. arranging the business of the hive, is taken 421. Miratur molem: he wonders at the from Homer, who compares the movements magnitude of the -city, where there were of the Grecian troops from their ships and once only cottages. tents, to the issuing of bees frormLeirhives. 422. Strata viarum: the paved work of 433. Slipant: they lay up th. re honey, the streets-causeways. Cellas: the comb. 423. Ardentes. An adj. or part. closely 435. Arcent: they drive from the hives connected with a verb is more elegantly the drones, an idle herd. These are the translated by its corresponding adverb. male bees. See Geor. iv. 200. Agmine Ty)rii ardentes instant: the Tyrians eagerly facto: a battalion being formed. push on the work. The ardentes strongly 436. Opus ferret: the work goes briskly marks their zeal and activity. Ducere: in on. It is a metaphor taken from the bAiling the sense of extendere. of water. XNEIS LIB. I. 185 0 fortunati, quorum jalm incnia surgunt! Aneas ait: et fastigia suspicit urbis. Infert se septus nebula, mirabile dictu, Per medios, miscetque viris: neque cernitur ulli. 410 Lucus in urbe fuit mcdia, laetissimus umbra; Quo primum jactati undis et turbine Pceni 412. Quo loco Pen Eflbdere loco signum, quod regia Juno jactati undis, et turbino Monstrarat, caput acris equi: sic nam fore bello pri elde signun, nempe caput acns Egregiam, et facilem victu per swcula gentemn 445 qui ITic templum Junoni ingens Sidonia Dido 444. Nam sic monstraCondebat, donis opulentum et numine Divae: vit gentem fore egregiam bello', et facilem vieZErea cui gradibus surgebant limina, nexmque m be et facile vi.Ere trabes: foribus cardo stridebat ahenis. tu per Hoc primum in luco nova res oblata timorem 450 Leniit: hie primuim Aneas sperare salutem Ausus, et afflictis melius confidere rebus. Namque, sub ingenti lustrat dum singula templo, Reginam opperiens; dum, quwe fortuna sit urbi, Artificumque menus inter se operumque laborem 455 Miratur; videt Iliacas ex ordine pugnas, Bellaque jam fama totum vulgata per orbem; Atridas, Priamumque et sevum ambobus Achillem. Constitit, et lachrymans: Quis jam locus, iriquit, Achate, NOTES. 445. Jatm sicfore: for thus (by this sign) collectively or individually. Cunctus, alt she showed that the nation bhould be illus- by parts, and univcrsus, the ithole. trious in war, and victorious through ages 454. Opperiens: waiting for the queen. -easy to conquer through ages. Rueus Dumn miratulr: while he wonders at the interpretsfacilem victu, by aptamn vivere ceter- fortune of the city; and at the skill of the na fanla deriving victu from vivo, I live. artists, and the difficulty of the work, (inttr Others, with more propriety, derive it from se,) by turns. Rueus refers the inter se to vinco, I conquer; making the meaning to the hands of the workmen, agreeing with he: easy to conquer through ages-victo- one another, manrus artificum. In this case mious. The supine in u hath both an active the sense will be: he contemplates the skill and passive signification; but most fre- displayed in the workmanship and the magquently the latter. The former is the mean- nitude of the work by turns-he compares ing in this place. them together. But La Cerda observes, 446. Sidonia: an adj. from Sidon, a fa- that by mnans artficulm, the skill of the artmoas city of Phmenicia, not far to the north ists, we are probably to understand the of Tyre, subject to the same government. paintings of the Trojan battles, and the othel ltodie, Sa/d. events of that war, whlich Aneas saw on his 447. JVumine Dive: with the presence of entering the temple, and which ornamented the goddess. By this we are probably to its walls: while operttni laborenm, may refer understand some rich statue of the goddess, to the temple itself-the magnitude, and that was set up in the temple. difficulty of rearing such a magnificent edi448. Cui cerea limina: to which the bra- fice. Fortuna: this RuBus interprets by zen threshold rose in steps, &c. —whose felicitas. Jlanus: properly the hand: by brazen threshold, &c. Cui: in the sense of meton. art, skill. cujus: this is common with Virgil. 456. Videt Iliacas pugnas. Dr. Trapp, 449. Tra: te mt p y we observes, there never was a finer picture ot 449. Trabes: these most probably were Virgil in a few verses, the door posts, which were framed or fas- a e th this. Viriling and beautiful with brass,~ selects the most striking, and beautiful tened together with brass. tened together with bra'.-. scenes in the Iliad, proper for the painter. 452. Confidere: in the sense of sperare, 458..tridas: acc. plu. of AtridP, the sons says Rueus. Ccepit nunc habere magis fidu- of Atreus, Agamemnon, and Menelaus.ciam sue fortuna, bene de ea sperare, says Against the former, Achilles had a quarIHyne. rel on account of the beautiful Brisseis, a 453. Singula. Singuli properly means captive. Hewithdr withdrew his troops, and all, taken one by one. Omnis signifies all, refused to take any part with the Greeks, 186 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Qual regio in terris nostri non plena laboris. 400 En Priamus: sunt hic etiam sua prazmia laudi: Sunt lachryrna rerumn, et mentem mortalia tangunt Solve nletus: feret hawc aliquam tibi fama salutem. Sic, ait: atque animurn pictura pascit inani, Multa gemens, largoque hiimeclat flumine vultum. 466 Narnque videbat, uti bellantes Pergama circum 467. Utl bellantes Iac fugerent Graii, premeret Trojana juventus; Gradi fugerent hic cir- Ilk Phryges, instaret curru cristatus Achilles. cuin Pergama, dum Tro- e R i niis t a jana juventus premeret Nec pr'0o l Ilnc Rhesl nlvels tentoria vlis eos; hac Phryges fuwe- Agnoscit lachrymars: primo (que prodita somno 470 rent, dum cristatus Tydides multa vastabat caede cruentus: Aclilles instaret iis e Ardentesque avertit equos in castra, priusquhin r472r. Castr Grcr bula gustassent Trojte, Xanthumque bibissent. priusquam G Parte alia lugiens ariissis Troilus armis, Infelix puer, atque ilnpar congressus Achilli, 475 Fertur equis, curruque haeret resupinus inani, Lora tcnens talen: huic cervixque comarque trahuntur Per telra.m, et versa pulvis inscribitur hasta. Tntere'a ad ternplum non mquve Palladis ibant 481.Tunsaquoad pec- Crinibus Iliades passis, peplumque feiebant 480 tora palris Suppliciter tristes, et tunsae pectora palmis. NOTES. till after the death of Patroclus, whom Hoc- the first night of his arrival, and carried off tor slew in battle. Some copies have Atri- his horses to the Grecian camp. den, which appears to be the more correct; 470. Qua prodila: which being betrayed for we have no account that Achilles had in the first night, &c. Sonino: in the sense any disagreement with lMenelaus. The amn- of nocte. See LEn. 11. 242. bobus refers to Agarnemnon and Priarn. 472. Ardentes: in the sense of acres. Achilles afterwards slew lector, and igno- 473. Xanthum: a river of'roas, rising miniously treated his dead body. He re- out of mount Ida, and flowing into the Helfused to restore it to Priam, till he received lespont. It is the same with the Scaman. a large sum of m-oney as a ransom. der. 460. J.oslri lebores: our suflerings, cala- 474. Troilus. A son of Priam. Virgil mities. calls him Iruer, probably on account of his 461. Laudi: in the sense here of virtuti. age. He was slain by Achilles. 462. Lachrymoe rerum: tears for our af- 475. Imp)r congrcssus vchilli: an uneflictions-compassion for our calamities or qual match for Achilles:-or meeting Achilsufferings. J.4ortalia: an adj. neu. plu. ta- les, an unequal match is drawn, &c. Reslsken as a sub. human calamities. pinr.s: on his back, he hangs from his emp465. Largo flunmine: a large flood of ty chariot. tears. 478. Hasta versa. The dust is not mark466. Pergama: neu. plu. In the sing. ed with the spear of Troilus; but withl the Pergamnus, properly the citadel of Troy, spear of Achilles, which had pierced has built on the highest ground. whence the body; and as he lay on his back, might be whole city could be seen. Here, and in said to be inverted; its point being downmany other places, put for the city itself; ward. Iluic: in the sense of hujus. by synec. Bellantes: valiant-warlike. 479. Non acqux Palladi.: of Pallas, un468. Cristatus: plunled —wearing a plume. kind-offendtd on account of the decision Instaret: in tlhe sense -f premeret. of Paris, in the contest of beauty between 469. Rhesi. Rhesus, king of Thrace, and her. Juno, and Venus. reputed son of Mars. When hle came to as- 480. Iliadls: the Trojan matrons with sist the Trojans, it was reported, as a decree dishevelled hair, went, &e. Homer intorms of tie gods, that if his horses should drink us (Iisad. 6. 02.) that after the great of the water of the river Xanthus, or taste slaughter of the Trojans, Hecuba and the the grass of Troy, the city should not be Trojan matrons went in solemn procession, taken. On his arrival, he encamped on the with every external sign of sorrow, to the shore, when he was betrayed by one Dolon temple of Pallas, carrying the richest preto Diomede, and Ulysses, who slew him on sents, in hope to render her favorable to ENEIS. LIB. 1. 187 Diva solo fixos oculos aversa tenebat. Ter circum Iliacos raptaverat Ilectora muros, Exanlmumque auro corpus vendebat Achilles. Turn ver6 ingentem gemitum dat pectore ab imo, Ut spolia, ut currus, utque ipsum corpus amici, 486'Tendentmnque manis Priamum conspexit inermes. Se quoque principibus perinixtum agnovit Achivis, Eoasque acies, et nigri Memnonis arma. Ducit Amazonidum lunatis agmina peltis 490 Penthesilea furens, mediisque in millibus ardet, Aurea subnectens exertoe cingula mammne, Bellatrix, audetque viris concurrere virgo. 493. Virgoque subHaec dum Dardanio AEneae miranda videntur, nectens aurea cingnla Dum stupet, obtutuque haret defixus in uno: 495 exert.e mamme, ^utpU Regina ad templum, forma pulcherrirna Dido, belltr, udt Incessit, magna juvenum stipante caterva. Qualis in Eurotoe ripis, aut per juga Cynthi Exercet Diana choros, quain mille secute 499 Hinc atque hinc glomerantur Oreades: illa pharetram Fert humero, gradicnsque Deas supereminet omnes: Latonme taciturn pertentant gaudia pectus. NOTES. their cause. Peplum: this was the richest peltis: her troops (armed) with crescent of vestments, embroidered by the Sidonian shields. She was slain by Achilles; soillo women in tht most costly manner, and say by hisson Neoptolemus. Furens: eagcr brought by Paris from Sidon. This they -courageous. carried to the goddess, hoping she would 493. Bellatrix virgo: the warlike virgin, be moved by it to regard their sufferings. binding a golden girile under her naked Passis: a part. of the verb pandor, spread, breast, dares, &c. It was a custom of the or hanging loose. Amazons to cut or scar one of their breasts 482. Aversa: in the sense of oJfensa. that it might be no hindrance to their shoot483. Achilles raptaverat. See En. 2.542. ing or darting of the jnvelin; the other they 486. Ut spolia conspexit: as he beheld bound with a girdle. The word Amr1azon is the spoils; as he beheld the chariot, &c. The compounded of the Greek alpha negativum, verb conspexit is to be repeated with each and a word which signifies a breast: implynom. as is plain, from the repetition of the ing that they had only one breast. See nom. ut. This verse is of the same tender nature prop under Amazon. with Ecl. viii. 41. Ut ridi, &c. It plainly of a a. >..'.A1. 1^ 494. Miranda: wonderful worthy of shows the skill of the poet. Any other admiration. It is to be taken with the verb would have used the conjunction et or que. ~,,.1~. ~ -/J *~ midentur. Obtutu: posture. Hteret: il the But by the repetion of the ut, he shows snse of st /Eneas tracing these several afecting ob- se s *atA neas tracing these several affecting oh- 497. Incessit: approached. See 46. supra. jects, and every now and then fetching a 49. ua Dna eer: as iana deep sigh. Corpus antici: the body of leads the dance on the banks of Eurotas, or Hector, we are to understand. 4Hetor, we are t unarmed-supplia over the tops of Cynthus, whom a thousand 48. Inermes: unarmed-mountain nymphs surround, &c. Eurotas, n, negativumn, and arma. mnoha river of Laconia, near Sparta, a country rr489. MJfernnonis. Memnon oof A- fam ous for hunting. Cynthi: Cynthus was rora and Tithon us, the son of Laomedon, a mountain in the island of Delos, the birth king ol Troy. He came to the assistance of place of Glomeraltu.r: in the senss the Trojans with many troops from India ra. ee iv...... I TA of'lomerant. See Ecl. iv. 10. and Ethiopia. He was slain by Achilles. Aigri: swarthy —alluding to his color. 500. Oreades: mountain nymphs; from a Eoas acies: eastern troops. Greek word which signifies a mountain. See 491. Pelthesilea. She was queen of the El.ii.46. Amazons, who came to the aid of the Tro- 502. Latonce. Litona, the mother of Di-;ans after the death of Hector. Her troops ana and Apollo. Joy pervaded her silent were armed with bucklers in the form of a breast at the sight of the grace nd dignity crescent, or half-moon. gm7nina lunatis of her daughter. 188 P. VIRGl.I1l MARONIS Talis clat Dido, talem se laeta ferebat Per medios, instans operi regnisque futuris. TuJa foribus Divat, rnedlia testudine telnpli, b05 Septa armis solioque alte subnixa, resedit. Jura dabat legesque viris, operumque laborem Partibus waquabat justis, aut sorte trahebat Cum subito AEneas, concursu accedere niagno Anthea Sergestumque videt, fortemque Cloantllhim, 510'Ieucrorumque alios: ater quos asquore turbo Dispulerat penitusque alias avexerat oras. Obstupuit simul ipse, simul pcrculsus Achates 514, mbo avidi arde- Laetitiaque metuque; avidi conjungere dextras bant Ardebant: sed res aninos incognita turbat. 515 Dissimulant, et nube cava speculantur amicti, 517. Quam fortuna sit Qua fortuna viris, classem quo litore linquant, vis quid veniant Qquid veniant: cunctis nam lecti navibus ibant nam h eorines Orantes veniarn, et templum clamore petebant. 520. Introgressi sunt, Postquam introgressi, et coram data copia fandi, 520 et copia fandi coram re- Maximus Ilioneus placido sic pectore ccepit: gna data illis O regina, novam cui condere Jupiter urbem, Justitiaque dedit gentes franare superbas524. JVosmiseri Troes, Trees te miseri, ventis maria omnia vect'i, vecti per Oramus: prohibe infandos a navibus ignes; 525 Parce pio generi, et propids res aspice nostras Non nos aut ferro Libycos populare Penates Venimus, aut raptas ad litora vertere pratdas. Non ea vis animo, nec tanta superbia victis. NOTES. 503. Talis erat Dido: such was Dido. 512. Avexerat: had carried to other shores The comparison here between Diana and far remote. Dido is taken from the Odyssey. Probus 516. Speculantur: they conjecture what considered the passage tobe copied unhappi- is the fortune of their friends; on what ly by Virgil. The conparison, according to coast they had left their fleet; for what purScaliger lies in these particulars: Quemad- pose they came thither. For men chosen, &c. modum Diana in montibus, ita Dido in urbe: 519 eni: pea r. Clmore ila inter nymphats, hb c znter matronasu: lla vith a cry, lamenting the hardness of their instans venatoribus, hc urbi. fortune 505. Foribus Dive. In the interior part for of the temples, there was a place separated 521. Mlaximus: the chief, or principal from the rest by a wall, or vail, called the speaker. Placido pectore: fiom his colposed Adytum or Penetrale. Here the poet sup- breast. A composed breast, or mind reguposes Juno to have had an image or statue, lates the voice and speech. Copia: leave or some symbol of her presence. The door -liberty. or gate that led to it he therefore calls the 523. Franare: to restrain proud nations door of the goddess..Jledia testudine: under with justice-with laws. By superbas gentes the middle ofthe arch, or canopy. Subnixa we may understand the Numidians, ana atet: raised high on athrone, she sat down. other warlike nations of Africa, her ncighForibmus: fores, properly folding doors- bors. For superbas, Rtuus says, feroces. opening on both sides. It has no singular. 525. Frohibe: avert-turn away. In-. 506. Septa armis: surrounded by her fandos: direful —cruel. guards. Armis, by meton. for the men bear- Libcos Penates: te African t i* them. 527. Libycos Penages: thle African terriing them. tory, or settlements: or, simply, the African 507. Dabat jura: dispensed justice. Jus. gods. properly a natural law, or right: Lex, a go s written or statute law: fas, a divine law. 528. Vertere n the sense of abducere 509. Concursu: a crow-d. Mlultitudine Raptas pradas: the plundered, or seized says Rueus. booty. 511. Avidi: eager. See 423. supra. Ar- 529. Vis: in the sense of violrntia. The debant: in the sense of cupiebant. verb est is understood. AENE1S. LIB. I I& Est locus, -Hespcriam Graii cognomine dicunt; 530 Terra antiqua, polens arrnis atque ubere glebae: CEnotrii coluere viri; nune faina, minores 532 Nunc fama est Italiam dixisse, ducis de nomrine, gentern. millors Iue cursus fuit. Cum subit6 assurgens fluctu nimbosus Orion 535 In vada caeca tulit, penitusque procacibus Austris 536. Procacibusque Perque undas, superante salo, perque invia saxa Austris dispulit nos peDispulit: hue pauci vestris adnavinlus oris. nitUs perue undas Quod genus hoc hominum? quacve hune tam barbara perque invia 539. Quod genus ho Permittit patria? hospitio prolibernur arena?: [morem minum est hoc? queve Bella cient, primaque vetant consisteie terra. 541 patria tam barbara perSi genus humanum et mortalia temnitis arma mittit At sperate Deos memores fandi atque nefandi. 543. Sperate Decs esse Rex erat.Eneas nobis, quo justior alter memores fu al544. Quo nc fuit alNec pietate fuit, nec bello major et armis * 545 ter justior tn pietate, Quem si fata virum servant, si vescitur aura nec major bello NOTES. 530. Hesperiam. Italy hath been called 543. qt sperate: but expect that the gods by various names: Hesperia, (which was are mindful of right and wrong. Fandiatthe name also sometimes given to Spain,) que nefandi: gerunds in di, of the verb from Hesperus the brother of Atlas, king of for; in the sense of fas and nefas: for what Mauritania, in Africa; or from Hesperus, is right and just may be spoken; but what the name of the star Venus, when it goes is unjust, we may not speak. behind the sun, and signifies, a setting, or The meaning of the passage is: if ye the west. From which circumstance, the despise the human race, and fear not the Greeks to the eastward of those countries just punishment from men, which this sa_alled Italy MIagna Hesperia, and Spain, vage and barbarous conduct deserves, know iHesperia Minor: CEnolria, from (Enotrus, that the gods are mindful of right and a king of the Sabines, or from a son of wrong, and will not fail to reward or puLycaon, king of Arcadia, of that name: nish accordingly. Mortalia arma: Rumus Ausonia, from the Ausones, an ancient peo- says, vindictam hominum, the vengeance of pie of that country; and lastly, 1talia, from men. Italus, a king of Sicily; or, as some say, 544. Quo justior alter, &c. Here we have from a Greek word signifying cattle, because a summary of Eneas' character, piety and they abounded there. Dicunt: in the valor. The first comprehends devotion to sense of vocant. the gods, and all the moral virtues. It 531. Ubere: richness-fertility. Cogno- shows him a tender son, an affectionate famine: in the sense of nomine. ther, and husband. He bore his father upon 532. (Enotrii viri: simply,the CEnotrians his shoulders, and led his little son through inhabited it. Minores: their descendants. the flames of Troy to a place of safety. 535. Orion: a constellation in the hea- And having lost his wife in the genevens. It rises wvith the sun in the month of ral confusion of that fatal night, he venJuly, and was supposed to have an influence tured into the midst of enemies in search upon the weather; hence the epithet nim- of her -nor did he cease, till her ghost apbosus. It will appear hence, that the time peared to him, and bade him to desist: and of iEneas' arrival at Carthage, was some on all occasions, Ascanius appears the dar. time in that month. Hte remained there ling of his soul. JEneas was also a patriot, till the latter part of the following winter, and firmly attached to the interests of his when he set sail for Italy, where he arrived, country. In valor and prowess in war, he as Sagrais supposes, some timein.lie spring, appears on all occasions the real hero. HoFluctu: in the sense of mari. mer represents him second only to Hector. 536..qustris rocacibus: by violent winds. He was the first to resist Achilles on his Auster is here put for wind in general, and return after the death of Patroclus. IIe not for the south wind, which would have did not engage him, but he manifested a calm driven him from Africa. Tulit: carried, or and determined courage. We see then how drove. Ccca: in the sense of hltenlia. justly he is characterized by, nec bello major 537. Salo: in the sCese of mari. For et armis. But his piety and moral virtues vrocacibus, Ileyne says vehementbbus. have ennobled his character more than all 540. Prohibiamur: we are prohibited from his deeds of valor. lie enjoyment of the shore 546. Veseitur: in the sense of'sirct, 190 P. VTRGIII I MARONIS Etherea, neque adhuc crudelibus occubat.umbris; 548, Non sit metus Non metus, omfcio nec te certasse priorern nobis, nec poeniteat te Pwniteat. Sunt et Siculis regionibus urbes, priorem certasse cum ilo Armaque, Trojanoque a sanguine clarus Acestes. 6bO ollicio 551. Liceat nobis sub- Quassatan ventis liceat subducere classem, ducere ad terram clas- Et sylvis aptare trabes, et stringere renmos. sem quassatam ni datur Italiam, sociis et rege recepto, 554. Ut leti petamus Tendere, ut Italiam lIeti Latiumque petamus: Italiam Latiumque, si i datur nobis tendere cur- in absumpta salus, et te, pater optime Teucrum, 555 sum ad Italiam, sociis, et Pontus habet Libyae, nec spes jam restat Iuli, 555. Sinsalusabsump- Ut freta Sicanine saltem sedesque paratas, ta est, et pontus Libym Unde huc advecti, regemque petamus Acesten. habet te, O optime Talibus Ilioneus: cuncti simul ore fremebant 557. Ut saltern peta- rdan.,GO mus freta Sicanim pa-Dardanide. 560 ratasque sedes, unde'urn breviter Dido, vultum demissa, profatur: advecti sumus huc Solvite corde metum, Teucri, secludite curas. 560. Ilioreus orabat Res dura, et regni novitas me talia cogunt talibis verbis. AMoliri, et late fines custode tueri. 561. Demissa quoad i' Vultum Quis genus _rEneadLm, quis Trojm nesciat urbem? 565 Virtutesque, virosque, et taniti incendia belli? Non obtusa adeo gestamus pectora Poeni: Nee tam aversus equos Tyria Sol jungit ab urbe. 569. Seu vos optatis Seu vos Ilesperiam magnam, Saturniaque arva, magnam Sive Erycis fines, regemque optatis Acesten; 670 Auxilio tutos dimittam, opibusque juvabo. Vultis et his mecum pariter considere regnis? Urbem quarn statuo, vestra est; subducite naves Tros Tyriusque mihi nullo discimnine agetur. NOTES. Occubat: lies dead-yields up his life to 567. Poeni gestamus: we Carthagnmans the cruel shades, do not carry with us hearts so insensible, 549. Et: in the sense of etiam, or quoque. as to disregard the sufferings of our fellow 550. Acestes. See En. v. 30. men. 552. El aptare: and to fit (procure) spars 568. J'ec tam aversus: nor does the sun in the wood, to supply the place of those so far from the Tyrian city join his steeds that had been broken, or lost in the violence to his chariot. of the storm ana waves. Stringere remos: This is an allusion to an opinion of the to cut our oars-to cut timber, of which to ancients, that the inhabitants of cold climake oars. mates are less susceptible of the tender and 557. Freta. Fretum is properly a nar- humane feelings, than those of warm clirow sea, or strait: here used for the sea in mates. general. Ut. Most copies have at, but 569. Saturnia arva: the lards of Saturn the former is preferable. Advecti: in the -Itaiy. See Eel. iv. 6. Jlagnam.: powsense of pulsi. erful, or great; to distinguish it from 560. Fremebant ore: they applauded with Spain, which was sometimes called Hespetheir mouth-they expressed their approba- ria.Minor. tion of his speech. Dardanidce: the Tro- 570. Fines Erycis: the coast of Eryx — jans; so called from Dardanus. They were Sicily, where Eryx reigned. See En. v.24. also called Teucrz, from Teucer, both foun- 571. Opibus. This refers to the assistders of Troy. See 1, supra. ance which Dido would afford them by her 563. Dura res: the difficult state of my wealth. Pariter: on equal terms, or conr. affairs..Joliri: in the sense offacere. ditions. Et: in the sense of etiam. 565. Genus JEncadum: the ancestry of the 573. Urbem quam: urbem, for urbs, by Trojans-the stock from which they sprung. antiptosis. Some take the words thus: ]Encades: the Trojans; from.Eneas, their quam urbem statuo: which city I build; it leader. is yours. 566. Virtutes: illustrious actions. Viros: 574. gfetur: shall be treated. Discriheroes. mine difference-distinction. XENEIS. LIB. I. 191 Atque utinam rex ipse Noto compulsus codem 575 575. Utinam AEneas Afforet sEneas! Equidern per litora certos ipse, vester rex, afforet, I)imittam, et Libya lustrare extrema jubebo; compulsus eodem noto. Si quibus ejectus sylvis aut urbibus errat 578. Siforte ille eje,His anirnurn arrecti dictis, et fortis Achates, tus errat in quibus syl Et pater AEneas, jamdudum erumpere nubeni 580 ViS, aut urbibus. Ardebant: prior AEneam compellat Achates: Nate Dea, qum nunc animo sententia surgit? Omnia tuta vides, classem, sociosque receptos. Unus abest, medio in fluctu quem vidimus ipsi Submersuin: dictis respondent caetera matris. 585 Vix ea fatus erat, cum circumfusa repente Scindit se nubes, et in ethera purgat apertum. Restitit sEneas, claraque in luce refulsit, Os, humerosque Deo similis: namque ipsa decoram 589. Similis Deo, Cmsariem nato genitrix, lumenque juvcntae 590 quoad os, humerosque Purpureum, et laetos oculis afflarat honores. Quale manus addunt ebori decus, aut ubi flavo Argentum Pariusve lapis circumdatur auro. Turn sic reginam alloquitur, cunctisque repente 595. Ego Troius Eneas Improvisus ait: Coram, quem quaeritis, adsum 595 adsum coram vobis, Troius zEneas, Libvcis ereptus ab undis. quem queritis O sola infandos Trojae miserata labores I 07. tu sola miseraQuae nos, relliquias Danaum, terraeque marisque 593. Que socias nos Omnibus exhaustos jam casibus, omnium egenos, in vestra urbe, et dome, Urbe, domo socias. Grates persolvere dignas 600 relliquias DanaQm, cxNon opis est nostrae, Dido: nec quicquid ubique est haustos jam omnibus Gentis Dardanim, magnum qute sparsa per orbem 601. Nec est npis Dar In*1..' danire gentis, ubique Di tibi (si qua pios respectant numina, si quid quicquid ejus est, que Usquam justitia est, et mens sibi conscia recti,) sparsa est per magnum NOTES. 576. Certos: in the sense of fidos. The for its white marble. Circumdatur: en-' word homines is understood. compassed-enchased. 577. Extrema: the farthest, or extreme 597. Labores: disasters-calamities. parts of Africa. 599. Exhaustos: worn out-having un579. Arrecti animum: animated-encou- dergone. Socias: in the sense of recipis. raged in mind. A Grecism. 601. JVon ent nostrce opis: it is not in our 584. Unus abest: one is wanting. This power to render you, 0 Dido, suitable was Orontes, mentioned verse 113, supra. thanks, nor is it (in the power) of the TroHis ship and crew were lost. jan nation, wherever any of it is, which, &c. 585. Celtera respondent: the rest answer 603. Di tibi ferant: may the gods grant to, &c. See 390, supra, et seq. you suitable rewards. Siqua numina: if 587. Purgat in apertum: it clears up there be any powers above that regard, &c. (dissolves) into pure air. Circumfusa nu- These words are not designed to express bes: the surrounding cloud-the cloud that any doubt in the mind of the speaker upon hitherto had encompassed them. Here Vir- the subject. They put an acknowledged gil imitates Homer, Odys. vii. 143. truth in the form of a supposition, the more 589. JNamque genitrix: for his mother to strengthen the conclusion. You shall be had breathed upon her son graceful locks, rewarded, as sure as there are any gods and the bright bloom of youth, and a spark- above-as sure as there is any justice among ling lustre to his eyes. Honores: grace- men, and any mind conscious to itself of beauty. virtue and worth. Ruwus concludes the 592. Quale decus: such beauty art gives, parenthesis at the verb est. The meaning &c. Manus: by meton. the skill of the will then be: may the gods and your own workman. mind, conscious of its own rectitude, re593. Parius lapis: the Parian marble. ward you. Others extend it to embrace Parus, an'sland in the Egean sea, famous recti. Hevne has no parenthesis Pios 192 P. VIRGILIl MARONIS Prarmia digna ferant. Quta te tam Beta tulerunt 605 Specula? qui tanti talen genuere parentes? In freta duin fluvii current, dum montibus umbrae Lustrabunt convexa, polus dum sidcra pascet; Semper honos, nomenque tuum, laudesque nmanebunt 610. Qumcunque ter- Quae me cunque vocant terrae. Sic fatus, amicum 610 roe vocant me Ilionea petit dextra, lavqaque Serestum; 612. Post, petit alios, Pst, alios, fortemque Gyan, fortemque Cloanthum. fortenmque Obstupuit prim6 aspectu Sidonia Dido, Casu deinde viri tanto; et sic ore locuta est: Quis te, nate Dea, per tanta pericula casus 615 Insequitur? qua vis immanibus applicat oris? 617. Tu-ne es ille Tu-ne ille IEneas, quem Dardanio Anchisve NEneas, quem Alma Ve- Alma Venus Phrvgii genuit Simoentis ad undam? nus genuit Dardanio,' Atque equidem Teucrum memini Sidona venire, Finibus expulsum patriis, nova regna petentemr 620 Auxilio Beli. Genitor turn Belus opimam 623. Casus Trojanm Vastabat Cyprum, et victor ditione tenebat. urbis est cognitus mihi Tempore jam ex illo casus mihi cognitus urbis 625. Teucer ipse quam- T ore m ex cus ogt u s vis hostis ferebat Teu- Trojanar, nomenque tuun, regesque Pelasgi. cros Ipse hostis Teucros insigni laude ferebat, 625 NOTES. This word signifies virtuous men in gene- inde: in the next place. It has reference to ral; especially the kind, beneficent, and primo, in the preceding line. generous. 615. Quis casus: what fortune. Qa~e 605. Letta: in the sense offelicia. See- vis: what power drives you, &c. cula: in the sense of tempora. 618. Genuit: in the sense of reperit. 607. Dum umbrce: while the clouds shall 619. JMeRnini quidem. This Teucer was move around, or encompass the mountains. the son of Telamon, king of the island of Rueus says, umbrae arborum: the shades of Salamis, and Hesione, daughter of Laometrees. But with what propriety the shades don, king of Troy. On his return from the of trees can be said to move round, or en- Trojan war, he was banished by his father, compass the mountains, doth not appear. for not preventing the death of his brother It certainly is not the meaning of the poet. Ajax, who slew himself, because the arms It is well known that the tops of high of Achilles were adjudged to Ulysses rather mountains rise above the clouds; and the than to him. This unnatural treatment or region, or elevation of the clouds will be a his father, led him to disclaim all relationgreater or less distance below the summit, ship to him, and to reckon his lineage from according to the height of the mountain, his mother. The poet, by concealing this and the density of the atmosphere. Cont- circumstance, hath made it reflect much vexa,: properly the exterior of any round, honor upon the Trojans. or circular body. It may then very proper- 621. Betus. See iEn. iv. 1. ly denote the top, or curved surface of a 622. Cyprum: an island in the Meditermountain; alsoits sides. JMontibus: inthe ranean sea, sacred to Venus. Here, it is sense of montzurn. Convexa montibus: the said, she was born, and had a splendid temtopsof the mountains. The dat. among the pie. Hence she was sometimes called the poets, is often used in the sense of the gen. Cyprian Goddess. Opiimarl: rich-fertile. 608. Dum polus: while the heaven feeds Belus had been at war with the inhabitants (sustains) the stars-while there are any of the island, and at that time it was substars in the heavens. Polus, properly the ject to him. pole; by synec. the whole heavens. 624. Pelasgi. These were a people of 611. Ilionea: a Greek ace, of Ilioneus. Thessaly so called from Pelasgus, a son of He was a Trojan, the son of Phorbas. The Lycaon, king of Arcadia, from whom they penult syllable is naturally short, but it is were descended. They were frequently made long for the sake of the verse. No- taken for the Greeks in general. Here, and thing is known of Serestes, Gyas, and Cloan- in some other places, used as an adj. thus, further than Virgil informs us. 625. Ferebat Teucros: he extolled the 614. Casu: calanlity-misfor-une. De- Trojans with distinguished praise. AINEIS. LIB. 1. 193 Seq, ie ortum antiqua Teucrorum a stirpe volebat. Quare agite, 6 tectis, juvenes, succedite nostris! Me quoque per multos similis fortuna labores 628. Similis fortuna Jactatam, hac denium voluit consistere terra. voluit me quoque jactaNon11 ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco. 630 tam er multos labores Sic mcmorat, simul /nean in regia ducit Tecta, simul Divum templis indicit honorem. Nec minus interea sociis ad litora mittit 633. Mittit muneoa Viginti tauros, magnorum horrentia cenrtum sociis ad litora, nempe Terga suum, pingues centurn cum matribus agnos 635 viginti tauros, centun Munera, letitiamque 3te At domus interior regali splendida luxu Irstruitur, mediisque parant convivia tectis. Arte laboratae vestes, ostroque superbo: 639. Hie rmnt veftes [ngens argentum mensis, ccelataque in auro 640 laborate arte Fortia facta patrum, series longissima rerurn Per tot ducta viros antiquae ab origine gentis. tEneas (neque enim patrius consistere mentem Passus amor) rapidum ad naves prmrnittit Aclaten, 645. Ut ferat hwec As. Ascanio ferat hec, ipsumque ad mcenia ducat. 645 canio, duscatque 647. Jubet A'scaniuin Omnis in Ascanio chari stat cura parentis. f64. Juet scuneran: > T1- * *' ferre secum iuunera Munera prweterea, Iliacis erepta ruinis, erepta ex Iliacis ruinis, Ferre jubet, pallam signis auroque rigentem, nempe pallam NOTES. 626. Volebatque se: and he wished (it to 636. Lcetitiam Dei: the joy of the god be considered) that he sprang from the an- (Bacchus-wine.) This is a beautiful circient stock of the Trojans. He sprang cumlocution. The opinions of commentafrom that stock by Hesione, the daughter tors upon this passage are various. The of Laomedon, who was the fifth from Tcu- sense, however, is easy. The queen sent cer and Dardanus, the founders of Troy. them presents (munera) of twenty bulls, a See Geor. iii. 35. For volebat, Rusus says hundred swine, and wine to cheer their aiebat. hearts. 628. Labores: in the sense of casus. 637. Interior domus: the inner part of 630. Mali. This is a fine verse. The the palace, itself splendid, was furnished sentiment is worthy of the most distinguish- with royal magnificence. ed character..Memorat: in the sense of 639. Superbo: rich-costly. Laboraloe: loquitur. finely wrought. 632. Indicit honorem: she orders an of- 640. Ingens argrentum: much silver (was) fering (to be made) in the temples. It was upon the tables, and the mighty deeds of an ancient custom to offer libations to Jove, her ancestors carved in gold, a very long as being the god of hospitality, upon the series of history, traced down through so arnival of strangers. Servius thinks the many heroes from the origin of their anwords, indicil honorem, mean, that she or- cient family. Ingens argentum: by this we ders contributions to be made in honor of are to understand a great quantity of plate, the gods; but this is questionable. He ob- and silver vessels of various descriptions, serves that the ancients, from their poverty, on which were carved the noble actions of were obliged to make collections from the her ancestors. people, for their sacrifices: they also ap- 644. Prcemittit: in the sense of mitlit, plied to that use the property of convicts the compound for the simple word. Or re. and malefactors. Hence suppliier, punish- ference may be had to the entertainment Inents, came to signify prayers, supplica- which Dido had ordered upon the occasion. tions, and thanksgivings. So also sacer He sends Achates before supper, to bear the came to signify both holy, and accursed. news to Ascanius, and to bring him to the 633. Nec minmus: in the sense of quoque, city. He suffers no time to be lost, before or nec non. he communicates to his son the tidings of 634. Centum horrentia terga: a hundred their kind reception. Servius takes P aebristly backs of huge swine; simply, a hun- mittit rapidumn. for mittit prcerapidum. Badred large swine. Terga: the backs, by pidum: in the sense of celerem. synec put for the whole bodies, or carcasses. 648. Rigentem signis auroque: stiff with 14 194 P. VIRGILI1 MARO IS Et circumtextum croceo velamen acantho: 650. Quos illa extu- Ornatus Argive Heslenrra quos illa Mycenis, 650 erat e Mycenis, cumm Pergama cum peteret, inconcessosque IIymeneos, b65. Prpterea jubet Extulerat: matris Le(da mirabile donum. eueiJ^nfresceptrum, quod Pretterea sceptrum, Ilione quod gesserat olim lione maxima Maxima natarum Priami, colloque monile Baccatum, et duplicem gemmis auroque coronam 655 656. Aclates celerans HI-c celerans, iter ad naves tendebat Achates. erre haec At Cytherea novas artes, nova pectore versat 658. Ut Cupido mu- Consilia. ut faciem mutatus et ora Cupido tatus quoad faciem, et era veniat pro Pro dulci Ascanio veniat, donisque furentemn Incendat reginam, atque ossibus implicet ignem. 660 Quippe domumr timet ambiguam, Tyriosque bilingues. Urit atrox Juno, et sub noctem cura recursat. Ergo his aligerum dictis affatur Amorem: 664. 0 nate, meae vi- Nate, mete vires, mea magna potentia; solus, res, mea magna poten- Nate, patris summi qui tela Typhoea temnis: 665 tia; 0 nate, qui solus Ad te confugio, et supplex tua nurina posco. temnis 667. Hcec nota sunt Frater ut iEneas pelago tuus omnia circum tibi, uttuus frater _Eneas Litora jactetur, odiis Junonis iniquae, jactetur pelago Nota tibi: et nostro doluisti saepe dolore. NOTES. figures, and with gold-with golden figures, Cythera, an island in the Peloponnesus, saby Hendiadis. Velamen circumnlcxlumz: a cred to that goddess. vail woven round. 659. Furenlem reginam: the loving queen. 650. Ornalus.rgiv,: the ornaments of The queen already in love with tEneas. Grecian Helen. According to the poets, Cupid was a celebrated deity, the god of Helen was the daughter of Jupiter, and love, from the verb cupio. The one here Leda, the wife of Tyndarus, king of Laco- spoken of was the son of Jupiter and Venus, nia. She produced two eggs: from one of and consequently was half brother to Eneas. them sprung Pollux and Hellen; from the There were two others of the same name other, Castor and Clytemnestra. Horace among the ancients. Furenrmti: in tle sense says that Castor and Pollux were from the of amaenaleo. Furens signifies, being transsame egg. Helen married Menelaus, the ported with an inordinate passion, whether brother of Agamemnon, king of Mycenae of love, or anger. and Argos. Having become son-in-law to 660. Implicet: should apply thle fire (of Tyndarus, he succeeded to the throne of love) to her bones —should entwine it around Laconia, after the death of Castor and Pol- them. lux. Helen is called Argiva, either on ac- 661, Anmbiguamn domum: the equivocating count of her relationship to the royal family race, and double-tongued Tyrians. Bilinof Argos, or because the Greeks in general gues, either alludes to their speaking both were sometimes called Argivi..M/ycenis. the Phoenician and Libyan languages, or to.Vycence and Avrgos, the two principal cities their notorious perfidy. Punica Jides was of Greece, are sometimes put for Greece in proverbial for deceit and perfidy. Dotmulm: general, by synec. See also norm. prop. un- in the sense of genterm. der Helen. 662. Urit: troubles her. 651. Pergama: Troy. See 466, supra. 663. Anlorelm: Cupid. Heisrepresented Inconcessos Hymenteos: unlawful match- as a winged infant, naked, and armed with marriage, a bow and quiver full of arrows. 665. TMlhoea: an adj. from Tilphoej, 653. Iione: the eldest (maxima nalarum) ph: an adj. from 7h, 653. lioe the eldest (mofzPr m nStarum) one of the giants tlat made war against the of the daughters of Priam. She was mar- hundergods. Jup~iter strucli himn writhl a tlhunlertied to Polymnestor, king of Thrace, and g J s l wt a t d red~ to I'olymnestor, king of Thrace, and bolt, and laid him under mount /Etna. Tywas invested with royal dignity. phoea aroma: the thunder-bolts of Jove. 654. Baccatumque monile: a pearled col- These words very forcibly express the irre-,ar for the neck-a necklace set with pearl. sistible power of loe. Coronam duplicem: a crown double with 666. Jmwnina: in the sense of opem, vel gems and gold-set with a double row of auxilium. golden gems; by Hend. 668. Inique: in the sense of iratce, vel 657. Cyt lerea: Venus; so called from infensce. Sec 4 and 27, supra. ..ENES. LIB. 1, 195 Hunc Phcenissa ten-t Dido, blandisque moratur 670 Vocibus: et vereor, lqu se Junonia vertant Ifospitia: haud tanto cessabit cardine rerum. Quocirca capere ante dolis et cingere flamma Reginam meditor: ne quo se numine mutet; Sed magno /Enea mecum teneatur amore. 675 Qua facere id possis, nostram nune aecipe menterr. Regius, accitu clari genitoris, ad urbem 677. Regius puer, mea Sidoniam puer ire parat, mea maxima cura, maxim cura, parat ire Dona ferens pelago et flammis restantia Troj.e. IIune ego sopitum somno, super alta Cythera, 680 Aut super Idalium, sacrata sede recondam. Ne qua scire dolos, mediusve occurrere possit. Tu faciem illius, noctem non amplius unam, Falle dolo: et notos pueri puer indue vultus, 684. Tu puer indue Ut, cun te gremio accipiet laetissima Dido, 685 notos vultus pueri, uI, Regales inter mensas laticemque Lyeum, cum Dido Cum dabit amplexus, atque oscula dulcia figet; Occultum inspires ignem, fallasque veneno. 688. Fallasque earn Paret Amor dictis chara genitricis, et alas veneno amoris Exuit, et gressu gaudens incedit Iiili. 690 At Venus Ascanio placidam per membia quietem Irrioat: et fotum gremio Dea tollit in altos 692. Et Dea tolt e fotum in altos Idaliae lucos, ubi mollis amaracus ilium NOTES. 670. Phenissa: Dido. She is here called and the Carthaginians were a colony from a Phenician, or woman of Phtenicia. This Tyre. Hence Sidonia vel Tyria urbs, for was a country extending along the eastern Carthage. shore of the Mediterranean, including Tyre 679. iRestantia: in the sense of servata. and Sidon. The Phenicians were among 680. Recondam hunc: I will conceal him the earliest navigators, and are said to have in a sacred place, laid in sleep, &c. Cythera: been the inventors of letters. Blandis: neu. plu. an island lying southward of the kind-smooth words. Tenet: in the sense Peloponnesus, sacred to Venus. Idcaiium, of detinet. or Idalia: a town and grove in the island 671. Quo Junonia. The hospitality and of Cyprus, sacred to Venus. Hence she ii friendship which iEneas received at Car- sometimes called Idallea. thage, are here called Junonian; either be- 682. NJ'equd possit: lest by some means. cause Juno may be considered the goddess, he could know the deceit, or intervene, to as well as Jupiter the god, of hospitality; prevent the success of the plan. or because she was the special guardian and 684. Falle dolo: counterfeit, through artiprotectress of Carthage. Venus fears lest fice, his appearance for one night, and no this hospitality of Juno may turn to the de- more. struction of Eneas and his friends. 686. Lyceum laticenm: simply, wine. - 672. Tanto cardine rerum: in so great a Lyeus, a name of Bacchus, derived from!risis, or juncture of affairs. the Greek. MJ7ensas: in the sense of epulas, 674. Meditor antecapere: I contemplate vel dapes, by meton. to t.uke possession of the queen before- 687. Figet: and she shall give you sweet hand by stratagem, and to besiege her with kisses-shall press your sweet lips. Insptthe flame of'love. This is a metaphor ta- res: in the sense of insinues. Fallas venen). ken from the manner of blocking up a town, IHeyne takes these words in the sense of; by planting fires around the walls to pre- per fraudem instilles venenum. vent any from making their escape. JNe 692. Irrigat placidam: diffuses a placid mulet lest Dido should change herself rest through, &c. Folum gremio: presse i through the influence of any god-should to her bosom. change her mind through the influence of 693. Amaracus: the herb marjoram. It Juno. was said to be baneful to serpents, and 676. Accipe; hear my opinion. therefore a very proper bed for Ascanius. It 678. Sidonzam: an adj. from Sidon, a abounded in Cyprus. JMollis: in the sense city of Phoenicia, belonging to Tyre. Dido of dulcss 196 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Floribus et dulci aspirans complectitur jmin-A. Jamque ibat dicto parens, et dona Cupido G95 Regia portabat Tyriis; duce lttus Achate. Cum venit, aulais jam se Regina superbis Aurea composuit sponda, mediamque locavit. Jam Pater Eneas, et jam Trojana juventus Conveniunt, stratoque super discumbitur ostro. 70, Dant famuli manibus lymphas, Cereremque canistris Expediunt, Ionsisque ferunt mantilia villis 703. Intus erant quin- Quinquaginta intus famulae, quibus ordine longo quaginta famule, qui- Cura penum struere, et flammis adolere Penates: bus erat cura struere Centum alia, totidemque pares tate ministri, 7 penum longo ordine, et'05. Erant centum Qui dapibus mensas onerent, et pocula ponant. alisefamulce, totidemque Necnon et Tyrii per limina laeta fiequentes ministri Convenere, toris jussi discumbere pictis. Mirantur dona AEnea, mirantur Iiilum, Flagrantesque Dei vultus, simulataque verba; 71C 712. Prsecipue infelix Pallamque et pictum croceo velamen acantho. Phmnissa devota futura Praecipue infelix, pesti devota future, pesti nequit Expleri mentem nequit, ardescitque tuendo NOTES. 694. Aspirans: sending forth a sweet vants. They are distinguished from the snell-odoriferous. male servants, who are called niin/stri. 695. Cupido parens dicto: Cupid obeying 704. Penumn: properly all kinds of pro the command, &c. As Cupid personates visions and stores. Here the word is taken Ascanius, he may be said to obey the com- in a more limited sense. Adblere Penates mands of AEneas, delivered by Achates. jlarnmis: to worship the Penates by fireThis is the sense given to the words by to burn incense to the Penates. See Geor. Ruseus. Davidson refers them to Venus. ii. 505. 697. Regina jam composuit. The couches The business of the female servants seems were calculated for three persons each. The to have been to cook and dress the provi. middle couch was considered the most ho- sions, and to arrange the several dishes be. norable, and of the seats, the middle one of fore they were brought upon the table. the middle couch. Here Dido sat down. The other servants spread the table, broughl Locavitque mediam: and placed herself in forward the several dishes when prepared, the middle, between AEneas and Cupid, sup- and waited upon the guests at supper.posed to be Ascanius. Struere penum: instruere et adornare edulia It was usual to have three of these couch- ac cibos, says Heyne. es at table. Hence triclinium came to sig- 705. Pares ealale: equal in age-of equal nify a dining room. Aulcris may mean the age. Pocula: by rnton. for wine. rich tapestry and curtains that were sus- 707. JNec non: also-in like manner pended over the couch on which Dido sat; Frequentes in crowds-in great numbers. or the rich coverings of the couch itself. 708. Pictis toris: upon ornamented This appears to be the opinion of Rureus: couches. In aurea sponda, et magnifiJcis tapetibus, says 709. Iuiium: Cupid, who came in tile he. form of Iiilus, or Ascanius. 700. Discumbitur: a verb imp. they sit 710. Flagrantes: fresh-glowing Simudown upon a coucl richly ornamented with late: in the sense of Jicta. purple. Rueus says, in purpureis lectis. 711. Picturn: Rueus says, intertum. It Oslrum: the purple color itself, taken as is to be taken after velamen. When azny cir. an adj. cumstance depends upon the adj. it is to be 702. Mantilia tonsis: towels of soft nap taken aOter the noun. -smooth and soft towels; the prep. e or ex 712. Devota fuluree: devoted to future being understood. Or, tonsis villis may be love. It was the plan of Venus all along, put absolutely: the shag, or nap being that Dido should fall in love with Aneas; cut off, would render them smooth. It was she may therefore be said to have been de. a custom to wash before meals; hence, dant voted to it. Pestis very strongly marks the lmphas manibus. Lymphas: in the sense nature and destructive effects of love, wten of aquam. indulged beyond due bounds. 703. Famulce. These were female ser- 713. Expleri' the pass. in tha sense of tENEIS. LIB. 1. 197 Phomnissa: et pariter puero donisque movetur. 717. Ila.c lhret rn 111e, ubi complexu.Enea colloque pependit, 715 eun curm oculis, haec ha^ Et magnum falsi irnplevit genitoris amorem, ret in eum cunl toto pcmReginam petit: hmc oculis, lhec pectore toto tor e lfheret; et interdum gremio fovet, inscia Dido, fovet eumgremi, inscia Insideat quantus miserae Deus: at memor ille 719. Memor mandaloMatris Acidalite, paulatinl abolere Sichlaum 720 rum matris Incipit, et vivo tentat prwevertere amore 72l. Prsvertere vivo Jampridern resides animos desuetaque corda. anore nc resids anilmos regtin Postquam prima quies epu!kis, mensaeque remotae; 7a24. liiislri tatunt Crateras inagnos statuunt, et vina coronant. 728. Regina )oposcit Fit strepitus tectis, vocemque per ampla volutant 725 pateram gravcm Atria: dependent lychni laquearibus aureis 729. Quam Belus, et omnes i Bole soliti sutt Incensi: et noctem flammis funalia vincunt. onnes a Beo oit implere ilic Regina gravem gemris auroque loposcit, 731. Turn silentia [mplevit(lue mero, pateram; quam Belus, et omnes facta sunt totis tectis, A Belo soliti. Tuum facta silentia tectis: 730 Dido inquit: 0 Jupiter, Jupiter, (hospitibus nain te dare jura loquuntur) (narn homines loquuntur Hune laturn Tyriisque die'rTroj'aque profetis te dare jura hospitibus) velis hune diem esse Esse velis, nostrosque hujus Ineminisse minores. ltun Tyrisqueisque qu Adsit laetitiae Bacchus dator, et bona Juno: profectis a Troja NOTES. the act. explere. Or expleri quoad menlem, 723. JMensce: the tables, by meton. the food a Grecism: to be satisfied as to ler mind upon them. Postquamn primea: when the -to satisfy her mind. Ardescitque: and first rest was to the feast-when the first she is inflamed with love, while sle gazes course or service was ended. It was customupon him. ary among the Romans to divide the feast 715. Falsi geniloris: his pretended, or into two courses, and sometimes into three. fictitious father. Hence we find: prima mensa, and secunda 717. Hwec hceret: she sticks upon him mensa. with her eyes-she sticks upon him with 724. Coronant vina. By this we are to her whole heart. This very strongly marks understand that they filled the bowls or gobthe steadfast attention, with which Dido lets to the brim. Some understand by it observed, and gazed upon hliml. their dressing or adorning of the bowls with 718. Foret: she tugs him to her bosom. garlands; which was a custom among the 719. Insideat: lies in wait for her, un- Romans on certain occasions. Volltantl: in happy (ill-fated) woman. This word very the sense of mittunt. forcibly expresses the insidious designs of 726. Incensi lychni: lighted lamps hung Cupid. from the golden ceilings. 720. Acidalia. Venus, so called from a 727. Jioctem: the darkness. Funalia: fountain of that name in Beotia, dedicated torches lighted. Flammis: in the sense of to the Graces, the daughters of Venus and luce. Bacchus. Abolere Sicheumnl: to obliterate or Bachus. Abre/rc Sic/tunt: to obliterate or 7283. Gemmis auroque in the sense of efface from her mind the memory of Sichm — 72 emms nse us. lie had been the husband of Dido; to aur7is genms, y Hend. whom she had sworn inviolable constancy. 729. Belus. This cannot be the father of 721. Pracvertere: he endeavors to preoc- Dido, but some one of her ancestors; percupy her languid affections, with an ardent haps the founder of her family. For otherlove for }Eneas, and her heart long since wise there can be no proiriety in the words: unaccustomedto love: lest Juno should in- omnes a Belo: all after Belus..Mero: prospire her wvith hatred toward him, and his perly nelw tiine. Here wine in general. friends. Vivo amore. Some commentators 733. Minores: descendents. Bona: prounderstood by these words: a lore for a liv- pitious-kind. ing object, in opposition to one that is dead, 736. Libavit. This libation or offering as was SichIrus. Ruaus takes vivo in thle consisted in pouring some drops of wine sense of vehLementi; and prcererere, in the upon the table at feasts, or upon the aitar at sense of prnoccupare. Hleyne has this re- sacrifices, as an acknowledgment of the maik Qauod orccultpns, in eo situl prf.rer- bounty of the gods. Laticumn: goen. lu. of tinus al;os (we prevent others) ne occupent. latex, in the sense of vini 198 P. VIRGILI1 MARONIS Et vos, 6 ccetum, Tyrii, celebrate faventes. 73b Dixit: et in mensam laticum libavit ho:;orem: 737 Eoquelibto, i Pi libato, a Priaque liba, sum o tenus attigit ore. prima attigit reliquum Turn Bitie dedit increpitans: ille impiger hausit ovtini Spumantem pateram, et pleno se proluit auro: 740. P6st alii proceres P6st alii proceres. Cithara crinitus Iopas 740 hauserurnt Personat aurata, docuit quwe maxim-us Atlas 743. Unde genus ho- IMic canit errantem Lunarn, Solisque labores: minum orturn est, et 744. Canit Arcturum Unde hominum genus, et pecudes: unde imber, et ignes Arcturum, pluviasque Hyadas, geminosque Trioles: Quid tantum Oceano properent se tingere soles' 745, IHyberni, vel qum tardis mora noctibus obstet. 748. Vario sermone Ingeminant plausum Tyrii, Troesque sequuntu;r. cum 4JEnecat Necnon et vario noctem sermone trahebat l751s uirrbus arVis fi- Inflix Dido, longunque bibebat amorem; hlius Aurorme veiiisset ad Trojam: nune quales Multa super Priamo rogitans, super Hectore multa essent equi Dioinedis Nune, quibus Aurora venisset filius armis: 751 753. Age, O hospes, Nunc, quales Diomedis equi: nunc, quantus Achilles. et die nobis a prima ori- Irmm age, et a prima, die, hospes, origine nobis gile, insidias b 755. Nain jam septi- Insidias, inquit, Danaam, casusque tuorum, ma uestas portat te er- Erroresque tuos: nam te jam septima portat 755 rantem omnibus terris. Omnibus errantem terris et fuctibus aestas. NOTES. 737..Attigit: she just touched it with her in their coming on, because of the length of lips. Tenus: in the sense of tantumnlodv. the day. They seem to be tardy and relucThe Roman ladies were not permitted to tant, as if unwilling to arrive, drink wine except at religious ceremonies. This song of Iopas is imitated from the Dido, therefore, takes it, but she does not Odyssey of Homer. Virgil, however, has drink deep. She touches it with her lips: surpassed his master. The subject of Hoshe just tastes it, and no more. Summo ore: mer's song is the actions of Ulysses. But the extremity of her mouth-her lips. HIau- this of Virgil is of the subliincst kind, comsit: in the sense of potavit. Betias drank prehending the most profound subjects of off the bowl with so much haste and eager- philosophy. ness, that he wet himself (proluit se,) by 749. Infilix Dido.: unhappy Dido drew spilling some of the wine, which ran doiwn out the night in various conversation, and his chin and clothes. Auro: properly gold. drank large draughts of love. Virgil, says Hence by meton. any thing made of gold. Davidson, is always very happy in settiing Here the golden bowl out of whichhe drank. objects in contrast to one another. Here 741. Allas. See XEn. 4. 247. the anxious situation of Iido's lovesick mind 742. Labores solis: eclipses of the sun. is seen in a fine liglit in opposition to the Personat: he sings-plays upon his lyre. general mirth. While Tyrians and Trojans Ignes: lightning. give loose to joy, and are making tle roofs 744. Arcturum: a star in the constellation resound with their repeated acclamations, Bootes, near the tail of the Great Bear. Eneas alone engages Dido's thoughts and Hyadas: these were seven stars in the front attention. She relishes neither the pleasures of the Bull. See Geor. 1. 138. Geminos of the feast, nor of the song; arnd eanlisten Triones. These were two Northern signs; to no music, but the charms of' his voice, formerly called, sometimes, the greater and Bibebal quasi lopgo hIausls, says H-eyne. less Plough, because the stars were thought ~ 750. Films Auttrora. Memnon. See 489 to be in the form of a team of oxen, before a supra. Super: about or concerning. plough. Pluvias: in the sense ofimbriferas. 753. Dic: by Apocope for dice, in the 745. Quid hyberni soles: why the winter sense of narra. suns hasten so much to touch themselves in 755. Scpimna cestas: the seventh sumner, the ocean, or what delay retards the slow The meaning seems to be: the'seventh sumnights. Simply: why the winter days are ruer now brings you hither, after you have so short, and those of summer so long. wandered on every land, and on every sea. The summer nights may be said to be slow Fluclibvs: in the sense of maribu.s. YENEIS. LIB. 1. 199 QUESTIONS. What is the character of this book? What are the names of its promontories? When does it open? Is the passage between Sicily and Italy Where was _Eneas at that time? dangerous? What prevented him from proceeding to What is the cause of it? taly? Can you explain the fables of Sylla and Who caused the storm? Charnbdis? At whose instigation was it raised? Who was Venus? What damage did the fleet of AEneas sus- What is said of her? ain? What are some of her names? Who assuaged the storm? For what is the word taken, by meton.? Did he render the Trojans any other as- What part did she take in the affairs of distance? the Trojans? Where did Eneas then direct his course? Does the poet represent her as making Alter his arrival, how was he received? any speech in their favor, after their arrival Who conducted him to Carthage, and in Africa? gave him an account of the country? What is the character of that speech? Having entered the city, to what place What does Dr. Trapp say of it? does he go first? Who was Antenor? Whom does he see there? What did he do? What effect had the appearance of Dido What city did he build? upon him? Who succeeded Eneas in the goveinAre there any epispdes in this book? ment? How many can you mention? What city did Ascanius build? Who were the founders of Troy? How long was this city the seat of goWhat are its several names? vernment? And from whom derived? Who was the mother of Romulus? Who was Dardanus? Whose daughter was she? Of what country was he a native? How were Romulus and his brother ReOf what country was Teucer a native? mus brought up? After ~Eneas arrived in Italy, whom did What is the fabulous account? he Inarry? What is the more probable account? What city did he build? What was their mode of life? What did he call it? What did Romulus do as soon as he came Where was it situated? to years of maturity? Who was Juno? Where did Romulus found his city? What is said of her? What was the end of Remus? What are some of her names? Wlat gave rise to the quarrel between the What were the causes of her resentment brothers? against the Trojans? What other name had Romulus0 Where was Carthage situated? From what is it derived? Who was the Guardian Goddess of that Who were the Amazons? city? From what is the name derived? What was the prize of beauty? Are they supposed to have been altogether To whom was it adjudged? a fabulous people? By whom was it adjudged? Who was their queen in the time of the Where did Eolus reside? Trojan war? How do you understand the fable of his What were the several names of Italy? Leing the god of the winds? Fromi what were they derived? In the division of the world between the Who were the Pelasgi properly? ions of Saturn, to wholn did the empire of For whom is the word sometimes used?'e sea fall? What was Pergama properly? What is Neptune represented as bearing For what was the word used by synec.? in his hand? What is the last episode in this book? What is the difference between procellta, What are the subjects of that song?'yems, nimbus, and imber? From whom is it imitated? Are they sometimes used indiscriminately What are the subjects of Homer's song? for each other? How doq, this book conclude? Why was Sicily called 7Trnacria? LIBER SECUNDUS. DIDo having desired iEneas to relate to her the sufferings of his countrymen, he proceeda to the mournful subject. He informs her that the city was taken after a siege of tel, years, through the treachery of Sinon, and the stratagem of a wooden horse: that it was his determination not to survive the ruins of his country, till otherwise advised by Hector's ghost, and the appearance of his mother Venus: that he then conceived the plan of leaving his country, and seeking a settlement in another land. He then informs her of his carrying his aged father upon his shoulders, while his little son followed by his side, and his wife Creiisa at some distance behind: that when he came to the place of general rendezvous, he found a great concourse of people ready to engage in any enterprise: that here he misses his wife, and, frantic with despair, he resolved to rescue her, at the peril of his life. For this purpose he returned to the city; but, in tie adventure, her ghost appeared to him, quieted his mind, and informed him of the land des tined to him by fate. lie also relates the particulars of his own adventures in that fatal night, when the powerful kingdom of Priam fell to tie ground. This book may justly be considered the most interesting one of the whole /Eneid; and was one of the sin which the poet himself read in the presence of Augustus and Octavia. CONTICUERE omnes, intentique ora tenebant. Inde toro pater LEneas sic orsus ab alto: Infandum, Regina, jubes renovare dolorem: 4. Narrando ut Danai Trojanas ut opes, et lamentabile regnuin Eruerint Danai; qumque ipse miserrima vidi, 7. Autqus milesMyr- Et quorum pars rnagna fui. Quis talia fando, midounm Myrmidonum, Dolopumve, aut duri miles Ulyssei, NOTES. 2. Toro: the couch on which he sat at he sowed with salt. But he was detected supper. Orsus: began. From the verb by Pelamides, a wise and eminent statesman, ordior. Est is to be supplied. in this manner. lHe took his son Telema3. Ut: in the sense of quomodo. Opes: chus, then a child, and laid him before the in the sense ofpotentian. Lamentabile: in plougl of his father, who turned it aside to the sense of plorandum. save his son. IIe was obliged to go to Troy, 5. Danai: the Greeks, so called from where he distinguished himself both by his Danaus, one of tleir kings. Quceque miser- valor, his prudence, and his sagacity. By rima ipse: both what things (scenes) the his means, Achilles was discovered among most pitiable I myself saw, and those of the daughters of Lycomedes, kings of the which I was a principal part. island of Scyros, under whose guardianship 7..Jyrmidonum. The Myrmidons were his mother had placed him; and Philoctetes the troops of Achilles. Doloptnm. The Do- was obliged to leave Lemnos, and take with lopians were the troops of Phenix; or, as him the arrows of Iercules; without which some say, of Pyrrhus, the son of Achilles. it was said Troy could not be taken. Ulyssei. Ulysses was the son of Laertes, and He performed many daring achievements, Anticlea, king of the islands of Ithaca and and executed marn hazardous enterprises. Dulachium. He married Penelope, the After the death of Achilles, he was rewarddaughter of Icarus, a virtuous and amiable ed with the arms of that hero. On his rewoman, with whom he lived for a time in turn home, he was exposed to' many dangreat happiness and domestic enjoyment. gers, hardships, and misfortunes, during tho After the rape of Helen by Paris, he was space of ten years. After an absence of summoned by the other princes of Greece, twenty years, he arrived in his kingdom, to to the war that had been resolved upon the great joy of his constant wife. lie is against Troy. Unwilling to leave his king- said to have been slain by Telegonus, a son don and beloved wife, he pretended to be of his by the sorceress Circe. insane: and yoking an ox and an horse to- During his absence, his wife had many gether, he went ploughing the shore, which suitors, whom she put off by telling tfI'm XANE1S. LIB. II. 2t Temperet a lachrymis? et jam nox hunlida ccelo Praecipitat, suadentque cadentia sidera somnos Sed, si tantus amor castls cognoscere nostros, 10 10. Si tantus amor Et breviter Trojae supremun audire laborem; sit tib Quanquam animus memnimsse horret, luctuque refugit, Incipiam. Fracti bello, fatisque repulsi Ductores Danaum, tot jam labentibus annis, Instar montis equum, divina Pallidis arte, 15.Edificant: sectaque intexunt abiete costas. Votum pro reditu simulant: ea fama vagatur. 17. Simulent equum Iuc delecta virum sortiti corpora furtim esse votum pro rdit domw un Includunt cee.o lateri: penitisque cavernas 18. Eii sortiti delecta Ilgentes, uterumque armato milite conplent. 20 Est in conspectu Tenedos, notissima fama Insula, dives opum, Priami dum regna manebant: NOTES. that she could not comply with their wishes, within their walls so enormous and suspiuntil she had finished a piece of work which cious an engine with so implicit credulity. was then in her loom; but which she was But the poet, as Mons. Segrais observes, careful not to do: for she undid in the night has finely contrived the matter, so as to what she did in the day. By this device render it not only plausible, but in a manshe continued faithful to her husband. ner necessary and unavoidable. The return of Ulysses to his native land, The Trojans, having heard the story of and the adventures of Telemachus in search Sinon, and seeing so strong a confirmation of his father, form the basis of the Odyssey. of the truth of it in the terrible disasters 9. Cadentia sidera. In the language of that befel Laocoon and his sons, had every poetry, the stars may be said to set, when reason to believe the machine was an offerthey disappear at the approach of day; ing sacred to Minerva, and that all who and they are said to rise, when they become offered violence to it should feel the venvisible, at the approach of night. From geance of heaven, as Laocoon and his sons this, we are to understand that it was near had done; and therefore they could not act morning, when IEneas entered upon the otherwise than the poet supposes them to mournful subject. Suadent: invite to sleep. have done, consistently with their religion, 11. Laborem: struggle. Heyne says, and system of belief. As to the hardiness cladem, ipsum excedium urbis. of the undertaking on the part of the Greeks, 12. Horret: shudders at, or dreads, the M. Segrais observes, that modern history recollection. Refugit luclu. The verb here furnishes examples of equally hardy enteris in the perfect tense. As soon as his prises, undertaken and executed with sucmind was turned to the mournful subject, it cess. He instances the Hollanders, forty of shrunk back, and revolted from it. This whom ventured to conceal themselves in change of tense is an elegance: it marks a vessel, seemingly laden with turf, and the quickness of the impression upon his underwent those examinations which are mind. The verb refugio forms the third usually made for contraband goods, and person of the present and perfect of the in- having landed, retook the town of Breda dicative, refugit. The penult of the for- from the Spaniards. mer is short, of tie latter long, as in the 16. Intexunt: they line or cover the ribs. present case. Some read Luclumque refu- Costas. These were the timbers that gave git: declines the mournful task; which is form and figure to the horse-the frame. the same sentiment. Secta abiete: with sawn fir-with planks or 13. Repulsi. The Greeks are here said boards of fir. to'be repulsed bv the fates, because it was 17 Fama: in the sense of rumor. decreed that Troy could not be taken till 18. Sortiti delecta corpora: having chosen the expiration of ten years, from the corn- a select body of men, they privately shit menceme nt of the siege. Fracti: disheart- them up, &c. Sortiti: properly, having ened. chosen by lot. 15. Instar montis. It hath been objected 19. Peniths: in its inmost recesses. that this story of the horse has not proba- 21. Tenrdos: an island lying opposite bility enough to support it; that, besides Troy, not far from the promontory of Sithe hardiness of the enterprise, it is not to gCPu1n, and about forty stadia from the main be supposed that the Trojans would receive lan d. 202 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Nunc tantuln sinus, et statio malefida carnis: z4. Ductores Danauam Huc se provecti deserto in litore condunt. prevecti ]Nos abiisse rati, et vento petiisse Mycenas. Q6 25. Nos ra sums eos Erg6 omnis longo solvit se Teucria luctu: Panduntur portae: juvat ire, et Dorica castra, Desertosque videre locos, litusque relictum. Iic Dolopum manus, hic savus tendebat Achilles 30. HIc eratlocus Classibus hic locus: hic acies certare solebant. 30 31. Pars nostrum stu- Pars stupet innuptae donum exitiale Minerva, pet Et molem mirantur equi: primusque Thymcetes Duci intra muros hortatur, et arce locari; 34. Sive faciebat id Sive dolo, seu jam Trojae sic fata ferebant. dolo, seu At Capys, et quorum melior sententia menti, 35 35. Capys, et illi quo- Aut pelago Danauln insidias suspectaque dona, sententia, jubetautprme- Pracipitare juentnt, subjectisve urere flammis cipitare Aut terebrare cavas uteri et tentare latebras. Scinditur incertum studia in contraria vulgus. 40. Ibi Laocoon pri- Primus ibi ante omnes, magna comitante caterva, 40 mus ante omnes decur- Laocoon ardens summa decurrit ab arce: rit Et procul: O miseri, quae tanta insania, cives? nat: qume tanta insania Creditis avectos hostes? aut ulla putatis est vobis Dona carere dolis Danaum? sic notus Ulysses? 44. An est Ulysses sic Aut hoc inclusi ligno occultantur Achivi: 4: notus vobis Aut htec in nostros fabricata est machina muros, NOTES. 23. Malefida: unsafe for ships. Carinis: 35. At Capys: but Capys, and others, to the keels: by synec. the whole ships. whose mind there was a better judgment, 26. Omnis Teucria: all Troy: the name advised, &c. of the place put, by meton. for the inhabi- Capys accompanied Eneas on his voytants. See En. i. 1. age, and was one of his chief mcn. He 27. Dorica: an adj. from Doris, a coun- afterwards founded Capua, in Italy, which try of Greece, situated between rEtolia, was a long time a rival of Rome, in wealth Phocis, and Thessaly; by synec. for Greece and splendor. in general. 37. Subjectis-ve. The common reading 29. Tendebat: pitched his camp. Rumnus 29. Tendebat: pitched his campi Ruoeum is subjeclisque. The forner is to be preferred. says, habebat tentoria. JManus Dolopum: Va.lpy reads suecis-ve. Valpy reads subjectis-ve. simply, the Dolopians. 30. Acies: is properly an army drawn up 38. Terbrare: to lay open and examile in order of battle: agmen, an army in or- the hollow recesses of the womb. der of march, from ago: exercitus, an army 39. Incertum: fickle-inconstant. Conin order of exercise, from exerceo. But they traria studia: into different sentiments, or are often used indiscriminately. opinions. Some were in favor of the mea. 32. Thymrctes. It is said he married the sure proposed, others were against it. sister of Hecuba, the wife of Priam, by 40. Ante. Ruteus interprets this by coram, whom he had a son, born on the same day in the presence of all. Davidson thinks it with Paris. Priam being informed by an implies that Laocoon was the first, or prinoracle that on that day a child was born, cipal (primus) person among those who opwho should be the cause of the destruction posed the admission of the horse into the of Troy, interpreted it against the son of city. Heyne thinks' we are to understand Thymcetes, and caused him to be put to that Laocoon ran before-outran the rest. death. On this account, it is supposed, that Ante, signifies, before, with respect to time, he entertained a grudge against Priam, and place, and degree. Laocoon, some sa>, was acted the part of a traitor to his country. the brother of Ancliises; others say, he was He was of Priam's counsellors. the son of Priam, and priest of Apollo. 33. Duci: the inf. pass. of ducor. Equum s is understood before it. 4 en: ayscele. 34. Faha: destiny-fate. Ferebant: in 43. Avectos: in the sense of profecios. the sense of velebant. The verb esse is understood. .ANEIS. IIB. I1. 203 Inspectura domos, venturaque desuper urbi; Aut aliquis latet error: equo ne credite, Teucri. Quicquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes Sic fatus, validis ingentem viribus hastam 50 Et. Sic fatus, validii In latus, inque feii curvam compagibus avum viribus contorsit ingenter Contorsit: stetit illa tremens, uteroque recusso Insonuere cave gernitumque dedere cavernTe. Et, si fata Deuirn, si mens non lva fuisset, 54. Si fata Defm non Irnpulerat ferro Argolicas foedare latebras: 55fuissent adversa Trojaque, nunc stares, Priamique arx alta, maneres! f5. e impulrat!ws Ecce manus juvenem interea post terga revinctum 57. Ecce, interea DarPastores magno ad regem clamore trahebant danide pastores magno Dardanidae: qui se ignotum venientibus ultro, clamore trahebanlt ad Ioc ipsum ut strueret, Trojamque aperiret Achivis, 60 regem juveneml revincObtulerat fidens animi, atque in utrumque paratus, teua quoad manus post terga; qui ultr/> obtulo Seu versare dolos, seu certae occumbere morti. rat se ignotum illis Undique visendi studio Trojana juventus 63. Visendi illius Circumfusa ruit, certantque illudere capto. Accipe nunc Danaum insidias; et crimine ab uno 65 Disce omnes. Namque, ut conspectu in medio turbatus, inermis 67. Ut Sznon constitit Constitit, atque oculis Phrygia agmina circumnspexit: Heu, quae nunc tellus, inquit, quae me aequora possunt Accipere! aut quid jam misero mihi denique restat! 70 Cui neque apud Danaos usquam locus; insuper ipsi NOTES. 47. Inspectura: about to overlook our Troy, thou wouldst be standing, and thou, houses, and to come down upon the city. lofty citadel of Priam, wouldst be remain. It was higher than the walls and houses, ing! Fedare: in the sense of excindere. and might, with propriety, be said to over- 59. Dardanidae: the Trojans; so called look them, and to come down upon the city from Dardanus, one of their founders. It -to make an attack upon it. is here used as an adj. 48. Error: guile, deceit, or trick. It 60. Strueret: in the sense of efficeret. properly signifies whatever is opposed to 61. Fidens aninmi: bold-daring of soul. truth, and prepared for either event; to carry into 49. Et: in the sense of etiam: I fear the execution his purpose, (versare dolos;) or, Greeks even offering presents. There is a in case of discovery, to yield to certain peculiar emphasis to be placed upon tle et death. H-e threw himself a st-anger, and in tils instance. unknown, in the way of these shepherds, 51. Feri: the horse. Ferus does not al- on purpose that they might take him, and ways signify a wild beast, or beast of prey: bring him before Priam and the Trojan it signifies a tame or domesticated animal chiefs, the better to effect his purpose, to also. Ie struck that part of the horse, persuade them to admit the horse within where the timbers or ribs arose from their their city. horizontal to aperpendicular position Cur- 64. Circumfusa: surrounding him-envam conmptgibus: bending out in soamu or compassing him on every side: a part. from joints. Juncturis, says Rumus. Recusvo: circumnfundor. Capto: in the sense of capin thle sense of repercusso. tivo. 53. Gemlitum. This groan probablx was 65. Accipe: in the sense of audi. Ab made by the Greeks within, who now began uno crimine: from one criminal person, to be alarmed at their situation. (namely, Sinon,) learn the character of all 54. Fala: decrees, or purposes of the the Greeks. This appears to be the sense gods. in which Ileyne takes the words. Valpy 55. Argolicas: an adj. from A'rgos, a city says: "From this instance of deceit and of Greece, situated in the Pelopoinesus; treachery," &c. Davidson: " From one by synec. sometimes put for Greece in ge- crime, take a specimen of the whole nation." geral. Latebras: hiding places —-recesses. Ciimen: properly a crime; by meton. a Trojaque. &c. This is a happy apostrophe: criminal, or villanous person. had we taken his advice-had our minds 66. In medio conspectu: in the midst of not been stupid and infatuated; now O the gazing crowd. gt4 P. VIRGILII MARON1S 73. Q gei Dardanida infensi puenas cum sanguine poscunt.;rt unii i aunt conversi Quo gremitu conversi animi, compressus et omnis e iut c s, I'Impetus: hortamur fari, quo sanguine cretus; 74. Eum fari, ex quo Quidve ferat, memoret, quar sit fiducia capto. 7b Srngouine cretus sit; me- Ille hmLc, deposit' tandem formidine, fatur: rinoet, quid ferat, qum-ve Cuncta equidem tibi, Rex, fuerint quacunque, fatebor, 7(. MIe cretutm esse dIe 7Argolicar Vera, inquit: neque me Argolica de gente negabo; 79. Hoc est primum: IIoc primum:' nec si miscrum fortuna Sinonem nec, si improba fortuna Finxit, vanum etiam mendacenque improba finget. 80 finxit Sinoncni Fando aliquid si forte tuas pervenit ad aures 83. Quem; insontem Belidle nomen Palamedis, et inlclyta ftama Pelasgi demisere neci sub falsa proditione, in- Gloria: quem falsa sub proditione Pelasg. fandldO Insontem, infando indicio, quia bella vetabat, 85. At nunc lugent Demnisere neci; nunc cassum lumiine lugent: 85 eMl111 Ili me comitem, et consanguinitate propinquum, 87. JMcus pater pauper p r u ms. isit me oitem ii et Pauper in arma pater primis u misit ab annis. 88. Dum PalamLides Dum stabat regno incolumis, regnumque vigebat stabat Consiliis, et nos aliquod nomenque decusque NOTES. 74. Impetlus: fury-violence. Compres- of falsehood. What he says of himselt Is Sils: restrained. The verb est is understood. downright falsehood; what he says of Pa75..Memoret: in the sense of dicni. Quid lamedes is in substance true. His death fsrat: what message or news he brought, or might have been known to the Trojans by what confidence there might be placed in common report, (fando aliquid,) though him, a captive. This is the sense usually the circumstances of it might not havebeen. given to the words; but Valpy gives them By relating them, therefore, he could not another turn: " What he might have to re- fail of becoming interesting, of gaining a late in his own defence, and what ground favorable reception, and of preparing the hie lhd for hoping for mercy, now he was a way for the accomplishment of his purpose. prisoner." 83. Sub falsa proditione: under a false 77. Cuncta'vera: the whole truth-all accusation of treachery-treason. This alilings tiue. Heyne and Valpy read, quod- ludes to the letters, which Ulysses forged, cunque fuerit, for qucecunque, &c. mentioned above. Pelasi. See iEn. i. 624. 80. Vanum: in the sense of fallaccm. 84. Infando indicio. This alludes to the Finxit: hath made, or rendered. Improba: gold, which Ulysses conveyed to his tent, in the sense of adversa. and pretended to have been sent him by 81. Si forle, fando aliquid: if by chance, Priam. This was adduced in evidence by common report, the name of, &c. Fando against him: we may therefore render inaliquid: the same as dum aliquid dicitur. fando indicio: upon an iniquitous evidence. JNarratione aliorum, says Heyne. Quia vetabat bella. This was false: so far 82. Belidme Palamedis. Palamedes was from Palamedes being opposed to the war the son of Nauplius king of Eubea, an against Troy, that lie was among the first to island in the AEgean sea, and descended promote it. from Belus, a king of Africa, by Am;ymone, 85. Cassum lumine: deprived of the light the daughter of Danaus. Ulysses, to avoid of life. Demisere: they condemned to going to the Trojan war, pretended to be death. insane; but the deception was discovered by 86. Illi me comitem. Here, too, Sinon Palamedes. See'note 7, supra. This, speaks falsely. So far from his being a reUlysses never forgave, and finally he lation of Palamcdes, lie was the relation of wrought his ruin, by accusing him of hold- Ulysses, whose mother was the sister of ing a correspondence with Priam. To sup- _Esinus, the father of Sin on. port this charge, he forged letters from 87. Ab primzis annis: not from his infanPriam to Palamnedes, which he pretended to cy, but from the first years of his bearing have intercepted. He also conveyed gold arms, which among the Romans was at the to his tent,pretending it was sent from Priam age of seventeen. Arma: by meton..war. as a bribe. Upon which Palamedes was 88. Regno. Rernums may either mean accusei of treason, and stoned to death. the kingdom of Eubcea, where his father The whole of Sinoil's speech is artful, reigned; or the confederate power and and calculatedto impose upon his audience, council of the Grecian states, that had being made up, partly of truth, and partly leagued together for the destruction of'Toy. AENEIS LIB. II. 203 tlessimus: invidia postquam pellacis Ulyssei 90 (llaaul ignota loquor) superis concessit ab oris; Afllictus vitani in tenebris luctuque trahebam, 92. Ego afflictns traEt casuin insontis rnecum indignabar amici. hebam vitam Nec tacui demens: et me, fors si qua tulisset, 94. Et promisi ne Si patrios unquam remeassem victor ad Argos, 95fore ultorem, si qua fors tulisset, si unqualai Promisi ultorem, et verbis odia aspera movi. I-inc mihi pnma mali labes: hine semper Ulysses 97. HincUlysses c:vii Criminibus terrere novis: hinc spargere voces semper In vulgur ambiguas, et quaerere conscius arma. Nee requievit enim, donec Calchante ministro- 100 Sed quid ego haec autem nequicquam ingrata revolvo? Quidve moror? si omnes uno ordine habetis Archivos, Idlue audire sat est; jamdudum sumite p(unas. Hoc Ithacus velit, et magno mercentur Atridae. 104. Magno pretio. Turn vero ardemus scitari, et quarere causas, 105 Tum veronosignari tan. Ignari scelerum tantorur artisque Pelasg. torum Prosequitur pavitans, et ficto pectore fatur: Sawpe fugam Danai Troja cupiere relicta NOTES. 90. Gessimus aliquod: I also bore some out his being consulted. This sudden pause reputation and honor. Et: in the sense of and transition are very artfully contrived, eliam. Nvos: for ego. and show the great judgment of the poet in 91. Ab superis oris: from the upper re- the management of his subject. Requievit: gions-this upper world. Concessit: in the in the sense of cessavit. Enim: in the sense sense of decessit. of equidem. 93. Indignabar: I grieved, or repined at 101. Aulem: here is an expletive; or used the death of my innocent friend. in the sense of vere, vel equidem. Revolvo: 94. Demens nec tacui: I, a fool, did not in the sense of narro. ^'equicquanm: in hold my peace. Demens, compounded of vain-to no purpose: because the relation de and inens. Si qua fors: if any opportu- of those unpleasant topics would not save nity or chance should present. T'ulssdt: in his life. tIabetis: if ye regard or consider. the sense of oblulisset. Uno ordine: on one footing-in the same 95. Remedssem: in the sense of rediissem. state, or condition of enemies. 97. Hinc mnihi prima: hence the first 103. Jamndudum. This is to be taken in source of misfortune to me. Labes, proper- tme sense of jam. Or we must suppose, as ly signifies a stain, or blemish. An allusion Trapp observes, someting to e under is here made to the first appearance of a tood. S e os tjdu dbeuas, or plague or contagious disease breaking out tle lik. upon the surface of the body in spots. Si- non's declaration that he would avenge the 104. Ilhacus. Ulysses is so called from death of Palamedes roused the bitter resent- Ithaca, a barren and rocky island in the ment of Ulysses; and from that time, (hinc,) Ionian sea, where he was born, and where he began to plot his destruction. Labes: his father Laertes reigned. Sinon gives this in the sense of origo, vel causa. Full is appellation to him by way of contempt. understood. ltridw: Agamemnon and Menelaus, the 98. JTovris criminibus: with new charges sons of Atreus. Their religion required that or accusations. Voces: in the sense ofverba, a devoted victim that had escaped fron the vel sermones. altar,should be put to death wherever found: 99. Conscius: conscious, (of his crime- and Sinon having been destined as a victim tlhat he was guilty of the death of Palame- to the gods, to procure favorable winds for des,) he began to seek the means of destroy- their return, nothing could afford the Greeks ing me also. Arma: the means or imple- in general, and the leaders in particular Inents by which any thing is done. Valpy greater joy, than to hear that the Trojans says: the means of defence against Sinon. had put him to deatl. Hoc velit: this, Ulys100. Ca/chante ministro: Calchas being ses wishes, and the sons of Atreus will purhis assistant-being employed. Calchas was chase it at a great price. a famous soothsayer in the Grecian camp, 106. Artis: in the sense of fraudis Peand nothing of an' l.oment was done with- lusgce: Grecian See IEn. i. 624 206 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Moliri, et longo fessi discedere bello. i10. Aspera hyems Fecissentque utinam. Saepe illos aspera ponti 1!0 ponti interclusit, et Aus- Interlusit hyems, et terruit Auster euntes. ler terruit illos euntes. lr~ y e' A i * 1es r terruit is ent. Praecipue, cumi jam hic trabibus contextus acernis Staret equus, toto sonuerunt tathere ninbi. Suspensi Eurypylum scitatum oracula'Phohbi MIittimus: isque adytis haec tristia dicta reportat 15 116. 0 Danai,vos pla- Sanguine placastis ventos, et virgine caesa, cistis Cuin primum Iliacas, Danai, venistis ad oras: 118. Reditussunt que Sanguine quaerendi reditus, animaque litandum rendi u r1n9d. Ut vx vnArgolica. Vulgi quve vox ut venit ad aures, 119. Utqu x eiObstupuere animi, gelidusque per ima cucurrit 20 121. Omnes sunt soli- Ossa tremor; cui fata parent, quem poscat Apollo citi noscere, cui fata pa- Hic Ithacus vatem magno Calchanta tumultu rellt mortem Protrahit in medios: qure sint ea numina Divum, - Flagitat: et mihi jam multi crudele canebant Aitificis scelus, et taciti ventura videbant.'25 eis quinos silet ille dies, tectusque recjsat Prodere voce sua quemquam, aut opponere morti. Vix tandem magnis Ithaci clamoribus actus, Composit6 rumpit vocem, et me destinat arm. NOTES. 109. lMolirifugam: in the sense of efficere the virgin was brought to the altar, lie infugam. formed them that Diana was satisfied with 110. Aspera hyems: a violent storm at that act of submission; but demanded that sea. the virgin should be transported to Tauris, 112. Contextus: framed, or built of ma- and there serve her in capacity of priestess. pie timber. Some part of the horse might The virgin was slain in intention, and saved have been built of maple, others of fir and only by the interposition of the goddess. pine: so that the poet may be consistent in This warrants the expression of the poet, wlhat he says of this same machine, verse Virgine cesa. 15: Intexunt costas secta abiete; and also in 118. Litandum: a ger. in dum of the verb verse 258, infra, where he calls it, pinea lito: an atonement must be made with the claustra. life of a Greek. Rumus interprets it by sa113. Sonuerunt: raged-roared. J'imbi: criJicandum. But it implies nore than sirmturbines,says Ileyne. See ZEn. i. 102. ply to offer sacrifice; it includes the idea of 114. Suspensi: in suspense we send Eu- expiation, or atonement. The gerund in rypulus. Homer informs us that he was a dum has a peculiar signification. While it famous augur, and brought with him forty has the form of a noun, it retains the nature ships to the Trojan war. Scitatum: to con- of the verb; and implies the necessity, duty, suit; a sup. in um, from the verb scitor, put or obligation, to do, or perform an action. after mittimus, a verb of motion. 123. Jtumina Divsum: the will, purpose, 115..4dytis. Adytum was the most se- or response of the gods. JVumeie, from the cret, as well as the most sacred place of the verb nuo: I express my will by a nod. temple, and where the images of the gods 124. Et jam: and now many foretold to were placed —the shrine from which the me the atrocious design, or plot, of the vil. responses were delivered. It is governed lanous man. by the preposition a or ab, understood. 125. Taciti: not silent; for that would 116. Placastis ventos: ye appeased the contradict what is said just before: but winds with blood, and a virgin slain, when, quiet, content, well satisfied. Ventura: in &e. the sense of res venturas. The best reason The Greeks, on their way to the siege of why canere came to signify to prophesy, (o Troy, came to.Aulis, a port of Beotia, where to foretell, is, that the responses of oracles Diana, incensed against Agamemnon for were at first delivered, and written in verse. killing one of her favorite deer, withheld the 126. Tectus: in the sense of occultalus. wind. Upon which Calchas was sent to 127. Prodere: in the sense of designare. consult the oracle upon the subject. He Opponere: in the sense of damnare. orought back the answer that Iphigenia, the 128. Tandem vix actus: at length, with daughter of Agamemnon, must be sacrificed difficulty forced or compelled, &c. to appease the anger of the goddess. When 129. Rumpit vocem: he opensl- is siouthl IENEIS. LIB. II 207 Assensere onlnes: et, quat sibi quisque timebat, 130 Unius in miseri exitium conversa tulere. 131. Conversa esse in Jamque dies infanda aderat: milli sacra parari, exitium Et salsa fruges, et circum tempora vittm. 132. Sacra capwt-nw.Eripui, fateor, leto me, et vincula rupi: parari Limosoque lacu per noctem obscurus in ulva 135 Delitui, dumr vela darent, si forte dedissent. iNec mihi jamn patriam antiquam spes ulla videndi, Nec dulces natos exoptatunmque parentern: Quos illi fors ad pucnas ob nostra reposcent Effugia, et culpam hanc miserorum morte piabunt. 140 Quod te, per Superos et conscia numina veri; 141. Quod oro te, per Per, si qua est, quta restat adhuc mortalibus usquam, Superos, et numina conIntemerata fides, oro; miserere laborum sca eri; pier fidem, qua est intemexata fid es, Tantorum; miserere animi non digna ferentis. 144 quae His lachrymis vitam damus, et miserescimus ultro. Ipse viro primus manicas atque arcta levari 146. Priamus ipse priVincla jubet Priamus; dictisque ita fatur arnicis: mus jubet Quisquis es, amissos hinc jam obliviscere Graios. Noster eris: mihique hec edissere vera roganti: 149 Quo molem hanc immanis equi statuere? quis auctor? Quidve pctunt? qume relligio? aut quae machina belli? 151. Que religio est Dixerat. Ille, dolts instructus et arte Pelasga, eo Sustulit exutas vinclis ad sidera palmas: NOTES. 130. Et, tulere quce: they permitted (were 138. Natos: in the sense of liberos. Evcontent to have) what every one feared to optalum: dear-greatly beloved. himself, to be turned to the destruction of 139. Quos illi fors: whom they, perhaps, one unhappy being. Tulere conversa: sim- will demand for punishment on account of ply for convrerrunt, says Heyne. my escape; and will expiate this fault of 133. Salscsfruges: the salted cakes. This mine by the death of those innocents. cake was made of bran, or meal, mixed with Here the poet alludes to an ancient law salt, and called mola. They sprinkled it among the Romans, which subjected chilupon the head of the victim, lhe fire of the drcn to suffer for some particular crimes, altar, and upon the sacrificing knife. The committed against the state by their parents. ceremony was called imrmolatio: hence the 143. Intenerata: inviolable-pure-holy. verb imrmolare came to signify, to sacrifice Laborun: sufferings. in general. Viittce: these were fillets of white 144. Animi: anirius, the soul, is here wool, with which the temples of the victim, used by meton. for the man, viz. Sinon.and also the priest, and statues of the gods, Pity me bearing such undeserved, or unmewere bound. rited treatment. J\.on digna: in the sense 134. Rupi vincula. The victims were of indigna. loose and unbound when they were brought 146..Manicas: hand-cuffs. Arcei vincla: forward to the altar. But even so, it is not tight cords. probable that Sinon could have made his 19. Edissere: declare-speak. Vera escape from the guards and spectators, that pu. of verun, truth. would accompany him. By rupi vincula, we may understand that he broke the pri- 150. Quo statuere: for what purpose did son in which lie was confined against the they erect this mass of a huge horse? Who day of sacrifice, and made his escape. Any was the author of it? Th following interthing that binds, holds, or restrains another, roatories, as Mr. Davidson obseres, are may be called vinculum. Eripui: rescued elliptical. They are thus supplied: Quid or delivered. petunt? What do they intend? Is it to 135. Delituiyque obscurus: and I lay con- fulfil some duty of religion? If it )e so, cealed or hid. Lacu. Lacus here means a qu reeligio? What duty or motive of relifen, or marshly ground. Ulcva: sweeds, or 1gion led to it? Or is it an engine of war? rushes. If so, qume machina belli? What engine of 137..4ntiquam: dear country; or anti- war is it? quam may be used in the sense of veterem, 153. Exutas vinclis: free from cords — or pristinam. fetters 205 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 154. Ait: Testor vos, Vos, veterni ignes, et non violabile vestrum 0 ieterni ignies, Testor numren, ait; vos, arm, ensesque neflan'li, 155 1.5. Testrirf vdi, Quos fugi; vitt(mque Demll. quas hostia gesdi: Fas mihi Graiorum sacrata resolvere jura; 158. Fas est mihi Fas odisse viros, at(lue olnnia ferre sub auras, odisse Si qua tegunt: tencor patrime nec legibus ullij. 160. Modo tu, O Tro- Tu mod6 prormissis maneas, servataque serves 10S ja, maneas Jidelis pro- Troja fidern: si vera feram, si magna rependam 1i.ssis euis, ex Omnis spes Danaumn, et c(epti fiducia belli, 164. Sed enim ex quo ttelq'e imlpius Palladis auxiliis semper stetit. Impius ex quo 168. Ausique sunt Tydidcs sed enim scelerumque inventor Ulysses, contingere Fatale aggressi sacrato avellere templo 165 169. Ex illo tempore Palladium, caesis sunmms custodibus arcis, spes Danaarn sublapsa Corripuere sacram efligiem; manibusque cruentis epit fluere. fluer r f - Virgineas ausi Divam contingere vittas: 170. Eorumvires frac1t sunrt, et Ex illo fluere, ac retr6 sublapsa referri 172. Vix simulacrum Spes Danauin; fiacte vires, aversa Deae mens. 170 ftit positum in castris, Nec dubiis ea signa dedit Tritonia monstris. cum corusce Vix positum castris simulacrum; a lere corusca NOTES. 154. Testor vos: ye eternal fires, I call vitte, with whichhe was to have been bound, you, and your inviolable divinity, to wit- were so many witnesses that lie was now ness. under no obligations to regard the interests Some think this is an allusion to the fire of the Greeks, who had withdrawn all proof the altar. But Sorvius, with more pro- tcction from him. pliety, thinks the sun, moon, and other hea- 161. Si feram vera: if I relate the trulh, venly luminaries are meant: which the an- if I repay thee largely-great tlhings. cients thought to be globes of fire, to shine 164. Enim: in tlie sense of equidem. with their own proper lustre; and to be in- 166. Fatale Palladium. Tlie Palladium habited by divinities. The fire of the altar was a statue of Pallas with a small shield and could hardly be called eternal, unless there spear. It was said to have fallen fiomn heabe an allusion to the fire of Vesta. ven near the tent of Ilus, when lie was build155. JNefandi enses: ye horrid instruments ing the citadel of Troy. Some say it was of death, which I escaped. I take enses made of the bones of Pelops. All, however, here for the implements used in offering the agree that it was a pledge of the safety of sacrifice, such as the axe, knife, &c. Troy. 156. Vittl(que Deum: and ye fillets of the Ulysses and Diomede entered the temple gods, which as a victinr I wore. where it stood, and carried it away to the In order to excite their compassion tle Grecian camp, having slain the guards. It more, and to show the horrid apprehensions is called falale, because, on the safe keeping lie had of the act, lie speaks as if he had of it, the preservation of Troy depended. actually been brought to the altar, and as if 169..Ex illo: from that time, the hope of that had been actually put in execution, the Greeks, tottering, began to slip, and to which had only been intended against him. be carried backward. 157. Sacrata jiura: sacred obligations. This is a metaphor taken from a person Jus properly signifies a natural right, law, standing on a slippery place, and with difiduty, or obligation. It differs from fas, culty maintaining his position. The least which properly signifies a divine right, law, movement of his body destroys his equilibri&c. Any thing that the laws of God per- urn. At first he totters, and reels to anid rtit may be called fas. fro in order to recover himself. Unable to 158. Sub auras: into light. do it, lie is borne away, and hurried along 159. Siqua tegunt: if any lie hid. with accelerated motion. ullis legibus, &c. HIe is no longer bound by 171. Trilonia. This was a name of Palany ties of his country. He is at liberty to las or Minerva, taken from a lake in Africa, break or dissolve his allegiance, and place called Tritena, where she is said to have himself under the protection of the Trojans. been born: or, at least, where she first made Their barbarous treatment had cancelled all her appearance on earth. JMonstris: pro. his obligations to them: the arce on which digies-indications of her anger. he was to la-ve been slain-the enses nefan- 172. Coruscrf Jfamnic: sparkling flames di, by which he was to have been slain-thle flashed from her steady eyes. The signs .ENEIS. LIB. 11. 209 Luminibus flainma arrectis, salsusque per artus Sudor iit, terque ipsa solo, mirabile dictu! Emnicuit, parmamque ferens hastamque trementem. Extemplo tentanda figa canit equora Calchas: 176 176. Equora tentanda Nec posse Argolicis exscindi Pergama telis, ease )nmina ni repetant Argis, nurnenque reducant, Quod pelago et curvis secum advexere carinis. Et nunc qu6d patrias vento petiere Mycenas; 180 Arma Deosque parant comites, pelagoque remenso, Improvisi aderunt: ita digerit omina Calchas. Hanc pro Palladio moniti, pro numine Ieso, 183. llgi moniti staEffigiem statuere, nefas quae triste piaret; tuare hEk.c effigem equi Hanc tamen immensam Calchas attollere molem 185 q 185. Tamen Calchas Roboribus textis, cceloque educere jussit jussit eos attollere Ne recipi portis, aut duci in mcenia possit; Neu populum antiqua sub relligione tueri. 189. Nam dicbal, d Nam si vestra manus violasset dona Minervae; 189 vestra 193. Dicebat Asiam Turn magnum exitium (quod Di prii's omen in ipsum ultr1 venturam esse Convertant) Priami imperio Phrygibusque futurum: 196. JVos-que, quos Sin manibus vestris vestram ascendisset in urbem, neque Tydides, nec LaUltro Asiam magno Pelopeia ad menia bello rissreus Achilles domuit; Venturam, et nostros ea fata manere nepotes. nos, quos decem anni non domuere; quos mille Talibus insidiis, perjurique arte Sinonis, 195 carine non domuere, Credita res: captique dolis, lachrymisque coactis, capti sunt dolis NOTES. here mentioned are truly omineus; and suf- Omina. Some copies have omnia. Dtficient to have excited in the minds of the gerit: interprets-explainsw Greeks fear and alarm. 184. Quce piaret: which might expiate 174. Ipsa: the goddess-the image of the the horrid crime of carrying off the Pallagoddess. Emicuit: in the sense of salivit. dium from her temple. 175. Parmam-hastam: the shield and 186. Roboribus textis: with compacted or brandished spear. These were the arms by joined timber. Robur properly signifies the which the Palladium was distinguished. heart of the oak. Hence it may signify 176. Canit: in the sense of declarat. Ca- timber in general, and all wooden materials, no is properly applied to oracles and pre- as planks, boards, &c. Imm'ensam: very dictions. It implies that Calchas spoke by high..Molem: for equum. inspiration, and declared it to be the will of 188. JVeu tueri: nor defend the people the gods, that the sea, &c. Exscindi: be under their ancient religion-under the rerased-destroyed. 1igeus p-atronage and protection of their an178. XNi repetant: unless they should re- cient guarc;an goddess, Pallas, or Minerva. peat the omens at Argos, and bring back. I i the goddess, which, &c. 190. In i2subm: which omen may the the goddess, which, &c. gods rather turn upon him, to wit, Calchas. This, Servius observes, alludes to a cus- oud more emphatical, if it were is tom of the Romans, when they were unsuc- e _, sos, ineaning upon the Greeks. Some cocessful in war, to return home, and again pthe Gr consult the omens: or, if they were too far pes have in spsos. for that purpose, they used to appropriate a 193. Asiam. Asia Minor, or Natolia, in part of the enemy's territory, and call it which Troy was situated. It is put, by meRome, where they renewed the omens. JNu- ton. for the inhabitants. Ultro. Servius men: the Palladium-the image or symbol explains this by statim. But the usual ac-.of Pallas' divinity; which Sinon would ceptation of the word is easier, and more make the Trojans believe had been carried emphatic. Pelopeia mania: the city Argos, to Argos: and in the mean time, until they where Pelops reigned: by syncc. put for should return, as an atonement or offering Greece in general. See Geor. iii. 7. to the offended goddess (numine lceso,) the 194. Eafata: the same fate or destiny. Greeks had built, and consecrated to her, 195. Insidiis: in the sense of fraudzbus. this horse. 196. Coactis lachrymis: by his feigned or 141. Arma: troops-forces, by meton. forced tears. Some ropies read coacts, in 1.5 210 P. VIIRGILI MARONIS Quos neque Tydides, nec Larissaus Achilles, Non anni domuere decem, non mille carinaw. 199. H'ie aliud majus IIic aliud majus tniseris Inultoque tremendum prodigium multoquema- Objicitur magis, atque improvida pectora turbat. 200 atB tremendumn Laocoon, ductus Neptuno sorte sacerdos, Solennes taurum ingentem mactabat ad aras. Ecce autem gemini a Tenedo tranquilla per alta 204. Gemini angues (Horresco referens) immensis orbibus angues venientrs a Tenedo per Incumbunt pelago, pariterque ad litora tendunt: 205 tranquilla alta Pectora quorum inter fluctus arrecta, jubmeque Sanguineae exsuperant undas: pars catera pontum Pone legit, sinuatque immensa volumine terga. Fit sonitus spumante salo: jamque arva tenebant, 210. Suffecti quoad Ardentesque oculos suffecti sanguine et igni, 210 ardentes -Sibila lambebant linguis vibrantibus ora. Diffugimus xisu exsangues: illi agmine certo Laocoonta petunt: ct primium parva duorum Corpora natorum serpens amplexus uterque NOTES. the nom. agreeing with nos, meaning the gives the greater probability to the episode Trcjains. But this is not so easy and natu- of the wooden horse, and accounts for the rai; nor does it so well agree with the sub- credulity of the Trojans. ject. The poet uniformly represents Sinon 202. Solennes aras: the appointed altars. as an impostor, a cheat, and all his words 503. Tenedo. Tenedos is here mentioned and tears feigned and dissembled. Servius to signify, as Servius says, that the ships strongly insists upon coaclis. Valpy reads were to come from hence to the destruction coacti. Heyne, coactis. of Troy. Per tranquiila alla: over the 197. Larissceus: an adj. from Larissa, a smooth or calm sea. This circumstance is town of Thessaly, near Phlhia, the place mentioned, because it would afford the Trowhere Achilles was born. jans an opportunity the better to view tie 198. Mille carinac. Homer makes 1186 whole progress of the serpents, to hear their ships in all, that went in the Trojan expedi- dreadful hissings, and every lash they gave tion. Carina, the keel, put, by synec. for the waves: it adds much terror to the hithe whole ship. The poets often use a de- deous spectacle. finite number for an indefinite, particularly 204. Referens: in the sense of narrans. if the number be very large. Orbibus: in the sense of spiris. 199. Hic aliud: here another greater pro- 205. Incumbunt: with their immense folds digy, and one much more to be dreaded, is they rest (swim) upon the sea; and equally presented to our sight, nobis miseris. (abreast, head and head) stretch to the 200. Improvida: improvident-not ex- shore. pectingany thing of the kind. Pectora:'in 208. Sinuat: winds their huge backs in the sense of animos. folds. Their necks down to their breast, 201. Laocoon. The priest of Neptune were raised above the water; the other part having been put to death, because, by his of them swept the sea behind. Juba,: necks prayers and sacrifices, he did not prevent -crests. Salo: in the sense of marn. Arthe arrnval of the Greeks, Laocoon was va: in the sense of litus. chosen by lot to sacrifice to that god upon 210. Suffecti ardentesque: spotted as to the departure of their enemies. He was their glaring eyes with blood and fire, they the priest of Apollo Thlynbrceus. Some say licked their hissing mouths. Vibrantibus: he was the brother of Anchises; others that in the sense of motantibus. Naturalists obhe was the son of Priam. serve that no animal moves its tongue with Hyginus, who relates the story, says the so much velocity as the serpent. crime for which Laocoon was thus sdverely -212. Certo agmnine: in the sense of recto punished, was his having married, and had cursu. Agmen here denotes the spiral mochildren, contrary to the orders of Apollo: tion of a serpent, shooting forward, fold afand that the Trojans construed this calamity, ter fold, in regular order, like a body of men which befel him, as an act of vengeance of marching in military array. the gods for his having violated the offering 214. Uterque serpens: each serpent enr of Minerva. Virgil, therefore, judiciously bracing, twines around the bodies of his two introduces this event, not only as it is a fine sons, and mangles their wretched limbs with embellishment of his poem; but also as it their teeth. /ENEIS. LIB. II. 211 [mplicat, et miseros morsu depascitur artus. 215 P6st, ipsum auxilio subeuntem ac tela ferentem 216. Poet, conipiunt Corripiunt, spirisq-ie ligant ingentibus: et jam insum eubeuntem auxBis medium amplexi, bis collo squamea circium i natoum Terga dati, superant capite et cervicibus altis. Ille simul manibus tendit divcllere nodos, 220 Perfusus sanie vittas atroque veneno: Clamores sirul horrendos ad sidera tollit: Quales mugitus, fugit cum saucius aram 223. Tales magitus,''aurus, et incertam excussit cervice securim. quales taurus tullit, cum 2u mesauciusr At gemini lapsu delubra ad summa dracones 225 sauciu Effugiunt, savaeque petunt Tritonidis arcem: Sub pedibusque Dea, clypeique sub orbe teguntur. Turn vero tremefacta novus per pectora cunctis Insinuat pavor: et scelus expendisse merentem 229. Insinuat se nooes Laocoonta ferunt; sacrum qui cuspide robur 230 cunctis Laeserit, et tergo sceleratam intorserit hastam. Ducendum ad sedes simulacrum, orandaque Divae Numina conclamant. Dividimus muros, et mcenia pandimus urbis. Accingunt omnes operi: pedibusque rotarum 233 Subjiciunt lapsus, et stupea vincula collo NOTES. Dr. Trapp renders depacitur, devours; rived from deluo. Varro, however, thinks but there is no necessity of this; for it often it was the shrine or place where the image signifies no more than to mangle, prey upon, of the god was placed. It is often used for waste, or cnsume away. Beside, we can the temple itself, by synec. Lapsu: by a hardly suppose that the serpents devoured or gentle easy motion. Dracones: in the sense eat up the bodies of his sons, and then laid of serpentes. hold upon the father, to satiate their hunger. 226. Arcem: the shrine of stern Minerva, There was a statue in the palace of Ves- Tritonis, a name of that goddess. pasian, representing this story, (as mention- 230. Ferunt: they declare that Laocoon ed by Pliny,) which showed Laocoon en- justly suffered for his crime-that it was a twined by the serpents, and his sons dead just punishment inflicted upon him for doing on the ground. It is probable that Virgil violence to the sacred offering of Miinerva. took this description from that statue. By this their doubt was removed, and they 215. Morsu: teeth-fangs. resolved to admit the fatal machine within 218. Bis amplexi. The serpents embrace the city. him twice about the middle; then rising 231. Tergo: in the sense of lateri. upward, they bind their scaly backs twice 232. Simulacrum. Virgil had an admiabout his neck; and holding him in that rable talent at varying his style. He hath situation, elevate their heads and bloody found out no less than twelve names for crests above the head.of their unhappy vic- this horse, all equally significant: Lignur, tim. Circumdati. The parts of a compound Machina, Monstrum, Dolum, Pinea Clausverb are sometimes separated by Tmesis, tra, Donum, Moles, Efigies Equi, Eguus, for the sake of the verse. This word is Sacrum Robur, Simulacrum, and Cavum Ro.either to be taken actively, in the sense of bur. Ad sedes: to the proper place-the circumdantes, and governing squamea terga; hill, or eminence, on which the temple of or we must take the expressionas a Grecism. Minerva stood. JNumina: in the sense of See Eel. i. 55. divinitatem. 220. Tendit: in the sense of conatur. 234. Maenia: properly, the fortifications JTodos: the folds of the serpent. or bulwarks of a city, from munio. JIfurus: 221. Perfusus: smeared, or stained, as to the wall that surrounds it. They are, howhis fillets. ever, used indiscriminately for a city, fre224. Incertam securim: the erring blow- quently. Accingunt: apply themselves to he axe struck with an erring blow. the work. 225. Delubra. Delubrum was properly 236. Lapsus rotarum: they place wheels the place before the temple, or near the altar, (or rollers) under its feet, and fasten hempen where they washed before they entered, or cords to its neck. Lapsus rotarum: simnply efe. 3 they performed sacrifice. It is de- for rotans 212 P. VIRGILII MARONIS. Intendunt: scandit fatalis machina muros, Fteta armis: pueri circum lnnupt(leue puellk 239. Circum canunt Sacra canunt, funemque manl contingere gaudent sacra carmina Illa subit, medimeque minans illabitur urbi. 24G 240. Ills machine su*O patria, o Divum domus, Ilium, et inclyta bello, Moenia Dardanidum! quater ipso in limine portae Substitit, atque utero sonitum quater arma dedere 244 Immemores pro- Instarnus tamen immemores, caecique furore, dzgii Et monstrum infelix sacrata sistimus arce. 245 246. Tune etiam Cas- Tune etiam fatis aperit Cassandra futuris saidra, jussu Dei Apol- Ora, Dei jussu non unquam credita Teucris. Ii non uncriq cre- Nos delubra Deum miseri, quibus ultimus esset dit, Teucris, 24t. Nos miseri Tro- Ille dies, festa velamus fionde per urbem.;ani, qNCbus Vertitur interea ccelum, et ruit Oceano nox, 260 Involvens umbra magna terramque polumque, Myrmidonumque dolos. Fusi per mcenia Teucri Conticuere: sopor fessos complectitur artus. NOTES. 237. Scandit muros_ it ascends, or mounts 245. Infelix: in the sense of pernzciosum, over the ruins of our walls. They had vel fatale. been demolished to admit it, and afford it 246. Cassandra. She was the daughter entrance. of Priam and Hecuba, and endued with the 239. Funem: the ropes that had been spirit of prophecy by Apollo, upon her pro. fastened to the neck and other parts of the mising to grant him her love; which, howhorse, by which they moved it forward. ever, she afterwards refused to do. Not 241. Ilium, domus Divim: Ilium, the ha. being able to withdraw from her the gift he bitation of the gods; either because its a had bestowed, he rendered it of no avail, by.bitation of the gods eier because its walls destroying her credibility, and making all had been built by Apollo and Neptune; or, er retions to be considered as false. on account of the numerous temples and her predictions to be considered as false. on account of the numerous temples and J command of the god consecrated places with which it abounded Apollo. O: fo the omm d of the ng. 242. Dardanidoim: the same as Tojano. Aollo. O: or as p. for the ing. rum, vel Troje. Tja-Falts futuris: to our approaching destruc. rum, vel Trojce.. tion. 243. Substiit quater, &c. Some are of 249. Velamus delubra. It was their cusopinion that this stumbling, or stopping of tom, not only on festival days, but at all the horse in the very threshold, alludes to times of public rejoicing, to adorn, or dress a notion that prevailed of its being a bad the temples of the gods with the bianclles omen for one to stumble on the threshold, of laurel, olive, ivy, &c. especially when going out to war; as.t is 250. Vertilur coelum: the heavens are said to have happened to Protesilaus, the turned around. By the diurnal rotation of first of the Greeks, who was killed on the the earth, the heavens appear to revolve plains of Troy. The malignity of this omen about it once in twenty-four hours. The was thought to proceed from the Furies, who heavens as well as the earth are divided into had their seats on the threshold. two hemispheres, the upper and the lower. 244. Immemores. Servius thinks that Vir- by the horizon. The diurnal hemisphere gil here alludes to the custom of the Romans rises with the sun, and sets with him in the in devoting their enemies and the places to west, below the horizon. At the same time which they laid siege. In the form of words the nocturnal hemisphere rises in the east. which they used upon the occasion, they This tends to explain nox ruit Oceano: poured forth these imprecations against night rushes from the ocean, or rises from them: Eique populo civitatique metum, for- the ocean. midinem, oblivionem injiciatis, Dii. Ac- 251. Terramque. There is a great beauty cording to him, immemores will imply that in thus singling out the stratagems of the the Trojans were abandoned by the gods, Greeks, as the object of chief attention, and given up to stupidity and infatuation. among all the things in heaven and earth, Furore: with zeal-infatuation. Furor sig- which that night concealed. nifies any inordinate passion whatever, as 252. Fusi: stretched upon their beds, exlove, hatred, anger, zeal, &c. Immemores: pecting no danger, and taking needful re. heedless-unmindful. pose. JManma: in the sense of nrbem. A~NEIS. LIB. 11. y3 Et jam Argiva plialarx instructis navibus itat A Tenedo, tacitae per amica silentia Luna, 255 Litora'ota petens: flammas cum regia puppis Extulerat; fatisque Deuni defensus iniquis, Inclusos utero Danaos et pinea furtim 258. Furtirn laxat Laxat claustra Sinon: illos patefactus ad auras nea claustra, et DaReddit equus, laetique cavo se robore promunt 260 naos iclusos utero equi Tisandrus Sthenelusque duces, et dirus Ulysses, Demissum lapsi per funern; Athamasque, Thoasque, Pelidosque Neoptolemus, prirusque Machaon, Et Menelaus, et ipse doli fabricator Epeiis. Invadunt urbem somno vinoque sepultam: 265 Cmduntur vigiles: portisque patentibus omnes Accipiunt socios, atque agmina conscia jungunt. Tempus erat, quo prima quies mortalibus aegris 268. Erat tempus noeIncipit, et dono Divum gratissima serpit. tis, quo In somnis ecce ante oculos rcestissimus Hector 270. Ecce Hector micas Visus ad~essen mih,..,,,tissimus visus est adesse Visus adesse mihi, largosque effundere fletus: mihi ante oculos in somRaptatus bigis, ut quondam, aterque cruento nis NOTES. 254. Phalanx properly a body of men, Greeks shut up in the womb. Here we consisting of eight thousand, placed in a may observe that Virgil uses the verb lazxa square; here used for troops in general. with both the nouns claustra and Danaos, Instructis navibus: in their furnished ships when in strict propriety, it can be applied 255. Tacile Lunce. Commentators have to one only. This is a freedom which our variously interpreted these words. Some language will not always admit; but it frehave understood by them that the moon quently occurs in the Latin and Greek was then new and shone with feeble light, writers. See -En. vii. 431. and the darkness in consequence was fa- 260. Reddit: in the sense of effundit. vorable to the Greeks, by preventing disco- 262. Lapsi per funem. After they were very. Valpy understands by them the ab- let out, they slid down by a rope, secured sence of the moon during the first part of at the top of the horse, and reaching to the the night. The Grecian army, says he, ground. may have chosen the decrease of the moon, 263. Pelides: Pyrrhus, the son of Achil when she does not rise till near midnight. les, and grandson of Peleus, king of ThesThis darkness was favorable or friendly to saly. He was also called J.eoptolcnus. them. But we are told by Scaliger and See 469. seq. Primnus. By this we are to others, that Troy was taken about the full understand that he was the first who demoon, when she shines the brightest. This scended the rope; and not the first, or chief led Ruacus to understand by the silence of among these leaders. the moon, the middle of the night, when 263. Doli: for equi. all things are silent and still. But Luna 265. Sepultam somno, vinoque. This is may, by meton. be taken for nox, as Sol is a very expressive metaphor, representing often put for dies. This will render it more the inhabitants of the city s6 deeply in intelligible: the friendly silence of the still sleep, and so silent and still, that it would (or calm) night. This is the opinion of almost seem as if their beds had been their Ileyne. graves. This greatly moves our pity to256. Cum regia puppis: when the royal ward the Trojans, aaid our indignation ship erected a light, then Sinon protected against Sinon and the treacherous Greeks. by, &c. We are to understand that Helen Accipiunt: in the sense ofadmitunt. Poror Sinon first gave the signal to Agamem- tis patentibus may be put absolutely. non that they were ready, by showing a 267. Conscia: friendly; or conscious, belighted torch from the citadel, and he re- cause they were acquainted with the plan turned it to them, by setting up a light upon of attack. the stern of his ship. 268..Egris: in the sense of fessis. 257. Fatis: will, or purposes of the gods, 269. Dono: by the favor, or indulgence. Iniquis: in the sense of adversis, vel infes- Serpit: creeps, or spreads over them. This tis. JNobis is understood. is extremely significant. Idts, vel 1is, is to 259. Furtim laxat Danaos: he opens be supplied. privately'he piny doors, and (lets out) the 272. Bigis. Bigce, propely a chariot 214 P. VIRG1LII MARON1S 273. Trajcctus quoad Pulvere; perque pedes trajectus lora tumcntes lora per tumentes Iei mihi, qualis erat! quantum mutatus ab illo 275. Indutus quoad Hectore, qui redit exuvias indutus Achillis, 275 exuvias Vel Danaum Phrygios jaculatus puppibus ignes! 276. Vel quijaculatus Squalentem barbam, et concretos sanguine crines, e3t 277. e TJnc gerens Vulneraque ilia gerens, qua circum plurima muros squalentem barbam, et Accepit patrios: ultro flens ipse videbar crines Compellare virum, et meestas expromere voces. 280 281. O Hector expec- O lux Dardanie! spes 6 fidissima Teucrum! tate, ab quibus oris, ve- Que tante tenuere morae? quibus Hector ab oris nis! Ut nos defessi aspicimus te, post Expectate, venis? ut te post multa tuorum Funera, post varios hominumque urbisque labores, Defessi aspicimus? quwa causa indigna serenos 28b Fcedavit vultus? aut cur hae vulnera cerno? 287. Ille respondit ni- Ille nihil: nec me quaerentem vana moratur; hil ad hec: Sed graviter gemitus imo de pectore ducens: 288. Graviter ducens gmitus de imo pectore, Heu! fuge, nate Dea, teque his, ait, eripe flammis ait: Heu! fuge Hostis habet muros; ruit alto a culmine Troja: ~90 291. Ulla dextraL, fuis- Sat patriae Priamoque datum: si Pergama dextra sent defensa etiam hac Defendi possent, etiam hac defensa fuissent. mea dextrc. Sacra, suosque tibi commendat Troja Penates: 294. Quere mcenia Hos cape fatorum comites: his mronia quaere, his, qum statues magna, Magna pererrato statues que denique ponto. 295 ponto denique pererrato, Sic ait, et manibus vittas, Vestamque potentem, AEternumque adytis effert penetralibus ignem. NOTES. drawn by two horses. Here it means the 286. Fecdavit: hath disfigured thy serene chariot of Achilles, behind which Hector's countenance. dead body was drawn around the walls of 287. Moratur: nor did he, by answering Troy several times. See En. i. 99. these questions, detain me, &c. 273. Trajectus-que per tunentes: pierced 291. Sat datum: enough has been done through his swelling feet with thongs. It for our country, and for Priam. Sat here agrees with Hector, mentioned above. performs the office of a noun. Pergama: 274. Qualis eral! how he looked! how properly the fort and fortifications of Troy, much changed from that Hector, &c. but frequently used and taken for the whole 275. Indutus exuvias: clad in the spoils city, as in the present case, by synec. of Achilles. When Achilles left the Greeks 293. Penates. Macrobius,in his Salurnain disgust, his friend Patroclus requested of lia, explains the Penates to be those gods by him the favor of wearing his armour, with whom we breathe, and to whom we owe the a view of striking the greater terror to the faculties of our minds and bodies, i. e. JuTrojans. He was slain by Hector, and piler, Juno, and JMinerva. To these he adds stripped of his armour. See Eel. i. 55. Yesta: on which account the consuls, and 280. Expromere: to utter these sorrowful other magistrates, when they entered upon words. This word is very appropriate here; their offices, used to pay divine honors shows him laboringto bring out his words the Penates, and Vesta. This seems to be and give them utterance, like a person confirmed by the passage befGre us, where drawing a heavy load. Vesta is delivered to the care of IEneas, as 281. Lux: in the sense of sales. well as the Penates. These gods, he ob282. Tantae: in the sense of longce. The serves, were styled the great gods. They pron. te is understood. were also styledpoweerful: on which account 283. Expectate: earnestly desired, or Virgil here styles Vesta, the powerTfl godlonged for. Ut defessi: how gladly do we, dcss: Vestam )potenterm. worn out, (with toil and fatigue,) see thee, Dionysius Halycarnassus informs us, that after the many deaths of thy friends, &c. the symbols of these Penates at Rome were By labores hominumn, perhaps we are to un- two wooden statues of young men, in a sitderstand the disasters of their allies, and ting posture, with javelins in tleir hands. by labores urbis, the disasters of his country- 294.,.Mcnia: in the sense of urbem. F.a men. Urbis: the city; by meton. put for torumn: of thy fortunes. the inhabitants. 297..Eternum ignem. The sacred fire was ANEIS LIB. II. 215 I)vrso irnterea miscentur mcenma luctu: 293. Et sonitus claros Et,nagis atqae magis (quanguam secreta parentis cunt inags atque magil Anchisae donus, arboribusque obtecta recessit) 300 Clarescunt sonitus, armorumque ingruit horror. Excutior somno, et summi fastigia tecti Ascensu supero, atque arrectis auribus adsto. In segetem veluti cin flamma furentibus Austris Incidit; aut rapidus montano flumine torrens 305 Sternit agros, sternit sata lata boumque labores, Pracipitesque trahit sylvas: stupet inscius alto Accipiens sonitum saxi de vertice pastor. Tur vero manifesta fides, Danaumque patescunt 309. Fides verbtoru Insidiae; jam Deiphobi dedit ampla ruinam, 310 Hectornfuit manifesta Vulcano superante, domus: jam proximus ardet Ucalegon: Sigea igni fieta lata relucent. 314. Nec erat sat ra Exoritur clamorque virum, clangorque tubarufm. tionis mihi in armis. Sed Arma amens capio, nec sat rationis in armis: animi ardent glomerare NOTES. kept burning all the year. It was brought from those animals that prick up their ears by Eneas into Italy, where Numa Pompilius at every sound which gives them alarm. re-establis thed teorder of the Vestal Vir- 304. Velut cam flammia, &c. This fine gins; whose office was to preserve this fire simile is taken from Homer, Iliad ii. 455 in the temple of Vesta. It was suffered to Austris: for ventis. die away on the last day of the year, and 305. Torrens rapidus: a torrent rapid was rekindled again on the first day of March with a mountain flood prostrates the fields, from the beams of the sun. The origin of prostrates, &c. A.uctus colluvie aquarum 8 this religious custom seems to have been de- montibus, says Heyne. rived from the Persians, who were famous 306. Sata: properly crops of corn; from for worshipping the sun, and tlte fire, as an sero. Lxeta: in the sense of copiosa, orferemblem of that luminary. This everlasting tilia. fire was not only preserved in the temple of 308. Accipicns: in the sense of audiens. Vesta, but also in private houses, and in the Inscius: ignorant of the cause of the sound. palaces of the great; where was an altar 309. Fides: the truth of Ilector's words to Jupiter Hercmeus, on which fire was kept was now manifest.?erpetually burning. Some suppose that 310. De6phobi. Deiphobus was the son this was the fire which Priam had consecra- of Priam and Hecuba. After Paris was ted on the altar, at which he was slain, slain by Pyrrhus, he married Helen, by Adytis. Adytum properly was the most whose treachery he fell a sacrifice to the sacred part of the temple-the place where resentment of the Greeks, among the first the images and statues of the gods were-the of his countrymen. See En. vi. 494, et seq. shrine. This was commonly the interior or 311. Vulcano: in the sense of igne. The middle of the temple. Hence the propriety god of fire, by meton. put for fire itself. of adytis penetralibus.. It isften taken for 312. Ucalegon. He was one of Priam's the temple itself by synec. counsellors: here put, by meton. for the:298. Diverse: in the sense of vario. house of Ucalegon. His house burns the 299. Secreta: private, separated from ncxt. Lata Siea freta: the broad Sigean.hers-by itself: it agrees with domus.'Fuit straits shine with the light of the flames. s understood. Sigea: an adj. from Sigeum, a promontory 300. Obtecta: surrounded (covered) by of Troas.. Fretunm is properly a narrow sea trees, was retired from -noise and bustle. or strait: it here means that part of the Egean sea lying between Tenedos and 301. Sonitus clarescunt: the sounds are Troas. heard more and more clearly: and the din 313. Eroritur clamoraue, &c. This is or clashing of arms increases. one of the finest lines that ever imaged the 303. Ascensu: by climbing up, I ascend sense in the sound. The words and syllato the summit of the palace. By this we bles are rough, hoarse, and sonorous; and are to understand the watch tower, which so artfully put together as to strike the ear was usually built on the ridge, or highest like the-thrilling notes of the trumpet which part of the house, that it might afford them they describe. Clangor: in the sense of a more extensive prospect. Arrectis auribus: sonus. with listening ears. It is a metaphor taken 314. Amens: compounded of the Greek 216 P. VIRGIIII MARONIS Szd giomerare manurn hello, et concurrere in arcem Cum sociis ardent animi: furor iraque mentem 316 317. Succurrit mihi in Precipitant; pulchrumque mori succurrit in armiq mtentem pulchrum esse Ecce autem, telis Pantheus elapsuls Achivum, Pantheus Otriades, arcis Phcebique sacerdos, 320. Ipse trahit sacra, Sacra manl, victosque Deos, parvumque nepotem 3T0 victosque Ipse trahit.: cursuque amens ad limina tendit: 322. In quo Icco est Quo res summa loco, Pantheu? quam prendirns arcem? aumnia res Vix ea fatus eram gemitu.cum talia reddit: Venit summa dies et ineluctabile tempus Dardaniae: fuimus Troes, fuit Ilium, et ingens 35 Gloria Teucrorum: ferus omnia Jupiter Argos Transtulit: incensa Danai dominantur in urbe Arduus armatos mediis in mcenibus adstans 331. Tot millia, quot Fundit equus, victorque Sinon incendia miscet nunquam vengre e mag- Insultans: portis alii bipatentibus adsunt, 3%0 nis Millia quot magnis nunquam venere Mycenis. NOTES. alpha,privitivum, and mens. It properly sig- 322. Summa res: the commonwealthnifies, deprived of reason-destitute of pre- the common interests of his country; which sence of mind, from any cause whatever, was the summa res of AEneas, his chief, his 315. Glomerare: in the sense ofcolligere. highest concerns and will always be nearest 316. Animi ardent: my mind burns to the heart of every good patriot. Virgil, to collect, &Cc. The plural here has plainly show the haste and impatience pf Eneas, the sense of the singular animus. makes him throw out these short questions 319. Pantheus: he was the son of Otreus. abruptly, without any previous introducServius informs us, that on the overthrow of tion. Loco: state, or condition. Reddit: Troy by Hercules, and the death of Lao- in the sense of respondet. medon, Priam sent the son of Antenor to Ineluctabile tempus. Ruus takes consult the oracle of Delphi, whether he these words in the sense of inevitabilis runa should build up Troy again upon the samemma: in the sense of suprema foundations. Pantheus was then priest of ltima the Delphic Apollo, a youth of exquisite lt beauty; and Antenor was so well pleased 325. Fuimus Troes, fuit Ilium: we Trowith him, that he carried him off by force jans are no more; Ilium, and the great glory to Troy. To make some amends for this of the Trojans, hath fallen. injury, Priam made him priest of Apollo. It was a custom among the Romans, when However this may be, he was a person of they would intimate a person to be dead, to great note and authority among the Tro- say fuit, or vixit, to shun sounds that were jans. Sacerdos arcis Phoebique: priest of shocking, and accounted of bad omen. Bethe tower and of Apollo: (that is) of the side, there is a greater degree of elegance citadel or tower, where Apollo was worship- in expressing tle death of a person, or the ped, together with Pallas or Minerva, to overthrow of a city, tlus, indirectly, byfuit, whom it was sacred. stetit, vixit, &c. than in plain words. The 320. Sacra: sacred utensils. Here again one is the language of poetry, the other of Virgilapplies one verb to two or more nouns, prose. This seems to be an imitation of when in strictness it can be applied to one Eurpides in his Troades, where Andromache only. Trahit is applicable enough to a child and Hecuba thus alternately complain who can hardly walk, and must be half once we were happy-!Hecuba: now our dragged along; but it cannot so well be happiness is gone —Troy is no more. applied to things that are carried in the hand.. 321. Limina. Some copies have Litora. 329 cetn te sense of t. But Servius, Donatus, Heyne, and others, 330. Bipatentibus: in the sense of aperts. read limina, which is manifestly to be pre- Doors or gates that open both ways, or on fcrrad. Litora appears inconsistent with both sides, may be called bipatentes. Adthe case. Beside, it reflects much honor sunt: in the sense of intrant. upon AEneas, that both Iector and Pantheus 331. JMcenis. Mycene and Argos were should bring the sacred things of Troy to the chief cities of Greece; and frequently him for safe-keeping. It is a chief object put for Greece in general. They were situ with the poet to aggrandize his hero. ated in the Peloponnesus. Hodie. Morea AENEIS. LIB. 1I. 217 Obsedgre alii telis angusta viarum Oppositi: stat ferri acies mucrone corusco Stricta, parata neci: vix primi pralia tentant Portailum vigiles, et creco Marte resistunt. 335 Talibus Otriade dictis, et numine Divum In flammas et in arma feror: quo tristis Erinnys, Quo frernitus vocat, et sublatus ad aethera clamor. Addunt se socios Ripheus, et maximus annis 339. Ripheus, ot IphiIphitus, oblati per lunam, Hypanisque, Dymasque; 340 tus maximus annis, HyEt lateri agglomerant nostro: juvenisque Chorcebus panisque, Dymasque blati per Lunam addunt Mygdonides: illis ad Trojam forte diebus lati pe s Lunccios addunihi Venerat, insane Cassandra incensus amore; Et gener auxilium Priamo Phrygibusque ferebat: Infelix, qui non sponsae praecepta furentis 345 345. Infelix juvenzts Audlerat. qui non Quos ubi confertos audere in prmlia vidi, Incipio super his: Juvenes, fortissima frustra Pectora, si vobis audenteln extrema cupido est 349. Si certa cupido Certa sequi; quae sit rebus fortuna, videtis. 350 est vobis sequi me auExcessere omnes adytis arisque relictis dentem extrema; vos vi detis, quae fortuna sit Di, quibus imperium hoc steterat: succurritis urbi nostris Incenste: moriamur, et in media arma ruarnus. NOTES. 332. Angusta viarur: the narrow places, 347. Audere in prcelia: to have courage or passages of the streets. Loca seems to for fight-to be ready to engage. Quos. be understood. It is used in the sense of in the sense of illos. angustas vias. 348. Sitper his: upon these things. HavCcECo Marte: in the blind (doubtful) en- ing observed them collected together, and counter. It is so called on account of the prepared for fight, he then begins. Or, sudarkness of the night; or because it was per his may be in the sense of ad haec, to sudden and unexpected, and resistance could these things-to their readiness and courage not, therefore, be made with any prospect for fight, he begins. Servius takes them of success..Marte: in the sense of pugna differently. 1 begin in these words, the more vel certamine. to animate them. In this case, super must 336. Jrnuine: impulse, or will of the be for insuper; in the former, a prep. Dagods. vidson follows Servius. Heyne has post 337. Erinnys: this is a common name of hcc-inde. the three furies. See Geor. i. 278. In ar- 248. Juvenes, pectora: there is a great ma: in the sense of in pugnas. confusion, and neglect of order and inethod, 339. Maximus annis. Some read armis: in this speech, to mark the hurry and disbut the former appears to be the true read- order of iEneas' mind. O youths, souls ing from verse 435, seq. Hcyne has armis. most valiant! Frustra: in vain; because 340. Oblati: meeting me by the light of they could not save their country. the moon. 349. Certa cupido: a fixed, determined 341. 4gglomerant: in the sense of adhe- resolution. Audentem: in the sense of tenrent. tantem. Cupido: in the sense of animus. 343. Insano: in the sense of magno, or 351. Omnes Di, quibus: all the gods, ny vehementi. Virgil has here applied to Chorce- whom this empire stood, have departed bus, what Homer says of Othryoneus. from, &c. It was a prevailing opinion that He was passionately in love with Cassan- a city, or place, could not be taken, while dra2 the daughter of Priam, and hoped to its tutelary divinities remained in it. It was become his son-in-law: with that view he the practice, therefore, of the besiegers to camle to his assistance. He was the son of invite; or call them away. For this reason Mygdon. the Romans took care to conceal the Latin 345. Furentis: furens hero means inspi- name of the god under whose protection red-prophetic. Sponsa: properly a woman Rome was; and the priests were not allowpromised, or betrothed in marriage; from ed to call the Roman gods by their narmes, the verb.pondeo: also a young married lest, if they were known, an enemy miiht woman. solicit and entice them away. Fo this c^s 218 P. V1RGILII MAIRONIS. Una salus victis, nullam sperare salutem. Sic animis juvenum furor additus. Inde lupi ceu 3ib Raptores, atra in nebula, quos improba ventris 357. Quos improba Exegit caecos rabies, catulique relicti rabies ventris exegit ex Faucibus expectant siccis: per tela, per hostes QUanO e cauli peliculo, Vadimus haud dubiamn in mortem, mediteque tenerus antos-s Urbis iter: nox.atra cava circumvolat umbra. 360 359. Sic nos vadimus Quis cladem illius noctis, quis funera fando per tols Explicet? aut possit lachrymis aequare labores Urbs antiqua ruit, multos dominata per annos. Plurima perque vias sternuntur inertia passim 365. Domos hominum, Corpora, perque domos, et relligiosa Deorum 365 et per Limina. Nec soli pmenas dant sanguine Teucri: Quondam etiam victis redit in prtcordia virtus, 368. Ubique est crude- Victoresque cadunt Danai: crudelis ubique uli~s ~ Luctus, ubique pavor, et plurirna'mortis imago. 370. Androgeos pri- Primus se Danaum, magna comitante caterva, 370 mus Danaium offert se Androgeos offert nobis, socia agmina credens, nobis, magna caterva Inscius; atque ultro verbis compellat amicis: comitante eum, credens nostra agmina esse socia Festinate, viri: nam quae tam sera moratur: Segnities? alii rapiunt incensa feruntque NOTES. tom the poet may here allude; or rather to has in charge his aged father, his wife, and the poetical fiction, that when Troy was infant son; and endeavors to shun them by like to be taken, the gods were seen carrying tracing out the by-paths and unfrequented away their statues from the temples. lanes. 354. Una salus: the only safety to the 361. Fando: in the sense of verbis. vanquished, is, to hope for no safety. This 362. Labores: disasters-toils. is the same argument which the brave Le- 365. Inertia corpora. By these bodies, it onidas used to animate his men to sell their is most probable, we are to understand the lives as dear as possible. Una: in the sense feeble and helpless part of the inhabitantsof sola. old men, women, and children; and all who 355. Inde ceu lupi: after that, as ravenous did not take up arms in defence of their wolves in a dark night, which excessive country: they were slain (sternuntur) every hunger hath driven out blind to danger, &c. where, in their own houses, in the streets, Improba rabies ventris: excessive greediness and in the temples whither they had fled for of the belly-pressing hunger. Raptores: protection. They are called inertia in opin the sense of rapaces, ravenous, rapacious. position to those who dared to make resistDr. Trapp objects to the justness of this ance, and nobly die. This is much better simile; but the comparison does not lie in than to take corpora in the sense of cadavera, the action, but in the manner of performing as is usually done; for then the epithet inerit. As hungry rapacious wolves are forced tia would be quite useless and superfluous. from their retreats precipitately into danger, 366. Relligiosa limina: the sacred temwithout fear or dread, so we rush desperate- ples of the ods. Limen., the threshold, by ly on our foes, looking death and danger in synec. put for the temple. Dant pconas santhe face. The poet mentions another cir- guine; simply, suffer punishment with their cunstancc. Catuli relicti: their whelps, blood-by shedding their blood. left behind, wait with parched jaws. By 367. Prcecordia: in the sense of corda, which.hc intended to represent those animals vel pectora. in their fiercest and most ravenous state; 36). Plurima imago: very many forms of and, therefore, the more proper to denote death. This mode of expression is common the fierceness and rage of men driven to with Virgil, and is conformable to the Latin despair. In atia nebula: in the dark night; idiom. So multa virtus-nmultusque hohos. because in the night, or dark weather, they XEn. iv. 3. Such expressions, however,conare the fiercest and least mindful of danger. vey an idea of plurality rather than of uni. 359. Vadimnus: we march to certain death, ty; and, in our language, require to be renand take the way through the middle of the dered in the plural nulmber. city. This circumstance is mentioned to 271. Socia: friendly. Androgeos took show their courage and intrepidity. After- them to be of the party of the Greeks. ward he is afraid of the enemy, when, he 3-74. Yamn quc, st:getlies: what: sloth so A~,NEIS. LIB. 11. 219 Pergama: vos celsis nunc primunirn a navibus itis? 375 Dixit: et extemp16 (neque enim responsa dabantur Fida satis' sensit inedios delapsus in hostes. Obstupuit, retroque pedem cum voce repressit. lmprovisum aspris veluti qui sentibus anguem 37., Veluti hnlo tqu Pressit humi nitens. trepidusque repente refugit 380 nitens humi pressit iin. Attollentem iras, et ccerula colla tumentem. quei impovisum s Haud sccis Androgeos visu tremefactus abibat. 3s1. Refugt cum tIrruimus, densis et circumfundimur armis: tollentem Ignarosque loci passim et formidine captos Sternimus: aspirat primo fortuna labori. 385 Atque hic exultans successu animisque Chorcebus, O socii, qua prima, inquit, fortuna salutis 387. 0 sbcii, qua forMonstrat iter, quaque ostendit se dextra, sequamur. tuina prima monstrat nmMutemus clypeos, Danaumque insignia nobis dextra ostendit se Aptemus: dolus, an virtus, quis in hoste requirat? 390 390. Quis requirat in Arma dabunt ipsi. Sic fatus, deinde comantem hoste, an sit dolus, an Androgei galeam; clypeique insigne decorum virtus. Ipsi cresi Induitur: laterique Argivum accommodat ensem. Hoc Ripheus, hoc ipse Dymas, omnisque juventus 394. Ripheus factl Lieta facit: spoliis se quisque recentibus armat. 395 hoc, Dymas ipse facil Vadimus immixti Danais, haud numine nostro: Multaque per caecam con'gressi pralia noctem NOTES. late detains you. Rapiunt: in the sense of 386. Animis: courage-'boldness. vastant. Ferunt: in the sense of evertunt. 388. Dextra: in the sense of propitia. 376. Extemnplo sensit: he instantly per- 389. Insignia Danae2m: the armour of ceived that he had fallen into the midst of the Greeks. This seems to allude to the enemies. Delapsus: in the sense of delap- figures, or images, engraven upon their buckslmn esse. A Grecism. lers-those of the Greeks having the figure 377. Fida: in the sense of amnica. J.'eque: of Neptune, and those of the Trojans the in the sense of non. figure of Minerva. Putting on the Grecian 378. Repressit pedem: he retreated back figures, was the same thing as putting on with his words. As soon as he perceived their armour. his mistake, he retreated bacak. his. istake, he retreated back. Zenobius tells us, that Corwbus was noted 379. Aspris: by syncope for asperns. This f s i, sml* *i taken ron Homer, iia Thi - for stupidity: as an instance, he mentions simile is taken trom Homer, Iliad 111. verse,'TO.>. \7 * that he used to amuse himself on the sea 33. But Virgil is very happy in the appl- ea cation, and has improved upon the original, s e by countng the waves as tey dased by the addition of several circumstances that against it. He came to the assistance of heighten the comparison, and give it more Priam just before the city was taken; and heighten the comparison, and give it more J.. * force and likeness, now he shows his stupidity and want of l380. Nilens humli: walking on the ground, foresight in suggesting a plan, rash in its step - uponasna,uwknsn, &c' g nature, and which in the event proved fatal steps upon a snake unseen, &c. t. n a t to him and his associates. 382. Ilaud sec'ts: no otherwise-just so. 383. Circum]fundimur: this verb here has 390. Requirat: ask-demand. an active signification: we encompass them 393. Induitur comantenm: he puts on the with our weapons close joined,. Or, it may waving helmet of Androgeos. Induitur is have the sense of Miscemur, as Rueus in- plainly to be taken actively, in the sense of terprets it. induit. Comante:s waving with a hairy 384. Captos formidine. Mr. Davidson ob- crest. The crests of their h'elmets were serves: by this we are to understand that made of the hair of beasts. Decorum inthey were so under the power of fear, as signe clypei: the beatutiful, or comely figure not to be able to exert themselves-enchain- of his shield; i. e. his beautiful shield-his ed, arrested, or nonplussed by fear; and so shield richly ornamented. enslavud to it, that they could obey nothing 396. Haud nostro numine: not with our but its inipulse. Ruasus interprets it by god. This is ail allusion to their having percitos vnietu. put off their own armour, on which was en3135. Aspiralf. in the sense of favet. La- graven the figure of Minerva, their guarbori: in the sense of conalui. dian goddess and protectress, and put onl the 220 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Conseruntis, multos Danauim demittimus Orco. I)iftFugiunt alii ad naves, et litora cursu 400. Pars prie t:rpi Fida petunt: pars ingentem formidine turpi 400 tolmidile Scandunt rursus equum, et nota conduntur in alvo. Itcu, nihil invitis fas quenquam fidere Divis! 403. Eo;e Cassandra Ecce trahebatur passis Priameia virgo l'rlameia Virgo passis Crinibus a templo Cassandra adytisque Mincrva-, erinibus crinibus Ad celum tendens ardentia lumina frustra,. 406 406. Lumina, inquam: Lumina, nam teneras arcebant vincula palnlas. naln jNon tulit hanc speciem furiata mente Chorcebus, Et sese medium injecit moriturus in agmen. Consequimur cuncti, et densis incurrimus armis. HIic priinum ex alto delubri culmine telis 410 Nostrorum obruimur, oriturque miserrima caedes, 412. Ex fac.e nostro- Armorurn facie, et Graiarum errore jubarum. rum armoru cn Tum Danai gemitu, atque ereptae virginis ira, gemitu, atque ira virgi- Undique collecti invadunt: acerrimus Ajax, nis ereptze ex suis mani- Et gemini Atride, Dolopumque exercifus omnis. 415 bus Adversi rupto ceu quondam turbine venti 416. Ceu adversi ven- Confligunt, Zephyrusque, Notusque, et lttus Eois ti, Zephyvrusque, Notus- e (ue, et Eurus l;tus Eo'is Eurus equis: stridunt sylvw, smvitque tridenti e(quis, quondam confli- Spumeus atque imo Nereus ciet equora fundo. guiit, turbine rupto Illi etiam, si quos obscura nocte per umbrain 420 NOTES. Grecian armour, with the figure of-Neptune, understands it of their rushing upon the the inveterate enemy of the Trojans. Iin- close or compacted body of the Greeks. tnixti Danais. It is one characteristic of Irruimus in densum agnlen hostium, says he. the valiant, that they mingle with the ranks 412. Facie arnorunt: from the appearance of the enemy. Homer says of Diomede, of their armour, the Trojans took them to tiat lie so mingled with the Trojans, that a be Greeks. Jubarum: crests or plumes. spectator would have, sometimes, been at a 413. Gemitu: in the sense of dolore. The loss to know whether he belonged to the Greeks (moved) with grief and resentment, Trojans, or to the Greeks. on account of the virgin rescued from their 398. Conserinlus mulla proelia: we wage hands, being collected together from all many a fight. Orco: in the sense of ad in- quarters, attack us. Gemitus here is plainly feros. used in a wider sense than usual. Both 402. JNihil fas: it is not right that any Ruaeus and Heyne take it in the sense of one should have confidence, (trust in any dolor. thing) the gods being against him. J.ihil 414. Ajax. IIe was the son of O'ileus. and nil are often used simply in the sense of He ravished Cassandra in the temple of non. The verb est is understood. Minerva, for which he was afterward severe404. Crinibus passis: with loose or dis- ly punished by that goddess. See En. i. hevelled hair. Passis, from the verb pan- 41. Ajax, the son of Telamon, had some dor, to be loose or spread open. time before killed himself, for his failure in 405. Tendens: raising her glaring eyes to the contest for the armour of Achilles. heaven in vain. Frusta: in vain, either be- 415. Gemini Atridee: the two sons ol cause the gods were inexorable, or because Atreus, Agamemnon and Menelaus. she could not move the compassion of the 416. Ceu adversi venti: as when opposite Greeks. This is a. most moving represen- winds, &c. This simile is in imitation of tation of the beautiful prophetess and prin- Homer, Iliad 9. In comparing the two, cess in distress. No wonder that it roused Scaliger found the preference so much due the indignation of this valiant band, and to Virgil, that he reckons him the master, brought them to her rescue. They avenged and Homer the scholar. Cornligunt: in the the horrid deed upon their enemies. sense of certant. 407. Speciem: sight-spectacle. This sight 419. J.ereus: a marine gcd. The trident Chorobus could not bear. was assigned to him by the poets, as well as 409. Inturrimus: we rush upon them to to Neptune. See Eel. vi. 35. the rescue of Cassandra. Densis armis: 420. Si quos fudimus: if we have routed withclose weapons-in close array. Heyne any by stratagem through the shades in the 2ENEIS. LIB. II. 22i Pudimus insidiis, totaque agitavimus urbe, Apparent primi clypeos mentitaque tela 422. 1lii etiam- appaAgnoscunt, atque ora sono discordia signant. relnt; primique [licet obruimur numero, primusque Chorcebus Penelei dextra diva armipotentis ad aram 425 Procurnbit: cadit et Ripheus, justissimus unus, Qui fuit in Teucris, et servantissimus aequi; 427. Qui fuit unus D)is aliter visum. Pereunt Hypanisque, Dymasque, justissimus, et Confixi a sociis: nec te tua plurima. Pantheu, Labentem.pietas, nec Apollinis infula texit. 430 Iliaci cineres, et flamma extremna meorum, Testor, in occasu vestro, nec tela, nec ullas 432. Testor vos, mt Vitavisse vices Danaum: et, si fata fuissent vitavisse nec tela, nes Ut caderem, meruisse manu. Divellimur inde, ullas vices Danaum Iphitus et Pelias mecum: quorum Iphitus aevo 435 Jan gravior, Pelias et vulnere tardus Ulyssei. Protinis ad sedes Priami clarnore vocati. IJic vero ingentem pugnam, ceu catera nusquam 438. Hie vero cernBella forent, nulli tota morerentur in urbe: mus ingentem pugnam, Sic Martem indomitum, Danaosque ad tecta ruentes 440 CCU NOTES. dusky night, &c. they also appear..Menti- 429. J'ec tua piurima pie!as: nor did thy ta tela: false or fictitious armour. It pur- great piety, nor the fillets of Apollo, protect ported that those who wore it were Greeks; thee from falling. but in truth were Trojans. 431. Iliaci cineres: ye Trojan ashes, and 423. Signant era: they observe our words the last flames of my country, I call you to differing in sound from theirs. We speak witness, that, &c. Vices. By this Servius not their language, and, therefore, they know understands pugnce, fights; because they there must be some deception in the busi- fought by courses. Scaliger takes it to ness. Some understand by sono, the Gre- mean wounds and deadly blows, vulnera ct cian watch-word. Ora: in the sense of codes; because wounds in fighting are mu-, verba, by meton. tually given and received. Donatus consi424. Ilicet obruimur: instantly we are ders it an allusion to the gladiators; tiie overpowered by numbers. The word ilicet verb vo, oined with it being a term used was anciently used in the sense of aclum esl: n fencng to parry off a thrust, in ppsition to pete, to aim one. For vices, Rumus says all is over. It was an expression used by pericula. Heyne says casus puun e. the judge, who, when he thought fit to put per cula Heyne says cs sus pugne. 433. Fuissent: in the sense of sinuissent. an end to business, ordered the crier to pro- 43. eruisse m nu: the t I merited it by nounce ilicet, i. e. ire licet: all may go-the 434. J u manu: that I merited it by nobusine is oe. ire lcet: all may go-the this right hand, i. e. by fighting. There is business is over. something noble in this sentiment. It con425. Armipotentis Dive: the warlike god- siders death as a prize or reward, which the dess-Pallas. See Geor. i. 18. Penelei: valiant win by their merit or valor. This Pcneleus was one of the five generals of the agrees with his former reflection: pulclrum Beotians who came to the Trojan war. que mori succurrit in armis. Direlltmur in428. Visum alitcr Dis. Having mention- de Iphitus, et: we are torn away from thence. ed that his friend was the most just, and He speaks of it as a great affliction; and, most observant of justice among the Tro- as it were, accuses his fate that aenied him jans, IEneas certainly could not mean that the honor of so glorious a death. it seemed otherwise to the gods. Something 435. Gravior cevo: Iphitus was now opt is evident must be understood. Now, the pressed or enfeebled with age; and Pelias nention of this excellent man, would natu- disabled by a wound which he had received *ally suggest the reflection that he deserved from Ulysses. JEvo: for annis. a better end: he ought not to have fallen 437. Protinuis: immediately-in haste with the rest; but he checks himself: Dis Vocati: sumus is understood. aliter visum: it seemed otherwise to the 438. Ceu: in the sense of quasi. It is gods. Commentators have been much di- understood beforenulli. Bella: in the sense vided in opinion upon these words. But in of pugnc. this view they are plain and intelligible. 440 JMartem indomitum: Mars, furious, The verb est is understood, ungoverned. Mars, the god of war, put for 222 P. VIRGILI1 MARONIS Cernimus, obsessumque acta testudine limen. Hacrent parietibus scalae, postesque sub ipsos 443. Danai nituntur Nituntur gradibus; clypeosque ad tela sinistris Protecti objiciunt, prensant fastigia dextris. Dardanidae contra turres ac tecta domorum 44b 446. His tells parant Culmina convellunt: his se, quando ultima cernunt, defcndere so Extrema jam in morte parant defendere telis; Auratasque trabes, veterum decora alta parenturn, Devolvunt: alii strictis mucronibus imas Obsedere fores: has servant agmine denso. 450 451. oPstri animi sunt Instaurati animi, regis succurrere tectis, instauratiA Auxilioque levare viros, vimque addere victis. Limen erat, caecaeque fores, et pervius usus 455. Dum regna Pri- Tectorum inter se Priami, postesque relicti ami A tergo: infelix qua se, dum regna manebant, 455 NOTES. war, or fighting in general. Ad tecta: to 447. In extrema morte: in the last catasthe palace. trophe. Suprema ruinli, says Ruseus. 441. Testudine acta: the testudo being 448. Devolvunt auratas trabes: they tumformed. The testudo was a figure into which ble down upon their enemies the gilded the soldiers formed themselves in attacking rafters, the st.tely decorations of their antowns and other fortified places. The first cestors. Inthis passage, the poet has drawn rank stood upright, the next behind them a lively picture of men in despair. Some stooped lower and lower by degrees, till the copies have decora illa parentum; which last rank kneeled down: all holding their has a peculiar emphasis. targets or shields over their heads in their 449. A1ii obsedere. These I take to be left hands. By these means they were se- Trojan guards, who had taken possession of cure from the missive weapons of the enemy the lower doors, to prevent the entrance of from the walls and towers. To carry on an the Greeks. Others understand the Greeks attack in this way was called, agere testudi- themselves, who had besieged the doors. nemn: to form the testudo, or target defence. JMucronibus. Mucro is properly the point of Limen: the passage which led up to the the sword; by synec. put for the whole palace-the place before the door. sword. 442. Parietibus. Paries is properly the 450. Denso agmine: in a close, or colnwall of a house-murus, the wall of a city. pact body. Animi: courage. 443. JNtiunt.r gradibus sub, &c. By gra- 452. Levare: in the sense ofjurare. Vicdibus, here, we\ may either understand the tis: to those despairing-fighting without steps that led up to the palace, or the steps any hope of victory. Vim: force-vigor of the scaling ladders by which they mount- In the sing. it is a triptot; in the plu. regled up, or pressed to get up, to the roof, the lar. foot of these ladders being placed at the very 453. Pervius usus tectorumn: lit. a thodoor-posts. Mr. Davidson understands the roughfare (free communication) between passage in this last sense. The former, how- the palaces of Priam with each other, and ever, is the easier: which is the sense of a gate.left free (unobserved by the enemy) Rucus. Ad ipsas portas, says he. The from behind, where unhappy Andromache, Greeks ascend (nilunlur) by the steps up to &c. the very doors. Postes, properly the frame It appears that Priam had two palaces of the door, put, frequently, for the door it- near each other, with a communication beself, by meton. tween them; in one of which Hector and 444. Protecti sinistris: protected by their Andromache resided, while he and Hecuba.eft hands, (by the shields which they sup- resided in the other. Limen: an entrance ported on their left arm,) they oppose their Cecc: private-secret. Through this pri. shields, &c. Fastigia: the roof, or the eaves vate, or back door, IEneas entered the pa. or edge of the roof. lace, and ascended by the usual passage u. 445. Tecta culmina domorum: the cover- to the watch-tower. ed tops of their houses. Here tecta is a par- 454. Postes: in the sense of porta. ticipial adjective, from the verb tego. Its 455. Qua infelix Andromache. The men neuter, tectum, properly signifies the roof or tion of her using this secret passage of the covering of any building. Hence by synec. palace, gives a dignity tc the circumstance, the building itself-a house, a palace. which in itself is 1 -w AENEIS. LIB. 11 223 Saepius Andromache ferre incomitata solebat Ad soceros, et avo puerum Astyanacta trahebat. Evado ad summi fastigia culminis, unde 458. MHc viW evado Tela manu miseri jactabant irrita Teucri. Turrim in pralciplfti stantem, summisque sub astra 460 460. JNos circuln ag. Eductam tectis, unde omnis Troja vidcri, gressi ferr4 turrim Edectam 461. Unde omnis TroEt Danaum solitm naves, et Achaica castra; ja4 s le vidr.A~~~~~~~. > >. ~ja solita est videri, eit Aggressi ferro circilm, qua summa labantes naves Ianaum solits Juncturas tabulata dabant, convellimus altis sunt videri Sedibus, impulimusque. Ea lapsa repente ruinam 465 Cum sonitu trahit, et Danaium super agmina late 468 Ccssat jaclai Ilcidit: ast alii subeunt: nec saxa, nec ullurn Danais Telorum interea cessat genus. 471. Talts, qualis cc Vestibulum ante ipsum primoque in limine Pyrrhus luber est, ubi serpit ii. Exultat, telis et luce coruscus ahena. 470 iucem, pastus mala gra mina, quem tumidunQualis ubi in lucem coluber, mala gramina pastus, frigida bruma tegebat Frigida sub terra tumidurn quem bruma tegebat; sub terra; nunc, NOTES. 457. Soceros: her parerts-in-law-Priam palace, on which the tower stood, and to and Hecuba. 4Aslyanacta: a Greek acc. of which it was fastened: or perhaps the highAstyanax. Some say he was carried off by est story, or part of the tower only, was Ulysses, others say by Menelaus, in the ab- overthrown. Labantes: in the sense of sence of Pyrrhus, and tlirown over a preci- infirmas. pice, to evade the prophecy, which imported 464. Dabant: in the sense of habebant. that, if he lived, he would avenge his pa- 469. Ante ipsum: before the very enrents and country. The name is of Greek trance, or vestibule. The vestibulum proorigin, and signifies, a king of a city. perly was the court yard or space before 458. Evado ad fastigia: I ascend to the the door of the house. By primo linine, topl of the highest roof. The word evado we may understand the outer gate; perhaps marks the dangler of tlh enterprise, and the the one that gave admittance into the veshazard he ran of being intercepted by the tibulum. enemy. 470. Corusous ahena luce: gleaming in It is probable that by fasligia here, we arms, and brazen light; the brass of his are to understand thi battlements, or watch- armour reflected the light. tower, which had been built upon the high- Pyrrhus. He was the son of Achilles cst part of the palace. We may suppose and De'idarnia, so called from the color of the palace to nave been of different heights, his skin, which was red. He was sometimes or to have coisisted of several buildings, called.Aeoptolemus, from two Greek words, differing in height, and connected together which together signify a new war. He inso as to form one mass, each of them with herited much of tLe spirit and temper of its respective roof; hence the propriety of his father. He slew Priam wihile holding the expressions: sumrmz tecti-sumnmi cul- the altar, to which he had fled for refuige; minis, &c. and sacrificed his daughter Polyxena at the 460. In pracipiti: in a dangerous place tomb of his father. After the destruction -in a projecting situation. of Troy, he carried off Andromache, whom 461. Summis tectis: with its highest roof, he married; at least lie had a son by her, or simply, wvith its top. It is plain that tec- named.Molossus. He afterwards married turn here means the roof, or ridge of the her to Helenus. the son cG Friam, upon his tower. falling in love with Tlerinione, the daughter 463. Ferro. Ferrumn properly signifies of Mcnelaus and Helen. iron. Hence any instrument made of iron Pyrrhus was slain in the temple of -any edged tool; such as swords, axes, &c. Apollo, at Delphi, by Orestes, to whom With these instruments they cut the tower Hermione had been promised. He was also loose, where the topmost story gave weak called Pelides, from Peleus, his grandfather. joints. Mr. Davidson observes, it is some- 471. Pastus mala: having fed upon poiwhat difficult to determine the meaning of sonous herbs. It is said that serpents, lwhen summa in this place; because the po&t they lie in wait f)r either man or beast, eat speaks as if the whole tower had been torn poisonous herbs and roots, to nake their from its place, and not one story of it only. bite more fatal. He therefore thinks we mnay understand by 472. Bruma: properly the shortest day he summa labulata, the highest story of the of winter-the winter solstice; hence by 224 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Nunc positis novus exuviis, nitidusque juvcnt8, Lubrica convolvit, sublato pectore, terga 475. Una cum POyr'- Arduus ad Solem, et linguisjmicat ore trisulcis. 475 ingcns Periphas, e Una ingens Periphas, et equorum agitator Achi:Ji Automnedon drmiger Armiger Automedon; una omnis Scylia pubes Iyrrhi, quondam agitator equorum Achillis, 1uccedunt tecto, et flammas ad culmina jactant. una etiam omnis Ipse inter primes, correpta dura bipenni, 479. Pyrrhus ipse in- Limina perrumpit, postesque i cardine vellit 410 primos EAratos; jamque excisa trabe firma cavavit Robora, ct ingentem lato dedit ore fenestram. Apparet domus intus, et atria longa patescunt: Apparent Priami et veterum penetralia regum: 485. Danai vident ar- Armatosque vident stantes in limine primo. 485 mates custodes stantes At doinus interior gemitu miseroque tumultu Miscetur: penitusque cave plangoribus aedes Fcomineis ululant: ferit aurea sidera clamor. Turn pavidta tectis matres ingentibus errant: 490. Figunt oscula Amplexwque tenent postes, atque oscula figunt. 490 ilis Instat vi patria Pyrrhus; nec claustra, neque ipsi Custodes sufierre valent: labat ariete crebro NOTES. synec. the whole winter. Tumidum: swol- or crosspiece, or other impediments, on the len, or bloated with poison. inside of the door, to secure it. By limina, 473. Jovus exuviis: now, renewed, his we may understand the impediments or deskin being cast off, and sleek with youth, he fences on the outside of the door; and by rolls, &c. It is well known that the snake postes, the door itself, by meton. Theperchanges, or creeps out of his skin, in the rumpit dura limina, and the vellit postes a spring of the year. Aristotle informs us cardine, show Pyrrhus breaking through all that they begin at the head, and having di- obstructions, and tearing down the doors; vested themselves of. their old garment, and cavavit being in the perf. tense, marks they appear renewed in youth and beauty. the ease and rapidity with which the effect This is effected in about the space of twenty- was produced. Dedit: in the sense offecit. four hours. 484. Penetralia. Penetrale properly sig475. 4rduus ad solem: raised or elevated nifies the interior or private apartments of to the sun; in order to receive his heat, es- a house, as here-that part of the temple pecially in the spring, when his warm beams where the images stood-the place whence are the most cherishing. Trisulcis. The the responses of the oracles were givenpoets represent serpents as having three- the shrine. Ruceus says, recessus. forked tongues, probably on account of the 487. Cavce cedes: the rooms with concave volubility of their tongues, in which they arches, or ceilings. Ululant: in the sense are said to exceed all other animals. JMicat: of resonant. Plangoribus: shrieks, or lain the sense of vibral. mentations. These rooms, or apartments 477. Scyria: an adj. from Scyros, one of of the females, were in the middle, or intethe Cyclades. Achilles was placed here rior part of the palace. This is expressed in the habit of a woman, under the care of. by penitus. Lycomedcs, king of the island, where he 490. A.mplexe tenent, &c. This is an aldefiled his daughter Deidamia, who brought lusion to a superstitious opinion among the him Pyrrhus. Some say Lycomedes gave. Romans, that the door-posts, gates, &c. him his daughter in marriage. Pubes: in possessed a kind of divinity. These, therethe sense of juventus. fore, the poet represents as being seized and 478. Succedunt tecto: come up to the pa- embraced by the Trojan matrons, who hoped lace, so that they could reach the roof with by these means to recommend themselves the flames. They advance up to a proper to the protection of the deities that were distance, to throw flames upon the roof. supposed to preside over them. Figunt os481. Cavavitfirma robora: and now hath cula: fix their lips to them-kiss them. he pierced, or cut through the firm wood, 489. Ingentibus tectis: in the spacious &c. This change of tense is very expres- apartments-halls. sive and beautiful. It marks the violence 492. Sufferre: in the sense of impedire. of Pyrrhus, and the rapidity of his progress. Crebro ariete: with the frequent strokes of By trabe here, we may understand the bar, the ram. This was an engine used in the XNEIS. LIB. 1 L.225 Janua, et emoti proculmbunt cardine postes. Fit via vi: rumpunt aditus, primosque trucidant Immissi Danai, et late loca milite complent. 455 495. Danai rumpunt Non sic, aggeribus ruptis cuim spumeus amnis aditns, immissiquc 496. Ainnis, cium exiit Exiit, oppositasque evicit gurgite moles, 4s Amnis, cum exiit,,r~^.,,* r.i spumeus, agger.'bus rupFertur in arva furens cumulo, camposque per omnes tis, evicitque oppositas Cun stabulis armenta trahit. Vidi ipse furentem moles gurgite, non fertur Cawde Neoptolemum, geminosque in limine Atridas: 500 in arva sic furens Vidi IIecubam, centumque nurus, Priamumque per aras 498. Cunulo aquarunr Sanguine fccdantem, quos ipse sacraverat, ignes. Quinquaginta illi thalami, spes tanta nepotum, Barbarico postes auro spoliisque superbi, Procubuere: tenent Danai, qua deficit ignis. 505 505. Danai tenent lo Forsitan et, Priami fuerint quae fata, requiras. cum, qua 509. Senior necuicUrbis ubi capt3a casum, convulsaque vidit quam circumdat arma Limina tectorum, et medium in penetralibus hostem; diu desueta humeris treArma diu senior desueta trementibus tevo mentibus svo, et NOTES. attack of towns and fortified places, to make one wife each; who, in the whole, might a breach in the walls. It was a long beam make the exact number of a hundred. This or piece of timber, one end of which was last is the best, or most probable explanaprepared with iron, somewhat resembling in tion. form the head of a ram, whence it took its 502. Fcedanlem: defiling with his blood name. This was suspended in the middle the fires which, &c. In the open court of by the help of ropes, to another beam, ex- his palace, Priam had an altar consecrated tended across two posts, and thrown forward to Jupiter Hercceus, or the Protector: on by the besiegers with great violence against this altar, we are told that hallowed fire was the wall. kept perpetually burning. 493. Postes: the door, or gate, by meton. 503. lii thalami: those fifty bed-cham494. Rumpunt adilus; they force a pas- bers, the so great hope of posterity. These sage, or entrance. were the separate rooms where his sons 496. Non sicfertur: a river, when it hath'lodged with their wives. Horer tells us rushed forth foaming, its barriers being burst, that Priam had twelve daughters, who, with and hath overcome fle opposing mounds their husbands, lodged over against his sons. with its whirling current, is not borne into He had therefore sixty-two children by his the fields so furious with its flood, &c. The several wives, nineteen of whom Ilecuba poet here gives us a very lively idea of the bore him. The rest he had by his other rage of the Greeks. It exceeded that of a wives. All these bed-chambers were in river pent up; at length, bursting its barri- Priam's palace. ers, overflowing the adjacent country, and 5. S b spreading desolation and destruction every 504w Sforeig barbgrico a uro: decorated where in its course. Cumulo: auctu aqua- wt foreign gld ad spoils. The Roba ans rum, says Ruacus. frequently called PLrqgia, Barbary. Some 501. Hecubam. She was the wife of Pri- therefore understand by bret arico auro, am, and daughter of Cisseus, king of Thrace. Phrygn gold It is better to understand She was carried into slavery by the Greeks. t of the gold, whlch had been taken from Centumnurus. Homer informs us that Priam their vanquished enemies; more especially had only fifty sons, Iliad vi. He could not since soliis immediately follows it. Sutherefore have a hundred daughters-in-law, Pertb: n the sense of ornai, or decoat. unless we suppose each one to have had two Posies: in the sense of p erl: doors. wives. This might have been the case; but 505. Danai tenent, &c. The Greeks are there is no mention made of it. To explain here beautifully represented more cruel than this difficulty, some take the definite num- te aes he flames. The fire abated, and fell from ber centum, for an indefinite one. Others, its rage: but the more merciless Greeks among whom is Rumus, take nurus for an press on till all is destroyed. attendant, or waiter, understanding by cen- 507. Casum: in the sense of ruinam. tun nurus, the hundred servants, or waiters 508. Limina tcctorum convulsa: the door of Hecuba. But there is no impropriety in of his palace torn down-broken through. aopposing that the sons of Priam, imitating Penetralibus: in the inner or private apart, tae example of their father, had more than ments of his palace. 16 226 P. VIRGLI1 MARONIS Circumdat nequicquam humeris, et inutile ferrum 510 Cingitur, ac densos fertur moriturus in hostes. lEdibus in mediis, nudoque sub etheris axe Ingens ara luit, juxtaque veterrima laurus, Incumbens arm, atque umbra complexa Penates. 515. (Condenswe sunt Iic Hecuba et natre nequicquam altaria circum, 515 circum altaria precipi- tes, ceu colurnbe volant Pracipites, atra ceu tempestate columba~ ab atra tempestate, et Condensre, et Divum amplexae simulacra tenebant. ampiexm Ipsum autem sumptis Priamum juvenilibus armis 518. Autem Hecuba, Ut vidit: Quam mens tam dira, miserrime conjux, ut vidit Priamur ipsum, Impulit his cingi telis? aut qu6 ruis? inquit. 520 tis, inquit: Non tali auxilio, nec defensoribus istis 520. Impulit te cingi Tempus eget: non, si ipse meus nunc afforet Hector Huc tandem concede: haec ara tuebitur omnes; 524. Aut tu moriere Aut moriere simul. Sic ore effata, recepit simul nobiscum. * imul nobiscum. Ad sese, et sacra long(Tvum in sede locavit. 525 Ecce autem elapsus Pyrrhi de caede Polites, Unus natorum Priami, per tela, per hostes Porticibus longis fugit, et vacua atria lustrat Saucius: illum ardens infesto vulnere Pyrrhus Insequitur, jam jamque manu tenet, et premit hasta. 530 531, Tandem, ut eva- Ut tandem ante oculos evasit et ora parentum, sit ante oculos ct ora Concidit, ac multo vitarn cum sanguine fudit. "a4rentum Hic Priamus, quanquam in media jam morte tenetur, Non tamen abstinuit, nec voci, iraeque pepercit: At, tibi pro scelere, exclamat, pro talibus ausis, 535 Di (si qua est ccelo pietas, quae talia curet) NOTES. 510. Circumdat: in the sense of induit. or wife; from the verb conjungo..Mens: Cingitur: in the sense of cingit. thought-purpose. 512. Sub nudo axe: under the naked 522. Ipse meus Hec(or: if my Hector him(open) canopy of heaven. Axis, properly self were now here, he could be of no avail. the pole, by synec. the whole heaven or sky. 523. Concede: betake yourself hither now, This altar was situated in the middle, or in this last extremity. This altar will procentre of the palace-nmediis cedibus. On tect us all. Altars and other consecrated this altar, Priam had consecrated the per- places were looked upon as sanctuaries and petual fire. Here he was slain. If we sup- places of refuge: to which it was usual to.pose the palace of such form and dimen- flee for safety. sions as to admit a large space or area in 525. Longavum: in the sense of senem. the centre, exposed to the open air above, 526. De ccede Pyrrhi: not from the death there will be no difficulty in understanding of Pyrrhus; but from death by the hand of this passage. Pyrrhus. 514. Complexa Penates: embracing the 523. Lonegis porticibcss: in the long pasPenates with its shade. La Cerda would sages. Mr. Davidson renders the words, understand by Penates, the palace, or house, the long galleries. Lustrat: in the sense of as the word sometimes signifies; because pererrat. this was not the place of the Penates, or 529. Investo vulnere: with the hostile household gods. But others think the sta- weapon. Vulnus is here used by meton. tues of the Penates were placed here, on the for the wounding instrument-the weapon same altar with that of Jupiter Herceus. that inflicts the wooid. 515. J.atce: in the sense of filie, vel 530. Jam janque: almost seizes him with nurus. his hand, and presses upon him with hia 516. Precipites: quick-in haste. spear. 517. Ccndensce circuim: crowded around 531. E!asit: in the sense of pervenit. the altars. Simulacra: in the sense of 534. Abstinuit: in the sense of contizcit.'tuas. 535. Pro scelere, pro: for such wicked519. Miserrime: in the sense of infelicis- ness, for such audacious deeds, may the tirne, the voc. Conjux is e:ther a husband gods make you suitable returns, &c. Pro Y:NEIS. LIB. II. 22Sy Persolvant grates dignas, et praemia reddant Debita: qui nati coram me cernere letum Fecisti, et patrios faedasti funere vultus. 539. Funere eusjilii At non ille, saturn quo te mentiris, Achilles 540 540. A quo mentiris Talis in hoste fuit Priamno; sed jura fidemque te satuln esse Supplicis erubuit; corpusque exsangue sepulchro Reddidit IIectoreum, meque in mea regna remisit. Sic fatus senior, telumque irnbelle sine ictu Conjecit: rauco quod protinus aere repulsum, 515 545. Quod repulsum Et summo clypei nequicquam umbone pependit. est protinQs Cui Pvrrhus: Referes ergo haec, et nuntius ibis 547. Cui Pyrrhus e,Pelidwe genitori: illi mea tristia facta, spondil Degeneremque Neoptolemum narrare memento. 549 549. Memento narraNunc morere. Ilaec dicens, altaria ad ipsa trementem Ne lpti ea trieta acta Traxit, et in multo lapsantem sanguine nati: Implicuitque comam lavah; dextraque coruscum53 A abdidi r Extulit, ac lateri capulo tenus abdidit, ensem. lateri Priami tens caIaec finis Priami fatorum: hic exitus ilium pulo NOTES. sometimes signifies, in proportion to-cor- was slain. Virgil, however, forbears to responding to. In the present case it is also mention these circumstances, and attributes emphatic. Ausis. Ausum is properly a the restoration of Hector's corpse to the part. of the verb audeo; used as a sub. generosity, justice, and sense of honor, of 538. Quifecisti me coram, &s. Priam Achilles, in order to set the character of does not complain of his killing his son; Pyrrhus in a more forcible light. but for the barbarity in making him to be Achilles had it in his power to have dethe witness of so shocking a sight-for tained the aged monarch, or to have put him slaying him before his eyes. to death; but he blushed (erubuit) at the 539. Fddasti patrios: hast defiled a fa- thought of violating the laws of nations, ther's face with the dead body of his son. which forbid all violence to the person of a Funus, says Servius, is a carcass or dead king; which require the forms of burial to body, warm and newly slain. When car- be allowed to the dead, and the laws of ried out to receive funeral rites, it is called humanity to be observed even to an enemy, Exsequice; the ashes of it, when burned, when disarmed: those laws he observed, are called Reliquice; and the interment of and that faith (fidem) which is due to a it is called sepulchrum. suppliant, whose person has always been 540. At Achilles tlle,. quo: but Achilles held sacred by the laws of hospitality himself, by whom, you falsely say, you was 544. Ictu: in the sense of impett. begotten, was not such toward Priam, his 545. Repulsur: it was so repelled, that anemy. it fell short of wounding him. It, however, This is a severe sarcasm; as if he had pierced the boss of his buckler, and hung said: you claim descent from Achilles, but there harmless, having produced no effect. your actions give you the lie; no man of 546. Umbone. Umbo was the middle part humanity could beget s:ich a son. Saturn: of the shield. This rose or projected forin the sense of genitum,. ward from the plane of the shield, in a curved 542. Erubuit jura: he blushed at the or circular form. By summo ulbone, we laws of nations, and the faith due to a sup- are to understand the farthest point of propliant-he had regard to the laws, &c. The jection; which was also the centre of the word erubuit is extremely beautiful and ex- shield. Here the spear of Priam stuck. It pressive. is sometimes taken for the whole shield, by After the death of Hector, Achilles bound synec. his dead body to his C'?riot, and drew it 547. Ibis nuntius: you shall go a mnesround the tomb of Patroclus, whom Hector senger to my father Achilles, whom you had slain, and around the walls of Troy, for so much praise, and tell him that his sou several days in succession. At this piteous has degenerated from the virtues of his fasight, Priam was induced to go to Achilles, ther. and beg the body, that it might receive the 548. Tristia: foul-horrid. Ruaeus mays rites of sepulture; who, after much en- indigna. treaty, and many rich presents given him, 554. Fatorum: in the sense of vite. Tb, restf ed tlhe body on the twelfth day after i, was the end of the life of Priam. Wic ext 528 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Sorte tulit, Trojam incensam et pvolapsa v.Aentem 555 Pcrgama, tot quondam populis terrisque superbum Regnatorem Asiae: jacet imgens litore truncus, Avulsurnque humeris caput, et sine nomine corpus At me turn primum smvus circumstetit horror: bWO. Subiit mnih in Obstupui: subiit chari genitoris imago, 560 menvtem Ut regem aequvevum crudeli vulnere vidi Vitam exllalantem: subiit deserta Creiisa, Et direpta domus, et parvi casus Iili. Respicio, et, quse sit me circum copia, lustro. Deseruere omnes defessi, et corpora saltu 565 566. Deddre ea gra Ad terram misere, aut ignibus egra dedere. ignibus Jamque adeo super unus eram, cum limina Vestae NOTES. tus tulit: this death carried him off (sorte) a name. The head being the index of the by divine appointment. This is a singular person, that being cut off, there is no means idiom. The several circumstances here left to come at the name, or to distinguish mentioned in the death of Priam, aggravate the person. Or, sine nomine may mean, the cruelty of the action, and set forth the without honor-despicable. ferocious temper of Pyrrhus. He drew him 561. Ut: in the sense of cum. (traxit,) trembling with age and decay of 562. Creiisa. The daughter of Priam and nature, to the very altar where he had fled Hecuba, and wife of /Eneas. She perished for safety; and slipping (lapsantem) in the in the sack of Troy. Direpta: plundered blood of his son; the sight of which was 563. Casus: in the sense of periculum. worse than death: then he twisted his hair 565. Saltu: by a leap or spring. uith his left hand, and, with his right hand, 566. JEgra: faint-worn out with fa(rew his glittering sword from its scabbard, tiguc, so that they could fight no longer. and plunged it into his body up to the hilt. 567. Jamnque adeo: and so I was now reHere we have a lively picture of a man lost maining alone, when I behold Helen, &c. tb all sense of humanity, and capable of The parts of the verb supersum are here soperpetrating the most atrocious deeds. It parated, for the sake of the verse, by Tmlesis. shows, also, the pen of a master. A painter Some critics have doubted the genuinecould copy it. ness of this passage concerning Helen down 556. Pergama: neu. plu. properly the fort to the 588th line inclusive. The reasons asof Troy. It is frequently taken for the city signed are three. First: What is here said itself, by synec. Here it is used in its appro- of her fearing the resentment of Menelaus, priate sense and meaning, as distinguished contradicts what he says of her, (lib. vi. from the city. 525.) having sought to make peace with 555. Videntem: it agrees with illum. him by betraying De'iphobus. Secondly 557. Superbum regnatorem: the proud ruler That Virgil here outrages the character of over so many nations and countries of Asia. his hero, by making him entertain a thought Priam is said to have once reigned over of killing a woman, and perpetrating the Phrygia Major and Minor: which included deed in the temple of Vesta. Thirdly: That the greater part of Asia Minor, or Natolia. Virgil cannot be supposed so unacquainted RuTus interprets the words thus: Regem with the history of Helen, as not to know.sice, clarumpropler tot gentes, et tot regions. that she left Troy long before it was taken. Jacet ingens truncus: he lies a large trunk Jn answer to the first objection, it may be upon the shore. Some think the poet had said that, though she endeavored to ingrahere in his view, the circumstances of the tiate herself with Menelaus, by betraying death of Pompey, whose head his assassins De'phobus to him, it does not follow thal cut off, and threw his body on the shore. he was entirely reconciled to her. And we Others say that Priam was not slain at the are told by Euripides that he carried off altar; but drawn by Pyrrhus to the tomb of Helen as a captive along with the Trojan his father, which was on the promontory of women, with a view to have her put to Sigeum, and there slain to appease his death by the Greeks whose sons had fallen JManes. He may have been slain at the al- in the war. To the second objection, it may tar, and his dead body afterward cast upon be replied, that AEneas did not put her to the shore. This supposition will make the death; and even if he had, the deed might poet consistent and intelligible. Regnatorem have been palliated, in a good degree, by a put in apposition with illum. consideration of the circumstances of the 558. Corpus sine nomine: a body without case. In the hurry and confusion of min YNEIS. LIB. II. 229 Servairtem, et tacitam secretO in sede latentem Tyndarida aspicio: dant clara incendia lucem Erranti, passiinque oculos per cuncta ferenti.. 570 70. }Iihi erranti, fe. Ilia, sibi infestos eversa ob Pergama Teucros, renti ocuos 571. Ilia, cornmunts Et pcenas Danaum, et deserti conjugis iras Erinnys Troje et ejus Permetuens, Trojee et patri cornmmunis Erinnys, patrim, permetuens TeuAbdiderat sese, atque aris invisa sedebat. crus infestos sibi ob everExarsere ignes animo: subit ira cadentem 575 sa'ergama, et Ulcisci patriam, et sceleratas sumere penas. Scilicet haec Spartam incolumis patriasque Mycenas 577. Hac-ne scilicet, inquiebam, incolumis as. Aspiclet? partoque ibit regina triumpho? pqiet Spartam Conjugiumque, domumque, patres, natosque videbit, Iliadum turba et Phrygiis comitata ministris? 580 Occiderit ferro Priamus? Troja arserit igni? Dardaniunl toties sudarit sanguine litus? Non ita: namque etsi nullum memorabile nomen 583. Non ita eri Feeminea in pcena est, nec habet victoria laudem; namque Extinxisse nefas tamen, et sumpsisse merentis 585 NOTES. gled passions with which his mind must then 573. Permetuens: dreading-greatly fearhave been racked, who could have blamed ing. The per in composition increases trie him if he had avenged his own and his coun- signification of the simple word. Helen try's sufferings upon her, who was justly proved fatal both to Greece and Troy; to chargeable with the guilt of so many thou- the former, in the loss of so many heroes; sand deaths, and the utter desolation of a to the latter, in being the cause of its ruin. whole innocent people-a once flourishing She is therefore styled the conummo,7 fury. and powerful kingdom? But when, instead Erinnys, a name common to the three furies. of giving way to the first emotions of a just See Geor. i. 278. resentment, he checks himself, deliberates 574. Invisa: hated-an odious sight; raupon the merits of the action, and is at length ther than unseen, as Rueus has it. prevented from doing it by the interposition 575. Ignes exarsere: flames flashed in my of his goddess mother; or, in other words, mind. Ira subit: my resentment rose to by the force of superior judgment, there is avenge my falling country. no reason even for the severest critics to 576. Sumere sceleratas pcenas: to take secensure his conduct. Lastly: Herodotus vere punishment. Or, perhaps, to take puinforms us that lie learned from some Egyp- nishment of such a cursed woman. The tian priests, who had received the same from same as, sumnere pwenas de scelerata formina. Menelaus himself, that the Trojans had sent Rutus says, poEnas sceleris. Heyne, pcena. Heleh to Egypt before the Greeks rede- smnplas a scelerata. manded her. Of this fact, the historian ap- 577. Mycenas: AMycene was not the place pears to have been fully convinced. But of her own nativity, but of Menelaus, her whether Virgil was acquainted with this husband. She was born at Sparta. Scili. piece of his history or not, it is sufficient cet huec: shall she, indeed, in safety behold? that he had poetical tradition on his side; &c. These are all animated interrogatories and that he is supported by the authority of and show the mind of Eneas hurrying from Homer and Euripides. A moment's atten- object to object, and agitated with a tide o? tion to the style and manner of expression passions. At last lie concludes it must not in these lines, will convince any one that be. She must suffer the punishment due to they are no interpolation. Unus: in the her crines. sense of solus. 578. Parto triumpho: having obtained a 568. Servantem limina FVeslt; the verb triumph —a triumph being obtained. serrare signifies to look after any thing vi'h 580. Comltala turboI-: accompanied by a anxiety, and solicitude; with a jealous eye, train of Trojan matrons, and Phrygian serand watchful of every danger. Limnina: in vants, shall she see her former marriage bed. the sense of temrplu7m. &. &c. Iiadum: gen. piu. of Ilias, a Trojan 569. Tyndarida: ace. of Tndaris, a name woman. Conjugimn: pristinmlL conjuger, of Helen, the daughter of Jupiter and Leda; says Ieyne. Patres: for parentes. so called, because Tyndarus, king of Sparta, 582. Dardaniumn: an adj. the same as married Leda, her mlother. Tro:anurn. 572. Deserti conjugis: her deserted, or 583. 3N'omten: glory-renowyn. abandoned bIrsband, Menelaus. 5;5. Tamren laudabor: nevertleless, I shla 230 P. VIRGILI1 MARUNIS Laudabor paenas; animumque explesse juvab't 587. Meorue civium. Ultricis flamme, et cineres setiasse meorur, Talia iactabam, et furiata mente firebr, 589. Cum alma pa- Cm mihi se non antd oculis am lara, den rens, non visa tam clara meis oculis ante, obtulit Obtulit, et pura per noctem.1 luce refulsit 590 se videndam mihi, et re- Alma parens, confessa Deam; qual:isque videri fulsit per noctem Ccelicolis et quanta solet; dextraque prehensurn 592. Continuit me pre- Continuit, roseoque hlc insupcr addidit ore: hensum dextra. Nate, quis indomitas tantus doltr excitat iras? 596. Non aspicies prius, ubi liqueris parenterm Quid furis? aut qu6nam nostri tibi cura recessit? 596 Anchisen, fessum Non prius aspicies, ubi fessum aetate parentem 598. Circum quos, Liqueris Anchisen? superet conjuxne Creisa, tmnes GraiEe acies er- Ascaniusque puer? quos omnes jlndique Graiae 60Turint undique Circium errant acies: et, ni mea cura resistat, inimicus ensis hauserit Jamn flamm tulerint, inimicus et nauserit ensis. 600 eorum sanguinem. Non tibi Tyndaridis facies ihvisa Lacaena-, 602. Sed inclementia Culpatusve Paris: Divuin inclementia, Divilm Divum, Divum, inquam, Has evertit opes, sternitque a culmine Trojam. evertit 604. Namque eripiam Aspice: naimque omnem, quae nune obducta tuenti omnem nubem,qumenunc Mortales hebetat visus tibi, et humida circ'im 606 obducta hebetat Caligat, nubem eripiam: tu ne qua parentis NOTES be praised for having put an end to thle from his present object, and to direct his Itmonster of wickedness, and taken vengeance gard to his own-to his aged father, ins of one so justly deserving it. J'efas, very for- infant son, and his beloved wife, who othercibly expresses the enormity of her crimes: wise might have fallen victims to the fury she was wickedness itself, of the Greeks. We are told that Helen was first ravished 593. Addidit hrwc: she added these words. by Theseus. Afterward she married Mene- 595. Tibi: in the sense of ua: thy care laus, whom she left for Paris. She also -regard. Qutbnam: the compound in the committed incest with her son-in-law Ory- sense of the simple quo. thus, the son of Paris and CEnone. It is 597. Superet: in the sense of superest. also said that she had an amour with Achil- 600. Tulerint: would have carried them les. She may truly be called (nefas) a off-consumed them. monster of uickedness. MTIerentis: part. of 601. Lacance'Tyndaridis: of Spartan FTeMereor, agreeing with ejus understood: of len. See 569. supra. Invisa tibi: hateful her deserving or meriting it. or odious to you. 586. Juvabit: it will delight me to have 602. Divu2m inclementia. This reading is satisfied my desire of burning or ardent re- much more emphatic than verunm inclcmnen venge. Fkcmmce may here be used in the tia Divuim, as in the common editions: and sense of Jammece vel ardentis..Jnimum: it is supported by the authority of ancient in the sense of desiderium. Animus may manuscripts: it is tile reading of Heyne signify any affection of the mind; especially and Valpy. Homer makes Priam exculpate in the plural. For ultricis flaerace, Rumus Helen, and lay the blame of the destruction says, ardentis ultionis. Heyne says,fiammnn of his country to the gods themselves. Iliad sive ird ultrice (hoc est) ullione. iii. 164. 589. Clara: manifest-clear: attended 603. Has opes: in the sense of hanc powith evident marks of Divinity. tentiamr. Opes, is, properly, power acquired 591. Confessa Deam: manifesting the god- by wealth. dess. Qualisque, et quanta: such, and as 604. Quc nunc obducta: which now spread illustrious as she used to be seen, &c. Ve- before you, looking earnestly, blunts your nus was the most proper deity to interpose mortal sight, &c. This passage Milton apin behalf of Helen, whom she had long pro- pears to have had in view, where tile angel tected, and had conferred on Paris, as a re- prepares Adam for beholding tle future viward for his adjudging the prize of beauty sion of his posterity, and their history; to her, rather than to Juno or Minerva. which he is going to set before him. Sea Sea YEn. i. 27. This interposition of Venus Paradise Lost, lib. xi. verse 411. Humida: was very seasonable in another respect; to moist-impregnated with vapor so as to iul check the ardor of his soul, to divert him crease the darkness. AENEIS LIB. II. 231 Jussa time, neu preceptis parere recusa mortales visus tibi tuen. Hic, ubi disjectas moles, avulsaque saxis ti Saxa vides, mixtoque undantem pulvere fuumm; 608. H, ubi vides moles disjectas, saxaque Neptunus muros, magnoque emota tridenti 610 avulsa saxis, fumlmque Fundamerita quatit, totamque a sedibus urbem undantem mixto pulEruit. Iic Juno Scaas saevissima portas vere, Neptunus quatit Prima tenet, sociumque furens a navibus agmen muros Trojx, fundamenaerro accincta vocat. taque emota magno triFerro acincta vocat.enti Jam summas arces Tritonia, respice, Pallas 615 Insedit, nimbo effulgens et Gorgone saeva. Ipse Pater Danais animos viresque secundas Sufficit: ipse Deos in Dardana suscitat arma. Eripe, nate, fugam, finemque irnpone labori. Nusquam abero, et tutum patrio te limine sistam 620 Dixerat: et spissis noctis se condidit umbris. Apparent dirae facies, inimicaque Trojae Numina magna De.m. 624. Omne Ilium vl. Turn vero onne mihi visum considere in ignes sum est mihi NOTES. 610. Hi.eNeptunus quatit: here Neptune boar: they were armed with sharp and shakes the walls, &c. Neptune took an ac- crooked claws. tive part against the Trojans, having become Medusa having been ravished in the temtheir enemy on account of the perfidy of pie of Minerva by Neptune, the goddess Laomedon. See Geor. i. 502. This fable gave her serpents the quality oftransforming is explained by supposing that Laomedon men into stones at the sight of them. Peremployed the money which had been des- seus cut off her head by the aid of Minertined for the service of that god, in building va's buckler, which, being so finely polished, the walls of Troy. Emota: in the sense of that it reflected the image of the Gorgon's evulsa. head, secured him from the fatal influ612. Hic Juno: here Juno, most fierce, ence of her eve. This head Minerva afoccupies the Sccean gate in front, &c. It is terward wore upon her shield or buckler, to most probable that prima, here, has reference render her more awfuland tremendous. See to the place of her standing, before, or in Iexicon, sub S.gide. front of the gate. It may, however, mean 617. Pater ipse: the father himself gives that Juno wastheJirst, or chief, in urging on courage and successful strength to the the Greeks in the work of destruction. We Greeks. Juno and Minerva opposed the are told the gates of Troy were six in num- Trojans from selfish motives, because they her: the gate of Antenor; the gate of Dar- had been slighted by Paris; but Jove was danus; the Ilian; the Catumbrian; the Tro- an enemy to them, because their cause was jan;'and the Scaean. Through this gate unjust, in detaining Helen against the laws the Trojan horse is said to have entered. of nations, when properly demanded. On which account, it is probable, the poet 620. lqbcro: in the sense of relinquam. placed Juno at this gate, clad in armour, and 622. Dirce facies: horrid images appear calling upon her Greeks. the images of desolation, death, and despair. 623. Magna numina Deum. The Ro615. Pallas. She is sometimes called mans divided the gods into two classes: the Tritona: hence the adj. Tritonia. See 171. Dii majorun, and the Dii minorum gentium. supra. In the first were ranked Jupiter, VNeptune. 616. Effulgens nimbo: resplendent with.Minerva, and Juno. The three last, in an a cloud. By nimbo, in this place, Servius especial manner, are represented as hostile understands a lucid circle, resembling a dia- to Troy; and Jove, on this occasion, is opdem about the head, to distinguish the gods posed to them also. The magna numina from mortals. Gorgone: the three daugli- Deum may simply mean the great gods; or ttrs of Phorcus and Ceto, Medusa, Euryale, rather, the great powers of the gods, hostile and Stenyo, were called Gorgones, Gorgons, to Troy. The overthrow of Troy is all or terrible sisters. The name is of Greek along represented to have been effected, not derivation, and signifies fierceness. It is said so much by the power of the Greeks, as by they had but one eye, which served them the power of the gods. I am now persuaded all by turns. They had great wings: their of the inutility of making any further resistheads were attired with vipers instead of ance, since it evidently appears that the hair their teeth were tusks like those of a great powers of the gods are agtinst us. 232 P. VIRGIIII MARONIS 625. Ac veluti cum Ilium, et ex imo verti Neptunia Troja. 625 agrcole certatim in- Ac veluti summis antiquarn in montibus ornum Ptant eruere antiquam -... --. rntnt eruere antiqumfi Cum ferro accisam crebrisque bipennibus instant ornum in suinmis montfibus, accisam ferro Eruere agricola certatinm; illa usque minatur, 628. Illa usque mina- Et tremefacta comam concusso vertice nutat: tur ruinan, et trernefac- Vulneribus donec paulatim evicta, supremnum 630 ta quoad comam Congemuit, traxitque jugis avulsa ruinam. Descendo, ac, ducente Deo, flammam inter et hostes 636. Quemqueprimum Expedior: dant tela locum, flammeque recedunt petebam, abnegat se Ast ubi jam patrite perventum ad limina sedis, nosse producere vitam, Antiquasque domnos: genitor, quein tollere in altos 635 I'rojh excisa Optabam primum montes, primumque petebam, 638. Ait: O vos, qui- Abnegat excisa vitam producere Troja, bus est sanguis integer. V p r e T tevi; quibusque vires Exiliumque pati. Vos o, quibus integer aevi slant solide suo robore Sanguis, ait, solidaeque suo stant robore vires; 642. Est satis super- Vos agitate fugam. 640 que vidimus una exci- Me si ccelicolar voluissent ducere vitam, 4dia, et. lfar* Has mihi servassent sedes: satis una superque 644. 0 vos, affati meurn corpus, sic, sic positum, Vidimus excidia, et captae supcravimus urbi. discedite. Sic, 6, sic positum affati discedite corpus. NOTES. 626. Ac veluti, &c. This simile is taken upon his shoulders. The Greeks, struck from Homer, Iliad xvi. 481, who applies it with this eminent example of filial tenderto the death of Sarpedon; but the copy ex- ness and affection, gave him a second opceeds the original. tion, when he carried off his gods. Upon 627. Bipesnmbus. The axe is here used this, they were induced to grant him full for the stroke, or blow of the axe, by me- liberty to take along with him his whole faton. Accisam'n in the sense of circumcisam. mily and all his effects. 628. Usque:- in the sense of dtu. 638. Integer cevi: unimpaired, or entire, 629. Julat conmam. It is usual with Vir on account of age. Causd,. or some word gil to consider a tree in analogy to a human of the like import, is probably to be underbody, and to call the extended limbs, or stood, to govern the gen. O ye, whose branches, brachia, arms; and the leaves, blood is not chilled and wasted by age, and cotnam, hair, or locks. This diversifies his who are yet in the full vigor of youth, do style, and renders it pleasant. ye attempt your flight. The repetition of G30. Vulneribus. in the sense of zctibus. the vos is emphatical. For robore, Rureus This is beautifully figurative. The allusion says Jirmlitate. to the human body is still kept up. 642. Satis superque: it is enough, and 631. vuilsa Jugtzs: torn from the sides of more, that I have seen one destruction of the mountains. my country, and survived the captured city. 632. Deo ducente. Deus is either a god This is an allusion to the siege and capture or goddess. Here it means Venus. Under of Troy by Hercules, in the reign of Laoher conduct, Eneas made his way through mcdon, a fact mentioned by historians as the dangers that beset him, to the house of well as by poets. And Virgil says of Anhis father. chises, that he had been twice saved from 633. Expedior Habeo liberurn zter, says the ruins of Troy. En. iii. 476. Heyne. 644. Sic, 0, sic affati: 0 ye, having ad634. Ast ubi perventum. The imp. verb dressed my body, thus, thus laid out, depemventuz est is used for the personal verb part. There is a peculiar emphasis in the pervent. This mode of expression is very repetition of the word sic. Anchises concommon among the poets. Our language siders himself as already dead, and his body will not admit of it, and we are under the laid out in burial: copLus positum, placed necessity of renaering such irnpersonals by on the funeral pile: at which time it was the personals of the correspondent verb, as usual for the friends of the deceased to take in the present case- perventum est: I came, a solemn farewell, by repeating the word or had come. vale three times. The repetition of the sic 637. Abnegat: refuses to prolong his life. shows his determined purpose of dying We learn frorr. Varro that the Greeks hav- and his earnest desire of being left to puring given permission to iEncas to carry off sue his resolution. It is used in the same what was dearest to him, he took his father way in the fourth book. where Dido, bent .ENEIS. LIB 11. 233 Ipse manu mortem inveniam: miserebitur hostis, 6,45 Exuviasque petet: facilis jactura sepulchri est Jampridem invisus Divis et inutilis antios.647. Inutitis homnszDemoror, ex quo me Divuml pater.atque hominum rex bus Fulminis afflavit ventis, et contigit igni. 648. Ex tempore. quo Talia perstabat memorans, fixusque manebat. 650 pater Nos contra effusi la hrymis, conjuxque Creisa, Ascaniusque, omnisque domus, ne vertere secuin 652. PrecamuT, na paCuncta pater, fatoque urgenti incumbere vellet. ter vellet vertere cuncta Abnegat, inceptoque et sedibus llreret in Isdem. 654 secur Rursus in arma feror, mortemque miserrimus opto. Nain quod consiliurn, aut qute jam fortuna dabatur? 656. Nam quod aliud Mene efferre pedem, genitor, te posse relicto consiliun, aut que alia Sperasti? tantumque nefas patrio excidit ore? fortuna jan 657. O genitor, speSi nihil ex tanta Superis placet urbe relinqui; rasti-ne me posse efferre Et sedet hoc animo, periturwque addere Trojoe 660 pedem, te reiicto Teque tuosque juvat: patet isti janua leto. NOTES. on deatn, is just going to plunge the dagger load, which presses another down, so as to into her bosom. She breaks forth into this add to the pressure, and to render it more abrupt exclamation: Sic, sic juvat ire sub insupportable. /Eneas and his family were umb, as. already grievously oppressed and weighed 645. Manu. Scrvius undel;stands by ma- down by the public calamity, (fato urgenli, nu, the hand of the enemy; but it is easier the fate that lay so heavy upon them,) and to understand it of his own hand. Rumus therefore pray Anchises not to increase the says, propria manu. Hostis: the enemy will burden, by the additional weight of his pertake pity on me. This strongly marks the sonal sufferings and death. Ruaus interanguish of his soul. He was so weary of prets incumbere urgenlifato, by: addere vim life, that he would consider it a favor in the fato prementi nos. enemy to put an end to it. 654. Sedibus: in the sense of loco. 646. Jactura: the loss of burial is easy- 655. Miserrimus: most miserable-disthe deprivation of burial rites is a matter of tracted-in despair. no concern to me. 656. JNam quod, &c. The meaning of this 648. Demoror annos: I linger out my line appears to be: for what other course years. Traho vitam, says Rumus. could I take, what else could I do, than arm 649..fflavit me: blasted me with the myself, and seek to renew the conflict? winds of his thunder, and struck me with his Anchises had positively refused to survive lightning. The ancients supposed the winds the fall of his country: iEneas could not were the efficient cause of thunder. leave him behind: notling remained for him It is said that this calamity was inflicted to do, but to sell his life as dear as possible. upon Anchises for divulging his amour with For dabatur, Runus says offertbatur. Venus. Some say he was struck blind: 657. Efferre pedem: to depart. Sperdstiothers, with more propriety, say that he was ne: didst thou expect that I could depart, blasted in his limbs. JMemorans: in the O father, without thee? sense of dicens. 658. JNefas: impiety. 651. Jo.s effusi: en the other hand, we, 659. Superis. Superi are properly the bathed in tears, (beseech) my father that he gods above, as distinguished from those would not destroy all with himself, and press below. upon the calamity (fato) already weighing 660. El hoc sedet: and this be fixed in thy us down-that he would not, by the afflict- mind, and it pleases tlhee to add thyself, &c. ing circumstance of his own death, increase Rumus understands this of the gods just the calamity already pressing us down with mentioned; but Davidson and others refer its own weight. JVe vellet accelerare perni- it to Anchises. This appears the more corciem instantem, says IHeyne. rect and natural; for Anchises is left perDr. Trapp would read occumbere, or ra- fectly free to act, either to stay behind, or to ther succumbere, if there were authority for depart, and to form his plans deliberately it. As it is, he thinks it a metaphor taken Si hoc Jixum esl in eorum mente, et delectal from the falling on a sword. Mr Davidson eos, &c. says Rumus. takes it to be a metaphor drawn Irom one's 661. Janua isti leto: the door to that loaning or lying with all his weight upon a death is open. The isli refepl to what Aun 234 I'. VIRG1LI MARON1S Jamque adert multo Priami de sanguine Pyirlus, Natuin ante ora patris, patrem qui obtruncat ad ara 664. Erat-ne ob hoc Hoc erat, alma pa;ens, qu6d me, per tela, per ignes, 665. Ut cernam hos- Eripis? ut mediis hostem in penetralibus, utque 666 tern in rmediis penetra- Ascaniumque, patremque meum, juxtaque Creiisam, libu. mque ccrnam As- Alterum in alterius mactatos sanguine cernam? Arma, viri, ferte arma: vocat lux ultimna victos. 669. Sinite ul revisam Reddite me Danais, sinite instaurata revisam Praelia: nunquam omnes hodie moriemur inulti. 670 Ilic ferro accingor rursus: clypeoque sinistram Insertaban aptans, meque extra tecta ferebam. 673. Conjux Creiisa Ecce autem complexa pedes in lirnine conjux complexa meos pedes in Hmrebat, parvumnque patri tendebat Iuilum. immne domus Si 675. n omniapericula Si periturus abis, et nos rape in omnia tecum: 675 Sin aliquam expertus sumptis spem ponis in armis, 677. Cui parvus Iiilus Ianc primum tutare domum. Cui parvus Iulus, relinquitur; cui tuus pa- Cui pater, et conjux quondam tua dicta, relinquor? tr; etcuio relinuor, alia vociferans, gemitu tectum omne replebat: quondam dicta tua con-' ui g tu p e qjux dcatuc Cium subitum dictuque oritur mirabile monstrum. 680 Namque manus inter moestorumque ora parentum, NOTES. chises had said, verse 645, supra, of his find- mache, in the sixth book of the Iliad, where ing death by his own hand, or that the ene- the circumstances are nearly the same, my would take pity on him, and kill him. Andromache expostulates with Hector, as iEneas here tells him the door to that death Creiisa does with /Eneas, and in like manis open, and easy to come at; for he imme- ner pleads her future forlorn condition, and diately adds: JamnLque Pyrrhus: Pyrrhus that of her child, in case he should abandon will soon be here from the slaughter of Pri- them: and to add force to her entreaties, am. Servius takes isti for istic, but without she puts.styanax into his arms, as Creiisa sufficient reason. Iste, properly, is that of here does liilus into the arms of iEneas. yours, hic, this of mine. yours, hic, this of mine. 675. Et: in' tle sense of quoque. Rape: 663. Qut obtruncat: who butchers the son, t sse o fc. rpr n j.., * i *n. D r<- in the sense of cape, vel trahe. tc. This alludes to his killing Pol;tes in the presence of his father, and after that 676. Expertus: having experience in the atrocious deed, killing the aged monarch, art of war-being skilled in war. Ponis dragged to the altars, you place any, &c. 664. Hoc erat: was it- for this, dear pa- 677. Tutare: in the sense of defende. rent, that, &c. Ruaus says: Hwc-cine erat 678. Quondam: once called your wife. caewa, C7uTr.. This is a very tender expostulation. 665. Eripis: in the sense of servavisti. Penetralibus: in the sense of domo, vel tecto. 680. Subilum monstrum. This unexpectSee 484, supra. ed prodigy, or miracle, is extremely well 667. J.Mactatos: butchered the one in the timed. Had Anchises finally persisted in blood of the other. This part. refers to the his resolution, it must have put an end to three preceding nouns. the poem, by involving /Eneas and all his 668. Lux: in the sense of dies. family in one common ruin. He had been 670. Proele instaurala: the fight renew- urged by all human arguments in the stronged. JVunquam: in the sense of non. est manner, without any avail; what then 672. Insertabam: I put my left hand to my renained for the poet, but to have recourse shield, fitting it-I fixed my shield upon my to the interposition of the gods, to save his left arm. The clypeus was a shield of an hero in this extremity. This was completeoval form, not so large as the scutum. It ly successful. Anchises is convinced of his was usually made of the ekins of beasts, and duty to yield to the present necessity, and interwoven in such a manner, as to be im- to save his life by flight. Oritur: in the penetrable to the missive weapons of the se'.se of apparet. enemy. They carried it upon the left arm. 681. Ilter mqnus oraque: between the 674. Tendebatque parvum, &c. The poet hands a:d face of his mournful parentshere appears to have had in his view that while they were holding him in their arms affecting scene between Hector and Andro- behold, &c. AENEIS. LIB. It 235 Ecce levis summo de vertice visus iili 682. Levis apcx visus Fundere lumen apex, tactuque innoxia molli esi flndere lumen de L,ambere flamma comas, et circum tempora pasci summo vcrtice xIulii flammaque innoxia visa Nos pavidi trepidare metu, crinemque flagrantern 685 esl lambere ejus comas Excutere, et sanctos restinguere fontibus ignes. molli tactu At pater Anchises oculos ad sidera ietus 685. Nos pavidi metu Extulit, et caelo palmas cum voce tetendit: caepimus trepidare Jupiter omnipotens, precibus si flecteris ullis, Aspice nos: hoc tantum: et, si pietate meremur, 690 690. Petimus tantuim Da deinde auxiliur, pater, atque hec omina firma. hoc: ct? si /~.. l.',. alauid pietate, O Pater, Vlx ea tatus erat senior, subitoque fragored ietate, Pter Intonuit laevum, et de ccelo lapsa per umbras Stella facem ducens multa cum luce cucurrit. Illam, summa super labentem culmina tecti, 695 695. Cernimus illam, Cernimus Idwae claram se c sylve ondereuper syvumma o~~~.,~.. T * i ~~~culmina tecti, condere Signantemque vias: tum longo limite sulcus se Dat lucern, et late circum loca sulfure fumant. NOTES. 682. Levis apex: the waving tuft, or of the neu. gender, used as a sub. the same plume. Apex properly signifies the top, or with lceva pars cceli. bminence of any thing. Hence it may 694. Stella lapsa, &c. Servius applies mean the top of one's hat, cap, or bonnet, the several parts of this prodigy as figuraas in lEn. viii. 664. Verlice: in the sense tive of the events that were to happen to of capite. ]Eneas and his followers. The star is said, 683. Fundere: in the sense of emittere. condere se Idcea sylva, to fall or hide itself Innoxia: inoffensive-not hurting him. upon mount Ida, to indicate that the Tro7'hctu. This is the reading of IIeyne and jans were to resort to that mountain: cum Davidson. But Rumus and Valpy read mulla luce, with much light, to figure their tractu. JMolli: gentle-easy. Heyne has future glory and dignity: signantem vias, mollis, agreeing with flamm a. Most copies the sparkles of fire left behind, intimate the have molli. dispersion of his followers, and that they 684. Lambere: to glide along his hair- should fix their residence in various parts: gently touch it. longo lilzte sulcus, marks ]Eneas' many 685. JVos pavidi: we, trembling for fear, wanderings, and the length of his voyage: (begin) to bustle about, to shake his fla- lastly, by the smoke and sulphur, he underming hair, and to extinguish the sacred fire stands the death of Anchises. The stars with water. Fontibus: in the sense of do not move from their stations; they are aqua. fixed, and remain in the same part of the 689. Siflecteris: if thou art moved. heavens. Meteors are of common occur691. Firma hcec omina: confirm this rence, and are supposed to consist of elecornen. The Romans deemed one omen not tric matter, which in passing from one part sufficient, unless it were followed or con- of the atmosphere to another, becomes visifrmed by a second. Hence secundus and ble. In the language of the vulgar and secundo came to signify prosperous, and to ignorant, such an appearance is called the prosper. shooting of a star. Virgil conforms to this 693. Leevum intonuit: the left thundered mode of expression. Hie calls the meteor a with a sudden peal. star. Facem: a train. Both the Greeks and Romans considered 695. Labentem. Rumus takes this in the those omens, that were presented in the sense of cadentem: falling behind the roof eastern part of heaven, to be prosperous or of the house. But it may be taken in its lucky. But the former, in observing the usual acceptation, gliding, or pa.4sing over omens, turned their faces to the nortlh, which the roof: for it appears that the meteor was brought the east on their right hand. The near, since it filled the air about them with Romans, on the contrary, turned their faces its sulphurous smell. to the south, which brought the east on their 697. Sulcus: a trail-indented track. - left hand. This was therefore a lucky The meteor drew after it a trail of light, as omen. It seconded, or confirmed llic for- it passed through the heavens. It appeared mer, that is, the lambent flame on the head to mark its way or path, which it lflt lumi. of liilus See Ec. i. 18. Levum. an adj. nous behind it. 236 P. VIRGIL11 MARON1S Hlie vero victus genitor se tollit ad auras, A ffaturquc Deos, et sanctum sidus adorat:. 70 Jam jam nulla mora est: sequor, et, qua ducitis, adsuin Di patrii, servate domum, servate nepotem. Vestrur hoc auguriur, vestroque in numine Troja est. Cedo equidem, nec, nate, tibi comes ire recusc Dixerat ille: et jam per maenia clarior ignis 70.5 Auditur, propiusque arstus incendia volvunt. Ergo age, chare pater, cervici imponere nostra-: Ipse subibo humeris: nec me labor iste gravaLit. 709 Quocunque res Quo res cunque cadent, unum et commune periclum, eadent, periclum erit Una salus ambobus erit: mihi parvus lulus 710 unum, et commune no- Sit comes, et longe servet vestigia conjux. his ambobus, salus erit una et eadem nobis Vos, famuli, quaw dicam, animis advertite vestris. 712. Tumulus est iis Est urbe egressis tumulus, templumque vetustum egressis urbe Desertae Cereris; juxtaque antiqua cupressus, 716. Jos omnes venie- Relligione patrum multos servata per annos. 715 mus ex diverse mus x ivers HIanc ex diverse sedem venierus in unam. NOTES. 699. Ad auras: upright-or towards of Creiisa is a fine device of the poet. It heaven, gave him an opportunity of finishing the 702. Patrii Dii. By these we are to un- catastrophe of Troy from the mouth of derstand the guardian gods of Anchises' JEneas. As soon as he found his wife was famnily; those that his ancestors worshipped; missing, he resolves to return in search of who presided over parental and filial affec- her. He carefully retraces his footsteps, tion. Domurm: in the sense offamilianm. visits his own house, which was now in 703. Hoc augurium est: this omen is flames, and searches for her in the most freyours: Troy is under your protection. This quented parts of the city. In the course of is plainly the meaning of numine in this his search, he sees the spoils collected toplace. Ruwus says, potestate. gether in the temple of Juno, and the Gre706. Incendia: in the sense of flammce. cian guards standing around. Unable to find JEstus: heat. her in any of these places, he calls her by 707. Inmponere: 2d person of the imp. be name, and makes the streets resound with thou placed, i. e. place yourself upon my Creusa. Her ghost met him, solaced his neck: I will bear you upon my shoulders. mind, unfolded to him the purposes of the Subibo humeris: portabo te humeris, says Ru- gods, and encouraged him to look for more eus. Labor: in the sense of pondus. prosperous times. She tells him that in the 710. Mihiparvus iilus. Donatus reads, land destined him by fate, a royal bride mihi solus lulus: let Iiilus a com- awaited him. panion tome. This avoids the too frequent 712. Advertite: turn with your minds to repetition of parvus iilus, and at tile same those things which I shall say. This is time shows the prudent caution of.,Eneas, equivalent to, adverlite vestros animos ad ea, to secure their flight; since the fewer went quce dicam. together, they would be the less liable to be 7. D This e t discovered. Pierius approves this reading. 74. Desededt Cerers, Ths epacc t of h 711. Conjux servet. let my wife obr deser ted, is added to Ceres, on accourntofher 711. Conjux servet: let my wife observe my steps at a distance-let her stay behind, being deprived of er daughter Pcserpin by Pluto; or on account of the state of her yet so as to have me in view, that she may worsp a then ted he not lose her way. The reason for his giv- worslip, whlch bas tlen neglected, he ing this direction was perhaps to prevent prst having been slain. Rllius undel discovery, and to diminish the danger of es- Stands t as referrin to her tcmple: an ancient temrple of Ceres deserted. He intercape by being divided into parties. This of s deserted He terreason justifies Eneas. It was proper for prets deserte by, desertun, agreeilg with the poet to mention this circumstance, to telplumn See El. v- 79. ive probability to the account of her being 715. Relligione: by the religious venera lost. Scrvius takes longi in the sense of tion of our ancestors. Serrata agrees with valde. The meaning then will be: let ny antiqwa. cupressus. Juxta: near-near by. wife carefully observe my steps. The usual 716 Ex dive-o: the same as ex diversis acceptation of longc is the better. 7'he loss viis. Sedem: in the sense of locumn. AENEIS. LIB. 11. 237 Tu, gen.tor, ca,)e sacra manu, patriosque Penates. Me, bello e tanto digressumn et caeie recenti, 718. Nefas esst m Attrectare nefas; donec me flumine vivo digiessu AbJuero. 720 Htec fatus, latos humeros subjectaque colla Veste super, fulvique insternor pelle leonis, 722. Fatus hec, inSuccedoque bneri: dextrn se parvus Iilus sternor super latos huImplicuit, sequiturque patrem non passibus aequis. meros, subjectaqu3 colla Pone subit conjux. Ferimlir per opaca locorum: 725 726. Et nunc omnes Et me, quem dudum non ulla injecta movebant aura terrent, om:is soTela, neque adverso glomerati ex agmine Graii, nus excitat me, et reddit Nunc omnes terrent aurnc, sonus excitat omnis me suspensum, et Danter timentem comitique, Suspensuin, et pariter comitique onerique timentem. terique; me, inque, p * ensun, * et l aritr onerique; me, inquam, Jamque propinquabam portis, omnemque videbar 730 quem dudum non ulla Evasisse viam; subito cum creber ad aures injecta tela, neque Graii NOTES. 717. Sacra: the holy, or sacred utensils; dies in water, before they performed acts of such as were used in offering sacrifices, and religion, especially if they had been polluin other ceremonies of religious worship: ted with bloodshed. On such occasions. nou. plu. of sacer, used as a sub. Heyne they were obliged to use pure water, like thinks sacra here, and in verse 293, supra, that of fountains or running water. Hence means the images of the gods; thus ma- Xneas says: Donec abluero me viroflumine: king it the same with Penates. The reader until 1 shall have washed myself in pure or must judge for himself. His words are: living water. Flumine: in the sense of Sacra et Penates possunt pro eadem re haberi: aqua. Bello: in the sense of paugnra. et sic de Deorum sinulacris, etiam de Pena- 722. Insternor super: I am covered upon tibus ipsis. my broad shoulders and bended neck with a Penates. This word is derived probably garment, &c.-I cover myself, &c. This use from penus, which signifies all kinds of food of the verb answers to the middle voice of or provisions for the use of man. The Pe- the Greeks. So imponere: be thou placed nates were usually worshipped in the inte- -place thyself; verse 707, supra. Subjecta: rior part of the house. Their number is in the sense of submissa. not known, nor is it certain what gods were 723. Succedo oneri. The meaning is: 1 so denominated. Some reckon Jupiter, take my father upon my shoulders-I place Juno, and.inierva, among the Penates; myself under the load. others, Je/ptuAe and Apollo; others again, 725. Opaca locorum: the same as opaca Coelus and Terra: and Arnobius reckons loca. Or the word spatia may be underlhe Dii Consentes, or Complices, among their stood, connected with opaca, and governing number. There were three orders of the locorum. Dii Penates. Those that presided over 727. Glomerati ex adverso: collected to. kingdoms and provinces, were called solely gether in hostile array. Here we have a Penates: those that presided over cities very beautiful image of our hero's pious only, were called Dii Patrii, domestic gods, and filial affection. With unshaken fortior gods of the country: those that presided tude he faced the greatest dangers, when over particular houses and families, were his own person only was exposed: now called Parvi Penates. every appearance of danger strikes him It is not certain under what shape or with terror, on account of his dear charge. figure they were worshipped. Some sup- Adverso: in the sense of hostili. pose it was under the figure of a young 729. Suspensum: in the sense of solicitum. man sitting and holding a spear. It is said 730. Videbar, &c. Rueus interprets the that Dardanus introduced them from Sa- following words by, excessisse ex omnibus rmothracia into Troy, and that Eneas took viis; which appears entirely inadmissible. them with him into Italy. See Geor. ii. 505. The meaning is: that he seemed to have 719. Nefas me: it is unlawful for me, ha- escaped all the danger of the way; when, to ving come, &c. In like manner, Homer his surprise, a frequent sound of feet sudmakes Hector say he was afraid of perform- denly struck his ears. ing religious worship to Jupiter, while his 731. Viam. This is the common reading. hands were polluted with blood, Iliad vi. Heyne, at the suggestion of Markland, reads 334. It was the custom of the Greeks and vicem, in the sense of periculum; which is Romans, and most other nations, to wash preferable, if we hud sufficient authority for thei hands, and sometimes their whole bo- the substitution. 23r8 PP. VIRGILIl MARONlS Visus adesse pedum sonitus: genitorque per umbramn 733. HIostes propin- Prospiciens, Nate, exclamat, fuge, nate: propinquant quant Ardentes clypeos atque aera micantia cerno. 735. Hic male ami- Hic mihi nescio quod trepido male numen amicum cum numen, necio quod Confusam eripuit mentem. Namque avia cursu 736 numen, eripuit mihi tre- Dum sequor, et nota excedo regione viarum: pido 738. Conjux Creiisa leu! misero conjux fatone erepta Creiisa substitit; incertum est, Substitit, erravitne via, seu lassa resedit, erepta-ne inisero fato, Incertum: nec post oculis est reddita nostris. 740 erravit-ne via, seu Nec prius amissam respexi, animumve reflexi, 741. Nec respexi, re- Qutm tumulum antiquae Cereris, seoemque sacratam flexive animum, eam esse Veiu: hi demum, collectis omnibus, una amissam, priusquam ve- nmus: hi demum, colletis omnibus, u nimus ad Defuit; et comites, natumque, virumque fefellit. 743. Uxor una defuit Quem non incusavi amens hominumque Deorumquse Aut quid in eversa vidi crudelius urbe? 746 Ascanium, Anchisenque patrem, Teucrosque Penate.s 748. Recondo eos, in Commendo sociis, et curva valle recondo. 750. Stat sententia re- Ipse urbem repeto, et cingor fulgentibus armis. novare omnes Stat casus renovare omnes, omnemque reverti 750 755. Ubique est hor- Per Trojam, et rursus caput objectare periclis. ror; simul ipsa silentia Principio, muros, obscuraque limina portae, noctis terrent animos. Qu gressum extuleram, repeto: et vestigia retr5 Inde refero me domum, Observata sequor per noctem, et lumine lustro. ut viderem, si forte, si fort Creiisa tulisset pe- Horror ubique animos, simul ipsa silentia terrent. 755 dem huc. Inde domurn, si forte pedem, si forte tulisset, NOTES. 732. Umbram: in the sense of tenebras. mind-reflected. Heyno reads ve. The 734. Cerno: I see their glittering shields common reading is que. and gleaming brass..Era: brazen armour. 742. Tumulum. The hill, or eminence, on 735. Mali: in the sense of non. JMale which the temple of Ceres was situated. amicum: in the sense of inimicum vel in- See 714. supra. festum. 745. Quem hominumque: whom both of 736. Confusam mentem. His mind was men and gods did I not blame? Amens: confised, and in a state of perturbation, for distracted in mind-deprived of my reason: fear that something might befall him in his of a, privativum, and mens. retreat. He had retained his presence of 747. Teucros: in the sense of Trojanos. mind so far as to make good his escape in 750. Stat. Sententia, or some word of the best possible manner. Now, on a sud- the like import, is understood: my purpose den, he loses all recollection; he forgets is fixed: I am resolved. While the mind is in himself; he knows not what he does: he is doubt and uncertainty, it reels to and fro deprived of that presence of mind which he from one thing to another,fluctuat, vacillat: had hitherto retained, by some unfriendly but when it is determined and resolved, then deity. In consequence of this he left the it stands still; it is at rest. Casus: in the plain road, taking the by-paths: nor did he sense of pericula. Reverti: in the sense of recollect to look back to see if his wife was redire. following him. 752. Limina: threshold-entrance. Avia: an adj. agreeing with loca under- 753. Extuleram gressum: where I had stood; out of the way: from the ordinary come out. A phrase. or common way. Of a, privativum, and via. 754. Lumine. Lumen properly signifies 737. JVota regione viarum: simply, frcm light: it also signifies an eye. In this last the known or beaten way. sense, Ruaeus takes it, and interprets it by 738..Miserofato. Somerendermisero, with oculis. It is perhaps better to understand it mthi understood. But miser signifies that of the light occasioned by the conflagration which makes miserable, as well as simply, of Troy. In this case, sequor, &c. may be miserable. In this sense it may beconnect- rendered: I follow back my footsteps obed with fato: distressing fate. When thus served in the darkness, and search them out construed, it hath a peculiar force. Both by the light of the flames. Davidson agrees Ruwus and Heyne say, misero mihi. with Rueus. 4, Reflexi animum: turned back my 756. Siforte, si forte' if by chance, if by X oNEIS. LI. L I.. 239 Me refero. Irruerant Danai, et tectum omne tenebant. Ilicet ignis edax summa ad fastigia vento Volvitur; exsuperant flammre; furit aestus al auras. Procedo ad Priami sedes, arcemque reviso. 760 Et jam porticibus vacuis, Jinonis asylo, Custodes lecti Phcenix et dirus Ulysses Praedam asservabant: huc undique Troia gaza Incensis erepta adytis, menstoque Deorum, Crateresque auro solidi, captivaque vestis 765 765. Solidi ax auro Congeritur. Pueri et pavidoe longo ordine matres Stant circim. Ausus quinetiam voces jactare per umbram Implevi clamore vias: mcestusque Creiisam Nequicquam ingeminans, iterumqhe iterumque.vocavi. Quarenti, et tectis urbis sine fine furenti, 771 771. Infelix u imaraT P 1 * r 1 * *. r " - crum,atque umbra CreuInfelix simulacrum, atque ipsius umbra Creiusae ipsiu, et imago maVisa mihi ante oculos, et nota major imago. jor not& visa eit mild Obstupui, steteruntque comae, et vox faucibus hmesit. ante oculos, quSerenti Tum sic affari, et curas his demere dictis: 775 eam, et furenti Quid tantum insano juvat indulgere dolori, 775. Turn illa ccepit ^,,. * * 0 1. *. * T^ A sic affari me O dulcis conjux? non haec sing numine Divum 77s ec fas st ut 778. Nee fas est, aut Eveniunt: nec te comitem asportare Creiisam ille regnator superi NOTES. chance, she had returned thither. Tulisset friends in their expedition. It shows the pcdem: had returned: or gone thither. The judgment of the pbet. repetition of the siforte, is emphatical. 773. Imago major nota: her image larger 760. Procedo. Creiisa was the daughter than life-than when alive. Spectres and of Priam, by Hecuba; which, perhaps, is apparitions are usually represented of a the reason of his going to his palace in large size; fear having a tendency to ensearch of her. large objects that are presented to the ima. 761. Asylo: in the sense of templo. Por- gination. The darkness of the night has a ficibus: in the passages or aisles. tendency to enlarge the appearance of ob763. Gaza. This word signifies all kinds jects seen obscurely and imperfectly. of rich furniture-wealth-property. It is This episode of Creiisa's death is introof Persian origin. Erepta, is connected duced, not merely for the importance of the with it. event, but because it answered several im764. Mense Deorum. These were the portant purposes of the poet. It gave him tripods of the gods, which served for deli- an opportunity of more fully illustrating the vering the oracles, or for bearing the sacred piety of iEneas, by showing him once more vessels. Adytis: in the sense of templis. exposed to all the dangers ot the war in 763. Undique. This word may imply, that search of his wife; and, in consequence of the things here mentioned were collected that, leads us back with his hero to visit from all parts bf the town, and thrown in Troy smoking in its ruins, and makes us this place (huc,) or that they were piled up acquainted with several affecting circunhere all aroJund —in every part of the building. stances, without which the narration would 770. Ingeminans: repeating her name in not have been complete. And then it makes vain-in vain, because she did not answer way for the appearance of her ghost, that him..Mcestus, agrees with ego, understood. affords comfort to Aneas in his distress, by Furenti: for currenti. predicting his future felicity; and relieves 772. Infelix simulacrum: the unhappy the mind of the reader from the horrors ot apparition-unhappy, not on her own ac- war and desolation, by turning him to the count, for she was blessed and at rest; but prospect of that peace and tranquillity which because she was the source of sorrow and iEneas was to enjoy in Italy; and of that unhappiness to her husband. Umbra. The undisturbed rest, and happy liberty, of which introduction of Creiisa's ghost is extremely herself was now possessed in the other wall timed. No other expedient could be world. found to stop the further search of ZEneas 776. Insane dolori: immoderate grief for his wife, an d permit him to return to his.Numine: in the sense of toluntate. 240 P. VIRGILTI MARONIS Olympi suilt te aspnr- Fas, aut ille sin't superi regnator Olympi. tare h/inc Creusaim, co- Longa tibi exilia, et vastum maris aequor arandum. 780 reitem tibAi 7i80 Loga exilia fu- Ad terrain Hesperiam venies, ulA Lydius arva lurc8 sLonga Inter opima virum leni fluit agmine Tybris. Illic res laeta, regnumque, et regia conjux 784. Parta sunt tibi Parta tibi: lachrynas dilectve pelle Creiism. Non ego Myrmidonum sedes Dolopumve superbas 786 Aspiciam, aut Graiis servitum matribus ibo, 787. EgoquresumDar- Dardanis, et Divae Veneris nurus. danis, et Sed me magna Deum genitrix his detinet oris 790. Deseruit me la- Jamque vale, et nati serva communis amorem. chrymantem, et volen- Iiec ubi dicta dedit, lachrymantem et multa volentem Dicere deseruit, tenuesque recessit in auras. 791 792. Ibi conatus sum Ter conatus ibi collo diare brachia circum: ter circumdare Ter frustra comprensa manus effugit imago, Par levibus ventis, volucrique simillima somno. Sic demum socios, consumpta nocte, revise. 795 Atque hic ingentem comitum affluxisse novorum Invenio admirans numerum; matresque, virosque, Collectam exilio pubem, miserabile vulgus. NOTES. 779. Superi Olymri: of high heaven. 784. Dilectce Creiisc: for, or on account 780. Exilia: in the sense of itinera. It of your beloved Creiisa. implies that Enreas should be for a long 786. Servitum: to serve in the capacity of time destitute of any country, or fixed habi- a servant. The sup. in um, of the verb sertation..Equor: properly any level surface, vie, put after ibo. whether land or water. It is often used in 787. Dardanis. Crtiisa was the daughthe sense of mare. Arandum: in the sense ter of Priam, and consequently descended of navigandum. in a direct line from Dardanus, the founder 781. Ad: Heyne reads et. Some copies of the Trojan race: at least one of the have ut: that you may arrive or come, &c. founders of it. See AEn. i. 1. Ju7rus: the In this case there must not be a full point daughter-in-law. Eneas was the son of after aranldum. The usual reading is ad. Venus and Anchises, which made Creiisa 782. Lydius Tybris: the Tuscan Tyber the daughter-in-law to Venus. flows, with its gentle stream, between lands 788. Genitrix: Cybele. She is said to rich in heroes. have been the mother of all the gods. The Tyher is here called Lydian, or Tus- 789. Serva: retain, or keep. JN'ati: Ascan. It separated Tuscany from Latium. canius, who was the son of Creiisa and The former having been settled by a colony iEneas. of Lydians under Tyrrhenus, the son of 792. Circumdare. The parts of the verb Alys, king of Lydia, in Asia Minor. Ite are separated, for the sake of the verse, by called the inhabitants Tyrrheni, after his own Tmesis. name. Agrmine: in the sense of cursu vel 793. Comprensa: a part. agreeing with flumine. Virum. Vir, properly signifies a imago..Manus: ace. plui Her innge,seizman, as opposed to a woman-a hero. Also, ed in vain three times, escaped his hands. the male of any kind or species of' animals. 794. Par: in the sense of sinmilis. SomArva: properly cultivated lands, from the no: a dream. verb are. 796. Hic admirans invenio, &c. The poet. 783. Res icetce: prosperity. The same as by this circumstance, signifies how greatly res secundce. Eneas, after his arrival in JEneas was beloved by the Trojans. and the Italy, and the death of Turnus, married La- weight and importance of his character. It vinia, the daughter of Latinus, king of appears that this multitude, by resorting to Latium, and succeeded him in his kingdom. 2Eneas, and putting themselves under his A2neas, in relating this prophecy to Dido, protection, chose him their king; which applainly informs her that he was destined by pellation is given him throughout the tEneid. fite for Lavinia; and, by so doing, pleads Affluxisse: in the sense of advc.^sse. Irfe necessity of his leaving Carthage. Dido, 797. MAiserabile vulgus: a pitiable multi. 2threfore, betrays herself by an indiscreet tude. They assembled, from all quarters. paswnin, and is not betrayed by any perfidy prepared in mind and fortune to follow me,;f Af;ieas. See lib. iv. passim. to whatsoever countries I might wish to lead AENEIS. LIB. IT. 241 Undlque convenere, animis opibusque parati, 799. I1li convenerIn quascunque velim pelago deducere terras. 800 undique, parati animi. Jamque juyris sninmr surgebat Lucifer Ide, opibusque Mequi mne Ducebatque diem: Danaique obsessa tenebant Iimina portarum: nec spes opis ulla dabatur Cessi, et sublato montem genitore petivi. NOTES. them over the sea. Pubem: in the sense of city being completely in the possession of juventutem. the Greeks. 801. Jugis summce Ide. Mount Ida lay 804. Cessi: I yielded to my fate. Dr. to the east of Troy, and, consequently, Trapp renders it, I retired; but it is much Lucifer, Venus, or the Morning Star, as it is better to understand it as an expression of called when going before the sun, appeared the piety and resignation of IEneas, espeto those at Troy to rise from the lop (jugis) cially if we consider what immediately preof that mountain. Summe: in the sense of cedes: nec spes opts ulla dabatur. Genitore alice. sublato. This instance of filial piety is highly 803. Opis. Ruseus interprets t'his by aux- pleasing. A modern commander would ilii; but it may mean wealth-property: never have submitted to the task of bearing and by the expression we may understand, such a load; but would have assigned it to that there was now no hope of obtaining a servant, or imposed it upon a soldier. any more of their wealth or property, the Rueus says,ferens patrem. QUESTIONS. What is the subject of this book? What office did Sinon perform upon this What is its character, when compared occasion? with the rest? Did the Grecian troops return from TeHow long did the siege of Troy continue? nedos, and join their friends? How was it taken at the last? How were they received into the city? To whom was this horse designed as a In what state were the Trojans at this present? time? In return for what? Were they aware of any such treachery? What was the Palladium? Finding the city in the hands of the enemy, By whom was it taken from the temple of what course did Eneas pursue? Minerva? What were some of his actions? After building the horse, what did the Where were his last efforts made to avenge Greeks do? his country? How far was Tenedos from Troas? What became of Priam? Did they pretend that they were about to What were the last actions of the aged return home, and relinquish the siege? monarch? Did this obtain belief among the Trojans? What particularly roused his indignation What was the real object of the Greeks against Pyrrhus? mn building this horse? By whom was Priam slain? Who acted a very distinguished part in What was the manner of it? this business? What were the circumstances of it? What is the character of Sinon? Where was ineas during these transacWho opposed the admission of this horse tions? within the walls? What did he do, after he beheld the death What prodigy happened just at this time, of Priam? which overcame all doubts in the minds of Under whose conduct did he pass in safety the Trojans? through his enemies? Who was Laocoon? Did ]Eneas receive direction to leave the To what office had he been appointed by city, and to seek nis safety in flight? lot? How did he receive it? From whom? What was the design of offering sacrifice What was the determination of his father to Neptune at this time? Anchises? What did this horse contain? What effect had his refusal upon the mind How did it enter into the city? of Eneas? Where was it placed? What did his wife Creiisa do upon this How many names has the pcet invented occasion? for this engine of destruction? How was the determination of Anchisos, What time was the assault made upon the not to survive the capture of the city, city? changed?.1 6424 P. VIRGILII MARON1S What were the prodigies that effected that What effect had her loss upon him at the change? first? To what place did he retire? How was his mind quieted? flow did he convey his father? What directions did her apparition give How his son Ascanius? him? What direction did he give his wife After his return to the place of rendexCreusa' vous, did he find great numbers there colDid he arrive -in safety to the place ap- lected? pointed? Did they consider him their leader and What became of his wife? king? What did he do in consequence of her Were they prepared and willing to under-!fws~ ~~~~? ~take any enterprise, he might think proper LIBER TERTIUS. ANEAS, having finished the sack of Troy, proceeds to relate to Dido the particulars of his voyage. Having built a fleet of twenty ships near Antandros, he set sail in the spring, probably, of the year following the capture of Troy. He landed on the shores of Thrace,'and there commenced the building of a city, whicn he called, after his own name, SEnos, and the inhabitants, Eneadce. He was, however, soon interrupted in the prosecution of his work, by the shade of Polydorus, the son of Priam. He had been barbarously put to death by Polymnestor, king of Thrace, his brother-in-law, and buried in this place. It directed him to leave the polluted land, and to seek another clime for his intended city. Having performed the funeral rites to Polydorus, lie set sail, directing his course to the south; and soon arrived on the coast of Delos, one of the Cyclades. Here he was hospitably received by Anius, king of the island, and priest of Apollo. He was directed by the oracle to seek the land of his ancestors; there he should found a city, which should bear rule over all nations. This information was joyfully received. Whereupon, they concluded that Crete, the birth-place of Teucer, was the land to which the oracle directed them. Leaving Delos, in a short time they arrive on the shores of Crete. They hail it with joy as the termination of their wanderings. Here IEneas lays the foundation of a city which he called Perganta, and was preparing to enter upon the business of agriculture, when a sudden plague arose, which put an end to his prospects, and carried off many of his companions. In this juncture, it was agreed that he should go back to Delos, to obtain further instructions. In the mean time, in a vision, he was informed that Crete was not the land destined to him, and that the oracle of Apollo intended he should seek Italy, the land of Dardanus. This quieted his mind; and Anchises acknowledged that both Teucer and Dardanus were the founders of their race, and that he had been mistaken in reckoning their descent in the line of Teucer. &Eneas, without delay, leaves Crete; and in a few days arrived on the coast of the Strophades, in the Ionian sea, on the west of the Peloponnesus. Here lie landed with his *fleet, and found these islands in the possession of the Harpies. Celano, one of them, informed him, that, before he should found a city, they should be reduced to the necessity of consuming their tables. This was the first intimation wlich he had received of want and suffering, in the land destined to him. It sunk deep into his mind. Leaving these islands, he directed his course westward, and soon arrived on the coast of Epirus. IIe landed at.ctium, ana celebrated the Trojan ganes. From Actium, he proceeded to that part of Epirus called Chaonia. On his entering the harbor, he heard that Helenus, the son of Priam, sat upon the throne of Pyrrhus, and that Andromache had become his wife. Desirous of hearing the truth of this report, he proceeds direct to Buthrotus, the seat of government. - Here, to his great joy, he finds his friends, and remained with them for some time. Helenus, at their departure, loads them with presents. Andromache gives to Ascanius alone, who was the exact picture of her son Astyanax. From Epirus, Eneas passes over the Ionian sea, and arrives at the promontory Iapygium. Thence he sails down the coast of Magna Grcecia, and the eastern shore of Sicily, to thlf promontory Pachynum; thence along the southern shore to the port of Drepanum, where lhe lost his father Anchises; which concludes the book. }ENEIS. LIB. III. 243 This book contains the annals of seven years, and is replete with geographical and historical information. Nor is it wanting in fine specimens of poetry, and in interesting incidents. The joy of JEneas at finding Helenus and Andromache on the throne of Epirus-their happy meeting-their tender and affectionate parting-the description of Scylla and Charybdis, and the episode of the Cyclops, are all worthy of the poet. In this book, Virgil in a particular manner follows the Odyssey of Homer. POSTQUAM res Asiae Priamique evertere gentem 1. Postquam visum Immeritam visum Superis, ceciditque superbum est Superis evertere res Ilium, et omnis humo fumat Neptunia Troja: sl Diversa exilia, et desertas queerere terras, Auguriis agimur Divumm: classemnque sub ipsa 5 Antandro, et Phrygiae molimur montibus Ida: Incerti quo fata ferant, ubi sistere detur; 7 Ferant nos ubi de. Uontrahimswque viros. Vix prima inceperat westas, tur notis sistere pedem Et pater Anchises dare fatis vela jubebat. NOTES. 1. Res Asiae: the power of Asia. tor-by the lambent flame on the head of 2. Immeritam: undeserving such a cala- Ascanius-and by the interview which he mity. The ruin of their country was owing had with the ghost of Creisa. Ominibus to tile crimes of Paris and Laonedon. See Deorum, says Rusus. Geor. i. 502, and En. i. Visum Superis: it 6. Antandro. Antandros was a city of pleased, or seemed good to the gods. This the lesser Phrygia, at the foot of mount Ida, was a common mode of expression, when and a convenient place to build and equip a events were not prosperous. The verb est fleet. Iolinur: in the sense offabricamus is to be supplied with visum. is to be supplied with is um. 7. Incerti quob. We may be somewhat 3..Neptunia. Troy is here called JVep-. u m 3. Neptunia. Troy is here called Nep-, surprised to hear/,Eneas express any doubt tunean, because Neptune, with Apollo, it is ss to h s crs e and nene settlement. said, built its walls in the reign of Laome- He ad been distinc infored by the don. Homer and Virgil ascrible the build- He had been distinctly informed by te ing of the wal to Nepne alscribe the bui ghost of his wife, that Italy was the place ing of the walsI to mean the citalone. Ru destined for him in the counsels of the gods: takes Ri~um to mean tile citadel of Troy, he could not therefore have given full creand distinguishes it from the whole town, hecould not thereore ave given full crewhich is here expressed by, omnis Troja. diculeto the aof n the uert dangers and HomTer uses flies, and Ovid, Jn. - Fna difficulties of the undertaking might have Honmer uses Ilios, and Ovid, Ilion. Fumat. The pr usesent here is much more xFurai. filled his mind with anxious and distrustful The present here is much more expressive than the past tense would have been: apprehensions: or perhaps it is a passage, which the author would have corrected, if smokes to the ground. he had lived to revise his work. 4. Diversa: in the sense of remota, or longinqua. Although the Trojans, under 8. Prima cestas. Scaliger thinks that different leaders, as ]Eneas, Hlelenus, and Troy was taken about the full moon, and Antenor, settled in different regions, yet near the end of spring, and that ZEneas set diversa exilia plainly refers to Eneasand his out the beginning of summer. But it is followers only, who were all appointed to evident that it would require a greater go in quest of the same settlement. Deser- length of time to build a fleet, and make tas terras: unoccupied-uncultivated lands; other preparations for his long voyage. If where they might settle in peace. Or, we he be correct in the time of the capture of may suppose iEneas to speak the language Troy, the prima cestas, with more propriety, of his heart at that time. Having the dis- will mean the beginning of the summer of mal idea of the destruction of his country the following year. This better agrees with fresh in his mind, and the uncertain prospect history. -Dionysius of Halicarnassus, inof a settlement in Wme unknown land, (in- forms us that he collected an army and forcertz quo fata ferant, ubi sistere detur,) it tified himself on mount Ida; but not thinkwas natural for him to have uncomfortable ing it prudent to engage the enemy, he caapprehensions of the country to which he pitulated on honorable terms; one of which was going; to call it an exile, or place of was, that he should be allowed to depart banishment, a land of solitude and deser- from Troas with his followers without motion. Some read diversas, for desertas. lestation, after a certain time, which he em5. Auguriis Dicvum: by the intimations, ployed in building and equipping a fleet. or prodigies of the gods. This refers to 9. Fatis: quo fata vellent, says RuFeus the several prophetic intimations given to Propterjussa et monitaDeorum, says Heyne hini of his future fate by the ghost of Hec- Some copies have ventis 244 P. VIRGIII I MARONIS Litora turn patria lachrymans, portusque reAnquo,;. Et campos, ubi Troja fuit: feror exul in altum, Cum sociis, natoque, Penatibus, et magnis Dis. Terra procul vastis colitur Mavortia campis, 14. Quam Thraces Thraces arant, acri quondam regnata Lycurgo: arant Hospitium antiquum Troja, sociique Penates, 15 15. Fuit antiquum Dum fortuna fuit. Feror hue, et litore curvo hospitium Traje, cujus Mcenia prima loco, fatis ingressus ini.uis: que Penates erant sociil swstris, dum fortuna fuit EAneadasque meo nomen de norine fingo. nobis Sacra Dionae matri, Divisque ferebam 22. Quo summo ernt Auspicibus cceptorum operum: superoque nitentem 20 cornea virgulta, et myr- Celicolum regi mactabam in litore taurum. tus horrida densis Forte fuit juxta tumulus, quo cornea summo NOTES. 10. Lachrymans. The shedding of tears There had been a long and friendlyilliis an indication of compassion and humani- ance between the two countries, by virtue of ty. It is not inconsistent with true fortitude which the Thracians gave a hospitable reand greatness of mind, and no way unbe- ception to all strangers from Troy; and the coining a hero. But there is no necessity Trojans, in turn, repaid the kindness by of understanding it here, and in various civilities to the Thracians. This hospitaliother passages where it occurs, as if iEneas ty was sometimes between whole nations, actually shed tears. Rueus takes it in the between one city and another, and somesense of lugens, grieving at the idea of times between particular families. Polym leaving his native country, and at the pros- nestor, king of Thrace, married Ilione, the pect of the dangers which were before him. daughter of Priam. By these means the 12. Magnis Dis. The great gods were two nations became related in their respecJupiter, Juno, Mars, Pallas, Mercury, and tive heads: and their gods might be said to Apollo; sometimes called the Dii majorum be allied, confederate, and friends, in consegentium. The Penates were domestic gods, quence of it. without any particular name. The images 17. Primea m7enia: I place my first walls. of all these gods tEneas took with him into The city which Eneas first founded, we Italy, and introduced their worship, as we are told, he called /Enos. It was not far are told, into Latium, after he was settled from the mouth of the Hebrus, on the shore n that kingdom. Some take the Jagnis of the AEgean sea. The tomb of PolydoDis to be the same with the Penatibus. rus was near this place. Ingressus: having See Geor. ii. 505. and En. ii. 717. entered upon the business with fates unkind 13. Mavortia terra: a martial land.- -against the will and purposesof the gods, Thrace is so called, because said to be the who directed him to the land of Dardanus. oirtnplace of Mars. This was a very exten- 18. Fingo /Eneadas: I call the inhabisive country, bounded on the east by the tants JEneadc, a name derived from my Euxine sea, south by the Propontis, Helles- name. Fingo: in the sense of voco. pont, aJd Egean sea, and on the West by 19. Dionreae: an adj. from Dione, the moMacedonia. Colitur: in the sense of habi- ther of Venus. Matri: to his mother, Venus. tatur. P7ocul. This word sometimes sig- Sacra: in the sense of sacriicia. Andfereaifies near, in view, as if pro oculis, as in bam: in the sense of offerebam. Ecl. vi. 16. In this sense it may be taken 20. duspicibus: the favorers or patrons here; for Thrace was only a short distance of our work-begun. It is put in apposition from the port where Eneas set sail. But it with Divis. may have reference to Carthage, the place 21. Mactabam: I was sacrificing a shining where he then was; and then it may be bull to the high king of the gods. taken in its usual acceptation. Servius tells us that a bull was one of 14. Acri Lityrgo: warlike Lycurgus. He those animals forbidden to be offered in sawas the son of Dryas. Being offended at crifice to Jove; and thinks Virgil, designBacchus, it is said, he banished him and his edly, makes Eneas offer here an unlawful votaries from his kingdom; and ordered all sacrifice, in order to introduce the inauspithe vines to be destroyed In his dominions. cious omen that followed. But La Cerdi For which impiety the god deprived him of'assures us, upon the best authority, that it his sight. Rcgnata, refers to tera: govern- was usual to sacrifice bulls to Jupiter, aa ed, or ruled. well as to the other gods. J.itentem. Rueus 15. Ho.riliui an ancient retreat of says, pinguem: and Heyne, candidum. Troy, and its gods vere our friends, while 22. Tumulus: a rising ground, or hillock. fortune was with us Quo summo: on whose top. Cornea; an AENEIS. LIB. III. 245 Virgulta, et densis hastilibus horrida myrtus. Accessi, viridernque ab humo convellere sylvam 24. Acceesi id louTrv Conatus, ramis tegerem ut frondentibus aras: 25 conatusquc sum cunvel. 1Horrendum et dictu video mirabile monstrum. Narn, qume prima solo, ruptis radicibus, arbos 27. Que arbos prima Vellitur, huic atro liquuntur sanguine gutta, vllitur solo, huic gutte Et terrarn tabo maculant. Mihi frigidus horror atro Membra quatit, gelidusque coit formidine sanguis 30 30. Coit c4i;* or. Rursus et alterius lenturn convellere vimen 31. Alterius arboris, Insequor, et causas penitus tentare latentes: et penitis tentare latennsequo * r, ents. tes causas earum rerumn; Ater et alterius sequitur de cortice sanguis. et ater Multa movens animo, Nymrphas venerabar agrestes, Gradivumque patrem, Geticis qui praesidet arvis, 35 Rite secundarent visus, omenque levarent. 36. Ut rite secundaTertia sed postquam majore hastilia nixuent visus l entue, ~..* ~.i~.i~ ~malum omen Aggredior, genibusque adversae obluctor arenae: Eloquar, an sileam? genitus lachrymabilis imo Auditur tumulo, et vox reddita fertur ad aures: 40 41. Quid, O mEnea, laceras me miserum? Quid miserum, ~Enea, laceras? jam parce sepulto, jam parc hi Parce pias scelerare manus: non me tibi Troja 43. De stipite arboris Externum tulit: haud cruor hie de stipite manat. sed de meo corpore NOTES. adj. of the corneil tree. Densis hastilibus. in time of peace. Its derivation is uncertain. The long and tapering branches of a. tree Geticis: an adj. from Getre, a people bormay not improperly be called hastilia, spears. dering upon the Ister, or Danube; here put There is a peculiar propriety in the use of for Thracian, on account of the vicinity of the word here, as being the spears with the two countries: or, because Thrace was which the body of Polydorus had been trans- thought to extend, indefinitely, to the North, fixed; and had sprung up into a thick 36. Secundarent. Two omens were re. body of trees or shrubs. Horrida: awful. quired for confirmation: if the first happened Rutus says, aspera. to be unlucky, and the second prosperous, 24. Sylvam: in the sense, here, of ramos the latter destroyed the former, and was vel ramum. termed omen secundum; and hence secundo, 26. Monstrum: in the sense of prodigium. to prosper..Eneas, therefore, wished to 27. Arbos: a shrub, bush, or small tree. have tire omen repeated, that the bad or unSolo: from the earth. lucky import of it might be removed, or 28. Huic: in the sense of ex hacc, Liqu- taken away. Visus: vision, ace. plu. Le untur: in the sense of deyfuunt. Atro san- varent: in the sense of averlerent. guine: in the sense of atri sanguinis. The 37. Tertia hstilia: a third shrub or tree, prep. e or ex is understood. u in the sese of vi. 29. Horror: in the sense of tremor. Mihi eio: tte t o t to in the senseofmea38../ggredior: I attempt, or try to pull in the sense of mea. *up, &c. Ile exerted himself to eradicate 30. Sanguis gelidus: my blood, chilled up, c. e exerted himself to er te through fear, collects together-ceases to it, with his knees upon the ground, that he through fear, collects together-ceases to ^ ^ ^ purclase, or power. flow in its regular course. might have the greater purchase, or power. 32. Insequor: I proceed to tear up. V-. Adversa: opposite, right against his knees. 32. Insequor: I proceed to tear up. Vimen lentum: a limber, or pliant shoot or 40. Reddita: in the sense of emissa ex co. shrub. 42. Parce scelerare: forbear to pollute 34. Venerabar JVymphas. These rustic your pious hands. It was the law of the nymphs, to whom YEneas here prays, were Twelve Tables, and, indeed, it is the voice of probably the Hamadryades, whose destiny humanity, that no injury be done to the was connected with that of some particular dead: defuncti injurid ne afficiantur. The trees, with which they lived and died. ghost of Polydorus, therefore, calls out to Eneas might consider this horrid omen, as AEneas: parce jam sepulto: let me alone: an indication of their displeasure, for his leave me, at least, to my rest in the grave. ffering to violate those pledges of their 43. Externum non. Polydorus was the existence..Movens: in the sense of volvens. son of Priam, and the brother of Creaisa, the 35. Gradivum palrem: Mars. We are wife of ZEneas. He was therefore not a told that Gradivus was an epithet, or name, stranger or foreigner, in the truest sense ctf of Mars in tire of war, as Quirrinus was the word, to JEneas. Cicero makes him the 246 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Heu! fuge crudeles terras, flge litus avarum, 45. Ferrea seges te- Nam Polydorus ego: hic confixum ferrea texit 45 lorun texit me confixum Telorum seges, et jaculis increvit acutis. 47. Pressus quoad Tum vero ancipiti mentem formidine pressus menteln ancipiti Obstupui, steteruntque comm, et vox faucibus hasit. 49. Quondam infelix Hunc Polydorum auri quondam cum pondere magno Priamus furtim manda- Infelix Priamus furtim mandarat alenduni 50 rat hunc Polydorum Threicio regi; cum jam diffideret armis Threicio regi alendum, ardanim, cingique urbem obsidione videret. cum magno pondere auri Ille, ut opes fracte Teucrum, et fortuna recessit, 53. Ille, nempe Polym- Res Agamemnoniasvictriciaquearma secutus, nestor, ut opes Teucrum Fas omne abrumpit, Polydorum obtruncat, et auro 55 fiactei sunt Vi potitur. Quid non mortalia pectora cogis, Auri sacra fames! Postquam pavor ossa reliquit, Delectos populi ad proceres, primiumque parentem, 59. Quoe sit eorum Monstra Deum refero; et, qum sit sententia, posco. sententia de nis. Omnibus idem animus, scelerata excedere terra, 60 60. Est idem nimus omnibus excedere Linquere pollutum hospitium, et dare classibus Austros Ergo instauramus Polydoro funus, et ingens Aggeritur tumulo tellus: stant manibus are, Cceruleis mceste vittis atraque cupresso: NOTES. son of Ilione, the daughter of Priam, and gold, what dost thou not force, the hearts of wife of Polymnestor, kingof Thrace. Tulit: mrn to perpetrate! The word sacer signiproduced, or bore. Stipite: the body, or fies, usually, sacred, holy: here, accursed, trunk. execrable. The word facere or perpet-are, 45. Ferrea seges. To understand this pas- is to be supplied. Heyne says, ad quid: to sage, we may suppose that these darts were what, &c. tlrown in upon the body of Polydorus as he 59. MIonstra Deim: the prodigies of the lay in the grave; which they pierced: and, gods. Primuim: in the sense of prcecipue taking root in that place, sprang up, and Heyne says, primo loco grew in the form of sharp pointed javelins, 61. Hospilium: in the sense of locum forming a shade over the tomb. Heyne Dare austros classibus: to give the winds to says: excreverunt in arbores unde jaculape- the fleet. In the sense of dare vela ventis. tuntur. Auster, is here taken for the wind in gene46. IncrevIt acutis: grew up into sharp ral: the species for the genus. The south javelins: into trees like sharp javelins, wind would have been against him, going 47. Pressus: in the sense of percussus. from Thrace to Delos. Ancipiti: dubia, says Rumus. 62. Instauramus funus: we perform the 50. JlManddrat: in the sense of mniserat. funeral rites to Polydorus. He had not 51. Diffideret: in the sense of desperaret. been buried with the usual solemnities, a Dardanice: in the sense of Trojae. See _En. matter which the ancients considered of i. 1. great moment. These rites were called 53. Opes Teucrum: the power of the justa. Without them, they thought the soul Trojans was broken. Ut: in the sense of wandered 100 years without any rest. Virquando. gil here gives a full accountof the funeral 54. Res Agamemnonias: embracing (se- rites performed by the Romans, at tl:e cutus) the Grecian cause, and their victo- interment of the dead. -ious arms, he breaks every sacred obliga- 63. Ingens tellus: a huge pile of earth is tion. Agamemnon was captain general of thrown up for the tomb. Arce stant mani the Grecian forces in the expedition against bus. It appears that two altars were con Troy. Hisinterest, therefore, is the general secrated to the IManes. See 305, infra, interest of the Greeks. Fas: properly a* also, Eel. v. 66. By manibus here, we are divine, or sacred law. By the murder of to understand the soul or spirit of Polydorus. Polydorus, he broke through the ties of 64. JCslceta: mournful-dressed in mournconsanguinity, hospitality, and friendship; ing. These fillets were of a deep purple or which are considered of a sacred nature. violet color-a color between blue and black 57. Sacra fames auri: 0 cursed desire of Rumaus says, tristes. ENEIS. LIB. II.. 247 Et circutm Iliades crincm de more solute. 65 65. Iliades, soluta Inferlinus tepido spumantia cymbia lacte, quoad crinem de more, Sanguinis et sacri pateras: animamque sepulchro stant crcum Condimus, et magna supremum voce ciemus. Inde ubi prima fides pelago, placataque venti 69 69. Prima fides st peDant maria, et lenis crepitans vocat Auster in altum;. Rcdunt anos 72. Recedunt a nostre Deducunt socii naves, et litora complent. aspectu Provehimur portu, terreque urbesque recedunt. 73. Gratissima tellus Sacra mari colitur medio gratissima tellus sacra matri Nereidum, Nereidum matri et Neptun Ago go: et &Eg0: p..A.A~. ^. 75. Quam errantem Quam plus Arcitenens oras et litora circum 75 antea circum oras, et Errantem, Mycone celsa Gyaroque revinxit; litora NOTES. 65. Solute crinem: loose as to their hair but if he should fail in the attempt, the ship -having their hair loose or dishevelled, should return with black sails. See Eel. i. 55. Theseus, on his return, forgot to hang out 66. Inferiinus cymbia: we offer bowls the white flag, through grief for his beloved foaming with warm milk, and goblets of the Ariadne, whom Bacchus had ravished fron consecrated blood. From the verb infero, him. The father, who was expecting him is formed inferis, sacrifices for the dead, with impatience, as soon as he, from the top which consisted in pouring into or upon the of a high rock, saw the ship in mourning, grave, milk and the blood of a victim slain, threw himself into the sea, supposing his as here mentioned. son to have been slain. IEgeus was king of 67. Condimus animam: we place, or bury Athens. the soul in the grave. Ruoeus says, claudi- The islands in the southern part of this mus animam. sea were called Sporades, from a Greek word It was a prevailing opinion among the which signifies, to scatter, or sow; because Romans and Greeks, that the soul could not they lay as if scattered or sown, without orrest without burial; for this reason, they deror regularity. The islands farther north wereso anxious about funeral rites. Hence were called Cyclades, from a Greek word -onditorium came to signify a burial-place. signifying a circle, because they lay around Et supremum: and lastly, we call upon him Delos in the form of a circle. Hodie, the with a loud voice. This they did, to call Archipelago. the soul to its place of its rest, and to take Neptune is here called JEgean, because the last farewell, by pronouncing the word he was supposed to have his residence in vale, three times. Ciemus: in the sense of the AEgean sea. conclamamus. See LEn. i. 219. 75. Jrcitenens. This was an epithet of 69. Fides: confidence-security. Pla- Apollo; also a name of Apollo, as in this cata: in the sense of quieta, vel tranquilla. place; compounded of arcus and teneo. He It agrees with maria. is here called pius, because, it is said, that 70. Ausler: properly the south wind; as soon as he was born, he slew the serpent here taken for wind in general. Crepitans: Python, which Juno sent to persecute lis murmuring-rustling-blowing gently. mother Latona. Pierius would read prius, 73. Gratissima lellus. The island Delos instead ofpius, connecting it with errantem. is meant, the birth-place of Apollo and Di- He assures us that it is found in several anana..Matri JNereidun: to Doris, the wife cient copies. of Nereus, and mother of fifty sea-nymphs, Delos is a small island in the }Egean sea called J.ereides. Colitur: in the sense of in lat. 37~ 30' north, having Mycone on the zncolitur, vel habitatur. north-east, Gyarus and Naxus on the east 74. egaro. That part of the Mediter-. and south, and Rhena on the west. ranean sea, lying between Asia on the east, The fable is this: Juno being angry at and the Morca, Attica, and Thessaly on the her husband for loving Latona, resolved she west, was called the _Egean sea; "from should have no place to bring forth in peace..Egeus, the father of Theseus, who threw Jupiter directed her to Delos, which was himself into it, and was drowned, expecting then a floating or wandering island, as a that his son, who had undertaken to fight place of safe retreat. Apollo, after his )irth, the Minotaur, was slain, fixed and rendered it immoveable, for the The fable is this: it was agreed between residence of his mother. Its original name the father and son, that if he subdued the was Ortygia. This was changed into the monster, and returned victorious, he should name Delos, which, in the Greek, signifies hang out a white flag; or have white sails: apparent, or brought to view, it having boaw 248 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Immotamque coli dedit, et contemnere ventos. 78. Hec placidissima Huc feror: haec fessos tuto placidissima portu nsula accipit nos Accipit. Egressi veneramur Apollinis urbem. 79. Egressi navi'us u * * * 4 79. Egressi nav Rex Anius, rex idem hominum Phcebique sacerdos, 00 Vittis et sacra redimitus tempora lauro 82. Oocurrit nobis, Occurrit, veterem Anchisen agnoscit amicum. Jungimus hospitio dextras, et tecta subimus. 85. Et sic dixi: O Templa Dei saxo venerabar structa vetusto; Thymbree Apollo, da Da propriam, Thymbrie, domum, da mcenia fessis, 85 nobis fessis propriam do- Et genus, et mansuraln urbem: serva altera Troja mum Que ues * Pergama, relliquias Danauim atque immitis Achillei. 68. Quove jubes nos ire? ubijubesnos ponere Quem sequimur? quove ire jubes? ubi ponere sedes? nostras sedes? Da, pater, augurium, atque animis illabere nostris. 90. Repente omnia Vix ea fatus eram: tremere omnia visa repentS, 90 visa sunt tremere Liminaque, laurusque Dei: totusque moveri 91. Totusque mons Mons circuim, et mugire adytis cortina reclusis. vssus est moveri 94. Eadem tellus, que Submissi petimus terram, et vox fertur ad aures: tulit vos a prima stirpe Dardanidae duri, qua vos a stirpe parentum NOTES. hidden before under the waves. This part blood of victims; but only honored with of the fable some explain, by sayfng that prayers, and other simple rites of ancient Apollo here gave out his oracles plain and worship. intelligible, but in every other place, in terms 85. Thymbrcee. Thymbreus was an epidark and obscure. See Eel. iv. 10. thet of Apollo, derived, as we are told by 77. Deditque: and rendered it ixed to be Strabo, from Thymbra, a place near Troy, inhabited, and to condemn the wiinds. This where he had a famous temple. Proprianl: alludes to the story of its having been a fixed, lasting. wandering island, and driven about by the. G:. Ru winds, till fixed by Apollo for the residence 86 Gnus: oprngposterty. Ru of his mother. Hence it became sacred to says,/familias. JMansuram: permanent, to her. remain. 80. Idem rex hominum. It was a custom 87. Pergama: neu. plu. properly the fort among many nations to unite in the same or citadel of Troy; often used for the whole person the offices of king and priest. Anius city. Altera Pergama. Simply, the other was both king, and priest of Apollo. Troy-the city which Eneas prayed Apollo 81. Redimitus: bound as to his temples to grant to him, and his followers, the rewith fillets, and the sacred laurel. The mains of the Greeks, and of cruel Achilles. laurel was sacred to Apollo. Hence the 89. Aqugursum: a sign, or omen. propriety of his priest being bound with it: 91. Laurus. Either the laurel,with which and the propriety of the epithet sacra. the image of the god was crowned; or rather 83. Subimus tecta: we come under his the laurel tree, which was placed at the en. roof-we enter his palace. But tecla here trance of the temple. It was an opinion may mean the temple mentioned below: the ancients that the gods gave signs word tectum properly signifying any covered of their approach, by causing the earth to building. Or tecta may be taken for the move and shake. To this the poet here albuildings of the city in general. The mean- ludes. The laurel was sacred to Apollo. ing then will be; we enter the city. 84. Structa vetusto saxo: built of ancient 92. Cortina. The covering of the tripod, stone, or rock. Macrobius informs us that, whence the priestdelivered responses. Hence when the temple at Delphi, and the temples by meton. the oracle itself. Adytis. The built to Apollo in other places, were destroy- sanctuary, or inner part of the temple, where ed in any way whatever, his temple at Delos the Oracle was. Reclusis: in the sense of continued to stand unimpaired; and conse- apertis. Mons. This was mount Cynthus, quently retaiped its ancient or original stone. on which the temple was built: whence Whatever ravages the island had suffered, Apollo was sometimes called Cynthius, and the sanctity of the temple preserved it from Diana, Cynthia. Mugire: in the sense of violation. Venerabar: I worshipped-I of- sonare. fered prayers. It is said that the altar of 94. Dardanidce: the same as Trojani. Apollo at Delos was never stained with the Servius observes that the Trojans might 2GNEIS. LIB. 111. 249 Prima tulit, tellus eadem vos ubere l1to 95 Accipiet reduces: antiquam exquirite rlatrem IHic dornus /Enete cunctis dominabitur oris, Et nati tatorum, et qui nascentur ab illis. IaIec Phlebus: mixtoque ingens exorta tumultu 99. Ingensque lketitia Ltititia; et cuncti, qute sint ea maenia, quaerunt, 100 exorta est cum mixto Quo Phoebus vocct errantes, jubeatque revert. 101. Js errantes Turn genitor, veterum volvens monumenta virorum, Audite, 6 proceres, ait, et spes discite vestras. 105. Ubi est Id:ei Creta Jovis magni medio jacet insula ponto, mons 106. Incolme habitant Mons Ideus ubi, et gentis cunabula nostrm. 105 Ince habtant Centum urbes habitant magnas, uberrima regna 107. Unde Teucrus Maximus unde pater, si rite audita recorder, noster maximus pator Teucrus Rhaeteas primum est advectus in eras, primum NOTES. have understood from this declaration of tings, but paintings, columns, tombs, and tile Oracle, that Italy was designed them, statues. Rua s says, historias. Volvensu: in whence Dardanus came; and not Crete, the sense of recogitans, vel revolvers in which was the birthplace of Teucsr Stirpe: mente. in the sense of origine. 104. Creta. A large island in the Mediter95. Lceto ubere: in its joyous bosc-m: or rancan, lying between the Archipelago on perhaps, in its fertile soil. Uber: signifies the north, and the Lvbian sea on the south: the richness or fertility of the soil. Rueus Hodie, Candia. It was called Creta, from says, fertili sinu. Cres, who is said to have reigned there 96. Reduces: brought back, or returning after Jupiter. It is also sometimes called in safety. Matrem. It is supposed that the Crete. Teucer, from whom the Trojans poet had in view the circumstance of Brutus, were sometimes called Teucri, and Troy, and the Tarquins, who went to Delphi to Teucria, was a native of this island. Hoe consult the Oracle of Apollo, concerning was the son of Scamander; and, in the the succession to the kingdom. They re- time of a famine, led a colony to Troas, ceived for answer, that the empire should and settled at Rhceteum, a promontory on be his, who first kissed his great another. the shore of the Hellespont. He was most Brutus, on leaving the ship, feigned a fall, probably the founder of the Trojans: and kissed the ground, which he considered whence Anchises calls him Maximus pater. as the great parent of all. lie received the They were, however, very fond of deriving government, after the expulsion of the Tar- their descent from Dardanus, who fled quins, being chosen Consul. He was slain from Italy to Troas, and became the son-inby Aruns, one of the Tarquins, soon after law to Teucer. By marrying his daughter, he entered upon his office. he obtained a share in the kingdom, and at 97. Domus.Enee: here the family of his death succeeded him in the government. XEneas shall bear rule over all lands, &c. Crete is here called the island of great These two lines are taken from the Iliad. Jove; because it was the place of his birth Lib. 20. 306. It is there said, however, and education. See Georg. 1. 121. that Eneas should reign over the Trojans. 105. Cunabula: neu. plur. the cradle or Hence some have inferred that he remained nursing place of your race. Rueus says, in Troas, and that the whole account of the origo. Ideeus: an adj. from Ida, a mountain origin of the Romans is a imere fiction, a in Crete. compliment only to Augustus. But Diony- 106. Habitant: in the sense of occupant. sius of Halicarnassus understands it of his Uberrima regna: most fertile realms. This reigning over the Trojans in Italy. And in answers to Iceto ubere, mentioned, 95, supra, this he is followed by Eustathius in his and tended to mislead Anchises. commentary upon this passage of the Iliad. 107. Aurdita: reports-traditions. It may be observed that Virgil does not say, 108. Rhceteas oras: the coast of Rhaeteum. Trojanis dominabitur, which answers to the Rhceteum was a promontory of Troas, Greek of Homer; but cunctis dominabitur where Teucer landed with his colony from oris. This circumstance hath led some to Crete. He introduced the worship of Cyalter the Greek text so as to conform to the bele, the mother of the gods, and gave to Roman. the mountains of Phrygia the name of Ida. 101. Reverti: in the sense of p-.':edere. from ntount ida in Crete. He ilso changed Quo' in the sense of ad qua oca. the name of Xanthus into that of Scam102..MonuLmenta: records, or memorials. ander, after the name cf his father. Hence lese wete of various kinds; not only wri- Homer says that the i'ver was called Xan P VlItGILLI MARONIS Optavitque locum regno: nondum Ilium et ales Pergameae steterant; habitabant vallibus iinis. 10 111. Hine vent. m.ter IIinc mater cullrix Cybele, Corybantiaque ex, Cybele Idaeumque nemus: hinc fida silentia sacris, ida. ilent venrunt Et juncti currum dominae subiere leones. Ergb agite, et, Divcum ducunt qua jussa, sequamur Placemus ventos, et Gnossia regna petamus. 115 116. lila distant longo Nec longo distant cursu: modo Jupiter adsit, curs1 a Tertia lux classem Cretans sistet in oris. NOTES. thus by the gods, but Scamander by men- priests of Cybele, derived from the Greek. the former being its original, and more ho- During her worship, they made a confused norable name. noise with timbrels, pipes, and cymbals. 109. Optavit: in the sense of elcgif. Stra- They danced, tossed their heads, and struck bo agrees with Virgil in making Teucer the their foreheads against each other, appear. first who reigned in Troy. Dardanus ar- ing like mad men. rived not long after, married his daughter They were sometimes called Curete^, Batea, and succeeded him in the govern- from a Greek word which signifies a virgin, ment. because they wore a long robe like young 110. Pergamece: in the sense of Trojance. virgins. They were also called Dactyli, 111. Cybele. The same with Rhea or Ops, from a Greek word signifying a finger, beand wife of Saturn. She is so called pro- cause they were ten in number, there being bably from Cybelus, a mountain in Phrygia, so many fingers on both hands. The epiwhere she was worshipped. She is taken thet Idaei is here added, because they chiefly sometimes for the earth; and in that sense resided on mount Ida. is the common parent of all its inhabitants. Cybele is represented sitting on a car Her priests were called Corybantes, Curetes, with a robe of divers colors, and holding a and Idcei Dactyli. Among other things in key in her hand, to denote that she unlocks her worship, they used to beat brazen cym-. and distributes in summer those treasures, bals together. The origin of this practice that the winter had hid and concealed. She was to prevent the cries of the child Jupiter wears a turreted crown on her head, and is from being heard by his father. Cybele is drawn by a pair of harnessed lions. The here called Cultrix, most probably because box and the pine tree were sacred to her: she was worshipped in a mountain of the former, because pipes were made of that Phrygia: whence it might be said that she wood, and used in her worship; the latter inhabited it, and, as it were, became, the for the sake of the boy Atys, whom she protectress of that country. This is the loved, and made president of her rites, or sense Rueus gives. He says, protectrix locz. ceremonies: but afterwards changed him Era.: brazen cymbals. Any thing madeof into the pine tree. Her sacrifices were perDrass may be called cs, or cera. formed. in private, and men were excluded Heyne reads Cybece, the gen. of Cybela, from participation. Silence was especially sometimes written Cybelus, the name of a enjoined in her mysteries. This will exmountain in Phrygia. Mater Deum, says plain Jida silentia sacris, in the following he, quce colit, inhabitat Cybelen, montem line. Phrygiee: taking cultrix in the sense of quce 112. Hinceida: hence the faithful secrecy colit vel inhabitat. After the arrival of in her sacred rites. The mysteries of CyTeucer from Crete, he probably changed the bele, as well as those of Ceres, were carenane of the mountain Cybela or Cybelus, fully concealed from the common people. calling it Ida, after the Cretan Ida. Her chariot was drawn by harnessed lions, This goddess had several names: Cybele, juncti leones, to denote that maternal affecfrom the mountain already named, where it tion, figured by Cybele, or the earth, the is said she was first worshipped by sacrifi- common parent of all, triumphs over the ces: Ops, from a word implying help, be- most ferocious and savage natures. Subiecause she brings help or assistance to every re: in the sense of traxerunt. Domimne. production of nature: Rhea, from a Greek This is an epithet of Cybele, as being the word signifying to Jfow, because her benefits mother of the gods. flow without ceasing: Dindymene, from the 115. Gnossta: an adj. from Gnossus, the mountain Dindymus in Phrygia: Berccjn- principal city of Crete, put by synec. for the iliia, from Berecynthus, a castle in the same whole island. country. See AEn. vi. 784. She was also 116. Nec distant: nor are the realms of called Bona Dea, and Jater Deorum. See Crcte a long way distant,.Modo: provided Eel. iv. 6. and Geor. i. 121. tha —in case that. Corybantia: an adj. fiom Corybantes, the 117. Lux: in the sense of dies. AENEIS. LIB. III 251 Sic fatus, meritos aris mactavit honores: Tauruin Nepiuno; taurum tibi, pulcher Apollo; 1 9 119. Maclant i iauram Nigram Hyemi pecudern, Zephyris felicibus albam. Neptuno; taurum tibi, ^ 1. 1 1.1"...n~~~~~O 0 pulcher Fama volat, pulsum rcgnis cessisse paternis 12 Fama volat duIdoinenea ducem, desertaque litora Creta, cem Idomenea, pulsum Hloste vacare domos, sedesque adstare relictas. cessisse paternis regnis, Linquimus Ortygiae portus, pelagoque volamus: litoraque Cretae esse deBacchatamque jugis Naxon, viridemque Donysam, 125 serta, et dotms vacar Olearon, niveamque Paron, sparsasque per sequor l25. Legimnsque NaxCycladas, et crebris legimus freta consita terris. on bacchatam jugis, viNauticus exoritur vario certamine clamor. ridemque Donysam Ilortantur socii, Cretam proavosque petamus. Prosequitur surgens a puppi ventus euntes: 130 130. Jos euntes Et tanJem antiquis Curetum allabimur oris. Erg6 avidus muros optatas molior urbis, 133. Vocoque urbem Pergameamque voco: et lastam cognomine gentem Pepram esta 135. Puppes subductaa Hortor amare focos, arcemque attollere tectis. sunt e marl in sicco liJamlque fere sicco subductae litore puppes: 135 tore NOTES. 18. Maclavi: he offered-sacrificed. in that form around Delos. Freta consita: Hono-es: in the sense of victimas. And the straits set with manyislands-the straits meritos: in the sense of dignos. and narrow passes formed by the numle120. Hyemi. By hyemi we are here to rous islands, which diversified the sea. understand the sto-rmy winds. They were 127. Legimus: we coast along the shore considered as a kind of divinities, and were — we sail near. accordingly worshipped in order to avert 128. Certaemine: in the sense of crmulatheir fury. Pecudem: in the sense of ovem. tione. Jrauticus clamor: a shout of the sailors. Felicibus: in the sense of propitiis. 130. Surgens a puppi. This wind blew 122. Idomenea: an ace. of Greek ending. from the north: their course lay to the Idomeneus was the son of Deucalion, and southward, and consequently it would be at grand-son of Minos, king of Crete. He their stern. was one of the leaders in the war against 131. Allabimur: we arrive at the ancient Troy. On his return, being overtaken in shores of the Curetes. These were the mia storm, he made a vow to the gods to nisters of Cybele, and thought by some to sacrifice to them whatsoever he should first be the same with the Cor ybantcs and Idmei meet, if they would save him. This hap- Dactyli. Ofad and labor. See 111, supra. pened to be his own son. The father, how- The Curetes are said to have been the oriever, performed his vow. A plague soon ginal inhabitants of Crete; from whom the arising in his country, and his subjects con- island probably took its name. sidering him to have been the cause of it by 132. Jolior: in the sense of extruo. this inhuman deed, rose against him, and 133. Pergameamn. Pliny mentions Perexpelled him from his kingdom. Litora de- gamus, among the cities of Crete. Homer serta: the shores to be deserted-left with- calls it, the hundred-city island. It is said out a guard, or defence. to have had a hundred cities. Gentemn la123. Sedes relictas adstare: that the coun- tam: my people delighted with the name. try being abandoned, lies open to us. Sedes: Gentem, in the sense of populum, vel socios. in the sense of regiones. 134..rmare focos: to love their homesT24. Ortygice. The ancient name of De- to keep close at home, and not wander los was Ortygia, from a Greek word signi- abroad, until they should discover the disfying a quail: those fowls having abounded position of the inhabitants towards them. in that island. This agrees with the following injunction: 125. Bacchalam: frequented in its moun- attollere arcem tectis, to raise a tower on tains by the priests of Bacchus-whose their houses in case of an attack, the better mountains resounded with the tumultuous to defend themselves. rantings of the Bacchanals. Viridem Do- Servius thinks IEneas here intends to nysam. This island was famous for its recommend to his people to cultivate the green marble, as Paros was for its pure white study of religion. It is an unnecessary remarble. See 75 supra. finement. Focos: properly the fire-places, 127. CQcladas sparsas. These were a or hearth, by synec. put for the whole house, ber of Islands, so called from a Greek in this place: also sometimes for the fire on ignifying a circle, because they lay the hearth, by meton. '25w P. VIRGILIl MtARONIS 136. Juventus operata Connubiis arvisque novis operata juventus ~ est coxnnuliis Jura dromosque dabam: subito cuim tabida membrff: 137. Tabida, miseran37. Tabidae, miseran- Corrupto cceli tractu, miserandaque venit eorrupto, venit eorun Arborilbusque satisque lues, et letifer annus. inemhris, arboribusque Linquebant dulces animas, aut mgra trahebant 140 satisque, ct annus est Corpora: tur steriles exurere Sirius aoros. letifer Arebarnt herbe, et victum seges oegra negabat. 141. Sirius cpit exu- Rursus ad oraclum Ortygiae Phmebumque remenso 143. Pater hortatur Hortatur pater ire mari, veniamq(ue precari: me ire rursus ad oracu- Quem fessis finem rebus ferat; unde laborurn 145;um Tentare auxilium jubeat; qu6 vertere cursus. 145. El quaerere quem Nox erat, et terris anirnalia somnus habebat. finern Effigies sacra Divum, Phrygiique Penates, 150. Visi sunt adstare Quos inecum a Troja mediisque ex ignibus urbis ante oculos mnei jacentis Extuleram, visi ante oculos adstare jacentis 150 insonlnis Insomnis, multo manifesti lumine: qua se 153. Turn sic visi sunt Plena per insertas fundebat Luna fenestras. affari mec, et Turn sic aflfri, et curas his demere dictis: 154. Apollo carnit hic iden. quod dicturus est Quod tibi delato Ortygiarn dicturus Apollo est, tibi delato ad Hic canit: et tua nos en ultro ad limina mittit. 155 156. Nos secuti sumus Nos te, Dardania incensa, tuaque arma secuti; te, tuaque Nos tumidum sub te permensi classibus aequor; 158. os iiderm tolle- Iidem venturos tollemus in astra nepotes, 159. IImperium oris I que urbi dabimus. Tu mcenia magnis tuaE urbi Magna para, longulnque fugm ne linque laborem. 160 NOTES. 136. J.nuentus operata: the youth had when the heat of the sun is most intense. sacrificed for their nuptials, and new lands. It is sometimes called canicula. Thley were prepared for contracting mar- 142..Egra seges: the diseased, or sickly riages, and for commencing the business of crop-corn. agriculture. 144. Precari veniam: to supplicate his It was a custom among the Romans to favor, or assistance. offer sacrifices before they entered upon 145. Fessis rebus: to our afflicted state, marriage, or any important business of life. or condition. Ferat: in the sense of ponat. To this, the poet alludes. Sacrjiccabant pro Laborum: distress-sufferings. Tentare: felici successu conjugiorum, el agrorum. in the sense of quacrere. 137. Dabam: in the sense of distribuebam. 146. Auxilium laborum: relief in our Jura: justice among my people. Domos: sufferings. either the houses that had been abandoned 148. Efigies: forms, or figures. Ruseus by the inhabitants; or the places where says statuce. Penates. See En. ii. 7l7. they should build houses for themselves. 151. Insomnis: awake; an adj. agreeing 139. Tabida miserandaque: a wasting and with nlei jacentis. Most editors separate pitiable disease came upon their limbs, &c. the word into in and somnis, in my sleep. This disease, or plague, was occasioned by This is evidently incorrect: for if he had the infection of the air. Cali: in the sense been asleep, the light of the moon would of aeris. Tractu: a space, tract, or region, have been unnecessary. Besides, verse 173 Satis. Sata, properly, crops-any thing infra, he declares it was no delusion of the planted and growing; from tne verb sero. fancy in sleep..Manifesli: in the sense of Here, in the sense of segetes. conspicui. 140. Anirnas: lives. Anima properly 152. Insertasfenestras: windows inserted, signifies the animal life; animus, the soul. or made in the side of the house. Fenestras, Dr. Trapp thinks the expression an odd one, qua, sunt in pariete, says Heyne. Fundebat and proposes to change linquebant to red- se: in the sense of mittebat se; simply, debant Ruseus says, amitlebant. The dif- shone. ficulty is removed by rendering dulces ani- 154. Delato: carried back, or returned mat, sweet, or dear lives. to Delos. Canit:'declares, or reveals. 141. Sirius: the dog-star; a pestilential 160. Para magna: prepare a great city constellation, rising about the end of July, Populis, or some \w rd of the like import, is AJNEIS. LIB. Ill. 253 Mutanda sedes: non haec tibi litora suasit Delius, aut Cretae jussit considere, Apollo. Est locus, IHesperiam Graii cognomine dicunt; Terra al.tiql:a, potens armis atque ubere gleba. (Enotrii coluere viri: nunc fama, minores 165 165. Nunc fama es Italiam dixisse, ducis de nomine, gentem. minores dixisse gentmn tiae nobis propriae sedes: hinc Dardanus.ortus, 167. Hinc lasius or lasiusque, pater; genus a quo principe nostrum. tus est, paterque DardaSurge, age, et hlmc jltus longnevo dicta parenti nus, quo principe trum genus deductum tlaud dubitanda refer. Corytum, terrasque require 170 est. Ausomnas: Dicttaa negat tibi Jupiter arva. TallSus attonitus visis ac voce Deorum, 1. Sed videbarmi i {1vN *n 1 7 a r i173. Sed videbarmiln NIec sopor illud erat; sed coram agnoscere vultus, agns tus coran Velatasque comas, praesentiaque ora videbar: me, velatasque NOTES. to be understood, with which magnis is to ritania in Africa; who married Coritus, agree: for your powerful people. Magnis king of Tuscany. It is said, however, that nepotibus, says Heyne. Ruseus hath nobis Jove had an amour with her, and begat magnis: for us the great gods. Longum Dardanus. Upon the death of their father laborem fuga: the same as laborem longce Coritus, a quarrel arose between the two fugae: the labor, or fatigue of the long voyage. brothers, which ended in ihe death of lisius. 161. Sedes: in the sense of regio. The Upon which Dardanus fled first to Samoverb sunt is to be supplied. JYon suasit hcec: thracia, and afterwards to Phrygia, where Delian Apollo does not advise, or recom- he married the daughter of Teucer, and, in mend these shores to thee. connexion with him, founded the Trojan 162. Cretce: at Crete. The place where race. is put inthe gen. The same with, in Crela. 170. Corytum: a city and mountain in Delius: a name, and epithet of Apollo; Tuscany, so called from Corytus, the supfrom Delos, the place of his birth. posed father of Dardanus, and king of that 163. Est locus. This passage had been country. Thenameis derived from a Greek recited to Dido by Ilioneus, ZEn. i. 530. As word which signifies a helmet. Both the they were the words of the oracle, it would city and mountain are now called Cortona. have been disrespectful and improper to Require. Heinsius, and after him Heyne, alter them in the least: besides, Dido would reads requirat. But require is the common be more confirmed in the truth of XEneas' reading, and is the easier. relation, when she found two witnesses de- 171. Ausonias; an adj. from lAusonia, a livering their testimony in tflb same words. name of Italy; from Auson, or tusonlus, Locus: in the sense of regio. as Servius informs us. Dietcea area: the 165. (Enotrii: an adj. from (Enotria, a Cretan territory, or lands. Crete is called name given to that part of Italy, afterwards Dictaan, from Dicle, a mountain on that calied Lucania. It took its name from island, where Jupiter was educated; put, by (Enotrus, the son of Lvcaon, who settled synec. for the whole island. here with a colony of Arcadians. The 172. Talibus vsis: at such a vision, or (Enotrians spread so widely, that all Italy sight. was sometimes called (Enotria. CEnotrii 173. JVec sopor erat, &c. Dr. Trapp, and viri: simply, the CEnotrians. some other commentators, imagine a diffi167. Proprice nobis: destined, or allotted culty occurs here. To solve it, they make a to us by the gods. The verb sunt is to be difference between sopor and somnus. But supplied. Mr. Davidson takes proprice in this difficulty arises entirely from their taking the sense of perpetuce. Ruseus says, ad- insomnis to mean, in sleep, and not taking it dicte. as an adj. See verse 151, supra. 167. Hinc: hence Iksius sprang, and 174. Velatas comas: the heads of the father Dardanus; from which prince our images, or statues, were generally adorned race is derived. Principe here is a sub. a with fillets and flowers. Ora pressentia prince-a chief-a founder. The construe- their forms present before me. We see how tion is easier and more natural by connect- much pains the poet takes to make us being pater with Dardanus. In this instance lieve that it was no dream-no mere fancy. I have ventured to depart from the common He mentions a variety of circumstance,% all ordo. Iisius and Dardanus were sons of of which go to show thatiEneas was awake, Electra, the daughter of Atlas, king of Mau. and not in sleep. WA4 P. VIRGIITl1 MARONIS Tur gelidus toto manabat corpore sudor) 175 Corripio e stratis corpus, tendoque supinas Ad cclum cum voce manus, et munera libo Intererata focis. Perfecto lketus honore 179. Certurm de his Anchisen facio certum, remque ordine pando. rebus Agnovit prolem ambiguam, geminosque parentes, 18I 181. Seque deceptum Seque novo veterum deceptum errore locorum. ese novo Turn memorat: Nate, Iltacis oxercite fatis, Sola mihi tales casus Cassandra canebat. 184. Nunc repeto ear Nunc repeto haec generi portendere debita nostro, portendere hsec loca depota esre nostro generi; Et sspe Hesperiam, stepe Itala regna vocare. 186 ot earn srepe vocare Sed quis ad Hesperive venturos litora Teucros Crederet? aut quem tur vates Cassandra moveret? 188.Moniti nos sequa- Cedamus Phcebo, et moniti meliora sequamur. mtur meliora consilia. Sic ait: et cuncti dictis paremus ovantes. Hanc quoque deserimus sedem, paucisque relictis 190 Vela damus, vastumque cava trabe currimnus aquor. Postquam altum tenuere rates, nec jam amplihs ulla 193. Sed undique cce- Apparent terrae, ccelum undique, et undique pontus; lum apparet, et Tumrn mihi cceruleus supra caput adstitit imber, Noctem hyememque ferens; et inhorruit unda tenebris NOTES. 176. Corripio: I snatch my body from their descent from Dardanus. See verse my bed. Supinas: palm upward; agreeing 94, et seq. with manus. 182. Exercile: exercised, or tried, in the 177. Libo intemerata: I pour pure offer- disasters of Troy. ings on the fire. Thils privL'e offering con-: in t s of sisted of pure wine and incense, and was 3 aneba: nthe sense ofp cab sisted of pure ie and incense, and was Cassandra. The daughter of Priam, endued usually poured upon the fire in honor of the A o Te gt of p enue Lares. by Apollo with the gift of prophecy; but *Lare.s.. ~~ no body believed her predictions. See &En. 178. Honore perfeclo: the offering being ii. 246. made, or completed. made, or completed. 184. Repete: I remlnember-I call to mind. 179. Rem: in tlhe sense of prodigium. 14: rememb-I call to md. 179. Rem: in the sense of prodigium. Portendere: in the sense of predicere. Vo180. Geminos parentes: the double foun- P thesese ofp e. ders. The Trojans reckoned both Teucer care tie-spe ofby name. 181.MJoniti meliora: being advised, let and Dardanus the founders of their race; 188. ont ra: being avise le the former from Crete, the latter from Italy us follow better counsels. This is the sense the former from Crete, the latter from Italy. of Ruseus and Dr. Trapp. Mr. Davidson This ambiguam prolem, ambiguous, or dou- of uaus andDr Trpp. Mr Davidson ble descent, led Anchises to misake the renders them: being better advised, let us ble descent, led Anchises to mistake the oracle of Apollo. Agnovil: he owned- follow (the gods); takingc meliara as a Greacknowledged. cism. Cedamus: in the sense of obediarnus. acknowledgvd. 181. J.ovo errore. It is not easy, perhaps, 189. Ovantes: in the sense of Ieti. to fix the meaning of this line. Pierius in- 190. Sedem: in the sense ofterram. Deforms us that some copies have parentum serimus: in the sense of relinquimus. instead of locorum, which mends it much: 191. Cava trabe: in the sense of cavis nathrough the recent mistake of our ancient vibus. Currimus: we sail uprn the vast founders. If locorum be read, it will be: sea. Trabe, by synec. put for the whole through the recent mistake of the places of ship. their birth. 192. Altum: properly, the deep, or open Apollo had directed them to seek the land sea. Rates: in the sense of neaves. of their ancestors, promising that it should 194. Imber: properly, a shower of rair; receive them in its fertile bosom. This An- by meton. the cloud containing, or bearing chises had interpreted of the land of Crete, along the rain, as in the present instance, the birth-place of Teucer. It appears, then, Coeruleus, is what we may properly call. that this mistake lay in reckoning their leaden-colored. Clouds, that threaten thundescent from him, and not from Dardanus, der and rain, are often tinged with a deep whose country hai been Italy. This mis- blue, intermingled with black. This is the take in computing he calls novus, a recent, kind of cloud here meant. or new one because they usually deduced 195. Hyememn: in the sense of tempesta ,NEIS. LIB. III. %5 Continuo venti volvunt mare, magnaque surgunt 196 AEquora: dispersi jactamur gurgite vasto. Involvere diem nimbi, et nox humida ccelum 1'8 Abstulit calum Abstulit: ingeminant abruptis nubibus ignes. a nobia Excutimur cursu, et cmcis erramus in undis. 200 Ipse diem noctenmque negat discernere ccelo, 01. Negatepasse diNee meminisse viam media Palinurus in unda. ccrnere i'res ade6 incertos creca caligine soles Erramus pelago, totidem sine sidere noctes Quarto terra die primum se attollere tandem 205 205. Terra visa e f, Visa, aperire procul montes, ac volvere fumum. taldem attllere se et Vela cadunt; remis insurgimus: haud mora, nautse 207. Haud mora est Adnixi torquent spumas, et ccerula verrunt. 208. Verrunt corula Servatum ex undis Strophadum me litora primuim maria Acipiunt. Strophades Graio stant nomine dictme 210 210. Insulam, diets Insult Ionio in magno: quas dira Celeno, Strophades Graio no~TTY ~ * *~r -rn *............. ~ mine, stant in Ilarpyiaque colunt alie: Phineia postquam NOTES. tern, vel procellam. Unda: in the sense of exerting themselves-.aboring with all their mare. Inhorruit: looked terrific with the strength, they toss the foam, and sweep the darkness. azure deep. 197. /Equora: in the sense of fluctus. 209. Litora Strophadum: the shores of the 198. Involvere: wrapped up the day-ob- Strophades. These were two small islands, scured. J.imbi: in the sense of nubes. So lying on the west of the Peloponnesus, near also imber, in verse 194, supra. So imper- the Sinus CyparissLeus. Iere Eneas with vious was this cloud to the rays of the sun, his fleet landed. that it became dark as night-it converted 211. AlIagno lonio. That part of the the day into night. Darkness, or night, be- Mediterranean, lying between Greece on ing the absence or want of the light of the the east, and Sicily and Italy on the west, sun. Humida: in the sense of imbrifera. was called the Ionian sea. Mari is to be Celium: for lucem. supplied. 199. Ignes: lightnings, in quick succes- 212. IHarpyice alies. The Harpies were sion, flash from the broken clouds. Some commonly reckoned three in number: Iris, copies have abrupti, agreeing with ignes; A.llo, and Ocypeta. Virgil here calls one which would be preferable, if it could be of them Celceno. They are said to havo supported by suffcient authority. been the daughters of Neptune and Terra, 200. Excutimur: in the sense of dejici- (according to Ilesiod, of Thaumus and rtur. Ccecis: dark-unknown sea. Electra,) and are therefore supposed to in201. Palinurus inse: Palinurus himself habit the islands principally. They had the denies that he can distinguish the day and faces of women, but the bodies of vultures. night, (the day from the night, on account Their feet and fingers were armed with of the darkness,) in the heavens. JMeni- claws. They emitted an infectious smell, nisse: in the sense of cognoscere. He was ana poisoned whatever they touched. They the pilot of AEneas' ship, and represented as were called Harpyip, from the circumstance the most skilful mariner in the fleet. of their rapacity and voracious nature. Ser203. Adeo erranus: thus we wander over vius thinks they were called tIarpyice on the sea for three doubtful days in thick earth, Furice in hell, and Dirce in heaven. darkness. Or, incertos may mean, uncer- Phineia: an adj. from PJhineus, a king of tain-undistinguished; because they could Arcadia or Thrace, who put out the eyes o' ba scarcely distinguished from night, on his two sons. at the instigation of his wife, account of the thick darkness. This is the their step-mother. For this unnatural consense put upon the words by Rumeus and duct, Jove deprived him of sight, and sent others..9^mbiguaspropter tenebras obscuras, tile Harpyiae to torment them; which they says that-commentator. Soles: in the sense did, till Calais and Zetes, the sons of Boof dies. reas and Orithyia, expelled them froi his 206. Volvere: in the sense of emitlere, or kingdom, in return for the favors which erigere. they had received of him on their way to 207. Insurgimus,-mis: we rise upon our Colchis, after the golden fleece. They pur. oars —we ply them briskly. sued these monsters as far as these islands; 208. Adnsixi: part. of the verb adnitor: when, being admonished by Jove to pursue 856 P. V1RGILII MARONIS 213. Phineia dumus Clausa domus, mensasque metu liqluerc priores clausa esl illis Tristius haud illis monstrum, nec savior uila Pestis et ira Deuim Stygiis scse extulit undis. 2I6 216. Vultus eurum vo- Virginei volucrum vultus, foedissima ventris lucrum sunt Virginei; Proluvics, uncweque manus, et pallida semper est iilis fedissima prolu- vies Ora fame. Huc ubi delati portus intravimus; ecce Laeta bour passim campis armenta videmus, I22 221. Caprigenumque Caprigenumque pecus, nullo custode, per herbas. pecus errans per herbas Irruimus ferro, et Divos ipsumque vocamus,um nullo custode. Ir- In partem pramdarnque Jovem: tune litore curvo ruimus in ea ferro Extruimusque toros, dapibusque epulamur opimis. At subite horrifico lapsu de montibus adsunt 225 Harpyie, et magnis quatiunt clangoribus alas: Diripiuntque dapes, contactuque omnia fcedant 228. Turn dira vox Immundo: turn vox tetrum dira inter odorem. crat illis inter Rursum in secessu longo, sub rupe cavata, 230. JVos circum clausi Arboribus clausi circium atque horrentibus umbris, 230 arboribus Instruimus mensas, arisque reponiinus ignem. Rursuim ex diverse cceli, caecisque latebris, Turba sonans prredam pedibus circumvolat uncis, Polluit ore dapes. Sociis tune, arma capessant, 236. Faciunt haud Edico, et dira bellum cum gente gerendum. 235 lecUs ac jussi sunt Haud secus ac jussi faciunt, tectosque per herbam NOTES. them no farther, they returned. Hence dapibus: upon the rich, or delicious meat. they were called Strophades; from a Greek See 231, infra. word implying a return. Their former 225. Lapsu: motion. Adsunt: in the name was Plotce. Here the Irarpyise took sense of adveniunt, vel advolanl. up their residence. This serves to explain 226. M7agnis clangoribus: with a mighty the words, postquam Phineia domus: after noise. Some copies have plangoribus, ae they were expelled from the palace of Pierius informs us. Phineus. 227. Diripiunt: in the sense of rapiun!. 214. Haud tristius: there is not a monster 23Q. Horrentibus: in the sense of densi,. more fell than they; nor any more cruel pest Secessu longo: in a long retreat-in a reand scourge (ira) of the gods, &c. Est, is mote place. understood. 231. Instruimus mensas: we spread oui 215. Stygits undis: from the waters of tables. Styx. This was a fabulous river of Hell, 232. Ex diverso coeli: from a different around which, the poets say, it flowed nine quarter of the sky, and from their secret times. The gods held its waters in great retreats. The word tractu is to be supplied veneration. If they swore by it, the oath with diverse: in the sense of diversa parle was inviolable. It is said to have derived coeli. The Mythologists make the harpies its name from the nymph Styx, who assisted only three in number. Virgil however Jupiter in the war against the giants. See speaks of them as being numerous, callirg Geor. iii. 551. them turba and gens, so that they no sooner 217. Proluvies ventris: a most offensive left one part of the Island than they were efflux of the belly. Ora semperpallida: and troubled with them in another. But the their faces always pale through hunger. poets do not always conform to historical 220. Lceta: in the sense of pinguia, or fabulous tradition, farther than suits agreeing with armenta. their design. 223. Inpartem prcedamque: for in partem 233. Prcedam. This I take for their meat, praeEIe, by hendiadis. It was a custom or flesh in general; while dapes means that among the Romans when they went out to portion of it dressed, and prepared for war, or to the chase, to vow to consecrate eating. Polluit: spoils-or defiles with a part of the spoils, or booty, to the gods. the mouth. Sonans, flapping their wingsVocamus: we invoke the gods, and Jove whizzing. himself, to a share of the booty. 235. Edico: in the sense of jubeo. 224. Toros: tables —courches. Opimis 236. Faciunt Iaud: the' do an othr AENE1S. LIB 111. 251 Disponunt enses, et scuta latentia condunt. Ergo, ubi delapsae sonitum per curva dedere 238. Ubi Harpyice de Litora; dat signum specula Misenus ab alta laps~ Afre cavo: invadunt socii, et nova prralia tentant, 240 Obsccenas pelagi ferro fcedare volucres. Sed neque vim plumis ullam, nec vulnera tergo Accipiunt: celerique fuga sub sidera lapsa, Semesam p)radam et vestigia fceda relinquunt. Una in prtcelsa consedit rupe Celaeno, 245..245. Celeno nna on r p T -L *, i, iis infelix vates, consex Infelix vates, rumpitque hanc pectore vocem: dit in Bellum etiam pro caede bourn stratisque juvencis, 248. Paratis-ne inferre Iaomedontiadae, bellumne inferre paratis? bellum nobis, etiam belEt patrio insontes Itarpyias pellere regno? lur, inquam, pro ciede Accipite ergo animis atque hec mea figite dicta: 250 boumr 251. Ego maxima fuQuae Phcebo pater omnipotens, mihi Phcebus Apollo 251r pando vobis eu Predixit, vobis furiarum ego maxima pando. qure Omnipotens pater Italiam cursu petitis, ventisquc vocatis prcedixit Phoebo, et PhceIbitis Italiam, portusque intrare licebit. bus Apollo prredixit miSed non ante datam cingetis mcenibus urbem, 255 hi. C s ^ f~ T. f>.....,.1~ 2~~255. Cingctis urbem Quhm vos dira fames, nostreque injuria caedis, datamvobismnibus arAmbesas subigat malis absurnere mensas. tequam dira fames NOTES. wise than they are commanded-they do In calling them the sons of Laomedon, just as they are commanded. Celano reproaches them as being impious, 237. Condunt: they hide their shields, unjust and faithless, like that prince, who concealed among the grass. Lalentia: in did not keep his promises even with the the sense of occulta. Delapsce: in the sense gods. See Geor. i. 502. of advolantes. 248. Laomedontiadce: a patronymic noun 239. Specula. This was an elevated spot, from Laomedon, the father of Priam, and, commanding a wide prospect. It king of Troy. The same with Trojani. is derived from the old verb specio. Hence 249. Patrio regno: from our paternal the verb speculor. Signum: the signal for kingdom. This is said, because Neptune, the attack. their father, had the empire of the sea, and 240. Tentant nova: and try a new kind the islands. of fight..Ere: trumpet: see 11. supra. 250. Accipite: hear-attend to. 242. Vim: in the sense of ictum. The 252. Maxima furiarum. Servius infers epithet obsccenas is added to these birds, from this passage that the Harpies and the either because they were of bad omen; or Furies were the same. Pando: in the sense were filthy, and to be abhorred on account of explico. of their nastiness. Foedare: the primary i meaning of this word is, to mangle-to cut 55 Daam: the sense of in pieces-to make havoc of. Hence the pro- vel predlam priety of its being connected withferro. 256. Dirafames: direful hunger, and the 243. Lapsee: flying-shooting away. injury (done to) of our race, forces you to 244. Semesam: half eaten. Of semi, and consume your gnawed trenchers. Malis: esam, of the verb edo. in the sense of dentibus. Injuria nostre 246. Infelix. Asfelix sometimes signifies ccedis. This injury consisted in killing their propitious, favorable, auspicious; so infelix cattle; and in making an attack upon them. oftentimes signifies ill-boding, inauspicious, 257. Absumere mensas, &c. The sense of as here: ill-boding prophetess. Hanc vo- this prediction is seen from its accomplisheem: the same em hewc verba. ment in the seventh book, verse 116. The 247. Pro ccede: for (in return for) the story is not merely a poetical invention; it slaughter of our cattle, and bullocks slain, was a historical tradition. Dionysius and In addition to the crime of killing our herds Strabo say that AEneas had received a re. and taking our property; do you prepare sponse from an Oracle, foretelling that beto wage war against us, and to drive us from fore he came to a settlement in Italy, l our paternal realms, who have done you no should be reduced to the necessity of eating injury or harm, and are in every respect in- his trenchers, mensas. Varro says he reDt snt. ceived it from the Oracle of Dodonza in EpF is 258 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Dixit: et in sylvam pennis ablata refugit. At sociis subita gelidus formidine sanguis 260. Eorum animi ce- Diriguit: cecidere animi: nec jam amplius armis, 200 cidere: nec jam amplitis Sed votis precibusque jubent exposcere pacern, jubllent exposcere paceem juarmibent ed votis Sive Dee, seu sint dira obscoenaque volucres At pater Anchises, passis de litore palmis, Numina magna vocat, meritosque indicit honores: 265. Inquit: O Di, Di, prohibete minas; Di, talem avertite casum, 265 prohibete has minas a Et placidi servate pios. Tum litore finem sobiu Diripere, excussosque jubet laxare rudentes. Tendunt vela Noti: ferimur spumantibus undis, Qua cursum ventusque gubernatorque vocabant. Jam medio apparet fluctu nemorosa Zacynthos, 270 Dulichiumque, Sameque, et Neritos ardua saxis. 274. Nimbos? cacumi- Effigimus scopulos Ithacme, Laertia regna, na montis Leucatae ape- Et terram altricem sevi exsecramur Ulyssei. riuntur conspectui Mox et Leucatae nimbosa cacumina montis, NOTES. rus. Virgil puts it in the mouth of the in sailing from the Strophades to this place. Harpyie, as being both suitable to their Fluctu: in the sense of mari. nature, and more apt to raise surprise, when 271. Dulichium. This island lies in the coming from them. This prophecy receiv- mouth of the Sinus Corinthiacus, and is one ed its fulfilment in the following manner. of the Echinades. Hodie, Dolicha. Same vel Having arrived in Italy, and being destitute Samos: hodie, Cephalonia. These islands of dishes, they were forced to eat their meat f.ormed a part of the kingdom of Ulysses. or flesh upon large oval cakes, made of flour, 272. Ithacce. Ithaca was a very barren and which they used for bread. And after they rocky island, between Cephalonia and Duhad eaten their flesh, they consumed their lichium, the birth-place of Ulysses. Hence cakes also; which they had used in the room he is called Ithacus. On this island was a of plates. barren and rocky mountain, called J^eritos. 258. Pennis: in the sense of alis..bla- The word is sometimes applied to the whole ta: in the sense of sublata. island. Scopulos Ithaca. This is said by 259. Sanguis gelidus: the blood chilled way of irony and contempt, in allusion to through sudden fear, grew thick, &c. Their its rocks and barrenness. He adds, Laertia blood ceased to flow in its ordinary course; regna, the realms of Laertes. He was king the heart being unable to propel it to the ex- of that island, and the father of Ulysses. tremities with its usual force. 273. Execramur terram: we execrate the 263. Palmis passis de litore: in the sense land,the nurse (birth-place) of cruel Ulysses. of palmis extensis de litore. These words express very forcibly his detes264. Mlagna numina: the great gods. tation of so great an enemy to the Trojans. We Gsor. i. 498. Indicit: and appoints 274. Leucatce montis: the cloudy summit proper sacrifices or offerings. of the mountain Lucates. Leucas, Leucates 265, Prohibete: in the sense of avertite. vel Leucate, an island lying very near the Casur^.: calamity-misfortune. coast of A.carnania, in Epirus. Hodie, St. 266 Placidi: in the sense of placati, vel Maura. It is said to have once been conbenigni. Funem: the cable. nected with the main land. It took its name 267. Diripere: in the sense of avellere. from a famous white mountain, or rock, Some copies have deripere: which is tho called Leucate, (from a Greek word, signireading of Heyne. fying white,) lying at the southern extremity Rudentes: in the sense of funes. By of the island. It was supposed to have the these we are probably to understand those virtue of curing despairing lovers, who were ropes, by the help of which the sails were wont to cast themselves from it into the sea. hoisted and spread-the main sheets. They Among those who made the experiment of had already weighed anchor: they now let its virtues, was the celebrated poetess Sapoff the sheets-they extended the sails, and pho, who fell in love with Phaon, a beautithe wind fills them. Excussos. Heyne takes ful youth of Lesbos. 4-^is in the sense of evolutos. According to Strabo, Apollo had a tom270. Zacynthos. An island in the Ionian pie on this rock, or mountain, from which ea,m on the west of the Peloponnesus: Hc. a human victim was cast yearly into tlh die, Zante. The south wind was necessac sea, as a sacrifice to that god. On account ..N.IS. LI.. L III. 19 Et form-datus rautis aperitur Apollo. 275 Ilunc pctinmus fessi, et parvac succedimus urbi. Anchora de prora jacitur; stant litore puppes Erg6 insperatA tandem tellure potiti, Lustramurque Jovi, votisque incendimus aras. Actiaque Iliacis celebramus litora ludis. 280 Exercent patrias oleo labente palestras Nudati socii: juvtt evasisse tot urbes Argolicas, mediosque fugam tenuisse per hostes. 286. Figo advertis Interea magnum Sol circumvolvitur annum, postibus temp' clypeum Et glacialis hyems Aquilonibus asperat undas. 285 e cavo are, gestamen AEre cavo clypeum, magni gestamen Abantis, magni Abantis, et signo rem hoc carmine: Postiius adversis figo, et rem carmine signo nEneas suspendit hne.Eneai haec de Danais victoribus arma. arma capta NOTES. of this; or on account of the roughness of 280. Aclia litora. The poet here plainly the coast, he is called.Apollo formidatus alludes to the famous games which Augusnautis: Apollo dreaded by sailors. The tus instituted on the promontory of Epirus, name of the god, put by meton. for the in commemoration of his victory over Antemple. Jiimnbosa: some copies have um- tlony and Cleopatra, in the year of Rome brosa. 723. These were celebrated every fifth 276. Hunc. This may refer to mount year. Hence, some have conjectured, that Leucatce, mentioned before. Or we may four years had now elapsed since 4Eneas suppose, with more probability, that Eneas left Troy. Virgil would make his prince continued his course hence to the Sinus believe that jEneas landed on this shore, Ambracius, where there was the small city and instituted these very games. Ambracia, (afterwards enlarged by Augus- 281. Exercentpatrias: they practise their tus, and called.Jicopolis, in allusion to his country's exercises with the slippery oil. victory,) and another temple of Apollo. The palcestra was an exercise, in which the If we make this supposition, the hunc may persons were naked; and, that they might refer to this latter temple, or to the god to free thcmselve the easier from the hands of whom it was dedicated. Near this place their antagov._, they used to besmear their Augustus afterwards obtained a complete bodies and aris with oil. Itis also applied victory over the combined forces of An- to all kinds of games or exercises, such as thony and Cleopatra, queen of Egypt. wrestling, leaping, &c. Also the place To this victory the poet alludes, with a where these exercises are performed. view to compliment his prince. Here he 283. Fugam: in the sense of cursum, vel landed, and performed those games, which iter. Augustus afterwards instituted, in comme- 284. Magnum annum: the sun completes moration of his victory; and celebrated (rolls round) a great year: a solar year of every fifth year. 12 months, as distinguished from a lunar 277. Puppes: in the sense of naves. Or year, which consists of 12 lunations, or 354 it may imply that the sterns of his ships lay days. Circumvolvitur, is plainly in the sense aground, while the'prows were afloat. This of circumvolvit. is the opinion of Dr. Trapp. 285. Hyems asperat: the icy winter rough278. Insperata: greatly desired, or longed ens. Undas: in the sense of mare. for. The prep. in, in composition, often in- 286. &estamen. This word signifies any creases the signification of the simple word, covering-any thing worn or carried by a as well as changes it to a contrary sense. person; from the verb gesto. Atlantis. It The former I take to be the case here; the is probable that Abas was one of those same as valde sperata. For after the many Greeks, whom AEneas and his party slew dangers and perils of his voyage, what could in the night of the sack of Troy, stript of be more desirable, than to find a place their armour, and exchanged for their own. where he could land in safety, and enjoy Gestamen, is put in apposition with clypeum. the hospitality of the shore? 287. Adversis postibus: the fronting door 279. Lustrammir Jovi: in the sense of posts of the temple. Figo: in the sense of tmarificamus JovE. fncendimus aras votis. suspendo. Signo rem carmine: I declare Rueus says,:umulaiaus aras victimis. Vo- the transaction by this verse-Inscripiicn. tum, by met the thing vowed-the victim. Rem: in the sense of factum 2f0 P. VIRGILI1 MARONIS 289. Tur jubeo socios Linquere tur portus jubeo, ct cons.dere transtris. inquere Certatim socii feriunt mare, et equora verrunt. 290 Protihis aerias Phaeacum abscondimus arces, Litoraque Epiri legimus, portuque subimus Chaonio, et celsam Buthroti ascendimnus urbem. 298. Pectus incensum HIic incredibilis rerum fama occupat aures, est miro Priamiden Helenum Graias regnare per urbes, 295 361. Tum forte An- Conjugio iEacidue Pyrrhi sceptrisque potitum, dromache libabat cineri Et patrio Andromachen iterurn cessisse marito. Hectoris solemnes da-.. ues, et tristia dona, ante Obstupui: miroque incensum pectus amore urbem in laco ad undam Compellare virum, et casus cognoscere tantos falsi Simodntis, voca- Progredior portu, classes et litora linquens. 300 oatque Manes ad Hec- Solemnes turn forte dapes et tristia dona, toreum r tumulum, qem Ante urbem, in luco, falsi Simoentis ad undam, inanem sacraverat d' viridi cespite, et geminas Libabat cineri Andromache, Manesque vocabat aras, causam lachrymis. Hectoreum ad tumulum, virid? quem cespite inanem, NOTES. 289. Transtris: upon the benches or kingdom, and gave him Andromache in thwarts. They extended across the vessels marriage.. from side to side: the rowers sat upon 295. Priamiden: the son of Priam-a them. patronymic noun. 290. Certatim: eagerly-striving to out- 296. JEacidce Pyrrhi: of Pyrrhus, a dedo one another. JEquora: the surface of scendent of.Eacus. He was king of Thesthe sea, which they sweep with their oars. saly, and father of Peleus. -Eacides was a.Equor: properly any plain or level surface, name both of Achilles and Pyrrhus. Conwhether land or water. It is here used in jugio: in the sense of uxore. Sceptris: in its appropriate sense. the sense of regno. 291. Phceacurm: of the Phmacians-so 297. Andronmachen cessisse: that Androcalled from Phceacia, an island lying to the mache again had fallen to a husband'of her west of the promontory of Actium. Hodie, own country. She was a Theban princess Corfu. It was famous for its orchards. by birth; but by marrying Hector, Troy Here Homer placed the gardens of Alcinoiis, became her country. Palrio marilo: in the who was king of the island. Abscondinlus: sense of Trojano marito. we hide the aerial towers, &c. we lose sight 298. Jliro: in the sense of magno, vel of them. vehementi. Anmore: desire. 292. Legimus Epiri: we coast along the 299. Tantos casus: so great events-such shores of Epirus. This was once a flourish- a wonderful change of fortune. ing kingdom, bounded on the east by 301. Tum forte libabal: then by chance Achaia and Thessaly; on the north by Andromache was offering the yearly feast, Macedonia; and on the south and west by and mournful gifts to the ashes of Hector, the Ionian sea. It was divided into four &c. Among other funeral ceremonies, was principal parts; JEtolia,./carnania, Thes- the custom of pouring into, or upon the protLa, and Chaonia. In the last of which grave, blood and milk; because it was was the city Bulhrotus or Buthrotum. It thought that the (animce) souls delighted was built upon a hill. Hence the epithet and fed upon these, and particularly upon celsam. For ascendimus, Heinsius, and the blood. These constituted the feast and Heyne after him, read accedimus. mournful gifts, which Andromache repeated 294. Incredibilisfama rerum: an incredi- yearly to the ashes oj Fhade of Hector. See ble report of things. It was an incredible verse 66, supra. revolution of fortune indeed, that a son of 302. Falsi Simoebtis: fictitious Simois. Priam should reign in Epirus, and should This was a small ri, er of Epirus, to which be married to Andromache, the widow of Helenus and Andromache gave the name of his brother, after she had been the wife of Simois, after a river of that name in Troas. Pyrrhus, tlhat very son of Achilles, who It was not the real Simois. Undam: in the slew the venerable Priam in the most cruel sense of aquam. manner. Yet these things are not the mere 304. Inanem: crmpty-not the real tomb invention of the poet. Justin informs us, of Hector; bul rne in memory of him. that after the taking of Troy, Pyrrhus was Such a one wam called tumuL't, tGcuus, vel reconciled to Helenus, shared with him his inanis.' These renbs, or cenotaphs were ME NEIS. LIB. III. w\ Et geminas, causam lachrymis, sacraverat aras. 305 Ut me conspexit venientem, et T:oia circumr Arma amens vidit; magnis exterrita monstris, Diriguit visu in medio: calor ossa reliquit: Labitur; et longo vix tandem tempore fatur: 309. Et tandem vix Verane te facies, verus mihi nuntius affers, 310 fatur longo tempore past Nate Dea? vivisne? aut, si lu alma recessit, 311. Recessit a te Hector ubi est? Dixit: lachr3 nA&que effudit, et omnem Implevit clamore locum. Vix panca furenti Subjicio, et raris turbatus vocibus hisco: Vivo equidem, vitamque extrema per omnia duco. 315 Ne dubita, nam vera vides. Heu! quis te casus dejectam conjuge tanto 319 qu Andmomache,,7,~..1., ~. J z ^.J.*~ *quondam uxor Hectories, Excipit? aut quae digna satis fortuna revisit? servas-ne connubia Pyr Ifectoris Andromache, Pyrrhin' connubia servas? rhi? NOTES. honorary merely, and erected to persons 314. Subjicio: in the sense of respondeo. buried in another place; or to those who Hisco: I open my mouth in broKen, disreceived no burial, and whose relics could connected words. They were few in numnot be found. The same religious regard ber, and interrupted by sighs and tears. was paid to these tunmuli mianes et honorarii, 315. Per omnia extrema: through all peas to real tombs. Viridi cespite: she made rils and distress. Extrema, here, is a sub. (consecrated) this tomb of green turf. Rueus says, per omnes miserias. 305. Geminas aras. Some will have it, 316. Vera: true things-realities. that one altar was for Hector, and the other 317. Quis casus: what event hath befor Astyanax, her son, whom the Greeks fallen thee, deprived of so great a husband? threw headlong from the tower of Troy. Conjuge, here, plainly means Hector, her Others, however, think she erected (conse- former husband. Rueus interprets excipil crated) both to Hector, it being customary te, by, successit tibi; and dejectan, bypri. to erect two altars to the.Manes, especially vatal. of Heroes, who were considered inferior 319. Servas connubia, &c. These words deities. See verse 63, supra. Causam: the of IEneas would carry with them a severe cause, or incentive to her tears. They reproach, if Andrornache had been the misbrought more forcibly to her mind the re- tress of her own fortune. Catrou observes, collection of her husband, and renewed her that this slavery rendered her connexion former grief. with Pyrrhus excusable; yet she is confused 307. Amens: amazed. It agrees with upon the occasion, casts her eyes upon the tlla understood. Exterrita monstris: asto- ground, and replies with a low voice, nished at the mighty prodigy, she fainted in not answering his question directly, but the midst of the sight. breaking out into a passionate exclamaAny thing that happens, or is contrary to tion: Ofelix, &c. The sense which Ruseus the ordinary course of things, may be called gives to the passage is plainly incorrect. Ho monstrum. The sight of her countrymen interprets the words thus: O Andromache, was so unexpected, so improbable, and so tenes-ne conjugem Hectoris, an Pyrrhi. far from the ordinary course of events, that which will be: Andromache, are you wedit might well enough be called magnum ded to Hector, or to Pyrrhus? which is mamsnstrum. nifestly absurd, especially after what Eneas 308. Diriguit: in the sense of defecit. had said just before; dejectama tanto conjuge, 309. Labilur: she falls, meaning that she was brought low by being 310. Vera-ne facies: do you, a real form, deprived of so great a:lusband. The cona true messenger, present yourself to me? struction is as in the crdo: is Hector's An-are you really /Eneas, or are you his dromache wedded to Pyrrhus? which is not image only?-are the things which I be- so much a question, as an exclamation of hold true and real, or are they mere phan- surprise. That Hectoris Andromache is to toms? Lux: in the sense of vila. be construed in this way, appears from Jus313. Furenti: to her grieving, or sorrow- tin, who gives them the same honorable deing. Furens properly signifies, being trans- signation, Lib. xvii. cap. 3. He there says, ported with any inordinate passion or af- that Pyrrhus gave the kingdom of Epirus to fection, as love, sorrow, anger, &c.-griev- Helenus, the son of Priaml; and also gave ing immoderately Runus says, maenti. him ndromachen Hectris) Heectol's An 262 P. VIRGLII MARONIS 321. 0 Priame'ia vir- Dejecit vultum, et demissA voce locuta est 320 go, una felix, ante alias O felix una ante alias Priameia virgo, irgines, jussa mori ad Hostilem ad tumulum Trojae sub mnenibus altis, nostilem. 325. Nos vectam per Jussa mori: quae sortitus non pertulit ullos, diversa aquora, patria Nee victoris heri tetigit captiva cubile! incensa, enixse servitio, Nos patria incensa diversa per aequora vecte, 325 tulimus fastus Achilleae Stirpis Achillese fastus, juvenemque superbum 3 Ast irpis i Servitio enixae tulimus: qui deinde secutus 330. Ast Orestes, inflammatus magno amore Ledaeam Hermionem, Lacedemoniosque Hymenaeos, conjugis erepta a' se, et Me famulam famuloque Heleno transmisit habendam agitatus furiis scelerum, Ast ilium, ereptwe magno inflammatus amore 330 excipit ilium, nempe, Conjugis, 6t scelerum furiis'agitatus, Orestes Pyrrhum, NOTES. dromache, who had been his wife. Servas. children. In this last sense, perhaps, we This is the usual reading: but Heyne ob- are to take it here. For it is said, she bore serves that some copies have servat. This a son to Pyrrhus, called.Molossus, who gave renders the passage somewhat easier: does his name to a part of Epirus. Some, how Hector's Andromache preserve the marriage ever, understand it of labor and toil in geof Pyrrhus?-Iu she joined in marriage with neral: laboring in servitude. Ruteus says, Pyrrhus? parientes in captivitate: bringing forth chil320. Demissa voce: in a low voice. dren in captivity. 321. Priameia virgo: Polyxena, the 328. Iermionem. Hermione was the daughter of Priam and Hecuba. Achilles daughter of Menelaus, king of Sparta or fell in love with her; and being invited to Lacedsemon, and Helen, the daughter of Troy by Priam for the purpose of celebra- Jupiter and Leda; hence the adj. Ledceam, ting their nuptials, while in the temple of Ledsan. She was betrothed by Tyndarus Apollo, where the marriage was to have to her cousin Orestes, in the absence of her been performed, he was killed by Paris with father, who, it seems, had promised her to an arrow. Achilles, with his last breath, Pyrrhus, while he was at Troy. After his conjured his son Pyrrhus to revenge his return, he went to Sparta, and carried off death upon Priam's family, and to immolate his spouse. This so enraged Orestes, that Polyxena at his tomb, whenever Troy he followed Pyrrhus to Delphi, where he should be taken. This accordingly he did. went to consult the oracle of Apollo con. Quinctilian quotes this passage as an in- cerning his future race, and there slew him. stance of Virgil's talent at the pathetic. In Hyrnenacos: marriage-match: also nuptials order, says he, to show the extremity of 329. Transmisil: in the sense of dedit, Andromache's misery, he makes her even vel tradidit. Habendam: to be had-posenvy the fate of Polyxena, who, in the eyes sessed-enjoyed. of all the world besides, was most wretched 331. Conjugis: namely, Hermione. Agiand miserable. How wretched then must talus furiis: hurried on by the furies of Andromache's condition have been, if, his crimes. Orestes, it is said, slew his mowhen compared to her, even Polyxena was ther Clytemnestra, for assisting /Egistus in happy! Instit. Lib. vi. cap. 3. Una: in procuring the death of his father Agamemthe sense of sola. non. After which he is said to have been 323. Qume non pertulit: who hath not haunted and tormented by the furies, (the borne any lots. The Grecian princes, after remorse and stings of a guilty conscience,) the capture of Troy, cast lots among them- for imbruing his hands in his mother's blood. selves for the captives. It is said he was acquitted by the court of 324. JNec captiva: nor as a captive, hath the Areopagus at Athens; and, after the touched the bed of a victorious lord. This death of Pyrrhus, he married Ilermione, is the calamity from which Andromache and added the kingdom of Sparta to his declares Polyxena happy, in being delivered own hereditary dominions. by death. The furies were three in namber, Alccto, 325. Aoos vectce: ip the sense of ego vecta. Tisiphone, and JMegTra. After they ceased 326. Fastus: ace. plu. pride-haughti- to torment Orestes, they received the name ness. Stirpis Achillece: Pyrrhus, the off- of Eumnenides, which implies benevolence spring of Achilles. Some readfaslum. and compassion. He built a temple to them, 327. Enixce: a part. of tne verb enitor, and offered them sacrifices. They were agreeing with nos vectce, above. It signifies represented as holding a burning torch in to labor and toil with our hands in gene- one hand, and a whip in the other. Tho tal; also the pain and labor of bearing stings and remorses of conscience were the .ENE1S. LIB. III. 263 Exlcpit inoautum patriasque obtruncat ad aras. Morte Neoptolerni, regnorum reddita cessit Pars Heleno; qui Chaonios cognomine campos, 334. Pars regnorum Chaoniamque omnem Trojano a Chaone dixit: 335 reddita cessit Heleno: Pergamaque, Iliacamque jugis hanc addidit arcem. qui dixit campos Chaonios cognomine, omn Sed tibi qui cursun venti, quwa fata, deder? nqe? iam regwnen, nenique llam regonem Aut quis te ignarum nostris Deus appulit oris Chaonian. Quid puer Ascanius? superatne, et vescitur aura? 339. Quid puer AscaQuem tibi jam Troja- 340 nius agit? Ecqua jam puero est amissae cura parentis? Ecquid in antiquam virtutem animosque viriles, Et pater iEneas, et avunculus excitat Hector?. m r n-. c- ^ L i i i * i. -L345. Cum heros He, Talia fundebat lachrymans, longosque ciebat lenus Priamides affert Incassum fletus; cumf sese a moenibus heros 345 sese a menibus, multis Priamides multis Hielenus comitantibus affert, comitantibus eum Agnoscitque suos, letusque ad limina ducit; 349. Et agnoscm parEt multumr lachrymas verba inter singula fundit. yam Troam, Pergama-, 0..:n * que parva simulate Procedo, et parvam Trojam, simulataque magnis magnis Pergama, et arentem Xanthi cognomine rivum, 350 350. Dictum cognoAgnosco: Scaeceque amplector limina porte mine Xanthi NOTES. furies of Orestes, which the poet calls the mante Creiisa. But at the time of the sack Furice scelerum, the furies of his crimes. It of Troy, Ascanius was several years old, and is probable that he pictured to his imagina- able to accompany his father. /En. ii. 724. tion this notion of his being haunted by the Others have added: obsessa est enixa Creiisa: furies, armed with all those terrors, with whom Creiisa bore you, Troy already being which they were represented by the poets. besieged-during the siege of Troy. This Suetonius says of Nero: Scepe confessus ex- probably is the sense, but it has not the agitari se maternd specie, verberibus furia- poetic spirit of Virgil. rum, ac tcedis ardentibus. 341. Cura: in the sense of dolor, vol soli332. Excipil: surprised-caught. Ad citudo. patrias aras: at his country's altars. The temple of Apollo at Delphi was nearly in 342. Ecquid. This word rs used hero te cente of pGreec, the country of ir merely as an interrogative, in the sense (, the centre of Greece, the country of Pyrr- an, el nun hus. In this sense Ruieus and Turnebus an el u understand the expression. Others take the Dr. Trapp, in his translation of the words to mean: at his father's altars; be- Eneid, makes a number of excellent recause Achilles was slain at the altar of marks upon this interesting interview beThrynmbcan Apollo, at Troy; and he, at the tween ]Eneas and Andromache. He consiltar of Apollo at Delphi. cludes by saying: " That man surely can 333. Reddila: in the sense of data. Cessit: have no idea of friendship, nor of human fell to Helenus. nature itself, who is not sensibly touched 335. Dixit: inr the sense of vocavit, vai with this whole passage; which 1t me is the nominavit. Chaone. Chaon was the son f most affecti.g in all the.Fneid." Animos: Priam, and consequently the brother of He- courage. Antiquam virtutem: in the sense lenus, who slew him, while hunting, acci- of virtutem majorum. Excitat is to be condentally: and in memory of him, he called nected with each nominative case. Eum, his kingdom Chaonia. vel illum, is understood after the verb. 336. Jugis: in the sense of monte. Ad- 344. Fundebat: in the sense of dicebat. didit: in the sense of condidit. Ciebat: in the sense of excitabat, vel move338. Appulit: in the sense of duxit, vel bat. Longos: in the sense of multos. Heindirexit. Ignarum: Rueus says, inscium. sius reads largos. 339. Superat: in the sense of superest. 348..Multum: an adv. in the sense of c-'escitur: in the sense of spirat. piose, vel abunde; or rather in the sense of 340. Quem tibi, &c. This, and some nultas, agreeing with lachrymas. other imperfect lines in the!Eneid, is a proof 349. Simulata: resembling-looking like. that Virgil did not put the finishing stroke 350. Arentem: in the sense of parvur,. to this part of his works. It was his inten- It was small, and perhaps, at some seasols tion, if he had lived, to revise it. To-com- of the year, dry. plete the sense of the line, something must 351. Ampleclor, &c. It was a custom. be supplied. Some have added: peperitfu- when persons were going from home, or ro 264 P. V1RGILI1 MARONIS Necnon et Teucri socia simul urbe fruuntur. Illos porticibus rex accipiebat in amplis. Aulai in medio libabant pocula Bacchi, Impositis auro dapibus, paterasque tenebant. 35 356. Jamque unus Jamque dies, alterque dies processit; et aurae dies, alterque Vela vocant, tumidoque inflatur carbasus Austro. His vater aggredior dictis, ac talia quaeso: 360. Qui sentis numi- Trojugena, interpres Divfm, qui numina Phcebi, na Phcebi, qui sentis tri- Qui tripodas, Clarii lauros, qui sidera sentis, 360 podas, et lauros Clarii Et volucrum linguas, et prapetis omina pennse, Apollinis, qui sents Fare, age (namque omnein cursum mihi prospera disit Relligio; et cuncti suaserunt numine Divi Italiam petere, et terras tentare rep6stas: 365. Harpyia Celheno Sola novum dictuque nefas Harpyia Celano 365 sola canit novum prodi- Prodigium canit, et tristes denuntiat iras, gium Obscenamque famem) quwe prima pericula vito? NOTES. turning, to embrace the pillars and threshold of their flight. The former was called auef their houses. gurium; the observation of which constitu. 354. Aulai: for auls. The gen. of the tedtheartoftheaugures:thelatterwas called first declension was sometimes formed in tuspicium; the observation of which con. ai. See Grammar. Bacchi: Bacchus, the stituted the art ofthe auspices. god of wine, by meton. put for wine itself. Omina pr epetis pennce: the omens of the Libabant pocula. It was customary at enter- swift wing-widely extended wings. The tainments, after the first table or course, to augurs were certain persons, who pretended introduce wine, with a libation to the gods; to foretell future events, principally from the which consisted in pouring a few drops upon noise of certain birds. Romulus created the altar, or upon the table. Libabant: in three; Servius Tullius added another, and the sense of bibebant. Sylla appointed six additional ones. So that 355. Ionpositis auro: served up in gold- the number in his time was ten. They genein golden dishes. rally sat upon some tower, or high place, the 357. Tumido Austro: by the rising wind. better to make their observations. A uster here is put for wind in general. Car-. P r f o - basus: the canvass, of which the sails were 362. Prospera rell * favorable or propi. made. tious auspices and predictions have direct. 358. Aggredior: I address the prophet ed (dixit) my whole course. Jumnine: in Helenus. or o the sense of aucltrilate. Some take this 360. Qui sentis numina: who knowest for oninis relligio dixit mihi prosperum curthe will of Phoebus. The verb sentis is to sum: b hypallage. Here relligio is to be be supplied with each accusative following taken for the responses and predictions of The poet here enumerates five ways of di- thih he ha and te various itimatiore vination. First, by the immediate inspira- whla he shod receve safe in Italy. Ruaue tion of the gods —sentis numina Phehbi. that e should arive safe in it Second, by sitting upon the Tripod. Third, sa^, cerenl( propiti. by burning laurel. Fourth, by #ontempla- 364. Repbstas: by syn. for repositas: It ting the stars. Fifth, by the observation of may mean remote, or at a distance: also birds. reserved, laid up in store. In this sense 360. Tripodas. The tripod was a kind of Ruenus takes it here. In either case it will three footed stool, upon which the priestess be true, as it respects the land of Italy, whiof Apollo sat, when she delivered the ora- ther he was going. Tentare: to search cles. Clarii. Clarius was an epithet of out-to find: in the sense of petere. Apollo, from Claros, a city of Greece, where 365. JNefas dictu: horrible to be told. he had a celebrated temple. One way of JAefas here is taken as an adj. indeclinable. divination was, to burn a branch of the the same as nefandum. laurel tree. If it made a crackling noise, it 366. Canit: in the sense of prcedicit. was a good omen; but if not, it was consi- 367. Obsccnam: in the sense of rabutam dered a bad one. vel vehementem. Qum pericula prima vito. 361. Iinguas volucrum. The omens What dangers first do 1 shun?-what are were taken from birds in two ways; from the first, or chief dangers, which 1 hi ve to the sounds they uttered, and the manner avoid? XNEIS. LIB. 111.8 Quidve sequens, tantos possim superare labores? Hic Helenus, cmsis primium de more juvencis, Exorat pacem Diviun, vittasque resolvit 370 Sacrati capitis, meque ad tua limina, Phebe, 371. Tpseque Ipse manu multo stspensuin numine ducit: manui ad tua limina, O Atque haec deinde canit divino ex ore sacerdos: Plihbe, suspensum mulNate Dea; nam te majoribus ire per altum to nui fe s e 274. Manifesta fidos Auspiciis manifesta fides: sic fata Defim rex 375 esl mihi te ire Sortitur, volvitque vices: is vertitu.e-rdo. Pauca tibi e multis, quo tutior hospita lustres 377. Expediam dictis,-,,~~~~~~~~..^A..1~,pauca tibi, e multis, qul XEquora, et Ausonio possis considere portu, au tutior lustret hospita Expediam dictis: prohibent nam caetera Parcas equora NOTES. 868. Quid sequens: following what coun- 376. Sortitur. This alludes to the custom sel, can I surmount, &c. of consulting the oracle, which was some370. Resolvit vittas: the priest in per- times done by casting or drawing lots: orforming sacrifice, had his head bound about dinat, says Heyne. with fillets: now he is about to prophesy, 377. Hospita: an adj. intervening. Ruhe unbinds, and takes them from his head. mus interprets it by, qul excipient te: which Pacemn: favor-grace. shall receive you. 872. Suspensum: in the sense of solicitum, It is plain that the seas over which he was vel trepidantem. Mfulto Iuwnine: at thy aw- to pass, were those that intervened, or lay ful majesty-thy mighty power. Rumeus between Epirus, and that part of Italy to says, ob magnanm reverentiam Dei. which he was bound. These would be the Some copies have suspensus, which means Ionian sea, lying between Epirus and the that Helenus was full of anxiety, perturba- extremity of the peninsula; that part of the tion, and awe, from the power or influence Mediterranean lying to the east and south of the god. But suspensum is the better of Sicily; and the Tuscan sea, lying between reading, referring to LEneas, who had good Sicily, Italy, and the islands of Sardinia and reason to be in awful suspense and anxiety Corsica. Lustres: in the sense of najiges. about his future fortune, which the god was Valpy takes hospita, in the sense of ignota: about to declare to him by the mouth of to which he was a stranger. Helenus. 379. Parccs prohibent: the fates forbid 373. Canit: in the sense of eloquitur. that you should know the rest. Pierius ob374. Majoribus auspiciis: may mean, with serves, that in most of the ancient copies the greater auspices, signs, or manifestations. there is a full stop after scire; Servius apAmong the various omens or signs, which proves of it, and it appears the best. The were thought to give insight into futurity, sense is easier, and we avoid any inconsome were considered more important than sistcncy. If we make both the verbs, prohiothers. Of these were visions, appearances bent and vetat, refer to IHelenus, there will in the heavens, sLc. which all along had ac- be an inconsistency. For, would Juno forbid companied Eneas. But auspicium signifies him to declare what he did not know himany event or fortune. If this be the mean- self? Besides, he had just said that he would ing here, which most probably is the case, only inform him of a few of the events that then majoribus auspiciis will be, for greater were to befall him; which certainly implies or more important events-for better for- that he knew the rest, but was restrained by tune-for more prosperous days. This is heaven from communicating them to him. the opinion of Heyne. Some of these events it was not proper for 375. Sic rex Deum: thus the king of the.him to know; because the accomplishment gods dispenses his decrees, and fixes (volvit, depended on his own free will. Others rolls) the series of events: this order (or Juno prevented him from revealing, that he course of things) is fixed. might be the more perplexed with doubts It is plain the poet hath here in view the and uncertainty; and the more surprised fabulous story of the Parca,, who were and unprovided against the calamity when thought to preside over the events of human it came. Of this kind is the interpretation life; and to order, or fix, whatever befell to of Celeno's prophecy, which Helenus ap every individual from his birth to the close pears to have understood: for he forbids of his life. The first was represented as him to be much concerned about it, for the holding the distaff; the second as drawing gods would find a way to extricate him from out, or turning off (volvere,) and fixing the it: verse 394. infra. course of events; the third as cutting the Another particular is the death of AJil thread. See Ecl. iv. 46. clises,Eneas does not question the fnre, 266 P. VIRGIL11 MARONIS Scire: Ilelenum farique vetat Saturnia Juno. 380 381. Principio, longa Principio, Italiam, quam tu jam rere propinqtam, via invia longis terris Vicinosque, ignare, paras invadere portus, procul dividit Italiam.. roeual d ividit Itaint, Longa procul longis via dividit invia terris. tc, quam tu, O ignare vi.. i t. ~. i/r, jam rere esse propin- Ante et Trinacrin lentandus remus in und&, quam,parasqueinvadero Et salis Ausonii lustrandum navibus asquor, 385 vicinos portus. Infernique lacus, Eaeaeque insula Circae, 386. Inferniquo lacus Quam tuti possis urbem componere terra. tanseundi sun, insula- Signa ibi di: tu condita mente teneto. que Eeee Circea adeunda est, ante quam t pos- Gm tibi sollicito secreti ad fluminis undam sis Litoreis ingens inventa sub ilicibus sus, 890 389. Cum ingens sus, Triginta capitum fcetus enixa jacebit, inventa tibi sollicito ad Alba, solo recubans, albi circum ubera nat': undam secreti fluminis sub itoreis ilicibus Is locus urbis erit; requies ea certa laborum. enixa foetus triginta ca- Nec tu mensaruin morsus horresce futuros. pitum, jacebit solo re- Fata viam invenient, aderitque vocatus Apollo. 895 NOTES. Knowledge of Helenus concerning that event! tory, which, from her, was called Circe's he only complains that he did not reveal it Mount. Hodie, Circello. to him: verse 712. infra. Expediam: in 387. Componere: in the sense of condere. the sense of explicabo. Tula terra: in a safe land. This, perhaps, 381. Rere: in the sense of putas. is said in allusion to his being obliged to 382. Invadere: to take possession of-to abandon the settlements he had made in enter. Thrace and in Crete. In Italy he should 383. Longa via invia: a long voyage, find a sure and permanent residence. interrupted by extensive lands, separates 388. Condita: in the sense of reposita: Italy at a distance from you, which, &c. it agrees with ea, understood. Invia: in the sense of perdifficilis. Aneas' 389. Tibi sollicito —invenla: found by you voyage was much lengthened by his being solicitous-anxious-musing. The dat. is obliged to sail round the southern part of frequently used by the poets in the sense of Sicily; the islands that lay in his course, the abl.; also, in the sense of the gen. Ad and other lands, rendered it long, difficult, undam Jluminis. The river Tiber is here and dangerous; and much interrupted and meant. turned from a direct course. 390. Sub litoreis: under the holm-trees 384. Trinacria: a name of Sicily, (used shading the river-growing on the banke of here as an adj.) taken from its triangular the river. form. Its three promontories were Pelorus, 391. Enixa fatus: having brought forth Pachynus, and Lilybeum. Remus lentandus: a litter of thirty head. the oar must be bent in the Sicilian sea. 392. Recubans: this I take in the sense This implies that they were to labor hard at of prostratus, flat (at full length) on her side, the oar. The verb est is to be supplied. in reference to the manner of her lying; 385. JEquor.usonii salt: the surface of that being the position of the female when the Italian (Tuscan) sea is to be sailed over. she gives suck to her young. Jacebit solo Salis: gen. of sal: by meto.i. put for the recubans, alba: shall lie on the ground flat sea. XEquor is here used in its proper sense on her side; herself white, and her pigs and meaning. white around her teats. In this ordo of con386. Inferni lacus: the infernal lakes struction, recubans conveys an additional must be passed, and the island of AEaan idea to that already communicated by the Circe must be approached, before that (anti verb jacebit, and is very significant. In the 7uam) you can, &c. Helenus here intimates usual ordo it is mere tautology. This cirto Eneas his descent to hell, which is the cumstance of finding a white sow, with thirty subject of the 6th book. pigs, was founded on ancient historical traCirce was a celebrated sorceress, the dition. Alba, a city built by Ascaniil, and daughter of the sun, and the nymph Perse. made the seat of his government, took its She is here called X.cean, from.Ea, an name from this omen of the white sow and island and city of Colchis, not far from the her pigs, as Varro informs us. river Phasis. She married a king of Sarma- 394. JMorsus: the eating, or consumption fin, whom she poisoned. After which she of your tables. fled into Italy, to a mountain and promon- 395. Aderit: in the sense of adjzvabzt. AENEIS. LIB. Ill. 267 Has autem terras, Italique hanc litoris oram, cubans, ipba alba; et Proxima quae nostri perfunditur aequons estu, nati albi Effuge: cuncta malis habitantur mcenia Graiis Hie et Narycii posuerunt mconia Locri, Et Salentinos obsedit milite campos 400 Lyctius Idomeneus: hic illa ducis Melibai 401. Hfc est illa parva Parva Philoctetse subnixa Petilia muro. Petilia subnixa muro Quin, ubi transmissae steterint trans aquora classes, Philoctets Et positis aris jam vota in litore solves; Purpureo velare comas adopertus amictu: 405 Ne qua inter sanctos ignes in honore Deorum 406. Ne qua hostills Hostilis facies occurrat, et omina turbet. facies occurat intex Hunc socii morem sacrorum, hunc ipse teneto: sanctos ignes 408. Socil tenento Hac casti maneant in relligione nepotes. hunc morem sacrorum, Ast, ubi digressum Sicule te admoverit orae 410 tu ipse teneto hunc Ventus, et angusti rarescent claustra Pelori; 410. Te digressum Lavua tibi tellus et longo lava petantur hinc Sicule ore NOTES. 396. Effuge has terras. Helenus means saly, near the foot of mount Ossa. He se the lands of Calabria, Apulia, and all the fire to the funeral pile of Hercules, at the lower part of the peninsula of Italy, which request of that hero, and received in return was called JMagna Grcecia: the whole of his bow and arrows, that had been dipped which lies not far from Chaonia, in Epirus. in the poisonous blood of the Hydra Lernea. After the Trojan war, many of the Greeks lie set out for Troy with the other Greeks, were forced on this coast, and formed set- but was abandoned by them in the island of tlements in various places. Hence this Lemnos, on account of a wound which he part of the peninsula of Italy took the name had received from a serpent. But it being of JMagna Grecia. It now constitutes a predicted, that Troy could not be taken considerable part of the kingdom of Naples. without these arrows, the chiefs were obliged It was washed on the east by the Ionian to send for him. On his return from Troy, sea, which Helenus here calls nostri equoris, hearing that the Melibeeans had revolted, because the same sea washed the shores of he went to Italy, and founded the city Peti. Epirus. lia, or as some say, only fortified it. Sub398. Jlalis: in the sense of hostilibus. nixa: in the sense of defensa. 399. Jarycii Locri. The Locrians origi- 404. Solves: you shaii pay. or discharge. nally were a people of Phocis, in Achaia. 405. Velare adoperhis: be thou veiledThey followed Ajax, the son of Oileus, to covered as to your hair, with a purple veil. the Trojan war: and, after the capture of Simply, cover your head with a purple veil. that city, a colony of thei. settled in this From this circumstance, it is said, the Ropart of Italy, most probably under the conl mans derived the custom of veiling or coverduct of Evanthes; Ajax having perished on ing the head in sacrifice, and other acts of his return home. There they built a city worship. Velare. Heyne takes this activecalled Jcarycia or JVarycium, probably after ly, the verb memento being understood: rethe name of.Jaryx, the city of Ajax. memberto veil your locs, covering them,&c 401. Idomeneus. He was called Lyctius, 406. Honore. Rumus says, cultu. from Lyctus, a city of Crete. Being expelled 409. Casti: in the sense of pii. Relligi from his dominions, he came to Italy, and one: rites-ceremonies. planted a colony on the promontory of Sa- 410. Admoverit: in the sense of appulelentum, then in possession of the Salentini. rit, vel attulerit. This peninsula, which extends almost to the 411. Claustra: the straits of narrow Pccoast of Epirus, was formerly called Messa. lorus shall widen-grow wider. Pelorus is pia, and iipygia; hodie, Terra d'Otranto: the northern promontory of Sicily: hodit, and its extremity, the cape of St. Mary, or Capo di Faro. It is separated from Italy by St. Mary de Lucca. Idomeneus either sub- the straits of Messina. As jEncas approachdued the Salentini; or, which is more pro- ed, the shores would appear to separate bable, expelled them from their country. and grow wider. See verse 122. supra. Obs-dit: in the sense 412. Lceva Tellus. Helenus advisesAEneas, of occupat. as soon as he had approached Sicily so 402. Philoctete. Philoctetes was the son near I-ht the straits of Pelorus should apof Peas, king of Melibcea, a city of Thes- pear to view, and plainly to grow wider, it 268; P. VIRGILII MARONIS'Equora circuitu: dextrum fuge litus et undas. 414. Homines ferunt lmec loca, vi quondam et vasta convulsa ruinA, hec loca, quondam con- (Tantuim avi longinqua valet mutare vetustas) 415 vulsa vi, et vast& ruin& Dissiluisse ferunt: cum protinus utraque tellus Una foret, venit medio vi pontus, et undis IIesperiun Siculo latus abscidit, arvaque et urbes 419. Angustoque as- Litore diductas angusto interluit aestu. tu inter!-lit arva, eturbes Dextrum Scylla latus, levum implacata Charybdis 420 diductas, quasque tuo li-... toreas, qaqe Obsidet: atque imo barathri ter gurgite vastos Sorbet in abruptum fluctus, rursusque sub auras Erigit alternos, et sidera verberat unda. 426. Prima facies est hon.i, et ia ei vg At Scyllam casis cohibet spelunca latebris, hominis, et illa est virgo v * hum pulchro pectore Ora exsertanfem, et naves in saxa trahentem. 42~ tenus pube: postrema Prima hominis facies, et pulchro pectore virgo pars est pristis cumn im- Pube tenuis: postrema immani corpore pristis, mani corpore, commissa Delphinum caudas utero commissa luporum. Iuoad caudas Delphi- Prwstat Trinacrii metas lustrare Pachvni sflm utero ]-lporum 429. Priestat te ces- Cessantem, longos et circumflectere cursus, 430 santem lad.trare metas Quam semel informem vasto vidisse sub antro NOTES. would then be time to alter his course to into this devouring whirlpool. See Eel. vi. the left, and coast down the eastern shore 74. Implacata: insatiable-greedy. Ruof Sicily, rather than venture through the a&us says, immanis. Obsidet: in the sense strait, the passage of which was attended of occupat. with many difficulties and dangers to those 421. Atque imo gurgite: and thrice she who were not acq(uainted with it. swallows the vast waves precipitately into 415. Longinqua vetustas ccvi: in the sense the deep gulf of her maw, and again raises of longa duratio temporis potest mutare res them alternate on high, and strikes the tantum. Ferunt: they report. stars. Charybdis is represented as a hun416. Cim utraque tellus: when each gry and voracious monster. In abruptun, land was entirely one-united and formed may be taken adverbially, denoting the ra one contiguous tract. It is supposed that pidity and quickness with which she absorbs Sicily at first was united to Italy, and rent the water. Taken as a sub. it conveys no or torn from it by some convulsion of na- additional idea: it is merely expletive. ture; and there is some ground for such a supposition. Virgil here gives us a full ac- d4n. sertate: in the sncya She is dentem. It agrees with Scyllane. She is count of the tradition. Pcount of the tradition. um here represented as a most hideous monster; 4-17. Pontus: in the sense of fretum. her upper part down to her waist resembling 418. Abscidit: in the sense of separaitl a human being, while her parts below were It separated the Italian shore from the a huge Priis, whose belly resembled that S;icilian. a huge Pristis,'x hose belly resembled that 419. anguso stu: with a narrow s t of a wolf, with the tail of a dolphin. 419. Angusto estu: with a narrow strait or current, flows between, &c. meaning the 426. Hominis: gen. of homo. It is herp straits of Pelorus, now Messina, which se- used in the sense of humana. Homo proparate Sicily from Italy. Diductas: in the perly sgnifies a man or woman-the human sense of disjunctas. kind. Prima facies: in the sense of supe420. Scylla-Charybdis. Scylla, is a rock rior ars. lying in the straits of Messina on the Ita- 428. Commissa: in the sense of conjuneta. lian side. Charybdis, a dangerous whirl- It is a part. adj. agreeing with pristis. This pool opposite to Scylla, on the Sicilian side. is a fish of the whale kind, said to be of These rendered the passage of the straits great length. Pliny mentions one of them very dangerous. They were represented in the 1 idian sea, to have been two hundred by the poets as hideous monsters. cubits in length. Scylla was the daughter of Phorcus, 429. Lustrare: in the sense of circumwhom Circe is said to have transformed into navigare. Pachyni. Pachynum is tne souththis monster, because she was her rival. ern promontory of Sicily. Trinacrii: an Charybdis is said to have been a rapacious adj. from Trinacria, a name of Sicily, from prostitute, who, having stolen the oxen of its triangular figure, or form. Hodie, Capo Hercules, was thunderstruck by Jupiter, and Passaro. thrown into the sea, where she was cha:ged 430. Cessantem: delaying. .NEIS LI. LI III. 269 Scyllarn, et ccruleis canibus resonantia saxa. Praterea, si qua est Heleno prudentia, vati Si qua fides, animum si veiis implet Apollo; 434. Si qua fides -st Unum illud tibi, nate Den, prteque omnibus unum 435 ^abenda ei vati; si ApolPrvedicam, et repetens iterumque iterumque nionebo. lo Pr dicam tibi. a.. 435. Prwdieam tibi Junonis magnm primuim prece nurnen adora: unum, unumque prso Junoni cane vota libens, dominamique potentem omnibus, et repetens Supplicibus supera donis: sic denique victor illud iterumque iterumTrinacria fines Italos rnittere relicta. 440 que monebo te Hue ubi delatus Cumaeam accesseris urbem, 441. Ubi tu delatus Divinosque lacus, et Averna sonantia sylvis, hue aceseris Insanam vatem aspicies, quas rupe sub irnma Fata canit, foliisque notas et nomina mandat. Quaecunque in foliis descripsit carmina virgo, 445 Digerit in numerum, atque antro seclusa relinquit: Tlla manent immota locis, neque ab ordine cedunt. Veruim eadem verso tennis cuim cardine ventus 448. Verum cum te Impulit, et teneras turbavit janua frondes; nuis ventus impulit eaderm Nunquam deinde cavo volitantia prendere saxo, 450 450. Curat prendere Nee revocare situs, aut jungere carminta curat. folia volitantia cavo Inconsulti abeunt, sedemque odere Sibyllm. saxo, nec HEi tibi ne qua morre fuerint dispendia tanti, Quamvis increpitent socii, et vi cursus in altum Vela vocet, possisque sinus implere secundos; 455 NOTES. 432. Saxa: and the rocks resounded with cat, vel aperit..Mandat: in the sense ot sea-green dogs. This interprets that part inscribit.,Jotas: her characters. Voomina: of the fable respecting the lower part of words-prophecies. the monster resembling dogs, or wolves. Varro informs us, that the prophecies of The waves, dashing against the rocks in the the Sibyl were written on the leaves of the lower part, caused a hoarse growling noise, palm-tree. which resembled that of a dog, or the howl- 4 Carmina. Carmen properly signi. ing of a wolf. See Ecl. vi. 74, and ^A. 1- fies a verse or song. But because the re200. Virgil took this description from the ses were elivered in poetic numbers 433Odyssey of01 Homer, Lib.l xii. sense ofcarmen came to signify, as here, a prophecy, 433. Prudentia: in the sense of scientia. or prediction. Doscripsit: in the sense of 436..lonebo: in the sense of inculcabo. inscrpsit J^umen: RuTus says, divinitatem. nsri st p 438. Cane: offer vows to Juno. Ruseus 446. Digerit in numerum: she places i ays,fer, velfe^to. Dominam: in the sense measure-she arranges in poetic numbers. of reginalt. Seclusa: a part. of secludor: laid by them441. Cumieeam: an adj. from Cume, a city solves in her cave. of Campania, but long since destroyed. 449. Janua: the door being open, hath See Ecl. iv. 4. deranged. Saxo: for antro. 442. Divines lacmes. The lakes of Aver- 451. Revocare: in the sense of restituere. nus and Lucrinus are here called divine, 452. Inconsulti: without receiving adprobably on account of their nearness to vice-unadvised. Homines is understood. the cave of the Sibyl. The lake Avernus, 453. XJe qua dispendia morme: let no ex(plu. Averna,) was formerly surrounded pense of delay be to you of so much value, with high woods, which occasioned a very (importance,) but that you go to the pronoxious atmosphere; so that it is said no phetess, &c. bird could fly over it without being suffoca- 455. Secundos sinus: prosperous sailsted. Hence it derived its name. From the full sails. Sinus is properly the middle, or noxious quality of its waters, the poets belly of the sail; here put for the whole sail. feigned it to be the mouth of hell. See iEn. The expression implies that the wind be vi. 126. fair for prosecuting their voyage. It would 443. Insanam vatem: the inspired pro- be better to read this and the preceding line phetess, as a parenthesis. Vi: in the sense of ve444. Can-t: here., in the sense of expli- hementer. 270 P. VIRGIIII MARON1S 456. Poscasque pre- Quin adeas vatem, precibusque oracula poscas cibus ut ipsa canat ora- Ipsa canal, vocemque volens atque ora resolvat. cula, volensque resolvat lila tibi Italioe populos, venturaque bella, 458. Illa expediet tibi Et quo qu.emque modo fugiasque ferasque laborem, populos Italie Expediet; cursusque dabit venerata secuVdos. 400 460. lila venerata da- I]ec sunt, qua nostr& liceat te voce moneri. bit Vade, age, et ingentem factis fer ad ethera Trojam. Qua postquam vates sic ore effatus amico est, Dona dehinc auro gravia sectoque elephanto Imperat ad naves ferri, stipatque carinis 465 Ingens argentum, Dodoneosque lebetas, Loricam consertam hamis, auroque trilicem, Et conum insignis gaeae, cristasque comantes, Arma Neoptolemi: sunt et sua dona parenti. Addit equos, additque duces; 470 Remigium supplet: socios simul instruit armis. Interea classem velis aptare jubebat Anchises, fieret vento mora ne qua ferenti. 478. Necesse est ut Quem Phcebi interpres multo compellat honore. prmeterlabare hanc prox- Conjugio Anchisa.Veneris dignate superbo, 476 imarn parten Italice pe- Cura Deum, bis Pergameis erepte ruinis, 79. pars AusoEcce tibi Ausonima tellus: hanc arripe velis. mis est procul, quam Et tamen hanc pelago prtterlabare necesse est. Apollo pandit tibi Ausonira pars illa procul, quam pandit Apollo NOTES. 457. Canat: reveal-disclose-declare. plates (trilicem) ofiron, fastened (conserlam) 460. Expediet: in the sense of explicabit. together with gold rings, or hooks. 463. Postquam: in the sense of citm. 468. Conum. Whatever has the form of 464. Dehinc: in the sense of deinde. the fruit of the pine may be called conus, Gravia auro: heavy with gold and ivory. a cone. This form is round, and diminishIvory is the tooth of the elephant, cut and ing to the top. Hence it is taken for that polished. part of the helmet, which rises at the top, 465. Stipat: stows, or crowds in his ships and supports the crest, or plume. All these a great mass of silver. Carinis: properly, accusatives are governed by the verb stipat. the keels; here taken for the ships, by 469. Sua dona: there are also for my synec. father his own gifts-gifts suitable to his 466. Dodonocos lebetas: Dodonean kettles dignity. Arma J.eoptolemi. The coat of -kettles made of Dodonean brass. Dodona mail, the helmet, and the crest, had belonged was a city of Epirus, whose brass was much to Pyrrhus; at whose death, they fell to celebrated. Here Jupiter had a very cele- Helenus, as his successor. Sua: in the sense brated temple. The manner of delivering of propria vel apta. the oracles in this temple, we are told, was 470. Duces: pilots to direct their course. by a certain number of brass kettles sus- 471. Remigium: in the sense of remiges. pended, so as to touch each other; and any 473. Ferenti: blowing fair. Rumeus says, motion communicated to any one of them, faventi. Interpres: in the sense of vates. would be given to the rest. From the 475. Anchisa: 0 Anchises, honored with sounds thus emitted, the meaning of the the exalted bed (embrace) of Venus, the oracle was gathered by the priests. care, &c. 467. Loricam. The Lorica was a coat of 476. Erepte: agreeing with nchisa. armour, which covered the body down as He was twice saved from the ruins of Troy: far as the waist. It was at first made of first when it was taken by Hercules, and a leathern thongs, whence it derived its name. second time, when destroyed by the Greeks. It was afterwards made of thin plates (la- rripe minca) of iron, linked together with hooks 477. re hanc: take possession of it or rings. These plates tere sometimes with your ships-direct your course to it. or rings. These plates Were sometimes Velis: in the sense of nweetus; so says single, sometimes double, and triple. The the sense of us; so sa one here mentioned was of the latter form. Hamis auroque: for aureis hamis, by hend. 478. Prceterlabare: in the sense of naviThe meaning is, that this coat of armour ges ultra. Was of triple fold, or consisting of three 479. Pandit: in the sense of ostendit, ..ENEIS. LI. 111. 27 Vade, ait, 6 felix nati pietate: quid ultra 480 Provehor, et fando surgentes dernoror Austros? Nec minus Andromache, digressu mcesta supremo, Fert picturatas auri subtemine vestes, Et PhrygiaIn Ascanio chlamydem; nec cedit honori: Textilibusque onerat donis, ac talia fatur. 485 Accipe et haec, manuum tibi qure monumenta mearum Sint, puer, et longum Andromachae testentur amorem, Conjugis Hectoreae. Cape dona extrema tuorum, O mihi sola mei super Astyanactis imago! 409. 0 tu qui es sola Sic oculos, sic ille manus, sic ora ferebat; 490 imago mei Astyanactis Et nune a3quali tecum pubesceret vevo. super mihi Hos ego digrediens lachrymis affabar obortis: Vivite felices, quibus est fortuna peracta 493. Vivite felices, vo Jam sua: nos alia ex aliis in fata vocamur. quibus 491. Vocamur ex aliie Vobis parta quies; nullurn maris mquor arandum; 495fatis in alia fata. Quie Arva neque Ausoniax senper cedentia retro parta est vobis NOTES. 481. Provehor: in the sense of procedo. stes, vel supervivens Rumus says, Quce Austros here is taken for wind in general, restat. Heyne, qute superes, in the 2d pers. the species for the genus. Astyanax was the son of Hector and An482. JNec minims: likewise Andromache, dromache. His name is compounded of sad at our departure, brings garments two Greek words, and signifies the king of wrought (embroidered) with a thread of a city. After the destruction of Troy, the gold. Greeks were delayed for some time from Heyne conjectures these vestments were returning home by contrary winds. In the wrought with the needle; and accordingly mean time, Chalcas, their augur and protakes subtemine auri, for a thread of gold. phet, declared that Astyanax must be put He also takes picturatas in the sense of pic- to death. For if he lived, he would prove tas. Her presents of the loom textilibus a greater hero than his father, and would donis, are mentioned, verse 485, and are dif- avenge his country. Whereupon Ulysses, ferent from these. having discovered where his mother had 484. Chdamydem. The Chlamys was pro- hid him, killed him, by throwing him from perly a military garment, a cassock, which the wall. the general wore over his corslet. It was 490. Sic ille ferebat: just so he moved his embroidered with needlework, of which the eyes, just so his hands, just so his countePhrygians were the inventors. JVec cedit nance: he had just such eyes-just such honori: nor does she fall below her dignity. hands, &c. This reflection of Andromache.N'ecmalerespondet us dignitati, says Rumus. is extremely delicate and moving. It is the Scaurus explains the word thus: non cedit voice of nature. She immediately adds: Et Heleno liberalitate et munificentia, taking nunc, &c. This suggests the delight she honori for honore in the abl. Servius says, would have felt to have seen Iilus, and AsTanSa dat munera, quanta merebatur Asca- tyanax together, engaged in friendship. and nius: nor is her bounty disproportionate to fond of the same pursuits. the merit and quality of its object. It may be observed, that while Helenus 485. Onerat te.tilibus donis: and she gives presents to Anchises and ]Eneas, Anloads him with woven presents-presents, dromache is entirely taken up with Ascathe production of her loom. It was usual nius, and the recollection of her lost Astya. for women of the highest rank to be enga- nax. She confines her gifts to him alone. ged in the works of the loom, as appears 491. Et nune pubesceret: and now he from the story of Penelope, the wife of would be of equal age with thee, if be had Ulysses. lived. 486. Puer, accipe et hcec: 0 boy, take 492. Obortis: gushing from my eyes. even these, which, &c. Monumenta: me- 494. JNos vocamur ex aliis in: we are morials. Et, here is plainly in the sense of called from one series of calamities to anetiam, aut quoque. other. 487. Longum: lasting-continuing long. 496. Cedentia: a part. agreeing with 489. 0 sola imago: 0 thou, the only arva: retreating, or fleeing backward. It image of my Astyanax, remaining to me! implies an impatience on the part of ]Aneas Super, here is plainly in the sense of super- to arrive at, and take possession of his desa 272 P. VIRGIL11 MARONIS Qu1erenda: effigiem Xanthi, Trojamnque videlis Quam vestrm fecere manus. melioribus, opto, Auspiciis, et qupe fuerit minus obvia Gratis. Si quando Tybrim vicinaque Tybridis arva 500 Intraro gentique meee data moenia cernam: b02. Faciemus olim Cognatasque urbes olim, populosque propinquos eognatasque urbes, pro- Epiro, Hesperia, quibus idem Dardanus auctor, pinquosque populos, t'os Atque idem casus, unam faciemus utramque inl Epiro, meos in Hesperia, quibus idem Darda- Trojam animis: maneat nostros ea cura nepotes. 505 nus fuit auctor, atque Provehimur pelago vicina Ceraunia juxta: quibus fuit idem casus, Unde iter Italiam, cursusque brevissimus undis. faciemus,inquam, utram- Sol ruit intereh, et montes umbrantur opaci. que Trojain eese unam Sternimur optatm gremio telluris ad undam, Sortiti remos; passimque in litore sicco 510 Corpora curamus: fessos sopor irrigat artus. Necdum orbem medium nox horis acta subibat: Haud segnis strato surgit Palinurus, et omnes Explorat ventos, atque auribus aera captat. 516.CircumspicitArc- Sidera cuncta notat tacito labentia ccelo, 515 turum, pluviasque Arcturum, pluviasque Hyadas, geminosque Triones, NOTES. tined country. And, although he had been ed from the same stock, Dardanus being the several years in pursuit of it, it was still at parent (auctor) and founder of both, Cisas. a great distance. The verb sunt is to be fortune-calamity. supplied with quaerenda. 506. Ceraunia: neu. plu. These were 497. Effiiem Xanthi: the image or re- exceeding high mountains on the north of presentation of Xanthus. It appears that Epirus, so called from their being much exAndromache gave the name of Xanthus to posed to thunder. They are sometimes some river of Epirus, and also the name of called Acroceraunia. They lie over against Troy to some town. Xanthus was a river the promontory of Ilipygium. Here the disof Troy, the same as Scamander. Homer tance between Italy and Epirusis the shortsays its first name was given by the gods, est; it is said about 50 miles. The prep. but the latter by men. in or ad is understood to govern Italiam. 499. JMlelioribus auspiciis: for better for- 508. Ruit: in the sense of occidit. tune. Obvia: in the sense of exposita. 509. Sternimur: in the sense of the mid501. Data: in the sense of destinata. dle voice of the Greeks: we throw ourselves 502. Olim. This word refers to time past, down upon the bosom of the wished for land. and also to time to come. This last is the 510. Sortiti remos: having distributed the meaning here-hereafter. oars by lot-having cast lots for the oars, 504. Faciemnus olim cognatas: we will to see who should perform the duty oarsmake hereafter the kindred cities, and re- men. This they did before they retired to sembling people (yours) in Epirus, (and rest, that they might start the following day mine) in Italy, &c. Buthrotus, the city of without hindrance or delay. Ad undam Helenus, bore some resemblance, perhaps, refers to sternimur, and not to sortiti, as in to old Troy; or this may be the city which some copies. he called by the name of Troy. Eneas, 511. Curamus: we refresh our bodies. when he arrived in Italy, intended to build Irrigat: invigorates. This is a beautiful a city, and call it Troy; each of which metaphor. It is taken from the effect and cities, utrar que Trojan, he designed should influence which gentle showers, or percobe one in affection and good will. The lating streams, have upon the thirsty land, distance of the Tiber from Epirus is too and parched herbs. great to justify the taking of propinquos in 512. qcta' in the sense of provecta. NJece the sense of vicinos, as Rueeus has it. MIr. dum, &c. This is a fine circumlocution to Davidson renders it by allied, (near of kin;) denote that it was not yet midnight. tut this is mere tautology. That relation 516. Arcturum. Arcturus,a star near the is sufficiently expressed by cognatas. It ap- tail of the Great Bear: it rises about the pears the better to understand it, of the beginning of October. See Geor. i. 68. Hypeople resembling each other in manners, adas: they are said to have been the daughcustoms, and habits; both having descend- ters of Atlas, king of Mauritania, in Africa; JENEIS. LIB. TII. 273 Armatumque auro circumspicit Oriona. Postquum cuncta videt cclo constare serene, Dat clarum e puppi signuin; nos castra movemus, Tentamusque viam, et veloruln pandiinus alas. 520 Jan(que rubescebat stellis Aurora fugatis, (Cinn procul obscuros colles, humilemque videmus Italiam. Italiam primus conclamat Achates; Italiam lato socii clamore salutant. lTum pater Anchises magnum cratera corona 525 Ind lit, implevitque mero, Divosque vocavit,. Stans cels. in puppi: Di, maris et terrae tempestatunmque potentes, 528. 0 Di, iwquit, po Ferte viam vento facilem, et spirate secundi. tentes marls Crebrescunt optatta aurae, portusque patescit 530 Jam propior, templumque apparet in arce Minervae. Vela legunt socii, et proras ad litora torquent. Portus ab Eoo fluctu curvatur in arcum; Objectm salsa spumant aspergine cautes: Ipse latet: gemino demittunt brachia muro 535 535. Portus ipse latet Turriti scopuli, refugitque a litore templum. NOTES. who, grieving immoderately for the death there are no mountains, because tne highof their brother Hyas, who had been killed elt parts appear low when seen at a disby a wild boar, pined away, and died. They tance-or because the sea every where ap were five in number. After their death they pears higher than the land. He interprets were transferred to the heavens, and made it by planam. stars near the constellation Taurus. The 525. Induit magnum: he crowned a large ancients supposed their rising and setting bowl with a garland. Coronare poculum, to be always attended with much rain. sometimes, signifies no more than simply to Their name is derived from a Greek word fill it up to the brim. But, in the present signifying to rain. Triones: the greater case, it is taken literally, to adorn the bow and lesser bear, two constellations near the withJfowers: otherwise what follows will be north pole. mere tautology..ero. Merum, here, is 517. Oriona: a Greek ace. Orion is a taken for wine in general; the species for constellation near the feet of the bull. It the genus. Induit: in the sense of cinxit. rises about the first of March, and rains and 528. Potentes: in the sense of prcesides storms were supposed to attend it. Hence vel reclores. Minelius beautifully illustrates Virgil gave it the epithets nimbosus, and the design of this libation: JMaris, quod naaquosus. lEn. i. 535. and iv. 52. Orion vigo; terrce, quam peto; tempestalum, quas was a celebrated hunter, and companion of timemus. Diana. Being bit by a serpent, he lost his 529. Ferte: in the sense of date. Spitrate life. The gods, taking pity on him, trans- secundi: and blow propitious upon us. lated him to the heavens. His constellation 531. TenLplum Minervwe. Strabo mentions is very lucid, consisting of many very bright a temple of Minerva, on the promontory of stars, particularly in his belt or girdle, in iapygium, which is the one most probably which his sword hangs. He is here said to meant. Legunt: in the sense of colligunt. be armed with gold, on account of his many Arce: for monte. lucid sfaits. 533. Portus curvatur: the port is curved 518. Videt cuncta constare: he sees all into (the form of) a bow by the eastern things to indicate fair weathqr-all the signs waves, and the cliffs opposite each other to agree in indicating fair weather. Post- foam with salt spray, occasioned by the quam videt ccelum habere omnia, quce signifi- dashing of the waves against them. These cant serenitatem, says Scrvius. two projecting cliffs formed the mouth of 519. Movemus castra. This was a mili- the harbor. Eod: the adj. Eous is derived tary expression, denoting the commence- from a Greek word signifying the mornmcnt of march, from the place of encamp- ing-also, the East. This part of Italy is ment. washed on the east by the Ionian sea. Heyne 520. Tentamus: in the sense ofincipimus. reads Euroo, from the sub. Eurus. 522. EIumilem. Rumus thinks Italy is 536. Scopuli. Scopulus is properly a high here called low, either because in that part, sharp rock. Those here mentioned resem 19 274 P. VIRGILLI MARONIS 537. lnc vidi in gra- Quatuor hic, primurn omen, equos in gramine vidi line primun omen, Tondentes campum late, candore nivali. nempe, quatuor equos n Et pater Anchises: Bellum, 6 terra hospita, portas: ivali cadore, tode- Bello armantur equi: bellum haec armenta minantur: tes 539. Et pater Anchi- Sed tamen idem olim curru succedere sueti 541 ses mrqult Quadrupedes, et fraena jugo concordia ferre: Spes est pacis, ait. Turn numina sancta precamur Palladis armisona, qums prima accepit ovantes: 545. Et velamur quoad Et capita ante aras Phrygio velamur amictu; 545 capita Phrygio amictu Praeceptisque Heleni, dederat quae maxima, rite ante ejus aras; exque Junoni Argiva jussos adolemus honores. pra48ceiad meni, Had mora: continuo, perfectis ordine vots, Cornua velatarum obvertimus antennarum, Grajugenumque domos, suspectaque linquimus arva. 550 Hine sinus Herculei, si vera est fama, Tarenti Cernitur. Attollit se Diva Lacinia contra, Caulonisque arces, et navifragum Scylacteum. Tum procul e fluctu Trinacria cernitur AEtna: NOTES. bled towers, and stretched forth on both 549. Velatarum antennarum. The antensides in the form of arms, making a double nca were spars or yards which crossed the wall. Refugtt. While they were at a dis- mast, to which the sails were fastened and tance, the temple appeared near the shore, suspended. The extremities of them were but, as they approached, the distance be- called cornua. By shifting or turning his tween it and the port seemed to increase. sails, he would naturally alter his course. It receded, or fled, from the shore. He now sails southward; and, as he passes 537. Hic vidi: here I saw the first omen. along, he gives us a very particular descripIt was a custom among the ancients care- tion of the country. He takes his deparfully to observe the first objects which pre- ture from the promontory of Ikipygium. sented at landing in a country where they 551. Tarenti. Tarentum was a famous designed to form settlements: and hence to city and port at the northern extremity of draw prognostics of their future good or bad the Sinus Tarentinus, founded by Taras, the fortune. Tondentes: in the sense of carpen- son of Neptune, according to Straba. The tes. Gramine: in the sense of pratis. same author informs us that Hercules had 539. Hospita. This Rumeus interprets by here a colossus of brass, made by Lysippus, hospitalis; but that illy agrees with portas which Fabius JlMaximus carried to Rome. bellum. Mr. Davidson renders it, fore'gn: Not only the city, but also the adjacent to which we are strangers. country, was famous for the actions of that 541. Curru: for currui, the dat..See hero. Hence the poet gives it the epithet, Eel. v. 29. Concordia frcena: the gentle Herculean. reins. This implies perfect submission to 552. Contra: on the other side (of the the will of the driver. Jugo. Jugum pro- bay) the goddess Lacinia raises herself. perly signifies the yoke which passes over Diva Lacinia is here put for the temple of the necks of the horses, and holds up the the goddess, by meton. Lacinia as an epitongue or pole of the carriage. Here, per- thet of Juno, taken from the pronmntory;haps, the harness in general. Olim: in the Lacinium, on which the temple stood. sense of diu. 553. Arces Coulonis: the towers of Cau543. J/umina: in the sense of divintaatem. lon, or Caulonia. Caulon was a-city far544. Armisone: sounding in arms. This ther south, at first called Aulonia, from a is an epithet of Pallas, or Minerva, as god- valley, which was in sight. It was founded dess of war. Ovantes: in the sense of lceos. by the Greeks.'Scylaccaum. This was a city.Aos is understood.. situated near the southern extremity of a 547. Adolemusjussos honores. Ruseus in- hay of that name, founded by a colo:ly of terprets these words by, offerimus prcescripta Athenians, according to Strabo. The nas sacrificia. Jussos: ordered, or appointed vigation on this coast was Hefenus. See 435. supra, et sequens. Hence it is called navifrngum. 548. Continuo: immediately-forthwith. 554. JEtna: a well known mountain and Rueus considers it an adj. agreeing with volcano on the island of Sicily. It is said ordine Perfectis: in the sense ofpersolutis. to be sixty miles in circumference at its AENEIS. LIB. III. 275 Et gemitum ingentem pelagi, pulsataque saxa 556 Audimts longe, fractasque ad litora voces; Exultantque vada, atque aTstu miscentur arena?. Et pater Anchises: Nimirim haec illa Charybdis: Hos HIelenus scopulos, hec saxa horrenda canebat. Eripite, 6 socii, pariterque insurgite remis. 560 560. Eripite vos hinc, Haud minus ac jussi faciunt: primusque rudentem o socii Contorsit lavas proram Palinurus ad undas: 561. Illi faciunt haud Laevam cuncta cohors remis ventisque petivit. mnins ac jussi facere 563. Laevamn partem Tollimur in coelum curvato gurgite, et idem remis Subducta ad Manes imos descendimus unda. 565 Ter scopuli clamorem inter cava saxa dedere: Ter spumayn elisarn et rorantia vidimus astra. Interea fessos ventus cum Sole reliquit: so68 J ess Ignarique viae, Cyclopum allabimur oris. 570. Portus et immoPortus ab accessu ventorurn immotus, et ingens 570 tus ab accessu NOTES. base. Fluctu: in the sense of mari. The or besprinkled. This is an extravagant hymeaning is: while they were a great distance pcrbole. Catrou, and some others, would at sea. understand this of the dewy drops, which 555. Pulsata: beaten, or lashed by the thrown up by the dashing of the waters waves. Voces: in the sense of sonitus. against the rocks, sparkled like stars in the Gemitum: in the sense of fremitum. sun-beams. This appears to be the opinion 557. Vada exultant: the shallows boil, of Heyne. and the sands are. mingled with the tide. 568. Ventus cum sole. These circumThe sea breaks and foams upon the shal- stances have a happy effect in preparing the lows, and the sand is tossed up by the reader for the following description of mount whirling eddies.,Etna. The winds are hushed, that tho 559. Scopulos-saxa. Scopulus properly bellowings of the mountain might be mose signifies a high sharp rock; saxumn, any distinctly heard; and night is brought on rock-rocks in general. Canebat: for prce- that in the dusky sky the flames might apdicebat. pear more conspicious. 560. Pariter: equally-all as one. 569. Cyclopum. It is said the Cyclops 561. jfinsus: in the sense of aliter. Ac: were the first inhabitants of Sicily, especialin the sense of quam. ly about mount ZEtna. They are said tc 562. Palinurus primus: Palinurus first have been of gigantic stature, and of a naturned the creaking prow to the left waters. ture savage, cruel, and inhospitable. Hence Some read rudente, for rudentem, a sub. in- the poets took occasion to represent them stead of the part. By this they would un- of a monstrous form, having only one eye, derstand a rope fastened to the side of the and that in their forehead, and as being canship, by the help of which the helmsman nibals. From their vicinity to 2AEtna, it is turned the ship which way he pleased. Ru- said, they were employed by Vulcan in eus interprets it by stridentem: creaking as forging the thunderbolts of Jupiter. it plunged into the waves. The port, where Zneas landed, was near 563. Cuncta cohors: in the sense of om- the place where the city Catanea now stands, nes socii. near the foot of mount IEtna. The Cyclops 564. Gurgite: in the sense of Jtuctu. were supposed to be the sons of Ccelus and 565. Manes. These properly were that Terra. They took their name from the part of the dead, which the ancients sup- circumstance of their having but one eye. posed to be below-the shade, or ghost. This tradition originated from their custom Sometimes it is used for the place of the of their wearing small bucklers of steel, dead, and sometimes for the infernal gods. which covered their faces. These had a The plain meaning is: that when they were small aperture in the middle, which coron the top of a surge, or wave, they were responded exactly to the eye. They were elevated ~-ery high; and when they were reckoned among the gods,and had a temple in a hollE w between two waves, they de- dedicated to them at Corinth.,Etna is scended very low; in other words, the sea now called mount Gibel, and stands not far here was very rough. from the eastern shore of Sicily. Its modern 566. Clamoren: in the sense of sonitum. name implies, the mount of mounts. 567. Rorantia ast a: the stars bedewed, 570. Ingens: in the sense of capax. 976 P. VRGILII MARONIS Ipse; sed horrificis juxta tonat Etlla ruinis: Interdumque atram prorumpit ad ethlera nuben, Turbine fumantem piceo et candente favilla: Attollitque globos flammarum, et sidera lambit Interdum scopulos avulsaque viscera montis 575 Erigit eructans, liquefactaque saxa sub auras Cum gemitu glomerat, fundoque exestuat imo. Fama est, Enceladi semiustum fulmine corpus Urgeri mole hac, ingentemque insuper Etnam 580. Impositam insu- Impositam, ruptis flalnmam expirare caminis: 580 per eum Et, fessum quoties rutat latus, intremere omnem Murmure Trinacriam, et ccelum subtexere fumo. 583. Jos tecti in syl- Noctem illam tecti sylvis immania monstra vis oerferimus Perferimus nec, qua sonitum det causa, videmus. Nam neque erant astrorum ignes, nec lucidus vethri Siderea polus; obscure sed nubila ccelo, 586 Et Lunam in nimbo nox intempesta tenebat. Postera jamque dies primo surgebat Eoo, 590. Nova forma vir Humentemque Aurora polo dimoverat umbram; ignoti nobis, confecta Cum subito e sylvis, macie confecta suprem, 590 supremA macie, mise- Ignoti nova forma viri, miserandaque cultu, randaque cultu, proce- Procedit, supplexque manus ad litora tendit. dit e sylvis, Respicimus. Dira illuvies, immissaque barba, 593. Dira illuvies erat Consertum tegmen spinis: at cetera Graius, 594. At quoad cetera Et quondam patriis ad Trojam missus in armis. 595 erat Isque ubi Dardanios habitus et Troia vidit NOTES. 572. Prorumpit: in the sense of emittit. to them-the appearances were new and 573. Candente favilid: with hot, or burn- unexpected. Hence they may be called ing embers. with propriety, immlania monstra. 574. Lambit: in the sense of tangit. 585. Ignes: lights of the stars. Polus 576. Eructans: in the sense of evomens. lucidus: nor the heaven bright in the starry Avulsa: torn loose. firmament. Polus, by synec. put for the 577. Glomerat: and whirls about melted whole heaven. rocks into the air. 587. Intempesta nox: profound darkness. 578. Fama est: there is a report, that the It properly signifies the darkest time of body of Enceladus, half consumed by light- night-midnight. Here it denotes the quaning, is pressed under this mass of matter; lity of that night in particular, when one and that ponderous iEtna being placed upon face of thick darkness prevailed through the him, casts up flames from its burst furnaces; whole night, like that which prevailed at the and as often as he, &c. midnight hour. JVlimbo: in the sense of neVirgil here gives us the fabulous account buloso acre. of the origin of this burning mountain, and 588. Primo Eoo: with the first dawn. the cause of its eruptions. Enceladus was Eous, the star Venus. When it rises before the chief of the Giants, and the son of Ti- the sun, it is called Lucifer; when setting tan and Terra. In the war of the Giants after him, Hesperus: here put for the dawn against the gods, he was struck with the of day. Aurora. See Geor. i. 249. thunderbolt of Jupiter, and placed under 590. Confecta suprema: wasted away mount.Etna, by way of punishment: and, with extreme leanness. Confecta agrees as often as he turns his weary side, an with formra. eruption follows. Ovid places Typhous, 591. JVova forma viri ignoti: simply, a anothe;r of the Giants, under the same man unknown to us. mountain. Insuper: in the sense of super. 594. Tegmen consertzm: his covering 580. Expirare: in the sense of emittere. sewed, or fastened together with thorns. It 583. Inamania monstra: in the sense of probably consisted of the leaves of trees. tnfanda prodigia. Illam noctem: in the Rureus says, vestis contexta spinis. AIt cesense of per illam noctem. tera: but as to other things-his stature, 584. Perferimus: we endure or suffer. gait, language, &c. he was a Greek. The causo of thi3 eruption was unknown 596. Habitus: in the sense of vestes. A"NEIS. JIIB. III' Arma procul, paulum aspectu conterritus h.isit, Continuitque gradum: mox sese ad litora praLceps Cum fietu precibusque tulito Per sidera testor, Per Superos, atque hoc cCeli spirabile lumen, 600 600. O Teucri, inatut, Tollite me, Teucri; quascunque abducite terras testor vos per sidera per lie sat me* num * *bSuperos o(}c sat ert. Scio me Danais e assibus unum, 60. Scio nle es, Et bello Iliacos fateor petiise Penates. unum Pro quo, si sceleris tanta est injuria nostri, Spargite me in fluctus, vastoque immergite ponto. 605 Si pereo, manibus hominum periise juvabit. Dixerat: et genua amplexus, genibusque volutans DHierebat. Qui sit, fari, quo sanguine cretus, 608. Hortamur esm fIortamur; quT deinde agritet fortuna, fteri. fatei, qui sit, et er quo Ipse pater dextram Anchises, haud multa moratus, 610 sngine fa etu, est; Dat juveni, atque anitrnu prwsenti pignore fil'mat. Ille haec, deposita tandem formidine, fatur 614. Achemenides ese Sum patria ex Ithaca, comes infelicis Ulvssei, nomen mithi: profectua Nomen Achemenides: Trojam, genitore Adanmasto Sum Trojan pm, *,. g~ite 616. fHie socii immePaupere, mansissetque utinam fortuna i profectus. 615 61s desOruere ino i.noies cei deserudre ce IHic me, dum trepidi crudelia limina linquunt, in vasto antro Cyclopis, Imlrnemores socii vasto Cyclopis in antro dum NOTES. 597. HBcsit: hesitated-paused. into a vessel, he gives them the dreadful 599. Testor: in the sense of preco. narration of Polyphemus, informs them that 600. Hoc spirabile lumen: by this vital this was tlhe island of the Cyclops, begs light of heaven-by this light (air) of hea- them to leave it instantly, and concludeg ven, which we breathe, and by which we most pathetically, that if he must die, it live. Lumen: in the sense of air, vel would be some comfnrt to him to perish by aura. the hands of men, and not by monsters. 603. Iliacos Penates. The Penates pro- 607. Almplexus: embracing our knees, perly were the household gods-the gods of and falling upon his own0 knees, he clung one's country. Hence thle word came to to us. Servius observes, that the several signify, one's house and country, and what- members of the body were consecrated to ever a person held most dear, by meton. particular deities: the ear, to nmemory; the See /n. ii. 717. knees, to mercy; the right hand, to fiith. 604. Pro quo': for which-for his being a Suppliants were accustomed to throw, or Greek, and having taken part in the war cast themselves upon their knees, and emagainst Troy. Sceleris izjuria. Ruueus says, brace those of the person of whom they eniquitas criminis. Si scelus meuzml tanl/um asked or begged any thing. est, says Heyne. 608. Cretus: in the sense of o'rls. 605. Spargite: in the scnse of projicite: 610. cHaud lrulla morales: delayed net ear me in pieces, and cast me intq the sea. a moment. 606. Si pereo, &c. Dr. Wharton rlakes 611. Prntsenti pignore. The right hoand the following reflections upon this passage. among all nations is considered a pledge tI Nothing, says lie, can more forcibly strike the fiiendship. Presens here signifies, readyimagination, than these circumstances of propitious. So adsuml, I am plresent, signithe wandering Trojans, sheltered in a wood, ties also, to favor-to be propitious. upon an unknown coast, and hearing strange 613. Il/hac: an island in the Ionian sea. and terrible noises during a dark and moon- It formed a part of the dominion of Ulysless night; and not knowing whence the ses. IHodie, Isola del Comnpare. dreadful sounds proceeded, or by what they 614. A4damasto: Adamastus my father bemight be occasioned. At daybreak, how ing a poor man. HIe mentions his poverty as sudden and great the surprise, to see the an excuse for his going to the war; it was ghastly figure of a man, iho first runs to- not hiis choice. Sinon pleads the salme exwards them with great precipitation, as if cuse. See _En. ii. 87. UIinanm: I wsish tiho to beg soine assistance; but suddenly starts same state of poverty had remained to me i baerk,at the sight of Trojan habits and arms. 617. Cyllopis. Polyphemus is here meana. At last, recovering himself a little, lie re- It is said he was the son of Neptune antd solves to fling hinself into their hands, whalt- Thoosa, the daughlter of Phorcys. It is ver;i mnight be tle consequence. R,-ceived sa:d that Ulysses, on his ret'irn from Troy 2748 PP. VIR GIT1[I MARONIS 618. Ejus domus in~- Deseruere. Domus sanie dapibusque cruenti, tus est opaca, imgens, et Intus opaca, ingens: ipse arduus, altaque pulsat plena saaie gSidera; Di, talem terrsis avertite pestem 620 Nee visu facilis, nee dictu affabilis ulli. Visceribus miserorum, et sanguine vescitur atro, 623 Egomet vidi, cuim Vidi egomet, duo de numero cuim corpora nostro ille resupinus in medio Prensa manu magna, medio resupinus in antro, antro frangeret duo cor F pontr e ra ngeret duo or- FSangeret ad saxum, sanieque aspersa natarent 62z pora de nostro humero, prensa magna manii, ad Limina: vidi, atro cuin membra fluentia tabo saxum Manderet, et tepidi tremerent sub dentibus artus. 628. iFcit id quidern Haud irnpune quidem: nec talia passus Ulysses, haud impune: nee Ulys- Oblitusve sui est Ithacus discrimine tanto. ses passus est talia ses passus est tlia Nam simul expletus dapibus, vinoque sepultus 630 Cervicem inflexam posuit, jacuitque per antrum Immensus, saniem eructans ac frustra cruento Per sornnum commixta mero; nos, magna precati Numina, sortitique vices, una undique circuml Fundimur, et telo lumen terebramus acuto 635 Ingens, quod torva solum sub fronte latebat, NOTES. visited Sicily, and the straits of Messina. 632. Iemnlensus. Some read immrenesm, He lost a part of his fleet in the whirlpool to agree with anzrLem. But imsnensus is preof Charybdis. This was a dangerous place ferable, referring to the dimensions of Poto all who attempted to pass the straits. It lyphemus. Frusta cosnmixa: pieces (of gave rise to this proverb: Incidil in Scyllani, human bodies) mingled with bloody wine, qezi rvult vitare'Chaarybdim, implying that inl Per sonlzum is to be connected with erucavoiding one evil, we frequently fall into lans. a greater. But no whirlpool is now to be 634. Sortiti vices: having drawn by lot found, sufficiently large to answer to the our parts to act, all at once, we surround description given by tle poets and other an- him from all quarters, and dig out, &c. cient writers. It is probable some change Donatus thinks it should be tenebrcanss, inhas been effected in this part of the sea in stead of terebracnus: we darken, or extinthe course of time. guish the light of his eye:;which would 621. Nec Jfacilis visu: nor is he easy to express, as he thinks, the quickness and be looked upon, nor easy to be spoken to celerity of their action. But Homer, by any one. His terrific aspect fills you whom Virgil here follows, expressly menwlith dread, and deprives you of the power tions the circumstance of the boring out of of speech. Servius says: Cujus possit eliaem the monster's eye; and compares the acaspectus ferre formidinem; and Stephens: tion of Ulysses and his companions to a Cujs ne aspeclum queiden facile quis sus- carpenter boring a piece of timber. Ci,'tineat. cumrfiundimunr, is probably here used in the 625. Limina aspera. Limen properly sense of the middle voice of tie Greeks. signifies the threshold of the door; also the 636. Lalebat lay concealed; because door itself, by meton. If it be taken in this lis eye was shut in sleep. Quod soelstm, sense here, then limina asperisasaniena arent &c. The Cyclops are represented as havmay mrean: the door being bespattered ing only one eye, and that one in their with the blood, trickled or ran down. Rumus forehead. This is doubtless a fiction. No says, peorta. It may be talen either way. such people ever existed. Eustathius ex627..Jfanderet: in the sense of dc;oraret. plains the fable thus: thalt in violent pas629. Itacus: a name of Ulysses, fiom sion, men see only one single object, as that Ithca, his native island. Tanlo discriiirize: passion directs; in other words, see with'in so important a crisis-in so great dan- one eye only: and further, that passion ger. transports men into savages, and renders 631. InJfexam: bent, or reclined. Per- them brutal and sanguinary, like Polyplesons in a complete state of intoxication are rnus; and lie, whlo by reason extinguishes unable to hold their heads erect. They re- that passion, may be said to put out that cline them either upon their shoulders or eye. Others explain it by alleging' thai breast. This was the case with Polyphe- Polypllemus was a man of uncomimon wisv mus. His head was reclined before he lay donl and penetration, who is therefore re,dotwn to sleep, presented as having only one eye, and that, XENEIS. LIB. III. 279 Argolici clypei aut Phcebeae lampadis instar: Et tandem laeti sociorum ulciscimur unibras. S-d figite, 6 miseri, fugite, atque ab litore funem Rumpitc. 640 Nam, qualis quantusque cavo Polyphemus in antro Lanigeras claudit pecudes, at(lue ubera pressat; Centum alii curva haec habitant ad litora vulg6 Infandi Cyclopes, et altis montibus errant. Tertia jam Lunae se cornua lumine complent, 645 Cum vitam in sylvis, inter deserta ferarum Lustra domosque traho, vastosque ab rupe Cyclopas Prospicio, sonitumque pedum vocemque tremisco. Victum infelicem, baccas, lapidosaque corna Dant rami, et vulsis pascunt radicibus herba. 650 Omnia collustrans, hane primrum ad litora classem Conspexi venientem: huic me, quaecunque fuisset, Addixi: satis est gentem effugisse nefandam. 653. Satis est miie, Vos animam hanc potiuis quocunque absumite leto. effugisse Vix ea fatus erat, summo cium monte videmus 655 655. Cum videmus Ipsum inter pecudes vasta se mole moventem summo monte, pastoPastorem Polyphemum, et litora nota petentem: rem Polyphemum ip-,.r 1,^ r * r>.. slum, moventemn se Monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademptum. Trunca manum pinus regit, et vestigia firmat. Lanigera comitantur oves: ea sola voluptas, 660 660. Comltantur eum Solamcnque mali: de collo fistula pendet. ea et sola voluptas ise NOTES. near his brain, to denote his superior wis- 649. Infelicem: poor-scanty. Coma: dom and sagacity; but that Ulysses out- the fruit of the corneil tree. It is round, witted him, and was said, for that reason, and protected by a hard shell. to put out his eye. 650. Pascunt: in the sense of nutriunt. 637. Phoebece lampadis: the lamp of Phce- Dant: in the sense ofprcebent. bus-the orb of' the Sun. The Grecian 651. Collustrans: in the sense of circumshield was large enough to cover the whole spiciens. man: and as that was of an oval form, the 652. Addixi me huic: I have surrendered comparison denotes both the figure and mag- myself to it, whatever it may be-I have nitude of this eye. given myself up into your hands; do with 639. JMiseri. He calls them miserable, or me as you please. unfortunate, in having come to this coast, 654. Vos potisu absumte: take away this and being exposed to such danger. Sed life of mine by any death, rather than leave ugite. This interruption in his speech is me behind to die by the hands of these monextremely beautiful. The fear of the Cy- sters of rapacity. Absumite: in the sense clops, and the recollection of the dangers, of perdite. which he had escaped, rush upon his mind, 658. Cu lumen: whose eye had been and stop him for a moment, to give the taken thesense of cuus Trojans advice to flee immediately. He The dat. is frequently used by the poets in then resumes the subject. thle sense of the gen. Est is to be supplied with adempltum. He informrs them that there were on the 659. Trunca pinus: a cut pine guides his island a hundred other infandi Cyclopes, hand. From this we may form some idea horrid Cyclops, such, and as huge as Poly- of his stature. His staff is the trunk of a phemus. pine. Heyne reads manu — in his hand. 645. Tertia cornua Lunac, &c. By this we 661. Y.Iali: in the sense of miseries vel are to understand that it had been about daloris. Fistula pendet de collo. These three lunar months since he had been in that words are probably spurious. They are unhappy situation: cumn traho vitam, &c. left out in some editions. Heinsius, Do-. 617. Deseta lustra: the deserted dens, or natus, and Heyne reject them. Nor does haunts. Homer mention any such circumstance; 280 P. VfRG1LII MARONIS Postquam altos tetigit fluctus, et ad aquora venit, Luminis effossi fluidum lavit inde cruorem, Dentibus infrendens geinitu: graditurque per acqlor Jam medium, necdum fluctus latera ardua tinxit. 665 t66. Nos trepidi cepi- Nos procul inde fugam trepidi celerare, recepto mwnus celerare fugam pro- * p cul inde, supplice, f o Suplice sic merito, tacitique incidere funem cul inde, suppliee, sic merito, recepto a nobis Verrimus et proni certantibus aquora remis. 669. Polyphemus sen- Sensit, et ad sonitum vocis vestigia torsit. sit hoc, et torsit Verum ubi nulla datur dextrA affectare potestas, 070 670. nulla potestas Nec potis lonios fluctus aquare sequendo; datur ili affectare nos * q dextra; nec potis est Clamorem immensum tollit, quo pontus et omnes 673. Extcrrita fuit Intremuere undas, penitusque exterrita tellus penitis Itale, curvisque immugiit AEtna cavernis. At genus e sylvis Cyclopum et montibus altis 67b Excitum ruit ad portus, et litora complent. Cernimus adstantes nequicquam lumine torvo _Etnaeos fratres, ccelo capita alta ferentes, 679. Tales quales cum Concilium horrendum: quales cuin vertice celso aerie quercus, aut coni- Aeria quercus aut conifere cyparissi 680 82. Acer metus agit Constiterunt, sylva alta Jovis, lucusve Dianae. socios precipites excu- Praecipites metus acer agit quocunque rudentes tore Excutere, et ventis intendere vela secundis. NOTIS. whom Virgil here imitates. Ea sola voluptas, 677. Lumine: in the sense of oculo. JNe&c. probably refers to his sheep. quicquan: in vain; because we were out of 663. Inde: in the sense of deinde. Or, their reach. perhaps it may be considered merely ex- 679. Concilium: in the sense of it!rbam. pletive. 680. Coniferes cyparissi: such as when 665. Fluctus: in the sense of aqua. 680. Coniffra cyparissi: slch as when 668. Certantibus: in the sense of aboan- the aerial oaks, or cone bearing cypresses tbu668. Ce u: in te s e of stand together with their lofty tops, &c. 669. Sonium vocis. This may refer to The cypress tree bears a fruit resembling the the sound of their voices. For though it is figure of the cone; hence called conifera. the sound of their voices. For though it is' said they went off silently; this can only Te qurcus was sacred to Jove; hence ula mean, they did it with as little noise as pos- s Jovis: and te cypress was sacred to sible. There must have been some, to give Proserpina or Diana; hence lucus Diamr. the necessary orders. But more probably to 682. Prccipites: in the sense of celeies. the sound of their oars; for vox sometimes Quocunque: for quocunque modo, in any signifies any sound whatever. direction or way whatever. 670. AJfeclare dextrd: to grasp or seize 683. Excutere rudentes. Rudentes may with his right hand. be taken for those ropes, which seamen cal' The common reading is dextram, but this the sheets. By the help of these, they draw is more difficult. Heyne reads dextra; in the sail when they wish to go.near the which is approved by Valpy, although he wind; or let it out when they sail before it, retains dextram. Davidson observes some or with a fair wind. It is usually fastenancient copies have dextra attrectare. ed to the extremity of the sail, or to the 671. Fluctus: in the sense of mare. He boom or yard which extends the sail. That could not equal the depth of the sea. it does not here mean the cables, will ap673. Undae intremuere. Dr. Trapp says, pear, when we consider that they had althis is a most noble hyperbole. Some there ready cut their cables, incidere funem, verse are, who think it too bold. But they not 667 supra, and were out at sea. Exculere only forget the prerogative of poetry, but the rudentes, therefore, will be, to let out, to loose real nature of fear; which always swells or extend the sheets, so as to sail before the and heightens its object. Penitus: in the wind. This is more fully expressed by sense of inlim. intendere vela secundis vintis, to spread the 674. Immugiit. in the sense of remugiit. sails to the favorable winds. It was not so 675. Genus: in the sense of gens. Some much the object of )Eneas, in this juncture, copies read gens. to proceed on his direct course, as to sail in .ENE1IS... III. 281 (;,ntaa, jussa monent Heleni Scyllam atque Charybdim: Inier uiranque viam, leti discrimine parvo, 685 Ni teneant cursus; certum est dare lintea retr6. Ecce autem Boreas angusta a sede Pelori 690. Relgns retrorMissus adest: vivo prttervehor ostia saxo sum litora errata jarn Pantagiae, Megarosque sinus, Tapsumque jacentem. ante a se Talia monstrabat relegens errata retrorsuin 690 694. Fama est AlpheLitora Achemenides, comes infelicis Lilyssei. un amnern Elidis eglsse sibi occultas vias hue Sicanio praetenta sinu jacet insula contra s bi ltas ias hi.nsula contra subter mare; qui amnis Plernmyrium undosum: nomen dixere priores eviens e tuo ore, O AreOrtygiam. Alpheum fama est hue, Elidis amnem, thusa, nune NOTES. any direction, so as to escape the hands of closed on each side with a steep rock. The the Cyclops. Hleyne says, explicare, inten- prep. i, vel ex, is understood before vice dere, evolvere rudenles. See 267. supra. saxo. JMegaros Sinus: the bay of Megara. 684. Contra jussa Heleni: on the other This bay lies between the river Terias and hand, the commands of Helenus warn (my Syracuse. In this bay was Tapsus,a penincompanions) of Scylla and Charybdis. That sula, which lay low, and almost level with they may not hold their course in either the sea. way, in so great danger (small a distance) 690..Ionstrabal: Achemenides pointed of death, it is determined to sail backward. out to us these things, as he was sailing That we may not pass near Scylla and Cla- back along the shores, along which he had rybdis, nor near the monster Polyphernus, wandered before. and his associates; in either way, we should Virgil here follows the opinions of those be in imminent danger of death, we deter- who make Ulysses to have sailed from the mine to spread our sails backward. The country of the Lotophagi in Africa, to the usual explication of this passage refers southern part of Sicily; and turning the utramque viamn, to Scylla and Charybdis: promontory of Pachynum, sailed along the implying that the passage between the rock eastern shore, and visited IEtna, and the Scylla and the whirlpool Charybdis was country of the Cyclops. The course of dangerous, and par'mn a morte distare. The _Eneas being to the south, was the reverse explanation, referring ulramque viam both of that of Ulysses. Achemenides, therefore, to the straits of.lMessina, and the Cyclops, might be said to sail back again, with the appears the easiest. In order to shun the greatest propriety. Dr. Wharton observes, dangers of each, they determined to sail that Virgil is an exact observer of probabiliback into the open sea, or from whence they ty. If it should be objected by any one, came. The wind probably at that moment that ]Eneas was a perfect stranger to this blew from the south, and prevented them coast, and could not be supposed acquainted from pursuing their direct course. But with the several places, which he passed; shifting to the north, they changed their an answer is at hand: Achemenides, wlo purpose, and sailed down the eastern shore had lately passed along the same shores, of Sicily. This, and the two following lines, pointed them out to him. Heyne conjectures are an interpolation. 691. Infelicis: unfortunate. This may 685. Discrimine: in the sense of spatio, refer in general to the disasters he suffered vel distantia: also, of pcriculo. in his return from Troy; and particularly 686. JXi: in the sense of ne. Lintea: the loss of a part of his fleet in the straits of in the sense of vela. Messina. The return of Ulysses from Troy, 687. Pelori. Pelorus is the northern pro- is the subject of the Odyssey. montory of Sicily, forming, with Italy, the 69. Insula ptena: an island lies in straits of MJessina, so called from a city of front of the Sicilian bay, over gainst boisthat name on the Sicilian shore. These. straits are about one mile and a half wide. terus PIemMyraiu,. This wss a promnaT.e wind blowing from them, was fair for tory near Syracuse, against which the waves The wind blowing fromrn them, was fair for 2 v ^. from the sea beat. otIence the epithet undohim to sail down the eastern shore of Sicily, according to the direction of' Helenus. It Between this roontory and Sra is here called Boreas, because it came from cuse lay the island of Orfygia. the north. AEneas speaks of this wind as a 693. Priores: in the sense of majores. person sent, or commissioned by Heaven to 694. Alp)heum. Alpheus, a celebrated river aid and assist him:.Missus adest. Angusta of the Peloponnesus, rising from the mounsede. Rueus says: anguslofrelc. tain Stylmp/alus, running in a westerly di689. Pantagice ostia. Pantagia was a rection, passing through a part of Aicadia small river, whose mouth (ostia) was en- and Elis, falls into the Sinus Cypacrissce;.^ 282 P. VIRGILII MARON1S Occultas cgisse vias subter mare; qui nune 095 Ore, Arethusa, tuo Siculis confunditur undis, 697. Ut eramus jussi Jussi numina magna loci veneramur: et inde leesw, veneramur Exsupero prvepingue solum stagnantis IHelori. Hinc altas cautes projectaque saxa Pachyni Radimus; et fatis nunquam concessa moveri 700 Apparet Camarina procul, campique Geloi, Immanisque Gela, fluvii cognomine dicta. Arduus inde Agragas ostentat maxima longe Maenia, magnanimuim quondam generator equorum Teque datis linquo ventis, palmosa Selinus: 70& Et vada dura lego saxis Lilybeia caccis. Hine Drepani me portus et illetabilis ora Accipit. Hic, pelagi tot tempestatibus actus, Heu! genitorem, omnis curve casfisque levamen, 710. Hic, 0 optime Amitto Anchisen: hic me, pater optime, fessum 710 pater, deserts mo fessum Deseris, heu! tantis nequicquam erepte periclis. NOTES. 696. Arethusa. This was a fountain on of Gelas, or Gela, a river not far from Cathe west side of the island of Ortygia. The marina, near the mouth of which stood Gepoets feigned that Alpheus, the river-god, la, once a large (immanis) and respectable being in love with the nymph Arethusa, city, founded by the Rhodians and Cretans. rolled his stream from Elis under ground, It was destroyed by the Agrigentini. pasing through the sea, without intermin- 702. Dcta cognomine: called after the gling with it, and arose up in this fountain, name of the river. mingling his waters with those of the nymph. 703. Ag ragas: a city situated at the mouth What makes this fable the more absurd, is, of a river of the same name. It was built that the distance between the Peloponnesus on the summit of a hill, or mountain: hence and Sicily is not less than 450 miles. Egisse: called arduus, high. It was one of the largest in the sense offecisse. Ore: in the sense cities of Sicily. Its horses were celebrated of fonte. Undis: in the sense of aquis. for their performance al the Olympic games. 698. Exsupero: in the sense of prm.tereo. Hence, quondam, &c. once the breeder of It is sometimes written, exupero. Helori. generous horses. Helorus, or Elorus, was a river falling into 705. Selinus: a city whose plains aboundthe sea, a little to the north of the promon- ed in palm-trees. Hence the epithet palnotory Pachynum. It overflowed its banks sa. Datis: in the sense offaventibus. like the Nile of Egypt, and rendered the 706. Lilybeia: an adj. from Lilybeum, country fertile, through which it passed. the western promontory of Sicily. The Hence the epithet stagnans, overflowing- water here is said to be shoal to the distance stagnating. of three miles from the land, and the bottom 699. Pachyni. The southern promonto- rocky. Hence lego: I coast along the Liry of Sicily was called Pachynum. Hodie, lybeian shallows, dangerous (dura) with Capo Passaro. latent rocks. Rumus interprets dura by as701. Camarina. The name of a lake at pera. In this sense it will allude to the the southern part of Sicily, near a city of roughness of the sea, occasioned by the the same name, built by the people of Syra- rocks lying on the bottom. cuse. In the time of a plague, which the 707. Portus Drepani. Drepanum (hodie, inhabitants imagined originated from its Trepani) a city and harbor a few miles to the stagnant waters, they consulted the oracle of north of the promontory just mentioned, Apollo concerning the expediency of drain- IHere _Eneas lost his father. He therefore ing it. The oracle advised them to let it calls it illaetabilis era: an unjoyous coast, remain, alleging it would be better to endure It is said the inhabitants still show his torib. its noxious vapors, than to remove it. This 708. Actus: in the sense of jactatus. explains the words: nunquam concessa no- 709. Levamen: in the sense of solatium. veri fatis; never permitted by the fates to 710. Fessum: weary-worn out with toils be removed. However, the people made and misfortunes. the experiment, and they found the words of 711. Erepte: voc. agreeing with optime the oracle true. For the enemy entered on paler. In placing the death of Anchises the ground where the lake stood, and took here,.Virgil differs from Strabo, who repro-, the city. Hodie, Lago di Camarina. Campi sents JEneas as arriving in Italy with his Geloi: the plains of Gclas. Geloi: an adj. father, and his son Ascanius. .ENETS. LIB [11. 28* Nee vates Ilelenus, cilm multa horrenda monEret, lios mihi preedixit luctus; non dira Celaeno. 713. Dira Celesno non Ilic labor extremus, longarum hec meta viarum. pi dixit Hinc me digressum vestris Deus appulit oris. 715 714. Hic fuit extreSic pater zEneas, intentis omnibus, unus Fata renarrabat Divum, cursusque docebat: Conticuit tandem, factoque hic fine quievit. 718. Fine narrationia NOTES. 712. Moneret: in the sense of prcediceret. 717. Unus renarrabat: he alone related 714. Hic extremus: this line may be taken the purposes (decrees) of the gods (toward in two senses either to mean the end of him,) and declared his wanderings. Unus. Anchises' labor, and the termination of his in the sense of solus. long voyage, or that the death of his father 718. Quievit: he rested-he went to rest. was to JEneas the greatest of all his afflic- Segrais observes that the second and third tions, and the end of his voyage toward the books may be recited in two hours. The Italian coast. Rumus takes it in the former story did not appear long to Dido and the sense; Mr. Davidson in the latter, guests: for he ceased, intentis omnibus, and 715. Deus appulit: a god directed me, at midnight too, nor will they appear long departing hence (from the coast and port of to any reader of taste and judgment. Drepanum) to your shores. QUESTIONS. How did ]Eneas employ his time during Who were the founders of the Trojan his residence at Antandros? race? How many ships had he when he set sail? Of what country were they natives? At what time of the year did he set sail? From Crete, to what country was he diHow long probably after the capture of the rected to sail? city? How did he receive this instruction? To what place did he direct his course? What befel him soon after he set sail? What city did he found in Thrace? What land did he first make? What did'he call the name of it? In what sea are the Strophades? What did he call his followers from this By whom were these islands inhabited? circumstance? Who was the chief of the Harpies? Did he soon abandon the idea of remain- Did she give to Eneas any intimation of ing in Thrace? suffering and want, before he should find a Why did he thus abandon it? permanent settlement? Who was Polydorus? How was this prediction accomplished? How came he by his death? From these islands, which way did he diFrom Thrace, to what place did XEneas rect his course? direct his course? At what places did he land? Where is Delos situated? What games did he celebrate? Of what cluster of islands is it one? For what was this coast celebrated? How was lie here received? Between whom was the battle fought? t.Who was at that time king of the island? From Actium, to what part of Epirus did For what is this island famous? he proceed?'What is the fable or story respecting it? What surprising news did he hear on enFrom what Greek word is the name de- tering the port? rived? Was the meeting of his friends very inWhat is the signification of that word? tercsting as well as unexpected? Did he consult the oracle of Apollo at What does Dr. Trapp observe of it? this place concerning the land destined to How was Andromache employed at that him? tine? What answer did he receive? What effect had the sight of Eneas and Ilow did his father Anchises interpret the Trojans upon her? that answer? Leaving Epirus, what sea did he first pass From Delos, to what place did he sail? over? What prevented him from making a set- How many miles is Italy from Epirus in llen-wt in Crete? that place? What (lid lie call the city, which he there What was the name of the promontory, founded? where he landed? Why did _Eneas go to Crete? What course did he then take 284 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Why did he not pass through the strait of How large was their eye said to be. Messlna? What was their employment aoording to Where d )es this strait lie? the poets? What is the navigation of it-safe or Who had been upon this coast a shori dangerous? time before the arrival of Encas? What renders it dangerous? To what place was Ulysses bound? Why is Sicily sometimes called Trina- What misfortune befel him in the stiait of cria? Messina? What are the names of its three promon- What did he do to Polyphemus? worics? Whly did'he thus punish him? WVhere did lEneas first land on this island? From whom did Eneas receive this acWhat famous mountain was near? count of the Cyclops? How lkng did lie remain? How many of these giants were there Was there an eruption at that time? then on the island? What effect had it upon the Trojans? Who was Achemenides? What is the fabulous account of the cause On what part of Sicily did iEneas after of an eruption? ward land? Is this very far from the true cause? What is the name of the port r Vho were the inhabitants of that part of What loss befel him here? Sicily? Does this close the account, which ~Eneas Who was at that time their king? gave to Dido at her request? From what circumstance were they call- When does the poem open? ed Cyclops? Where was Eneas at that time? LIBER QUARTUTS. r Is booK opens with the love of Dido for Ineas, and her conference with her sister Anna upon the subject. Juno perceiving her passion, conceived the plan of forming L connexion between them. To effect this the easier, she endeavors to draw Venus,ier to her views. In the mean time, Erneas and Dido prepare to go on a party of ntingnr; and while in the chase, Juno raises a violent tempest. The thunder rends the;kies, and torrents of rain fall. The party seek shelter wherever they can. Through 1 device of Juno, lEneas and Dido repair to the same cave, where the goddess consecrates their nuptials. Fame immediately spread the news abroad; and it reached the ears of Iarbas, king of the Getuli, the reputed son of Jupiter Armon. le had formerly proposed a match with Dido, who rejected his offers. As soon as he heard that she was married to a stranger, he was transported to rage, mingled wvith grief. In this state of mind he made complaint to his father, who, taking pity on him, sends Mercury to dissolve the match, and to order IFneas to prepare to leave Carthage for Italy. In obedience to his commands, he privately makes the necessary preparations for setting sail. Dido perceiving his movements, endeavors to dissuade him from his purpose, in the tenderest and most affectionate strain; but it had no influence over him. Being warned a second time, lie weighs anchor in haste, and the love-sick Queen beholds him leaving her coast. The sight wrung her soul, and drew from her lips the most severe reproofs and bitter imprecations. She enjoins it upon her people to revenge the injury done to her, and to pursue his descendants with irreconcilable hatred. Having ordered a funeral pile to be erected, she ascends it, and with her own hand puts an end to her existence. (The nature of the subject rluders this book highly interesting; and it is considered one of the finest in the 2Encid. At regina, gravi jamdudum saucia cc ra, NOTES. Regina. Dido sometimes called Eliza, calls him Melten. Her grandfathel was was a Tyrian princess. Joseplius informs Badezsor7s, and her great granilfather was us her father's name was Melginus. He Ithlobalus, called in Scripture Elhthaal, whcse obtained his information from the records of daughter Jezebel was married to Ahab, king the Tvrians: and Theophilus of Antioch of Israel. Virgil, however, makes the name EXNEb,. LIB. IV. 285 Vulnus alit venis, et cteco carpitur igni. Multa viri virtus animo, multusque recursat Gentis honos: herent infixi pectore vultus, Verbaque: nee placidam membris dat cura quietem. 5 A Postera Phoebe& lustrabat lampade terras, lustraba terr Pbo Ilumentemque Aurora polo dimoverat umbram lampade NOTES. of her father to be Belus. En. i. 625. Marol- her arrival in Africa, found Carthage allius has given a list of the kings of Tyre, and ready built, and that she only fortified it, makes Belus an abbreviation of Ithobalus, and added a tower or citadel, which she the father of Pygmalion and Dido; but he called Byrsa. This word is evidently from follows fabulous and traditionary accounts, the Hebrew Bosra, which means a fortifi awhich should always be received with cau- tion, or fortified place. The Greeks, mistion. Among other things, what renders taking the meaning, or overlooking it, suphis account doubtful, is, that he brings Dido posed, from the similarity of the words, that upon the stage of action more than a hun- it was the same with their Byrsa, which dred years before the destruction of Troy. means a bull's hide. Virgil followed the reAfter the death of his father, Pygmalion ceived opinion. See lEn. i. 367. It has been ascended the throne. He was an avaricious the general opinion that Virgil, in making prince, and stopped at nothing by which he lEneas and Dido cotemporary, is guilty of could increase his riches. He conceived the an anachronism. Bochart is positive of this, plan of murdering Acerbas, or Sicharbas, the and says that all the ancient chronologers beloved husband of his sister. Virgil calls of any credit, place the destruction of Troy, him Sichceus, softening the name to make at least 60 years before the reign of Saul, it flow more easily into his verse. Sichues king of Israel; and the time of Dido's buildwas the richest of all the Tyrians. Pyg- ing Byrsa, the fortress of Carthage, at least malion coveted his treasures; but there was 200 years after it, making 260 years to inno way to possess them while he was living. tervene between the destruction of Troy, He therefore formed the purpose of taking and the building of Byrsa. In this case, the away his life. He came upon him unex- destruction of Troy will be 1160 years bepectedly, and slew him while he was per- fore the Christian era. Sir Isaac Newton, forming his devotions before the altar. This. however, in his chronology, has brought it atrocious deed, the base prince had the ad- down nearly 300 years; and thus makes dress to conceal, for some time, from his Eneas and Dido cotemporary. However sister. At length the whole matter was laid the case may be, it was undoubtedly a reopen to Dido by the ghost of her deceased ceivcd opinion among the Romans, that they husband, and she was admonished to flee were cotemporary, and this was sufficient her country. Having collected what trea- for the poet; and even if heknew otherwise, sure she could on so sudden an emergency, he acted prudently in following the general and seizing some vessels that were then opinion, since it contributed so much to the ready for sea, she set sail, accompanied by embellishment of his poem. many of her countrymen: and, after a long Jamdudum: a long while. Servius exand tedious voyage, she arrived in Africa lains it by imi'm, or vehementiis. Though It appears to have been her purpose to join were only a short time since Eneas came her.ont ho ayyasbfr It were only a short time since Eneas canle her countrymen, who, many years before, to Carthage, yet, with respect to Dido's under Xorus and Carchedon, had formed a passion, and the impatience of her love, it settlement, to which they gave the name of iht be said to be a long time. Cura: Utica, about 15 miles from the place where solic ne Ruesus says, solicitudine. Tunis now stands. This place was after-. A,. ward rendered famous by the death of the 2. Slit vulnus: she nourishes a wound in second Caro, who was hence called Cao, her veins, and is consumed by the secret fire Uticensis. Dido met with a welcome recep-of love. This is said in allusion to Cupid's tion, and was desired to build a city on thearrow and torch; the former towound and spot where she landed. For this purpose,the latter to inflame. Caco igni. Valpy shr purchased a tract of country of the na- says "a concealed passion." tives, many of whom joined her, together 3. JMlta viri virtus: the many virtues of with some from Utica. She called her city the hero, and the many honors of his race, Catharda or Carthage, which, in the PhAni- rect.r to her mind. By his father, XEneas cian and Ilebremw languages, signifies a newo descended from the royal family of Troy city. It stood about 700 years, and was and, by Venus his mother, from Jove himdestroyed by the Romans under Scipio, in self. the year of Rome 603, and before Christ 6. Phee.bea Lampade: with the lamp of 145. See Rollin's An. His. lib. ii. ch. 1. Phaobus, that is, with the sun. By TaprnoThere are some who say that Dido, on sis. Polo: in the sense of coao. '286 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 8. Male sana regina Cum sic unanimem alloquitur male sana sororera alloquitur Anna soror, quae me suspensam insomnia terrent! 10. Quis novus hospes Quis novus hic nostris successit sedibus hospes 10 hic successit Quem sese ore ferens! quim forti pectore. et armis! 12. Eum esse genus Credo equidem, nec vana fides, genus esse Deorunm. Dcorum Degeneres animos timor arguit. Heu, quibus ille Jactatus fatis! quve bella exhausta canebat! Si mihi non animo fixum immotumque sedelet, 15 16. Ne vellem sociare Ne cui me vinclo vellem sociare jugali, me cui in jugali vinclo, Postquam primus amor deceptam morte fefellit; postquam meus primus Si non pertaesum thalami tTedatque fuisset; amor fefelfit me 24. Sed optem vel Huic uni forsan potui succumbere culp)e. ima tellus dehiscat mihi, Anna, fatebor enim, miseri post fata Sichlei 20 vel pateromnipotensadi- Conjugis, et sparsos fraterna cade penates, gat me fulmine ad um- Solus hic inflexit sensus, animumque labantem bras, pallentes umbras Impulit: agnosco veteris vestigia flammae. Erebi, profundamque noctem, prilisqum, 0 Sed mihi vel tellus optem prius ima dehiscat, pudor, ego violo to Vel pater omnipotens adigat me fulmine ad umbras, 25 NOTES. 8. Male sana: thelove-sick queen address- tur signifies, sometimes, as in this placeed her concordant sister. Unanimem, here, distress-misfortunes-calamities. is very emphatical. It implies that there 14. Canebat: in the sense of narrabat. was such a harmony and agreement sub- 15. Sederet: in the sense of maneret. sisting between them, that they both seemed 16. Sociare: to connect myself in marto be animated with the same soul: (of riage with any one. unus and animus.) JMale sana: Male, here, 17. Primus amor: after my first love dehas the force of non. The queen was so in ceived me, disappointed by the death of love with iEneas, that she disregarded the my husband. She had pictured to herself sober dictates of reason, and her better an uninterrupted course of conjugal felicity, judgment. Valpy says, " with disturbed of which she was disappointed by the death mind." Insomnia: dreams. Suspensam: in of her husband. This led her to enter into the sense of solicitam. the resolution of never forming a second 11. Quem sese ferens ore: what an illus- connexion. trious person, showing himself (to be) by non per fuisset if I had not his countenance I of how great fortitude and be (splese ih h aia been weary (displeased) with the marriage prowess! bed. and nuptial torch, perhaps, &c. Ted(e. The Quaim. forti peetore et armis, is an The Qu for pectore et m s n It was a custom among the Romans to carry elliptical expression. It is thus filled: Qu a torch before the newly mariedife, when fri pectore est lle; et qu.amfortibus arm. she was conducted to the house of her husThe preposition e, or e, being still under-.. te preposition e, or e., being still under- band. Hence it is often put for the nuptials Otood, governing the ablative cases. By the themselves forti pectore, we are to understand his forti- emse ves. tude in undergoing hardships, and support- 19. Potui: I might yield to this one fault. ing misfortunes: and by the armis, his cou- Potui: in the sense of potuissem. rage and prowess in arms. Second marriages were considered disre13. Timnor arguit: fear shows a base and putable among the Roman women, as showigno-ble mind. As fear argues a base and ing a want of respect for the memory of the ignoble mind, so courage and valor bespeak deceased, and as conveying a suspicion of h noble and divine original. The poet has incontinency. filled the speech of Dido with these abrupt But culpa is sometimes taken simply for half sentences, and made her speak incohe- the indulgence of the passion of love, howrently, on purpose to show the confusion ever innocent. and perturbation of her mind. 21. Fraterna cede. Sichnus was murder14. Exhausta: drawn out-endured to ed, by her brother, at the altar. Hence the the last. Not only begun, but accomplished, murder is called fraternal. Fata: in the and with resolution brought to an end. Here sense of mortem. See note 1. supra. is plainly an allusion to the draining of some 22. Inflerit sensus: he alone hath changed bitter cup to the very last dregs. A parti- my inclinations, and made an impression c.ple from exhaurio. Fatis. The wordfa- upon my wavering mind. IENEIS. LIB. lV. 287 Pallentes umbras Erebi, noctemque profundam, Ante, pudor, quam te violo, aut tua jura resolvo. Ille ineos. primus qui me sibi junxit, amores 28. Ille Sichceus abstnAbstulit; ille habeat secum, servet(ue sepulchro. lit meos aIores, qui Sic effata, sinurn lachrymis implevit obortis. 30 Anna refert: 0 luce magis dilecta sorori, 31. O tu, nagis dilec. Solane perpetua mcerens carpere juventa? ta sorori luc6, sola-ne Nee dulces natos, Veneris nec praenia n6ris? merens carpere in perId cinerem, aut Manes credis curare sepultos? peta juvent 34. Credis cinerem Esto:'egram nulli quondam flexere mariti, 35 Sichbei, ant sepultos Non Libyae, non ante Tyro: despectus Iarbas, 36. Eslo: Iarbas deDuctoresque alii, quos Africa terra triumphis spectus est, aliique ducDives alit: placitone etiam pugnabis amori? tores Nee venit in mentem, quorum consederis arvis? Iinc Getulm urbes, genus insuperabile bello, 40 Et Numide infrreni cingunt, et inhospita Syrtis: Iinc deserta siti regio, lateque furcntes NOTES. 26. Erebi: the place of the dead-the in- undertake the business; upon this tile queen fernal regions. rebuked them, and declared that if the safety 27. Ante. The ante here is plainly ex- of his country required it, any one should pletive. Priis goes before it, and is to be be willing to give up even his life. They connected with quam. Some copies have then opened the whole matter, saying, the violemn and resolvam. Pudor: in the sense very thing she had enjoined on others, she of pudicitia.. had to perform herself, if she would consult 30. Implevit sinum: she filled her bosom the good of the city. Being taken by this with flowing tears. Servius and Turnebus device, after much lamentations, and many take sinumn, here, for the cavity of the eye. invocations of her husband, she declared But the common import of the word is much that she would obey the call of her country. more expressive, as it shows her tears to be Having passed three months in this manner, much more copious, and paints her passion she caused a funeral pile to be erected in as more violent. Referl: in the sense of one part of the city, as if to appease the respondet. Luce: in the sense of vita..Manes of her departed husband, and to offer 32. Sola-ne carpere: will you fade and sacrifices for him before her nuptials. She wither away, mourning alone as a widow ascended the pile, and taking a sword in her through all your youth, &c. Rueus says, hand, said to her people, that she would go an sola consumeris dolens per totam juventu- to her husband as they required, and, with tem. But carpere may be used in the sense her own hand, put an end to her existence. of the Greek middle voice. The meaning While Carthage remained, she was worshipis obvious. ped as a goddess. 35. Julli mariti: no suitors moved you 37. Terra dives triumphis. It appears from sorrowing-while.your loss was fresh in Scrvius, that the Africans were the inventors your memory, and your grief unabated. of triumphal shows. Some say they never JMaett: in the sense of proci..gram: in triumphed. But Justin tells us that Asdruthe sense of dolentem. Te is understood. bal, in particular, was honored with four 36. Iarbas. Among the many who made triumphs. Placito: in the sense of grato suit to Dido, was Iarbas, a rich and power- J.e is interrogative. fil prince of Africa, and reputed son of 40. Geulice urbes. The Getuli were a Jupiter Ammon. But Justin gives a very brave and warlike people, to the south of different account of the matter from the one Carthage. Hinc, when it has its corresgiven here by the poet. HIe says, larbas, pondent hinc, the former is rendered, on the having gotten ten of the principal Cartha- one side; and the latter, on the other side. ginians, demanded of them Dido in mar- 41.,Vumidce. The Numidians, again, were riage; and, in case of a refusal, he threaten- a people fierce and uncivilized, lying to the ed to declare war against them. Fearing westward. Inhospita Syrtis. Both the to deliver the message to the queen, they greater and the less Syrtis lay in the Sitnu said the king demanded a person who might Libycus, to the north and east of Carthago teach him and his people the arts of civilized and rendered the navigation dangerous.,ife; but that no one could be found who was 42. Deserta slti rendered desert by willing to leave his relations and friends to drought. 288a ~ P. V IRGILII MARONIS Barcaei. Quid bella Tyro surgentia dicam, Germanique minas? 45. Ego equldem reor Dis equidem auspicibus reor, et Junone secundA, 45 [liacas carinas tennisse IHuc cursum Iliacas vento tenuisse carinas. eursum huc vento, Dis Quam tu urbem, soror, hanc cernes! qua surgere regna nsculsda. Conjugio tali Teucrum comitantibus armis, Punica se quantis attollet gloria rebus! Tu mod6 posce Deos veniam, sacrisque litatis, 60 Indulge hospitio, causasque innecte morandi; Dum pelago desaevit hyems, et aquosus Orion; Quassataque rates, et non tractabile coelum. 54. Animum jam in- His dictis incensum animum inflammavit amore, censum amore Spemque dedit dubie menti, solvitque pudorem. 56 59. Sed Junoni ante Principio delubra adeunt, pacemque per aras omnes, cui jugalia vin- Exquirunt: mactant lectas de more bidentes cla sunt curie. Legiferae Cereri, Phoeboque, patrique Lyeo 60. Pulcherrima Dido Junoni ante omnes, cui vincla jugalia curse. ipsa tenens pateramn psa tenens dexr ateram pulc dextra fundit vinum in- tenens e pateam pulcerria Dido, 60 ter media cornua can- Candentis vacce media inter cornua fiunit: dentis vaccae: Aut ante ora Deumn pingues spatiatur ad aras, NOTES. 43. Barcei. These were a people to the 54. Incensum: burning, or inflamed with east, inhabiting a dry and barren country. love. Quid dicam: why shall I mention the 55. Dubice: wavering. Solvit pudorem. wars arising from Tyre, and the threats of removed her scruples in regard to disrespect your brother? Justin says, when Pygmalion to the memory of her late husband. Valpy. understood that Dido had lied her country, 57. Exquirunt pacem per aras: they seek and taken with her much treasure, he deter- peace by the altars. This refers to the way mined to pursue her; but was dissuaded of prying into the entrails of the victims, in from his purpose by his mother, and the order to know the will of the gods. Bidenthreats of the gods. les lectas de more. It was a regulation that 45. Junone secunda. Juno is here parti- no victims should be offered to the gods, but cularly named, because she presided over such as were without blemish. Bidentes: marriage, and because Carthage was under properly sheep of two years old. her peculiar protection.,4uspicibus: in the 58. Legiferce Cereri. Ceres was the sense offauloribus, vel auctoribus. Secunda: daughter of Saturn and Ops, and the god,;n the sense of propitia. dess of husbandry. It is said, she was the 49. Quantis rebus: by what noble deeds first institutor of laws, especially those of will the Carthaginian glory exalt itself, the marriage. See Eel. v. 79. Phwebo. Dido arms of the Trojans accompanying yours? offers sacrifices to Phebus, as the god who 50. Sacris litalis: sacrifices being offered. presided over futurity, that he might send The proper signification of litare, is, to pro- her favorable omens. See Eel. iv. 10. To pitiate by sacrifice. Sacris: in the sense of father Bacchus, as the god of mirth and victimis. jollity, that he might crown the match with 51. Innecte: devise causes for detaining joy. See Eel. v. 69. And especially (ente him. omnes) to Juno, as the goddess who presided 52. Desevit. Ruasus takes this in the over nuptials. Cui vincla jugalia curee: to sense of desacviet, the present for the future. whom the marriage knot is for a care. See 53. JVon tractabile: in the sense of procel- En. i. 4. lo'um, vel sevum. Celium: the air or weather. 61. Fundit, &c. This was according to AEneas arrived in Africa, it is probable, in the manner of the Romans performing sathe latter part of autumn, some time before crifice. After the immolatio, which consistthe approach of winter. It appears to be ed in throwing corn and frankincense, tothe plan of Anna to detain him during the gether with the nola, (which was made of pleasant part of the season, until the navi- bran or meal mixed with salt and water,) gation should become dangerous, and when upon the head of the victim, the priest it would be imprudent to set sail; in the sprinkled wine between the horns. hope that having passed so long a time 62. Spatiatur: she walks before the with them, he might be p'ersuaded finally to images (ora) of the gods, &c. It was a settle at Carthage, and give over his intend- custom among the Romans for matrons to eu purpose ef settling in Italy. walk on holy days, in a grave and solemn EN CIS. LIB -IV 289 lnstauratque diem donis, pecudumque reclusis Pectoribus inhians, spirantia consulit exta. Heu, vatum ignare mentes! quid vota furentem, 65 65. Earn firentem Quid delubra juvant? est mollis flamma medullas Interea, et taciturn vivit sub pectore vulnus. Uritur infelix Dido, totaque vagatur Urbe furens: qualis conjecta cerva sagitta, 69. Talis, qualis cerQuam procul incautam nemora inter Cressia fixit 70 a, sagitt& conjecta, quam pastor agens tells Pastor agens tells, liquitque.volatile ferrum qum stor agns te fixit incautamn procl Nescius: illa fuga sylvas saltusque peragrat inter Cressia nemora, Dictaeos: haeret lateri lethalis arundo. liquitque volatile ferNunc media AEneam secum per mcenia ducit; rum in vulnere, ncscius Sidoniasque ostentat opes, urbemque paratam. 75facci 74. Nunc Dido ducit Incipit effari, mediaque in voce resistit. iEneam secum Nunc eadem, labente die, convivia quaerit; Iliacosque iterum demens audire labores Exposcit, pendetque iterum narrantis ab ore. 79. Ore Enem narPost, ubi digressi, lumenque obscura vicissimn 80 rantis Luna premit, suadentque cadentia sidera somnos; 80. Ubi omnes digress CU i i', AJ. * r sunt ad quiotem Sola domo moeret vacua, stratisque relictis Incubat: ilium absens absentem auditque videtque: 83. Illa absens auditAut gremio Ascanium, genitoris imagine capta, que videtque Detinet, infandum si fallere possit amorem. 85 Non ccept'e assurgunt turres, non arma juventus Exercet, portusve, aut propugnacula bello Tuta parant: pendent opera interrupta, minaeque Murorum ingentes, aequataque machina ccelo. NOTES. manner, before the altars, with torches in stars disappear in the superior light of the their hands. Ora: in the sense of statuas, sun, they are said to set; so when the sun vel imagines. disappears, and withdraws his light, they 63. Instaurat: she passes the day in of- become visible, and are said to rise. The ferings. Rumus says, renovat sacrificia per same may be said of the moon. Vicissim. diem. after having given light in her course. 64. Inhians: prying into-exploring at- 82. Relictis stratis. The couch on which tentively. Spirantia' throbbing-palpita- iEneas had been sitting, and which he had ting. Exta: properly the part which we just left to retire to rest. call the lungs, including the heart, liver, &c. 84. Capta: taken, or captivated with the 65. Vatum: in the sense of extispicum. resemblance of his father, she hugs, &c. 66. JIollis flamma est: a gentle flame 88. Pendent: stand, or remain. Interconsumes. Est: in the sense of edit. Fu- rupta: in the sense of imperfecta. Ingentes rentem: in the sense of amantem. Taciturn: minc murorum. Heyne takes this simply concealed, for the high walls, (alti muri,) which by 69. Qualis cerva. This is a very proper their altitude, presented a threatening ascomparison, and agrees almost in eyery cir- pect. Valpy is of the same opinion: but cumstance. There is'a peculiar beauty in most interpreters take miace murorumL to be the hceritlateri lethalis arundo, which strong- the fortifications built upon the walls, whch ly images the fast hold that the arrows of presented a threatening appearance to an Cupid had gotten of Dido's heart. Cressia: enemy. Hortensius and Ruaus are of opian adj. Cretan. nion, they were huge and unfinished parts 71. Ferrum: in the sense of arundinem. of the wall, which seemed to threaten a 74. JMenia: properly the fortifications of ruin, and presented a terrific appearance. a city. Rumeus says, munimenta. 89. Mlachina. By this we are most pro77. Eadem: the same entertainment she bably to understand the engines used in had received the preceding night. raising stones, beams, and timber generally, 81 Luna obscura vicissim: the moon, in for carrying on the building. Heyne says, turn obscure, withdraws her light. This moles-cedificium, referring to the buildingS shows the approach of day. When the themselves. 20 290 P. VIRGILTI MARONIS 90. Quam (Didonem) Quam simul ac tali persensit peste teneri 90 simul a-, Saturnia, cha- Chara Jovis conjux, nec famam obstare furori, ra conjux Jovis, persen- Talibus aggreditur Venerem Saturnia dictis: sit teneri tali peste, nec famaln otstare ejus fu- Egregiam vero laudem, et spolia ampla refertis rori, aggreditur Vene — Tuque puerque tuus, magnum et memorabile numern, rem.talibus dictis: vero Una dolo Divurn si foemina victa duorum est: 95 tuque tuusque puer re- Nec me adeo fallit, veritam te meenia nostra, fertis egregiam laudem Suspectas hab e d s Carthaginis alt. et alnpla spolia, mag- spectas habusse domos Carag s alt num ct memorabile nu- Sed quis erit modus? aut qu6 nunc certamina tanta? men; si una femnina Quin potius pacem aeternam pactosque hymena:os victa est dclo duorum Exercemus? habes, tot. quod mente petlsti: 100 Divum. Nec adeo fal- Ardet amans Dido, traxitque per ossa furorem. lit me, te, veritam nos-' tra mcenia habuisse do- Communem hunc ergo populum, paribusque regamus mos altie Carthaginis Auspiciis: liceat Phrygio servire marito, suspectas. Dotalesque tua Tyrios permittere dextrae. 98. Modus nostrce con- Olli, sensit enim simulata mente locutam, 105 tentionis 1ten iions DidonQu regnum Italie Libycas averteret oras, 103. Liceat Didoni Lervire ion Sic contra est ingressa Venus: Quis talia demens 107. Contra Venus Abnuat, aut tecum malit contendere bello? ingressa est respondere Si modo, quod memoras, factum fortuna sequatur. olli sic; enim sensit ear Sed fatis incerta feror, si Jupiter unam 110 octam esse simuatelt Esse velit Tyriis urbem, Trojafque profectis; monte, qu5 averteret NOTES. 90. Peste: in the sense of amore. Ruseus 99. Hymenctos: match. says, veneno. 102. Regamus hunc populum. The mean93. Spolia: in the sense of victoriam. ing plainly is: Let us rule this people (comr 94. JN'umen. This is the reading of munen) composed of Trojans and CarthaHeyn, after Pierius, Heinsius, and Burman- ginians, with equal authority and power. nus. It is also approved by Valpy, though Let them be both equally under our proteche retains the common reading, nomen. In tion and auspicious influence. Auspiciu a note upon this passage, he has numen, and in the sense of potestate. observes that vestrum is understood. " Your divine power will be nobly employed," says 103. Phrygio. Servius, and some others, he. Heyne makes this turn to the words: say, that Phrygio, here, is a word of conMagnum vero et memorabile erit numen ves- tempt, and implies that Arneas was in exile trum, si vos duo Dei circumveneritis unam and in slavery, as the Phrygians then were. fieminam. He takes numcn in the sense of But Virgil uses the words Phrygius and potestas, vel potentia..J'omen is the corn- Trojanus promiscuously. Beside, Juno plays mon reading. This part of Juno's speech the hypocrite, and would, therefore, industriis extremely satirical. Tuus puer: Cupid. ously avoid every expression that might be He was the son of Jupiter and Venus. offensive, or render her suspected. The 98. Aut quo nune: or, for what purpose'expression servire marito is in allusion to one now are so great contentions? Juno and of the three ways of contracting marriage Venus took opposite sides in the affairs of among the Romans, (viz.) Coemptio: when AEneas and the Trojans. The former is the parties solemnly bound themselves to always represented their bitterest enemy, each other by the ceremony of giving and and the latter their warmest friend. The taking a'piece of money. By this the wowhole of Juno's speech is artful, and the man gave herself over into the power of the plan deep laid. proposes to lay man, and entered into a state of liberal serdown their arms, to conclude a lasting peace vitude, or subjection to him. -to form a match between Aineas and 104: otales: as a dowry. Dos is properDido, and by these means unite the Trojans ly the patrimony of the wife-any thing with the Carthaginians into one people. given to the husband with the wife. Tyrio This plan, could she have brought it about, nempe, regnum Carthaginis. would have been to her a complete victory 105. 0i: for iti, by anithsis. over her antagonist. The common reading is eertamine tanto. Heyne reads certamina 110. Feror incertafatis, si: lam rendered tania, which is much easier, and he says, is uncertain by the decrees of tile gods, whehe true rnading. ther, &c JENEIS. LIB. TV. 291 Miac)ive probet populos, ant feedera jungi. regnum Italie ad LibyTu conjux: tibi fas animum tentare precando. cas oras Perge; sequar. Tuin sic excepit regia Juno: 114 113. Tu es tsu con Mecunm erit iste labor: nunc qua ratione, quod instat, 1L est tibi dvertentar 1 i5. Nunc, adverte tu, Confiei possit, paucis, adverte, docebo. docebo paucis verbis, qua Venatum Eneas, unhque miserrima Dido, ratione, id, quod instat, In nemus ire parant, ubi primos crastinus ortus possit confieri. Extulerit Titan, radiisque retexerit orbem. His ego nigrantem commixti grandine nimbum, 120 Dum trepidant ale, saltusque indagine cingunt, 121. Dum alae trepiDesuper infindam, et tonitru ccelum omne ciebo. dant, cinguntque saltus Diffugient comites, et nocte tegentur opaca. indagine, ego desuper infundani his niagantem Speluncam Dido dux et Trojanus eandem nimbum, grandine- comDevenient. Adero, et, tua si mihi certa voluntas, 125 mixta, et ciebo omne Connubio jungam stabili, propriainque dicabo. ccelum tonitru. Hie Hymenasus erit. Non adversata, petenti 12. Si tua voluntas Annuit, atque dolis risit Cytherea repertis. 128. Cytherea non ad Oceanum interea surgens Aurora reliquit. versata annuit ei petenti, It portis, jubare exorto, delecta juventus 130 atque risit dolis repertis Retia rara, plagae, lato venabula ferro, Massylique ruunt equites, et odora canum vis. Reginam thalamo cunctantem ad limina primi Pcenorum expectant: ostroque insignis et auro Stat sonipes, ac fraena ferox spumantia mandit. 135 Tandem progreditur, magne stipante caterv&, NOTES. 114. Excepil: replied-answered. 127. Hic Hymenaeus ert: this shall be a 117. Venatum: a sup. in um, of the verb marriage. Some take the meaning to be venor, put after the verb ire. Dido is here that Hymen should be present. But this called miserrima, most unhappy, on account would be unnecessary, since the nuptials of the issue of her love. were to be performed by Juno, without the 119. Titan: in the sense of Sol. See Ecl. assistance of any other. See Geor. iii. 60. iv. 6. and Geor. iii. 48. Radiisque: and Cytherea, a name of Venus. See En. i. shall have disclosed the world by his beams. 229. The poets pretended that light sunk into 130. Jubare: in the sense of luce vel diluthe ocean every night, and was every morn- culo. ing brought from hence by the returning 131. Retia rara: the wide nets, the toils, sun. Hence the propriety of the verb extu- the spears of broad point, and the Massilian lerit. horsemen, &c. rush forth. 121. Dum ala. By ala, Servius under- 132. Odora vis canum. Vis is here used stands the horsemen, or riding hunters, who in the sense of copia, or multitudo. And are termed ale, wings, because they covered odora, in the sense of odororum, by antiptosis: the foot as the cavalry of an army. Or alce a multitude of strong scented dogs..las-. may signify the horsemen in general spread syli. They were a people of Africa, placed over the ground, like stretched out wings. by Virgil to the westward of Carthage. LitTrepidant very strongly expresses the hurry tle is known concerning them. and bustle of a company of horsemen, flying 133. Primi: in the sense of primores. and scampering over the ground in quest of 135. Slat sonipes insignis: her horse their prey. Indagine. By this some under- stands ready, richly decked in purple and stand the arranging of the hounds, and the gold. Stat: in the sense of adest. To take placing of them in proper places for -taking it literally would ill agree with the fine the game: but Ruceus, and most commen- image of the courser here given; ferox mantators, take it for the nets and toils in which dit spumantiafricna. Insignis: in the sense the game was taken. For alce, Ruaus has of ornatus. equites. 137. Circumdata Sidoniam: covered with 126. Jungam I will join them in firm a Tyrian cloak. The chlamys was both a wedlock, and will consecrate her to be his military and hunting dress. It was a loose cwn. I will give her over to be his peculiar upper garment, which covered the breastproperty. plate, and folded about the.left arm to de 2912 P VtRGILII MARONIS Sidoniam picto chlamydem circuindata Almbo. 138. Cui est pharetra Cui pharetra ex auro; crines nodantur in aulnun; ex auro Aurea purpuream subnectit fibula vestein Necnon et Phrygii comites, et laetus lilus, 1 40 Incedunt: ipse ante alios pu cherrimusomnes 142. ]Eneas ipse pul- Infert se socium AEneas, atque agmina jungit: cherrimus ante omnes Qualis, ubi hybernam Lyciam Xanthique fluenta alios infert se socium. 143. Talis, qualis est Deserit, ac Delum maternam invisit Apollo, Apollo, ubi deserit hy- Instauratque chores, mixtique altaria circum 146 bernam Lyciam, fluen- Cretesque Dryopesque fremunt, pictique Agathyrsi taque Xanthi, ac invisit Ipse jugis Cynthi graditur, mollique fluentem 14mateam Delum c Fronde premit crinem fingens, atque implicat auro auro Tela sonant humeris. Haud illo segnior ibat IEneas; tantum egregio decus enitet ore. 160 151. Postquam ven- Postquam altos ventum in montes, atque invia lustra, mtu est in altos montes, Ecce ferae saxi dejectae vertice caprme atque invia lustra; ecce Decurrere jugis: alia de parte patentes ferme caprae dejectre ver- u tice saxi decurrere jugis Transmittunt cursu campos, atque agmina cervi 153. De alia parte Pulverulenta fuga glomerant, montesque relinquunt. cervi transmittunt At puer Ascanivs mediis in vallibus acri 156 Gaudet equo: jamque hos cursu, jam praeterit illos: Spumantemque dari pecora inter inertia votis 159. Optatque votis Optat aprum, aut fulvum descendere monte leonem. opumantem aprum dari Interea magno misceri murmure ccelum 160 -ibi inter inertia pecora Incipit: insequitur commixta grandine nimbus. Et Tyrii comites passim, et Trojana juventus, Dardaniusque nepos Veneris, diversa per agros Tecta metu petiere; ruunt de montibus amnes. Speluncam Dido dux et Trojanus, eandern 16b Deveniunt: prima et Tellus et pronuba Juno NOTES. fend them from the wild beasts. The con- here mentioned seemed to be selected for struction is a Grecism. Apollo's retinue, on account of their still in 143. Qualis. The poet (En. i. 498.) com- archery. pared Dido to Diana: here he compares 148. Premit: binds up. Fingens: adEneas to Apollo, her brother. It was a justing it..Mollifronde: with a soft wreath common opinion that,-at certain times of the of leaves. Rumus says, tenera corona. year, the gods changed the place of their Auro: in the sense of aurea vitta. residence. Servius says, it was believed 149. Haud segnior: he moved not less that Apollo gave out oracles at Patara, a city graceful than he-than Apollo himself. pf Lycia, a country of Asia Minor, during 150. Ore: in the sense of vultu. the six months of the winter; and at Delos, 152. Dejectce: dislodged-routed. Jugis: the remaining six months of the year. Hence the sides of the rocks, or mountains. he was dalled both Patareus and Delius. 154. Transmittunt: in the sense of perFluenta: in the sense of luvium. currunt. 144. Maternam Delum. See LEn. iii. 75. 155. Glomerantfuga: in their flight, they 146. Cretesque: the Cretans, Dryopes, crowd together the dusty herds, &c. Ruamus and painted Agathyrsi, mingled together, ex- says, colligunt se in greges pulverulentos. press their joy (frenunt) around the altars. 159. Optat votis: he wishes with vowsWhen Apollo came, or was thought to come he greatly wishes, that a foaming boar, &c. to Delos, the several people that came to 163. Dardanius nepos Veneris: the Troconsult his oracle, celebrated his arrival jan grandson of Venus —Ascanius. Tecta; with hymns and dances. Dryopes. These tectum signifies any covered place. Here were a people who dwelt at the foot of shelters, or retreat from the storm. mount Parnassus. Agathyrsi. These were 166. Tellus et pronuba. Pronuba, a title a people of Scythia, who used to paint their of Juno, from her being the goddess of bodies with various colors. The nations marriage: compounded of pro and nubo. AENEIS. LIB. IV. 293 Dant signum: fulsere ignes,'et conscius ather 167. Conscius connuConnubiis; summoque ulularunt vertice Nymphae. biisfuit Ille dies primus lethi, primusque malorum 169. Ille dies primus Causa fuit: neque enim specie famave movetur, 170 fuit causa lethi Didoni, Nec jam furtivum Dido meditatur amorem: primsque fuit ausa Conjugium vocat: hoc praetexit nomine culpam. Extemplo Libyae magnas it Fama per urbes: Fama, malum, quo nor. aliud velocius ullum: Mobilitate viget, viresque acquirit eundo: 175 Parva metu prim6: mox sese attollit in auras, Parens terra 178. Parens terra irIngrediturque solo, et caput inter nubila condit. ritata ira Deorun proIllam Terra parens, ira irritata Deorum, genuit illam, ut homines Extremam, ut perhiibent, Coeo Enceladoque sororem perhibent, extremam so. Progenuit, pedibus celerem et pernicibus alis: 180 rorem Ceo EnceladoMonstrum horrendum, ingens: cui quot sunt corpore quecelerempedibus, et Tot vigiles oculi subter, mirabile dictu! [pluma, 181. Monstrum horTot linguae, totidem ora sonant, tot subrigit aures. rendum, ingens; cuisunt Nocte volat cceli medio terreque per umbramn tot vigiles oculi subter, Stridens, nec dulci declinat lumina somno. 185 mirabile dictu! tot linLuce sedet custos, aut summi culmine tecti, gum, totidem ora sonant. subrigit tot aures, quot Turribus aut altis, et magnas territat urbes * sunt plumne in corpore. Tam ficti pravique tenax, quam nuntia veri. 191. Canebat Eneam Haec tumrn ultiplici populos sermone replebat venisse, cretum a TrojaGaudens, et pariter facta atque infecta canebat: 190 no sanguine, cui viro pulchra Dido dignetur Venisse ~Aneam, Trojano a sanguine cretum, punglera sedo dignetur jungere se: nnne luxu Cui se pulchra viro dignetur jungere Dido: fovere inter se hyemerl, Nunc hyemem inter se luxu, quam longa, fovere, quam longa est, NOTES Its primitive meaning is bride-maid. Some escaped censure. JMalumn: in the sense of rank Tellus among the Divinities that pre- pestis vel monstrum. sided over marriage. She gave signs of 179. Ceo Enceladoque. These were two disapprobation by an earthquake, or some Giants, who took the lead in the war motion of the earth. Sercius says, there against the gods. They were the sons of was no omen more inauspicious to nuptials Titan and Tellus. Their object in the war than this. Juno also gave her sign against was to restore their father Titan to the the match, by rain and storms of hail. throne, from which Jupiter had driven him. Flashes of lightning supplied the place of They attempted to attack Heaven, by putthe nuptial torch; and the only song was ting mount Ossa upon Pclion; but in the the howling of the mountain nymphs. attempt they were chastised by Jupiter, in These were all sad presages of the future. an exemplary manner. At this vengeanco 169. Ille dies primusfuit causa: that day, (ira) of the gods, Tellus was irritated; and the first (in an especial manner,) was the by way of revenge, produced fame, their cause of death to Dido; and the beginning youngest sister, swift on the foot, and on (primus) of her woes. lle nimble wing. 170. Specie fama-ve. By the species we 184. Medio: in the middle of heaven and are to understand the appearance and de- earth-between,heaven and earth. Umformity of the action, as it passed in review bram: in the sense of tenebras. before her own mind; and by fama, the 186. Luce: in the sense of die. Custos: scandal and infimny of it, in the eyes of the a spy. world. 188. Tam tenax: as tenacious of false172. Prcetexit: palliates or covers. Cul- hood and wickedness, as a messenger of pam: in the sense of crimen. truth. 174. Fama malum quo: Fame, a fiend, 189. Sermone: in the sense of rumore. than which there is not another more swiift, 190. Canebat: site equally proclaimed &c. In this account of fame, the Poet imi- facts and fictions. tates Homer's description of discord. A ju- 193. Junc fovere luxu: that now in luxdicious critic is of opinion that this descrip- ury they caress one another during the tion of fame is one of the greatest orna- winter, as long as it may be. Hyemem ments of the JEveid. It has not, however, quam longa: in the sense oV longam hye 294 P. V1RGILII MARONIS Regnorum immemores, turpique cupidine caplto Hae passim Dea foeda virum diffundit in ora. 19i Protinuis ad regem cursus detorquet Iarbam; Incenditque animum dictis, atque aggerat iras. 198. Hie satus Am- Hic Ammone satus, rapta Garamantide Nympht, mono, Nylnpha Gara- Templa Jovi centum latis immania regIis, mantide rapLt, posuit Centum aras posuit; vigilemque sacraverat ignem, 200 Jovi centum immania templa in latis regnis, Excubias Divum aternas, pecudumque cruore posuit centum aras; sa- Pingue solum, et variis florentia limina sertis. craveratque Isque amens animi, et rumore accensus amaro, 203. Isque amens ani- Dicitur ante aras, media inter numina Divum, mi, et accensus amaro ulta Jovem manibus supplex orasse supinis: 05 rumore, dicitur supplex u p.s or&sse Jovem multa su- Jupiter omnipotens, cu nunc Maurusia pictis pinis manibus, stans ante Gens epulata toris Lenaum libat honorem, aras, inter media numina Aspicis haec? an te, genitor, cum fulmina torques, DivUim. Nequicquam horremus? caecique in nubibus ignes Terrificant animos, et inania murmura miscent? 210 Fcemina, quve nostris errans in finibus urbem 212. Cui dedimus litus Exiguam pretio posuit, cui litus arandum, Cuique loci leges dedimus, connubia nostra Reppulit, ac dominum _Enean in regna recepit NOTES. mern. Ruseus says, traducere hyemem inter nation, feasting on painted couch(s, &ce *t luxu. The Maurusii, vel.Mauri, were inhabitanta 194. Cupidine: by cupido, Servius in- of Mauritania, an extensive country in Afforms us that the ancients understood an rica, bounded on the west by the Atlantic ungovernable and irregular passion of love ocean, on the north by the Mediterranean -lust. Caplos: enslaved, sea, and on the east by Numidia and'Car198. I1ic Ammone satus: this man, sprung thage. It seems this news reached Iarbas. from.Immon, had built to Jove, &c. Jupiter while he and his people were feasting upon Ammon had a celebrated temple and oracle the remains of the victims which had been in Libya, on a spot of ground watered by a offered to nlmmon. At such banquets, it was fountain, and enclosed by a pleasant grove. usual to pour forth wine by way of libation This temple is said to have been built by to the gods-an offering of wine. Bacchus, or Hercules. This Ammon some 207. Lenceum honorem: simply, winewill have to be the same with Ham, the son the liquor of Bacchus. Lenceus, a name of of Noah. Sir Isaac Newton thinks him to Bacchus, used as an adj. derived from a have been the father of Sesostris, and cotem- Greek word, signifying a wine-press. Epuporary with Solomon, king of Israel. Iar- laa: feasting, or having feasted. bus was the son of this Jupiter Ammon, by 209. Cceci: undirected-fortuitous. Igthe nymph Garamantis. Aggerat: in the nes: lightnings. Inania murmura: vain, u sense of auget. empty sounds. 200. Vigilem ignem. Plutarch informs 212. Posuit: in the sense of condidit. as that in this temple there was a lamp con- Litus arandum: the shore to be ploughed. tinually burning. This was also a custom The province or territory of Carthage is common to many nations. Posuit: in the licre called litus, because it lay along the sense of oedijicavit. sea coast-a tract of country to cultivate. 201. Excubias ceternas Divuim: a perpe- Pretio. This alludes to the price paid, or tual watch of the gods-sacred to the ser- stipulated to be paid, for her territory, or vice of the gods. Solumr: a tract of ground tract of country. See the following note. enriched by the blood of victims. 213. Cuique dedilmus: and on whom we 202. Limaina Jiorentia: an entrance (into imposed the laws of the place. We are told the temples) adorned with various garlands. that Dido engaged to pay the Africans an Amens animi: distracted in mind; of a, pri- annual tribute for the tract of country which vitivum, and mens. she purchased for her colony. This, how204. J'umina: the shrines or statues, ever, the Carthaginians afterwards refused which represented the gods. Supinis. Ru- to do, and was the cause of the first war in eus says, elatis: properly, with the palm which they were engaged. Excepting this upwards. tribute, Carthage, from the farbt, was an in 206. Qui nunc: to whom the Moorish dependent sovereignty. AXNEIS. LIB. IV. 295 Et nunc ille Paris, cum semiviro comitatu, 215 Maeonia mentum mitra crinemque madentem Subneyus, rapto potitur: nos munera templis 217. Subnexus quoaif Quippe tuis ferimus, famamque fovernus inanem. mentum madentemque Taiibus orantem dictis, arasque tenentem crinee Meonia mitra, Audiit onnipotens: oculosque ad incenia torsit 220 r220. Omipotens auRegia, et oblitos famae melioris amantes. diit eut orantem in taTunc sic Mercurium alloquitur, ac talia mandat: libus dictis, tenenternVade, age, nate, voca Zephyros, et labere pennis: que aras, torsitque ejtu Dardaniunmque duceni, Tyria Carthagine qui nunc oclo ad regia nlenia, ad amantes oblitos Expectat, fatisque datas non respicit urbes, 225 melioris fame. Alloquere, et celeres defer mea dicta per auras. 226. Alloquereque Non ilium nobis genitrix pulcherrima talem Dardanium ducem, qui Promisit, Graiumque ideo bis vindicat armis: nunc expectat in Tyria Sed fore qui gravidam imperiis, belloque frementem Carthagine, nonque reItaliam regeret, genus alto a sanguine Teucri 230 spicit urbes datas Proderet, ac totum sub leges mitteret orben. 227. Ejus pulcherrima Si nulla accendit tantalum gloria rerum, genitrix non promisit NOTES. 215. Et nunc ille Paris. Here larbas words of larbas, quippe, &c. are extremely calls IEneas, Paris, to denote him effemi- ironical. Ironia acerba vocabulo, quippe, innate, and a ravisher, who had carried off a est, says he. Both Ruaeus and Heyne take princess whom he considered his own. In quippe in the sense of scilicet. But quippe allusion to this, he says, potitur rapto: he may be taken perhaps in the sense of dumn: possesses the ravished prize. Semiviro co- while we are presenting offerings unto thee, miitatu: with his effeminate train. This is &c. JEneas is enjoying the ravished prize. said in allusion to the Phrygians, who were 219. Tenentem aras. holding the altars. great worshippers of the goddess Cybele, T * atas great worshippers of the goddess Cybele, It was a custom in the more solemn acts of whose priests were eunuchs.. w21hos. p onid mitres: a Meonian, or e h religion, to embrace the altars. It was es216. Mlceonid mitra: a Maeonian, or Ly- suppliants. dian mitre. This was a kind of bonnet pecially so for suppliants. worn by the Lydian and Phrygian women. 21. Ai antes: lovers-Eneas and Dido. It was a part of dress unbecoming in men, 223. Pennis: in the sense of alis. Meermore especially when it had the fillets or cury was represented as having winged btrings with which it was tied under the shoes, on which he was borne through the chin. Iarbas mentions it as a mark of in- air. They were called talaria. famy and badge of reproach. jlc.onia: an 225. Expectat: in the sense of moratur. extensive country in the Lesser Asia. It is: prerv i i, 1- T',. 1 228. Bis vindicat: preserved him twice, here used as an adj. Its more modern name. ved by V.&;c. /Eneas was twice saved by Venus is Lydia, from Lydus, one of its kings, as f impending death: once in a contest Strabo tells us. That part bordering upon wi Diomedewhen he was struck to the with Diomede, when he was struck to the ionia and Caria, still retains its ancient name. observes, that.oer at- ground by the stroke of a huge stone, and Athenaeus observes, that Homer at- a v, would have been slain, had not Venus cast tributes the use of unguents to none of his her veil over im, and carried him off fro characters in te Iliad, besides Paris. These a second time, wen under were chiefly for the hair. The use of them her o conduct, he passed nhurt trough was considered a mnark of effe*llin. Ia- her own conduct, he passed urnhurt through was consdered a mark of effeminacy. Iar- thie flames of Troy, and tlme midst of his bas therefore says of-/Eneas, that his hair enemies, during the sack of that city.'.',, 1.,, enemies, during the sack of that city. was moistened or besmeared with unguents. — crinem madentem. 229. Gravidam imperiis. Rueus says, 217. Subnexus: in the sense of subligatus. plenam regnis. Servius says, parituram 218. Quippe nosferinus: we to be sure imperia, vel unde multi inmper!ores possunt bring offerings to thy temples, and cherish creari. Heyne says, qut proferet multos pothe vain report of being thy offspring. tentes, et late imperantes populos. It appears larbas speaks by way of complaint. The to be in the sense of paritura magnum imofferings which we present unto thee are of perium, populumque late dominantemn. In no avail, and the report of thy being our which a mighty empire is about to e esfather is vain and without foundation, or tablished, says Valpy.. else thou wouldst not have suffered this evil 231. Proderet genus: should evince or tofall upon me. Heyne observes, that the prove his descent, &c. 296 P. VIRGILII MARONIS nobis illum fore talem, Nec super ipse su& molitur laude laborem ~ ideoque bis vindicat Ascanio-ne pater Rcmanas invidet arces? illum ab armis Graium: Quid struit? aut qua spe inimica in gente moratur? 235 sed pron;iit illurn fore' unum, qui regeret Itali- Nec prolem Ausoniam et Lavinia respicit arva? am gravidal imperiis, Naviget. Haec summa est: hic nostri nuntius esto fremcntemquebello; qui Dixerat. Ille patris magni parere parabat proderet Imperio: et primnum pedibus talaria nectit 2til3 H esto illi nun- Aurea; quae sublimem alis, sive aequora supra, 240 Seu terrai, rapido pariter cum flamine portant. Turn virgam capit: hac animas ille evocat Orco Pallentes; alias sub tristia Tartara mittit: Dat somnos adimitque, et lumina morte resigna-t. Illa fretus agit ventos, et turbida tranat 245 Nubila. Jamque volans apicem et latera ardua cernit Atlantis duri, ccelum qui vertice fulcit: 248. Atlantis, cui pi- Atlantis, cinctum assidue cui nubibus atris niferum caput assidue Piniferum caput et vento pulsatur et imbri: cinctum atris'nubibus pulsatur et vento et im- Nix humeros infusa tegit: turn flumina mento 250 bri: nix infusa Praecipitant senis, et glacie riget-horrida barba. Hic primiim paribus nitens Cyllenius alis Constitit: hinc toto preceps se corpore ad undas Misit: avi similis, quae circum litora, circum Piscosos scopulos, humnilis volat aequora juxta. 265 26. Haud aliter Cyl- Haud aliter, terras inter ccelumque, volabat NOTES. 233. Molitur laboremr: undertakes the en- mountain, or rather range of mountalna, terprise for his own glory. commencing at the Atlantic ocean, to which 235. In. gente inimicu: in a hostile nation. it gives name, and running in an easterly This is said by anticipation, because of the direction, dividing Mauritania from Libya enmity which subsisted between Rome and Interior. It is fabled that Atlas, king of Carthage in after times. Struit: in the Mauritania, was transformed into this sense of parat. mountain by Perseus, at the sight of his 236. Lavinia arva. See En. i. 2. Gorgon's head, because he refused to treat 239. Talaria. These were a kind of him with hospitality. Virgil describes the winged shoes, which the poets say the mes- mountain as retaining the form and shape sengers of the gods wore-sandals. of a man. Atlas was a very skilful astro241. Flamine: in the sense of vento. nomer and astrologer: this probably gave 242. lirgan. This was the celebrated rise to the fable. His supporting heaven rod, or Caduceus, presented to Mercury'by on his shoulder is explained, from the cirApollo, in return for his lyre. Mercury, in cumstance of the top of the mountain being his way to Arcadia, observing two serpents lost in the clouds. Its top, or summit, was going to fight, appeased them by casting covered with perpetual snow. Hence, nix down his rod between them. Hence a rod infusa iegit hunieros. wreathed round with two serpents, became 248. Cui: in the sense of cujus. a symbol of peace. Orco: the place of the 250. J.ento senis: from the chin of the dead. old man. 243. Tartara: the lowest part of hell- 252. Cyllenius: Cyllenius moving (nitens) the place of the damned. on equal or balanced wings, stopped. This 244. Lumina morte resignat: he opens was a name of Mercury, from Cyllene, in eyes in death. This is the sense given to Arcadia, the place of his birth. He was resigno by Turnebus, Davidson, and others. the son of Maia, the daughter of Atlas, by They think the poet alludes to a Roman Jupiter. custom of opening the eyes on the funeral 254. Similis avi. The whole of t!his paspile, though shut all the time the corpse lay sage is in imitation of Homer, Odys. Lib. in the house. But Servius takes resigno in v. 43. The bird here alludsed to, is sup. the sense of claudo: he closes, or shuts posed to be the coot, or cormorant. eyes in death. Ruaeus says, aperit oculos ex 256. Volabat. This and the two followmorte, id est, revocat corpora e morte. This ing lines, Heyne markj as spurious. They seems to be the opinion of Heyne. were probably left in an unfinished state. 247. Atlantis duri. Atlas is a very high Bentley would alter volabat to legebat, which AENE1S. LIB. IV. 297 Litus arenosum Libya, ventosque secabat, lenia proles veniens ab Materno veniens ab avo Cyllenia proles. matorno avo volabat Ut primum alatis tetigit magalia plantis, atenosum lts Lbya inter terras ccolumqu% AEneam fundantem arces, ac tecta novantem 260 secabatque ventom Conspicit: atque illi stellatus iaspide fulva Ensis erat, Tyrioque ardebat murice lmna Demissa ex humeris: dives quae munera Dido Feeerat, et tenui telas discreverat auro. Continuo invadit: Tu nunc Carthaginis altae 265 Faindamenta locas, pulchramque uxorius urbein Extruis! heu, regni rerumque oblite tuarum! Ipse Deuim tibi me claro demittit Olympo Regnator, ccelum et terras qui numine torquet: Ipse hec ferre jubet celeres mandata per auras: 270 Quid struis? aut qua spe Libycis teris otia terris? Si te nulla movet tantarum gloria rerum, Nec super ipse tua moliris laude laborem; Ascanium surgentem et spes haredis Iili Respice: cui regnum Italiae RoInanaque tellus 275 Debentur. Tali Cyllenius ore locutus, Mortales visus medio sermone reliquit, Et procul in tenuem ex oculis evanuit auram. At verb XEneas aspectu obmutuit amens; Arrectoeque horrore coma; et vox faucibus hesit. 280 280. Conm sunt arArdet abire fugh, dulcesque relinquere terras, recte Attonitus tanto monitu imperioque Deorum. Heu! quid agat? quo nunc reginam ambire furentem Audeat affatu? qua prima exordia sumat? Atque animum nunc hue celerem, nune dividit illuc; In partesque rapit varias, perque ornnia versat. 286 NOTES. is the reading of Davidson; but without thewebwith a small thread of gold. Rusole sufficient authority. Between heaven and says, distinxerat. earth, he flew along the sandy shore, and 265. Inradl: in the sense of alloquitur. cut the winds. 266. Uxorius: a slave to your wife. It 258. Ab materno avo. Mercury was the refers to the pron.?u, understood. son of Maia, the daughter of Atlas, which 267. Oblite: the voc. of oblitus, agreeing made him his grandfather on his mother's with -Eneas, understood. side. Cyllenia proles: simply, Mercury. 271. Teris otia: you waste your time. 259. Magalia: neu. plu. either the huts Struis: in the sense of facis, vel paras. of the African shepherds, mentioned Geor. 276. Tali ore: in the sense of talibu iii. 340, or the towers and buildings of Car- verbis. thage erected on the spot where the magalia 277. Reliquit: in tile sense of mutavit. once stood. Mercury had assumed a human form, morta261. Ensis erat illi stellatus: there was to les visus, in his conference with AEneas; but him a sword studded with yellow jasper. as soon as he had ended his speech, in meThe hilt and scabbard were studded with dio sermone, and before Eneas had time to gems, sparkling like stars, particularly with make any reply, he left, changed, or put it jaspers. Servius informs us it was a recei- off, and vanished from his eyes. Sermo is vea opinion that there was a virtue in the properly a conference between two or moe jasper-stone, to assist orators in their plead- persons, and, when one only has spoken, it ings, and that Gracchus wore one of them is not complete or finished. for that purpose. 279. Amcns: in the sense of attonitus vel 262. Lena. This was a thick double stupefactus. garment-a cassock. jArbebat: in the sense 283. Quo affatu: in what words-by what offulgebat. address. Ambire: to speak to-to addrea. 264. Discreverat telas: had distinguished 285. Dividit: in the sense of ter it. 398 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Iaec alternanti potior sententia visa est. Mnesthea Sergestumque vocat, fortemque Cloantlnum: 289. Jubet ut taciti Classem aptent taciti, sociosque ad litora cogant, aptent classem. Arma parent; et, qu-e sit rebus causa novandis, 20' Dissimulent: sese interea, quando optima Dido Nesciat, et tantos rumpi non speret amores, 293. Interea statuit Tentaturum aditus, et quae mollissima fandi sese tontaturum aditus, Tempora; quis rebus dexter modus. Ocyuis omnes et qua sint mollissima Imperio l1tti parent, ac jussa facessunt. 295;empora fandi; quis mo- r d s ( s f ss dus sit dexter rebus con- At regina dolos (quis fallere possit amantem?) ficiendis Praisensit, motusque excepit prima futuros, Omnia tuta timens. Eadem impia Fama furenti Detulit armari classem, cursumque parari. Saevit inops animni, totamque incensa per urbem 300 301. Talis qualis Thy- Bacchatur: qualis commotis excita sacris as, excita Thyas, ubi audito stimulant trieterica Baccho Orgia, nocturnusque vocat clamore Citharon. Tandem his Eneam compellat vocibus ultro: 305. 0 perfide homo, Dissimulare etiam sperasti, perfide, tantum 305 sperasti te posse -Posse nefas, tacitusque mea decedere terra? Nee te noster amor, nec te data dextera quondam, Nec moritura tenet crudeli funere Dido? Quin etiam1 hyberno moliris sidere classem, Et mediis properas Aquilonibus ire per altum, 310 311. 0crudelishosps! Crudelis! Quid? si non arva aliena domosque Quid P si tu non peteres Jgnotas peteres, et Troja antiqua maneret; Troja per undosum peteretur classibus awquor? NOTES. 287. Hce alternanti: this plan seemed and carried about in procession by his franthe better to him, wavering in mind, and tic votaries. The mysteries of Bacchus were examining what had best be done in his celebrated every third year: hence they are present situation. Ruceus says consilium, for called trieterica. sententia. 302. Thyas: a bacchanal; from a Greek 293. Aditus: the avenues or passages to word signifying to roar about in wild and her heart. Que: what might be the fittest frantic disorder. or softest moments of addressing her, to 3. r Ci obtain her consent. Rebus: for effecting 303. octurntus CithEron. Cithemron was obtin purposes nt.eb: fr e g a mountain in Beotia sacred to Bacchus. 298. Excepit: heard-found out. Ti- Here his mysteries were celebrated in the mens omnia tuta: fearing all things when most distinguished manner by his infatuated even safe-fearing danger when all things followers. They were, for the most part, even safe —fearing danger when all things celebrated are safe. Furenti: in the sense of ad aures celbrated in the night. Hence nocturn furentis, sive amanrti3s. Impia: in the sense Cithieron. Eam is understood after vocat. of sceva, says Heyne. Detulit: in the sense 307. Dextera quondam data: thy right of nuntiavit. hand once given. This alludes to their 300. Inops animi: devoid of reason, marriage. Supra, 172. Tenet is to be sup301. Qualis Thyas: as a bacchanal roused plied, or repeated, with each of the preceat the moving of the sacred symbols, &c. ding nominatives. Servius informs us that commovere sacra was 309..Moliris classem: do you prepare your a phrase used by the Romans to signify the fleet in the winter season. The north winds oplening of the solemnities of particular di- were directly against ]Eneas in sailing from vinities,.on their high festival days; when Africa to Italy. This speech of Dido is their sacred symbols were removed from tender and persuasive. And since it aptheir temples, in order to be carried about peared his purpose to sail to Italy, she enin pompous procession. This was particu- deavors to dissuade him from it, until the larly the case in celebrating the Orgia, or winter and contrary winds were over, in the mysteries of Bacchus, when the statues of hope that, by repeated instances of her aftlat god were removed from his temples, fection and regard, ne might be induced to A-NEIS. IB. IV. 299 Mcne fugis? per ego has lacrymas dextramque tuam, te, 3Si. Eg oro to per Quundo aliud mihi jam nisera nihil ipsa reliqui, 315 has lacrymas, tuamque Perconnubia nostra, per inceptos Hymensos; dextram (quandv ipsa jam reliqui nihil aliud Si bene quid de te merui, fuit aut tibi quicquam mihi miserle) per nostra iJulce meum; miserere domus labentis, et istam, 317. Aut si quicquami Oro, si quis adhuc precibus locus, exue mentem. meum fuit dulco tibi, Te propter Libycwe gentes, Nomadumque tyranni 320 miserere Odere, infensi Tyrii: te propter eundem 321. Odere me, et TyExtinctus pudor, et, qua sola sidera adibam, rii infensi sunt mihi: Fama prio: Cui me moribundam deseris, hospes? propter te eundem, mte pudor extinctus est, et Hoc solurn nomen quoniam de conjuge restat. inea prior fama Quid moror? an mea Pygmalion dum mconia frater 325 Destruat? aut captam ducat Getulus Iarbas? Saltem si qua mihi de te suscepta fuisset 327. Siqua soboles salAnte fugam soboles; si quis mihi parvulus aul& tem suscepta fuisset miLuderet IEneas, qui te tantum ore referret; hi de te ante fugam; si Non equidem omnino capta aut deserta viderer. 330 quis parvulus 2neaa Dixerat. Ille Jovis monitis immota tenebat Lumina, et obnixus curam sub corde premebat. Tandem pauca refert: Ego te, quae plurima fando 334. O Regina, ego Enuinerare vales nunquam, regina, negabo nunquam negabo te proPromeritam: nec me meminisse pigebit Elisa; 335 meritam esse plurima de M me, quwe tu vales enumeDum memor ipse mei, dum spiritus hos reget artus. me q vales enuerare fando Pro re pauca loquar. Nec ego hanc abscondere furto'336. Dum ego ipse ero Speravi, ne finge, fugam; nec conjugis unquam memor mei, dum NOTES. give over the idea of it altogether. Sidere: person and features. But this sentiment il the sense of tempore. does not very well agree with the present 316. HIymentcos: in the sense of amores. strain of her discourse; which is full of tenQui novitate sunt dulces, says Servius. derness, soft address, and moving expostu319. nIentem: purpose-design of leav- lation. ing me. Since she could not enjoy his person, it 320. Tyranni Jomadum: the kings of the would have been some alleviation of her Numidians. The ancient Romans used the distress, if she had a son by him, who might words tyrannus and rex promiscuously. only set the image of the father before her 321. Tyrii infensi. She here alludes to eyes, if he could do nothing more. Heyne the purpose of her brother to pursue her, as reads lamen. Ruaeus says, qui reprcesentaalready mentioned. rit te tantim modo vultu. 322. Pudor extinclus: my chastity is gone, 330. Capta. Ruaus interprets this by and my former fame, by which alone I reach- decepta, which is very harsh, and cannot be ed the stars. the meaning of the speaker. Capta refers 324. Quoniam hoc nomen: since this name to what she had said just before, 326 supra, alone remains of the husband. It is to be aut captam ducat Getulus Iarbas. observed that Dido does not address him by In order to paint her distress to AXneas in the endearing name of husband, but by that the liveliest colors, she represents him as the of stranger or guest, hospes: and she can only person, on whom she could depend for look upon him in no other light, since he is protection; and now he was going to abangoing to leave her. don her, considers herself forlorn, deserted, 325. Quid moror? what do I wait for? and left a prey to her enemies, who had al328. Siquis parvulus: if any little iEneas ready, as it were, made her their captive. could play to jne in my hall, who only might This is the dreary image that haunts her resemble you in form, I should not, &c. disturbed fancy by day, and her dreams by Some ancient copies read tamen, instead of night. See verse 466. infra. tantum: who nevertheless should resemble 333. Refert: in the sense of respondet. thee,.&c. Some explain the words, qui te 337. Loquar pauca pro re: I will speak a tantu'm rtferret ore; as if Dido did not wish few things to t-a —pot —rqgetion. JTec her son to resemble tEneas in his mind, ego speravi: nor did I hope to conceal my cruelty and hardness of heart, but only in departure, &c. This is a reply to Dido's 300 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Practendi ttedas, aut haec in foedera veni. Me si fata meis paterentur ducere vitam 340 Auspiciis, et sponte mea componere curas; Urbem Trojanam primnum dulcesque meorum Relliquias colerem; Priami tecta alta manerent; Et recidiva manu posuissem Pergama victis. 345. Gryneus ApDllo Sed nunc Italiam magnam Gryneeus Apollo; 34o tusit me capessere mag- Italiam Lyciae jussere capessere sortes. ser Italiares Le Hic amor, hec patria est. Si te Carthaginis arces Phaenissam, Libyceeque aspectus detinet urbis: 350. Fas sit et nos Quee tandem Ausonia Teucros considere terra qu Tuerere bi Invidia est? et nos fas extera quaerere regna. 350 353. Turbida imago patris Anchisse admonet Me patris Anchises, quoties humentibus umbris et terret me in somnis, Nox operit terras, quoties astra ignea surgunt, quoties Admonet in somnis et turbida terret inago: 354. Puer Ascanius, Me puer Ascanius, capitisque injuria chari, injuriaque ejus chari ca- Quem regno Hesperim fiaudo et fatalibus arvis. 35b pitis, quem fraudo regno Hesperiae, et fatalibus Nun etiam interpres Divurn, Jove missus ab ipso, arvis, admonet me. (Testar utrumque caput) celeres mandata per auras NOTES. accusation, dissimulare etiam, &c. Verse country. What makes the objection appear 305, supra. the more specious is, that Virgil uses colerem 339. Pratendi. RuTeus takes this in the for coluissem; but there are many instances sense of Praltexui, in allusion to verse 172, where the imperfect of the sub. has the where it is said of Dido, prcetexit culpam same signification with the plup., and it is hoc nomrine: nor did I ever cover over our plain that it has in the present instance, marriage with the name of husband, or come both from the sense, and the use of posuissem into the bands of Hymen. in the following line, with which the preSome take prcEendi in the sense of pre- ceding verbs are connected. Auisiciis: in tuli: nor did I ever bear before me the nup- the sense of voluntate. Curas: in the sense tial torch: in allusion to a Roman custom of negotia, says Heyne. of carrying lighted torches before the new 344. Recidiva: rebuilt-raised up after a married couple. In either case, the plain fall. Posuissem: inthesense of restituissem. meaning is: I had no part in our nuptials- 34. Grynuss p. e elithet GrtI consented not to them; nor did I enteryncus pollo The epet Gy into any contract of that nature. This an- neus was given to Apollo fron Grna, a swers Dido's charge against him: XNec te city of.Eolia, near which was a grove callnoster amor, &c. Verse 305, supa. ed Gryneumn, where Apollo had an oracle of 340. Si fata paterenlur: if the destinies great antiquity, and also a splendid temple. nad permitted me to lead my life, &c. 346. Lycice sortes. Lycia, a maritime This passage furnishes the critics with a country of Asia JMinor, in which was the pretext to condemn ~Eneas of ingratitude city Patara, where Apollo had a famous and insensibility. Was it not enough, say temple and oracle. This and some other they, for him to let Dido know that he was Oracles were called Sortes, because they deforced by the Destinies elsewhere, without termined the fate of the person by casting insulting her with an open declaration, that or drawing lots, throwing dice, or by some he preferred other objects to her? But we such method, which was thought to be u:shall not think lEneas so much to blame, der the immediate direction of the god.' if we consider the true meaning of his 350. Fas. This word properly signifies a words. Dido had urged him to stay; he divine law-what is right or lawful-also a answers, it is not in his power, because the duty towards God. Et, often, as here, hath Destinias opposed it: in proof of it, he as- the sense of etiam, vel quoque. sures her that if they had left him to his 355. Fatalibus arvis: fields destined to own choice, he would never have left his him by fate. native country: he would have rebuilt Troy, IEneas had all along been directed to go which now lay in ashes. This is not say- to Italy, under the assurance of a peacefjl ing; if I v ere at liberty, I would forsake settlement. This country the gods had de-. you and return, and rebuild Troy; but I tined to him. would never have formed any other design 357. Testor utrumque caput: I call to than that of repairing the desolation of my witness each god, viz. Mercury and Jovs. JNEIS. LIB. IV. 01 Detlulit. Ipse Deum manifesto in lumine vidi litrantem inuros, vocemque his auribus hausi. Desine meque tuis incendere, teque querelis: 360 Italiam non sponte sequor Talia dicentem jamdudum aversa tuetur, 36. I)ido jamdudum aversa tuetur ilium diHuc illuc volvens oculos, totumque pererrat centelt Luminibus tacitis, et sic accensa profatur: Nec tibi Diva parens, generis nec Dardanus auctor, 365 Perfide, sed duris genuit te cautibus horrens Caucasus, IIyrcanaeque admorunt ubera tigres. Nam quid dissimulo? aut qu(e me ad majora reservo? Num fletu ingemuit nostro? num lumina flexit? [est? Num lachrymas victus dedit? aut miseratus amantein Qu. quibus anteferam? jam jam nec maxima Juno, Nec Saturnius haec oculis pater aspicit aequis. Nusquam tuta fides. Ejectum litore, egentem Excepi, et regni demens in parte locavi: 374. Excepi eum ejeoAmissam classem, socios a morte reduxi. 375 tum litore, egentem ori*Tiur; et demens locavi Heu! furiis incensa feror. Nunc augur Apollo, tusn; edeme ca tr Znt~.Deunt in parte regui Nunc Lyciae sortes, nunc et Jove missus ab ipso Interpres Divum fert horrida jussa per auras. Scilicet is Superis labor est, ea cura quietos Sollicitat. Neque te teneo, neque dicta refello. 380 I, sequere Italiam ventis; pete regna per undas. NOTES. Capul, by synec. is here put for the whole 368..Majora: in the sense of majores inbody, or person: so also in line 354. Val- jurias. py understands it of Dido and Eneas. But 369. JVum ingemuit nostro: did he sigh at he is singular in this. Rumus says, utrum- my tears? did he move his eyes, &c. This que Deum. refers to 331 supra: Ille Jovis monitis immota 359. Hausi his auribus: I drew his voice tenebat lumina. into these ears-I heard his voice. This is a 371. Qume quibus anteferam: what things pieonasmus common to most languages. It can I mention before these? Rureus says: adds strength to the affirmation. Inter qua, omnia signa imnnanitatis, qucenam 360. Incendere: to trouble-afflict. aliis majora dieam. Valpy says: how shal 362. Aversa: in the sense of infensa. I express myself? to which feeling shall I 363. Pererrat: surveys him all over. first give utterance? But the words will 364. Tacitis: steady-fixed. bear another meaning: before whom can I 365. tibi Diva, &c. Dido, finding carry these things: viz. my complaints. To Eneas deaf to all her entreaties, after recall- this we are led from considering what foling all the fine things she had said of him. lows; as if Dido had said: to whom can I verse 12 et sequens, breaks forth into the apply for redress? since neither powerful most bitter invectives: Nor is a goddess Juno, nor father Jove regards my sufferings your parent-nor Dardanus the founder of with equal eyes. There is justice neither your race; but frightful Caucasus brought in heaven nor earth. you forth among its hard rocks, and the 373. Ejectum: shipwrecked. Hyrcanian tigers gave you suck. 375. Reduxi: in the sense of servavi Caucasus: a very inhospitable mountain, See En. vii. 431..Amissam: in the sense which divides Scythia from India. It lies of quassatam. between the Caspian and Euxine seas. 376. J.unc augur Apollo. She here altHyrcanice tiires: Hyrcania, a country in ludes to what lEneas had said before, verse Asia, anciently a part of Parthia, lying be- 345, et sequens. Feror: in the sense of ratween.Media on the west, and Mlargiana on pier. the east; and having the Caspian sea on the 381 1, sequere Italiam ventis, &c. This north. It is subject to the Persians. Ho- Qaintilian gives as an instance of the iro. die, Tabarestan. This country was infested nical style. Nothing is more in character with the most savage beasts. Admorunt: of an injured lover, than to order him to do thuy moved their teats to you, the very thing, which was contrary to her 302 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 382. Spero equidem Spero equidem mediis, si quid pia numina possunt, te hausurum supplicia Supplicia hausurum scopulis, et nornine Dido in Inediis scopulis, et sepe vocaturum Dido Sepe vocaturum. Sequar atris ignibus absens nomine, si pia numina Et, cimr frigida mors anima seduxerit artus, 385 possunt efficere quid Omnibus umbra locis adero. Dabis, improbe, poenas; 387. taec fama tua- Audiam, et haec Manes veniet mihi fama sub imos. rum ptenarum veniet His medium dictis sermonem abrumpit, et auras nihi sub imos 0 nEgra fugit, seque ex oculis avertit et aufert, 390. Linquens eum Linquens multa metu cunctantem et multa parantem aunctantem metG, et Dicere. Suscipiunt famule, collapsaque membra 391 Marmoreo referunt thalamo, stratisque reponunt. At pius ~Eneas, quanquam lenire dolentem Solando cupit, et dictis avertere curas; 395. Labefactus quoad Multa gemens, magnoque animum labefactus amore. animurn magno amore, Jussa tamen Divum exsequitur, classemque revisit. 396 Tum vero Teucri incumbunt, et litore celsas Deducunt toto naves: natat uncta carina; 401. Cernas Trojanos Frondentesque ferunt remos, et robora sylvis migrantes, ruentesque Infabricata, fugae studio. 400 402. Ac veluti cum Migrantes cernas, totaque ex urbe ruentes. formicae memores hy-c v f frr r emis populant ingen- A velutl ingentem formice farrs acervum tern acervurn farris, re- Cum populant, hyemis memores, tectoque reponunt: ponuntque in tecto It nigrum campis agmen, praedamque per herbas NOTES. inclinations. Servius observes too, that phantom or shade, which commonly freDido commands in a way that implies dis- quented the place where the body was busuasion, by mentioning the winds and the ried; or haunted those abodes to which it waves, which served to remind him of his had been accustomed in life: the.Mnncs, danger; and by using the word sequere, as which were confined to the lower regiore; if Italy fled from him. and the Spiritus, which returned to heaven. 382. Spero equidem: I hope indeed you its original abode. Manes is frequently will suffer punishment among the interven-' taken for the place of the dead, by meton. ing rocks, &c. Hausurum: part. fut. of which is the meaning here. haurio: to drink. This seems to be used 388. Auras: in the sense of lucem. in allusion to the death which she hoped he 389. JEgrafugit auras: faint, she fled the would die, that'is, by drowning. This was light-she withdrew from further conference reckoned the peculiar punishment reserved with 2Eneas, into her private apartment. by Heaven for perfidious lovers. Dido: a Here, quite overcome, she fainted, as we Greek ace. of the contracted nouns. may suppose, when her servants came to 384. Absens sequar, &c. The mneaning her aid, and placed her upon her bed. "She is: that the remembrance of Dido, whom withdrew from the light to her apartment," he had abandoned, though absent, would says Valpy. Some think she fainted quite still haunt his guilty mind, like a grim fury. away, and ceased to breathe; but this is not This satisfaction she should have in life; and consistent with what follows: avertit et when death should separate her soul and aufert, &c. body, and her ghost, umbra, should be at 390. MJulta. The multa in the preceding liberty to range over the universe, it should part of the line, appears entirely expletive. also haunt him wherever he went. Atris 393. Dolentem: referring to Dido. Some ignibus refers probably to the representation copies have dolorem, as Heyne informs us. of the furies, armed with torches; which 398. Deducunt: launch the lofty ships Cicero explains of the stings and torments along the whole shore. of a guilty conscience. 399. Ferunt remos: they bring from the 386. Umbra adero: I, a shade, or ghost, woods green (unwrought) oars, and rough will be present with you, &c. timber; such was their hurry and impa387. Hcec fama veniet: this news shall tience to be gone. Frondentes: covered come to me under the lowest shades. The with leaves-not even stripped of their ancients observed a threefold distinction in leaves. the imnortal part of man, viz.: the Umbra, 403. Tecto: in their cells, or holes ANEIS. LIB. IV. 30* Convectant calle angusto: pars grandia trudunt 405 Obnixe frumenta humeris: pars agrnina cogunt, Castigantque moras: opere omnis sernita fervet. Quis tibi tune, Dido, cernenti talia sensus? 408. Quis senss eraf Quosve dabas gcmitus, cinl litora fervere late tun tibi Prospiceres arce ex summa, totumque videres 410 410. Videresquetotum Misceri ante oculos tantis clamoriibus lequor? wquor misceri Improbe amor, quid non inortalia pectora cogis! 412. Quid nor. cogip Ire iterum in lachrymas, iterum tentare precando mortalia pectort yiesre Cogitur, et supplex animos submittere amori; trare Ne quid inexpertum, frustra moritura, relinquat. 415 Anna, vides toto properari litore: circtum Undique convenere: vocat jam carbasus auras 419. O sorer, si eo Undique ~~potui sperare hunc tanPuppibus et laeti nautye imposuere coronas. turn dolorem, potui perHunc ego si potui tantum sperare dolorem- 419 ferre; et potero perferre Et perferre, soror, potero. Miserb hoc tamen unum eum. Exsequere, Anna, mihi: solam nam perfidus ille 421. Nam ille perfidus Te colere, arcanos etiam tibi credere sensus homo solebat colere te ae colere, 2solam, etiam credere arSola viri molles aditus et tempora n6ras. cans sensus tibi: tu sola I, soror, atque hostem supplex affare superbum: n6ras molles aditus NOTES. 405. Convectant: they carry often. By hr indignation, to love-to give up all to using this verb, the poet represents those the superior power and efficacy of her love. animals marching backward and forward, 415. JMoritura frustra. Commentators and returning frequently to their cells, full are not agreed upon the meaning of the laden with their booty, like soldiers reaping word frustra in this place. Servius con. the spoils of an enemy. Pars obnixce: a nects it with inexpertum. The meaning part. shoving with their shoulders, push then will be: that she might not leave any along the large grains. thing unattempted, though in vain; since 406. JIoras: in the sense of morantes: she was resolved to die. But it is more like those that delay. Frequent allusions have a lover to entertain some glimmering hope been made by poets of all ages to the ants, as long as the dear object is within reach. as examples of industry, wisdom, and fore- The better meaning is: lest by leaving any sight. " Go to the ant, thou sluggard, con- thing unattempted, or untried, she should sider her ways, and be wise,'? says Solomon. die in vain-she should seem to throw away Modern observation has not discovered in her life. them any such instances of industry. On 416. Properari: there is a hastening, stir, certain days they carry out of their cells, or bustle around on the whole shore. This and expose to the warmth of the sun, their verb is used impersonally. eggs; but we find no store of provisions 418. JVautce imposuere: the joyous malaid up against approaching want. For riners have placed garlands on the sterns. during the cold season of the year, they lie It was a caistom among sailors to deck the in a torpid state, and require no food. sterns of the ship, both at sailing and land409. Fervere: to be all in a bustle-to be ing. The reason for this was, that on the busily occupied. sterns was a chapel in honor of the gods 412. Improbe: in the sense of crudelis, vel Peteci, who were considered the patrons vehemens. and protectors of the ship. 414. Cogitur ire iterum: she is forced 419. Si ego potui sperare, &c. Runeus again to go into tears, again to try him by obscures this, and the following line, by consupplication, &c. As the poet had used necting them closely together. It is plain cogis just before, so here he repeats the same there is an ellipsis of the words potui perword, and shows the constraining power of ferre, which must be supplied This sudden love in Dido's conduct-she is forced, in and abrupt transition is perfectly agreeable spite of her pride, her resentment, her reso- to the temper of Dido's mind, and shows the lutions, and her imprecations. propriety of potero being in the future: Jlnimos. Animus, in the plu. properly which otherwise cannot be justified on any signifies the affections or passions of the principles of language. mind. The meaning of the passage is: she 421. Exsequere: do-perform. is forced again to have recourse to' tears, 422. Colere: in the sense of amare. again to try him with prayers, and to submit 424. Hostem. This word sometimes was her passions, her resentment, her pride, and used by the ancients in the sense of hospes 804 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 425. Ego non juravi Non ego cum Danais Trojanam exscindere gentem 425 Aulide cum Danais ex- Aulide juravi, classelnve ad Pergamna misi: cindere Trojanaim ur beCidre mi oja ui-ve Nec patris Anchism cineres Manesve revelli. Cur mea dicta negat duras demittere in aures? Quo ruit? extremum hoc misera det munus aman-ti: Expectet facilemque fugam, ventosque ferentes. 430 Non jam conjugium antiquum, quod prodidit, oro; Nec pulchro ut Latio careat, regnumque relinquat Tempus inane peto, requiem spatiumque iurori; Dum mea me victam doceat fortuna dolere. Extremam hanc oro veniam: miserere sororis! 435 Quam miili cum dederit, cumulatum morte remittam. NOTES. a guest or stranger. Cicero says: Apud referam, and morte in the sense of antequam majores nostros, is dicebatur hostis, quem nunc moriar, vel grata ero per totam vitam usque peregrinus dicemus. ad mcrtem. This must appear to the most 426. Aulide: abl. of Aulis, a town upon superficial reader a forced and unwarranted the strait, which separates Eubcea from exposition; and nothing but the difficulty Beotia, nearly opposite Chalcis. Here the attending the reading could have led that Greeks, on their way to the siege of Troy, learned commentator into it. Valpy obtook an oath never to return to their coun- serves of this exposition of Heyne, that try, till they had destroyed that city. "though stated by him with considerable 427. Revelli: in the sense of violavi. confidence, it appears forced and impro428. Demittere: to admit-receive. bable." 430. Ferentes: in the sense of secundos. If we consider the passage as referring to Munus: benefit-favor. ]Eneas, it will be rendered easier. In this 431. NJon jam oro: I do not now plead case, we must read cumulatum. Ruaus our former marriage, which he hath viclated. considers it in this view, but appears to have Antzquus sometimes signifies, honorable, mistaken the sense'of cultulatum, and This is the sense Mr. Davidson gives to the thereby given to the words, cumulatum word in this place. morte remittam, a turn which they will 433. Peto inane tempus: I ask a little hardly bear. Adjiciam meam mortem, quasi time as a respite, and a space for (allaying) cumulum votis ejus, says he. By adjiciam my love. Ad extinguendum amorem, says meam mortem, we are to understand that Ruaus. Dido informed her sister of her resolution 435. Veniam: request-favor. to kill herself, and that she makes -a direct 436. Quam mihi cum. This verse has declaration to that effect. But from the very much perplexed commentators, and di- subsequent part of the story, it appears to vided their opinions. The readings, also, have been her anxious solicitude to conceal are various. Rumus' reading is most gene- from her that desperate resolution. And, rally approved. He makes the following by cumulum votis ejus, we are given to un comment upon the passage: Citm contulerit derstand that her death was an object of mihi hoc beneficium paulo longioris moror, desire to 2Eneas-that it would afford him hanc extremam gratiam, remittam illurn, si- pleasure, and be a source of gratification to nam abire, et aajiciam meam mortem, quasi him. But this is altogether inconsistent cumulum votis ejus. with those feelings which he manifested toThe meaning of this much disputed pas- wards her, verse 393 supra, et sequens; and sage will in a great measure depend upon also with those tender expressions of his in the reading either of cumulatum or cumula- the sixth book, when he met her in the retan. Servius reads: Quam mihi cum dede- gions below. See verse 450, et sequens. ris, cumulatam morte relinquam, referring Hortensius reads cumulatum, and takes it to her sister Anna. Morte relinquam, he in the sense of abunde pensatum: abundanttakes in the sense of sola morte relinquam te. ly, or fully compensated, or requited. Here cumulatam is made to agree with the Dido had besought /Eneas to stay a short pron. te. But of this it is difficult to make time longer with her, till the weather should any sense. Nor will it be easier, if we refer be more favorable for his departure, since the cumulatam to veniam, as some commen- he was resolved to leave her; and till she tators have done. Heyne reads: Quam should bring her mind the better to bear his mihi cum dederis, cumulatam morte remittam, loss. This was the extremam veniam, the referring likewise to Anna. Cumulatam last, the only favor she asked of him; and remittam, he takes in the sense of cumulalt if granted to her, she would dismiss him, or iENEIS LIB. IV. 305 Talibus orabat, talesque miserrima fetus Fertque refertque soror: sed nullis ille movetur Fletibus, aut voces ullas tractabilis audit. Fata obstant; placidasque viri Deus obstruit aures. 440 Ac velut annoso validam cum robore quercum 441. Ac velut cnin Alpini Boreae, nunc hinc, nunc flatibus illine Alpini Boree nunc hmin Eruere inter se certant; it stridor,.et-alt nlLnc Illine certant inter fro. flatibus eruere qulerConsternunt terram concusso stipite frondes: clm validam annor o Ipsa h'eret scopulis: et quantuim vertice ad auras 445 robore. ~Ethereas, tantim radice in Tartara tendit. 445. Tendit tantum l1aud secuis assiduis hine atque hine vocibus heros radice ad Tartara, quanTunditur, et magno persentit pectore curs as: aras Mens irmmota manet; lachrymae volvuntur inanes. Turn ver6 infelix fatis exterrita Dido 450 Mortem orat: toedet cceli convexa tueri. Quo magis inceptum peragat, lucemque relinquat; 453. im imponere Vidit, thuricremis cim dona imponeret aris, dona thuricremis aris, Horrendum dictu! latices nigrescere sacros; vidit sacros latices. NOTES. consent to his departure, fully compensated 439. Tractabilis: in the sense of exoraor requited for the favor and indulgence, by bilis. her death. 442. Borece. The north wind is here Dido here conforms to the usual language called Alpine, from the circumstance of the of disappointed lovers, who suppose they Alps lying north of Mantua, and a great eonfer the greatest possible favor upon those part of Italy. And the poet would give us they love, by dying for their sake. See to understand that the north wind had its Ecl. viii. verses 59 and 60. The most seat among those mountains, and from weighty objection to this interpretation is, thence descended in storms, and mighty that it includes a declaration of her death; blasts. but it does not necessarily imply, that it 446. Tantum radice. This is said accordwould be by her own hand. Her grief, ing to the opinion of those naturalists, who sorrow, and affliction, in consequence of his suppose the roots of the tree equal to the loss, might become insupportable, and bring body. Tartara: neu. plu. properly the her to the grave. lowest part of hell-that place which the But, after all the ingenuity displayed by poets assign for the punishment of offenders. commentators, cumulatum, perhaps, is to be In Tartara: toward Tartarus-downward. taken in its usual acceptation. Cumulatum It is opposed to ad athereas auras: toward morte remittam: I will dismiss him loaded, heaven-upward. or oppressed, with my death-with the re- 44. C s: in te sense of doloes. flection and consciousness of being the cause of my death, by leaving me in this cruel 449. Innes: his tears are useless-una manner. vailing, Ioth with respect to himself and Di' This appears the least objectionable of do; as they produced not the effect which any solution that has been proposed. Nor she desired, and altered not his steadfast redoes it necessarily include the idea of sui- solution. cide. Dido may be supposed to declare, 451. Tadet: it irketh her to behold the that though he should comply with her re- canopy of heaven. Convexa, neu. pla. of quest, and tarry with her till the weather convexus, taken as a substantive. It appeLrs, became favorable for his departure, yet that hence, that convexus in Latin, has a differshe should eventually be unable to support ent meaning from convex in English. The nis loss, and that grief and disappointment convex face of heaven to us is invisible. It would be the cause of her death. is the vaulted arch, or canopy alone, which For -this suggestion, I acknowledge my we can behold-the cava cceli convexitas, as Obligations to a distinguished classical Dr. Clark explains it. So, also: in convero scholar of our own country. nemorum, in the bosom, or under the shelter 438. Miserrima soror: her sister, most of the bending groves. And Justin, speakdistressed, carries, and again carries, such ing of the actions of Xerxes, says: monte* tears-such piteous messages. Preces cum in planum ducebat, et convexa vallium equalathrymis, says Heyne. bat, 21 306 P. VIRGILII MARON1S Fusaque in obsecnum se vertere vina cruorem. 455 456. Effata est hoc vi- Hoc visum nulli, non ipsi effata sorori. mnm nulli, non etiam Prasterea, flit in tectis de marmore templum Conjugis antiqui, miro quod honore colebat, Velleribus niveis et festa fronde revinctum. 460. Hinc voces, et Hinc exaudiri voces et verba vocantis 460 verba viri vocantis earn Visa viri, nox cl'm terras obscura teneret: visa unt eaudiri, cm Solaque culminibus ferali carmine bubo obscura noxr teneret terras: solaque bubo ssepe Sepe queri, et longas in fletum ducere voces. visa est queri ferali car- Multaque praeterea vatum praedicta piorum mine super culminibus, Terribili Imonitu horrificant. Agit ipse furentem 465 et ducere In somnis ferus AEneas: semperque relinqui 466. iEneas ipse ferus Sola sibi, semper longam incomitata videtur agit earn furentem in somnis; semperque vi- Ire viam, et Tyrios deserta quaerere terra. detur sibi relinqui sola, Eumenidum veluti demens videt agmina Pentheus, semper incomitata ire Et solem geminum, et duplices se ostendere Thebas: longam viam, et qur- Aut Agamemnonius scenis agitatus Orestes, 471 Armatam facibus matrem et serpentibus atris Cum fugit; ultricesque sedent in limine Dira. Ergo ubi concepit furias, evicta dolore, Decrevitque mori; tempus securm psa modumque 475 NOTES. 455. Obscoenum cruorem. Servius explains rum: but piorum is the best. It is a proper obscsrnum, by mali ominis, of bad omen. So epithet of prophets. Heyne reads piorum. says Heyne. Vinafusa: the wine poured 469. Eumenidum: as crazy Pentheus sees out upon the altar, to turn, &c. bands of furies, and a double sun, and Thebes 457. Fuit in tectis: there was in the pa- to show itself double. The poet here conllace a marble chapel of her former husband. pares the fury of Dido with that of the By templum, some understand the sepulchre frantic Pentheus and Orestes. Pentheus was of Sicheus, which Dido had caused to be king of Thebes in Beotia, son of Echion. built in her palace, and which she had con- and grandson of Cadmus. He prevented eecrated to his memory. Others think it his subjects from worshipping Bacchus, and to have been a chapel, or shrine, sacred to commanded that god to be put in prison; his memory. Others again take it to be an for which he was deprived of his senses by image or statue sacred to his memory. Ser- the god. After this, he went to mount Civius thinks Virgil had reference to the cus- theron, where the bacchanals were coletom of the Romans, of the bride, when she brating their orgies. As soon as they saw came to the door of her husband's house, him, they set upon him, and tore him in piewhich was garnished with flowers and ces. See Ovid Met. 3. 700. Virgil here leaves, binding about the posts woollen fil- speaks of the furies as being an army lets, and washing them over with melted (agmina) whereas they were only three in tallow to keep out enchantments and sor- number. See Geor. i. 278. eery. According to him, Dido, in building T l this temple to Sichaeus, had devoted herself 4 ee i t to him forever. by performing the same nup- Euees tial rites towards him as if he had been 471. Orestes. He was the son of Agaliving; and thereby signified her resolution memnon. He is said to have been haunted never to marry again. But this appears a by the ghost of his mother, Clytemneslra, refinement. It is much easier to consider it whom he had slain, and by the furies. He a reference to the general custom of adorn- went to the oracle of Apollo, at Delphi, to ing the door-posts of temples with fillets of consult in the business, and was informed wool, especially on holy-days. that he had been acquitted by the court of 461. Viri: of her husband calling her. Areopagus, at Athens. Whereupon the fu462. Bubo: the owl. Ferali carmine: in ries blocked up the door, so that he could a mournful strain-cry. Sola: some copies not get out. He, however, made his escape. nave sera, in -eference to the time of her Hence the expression, sedent linline: they singing; which is generally late at night. sit in the door. See En. iii. 331. Agitatus: Vogces: notes. acted, or exhibited on the stage. 461. F'co ur. Some copies ha -e prio- 474. Concepit: received or admitted. AXNEIS. LIB. IV. 307 Exigit; et, maestam dictis aggressa sororem, Consilium vultu tegit, ac spem fronte serenat; Inveni, germana, viain, gratare sorori, Quae mihi reddat eum, vel eo me solvat amantem. Oceani finem juxta Solemque cadentem, 480 Ultimus _Ethiopum locus est: ubi maximus Atlas Axem humero to quet, stellis ardentibus aptum. lninc mihi Massylae gentis monstrata sacerdos, ILesperidum templi custos, epulasque draconi Quae dabat, ct sacros servabat in arbore ramos, 485 487. IIec promittit se Slargens humida mella, soporiferumque papaver. posse solvere ilasmentea, Hac se carminibus promittit solvere mentes, quas velit; ast immittere duras curas aliis Quas velit; ast aliis duras immittere curas; 492. 0 chara germana, Sistere aquam fluviis, et vertere sidera retro: testor Deos et to, tuumNocturnosque ciet Manes. Mugire videbis 490 que dulce caput, me inSub pedibus terram, et descendere montibus ornos. vitam accingier ad has rn., i. T^ ^^ Y 494. Tu secreta erige Testor, chara, Deos et te, germana, tuumque 49. Tu secret erige Dulce.....~~~~~~~ pyram in interiore tecto Dulce caput, magicas invitam accingier artes. sub auras; et superimTu secreta pyram tecto interiore sub auras ponas arma viri NOTES. 476. Exigit: she concludes-fixes upon. whose flocks produced wool of a reddisli Aggressa: in the sense of compellans. color, somewhat resembling gold, which 477. Serenat spem fronte: she brighlens, Hercules plundered, having slain their keep(or clears up) hope on her countenance. She er, whose name was Draco. The Greek shows it on her countenance. Vultu: vi- word for sheep, signifying also apples, made sage-looks. the poets feign that Hercules stole the apples 481. JEthiopum. AEthiopia is properly a of the Hesperides: and their keeper's name country of Africa, now called Abyssinia. being Draco, led them to pretend they were But the name was frequently applied by the kept by a dragon. See Ecl. vi. 61. ancients to any country lying in a warm cli- 486. Soporiferum papaver. As the dragon mate. Ethiops is compounded of two Greek was always to be awake, a question arises, words, and means a person of a tawny com- how the priestess came to feed him with plexion-one scorched by the heat of the poppy. To solve this there are several consun. jectures. Some will have it that poppies 482. Alptum: fitted-adorned-bespan- mixed with honey, was his food, and had no gled with refulgent stars. See 247, supra. effect to lay him asleep. Others say it was Axem: for colunm. to procure sleep for him at certain intervals. 483. Mlfassylh gentis. The JlMassyli or Servius thinks that the poppy, which proMasssyli were a people between the rivers cures sleep to men, has a contrary effect Malva and MIulucha, both of which fall into upon dragons, and keeps them awake. the Mediterranean. Hence the adj. Massy- Others again, to avoid this difficulty, make lus. Sacerdos: in the sense of saga. JMon- a full stop after ramos, connecting this line strata: was shown to me. Est is under- with the following one. Some again think stood. it is only mentioned to show the skill of the 484. Custos templi Hesperidum. The gar- Sorceress, that she was even able to lay tlhe dens of the Hesperides, Virgil places in Mau- wakeful dragon asleep. But as this animal ritania, near the shore of the Atlantic, and had a hundred heads, we may suppose that not far from the town of Lixus. There they kept awake and slept by turns. She are, however, various opinions respecting is said to be the keeper, custos, of the temtheir situation. The Hesperides were the ple, because she gave food to the dragon, fabled daughters of Atlas, or of Hesperus, and supported him. his brother, and the nymph Hesperis. Their father gave them gardens, in which were 487. Solvere mentes: to free minds trom trees producing golden apples. Hercules, love'by her magic rites (carminitus) or at the command of Eurystheus, king of My- charms. cence, stole the apples, having slain the 493. Accingier invitam: that I was undrag)n that kept them. These apples were willing to betake myself to these mtgic arts. sacred to Venus. Accingier: by paragoge, for accingi. The The truth of the matter is this: the Hes- verb here is used in the sense of the Greek perides were shepherdesses of noble birth, middle voice. It has a reflux signification ,08 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Erige: et arma viri, thalamo quve fixa leliquit 495 Impius, exuviasque omnes, le-rumque jugalem, Quo perii, superimponas. Aboiere nefandi Cuncta viri monumenta jubet monstratque sacerdos. Hec effata, silet: pallor simul occupat ora. Non tamen Anna novis prnetexere funera sacris 500 501. Nec concipit tan- Germanam credit: nec tantos mente furores toe furores esse in ejus Concipit; aut graviora timet, quam morte Sichai. mente; aut timet gra- r parat. viora quam qum evene- Erg jussa pa rant morte Sichaei. Ergo At regina, pyra. penetrali in sede sub auras parat quae jussa erant Erecta ingenti, tedis atque ilice secta, 505 504. Ingenti pyra Intenditque locum sertis, et fionde coronat erectA in penetrali sede Funerea: super exuvias, ensemque relictum, sub auras, c tndis atque secta ilic'e e a Effigriemque toro locat, haud ignara fituri. 509. Effusa quoad Stant are circuni: et crines effusa sacerdos, crines Tercentum tonat ore Deos, Erebumque, Chaosque, 510 Tergeminamque Hecaten, tria virginis ora Diana. Sparserat et latices simulatos fontis Averni; Falcibus et messe ad Lunam quseruntur ahenis Pubentes herbbe, nigri cum lacte veneni. NOTES. 495. Arma viri. The sword which ]Ene- that definite number is used for an indefinite as left hanging in Dido's bedchamber. number. Erebum. Erebus was the son o. 498. Jubet: the priestess orders and di- Chaos and JYox. For aiding the Titans in rects me to burn all the memorials of the their war against the gods, he was changed cursed man. These she had just mention- into a river, and placed in the lowest part of ed —his sword-his clothes-the bridal bed, hell. He is one of the infernal gods. Chaos. &c. He was the most ancient of the gods, and 500. Preetexere: in the sense of celare. the father of them all, according to Hesiod. 504. Penetrali sede: in the inner court- Geor. iv. 347. middle of the palace. 511. Hecaten. Hecate is called tergemi505. Tadis. The taeda or teda was a tree nam from the circumstance of her having of a resinous nature, of which torches were three names. In heaven she is called Luna; made. The ilex was a species of oak called on the earth Diana; in hell Proserpina. the holm. Of these two kinds of wood the Hecate was not so properly her name, as funeral pile was constructed. an epithet given her to denote her hundred 506. Intendit: in the sense of cingit. various qualities; or because she was ap508. Efigiem: she places his image on peased by a hundred victims. From a Greek the bed upon his clothes and sword. word signifying a hundred. The goddess One of the rites of magic was to prepare was painted with three heads, one of a an image of the person against whom the horse, another of a dog, and another of a enchantment was designed, either of wax or man. Hence tria ora virginis: the triple wool, and use it in the same manner as they form of the virgin. would have used the person himself if he 512. Sparserat: she had sprinkled the fichad been present. Or, super may be taken titious (or substituted) waters of the lake in the sense of insuper (moreover;) or su- Avernus. In performing magic rites, those per-locat may be considered a compound materials requisite to the occasion, thal word in the sense of superimponit. The could not be conveniently procured, were meaning will then be, that the image, the allowed to be einblematically represented, clothes, and sword, were placed upon the as in the present case. Averni. Avernus. bed without any reference to their situation. a lake in Campania, fabled to be the en-. 510. Tonat ore: she thunders out with trance of hell. Its waters were of a very her voice three hundred gods. Servius in- noxious quality, which occasioned an unforms us, that in the sacred rites of Hecate wholesome atmosphere; insomuch so, that in particular, they used to imitate thunder; it was shunned by birds of every kind. Its which gives a reason for the use of the word name is of Greek origin. See Geor. iv. tonat. Hortensius would read sonat. We 493. are not to suppose that the priestess invoked 514. Pubentes herbe full blown herbs, the precise number of three hundred gods- cut by moonlight, are sought for. The ANEIS. LIB. IV. 309 Quaeritur et nascentis equi de fronte revulsus, 515 515. Et amor equas Et matri prawreptus amor. revulsus de fronte nas. centis equi, et prai eptus Ipsa mola manibusque piis, altaria juxta, equereptus Unum exuta pedem vinclis, in veste recincta, 517. Dido ipsa moriTestatur moritura Deos, et conscia fati tura, exuta quoud unuwn Sidera: turn, si quod non aequo fwedere amantes 520 pedeln vinclis, in reCurae numen habet justumque memorque, precatur cincta veste, stas justa Nox erat, et placidum carpebant fessa soporem altaria, mola piisque manibus, testatur Deos, Corpora per terras, sylvaeque et seva quierant et sidera conscia fati. LEquora: cum medio volvuntur sidera lapsu.: Turn precatur numen, Curm tacet omnis ager, pecudes, pictaeque volucres, 525 si quod justumque meQuaeque lacus late liquidos, quaeque aspera dumis morque habet amantes.~.1.,, i. * * j unctos non sequo feedere Rura tenent, somno positas sub nocte silenti cure sibi. Lenibant curas, et corda oblita laborum. 526. Quneque late teAt non infelix anini Phoenissa: neque unquam nent liquidos lacus, queSolvitur in somnos, oculisve aut pectore noctem 530 que tenent rura aspera Accipit. Ingeminant curar, rtrsusque resurgens dllmis, omnes positt sub silenti nocte lenibant cuSaevit amor, magnoque irarum fluctuat aestu. ras somno; et corda obSic adeo insistit, secumque ita corde volutat: lita sunt laborum. En! quid ago? rursusne procos irrisa priores NOTES. dews, which were thought to distil from the it as a description of night in general; but moon upon herbs, were reckoned favorable only of a calm and serene one, in order that for magic. Those herbs, however, were to he might set off to greater advantage the oc cut with brazen sickles, ahenis falcibus. opposite image of Dido's anxiety and disLacte: in the sense of succo. quietude. And indeed nothing could give 516. Et amor revulsus: and the love (of us a more lively idea of her restless situation, the mare) torn from the forehead of a newly than thus to set it forth in opposition to the foaled colt. The poet here means what is universal quiet and repose which reigned called the hippomanes; of which there are over all nature beside. She is so far from two kinds. See Geor. iii. 280. et sequens. partaking of the blessings of sleep with the The one here meant is very different from rest of the world, that the silence and solithe one there described. According to the tude of the night, which dispose others to account given of it by the ancients, it was rest, only feed her care, and swell the tumult a lump of flesh growing on the forehead of of her passion. the foal just brought forth, which the mare 524. Laplsu: in the sense of cursu. presently devours, or else she loses all af- 527. Tenent: in the sense of incolunt. fection for her young, and denies it suck. 528. Lenibant curas, &c. This beautiful Its being so greedily sought after by the line Heyne marks as spurious, and conmother, is the reason of its being called her tludes the sentence at silenti. It is not love. The circumstance just mentioned gave found in some ancient MSS. rise to the vulgar opinion of its efficacy in 529. Phenissa. Dido is so called, bephiltres, love potions, and magic rites. cause she was a native of Phoenicia, a coun518. Exuta pedem. It appears from this try lying on the eastern shore of the Medipassage that Dido put herself in the habit terranean; within the boundaries of which of a sorceress. According to Ovid, it was was the kingdom of Tyre. The words their custom to strip bare one of their feet, leniebat curas are to be supplied. and to be clad in a loose flowing robe. Ru- 530. JNoctem: in the sense of quietem. eus takes recincta, inthe sense of succincta; 532. Irarum: passions-affections..Smor but in this he differs from most commenta- scevit. Here love is represented as a mighty tors. Heyne takes it in the sense of soluta. sea, which had been for some time calm and 520. JNon cequofcedere: by this we are to still; but now begins to rise in furious waves, understand an inequality in the love and af- and rack her soul with a variety of tumulfection of the parties-in an unequal match: tuous passions. Volutal: in the sense of where love is not reciprocated. cogitat. 522. JVox erat. The whole of this de- 534. Rursus-ne irrisa, &c. Rurus and scription is a most beautiful, and, at the Servius take rursus in the sense of vicissim: same time, perfect image of nature. Dr. shall I in turn have, &c. Dido had rejected Trapp objects to it as imperfect. But it is the match of Iarbas and others; and shall to be observod that the poet did not design she now pay court to them, as they had 310 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Experiar? Nomadumque petam connuhia supples, a5 Quos ego sum toties jam dedignata maritos? Iliacas igitur classes, atque ultima Teucrum 538. Quiane juvat me Jussa sequar? quiane auxilio juvat ante levatos, eos ante levatos fuisse Et bene apud memores veteris stat gratia facti? Ieo auxilio; et gratia Quis me autem, fac velle, sinet? ratibusque superbis 540 veteris facti stat apud eInvisam accipiet? nescis heu, perdita, necdum bend memores ejus? accipie 540. Autem fac me Laomnedonteae sentis perjuria gentis? velle sequi eos, quis Quid turn? sola fuga nautas comitabor ovantes? 543. Quid tur agen- An Tyriis, omnique manu stipata meorum, dum est? ego-ne sola Insequar? et quos Sidonia vix urbe revelli, 545 fug& comitabor 544. An stipataTyrii Rursus agaIn pelago, et ventis dare vela jubebo? oinnique manu meorum Quin morere, ut merita es, ferroque averte dolorem. civium insequar eos Tu lachrymis evicta meis, tu prima furentem Iis, germana, malis oneras, atque objicis hosti. Non licuit thalami expertem sine crinline vitam 550 552. Fides promissa Degere more ferae, tales nec tangere curas? Sichneo cineri non ser- Non servata fides cineri promissa Sicheo. vata est. Tantos illa suo rumpebat pectore questus. 556. Forma Dei re- AEneas celsa in puppi, jam certus eundi, deuntis eodem vultu ob- Carpebat somnos, rebus jam rite paratis. 555 tulit se huic in somnis TT * tuit se huic in somnis, Huic se forma Dei, vultu redeuntis eodem, visaque est rursus ita monere eum: similis Obtulit in somnis, rursusque ita visa monere est; Mercurio quoad omnia, Omnia Mercurio similis, vocemque, coloremque, NOTES. formerly done to her? Irrisa: mocked- 546. Rursus agam: shall I again conduct despised. Rumus says, contemnenda. on the sea, those whom with difficulty I forced 536. Dedignata sum: disdained as hus- from the Sidonian city? Sidonia: an adj. bands. from Sidon, which formed a part of the 537. Ultima: the lowest-basest. kingdom of Tyre: here in the sense of Ty538. Quia-ne juvat: because it delighlted ria. Revelli: this expresses the difficulty of me formerly, that they should be relieved by her former enterprise. my assistance; and the grateful remem- 248. Tu, Gernana, evicta: thou, 0 sister brance of my former deed remains with overcome by my tears, thou first, &c. Futhem, duly mindful of it? Dido here speaks rentem in the sense of amantem. Dido ironically. Some copies have exilio, in allu- here alludes to the speech of her sister. See sion to the friendly retreat which Dido gave verse 32. supra, and following. Anna could to A:neas and his followers: but auxilio is not bear to see her pine away in mournful the most approved reading. widowhood, and therefore dissuaded her 541. Invisam: hated-an object of their from it, and encouraged a love for ]Eneas. aversion. Some copies have irrisam. This ws it nt l l is the reading of Rueus. Heyne reads, inis-tem, and assures us it is the bestad, me, without blame, to lead alife free from the v~iam, and assures us it is the best. marriage bed, &c. Some copies have exper542. ~ecdum sentis, &c. Here Dido al- marrage bed, &c Some copieshave eeperludes to the well known story of Laomedon, ta ilam: a life having experienced the who defrauded the gods, Neptune and Apol- marriage bed. But the other is evidetlv lo, of their hire for building the walls of the most approed reading. Troy. See Geor. i. 502. Laomedontec: an Though Dido here seemingly approves of adj. in the sense of Trojanre. a single life; by representing it as the life 543. Ovantes: in the sense of ltantes, vel of a savage beast, she in fact condemns it; and insinuates that marriage is the mosl triumphantes. It is applicable to mariners ad isi tes that marriage is the mo in. general, who usually set out with accla- perfect society, and distinguishes the life of in. general, who usually set out with accla- P mations of joy: but here it is to be con- man from that of brute animals sidered in that particular, in which Dido 551. Tangere: to know, or experience. viewed them as triumphing over her in their 558. Similis Mercurio omnia: like Merdeparture. Insequar. Some copies have in- cury in all things. All the commentators ferar. This is the reading of Heyne, and make this god to be Mercury himself, except Valpy after him. Catrou. He thinks it to be some other gtwo, 544. Stipata: in the sense of comitata. who assumed the likeness of Mercury. :ANEIS. LIB. IV. 311 Et crines flavos, et meinbra decora juvents: Nate Dea, potes hoc sul casu ducere sornnos? 560 Nec, qua circumstcnt te deinde pericula, cernis? D)enens! nec Zephyros audis spirare secundos? Illa dolos dirumque nefas in pectore versat, 563. Ilia Dido cwrta Certa mori, varioque irarum fluctuat westu. mori versat dolos Non fugis hine prawceps, dum praecipitare potestas 565 Jam mare turbari trabibus, savasque videbis 566. Dum potestas Collucere faces; jam fervere litora flammis; est tibi precipitare Si te his attigerit terris Aurora morantem. Eia age, rumpe moras: varium et mutabile semper l'Fmina. Sic fatus nocti se immniscuit atrae. 570 Tur vero AEneas, subitis exterritus umbris, Corripit e somno corpus, sociosque fatigat: Praecipites vigilate, viri, et considite transtris: Solvite vela citi. Deus aethere missus ab alto, Festinare fugam, tortosque incidere funes, 575 Ecce iterum stimulat. Sequimur te, sancte Deorum, 576. Ecce Deus misQuisquis es, imperioque iterum paremus ovantes. sus ab alto aethere iteAdsis, 6, placidusque juves, et sidera ccelo rum stimulat me festiDextra feras! Dixit: vaginaque eripit ensem tnarefut g incidereque Fulmineumt, strictoque ferit retinacula ferro. 580 Idem omnes simul ardor habet: rapiuntque, ruuntquc ~ Litora deseruere: latet sub classibus aequor. Adnixi torquent spumas, et caorula verrunt. 583. Coerula maria Et jam prima novo spargebat lumine terras Tithoni croceum linquens Aurora cubile: 585 NOTES. 560. Sub hoc casu: in this juncture or gods, whoever thou art, &c. This mode of crisis of affairs. expression is in imitation of the Greeks. 561. Deinde: this appears to be in this 578. O adsis: 0 may thou be propitious. place entirely expletive. Videtur otiosum esse, 579. Dextra sidera: favorable, or propisays Heyne. tious stars in the heavens. Feras: give563. Versat: in the sense of meditatur. grant. 566. Turbari trabibus: to be in commo- 580. Ferit: in the sense of secat. Ful. Lion withships. Heyne says, impleri navi- mineum: shining, glittering. Rumus says, bus Carthaginiensium: and Rumus, agilari coruscantem. remis. 582. Deseruere litora. This change of the 567. Fervere: to glitter-to shine with tense adds much to the description. They flames. The meaning is, that as soon as hale off, and hurry away; and no sooner the morning shall return, Dido will pursue have they done this, than they have left the you with her ships, with torches and with shore, and are completely out to sea. flames. You must weigh anchor and be 585. Et jam Aurora: and now Aurora, gone. leaving the saffron bed of Tithonus, first 570. Femina: a woman is sometling al- spreads the earth over with early light. Tiways variable, and subject to change. This thonus was either the son or brother of Lais a singujar construction. Mercury here omedon, king of Troy. On account of his insinuates that hatred may succeed to Dido's beauty and gracefulness, Aurora fell in love love for him; which might induce her to with him, and endued him with immortality; seek revenge. Umbris: apparition, but not thinking to bestow on him perpetual 572. Fatigat: arouses his companions. youth and beauty, he grew so w.eak and ex573. Vigilate: wake quick-in haste. hausted by old age, that he wished for mor7 ranstris: the seats or benches on which the tality. But the goddess not being able to towers sat. restore it to him, in pity to his case,;nanged 575. Tortos funes: the ropes, or cables, by him into a grasshopper. See Geor. iii. 48. which the ships were moored. Dr. Bentley This is a most beautiful circumlocution to thinks the anchors are intended; but how denote the early dawn, when the earth beftotos can be applied to them, I see not. comes first enlightened by the beams of the.576. Sancte Deorum: 0 holy one of the sun. 812 P. VIRGILII MIARONIS Regina e speculis, ut primium albescere lucem Vidit, et squatis classem- procedere veliss; Litoraque et vacuos sensit sine remige portus: 589.'crcussa quoad Terque quaterque manu pectus percussa decorum, decorum pectus manu, Flaventesque abscissa comas: Proh Jupiter! ibit 590 absclssaque quoad fla- Hic, ait, et nostris illuserit advena regnis? ventes comas, ait: Proh Non arma expedient, lotaque ex urbe sequentur? 593. Von-ne alii difi- Diripientque rates alii navalibus? ite, pient Ferte citi flammas, date vela, impellite remos. 594 Quid loquor? aut ubi sum? quve mentem insania mutat Infelix Dido! nunc te facta impia tangunt. b97. Decuit te tum Tur decuit, cum sceptra dabas. En dextra, fidesque! cogitare de his, cim da- Quem secum patrios aiunt portare Penates! bas sceptra tua perfido homrini. En dextra, Quem subiisse humeris confectum trtate parentem! fidesque illius, quem Non potui abreptum divellere corpus, et undis 600 aiunt Spargere? non socios, non ipsum absurere ferro 601. Non potui absu- Ascanium, patriisque epulandum apponere mensis 9 mere socios, non potui Verum anceps pugne fuerat fortuna: fuisset. absulnere Ascanium ip- sum ferro, apponereque Quem metui moritura? faces in castra tulissem etum, Implessemque foros flammis: natumque patremque b05 606. Ego ipsa dedis- Cum genere extinxem: memet super ipsa dedissem. sem memet super eos. Sol, qui terrarum flammis opera omnia lustras; Tuque, harum interpres curarum et conscia, Juno, Nocturnisque, Hecate, triviis ululata per urbes; NOTES. 587. Velis equatis: the sails were equal- of her sister Philomel&, served up his aso ly distended on each side of the mast. This Itys for him at a banquet. See Ecl. vi. 78. shows that the wind blew fair, and directly 603. Fortuna: in the sense of eventus. after them: in nautical phrase, wing and 604..MIoritura: in the sense of cum de. wing. creverim mori. Castra: in the sense of 593. Diripient alii: will not others tear classem. my ships from the docks, and go in pursuit 605. Foros: the decks or hatches of him of him? ships. Extinxem: by syn. for extinxissein: 596. J\unc impia facta. Mr. Davidson in the sense of interfecissem. observes that this is the reading of the 607. Sol. Dido invokes the sun, either Cambridge edition, founded on the autho- because he is the supporter of life in generity of Probus and the Codex Mediceus; ral, or because, surveying all things here and it makes the sense obvious. By impia below, could be a witness of her wrongs; facta, we are to understand the violation of Juno, because she was the goddess of mar her faith to Sichaus, and her amours with riage; and Hecate, because she presided IEneas; by which she brought on herself over magic rites; the Furies, because they infamy and disgrace. Now she feels the were the avengers of wrongs. Flammis: weight of those actions, and the punish- in the sense of luce. ment due to her deeds. Rueus and others, - 608. Interpres: interpreter of these my who read fata, take impia in the sense of cares (sorrows) and conscious of my crudelia. Jaunc ultima fata, dura sors, su- wrongs. Servius takes interpres to mean, prema dies instant tibi, says Rueus. Heyne witness, judge, or arbitress. Ruaeus interand Davidson read facia. prets curarum by nuptialium negotiorum. 599. Subiisse: to have carried, or borne 609. Hecate ululata: Hecate invoked, or upon his shoulders. called upon, &c. When Pluto ravished 600. Divellere. There ishere an allusion Proserpine, or IIecate, her mother Ceres to the manner in which the Bacchanals traversed the earth in search of her with tore the bodies of Orpheus and Pentheus in lighted torches, stopping at those places pieces, where two or three ways met, to invoke her 602. Apponere: served him up to be feast- name, which she did with a doleful outcry. ed upon at his father's table Reference is Hence it became a custom in her sacred here had to the story of Progne, who, to be rites, for the matrons, on certain days, to go mvenged uponTereus,forhis crueltreatment about the streets and crossways filling tlb SNEIS. LIB3 IV. 313 Et Dirae ultrices, et Di morientis Elisae, 610 Accipite haec, meritumque malis advertite numen, Et nostras audite preces. Si tangere portus 612. Si n-scesso es Infandum caput, ac terris adnare necesse est; infandum caput tangere Et sic fata Jovis poscunt: hic terminus haeret: portus, ac At bello audacis populi vexatus et armis, 615 615. At vexatus bello Finibus extorris, cornplexu avulsus luli, et armis audacis populi Auxilium imploret, videatque indigna suorum extorris suis fni avulsus complexi Iiili Funera: nec, cium se sub leges pacis iniquaD Tradiderit, regno aut optata luce fruatur; Sed cadat ante diem, mediaque inhumatus arena. 620 Iaec precor: hanc vocem extremam cum sanguine fundo. Tum vos, 6 Tyrii, stirpem et genus omne futurum Exercete odiis: cinerique haec mittite nostro Munera: nullus amor populis, nec faedera sdnto. 624. Esto nullus amor Exoriare aliquis nostris ex ossibus ultor; 625 his populis, nec sunto Qui face Dardanios ferroque sequare colonos, 628. Imprecor li!'ra Nunc, olim, quocunque dabunt se tempore vires. contraria litoribus, unLitora litoribus contraria, fluctibus undas das contrarias fluctibus, Iniprecor, arma armis: pugnent ipsique nepotes. arma contraria armis NOTES. air with shrieks and howlings..J'octurnis this treaty, in a war with the Tuscans, e iriviis. The epithet nocturnis is used, be- was himself slain (ut plerique tradunt) by cause the rites of Hecate were celebrated Mezentius their king, on the banks of the in the night, and in a place where three river Numicus, where his body was left unways met. See 511, supra. buried, and finally carried off by its waters, 611. A.dvertite: turn a due regard to my and never more seen. The Romans and misfortunes. Rumus and others understand Carthaginians were bitter enemies to each by malis, the wicked, to wit, the Trojans. other: no league, no religious obligations, But this seems not to agree with the tenor could bind them in peace; and after Hanof the subject. Rueus says: applicate nu- nibal arose, he proved himself Dido's avenmen meritumn a sceleratis huc. Heyne, on the ger. He entered Italy with fire and sword; other hand, says: advertite vestrum numen the Roman armies fled before him; and (vim et potestatem) contra improbos et impios Rome itself was providentially saved from Trojanos. Davidson renders the words: his conquering arms. turn your divine regard to my wrongs. 617. Indigna: cruel-undeserved. 613. Caput: properly, the head; by sy- 620. Cadat ante diem: let him fall before nec. the whole body-here, tEneas. his time-let him die an untimely death. 614. Heeret: in the sense of fixus sit. 621. Vocem: in the sense of verba. 615. At bello vexatus. It was a prevailing 623. Mittite hcec: present these offerings opinion among the ancients, that the pray- to my ashes. This is said in allusion to the ers of the dying were generally heard, and sacrifices that were offered to the dead. their last words prophetic. Thus Virgil They were usually poured upon the tomb, makes Dido imprecate upon AEneas a series and consisted of milk, wine, and blood. of misfortunes, which actually had their Exercete: in the sense of persequimini. accomplishment in his own person, or in 625. Exoriare aliquis ultor: arise some his posterity. After his arrival in Italy, he his is was engaged in a war with Turnus, a bold from my bones more forcible, and shows more fully the and warlike prince. He was torn from the s the state of her mind, than if she had used the embrace of his son, and as it were an exile, third person. Allusion is here de to forced to go to Etruria, to implore the as- Hannibal. Dardanioscolonos: simply, the sistance of Evander. See En. viii. 80. HeDar saw his friends slain, and lie dead before his T ans. Da the founders of Troy nus, one of the founders of Troy. eyes. It is said he submitted to the terms se t of a disadvantageous peace with king La- 627. Olim. This word signifies the fhtinus, among which it was stipulated that twe, as well as the past tine: now, lere. the Trojans should abandon their native after, whenever power shall present itself. language, drop their appellation, and adopt 628. Contraria: in the sense of hostilio that of the Latinz. In the third year after vel infesta. 314 P. VIRGILII MARONIS IIac ait: et partes animum versaba, in omnls, 630 Invisam quaerens quam primum abrumpere lucem 632. Affata est Barcen Tum breviter Barcen nutricem affata Sichai, Narnmque suam patria antiqua cinis ater habebat: 634. 0 chara nutrix, Annam, chara, mihi, nutrix, huc siste sororem: siste sororem Annam Dic corpus properet fluviali spargere lymphi, 635 hue mihi: dic ut prope- Et pecudes secum et monstrata piacula ducat. Sic veniat: tuque ipsa pia tege tempora vitta. Sacra Jovi Stygio quat rite incepta paravi, 639. Animus est mihi Perficere est animus, finemque imponere curis; perficere sacra rite in- Dardaniique roguln capitis permittere flatmma. 640 cepta, quae paravi Sty- Sic ait. Illa gradum studio celerabat anili. gio Jovi, imponereque At trepida, et cceptis immanibus effera Dido, Sanguineam volvens aciem, maculisque trementes 644. Interfusa quoad Interfusa genas, et pallida morte futura, trementes genas macu- Interiora domius irrumpit limina, et altos 645 lis, et pallida Conscendit furibunda rogos, ensemque recludit Dardanium, non hos quaesitum munus in usus. Hic postquam Iliacas vestes notumque cubile Conspexit, paulum lachrymis et mente morata, lncubuitque toro, dixitque novissima verba: 650 Dulces exuviae, dum fata Deusque sinebant, Accipite hanc animam, meque his exsolvite curis. Vixi, et, quern dederat cursum fortuna, peregi; Et nunc magna mei sub terras ibit imago. NOTES. 635. Spargerefluviali lympha: to sprinkle ing, it was called pyra; and after it was her body with river water. It was a custom consumed, busturn: all of which are derived of the Greeks and Romans to wash their from the Greek. bodies before they performed sacrifice. See 647. Munus non qucesilum: a present not uEn. ii. 719. But this was only observed in designed, or gotten for such a use-for being regard to the superior gods. They sprinkled the instrument of her death. From this, themselves only, when they were to offer sa- some infer that Eneas had made Dido this crifice o the infernal gods, as in the present present of a Trojan sword-Dardanium case. ensem. But it is more probable that it was a 636. Pecudes: in the sense of victimas. present from Dido to XEneas; and that in JIonstrata: in the sense of jussa, vel desig- his hurry to be gone, he had left it with nata.. some other things, in her bedchamberL 638. Stygio Jovi: Pluto. He was the Qucesitum. Rumeus says, comparatun. — brother of Jupiter, and in tile division of the Heyne, paratum, acceptun, datum. world, the infernal regions fell to him by lot. 652. Curis: troubles-sorrows. The epithet Stygius is added, from Slyx, a 654. El nunc: and now my ghost (imago) well known fabulous river of hell. shall descend illustrious to the shades bc640. Permittere: to commit the funeral low..Mei: in the sense of nca, agreeing pile of the Trojan (:Eneas) to the flames. with imago. Capitis: by synec. for the body, or whole Turnebus thinks the epithet magna is man-here, the Trojan, to wit, Eneas. used, because ghosts make their appearance 641. Studio: zeal-officiousness. at night, when to the affrighted imagination 642. Immanibus: awful-horrid. Effcra: of the spectators, the object appears larger in the sense of efferata. than life. But this is a very sinlgular opi644. Interfusa: spotted-streaked. nion. Dido is speaking in the language of 645..rrumrpit: she rushed into the inner majesty, and setting forth her illustrious apartment of the palace: It is plain that deeds. She had built a flourishing city limen signifies any part of the house, as and laid the foundation of a powerful king well as the threshold. Tle funeral pile was dom-she had punished her brother for the drected in penetrali side, in the inner apart- death of her husband-she had reigned in nlent. See 504, supra. glory-in a word, she had been happy in 646. Rogos. The funeral pile was called every instance, till the Trojan fleet visited rogus, before it was set on fire:,while burn- her coast. In this situation of mind, nothing ANEIS. LIB. IV 381 Urbenm preclaram statui: mea mcenia vidi; 655 Ulta virum, poenas inimico a fratre recepi: Felix, heu nimiuim felix! si litora tantuim Nunquam Dardaniwt tetigissent nostra carinae. Dixit: et, os impressa toro, mariemur inulte! Sed moriamur, ait: sic, sic juvat ire sub umbras. 660 661. Crudeiis DardaIIauriat hunc oculis ignem crudelis ab alto nus lauriat llo ignem suis oculis ab alto, ot Dardanus, et nostrae secum ferat omina mortis 664.* Comites aspiDixerat: atque illam media inter talia ferro ciunt illam collapsam Collapsam aspiciunt comites, ensemque cruore ferro inter media talia Spumantem, sparsasque manus. It clamor ad alta 665 verba, ensemrque Spumantem, manusque ejts Atria: concussam bacchatur fama per urbem: sparsas cruore sparsas cruore Lamentis, gemituque, et foemineo ululatu 671. Perque culmina Tecta fremunt: resonat magnis plangoribus ather. Deorum Non aliter quam si immissis ruat hostibus omnis 672. Soror exanimis Carthago, aut antiqua Tyros; flammaque furentes 6o0 audiit hacc, exterritaque -. 6. i trepido cursu, foedans Culmina perque hominum volvantur perque Deorum. tre unguibus, et pectora ora unguibus, et peetora Audiit exanimis, trepidoque exterrita cursu, puglis, ruit per rnedios, Unguibus ora soror fwedans et pectora pugnis, et clamat morientem so. Per medios ruit, ac morientem nomine clamat: rorem nomine Hoc illud, germana, fuit? me fraude petebas? 675 6 ste rogs r 1r * * * r * bat hoc mihi; isti ignes, Hoc rogus iste mili, hoc ignes areque parabant? arteque parabant hoc Quid primum deserta querar? comitemne sororern mi/hi? Sprevisti moriens? eadem me ad fata vocasses, 680. Struxi rogum Idem ambas ferro dolor, atque eadem hora tulisset. etiam his manibus, voHis etiam struxi manibus, patriosque vocavi 680 cavique patrios Deos vocb, ut crudelis abesVoce Deos; sic te ut posita crudelis abessem? sem te sic posita? O Extinxsti me teque, soror, populumque, patresque soror, extinxsti me tequo NOTES. can be more natural than for her to conceive 670. Furentes: the furious flames were her ghost to be of great and illustrious rank, rolling through the houses of men, and the and distinguished even in the other world (temples) of the gods. Culmen is properly above others, as she had been herself dis- the ridge of the house; by synec. put for tinguished in this. the whole house. 656. Recepi punas. She had recovered 675. Hoc illud fuit: 0 sister, was this from her brother her own wealth, and the your design-was this the object you had in treasure for which -he murdered her hus- view, in erecting this funeral pile? band. It is with great propriety, therefore, 6/77. Deserta: being thus abandoned, of she uses the word recepi, when speaking of what shall I first complain? the revenge she had taken of Pygmalion. 678. Fata: in the sense of mortem. 659. lotriemur inult/e: shall I die unre- 679. Dolor: pain-ache-anguish. Heyne venged? but let me die. Thus, thus, it de- says, vulnus. lights me to descend to the shades below. 681. Sic posita: thus lying dead. Inultte: unrevenged of Eneas and the Tro- 682. Extinxsti: thou hast destroyed me jans. The fatal moment having arrived, and Ihyself, &c. Some copies have exstinxi, the poet represents her to us in the very act in the first person. By this Anna turns the of stabbing herself, by the turn of his verse. reproach from Dido to herself. But most The repetition of the sic sets her before us, commentators prefer the second person. Siplunging the instrument in her breast, and donios patres. By these we are to underthrusting it home with a kind of desperate stand probably the Carthaginian senators, complacency. inpressa os toro: having or the legislative branch of the government. kissed the bed, she said, &c. It is plain that they are distinguished from 666. Bacchatur: in the sense of discurrit. the body of the people. Extinxsti: by Concussaym: in the sense of comniotam, vel syn. for extinxisti. Date: in the sense of alftonifam ferte. Lymphis: in the sense of aquf. 668. Fremunt: in the sense of resonant. This was a rite performed towards the bo669. Ruat: falls. Rueus says, subver- dies of the dead by their nearest relations. tatur Hence the mother of Euryalus regrets tlha St16 P. VI'RGElilJ MARONIS 683. Date aquam ut Sidonios, urbemque tuatn. Date, vulnera lymphis ibliu-u vulnera Abluam, et, extremus si quis super halitus errat, Ore legam. Sic fata, gradus evaserat altos, 635 Seinianimemque sinu germanam amplexa fbvebat Cum gemitu, atque atros siccabat veste cruores. Ilila, graves oculos conata attollere, rursus I)eficit: infixum stridet sub pectore vulnus. Ter sese attollens cubitoque innixa levavit, 690 Ter revoluta toro est: oculisque errantibus, alto 692. llgemuitque, ea Quiesivit calo lucem, ingemuitque reperta. reperta. rTurn Juno omnipotens longum miserata doloiem, Difficilesque obitus, Irir demisit Olymplo, Quam luctantern animam nexosque resolvernt artus. 695 696. Nam Proserpina Nam, quia nec fato, merita nec morte peribat, nondulns atbstulerat illi nflonvunrilm erati Sed misera ante diem, subitoque accensa furore; flavulm erieiem vertice, damnaveratque caput Nondurl illi flavurn Proserpina vertice crinern Stygio Orco, quia Abstulerat, Stygioque caput damnaverat Orco. Erg6 Iris croceis per cuelum roscida pennis, 700 702. Ego jussa fero Mille tralens varios adverso Sole colores, hunc crinemt sacrum Devolat, et supra caput adstitit: hunc ego Diti I)iti; solvoque te ab isto Sacrum jussa fero, teque isto corpore solvo. corpore. _.. J 705. Omnis calor di- Sic ait: et dextra crinem secat. Omnis et uni lapsus est. Dilapsus calor, atque in ventos vita recessit. 7Of) NOTES. she had not shut his eyes, nor washed his nishiment of atrocious conduct. The casuwounds. /En. ix. 485. al, or accidenlal, was, when a person took 68:4. Siquis extremus: if any last breath away his own life in some way or other: remain, that I may catch it with my mouth. such an one was said to die before his time. Virgil is here tlought to allude to a cere- This was the case with Dido. oiony among the Greeks and Romans: 697. Furore: passion. Diem: in the when a person was just expiring, the near- sense of tetnpus. est relation put his mouth to his that he 698. J\ondum illi: Proserpine had not might catch the last breath. Rueus inter- yet plucked for her the yellow lock, &c. prets super by adhuc. Super-errat is evi- The ancients had a notion tnat none could dently used in the sense of superesset. The die till Proserpine, either in person, or by substitution of esset for errat makes the read- Atropos, had cut a lock of hair from the ing easy. Some copies have esset. crown of their head. This was considered 688. Conata: agreeing with Dido. a. kind of first-fruits to Pluto. This custom 689. Vulnus stridet: the wound hisses, took its rise from sacrifices: when they used ucca.sioned by the gushing out of the blood. to pluck some of the hairs from the front of rnfixum: made. the victim, and cast them into the fire. 693. Dolorem: pain. Obitus: departure 699. Orco: dat. of Orcus, a name of Pluto. — death. 700. Iris ergO: dewy Iris flies througl 695. Resolveret animarr: might separate heaven. Iris was the messenger of the godher soul and body.,Jexos arlus: compact- desses, especially of Juno. She is said to ed or united limbs. be the daughter of Thaumas and Electia. 696. Quianecfato. The ancients divided Servius observes that Iris is, for tlle most death into three kinds: natural, merited or part, employed in matters of mischief, and deserved and accidental. The natural death contention. See Eun. v. 606. and ix. 803. was when a person accomplished the ordi- Iris: the rainbow. This interesting appearnary term of human life, or that space al- ance is occasioned by the rays of the sun, lotted to him in the councils of the gods. reflected by the vapors or drops of rain. It The merited or deserved death was, when can only take place, or be seen, when the a person was deprived of life by the imme- sun and cloud are opposite to each other, in diate interposition of the gods for the pu- regard to the spectator. ENETIS. LIB. IV. 317 QUESTIONS. What is the subject of this book? Did many of her countrymen acconmpasy What is its nature, and character? her? i-low does it commence? What appears to have been her original What plan did Juno propose to effect her purpose in leaving Tyre?,urpose of averting the Trojans from Italy? HIad a colony of Tyrians previously setDid she effect a union between Dido and tied in Africa? /Eneas? Who were the leaders of that colony? Was that union dissolved? Where did they settle? By whom was it dissolved? What did they call their settlement? By whom was Eneas commanded to leave How was Dido received by her countryCarthage? men? How did Dido receive the information What did they desire her to do? that he was ordered to leave her? What did she call her city? What effect had it upon her? What is the meaning of that word in the What course did she pursue in order to Phoenician language? divert lim from his purpose? But do not some give a different account? As soon as the match was concluded be- What do those historians say? tween Dido and Eneas, was the news of What did she call the town or citadel? that event spread abroad? What is the meaning of Byrsa in the By whorp was it spread? Greek language? Whom does Virgil imitate in the descrip- To what mistake did that lead? tion of Fame? How have some attempted to explain that Who was larbas? story? What had he previously proposed to What does Rollin say of it in his history Dido? of Carthage? How was that proposition received? Did Dido purchase any tract of country What effect had the news of Dido's mar- for her city? riage upon that prince? What was the nature of the contract? How was he occupied at that time? Did the Carthaginians perform it? Who was said to be his father? What was the consequence of their refuWho was Jupiter Ammon?sal? Had he any celebrated temple? Is it supposed by some that Virgil is guil5Where was it situated? ty of an anachronism in making Dido and Whom does Sir Isaac Newton make this Eneas cotemporary? Ammon to have been? What does Bochart say of it? Does Justin the historian give a different Upon what does he found his conclusions? account of this matter? Does Sir Isaac Newton make a different What does he say of it? calculation? What was the issue of it as related by How much later has he brought down the himn? destruction of Troy? In what character was Dido considered Is it a fair conclusion that it was a general afterward by her countrymen? received opinion, they were cotemporary? Who was Dido? Was this sufficient ground for the poet to What is the meaning of that word? assume it as a fact? By what other name was she sometimes Does the introduction of Dido into the talled? Eneid add much to its embellishment? What was the name of her father, ac- How long did Carthage continue cording to Josephus?' What was the character of its inhabitants? What does Virgil call him? Were the Carthaginians a powerful naWhat does Marollius call him? tion? Is Belus, probably, an abbreviation of Itho- Who was the most distinguished com. balus?mander and general among them? To whom was she married at Tyre? By whom was Carthage finally destroyed? Who was Sichseus? In what year of Rome was that effected? What office did he hold? Finding she could not prevail upon Eneae What was the character of Pygmalion, to remain at Carthage, what desperate reher brother?'solution did Dido make? What atrocious deed did he perform? Under what pretence did she order the What was his conduct afterward? altar to be erected? How was Dido informed of the cruel What effect had the departure of the deed? Trojans from her coast upon her? What advice did the ghost of her hus- Did she make any imprecation against taind give her? XEneas and the Trojans? Wiat did she do in consequence of that 318 P. VIRG1LII MARONIS Was it realized with regard to Eneas, if How many celebrated wars were waged we myv believe history? between them? Was it realized in regard to the Romans, How does the book conclude? his descendants? How did Dido put an end to her lift? Was there always a jealousy subsisting between the two nations? LIBER QUINTUS. Tais book opens with the departure of IEneas from Carthage. He had not been long at sea before a violent storm arose, which forced him to turn his course to Sicily. He entered the port of Drepanum. Here he is received with great cordiality and affection by king Acestes. After offering sacrifice, and celebrating the anniversary of his father's death, lEneas institutes four kinds of games in honor of him. These occupy from verse 114 to'602. In the mean time, the Trojan women, at the instigation of Iris, who was sent by Juno for that purpose, set fire to the ships, in the hope, by these Iheans, to put an end to the voyage of which they were weary. At the intreaty of Eneas, Jupiter sent a heavy shower of rain, which extinguished the flames. Four of the fleet, however, were lost. Upon this Nautes advises 2Eneas, since he had lost part of his fleet, to leave in Sicily the aged, and all who were weary of the voyage. This advice was confirmed the following night by the ghost of Anchises, which appeared to him in a vision., It also directed him to go to the Sibyl of Cumee, who would conduct him to the infernal regions, where he should receive a fuller account of his own fortune, ard of that of his race. The hero followed the advice; and having founded a city, which he called.qcestes, after his venerable friend, he set sail for Italy. He had not long been at sea, before he lost Palinurus, the pilot of his ship, who fell overboard in sleep; after which Eneas took upon himself the dut) and business of pilot. This book is of a gay and lively nature, and very properly comes after the tragical account of Dido's unhappy end. The games are imitated from the 23d book of the Iliad, where Achilles is represented as instituting games in honor of his friend Patroclus. INTEREA medium AEneas jam classe tenebat Certus iter, fluctusque atros Aquilone secabat: Mcenia respiciens, qum jam infelicis Elisar Collucent flammis: que tantum accenderit ignem, 5. Sed duri labores Causa latet: duri magno sed amore dolores 5 ex magno amore pol- Polluto, notumque, furens quid flemina possit, uIto, noti; quidque furens fiemina possit fa- Triste per augurium Teucrorum pectora ducunt. cere, notum, ducunt Ut pelagus tenuere rates, nec jam amplius ulla 9. Sed undique caB- Occurrit tellus, ccelum undique, et undique pontus, unm, et undique pontus Olli cceruleus supra caput adstitit imber, 10 ayplwret Noctem hyememque ferens: et inhorruit unda tenebris NOTES. 1..Medium ier. This is literally the mid- by the wind; or he cut the blackened waves dle of his course. But this, strictly speak- before the wind. Aquilo: the north wind, ing, cannot be; for he beheld the flames of put for wind in general; the species for tho Dido's funeral pile. Rumus and Davidson genus. JMoenia: in the sense of ulrbem. take medium in the sense of profundum; and 6. Polluto: in the sense of Ahso, vel understand the phrase to mean, that.Eneas violato. had gotten into the full or deep sea. If we 7. Per triste augurium: througa gloomy could read mare instead of iter, then there presages or conjectures. would be no difficulty in this interpretation. 8. Ut: in the sense of quando. 2. Certus: determined on going. Fluctus 10. Imber: in the sense of nubes vel nimalros8 Aquilone: he cut the waves blackened bus. Olli for illi, by antithesis. AENEIS. LIB. V 319 Ipse gubernator puppi Palinurus ab altA: 12 Palinvrns ipse lieu! quianam tanti cinxerunt athera nimbi? gubernator exclanma ab Quidve, pater Neptune, paras? sic deinde locutus, at pp he! quiaColligere arma jubet, validisque incumbere remis; 15 Obliquatque sinus in ventum, ac talia fatur: Magnanime AEnea, non, si mihi Jupiter auctor Spondeat, hoc sperem Italiam conting.ere ccelo.. ossficimu Mutatl transversa fremunt, et vespere ab atro tendere contra, nee tanConsurgunt venti: atque in nubem cogitur aer 20 turn obniti Nec nos obniti contra, nec tendere tantum 24. Nec reor fida fraSufficimus: superat quoniam fortuna, sequamur. terna litora Erycis, Sicanosque portus es Quoque vocat, vertamus iter. Nec litora long cnosue portus es longS. Fida reor fraterna Erycis, portusque Sicanos 28. An ulla tellus Si mod6 rit6 memor servata remetior astra. 25 gratior mihi,quoque mi Turn plus /Eneas: Equidem sic poscere ven. gis optem delnittere fe: Jamdudum, et frustra cerno te tendere contra sas naves, qlam qu -m...T A -, *i *,*...servat mihi Dardanu Flecte viam velis. An sit mihi gratior ulla, Acestet qmi Dardan Acesten, et qun con Quoque magis fessas optem demittere naves plectitur ossa patris Ar Quam qua Dardanium tellus mihi servat Ac n, 30 chisme in ejus gremiio? NOTES 13. Quianam: in the sense of cur. ri 7, I measure over again the stars ol 14. Quidve, pater Jeptune, paras? This sf before. From the relative situatio apostrophe to Neptune gives us a very lively, se stars which he had observed upe idea of his wonder and astonishment. ast of Sicily, and from their corfe: 15. Arma: properly signifies any kind of p, ice with his present observatiens, I instruments whatever-here the tackling of judg himself to be on that coast again. the ship-the sails, spars and rigging of 27. Iendere: strove-contended. every description. Davidson confines it to. Vian: in the sense of cursum. Turn tle sails. But this is not necessary. It was b t w - proper that all things should be stowed wst wd ws favorable for them to go to away, as well as the sails reefed, that the i ship might the better weather the storm. ici 16. Obliquat sinus: he turns the sail into 29. Denillere: in the sense of dirigere: the wind-he brings the vessel more into 30. Acesten. What is said Jf the origin the wind-he lies, in nautical language, of Acestcs, is so incorporated with fable nearer the wind. that little dependence can be placed upon it. 17. Auclor: the founder of our race. The account, which Dionysius Halicarnas18. Coclo: in this weather. Vespere: in sus gives, is probably the most correct. It the sense of occidente. appears that Laomedon, king of Troy, be19. Transversa: an adj. neu. plu. taken ing offended at some Trojan nobleman; as an adverb in imitation of the Greeks. caused him and his sons to be put to death. 21. JVec nos sufficimus: nor are we able Lycophron calls him Pheenodnmus: but Serto proceed against it, nor so much as to vius and Pomponius call him Hippotes. But hold our own-to bear up against the storm thinking his daughters, who were three in -to contend against it. number, less deserving his displeasure, the 24. Reorjfida: I think the faithful frater- king sold them to some Sicilian merchants. nal shores of Eryx, &c. Eryx was the son on condition that they should transport them of Butes and Venus, according to common to some foreign country. A person of some report. Some say, his mother was Lycaste, distinction being on board, by the name of a Sicilian courtezan, who, on account of her Crinisus, Crimisus, or Crimissus, fell in love extraordinary beauty, was called Venus. with one of them, whose name was Egesta, Virgil, following tradition, calls him the and maried her. Soon after she bore a son, brother of }Fneas, both being reputed to be whom Virgil calls Acestes, but others Egestes, the sons of Venus. His grandfather was or JEgestes. Upon the death of Laomedon, Amnycus, who was slain by Pollux in a con- he obtained permission of Pjiam to return test with the gauntlet: upon which Butes to Troy; where he was during the siege fled into Sicily, and founded a city. Eryx, and destruction of that city, when he conin like manner, was slain by Hercules. He tracted a friendship with ]Eneas. He aftergave his name to a mountain and city not ward returned to Sicily. The river Criniar from the Promontorium Lilybaeum. sus being afterward called by his name, gave 25. Si modo rite: if now, remembering rise to the fabulous account of his birth. 32C P. VIRGILII MAliRONIS Et patris Anchisae gremio complectitur ossa 3R. Ubi hawc dicta Hmc ubi dicta, petunt portus, et vela secundi sunt Intendunt Zephyri: fertur cita gurgite classis: Et tandem lati notae advertuntur arena. 35. At Acestes ex ex- At procul excelso miratus vertice montis 3 celso vertice mnotis pro- Adventum, sociasque rates, occurrit Acestes, cul miratus adventum, s in j is e p i i r sociasque rates, occurrit Horrdus jaculs et pelle Libystidis ursae: nobis, horridus Troia Crimiso conceptum flumine mater 39. Quem Troia ma- Quem genuit. Veterum non immemor ille parentum, ter genuit conceptum Gratatur reduces, et gaza letus agresti 40 Crimiso flumine. Excipit, ac fessos opibus solatur amicis. 42. Cim postera clara Postera cium primo stellas oriente fugArat ties fugarat stellas pri- Clara die-; socios in ccetum litore ab omni ao eriente, Erneas oen s Advocat Aneas, tumulique ex aggere fatur: 45. Quorum genus est Dardan magni, genus alto a sanguine Divfm, 45 Annuuw;actis completur mensibus orbis; Ex quo lliquias divinique ossa parentis 50. 0 Di, vos, sic vo- Condidi. terra, mcestasque sacravimus aras. iis tis. Jamque, ni fallor, adest; quem semper acerbum, 51. Ego agerem hunc diem, si essem exul in Semper h wratum, sic Di voluistis, habebo..50 Gaetulis syrtibus, de- Hunc ego etulis agerem si syrtibus exul, prensus-ve Argolicov lri deprensus, et urbe Mycenae: 55. Nunc ultro adsu- Annua vot -nen, solemnesque ordine pompas ~nus ad cineres et ossa nus ad cnerenis eqt oss Exsequere:ueremque suis altaria donis.,pSius parentis, equidem... *eor haud sine numine Nunc ultr( cineres ipsius et ossa parentis, bo DivGm Haud equ em sine mente, reor, sine numine Divum, NOTES. 33. Gurgite: in the sense of mari. 50. Habebo: I shall consider. Agerem. 34. Leti: socii is understood: my joyous I would observe, or keep. companions. 53. Solemnes ponmpas. This is peculiarly 35. Miratus: observing-wondering at. proper in this place. Pompa properly signiOur arrival was unexpected, and a matter fics a funeral or other procession; and, exseof wonder to him. querer: I would perform the exsequiae, or fu37. IHorridus injaculis: rough with jave- neral obsequies; the principal of which was lins, and the hide of an African bear. The the following of the corpse to the grave, or word horridus is very applicable to the dress funeral pile. Hence exsequice came to sigand equipage of a hunter, bearing his darts nify the whole funeral rites: from sequor, I and javelins in his hands, and guarded follow. against the savages of the mountains. In Strerem I oud cover the which character Acestes is here represented. altars wit i o roer it. e altars with his own proper gilts. These Libystidis: an adj. from Lzbystis and that ilikystidis: an adj. from Libystis, and that were milk, wine, honey, and blood, poured from the noun Libys. Pliny says there were u t t no bears in Africa, on account of its great t ecease, heat. But there are many good authorities the Umria, or shate of the deceased, fed, gainst him. Solirus says the Numidian 7'and especially upon the blood. Valpy says. against him. Solnus says the Numidian r p bears excel all others in beauty and form: it offerigs. which is probably the reason that Virgil 56. Ilaud sine menle. AEneas here ettIidresses Acestes in one of their s'kins. butes their arrival in Sicily to the interposi39. Genust. in the sense of peperit. tion of the gods, as if they designed it to 40. Agresti gasi: with llis homely fare. afford him an opportunity of paying divine Gaza is a word of Persian origin, and signi- honors to his father. Jente; design. Rufios any kind of sumptuous expense, either eus says, consilo. in provision or furniture.'os is to be con- 58. Leetum honorem: the joyous festival. nected with reduces. Ruaus interprets honorem by saerificium. 44. Aggere: summitate, says Rueus. But it is plain that honorem includes every 46. Annuus orbis: the annual circle (to part of the rites and ceremonies which were wit, a year) is completed. performed upon that occasion, as well as the 49. Acerbum: afflictive-sorrowful. offerings or sacrifices. ENEIS. LIB. V. 321 Adsumus; et portus delati intramus amicos. 56. Et nos delati hue Erg6 agite, et laetum cuncti celebremus honorem: instramus Poscamus ventos, atque haec me sacra quotannis 59. Poscamns ventmo Urbe velit posita templis sibi ferre dicatis. 60 ab eo, atque ut velit me, Bina bourn vobis Troja generatus Acestes urbe posit&, qlotnnlis ferre haec sacra in tempI)at numero capita in naves: adhibete Penates lis dicatis sibi Et patrios epulis, et quos colit hospes Acestes. 62. In singulas naves Praeterea, si nona diem mortalibus almum Aurora extulerit, radiisque retexerit orbem, 65 Prima citae Teucris ponam certamina classis Quique pedum cursu valet, et qui viribus audax, 67. Et qui incedit &uAut jaculo incedit melior, levibusve sagittis; dax viribus Seu crudo fidit pugnam committere caestu; Cuncti adsint, meritaeque expectent praemia palmae 70 Ore favete, omnes, et cingite tempora ramis. Sic fatus, velat materna tempora myrto: Hoc Elymus facit,hoc avi maturus Acestes, Hoc puer Ascanius: sequitur quos castera pubes. Ille e concilio multis cum millibus ibat 75 75. Ille ibat mediusa Ad tumulum, magna medius comitante caterva. concilio cen multismilHic duo rite mero libans carchesia Baccho Fundit humi, duo lacte novo, duo sanguine sacro; Puurueosque act flores, ac talia fatur: Salve, sancte parens: iterum salvete, recepti 80 NOTES. 60. Posita urbe: a city being built-that may profane the sacred ceremonies: or, let is, after they had founded a city and erected us have the concurrence of your prayers to temples in it dedicated to him. render the gods favorable to us: or, lastly, 61. Acestes generatus. Acestes sprung aid us by your applause and joyful acclamafrom Troy, gives, &c. Bina capita bourn: tions. simply, two oxen. 72. Velnt tempora. The poet here alludes 62. Adhibete Penates, &c. Servius is of to a practice among the Romans, of persons opinion that the poet here alludes to the of every age and condition, who appeared Roman custom called Lectisternia, or sacred at these solemn games, to wear a garland banquets, prepared at the solemn games for upon their heads. The myrtle was sacred the gods, whose images were placed on to Venus; hence the propriety of the exprescouches, and set down at the most honorable sion, materna myrto. part of the table, as principal guests. 73. Maturus cevi: a Grecism. In the sense 64. Si: in the sense of cum. of provectus eetate, vel annis. 66. Ponam: in the sense of instituam. 77. Hic duo rite: here in due form offerAFneas here institutes four kinds of games ing, he pours on the ground, &c. Carchesia: or sports-a rowing match-a foot race-a large bowls without handles: plu. of carcheshooting match, and a gauntlet fight; and sium. Libans: pouring out-offering. Bacproposes suitable rewards for the victors in cho: for vino. Mero: pure-unmixed. each. 80. Iterum salvete: Ye ashes revisited in 67. Valet: in the sense of prestat. Ince- vain, and soul and shade of my father, again dit: in the sense of est. hail.-Cineres recepti nequicquam. By these 69. Fidit: in the sense of audet. words Serviusunderstands Anchises himself, 70. Prcemia meritai palme: rewards of whom Eneas rescued from the flames of meritorious victory-or rewards worthy of Troy in vain; since he lost him before his victory. Palmce: in the sense of victorice: arrival in Italy. But the sense given above by moton. is easier. IEneas lost his father a year be71. Favete omnes ore: favete ore, velfavete fore on his way to Italy; but, meeting with linguis, was the phrase made use of by the a storm, he was obliged to go to Africa. public criers before the celebration of solemn Now on his return he visits his tomb,.. in games or sacrifices. The import seems to a manner receives him again, but in vain, be: Favor us with your religious attention'since it was not permitted that he should -pronounce no words of bad omen that take him with him tc Italy. Animceque urn-. 22 8'22 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 82. Non licuit mihi Nequicquam cineres, animeque umbraque paterne. t cue quwrere Italos Non licuit fines Italos, fataliaque arva, Nec tecum Ausonium, quicunque est, quarere Tybria. 85. Cim ingens lu- Dixerat hmec: adytis cumn lubricus anguis ab imis bricus angui' traxit septem gyros Septem ingens gyros, septena volumina traxit, 86 87. Cui terga coerulem Amplexus placide tumulum, lapsusque per aras: note ilcendebant, et cu- Caeruleae cui terga notae, maculosus et auro jus squamam fulgor Squamam incendebat fulgor: ceu nubibus arcus 90. Tandem ille ser- Mille trahit varios adverse Sole colores. pens longo agmine inter Obstupuit visu JEneas: ille agmine longo 90 Tandem inter pateras et levia pocula serpens, Libavitque dapes, rursusque innoxius irno Successit tumulo, et depasta altaria liquit. H6c magis inceptos genitori instaurat honores: Incertus, Geniumne loci, famulurnne parentis 95 Esse putet: cadit quinas de more bidentes, Totque sues, totidem nigrantes terga juvencos: Vinaque findebat pateris, animamque vocabat Anchiste magni, Manesque Acheronte remissos, Necnon et socii, qua cuique est copia, lati 100 Dona ferunt: onerant aras, mactantque juvencos Ordine ahena locant alii: fusique per herbam Subjiciunt verubus prunas, et viscera torrent Expectata dies aderat, nonamque serena Auroram PIhacthontis equi jam luce vehebant. 10b NOTES. breque. Some consider these as genitives Genii appointed, some the protectors of connected with and governed by cineres. countries and cities, and others the guarServius explains it upon the principles of dians of particular persons, who never left Plato and Aristotle; who gave to man a them even after death. fourfold soul-the intellectual, the sensual, 98. Vocabat. Eneas here not merely the vital, and the vegetative. To each of called upon his ghost to partake of the rothese they assigned a shade or ghost. It is past he had prepared, but invoked him as a most probable the poet here, as elsewhere, god to be propitious to him, thereby deifyuses the plural for the singular, in order to ing him. aggrandize his subject: that is, animae for 99. Janes remissos Acheronte: the shade anima, and umbrce for umbra, in the voc. or ghost sent back from the dead to partake sing. This is the opinion of Rumus and of the banquet. Acheron: a fabulous river Heyne. of hell-often put for hell itself: or the place 84. Adytis. The tomb of Anchises here of the dead, as here. is spoken of as a temple-a shrine.10. a e i 87. Cui: in the sense of cujus. Terg a: 100. sec m copia est cu tiqu e sene acc. plu. governed by incendebant, or some secundua copiam q est u aicuique. other verb of like import, understood. 101. Onerant: some copies have onerant88. Fulgor maculosus: a brightness varie- que Heinsius, Pierius,andHeyne omitthe gated with gold-with a golden hue. In- que. cendebat: made or rendered resplendent. 103. Viscere: by this we are to understand 91. Serpens: a part. of the verb serpo, the meat in general. agreeing with ille in the preceding line. 105. Equi Phaithontis: the horses of the 92. Libavit dapes: tasted the banquet, sun brought the ninth, &c. Phaton, was the and again, &c. The dapes was the offer son of Phaebus and Clymene. He obtained ing to the shade of Anchises, spoken of 54, from his father the management of his chasupra. riot for one day; but unable to govern the 93. repasta: fed upon-just tasted. fiery steeds, he was precipitated into the Po.'-. Instaurat: in the sense of renovat. See Ovid. Met. 2. Here put for the Sun Isnores: in the sense of sacrificia. himself. The poets represented the sun as 95. Incertus-ne: uncertain whether he drawn in a chariot by four horses, whose should consider him (the serpent) to be, &c. names were Pyrois, Eoiis, Lthon, and PhMThe ancients had a notion that there were gon, all of Greek origin. AENEIS. LIB. V. 323 Farnaque finitimos ct clari nomen Acestie 108. Pars visuri Excierat: lmto complerant litora coetu, Eneadas, et par parati Visuri Aneadas, pars et certare parati. certare. 111. Pretium destinaMuncra principio ante oculos, circoque locantur tumr victoribus rn nedlio, sacri tripodes, viridesque coronae, 110 113. Tuba canit d meEt palinwe, pretium victoribus; armaque, et ostro dio aggere ludos conPerfusa vestes, argenti aurique talenta: missos esse. Et tuba commissos medio canit aggere ludos. 115. Quatuor carin Mn.. * *delectae ex omni classe, Prima pares ineunt gravibus certamina remis pares gravibus remis Quatuor, ex oinni delecta classe, carinae. 115 117. A quo nomine Veloceml Mnestheus agit acri remige Pristin, orilur genus Mox Italus Mnestheus, genus a quo nomine Memmi: 118. Gyas agit ingenIngentemque Gyas ingenti mole Chimaeram, temi Chiineram ex inUrbis opus, triplici pubes quam Dardana versu 121. Sergestusque, a Impellunt: terno consurgunt ordine remi. 120 quo Sergia domus tenet Sergestusque, domus tenet a quo Sergia nomen, nomen, invehitur magCentauro invehitur magnA; Scyllhque Cloanthus na Centauro; CloanCceruiea, genus unde tibi, Romane Cluenti. lea S cylla; unde genus Est procul in pelago saxum, spumantia contra est tibi Litora; quod tumidis submersum tunditur olim 125 127. Siletintranquillo Fluctibus, hyberni condunt ubi sidera Cori: celo, attolliturque ex imTranquillo silet, immotaque attollitur undh motA unda, anuam Campus, et apricis statio gratissima mergis. i per cnea 129. Ilic pater 2Eneas Hic viridem AEneas frondenti ex ilice metam constituit viridem meConstituit, signurm nautis, pater: unde reverti 130 tam ex frondenti ilice, Scirent, et longos ubi circumflectere cursus. tanquam signum nautis unde. NOTES. 108. JEneadas: in the sense of Trojanos. not necessary that he should conform cx110. Sac.-i tripodes. The tripod was pro- actly to chronological fact. The galley, it perly a kind of three-footed stool or table, is well known, was not invented till long on which were placed the sacred bowls and after, and was of various sizes. Some had other vessels for the libation. It is called two, some three, and others four banks, or sacred on account cf its various uses in the rows of rowers: and, accordingly, they were ceremonies of religion. We learn from Ho- called Biremis, Triremis, quadrirenis., &c. mer that the Greeks used to make presents Their banks of rowers were raised, slopingly of tripods to their heroes and great men. one above another, so that those of the 11. Palmea. The palm was the ordina- second bench rested their feet where those ry prize of every conqueror at the games. of the first were seated, &c. Remi consurPlutarch gives this reason for it; because guni terno ordine. By this we are to underthe palm is a fit emblem of fortitude, as it stand that the oars rose together, and, as it is not crushed, nor borne down by any were, kept time throughout the three rows. weight; but still maintains its growth, Rumus makes a distinction between versus and rises superior to opposition. Per- and ordo. The first, according to him, sigfuisac dyed, or colored. Talenta: one talent nifies the series of oars reckoned horizontally of each. from stem to stern. The ordines he makes 116. Agit: in the sense of regit vel gu- to be the same oars reckoned vertically, or bernat. Acri remige: with a valiant band as they rose obliquely above one another. of rowers. 121. Domus: properly the house, by me117.4 quo nomine: from whose name is ton. the family-race. the family of.lemmius. In order to recorn- 123. Genus: race-family. mend himself to the noble families at Rome, 125. Olim: continually-usually. Virgil derives their origin from Trojans of 126. Condunt: cover over-hide them in distinction. Genus: in the sense offamilia. clouds. 118. Opus urbis: in the sense of instar 127. Tranquillo. In calm weather this urbis. rock was visible; but in storms it was cover119. Triplici versu: with a triple row of ed with waves, and resounded with the dashoars. What Virgil says of the nature of ing of the waters. It rose above the surthese boats3 is a anticipation; but it was face like a plain. 32~4 P. VIRGILI MARARONIS 132. Ipsi ductores Tur loca sorte legunt: ipsique in puppibu. auro long? effulgent in pup- Ductores longe effulgent ostroque decori: pibus, decori auro os- Cwtera populea velatur fronde juventus, troque. 135. Perfusa quoad Nudatosque humeros oleo perfusa nitescit. 135 nudatos humeros oleo Considunt transtris, intentaque brachia remis: nitescit. Intenti expectant signum: exultantiaque haurit Corda pavor pulsans, laudumque arrecta cupido. Inde, ubi clara dedit sonitum tuba, finibus omnes, I-aud mora, prosiluere slsis: ferit wathera clamor 140 Nauticus; adductis spumant freta versa lacertis. Infindunt pariter sulcos: totumque dehiscit Convulsum remis rostrisque tridentibus acquor. Non tarn pracipites bijugo certamine campum 145. Currus non tam Corripuere, ruuntque effusi carcere, currus: 145 prnecipites corripuere Nec sic immissis aurigae undantia lora oampum Concussere jugis, pronique in verbera pendent.'urn plausu fremituque virum, studiisque faventum Consonat omne nemus, vocemque inclusa volutant 15. GyLitora; pulsati colles clamore resultant. 150 alio. Gyas effugit antebi Effugit ante alios, primusque elabitur undis alios: primusque elabitur'undis inter turbam Turbam inter fremitumque Gyas: quem deinde Cloanthus fremitumque. Consequitur, melior remis; sed pondere pinus NOTES. 134. Populea fronde. Servius observes, medals explain the matter; on some of the reason of their wearing garlands of the which there is plainly seen a rostrum, or beak poplar tree, was, that they were celebrating of a ship witl three teeth. Tridens, of tres funeralgames. Hercules, it is said, brought and denrs. that tree from the infernal regions. 144. Prcecipites: in the sense of celeres. 136. Brachia intenta reniis: their arms Ceriamine: the chariot race. Bijugo signi. are stretched to the oars. Rumus has no fies or implies that two horses were yoked stop after remis, but connects it with the or harnessed in the chariot. Macrobius obfollowing words. This, however, is not so serves that Virgil here excels Homer. Ineasy: and, beside, it takes from the so- deed nothing can be more finely imagined, lemnity of the description. The verb sunt or represented more to the life. Career: is understood, the mark, or starting place; meta, the goal 138. Pulsans pavor: throbbing fear, and or turning place. Currus, by mneton. for an eager desire of praise, draws their beat- equi. ing hearts. This is very expressive. It 146. Nec auriga sic: nor have the charaises such palpitations in their breasts, as rioteers so shook, &c. Jugis: the yoke, if it would draw their hearts out of their by meton. put for the horses harnessed in it. bodies. Pulsans is a very proper epithet to Immnissisjugis: the horses flying with loospaver, beating-palpitating. ened reins-at full speed. 139. Finibus. Finis, here, means the line, 148. Studiis: in the sense of acclamaplace, or bound, from which they start-the tionibus. mark. Sonitum: tilne signal. iark. SonitumT: t, e signal. T149. Litora inclusa, &c. Rumus observes 141. Lacertis adductis. Dr. Trapp ob- 149. Ltorancl uusobserves 141. Lacertis adductis. Dr. Trapp ob- that this is, by a figure called commutatio, serves, by this we are to understand the that tli i, by a figure called orn utatio, for volutant i:nclusam vocem. Or motions of the rowers, when, in pulling at for vltn n ocem. Or per 1p the oar, they draw the arms close to t inc may b taken here in the sens body. This they do, especially when they curva' row with all their strength. 151. Primus. Davidson hasprimis, agree142. Infinduntpariler sulcos: they cleave ing with undis. He glides away on the furrows in the sea at the same time-they nearest waves. Primus is however the start all at once. easier, and conveys the same idea. It is 143..Equor convulsum: the whole sur- the reading of Rueus and others. Resulface of the sea convulsed, &c. Some edi- tant: echo it back. tions have stridentibus. But this violates 153. Pinus: the timber of the pine tree, the measure of the verse; the first syllable put by meton. for the ship or galley made of etridentibus being always long. Ancient of it. ANEIS. LIB. V 325 Tarda tenet. Post hos, aquo discrimine, Pristis Centaurusque locum tendunt superare priorem. 155 Et nunc Pristis habet; nune victam praetcrit ingens Centaurus; nunc unh ambae junctisque feruntur Frontibus, et longa sulcant vada salsa carina. Jamque propinquabant scopulo, metamque tenebant; Cmnl princeps, medioque Gyas in gurgite victor, 160 Rectorern navis compellat voce Menceten: Quo tantuim mili dexter abis? huc dirige cursum, Litus ama, et laevas stringat, sine, palmula cautes: 163. t sne ut pal muia stringat luvas Altum alii teneant. Dixit: sed caeca Menctes cautes Saxa timens, proram pelagi detorquet ad undas. 165 Quo diversus abis? iterum; Pete saxa, Mencete, Cum clamore Gyas revocabat: et ecce Cloanthum Respicit instanten tergo, et propiora tenentem. Ille inter navemque Gyme scopulosque sonantes Radit iter lavurn interior, subitusque priorem 170 Praeterit; et metis tenet aequora tuta relictis. Turn ver6 exarsit juveni dolor ossibus ingens, Nec lachrymis caruere gena: segnemque Menceten, Oblitus decorisque sui,sociumque salutis, 174. Obhtusque sui In mare praecipiteln pupIi deturbat ab alta. 175 decoris, salutisque so. Ipse gubernaclo rector subit, ipse rnagister: cium, deturbat segnem Hortaturque viros, clavumque ad litora torquet. Mencten, pracipitem At gravis ut funlor vix tandem redditus imo est Jam senior, madidaque fluens in veste, Mencetes, 178s At ut Mentundi senior et gravis undis Summa petit scopuli, siccaque in rupe resedit. 180 iam tandem vix reddiIlium et labentem Teucri, et risere natantem: tas est imo fundo: Et salsos rident revomenten pectore fluctus. fluensque in mladida HIic lata extremis spes est accensa duobus,.Cste, petit summa scoSergesto Mnestheoque, Gyam superare morantem. puli, reseditque Sergestus capit al6te locum, scopuloque propinquat: 185 NOTES. 154. Discrimine: in the sensq of interrallo. cut along the left way (iter lavum) and su-dSuperare: in the sense of occupare, vol ob- denly passed Gyas, who just before had been tinere. ahead of him; praterit Gyam modo priorem. 156. Habet. This is the reading of Hein- Both in the naval and chariot race the great sius, Heylie, Davidson, and others. Rueeus art lay in turning as near the goal as possihas abit. ble. Fcr the nearer they kept to it, the 157. Junctis frontibus. They moved on shorter circumference they had to make, and together head and head. Neither one gain- the less distance to run. This was a great ing of the other. It is of the same import advantage to be gained, but it was attended with aquatis rostris. with danger. Subitus. Some copies have 15fl. Salsa vada: the briny sea. subbilt. The sense is the same with either. 160. Princeps: in the sense of primus. Heyne has subitf, on the authority of BurGurgrle: in the sense of mari. mannus; but observes that the other is the 161. Rectorem: the helmsman-steersman. more poetical. 162. Mihi. Rureus conjectures that nihi 172. Juveni: the dat. in the sense of the gen here is merely expletive, as in many other 174. Decoris: in the sense of dignitatis. places. A.ra litus: keep close to or hug the 176. Rector ipse. Gyas hitherto had only rock. acted as pilot. He now discharges the of166. Diversus: contrary-a different way. fice both of pilot and helmsman. 170. Ille radit interior, &c. In the races 177. Litora: to the rock or goal. it was customary to keep the meta, or goal, 178. Redditus est: issued or rose from on the left hand. This will serve to explain with difficulty. the present case. Cloanthus on the inside 183. Accensa est: was kindled-arose (iWtrwr) and nearer the meta than Gyas, 184. Superare: in the sense of prcterirc. 526 P. VIRGIL11 MARONIS 1G6. Nec tamen ille Nec tota tamen ille prior praeunte carnna: est prior, tota carini Parte prior, partem rostro premit nemula Pristis. proeunr;,una parte est At media socios incedens nave per ipsos premit aliam partem Hortatur Mnestheus: Nunc, nunc insurgite remis, rostro. Hectorei socii, Trojae quos sorte suprema 190 Delegi cornites: nunc illas promite vires, Nunc aninlos; quibus in Gaetulis syrtibus usi, Ionioque mari, Maleaque sequacibus undis. 194. Ego Mnestheus Non jam prima peto Mnestheus, neque vincere certo non peto prima loca Quanquan 6! sed superent, quibus hoc, Neptune, dedisti 196 0 ulinam possem Extremos pudeat rediisse: hoc vincite, cives, 196 Et prohibete nefas. Olli certamine sumino Procumbunt: vastis treinit ictibus mrea puppis, Subtrahiturque solum: turn creber anhelitus artus Aridaque ora quatit: sudor fluit undique rivis. 200 Attulit ipse viris optatum casus honorem. 202. Namque dum Namque furens animi dumn proram ad saxa suburget Sergestus furens animi Interior, spatioque subit Sergestus iniquo; suburget proram Infelix saxis in procurrentibus htesit. Concussae cautes, et acuto in murice remi 205 Obnixi crepuere; illisaque prora dependit. NOTES. 187. Prior parte. The meaning is, that 197. J.efas: disgrace-ignominy, of beSergestus was ahead, but not by the whole ing the last to come out. Olli: by antilength of his galley; only by a part of it. thesis for illi, they. Procumlbunt: they ply 190. Hectorei socii: my brave companions, their oars with the greatest earnestnesswhom I chose, &c. In order to animate they spring upon them with all their strength. them the more, he calls them Hectorei, as 199. S'lurn sublrahitur: the surface is brave and valiant as Hector. Nothing can drawn from under them. Whatever is spread be more expressive. Sorte: in the sense of under any thing as its support and foundaruina, vel exitio. tion is called in Latin solun, as the sea is to 192. Gcltulis: African. The Gcetuli were a ship; the air to a fowl on the wing. So a people of Africa, not far from Carthage. rapidly did the galley move that the surface The word is here used as an adj. Syrtibus: of the sea seemed to withdraw from under see Aln. i. 111. Usi: sunt is to be supplied. her. 193. lonio mari. That part of the Medi- 201. Casus ipse: chance itself-mere terranean lying between Epirus, Italy, and chance. Sicily, was called the Ionian sea. Through 202. Suburget proream: while he presses or over this sea Aineas passed with his fleet. the prow to the rock on the inside, &c. InMalece. Malee, a promontory of the Pelo- terior, between Mnestheus and the goal, nonnesus between the Sinus Argolicus and taking a nearer course to it. But lie had the Sinus Laconicus, extending about five not left to himself sufficient room, and was miles into the sea. It was dangerous sailing therefore forced to run his galley upon that near it. It gave rise to the proverb,.Maleam part of the rock which projected farther than legens, obliviscere, quac sunt domi. The epi- the other points of the same rock. Rueus thet sequacibus, given to the waves of that reads prora in the abl. Heyne, Davidson, coast, represents them as so many fierce and Valpy, read proram. and devouring monsters, that pursued ships 203. Iniquo: in the sense of angusto. in order to overwhelm them. 205. Caules concussae: the rocks were 195. Quanquan, 6! This is an instance struck. In other words, the galley received ~vhere Virgil is eloquent even in silence. a violent shock; for action and reaction are This abrupt exclamation is more expressive equal.,Iurice.,lIurex properly signifies of the mind of IMnestheus than any words the shell-fish, of tlhe liquor of which, it was could have been, especially to those who thought, purple color was made. Ience saw the looks and gestures that would ac- it is taken for the prominence of a rock, company his voice. Having observed that which tapers into a sharp point like the shell he did not strive with an expectation of of that fish. conquering, he turns upon himself: 0 that 206. Crepuere: in the sense of'frari sunt. I could! but let them conquer, to whom, O The prow ran or slid up upon tlhe rock, anl Neptune, thou hast given that honor. in that elevated situation stuck fast AENEIS. LIB. V. 827 Coi fsurgul.t ilaute, et magno clamore morantur: Ferratasque sudes, et acuta cuspide contos Expediunt, fractosque legunt in gurgite remos. At laetus Mnestheus successuque acrior ipso, 210 Agmine remorum celeri, ventisque vocatis, Prona petit maria, et pelago decurrit aperto. Qualis spelunca subito commota columba, 213. Talis qualis coCui domus et dulces latcbroso in pumice nidi, lumba; cui domus et Fertur in arva volans, plausumque exterrita pennis 215 dulces nidi sunt in latT\E ~.^..1~ aA~.*~ j *broso pumice, subito Dat tecto ingentem: mox airse lapsa quieto, comota spel subtvo commonita e' spehnc&,A voRadit iter liquidum, celeres neque commovet alas: lan. fertur in arva; exSic Mnestheus, sic ipsa fuga secat ultima Pristis territaque. dat ingentem AEquora; sic illam fert impetus ipse volantem. plausum tccto pernfi Et primum in scopulo luctantem deserit alto 220 Sergestum, brevibusque vadis; frustr'aque vocantem Auxilia, et fiactis discentem currere remis. Inde Gyan, ipsam(lue ingenti mole Chimteram Consequitur; cedit, quoniam spoliata magistro est. Solus jamque ipso superest in fine Cloanthus: 225 Quem petit, et summis adnixus viribus urget. Turn ver6 ingeminat clamor; cunctique sequentem Inrtigant studiis: resonatque fragoribus aether. Hi proprium decus, et partum indignantur honorem, 2-29. Hi indignantur Ni teneant; vitamque volunt pro laude pacisci. 230 ni teneant proprium deHos successus alit: possunt, quia posse videntur. cus et honorem jam par^,,.,* *..'.,. turn; voluntque pacisci Et fors awquatis cepissent prmmia rostris; tun; volun e acisci Ni palmas ponto tendens utrasque Cloanthus Fudissetque preces, Divosque in vota vocasset: D), quibus imperium est pelagi, quorum aquora curro; Vobis latus ego hoc candentem in litore taurum 236 NOTES. 207. Clamore: noise-bustle-confusion. 222. Discentem: in the sense of tentanten. lorantur: are delayed-stopped. 224. Cedil: she yields-falls behind. 208. Sludes. This was a pole used by boat- 225. Cloanthus siuperest, &c. Mnestheus nen, and usually prefixed with iron. Hence had gotten ahead of Sergestus and Gyas, tle epithetferratas. Heyne reads trudes. and Cloanthus remained alone to contest 211. Celeri agmnine: by or with the quick the prize with him. Him he pursues, and motion of the oars. Acrior: ardentior, says presses closely, straining every nerve. The Ruseus. prize was not to be given to him, who first 212. Petit prona: he seeks the easy wa- arrived at the goal, but to him who returnters, &c. P onus here is easy-unobstruct- ed first to the port, or place from whence ed, as appears from the words which follow, they set out. pelago decurrit aperto: he runs on the open 228. Fragoribus. Some ancient mann.. sea. scripts have clamoribus, but this makes false 214. Dulces nidi: the nests are here put quantity. The other is doubtless the true for the young ones in them, by meton. Cui: reading. Sludiis: huzzas —acclamations. in the sense of cujus.,.. 229. Hi indignantur: these consider it a 216. Dalt ingenlem: the pigeon gives the. m 216. LDtb ienlem.: the pigeon gives the disgrace, unless, &-e, Hi: these, meaning stroke to her nest (tclo) with her wings the crew of Cloanthus. Hos, in verse 23 when she first leaves it, and commences her infra the cew of Mesteus fli ght. 217. Liquidurnm: in the sense of aireum. 218. Ultimla aquora: by this we are to 232. Et fors cepissent: they would have understand the last part of the race-that gotten to the shore together; so that it part of it which lay beyond the mela, or goal. could not have been determined who was 220. Deserit: in the sense of pr(rterit. the victor, and both received equal prizes, Rrevibus vadis: simply, shallows. Here the had not Cloanthus, &c. Fors: in the sense rcck on which his galley stuck. offortasse. 328 P. VIRGILLI MARONIS Constituam ante aras voti reus, extaque salsos Porriciam in fluctus, et vina liqut ntia fundam. Dixit: eumque irnis sub fluctibus audiit omnis Nereidum Phorcique chorus, Panopeaque virgo; 240 Et pater ipse manu magna Portunus euntern Inpulit. Illa Noto citius volucrique sagitta Ad terram fugit, et portu se condidit alto. Turn satus Anchisa, cunctis ex more vocatis, Victorem magna pratconis voce Cloanthum 245 Declarat, viridique advelat tempora lauro: 248. Dat ei optare Muneraque in naves, ternos optare juvencos, ternosjuvencosvinaque, Vinaque, et argenti magnum dat ferre talentun. et ferre magnum talen- Ipsis precipuos ductoribus addit honores: turn argenti; qu? erant Victori chlamydem auratarn, quam plurima circum 250 munera in naves. Purpura Macandro duplici Meliboea cucurrit; 250. Victori Cloantho Intextusque puer frondosa regius Ida dat auratamn Veloces jaculo cervos cursuque fatigat, Acer, anhelanti simnilis: quem prepes ab Ida Sublimem pedibus rapuit Jovis arniger uncis. 255 Long-evi palmas nequicquamn ad sidera tendunt Custodes, sevitque canuin latratus in auras. At, qui deinde locum tenuit virtute secundum, Levibus huic hamis consertam auroque trilicem Loricam, quam Denoleo detraxerat ipse 260 NOTES. 237. Reus voti. When a person has taken Gyas, whose fool-hardiness makes him lose upon himself a vow on a certain condition, the victory, of which he had the fairest he is said to be Reus voti, exposed to, or prospects at the first. He sets forth the liable for his vow. When the condition is equity and liberality of'Eneas in rewarding granted on the part of the gods, he is said Sergestus for saving his galley, since he to be damnatus voti or damnatus votis: bound could not give him a prize as a conqueror. to the performance of his vow. See Eel. 242. Ilia: to wit, naris. JVoto: the south v. 80.. wind, put for wind in general-the species 238. Porriciam: in the sense of projiciam. for the genus. This verb properly signifies to place an offer- 250. Circum quam plurima: around which ing to the gods upon an altar or otherwise. very much Melibcean purple run in a double Liquentia: in the sense of pura. maze. 3'leeander was a river in the Lesser 240. Omnnis chorus: all the choir of the Asia, running between Caria and Ionia into Nereids, &c. The Nereids were the fabu- the 2Egean sea. It was so full of windings lous daughters of Nereus and Doris. See and turnings, that the word came to be used Ecd. 6. 35. Phorci. Phorcus or Phorcys for any turning or windings whatever. For was a marine god, the son of Neptune and mceandro, Rueus says flexu..lIelilb/a was Terra, and father of the Gorgons. Pano- a city in Thessaly, at the foot of Mount pea, one of the Nere'ids. Servius says she Ossa, famous for dying purple. Here used is here mentioned by namne, because she was as an adj. the only virgin among them. 252. Regius puer intextus: the royal boy 241. Pater t ortunus ipse: father Portu- interwoven in it, (the chlamys,) pursues with nus himself, &c. Portunus, one of the rna- his javelin, and with speed, &c. The boy rine gods, whose name is derived from por- here meant is Ganyrmede. He was taken up tus, because he presided over ports and liar- froml M\ount Ida by Jove in the form of an bors. Euntem may agree either with eum, eagle, and made cupbearer to the gods in (to wit,) Cloanthum, understood, or with na- the place of Hebe. See:En. i. 28. Fatigat vem. The sense is the same in either case. in the sense of sequitur. It may be observed, that Virgil omits no 255. Prccpes armniger Jovis: the swiftopportunity to instruct, as well as to please. winged armour-bearer of Jove-the eagle. He keeps to strict decorum in this first game. Pliny observes that lihe eagle is proof against He gives the palm of victory to him who had thunder; and tlis is the reason of its being invoked the gods. He shows us, also, the selected for Jove's armour-bearer. rashness of youth punished in the case of 260. Loricanm consertamn, &c. The coat AENEIS. TII. V. Victor apud rapidum Simoenta sub Ilio alto, Donat habere viro, decus et tutamen in armis. Vix illam famuli Phegeus Sagarisque ferebalnt Multiplicein, connixi humeris: indutus at olim Dotnoleus, cursu palantes Troas agebat. 265 Tertia dona facit geminos ex aree lebetas, Cyrnbiaque argento perfecta, atque aspera signis. Jamque ade5 donati omnes, opibusque superbi, Puniceis ibant evincti tempera tuenis: 269. Evincti quoad Cum saevo e scopulo multa vix arte revulsus, 270 tempora Amissis remis, atque ordine debilis uno, 270. Clm Sergests Irrisam sine honore ratemn Sergestus agebat. agebat irrisam ratem sin6 honore, vix revul-. Qualis swepe vim deprensus in aggere serpens, sus e stevo scopulo mul~Erea quern obliquum rota transiit, aut gravis ictu ta artt, remis amissis, Seminecem liquit saxo lacerumque viator: 27; atque debilis uno ordine. Nequicquam longos fugiens dat corpore tortus; 275. Ant viator gravis Parte ferox, ardensque oculis, et sibila colla ictu liquit seminecem, Arduus attollens; pars vulnere clauda retentat lcer ue parsclaud Nexantem nodos, seque in sua membra llicantem. Tali remigio navis se tarda movebat: 280 Vela facit tamen, et plenis subit ostia velis. Sergesturn Eneas promisso munere donat, Servatam ob navemr lmtus, sociosque reductos. Olli serva datur, operum haud ignara Minerva, Cressa genus, Pholoe, geminique sub ubere nati. 285 235. Cressa quoad ge. Hoc, plus CEneas, misso certamine, tendit nus, nomine Pholoe, geGramineum in campum, quem collibus undique curvis minique Cingebant sylva: medialque in valle theatri Circus erat; quo se multis cum millibus heros NOTES. of nlail usually consisted of several thin this means all the oars on one side. But plates of iron or brass, which were fastened this cannot be, since the galley had three together with hooks or rings. Hence con- banks or tiers of oars on a side. sertam hamis. See En. iii. 467. and vii. 273. Aggere vice. A1ger vice is properly 639. the eminence or the highest part of the 264. Mlultiplicem. Multiplex, any thing road; which is raised or cast up in the midconsisting of many folds, or thicknesses. Of die for the purpose of carrying off the rain. miullum ct plico. 276. Dat: in the sense of novet vel for265. Aqgebat palantes Troas. The poet mat. Tortus: in the sense of Jlexus. here pays to XEneas a very high compliment 278. Retentat: in the sense of moralur. in an indirect manner. For if Dalnoleus Jexantem nodes: in the sense of lorquentern was able to drive before him whole troops sein nodes. Hcyne reads, nodis. of Trojans, flying in confusion and dismay: 284. Serva datur. Tle games here are how great a hero must he be, who slew this imitated from Homer. In that barbarous mighty champion! age, that one of the prizes should be a fe266. Facit: in the sense of dat. This male, is no matter of wonder. Han7d ignapresent was given to Gyas, who came in the ra: not unskilled in the works of Minerva' third victor. Signis: with figures-with that is, in manufactures. The Cretans were carved work. very skilful in manufactures and the works 268. Donati: were rewarded. The verb of the loom. aunt is to be supplied. 286. Certamine: in the sense of ludo 270. Revulsus. Some copies have revul-.Misso: in the sense of finito, vel dimisso. sam, agreeing with ratem vel navem. But 289. Erat circus thtetri. The theatrum revulsus, referring to Sergestus, is the most was the place at Rome appropriated for approved reading. If revulsam be read, then scenical representations. See Geor. ii. 381 we must read debilen, instead of debilis. The circus was destined for the celebration 271. Debilis uno ordine: disabled in one of the Roman games, especially horse-races bank or tier of oars. Dr. Trapp thinks It was built by Tarquinius Priscus, between 330 P. VIRGILI MARONIS Consessu medium tulit, extructoque resedit. 29 291. Hle pretlis invi- Hie, qui forte velint rapilo contendere cursu, tat animos eorunl, qui Invitat pretiis aninos, et pramia ponit. forti velint Undique conveniunt Teucri, mixtique Sicani: Nisus et Euryalus, primi. Euryalus fornma insignis, viridique juventi; 29b Nisus, amore pio pueri: quos deinde secutus Regius egregia Priami de stirpe Diores. 598. Salius, simul et Hunc Saiius, sirnul et Patron; quorum alter Acarnan: Pitroli secutus est hunc Alter ab Arcadia, Tegeaae sanguine gentis. 300. Turn secuti sunt Tum duo Trinacrii juvenes, Elyrnus Panopesque, 300 duo Trnacr Assueti sylvis, comites senioris Aceste. 302. Praetereh multi Multi praetereh, quos fama obscura recondit. se.uti sunt; quos ob- jEneas quibus in mediis sic deinde locutus: scura Accipite h-c animis, laetasque advertite mentes: Ncmo ex hoc numero mihi non donatus abibit. 305 306. Dabo iis ferre Gnossia bina dabo lIvato lucida ferro bina Gnossia spicula Spicula, cclatarnque argento ferre bipennem: lucida hevato ferro, Omnibus hic erit unus honos. Tres premia primi Accipient, flavaque caput nectentur olivA. 311. Alter victor ha- Primus equum phaleris insignem victor habeto. 310 leo Alter Amazoniam pharetram, plenamque sagittis NOTES. the mountains Aventinus and Palatinus, for 298. Salius. The names here mentioned the celebration of gaines in imitation of the are not of the poet's invention. Varro says Olympic games. This Sicilian valley, hav- that Salius came into Italy with Evander, ing some resemblance to it, is therefore call- and there instituted the Salian dance; which ed circus theatri, the circuit of a theatre. was performed by persons clad in armour, in See Geor. ii. 381. honor of Mars. Acarnan, a native of Jcar290. Resedit, &c. The meaning probably nania: a region of Epirus. is, that Aneas sat down upon an emineuce 299. Tege(rea gentis. Tegea was a city of that had been erected for the occasion. In Arcadia, sacred to Pan. Patron was a na. this case, loco is to be understood with ex- tive of this city, and Salius was of Epirus. tructo: on a place built up. Rumus seems Heyne reads Arcadio, an adj. agreeing with to think otherwise: he says, in composito sanguine: of Arcadian blood. But Arcaca:tu resedit. By connecting consessu with dia is the common reading. xitruclo, lie implies that the company or as- 302. Quos fama': whose names, fame obsembly sat down on an elevated place. scure by length of time, hath concealed And it is no way improbable that fEneas, from us. with some of the chief men, was seated in 304. J.enfes: thoughts-attention. the centre of the whole assembly on an ele- 306. Gnossia spicula: Gnossian darts. vated place, that they might be the more Gnossius, an adj. from Gnossus, a city of conspicuous. Crete, whose darts and missive weapons There seems to be here an allusion to the were very much celebrated. The spiculum custom, in the Roman camp, of the general was about five feet long, tipped with steel to address his soldiers from the agger, or of a triangular form: hence lucida levato tuggestus. ferro: shining with polished steel. It was 292. Pretiis. By pretium we may under- the same with the pilumn, a military weapon, stand the value of the rewards; and, by used by footmen; which in a charge, they prmcmia, the rewards themselves. darted against the enemy. 296. Pio amore. Pius anmor signifies a 309. JNectcntu.r: they shall be bound, as generous, tender, and disinterested love, to the head, with yellow olive. This alludes such as that of parents to children. An ac- to the conquerors at the Olympic games, count of the love of Eur.yalus for J\"sus, we who were crowned with garlands of olive have in the 9th book, verse 176, and follow- leaves, which are of a yellow color. The ing. Nothing can more forcibly set forth olive was sacred to Minerva. his love for the lad, than that tender expos- 311. Anmazonian: an Amazonian quiver; tulation in his favor, verse 427 et seq. quod one of the same form with those that the vide. Amazons used. They were said to have AENEIS. LIB. V. 3 Threlciis; lato quam circiirnplectitur auro 312. Balteus liato Balteus, et tereti subnectit fibula gemm.. auro Tertius Argolic hac galea contentus abito. Iaec ubi dicta, locum capiunt, signoque repcnte 315 315. Mbi hee sunt Corripiunt spatia audito, limenque relinquunt dicta, omnes Effusi, nimbo similes: simul ultima signant. Primus abit, longeque ante omnia corpora Nisus Emicat, et ventis et fulninis ocyor alis. Proximus huic, longo sed proximus intervallo, 320 Insequitur Salius. Spatio post deinde relicto, 321. Deinde, spatio Tertius Euryalus. rclicto post sa1iltm, Euertiu Euryalus. * ryalus sequitur tertius Euryalumque Elymus sequitur. Quo deinde sub ipso 323. Sub quo ipso ecce Ecce volat, calcemque terit jam calce Diores, Diores deinde volat Incumbens humero: spatia et si plura supersint, 325 Transeat elapsus prior, ambiguumve relinquat. 326. Certamen ambi. Jamque fer6 spatio extreno fessique sub ipsum guum Finem adventabant: levi cium sanguine Nisus Labitur infelix, cesis ut forte juvenci.s 329. Ut forte ex juFusus humum viridesque super madefecerat herbas. vencis cansis fusus erat Hic juvenis, jam victor ovans, vestigia presso 331 super humum, madefe-.*T'T ~~.*~."~.i~ iceratque virides herbas. Haud tenuit titubata solo: sed pronus in ipso Concidit immundoque fimo, sacroque cruore. Non tamen Eurvali, non ille oblitus amoruln: 334. Tlle non oblitus Nam sese opposuit Salio per lubrica surgens; 335 esl Euryali, non oblitus Ille autem spissa jacuit revolutus arena. est aoruni arena. 335. Lubrica loca Emicat Euiyalus, et munere victor amici 336. Ille Salius jacuit Prima tenet, plausuque volat fremituque secundo. 338. Tenet prima spaP6st Elymus subit; et nunc tertia pallna Diores. tia, volatque Hic, totum cavere consessum ingentis, et ora 340 NOTES. been a nation of females inhabiting a part que designant metam, says Heyne. 1 ney of Thrace. Much is said of them among fix their eyes steadfastly upon the goal. Uithe ancients, the greater part of which is tima: spatia is understood. doubtless fable..4lter: in the sense of se- 318. Omnia corpora: all the rest. Nisus cundus. is to be taken with primus. He gets the 312. Circumplectitur. The common read- start of all the others. ing is circum amplectitur. Heyne reads, cir- 323. Sub quo ipso: close up to whom-to cunmplectitur, and observes that the best co- Elym pies do the same. Balteus lato auro. Ruaeus ym says, latus balteus ex auro. 325. Si plura spatia supersint: if there 316. Relinquunt limen: they leave the had been more distance to run, he would mark, rushing forth like a tempest. Corri- lave overtaken Elymus and gotten ahead piunt spatia: they seize the first ground- of him; or at least left the victory doubtful. they start. Limen. In the Roman circus, 332. Haud tenuit: did not hold firm his when at the height of its magnificence, the tottering steps, &c. racers started from under a kind of portico; 337..,Iunere: in the sense of beneficio. over whose threshold they leaped. Hence 339. Pist Elymus subit: afterward Ely limen came to signify the starting place. mus comes out; and now Diores (comes In a temporary circus, such as the one here out) the third victor. Palma: the prize, or mentioned, a line drawn in the sand served victory itself, put by meton. for the victor as the barrier, or starting place. Spatium or conqueror. we may suppose to be the whole ground 340. Ingentis cavete. The middle part lying between the carcer and meta. The or area of the Roman theatre was called race was twice that distance, or divided in cavea, because it was considerably lower the middle by the meta, or turning place. than the other parts of it. Here the comHence the propriety of the plu. spalia, as mon people had their seats. It was capable applied to the race ground. of containing 80,000 men. By synec. put, 317. Signant, &c. JNotant oculis, animo- for the whole theatre. $332 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Prima patrum magnis Salius clamoribus implet; Ereptumque dolo reddi sibi poscit honorem. Tutatur favor Euryalum, lachrymmque (lecorse, Gratior et pulchro veniens in corpore virtus. 345. Diores eajuvat Adjuvat, et magnai proclamat voce, Diores, 245 Euryalurn Qui subiit palme: frustraque ad praemia venit Ultima, si prini Salio redduntur honores. Tur pater iEneas, Vestra, inquit, munera vobis Certa manent, pueri, et palmam movet ordine nemo. Me liceat casus misereri insontis amici. 350 Sic fatus, tergum Gatuli immane leonis Dat Salio, villis onerosum atque unguibus aureis. Hic Nisus, Si tanta, inquit, sunt premla victis, Et te lapsorum miseret; quie munera Niso Digna dabis, primani merui qui laude coronam 355 356. Ni eadem inimica Ni me, qum Salium, fortuna inimica tulisset? fortuna tulisset me, que Et sirnul his dictis faciem ostentabat, et udo tulit Salium1 Turpia membra fimo. Risit pater optirus olli, 362. Post, ubi cursus Et clypeum efferri jussit, Didymaonis artes, confecti sunt, et peregit Neptuni sacro Danais de poste refixum. 360 dona,.Eneas inquit: Hoc juvenem egregium praestanti munere donat. Nunc, si sit cui virtus, Pst, ubi confecti cursus, et dona peregit: animusque prsens in Nunc, si cui virtus animusque in pectore praesens, pectore, ille adsit, et attollat brachia evinctis Adsit, et evinctis attollat brachia palmis. palmis Sic ait, et geminum pugnh proponit honorem: 365 NOTES. 341. Salius implet prima ora: Salius fills whose lions are said to have been the largest, the whole assembly of the huge pit, and the and the most savage. foremost seats of the fathers, &c. Virgil 355. Laude: in the sense of virtute in here applies a verb to two nouns, though in cursu. Coronam: honor-reward. Merui. strict propriety it suits only one of them. in the sense of meruissem. Implet concessum is very proper, but implet 356. Tulisse. This verb here has a peprima ora can only be used in poetry. Th er hee - patres and principal men sat in the first or culiar signification: to bear down, td overpatres and principal men sat in the first or e' foremost seats; hence the epithet prima. poer, or get the better of. Some explain The meaning appears to be this: that Sa- it by Hypalage for tulissem inicam or lius standing before, or in front of the patres tunam; but this is hardly allowable. Ruceua or principal men, demanded the palm of takes tulsse in the sense of obsttisset. victory in loud and vociferous language, 359. Artes: the workmanship of Didywhich filled the ears of the whole assembly. maon. This is a fictitious name, signifying Prima ora patrum: in the sense of priores a skilful or ingenious workman. ordines, quibus sentores sedebant. 360. Refixum Danais: torn down by the 344. Veniens: in the sense of existens, vel Greeks from the sacred post of Neptune's apparens. temple. Servius thinks that this was a 346. Venit ad ultima prcmia. The three buckler or shield, which Pyrrhus had taken first, by the condition of the race, were to from Neptune's temple in the sacking of nave a prize. And Diores, who was next Troy; and that after his deatl it fell into to Elymus, was entitled to the third or last, the hands of Helenus, who presented it to provided Salius was set aside, and Euryalus /Eneas at his departure from Epirus. It allowed to have the first prize. was usual to fix up arms won'rom the ene351. Tergum: in the sense of pellem. my on the door posts of the temples, as colI352. Onerosum villis: heavy with shag secrated offerings to the gods. uid golden claws. The fur of lions and 363. Virlus. This, for the most part, sigother wild beasts were worn in ancient nifies military bravery, skill, and prowess. times by persons of distinction, and their These the ancients considered the most claws were often gilt for ornament and valuable qualities and the first virtues. show. Africa was infested with lions and 364. Palmis: with his hands bound with other w ild beasts of prey, esj ecially Gatulia, the gauntlet. _ENEIS. L V. 33 Victori velatum auro vittisque juvencum; Ensem, atque insignem galkam, solatia victo. 367. Victo ensem at'Nec mora: continu6 vastis curn viribus effert que insignern galeam Ora Dares, magnoque virum se murinure tollit: qua snt solatia ejus. Solus qui Paridem solitus contendere contra: 370 Idemque ad tumulum, quo maximus occubat Hector, 371. Tdemque Iare Victorem Buten immani corpore, qui se ad tumulum, quo maxi Bebrycia veniens Amyci de gente ferebat, mus Hlector occubat,per Perculit, et fulva moribundum extendit arena, culit victorem Buten im Talis prima Dares caput altum in prelia tollit, 375 sea, ucpoe veniens ie Be Ostenditque humeros latos, alternaque jactat brycit gente Ariyci, et Brachia protendens, et verberat ictibus auras. extendit eum moribunQuaeritur huic alius: nec quisquam ex agmine tanto dumn in fava arena. Audet adire virum, manibusque inducere cestus. Ergo alacris, cunctosque putans excedere palma, 380 _nea stetit ante pedes: nec plura moratus, Tur laeva tauum cornu tenet, atque ita fatur: Nate Dea, si nemo audet se credere pugnae, Quae finis standi? quo me decet usque teneri? 384. Quousque decet Ducere dona jube. Cuncti sincul ore fremebant 385 me teneri Dardanidle, reddique viro promissa jubebant. 386. Promissa prmmia Hhic gravis Entellum diclis castigat Acestes, reddi Proximus ut viridante toro consederat herbi: Entelle, heroum quondam fortissime frustra, NOTES. 366. Velnaum auro vittisque: ornamented on the condition that they would try the with gold and fillets-simnply, golden fillets, gauntlet with him. He was at last vanby hendiadis. It was customary to adorn quished and slain by Pollux, one of the Arthe oxen with fillets, and gild their horns, gonauts. both when they were designed for sacrifice, 379. A4udet adire virum: dares engage the and also when they were to be given away man, and draw the gauntlets on his hands. as rewards of merit. It is not easy to say what was the exact na370. Paridem. Paris, the son of Priam, ture of the csestus. Some take it to be a t-ough dissolute and effeminate in his morals, kind of club or bludgeon, with lead at the was naturally strong and valiant, as appears end. It is more probable, however, it was from Homer, and always behaved himself a sort of leathern guard for the hands and well in arms. He is said to have been su- arms, composed of thongs, and filled with perior to Hector in the gauntlet fight. JMur- lead to add force and weight to the blowmure: applause-shouts of applause. It was bound about the hands and arms, as 371. Quo maximus Hector. It is said, high as the elbows, both as a guard, and to upon the deatl of Hector there was a truce keep them from slipping off. This explains of two months between the Greeks and evinctis palmis, 364, supra. Trojans, during which games were celebra- To this, the account which Virgil here ted by the latter at Hector's tomb on the gives of the weapon best agrees. The word promontory of Sigeum; where Dares distin- ccestus most probably is derived from the guished himself, word caedo. The gauntlet fight was so cruel 372. Bulen perculit: he smote victorious and bloody that the celebrated Lycurgus Butes, of huge body, who boasted tlat he made a law forbidding the Spartans to pracsprung from the Bebrycian race of Amycus, tise it. &c. The Butes here mentioned was not 380. Excedere palma: to decline or leave the son of Amycus and fatner of Eryx, for the prize-to depart from it. he must have been dead long before; but of 3 Pr or another of the same name, who lived in the 381. Plura moratus. R saysdiutis tardans. Plu.ra here, properly an adj. neu. time of the Trojan wars, and boasted to be ardans lu h, properly an adj. neu. of the same race as the other. plu. is taken adverbially in imitation of the of the same race as the other. Greeks. a373. Bebryci&. This was the original re name of Bythinia, a province of Asia Minor. 384. Standi: in the sense of exectandi. Here Amycus reigned. He is said to have 385. Fremebant ore: they all expressed "ecoived no person into Ins dominions, only approbation with their mouths 334 P. VIRGILII MARONTS 390. Tam-ne patiens Tantane tam patiens nullo certamine tolli 3.0 sines tanta dona tolli Dona sines? ubi nunc nobis Deus ille, magister 391. Ubi nunc est Ervx, ille Deus nobis, equicquam memoratus, Eryx? ubi farna per omnem nequicquam memoratus Trinacriam, et spolia illa tuis pendentia tectis? tuus iagister? Ubi esl Ille sub haec: Non laudis amor, nec gloria cessit tua famra incl.lta Pulsa metu: sed enim gelidus tardante senect, 395 Sanguis hebet, frigentque effceta in corpore vires. 397. Si, si nune illa Si mihi, quae quondam fuerat, quaque improbus iste juventa foret mihi, quae Exultat fidens, si nunc foret illa juventa; quondam fuerat T * * * Haud equidem pretio inductus pulchroque juvenco Venissem: nec dona moror. Sic deinde locutus, 400 In medium geminos immani pondere caestus Projecit: quibus acer Eryx in praelia suetus Ferre manum, duroque intendere brachia tergo. 404. Animi spectato- Obstupuere animi: tantorum ingentia septem rum obstupuere: septem Terga boum plumbo insuto ferroque rigebant. 406 ingentia terga tantorum r bourn rigebant plumbo Ante omnes stupet ipse Dares, longeque recusat: ferrooue insuto. Magnanimusque Anchisiades, et pondus, et ipsa HIuc illuc vinclorum immensa volumina versat. Turn senior tales referebat pectore voces: Quid si quis caestus ipsius et Herculis arma 410 Vidisset, tristemque hoc ipso in litore pugnam? 413. Cernis ea adhuc Hac germanus Eryx quondam tuus arma gerebat. infecta Sanguine cernis adhuc fractoque infecta cerebro. 414. Ego suetus sum His magnum Alciden contra stetit: his ego suetus, pugnare his, dum melior' augngr e is, d um meior Dum melior vires sanguis dabat, aemula necdum 415 necdum iemula senectus Temporibus geminis canebat sparsa senectus. sparsa canebat Sed, si nostra Dares haec Troius arma recusat, NOTES. 394. Sub: in the sense of ad. Inquit, or gauntlet. If the victory fell to Ervx, he a verb of the same import, is understood. was to have the oxen; and if he were vanNJon: in the sense of nec. quished, the island of Sicily was to fall to 395. Enim: in the sense of equidem. Hle- Hercules. Some say one of the oxen passed bet: is chilled. Tardante: enfeebling old over into Sicily and was taken by Eryx. age. who refused to give it up, which occasioned 396. Frigent: fail. In the sense of torpent. the combat. 400. Moror: value-regard. Premnium 412. Tuus germanus Eryx: your brother non curo, says Heyne. Eryx. See verse 24, supra. 403. Tergo: properly the back; by meton. 413. Fracto. This is the reading of Heyne, the hide or skin. Ferre manum in preia: on the authority of IHeinsius, Burmannus, to engage in fight; a phrase. Intendere: in and others, as he informs us. The common the sense of cingere. reading is sparso. The sense is the same 406. Longe: in the sense of valde vel ve- with either. hementer. Rerusat: declines the fight. 414. Alciden: Hercules, who, though the 407. Anchisiades: the son of Anchises- reputed son of Jupiter and Alemene, was Eneas. A patronymic noun. also called Amphitryoniades, from Amphi408. Vinclorum: by syn. for vinculorum: tryo, the husband of Alcmene; and Alcides, tihe ccestus or gauntlets with which their from Alctus the father of Anmphitryo. See hands and arms were bound. REn. vi. 801. 409. Senior: namely, Entellus. 415. Emula senectus: envious age, not 411. Tristem pugram. The fight is called yet spread over my temples, &c. The tristem, sad or woful; because Eryx was meaning is: while old age had not yet coslain. The occasion of the combat is said vered his head with gray hairs. Some say, to have been this: Hercules having slain old age is here called (eemula) envious, beGeryon, king of Spain, was returning with cause it is apt to envy the strength and vigor his booty, which as a herd of fine oxen. of youth, and emulate their feats in vain. In his way having visited Sicily, he received But it may be called envious on account of a challenge from Eryx to fight him with the the many evils and infirmities which it AENE1S. LIB. V. 335 ILque pio sedet Aneae, probat auctor Acestes; A]quemus pugnas. Erycis tibi terga remitto; Solve metus: et tu Trojanos exue caestus. 420 iaec fatus, duplicem ex humeris dejecit amictum: Et magnos mernbrorum artus, magna ossa, lacertosque Exuit; atque ingens media consistit arena. Tum satus Anchisa caestus pater extulit amquos, 424. Tur pater -Xiteas Et paribus palmas amborum innexuit armis. 425 satus Anchisa oxtulit Constitit in digitos extemp!o arrectus uterque, Brachiaque ad superas interritus extulit auras. Abduxere retro longe capita ardua ab ictu: Immiscentque manus manibus, pugnamque lacessunt. Ille, pedum melior motu, fretusque juventa; 430 Ilic, membris et mole valens: sed tarda trementi Genua labant: vastos quatit aeger anhelitus artus. Multa viri nequicquam inter se vulnera jactant; Multa cavo lateri ingeminant; et pectore vastos Dant sonitus: erratque aures et tempora circum 435 Crebra manus: duro crepitant sub vulnere male. Stat gravis Entellus, nisuque inmotus eodem: Corpore tela modo atque oculis vigilantibus exit. Ille, velut celsam oppugnat qui molibus urbem, 439. Ille, velut qul opAut montana sedet circum castella sub armis; 440 pugnat molibus celsam Nunc hos, nunc illos aditus, omnemque pererrat urbem, aut sedet sub arNun..e~~'..mis circum montana casArte locum, et variis assultibus irritus urget. tella, nunc pererrat hos Ostendit dextram insurgens Entellus, et alte nunc illos aditus, omExtulit: ille ictum venientenm vertice velox nemque locum arte. Praevidit, celerique elapsus corpore cessit. 445 Entellus vires in ventum effudit, et ultro 448. Ut quondam eava Ipse gravis, graviterque ad terram pondere vasto pinus eruta radicibus, Concidit: ut quondam cava concidit aut Erymantho, concidit aut NOTES. brings along with it, and the little comfort 437. Gravis: in the sense of Jirmus. it yields, as if it envied man the enjoyment 438. Modn exit: he only with his body of life..E'nula: in the sense of invida. and watchful eyes avoids the blows. Exit: 418. Sedet: in the sense of placet vel pro- in the sense of evitat vel eludit. Tela: for batur. Auctor: the author or adviser of the ictus. combat. 439. Molibus: with batteries: engines. 419. Terga: the gauntlets of Eryx. 441. Pererrat: in the sense of exquirit. 423. Exuit: in the sense of nudavit. 442. Irritus: being foiled- disappointed 425. Innexuit: bound the hands, &c. -baffled. 426. In digitos: upon their toes. Each 445. Elapsus cessit: simply for elabitur. stood tiptoe that the blow might fall with 447. Et ipsegravis, graviterque: and heavy the more force. he fell heavily to the ground with his vast 430. Ille, melior motu: theformer (Dares) weight. The graviterque appears to be is more active in the movements of' his feet, merely expletive. The sense is complete and relying upon his youth; the latter (En- without it. Entellus had raised himself with tellus) excelling, &c. the intention of giving a heavier blow to 431..Membris et mole: simply, the size of Dares, who, having observed it, slipt from his limbs, by hend. the stroke. By these means his own na432. Tardajanua labant: his feeble knees tural weight, and the impetus he gave to totter under him trembling. Hard breath- himself, brought him to the ground. Or the ing, &c. gravis may refer to his unwieldy size and 433. Nequicquam: in vain, because they bulk, while the graviter refers to the viowere without effect. Fulnera: in the sense lence of the shock he gave himself in missing of ictlu. the blow aimed at Dares. But this is rather 434. Ingeminant: they repeat. a refinement. 435. Errat: moves, or passes around, &c. ~448. Erymantho: Fyymanthus was a fa 836. Vrl RGILII MARONIS Aut Ida in magnA, radicibus eruta pinus. 450. Diversis studiis Consurgunt studiis Teucri et Trinacria pubes: 450 It clamor ccelo: primusque accurrit Acestes,.,/quevumque ab humo miserans attollit amictun At non tardatus casu, neque territus heros: Acrior ad pugnam redit, ac vim suscitat ira: Turn pudor incendit vires, et conscia virtus: 455 Praecipitemque Daren ardens agit asquore toto; Nunc dextra ingeminans ictus, nunc ille sinistrA. Nec mora, nec requies: quamn multa grandine nimbi Culminibus crepitant; sic densis ictibus heros Creber utraque manu pulsat versatque Dareta. 460 461. Pater Eneas Turn pater _Eneas, procedere longiuis iras, haud passus est iras Et soavire animis Entellum haud passus acerbis: Sed finem imposuit pugnae; fessumque Dareta Eripuit, mulcens dictis, ac talia fatur: Infelix! qua tanta animnum dementia cepit? 46b Non vires alias, conversaque numina sentis? Cede Deo. Dixitque, et pralia voce diremit. 468. Ast fidl aquales Ast ilium fidi aequales, genua egra trahentem, ducunt ilium ad naves, Jactantemque utroque caput, crassumque cruorem rnua Ore ejectantem mixtosque in sanguine dentes, 470 Ducunt ad naves: galeamque ensemque vocati Accipiunt: palmam Entello taurumque relinquunt. Hic victor, superans animis, tauroque superbus, Nate Dea, vosque haec, inquit, cognoscite, Teucri, Et mihi quae fierint juvenili in corpore vires, 475 476. Et a qua morto Et qua servetis revocatum a morte Dareta. s~ervetis Dixit: etadversi contra stetit ora juvenci, 480. Arduusque, dex- Qui donum adstabat pugnae: durosque reduct ~ra reducta, libravit dutr reducta, libravit du- Libravit dextra media inter cornua castus ros eastus inter media cornua, illisitque eos in Arduus, effractoque illisit in ossa cerebro. 480 ossa, cerebro effracto, Sternitur, exanimisque tremens procumbit humi, bos NOTES. mous wood and mountain in Arcadia, where 466. Jon sentis alias vires: do you not Hercules slew the celebrated boar. perceive other strength, and the gods to be 453. At heros non tardatus: but the hero changed? Alias vires: other or foreign not disabled, nor terrified by the fall, &c. strength-that which you did not expect to By the rules of the combat, if one fell, the be exerted against you, and therefore it is in other was not to take the advantage of it, vain to contend. Cede Deo. By the god but allow him time to rise and return to the here mentioned we are to understand the fight. one by whom Entellus was aided; perhaps 459. Sic: in the sense of tam, correspond- Eryx, whom the Sicilians had deified. ing with quam in the preceding line. JVim- 470. Ejectantem: some copies have rebi: storms. jectanlen. Pieriusprefers this. Heyne reads 463. Eripuit fessum Dareta: he rescued ejectantem; so also Heinsius and Davidson. weary Dares. Virgil follows Homer through- in n o out these games, but has varied from him in 473: the sense of the issue of the combat, with judgment, and 476. Revocatum: rescued-freed-deli. with an improvement of the moral. He vered. gives his readers the pleasure of seeing an 478. Donum: in the sense of premium. arrogant boaster humbled by an infirm old 481. Sternitur: the ox falls, and trembling, man, roused by his courage to engage in an &c. This verse Servius thinks a very bad unequal contest. Whereas in Homer, the one, because it ends with a monosyllable. younger and the stronger vanquishes the Mr. Davidson thinks it is to be admired for more feeble, which contributes nothing to that very reason. This abrupt ending of the surprise or pleasure of the reader. the verse, says he, is like a rub in a person's AENEIS. LIB V 33? [lie super tales efltdit pectore voces: 4S2. Super bove flanc tibi, Eryx, meliorem animam pro morte Daretis Persolvo: lic victor caestus artemque repono. Protinus 3neas celeri certare sagitta 485 ilvitat, qui forte velint, et proemia ponit: Iigentique manu rialum de nave Seresti IErigit; et volucrem trajecto in fune columbam, 488. Et suspendit ab Qu6 tendant ferrum, malo suspendit ab alto. alto malo volucrem co Convenere viri: dejeotamque erea sortem 490uma Accepit galea: et primus clamore secundo Hyrtacidae ante omnes exit locus Hippocoontis * 492. Locus HippocoinQuem modo navali Mnestheus certamine victor tis yrtacid exit pro mus ante omnes Consequitur, viridi Mnestheus evinctus olivA. U a o s Tertius Eurytion, tuus, 6 clarissime, frater, 495 tiuus, tin tue Pandare: qui quondam, jussu's confundere fcedus, In medios telum torsisti primus Achivos. Extremus galeaque imA subsedit Acestes, Ausus et ipse menu juvenum tentare laborem. Turn validis flexos incurvant viribus arcus, 500 Pro se quisque, viri, et depromunt tela pharetris: 501. Tur virr, qusPrimaque per ccelum nervo stridente sagitta quo pro so, ncurvan flexos arcus Ilyrtacidae juvenis volucres diverberat auras, Et venit, adversique infigitur arbore mali. Intremuit malus, timuitque exterrita pennis 505 Ales, et ingenti sonuerunt omnia plausu. 506. Omnia loca IPst acer Mnestheus adducto constitit arcu NOTES. way; it forces him to stop and dwell upon 496. Pandare. Pandarus was the son of the object with attention. Lycaon. Homer makes him to have broken 483. Meliorem: either, because brute vic- the truce (confundere foedus) between the tims were more acceptable to the gods than Greeks and Trojans, when they had agreed human victims; or it alludes to the second to put the decision of the war upon the issue victims, which, when the first escaped, were of a single combat between Paris and Mesubstituted in their room, and were called nelaus. Paris was rescued by Venus. when meliores, better. Animam: in the sense of he was nearly overcome. Juno, unwilling victimam. that the disaster of Troy should s-o soon be 484. Repono, &c. This is an allusion to terminated, urged Jupiter to bring about a the gladiators in after times, who, when violation of the truce. He employed Mitheir age exempted them from practising the nerva as his agent in the business. By her art, hung up the arms of their profession on persuasion, Pandarus shot an arrow among the doorposts of the temple of Hercules. the Greeks at Menelaus, which rekindled Persolvo: in the sense of immolo. the war. The epithet clarissime, is given to 487. Ingentique manu: aEneas may not him as being a distinguished archer. Hodo it with his own hand; for men are often mer equals him to Apollo. He was at last said to do what they order to be done by killed by Diomede. others. Heyne says, magna multitudine. 498. Acestes subsedit. Acestes remained 488. Infune trajecto: by a rope put through the last in the bottom of the helmet: that he mast; trajecto per malum. Volucrem: is, the lot of Acestes. fluttering. Ferrum: for sagiltam. 501. Tela: in the sense of sagitce. 491. /Ereagaleaaccepit,&c. In war,and 502. SagiZta juvenis Hyrtacidw: the aramong soldiers, a helmet supplied the place row of the youth Hippocoon first, &c. Striof an urn to receive the lots. dente nervo: from the whizzing string. 492. Hippocoontis. HippocoSn, the son 503. Volucres auras: the light air. of Hyrtacus. Homer says he was cousin to 504. Arbore mali: in the wood of the mast, Rhesus, who was slain by Ulysses and Dio- 505. Timuit: fluttered with her wings — mede in the first night after his arrival on the expressed signs of fear. Trojan shore. See En. i. 469. Locus: in 506. Ingentiplausu: with loud shouts, or the sense of sors acclamations of the spectators. 23 ~838 ~ P. VIRGILII MARONIS Alta petens, pariterque oculos teluruque tetendit: Ast ipsain miserandus avem contingere ferro Non valuit: nodos et vincula linea rupit, 510 Queis innexa pedem malo pendebat ab alto. Illa Notos atque atra volans in nubila fugit. Tum rapidus jamdudum arcu contenta parato Tela tenens, fratrem Eurytion in vota vocavit: 513. Jam speculatus Jam vacuo laetam ccelo speculatus, et alis 515 coluobam letam in va- Plaudentem nigrf figit sub nube columbam ten alis, figit earn sub Decidit exanimis, vitamque reliquit in astris Aeriis, fixamque refert delapsa sagittam. AmissA solus palm& superabat Acestes: Qui tamen ethereas telum contorsit in auras, 520 Ostentans artcm pariter arcumque sonantem. Hic oculis subit6 objicitur magnoque.futurum 523. Ingens exitus Augurio monstruin: docuit p6st exitus ingens, docuit hoc post Seraque terrifici cecinerunt omina vates. Namque volans liquidis in nubibus arsit arundo, 525 Signavitque viam flammis, tenuesque recessit 527. Ceu sape sidera Consunpta in ventos: coelo ceu saepe refixa refixa e ccelo transcur- Transcurrunt, crinemque volantia sidera ducunt. runt. volantiaque Attonitis hansere animis, Superosque precati Trinacrii Teucrique viri: nec maximus omen 53f Abnuit -Aneas: sed laetum amplexus Acesten Muneribus cumulat magnis, ac talia fatur' NOTES. 510. JNodos et linea vincula rupiE: he cut the ordinary course of events. It is Irom the knots, and the hempen cords, with which, monstro; because prodigies were thought to being tied by the foot, &c. Mr. Pope, in be sent from heaven to signify some remarkcomparing the games of Homer and Virgil, able future event. This one presaged the owns that Virgil has outdone his master by burning of the fleet of /Eneas. Subito. This the addition of two circumstances that make is the common reading. Heyne, after Heina beautiful gradation. In Homer, the first sius, reads subitum. archer cuts the string that held the bird, and 524. Cecinerunl: they interpreted the the other shoots him as he is mounting. In omens late. Virgil, the first only hits the mark, the se- Servius explains sera by gravma, others by cond cuts the string, the third shoots him, futura, and Cerdanus by tarda. The comand the fourth, to show the strength of his mon aceptation of the word is the easiest, arm, directs his arrow up to heaven, where implying that the soothsayers could make it kindles into a flame, and makes a pro- nothing of the omen, till the event took digy. place; and then, when it was too late to 512. Fugit in notos: JNotus is properly the avert it, and the ships on fire, they agreed south wind. Sometimes it is put for any that this must have been the thing signified wind. Here it seems to be used for the air by the prodigy. simply; wind being only air put in motion. In nubes ac ccelum evolavit, says Heyne. 528 em tra of l 513. Turn rapidus Eurylion: then intre- 529. Iaesere attonilis: they stood with,pid Eurytion, a long time holding the arrow astonished minds. Rueus says: steleirnt extended on his ready bow, &c. Servius stupefacti animo. says that Pandarus was worshipped as a 531. JEneas abnuit: nor did great ]Eneas hero among the Lycians. This explains the reject the omen; but embracing joyful Acesconduct of Eurytion in invoking him, in this tes, &c. He accepted it, considering it to be:ritical moment, to direct his arrow. propitious or favorable to him. He was 520. Contorsit: the reading of Heyne is probably led to this from its resemblance to contendit. that wkich shone from the head of.Ascanius, 523. Jonstrum: here a prodigy, and his son. See En. ii. 680. It appears from about to be of great import, is suddenly this that the soothsayers had not yet interpresented to our eyes. JMonstrumn signifies preted the omen; otherwise ~Eneas would any thing that is, or happens, contrary to not have received it with joy. JENEIS. LIB. V. 339 SuIne, pater; nam te voluit rex magnus Olympi 633. Sume hec, 0 paTalibuw auspiciis exsortem ducere honorem. ter Ipsius Anchisa longaevi hoc munus habebis: 535 Cratera impressum signis, quem Thracius olim 536. Quem Thracius Anchisa genitori, in magno munere, Cisseus Cisseus olim dederat Ferre sui dederat monumentum et pignus nas. Anchisa gentori ferre in magno munere, quasi Sic fatus, cingit viridanti tempora lauro, monumentum et pignus Et primum ante omnes victorem appellat Acesten 540 sui amoris. Nec bonus Eurytion pr'elato invidit honori, Quamvis solus avem cc-o dejecit ab alto. Proximus ingreditur donis, qui vincula rupit: Extremus, volucri qui fixit arundine malum. 544. Ille ingredstur At pater _Eneas, nondum certanine misso, 545 extremus, qui fixit Custodem ad. sese comitemque impubis flli 545. At pater ~neas. certamine nondum misEpytiden vocat, ct fidam sic fatur ad aurem: s, vocat Epytiden ad Vade, age, et, Ascanio, si jam puerile paratum sese Agmen habet secum, cursusque instruxit equorum, 548. Vade, age, ait, Ducat avo turmas, et sese ostendat in armis, 550 et dic Ascanio, si jam Dic, ait. Ipse omnem longo decedere circo habet puerile agmen paI.frsu /~ *.,' et,ratum secum, instruxit Infusum populum, et campos jubet esse patentes. que cursus equorum, ut que cursus equorum, ut Incedunt pueri, pariterque ante ora parentum ducat turmas avo, et Franatis lucent in equis: quos omnis euntes Trinacriae mirata fremit Trojaeque juventus. 555 Omnibus in morem tonsa coma pressa coroni. 556. Coma pressa est -^ i' f. c 1^'rp omnibus tons& corona in Cornea bina ferunt prafixa hastilia ferro, om s to Pars leves humero pharetras; it pectore summo 558. Pars fert leves Flexilia obtorti per collurn circulus auri. pharetras humero. NOTES. 534. Exsortem: compounded of ex and dit are military terms, and imply stateliness, sors. An allusion is here had to a custom and an air of dignity and pride. among the Greeks, who used, before the 546. Custodenm: either the guardian of his booty was divided among the soldiers, to education, or his tutor in the military art. give those who had distinguished them- 547. Epytiden: a patronymic noun; the selves, some of the choicest articles, not by son of Epytus, the herald of Anchises. His lot, but as they judged meet and right. By name was Periphas, or Periphantes. exsortem honorem, we are, therefore, to un- 549. Agmen: troop-battalion. Instruxderstand the first or choicest honor. David- it cursus: hath arranged the movements, son renders it, an honor out of course. Heyne march, &c. reads, exsortem honores, referring the exsor- 551. Circo: ring-course. Infusum: in tern to the pron. te. Valpy reads the same. the sense of diffusum, vel sparsum. Ruesus says, extraordinarium honorem. The 553. Puerz incedunt: the boys march forcommon reading is exsortem honorem. ward, and shine equally, &c. This game, Talibus auspiciis: by such signs, tokens, commonly known by the name of lusus or omens. Trojc, is wholly of the poet's invention. 536. Signis: in the sense offiguris. He had no hint of it from Homer. He sub537. Cisseus. He was king of Thrace, stituted this in the room.f three in Homer. and the father of Hecuba, the first wife of (viz.) the ivrestling, the single combat, and Priam. the discus; and it is worth them all. Virgil 541. Prcelato. Heyne takes this in the added this game to please Augustus, who, sense of prerepto. He does not envy the at that time, renewed the same. honor taken from him, and given to Acestes. 554. Fremit: in the sense of plaudit, vel But prcela!o may retain its usual significa- laudat. tion, if we give the passage this gloss: he 556. Tonsa corona. This crown consistdoes not envy the honor to Acestes prefer- ed of green boughs, bent into a circular red before him. This is the sense of Mark- form, resembling a crown. it was probably land. placed upon their helmets. 543. Ingreditur: he enters next for the 559. Flexilis circulus obtorti auri. This prizes, who, &c. Both ingreditur, and ince- is a circumlocution to express a golen chain. 310 P. VIRGILII MARON1S Tres equitu!n numero turmre, ternique vagantur 660 Ductores: pueri bis seni quemque secuti, Agmine partito fulgent, paribusque magistris 563. Est una acies ju- Una acies juvenum, ducit quam parvus ovantem venum, quam ovantem Nomen avi referens Priamus, tua clara, Polite, parvus Priamus Progenies, auctura Italos: quem Thracius albis 665 566. Vestigia primi Portat equus bicolor maculis: vestigia prilni pedis Asn At Alba pedis, frontemque ostentans arduus albai. 568. Alter dux es Alter Atys, genus unde Att duxere Latini; Parvus Atys, pueroque puer dilectus liilo. 570. Extremus dux Extremus, formaque ante omnes pulcher, Iilus 570 est Iiilus, pulcher ante Sidonio est invectus equo; quem candida Dido omnnes forma, invectus Esse sui dederat monumentumn et pignus amoris. Sidonio equo Catera Trinacriis pubes senioris Acestse Fertur equis. Excipiunt plausu pavidos, gaudentque tuentes 575 Dardanida; veterumque agnoscunt ora parentum. Postquam omnem kleti consessum oculosque suorum 578. lllis paratis Lustravere in equis: signum clamore paratis Epytides longe dedit, insonuitque flagello. Olli discurrere pares, atque agmina terni 580 Diductis solvere choris; rursuisque vocati 582. Infesta tela in se Convertere vias, infestaque tela tulere. invicem. Inde alios ineunt cursus, aliosque recursus, NOTES. goes over the neck, down to the upper 576. Dardanidee excipiunt: the Trojans part of the breast. with applause receive them, anxious and 560. Vagantur: march along. Oberrant, solicitous for praise and victory; and, besays Ruseus. holding them, they rejoice, and know the 562. Jiagistris: in the sense of ducibus. features of their aged parents. They trace 564. Polite. Polites was the son of Priam, the resemblance between the children and and slain by Pyrrhus in the presence of his parents, and know the former by the latter father. See }En. ii. 526. He is said, how- For pavidos, Rumus says, solicitos de gloria. ever, to have accompanied Aneas into Italy, 577. Postquam Iceli: after they joyous and to have founded the city Politoriun, went round the whole assembly, and the whlich was afterward destroyed by Ancus, a eyes of their parents, &c. The oculos suoking of the Romans. Virgil seems to at- rum, if duly considered, will appear very tribute the building of the city to his son beautiful and emphatic. They made tlle here mentioned. Auctura Italos: either to circuit of the spectators', and their parents' increase the Italians by founding a city, or eyes; as much as to say, their parents were by conferring honor and dignity upon them. all eyes, and all attention to their motions 566. Vestigia: the fetlocks of his fore and whole deportment. feet. Cerdanus explains this of his right 580. Pares. This may imply that they foot alone. But vestigia is here evidently moved or marched abreast-head and head used out of its ordinary sense, in the sense of pariter. Or it may mean 568. Unde genus: whence the Latin Al- that they marched in a double file, that is, ti, &c. Virgil mentions this in compliment two abreast. This is the sense given to to his prince, whose mother's name was Al- pares, by Davidson. Terni: some copies tia. Attius Balbus married Julia, the sister have ternis, which makes the sense easier. of Julius Caesar, and had by her a daugh- The meaning of the passage is: after they ter, who married Octavius, the father of had marched round the company in order Augustus. The poet signalizes Iiilus, and to be reviewed, upon a signal given, they Atys, the founders of his prince's family, (the three leaders, terni) divided (solvere) the both on his father's and mother's side: and troops into three separate companies, (di by making so close a friendship to subsist ductis choris) and marched over the plain between the two, he alludes to the affinity each company performing its exercises on between the Julian and Attian families, now different grounds. united in the person of Augustus. Some 581. Choris: in the sense of turmns. may however, that he was the son of Julia, 583. Cursus: a going forward —advance the sister of Cesar, and his lawful heir. Recursus: a retreat-a going backward. EINEIS. LIB. V. 341 Adversis spatlis; alternosque orbibus.orbes Inpediunt, pugnaeque cient simulacra sub armis. 585 Et nunc terga fuga nudait, nunc spicula vertunt 586. Nunc quasi in Infensi, facta pariter nunc pace feruntur. fcnsi vertult sPlcula in Ut quondam Creta fertur Labyrinthus in altA 588. Ut Labyrnthns Pari'paleness is a comnpanion of fighfliCi7-eiar. iniikca, insra. 470. Afovetur vultum: moved with regard 481. Speros: those above-the upper to her countenance: a Grecism. This in- orldthe living. JIulint: in the senseof terview of Eneas and Dido, is in imitationu. ldeG 483. Glaucum. Glaucus was the son of of the Odyssey, where the poet brings Ulys- Iipoloclus ard grandson of the famous ses and Ajax together in the infernal regions. leohon. He,with Sarpedon, commandThe conduct of Dido is copied from that of e tle Lycin troops in the Trojan dar. A.. T., -1..1-1 ed the Lycian troops in the Trojan war. Ajax. Ionginus observes that the silence Aja. ongus observes tat the silence Thersilochus. He was of Macedonia, in the of Ajax is more sublime than any words confines of Thrace. He was slain by Achilcould have been. les. Tres Antenoridas: the three sons of 471. Marpesia: an adj. from JMarpesus, a Antenor. Iomer calls them, Polybus, Agcmountain on the island of Paros, one of the nor, and Acamus. Ideeun. le was the Cyclades, famous for its white marble. charioteer of Priam. 472. Inimica: hating-detesting him. 484. Sacrum: in the sense of sacerdotem 475. Iniquo casu: in the sense of acerba Homer makes no mention of Polybates morte..Jec inis: nevertheless among the Trojans. He mentions him 477. MolIltur: in tne sense or prosequitur. among the Greeks, under the name of Po479. Tydeuo Tydeus was-one of those lypates, the son of Pirithous 374?. VIRGIL1I MARONIS Et conferre gradurn, et veniendi discere causas. At Danaum proceres, Agamemnoniaeque phalanges, Ut videre virum, fulgentiaque arma per umbras, 490 491. Caperunt trepi- Ingenti trepidare metu: pars vertere terga, dare ingenti metu: pars Ceu quondam petiere rates: pars tollere vocem ccepit vertere. Exiguam:' inceptus clamor frustratur hiantes. Atque hic Priamiden laniatum corpore toto 495. Lacerum cude- Deiphobum vidit, lacerum crudeliter ora; 495 liter quoad ora, ora, am- Ora, manusque ambas, populataque tempora raptis basque manus, tempora- Auribus, et truncas inhonesto vulnere nares. que populata que populatVix adeo agnovit pavitantem, et dira tegentem Supplicia: et notis compellat vocibus ultr6: Deiphobe armipotens, genus alto a sanguine Teucri, 501. Quis optavit su- Quis tam crudeles optavit sumere pcenas? 501 mere de te tam crudeles Cui tantum de te licuit? Mihi fama suprema poenas? Cui licuit sumere tantum suppicii Nocte tulit, fessum vasta te caede Pelasgum de te? Procubuisse super confuse stragis acervum. Tune egomet tumulum Rhceteo in litore inanem 505 508. Et decedens po- Constitui, et magna Manes ter voce vocavi. erete sepultum patria Nomen et arma locum servant. Te, amice, nequivi 509. Priamides ait: Conspicere, et patria decedens ponere terra. Nihil, 6 amice, relictum Ad qum Priamides: Nihil 6 tibi, amice, relictum est. est Omnia Deiphobo solvisti, et funeris umbris: 510 511. Hec vulnera tan- Sed me fata mea et scelus exitiale Lacene quam monumenta ejus His mersere malls: illa hec monumenta reliquit. 513. Namque n6sti, Namque, ut supremam falsa inter guadia noctem ut egerimus Egerimus, n6sti; et nimium meminisse necesse est: NOTES. 488. Conferre gradum: to meet him-to vel spoliata. Raptis: in the sense of sectis. come in close conference with him: a phrase. When the concluding word of a preceding Usque: in the sense of diu. line is repeated in the beginning of the fol489. Phalanges: in the sense of turmce. lowing line, the figure is called anadiplosis, 492. Ceuquondam, &c. The account of It is usually emphatical, as in the present the fight to which the poet here alludes, is instance. Truncas: cut-gashed. giwven, Iliad 15. The Trojans under Hector 499. Supplicia: in the sense of vulnera drove the Greeks, forced their entrench- vel plagas..J\otis: familiar. Or it may ments, pursued them to their ships, and set have reference to their speaking the same them on fire. language. This is the sense in which Ru493. Clamor inceptus: the cry begun, mus takes it: cognila voce, says he. frustrates them, gaping and opening their 500. Genus: offspring. It is placed in throats. They were so terrified at the sight apposition with Deiphobe. of }Eneas, as to be unable to finish the 504. Confusce stragis: of mingled carscream which they had begun. It perished cases. in their throats. Rueus takes frustratur in 507..N'omen et arma: by comnmutalio, for the sense of fallit. locus servat nonmen et arma: the place pre495. Deiphobum. De'iphobus was the son serves your name and arms. of Priam, and married Helen after the death 509. Ad quac. Ruseus, and some otheri of Paris. What is here said of his being read atque hic. Heyne and Valpy read, aa cruelly mangled, is agreeable to the account quce. Heinsius and Burmannus read,,d given by Dictys Cretensis. He was slain by quce hcec. Menelaus. This representation of Deipho- 510. Funeris: the corpse, or dead body bus' mangled shade or ghost, is according itself. to the philosophy of Plato, who taught that 511. Lacenae: of Ielen-of the Lacedathe dead retain the same marks and blemish- monian. es in their bodies, which they had when 512. Illa reliquit: she hath left those scars alive. and wounds, which you sees as monuments 496 Populata: in the sense of privata of her love. AENEIS. LIB. VI. 375 C(im fatalis cquus saltu super ardua venit 515 Pergama, et armatum peditem gravis attulit alvo. Ilia chorum simulans, evantes orgia circfim Ducebat Phrygias: flammam media ipsa tcnebat 518. Ducebat PharIngentem, et summa Danaos ex arce vocabat. gias fwminas, evantes Turn me confectum curis, somnoque gravatum 520 circuin orgia Infelix habuit thalamus, pressitque jacentem Dulcis et alta quies, placidaeque simillima morti. Egregia interea conjux arma omnia tectis Emovet, et fidum capiti subduxerat ensern. Intra tecta vocat Menelaum, et limina pandit. 525 Scilicet id magnum sperans fore munus amanti, 526. Sperans id fore Et famam exstingui veterum sic posse malorum. magnum munus amanti, Quid moror? irrumpunt thalanmo; comes additur un et famam IIortator scelerum iEolides. Di, talia Graiis Instaurate; pio si pcenas ore reposco. 530 Scd te qui vivum casus, age, fare vicissim, Attulerint: pelagine venis erroribus actus? 532. Venis-ne huc acAn monitu Divium? an qut te fortuna fatigat, tus erroribus Ut tristes sine sole domos, loca turbida, adires? IIac vice sermonum roseis Aurora quadrigis 535 NOTES. b15. Cum fatalis, &c. See JEn. ii. 234. under his head. What befell Helen after et sequens. the capture of Troy is not certain. Some 517. Evantes: shouting in praise of Bac- say she returned to Sparta, and passed her chus. The word is of Greek derivation; days with Menelaus; and was buried with rtnd is applied to the bacchanals, or devotees him in the same tomb. Others say, after his of the god Bacchus. Evantes orgia: ex more death, being banished from Sparta, she fled orgiorum, says Heyne. to Rhodes, where she died.- Homer informs 519. Vocabat. Helen made signals from us, Odys. iv. 277, that Helen went three the walls to the Greeks, that all things were times round the wooden horse, calling each ready for the assault. Her leading the of the Greeks by name. To this the poet Phrygian women around the city, as if in alludes, 517. supra. honor of Bacchus, the giver of joy, on ac- 526. Amanti: to her husband-viz. Mecount of the departure of their enemies, nelaus..lMunus: favor-gift. was mere pretence-mere deception to cover 527. Et famcam: and that the infamy of her plans. her former crimes might in this way be blot521. Infelix: unhappy; because he was ted out. Famoam: in the sense of fainfamiam. slain in it, and thereby prevented from join- Eolides. This is a reproachful name ing his comrades in arms, and avenging 5 oles. Ths i nsinuates that he was their falling country. Pressit. His sleep gven to Ulysses. It insinuate that he a was so sound, that it seemed to press him not s but of Sisphus, t son of Aolus, with whom his mother Antidown like a great weight, lying upon him s of olus, with whom his mother Anti. 523. Egregia conjux: precious wife. This cle s sad to have been familiar is spoken ironically. The meaning is, odi- 530. Instaurate: in the sense of reddite. ous-abominable. 532. Erroribuzs: dangers. Davidsonren524. Subduxerat: and had withdrawn ders it casualties. my faithful sword from my head. It was a 533. Qucefortuna: what (adverse) fortune custom among the warriors to lay their forces or impels you, that, &c. swords under tleir heads when they slept. 534. Turbida: in the sense of obucura, vel 525. Vocal JMen laum: she called Mene- tenebrosa. laus into the house, &c. After the death of 535. Hdc vice sermonum: during the course Paris, Helen married De'iphobus, his brother. (or change) of conversation, the sun in his It is said she endeavored to be reconciled to rosy chariot had now passed, &c. By Auher first husband, by aiding the Grecian rora- here, we are undoubtedly to underarms. Here she calls to him, and opens the stand the sun. Quadrigis: properly, a chad )or. That Deiphobus might fall an easy riot drawn by four horses. Ruuus thinks prey, she had previously removed all the the middle of the day is here meant by arms from the house, and his sword from medium axem; and not the middle of the 376 P. VIRGILIl MARONIS Jam medium aethereo cursu trajecerat axem, 537. Per talia collo- Et fors omne datum traherent per talia tempus; quta Sed comes admonuit, breviterque affata Sibylla est: Nox ruit, AEnea: nos flendo ducimus horas. Hic locus est, partes ubi se via findit in ambas. 540 541. Doxtera est via, Dextera, quae Ditis magni sub mcel ia tendit qute tendit IJac iter Elysium nobis: at laeva nialorum 542. Hce via est iter Exercet po-nas, et ad impia Tartara mittit. nobis ad Elysium: at.. eanos ars exerlyst Deiphobus contra: Ne ssevi, magna sacerdos. Discedam; explebo numerum, reddarque tenebiis. 545 I decus, i, nostrum: melioribus utere fatis. Tantum effatus, et in verbo vestigia torsit. Respicit Eneas subito; et sub rupe sinistrS M1cenia lata v'det, triplici circumdata muro: Quae rapidus flammis ambit torrentibus amnis 550'Tartareus Phlegethon, torquetque sonantia saxa. b52. Est porta adversa Porta adversa, ingens, solidoque adamante columnae. 553. Ut nulla vis vi- Vis ut nulla viruim, non ipsi exscindere ferro rum valet, non Ccelicole valeant. Stat ferrea turris ad auras: 557. Gemitus cOpe- Tisiphoneque sedens, pall& succincta cruentA, 555 runl exaudiri hinc 558. Turn stridor fer- Vestibulum insomnis servat noctesque diesque. ri, tractteque catene Hinc exaudiri gemitus, et saeva sonare coeperunt exudiri Verbera: tum stridor ferri, tractteque catenae. 560. O virgo, inquit, Constitit iEneas, strepitumque exterritus hausit: are u cie scele- QuP scelerum facies, 6 virgo, effare, quibusve 560 Urgentur pcenis? quis tantus plangor ad auras 9 NOTES. night, as Servius, and most interpreters sup- te alloquerer: I will depart, and fill up the pose. The time appointed for performing number of the multitude which I. left, that the preliminary rites, and visiting the infer- I might converse with you. This is the nal regions, here called tempus datum, was opinion of Heyne and Davidson. Accorda day and two nights, as we learn from Plu- ing to Plato's notion of transmigration, thtarch's treatise concerning the genius of So- souls of the deceased passed a certain numcrates. Now Eneas had passed the whole ber of years in purification, before they asof the first night in offering the prescribed sumed other bodies; therefore, 2d. Discesacrifices, verse 255. He commenced his danm, impleturus numerum annorum purgadescent the next morning about sunrise. tionis, quce fit in his tenebris: I will depart Medium axem must therefore mean the me- to fill up the number of the years of puriridian, which the sun had passed, and was fication, which is done in this darkness. 3. hastening to the western horizon. The in- Discedam; modo, sine ut expleam numerum, tervening time XEneas may be supposed to et perioduns orationis inca, quam incepi: I have passed in going through so many will depart; only let me fill up the number apartments. The remaining part of tle and period of the discourse which I have day and following night, he visits his father, begun. Only let me finish what I have beand th6 Elysian fields; and returns the fol- gun to say. This last Ruaus prefers. lowing morning to his companions. 546. I decus, i, nostrum: pass on, pass on 537. Fors: in the sense of fortasse. thou glory of our nation: experience fates 542. Lava exercet, &c. The meaning of more propitious. The repetition of the Iia this passage is, that they had now arrived emphatical. at the place where the way separated into 549. JIaenia: in the sense of urbcm. two: the right led to the city of Pluto, and 551. Phlegethon: the name of one of the the left ed to the place where the impious five rivers of hell: from a Greek word sigare punished. Tendit: in the sense of du- nifying, to burn, or'o be on fire. cit. Mittit, also, in the sense of ducit. 558. Verbera: scourges-lashes. Stridor 545. Discedam; explebo numerum, &c. ferri: a grating, or din of iron. The meaning of this line has not been set- 559. Hausit strepitum: he heard the tutled by commentators. There are three opi- mult-confused noise. nions which seem to prevail. 1. Discedam 560. Facies: forms-kinds. ctl mplebo numerum turbe, ex qua discessi ut 561. Urgen ir: in the sense of ctucwn. JENEIS. LIB VI. 377'fin vates sic orsa loqui: Dux inclyte Teucrfim, Nulli fas casto sceleratum insistere limcn: 563. Fas est nuli casto Sed, me cuim lucis Ifecate prrefecit Avernis, inslstere IpsaDelm pocnas docuit, perque omnia duxit. 565 Gnossius haec Rhadamanthus habet durissima regna, Castigatque, auditque dolos: subigitque fateri, 567. Subigitque cos fateri quae piacula corn Que quis apud superos, furto Ietatus inani, iate apud sricl com p. _.'1. t 1.,. ~ nlissa apud sllperoe, Distulit in seram commissa piacula mortem. quis distulit Continu6 sontes ultrix accincta flagello 570 Tisiphone quatit insultans; torvosque sinistra 571. Tisiphone ultrix., Intentars angues, vocat agmina seva sororum. accinta flagello, quari Tur demum horrisono stridentes cardine sacre tes inultans; s Panduntur portse. Cernis, custodia qualis 574. Siby7la inquit: Vestiburo sedeat? facies quae limina servet? 575 cernis-ne qualis Quinquaginta atris immanis hiatibus hydra 577. Sesvior Hydra, Srtvior intus habet sedem. Turn Tartarus ipse immanis quinquaginta Bis patet in priaceps tantim, tenditque sub umbi'as, ats atus Quantus ad aethereum cceli suspectus Olympum. 579. Quantus et IIic genus antiquum Terrae, Titania pubes, 580 Fulmine dejecti, fundo volvuntur in imo. Ilic et Aloidas geminos, immania vidi Corpora; qui manibus magnum rescindere ccalum Aggressi, superisque Jovem detrudere regnis. Vidi et crudeles dantem Salmonea penas, 585 Dum flammas Jovis et sonitus imitatur Olympi. Quatuor hic invectus equis, et lampada quassans, NOTES. tur. Plangor: shrieking-outcry. The verb crushed them with his thunder. Their obsurgit, is understood. ject, in the attempt, was to restore their fa568. Apud superos: with the living-in ther to his throne, from which he had been the upper world. Furto: privacy-conceal- driven by Jupiter. Volvuntur: in the sense mnent. Inani: vain or unprofitable, because of premuntur. however great the privacy might have been, 582. Aloidas. These were the giants Otrus in which crimes were committed: they and Ephialtes, the sons of Neptune by Iphiwere, nevertheless, all known to the gods. media, the wife of Aloeus. Homer makes Rumeus says, vana simulatione. them nine cubits broad, and nine ells high, 569. Piacula: in the sense of crimina, vel in the ninth year of their age. Odyss. xi. tcelera. 304. 571. Quatit: strikes. Verberat, says Ru- 585. Salmonea: a Greek ace. of Salmowns. neus. He was the son of JEolus, a king of 572. Sceva agmina sororum. The furies Elis. He made a bridge of brass, over which were reckoned three in number. Their he drove his chariot, boasting that by the names are Tisiphone, Alecto, and Mcgara. rattling of his wheels, and the prancing of They may be called agmina, bands or troops, his horses, he imitated the thunder of Jove; on account of their complicated rage; or who was highly honored at Elis. At the these may be only the principal ones, and same time, to counterfeit his lightning, he might have others unalr their command. hurled flaming torches at his subjects, and Intentans: shaking or brandishing. ordered every one to be put to death, at 573. Sacre: in, the seiise of scelerate. whom he threw his torch. He was struck 576. Hiatibus: mouths. by the~thunderbolt of Jove, for his inpi579. Suspectus: height —distance. X.Ethe- ety and cruelty. Pcenas. Poena properreum Olympum: the ethereal vault of hea- ly signifies a recompense or satisfaction. yen-the highest pinnacle-the seat of the Hence the phrase dare posnam vel pcenas, gods. o bepunished —that is, to make retribution 580. Titania pubes: the giants, the sons or satisfaction. of Titan and Terra. They attempted to 586. Flanmmn s: lightning. Smnitus: Liun scale heaven, and dethrone Jupiter; but he der. 378 P VIRGILII MARON S Per Graiuim populos, medimque per Elidis urbem Ibat ovans, Divfimque sibi poscebat honorem: Demens! qui nimbos, et non imitabile fulmen 590 AEre et cornipedum cursu simularet equorum. 592 Tile Jupiter non At pater omnipotens densa inter nubila telum contorsit faces, nee lumi- Contorsit (non ille faces, nec fumea taedis nit fumes t e tdis, ut Lumina) praecipiteinque immani turbine adegit. Nec non et Tityon, Terrae omniparentis alumnum, 595 596. Licitum erat cer- Cernere erat: per tota novem cui jugera corpus nere Tityon Porrigitur; rostroque immanis vultur obunco Iminortale jecur tundens, fcecundaque poenis Viscera, rimaturque epulis, habitatque sub alto Pectore: nec fibris requies datur ulla renatis. 600 Quid memorem Lapithas, Ixiona, Pirithoiimque? Quos super atra silex jamjam lapsura, cadentique Imminet assimilis. Lucent genialibus altis 604. Epula paratae Aurea fulcra toris, epulaeque ante ora paratae sunt ante eorum era, cum Regifico luxu: Furiarum maxima juxta 605 Accubat, et manibus prohibet contingere mensas; Exsurgitque facem attollens, atque intonat ore. 608. Hie sunt illi, qui- Hic, quibus invisi fratres, dum vita manebat, bus fratres erant invisi Pulsatusve parens, et fiaus innexa clienti; Aut qui divitiis soli incubuere repertis, 610 Nec partem posuere suis; quee maxima turba est Quique ob adulterium cresi; quique arma secuti NOTES. 588. Urbem medice Elidis. For mediam His punishment would therefore be perpeurbem Elidis: through the middle of the tual. city of Elis. Heyne observes that some co- 601. Lapithas: the Lapithce were a peo. pies read mediam, which is the easier. ple of Thessaly of dissolute manners. Ixi 590. JNimbos: storms-tempests. ona. Ixion, the son of Phlegyas, was theil 591. Simularet. This is the reading of king. He was admitted to anintimacy with Heyne. Most copies have simularat, the plu. Jupiter, which he forfeited by designing an perf. of the ind. intimacy with Juno. Jupeiter knowing his 592 Telum: thunderbolt. purpose, substituted a cloud for the god5. T n. T s te n of J- dess; and was content at first only to re595. Tityon. Ttyus-was the son of Ju- move him from heaven; but finding that piter and Elara, the daughter of Orchome- he oasted of having been honored with nus. When Jupiter found her with child, Je boasedh hurled him down to TartaJuno's bed, he hurled him down to Tartahe shut her up in the earth for fear of Juno; rus, and ordered Mercur to bind him to where Tit?/us issuing forth in a gigantic where Tityus issuing forth in a gigantic a wheel, hung round with serpents, which form, was thought to be the son of the wheel hung round wth erpents, hic foearth.m wa thougtobe thse son aof tm hehe was doomed to turn without any interearth. Virgil, therefore, calls him alumnus, mission. Pirithoiim. He was the son of &c: the foster-child of all-bearing earth. He Ixion. See 122, supra. was slain by Apollo for offering violence to 609. Pulsus-ve parens the crime of par Latona. He was punished by a huge vul- ricide is so horrid and unnatural, that he ture, that continually preyed upon his liver passes it by, not supposing any of e huand vitals; which, as they were devoured, man rae ould be guilty of it. He puts always grew afresh. Hence immortalejecur: the case only of one who had beaten a pahis immortal liver; because it never was rent. Fraus innea clinti: fraud practised consumed. Rimatur epul rummags them upon a client. The claim of the client to for his meal. Renatis: springing up anew. te faith and protection of his patron wa 596. Cui: in the sense of cujus. considered sacred among the Romans; like 598. Tundens: beating-tearing. This is that of a child to the protection of the pathe common reading. But Heyne reads rent. Among the laws of the twelve tables condens. Facunda penis: fertile in punish- it is said: "if any patron shall defraud his ment. This is said, because as soon as any client, let him be accursed." part was torn away, and consumed by the 611..Yeepartem: nor have distr'buted a culture, its place was immediately supplied. part to their own..rma: in the sense of bi'da AENE1S. LIB. VI 279 Impia; nec veriti dominorum fallere dextras; Inclusi pcnam expectant. Ne quere doceri 61-4 6 4. Hi omnes incluai Quam poenam, aut quve forma viros fortunave mersit. hic expectant Saxum ingens volvunt alii, radiisque rotarum pendet aut ue fon Districti pendent. Sedet, eternitmque sedebit Infelix Theseus: Phlegyasque miserrimus omnes Admonet, et magna testatur voce per umbras Discite justitiam moniti, et non temnere Divos. 620 Vendidit hic auro patriam, dominumque potentem Imposuit: fixit leges pretio atque refixit. Hic thalamum invasit nate, vetitosque hymenaos. Ausi omnes immane nefas, ausoque potiti. 624. Hi omnes audi Non, mihi si linguae centum sint, oraque-centum, 625 aunt imlnane nefas, et Ferrea vox, omnes scelerum comprendere formas, potiti sunt auso 626. Non possim coni. Omnia pcenarum percurrere nomina possirn. 626. Non possim omT prendere omnes formas Hvec ubi dicta dedit Pheebi longeva sacerdos: Sed jam age, carpe viam, et susceptum perfice munus: Acceleremus, ait. Cyclopum educta caminis 630 Mcenia conspicio, atque adverso fornice portas, Hac ubi nos praecepta jubent deponere dona. 632. Ubi Di jubentr.-a NOTES. 613. Fallere dextras dominorum: to vio- This is the great moral of all those infernal late the faith of their masters-pledged to punishments,that the example of them might their masters. Dextra: in the sense offides. deter from vice, and stimulate to virtue. 615. Forma-forluna. Byforma, Servius JMoniti meo exemplo, says Heyne. understands theform or rule of justice: and 622. Fixit leges: he made and unmade by fortuna, Dr. Trapp understands the sen- laws for a price. This is said in reference tence of the judge. What punishment they to the Roman custom of engraving their undergo, or in what form or state of misery laws upon tables of brass, and fixing then they are overwhelmed or involved. This up in public places, to the view of the peois plainly the meaning of the passage.- ple; and when those laws were abrogated Heyne says, Quceforma pcence, quod-ve mise- or repealed, they were said to be refigi, to rice genus mersit, vel manet viros. be unfixed, or taken down. Hymenceos: in 616. Ingens saxun. This refers to the the sense of nuptias. case of Sisyphus, the son of /Eolus, a noto- accomlished their old rious robber. He was sentenced to hell, and compelled to roll a great stone to the top undertakng. Dr. Trapp thenks avso may of a hill ich, before he reached the top be used for presmio usi, they now have their of a hill; which, before he reached the top, ^ p returned to the bottom again. Thus his reward, by way of sarcasm. But the sense returned to the bottom again. Thus his labor became perpetual. Districti radiis: commonly given is easier, and contains this bound to e spokes of wheels, they hang. moral, that however successful men are in hound to l hs spokes of wheels, they hang. wickedness, they are not the less odious This alludes to the case of xon. See 601, ^to God, and will hereafter receive their due supra. reward. 617..Sternum sedebit. This may be ex- Per scept munus: finis the plained by referring it to the shade or ghost ertaken offe s vm muus: finiso the of Theseus after death: for lie was set at undertaken oerng. Tis refers to th liberty by Hercules, after he had been bound golden bough, which eas prosised t by Pluto, and returned to the intercourse of depost n the palace of Proserpne. men. See 122, supra. 630. Cyclopum. The Cyclops were the 618. Phlegyas. He was the father of Ix- first inhabitants of Sicily. To them is ation, and king of the LapithE. His daugh- tributed the invention of forging iron, and ter Coronis, being ravished by Apollo, in re- of fortifying cities. The expression lero venge for the injury, he burnt his temple; denotes that these walls were made of iron, for which lie was thrust down to Tartarus. and strongly fortified. Educta: drawn out, Ile is represented as calling aloud to the or wrought in the forges of the Cyclops. shades, and admonishing all to take warning See Geor. i. 471. by him, not to despise the gods, nor commit 631. Portas fornce tdz'erso: the gates, acts of impiety. with their arch directly opposite to us, or in 620. Moniti divcite jusliliam: ye being front of us. admonished by my example, learn justice. 632. Hcrecrecef!a dona: these command 380 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Dixerat: et pariter gressi per opaca viarum, Corripiunt spatium medium, foi'ibusque propinquant (Occupat /Eneas aditurn, corpusque recenti C35 Spargit aqua, ramumque adverso in limine figit. His denumn exactis, perfecto munere Dive, Devenere locos laetos, et ancena vireta Fortunatorum nemorum. sedesque beatas. Largior hie campos atther, et luinine vestit 640 641 Incole norunt Purpureo: soletnque simum, sua sidera n6runt. Pars in gramineis exercent membra palaestris, Contendunt ludo, et fulva luctantur arena: Pars pedibus plaudunt choreas, et carmina dicunt. Necnon Threicius longa cumr veste sacerdos 645 Obloquitur numeris septem discrinina vocum: Jamrnue eadem digitis, jam pectine pulsat eburno. 648. Hie cst antiquum IHic genus antiquum Teucri, pulcherrima proles, genus AMagnanimi heroes, nati melioribus annis: Ilusque, Assaracusque, et Trojam Dardanus auctor 650 Arma procul, currusque virum miratur inanes. Stant terra defixae hastae, passimque soluti Per campos pascuntur equi. Que gratia currfn Armorumque fuit vivis; quae cura nitentes C55. Eadcm cura se- Pascere equos; eadem sequitur tellure rep6stos. 655 quitur eos rep6stos tei- Conspicit ecce alios dextra laevaque per herbam lure. Vescentes, ltumque choro paeana canentes, NOTES. ed gifts. This refers to the golden bough, (the seven different notes) in music. Orwhich was sacred to Proserpine, and which pleus. is here represented clothed in a long iEncas was directed to deliver to her. Ru- robe, that being anciently the garb botl of a wus says, nlunera decerpla ex arbore. priest and musician; in which character ihe 633. Opaca viarunl: the dark places of is here represented. the way, or simply, the dark way. Spatia 646. Septemn, &c. Allusion is here had to vel loca may be understood. the harp or lyre, which at first had only 634. Spatium: ground-way. seven chords or strings. Two were after636. Spargit corpus: he sprinkles his body wards added to make the number nine, in with fresh water; either because he was honor of the muses. Pectine. The pectin polluted by the sight of Tartarus, or because or plcctrum, was a kind of instrument which hie resented an offering to Proserpine. Spar- the musician struck the strings of the harp git aqud, &c. In the entrance of the heathen or lyre with, callc.d a quill. temples, aqua lustralis, or holy water, was 647. Eadem. Markland conjectures this placed, to sprinkle the devout on their en- should be changed to jidem, the strings or trance. This custom of sprinkling with holy chords of the lyre. The present reading rewater in the Roman church, La Cerda ad- fers to discrimina. The same (discrinmina) nits was borrowed fiorn this practice of the he at one time strikes with his fingers, at heathen. another, &c. 637. Divae: Proserpine. Perfecto: finish- 650. Iiusque. For the genealogy of these, ed-presented to her. see Geor. iii. 35. 638. Devenere: they came to. 653. Gratia: in the sense of amor. Fi639. Fortunatorum: in the sense of feli- vis: iis is understood: in the sense of dunm cium. A4mena viriditale hcrbarum arborum- illi vixerunt. que, says Ruseus. 657. Pccana. Pean was a sacred hymns 640. Veslit: in the sense of circumdat. or song of praise. It was sometimces sung 641. Purpureo: clear-resplendent. in honor of Mars, especially before battle. 642. Palsstris: in the sense of locis. Pa- It was sung in honor of Apollo, after a vicrstra, both the place of exercise, and the tory; and it was sometimes sung in honor exercise itself, of all the gods. It is derived from a Greek 644. Dirunt: in the sense of canunt. word, signifying to wound or pierce. It was 645. Thtreicius sacerdos: the Thracian first sung in honor of Apollo after lie killed poet warbles the seven distinctions of sound the Python. Inter: simply, for in. AENE1S. LIB VI 381 trler odoratum lauri nemus: unde superne Plurimus Eridani per sylvam volvitur amnis. Ilic manus, ob patriarm pugnando vulnera passi: 630 660. Ille est manus Quique sacerdotes casti, d'lm vita manebat: eormn, qui passi sunt Quique pii vates, et Phmbo digna locuti: rulnera pugnando 661. Quique fuerant Inverntas aut qui vitam excoluere per artes:.asti Quique sui memores alios fecere merendo: 662. Fueran! pi vates, Omnibus his niveA cinguntur tempora vittA. 665 et locuti Quos circunifusos sic est affata Sibylla, Mustaum ante omnes: medium nam plurima turba Hunc habet, atque humeris exstantem suspicit altis: Dicite, felices animnae, tuque, optime vates; QulT regio Anchisen, quis habet locus? illius ergo 670 Venimus, et magnos Erebi tranavimus amnes. Atque huic responsum paucis ita reddidit heros: 672. Pauci vorbis 673. Est certa donius Nulli certa domus: lucis habitamus opacis, nui nostrum. Riparumuque toros, et prata recentia rivis 677. Tulit gressum Incoiilus: sed vos, si fert ita corde voluntas, 675 ante eos IIoc sliperate jugum, et facili jam tramite sistam. 679. Pater Anchises I)ixit: et ante tulit gressum, camposque nitentes lqstrabat animas penitus inclusas in virenti Desuper ostentat: dehinc summa cacumina linquunt. tcon e, iturasque ad convalle, iturasque ad At patcr Anchises penitis convalle virenti superum lumen, recolens Incliusas animas, superumque ad lumen ituras, 680 eas studio NOTES. 658. Unde superne. Interpreters are not 665. His omnibus: the dat. in the sense agreed as to the meaning of this passage. of the gen. horu7n omnunm. Some make it to be this: unde magna pars 666. Circunfusos: in the sense of circum. Eridani e superis precipitat ad inferos. This slanles. interpretation is founded on what we are told 667. Jfusaum. Musmus was the disciple by Pliny, that the Po, soon after its rise, of Orpheus. HIe was an Athenian by birth, passes under ground and flows out again in and flourished under Cecrops the second, a a part of Piedmont. Others: unde magnus considerable time before the destruction of Fridanuts flilt ad superiores incolas lerrce. Troy. He was an heroic poet. There are This seems to be the opinion of Rueus. This said to be some fragments of verses which appears to be founded upon the general re- go under his name, but probably they are ceived opinion that the great- source of rivers the production of a later poet. Some have is in the body of the earth. Mr. Davidson censured Virgil for preferring Musmus to differs from both of these interpretations. Homer as a poet. But it is to be rememHe takes super'ne in its common accepta- bered that Homer did not live till some time tion, denoting from an eminence or rising after this descent of lEneas, and therefore ground. Unde: whence (that is, from the to have mentioned him, would have been Elysian fields,) from an eminence, or rising wholly out of place. ground, the great river Eridanus rolls or 668 Exsantem: rising above the rest by flows. This is the easiest and most natural his head and lofty shoulders. Susicit: in his head and loft.y shoulders. Sitsyzicit: in mreaning the sense of admiratur. -Eneas is under66-2.' Quiqume pii vates. altes signifies stood. either a poet or a prophet. Poets were ori- account of him w ginally the only persons who taught a know- ha come. Ergo is here used in tie sense ledge of the divine nature, and declared the c. of' causa. sublime doctrines of religion. Lecuti digna 674. Torgos riparum: Rumus says, herbosas P/,,ebo: and spoke things worthy of Phabus; Pivebo: and spoke things worthy of Phoibus; Recentia rivis: verdant or green on such doctrines of religion and morality as ra entia rvs or g Vireen n were worthy of the inspiration of that God. countercinas aquasm r rvay eyne. Verte in663. Exrobeire: improved hunan life. sproptervicinasaquas, says Heyne. Fert: hi663. Excoluere: improved human life.. Cieyo 66 4. Quiqute fecere alios: and those who 676. Juru: in the sense of ce h;ad made others mindful of them by their nlerit. These included all patriots and pub- 678. Ante tulit gressum; he (Museus) li!c spirited men-all wl o had distinguished went before them; a phrase. themselves in the arts and sciences, and all 680. Superum lumen: the upper worldthe benefactors of mankind. the regions of light. Here is an allusion to BSA P. VIRGIL1 MARON1S Lustrabat studio recolens: omnenique suorum Forte recensebat numerum, charosque nepotes, Fataque, fortunasque virfm, moresque, manusque. 684. Vidit ]Encan ten- Isque ubi tendentem adversfim per gramina vidit dentemn cursunl adver- Enean; alacris palmas utrasque tetendit, 685 sum eit per gramina * 686. Lchryme effusa a Effiusm'que genis Eachryma, et vox excidit ore: sunt genis Venisti tandem, tuaque spectata parenti 688. Tuaque pietas Vicit iter durum pietas! datur ora tueri, spectata mihi parenti Nate, tua; et notas audire et reddere voces! vicit durulm Sic equidem ducebam animo rebarque futurum, G90 Tempora dinumerans: nec me mea cura fefellit. 692. Per quas terras, Quas ego te terras, et quanta per aequora vectum, et per quanta aequora Accipio! quantis jactatum, nate, periclis! accipio te esse vectum! * *' * Quhm metui, ne quid Libyae tibi regna nocerent! Ille autem: Tua me, genitor, tua tristis imago 695 Swepius occurrens, hecc limina tendere adegit. Stant sale Tyrrheno classes. Da jungere dextram, Da genitor: teque amplexu ne subtrahe nostro. Sic memorans, largo fletu simul ora rigabat. 700. Collo palris Ter conatus ibi collo dare brachia circum; 700 Ter frustrh comprensa manus effugit imago, Par levibus ventis, volucrique simillima somno Intereh videt AEneas in valle reducta Seclusum nemus, et virgulta sonantia sylvis, Lethaeumque, domos placidas qui pr.enatat, amnem. 705 Ilunc circum innumerm gentes populique volabant Ac veluti in pratis, ubi apes restate serena Floribus insidunt variis, et candida circum Lilia funduntur: strepit omnis murmure campus. HIorrescit visu subito, causasque requirt 710 Inscius NEneas: quta sint ea flumina porro, Quive viri tanto complerint agmine ripas. Turn pater Anchises: Animae, quibus altera fato NOTES. the doctrine of transmigration, maintained Tuscan sea. Sale: in the sense of mari, by by Pythagoras and his followers. meton. 683. Manus: achievements-noble deeds. 699. Largo fletu: in the sense of multis Tendentemn: in the sense of venientem ad se. lachrymis. 687. Spectata. This is the reading of 700. Circumdare: they are separated by Ileyne, and is easier than expectata, whichis Imesis for the sake of the verse. Conatus the conmmon reading. Rumus seems to ap- sum, &c. prove of it, although he has expectata. 704. Seclusum: in the sense of separatum. i)octissimi legunt spectata, id est, cognita, Virgulta sonantia sylvis. Heyne takes these perspecta, probata, says he. words in the sense of virgulta sylvarum so' 688. Datur: in the sense of permittitur. nantia; and this again for sylvce sonantes. Miihi is understood. Sonantia: sounding-rustling with the wind. 690. Stc equidem ducebam: indeed I was 705. Prcnatat: in the sense of prcetcrconcluding in my inind, and thinking it fluit. would be so; computing and reckoning the 709. Funduntur: in the sense of volant. time for you to arrive. The ghost of An- 713. Animae quibus: the souls, for which chises had directed AEneas to repair to the other bodies are destined by fate, drink, regions below. See lib. v. 731. &c. There were some who were csxempt 693. Accipio: in thle sense of audio. from transmigration. Such were those, who., 697. Tyrrheno sale. That part of the for their exalted virtue, had been admitted Mediterranean lying to the south of Italy, into the society of the gods. Among this mand having Sicily on the east and Sardinia number was Anchises. What ZEneas hero and Corsica on the west, was called the converses with under the appearance of his AENEIS. LIB. VI 383 Coipora aebentur, Lethaei ad fluminis undam Securos latices et longa oblivia potant. 715 Has equidern memorare tibi, atque ostendere coram, 716. Equidem jamprlJampridem hanc prolem cupio enumerare meorum: dem cupio memorare ti(Qur rmagis Italia mecum latere reperta. bi atque ostedere has ani mrnas coram, et enume ( pater, anne aliquas ad celum hinc ire putandum est rare hanc prolem meo. Sublimes animas? iterumque ad tarda reverti 720 rum; quo Corpora? qua lucis miseris tam dira cupido? Dicam equidem, nec te suspensum, nate, tenebo; Suscipit Anchises, atque ordine singula pandit. PrinciI-io celum, ac terras, camposque liquentes, Iucentemque globum Lunae, Titaniaque astra 725 Spiritus intus alit; totamque infusa per artus Mens agitat molern, et magno se corpore miscet. Inde horninurm pecudumque genus, viteque volantuim, 728. Unde oritur geEt qum rmarrnoreo fert monstra sub equore pontus. nus hominum Igneus est ollis vigor, et ccelestis origo 730 720. Et monstra, quaSeminibns; quantum non noxia corpora tardant, pontus ert Terrenique hebetant artus, moribundaque membra. 732. Terrenique artus. Hinc metuunt cupiuntque, dolent gaudentque: neque au- moribundaque membra Resp'iciunrt, clausm tenebris et carcere cTaco. [ras non hebetant illumn vgoA I Lras rem -Quin et suprerno cum lumine vita reliquit; 735 733. Hinc anime meNon tamen omne malum miseris, nec funditus omnes tuunt Corporew excedunt pestes; penitusque necesse est 738. Multa vitia diu Multa diu concreta inodis inolescere miris. concreta pcnits oles concreta pcnitfis inolesErg6 exercentur poenis, veterumque malorum cere iis NOTES. atlhIr, was orly his image, his Idolum or an adj. from Titan, a name given to the sun, Simtulacrum, which the poets feigned to re- of Greek origin. Also, the son of Ccelus side in the infernal regions, while the soul and Vesta, and the father of the Tilans. was in heaven among the gods. Latices se- These were all distinguished astronomers, cures: draughts expelling care-producing as we are told by Diodorus and Pausanias, a peaceful and quiet mind. especially Hyperion. This might lead the 719. Cnlum: this means here the upper poets to feign them transformed into the boworld-the regions of light: ad superas au- dies of the sun and stars after their death. ras- ad vitam. 726. Aqgitat: in the sense of movet. Ar720. Sublimnes: in the sense of illustres. tus: in the sense of omnes partes. lJucis: in the sense of vit. 728. Volantum: in the sense of avium? 724. Principio spiritus: in the first place 730. Ollis: for illis, by antithesis. a spirit within supports the heaven, &c. 731. JVon tardant: do not clog it. Iere Anchises explains to Eneas the system 733. Hinc metuunt. The passions are or economy of the world, on the principles generally ranked under these four heads: of the Pythagorean, and Platonic philosophy. fear and grief; joy and desire. The two The same is explained in other words, Geor. first have fbr their object present or future iv. 221, et seq. The doctrine here inculca- evil; the two last, present or future good. ted is, that God is intimately united with Auras: in the sense of colurn. every part of the universe, and that his spirit 735. Quin et cum: but when life hath left sustains the whole, the heavens, the earth, them, even in the last glimmering light, &c. and the starry lamps; tliat a mind, or intel- n ligence, diffused through every part of mat- 37 estes: as-pollutions. ter, actuates and gives life and motion to 738. Diu concreta: a long time habitual. the whole. And fiom this active principle Rueus says, conglutinata. lIala is undersprang the various kinds of animals. Li- stood in the sense ofpestes, asabove. Inolesquwntes campos: elegantly put for the sea, cere: in the sense of adhearescere. or watery element. 739. Ergo exercentur poanis. These pu725. Titania astra. By these we are to nishments were of three kinds, according to understand the sun and stars, since they all the nature of the stains with which the soel equally shine by their own light Titania: was infected. Those, whose stains or pol. 884 P. VIRGILI1 MARONIS Supplicia expendunt. Alia panduntur inanes 740 Suspense ad ventos: aliis sub gurgite vasto Infecturn eluitur scelus, aut exuritur igni. Quisque suos patimur Manes. Exinde per amplum Mittimur Elysium, et pauci laIta arva tenemus: Donec longa dies, perfecto temporis orbe, 745 Concretam exemit labern, purumque reliquit 748. Deus evocat om- Ethrereum sensum, atque aurai simplicis ignem. nes has animas Has omnes, ubi mille rotam volvere per annos, NOTES. lutions were the slightest, were suspended purgaliones, pro sua cujusque parte. This and exposed to the winds; others were is the substance of his reasoning. washed away; others again, whose pollu- 745. Donec lenga dies, &c. It is the gelimns were cf the deepest dye, were burnt in neral opinion of commentators that the ordo the fire. The elements, air, water, and fire, is here inverted, and that this line should are of a pur!fying nature, and have been immediately follow Quisque sues patimur figuratively used by all writers as emblems Mlanes; and that exinde, &c. should follow of moral purification. after aural simplicis ignem. This is the only 740. Expendunt: suffer-undergo. Ina- way in which the common meaning of donec nes: in the sense of leves. can be retained: we suffer every one his 743. Qeuisque patimur: we all suffer every own Manes, till length of time, tile period one his osn Iaznes. This passage hath of time being completed, hath taken away very much perplexed commentators. It is the inherent stains, and left the ethereal not certain in what sense we are to take sense pure, &c. then, after that, we are sent: Jlanes. The ghosts, or Manes of the dead, exinde mittimur, &c. Rumus takes donec in were supposed to haunt and disturb the liv- the sense of quando, and it is the only sense ing, from whom they had received any great it will bear in the present ordo of construcinjury. Hence the word Manes may signify tion. Exinde, &c.: then we are sentthe fiends, furies, or tormenting demons of when length of time, &c. the lower world. According to Plato, every 746. Laben. The poet hath found no less person at his birth hath assigned him a ge- than five different words to express the stains ituem or demon, that guards him through or pollutions of sin: malunm, corporee pesles, life, and after death accompanies him to the vetera nmala, infectum seclus, and labes. Conshades below, and becomes a minister of cretam: inherent-contracted-habitual. purification. By Maunes we may understand 747. Ignem sinmlicis aural. By this we these Platonic demons. Some understand are to understand the soul. The Platonists by Manes the stings and fierce upbraidilngs supposed the soul to be of a fiery quality. f a guilty conscience. Tlese every offend- This may have led the poet to call it emer carries about with him, and by these phatically thefire, or flame of simple brightmeans becomes his own tormentor. Pati- ness. Simplicis: simple-uncorrupted-unmlur Manes is the same with patimur suppli- compounded. Aurai: for aurce. Nouns ot cium per Alanes. The above is the. usual this declension sometimes formed the gen. acceptation of the words. In the present sing, in ai. instance Hleyne differs from the current of.748. Has omnes. The meaning is, that interpreters. He confesses it a perplexed after these aniase, or souls, had passed a and intricate passage, and conjectures it was thousand years in Elysium, the god calls left in an unfinished state by the poet. That, them to the river Lethe, where, by drinking part of the dead which the ancients ca.lled copiously of its water, they might forget the Malnes they placed in the infernal regions, happiness of those peaceful abodes, and be while the tumbra remained upon earth and prepared and willing to return again to life, tMe soul ascended to heaven. He takes and to visit this upper world. This notion (Quisque suos palimtr.Ianes, in the sense of of the transmigration of souls, as-little as it nostrum omnitum Manes patiuntur: vel, ista is founded in truth, was generally received supplicia pa(ienda omnibus Mlanibus. His among the ancients. There were some exordo of construction is: nos.Jlanes patimur ceptions to this transmigration. Those who quisque quoad sues. According to the no- had been admitted into the society of the tion of Plato and others, all must undergo gods, such as deified heroes, were exempt purification before they could be admitted ed. Their anima or soul resided in heaven, to EIysium, to the lesa arva. Now as the while their Idolum, vel simulachrum, always Xlaenes alone descended to the shades below, remained in Flysium, to enjoy its pleasures they alone could suffer: HIi sunt, qui pur- and delights. So we are to understand geantur: qui paliuntur: qut subeunt illas of Anchises. His Idolurn conversed with ~ENEIS. LIB. VT. 385 Lethaum ad fluvium Deus evocat agmine magno: Scilicet immemores supera ut convexa revisant, 750 750. Scilicet ut immeRursis et incipiant in corpora velle reverti. moresprteritorum reviDixerat Anchises: natunique, unaque Sibyllam, sant Conventus trahit in medios, turbamque sonantem: Et tumulum capit, unde omnes longo ordine possit Adversos legere, et venientum discere vultus. 755 Nunc age, Dardaniam prolem qute deinde sequatur 756. Nunc age, expeGloria, qui maneant Itala de gente nepotes, diam dictis, qun gloria Illustres animas, nostrumque in nomen ituras, deide sequatur )ard niamn prolem, qui noExpediam dictis, et te tua fata docebo. potes maneant te de Il1e, vides, pura juvenis qui nititur hasta, 760 Itala gente Proxima sorte tenet lucis loca; primns ad auras 760. Ille juvenis, qui MEthereas Italo commixtus sanguine surget, nititr Sylvius, Albanum nomen, tua postuma proles: 763. Dietus Svlvius. Quem tibi longaevo serum Lavinia conjux 764. Quem serum conEducet svlvis regem, regumque parentem 765 jux Lavinia in sylvis Unde genus Longa nostrum dominabitur Alb. educet tibi longvo fuProximus ille, Procas, Trojanae gloria gentis;. proximus est 767. Ille proximus est Et Capys, et Numitor; et, qui te nomine reddet, 768. Deinde sunt ct Sylvius Enneas; pariter pietate vel armis Capys, et Numitor; ct Egregius, si unquam regnandam acceperit Albam. 770 Sylvius Eneas, qui Qui juvcnes quantas ostentant, aspice, vires! At, qui umbrata gerunt civili tempora quercu: 772. Hi imponent NoHi tibi Nomentum, et Gabios, urbemque Fidenam; mentum NOTES. Eneas,while his anima enjoyed the converse the son of Ascanius. In order to make tho of the gods. Rotam volvere: in the sense of historian and the poet agree some would traduxerunt tempus. It is a metaphor taken understand by longcevo, in the following from the rolling or turning of a wheel. line, advanced to the gods, immortal, relying 749. Deus. Some take the god here upon AEschylus, who calls the gods longrvi. mentioned to be Mercury. But Heyne thinks Postuma proles. The meaning of postuma deus is here used indefinitely for any doe- here will, in a good degree, depend upon the non or genium, in allusion to the notions sense given to longrevo. If it be taken as of Plato, which the poet here hath in his abovementioned, to denote one adanced to view. Perhaps it is better to suppose that the life of the gods, then postuma proles will each shade is called by its own special dee- mean posthumous child, one born after the roon to the waters of Lethe, to prepare for a death of the father. But if we take longctlo return to life. This makes the sense easier, in its ordinary acceptation, to denote an old and is in perfect accordance with the prin- man, or one advanced, in age, then postuma ciples of that philosophy, here inculcated must be taken in the sense of postrema: last and explained. -your last child, whom late your wife La750. Supera convexa: in the sense of su- vinia brought to you advanced in age. peras auras; or simply, vitam. 765. Educet: in the sense of pariet 767. Proximus. Not the one who should 753. Sonantem: in the sense of strepentem. 767. Proxus. Not the one who should succeed Sylvius in the throne of Alba, for 755. Legere: in the sense of recensere, vel Procas was the thirteenth king;'ut tlha cognoseere. one who stood next to him in tile Elysian 763. Sylvius. Dionysius Halicarnassus fields. informs us that Lavinia, at the death of 772. At, qui gerunt: but who bear their aEneas, was pregnant, and for fear of As- temples shaded with the civic crown. This tanius fled into the woods to a Tuscan was made of oak, because the fruit of that shepherd, where she was delivered of a son, tree supported man at the first. It was colnwhom, from that circumstance, she called ferred upon the man who had saved the life. Sylvius. But Ascanius, moved with. corn- of a Roman citizen in battle. Quercu: the passion toward her, named him his succes- oak; by meton. the crown made of it. eor in tle kingdom of Alba Longa. From 773. IHz J'omentum: these shall found; him, the kings of Alba took the common Nomentum, &c. This was a town of thil namne of Sylvii. Livy, however, makes him Sabines, situated upon the ri erAllia, about26 3886 PP. VIRGILII MARONIS Hli Collatinas imponent montibus arces, Pometios, Castrumque Inui, Bolamque, Coramque. 776 IItec turn noinina erunt, nunc sunt sine nomine terree. Quin et avo comitem sese Mavortius addet Romulus, Assaraci quem sanguinis Ilia mater Educet. Viden' ut gemine stant vertice crists, Et pater ipse suo Superum jam signat honore? 780 En hujus, nate, auspiciis illa inclyta Roma Imperium terris, animos acquabit Olympo, Septemque una sibi muro circumdabit arces, Felix prole virmrn: qualis Berecynthia mater Invehitur curru Phrygias turrita per urbes, 785 Latta Deum partu, eenrtum complexa nepotes, 787. Omnnes tenentes Omnes ccelicolas, omnes supera alta tenentes. Mwpera et alta loca Huc geminas huc flecte acies: hanc aspice gentem, 789. Hie est Caesar, et Romanosque tuos. Hic Cesar, et omnis Iiili omrni Progenies, magnum cceli ventura sub axem. 790 791. Quem siepius ic vir, hic est, tibi quem promitti sapiiis audis, audis promittitibi,nempe Augustus Caesar, Divi genus; aurea condet Saecula qui rursuis Latio, regnata per arva Saturno quondam: super et Garamantas et Indos NOTES. twelve miles from Rome, on the east. Gabii: 781. Auspiciis: conduct-government. a town about ten miles from Rome, also to- 782. Animos: courage-valor. ward the east. Fidena: a town situated one c: ad it the Tyber, about five miles north of Rome. 783. Unaque ciumdabit: and it alone Collatice: a town not far from Fidena, to the ha surrond for tself seven hlls east. Pometia, or Pometii: a town of the 784. Berecynthia mater: as the BerecynVolsci, situate to the north of the Pomptince thian mother, crowned with turrets, is wafted paludes. Castrum Inui: a maritime town in her car, &c. Cybele is here meant, who of the Rutulh. It was dedicated to that god was said to be the mother of most of the whom the Greeks called Pan, butthe Latins gods. Hence leta Deum partu: rejoicing called Inuus or Incubus. Bolue vel Bola: a in a race or progeny of gods. The epithet town of the JEqui near Preeneste, to the east. Berecynthia is added to her from Berecyrn Cora: a town of the Volsci not far from thium, a castle of Phrygia, on the river SaPometia, to the north. These towns were garis, or from a mountain of that name, not all in Latium, properly so called, as the where she was worshipped in a distinguishpoet would insinuate. They were built after ed manner. Cybele is often put, by meton. their respective people were incorporated for the earth; for which reason she is repre. among the Romans, and their lands made a sented as wearing a turreted crown. Prole part of the Roman state. viruim: in a race of heroes. 774. Imponent: in the sense of condent. 788. Gentem: race-progenv. Collatinas arees: the town or city Collatice.. 777. Comitem ave. Comes here is an as- 792. Geus Dv: the offspring of a gon, sistant or helper. Numitor, the son of Pro- Ts the poet says toflatter the vaty of cas, was driven from his throne by his bro- Augustus, who, from the time that he deithler Amulius. Romulus being informed of fied Julius Casar, his father by adoption, asthis, collected a company of men, joined the sumed the title of the son of a god, filius party of Numitor, and restored him to his Divi, as appears from ancient inscriptions. throne. Romulus was the reputed son of Or his divine descent might be traced from t'ars and Ilia, the daughter of Numitor, Dardanus, the founder of the Trojan race, who was therefore his grandfather..avor- the reputed son of Jove. Some copies hav aDivim. Heyne reads Divi..Aurec seecula tius: an adj. from.Mavors, a name of Mars, D Heyne reads Da cu agreeing with Romulus, who is said to have condet: who again shall establish the golden been the son of that god. age in Latium, through the country, &e. 779. Educet: in the sense of pariet. ee E 6 780. Pater Superum: Jupiter, who is 793. Augustus. This is the first tme that styled the father of the g)ds, and king of Virgil called his prince Augustus. This men. Some urderstand Mars, the father of title was decreed to him by the senate, in the Romulus. year of Rome 727. .ENEIS. LIB. VI. 387 Proferet imperium: jacet extra sidera tellus,'95 Extra anni solisque vias, ubi celifer Atlas Axem humero torquet stellis a-dentibus aptum. Ilujus in adventu jam nune et Caspia regna Responsis horrent Divum, et Maeotica tellus, Et septemgemini turbant trepida ostia Nili. 800 Nec vero Alcides tantum telluris obivit; Fixerit aeripedem cervam licet, aut Erymanthi Pacarit nemora, et Lernam tremefecerit arcu. Nec, qui pampineis victor juga flectit habenis 804. Nec Liber obivst Liber, agens celso Nvsae de vertice tigres. 805 tantum telluris, qui vietor flectit juga pampiEt dubitamus adhuc virtutem extendere factis? tor fectit jg pam-.., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. i~ ~ neis habenis, agens Aut metus Ausoni'L prohibet consistere terra? n A _^~..i~ -n.......~..808. Autem quis est Quis procul ille autem, ramis insignis oliv i p un is raSacra ferens? nosco crines incanaque menta mis NOTES. 795. Proferet imperium super: he shall moventur. The Nile is the largest river ot extend his empire over, &c. The Gara- Africa, and falls into the Mediterranean sea mantes were a people inhabiting the interior by seven mouths. It annually overflows its of Africa. Indos. Suetonius informs us that banks, and occasions the fertility of Egypt. the kings of India, properly so called, being The Egyptians worshipped it as a divinity. moved at the fame of Augustus, sought his 801. Alcides: a name of Hercules, from friendship. But it is well known that he Alcceus, his grandfather. He is sometimes did not extend his empire over them. Most called Amphitryoniades, from Amphitryon, probably the people here mentioned under the husband of Alcmene, of whom Jupiter bethe name of Indos were the Ethiopians, or gat him. He travelled over many parts of some nation of Africa. Besides, any coun- the world, performing feats of valor. Ho try lying in a hot climate, or within the was in the Argonautic expedition. In Egypt tropics, was anciently called India, and its he slew Busiris; in Spain, Geryon; in Siinhabitants Indi, as might be shown by cily, Eryx; in Thrace, Diomede; in Africa abundant testimony. he destroyed the gardens of the Hesperides. 795. Tellusjacet: their land lies, &c. Si- The poet here mentions three instances of dera, here, does not mean the stars and con- his valor: 1. His piercing the brazen-footed stellations in general; but the particular hind. Fixerit eripedem, &c. This hind insigns of the zodiac, as appears from the fol- habited the mountain Mcenalus, in Arcadia. iowing words: extra vias annui solis. This Servius, in order to reconcile Virgil with description agrees very well to Africa, which mythology, takes fixerit, in the sense of extends beyond the tropic of Cancer to the statuerit, stopped, out-run, took, &c. because, north, and, also, beyond the tropic of Capri- being sacred to Diana, it would have been corn to the south. impious to put her to death. Heyne takes 797. Axem: by synec. for colum..fixerit in the sense of ceperit. 2. His sub798. Caspia regna. By this we are to un- duing the groves of Erymanthus: pacarit derstand the kingdoms bordering upon the nemora; that is, subdued the wild boar that Caspian sea. To the north were the Sar- infested them. He took him alive, and carmatians and Scythians; to the south, the ried him to Eurystheus, king of XMlyceneP. Parthians; to the west, the Arminians. 3. His making Lerna tremble with his bow: This sea has no visible outlet or communi- Lernam tremefecerit; that is, the fens of cation with any other waters. It is said to Lerna, between Argos and JMycencc, where be about 630 miles long, and 260 broad. he slew the Hydra with fifty heads. The Wolga, the largest river in Europe, 804. Juga: the yoke, by meton. for the empties into it. J.ceotica tellus. By this we carriage. The car of Bacchus was drawn are to understand the northern nations of by tigers. Europe, bordering on the Palus Mefotis, or 805. JVysce. There were several mounsea of Azoff, on the north of the Euxine, tains by this name, all sacred to Bacchue. or black sea. Horrent: tremble at the re- Agens tigres: driving the tigers from, &c. sponscs of the gods. Tigers are said to be transported with fury 800. Trepida ostia: the astonished mouths at the sound of tabrets and drums; which of the seven-fold Nile are troubled. Tur- perhaps, is the reason of their being given bant has, in this place, the signification of to Bacchus, the god of fury and enthusiastic Surbantur, vel trepidant. Rueus says, corn- rage. 8~353 P. VIRGILII MARONMS Regis Romani; primus qui legibts urbem 10 Fundabit, Curibus parvis et paupere terra 812. Cui deinde Tul- Missus in imperium magnum. Cui deinde subibit, lus subibit, qui rumpet Otia qui rumpet patrie, residesque movebit otia patris, movebitque Tullus in arna viros, et jam desueta triumphis Agmina. Quem juxta sequitur jactantior Ancus, 815 Nunc quoque jam nirmium gaudens popularibus auris. 817. Vis-ne videre et Vis et Tarquinios reges, animamque superbam Tarquinios Ultoris Bruti, fascesque videre receptos? Consulis imperium hic primus, stvasque secures NOTES. 810. Romani regis. The person here to himself, he sought means to procure his spoken of is.Juma Pompilius, the second death, and that of his family. No mention king of Rome. He was a Sabine by birth. is here made of Servius Tullius, the sixth After the death of Romulus, a dispute arose king of Rome. between the Romans and Sabines upon the 816. Auris: aura, applause-favor. choice of his successor. They finally agreed 818. Ultoris Bruti. Tarquin, surnamed that the Romans should choose, but the the proud, the seventh and last king of choice must fall upon a Sabine. It accord- Rome, had rendered himself odious to the ingly fell upon Numa. He proved to be a people. His son Sextus, enamored with the peaceful monarch. He is, therefore, here beautiful Lucretia, the wife of Collatinus, represented as bearing an olive branch, the offered violence to her. Unable to survive badge of peace. He reigned forty-three the disgrace, she killed herself with her own years, and died at the age of eighty. This hand. This caused a general sensation. justifies the incana menta; his white chin Brutus, a leading member of the Senate, -beard. The prep. in, in composition, roused that body to assert their rights sometimes changes the signification of the against the tyrant, and procured a decree primitive, at others, increases it. This last to banish Tarquin and his family for ever. is the case here. Hitherto the Romans For this reason, he is called ullor, the avenhad been little better than a band of robbers, ger. The government was changed from associated together for the purpose of ex- regal, to consular; and Brutus and Collatitending their rapine more widely. It was nus were chosen the first consuls. These Numa's first care to establish the influence officers were chosen annually. Fasces recep(,f religion over the minds of his subjects, tos: these words may mean, the authority and to enact a code of laws for their civil and power recovered, and restored to the government. He is therefore represented people, from whom they had been taken by bearing sacred utensils. Sec nom. prop. usurpation and tyranny. Heyne says, reunder JNuma. Hence it is said,fundabit ur- giam dignitatem, et iniperium translatunt a bem legibus: he shall found the city by laws. regibus in consules. This is also the opinion 811. Curibus: Cures was a small city of of Dr. Trapp. But this is going too far. the Sabines. Paupere lerra: from a poor It is better to understand it of the power or humble estate. recovered and restored to the people, from 814. Tullus. Tullus Hostilius, the third whom it had been taken. In confirmation king of the Romans. He was a descend- of this, history informs us, that the consuls ant neither of Numa, nor Romulus. The go- were obliged to bow their fasces to the asvernment of Rome was then an elective mo- sembly of the people, as an acknowledgnarchy, though great deference was paid to ment that the sovereign power was theirs. the will of the last king, and sometimes it Fascis: properly, a bundle of rods bound very much influenced the choice. Tullus together with an axe in the middle, carried broke the peace with the Albans, and a bloody before the consuls and chief magistrates, to war ensued. Viros resides movebit et agmzna: denote that they had the power to scourge he shall rouse his inactive men to arms, and and to put to death-the rods to scourge, his troops long unaccustomed to triumphs, and the axe (securis) to put to death. Hence Otia: in the sense of pacer. by meton. it came to signify the power itself, 815. Incus. This was Ancus Martius, -the ensigns of authority and royaltythe fourth king of Rome. He courted the also power and authority in general. Sefavor of the people: hence it is said of him, curis is properly an axe. But being used as gaudens popularibus auris. Nor was he in- an instrument of executing the sentence of ferior LO his predecessor in the arts of peace the law against offenders, it came to signify and war. He was the grandson of Numa the sentence itself. And as the sentence of by his daugliter. Being indignant that Tul- the law is to be considered just, it is taken lus should possess the throne in preference also for justice in a general sense. Swvau AENEIS. LIB. VI. 389 Accipiet; natosque pater, nova bella moventes, 820 820. Infelix pater voAd panam pulchra pro libertate vocabit cabit natos, moventes Infclix. Utcunque ferent ea facta minores, Vincet amor patrise, laudumque immensa cupido Quinl Decios, Drusosque procul, saevumque securi Aspice Torquatum, et referentem signa Camillum. 825 llke auter, paribus quas fulgere cernis in arnnis, 826. Autem ilIa aniConcordes animae nunc, et dum nocte premuntur, mse, quas cernis filgere Heu! quantum inter se bellum, si lumina vitae in paribus armis concor Attigerint, quantas acies stragemque ciebunt des nun, et dum promuntur nocte, heu! Aggeribus socer Alpinis, atque arce Monceci 830 Descendens; gener adversis instructus Eois. Ne, pueri, ne tanta animis assuescite bella: Neu patriat validas in viscera vertite vires. Tuque prior, tu parce, genus qui ducis Olympo Projice tela manu, sanguis meus! 835 835. Tu qui es meus llle triumphata Capitolia ad alta Corintho sanguis NOTES. secures: rigid, stern, or impartial justice- them unawares, and cut them in pieces. Ha the sword ofjustice. Perhaps the poet here was five times dictator, and foul times ho alludes to the sentence passed upon the sons triumphed. of Brutus, for being among the number of 828. leu! quantum: alas, how great a conspirators to restore the Tarquins, which war, &c. Here is an allusion to the civil was rigidly enforced by their father. They war between Cfesar and Pomln'y. Pompey were beheaded with the axe. married Julia, the daughter of Caesar. The 820. IJatos. The two sons of Brutus, Ti- troops that composed the army of Caesar tus and Tiberius, conspired with other noble (socer, the father-in-law) were chiefly Gauls youths of Rome, to recall Tarquin. But and Germans from the west. Hence he is being discovered, their father commanded said to come from the Alpine hills, and the them to be put to death; and stood by, and tower of JMoncecus. This was a town and saw the sentence put in execution. The port on the coast of Liguria, where the Alps epithet infelix, connected with pater, is very begin to rise. The place was well fortified. just, as well as expressive. Some copies The troops of Pompey (gener, the son-inconnect infelix with utcunque minores. How- law,) were from the eastern part of the emever posterity shall regard that action, love pire, adversis Eois: from the opposite east. of country will prevail and justify the father. Populis vel militibus is understood. 824. Decios aspice: but see the Decii, &c. 832. JNe assuescite tanta bella animis: by They were a noble family at Rome. Three commutatio, for ne assuescite animos tantis of them devoted their lives for their coun- bellis. try. Drusos: Drusus was the surname of.833. JNeu patricc. This verse, in a very the Livian family, from Drusus, a general remarkable manner, conveys to the ear the of the Gauls, slain by one of that family. sound of tearing and rending, which it is Of this family was livia Drusilla, the wife designed to express. of Augustus. 835. JMeus sanguis. Julius Cesar is here 825.'Torqatum. Titus Manlius, sur- meant, who, according to Virgil, descended named Torquatus, from a golden chain or from Venus, through iilus, the son of rEnecollar (torques) whicI he took from a gene- as. The poet here very artfully expresses ral of the Gauls, whom he slew, anno urbis, his abhorrence of the civil war which placed 393. It became afterward the common name the Cesars on the imperial throne; but he of the family. He was three times consul, does it so artfully as leaves to Augustus no and as often dictator. He ordered his son room for taking offence. to be slain for fighting the enemy against 836. Corintho triumphatc: Corinth being his order, although he gained the victory. triumphed over. This was a famous city of In allusion to this, he is called seevum securi. Greece, situated on the isthmus which conCamnillum: a Roman of noble birth. HIe nects the Peloponnesus with the main land. was banished from Rome for envy of his This city privately formed an alliance with talents and military renown. While he was the principal Grecian states; whicn gave,n exile, the Gauls made a* incursion into offence to the Romans. Upon this, they Italy, and took Rome. This roused Ca- sent ambassadors to dissolve this alliance lillais. He forgot the injury done to him; or council of the states, as it was called; a.nd, collecting a body of men, fell upon who were treated with violence and abuse. 90 P. VIRG1LII MARONIS Victor aget currum, cesis insignis Achivis. Eruet ille Argos, Agamemnoniasque Mycenas, Ipsumque iEaciden, genus armipotentis Aclillei; Ultus avos Trojae, templa et temerata Minerva. 840 Quis te, magne Cato, taciturn; aut te, Cosse, relinquat q 842. Quis relinquat Quis Gracchi genus? aut geminos, duo fulmina belli, enus Graccli taciturn? Scipiadas, cladem Libyae? parvoque potentem Fabriciurn? vel te sulco, Serrane, serentem 9 NOTES. Rome ilstantly declared war, which ended catus, wise or prudent. The other Cato in the destruction of Corinth, and the sub- was his great grandson, and called Minor Jugation of its allies. This was completed He arrived at the praetorship. He subju. by the consul Mummius, in the year of Rome gated Sardinia; and, in the year of Rome 609. Ille victor. This refers to Mummius. 560, obtained a triumph in Spain, where he He was honored by a triumph. Capitolia: acted as proconsul. He took part against neu. plu. a famous temple of Jupiter at Cesar, and, when he saw the republic was Rome, commenced by Tarquinius Priscus lost, slew himself. Cosse: Cornelius Cossus. upon the hill called Tarpeius, but afterward IHe slew the king of the Veientes, and conCapitolinus, from the circumstance of a hu- secrated his spoils to Jupiter Feretrius. nan head (caput) being found when they These were the second spolia opima, since were laying the foundation of that edifice. the building of Rome. He was afterward Hitherto the victors used to be drawn in a nominated dictator, and triumphed over the car to place their laurels in the lap of Jove. Volsci. 838. Ille cruel Argos: he shall overthrow 842. Genus Gracchi. Tiberius SemproArgos, &c. Virgil is here supposed by Hy- nius Gracchus was the most distinguished gznus to confound two events which took of his family. He was appointed prMtor, place at different periods-the war of Acha- and triumphed over the Celliberi in Spain, ia, which ended in the destruction of Co- destrqying three hundred of their towns, in rinth, and the war with Pyrrhus, king of the year of Rome 576. He was twice conEpirus. The former was conducted by the sul, and once censor. He married Cornelia, consul M7ummius, to whom the ille, in the the daughter of Scipio Africanus. By her, preceding line, refers; but it is not certain among other children, he had the two fato whom the ille here refers; whether to mous brothers Tiberius and Caius. They Quinctius Flaminius, Paulus JEmilius, Cce- were both appointed tribunes of the people at cilius Metellus, or J.. Curius, each of whom different times, and were the sincere advoacted a distinguished part in the war with cates of their rights. This excited the jealousy Greece and Epirus. By Argos-Mycence, of the senate, who raised a tumult, in which the best interpreters understand the power they both perished. The former in the year of Greece in general. And by.Eaciden, of Rome 621, and the latter in the year 633. not Pyrrhus, but the power-the govern- 843. Scipiadas. There were two Scipios, ment of Epirus. This was not destroyed Cornelius Scipio major, and Cornelius Sciduring the reign of that monarch. It was, pio minor. They were both surnamed Afhowever, completed in the reign of Perses ricanus. The latter was grandson of the or Perseus, king of Macedonia, the last of former, and was adopted by Paulus nEmithe descendants of Achilles, whom Paulus lius, and to distinguish-him from the former,.Emilius led in triumph. He may be called he was called also.'EtEilianus. They were lEacides, as being descended from Achilles, both distinguished men. At the age of the grandson of.Eacus, by Olympias, the twenty-four, Scipio Major was appointed to daughter of Pyrrhus, king of Epirus. He command in Spain against the Carthagi united the interests of northern Greece. nians, whom he expelled from that country 840. Ultus avos Troj.e: having avenged He was afterward, anno urbis 549, made his ancestors of Troy. Temerata templa: consul. He passed over into Africa, where the violated temple of Minerva. This al- he defeated them again, and terminated the ludes to the violence offered to it by Diomede second Punic war, much to the advantage and Ulysses, in taking away the Palladium. of the Romans. He obtained a triumph, 841. Cato. There were two distinguish- anno urbis 553. Hence he was called,Afried persons of this name. The one here canus. Scipio M7inor was appointed consul spoken of is the Cato Major, sometimes call- in 607. He took the department of Africa ed Cato Censorius, from his great gravity in the third Punic war, and entirely erased and strictness in the censorship. He lived Carthage. Hetriumphed in 608. fence to a very great age. He sprang from an also called Africanus. Duo fulmina beli: obscure family; and, on account of his wis- two thunderbolts of war. They were so dom and prudence, was called Cato, from called by Lucretius and Cicero. AENEIS LIB. VI. 391 Qu6 Ifssum rapitis, Fabii? Tu Maximus ille es, 845 845. Fabii, qu5 rapil Unus qui nobis cunctando restituis rein. ime fu Excudent alii spirantia mollilis aera, Credo equidem: vivos ducent de marmore vultus; Orabunt causas melius; ccelique meatus Describent radio, et surgentia sidera dicent: 850 Tu regere imperio populos, Romane, memento: Has tibi erunt artes; pacisque imponere morem, Parcere subjectis, et debellare superbos. 854. Pter Anshss diit: etquc Sic pater Anchises: atque liec mirantihus addit: 8 Hieeques sistet Aspice, ut insignis spoliis Marcellus opimis 855 Romananl rem, magno Ingreditur, victorque viros supereminet omnes. tumultu turbante earn Hic rem Romanam, magno turbante tumultu, 860. Hie ~neas ait: Sistet eques: sternet Pcenos, Gallumque rebellem; 0 pater quis est ille qui sic comitatur virum T ertiaque arma patri suspendet capta Quirino. euntem? namque videAtque hic Eneas; una namque ire videbat 860 bat NOTES. 844. Fabricium. Fabricius was raised that for a long time the Romans paid little from a low estate to the command of the attention to the arts of civilized life; not unRoman army. The Samnites and Pyrrhus til they had made themselves masters of both attempted to corrupt him with money; Greece. Vivos: to the life. JEra: statuas but he gave them to understand that Rome ex were. was not ambitious of gold, but gloried in 849. Meatus cali: nempe, cursus sidcrum. commanding those who possessed it. He Radio: the radius was a stick or wand, was twice consul, and twice he triumphed. used by the geomitricians to mark or deSerrane: Quinctius Cincinnatus. He was scribe their figures in the sand. Dicent: twice dictator. At the age of eighty he was shall explain-treat of. taken from his farm of four acres only, in t n which he ploughed and sowed with his own 52. orem the sense of vel conditiones. hand. Whence he is called Serranus, from condtiones *the verb scro. Florus calls him dictator ab 855. JMarcellus ingreditur: Marcelluq aratro. moves along, distinguished by triumphal 845. Fabii. These were a noble family spoils, &c. The spolia opima were those at Rome, of whom Quintius Fabius was spoils which a Roman general took from the the most distinguished. In the second Pu- general of the enemy, whom he had slain nic war Arnnibal reduced the Roman state with his own hand on the field of battle. to the brink of ruin by two signal victories Such spoils Marcellus won from Viridomaobtained over them, one at Trebia, the other rus, the general of the Gauls. Tumultu. By at Trasimenus. In this state of things, Fa- tumultus here we are to understand a Gallic bius was appointed dictator, and took the war, which broke out and threatened the command of the army against the con- peace of Italy. A civil war, or intestine queror. By delaying to give him battle, commotion, was properly called tumultus. by degrees he broke his power and corm-.ajores nostri tumultum Italicurn, quod erat pelled him to leave Italy. Cunctando resti- domesticus; tumulturm Gallicum, quod eral tuis rem: by delaying you restore the state. Italiee finitimus; prceterea nullum tumultum lie was honored with the surname of Maxi- nominabant, says Cicero. Marcellus was mus. He was five times consul, twice die- appointed to the command of the army, and tator, once censor, and twice he triumphed. wishing to attack the Gauls by surprise, or 846. Rein: the state —the republic. Most befcre they were prepared to receive him. copies have restituis, in the present; some he left his infantry behind, and proceeded restitues, in the future. with his cavalry, or horse, alone, because 847. Alii excudent: others shall form they could march with speed. Hence he is with more delicacy the animated brass, &c. called here eques. Sistet: in the sense of The Corinthians were famed for statuary; firmabit. the Athenians for eloquence, and the Chal- 859. Suspendetque tertia arnna. The first deans and Egyptians for astronomy. These spolia opima were offered to Jupiter Fereare the arts or sciences here alluded to. The trius by Romulus, taken from Acron, king Romans ar- advised to neglect them, or of the Caninenses. The second were offerconsider them of inferior importance to the ed by Cornelius Cossus, mentioned 841, suart of war, to ruling the nations, and dicta- pra. The third were taken by Marccllus thg the conditions of peace. It is well known from Viridomarus. It is not certain who 392 P. VIRGILll MARONIS Egregium forma juvenem, et fulgentibus armis; Sed frons laeta parium, et dojecto lumina vultu:' Quis, pater, ille virum qui sic comitatur euntem? 865. Quis strepit is Filius? anne aliquis magna de stirpe lepotum? comitum est circa cum! Quis strepitus circh comitum! quanturm instar in ipso est quantum instar Mar- Sed nox atra caput tristi circumvolat umbra. 866 celli est in ipso! 869. Neque sinent p um Tum pater Anchises lachrynis ingressus obortis: esse ultra. Roinana 0 nate, ingentem luctum ne quaere tuorum: propago visa esset vobis, Ostendent terris hunc tantuim fata, neque ultra 0 Superi, esse nimiuim Esse sinent. Nimiium vobis Romana propago 870 potens, os gmitus Visa potens, Superi, propria hmc si dona fuissent. 872. Quantos gemitus virfm ille campus ad Quantos ille virium magnam Mavortis ad urbem magnam urbem Campus aget gemitus! vel qua, Tyberine, videbis Funera, cim tumulum praterlabere recentem! Nec puer Iliaca quisquam de gente Latinos 875 In tanturn spe toilet avos: nec Romula quondam Ullo se tantium tellus jactabit alumno. Heu pietas! heu prisca fides! invictaque bello 879. Non quisquam Dextera! non illi quisquam se impune tulisset obvius tulisset se illi Obvius armato: seu cum pedes iret in hostem, 880 armato impune, seu Seu spumantis equi foderet calcaribus armos. NOTES. we are to understand by Patri Quirino, to Marcellus, the son of Caius Marcellus and whom these spoils were to be suspended and Octavia, the sister of Augustus. He deoffered. Nascimbaenus explains Quirino by signed him for his daughter Julia. When JlMartc, vcl bello. He suspends to father a boy, he adopted him as a son, and intendJove the spoils taken (capta) in battle. Ser- ed him for his successor in the empire. He vius. by Quirino understands Romulus. He died about the age of twenty years, at Baias. suspends to father Romulus, &c. and pro- His body was carried to Rome, and conduces a law of Numa which ordered the sumed to ashes in the camnpus JMartius. The first spolia pinma to be offered to Jupiter, Romans were much affected at his loss, and the second to Mars, and the tliird to Romu- made great lamentation over him. He was lus. But this law regarded those who might interred near the banks of the Tiber with repeat the spolia opima. Ruaeus understands great pomp. Propago: race-stock-off by Patri Quirino, Jupiter Feretrius, in the spring. same manner as Janus is called Quirinus 871. Propria: lasting-permanent; that by Suetonius; because he presided over is, if Marcellus had been permitted to live. war, and because his temple was built by 872. Quantos gemitus ille: how great Romulus Quirinus. He thinks Jupiter Fe- groans of men shall that Campus Martius retrius may be called Quirinus. Suspendet, send forth! Mavrortis, gen. of.Mavors, a &c.: he shall suspend to father Jove the name of Mars. Rome was sacred to JMars, third triumphal spoils taken from the ene- as being the father both of Romulus and my. Marcellus was of a plebeian family, Remus. Aget: in the sense of emittel. Ad: and was advanced to the consulship five in the sense of prope. times. In his third, he was sent to Sicily, 876. Tanitu'm spe. Some read, in tantan where he distinguished himself in the de- spem: others, in tanta spe. IHeyne reads feat of Hannibal. He laid siege to Syracuse, in tantum spe; so also Rumus. But spe may and took it after he had been before it three be for spei, the gen. (as die is put for die'. years. It was nobly defended by the cele- Geor. i. 208.) governed by tantum. This brated mathematician Archimedes, who re- last I prefer. peatedly destroyed the fleet of the assailants 878. Heu pietas! heu prisca fides! The by his machines and burning glasses. It poet here deplores the loss which virtue, inwas at last taken by stratagem, and Archi- tegrity, and valor, sustained in him. Both medes slain. Velleius and Seneca give young Marcellus a 862. Parum lUeta: in the sense of tristis. most excellent character. 863. Virum: M. Marcellus, the consul. 880. Seu cum pedes. The meaning is: 867. Ingressus: in the sense of ccepit. whether, as a footman, he should rush against.Oborti: gushing from his eyes. the foe, or whether he should spur on his 869. Fata ostendent: the fates will only foaming steed to the attack. show him to the earth, &c. This is Marcus 881. Armos ui the sense of Llatra. AENE1S. LIB. VI. 93 lieu, iniscrande puer! si qua fata aspera rumpas, Tu Marcellus eins. ] Manibus date lilia plenis: Purpureos sprarn floresi animamque nepotis fis saltern accumulem donis, et fungar inani 885 M;unere. S'i tot& passim regione vagantur Aeris in campis latis, atque oinnia lustrant. Quae postquam Anchises naturn per singula duxit. 888. Per qua singnla, Incenditque animum famae venientis amore: postqam Anclses d Exin bella viro memorat qua deinde gerenda; 890 Laurentesque docet populos, urbemque Latini; Et quo quemque modo fugiatque feratque laborem. Sunt gemine Sornni portm: quarun altera fertur Cornea, qua veris facilis datur exitus umbris: Altera, candenti perfecta nitens elephanto: 895 895. Altera nitens ptSed falsa ad ccelum mittunt insomnia Manes. fecta t e cadenti els Ilis ubi turn natuin Anchises unaque Sibyllam Manes mituntu Prosequitur dictis, portaque emittit ebrniA. Ilie viarn secat ad naves, sociosque revisit. Tur se ad Caietae recto fert litore portum. 900 Anchora de prora jacitur: stant litore puppes. NOTES. 882. Aspcra: in the sense of dura, vel 897. Ubi. This is the common reading. crudelia. Plenis manibus: in full hands. Some copies have ibi. The sense is the 883. Marcelluseris. On hearing thisline, same with either. it is said, Octavia fainted. The encomium 898. Prosequitur Anchises: Anchises ac. which the poet passes upon this noble youth companies XEneas and the Sibyl through is esteemed one of the finest passages of the the various parts of the infernal regions, and IEneid. Augustus was so much pleased discourses with them as they pass along, till with it when he heard Virgil read it, that he they arrive at the ivory gate, through which ordered a present to be given him of ten ses- he dismisses them. Servius thinks that Virtertia for every line, which is about seventy- gil, by telling us that Encas passed'brough eight pounds sterling. the ivory gate, would have us believe all he 886. fMunere: Rureus says officio. had been here saying was fiction. But it is 887. Latis campis aeris. By this we are hardly to be imagined that so judicious a to understand the Elysian fields, so called; poet, by one dash of his pen would destroy quia vacuum, et inanibus umbris habitatum; the many fine compliments he had paid his vel quia situm in aereis pratis, says Rueus. prince and the whole Roman people, by inHeyne takes the words simply in the sense forming them the whole was false.:Mr. of locis caliginosis. Davidson conjectures that Virgil had in view 888. Per qua: through all which things. the Platonic philosophy. By emitting his Singula: properly, all taken separately and hero through the ivory gate, through which singly-all one by one. Venientient in the lying dreams ascend to the earth, he might sense of futurre mean that thus far he had been admitted to 890. Viro: Encas. Exin: (for exinde:) see the naked truth-had the true system of in the sense of tune. nature laid open to his view, and the secrets 891. Laurentes. See En. vii. 63. of futurity unveiled; but henceforth he was 893. Gemince porte. This fiction is bor- returning to his former state of darkness, rowed from the Odyss. lib. 19. The most ignorance, and error; and therefore he is probable conjecture why true dreams are sent forth from those regions of light and said to pass through the horn gate, and false truth by the ivory gate, in company with ones through the ivory gate, is, that horn is a lying dreams and mere shadows, which are fit emblem of truth, as being transpaient and to attend him through life. But, on the pervious to the sight, whereas ivory-is im- whole, as the poet hath concealed from us pervious and impenetrable to it. the reason of his hero's passing through the ~94. Umbris. Hcyne takes this in the ivory gate, after all our conjectures on the sense of somrniis. Ruelus says figuris. subject, we may be as far as ever from the 895. Perfecta: in the sense of facta est. truth. Prosequitur: in the sense of allo896. Manes: here the infernal gods. Ad quitur. velum: in the sense of ad homines, vel ad 900. Fert se adportum: he takes himself iuperas auras. along the shore direct to the port, &c. Caieta 394 P. VIRGILI1 MARONIS was a promontory and town of the Ansones here burnt by the Trojan women, as some odie, Gaeta) a name derived from the authors say. Litore: this is the common rse of Eneas, who (lied there. Some de- reading, but Heyne reads limite in the sense re it from a Greek word, which signifies of via, vel itinere. to urm, because the fleet of ]Eneas was QUESTIONS. Is this one of the books which Virgil read If they violated their oath, what was the in the presence of Augustus and Octavia? penalty? What is the subject of it? Who was Charon? What is the nature of it? What was his employment? What, probably, suggested to the poet this From what historical fact is this fable fine episode? supposed to be derived? Can you mention any others who, accord- On the approach of nEneas, what did the ing to the poets, visited those regions? ferryman do? What, probably, was the object of the What effect had the sight of the golden poet in conducting his hero thither? bough upon him? In what light does bishop Warburton con- What punishment had he received for sider this book? carrying over Hercules? Were these mysteries in great repute at Who was said to be the door keeper of one time in Greece? Pluto's realms? Is there no difficulty in this interpreta- How many heads had Cerberus? tion? What did Hercules do to him? What are the principal difficulties? What did the Sibyl do that he might perIs it certain that Virgil was ever initiated mit them to pass? into those mysteries? How many were represented as judges af If he had been acquainted with them, is the dead? it probable he would have divulged them? What were their names? What does Heyne say upon this subject? Who was Minos? At what place in Italy did IEneas land? Who Radamanthus? Who founded the city of Cumin? Who Eacus? What celebrated temple was there? Why were they made judges of the dead? By whom was it built? How was Minos employed, when Eneas Who was Duedalus? visited his court? What is said of him? As he passed along, and viewed the variWas there any curiously carved work up- ous apartments, did he see Dido? on the doors of this temple? What effect had the sight of her upon him? What was this sculpture designed to re- What is the nature of his address to her? present? What effect had it upon her? What was the residence of the Sibyl? Did Dido leave him abruptly? 1B whose inspiration did she give pro- Where did she go? phetic responses? What passage of the Odyssey had Virgil What direction did she give Eneas in re- here in view? gard to his descent to the regions below? What was the conduct of Ajax? Where was this golden bough to be found? What does Longinus say of his silence; In what way did he find it? After this, to what place did he go? To whom was the bough considered sa- What was his object in visiting the court cred? of Pluto? Where does the poet represent the en- Where did he see the place of punishment? trance to those regions? What was the name of that place? What did Eneas and his guide do imme- What river surrounded it? diately preceding their descent? What is the meaning of the word PhlegeWhat is the lake Avernus properly? thon? Why was that thought to give admission From what language is it derived? to the regions of the dead? From the palace of Pluto, where then did From what circumstance did it receive the ]Eneas and the Sibyl go? name of Avernus? Whom did they meet in the way? What is its Greek name? What was the employment of Orpheus? Acorrding to the poets, how many rivers What poet was distinguished above all watered the realms of Pluto? the rest? What were their names? Why was no mention made of Homer?'Which one was said to flow around them Who was Musmcus? nine times? When did lie flourish? Why did the gods swear by the river Are there any fragments of his poems exStyx? tant? JENEIS. LIB. VII. 335 What information did Musaus give them? Is it said that Octavia faiated at the men. Where did they find Anchises? tion of Marcellus? In what part of the regions below? Who was this Ma-cellus? How was Anchises engaged at that time? What did Augustus order to bo given Vir. Was. he expecting the arrival of his son? gil for each line of that eulogium? Vv nat was the nature of their meeting? To how much would that amount in ster. Anchises explained to lEneas the system ling money;)' the world upon the Pythagorean and Pla- What leading doctrine of religion and tonic philosophy: what were some of the morality does the poet here inculcate? leading points of that philosophy? Are the punishments here inflicted in pro. Had this philosophy many advocates? portion to the offence? Who was the inventor of the doctrine of Is that a principle founded in reason and transmigration? justice? What were some of its leading principles? How long was the time assigned for a According to the principles of that philo- visit to the regions below? sophy, Anchises points out to his son a list of Through which gate did lEneas ascend distinguished men who were to descend from to the upper regions? him: can you mention some of their names? How many gates were there? Whom does he specially mention? What is the most probable reason that Was Augustus highly pleased with any can be given for his ascent through the ivory part of this book? gate? What part was that? EIBER SEPTIMIUS. FROM Ca'iata, or Cajeta, Eneas pursues his collrse westward, and arrives in the Tiber, in the kingdom of Latium; where he was kindly entertained by Latinus, then advanced in age. He had an only daughter, the heiress of his crown, then young and beautiful. Many of the neighboring princes sought her in marriage; among whom was Turnus, king of the Rutuli, every way worthy of her; and whose addresseswere pleasing to her mother Amata. For several reasons, however, her father was opposed to the match; particularly, on account of the responses of the oracle of Faunus. From this he learned that a foreigner was destined to be his son-in-law. He conceived iEneas to be the person pointed out by the oracle, and accordingly proposed to him a match with his daughter. In the mean time, Juno, displeased at the friendly reception of the Trojans, and especially at the proposal of the king, set about to frustrate it. For this purpose, she called Alecto from below. Through her means Turnus is roused to arms, and a skirmish brought about between some Latin shepherds and rustics on-one side, and hle Trojans on the other; in which Almon, the eldest son of Tyrrhus, the royal herdsman, was slain. This kindles the war. Both Turnus and the Latins repair to the palace of the king, and urge him to an immediate declaration of war. The aged monarch resists their importunity. In this state, things remain, till Juno descends from above, and opens the brazen doors. The report is soon spread- abroad that war is begun. The neighboring nations join Turnus, and make a common cause of the war. The poet concludes by giving us an account of the auxiliaries, and their respective leaders. Throughout the whole, he has displayed a great degree of taste and judgment. In these six last books, the poet has imitated the Iliad of Homer. A celebrated critic, Valpy observes, accuses Virgil of losing, instead of increasing, in interest, in these books. The Trojan and Greek heroes, whose names have been familiar with us from infancy, disappear; and we are introduced to personages of whom we have not before heard; and whose names do not appear elsewhere either in fabl or history. But he does not consider, in making his charge, that the poet wrote for his own countrymen, and not for us. The adventures of _Eneas in Italy, little as we may he interested in them, relate to the supposed ancestors of the Romans, to their domestic history, and to the foundation of their empire. The narration must, therefore, have then excited emotions in which we do not partake; and caused an interest in them, to which we, as we are situated, and at this distance of tine, are strangers. 39ti P. V1RGILII MARONIS TU quoque litoribus nostris, IEneia nutrix, /Eternam moriens famam, Caleta, dedisti: 3. Nomen ttum signat Et nunc servat honos sedem tuus; ossaque nomen 0ssa in magna Ilesperia in magna, si qua est ea gloria, signat. At plus exsequiis 2Eneas rite solutis, b Aggere composito tumuli, postquam alta quierunt Alquora, tendit iter velis, portumque reliriquit. Aspirant aurae in noctem: nec candida cursun Luna negat: splendet tremulo sub lumine pontus. Proxima Circaeae raduntur litora terrme; 10 Dives inaccessos ubi Solis filia lucos Assiduo resonat cantu, tectisque superbis Urit odoratam nocturna in lumina cedrum, Arguto tenues percurrens pectine telas. 15. Hinc gemitus co- Hine exaudiri gemitus, iraeque leonum 15 perunt exaudiri Vincla recusantuim, t sera sub nocte rudentum17. Setigerique sues, Setigerique sues, atque in praesepibus ursi atque ursi auditi saevire Saevire, ac formae magnorum ululare luporum: 19. Quos sseva Dea Quos hominum ex facie Dea saeva potentibus herbis Circe induerat Induerat Circe in vultus ac terga ferarum. 20 Quae ne monstra pii paterentur talia T'roes Delati in portus, neu litora dira subirent, NOTES. 1. Tu quoque. This r.fers to what he had mous.Medea. Sftne say she was the sister told us in the preceding bi.ok, verse 232, et of Medea. She was called Ecea, from Ea, eequenj, of the monument erected to the an island and city of Colchis, near the memory of JIi.senus, on the Italian coast, mouth of the river Phasis. It is said she Thou, also, 0 Cajeta, didst give, &c. married a king of the Sarmatians, whom she 3. Tuus hones. Some consider this an killed with her poisons; after which she fled hypallage, for sedes serval tuum honorenr: to Italy to the promontory and mountain lhe place preserves thy honor. But perhaps which, from her, is called Circceus: hodie, her name may be considered a kind of guar- Circello. dian to the place. In this sense, there is no 12. Resonat inaccessos lucos: she makes need of any figure. The words may be the inaccessible groves resound with her contaken as they stand: thy honor, or fame, tinual song. Not absolutely inaccessible; protects the place. This is the better and for Ulysses and his company landed here- - more poetical. Sedem: in the sense of lo- but difficult of access. zum. Ossa: in the sense of sepulchrum. 14. Jrguto pectine: the shrill sounding There is a promontory and city in this part shuttle. of Italy, by the name of Cajeta, or Gaista. 15. Irce: the rage-fury.'6. 4ggere tumuli composito: a tomb being 18. Formce magnorum luporum: simply, erected. The earth heaped up over the the great wolves. cerpse or ashes of the dead, was called agger 19. Quos ex facie hceminum: whom the tumnuli. cruel goddess Circe had changed from the 8. Alurseaspiraht. Dr. Trap.p observes shape of men, into the apperance and form that, down to the 18th line, is, beyond ex- (terga) of wild beasts, &c. Induerat is evipression, elegant and affecting. A funeral dently to be taken in the sense of mutaverat. had been just performed. They sail in the Terga: the backs, by synec. for the whole still night by the light of the moon. They bodies. pass along an enchanted coast, whence they The fable of Circe is taken from the; hear the roaring of lions, and other beasts of Odyssey, lib. 10. where Homer informs us prey. Upon the four last lines he passes the that the followers of Ulysses were changed, higLest encomium. Candida. As the sun, into swine. He alone was preserved by the from his flaming brigltness, is called aureus, aid of Mercury, and the eating of the herb golden; so the moon, from her paler light, is moly. At his request, however, they were called candida, white or silvered. restored to their former shapes. Beside poi)0. Cz'rcceC: an adj. from Circe, a cele- sonous herbs, she made use of a magical brated sorceress, the daughter of Sol, and wand, with which she touched them. the nymph Perse. She was the sister of 21. Qua talia monstra: any such mon, &tes, king of Colchis, the father of the fa- strous changes-shapes-forms. XENEIS. LIB. VH. 397 Neptunus ventis implevit vela secundis, Atque fugam dedit, et praeter vada fervida vexit. Jamque rubescebat radiis mare, et aithere ab alto 25 A urora in roseis fulgebat lutea bigis: Cum venti posuere, omnisque repente resedit Flatus, et in lento luctantur marmore tons;e. Atquo hic AEneas ingentem ex aequore lucum Prospicit: hunc inter fluvio Tiberinus amcono, 30 Vorticibus rapidis et multa flavus arena, In mare prorumpit. Varie circuimque supraque Assuetae ripis volucres et fluminis alveo, AEthera mulcebant cantu, lucoque volabant. Flectere iter sociis, terraeque advertere proras 35 Imperat.: et laetus fluvio succedit opaco. Nunc age, qui reges, Erato, quae tempora, rerum 37. Nune age, 9 Erato Quis Latio antiquo fuerit status, advena classem expediam qui reges, qua Cam primuim Ausoniis exercitus appulit oris, rutpor, quis status reExpediam: et primae revocabo exordia pugnre. 40 Tu vatem, tu, Diva, mone. Dicam horrida bella, Dicam acies, actosque animis in funera reges, Tyrrhenamque manum, totamque sub arma coactam flesperiam. Major rerum mihi nascitur ordo: Majus opus moveo. Rex arva Latinus et urbes 45 47. Accipimus huno genitum esse Fauno, et Jam senior longa placidas in pace regebat. Marica Laurente Nymilunc Fauno et Nympha genitum Laurente Maric& pha.. Picus erat pater NOTES. 26. Bigis. Aurora is represented by the The air, calm and still, is represented as poets as drawn in a chariot of two horses. listening to the music of the birds that were L4utea: an adj. from lutum, an herb with flying in all directions about the river, and which yellow or saffron color is dyed. The being charmed with their melody. Indeed poet, here, has given a charming description the whole is extremely beautiful, and cannot of the morning. be too much admired. It would appear from 27. Posuere: in the sense of quieverunt. this, that jEneas arrived in the Tiber about 28. Tonsce: the oars labor in the smooth the middle of the spring, when the birds Burface of the sea. Tonsa, properly, the are most lively and musical. blade of the oar. Dr. T.rapp takes lentto, to 7. E: the muse that presides over denote here yielding or giving way to the love affairs. She is invoked because the tsar. JMarmore: the sea unruffled by the following wars were in consequence of the wind. love of Turnus and,Eneas for Lavinia. It 30. Tiberinus inter hunc: through thiis derived from the Greek. Rerum. Most grove, with its pleasant streams and rapid commentators connect rerum with tempora; course, (whirls,) yellow with much sand, &c. but it is evident its place is after status: what Sorne take Tiberinus, not for the river itself, state of things there was in Latium, when but for the god of the river. In this case it first a foreign army arrived on the Italian may be rendered Tiberinus, god of the plea- shores. Heyne connects it with tenmpora: sant river, in rapid whirls, &c. The prep. Davidson with status. e,' or ex, being understood. The Tiber is, 42 nimis: in the sense of ira. next to the Po, the largest river in Italy. It cises in the Appennines, and running in a 43. JIanum: troops-forces. nrouthern direction, dividing Latium from 45. Latinus. Virgil places Latinus only'Etruria or Tuscany, falls into the sea by three generations from Saturn. Faunus, t.wo mouths. Its original name, we are told, Picus, then Saturn. Others place him at v-as Albula. It took its present name from the distance of nine. His origin is much oba Tuscan king, who was killed near it. But scured. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, agrees Livy says it took its name from Tiberinus, with Virgil, that, when 2Eneas arrived in a king of the Albans, who was drowned Italy, Latinus reigned in Latium-that ho in it. had no male issue; but an only daughter, 34. Jlulcebant eethera: they charmed the whom Eneas married. Arva: the country air with their song. This is highly poetical. Placidas: in the sense of quielas. 398 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Accipimus. Fauno Picus pater: ipse parentem Te, Saturne, refert: tu sanguinis ultimus auctor. 50. Fuit nullus filius Filius huic, fato Divufm, prolesque virilis 50 huic Latino fato Deo- Nulla fuit: primaque oriens erepta juventd est. rumr, nulla virilis proles: uanule oriens Sola domum 3t tantas servabat filia sedes; Jam matura viro. jam plenis nubilis annis. Multi illam magno e Latio totaque petebant Ausonia. Petit ante alios pulcherrimus omnes 55 56. Quem regia con- Turnus, avis atavisque potens: queln regia conjux jux imrata properabat Adjungi generum miro properabat alllore iromor adjungi ge-s Sed variis portenta Deum terroribus obstant. Laurus erat tecti medio, in penetralibus altis, Sacra comam, multosque metu servata per annos: 60 61. Quam inventam, Quam pater inventarn, primas cum conderet arces, pater Latinus ipse fere- Ipse ferebatur Phcebo sacrasse Latinus; batur sacrasse Phcobo, Laurentisque ab ea nomen posuisse colonis. 64. Dens apes, vect Hu jus apes summum densve, mirabile dictu ingenti stridore trans li- Stridore ingenti liquidum trans ethera vectae, 65 quidum nethera obsed~re Obsedere apicem: et, pedibus per mutua nexis, summum apicem hujus Examen subitum ramo frondente pependit. arboris. Continuo vates, Externum cernimus, inquit, Adventare virum, et partes petere agmen easdem Partibus ex isdem, et summi dominarier arce. 70 NOTES. 48. Accipimus: in the sense of audimus. 60. Servata metu: preserved with reli49. Ultimus auctor: the first or remotest gious awe and veneration. Sacra comam: a founder of our race. Ultimus, ascending, is Grecism. the same with primus, descending. Refert: 63. Laurentis colonis. The name Laurent in the sense of habet. was originally given to a grove of laurel, 50. Filius huic. It is evident that Lati- near the shore of the Tuscan sea, extending nus had, in the course of his life, male issue; to the east of the Tiber. Hence the neighbut at that time he had none. It is not said boring country was called Laurens. Also, whether he had one, two, or more sons; and the nymph.Marica, the wife of Faunus, and we have a right to suppose either. I have mother of Latinus, was called Laurens. supposed that he had, in the course of his Turnus, too, is called Laurens, from the cirlife, several, and accordingly have inserted cumstance of this grove bordering upon his the word quoeque, before oriens: queque dominions. It appears that Latinus only oriens: every one growing up was snatched raised fortifications, and embellished the away in early life. city, which must have been built before; for 52. Filia sola servabat. By this we are we are-told that his father Picus had erected to understand, that his daughter alone pre- here a noble palace; see 171. The city, served his family from extinction, and his after the time of Latinus, was called Laukingdom from passing into the hands of rentum, from a very large laurel griwing on others: or that she alone was the heiress of the spot where he founded the tower. This his crown and kingdom-tantas sedes. To- however, was the common name of the tam regionem, says Rumus. whole neighboring country, from the grove 56. Potens avis atavisque: powerful (in above mentioned. The inhabitants were grandfathers and great grandfathers) in his called Laurentes-Laurentini-Laurentii ct an.cestors. The queen was taken with such Laurenti. an illustrious match for her daughter; and 64. Densae apes: a thick swarm of bees. accordingly urged, with great importunity, 66. Per mutua: taken adverbially. Their that Turnus should be received into the fa- feet being mutually joined or linked tomily as their son-in-law..lmore: Ruaus gether. says, studio. 68. Cernimus: we see a foreigner ap59. Penetralibus. The interior of a house proach, and an army seek those parts, or palace, though not roofed, may be called which the bees sought, from the same parts peonarale. Such must have been the palace from which they came. Jf Latinus; otherwise a stately laurel could 70. Dominarier: by paragogc, for dominot have g-own in that place. nain: to rule-bear sway. XNEIS. LIB. VII. 39 Pretereh castis adolet dum altaria taedis; Ut juxta genitorem adstat Lavinia virgo, Visa, nefas! longis comprendere crinibus ignem, 73. Visa est, O nelfs! Atque omnem ornatum flamma crepitante cremari: comprnldere ignem IcaRegalesque accensa comas, accensa coronam 75 gis crinibus 75. Visa est aeeensa Insignem gemmis: turn fumida lumine fulvo quoad regales comns, Involvi, ac totis Vulcanum spargere tectis. accensa quoad Id ver6 horrendum ac visu mirabile ferri. 76. Turn fumida visa Namque fore illustrem fama fatisque canebant est involvi lpsam, sed populo magnum portendere bellum. 80 79. Namque vates ca..A~ * A * ~ nebant Laviniam isam At rex sollicitus monstris, oracula Fauni fore Fatidici genitoris, adit; lucosque sub alta Consulit Albunea; nemorum quar maxima sacro Fonte sonat, saevamque exhalat opaca mephitim. IIinc Italae gentes, omnisque (Enotria tellus 85 In dubiis responsa petunt: hue dona sacerdos tum tulit, et caesarum ovium sub nocte silenti Pellibus incubuit stratis, somnosque petivit: Multa modis simulacra videt volitantia miris, Et varias audit voces, fruiturque Deorum 90'Colloquio, atque imis Acheronta affatur Avernis. Hic et turn pater ipse petens responsa Latinus; Centum lanigeras mactabat rite bidentes; Atque harum effultus tergo stratisque jacebat Velleribus. Subita ex alto vox reddita luco est: 95 Ne pete connubiis natam sociare Latinis, O mea progenies: thalamis neu crede paratis. Externi veniunt generi, qui sanguine nostrum Nomen in astra ferent; quorumque a stirpe nepotes, NOTES. 71. Dum adolet altarza: while he kindles 81. JMonstris: at the prodigies, or wonder. the altar with holy torches, &c. Some con- ful signs.. Monstrum. any thing that is con. nect adolet with Lavinia, and understand trary to the ordinary course of nature. Faher to have set fire to the altars. But it is tidici: prophetic. evidently better to understand this cf the 82. Consulit: he consults the grove under father, his daughter standing near him. lofty Albuna. This was a fountain from Castis: in the sense of puris vel sacrts. which flowed the river Albula. Its waters 72. Ut: et is the common reading.- were very deeply impregnated with sulphur. Heyne reads ut, which makes the sense It was strrounded with a very gross and easier. putrid atmosphere, which the poet calls see76. Fulvo. Rumus takes this in the sense vam mephitim. Here was a grove sacred to of rutilanti. Faunus. 77. Vulcanum: in the sense of lammam 85. CEnotria tellus: Italy. See JEn. i. vel ignem. 530. 78. Id vero, &c. This line is capable of a 91..Affatur Acheronta: converses with double meaning. according to the sense giv- the infernal powers in deep Avernus. Acheen to ferri. If it be taken in its usual sense, ronta: acc. sing. of Greek formation. Acheit will be: this terrible thing, and wonderful ron, by the poets, is made one of the rivers to the sight, (began) to be spread abroad. It of hell. Here it is evidently used for tho it be taken in the sense of haberi, it will be: infernal gods. this thing (began) to be considered terrible 94. Atque jacebat: and lay, supported by and wonderful to the sight. This is the sense their skins and outspread fleeces-he lay given both by Ruaeus and Davidson. Dr. down upon them. Trapp favors the former. 97. Paratis. This alludes to the conteni79. Fatis. Fatum, here, is in the sense of plated match with Turnus. Thalamzs: in fortuna. Cznebant: in the sense of predi- the sense of nuptiis. cebant. 99. Quorumque stirpe: descending from 400 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Omnia sub pedibus,.qua Sol utrumque recurrens 100 Aspicit Oceanuin, vertique regique videbunt. IItc responsa patris Fauni, monitusque silunti 103. Latimius ipse non Nocte dates, non ipse suo premit ore Latinus; prenmt suo ore haic re- Sed circiun latd volitans:- fa fama per urbes pyonlsa Ausonias tulerat; cum Laois::dontia pubes 105 Gramineo ripae religavit ab aggere classem. AEneas, primique duces, et pulcher iilus, Corpora sub ramis deponunt arboris alta: Instituuntque dapes, et adorea liba per herbam Subjiciunt epulis (sic Jupiter ille monebat) 110 Et Cereale solum pomis agrestibus augent. 112. Hic forte aliis Consumptis hic forte aliis, ut vertere morsus cibss consumptis, ut pe- Exiguam in Cererem penuria adegit edendi; nuria edendi. Et violare manu, malisque audacibus orbem Fatalis crusti, patulis nec parcere quadris: 115 Heus I etiam mensas consumimus, inquit Iilus. 117. Nec dixit plura Nec plura, alludens. Ea vox audita laborum Vcrba Prima tulit finem: primamque loquentis ab ore 119. Paterque eripuit Eripuit pater, ac stupefactus numine pressit. earn primam ab ore filii Continu6, Salve, fatis mihi debita tellus; 120 loquentis Vosque, ait, 6 fidi Trojae, salvete Penates. Ific domus, hec patria est. Genitor mihi talia, namque 124. Dicens 0 nate Nunc repeto, Anchises fatorum arcana reliquit: cum fames coget te vec- Cum te, nate, fames ignota ad litora vectum tur Accisis coget dapibus consumere mensas; 125 NOTES. whose stock, our posterity shall see all things the cake or trencher-the orb of the omiznous reduced, &c. This alludes to the extent of cake. Fatalis is not to be understood in the the Roman empire, which, in the height of sense of fatal in English, but rather as imits greatness, embraced the greater part of porting some great event, or something des the then known world, It ruled the subject tined and ordered by fate. Patulis quadris: nations with a rod of iron. the broad or large quadrants. These cakes 105. Laomedontia pubes: the Trojan were divided by two lines, crossing each youth; so called from Laomedon, one of other in the centre, and dividing each cake the kings of Troy. Tulerat: spread them into four equalparts, called quadrants. Auabroad. dacibus maltis: with greedy or hungry jaws. 106. Rcligavit: moored. 117. Aqlludens: jokirrg-smiling. 110. Subjiciunt: they place along the 119. St-upefaclus nuemine pressit. The grass wheaten cakes under their meat. They prophetic Celaeno (lEn. iii. 257.) had fore use them in the room of plates or trenchers. told that the Trojans should be reduced to 111. Solum: any thing placed under ano- such extremity as to consume their tables ther to support it, may be called solum. Ce- before they could expect an end to their wanrcalesolun, therefore; must be those wheaten derings. By numzine we are to understand cakes which they used on this occasion as the solution or fulfilment of this prophecy, plates. Augent: they load them with, &c. or divine purpose. Pressit does not refer to 112. JMorsus: in the sense of dentes. the words of Ascanius, as Servius supposes, 113. Ut penuria edendi: when want of but to IEneas. The prophecy had been other provisions forced them to turn their wrapped up in mystery till the present moteeth upon the small cake, &c. Edendi: in ment. The solution of it was a matter o, tlhe sense of cibi. surprise and joy. It excited a degree of 114. Violare. The eating tables among wonder and admiration, and caused him to the ancients were considered sacred. They pause a while upon the subject. Pressit: were a kind of altar, on which libations he kept silence. Vocem is understood. were made to the gods, both before and af 123. Repeto: I recollect-I call to memoter meals. To destroy them was consider- ry. M2emoriam is understood. ed a kind of sacrilege or violence. Orbem 125. Dapibus accisis: your provisions iatalis crusti. By this we are to understand havin.: failed-bein m consumed AENEIS. LIB. VII 401 Turn sperare dornos defessus, ibique memento Prima locare manu, molirique aggere tecta. Ianc erat illa fames: hec nos suprema manebant, Exitiis positura modurm. Quare agite, et primo lmti cum lumine solis, 130 130. Nos lsti vestigeQum loca, quive habeant homines, ubi mcenia gentis, mus, qua sint hwc loca, qui-ve homines habeant Vestigemus; et a portu diversa petamus qui-ve homines habeant.., ~~ ~~=.Ti T * -1~~ ea; ubi sint mcenia genNunc pateras libate Jovi, precibusque vocate tis; et petamus diversa Anchisen genitorem, et vina reponite mensis. loca a portu. Sic deinde effatus, frondenti tempora ramo 135 Implicat, et, Geniumque loci, primamque Deorum Tellurem, Nymphasque, et adhuc ignota precatur Flulnina: turn Noctem, noctisque orientia signa, Idmumque Jovem, Phrygiamque ex ordine matrem Invocat; et duplices caloque Ereboque parentes. 140 Hie pater omnipotens ter ccelo clarus ab alto Intonuit, radiisque ardentem lucis et auro 142. Ipseque ostenoit Ipse manu quatiens ostendit a there b abthere nubem ardenDiditur hie subito Trojana per agmina rumor, qtern di s e t manu. Advenisse diem, quo debita mcenia condant. 145 quatiens ea m Certatim instaurant epulas, atque omine magno Crateras lueti statuunt, et vina coronant. Postera cum prima lustrabat lampade terras Orta dies; urbem, et fines, et litora gentis Diversi explorant: haec fontis stagna Numici, 150 150. Discunt htec este Hune Tybrim fluvium, hic fortes habitare Latinos. stagna fontis Numici, Turn satus Anchisa delectos ordine ab omni hunc esse 152. Jubet centum Centum oratores augusta ad mcenia regis oratores delectos ab orhIre jubet, ramis velatos Palladis omnes: ni ordine ire Donaque ferre viro, pacemque exposcere Teucris. 155 Haud nora: festinant jussi, rapidisque feruntur Passibus. Ipse humili designat mcenia fossa, NOTES. 129. Jlodum: bounds- ad. Exitiis: to aureis radiis lucis, by hend, the golden beams our woes-calamities. of light. 133. Pateras: the bowls, by meton. put 144. Diditur: is spread abroad. for the wine in them. 145. Debita: in the sense of destinata. 136. Primamn Deorum. Accordingto He- 148. Lampale: in the sense of luce. siod, Tellus, or Terra, was reckoned the first 150. Stagna fontis- the streams of the of the gods except Chaos. Implicat: in the fountain J'umicus. This was a small river, sense of cingit. or stream, flowing between Laurentum and 138. JVocten. This goddess sprang from Ardea. Diversi: they in different directions. Chaos, according to Hesiod. JEneas invokes 154. Ramis Palladis: with the boughs of l'er, fearing, perhaps, during the darkness, Pallas-with the olive. The olive was sa.some mischief from the natives. cred to Minerva, and the badge of peace. 139. Idceum: an adj. from Ida, a moun- Velatos: coronatos, says RuSus. lain in Crete, where Jupiter was brought 157. Ipse designat: he himself, in the up. Phrygiam matremn: Cybele. mean time, marks out his city with a low 140. Duplices parentes: both his parents, furrow, and prepares the place for building. tenus ar d Arnchises; the former in heaven, This city of Eneas was situated on the east toe latter ii Elysium; at least his idolum, bank of the Tiber, a little above the seat. o0 simnulacrum. He called the name of it Troy. In after 141. Ciarus: may mean loud-shrill; or times, Ancus Martius, a king of the Romans, perhaps it may imply that the sky was clear, founded here a city, which he called Oslia,. which was considered a good omen. from its vicinity to the mouth of tho Tiher: 142 Rtadiis lucis et auro. This is for See iEn. v. 755. 27 402 P. VIRGILII MARONIS t15. Cingitque primas Moliturque locu n; primasque in litore sedes, sedes in litore pennis at- Castrorum in morem, pinnis atque aggere cingit quo aggere u16. Jamque juvines Jamque iter emensi, turres ac tecta Latinorum 160 nlonsi iter cernebant Ardua cernebant juvenes, muroque subibant. Ante urbem pueri, et primevo flore juventus Exercentur equis, domitantque in pulvere currus. Aut acres tendunt arcus, aut lenta lacertis Spicula contorquent, cursuque ictuque lacessunt. 165 Cum preevectus equo longwevi regis ad aures Nuntius ingentes ignota in veste reportat Advenisse viros. Ille intra tecta vocari 169. Medius suorum Imperat, et solio medius consedit avito. ciViunm. Tecturn augustum, ingens, centum sublime columnis, 174. Hoc templum Urbe fuit summa, Laurentis regia Pici, 171 erat illis curia; hIe sedes Horrendum sylvis et religione parentum. destinatoe erant sacris Hinc sceptra accipere, et prinos attollere fasces epulis'. Regibus omen erat: hoc illis curia templum, avorum e cero e ntium HUe sacris sedes epulis: hic ariete ceso 175 adstabant vestibule, po- Perpetuis soliti patres considere mcnsis. site ex ordine Quin etiam veterum effigies ex ordine avorum NOTES. 159. Cingttque primas: and he incloses ted by the founders of the family; some of his first settlement on the shore with a ram- which are mentioned. Sublime: high-raispart, and a mound, &c. The pinnae origi- ed high upon, &c. nally were the tufts or crests on the soldier's 173. Primes fasces: the first badges of helmet. Hence they came to be applied to authority-the first ensigns of power: by the turrets and battlements in fortifications. meton. the first power. 160. Emensi iter: having completed their 174. Omen erat regibus. Rueus and Dr. journey to the city of Latinus. Trapp take omen in the sense of initium. 163. Domitant: they break the harnessed Davidson takes omen in the sense of mos, a steeds in the dusty plain. Currus is pro- custom or practice; but one on which they perly a chariot: by meton. the horses har- laid a religious stress, and on which they nessed in it. imagined the prosperity of their kings, in a 164. Acres arcus: elastic bows. Lenta: degree, to depend; and had they been contough-rigid-not easily bent. secrated in any other place, they would 165. Lacessunt: they challenge one ano- have considered it deficient and imperfect. ther at the race, and missive weapon. La Valpy is of the same opinion with Davidson. Cerda understands by cursu the throwing of Hoc templum. In this noble structure, it the javelin as they ran forward: and by appears there was one part for religious purictu, the shooting of the arrow. But it is poses, another for the senate, and a third for better to take cursu for the races and other sacred banquets. exercises on horseback and in the chariot, 175. Ariete cceso: in the sense of victimd and ictu for the shooting of the arrow and ccesa: sacrifice being offered. throwing of the javelin. 176. Considere perpetuis. The most an 167. JYuntiusprocvectus: a messenger on cient posture at table was sitting; afterhtorseback relates, &c. ward luxury introduced that of reclining 169. Avto solio: on the throne of his an- on couches. Perpetuce mensam, were tables cestors. that extended from one end of the hall to 170. Tectum augustum: a building, &c. the other. put in apposition with regia. 177. Quin etiam effigies: moreover the 171. Regia Laurentis Pici. This mag- statues of their ancestors of ancient cedar nificent palace was erected by Picus, the fa- stood in the vestibule arranged in order, &e ther of Latinus. It was situated on the Rumus and Heyne connect Vitisator with highest ground or part of the city, and sup- pater Sabinus, which appears incorrect; for ported by a hundred columns. Hlorrendum: the planting of the vine in Italy is ascribed awful by its sacred groves, and the religion to Saturn by most authors; and the scythe of their ancestors. By religiote, Mr. David- was the well known symbol of that god. son understands the religious monuments, La Cerda makes a full stop after Sabinu4 illages, graves, &c. that had been consecra- which is unnecessary and improper. ENEIS. IIB. VII. 403 Antiqui e cedro, Italusque, paterque Sabinus, Vitisator, curvam servans sub imagine falcen, SaLarnusque senex, Janique bifrontis imago, 180 Vestibulo adstabant: aliique ab origine reges, 181. Aliique reges ab Martia qui ob patriam pugnando vulnera passi. origine genlis, qui passi Multaq(ie praeterea sacris in postibus arma, unt Captivi pendent currus, curvaeque secures, Et cristae capitum, et portarum ingentia claustra, 185 Spiculaque, clypeique, ereptaque rostra carinis. Ipse Quirinali lituo parvaque sedebat 187. Picus ipse, doSuccinctus trabeA, lavaque ancile gerebat mitor equum sedobat Picus, equum domitor; quem capta cupidine conjux m Quirinali lits cinctusque Aurea percussum virga, versumque venenis, 190 189. Quempercussum Fecit avem Circe, sparsitque coloribus alas. aurca virgA, versumque Tali intus templo Divum, patriaque Latinus venenis conjux Circe. Sede, scdens, Teucros ad sese in tecta vocavit: capta cupidine ejus, fecit Atque ha1c ingressis placido prior edidit ore: avem t' 1 —- ----- --- 194. Illis ingressis Dicite, Dardanidae; neque enim nescimus et urbem, 195 Et genus, auditique advertitis aquore cursum; 196. Vosque audili lQuid petitis? quve causa rates, aut cujus egentes, advertitis cursum hue Litus ad Ausonium tot per vada coerula vexit? equore. 197. Qua, causa vexit Sive errore vim, seu tempestatibus acti, rtes Qestras ad Auso(Qualia multa mari nautae patiuntur in alto) 200 nium litus per tot ceruFluminis intrastis ripas, portuque sedetis: la vada, aut egentes cuNe fugite hospitium;. neve ignorate Latinos jus rei advenistis huc Saturni gentem, hand vinclo nec legibus aequam, sive acti errore vim Sponte sua, veterisque Dei se more tenentem. 204. Sed sua sponto. Atque equidem memini (fama est obscurior annis) 205 NOTES. 178. Antiqua: may here mean durable here, is plainly used in the sense of amartxr. -lasting. It is the quality of cedar not to a lover. She desired to become his wife. decay. Italus: a king of Sicily, who ex- Sparsit alas: she spreador covered his wings tended his conquests into Italy, then called with colors. These were purple and yellow. GEnotria, to which he gave the name of Ita- The bird into which Picus was changed, is 10. Sabinus. He was the second king of the pie or woodpecker. See Ovid. Met. lib Italy, and the founder of the Sabines, to xiv. 320. whom he gave name. 194. Edidit: in the sense of dixit. 179. Sub imagine. Servius explains this 196..uditi; head of-being known. by sub oculis. The meaning is, that the 198. Vada. Vadum, properly, signifies ecythe hung down in his hand, and the sta- shallows, places in the sea, or rivers, where tue was in a stooping posture over it, and one may walk, from vadere. Here it is put looking upon it. for the sea in general. 180. Janique bifrontis: double-faced Ja- 200. Multa qualia: many such things. Inus. See 610, infra. 202. J.Nve ignorate: in the sense of nos187. Quirinali lituo: the augural wand. cite. The lituus was a wand or rod used by the 203. Equam: just, not by restraint, nor tugars. It was crooked toward the extre- by laws. Vinculum is any thing that binds inity. It is here called Quirinalis, from or fastens. Reference may here be made to %Quirinus, a name of Romulus, who, we are the golden age, when Saturn reigned. Lainformed, was very expert at augury. tinus calls his people the nation of;atu n, 188. Trabea. This was a robe worn by either because he reigned in Latium over augurs, and sometimes by kings and other the same people; or because they governed officers of state. Broad trimmings of pur- themselves by the principles of justice and pie ran across it like beams, from which it equity, and walked in the steps of that god. took its name. Ancile. This was a small 205. Fama est obscurior annis: the traoval shield worn chiefly by the priests of dition is rather obscure through years. SeaMars. liger would understand it, as being more 191 Circe: a famous sorceress. Conjux, obscure than might be expected, consider 404 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Auruncos ita ferre senes: his ortus ut agris Dardanus Idaas Phrygiae penetravit ad urbes, Threiciamque Samum, qua nunc Samothracia' fertur. IIinc ilium Corythi Tyrrhen& ab sede profectum Aurca nunc solio stellantis regia cceli 210 Accipit, et numerum Divorum altaribus auget. 212. Et Ilioneus secu- Dixerat. Et dicta Ilioneus sic voce secutus: tus es dicta regis Rex, genus egregium Fauni, nec fluctibus actos Atra subegit hyenis vestris succedere terris; Nec sidus regione via,!itusve fefellit. 215 216. Jos omnes affe- Consilio hanc omnes animisque volentibus urbem rimur consilio Afferimur; pulsi regnis, que maxima quondam 220. Noster rex ipse Extreno veniens Sol aspiciebat Olympo. ortus de suprema gente Ab Jove principium generis: Jove Dardana pubes Jovis, Troius Eneas no- Gaudet avo. Rex ipse, Jovis de gente suprema, 220 mine, inisit Troius /Eneas tua nos ad limina misit. 222. Quisque audiit Quanta per Idahos saevis effusa Mycenis quanta tempestas bel Tempestas ierit campos; quibus actus uterque 225. Et si extrema Europae atque Asia fatis concurrert orbis, tellus submovet quem Audiit; et si quem tellus extrerna refuso 225 refuso Oceano; et si Submovet Oeeano, ct si quem extenta plagarum plaga iniqui Solis ex- Quatuor in medio dirimit plaga solis iniqui. tenta in medio quatuor Diluvio ex illo tot vasta per aequora vecti, plagarurn dirimit quem Dis sedem ex ab cceteris hominibus, ille Dis sedem exguam patriis, litusque rogamus audivit. Innocuum, et cunctis undamque auramque patentem NOTES. ing how few years had elapsed since. But veyed in his diurnal course. Afferimur: we this is a gloss which the passage will hardly are all brought to your city by design, &c. beer. Virgil mentions the fact as having 222. Quanta tempeslas: how great a temr taken place long before; and handed down pest of war issuing from cruel Mycene overfrom the ancient Aurunci. These were the ran the Trojan plains, &c. This is beauti. first inhabitants of Italy. And as several ful and highly poetical. Quibus fatis: by kings had reigned in Troy after Dardanus, what fates each world of Europe and Asia it is plain his departure from Italy was an- impelled, engaged in arms. cient, the tradition or report of it obscure, 225. Extrema tellus. The ancients sup and the memory of it almost lost. posed the frigid zones were not habitable on 206. Ferre: in the sense of narrare, vel account of the extreme cold; as, also, the dicere. torrid or burning zone, on account of its 208. Samum. Samus was an island in extreme heat. Experience, however, has the iEgean sea, not far to the south of the proved their opinion incorrect. By extrcma mouth of the Hebrus. There were two tellus, we are to understand the frigid zone; others of the same name: one in the Ionian and by plaga iniqui solis, the torrid zone. sea, to the west of the Sinus Corinthiacus; Dr. Trapp takes refuso in the sense of rethe other in the Icarian sea, not far from the fluens, refluent, ebbing and flowing. Davidancient city of Ephesus, in Asia.Minor. son takes it in the sense of wide, expanded, 209. Corythi. Corythus was a mountain which certainly is sometimes the meaning ani city of Tuscany, where Dardanus re- of the word. This last I prefer. In this sided; hodie, Cortona. After his death, sense Valpy takes it. Dardanus was deified; which the poet 228. Diluvio. The poet had represented Feautifully expresses: nunc aurea regia stel- the war under the figure of a tempest, rising lantis, &ic. out of Greece; and he continues the idea. 215. JNec sidus: neither star nor shore The effect of this tempest wasa deluge, which hath misled (fifellit) us from the direct swept away the Trojan state, and the wealth course of our voyage, of Asia. 217. Pulsi regnis. The greatest part of 230. Innocuum: safe-secure-that will Asia Minor was subject to Priam. This be offensive to none. Undam: in the sense justifies Ilioneus in saying they were expel. of aquam. Patentem: in the sense of comn led trom the greatest kingdom the sun sur- runem. AENEIS. LIB. VII. 405 Non erinfus regno indecores: nec vestra feretur 231 Fama levis, tantive abolescet gratia facti: Nec Trojam Ausonios gremnio excepisse pigebit. Fata per zEneae juro, dextramque potentem, 234. Perque eus poSive fide, seu quis bello est expertus et armis: 235 tentem dextram, sive Multi nos populi, multae (ne tene, qu6d ultro qis expertus est cam Praferimnus inanibus vittas ac verba precantia) 236. Multi popui, Et petiere sibi et voluere adjungere gentes. multe gentes, et peti6re, Sed nos fata Defum vestras exquirere terras et volu/re adjungere Inperiis egere suis. Hinc Dardanus ortus,_ 240 nos sibi HEuc repetit: jussisque ingentibus urget Apollo Tyrrhenum ad Tybrim, et fontis vada sacra Numici. Dat tibi praterea fortune parva prioris 243. Pratterea noster Munera; relliquias Trojai ex ardente receptas. rex dat tibi para muHoc pater Anchises auro libabat ad aras: 245 Hoc Priami gestamen erat, cuim jura vocatis More daret populis; sceptrumque, sacerque tiaras, Iliadumque labor, vestes. Talibus I!ionei dictis, defixa Latinus Obtutu tenet era, soloque irnmobilis haret, 250 Intentos volvens oculos. Nec purpura regem Picta movet, nec sceptra movent Priameia tantum, Quanttun in connubio natm thalarmoque moratur; Et veteris Fauni volvit sub pectore sortem: Tlunc ilium fatis externa a sede profectum 251 255. Hunc illum proPortendi generum, paribusque in regna vocari fectu sede eterna portendi generum Auspiciis: hinc progeniem virtute futuram 257. Hinc progeniem Egregiam, et totum qua viribus occupet orbem. futuram esse Tandem latus ait: Di nostra incepta secundent, Auguriumque suum. Dabitur, Trojane, quod optas: NOTES. 231. Feretur: in the sense of habebitur. 242. Vada: properly, the shallow, or shoal Levis: small-light. part of the river. Here the water of the 232. Abolescet: be effaced from our minds. river. Fontis: in the sense of rivi vel flu237. Prceferitnus. It was a custom among minis. the ancients for suppliants to carry in their 244. Receptas: saved from, &c. hands a bough of olive, bound about with 245. Hoc auro: in this golden bowl, fawoollen fillets. The fillets here are only ther Anchises, &c. nentioned. Precantia: Ruaus reads, pre- 246. Gestamen: the garment-robe. cantum. 250. Obtutu: in a steady, attentive pos239. Fata: decrees-declaration. Rumeus ture. 5sys, voluntas. 252. Picta purpura: the embroidered pur240. Dardanus. Dardanus, sprung from pie robe. Enmbroidery was invented among hence, calls us hither. Tthis is the sense the Phrygians. given by Davidson. This seems to be the 253. jMoratur: reflects upon-dwells or opinion of Valpy, who connects repetit with meditates upon. sOardanus ortus. Rumus interprets repetit 254. Sortem: mn the sense of oraculum vel by revertitur. This represents Dardanus as responsum oraculi. coming in person to claim, and take posses- 255. Hunc illum: that this very person sion of Italy, his native country. This is come,&c. Portendi: in the sense of desigthe more poetical. Heyne seems to consi- nari. der Apollo the nominative to repetit. He 257. Auspiciis: in the sense of potestate. says, Dardanus ortus hinc; huc repetit jus- Progeniem: an issue-race-offspring.etsque ingenlibus urget Apolo. If we take Hinc: from the union of the Trojans and Apollo for the nom. to repetit, there should Latins in the persons of AEneas and Lavinia. be a colon after ortus, or at least a semi- 260. Auugurium: this refers to the recolon. It was principally under the direo- sponse of the oracle of Faunus, concerni4g lions of this go 1, that Eneas came to Italy. the marriage of Lavinia. See 96. supra. 406f P. VIRGILII MARONIS Munera nec sperno. Non vobis, rege Latino, 26 Divitis uber agri, Trojaeve opulentia deerit. Ipse modo /Eneas, nostri si tanta cupido est, Si jungi hospitio properat, sociusque vocan, Adveniat; vultus neve exhorrescat amicos. 265 Pars mihi pacis erit dextram tetigisse tyranni. Vos contra regi mea nunc mandata referte 2t6. Est mihi nata, Est mihi nata, viro gentis quam jungere nostre, quam sortes ex patrio Non patrio ex adyto sortes, non plurima coelo adyto non sinunt, plu- Monstra sinunt: generos externis affore ab oris, 270 rinma moiistra de coelo non sinunt, jungere viro Hoc Latio restare canunt, qui sanguine nostrum non sinunt, jungere viro 271. Canunt hoc res- Nomen in astra ferant. Hunc ilium poscere fata taae Latio, generos af- Et reor, et, si quid veri mens augurat, opto. fore Hrc effatus, equos n'umero pater eligit omni. Stabant tercentum nitidi in prawsepibus altis. 275 276. Extemplo jubet Omnibus extemplo Teucris jubet ordine duci alipedes instratos ostro Instratos ostro alipedes pictisque tapetis. pictisque tapets dci Aurea pectoribus demissa monilia pendent: 280. Jubel currum, ge- Tecti auro fulvum mandunt sub dentibus aurum. minosque jugales equos Absenti XEneae currum geminosque jugales, 280 ab ethereo semine, si- Semine ab athereo, spirantes naribus ignem: rantes ignem naribus duci absenti Gneee; Illorum de gente, patri quos Daedala Circe equos de gente illorum, Supposita de matre nothos filrata creavit. quos Diedala Circe, fu- Talibus 2Eneadwe donis dictisque Latini rata patli Soli, creavit Sublimes in equis redeunt, pacetnque reportant. 286 nothos de supposita Ecce autem Inachiis sese referebat ab Argis matre. 288. Et ex rthere Seva Jovis conjux, aurasque invecta tenebat. longe usque ab Siculo Et laetum EAneam, classemque ex athere longe Panhyno Dardaniam Siculo prospexit ab usque Pachyno. NOTES. 262. Uber divitis agri: the fruitfulness of goes, stole, by some means, one of the hery a rich soil, f&c. Deerit. In scanning, the steeds of her father Phoebus. By substztwo first vowels make one syllable. tuting a mare of common breed, she was ena266. Pars erit pacis: it will be part of a bled to procure what is called, in common treaty of amity and friendship, to have language, a half blood. This production, touched the right hand of your king. It or mixed breed, the poet calls nothos. Of will be a considerable step toward it. Pars: this race, or stock, descending from the cein the sense of pignus, says Heyne. lestial breed, were the horses that Latinns 269. Sortes. The responses of some ora- presented to /Eneas. Dcedala: an adj. of cles were given by drawing or casting lots. Dadalus, an ingenious artificer of Athens. Hence sors came to signify an oracle, or the He built a labyrinth at Crete, in imitation response of the oracle. Ex patrio adcyto: of the one in Egypt. It is said he escaped from his father's oracle. See 97, supra. from Crete on artificial wings. Daedala: Adytrm: the most sacred place of the tem- cunning-artful. pie, particularly the place where the oracle 285. Sublinies. This may mean simply: stood. Hence the oracle itself, by meton. high, elevated upon their horses. Or it may Plurn'a monstra: very many prodigies from be taken in the sense of lati. heaven, &c. some of which were mentioned 286. Argis: a city of the Peloponnesus,. 59, supra, et seq. dear to Juno. It is called Inachian, from 277. Alipedes. Alipes, properly, an adj.: Inachus, one of its kings; or from the river swift of foot. Here it is used as a sub.: swift Inachus, which flowed near it. horses. Pictis tapetis: with embroidered 288. Longe ex (ethere usque: and from trappings. the heavens afar off, even from Sicilian Pa. 279. VMandunt: they champ the golden chynus, she beheld joyous Eneas, &c. Pa. bit under their teeth. Aurumn, properly, gold chynus: the southern promontory of Sicily -any thing made of gold: also, a golden or Hodie, Capo Passaro. For longe, Heyne reads yellow color. longo, agreeing with aethere: but longe is 282. Dc gente izorum. Circe, as the fable the common reading, and is the easier. A.ENEIS. LIB. VII. 407 Moliri jam tecta videt, jam fidere terrr, 290 Descruisse rates. Stetit acri fixa doloie: Turn, quassans caput, haec effudit pectore dicta: Hieu stirpern invisam, et fatis contraria nostris Fata Phrygum! num Sigeis occumbere campis? 294 Nurmpotuere ocNum capti potuere capi? num incensa cremavit 295 cumbere Sigeis campis Troja viros? medias acies, mediosque per ignes num capti poture capi? Invenere viam. At, credo, mea numina tandem Fessa jacent: odiis aut exsaturata quievi. Quin etiam patria excllssos-infesta per undas 299. Infesta ansa sum Ausa sequi, et profugis toto me opponere ponto. 300 sequi eos excussos patria per undas Absunptae in Teucros vires cclique marisque. Quid Syrtes, aut Scylla mihi, quid vasta Charybdis Profuit? optato conduntur Tybridis alveo, Securi pelagi atque mei. Mars perdere gentem Immanern Lapithun valuit: concessit in iras 305 Ipse DeCun antiquam genitor Calydona Dianae: scelus aut Lapithas eQuod scelus, aut Lapithas tantum, aut Calydona meren- renes, aut Carydona tem? merentem? NOTES. 290..Moliri: to build —to lay the foun- with Hippodame, except Mars. This indations of their houses. The word Trojanos dignity the god revenged upon his subjects. is to be supplied, governed by videt. Fidere: The Lapithce were a people of Thessaly, to trust to the land. Davidson reads sidere: inhabiting mountPindus. Immanem: savage to settle on the land. lie informs us that -barbarous: or great, large, in reference Pierius found sidere in the most of the an- to their size and stature. This last seems cient MSS. The sense is the same with to suit the design of the speech the best; either. which was to magnify the power of Mars, 291. Sletit:-she stops pierced with, &c. in destroying such an enemy. Securi: re-'294. VNum Sig'eis: could they fall upon gardless of-safe from. the Sigean plains? could the captives be 305. i: in the sense of adpnam et taken? &c. Juno here speaks as if nothing inia, sas ene less than tle protection of the gods, that v nda says feyne were opposed to her, could have saved them 306. Calydona: ace. sing. of Greek foramidst such havoc and desolation of fire mation, frol Calydon, the chief city of kEnoand sword. She had done her best to de- lia, near the river Evenus. iEneas, its king, strov them. paid homage to all the gods, except Diana. Fata Phrygum. This may mean the The goddess being provoked at this neglect, success or fortune of the Trojans, in es- sent a wild boar that laid waste his whole caping all the dangers, and surmounting all country,tiihe was slai by his son Melethe difficulties in their way to Italy. And ager. fatis nostris, nmay mean the power, will, or 307. (uod tantum seelus. Rumeus and Dainclination of Juno. It was her earnest ds- vidson have Lapithis, Calydone merente: the sire to destroy them all, and she exerted meaning will then be: what so great punishher utmost power to effect it; but she was ment did the Lapithm or Calydon deserve? bahled in all her attempts. Their success, Scelus is here in the sense of paena vel supor fortune, prevailed against her. Or, by plicium: the punishment for crimes or wickfata -Phrygunm, we may understand the de- ed actions. Heyne, and others, read Lapicrees and purposes of the gods in their favor, thas, and Calydona merentem, governed by opposed to the will and inclinations of Juno, the verb concessit understood. In this case, and baffling all her power. the words may be rendered: deserving what 298. Aut odiis. This is capable of a two- so great punishment did he.give up either fold version: I, satiated with resentment, the Lapithm to Mars, or Calydon to Diana. have ceased: or, satiated, I have ceased If the Lapithae deserved such signal punishfrom my resentment. The senseis the same" ment for neglect shown to Mars; and it either way. Calydon deserved it for contempt of Diana, 299.' Excussos: expelled or cast from their what do not these Trojans deserve for concountry. It is a metaphor taken from a per- tempt of me, the wife of Jove, and queen son's being tost or thrown out of a chariot. of the gods? Thus she reasoned. For the 304. Mars rvaluit. Pirithoiis, king of the cause of Juno's resentment against the TroLapsihcea invited all the gods to his nuptials jans, see ]En. 1. 4, and 28. Q08 P. VIRGlIlII MIARONIS Ast ego, magna Jovis conjux, nil linquere inausum Quna potui infelix, qua memet in omnia verti; Vincor ab,Enea. Quod si mea nurnina non sunt 310 311 Quod numen est Magna satis, dubitem haud equidem implorare quod. usqualil usquam est. Flectere si nequeo Superos, Acheronta movebo. 313. Esto, non dabitur Non dabitur regnis, esto, prohibere Latinis, mthi prollibere Trojanos Atque imnmota manet fatis Lavinia conjux; Latinis regnlms At trahere, atque moras tantis licet addere rebus; 315 At licet amborum populos exscindere regum. Iac gener atque socer coeant mercede suorum. Sanguine Trojano et Rutulo dotabere, virgo: Et Beilona manet te pronuba. Nec face tantium Cisseis pragnans ignes enixa jugales: 320 Quin idem Veneri partus suus, et Paris alter, Funestoeque iterum r-"idiva in Perganma tadaa. Haec ubi dicta dedit, terras horrenda petivit. Luctificam Alecto dirarum ab sede sororum, Infernisque ciet tenebris: cui tristia bella, 325 Iraque, insidiamque, et crimina noxia cordi. Odit et ipse pater Pluton, odere sorores 329. Tam saevae facies Tartarre monstrum: tot sese vertit in ora, sunt illi; illa atra pul- Tam saevat facies, tot pullulat atra colubris. lulat tot colubris. Quam Juno his acuit verbis, ac talia fatur: 330 NOTES. 308. Que potui: who could leave nothing self was the Pronuba, as being the goddesa untried —who had power to try every thing, who presided over marriage. 309. Infelix: unsuccessful-not having 320. Cisseis. Hecuba, the wife of Priam, accomplished my purpose. Verti memet in is so called, from Cisseus, her father. Beomnia: I have had recourse to all expedi- fore she was delivered of Paris, she dreamed ents-I have tried all the means in my she had a torch in her womb. Enia jupower. gales ignes: she brought forth a nuptial 312. Acheronta: ace. sing. of Acheron: fire-brand, to wit, Paris; who was the cause properly, a river of hell. Here put for the of the Trojan war, and the destruction of infernal gods. his country. Any thing belonging to or 314. Ittmota: certain-fixed-determined, connected with marriage, or the marriage 315. Trahere: in the sense of differre. state, may be called jugalis. 317. HMc mercede: at this cost, or price of their people, let them unite. J.Ierces 321. Quin suus partes; bt her own son sometimes signifies a condition. In this shall be te same to Venus, even anothet Bsnse it will be: let them unite upon this proes The mea tng is mo, t hatould condition, viz. the destruction of both their prove the sme to Venus his mother, that people,the Trojans and Latins, mentioned in Pais did to lis, He should kdle th the line above. Heyne takes nmercede in te flaes of another war which should end in sense of vm.o aet pernicie. tethe destruction of Troy, rising again from s318. Virg dotabere: 0 virgin, thou shalt ruins. It is evident that this must be tho 318. virgo, dotshere: 0 virgin, thou shalt be dowered with Trojan and Rutulian blood meanin ofrecidiva. Aneas hadjust founded a city which he called Troy. It was risin,, -thou shalt receive thy dowry in Trojan, a wch he cal roy It was risin' &c.' from the ruins of old Troy. Ruaus 319. Bellona tmnet: and Bellona awaits recidiva, in the sense of iterunl cadentia. thee as a bride'maid. Bellona, the goddess 322. TWedaquefuinestce: and a torch or firepresiding over war. She was the sister of brand, again fatal, &c. Mars, and prepared his chariot for him, when 324. LuctiJicam: doleful-causing sorrow. he went out to war. Pronubee were the See Geor. i. 278. women who managed those things that per- 326. Cordi: dat. of cor, for a pleasure or tained to nuptials, and placed the bride in delight. The verb sunt is to be supplied. her bed. It is used in the singular for the 327. Pluton. The n is added on account goddess of marriage. What gives empha- of the following word, beginu'ng with the sis to the exuression here, is, that Juno her- vowel o. AENEIS. LIB. VII. 409 llunc mihi da proprium, virgo sata nocte, laborem, 331. 0 vsrgo sata Ilanc operam; ne noster honos, infractave cedat noCtL, da mii Fama loco; neu connubiis ambire Latinum iEneadae possint, Italosve obsidere fines. Tu potes unanimes armare in praelia fratres, 335 Atque odiis versare domos: tu verbera tectis 336. Tu potes inferro Funereasque inferre faces: tibi nomina mille, verbera Mille nocendi artcs: fcecundum concute pectus, Disjice compositam pacem, sere crimina belli: Arma velit, poscatque simul, rapiatque juventus. 340 340. Fac ut Juventus Exin Gorgoneis Alecto infecta venenis velit, simulque poscat Principio Latium et Laurentis tecta tyranni Celsa petit, tacitunque obsedit limen Amatae: Quar super adventu Teucrum, Turnique hymenaeis, 344. Quam Amatam Faemineas ardentem curaeque ireque coquebant. 315 ardentem super adventu ~~~TT * T ~.i~.*~ i *iTeucrum hymenaeisque IIuic Dca cceruleis unum de crinibus anguern Turni, fcyminesque Turni, foemineaque Conjicit, inque sinum praecordia ad intima subdit: Quo furibunda domurm monstro permisceat omnem. Ille inter vestes et levia pectora lapsus 349. Ille anguis lapVolvitur attactu nullo, fallitque furentem, 350 sus inter vestes Vipeream inspirans animain: fit tortile collo Aurum ingens coluber, fit longae taenia vittme, 32. Ingens colubet fit tortile Innectitque comas, et membris lubricus errat.tortil Ac dum prima lues udo sublapsa veneno Pertentat sensus, atque ossibus implicat ignem, 355 Necdum anirus toto percepit pectore flammam; NOTES. 331. Hunc proprium laborem: this pecu- iv. Exin: forthwith. She stays not to liar task-this task or business which pro- make reply. She is so bent on mischief perly belongs to you. that she obeys as soon as desired. See norn, 332. Infracta declining-broken. Of in prop. under Gorgon. and fracta. Rlaus says, victa. 345. Femineae curce: female cares and 333. Ambire: in the sense of circumve- angry passions tortured her, inflamed at, &c. nire. The cura may refer to the match with Tur336. Domos: in the sense offamilias. nus, which she was very anxious to bring 337. Mille nomina: there are to you a about; and the irt, to the ar4ival of the thousand pretences, a thousand ways of do- Trojans. ing hurt, or mischief. Verbera: blows- 346. Coeruleis crinibus: from her serpen. scourges. Inferre: in the sense of immil- tine locks. Coeruleis. This is said of sertere. pents, because they are streaked with bluish 339. Disjice. This is the common read- spots. Instead of hair, the heads of the ing. Heyne reads dissice. Pierius says he Gorgons were attired with serpents. Huic: found dissice in all the ancient MSS. Cri- to Aimata. mina belli: the causes of war. Compositam 348. Quo monstro: by which serpent, ren. pacem: the treaty to which Latinus had dered furious, (or driven to fury,) she might agreed, or thu match of Lavinia with embroil the whole family. iEneas, 350. JVullo atlactu: without any percep341. Gorgoneis venenis infecta: infected tible touch. with Gorgonian poisons-with such poisons 352. Tortile aurum collo: wreathed gold as the serpents had, with which the head of for the neck-a chain of wreathed gold-a the Gorgon,.Medusa, was encircled. Ac- necklace. cording to fable, Perseus cut off her head, 354. Prima lues sublapsa: and while the and took it with him in his travels into Af- first infection, gliding gently downward, with tica. The drops falling from it, sprung up its humid poison, penetrates the senses, &c. immediately into venomous reptiles. The Most interpreters connect subiapsa udo veGorgo's2 were the daughters of Phorcys and neno together, and consider the infection as Ceto. They were three in number, Stheno, gliding under the humid poison. DavidMcdusa, and Euryale. Set Ovid. Met. lib. son thinks, udc veneno should be co nected 410 P. VIRGILII MlARONIS 357. Regina locuta Molliis, et solito matrum de more,,ocuta est, est mollius, et de solito Multa super nat& lachrymans, Phrygiisque hymenai mas matu ahry- Exulibusne datur ducenda Lavinia Teucris, 0 genitor! nec te miseret nataeque tuique? 360 361. Nec miseret te Nec matris miseret; quam primo Aquilone relinquet matris; quam iste perfi- Perfidus, alta petens, abducta virgine, praedo? dus predo relinquet pri- * T mo Aquilone At non sic Phrygius penetrat Lacedaemcna pastor, Ledaeamque Helenarn Trojanas vexit ad urbes? 365. Quid erit tua Quid tua sancta fides, quid cura antiqua tuorum, 365 sancta fides Et consanguineo toties data dextera Turno? Si gener externa petitur de gente Latinis, Idque sedet, Faunique premunt te jussa parentis: 369. Equidem reor Omnem equidem sceptris terram quae libera nostris omnem terrain esse ex- Dissidet, externam reor; et sic dicere Divos. 370 ternam, quai libera a Et Turno, si prima domfs repetatur origo, nostris sceptris dissidet a nobis; et reor Divos Inachus Acrisiusque patres, mediaeque Mycence. dicere sic. Et, si prima His ubi nequicquam dictis experta, Latinum origo ejus domus repe- Contra stare videt; penitusque in viscera lapsum tatur, Inachus, Acrisius- Serpentis furiale malum, totamque pererrat: 375 que reperientur patres Tur vero infelix, ingentibus excita monstris, Turno; Mycenaeque mediae Greci, ejus paeria. Immerisam sine more fulit lymphata per urbem' Ceu quondam torto volitans sub verbere turbo, NOTES. with pertentat sensus. He observes that ser- He, or his grandson Perseus, removed the pents leave a humidity, a kind of infectious seat of government to Jfycence. He orderpoison or slime, where they pass along; and ed his daughter Danae to be shut up in a as the motion of this serpent was down- wooden chest, and cast into the sea. Here ward, sublapsa is very properly used. it is said she was impregnated by Jupiter, 360. Genitor. The whole of this speech and had Perseus. She was wafted to the of the queen is very artful, and very well coast of Italy, where she was taken up by calculated to produce the intended effect. Polydectes. Afterward, she married PilumShe applies to him not the title of king, nor nus, who was one of the ancestors of Turthe name of husband; but the tender ap- nus. She founded the city Ardea, in the pellation of father. Thus making her ad- country of the Rutuli. JIycenoa was situdi-ess to his parental affections, that if he ated on the river Inachus, which flows into had any compassion, it might be moved in the Sinus Argolicus, on the eastern side of behalf of his only daughter, the support of the Peloponnesus. It is here said to be the his family, and the heiress of his kingdom. middle of Greece. But this is more frol She puts him in mind of the conduct of its being the chief city, or capital of Greece Paris at the court of Menelaus; and inti- than from its local situation. mates that XEneas, like a perfidious robber, 373. Experta: having tried-addressed would carry off his daughter the first op- him. portanity. 374. Stare contra: in the sense of resistere. 363. At non. This is the common read. 375. Furialc malum: the infuriate poison. ing. Mr. Davidson reads an non. Phry- Pererrat: in the sense of penetrat. gius pastor: Paris. Penetrat: in the sense 376. Excita ingcntibus: roused by the of intravit. mighty monsters. The effect of the poison 366. Turno. His mother's name was Ve- upon her imagination made her see a thounilia, the sister.of Amata, the wife of Lati- sand monsters, which affrighted and disnus. He was therefore connected with the tracted her. royal family of Latium. Consanguineo: 377. Lymphata frantic,-furious. This properly, a relation by blood, is thought, by most interpreters, to express 368. Sedet: is resolved upon. Statutum that kind of fury with which persons are est, says Ruaeus. seized who have been bitten by a mad dog; 370. Dissidet: in the sense of separatur. and whose madnless, when it comes to the 372. Inachus. Ile was one of the first height, is accompanied with a dread of wakings of Argos, and gave his name to the ter. From lympha, water. Sine more. be. river near that city. Acrisius was one of yond bounds-immoderately. his descendants, and the last king of Argos. 378. Ceu quondam: as when a top whirl AENEIS.. I [IB. 411 Quem pueri magno in gyro vacua atria circum ittenti ludo exercent. Ille actus habena 380 Curvatis fertur spatiis: stupet inscia turba, Impubesque manus, mirata volubile buxum: Dant animos plaga. Non cursu segnior illo Per medias urbes agitur, populosque feroces. 384. Regzna agitur Quin etiam in sylvas, simulate numine Bacchi, o5 sun,egnior illo cursu Majus adorsa nefas, majoremque orsa furorem, per Evolat; et natam frondosis montibus abdit, Quo thalamum eripiat Teucris, tedasque moretur: Evoe Bacche, fremens; solum te virgine dignum 389. Vociferans ts Vociferans, etenim molles tibi sumere thyrsos, 390 Bacb, solum esse digiulm virgine; earn suTe lustrare chore, sacrum tibi pascere crinem. m ere molles hyros tbis Fama volat: furiisque accensas pectore matres lustrare te Idem omnes simul ardor agit, nova quamrere tecta. Deseruere domos: ventis dant colla comasque. Ast aliae trernulis ldulatibus aethera complent, 395 Pampineasque gerunt incinct.T pellibus hastas. p)sa inter medias flagrantem fervida pinum 39. n ipsa fer Sustinet, ac nata Turnique canit hymenmeos, vida sustinet Sanguineam torquens aciem: torvumque repente Clamat: lo matres, audite, ubi quaeque, Latinae: 400 400' ioLatine matres, ~... ~.' ~. >...........A * ~ audite, ubi qumeque estis: Si qua piis animis manet infelicis Amatae si qua gratia infelicis Gratia, si juris materni cura remordet; Amate manet NOTES. ing under the twisted lash, which boys, in- 388. Thalamum: in the sense of conju tent on their sport, &c. Dr. Trapp observes, gium. T7edas: in the sense of nuptias. this simile is the perfection of elegance. 390. Etenim. In some editions, there is a Nothing can be more finely described. full stop after vociferans. This perplexes the 380. Exercent: in the sense of agitant. whole passage: whereas, if we make vociHabend: with the string. ferans to govern the following infinitives, all 382. Buxum: the box wood, of which will be plain and easy. Rueus, and Dr. tops were made-the top itself, by meton. Trapp, think they are governed byfema vo383. Dant animos plagc.. This is capable lat. The etenim, here, appears to be expleof two meanings, according as plage is ta- tive. Thyrsos. The thyrsus was a kind of ken for the nom. plu. or the dat. silw. Dr. spear wrapped about with vine and ivy Trapp insists on the former, and renders it: leaves, which Bacchus and his retinue used the lashes give (it) life; taking animos in to wear. the sense of vitalm; and this again for rapi- 391. Chore. Some copies have chorts, dum motum. Davidson objects to this, ard others chores. The sense is, however, the prefers the latter: they give their souls to same with either. The bacchanals used to the stroke. This is the more elegant, and dance round the image of Bacchus. Sapoetical. Dryden renders it thus: "and crum tibi. It was a custom among the Rolend their little souls to every stroke." Val- mans and Greeks, for maidens to consecrate py takes animos in the same sense with Dr. their hair to some god or goddess; and Trapp. iHeyne says, concitatiorem motum. never to cut it off till just before they were JLon segnior: not less impetuous is the queen married, when they suspended it in the temdriven in her course through, &c. pie of that deity, in honor of whom they 386. Orsa: part. from ordior, I begin or had preserved it. Lustrare: in the sense enter upon. Jlumnine Bacchi: the influ- of circumire. Pascere: in the sense of ence of Bacchus being pretended. She pre- servare. tended to be under the influence or impulse 393. Tecta: abodes, to wit, the woods. of that god. RuTus takes numen in the 399. Torvitm: an adj. neu. taken as an sense of religio, making the queen to feign adverb; in imitation of the Greeks. In the a zeal for the service or worship of Bacchus. sense of torve. Valpy says, under a pretence of celebrating 400. Latince matres: ye Latin matrons the orgies of Bacchus. Adorsa: attempt- hear, wherever any of you be. The verb irg..JNefas: in the sense of crimen vel estis is understood. Ubi: in the sense of scelus. ubicunque. 412 P. VIRGILI MARONIS Solvite clinales vittas, capite orgia mecuin. 404. Alecto agit Re- Talem inter sylvas, inter deserta ferarum, ginanm talem stimulis Reginam Alecto stimulis agit undique Bacchi. 405 Bacchi undique 0i undostquamleto Postquam visa satis primos acuisse furores, visa est sib acuisse pri- Consiliumque omnemque dloinur vertisse Latini mus furores Amatce Protinus hinc fuscis tristis Dea tollitur alis Audacis Rutuli ad imuros: uam dicitur urbem Acrisioneis Danae fundasse colonis, 410 Pracipiti delata Noto: locus Ardua quondam Dictus avis, et nune magnum manet Ardea nom3n Sed fortuna fuit. Tectis hic Turnus in altis Jam mediam nigra carpebat nocte quietem. Alecto torvam faciem et furialia membra 415 Exuit: in vultus sese transformat aniles, Et frontem obsccenam rugis arat: induit albos Cum vitta crines: tur ramum innectit oliva. Fit Calybe, Junonis anus, templique sacerdos 420. Etoffertsejuveni Et juveni ante oculos his se cum vocibus offert: 420 ante oculos cum his-ver- Turne, tot incassium fusos patiere labores, Et tua Dardaniis transcribi sceptra colonis? Rex tibi conjugium, et quesitas sanguine dotes Abnegat; externusque in regnum quaeritur heres. I nunc, ingratis offer te, irrise, periclis: 425 Tyrrhenas, i, sterne acies: tege pace Latinos 427. Aden omnipotens Ireec adeo tibi me, placida cum nocte jaceres, Saturnia ipsa jussit me Ipsa palam fari onnipotens Saturnia jussit. fan hec palam tibi, cium Quare age, et armari pubem, portisque mover Laetus in arma para: et Phrygios, qui flumine pulchro Consedere, duces pictasque exure carinas. 431 NOTES.,07. Vertisse: in the sense of turbavisse. 421. Fusos: part.offundor: to be lost410. Funddsse, &c. Danae founded a to be thrown away, in vain. Esse is undercity, which she called Ardea or Ardua, most stood. probably from its high and elevated situa- 422. Transcribi: to be transferred to a tion. Acrisioneis colonis: for her Grecian Trojar. colony, This word was generally colony..crisioneis: an adj. from Acrisius, applied to those persons, whose names were the name of her father. See 372, supra. enrolled in order to be transplanted into 411. Procipiti noto: by a violent wind some new colony. Such persons were (allwafted to Italy. J'oto: tile south wind, put ed transcripti. Hence the verb came to for wind in general. signify to transfer. 412. A.vis: in the sense of majoribus. 423. Conjugium: in the sense of Lavin Magnum: great-illustrious. am, vel nuptias Lavinicc. 413. Sed fortuna fuit. Most interpreters 426. Tege: defend-protect. The Latins, take this to mean no more than forte, or ita in their wars with the Tuscans, received aid etenit: so it was, or so it happened; and from Turnus, and by his means obtained connect it with what follows. It happened peace. To this circumstance, here is an also that Turnus, &c. Rueus says, casus ita lusion. tulit. But this is very flat, and makes the 430. Para: in the sense of jube. Arma' conjunction sed a mere expletive. It is bet- in the sense of bellulm. ter to refer it to Ardea just mentioned; 431. Exure Phr7,gios, &c. The poets which, though illustrious and flourishing, sometimes connect two words together in was now doomed to be destroyed by _Eneas; the same sentence to be governed by a verb: taking fortuna fuit in the sense of En. ii. when strictly it can agree with one of them 325. whereffuius Troes,fut Ilium, imports: only. Thus, in the present case, exure we Trojans once were, Ilium once was; but agrees with the pictas carinas; but it does is now no more. not suit Phry/eios duces. The meaning is: 417 Obsccenam: filthy-deformed. A. t: destroy the Trojan leaders, and burn their in the sense of sulcal. painted ships. AENEIS. LIB. VI. 41* C'alestum vis magna jubet. Rex ipse Latinus, Ni dare conjugium, et dicto parere fatetur, Sentiat, et tandem Turnum experiatur in armis. Hie juvenis vatem irridens, sic orsa vicissim 435 435. Hic juvenis T7ur Ore referlt: Classes invwctas Tybridis alveo, nus irridens vatem. sic ~-,Ore refert: Classes invt"ctas T. vicissim refert hcec orsa Non, ut rere, meas effugit nuntius aures: ex ore: nuntius non efNe tantbs mihi finge metus: nec regia Juno fugit meas aures, ut tu [mmemor est nostri. rere Sed te victa situ, verique effoeta senectus, 440 440. Sed, 0 mater, O mater, curis nequicquam exercet; et arma senectus victa situ, effawRegum inter, falsa vatem formidine ludit. taque veri Cura tibi, Divlim effigies et templa tueri: 443. Sit tibi cura tuer Bella viri pacemque gerant, queis bella gerenda. effigies Talibus Alecto dictis exarsit in iras. 445 At juveni oranti subitus tremor occupat artus Diriguere oculi: tot Erinnys sibilat hydris, Tantaque se facies aperit. Tur flammea torquens Lumina, cunctantem et quaerentem dicere plura 449. Reppulit cum Reppulit, et geminos erexit crinibus angues, 450 cunctantem Verberaque insonuit, rabidoque htec addidit ore: En! ego victa situ, quam veri effacta senectus 452. En! ego sum ilia Arma inter regum falsa formidine ludit. victa sita Respice ad he'c: adsum dirarum a sede sororum; /Bella manu, letumque gero. 455 Sic effata facem juveni conjecit, et atro Lumine fumantes fixit sub pectore taedas. Olli somnum ingens'rupit pavor: ossaque et artus Perfudit toto proruptus corpore sudor. Arma ainens fremit; arma toro tectisque requirit. 460 Saevit amor ferri, et scelerata insania belli, 461. Amor ferr, et Ira super. Magno veluti cum flamma sonore scerata si elli super ira seavit. Veluti Virgea suggeritur costis undantis aheni, cum virgea flamma Exsultantque awstu ]atices: furit intus aquae vis,.NOTES. 432. Vis: in the sense of potentia. 448. Tanta facies: so horrid an appear433. XJi fatetur: unless he consent to ra- ance of her disclosed itself to his view. She tify the match, and abide by his word, &c. displayed so terrific an appearance to the 435. Orsa: in the sense of verba; from astonished youth, that a sudden trembling the verb ordior. seized his limbs, &c. 440. Situ. Situs properly signifies the 450. Reppulit: prevented-repelled.squalor or mustiness that grows upon old Erexit: in the sense of extulit. walls and dark places. Here put for the 451. Verbera: her lash-whip. hoariness, (gray hairs,) deformity, or rust of 457. Fumantes afro lumine: smoking with old age. Rueus interprets it by annis, gloomy light. Servius interprets atro by and it may be used very well for years, or furiali-inferno. old age, by meton. Effeta is said of a wo- 459. Proruptus: gushing-bursting from man who is past child-bearing. Ejfftta veri, his whole body, drenched-wet, &c. will then mean, barren of truth-one who 460. Fremit: he raves for his arms. Ruhas ceased to speak the truth. Dr. Trapp tius says, fervet. renders it, impotent of-truth. Victa: en- 462. Super. Thisis used here in the sense feebl3d-overcome. of insuper: furthermore-beside. It may 442. Ludit: in the sense of decipit. Va- seem a strange climax, says Dr. Trapp, to tern a priestess. Te is understood. Inter mention anger after madness. The former arma regunm. Rumus says, super bellis re- relates to the hurry of his thoughts about gum. war in general, and the latter to his own re446. Oranti: in the sense of loquenti vel sentment and jealousy. Veluti cum: as dicenti. when a fire of twigs, with a great roaring 414 P. VIRGILIl MARONIS Fumidus atque alte spumis exuberat amnis: 465 Nec jam se capit unda; volat vapor ater ad auras 467 Ergo Turnus in —Ergo iter ad regem, pollute pace, Latinum dicit primis juvenum Indicit prirnis juvenum: et jubet arma parari, iter ad regem Tutari Italiam, detrudere finibus hostem: 470. Ait so venire sa- Se satis ambobus Teucrisque venire Latinisque. 470 tis ambobus IIec ubi dicta dedit, Divosque in vota vocavit, Certatim sese Rutuli exhortantur in arma. 473. Egrcgium decus Hunc decus egregium forma movet atque juvente; formae atque juvente Hunc atavi reges; hunc claris dextera factis. reges eus amovet hunm e Dum Turnus Rutulos animis audacibus implet, 475 reges ejus atav; movent hunc: dextera inclyta Alecto in Teucros Stygiis se concitat alis: claris factis movet hunc Arte nova speculata locum, quo litore pulcher Insidiis cursuque feras agitabat Ifilus. Hic subitam canibus rabiem Cocytia virgo Objicit, et noto nares contingit odore, 480 Ut cervum ardentes agerent: qum prima laborum Causa fuit, belloque animos accendit agrestes. Cervus erat forma prastanti, et cornibus ingens 484. Quem raptum Tyrrheidae pueri quern matris ab ubere raptum ab ubere matris pueri Nutribant, Tyrrheusque pater, cui regia parent 485 Tyrrll;de nutribant. Armenta, et late custodia credita campi. 488. Cui custodia camn late erat credita. Assuetum imperils soror omni Sylvia cur& Svlviasoror eorumorna- Mollibus intexens ornabat cornua sertis. bat eum assuLtum Pectebatque ferum, puroque in fonte lavabat. Ille manum patiens, mensaeque assuetus herili, 490 Errabat sylvis: rursuisque ad limina nota NOTES. is placed under the sides of a boiling chal- arms from the grace and dignity of his king; dron, &c. a second, from a consideration of his long 464. Latices: in the sense of aqua. Ex- line of royal ancestors; and a third, from ultant: boil up. Aquae vis: the force or his noble achievements and feats in arms. power of the water. Heyne reads Aquai: Atavi reges. These words are here used the old gen. of aqua, and connects it with in the sense of regales majores: his royal fumidus amnis. The common reading is ancestors. aquia vis. 477. Speculata: havingobserved the place, 465. Fumidus amnis: the steam or va- on what shore beautiful Iulus, &c. J.ova por. Exuberat: abounds-overflows. No- arte: with a new purpose, design, or object thing can give us a greater and more terri- i view-with a design different from her ble idea of human rage and fierceness, than visit to Latinus or Turnus, that she might the boiling of water in a chaldron. Dr. actually kindle the war. Trapp thinks with Pierius, that the force of 478. Insidiis: snares-traps. eloquence is here wonderfully displayed in 479. Cocytia: hellish or infernal; an adj. the variety of words to express the same from Cocytus, a fabulous river of hell. thing. 480. JVoto odore: the known scent of the 467. Pace polluta. A league or treaty of sag. pIacc was considered sacred, and ratified by 481. Jrdenes: eager-fierce. solemn rites of religion; and the violation 4es: e r of it was considered an act of pollution and 484 T the sons Tyrrheus profaneness. a patronymic noun. Tyrrheus kept the 470. Satls venire: that he is a match for herds of Latinus both, &c. Venire: in the sense of esse. 487. Imperits: authority-commands. 472. Certatim: eagerly-with emulation. Riuieus takes assuetum, in the sense of doIn arma: in the sense of ad bellum. cilem. 473. Hunc: one-this one. 489. Ferum Ferus properly signifies a 474. Atavi: in the sense of majores. The wild or savage animal. Here, and in some poet here enumerates the different incite- other places of Virgil, it signifies a tame ments to the war. One is induced to take up one. AENEIS. LIB. VII. 415 Tnse domum serA quamvis se nocte ferebat. Itunc procul errantem rabidae venantis Iuli Comm-overe canes: fluvio cum forte secundo Deflueret, ripaque aestus viridante levaret. 495 Ipse etiam eximia laudis succensus amore Ascanius curvo direxit spicula cornu: Nec dextrae erranti Deus.abfuit, actaque multo Perque uterum sonitu, perque ilia venit arundo Saucius at quadrupes nota intra tecta refugit, 500 Successitque gerens stabulis; questuque cruentus 501. Cruentusquo, atAtque imploranti similis, tectum ornne replevit. que similis implorant Sylvia prima sorer, palmis percussa lacertos, opem, cervus replevit Auxilium vocat, et duros conclamat agrestes. Olli, pestis enim tacitis latet aspera sylvis, 505 505. Aspera pestis Improvisi adsunt: hic torre armatus obusto, Alecto latet'$tipitis hic gravidi nodis: quod cuique repertum 507. Iic arnatus noRimanti, telum ira facit. Vocat agmina Tyrrheus, dis gavidi stipitis adest ira facit id telum, quod Quadrifidam quercum cuneis ut forte coactis es repertum cuique riScindebat, rapta spirans immane securi. 510 manti. Tyrrheus spirans At saeva e speculis tempus Dea nacta nocendi, immane, securi rapta, Ardua tecta petit stabuli, et de culmine summo vocat agmina, ut forte Pastorale canit signum, cornuque recurvo Tartaream intendit vocem qua protinus omne Contremuit nemus, et sylvae intonuere profundae. 515 Aud:it et Triviae onge lacus, audiit amnis Sullurea Nar albus aqua, fontesque Velini: NOTES. 493. Rabidts: in the sense of furiosae. rhous was thrown, on hearing of the death 494. Deflueret secundo: when by chance of the stag: breathing fury-panting for he was swimming down the stream-along vengeance. Dr. Trapp understands it of his with the current. Commovere: roused up puffing and blowing in felling and splitting as he was roving at large. timber. Valpy is of the same opinion with 495. Levaret: allaying-assuaging the Davidson. heat. 514. Intendit: she swells her infernal 497. Curvo cornu: from his bent, or elas- voice through the crooked horn. By means tic bow. of the horn, the sound was greatly in498. Deus. Alecto is here meant. Deus creased. is of both genders. Errants: Dr. Trapp. of both genders. Errant: Dr.T 515. Profupnde sylvee: either the woods in observes, there is an elegancy m this. e 515. Profundc sy: either the woods in observes, there is an elegancy in this deep valleys, or the inmost and thickest part erred even by hitting the animal, consider- of te wds. ing the consequences. But he thinks by Oeus, we are to understand any god, or for- 516. Lacus Trivice: the lake of Diana. iune. Most commentators, however, take lThis was near the city Aricia, about three brranti in its common acceptation. His leagues from Laurentum tothenorth. HIoiand was erring in itself, and would have die, Lago di Semo. erred, had it not been guided by the goddess. 517. JVar. This river rises in the ApenActa'. in the sense of immissa, vel impulsa. nines, and running in a south-western di. 499. Sonitu: in the sense of stridore. It rection, separating Umbria from the country made a whizzing noise as it cut the air. of the Sabines, falls into the Tiber. Its 505. Aspera pestis: the odious fiend surface is whitened for a considerable disiurks, &-. But La Cerda understands it of tance by the foam, occasioned by the dashthe fury which seized the rustics. This is ing of the water against the rocks that lie not so natural and easy, though the sense in its bed. Its name is of Sabine origin,'be the same. and signifies sulphur, with which the water 509. Cuneis coactis: with wedges driven is impregnated. Hodie, Nera. Fontes Veinto it. lini: the river Ve'inus. This river rises in 510. Spirans immane. Davidson under- the country of the Sabines, and flows into stands this of the passion into which Tyr- the Nar 416 P. V1RGILII MARONIS Et trepidm matres pressere ad pectora natos. 519. Tnm vero indo- Tum vero ad vocem celeres, qua buccina signum miti agricolam celeres Dira dedit raptis concurrunt undique telis 520 concurrunt undique, tcis c urrunt undique, te- Indomiti agricol: necnon et Troia pubes lis raptis, ad vocem, qua.,n dira Ascanio auxilium castris effundit apertis. Direxere acies: non jam certamine agresti, Stipitibus duris agitur, sudibusve prarustis; Sed ferro ancipiti decernunt, atraque late b2i Horrescitstrictis seges ensibus, aeraque fulgent Sole lacessita, et lucem sub nubila jactant. Fluctus uti primo co-pit cum albescere vento; Paulatim sese tollit mare, et altiuis undas Erigit, inde imo consurgit ad rethera fundo. 630 531. Hie juvenis Al- IIic juvenis primam ante aciem stridente sagittft, mon, qui fuit maximus Natorum Tyrrhei fuerat qui maximus, Almon natour Tyrrhei, ster- Sternitur: haesit enim sub gutture vulnus, et uda nitur, ante Vocis iter, tenuemque inclusit sanguine vitam. 535. Multa corpora Corpora multa virum circa: seniorque Galmesus, 536 viriin sternuntur circa Dum paci medium se offert, justissimus unus illum: seniorque Gele- Qui fuit, Ausoniisque olim ditissimus arvis. sus sternitur quoque ur quque Quinque greges illi balantfim, quina redibant Armenta, et terran centum vertebat aratris. Atque, ea per campos aequo dum Marte geruntur, Promissi Dea facta potens, ubi sanguine bellum 541 Imbuit, et prime commisit funera pugnme; Deserit Hesperiam, et cceli convexa per auras, Junonem victrix affatur voce superba: 545. En discordia per- En perfecta tibi bello discordia tristi! 545 fccta est tibi Dic, in amicitiam coeant, et fcdera jungant, 547. Dic illis, sit co- Quandoquidem Ausonio respersi sanguine Teucros. cant Hoc etiar his addam, tua si mihi certa voluntas NOTES. 520. Indomiti: rude,unpolished, country- 538. Redibant: returned home to him men, &c. from pasture. He had five flocks of sheep, 522. Effundit: in the sense of mittit. and five herds of cattle. 523 Direxere acies: they arranged the 540. JEquo Marte. This cannot mean lines. They drew up their respective forces that the loss was equal on both sides, for in order of battle. AJon agitur agresti: they -the slain was on the part of the Iatins only. do not now engage in rustic fight, with, &c, Donatus explains it by aperto Marte; and Agitur: in the sense of pugnatur. Ascensius, by equo et piano campo; mean525. Ancipiti ferro: with the two-edged ing, that the field of battle was a plain and sword. Rusus says, dubiis gladiis, alluding level spot of ground. Rueus takes it to reto the issue of the contest. Atra seges: a fer to the fight itself; when the issue was as direful field (crop) of drawn swords waves yet equal; or it was uncertain, on which afar, &c. The prep. e is understood before side the victory would turn. strictis ensibus. 541. Dea facta potens: the goddess hav526. JEra: brazen armor; plu. of ces: ing accomplished her promise. Potens: in brass. Any thing made of brass may be the sense of compos. Bellunm. Davidson called ces, vel cera. renders it, by field of war; which evidently 533. Vulnus: the wound; here put, by is its meaning in this place. When she meton. for the wounding instrument-the stained the field of battle with blood, she arrow, Udae Vocis. The voice is here call- had then fulfilled her engagement with Juno. ed humid, because it passes through a moist 542. Funera: in the sense of ecedem. or humid passage. The same as udum iter Commissit: in the sense of incepit. (ocis. 543. Convexa: in the sense o' vecta. 534. Liclusit: in the sense of obstruxit. 544. Victrix: victorious-L-.ving effected.536. Medium pact: a mediator of peace. her object. XANEIS. LIB. VII. 417 Finitimas in bella feram rumoribus urbes, Accendamque animos insani Martis amore, 550 Undique ut auxilio veniant: spargain arma per agros. Turn contrA Juno: Terrorum et fiaudis abunde est: Staat belli causae: pugnatur commins armis. Qu-?e fors prima dedit, sanguis novus imbuit arma. Talia connubia et tales celebrent hymenaeos 555 Egregiurn Veneris genus, et rex ipse Latinus. 556. Eneas,egregium Te super aethereas errare licentiuis auras genus veneris et rex Haud pater ipse velit summi regnator Olympi. Latinus ipse celebent 558. Pater Jupiter Cede locis. Ego, si qua super fortuna laborum est, ipse regnator summi Ipsa regain. Tales dederat Saturnia voces: 560 Olympi haud vclit to Ilia autem attollit stridentes anguibus alas, errare Cocytique petit sedem, supera ardua linquens. Est locus, Italiwe in medio sub montibus alti Nobilis, et fama multis memoratus in oris, Amsancti valles: densis hunc fiondibus atrum 565 565. JVempe valles amUrget utrinque latus nemoris, medioque fragosus sancti. Latus nemoris, atrum densis frondibus Dat soniturn saxis et torto vortice torrens. am denss fro Iic specus horrendum, et savi spiracula Ditis que, medioque ejus Monstrantur: ruptoque ingens Acheronte vorago, Pestiferas aperit fauces: quels condita Erinnys, 570 570. In que: Erinnys, tnvisum numen, terras ccelumque levabat. invisum nuren, condita Nee minus intereh extremam Saturnia bello lmponit regina manum. Ruit omnis in urbem Pastorum ex acie numerus: caesosque reportant, NOTES. 550. Amore insani. Rumaus takes.this for on which it breaks, for the thickness of the tnsano amore Martis, by hypallage. But in- mist that rises from it; which looks at a sanus is an epithet highly applicable, and distance like clouds of smoke, ascending proper for Mars, or war; where nothing but from some vast furnace; and distils in perhavoc and mad fury reign. petual rains on all the places near it. He ob551. Arma: in the sense of bella. serves, that this was the most proper place 554. JNovus sanguis: new (or recent) in the world for a fury to make her exit, after blood hath stained the arms, which, &c. The she had filled a nation with distractions and ntovus, alludes to the blood which had been alarms; and, I believe, continues he, that ihed in the recent or late encounter. Fors: every reader's imagination is pleased, whex 6hance-fortune. Dedit: offered-presented. he sees the angry goddess, thus sinking as 559. Cede locis: depart from the places it were in a tempest, and plunging herself of this upper world. The earth is called the into hell amidst such a scene of horror and celestial or ethereal regions, in opposition to confusion. This cascade is near the middle,the infernal regions, or regions of darkness. of Italy. Amsanctus: of the old amphi, and Superest. The parts of the verb are sepa- sacer vel sanclus. rated by tmesis. Fortuna laborum: Rueus 567. Torto vortice: with its whirling eddy says, discrimen in hoc negotio. Fragosus: roaring among the rocks. 560. [oces: in the sense of verba. 560. Acttsllt: in the sense of explrba. She 568. Spiracula: in the sense of ostia. 561. Attollit: in the sense ofexplicat. She (A1ecto) spreads her wings hissing, &c. 569. Ingens vorago: a vast gulf issuing 562. Supera ardua: the lofty places of from overflowing Acheron-from Achethis upper world. Loca being understood. ron, having burst its barriers. Acheron, a 565. Valles Amsancti. Commentators are river of hell: also hell itself —the infermot agreed about.the situation of this place. nal deities. Davidson takes it absolutely AMr. Addison is of opinion that the Vetinus, with rupto.;mentioned 517, is the place which the poet 570. Condita: being hid-sunk. Levabal: Ihad in his view. The river, says he, is ex- relieved them from her presence, by disapt.remelv rapid before its fall, and rushes down pearing from these upper regions. Heyne a precipice a hundred yards high. It throws says, linquebat. itself into the hollow rocr., wflch nas pro- 572. Saturnia regina: Juno, the daughbably been worn by such a constant fall of ter of Saturn, and wife of Jove. Hence water. It is impossible to see the bottom, sometimes styled the qteen of the gods. 28 418 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Almonem puerum, fcedatique ora Galesi, 76b Implorantque Deos, obtestanturque Latinum. Turnus adest, medioque in crimine cxedis et ignis, 578. QueriurTeucros Terrorem ingeminat: Teucrosque in regna vocari;'ocari Stirpem admisceri Phrygiam; se limine pelli. 579. Admisceri Lati- Tur, quorum attonitae Baccho nemora avia matres 580. Tu illi, quorum Insultant thiasis, neque enim leve nomen Amatae 5f matres attonite Baccho Undique collecti coeunt, Martemque fatigant insultant thiasis per Ilicet infandum cuncti contra omina bellum, Contra fata Deuim, perverso numine poscunt. Certatim regis circumstant tecta Latini. 585 Ille, velut pelagi rupes immota, resistit: Ut pelagi rupes, magno veniente fragore, 588. Qua) tenet sese Qum sese, multis circumlatrantibus undis, sua mole, magno fra- Mole tenet: scopuli nequicquam et spumea circum gore procelle veniente Saxa fremunt, laterique illisa refunditur alga. 590 Verum ubi nulla datur caecum exsuperare potestas Consilium, et saevae nutu Junonis eunt res: Multa Deos, aurasque pater testatus inanes, Frangimur heu fat.s, inquit, ferimurque procellA! 595. 0 miseri! vos Ipsi has sacrilege pendetls sanguine poenas, 595 ipsi pendetis has O miseri! Te, Turne, nefas, te triste manebit Supplicium; votisque Deos venerabere seris. Nam mihi parta quies, omnisque in limine portus, NOTES. 575. Ora: in the sense of caput; and 589. Scopuli: properly high sharp rocks.. fodati, in the sense of occisi: or ora febdati Saxa: sany rocks-rocks in general. Galcesi, may mean simply the body of Gale- 590. Alga illisa: the sea-weed dashed sus, mangled and disfigured with wounds. against its sides is repelled, or washed off. 577. Medio crimine, &c. By crimen here 591 Ccum: in the sense of insnum. we are undoubtedly to understand the charge or accusation, which the rustics 593. Testatus multa: having often be brought against the Trojans, for the death sought the gods and skies-having called of Alhon and Galusus. While they are them to witness. JMulta: a Grecism; for making the accusation, in medio crimine, multum, vel scepe. Inanes auras: vacuum Turnus comes up, and increases the alarm. aerem, says Ruseus. Auras: the skies or Dr. Trapp takes it for the crime of murder heavens, as the word frequently signifies. simply; and Rueus interprets it by in me- Dr. Trapp thinks it should be read aras, and, dio cadaverum. accordingly, he connects inanes with it: tllh 580. Attonirte: inspired-under the in- vain or useless altars; because of the leagu e fluence of. Ruieus says,percite. which had been made in due form, but now 581. Insultant thiasis: leap and dance was broken. But Davidson reads inanis, m choirs through the pathless groves. For agreeing with pater, in the sense of inaniter:. thiasis, Rueus says choreis. JVomen: in- in vain-to no purpose; and he observes fluence-authority. it is the reading of some ancient copies. 582. Fatigant: in the sense of poscunt. Heyne reads inanes agreeing with auras'..Martem: war. Valpy and La Cerda do the same. Pieriua 583. Omina. These were the flight of connects inanes with frangimur. bees and fiery appearance about Lavinia. 595. Sacrilego sanguine. Latinus calliv See 64, supra et sequens. their blood sacrilegious, because they ha d 584. Fata: these were the responses of compelled him to the war against the wi.ll tCie Oracle of Faunus. Perverso numine. of the gods. Rumus takes this in the sense of contra vo- 596. Vefas: an impious or wicked persor;. luntatem Deoruwn: the will of the gods As En. ii. 585. Or it may be taken in the being against it. Heyne is of the same sense of infandum, agreeing with suppliciun.. opinion. Perverse: in the sense of adverse. Rumeus interprets it by crimen. Davidson 587. Fragore: in the sense of tempestate. renders it: "' the impious promoter of this 588 Circumlatrantibus: in the sense of war," in apposition with Turne. eircuwnmonantibus. 598. JVam quies: for rest is prepared for ANEIS. LIB. VII. 419 Funere felici spolior. Nec plura locutus, Sepsit se tectis, rerumque reliquit habenas. 600 Mos erat Hesperio in Latio, quemr protinus urbes Aibana coluere sacrurn, nunc maxima rerum Roma colit, cum prima movent in praelia Marteln Sive Getis inferre manu lachrymabile bellum, 604. Sive parent maHyrcanisve, Arabisve parant; seu tendere ad Indos, nu inferre Auroramque sequi, Parthosque reposcere signa. 606 Sunt geminae belli portae, sic nomine dicunt, Relligione sacrte, et saevi formidine Martis: Centum nrei claudunt vectes, wternaque ferri Robora; nec custos absistit limine Janus. 610 tias, ubi certa sedet patribus sententia pugnse; 611. Ubi certa sentenIpse, Quirinali trabea cinctuque Gabino tia pugnee sedet patriInsignis, reserat stridentia lirpina consul; bus, consul ipe insignia Quirinali trabea, GabiIpse vocat pugnas: sequitur tur catera pubes, Quirinali tra era, Gab Areaque assensu conspirant cornua rauco. 615 portas, (i. e.) stridentia Hoc et turn AEneadis indicere bella Latinus limina More jubebatur, tristesque recludere portas. NOTES. me, and my whole haven is at the door. us that, overawed by the fame of Augustus, This is a fine metaphor. The weather- they made peace with him, and presented beaten mariner enters the haven with joy. him with rich gifts, while he tarried at Salt is a place of rest and quiet, from the mos, in Asia, about the year 734. Tendere caangers of the ocean. So the aged monarch ad: to march against the Indians, and to views death at the door, as the end of his penetrate the remotest parts of the east, setoils, and as a rest from his cares and labors. qui auroram.;All he loses is the satisfaction of leaving his 606. Parthos reposcere: to demand back people in peace and prosperity. the standards from the Parthians. 600. Habenas rerum; the reins of govern- 608. Relligione: religious veneration. ment. A metaphor, taken from the manage- 609. Vectes aternaque: a hundred brazen mentofhorses, with bit and reins. Sepsit: in bars, and eternal strength of iron, shut the sense of clausit, them. 601..Ios erat. This custom was institu- 610. Janus. This is said because the ted in the time of Numa, as we are told by statue of Janus was in the threshold; or boLivy; but, for the sake of embellishment, cause he presided over all doors, which, the poet refers the origin of it to the earliest from him, were called januc. Janus was.ages of his country. Protin'us: constantly. the most ancient king of Italy. Some supJRumus says, perpetuo. pose him to have been Japhet, the son ol 602. Coluere: in the sense of servaverunt. Noah. See Ecl. iv. 6. He was represenlRerum: the world. ed with two faces. 603. Movenit Moartem. We are told that 611 Pugna: in the sense of belli. Senthe Rorans used, upon the declaration of tentia: determination; and sedel: in the war, to enter the temple of Mars, where sense of haret. IHas. This must refer to the sacred bucklers were suspended, and portas understood. But it would seem quite,strike upon then, with the words: JMars unnecessary. The idea is sufficiently conO'igila, Mars awake. Hence the expression, veyed by liinina stridentia, which is to be mnovent.Martem: in the sense of excitant placed in this case, in apposition with has.1Marrtem. portas. Ruatus takes linina in the sense of 604. Getis. The Getue were a people of cardines, but this seems a refinement unneDacia, near the mouth of the Danube. The cessary. He says, has (portas) et earurn proconsul L. Crassus triumphed over them, stridentes cardines. Heyne and Valpy take just before the time of Virgil. them as meaning the same thing-the doors 605. Hyrcanis. Hyrcania was formerly of the temple of Janus. a part of Parthia. Against them, as a dis- 612. Quirinali trabea: with his augural tinct people, the Romans did not declare robe. So called, because worn by Ronmulu, war. In the year of Rome 730, Augustus who was also called Quirinus. See 187, attempted the subjugation of the Arabians, supra. Gabino cinclu. This dress Servius but he failed in it. Indos. It is well known derives from Gabii, a city of Latium. See that the Romans made no conquests in In- Lex. under cinctus. dia, properly so called But'Dion informs 617. Recludere: to open the direful doors 'E2 P. VIRGLII MARJNIS Abstinuit tactu pater, aversusque refugit Fleda ministeria, et caecis se condidit umbris. 620. Turn Saturnia Turn regina Deufm, ccelo delapsa, morantes 620 regina Deum, delapsa, Impulit ipsa manu portas, et, cardine verso, C'Mlo, Ipsa Belli ferratos rupit Saturnia postes. Ardet inexcitaf Ausonia atque immobilis ante' Pars pedes ire parat campis; pars arduus altis Pulverulentus equis furit: omnes arma requirunt 625 Pars leves clypeos et spicula lucida tergunt Arvina pingui, subiguntque in cote secures: Signaque ferre juvat, sonitusque audire tubarum. Quinque adeo magnae positis incudibus urbes b29. Adeo quinquc Tela novant: Atina potens, Tiburque superbum, 630 magnet urbes Ardea, Crustumerique, et turrigerme Antemnae. Tegmina tuta cavant capitun, flectuntque salignas Umnbonum crates: alii thoracas ahenos, Aut leves ocreas lento ducunt argento. Voineris hue et falcis honos, hue omnis aratri 635 Cessit amor; recoquunt patrios fornacibus enses. Classica jamnque sonant: it bello tessera signum Hic galeam tectis trepidus rapit: ille frementes NOTES. Tlhe doors of the temple of Janus were open bo: the farthest projecting point of thet in time of war, but shut in time of peace. shield; by synec. put for the whole shield' Immediately pn the declaration of war, the These frames were made of willow. consul, with much parade and solemnity, 634. Ducunt: in the sense of excudunt., opened them. What is said here on the Leves ocreas: smooth greaves of ductile silsubject, is by anticipation. Jubebatur: is ver. These were armor for the legs and urged-importuned. thighs. 622. Postes. Postis, properly, the door- 635. Honos vomeris: the honor (regard) post, or that part of the frame to which the of the ploughshare and of the pruning knife door is hung. Also, the door itself, by me- gives place (hue) to the preparations for war; ton. and all the love of the plough yields to them 624. Pars arduus: a part raised on lofty They are so intent upon war, that they dissleeds, involved in clouds of dust, rage for regard the business of agriculture. war. The meaning of the passage is: a 636. Recoquunt: they form anew-they part prepare to take the field as infantry, make over again. (pedites,) a part as cavalry. 637. Tessera signum: the tessera,the signal 627. Arvinin: tallow-any fat. for war, goes forth. This was a squar. 629. Urbes: the cities; by meton. the in- figure like a dice, on which was inscribed habitants. Incudibus positis: on their erect- the watchword or private signal, by whichi ed anvils, or their anvils being erected. they could distinguish friends from foes in 630. J'ovant tela: they repair their wea- battle. Or, according to others, it containpons..tina: a city of the Volsci. Tibur: ed the order and regulations of the march this was a city in the northern part of Lati- This was distributed among the soldiers. um, near the cataract of the river Anien. Hence the phrase: it tessera. It was after.. It was situated near the top of a mountain, ward given viva voce. Classica: the trum.. Hence the epithet superbum. Hodie, Tri- pets. The tuba was a straight trumpet: thtn voli. cornua, a crooked trumpet, resembling a 631. Ardea. This was the capital of the horn. They were also called buccina. The Rutuli. See 372, and 410, supra. Crus- lituus was a trumpet not so straight as the tumeri: this was a city situated not far from tuba, nor so crooked as the cornu. Classithe place where Rome was afterward built. cum, properly, the sound of the trumpet" Little, however, is known of it. Antemnae: the trumpet itself, by meton. a city near the confluence of the rivers Ani- 639. Trilicem auro. The coat of mail wafJ en and Tiber. composed of plates of iron linked togethoe 633. Crates umbonum. These were the by rings. Some of them were fringed or supporters or frames of the shields, made of bordered in the lower extremity with gold osiers, or small pieces of wood, and after- tissue of two or three textures, and were ac ward covered with the hides of beasts Un- cordingly called bilix, trilix, &c..9d Juga AENEIS. LIB. Vll. 421 Ad juga cogit equos; clypeumque, auroque trilicem 639. Induiturque cly. Lorcam induitur, fidoque accingitur ense. 640 poum, loricamque triliPandite nunc Hclicona, Deae, cantusque movete: cem auro Pandite nunc He11icona, 641. O Dee.Musx, Qui bello exciti reges: quae quemque secutae pandite Complerint campos acies: quibus Itala jam tum 642. Qui reges exciti Floruerit terra alma viris, quibus arserit armis. i fuerint; qum acies ImFirn; inistis enim, Jive, et memorare potestis: 645 643. Quibus virs jam turn Itala, alma terra Ad nos vix tenuis fame perlabitur aura. Primus init bellurn Tyrrhenis asper ab oris 648. Asper Mezentius, Contemptor Divum Mezentius, agminaque armat. contemptor Divum, priFilius huic juxta Lausus; quo pulchrior alter mus iit 649. Huic filius LauNon ftit, excepto Laurentis corpore Turni: 650 sus sequitur juxt, quo L'ausus equuim domitor, debellatorque ferarum, 652. Ducit mille viros.l ucit Agyllina nequicquam ex urbe secutos secutos eum nequicquam Alille viros; dignus patliis qui letior esset 1mperiis, et cui pater baud Mezentius esset. Post hos, insignemn palma per gramina currum, 655 Aventinus, satus pulVictoresque ostentat equos, satus lIercule pulchro chro Hercule, ostentat iPulcher Aventinus; clypeoque insigne paternum, currum insignem palrna entum angues, cinctamque gerit serpentibus hydram: 657. Clypeoque gerit collis Aventini sylva quemr Rhea saccrdos patenum insigne, neampe urtivuln partu sub luminis edidit orass, m660 Quem heixta IMixta Deo mulier: postquarn Laurentia victor, Deo, partu edidit furti(eryone extincto, Tiryntllius attigit arva, vum sub oras luminis NOTES. to the chariots. Chariots were anciently 653. Dignus, &c. Thisline is somewhat;usod in war by all distinguished persons. perplexed. The usual ordo is, dignus qmu 640. Induilur: in the sense of induit. esset l(tior, &c. It would be easier by trans641. Helicona: a Greek ace.: a mountain position thus: qui esset dignus (fuisse) lIetior, in Bcotia sacred to the muses. The poet &c.: who was worthy to have been happier here imitates the Iliad. lib. ii. both in this in his father's authority. It was in obediinvocation, and in the enumeration of the ence to his father that he came to the war..forces of the Italian princes. But, in seve- If he had not been constrained, he would tal particulars, he has improved upon his have tarried at home, shunned the toils and.nodel. dangers of the war, and by that means have 646. Tenuis aura: a small breath of fame, saved his life. He was worthy to have &zc.-scarcely a slender thread of tradition lived. Ruseus interprets imperiis by regne, hiath extended down to us. implying that he deserved to be happier i\ 647. 4sper: fierce-cruel. his father's kingdom-to have remained al 648. Mezentius. We are told that he home, and, by that means, saved his life onommanded his subjects to pay him a tax of Cui: to whom Mezentius ought not to have the first fruits, and the firstlings of their been a father; who could have imposed locks; which before were given to the gods. such commands upon a son. On this account, he was considered an athe- 657. Pulcher. Dr. Trapp thinks this canist, conlemptor divuim. The poet here gives not here mean beautiful; but rather stout, us a list of the troops engaged on the part of illustrious, renowned; as the same word is T urnus. applied to Hercules, his father. Paternum 649. Huic. The dative of the personal insigne: his father's ensign, or impress. Pronouns is often used in the sense of the This was the figure of the conquered hydra, genitive. Huic: in the sense of hujus. shooting up into a hundred heads. 650. Corpore Turni: a Grecism, for Tur- 660. Edidit partu: brought forth at a Iaus himself. birth into life, &c. 652. Argyllina: an adj. from Argylla, a 661. Mixta: uniting-mingling withcity of Tus.:any, near the confines of Lati- having intercourse with. Hercules, after.le u m. It was founded by a colony of Thes- had slain Geryon, the king of Spain, and sx-lians..N'equicquamm: in vain, because he taken his herds, returned with them through was to be slain in the war with his troops: Italy. It was at this time, that the priestess or, because he could not prevent thereby Rhea conceived Aventinus, and afterward the purpaces of the gods concerning the bore him to that hero. Trojan 662. Tirynthius a name of Hercules, 422 P. VIRGLILII MARONIS Tyrrlienoque boves in flumine lavit Iberas. 664. Ejus mililes ge- Pila manu, seevosque gerunt in bella dolones: tllnmf' Et tereti pugnant mucrone, veruque Sabello. 665 Ipse pedes, tegmen torquens immane leonis, Terribili impexum seta, cum dentibus albis, Indutus capiti: sic regia tecta subibat Horridus, Herculeoque humeros innexus amictu. 670. Tum gemini fra- Tum gemini fratres Tiburtia mcenia linquunt, 670 tres, Catillusque, acer- Fratris Tiburti dictam cognomine gentem, que Coras, Argiva ju- Catillusque, acerque Coras, Argiva juventus: rentus linquunt Et primam ante aciem densa inter tela feruntur. Ceu duo nubigenr cuim vertice montis ab alto Descondunt Centauri, Omolen Othrynque nivalem 67b Linquentes cursu rapido: dat euntibus ingens Sylva locum, et magno cedunt virgulta fragore. 678. Nec Cwculus fun- Nec Pranestine fundator defuit urbis; dator Prenestinze urbis Vulcano genitum pecora inter agrestia regem, iefuit; quem rerem - omnis tas credidit ge- Inventumque focis, omnis quem credidit aetas, 680 nitum esse Caculus. Hunc legio late comitatur agrestis: 682. Quique viri co- Quique altum Praeneste viri, quique arva Gabinae lunt altum Preneste, Junonis. gelidumque Anienem, et roscida rivis l5. Quos tupascis, 0 Hernica saxa colunt: quos, dives Anagnia, pascis, pater Amasene. Arma Quos, Amasene pater. Non illis omnibus arma, 68.rj non sunt omnibus Nee clypei currusve sonant: pars maxima glandes NOTES. from Tyrins, a city near Argos, where he had very small eyes, as his name implies, was brought up. He was very ambitious, and was the found663. Tyrrheno fumine: the river Tiber, er of a colony. He pretended that he was which divided Tuscany or Etruria from La- the son of Vulcan, and that the brightness tiur. Iberas bores: his Spanish herds. Ibe- of his father's fire had injured his sight. ras: an adj. from Iberus, a river of Spain. He built the city Prceneste, situated on a Hodie, Ebro. mountain. Hence called altum Prceneste 664. Dolones. These were long poles or about 24 miles from Rome. battoons, with bayonets enclosed at the end, 680. Inventum focis: found upon the which were hardly to be observed. Hence, hearth. He was therefore reputed the son. they were called dolones, from dolus, being of Vulcan. The verb esse vel fuisse is un — a kind of deceitful weapon. derstood. 665. Veru. This was a kind of dart used 682. Gabince Junonis. Gabinac: an adj. by the Sabines and Samnites. Hence the from Gabii, a town of the Volsci, between epithet Sabello, that is, Sabino vel Samnitico. Rome and Preneste. Here Juno had bi 668. Indutus capiti: he put it (the shaggy plendid templ Hence she is called Galion skin) upon his head. Cinctus circaim: the river Anin caput says Rnueus 683. Gelidurm.nzenem: the river Anien, caput, says Rueus. which empties into the Tiber from the north669. Innexus: covered, as to his shoul- east. Its water was very cold. Hence thfe ders, with the garment of Hercules, his fa- epithet gelidum. ther. This was the hide of the Nemman 684. Ilernica saxa: the towns of tlio 11on Hernici. They were a people between tll 673. Feruntur: in the sense of incedunt. Equi, the Marsi, and the Volsci. Their Ante primam: before the first line-in the country was very mountainous. Hence front of the battle. their towns were called saxa, being builI; 674. J^mbigenve: cloud-born sons. These amongst rocks. Their chief town waFJ were the Centaurs, whom Ixion begat, it is Anagnia. Roscida rivis: watered witi rill s said, upon a cloud. They were a people of or streams. lhcessaly, and celebrated for horsemanship. 685. Aimasene. The river Amasenu!:, Ixion was their king. which watered the country about Anagntz, 675. Omolen-Othryn. These were moun- The epithet pater is common to all the river tains of Thessaly, where the Centaurs re- gods. Hodie, Toppia. sided. 686. Glandesplumbi: balls of lead. Spar 678. Fundator &c Ceculus, we are told, git: throws. AENEIS. L1B. VII. 423 Liventis plumbi spargit, pLrs spicula gestat Bina manu, fulvosque lupi de pelle galeros Tegmen habet capiti: vestigia nuda sinistri Instituere pedis; crudus tegit altera pero. 690 At Messapus equcum domitor, Neptunia proles, Quem neque fas igni cuiquam nec sternere ferro, 692. Quem neque Jampridem resides populos, desuetaque bello erat f^s cuique sternere Agmina, in arna vocat subito, ferrumque retractat. Ili Fescenninas acies, mquosque Faliscos; 695 695. Hi ducunt Feas Iii Soractis habent arces, Flaviniaque arva, celnUlai Et Cimin cum monte lacum, lucosque Capenos. lbant equati numero, regemque canebant: Ceu quondam nivei liquida inter nubila cycni Cum sese e pastu referunt, et longa canoros 700 Dant per colla modos: sonat amnis, et Asia longe Pulsa palus. Nec quisquam veratas acies ex agmine tanto Misceri putet, aeriam sed gurgite ab alto NOTES. 688. Fulvos galeros: tawny caps of the chief. The plu. may be used for the sing. wolf's skin, &c. by way of aggrandizement, as is common 689. Vestigia nuda: they formed the prints to all languages. Or the hi must refer to or tracks of the left foot naked-their left the subordinate officers and commanders of foot was naked. Crudus pero: unwrought Messapus. This seems to be the opinion of leather covers the other. Vestigia is un- Rumus, who has: hi duces Messapi. lderstood. The pero was a kind of high 696. Soractis. Soracte was the name of a shoe, made of raw hide, and worn by rustics mountain in the country of the Falisci..:.principally. Instiluere: in the sense ofipo- ces: the towers or strong places built upon suere. it. Flavinia arva. Little is known of this 691. Messapus. By birth he was a Greek. place, nor is its situation exactly ascertained. After his arrival in Italy, he occupied the.i eastern part, which was from him called 697 Cimini. Ciminus was a mouna JMessapia, afterward Calabria. He was a n the western partf Etruria It had a skilful navigator; and hence called.Jep- lake and a grove. Capenos: an adj. of Catunia proles: the offspring of Neptune. Vir- pena, a city on the banks ofthe Tiber. Her gil la his dominions n the eastern part was a grove and temple. All these followgil places his dominions in the eastern part of Etruria, not far from the place where ed Meapu to the war. Rome was afterward built. 698. Ibant cequati: they marched with 693. Populos jamprzdemn: his people, a equal steps, and uniform motion. By nurnelong time inactive, and disengaged from the ro, we are to understand a kind of harmony pursuits of war. and keeping time with their music. Or, 695. Fescenninas acies: the Fescennine rather, the order of their march-rank and troops. These were from the city Fescen- file. nia, or Fescennium, a town of Etruria, a 699. Ceu quondam, &c. This simile is ittle below the confluence of the Nar and taken from the Iliad, lib. ii. and is very fineTiber. Acies, properly, an army drawn up ly expressed. /n order of ba tie. Here, troops in general. 701. Aamnis et Asia: the river and the.Equosque Faliscos. These were a people Asian lake, struck from afar, resound. The situated a little below Fescennium. Their Amnnis is the Caystrus. See Geor. i. 383. city was Fa!iscum. Servius says, they were.Mlodos: in the sense of voces. called.q'quos, because the Romans borrow- 702. quisquam putet: nor would any ed from them their jura fecialia, or laws of one (who heard their music only) have arms: also, a supplement to the laws of the thought them armed troops of so great numtwelve tables. Others make Equi the name bers, united and joined together; but an of a people, called, also, _Equicolae, and aerial cloud of sonorous fowls, &c. The read,.Equosque Faliscosque. The hi in this words, who heard their music only, are neand the following line, appears to refer to cessary to make the sense complete. For Messanus, within whose territories all these the poet could not intend that those who cities and people were, here mentioned; and, saw them, would have taken thom for a consequently, he was their commander in flock of birds. 424 P VIRGILII MARONIS Urgeri volucrum raucarum ad litora nubem. 706 Ecce, Sabinorum prisco de sanguine, magnum Agmen agens Clausus, magnique ipse agmrinis instar, Claudia nunc a quo diffunditur et tribus et gens 710. UnJ cun eo ibant Per Latium, postquam in partem data Roma Sabinis. ingens Amiterna cohors, Unat ingens Amiterna cohors, priscique Quirites, 710 priscique Ereti manus omnis, oliviferaq(ue Mutuscae: 712. Illi quoque ibant Qui Nomentum urbem, qui rosea rura Velini: qui colunt urbem No- Qui Tetricae horrentes rupes, montemque Severum, mentum, qui colunt ro- Casperiamque colunt, Iorulosque et flumen Himella. aunt Qui Tybrin Fabarimque bibunt: quos frigida misit 715 715 Ili ibant quoque, Nursia; et Hortinae classes, populique Latini: quos frigida Nursia ni- Quosque secans infaustum interluit Allia nomen. sit Quam multi Libyco volvuntur marmore fluctus, 717. Illi que, quos Al- S uvus ubi Orion hvbernis conditur undis: lia, infaustum nomen, secans interluit, ibant Vel quam Sole novo densna torrentur aristie, 720 unia cum co. Aut Hermi campo, aut Lyci'e flaventibus arvis. NOTES. 707. Clausus. After the expulsion of the dure all the year. The neighboring mounkings, Alta Clausus removed with his fami- tains are covered with them; and, by reason ly, and about five thousand clients and of their height, are more exposed to dews friends, from Regillum, a city of the Sa- and drizzling rains than the adjacent parts. bines, to Rome. After which he took the Some copies have roscida. Dr. Trapp prename of Appius. He was admitted into the fers rosea, and takes it for a patronymic adpatrician order. The poet makes the Clau- jective; and observes it should be written sus here named, to have been one of his an- with a capital R. Heyne writes it with a cestors. Instar agrrinis: himself like a capital. Tetricce-Severum. The names of mighty army-a match for. two mountains, so called from their wild 708. Diffunditur: in the sense of propa- aspect and barrenness. Their situation is at:ur, vel spargitur. uncertain. 709. In partem Sabinis. The poet here 714. Casperiam. Casperia was a town alludes to the union of the Sabines and Ro- not far from Cures. Ilodie, Aspera. Forumans, which put an end to the wars between los. Foruli was a town in the neighborhood the two nations. These were the conditions of Amiternum. limellce. This was a small of the compact. The Sabines were to re- river falling into the Tiber, a little below move to Rome, which was to retain its name. Cures. IHodie, Aia. The citizens were to take the name of Qui- 716. JXursia. This city was situated riles, from Cures, a city of the Sabines; and amor g the Apennines, and much exposed to the government was to be jointly adminis- frost. Hence the epithet, frigida. Hodie, tered by Tatius and Romulus. NJorita. Hortinre: an adj. from Hortanum 710. Almierna cohors. The poet here or Horta, a city at the confluence of the enumerates various places, all belonging to and Tiber. Classes. It is plain that the Sabines. Amilerna: an adj. from Ami- classes here means land forces, or troops in lernum, a town situated among the Apen- general. Heyne says, copia. nines. Quiriles were the inhabitants of 717. Allia. A river that runs into the Cures, whence the Romans were afterward Tiber a little below Eretu7n. Here the Rosometimes called Quirites. Eretum was a mans were completely defeated by the Galls village near the confluence of the rivers Senones, under Brennus, their king: on Allia and Tiber. Hodie,.Mlonte Rotundo. which account. Virgil calls it znfaustum noJlutlscre: a village beyond the Palus Rea- men: an inauspicious name. Secans: in tina, to the north. Hodie,.Monte Leone. the sense of dividens..Jomentum, was a town. near Eretum on the 719. Orion: a constellation much dreaded east. lodie, JVomentano. by mariners; hence called scevus: stormy. 712. RJosca rura. Part of the country of 720. JNovo sole. By this interpreters unReatina, according to Pliny, was called ro- derstand the sun in the beginning of the sea, from ros, dew; which, falling copiously, summer. But perhaps the sun is called fertilized that.part of the country. Mr. new, not in respect of the year; but of the Addison obseives, that the river Velinus is aristce, the ears of corn. Hermi. Hermus shaded by a green forest made up of seve- was a river of Iydia, a most fertile country ral kinds of trees, which preserve their ver- Lycice. This was a country on the south ot AENEIS. TIB VII. 425 Scuta sonant, pulsuque pedum tremit excita tellus I ine Agamemnonius, Trojani nominis hostis, Curru jungit Halesus equos, Turnoque feroces Mille rapit populos. Vertunt felicia Baccho 725 725. Rapit mille feroMassica qui rastris: et quos de collibus altis ces populos in auzilum Turno. I1'i veniunt q(1 Aurunci misere patres, Sidicinaque juxta vertunt ratris Mve sica vertunt rastris Masslea,.lquora: quique Cales linquunt; amnisque vadosi arva felicia Baccho; ct Accola Vulturni; pariterque Saticulus asper, illi veniunt quos AurunOscorumque manus. Teretes sunt aclides illis 730 ci patres, Sidicinaquo Tela; sed hae lento mos est aptare flagello: juxta equora misere T-r?,~. / ~,~.. ~.l~ s~ b732. Cetra tegit lm-vts lmvas cetra tegit: falcati cominis enses. 7. Cetra tegit Le Nee tu carminibus nostris indictus abibis, sunt illis ad pugnandt n (Ebale; quem generasse Telon Sebethide NymphA cominus. Nec tu, O Fertur, Teleboum Capreas cum regna teneret 735 pater CEbale, abibis indietus Jam senior: patriis sed non et filius arvis dictus Contentus, lat6 jam tur ditione premebat Sarrastes populos, et qum rigat mquora Sarnus: tenent Quique Rufas, Batulumque tenent, atque arva Celennw: 740. Et illi quos me. Et quos maliferae despectant mcenia Abellae: 740 nia NOTES. Asia Minor, abounding in corn. Torrentur:.anus Oscorum. The Osci, were a people dried-ripened. descended from the ancient Ausones, and in722. Excita: in the sense of commota. habited the city Capua. All these troops 723. Hinc: in the next place, Halesus, &c. were under the command of Halesus. 724. Halesus. Either the natural son of 730. Teretes aclides. The aclis was akind Agamemnnon, or an illegitimate one. Or of missive weapon, with a sharp point at pernaps by.gamemnonius, we are to under- each end. It had a string fastened to it, stand simply his being a Greek by birth. by which the owner drew it back after a Curru: for currui. throw. These in close fight were formida726. Massica. The poet here mentions ble weapons. It is probable they bound several nations and places in Campania. them about the wrist with a cord, (flagello,) JlMassica: an adj. agreeing with area under- or string, by way of security. stood. Massicus was a mountain in Cam- 732. Falcati: in the sense of curvi. pania near the sea, in the confines of La- 733. Indictus: unsung-unmentioned. tium, very fertile in vines. Auruncipatres. 734. Telon: ace. of Greek ending. SebeThe Aurunci, or.Ausones, were the most thide: the nymph Sebethis. ancient inhabitants of Italy, and therefore 735. Capreas: Caprea, an island over styled Patres. They were between Campa- against the Surrentinum Promontorium. The nia and the Volsci. Sidicina: plu. of Sidi- Teleboi, a colony from Epirus, possessed it. cinum, a tract of country to the eastward Hodie, Capri. of the Aurunci, bordering upon the' sea. 737. Premebat ditione: held in bondageCales: plu. a town built upon the mountain in subjection.'Massicus. Hodie, Calvi. 738. Sarnus. A river flowing through 729. Accola: the inhabitants of the forda- Campania, into the Sinus JVNeapolitanus. ble river Vulturnus-those who live near Sarrastes. These were the inhabitants ot the river, &c. came also to the war. Mr. the promontory Surrentinum, in that part of Davidson observes that vadosus must be Italy called Campania. JEquora: in the used here metaphorically, to signify danger- sense of campi vel arva..Equor, properly ous; or it must refer to those parts of the signifies any plane, or level surface, whether river near the mouth, where it spreads and land or water runs with a gentle course, and consequently 739. Rufas: Rufs, or Rufrm, was a city is shoal. The Vubturnus is a river of Cam- farther to the east. Hodie, RuJo. The pania, noted for its rapidity. Vadosus: situation of Batulum and Celennae is unfrom vadunm, a shoal or sand-bank. This known. river takes its rise in the Apennines, and 740. Abella: Abella a town to the n)rlh after a very circuitous course falls into the of Sarnus. in the confines of Campania and sea not far frorn the ancient Cuma. Saticu- the IHarpini. It was celebrated for thal sort lus: an inhabitant of Saticula, or Satricula, a of nuts, called nuces avellanca, or filbert-nuts, rlwn to the east of Vulturnus, and Capuem. Hodie Avella. It was built on an e sa.'fed 42,* P. VIRGILIL MARONIS Teutonico ritu soliti torquere cateias; 742. Queis tegmina Tegmina queis capitum raptus de subere coltex, capitum sunt cortex AEratewque micant peltme, nieat aereus ensis. Et te montosae misere in prelia Nursme, Ufens, insignem fam& et felicibus armis:' 45 746. Cui pracipu6 Horrida praecipue cui gens, assuetaque multo /Equicola in duris gle- Venatu nemorum, duris /Equicola glebis. bis, horrida gens, assuetaque multo venatu ne- Armati terrain exercent; semperque recentes moranm, paret Convectare juvat praedas. et vivere rapto. 750. Quin et fortissi- Quin et Marrubia venit de gente sacerdos, 750 mus Umbro venit missu Fronde super galeam et felici comptus oliva, regis Archippi, sacerdos Archippi regis missu, fortissimus Umbro: Vipereo generi et graiter spirantibus hydris 754. Qui solebat spar- Spargere qui somnos cantuque manuque solebat, gere sorrnos vipereo Mulcebatque iras, et morsus arte levabat. 7b5 Sed non Dardanite medicari cuspidis ictum Evaluit: neque eum juvere in vulnera cantus Somniferi, et Marsis quaesitae in montibus herbhe 759. Nemus Angiti: Te nemus Angitie, vitrea te Fucinus unda, evit te, Fucinus vitrei Te liquidi flevre lacus. 760 Ibat et Hippolyti proles pulcherrima bello, NOTES. situation. Hence it is said to look, de- helmet with leaves, and the auspicious spectant, down upon the inhabitants below, olive-having his helmet adorned with the JMaliferc: fruit-bearing. leaves of the happy olive. Fronde elfelici 741. Cateias. The cateia was a kind of oliva, by hend. forfrondefelicis olivce. halbert or dart, used by the Gernians, and 752. Jlissu: by the command, or order. Gauls. All the nations just mentioned were 754. Spargere somnos: to diffuse sieeu subject to CEbelus, and followed him to the over the viperous race, &c. Cantu: by his war. Ritu: after the Teutonic manner, charms, or incantations. they used, &c. Soliti: sunt is understood. 755. Levabal: he healed-cured. The Teutones were a people of Germany, 756. Ictum: in the sense ofvulnus. The near the Chersonesus Cimbrica. Hodie, Den- wounds inflicted by the weapons of the mark. Trojans. 742. Tegmina: coverings for the head- 757. Juvere: helped-aided. Ilumus says, helmets. Ruimus says, galece. Queis: the profuerunt. dat. in the sense of quorum. 758. Somneiferi cantus: soporific charms. 744. Jursce: the situation of this place Helrb: herbs gathered in the mountains of is not known, probably it was among the the Marsi. These people were skilled in Apennines. enchantments, particllarly in charming ser745. Insignem famd: illustrious by fame, pents. This they learned from VlIarsus, the and successful arms. This is equivalent son of Circe, the founder of their race. to insignemfama felicium armorum. 759. Angitit. Angitia was the sister of 748. Exercent: in the sense of colunt. Circe, and came with her into Italy. She 749. Vivere rapto: to live upon plunder. occupied the country in the neighborhoot This is agreeable to what Livy says of of the lake Fucinus. IThe town she built is~ those nations: Fortuna Volscis.zquisque now called Ltco, situated to the westward predonumpotius mentem quam hostium dedit. of the said lake. Ilodie, Logo Fucino. V'iThe ~Equicoli or,Equi were a people to trea: clear-pellucid. the east of Latium, not far from the source 760. Liquidi: in the sense of puri. of the river lnien. Their country was 761. Hipipolyti: Hippolytus was the sun hard and mountainous. Virgil calls it, of Theseus king of Athens. Refusing tlhe JEquicola duris glebts: Equicola of hard overtures of his step-mother Phcedra, hiu soil. These were under the command of was accused by her to his father, who conUfens, and followed him to the war. demned him to death. As he was driving 750. JMarrubia. an adj. of Marrubium or his chariot along the shore, his horses were Maarruvium, a city of the Marsi, to the east affrighted by sea-monsters, tore his chariot of the AEqui, on the river Liris. in pieces and killed him. Diana pitying 751. Com:/tus super: decked upon his his hard fate, by the help of _Esculapiua, .ANEIS. LIB. VII. 427 Virbius; insignem quem mater Aricia misit, Eductum Egeria lucis, humentia circum litora, pinguis ubi et placabilis ara Dianse. 764 Namque ferunt fama HIippolytum, postquam arte novercae 765. [lippolytum VirOcciderit, patriasque explerit sanguine pcenas, bium, po-tquam occideTurbatis distractus equis, ad sidera rursus rit arte loverce, distractusq.e turbatis equis,,Etherea, et superas cceli venisse sub auras, expl~Iit patrias pwnas, Peoniis revocatum herbis, et amore Diana. venisse rursus Tur pater ominipotens, aliquem indignatus ab umbris Mortalern infernis ad lumina surgere vitae, 771 Ipse repertorem medicinve talis et artis 772. Fulmine dtrusit Fulmine Phcebigenam Stygias detrusit ad undas. Phebignam, rolero At Trivia Hippolytum secretis alma recondit Sedibus, et Nymphe Egeriae nemorique relegat: 775 Solus ubi in sylvis Italis ignobilis mvurn Exigeret, versoque ubi nomine.Virbius esset. Unde etiam Trivite templo lucisque sacratis Cornipedes arcentur equi, quod litore currum Et juvenem monstris pavidi effud6re marinis. 780 Filius ardentes haud secius aeoqiore campi 781. Filius hujus tirExerceb;it equos, curruque in bella ruebat. bii haud secius exorcebat Ipse ixnter primes pl'astanti corpore Turnus Vertitur, arma tenens, et toto vertice supra est. 784. Et cst supra om78 nes toto vertice Cui triplici crinita juba galea alta Chimmeram 785 n 7. lla es tam maa 787. Iia est tam maSustinet, iEtnaeos efflantem faucibus ignes: glsfremens, etefferatris-'Iam magis illa fremens, et tristibus effera flammis, tibus flammis, NOTES. restored hmrn to life, and commended him to by Apollo, his father; who is also styled the care of Egeria, the nymph of the Arici- Pcean-medicinal herbs. nean grove. Here he was worshipped as a 773. Phcebigenam: Esculapius, the son demi-god and called Virbius; fiom the of Phcebus and Coronis, the daughter of a words vir and bis. Virgil makes him the king of the Lapithre. He is esteemed the son of' Hippolytus and the nymph Aricia. father of physic. Itis said he raised several By mater, we are to understand his mother. frem the dead. 762. Aricia. This was a city of ancient 775. Relegat: she consigns him to the Latium, notfr ar from the mouth of the Tiber. nymph, &c. Trivi(e: a name of Diana, It might be so called from the nymph Ari- from tres et via. cia. Servius understands by mater this city, 776. Ignobilis: unknown-retired from which wasthe birth-place of the mother of the world. Augustus, and the parent of an illustrious 778. Unde: hence-from that circumfamily. But it is better to take it as above. stance-to wit, their being affrighted at the In its neiglhborhood was a grove sacred to monsters. Ereria. With this nymph, Numa Pompi- 780. Pavidi: affrighted at the sea-monlius pretended to be intimate, and to receive sters, they overturned-ran away with the instructions in religion. chariot, &c. 763. Humentia litora: the shores of the 781. Filius haud: the son, not less intrelake Aricinus. pidly than the father, managed the fiery 764. Pingruis: this is said of the altar, in steeds, &c. reference to the number of victims offered 784. Vertitur inter primes: he marches upon it. Placabilis: easy to be appeased. in the foremost ranks. Vertitur: in the The verb est is understood. sense of incedit. 766. E.rplril: had satisfied-filled up. 785. Galea crinitaa: his lofty helmet wav7Turbatis: aifrighted. ing with a triple crest, &c. The figure of 768. Sub superas auras cceli: to the upper the Chimera was represented on his helmet, regions of light —this upper world. See _En. vi. 288. 769. Poeo'niis herbis: such herbs as were 787. Effera: fierce-dreadful. Tristibus: used by Pxra —, the physician of the gods horrid-awful. 429 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Quam magis effuso crudescunt sanguine pugnae. v79. At ) ex auro At levem clypcum sublatis cornibus Io rJblatis cornibus, insig- Auro insignibat, jam setis obsita, jam bos, 790 nibat leve clypeum Argulmentum ingens! et custos virginis Argus, Ccehtaqlue amnem fundens pater Inachus urna Insequitur nimbus peditum, clypeataque totis Agmina densantur campis, Argivaque pubes, Auruncweque manus, Rutuli, veteresque Sicani, 795 796. Labici pictl quoad Et Sacranae acies, et picti scuta Labici: scuta: qui arant tuos Qui saltus, Tiberine, tuos, sacrumque Numici tus, 0 Tiri tus arant: Rutulosque exercent voinere colles, Circmulnque jugum: queis Jupiter Anxurus arvis Prwasidet, et viridi gaudens Feronia luco: c00 801. Gelidusque Ufens Quk Satune jacet atra palus; gelidusque per imas quarit iter per Quntrit iter valles, atque in mare conditur Ufens. IIos super advenit Volsca de gente Camilla, 805. lila non assucta Agmen agens equitum et florentes Ecre catervas, cst ftomineas manus colo Bellatrix: non illa colo calathisve Miinerve 805 NOTES. 738. Crudescuni: rage-grow more and 796. Sacrance: an adject. from Sacran\ more fierce and bloody. These were a people made up of the abon789. /o. The poets say she was the gines and the Pelasgi: who, after their exdaughtter of the river-god Inachus. Jove pulsion of the Siculi, were themselvesdriven had an amour with her; and likely to be by the Sabines beyond the river Anien, and discovered by Juno, he changed her into a settled near the place where Rome was afheifer. Juno suspecting the trick, desired terward built. Labici. Their city Labithe heifer to lb given to her. Having ob- curn, was in the northern part of Latium. tained her request, she gave her into the 798. Exercent: in the sense of excindunt custody of tle shepherd Argus, fabled to vel vertunl. have hlad a hundred eyes. He was slain by 799. Circceum jugum. This was the hill Mitrcury; and Juno placed his eyes in the and promontory which bounded old Latium tail of ler peacock. After this she drove on the east. Here was the residence of the the heifer into Egypt, where she was re- celebrated Circe. Hodie, mount Circello. stored to her former shape by Jove. Here Aunxurus: an epithet of Jupiter, from An.xur, she married Osiris, king of Egypt; and or.qnxurus, a town of the Volsci, where he after her death, was worshipped as a god- was particularly worshipped. dess, under the name of Isis. This fable 800. Feronia: Feronia rejoicing in a verwas represented on the shield of Turnus. dant grove. This was situated between lie was descended from Inachus, king of Moris Circeaus, and Terracina or Anxur. It Argos. See 372, supra.-sublatis: high- is not certain what goddess is meant by wide-spreading. Feronia. Most interpreters take her to be 790. Obsita: covered with hairs. Bos: the same with Juno. But La Cerda thinks in the sense of vacca. her to be the same with Flora, relying on the 791. Arumentum: subject-device. In- authority of Dionysius. pens: noble-illustrious. 801. Atra palus Satlur': the dismal lake 792. Pater, here refers to the father of lo. of Satura. By this we are to nlderstand C(llata urna: froln his embossed urn. the palus pontina, or pontine lake, which ex794. Argivaque pubes. The poet now tended along the maritime coast of the enumerates the nations that followed Tur- Volsci. It gave rise to many foul and unnus. The Argive troops, most probably wholesome streams. Ifere fitly called atra came from Ardea. See 372, supra. palus. [fcns. This river flows in deep 795. Aurunc(e manus. These were the winding vales, to which the sun can hardly descendants of the old Aurunci, or Ausones, have access. Hence the epithet, geiidus. the first people of Italy. Sicani. These 803. Super hos: beside these-in adiiwere the inhabitants of some part of Lati- tion to the troops already mentioned, Caum; or the remains of the Siculi, whom milla brings her squadrons of horse and Cluiverius thinks to have been among the foot. first inhabitalnts of Italy; but, being expell- 804. Florentes tere: glittering, or gleamed their cunrtry, fled to Sicily, to which ing in brazen armor. The Volsci, her peoi!and they gave their name. pie, were brave and warlike; and had the AENEIS. LIB. VII. 429 Fc;mineas assueta manus; sed prelia virgo 800. Sed;irgo asurta Dura pati, cursuque pedum prevertere ventos. est pati dura prelia lila vel intactae segetis per summa volaret Gramina, nec teneras cursu lesisset aristas: VTel mare per medium, fluctu suspensa tumenti, 810 810. Suspensa tumen Ferret iter, celeres nec tirgeret mquore plantas ti fluctu, vel ferret iter Illam omnis tectis agrisque effusa juventus, per medium mare T'urbaque miratur matrunf, et prospectat euntem, Attonitis inhians animis; ut regius ostro 814. Videns ut regius Velet honos leves humeros; ut fibula crinem 815 Auro internectat; Lyciam ut gerat ipsa pharetram, Et pastoralem praefixa cuspide myrtum. NOTES. Latins on the west, the Aurunci and Cam- issuing from city and country, and the crowd pani on the east, and the IIernici and ]Equi of matrons, wonder at her, &c. Tectis and on the north. agris are plainly opposed to each other; the 806. Assuela: she had not accustomed one put for the city, and the other for the her female hands to the distaff, &c. Cala- country. this Minerv(e. Calathus is a basket for wo- 814. Inhians: gazing upon her. men to put their sewing and other work into. h Hence, by meton. the work itself. Then, R ments, &sc. will calathis JMinervaw mean, light and easy men1 felmale employments in general. She had 816. Ut ipsa gerat: how she bears the not accustomed her hands to these; but to Lycian quiver, &c. The ioet gives her this endure the fatigue and hardships of war. quiver, because the Lycians were faned for 808. Illa vel volaret: she could even fly skill in archery. along the topmost stalks of the corn un- 817. JyMyrtum. The myrtle was a suitable touched, &c. Gramina: the stalksor blades wood for spears. Hence, by meton. the of corn. We may observe that the poet spear itself. It is called pastoral, because here does not say she actually flew over the she had lived among shepherds with her fafields of corn; but, by an hyperbole, to de- ther Metabus. Cuspide: this is put for the note her swiftness, she could even do it, nor point of the spear, which was tipped with touch them in lier course. steel. Rumus says, armatam cuspide; mean812. Omnnisjuventus effusa: all the youth ing myrtum, the spear or javelin. QUESTIONS. From Cajeta to what place did AEneas Who was Turnus? direct his course? Of what country were his ancestors. What time of the day did lie set sail? What was the character of Turnus? VWhat does Dr. Trapp observe of the open- Was Latinus in favor of this connexion? ing of this book? What was the reason of his opposing it? After his arrival in the Tiber, what were What particularly influenced his mind the first measures which he adopted? upon this subject? How were his ambassadors received by What was the response of the oracle of Latinus? Faunus? Who was Latinus? Did he consider ]Eneas to be the person How many generations was he from Sa- alluded to by the oracle as his son-in-law? turn? Did he propose to the Trojan ambassaWly was his kingdom called Latium? dors a connexion between him and his Had he any children? daughter? What was the name of his daughter? Was this connexion opposed by Turnus! In the course of his life, had he any sons? What was the consequence of this? What was the age of his daughter at that How was the mother of Lavinia affected time? toward Turnus? Had any of the Italian princes sought her What was her name? in marriage? Did she endeavor to persuade her husband Who was the most distinguished of her to consent to the match? suitors? Did she make any speech to him upon HIad she been promised in marriage to the subject? Turnus What is the character of that address? 430 P. VIRGILII MARON1S How was she affected with the determi- In time of peace, what was the state of nation of.Latinus? the temple of Janus? AEneas had been told that his followers What in time of war? should be reduced to the necessity of con- After the war had been thus declared suming their trenchers, before they should what effect had it upon the neighboring nafind a permanent settlement: how was that tions? prediction fulfilled? Which side did they join? Who made this prophetic declaration to Who may be considered the commanderARneas? in-chief? How was the accomplishment received by How does he book conclude? him and his associates? Who was the first who joined the conHow was Juno affected with this kind re- federacy? ception of the Trojans? Who was Mezentius? What does the poet represent her as doing Over what people was he king? to kindle the war? What was his character? What course does Alecto pursue? Why did the people expel'him from his While these things are going on, what do throne? the Trojans? Had he any son? While in the chase, what does Ascanius? What was his name? To whom did this beautiful stag belong? What does the poet say of him? Whither'did the wounded animal flee? Who is mentioned as a distinguished What effect had this upon the minds of horseman? the rustics? What troops had he under his command? Who was killed in this skirmish? Among the commanders, was there any Who was Almon? distinguished female? What was her name? Who was Tyrrheus? Of what people was she queen? What was his employment? For what was she especially distinguishWas there any other person slain? ed? Did the Trojans suffer any loss? What does the poet say of her speed, and What was the next measure adopted? the rapidity of her course? What course did Latinus pursue? Do these last books excite in us an inteDid Turnus also urge the aged monarch rest equal to the first books of the jEneid? to declare war against the intruders? Has the poet been censured on this acHow was the war finally declared? count? What was the manner or form of decla- Is this censure justly founded? ring war? Why is it not justly founded? LIBER OCTAVUS. WAR being determined upon, Turnus sends to Diomede to engage him in his interest; and Eneas, at the direction of the god of the Tiber, ascends that river to Evander to obtain supplies. He finds the aged monarch engaged in the sacred rites of Hercules. He receives him very kindly, informs him of their relationship, and of his former acquaintance with Priam and Anchises, who visited Arcadia, his native country. fIe then proceeds to give him an account of the victory of Hercules over the monster Cacus,. noted robber: in memory of which, the rites, in which he was then engaged, were instituted. He also recounts to him the antiquities of that part of Italy, and mentions, particularly, the rock or hill on which the Capitol at Rome was afterward built. While these things are going on, Venus repairs to Vulcan, and engages him to make armor for TEneas. He immediately repairs to the _Eolian Islands, where he had his forges, and sets about the business with all haste. Evander furnishes two hundred horse, and sends Pallas, his son, with as many more. At this time the Tuscans are in arms to avenge the barbarities of Mezentius, their king who had fled to Turnus for safety. These gladly join _Eneas in the war. The book concludes with a description of the armor of,Eneas, brought to him by Venus through the air. The scene is here changed from the country of Latinus to that of Evandr This book is chiefly episodical, and abounds in matter of the most interesting kind, Dr. Trapp thinks, on the whole, it is one of the noblest, most elegant, and most entertahinag of the whole 2Eneid. zENEIS. LIB. VIII 431 UT belli signum Laurenti Turnus ab arce Extulit, et rauco strepuerunt cornua cantu; Utque acres concussit equos, utque impulit arma Extempl6 turbati animi: simul omne tumultu 4. Extemplo animi Conjurat trepido Latium, swevitque juventus 5 turbati sunt Effera. Ductores primi,.Messapus, et Ufens, Contemptorque Defm Mezentius, undique cogunt Auxilia, et latos vastant cultoribus agros. Mittitur et magni Venulus Dioinedis ad urbenm, Qui petat auxilium, et Latio consistere Teucros, 10 10. Et edoceat eum Advectum IEneam classi, victosque Penates Teucros consistere La[nferre, et fatis regem se dicere posci, t eam advectum Edoceat; multasque viro se adjungere gentes Dardanio, et late Latio increbrescere nomen. Quid struat his cceptis, quem, si fortuna sequatur, 15 15. Et addat, quid Eventum pugnae cupiat, manifestihs ipsi, Xneas struat his ceptis; Quam Turno regi aut regi apparere Latino. qeem eventum pugn uam, ) s~ apparere Latino. cupiat, si fortuna sequaTalia per Latium: qua) Laomedontius heros tur eum, apparere maniCuncta videns, inagno curarum fluctuat aestu; festius ipsi Diomedi Atque animum nunc huc celerem, nunc dividit illuc, 20 quam In partesque rapit varias, perque omnia versat. 18. Talia fiunt per Sicut aqum tremiulum labris ubi lumen ahenis Latium; que cuncta Sole repercussuin, aut radiantis imagine Lunm, Omnia pervolitat late loca; jamque sub auras Erigitur, summnique ferit laquearia tecti. 25 Nox erat, et terras animalia fessa per omnes Alituum pecudumque genus sopor altus habebat: Cum pater in ripa gelidique sub aetheris axe 28. Cum pater Eneas, Aneas, tristi turbatus pectora bello, turbtus oad pectora Procubuit, seramque dedit per membra quietem. 30 proubuit Huic deus ipse loci, fluvio Tiberinus amceno, Populeas inter senior se attollere frondes Visus. Eum tenuis glauco velabat amictu NOTES. 1. Signum. The poet here alludes to the by the fates or destinies as a king over the custom among the Romans, of hanging out Latins. the sign or signal of war from the Capitol. 14. JAomen: the name of Aneas-his 2. Cornua: trumpets. See!En. vii. 637. fame-renown, had spread widely. Concussit equos: roused the active horses. 18. Talia: the verb Jiunt, or another of This he did by the sound of the trumpets, the like import, is understood. the clashing of their arms, &c. Impulit ar- 22. Sicut aquce: as when the tremulous ma. Some understand by this the throwing light in brazen vats of water, reflected from of the spear into the enemy's country, which the sun, or the image of the radiant moon, vas a practice among the Romans. This flies through, &c. This simile Dr. Trapp was a declaration of war. Servius under- observes is of the low kind; but extremely stands it of the rattling of the arms in the elegant and beautiful. By sole, we are to temple of Mars. But it is easier to under- understand the image of the sun. stlnd it of his striking on his shield as a sign 24. Sub auras: simply, on high. and prelude to the war. 27. Alituum: in the sense of volucrum. 8. Vastant: in the sense of spoliunt. Cul- 28. Sub axe: under the canopy of the toribus: the farmers-inhabitants. cold sky. 9. Urbem Diomedis: the city of Diomede, 31. Senior Tiberinus, Deus loci: old TiArpos or Argyripa, a city built by him in berinus, the god of the place, seemed to him Anulia, after the destruction of Troy. See to raise himself from the pleasant stream rEn. xi. 243, et seq. among, &c. This is a most beautiful de12. Posci fatis: that he was demanded scription. 432 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Carbasus, et crines umbrosa tegebat arundo. 35. Turn capit affari Tumn sic affari, et curas his demere dictis: S5 Cn.n sic 0 sate gente Defim, Trojanam ex hostibus urbem Qui revehis nobis, aeternaque Pergama servas, Expectate solo Laurenti, arvisque Latinis: 39. Ilce erit certa do- Hie tibi certa domus; certi, no absiste, Penates mius tibi; hic erunt certi Neu belli terrere minis. Tumor omnis et irae 4 l'onates tibi: ne absiste Concessere Deum. ab incepto Jarnque tibi, ne vana putes hawc fingere somnum, Litoreis ingens inventa sub ilicibus sus, 44. Jiacebit recubans Triginta capitum fcetus enixa, jacebit, solo, ipsa alba, et ejus Alba, solo recubans, albi circum ubera nati. 45 nati albi circurn ubera i s is i 49. Nunc adverte, do- Ilc locus urbls erit, requie ea certa laborum: cebo te paucis ierbis, qua Ex quo ter denis urbem redeuntibus annis ratione tu victor Ascanius clari condet cognominis Albam. 51. Arcades, genus Haud incerta cano. Nunc, qua ratione, quod instat, prolbctum a Pallante, Expedias victor, paucis, adverte, docebo. EO qui comites secutt sunt rqu om itvanedrums qui Arcades his oris, genus a Pallante profectum, regem Evandrum, qui secuti sunt ej'us signa, Qui regem Evandrum comites, qui signa secuti, delegere Delegere locum, et posuere in montibus urbem NOTES. 34. Tenuis carbasus: fine lawn-a robe the place destined to him by the gods. Tiof lawn. In this habit, river-gods were com- berinus here repeats the same, lifts the curmonly represented on medals and ancient tain of futurity, and gives him some direcmonuments. tions in his critical affairs. 36. Gente: of the family-race-stock. 45. Jacebit recubans: shall lie prostrate, /Eneas sprang from Jove both by Dardanus or stretched on the ground, &c. I think and Venus. recubans should be taken in the sense of 37. Revehis: who bringest back to us the strata, or prostrata, and connected with jaTrojan city, &c. E flerna Pcrgaama: and cebit. To take recubans in its usual sense PFcrgamus to continue forever-to be eternal. and meaning, would be mere tautology. But FIere is an allusion to the opinion of the in the sense of strata, it gives this additionRomans, of the eternal duration of their em- al idea, that the animal was lying flat, or at pire. Dardanus, the founder of the Trojan full length, in the attitude of giving suck to race, was a native of Italy. her pis. 38. Expectate: welcome —l-ooked for: a par. adj. agreEeaing with sate in the voc. 47. Ex quo: from which time, thirty years par'. adj. agreeing with sate in the voc. havingrolledaway,Ascaniusshall,&c. The S'olo: in the sense of terra. having rolled away,Ascaniusshall,&c. The 39. Penates: properly household gods; thirty years here spoken of, are not to be by meton. a house or dwelling. Certi Pena- reckoned from Ihe discovery of the sow, for tis: a certain or fixed abode. that would not agree with history; but from 41. Concessere. It is evident that Juno the death of JEneas, who sat on the throne was still the enemy of the Trojans. To of Lavnum three ears. Ascanus sucsave Virgil from a seeming inconsistency, ceeded him, who, in the thirtieth year of his Fervius makes the sense, as well as the line reign, bllt Aiba Long, and made t the abrupt; and observes that some have filled set of h ovrnm it up thus: Concessere Deii2m profagis nova 49. Cano: in the sense of dico, vel prm-.,1e nia Teucris. La Cerda observes, that dico. V, rgil does not say all the gods, and thinks 50. Expedias: you may accomplish, or that it is sufficient for the poet's purpose, effect. that Jupiter and Neptune, who took part 51. Arcades: plh. of Arcas, a native of with the Greeks, were now reconciled to the Arcadia, a country of the Peloponnesus. Trojans. Irce: the anger of the gods has This was the birth-place of Evander. He ceased-subsided. migrated into Italy, and settled on the banks 44. F(etus enixa: having brought forth a of the Tiber, upon a mount, which he called ti'ter of thirty head, &c. Helenus informed Paiantium, Pallanteum, or Palatium, from AiEneas, (lib. iii: 389.) that when he should his native city Pallantium: or from Pallas, find a white sow under the holins on the side king of Arcadia, his great grandfather. On of the river, with a litter of thirty white pigs the same spot Rome was afterward built. around her, he mrgnt be assured that was 53. Posuere: in the sense of condideruUg. AJNEIS. LIB. VIII. 433 Pallantis proavi de nomine, Pallanteum. IIi bellum assidue ducunt cum gente LatinA: 55 los castris adhibe socios, et fredera junge, Ipse ego te ripis et recto flumine ducam, Adversum remis superes subvcctus ut amnem. Surge, age, nate. Dea; primisque cadentibus astris Junoni fer rite preces, iramque minasque 60 Supplicibus supera votis. Mihi victor honorem Persolvcs. Ego sum, pleno quem flumine cernis 62. Ego sum ie, quem. Stringentem ripas, et pinguia culta secantem, cernis Cceruleus Tybris, ccelo gratissimus amnis. Hic mihi magna domus; celsis caput urbibus exit. 65 Dixit: deillde lacu fluvius se condidit alto Ima petens: nox Eneam somnusque reliquit. Surgit, et aetherii spectans orientia Solis Lumina, rite cavis undam de flumine palnis Sustulit, ac tales effudit ad aethera voces; 70 Nympht, Laurentes Nymiph, genus amnibus unde est: Tybri, cum tuo nct Tuque, 6 Tybri tuo genitor cum flumine sancto, flumine Accipite zEnean, et tandem arcete peiiclis. 75. Quocunque solo Quo te cunque lacus miserantem incommoda nostra tu cxis pulcherrimus Fonte tenet, quocunque solo pulcherrimus exis; 75 amnis; t celebraberr semper meo honore, Semrper honore meo, semper celebrabere donis: semper meo honris: semper vteis donis: O Corniger Hesperidum fluvius regnator aquarum, corniger fluvius NOTES. 54 Pallanteum: the name of the city. Virgil intended to include both: and, there56. Junge federa: make-ratify a treaty fore, expressed himself ambiguously. Dawith them. vidson renders the passage thus: "here is 57. Rectoflumine. This does not mean my spacious mansion; near lofty cities my that the river was straight, or in a direct fountain springs." line; but that it would lead him to the place 66. Alto lacu: the deepest part ol the of his destination-to the residence of Evan- stream-the bed of the river. der, in a direct or unerring course. Absque 68. Speclans orientia, &c. It was a cuserrore, says Ruleus. tom of the ancients, in prayei, to turn their 58. JAdversum amnem. By this we are to faces toward the east. It was also a cus Understand the current of the river, which tom to wash their hands before they perwaas against him as he ascended it. Ut sub- formed any acts of religion. iEneas for that Vfclus: that borne along, you may over- purpose takes water (undam) from the ricome, &c. ver, and turns his face toward the rikin 59. Primis astris cadentibus: the first stars sun. setting. By this we are to understand the 74. Quocunque fonte: in whatever place early dawn. The stars are said to set, when thy lake holds, or contains thee pitying, &c. they disappear at the approach of the sun. It was the opinion of some philosophers, 63. Stringentem ripas: touching lightly, that rivers took their rise from great lakes, or rolling gently along the banks with my or reservoirs of water under ground. iEneas full stream. Secantem: in the sense of di- here promises to worship the god Tiber, in videntem. whatever place he found his residence to 65. Caput exit, &c. There are some comn- be; whether in his primary reservoir, in his mentators who take these words in a pro- fountain, or in the course of the river. Fonphetic or oracular sense, that here should be te appears to be used here in the sense ef t!hu: head to lofty cities-Rome, the empress loco. cof the world. The chief difficulty in this 76. Celebrabere. Some manuscris have hs the word exit, the present for the future: venerabere: thou shalt be worshipped. HoDr. Trapp thinks this not very material, nore: worship-veneration. especially in a prophetic or oracular sen- 77. Cornigerfluvius. Horns are an em. tence. Others take them in a literal sense. blem of power, and are therefore, applicaHere is my palace; my source or head rises ble to the Tiber, here called the ruler of the near, or flows from lofty cities. The for- Italian rivers. But it is common with the mer is the best idea. But it is probable, poets to ascribe to rive-s the rorml of the 29 434 P. VlRGITI MARONIS Adsis 6 tantuim, et propiuis tua numina firmes! Sic memorat: geminasque legit de classe birems, Remigioque aptat: socios simul instruit arnis. 86 t1. Autem I;cce mon- Ecce autem subitum atque oculis mirabile monstrum! strum subitum atque Candida per svlvam cumr fetu concolor albo Iilabile offer sese ocu- Procubuit, viridique in litore conspicitur sus: lis, candida sus, concolor, cum albo fcetu pro- Quam pius,Eneas, tibi enim, tibi, maxima Juno, cubuit per sylvam Mactat, sacra ferens, et cum grege sistit ad aram, 85 84. Quam pius.Eneas Tybris ea fluvium, quam longa est, nocte tumenter mactat tibi, (enim tib Leniit; et tacita refluens ita sulstitit undi, iusss est) 0 maxima Juno, frens sacra, et Mitis ut in morem stagni placidaeque paludis sistit earn Sterneret equor aquis, remo ut luctamen abesset. 88. Ut sterneret aequor Erg6 iter inceptum celerant rumore secundo. 90 Aquis in morem mitis Labitur uncta vadis abies: mirantur et undaw, 92.sta Nem insue Miratur nemus insuetum, fulgentia longe 92. INemus insuetum his spectaculis miratur Scuta virum, fluvio pictasque innare carinas. scuta virfim, fulgentia Olli remigio noctemque diemque fatigant,.onge Et longos superant flexus, variisque teguntur 95 95. Longos flexusflu- Arboribus, viridesque secant placido aequore sylvas uii Sol medium caeli conscenderat igneus orbem, Curm muros, arcemque procul, et rara domorum Tecta vident, quae nunc Romana potentia ccelo NOTES. bull. The reason of this is, that the roar- 89. Ut sterneret: that it might level the ing noise of rivers resembles the bellowing surface of its waters in the manner, &o. of that animal. See Geor. IV. 372. The Aquis: the dat. in the sense of the gen. Tiber could not be called the king of Italian 90. Secundo rumore. By this we are, rivers from its magnitude; that belongs to most probably, to understand the shoutp the Eridanus or Po, called the king of ri- and acclamations with which they animated vcrs. Geor. I. 432. There must be some each other, under the assurance of a prosperother reason for it; the future magnitude ous issue. This assurance they had from and glory of Rome, built on its banks; or the omen of the white sow. They underAEneas may be supposed to speak from his stood by this that they should succeed to, own knowledge, supposing the Tiber to be their wishes. the largest river. Fluvius, here, is plainly 91. Uncta abies labitur: the ship glides in the vocative case. easily along on the water, as if it were 78. JVumina: oracles-prophetic declara- moving down the current. Iabies: properly tions. the fir-tree; by meton. a ship, because ships 84. Enim tibi. Mr. Dryden says the were made of that wood. This is the sense word eniim was of such necessity among the given by Rueus and Davidson. Heyne Romans, that a sacrifice could not be per- connects secundo rumore with uncta abies., formed without it. But this appears a no- understanding by it the noise made in thfe tion entirely his own. Servius says, it is water by the oars and the keel as they, merely expletive and ornamental. It is moved along. Valpy is of the same oplnplain there is an ellipsis, which, to make ion. It appears to be an unnecessary resense, must be filled. AEneas had just been finement. ordered by Tiberinus to offer prayers and 92. Insuetum: unaccustomed to suchb supplications to Juno, and to overcome her sights. His spectaculis, says Rueus. resentment by vows and offerings. He sa- 94. Fatigant: in the sense of traducunT. crifices (mactat) to thee, O supreme Juno; Remigio: in rowing. for to thee he was commanded, &c. As Ju- 95. Flexus: the windings and flexures of piter is called Jaximus, so Juno, his consort the river. and queen, is called Maxima. For the 96. Secant virides: they cut the verdant same reason, she is sometimes called omni- trees in the smooth surface-the shades of potens. the trees, which appeared in the water of 85 Grege: her pigs-litter of pigs. the river, by meton. 86. Ed nocte: in that night. Tumentem 97. 0Medium orbem. This is a fine cirleint: it smoothed (lowere,.) its swelling cumlocution for, the middle of the day. The current. sun had ascended the middle of his course AJNEIS. LIB. VI1. 435 A/quavit. turn res inopes Evandrus habebat 100 Ocyfis advertunt proras, urbique propinquant. Forte die solemnem illo rex Areas honorem Amplitryoniadae magno Divisque ferebat, Ante urbem, in luco. Pallas huic filius una, Una omnes juvenum primi, pauperque senatus, 105 Thura dabant: tepidusque cruor fumabat ad aras. 106. Dabant thura Ut celsas vide're rates, atque inter opacum huic Deo Allabi nemus, et tacitis incumbere remis; 107. Atque vros allsTerrentur visu subito, cunctique relictis inter Consurgunt mensis: audax quos rumpere Pallas 110 Sacra vetat, raptoque volat telo obvius ipse, 111. Ipseque, telo -ap. Et procul e tumulo, Juvenes, quee causa subegit to, volat obvius vti, et Ignotas tentare vias? quo tenditis? inquit. procul e tumulo mquit Qui genus? unde domo? pacemne huc fertis, an ara? 114. Qui estzs quoad Tum pater JEneas puppi sic fatur ab alta, 115 genus? Unde venists domo Paciferaeque manu rarnum pretendit olivae: Trojugenas ac tela vides inimica Latinis, Quos illi bello profugos egere superbo. Evandrum petimus: ferte hec, et dicite lectos Dardanite venisse duces, socia arma rogantes. 120 Obstupuit, tanto perculsus nomine, Pallas: Egredere, 6 quicunque es, ait, coramque parentem 124. Accepit Eneam Alloquere, ac nostris succede penatibus hospes. manu Accepitque manu, dextramque amplexus inhaesit. 127. Cui fortuna voProgressi subeunt luco, fluviumque relinquunt. 125 luit me precari, et pro Turn regem Erneas dictis affatur amicis: tendere Optime Grajugenum, cui me fortuna precari, ti129. Equidem non d tirnui facere id, quad Et vitti comptos voluit pratendere ramos: fores ductor Danaam, et Non equidein extimui, Danaum quod ductor et Areas, Areas, quodque NOTES. 01 circuit. The next day after their depar- place to place without any habitation. The ture, they arrived at the city of Evander; same term he used, ZEn. I. 2. in reference to it was small, and its inhabitants poor. his leaving his own country, f&c. As Pallas 102. Arcas rex. Evander is called Arcas, had proposed his questions in a brief manan Arcadian, because he was a native of that ner, so IEneas is as brief in his answers. country. IHonorem: in the sense of sacrii- Trojugenas profugos answers to the quescium. tion: Qui genus, et unde domo? The olive103. Amphitryoniadce magno: to great branch is a sufficient reply to Pacem-ne huc hlercules. A patronymic noun, from Am- fertis, an arma? To remove any suspicion phitryon, the husband of Alemene, the mo- arising from their arms, he informs him they ther of Hercules, by Jove. See ZEn. VI. were Inimica Latinis. Having been made 801. satisfied of their friendly intention, Pallas 106. Dabant: in the sense of offerebant. immediately invites them on shore. 108. Tacitis: silent-not moving. The 122.Egredere: comeonshore-land, whoimpetus, which the galleys had already re- ever thou art-whatever be thy nam. teived, was carrying them forward, without Eneas had informed him they were Trothe assistance of the oars, which conse- jans, but had not as yet told his name. iquently were still. The oarsmen were rest- an, ye ing upon their oars at the same time, incum. 126. Regem: Evander. bere, &c. 128. Ramos complos vitta: to hold out 113. Quo tenditis: whither are you go- boughsadorned with the fillet. Oliveboughs ing? wrapped around with wreaths of white 114. Arma: in the sense of bellum. wool, hanging down over the hands of tho 118 Profugos. Most probably we are to suppliant, were emblems of peace, and deunderstand by this, the Trojans driven from noted that the persons came with a friendly helr native ccr mtry, and wandering from intention. 436 P. VIRGILII MA RGNIS Qundque a stirpe fores geminis onjunctus Atridis, Sed mea me virtus, et sancta oracula Divim, 131 Cognatique patres, tua terris didita fama, Conjunxere tibi, et fatis egere volentem. Dardanus, Iliacae primus pater urbis et auctor, Electra, ut Graii perhibent, Atlantide cretus, 135 Advehitur Teucros: Electram maximus Atlas Edidit, rethereos humero qui sustinet orbes. 138. Quemconceptum Vobis Mercurius pater est, quem candida Maia candida Maia fudit Cyllenes gelido conceptum vertice fudit. At Maiam, auditis si quicquam credimus, Atlas, 140 Idem Atlas generat, cceli qui sidera tollit. 142, Sic genus ambo- Sic genus amborum scindit se sanguine ab uno. rum nostrum scindit se His fretus; non legatos, neque prima per artem 143. Ego fretus hisre- Tentamenta tui pepigi; memet ipse, meumque aus non pepigi Objeci caput, et supplex ad limina veni. 145 146. Eadem Daunia Gens eadem, quaw te, crudeli Daunia bello gens, quce insequitur te Insequitur: nos si pellant, nihil abfore credunt, crudeli bello, insequitur Quin omnem Hesperiam penitus sua sub juga mittant 149. Et teneant mare, t mare, quod supra, teneant, quodque alluit infra. quod "alluit earn supra, Accipe, daque fidem. Sunt nobis fortia bello 150 quodque alluit earn infra Pectora, sunt animi, et rebus spectata juventus. 152. IlleEvanderjam- Dixerat.Eneas: ille os oculosque loquentis dudum lustrabat os ocu- Jamdudum, et totum lustrabat lumine corpus. oque.En oquentis Tune sic pauca refert: Ut te, fortissime Teucruim NOTES. 130. A stirpe fores conjunctus, &c. It ap- Cyllenes: gen. of Cyllene: a mountain in pears that Evander was related to the sons Arcadia, where Mercury was born; whence of Atreus, Agamemnon and Menelaus, the he is sometimes called Cyllenus. bitter enemies of the Trojans. Atlas was 143. Genus: in the sense of gens, vel fatheir common ancestor. He had seven milia. daught:ers; of one of them Jove begat 144. JVon pepigi prima: I did not make Tantalus, the grandfather of Atreus. Of the first trial of your inclinations in this another (Maia) he begat Mercury, the repu- matter by ambassadors, nor by art; but I ted father of Evander. SIirpe: in the sense have come in person-I have exposed myof origine. self and my life to the consequences. Pe-. 131. Oracula: these were the answers or pigi: the perf. of pango. Heyne says, now,. responses of the Sibyl. See zEn. VI. 96. prius te sentavi per legatos, et callida consilia, i.)idita: diffused-spread. which is evidently the sense of the passage. 132. Cognatipatres. Electra, the daugh-' 146. Daunia: an adj. from Daunus, the ter of Atlas, was the mother of Dardanus, by father of Turnus.-Rutulian or Italian. Jove; so that IEneas and Evander had the 149. Et mare, quod: should they be able same common origin-Atlas and Jove. to expel us, they hope to be able to subject Their ancestors were relations. all Italy, from the Adriatic sea on the north, 133. Fatis: by their power-authority; to the Tuscan or lower sea on the south. they forced or impelled me hither by their 151. Spectata rebus: tried or exercised in, authority. Yet he came willingly-their action. Animi: courage. commands and directions concurred with 153. Lustrabat lumine: surveyed with an his own inclinations. attentive eye. Lumine: in the sense of.' 135. Cretus: sprung from Electra, the oculis. daughter of Atlas. Here the poet traces 157. Hesiones: Hesione was the daughtey: the line of relationship between LEneas and of Laomedon, king of Troy. She married'. Evander. Telamon, king of the island of Salamis, ix.\ 137. Edidit: in the sense of genuit. the Sinus Saronicus. Hesiones: gen. of 139. Fudit: in the sense of peperit, vel Hesione; put in apposition with sororis. edidit. 159. Protinies. Dr. Trapp renders this 140. Si credimus quicquam: if we give in his way. But Arcadia lies to the west of any credit to things heard-to tradition. Salamis. It must mean, at the same timeAtlas. See /En. IV. 247. and Geor. I. 138. continuing hisjourney forward. Priam,being IENElS. LIB. VIII 43T Accipio, agnoscoque libens! ut verba parentis 155 Et voceml Ancais;e magni vultumque recordor! Nam memini Hesiones visentem regna sororis Laomedontiadem Priamum, Salamina petentem, Protinis ArcadiaR gelidos invisere fines. T'um mihi prima genas vestibat flore juventa: 160 Mirabarque duces Teucros, mirabar et ipsum Laomedontiaden: sed cunctis altior ibat Anchises. Mihi mens juvenili ardebat amore Compellare virum, et dextrae conjungere dextram. Accessi, et cupidus Phenei sub menia duxi. 165 [lle mihi insignem pharetram, Lyciasque sagittas 166. Ille discedens de. Discedens, chlamydemque auro dedit intertextam, dit mihi Frranaque bina, meus quae nunc habet aurea Pallas. Ergo et, quam petitis, juncta est mihi feedere dextra: Et, lux, cum primum terris se crastina reddet, 170 Auxilio latos dimittam, opibusque juvabo. Intcrea sacra hac, quando huc venistis amici, 172. Interea, quanuo Annua, quae differre nefas, celebrate faventes vos venistis huc tanquam Nobiscum, et jam nunc sociorum assuescite mensis. mici, faventes celebrate TT - *' 1 *. * nobiscumn heec annua saHaec ubi dicta, dapes jubet et sublata reponi 175'cra, qu est nefas differre Pocula, gramineoque viros locat ipse sedili: 175. Ubi hlec dicta Pra3cipuumque toro et villosi pelle leonis sunt, jubet Accipit jEneam, solioque invitat acerno. Tum lecti juvenes certatim areque sacerdos Viscera tosta ferunt taurorum, onerantque canistris 180 Dona laboratoe Cereris, Bacchumque ministrant. Vescitur Egneas, simul et Trojana juventus, Perpetui tergo bovis, et lustralibus extis. NOTES. on a visit to his sister at Salamis, proceeded to make excursions into the plain, and plun. with his company and attendants to visit der and lay waste the country. Hercules the cool borders of Arcadia. Anchises ac- on his return from Spain, happened to pass companied him, with whom Evander, then this way; and having discovered the mona youth, contracted an acquaintance and ster, by the lowing of one of his heifers, friendship. which he had stolen, came upon him and 160. Flore. Flos here may.mean the slew him. For this act, the inhabitants condown on his cheeks, before he had properly sidered him their benefactor, and paid him a beard. Rueus says, lanugzne. Veslibat: divine honors. by syn. for vestiebat. 175. Reponi: to be replaced-brought 165. Phenei. Pheneum or Pheneus, was back. They had finished their repast, and a city in Arcadia, near mount Cyllene. the dishes had been removed. )uxzi: I led Anchises, &c. 178. Acerno: maple-made of the wood 166. Lycias: an adj. from Lycia, a coun- of the maple-tree. try of Asia Minor, whose inhabitants were 179. Sacerdos are. The feast at the end famed for their skill in archery. Here Apol- of the ceremony was always considered as lo, the god of the bow, had a famous temple. a part of the sacrifice. The priest, there169. J.Mihi: in the sense of mea, agreeing fore, does nothing out of character in servwith dexlra. ing at this entertainment. 171. Auxilio. This may refer to the men, 180. Tosta viscera: the roasted flesh, &c. llhom Evander sent with him to the war, 181. Dona laboratce Cereris: a circumloand opibus, to the provisions, and other ne- cution for bread. Bacchum: for vinum. cessaries, with which he furnished him. 183. Tergo perpetui bovis: they feast upon 172. Interea hcac sacra. This is an episode the chine of an entire ox, and the hallowed of the finest kind, and adds much to the entrails. At some of their entertainments, excellence of this book. The story in brief it is evident from Homer, that the ancients is this: Cacus, a monster, the son of Vulcan, used to roast, and serve up whole oxen. half man and half beast, had his residence Homer assigns the chine to his heroes, and;n an inaccessible mountain, whence he used that whole and un.roken. 4&t8 p. VIRGIL11 MARONIS Postquam exempta fames, et amor compressus edendi, Rex Evandrus ait: Non haec solemnia nobis, 185 Has ex more dapes, hanc tanti numinis aram, Vana superstitio veterumve ignara Deorum Imposuit: saevis, hospes Trojane, periclis Servati facimus, meritosque novamus honores. Jam primum saxis suspensam hanc aspice rupem: 190 191. Ut moles disjecta Disjectze procul ut moles, desertaque montis sunt procul Stat domus, et scopuli ingentem traxere ruinam. 1!)3. Hlcfuitspelunca Hic spelunca fuit vasto submota recessu, subinota vasto recessu, quam inaccessam radiis Semihominis Caci facies quam dira tenebat, nolis, dira facies Solis inaccessam radiis; semperque recenti 195 Caede tepebat humus; foribusque affixa superbis Ora virum tristi pendebant pallida tabo. JHuic monstro Vulcanus erat pater: illius atros 199. Jlle vomens atros Ore vomens ignes, magna se mole ferebat. ignes illius paLris ex ore Attulit et nobis aliquando optantibus atas 200 ferebat se 201. Nam Alcides ade- Auxilium adventumque Dei: niam maximus ultor, rat, maximus ultor cri- Tergemini nece Geryonis spoliisque superbus, minum, superbus nece, Alcides aderat: taurosque hac victor agebat spoliisque Ingentes: vallemque boves amnemque tenebant. At furiis Caci mens effera, ne quid inausum 20b6 Aut intractatum scelerisve dolive fuisset, 209. Atque occultabat Quatuor a stabulis praestanti corpore tauros hos opaco saxo, tractos Avertit, totidem forma superante juvencas. in speluncam cauda,rap- Atque los, ne qua forent pedibus vestigia rectis, tosque versis indiclis vi- arum, ne qua vestigia Cauda in speluncam tractos, versisque viarum 210 forent ex pedibus rectis Indiciis raptos, saxo occultabat opaco. NOTES. 184. Compressus: was allayed. The verb 199.Magna mole: ofvastsizeormagnitude. est is understood. 200. ^Etas aliquando: time at length 186. Hanc aram: this sacrifice in honor brought also aid, and the presence of a god of so great a god. Ara, by meton. for the to us wishing it-greatly desiring it. Et: sacrifice offered upon it. also. It- brought aid, &c. to us, as it had 187. Jon superstitio: not superstition, done to many others, whose grievances Hervain and ignorant of the old gods, hath im- cules had redressed. posed on us these solemn rites, these, &c. 202. Geryonis: Geryon was said to have Superstition here is opposed to religion. The three bodies, because he reigned over the former was the worship of modern gods, to three islands, Majorca, Minorca, and Ivica, the neglect of the old ones; while the latter on the Spanish coast of the Mediterranean. was adhering to the established worship of. See ZEn. vi. 289. the old gods exclusively. The religion of 204. 4Annem: this must mean the banks Evander was not a false superstition, disre- of the river, and not the river itself. Effera: garding the ancient gods, and the establish- in the sense of concitata. JMens Caci: the ed order of their worship. It was founded mind of Cacus, by meton. for Cacus himself. in giatitude to Hercules, for a great deliver- 208. Avertit: in the sense of abducit. Suance from a most cruel monster. perante: in the sense of eximza, vel pulchra. 189. J.eritos honores: Rumeus says, meri- The prep. e is understood, to govern forma. turn cultlum. JNovamus: we repeat. It also governs corpore, in the preceding line. 191. Ut: in the sense of quomodo. 209. Ne qua vestigia forent, &c. The 194. Dira facies Caci, &c. Dr. Trapp meaning is: that Cacus drew the cattle observes, it is a peculiar elegancy in poetry, backward to his cave, that their tracks might to put a person's most remarkable quality seern to proceed from it; and might lead the in a substantive, as an epithet to him in an searcher for them the other way; and by adjective. Thus: sapienlia Laeli, for wise that means prevent discovery. Laelius. Vis Herculis, for powerful Hercu- 211. Saxo opaco. By this we may under-!es. Dira facies Casi, for direful-looking stand his cave, which was in a rocky mounCacus. See supra. 172. tain. Or by saxum, the stone which shut 197. Ora: in the sense of capita. the mouth or entrance of his cave. He hid XENEIS. LIB. VIII. 439 Qut;rentem nulla ad speluncam signa ferebart. 212. Nulla signa fere. Interea cilm jam stabulis saturata moveret bant heroa quercnten Amphitryoniades armenta, abitumque pararet, oves Discessu inugire boves, atque omne querelis 215 215. Boves ciperunt Impleri nemus, et colles clamore relinqui. mugire dibcessu, atquo Reddidit una bourn vocem, vastoque sub antro omrie nemus ecpis ime pleri querelis. et colics Mugiit, et Caci spem custodita fefellit. ceperunt relinqui claHic verb Alcided furiis exarserat atro more Felle dolor: rapit arma manu, nodisque gravatum 220 Robur, et aerii cursu petit ardua montis. 221. Arduajuga aerii Turn primurn nostri Cacum videre timentem, montiostri..> i * r v *i * t~ ~ cuntfuisse centum Pectoribusque arsisse; Jovis cum fulmina contra Tot paribus streperet clypeis, tot stringeret enses Sic toto iEneas desaevit in aequore victor, Ut seliel intepuit mucro. Quin ecce Nyphmi 570 570. Mucro gladii in(Qnldrijuges in equos, adversaque pectora tendit: tepuit sanguine Attue illi longe gradientem et dir fremente 572. Illi equi, ut priUt Tid~re, dir' frementem mum;idere eum long6 Tlt vidcre, metu versi, retroque ruentes,m re em lon Effunduntque ducem, rapiuntque ad litora currus. Interea bijlgis infert se Lucagus albis 575 In medios, fraterque Liger: sed frater habenis Flectit equos; strictum rotat acer Lucagus ensem. Haud tulit W Eneas tanto fervore furentes; 578. Eo furentestante [rruit, adversaque ingens apparuit hasta. Cui Liger: 580 Non Dionledis equos, non currum cernis Achillis, Aut Phrygike carnpos: nunc belli finis et avi Htis dabitur terris. Vesano talia late I)icta volant Ligeri: sed non et Troius heros Dicta parat contra; jacullun nam torquet in hosteml. Lucagus ut pronus pendens in verbera telo 586 A dmonuit bijugos, projecto dum pede lavo Aptat se pugnwm, subit oras hasta per imas Fulgentis clypei, tumn lavum perforat inguen. NOTES. bb4. Aqusonidum: gen. plu. for Ausonida- But paribus may mean that they were all of rum, by syn. The Ausones were among equal size and shape. Streperet: in tho llhe early inhabitants of Italy. Tacitis Amy- sense of sonabat. clis. Am/clse was a city of Latium, near 570. Ut semel: when once his sword, &c. Terracina, which is said to have perished M.lucro: properly, the point of the sword, by through silence. The city having been fre- synec. the whole sword. quently thrown into confusion by false 571. Adversa pectora. By these words, we alarms, at length a law was made that none are to understand the breasts of the steeds, of its inhabitants should mention the ap- rather than the breast of the charioteer J.iproach of an enemy. So that, when an ene- phceus. It gives us a higher idea of the my actually advanced against the city, it courage of XEneas, who dared to stand was suddenly destroyed for want of timely against, and oppose the course of these intelligence. Servius assigns another reason horses. for the singular epithet of tacite. He oh- 572. Dira: an adj. of the nen. plu. used serves, they held the doctrines of Pythago- as an adv. in imitation of the Greeks. ras, which forbade them to offer any violence 574. Effundunt: they throw out the (rito serpents, and enjoined, at the same time, ver. a silence of five years. At a time, a host of 575. Bijugis: bijugi is, properly, a pait serpents issued from a lake near the city; of horses harnessed: by meton. the carriage the inhabitants refusing to attack them, fell in which they are harnessed. Of bis and a prey to them. jugutm. Lucagus was drawn in a chariot by 565..Egeron: the son of Celus and Ter- a pair of white horses. ra. The same as Briareuis. 578. Fervore: heat-violence. 568. Tot paribus clyleis. It is generally 582..,vi: of your life. thought these words imply, that the num- 583. His terris: on this spot-in this place her of his shields was equal to his arms or 584. Vesano Ligeri: from insolent Liger. hands. But it is difficult to conceive how Liger is declined like nouns of the third that could be. The warrior carried a shield declension, some of which make the abl. in only on his left. m; and with his right i, as well as in e. Et: also. hand he wielded the sword, the javelin, &c. 587. Admonuit: goaded on his horses His shields and swords (enses,) doubtless, with a dart-the point of his javelin, or equalled tog'hler the number of his hands. dart. Ruaus says, excitavif. ^618 ~ P. VIRGILII MARONIS Excussus curru moribundus volvitur arvis; 590 Quem pius IEneas dictis aflftur amaris: Lucage, nulla tuos currus fuga segnis equorum 693. Vertfre eos Prodidit, aut vanae vertere ex hostibus umbrae: 594. Tu ipse saliens Ipse rotis saliens juga deseris. Hac ita fatus, rotis Arripuit bijugos. Frater tendebat inermes 595 Infelix palmas, curru delapsus eodem: 597. Oro per te, per Per te, pei qui te talem genuere parentes, parentes, qui Vir Trojane, sine hanc animam, et miserere precantis 599. Eneas respondit Pluribus oranti Lneas: Haud talia dudum illi oranti pluribus verbis Dicta dabas: morere, et fratrem ne desere frater. 600 600. Tu frater ne detreo Tur, latebras anime, pectus mucrone recludit. Talia per campos edebat funera ductor Dardanius, torrentis aquae vel turbinis atri More furens. Tandem erumpunt, et castra relinquunt Ascanius puer, et nequicquam obsessa juventus. 605 Junonem interea compellat Jupiter ultr: O germana, mihi atque eadem gratissima conjux! Ut rebare, Venus, nec te sententia fallit, 609. Non est ilhs viris Trojanas sustentat opes! non vivida bello dextra Dextra viris, animusque ferox, patiensque pericli! 610 Cui Juno submissa: Quid, 6 pulcherrime conjux, Sollicitas aegram, et tua tristia dicta timentem? 613. Si foret mihi Si mihi, quae quondam fuerat, quamque esse decebat, tadem vis in amore, qUe Vis in arnore foret! non hoc milli namque negares Omnipotens; quin et pugnae subducere Turnum, 615 Et Dauno possem incolurem servare parenti. Nunc pereat, Teucrisque pio det sanguine pcenas. NOTES. 590. Exeussus: thrown-tost from his 608. Venus, ut rebare, &c. This is said chariot. ironically, as appears both from the turn of 591. Pius.Eneas. Dr. Trapp observes the sentence, and the answer of Juno, which the epithet pius seems a little incongruous, shows that she considered it in that light. while he is insulting a fallen enemy. Some How Venus supports the Trojan strength! soldier-like epithet would seem much more' 609. Opes: in the sense of vires. She proper for our hero on this occasion. But gives strength, or power to the Trojans, to he is avenging the death of his friend Pallas, perform such mighty deeds. Vivida: in the who had just been slain; and among the sense of ardens. heathen, that was looked upon as an act of Subissa: humblesubmissive. Piety. 611. Submissa: humble-submissive. piety. 592. Lucagc: Mr. Davidson observes, this 612. JEgram: afflicted -full of grief. The is a very poor sentiment, an ill-timed affec- pron. me, is understood. tation of wit, unworthy both of the poet and 613. Siforet mihi vis: 0, that there were the hero. Virgil appears to have been led the same force in my love-O, that 1 had into it, from an over fondness for Homer. the same influence over thy affections, &c. JNulla segnis: no slow flight of your horses, but 1 have lost it; for otherwise, thou &c. wouldst not deny me this. 594. Juga: properly the yoke: here, the 616. Possem: I would be able-I could chariot. Sometimes, also, the horses, by desire to have power, &c. meton. 617. Pereat: now he must perish, and 598. Sine: spare, or save this life. In make retribution, &c. the sense of parce. Rumus says, omitle. This is said by Juno with a degree' of in601. Latebras animce: the seat of life. dignation, that the favorite of Venus should Rumus says, quo latet anima. Latebras is thus prevail, and that the daughter should put in apposition with pectus. have more influence with Jove than the 607. Conjux. Juno was both the sister, wife. Davidson renders the words det p0tand wife of Jove. Conjux is both a husband, nas: " let him glut the vengeance of tlhe and wife Trojans with his pious blood." Hlis blojd AENEIS. LIB X. 51i tlle tamen nostrl deducit origine nomen; Pilumnusque illi quartus pater; et tua largA Satpe mann, multisque oneravit limina donis. 620 Cui rex atherei breviter sic fatur Olympi ~ Si mora pr'esentis leti, telnpusque caduco 3ratur juveni, rneque hoc ita ponere sentis; rolle fuga Turnum, atque instantibus eripe fatis. Iactenus indulsisse vacat. Sin altior istis 625 625. Varat mihi inSub piecibus venia ulla latet, totumque moveri dulsisse libi Mutarive putas bellurn, spes pascis inanes. Cui Juno illachryrnans: Quid si, quod voce gravaris, Mlente dares; atque hec Turno rata vita maneret? Nunc manet insontem gravis exitus! aut ego veri 630 Vana feror: qubd ut 6 potius forrnidine falsa 631. Quod, 6 sit tta Ludar; et in melius tua, qui potes, orsa reflectas! Ut potiis IIwc ubi dicta dedit, ccelo se protinus alto Misit, agens hyemem nimbo succincta per auras, Iliacarmque aciemn, et Laurentia castra petivit. 635 Turn Dea nube cava tenuem sine viribus umbram, 636. Turn Dea ornat In faciern mEneae, visu mirabile monstrum! Dardaniis telis tenuem umnbram sine viribus i Dardaniis ornat telis: clypeumque jubasque cava n be vi s Divini assimulat capitis; dat inania verba: Dat sine mente sonum, gressusque effingit euntis. 640 Morte obita, quales fama est volitare figuras, Ant qure sopitos deludunt somnia sensus. At priinas leta ante acies exsultat imago, Irntatque virum telis, et voce lacessit. lnstat cui Turnus, stridentemque eminus hastam 645 Conjicit: illa dato vertit vestigia tergo. 646. I11% unao vertit Turn ver6 lEnean aversum ut cedere Turnus Credidit, at(que animo spem turbidus hausit inanem: NOTES. is called pious, because Turnus was descend- word augur, vel aruspex, is understood. ed from the gods. Rumeus says, dicor ignara veritatis. 619. Quartus pater. Turnus was the 632. In milimus: taken adverbially, for the fourth in a direct line from Pilumnus, who better. Orsa: in the sense of incepta. QuM is, therefore, called his fourth father. He potes: who hast power. Jupiter could conwas his great-grandfather's father. trol the fates, by deferring, or impeding their 620. Limina tua: in the sense of tua purposes, or decrees. templa. 634. JVimbo: in the sense of nube. 622. Mora: a delay —respite from. Ca- 636. Turn Dea, &c. This is taken from iuco: about to fall-doomed to fall by the Homer, Iliad v., where Apollo raises a phannand of /Eneas. JMox casr7ro, says Heyne. tomr in the shape of JEneas. But Virgil has 623. Ponere: to settle, fix or determine. greatly improved upon the original. Con.stituere, says Heyne. Oratur: is asked 638. Ornat: in the sense of instruil..y thee. 640. Effingit; represents. Ruaus says, 625. Vacat: in the sense of licet. Hac- exprimit. tenus: so far. 641. Morte obita: after death-death be. 626. Venia: in the sense of gralia. ing past. 628. Gramaris: you are loth, or unwilling 642. Sopitos sensus: the slumbering senses to grant by words. -or senses buried in sleep. Qum: in the 629. Q(eid si dares. Juno here seems to sense of qualia. express seine fear, that her husband was 646. Tergo dato: the back being turned not sincere in granting her even this favor. toward Turnus, it fled from him. Mente: from your heart-sincerely. 647. Cedere: in the sense offugere. 630. Exitus: in the sense of mors. Vana 648. Turbidus: in the sense of tume+r-s here has the sense of ignara. Or else the elatus arrogantid. 520 P. V1RGILII MARONIS 649. Inquit, Enea, Quo fugis, tEnea? thalamos ne desere pactos: qlio fugis? IJac dabitur dextra tellus qumesita per undas. 650 650. Tellund s quita Talia vociferans sequitur, stricturn(ue coruscat per undas dabitur tibi bac mea dextra. Mucronem: nec ferre videt sua gaudia ventos Forte ratis, celsi conjuncta crepidine saxi, Expositis stabat scalis, et ponte parato, 655 QuAf nave rex Osi Qua rex Clusinis advectus Osinius oris. 655 lmus advectus fuerat a Huc sese trepida AEneae fugientis imago Conjicit in latebras: nec Turnus segnior instat, Exsuperatque moras, et pontes transilit altos. Vix proram attigerat: rumpit Saturnia funem, 660. Rapitque navem Avulsamque rapit revoluta per aquora navem. 660 avulsam a litore per re- Illum autem JEneas absentem in praelia poscit: roluta. Obvia multa virfim demittit corpora morti. Turn levis haud ultra latebras jam quaerit imago, Sed sublime volans nubi se immiscuit atrte: Cmr Turnum medio interea fert aquore turbo. 665 Respicit ignarus rerum, ingratusque salutis, Et duplices cum voce manus ad sidera tendit: Omnipotens genitor, tanton' me crimine dignum Duxisti? et tales voluisti expendere pcenas? 669 Quo feror? unde abii? qute me fuga, quemve reducet Laurentes-ne iterum muros aut castra videbo? 67L2 Quid illa manus Quid manus illa virum, qui me meaque arma secuti? virim dicet, qui secuti Quosque, nefas! omnes infanda in morte reliqui? sruit Et nunc palantes video, gemitumque cadentum 674 NOTES. 649. Pactos thalamos: the promised match. 666. Ingratus: unthankful for his safety. 652. JXec videt: nor does he perceive that He considers it no favor to be rescued from the winds bear off his joys. This is a pro- the field of battle, where, if he fell, he should verbial expression, denoting disappointment. fall in the defence of his honor, and the Mucronelm: in the sense of ensem. glory of his country. 653. Conjuncta: the ship was connected 668. Duxisti. Rusus says, existimati. with, or moored to the top of a high rock. Crinine: crime —disgrace —base actions. Crepidine, the abl. for crepidini, the dat. Didst thou consider me deserving of such 654. Expositis: extended-reaching to an imputation, such disgrace upon my character, as that arising from deserting,ny the shore. These ladders and bridge had racter, as that arising from dserting ny ee he.n dthee trps i o companions in battle? Throughout this adbeen made, for the purpose of lanng troops drss Turnus manifests the soldier and th from the vessel or ship. hero. Tanton' 655. Osinius. It is probable lhe was com- 6. Ependere: to ser-un drgo mander of these troops, or at least some7 dis- 669. EQendere: to suffer-undergo. 670. Quemve: or what sort of a person — tinguished man among his citizens; for rex how disgraced? Qualem, says Ruus. bii: does not always imply a king: sometimes a in the sense of discessi. nobleman. Massicus appears to have been 6. s here means his oni the king of Cluium. 671. Castra. Turnus here means his own 657. Lt s. This word properly sig- camp; perhaps the field of battle. By mu657. Latebras. This word properly sig*/. i.-,... r | ros, he may mean the capital of his kinrnifies any hiding place-or place of conceal- o h y n the cial of hs T fr'^1-1 I i. 1,1 c dom; or his country in general. ment. Here it plainly means the hold of om; or nus vcountry in general. 672..Manus virfem: that band of men —the ship, into which the shadow or image those troops of mine. Ruus says, - of =!Eneas concealed itself. hose troops of mine. Rumus says, multitudo hominum. Dicet is understood. 658. Jkloras: obstacles-hindrances. 673. JVefas. This is here taken as an in660. Revolula equora: the rolling billows. terjection. 0, disgrace!-O, foul ingratiServius thinks revoluta is to be connected tude! Infanda: in the sense of crudeli. with navem by hypallage. But this is un- Quosque: this is the common reading. necessary here; for revoluta is-a very proper Heyne has quos-ne: which he takes in the epithet for the sea; whose surface is con- sense of eos-ne. Linually in motion. Valpy says, " through 674. Palantes: fleeing-wandering, ar the ebbing tide." being without a leader. CKcentfu': in the AURNEIS. IIB. X. t21 Accipic. Quid agam? aut qual jam satis ima dehiscat Terra mihi? Vos, 6 potius miserescite, venti, 676 Vos, 0 venti Ih rupes, n saxa, (volens vos Turnus adoro,) potifs 1niserescite n^, et ferte raterm in rupes) Ferte ratern, sa-visque vadis immittite syrtis;.in aa Quo neque me Rutuli, neque conscia fama sequatur. 679 679. Consciamee/fuce Hee memorans, animo nunc hue, nunc fluctuat illuc, An sese mucrone ob tantum dedecus amens Induat, et crudum per costas exigat ensem; Fluctibus an jaciat mediis, et litora nando Curva petat; Teucrumque iterum se reddat in arma. Ter conatus utramque viam: ter maxima Juno 685 685. Ter conatus est Continuit; juvenemque animi miserata repressit. 686. Miserata dolorem Labitur alta secans, fluctuque estuque secundo animi Et patris antiquam Dauni defertur ad urbem. At Jovis interea monitis Mezentius ardens Succedit pugnae, Teucrosque invadit ovantes. 690 Concurrunt Tyrrhenae acies, atque omnibus uni, 691. Atque instant Uni odiisque viro telisque frequentibus instant. iro uni il u omni Ille, velut rupes, vastum quae prodit in aequor, busque odiis 693. Ille manet iramo. Obvia ventorum furiis, expostaque ponto, 694 lus, velut Vim cunctam atlque minas perfert ccelique marisque, Ipsa immota manens. Prolem Dolichaonis Hebrum Sternit humi; curn quo Latagum, Palmumque fugacem: 697. Una cum quo Sed Latagum saxo atque ingenti fragmine montis sternit Occupat os itciemque adversam: poplite Palmum 699. Sed occupat La-..1,. *.. f wr~f\ tagum quoad os, faSucciso volvi segnem sinit; armaque Lauso 700 uciemqu d, f Donat habere humeris, et vertice figere cristas. 701. Vcrtice capitis Nec non Evantem Phrygium, Paridisque Mimanta Nec non sternit XEqualern conitemque: unu quern nocte Theano NOTES. sense of morientum. Accipio: in thesense waves carried the vessel forward: which is of audio. saying, in other words, that the wind was in 675. Dehiscat: can open sufficiently deep his favor. Labilur: in the sense of provefor me-in proportion to my crime. Agam. hitur. Alta: for maria. This is the common reading. Heyne has ago. 691. Tyrrhene acies. The Tuscan troops 677 Adoro: in the sense of supplico. accompanied XEneas, for the purpose of 682. Induat: in the sense of transfodiat. taking vengeance upon Mezentius on acCrudun: in the sense of crudelem,velnudum. count of the cruelties he had done, during Rumus interprets it by durum. Heyne ob- his reign. And now they see him entering rerves, that the Roman copy has microni in the fight, they rush upon him from all parts, the dat., which he thinks preferable to the and press him with their great effort, I ut common reading, inasmuch, as it makes the they are foiled in every attack. lIe stands sense of induat easier. In this case it would their assaults like an immovable rock. The have the sense of irruat: he rushed or fell comparison is very significant. upon the point of his sword. Induo, com- 693. Prodit: projects, or extends ifto the pounded of in and duo vel do. Valpy takes sea. Rueus says, procurrit. it in the sense of transfodiat: whether he 694. Obria: in the sense of oproszta should stab himself, &c. Ponto: to the sea-the rage of the sea. 685. Utramlque viam: each expedient- 696. Prolem: in the sense of filium. way. 699. Occupat Latagum: he strikes Lata 686. Miserata animi: pitying the anguish. gus upon the mouth and face, as he,tood of his mind, restrained and prevented the opposite him. youth from executing his purpose. rAnimi: 700. Volvi'segnem: to wallow, or roll on tnis is the reading of Heyne. Dolorem, or the ground-disabled and wounded. Rueeus a word of the like import, is understood as in takes segnem, in the sense ofjacentem. Sinit: theordo. Rueus and Davidson have animo. he leaves him, &c, 687. Secundo fluctu: the waves and cur- 701. Habere: in the sense offerre. rent being favorable. The motion of the 70,1 Und quem nocte,:c. The meaning 5%22 P. VIRGILII MARONIS In lucum genitori Amyco ded't; et face pragnans 705. Paris o;cubat Cisseis regina Parin: Paris urbe paterna 705 paternL urbe: Laurens Occubat; ignarum Laurens habet 6ra Mimanta ora habet r707 Ac velut ille Ac velut ille canum morsu de montibus altis 707 Ac velut ille aper, actus de altis mon- Actus aper, multos Vesulus quem pinifer annos tibus morsu canum, Defendit, multosque palus Laurentia, sylva pastus Pastus arundinea; postquam inter retia ventum est 710 709. Laurentia palus Substitit, infremuitque ferox, et inhorruit armos dejendit multos annos * * 712 Nec est virtus Nec cuiquam irasci propiusve accedere virtus, cuique Sed jaculis tutisque procul clamoribus instant; Ille autem impavidus partes cunctatur in omnes, Dentibus infrendens, et tergo decutit hastas. 715 716. Haud aliter, non Haud aliter, justae quibus est Mezentius ire, est animus ulli eorum, Non ulli est animus stricto concurrere ferro; quibus Missilibus longe, et vasto clarnore lacessunt. Venerat antiquis Corythi de finibus Acron, 71Q Graius homo; infectos linquens profugus hymeDneao Hunc ubi miscentem longe media agmina vidit, Purpureum pennis, et pactae conjugis ostro: Impastus stabula alta leo ceu sTepe peragrans, 723. Ceu mpastus leo Suadet enim vesana fames; si forte &igacem 72^ sbap peragrans alta sta- Conspexit capream, aut surgentem in cornua cervum; Gaudet hians imman6, comasque arrexit, et haeret Visceribus super incumbens: lavit improba teter Ora cruor: Sic ruit in densos alacer Mezentius hostes. Sternitur infelix Acron, et calcibus atram 730 Tundit hulnum expirans, infractaque tela cruentat. NOTES. Is, that in the very same night Theano bore 711. Inhorruit armos: he bristles up his Mimas, and Hecuba, Paris. Hence they are shoulders. eaid to be of equal age, aqualem. Dr. 712. Irasci: to engage him-to wreak his Bentley observes, that creat is quite redun- vengeance on him. dant: for the sentence is perfect without it. 714. Cunctatur. Rueus says, opponit se Beside, there is something incongruous in 716. Just mirce: for a just resentment. making creat, and dedit, in different tenses; 720. Profugus. Rumus says, adver. Daand also the omission of the nom. to the vidson renders it, "desertedtolEneas." Hyverb occubat perplexes the sense. He, there- menaeos infeclos: in the sense of nupias fore, conjectures the reading, as Virgil left it, imperfectas. must be: -- un quem nocte Theano 721. JMiscentem: putting into confusionIn, lucem genitori Anmyco dedit; ei face breaking through the middle ranks. Ruaeu pragnans says, turbantem. Cisseis regina Parin PaParisurbepaterna 722. Purpureum: red with plumes, and occubat. the purple of his betrothed spouse-which Dedit: in the sense of peerit, vel protulit. was given him by her. 705. Paris. Heyne ofnits creat, which is 724. Suadet: in the sense of urget, vel the common reading, and substitutes Paris. impellit. Vesana: excessive-immoderate 706. Ignarum: ir1 the sense of ignotum. Fugacem: timorous. 707. JMorsu: in the sense of latratu. Ille 725. Surgentem in cornua. This expresses aper: a boar. Servius says the pron. ille is the stately motion of a large stag, whose used by an idiom of the language, to enno- branching horns, as he moves along, seem to ble or enlarge the subject. lift him up from the ground. 71C. Pastus. Servius thinks this is for 726. Comas: in the sense ofjubam. ptastum, agreeing with quem, by antiptosis. 727. Incumbens. Some copies have acDr. Bentley thinks the poet wrote pascit or cumbens. For lavit, the Roman copy hath pavit, vhlose nominative would be Lauren- larat. Improba: hungry-ravenous. Yisce-:ia palus. Sylva dpastus: having fed upon reeds. ribus: the flanks-aiming his deadly grasp The verb defendit is understood after palus at the flanks of the victim. Laureutia. Vcntum est in the sense of veni 3.' infracta: in the sense offracta AENEIS. IB. X. 53 Atque idem fugientem haud est dignatus Oroden 732. Atquo idem MeSternere, nec jacta cacum dare cuspide vulnus: zentus baud dignaLa Obvius adversoque occurrit, seque viro vir es Contulit; haud furto melior, sed fortibus armis. 735 Turn super abjectum posito pede, nixus et hast: 736. Super cum abjeoPars belli haud temnenda, viri, jacet altus Orodes. turn Conclainant socii, ltum Perana secuti. 737. Ai, 0 vi, hi altus Orodes jacet, pars Ille autem expirans: Non me, quicunque es, inulto, belli Victor, nec longum lIetabere: te quoque fata 740 739. Ait: quicunque Prospectant paria, atque eadem mox arva tenebis. es, non vives victor, noc Ad quem subridens mixta Mezentius iri: latabere longuml temlu Nunc morere! Ast de me Divum pater atque hominum me nulto rex Viderit! Hoc dicens, eduxit corpore telum. Olli dura quies oculos et ferreus urget 745 Sornnus; in aeternam clauduntur lumina noctem. Camdicus Alcathoum obtruncat, Sacrator Hydaspen: Partheniumque Rapo, et praedurum viribus Orsen: Messapus Cloniumque, Lycaoniumque Ericeten: 749. Messapus obtrun Ilium, infraenis equi lapsu tellure jacentem; 750 cat Hunc, peditem pedes. Et Lycius processerat Agis, 750. llummpme, Clo Quem tamen hand expers Valerus virtutis avitae 751 Hja nc nepe 751. Hunc, nempe, Dejicit: Athronium Salius; Saliumque Nealces, Ericeten peditem, ipse Insignis jaculo, et longe fallente sagitta. pedes. Et Lycius Agis Jam gravis mquabat luctus et mutua Mavors 755 processerat in jMessa. Funera: caedebant pariter, pariterque ruebant pUn Victores yictique: neque his fuga nota, neque illis. 757. Nota esi his Di Jovis in tectis iram miserantur inanem Aimborum, et tantos mortalibus esse labores. Ilinc Venus, hine contra spectat Saturnia Juno. 760 Pallida Tisiphlone media inter millia saevit. NOTES. 732. fHaud dgnaltus est: he disdained to 748. Praedurum: very powerful. kill, &c. 750. Ilium. llle frequently signifies ha 733. Cuspide: the point, taken by synec. former, or first mentioned, and hic the latter, for the whole spear. or last mentioned. In the present case. il735. Abjectum: in the sense of prostratum. lum means Clonius, who had fallen from his We have here the image of a hero. Me- restive horse; while hunc means Ericetes, zentius disdained to take any advantage of who fought on foot. Messapus, though the his enemy, although the laws of war would commander of the horse, was now on foot, ihave justified him in so doing; but he met pedes. Infrenis: in the sense of indomiti. him face to face, (adverso,) and gave him an 752. Expers: degenerate from-destitute opportunity to try the strength of his arm, of. Of ex and pars. The poet here comhimself not his superior in stratagem, but pliments the Valerian family, then very inin deeds of valor. fluential at Rome, to which the famous Pub738. Seculi: in the sense of repetentes, vel licola belonged. AvitaE: in the sense of canentes. Pmaana: in the sense of cantum. majorum. 739. Autem itle, &c. Here Virgil makes 753. Deficit: prostrates-kills. This verb Orodes foretell the death of his victor. In is to be supplied with Salius, and jVealces. this he follows Homer, who makes Hector 754. Longe fallente: striking him from a foretell the death of Achilles, who was after- distance-it was shot from a distance, and ward slain by Paris. approached unperceived. Feriente a longin740. Ftla: in the sense of mors. quo incautum, says Hleyne. 741. Prospectant: in the sense of manent. 758. Tectis: in the palace of Jove. This 745. Olli: for illi by antithesis:'the dat. was situated on Mount Olympus. Inanem: in the sense of the gen., to be connected useless-tending to no purpose. Fanumn, with oculos says Rueus, 524 P. VIRGILII MARONIS At vero Ingentem quatiens Mezentius hastam Turbidus ingreditur campo. Quam magnus Orion,'764. COim incedit pe- Cuim pedes incedit medii per maxima Nerei des, scirdens viam sibi Stagna viam scindens, humero supereminet undas; 765 per mnaxima stagna er xia stgna Aut summis referens annosam montibus ornum, Ingrediturque solo, et caput inter nubila condit. Talis se vastis infert Mezentius armis. 769. Contra LEneas Iluic contra gEneas, speculatus in agmine longo, speculatus eum in long4 t1 agmine, parat Obvius ire parat. Manet imperterritus ille, 770 772. Emensus oculis Hostem magnanimurnm opperiens, et mole sua stat: spatiumn, quantum esset Atque oculis spatium ernensus, quantum satis hastar. satis hastme, ait: hcec Dextra, mihi Deus, et telum, quod missile libro, dextra, que est Deus Nunc adsint! Voveo predonis corpore raptis mihi, et hoc missile te — luin, quod libro, nunc Indutum spolis ipsum te, Lause, trophaum 775 adsint mthi! Enea. Dixit: stridentemque eminus hastam 775. 0 Lause, voveo Injicit: illa volans clypeo est excussa, proculque te ipsum habiturum tro- Egregium Antorem latus inter et ilia figit: phinum n spneoe efore Herculis Antorem comitem, qui missus ab Argis indutum spoliis ejtus 783. Illa transiit per HTserat Evandro, atque Itala consederat urbe. 780 cavum orbem clypei trip- Sternitur infelix alieno vulnere, ccelumque lici zere, per linea terga, Aspicit, et dulces moriens reminiscitur Argos. opusque intextum Tum pius Aneas hastam jacit: illa per orbem 785. Imaque pars sui Ere cavum triplici, per linea terga, tribusque 790. Lausus, ut pri- Transiit intextum'tauris opus; irnaque sedit 785,'mm vidit genitorem vul- Inguine; sed vires haud pertulit. Ocyis ensem nefratum Aineas, viso Tyrrheni sanguine, laetus, 791. Hic, si qua ve- Eripit a femore, et trepidanti fervidus instat. tustas latura est fidemnn Ingemuit chari graviter genitoris amore, tanto operi, equidem non silebo casuIm tue durne Ut vidit, Lausus; lachrymaeque per ora volutae. 790 mortis Hic, mortis dure casum, tuaque optima facta, NOTES. 763. Turbidus: furious-fierce-all in a vokes-adsint nunc: may they aid merage. It would seem from hence that Me- assist my efforts. zentius hitherto had only been in the skirts 777. Injicit. This is the reading of Hcyno..of the battle. Now he presses on amidst The common reading is jecit, in the perf. the thickest ranks, furious for fight. This tense. Rumeus and Davidson have at illa. agrees best with the following comparison. Heyne omits the at. Valpy does the same. Orion is here mentioned, in regard to his 779. Missus: having come from Argos magnitude among the constellations. There had joined, &c. Antores had been the cornis a great majesty and sublimity in the panion of Hercules in his travels. fgure," Orion mlarching through the waves." 781. Alieno vulnere: by a wound designIt is taken from Homer. ed for another. Or, vulnere may be taken 764. JNerei..Nereus, a god of the sea, for the weapon inflicting the wound, by metaken by meton. for the sea itself. Stagna: ton. By a weapon intended for another — properly the deep parts of the sea, or river. for Eneas. Pedes a foot-man-on foot. 783. Orbem. Orbis may be taken simply 766. Referens: resembling. This appears for the shield. Rumeus says, cl/peum. His better than to take it with Rueus in the shield, it appears, consisted of three plates sense of reportans. Davidson observes, that of brass, (triplici cere,) and as many thickreferens here may mean resembling, as it nesses of the bull's hide, (tribus tauris,) so does in some other places. Valpy says, wrought and interwoven as to be a protecresembling." tion against missive weapons. These were 773. Dextra Deus. Mezentius is all along fastened and bound together by iron or brass represented as an Atheist, and a monster of nails, set thick in every part of the shield. impiety and cruelty. Here the only god he Hence ces is sometimes taken for a shield. invokes is his right hand, and the weapons Terga: folds. The spear of XEneas, after which lie is about to throw. "1'iem he in- making its way through the shield of Mc AENEIS. LIB. X 52r Si qua fidem tanto est operi latura vetustas, Non equidemn nec te, iuvenis memorande, silebc 793. Nec silebo te ipIlle pedem reiferns, et inutilis, inque ligatus sum? 0 memoralde JuI^~~~~~~ i'... i -i ~ venis. Ille paler refeCedebat, clypeoque inimicum hastile trahebat. 795 es pedem, et inutileProrupit juvenis, seseque immiscuit armis. pugnce Jamque assurgentis dextra, plagamque ferentis iEneae subiit mucronem, ipsumque morando 798. Subiitqie muSustinuit; socii ragno clamore sequuntur; cronem AEnee, jam as. Dum genitor nati parma protectus abiret: 800 surgentis Telaque conjiciunt, proturbantque eminus hostem Missilibus. Furit AEneas, tectusque tenet se. 802. Tectusque clypeo Ac velut, effusa siquando grandine nimbi'Precipitant, omnis campis diffugit arator, Omnis et agricola, et tuta latet arce viator, 805 Aut amnis ripis, aut alti fornice saxi, Dum pluit in terris; ut possint, sole reducto, Exercere diem: sic obrutus undique telis /Eneas, nubem belli, dum detonet, omnem, Sustinet: et Lausum increpitat, Lausoque minatur: 810 Quo, moriture, ruis? majoraque viribus audes? 811. Ail; quo ruis, Fallit te incautum pietas tua. Nec minus ille 0 juvcnis, moriture Exsultat demens. Smev jamque altius ira Dardanio surgunt ductori, extremaque Lauso Parce fila legunt. Validum namque exigit ensem, 815 815. Fila vitol Lauso Per medium iEneas juvenem, totumque recondit.' 816. Minacis juvenis Transiit et parmam mucro, levia arna minacis, NOTES. zcntius, had spent its force, haud pertulit 799. Szstinuit ipsum: the meaning is, vires; and settled down in his groin, that he prevented _Eneas from giving the 792. Latura est: will give credit to. Ve- blow, which was aimed at his father, by tustas: in the sense of posteritas vel posteri. parrying it off, and keeping him at bay for 793..Jlemo, ande: in the sense of cele-' a time, until he could recover himself, and brande-worthy tobe prai send. retire from the conbat. This he did under wrande —worthy to be praised. Here the poet may be supposed to express cover of the sheld (parna) of his son Sequuntur: in.the sense ofadjuvant. Socii. his own feelings of pity and compassion for Seqntu: it ns of aduvan the companions of Lausus. the fall'of so noble a youth. The character rotant p o p which he has drawn of Lausus shows the 801. Proturbnt: keep of-repel. Ruus consummate skill of the poet at this species pro t. of description. And surely no one can read 803. Nimbi efuss grdndin: a storm of impetuous hail rushes down. The prep. cx it without partaking of his feelings, and en- impetuous hail rushs govrn. The prep. tertaining a regret that so brave, and at the is understood, to go vern e los randine. same time so pious a youth; could not have 804. On c ollectively or iiviuan. been spared to be a blessing to his people. O a cecte r in dividua. 805. Arce. Arx here, as in sonic other 794. Inqu.e iigatus: by tmesis, for que in- places, signifies any place of shelter, or safe ligatus: incumbered by the spear of Eneas. retreat. Fornice: under the projection or lile. Mezentius. covert of a high rock. 796. Prorupit: lie sprang forward. Ar- 808. Exercere diem: to pursue the labors nits: the weapons of the enemy. One de- of the day. Operariper diem, says Rumus. scription of the valiant man, is, that he 809. Nubem: storm of war. Detonet: in mingles wit' the enemy. the sense offurit vel sacvit. 798. Mlucronem: the poet here has in his 811. Audes majora: thou attemptest things view a circumstance recorded in the Roman beyond thy strength-greater than. history. Scipio Africanus, when he was 815. ParcQe legunt: the destinies wind up only seventeen years old, protected his father the last thread, &c. See Eel. iv. 47. Ruseus in this manner; nor did he retreat until he says, colligunt. lad received twenty-seven wounds. Mu- 816. Totum: ensem is understood. cronefm: in the sense of gladium 817. Mfinaczs: boasting-bold-daring. 526 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Et tunicam, molli mater quam neverat auro; Implevitque sinum sanguis: turn vita per auras Concessit mcnsta ad Manes, corpusque reliquit. 820 821. Et cra ejus mo- At vero ut vultum vjdit morientis et ora, rientis Ora modis Anchisiades pallentia miris, Ingemuit miserans graviter, dextramque tetendit, Et mentem patriae subiit pietatis imago: 825. 0 puer miseran- Quid tibi nunc, miserande puer, pro laudibus istis, 825 de, quid honoris snec Quid pius Eneas tanta dabit indole dignum? dabilur tibi pro istis Arma, quibus latatus, habe tua: teque parentum 829 Tamen, O infeli Manibus, et cineri, si qua est ea cura, remitto. 89. isamen, t inoelix A e juvenis, tu solabere Hoe tamen, infelix, miseram solabere mortem EGneam magni dextra cadis. Increpat ultr6 830 Cunctantes socios, et terra sublevat ipsum, Sanguine turpantem comptos de more capillos. Interea genitor Tiberini ad fluminis undam Vulnera siccabat lymphis, corpusque levabat, Arboris acclinis trunco. Procul aerea ramis 835 Dependet galea, et prato gravia arma quiescunt. Stant lecti circium juvenes: ipse eger, anhelans Colla fovet, fusus propexam in pectore barbam. Multa super Lauso rogitat: multosque remittit, 840. Qui revocent eum Qui revocent, moestique ferant mandata parentis. 840 aprelio At Lausum socii exanimum super arma ferebant Flentes, ingentem, atque ingenti vulnere victum Agnovit longe gemitum praesaga mali mens: Canitiem irnmundo deformat pulvere, ct ambas NOTES. 818. Molli auro: with fine threads of gold. 822. Anchisiades: AEneas. A patronyGold is a very ductile metal, and capable of mic noun: the son of Anchises. being drawn into very fine threads, or wire. 825. Laudibus: in the sense of virtutiui. 819. Tum vita mosta, &c. Dr. Trapp ob- Ruaeus says, meritis. serves, that every incident in the death of 826. Indole: disposition-excellence of Lausus is well chosen, especially the con- character. trast between so pious a son, and so wicked 828. Remitto: in the sense of reddo. Cua father; between the rash valor of the ra: care-solicitude of thine. yo.,th, and the generous care and friendly 831. Ipsum: Lausus. admonition of his heroic enemy. Pallas had 832. Genitor: the father of Lausus. fallen by the hand of Turnus. Lausus and 834. Siccabat: staunched his wounds with Pallas were of equal valor; but there is a water-washed them with water, which bewide difference between the conduct and ing cold, stopped the flowing of the blood. bravery of their conquerors. Turnus eager- Rueus says, tergebat: rinsed-cleansed. Dr. ly seeks the combat, and challenges the Trapp takes siccabat in the same sense youthful warrior. Hie even wishes his father Lymphis: in the sense of aqua. were piesent, to behold the death of his son. 835. Procul: apart by themselves-at nreas is far from seeking Lausus, and some distance from him. This word usually singling him out as the object of his ven- implies distance, but that distance may be geancc. And even when he exposed him- very small. Acclinis: leaning against, or self for the sake of his father, he begged upon. It agrees with Mezentius. him to retire from the combat, assuring him 837..ger: faint with loss of blood. that his tenderness for his father would Fovet: eases-supports. Rueus says, sus. bring on him sure destruction. Nor does tentat. He leaned his head forward upon he attack him until he is compelled to do it his breast, spreading his long beard over it, in his ovwn defence. And after he is slain, Fusus: in the sense of findens: or, it may the victor fetches a deep groan, looks upon be taken as a Grecism. Rueus says, dehim with an eye of pity, and the image of ponens. his filial piety touches his generous heart. 841. Super arma: upon his shield. 820. Jceetla: sad-mournful. Concessit 844. Deformat: he throws dust upon his in the sense of abiit. head. Canitiem: his hoary hairs. ANEI. LIB. X 527 Ad ccelum tendit palmas, et corpore inharet: 845 845. Inhaeret corpore Tanta-ne me tenuit vivendi, nate, voluptas, flii Ut pro me hoslili paterer succedere dextrae, 847. Ut'paterer tc, Quem genui? tua-ne hwec genitor per vulnera servor, quem genui, succedere Morte tua vivens? Heu! nunc misero mihi demum hostili dextrw pro me? Exilium infelix! nunc alte vulnus adactum! 850 8Eg-ne ge deitor Idem ego, nate, tuum maculavi crimine nomen, exilium est infelix mihi Pulsus ob invidiam solio sceptrisque paternis. ~misero Debueram patrie poenas, odiisque meorum: 853. Meorum subdi. Omnes per mortes animam sontem ipse dedissem! 854 torurn Nunc vivo! neque adhuc homines lucemque relinquo! Sed linquam. Simul haec dicens, attollit in regrum Se femur: et, quanquam vis alto vulnere tardat, 857: Quanquam vis Haud dejectus equum duci jubet. Hoc decus illi, doloris ex alto vulnere tardat eum Hoc solamen erat: bellis h6c victor abibatum Omnibus. Alloquitur m(erentem, et talibus infit: 860 860. Mcerentem equum, Rhlobe, diu; res si qua diu mortalibus ulla est; et infit talibus verbis Viximus. Aut hodie victor spolia illa cruenta, Et caput AEnea referes, Lausique dolorum Ultor eris necumn: aut, aperit si nulla viam vis, 864. Aperit mihivism Occumbes pariter: neque enim, fortissime, credo 865 ad ultionem 865. Pariter roecum: Jussa aliena pati, et dominos dignabere Teucros. e865 neque credo, enimn neque credo, O Dixit: et exceptus tergo consueta locavit fortissime equorum, ul Membra; manusque ambas jaculis oneravit acutis; tu dignabere pati.Ere caput fulgens, cristaque hirsutus equina. 867. Consueta huic Sic cursum in medios rapidus dedit. ~Estuat ingens equo Imo in corde pudor, mixtoque insania luctu,'871 NOTES. 846. Voluptas: in the sense of cuptdo. awakened to a sense of his crimes, and con. 847. Succedere: to substitute himself for demns himself for them. Servius, however, me to the arm of the enemy-to come up prefers the latter sense; Davidson the former. to, &c. Rueus says, propter meamn cupiditatem. 848. Quem genui: whom I begat. This 853. Penas: satisfaction-atonement.speech of Mezentius over the dead body of Dedissem: to the resentment of my people, his son is extremely pathetic. He now sees I should have given up my guilty life. the errors of his former conduct, and the 856. JEgrum: in the sense of saucium. misery to which he had reduced himself 857. Vis: the violence of the pain from now stares him in the face. the wound he had received. 850. Infelix: in the sense of durum, vel 858. Hoc: this; to wit, his horse. tznolerabile. While his son was living, he 859. Hoc: here, is in the abl. with tlus could bear up under the burden of exile from horse. Equo is understood. his country and throne; but now he is no 860. Moerentem: sorrowing-grieving.more, it is become insupportable to him, JMastum, says Rumus. Davidson renders it reduced to a state of wretchedness and de- " sympathizing." spair. The wound (the sense of his wicked- 861. Rhcbe, diu viximus: such apostroness and crimes) is now opened deep and phes, both to the animal and vegetable world, afresh. Adactum: is driven deep into my so far from being unnatural, are among the heart. Est: is understood. greatest beauties of poetry, and always show 851. Idem ego: I, the same father who high emotion of soul. Had the poet maae begat you, and suffered you to lose your life the horse reply to his master, he could not for him, have tarnished your good name by so easily be justified. This is in imitation my crimes, of Homer. 852. Invidiam. This maysignify hisown 863. Referes: you vihall bear away. invidious measures, and cruel and tyrannical 867. Exceptut: being received by the anigovernment; or the odium and resentment mal upon his back, he placed. of his subjects against him, which drove him 868. Ornavit: in the sense of armavit. from his throne, and brought upon him a 869. C2'ista equina: a crest of horse hair train of evils. The former is the most in -made of horse hair. accordance with the context, since he is now 871. Imo. In many of the ancient copiets S'28 P. VIRGILII MIARONIS Et furiis agitatus amor, et conscia virtus Atque hic AEneam magnA ter voce vocavit. AEneas agnovit eum, Iatusque precatur: 875. Faciat, ut v. in- Sic pater iiie Deum faciat, sic altus Apollo, 875 cipias Incipias conferre manum. 877. JEneas effatus Tantuni effatus, et infesta subit obvius hasta. est tantun Ille autem Quid me erepto, saevissime, nato 878. Autem ille Me- Terres? hac via sola fuit, qua perdere posses. sentius ait: VAM Nec mortem horremus, nec Divum parcimus ulli: 880 Desine. Jam venio moriturus; et haec tibi porto Dona prias. Dixit: telumque intorsit in hostem Inde allud super atque aliud figitque, volatque 884. Umbo.Eneee sus- Ingenti gyro: sed sustinet aureus umbo. tinet illa. Ter circum adstantem lvos equitavit in orbes, PRf5 885. Circum JEnean Tela manu jaciens: ter secum Troius heros adstantem 88.I.nmmanemsylvam Immanem Trato circumfert tegmine sylvam. jaculorum irnfixam terato Inde ubi tot traxisse moras, tot spicula taedet 888. Tsedet dEneamn Vellere; et urgetur pugnh congressus iniqua: traxisse tot moras, et Multa movens animo, jam tandem erumpit, et inter 89C ellere tot spicula e cly- Bellatoris equi cava tempora conjicit hastam. Tollit se arrectum quadrupes, et calcibus auras Verberat, effusumque equitem super ipse secutus NOTES. wmnch Pierius consulted, he found uno corde: about to the left, that he might reach the in one and the same breast. Heyne reads right side of,Eneas, which was not protectuno. The common reading is imo. Insania: ed by his shield; and in this way he turned rage-fury. quite about, forming an orb, or circle. But 872. Et furiis. This verse is wanting in AEneas wheeled at the same time, and kept the ancient Roman manuscript. Heyne the same relative situation to his antagonist, marks it as an interpolation. as appears from the next verse: ter Troius: 876. Conferre manum: to engage with me, thrice the Trojan hero, &c. hand to hand. This address of jEneas to the 887. Tegmine: in the sense of clypeo. gods is a fine contrast to the impiety of Me- Immancm sylvam: this means the spears, or zentius, who acknowledges no other deity darts, which Mezentius had thrown at than his own arm: verse 773, supra. The Eneas, and which stuck in his brazen shield. prayer is short, but the approach of a furious These he carried around with him as he enemy would not permit him to say more. turned, following his antagonist. RuBeus 877. Subit: in the sense of occurrit. says, magnum numerum jaculorum. 878. Quid me terres, &c. Mezentius see- 888. Traxisse tot moras: to spend so ing Eneas coming up against him with his much time. hostile spear, instead of discovering any 889. Congressus: being engaged in unsigns of fear, appears hardened against the equal fight. Mezentius being on horseback, terrors of death, since his son, for whose and EXneas on foot, they were not on equal sake he lived, was now taken from him, terms. nato er pto. 890. Movens: in the sense of revolvens. 880. Parcimus ulli: Rumus says, revere- 892. Calcibus. Calces here doubtless is to mur u6llum numen: I do not regard any of be taken for the fore feet. The horse rearthe gods. Some take parco in its usual ac- ed, or lifted himself upon his hind feet, and cee)tation, and understand by it that Mezen- in that position buffetted the air. Posterio tilts would noL have spared the gods them- ribus pedibus, says Heyne. sf.vves, had they appeared in the field against 893. Ipse secutus: by the rearing and min: he looked on them as his enemies, and kicking of his horse, Mezentius was throwr would have discharged his wrath against (effusum) to the ground. The horse him them. Heyne takes parcimus in the sense self soon following, falls upon his ride of curo-cereor vel metuo. (equitem,) and lays upon his shoulder, as he 883. Super. This word here is used in wasthusprostrate. Bythesemeans,hewas the sense of insuper, vel prceterea. Fzgit: unable to rise to meet his foe, or defend himin tl!e se-:sc of jacit, vel torquet. self in any manner. For secutus 1l eus 885. Equitavit in lavos orbes: he rode says. cadens. N'EIS. LIB. X 529 Iuplicat, ejectoque incumlbit cernuus arnio. 894. Implicat MezenClainore ircendunt ccelum Troesque Latinique, 8953 tium equitem Advolat AEneas, vaginaque eripit ensem: Et super haec: Ubi nunc Mezentius acer, et illa 897. Et stans super EfTera vis animi? Contra Tyrrhenus, ut auras et'm dixit hEec: Ubi est Suspiciens hausit ccelum, mentemque recepit: nune ITostis anare, quid increpitas, mortemque minaris? 900 Nulllum in cade nefas, nec sic ad praelia veni; n 901. Ede ne u c nefa Nee tecum meus hac pepigit mihi feedera Lausus. i ad prsa prcer Ullumu hoc, per, si qua est victis venia hostibus, oro; mihi Corpus humo patiare tegi. Scio acerba meorum 903. Per veniam, si Circumstare odia: hunc, oro, defende furorem, 905 qua venia est victis hoslt me consortem nati concede sepulchro. tibus,ut tu patiare mnum IIllc loquitur, juguloque haud inscius accipit ensem,. Concede me se 906. Concede me eae Undantique animam diffundit in arma cruore. consortem NOTES.;d94. Implicat: incumbers-presses him that he could claim it as a right. As they down. Cernuus: Ruseus says, pronus in had not been separated in life, he wished caput, referring to the horse. not to be in death. It may here be remark898. Vis: violence-impetuosity. Ut: ed, that how wicked soever a person may when-as soon as. Rueus says, postquam. have been in life, at the hour of his death, 899. Suspiciens auras hausit. These words he earnestly desires the reward of virtue, are capable of a two-fold version: as soon and that in the future life, he may be a paras looking up, he saw the light; taking taker with the righteous. ca.lum in the sense of lucem, and supplying 908. Diffundzt: pours out his life. Unthe word oculis. This Heyne prefers. Or, danti cruore: the blood flowing, or gushing as soon as looking up, he drew in his breath; upon his armor. taking cwolum in the sense of spiritum. This It may be remarked here, that the poet is the sense of Runeus and Davidson. J.u- differs widely from the current of historians. ras: the prep. ad, is understood. They say, that in a war which broke out be2.: a d un te tween the Latins and Tuscans, over whom 902. Pepigit hcec: agreed upon these Mezentius was king, thatneas was slain terms with you for me. Venia: a favor. Meentus was king, that neas was slain s wh yu fr m. V a by him in a battle, fought on the banks of 904. MIeorumn: of my former subjects. the river Numicus, whose waters carried his 905. Defende hunc: avert, or forbid the dead body into the sea, where it was never indulgence of their furious resentment. Ru- afterwards found. Hence it was believed. ieus says, contine. that he was taken to heaven and made a 906. Concede: grant-permit. Mezentius demi-god. This took place about three desired to be buried in the same grave with years after the building of the city Lavinihis son. This he begged as a favor, not ur. See En. iv. 615. QUESTIONS. How does this book open? Where was Enean during the transactions Where was this council held? of the preceding book? What is the conclusion of their delibera- Having effected his object, does he make tions? any further delay? Were there any speeches made upon the What part of his allies di I he send by occasion? land? What is the subject of the speech of Ve- By whom is he met on his way down the nus? Tiber? What is the character of it? Who was the chief speaker among those What is the nature of Juno's reply? nymphs? What is the character of it? Did she give him any particular informaWhat is the decision of Jove? tion? Whom does the poet here imitate? What was that information? What book of the Iliad? How was Turnus engaged in the mean Where is mount KOlympus? time? Why was it taken by the poets for heaven? On the arrival of iEneas, what course did Wihy is it here called omnipotens? Turnus adopt? 35 30 PP. VIRGILII MARONIS Would this give him any advantage oveY Who assault him with fhry? the erfemnv? Why do the Tuscans attack him in this Iow did Eneas effect a landing? manner? Into.,ow many divisions were his troops What effect had their assault upon him? arranged? Whom of them did he kill? Was any loss sustained in landing? Dare any of them engage him hand to Who commanded that division of the hand? fleet Does he finally put them all to flight? Did Turnus effectually prevent the land- At this time, how stands the scale of ing of IEneas? victory? What took place after the landing? IEneas observed Mezentius thundering XWhat feats of valor did _Eneas perform? through the thickest of the enemy, putting Who was the first killed by him? whole squadrons to flight; and what did he What took place in tfae wing commanded resolve to do? by Pallas? Is Mezentius ready to meet him? Why were the Arcadians beaten by the Who commences the assault? Latins? Did his spear hit AEneas? What was the nature of the ground, where Whom did it kill? they were engaged? Who was this Antores? Was he a valiant Upon this occcasion, what did Pallas do? champion? What effect had.his address upon his Had the spear of dEneas any effect upon troops? Mezentius? What feats of valor did he then perform? Was the wound mortal? Whont did he kill? Who succors him in this critical moment? Who commanded the troops opposed to How does Lausus meet the foe? Pallas? What effect had the sight of him upon Who was Lausus? JEneas? What feats of valor did he perform? Does he make an address to him? What were the ages of these young corn- Is it a source of regret to him, to kill so manders? noble a youth? Why did not the poet make them engage What becomes of his father in the mean each other? time? By whom were they slain? Does he express any concern about his In what pious duty did Lausus meet his son? death? What does he do? After the death of Pallas, what took place? After being informed of his death, what Who was the principal agent in effecting resolution does he take? this defeat of the Trojans? Having arrived on the field of battle, does At this crisis, what did Eneas do to re- he challenge the foe? store the fight? Is Eneas ready to meet him? Why does he go in search of Turnus? Who commenced the. fight? By whom are the Trojans enabled to per- What effect had his darts upon his ana& form such feats of valor? gonist? What did Juno do in the mean time? Where did IEneas direct his dart? What effect had her spsech upon Jove? Did he kill the faithful courser? Does she give any assistance to the Latins? What effect had the pain of the wound What then is she permitted to do for upon him? Turnus? Did he throw his riaer And what did he How does she effect that object? do afterwards? Where does she conduct him? Did dEneas kill Mezentius in this situaWhen he discovered the deception, what tion? offect had it upon him? Was this a fair trial of strength and dcxWhat did he do? terity? What was the character of that address? D;d Mezentius beg any favor of the victor? Is he in any way thankful for the favor of What was that favor? Juno? Does the' poet here agree with historians, If he must die, where, did he desire to in this particular? do it? Do they inform us that Mezentius was Who prevented him from killing himself slain by Eneas? in this state of distraction? Who then was the victor in the combat? Whither was he finally carried by the Where was the battle fought? winds? How long after his settlement in Italy, Who succeeded Turnus in the command? and the building of Lavinium? AWhat feats of valo' did he perform? What became of the body of XEneas? LIBER UNDECIMUS. rHE death of Mezentius turned the scale of victory in favor of the Trojans, and their allies. This book opens with preparations for burying the dead, and performing the funeral rites to Pallas. A thousand men accompany his corpse to the city of Evander in slow and solemn procession. In the mean time, ambassadors arrive from Latinus, praying for a truce, for the purpose of burying their dead. AEneas grants their request. Whi'e these things are going on in the field, fear and alarm pervade the city of Latinus. IHre Turnus had arrived. Drances, an aged and influential counsellor, accuses him of being the cause of the war, and the author of their calamities; and urges him to decide the dispute by single combat. Turnus however has many friends, who recount his noble deeds of valor. At this juncture, the ambassadors, who had been sent to the cort of Diomede (Lib. 8.) returned. Latinus calls a council of all his senators and nobles to receive the reply, and to consult upon the present state of affairs. Venulus, the chief of the embassy, gives a full account of the mission; of his reception by Dioniede; of the opinion of that monarch concerning the war, and the reason of his declining any interference in it. Latinus gives his opinion in favor of peace, and proposes to send ambassadors with rich presents to jEneas, bearing proposals of peace and amity. Drances follows in a speech of much virulence and invective against Turnus, accusing him of flight and cowardice, and proposed, if he were the mighty champion he claimed to be, that he should decide the dispute by single combat with _Eneas, and prevent further effusion of blood. Turnus renlies in a manly strain: he repels the charge of cowardice by adverting to his nonle achievements, to the thousands whom he had slain, and to the dismay which ho had occasioned tn the whole Trojan camp. He endeavors to allay their fears, and to inspire them with the nope of success. He recounts the valor of his troops; he mentions the cause in which they were engaged-the cause of their country: nor does he omit to mention the number, and fidelity of his allies. He concludes by observing, that he would not decline to meet the conqueror, if the common good required it; nor had he been so much abandoned by victory, as to refuse an enterprise of so glorious prospect, even though his enemy snould prove himself a great Achilles. The whole of Turnus' speech bespeaks the soldier and the hero. A messenger now arrives informing of the approach of the Trojans. The council dissolves. All prepare to defend the city. Turnus gives commands to several of his officers, arms himself, and appears at the head of his troops. Here he has an interview with Camilla. He confers on her the chief command of the horse, assisted by Mcssapus, with direction to engage the Tuscan cavalry in close fight, while he, with a chosen body of troops, would lie in ambush in a woody vale, through which, according to his information, Eneas would, with the main body of his army, advance upon the city. The Tuscan horse in the mean time approach the city, and the embattled squadrons are arranged in order of battle in front of each other. The Trojans commence the attack and repulse the Latins, who rally, and in turn drive the Trojans. At length a most desperate conflict takes place. Camilla displayed distinguished skill and valor. She rode among the thickes; combatants, and whole squadrons fled before her. Tarchon rallies his flying Tuscans, and renews the fight. Camilla is at last slain by Aruns; who also loses his lie. The'I'rojans gain a victory. The expiring queen sends a messenger to inform Turnus of the event of tile contessL. He instantly leaves his retreat, and marches into the plain. No sooner had lie done this, than iEneas, with his army, entered the defile, passed it, and reached the plain. The battle would have been renewed between the rival princes, but night approached Both armies encamln in sight of each other, and wait the coming day. 532 P. VIRGILII MARONTS OCEANUM interea surgens Aurora reliquit. 2. Eneas, victor sol- Eneas, quanquam et sociis dare tempus humandis vebat vota Deim primo Pracipitant curm, turbataque funere mens est, Eoo, quannuam Vota Deum primo victor solvebat Eoo. Ingentem quercum decisis undique ramis 5 Constituit tumulo, fulgentiaque induit arma, 7. Quod erat trophceum Mezenti ducis exuvias; tibi, magne, trophteum, t>1, 0 nlagne1 Bellipotens: aptat rorantes sanguine cristas, Telaque trunca viri, et big sex thoraca petitum Perfossumque locis: clypeumque ex rere sinistroe 10 Subligat, atque ensem collo suspendit eburnum. Tur socios, namque omnis eum stipata tegebat Turba ducum, sic incipiens hortatur ovantes: 14. 0 viri, maxima Maxima res effecta, viri: timor omnis abesto. res est Quod superest: hIec sunt spolia, et de regc superbo 15 t6. Mezentius ccesus Primitie: manibusque meis Mezentius hic est. eCst Nunc iter ad regem nobis murosque Latinos. Anna parate, animis et spe praesumite bellum: 19 Ne qua mora im- Ne qua mora ignaros, ubi primum vellere signa pediat vos ignaros, sen- Annuerint Superi, pubemque educere castris, 20 tantiaque tardet vos seg- Impediat, segnesque metu sententia tardet. s08 metu, ubi primum Interea socios inhumataque corpora terrae Mandemus: qui solus honos Acheronte sub imo est. Ite, ait: egregias animas, quae sanguine nobis Hanc patriam peperere suo, decorate supremis 25 Muneribus: mcestamque Evandri primus ad urbem Mittatur Pallas, quem non virtutis egentem Abstulit atra dies, et funere mersit acerbo. Sic ait illachryinans, recipitque ad limina gressum NOTES. 3. Funere: at the death of Pallas.- hung around with his arms. Hic est: here 4. Primo Eoo. Eoils here is taken as a is Mezentius slain by my hand. substantive: with the first dawning light. 16. Primitice: the first fruits; put in ap. The first business of the pious ]Eneas is to position with hcc spolia. These Eneas here return thanks to the gods for his victory, dedicated to Mars, the warrior god, in tht although he wished to perform the last offi- same manner as the first fruits of the eart, ces to his friends and companions in arms, were offered to the gods and especially to Pallas. 18. Prtesumite: anticipate. Bellum: ir 6. Tumnulo: on a rising ground. This the sense of pugnam. trophy was consecrated to Mars, the god of 19. Ubi primm Superi: when first the war. It consisted of a trunk of a tree gods permit us, &c. They never raised or pulled up the standards to march, without placed in the ground, with its branches cut u te stadars to mar, witut first consulting the gods. off, and dressed in shining armor, the spoils first consutin the gds (exuvias) of Mlezentius, whomn it was in- 2. Sententa metu: resolution-purpose exuvias) of Mezentius, whom it was in- accompanied by fear. The same as dubia temded to represent. It had his waving sententia. plumes, his breast-plate, perforated in seve- sen. ral places, his brazen shield bound to his left 23 Qu honossolus. Itwasthereceived.rm, and his ivory handled sword suspended oplnlon, that those who were unburied couid,fromn his nioyechka. sodUed not pass over the river Styx into the peace. ful abodes of the happy, till after the revo8. Rorantes: besmeared with blood- lution of a hundred years; which time tho dripping with blood. shade or umbra, roamed at large along its 9. Petitum: struck, or hit. banks, in anxious expectation of the appoint15. Hlce sunt spolia. By the rex superbus ed period. See En. vi. 325, et sequens. here, some understand Turnus: from him he Acheronte. Acheron here is used for the re. had won the spoils in general, to which he gions below, in general. first points; then to the trophy representing 25.Peperere: gotten —obtained —procured. Mezentius, which lie had just erected, and 29. Recipitque gressum. This al!udes -ENEIS. LIB. XI 533 Corpus ubi exanimi positum Pallantis Acoetes 30 Servabat senior, qui Parrnasio Evandro Armiger ante fuit; sed non felicibus mque 32. Sed tur ibat coTurn comes auspieiis charo datus ibat alumno. mes datus charo alu:imo Circum omnis famulumque manus, Trojanaque turba, non e mqu i 34. Omnisque mlallnls Et rnlcstum Iliades crinem d(e more solutae. 35 &c. stfant circiim Ut vero6 Eneas foribus sese intulit altis; 3S. Solute quoma Ingentem genmitum tunsis ad sidera tollunt maestum Pectoribus, morstoque immugit regia luctu. Ipse caput nivei fultum Pallantis et ora Ut vidit, levique patens in pectore vulnus 40 Cuspidis Ausonia, lachrymis ita fatur obort s: Te-ne, inquit miserande puer, cim laeta veniret, Invidit fortuna mihi? ne regna videres Nostra, neque ad sedes victor veherere paternas? Non hae Evandro de te promissa parenti 45 Discedens dedeiam; cium me euntem Mitteret in magnum imperium; metuensque moneret Acres esse viros, cum dura prwelia'gente. 48. Moneret me Lat.Et nune ille qulidemn spe multum captus inani, nos esse acres viros, ei Fors et yota facit, curnulatque altaria donis. 50 prwlia esse mihi cum Nos juvenem exanimum, et nil jam ccelestibus ullis Debentem, vano mcesti comitamur honore. tnfelix, nati funus crudele videbis! Hi nostri reditus, expectatique triumphi! 54. Hi sunfnostnrprHtec mea magna fides! At non, Evandre, pudendis 55 missi reditus Vulneribus pulsum aspicies: nec sospite dirum NOTES. to the custom of laying out the- dead in the with which Turnus killed the noble youth: vestibule, or entrance before the door, after here called Ausonian, or Italian. it was washed, anointed, and crowned with 42. Invidit-ne fortuna: did fortune, when garlands. In such a place was the dead she came propitious, (tlta,) envy thee to me, body of Pallas laid out, and watched by his O lamented youth? aged friend Accetes. 44. Veherere: in the sense of reducererzs. 31. Parrhasio. Evander is called Par- 47. In magnum imperium: against a powrhasian, from Parrhasia, a country, and also erful empire. Or it may mean, in prospect a city, of Arcadia, where he was born. of a mighty empire. The former best agrees'. city, of Ar,. with what follows. Rumus says, in magnum 33. Comes: guardian, or tutor. Datus: appointed'.* timperium Etruscorum: which is the selnse of' ap5pointed. r e Valpy. Heyne refers it to Latium, to the 35. llades mcestuam. The poet here redpr governmcnt of which Eneas was about to sents the Trojan matrons standing around d. It was by the aid of Evander that succeed. It was by the aid of Evander thlat the corpse of Pallas, in nmourning attire. He h overcame theutul and Latini. had before told us, EAn. ix. 216; that Eneas he overcame the Rusen of fortasse. left them all in Sicily, exceptthe mother of 5. ors den them usis. Commentators Euryalus. Servius understandsfemale slaves in this place. But they are never called understand by this, his being no longer a ades. The poet would hav, probably, subject of the gods above, but in the powei Iliades. The poet would have, probably, < he pa d l vet p of the gods below. But it may mean, thai altered te passage, d e lived to put the he as now discharged from every vow last land to the leid. which he had made to the celestial gods39. JNivei Pallantis. The epithet niveus that he would never return to perform any here may refer to the fairness of his face he had made himself, or which his father and countenance while living; or more pro- was making for him. Vano: unavailing. bably to his countenance now white, and Inutili, ays Rumeus. All their -omp (honore) pale, and cold in death. Fultum: support- and parade were of no avail to him. "Tha ed —4bolstered up. living are subject to the gods above, the 41. Cuspidis. CuJspis is here taken for dead to those below:" Valpy. tl1e whole spear, by synec. It is the spear 56. Pulsum: in the sense of ccesum. A3u4 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Optabis nato funus pater. Hei mihi! quantum 56. Tu, 0 Ausonia, Pracsidium, Ausonia, et quantum tu perdis, Iiile! perdis, Ln Pallante Haec tubi deflevit, tolli miserabile corpus Imperat; et toto lectos ex agmine mittit 60 Mille viros, qui'supremum comitentur honorem, 62. Quce sunt exigua Intersintque patris lachrymis: solatia luctus solatia Exigua ingentis, misero sed debita patri. 64. Alii haud segnes Iaud segnes alii crates et molle feretrum texant crates Arbuteis texunt virgis, et vimine querno, 65 Extructosque toros obtentu frondis inumbrant. Hic juvenem agresti sublimem in stramine ponunt: 68. Talem, qualem Qualem virgineo demessum pollice florem ilorem seu mollis viol, Seu mollis violas, seu languentis hyacinthi; dengenum hyacin- Cui neque fulgor adhuc, necdum sua forma recessit; 70 Non jam mater alit tellus, viresque ministrat. Tur geminas vestes, auroque ostroque rigentes, Extulit AEneas: quas illi lseta laborum Ipsa suis quondam manibus Sidonia Dido 76. Quasi supremum Fecerat, et tenui telas discreverat auro. 76 76. Quasi supremum 77. Alterdque veste Itarum unam juveni, suprerum mcestus honorem quasi amictu obnubit Induit, arsurasque comas obnubit amictu. conlas Multaque praterea Laurentis praemia pugnae 81. Manus eorum, Aggerat, et longo pradam jubet ordine duci. quos mitteret lanquam Addit equos et tela, quibus spoliaverat hostem. 80 inferias mbris Pallan- Vinxerat et post terga manus, quos mitteret umbris _is 82. Flammam rogi Inferias, caeso sparsuros sanguine flammam; NOTES. Though it would be a source of grief to see 67. Stramtne agresti. By this we are to his son a corpse; it would nevertheless be understand the bed mentioned in the presome mitigation of that sorrow, to find thEt ceding line. It is called agresti, rural, o0 rushe fell not by dishonorable wounds-that he tic, because it was made of the green boughs fell facing his enemy, and not in flight. It of trees, leaves, &c. Stramen, from sterno, was considered disgraceful to be slain, or to properly signifies any thing placed, or receive a wound in the back. Pudendis: in strewed under as a bed; such as straw, the sense of indecoris. leaves, &c. 57. JVec pater optabis: These words are 68. Qualemflorem: This is a beautiful susceptible of a double meaning: the father simile. He looks fair, and still blooming will not imprecate a cruel death to himself, like a flower, just plucked by the the virin consequence of the disgrace of his son: gin's hand. or, he will not imprecate a cruel death upon 69. Languentis. This very beautifully his son, whose life had been disgracefully represents the hyacinth, just after it is preserved. This last is the sense given to the plucked, beginning to fade, and droop its passage by Davidson. Ruaus says, ne op- head. tabis tibi mortem acerbarn, filio turpiter salvo, 70. Forma: beauty-comeliness. taken it in the former sense. This is also 74. Quas Sidonia Dido ipsa: which Sithe opinion of Heyne. donian Dido herself, pleased with the labor, 58. Pr(sidium: protection. had made, &c. 59. Ubi dejlevit: when he said these 75. Discreverat. Rueus says, distinxerat. things weeping-having spoken these things Tenui auro: with a slender thread of gold. with tears. 77. Obnubit: he binds up, or veils. 62. Intersint: may be present at, or bear 78. Pugnae: of the battle, fought upon a part with. the plains of Laurentum. 64. Segnes: in the sense of tardi. 81. Vinxerat manus: he bound the hands 65..rbuleis: of the arbute tree. of those, &c. This barbarous custom the 66. Toros: here is the bed raised, or made poet takes from Homer. It might suit the high upon the fevetrum, or bier. Obtentu temper of Achilles, but does not agree with frondis. Rumus says, umbraculo foliorum. that of XEneas. They shaded the bed by spreading (oblentu) 82. Cceso: in the sense of fuso. Inferias leafy branches over it. sacrifices for the dead. Umbris: to the ENEIS. LIB. XI. 535 Ihlatosque jubet truncos hostilibus armis Ipsos ferre duces, inimicaque nomina figi. 84. Figi his truncis l)ucitur infelix aevo Accetes, 85 arborumS Pectora nunc fedans pugnis, nunc unguibus ora: Sternitur et toto projectus corpore terrae. Ducunt et Rutulo perfuses sanguine currus. Post bellator equus, positis insignibus, /Ethon It lachrymans, guttisque humectat grandibus ora. 90 Ilastam alii galeamque ferunt; nam caetera Turnus Victor habet. Tur moesta phalanx, Teucrique sequunTyrrhenique duces, et versis Arcades armis. [tur, Postquam omnis longe comitum processerat ordo, Substitit AEneas, gemituque hac addidit alto: 95 Nos alias hinc ad lachrymas eadem horrida belli Fata vocant. Salve aternum mihi, maxime Palla,.Eterncinque vale. Nec plura effatus, ad altos Tendebat muros, gressumque in castra ferebat. Jamque oratores aderant ex urbe Latina, 100 Velati rarnis olea, veniamque rogantes, 103. Ut ille redderet Corpora, per campos ferro qua fusa jacebant, illis corpora, qua i).~ /i ~1'. ~ 1~.*~ l,~ i104. Esse illi nullumn Reddteret, ac tumulo sineret succedere terras: 104. Esse illi nullu *edderet, certamen cum victis, et Nullum cum victis certamen, et sthere cassis; is cassis ethere, ut parParceret hospitibus quondam, socerisque vocatis. 105 ceret iis NOTES. shade of Pallas. Eight prisoners were sent being laid aside, he is now dressed in as victims to be offered at the funeral pile of mourning. Post: behind. Pallas. The poet mentions this circum- 90. It lachrymans: he moves on weeping. stance, without any expression of disappro- Virgil here is indebted to Homer for this bation. It is true, Achilles, in the Iliad, thought, Iliad. 17. Where the horses of does the same thing at the tomb of his friend Achilles are represented as weeping at the Patroclus; but he is represented as a person death of their master, and obstinately reof a very different character from _Eneas, fusing to obey their driver. Both Aristotle the hero of the Jineid. And moreover, the and Pliny say, that horses often lament their loss which he had sustained was more se- masters slain in battle, and even shed tears vere, and his grief more poignant. Buf over them. above all, he lived in a state of society very 94. Processerat. This is the common readdifferent from that in which Virgil lived. ing. Davidson reads prcecesserat, upon the These things serve in some measure to miti- authority of Pierius, who assures us he found gate the enormity of the deed. And yet that reading in the Roman, and other manuthere is one passage of Homer, which Eu- scripts, which he consulted. Heyne reads stathius understands as conveying a strong processerat. Ordo: the procession. censure of the barbarous act. 96. Ad alias lachrymas: to other scenes The practice of sacrificing prisoners at of sorrow-to the burial of the other dead. tile funerals of their generals, in process of 97. Salve mihi. This is after the manner time, appeared to the Romans barbarols of the Greeks, who used their personal proand cruel. They therefore changed it, says noun in the same manner. Salve-vale: Servius, for the milder shows of the gladia- these were the novissima verba, or last words, tors! See.En. x. 518. et seq. with which they departed from the funeral. 83. Truncos: trunks of trees. These were Farewellfor ever,farewellfor ever, most illusconsidered the less trophy, and were carried trious Pallas. Fata: state-condition. in the hand. They were dressed in the 101. Yeniam: the favor, that he would spoils of the enemy. restore to them, &c. 84. Irimica nomina: the names of the 102. Fusa: in the sense of cata vel strata. enemies to be inscribed upon them. 103. Succedere tumulo: to be buried, or 87. SteruLttur terre: he grovels, or rolls interred in the earth. on the ground. 104. Cassis: deprived of: a part. from 89..Ethon: the name of the horse of careo..lEthere: in the senc of luce. Prllas. Insignibus positis: his trappings 105. Quondam: h).-,. a ost-friend. 5326 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 106. Quos precantes Quos bonus jEnea hbaud aspernanda precantes, es quce sunt haud larosequitur venia, et verbis haec insuper addit Quinnam vos tanto fortuna indigna, Latini, 109. tos, qui fugiatis Implicuit bello, qui nos fugiatis amicos? nos Pacem me exanimis, et Martis sorte peremptis 110 111. Concedere pacem Oratis? equidem et vivis concedere vellem. et vi.vis. ec veni, nisi fata locum sedemque dedissent;. 112. Nec veni huc nmsi r~ Nee bellum cum gente gero. Rex nostra reliquit Iospitia, et Turni potius se credidit armis. AEquiius huic Turnum fuerat se opponere morti 115 116. Si ille apparat Si bellum finire manu, si pellere Teucros filire Apparat, his decuit mecum concurrere telis: Vixet, cui vitam Deus aut sua dextra dedisset Nunc ite, et miseris supponite civibus ignem. Dixerat AEneas. Olli obstupuere silentes; 120 Conversique oculos inter se atque ora tenebant. Turn senior, semperque odiis et crimine Drances Infensus juveni Turno, sic ore vicissim Orsa refert: O fama ingens, ingentior armis, Vir Trojane, quibus cewlo te laudibus aequem? 125 Justitiae-ne priuis mirer, belli-ne laborum? 127. Hawc tua verba Nos vero hace patriam grati referemus ad urbem Et te, si qua viam dederit fortuna, Latino 129..lia foedera Jungemus regi: quaerat sibi fcedera Turnus. 130. Quin juvabit nos, Quin et fatales murorum attollere moles,,130 et Saxaque subvectare humeris Trojana juvabit. Dixerat haec: unoque omnes eadem ore fremebant Bis senos pepigere dies; et, pace sequestra, NOTES. Socrc-is: parents-in-law, Latinus and Anma- ing the war by single combat was made by ta. By marrying Lavinia, he would becomne Eneas. related to the whole Latin nation. 122. Odiis et: in hatred and cr;,nination 107. Prosequitur venid: he follows, or inimical, &c. Drances embraced every opaccompanies them with the desired favor. portunity to vent his envy and hatred against He granted their request as soon as asked. Turnus, and to throw upon him all the blame It was reasonable in its nature, and conso- of the war. It is supposed, that under the nant with the laws of war. character of Drances, the poet portrays 109. Implicuit: hath entangled-involved, Cicero, who was no friend of Virgil. See 110. Pacem, me. This is the reading of infra, 336. et seq. Heyne, and Valpy after him. Some ancient 124. Orsa: in the sense of verba. copies have the same. The common read- 126. Justitice-ne: this is the common ing is pacenr-ne. Peremptis: for those slain reading. Catrou however reads, justiti&-ne by the lot of war. MJartis: for belli. prius mirer, belli-ne labore, which Pierius 112: Veni: in the sense of venissem. says, is the reading of the Roman, and of 115.' iterat: it had been more some other manuscripts of antiquity. Serjust that Turnus, &c. It may here be re- vius justifies the common reading, by making marked, that Latinus did.not take part with it a Grecism. Prius: chiefly, or most. Shall Turnus of his own free will and accord; but I most admire thy justice, or thy achievewas forced into it by the importunities of ments in war? Ruaus says: Jdmnirabor te his wile Amata. He was convinced that he ob justitiam, an ob opera bellica. HIeyne acted against the will and purposes of the reads, as in the text. gods, in so doing. 130. Moles murorum: your walls-or the 117 Apparat: in the sense of statuit. towers and fortifications built upon them, IManu: by force, or valor. Fatales: destined by the fates. 118. VixEt: by syncope, for vixisset: the 133. Sequestra: intervening-intermedione of us would have lived, to whom, &c. ate. They had agreed upon a truce, or It appears here that the first proposal of end- cessation of hostilities for twelve days, for iENEIS. LIB. XI. 537 Per sylvas Teucri, mixtique impune Latini, Erravere jugis. Ferro sonat altabipenni 135 135. El i jlngis Fraxinus: cvertunt actas ad sidera pinus: Robora nee cuneis, et olentem scindere cedrum, 137. Nec cessant sci. Nee plaustris cessant vectare gementibus ornos. dere Et jam fama volans, tanti prtenuntia luctus, Evandrum Evandrique domos et mcenia complet; 140 Quae mod6 victorem Latio Pallanta ferebat. 141. EdemJama, qu Arcades ad portas ruere, et de more vetusto modl frebat Latio r al -r,^~~ A^~ ~ ^.i ~~~ ~ ~~h lmnta esse victoren Funereas rapuere faces; lucet via longo (rdine flammarum, et late discriminat agros. Contra turba Phrygum veniens plangentia jungunt 145 Agmina. Quae postquam matres succedere tectis 146. Quse agmina Viderunt, mcestam incendunt clamoribus urbem. postquam matres At non Evandrum potis est vis ulla tenere; Sed venit in medios. Feretro Pallanta rep6sto Procumbit super, atque haeret lachrymansque gemensque: Et via vix tandem voci laxata dolore est: 151 151. Prp, dolore Non haec, 6 Palla, dederas promissa parenti, Cautius lt saevo velles te credere Marti! IHaud ignarus eram, quantum nova gloria in armis, Et praedulce decus primo certamine posset. 155 Primitiae juvenis misere! bellique propinqui 156. 0 miserm primiDura rudimenta! et nulli exaudita Deorum tie juvenis Vota, precesque meae! tuque, 6 sanctissima conjux, Felix morte tua, neque in hunc servata dolorem! Contra ego vivendo vici mea fata, superstes 160 Restarem ut genitor. Troum socia arma secutum 161. Ut ego genitor Obruerent Rutuli telis! animam ipse dedissem; restarem superstes Jiliu. Atque haec pompa domum me, non Pallanta, referret! Rutul obruerent me Nee vos arguerim, Teucri, nec fcedera, nec quas NOTES the purpose of burying the dead, and other 149. RejYsto: for reposito. The bier being rites of sepulture. This was intermediate placed on the ground. between the war, before and after; during 151. Tandem vix dolore via. At the first which time no act of hostility could be done sight of the corpse, he was overwhelmed by either party. Hence the propriety of the with grief, which entirely prevented his word inlpune in the following line, in safety, speech. At length, however, recovering or without fear of injury. from it, he gives utterance to the effusions 135. Ferro bipenni: an axe with two of his heart, but with difficulty. A true edges, one that cuts both ways. pathos pervades this whole speech of Evan136. Actas: raised-grown up to. der. The various turns of passion, and the 139. Pranuntia: a forerunner, or har- alternate addresses to the living and the binger, in apposition withfama. dead, are the very language of sorrovw. 140. Complet. This is the common read- 155. Decus: in the sense of honor. Posset ing. But Pierius observes that most of the in the sense of valeret. ancient manuscripts have replet. 156. Primitim: beginnings-essays. Pro 143. Longo ordine: in a long train, or pinqui: neighboring-confederated, or alsuccess:on. Rueus says, longa serie. lied. EvLnder assisted Eneas as an ally: 144. Discriminat. This word Rueus in- their arms were associated in the war. Ruterprets by diridit. Davidson renders it eus says, vicini. h& illuminates." 157. Rudimenta: in the sense of experi145. Contra: in an opposite direction- menta. meeting the mourners from the city. 160. Ego vici mea rfata: I have overcome 147. Incendunt: in the sense of concitant. my time by living —I have outlived my time. Rumus says, conmmovent. Or, fata may mean the purposes and de48. Potis est: the same as potest.' crees of the gods; that regular and crdiinry 5q8 P. VIRGILI! MARONIS Junximus hospitio, dextras: sors ista senectsm 165 Debita erat nostrae! Quod si immatura manebat Mors natum; caesis Volscorum millibus ante, Ducentem in Latium Teucros, cecidisse juvabit. Quin ego non alio digner te funere, Palla, 169 Quam pius /Eneas, et quanm magni Phryges, et quam 171. Dignati sunt te. Tyrrhenique duces, Tyrrhenim exercitus omnis. Illi ferunt magna tro- Magna trophsea ferunt, quos dat tua dextera leto. phsa ex illis, quos Tu quoque nune stares immams truncus in armis, 174. Si esset mihi par Esset par aetas, et idem si robur ah annis,,etas, et idem robur ab Turne. Sed infelix Teucros quid demoror armis? 175 annis tecum; tu, O Tunne cu; Vadite, et hsec memores regi mandata referte: 176. Vestro regi: O Quod vitam moror invisam, Pallante perempto, /Enea, tua dextra est Dextera causa tua est; Turnum natoque patrique causa, quod Quam debere vides meritis. Vacat hic tibi solus 179. Quam dextram Fortunaeque locus. Non vitae gaudia quaero, 180 vides 181. Nec est fas: se Nee fas: sed nato Manes perferre sub imos. cupio perferre huncnun- Aurora interea miseris mortalibus almam tium mortis Turni Extulerat lucem, referens opera atque labores. Jam pater AEneas, jam curvo in litore Tarchon Constituere pyras: hue corpora quisque suorum 185 More tulere patrum: subjectisque ignibus atris Conditur in tenebras altum caligine coelum. Ter circum accensos, cincti fulgentibus arinis, 189. Rogos suorum Decurrere rogos: ter mcestum funeris ignem amicoruhm Lustravere in equis, ululatusque ore dedere. 190 Spargitur et tellus lachrymis, sparguntur et arma. It coelo clamorque virum, clangorque tubarum. 195. Pars conziciunt Hinc alii spolia occisis direpta Latinis mortuis nota munera, Conjiciunt igni, galeas, ensesque decoros, nempe, clypeos Franaque, ferventesque rotas: pars, munera nota, 195 NOTES. course of things, which takes place in the trophy to grace his triumph. See 6. supra. world: which is, that the son should outlive 175. Armis: in the sense of ab bello. the father. This is the sense given by Heyne. 179. Quam: which (right hand) you see, Valpy says, "I have survived my own fate owes Turnus to the son and father deserv-I have exceeded the natural bounds of ing it. JMleritis: a part. plu. agreeing with life." the nouns nato and patri. Heyne connects 165. Sors: calamity. meritis with vacal. Ruaeus and Davidson, 168. Juvabit: it will console me that he with nato patrique. fell leading, or preparing the way for, the 180. Hic locus vacat: this method alone Trojans, &c. remains to thee, and thy fortune. Modus'169. Digner non: I cannot honor thee, solandi me restat tibz, says tRuieus. For ca&c. Rumus says, non honorabo. cat, Heyne says relictus est. 170. Phryges: the Trojans. They are so 187. Caligine: in the sense of fumo. In lecalled fromn Phrygia, a country of the lesser nebras. Rumus says, in sinliitudiinerr rocti.s. Asia. It was divided into the greater and 189. Cincti: clad in shining armor they the less. The less Phrygia was also called marched, &c. Lustravere in equis: they Troas, the ancient kingdom of the Trojans. rode around. The former has reference to 174. Par cetas, &c. This may refer to that part of the ceremony performed by the Pallas or Evander; neither of whom was infantry, or foot; the latter, to that per. able by inequality of age and strength to formed by the horse, or cavalry. Funeris. meet Turnus. Davidson refers it to the in the sense of pyrae. father: who, had his age permitted, would 192. It clo: in the sense of tollitur ad have gone to the war in person. And in c/lurm. this case, had he met Turnus, he would 193. Hinc: in the next place-after this. have been victorious, and brought back his 195. -Ferventes: in the sense of rupidi/s; ,ENEIS. LIB. X1. 539 rpsorum clypeos, et non felicia tela. Multa bourn circa mactantur corpora morti: Setigerosque sues, raptasque ex omnibus agris'n flammam jugulant pecudes. Tur litore toto Ardentes spectant socios, semiustaque servant. 200 Busta: neque avelli possunt, nox humida donec Invertit ccelum stellis fulgentibus aptum. Nee minus et miseri diversa in parte Latini Innumeras struxere pyras; et corpora partim Multa virum terrae infodiunt; avectaque partim 205 Finitimos tollunt in agros, urbique remittunt: Caetera, confusaeque ingentem cwedis acervum, Nec numero, nec honore cremant. Tune undique vasti Certatim crebris collucent ignibus agri. Tertia lux gelidam celo dimoverat umbram: 210 210. Umbram nocii4 Mherentes altum cinerem et confusa ruebant coelo: ili niwrontes Ossa focis, tepidoque onerabant aggere terre. Jam ver6 in tectis, praedivitis urbe Latini, Praecipuus fragor, et longe pars maxima luctus. 214. Era! preecipuus ITic matres, miseraeque nurus, hic chara sororum 215 Pectora mcerenturn, puerique parentibus orbi, Dirum execrantur bellum, Turnique hymenaos: Ipsum armis, ipsumque jubent decernere ferro; 218. Jubent ipsum Qui regnum Italie, et primos sibi poscat honores. decernere armis Ingravat haec saevus Drances; solumque vocari 220 Testatur, solum posci in certamina, Turnum. Multa simul contra variis sententia dictis 22. Contra es multa sententia Pro Turno; et magnum regina nomen obumbrat: Multa virum meritis sustentat fama trophaeis. NOTES. vel celeres. JNota munera: offerings of the they collected together the ashes and the arms which had been theirs, and consequent- bones mingled on the places (focis) where ly known to them. the funeral piles had been erected. After 196. VNon felicia: unsuccessful darts- this they covered them with a mound of those that failed to do execution, when earth. Altum implies that the ashes iay thrown against the enemy. thick, or deep upon the ground. Rumus 197. JMorti: to the divinity.Mors. says, evertebant. Heyne says, legebant. Ruo, 199. Jugulant: they kill over the flame, is here taken as an active verb. &c. This they did, probably, that the blood 213. In tectis urbe: in the houses throughof the victim might fall upon the pile. out the city. Davidson says, "in the courts -,-,, 13usla.,.,of Latinus, and in the city." 201. Busta. Bustum properly is the une- Latinus, and in thecity ral pile after it is consumed. Semiusta: of 214 r: n the sense of plngr. se*mli and ustus. Prwcipuus: in the sense of magnus,'vel semi and ustus. maximus..204. Partimintfodiunt. The meaning is: 215. JNurus. JNurus here may mean any that they buried a part of the slain, and a young married woman. Chara pectora part they sent to the city of Latinus. Par- mcerentun: dear hearts of sisters mourning tim may be considered here, a sub. in appo- -dear, or affectionate sisters mourning the sition with multa corpora. Viruim: of their loss of their brothers and friends. heroes. Avecta: a part. of the verb avehor: 218. Decernere: to decide, or settle the carried away. dispute by the sword. 208. Jumero..NJumerus here may be 220. Scevus: in the sense of acerbus, says taken in its usual acceptation; but it may Rumaus. also mean decency, orregard. They burned 221. Testatur: in the sense of dicit. all the rest, a confused heap of slain, with- 222. Mult1la: various-manifold. out any particular marks of regard, or ho- 223. Obumbrat: in the sense of protegit nor, by way of distinction. vel tutatur. 211. Ruehant. * The meaning is: that 224. Multa fama. Multa here is plainly 540 P. VIRILII MARAONIS ltos inter motus, medio flagrante tumultu, 995 Ecce super mcesti magnae Diomedis ab urbe 227. Aiunt nihil esse Legati responsa ferunt: nihil omnibus actuin actum Tantorum impensis operum; nil dona, neque aurum, 228. Dona valuisse Nec magnas valuisse preces; alia arma Latinis nil, lie Querenda, aut pacem Trojano ab rege petendam. 230 Deficit ingenti luctu rex ipse Latinus. Fatalern IEnean manifesto numine ferri 233. Recentesque tu- Admonet ira Deum, tumulique ante ora recentes. mull ante ora adnmonent Erg6 concilium magnum, primosque suorum Imperio accitos, alta intra limina cogit. 235 Olli convenere, fluuntque ad regia plenis Tecta viis. Sedet in mediis, et maximus aevo, Et primus sceptris, haud keta fronte, Latinus. Atque hic legatos Atola ex urbe remissos, Quai referant, fari jubet; et responsa reposcit 240 241. Silentiafactasunt Ordine cuncta suo. Tum facta silentia linguis, 242. Parens dicto La- Et Venulus dicto parens ita farier infit: tini Vidimus, 6 cives, Diomedem Argivaque castra, Atque iter emensi casus superavimus omnes: 246 Dictan cogno- Contigimusque manum, qua concidit Ilia tellus. 215 mine Ille urbem Argyripam, patriae cognomine gentis, NOTES. in the sense of magna. His great fame lia. He was one of the most valiant captains arose from his distinguished valor, and tro- at the siege of Troy. With Ulysses, he stole phies nobly won. JMeritis: noble-distin- the Palladium from the temple of Minerva, guished. RIutus says, partis. at Troy, and attacked the camp of Rhesus, 2'25. I'luarante: raging-fierce. king of Thrace, whom they killed, and 226. Super: in the sense of prceterea vel carried off his horses to the Grecian camp, insuper: beside-in addition to these things. before they had tasted the grass of Troy or Servius says, ad cumulationen malorum. drank the water of the Xanthus. On every 230. Petendam. Some copies have peten- occasion, he distinguished himself. He had duam. a rencounter with Hector, and with ]Eneas; 232. Fatalem: destined, and appointed by the latter was wounded by him, and would the gods to marry Lavinia, and to rule the have been slain, if it had not been for the Latin state. Manifesto: by the evident timely aid of Venus. During his absence power and assistance of the gods. Adndo- from his home, his wife iEgiale had an net: declares. Ruamussays, ostendit. What- amour with Cometes, one of her servants. ever hesitance and doubt rested on the mind Disgusted with her infidelity to him, he de of Latinus, concerning his son-in-law, it was ternined to leave his country, and came into now removed. He plainly saw in the late that part of Italy called.Tagna Grecia. transactions, the immediate interposition of Here he built a city, and called it Argyrippa. tile gods in favor of iEneas. Ie married a daughter of Danaus, king of 235. Irnperio: in the sense of jussu. Pr- the country. He died with extreme old age, mos.: the chief men-the nobles of jtie peo- or as some say, by the hands of his fathere gos: the chief men-the nobles of the peo- inlaw His death was greatly lamented y in-law. His death was greatly lamentedliy ple. Cogit: in the sense of cangregal, vel who, according to fable, Convocat. his companions; who. according to fable, 236. Fluunt: in the sense of ruunt vel were changed into birds resembling swans. They took their flight to Some islands on currunt. Pleris: in the sense of stipatis. They took their flht to soe islands n the coast of Apulia, where they became 238. Sceptris: in power-authority. Reg- remarkable for their tamcoess toward the no, says Ruaus. Haua elaa: sad-sorrow- Greeks, and for the horror with which they ful. shunned all other nations. They are called 239. Ex JEtola urbe: the city Arpi, built the birds of Diomede. He was worshipped by Diomede. Remissos ~ returned. as a god. 242. Farier: for fari, by paragoge. Infit:, 244. Emensi: having measured out our in the sense of incipit. journey-having finished our journey, &c. 243. Diornedem. Diomede was the son 245. Ilia tellus: in the sense of Trojaunum of Tyduus and Deiphyle and king of regnum. IENEIS LIB. XI 541 Victor Gargani condebat Iapygis arvis. Postquam introgressi, et coram data copia fandi, Munera praeferrimus, nomen patriamque docemus, Qui bellum intulerint, quae causa attraxerit Arpos. 250 250. Bellum nobis; Auditis ille hac placido sic reddidit ore: qufe causa attraxerit nos 0 fortunatat gentes, Saturnia regna, ad urbem Arpos. Bis auditis, ille Antiqui Ausonji; que vos fortuna quietos a tis Sollicitat, suadetque ignota lacessere bella? Quicunque Iliacos ferro violavimus agros,'255 255. Quicunque nos(Mitto ea, quae muris bellando exhausta sub altis, t'um Quos Sinois premat ille viros) infanda per orbem 256. Ea mala, quw exhausta sunt nobis Supplicia, et scelerum pcenas expendimus omnes, Vel Priamo miseranda manus. Scit triste Minervwe Sidus, et Euboicae cautes, ultorque Caphereus. 260 Militia ex illa diversum ad litus adacti: 261. Ex ilia militiA Atrides Protei Menelaus ad usque columnas nos adacti sumus Exulat: AEtnaeos vidit Cyclopas Ulysses. Regna Neoptolemi referam, versosque Penates 264. Versa regna Idlontenei? Libyco-ne habitantes litore Locros? 265 NOTES. 47. Gargani: gen. of Garganus, a moun- 260. Triste sidus: the storm, in whict tain in Apulia. Hodie, Monte di St. Angelo. Ajax the son of O'leus was drowned, and A part of Apulia was called Iapygia, from the raging constellation Arcturus, by whose lapyx, the son of Daedalus, who settled in influence that storm was raised, are here asthose parts. Iapygis: an adj. for Iapygii, cribed to Minerva, whom that hero had ofagreeing with Gargani-A-pulian. fended by violating Cassandra in her temple. 248. Copia: leave-liberty. Caphereus: a rock on the island Eubcea, 253. Fortuna: Ruseus says, sors. where Ajax was shipwrecked. Hence the 254. Ignota bella: wars to which you are epithet ultor: the avenger. anaccustomed. Suadet: in the sense of im- 262. Protei. The visit of Menelaus to pellit. Lacessere: in the sense of movere. Proteus, king of Egypt, is related at large 255. Quicunque violavimus: whoever of in the Odyss. lib. 4. This account of tho us violated, &c. The expression implies that disasters of the Grecian chiefs after the it was sacrilege to injure them. downfall of Troy forms an agreeable epi256. Exhausta: sustained-endured in sode. It is very natural for the poet to fighting. JMlitto: in the sense of omitto vel make the aged hero dwell upon the misforprtctereo. tunes of his companions in arms. And it is 257. Premat: overwhelmed-bore away. pleasing to see'him, who was so active and Homer informs us that the river Simois, fierce in the Iliad, and the first in every enwas so choaked with the dead bodies of terprise, laying aside his armor, and exhortthose slain in one engagement, that its wa- ing the ambassadors to peace. Homer inters were interrupted in their course. To forms us, that Menelaus wandered eight this, Diomede here alludes. The present years in the seas in the neighborhood of tense is here used plainly for the past. Egypt, and went as far as the island of 258. Expendimus: have endured unspeak- Pharos, the boundary of the realms of Proable hardships, and suffered every punish- teus. Sir Isaac Newton observes, that Proment of our crimes. Runus says, luimus. teus was not the king of Egypt, but a goThe war of Troy proved ruinous to the vernor or viceroy of the king, and governed Greeks as well as Trojans. Most of the a part of lower Egypt. See Geor. iv. 388. Grecian heroes suffered extreme hardships Columnas: in the sense of terminos vel limi on their return. Some perished on the voy- tes regni Protei. age; and others found their kingdoms in a i etate of revolt, and their domestic peace 26 a: the sen destroyed. 264. Referam: shall I mention the sub. 259. Mlanus: a company to be pitied, even verted realms, &c. Penates: the country by Priam himself. The calamities which of Idomeneus'overthrown. Ruaeus says dobefell them, though conquerors, were greater mus, for Penates. Ile was king of Crete. tlhan those which befell the vanquished. See iEn. iii. 122. Even Priam might pity them. Triste: 265. Locros: the Locrians, on their re. stormy-baleful. turn, it is said, were forced to the coast o ,23 P. VIRGILII MARON1S Jpse Myceneus magnorum ductor Achivfm Conjugis infandae prima intra limina dextrA.68. Adulter JEgysihus Oppetiit: devictam Asiam subsedit adulter. 269. Referkm-ne Deos Invidisse Deos, patriis ut redditus oris 269 invidisse mihi. ut ego Conjugium optatum, et pulchram Calydona viderern'? redditus Nunc etiam horribili visu portenta sequuntur: 273. Factique aves Et socii amissi petierunt ethera pennis, 273. FactiQue aves Fluminibusque vagantur aves, heu dira meorum Supplicia! et scopulos lachrymosis vocibus implent. Haec ade6 ex illo mihi jam speranda fuerunt 275 Tempore, cum ferro ccelestia corpora demens Appetii, et'Veneris violavi vulnere dextram. Ne verb, ne me ad tales irnpellite pugnas. 279. Nec est mihi irl- Nec mihi cum Teucris ullum post eruta bellun, um. Pr g ergrgama; nec veterum memini, latorve malorum. 280 280. Pergama eruta sun.: Nec memini, 1e- Munera, que patriis ad me portatis ab oris, tor-ve causa veterum Vertite ad AEneam. Stetimus tela aspera contra, malorum Trojanorum. Contulimusque manus: experto credite, quantus 283. Credite mihi ex- In clypeum assurgat, quo turbine torqueat hastam. perto Si duo praeterea tales Idaea tulisset 285 Terra viros; ultrb Inachias venisset ad urbes Dardanus, et versis lugeret Groecia fatis. NOTES. Africa, where they settled in the district 274. Implent scopulos. On the coast of called Pentapolis. Apulia are several islands frequented by sea 266. Myceneeus ductor: Agamemnon, who birds, into which it is said the companions was king of J.ycena, and commander in of Diomede were changed. chief of the Greeks in the Trojan war. On 276. Demens. Diomede here imputes all his return home, he was slain by iEgysthus, his misfortunes to the resentment of Venus. with whom his wife Clytemnestra had an This gives importance to the goddess, the intrigue during his absence. She is there- mother and protectress of FEneas. But he fore called nefandee conjugis. Intra prima does not mention his having given Mars a limina implies, that he was slain as soon as wound also. From the time that he prehe entered his palace. Servius takes it in sumptuously assailed the Ccelestials, these the sense of primo litore, implying, that he evils were to have been expected. Demens: was murdered as soon as lie arrived on the presumptuous-infatuated. shore. 278. JVe verb: do not, do not urge me. 268. Subsedit devictam: he lay in wait for The repetition of the ne is emphatic. conquered Asia. By killing Agamemnon, 283. Contulimus manus: we engaged hand AEgysthus hoped to succeed him in his gov- to hand. Virgil here compliments his hero, ernment, and take possession of his con- out of the mouth of Diomede. But the acquests in Asia. Heyne takes Asiam devic- count which Homer gives of the rencounter tarn, in the sense of victoremn Trojce the con- is very diflerent. lie was wounded, and queror of Troy. Rueus says, post Asiam would have been slain, if he had not been devictan acdtlter insidiatus est ei. Davidson rescued by Venus. renders the passage, "the adulterous assas- 284..issurgat. In the act of throwing sin possessed himself of conquered Asia." the javelin, or dart, the shield was (levated Valpy takes Asianm devictamz, with Heyne. on the left arm, to give full room for the Oppetiit: perished-was slain. action of the right arm. Turbine:in tle 269. Invidisse Deos. D'omede, on account sense of impetu. of the conduct of his wife, left his native 285. Preeterea: beside him. Its proper country, and went into exile in Apulia. Ve- place is after tales viros. If the Trojan land nus is said to have sent upon him this do- had produced, &c. Idcea: an adj. from Ida, mestic affliction, as a punishment for his a mountain of Phrygia Minor, near the citv wounding her in battle. To this circum- of Troy. stance the words invidisse Deos refer. Ca- 286. Inachias: Grecian: so called from {/donar: ace. sing. the name of his country. Inachus, one of the early kings of Greece. Inviaisse: Ruaus says, obstitisse. Davidson Ultro: of their own accord-in offensive war says, "forbade." 237. Dardanus. By this we are to un .ENEIS. LIB. XI. 654 Quidquid apud durae cessatum est mcenia Trojae, 288. Quidquid teruoHectoris AEneaeque manu victoria Graium Iaesit, et in decimum vestigia retulit annum. 290 Ambo animis, ambo insignes praestantibus armis: 291. Ambo erant inHiic pietate prior. Coeant in ftedera dextrae, signes Qua datur: ast, armis concurrant arma, cavete. 29. Hic Eneas erat Et responsa simul quae sint, rex optime, regis prior Audisti, et qua sit magno sententia bello. 295 295. Quse sit sentenVix ea legati; variusque per ora cucurrit tia Diomedis de Ausonidum turbata fremor: ceu, saxa morantur 29. Vi leati di Cum rapidos amnes, clauso fit gurgite murmur, Vicinaeque fremunt ripae crepitantlbus undis. Ut primum placati animi, et trepida ora quierunt, 300. Placatifuerunt Prafatus Divos solio rex infit ab alto: 301 Ante equidem summa de re statuisse, Latini, Et yellem, et fuerat melius; non tempore tali 303. Et non cogere Cogere concilium, cum muros obsidet hostis. Bellum importunum, cives, cum gente Deorum, 305 Invictisque viris, gerimus: quos nulla fatigant Praelia, nec victi possunt absistere ferro. Spem, si quamn accitis _Etolum habuistis in armis, 308. Ponite sp In, si Ponite: spes sibi quisque; sed, hasc quam angusta, vide- habuistis quam sp Catera qua rerum jaceant perculsa ruina, [tis. 309. Quisque sit Ante oculos interque manrus sunt omnia vestras. 311 sua spes: sed quam Nee quemquam incuso: potuit qua plurima virtus gusta hJe spes si r Esse, fuit: toto certatum est corpore regni. NOTES. derstand the Trojans, who were the de- the answer of king Diomede. The common scendants of Dardanus, one of the founders reading is regum, which is not so easy. of Troy. Versis: in the sense of mutatis. 297. Fremor: in the sense of murmur. The state of things would have been changed, 298. Gurgiteclaus: in apent up floo and Troy would have been victorious over. reiantibus: roarin as the Grecian states..or stream. Crepitantzbus: roaring —ashthe Grecian states. 288. Cessatum est. was delayed, or spent ng against the rocks. before, &c. 300. Trepida ora: tumultuous mouths 289. Victoria hoesit: the victory of the discordant tongues. Greeks was suspended by the valor, &c. 301. Prefatus Divos: having addressed This is very complimentary to the valor of the gods, the king, &c. It was the custom those two heroes, Hector and Eneas. Re- of orators to usher in their speeches, whentulit vestigia: retreated into the tenth year ever the subject was solemn, and of public -was put off-deferred till the tenth year. concern, with an address to the gods. Hcesit. Heyne says, retardata est. Rumus 302. Summa re: for the safety of the says, substilit. state-for the common good. 292. Dextrce coeant. The aged hero ad- 305. Gente Deorum: with a nation of vises the Latins to unite in league, or gods-with a nation deriving their origin treaty, with Eneas, on any terms that might from the gods. Inmortunum: dangerous — be offered; but by all means, avoid to en- difficult. gage in arms against such a mighty cham- 308. Accitis: sought after-invited.pion. Hic prior pietate. This comparison Etoluim: from Diomede, who was their of AEneas with Hector, is no exaggeration king. He declined to have any thing to do of the poet in favor of his hero. Homer with the war. had done it before him. This goodness and 309. Ponite spem: lay aside the hopeclemency of AEneas, which followed from cease to hope. The remainder of tkis line his piety, are reasons for the Latins to hope is, by some, supposed an interpolation. for peace. 310. Qud ruina: in what ruin the rest of 293. Qua' datur: in any way that may our affairs lie overthrbwn-prostrate; all be given-on any practicable terms. things are, &c. 294. Regis: this is the reading of Heyne 312. Virtus. valor. Plurima: in the and Pierius. It is governed by responsa, sense of maxima. 544 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Nunc adeo, quae sit dubike sententia menti, 315. Docebo vos pau- Expediam; et paucis, animos adhibete, docebo. Slf cis verbis Est antiquus ager Tusco mihi proximus amni, 317. Occasum solis, Longus in occasum, fines super usque Sicanos. usque Aurunci Rutulique serunt, et vomere duros 319. Asperrima loca Exercent colles, atque horum asperrima pascunt. horum agrorum Haec omnis regio, et celsi plaga pinea montis 32 Cedat amicitia Teucrorurn; et feederis aequas 322. Trojanos socios Dicamus leges; sociosque in regna vocemus. 223. Considant iliic, Considant, si tantus amor, et mcenia condant. si sit illis Sin alios fines, aliamque capessere genter Est animus, poscuntque sclo decedere nostro; 352 Bis denas Italo texamus robore naves, 327. Si illi valent Seu plures, complere valent: jacet omnis ad undam complere eas Materies: ipsi numerumque modumque carinis Precipiant; nos ara, manus, navalia demus. 330. Prseterea placet Praeterea, qui dicta ferant et federa firment, 330 mihi centum Latinos Centum oratores prim& de gente Latinos oratores de ortores de Ire placet, pacisque manu pratendere ramos: Munera portantes eborisque, aurique talenta, 334. Insignia nostri Et sellarn, regni trabeamque insignia nostri. regni Consulite in medium, et rebus succurrite fessis. 335 Turn Drances idem infensus; quoin gloria Turni NOTES. 313. Toto corpore: with the whole power, 324. Gentem: region-country. cr force of the kingdom. 325. Poscunt. This is the reading ot 315. Adhibete animos: give attention. Heyne, and of Valpy after him. Rueus reads 316. Tusco amnli: the river Tiber. This possunt. river formed tLe eastern boundary of Tus- 326. us in the sense of struam 1 1 A.,. i 3~6. Texamus: in the sense of struamus. cany; hence called Tuscan. Est mihi antiquus: This proposal of Latinus to grant -32- Seu in the sense of e. Complere a tract of land to the Trojans, is no fiction to fill or man them. Undam: by the waof the poet. It is mentioned by historians, ter of the Tiber. and other writers. It is said, that Eneas 329. Prcecipiant: in the sense of prteaccepted the proposal. It is generally con- scribant. Modum: the form, or shape. sidered to be that tract of country lying be- JNavalia. JNavale is a dock where veseels tween the city Laurentum and the Tiber, lie; or a ship-yard, where they are built. including the Trojan camp, or J.ova Trbja. Also, the materials of which they are built, The extent of the tract is quite uncertain. and with which they are equipped. This Cato, whom Servius follows, supposes it to last is probably the meaning here..Era: centain about 700 acres. Others suppose the money necessary to defray the expenses that it contained 40 stadia in every direc- of building. Manus: the workmen. tion from the city Lavinium, forming a cir- 331. Prinlm genie: of the first rank. cle of about ten miles in diameter, Others 333. Portantes munera: bearing presents. again enlarge it to 400 stadia in circumfe- This alludes to the Roman custom of sendrence. It is called antiquus, because it be- ing such presents to kings. llnged to tile ancient dominion of the Latin 334. Sellam: the chair of state Trabeam; Kings. the trabea was a narrow robe, worn by 317. Longus: extended-stretching even the kings, and the consuls. beyond. Sicanos: an ancient people of 335. Consulite: advise, or consult for the Italy. See Lib. vii. 795. This tract of common good. Fessis rebus: distressed country the A.urunci formerly, and then the state, or condition. Rutuli cultivated. The most rugged parts 336. Infensus: spiteful-bearing spite of it, they reserved for pasturage. Serunt: The glory of Turnus-his noble birth-his in the sense of colunt. fame in war, had excited his envy; and he 320. Plaga: in the sense of tractus. embraced the present opportunity to give 321. Cedat: in the sense of detur. vent to his feelings. Idem: reference is 322. Leges: conditions, or terms. Dica- here made to verso 122, supra et seq. The mus: let us appoint-name. same l)rances, &c. .ENEIS. LIB. XI. 545 ObliquA invidiA stimulisque agitabat amaris; Largus opum, et lingua melior, sed fiigida bello 338. Scd lLjus dexte — Dextera, consiliis habitus non futilis auctor, ra eet Seditione potens; genus huic materna superbum 3-40 Nobilitas dabat, incertum de patre ferebat; 341. Enim ferebat inSurgit, et his onerat dictis, atque aggerat iras: certum genus de patre M> ir K.. *.342. Onerat Turnum Rem nulli obscuram, nostrae nee vocis egentem, Consulis, 6 bone rex. Cuncti se scire fatentur, Quid fortuna ferat populi; sed dicere mussant. 3415 Det libertatem fandi, flatusque remittat, 346. Turnus det Cujus ob auspicium infaustum, moresque sinistros, (I)icam equidem, licet arma mihi mortemque minetur) Lumina tot cecidisse ducum, totamque videmus Consedisse urbem luctu: dum Troia tentat 350 Castra fugae fidens, et coelum territat armis. Unum etiam donis istis, quse plurima mitti 352. 0 optime regum, Dardanidis dicique jubes, unum, optime regum, adjicias unurn alterum, Adjicias: nec te ullius violentia vincat, etiam unum, nempe,ilicr7* iStis donis, quae Quin natam egregio genero dignisque hymenreis 355 Des pater, et pacem hane reterno fcedere jungas. Quod si tantus habet mentes et pectora terror; 357. Tantus terror Turni habet nostias Ipsum obtestemur, veniamque oremus ab ipso; Tur habet nosas Cedat, jus proprium regi patriaeque remittat. Quid miseros toties in aperta pericula cives 360 361. 0 Trne, caput, Projicis? 6 Latio caput horum et causa malorum! ct causa horum Nulla salus bello: pacem te poscimus omnes, 362. Est nobis nulla NOTES. 337. Obliqua. Dr. Trapp observes, that 345. Quidfortuna: what the state of the envy is uneasy at another's happiness, and nation requires. Populi: in the sense of so cannot look directly upon it. Rureus gentis.'.ussant: in the sense of verentur. takes it in the sense of occulta. The envious Heyne says, non audent. person sees every thing with distorted, or 346. Flatus: vaunting-pride-arrogance. crooked eyes. Oculos habens distortos. condct-inuence.tabat: goaded-spurred on..imaris stimu- * s tabat: goaded-spurred on.n Amaris stimu- Drances here attributes the disasters of the is: with sharp, or pungent stings. state to the unfortunate influence which 338. Largus: in the sense of cabundans. Turnus had in the councils of Latinus, and Melior lingua. Rueus says, abundantior to his perverse and determined conduct in eloquenti. Drances, with all his qualifica relationtothe r. tions, his eloquence, his wisdom in council,: s m and his noble birth, was a coward. Some trios chefs. have imagined, that under the character of 351. eritat: in the sense of minaur. Turnus, Mark Antony is represented; and that Cicero is shadowed by Drances. It 352. Unum ettam. In addition to t;.e would seen, that Virgil was no great friend nany presents which the king had proposed to Cicero, for he makes no mention of him to send to LEneas, Drances advises him to in any part of his works. add another, namely, his daughter Lavinia 340. Potens seditione: powerful in fac- as the surest means of conciliating the con tions-a powerful party man. queror, and obtaining for his people a last341. Mlaterna nobilitas: on his mother's ing peace. side, he was nobly descended-from her he 356. Jungas: in the sense of confirms. had an illustrious descent, or extraction. 358. Venianm. This favor was, that TumFerebat: in the sense of habebat. nus should yield, or give up to the king, his 342. His dictis: with these invectives-re- own peculiar authority and right in the disproaches. Iras: the commonhatred against posal of his daughter; and that he should Turnus. resign his claim to her, for the good of his 344. Consults: in the sense of suades vel country. ortayiam. 359. Remittat: in the sense of relinquat. 36 546 P. VIRGILTI MARONIS 363 Simul poscimus Turne, simul pacis solum inviolabile pignus. 0soluM Primus ego, invisum quem tu tibi fingis, et esse Nil moror, en supplex venio! miserere tuorum;.. * Pone animos et pulsus abi. Sat funera fusi Vidimus, ingentes et desolavimus agros. Aut, si fama movet, si tantum pectore robur Concipis, et si adeo dotalis regia cordi est; Aude, atque adversum fidens fer pectus in hostem 370 Scilicet, ut Turno contingat regia conjux, Nos, anime viles, inhumata infletaque turba, Sternamur campis. Et jam tu, si qua tibi vis, 374. Siqua vis est tibi, Si patrii quid Martis habes, ilium aspice contra, si Qui vocat. 375 Talibus exarsit dictis violentia Turni: Dat gemitum, rumpitque has imo pectore voces: Larga quidem, Drance, tibi semper copia fandi Tune, cim bella manus poscunt: patribusque vocatis, 380. Tu primus ades Primus ades: sed' non replenda est curia verhis, 380 Quae tut6 tibi magna volant; dum distinct hostem Agger murorum, nec inundant sanguine fossoe, 383. Quod est solitum Proinde tona eloquio, solitum tibi; meque timoris tibi Argue tu, Drance, quando tot stragis acervos Teucrorum tua dextra dedit, passimque trophaeis 385 Insignis agros. Possit quid vivida virtus, 387. Licet ut tu sx- Experiare licet: nec longe scilicet hostes periare earn Quawrendi nobis: circumstant undique muros Imus in adversos? quid cessas? an tibi Mavors Ventosa in lingua, pedibusque fugacibus istis 390 Semper erit? NOTES. 363. Pignus. This pledge consisted in pute, the poet shows himself a perfect masbis resignation of Lavinia in favor of Eneas. ter of artful and elegant abuse. In thlse 364. Iuvisum: inimical-a foe. JNil mo- speeches of Drances and Turnus, there are ror: I do not hesitate to be. Non curo esse, some fine specimens of eloquence, not exsays Rueus. celled even by the great masters of the art, 366. Fusi: we, beaten, or routed, have Aspice illum: look him in the face-meet seen, &c. This alludes to their recent de- him face to face. feat. Alnimos: in the sense of iras. 376. Violentia: in the sense of ira. Valpy 369. Adeo cordi: for such a delight to says, violentia Turni, is to be taken for Tur thee. Dotalis: given in dowry. Any pro- nus himself. perty, or inheritance, belonging to a woman 378. Larga copia fandi: great fluency of at the time of her marriage, may be called speech-a copious profusion of words. Madotalis. Lavinia was the only child of Lati- nus, here, means action, in opposition to nus, and the heiress of his kingdom. Should mere words. Turnus rarry her, he would possess the 381. JMagna: in great abundance-in palace ir.d throne, in right of his wife. torrents. 370. Aude: have courage-play the hero. 382. Agger: ramparts, or bulwarks. Adversum: in front-right against. It agrees 383. Tona: thunder on. with pectus. 384. Quando tua: since thy right hand 3'.1. Ut regia conjux: that a royal spouse hath made so many heaps, &c. This is keen may fall to Turnus, we vulgar souls, &c. irony. Stragis. Strages is properly slaughThis is extremely severe, and sarcastic. ter: also the bodies of the slain. Rueus 374. M.artis: in the sense offortitudinis. says, cadaverum Trojanorum. Drances concludes, by observing that, if 386. Insignis: you adorn, or decorate the Turnus was that hero represented, and if he fields, &c. Iposessed any of his country's valor, he 389. Adzersos: in the sense of hostes. J. would meet AEneas, hand to hand, who had vors: a name of Mars: here used for couAoven al-eady th0 challenge. In this dis- rage, or valor. Tihi ~ in tho sense of tuws: .NEIS. LIB. XI. 54 Pulsas ego? aut quisquam merit6, fcedissime, pulsum 392. 0 foBdissime ho. Arguet, Iliaco tumidum qui crescere Tybrim mo Sanguine, et Evandri totals cum stirpe videbit Procubuisse domum, atque exutos Arcadas armis? 395 Haud ita me experti Bitias et Pandarus ingens, 396. Haud its experti Et quos mille die victor sub Tartara misi, unt; et millo alii, quos Inclusus muris, hostilique aggere die eo viclor Nulla salus bello! capiti cane talia, demens, Dardanio, rebusque tuis. Proinde omnia magno 400 Ne cessa turbare metu, atque extollere vires Gentis bis victae; contra premere arma Latini. 402. Contra ne cessa Nunc et Myrmidonum proceres Phrygia arma tremiscunt! Nunc et Tydides, et Larissaeus Achilles Amnis et Hadriacas retr6 fugit Aufidus undas! 405 405. Amnis Aufidus Vel cum se pavidum contra mea jurgia fingit versus retro Artificis scelus; et formidine crimen acerbat. 407. Sua formidine Nunquam animam talem dextr& hac, absiste moveri, Amittes: habitet tecum, et sit pectore in isto. Nunc ad te, et tua, magne.pater, consulta revertor. 410 Si nullam nostris ultra spem ponis in armis; Si tam deserti sumus, et, semel agmine verso, Fundituts occidimus, neque habet fortuna regressum: NOTES. will thy valor always consist in, &c. For 403. Proceres: the Grecian chiefs. Aga JMavors, Ruaeus says,fortitudo. memnon and Menelaus may be more par 393. Arguet pulsum. Turnus here vin- ticularly alluded to. Myrmidonum. These dicates himself from the charge of being were the troops of Achilles. By synec. put vanquished, made by Drances: Who will for the Greeks in general. accuse me of being beaten, that shall see 405. Aufidus. A river rising in the Aper the swollen Tyber, &c. Arguet: in the sense nines, and in the territories of the Hi of dicet. Ruasus says, accusabit. Esse vel pini, and passing through Apulia, Daunia, fuisse is understood with pulsum. and Peucetia, falls into the Adriatic sea. 394. Totam domum: and the whole family This river fled back, as if affrighted at the of Evander, with his race, to be prostrated. sight of the Trojan fleet, and ceased to flow Pallas was the only son of Evander, and as in its usual course. Such is the language far as we know, his only child. In his death, of the miscreant Drances, in extolling the then, the family and race became extinct. Trojans, and spreading the terror of their 396. Bztia3 et Pindarus. These were two name, even when, &c. These, or some other brothers of gigantic stature, whom Turnus of the same import, are requisite to connect slew, at the time of his entering the Trojan the subject, and make sense. Fugit: flowed camp. See En. ix. 672, et sequens. back-fled back from. Hadriacas: an adj. 399. Dardanio capiti: to the Trojan chief: from Hadria. simply, to the Trojan. Caput: the head, 406. Jurgia mea: my menaces, or threats. by synec. is frequently put for the whole Fingit: in the sense of simulat. body, or person. Cane: proclaim-declare. 407. Sc,s artificis: that base villain Drances appears to have been at the head Such was the depravity of his character of the Latin party, which favored the Tro- that he was baseness and wickedness itself jan interest in opposition to Turnus. By This form of expression is common with the tuis rebus, we are to understand this party poet. It is usually rendered by the corrcsat Latium, or the Trojans themselves, his pondent adjective, with which the following friends. word is made to agree. Rueus says, ille 402. Gentis bis vict: of the nation twice scelestus accusator. Valpy says, artifex seeconquered. Turnus considers that he had leris. Crzmen: in the sense of accusationem, already subdued the Trojans; and the 409. Isto pectore: in that bosom of thine Greeks had done the same thing before, on This is said by way of contempt. the plains ofTroy. And indeed, it appears, 413. Funditus: we are utterly ruined. he had greatly the advantage over them, For occidimus, Ruteus says ferimus. Reduring the absence of Eneas. gressum: return. 548 VIRGILIT MARONIS Oremus pacem, et dextras tendamus inermes. Quanquam 6! si solitae quicquaml virtutis adeset. 4 i5 416. lle videretur mi- Ille mihi ante alios fortunatusque laboium, hi ante alios Egregiusque animi, qui, ne quid tale videret, Procubuit moriens, et humum semel ore momordit. Sin et opes nobis, et adhuc intacta juventus, Auxilioque urbes Italae populique supersunt: 420 Sin et Trojanis cun multo gloria venit 422. Si sunt illis sua Sanguine: sunt illis sua funera, parque per omnes 423. Curnos indecores Tempestas: cur indecores in limine primo 424. JXfotros artus Deficimus? cur ante tubam tremor occupat artus? Multa dies variusque labor mutabilis scvi 425 Retulit in meliuis: multos alterna revisens 427.Eosinsolidoslatu Lusit, et in solido rursus fortuna locavit. Non erit auxilio nobis iEtolus, et Arpi? At Messapus erit, felixque Tolumnius, et tuos Tot populi misere, duces: nec parva Sequetur 430 431 fHominesdelectose Gloria delectos Latio et Laurentibus agris. Est et Volscorum egregia de gente Camilla, Agmen agens equitum, et florentes tere catervas. Qu6d si me solum Teucri in certamina poscunt, Idque placet, tantuimque bonis communibus obsto: 435 Non ade' has exosa manus victoria fiugit, 428. Contra JEnean; Ut tanta quicquam pro spe tentare recusem. licet ille prestet se vel Ibo animis contra; vel magnum praestet Achillem, 439. Paria armis Factaque Vulcani manibus paria induat arma.4chillis c1 Ego Turnus de- Ille licet. Vobis animam hanc, soceroque Latino, 440,!41. Ego Turnus devovi hanc Turnus ego, haud ulli veterum virtute secundus, 442..Je solum Devovi. Solum /Eneas vocat? et, vocet, oro. NOTES. 416. Fortunatus: happy in his toils-la- 433. Florentes are: shining-gleaming in bors. A Greek idiom. So also egregius brass. animi: illustrious-heroic in soul. Ruceus 436. Victoria non adeb. On many ofthe says, prestans vertute. old coins, are to be seen persons holding 419. Intacta: fresh-that hath not been victory in one hand. To this circumstance, engaged in action. Mr. Addison conjectures, the poet here al420. Populi: nations. ludes. Exosa here is to be taken actively. 422. Tempestas par: an equal storm of Victory, disdaining his hand so much, had war on both sides. Runeus says, par clades. not abandoned him, that he would refuse, By per omnes, we may understand both sides, &c. This speech of Turnus is of the noblest the Trojans and Italians. character, and shows him to be the real 424. Ante tubamn: before the trumpet sound. soldier. It is very different from that of the 425. Dies: in the sense of tempus..Mu- envious and cowardly Drances. tabilis cevi: of changing or revolving years. 437. Tanta spe: in the hope of victoryRetulit multa: changes many things, &c. or the hope of obtaining the prize of vicRuceus says, vertit. Labor: change-vicis- tory a royal bride. situde-revolution. Ruesus says, moius. a r 426. Fortuna alterna: fortune revisiting 438. prwstet: n the sense of exh-bet, men alternately, hath deceived many- vel ersenle.: courage-confi played an unexpected game with them, and dence of victory. again,&c. Alterna. in the sense of alternis. 439. Paria arma: arms equal to those of 428. A3tolus: the XEtolian (namely) Di. Achilles, and made by the hands of Vulcan. omede; who was by birth an 2Etolian, and Turnus was at this time ignorant that ct that time, reigned over the city Arpi. }Eneas actually possessed armor made by 42:J. Tolumnius. He was an augur, and Vulcan. foretold the success of the war, and thereby 441. Haud secundus not inferior-not animated the troops. He, therefore, is called second to any of his illustrious arlcsto-s in felix. valor. Veterum in the s-nse of majorumr AENEIS. LIB. XI. 549 Nec Drances potius, sive est haec ira Deorum, Morte luat; sive est virtus et gloria, tollat. Illj has inter se dubiis de rebus agebant 445 Certantes; castra iEneas aciemque movebat. Nuntius ingenti per regia tecta tumultu Ecce ruit, magnisque urbem terroribus implet: Instructos acie Tiberino a flumine Teucros, 449. Dicesr Teucros Tyrrhenamque manum totis descendere campis. 450 instructos acie, TVrrheExtemplo turbati animi, concussaque vulgi numque Pectora, et arrecta stimulis haud mollibus irve. Arma manu trepidi poscunt, fremit arma juventus: Flent mcesti mussantque patres. Hic undique clamor Dissensu vario magnus se tollit in auras. 455 Haud secius atque alto in luco cum forte catervae 456. Cum forte catcrConsedere avium: piscosove amne Padusme lto luco; rauci-ve yi alto luco; rauci.-ve cycln Dant sonitum rauci per stagna loquacia cycni. dant sonitum piscoso-ve Immo, ait, 6 cives, arrepto tempore, Turnus, Cogite concilium, et pacem laudate sedentes: 460 Illi armis in regna ruant. Nec plura locutus Corripuit sese, et tectis citus extulit altis. Tu, Voluse, armari Volscorum edice maniplis; Due, ait, et Rutulos: equitem Messapus in armis, 464. Messapus et CoEt, cum fratre, Coras, latis difiundite campis. 465 ras cum fratre, vo, difPars aditus urbis firment, turresque capessant: fundite equitem Caetera, qua juss6, mecum manus inferat arma. Ilicet in muros tota discurritur urbe. Concilium ipse pater et magna incepta Latinus Deserit; ac tristi turbatus tempore differt. 470 Multaque se incusa, qui non acceperit ultro NOTES. 443. JNec Drarwes. The meaning of these 457. Padusce: on of the mouths of the two lines, is this: that Drances should not river Po. Piscoso amne: in the fishy stream. die; whether the vengeance of the gods re- 458. Slagna. Stagnum, is, properly, the quired that one of them should perish; or, deep parts of the sea, or river. Here it is whether valor and glory were the result of taken for the whole river, or stream. Lothe contest, he should not bear off the prize quacia: resounding-echoing. of victory. Mr. Dryden has expressed the Tempore rrep: the occasion be esame sentiment: taken, Turnus, &c. These words of Turnus Drances shall rest secure, and neither share ar extremely sarcastic. are extremely sarcastic. The danger, nor divide the prize of war. Though Turnus had somewhat recovered 461. Ili1: the enemy. his temper, during the time of his addrcss- 463. Maniplis: in the sense of turmis. ing the king, yet he could not conclude, Edice: in the sense of jube, vel impera. without giving Drances this severe stroke. 464. Equitem: the cavalry-horsemen in 444. Luatmorte: atone by his death: that general. This is the readiAg of Heyne. Ruis, lose his life. If one of them must die, eus says, equites. Messupus-Coras. These Turnus chose rather to be the one himself, are in the nom. for the voc. after the Greek 415. agebant: in the sense of dicebant. idiom. 449. Acie: in order of battle-in battle D ndite: lead ot-drw up the array. 465. Diffundite: lead out-draw up the array. cvalry in arms. 452. Arrectce: aroused. Stimulis: in- c n arms pulse, 467. Catera manus: let the other troops, 453. Trepidi: quick-in haste. Fremit: &c. Jusso: for jussero, by syn. in the sense ofjflaitat. 470. Deserit: in the sense of relinqz(i 454. Patres: the senators. The council vel abrumpit. Latinus, alarmed at the disof state..Mussant: repine-grieve. mal crisis of his affairs, gives up his plan 455. Dissensu: disagreement-discord- of conciliation, and again relies upon defetiw eof. sive measures. 550 P. VIRGILII MARON1S Dardanium AEneam, generumque asciverit urbi. Praefodiunt alii portas, aut saxa sudesque Subvectant. Bello dat signum rauca'cruentum Baccina. Tur muros varia cinxere corona 475 Matronve puerique; vocat labor ultimus omnes. Nec non ad templum summasque ad Palladis arces Subvehitur magna marum regina caterva, 479. Lavinia virgo est Dona ferens: juxtaque. comes Lavinia virgo, comes juxta ear; qua Causa mali tanti, atque oculos dejecta decoros. 480 tt causa q d Succedunt matres, et templum thure vaporant, de.coros e Et mestas alto fundunt de limine voces: Armipotens belli prases, Tritonia virgo, Frange manu telum Phyrgii predonis, et ipsum Pronum sterne solo, portisque effunde sub altis. 485 Cingitur ipse furens certatim in praelia Turnus. 487. Ile indutus quoaa Jamque adeo Rutulum thoraca indutus ahenis Rutulum Itorrebat squamis, surasque incluserat auro, 489. Ille nudus adhuc Tempora nudus adhuc: laterique accinxerat ensem, quoad Fulgebatque alta decurrens aureus arce: 490 Exsultatque animis, et spe jam praecipit hostem. 492. Talis qualis equus, Qualis, ubi abruptis fugit prasepia vinclis, ubi fugit prssepia, vin- Tandem liber, equus, campoque potitus aperto; elis abruptis, tandem li- Aut ile in pastus armentaque tendit equarum; Aut assuetus aquae perfundi flumine noto 495 Emicat, arrectisque fremit cervicibus alte 498. Cui,nempe, Turno, Luxurians; luduntque jube per colla, per armos. Camilla, acie Obvia cui, Volscorum acie comitante., Camilla NOTES. 473. Profodiunt portas: some dig trench- 484. Prcedonis. She calls Eneas a robes before the gates, with a view to keep off ber, in allusion to the conduct of Paris, at the enemy. the court of Menelaus. 474. Subvectant: this is the reading of 485. Effunde: rout him-break in pieces Heyne and Davidson. Ruaeus reads, subji- his power under, &c. ciunt. 488. Ahenis squamis: in his brazen armor. 475. Varia corona: in various companies, Squamee: the plates in a coat of mail, which or troops. They manned the walls in va- in some degree resembled the scales of a rious parts. So universal was the sense of fish. By meton. the corslet, or coat of mail danger, that all who were capable of making itself: and hence, by synec. armor in generesistance, took up arms. The last struggle, ral. Horrebat: in the sense of lucebat horthe ullimus labor, called upon every one to rifice. Incluserat suras: he had bound his unite in making what resistance they could, legs in gold. He had put on his golden n aid of the regular forces. Corona: a sandals. Any thing made of gold may be company, or body of men, standing around called aurum. in the form of a circle or ring, was called 491. Prexcipit: in the sense of prcaoccupat. corona. Here taken for the troops in general. 494. Tendit: in the sense of fert se. 481. Vaporant.: perfume. 495. Perfundi: in the sense of lavari. 483. Armipotens prases: 0! powerful 496. Emicat: he springs forth. Ruceus patroness of war, &c. This prayer is taken says, exilit. Fremit: neighs. Alte may oe from Homer, Iliad 17, where the Trojan connected either with arrectis, or luxurians. natrons invoke the aid of Pallas against This last is used in the sense of exsullans. Diomede. It is almost a literal versionof 498. Acie Volscorurn: the troops of tho the Greek, which Mr. Pope hath elegantly Volsci accompanying her. Acies: properly rendered into English: an army in order of battle; sometimes it is Oh, awful Goddess! ever dreadful maid, put for troops in general. Here Virgil gives Troy's strong defence, unconquer'd Pallas, an instance of the high respect, that was aid; anciently paid to the general of an army. Break thou Tydides' spear, and let him Camilla, though a queen, leaps from her fall, horse, to do Turnus honor; and all her Prone on the dust, before the Trojan wall. troops follow her example. This speech ot ,ENEIS. LIB. XI. 551 Occurrit, portisque ab cquo regina sub ipsis Desilult; quam tota cohore imitata relictis 500 Ad terram defluxit equis. Turn talia fatur: Turne, sui merito si qua est fiducia forti, 502. Si qua fiducia Audeo, et AEneadum promitto occurrere turmie, su sit forti merito, eg Solaque Tyrrhenos equites ire obvia contra. audeo Me sine prima manu tentare pericula belli: 505 505. Mea manu Tu pedes ad muros subsiste, et mcenia serva Turnus ad haec, oculos horrenda in virgine fixus: 507. Turnus, fixus 0, decus Italia, virgo, quas dicere grates, 4uoad oculos in horrnQuasve referre parem? sed nunc, est omnia quando da virgiae, respondet ad Iste animus supra, tnecum partire laborem. 510 510. uando iste t1u AEneas, ut fama fidem missique reportant animus est supra omnia Exploratores, equitum levia improbus arma pericula Proemisit, quaterent campos: ipse ardua montis 513. U quaterent Per deserta jugo superans adventat ad urbem. Furta paro belli convexo in tramite sylvae, 515 Ut bivias armato obsidam milite fauces. Tu Tyrrhenum equitem collatis excipe signis. Tecum acer Messapus erit, turmaeque Latinae, Tiburtique manus: ducis et tu concipe curam. Sic ait: et paribus Messapum in pralia dictis 520 Hortatur, sociosque duces; et pergit in hostem. Est curvo anfractu vallis, accommoda fraudi, Armorumque dolis: quam densis frondibus atrum Urget utrinque latus: tenuis qu6 semita ducit, 523. Quam vallem laAngustaque ferunt fauces, aditusque maligni. 525 tus sylva atrum densis iHanc super, in speculis, summoque in vertice montis P'lanities ignota jacet, tutique receptus: NOTES. Camilla, though short, as the time required, 515. Furta: in the sense of insidias. is full of courage, and it bespeaks the he- Convexo: crooked-winding. roiie. 516. Fauces: straits-defiles: which led 501. Defluxit: leaped, on the ground- through the mountains in two ways. 06dismounted after the example of their sidam: take possession of-block up. Ruqueen. Bus says, occupem. 507. Horrenda: courageous-valiant- 517. Collatissignis: in closefight. Coninspiring terror. ferre signa, is a military term, signifying to 511. Fidemn: assurance-certainty. It is engage in close fight. governed by reportant. Heyne takes it in 519. Concipe curam: take upon yourself the sense of nuntium. th'e charge of the general-take the chief 512. Improbus: wicked-infamous-with command. Rueus says, sume. a base design. Rumus says, callidus. Ievia 522. Curyvo anfractu: in a mazy winding arma equitum: the light-armed cavalry. -circuit. Fraudi: for stratagem-ambush. Arma: by meton. for those who bear them. 523. Dolis: wiles of war. Armorum: in 513. Quaterent. Ruaeus says, vastarent. the sense of belli. Tie valley through which 514 Superans. This is the reading of this path led, was enclosed on each side by Heyne. Rueus and Davidson read prope- a thick wood. Perhaps atrum should be rans. Deserta ardua: the high deserts of connected with densis frondibus. the mountains. Or, loca may be understood 525. Maligni aditus: small-scanty ways connected with deserta. Jugo: passing over -passages. Ferunt: in the sense of ducunt, the top, or ridge of the mountain. The as above. poet here, probably, has in view the Alban 026. In speculis: the same as, in sumtce mountains, which might extend into the ter- vertice: on the highest part-pinnacle. ritory of Laurentum. Through this moun- 527. Ignota: unknown to the Trojans. tainous tract, Turnus learned, that ]Eneas 528. Occurrerepugnc: the same as occurwas about to march his army. He therefore erre hostibus. Jugis: from the top, or sides proposes to lay in ambush. of' the mountain. P. VIRGILII MARONI-S Seu dextri l1avaque velis occurrere pugne 529. Saxa in hostem, Sive instare jugis, et grandia volvere saxa. Huc juvenis Turnusfer- Huc juvenis nota fertur regione xiarum, 530 Arripuitque locum, et sylvis insedit iniquis. 532. Interea, Latonia, Velocem interea superis in sedibus Opim, n superis sedibus cor- Unam ex virginibus sociis, sacrAque caterv&, pellabat Compellabat, et has tristi Latonia voces Ore dabat: Graditur bellum ad crudele Camilla, 536 O virgo, et nostris nequicquam cingitur armis, Chara mihi ante alias: neque nnim novus iste Dianae Venit amor, subitaque anitmum dulcedine movit. Pulsus ob invidiam regno, viresque superbas, 540. Cum Metabus, Priverno antiqua Metabus cium excederet urbe, 540 pulsus regno ob. Infantem fugiens media inter prelia belli 542. Sustulit eam in- Sustulit exilio comitem, matrisque vocavit rantem, comitem exilio, Nin a, mutata p e, a vocavitque earn Camil- ne Casm mutaa parte, Camlla tarn de nomine ejus ma- Ipse sinu prue se portans juga longa petebat Iris Casmille, parte no- Solorum nenJorum: tela undique saeva premebant, 545 minis inutata Et circumfuso volitabant milite Volsci. 547. Medio fugn flu- Ecce, fuga medio, summis Amasenus abundans'ius Amasenus.. Spumabat ripis; tantus se nubibus imber 551. Sedit illiversanti Ruperat. Ille, innare parens, infantis amore 552. Erat immane te- Tardatur, charoque oneri timet. Omnia secum 550 lu4., quod. Versanti, subito vix hac sententia sedit. 554. Huic telo impli- a f.t cat natam, clausam Telurn immane, manu valida quod forte gerebat libro Bellator, solidum nodis et robore cocto: 556. Quam hastam Huic natam, libro et sylvestri subere clausalm, 7rans 0 Implicat, atque habilem mediae circumligat haste; 5b5 57. irgo Latonia, Quam dextra ingenti librans, ita ad Pethera fatur: 558. Illa prima tan- Alma, tibi hanc, nemorum cultrix, Latonia virgo, quanm supplex Ipse pater famulam voveo: tua prima per auras NOTES. 529. Jugis. The proper place for this vel remota. Portans: carrying his child in word appears to be after volvere: to tumble, his bosom. or roll large rocks from the top of the moun- 545. Solorum: of the lonely-solitary tain upon the enemy. groves. The groves upon the distantmloun531. Iniquis: rough-uneven. Rumeus tains, lonely and solitary. says, asperis. 546. Volitabant. This verb expresses the 533. Caterva: retinue-band. rapidity, and quickness of their motions. 534. Latonia: a name of Diana; from 547. Amasenus: a river of the Volsci. Latona, the name of her mother. Voces: Hodie, Toppia. Summis ripis: over the top in the sense of verba. of its banks. 536. JVostris armis. Camilla was armed 551. Subiio hec: on a sudden this resolulike Diana and the nymphs. 0, Virgo: tion, or purpose, was fixed upon by, &c. meaning Opis. Vix. He came to this determinittion, despe537. Chara: referring to Camilla. Alias: rate indeed; but nothing better presented virgines is understood. with difficulty, in spite of all his tender fears 539. Invidiam, viresque superbas. David- for the safety of his child. Scdit: in the son renders these words: "Invidious mea- sense of fixa est. sures, and insolent abuse of power." His 553. Cocto: hardened in the fire. tyrannical and oppressive government ex- 555. Cireumligat: he binds the infant cited the hatred of his subjects, who, by easy (so as not to hurt her) to the middle force of arms, drove him from his throne. of the spear: having previously enclosed Privernum was the name of his city. the child in bark and sylvan cork, to secure 541. Prcelia belli: contentions-strifes of her from injury. Implicat Rueus says, war. In the sense of certamina belli. Ru- alligat. eous says, pugnas belli. 558. Ipse pater. This is said, because 544. Longa: in the sense of longg posita none but the father had a right to devote ANEIS. LIB. XI. 553 Tela tenens supplex hostem fugit: accipe, testor, Diva, tuam, quce nune dubiis committitur auris 560 Dixit: et adducto contortum hastile lacerto Immittit: sonuere undae: rapidurn super amnem Infelix fugit in jaculo stridente Camilla. At Metabus, inagnA propils jam urgente catervA, Dat sese fluvio, atque hastam cum virgine victor 665 Gramineo, donum Trivie, de cespite vellit. Non illum tectis ullae, non mcenibus urbes Accepere: neque ipse manus feritate dedisset; Pastorum et solis exegit montibus aevum. Hic natam in dumis interque horrentia lustra, 570 Armentalis equae mammis et lacte ferino Nutribat, teneris immulgens ubera labris. Utque pedum primis infans vestigia plantis 573. Plantis pedum Institerat, jaculo palmas oneravit acuto; Spiculaque ex humero parvae suspendit et arcur. 575 Pro crinali auro, pro longae tegmine palle, Tigridis exuviae per dorsum a vertice pendent. Tela manu jam turn tenera puerilia torsit, Et fundam tereti circum caput egit habena, Stryroniamque gruem aut album dejecit olorem. 580 Multae illam frustra Tyrrhena per oppida matres Optavere nurum: sola contenta Diana, XEternum telorum et virginitatis amorem Intemerata colit. Vellem haud correpta fuisset 584. Ego vellem ut Militia tali, conata lacessere Teucros! 585 illa haud 586. Foret chara mihi, Chara mihi, comitumque foret nunc una mearum. 586. Foretchara unaque Verum age, quandoquidem fatis urgetur acerbis, 587. Veruim age, 0 Labere, Nympha, polo, finesque invise Latinos, nympha NOTES. his children to the service of the gods. And just mentioned. Ferino: an adj. fromferus those, who were thus devoted, were, by the which sometimes signifies a horse, or other Latins, called Camilli. I the father devote, domestic animal. &c. 573. Primis: in the sense of prima, to 559. Fugit hostem: escapes from the enemy. agree with vestigia: or in the sense of pri560. Auris: in the sense of ventis. mium: and as soon as the child, &c. 563. Injaculo: upon the whizzing spear. 575. Parv e: of the child. 566. Cespite: in the sense of ripa. Tri. 576. Crinali auro. Rusus says, aureo vie: a name of Diana. See Eel. iv. 10. ornatu capillorum. It may be a clasp to Donum: the infant bound to the spear; a bind and adjust the hair, or a net-work present or gift to Diana. worn over the hair to keep it in order; 567. Non ulle urbes: no cities received either of which may be considered a mark him, &c. of effeminacy and luxury. Camnilla was not 568. Neque ipse: nor would he have given so adorned. The skin of a tiger was the his hand, (accepted the invitation,) on ac- only ornament of her head. count of his savage nature, choosing rather 577. Exuvie: the skin of a tiger hangs, &c. to inhabit the mountains and woods. 578. Puerilia: light, such as are suited 569. Evum: in the sense ot' vitam strength of children. to the strengthi of children. 571. IMammis: the breast, or teats of a brooding mare-of one belonging to the 579. Egit fundam: she whirled the sling. herd, or drove of mares kept for breeding. 584. Intemeata: she, pure and unpoi. In this solitary retreat, did Metabus bring luted, content with Diana alone, cherished up his infant daughter upon the milk of a a perpetual love, &c. She had no inclination brooding mare, milking the teats into her to taste the pleasures of the conjugal state. tender lips. This is a beautiful picture of 585. Tali militid: with the love of such paternal care and affection. Lacte ferino. a war, attempting, &c. This is the same with the milk of the animal 537. Acerbis: in the sense of crudelibus, 554 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Tristis ubi infausto committitur omine pugna 690. Cape hec tela Haec cape, et ultricem pharetra deprome sagittam 593 Hac, quicunque sacrum violArit vulne)e corpus, 592. Sit-ne Tros Ita- Tros Italusve, mihi pariter det sanguine poanas. Mserand virgi- Post ego nube cav miserandre corpus et arma n/3 Inspoliata feram, tumulo patrimque reponam. 595. At illa Opis de- Dixit: at illa leves cceli delapsa per auras o95 lapsa Insonuit, nigro circurndata turbine corpus. 596. Circumdata quoad At manus interea muris Trojana propinquat, corpus Etruscique duces, equitumque exercitus ornnis, Compositi nunero in turmas. Fremit aequore toto Insultans sonipes, et pressis pugnat habenis, 600 Hue obversus et hue: turn late ferreus hastis Horret ager; campique armis sublimibus ardent. Nec non Messapus contra, celeresque Latini, Et cum fratre Coras, et virginis ala Camille, Adversi campo apparent: hastasque reductis 605 Protendunt longe dextris, et spicula vibrant: Adventusque virubm, fremitusque ardescit equorum 608. Uterque exercitus Jamque intra jactum teli progressus uterque progressus Substiterat: subito erumpunt clamore, frementesque Exhortantur equos: fundunt simul undique tela 610 Crebra, nivis ritu, ccelumque obtexitur umbra. Continu6 adversis Tyrrhenus et acer Aconteus NOTES. 589. Infausto: inauspicious-unlucky. 602. Horret ager: an iron field of siears. 590. Cape haec: take these weapons. Sublimtbus: raised high. While she is thus speaking, Diana gives to 603. Celeres Latini: the light-armed LaOpis her quiver of arrows, and directs her tins. These were more nimble, and their to draw from it one, which should be fatal motions quicker, than those who carried to any person that, during the engagement, heavy arms. night violate the sacred body of Camilla. 604. Ala. This word signifies the wing 591. Sacrum corpus: the sacred body of of our army. Also, troops in general: here Camilla. Haic: with this arrow. Sagitta the cavalry of Camilla. These all appeared is understood. on the plain, opposite to the Trojan and 593. Miserandam: lamented, or unhappy Tuscan troops. virgin. Virgtnis vel Camille, is plainly to 606. Prolendunt: they extend their spears be supplied. with their hands drawn far back. They 594. Inspoliata: safe-untouched by the draw their arms far back, that they may enemy-not taken away by them. The god- give a greater force to the dart. Rueus dess here promises to bear off the body of interprets protendunt by immittunt, which is her favorite maid, together with her armor, not correct. They have not commenced the entire and untouched; and restore her to fight as yet. In this menacing manner, just her own country for burial. ready to discharge them upon the enemy, This episode is finely contrived. Just as the combattints advance to the charge. we supposed the hostile troops were to com- 607. Adventus: the advance of the men,.nence the work of death, the poet-suspends and the neighing of the horses, grows more their operations, and relates the birth and and more fierce. As the armies approached education of Camilla; who was destined to each other, we may suppose their ardor inperform the most distinguished part in the creased, and the mlighing of the horses bemilitary operations of the day. came louder. Mr. Davidson observes, ad597. Manus: in the sense of milites vel ventus is a feeble word to express the moveagcmen. ments of an army, just on the point of giving 599. Compositi: arranged into battalions, battle. in order of battle. 610. Exhortantur: in the sense of conci600. Pugnat: he resists (struggles against) tant. the tight drawn reigns, turning, &c. He 611. Ritu nivis: after the manner of wishes no restraint-he desires loosened snow-thick as the flakes of snow. Umbra: reins with darkness. So thick was the shower of ENEIS. LIB. XI. 555 Connixi incurrunt hastis, primique ruinam Dant sonitu ingenti, perfractaque quadrupedantum Pectora pectoribus rumpunt. Excussus Aconteus 615 Fulminis in morem, aut tormento ponderis acti, Prrecipitat longe, et vitam dispergit in auras. Extemplo turbatm acies; versique Latini 618. Acies Latinorum Rejiciunt parmas, et equos ad mcenia vertunt. turbate aunt Troes agunt; princeps turmas inducit Asylas. 620 Jamque propinquabant portis: rursuisque Latini Clamorern tollunt, et mollia colla reflectunt: 622. Mollia colla eqvu Hi fugiunt, penitusque datis referuntur habenis. rum 623. Hi, nempe, Tro. Qualis ubi alterno procurrens gurgite pontus jani. Hginte i e, Trn jani fugiunt invicem Nunc ruit ad terras, scopulosque superjacit undam 625 624. Qualis ubi pen. Spumeus, extremamque sinu perfundit arenam: tus procurrens alterno Nunc rapidus retro, atque estu revoluta resorbens gurgite Saxa, fugit, litusque vado labente relinquit. Bis Tusci Rutulos egere ad mcenia versos: Bis rejecti armis respectant terga tegentes. 630 630. Rutuli bis rejecti Tertia sed postquam congressi in prelia, totas respectant Tuscos Implicuere inter se acies, legitque virum vir. NOTES. darts, that they intercepted the rays of the This, also, is the sense given to the passage sun. by Davidson. Heyne and Valpy refer it to 613. Ruinam: onset-charge. Impetum, the moving of a wave, or surge, against the says Ruseus. shore. 614. Perfracta: dashed-broken. Quad- 626. Sinu perfundil: and washes the rupedaitlum: in the sense of equorum. margin (or edge) of the shore with its curl615. Ruinpunt pectora: they almost rive ing waves. Servius explains sinu, by curthe breasts of their horses, dashed against vatione el fJexu, the curling and winding of each other-they rush their horses breast to the waves. It signifies the expanded skirts, breast against each other, with such impe- or volumes of water, into which the flowing tuosity, that they almost split, or rived them. sea stretches itself further and further on Heyne says, perfringunt. the shore, and overspreads the beach like a 616. In morermfulminis: Aconteus, thrown garment. from his horse with the velocity of light- 627. Atque resorbens: and sucking in the ning, or of a weight thrown by an engine. rocks, rolled back with its tide, retreats This is an extravagant hyperbole. Prceci- backward. Rapidus: in the sense of celkr pitat: in the sense of prrecipitatur: is vel preceps. thrown, at a distance. 628. Vado: in the sense of fluctu ve! 619. Rejiciunt parmas: they turned their unda. The surge, or wave, declining, or shields behind them. This was to secure going back, leaves the shore, until another them against the missive weapons of the surge succeeds. The retreat of the water Trojans in their retreat. This manner of from the shore is frequently so rapid, that fleeing, and then facing about, was accord- it carries along with it stones and other ing to the rules of fighting with the cavalry, substances that lie on the shore. To this as practised by the Romans. the poet here alludes. But Heyne takes 620. Agunt: in the sense of instant vel saxa revoluta eslu, &c. to imply, that the sequuntur. waves passed over, or through the rock, in 622. Mollia: obedient-submissive to the approaching and retreating from the shore: reins. re6ns. Pen s: fully-wper qumefluctus vel unda revolvitur, says he. 623. Penilzs: fully —wholly. Ruseus says, omninb. It is to be connected with 630. Respectant: they see the enemy Li The Trojans retreat (are carriedcovering their backs with their shields. datis. The Trojans retreat (are carried back) at full speed-as fast as their horses he plain meaning is, that the Latins put the Tuscans to flight in turn: they see them can carry them. - I covering their backs with their shields. 624. Procurrens allerno: rolling forward ceri eir a th thir sh s n alternate surges. Pontus: in the sense 631. Tertia pramia: the third assaultoffluctus, says Heyne. Rumus says mare. the third tme they engaged. But then he takes the poet here to have 632. Implicuere: in the sense of miscut reference to the ebb and flow of the tide. erunt. They engaged in close fight. 5506 P. VIRGILII MARON1S 633. Gemitus mori- Turn vero et gemitus morientm; et sanguine in alto entim audiuntur Armaque, corporaque, et permisti caede virorum Semianimes volvuntur equi: pugna aspera surgit. C35 Orsilochus Remuli, quando ipsum horrebat adirp, Hlastar intorsit equo, ferrumque sub aure reliquit. 638. Jactat crura alta, Quo sonipes ictu furit arduus, altaque jactat, pectore Vulneris impatiwns, arrecto pectore crura. 640. Ille Remulus ex- Volvitur ille excussus humi. Catillus Iolam, 640 cubaI15s equo Ingentemque animis, ingentem corpore et armis 641. Catillus dejicit Dejicit Herminium: nude cii vertice fulva Iolam, Herminiumque He um: nudo verice fulva ingentem Coesaries, nudique humeri: nec vulnera terrent: 642. Cii erat fulva Tantus in arma patet. Latos huic hasta per armos cresaries in nudo ver- Acta tremit, duplicatque virum transfixa dolore. 645 tice, humerique erant Funditur ater ubique cruor: dant funcra ferro Certantes: pulchraraque petunt per vulnera mortem. At medias inter ceedes exsultat Amazon, 649. Amazon, nempe Unum exserta latus pufgne, pharetrata Camilla. Camilla pharetrata ex-;n i sCltat, exserta quoad Et nunc lenta manu spargens hastilia denset, 650 Nunc validam dextra rapit indefessa bipennem. Aureus ex humero sonat arcus, et arma Dianae Illa etiam, si quando in tergum pulsa recessit, Spicula converse figientia dirigit arcu. 55. At circum earm, At circum lectue comites, Larinaque virgo, 655 Tullaque, et aratam quatiens Tarpeia securim, NOTES. 636. Horrebat adire: he feared to attack Turnebus approves. Others read duplihim. Timeret, says Rueus. catque, virum transfixa, dolorem. 638. Jactat crura: The meaning is, that 647. Certantes: a part. of the verb certo, his horse reared upon his hind feet, throw- taken as a sub. The combatants-the ing his fore feet, and beating the air with contending armies. them. In doing this, he threw his rider. 649. Exserta unum latus pugnee: her 642. Dejicit: in the sense of prosternit. right side was naked, and disengaged for Cui: in the sense of cujus. So huic: for action, (pugnee,) but her left was incumber hujus, 644. infra. Vertice: in the sense of ed with her bow, and half-mQpn shield. capite. His yellow hair waved upon his Such a shield the Amazons wore. Or, naked head. pugnse may signify the attacks of the enemy. 644. Patet tantus: so great he stands Then the sense will be: that she had one opposed to arms. This is the sense given side (to wit, the right,) exposed to the eneto the words by Davidson; who observes, my, while the other was covered with her that Servius, and most commentators after shield; which prepares the reader for the him, understand the words to mean: that circumstance mentioned afterwards, of her he stood so large a mark exposed to the darts receiving her mortal wound in this part of of the enemy. But this is so far from being her body. Camilla is here called an Amaa reason for his not being afraid, that it is zon, because she was armed like one of a strong reason why he should be. In, them. may be taken in the sense of contra. 650. Spargens: this expresses, as well 645. Acta: in the sense ofimmissa; agree- as denset, the rapidity with which she relgwr with hasta. Transfixa: passing through peated her throws. She scattered her javehis shoulders, doubles the man with the lins thick on every side. Spargit dens, pain of the wound. The pain inflicted by says Heyne. the spear was so great, that he was no 652. Arma: in the sense of sagittce. longer able to maintain an erect posture. 653. In tergum: backward: in the sense Rurens says, incurvat hominem. of retro. The reading above is that of Heyne, 654. Spicula: the winged arrows from founded upon the Romani, JMedicean, and her inverted bow. She turned her bow t:ther MSS. of antiquity, and generally over her shoulder, and in that position disadopted by modern edito-s. Some read charged her winged arrow upon the enemy. duplicatque viri transfita dolorem. This In this manner the Parthians conducted JENEIS. LIB. XI.,57 (talides: quas ipsa decus sibi dia Camilla 657. Oine, Italidles. Delegit, pacisque bonas bellique ministras. quas dia Caiilla ipsa Quales Threicice, cuim flumina Thermodontis delegit esss decus sibi, Pulsant, et pictis bellantur Amazones armis; 660minitrasquo Seu circum Hippolyten; seu cum se Martia curru Penthesilea refert; magnoque ululante tumultu Foeminea exsultant lunatis agmina peltis. Quem telo primum, quemn postremum, aspera virgo, 664. O aepcra virgo Dejicis? aut quot humi morientia corpora fundis? 665 Eumvnium Clytio primuim patre; cujus apertum 666. Primum interficit Adversi longa transverberat abjete pectus. Eumenium natun Sanguinis ille vomens rivos cadit, atque cruentam Mandit humum, moriensque suo se in vulnere versat. Turn Lirin Pagasumque super: quorum alter, habenas 670. Turn intericzt Suffosso revolutus equo dum colligit; alter 671 Lirin, Pagasumque su. Dum subit, ac dextram labenti tendit inermem, per. Illi ruunt pr8ecipites pariterque; quoPraecipites pariterque ruunt. His addit Amastrum rum alter Hippotaden: sequiturque incumbens eminis hasta Tereaque, Harpalycumque, et Demophoonta, Chromimque: 675 Quotque emissa manu contorsit spicula virgo; Tot Phrygii cecidere viri. Procul Ornytus armis Ignotis, et equo venator Iapyge fertur: 678. Venator Ornytus Cui pellis latos humeros erepta juvenco fertur in ignotis Pugnatori operit; caput ingens oris hiatus, 680 Et malae texere lupi cum dentibus albis; NOTES. their retreat; which the poet here has in his 670. Supe'r: in the sense of prterea: beview. side-in addition to those before mentioned. 657. Italides: Italian nymphs. 671. Revolutus: falling backward from 658. Bonas: skilful-expert. his wounded horse, while, &c. 659. Flumnina: the river, put by metoi. 672. Labenti: to him falling-to his fallfor the banks of the river. They beat the ing friend. banks so as to make the river resound. 673. Pariter: at the same time-both at Thermodontis: gen. of Thermodon, a river once fall to the ground. Ruunt: in the of Thrace, the country said to have been sense of cadunt. inhabited by the Amazons. 674. Incumbens: in the sense of petens 660. Pictis armis: with party-colored, or vel instans. The simple meaning of the variegated arms. Bellantur: in the sense expression is: she killed these men as they of pugnant. stood at a distance from her, with her jave. 661. Hippolyten. IIippolyte was a fa- lins, thrown at them. Virgil had an admi. mous queen of the Amazons. It is said she rable talent for varying his style and ex. was vanquished by Hercules. Penthesilea pression. was also queen of that female race. She 678 Ignotis armis: arms that were strange came to the assistance of Priam during the and unusual to him. Iapyge, bor Iapygio. Trojan war, and was slain by Achilles, or an adj. from Iapyx, the son of Dedalus, his son Parrhus. See En. i. 491. who first settled in Apulia: Apulian.662. Magnoque ululante: with a loud Fertur: rides along —moves on. yelling noise. 679. Cui: in the sense ofcujus. Juvenco: 663. Lunatis peltis: with their crescent in the sense of tauro. This was some wild shields-shields in the form of a half moon. bull, killed by the hunter, in whose hide he 664. A.spera: in the sense of bellicosa. had dressed himself. Pugnatori: put in 665. Fundis: in the sense of sternis. apposition with juvenco. IIeyne says, syl. 667. Abjete: for abiete: the fir tree-any vestri-cum quo pugnaverat. thing made of the wood of that tree-a 680. Ingens hiatus: lit. the large opening spear or javelin of that wood. Adversi: an of the mouth, and the jaws of a wolf with adj. agreeing with cujus: right against- white teeth, covered his head. His head onmosite to —in front of. was covered with the skin taken from the 558 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Agrestisque manus armat sparus. ipse catcrvis 683. Supra al2os toto Vertitur in mediis, et toto vertice supra est. vertice Hunc illa exceptum; neque enim labor, agmine verso; 684. Camilla illa trajicit hunc excep tu; Trajicit, et super hfec inimico pectore fatur: 685 enim neque erat labor Sylvis te, Tyrrhene, feras agitare putasti? ei; ejus agmine Advenit qui vestra dies muliebribus armis 685. Super eumjacen- Verba redarguerit. Nomen'tamen haud leve patrum tem. Manibus hoc referes, telo cecidisse Camilla. 690. DPrtis a ndtenitqi Protinuis Orsilochum et Buten, duo maxima Teucrrim cit Corpora: sed Buten adversum cuspide fixit 691 692. Qua colla eus Lorcam galeamque inter, qua colla sedentis sedcntis cquo Lucent, et levo dependet parma lacerto; 694. [lea fugiens Orsilochum fugiens, magnumque agitata per orbem, Eludit gyro interior, sequiturque sequentem. 695 Turn validam perque arma viro perque ossa securim, Altior insurgens, oranti et multa precanti Congeminat: vulnus calido rigat ora cerebro. Incidit huic, subitoque aspectu territus haesit. 700. Bellator'filius Apenninicolae bellator filius Auni, 700 Auni Apenninicolhe, laud Ligurum extremus, dum fallere fata sinebant haud extremus Ligu- s rhaud extremus igu- Isque, bi se nullo jam cursu evadere pugna eum fallere, incidit huic, Posse, neque instantem reginam avertere, cernit; territusque Consilio versare dolos ingressus et astu, 705. Quid est tam Incipit hec: quid tam egregium, si foemina forti 705 egregium, si tu bellatrix Fidis equo? dimitte fugam, et te cominus aequo fwemina fidis Mecum crede solo, pugnaeque accinge pedestri: 707. Accinge te Jam nosces, ventosa ferat cui gloria fraudem NOTES. head of a wolf, while his shoulders were the pursuer in turn. Coming up with himni covered with the hide of a wild bull. The rising high to give her blows more effect. former the hero wore for a helmet, the lat- she drove her sturdy axe through, &c. ter for a corslet. 696. Viro: in the sense of viri. 682. Sparus: a kind of rustic weapon. 698. Congeminat: Ruaeus says impingit. 683. Vertitur: in the sense of incedit vel 699. Incidit huic: met her by chance. movet. Hcsit: stood amazed at the sudden and 684. Exceptum: in the sense of intercep- unexpected sight. turm. Verso: routed-thrown into disorder. 701. Ligurum: gen. of Ligures. These 688. Redarguerit: shall confute thy were a people of Italy, whose country was words. Ho had, perhaps, boasted of his bounded on the north by the Apennines, valor. Nomen: honor-renown. and extended to the Tuscan sea on the 691..4dversum: opposite-right against south. Cato mentions them as notorious her. Pierius found aversum in some of the for their tricks and deception. To this trait best manuscripts; but.the sense is in favor of character the poet here alludes, in the of advrsum: the wound which he received words fallere. &c. Pugna: Heyne reads was in the threat, inter loricam, galeamque, pugne. wJich could not have happened, if his back 703. Instantem: pressing upon him. had been turned towards her. Heyne reads 704. Ingressus: attempting to effect (put aversum. in practice) his tricks and deception, by 694. Fugiens: the sense of this passage stratagem and cunning, he says (incipit) appears to be this: the queen, fleeing from these things. Rueus says, incipiens. Orsilochus, was pursued by him in a large 705. Forti: in the sense of celeri. circuit. Here she lost him in the crowd, 706. Dimittefugam: dismiss your flight(eludit,) that is, he lost sight of her, which your horse, which enables you to flee. was the object she had in view. Then JEquo solo: on the olvel ground-equal turning about in a circle smaller, and on the terms with me. inner side, (gyro interior,) she came in be- 703. Ventosa gloria: vain-empty boasthind him, who was supposing he was aii ing. Ventosa is used here with peculiar the time in pursrit of her, anc so became propriety- mere empty vaunting-light as XENEIS. LIB. XI. 659 Dxit At illa furens, acrique accensa dolore, Tradit equum comiti, paribusque resistit in armis, 710 Ense pedes nudo, purAque interrita parma. At juvenis, vicisse dolo ratus, avolat ipse, 712. Ratus se vicise llaud mora, conversisque fugax aufertur habenis, eam dolo Quadrupedemque citum ferratA calce fatigat. Vane Ligur, frustraque animis elate superbis, 715 Nequicquam patrias tentlsti lubricus artes: Nec fraus te incolumem fallaci perferet Auno. Haec fatur virgo, et pernicibus ignea plantis Transit equum cursu: frrenisque adversa prehensis Congreditur, penasque inimico a sanguine sumit. 720 Quam facile accipiter saxo sacer ales ab alto 721. Tam facile quim Consequitur pennis sublimem in nube columbam, accipiter, ales sacer MarComprensamque tenet, pedibusque eviscerat uncis: i volans ab alto saxo Turn cruor, et vulsae labuntur ab sethere plumae. At non he nullis hominum sator atque Deorum 725 725. At Jupiter, sator Observans oculis, summo sedet altus Olympo. Tyrrhenum genitor Tarehontem in praelia saeva 727. Turn ille, genitor Suscitat, et stimulis haud mollibus incitat iras. Ergo inter caedes cedentiaque agmina Tarchon Fertur equo, variisque instigat vocibus alas, 730 731. Quemque homi Nomine quemque vocans; reficitque in pralia pulsos: nem Quis metus, 6 nunquam dolituri, 6 semper inertes 733. O Tyrrheni,nunTyrrheni, qua tanta animis ignavia venit? quam dolituri, semper Tyrrheni, qu' tanta inertes Foemina palantes agit, atque haec agmina vertit? 735. Quo nos gerimwu Qu6 ferrum? quidve hec gerimus tela irrita dextris? ferrum NOTES. the wind. Fraudem: this is the common This action of Camilla would have been in-;eading. It is the reading of the Roman credible, if we had not been previously preMS., and for which Servius contends. Heyne pared for something of the kind. See Lib. reads lauden., but expresses a doubt upon vii. 808. where her swiftness is described. it. Fraudem is to be taken in the sense of Ignea: Valpy says, swift, or quick as light. damnum-detrimentum vel penam, which ning. Ruaeus says, ardens. sometimes is the meaning of the word. If 719. Adversa: opposite-right against him, laudern be read, it may be taken in its usual in front. acceptation. 723. Pedibus: by this we are to under709. Acri dolore: with keen resentment. stand the talons, or claws of the hawk, 711. Resistit: this is the reading of Heyne. which are crookedi or bending: hence the Rueus and Davidson read assistit. The propriety of unci. Eviscerat: in the sense sense is the same with either. Purd parma: of dilaniat. with her shield which had no impress upon 725. JVon nullis oculis: with some attenit. The same as alba parma. Lib. ix. 548. tion-regard. It implies, that he was attenPedes: a footman-on foot. tively regarding the scenes that were passing 713. Conversis habenis: his reins being upon the field of battle. turned. Here habenis is plainly put for the 730. Alas: the light troops. See 604, head of his horse. He turned his horse, supra. and left her at full speed. 731. Reficit pulsos: he rallies and brings 714. Ferrata calce: with his iron heel- back the flying troops to the fight. Rumus with his spurs. Fatigat: in the sense of says, revocat. impellit. 732. Dolituri nunquam: never to feel ro. 715. Ligus: gen. Liguris: deceitful Li- sentment: a part. of the verb doleo. gurian. 735. Quw ferrum: for what intent —to 716. Lubricus: slippery-turning every what purpose do we bear the sword? Irrita. way to answer his purposes of deception. useless-unavailing in our hands. 717. Perferet: in the sense of reducet. Tarchon is very severe upon the Tuscans 718. Ignea transit: burning with ire, she calling them stupid, and patient of insults with swift foot passes his horse in his course. and injuries. He alludes, perhaps, to tha f60 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 736. At vos non estis At non in Venerem segnes, nocturnaque bella. 736 eegnes Aut, ubi curva choros indixit tibia Bacchi, Expectare dapes, et plenra pocula nienste, 739. Hic est vester (Hic amor, hoc studium) dum sacra secundus aruspex alnor, hoc est vestrun Nuntiet, ac lucos vocet hostia pinguis in altos. 740 Haec effatus, equum in medios moriturus et ipse Concitat, et Venulo adversum se turbidus infert; Dereptumque ab equo dextra complectitur hostem, 741. Aufcrt Venulum Et gremium ante suum multa vi concitus aufert. ante suum Tollitur in ccelum clamor, cunctiqle Latini 745 Convertere oculos. Volat igneus arquore Tarchon Arma virumque ferens: turn summ& ipsius ab hastA Defringit ferrum, et partes rimatur apertas, 749. Ille Ventilus Qua vulnus letale ferat. Contra ille repugnans Sustinet a jugulo dextranl, et vim viribus exit. 750 751. Utque cum fulva Utque volans alte raptum cum fulva draconem aquila volans.alte fert Fert aquila, impiicuitque pedes, atque unguibus hmsit. Saucius at serpens sinuosa volumina versat, Arrectisque horret squamis, et sibilat ore, 755. Ilia aquila haud Arduus insurgens: illa haud minuis urget adunco 755 minas Luctantem rostro; simul oethera verberat alis. Haud aliter praedam Tiburturn ex agmine Tarchon Portat ovans. Ducis exemplum eventumque secuti Mceonidwe incurrunt. Tumn fatis debitus Aruns Velocem jaculo et multa prior arte Camillam 760 NOTES. tameness with which they endured the ty- 755. Urget: the more the snake strugranny of Mezentius, and patiently submit- gles, and endeavors to extricate itself, the ted to it till it became past endurance; and closer does the eagle gripe it in his talons now they are not ashamed to turn their and crooked beak: just so Tarchon bears backs before a woman. Gerimus. This is off Venulus in his tenacious grasp. Tibur the reading of Heyne, and is found in the tum: the same with Venulum. He was best MSS. Rueus reads geritis. commander, and a principal man among the 736. Venerem: in the sense of voluptatem Tiburtines. Their city was called Tibur, vcl cupidinem. situated, some say, about twenty miles north 737. Indixit: proclaimed-appointed. of the place where Rome was afterwards 739. Secundus: favorable-propitious.- built. It was founded by Tiburtus, the son The person who predicted future events by of.Imphiaraus. See AEn. vii. 630. inspecting the entrails of victims, was called 759. Mceonidce: the Tuscans. They are aruspex. When the auspices were favora- here so called, because their ancestors reble, he was called secundus. After the an- moved from.Mceonia, a country of Asia Minouncement of the auspices, the feast im- nor, and settled in Italy. Aruns debitus mediately followed. Sacra. Rumus says fatis: Aruns devoted to death. It is said sacrificia. Davidson, sacred rites. of him, because he was to kill Camilla; and 742. Turbidus: in the sense of acer. whoever killed her, forfeited his life to Di743. Complectitur: he grasps in his right ana, by a decree of that goddess. See 591, hand. supra. Incurrunt: in the sense of irruunt. 744..nte suum gremium: in the sense Fatis: in the sense of morti. of ante se. 760. Circuit: he goes around Camilla, 746. Igneus: in the sense of ardens. for the purpose of discovering some unpro718. D efringitferrum: he breaks off the tected place, where he may give her a mortal steel from the end of his spear, so that he wound. He follows her over the field of could do him no injury. Rimatur: in the battle, and closely observes her movements; sense of qucerit. Partes: the exposed part and continues unobserved by her, until the of his throat. fatal moment arrived. She was in the pur750. Exit: in the sense of avertit. It is suit of Chloreus, and intent upon his spoils, here used actively. Sustinet: in the sense when Aruns, having observed a favorable of repellit. opportunity to effect his purpose, threw his 752. Heesit: and griped him in his talons. spear, and a god directed it to the naked ANE1S. LIB. XI. 561 C:rcuit, et, quse sit fortunr facillima, tentat. Q-1. se cunque furens medio tulit agmine virgo; 762. QuAcunque fu HAc Aruns subit, et tacitus vestigia lustrat; rens virg6 tulit s Qfi, victrix redit illa, pedemque ex hoste reportat; Ha'c juvenis furtim celercs detorquet habenas. 765 Hos aditus, jamque hos aditus, omnemque pererrat Undique circuitum; et certam quatit improbus hastam. Forte sacer Cybelae Chloreus, olimque sacerdos, Ilisignis longe Phrygiis fulgebat in arrnis: Sptumantemque agitabat equum; quem pellis ahenis 770 770. Quem equnm pe!. In plumam squamis auro conserta tegebat. lis conserta ahenis squaIpse, peregrina ferrugine clarus et ostro, mis et auro Spicula torquebat Lycio Gortynia cornu: 74. Aurea cassida Aureus ex humeris sonat arcus, et aurea vati 774 est huic vati in capite Cassida: tum croceam chlamdemque, sinusque cre- 777. Ille erat pictus Carbaseos fulvo in nodum collegerat auro, [pantes acu quoad tunicas Pictus acu tunicas, et barbara tegmina crurum. 778. Virgo, sive u Ifunc virgo, sive ut templis praefigeret arma templis, sive ut venaTroia, captivo sive ut se ferret in auro trix ferret se in captivc Venatrix, unum ex omni certamine pugnae 780 auro, cneca sequebatur Caeca sequebatur; totumque incauta per agmen, huncunumm Femineo praedae et spoliorum ardebat amore. Aruns, tempore pto Telum ex insidiis cium tandem, tempore capto, conjicit Conjicit, et Superos Aruns sic voce precatur: 785. 0 Apollo, summe Summe Deum, sancti custos Soractis, Apollo, 785 787. Et nos tui culQuem primicolimus, cui pineus ardor acervo tores freti nostra pie Pascitur: et medium freti pietate per ignem NOTES. breast of the virgin warrior. Circuit: of 780. Ex omni: Ruteus says, ex omnibts circrum and eo. tertantibus in prelio. Davidson, "of all the 761. Fortuna: time-opportunity. Valpy warring chiefs." In this case, certamen will says, "the most vulnerable point-where the be by meton. for certator vel bellator. The chance of hitting seemed most favorable." meaning is, that she singled him out of all 766. Pererrat: examines-surveys. Ru- the combatants, and pursued him over the ~us says, yercurrit. Aditus: access-ap- field of battle, as being the richest prize, and proaches. affording the most valuable spoils. This 767. Certam: unerring-certain. Impro- idea is expressed, and assigned in the folbus: with wicked design. Rumus says, lowing lines, asthe reason of her procedure. m.alignus. She was so intent upon the booty and spoils, 771. Conserta: compacted, or fastened that she forgot her perilous situation. She with brazen nails, and gold. Inplumam; did not perceive Aruns, nor was she in any in the form of a plume. The nails were so way apprized of his design against her. placed in the skin, as to represent the figure 783. Ex insidiis: privately-or from his of a plume, or plumes; and served, in scme concealment. measure, as defensive armor for the horse. 785. Soractis. Soractes in Soracte was a 772. Peregrinaferrugine: in foreign blue mountain of Etruria, near the Tiber, about and purple. Clarus: in the sense of splen- twenty-six miles north of the place where dens. Rome was afterward built. It was sacred 773. Gortynia: an adj. from Gorlyna, a to Apollo; who is thence called Custos city of Crete. Cornu: in the sense of arcu. Soractis. 776. Collegerat: then he had collected 786. Ardor: in the sense of ignis. Cu. has saffron-colored cloak, and its rustling for whom-in honor of whom. Ligni isto folds of fine linen, into a knot with yellow be supplied after acervo. gold. 787. Fretipietate premimus, &c. Thiscir777. Pictus: embroidered as to his tunic. cumstance is illustrated from an historical Barbara tegmina: the foreign coverings of passage in Pliny, lib. 7. Haud procul urbe his legs. These may be called harbara, be- Roma, in Faliscorum agro, familiee sunt cause they were of Phrygian fashion. paucce, quce vocantur Hirpia: qua sacrificio 37 fi62 P. VIRGILII MARON1S Cultores multa premlmus vestigia prunea: Da, pater, hoc nostris aboleri dedecus armis, Omnipotens! Non exuvias, pulseve {rophteuln 790 Virginis, aut spolia ulla peto. Mihi caetera laudem 792. Hse dira pestis Facta ferent. Hec dira meo dum vulnere pestis 1m Zlna Pulsa cadat, patriam remeabo inglorius urbem. 794. Phalbus audiit; Audiit, et voti Phoebus succedere partem et dedit Mente dedit: partem volucres dispersit in auras. 795 Sterneret ut subita turbatam morte Camillam, 797. Annuit illi oran- Annuit oranti: reducem ut patria alta videret, ti, ut Non dedit; inque Notos vocem vertere procelle. Ergo, ut missa manu sonitum dedit hasta per auras, 800 Convertere animos acres, oculosque tulere o01. Ipsa est nihil mo- Cuncti ad reginam Volsci. Nihil ipsa neque aurs, mor Nee sonitfs memor, aut venientis ab aethere teli; Hasta sub exsertam donee perlata papillam HIasit, virgineumque alte bibit acta cruorem. Concurrunt trepidte comites, dominamque ruentem 805 Suscipiunt. Fugit ante omnes exterritus Aruns 09. ile, Letitia, mixtoque metu: nee jam amplius hastae 809. Ille lupus, pas- * - tore, magno-ve juvenco Credere, nee telis occurrere virginis audet. occiso. conscius audacis Ac velut ille, prius quam tela inimica sequantur, facti, continuo avius Continuo in montes sese avius abdidit altos, 810 NOTES. annuo, quodfit ad montem Soractem Apollini, 797. Alta: in the sense of clara vel no super ambustam ligni struem ambulantes non bilis. aduruntur. 798. Procellas: the tempest. The word 788. Multaprund. It is said, so manifest properly means a violent storm at sea. was the power of Apollo here displayed, JVotos: here taken for winds in general; that his priests and votaries could walk properly the south wind. Vocem: in the through the midst of fire, and tread upon sense of verba, the words of Aruns: (to wit) burning coals, without receiving the least that he would return in safety to his own injury from the flames. Vestigia: in the country. sense of pedes. 801. JNihil: in the sense of non. 789. Hoc dedecus: this disgrace of fleeing 803. Perlata: wafted-borne. Ruseus before a woman, and falling under her vic- says, veniens. Sub: deep into her naked torious arm. breast. This word is frequently used in this 791. J.ihi: in the sense of mea. sense by the poet. 792. Dum: provided that-on condition 805. Ruentem: in the sense of cadentem. that. JMeo vulnere: in the sense of mea 806. Exterritus letitii: struck-alarmed hasta. Vulnus is frequently put by meton. with joy, and mingled fear above, &c. His for the weapon that gives the wound. Ru- sensation was joy mingled with fear. He eus says, vulnere I me inflicto. rejoiced that he had wounded Camilla, and 793. Remeabo, &c. It was an inglorious at the same time, he feared the avenging.act in Aruns to wound Camilla, in that pri- weapons of the Latins. He fled immediTate manner, like a coward, without daring ately. We may observe how very diflerentto enter the list with her in fair combat. ly the poet represents the characters and He was sensible of this, and that lie would actions of Camilla and Aruns. She appears be looked upon as a coward. Nevertheless, in every respect the heroine; both valiant -he was willing to lie under that disgrace, in action, and fearless in danger: he, on provided he could accomplish his wishes. all occasions, showing himself the coward 795..Mente dedit. Phoebus heard his and poltron. Our feelings are interested in prayer, but gave no external indication of her behalf: and we regret, since she was his purpose concerning it; or else Aruns doomed to fall, that it had not been. by a would have been deterred from the action: nobler arm. he granted it in his mind, and only a part 809. Ille lupus: and as a wolf, &c. IUe of his prayer, not the whole. is used in the same sense, ]En. x. 407. Ac 796. Turbatam: confused —in a state of velut ille aper: and xii. 5. Ilk leo. perturbation. 810../vius: alone - in secret. AENEIS. LIB. XI. Occiso pastore, lupus, magnove juvenco, Conscius audacis facti: caudamque remulcens Subjecit pavitantem utero, sylvasque petivit Haud secuis ex oculis se turbidus abstulit Aruns, Contentusque fugA mediis se immipcuit armis. 815 Ilia inanu moriens telum trahit: ossa sed inter 816. Illa Camilla Ferreus ad costas alto stat vulnere mucro. Labitur exsanguis; labuntur frigida leto Lumina: purpureus quondam color ora reliquit Trum sic exspirans, Accam, ex aequalibus unam, 820 Alloquitur, fida ante alias qum sola Camilla, 821. Que sola erat Quicum partiri curas; atque hec ita fatur: fida Caml ant alia lIactenus, Acca soror, potui: nunc vulnus acerbui quicum solebat Conficit, et tenebris nigrescunt omnia circuim. Effuge, et hec Turno mandata novissima perfer: 825 Succedat pugna, Trojanosque arceat urbe. Jamque vale. Simul his dictis linquebat habenas, Ad terram non sponte fluens. Tum frigida toto 828. Ilia frigida pauPaulatim exsolvit se corpore, lentaque colla latin Et captum leto posuit caput, arma relinquens; 830 Vitaque cum gemitu fugit indignata sub umbras. Turn vero immensus surgens ferit aurea clamor Sidera: dejecta crudescit pugna Camilli. Incurrunt densi, simul omnis copia Teucrim, Tyrrhenique duces, Evandrique Arcadis ala. 835 At Triviae custos jamdudum in montibus Opis Alta sedet summis, spectatque interrita pugnas. Utque procul medio juvenum in clamore furentum Prospexit tristi multatam morte Camillam; Ingemuitque, deditque has imo pectore voces: 840 NOTES. 813. Subjecit caudam: puts his trembling my strength hath availed me; now, &c. tail between his legs, (under his belly,) Conficit: in the sense of interficit..e is keeping it close. Remulcens: cherishing it understood. -fondly taking care of it. 828. Fluens: in the sense of labens. 817. Stat: in the sense of hacret. JMucro: 829. Lenta colla: she reclined her droopthe point-barb of his spear. ing-lifeless neck. 818. Labitur exsanguis: Donatus reads, 830. Captum: overcome. labitur et sanguis, seemingly, to save the 833. Dejecta: in the sense of occisa vcl appearance of contradiction in the narra- interfecta. tion: for Camilla does not fall from her 834. Incurrunt: rush in crowded ranks horse, till some time after this, verse 827. upon the enemy. But labitur does not necessarily imply that 835..Al3: in the sense of equites. she fell to the ground; but she faints, or 836. Trivie. This is a name of Diana; sinks down, being supported perhaps on her either because she presided over Trivia, the horse, by her attendants, for some minutes. crossways; or, because she was fabled to Davidson. have three forms. She was called Luna in 819. Quondam: soon after-presently. heaven, Diana on the earth, and Hecale in Ora: in the sense of vultum. She became hell. Opis: a nymph of Diana's train. She pale, and her eyes became cold in death. is called, therefore, custos in the sense of 822. Qutcum: the abl. for quacurmz: with comes vel famula. She was appointed by whom. Diana to avenge any injury done to Ca823. Potui. Servius supposes vivere vel milla, upon the author of it. She, therefore, ugnare to be understood. Rumus and hastens to kill Aruns. eyne supply pugnare. La Cerda, David- 839. Mlultatam: in the sense of interf con, and Valp, take it absolutely. Hacte- tam. Rueus says, affectam. potui: hitnerto I h ave been powerful- 840. Dedit: in the sense of emisit. 5W4 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Heui! nimium, virgo, nimium crudele luisti 842. 7T 0 virgo, luisti Supplicium, Teucros conata lacessere bello! immiilm Nec tibi desertae in dumis coluisse Dianam Profuit, aut nostras humero gessisse pharetras. Non tamen indecorem tua te regina relinquet 845 846 Hoc tuum!etum Extrema jam in morte: neque hoc sine nomine letum Per gentes erit, aut famam patieris inultae. Nam quicunque tuum violavit vulnere corpus, 849. Fuit ingens bus- Morte luet merita. Fuit ingens monte sub alto turn Dercenni, antiqui Regis Dercenni terreno ex aggere bustum 850 Laurentis regis Antiqui Laurentis, opacaque ilice tectum. Hie Dea se primium rapido pulcherrima nisu Sistit, et Aruntem tumulo speculatur ab alto. 854. Ut vidit eum Ut vidit fulgentem armis, ac vana tumentem: Cur, inquit, diversus abis? hue dirige gressum: 85b 856. Veni hue, tu, pe- Hue, periture, veni; capias ut digna Camillae riture; ut Praemia. Tu-ne etiam telis moriere Dianm? Dixit: et aurata volucrem Threissa sagittam Deprompsit pharetra, cornuque infensa tetendit; 860. Duxit tllid longe Et duxit!onge, donec curvata coirent 860 Inter se capita, et manibus jam tangeret aequis, 862. JV'mpe, laevA ma- Laeva aciem ferri, dextra nervoque papillam. nu taaneret aciem ferri, Extemplo teli stridorem aurasque sonantes dextrA manu nervoque angeret ejus papilnam Audiit una Aruns, haesitque in corpore ferrum. 865. Socii obliti lin- Ilium expirantem socii atque extrema gementem 865 ouunt ilium Obliti ignoto camporum in pulvere linquunt: Opis ad aethereum pennis aufertur Olympum. Prima fugit, domina amissa, levis ala Camilla Turbati fugiunt Rutuli; fugit acer Atinas; NOTES. 841. Luisti: thou hast suffered, &c. JVi- 856. Capias digna: the meaning is, that mium. The nimium is here emphatical; thou mayest be slain-mayest receive the and is to be repeated with crudele: too just reward for killing Camilla. Morte, or cruel, or severe. a word of the like import, is understood to 843. Desertce: alone-by thyself. govern Camilla. 845. Indecorem: in the sense of inhono- 857. Tu-ne moriere: shalt thou die by the ratam. weapons of Diana? Dost thou, miscreant, 846. JVomin^. renown-glory. deserve to die by the weapons of Diana? 847. Famam inultce: the infamy of one The words imply, that he was utterly ununavenged. Famam, here is plainly to be worthy of a death so honorable. taken in the sense of infamiam, as it some- 858. Threissa. Latona, it is said, brought times signifies. It was considered dishonor- some nymphs from the Hyperboreans to able to die in battle, without being avenged, educate her children, Diana and Apollo. and a mark of infamy. Servius makes them to be the same with 849. Luet t the meaning is: he shall the Thracians; and probably Opis was one atone for, or expiate the crime, with, &c. of them. Threissa: nympha is understood Crimen vel scelus, is understood. The same with Opis. 850. Dercenni. This Dercennus was pro- 859. Cornu: in the sense of arcum. Inbably one of the kings of the aborigines, the fensa: angry. Ruseus says, inimica, agreeprimitive inhabitants of Italy. Bustum: a ing with Opis. tomb.- 860. Duxit longe: stretched it wide asun852. J'isu: in the sense of molu. der, until the extremities, &c. Ruseus says. 854. Vana: an adj. neu. pleu., used as an extremitates ejus inflexce. Coirent. come adverb, in imitation of the Greeks: in the together-meet. JEquis: level-horizontal. sense of vane. She touched the barb with one hand, and 855. Diversus: in the sense of in diversam her breast with the other. The bow was partem. bent to the full length of her arms. Aciem AENEIS. LIB. XI. 565 Disjectique duces, desolatique manipli 870 Tuta petunt, et equis aversi ad moenia tendunt 871. Tuta loc. Nec quisquam instantes Teucros, letumque ferentes Sustentare valet telis, aut sistere contra: Sed laxos referunt humeris languentibus arcus, 874 Quadrupedumque putrem cursu quatit ungula campuin. Volvitur ad muros caligine turbidus atra Pulvis: et e speculis percussue pectora matres 877. Matres percussa Fceniirleum clamorer ad caeli sidera tollunt. quoad Qui cursu portas primi irrupere patentes, Hos inimica super mixto premit agmine turba. 880 880. Inimica turba Nec miseram effugiunt mortem; sed limine in ipso, premit Moenibus in patriis, atque inter tuta domorum 882. Tuta loca domoConfixi, exspirant animas. Pars claudere portas: rum Nec sociis aperire viam, nec mcenibus audent 883. Pars inciplt Accipere orantes: oriturque miserrima caedes -885 Defendentuim armis aditus, inque arma ruentum. 886. Miserrima credes Exclusi, ante oculos lachrymantumque ora parentum, eorum defendentum Pars in precipites fossas, urgente ruina, 887. Pars eorum, qui Volvitur; immissis pars caca et concita fraenis excusi s voviur Arietat in portas, et duros objice postes. 890 Ipsae de muris summo certamine matres (Monstrat amor verus patria) ut videre Camillam, 892. Monstrat vram NOTES. ferri: the point of the arrow was tipped work of death within the walls, and among with iron, or steel, to make it enter the object the very houses of the city. more easily. 886. Defendentum: of those who by force 870. MTanipli. The manipulus was pro- of arms oppose the entrance of the flying perly the standard bearer, so called from a troops, and of those, who wish to force an bundle af hay tied to the end of a pole, entrance to save themselves from the hands which the first Romans used instead of an of the enemy. ensign. It was afterwards used for the com- 888. Prcecipites: headlong-quick —unpanies, or bands of soldiers, to which a ma- expected, denoting the manner of their fall. nipulus was attached: also, for troops in It will agree with pars, as a noun of multigeneral, by meton. Desolati: deserted by tude. Fossas: these were the large holes, their officers-left alone. Disjecti: scattered or pits, which the Latins dug before the abroad-slain. Rumus says, dissipati. gates, to impede the approach of the enemy. 871. Aversi: in the sense of conversi. See 473. supra. 873. Sustentare: to stop-to resist. 889. Franis immissis: at full speed-the 8. Pvis turbid, &c. Te reins being given to the horses. Caeca: this 876. Pulvs turbidus, &c6. The meaning implies that they had lost their presence of is, that dust rising in clouds of thick dark- knew not what they were doing. mind, and knew not what they were doing. ness approaches the city. This was a pre- Concta: in the sense of celeis. sage of defeat to the Latins, and filled the matrons with dismay and consternation. 890. Duros obice: strelgthened-made During the engagement they had been spec- strong-secured by bars. tators of the conflict. 891. Summo certamine: with the greatest 877. Speculis: in the sense of muris. zeal, or earnestness. Hcyne says, extremo 880. Miixto agmine. This may refer either certamine. to the Trojans or Latins. If it refer to the 892. Ut videre: as they saw Camilla. former, it will imply that they mingled with Heyne says, exemplo Camillce. They had the Latins, and slew them without regard to been spectators of the battle, and beheld her the order of attack: if it ref3r to the latter, noble deeds of valor; and how much patriit will imply that they fled in confusion and otism and love of country were displayed in disorder, and in that state were pursued by all her actions. Prompted by her example, the enemy. It appears that some of the they now arnl themselves in haste, and reforemost of the pursuers entered the gates pair to the place of danger, ready to dic in along with the Latins, and c ntinued the their country's causo. 666 P. VIRGILI1 MARONIS Tela manu trepidae jaciunt: ac robore duro, Stipitibus ferrum sudibusque imitanttir obustis Pracipites, primaeque mori pro mcenibus ardent. 895 Interea Turnum in sylvis srevissimus implet Nuntius, et juveni ingentem fert Acca tumultum: 898. Dicit acies Vols- Deletas Volscorum acies, cecidisse Camillam, ccrum deletas esse Ingruere infensos hostes, et Marte secundo Omnia corripuisse; metum jam ad mcenia ferri. 900 901. llle Turnus Ille furens, nam saeva Jovis sic numina poscunt, Deserit obsessos colles, nemora aspera linquit. Vix e conspectu exierat, campumque tenebat, Cuim pater AEneas, saltus ingressus apertos, Exsuperatque jugum, sylvaque evadit opaca. 905 Sic ambo ad muros rapidi totoque feruntur Agmine, nec longis inter se passibus absunt. Ac simul AEneas fumantes pulvere campos Prospexit longe, Laurentiaque agmina vidit: Et swevum /Enean agnovit Turnus in armis, 910 Adventumque pedum, flatusque audivit equorum. Continuo pugnas ineant, et praelia tentent: Ni roseus fessos jam gurgite Phoebus Ibero Tingat equos, noctemque, die labente, reducat Considunt castris ante urbem, et mcenia valiant. 915 NOTES. 893. Trepidae: in haste-quick. So, also, in the sense of dura. JVNam. this is the precipites, in verse 895. infra. common reading. Heyne reads, et. 894. Imitantur: they imitate the weapons 905. Evadit: escapes from the wood. This 894 *~itantur=.hey imitate. he we. | shows the da: ger he had been in from the of iron, with hard oak stakes, and poles ambush, hich Turnus laid for him. hardened at the point. With these weapons, mbush, wih Turnus laid for h. be 907. Longis passibus. Longis nust be made on the exigency of the moment, in t n i the sense of mulior passi imitation of iron weapons, they arm them- b in the sense of intallo. Ruus says, selves, and are desirous of dying first in the in ter defence of their country. Jlenibus: in the long inter-alls. rsense of urbi vel patri. *910 Scevum: fierce valiant in arms. 87F*sense of urbi vel patrice. 911. Flatus: in the sense of hinnitus. 897. Fert: in the sense of refert vel nun- 913. Ibero gurgite: in the western ocean. ciat. Secundo: in the sense offavente vel Here the poet supposed the sun to extinguish iuvante. his light every evening. 901. JNumina: decrees-purposes. Seva: 915. Mcenia: in the sense of castra. QUESTIONS. How does this book open? What are the distinguishing features of What does JEneas do with the body of character? Pallas? When the news of the defeat reached the How many chosen men accompany it? city, what effect did it produce upon the What effect had the news of his death Latin? upon his father? Did Latinus send ambassadors to AEneas, How many captives did Eneas send as to desire a truce, for the purpose of burying victims to his Manes? their dead? Whom does the poet here imitate? Was this granted to them? Does the poet here outrage the character How long a time was agreed upon for of his hero? that purpose? Is there any expression of Homer, which Who was a principal person of this emdisapproves of the conduct of Achilles, in bassy? offering human victims at the tomb of Pa- Who was Drances? troclus? What is his character? Is there a difference in character between Where was Turnus at this time? the two heroes? On the return of the ambassadors fromn A~NEIS. LIB. XI. 567 Diomede. did Latinus call a council of state What was the nature of the ground over to rereive the answer? wLich each division was to pass? WLat was the nature of that answer? How did Turnus receive this information? What effect had it upon the'Latins? What resolution did he take on receiving Who was the principal person of that this intelligence? embassy? Would this give him any particular adWho was Diomede? vantage over AEneas? Why did he come to Italy? In what would it consist? What were his reasons for declining to Where does Turnus meet Camilla? take part with Turnus and the Latins? Does he confer upon her the command of What does he say of the valor of Eneas? the cavalry? What course did he advise Latinus to What direction does he give her? take? Who was Camilla? What city did he build in Italy? Who was her father? Where was it situated? What did his subjects do to him? What is said of his companions in arrps? What was the age of Camilla at that Is this a ridiculous and improbable story? time? What is the conclusion of Latinus in re- How did he save his child from the fury gard to the war? of his subjects? Did he make any speech upon the occa- How did he save himself? sion? To whom did he dedicate his daughter? What did he propose to do? What was the fanner of her education? What is the character of the speech of Was she a favorite of Diana? Drances? Did she afterward succeed to the throne Of what did he accuse Turnus? of the Volsci? What is the character of the reply of How was Camilla armed? Turnus? For what was she distinguished? What is his object in this reply? Who assisted her in command, during the Were there any political parties at this action? time among the Latins? Who commenced the fight? Who may be said to have been at the How many times did the combatants head of the party in favor of Turnus? charge each other and retreat? Who was at the head of the other party? What took place after this? What did this party wish to effect? How did Camilla distinguish herself? Was any proposition made to Turnus to What were some of her deeds of valor? decide the dispute with Eneas in single By whom was she finally killed? combat? What effect had her death upon the issue Who made the proposition? of the battle? How was it received by Turnus? By whom was Aruns slain? Did he express any reluctance to meet By whose orders was he slain?.Eneas? And by whose arrow? During the deliberations of the council, Did Aruns conduct in a cowardly manner what information reaches Laurcntum? on this occasion? What effect had this advance of the enemy Was he sensible of it? upon Latinus? Finding herself mortally wounded, what What did Turnus do upon this emer- did Camilla do? gency? Whom did she send to acquaint Turnus In how many divisions were the enemy of the state of the battle? to advance? What effect had the news upon him? Under whose command were the infantry Did he leave his place of concealment? to march? What took place immediately afterward? In what way were they to approach the Was this an unlucky circumstance for city? Turnus? How were tleo cavalry to advance?'Whlat prevented a renewal of the fight? Could they come in any other way? When was the decisive action fought? LIBER DUODECIMUS. TuaRNus. perceiving his troops to be disheartened by their reverses, resolves to accept the proposal of deciding the dispute by single combat with AEneas. Latinus, in a tenser and pathetic speech, endeavors to dissuade him from it. He advises him to relinquish his claim to Lavinia, and seek a wife among the daughters of the Italian princes. He plainly tells him, that the gods forbid him to'unite his daughter. to any other than a foreigner. He recounts the disastrous consequences of his opposition to the Trojans and concludes by reminding him of his aged father, and tne sorrow that would fall upon him, if the issue were to prove disastrous. At this critical me ment, the queen comes m, seconds her husband's entreaties, and beseeches him to relinq.ish his rash purpose. She declares, the safety of their family and kingdom depends upon his life; and that she is resolved to perish with him, and not to see Lavinia transferred to nEneas. But the hero is not moved from his purpose, and prefers to die rather than part with his beloved Lavinia. The virgin heard the expostulation of her mother, and love kindled a blush upon her cheeks. This thrilled through the heart of Turnus, and all the tender emotions of his soul were roused. Forthwith he sends Idmon' to the Trojan camp to proclaim, that on the following day, he would decide the dispute with IEneas. In the mean time, he prepares his armor, and examines his steeds. At the return of day, the parties repair to the field. Latinus accompanies Turnus. Here he ratifies a league with ZEneas, and calls the gods to witness. To prevent its execution, Juno sent the nymph Juturna, the sister of Turnus, to rouse the Rutulians to arms, and kindle the war. For this purpose, she caused a portentous sign in the heavens, which the augur interpreted favorably for the Italians. Forthwith he hurled a spear among the Trojans, and the two armies rushed to the combat with great impetuosity. Latinus hastens from the field. ]Eneas is wounded by an arrow, which caused great confusion among the Trojans. Turnus, observing this, mounts his car, and drives over the field, spread ing death and desolation in his course. Wherever he directs his way, whole troops and squadrons flee before him. He performs prodigious feats of valor. In the mean time, XEneas retires from the field, and demands the speediest relief. He is miraculously healed by Venus. This being done, the hero calls for his arms, embraces Ascanius, and goes in search of Turnus. The fight now is renewed on the part of the Trojans, and the victorious Rutulians fly. At this crisis, Juturna takes the reins of her brother's steed, and drives him victorious over the plain. }Eneas pursues, and seeks by every method to meet and engage him; but Juturna baffles all his efforts. Unable to effect his purpose, he resolves to wreak his vengeance upon the Rutulians; and hero he commenced a dreadful slaughter: the noblest of the Italians fall. Turnus, too, drives on with rio less impetuosity, and Trojan, Tuscan, and Arcadian bite the ground. AEneas, at the suggestion of Venus, resolves to attack the city, and by one decisive blow, either force Turnus to the combat, or overthrow the empire of Latinus. For this purpose he assembles his troops, explains his designs, and exhorts them to assault the city with vigor. They instantly mount the walls, and spread the devouring flames. At this sudden change of affairs, all hearts are filled with dismay. The queen, expecting that Turnus was slain, and his troops routed, resolved not to survive the sad catastrophe, and frantic with despair, hung herself. In this state of things, Sages flies to Turnus, and informs him that AEneas was thundering in arms; that the city was in the hands of the enemy; that all looked to him for protection; and that, in despair, the queen, his faithful friend, had deprived herself of life. At this information the hero is struck with amazement, and turning his eyes, he beholds the very tower, which he himself had built for the defence of the city, wrapt in flames, He could not bear the sight; and leaving his sister, he sprang from his chariot, and rushed through darts and foes, calling upon the hostile armies to desist from the fight; that he was come to enter the lists with ZEneas. Instantly a cessation of arms took place, and the two heroes prepare for the combat. At first they throw their javelins from a. distance, and rush to close combat with great violence. They blows on blows redouble. Turnus, rising high to give his blow more effect, breaks his sword by the XENEIS. LIB. XII. 569 hilt. He now discovers a fatal mistake. When first he mounted his car, ardent for the fight, he had taken the sword of his charioteer, Mitescus, instead of his own trusty sword, which Vulcan had made for his father Daunus. He is now left defenceless, and at the mercy of his foe. EIe flies off swift as the wind, pursued by JEneas, and pressed on all sides by the Trojans. He ca Is for his heavenly-tempered sword, and chides the Rutulians. None of them dare to interfere, being prevented by the threats of Eneas. Juturna, at length, restored his sword to him, and Venus disengaged the spear of Eneas. The two heroes again prepare for the combat. At this juncture, Jove interposes in favor of Eneas. His first care is to withdraw Juturna from the contest. For this purpose, li despatches one of the furies to the field of battle, which,.assuming the form of an owl, flies backward and forward before the face of Turnus. The hero knew the portentous omen. A shivering pervaded his limbs: coldness unnerved his arm. His reason left him: his speech forsook him. As soon as Juturna heard the whizzing of the fury's wings, she recognised the direful messenger; and in all the agony of grief and distress, and uttering the tenderest expressions of affectionate attachment to her brother, she fled from his sight, and plunged herself in the deep river. ~neas in the mean time urges on the attack, and calls upon Turnus no longer to decline the contest. IIe replied, " I fear not thee, nor thy boasting words: I fear the gods alone: I fear Jove, who is my enemys' At this moment, he seizes a huge stone that lay near him, and hurled it at AEneas; but it reached him not. The fury had deprived him of his wonted strength. His efforts, therefore, were unavailing. His knees sunk under him; and trembling seized his whole body. _Eneas throws a javelin, which wounds him in the thigh, and caused him to fall upon his knee. In this situation, he acknowledges himself vanquished, and resigns Lavinia, the royal bride, to the victor. One favor he asked, on account of his aged father, that his body might be restored to his friends. Eneas, moved with compassion at the mention of his aged father, was about also to spare his life; when, discovering upon his shoulder the belt which Pallas wore, he became indignant, and plunged into his bosom his naked sword. TURNUS ut infractos adverso Marte Latinos Defecisse videt, sua nunc promissa reposci, Se signari oculis: ultro implacabilis ardet, 3. Oculis omnium Attollitque animos. Pcenorum qualis in arvis Saucius ille gravi venantum vulnere pectus, 5 5. Qualis ille leo in Tum demum movet arma leo; gaudetque comantes arvis Paenorum, saucius quoad pectus gravi Excutiens cervice toros, fixumque latronis pecus grav Impavidus frangit telum, et fremit ore cruento. IHaud secius accenso gliscit violehtia Turno. Tum sic affatur regem, atque ita turbidus infit: 10 Nulla mora in Turno: nihil est qu6d dicta retractent Ignavi AEneada; nec, qure pepigere, recusent. 12. Recusent lacere Congredior: fer sacra, pater, et concipe fkedus. ea quae Aut hac Dardanium dextr& sub Tartara mittam, Desertorem Asiae; sedeant, spectentque Latini! 15 Et solus ferro crimen commune refellam: NOTES. 1. Infractos: broken-disheartened. Mar- 7. Latronls: the hunter.'zxum: that te: in the sense of pugna vel bello. had pierced his breast. 2. Promissa: his promises that he would 9. Gliscit: in the sense of crescit. meet AEneas in single combat. 11. Retractent dicta: that they should re3. Ultro. This word implies, that Turnus tract their words. jEneas was the first who was impelled by some violent, but voluntary proposed to decide the dispute in single emotion, combat with Turnus; and he had pledged 4. Penorum: the Carthaginians, here put himself to accept the proposition: to this for the Africans in general. reference is made verse 2, supra. Quod: a 6. Jlovet arma: he moves his arms-he conj. or in the sense of ob quod. prepares for the attack. Comantes toros: 13. Fer: in the sense of o fer. Covncze. the shaggy, or bushy mane. Ille leo: a lion, in the sense of sanci. by way of eminence. 16. Refellam: in the serve,f ava' tem vnl 670 1P. VIRGILI1 MARONlS 17. Aut Trojanus ha- Aut habeat victos; cedat Lavinia con ux heat nos victos; et La- Olli sedalo respondit corde Latinus: vinia conjux cedat illi 0 praestans animi juvenis, quantum ipse feroci Victori. 20. Consulere tibi Virtute exsuperas, tanto me impensius mquum est 20 Consulere, atque omnes metuentem expendere casus. Sunt tibi regna patris Dauni, sunt oppida capta Multa manu: nec non aurumque anirusque Latino est. 84. Jnnuptwe virgines Sunt alias innuptae Latio et Laurentibus agris, Nec genus indecores. Sine me haec haud mollia fatu 25 Sublatis aperire dolis; simul haec animo hauri. Me natam nulli veterum sociare procorum Fas erat, idque omnes Divique hominesque canebant. Victus amore tui, cognato sanguine victus, Conjugis et mcesta lachrymis, vincla omnia rupi; 30 31. Eripui earn pro- Promissam eripui genero; arma impia sumpsi. missam. Ex illo qui me casus, qum, Turne, sequantur 32Tu Ex tempore, des Bella, vides; quantosprimus patiare labores Bis magna victi pugna, vix urbe tuemur Spes Italas: recalent nostro Tiberina fluenta 35 Sanguine adhuc, campique ingentes ossibus albent. Quo referor toties? que mentem insania mutat? 38. Si paratus sum Si, Turno exstincto, socios sum accire paratus; accire Trojanes Cur non, incolumi, potius certamina tollo? 39. Eo incolumi Quid consanguinei Rutuli, quid catera dicet 40 41. Fors refutet hIe Italia, ad mortem si te; fors dicta refutet! mea dicta Prodiderim, natam et connubia nostra petentem? Respice res bello varias; miserere parentis NOTES. refutabo. Crimen: either the common dis- upon him. He advises him to seek a wife grace, by the preceding defeat and flight: or among the Italian princesses; among whom the imputation thrown upon him by Drances he would find some one worthy of so disand others, of his wanting courage to meet tinguished a prince. Manu: by valor. ]Eneas. This last appears to be the sense 26. Dolis sublatis: guile, or deceit being of Ruaus. taken away-in plain words. Fatu: sup. 19. Feroci: bold-daring. Quantum: in in u of the verb for: to be spoken, or said. the sense of quantb, corresponding with Hauri: in the sense of audi. tanto. Prestans antmi: excelling in cou- 28. Canebant: in the sense of prvadice rage-valor. bant vel moncbant. 20. Tantd impensius equum: by so much 29. Cognato sanguine. Turnus was the the more anxiously, it is just that I should son of Venilia, the sister of Amrata, the wife consult your safety. of Latinus. Hence the propriety of cognato 21. Casus: hazard-dangers. sanguine: kindred blood. Visicla: re23. XJec non aurumque: Servius takes the straints-obligations. sense of these words to be: Latinus satis 33. Primus: in the sense of princeps. opulentus est, et nobilis etiam absque his nup- 34. Bis vicli. They were first beaten on tiis: implying that, as Turnus was power- the banks of the Tiber, when lEncas landed ful and wealthy enough without contracting his reinforcements from Etruria; and a s-. an alliance with Latinus, so Latinus needed cond time vanquished under the walls of not to match his daughter with him for the Latium, in the horse fight, when Camllla sake of aggrandizing himself. Though this was slain. See the preceding book. makes sense of aurum, it puts a forced sig- 37. Quo referor: why am I carried so nification upon animus. Rueus says, sunt often backward?-why do I change my requoque Latino divitiwe et benevolentia. solution so often, of giving my daughter to The expression implies, that Latinus en- Eneas? tertained a friendly disposition towards Tur- 39. Certamina: disputes-contests. nus, and desired to promote his happiness in 41. Fors: fortune-the issue of the conany way that his wealth could contribute to test. it, but he could not bestow his daughter 43 Res: state-condition. .1"NEIS. LIB. XII. 571 Longaevi, quem nune mocstum patria Ardea longe 41. Longe tU Dividit Haudquaquam dictis violentia Turni 45 Flectitur: exsuperat magis, egrescitque medendo. Ut primim fari potuit, sic institit ore: Quam pro me curam geris, hanc precor, optime, pro me 48. O optime regum Deporias, letumque sinas pro laude pacisci. precor ut deponas hlan Et nos tela, pater, ferrumque baud debile dextrA. 50 curam pro me, quasa Spargimus, et nostro sequitur de vulnere sanguis. geris Longe illi )ea mater erit, quee nube fugacem 52. Eum fugacer Falnine& tegat, et vanis sese occulat umbris. At regina, nova pugnae conterrita sorte, Flebat, et ardentem generum moritura tenebat: 55 Turne, per has ego te lachrymas, per si quis Amate 5G. O Turna, preer Tangit honos animum. Spes tu nune una senecte, te per lhs lachrynae, Tni..........per honorem Amato, ei Tu requies misere: decus imperiumque Latini quis honos ejus tangit Te penes: in te omnis domus inclinata recumbit. tuun Unuin oro; desiste manum committere Teucris. 60 58. Tu es sola requies Qui te cunque manent isto certamine casus, mihi mlsere Et me, Turne, manent. Simul haec invisa relinquam 61. Qide u1ne eta 62. I1idem manwrt et Lumina, nec generum iEneam captiva videbo. me Accepit vocem lachrymis Lavinia matris, Flagrantes perfusa genas: cui plurimus ignem 65 Subjecit rubor, et calefacta per ora cucurrit. Indum sanguineo veluti violaverit ostro Si quis ebur; vel mixta rubent ubi lilia multa Alba rosa: tales virgo dabat ore colores. Illum turbat amor, figitque in virgine vultus. 70 Ardet in arma magis; paucisque affatur Amatam: Ne, queso, ne me lachrymis, neve omine tanto 72. O mater, queso, Prosequere in duri certamina Martis euntem, ne, ne proser;ure me NOTES. 44. Ardea: the capital city of the Rutuli. Turnus were slain, that Lavinia should fall The whole address of Latinus is tender and to ~Eneas; that the Rutuli should be his pathetic, and bespeaks the goodness of his subjects, &c. Verse 17, supra. heart. Among other arguments to dissuade 57. Hones: respect-regard. Turrus from the combat, he mentions his 59. Domus: in the sense offamilia. In. aged father. clinata.: in the sense of prona vel labens 45. Dividit: in the sense of separat. 60. Desiste: in the sense of omitte. Corn. 46..Egrescit medendo: he grows more mittere manum: to engage in close combat. obstinate by being persuaded-by applying Rumus says, conserere manum. remedies..Medendo: a gerund. in do, of 63. Lumina: in the sense of lucem vel medeor. This is said by way of metaphor. vitam. 47. Instiit: he proceeded-began to 64. Accepit: in the sense of audiit. speak. 65. Perfusa genas: wet as to her blush. 48. Geris: in the sense of habes. ing cheeks with tears. A Grecism. See 49. Pacisci: to exchange death for glory Eel. i. 55. -to obtain glory and renown in the room of 66. Rubor: modesty, by meton. Ignem; death-for death. the glow, or blush, which her extreme mo51. De vulnere nostro: from the wound desty diffused, or spread over her cheeks inflicted by us. Subjecit properly signifies, spread under the 52. Dea mater erit longc illi. This is a skin. Calefacta: red (or blushing) counteLatin idiom. The meaning is: his mother nance. twll be far from affording him any assistance, 67. Violaverit: in the sense of tinxerit. as she had done on former occasions. It 70. Turbat: in the sense of agitat will not be in her power to do it. 72. Tanto: in the sense cf infausto. The 54. Sorte: sors here means the terms, or repetition of the ne is emphatical. Prose. conditions of the combat. These were, if quer properly signifies, to convoy; hero, to 572 P. VIRGILII MARONIS 74. Mora mortis est 0 mater: neque enir Turno mora libera nortis libera Turno. 7T, 0 Nuntius heec, Idmon, Phrygio mea dicta tvranno 75 idmol:, nuntius refer dmo, n s Haud placitura refer: cum primim crastina ccelo Puniceis invecta rotis Aurora rubebit; Non Teucros agat in Rutlllos: Teucrum arma quiescant Et Rutulfum: nostro dirimatur sanguine bellum: Illo quaeratur conjux Lavinia campo. 80 Iiec ubi dicta dedit, rapidusque in tecta recessit, 82. Tuens cos fremcn- Poscit equos, gaudetque tuens ante ora frementes, tes ante ejus ora Pilumno quos ipsa decus dedit Orithyia; 84. Qui equi Qui candore nives anteirent, cursibus auras. CircuInstant properi aurigre, manibusque lacessunt 85 Pectora plausa cavis, et colla comantia pectunt. R7. Dehinc Turnus Ipse dehinc auro squalentem alboque orichaico 18pse Circumdat loricam humeris; simul aptat habendo Ensenque, clypeumque,.et rubrae cornua cristre: Ensem, quem Dauno ignipotens Deus ipse parenti 90 Fecerat, et StygiS candentem tinxerat unda. Exin, quae mediis ingenti adnixa columnae AEdibus adstabat, validam vi corripit hastam, Actoris Aurunci spolium: quassatque trementenl, 95. 0 hasta, nunquam Vociferans: Nunc, 6 nunquam frustrata vocatus 95 frustrata Hasta meos, nunc tempus adest; te maximus Actor, 96. Olim maximus Actor gerehat te Te Turni nunc dextra gerit; da sternere corpus, 98. Revulsam ab illo Loricamque manu valida lacerare revulsam emca valida Semiviri Phrygis, et foedare in pulvere crines, Vibratos calido ferro, myrrlhaque madentes. 100 101. Ejus ardentis His agitur furiis, totoque ardentis ab ore NOTES.'ollow, or accompany. Her tears were an their hollow hands. Colla: in the sense or inauspicious omen, or presage of the event. jubce. 74. JNeque enim: as if he had said: your 87. Squalentem: rough with gold, anu tears will be of no avail, for I have passed pale, &c. my word; and, if death be the event, I can- 88. Habendo: for carrying- wearing. A not retract; 1 have no power to retard, or gen. in do of the dat. case. The same as ad iut off my destiny. This is the plain habendum. Ruseus says, ut gestentur. meaning of the passage; yet Servius con- 89. Cornua rubrce crist,: the extremities siders it inexplicable. Mora: a putting off, of the crimson plume. The crist(c were the or deferring, feathers worn upon the helmet, and rising 78. Jon agat: let him not lead his Tro- above it. The cornua wer3 the ends, or exjans, &c. tremities of these plumes, put for the whcle f3. Orithyia: the daughter of Erech- plume or tuft, by synec.: and these again, theus king of Athens, who was said to be for the helmet, by meton. carried away by Boreas into Thrace. She 90. Ipotens Deus: Vulcan. 91. Tinxerat: in the sense of merserat. was reputed a goddess, and Virgil makes 91. T erida: n hasn. Tofi s spear had Pilumnus, the great-grandfather of Turnus, 93. Valdam hustan. This spear had to have received these horses from her. been taken from Auruncian Actor, either by to have received these horses from her. Turnus himself, or one of his ancestoys. Thrace, the place of her residence, was fa- THrnus himself, or one of his ancsto s. mous for breedirg generous steeds. Decus: nce it is callt: deeiviu. g sappois ntin. plainly in the sense of munus vel donum. 95 rustrata deceivig-dsappoing. Ruulls says ornamentum. unus ve98. Lacerare: to rend —break in pieces. Ruais says, ornamentum. \99. Semiviri Phrygis. What is here said 84. Anteirent: excelled-surpassed.- of Eneas, is said by way of reproach; in Auras: in the sense )f ventos. allusion to some custom of the Asiatics.,5. Lacessunt: in the sense of palpant. 100. Vibratos: curled. or twisted up with Heyne takes lacessunt plausa, simply for a hot Iron. To curl the hair, and smear it plaudunt. with unguents, were considered marks of 6. Plausa cavis: stroked, or patted with effeminacy. JENEIS LIB. XIT. 573 Scintlll absistunt: oculis micat acribus ignis. Mugitus veluti cum prima in praelia taurus Terrificos ciet, atque irasci in cornua tentat, Arboris obnixus trunco, ventosque lacessit 10b Jctibus, et sparsA ad pugnam proludit arena Nec minus interea maternis sawvus in armis )Eneas acuit Martem, et se suscitat ira, Oblato gaudens componi fcedere bellum. Tur socios muestique metum solatur Ifili, 110 Fata docens: regique jubet responsa Latino Certa referre viros, et pacis dicere leges. Postera vix summos spargebat lumine montes Orta dies; cuim primum alto se gurgite tollunt Solis equi, lucemque elatis naribus efflant. 115 Campum ad certamen, magnae sub mcenibus urbis, Dimensi Rutulique viri Teucrique parabant; In medioque focos, et Dis communibus aras 118. In medio pareGramineas. Alii fontemque ignemque ferebant bant Velati lino, et verbena tempora vincti. 120 120.Vinctiquoad ttemProcedit legio Ausonidum, pilataque plenis pora Agmina se fundunt portis. Hinc Troius omnis, Tyrrhenusque ruit variis exercitus armis; HIaud secus instructi ferro, quam si aspera Martis 124. Instrct sunt Pugna vocet. Nec'non mediis in millibus ipsi 125 125. Vocet eos Ductores auro volitant ostroque decori; Et genus Assaraci Mnestheus, et fortis Asylas, Et Messapus equunm domitor, Neptunia proles. UJtque dato signo spatia in sua quisque recessit, Defigunt tellure hastas, et scuta reclinant. 130 Turn studio effusae matres, et vulgus inermum, 131. Studio videndi Invalidique senes, turres et tecta domorum cerlamen Obsedere: alii portis sublimibus adstant. 134. At Juno prospiAt Juno e summo, qui nunc Albanus habetur; ciens e summo tunulb NOTES. 102. Absistunt: fly off from. Rueus says, 119. Fontem: in the sense of aquam. erumpunt. 120. Velati lino. Servius says that the 103. Mugitus: bellowings. Ciet: in the priests and sacred ministers among the Rosense of emittit. mans, were prohibited from wearing any 105. Lacessit: in the sense of provocat. thing of linen; and that Virgil designedly 106. Proludit. Ruaeus says, parat. clothes the feciales or priests in linen veils 107..Maternis armis: the armor made by on this occasion, to give us to know beforeVulcan, at the desire of his mother. Hence hand, that the league was to be broken; called maternis. JVec minzus: in the sense since it was ushered in with unlawful rites. f nec non: likewise-also-in like manner. Heyne reads, limo, which was a kind of 108..Mfartem: in the sense of pugnam. apron worn by the priests in time of sacriAcuit: prepares for the combat. fice, that reached down from the navel to 109. Oblato foedere: upon the conditions, the feet. The common reading is lino. 3r terms offered. 121. Pilata: armed with darts or javelins. 111. Docensfata: teaching them the pur- Agmina: troops. poses of the gods concerning him. Ruceus 1924. Instructiferro: furnished. and equip. says, aperiensfata illis. ped with arms. 112. Iicere: in the sense ofproponere. 127. Genus: offspring, or descendants f[,ees: terms-conditions. Assaraci. See Geor. iii. 35. 114. Alto gurgite: from the deep ocean. 133. Obsedere: in the sense of implcve 116. Campun: the ground-space. De- runt. Adstant: in the sense of stant. mensi; having measured it out. 134. Habetur: in the sense of vocatur 5-4 ^P. VIRGIL11 MARONIS Tur neque nomen erat, nec honos, aut gloria monti; Prospiciens tumulo, campum spectabat, et ambas 13C Laurentum Troumque acies, urbemque Latini. 138. Diva Juno sic Extemplo Turni sic est effata sororera aftata est sororem Turni Diva Deam, stagnis qua fluminibusque sonoris Deam; que Praesidet: hunc illi rex etheris altus honorem 140 Jupiter erept& pro virginitate sacravit: 142. Ut pratulerim te Nympha, decus fluviorum, animo gratissima nostro, unamcunctis virginibus, Scis, ut te cunctis unam, quaecunque Latina quunque Latinas vir- Magnanimi Jovis ingratum ascendere cubile, 145. Te in parte cceli Praetulerim, ccelique lubens in parte locarim. 145 mecum Disce tuum, ne me incuses, Juturna, dolorem Qua visa est fortuna pati, Parcweque sinebant 148. Res ccdere pros- Cedere res Latio, Turnum et tua mcenia texi: vere Latio Nunc juvenem imparibus video concurrere fatis, Parcarumque dies et vis inimica propinquat. 150 Non pugnam aspicere hanc oculis, non fcedera possum 152. Si tu audesfacere Tu, pro germano si quid praesentius audes, quid Perge; decet: forsan miseros meliora sequentur 154. Vix dixeral ea Vix ea; cum lachrymas oculis Juturna profudit, Terque quaterque manu pectus percussit honestum. 155 Non lachrymis hoc tempus, ait Saturnia Juno; Accelera, et fratrem, si quis modus, eripe morti: Aut tu bella cie, conceptumque excute fcedus. Auctor ego audendi. Sic exhortata reliquit 160. Ear incertam Incertam, et tristi turbatam vulnere mentis. 160 161. Reges procedunt Interea reges: ingenti mole Latinus ab urbe Quadrijugo vehitur curru, cui ternpora circium NOTES. This mount was called Alban, from.lba 152. PrcEsentius. Servius takes this in Longa, a city built by Ascanius after he had the sense of efficaciis, vel vehementius. But reigned at Lavinium thirty years. For the it may refer to what Juno had just before reason of its name, see.En. viii. 44. said; non pugnam: I cannot bear to see the 140. Prcesidet. Juturna is by Ovid called combat; I can only lament his hard fate, a JNaiad. A fountain issuing from the foot and intercede for him at a distance: but, if of mount Alban, and a lake which it sup- you have courage (audes) to lend your plied,were sacred to her. The river flowed brother some nearer aid, and assist him into the Tiber. Its water was celebrated with your presence, then set about it immefor its purity. diately: it becomes you to attempt i. Ru141. Sacravtit: in the sense of donavit. aus says, utiliuts. This honor Jupiter conferred upon her, in 155. Honestum: in the sense of decorum. compensation of her lost virginity. 158. Cie: in the sense of excita. Con143. Pretulerim te: I preferred thee alone, ceptum: in the sense of inceptum. Excute: &c. in the sense offrange. Rumus says, dissipa. 144. Ingratum: the bed here is called 159. Ego auctor audendi: I am the author ungrateful, to save the indecency of giving (adviser) of the daring attempt. The getliaL harsh epithet to Jove. The amours of rund is here used in the sense of ausi. Jupiter were always displeasing to Juno. 160. Tristi vulnere: with bitter agony of Valpy observes, that the word is to be taken mind. Vulnus, is properly a wound; by in tle sense of ingrati, agreeing with Jovis. meton. the wounding instrument; also the Hoyno says, invisusn mihi, referring to Juno. pain, or anguish arising from the wound, 145. In parte: in the sense of participem. Rueeus says, solicitudine. 147. Qud: as far as-as long as. Rumeus 161. Ingenti mole: with a mighty retin ie. says, quatenus. Rueus says, magno apparatu. 148. Texi: in the sense of defendi. 163. Bis sex aurati radii: twelve golden 150. Dies ei inimica: this is a circumlo- rays or beams represented the twelve signs cution, denoting that the last day of the of the zodiac. Cui tempora: around whoso life of Turnus had arrived, refulgent temples, &c. AENEIS. LIB. XII. 575 Aurati bis sex radii fulgentia cingunt, Solis avi specimen: bigis it Turnus in albis, Bina manu lato crispans hastiha ferro. 165 Hinc pater FEneas, Romanae stirpis origo, Sidereo flagrans clypeo et coelestibus armis, Et juxta Ascanius, magnae spes altera Romae, 168. Et juxta eum Procedunt castris: puraque in veste sacerdos Setigera fcetum suis, intonsamque bidentem 170 Attulit, admovitque pecus flagrantibus aris. Illi ad surgentem conversi lumina Solem, Dant fruges manibus salsas, et tempora ferro Summa notant pecudum, paterisque altaria libant Tum plus AEneas stricto sic ense precatur: 175 Esto nunc Sol testis, et hmc mihi terra precanti, 176. Nunc tu, 0 Sol, Quam propter tantos potui perferre labores: et hec terra, propter Et, pater o Sater omnia Jutens, quam potui perferre tantos labores, esto testis Jam melior, jam Diva, precor: tuque, inclyte Mayors, mihi Cuncta tuo qui bella pater sub numine torques, 180 179. Precor vos Fontesque fluviosque voco; qu3eque aetheris alti 180. 0 inclyte pater Relligio, et quae coruleo sunt numina ponto: Mavors, qui Ccsserit Ausonio si fors victoria Turno, Convenit, Evandri victos discedere ad urbem; 184. Trojanos victos Cedet Iiilus agris; nee post arma ulla rebelles 185 NOTES. 164. Specimen: after the manner of his 174. Pecudum: in the sense of victima. grandsire, the Sun. Latinus was the grand- rum. Paterisque: and they made libations son of Picus, who took Circe the daughter upon the altars. This was the dropping, or of the Sun to wife, and by her had Faunus, sprinkling of wine, or other liquor, upon the the father of Latinus, who was, therefore, altar, from the sacred bowls, or goblets. the grandson of the Sun. Albis Bigis: in 179. Melior Diva. Juno was the implaa chariot drawn by two white steeds. It: cable enemy of the Trojan race. IEneas in the sense of vehitur. would intimate, that now at length, she was 167. Flagrans: in the sense of resplendens ceasing from her resentment, and becoming vel lucens. more favorable to them. Precor: I beseech 170. Fetum setigerce suis: the young of you.'Mclior: in the sense of propitia vel a bristly sow-a pig. Rueus observes, that mitis. the ewe-lamb (intonsam bidentem) was of- fered for ]Eneas after the manner of the 180. Torques: in the sense of regis vel fered for./Eneas after the manner of the *. * tencs. JVumine: in the sense of potestate. Greeks, who commonly ratified a league with the sacrifice of a sheep or lamb. The 181. Quceque relligio. By relligio we are swine again is for Latinus, after the Roman here to understand the objects of religious or Italian manner; which, according to Livy, worship-the gods of heaven above; in opwas of great antiquity. He gives the form position to the objects of religious woiship of ratifying a league in the reign of Tullus on the earth. The verb est is to be supplied. Hostilius. Having invoked Jupiter, the fe- Rumeus says, quccunque divinitas. Voco: cialis or priest says: Illis legibus populus in the sense of invoco vel precor. non deficiet. Si prior defecerit, publico con- JEneas here makes a very solemn invocasilio, dolo malo; tu illo die, Jupiter, populum tion of the gods above, and of the deities sic ferito, ut ego hunc porcum hodie feriam: that preside over the sea, to witness the tanto magis ferito, quanto magis poles pol- ratification of the treaty. The deities here lesquc. named were those that were called Dii con171. Pecus: in the sense ofvictimas. At- munes, or gods common to both sides or tvuit: in the sense of adduxit. Admovit: parties to the contract. in the sense of statuit. 172. Lumina: in the sense of oculos vel 183. Fors: n the sense offorie. faciem. 184. Convenit: it is agreed upon. Ad 173. Dant: in the sense of spargunt. urbem Evandri: this was the city PallanFruges: in the sense of molam. teum. See.En. viii. 54. ^76 P. VIRG1LII MARONIS iEncadae referent, ferrove hae regna lacessent. Sin nostrum annuerit nobis victoria Martem, 188. Firment spem (Ut potius reor, et potius D1 numin'j irment) Non ego nee Teucris Italos parere MJ o, Nee mihi regna peto. Paribus se legibi amble 190 Invictm gerites Teterna in fcedera mittant. Sacra Deosque dabo: socer arma Latinus habeto 193. Socer habeto so- Imperium solemne socer. mihi moenia Teucri lemne Constituent, urbique dabit Lavinia nomen. Sic prior LEneas: sequitur sic deinde Latinus, 195 Suspiciens caclum, tenditque ad sidera dextram: 197. OEnea,juroper Hec eadem, AEnea, terram, mare, sidera juro, hac eadem numina, per Latonaque genus duplex, Janumque bifrontem, terram Vimque Demn infernam, et diri sacraria Ditis: Audiat haec genitor, qui fcedera fulmine sancit: 200 Tango aras; mediosque ignes et numina testor: Nulla dies pacem hane Italis, nee fredera rumpet, Qu6 res cunque cadent: nec me vis ulla volentein 204. Non; si illa vis Avertet: non, si tellurem effundat in undas effundat Diluvio miscens; ccelumve in Tartara solvat: 205 Ut sceptrum hoc (dextra sceptrum nam forte gerebat) Nunquam fronde levi fundet virgulta, nec umbras, NOTES. 187. Nostrum: nosier here is used in the 201. Tango aras. It was a custom for sense of propitium vel secundum. Mars is those who made supplication, offered sacrihis, or on his side, whose interest he es- fice, or took an oath, to lay their hands upon pouses. Annuerit: shall prove, show, or the altar. This custom has descended to declare Mars. Servius takes it by hypal- the present time, in administering the solage, for nosier.Mars annuerit victoriam lemnities of an oath. The party taking the nobis. oath lays his hand on the bible, and calls 188. Numine: Rumeus says, auctoritate. God to witness the truth of his declaration 189. JTon: this appears to be merely ex-.Jedios ignes: those fires common to both pletive. parties-in which they partook. 190. Leges: terms-conditions. Mittant: 203. Quocunque: the parts of the word in the sense of jungant. are separated by tmesis, for the sake of the 192. Socer habeto arma: let my father-in- verse: howsoever. Avertet: in the sense of lawv have the management of peace and war: abducet. wnich is the same thing as being king. This 204. Si effundat. Servius takes this as an is more fully expressed in the next line. hypallage for efulndat undas in teliurem: Solhmne: usual-customary. Heyne says, should deluge the earth-throw the waters legitimum: Rumus, supremnum. Dabo: I over the earth. Ruseus takes it to imply will attend to religious rites, and to the the sinking and dissolving of the earth gods-I will regulate the ceremonies of re- itself into the waters of the ocean. Heyne ligion, and the worship of the gods. This appears to adopt the same opinion. tlludes to the Penales, and Vesta, whose Latinus here expresses his full determiworship, it is said, /Eneas introduced into nation to abide by the conditions of the ltaly. treaty, aid declares, that no power should 197. Juro hcec eadem. Latinus swears by divert h orn it with his consent, not even the same gods, by whom iEneas had just if the woriwrere wrapped in a deluge, and sworn, besides those here enumerated. Du- a general dissolution of things take place. plex genus: by this we are to understand Rumeus says, dissolvat terram in aquas, colApollo and Diana, who were twin children fundens earn diluvio. of Latona. 205. Solvat. Rumus says, dejiceat. Da. 199. Vim infernam: by the infernal power vidson renders the words, "' plunge heaven of the gods-the power of the infernal gods. into hell." Heyne says, misceat ceseum ac That is, the infernal gods themselves. So Tartarum. vm odora canum. LEn. iv. 132. Sacraria: 206. Ut sceptrum. This comparison is sanctuary of direful Pluto. taken almost literally from Homer. Fun. 200. Genitor: Jupiter det: shall put forth, or produce. E NEIS. LIB. XI. 577 Cu(n semel in sylvis imo de stirpe recisum Matre caret, posuitque comas et brachia ferro; Olim arbos; nunc artificis manus wre decoro 210 210. Olim erat arbos lcrlusit, patribusque dedit gestare Latinis. 211. Inclusit earn de Talibus inter se firmabant federa dictis, coro aere Conspectu in medio procerum. Tur rite sacratas In flammam jugulant pecudes, et viscera vivis 214. Iisdem vivis Eripiunt, cumulantque oneratis lancibus aras 215 At vero Rutulis impar ea pugna videri 216. Ea pugna coptt Jamdudum, et vario misceri pectora motu: Turnum magis, ut propiuis cernunt non viribus aequis. 218. Cernunt duces Adjlivat incessu tacito progressus, et aram esis non Suppliciter venerans demisso lumine, Turnus, 220 219. Turnus adjuvat hane opinionem, proTabentesque genae, et juvenili in corpore.pallor. ane opninem, prgressus Quem simul ac Juturna soror crebrescere vidit 222. Quem sermonda Sermonem, et vulgi variare labantia corda: inter Rutulos simul In medias acies, formam assimulata Camerti, Cui genus a proavis ingens, clarumque paternam 225 Nonlen erat virtutis, et ipse acerrimus armis, In medias dat sese acies, haud nescia rerum, 227. Inquam, in me. Rumoresque serit varios, ac talia fatur: dias acies, haud Non pudet, 6 Rutuli, cunctis pro talibus unam Objectare animam? numerone, an viribus aqui 230 Non sumus? En, omnes et Troes et Arcades hi sunt, Fatalisque manus, infensa Etruria Turno. Vix hostem, alterni si congrediamur, habemus. Ille quidem ad Superos, quorum se devovet aris, 234. Ille Turnu Succedet fama, vivusque per ora feretur: 235 235. Per ora hominum NOTES. 203. Cium semel: since once cut in the 226. JVomen: renown-fame. Acerrimus woods from the lowest stem, it is deprived in the sense of fortissimus. Erat is to be of the nourishment of its parent stock, repeated with this word, and also with 209. Posuit: hath laid aside-been strip- genus, in the preceding line. ped of.' 229. Talibus. Servius thinks we are to 210. JManus: the skill of the artist. Ma- understand by this word that all of them nus: the hand, by meton. art-skill. were equal to Turnus in valor. Ruceus 211. Patribus: in the sense of regibus. says, omnibus iis. Davidson renders it, 214. Pecudes jugulant: they kill the sa- " all these." Animam unam: the life of cred, victims over the flames of the altar. Turnus. 215. Cumulant: they heap, or load the 231. Hi: this is the reading of Heyne altars. Seo /En.' viii. 284. Oneratis: in The common reading is hic. the sense of plenis. 232. Fatalis manus. By these words Ser221. TabentesgenaE: lank, or fallen cheeks. vius understands the Trojans, who were Some copies read pubentes: but tabentes is destined to come into Italy. But it is bet-,onfirmed by the authority of the best nla- ter to understand it of the Tuscans, who nuscripts, and is most agreeable to the de- were directed by fate to put themselves sign of the poet. Heyne says, tabentes. under the conduct of.Eneas, a foreign 222. Vidit: in the sense of sentit. leader; and on that condition alone, t iey.223. Labantia: in the sense of mobiha. were assured of success. See Lib. viii. 501. Variare: in the sense of dissentire: to be This interpretation frees Virgil from the imdissatisfied at the conditions of the treaty, putation of idle repetition. Etruria infensa made between Latinus and Eneas. Turno: one part of Etruria was hostile to 224, Ass.imulata: personating the form of Turnus; and another assisted him, under Camertus, sne throws herself, &c. The in the command of Messapus. The fatalis medias acies is to be taken after the same manus is evidently the same as Etruria inwords, in line 227, infra. fensa Turno. 225. O(nus: origin-descent. Cui: in 233. Alterni: every other one. They the sense of cnjua. Ingens: gleat-illus- w ro double tho lumber of the enemy. trious..3,. Vivusque fretur per ora. This im 38 578 P. VIRGIL1l MARONIS Nos, patri& -amissa, dominis parere superbis Cogemur, qui nunc lenti consedirus arvis. Talibus, incensa est juvenum sententia dictis Jam magis atque magis: serpitque per agmina murmur 240. Mutati sun men- Ipsi Laurentes mutati, ipsique Latini; 24C libuts Qui sibi jam requiem pugnae, rebusque salutem Sperabant; nunc arma volunt, faedusque precantur Infectum, et Turni sortem miserantur iniquam. 244 His rebus His aliud majus Juturna adjungit, et alto Dat signum ccelo: quo non prasentius ullum 245 Turbavit mentes Italas, monstroque fefellit. 247. Namque aquila, Namque volans rubra fulvus Jovis ales in athrA, fulvus ales Jovis Litoreas agitabat aves, turbamque sonantem Agminis aligeri: subito cuim lapsus ad undas Cycnum excellentem pedibus rapit improbus uncis. 250 Arrexere animos Itali; cunctaeque volucres Convertunt clamore fugam, mirabile visu! _Etheraque obscurant pennis, hostemque per auras, 254. Donec ales vic- Facta nube, premunt: donec vi victus, et ipso tus vi, et ipso pondere Pondere defecit, prmdamque ex unguibus ales 255 ct5'gfnlt Projecit fluvio, penitusque in nubila fugit. Turn vero augurium Rutuli clamore salutant, Expediuntque manus: primusque Tolumnius augur, 259. Hoc, hoc erat zd, Hoc erat, hoc, votis, inquit, quod sepe petivi; quod Accipio, agnoscoque Deos. Me, me duce, ferrum 260 260. Accipio omen Corripite, 6 Rutuli, quos improbus advena bello NOTES. plies, thathe should be immortal. Succedet: 254. JNubefacti: a cloud being fcrmeain the sense of ascendet. closing in thick array around him, they form 237. Lenti: idle-lazy-at our ease.- a cloud, and darken the sky with their Rumus says, otiosi. wings. 238. Sententia: resolution-mind. Heyne 255. Defecit: failed in his strength. says, animus. 257. Augurium. This word here, is used 241. Rebus: to the state. in its proper sense, which is an omen or 243. Infectum: unmade-broken. prognostic, taken from the flight, or chirping 244. His: to these incentives-incite- of birds. The Rutulians were right in exmerits. plaining the eagle to mean Eneas, the swan, 245. Prasentius: more effectual: an adj. Turnus, and the other birds, to mean themof the comp. neu. agreeing with portentum selves. But they were mistaken, in taking vel monstrum, understood. It governs quo this augury, which Juturna procured, to in the abl. than which. It may be rendered have been sent from the gods. To this an adverbially. aliusion is made in verse 246, monstroque 246. Monstro: deceived them by the pro- fefellit. This interposition of a superior -digy. Any thing that is, or happens, con- power, was necessary to account for the trary to the ordinary course of things, may sudden change produced in the minds of be called monstrum. the Rutulians and Latins. 247. Rubr& cethra: in the ruddy sky.:258. Expediunt manus. By this, Valpy Litoress aves: sea-fowls-fowls frequenting understands elevating of their hand in token the sea shore. that they were prepared and ready for battle. 248, Turbam: in the sense of multitudi- Ruaus says, explicant manus. Davidson nem. Aligeri agminis: of the winged tribe: renders the words, "they put their troops the same in sense with volucrum. Sonan- in array," which is the sense of Rumus. tern: refers to the sound made by the mo- Heyne differs from both these interpretations. tion of their wings, as they passed through He says, expediunt manus ut arma capiunt the air. Rueus says, strepitantem. they prepare to take their arms. These had 250. Improbus:' in the sense of avidus. been laid aside, while the preparations were 251. Arrex&re: in the sense of sustulerunt. making, and the league was ratifying. See 252. Fugam: their course, verse 130, supra. IENEIS. LIB. XII. 579 Tetritat, invalidas ut aves; et litora vestra Vi populat. Petet ille fugam, penituisque profundo Vela dab't. Vos unanimi densate catervas, Et regem vobis pugna defendite raptum. 265 I)ixit: et adversos telum contorsit in hostes Procurrens: sonitum dat stridula cornus, et auras Certa secat. Simul hoc; simul ingens clamor; et omnes 268. Simul hoc fi Turbati cunei, calefactaque corda tumultu. 269. Turbati sunt Hasta volans, ut forte novem pulcherrima fratrum 270 Corpora constiterant contra, quos fida crearat Una tot Arcadio conjux Tyrrhena Gylippo; Horum unum ad medium, teritur qua sutilis alvo 273. Hasta volans Balteus, et laterum juncturas fibela mordet, transadigit unum horum Egregium form& juvenem et fulgentibus armis, 275fratrum per costas, ju-,ransadigiteeffundit aren.. venem egregium formA, Transadigit costas, fulvqlue effundit arena. et fulgentibus armis, ad At fratres, animosa phalanx, accensaque luctu, medium corpus, qui suPars gladios stringunt manibus, pars missile ferrum tills balteus Corripiunt, cacique ruunt: quos agmina contra Procurrunt Laurentum. Hic densi. rursus inundant 280 Troes, Agyllinique, et pictis Arcades armis. Sic omnes amor unus habet decernere ferro. Diripuere aras: it toto turbida ccelo Tempestas telorum, ac ferrcus ingruit imber: Craterasque, focosque ferunt. Fugit ipse Latinus 285 Pulsatos referens, infecto faedere, Divos. Infraenant alii currus, aut corpora saltu Subjiciunt in equos, et strictis ensibus adsunt. Messapus regem, regisque insigne gerentem, NOTES. 262. Invalidas aves: ti.s agrees with quos, 279. Cacci: blind to danger. mentioned before, and signifies the same 280. Inundant: deluge the plain. The with it: as week birds. word is very expressive. They move like a 263 Profundo: in the sense of mari. Pe- devouring flood. ig3llini: the Tuscans, so niftus: far remote-far distant. LongS, says called from Agylla, one of their cities. Ruaeus. 282. Unus amor: one mind-desire. 264. Densafe: thicken your ranks-in 283. Diripuere: they stripped the altars. close and compact array, defend, &c. Rusius 284. Ingruit: pours down upon them. says, colligite agmina. Tempestas: a cloud-storm. It: covers the 267. Cornus: this was a spear (hasta) whole heaven. Turbida: thick-terrific. whose shaft was made of the corneil-tree. 285. Focos: in the sense of ignes. 268. Simul hoc. The meaning is, that as 287. Infrenant currus: they prepare their soon as the spear was thrown by Tolumnius, chariots-they harness their horses in them. all the troops were eager to engage, and Subjiciunt: with a spring, they mount, or their courage was roused for battle. This throw themselves upon their horses. Livy they signified by a great shout. uses this verb in the same sense: pavidum 269. Cunei. The cuneus was a company regem in equum subjecit. of men drawn up in the form of a wedge: 288. Adsunt: in the sense of instant, vel hence it came to signify troops in general, concurrunt. as in the present case. 289. Messapus avidus, &c. The meaning 270. Corpora fratrum: simply, fratres. of the passage appears-to be this: Messapus 271. Credrat: by syn. for creaverat: in desirous of breaking the league, as soon as the sense of pepererat. mounted on his horse, made an attack upon 272. Conjux: wife. Una: one. Tuscan Aulestes, with his horse full in front. 273. Qua sutilis: where the stitched belt This so alarmed him, that attempting to reis worn around the belly. treat or give back, he fell from his horse 274. Mordet: binds, or fastens. Junctu- among the aTtars, which had just been ras: the ends or extremities of the belt. erected for the purpose of ratifying the 278. Stringunt in the sense of educunt. league. In this situation, Messapus, rising fso P. VIRGILI1 MARONIS Tyrrhenum Aulesten, avidis confundere fccdus, 290 Adverso proterret equo: ruit ille recedens, 292. In aris oppositis Et miser oppositis a tergo involvitur ais, a tergo In caput, inque humeros. At fervidus advolat hast& Messapus, teloque orantem multa trabali 295. Altusque equo Desuper altus equo graviter ferit, atque ita fatur: 2'35 desuper graviter ferit Hoc habet: haec melior magnis data victima Divis. eum orantemrn multa 296. le habet hoc Concurrunt Itali, spoliantque calentia membra. wl, inus Obvius ambustum torrSm Chorinaeus ab ara 299. Obvius Ebuso Corripit, et venienti Ebuso plagamque ferenti venienti, ferentique pla- Occupat os flammis. Olli ingens barba reluxit, 300 *gam Nidoremque ambusta dedit. Super ipse secutus Caesariem laeva turbati corripit hostis, Impressoque genu nitens terrae applicat ipsum. 304. Podalirius se- Sic rigido latus ense ferit. Podalirius Alsum quens nudo ense Pastorem, primaque acie per tela ruentem, 305 Ense sequens nudo superimminet: ille securi 307. Ejus adversi Adversi frontem mediam mentumque reducta Disjicit, et sparse late rigat arma cruore. Olli dura quies oculos et ferreus urget Somnus; in awternam clauduntur lumina noctem. 310 At pius iEneas dextram tendebat inermem Nudato capite, atque suos clamore vocabat: Quo ruitis? quaeve ista repens discordia surgit? 314. Foedus ictum est 0 cohibete iras! ictum jam foedus, et omnes 315. Jus concurrere Compositae leges: mihi jus concurrere soli: 316 est ihi soli; sinite me Me sinite, atque auferte metus. Ego feedera faxo 316. Ego faxo manu Firma manu: Turnum jam debent haec mihi sacra ut foadera sint. Has inter voces, media inter talia verba, NOTES. high upon his steed to give the blow more the sacrifices; which accounts for his being effect, gives him a mortal wound; while he at the altars. Reluxit: his beard caught m the mean time is pleading for his life, fire, and shone-blazed. without avail. Insigne: in the sense of or- 301. Super: il the sense of insuper vel namentum. praxterea. Ipse: Chorinmus. 291. Proterret: affrights-alarms-con- 302. Turbati: affrighted-confused. founds. Ruit: in the sense of cadit. 303. Impresso genu: exerting himself with 294. Trabali: in the sense of ingenti. his knee being thrust hard against him, he 296. Melior victims: a better, or more is enabled to pull Ebusus over, and bring effectual victim'to appease the gods, than him to the ground. Applicat: Ruelus says, those that had been offered for the league sternit. on the altars, where he had fallen; to wit, 306. Superimminet: in the sense ofpremit a lamb or a pig. Habethoc. This was an vel urget. Securi reducta: his axe being expression made by the spectators at the drawn back to give the blow-with his axe shows of the gladiators, when any one re- drawn back. ceived a mortal wound. 308. Disjicit: in the sense of scindit vel 297. Spoliant: strip his limbs yet warm. secat. Ruaeus says, nudant. 309. Olli: for illi, and this again in the 298. Obvius: in the sense of adversus. sense of illius. Ruinus says, occurrens. 311. Inermem: unarmed: of in, and arma. 300. Occupat os: he strikes him on the 313. Rrpens: in the sense of subita. face with the fire-brand. This prevented the 315. Leges: the terms or conditions of the blow that was intended by Ebusus to be treaty. given to him. Occupat os: Ruaeus says, in- 316. Ego faxo: the meaning is: I will tercepit vultum flamnmis. Heyne says, ferit make good m7 part of the treaty, and these occupando. This Chorinmus was a Trojan sacred rites give me security, that Turnus priest. Ho had been enga:ged in offering will perform his part. Faxo: for facero XENEIS. LIB. XII. 5o1 Ecce, viro stridens alis allapsa sagitta est. Incertum qua pulsa inanu, quo turbine aJacta; 320 320. Estincortum,quA Quis tantam Rutulis laudem, casusne, Deusne, manl pulsa t Attulerit. Pressa est insignis gloria facti; Nec sese _Enea jactavit vulnere quisquam. Turnus, ut tEneam cedentem ex agtnine vidit, Turbatosque duces. subita spe fervidus ardet: 3Q5 Poscit equos, atque arma simul, saltuque superbus Emicat in currum, et manibus molitur habenas. Multa virum volitans dat fortia corpora leto: Semineces volvit multos, aut agmina curru Proterit, aut raptas fugientibus ingerit hastas. 330 Qualis apud gelidi cum flumina concitus Ilebri 331. Qualis sangumSanguineus Mavors clypeo increpat, atque furentes neus Mayors, cum Bella movens immittit equos: illi aequore aperto Ante Notos Zephyrumque volant: gemit ultimno pulsu Thraca pedum: circ'irnque atrae Formidinis ora, 335 Iraeque, Insidiaeque, Dei comitatus, aguntur. 336. Clrcumaguntur Talis equos alacer media inter prelia Turnus Sum Fumantes sudore quatit, miserabile casis Hostibus insultans: spargit rapida ungula rores 339. Ungula ejus cquoSanguineos, mixtaque cruor calcatur arena. 340 rum Jamque neci Sthenelumque dedit, Thamyrimque, Pho- 342. Congressus est Itlmque, hunc et hunc comints; lun ongmque, su e u;. en eins abo illum, nempe, Sthenelum Hunc congressus et hunc; illum eminus emrinus ambos eminus; congressus esi Imbrasidas, Glaucum atque Ladem; quos Imnlrasus ipse eminis ambos NOTES. 319. Viro: to the hero, i. e. Eneas. Alis: and half dead they rolled and tumbled along here denotes the swiftness of the arrow. It as they lay prostrate on the field. Ingerit moved on wings. he hurled-threw. Raptas: in the sense of 320. Quo turbine: by what whirling force: correptas vel arreptas. Rumeus says, immittit simply, by what force. Quo impelu, says fugientibus hirslas abstractas iisdem: which Rueus. Pulsa: in the sense of missa. implies that Turnus took the spears from the 322. Pressa est: is concealed. No one fugitives, and then threw them at them. has the glory of so illustrious a deed. The word raptas frequently signifies no 325. Fervidus ardet: the absence of Eneas more than, snatched up-suddenly taken. raises the courage of Turnus, and inflames 331. Flumina Hebri: along the streams him for battle. He is once more victorious, of Ilebrus-along the river Hebrus. See as he had been before on the banks of the Eel. x. 65. Tiber, when IEneas was absent in Etruria. 332. Increpat: in the sense of sonat. This indirect method of praising his hero, 333. Immittit: lets loose-gives full reins Virgil had learned from Homer, who makes to his furious steeds. his victory to lean on the side of the Tro- 335. Ora atrce formidinis: the form or jans during the absence of Achilles; so, here, countenance of grim terror-grim terror the absence of iEneas makes the scales turn itself. in favor of the Latins. The absence of 336. Comitatus Dei: the retinue of the En eas was sudden and unexpected by Tur- god, i. e. Mars. The word comitltus agrees nus; and as soon as he saw him withd-aw in apposition with the preceding numinafrorn the field, he was fired with the hope of tives Ora, Irce, Insidie. retrieving the lost fortunes of his country. 338. Quatit: in the sense of impellit. 326 Superbus: in the sense of animosus. Mliserabile ctsis: miserably slain. 327. M.olitur: in the sense of tractat. 339. Sanguineos rores: simply, blood. 330. Proterit: he crushed. Rueus says, 342. Hunc, et hun: the two last he ensicrtit. Jgmisnia: the troops-the enemy. gaged in close fight; the former at a disAs Turnus drove furiously through the tance. Iic sometimes signifies the latter ranks of the enemy, the wheels of his chariot or last mentioned; ille, the former, or first e'ished some to death and others wounded mentiol ed, as in the present case. 5832 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Nutrierat LyciA, paribusque ornaverat armis, Vel conferre manum, vel equo pravertere ventos 345 Parte alia, media Eumedes in prERlia fertur, 347. Qui erat proles Antiqui proles bello prtclara Dolonis, antlqui Nomine avum referens, animo manibusque parentem. Qui qjuondam, castra ut Danaum speculator adiret, 350. Ausus est pos- Ausus Pelidae pretium slbi poscere currus. 350 cere Illum Tydides alio pro talibus ausis Affecit pretio; nec equis aspirat Achillis. 353. Hunc Eumeden Hunc procul ut campo Turnus conspexit aperto; Ante levi jaculo longum per inane secutus, Sistit equos bijuges, et curru desilit, atque 355 Semianimi lapsoque supervenit: et, pede collo Impresso, dextrre mucronem extorquet, et alto Fulgentem tingit jugulo, atque haec insuper addit: 359. En, Trojane, ja- En, agros, et, quam bello, Trojane, petisti, cens, netire agros Hesperiam metire, jacens: lrec prmrnia, qui me 360 Ferro ausi tentare, ferunt: sic mcenia condunt. Iluic comitem Buten, conjecta cuspide, mittit 363. Interficit Chlo- Chloreaque, Sybarimque, Daretaque, Thersilochumque, roaq*ue Et sternacis equi lapsum cervice Thymoeten. Ac velut Edoni Boreae ciim spiritus alto 365 Insonat JEgaeo, sequiturque ad litora fluctus; Qua venti incubuere, fugam dant nubila coelo: Sic Turno, quacunque viam secat, agmina cedunt, Conversaeue ruunt acies: fert impetus ipsum; NOTES. 344. Ornaverat: and had furnished them wounds, Eumedes held a dagger in his hand. with equal arms-with equal skill, or valor This the conqueror wrenched from him, and in arms. Conferre manum: to engage in buried deep in his throat. close fight. 358. Tingit: stains. Rumus says, im347. Proles prcclara bello..' This is to be mersit. He buries his glittering sword in understood ironically, as appears from what his throat. Immittit injugulum ut sanguine follows: and particularly, from the charac- tingatur, says Heyne. ter of Dolon in Homer, lliad, lib. 10, where 359. En agros: after a victory, the conhe appears to have undertaken the adven- querors divided the conquered lands and ture here alluded to, not from true courage, territory; and in the first place took the dibut from mere covetousness. He demanded mensions of them, in order to distribute the chariot of Achilles, as a reward for this them equally among their troops. To this service. custom Turnus, in this bitter sarcasm, seems 348. Referens: representing-bearing the to allude. name of. He bore the name of hib grand- 362. Cuspide: in the sense of jaculo. father, but was like his father in courage 364. Sternacis equi: ither stumbling and and valor. apt to fall himself; or rearing and pitching, 349. Qui: this refers to the father, men- in order to throw his rider. Cervice: shoultioned immediately before. ders-back. Rureus says, collo. 350. Pelidce: gen. of Pelides, a name of 365. Siris Edoni B t Achilles; from his father Peleus: a patro- h racian Boreas. B ores thelt',. -..'.. Thracian Boreas. Boreas, the north wind, nymic. Pretzum: as a reward for his deed. nymic. Pretiun: as a reward for his deed*. is here called Thracian, because it blew from 352..flecit alio pretio. It is here inti- 352. Aff cit a1o preio. It is here int- that country. The Edoni were a people of mated that Dolon was slain by Diomede. mated that Dolon was slain by Diomede. Thrace: hence the adj. Edonus. Alto: in 354. Jnte secutus: having thrown a swift ~354. sccuh: having thrown a swift.. the sense of mari. Spiritus: in the sense dart at him before-having pursued him te sese of with a swift javelin, &c. Inane: in the sense of latl vel ventus of aerem. Longum: distant-at a distance. 367. Dantfugam: in the sense of fugiuni 357. JMucronem dextrce. Though fallen Incubuere: blow-rush or press forward. by the spear of Turnus, and dying of his 369. Ruunl' in the sense offugiunt. AENE1S. LIB. XH. 583 Et cristanl adverso curru quatit aura volantem. 370 Non tulit instantem Phegeus, animisque frementem: 371. Turnum iltaaObjecit sese ad currum, et spumantia frenis tem Ora citatorum dextra detorsit equorum. Dum trahitur, pendetque jugis, hunc lata retectum Lancea consequitur, rumpitque infixa bilicem 375 375.Latalancea Turi Loricam, et summum degustat vulnere corpus. Ille tamen, clypeo objecto, conversus in hostem Ibat, et auxilium ducto mucrone petebat: Clm rota praecipitem, et procursu concitus axis Impulit, effiditque solo: Turnusque secutas, 380 Imam inter galeam summi thoracis et oras, Abstulit ense caput, truncumque reliquit arena. Atque ea dum campis victor dat funera Turnus; Interea AEneam Mnestheus, et fidus Achates, Ascaniusque comes, castris statuere cruentum, 385 Alternos longa nitentem cuspide gressus. Saevit, et infiacta luctatur arundine telum Eripere; auxilioque viam, quae proxima, poscit: 388. Qum est proxiEnse secent lato vulnus, telique latebram ma: jubet ut medics soRescindant penitus, seseque in bella rernittant. 390 cent Jamque aderat Phoebo ante alios dilectus lapys Iasides; acri quondam cui captus amore 392. Cui quondam Ipse suas artes, sua munera, laetus Apollo Apollo ipse captus acr' Adgurium, citharamque dabat, celeresque sagittas. amore, latus dabat NOTES. 370. Adverso curru: in his chariot facing breast-plate, and the lower part of his helthe wind. Aura: in the sense of ventus. met. Cum: this is the reading of Hcyne Volantem: waving. But curru may be for and Davidson. Rumus reads quem. It apcurrui,in the dat. The wind blowing against pears that Phegeus had let go of the horses, his chariot facing it, (adverso,) causes his and was preparing to attack Turnus, when plumes to wave. D)um currus adversusven- they sprang forward, and the wheel in its tunfertur, says Heyne. rapid motion struck him. 573. Detorsit ora: with his right hand he 386. JVitentem alternos: supporting his turned around tile heads, &c. This he did alternate steps, &c. Cuspide: in the sense to stop them, that on more equal terms he of hasta, by synec. might engage Turnus. These were the 387. Arundine: the shaft of the arrow. horses of Turnus. Spumantia: foaming at It is placed absolutely with infracta. Teo the bit. Citatorum: in the sense of animo- lurm: the barb or point of the arrow. sorum, vel celerum. 388. Auxilio: for relief. He orders them 375. Rnumpit: in the sense of penetrat. to make a gash or incision (vulnus) down 378. Petebat: he sought aid with his to the very blade of the dart or javelin, drawn sword. He hoped to succeed against (latebram teli,) and extract it without delay, Turnus by attacking him sword in hand. that he may again enter the fight, and check Rumus says, vocabat auxilium. Davidson the career of Turnus. Proxima: the speedrenders it, " he sought assistance from his iest-quickest. unsheathed sword.".Jfucrone: in the sense 390. Rescindant: in the sense of aperiant. of gladzo. 392. Cui: in the sense of cujus: with an 379. Axis: the extremities of the axle- ardent love of whom, Apollo, &c.'ree extended beyond the hub of the wheel. 393. Suas artes dabat: he gave to him the it was most probably this part that struck choice of his arts. This appears to be the?hegeus, and threw him headlong on the meaning from verse 396, infra, maluit scire, ground. Concitus: quickened and accele- &c. The arts of Apollo were, 1. Prophecy. rated by its rapid career. The impetus it 2. Music: whence, he is often represented nad acquired in its course served to increase with a lyre, and considered the god of poets. its velocity. Turnus seeing him in that si- 3. Skill in archery: hence, he is represented tuiation sprang from his chariot, and took with a quiver. 4. Medicine. This last was off his head between the upper part of his the choice of Iapys. P. VIRGILll MARONIg 55S4 Ille, ut depositi proferret fata parentis, 395 Scire potestates herbarum, usumque medendi Maluit, et mutas agitare inglorius artes. Stabat acerba fremens, ingentem nixus in hastam 399. Immobilis mag- JEneas, magno juvenum, et mcerentis Iuli no concursu juvenum Concursu, lachrymisque immobilis. Ille retorto 400 400. Ille senior lapys Peonium in morem senior succinctus amictu, succinctus anictu rotor- to in Peonium Multa manu medica Pha:bique potentibus herbis Nequicquam trepidat; nequicquam spicula dextrA Sollicitat, prensatque tenaci forcipe ferrum. Nulla viam fortuna regit; nihil auctor Apollo 405 Subvenit: et saevus campis magis ac magis horror Crebrescit; propiusque malum est. Jam pulvere ctlum Stare vident; subeunt 4quites, et spicula castris Densa cadunt mediis. It tristis ad aethera clamor Bellantum juvenum, et duro sub Marte cadentum. 410 Hic Venus, indigno nati concussa dolore, Dictamnum genitrix Crettea carpit ab Ida, Puberibus caulem foliis, et flore comantem 414. Illa gramina sunt Purpureo. Non illa feris incognita capris non incognita Gramina, cium tergo volucres habsere sagitta. 415 416. Venus circum- Hoc Venus, obscuro faciem circumdata nimbo, data quoad faciem Detulit: hoc fusum labris spendentibus amnem Inficit, occulte medicans; spargitque salubres Ambrosiae succos, et odoriferam panacearn. NOTES. 395. Depositi: sick —dangerously ill. Fa- make the sense of malum easy. See Eli..ta: in the sense of mortemn. Proferret: put ii. 301. off-defer. 407. Jam vident: they see the air or sky 396. Medendi: the gerund in di, of me- stand thick with dust-to be overspread or deor: in the sense of medicince. Potestates: filled with dust. properties-qualities. 411. Indigno: unmerited-undeserved. 397. Mutas artes: silent arts-arts more 412. Dictamnum: the herb dittany. It useful than showy. The other arts of Apollo is said to have grown only in Crete, whence were more ostentatious and showy. Agi- it had its name from Dicte, a mountain in tare: practice or exercise. that island. Its stalk bears soft downy 398. Acerba: an adj. neu. plu., used ad- leaves; and its blossoms are not single, but verbially: in the sense of acerbe. grow upon almost every leaf: whence, it is 399..',Ioerentis: of grieving —afflicted. said to be comantemflore purpureo: this last lilus: Heyne connects lachrymis with liili denotes the color of the flower. Caulem: rnmrentis. In this construction, iilus alone the stem or stalk: it is here put in apposiis represented as shedding tears. The others tion with dictamnum. assemble to see the wounded hero. 415. Gramina: in the sense of herba. 401. Pronium: an adj. from Peon the 401. Paronium: an adj. from PIeon the 416. Hoc: this herb dittany. The hoc in physician of the gods; here put for any the following line is in the abl. with this she physician. Retorto: turned back after the tinged. Rumus says, imbuit../tinem: in manner of Peon, that he might perform the sense of aquam. operation more conveniently. 403. Treptdat multa. in the sense of fes- 417. Labris: the vessel i which the tinat multa: he tries many expedients to herbs of lapys were infused. extract the arrow, to no purpose. Multa 419. Succos ambrosice. Homer maies tentat, says Heyne. ambrosia to be the food of the gods. It 404. Sollicitat: he moves, or pulls. Fer- properly signifies immortality. Panacea rum: the blade, or barbed part of the spear. a salutary herb, of which Pliny mention. Fortuna: success-advantage. three kinds. According to the etymology 406. Subvenit: in the sense of adjuvat. of the word, it should be a remedy for all 4uctor: the author of medicine. Horror: diseases. Spargil: she diffuses in it the in the sense of terror, says Heyne. It may healing juices of ambrosia, Ruteus says, mean a din or clashing of arms; which will miscet. ANETS. LIB. XIr. 585 Fovit e, vulnus lymphi longavus lapis, 420 Ignorans: subltoque omnis de corpore fugit Quippe dolor; omnis stetit imo vulnere sanguis. Jamque secuta manum, nullo cogente, sagitta Excidit. atque nove rediere in pristina vires. 424. In pristina cff Arma citi properate viro: quid statis? lapis 425 cia Conclamat: primusque animos accendit in hostes. 425. ir cii Non haec humanis opibus, non arte magistra 427. Addit praortred Proveniunt; neque te, ~Enea, mea dextera servat: hlec non proveniunt Major agit Deus, atque opera ad majora remittit. Ille avidus pugnfe suras incluserat auro 430 Ilinc atque hinc; oditque moras, hastamque coruscat. Ibostquam habilis lateri clypeus, loricaque tergo est; Ascanium fusis circum complectitur armis, Surnmaque per galeam delibans oscula, fatur: Disce, puer, viltutem ex me, verumque laborem: 435 Fortunam ex aliis. Nunc te mea dextera bello 436. Sed dtsce fortaDeferisum dabit, et magna inter prtemia ducet. nam 437. Ducet te Tu facito, mox cum matura adoleverit aetas, 438. Tu acito ut s Sis memor, et te animo repetentem exempla tuoTum, mlemor mee air'utis,ciu Et pater XAneas, et avunculus excitet Hector. 440 mox Haec ubi dicta dedit, portis sese extulit ingens, Telum immane manu quatiens: simul agmine denso Anteusque Mnestheusque ruunt: omnisque relictis Turba fluit castris. Turn caco pulvere campus Miscetur, pulsuque pedum tremit excita tellus. 445 Vidit ab adverse venientes aggere Turnus, 446. Trojanos venien. Videre Ausonii; gelidusque per ima cucurrit tea Ossa tremor. Prima ante omnes Juturna Latinos Audiit, agnovitque sonum, et tremefacta refugit. Ille volat, campoque atrum rapit agmen aperto. 450 450. Ille.Eneas volat Qualis, ubi ad terras abrupto sidere nimbus NOTES. 420. Fovit: in the sense of lavit. faciet. Inter: in the sense of ad. Heyne 421. Ignzorans: ignorant of the virtues takes prcemia in the sense of victorias. which had been communicated to it. 438. Adoleverit: shall have become-shall 422. Quippe: indeed-truly. Stetit: have ripened. ceased to flow. Constitit, says RumEus. 439. Repetentem: calling to your mind. 427. Hac: this cure-these things. Ruaeus says, revolventem animo. The fol428. Proveniunt: spring-arise from.- lowing line is repeated from.En. iii. 343. Magistra: in the sense of medica. 440. Hector. He was the uncle of Asca429..igit: performs the cure. nius, his mother, Creiisa, being the daughter 430. Incluserat suras: had incased his of Priam. It is the wish of Eneas that his legs on each side in gold. own example, and the example of his uncle, 432. Habilis: in the sense of aptus. may excite him to piety and virtue, and to 433. Complectilur: he embraces Asca- the performance of deeds of valor. nius, w'th his arms spread around him. 444. Turba: the troops —all that were The irciim and fusis are to be united into in the camp. Fluit: in the sense of ru1mone v ord. punt vel ruunt. Cceco: darkening, or ob434. Delibans: gently touching his lips scuring the air. through his helmet. We have here a most 445. Excita: in the sense of conemcea. interesting instance of paternal affection, 446. Aggere: in the sense of tualulo vol and of tender solicitude for the future wel- colle. fare of his sio. 450. Rapit: in the sense of duczt vel 435. Laborem: fortitude-patience under trahit. Atrum: Rutus says, densum. difficulties. 451. Sidere abrupto. Davidson observes, 437 l)obil in the sense of redder vel that sidere here may be taken for a storm, P. VIRGILIt MARONIS 452. llle nimbus dabit It mare per medium: miseris, heu, praescia longe 453. Heu, corda mi- Horrescunt corda agricolis! dabit ille ruinas wris agricolis prascia Arboribus, stragemque satis, ruet omnia late. Antevolant, sonitumque ferunt ad litora venti. 455 Talis in adversos ductor Rhceteius hostes Agmen'agit: densi cuneis se quisque coactis Agglomerant. Ferit ense gravem Thymbraeus Osirim Archetium Mnestheus, Epulonem obtruncat Achates, Ufentemque Gyas. Cadit ipse Tolumnius augur, 460 Primus in adversos telum qui torserat hostes. Tollitur in ctelum clamor: versique vicissim Pulverulenta fuga Rutuli dant terga per agros. 464. Eosaversos morti Ipse neque aversos dignatur sternere morti; Nec pede congressos equo, nec tela ferentes 46'b Insequitur: solum densa in caligine Turnum Vestigat lustrans, solum in certamina poscit. 468. Concussa quoad H6c.concussa metu mentem Juturna virago, mentein hoc Aurigam Turni media inter lora Metiscum Excutit, et longe lapsum temone relinquit. 470 471. Ipsa subit in ejus Ipsa subit, manibusque undantes flectit habenas, Incumn Cuncta gerens, vocemque. et corpus, et arma Metisci. Nigra velut magnas domini cum divitis tedes Pervolat, et pennis alta atria lustrat hirundo, Pabula parva legens, nidisque loquacibus escas; 475 Et nunc porticibus vacuis, nunc humida circum NOTES. which was thought to be the effect of some 464. Aversos morli. Pierius found aversos furious constellation. In this sense, abrupto in the Roman manuscript. The poet is sidere will mean the same with abrupta here telling us, that ]Eneas disdained to tempestate, vel abruptis procellis: bursting fight with any of the Rutulian army but storms, as in the third Georgic. Or, if Turnus. This he does by a circumlocution, sidere be taken in its proper sense, then dividing the Rutulians into three divisions: abrupto must be taken in the sense of ca- 1. The aversos morti: those that were on dente, setting; the constellations being the flight. 2. The congresses cequo pede: lhought more furious toward the time of those who were engaged in close fight, on their setting..Jimbus: a black cloud, equal terms. 3. The ferentes tela: those fraught with thunder and rain. This is who fought with missive weapons, at a disits proper meaning. Heyne takes sidere tance. Heyne reads aversos. abrupto in the sense of nube abrupta: the 465. Ferentes: in the sense of inferentes. cloud bursting, or being burst. cloud bursting, or bein *., 466. Caligine: in the sense of pulvere, vel 452. Prascia longe: presaging disaster, l i while the storm is yet at a distance-fore- nube pulves. seeing the danger at a distance. 468. Virago: thle heroine Juturna. 453. Agricolis miseris: the dat. in the 470. Excutit: in the sense of dejicit vel sense of the gen. The hearts of the, &c. prcecipitat. 454. Ruet in the sense of evertet. 472. Gerens cuncla: assuming-taking 456. Rlneteius: in the sense of Trojanus, all things, both the voice &c. so called from Rhweleum, a promontory on. Vu, m i. the coast of Troas. 473. Velut ctm nizra hirundo. The epi457. Cuneis coactis: the ranks being thet nigra, Scaliger observes, is added to closed: " in thick array," says Davidson. distinguish this kind of sw allow from those.Igglomnerant se: they crowd themselves to- that haunt the banks of rivers and are of a gether. sandy color. Petronius calls it urbana 458. Graremn: in the sense offortem. Progne, because it loves to fiequent towers, 462. Versi: in the sense of fugati. The and such stately buildings as are in cities. Rlutuli had been victorious, while.Fneas ^des: palace. Ruaeus says, dmum. was disabled by his wound. Now he is on 475. JV'idls: the nests are here put for the the field, the scale of victory is turned, and young in the nests, by meton. Escas: put thley, in turn, are put to flight, in apposition with parva pabula. XENEIS. LIB. XLS. S87 Stagna sonat similis medios Juturna per hostes 477: Similis Wic am Fertur equis, rapidoque volans obit omnia curru: uturna Jamque hic germanum, jamque hic, ostendit ovantenl: Nec conferre manum patitur: volat avia longe. 480 480. Nec patitur eum Haud minus J/peas tortes legit obvius orbes, Vestigatque virum, et disjecta per agmina magna Voce vocat. Quoties oculos conjecit in hostem, 483. Vocat Turnum Alipedunmque fugarn cursu tentavit equorum; magni voce Aversos toties currus Juturna retorsit. 485 Heu! quid agat? vario nequicquam fluctuat aestu: Diverssaque vocant animum in contraria curae. Huic Messapus, uti laeva duo forte gerebat 488. Messapus, utl Lenta, levis cursu, praefixa hastilia ferro, forte levis cursu gerebat IIorum unum certo contorquens dirigit ictu. 490 haslianu duo lent Substitit tEneas, et se collegit in arma, 490. Huic ne Poplite subsidens; apicem tamen incita summum Ilasta tulit, summasque excussit vertice cristas. Turn vero assurgunt irae; insidiisque subactus, Diversos ubi sensit equos currumque referri, 495 495. Equos Turnt raMulta Jovem, et lesi testatur foederis aras. pidiversos Jam tandem invadit medios, et Marte secundo 497. Medios hostes Terribilis, swvam nullo discrimine caedem Suscitat, irarunmque omnes effundit habenas. NOTES. 477. Sonat: chirps, or chatters. 489. Levis: in the sense ofceler, agreeing 478. Obit: goes over, or around. Rumus with Messapus. Prcefixa: in the sense of Says, ptrcurrit. armata. 480. Longe alia: far out of the way, so 491. Collegit se in arma: he contracted, as not to meet ]Eneas. Avia: an adj. from or collected himself into his armor. Though avius, agreeing with Juturna. Conferre ma- the word arma is here mentioned in general, num: to engage in close combat, or fight it must be restricted to the shield, behind with IEneas. which he hid himself, bending upon his 481. Legit tortos orbes oblnius: traces the knee, and contracting his body. Virgil uses mazy circles and windings. of Turnus, not the word in the same sense in other places. for the purpose of overtaking him, but for the purpose of meeting him. This is the 492. Subsidens: in the sense of cadcns. sense of obvius. Rumus says, incurvans se. Incita: in the 482. Disjecta: scattered-flying before sense of inmissa vel celer. him. 493. Concita hasta tulit: the meaning is: 484. Fatiam: the speed-swiftness. Ru- the rapid spear just grazed the top of his eus says, ccleritatem. Alipedum: in the head, and carried with it the tuft, or plume sense of celerum: the swift, or winged horses of his helmet. Vertice: in the sense of of Turnus. capite. 485. Retorsit currus. The meaning is: 494. Subactus insidiis: baffled by the strawhenever AFneas was about to intercept tagems of Juturna. Rueus sa s, coactus. her course, coming up in front, Juturria 496. Testatur. This is the reading of wheeled about the chariot, and drove backweeled about the chariot and drove back- most of the ancient manuscripts. It is proward, so as to prevent the meeting of the ferae to te maus cripts. is p two champions. Currus: the chariot, by Rueus al eyne t reads tc s the reading of eton. tl~e honRseus. RUeUY. Heyne reads testatur. }Multa: ir meton. the horses. the sense of multtbn. Rumus says, scope. 486. Ileu quid agat. Dr. Trapp explains the sense of. Ruus says, spe. this of Juturna; but it is evident we are to 499. Susritat: in the sense offacit. Efundcrstand it of Aineas. It is he who is fundit habtnas: he gives full reins to his disappointed, and crossed in his design of anger. This is a metaphor taken from the meeting Turnus..Estu: with a tide of chariot race. Effindere habenas: to give passions. [rarulm is understood. full rein to your horses-to set them at full 487. In contraria: in opposite directions- speed. Dare-laxare-mittere-iitmittere in different ways. Taken in the sense of in &c.-habenas vel frwna, are phrases donosontrarias partes. ting the same tling. 5,^8 pP VIRGILII MARONIS 500. Nune quis, quis Quis mihi nunc tot acerba Deus, quis carmine ccedes Deus e^pediat mihi car- Diversas, obitumque ducun), quos aquore toto 501 rinre tot acerbafitrra Inque vicem nunc Turnus agit, nunc Troius heros, 503. Placuit-ne te, 0 Expediat? tanton' placuit concurrere motu, Julp1iter Jupiter, eterna gentes in pace futuras? AEneas Rutulum Sucronem, (ea prima ruentes 505 Pugna locd statuit Teucros,) haud multa moratus, Excipit in latus, et, quai fata celerrima, crudun Transadigit costas et crates pectoris ensem.. Turnus equo dejectum Amycum, fratremque Diorem, s10. Fcrit hunc Dio- Congressus pedes; hunc venientem cuspide longh, 510'em venienltem Iunc mucrone ferit; curruque abscissa duoruin Suspendit capita, et rorartia sanguine portat. 513. Ille JEneas mittit Ille Talon, Tanaimque neci, fortemque Cethegum, ralon. Tes uno congressu, et mcestum mittit Onvten, Nomen Echionium, matrisque genus PerilM.. 515 510. Hlie Turnus in- Iie fi'atreJ Lycih mnissos, et Apollinis agris, tcrjiczt fiatres Et juvenern exosum nequicquam bella Menceten Arcada: piscoste cui circurn flumina Lernm 5.s n disi i- Ars fuerat, pauFperque domus: nec nota potentun missi diversis m Limirna, conductique pater tellure serebat. 520 5?2. in sonantia vir- Ac velut immissi diversis partibus ignes gult e lauro Arentem in sylvam, et virgulta sonantia lauro; NOTES. 501. Obitum: in the sense of mortem. engage in close combat-to fight hand to 502. Inque vicem: for invicemque, by hand. tmlesis. Lqgit: causes, or effects. 514. Congressu: onset-assault. Ruueus 503. Mlotu: rage-violence. Tanton': says, impetu. Genus: in the sense ofprolem ior tanto-ne, by apocope. vel filium. 505. Pugrna: attack-assault. Statuit: 515. Echionium: an adj. from Echion, stopped. The meaning of this passage may the name of the Theban, who accompanied be: that the opposition made by Sucro Cadmus at the building of Thebes in Beotia. checked the Trojans, who were before rush- Onytes was an Echionian, or Theban name. ing on the enemy, and raging without con- Ruamus says, Thebanum. trol. Or, this assault of AEneas upon Sucro 516. Lycia: a country of Asia Minor, caused him, and the Trojans, to stop their celebrated for the oracles of Apollo. It is career and pursuit of Turnus, and remain here put in apposition with agris. See En. in the same place. This is the sense given iv. 143. to it by Heyne. Ruaus proposes a third 517. Exosum: a part. agreeing withjuvemeaning to the words, to wit: that the as- nem, and governing bella. Menaetes was an sault of Eneas upon Sucro first caused the Arcadian. Trojans to rally and stand their ground, 519. Ars: business, or employment. Cui: who before were fleeing, and unable to re- in the sense of cujus. Lernce: a lake near sist so great a hero. the city of Argos in the Peloponnesus, fa506. Mallta: in the sense of mult'tm. This mous for its having been the abode of the il in imitation of the Greeks, who used ad- Hydra, that was slain by Hercules. Flumnzjictives of the neu. gen. as adverbs. na: in the sense of aquas. 507. Excipit: in the sense of ferit, vel 520. Limina potentm7n: the palaces of the rulnerat. Qua fata: where death is easiest great were not known to him. Ursinus asto be effected. Fata: in the sense of mors. sures us that limina is the reading of the The verb sunt is understood. most ancient manuscript, Liber Colitianus 508. Crates: ace. plu. Rumus says, sep- vetustissimus, and he makes no doubt of its turn. Crudum: naked —bloody. Coslas- being the true reading. Heyne and David. Crates. These are governed in the ace. by son read limina. Rumus and Valpy read the prep. trans, in comp., while the verb munera. Of this it is difficult to make zdigit governs crudum ensem. sense, whereas limina is easy. Conducta: 510. Congressus pedes: Turnus on foot en- in hired land. He had no farm of his own. adging Amycus, kc. Congredi: signifies to 522. Virgulta: in the sense of ncmora. .YENEIS. LIB. XII. 5L9 Aut ubi decursu rapido de montibus altis 524. Aut ubi amnes Dant sonitum spurosi amnes, et in aquora currunt, spumosi rapido decursu Quisque suum populatus iter: non segniuis ambo 525 525. Quisque mni,Eneas'urnusque ruunt per pralia; nunc, nunc Fluciaat ira intus rumpuntur nescia vinci Pectora: nunc totis in vulnera viribus itur. Murranum hic, atavos et avorum antiqua sonantem 529. Hic.Eneas sco Nomina, per regesque actum genus omne Latinos. 530 pulo, atque turbine inPraecipitem scopulo atque ingentis turbine saxi ges saxi, excutit lurranum. Excutit, effunditque solo. Hunc lora et juga subter 532. Effundit eum Provolvere rotae; crebro super ungula pulsu prmecipitein Incita nec domini merorum proculcat equorum. 533. Ungula equorulm, Ille ruenti Hyllo, animisque immane frementi. 535 nec memorum 535. Ille Turnus orOccurrit, telumque aurata ad tempora torquet: currit Hylrn Olli per galeam fixo stetit hasta cerebro. Dextera nec tua te, Grajum fortissime Creteu, Eripuit Turno: nec Di texere Cupencum, AEnea veniente, sui: dedit obvia eirro 540 Pectora, nec nisero clypei mora profuit aerei. Te quoque Laurentes viderunt, A/ole, campi, Oppetere, et lat6 terram consternere tergo: Occidis, Argivae quem non potuere phalanges 544. Tu occidis, quem Sternere, nec Priami regnorum eversor Achilles. 545 Ilic tibi mortis erant meta: domus alta sub Ida; - 546. Erat libi alta doLyrnessi domus alta; solo Laurente sepulchrum. mus sub Id&; erat tibi Totme adeo converse acies, omnesque Latini, alta domus Lyrnessi; nunc est tibi. Omnes Dardanidae. Mnestheus acerque Serestus, 548. Conversm sunt Et Messapus, equilm domitor, et fortis Asylas, 550 in se Tuscorumque phalanx, Evandrique Arcadis alae Pro se quisque, viri summrn nituntur opum vi. 552. Omnes viri, quisNec mora, nec requies: vasto certammine tendunt. que pro se NOTES. 523 Decursu: descent. whose priest he was. Cupencus, in the Sa524. aIEquora: in the sense of mare. bine language, signified a priest. 525. Populatus: laying waste. 541..Erei. Pierius found ceris in all the 527. JTescia vinci: knowing not to be con- ancient manuscripts which he examined, quered-invincible. Rumpunter: are burst instead of terei, as in the common editions. -pant and heave as if they would burst Heyne reads cerei. JMora: resistance. with rage. 543. Oppetere. This word properly signi528. Itur: they go-march. fies to die, like a hero, on the field of battle 529. Sonantem: in the sense of jactan- quasi ore petere terram, to bite the ground, tern vel gloriantem. Actum: in the sense of as we say in English. deductuin. 544. Occidis: thou fallest. Ruaeus says, 531. Turbine: with the force. HIeyne moreris. says, jactu. 546. Mietce mortts: for meta vifce. the limit 532. Excutit: in the sense of deficit vel or boundary of life. This is in imitation of sternit. Homer's eX oe 3asta, e. 533. Super: in the sense of insuper vel 547. Lyrnessi: Lyrnessus was a city of praterea. Phrygia, near the Sinus Adramyttenus. 534. Incita: quick-in rapid movement. 548. Conversa: Rumus says, permixte. 536. Aurata. tempora: his temples decked The verb sunt is understood. with a gilded helmet. 551. Alce: in the sense of equites, vel 537. Fixo: being pierced —the spear equitatus. passed through his helmet. 552. Vituntur: strive-struggle. Opum: passe d ripui. R Ssaysthis appears merely expletive. Rumeus says, 539 Eripuit. Rumus says, servavit. virium. 540. Sui: in the sense of propitii vel 553. Tendunt: in the sense of contendunr faavenles. Or, his own gods-those gods vel luctantur. 0vt930 P. VIRGILII MARONIS Hie mentem Encae genitrix pulcherrima misit, Iret ut ad muros, urbique adverteret agmen 55b Ocyus, et subita turbaret clade Latinos. 557. Ille X.neas ut Ille ut vestigans diversa per agmina Turnum, cixcumtulit Huc atque hue acies circumtulit; aspicit urbem Immunem tanti belli, atque impune quietam. 560. Accendit animum Continu6 pugnae accendit majoris imago: 560 Mnesthea, Sergestumque vocat, fortemque Serestum, Ductores; tumulumque capit, quo caetera Teucrum Concurrit legio; nec scuta aut spicula densi Deponunt. Celso medius stans aggere fatur: 565. Jupiter stat hac Ne qua meis esto dictis mora: Jupiter hac stat: 565 parie pro nobis Neu quis ob inceptum subitum mihi segnior ito. 567. Eruam urbem Urbem hodie, causam belli, regna ipsa Latini, Ni fraenum accipere et victi parere fatentur, Eruam; et aequa solo fumantia culmina ponam. Scilicet exspectem, libeat dum pralia Turno 570 Nostra pati? rursuisque velit concurrere victus? 572. Hoc est caput, lloc caput, 6 cives, haec belli summa nefandi. nentpe, urbs Laurentum Ferte faces propere, fcedusque reposcite flammis. 576. Scalae apparue-....runtu Dixerat: atque animis pariter certantibus omnes Dant cuneum, densaque ad muros mole feruntur. 575 Scalte improvis6, subitusque apparuit ignis. Discurrunt alii ad portas, primosque trucidant: Ferrum alii torquent, et obumbrant aethera telis. Ipse inter primos dextram sub mcenia tendit /Eneas, magnaque incusat voce Latinum: 580 Testaturque Deos, iterum se ad praelia cogi; S82. Italos jam bis esse Bis jam Italos hostes; hmec altera foedera rumpi. hostes Exoritur trepidos inter discordia cives: Urbem alii reserare jubent, et pandere portas Dardafiidis; ipsumque trahunt in mcenia regem. 585 NOTES. 554. Mentem: mind-design-purpose. 571. Pati nostra prcelia: to fight with me..Msiit: in the sense of immisit. IHeyne Ruaus says,ferre pugnam. takes mentem in the sense of consilium. 575. Dant cuneum: they form themselves 558. Acies: in the sense of oculos: some into the military wedge, which is drawn to understand it of the various parts of the ar- a point in the front, and widens toward the my. Immunem: in the sense of expertem. rear;.and in this close body (densa mole) 563. JNec scuta: this was accordingto the they rush against the city. Dant: in the custom of the Roman soldiers, who were sense offormant vel faciunl. Feruntur: in wont to be drawll up in arms before their the sense of irrunt. Rumus interprets mole genera., wncn he harangued them. Legio: by mullitudine. in the sense of turmce vcl acies. Rumus 578. Ferrum. Any missive weapon tipped says exercitus. with iron or steel, may be calledferrum. 565. Stat hac. stands here with us-favors 579. Tendit: in the sense of protendtt. us-is on our side, in this bold undertaking. Sub: in the sense of ad. This may be said in allusion to his being the 582. Ifec altera fcedera. The first treaty avenger of violated faith. was, when Latinus promised to Ilioneus to 568. Fatentur: unless they consent to re- take IEneas for his ally, and son-in-law ceive the reins and obey..Acciperefrcenum, En. vii. 259. The second league or treaty vol] frena is a military phrase, denoting un- was that which ratified the single combat colnltional submission to the conqueror.- between Turnus and /Eneas, 195. supra. Ruteus says, volunt. 585. Trahunt: they draw the king to the 5'9..Equa: level with the ground. Po- walls, that he may ratify the treaty, and so nam: in the sense of prosternamn. put an end to the war. AENEIS. LIB. XII. 591 Arma fcrunt alii, et pergunt defendere muros. Inclusas ut cum latebroso in pumice pastor Vestigavit apes, fumoque implevit amaro: Il!a- intus trepidae rerum per cerea castra 588. Implevit locum Discurrunt, magnisque acuunt stridoribus iras. 590 Volvitur ater odor tectis; tum murmure caeco Intus saxa sonant: vacuas it fumus ad auras. Accidit haec fessis etiam fortuna Latinis, Qume totam luctu concussit funditus urbem. Regina ut tectis venientem prospicit hostem, 595 Incessi muros, ignes ad tecta volare: Nusquam acies contra Rutulas, nulla aglnina Turni: 597. Contra prospteit Infelix pugna juvenem in certamine credit nusquam utulas acie Extinctumn: et, subito mentem turbata dolore, 598. Credit juvenem Se causam clamat, crimenque, caputque malorum: _600 Turnun& extnctum esse Multaque per moestum demens effata furorem, 600. Se esse causam Purpureos moritura manu discindit amictus, Et nodum informis leti trabe nectit ab altA. Quam cladem miserae postquam accepere Latinae, Filia prima manu flavos Lavinia crines, 605 605. Lavinia prima Et roseas laniata genas; turn csetera circum furit, laniata quoad Turba furit: resonant late plangoribus edes. Hinc totam infelix vulgatur fama per urbem. Demittunt mentes: it, scissa veste, Latinus, Conjugis attonitus fatis, urbisque ruinA, 610 Canitiem immundo perfusam pulvere turpans: Multaque se incusat, qui non accepefit-ante Dardanium LEneam, generumque adsciverit ultro. NOTES. 586. Pergunt: in the sense of parant. rites of burial. J.ectit: she binds, or ties 587. Pumice. Pumex is properly the the rope. JNodum: in the sense offunem, pjmice stone: here put for any stone. says Heyne. 588. Vestigavit: hath found-discovered. 605. Accepere: in the sense of audiverunt. 589. Castra: their hives. Trepidce rerum: Quam cladem: in the sense of cujus mortemn. alarmed for their state-condition. Timentes. 606. Lavinia laniata. After the women suis rebus, says Rueus. So fessi rerum, had learned the tragic end of her mother, AEn. i. 178. Lavinia was the first to express her griefl 591. Teclis: this again means the hives. This she did by tearing her hair, and mangOdor: fume- vapor, or smoke. Ceeco: ling her rosy cheeks. Servius reads floros, smothered-obscure. or floreos, instead offlavos, in imitation of 593. Fortuna: in the sense of calamitas. Ennius. But there is no authority to supFessis: afflicted-distressed. port this reading; and there is no necessity 594. Concussit: in the sense'of implevit. for the alteration; for yellov, or golden hair, 595. Teclis. Tectum here is in the sense was the color most admired among the anof urbs. Incessi: the inf. of the verb inces- cients. sor: to be assaulted. Ut: when-as soon as. 609. Demittunt: their resolution fails599. Turbata: in the sense of commota. they despond. Ruseus says, dejiciunt aniMentem is put as a Grecism. mos. Davidson renders it, " their souls 600. Crirmen: the criminal author. despond." 601. Deinens: wanting reason. Of de, 610. Fatis: in the sense of morte. and mens. A4,atla: in the sense of dicens 611. Turpans: defiling-tearing. vel loquens. Per: through-during. 612. Multa: in the sense of multum. This 603.. Informis: unnatural-awful. Heyne and the following line are introduced from says, turqis. The poet here expresses his lEn. xi. 471. In some copies they do not disapprobation of suicide, by calling it in- appear in this place. firmis leti. A-cording to the pontifical 613. Adsciverit: admitted, or received him books, such persons were deprived of the as a son-in-law. h92 P VIRGILIl MARONIS Interea extremo bellator in amquore Turnus Palantes sequitur paucos, jam segn or, atque 615 Jam minus atque minus successu lattus equorum. Attulit hunc illi caecis terroribus aura 618. Commixtum cM- Commixtum clamorem, arrectasque impulit aures cis terroribus Confusae sonus urbis, et illsetabile murmur. Itei mihi! quid tanto turbantur mcenia luctu? 62Q Quisve ruit tantus divers& clamor ab urbe? Sic ait: adductisque amens subsistit habenis. Atque huic, in faciem soror ut conversa Metisci Aurigma, currumque et equos et lora regebat, 625. Occurrit huic in Talibus occurrit dictis: Hac, Turne, sequamnur 625 talibus dictis: hAc parte, Trojugenas, qua prima viam victoria pandit 0 Turn~e Sunt alii, qui tecta manu defendere possint. Ingruit AEneas Italis, et prelia r.iscet: Et nos saeva manu mittamus funera Tcucris. 630. Numero ccesorum Nee numero inferior, pugnae nec honore recedes. 630 631. Turnus respondet Turnus ad haec: O soror, et dudum agnovi, cuim prima per artem Fcedera turbasti, teque hac in bella dedisti: 634. Fallis me. Sed Et nunc nequicquam fallis Dea. Sed quis Olympo quis Deorum voluit te Demissam tantos voluit te ferrelabores? 635 demissam An fratris miseri letum ut crudele videres? Nam quid ago? aut quae jam spondet fortuna salutem? 638. Ego ipse vidi in- Vidi oculos ante ipse meos, me voce vocantem gentern Murranum op- Murranum, quo non superat mihi charior alter, petere ante meos oculos, etere ingentematqe ingenti vulnere victum. vocantem me voce, atque Op ere gntm atque genti vulnere ctum. 64 victum Occidit infelix, ne nostrum dedecus, Ufens, 643. JVostris miseris Aspiceret: Teucri potiuntur corpore et armis. rebus Exscindi-ne domos, id rebus defuit unum, NOTES. 614..Equore: in the sense of campo. 617. Aura: in the sense oiventus. Lczatw 615. Segnior. Rueus says, tardior. unknown-uncertain. Rueus says, incerti.t. 616. Successu equorum. Servius,and most 619. Illetabile: mournful-unjoyous. Of interpreters after him, take the meaning to in, neg. and letabilis. be that Turnus was now less pleased with 621. Diversd: in the sense of ab dversa his horses, because they were out of breath, parte urbis. Rutus says, dissita. and fatigued. But it seems much better to 625. Occurrit: in thie sense of responaet. understand it of his being less pleased with 627. Tecta: in the sense of urbem. the easy victory he gained, now that iEneas 629. Mittamue: in the sense of demus. was retired, and only a few straggling troops Funera sceva: in the sense of crudelem morleft in the field. This agrees with the ex- tern, says Ruanes. l" Let us spread cruel pressions paucos palantes. Successu equo- death among the';ojans.') Valpy. rum: this last intimates, that the victory he 630. JNumero: in the number of the slain. gained was now so easy, that lie had only Turnus should equal Eneas in the number to drive the enemy before his chariot, with- of his slain, and in the glory of the fight. out meeting with any resistance. Turnus 632. Agnovi: the pron. te is understood. might think the victory not worthy of his 633. Turbdsti: in the sense of rupisti. valor, and was therefore less pleased with 634. Fallis: Heyne says, vis latere. it, than if it had more richly rewarded him. 638. Aiurranum. He was one of the ItaThis better accords with the sentiments of lian princes, and slain by Eneas, verse 529, the soldier. This is the opinion of David- supra. Ingentem: mighty-powerful. son. He renders the words; " with the 641. Ufens. He commanded the Agricola. cheap victory of his horses." Heyne agrees See AEn. vii. 745. with Servius. Rumaus observes: he was 643. Unum: in the sense of solum. The less pleased with his horses, because they only thing wanting to our complete wretchhad carried him so far from the fight. edness and misery. NNES.,IB. XII 593 Perpetiar? dextr& nec Drancis dicta refellam? 644 Terga dabo? et Turnum fugientem haec terra videbit? Usque adeone mor miserum est? vos 6 mihi Manes 646. Est-no usque Este boni; quoniam Superis aversa voluntas. adeo Sancta ad vos anima, atque istius inscia culpe, 647. Voluntas Supers cst aversa tlihi Descendam, magnorum haud unquam indlgnus avorum. Vix ca fatus erat: medios volat, ecce, per hostes 650 Vectus equo spumante Sages; adversa sagitta Saucius ora ruitque, implorans nomine Turnum: 652. Saucius uoad Turne, in te suprema salus; miserere tuorum. 6 ersa ora 653..Nostra suprema'uiminat LEneas armis, summasque minatur salus est I)ejecturum arces Italufm, excidioque daturum: 655 655. Daturum cas arJamque faces ad tecta volant. In te ora Latini, ces In te oculos referunt mussat rex ipse Latinus, Quos generos vocet, aut que sese ad fcedera flectat. Prieterea regina, tui fidissima, dextrA Occidit ipsa sua, lucemque exterrita fugit. 660 Soli pro portis Messapus et acer Atinas Sustentant aciem Circum hos utrinque phalanges Stant densae, strictisque seges mucronibus horret 663. E strctls mucro Ferrea: tu currum deserto in gramine versas. nikus Obstupuit varia confusus imagine rerum 665 Turnus, et obtutu tacito stetit. AEstuat ingens Imo in corde pudor, mixtoque insania luctu, Et furiis agitatus amor, et conscia virtus. Ut primum discussme umbras, et lux reddita menti, 669. Sunt discussae Ardentes oculorum acies ad mcenia torsit 670 Turbidus, eque rotis magnam respexit ad urbem. Ecce autem, flammis inter tabulata volutus NOTES. 644. Dicta Drancis. See YEn. xi. 336, the state of Latinus' mind. On the. one et sequens. hand, he was inclined to match his daughter 646. Est-ne usque adeo: is it indeed so with.Eneas, and fulfil his engagements: grievous a thing to die? on the other, he was overawed by Turnus, 647. Superis: in the sense of Superorum. and durst not openly declare his sentiments; Boni: propitious-kind. Turnus now plain- but faintly hinted them, like one who mutly sees, that the gods above are against ters what he is afraid to speak out. Rumeus him, and that he must fall beneath the says, dubitat. Heyne says, tacite deliberat. sword of Eneas. He addresses himself to Referunt: turn-cast. The verb is to be the gods below, (.Manes,) not so much with repeated before each objective case. a view to obtain their assistance against 659. Tui: in the sense of tiHi. the purposes of Jove, as they might give 662. Aciem: in the sense of pugnam. his shade, his sancta anima, a welcome re- Phalanges: the troops in general. ception; since it would descend to them 664. Deserto gramine: in the sense of excovered with glory, free from any imputa- tremo campo. See 614, supra. tion of cowardice or fault, and no way de- 665. Rerum: of distress-affliction. Imgenerate from his illustrious ancestors. agine: form-image. 648. Inscia istius culpee: free from the 667. Ingenspudor: this, and the followfault or crime of deserting his friends in ing line are repeated from En. x. 870. their distress, and difficulty. This he will 668. Insania: distraction. Ruemus says, not do, though he knows that it must ter- amentia. Furiis. Heyne conjectures referniinate in his death. Sancta: pure-un- ence is had to the nuptials of Lavinia, of polluted. which he now began to despair. 652. Ora: in the sense of vultuum. He 670. Acies oculorum: the sight of his eyes; was wounded full in the face-right in front. simply, his eyes. Heyne reads, orbes. Implorans: in the sense of vocans. 671. Rotis: in the sense of curru. 655. Dejecturzm: would rase. 672. Vortexflammis: a whirling volume 657. usasat. This word strongly marks of flame rolled, &c. The prep. e is under. 39 594 P VIRGILII MARONlI Ad cceluin undabat vortex, turrimque tenebat; Turrim, compactis trabibus quam eduxerat ipse, Subdiderat4ue rotas, pontesque instraverat altos. G75 Jam jam fata, soror, superant; absiste morari Qu6 Deus, et quo dura vocat fortuna, sequamur. 678. Seat mihi pati Stat conferre manum AEnee: stat, quicquid acerbi est qulcquid acerbi est in Morte pati; nec me indecorem, germana! videbis morte Ampliuis. Hunc, oro, sine me furere ante furorcm. 68C. Ante mortem Dixit: et e curru saltum dedit ocyuis arvis: 681 Perque hostes, per tela ruit; moestamque sororem Deserit; ac rapido cursu media agmina rumpit. Ac, veluti montis saxum de vertice praceps 684. Velut cumsaxum Cum ruit avulsum vento, seu turbidus imber 685 r. Soit preps de vertice Proluit, aut annis solvit sublapsa vetustas; Fertur in abruptum magno mons improbus actu, Exsultatque solo, sylvas, armenta, virosque Involvens secum: disjecta per agmina Turnus Sic urbis ruit ad muros, ubi plurima fuso 690 Sanguine terra madet, stridentque hastilibus aure: Significatque manu, et magno simul incipit ore: Parcite jam, Rutuli; et vos, tela inhibite, Latini; p694. Fortuna hujus Quecunque est, fortuna mea est; me veris unum rius Pro vobis foedus luere, et decernere ferro. 695 695. Luere violatum Discessere omnes medii, spatiumque dedere. fcedus At pater AEneas, audito nomine Turni, 701. Tantus quantus Deserit et muros, et summas deserit arces; ~st Athos, aut quantus Prwcipitatque moras omnes: opera omnia rumpit, est Eryx, aut quantus est pater Apenninus ipse, Leitiia exsultans, horrendumque intonat armis: 700 cum fremit Quantus Athos, aut quantus Eryx, aut ipse coruscis NOTES. stood to govern flammis. Tabulata: the 681. Arvis: in the sense of terree. stages or stories of the tower. 685. Turbidus imber: a violent heavy rain 674. Turrim, quam ipse: the tower which 686. Proluit: washed away-undermined he himself had raised, &c. Eduxerat: in it. Vetustas: in the sense of tempus. Subthe sense of struxerat. lapsa: having passed away. Rusus says, 675. Subdiderat: had placed under it labente. Solvit: torn it away-broken it wheels. loose. Towers were built of wood, and commonly 687. Mons fertur improbus: the massy several stories (tabulata) high. They were rock is carried violent, &c..Mons here evifor the purpose of defence, or assault; and dently means the same as saxum, just bewere so constructed that they could be fore mentioned. In abruptum: down the moved by means of wheels or rollers, placed sides of the mountain. Improbus implies under them, to the place where they were that the rock rushed down with an irresisrequired. Sometimes several of them were tible force. Actu: in the sense of impetu. connected by means of bridges (pontes) at 689. Involvens: in the sense of rapiens. the tops, made of planks and timber. By Disjecta: scattered-fleeing before him. these bridges the men could pass from one 690. Plurima: in the sense of plurimum. to another, whenever it became necessary. This implies that Turnus rushed into the 678. Stat: the imp. of sto. I am resolved hottest of the battle-where the earth was — it is fixed. Rueus says, deliberatum est. wet the most with blood. 4380. Furere hunc: in the sense of indul- 692. Ore: in the sense of voce. gere huic furori. The construction is ac- 693. Parcite: cease, or spare your arms. cording to a Greek idiom. Permit me, 0, 694. Verius: in the sense of rquus. sister: to rage in this manner-to indulge Pro vobis: in your room, and stead. this passion. Ante: this refers to his death, 698. Deserit: in the sense of relinquit. or his engagement with Eneas, in which he 699. Rumpit: in the sense of abrumpit. was persuaded he should be slain: ante 700. Intonat: in the sense of sonat. mortewr, vel anfiquam moriar. 701. Athos: a mountain in Macedonia. tENEIS. LIB. XII. 595 Cim fremit ilicibus quantus, gaudetque nivali Vertice, se attollens pater Apenninus ad auras. Jam verb et Rutuli certatim, et Troes, et omnes Convertere oculos Itali; quique alta tenebant 705 Marnia, quique imos pulsabant ariete muros; Arnaque deposuere humeris. Stupet ipse Latinus, Ingentes genitos diversis partibus ortis 708. Duos ingentes Inter se coiisse viros, et cernere ferro. viros genitos in Atque illi, ut vacuo patuerunt aequore campi, 710 710. Utprimtnm Procursu rapido, conjectis eminus hastis, Invadunt Martem clypeis atque ere sonoro. I)at gemitum tellus: turn crebros ensibus ictus Congeminant: fors et virtus miscentur in unum. Ac velut, ingenti Sil&, summove Taburno, 715 Cum duo conversis inimica in praelia tauri Frontibus incurrunt; pavidi cessere magistri; Stat pecus omne metu mutum; mussantque juvencse, Quis pecori imperitet; quem tota armenta sequantur: 719. Quis taurus Illi inter sese multa vi vulnera miscent, 720 Cornuaque obnixi infigunt, et sanguine largo 721. Cornua inter se Colla armosque lavant: gemitu nemus omne remugit. invuem Haud aliter Tros AEneas et Daunius heros Concurrunt clypeis: ingens fragor aethera complet. Jupiter ipse duas equato examine lances 725 Sustinet, et fata imponit diversa duorum; Quem damnet labor, et quo vergat pondere letum. NOTES. projecting into the Egean sea. It is said Apennine mountains in Calabria. Taburno: to be sixty miles in length, and so high that this was a mountain in the confines of Camit overshadows the island of Lemnos. Ho- pania, which blocks up thefamous straits ot die, Monte Santo. It is so called from the Caudi or Caudium. Here the Roman army number of monasteries upon it. Eryx: a was obliged to surrender to the Samnites, mountain in Sicily, next in height to AEtna, and to pass under the yoke. so called from a king of that name who was 717. Magtstri: in the sense of pastores. slain by Hercules. It is situated near the Cesstre: in the sense offugerunt. western side of the island. Hodie, JMonte 718..Mussant: Heyne says, tacitU expeeGiuliano. tant. Ruaeus says, timida, et quasi tacilt 703. Pater Apenninus: mount Apennine mugiunt. is here called pater, either as being the pa- 721. Largo: in the sense of multo. rent of so many noble rivers and woods; 722. Lavant: Ruieus says, tingunt. or by way of dignity, as being the greatest 723. Daunius heros: Turnus. He was mountain in Italy. The Apennines are pro- the son of Daunus and Venilia. perly a range of mountains running the 725. JEquato examine: equal poise or whole length of Italy, and dividing it nearly balance. Examen is the tongue, or needle in the middle. of the balance, which, being exactly in equz704. Certatim: eagerly. librio, shows the scales to be equal. 708. Ingentes viros: that two mighty he- 727. Quem labor damnet: whom the cornroes born ini&c. bat should devote or doom to death. The 709. Coizsse: in the sense of congredi. fates, or destiny, were not at the disposal of Cernere: in the sense ofpugnare, vel decer- Jove. He could only examine into futurity. nere. He puts (imponit) the fates of the combat710. Campi: the ground-the space clear- ants into the'scales of the balance, to ee ed for the combatants. which end of the beam would rise. Servius, 712. Invadunt.artem: in the sense of and some others, take the words in the sense iaeipiunt pugnam. of quem felix labor damnet votis: whom the 714. Congerninant: they repeat-redou- combat shall doom to pay his vows —who ble. In unum: into one-together. shall be the successful combatant. But it 715. Sila' a vast forest, or tract of hills, is easier to consider the expression as refer2overed with wood, that formed part of the ring to one and the same person: whom the 5(,6^ P. VIRGILII MARONIS Emicat hic, impune putans, et corpo.e toto 729. Putans fuiturum Alte sublatum consurgit Turnus in ensem, Ilpun6 sibi, Turnus hic Et ferit. Exclamant Troes, trepidiqut Latini, 730 emicat Arrectaeque amborum acies. At perfidus ensis Frangitur, in medioque ardentem deserit ictu, Ni fuga subsidio subeat. Fugit ocyor Euro, Ut capulum ignotum, dextramque adspexit inermern 735. Fama est, eum Fama est, precipitem, cum prima in praelia junctus 735 precipitem, cum con- Conscendebat equos, patrio mucrone relicto, scndebat equos junctos D trepidat ferrum auriga rapuisse etisci: in prima prelia, dum trepidat, rapuisse Idque diu, dum terga dabant palantia Teucri, Sufiecit: postquam arma Dei ad Vulcania ventum est, Mortalis mucro, glacies ceu futilis, ictu 740 Dissiluit: fulva resplendent fragmina arena. Ergo amens diversa fuga petit aquora Turnus, Et nunc huc, inde hue, incertos implicat orbes. Undique enim densa Teucri inclusere. corona: Atque hine vasta palus, hinc ardua moenia cingunt. 745 746. _Eneas insequi- Nec minus AEneas, quanquarr tardata sagitta tur, quanquam genua Interdum genua impediunt, cursumque recusant, tardata sagitta r i Insequitur: trepidique pedem pede fervidus urget 748. Pedem trepidi TurnLi Inclusum veluti si quando fluminc nacttts 749. Si quando canis Cervum, aut punicere septum formidine pennae, 750 venator nactus Venator cursu canis et latratibus instat: Ille autem, insidiis et ripai territus alta, Mille fugit refugitque vias: at vividus Umber NOTES. combat shall devote to ruin, as above. This 734. Capulum: the hilt only remained in is the opinion of Valpy. Davidson renders his hand. He now discovered the fatal misthe words, "' whom the toilsome combat take. Ut: when-as soon as. destines to victory." Labor: in the sense 737. Trepidat: in the sense of properat. of pugna, says Heyne. The poet here imi- 139. Sujfecit: in the sense of satis fuit. tates Homer, who makes Jove, in like man- Vulcania arnna Dei: in the sense of arma ner, weigh the fates of Hector and Achilles. Dei Vulcani, vel Divina arma Vulcani. Quo pondere: in which scale. Death was Those arms which Vulcan made for Eneas. to fall to the party, whose scale sunk or fell. This construction is imitated from the KRueus says, mors inclinat. Greeks. 729. this is to be taken with subla- 740. Mortalis mucro: a sword made by turn. men-a mortal sword. Futilis: in the sense 730. Ferit: AEnean is understood. Tre- offragilis. ridi: trembling-in anxious fear. Consur- 741. Dissiluit: in the sense offractus est. gil: in the sense of insurgit. 742. Diversa Cquora: different parts of 731. Jrrectae: in thb sense of suspensce. the plain. Amens: alarmed. Of a priv. The verb sunt is understood. and mens. 732. Deserit: leaves him ardent for the 743. Implicat: in the sense of facit vel fight, at the mercy of his antagonist. These format. He wheels around in his flight, last, or words of the like import, are neces- forming irregular figures, or circles. sary to make the sense complete. When 744. Corond densa: in close ranks-in a he mounted his chariot, it was his intention close compact body. to take his trusty, heavenly tempered sword 746. Sagitta: the arrow by which he was -that sword made by Vulcan for his father; wounded in the beginning of the action. but in his haste and perturbation, he took Heyne says, vulnere. the sword of Metiscus, his charioteer; which 748. Fervidus: in the sense of ardent. here deceived him. It'is therefore, called 749. Flumine: some copies have in JuperJidus ensis. mine. Heyne omits the in. This is the read733. Vi fuga: had not flight come to his ingof the Roman MS. Inclusum: enclosed, aid —had he not instantly and, he.would or confined by a river. have fallen under the arm of tEneas, being 750. Fcrmidine. The formido, as Dr. left in that defenceless state. Trapp observes, was a rope stuck thic-k with AENEIS. LIB. XII 597 laeret hians, jam jamque tenet, similisque tenenti 754. Hians lharet illi Increpuit nalis, morsuque elusus inani est. 755 jam jamque tenet eum Tumr vere exoritur clamor: ripaque lacusque Responsant circa, et ccelum tonat omne tumultu. Ille simnul fugiens, Rutulos siInul increpat omnes, 758. Ille Turnus szNomine quemque vocans; notumque efflagitat ensein. rnul est fugiens A/neas mortem contra, praesensque minatur 760 Exitium, si quisquam adeat: terretque trementes, 761. Adeat Turnum: Excisurum urbem minitans, et saucius instat terretque eos tremenl. Quinque orbes explent cursu, totidemque retexunt minitans se excisurum Huc, illuc: nec enim levia aut ludicra petuntur Pramia; sed Turni de vita et sanguine certant. 765 "Fort6 sacer Fauno foliis oleaster amaris Hic steterat, nautis olim venerabile lignum; Servati ex undis ubi figere dona solebant 768. Ubi illi servati Laurenti Divo, et votas suspendere vestes: ex undis Sed stirpem Teucri nullo discrimine sacrum 770 stEran t, puro ut possent'-oncurrere campo. TIic hasta ^Eneae stabat: huc impetus illam 772. Impetus ejus dexDetulerat, fixam et lenta in radice tenebat. trc Incubuit, voluitque manu convellete ferrum, Dardanides; teloque sequi, quem prendere cursu 775 775. Sequique TurNon poterat. Turn vero amens formidine Turnus, num telo, quem Faune, precor, miserere, inquit: tuque optima ferrum Terra tene: colui vestros si semper honores, Quos contra.Eneadaw bello fecere profanos. Dixit: opemque Dei non cassa in vota vocavit. 780 NOTES. red or crimson feathers to enclose, and Explent: in the sense of conrficiunt. Retexfrighten the deer, or other animals. See unt: Rumeus says, relegunt. Geor. iii. 371. 764. Enim: in the sense of equidem. Lu753. Umber: a dog of Umbria, in the dicra: trifling-ofno value. r ornh of Italy. Canis is understood. Vivi- 766. Oleaster. The wild olive was fredus: quick scented. r75. Increpuit: Rueus says, insontil.- quently planted before temples, the He shuts his jaws, as if in the act of seizing consecrated offerings might be suspended him1. upon its boughs. It was a very durable tree, 761. Si quis adeat. Virgil here outrages and not apt to receive any injury, though the character of his hero. It is true he has ever so many nails were driven into its the example of Homer for it. But it is to wood. Its leaves were bitter. be remembered the two poets lived in very 767. Lignum: in the sense of arbor. Yedifferent states of society. Turnus is forced nerabile: in the sense of venerandum. to the coitest with unequal weapons. Of 769. Votas: in the sense of devotas. his sword he is deprived, and left without 770. JVullo discrimine: with no regard to arms. In this situation, he is pursued by its sacredness. J.Vullo respectu habito, says JEneas, who threatens to put the person to Heyne. death, who shall give him his sword, that he 771. Puro: in the sense of aperto, vcl may be in a condition to defend himself, vacuo. Sustulerant: in the sense of abscinand be on more equal terms with his adver- derant. sary. This is a course of conduct, which 773. Lenta radice: in the tough root. It no age or nation, however barbarous, can stuck fast in the root, so that it could not be justify. Much less is it becoming in the sol- drawn out. dier, and the hero. The putting to death 775. Dardanides: Eneas. A patronymic of unarmed and defenceless persons may be from Dardanus. Incubuit: Ruaus says, practised, but cannot be justified. Valpy. insistit. 763. Retexunt totidem: they retrace, or 776. Amens: Runeus says, exanimatus. furnm back again, as many more. The mean- 778. Colui: I have regarded, or held sa - ing is, that Turnus went five times around cred. the field of combat. pursued by JEneas- 780. Cass%: n the sense of znutilia. 598 P VIRGILll MARONIS Namque diu luctans, lentoque in stirnpe muratui Viribus baud ullis valuit discludere mprsus Roboris iEneas. Dum nititur acer et instat, 784. Rursus Daunia Rursius in aurig. faciem mutata Metisci Dea mutata in faciem Procurrit, fratrique ensem Dea Daunia reddit 785 Quod Venus audaci Nvmphm indignata licere, Accessit, telumque alti ab radice revellit. Olli sublimes, armis, animisqiue refecti Hic gladio fidens, hic acer et arduus hasta, Adsistun contra certamine Martis anheli. 790 Junonem interea rex omnipotentisOlympi Alloquitur, fulva pugnas de nube tuentem. Qume jam finis erit, conjux? quid denique restat? 794. Tu ipsa scis, et Indigetem _Eneam scis ipsa, et scire fateris, fateris te scire iEneam D indigetem deberi Deberi ccelo, fatisque ad sidera tolli. 79 Quid struis? aut qua spe gelidis in nubibus haeres? Mortalin' decuit violari vulnere Divum? Aut ensem (quid enim sine te Juturna valeret?) 799. Decuit-ne eum Ereptum reddi- Turno, et vim crescere victis? Divum violari Desine jam tandem, precibusque inflectere nostris: 800 Nec te tantus edat tacitam dolor; et mihi cura Saepe tuo dulci tristes ex ore recursent. Ventum ad supremum est. -Terris agitare vel undis 805. Domum Latini Trojanos potuisti; infandum accendere bellum, 806. Veto te tentare Deformare domum, et luctu miscere hymenaeos: 805 qaicquam Ulterius tentare veto. Sic Jupiter orsus NOTES. 782. Discludere morsus roboris: to loosen, side of his mother, was of divine descent. or separate the hold of the wood. The Valpy says, " destined to divinity." poet here represents the root of the tree 798. f'aleret: in the sense of possetfaeere. (stirpe) as a fierce dog, or wild beast, whose 799. Ereptum. This alludes to his trusty tusks take so fast hold of the prey, that sword, which he forgot to take with him there is no disengaging them. Lento: in when he mounted his chariot at the beginthe sense of tenace. Discludere: in the sense ning of the fight. It was taken, or snAhied of solvere. from him, by his forgetfulness. 783. Acer: in the sense of ardens. Eneas 800. Inflectere: in the sense of mover. is to be supplied. Edat: consume-waste away. Rumussays, 785. Daunia Dea: Juturna, the sister of angat. Et. The et here connects, and conTurnus, and daughter of Daunus: hence tinues the preceding negative. The nec is the adj. Daunia. See 139, supra, et seq. to be repeated after the et; or the et is to 786. Quod: in the sense of hoc. It is be taken in the sense of nec. This last is governed by indignata: indignant-angry. the opinion of Valpy. Heyne observes, the 788. Refecti: in the sense of reparati vel nec is to be repeated. J.egativa nec repeanimati. tenda est, says he. Curie: troubles. Solici789. Arduus: in the sense of elatus. tudines, says Ruaeus. 790. Contra: against each other-face 804. Accendere bellum: to kindle horrid each other. Anheli: Rumeus refers it to war. See En. vii. 323; where Juno raises Turnus and lEneas. Heyne connects it Alecto from the infernal regions, who broke with Martis; and it is a very appropriate the league which Latinus had made with epithet of a fight, like the present. The Eneas, and kindled the war. sense is the same in either construction. 805. Deformare: to afflict-trouble-dis794. Indigetem. Indiges is, properly, a dei- grace. Davidson says, "dishonor." Heyne fied hero-a demi-god. Such an one was thinks reference is here made to the death Eneas after his death, of Amata, who hung herself. Disgrace and 796. Hxres: in the sense of manes. ignominy alwaysattend suicide. Hymenaos 797. Divum: this is said by anticipation. the match of Lavinia and lEneas. Miscere -Eneas was not yet a god. Or divum may in the sense of turbare. be in the sense of divinum; and then it will 806. Orsus: in the sense of locutis est, refer to the origin of XEneas; who, on tha Of the verb ordior. AJNEIS. IIB. X. 599 SiC Dea submisso contra Saturnia vultu: Ista quidem quia nota mihi tua, magne, voluntas, 808. 0 magne JupiJupiter, et Turnum et terras invita reliqui. ter, qui quidem ista TA S tua voluntas est nota Nec tu me aria solam nunc sede videres tua voluntas e n Digna indigna pati; sed flammis cincta sub ipsa Stareir acie, traheremque inimica in prelia Teucros Juturnam misero, fateor, succurrere fratri Suasi, et pro vita majora audere probavi: Non ut tela tamen, non ut contenderet arcum. 315 815. Tamen non sunAdjuro Stygii caput implacabile fontis, si, nec probai ut ja..., ~, 1. T\........~ ~ tela, ton suasi, nee pro. Una superstitio superis qua reddita Divis. tl, v ut E]t nunc cedo equidem, pugnasque exosa relinquo. lllud te, null& fati quod lege tenetur, Pro Latio obtestor, pro majestate tuorum: 820 820. Obtestor te conCum jam connubiis pacem felicibus, esto, cedere illud pro Component; cum jam leges et feedera jungent: Ne vetus indigenas nomen mutare Latinos, 823. Ne jubeas LatiNeu Troas fieri jubeas, Teucrosque vocari; nos indigenas mutare Aut vocem mutare viros, aut vertere vestes. 825 825. Sit Latium in Sit Latium; sint Albani per saecula reges: ae!ernum Sit Romana potens Itala virtute propago: Occidit, occideritque sinas cum nomine Troja. 828. Troja occidit, tu Olli subridens hominum rerumque repertor: que sinas ut Et germana Jovis, Saturnique altera prolesb 830 830. Ait: tu, et gerIrarum tantos volvis sub pectore fluctus? mana Veruln age, et inceptum frustra submitte furorem: NOTES. 807. Submisso: in the sense of tristi. in the sense of data vel facta. Others take The verb respondit, or some other of the like it to imply, imposed or retaliated upon the import, is understood. gods above, by the infernal gods: as if this 810. Jec tu nunc: some words appear fear, or dread of swearing by Styx, made necessary here to make the sense complete: the gods above subject, in their turn, to the otherwise, you would not, &c. If I had not gods below, as much as these latter are to known it to be your will, you would not the former. now see, &c. Aerid sede: in the aerial re- 819. Tenetur: withheld-prohibited. gions. Reference is here had to verse 792, 820. Tuorum. The Latin kings derived where Juno is represented as viewing the their descent from Saturn, the brother of field of battle, seated on a cloud. Jove. 811. Pati digna indigna: to bear things, 822. Component: in the sense of constibecoming and unbecoming. This is a pro- tuent. verbial expression, the import of which is, 823. Indigenas: natives-those born in' to bear every thing, even the greatest in- the country. sults and indignities" 825. Vocem: language. The meaning is: 812. Inimica. Ruaeus says, adversa. do not order the men to change their lan816. Stygii fontis: Styx, a fabulous river guage, or their dress. of hell. The gods were wont to swear by 827. Romana propago sit: let the Roman It; and if *iey swore falsely, they were offspring be powerful, by Italian valor: i. e. doomed to lose their divinity for a lengi of let all the future glory and grandeur of the time. Hence it is called implacabilis: in- Romans be grafted on the valor of the exorable. Fontis: in the sense of fluvii. Latins. Propago: in the sense of proles. Caput: the head, or source; put for the 829. Repertor: in the sense of auctor ve] whole stream, by synec. Adjuro caput pater. Stygii: simply for, juro per Stygem, says 830. Et germana Jovis: Rumus and some Heyne. others read es, in the place of et. Heyne 817. Una superstitio: the fear, or dread. reads et. Servius says, the sole, or only obligation. 831. Volvis: why dost thou roll such Hleyne takes superstitio for religio, et metus mighty, &c. ew ea ortus /Reddita. Servius takes this 832. Submitte: restrain-curb. 600 P. VIRGILII MARONTS 833. Victusque tuis Do, quod vis; et me, victusque volensque, remitto precibus Sermonem Ausonii patrium moresque tenebunt: 835. Corpore Latini Utque est, nomen erit: commixti corpore tantum 836 p;puli Subsident Teucri: morem ritusque sacrorum Adjiciam: faciamque omnes uno ore Latinos. 838. Videbis genus Hinc genus, Ausonio mixtum quod sanguine surget, ortum hinc Supra homines, supra ire Deos pietate videbis. Nec gens ulla tuos amque celebrabit honores. 840 Annuit his Juno, et mentem lmtata retorsit Interea excedit cuelo, nubemque reliquit. 843. Genitor Deorum His actis, aliud genitor secum ipse volutat ipse Juturnamque parat fratris dimittere ab armis 845. Dicuntur esse ge- Dicuntur geninwe pestes, cognoinine Dirre; 845 niiuntc Quas, et Tartaream Nox intempesta Megaram, Uno eodemque tulit partu; paribusque revinxit Serpentum spiris, ventosasque addidit alas. hIa Jovis ad solium, savique in liinie regis Apparent, acuuntque metum mortalibus aegris, 850 851. Morbusque ho- Si quaido letum horrificum morbosque Deum rex minibus Molitur, meritas aut bello territat ixrbes. Harurn unam celerem demisit ab ethere summo Jupiter, inque omen Juturnm occurrere jussit. Ilia volat, celerique ad terram turbine fertur, 855 Non secus, ac nervo per nubem impulsa sagitta; Armatam savi Parthus quam felle veneni, NOTES.'833. Rcmitto me: I surrender myself-I upon guilty men. Cognomzne: in the Eense give myself up to your entreaties and your of nomine. tea ra. 846. JVox intempesta: dead, inactive night, 834. Sermonem: in the sense of linguam. unseasonable for business, and when there 836. Subsident: shall settle in Latium. is nothing stirring. Rumus says, profunda Valpy says, " shall take the lower places." nox. Heyne says, infimum locum occupent..Mo- 848. Ventosas alas: wings of the windrem ritusque: in the sense of modes ceremo- swift as the wind. niasque religionis. This alludes to the in- 849. Seivi regis. Sevusisnot the habitual troduction of the worship of the Penates character of Jove. It is only what he as. and of Vesta into Italy, by Eneas. Heyne sumes, at times. The meaning is: when h. takes sacrorum in the sense of religionis. is in wrath. 837. Uno ore: of one language. The 850. Apparent: they appear. They give prep. e is understood. I will cause both their attendance, as the ministers of his rations to be incorporated under the gene- will. Acuunt: in the sense of excitant. ral name of Latins, and to use one and the ASgris. Rueus says, miseris. same language. 852. Mleritas: deserving, or meriting 839. Ire supra Deos. This is a most ex- punishment-guilty. Molitur: in the sense travagant compliment to the Cesars, from of parat. the mouth of Jove. Rumeus says, superare 854. In omen: for an omen, or portentous 1)eos, in which Heyne agrees. Davidson sign. Quasi portentumn, says Rumeus. says, "exalted above gods." 856. Impulsa: in the sense ofmissa. El 840. JVec ulla gens. Juno was highly is understood. JVonsecis ac: no otherwise honored among the Romans, particularly thaim-just so as-just as. by the women. A magnificent temple was 857. Felle scevi veneni: with the essence built to her upon mount Aventlnus, in which of strong poison. Valpy says, "4 with bitter Scipio deposited her statue that he brought poison." Davidson renders the words, from Carthage. L"with the quintessence of malignant po.. 841. Retorsit: in the sense of convertit. son." Armatam: imbued-impregnated Heyne says, znflexit vel mutavit. -tinged. It was usual with barbarous 845. Dirce. The furies were three in nations to dip the point of their arrow", and number, Tisiphone,.Megoera, and Alecto. other missive weapons, into poison, in order Two of them stand before the throne of to render their wounds incurable. The Jove, to be the ministers of his vengeance Parthians were celebrated archers The ENEIS. LIB XII 601 Parthus sive Cydon, telum iirmedicabile torsit; 858. Parthus, inquam. Stridens, et celeres incognita transilit umbras. sie Cydon torsit tnTalis se sata Nocte tu:it, terrasque petivit. 860 quan im nedicabile tePostquam acies videt Iliacas, atque agmina Turni,a Alitis in parvae subito collecta figuram, 862. Illa collecea est Quae quondam in bustis, aut culminibus desertis Nocte sedens, sertum canit importuna per umbras: IIanc versa in faciem, Turni se pestis ad ora 865 865. Dirapestis versa Fertque refertque sonans, clypeumque everberat aiis. in Illi membra novus soivit formidine torpor: Arrectaeque horrore comre, et vox faucibus haesit. 868. Coma sunt At, procul ut Diras stridorem agnovit et alas, Infelix crines scindit Juturna solutos, 870 870. Ut Juturna infeUnguibus ora soror fcedans, et pectora pugnis. lix soror Turn procul Quid nunc te tua, Turne, potest germana juvare? agnovit Aut quid jam misera superat mihi? qua tibi lucem Arte morer? talin' possum me opponere monstro? Jam jam linquo acics. Ne me terrete timentem, 875 Obsccenae volucres: alarum verbera nosco, 876. O vos, obscanm Letalemque sonum: nec fallunt jussa superba volucres Magnanimi Jovis. Hec pro virginitate reponit 878. Reponit-ne haec Qu6 vitam dedit aeternam? cur mortis adempta est mihi pro virginitate Conditio? Possem tantos finire dolores 880 ereptd Nunc certe, et misero fratri comes ire per umbras' Immortalis ego! Aut quicquam milli dulce meorum 883. Quicquam meo. re sine, frater, erit! O qua satis alta dehiscat rum bonorum erit dulce NOTES. v ord Parthur, by the repetition of it, is 874. Morer: can I prolong. Lucem: in made emphatic. the sense of vitam. 858. Immedicabile: inflicting an incurable 875. Jam, jam, &c. This is in imitation wound. Cydon: an inhabitant of the city of Homer, who makes Apollo quit the field Cydon, or Cydonia, in Crete, founded by a just before Hector is slain by Achilles.colony from Samos. Hodie, Canea. The /cies: the fight-the field of battle. Cretans were celebrated archers. 876. Obscenar: inauspicious-of ill omen. 859. Transilit: in the sense of trans- Verbera: the strokes-flapping of your turrit. wings. 860. Sata: in the sense of nata vel fiia. 878. Hcec reponit. Jove had an amour 862. Parvce alitis: of a small bird: small with Juturna; and as a reward for her vioin comparison with the size of the goddess. lated virginity, he conferred upon her imSubiti. This is the common reading.- mortality. Seeverse 141, supra. Reponit Heyne has subitam. Collecta: in the sense In the sense of reddit vel dat. Superba: in of contracta. the sense of seva vel dura. 863. Bustis: in the sense of sepulcris. 879. Adempta est: taken away from me. 864. Importuna: in the sense of infausta. Quoi: why-for what purpose. Sc'ne oopies The bird here meant is the owl, which is have cur. the only fowl that sings in the night. Se- 880. Possem: I wish I could-O! that I rum: late-in reference to the time of her could end, &c. singing. 881. Certe: at least-surely. 866. Pestisfertque: the fury flies forward 882. Immortalis: This is the reading of and backwards befbre the face of Turnus, Heyne. Valpy and Rutmus read mortalis. screaming horribly. Fertque refertque se: This will make a difference in the sense. It she advances and retreats. will strip the words of any expression of 867. JVovus: unusual-new. Solvit: in strong passion on the part of Juturna. It the sense of debilitat. implies that if she were mortal, she would 869. Stridorem et alas: in the sense of accompany her brother to the shades below. rtridorem alarum: the noise, or whizzing of Aut: Valpy and Ruaeus read haud. H ayne her wings. reads aut, with an interrogation. Rmaus 871. Fcdans: tearing her face, &e. and Valpy read without any. 872 Quid: Rueus says, quomodo. 883. Satls alta: suficiently deep 602 P. VIRGILLI MARON1S Terra mihi, Manesque Deam demiltat ad imos! 886. Dea offata tan- Tantum effata, caput glauco contexit amictu, 886 tlm hMulta gemens, et se fluvio Dea condidit alto. AEneas instat contra, telurnmque coruscat Ingens, arboreum, et savo sic pectore fatur: Quae nunc deinde mora est? aut quid jam, Turne, retractas? Non cursu, saevis certandum est cominus armis. 890 Verte omnes tete in facies; et contrahe quicquid 892. Opta te sequi Sive animis, sive arte, vales: opta ardua pennis Astra sequi, clausumque cavA te condere terra. 894. Ille Turnus quas- Ille, caput quassans: Non me tua fervida terrent -ans caput, ait: 0 ferox 4I0iys ox Dicta, ferox: Di me terrent, et Jupiter hostis. 895 Nec plura effatus; saxum circumspicit ingens, Saxum antiquum, ingens, campo quod forte jacebat, Limes agro positus, litem ut discerneret arvis. 899. Vix bis sex lecti Vix illud lecti bis sex cervice subirent, honzines subirent illud homines subrent illud Qualia nunc hominum producit corpora tellus. 900 saxum 901. Ille heros, insur- Ille manu raptum trepida torquebat in hostem, gens altior, et concitus Altior insurgens, et cursu concitus heros. cursu torquebat tllud Sed neque currentem se, nec cognoscit euntem, Tollentemve manu, saxumque immane moventem Genua labant: gelidus concrevit frigore sanguis. 90b Turn lapis ipse viri, vacuum per inane volutus, 907. Nec evasit totumn Nec spatium evasit totum, nec pertulit ictum. patium viri, nec Ac velut in somnis, oculos ubi languida pressit Nocte quies, nequicquam avidos extendere cursus NOTES. 884. Demittat: send me a goddess, &-c. they have no other weapons. Turnus has Rumus says, detrudet. Arboreum: massy as his trusty sword, but there is no mention a tree-like a tree. made of it. Jove prevents him from the 890. Certaridum est: the contest is to be use of it. decided in close fight, not at running. Scevis: 903. Sed neque cognoscit se: so disordered inothe sense of duris. in his senses, that he does not perceive him891. Facies: in the sense offormas. Con- self to be running, &c. The fury had detrahe: in the sense of collige. privcd him not only of his strength of body. 892. Opta: desire-wish to ascend to. but of the powers of his mind. Heyne Sequi: in the sense of ascendere. says, videt solitas vires sibi deesse. 894. Fervida: in the sense of superba. 905. Concrevit: hath congealed-grown 898. Limes agro: placed as a limit or thick. Frigore: may mean the fear and conboundary to the land. Discerneret: that it sternation, occasioned by the fury, by meton'might terminate (prevent) disputes about This appears better than to take it for cold or the fields. Davidson says, "to distinguish chillness. Thatidea i expressed bygelidu.. the controverted bounds of the fields." 906. Per vacuum znane: moved througll 899. Bis sex lecti,&c. Here the poet had the empty air. Inane: in the sense of two passages of Homer in his eye: Iliad aerem. Viri. Servius connects v2ri with v. 302,'where Diomede throws a stone at lapis; but it illy suits the place. Its proper /Eneas, such as two men in Homer's time place is after spatium, implying that the could hardly have wielded: and Iliad, lib. stone, passing or thrown through the air, xxi. 405, where Minerva gives'Mars a blow did not go the whole distance to JEneas, bul with a stone that was set for a landmark. fell short of him, and consequently did not These, and some other imitations, discover give him a blow. Rumius connects totunm less judgment and correctness, than is to be with tctum; but improperly: for that would seen in the rest of the poet's works. This imply that the stone gave /Eneas a partial stone, which our hero wields with so much stroke; but it is plain it did not hit him at ease. the poet informs us was so large that all, since it did not reach him. Heyne takes twelve men, in his time, would have scarcely viri with Servius, in the sense of Turnt been able to cari'y it upon their shoulders! Rumeus connects it with spatium. klomer makes his heroes throw stones when 909. Avidos cursus: the fond races-the LJENEIS. LIB. XII 6 Velle videlrur, et in mediis conatibus egri 910 Succidinius: non lingua valet, non corpore note Sufficiunt vires, nec vox nec verba sequuntur Sic Turno, quacunque viam virtute petivit, Successum Dea Dira negat. Tur pectore sensus Vertuntur varii. Rutulos aspectat et urbem; 915 Cunctaturque metu; telumque instare tremiscit. Nec, quo se eripiat, nec qua vi tendat in hostem, 917. Nec videt quo Nec currus usquam, videt, aurigamque sororem. eripiat Cunctanti telum nEneas fatale coruscat, 919. urno si cunoSortitus fortunam oculis; et corpore.toto 920 Eminfis intorquet. Murali concita nunquam Tormento sic saxa fremunt, nec fulmine tanti Dissultant crepitus. Volat atri turbinis instar Exitium dirum hasta ferens; orasque recludit Loricm, et clypei extremos septemplicis orbes: 925 Per medium stridens transit femur. Incidit ictus Ingens ad terram duplicate poplite Turnus. Consurgunt gemitu Rutuli, totusque remugit _Mons circutm, et vocem late nemora alta remittunt. Ille humilis supplexque oculos, dextramque precantem, Protendens, Equidem merui, nec deprecor, inquit: 931 931 Nec deprecor lJterc sorte tu&. Miseri te si qua parentis m S q 932. Si qua cura mi.. Tangere cura potest, oro, (fuit et tibi talis seri parentis Anchises genitor) Dauni miserere senectae; 933. Oro ut tu miseEt me, seu corpus spoliatum lumine mavis, 935 rere Redde meis. Vicisti: et victum tendere palmas 935. Et reddeme mois amicis sire vivum, %ou Ausonii videre: tua est Lavinia conjux. iis si re umeu tu mavis, redde meum Tlterius ne tende odiis. Stetit acer in armis corpus NOTES. laces on which we are intent, and eager in mighty peals burst from the thunder. Crethe pursuit. pitus: properly a roaring or crashing. Di-. 910. JEgri: weak-faint from our great sultant: in the sense of eduntur vol excitanexertions. Succidimus: in the sense of defi- tur. Instar: like a black whirlwind-swift cimus. as a whirlwind. 911. Notce: in the sense of solitfa. Cor- 924. Recludit: opens or penetrates the tmore: in the sense of corpori, the dat. extremity of his coat of mail. Ora: the 913. Quacunque virtute: by whatever edge or border of any thing. Exitium: in (efforts of) valor he sought the way of at- the sense of mortem. tacking LEneas, or of making his escape. 925. Extremes orbes: by this we are to 914. Sensus: thoughts. Vertuntur: in the understand the lower part of the shield. sense of volvuntur. Septemplicis: having seven folds or plates 916. Cunctatur: he hesitates-he knows of brass. not what to do-he is at a stand. 926. Ictus: in the sense of percussus, ve) 917. Tendat: in the sense of irruat. vulneratus. 919. Coruscat: in the sense of vibrat. 927. Duplicato poplite: upon his bended 920. Sortitusfortunam oculis: Servius ex- knee. Heyne says, inflexo genu. plains these words thus: JEneas oculis ele- 929. Remittunt: echo-return the sound. git hunc locum ad feriendum, quem forfuna Vocem: in the sense of sonum. destinaveralvulneri. Fortunam in this sense, 931. Deprecor: nor do I entreat that you is of the same import with locum vulneris. should spare me. [lcyne is of the same opinion. Rumus says, 932. Sorte: in the sense offortuna. jAzopportunitatem. seri: in the sense of infelicis. 921. tMurali tormento: this was an engine, 935. Redde me meis, &c. Turnus confesses or nachine for battering the walls of cities, himself vanquished;, and entreats /Eneas and for throwing missive weapons. Concita: to send him back to his father and friends;'lrown, or sent. but if he choose rather (mavis) to deprive 923. A'ec lantz crepitus. nor do such him of life, in that case, that he would sose 60~4 rP. VIRGILI1 MARONIS tEneas, volvens oculos, dextramque repressit. 940. Sermo Turni Et jam jamque magis cunctantem flectere serno 940 ceperat flectere JEneam Cceperat; infelix humero cuim apparuit alto cuct.anteln Balteus, et notis fulserunt cingula bullis, Pallantis pueri; victum quem vulnere Turnus Straverat, atque humeris inimicum insigne gerebat Illc, oculis postquam ssvi morrumenta doloris, 945 Exuviasque hausit, furiis accensus et ira 947. Ait: Tu-ne in. Terribilis: Tu-ne hinc spoliis, indute, meorum d:it spoulis mreorum Eripiare mihi? Pallas te hoc vulnere, Pallas ainicorum Irnmolat, et pcenam scelerato ex sanguine sumit. Hoc dicens, ferrum adverse sub pectore condit 950 Fervidus. ast illi solvuntur frigore membra, Vitaque cum gemitu fugit indignata sub umbras. NOTES. his dead body to them, that it might be 947. Indute: voc. agreeing with tu, from treated according to the rites of his country. the verb induo: clad. Jtleorum: of my 940. Flectere: to turn or change him. friends: namely, Pallas. PRulS says, comnlovere. 948. Eripiare: the passive is here used 911. lrntelix: inauspicious-unfortunate. in the sense of the middle voice of the At Lad proved so to Pallas, whom Turnus Greeks: canst thou rescue thyself from my slew: it now proves so to Turnus, who in hands? turn is slain by Eneas. Alto: this is the reading of HIeyne and Davidson. Ruuselerto: devoted. Ruus say and Valpy read ingens, referring to the belt inpio, in reference to his having slain Pal(alterof Pallas, which Turnus wore upon las. Heyne is of the same opinion. Im(balteus) of Ias, whola sacrifices you to the gods below. his shoulders. Alto: refers to Turnus. This molt: sacrfices to te below last is the best. Bullis: studs or bosses. 951. Fervidus: in the sense of ardens. Rureus says, claris. Illi: in the sense of illius. Frigore: with 943. Pueri: in the sense of juvenis. the chill of death. 914. Insi.rgne: in the sense of ornamentum. 952. Indignata cum genitzu. Heyne takes 915. Hausit oculis: he saw. Saevi doloris: this in the sense simply of gemens vel nuithe death of Pallas caused excessive grief rens. to,/Eneas; and from the moment that he Mr. Davidson observes, the conclusion of heard of' his fall, he vowed vengeance on this beautiful poem is unworthy of the digTurnus. The sight of these memorials, nity of the subject. And if Virgil had lived these spoils, of his friend, roused him into to finish it to his mind, he would, in all fury. He had otherwise, perhaps, spared probability, have given it a more elegant his suppliant. Hausit: in the sense of vidit. termination. QUESTIONS. What is the condition of the troops of Did Lavinia hear this conversation of her Turnus at the opening of this book? mother with Turnus? What resolution does he take in conse- What effect had it upon her? quence of that? Did Turnus behold this blush upon her Does Latinus endeavor to dissuade him cheek? from the combat? Did he consider it indicative of her love.? What is the character of his address to What effect had it upon the hero? him? What resolution did he instantly take? What effect had it upon Turnus? Whom did he send to acquaint Aineas of Does he refuse to give up Lavinia to that resolution? ]Eneas? When was the time appointed for the What is the character of the reply of combat? Turnus? What did Turnus in the mean time? Is it c!iaracteristic of the soldier and the What preparations were made upon the patriot? field? Did tile queen also, endeavor to dissuade For what purpose do they erect altars? him? Who were the parties to this league? What argumen s did she use for that What did Juno do to prevent its execu. purpoose tion? A;NEIS. JAB. XII. 605 To what place does Juturna repair? What effect had it upon his mind? Whose form does she assume? What course did he take? What is her object in repairing t, the fi< d Upon the arrival of Turnus, did the Troof battle? jans instantly desist fron the assault? What effectually roused the Rutulians to How did the heroes commence the comarms? bat? What was that prodigy or omen? After that, what did they do? Who was the first to observe it? What misfortune happened to Turnus? How did Tojumnius interpret it? Had he omitted to take his own sword? Who was this Tolumnius'- What effect By whom was his sword made? had this upon the minds of the Italians? How did he save his life at that juncture? Who cast the first javelin? Whom did Was he pursued by AEneas? it kill? Did he call for his heavenly tempered What immediately followed? sword? What became of Latinus? By whom was it restored to him? What did ineas upon this emergency? What favor did Venus do for _Eneas at Was he wounded?- Is it known by whom the same time? that wound was inflicted? Having recovered their arms; do the he7What effect had this upon the Trojans? roes prepare for a second assault? At this juncture, what course did Turnus At this moment, which side did Jove fatake? vor? What feats of valor does the hero perform? What course did he pursue? Who'were among the first that le killed? Whom did he send to the field of battle. What became of AEneas? What form did the fury assume? Who attempted to extract the arrow? What does she do? Who was this lapis? What effect had her sound upon Juturna? By whom is it said, he was instructed in What did she instantly do? th-e healing art? Did she utter any tender expressions for Was he able to effect a cure? her brother? By whom was the hero finally cured? What effect had the fury upon Turnus. Where did Venus obtain the plant? ]Eneas calls upon Turnus no longer to What is the name of it? decline the fight; and what reply does he What was the state of the battle, while make him? Eneas was in his camp? Does he express any signs of fear for him? When he returned to the fight, was the Whom then does he fear? scale of victory turned? Does Turnus forget that he has his trjsty Whom does he seek to engage? sword? Is he prevented from meeting with Turnus? With what does he attempt to assault By whom is he prevented? Eneas? How did she accomplish it? What was the size of the stone? At this juncture, what is the state of the Did it reach his antagonist? battle? Why did it not? Finding himself baffled by Turnus, what At this moment, what did,ineas do?, resolution does Eneas take? Did the spear wound'Turnus? What did he do previous to the assault? Where did it wound him? Having animated his men, di: they take Does he acknowledge himself conquered? possession of the city? Does he relinquish his claim upon LaviWhere was Turnus in the mlean time? r.a? What effect had this upon the queen? What favor does he ask of the victor? What became of her? Was he about to spare his life also? Wbhobrought the news to Turnus of the Why did he not spare it? capture -'f the city, and the death of the What does Mr. Davidson observe of the queen? t:.ding of this book? PUBLII VIRGILIIM ARONIS OPERUI. FINIS. A TABLE OF REFERENCE TO THE NOTES. THE abbreviations Eel., Geor., and En., stand for Eclogue, Georgic, ar d.Encid. Thus, Eel. iv. 32, refers to the fourth Eclogue, and note upon the thirty-second line: and Geor. iii. 7, refers to the third book of the Georgics, and note upon the seventh line: and so of the JEneid. A. Amaryllis, Ecl. i. 31 Assaracus, Geor. iii. 35 Amazoniam, AEn.v. 311 Arbusta, 40 Alburnum, 146 Amycus, 373 Ararim, 62 Asylas, 146 Atys, 563 Amphion, ii. 24 Aquarius, 304 Ardentes oculos, 648 Alcimedon, iii. 37 Amycle, 343 Antenne, 829 Archimedes, 40 Amello, iv. 271 Androgei, vi. 20 x. 1 Ambrosia, 415 Aureus ramus, 137 Aratus, iii. 40 Alba Longa, En. i. 7 Ajax, 470 Alternis, 59 Adire, 10 Adrasti, 479 Astraea, iv. 6 Achilles, 30 Antenorides, 483 Apollo, 10 ii. 542 Aloidas, 582 2En. iv. 143 Argivi, i. 40 Animas quibus, 713 vi. 398 Ajax, 40 748 Argonaute, Eel. iv. 35 41 Alcides, 801 Alcon, v. 11 ii. 414 Ancus Martius, 815 Atalanta, vi. 61 Antenor, i. 242 Alii excudent, 847 Alga, vii. 42 Assaraci, 284 Aurunci, vii. 205 Astrum, ix. 47 Argos, 284 Adytum, 269 Arethusa, x. 1 vi. 838 Amata, 360 Geor. iv. 344 Atridas, i. 458 Acrisius, 372 _En. iii. 696 Adytum, 505 Araea, 372 Alpheus, Eel. x. 2 ii. 115 Amsancti, 565 Geor. iii. 19 Arcturus, i. 744 Argylla, 652 * en. iii. 696 iii. 516 Amasenus, 685 Aganippe, Ecl. x. 11 Acies, ii. 30 Acies, 695 Adonis, 18 Amens, 314 xi. 498 Alpes, 57 Astyanacta, 457 Amiterna cohors vii. 710 Achelouis, Geor. i. 9 iii. 489 Allia, 717 iv. 372 Ariete, ii. 492 Ausones, 726 Aristwus, i. 14 Antandros, iii. 6 Aclides, 730 iv. 317 Arcitenens, 75 Abella, 740 Arachne, i. 18 Actia litora, 280 Angitie, 759 iv. 247 Andromache, 294 Aricia, 762 Arcturus, i. 68 297 Asylum rettulit, viii. 342 Atlantiades 138 482 Argiletum, 345 Arcton, 138 Auspieiis, 374 Agyllinae, 479 246 Achemenides, 606 Anser, 655 Ariadne, 222 607 Ancile, 664 En. vi. 28 690 Actia bella, 671 Anguis, Geo:. i. 244 Agrigas, 703 675 Aurora, 249 Ale, iv. 121 678 En. iv. 585 Ammone, 198 Agrippa, 682 vi. 535 Atlantis duri, 247 Antonius, 685 Asius, Geor. i. 383 Geor. i. 138 Augustus, 714 Aconita, ii. 152 Aulide, En. iv. 426 Araxes, 728 Avernus, 161 Arma, v. 15 Annuit id, ix. 104 En. iii. 442 vi. 353 Arisba, 264 iv. 512 Acestes, v 30 Adversi, 412 vi. 243 Anima —umbre, 80 Alba parma, 548 Assyrio, Geor. ii. 465 Agger, 273 Ascanius-Iiilus, 641 io08 TABLE OF PtBFERENCE. Ascanius-Iulus, ]En. ix. 643 Cremona, Eel. ix. 28 Ceraunia, 2En. iii. 506 Amenta, 665 Cycni, 29 Caulonis, 553 Athesim, 680 Chaonia, Geor. i. 8 Camarina, 701 Apertas Alpes, x. 13 Chalybes, 58 Coeus, iv. 179 Arpi, 23 Corybantes, 121 Cithaeron, 303 Amathus, 51 Curites, Caucasus, 365 Atra face, 77 iv. 150 Convexa, 451 Anchemolum, 389 En. iii. ll Chaos et nox, 510 Amyclse. 564 131 Carcer-Meta, v. 144 Antiquus ager est, xi. 316 Cceum, Geor. i. 279 Caveve, 340 Aufidus, 405 Cyllenius, 336 Csstus, 379 Ala, 604 Caystrus, 383 Carpathium, 595 Aruns debitus, 759 Cyclopes, 471 Cuneos, 664 793 lEn. iii. 569 Consanguineo, 771 806 vi. 630 Chalcis, vi. 17 Aciem ferri, 860 viii. 416 Cecropidae, 21 Anteirent, xii. 84 Cothurnus, Geor. ii. 9 Castor et Pollux, 121 Augurium, 257 Clitumnus, 146 Cupressos, 216 Apollo, 393 Camillus, 169 Chaos, 265 Aversos morti, 464 Capua, 169 Centauri, 286 Athos, 701 Canis, 353 viii. 293 Apenninus, 703 Cynthius, iii. 36 Chimeara, vi. 288 Cocytus, 38 Cortina, 347 B. En. vi. 132 Charon, 392 Cithaeron, Geor. iii. 43 Caneus, 448 Bacchus, Ecl. v. 69 Chiron, 550 Camillus, 825 Boreas, vii. 51 Corycium, iv. 129 Corintho, 836 Bruma, Geor. i. 211 Centaurea, 270 Capitolia, 836 Bootes, 229 Cui nomen, 270 Cato, 841 Balearides, 309 Canopi, 287 Cornelius Cossus, 841 Bactra, ii. 138 Clymene, 345 Celtiberi, 842 Benacus, 160 Carpathio, 387 Cincinnatus, 844 Busiridis, iii. 5 Charon, 502 Campis aeris, 887 Biremis, 2En. v. 119 Carthago, lEn. i. 14 Cajeta, 900 Bijugo, 144 339 Corythi, vii. 209 x. 575 iv. 1 Calydona, 306 Buten, v. 372 213 Crinem pascere, 391 Bebrycia, 373 Charybdis, i. 200 Crimine, 577 Brachia, 829 iii. 420 Cteculus, 678 Bellua Lernam, vi. 287. Convexo, i. 310 Cimini, 697 Burutus, 818 607 Clausus, 707 Bigis, vii. 26 Conjux, 54 Caspariam, 714 Bellona, 319 Cyprum, 622 Cateias, 741 Bactra, viii. 688 Calchas, ii. 100 Circasum jugum, 799 Berecynthia, ix. 82 Cassandra, 246 Camilla, 806 619 Creiisa, 760 808 Betias-Pandarus, 674 773 Cuspide, 817 Baiae, 710 711 Cacus, viii. 172 Boreae, x. 350 787 194 xii. 365 Creta, iii. 104 Capitolium, 347 Busta, xi. 201 Cybele, 111 Codes, 346 Bis sex lecti, xii. 899 vi. 784 Clelia, 651 Cycladas, iii. 74 Catilina, 668 C. 127 Catonem, 670 Corytus, 170 Cleopatra, 685 Calamo, Eel. i. 10 Corythus, Cycladas, 692 Conon, iii. 40 Chaonia, 335 Cares, 725 Cumta, iv. 4 Circle, 386 Cingere, maenia, ix. 160 En. vi. 2 v. 864 Corona-acies, 508 Codrus, Eel. v. 11 vii. 10 xi. 475 Curru, 29 19 xii. 744 Cerea, 79 282 Cui Remulo, ix. 593 En. ii. 714 Claustra Pelori, iii. 410 Cithara, 776 iv. 58 412 Capua, x. 145 Caucasus, Eel. vi. 42 Chlamydem, iii. 484 Cinyra-Cupavo, 186 Clytemnestra, lEn. xi. 266 iv. 137 1 Cynus, 186 TABLE OF REFERENCE. 609 Cometse, J.En. x. 272 Daha, AEn. viii.'730 Erato,.Sn. vii. 37 Caphereus, xi. 260 Domus Enea, ix. 448 Extrema tellusa 225 Camilla, 498 Dindyma, 618 Excussos, 299 594 Diomede, x. 28 Egeria, 761 180 29 762 Cornua Cristae, xii. 89 xi. 243 Evander, viii. 51 Cunei, 269 269 130 457 276 ix. 9 575 Daucia proles, x. 391 Eurystheo, viii. 292 Cupencus, 540 Drances, xi. 122 Electro, 402 Crepitus, 923 338 Exhausta, x. 57 Cydon, 858 Dotalis, xi. 369 Eurytion, 499 Costhurnus, Eel. viii. 10 Dardanio capiti, 399 Equitem, xi. 464 Dictamnum, xii. 412 Edoni, xii. 365 D. Dardanides, 775 Echionium, 515 Deformare domum, 805 Dexter, Ecl. i. 18 Dirm-Furi, 845 Depasta florem, 55 F. Diana, iv. 10 E. Demophoon, v. 10 Ferulas, Eel. x. 25 Daphnis, 20 Echo, Eel. ii. 46 Fas-Jus, Geor. i. 269 52 Eurydice, iii. 46. Fasces, 1. 495 Damnabis, 80 Geor. iv. 317 Favos, iv. 104 Deucalion, Ti. 41 Epicurus, El. vi. 31 Fucus, 244 Dulichium, 76 Eurotas, 83 Fata rependens, AEn. i. 239 Dodona, Geor. i. 121 En. i. 498 Feri, ii. 51 Die, 208 Erigone, Geor. 33 Fuimus Troes, 325 Duodena astra, 232 Epirus, 59 Fastigia, 458 Dii majores, -.En. iii. 295 Furiis, iii. 331 Dii minores, Elis, Geor. i. 59 vi. 572 Decii, ii. 169 Eumenides, 278 Fas, iv. 350 Dacus, 497 iv. 483 Formidine, Geor. iii. 371 Dicte, 536.An. iii. 331 En.. xii. 150 Deedala, iv. 179 Emathia, Geor. i. 492 Favete ore, v. 71 xAn. vi. 14 Etruria, ii. 533 Ferimur emensme, 628 Defrutum, Geor. iv. 269 Eurystheus, iii. 4 Facies delapsa, 722 Danai,.En. i. 40 Epidaurus, 43 Ferrei thalami, vi. 280 Deiphobi, 310 Eridanus, iv. 372 Fasces, 818 567 i. 482 Securis, vi. 495 En. vi. 658 Fabricium, 844 525 Electra, i. 28 Fabii, 845 Delos, iii. 75 Equum, ii. 15 Fatalis, vii. 114 Dardanus, 167 232 xi. 233 170 EnixEe, iii. 327 xii. 232 vii. 240 Enceladi, 598 Fata Phrygum, vii. 294 Dulichium, iii. 271 Exhaustum, iv. 14 Fumidus amnis, 465 Dodonaeos, 466 Erebus, 510 Ferum, 489 Drepani, 707 Eryx, v. 24 Fescenninas acies, 695 Dido, iv. 1 411 Faliscos, 695 36 xii. 701 Facialia jura, 695 654 Exsequie, v. 53 Ferulos,'14 Dos, 104 Entillus, 447 Feronia, 800 Draco custos, 484 Erymantho, 448 Foetus enixa, viii. 44 Dares, v. 447 466 Fluvius corniger,'14 463 Eurytion, 513 Fovere castra, ix. 57 Damnati mortis, vi. 430 Exsortem, 534 Funera tua, 487 Datum tempus, 535 Elysium, 135 Ferrugo, 582 Discedam, 545 Euboea, vi. 2 Falarica, 106 Dens, 149 ix. 710 Fera Carthago, x. 11 Decios, 824 Enavit, vi. 16 Furtum, 91 Drusos, 824 Eriphylen, 445 Fauces, si. 516 Danae, vii. 132 Eteocles, 445 Fortuna, 161 410 Evadnen, 447 Famam inultr, 847 Dii Communes, viii. 275 Evantes, 517 Feetum suis, xii. 170 xii. 181 Exercentur poenis, 739 Flavos crines, 606 40 610 TABLE OF REFERENCE. Furere furorem, En. xii. 680 Helleboros, Geor. iii. 451 Iberi, Geor. iii. 408 Felle svi veaeaii 857 Hortos, iv. 118 Indi, iv. 293 Hydaspes, 211 AEn. vi. 795 Hypanis, Geor. iv. 370 vii. 605 Hector, AEn. i. 99 viii. 705 Galatea, Ecl. 31 xii. 440 Inferia, Geor. iii. 66 Glaucus, vi. 74 Harpalyce, i. 317 iv. 545 Geor. i. 437 Hesperiam, 530 Juno,.En. i. 4 AEn. v. 823 Helen, 650 ii. 612 Grynium, El. vi. 72 ii. 567 Invisum genus, i. 28 Gallus, X. 6 vi. 525 Illyricos, 243 Ganges, Geor. ii. 137 x. 92 Iulus, 267 Gangarid, iii. 27 Hecubam, ii. 601 v 668 Getaw, 462 vii. 320 Ilia, i. 274 Galesus, iv. 126 Hospitium, ii. 15 v. 77 Galbanum, 264 Harpyie, 212 Iliades, i. 480 Galla, 267 vii. 119 xi. 36 Ganymedia, En. i. 28 Helenum,iii. 294 Ithacus, i. 104 v. 252 Hermionem, 328 Jus-fas, ii. 157 Gorgone, ii. 616 Hospita wequora, 377 Immixti, 96 vii. 341 Hyrcani, iv. 365 Idomenea, i. 122 Gradivus, m. 85 vii. 605 401 Gete, 3 Hecate, vi. 611 Ithacie, 272 vii. 604 609 Inspirata, 278 Germinos parentes, iii. 180 Hectorei, v. 190 Inanis Tumulus, 304 181 Hippocoontis, 492 Inventa sus, 889 Gela, 701 Hoc, Ilium, 756 392 Getule, iv. 40 Hercules, vi. 123 Intempesta nox, 587 v. 192 395 Jussa Heleni, 684 Gravidam imperiis, iv. 229 801 Iarbas, v. 36 x. 87 viii. 288 198 Gryniaus, iv. 345 Hannibal, vi. 845 Iris, 700 Gnossia, v. 306 x. 11 v. 606 Geryon, vi. 289 Helicona, vii. 641 Ionio mar, 193 vii. 661 lernica saxa, 684 Imberturbidus, 696 viii 202 Hortinse, 716 Ino, 823 Glaucum, vi. 483 Hermi, 720 Icarus, vi. 14 Genus Divi, 192 Halesus, 724 31 Augustus, 793 Hippolyti, 761 Incertam Lunam, 270 Gracchi 842 Hesione, viii. 157 Ignem simplicis, 747 GeminBe portae, 893 Hcedi, ix. 668 In, 810 Gabinse, vii. 682 Hasta protents, x. 339 Infelix pter,820 Gaesa, viii. 662 Hippolyten, xi. 661 Italus, v. 178 Gelonos, 725 Hausit oculis, xii. 946 Jugalis, 320 Ganges, ix. 80 Janus, 610 Gravisce, x. 184 I. J617 Gargani, xi. 247 0 789 Juniperi, El. vii, 3 Indegenae, viii. 314 H. x. 76 xii. 823 Ismarus, viii. 44 Ignea rima, viii. 392 Hylan, Ecl. vi. 43 Jupiter, Geor. i. 121 Iapyge, 710 Hesperides, 61 iv. 150 Iberia, ix. 682.En. iv. 484 En. ix. 84 Ideae, 620 Hippomenes, Ecl. vi. 61 670 Inarime, 716 Heliades, 62 Ingenium fato, Geor. i. 416 Intendere numeros, 176 Hebrus, x. 65 Indigetes, 498 Idalium, x. 51 Hyades, Geor. i. 138 En. xii. 794 Ille-hic, 180 AEn. iii. 516 Ityrai, Geor. ii. 448 750 Halcyones, Geor. i. 399 Istrum, 497 xii. 342 Hemus, 492 Isthmia, iii. 19 Ilva, x. 173 Hermus, ii. 137 Ixion, 38 Ismara, 351 Hippodame, ii. 7 iv. 484 Infula, 638 Hero, 258 AEn. vi. 601 Ille apex, 707 Hippomanes, 280 Inachie, Geor. iii. 153 xi. 809 Hippomanes, n. iv. 516 Inachie, AEn. vii. 372 Inferias imbris 82 TABLE OF REFERENCE. 611 lapyx, 4En. xi. 247 Lucretia, a en. vi. 848 Mensas, AEn. ii. 257 Juturna, xii. 140 Latinus, vii. 45 Magna Grecia,. iii. 396 lapis, 393 50 Manes, 565 In contraria, 487 xii. 164 iv. 387 Informis leti, 603 Laurens, 63 vi. 743 Improbus, Geor. i. 145 Laurentum,. 63. 39 U En. xii. 687 Lymphata, 377 xii. 674 Importuna, 864 Lupercal, viii. 343 Mauritania, iv. 206 Inane, 906 Luperci, 343 Mceonia mitra, 216 Infelix, 941 Lycaeum, 344 Mercurius, 252 Lupam foetam, 630 Magalia, 259 Lelegas, 725 Maleae, v. 193 L. Legio, ix. 368 Maeander, 250 xii. 563 Mens, vi. 11 Lupercalia-Lycte,Ecl.ii. 31 Lampada, ix. 535 Minos, 20 Lucina, iv. 10 Lydia gens, x. 155 431 Geor. iii. 60 Ligurum, 185 Minotaurus, 24 Linus, Eel. iv. 56 xi. 701 Massyltm, 60 Lustro, v. 75 Lausus, x. 793 Misenus, 164 Lucifer, viii. 17 819 ix. 715 Lethe, Geor. i. 78 Locros, xi. 265 Malesuada fames, vi. 270 Lycaon, 138 Movet urnam, 432 Laomedon, 502 M. Menelaus, 525 Lucrinus, ii. 161 xi. 262.En. iii. 442 Malum, Ecl. ii. 51 Musaeum, vi. 667 Ligures, Geor. ii. 168 Myrtus, 54 Meeotica tellus, 798 Lapithaa, iii. 115 vii. 62 Marcellus, 855 AEn. vi. 601 Musas, iii. 60 869 vii. 307 Murex, iv. 44 883 Leander, Geor. iii. 258..Myrica, vi. 10 Mercede, vii. 317 Lynx, 264 Maenalus, viii. 21 Mycena 372 Lares, 344 Medea, 47 Multa, 393 A3n. v. 744 Mars, x. 44 Movent Martem, 603 viii. 543.En. iii. 13 Mezentius, 648 Lydia, Geor. iv. 211 vi. 777 viii. 482 Lavinium, AEn. i. 2 Minerva, Geor. i. 18 x. 71 Lycios, 113 An. ii. 171 908 Libya, 339 Mysia, Geor. i. 102 Messapus, vii. 691 Latona, 502 Monstrum, 184 x. 354 Laocoon, ii. 40 An. iii. 307 735 201 v. 523 xii. 289 Laevus, JEn. ii. 693 xii. 246 Massica, vii. 726 Eel. i. 18 Melicertes, Geor. i. 437 Marrubium 750 Lydius Tibris,.En. ii. 782 Media, ii. 126 Myrtum, 817 Lycurge, iii. 14 Massicus, 143 Mensas secunda, viii. 284 Leucatfe, 214 Marsi, 167 Moeonia, 499 Loricam, 467 En. vii. 758 ix. 546 vii. 639 Mantua, Geor. ii. 198 Metium, viii. 642 Lilybeum, iii. 706 En. x. 198 Manlius, 652 Luna obscura, iv. 81 201 Morini, 727 Lyciae sortes, 346 Molorchus, Geor. iii. 19 Moenia Acestas, ix. 218 Lacertis adductis, v. 141 Milesus, 306 Mincius, x. 206 Loricam, 260 Moeotis, 349 Manus miseranda, xi. 259 Limen, 816 Molossus, 405 Mceonidae, 759 Lusus Trojas, 553 Melampus, 550 Mycenasus ductor, 266 Labyrinthis, 589 Melissa, iv. 150 Manipli, 870 590 Mantilia, 377 Melior victima, xii. 296 Ludi Apollinares, vi. 70 Mycena, AEn. i. 284 Multa, 506 Longasva sacerdos, 321 vi. 838 Mussat, 657 Eel. iv. 4 Mercati solum, i. 367 Murali tormento, 921 Laedamia, En. vi. 447 Manus artificum, 454 Laertes, 629 Memnon, 489 N. Labem, 746 Mensas, 23 Lavinia, 763 Myrmidones, ii. 7 Nympha, Eel. ii. 46 Lurnam, 801 Moenia, 284 Narcissus, 46 612 TABLE OF REFERENCE. Narcissus, Geor. iv. 160 Orestes, En. iv. 471 Paros, Geor. iii 84 Nectar, Ecl. v. 71 Omen regibus, vii. 174 Potniades, 268 Nereus, vi. 35 Osci, 729 Phasim, iv. 367 Nereides, 35 OmnigenimDeorum,viii. 698 Proteus, 388 Nisus, 74 Oricia, x. 136 Parthenope, 564 Nemus, x. 9 Ocnus-Bianor, 198 Polus, En. i. 90 Neptunus, Geor. i. 14 Orbem triplice eere, 783 Procella, 102 AEn. iii. 3 Opis, xi. 836 Portae belli, 294 v. 799 Orithyia, xii. 83 Paphus, 415 Naryx, Geor. ii. 438 Occupat os, 300 Patroclus, 458 Nilum, iii. 28 Oppetere, 543 Pergama, 466 iv. 287 Oleaster, 766 Peplum, 480 293 Penthesilea, 491 JEn. vi. 800 Pelasgi, 624 viii. 711 P. vii. 796 Niphates, Geor. iii. 30 viii. 600 Noricum, 474 Parthus, Eel. i. 62 Phoenissa, i. 670 Nimbus,.En. i. 102 Pan, ii. 31 iv. 529 viii. 354 Pierides, iii. 60 Palamedis, ii. 82 Nurus, ii. 501 Parcae, iv. 47 Phalanx, 254 Numina Magna, 623 Phyllis, v. 10 Pantheus, 319 Narycii Locri, iii. 399 Puniceus, 17 Plurima imago, 369 Numidae, iv. 41 Poeni, 27 Pyrrhus, 470 vii. 724 JEn. i. 302 263 Nox atra, v. 721 Pentheus, Ecl. v. 69 iii. 294 Nomentum, vi. 773 Proserpina, 79 Penetralia, ii. 484 Numitor, 777 En. iv. 511 Priami fatorum, 554 Numa, 810 698 557 Nar, vii. 517 Parnassus, Eel. vi. 29 Polydorus, iii. 42 Nefas, 596 x. 11 43 X. 499 Pyrrha, vi. 41 Phineus, 212 673 Prometheus, 42 Phwecum, 291 Nubigena, vii. 674 Proetides, 48 Priameia Virgo, 321 viii. 293 Phaethontiades, 62 Philoctetee, 402 Nursia, vii. 716 Phaton, 62 Petilia, 402 Nunc, b nunc, viii. 579 1En. v. 105 Polyphemus, 617 Nisus-Euryalus. ix. 176 Philomela, Ecl. vi. 78 636 205 Geor. iv. 511 Pelorus, 687 Navale, xi. 329 Progne, Eel. vi. 78 Pachynum, 698 Nec minis, xii. 107 Phoebo, 82 Pygmalion, iv. 1 Nec non, 107 iv. 10 Pronuba, 166 Nostrum, 187 Priapus, Ecl. vii. 33 vii. 319 Nox intempesta, 846 Geor. iv. 111 Parvulus Eneas, iv. 328 Non sechs ac, 856 Pollio, Eel. iv. 12 Pentheus, 469 viii. 6 Pluto, 638 Pontus, 95 Pompas, v. 53 O. Pindus, x. 11 Palma, 111 Palladium, Geor. i. 18 Phorcus, 240 Olympus, Ecl. v. 56 2n. ii. 166 Panopea, 240 MEn. i. 374 Pallas, Geor. i. 18 Portunus, 241 x. 1 Pleiades, 138 Paridem, 370 Orgia, Ecl. v. 69 Plurima, 187 Pandare, 496 En. iv. 301 Poenas, 405 Praelato, 541 Orion, Eel. viii. 55 Philippi, 490 Polites, 564 uEn. i. 535 Pharsalia, 490 Porta, 755 iii. 517 Panchala, ii. 139 Palaemon, 823 Olympia, Geor. i. 59 Penates, 0 Pedem facere, 830 iii. 19 Penetrales, J Palinurus, 833 Oscilla, ii. 389 En. ii. 293 870 Orphea, Eel. iii. 46 717 vi. 338 Geor. iv. 454 v.'744 348 520 viii. 543 379 JEn. vi. 645 Pales, Geor. iii. 1 Pasiphae 14 Otium, Geor. iv. 564 Pelops, 7 24 Orestes, JEn. iii. 328 Pythia, 19 Perithofis 122 TABLE OF REFERENCE. 613 Perithoiis, n. vi. 394 Quirites, JEn. vii. 709 Sisyphus, Geor. iii. 39 vii. 304 710 Silari, 146 Pyram, vi. 215 Quocunque fonte, viii. 74 Styx, 551 Procul 0, 258 Quadrupedante, 596 iv. 488 Phlegethon, 265 Quem labor damnet, xii. 727.En. vi. 265 Phedram, 445 324 vii. 761 xii. 816 Procris, vi. 445 R. Serpyllum, Geor. iv. 31 Protecilaus, 447 Speluncis, 364 Pulsus parens, 609 Rhodope, Geor. i. 332 Samo, JEn. i. 15 Phlegyas, 618 iii. 351 Sarpedon, 100 Pseana, 657 Rostrum, ii. 508 ix. 697 vii. 769 Romulus, En. i. 274 Simois, i. 100 Principio spiritus, vi. 724 vi. 777 Syrtis, 11 Pompeius Magnus, 828 Rhesus, i. 469 Sanguine Teucri, 235 Perses-Pyrrhus, 838 Rudentes, iii. 267 Sichaeus, 348 Prosequitur Anchises, 898 683 iv. 1 Plaga iniqui solis, vii. 225 Rogos, iv. 646 Scamander, i. 473 Pero, 689 Remigium, vi. 16 Sidera cadentia, ii. 9 Partem Sabinis, 709 Regna Caspia, 798 Sinonem, 82 Pallanteum, viii. 51 Rerum Lachyrmae, i. 462 86 Porsenna, 646 Recidiva, vii. 321 Sponsae, 345 Puppibus turritis, 693 x. 58 Scyria, 477 Pilumnus, ix. 3 Romulidis, viii. 638 Sub axe, 512 x. 76 Regia horrebat, 654 Sic, 0, sic, 644 Prisca fides, ix. 70 Rostrata corona, 684 Superi, 659 Parva discrimina, 142 Rhenus, viii. 727 Stella lapsa, 694 Pontes, 170 Remulus, ix. 363 Stat, 750 xii. 675 Rejiciunt parmas, xi. 619 Strophadum, iii. 209 Phaleras, ix. 359 Religio, xii. 181 212 Pater Romanus, 449 iii. 409 Servire Phrygio, iv. 103 Produxi te, 487 363 Sermone, 277 Palici, 585 Rerum trepide, xii. 589 Si fata, 340 Prochyta, 715* Romana propago, 827 Solum, v. 199 Pactas sponsas, x. 79 vii. 111 Pactolus, 142 x. 102 Populonia, 172 S. Salius, v. 298 Pisae, 179 Spiculum-pilum, 306 Pyrgi, 184 Sinistra, Eel. i. 18 Spatium, 316 Phaeton, 186 Scythiam, 66 Sirenes, 864 Pallas-Lausus, 433 Sibylla, iv. 4 Somnus-Mors, vi. 278 Penetrabile, 481 Saturnus, 6 Salmonea, 585 Paphus, 55 Saturnia regna, 6 Sisyphus, 616 Partim, xi. 204 Satyri, v. 73 Spargit corpus, 636 Protei, 262 Syracusae, vi. 1 Sylvius, 763 Pharos, 262 x. 1 Scipiadas, 843 Priverno, 539 Silenus, vi. 14 Spolia opima, 859 Penthesilea, 661 Scyllam, 74 Sabinus, vii. 178 Praecipites, 888 An. i. 200 Samum, 208 Pacisci letum, xii. 49 iii. 420 Sortes, 269 Poeonium, 401 684 iv. 346 Panaceam, 419 Sardois, Ecl. vii. 41 Situ, vii. 440 Pati dignaindigna, 811 Solstitium, 47 Soractis, 696 Sophocles, viii. 10 xi. 785 Specula, 59 Sarnus, vii. 738 Q. Saltus, x. 9 Sarrantes, 738 Sylvanus, 24 Sicani, 795 Salii, 44 Sacrani, 796 Quinque Zone, Geor. i. 233 Geor. i. 20 Siculi 795 Quadrigme, 512 Sabaei, 57 Spectans orientia, viii. 68 JEn. vi. 535 Sirius, 218 Supertitio, 187 Quse quibus, iv. 371 iv. 425 Salii, 285 Quam mihi chm, 436 nul. x. 373 Seculum, 508 Quisque patimur, vi. 743 Seres, Geor. ii. 121 Sabinas raptas, 635 Quirinus, 859 Sabini, 532 Sistrum, 696 614 TABLE OF REFERENCE. Stellas palantes, AEn. ix. 20 Tritonia, En. ii. 171 Ut spolia, &c., SEn. i. 486 Sed periisse semel, 140 Tacitae Lunae, 255 Umbrae, 607 Sublatum, 203 Testudine acta, 441 Ulysses, ii. 7 Sic tur ad astra, 641 Thalami, 503 iii. 617 Specus atri, 700 Thymbraeus, iii. 85 634 Squama, 707 Eel. iv. 10 Umbone, ii. 546 xi. 488 Transtris, iii. 289 vii. 633 Solus honos sub, 23 Tripodas, 360 Utramque Trojam, iii. 504 Sidus triste, 260 Tarenti, 551 Utrumque caput, iv. 357 Scelus artificis, 407 Taedae, iv. 18 Umbra, 387 Secundus aruspex, 739 Titan, En. iv. 179 Sidere abrupto, xii. 451 Eel. iv. 6 Successu equorum, 616 En. vi. 725 V. Superis, 647 Talaria, iv. 239 Sila, 715 Thyas-Baccho, 301 Superstitio, 817 Tartara, 446 Vaccinia, El.ii. 18 Ssevi regis, 849 Trivia, 609 Varus, vi. 7 Scelerato, 949 xi. 836 Virgo, 47 Tripodas, v. 110 Vesper, 86 Triremis, 119 Vulcanus, Geor. i. 295 T. Tege*ee, v. 299 Vesta, 498 Transcribunt, 750 n. i. 292 Tigrim, Ecl. i. 62 Triton, 824 i. 297 Thetim, iv. 32 i. 173 v. 745 Thalia, vi. 2 Theseus, 20 ix. 259 Tereus, 78 28 Vacuum, Geor. iv. 226 Taurus, Geor. i. 218 Tyndarus, 121 Virum, n. i. 1 Tithonus, 249 Tydeus, 479 Volvere, i. iii. 48 Titania pubes, 580 Vale, 219 Tyrrhenus, ii. 193 Tityon, 595 Vi. 97 Tartara, 292 Tyrrheno sale, 697 Viscera, i. 211 iv. 482 Tellus jacet, 795 Venus, 2a9 Theatrum, 381 Tullus Hostilius, 814 Virgine ceesa, ii. 116.En. v. 289 Tarquinius, 818 Visum aliter, Dis, 428 340 Torquatus, 825 Vi canum, iv. 132 Thespis, Geor. ii. 383 Tumultum, 855 Vigam, Theseidw, 383 Turnus, vii. 56 Vexatus bello, 615 Tantalus, iii. 7 63 Vitus, v. 363 Timavus, 474 Trabea, 188 Viscum, vi. 206 Taygete, iv. 232 Thyrsos, 390 Velinos portus, 366 Tempe, plu., 317 Transcribi, 422 Violare orbemcrsti, vii. 114 Taurino, 372 Tessera, 637 Velinus, 51 Tenarus, 467 Tuba-classica, 637 Yulnus, 533 Tanais, 517 Teutones, 741 xii. 160 Trojie, A.n. i. 1 Tybris, viii. 330 Vlturnus,. 729 Tyrii, 12 Tarpeiam sedem, 347 Virbius, 61 Tiber, 13 Tres radios, 429 Volsci Geor vii. 30 Tyrrhenus clangor, 526 VdEn. 804 Thetis, i. 30 Ter centum, 716 aa, x. 2 Teucri, 38 Thebana, ix. 697 i. 628 Tydeus, 97 Tyrrhenae acies, x. 691 Vulcani acies, x. 408 Trinacria, 196 Tolumnius, xi. 429 Velati (feiales) 120 iii. 384 Thermodon, 659 7 Timavi, i. 244 Tibur, 7 Vortex, 677 Togatam, 282 Tiburtus, 755 Troilus, 474 Tango aras, xii. 201 X Teucer, 619 Tabulata, 675 iii. 104 Taburno, 715 108 Xanthi, tEn. iii. 497 Typhoeus, i. 665 ix. 716 U. Triones, i 744 Z. T' ymcetes, ii. 32 Tenedos, 21 Ut vidi, &c., Ecl. viii. 41 203 Urbes, Geor. i. 25 Zacynthos, JEn. iii. 270 TABLE OF REFERENC(E. 615 E,. EAneas, fnr i. 644 JEra, En. x. 783 iv. 615 AEquos, vii. 695 JAgle, Ecl. vi. 20 xi. 292 A3sculapius,'73 AEthiopes, x. 68 AEstasprima, iii. 8 AEgysthus, xi. 268 EAn. iv; 481 IAgao,'74 Aquato examine, xii. 725 -Equor, Geor. i. 50 Ainee domus, 97 En. iii. 290 AEacides, 296 (E. Eoliam, i. 52 E3tna, 664 AEolus, 52 AEstas septima, i. 566 (Ebalis, Geor. iv. 126 viii. 416 v. 628 (Eagrus, 524. Eneads, i. 157 Era, ii. 526 CEnotria, An. iii. 165