THE (EDIPUS TYR ANNUS OF SO P H —O-C L E S; WITH ENGLISH NOTES, FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS IN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. BY HOWARD CROSBY, D.D. PROFESSOR OF GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF TIE CITY OF NEW YORK. SEVENTH EDITION. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON & COMPANY, 346 & 3-18 BROADWAY. 1859. Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year 1852, by E:3NVAILD X R). BEL In tle Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Urn; ed States for the Southern District of New-York. TO PROFESSOR J. J. OWEN, D. D., THa T4TTLE V LUME RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED. PREFACE. THIIE desire, of which this issue is the exponent, is that college-students may have the master-piece of the first of Greek tragic poets in convenient form. I have attempted no criticisms upon the text, but, following chiefly the Tauchnitz edition, have thrown in the way of Notes such aids to the study of the Greek as may assist, not render needless, the efforts of the student. I have, therefore, left all geogranphical and histor-ical information for the Classical Dictionary. Too much help begets indolence, too little begets despair; —I have striven to present the happy mean —to furnish a cane, not a carriage. HOWARD CROSBY. UNIVERSITY OF TIIE CITY OF NEw-YORi, fikay 1, 1852. ARGUU ENT. LAIMU, King of Thebes, had been forewarned by the oracle, that his son should be his murderer; and should become the husband of his wife Jocasta. He, accordingly, determined to destroy whatever male children should be born to him. In pursuance of this resolution, he gave his newly-born son CEdipus* to a servant to be exposed on Mount Cithaeron. The babe was, however, rescued and carried to Polybus, King of Corinth, by whom he was nourished. When the chlild had become a man, he learned from the oracle that he should be the murderer of his father, and tlie husband of his mother. To avoid such issues he fled from Corinth, supposing thus he was leaving his own parents. This very step prepared the fulfilment of the prophecy. For as he was journeying through Phocis, he met a chariot carrying a man of distinction, who was accompanied by several attendants. Being ordered to remove out of the way by the charioteer, he refused. A contest arose, in which (Edipus slew his opponents, one servant alone escaping. On arriving at Thebes, CEdipus found the people in great grief, by reason of the presence of the Sphynx (a monster, part woman, part lion, and part bird), who had propounded a riddle to the citizens, and was destroying them one by one until they should-solve it. As the King Laius was dead, the citizens promised the- kingdom and Laius' widow to any one who should solve the riddle, and thus rid the * Edipus was not so called by his parents, but by Polybus, as having " swollen feet," by reason of his exposure, thongs having been passed through then 6 ARGUMENT. city of its destroyer. (Edipus, on learning this, solved the riddle, mar ried Jocasta the widow of Laius, and became King of Thebes. Such is the history antecedent to the period of the tragedy. The play opens with the prevalence of a pestilence in Thebes. The people wait upon CEdipus and beseech him to find some way of relief. lie answers that he has sent Creon his brother-in-law to Delphi to consult the oracle on the subject. Creon returns and states that the misery should cease as soon as the murderer of Laius is discovered and punished. Tile investigation then ensues, when (by the testimony of the old servant of Laius) it is proved that the exposed child of Laius had been reared as the son of Polybus, and it is also proved (by the escaped attendant's testimony), that the man whom (Edipus had slain in Phocis was Laius. Thus (Edipus is recognized as the unwitting murderer of his father and husband of his mother. The oracles are fulfilled;-the tragedy closes with the self-inflicted punishment of the unhappy aliplm TA TOT LPAMATOW IHPOI2HIA. OIA IiiOT~. TEIPEIAZ. IEPET.. IOKA2TH. KPE2N. ArrEAO:2. XOPO E PA IflN Aa'ov. EK?yEprTWV' 07~lawv'. E A r E A O. DIVISIONS OF THE TRAGEDY. FIRST SCENE.-Investigation by the Oracle, 1-150. Chorus. SECOND SCENE.-Investigation by the Prophet, 216-462. Chorus. THIRD SCENE.-Quarrel woith Creon; Aid of Jocasta, 513-862. Chorus. FOURTT SCENE.- Thepartical and the complete Discovery, 911-1185. (A brief choral ode divides the two discoveries.) Chorus. FIFTH ScEN.E.-The Catastrophe, 1223-1530. PLAcE.-Before the palace at Thebes. NOTE. The 7rpwraywvl0"7Ts acts the part of aFdipus. The 8ewvepayvwlpT~r7 the parts of Creon, Tiresias and Messenger. The'TpLTa-ywvomT?7 the parts of Priest, Jocasta, Servant and 2nd lessenger. OIJl1O YX T -YPANNO X. OIFIOHOT2. TE Tefva, Ka8ov ToD wrXam vLca poo?'7, TvaW 7rwo''wpaL TV ae 7 al TvoaT ore, o/ 8ov,' a'p e a r, va, v ~' r& 8ca~t' F1 Vrap' a77/XVov, TbKVa, ixxow aKover', av-TO ON' XJrXv'ha, o 7raoSt KXeIoS' O i37rov; KaXovA6/evoS'. axX', c yepat\, Opa', EWEL wrpwou,' V4vV.o.p 7rarPs qbove ptV, 7't T-p(6Wrr ICaoe-Tae; 10 0ElJtoavr7Gc, 9 Os'7i/; O'~ Xov70v s' /xoiv WpoapKceVp -irav. UgAXn7?T)o 7aYp av E1/?7PY 7OLaV3E /a) Ov' KaTotiCTKtpojv 3 pav. IEPET~. ak', () KgpaTVVoav OL WiOVro XoP',asr es', 6pas F1v,LEq/LCaL, jXt ot, OrpoSp]/3ct 15 /,ur w aov L Trov aCeo' ot [o Oyv c7rosP Ciapa v tpys, Eyr) sIl) ZnCvos' ot 71wv 10 OIAIIIOT:Z TTPANNO4. XEKITO Tro 8 aX bXo v'Xo emrqaPo/vov 20 aryopctw-bt 9raKEb, vpOS' TE HaFactXa8os 8Xo' vaots, 7r''Ia vo te,u avreta r7ro ). 7rTXSvL y7ap, Cs0-ep KcavTor0 eCsopS', a7yav 8?j oeyaXeVEt, K(tPalovbloatL KIa:pa fvNC)v &ET' O5vX Or% TE cOtLvtov oXO'J, 25 /C%[vovo-a /ev tXcVtuxv:7lccap7TOtt Xorbvs, friyvovca 8' ay'eXanS /ovvo/olw, 7TOIOtC0t re ayovoS 7VValcK~V eV 8' O vpbpopos' 4eS G'c1q.aS eXaCveE, XOLLo0S eXSIvoT% 7row6XV, -O' OK cevOVTaob W4cta Ka^ lkcov' peXa 8o 30'"At8l o-Tr eva7/YLots KcaL 7ydor w'Xovt['eTat. teoTey peCp Vvv o0c tJOoLevEcvo' c' E7' 0O8' oOe wa'aES,'6pe o'%' oew'TZO, av8pwv 8a TrpTroV Ev Te 0v-/opab pl/3ov rpovovTre~, ev re 8at6vowv 4vvaXXaya't. 35 os y' e$EXvo-aas, "Tv KIa8pueov jtoxaw, oXhpac atot8o0iv aaourc, op vrapELoXcEV, ca2 sc i5rb' v0 tc75v oi'8ev ~et6b&s 7hToQ, oos' Ef'Kt8a%$ES a XXa 7Trpo0sc7K 7reov XEyct VO/L4e'f'qlv op'wSo-ab /tov. 40 zov r', 6 Kcpadrc'ov C7raotL OliS[7rov capa, lCETE VO/ECv aE wTaVTCES 0tE 7Tpo7TpOTOL0t, OXAc'rV' v pew ]p, e "re Iv,, v aXtly 71) EVpEWP?1lutV, ELTE TOV WVEC Oy'jLvv altcovro'as, eTr' 7r' av8po'S o~iloa 7rovYb S70 TOLP E/JU7rtEpOLtGt KaLt aS cvupopbs 45 oeaaya opw daX'Lt'ra E'L v T 0ovXevpucrTv.'', Elfa3j1)Y7'. G oe vfv FEv r8e 7y1 Cowcrr'pa KXyEL T21S wapo Tpo7v~lasd aPXIs' 8' Tri9 w p-La,, l8cv6pLLEa, 50 OTaLLTES' T' eS op'$ov, cKa& cuTO'v'ES~ ijv'TepoV OIAIFIO~T TTPANNOZ. 11 aXIx' aiobaXela 5vTn' avop -o0ov 7r6Xtv. opVlto ryap t at Tvr ro'' a'o7tp KrvrI 7rcapEXEq?j/ilv, IcaK'avvv l 0o0 ryEvov. q%, eLrep ap:eLs T27e 7, WI) 7 s7rep KcpaCrTE, evv av8pczotlv ICcXXtov ql 7 KEvS icpaTeLv. 55 & O ) Eo'TLV oVTe 7rvp yoS, oVTre vaWs', cspqI7o/ avopov wu / CiUVvOlKOVV70fO E'00. c wra~t&g Ocerpo t, 7vOTwa COVIC arypvoTa /o voELTr6 vraPTE<, Kal vOOVTEos., s9 Eq7&' 60 OVK crTrv V/iLaV OSTLS CO L'OV vocet. To..EV rjyp vu/"v cwXyoS' Ce' e'v ePXETa plxovov KcIa av;TOV, K0oV6v aXXoXvo 1 ~ e1i *vXrv 7royX6t re T ca KCIE Ical -' 0/IOV U7VEl. ~t lS ~ at.a o ~rdve~. Si ~oX v7rrV' 7Y evOooTcaL e: e7YEpETE, 65 aXX' i'fOe rToXXa /FEV te 8aKpv'aCLVTa 8/, 7roXXaS' 8' 6'oiv eX6OVTa 4povr18o wnXdavolt. AV O' 1 EU 0C07T&CJ EVplftGKOV laSTtlV /OlV7V, ~v 6' ee vrgoorrv "ic'[acv i~,dwv, Tavtrlv 7rpa~a. qraEa tyap MevoLKc&og Kpcovr', e'avTOV eyal/t3pov, Es TA lIvrudca 70 C7rEq/Lza IOli3OV c&0,faS', C09 TrLv`ot, o' TL Gpbiv, 4 st (1 7t e r 7 op 2 TL 95OVCOV,'T7V& pV(Tai/JAJV JO6Vv. Kcal /1 [llap 08r 4Vu/ETpOV/ievOv XpovJ? Xvwre), Tl T7rparo'et.'TOV ytap CeCOT7o 7repa a7reorTL rTeXEO To0U KCaSrIx7ovTo9 XpoVoV. 75 orav 8' 7CTaL T?7Vlca'VT 7Go icKaKO /\ 8 p&iv BV ELv rvi'W, -''v 87Xot^ %e. IEPETV. aXX,eS'.aXov 1v) T JTra, o'i r' aLpTlO? KpEovTa 7rpooreTtXOVT'a'c' taivovo- pot. 12 o0IAIrOT TTPANNOV. OII THOVT. 80 ) "va "At7roXXol, E~L?yap 6v,TX.?y 7 OCTo7pl /alt'q, Xapzrpos cAv7rep o`/kkaTr. IEPET~. caXX ell'caabT f/ve,'vs. ov ryap av cpa VroXvo-rTeq?2 c' elp' e wr7ay/cap7rov;v&obZ OI1JIHO22. T*aX' elo6pe6 oa' ~V/ptepo a yap, 09 xcxvkew. a8 rz e'va uClio cr38evta, 7ra- Mevoue'ro 85 ta'va~, E/LOP ICK 3Vfa, 7Te4 MEPOLtKOS', 7TP yAL& 9ELSt TOJv ~EO V 99 epwv; KPE12N. EcTX9v. XE7Y 7yp Kca TA &buop', v L vo KcaEr op3ov tEX C0 ovTa, 7raPT av eTvxeXEv. OIzlISHOTX. 6 v~ 8\ OOV TOV7O'; OVT6 r/ap ~pauv9, 90 OVT OVP vripo&eluas elpL T 7ye VyV XoTY.e KPEI2N. eCl 7re8e XPl7eL,6 "rXq7TLcatorv KGXVE LV, e7TOL/LO E7TELVP, ETE Kacl EoTELXeLv crco. OIIHOT10. aE rJvTas ai8a. TvWv8e?yap TrXeov pepo TO 77WEvSOSa 1 KaEl Tl7- e/IS0 IV2Q V% Tept. KPE2N. 95'a'"'... p95 aryop pa, 0 T/OvOrpat Tl) ov XOVrap. PO 7P3, Xavuev!o o lo' aveo va p v. V 7T8 c tvvpetv, jL? ar/IeETOP TPEfJlO. 0I IHOT,. qrOltp KLL2ap/u O; TLS ~ TpWOSp T7S ~itVopcs OIAIHOTY TTPANNO:. 13 KPEn2N. at8ppv7XaTovvT-asX,' 6i0 +6rvov vraXLw 100 XvovTaS%, W; %3 XEata'ov 0X7iV. 7rotov 3,ap avvpo~s T9IV81e /qVV'Ec TXVV; KPEd2N. ~v ypv,3 J vas, Aaio6s 7-ror' yTecLov y0i T083, -rplv o0e T-v' a1cv~r,5VVW 70r6'Xv. OIJIHOTX. 6CtoL' acovtA' b 7yap eLs'c6Dv 7y zrwo. 105 KPEd2N. TroUrov rav6pv'ros, vvv EcrWoTeXXEcb cao&w Trov cavroEwcaT Xetp 7LJco petV Trwa. 8O6 eC37 7O -oi3 7ry; WoO T6' evpeIrs)crETae'XvoS 77aXactta 8v5i-TcapTov abTra9s; KPE2N. Pv 7T, cc/aJKC yy. TO 6C ~TOVJLEVOP 110 p: 8'' -1,ce 7~. T- 8' nTv so, lo czXwrov' ec;jevyeL 6e va/,eXova eEvo v. OIAIHIOTY'. 7coTepa c' Jv otovS, 7'v aypos AO 6 A so, 0 y?9 Ew X' T86G JaV/Jkrt"7rT- Obv?,; 71 7 677 7 se 7? 7rl aX97E 70 O; KPEd2N. 6ecopOs, bo Eg-awcev, IC3ritwUv, wdXtV'rps oQl OVoS e' [ie%',,oS a7recTaXrV. 115 OIAIHOTZ. OV' ay77yeX6 Tl's, OV 3G 0TvlzpaimTop 83of KaTEl', O5TOV TlSr EI/a copB cXp7joar' p v; 14 OIAIRIO~T TYPANNOX. KPEI2N. -vnrjo7Covui eyap, WXsyv bSl TLt, oS 00(d' dIrVey7 coJp cEL, 7rXi' ev, ev, ovEP cX' e8tos cpaaoc. OIIHOT22. 120 Tv 7roov; C'P EyL p 7ordXX' Cav EdEVpoL aLCLEfv, cpX'iv 8paXe1av el Xa,3ot;ev EXWr3o0s. KPEf2N. XyaTas Eqa5/ce oVvTvXOvTas- ou /JLpa.,qp,TcEaveLv vWv, cXXt 0v 7rX21)et XepP)v, OI/IHOT.2X. 7ir OWV 0?G-T 1S', E& TtL /) vV apryvpwr 125 errpaci ceru' vv', ed TO63 a v TO6Xryl eiq, KPEI2N. o/coVVTrc Tav'T?'v Aatuov 3' oX(oXoTros ovaetS ap oyo9 ev IcalcoLS eTryY7Vero. KaLcov 8E 7ro0ov C/Lro3wOv, rvpavvpl1oS OV'TO 7TveoOVacr-1, ELpy6 TOVT E ELevab; KPEQ2N. 130? 7TroLucLXco85,bly;7T'Ta 77rpos vr o, -Co7re, FLCI~JETa,; 9' (I Tai/''rp,7,TO. OIlIHOIOTZ. J.XX' e vt7rapxp avC't aCVT' C'o OavO. E7rat1ws' yap PoF/os, a'Eos? 8' cv\ 7rpo 77 STlCOPTO' TTrO7V'eoES- eWlcTpOOffpi 135...T' E8t&lKO,) o'rE0'YE ICaLEea O/UJLaXOV, y TJe3 TL LWpOVTa(, T' ~ e ) L/' aa. v7rep yap oVxL 7(Tv a7rrOTepo btXOv, aXX aTO aVTOV, TOVT a7rocrce&oo L vcros. o IaInO. TrTPANNOY. 15 ogr9 ryap nv eAewLov o c7amov, raX av iCat Cl aiv TOaT7p XeLp6 TLOTpeV YEXoL. 14( Keivqp rpoSapKwv ovv E/CavTOV &COeXW. a XX' co Xo'7Tra S', Vw/'e t. EV /ale paZ, t-Ta-rae, TovS8 apc pvreSa'e tTrpas KXa80ovS' aXXos 8a Ka8tzov Xaav O8' Capot4'rco, 7a qrWV eOU 8pV BPaoVTOV. n) 7ap euT'vXde 145;v 7 - Se':avoi,,cf', O 7rerrToco6res. IEPETX. ( 7ra8es9, tTCO'LEcct4a T&rOvae y7ap Xp6v Kcab 8Vep' g',3cv, 6 6a' uC'ary~XXerat. PoQ/3o9 8,' re/Lr'ag 7Ta8Se luavTrela aLLc CCOT7'p 5' oK0oLT0 Ka, vo-Ov'raVOTqptOS. 150 xoPoX.'2 JtOS9 a6vE77rlS oaT, TlS 7TOTre Ta wroXvhXPVo'ov ~rp.'/3ad; 8ccTErqaacb Oo/3epayv pepa:'8EaTl a rrcXXArim, ('Iri', LAdXte, Ilatav,) bL\ o-o0 c'(6evo?, Tl /t0oL 17 VeOp, 135 7 wrepteXXO/.LevatL9 &patt' ra'Xtv e~ava'Cets' Xpeol'. eltw7e toL, co Xpvo-ea P'rC EX7' t08O a/Epo'e La1LLa. rpcorTa Coe KEKXO/elJV, 3v7yaTep tos, aZpLp pQOT ALVa auvTr. ycataoov r a8cx6ceav 160 "AP7EIML, V a KcvKUXOevT " aYopaS spovov EVlcXELa c3do-ae, ca4 SioF/3ov eca30oX0ov, too Trpw'o'o aXe:fopoJPt 7rpo abvrr7e t5o0~ eb 7rorTEa Kcl rporepaS aTag v7rep opv,eCva 7rr6oXeC 165.vv..a.c' EcTo7rtapl X'X6ya wrrtawo%'XsET'e xKa\ rv, 16 olAIno~r TTPANNO2. C)T wwrOb, avapPt'$ aL ryap Poo-e ot W o 7rp6o7rca o7Xo, 170 OvJ8' CVI opOVt8O9 E7XoX, o -Trl axee~ETaL. OVTe 7ap'cKyova KIXvTats Xovo' av:CTat, ovT'e TroK'OIV,flLOW I/ca/TaTOV' av)eXovo'b YVpawKe 175 aXXov 8' gv aXX:o 7wpo'to0L,, el,f,, 7r7'p Cvc7repov o'pOVL, Jiv?ro6X a,aptlpos OXXVTCl. 1.80 v?__ECI 3E 7eveXa - rppo? -rde %wavayrlb0ppc Ebl7Tc apvolUCTC.O ev O' taXoXot, 7roXlta T' er /taT'epeS', a;KTaV 7rapcpa ft/ov 185 aXXodrev aXXaL Xvyp(v vr6vcov umTqpE9 E7TI7,TOvaxovCOt. 7raapv ~e Xa/k7rcL (YTOVPC-crcar TE 7'9pVU O/ztavXo'~ 1Wv vwrep, ( XpVcea Cv' ya'tep Adto1, ViO, e 0,ov aXK.Elv, evo)7ra 7Teop arTiccv, 190 "Ap'e Te OY fJiaXepov, 0, vvv axaXKcSo a&ro-7rwtov bXryct Pise vEptpi/3lT0To. a'TLC'o&V, T'aXtOacru'ov aop c pt vwrTcaITra~pac a7rovpov, ELT E' /1e7av 195 a'Xa/lov'A/dpxfTp[ra9, CiT CE S v P r6:e7vov Op/ov Op'Kicov xXv3(Scvo; rTXCE 7ap;"v't v\~ aqb~, OIAIIIOT:i TYPANNOM. 17 TroVT0 Ef7r ap EpXEtaL -TOp, C rUjPcpOV aTo'pa7Tav 200 cpaT'7 ve/zovw, Z e 7raTcp, v7rTo 0- 9lo-ov KepavYp. 4ZtcE' bava:, Ta re Tr Xpv0o-cpoqP(v a7r a-//cvX,&v 8Xea,AXoqx' alv a&t/ aaLr C-'vSare'Cwat, 205 a poyba 7rpocTartevTa, Tad'e vrvpbopov"'Apr'Tw83o avyxa9, Czv as AIlcKEm' opea &a0,cet' Tov Xpvoo'0/rTpav TE LKtKX'CECC0, T), 8' T7r(Oivvlov 210 rya, oivtpra BdcXov E"iov, lMawxaw8w O/okoo'ro0X0v, 7reXaa'vat, /XE,),ovrT araXc7r& 7TcUK', ErT TOV a OTtLO v EP E c Os " EOv. 215 OIimHOTX. AlTredsq a 8' alret's, C'a/" cav cX9 E7r XVwcov 8eSex-at, Try 1v' b' vr~77perewv, aXfC2)v Xa/8tO, a'v KcavalovbLoVttv PKaKOcW a: 70 evos e&'pv To X67ov 0ov'8 Ed.epO vol 6o 7&TOVrp TPaX'rTOS. oUr ap &v IuaCpav 220 txvcvov aVT09o, /U,7 OIK'XW Tb CV0I)/40xP. PV n V'rTEpoF 7Tap aaTros cEs''aTOV9 TeXVC, txv0 - vr'pobv& 7rabo- KaacSpe0Lot Ta8~. O'Tt~ 7or' V/LOv Ac'ov Pr0v Aa/S38& ov "zotgev, vSpbs ~x r'vo~ 8BXero, 225 OVOV KCXEUvCO 7raPTva /uaLvetv e/ob cgel /Ev e o/eETrat, TTOvr7TsCX/L V7reeXOv a;v'oS'ar' av'TV -7rlCerTL yatp a tXXo 14v 1* 18 OIAIIO0TY TTPANNO4. ao'?epgre ovoev, e yrs 3 a77 L'LP at3xa7r]V. 230 el (8 av vT9 aXXov oV 3ev e k a"kXXq/ XOSWo 7To avro6Xepa), )j motrwraT)ro' To ryap clEpoOS 7TESX 7(0, X%7 XaapL 7TrpO9KELdETra. ~e a' av W77r(eeoS'ef, cai Tls 7 ()l)tov el6C-a a-Tro(0Ce6 Tovrot 0q XavTou Toe, 235 a'I r v.Se 8pao'eo, ravTa Xp! cxV6tv e/4ovD. T'rv avSp a7rav&ot 7To70ro, 0oTL9r ET7r 7779 7T 17', 7 ey co acpaTl Te Kcaq T pEvovs v/ta, FLT77 Ccv86CXcxaL, frt7Te 7rpo0cvefi)vCv TtVa, j'T eV $eiCv0 eCvaW. a'rb /L7Te ~rvpJlact 240 cowbZOv rTOEeo' at l7re XpvL/as e',teLv' Etp C' a7qr O'teKO)V, qrTV7Ta~, (0 Lta7/(LaT7o9 70~ orLtV ) OVTO9, (0 70 FIv-Ko\Vv 5CeoV'azoere5ov T~ e~l~ ez arEprlwo euo. al)T7CLOV l) E 0C6?VC apTuO? EAlMLO.L, \, 9' nao cryco pev ovv rm69SC6 T7t) Te &ateoim 245 7T 7 avSp& 7Co SwavovTt aTi/UaLXOo 7rEXO. KareTSXO/Jab o& 7ov (&paKcoT, CeTe Tt( g oIp XJ'XlerCv, etTE XeLOPoWV /E'a, Kalsco KcaKc&J VbV aCt,-opov E1plCtb aL /tlov. evrev7XOELab, OlaCOt6LVO EL 3,VVCE-T7LO 250 eV TO9 C/1O'L rE'VOIT' e/LOV VI CLeO670S 7TracerYv, aw7rep 70it(s apTrto o paCoraz-Iv. VjUtvW (S Tav'Ta 7ra'r'7T rrrLc7)rr70 CTE\XEv7 V7rep 7 e/lzavTrov, 70)o SeoU Te'r /e T7e T8 I I/,, r -,cI,. C\ r77 O'c a xap'oY Ka-acEcos9 e(/apLemv,77. 255 ov8', el ya p 7jV To 7wrparypa ) e7XaerTrOv, ca~rapTOV vpXL9 CLKO0 7)V a' 7L(K 4Zv\ aawSap67ov /apiov I Xexo9 v ovXo o e oT, aXX' epevravv vv 8 7' CertTLvpKOp T eyoY eXo) /-kEv a'PX a as clcevoK tVO e rptv, 260 C3iG)v 86 XEKTpa, tcab 7vvatX' o/-tooTropov, OIAIMIOT. TTPANNOX. 19 KcOLVoo e v7 tra/L&L KOWV a', EL KeLw 7Evoso'UV~ TU97Xyce, v av?7l 6 /cpvgoer. to ( 3S t TVXO to'KE /V'K'OTa. PVV 8' fE TO KElvOv KpaT ciNaP2 L TfVXl. azWS c Ev JTo CoW, WS7repe& TOO't v O 7raTrpO v7rep[LaXovLat, cia L7ra 7r'PT altoaL,, 265 roC)jv TOv av'roxetpa To0 c6vov X/ape3Ev, T) Aa/3ace'[ waat&, Hc oXIva8pov re, Kal To3 rp6o c KdBto v, Tovi 7rcaXat T'A7?Yvopo9. / ^,, I /ca} TaVTa'Tong /y O/pJo'tv ev)Jo/tat, ZVeoVS.,,1T' aOTOv avE'otS 7?27 aateWab T'wa, 270.ixr'" oiv,vvaL.a:KCV,raLa &ca, atXa Tr) 70T'Loc TNj vZVv b~sepEo-ffat, KaTt TovW' ex'~riovt. vWz 3E roTd alXXotrr l KCa8eot'O, o00o0L rTad' 6o0T apealov \ TE V/eO alov AC''g7 X6 7ra've el v~ EEvv ) eseIaeL ~EOi. 275 xoPea o. XOPOZ oo7Erep ~/ apatov kXages9, 68', tvac, epo'. OVT eXCTavov ryap, ovTe TOV KTCavOVT CoXW 6FEaL. TO &6,)LTTqua, Tov^ 7r' ravros' rv'olo/ov TO6' eebrEW, Ort97 etpya-Trai 7roTe. OIAIMHOT. &Kat' eXecaq. aXX' va %a-at'eo~rbOS 280 a'v 7 eXOwOLAwtv, o0' a EZ vT aL vqPp. xoPOX. Ta 8evTep' E/ TOoj' a'v XE7ryot/L,' pAOL 8OKceL. OIJIHOTX. t EL KEaL TptT eCT, u/l 7r-ap? o t I ov pa)a. 0 IxoPro. avaKTc aPvacTr rav' opCOvPT7 E7rl7a/La cXdWMra Po[/3T TeLpeorlav, 7rap' ob 7T a/v 285'Ko07rCV Ta, C, E)K"v L, Vclo o-aECrrTaa. 20 OIAIrnorT TTPANNOX. OIAIHOTh;. JXX' ovbtc ev apyyots ove T'ovrT 6rrpa0dp v. e7reLzMa eyap, KpCovros ebrov7ro', &SWXo0V z7ro/7rol' wrgXa6 8r /t,rapv r wavfaEdatt. XOP02o. 290 Ica't'>v Ta''Xa cXro,cab 7rctXal' a`7rT..7a 7roa 7avTa; 7rTaPcra yap o0co7r7) Xoyop. xopox. %2av')Ev XEXl rp&O Tz ov SOt7r-pro wp. 71covo-a J cCKA' TOP' 136vr' ovest 6pa.;OPOZ. aXX-T' T &)I.Lb 8 i btlaTo9 rl' yetel /po(% 295 Tas occs aCz/ovwl ov,eve& To0asz apasQ. OIAIHOTO. app9 7TL BpT jVr Ov apOS, o-al X!TOV O oTt l. vr6X[ ITT!, Sl Tapt/S0S 061et3' bpovef' 8b/ o% Xret' ao-tv y/e v a'Tr77v eCCr, TLV Oe yt p 07)V 9reL07) r1or e C'o7LV 0)o o aYOV Wp, o TOaX S C7 TEVEv I' J@fp( 07e. 300 1 7rTaYTc A)uv), TELpeT'la, 163Lc&7a TE, appy~ra 7,) OVp1PrLC TE, IC11& X Po0JLPTl OL93 V(JCT) tVVE(T7LV )79 (TE 77poSf7a71 0-0)7)pct 7', Cb''va, 1o0vov EtEvptLJKo0JE7. 305 [ot/os?yap, 7p Elz Kclt 07 KXVELS T0)7)3 (1770X0)7, 7rCXaELfrEL7 1lWfh (VrlVTre7T/JrAfE, EXVhCLV,u 0V777)o (a7 EXfrrE TOV13 70r) 1Of)jUt0Os, OIAIHIOT: TWPANNOX. 21 Eb TOVr ICTavovTCTs AaOVp, /JaXJovTes ev, ICTEtval/lEv, 9 ry9j pvry8atS Ewc7re[rataLE'a. av 8' o'v, f/$ovjcaas' tr-r' a'7r ok6ov&cv rdrtv, 310 (t1?7T E&l 7WLlJ TLK2l7 Eart6Kry's CELb OlOv, pvo'a cEaVrTOv Ica 7r'0Xv, CoaL' Oe/e pvia'ae & a 7v atolacrta To0 TE~Vn7lco'CoT. Ev'o't?yap /L'VP';avS8pa 3C' O E0eXcev dE' ov Tob re cab $vvatlro, KcaXXLT'o V7r6'oYV. 315 XVZ OpovoZvvm. TaVra 7ap /caXwt';7y eiot& 8tecr"e- ov?2ap &av acip' it, ylvv. Tt 8' EOvTW; CoS wSvlcoS cEisveX\v~ ac. TEIPEXIAX. aiob P, E9 o,'cotv p- roa yap TO o6OPv Te (TV 320 ica'ry c oioo T o TOv/JO, )v eob mrEL. ovPT evvo/u 0 et7r(a, ovre 7r7p0o fXE' 7r16Xeb TY', ri r0' eC9pc'e, P8rv3' a7rorEp'lO arbt. TEIPEXIAZ. opo ryap ov8E' (oGb To o('v Pvn1/' lOPv rpoS KltpOV C OVV /1q78 ~l TaVoOP,V''raw ro. 325 tbr, 7rpog efowp, OPOWPY 7 ca7rorTpaq/7, c 7rvzTre9 0o' Wrpos:cvPo~vev Po 0' C T'rp ow. TEIPEXZIAX. 7rVvTe9 yap oV (bpovlFT' E7) 8' OV /q 7roTe vl'3,'Y;' Ov - r r. 7a(/k W a( etwr Ew, U2 T7a (7 EKc(po KCaica. 22 OIAIrIOT: TTPANNOY. OIsIMHO'T2. 330 Ti biS;: vvePt&, ov 0cparevs, aXX' Evv0oe-?tzSa 7rpoaovvat, KcaL KcaTracSepa rro6Xv; TEIPEXYIA,., cryo oVT' e/avrov, oVTe a- a XVvvCO. TL TaVTAXoSn e'Xgyxecs; obv,Ap av 7rwv,5o'6 /aov. OI01IHOT-. OUKC, C ica)lcov KaKictcre, Ical yap av 7r&pov 335;vrw ot ry' opyaveLas9, epels 7rore; aXX' co' aTeC7rcGo0 KcaT6eXevJTo7Tos aved; TEIPEMIAZ. Opfly7 elxe' rOyv e ft f ir'i'' okeov va'ova-ov oV KcaTee%,' aXX''X -e E'rytg. OIFIIIO2TX. y~ap TcTtaT' av ov a p' p'L T 340 CkXVV, a vvv r-v\?T'38 arqTaad'et 7rt6Xt; TEIPEXIAZ.`)E ryap avTa, KazAV /ry(\) 0-ty L7 e"y). OIAIHOT9. TEIPEXIAX. ovic av repa padoaaq[L. 7rpos 7T8a, et %YXes, ~vu ov o' op8yr', T9L aYptT6Trarl. OI4IFIOT2. 345 tcab /d/v rwap'o'ro y' oev, s opf70yl e'Xo, a7rep tVVifl/J'.'to$r eyap 8o30W0 eyoO Kba FU/LbVTe/v0r-aL "prO, elpTO"r'aa $V',;c;ov alUv',ra rov8r ~' ervxaeg ]Xegrov ta, I o, i I Ka& TOVfJ7OV av c-mv TOVT efnj ctvat fLoov?). OIAIlIOT~ TTPANNOB. 23 TEIPEXlUA~. akqr'fre9; EvvPe7( Gr -Y TwC plry[LLTL, 350 0rlep Vrpoc67ract, ep&vetv, Ica' mueppas 7ii vvv 7rpo'av6acv P/7Te TOV'o&, 17)T ef e, T Ovry V 7 T7' aYOUM9 VItaTOpt..To prza; gca 7Trov TOVTO ceuveo'at 80KdEo; 355 TEIPEX;IA.. 7rwevrya Takq'Se ryap l(u7%v TpeOW. OIzIOIIHO22. rpo& roD oWaxC e';s O; ov yap eKc re T7q's TEexVs. TEIPE2JAY..ipok cov.'u ryap I,' aCovTac 7rpOVTpEo) Xe76ev. OIJIHOOT'..rolov X6yov; Xey' aVSlts, &5 laiXXov la,,%o. ovXl Uvrjia 7rp o-'Ev, 0'/KWE(p Xe7e; 3GO0 OAIzfHOTr. OVX% W'TE r' ELTE^W f/V00TOV cXX' a7tre bpacrov. TEIPEUIAZ. ovea cSe O'?7UI Ta Ypo\S, 0V'7qTEdS KVUpeV. OIFIAOTZ. aX' ov Ts Xatpcov 8t[ rye 7rqwy.ovac? pedss. TEIPECXIAZ. e7C0 Tb 03T7a acbXX', l'v' 6pti'y Xfo; OI4IHOOT2. icrov ye Xp'eLbe' S LaTlv eClpr7eraTat. 365 24 OIAlFOTYi TTPANNOV. TEIPEIAY. XGXrfvacL e e kvit Uvzv TOs tLX7Ta'TOLs,rtoY ^o/jUxXOvV, ), ) EL Kalco'. OIAlIHOTX. Tr ica2 r/67V>2 w av' a C, e boces; TEIPEXIAZ. c6L7Tp TL 7 6{TT7 T77S tXorcela? s oc'avos. OIIfHOTZ. 370 aXX ec'r T, 7rXV 0o. C0 86 Trour' oug "cT, E VEL TVXOS Ta' T', 7To Te vo, Tv e v oTv, Er o v. TEIPE EAW, oSe a' 5 01; nS TavT, oveClOe, va (a.06 MC642S IS o-VX TMOJ' b OVELbL6 raxa. OIFIHOTZ. ~;L.Ss TpEelbe& 7wpo'S VV'CTOS, OSTE o LrjT C/1e, 375 [L)?' aCXLXOV, O1STL9 O' dp, /3XW.afrCL 7OT' a'v TEIPEZIAZ. ov 7yap o0E [Lotpa 7rpoS 7 ye[oLv 7evetv, E7re& ticavos'AW7oXXOv, ( ra'BI' ErpCLatE /CXeL. OIMIHOTZ. KpEowrosT', o7 avTa c rTe evspr77Lcla7; TEIPEXIA. KpEwv & roo, 7'7 ov'ev aXX' avro ov oo. 3S0 0 rXOAvTE, KcaLb Tvpavvt, Ka ~eXYrj eX vqg vrEpov-p0 a v T(o i wroXv~Xp /31p, oo0s?rap' vuv O f2~YvoS CJVXaicoETcLL, El TI)S(3e 7 CL' )pXI OVV[% e ZLOL r6TOXLS Cs'\, O, V, a 8cop7rolv, ov/I aLTrTO\v, elWeXelpyLe, 385 TavTqrri KpEov 6 vrtTros, ov a pXs l'Xos, OIAInOTS TTPANNOI. 2 Xa par' vr'eX'SzWv /cIaqXd cjutelperat, vieks,paayov'oTtovUOE.Xa.opipak ov, 80xtov, avpT 7v,,GTtLS3 El) Tot" KE(SE ^ /x oppar Zov, rb I pOdvov &opIe, O pw v TXvr'v O 6oV TvX6o's. T7Et, fEp' elWbE, 7rov au pdLavTt E acabrj0s; 390 rcos ozx,,' 2 pal)~ok s ev''ao rlv iCvwr, iaas T vT vot5' actrTOiL et c U7pLXVTpv; KcaiTro To 7' aCtVLr7/J OVb TOV rtOLTOS 7)v avY;po 8EL7rTEp, a XXXa lavTretaS E8,' qvY OUT'T(r Olwpcov o'V Wpovoamqv7 e(ov, 395 oVT EC %eov Tov?yvcoTovr a E' d y0' oXv, O iLL8 E' EL&8OS 06&t7ovS, gr avo-6a vWv, 7rYqU7 Kp 7as, cp' a'a ovo Tr olov w aw v ov 1 av wtepaLS EK/aXeWv, oKcwOv %sp6ro't.7.apao'vav(7T ew Tots KpeovreTlos r 7TeXa9. 40C KcXaLov SOceKs,O at; C XW zVuEts Ta&e, ayqXaTr'etl' EC 8[ t\'OKceLt 7pyepWv e.vat, 7raw1)v Ery7VOc a t oca 7rep opovdEbS. xopo:. [lWv AuV Ebca'OVbob c Ka6 Ta' T708' Cwy p7. XeXEXaL Ka\ rA o-t', OitT'ov, SoceL. 405 Se; 6' ov TOLOUtTW', 1 aXX o7rO Ta To)'CeoD:aavrTet apctpoa udao'o/tE, q68e rEcK07rerv. TEIPEXIA'. eb Ka, TvpavUeS, EtU'COTEOV To 0yoOv to, avTtAE-at 7TOVOG 7yap Kca7)6o IcpaTo. ov 7yap Tr coo ~'& cov^XoS, aXXa\ Aola. 410 WST oV KpEOV7TOS 7poctTaTOV 76EtpaProta. kew >,,EWErg? Kat TVcJ2XO Z ( WVMel&O,, s~7yO o', &re~r3) k:ai.vqboX6v /u' dveio'a% sur, Kcat ~e&opAct, ob' /3VXreL, "t' icacov, Kt' Ev(a L' o h3 ) OKES. vatet; OswP OM9 /-xoV olEds pera. 26 olainor: TTPANNOS. 415 ap' odtr%', c'k' dJ d; Xca& XE'Xrraq JXpo'p C &r o o'o',' I r \ to. 70V ot otv auTOV vEpre, kfa7rv tr7S acw. Keal atzbrXl7 /pLr7pO Te cat vo70 o 0\ rrpoS EXa 7TOT C/C 7yrS 7?T7'e E6 roCLU0VS apa, /8XE'rovTa vUvv LtEV Otp', e7rreTra &8 cTTov. 420 3ors 8e 7'& T o7,?ro7 F oS' o/ ETa0 XtzW, irotos Ktratp^& ouv'b6powovo a'xa, orav Ka7TCaL0Crf TOP vp4evatov, v &64iot,9 avop/uoy e'7TrXeutra% etrr oita, 7VXv; a/XXov &6 7rX0Sos Oc lc7TratL'Sa'veL cavcCov, 425 a ac'El-C4eOW ro6' TE Kab TOlSZ aCOC TE7K0to. 7rpo0 Tavra T at KpCovra tac TroC o'OVO Gr6Toca ~Irpo7~rr7}cE cKte.- CoV rya\p ov0c' Tb pOTjV 7rpowTrXa/C4'o. a a?ap ouK gow, fpo- rv IEcacLov 03Ts EfTC7plt/)-CTa 7rTOTe. 2) 7-aVra v n' aeefra 7rpo' TroVTrov xve; 430 o)c et"? o5xc e rpov aov; %ov; 7raXv aVoppo9 oicwv vcoW' aWroa-Tpa4els ad7ret; 053'....."7P E7(O''Y, EL a- pa) KacXet9. OILITIOT2. ov 7ctp 7' a' c jr] / L.,q a bO)V 7aov0r', EWE O-xo W? ekpo vg coTeod'Irea. TEIPEZIAZ. t35 lo'lE? Tott U/ev, &c'? v a-oV 0OI CE, pCopou' 701/Ca-'3' 4' a- ebva-av, ep4pove9. OI4IHOTS. 7roVotat; E IPELPO. 7/9 8 &LC c /3paT oE V: cs It7.p a - ct06 aCe ica&'3taorc6pedc Iq Iq ePEIAS OIAIMOT: TTPANNO1. 27 OIlIHOT.?. C9S 7rapT yava atvtllTc Ka ciajfl Xeyct~s. TEIPEJIA'. ovovKOVV V TaVT tapLtTOS evptKEICLV CV; 440 OIFIHOT22. I 7o,,,'',,, e,. TotavT oreOvtr, ov Evp'ceCL pe-yav. TEIPEXIAX. aVT7r)7 Ie'PTOt V0' 7 TVXr &CO60Xeev. OIJIHOTY'. aXX' el WOXtV TX,v8',O',.Lot *eXe,. TEIPE2IAX. a7reqtO41 TOltyv' O OV6I, 7rat4, t0P4~,4 0U e. ICotLrl) UO' W" r apa)a v T7p v y' 0/7-rot80v 445 6XXe' -er' V~,l o5tc'v' By',Tvat~ rrhov. TEIPE:IA X. eb LLPx71E7rCt C O?/otE0 C O,eR ov 0ro 0rov K.,7T7W0 (L ~~,,T WtvJL0V,, E1,,0,75 455 et'7as 7Trpotw0rop. OV 7ap co' oTOV. YE la?. LPE)o70- ET C0L& 7r o LvpT?O/S TO v tV oaxe bVSr a uretXT'v, KcXaLcpVTpo'rKov 0ovov 450 TOr Aaa'eLtop ovro' C0TW eCVaScc8e, evo' X)y7 xUeVotfcoL e7, ct, yyev77)' r/V~eCLLKO~ QrpLLET 0U' 7tLLT pO O/av fEToaS TErI3aCtosL J ov'S' K6L TCrLOTa W rp, eVlcbvOp~. vU~S 9, yp Cc aop 8 grop, cat 7rrTXToS? aT'7 7-rXovov, Ev' v g', 4155 o'qcTVrpW 7rpO8GecvVb, raav'/ rLopeV'eTrat.,are' at c r. cr.,' ro a,v (vv) v J3ek\o5 avr37o,ca 7rra'r-p, lca~ q e"q v \ t\ ~, \ ^ fi rvvaucoS, vto' cab wots, ica Tov 7rarpo'oo -opog \et COvPCVli. lca\ TaOv~ 1T j1 M6Y -28 OIAIIIO~T TYPANNOX. Ec'o, Xoyt'lov' Kav Xaflp3 pu E#evoaYlov, SCbdOCELV /H?7(? TL~UyIZ [L?7(EVE 0 pOVcw. xoPPOZ. Tk, OlYTtv' a''C6EC-7rLcEtca crTp. a'. Aex cV EL7re 7TETpa t65 2appTv a'ppevTcov TCeXeo-avTa ctowtatt Xepo-iv; cpa vv aeXXa&tav tl7Trov &rNevapwTeppo V 4vya r6o8a vwotVy. evo7rxoS'yap c7r avTrov 7revpplco'KECL 470 7rvpt Kcat orTpovrav8 0 ALOS ry/EVeTa5 eva' 3''al 67rOV7a' Woy Ta&, KipES acrXa/c97Tot. eXaptfre ryap TOV Vt4oevo7'0 a;V% a. apTkcs bavcto-a 475 ccla 1Haprao-ov, o'v ao&Xov avppa xravr' tveveIv. boutra ryap v7r a7ypav u'Xav ava T avTpa caL 7rETpag, (s5 vavpo',,e'Xeo9 FLEXC) 7 ro3b X'Tpevo"v, 480 Ta FLeo'/ou aXa ryas' arovocotwov,uavTrea* vTa ( alet i"vra 7repL7roTacraL. 86ewla leu, ov 863ev ra Tapa'o'E a'7rp.. o-0L o 0vo)e1iras, 485 ovre 80CocovrT, OVTr a7roLac-tCovi~ V 0, Tb XtE)o 7' cdrop0c. reTolbtat (' 6Trw'lLv, OVT v6r3a' OphV', OVT' Orlco'(x. TI yap I Aa3(aKtIaU, 0' o90 11OX0IHOV / VEoP eoS KE"L'T, OIAMIFO~2 TYPANNO,. 29 OVTe 7rapoLfrev TroT' eEWyr ovTe Tavvv 7rw e6Larov, 7rpo' oTov [Xpnca4C2Ivo1] 8 /3aovpa', 67rb Tav e7rtCapov 0SbY ~etI' O%68lT,oaV 495 AaI8acl ats eqrbfcovpos a8)Xwov %avctvtov. aXX' o I-Lv o0v ZeVs,''r''A7r6XXo? i Jv7. 3. ~VVeTot, xat Ta /3poTWrv ce6o'80re avspwov 8' T5.t Ia-Tt 500 7rXcEOl') 7(\O)'cpErat, Cp~L(7tb OVKC 60'TLV a)xnsc,. o-o ) 3 a') o-ltav 7rapa/Leifetev avrp. aXX oV rOTr' 707 av, wplv $obp 505 op-o~v Tros e9o, EVVo av KcaTafatqv. Oavcpa~ ryap w7r av7Td 7r1Tepeo-O- 3X1 e c6pa T07 Ic Kat oSo 4bscoo a-3arv -'' 8V67roXt,'. 510:,, r'.' " T) aw7r eL/a9? evo9 oV7roT obX7ce'6 cKaL taZv. KPEL2N. "AvYpPE 7roXVTra, E(ZI' e7r77 7Tre7rvfLEVo Kcarrlyopetv 1Lov 7TOP Tvpavvro OiS7rovv, 7rapeCP' aTXr)T&W. CI yap Ev TaLS uvpcfopa" 515 Ta i? v vo[lEt f p 7TpOS ly' epLOV Vre7VrovSeva A7O0YfIP ELT ep7Ot7tV ctlS /38Xa3p.' fOepov, OV T0L /3iov pUot 7ToV [alcpatopvo? qro"o0, ( VepOTb[ ToV( oE itv. ovi oyap eSp carXoiv q 7T(LCa fLO6 TOV )OrYOV TOV7TOV Cj)EpE, 520 80 OIAIInOT~ TYPANNOY. XX,' E& p67Wo-Tov, dE KaKcaot ELv Ev ro'et, icaKO3 Ce 7wrpS 0ov /alt Abcw KeKX9cro0at. xoPoZ'. CJXV'X\9C /LE\V 81\1 TODTO 7OV^~l801ra'XO. av opry /3tao-scv,tuXXov, ) ypry/ 6peWV., KPEd2N. 525 r7po's TOD 8V cbaiAv, ToS ECaa/L a yv /Latq 0OT6 retL0-e'f? o9 6a tTtp TOVob3 Xd7oYo *EvfaeSe XcE7yE; xoPo~'. 1v;Sa~o piv. *o3" olSa 8' ov' y 7.v. KPEd2N. E oly/uaTO)V' 8 Op%~&sv Te KaC J3pj)s. Obpevorb caTr7yopetTo Tov7rtXcyla ToJot VTLOU; xoPo:. 530 OVK * o187 a &a7p (poC' o0 KpaTrovrTeS, opX pa av-ro9 o" oo' sr ao[awr9o7v [l ~ repa. OIJIHOTVZ OVUTO crv, 7rCOS' 8oep 2XvEs; 7 T0Woov eXEL To dX/' rrpo6o7rov,: I OT6e TaLs e/Las 0-Te7ya LfcOU, cOVcE &v Tvo ap8e Tr7)vps eLavTp&?, 535 Xo'7-r;' E vapyl ris Irs TUrvpavL8ois;'ep e7rE 7rpoS Jewov, 8e6LXtav q pcopLav t6&O 7VTt El) EL0LO, TaVT' /OVXEVO-) 7TOLfe; 27 TOVp7OV OV 0o 7vrlo T0ot/1'OU 7oe 36X? 7rpo pwov, KOfC aXe:oli/7v [pawSv; 540 ap, ov' pWO'v eorT ToVYXeLP77CLa p OU, avlev Te 7rX27ov9 Kal J'Xwov Tvpavvlz a 27ppv, 3o 7rX XPSeb Xpy/'iarlv a' ioxETab; KPE12N. oo 7ro'-ov; av'rV T'v EYplp[evov OIAIIIOT~ TYPANNOX. 31,,'', X ^,. a W aPTaKovov, KaTa Kptv aVOT.E OIAIRYOT'. XE7Eltv cV 8&e6vo' avadvetv 8' 7(\o lcaicb 545 0ov. &vsy/Levr-) yap Kcat /3apvv c' eVipr/lc' /l. KPE12N. TOVT? aVTO PVZV. JOV wpcr'T aCova-ov t, ( ep. OIAIHIOTX. 0OVT aV7r IUrj paLOL gpca', 0wrom ovKc E4 KcaK6. KPEf2N. e' T-ro vo/14'.et I72/Ua r77y avT a[tav ezvat TIb TOV vov X(OptS, opk 0pCe9 qpo0vedc. 550 e L Vot Uo[Letq' atv8pa p vryyev71 tcaKlcK 8pi jV oVcX V,6 tv 7V crtKL7V, OVK E) cfVpOvEcF. KPEf2N. g-I r! C')^C~ \ l\ pV l 506 sTavT EVMMK etp-Aba * 8O 7ira/, o0Trowtov 4qr? 7araS c'r, 38ia[ceW /Le. OIJIIHOT. E7rELt'SE, ) OUK e7e7rretEE, (S0 %XPeCq1L, 67rb 555 roY cEkLvo/laV7rvT ai)8pa 7r'E alOai Tva; KPEJ2N. Kcab vvv P avTos9 ELAL Te0 /GOVXEv,.aLLTt. OI4IHIOTX.' 8q aC Csr' A ao Xprr6aov 7lWJ v 3 i0S' -Oa' xp.5. -pvovKPEI2N. 38spaKce wrobov Epryov; oV eyap evvow. OIMIHOTX. a"OaVToS eppet Jravaoalv %etfPL0La-t; 560 KPEl2N. Paxpol vraXatol T a' Aerp?74eteV xpoPoL. 32 OIAIMOTr TTPANNOZ. OIZLIHOTZ. dTOT ovv O LaUTtlS ov7ro v E TyXVJ;r KPEL2N. trob69 7'..ot'o,,c: b'oov TLtJeVOoS. OIMIHOTZ. eW6irO-aT olv 6/ov eT 74 TrT' Jv Xpovv; KPEQ2N. 565 ojICOVV,'LOV 7..T.OTO' OVat..O.v 7E.Xas. OIzlIIOT r. epevvafv 70o;ry avOPT0, ECoXETE KPEI2N. 6' t Icovic,)Kovo-a, ev.?rapeX'/o/Er, (rs 8' oi,;) KOVOUC; ovraLev, OIzlIHOTX. ITW9 o01 6 o01ro 70 o6 xoo ovc Oira a8re; KPEQ2N. OLFc Ola e 04 7ap FL pOl)o(O crl7yav 0bALc. OIAlIHOTY. 570 To 0o-v 8&' 7' ofo-ra, Kcal XEyo~ aYv eV cpovwy. KPEf2N. 7rOtovr To8G; c, rap oca 7, oIC apvYioo/.at. OIzJIHOTZ. o' OVvecx, El I Co tOL uX9e, 7as' uas ovx a'v qrOT EtWE Aabov 8&ta rop6a. KPEQ2N. [et EV X4); E7E Ta, aTo0 o0 I *' ery 8& etov 575 [ta3evE 8tKatc) Tav'a arep icat/Ov ov rvU. OITIIIOTZ. EcKaplrav' o? 7ap 8c JOPb EV o a'cro/tat. KPEJ2N. TL &)T; iL&Xon'V Tnvlk[V 7T[LLa9 evet9: OIAIIIOT. TTPANNOV. 38 OIIIHOT. apvo-t ov eve awoTropEcL. KPEI2N. apXe LS' E ePiy'avTa,'yr y t'oov ve/ov; OIzdI'IO Vr. UPV y eXovoa-,'7/vr' TiLOV Ko/ETcaL. 58(1 KPEQ2N. owcOV to-ovpat crOv E7Co0 3VOU TpLTO?; OIzJIHOTZ. erravia 7ap ] KCat lcaIcos cawvet ObIXog. KPEQnN. OV/c, el &(?Ol y y', o o uT&, ca j7S X07ov. -KCErcLa 86 TOVTO 2-rpwTOV, E& TL) (av 80KEv9 apxetv AX&-'at ~Vv /63ou vaaXXov, i 585 aTpeTOYI eV8VTr, el CTa 7 aVs'e66 KparT?. e7r& /L 0V OVV OUT avros t/lEClp0V e\bVV Tvpavvos ELPCL /a'XXov, T rvpavva 8pav,,,'....,,,,.Opov OVT atXXOS, o'TtSl U(,pOVEW etoTTaa. vvv'/1E yap EK COV 7raVTT avev q%/ov Obepa 590 E aTsavros YpXov; roXXba Kav atK(Wv epowv. W7W5 r( 8T EC/LO TVpaVviS?7(tl)Y eXetv;ap xO av7r'ov cKa6 8vvaTtELaLS eg'v; OV7rT) TOaCOV7TO) w7raT?7'evo' ICV pC, o)-T' aXa Xp,~'Ev, Ta',Vv KEpoE- KCaka. 595 vIv 7racrt Xatpo, vvv tIJ' 7vraSg aoTrdaab' vuv o "b oEev Xp,'~OVTE EKEcKaXoVoTi fe. To fyap TVXeWv aVTOS', a7raPTr evravAs ev. rwcwJ 87T' 7& KEvP' A) Xda 0tot', Wa/eLS TarBe; oucK av 7eVOLTO voS KcaCOSc KcaX&o^ cpovJv. 600 "a O'' pacT7- o T?7 S3e Tr''rvcO/?S" E'vv, oT, pe "Xov 8,PT'v TXa' / vr, OVT a ET aoa pTOS av T l) TOT. 2 44 o0alUorT TTPANNOX Kcat TcozB' eXeyXov, -OrTO LE'v,'ILV O "LO')I 7reuov, Trc Xp17o'qrC'VT eL aca iyY77ELXa d c-OL I' x. /! I x / 605 TOOT aXX eat,! Je vro TCrpaoKco7rc Xdi,8v KOLvY TL f3OvXeLJaVTa,?1 /k aWrX? KTaVp9 117 LrX ) 7 E /A K&v.,V/7 3' 8 aaX o.e;,opv alTLO. ob y7p o(~xawv "''' ov Y)p 3i1aOJov) OVT6 TOVr KaKovs!aTa'?v 610 Xp7YTroVs VOL0tiLV, ovTre Tovs Xpo'ro-v'laCouN. bt'[Xov 7ap EOXAOv ecKLaXLev,''oov ry7o, KaL Tov 7rap aVT(t) fto07ov, ov 7rTXlCTOV (fLXebL?X' v Xpav" rJoLte L T48'3 o'tbaXc''WEL Xp6vos' 31caLov lav3pa $e3Cl/CVVTbLv /vo[' 515 Ka`Kov Icad v eu ptepa rylvol?7S /La. XOPO.. KcaXcot Exe5ev evXa/3ovlLE ve 7rE-ELv, ava5. OpovEv?7ap ob TaXEiC olcx aqSaXets. OI!IHOTZ. orav raXv Tt( OV77rt/p.oVXEVwv Xatipa XPp, T7aXV 8e6t Ka'L /3ovXEVLV aXLV. 520 el 8' VXavX'aW 7rv rpos'/Levj, Ta TOV86e EflV 7rerpayev Lc e7TaL, TL'a 3'?jLpapT7l/eva. KPEJ2N. TI 3rpa XP'EL9; ) [LE'ys 0) 3aXew; OIIlHOTff. rKLaCTar ra' lj2CElV, o0 yU7E- ae o3ovXoLat. KPEL2N. ora)v 7rpoQ6t,, o06v eo JT TO (OovELV. OIAIHOTZ. &25 y; ovX v7rlwvOV ov8E' 7WLO7TEVJ)l X7eL'S; KPEJ2N. 0o 7Vyp ckpovoVTa r' e) /3Xe'7ro. OIAIrnOT TYPANNO1. 3v T5 yOP e~pov. KPELnN. aXX',,'C'ou,, e ca,6v., KPEJ2N. OIAIHOT:. apKTeov 7 oroos. KPEJ2N. OV To0 Kcasw 7 appXovTo. c 7r0Xt9, 7r6XU'. KPE2fN. Ka/ot, 7AXe,? CO 63C K,>Ot 7roheoS llteCTLTV, OUX& a01 pU'V0. 63C.ravoao'2s a ~cvalCTe" Kacatpiav 8 b'ptv Op&.T.v3' &IfC 36poGoV -TEXovoU-av'IoJIOcaYTrv, /eue' TO ZVoV 7rapeOTd vEKOecoS eb e'o-'ab xpePV. IOKAZTH. TI ITV a3PovXov, rC TaXaClrWpom, dTaCtv fyXc'o'oT)f E7rypaT', OV3' ETraLorXvveare, yij 635 OVm70 VOSOVos', Z6ta KtVOVTEj Kacta; OVC eC6 V' T OL'COVS, 0t Te) Kpcctw, KaTa or-Tqja, cai /7y TO [Uev aXryos etS? /E7y oETCre; KPE!2N. Opatlpe, a3etva p' Oi3Trov9 6 o0o' 7r6o-tS 3pa'rab 8LcaKaol, 8vobv a7rocpltas Icalcobv, 640 7) 77 a7rcw&ac raaTp3o% Iq gTewa Xa/%'ni. 36 OIAIrlOT4 TTPANNOZ. OIAMIOT. VU-tcV ut' pX'ra ya'p vtv, d ryivat, fcaKQ)s q\?^(pa -rov' z awc'a avy -re7v /C?7. KPEl2N. /i~ u a Vayjrl, XX' apaio%, ei a'c 7' 645 &8paKc', oi, v wav I 8p~. IOKAXTH. o Vrp o I eYV 7rrcT6revTOV, Ol&70rov9, Ta8e, aAXto-Tra /vEV TOdv' O'tplov atcae'relts wecJv e7recra Kaple, TOVS8G o, OL 7rapeCtL'Ot. XOPO'. 7rlt~rov'eX?7o-as' povrcas'r', aorp. a, 650 aiva, Xo-o-ola. OIFILIOT'. T& a-Ob'EXrES &X)C ebcatc;t 7ov oVre 7rptv vrprTtov, viv'T ev opic) lycav KcatTatlcaat. 655 o-oW' ovqv a Xp'>S; XOPO,. o08a. OIMIIOTX. $PaN~8? B 7 vl S XOPOl. orv eva7ri /lXov,' 7rOT' Ev atta a vy a0ave-i X67py a"t/ov /aXev. OIAIMIOT~ TYPANNOI. 37 OIJIHOTZ. e V VVY E7rLtfrT, Ta va' orau 7T',' L0o 6rxvT oXh&pov I) fvyqv Ec K78e yi. xOPoz. o0 v7v T r 7rCVTV 3erv oTp. if. 66( 3eov,rp6oov "AXVto' e- 7rTE6 aieo?, atXos, o, 7T 7rvuaTro oXoAm/av, poVp6vLV eCl rav' exo. aXXa /.o 8v6 V'O6po 665 7ya tCvovcoa TpvxeL #uXav, Kal Traa c6 atCo0L KaKa TrpossaifrE&o 70wS rrwa ra 7 rpo aogbv. OIAIIHOTZ. 0o' oV) oTO, KE XpI /e vr TavreXCt %averv, - ry arTLpov -T'a8' - a 77rroravaL tl[c. 670 To fyap o(ov, ou v To Tov' EWroeLetpco) -ro/la EXetvZOl' ov`o9 o, & Mv apv, 7Tv'7q7e(Yrat. KPEI2N. rTV7PvOs /LEv EiKOlv 8)Xos0 EJ' *apit 8', oTav v/.oiV,repao's. a' 8' Totaab atc oebse at'ab^ LttcaStw ElOLV aX7LoTaL cEpepv. 675 Ol/COUV,u caOesv, KaKCTOra ee; KPEI2N. vropevo'oiat, o'v ItZV TUV 7yvcoroaO, ezV 8' vTotb) ZiaOS. v xova /x ola eylvvat, T( /JICXXELs' KC01bI>EY gvr. a. 86ka T,1 3,o-., 38 oIAInIOT TYPANNOZ. IOKAXTH. 680 Iaa~Sovora ty',?ITls 10 Tvx7. xoPox. tXYe, 3a7T T 3~ GIaL IOKAZTH. XOPOZ. -ro yy Acv ov. IOKAZTH. Ka& TvS' iv Xr yos; XOPO2. 685 a.L yotl7, aXL, ry7a? rpo7rovovpeva9, OawverC, gvp' gXsev, avrov pLeuma OI4IHOT-. opa~L, 1,v?ItCEl, acfiyato9 (v 0 yvw[L1) aV2p vovl o v 7rapLeSv ica, Kca-ra/3Xvvwv lcap; XOPOZ. avat, 67erov Cyev o;' ar.T, 690 a7ra:,6Lzvov, 8'af 68,rapaop6orv[ov, arropov r\t bpovtl/a rEckaaVrab pI' arI, eb' 0Ce vOO'tbo/uaJ, os 7 el/lav 7a)v btXav 695 eV 7trvors aXQvovcrav ca opoatv opvpto-ar Travvy 7Te'ro/0roS, el 3OLato, 77Lpyov. IOKAXTH. 7rpOS' Cewv i1TaoVo KIcaJL, a"vi, OTOV 7rOTe [LkVLV T70vrjvE1 rpa7[(aTTo aT?'7OtS eXelS. OIAITIOTY TYPANNON. 39 OITIH OT1. pc. aC0- -yap TrWi' E& 7r-Xov, yvvat, /3o'0 700 KpEOVTOD, Oaa pLOb /3E*3oV"EVKCS' EXcE. IOKAITIt. Xey', E el arabc 7oAveL/co~ eyicaXcv epElS. OIzJIFOTX. ovEa /we jja- Acaov KcaL$srEcrTala. IOKA'TH. aVTOSg UvvetU&S', 7 (tarccv a'XXov warapa; OIAIHOT22. LaVTLV /LV 0ov KaICcolpyov e7trre*a~S, c7reE, 705 r6 7' ecs avrov, 7rav cXevtsepo t a-or6La. IOKAI'TH. 0-V VVV a.El9 OCeavTOr, CiO XerLs 7Trdp:, EC/oV 7raKcov-opI, cab OVVeIC ECaTt1 (OL /poreTtOv ovoer tavPtl'rS eor "XO TXvn bavzo (34 acot aol/e TCa rov'e a-v'rTOl-a. 110 Xp]o7tl3t 7ttap X ne Zacd iror', (oliK epj ot'o/3ov 7' a7r' aTroV, Tr'' vrTm7peErTtv wTo,).s. av'i 7L,tLopa 7rpo' vraLtao'~avEv, OS~TtL YEVOoT e/lov 0 TE KtcacVOV 7rapa. KcaL rOv /LEV, Cgo7rep r7' ~ t27/at, ~vo& 7rro~r 715 XaO-rab bovevovrv' Ev TrptrwXa' attas tTlro?. rat8oo 8e xa3-Tra9, o0. 8eo-xov O jcpaL IpELS, f a pa lce'vo,'euas~ e roao' rpG%; /calt vtv cp$p a KEWo e4v teoa 3o1ov, epptiPErv aCX\v Xepa&v Et9 i/aTroV opos. KairTav'A 7rw6XXowo ovT efKelvov 1vvae 720 41ovEa 7Eveo'a —ab 7raTpOS, OVTE AaoivO, T70 8Ecl.'Ol Ovb0oet0ro 7rpO9 7taLto3 7raTe~iEv.'ToLavTa Jq2Lab ikav(Ltcal 8bwpetratv. 40 OIAUInOT4o TTPANNOX. J0v EPTpETroV U0V xV786v. )v 75ap av eSYOs Xpelav epevvai, pta&co avo T v. OIdIIfOTX. otov /. acovsoavT ap'ttl EXet, exUe$ a, FXV?% 7T-av27/ca, Kcavaxctvyt'e bppeJv. IOKAXTH. 7rotaq /Jpi/w2v7 TOV5S V7r0o7pac'stb X47yts; OIMIHOOT2. 3o0F' a&Covoa a'0ov To63', J5 o AaiFoS 730 KaT-aO..ayebl 7rpIop rpwrXats a/ia'5ToFsI. IOKAXTH. vqa To 7ap TvaVt, OV& 7rc) o7 c avt oXEt. OIzIHOTY. Kcab 7rov'OS6' o %jpos oVTro, ov 766o' v 7drao9; IOKAXTH. ocllcwts fLv 7 2 KX7 Ec'pTav (XT279 ()' 6& Es Tavro A eXqSv caw7ro davXlas a",ee. OIzJrIHOT. 735 Kal 0itr Xpvoo 7'rovt(E....v. 2 os; IOKAUTH. aC68OV Tt 7rp~o-,V, e 0-V TqSs exwv X' -OVo~g XpX'ov a'vo,,av,',c7 po x%~ rr'Xe. apy)Jv pvaU'ou 7raT EKPXp 27'roXE. OI4JIHOTY.., G Zc3, Ti, iouv opCt' /13e/ovXveoat 7rep; IOKAXTH. 7 O3 -'r$t 0O TOVT, OwMrOV', Oov, eVLOv/; -, OIIHOTZ. /40'rd /rrc /' JpoTra. Tvy 8(3 Aal'ov, vbo'v T7v etv', bpalE, Tlva 8' (3''aKc/y2V e57S ( L OIAIrOT: TTPANNO:. 41 IOKAXTH. L,7a9s, XvoLa4C v aprTt Xevicalve Kacpa, eUOp'1qpS8 6e T7)s 0-Sl Q'K LW o c a 7-TEb 7roX 75'. OIMFIIOT1. Otl/Ob TaXa EoLIC ep/avTrov Ev capas tEalUl 7rpOfX'XX(C)v apTtiO)S OVK e8Eua. 745 IOKA,~TH. MrWC ~?2; OPCKVO'rot 7rp69 oC a7rotKco7rova av4. OIAIHOT. &ELVCOS ac~V/kco, %1) 3XE~7rov o /LaVTlS V. 3ELtES &e fIhcX)Oy rv, ev 1El) r E EL. IOKAXTH.:ab { q~v 1cvC, 1 v' a v 3 ep17, e el ouO;p. OIAIHOTv. ro-T'epov'xcopet 3ato?, q` 7roXXOVs /CX)v 750 avopa, XoX['ras, ob czvrp aPX7y7Er7; IOKA]'TH. 7rEVT'7crav o0 4l/rtTavTres',v 8' a'TOLZOTJ?7v xrjpv~< ~wTlr' o vye A~iaov 1da. 17UO 17O i OIAIHlOTX.~ at at Tao q8 q &lcaia-. TrLs?IV 77roTE o Tovse XhE'as Trov" XSoyovs /dL),d ryvabl; 755 IOKAZTH. otlKe;V 7Lt, oST7r6p L:eT Eca ct YOS'. OIAIHOT'.? eCay 86xoitO- rvTXdVL re craTvvI 7rapcv; IOKAXTH. ov Tr'. aq' ov 7yap Kect'ev WXe, tcal KpadTq QG T7 etS' XovTra Adiov T) oX'rWXOTa, 2* 42 OaIIHOT, TTPANNOX.`Th nftEICETEUVaC 7-77 E/L9 XELpOD L7CVP ypotV cbc 7Eft'aa Kla7Tt 7rr0LCo/val vOUya9, 69 7rXdeWFT~ov E'l7 v LO rW7voS aTTEO%', Ka7Tie/yr' E7yo vWY. a5tOS ryap o8e 7 avp 830XO? CbEpEL 7V TI?7&86 Kca[t X'pt PbU. OI IIOTZ. 765 7wc/' a\v l,6Xob Mr' t1, v raxetL 7raXtLv; IOKAATH. 7rappeT-rtv. IXXa 7,po5s T 7TOVT O lE' ecae; 3860Lu' I EavTov, w ry6vac,?~ wr6oXX' a"yccv epl/a,Ev I ta,, J vt, ev e,1, Xo. IOKAXTH. cXX rEat [tev acVa 84 7,ov.ta NEL1 77 /IcYC ry7' Ev a vo s rv'6pWs'Xeo:', ava:. OIztIHOTi;. Ko t7 cTEp7%p S 7a, E3 $CTOoO1rov eXr7l6vE/Jov Pe f/'o3. y r7ap av cat Uelb ovL X\eat, a'v A7 Tot, && 7XV7X ToLa Lo v;'Epol 7raTrlp txEv IH6Xvo /3S v KoplvzJrto9, 775 ftTrrqp 83 Mep6o7rr wpI9. 970o1r7v 3' a')p aOc-Ti v /WLYL7To T7cov Eceft 7rpPiv )6 TX77 -roM 7' 67rErTr7, Cavua'oat pC/Ev atIap crYrovo7rS ye /epVTrot 7779 cp9 7 OvU atc':a. avwp tyap elv 8(E17rt1OtEi, L VrEp7itX9(c7eoE tE.,...s' aTEoov. )a67pat' Wv e\ka a7pO 7praepo r 7o, i7x7 Xov0 0- Ot 3vObpo arovvELco9 0V)e T) IErE T T702 X7pOV. OIArIIOTE TTPANNO~. 43 Kcay7 TI' LevC KdEVlow ETEpvOfrlV, O/co 8 785 eCvLc,t' / ale TO'' DY bcFiip're yap 7roXu. Xatapa 6 /!q)!rpTo Kaca 7raTpos' 7ropevo/aa ITl'uS8e. cKal /' 0 toioS v t0 v I)COr17v a'TL/JOV) ~:e~eWEev' fXXa 3' 5c3Xta aulmpov E67reyl~rv aV\ a Cal,e1va eKcat 8Vr-Tr)va, 7rpobdvay XEyowv, 790 0)S?.L7qTpb I-LEV XptlX] He,z1%>Nvac, 7Ey'os aTXTrov av'px7rotab 8-qXotpoqk' opaZv, cOvevS eo'OtL/v TOV cmTevo'avTOS 7raTrpos. cy' 7rcalcovOasD trav a, 71)1 Kopiv`Srlav ao'rpots To Xotwrov Cx/Ue&'po v/JXevoS' xova, 795 EEv7r01) eva L? W7tOT' o1/0L/7?1) KKa0xv XprxP Ov iveti31 T'lv e/jv TezXoev/1a. \tOt, ro?,, o pov' ~v C X -TeXO)~ S tvov-ab TOV'7 6 TO\Iv XPOVS El) o0S UV TOP T'paVVov'oDTov vO Xvo~aI Xe7EtC'L. Ka;l OLt, ryvat,'7-aXqrl s ep&. Tpi7wXr 800 OT 1ice)1 KCX:ov T7A' &83o7ropcOtv 7rEXa9, EvTav/~a jiot ICpV~ TCe, Kcam 7rOXtK17S' avWvp aO7rl7v- tCq3? 6oq.L,'' T' cV y LU av76T 9' Y 7rpei0'V? 7rpo'S /3laz qXavvEr`v. 805 Kacyo Tov EcCTpEWrowTa, 7vO TPOX7rXaTlv, aitw o' 6pyq IcKal [L' 6 7rp4r/3v9, 6 opa oXOV 7rapat7TexoVTa, 7Tq7p'lpaSa, [EaovP capa LwTrXo0t KCev7potLO-,UO-V kCCat3lKETO. OV p;7v t'oV 7' y eTLOev' V aXX a'VVTOL 810 OcTK?7r7fT) TVrTECl EK Tl7~E %etLpO\, oV)TLtO3 tme?-ls a7rr1vr1? evCNvS ecCULXtV1eTav' KTELCO) 8E 70VS 6t[vrv7aa. El 8e 7T fet'V) TOV7T 7TIpO;7KcEcL Aatai 7TL aUy7YE1)E 7v[ ToQv& y' a'v3p6s'ca-TrL aXLreppoO; 815 7Ttl XS~pO0at&Lv w1a XXPov a'v l'o60T' carVqp; 44 o01AI10. TTPANNOl. c oty? qEVWV E\C 7T) /117 a0T7wPV TWPA 80ovL 8eXo-rat, IC, E Vrp0ocovdEv TWLAV, 820 3ij~c' v r'' cav ca p o rportLe'L. X9X7 8\ voD ravvroT0 Ev Xcpotv e/atWv xpavovw, 8' ov7rEp OXETr'. ap' e'fvv KcZalco;, I,\.3. ap ovxt 7as avayvos; et e Xr (pv EbV, Kal /aLOt cObvyovrT, 9 r, o Tv e/oUs N 6Ev, 825 r~' e'p3aTreUe arapL8og' ya/1~s' /ze 8C6 \ jAXa7,cv'ctv 7rap 180,F - Al \y a,,, 86 /utqrpoS'v797va, Kab 7raTepa KcavTaKCTave ioIXv3ov, OS KEaEpEI. JtEK VGc-E' pe.'/,,,,, T.'e,/ ap owtc aer' OZLOv Travra 8aplovoST 79 a'v tpiowv E7r' av8ptb T()8' avopoiL 2 Xa6oyov; 830 Ij 8-Ta, ft' 89)', 0)j;'.ecv laoyv7 o- E/a9, 8OtCLu TaTrv T/) e'pav' aXz' a fg po-rhW t CO POC. /V avq vacaVTO9 wp 0cTpEV, r) TOWW' l(3EW Ba[xy &yoavi-j vpao-opa'v, avoy&a';st. xoPol1. 77/kLv pLv, d var, Tavr' TauTo P'~ &%~ E) av oi' 835 7rp 70' 7T rp~vroTO bEcap9, TIX' EX7rT,'a. OIM7IHOT. ia~ pOv raoorOT\6v 7', cIC Lo,,, Cr4e0x, ToV av8pa, TO 80fiorpa wpoJtzetva/ po6vov. IOKAXTH. 7recac'/)evov 8e, T's& wroY'' wrpov/LCa; OIFlIHOT'. Cc& ~aSt -'. v yap epe% 5 X'yov 840 "oo TaVT', yo' av Er bevKyoi va rdASog. IOKA.TH. 7rotov 86 p1ov 7rEpto'-Op yovo'a3 X6oov; OIaIHOT. TTPANNOX, 45 OIAIHOTY. Xparts efaolcES avov a[v8pat EvPP7rEVP, S VYv KCaTa/CITEUveLav. El PLEV OVP ei Xe'L 7Tov avTov apt[lq/o,,' OVKC Y 1 KTravov' ov yap ryEvoLT aPV eL"s 7e TOs 7roXXoPT leos. 845 el o av8p Ev' olwvov au8&)e1, ac&W9 TOVT CoTLv ~7O7 TO/Vp7OV ElS' CE pE7TroP. IOKAZTH. aXX' ( avev Pe P rovvro T CO E7rltacO, COVcK ea'TL au7T) TOVTO 7 eipaXelP rTaXLv.,r7OXS yap KQovo", OV/c EY7A /-Ov,'Ta8e. 850 el 8' o'v Tr lcaIcPTPE7roLTro oV 7Wrp6orev Xy7ov, OV TOL 7WOT', C) "'va, TOPv YE Aatov /opvov 4aveT, 8tlcaltcos opSv,;. rye Aoi'[at oeL7rre xpirYat 7ratoo: ep cEl.ov'FaveLv. cKalrot VLV OV CEKLOS y' 0 8VeT7PVOS? 7TOTE 855:caTETicv', aXX a'TOS TapOL~Ev'oXETO. el o.; a~ela Y av O"e rIo'''y O AXI IW O T "a ucTfP o T.,8xefa- ap ovzelPc'P ovTre 1 y76 aT v V-rTEpOP. OIAIHOTZ. icaXc's vop0ltI6. a'XXT "s rov T'P'parTv 7reLioVI bTa oCTEXOVTa, 8\ TOVT7ou aeY'a. 860 IOKA:XTH. rELw o) TaXvaov -'X' * l[XX' Lev iE9 86ovs. oV8Ev 7yap av 7rp4atapL' av, cv o' o-o bi[Xov. XOPOZ. E[ H0o'vvEro E'pOVPTa C7Tp. a'. /1otpa cTaV EVEC77TOP aryvltct X)oy)v c'pryoI Te 7raTPTo)V, PV VO/POL 7rpoStPvlTai 865 Ov#'ro8eS, ovpavlav 8;' al'epa 46 OIAIIOTY TTPANNOS. TEKvm&)EVTE% Wv "OXvbLWrog 7raTvTp rHovos, o;vU vLV yvrav.,,,,,, I V ~VS aVepoV CTr oTE OV, e 870.ILv 7TOTe XJ,~a caralotTsLcet,' EPya, Ev VTOTOtL C9 os, ov8e 77paoctKE. IrTpt9 OVTCEVCe TvlpavVOY avT. a. "Tpt,%, /V TrroXXhwV v X7~ep3r Xr y aav. 875 a pujy'7rri'catpa tq,8cr a'v/idepoVTa, aKpoTrTvav etsavap&o &T7rd'ro0ov eVU OV 7oT0 Xpqclr/ XP-qTat. TO KaXiO 8' cXov. 7rr6oeL 7raXatol/ua 880 t, 7'ore Xvtat, JEov atTOvpIat. -ebov oV X?:co WrorT,.7rpocrOTraV to'(cXov. Ct 6 TvL V Pr6poITra XepoLv CTp.'. i) X67 7rTopeveTra, 885 Ai Kca ah6,f3poos, oV86 icaKa VlV CXOtTOLTQ obpa, v7ror6vmov XagpLv XXLS', 6 a) TO wCp&)OS KEpoaTV EC.o&aw s, 890 Tca, w'v a(-e7rTcOv'peTaet, q vwv uLccL)W v ereETat paTaraV. TLP T 7rO7T eV TOL'N3 avjp'3vpLC5 /GXy 65E& x r, I, a i'rvxcS AL1eJVL; ei 7yp a[ 895 MoLate 7rpaeLt T'LLaL, ~T [e Be? XopecELV; OVfC T'L' LTOV E./ao' aE's d. fyiaF c'w O2k0aXOUV crE/wv, OIAMIfOT~ TTPANNOI. 47 ov8' Es 7'v "A]atat vactv, ov86 ayv'OXva7l-rav, 900 et /L7 TCe XELpoI3LK a 7rTao'v apCpLoo-L po070TS.'XX' c Kparcvawva, ceTrep o'p0r acKOvcvet Zei, 7rFvT''voaov,'ai X6n rye, Tarv Te cav at ava v 70a lv apXav. 905 3[rvovzTa 7yatp Aabov 7raXatl ~o*T'caT E - atpoor-tv n7or, Vo a/xo V F'raus'Awr6XXoJv ubOavzj EPpEL e\'ra rErta. 910 IOKAZTH. Xaopcas' valcTes, oota pot vrapcraTaSCf) vaovs tcoraL 8atp& vrov6vo, Ta8' Ev X6EPOU Tr4E?7 Xao8ay G caVtrrv/z/aaraa. vfov ryap a'tpeL NvpL-ziv Oli8rov' ayIav Xuwrato-t 7ravTOtatotv ov', o7rot avm)p 915 eVVOUS', Ta Icatva'TOLS 7r-aXat Te/clzatpeTra, acXX' C'(t ToV erovros', Yv gf'ovS'? Xcy,. OT' o0uV r'apavov0" o0t v' wESot' E rotl,) ~,rp6 o"s, 0 j Aice' "Avro;Xov, YIXa O'roS ryp 4,,icETLS a7/CLaL TsroFe & cVv KcarTEy7/xactr, 920 or7oJ' Xvti'ov T7v'?i, u evaTy7 7T 7p1S'" S' )VV OlcOVLEJ) 7ralVTES, cK7Tre7TXry?7fiEPV CE'Ov /XWOV7'ES' (S' KVG/EpUV?7TJV PES'. ap av vrap' VLOv, o cJvo, pIaCOLL', OrOU a 70ov TrvpavrOV 6o'/a7r' 7ETL)v O'8t'ov; 925 pcMXtcTa o3 cavrToV Ei'7TaT' 1e C a7L"cTY, 07r0V. 48 OIAI1OT4 TYPANNOX. xoPOZ. a-Teryat ev atoe lcav'ro evrov, c tve7yvvrJ S /a 7Tp raWe KTEv KevoU TEKVGIV. ArrEAOX. aXX' oXl3ca TE, ICCaL vEv 6 X3IotL as 930 7yvolT', elelYvov 7' owva 7ravreXqsl 8ptap. IOKAXTH..,, aVTCs Kc at 7v r ) v. * tos7 7ap et T7ip? evETEt6a OUVEIC. atXXa fpaC OTOV Xppb~Oy aoiatc %, X' -776N~vat'Xa~ov. AFFEAOZ.Y. a'3 r' O0gLM3 TE K alt 7T00GCe t T Oe O'), 7Uvat. IOKA.TH. 935 a\ 7rota TaVTa; 7rapa 7'rvos 8' atLY7/tevso; AFFEAOZ. 7Cc r7 KoptzVjsov. To' E'7ro,, ovepco, Ta'X ax 80too Itcv, (7rrWC 8' oUKc a,;) ao-XaXXots''lo-'Is. IOKAXTH. Tt (' eTtr; 7rolav (8va3tLv e'' et8rXv; AFFEAO. Tvpavvov aV7Or 7o t ptoXP' X' ov os 940 7'r''I rrl'as YrT7'oovatV, t(0 q)l7v(T' eKet. IOKAZ7TH. Tb ('; ovX o 7rpepSv5' Ilo6Xv3os e'7cparrj Cr~; AFFEAOZ. Ov /177', ErEL' vrv ao VaTOs eoV TaOt xelt. IOKAXTH. 7rWs et7ras;. TES~V)EJ II6Xv/os; ArrEAO2. xerycor S? 7 XCEo raX i, aS'Ej aE lV. fe~ C7&s) TaX)7BE5', ayltw navewz. OIAIno~T~ TTPANNOZ. 49 IOKAXTH. IV 7rpoq7roX', OVxt 8Eo7TT ra xo 94\ corrp~~rro vXc (err~rSr TdS' & TaXoO9 941 ptoXo'o-a Xe Xts; cO %ecwv pIavTev1taTa, Iv' CrTE; TOVTOV 01&'7rov qradXat TErpe/kov TOv avp'p CevS, ev rTa Kdvot, Ka, Vva v o6e 7'poS Tq)9 TVX1Z1 o;XcoXeii, O13 o0J3' V7WO. OIITOT1. (0.jJXTaTOV ryvvaLKcoi'IocaTJ7s Kcapa, 95C I' / er'er'E( &,po T&65ve w/La'Tov; IOKAATH. aKcove Taar8pooS TovSE, Kca~t'coTreL cKXV'v, \ / I )! // Ta TE/ Lv JKIce, ToV IEOv /jaVpTEv/, aTva. OIMIHOTY. OVTO9 8E Tl? 7rOT JT\, Kal TI /.Lo Xe6ye; IOKAZTH. Cic Iv^i Kopt'vrov, 7raTepa TOv CoPv a'yyeXcv 955 S( OVKC ET' O'Ta I7 oXCv ov, zXX' oXcwX(OTa. O!IHOTHO. T! yF, tEV; avTo lot L)o o- /1a17)'T)p E vov. AFFEAOZ. eT oo VT pc TOV OF6 (e' 7rh ayye7EtXa, aaoa'bs eV'W Eflctelov. 1~IavaIOTov 8erZ qc' 7roTepa &dXocrtv, f) v6o-ov 4vvaXXary,; 960 AFFEAO~. ay'Lucpa 7raXa\a coar' T Ev'a et po7raj. OIAIH1OT9. AFFEApo.vo caL Tjo), Ia,.LaK) rye oVpIqLETpOvpcEO' XpJ6v. 50 OIAIfOTY TTPANNO. OIAIIHOTZ. eiV, eGV' TI ijT' av, o 7yvva., IC07orolTO 7LT 965 Trl;v lIvS3paavTr CvTtaV,`7 rob avwo cXdaovTas- OPVbs, GwV vo7?ryjlwov ErtCO ICTaavev eLeXXovl 7raTrpa Tv e'kuov; o &8 ~ravnoy ev$eL Icam )To 8) (yr7' Ery) 8' o'8 eBvace ayavaTS- 67yXov9, Cc 7-t ICq Tq^) pro- 7r0`Brq 970 KcaTE(3e'S oVTrO (' aWv SaV(V e;)'t fjoi. -a 8' oi'v'rapovr'a tvXXa/o&v'et7rrc-TLaa, LeLTat 7rap' eIAt8, Ho'XvI3o, act ov8ev0oo. IOKAXTH. oVKOVV, ey' OOt TavTa,povXeryov w7raXat; v7iac' ert/) 8y E 7T6 5o0p wrapriyo/lv. IOKAZTH. 975 /.L vvv s'T' av'TcV g18cz' d? trv/ov /3aXyqs. OI1IHOT2. Kat r7rTw9 To /WLqTpo9 XeKTpOIV OVlc OKCEWy Le (L; IOKA2 TH. T6 8' ab (o/oIcr' alv~SpwrOO, 4)'T\ Tq)g TvX9X) Kpa'TEt, rpovota O8' eoTl oV'eodvoS, a EmCK KCpaTLC7TO) 07V, roS VUcO TV7. 980 o- 8' ES 7Ta- /,n'Tp6o I yooO vvUEv/L/aT(-a. 7roXXot' rap'8rq cLav ovelpat /13pOTwRv OIAIIIOT7'. /ca~X& a7ravTa TIaVT p e' "tp?)To Cob 985 ct'v)'avpct ~fc' 9 ecIcoo-a', vt',,, rVel 7T, O7a0-' acllVyK?7, ICeb KicaXCO Xc~ ci, O'ivetV. OIAIIIOT TTPANNO~. 51 IOKAXTH. Ka tV u LCi yryaS ry b-SaXot'Ol 7raTpoS' Tdoot. OIAIlHOT>. lEuyaS) tv ar' * -XX n'7g bLans 00'3og. AI F.EA O. wroiac, 8~ cat ryvvauLco9 eKoojeo3Y Vetr' p; OIzLIHO22aS. MepwrrN, repate, H6Xv/3o~s Or qgeL Leva. 990 AF1rEAO,. TI 8' eLYT ECICEWt V/Lv El 9 6f3ov ebpov; OIJIHOTZ. Jer'XaTOv tLavrev/za 8etVVo, C) EVe. AFFEAO.. 9 pI)TOP; 97 OVXb'E/TOv aLXXOP e6Ueval;,aLXtara ry' elvre yap te Aot[as 7wroTre Xpivat ptryipvat [L7nTpb 7p'7taUroO, To 7e 995 7,raTrpTov aa C %Ep 7aS Eat EXcV. I, el'' aq'p t e v'~ Tr~ e/ a t e' &v OVVEX y K6pvI Os c:i poU wrXab aKGpaV a7rpKce*T' evTvXws plev, aXX o/uo Tra TOV revTCOWv P o oupcta' c8TOV /Xe7reMLI. AFFEAOZ. 7 ~yap 7dB' Ocvv, cEtev o-' eV67r7orroXt; 1000 OIAIHOTZ. T7aTpOS TrE XPyjOv /1 /OVE E YCCL, yEpOP. T r' (1T7'y(o7 OV T'ov ov TO', o vao, enCwep evvoV9 9XCov,'e' Xv; OIKI IOT X. KCaL Pv xaptv a tp a t Xa/3ot6 Ce/ov. 52 OIAIfHOT~ TYPANNOX. ArrEAO~. 1005 ICal [u7v padXto7a oDT) aSLKoLrYv, OTr, oovi 7rpoS 8361Covs EX.oVTO, Ev 7TrpaC al TI. OIAlHOI7T. aXX' o0D 7or e7 roEL vr TOV evoacraoylv y' oo. A1TEAOX. 0) 7rat, fcaXcoS' EL 3/Xo0 oV/C OW LO(A', TI p 7ro)s, c yspacLE; 7rpos3 SE3v, &&8aLceK /LE. Tap/,3 eyE, /zL7 [Lot ~OflOS EEoXZ/ Xo )wa, b. Iq pL) IdacrtaC Ti) V7 TEV(aV'TO7v Xdaps; OI4IHOT;. 7TOVT aurT, 7rpEjgv, TOVTO p'F eL1YaXe 6o0/e. ArrEAOf. ap' o-SQra 3Ta irp3O 8&K7 OV86v TpE/OV; OIAIHOTX. 015 7r'tr'' ovxi, qras 7' el TEvWe Y7erv1vrqT) EvW V AFPEAOW. 0iV'V' OUVEIC U CTOL tTOXV0 O'V(1 El 7E veL. OIAIHOT.Z VrW ECras; ou ryap IHodXvIos' q E' wvo- pe; AFrEAO~. o01 gawXo ov,38e T-ovE Tra 3po, a XX'l'ov. OIlIIFIOTX. Kat w6)S, o Obv'a E''t'o-OV TO) tLr8eVI; OIAnIOT~ TTPANNOr. 53 AFrrEAO. aXX ov o' CyetOvaT' OVT' gOSct, OVT 7co. 1020 acXX' aJTo' TOD 8 wal''0'c/o aTro; AFFEAO,. 8&3p6v TroT','O ^)V, zv 1e3v %etpaov Xa3%o5v. OIAIHOTX. Ka&' co a7r aX. OEPAHI2N. /4&7 &7Ta, irpos [eCJP, TO' 7ey'poPTa J' a'ICKlr. 77 11, (A) 0 ep a,... OVC'9S Ta7oD TtL TOV3 a7irocTpElret %Epa,; eEPAIE I2N. 1155 orrTvoIs, avT TroD; 7' rpoi pXPPov pa6>; OIA1IHOT2. Tov 7ra^'.&'coca9 T7oS' 6 OVTOr s toTOpE; OEPAFLI2N. O c'- OXESnat o &pXEov T7o cpa. OI1IHOT2. cAx' E9 TO -3':7etS, LL? XE7rov rye TOUV&Kcov. OEPATI2N. 7roXXo rye uaXXo,, p qpaiow, oXXv/pat. OIzJIIIOT. 1160 avijp o', C EoEPe CS; r TpLa eXaO. OEPAIH2N. oV 86)T 67 rycy. AIXX E7roP, ros Bo7vP,'a2Xat..r.rfef v Xa/ov; olKceLov, d'" tXxov LrtvoS; @EPAFI(2N. OIlIHOT$.'OEPAILU2N. 1165 v Aa(v OiPVP T15r' 7rPe 7Elw 8P/ 0ov. 1165 Ik/, 7rpoS,%efv, 1 evo, 8o'rol', oTpC 7ov. OI IHIOTX. ko'X&aas% e' oe Tav-r Eprqojuat..raTv. OEPAIII2N. rcov /la'ov'otvvv,ret 7v,yeuvvdarov. OIAInOT~Z TTPANNOX. 61 &oiVXos, A Kcelvov''y'evCr'y.s; OEPAHII2N. o0o' 7rvpo, avr1T6 7 eqt TO eov XcE7El. OIAIHOTA. /car(Yry alcoveLv. acXX' O~/iro aKcovo'r'eov. 1170 OEPAI2N. KfEivOV ry TOt 87 T7aS EKXyjr' 3 ea- c KaXXto-r' avt e'l'rot o'. 7vr) Ta,', (.S eXel., ryap 1Sootv 0B6e CO; @EPAIHU2N. OMl1aOTZ1. w1 rpos 7L XpElas; OEPAHf2N., aXwac'atra vW, OIAIHIIOT'.'reKcovo'a 7"X; 1175 OEPAH2nN.'sEO'baVTCOV KagICV o!P,. OIIHIOTZ. 7roLov; OEPAIIf2N. tCfT6eP'V VTV TOVS TeKcovPTa$ v XoOy. OIAIHOT'. wc77'0 &qT 7a(O 7Erle'POP-TL 76 u CV'; OEPAU2 N. Karo7tKtrLta% O o'TBr/or7, el )f' aXXr) Xtova 62 OIAIlOTY TYPANNOX. Sogc' aWrolcretL, avTOs' EvrEv'v o 80 1180 cac' el /.E7LO'T' ECo'0ev. C ea 7p OVTro et, O'v rqOLPv o'o0','to'-0Lt 8q7vTroTr/ol 7EYeY7. OIAIHOTX. ov, Wov Ta WraVT a)v EtlKcO Yab. W6 jbw0, 7eXEvT7atOZ (e 7rposFi,8X'-Efat/a Pvv, oe7l rfactyaw Iwfl T' JO' c'Ov ov Xp'v, fV'J o0 V' 1185 ob Xp3v p' O7LptXcv, oV5S 76T' OVIC 86te Iravv, xoPoz.'Io reveab I3poT&v, co v/.a4$ tot Icab To bllqEcv bcoo'ag evapthcLo. lS? 7yap, VSb a7vrp 7rXeov 1190 TaCl e~v&aLLovla9 (epel,. To70OVTov oaov 0o) ceCv, Kao 86oavrr' a7rocXtL&ab; Tro rov ot 7rapaodetLy EXoVp Tov co'v Salpova, ToP (70ov, 0 TrXa^/ov 1195 018O7rw6a, /3poTrcv ozWegva,lacapi~o OT'L9 Ica4 vwep/3oXC v i'roX eo'as EcpaT?)ora TOV rr7'avT evact/ovo'S okXfov' CO ZeD, Keca jh v brio'as Tarv 7yaCL/A)vvxa 7rap3eHvov xprqo'w8Ov' - 1200'ravaTwvO''a X'pa 7rv'p7yo' arvETav 0) o ca& f/ao'-AevS KaXeb' CeFO% I Ta [E7T IL TLTe?flJaqs?, TatS' teryaXatLoL Jv j 6)3avs aa'acowv. Tavvp )' acKOvetev Tt'{ a'3Xtoepo; 1205 T7i9 EV wTVOLS, Ti'r aata? C 7pCaL 8VvoZtog aXXarya olov; ": KxeLVOV Olirwou ICapa, OIaIlOT: TYPANNOY. 63 w /er/a7S XLt/nv ajvToS ylpKceoe rta, ica, wra7'pT raXap,,7roXw 7w-ec',v 7WS 7rOTE, v7r wo7' at wrarpati a' 121t aXkofce' bepetv, raXas, ofy' ESvvda%7)o-ap E Trootovse; eyevp o-' a6KovZ' o r avr opx)v XpoV'o 8tca,'Lb TOv a7apLov 7cyaov 7rcaXaL TeKvoVvT'a Icab TCevoV/evoV. ] 215 tio zai'eLov Te-'icov, e},e bE e&ze' /'T~OT i68oav. lo polpat 7rp wo0 7reptaXXa taXatwv EIC oTo[aTCOv. ~ r~ 8' 0p~r \PTreW, 1220 av7rrLEVa'a T EIc a-cErv,'ca/ icaTE6LOtJLtoa TOvyouov o,1,ua. EXArrE AO. J2 779 /L*EytTTa T"rs3 ae' TLtoELEOt, o, ep7 aacovcrerr, ola eo ebeo6' o'oov o3 apecOrse r~eve'of, e'71Eep E77EvC09 eT'r 1225.7(v Aa/3latcetv Ev'Tpre7o'eS e o0/a'laTr.V o0ta,,ap or' av "'Io-rpov, ovTre Ia-tv alp /ca rap, O-\ e vifrat ica Bapc Tr7v e Tr2v 7rT7EYv, ooba lccOje*Ta o\3' av't (c' TO 7\( O pa';avei icaica EICOTC'a, cOVic acoTCa. 7 v (8E 7rq/LoYov 1230 /LaXLCTa Xv7rovcr' ati Oav)o-' av`ratpCTo0. xoPoz. Xe7ret /LEv ov8' a & rpo'-rev e&LIUeV, TO Ip ov /apua7TOv' otvabt vp' (po' EKClVOt't'V T6?; EA F-EAO.Z. O pLe v TaXLtTOo 7 0V XO67ov e't7TEW Te icat /ua.%e'V, Te,'$vKEo' OIoKcCaYTl Icapa. 1235 64 OAITIOTO2 TTPANNOZ XOPOZ. SvTrXawaLLa,7rrpos 7lOQ 7wo'V ar Tas; E ArrEAO,. avr) rrrpo avubra. 7v 8E vrpax% evcov1 Ta' Ev atXryw-r' ar/eoTtv ry 7ap o rs ou 7rapa' o/Zons 8', o0'ov 7y Ecav IC toi IUv/L? ewG, 1240 7revoetL Ta Ketu'S a'SXlas'ra'?'ara. Xrto 7/ap PIpr7 XpWoluevT 74apCXsra' ecLo Savpct)70, OrC' ev2Sv'rpo, ta,vdipLfg.a VP, o,' tpo C,,. c-,~, ^,OXa,? 8'" 67rcg s.....t'' 7rvraD 0 1o eo~'to; ~ ehr;pp)jao coo 1245 tLaeXCb To'v 0 81 Aadiov r aXab Vpelypo, Fvrqlpv vaXatov tr7rep/.tdrTov e"o v' 7J';aMvot yeCv avTSO, 727lv 8& T&cTrovoav Xltrot To0S? otcrv aUvrov O sET1cvov 7ra8LoupyLav. e7yoaTo 8' eUva' Cv1at &VSTyvOS' &7oVS, 1250 E't avtpoS a'vSpa, ica TfEICV' Ce/C Tlcvcov TEKOL. XJCtrr L C/C TV tjV) OV o7T'S a' TroXXvTa.L /30ov ryap icTatacrev 0O8IUovS, Vb' oV OvK/ 71) 70 ToE 1))tv7S EK~EcacYCto-oat KcalcO aXX' es eKCeLVO1v rEpLTroXo'VT EXEVCYoLcEo/v. }255 < ot7a rya'p, 4yzuaS c"/XoF EJaLTW^V VrOpEEiV eylualiCca 7" ov ryvvatca, )t 7TLrpav 8' 0'7rov tx(%o0b &7TXrt7 apovpav o0 Te Kcat ECv1cov. Xvcarvrt o' a' aTC atLO1Z) 8l, ELCKVULl Tl7G ov3et r yap avapcw), oi' 7raptdev 1e77yyvrv. 1260 8eltOv 8''" avas, (OS' Vr/ylTovZ Ttvos', 7rvXatLS 87rXatV EvI7Xar"T Cit 8\ 7'rvryclvCo eCXLve!CotXa!cXr~Spa, Kca/J7rl7rwve CTeY77, ov 07 KpcLyacoT' Vr Tr7V 7u)vvalC ES'eoptO[ev, 7rX'eaCrCat? pats C/J7Tre7TrXekyLtEv7v. o 86 1265 7ro0S' opa vMv, 8e6va 3pvx erS',? TraXas, g ac nyXinuL d/v/ vodk.,6 *1y siD x 3 g lq3fl? ald.90 It nh5qarl rlt-omn d/vkoL ow p3g soau,: noiCLttaodL qv: woLaq9r/9 3~ s1vJd ~ozovdd s~0'sowdv? sior/og ananlr 06Z1 7L3 t0I,no,o.v3 L aCco,?d soao-%X #? SX'qo7r' 10oo2a acoqnv.... od.Ltrl aow.'aoaowLxodLv.uL ~aoL Do0132 o?2vN ov S70oL na?-L ano"h? iwv'lvd-cfx nvwa7/oig iod. no:vsI vYOXo' am?. a? 40c2tyw o,q,, 9 a n XOdOX cF,.adoI, o.0 agao' vr/oao aco-av.m.,.off0 an1oo21h,1aX lnn iV'.Sozva-rI'-,'&V ncSo7/WvaqwD dpr/ltr 3 3g aaann.Ssayvxg? sogIo an/ c 3iodyvL an soJo c? s1oXvzuw nadr, o itci hlthnD minao ixv idInav Xyy 08g1.w*vv:'aoaor/ noo'a9coIdd? aan:?,,'OLwX~.:L; 5, seov Slv s, Iv vaoddio 5flj97/ noZTo Xvv. svaokvLL smoimpnr anoQo annvs.O~??no.nk1'q-L 7,9ank lvaZVk naor/o i mo?09oa *dvX d cv~ ndr 5odmm.oo.?d 5Zs71 "27;mv Xnov 3L sqXnom'.aOova ) n:ov Lo'oi7oD0-onX c no najlGdX,4 sgao s'ji7o0f0 13gD Nno n3l Sao no mlox oi, c bLoxD a3. XJ'vsvx vdSq covo,ssno'qXDo-L3 go -(-no 4aqn o Ln70,fLo,/no xaao (nSP ((~ jiio.L anQo 0AS1 snZ~sawN no.nL n(0L a d-j~dv a.qus,)lo svdv'OL3Yqx)xD~) n92 diL>7D lslt-Ln j1rn svaod.s - snoLvv,&-ondX naw.Lv717 dvk svuD ozDLo R'asdo Raqj(19 53 at k dl?l.9 n Lamy6'V. O1/X4;9:'ONNVdxL t:OXllVIO 6 6 OIAIMOT1 TYPANNO:. 129 8ot7oLy7rab' Ea/jua $' El6oSe, 7aXa TOLOU70V, OMOV Ka.b cTV70ovT' EVro(KTl'a7. XOPOv. *) 3EtvO TaToE 7ravP o av po) ro ot 8ecvirao;roii, 7'roWr OC' d7yo TrpoSeKvpcr Vy. Tr7 C', W T'Xkov, 1300 rTpoSE8fq uav'ia; 7kr 6 O -7'87o'a pIeltova a(plurv'cwv.tamdLaTiwv 7p oS 8vp O~ ovt ypolpa; 4e5, bcEl' 8o'-Tav' AXX' o0,8' &&Sc~, &Uvafiatd a-', ErENoV 7rroXX' dvEpE&Crac, 1305 7roXXta vrvEo'at,: 7roXX\ 8' aSipqo'at' Totav l pUic:v 7apeXELt pot. OIzlIHOTX. ab at at at,,ev, bev V' CT7avos ey7w. 7'0o r7yc 0bpopab TXa/lcov; 1310'rra. p/ot Ooy7a enTreeat, oop6a&8; k; 3a tlov, "v CrAXov; XOPOx. E e tltVOV, oV'' aKoVCToLv, OVO6' E67T+/tov. OIIIHOT:. i) CoTCOV 7ov oSF eOY act7roTpo7rov0, OTp. a. ETt\rX6oC/zvo v kaTOl'v 1315 a8a'lao'Tov 7e Kcat &V)OupLCTOv. OtLGOt, o(ott0t taX' av$.' 407) ELeS4V,t.t/b 51 WLh a' tvg o'v dCv'' ICE'TV7pov e T6 vI8' OL"CTpq7ta,,Kcal tvry/xty Kacacov. xoPox. ica v?a/ta' ry' oi~v'v 0ooToLS966 W[tLa-~t 1320 8t7rX (ce revPeeve, icab 87rXa opev Kcalca. OIAIrIO~T TTPANNOS. 6. oIAIoOTZ. kO L'hXo9, V /Ea iV e/U OS EWlrQXOo aLT. a. e'n pLOVqLOS9. eTLr yap v7ro/LevelSg C/e ToPv TrvXOvL Icr8exov. 06v. ov ryap /ke X7rEL9, atXX' 7 rtyLVTKryvC ocab, 1325 Ka.7Crep (JICOTEl7VOS, T-jV fye r7 v aub.'v ol/rcos. XOPOV.. C 8eLva apa'cas, 7rcTS? 67Vrxl dotav'ta aras O-eJL [Lapapvab; TlS' 0 67TpE 8atbtYOv(O;'ArdXXoXv Tra3' v,'A7r7XXOv, Jo lboL, orp. 3'. O cca~ TeXWv'U a, 1330 IcaICa Tc e a 7r'' ca. e7rate 8' aov'ro'xetp vtY OVTli, aXx Er7wo Txa/Lov. Z 7rap;be8 /' opav, T(p ry' 7op WvrT /13eqV v ceadv nyXvcV5; 1335 XO2POX. )v TavS, orwos7wrep xcab av' 7ji. OIHIIIOT'. 7[ a.''7OT' CUOi /3Xe7rrvT, a T7P. rY 0vepIcrOv, 9i'rnposryopov ET ecOT /KoVeLP a7OPCJ citXo; a7adTETr 6KTOWlOV 1340 OT6 TaXtOWTa [Ie, a7 er'~EJ, bt,'lO TOv oXAeCpov /L7av, Topv KCaapaTOTaTov, grt & ca}, ~seos' 1345 C%'t3p6TaTov t3po TW'v. 68 OIAIHOTY TTPANNOI XOPO~, 8lhttfe 701) vOD Trs 7 e TE (/LLbOp0aS 0ov, S &r reSXe'q-cra /C' ava7rvcoyai ror av. OIAIHFOTZ. Xoos os' i Tst 7V os aw a7ypia 7 7r8ag zvPr. p 1350 vo/uaos' rtL7rotas,'Xvoe4 t*, avro'e 76rovo e1PpvTo tcaveroCo'eV, ovrev eb %Xaptv 7rpac'cov. Tore Tyap av aarcov 1355 o/ Zv o,' dowI' 0VW JoJ 7TOO'68' a"Xol. XOPoZ. eXovw Ka/o rov-T ai dv. OI4IHO~tX. 0ovlCOVl 7TraTpoS y vY boPeIN aPT. 7.,Xrov, ov&c VpVltb10 )3p~TOFS eEC?v c(,( evv aro. 1360 zYVv 3' ca"XtoS o;LeV e6/L', avoarkov 7 wrac', aV7OS e&bvv Ta Xa9. eb & TL 7rpeo'3vl-epov 1365'uv KaKov Kalcov, oV' iEXaX' 0'r XOPOZ. OVIC ol3' O'Mw( CE 4b& /3covEe/VXSe ab KcZXCOs. ICpetocov y ap?f0a trL9KcT CP, 9 b 7v TV(OXOS. OIIHOTZ. s I /ev rTa o5X o8' Ei apo-r etp7ao'jreva, 1370' L/' EKc88rLaovce, I/t 8e' u/oUVXev' TeC. Er7& 7ap ovIc o0o', oapaortv 7Troot /PX7TWOV '/0rst <10dla t, &?gR. OD1d13 OIC C a 1 dndg'ai, Tjn Vslmod dg i o'.L, ottal nor vcd'sod,,.i,. OOT cozLv a(odd9X ndro3 anioL'.vr7lv ao'/noL?iv Siogo saz\d.L adj asouoa.L.o qv'i. so'rlndg'ttirn &nar/rlandx9vr uIq moai xN sSady L (p,qrn/oinodnq ainmo ~ ncv a C sov dnv nan *34+Rdri34 naot nXnoma, aml v 0Isoy v7IdLvCL 2L qO2/'9f47dO)!' iO 9gaxyoH O. 5,co~L na ndrd, n.D70ioLcodin? aoItnvDl',LO:,?Tt /.I5.9y'nn'nScovn I 3 i3C I Uc IC -d#~x7 no Wrl iL noX??g (T/ 7i lanwdiDSvp c? r06bg, O nil'nRaxo aro3vx ~rL o,t ccLq dl dtr /oXi n? g,no'on/vd6 ix.o,o sL Ult a. (EQ~ 3 Il) 5 n& o S" i1 / c, c 1 XLL ~Cl' ndo Syd norao1. Dvr/r/ noyy~r/, sgocdo 4413 SVDnDfl( I 9L?1 yUo V IL?3 sgnVOL ~no.1vV( not sn5ond? ~vi Ynon4LVn,.nn4V4 /103 S/3 I1OL'1t3/90 ao CSV.L4VILV n?~7) 4(7)L/1493 SoIAVr''noLvnZ/3 sDcd39Z.JLV C108 Qr V ao5d?, aSqLo SLdaL aoL nv53 d'Ln..L1t\vo.X? a ~,,., O a''vCIdaI% c\ I.(;,. n.,or/g~, gnO so'/udo m onoq,L a nLon,gno' ornIl ao9DD9 nysodJ'L0odyd Sal,, owL?LVy& alt.'sod rt,? Iy np st#ot i-# nn-23/L 1,7 vidrlovi-dLc9 SLn4LOXaAT 4O DD3d9 W 03 Lcdo naong 10oTh3 nt1o' d~):ttn avsnvyvI L qv cnC'flcyon/ nog7?y,1 s79 no39sodL (1 cLt C0L 2davi 69'gONNVJdJ.C':, w tCOUIVIO 70 OIAIIIOT:S TTPANNOV. ~qbcccah' 9/l"ctS~ %KE SbvTceveTavVre,, TrdaXv 1405 avetTE TaVrTOV o-0reTpua, ca7-rE8etctTe 7raT pa;o, a3e iovs, 7ra; a9, al,' cp XmtLOV, vvias', 7yvvabcaK, /rrepasL Te, xonr6oca ao-ixrT 7 v alvporoL-tV ep7ac 7eLyva c. EXX', ou ryp aviaa&v &'T,' /uq 6 pav KcaXOv, 1410 7Jww 9S TaIXWTar' vpo W V3eEjv, ~'d:o /. 7rov KcaXvtT 9 baT'' oovevtaT,'o ) - a aX, o tov elcpriar, erVa LL7pr7r0Tor EboE n "r/. t', Ja&aT' WVpoO apo~ t(ov L7Et,. VreIfSM 3E, /4 iEt0Y?7TE. 7a[La rap calca 1415 0-6EL9 oie t ~o Te 7rXqv 7' eLov oepEWv FpoTr&v. xoPo'z. ajXX' c6wv E7rtTES' JS 6ov 7rapeo-W o0e KpetIV, rT 7rpao''etv Zcat TO /OVXEVeV' E 76 X?)Paq XAXeLrrTaL /tovvosV aVTt rov~ XvAa:. OIJIHOTZ. 0bL'/40 Tt &j7Ta XEcoy/Ev 77rpo9 Tov7 E7roS; 1420 71'S [ot cfavedrat, 7rrT ev8tco0; Ta 7yap'rn-pog?rpo avrov 7raT Edv' cvprp7at KaKo3. KPEJ2N. oVX c 7ryeXarr-TO, 01871roVy%, AX'XvUSa, OVO Ct) OVeLO8lV Tt T' )' 7rapo' KcaOcv. aXX' eL TA C rVf17eToV 37' Karat0a xvvTe0Vr' ETt 1425 7yev'eXa, 97)v ryovv 7ravcT /36orcotoav 1ObXya ai6etorS' atvaKcro9'CHXIov, T7toLV8') aTyo aKcaXv7rTo7 OVTO) etKcvvvat, Tr 14u7rE fy'7, U977 O3pOSI lEpoS',?L97E f99)O 7rpoF&eIE7Tat. A XX' TCaXWGT ES' OFCOV eseoptSere. 14:30 Trot' re veL e/ap TrcLy7el7 pLaXLa' opav, [J~OPOt T aOvaroev eVUOCEtS E"Xt icaca. 1Lt~~l)Ot9 7 /ex ea/a OIAIrIOTY TTPANNOX. 7: OIjII1OTX. wrp3S erectt,' relrEIop Xrwos u aJ rerrarra apftoroS EXtov 7rpo 0 KaIKLTOlv av p, 7TLtOV 71T pLOL' 7rp0o c0V ryap, ov3' E/ov, bptco. KPE2N. Katb Tov Ap Xpelsa we6 Xv7rape r TVXELV; 1435 OIIHOT1. pi,*OV PIC n/nl? CC TqS 0o'ov vTadXt', 07rov %vyt'v Savopat. pLrTeVO9 7rPotS. opo. KPEJ2N. e8pao' av, Ev TOVfT' i'io'Y A&, c /t) To ov eoov?rpOTLT)T piexp'ov eczLa'CetE, r7 7rpaKTeov. OIMIHOTZ. CaXX' 7' cet'ov TSr 6 r/kL3 LaTvr 1440 TOV 7raT7pobTprlqv, Toy aO-e8 AL' a&rrOXXvatL. KPEQ2N. oivres EXEX'r rTaivY * ALs,'v' ratpev Xpetas, apevov Ec/LaLetv, T'l paorTEov. OIJIHOTX. et r, ) 5 ovrTo' ap apvopos' antLov 7revoreo'B v7riep; KPEdN. Ica 7Tap 0- vrv T' av TO Ze 7rrC7LrtV 4po~ts. 1445 OIzJIHOT:. Kcat 0o0 7' E7rLcrj77rTo) TE, Kat 7rpoTpEftoLtaAt,, Tr PAv tear' o'tcLovq avro ov,o \ XeXL rafo, O ov 3 Keca ryp opco3s Tv 7 erW ToW reXes V'7rep. EALOu ALsT0\ / k or l0toS70 TTO& 7raTrpov aXoTv'vroT o LKr7ro0 v TrvXev. 1450 aXX' ea ALe paltev opEcLv, Ev%-a KcX?'rTat OVAOb KPitatpvp OV7TOp, O V pAr)Trp r~ LOL OIAIIIOYT TTPANNOV. 7raTrjp 7 C$sC&f7qV O)VTtL KV'pLOV Ta%7Ov, tv' e EKEIVO)V) Oit 0 k a7rcLhXXVTrTV, oa'vco. 1455 Kat7'o0 7ro0oo7T'v' o78a,,W?'Tre IL' av vo'-ov, Pl?7' acXXo 7repoat jir/8ev' oV 7tap av'voTre'~rvjCtcw Ev O P77V,',U 7Tf 7'T 8ewl( KalC&(. 2XX')t?7,LLE I//kW) /CLO p 07fTEp EU, m7(. 7ral8oov 8,'r&v /vtu apo-vcov,/rw /iot, Kpeov, 1460 7'rp9S7,L EptJvcL'a av p pe cLV,' TE,L' c 7rav'v 7r0)7e (IXeUv, Ev alv Cot, T70o /lOv. TraIl' arXiatLv oblc'patv T7e vrap Srvotv /xaiv abz o0v 7ro0?7 pI97 %Cip19 E(TTLs~r7 P0pas 7paL7rE~' aLveu To0V aevtpos, aX' O owv e.yO 1465 4avaotpt, 7Tra'VTv 7'v8v8 ac(1,LE7ELtXE-7V' av OL XEcUiLU't. I fLG Xtwa LEVz Xvpo'v IfraVo'ai P Laoov, Kca7r'o0Xavoaca L Kca Kca'. r 0) va;, N', 5 yor, yevva'e. Xepol 8' av 7tryc'v 1470 aO8Foi''Xetv cbaiq, T97Trep?l''' Xer/cov. ov 8) KXVo 70rov,,r'po9 1eOv, TOWiv /UOL tILXowV 8a3Kpvpp0oov0TroLt; cICL L EW'rOLCTrlpCaI Kp'o6v e7r6/1re,L OL t Ti XrbX C'lryoVOLV JILOvL; 1475 X7co TL; KPE2N. XeryLct. e7Yo 7ap elp' 6 7ropo'vas 7Tace, 7y0ovs 7-rv?raIpovoav TcpzJL, 7 0 EV 7rILXa1. OI4IHOTZ. bXX' EV7VX1O"P, ILcal (e 7r)s98 72/7 ooi3 8alCowv aIeLaov ]'LE \bpovprCoas Tv;XOL. 1480 o) TeKcva, rov 7ro0 E6TE; 83EVp''T, EXkSeTe;0 9 7Ta &wovEo /')L Ta7'o 7W4 E[La X'pwa, ai 70ov ()VT0vpyov raLrpo9 v/LWv O( Opiiv OIAInOTv TTPANNO:. 73 ra 7rpoO-re Xar7rpa wrpo4elvnYvoav opa7a' 50 bu!v, 01 i, ovr opwOv, 0ov? tar opoov, Jra7t7p Efav3Y~?7v yervov a'TS po0 iv. 1485 cat or ab &aKcpwco, (7rpo3XwE7retv 7yap ov c Ovvo,) VOOVSIpvO Ta, aotw' roV pov fov, 0)ov 3towva6 c obo rp? apgrpcOroy Xpeiw. 7rotia9 yp aGcTwv 7er' e7 l 96XlaS; zrotas 8' EopTa~s, evlev ov KecXav/xevaL 1490 vp5O oicov tleoY. a'vTb rJs %eosplat; a',x' 2iJc a,,v' 7 Tpo9 r/yaLWV 971C77T al a9, TVS; OVTOS 6JTat; rTv vrapapptfet, Tepva, TotaT' 3ovel3t Xa1s3ciJw, Ct ToS C/Lot 7o0YEvotl.'rco-rat o v 4' o/ouV 8GqXiata; 1495 T. y7ap IcaCtlw kE7rffT7; Top 7raTepa 7raTrTp V/tO CWE(Jfl) 7E v T 1EOU-av 7poev, 8Orev 7rep au'TOS' &erdapj, KalK TCv (w CKr)ojaY v VLaTS, wo7rep avTOS cEv. ToLavL ove8te't0'-e. KcLTa 71T yanLea; 1500 OVK EJTt?) Ovv C t, 0) TEIC)* a' XXCa vXa %eprovS'~ 0CapJat KCtyaa/ltovS V/ais Xpewv. r) wrab MevOLKtSe, aX' ct7rE LovO9 7raTy7p TratUratv XXet'at, (vu ySp,' p'vvreaSa'/zev, oXctXa/aev v ovT') /t, j ce 7repdlyS' 1505 7:TTWXa?, aCtrav pOV'v, E7EyeveS' a'Xo/eVraS, aXX' oLtcrrtov o'b5q, e8 TrqXXLCaS' opav, 7tavTcov eprLovS, r)TXv O0Ov TO COv LEpOS'. ~vvuovEov, o 7ryeuate,'y favraS' Xep[. 1510 o00v 8, W 0) TEKp, eE/L E) CiXETO?) 7 0 O7 jpe'vas, wrXX' tv 7rapcvovv' vvv 8 TOVT C' eVXee Ot, oV KcaetpO aLe, v, tov 6?iovoSo v/Las tcvprjoat Trov vTe-VavroT OTrarpO. 7a4 OIAMIrOT TTPANNOX. KPEd2N. 1515 a"Xt.'vi' c':7cetl &alcp cov; at'X-' o grey' CoW. OIAIHOT2Y. 7MerTCO)v, Ket (18EI v rqv. KPE!2N. 7ravra?yap KaLpt K/aXga. OIAIIIOT2. OlC'r' E OL OV ELLL; KPEl2N. Xetqs icalb TO7' E'YotaL KcXuVwv. OIAIHOT'. 7ny /,' 0o7rw9 W'4e~t aWrotlcov. KPEJ2N. OIAIHOI10r.!Xha reoZ?' 7X So'To~ x17cO. KPEJ2N. TOt7ryapoCv1 TE'uEt TaXa. OIdITOIQYX. 1520 +S T s8' Ovv; KPEd2N. a I/yL? cpov) 7ryap, ov bALX&, Xe7etrv,-fraTql. OIAIIHOT'. a7ra7eye PVv (6 eVT6El~V 171. KPEJ2N. orTe:X YVVv, TrCVmo 8' av 0o OIa IHOT'. pqSa) L"L Tavra9 y';',X pov. OIAIIIOTE TTPANNO7. 75 KPEJ2N. 7vraVa /Ly /3ovXov IcpaTrEvP. EKat yap a'KcpaT7jcs, oi0 0ob 0T) /3tp0 uvlrerT0. xoPoZ. t 7raTrpaS OE/3)7S evotLoL, XteV'Coer', OUiVriou' o08e, ol Ta IAEWftv aluvltu7/LaT y8,q, ca, KpatoLTo 5v arvp, 1525 O(Mt~ Ob 7'-X~ rOLXrtoV ca v'Xat, rtbX4e'rOv, e,6 oJoov,cXV)8ova 8ewtvi, ~vkfopas e'XlXvrev. wsie rvvyrev..v.r CKEly.). 7 Xv rTXFVTaalp l&8ewv 9//cpa EIaTWKOWO VTCt /f7,v''X/3i'TEti,'7TrP' TEpp) a T7P E7icOPT Wo7etUc, P]lv eXeLV raV. i530a r"Epa OV /1o epdfr, prlScv a"Xewa. t rt7V. L530 0 LI .-po T E Smus was t 1.L-rpoo+'q poetically used for rra^Bs&. AS Cadclnus was the founder of Thebes, the Thebans are called his children. 2. —rTvaS tro' E'Spas — o4ETEE, PrCay what supplications a}'e these that you hurr'y before nze? From the seats at the foot of the throne where suppliants were wont to sit, the term E3pa is applied to the supplications themselves. Musgrave and others are inclined to make.oad9om in this place the same as 9aao-cro-w, but their reasoning is slender. 3. —KXCBoLOLtv iEGreT&EhVot, Frnished with boughs. Suppliants bore in their hands boughs of olive wrapped in wool. These boughs were called rE la/ra (see Homer's Iliad, book I, line 14). 5.- -ratdvov. The Poean was a hymn addressed to Apollo, and took its name from his title of "P.ean" (saviour or soother). 6. —8KacWlv, Thtinking prope'. 9.-7rpEr5wv & Tvs, Thou art a suitable person, i. e., by reason of thy age and priesthood. 10. —rlTt TrpOr?, For what purpose. (See Eur. Sup. 151.) 12.- am& understood before 7rav. --— ias understood after 7rposapKeJV. 13. —3apav. See note on 2. 16.-A-cwro-crt iz -r o os, Thy altars. The altars are termled iris, because near his palace. It was the custom to have altars in that locality. 20. —.ayopao-Lt. The images of the gods were generally placed in the forum. - HaXkd8os &LXoTs vaomT. There were twotemples of nMinerva at Thebes. 21.-T'Iorlvoo bWavTrEc (rro$~, The Istmenzzts, a little rivulet or brook very near Thebes. It was sacred to Apollo, and on its banks stood a temple dedicated to that god. Hence'Io-wuqvov for'Arro-oXXvo3. - p- tLaV7TTe'a, same as (LaV7LK7. 22.-The student is supposed to be familiar vith the contraction of Kac as seen in KaT SOb and KvaKov,'(at. The metaphor of a violent storm and flood is here introduced: The city is violently agcitated ancd canzn2ot raise its head above the depthhs of the bloody surge. 27.-Ev 8', adverbially, Besides. Or the Ev may be con, sidered as separated by tmesis from ox<~as. - Hvp-,Mpos, Fever-bearingz. By' fever-bearing god," is meant the plague with which the city was visited. 29.-8-opa Ka8/ETov, i. e., the city. See note on line 1. 33, 34. —iv o-vuqbopaZs lov r'v rE 8oacLvovxY ~vvaXXayacs, Iz the eve/nts of life aZdt in the interventions of divinities, i. e., in the ordinary circumstances of life and in those extraordinary circumstances where gods directly interfere.'The effect of the tragedy is greatly enhanced by this lofty reputation of CEdipus. 36.-o-KXr-pas adot8ou 8ao-1u0, Thie tribute to the cruel 2ocetess. By "poetess," is meant the Sphynx, whose riddle was given in verse, thus: oTtL 8Lt7OvV EirL KyOr K'L KrEpa7rov, o0v Ll (Ja )V), Kat rptnov' aXXa(do-oE 8' Ovv pov/ov, oo-' ErL yatav EpT7rETa KtVELat, L ava Tr aeLpac Kat KaTa 7rOVTOV. &XX' oror'av 7rXEoroLurTv b~WELOtEVOV lrocTL patvI, v3a TC0os -vo'ctLV avpoSracrov rEXEL a(VoTV. NOTES. 81 The " tribute" given was one citizen every year. See Class. Dictionary, articles " Sphynx,' " (Edipus," etc. 40.-KpaToTrov rractv, First in all vir'tues. Oi8'Tov Kapa, a circumlocution for " (Edipus" simply. See Antig. 1 42. — rov for TLVo. - 44, 45.-As Isee trhat especially the events of experienceld counsel are alive. By this they mean, That experienced counsellors are not apt to be mistaken. 46. —' for It, imperative of E Lt, as from iat. 48. —r-s rapos 7wpo3v/la%, By reasonz of your former zeal, i. e., in interproting the riddle of the Sphynx. They then go on to say that they do not want to be reminded of his government as of one that began under fair auspices, but was at length overrun with calainity. They thus provolke him to zeal for the honour (f his good namle. 52.,-pv9.0 aolit, W'ith good onwen. As omens were prin. cipally derived from birds, the word opvLw became used for " ollen." 56.-ovrrE 7TVp7Yo OVTE va;S, N~either the fortresses of the aC'?rnzy qzor the bzlwarvs of the navy are worth aught when devoid of men. 58. — vo-r, K0o'C /yv~rca, a tautology frecquent in the poets. Compare Soph. Elect. q'gs, ov'8 8vsXEpr'/, and Aj. 289, caKXr7To, OVrTE KX7qE&lS. An example is also'seen in the New Testamlent-John xx. 27, tI y7lov aTLTroS, JaXXa GO, 61.-,W cyw —E'Icrov, As nutch a(is I 63. —/ovov ica,' aVorv, KOEV&' aXXov. For this mode of expression, see above, note on line 58. 67. —=XaXvos (mase.) for the more common wX~avats (fem.). See Phil. 759, and (Ed. Col. 1114. These mental exercises had probably been undergone in seeking the causes of the calamity. 70.-yakfl3piv. This word, derived from y4/aos, signifies 4 82 NOTES, any one connected by marriage. HIV#LKa oft/3ov S'9 /ta', that is, The temple at Delphi. The epithet, "Pythian," is given to Apollo (and to his temples). because he slew the serpent Python near Delphi. 73, 74.-Literally, The day mzeasured with the time grdieves mze, as to what is the matter. That is, I am troubled (when I see that he has been absent the full time allotted for the duty,) lest some mishap may have occurred. 74, 75. —Ite is absent mnore than the suitable tinze, beyond what is natural. That is, He is absent longer than is necessary to go and return; and, even allowing some time for stoppages, he has remained away more time than is attributable to such a cause. 78.-EcS KaXo~v, that is, Kau&,. - oLIe, These, i. e., the youth near him. 80. —r,. Some would emend by writing ems, but it seems with a desire more to make an elegant construction than to preserve the more genuine text. r? is used as rTLw. See JEsch. S. Th. 474. -et yap, the same as cLE,i, TiozuttlCl thCat. 82. -ELcao-a. co-r7 is understood. -- i8s-ESor'r is here also understood, viz., Hie is p2leeasing,' i. e., he brings pleasing news. 83.-It was the custom for those, who returned from the oracle with a favorable answer, to wear garlands of laurel on their head. GComp. Aristoph. P1. 21. The laurel was sacred to Apollo (Class. Diet., article " Daphne"). 84. —-lkzerpos. Kr.TX., For lhe is near enoug'h to hear uts. Literally, Folr he is qneasurzed (frSom zus) so as to heasr. 85. —Kj8$EV/a and yapt3po's are synonymes. (Comp. line 70.) Creon is termed ava4, not " king," but "chieftain."' NOTES. 83 87, 88. — Good news. For I declare that eten reg'arding dificult circumstances'if they find a rigAt issze, all would be well. This sentence is obscure purposely as Creon did not wish to disclose the whole truth at once. 90 -— r YE vvv XvSy, With your words just utte~red. (Edipus says that Creon's words were so obscure, they neither encouraged nor discouraged him. 97. —~1tacrua, Polluted person; the abstract for the concrete. 101.0 L- aula XELCUaov, accusative absolute. The accusative absolute has a pronominal subject generally. Preceded by as, however, a substantive subject is common in the Attic writers. 105.-E-e(rE8V yE. The -yE renders Ec1-EG$ov emphatic as antithetical to a'ov'xv. 108.-7.wo- 7yrs; Where in the wold? 110. —The sozught is seized, but the neg'lected escapes; a metaphor taken from the chase. 1 14. —wEhpops is the term used for a consulter of an oracle; literally, " a spectator." l15. —J7rerkar&/, used in the middle sense, le vwent. 1 6.-vj7rrpacrKrop, Companion. 117.-Xvpro-ar' al,, Migfht have used, as testimony. I 19.V-o8Ev EX;', Was not able. 120. —r Oroiov, not:What, but What lind of a circumstance is this he remembers. 1'21.-a-pXyv /paXEaav iXr$6os, A small beginning of hop2e, i. e., a small beginning which shall excite hope of more. 122.-ofh!uz 5piu/, Not with one strength, i. e., not with the strength of one. There were many robbers, not a single man. Notice here how true to nature is the exaggeration of this cowardly attendant, who magnifies the solitary (Edipus to a band of robbers. 84 NOTES. 125. —v39Ev3', Iizencen; i. e'., from this city (Thebes). - -— s Tr0E TOSl, To this pitch oj' audacity. CEdipus here hints at Creon himself, who might have slain Laius to obtain the crown, being apparently the next claimant. 130. —7ro0LKXo il, cliddle-siizging. - ra wrpo 7roro-l, Things present. -- Taavri, Things absent, i. e., matters touching the death of Laius. 134. — 7rtrTpo0iv, Car'e. 136. —TrtopoUvra K.T.X. The land needed avenging for the death of its king, and the god (Apollo) needed avenging, because the death of Laius was an insult to himn Laius having been on his road to Apollo's shrine when lie met his death. 137. —rJv 7rorTEpW C(XLov; the citizens in general. 138. — arocrKE83, an Attic form of the future a&roe1-Kc3c-tW. 143. —acrracre, as &vo —rao-'E, Arise. 144.-Ka8,uov Xaov, elegantly for "the inhabitants of Thebes." See note on line I. 145.-J - rav Eo0VU 8procvro), For I shallG Cdo all in n7zy power. 146.-The &vv rE3 3e, By God's hel2p, belongs only to the Ej3VXe7s, not to the,-EwTTOrKOrTES. Comp. Eur. iled. 625. 798. CEdipus here leaves the stage for the time. 147.-o-T7jrEo-rra. The form in ecr3a is common with thle poets. 148.-a 2CyykXraL, for gayyzy&klX. See Soph. Elec. 9N3. 150. —The ical introdcles not a distinct but an explanatory epithet, viz., our' saviour as a stopyer of the pl2aguze. 151. —The Clhorus is composed of Theban elders assembled by order of (Edipus. See line 144. a3vErjs —ras-E-' ag, Doric forms for'8VE7'1r3-T7-S'/q. The tragic writers use the Doric dialect in the Chorus. NOTES. 85 15Q.-rri roXvyjJ~Scrcv HCvJ~vcfyvo Xas c 3ay ~6aa; Hfast thozl come from, golden. ~ zDelp-2,i to ilzlustrious Thzebes? Delphi is called golden from the quantity of valuable offerings there deposited. For IHIvS.3vos, see note on line 70. The Chorus know an oracle has arrived, but do not know its purport. Hence their question, Tls 7rore K.iz.X. The oracle is called Jove's, because even Apollo's prophetic power was said to be derived from Jove. l53.- Ecl'eTaat, perf. pass. of'KTlv, I a anxious; or literally, I acn on the st'etcl.-o —-- 3pav for wrEp[o/3ov. So in English we use "fearful" in both senses, subjective and objective, as "I am ft[aqful of that monster," and "I shrink from that fea2ful monster." 154. —Apollo was called'I'ico from io/tat (to heal), AXLoS from1 A~Xos (the island), and Halcsv from iravw (to calm, i. c., diseases). i55.-Ud/-'os, r l understood with ud/cL frol, ReveriSng thirTe cqafairs. - vfov, adverbially, 2Now. 1 56.-rrdXJ, fe.reafte r. 158.-The oracular response is styled the "child of Hope," because it is witlh heope of its favorable character that the oracle is sought. 159.-KoEKXCoo&V agrees with /Iot in line 163. 161, 162.- "Aprepuv and (lPot3ov with their adjectives are in the accusative, because'Aacva is the only deity as yet directly addressed. Understand, therefore, Trv o-mv with "ApTrEuv, thus, nvokinTg thee, 0 Zlin'erva, etc. etc., ccand thy eartth-encircling- sister Diaczca, etc. etc., and the fca-dclcrting A2)polo. Then 7rpoa'vrTEr appears in the 2d person plural, all three being addressed. 161. —-EctXEa is supposed by some to be a nominative for CEKXELa, (as Diana was called by the Boeotians). I 86 NOTES. would prefer considering it the accusative, agreeing with 4povov. 164.-7rporEpa raTas opvvLdEvas. Genitive absolute (which I would consider a genitive governed by a suppressed preposition). --- Vrp for VTrepavw, the adverb. 165. —7roXt, that is, In the city. 166.-mvfvcrar' KroTrlaV K.r.X., Ye achieved [this, viz., the mzaking] the flame of tvoe banished. This is the literal method of filling out the expression, which is the same as, Ye b6aished the flame of woe. Reference is had to the Sphynx. 167. — r 7rot, an exclamation derived from an old nominiative 7ro'r, "' a god." Hence 0) 7r0roL, Ogods! 169. — /woI 7rpSora 3o-Tr&Xo, M2 whole eople. The E~to' is a possessive dative, as if C.Jo. -'(rToXo% from o-rAXO (to equip), is, 1st. Equipment; 2d. Army; 3d. Multitude or People. 170. —'vt for EGtr.-L. - povwr8og`y/Xos, (lit.) Spear of thought, i. e., "strength of mind." 172. —EKyova, Fruits. 173, 174. —Nor do wonmen inz childbiirth rise from, their woefulpains, i. e., they do not survive their labour. The method of explaining avEXovo-L with the genitive is to supply lavrSa l$, thus, "they do not raise them. selves from,' etc. 176.-J-7rep, neut. plural of rsormrp, used adverbially, Just as. 177. —Kp;'crvov, MIor'e fier-cely. 178.-c r7re'pov 3co, Taze evening good, i. e., the god of dark ness or gloom, Pluto. 180. —vmX&a generally bears an active signification, Unt p2ityinig; here it has the passive sense, Unpitied. 181.-The ground is called Savarqo76pos, as if the pestilence was caused by noxious vapours arising from the ground. NOTES. 87 183.- Ev3'. See note on line 27.-'r'- av-aZ' under stood. 184.-J-Krav 7rapa jO&pu/ov. Some would emend this read ing with Brunck thus, &VrTv vrapafnutov. I would rather follow those who retain the old reading and translate it, By the altar"'s beach. The altar is a refuge to the Thebans, as the beach to a shipwrecked mariner. 187.-The Prean was a solemnly-chanted prayer for deliverance. (See line 5.) The tones of the Pean are here interlmingled (0'/avXos) with the groans of the sufferers.- -- o'uavXos is from o/os (united), and avXAo, (Ca Jute). 158. — 9 -Va)rTEp hLdo, i. e.,'Ahava, before addressed. See line 159. 189. — Evra is the accusative from E&v+O, and agrees with aXKav. Help is personified and styled " fair-eyed," as being greatly desired. 193. -Turzq onc a backwa'rd cougrse. KaTa is understood before the accus. 3parl',uyLa, and 3os before the infinitive vamo-aL. 194. —rarpag ar7rovpov, From the bouncdaries of mny land. 1952 — 3adXawov'Ajckt7rptlas, i. e., the sea. See Classical Dictionary for " Amphitrite.' 197.-KXiv'8va, Boisterous sea. The Black Sea is referred to; Thrace bounded it on the southwest. 198. — rXEL, At its close. 200 — TOv for TOTrov, referring to "Apead J1aXEpov. Line 190. io-rparrav, Doric for ao-rpa7rrv. 201.-Kpcar- veovw, Wielding the polwer. 203.-Av'KEJ' ava:. Apollo (say some) is called the Lycian king, because worshipped with peculiar honours in Lycia. 206. —rpoOrra3'rTa, from irpoI-TrrrTt. 208.-a'IyXas, Splendours; poetically for " darts." 88 NOTES. 2 tO. —,r-a8' Errwvvjov yas, Suz2named flom this land. IiHe was called ~r/l~aros. i21.-dc'ov; a title of Bacchus, given him by Jupiter. whc() when aided by him in the war with the giants, cried out Ec vLE (well done, son!). Others derive it from the [Bacchanalian cry, Evo?. 215.-hri, Ag'ainst. -- &oV; see note on1 line 200. 216. —(dipus now re-enters, having heard the last words of the Chorus. - - $' aiTrcT K.ri.X., AnlCd ZVwhat things thou askest (if etc. etc.) thou mightest rcceive, namely, aid and reliefJ 219, 220. —tvo rov X6yov-rEvos rov 7rpaXJ&Eroi, i. e. I now have heard this story for the first time, and I was not living here when the murder was committed (referring to Laius). 221.2.-o-Vl'oov here signifies, "a guiding fact," to assist the search. 222.-Eis a'rovrs rEXW, I Cam enrolled Ca7on.g the citizens. TEXO) has this signification in Eurip. Bach. 822. 223.- Ta8,uco~L. See note on line 1. 227.-KEi IE'v o36eTraL K.T.X., EveCn if he fear9, secretly?emzoving,; the accusationt ca,g'ainst ~hinzseC i. e., even though, through fear of punishment, hlie would strive to remove firom himself, by stealth, the guilt which is really his. 229.-o-rTEpyEs, Sevzere. The student will notice that this 7rPCroeTaL is from'ri-aoXw, not from 7rEl9w. 231. —-av implies a contrary case. 232.-TrEX for TEXE-o), I shall g'ive; literally, "'I shall accomplish." 234.-a[r(To- vo7ros, Shalcll r'estr'ain his spcech. —-- X avTro,-L/(ras undclerstood.'235.-,e rTv8E, After these thiing's; a common expression of Sophocles for iETa raO Ta. NOTES. 89 236. —y/s sgrf is to be joined in translation withl TO:, in the 238th. line. 24O,-X vL/as3. X'pvlv is from XE'p (hanCbd), and vt'71 (tC zvashz), and signifies,' the lustral water," used to wash the hands at sacrifices. - The student will notice v(fo in its two senses, in lines 23'7 and 240. One sense arises frol the other. 241.' —,Eiv depends, as do v1'EpL, 7ro EoJ, ete., on 7rav83, line 236.- — tac-paTros. See lines 11 and 145, for the same method of construction. Of course, /a lua,. refers to the guilty person. 242. —ro HV,9hK0V 3EOV /lJCaV7,EoV, an uncommon form for rO voZ lIvhlov 3EOV!JCVT'rEOV. 244. —atovt, i. e., Apollo.- ~vSp' SavovrT, i. e., Laius. 248.-The order is, vLv datotpov,ca.Kc CEI-pIat ag KaKV ltov. yCV refers to royv 38pado'ra; 8copoov means, "without sharing in the usual custollls of life." 250. —uoV euvVCL8Tos. This reading is altered by Brunck and others -with strong protests against the version we have adopted.-(dipus had denounced fierce curses on the murderer; if he had desired to add, that he wished him cursed even though he should be found in his ((Edipus') house, cal would lhave appeared before ev Tros CEoLs OIoKOtLL. Moreover avToV would have been expressed with -a,9-Ev. Evidently, (Edipus, after cursing the murderer, calls for a curse on himself if he had screened the guilty; he does this to show clearly to the people his honesty of purpose. With these considerations we would conservatively hold fast to the common reading. 253; —roU &oh, i. e., Apollo. 254.-d-Koapwro@ KJ0h-%, WTil-thout fzuit and witfhout God. The land was oppressed with iamine, and showed no signs of divine protection. 90 NOT]ES. 255. —For, though the matter were not commanded by eaven, TO 7rpa~/kCa, i. e., the expiation of the murder of Laius. 26L. —KoLvo here (as in Soph. Antig. line 1,) is used for a3EXAo;. The meaning here is, " brothers of brothers would they have been to my offspring, had his line been prosperous," i. e., if he had had any children to survive him. For Jocasta, the widow of Laius, was now the wife of (Edipus. 263.-KELvov, though it may refer to Laius himself, (see CEd. Col. 1760-1763 for such a construction,) yet more probably refers to the pjrogeny of Laius; which progeny, as (Edipus thought, had not survived. This speech forcibly presents the ignorance of (Edipus regarding his own origin, and prepares the audience for greater surprise at the discovery that (Edipus is the son of the slain Laius. - E-vq'XaS', HIas lecaled violently. FIor other examples of this metaphor, see line 1300, and Soph. Ant., line 1347. 264. —v93' dv, Therefor'e, i. e., because I am, as it were, his heir, having his wife, his kingdom, etc. etc. The student will note how well-managed all this speech of (lEdipus is to move an audience. Hle speaks of Laius so tenderly, and likens him to a father, little aware that the dead monarch was his father, and that this very fact formed his own fierce accusation. 265.-. 7rL 71rVT' ao/otact, literally, I will come to all things, i. e., " I will try all methods." 267. —Tr Aa&3XaKeL[ -rat3o, IloXv&Wpov sE K.l-.., a peculiar construction for r^) Aa/a&oKov -rat3s, Ilohv3d8pov K.-.X., Ta- 7rate& for TOV 7ra3osg, A" Seeking to seize the 2perpetrator of the nmurz'der of the son of Labdacus, and Polydorus," etc. Labdacus was the father, Polydorus the grandfather, etc. etc. of Laius. 269. —raTa, the same referred to in line 252. that is, NOTES. 91 all acts of assistance in lthe search for the murderer. 271. —vdvLEat is to be repeated before -ra3as, or iather some kindred verb applicable to rat8as is to be substituted; as, for instance, av'etv. 272. — EX.9Yov, More deadly. 276. —S7rep p' JpaZov EXaflEs, As yozu have laid mne under curse (if I dclisobey). 2'78, 279.-But this question, " Who com1mzitted the deed?" was fbr Apollo, vwho sent (the oracular order) to acnswer. 282. —ra 8evTEpa, Tlhe next mnethod. ---- Tv8 refers to the plan of seeking a solution from Apollo. The whole line is, " I would sug22'est what appears to mne the zext mnethod (of procedz6ure) after this (plan of askizng Apollo, which yozt say is impq2'acticable). 284. —avaKTa is applied to Tiresias, as a title of respect due his prophetical character. See Classical Dictionary. The occurrence of a'va$ three times in this short speech of the Chorus is certainly a defect. 287.-Ev apyos', same as apyt..- oiie, Not even. 288.-Erd'vToS, Suggesting. - 8t7rXoo, poetically for 8o0. 289.-9av,/uaLerat, Is won2der'ed at. 290. —K-oi, Confused. He refers to the common reports of the death of Laius. Some translate Kioa, 1" senseless," or " silly;" but there was nothing either senseless or silly in those reports; they were conflicting and thus " confused," and the transition of meaning in KWcU' from 1" stopped up," (its original sense,) to " confused,': is readily seen. 293. —-rov o' goSr' ovtS opa, But zno one sees the mnan who beheld (the attack). 294.-8ELTats —e'pos, A pFarticle of fear (iln his nzatze). The nominative to E'XEL here must be O 8pWv, under 92 NOTES stood in the mind of the speaker, because (Edipus in answer says, W' 8pJvrt K.T.X., evidently referring to the words of the Chorus. 299,-pr:(EVI~ Ov, Is innate. 306. —avre'7reUerV, Sent back as anszwer. 303.-J- aSovres eV, Ascertaining corr'ectly. 310.- -3ov r ag, Withholding. 311.-The full expression would be t-qT' yaXXVv $38v tavTLKr/s, 1 T LV aV'XXrv jkavWTqK'S EXEL3 030v. 312.-fro-caL. The first and second occurrences of.froac have a different signification front the third. In the former, it is applied to the sufferers, in the latter to the plague. In the former it is "deliver," in the latter "remove." This may be explained by considering "to draw" the original meaning of the verb. Then in the first two instances we have "draw thyself," and "draw me," from the evil; and in the latter instance we have " draw the plague" from zs. 313.-rE9v.TE3KdroT, i. e., Laius. 314.-Ev ro-l ytp rO-Lv, _For we are in thee, i. e., our hopes of deliverance are placed in thee. Acts 17: 28. Eur. Ale. 279. 316.-TEXr XvEt, literally, Pays expenses, i. e., produce a profitable result-for Xvnr-Ie-E. 318.-8-('XEo-a, HTaveforgotten. 321. —&too-w, I will bear Pmy (burden). 323. —Trav' a7ro-rrepv cr/Tv, Dep2riving the city of this oracle. It is by such a translation that the use of aLrooT(rEpv with the accusative of the object withheld may be explained; Tr7v norAtv understood. 325. —tS oVV K.r.X.,'" In order, then, that I may not do the same, I am silent." The verb -7rda-Xw signifies, "to be in a condition;" as here the " condition" of aEdipus referred to, was that of speaking ino~pportunely; NOTES. 93 we translate arc.9o fitly by " do," a verb-representa. tive. (Edipus had spoken rather harshly to Tiresias (322), and here Tiresias answers rather abruptly. The Chorus then interposes with an humble and soothing petition. 329. —rT' for va /cta, and refers to the oracular words of Tiresias, the KaJa only belonging to ra oa. 331. —KaraqS.cEpa 6roAXv, by the continuance of the plague, which can only be stopped by banishing the murderer of Laius, and only through thee (Tiresias) can he be discovered. 333.-a-kd s, Rashly. o3- OV av 7rv'tot, You will not learn. 336. —ar'EyKroT KaEXEvrTros, Harcslh and unyielding. --- 4avJe, Attic for 4iav7j. 337. —rTv v se. VpyTv. Some suppose T jv a-v refers to aXoXov understood, that is; to Jocasta; but this interpretation is too harsh. 341.-The Typ refers to a sentence understood; thus, " There is no need of my saying these things,for" etc. etc. — av, as if cavrioara, Of its own accord. 342. —o3Kogv. This word comes to mean "therefore," in an assertion from being " (is it) not therefore" in interrogation, wlere the interrogation is one that enhances the affirmation. For example, " Is it'zot, therefore, a fact that Cesar conquered Gaul?" is equivalent to " It is, therefore, a fact that Csesar conquered Gaul." Here the "therefore" may be thus explained in its reference, " Since these things would (as you, say) come out of themselves, therefore," etc. etc. 344. —3vjov, imperative of 9Svo'w. 345. — O3py7 EXo, literally, Thus of anger I have, i. e., " so much anger I have," or, " I am so angry." 94 NOTES. 346. —'rSt yp 0oKJv, For now thou appearing; idiomatic for " know that thou appearest." 347.-oo-ov, As mnuch as (thou couldst). 348. —l 8' E'ryXaves /3Xe7rwO, And if thou hadst hadppened to have thy sight. 350. —aXakEs; a sarcastic question or exclamation. 351. — rep, by attraction in the same case as KTpVy/Mart. 355.-7rov, an enclitic, Perhaps., —-- cEVc-at, To fly, i. e., from punishment for this shameless speech. 356. —radX1es yap L rxvov'pe o. A noble saying —or I have truth (as mny) fortress. 359.-7roiov Xoyov, What speech (did I command you to utter)? 360. —" Did yozu not utnderstand mne at first, or do you tenz2pt mne to sl2eak (vzore at large)?" I have retained the old reading XIyetv, instead of altering it (with Brunclk) to Xyowv. 361. —(Edipus answers the former question of Tiresias. Tiresias says, " Did you not understand me at first?" UEdipus replies, " I did not.understand you so that I can say that the remark was perfectly intelligible." 362. —od refers to fovea, and is governed by KVpEiV. KVpELV governs the genitive often, probably because its original signification is " to happen," and therefore a /xera is required with the genitive, which utEr&a at length was dropped. 363.-ovr Xatpwv, sarcastically. 365.-o&Tov ye Xp-jessL (SpIoeak) as much as you zwish. The adverb /Mt7v is undoubtedly the accusative of TE1ar, (a failure,) with its KaTa understood. 366. —XeXrlSevat ouXkovrra. For the construction of Xavagdvo and a participle, see the Grammars. --- tkrTrOLS, Nearest relatives. The plural is here used for the singular, the mother of (Edipus being alone meant. We NOTES. 9O5 see this idiom in English. We may say to a friend: "I see you travel in steamboats," when we only are aware of his having been in one. Perhaps there is, in this manner of speech, the expression of our conviction that, though only one be known, it is very probable there are mzany of the objects, whatever they may be. 367. —L,' EG K aKOV, literally, Wheare of evil you ar'e, i. e., in what a state of misery you are. 368. —Let the student remark here how certain (Edipus must have felt that Tiresias was uttering falsehood, and therefore how natural in his violent language toward the old prophet. 369. —Eirep, (I do think so) if, etc. 372. —Ta'ra refers to blindness, physical and mental. 371. —T-_ v8E belongs to o.VELs. 37t4.-T-pEOcCLfT —-pcE, as in line 356 for E. ——. - VVKT0o; by this is meant his blindness. -— s E and ab'Xov are accusatives after f/SXiac. ---- cE understood is the accusative before. - - ps is Continual. 377.-E-K7rpaaLt, To p2unish. 380.- TXV"7 TX'v-q v3rcEp'Povoua, Art excellin, (any other) ar't. He probably refers to "the art of governing," though some would prefer referring it to "skill in interpretation," as shown in the matter of the Sphynx. 382.r-o'ao,% Hozo nmuch. - -vX-cro(rETat, Is stored. 385. —6 wTorra,, J pXA3s 4(hos. This is not said in irony, because (Edipus had actually believed him such. 386.- -7rEX,\v, a term taken from the games, where it was applied to the wrestler when he stole under his adversary to overthrow him. 387.-V-koyov, Sor ce'ere; a disparaging word. In later times, and among Orientals, it was an honorable term. See Matthew ii. 1. The word is Persian. B9t NOTES. 38S. — yyvprnv, Crozwd-collector, i. e., juggler or mountebank. 389.-SE'8opKE. The same idiom is seen in English, " He only looks to his own interest." 390.-brEr, For. 391. —pa~fps3. By this is meant the Sphynx, any monster being called Kvov as a generic name. 393. —i67rtO VT0s Jv3p, An2y?aC an hap2 eni7ng to be at hanZd..o uE'poS is understood. 395. —rpovc0vrls cEXwv 7yvTr0v, Appeared to know. 397.-p-u8Ev v dE8s, that is, Not pretending to be like thee, a prophet, but a plain man, ignorant of all such matters. 39S. —yvJp, subjective reasoning, as opposed to &r' OkWoV) kahc0v, objectively acquired knowledge. 402.- ryXarr-ELv governs ip& understood. 403.-E-yvos av ola,reyp povJEs, Thouzt shouldst havzce a vivitl senzse of the folly of thy thoug'hts; literally, Of what thou thinkest. 404. —EdiKdovo-L, Comp2ar'ing- (you' speech). 406.-r ToLoVM, Such angr'y zvords. - ro'se a-KorETL is the antithetical clause. 407.-X- v`op.v. The oracular response was, as i;t were, bozund, until its practical effect had resulted. To bring about this result was to loosent the oracle's reply. 40S.-i'w~oJEov, To be equalled, i. e., To be equally permitted (to me). This is the predicate; the rest of the sentence is the subject, &o-rr; being understood. 409.-Kpazr&, respecting Tiresias, is opposed to rvpavvsEt, respecting (Edipus. 410.- ov rt has the force of "not at all," Tt being, probably, the accusative governed by KaT7a. 4.1. —rpocrdrov. The,rpot-rrrar was the patron of for. cigners resident in a Grecian city. Tiresias here says, NOTES. 97 that, as he was Apollo's servant, he would not enrol himself as one of Creon's clients. HIe had higher help. 413. v EL KaoL'ov y' dr' uasrov. Supply from the preceding clause Xpqo-jV-,,&X&9cV. The olxe only accompanies this part of the parenthetical sentence; the last clause being an affirmation. 71 3.- ~EL. The indicative future is used in Greek where in Englishl we use the verb with " would;" The Greek, as it were, throws itself back into the past time, 110 NOTES. and then the future indicative becomes the natural tense. 715. —KaL rOv, And in the first place, as regards him, i. e., Laius. 716. — ovE.oUvot. The note on line 713 will explain this present. All languages have this idiom, viz., present for past. 717.-7rat35os 8E /3Xaor'i, In the second place, as reg'ard the birth. of the child; KarTa is to be supplied. o 8tEcXOV ijL patL pEt Kat vtV afpJpa KElVOS K.T.X,, 2Not thlree days intervened, and he having bound himn by the joints of his feet (i. e., his ancles). This use of "and" for "when," is to be noticed. ---- ara is to be supplied before apJpa. 720.-evra3a, Here, i. e., in this case. 725.-XpEtav lpEvva, Seeks the use. 726. —oLov agrees with \rXavr-qLa. 728. —ivroarpaOtds, IJiluenced. 729. —aKoo-at has /tE understood as the accus. before it. 730.-K.araoraays`. Here in English we would use the indicative. 731.-X- tavrT' eX. This use of Etyv with the participle, has been noticed before (see lines 699, 701). It is here equivalent to the 1st aor. ind. 3 pers. sing. of the participle's parent-verb. 732. —ra'So refers to the death of Laius. 734. —AEXOCv. Supply a-ro before. 735.-i-$EXqrXvJ,;% Elapsed. Literally, "gone forth." 736. —crXE3ov L, fJust. Literally, " something near." 738. —OEdipus, full of the circumstance of the murder, and with a conviction of the truth flashing across his mind, exclaims, (as if forgetful that Jocasta as yet knew nothing of the fact,) " What hast thou determined to do fbsr me? "-or it may be addressed to Jupiter. Cotmpeare lile 1198. NOTES. 111 740.-,- t m/ro' / poCra, -Do zot as/c m72e yet. OEdipus hopes that his surmises may be wrong-that he may have made too hasty a conclusion that the murder he committed was the murder of Laius, and therefore asks for further particulars, before he condemns himself.,rJ-tv, Al2Fear'ance oJ bocly. 742. —Xvoa'cOv "apTL XcEvKav&e Kapa, literally, Blooming ias to his clately-whitented head. 745. — rpo/3aXwov oVrK eE'vat. Translate as if the. verbs interchanged their words; thus. I" To have unwittingly exposed," etc. 747.-XAEiro)v like a&X3i~, for what is true sees, as what is false is blind. 750.-Pact%, With a small combplany. 757. —ravvv, formed from -ca and vvv, and requiring a preposition to be supplied, becomes, as here, simply an adverb, "now. " 761.-J-ypo5i', that is, fTl aypoiv. 764.-7~o-c Kal IVE(oW4 Xdptv, Even a ggreater' faCvour' than this. 766. —vaic c-rtv, he is present, i. e., he is near enough to be brought before you soon. --- — crae, Dost thozu desire. 767. —8E3,LK' i.UavrTv simply, Ifear. 769. —i'Erat, governed by o 8oviXo understood. 770. —vo'6pws exovra, as if "vor6opa ov7-a. 771. —rTEpyl-9S. Supply -rov 4ta9lv from the preceding sentence. The hopes (fCrd3wo) of CEdipus had refer ence to the information, that the servant (who had been sent for) would bring. -- - Ei -ro-ovTrov EXr/t&w To suc a degr'ee of expectatio,.. 776 —EKE, Thzee, in Corinth. - -— r'x, Event. This refers to the suspicions against his birth. See what follows. 778. —orwov8s, Anxiety. 112 NOTES. 780. —rap' o'ev is not superfluous, but refers to the exact tine of,caxE, viz., I his culpS. 781. —r71v'tI' o'v-av f/,pav, FJor that clay. We, in English, have the similar phrase,' For the time being,"; e. g., "t That was a good method for the time. being'; but," etc. 782. —:" and /lov is governed by an understood preposition. $09. — Xor, KxCVTpOcrt,' literally, " WithL double staves:" NOTES. 113 a Greek idiolmatic expression for " aith two blows of his staff." 810.-oV to0-7v =!JczEova.'T1/LOp'Lav is understood. 814.-If any'eclationshil sublsists between this str'anger and Laius. 815. —ro93e av poS- -=E-o. 81 7. —, Whrejeeore. 822 —ap' E&vV KaKOS. This question has no negative. The next has. I would paraphrase it thus: " Ai2 I thCen a sinfuzl mzortal? Nay, rCather, cam I Tzot inz every r'espect imp,?u)re?" 823. —The C' fuE Xp' refers to CEdipus considered as a Corinthian; the' ya/oLs /E &Ec in line 825, refers to him in the alternative of returning to Corinth. 828. — r' dWov raZra 8auovo's. Supply EJvat in construction after vravTa.- -is KpLVov governs avopoG. —--- avSpc Tr8E. See note on line 815. 833. —rot0V8E KqX.8a tv/oop&s. We have the same form in English, viz., Such a disg'race of a caClamity. More evident in this instance, " Such a monster of a man," for "Such a disgraceful calamity,' and " Such a monstrous llman." 835. —vrpos Trov irapdvroIs, Fromn zhimz _present, i. e., the servant who had been sumlmoned. 836. —D roe'r-ov's itr[8OS. In such constructions supply uapos. -- The whole of line 837 is in apposition with TOOCOVTOV. 838. — reaoyxetvov. Supply poorxpos; — and with 7rpov/zLa supply rov. 84l1.-7repLcr o-v, Particular = more noticeable than the rest. 842.-avrov is accus. before EVV/E'TELY, and refers to fporTpa. X.o-a.s;vSpas is governed by 7rep[ understood, while oTrot, as referring to Xoarrs, must be supplied 5* 114 NOTES. as nomn. to KaTarEKTELvEtav. For a similar formn, see Eurip. Hec. 976, Elre uot rovy 1okX8Copov et Ci. 844.-Supply Aatov after hKTaVOV. 845.-For one cozuld not be equal (in his sight) to the many (who thou sayest, and lhe would have said lwe' e with the murderer.) 847. —i'o-Lv fpe7o,, as if pE7rEL. It may be here rendered, Belong's. 848. -ravTv TroV7oS-. Supply E7vat as a connective between these words. See last note. 853.-op3ov, Rtight, = in accordance with the oracle. 855.-vtv refers to Laius, KEvY61S 8VSoT-VO to his son (supposed by Jocasta to be dead). 857. —uctvrTEas, governed by o'vEcKa, which is poet. used for -vKca. 1 -re here, and 728E in line 858, refer to the two reports,-lst. That his son slew Laius. 2d. That CEdipus slew him. She could not believe the former, because the son died (she thought) before the father; she could not believe the latter, because the oracle had said his son should. She was thus thrown into doubt. 859. —rov marks a par'ticular person (viz., the servant referred to); Ltva means "' some one" indefinitely. 862. —Wv, in the gen. by attraction to the understood Trovr1. 863. —E', Would that. The conjunction E' is the 3d pers. sing. subj. pres. of Eil~, usually written. This explains its different renderings, as E'(cav) rvrr7, "If he strike," i. e., " Be it he strikes;"-and EL' /ooL eVVEL' pkocpa, " VWTould that prosperity might be to me," i. e., " Be it prosperity might be to me." So in English. ". If," (anciently "gif,") is the imperative of "gifan,i' the Anglo-Saxon verb "to give," so that it is correct to say, "If I may be happy," without understanding, NOTES. 1 15 "I shall be glad," or any other apodosis; the ex pression being merely a wish or prayer,. viz., " Give (grant) I may be happy." 864.-[-oipa. This sentence, which literally is, "Would that the lot might be to me bearing a reverential sanctity," may more freely be rendered, " Would that mine were the lot to bear," etc. This is preferable to rendering /uopa by "good fortune," as some do. 365. —,rpKELvraL, simply "Are."-. v refers to XAyoWv Ep. y(OV TE. 867.-Wyv here refers to vOlet. 868.-vvL is here for''VroV, (laws). We see vtv thus used for avra in the Electra, line 624, and for aVTroV in Pind. Nem. 4, 5. 870. -X ah, Doric for XA'Sq. 873. — rpavvov seems to have a worse meaning than "monarch." It means " tyrant," as we use the term. 874.-Insolence, if it befoolishlyyfilled with zanzy things, which aqre neither ajppropriate nor 6eneficial, havizng nozunted thle topmost preci2pice, rushes to ruin, where it m2cay not use a zuseful foot (i. e., whence it may not extricate itself). 879. —7rawtxo-!a, Thie endeavour, i. e., to find out the murderer of Laius. The Chorus seems to think Jocasta wished to stop inquiry and therefore inveighs against her, though in an indirect way. 883. —mrwpowrTa, neut. plur. of vrreporro, used adverbially. 887. —'XoLro K.T.X., 11/lay mnisfortune seize him. 888. —Xapv is called a preposition. It is really the unaltered accus. of Xaopt, and governed by 7rpos, which is sometimes expressed, as for instance Soph. Antig. line 30, 7rp3 X.pav [fopas, "For the sahe of (i. e., love of) prey." 889. -Ed'. / goes with Kepsavw and Eprpat, but is 116 NOTES. separated fronm Erat by I. It should not, therefore, be joined in translation with c, viz., "unless," but left separate, viz.,'" if-not." 89 L. — E'-_rLat fJaTCoV, Willffoolishly grasp. 892. — VT/at mncan ever yet amnid suc/b scenes would refr'ain in his indignation from repelliag these attacks of the soul? I render this sentence very differently from other commentators. The order I have observed, appears more natural to ly thinking, than the varied renderings of Triclinius, Brunck, etc. The Chorus, in this way, defends its conduct in blaming Jocasta. It says that no one could help venting indignation. The Chorus calls this high-handed impiety fXi-q ivXas, " soul-darts;" or, as I have above rendered it, " attacks of the soul;" for they were purely onsets of the soul agCaizst thizgs divize. 896. — XopevEv, JDance as a chorzus. 897.-cw t, used like a future. 898.-'y&s 1,0akov, that is, Delphi, which was considered the earth's centre. 899.-'Aawo-t. Abre was a place in Phocis where Apollo had a temple, older than that at Delphi. 901.-XELtp8ELKTa, the events designated by the oracle. 902.-&p/o'r-e, Shzalljfit the prophecy, i. e., result in accordance with it. 905.-O1vovTa, YDecayed in public estimation. 908. —lCat'povrat, They set aside. 911. —oa LotL -rapeorradSm, as if "o* eol. 913.-EwrSvlzta'ara, salme as 3vpalaLara. 914. - oV &6'pet hvov, Lifts his?ind onz higdh, i. c., is mentally bewildered. 915,-7ravrot-avw refers to the death of Laius, the unfortunate marriage, the anticipated banishment, etc., all which oppressed his mind. NOTES. 117 916. —o83 ra,'rav being th vocative of RE'~ (companion), with v affixed. 1146G. —oK EIt o'Xepov; supply 7reeL. 1147.-7- (ra, i. e.) Ta, Gra v". 1150.-(Thou doest wrong, because) thou dost not say, etc. 1151. —XXmws rovcw,i He labours otherwise (than he su2pposes), i. e., he labours in vain. 1152.-rpog Xaptv, With good will. —-- KXaLv 8' pEts implies that (Edipus would use force in order to make the servant give his testimony. 1153.-This line is spoken deprecatingly. 1154. — a7rorppeaEl, Bend back, in order to bind them. 1155.-o- n'rr vos, aLVTLr Tro. Supply KoXao/atL. - - — or — voa is the epithet he applies to himself, not to U(dipus. o-'oV for T'rvo.. -- Tt 7rpooxpjnov. Supply J. 1158.-E13 o38E, i. e., i it oX&aro. u- Ae Xyov, If t hou dost not speak. -- TOVV8KOV = iTO' "LKOV, The t'uth. 1159.-M-]uc]h rather (say) IZperish, if I do speak (the truthi). 1160. —ZX, Forces (the matter). 1162. —odKtov. Supply TrKVOV Yv. 1163.-i'yoye. Supply XEyo and so-r EKvoV d'vat, I assure thee the child was not mine. ---- roy, i. e., rrap rvo. 1166. —'XoXas. The past sense is used as the future in English also, as " You're a dead man if you stir." 1 169. —rp5o avrwi K.ik.X, I am now where I have to say the. very worst. NOTES. 127 11 70. —-K ywy' aKOm1ELV. Supply 7rp h avro y' Edt 8CtELVG aKOVrTEov, SC. rO 8Etvov. 1171. —This is an answer to the question of (Edipus in line 1168.- -cKEvov, i. e., Laius. 1172.-KadXXtara should be considered as qualifying E lrOL, and not yvvi;, viz., Thy wife withign could tell best how these things are. 1173.-Understand O\ rTEKvov after &BCTovw. 1174. — uirpbs Ad XpetaS, literally, " As for what of use," i. e., With what design did she do so. 1175. —rEKovaa zTXkLcoV; What! the wretched mzother did so? 1176.-vtv is accus. before, and Tos'3TEKOVTra accus. after KTEVEZV. His "parents" (plural) are spoken of, though only one was actually slain by (Edipus. The mother suffered, however, and hence is included. Others say it is the figure, syllepsis. 1177.-The Scholiast here remarks, " It must be remembered that CEdipus had sent for the old man to ask him concerning the murder of Laius, but when a more important question presented itself, he (CEdipus) the rather investigated that." 1178.-KarotLKTro'a. Supply To T'EKVOV. ---- U —S= E3. 1180. —KaK' Es Eyto-Yra, For the greatest woes. - ovTro here and OVTOg in the next line refer to different persons, the former to "the child," the latter to " the messenger." Perhaps we might call this a fault in Sophocles. 1181. ao 7Ey o-S, - wEt 7E7yaK- = YoSt vrapxwv, a Greek idiomatic expression for IKnow that thouc art. 1182.-This line expresses a wish, not a fact. Hence the optative. 183.-(Edclipus, as about to blind himself, makes this affecting address to the light. 128 NOTES. 1186.-The Chorus, contrasting the height of the glory of (Edipus with his present woe, declares its contempt for all things human. ~,87 -The order is, /s'vaptLS vts ~affraS Ka' r5 pEqSv to-a. Literally, "How I reckon you living men and nothing equal things!" i. e, Hlow completely vanity ye zortals are! t1190. —TrEXov Tas; EVsaLqJovLagl, Mlore hap2piness. [191. —Than so much, as to appear (somethilng). 1194. — aLtov va, Fortune. 1196. —A beautiful figure. Havi?,ng specd thine arrow:o the loftiest flight. 1197.-Possessed the all of happiness. 1198.,-yatWvvuXa. This refers to the Sphynx, who had the head of a girl, the body of a dog, the wings of a bird, the voice of a man, and the claws of a lion. 1200.-7r'pyo;, A tower of safety.- Samcdrov = Jvrl 9Savvamrv. 1201. -c ov. Supply Xpovov. 1202.-Tra /wyL-ra, sc. KaTa, i. e., Wit it the highest hoq~OgTb'S. 1204. —a3XucrEpoS aKovErL. The same sort of construction with the Latin " mirabile dictu."' 1205. —" Who, in toils and wild misfortunes, has equal share with you in life's vicissitude?" 1208.-The order is,. p,, TraL8 KaLt pL 7rap' SaXatLuTOX, 7TEOEL' irUTs O-I yas XLkq v 4pxcOEC. By e.'yas Xtpflv is nleant Jocasta. 1211. —aXOKES, though plural, has the singular signification of ": marriage-bed." 1212. —i roYovS0E, SC. XPoVCV. 1214. —&LKaeL, "judges," i. e., Condezmns. a- yapov ya1ttov, lifaririage,whic/h is rio gnar'iage, to wit, the mwother and the offsp ring. NOTES. 129 1220.-These last three lines are a recognition of (Edipus' services in solving the riddle, etc. 1223.-The "exangelus," or " extraordinary messenger,' enters here to relate the death of Jocasta and the self blinding of (Edipus, events that could better be told than be enacted on the stage. ---— /e'ytTa and mp-to/pevot are to be rendered together. 1225.-E-yyEvE, A.s relatives. 1227. —The Ister is now the Danube, and the Phasis is the Fasz-Rione. Both enter the Black Sea, one on the western side and the other on the eastern. 1228. —o'a is accus. after KEVSEct, and v ao-TEy is the nominative understood. Supply KaTa before o'ca. 1230.-E-KoTva, KOVx aKOVTa. An assertion of the positive accompanied by a denial of the negative, in order to strengthen the expression. This is often found in the Greeks poets. The evils were &KovTa, as both Jocasta and (Edlipus acted voluntarily. l231.-The order is, &r (EKebvat) TRev 7rylovwv, at'v ~av vL2r' avatlpErot,,kaXorwa XvwrovrL. 1232. —There is nothing wanting in the woes we have already experienced,.whereby they may 6e deplorable. Literally, " There is not wanting in what we before knew, (any thing) as to the not being deplorable."Read o3e as oc3~v, and supply KaTa before so j or papvcTov' Evat. 1235. —TaXt'r7o, se. Xkyos. Before ETreZv understand /,' and before /La3etv understand iptas. As the verb of a XUTcrTo supply o-rT. Thus T7eV]Ke 3GOV'IOKaC'-TrTS Kapa iS the predicate. 1237.-wavTj, SC. Tvre3V