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L 171k.I '' (. * Py Last Farervwll",\ WRITEN BY JOSE RIZAL, THE FILIPINO PATRIOT, SHORTLY BEFORE HIS EXECUTION DECEMBER 30, 89 Farewll, dear fatherland, clime of the sun caess'd, Lthe o draw it vapors up to the sky Pear of the Orient ses, our Eden lost; And heavi w in puriy bear my tardy protest; Gladly now I go to give thee this faded life's best, Let some kind soul o'er my untimely fate cry, And were it brighter, fresher or more blest And in the still evening a prayer be lited on high, Still would I e i it thee nor cout the cost. Fr thee, 0 my coutry, that in God I may rest. On the field of batte, 'idst the frenzy of fight, Pray for all thos that haplss have died, Others have given teir lives without doubt or heed; For all who have suffred the unmeasurd pan; The place mattrs not-cyprs or laurel or lily white. For our mothers that biterly teir we hae cried, Scaffold or open plin, cm- For widows and orphans, for hbat or nmayrtyrndom's ptlight, captives by torture tried 'Tis ever the samre, toe Ate KM A d = = |nd ltthen foryse that reour om e and for~tg's thy | |.*".* ouri home 1and country ~ 's Bdempton thou may'st igain. And when the dark night I die just when I see the daw w r a p s t h e grave break Through the gloom of night, With only te dead in the i to herald te day vigil t see And if color is lacking my Bre not my repose or the blood thou shalt tke, mystery profound, Pour'd out at need for thy Ad perchan e thou may' st dear sake, hear a sad hymn resound To dye with its crim n thy 'Ti's 1 0lt my co utry, ran h waking ray. EXECUTION OF RIZAL, FROM AN ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPH a song unto thee. Myrm whn life fit eevents which quicklmy followed it in Philippine history, was w ritteS e drea wen i fe r or Blacwoo's Magazine by Sir Hugh Clif ford, latr o ern or oI Whn my ve is openedj to mrte,, e, cxeylon: Q menred no lmore, rLMy dreams, when he hopes "It early morning, December 3, 896, a the borigt Unmark'd by never a cross of youth beat high, sunshinr e o th e tropics stretaed down fuon the poln space, or a stone From gloom and fef, from d, in e of selancholy, il thlr ganlg ess cz: l ye at th That my ashes may carpet care and t so w fr, final scene in he life of their gret fcountrym n-fle man s iho hid thy iearthly floor, No blush on thy brow, no daared o claipion their cauasea, t tn fell Ihe world th tory Before into nothingness at tearinthi~e eye. licic, miieares-; the oitierr was blithe of air, guy with (h unifor I t ar of ofiersccadthe broigt dresses of lpaish lhade e men jestingr ihalkerehiey s ani elaplping palms, all alike triuphing openlyt. and burning de sitre, r Tuiiing away, asii at heart, from the conterplation of tlhis e t i bitter tragedy, it is wilh a thrill of alriost -vidietive satisfactionn no cadre, ll hal! ces the s tht one remienliirs t(ait less thay eighteen months later os now to take fihth iy 1l(ta ehl aed zf choedionce. ro te Sld of ightier ll Id wl psilloe All hail1 And sweet it 'is for te roar of lthe geat gllna will which the baltle of aniia Bl With color and light, with i To die for thy sake a tllf l:thou "An if the morleni t of hl last supreme agony tlie pwer ihrobbing and cleansed in ma yat aspire; Ito proli (le fituare had bieen vouchsafedl Jose Rizal, wouild hle noti thy space arnd air, eternits long ight was very Isooni to rtransf ier 1 e ito Suc hifek 'Dg I keep If over my grave some day oisst grow My fathe d ad d, that sness to mhy asorrow lnds In the grassy sod, a humble flower, iBeloved Flipinas, hear now my last goodbye, Draw it to thy lips and kiss my soul so, I give thee all. parents and kiodred and friends; That mayr feel on my brow in the cold tomb below I goa wher no slave before the oppressor beads, The touch of Athy ttenderness, th b reath's warm flowerg Where faith can never kill, ad God reigns e'er mon high, Let the mooI beam over me soft and serene, Farewell to you Iall, from my1 sul to away, Let the dwn shed ver me its radiant flash Friends of my childhood in the hone dispossessed!t Let the wind with sad lament over me keen; Give thanks that I rest from the wearisome day! And sif on my cross a bird should be seen, Farewell toi thee, too, sweet friend that lightened my way; Let it thrill there its hymn of peace to my ashes Beloved creatures all, farewell! In death there is rest! Let it ~;;~ e i~ b of p~ce to my etpmres all, fhe Ain immortal Poem The Philippine Islands have turned out man briliant a was an unusually successful physician, a nove and ab1e mn who hae nselhly given of the et t, sulpt artis and engineerl His priate life w o of their genilus for their country. clean, wholesome and unselfish. Filipino soldiers hae goriouly sacriiced theirt lives t is none of thse we that k him the t on batteilelds. Filipino wters have contributed sublime figure the Orient has produced We must counltless documents in the interest of the nationai ex ine his character yet farther for the answer i tdeala Fpo a m hs Rizal saw erael injustices inficted upon his people pinnei the greast cause in legislai ls ad f ut he did nt k to incite his e to armed public platforms. re did not to in cte people to Spa for reforms American frients too, from Senator Hoa antd Bryan * t t wth to Jones and Harrison, have done their utnst, Meanwhile the Filipino people themselves havemain- a heart filled onilywith grief and sadness at the thiought of the deadly r blight of onfession that Igg se lidavilY taed a highly a in the lnand of his borth Washington Whieh has left no stone unturihl ed ints th l zeal to reach the cherished goal, Not in his unsnrpassel physical and moral courage, All have conscientiouly d eir st et not t n and of s all of these forces combined have scceee in makng r tr greatness ordering on the div i so indelibhe an impression upon the erian mind as Therein is found the spark that Ignite the sympathy a single poe "-My Last Farewell" of those ho stdy the li. fe of the Filino martyr 1 That poem coeled with the story of the n mnutel sad life of its author, is doing more inward awakening There, and in his willigns to give his life, not with t conscience of America, and wininlg its appreciation hravado but mi a spirit 3of ecstasy which is best ox-g of the capabilities of the Filipino race, than all the other pressed by Rizal himself in the final message to his agencies enumerated put together. country penned inl the dark an.d gloomy prison cell thing in man that responds to a poem such as we refer ~ to the parting mmesge of atnblei andl s ne xsihee t f erd patriot who is about to give fn r r o eomL ALd.t brl st fifipi -Jose Ril, the twen |y-n th anniversar of All hail Icres the soul that i not take fll ht; n very large city in the United Sttes, To die for thy sake that tou may'st asire " a wt;____ '_ t_ __e_ THE PHILIPPINE REPUBLIC Page 5 Lt.'s Have It The unveiling rieeetly in Washington of a thetgoveren and its retsran. Time ast of tail; whir Ia tw n rmine at wand n eit r as any opor bust of Rizal which is to remai n at thz&le oaees:~;~;:~.,:~:;~~~; tuity lost in this mes itoriao s ork. Stales' of the Ph8 fa ag srils to man and organ rat th soe m he e the thought that the p api ot thof hpined with the force and logi of his argohiam Id roseiht the Amenitan go emriine:nt "ith menth a perfect knowledge of the laws ann a0~8E ofe-size stateh o~ e aiipno a 11 owiefim Mtain of the Filpine Patriot; to be the policy of the pain of his tin. Nobody pinerl I aidso ebark n athor simtable 1'rre mm,ls was as well proare as he to manage the the spitl of the nlaton reins of gove Inmeft in an i raondent Phil The Polted States i proud to have the in He ood v n at la it Philippine islan s, em'bracing a na tion of bt adviser. 12;0f555(S people,; rcmaiat nas her wardil and RsIi a o the other hand witi he real tom would. we foel soure be equally proud to honor beriamlt oa at wrt r 'dwith a greater pophe cuiltural backgroan a better andrstadg:*n-~~~~ M of all the a sps srondig the probnem of 1e N84, C64 miS his roae, dedicated himself to searching in the he new Congress may anot and in all librareos an ms us o conlu s ron hUman probability w il not, pass any pro ofa ivilization Unjustly tdepreiat, vndiindependene legislo n ati ed its art and its literature. its si ne a H 0owever disao pninting, Fiipinos shotuld its history, and portraye d -with his marvelons not be disecaura d ' They oan make no m pen the glory and the beauty of his tascnioting take in cnatining teir fall and amplete nd There was greater passion a hi writ confidense In the proinseof the oUited ua more intense ationlis in hsB tendon' Statls. cid, greater amrpltude and depth i i ni The aspiratlons of the Filipino people will yesnigations In a rtilces and paomn let as be fulfilled, not w en they are readyor they we61 as in books and naOelS he always reare redy neow-but when the Amoriean people Vealed bigs love for the subisme enterprises can be convinced they are ready. MARCELO DEL PLAR h n's higher spirit rises ave he One consolation is that in the meantime atmosphere of mediocrity and surrounds with they will continue under, fying side by ide briltiance and spleudocr everything that It with their own, the flag of the best intentioned B"y TEODORO. KALAW tonuchs. and most altrluisti naition on earth, the pe*ple Executive Se iiary and Chief Adisers at the D nestiny, Ii dcreeing their death betore of which entertain none but the best of good oPhilitpine Co:ttmibnat of e th res o reol had ed throughout he will toward te people of the Philippies. 'The to greatest ilipinos of our pre revos Arclmieelago, made them inoa 'Their Alastiary Nera were Jose al and ork had been e omthem was Why This Rizal Nmber indele iilar. Thiese two Ilgnred towardi the same the doctrier; to the evoiatilaistsa belonged Fronm Alaska to New (Rleaus, and from end, but had differeit spheres of actio, te to Wht did it t that Ioohlllluo to Boston, Filipino wcomminmaites Del Pilat', whose talents lay in the if eld of eyes were af stle a witness the...ttleg~ a ag the lsvydr~ the beat lawyer ~aj triumph of their battle in bhe spiritual goali? addter the Stors and Stripebs will Aiiva fl piirs, w y, e ' irRiamp of their baltic' in the spiritual resltn'f tinay prfrants, the cause of llberty. Rital, beting o(essenf t ly ' tiie rlfin eilarit ime arena havling S That Americranus attending a Sozal Day eitet- a naetionalist, was the best apostle and propa nmimd fiwe doctrines, distlt hut rml. etimeit lining muay havys' someas i iof' mmi evt to gaudiet of F illipin m crvliati mn One w'a a aBry-t oe poilti a i jiig 1olitical doctrine W the etthel' s1 has Padaa take home woirl fioam fsr su 'euCdim refer 'noimbl t mot to lb f mer dm I t or ' do t was e lg aIh I P tar once, thiasas numobe'r of Tc cp has bn o of both thl ire wat heaim anI orai d ia 2 the re ti t I sok of litoety fare devoted largely to a review ofi lhe lie andit s t p of the The.bo ~ I ftrste iof t e and To labosof thie ido of the Filipinos. rthe Filipio ratce, ifiwich has usver had anS Pleho6 astiest that atj ifvilege, of demior6 o cnua in our hio'y. racy versus aristocracy, and of their right to Austrli and Canada Reipo t 'ythe reciprocal omtimerilthe precss thn p iphret t ald lie oi tors and suppressing hunmi tiqtuitis Cana 'an Aust aia w rat ato a o fin mdi social doctrie iatist' frimim hoot, To OeIobet 1. 'a's on at vpis oil to dbyumnd 'impsion ~October L- __: liuatian and gr at nation wit tviltsO The tresty, under which Ausrala is a to and its beaauty 'ts traditions amd its Iedg ads, give to Canada British preferential custom tallow, beeswax, eggs, rcheese buttfe, canned its women puare and delicate, and. its maen rates on cfrtain articles, was ratified recently oegetables, dried frits, pears, qinces, apri indtistrious and atr ar nation worthy of by The Canadian and Australian Pailinments cots and dectariaes, caneid trumts, lonsy, a better fate lae invoked for them a mother' It provides for reduced rates on Canadian sugar, gle, nia i trat t and id to e-ne ridd by te fisimh textiles, gloes, typesetting machines, eucalyptus oil m e hose pesce and ltranmiiity tyranmy typewriters, adding machines, coceto irOO Shmoid indepaideico te grsntcd tie 'milipo was defrayfig, i youthunelgn in otolt a o Canoga in~~ t~tufti 0*09 badd l feign st Items Whose wpredatoRa Canada in return giles spmecel:rates on be to thie advantage of both the Islands and imfare, luxuriamt finds whmse prodocts fially A i f, United States ro hae either aobsolte free rented fn forciga hands that tailed not and trade betweenh them or some form of ripr finly sal system which a mitig D. C.. B in t e ally a s oilstem woi wa s smo heri The N'fatisat meano Of The ilingsiaofia tsrl aud Catitds, When Set Pila tant 1tlual spoke, tiie Arevl TIe thufb o i tatesa ht responded._-__ Pahiutied sconei-ipts at 207 Sixteen thyine laif a'ine pbtc ihs imosvad revn Plan FyorRubn Expcria tpn Wa shiein sM tey Th Was,ba& D. C, u tg ofn oifene.pc tss.pac, s ditp slad inm e'ls trut Drleng Int toieo Phiippimmes requberst. MANIA —A billtt donmieing i leetsres lIartde, in ethoe Asuccios pmoimteiehs in5 fae't ima akn tinisae, ae se tIo motie a o t patrtsb fools t tieons. 5ass Moefe I, 'T'sewaos, A 'erite aineovte argonet in yos esss, mos we sppose rhe pertin fie otnnisidred by hed lgoalaurn. Fo~trinn at eoni Atet lefeo'v, sasmrea 9mbout Is roth and hapipy,; and lierimaps fankers of the hilt heim to Bov the wayt Ar he pOmm sat's am Wiahieio, a, (;a euder int ys f dmIm liwell buf has moeg fron liia to forfaueuvslfut f f ita s hit veiniing ehange of dd'uelsi' old as s'ell or inusag"5 wmny sad heerrecimee to mnmother auid ties' 4at. ie mea do fens ytv,oMessisiage ' 'as' MisiatWe' sae Shots esee.tfevs. ii pace A'Wird t your pa ant sys; thug thu $73; Spent For b is Page 6 THE PHILIPPINE REPUBLIC Why Rizal 's Death Is Commemorated by Filipinos. B I - k * BY FORMER CONGRESSMAN CLYDE Ther familia t with Philippine s hprt hae sinatte I beloto a yself S ltle ss of ay) i but H TAVENNER kinown of Altsol for a quarter of a ctury, to v ompl e my ork and mysel f offer the *: w~:L."~~~Hl bot It s oly thin rcat year that ea of whi se Rawa 1[a edl i At teOn A tunshiny morning has become generally nown in the iiteda man ought to be willing to e tor and hi in Manila twenty nine States In tho last fl y Riaas Mine principe I hold fs t to wvry idea which years agon December has made tremd siiy, e earlg adicated s to le Ihe ie tation and future l young maen stood, hled: It hoa even Dectto customary for the lag hie lof oauitry R ian shall i ing al die ftor it. I foldeds before a Spanihn Ameritan newspapers to publsh each year, hold duties nf consiences ab oov all eea Ber t ekg qeadd tee ar erea ter win Je st ehfoe o ed wrs be etah or onl tehat si eIL wier to show * u tere wihi deny us pe e oSeretllw ynsa4 p hy daten sroe bteinor ara ornew itrnt eRiarbl tonm that w os hk wIfe ta die faL duty andi c ai al s examnlied h pulse his lf hiis execlation eld he poemg o har relinipldes, even whi e he stood w it wea1 wi - ae e w ane *wting d While tial was in Europse workig for lu, and afterwards do Eve ry Indication Is that Rizal is des tineOd Phipit ais in aees d it was absute to become within the next quarter of a ceo- general, to iondretly pish Rital carried normry a dfinit figure orld history e on a r ess dsetiu of i paene In The rc0mm atd hewas to remain for all time, the Phlippif bnesi driving them into exile Tol give the executiners to Rial, who spoke seven languages and was.hi parns ia lft aisecod lettery sayintg: ifr A fusillade of shots a, cultuied and much traveled man (ei one "Should i ent gyo aganest me yio will uner rang out and the boyish cai he traveld across th Phited Tand theat I shnal di hap in the thought thatBy 1 figure ctumpled 5and sip- Staotealeardli the enmity of Spanish Gov my b deathwill end all your troubles, Return lis sat iers thigvg hi if for his As ahe heba witnee seg s that r- thinakin of yun aBnd wishin you all good forestOt fall "country's retddnempition," tr led his sensitIve soul beyonod despair, and tune and happinef.' don lie mberSiOt 3of ever year since, h arly dedicated his life to the librtion or our yiart-from Jtit 17, 1192 to July and echmi pon Demb 0 s long of his "land dred' Atte risk of hi lItfeb 31 118-t Ral hfld I banishment by the t er a1 all be ain Filip s left on eath and oat the sarifie of his crer, friends and S anish at DtiSt, Zamlosuga, On a mono this date hs bn and forever will be c1 loved oes he bam the spoeman tor the ent n ote tadin thetr In bit honao 1i the batedl, It Is a national legal holiday In the sted grievances of the voice ess multitude, following i iLpieonl:e. ates and Euroe, in every city In whiel Spa1n4s wtched colonial systemS l the mst handful of ilinos are living could have aved his life as he i Sipenlt four yeara of ishmnt this town. memoril~ servics sare held on al's warned by fi hIn auop not Freey idevoting i energy nelligence fixon day in couoriitili of hias life and to Mreu to the Islads, He could not be and plrwiety to t ecrntmict and social dee, Ai marfle shaft marks the spot of dissuadedr, ut before returning to Manila he nfeeds of the * distrch M andhs esokl Phil'ipine sellhallbowdi by the blood of the wrote the following letter to ho opened after e e, ra n a rgo mat Uobtel he was one of the his death for the bene of th om nity ofi greatest menf the Malsyan race has over "Gldglyj do I go to epoas myaef to peril, h wa en invountayre produed not asny eiati of iadeed (for in this RUial evidetly neVer had any idea while A TYPICAL CALIFORNIA IAL DAYMETING-HEL IN K. C AUDITORIUM LOS ANE LAT Y.A THE PHILIPPINE REPUBLIC Page 7 he lived tbat he was to become famos in L3 a guna about r hou J y f p h h to s atie hlipine bwsto n fo sa t In M on 19, 8 1. ils father was lEad emodeld afer the American republic 2toFaeratls b: Francisco rado W took great prid in ary be deuced frot U his arly puebsua Ina "Iri ofhisdit BOBi of of III& "I havei never maed of eternal, nor relating bow his youog son was winning Barcelona of two diferent Lives of th of evealasting renown. My sole desire is to lieray on test8 in tbe Abools 1 at Manila reiden ts of the United Stateis" bis ddetp do whaever is in my power Of what is possible Tbe youth could paint, was In erested in clay interest in the. cuntri and the Ipeople in his 1and most necessary. I have caught a ltte Modeling, and an expect in carving At the travel from San Fanicoe to New York and gFimmer of ligt and believe it ny dy to age of 21 he want o Spain and tered the his aty of the Anecican revolution, nlighte my countrymn" e Madrid Uoivere ityr whie he graduatned Asd Although Real never did advocate rebel doctor of medicine and phil esophy HAe later lo en, he sought reforma onast ersitently, tadid In Paris Brussels, London and it GEMS OF RIZA S WRITINGS anid the Spanish miliitay prete nded to believe Qe:rmany i he was lnciijng the people to revolution and It as in t lieothany that BRizal wrte and Without liberty tere Is no light, determined upon having his life, thinkina that published "Noli Me Tangerei " (The Social if his voice were stiled agitation for the rei Cancer), It s a satirical nvel expiing the My dearest ish 1i the happin of m forms he cha pione etd would end,. tial was I r lif, th as and the dpotisdmc f countt - arresteil on a trulpeddup carge of tras the (ppressors of the il natie A keeps i ieedee While he and ns to de t, but no sooner had Through one of his charactersf the old pbfllds holds to his own way of t hinking the firing squad compled its work than the ophe, Ral said in this novel that he was teachings of Riail almost Instantanieoius be- not writing for bhi own genera tion but for If our country is ever to be free it will not came the pssionate inspiration of the whole a doming instructed generation be through vice and crime Filipino race, The unjust execution had In 1890 he finished his second masterpiece, merely served to transfer the intense pa "E Filibusteurstna" (The Reign of Greed), In the games of war, those who sufer most triotism of Biza to the breasts of an entire the urpeA of which as to sh how the are the defensele and the inncnt, ustimi of peoRle Feillpinot were goaded into outlawry Both The spiritaof iizal is ever becoming a mor e books aire heartfgriliig storiet of the Tol- We need criticism to keep As awake It commanding influence in the Philippine stoil type. makes us see our weaknesses so that we may Islands, It is the unsee but ever-preset The Fiin he coulde reand write In correct th leadership ofr the 11,90009,96 FilIpinios in their Tglo S Enish, Greek Fenh There are t e ways n which one may aspiration for education, progres and lde and Grt and hd a reading knoedge of accompany progress: in front of, beside, or penoidence Latin, Russia. Dutch and Visayan Amo ng behind It, Rtzai is more abroad today in the hearts the books in nglish n his librar at his Where ae the young men who will con0 and minds of his people, and his influence death were "Gulliver's Travels," "Vanity serrate their best yea, their ambitions and is far greater, than whn be a ctuall ived Fair," "Ivanhoe," "David Coe eld" h hi enthusim to the welare of their His picture adorns the homes of the po orest works of Shakespeare and Webster's English native land? families; streets, avenues and cities are Dlitionary. named in his honer, while his statue stand It i a llns a fat that as eary as i 18 in the parks nd public squares In life l ial in "The Phili pines a Century Hneii" RIZA S FAVORITE Rizal was a beauntiful character, kind an predicted that the United States would some coaiderate of al, gladly giving is life for time to the Pilpis and adduced He ries I carry l- hoe his country, and in memory he has become his reasons tor this belief, It is doubtful if t he natioa me one Ameria out of 10,000 A deep well lled with,steel badees.-The Mital was born at Calamba, province of knew there was such a place as the Philip- mouth, C EEBRATING RIZAL DAY AT BROOKLYN, N, Y1 _ UNDER AUSPICE S OF THE "GRAN ORIENTE FILIPIN_" ~-M M!!fIf lki EllwolNY!b Sgi oI SXE tet POe 8 THE PHILIPPINE REPUBLIC RIZAL AS A POET By VICENTE G BNU AN Director, Phiipp1ine Press Bure, Wssiingto O;fce of the Philippine Com sion of Independence Jose Rizal, beloved and revered by the Fi ipines even as Wshingtn o and Linoln are hby the American people, is known In history mainl a a hero, pWatriot and martyr who stoe to secure the blessings of freedom for his native land and who preassed nity among his people, evn an the Father of His Country and the Great Emaip r did for the Aeiri-t canA faosimHlie of the first lines of Rizal's "Myt ast Fare ell" IFit 1isnot oenerally known that he hat -won ~H recognfilition as a linguist, ethnoalot, saculptor, writer, biologist, novelist abnId post. Andthis "ilgrinbegooe! nor rturn more ereafter. "it breothes with if sadness an echo 1t o last is not the least of hei rany-lideidnes.c frasgeole thol e ar in the lead of thyn birh; heart n Others mope sing o their lore white renjoiigOK Prose childhood iza s howed that he had T eo e ag must rom or thei etyt by men who hae won renon in art and let- Dory oe the fathrhs that aht ile for fha ran; Driven forth from thae World where onue I trst assort t~hat bhad h dhedicat ehis whole llgriam beon a fo tp affc, wa OfflidtfioC 1s known, life to reese, he would haive won on undis- Lodi boughs the world ot the sorrows orw poterd place among the greatpe. p l coun- mom"abu A fragment fortotre that hoi mess~ por- dbt~ try's call for reform and political emanipa- ronal, tion duringk te closing years of Spanish occo- Hark to the add thoughts that nust hiall To hod from 0ankmd the world so mpation claimedi practcally his whole lifetime, besieged his heart when he wrote the; follow- showe" howevers but now and then he would make lug lines in the poem "To My Muse," pub-og u oiwt mettla nt is n the "La So ljdaridad" o fortuighfly Als, while in Europe, the following lines press his coaunry's *sd pedicament vn eview published by Filpinos at chatisie in f you Ask Me br Verses," 1s tinged with it was, he bas won more than ordinary tame Shun pathos: as a lyric artist, and his "Farewell Poem," "mooted no lger isthe Mand, "You hid mc nowok to strike the lyre, written i a gdungeos slhortly preD"vi ous to historn so ag h loi execution, is elassed among the world's mester- The l'poets it no donroa,TAnd r ay f r cono woke he strin, pieces. And youth ifs inapir ration n imteo Itzal, like Shelley, Kents, Bryant, lPoe, was With other floras and stote, olWdly It sa kes ine are istdire, a great sujective poet DelIrate pathos, re- -As if may sot itm'f to wring, signed bht ever hopeful, led him into the And wern its sound sea'ws but to fling ream of sobcJtvity. it could not be othle- A aest of its ows tow lcmt; wise The sad condition of his country, the "NoFw must I handrr dce oo in sad asolaton pent, Hquafty as a singer I 'wassosatura ted w'th 0'or he Wh o Awfes would kenor g ran latd his thaughts into rhyme gave obrasiiol to the sorrows fs an oppressed 'o thol 00 0 oct ~i~~~~an ill~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o r rr roisM t fd' When traveli n i fure igi euntries, h is or thoughts were of his motherland. and when e 0 f ore hos thul ad dipled his psn into rhin e his 1 nes asesumar m ' on th e stctarbielde sad ess that per vades a 1 h 6s poems Thlud whal trs yAe n1g; fn Germanyty When Rizal returned from his travels In he wrot "To the Flowers o Heidelbt1erg, st rOuendt An rfia h a5 exie by th rated wih a sad thoughts for the land h had Spani'rd in Dapitan Mindanao mainly for lef t hodi In aryt,~ I~t says: rving written and published h'i two now famous novels "Noll Me Tangere" anf d F"l wl o a a ta d; ol torBl - wer ibiut rismno' whith aeposed the wretcelidt hy e trvee a hr w, con tit of the vernalent and the ou rffr - And tre n h oh{t its ozra sky, dsotsa eudeor that o ism Where I of eM off o a -i' Ameg th oem hse wrote dring his ex 1s ihere from the iery Oidirfim sopr a1 'My H treat;' elih; againh is perbed ated A N " ~ By the pdingi b e a ch wlay er e st nhs are soft ad fine, 'Go thre ano tel. kow en the oawn_ At the aoot of mount it uiamatl of Her ae ar Wy Owf nssng, gree t * orpeto alc ftr o t ih h peas a t Iarove AlH- stea:p hese ht Nekyar see; s/fine; UpOn its yprig pete ial museu'e" tIest for ter wearft brain 'ad abun to oy din while 1 i EIn orope, raeing fo r one assrow ha s the following liBes: "Th ie tahe, ah, the gase! for me it is alt "Like c tcnf that is Yfatlee sad withrerd, As it massiveaiy se~eeps from the worlds Tocced by tha amc fs t ffron pla uno pole: q Vare eThn cooa thae pilysis abrosad sZith 't p r- s mile I in man, uscit of Ri s oveL "No. pog cm',a~ g And whtsaen in the; cBanin my faE iseem to Me Tngrai" for w- hich mh il PipiRnfeb gu Rbait Wias vthmut svc, cosreatry or soul, pa ll, em;inen t paid $2 OO THE PHILIPPINE REPUBLIC Pa him, he remarked to his sils;erl Trindad tizal, that be had nothing to give her as a rememo Ai~i ((~lc~jyF3 ~~ ~C~yyijq~i-all~~brance except an al ohot lamp, and ao tndded i n Englih, so that the dathgnuards that sar rounded him would not ninderstand him, "there is emething instde." The sister ex o.rld not find anythingt as iael haed taken 8 poarticulr reare to hide the manus ript waell so that it would casape detection in ease the amp Dtel l into the hands at enemis. Two days later thie o em was y foun and "wit a con venient hairpin the tightly fold ae aas"~ U In a~fron where it was wedged in," 8ia tt wasthten loat, who tuade some mistakes duetove his 1118 8~e~n th~t andwe+ that orC hs ra ee ivem olLe a d ag itati and0 aniliarlty withthe lnuot ta e. ~1rint! age The copy without planton was maied Jose Maria Bussa a Piliin twho lid ved in lougkong, Theon Trinidad and Josefin (Josephine), who was Mrs. iast, took Rite 11 t *ol Io en<, ta iS; SE ftS 0 t; fS; 0;,0, 0;0 f0; a 0 a Eg! x, z;; toohe o a l a original and fed to join the Filiplno insurt gents in Carit.e gave.ii iPh de S4 rft In Trinidad's off cial t etimony to e tt he o gov erinent, ie statement is uade that later Rial's wife took the original copy to Haong kong and that, somehow, it found its way to the United Sttes and was purchased hy the elhil nnni i nv f a n iburaed athe rAmeri "Mii "Mye1rt Lahis~ 3Erophee, wM Vc nbest aeralt inh som n9 1fl the r iginal copy wa hought Pak a I Philippitnese and may now et seen in its enirIn on the walls of thol~tS ht S ~ gthe the illtftan dl i a td t hhe Philippin x u w ot nB p, Ki r dLhr ry A Man'Alat ahere in t is eg edn at price lss treasture, Rial'rl a"Miei timo Adios" has binen trai s A TYPICAL RIZAL DAY FLOAT, MANILA telad not only into English, but also into............... Europea o y l anguages and nedle to Ask Idnto "All these fond facies that were misne, In the following l ines from "To the Flowers p lan e ha Altlceall f a all mpit ouf iidhg " l againh this adamant Pellef in almost all Philppine ditalecr It is worthy W'rc leoft bencath the sunny stes. lhis coauntry's future 'omanifes ts itself: of not y Afterhaton ItovWimhe rl2th, i thhta e I waBhich they te ohat d ' reginat shine So0 pressn tha t pca ofe t1 ~hio, "JBosear then th flowers, lor e' m essage eah oresos of or thft o a hea t My loae to atL the oe'dg ors theem a memherI sa thoe p wsiden the lsoiety htm Tha 0ol les a pPeare to tsi - oo trs ha/iffsl laund, self, Dr. ~irchow, the world's foremogt sallthr,tsneama 'lt h facs d tors# ed46, snIht Faith te'a iuts s raspologinu t a ps it, proposing his name fur mefmbebrhip, t'en rthe rt Ad irt e for its er' cre paid bonor and tribute to the memory oa the Ing asfel.~s~ thorle is ale tte art And ieesstg poor is adt the wate" All ithos eoed erU frs Ad greet, dafgreat patriot In an extraordinary t:meeting 1'ht still ocnd heas altar heett" held for that purpose A D eEd Steler hread on that occasion a German translation of Ilst But sad as his feelings had bPeru he never ii all the verses cited, this grief, resigneved "Cltiiii Adiog" which Was listend to 'with the?|Fll ~~t ito Aios wih lis t l u with rlost faith in the efuture of li country;, as if hut e hfuIlm4fif, is vepr ofound admiratid and re tpet. ~through the ouskgt ih"e could seab the present tugs and that of li rarle we~re one; Olid his IIt Is also w orthy of mention that in August. n in this e datheold could t y the ing f a ong t entitled flint Meanme day the P~1 hllipne -would ha under gave oniithe i anscenst Ie oo n" transatedd Into on.De of thele ae Swiss lamo-e tars and At ripes* ton aa he Ad' Amertican sovereigtyO,' This* *prophecy was wroite Slt thus fk toe of inar em iagess With griefal'ays, blint he weas eer hopful As dt thoughts," lio fignyured prontinently. Wheip th otone of his hpoe etegrleay shmow Thus he says finue Slant'-sg -Mi ittinimi Aitlos" "sl " Last Fare Seprfl aeiitativas on Junea ii, 1902, the aInni of his early poanis, "To the t'hillpp neYouth," wefll," entihdying as it does his ouddeat versary of Sisal's htrthday, took up the 'hllht "'thoghts, is his sweetest sonikg, the asme, the itpine fBill, an English translation of the "Iftad high has brow serene ~ cumsntrho tue eiinuniinate mhanifestation, as It poem waa recited by Congreonakin aHenry of its nuinmbrs! To enjoy anld to appreciate CPooper the orator of the day, said: "it has its real puetic beauty, one nust read it in the Peru said that it Ai leuan Intttutlaus hod "CLinel mt' wit pleasing ' ~origitia ( language of 'rvnA in whih it done gelse Pt frnish to te world lvueth ith fight was written, The translations, because thiy the character of George Washington that stone otll~fal flart amXid si encetolJ th~?Jle PrP dad gen FhIfight, are ta o yould entitle tham to the respect ot tile world 0 youth, and there untie ial inuorement, the beautiful imagery, the So, sir, I say n all diWose who denouince the ''h chasiino that esg lie.; eldate atatlpatos, the entrancing rhythm ad, Filapiniias d ndicrliinatl as Parharlii and Yuse sptirit free to Plfight," lBke Poe's "The Ha'ven," the wondertut adapte savages, 'witliant kposaihility of a civilized In lila "My Retreat" this faith manifests tion of bounid to mideaning-all eharactr~isties fulte that this despised rare po eved itself poenL i: t to rho following! le C1 f5om A The story of the poem is stiiost ii5 Interest4 m nkiikd liwhnt furis tniigdI lie world the "'Taf faith I keep and to see asine inlthe ra1l where le was Pald "ioeanidiied" After Itia poem lad been rected, tqnrgis The ay wran the idea prreaila oeer might; white an the paoem bonk When ffter the fray and death's slow deOline, alrohol lamp, Previous to his death, his eluded his speech as follows: "Piteal Par' some other airee mandla for hmopplm' than family vsaied him in the apeal here he harlanot gast inraph of atTivlialtioni mine, was taken preparatory to the march to the Itow many of the civilised CIaucisan standerw right" ding this last good~ye to those a most dearff to iTooek is Po 1 Amer can P oes Pay T bu i Ve r se l OSE IZAL JOSE RIZAL That with deeds have made graeius these CH L E ARD RUSSELL fell]owahiPa. ASh f Th H ~ ~ ~ ' Po F o 'to o ao of a i Hr Om f "The F6it iFi Ad "The Year after year. aa stars in the sky's vauit With Edtimet and Hale for kifran, J n O Philn piea glimmsoer, Brown for a hrother, Per~oos that study atk Wen slow from the ocean c g Wi i gaers s r to his bait l t l rhfi ter and orer grows one Nt with nd ers tf presd sY aed wth is tat infallible Time that tries out oe and their mour ning er orts Throng round his tomb now the gons of tTouching the tinse and leaving It. dust; his soul, *fyc p ot B to one flir th hat led and t wi a theksiyi ay duty and honor oae must MadeEven the grim old conutl Madmean were t hey! that thought they could For deat in here but life, shinng crucify spirit and splendi lof tith as Ria ea tol up the great stone where tr'uth should Ucrossed of a shadow e unquenched s e And ntd eAnd pat the h we raiment with hands whoe An mn lad d awn when we ryina roea e an p touch woled b esm ear ita wt hied t, Black from the faggots, f of the drne, this Bringr of dt he st ha aed redLighlt. he hies e 2|otgB t ltf Se, ttt i~j Sllp avar to 9u as m!iee would not As a shaei of a cslud that the first wind CHanas lIowAr 8 IRsASEM tuak It be'causei he vied it s incompatible T*he * dy ofT thir t r php dawstO JOSE RIZAL H.s private li* was as pure as his puic: done; "D etrac I tion has found not one instance of a But th ife that they estrck at shinest as Poet arItyr t his personal relations. Cloudlssanchanelesshinesnutagret History's hert bt lud tor you He was demonstrated lOnkfil nd H 9O t i T $ &r Holdefos eo nYou e plac Te many times but supremely that morning on sun Your LBagumbayan Field. it may be said that other:, Lite tBat the rewek of a soidwe leftd at i a Life thatthe reek of a sordide world left That Truth wrl not stand by rwhat makes this man so remarkable is that sa in s, And let you bid farewell to us, his moral courage was as flawl a s his Heart that held on through each blacken For you an neould be nied or ing squall, He od e it tifd nor al* Soul unafraid and Vunsienced, unresting and aegnie of hie le 'tc o i ehainless, TO RIZAL enemies of his country, ghainle W *tssMD, -X =-gw w_; L~ttW wtE X Lov tiat came smfliag to offTV It ' He was without the taint of a selish amv* at sne s o ofer it cannot stand tody amo te throngs bititn. With his almst phenomenal mental W1 that each propint of sensual self put to hon t nor yet can I endowment h could have won any o Howoubl sWith tionguAge o l nor with pen of fire sven N of endeav to geat fam, great Hot tll hes esong of his s 5 Proclaim to all the world thy love of lbrty fortne A lifae of a H put all thee Eot l~l he hu sh thae eats of his s*eae a But let me slip away to that dark ound his otthunrttohdth al;dtderi And hul asl a c t th irst d o f trm; and tshacr m i skieswLay this onersimple oweun-ime of moryl His patriotism was of that exalted kind But ci andsti c t u H let me plaed mY flower In memory He ived cleanly, he aspred nobly he word. Of all the years of toil and Oslacri All else may wither and pass while this And bitter tears; all h s of hope eea people remember,~~And trnst and faith, that wrongs would yet ing at the list of his achievementS, What helds of sunrise then they heard. be it. He ld a thing good. He loved beauty, of gi rtle flowerp and served He loe d big ftllawm n. He. ~toLI~a~ shoute itl B~ tteTo thee,-" hero e in the the of race whtoe his land By 5 1 a d ces. HI by raced atl colors and all end rn e n opprs-urso s.. -H....................... t'Te day of the free!-ye are bastards andt r a ayes it ye doubt it! HOW RZAL MHONORED ad&i H Dm Te sowling wasg mine-be the harvesting II ntelle tually he was the wonder of the yours! near.Manila.he ar hs ages He could d mo th ings worthy 1. Ab princeh and divers than soy other man of whom One faith ad one fire, one aim and one ofl and cit there is rcd ina latd, of ay time, of Laguna and Nueva Ecij-are named after any people. One hope that wrung triumph from all' him. Two tm inevitab tdepaIr, o. The i,annivaBry of his death Is a ub. M are i ro tion to naAti ons has been built by the OMe cree ad one aliar, oe service, one the Insular G'overni ent in this ne atntive town.PWfllti world te so d did has O uo bloodayer; a a 4. His home in exile has been made a in it the latent possibilities of the greatest Freebdorn h e worshiped while others wer stionat pk a T i sluggard or steeping,. The Phlifppinef Legistatore during the 2. Such ai people will neer realize its Knelt in her chapel, strove for her grace, Great War approprited funds for the con- possibilities until it has nationality, No Walked in her ways with eyes uplifted, keep struction ef a destyer naed "HIZA," colony ever did anything representaie and I fain manoed by Filipinos, and given to the worth while, Through the gr:im twilight the gleam of Ameemric navy. Therefore, a celebration of Uica day that her face. II Ria's portrait appears on the Philie 6duOes not include a dared for nationality p.inest tkdWOJp bill an11 d 1 on the tw t and m ean some step toward that goal is a Therteforet he leas from the ver of her postnge stamp. mockery and ains ulst to Itisl'Fs great nae, To touch hIs l sbrow with her sacred lips, monuments to hirem ar in the hiefplta N ationali -ow, not some day in the And wrathe his name in the roll of her sns of mat of the larger towns, and ven Th dy uture Nationality co t v eslrimmortal, sm."~C)F"~~BjOallest vilg has Its "lle nirtia" cior lets or entanglements, THE PHILIPPINE REPUBLIC Pag 1I ~"TA ve r able lady o Aever *true to t he beet traditmion of her familyh corrteouly de LT e Story of Jose MiR ds Mother mineda to ecet tC.he pli By this nt Like All tables Jogs Ri hed a 16, I911, at ti age tl6aof eightYfur. H death Lyke all enon Jose R nl haf- was a national losg. ofT her iuneral w s eae en, e oved h mos throughout son ub his ife, C mlo ae sai now Senmaor Cam $tory bount ra.lent note1 n; fILPNO R VERd S the Philff cI M ubliad Cwite h i,a aihe i Teea Ori by Gino & C. BostoI' n Senator Ma.Lona Ja o 1i 8. tals evidently int ld the story otr ta children but she as kin 1 M an romises while lin nond nod good othe is ho SbAn All te who belivs in tles has no mind of are but 1hilden There he oe tin ow e lowing sdcl lghts ee n story 4 I II 4 The,mos difficult to aue from s ie l iof tlner thi odlt Lwoman l (fra the is the min w iho ritends i to i e loe a p. e tn of Ia Will be rfiutresing5 tHo / H who wt allks slowly th o rgh he may put ohe alh bhin fooI6t on a thorn will n!lot be hurtl ery "Fro the mariage of Francisco Rinal Mercado y ~Aejand o and Tender Morales Alse a y t intos, at i t t e S e elpl er us an S aThew 8 e to t ie sovel:Jl cagt thram theemlpan eoa y e s, o e: th9 3 8 e lten ch liren two bSoy and eg ar g eta were horn. tin a the aoys thee ad a to te d a t cd wa Jo who ame tht the th l gre atest man that P N G O ho e hii ever known. The Rei'c hopes a mhe r itoself of more teaohr. She taught him to reao adt Fil of tacin coas a 1vry eary age and it twas h e To that nd the e li pu blis h hope who r ead him stories from whi very on y to go to he Pan e ea learned many good lessons, oast to meet the Filipino t the r e and etab "Mes Rial awas born in the dis lih a pei m anent western oAcM at etht Sanl riet of Santa Cre Manila on the Francisc or nome other cenotral pint th re," "8t of Novm ber, 1827 Any aggestiona of our Pacicl a s faistk rend "Te dora wa brought up in a concernifn thin contemplated new ofice may well.ordered homer Her mother rbe anddins to The Philippine R epublic tafient her to r ead and write w then P 0, ojx 3594, San Fs cisec, Coali she was quit e yong, thater he went to the Clleaer of Santa oa11 JOSE S KIND M OTHE RHIS FIRS TEAtCHoER a__ ien Manila, where arse copleted h t education. "HBe good x eho e and her exellent isehool Siles manther to show her cedola. The nam e A serts In p ne Now training made her one of the bent-educated on the Ied la, accordi.g to a uotaomi of t o he wosenm of thos e days. f tim did nolt Include the surnm of the bus "After her marrisge she lived at Caltmba, band. The omission however, was suffiient DALLAS, TEXAS - Vicente Villami, a Laguna, where the RIal family had a large to allow the government d.olcia to send her Filipino lawyer and expert on Philippine Efarm Sh hel Pd her husband to masage the dasto the governor of La n acco d by the eonomic subjecti, of New Ye k Cityn e the affairs of the houehold and lo the farm, As membert s of the Guoarda CivEi The agtcore ao an adresa her t bef*ore i dgeg is the custom in our country, Men, MRiea han woman was compelled to Journey on foot of Business men, dclared that independence died all the money of the family, watching throungh Eriita, Mtalae, Pineda (now Penny), at thi s time would prove harmful to ertrain over the expenses and practicing wis ae cono-1w Paranaque, Lee Pines, Munlinlude, San Pedro, Philippine Industries, Me said: "Th It al Ihme weas noted for It hospl Banes, Bay KAla Awarn Pilae and Santa Proc. i tihat done not atisfy l he just, } th casonibe tality. To strangera and friends alike the "It is painfulla to relat e In th d t he intelligent dia of the Filipino eeea hnousewan opern. The lowly worker found as loga of thin noble womn.t We leave to the p6e will lack stsrenth and durbilit n e - ready at Wellcome there as the highost offimal. Imgiation her feelings over the mistrcat' "Any sgoltfin that doca not redound to (21 "Few mothers in the world have aiuffer an mo et of members of hie family the oo t t much as Men. Risal did. None probably have she experieocod when the government exiled America and the Philippines will lack the suffere moce. The Risal family saw the her dearly beloved non, Jose, t1 Dapitan; and, guaranteo against dissalying in ceacorn worst of Spanish rule, ffinally, the terrible agony she must have suf' Any solution that Ados violaene to the goad "At one time there was some rubl be fered when he was exected in Manil on faith of Amia or diegard th bat t ain tf Americ trhe ofo isrhe g arns Bej e in ter twien a Iiutleoant of the old Guardia Civil Deeumber 30, 1i9t. But let us speak nu more sel of the Filipino people will 1sk the moral official's hors. Matfter ars bemiin worsae whi heaj t he ula ei t a the same offcialm had trouble With Mr. Joan "In 1904 shienod lien daughters wereprows lnosan protction s snotiad sovsuerigntty Wilt eb di Alberto, a elative of th he fily It s t t a anet in ail to ole the Atro to i Philiin dadntg were accused by this officiatl of attemting to mother blind?' Pacihfi coast, where ie will deliver a serost take his life. By the aid of false witnesses "'No, not now," was the reply. 'Theo times of adde I df f h Phlp Bra. IiRal was convicted and sentenced to im- our brother, Proe, has operated on her eyes cocoanut indosiry, which, ho oto, is bein prisnment. She was forced to alk all the * * t in the Philple tA In ntl tted by dairy einrs whi way from Calamba to Santa Cros, Lagna, Hlongkog and later in Dapitea' seek leislation baring h m fa re and where the provinciajal Jl was. Not content "Imagine the joy that MrN. Real must have sale of nut omargarines containing cocoanat with this charge and sentence, the official also felt when her own son was the dactor who il. suffered hen unjust imprisonment while the "It niust have been a sAree of great sati~s to defend her, justice and honor pabtid the meorye of her who accosed her, and evn of her enromies, but tin ti o his countrymen, and when tii ies " f ibis hess fc dietc "Si the latter pact of 18i9 theRial family "In 1998 the Filipin people, through the distsly mieside dicy'. ly a limieti derivec city a Member of the Guarttdiat Civil asked for life, esn With seec. THE PHILIPPINE REPUBIAC THE PHILIPPINE FLAGITSAre Body Our6n; flagas waii Ciiiirstgf. iinefi i the ey l S SIGNIFICANCE u pp Rcsideni Comitsioners * Some of the oichilkhi(h t he adat iea deliveei y hairo tWe fofino M dothel th ree ienator sligk th o WeA iithefi Pin tie pe o hi a i h i e h ne iia y t o rnat ine s ur d aofm iii iii wiil iis lrheflaI ree iveI i dr a ly * of di a trai uch uafi fh i phnlie Tfah tline N no Thual s of theI Cin i~,0alei~~i~al, Floag tda top r the ontact it I ds anong tied al nfla dispgbh iha ImI e t S tioIrieles necesst tto bd iisroiger in Mheiaii ie a ae r xe t Mhee l rt fliir oA flag9 ii eymto ela dua srnganibetaln the iibin tdeon e is dbaoing a dre speaks$ otthe motherland. e our achred ia ea. Som!kne Msncl Ruintghes were he:ato 100 in toe Aof iuai1onal nity, orf th beanl oour reetry the UeStu ul' to il il big h poissesies o1 the merginge into one omon oU nitled Stanes will grnitly:ielerate whotle of all the affections aid emntioni of lihe campaign for indiependence. which the hu1adn heart ii reloable, trauw t....e. i termed Into An eVerwhelming pasion for our Four Filipinos Save Lives nalt lad, our h d Philiplir In Big S. ous Exp si Our fag wai irst desigi ed in the very field 01 1OiT MO-Loral unewspapers were At battle, when the atae ol the Filipino eople niiited in crediting lfour Filipinos with being depended upoi the surress ol their tarms. We the o tstandin herdes in the terrible gaW e, hare only one Finio flag berause we hare pleoiou in the Laclede Light Coompany bauild only one umnobirland t only one ideal. le- ing in wirch leer persons were killed and NEW YORK.-lsidoru I. Colado has been loas it rearlied ie uresent term, hoee, it filyorven badly burned and otherwisr inh aplPoined Seretary of the Phiipptine dlivision went through evolutins as ofared as the i jre of the Conmmitire oi Friendly telations cldents of our straggles for freedon. The Filipino heroes, whose pirtures were Ameeg Foreign Studets, With of1ires at 347,,lr. M ~ l~Jlayd ui p on ihe first ulge of the S isCL it adison Avenee;,this rity. The first apearance s i h e of newpapers, Are ti Ada ha le Cm T hi erraryl ou o h t un l took plac in the daygs of ihe Katlpnai when an d Ml Snt that a Filio an y the AndreaoManidelao abnd his hsi roar ii yin bilding anid Pedro Arill head ait U d Sat The rvi nd failie o adiatin of ihe r ights of the F ilipino RBbile. Adamas hal just rearhed the first floor thi nition af rge on the ente r of the sun. which symboliesI in the center ol the sun, arhic syoihoIOS hwhen lhe blast made the building shiver. to satients and professors Irons evory land the dawiuing of a new nation, was the letter Cloig h der o i ar ita k without distinction of rare, color or religious "K" which slgiaiieu "Ilayaan"W or Liberty. upstairs to bring down the frobe ll A antic womeif t ork 'taL~clr~9l~' 1~l le tll ~ 1~1~;1~~(5proes siom It mi doi ng a magniacent wo rk With that f11a and under its folds ftll the hirst who were clalorfing as the elevator doors oiu n the devepsnitt of Caristiau iuaroatr br martyrs of our independenue. That yflag hse ulpler fleee HIe brought down load after tnpward of 1,000t foreign students in the p erodly waveli tin he ehighest peakts of Miak load Uniteud Slates. It see-ks to meet the stuidrit's |nabat, the last str ld ll the Katip n. Then the fire broke out in the statonery immediate need and to co-operate with him in eWhen it was heele down in oemuuer 1897 room Lo the elevenith floor. Raftin took fire- reali ing his highest apirstions. It never ag histd ut its dip r nnd resu vre e nd rought build- Mr. Cllado was a selspporting student. dane vas only nomina1 fr Withtheige ais a graduate on te Uni versity of the of the Pact of Biaknsbatu ihe belligerency of plae Water ponred down the hafts we-n Philipplnes from whi'h ho received the deothe rvolution was efcially recognized. ting the rables ~and the untors. But Iafino gree of Bachldir of Agriculture, and as Bpur4,, ~ ran his car until the hremien took him away seed graduate studies in Colorado and Washh f e Filipino Flag assumed its second form to a first-aid station ingtoo, ti C. ie holds the degree of Bi. D. iend ade itas nearxt aubarane whan Aguinh1o Pedro Argailles, a Filipino, head janitor, from The ltif School of ThtoeologPy loenr reio M Ad iirn longkon. The appeal to arms was o l n heiswn te 'nd S A. rom The A Iaf In verltyt was renewed;: the thater of rotiflhit extended. exliogidn oriorred Thear ic eblat herled him IutO Wasngten C. The iew a, with the ian as in the original, the debris of the baseimenk Ht extricaied Through his extensive activities in the Cow and ueo still more synmblic ol the couinry isel and ran to mlt Clu and other orga ari s M it represenled Uy thr addition of uhree stairs, aided in carrying womnui from the rars until Collado is well prepared to promote the prowas carried triumipantly Itrum battle to battle, he finally rollalpsed. He is still under thu rare gui of inleu-natinavl frirnulhsip and geous throughout the length and breadth of our et a piysirlan. wll. It will be hia pleasure to re-operate with hand. It witnessed the inaugura.iion and thu Julie Cdaum Fimpi elevatui operator, w all Filipin in the ttniid Statsie is In A splendor of thea Philippine Rtepuhic' hecame at ihe fourth floor at thu time of the blast. 069osto to lIalat theirtraco in Amnth ru ninof its short-lived existenr, doun't know how t gut down." 'he sid, "bu can home life and establish contacrs for them our greatest sldiir. But it fell, in 907, the I made several trips up and down. as Filpine are invited to al on him o letters victlim of anti-~aliu dealistic influences and so, blinded by the ammonia tumes and I conuldn' ot introduction and advice regarding their again, we were deprived of the usA of our see a thing. kw where the floors were y ln All should trn t and v him ~beblovoi rugisig the srfeauns of the women." a warni werlcone s hA tours American cities Shleen Slysuiga tr et si din ihe iereuust ol Filipino welfare. As Ilhis bexprrienccu with lme followfing: that fell during the night. We have not. Both have returmued to the islands, Mr. Ratu changed in the least that which they sout net; a republic, democratic, free And ie o bece asso d with h Educatinal endit w-~hic~h ubey he~ld i~no1enrilly In their pendrui P;t. Departmenat of the Y. S. C. A., Manila, and grasp. We aspire br the restoration of the Sir. Carbulio to lake the dire:~torhip of the renoved froill existe:ure. And we ask it only arti of -what we were in days gone by and of uen nmade earellient recordls in ihe United through Ike channuels of pere and by means that for whirh we aspire. ts tuurn May Stal ol nuethods which lead only to peare. We re& rhange, but its signlfcre, Will not. Cod nopure not any essential elenent which that granI t that Flipino usumy hove it s desrly flag rehuresents Despite insurmountable fii- that it uumay he kepgt usullied, ad that this Maniians Won On Races rfiultte dnspite its temporary disappearance. great Stepublic, which has done so much to MANILA P, L —A group of Manila aportsthat flag stainds br Iie same thing bor which help in tho frifftiolidii and recognition of O men leaned rfo 300t000 uisol sm15al000l on it stoodt lo days pail-a ~ people unieit~d, -with nations, umay cuntinur extendiug its unselfish every elemnit frminig an intrgral whole; a assistance for the prompt aud romnplete reali- the rerent Shanghai Sweepstake, It was geographical territory without dismnenmen- atilon of all that foar whici our fag stands. reluorted ~~~87a~O~~e~~~l ~ g;~$y~da~~g)~y~. hpj~~lg~4~~gpr fflt8kJI Sif~ aepor BBbi~~ItlifDB e d,:~~3al~ THE PHILIPPINE REPUBLIC Page 13 I ' - KNOW THE PHILIPPINES Baler-Birthplace of Quezon BY VICTORIANO ITCHON Of the Philippine Bureau of Lands On the eastern coast of Luzon, about 70 kilometers (trail distance) from Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija, lies the isolated, secluded municipality of Baler, facing Baler Bay. The municipality comprises approximately 30,000 hectares of agricultural land adapted to the cultivation of cocoanuts, abaca and rice. About 50 per cent. of this area is hilly and the rest is plain lowlands. These lowlands are practically occupied by public land applicants most of whom are farmers from the Ilocos Provinces. The hilly places are totally unoccupied. The principal reasons for this may be traced to the fact that poor homesteaders cannot afford to improve this kind of land and to the rather secluded condition of the municipality, which makes it unattractive to those who have means. At present, this municipality can be reached either by trail from San Jose to Baler, which takes a traveler on horseback and under favorable weather conditions four days to complete the trip, or by water, taking a boat which calls at Baler once every month via Hondagua. The condition of the town as above pictured would probably be discouraging to readers who may believe that Baler is an undesirable place. I wish to say that it is not. It is the happiest small town I have ever seen. Wealth is evenly distributed. Extreme poverty is a thing unknown. Everybody has his own land and animals to work with. You can hardly avail yourself of the services of a servant in this place; you have to do the work yourself-this is the land of the equal and the free. Water-carriers? Why, even the teachers carry their own water, the municipal officials do the same and you will have to, too. Here it would seem that everyone has to work for himself and live independently of his neighbor. This easy living is attributed to the richness of the soil, the abundance of fish in the rivers-and seas and the existence of game, such as deer and wild boars in the forests and mountains. With these God-given gifts, the inhabitants of the region certainly enjoy an easy living. This ease that the people enjoy, however, is not true of the people of the town itself. The municipality is comparatively poor, hardly able to maintain its existence. There are but few sources of revenue. The people are not encouraged to engage in commerce nor to raise agricultural products more than their actual and immediate needs, because of the lack of transportation facilities. Let us wait for the completion of the Bongabon-Baler road, after which this municipality will become a business as well as an agricultural place. The municipality is sparsely populated. In 1918 the population was 3,413. At present it is 5,483, the number having been considerably increased during the past six years by the coming of immigrants to take up public lands. It should be remembered that before the year 1918 there were no other people in the municipality except the natives. Before I was sent to Baler by the Bureau of Public Lands, about two years ago, I was warned by several friends to be careful in my dealings with the natives because of their antagonistic attitude toward strangers. IMy two years of observation, however, proved just the contrary. I found that they are friendly, sincere, law-abiding, courteous and co-operating. Of course, square, honest and fair dealing is necessary in one's intimate relation with them. They protest and fight against any official who makes an abuse of his authority, but love and protect those who exercise their duties as they should. The people are public-spirited. The municipality being poor, public improvements and public sanitation are mostly done through voluntary labor. They are always willing to work for the good of the town. They have a great love for its welfare. It is no wonder that one of the foremost living Filipino leaders, the President of the Philippine Senate, hails from this place. Philippine Labor Loyal To U. S. MANILA.-The convention of Legionaires del Trabajo, the Philippine labor fraternity, reiterated its loyalty to the United States by adopting a resolution which says: "We declare publicly, solemnly that we recognize the great privileges and blessings we are now enjoying is the work of the great American nation and for this reason, we are not only loyal to her but also thankful for the valiant protection she is affording our country. "We protest against the insinuation to the effect that we are disloyal to the United States." Philippines Fifth in Value of U. S. Products The Philippine Islands now rank fifth in the value of American products consumed in the Far East and sixth as a source of supply of raw materials for American manufacturers, according to the Far Eastern division of the Department of Commerce. The United States exports to the Philippines amounted to $61,392,000 during 1924-25, against $55,701,000 the year previous, while imports rose from $90,161,000 to $100,881,000. Cotton goods led our exports with a valuation of $11,700,000, a gain of $2,000,000 on 75,580,000 yards. Tobacco and cigarettes added a quarter of a million more and automobiles $800,000. Iron and steel and machinery dropped slightly, but flour and canned goods remained practically the same and rubber tires increased. In the advanced valuation of imports, cocoanut products accounted for $9,225,000 of the total gain of $10,720,000. Hemp added $4,000,000, but sugar slumped $4,000,000.-Journal of Comierce. Cotton Goods Exported to Philippines For the twelve months ending June, 1925, the United States exported more bleached and printed cotton cloth respectively to the Philippine Islands than to any other one country. The exports of bleached cotton cloth to the Philippines amounted to 32,002,487 square yards, and of printed cotton goods, 31,075,763 square yards. STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, CIRCULATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912 -The Philippine Republic published monthly at Washington. D. C., October 1, 1925. District of Columbia —ss. Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared Clyde H. Tavenner, who having been duly sworn according to law. deposes and says that he is the editor and publisher of The Philippine Republic, and that the fol. lowing is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in Section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on thz reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business mnanagers are: Publisher, Clyde H. Tavenner, Washington, D. C.; editor, same; managing editor, Alfredo Samson, Washington. D. C.; business manager, Clyde H. Tavenn r, Washington, D. C. 2 That the owners are (Give names and addresses of individual owners, or, if a corpocation, pive its nmne and the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 per cent. or more of the total amount of stock): Clyde H. Tavenner, 207 16th St. S. E., Washinton. D. C. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent. or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockholders or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner, and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation h.as any interest, direct or indirect, in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. CLYDE H. TAVENNER. (Seal) Editor. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24th day of September, 1925. J. C. RATHBONE, (Seal) Notary Public. My commission expires October 30, 1925. Save $1.50 By Subscribing For Three Years Those who may happen to read this issue of The Republic, and are not already yearly subscribers, are earnestly solicited to become members of the Republic family. Subscription rates are: one year, $1.50; two years, $2.25; three years, $3. Here is a convenient order blank to fill out and mail: To the Publishers The Philippine Republic, 207 16th St., S. E. Washington, D. C. LEASE find enclosed U. S. Postal Money Order for $............. in payment for -.........years' subscription to The Philippine Republic, the subscription to start with issue of................................ Signed...................................................... Address............................................................ - -— ~~~~~............. Page 14 THE PHI1LIPPINE REPUBLIC Nation -0Wide News About Filipinos In The U. S. (NOT&-Thie 'ettill Witl hafetftei he Ae FrimnTfit feature af The EeehlaeW th purpee i to heAaint the 1l, l60 eralte of The Rephblie fI the Ph lf plaler With the ertlactiits of reery pFlpint aeamaimty in the U S; e iae a keep aar codera e h r Pacific oad informed Ad t what hs geang on emoe the Filipinna ttr Nerw York BosttO eta., and viee ver ate; 1t eke The Mornlodlc trely the tl nee l aorlg en tite Filipi no ot theU U.S Ehery tabbtrhble i SreSdted io zen d tn -he Aet at his pan l c altt eteaty. KEEP YOlUR REPORTS BRIEF AND TO THR POINT. Matter thit tre dedhe t etllllhee ete who d tWd be. il So Sd 15Jerty WASHINGTON, D. C. WASHINGTON, It Q.-8k the 11ime this aumber of The Rephubli r*eahee its readler CorrO Wr ill oWit moreh be i steon. It 'll hea a adeend t Coeesrsa its flet theor esine the Ceagreetidal leetieaee What tre the p pete At P}hitipEie t depen dee? The Eephlit's Iaterpreehe obeey,Wheee hIe deeht elU teee, tet the trthl " The teeth It thepe eep Eeaee toe he hlat eoreaeet ter I leeepetdte at the heads ot the neat Uaeeraes. aeidee Cehldga ton er;cly eat~ed (lt hi. Itate hler athe Houee a daed hrer 21, 1924. ria tad ia ftll in thle Rbah ie tfer Reeeh, 1924 that in hit juoemeet the t tee tat aiod'$ jaeteenit Ias aery t lhkty he Mreht heet Yte he tew ' atetret ia a Uttlidga CBoI.a.......e, This oett net eent the Phitpttiae aceettee till cat he brought Aid It 'will he Maly h w till ha tee Ui daute The Filiinpa haverd e the thhe hUea & tade td ledetepadeare, rs~~~ ~rrt~l gp?~lo, j~i~~~, ~fR~lif~Delegating; Bee. Sergie Oeeee Cleme Re Te, ReTa eer, Seereteey.and Chief Adaleep, Cete6nieleat Sacerl emneere ilahned latrodetele hilte teeel e aits eildepeandenee; ePt Paeo Reyee, Teehae AdyViee; Vippeete (. Bearmae, Directrte Phiippin e Pe.ss Beneeet aadea Othe wil iatrde il ee it elaing the o hiliple iolatare he pelt a Pha eitethaa sate ecetfeec tar the putrpose at feecict ah eaceititetidc are Ceatelt U.Re tem eereteytC~ rer;ls Istea r. Ce hor of aMis ilitar h twish her and her aatenciace it Philippine repeee. Othert tr1 i latrodee a hiilla a tnoy "uecite cad Siteec Raayeeeeee ietre a hacireeage, ieeiMeirn visie to Nuerpaan ettafriee teed aboard the Jara heftrwat theat (lcerel edtafe 11a ival to the Philtipiet. The party te wreIl pvea mere peer that aa The ad Fairfield hilt trill Oene of the reugta addito the l the Gerge- attended by rteende of Miss lltiie aid Mr. and Mrs, alsolj ly10 b res ntro lton A rASchel of ereitn Soriee, ois MRe Petter Kieap, Felix. It trae eanioe and trwill he alwray eatemahepd. Aad is seat here hy the Philippie Govacrepnt to oYetais. e Pi latdg aimt bre the ie taree reed, Mr Lendr P ad left for the Philllptine, too, veat any backward tap, and he work at hued as teeer a the la Sehphl, tip epbetaliead Ad Patent LAeW a o hn Otbek 6th. Racy othar dept- d 4e Ie mo atnthe ta nendofdepedC. It mttieta happene that ebhec et.The Pilipeic at Washington held a t wrall odantet the Phlllplee q RtHis leoadeahlp p litally te WehAtheeo Aaterleti repihe It tie heec plaed Pilioplee Clth, jest erlp te tie depArture tee the Phle t r teat the a at the Phipr.Preee Sreet Iat t h fild-oierrSaddte c ttemt eele a th Phlipee pepetlallpo lee WhT icahet, Be1. C. mne& Mr~ Studded *ad one of the th popular otf rec e ntly. Senap tor @amens waslunkoby the Pi let, teedatrill eperbe a ater ee atndieratede icepiatiote PlelpiA tht ha. eter resided lie Wayhicahec, cad tre he the P-lielcat ma y Wathicette. a idde e raic pIeteIefn at He D i A I treotr eaeeaeetto Sei Thee heel tre dedate hetre.epei ered Ia ae ee ly e, dhtieethele ta e lehier t o m I o olpetaedAeteleefhe att dereett tePhpe ha trtha dedimtla eddreee he It Tdee t e ta e to himl ee t Seenahe lar Eeio ea, R -ttdeat Cma ioenaer Gue far eera thee thre tere, tas letft ter the slandee. Or, Peealer. aleyLcea, one eI thase Pitipieo eatch. tare, Olreeter Viepeete U. SeBoueeac ed the Pret Seet, A acore at priac err At the etantte he hld him ae tar the ete et light erd teteledge. ie atatehar aeed ether premieeet Filipleoe, teatiellcral ele te the tetelt at the tady oa lietretrtere in the Callete oe Physeiaiea dedieatitn earri ese. ecd learaice Caleetha Uitveweity. Se rgeduated Mee Iaarehere tltee, dthet tbre delivered Ad- tae Ihie itlttta a fee years ta. d adtee hti PFilipino Clatp. % Villatevare and AlteDS Satreaee. NEW OR CITYu It. Iteaeahir Pileeafd, a paltna )ieeat ofthe Aticeetle. Three -vc" votal aed teineeeetal teeetlaeio hy Mm.d Thuee AL Ie a Ml" Ann t Seaeweey, Mree E. HeaP -E- ereteteta h aeY and reearch lee Sealleede a tetrw trip aed then Clar1 May H Cafterlin; Mile Ann V~ Fifthindo K NEW aORK44fi aentme:ing ef the New York tarerald in Beelin. where ha dteedled tae oaee fime. eeiiae e, and C he C Ar k i t Stdaents' Aaeriiett the fallaowing 'eap elected a e r tipee hia rete ta Net Yert he ereOeved te epaAltWA PttSptdR. etr ie taMll! tetrra: Predeat, Re Amee A. Peopen- meat a icetme le eathology li in he ateg oteam ~The FAAt ware heateht t Waahington hy the Phet der; vicate-epresident, MR. Teaedae Per$ill; aerrelry, Miss wtith he traduated pie e de Otia ftea Meite, the woree i Salheoe Saldlad I. eaneaa; t raearerr Mire Chlara I Paie-lt Veiarrle, ted tree tha direet deetlt at tip enterprsfe e t har af direhese, MRmre. Lte MIa emalpee, Ide. Vientet Cehiaea, like teany oater diligent workt. the Filipino Comtmntilty Center at Wathint, n. D. Id Mhari /p eee VI e Alaaza and Eeeillt Gaia. ice etadettr fem the Peerl oa the Orleat Sat, cme Thc Idea ete fleet ateagethed ty MIlee loss&aS Villa, - tee Net Y trt CIOty eetweral re eta0 teem Seattle. taor lea the Ilatlad, at head of tht Nee YoTti brateeh of the Philippine ntae administraeiee aed his masste ai ate frotm the Cotmmercal Aeeery, eas a"pointpeed eeeetaey for the tUifelemety oe Weehlaeiee But he ia itill teeking tjee4e*eelaere Ueelaerilty, and ateretary 'Kalctr at tha At thea ltrteefiteetl Mt. M Sist laeet leate tarmer ecithaeieeem ead perereertear le thee tteerseily af Natr lefdeendree Ceeemaireia, weree aesets et Mane at the seeretary at the tetee, let~t reetetly fae the Phtiplb Yark, aeeaina tis Ph, 0, degre. And ht trill at it. ceeaedl lteerhea at thee, Lee Maenet at the Philippinee~e ricrneIts ere tokfar ttee R Ced t at IM a nla. daont worrry aout thet l tlearehwe eti atmate6ed atofs the PlIpI foaladett eeit And eleathet reeeneely arrited dreetly tro m te h Phil- York CIty ftr four fdare, Or, lAeiealoe ras a rearrreideeei eteee Pedee Gaeta, 1Meeea Pillhet Cfeett, V.. C. A. Peeea: Miss Cloara Id PAt, O, Sltre eatlled tee the PhIliprinet via Ee eeape eYar re ao the gatheering, hat that Io the dltterenee, Palarolee Alejabdrieeu n geadeete sttdeet at ONeethe; tilIt Laada, Ptriee VaeeW t fSe a, Npee Vonra it tat tee at tha eeet eatsmall parties held thie tall M, Cuaneee Preitla, eet-at p p latig rediet trea OhI- faeeind ci te athe r t aieeg PLpleato. Meee taed Idea. Qleet t ad Gafte Din pe tlrety Id Oete M ieeea Jahaeaa Fgaadttei teceec, Je., eteecat ha cerpeeted he thele WheeptAlty desert it Calaheu a Mater-, RLhaeede Iteyeeem, E; A. & I de eteheard d Chaeeee aeadeeated teem the xItaeem U, A. GeeAIhee, Is eagai the ediLtr ee the paptele 1), R. AmterealbMl, V.1 C. A.& ellatr, Attediag the dereees lee elatrtleal eciattetelee latt Juite end itd lithed ty the Filipian Ciub M, Elkeehalle aketeat A Idleam P. Jereetlf pad R. Ellihe ealled tee the at fcheeetdy N. Y, Se eepeehe he teatel extaensively efi~cm chosenr~ ~~ "Si~~~i~~lu~Ledo Per. Ceeia at elied Fethei ea eitee le e- 'eeanedfeiaa tfiedttlee tne the Unlted Sthetie Gregeelt C. Pajeedee tree eleated preeeideet at Ihe repe Me. Jeet Pellet jaiced the party eep to SerBANK Phlllttc Celteetlace at National lfree~deitr Other trtee he teilt etdry ettading ecd meetiatee a yeare 'A eteticed efert tieaeea the FilIplao caeettheAe TlE PHILIPPINE REPUBLIC Page 15 allows himniai Engiaing- a T Abayn, Jry '28t fnm Parasaainjn, Lend; Lais Bat ata, b2iMa Sn ilinaet C. Yaa 27, 27 nyGam; Nfieva Eci;a; iDtaan Blmfninnt '28, Zaranya, Norta h EiJ; onmC. Co ncretion '28, La Ciafrtta, ~cy, Negros Jose Salad '29, iatsiss: Aarieialtur e-Lynn Gonctvlia, ratdi Balng lladan; AJan Teeres, ( * h an at Tman BatPnenas Jnaan C, da idaigaes, GCa,, BAlina anin, Paagalnaayn Fpolle Artiba, Gntl. LCa BanAn, gairna; Alt etandr go MBeaa ', tnGagaa, Pamnpasng; Manual dtl osanrio '29, Manila; Cshimtny- hanitry Ba Menano, Gatl,, Manila; Civil EagineaPntantrafe 'Covesr, M}Iandtilas La ni-Rfn t Lhoret 'I,2 Bahliap, Balaean, PHILADELPHIA, PAk PHILADELPHIA, PA-The Fitipin c olny ia Ph pil thathe Te literh amdeats with tnei~ wee at sociarl Activities: the A~Xhig; With PI erP ibod i aI hdfidE Thy I~ must be kept b Tsy t GM O i seanty sm nt mnaney for aytaitild add vinPolak eaxb What m ade as Ag naiay t iat? They iaarnanha oa the naehmherajdnd Sewi-CentnyaiaL that will attract annty P'iliieat in tlhi Unltted Btatty and inn th hilip Bottoa ro (left in right): A, Cidhanban Trakafrnan J Qi dn la Pa,, ViiioPnegsidetP. IEVailai Prnteleeft; ninns, in wetting an reaize anyn aind nanry that we ii, V. Suattaga, aeraondle Seneinnyr has evc 'a ne phpirWe chtl wIAA atos Standing'-Chaiianen at of Cannanitteiefte in right) —L P. Cattle, SAWA1; A, CA~i at Himho"Ida; J. anumpit, Tn' h litw hill l i Cinithm hie City Pf Be~p of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ xt~rs lrrr~ the ~Piipiae ~hemselv Hauji G Might;faddhaddense t Curtigum A01fli. Ar Ar (IMA104 OM Ph ~iii Ainiii" li"000; 11C LfvWTo flialf commt *6 took fly*d ith bar urg ManaePMani~ineenadnwe;,CaynanAhteti;AA, aenae, dl Pittd e~A I eteen;M, thd rid tinki1 Aut i, dwth r en Viltanoer, Nsbeghdt~at-Anrn P. Caintin, Cnepainiffg SAO;. & Caia Ff naudalDo th dot a-ritbi plnt- h I, t Wdfte (n firt win the ctue)nsml iti Thit Idn Wleleaesm '~ Wthe rincas and makths- nowWhY ftea te. a iaain fel -of AN ~nttar~~r orPi zatio~ w~ he at ~the ln~ ioJ u~ the might h~I~~~J~~~~1~~O"SA naeinhd he do. Th ha hey ate i l ny bI nanf H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bitd.~~ou~. 500ij~~ Riverside Dkve NewI~ ~ Yor City. Mr. Er CIiiAin Pnateytion Annyintian with thn n nta at Mr. Depenhn Tn e and Bt, Gensn anm thna twa il naintn an the ntnnhei ie vM ati aidp fe indahp C. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~tnrn naln Ia f~asletnneanynd inthura theWawnn' Ciab, Pablin Farnny, and Ganman Cinnin, In Hin Filfiphin "hnipinea hands" at Baaih Broky tan Unined Stated Manshant Myatine; Mnnn dependlay we unden WAY fan a hip BIAn t Day programn Other nw them ananin Who Aetan niling teat thin port frBa jnha An landy a few atadnat, yyif-ennporthig An athena niatia n ela d tin l patiatt ann *,Thn Fllilpan Pta' the ditfnt annann at the Waier It ln te daett nined tf Iha w ad hldn a dnnts' Aaaaaietiaa, Thn Fililpian Vylynraa at Famine and pleasare at waelnnme thn newnamens and mannke Filibninn ceamipaw tba bPhI1ednihtA Fllipman ant~enn Woar, The Filieim n. M: C, A. Cl ahte The Filipino Sy thyfeel A st hne whether they hn ie meaney ar o. o wan'n Aneocanintin nied thy Filipin6~Aeneninnn Sacitor Pynihapa thin in heennsn these teen patniatin ettizean Many nf thy worbinpanyi enarrnd Anteinnam pint at Stewankt N, j at the Phoitionyinn thyasela anrived at thy sbaren An o are the mitiusa athers a happy Outt in Fan then. T the United Staten iniendina and with maeaer gan achidrna the ftr aa hOgpht nee ahiint dhiffanet anpanatminsetwang helfa the Idaynnatisnal the adthnewtna enin eiwannnan fatheni ia hooat and anal naayeed intho eaatya arnn, IiiBita d Way aw An Cty Mnt B n a they eighi hare wiahyd they had been neeiyd upan hi. deanAg ain They any prointg dan hy da, Wh C, ann wee R8v~til n VEnted * Yhia Mien tdn M at.ran, thning annfXgia At day rate, Meenne, Tranan and Canny nan nynmant hthyi in!ed" and nanniman a plata ata Vinke P ieiaa, Auna y Seyn fan; Miass tId a M h ilae ra e li hnia annet anliiatn tar thn wyitrea anenal ital Day Cnhntner in Philadlpi nn tn hav r adi:I Defro Dleerni Pen, Crannal Tranamry, is ilng oiemani Filyinnad And their nitata aniaieted aenyetly nw tthe e UW hildane will hae prawn ahe nan Di thy neteblhirbnyt at aennnnl bIandieibeaean in bean and nonnt aia4 In tha aniehynt~inwil thans The Rial praprane nil be piaea attlnAtlanat Snath Byna thessentini panposes at which ann he doniep an anniely an theIrewitea and fAthe HanEy, Denhian S29t;, 7.S3 P. M to Marb at pad Fiple rewatn With a pmaneant nyin O14h At tadny? "__ _ _ _ __ and temnpoaryrn bann, bennae thean paniftminand help Abnth anehitian darbinp atudee I;anent taonntonrn nn e partentt nin naf tneetins saytonn, TheyaepaAWAY the tlipptnssoin of -anyN ethannntny, anid be pahad At, In apoth af then1 BOSTO, MASr Th Chaynt of the Fluped will alebrate RUNy Day Jobs. in Spite at thein maaniia be tareains Rug. at Cnad atneet Decemaher IS C enithna aha nana f ity at nianepi niphi honna, they mannea t tteak ann; Bae:Ina tian, Russian B. Anatan; innitbtia a A aad abaniap in their anholnetia nayb, it Ii eat an aSt PT Elimpn S day B banipMien Idad Matinnyt Pahlifty, Frneiena Mamio Dncofa ananuni ih jgf Ann at thym in hn ean yridnp in nolr-ia~: }oiuo T. ir E Eal Q, Hatson of IFirt tap h 1f Oht ie n aa tini e,, Mie Da n Daain antia a traliny nntn ebesnt inn in the inonnie, gngep hoane aeitannny It ~Whoan faadedad~ by~ Mn Patninin Confident Annhn a, A ea 'loa to eaen, hau t ta atdy and ninny, I nyis I anld atoCandneCatinpe, ba bne dean ated an adinantannEna thnin naeni opantddc their h teyin addnyn Meanyl inf Gordon CWI~~jY *he _had____n_______d____its__director___ a thosto ntadnts dn net Wnaa thain nayo ial ined-i The faitani traffaan ba h e ana b nnelt ta egoist the adwm hIet i h ~'dinwatyr Leo Tianen Pnwidynt; Jmnp PlaneniaDM; The Fiinina eenlany nader thie nadewip at abe jFill i aodMinndint Mednaago BLansibatall Dinetn, ~r inlnL SC N iEaLL nNIVERSITY inaa Aenynntin, ia npaiepf fnnr aa edelt b h En thint f ove; nd eleloMdfiw~is junior Dy 11frean meber o0 ilth It will he;, an It by, aiote Thy V B C, A, aOt Chnniettnyn hen danatted abe befn, Wonthny at hiewh nb ia nrrien sand bela nnd wst, lat all the waiiiyiin antyaPrn B-an VetC~ y naaenetna ta anawn" 1~~ tam the wytip nt theMnin TAA,V-Tt nebanati enn l2 n ahioatn d r ther niin, thir wi ned the Bana Bautlint Bethel Soeiein is sponsonie iha bene a anwarbably aneneentl e t henit iteaa nwie Phlani Pan a wmt, Vaninabdy eietanee in aiw being amen h Mne, pe ae T artiatsf wlana at thing la ter, Benny P. Peabedy! at 11tnedey, Dy Manann nf thn thn ripbt nba anraduates Pane tani eda thee Philip, Trenanibu Teymply haptint Chreb at Baston;, anet Mn. pihewl Fnsanaiaa T Sunien MRix,B IK Mandel a. tNnewbeE nenh y1Ehaty hamide with nan When yast Hiddyn at the Ee'ct Bntit Chareb at Charlenof innnaiiMPPP ap ta h A i yane Ion nan eqadaapted nity, e O~ O Thin nielnitian in aeniap an infidanae fnr aged P. Laina Cas ned hRean C, Madripaln CM. while a thdae tiy, at Me p tanafetianil at the Pantesanet iliina the aothena Roberta X MNevada, IS, Chew,,r ia stning in the vininity at Banines and ins alan anfvinie t be As Cornell tatiep M, Chew,, Aiwander Gtrdnnn MVIA& ntfntenilalhetptnthtadp tana n ne i onna in Ca1winadn ha enanialiny in linipatina, Aned eaean Banilia T, Intate, M.S,, ban paneto In taeiai, at PITT aSBURGH, PA. i.BROOKL, N. Ca Ti'd A y J, aoo ieeted in the anhiddi at Manha oiralt oTan Onta Pk natianat aP~I-T q~ PAf-T s t hdeat elbks city fi staehldes oomy~EL.isatprsnt analneai ro sao IawA ' adsdW ~ia~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hn nen ins aba ela nlt natatnna nm BRiDOOLYN; N, V,-Tha Filipino Charbben, "whiab aenian ia f n Enaineering And takiaaneej oA In club, an e W as m It o r* aatieitiw, A Fltipin V, MC A, byneeb baa atea Mn, F, Del Baaie nbitaiaed bin B.S. degrean trean tbe Organlzed ndn the able wanapennet at MeN, Ceanran Blias Paepaaibaa wan ented wenben at Surat xi, tli'ntity at Pittbatheb mest Anea nat in anatemp in Chtiapan anad bin waesoiatea, The V B, C, A, wan an h6"aaan nain~ty in anhieb aantine in ia th at Ag praactising bIn nnnranland an antanlannalutrlahinnta ena hied thrdaph the iennraaitnos Mno hi Pant nf anaidtahin and an oigiane anet, MCbemarhin In in ann a whanr i a At hyena, Wie Mn Diel M nia T Saday Ahan nat arganiand and It in new bme nanterd tao nAnare aadnate, and alunan at the ieati c lanaa tbe a.nan aity twa panaiting noanp ntnal Met pinnring, Tate aieere were eleated Tht Waananla Pa eat Tayhninni DtpantawnC Paeaneibne'a thenia I'ntn ntof Sananpan aad Ma F, Mayan at Canrks eae CI"b in pinaniap A hipe prograna tan the yane, Mien nablyb nan hiw the honar in antittad "Mfittifirat~ing~ thn ealinga at wedinib aP tine Cnniven'aty at Plttabnrph OId a Mltany Ia thes yannideabs,-,and the Mechaaical enginannig at tin Caneepleg tatti-~ lain at Tanholanipy neapeallaly, The Pahile Farman intntlyO arganeized, jima Renen lana C, dy hNndimian nanM lent anneatiy Baclany ee n atntlhnbny ei thnyad Mea a gnadjotymagma naeeyIy Senday, Spenial atyia aye diE Teni at Alyha Itann Datin, ant hansa analety in MEPtg fibehsd0zA tho adH auaeed, preanated by pewanai inteanated an Apwhniaiani Sanintapyt he wat nhina anpalated by the Prenideat at Bryan entema cnn n lanian taan Pamd"tnan laninaiy Me, te nthan, An eneiag id"an pill sooe be apnemd, A Mba Unianasity at aaa at th e anuewbn at the Board P. heinna atlZehaaaiamIho na n inian in ninintn ea tannin libeamy Isin na openend, tanapoanaily iaaatnd at at Adwlninf~tyatia nbtnh nih ha arenaihmiel fan the annnmplap at the Ceainreil at PittebygMn A, C, thealahen at the paa, Thene things were eade paw aNaaamgy, andt "paInie at WIlliln Stynioht SlaB, a anow dn dnlynn tn Bnllon an lanenla I jaila in beittiep nthie thnaeph the "abl Wiinaenabipt ofMn Jane N, Can- SSOttt0t jafitiap And hete banwa at the tCogheli naantwnntlne a Cannegia institate a ahaay skedtat ehainanan aad erawati nenretnryr GMan Wftiian StaiphtK Hall Ia a gift and it Ia the Mn, Ipeyw antd e ta deetnam bany tall hands thIn The lant hat nat lwead in the happy marnagnne at thy wish at the taaane that ilna bnilding nany ananre an a Year at itmei Initemanilapinl Caanaynlitae COM; ha pneinr M n, Ptined Babraenea, to Mtae Petra Anninab reyetin pAnded tan thel Amtiga etateet bady and a hande whiab they beldamg beth ananing the waneanina ane, the an the 211th at Auegnat, The weaddlepk ato plane eaneer tan etadpat afttama Jan C, de hadmigna* in wittant aP the etab,'H Ma, itynas men berahip Aad anna At the Chaanh at the Filtninsa, taliawed Sty anMian al Woanth Panaiddet at the Clanaeli Casmopolitan Clab, gtnaatd"rnnnaa while Br, di waad In the eMHe enanilee rat0 e eaptIonn A aneethl And A halt inter MnE Baren annoEand at waner than II aledna~t inemnhan and anna The einb It anynseneted by anana 1t eationanltie Panan wan ardained annitenW at the poaaia, Hst an- than N0 teeMt annyahen and in nAbieb 21 natsmnaiidny With lateo vatni and DnAN They alanat bana bat twa didflant taah plane at the wane phAneb en the lath are reprnanated ' aaniaer alen tat apeniap at the lean, Gan waa A at Gambeit Bath anenetn wer nai ttended be coann roana piena and the athen waaj a tea penay, Filiydiea and Annlariea tnieeda, The neptntrailan thin yean at the Fllpfitna at Canayl beth being afteided h apeadidly, P6ge 16 THE PHILIPPINE REPUJBLIC INDIANAPOLIS, INM.,~she... h ~ the Ye:2i Th j Filpino BuriedoFa From Home y appoint ItC toa fu. diobgraph t of $~ o Arab T~~e Aaa~~ei~tio~ bas s e ~ verage soIeo noe h ~1N ME~YIORY ~f 1bA Mt~~g~ & It~g~. ~th (bA 1925iaio An thbra thrce tAdi layantbe iT~lmid rhadb lfy ffid d,> ApataAt $2b toil the Fiacgainty fli l ffflist~uiii annd, knediceatet; t lebu, Octebee It, 19h5testab baas of mnales. and )al oina tha Ae-i finf Ff~ pcttib by te 1 Flitar ceeldea atm that abeselyt he he e-eae't eteetc deliver theld eet e ofet teIe icteN hetee eaeOTe ec "MN M~EORY of Iftian 11onitefngro of ftlpn;MnhB coe 95sostat h garewaiol Te l reii imtAadan dfttft. o Seham 2e the etee lieirtoAp eec e et era Th. ae cc a aced Aceeliea tIIad 'thc ecateci 61 Me.~ Unte-t thc fteaccee he' MAILte5 Micg e l~en Hatlwcay, a ac-ed =acceec heeed at the bley Hil1 Cecicee'n lci at tl Peel Uctceite', received the bact ceice, cad Jeet ac Chicago hetde ithe digebhtee at having the dbichaab,~ fideiacbcr 5tho 19222 Meecee Anfcaihelt fleece cAd L22111n1cc Icatee Cihicege picked Filipino asaceatieta ia AMannikin so it pueebabty hecee elarte aeceived the eacead add thiad ba de athee Aecceiane itiec ic haeldg 'aithice fit Sacn oane Ace rei tbitinumbeecficat leiead The r e Tais htch, aetae'y eebtie WaIthi l S I idd'a. a csmall ',eaice' ta the eneiriat effarts at ie, Malea, Tbitt' 'eho Ahth p I' Ai oi icifgtiah c PAd the F idite. th~ DefieeiP aul Unicesi, re M id thet sltbe. The rditee at dehw PHil2 gmAe'a Md A, A GdeA910%~~~~~~~~~ba Fiiftlifi Oscriptifgon in mbfea..6 igore _..C ILL th I,'ahatee, dfietg thei yie' 1A in wihin Iits bun CHICAGOl, ILthadb eeaediee at dUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ii iCaIrid atji'h e Will~es Sitch et F1hiyito 1a 'I ~~~~~~in IaY CHIAMPAIGN, 1222-0I) o oTI '1ioty Ppig ne /111 Rizal jgtt~gfT~t~cthe tite'a Chiya Al Iresent they 'ave tAblet the cablec at 61 Allies And goriA 6116 irrtatbiie ', s h '.1onh da " the tent p 'lb ine~AmFilp a I he, i~ As II Ti'th TheanInadesi I'P iti Ste:inya, ha i " Ground Ustlvieno:iW alertiigwt 111 he'lli tMoAllnh Is he,iffi tclethedabeathcdieeacleetlh'5' 16AA "e A"me i Ageiffdip TI mvemntI' Aer A cli, eatedatey 'etathel' lb ocia~io~'s ofbii ecnt ae'a Ale ee iaca Pt 'lt a The~eegralelcton f 1WAltaiao th A A,~ h Ch'MF'hiac, Maite, Paogid 1,3' cm JM Ityt 'lb alkw etetaiinlso easyteegbat Thol Acaid M iadafi, Y Phii ' IRd,%te Chi It weA' S dstein dhoa' A T'a s d a ' 'Ill tie cI' 'p Aaaatat yeolid sins R lbfIll,~ mac It '~ activctiaes -"ui~tesmer mehewiai Tha dl P:1 M iclladdtional capitahe t' h iagie adtheat tS ieaeele StadeigaicIilahh, It ' 1 22,AS Ad /nlihkha l tespr 5or hamelyeete dg~T66,findgp166 6s; k&n e civpof t/he ~eent inra hI I C thiao aspres t bae Efimaegby kh e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o aas 1. hblPaI 19y4 cceaoteeddaadi Meal a'Iaeabm tfo ni' Abki fily iesAacc'tteiae ieaea etik Viealgic't 'ly, c; ffim ph hta Ac tohleal Talancyta ticycaa Pa'Cc a I I thireaccA Panicttecane', Itiee tW.n anemin studeI is a had& all oa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~etho aubinah -pbi ~~frt? fromk UM6ait {fhe Chmmptrt~iiai' o.ee H TPi lytI lbutIi h 'Jaiaea,11Idelhsee M,6Veegec Cahn doping '' N a' cL I this pf th e o~ the P ii nes* had al rady studentia teane, f ' i C olo'at soiidi Maice, ceIeba Phi Ce nsist 'awlI be' ac eel congest,.a5 lbs Iee dveden Tadieaic aella Tea athadl a lbdi;i ieaghpen ob h oberedcuto icatleecacleehielehet', Iai nal OV inclb ib Inidntll, t hsb APIinid u CPeeia VU, MIatiga C iateemp tpiim Il I Alaee 115!y-tiom 'ddarcaasa Ina;enec MaacucaPetaca, ' 1, ''i 'e Path IT, P~~~~~~~~~~~~~greie Fyiac 'a~eme ares laia Ihee dealeal Aegecca at theik eccacacete'" Thabliee i alec Me, Madrct Tee 'ailt aeeeeae tha aace halt ate etch Eoicgo race Feballa, ~ 5d A beethee et lice tace FAhatt ied winn te fltos wilh t altu Csccaeeee, iglne filee wia presile datiNethe e lecetie cccapa Itct 'aa'acedcheatgaeia Tie, IS t Kabayca 'a-e e'ncy a i de PhielM dgieeMArtinte slean,, ' Sf Ic y ei~aea ies tack ccc teAS hc edetShc hlafee, te t eeadfastied Inta i etc tbechnIicapetarde i c, lahI lleaIath eeli the caceatoe cofa at babeee Aeend ie Tied aladeaha 'b gatleed te eteeeceaaa Pie Mec CaraM, eeesif ofRepesntaiv DeecefieetSantiAehlag uleact d'in eproducts. ihf etetic cyele~act Rteect, h is shcdis muici ashngon, bbia Stal C~eateett beemo hisa Seidan, Att e se e'eae ae'te t e ia tLhs Rial a eespaea e t i Ai ai i 1, ic e t elect eceei In cteec cad eeeeat,b a i t barbbled ca e ice tiecari Ihe Deaicy ealictee rat Ile tetaee cad~ aeCectec leedAf-lf CBeaacees - e ____tary a Slec La t imeeictt Fothaece ceced leIc~e acadee at thein Teialei AccecateWedbaathceeeedathe cce eceae at tiltecta lay, eec cc aiceg peWayee HEa Adlc h eciic ey 'aea'e'tieeie cd e h ci u Wicc B, tiec, 1,at Mantteee B all teclubce, degrees aaaeatceca ct abt hetb'la cad thececey cccbeisp Vieley actterv,Ie Faaciatatdc, A ibacecel cadI ae brtieea yaeee 'ai b cc t h camousiaefi' lacae at tceatichIar the High labe ctfltiny P altleaca, Be', Jayeo hi, Zp ia i e citCacaa,'lttk it caIh aelde IchIe tiacceeJa, tiatlce Pilht elec at Ph'ilppie htlteg Necelw e at the aou ti otaedl ci Am iiin ha icca ttedmi Cia eaal'ecc c lc abl tcteceJuneeM,,ect ctitPeihd he At acdia teeataaa aitat e c elc MAyce IseepciecatetlaeSiideiac eec eeaa acbi licehtiaecpl eety'caey in ic adtceelad, B te eecla a Ie dbae ecIle Piit'ieeece adDecifade'f eteta dice UibkWTee iy at WahigeWa laheecte' Who iytia c dc ee caytteaeda diace b tae'ec h Kteiecce tietec 6tceec Seheeft cd acdMicettbacdCeca, ih cc eel ecelact cc lace yeae, 1'eecaet ledlealleec eec that ecceintdueidathat une;is a eAftee taebe m leey aeeehr ducfice ee eatee nd lete he i pael ' ii'tchy haca c'aicca ach DOeieiaelt'ihls the ceac M Mie e'iac aideacee, A aghtee aS Ilece Feectada Slict'c ilecad ecleee a'ltiwteedtithecac ceebjaciW cl th hadld iam dc'e h caecece tiheSaeccTaeee' thicideac e, at ic RCatat at MChiate, lialheecfily rhat lc ceel iee gea gyctelcct cacy n ictede b he d 'ietChicag AecttecdeceIaItecaypcaec cteSc Phtitidtced, 'ace qa itepla IaPiiciieitiilc letcacteci e atayos If te Peace Ia Aeticeice cdiecee ihatay aIccded cceccet, I cldea at thee Stalied b Tacc e' reh~alieeMaacch, bleat Dcy ceaicec, ad ciieeeieaheddc cd h lic iic'aaaeecea"itietnbcdat ccciilicie ccicccc'c 'ait dcc ecelce cllabe aecyda, adii'ctectta bythe aiigbemeeicc ethes eiege Me, A Wt' he ClaPi hel lbn6e94 Sad Maelaise d h e'elae Oehe Fee' *'Ihe Seal hde icPb ile tlc acaia icebo kicelleel bthe dheadlycad eande ubade', cc cell Vicadr ccc hel Ia a~e ee i cerooudse laledece, Fee' thye 'a'ii I c i~ad ee Qeceeehieyeae Ic e c byo theiscahtc cgeeiSclei'ca tlied ac iteae eecbc acedis Ili tei'ccdc Ac oledecal teleea ciiir eeidf deeateeeaeecai2 thee Filipino W istu t At ch Ticac aced cfeden f thee t eel Cleethee geneicc haenap eadeibheced acic at ibe 1!Want, hairan o IN ndepndene C6oinltt6 egod eiteA cc tk eal jere, Pleitippice ~ ildw 11!Icla E Iti Sebee bidyo it c aey c~idiach, tee TuJoe eacdiaticiAi baa denalccheehia at wAi Iak gitcal tiah F eealeyaaet'ihacha teaid CciecadIc be lie egel citeticecA S'tilticcce et Ic T 1e S'illca edal t it held M hea t e Iacai Pateath a tC yea Patudyad ace mtehie o rce itatioecl Pee t 61c icad tececcetetbeetg edAbadIaniboafcwehekcei atchceeeiblccee Itaceeee-depcdedt ceteaee'taedtiac Iee' daceiacaeet cd edeatica OceeIAcceablof P he d''Yc~eebionte Pilno lln Thedaibd Ph sitippl titled Pee o ipe a fee lacetee aC Al decceat ice cecayiaie I acdertt~ claP o Paced, i b Itdeeldfai Ahyc"'bcCecdise Seraceic', Ar ued Bee' Sdfxmdace Ohi cc hed eCiIAet -wtyehe CIlA Matn Pt g FItae Capth icfitlead eeideterel ihl e ban abee ait dc de'e-ieceiaieScleccyhdceteaci epeclae il ca h 00~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE PHILIPPINE REPUBLIC Pag 17 program wII inludk a ddre ss by Fiipi nd: F-lbty -- if -a si coy a met t 920 Taylor At. Ca4 r lthy tein g f R a p; el W hie Bethif Cmmandan t athe RWIvig StUFWith.h. cook Tlippbbiy ink Pliffixiii' CALIFORNIA t hdin, t h p fplrom K.OOC ti, SC.i FaEtfiA htLb, the y mme enit w m * tpresent as were Cn r~o~ full hKIMtiah ~ yf Phi RX"A Etif~ty l~hto y i larg fighin y yef othger fioyeie. Maria fgWhurished itytyggteiea g Intetrcolegiate Fgtyeraity At the Univer- by the Filipiim C. S. tavg itrntg:itge aity of Illisl Mr Mo Maty P. Verymi, clas f A2l in SAN PRANCSPCO.-H4 Ifor Sialtutc That's thte ating thy Unitfd St, Philippine Ih lead, Whity thte iltl h oe h ti nd nd ao p aghy r tdia. China, aad Sath A ra. The pr ft Pes t of theL Ag, gd do yy dlld FtA ad A IrhnMr. C. Odgana thereebeII beaaa lxr attes f il1iI AmingUriki tagably aad yg ag.aygag atdanthe gf alt taada talinaa Vglleyp by tyneia nd aSat, g ahn gn L - n hy tt and to Ogatyn a hyttOttiyr aadnnataading btnaea atadnata thgbi he big da- tyiiagLLaSTEt. yyy lnyne he. aat elywhere on the of othrn yt n eia f AaayQ t arl yrina hardl for the suecte bo thee aud the Aymgcs pabtli ia ginner at. Thy Cathgolle P'ltlnola Club g e a Vygy intyetireag ne tly orang iztd Fitignia Yinig Myen' Aid Ayyigylaitia. Ofteen of the OPgayigmttia arne Pyryident p. pV.y, Flag Da M Thig ai baa Atdy grttyn it sel a fiased gi g t i; l, P. adA. &.U Fgture Ott participatiag egyy in gy to a oaganina n nf amlrdi a yy agun g Al, It 1a Jayfor, Va l. Ad. t. Inmai V1hrs alllett E. PweSe Wg 2IhTann t '2 g MtIAa Ctaaailo Labygata Mitt P DWaiA And Myeaa ga d to enlagey the Ageattigy unatil thyge ga Pnndttany. Maygainyt (ldtathe '2i, CI it A~ C, Aflatydy, and F% Ang.m bygithag in gitia AA fit M.. HayBwail and Alp-aa,.____________________________________O___ *Oa of the at pabtin apigityd of SAA Praaatayt ahygy thern Aiy gagbyag of Filigiga A aaagtiag to Fty r w...L i3- Inputs p foe tae In atB DES MOINES, IOWA Mi meo, LOS ANGELES.o-Fag Day wa cylhnatd i the Th INES IOWAe-ThinL alty, gaia gO~i%3~~l%~j~~ ttgg, ~g Popular At Columasntobia beig, saaaaesfl gay that o sa Aagyite Filipinos Pal Dth at N IO & 44 6;Iith I,,, ~-do thing. The atpgram nan gain under the aapica,"a athik WhraW the fall corn gr a,;o haf F Lana Laadga Mt. P gyydey of Cahaleiros de Hi's. Ot, d I Athe ofagh'it do tygtinto rt hryAnag, 'a iEL igh tyl'g ty thrivirm Ig f g A let. i titI Al mip is 'The Dsa M in iiio hCh.' y Sayaiaiat, tha ilping haaaen, tavi e hGM V' ' ~~~ tand ~~~ t'dCT;r~~~~~~~~~~ i heA ir o thytagi Aldi ta kin, I e VolAAAAG Iminaa Cdr eE Satuheii B for Trees;-At the O lmn i o Aribtt um ~icente an s= ==Galinde,= = Ca Trsi.e;te AMAaRA Baabs Sah b~ Drt P. Y. o!iaa~ ho Xe a bhe M-tCuber: Marian Lassoes, Mrian Guere, ~ hi-V vieialy tO Caift al. gwill dpayt for the Phi' ipim as n cVat g Guerrero I'guardd Guerreaga Jgn Versm 10th. Dan Fiiay, awho is the 0on of p 40it Vetn' Juan M Fiintm Vidir, Ma A i C at gai f Minadaaa eiatants t a 'raegi it Vll tb Q C,Cda'res Edna Ag. ipa Iny igytgi Gthe ral Maniigi P a. Ga wt N Rwnho are oincrind Go a es eh*.Aido Bino Agus- f t * tin tStadgara, Gutllermoa Batnaia Cnigan IlayO t "seagl S ALINA. 'Thw Filintao s heaa gre boa buay to send Ja3reaaili newa. All thay hate tine fag naw is renata tina fag ~thanrd an ta tiata gg all, reiving thy Ihr'nI of 'ilipia that any toC b oar Dta Moinyes 'iliinas recently had the yletedaa of u a tst a the St ea.yia af th Jaint RIial Day yytygee entatehunina D. and Ms. P y Colemnian iga, o Pf i,a. titma Theny will be aneenhy af aamen yaf ptainei aeyyx t'btgygo taeing atteagatytita. Dy.ol ya i anna o$" gttllel ytnt mwine, plenty of aata higdh, amaAueme annt aad Henl *Auii tteVnierio na 'n d1aing9 *Hy afith espial ema. haiotn the itttyg In an high bye receivedl, GdeoDiother wdgagO Dnty: timet f Myiill Man Pttyya i anA yyy d tisfOr th i fara tyb