lilsri qkl I" ia;Hna 'IIRE" ~ 8;,18 eilr at.:i~a,;r r a BUEJR d iir: _ir; I"~X~li; a33015 018130I5 6b ipb ra;ir c; ~Hisri;i.~;a, ( -i,;,;~~r IRR; i::: ~x:iCi;,, ~~;~ ~ 1 ~, B,~P:E (g -:~s _,I ~m r;~i Ixiili ~in' sll xr,;srl rir~uii...ixi s.l~,ra,,,:n.lalR~.,~,,: ' '~ip~. ,,.ir"'~ i8i~ ~~Wb"il I"'.s,~a; ii P,~~,,~~ i~~~i- p~~ ~,L irE il.sYE.I:;s il~"ii" ;w~s,,,, ex;:i,,?::: ~::: ""1: X~lrl;'" 'Ji, iiIl niia;*i.laE.i ':I -~i,,is~l ~$""C''; _~,, -5;s anr.~R~ '"~~li I ~la" ~"E II:" I: ~,," y...i 13 ir,;~-~,,,~" ~,,.;~ '" ~,B"~a;ili~i"" ;ii liiE rrrr "" ga," *" i;ila ii~ Ibi; ia L)s',,,, -;21;& I I;ia I ~aa:, fi 'i ~18~ ~~;: 111~ jlII "I lic "6: i~i;~ ~5 "i";1,"". 1""" ra~~ ri sii ~r ~i, ~;ii~6~r ap: ~8i-xi i~i a I:~ E ''';~:~ia~ ~:1~B" r ~~~",,,"i' i.-ij.Sd, ~r~;~~:', ~,.';L~,"";;"~II ~~:"~I~~~ " -;- —__:- —--:I ---rr-.cxL-~,.:.J LIL1 - i ~i~- ""'!a i-;i i.F, i:B i a r 1 i-i~ B r Vt 3 I; ~ i ~ cl i ;:Q "" '~~i:,,i aspi I I, t.~,,, ~~s ~;~~ iiiiw 511~:Q;~j~ I ~I~~r Bj ~;:ll~~;:an e* ~r~19 E ~Ir:~~, ~. ~~ - I; ~, 'Li;"c,"l B :; i~I ~, ~~Ei.~,.'% iQ;~l i 1H I~~~:~ ~6*:1,i15 FALLS O F HAN'APEPE ON THE iSLAND OF KAUAI Mik~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i I * *. *E II N1 BIH; I SCENER i.Y 1u~f i; X ~..r ' * ]i,;:i *****: ' * * D..' I~ ~ ~ ~ r. *:.,,./.. c _ *'.. tO L L...., *. * * '. ''>. i _ I" ' fe ii"^.', i*" ': *''.^:r *: **. "'..'-: '..:* *;'".~.''*...;... ACROSS THE CRATER OF KILAUEA *njrf tl. e HA l lAt i rHw ) In mi, iit irnih hi c rv f tot thi thiini totbe tld ofi titil l e h trulth is Iltt gs l llipry tI iic r on is s tte Seell: s t) la i -reli (p)l: by the settlit r t0aV Of thle st}llj)rairil{e f>u itvtitiiin ig) i it t Stitl St I td ()11I thi'it Side tile SR1iiii i'o lt rolu ii tipi ot i sito al si r u it iit - ii pii i( tt tll l ietwll t l e i tiXi ala f tiwelatt y nilest ill i curaut. Its Imlater erill itii l, ti gl igng to a Cottp rativllp rA tt Pteriodot0 beoio fooritl e0loiitooii>X tioVI j i ~::i:;::: -:; — I i i i*-: AMIDI gFnif: LtgRIIVCIL $NOlllciii 0-6 NIAUtslA )thil is estulu~tsu~-el itrelttt~lit tits1 qustit >ts pit~r Su~ ut -55tt<5q isi~J "trOniqP V through fi.slu\ wpbrttt s 6ii e biigtut ) the t itshi (ftl iti'~Le.,o tht 'i ttltt Sth ti~ts fl l ttp ittt ttluut z tOt lithat sti sltum i Ille cr~st l thu pISC 'l5p5st stil titiuttileitpwr slop s~ 'Rc \\s t sit tits6 of likIt"Itu i l. o'f te grleatest of tlese ld tllc,ist oIcesl i c, w: i is p ellCe ntetel fa-"() vzklleyI Th re, a{te! q r'le of tllree 0 or fo)r Mjln it lall, oi I t Uls twi lr(i lI-tiwCIll tn aty - p)nnaciS tinto a V~ast nipl)inith tire SurrmuloI( in 0 i)y toiveang. reries of front1 3oo to) 4,oo feet "1k 7 aire tnrvo (tlier 1tn1tli~)s agro)nlintiltlnto es n n ljnEi T, nnni e n intinilt of accessn All tiree nvere proabinln y v0lcnlkic aiIh i I he stiorti weathering oi Westi Ai Ii oEnL ii i ad con lictiotS tlle iiltelrnl:l stllutulre of ti lle Iloln tanll pilis as eio)(nig biltit of n Snlniccesnina ~ i olfnu eriess rnck-stmlatia 1)cifig I nva str eanil roitghlly o(verldid o0n elch ()Oltr. hlit nstllst SIle as Sentc froo)ll v1s ilg Ste erll rs prs t:S at n illmn p si e aspi t of litige } 0imiyl PArii oo itl pininl l itiges;l in to inllterio l of their lalaltilng gorlges niiii i iT l tt lv Iack of Ilaila n S a gn rttg o nf Siolle oI tIe gralnldist of calnyons f el nionrtls depthl * I nnf itns tile intervelnlg is altn i f Nitolhikaio whic}l is in 0M iitcrm 0 iite st0ae of l wrntk ani w t] tt ieing of rog nhinicli tine orig in{al donen f{or ilaleitrgil n fill lp-l(o iwe tonl toy tihe foiurIithl t '!ae h lanil of n()C Iln whieh { ils t i chic fly semi by traflS etit Ia ssenlges;To.iss tile Pa:ifinc nIle twv( rungg' It l nonotaion rcnges of tlIi isIl l e almo(st: lentieli nast nttlv traces nnf tinicr XincetirIt ldoile-forn, excepet to l evne taught t pcrcilvei tllenL. To tle unl llilslctd sight, all t; atpeaprs are twao s kht:l hon lis {-f ImIclas witlh hblllll I i rtges l. h1: wasting tsltaols of 1)o1 ahlt nlill(.)t11i f1 a y als ave eatel thet( iiit allnd lt ttlle l tl dowI iii tl l ir rigiali} siaplie bas wnvlly ditsappg.lre(l Tsids these vallei, epvcir llri te l seaa ir thr iag i S lag the viimtini wai aunvcaiiity i iitttailt ii hiiii theo wtile lenvt ii thu tiuge e il i KoF yi oii ivteitnii/ ot (oitiiig ttiiei eiauivs t Itiearly c nitiicuotis idle of nii tivIit h igtiht ltvihe ia ast wiroih vertebral coiiiimiii interrlpted oniily ly ttiiree gaps: at tte Ihead iat iof Niianiii, Kalihi aid Aonai la valleys. tro ii thiahis a ikie aexteii ito tivi stiihwest e oiter riiliv at right{ atlgs with the spiivie which selaittes a lon hItCCesi siiin of siilh valleyv Tibex( ribi ridges are cmiOnili shi i aii d~ ~ ~~~~~~T Fii 1 ~ 1. z>-. %<-i i i i | g, ~ ~ il i~i223Xicir riri~!i C2i ~~~~~ Ej, X,. s i$,,.W...,,... Cx3 j;63fi~.... ~~~i~~~~~sa~~~i ir i~~~~~~~~~~ | l | _L L. I__ I*.i' -fi.'x.E. I _ _ i Iic...... l | W I I I 2,, 0,.>.; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i KE..3i. I 11111 011 | l _ _PS 1Ni.-.stE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,"~pri ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c I _* |'.' _~~~~~~~~~~~; _~- ~; nr* >z3 a * l | rr v, @ 3; ffi 2 g I B1 B 0 S _ t t!!Xmr 5- i - _ a _| *X 5.~..~ '.',...= P ~7.' Fa~~l~~hl FlllOShTOT D UM~3T3O 3A>3 Y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~~- hl F~ S 1S.' 3f~.:V ~:; B we pilacled. Ithe divided valIeys hairing weathered thent down so as to invade eaclt other. lThus the original heiglt of tel ounttails Ilas been dee eply cut away. 'iThe toly traces of the riginla sutrface of the doli rere at tle low shore endsof tle r f,,, ridges, wlich look like foot hills. There tle erosive actioln,e.t'r 4F'"heha lbeen smtall comIpared wivilth the height, and tIhe ridg5e, widen out into a slope, like Pacific Heightsg." Such fretqent lower slopes xstill exhibit fragments oi thle suriace of the original dome. From these the instructed imLagitatioxn cal lrecosltrluct thTe fortlei rountain as it was ii i its tinfrrowed AC youith, muore than a million years ago. Tihel its gently roundlng sixntlxlit xllmust have towered thousanilis of feet ablxove txI oiTSl hxehtkot of the Koo lau xountaial y oaxi xblxvnxet 33 mtril fom Ith t ii nrthixe It eliectly xxxvs4 the c ourreit xf tlhe pxexatliig rade-witivix awxxise leaitig etnix iavi earved the gexrat relige xit tf lix it d Ci tietly on ie n vthe at idcr~i w. I I rarta eird side ie weathering hxas beenti imensxely geatee txax x:v fE t he si (On tle l wi dward sid e of t heie backboe lte heavy and ofteli Cxltttlltlt raxins have thoroughly eaten agay tehe heilhtsi. trte div idiig ridges hlave tiailiy disappeared lid the valileyxs ietweell have rlll together. A colitiuaos perpendicuilar wiall of 14 pre iIc f al holdly dtwn froil the geat sutelrit lirle C) Pittiacses to a; ldt1i coIftseint ef howlaitd hillse reacting t thle sea three itileS aw ay. rs itiis vsast ~recipice, twenity wil)es lotslg 'In1 )vecr 2,tt6 feet higlh, with its pictst reitac e gere ithaot-Alils which fleor the chief eleiteits in thet niarvclohs tview presetited atc the sadden lothat over the celof hefated d Ntltalatl Pali, iirltetliately back Of th}e itlrlbior alid city of Io tt ulti. tProba r ly tti(t ther ciy int the weo iti has i tn i inmteiediate vicinity s)o grand andt 1se oely a pieces f sletery, it is reaclted by an hoir's ricr of six miles to as altittl e of ienn feet, over otle Of thle imost perfect f rl 5tla, 5. Ireol betweel a glorii)us 'nlilphitleatre otf enofitainl wUal lis tle visit)ti is iuddcntletl slle reth tio er erge eof a tremell doll us prcipicel ceeeflookiihig a brhad 1t ndscape of grell plt1atlt1ie anli v'IIaes at eth foot ot a loitytvwerltymAle precipice;l 1!,i.'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii W~i aiSiK i~ LOOKING INTO MAKAWIEL GULCH, ISLAND OF KAUAI 'xtis i)(llel Ley lond byl thle frettetd 1lue ci( Ml ItIi tlle ()rth by wild br(ien ridges alo ig x tle oast wrhici kindlie a (sihre te oxploebc. I tx ttxg tf ttt ~N exodent ro: yjj iS C:~r~cd (cl'own the precipice alld a- i b tJl i *Ci~: Ice Iery I It a eln lhat I11t 1 II it t d u Ct i ca er futllilre i1tci tllxic r i l cva N vill Iar ii lts l a llatlt tih d iwotit ifll l'llas tl fltl Siflr /niT l lttill thie Ntalln P lN. andl ihe aorgn wi i t bcc.c I f:ivo rite ulburb for Honotlulu residen ts tan ait th}~1e vest, wt find a Skc/con ridglle o( f qite ite simfl 80ar1 charact er3. It le's pla.alld to thlf e otllher.:~cp at < (I3 f al eMi terval t] I l E is f~ Crescent etc)tlinc wvith its SOLie th lvoi facing }{ooelhfi, at.1d blolm ing tim le westen'.iew fm(l tile ci, Thc chief s umnnits ~f the ri g e rar tela in r higlzlt likc tho so f Koolath up tO 13,(O filet. There is >l~ eXCepltionl, thi lesi/l t O')pedl Kaalat of I.oe30o fcet~ 17 ,.r.XoI o ` F, WEN ti n:- twvo Tridg is a leel plateau formed bsdAHU-) sZ evllby tle lava outpolring of the eastern noluntains,. At tle lowest part of the saddle of this plateaus &o feet ligh, it thad ftlled tip anl ancierlt valley of erosion ini viit wa the wintdwl d side cf Wa ianae before the later Koo;Iatl meumitain had arisel to shelter it frol eastern storms. Since thlat period the chief weathering has tbeen from the o iften violent westerly winter stormss That westerly erosion i-.t'., Il shas dlestroyed the greatest parl of the original moultain, eatibig a way fart to the east of its e Onterm Oinly the crescent rilge is lefth wte sst side of wIich exlilits the salme precipitous f rli as the Cias saie of the Koolan mountai, 18 HIIS iWa\iaae alpeittheaitre is quite deficient in the luxuriant erdutre of its easern slisier. The xtentsive ltwilatnds are extremely arid, thie tradle rwitd oiiiisttee beting cut )if by the wo mIountain ranges Vbillch rntervelne Thle railway ride past thlis scton o aaltua, s d be takeni by every visitor io IIonolul The tirst 24 miles are sil tlse south sitde o tit the osiding Waianlae ranlge Tweenty mliles sweep past a continS uo)s eIt f luxlriaTlt cae firieldssi e io averaging two miles vwide, ansd osrded by thllree lltuge sigar sills. t1ere are also seens tite broad areas oef ti'e netwly opened Pearl tarbor about to becortLe tle great Naval Statioen of Imtperial Americta in the Midi-Pacific. Tien iuddent y turn ing tlie outtiest Snge of the t i os ntail, you open a inew reglnI oft erntirey c'isget 'IstXiet'., iarid elOtstsi iele prtecipices and plainls wsitlh sllapi razor-lckedi plro lulontorl is reacsllt55 Ilte ltue se'.i ()f te tie elty tliles alsnlg tlis Waianae coast tle last Iour pass alonl a niarr)v ledge betwieel precipice ald sea, wlere tle stfif beats alltmos tp toi thre wheels of the trair Rarely can one obse Oie So elosely ite wa r of tlre waves asgaisint a wielly rocky tshore e thle a lo ng white sand point reacles to the nortlhest 1s1tu thte irack mulaes re siarp tsirn tlrotllgh a tock cuttllg, ale iog all iii astant thle direction has clianged from tort1e st to dsule eas it andl lhe nortil poi t of the is and is seen in thte d uin distance.i i lYou rutl twele mlles east, alf oef it allong cane fields to tie itvitiing tlale'ewa Ht ielt of Waialua; or you ulay contilte sixteen ijiles fartlero tho he tertisnus of the road it taluku, whe'nc is a splendit iew downl e tie nortliast coast to i9 ithc salme greein ibrokle rCidges Wlich: innlAloide th e tlortlherui i"cW foI1 1 t 111 a ilnis tranlsiit 1ie o3 i taiit S good views of the grandt.rtaa alnili Aai hna g this north s1hore of thin i aSilnd are mitiiiaclent nslrf efects if thle t ade 1reeze t at Rall fcesi 1t'l tri i rt uns for 25 riles near thle long, wnlite sanil t hbcachl1 ald tle inigi t) sqlaioh iis of colilltng Itillows hilie gr;1iliY in over the reefs to t sveop lie Ibeaclle io foanil, 1 ) or to sl tittler l in lack ci inl r ikgi f n)liitaiiis of spray. ii.may nwia l e to i L p -tuile featur o f 1 tnolilht sceneryL-e Tu ces. lThere asre five of ts ninrtt hills, te twit conies i f Iit Lake Crate fiirtic slet lai f iti e city, P111chbowl ini it c ittr, Diamiond eatd, its great atid t nark t eas t,; hItt terei W alslso stllltoll( d diw nll r) ie760: Ieet eat. l nled So e reT v ite l i:iad tniittel tiice (C.11 l ater ti) ttle ir)t 11A ltll inlllior TI i e water anld wiillte I, it raig( lL ( is 1 tni p tigEolwer dltlaer t ll- eiorlmcats ptre~slre *f: m5 ilei of( clst aiti il a lSllr iis t ll tlt r Td h T oer t sci ctimni( i itin ex wiiiitr till ii.of mii1n ii re 1 lhe srii i iiitdi i1 itiiitl ii<: d fi:i'td thl iiiid{iiii fo it Stioin so t1t ii hl itis i -Ii iotyi con: ito tile rWest, '1I e Sltoris 1 X j I iX '.1 write lot rlelte lava, so gellly and q uietly seetliinl that visitars can insert poles and withraw coolitag fraginents of lava ala ng hering the Kila ca is noted as essentially; tant volcano, dsevoid of explosive or dangerous sacti)an. P, I The hrlitya-one ites froam HiTlo are traversed ly an xcellent naicadamized 'iad. A little A aer hialf that daist ace is made oil tihe sicam cars of the tilo Railway througha the 23 I g I I o fiftyd la A0iv d(a~S fCrh l / olMh llh o Hl ojtoCwil c *i l tb teul Rsat' inbltleiw f gj~in its ItW Yla}liS;l / 11 VIlf|'lfl) i tnsl a:is t li r )ot f0 Fdic:llV t~ltl a t rs i il: %il I ~lliir~i,~~~ ~ n:..i,~":~,,~,:~;;~: ~~pair II ~~ ~~'il::::nln bD8lrllt 1"Z)\JVZIIC1?IES 9"MIE lld15111"t"illW8 ~~n~~r:n,i2;iln,;~'I""~i" lrail. ;a n;i!;;i~r!.;ii;;!i;;;;;ii~i;l h6jj*i~irsl ,i'" 81-ii~~:jleiu;xu~;II?;:: ii;a .IEREuB"-;~" iirl ~iAU2; i~s ~rn aarni.Hjiil UI"""'"'..'W i!~r~i:il!!!!!~!I!I'!'!I!~~"""~'-~lr-~~~I!! uil~ Yili'i n!ir ~.i LO~I.-I~~~ I~R;illlRs iis ""l"i~' lili I ":i;nia~: sEi-15lib~""" rl ~~F;,aa~,;ilil i?sb~ ~.:liir -r~r , ~...~ ~a::u~.,,,,~ Ir;j;;,~~ "H ~ili~i~ _1 %P;BEI I,I~E~!!1~1~1 ~~~;~~~s inirri~i~a-.. -"" -I~i-~ ~i:~ ,~, llll;lr,~~~~~ ""Iii I": ~~;~~r ' ' a ~ ~:Lll"~ ~1 tc,.E~i;ii r "i~: "r, ~8; %jYII ItclEB'srll ,~i~t ~1~~11~ I'li;ii~~ ~i~111 sru,,Ui~rirl~~~ ~i~;~~~,~ sia, ~,;~.r'i"~ ~ i;~ BRC ~ixi~;I eiR5C" iilrOYb ii ~riiii rr8 ~ ~~~~,, 1153i13rl ''" Ejiii'Bili P;a;rrr~i'"""" Il;i;l;liul iit""" CliiLl~X"'~~ii"'wlli..lU "i""" ~i~ ~;liU xirl ~~l,,i?, li;il,,ig i"~ll""~i:;iii~n;~liia~:;;~l PHlaBli~ ~~.ii..;ri ixla~a-n iiiiiig;.XLC rIill. i I ~g:.. El ""? '' ~'; "";j~ dll~,, i,,;,~,,,,.r~;~ii".I~~~ ~lal H g _,,,.,,,, I~;,,,iiI~r I,, ii; ""' ~8 'il ni~ r~ B; "4 's,; It.rl i~ ~ "8~.I ri "b~ i~E.:,; ~ r~ ~~I r~ ~II I i"B;"~~~~.~~ Ba~,.:...*II 1 IIII I((ilj~ Il*iillllll ~~~~li,R'"'li'~~;: ~~ ~inn '~~;E "" i zr~Il """:'~4;;; IEO:,, ~,,,i, illil~H~r~rI ijJi~s i,.I s;~i~s:iP" lc~ ~i;l~41sl:;~ 'i~,*i:;"IW'P~;;I %i 59,,~n;,,,.~s, E; a,,gBi:.~ ~A~~ I1.II rLe~w, ~IBLr" ~r~ kr"11"1* 1:aEl" ~I,~ ri; - " st~~~s I;, r:Ws I E c,, Ir Ig B iii.,,, 8~ 1liii 111111 11111;11111.~~J11(1 gli_.f li ~r; ~li i.;;- cC n : ~d~;i~~EI .iil ~"~ " ao~,~ ~dl ,:I~~j~lli~ rr ~,I Jii~4?~ir is 1;18[111:. E~,'..~~~si~, iis ~n~ rrl lill(. i!!!!8!l;ii!,l lil,,,,,,;il!iil;ilIlli: sie:r~.l;,ll! Pi~ i~r " 'I I~~ "'I'. ~~ ~''II~ i",~, "I"''''a;li~~ IE I,~~ r ~i 82 p r ii4:::I .... PI.,i, ~: m g IB~ ".iii C"I.i~ -~~ ~, rsl II~ l"iia~ +li IIi8ahii d: '"~ Bi~~ ieI,,,,, ~n.r ~ixiil~i ~ji? s;l ii '1::.~~ i~~,,,,,,;~41i~1 ~~1~;, nl ". i 1W.b~LI"'.ii: (E ~~i; FII r~4 r ~E:n i ii::: ,, ~iBiiirciiI:~i ,~~:i. ;i ne ~~;:li ~~;;,.iapi, I i 8111 I!lillll.A _i:r "I' I~~-" ~ i~ ii;l ~,rs ii,iiw "~~ r; ~'llli iiEldR7iiil 10 iiA.,,,, pi;i"',?, I 1 gi;a :8iri:iii ~*~:,...di~ ah*~, ~E: W "i.. ~*1: 1.F.l.i.:i. (:~!Wavirc~ I:::n~ I~e IIR"i~. ~m; I~s. I, ~n,; ~~ i~,n;,, sr.,i~s~~ " 111" r:i:ai ~ynili; ~'""" '".nE,,;r~; r ~I~ g ~1; 58" sE ~n ~"li:~ r"; r,~,;.~,:rt~ 9ii in. I ~i"ll.iii r~ ~i~ u, i~l~; ~,, ~wYmr,:iip; I,:I ~u *~a;""" I" "i I ai~;~ ;~~: ";?i; I.,,,,, ~" ~iis~ ~""*i"~ ~"i Ilr~'lli ra8 ri,,, ~8lilil IBll. r,,,, xgi8, I,,:iiiiii;,; I:,,,,.,,,, II "I'::1LI:.~:"' i";x,i si; P,, ii:~ j;~ i~~I"; ii P.h.E~" I~ i:,s ~~ ~ii,,.~ E.,iis;~ i aai ";i.8,, ii' s~ "! 8~ly, ~~I:I~ EF:BE.8~; ~i?~ ~. I x"ili~"r; lrii ii,,,,,,, Bi; i~~a;; pgiiirra? E:.~ ~r. s;i:I:Ilw Zlh. ;IJXY?1.B:I ~~ig "ixi ig~ i;:l".li"l.i ;r'~: ~;;ii..,,~~~;iil ~;i~l~; lji.,iini~r ~ip,,~i~Ilii.~,,,:ir a,Es ". -"" iii ~~i E ~; Ili ail;;;;- loii~, 88 ~""i; ii.,iii.,;;,, r.lii siP:~~i. II rr....,..