GENERAL INDEX TO THE COLONIAL RECORDS, IN 16 VOLUMES, AND TO THE PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES, IN 12 VOLUMES, PREPARED AND ARRANGED BY SAMUEL HAZARD, UNDER AN ACT OF THE GENT I:RAL ASS SE~:BL"T OF PENNSYLVANI A. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY JOSEPH SEVERNS & CO, 18 60. PREFACE. FREQUENT inquiries having been made of the Editor, during the preparation and printing of this work, as to the difference between the Colonial Records and Pennsylvania Archives, to which the present volume is a general index, it may be useful to state the following facts: It is believed that the early Records or Minutes of the Provincial Councils, &c., were kept on loose sheets of paper, and not, at the time, recorded in books, as appears by frequent long intervals of dates, and blanks left for documents. Many of these loose sheets are in the handwriting of James Logan, the then Secretary, and after being for many years preserved in his family, were deposited among the archives of several societies; some having been recorded in the volumes in the State department, and some not being yet in print. At a subsequent period, it is believed, an attempt was made to collect and record in volumes as many of these loose sheets as could be obtained, but without entire success, though the collection from 1682 to 1790, now consists of 32 MS. volumes. As they were the only records in- existence, and liable at any moment to be destroyed, the Philosophical and Historical Societies in 1836, directed the attention of the Legislature to the subject of their preservation by printing these volumes; which, in 1837, resulted in an Act authorizing the Secretary of the Commonwealth to cause a portion of them to iv PREFACE. be printed. And again in 1838, another portion, so that in 1840, three volumes, bringing down the date to 1735, had been printed. Here the matter rested for several years, owing, it is understood, to financial difficulties. In 1851, the subject was again revived, and the Secretary was authorized to continue the printing of the minutes, to the adoption of the State Constitution in 1789-90. This was accordingly done, the proofs being revised by clerks in the Secretary's office, till'the whole were printed in sixteen volumes, including the first' three volumes, which, having become scarce, were reprinted uniformly with the rest. These are the Colonial Records. In 1851, the Governor in his annual message stated that his "attention had been called to the large body of original papers in the State Department connected with the Colonial and Revolutionary History of the State," and recommended the employment of a suitable person to select and arrange them for publication. A committee of each body was appointed to consider the suggestion of the Governor, both of which made favorable reports, and the Assembly authorized the Governor to make such an appointment. The editor was honored with this selection; and after carefully examining all the papers of early date in pigeon-holes and bundles in the office, made his report as published, and presented by the Governor with his message to the Assembly, who by Act of March, 1852, appointed the person who had made the selection, to superintend the printing; but it was not till the 27th August, 1852, owing to various delays in making the contracts, that the publication was commenced. This collection containing about 11,000 distinct papers, from originals in the Secretary's office, and now forming twelve volumes, constitutes the Pennsylvania Archives. As the two works make twenty-eight volumes, and the Records being without any other index than a meagre table of contents, from which but few facts could be ascertained, PREFACE. V and as there are twelve volumes of the Archives, which, though each volume contains a full index, yet requiring an examination of each, it was deemed advisable, for greater ease of reference, that a general index, embraced in one volume, should be prepared. The Assembly, perceiving this necessity, authorized the editor by Act to prepare it, and the present volume is the result of his labors. So far as the Records are concerned, it is an entirely original index, made from the volumes themselves, with which the editor had before no more acquaintance than other persons. As he prepared those for the Archives, the subjects were more familiar to him, yet the combination of the twelve indices into one, became equally necessary and not less laborious. It will be seen that the index is made very full and in detail, and it is believed that no important fact has escaped the notice of the editor. That so large a work, abounding with references to volumes and pages, should be entirely free from errors, cannot reasonably be expected or even hoped for; but, it is believed, from frequent references made, while in progress, that they will be found very few and unimportant. If any are met with, the means of correcting many may he found in the fact, that all important subjects are referred to under several heads, as well as the one adopted by the editor. For the Archives, in such cases, the several volumes may prove also available. Some difficulty has been experienced in connecting events and names, from the circumstance that sometimes only the name, without the office; and at others the title without the Christian name, occur, not even allowing for changes by promotions; some confusion may, therefore, occur which could not well be avoided. It is, however, believed that with all its imperfections the index will promote a more intimate acquaintance with the history of our State, as detailed in the Records and Archives, than could possibly be attained without it, and make every vi PREFACE. one who chooses to consult and trace it, better acquainted with the occurrences of his own neighborhood at least. Indeed, the editor is satisfied that no better and fuller history of the State can be found, than in the sources referred to in this volume. The volume has been so printed that it may be kept together or separated to suit the wishes of persons possessing either the Records or Archives; or both; and to one who has neither, it will possess an interest, as referring to subjects on which he may desire information; and obtain it from some library or neighbor, who has either one or both works. The numerals refer to the volumes, and the figures to the pages. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS OF PENNSYLVANIA. VOLUMES I. TO XVI. INCLUSIVE. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORlDS. VOLUMES I. TO XVI., INCLUSIVE. Abercrombie, James, to inspect goods goods seized at New Castle by damaged, xiii., 773. sheriff, &c., i., 541. Abercrombie, Gen. James, letters to Adams, John (pilot), attends lightand from, vii., 193. Appointment house, xi., 574. of Sir Win. Johnston as colonel, Adams, John (minister), letter on agent, and sole superintendent of American Bishop, xiv., 399. Six nations, 193. Succeeds Lord Adams, Robert, letter, vii., 43. Londoun, viii., 26. Recommends Adams, Solomon, surveyor to lay embargo, &c., 38. Assembly in out a road, xv., 191. answer to, 52. Letters to and Adams, Doctor William, Surgeon, from, 37, 69, 74, 78, 97, 141. xii., 215. Case of, as Surgeon of Order respecting capitulation of Pennsylvania Artillery, xiii., 572. Fort William Henry, 141. Addis, John, coroner, ix., 199. Abolition Society —memorial respect- Address proposed to King and Duke, ing negro Philip's bondage in on alarms and building forts, i., Louisiana, to be demanded, xvi., 109. Of Council to Governor, 33, 34. Address, 210.2 402. Of Territories to Governor, Abraham, Noah, Justice, xi., 524; ii., 128. Governor's answer, 130. xiv., 567. Of Governor, 143. To King, on acAbrams, Henry, Second Lieut., xii., cession to the throne, iii., 226-291. 70. Quakers object to style of it, 226, Academy and College of Philadel- signed by Assembly, Governor phia, charter to be sent Council, and Council, 228. On Sugar Isxii., 39. Commencement post- lands, 423. Of Assembly to Goponed, 43. Attorney General's vernor Thomas, v., 63. Of Geneopinion asked on several points, ral Assembly, New York, to Go58. To confer with others, 62, vernor Clinton, 465. To King, on 64. Views of, 98. Con-fiscated death of Prince of WVales, 527. Of estates for, 189, 585. Assembly to King, against proAcquanushioony-Six nations of In- prietary restrictions, vi., 448. dians, means confederate, v., 86. Answer to, 504-510. Of BethieAct for Advancement of Justice, &c., hem Indians, 747, 750. Of Asconfirmed, iii., 71. Respecting sembly to Governor, on enlistment elections, iii., 277. Proposed pub- of servants, vii., 37. Of Quakers, lication of Colonial Records, iv., against war, 84. On Indian treaS. Passed by Assembly for ditto, ty, 311. Of Quakers, on militia 14. For vesting State house, &c., bill, 405. Of Moravians at Bethin trustees, for use of province, lehem, 494. Commissioners, 498. 46. Confirmed, 483-485. Repeal- From Friendly Association, 638. ed, 486. Answer, 647, 648. From Quaker Act of Assembly, Feb. 20, 1736, de- meeting of sufferings on Indian claring State house a public green complaints at Easton, viii., 239, and walk, forever, xiii., 692. 241. Answer to, 242. Another, Active, sloop, xi., 647. 657. Case 243. Gov. and Council to King, of, xii., 144. on repeal of Stamp Act, ix., 315. Adams, John, petition respccting Of Assembly to Governor, 610. 1 2 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. To and from Governor Richard ney General, 267. His and CounPenn, x., 12. Of Assembly against cil's opinion, 275. Judge F. HopC. Jolly, a Justice, 31. To Go- kinson, 307. Matthew Clarkvernor, John Penn, 107. From son Marshal, Andrew Robinson, Committee of Safety to people of Register, 316, 351. Memorial, Pennsylvania, 623. Of the Su- 409. Petition of Marshal, 477, preme Executive Council to the 523, 531, 533, 537. Register, people, on taking active measures James Read, elected in place of A. against approaching enemy, xi., Robinson, dec'd, xii., 745. Re204. Of General Washington to ference of Act for establishing inhabitants, 429. To Assembly, Courts for trial of piracies, &c., 685-690. Of Council to Sieur xii., 702. Board. of Supplies, 707. Gerard, on his departure, xii., 110. Francis Hopkinson reappointed, Of Council to Chev. de la Luzerne, xv., 191. on birth of a Dauphin, xiii., 284. Adultery, a Justice removed for, And answer, 285. xii., 634. Adjouquay, fort at, vii., 157. Three 2Etna, fire ship, William Gamble days above Shamokin, 157. Four- appointed Captain, x., 525. Reteen miles above Wyoming, 157, signs, 760. 159, 182, 184. Affirmation, Commissioners under Adjutants appointed, x., 453, 494, dedimus, refuse to administer to 515. Council, &c., ii., 93-96. Instead Adjutant General, services dispensed of oath, 168. Rejected, 170. with, xi., 400-xiv., 217. Arguments in favor of, 227. ReAdlum, John, Sheriff, v., 597, 662 specting, 615. Respecting, iv., -vi., 144, 638. Coroner, ix., 336, 629. 57, 199, 399. Surveyor to attend Afflick, Thomas, to be seized, xi., Commissioners to run north line, 284. xv., 212. Applies for money to Agaghradarisha, Indian chief, vii., defray expenses of locating re- 154. "The Old Man,"' a noted served lands, no money appropri- friend of Pennsylvania, 156. Conated, xvi., 66. Surveys of re- ference between Clapham and, at served tracts on Erie, 161, 169. Armstrong, 157. Answer of GoCommissioner to view Schuylkill, vernor M. to, speech of, 158. 178, 195. And Quittapcehilla, &c., Conference with, 182. Fort at 319. Adjonquay, 184. At Fort AugusAdlum, Joseph, Coroner, ix., 333, ta, 281, 282. 548, 624, 689, 778-x., 56, 101, Agency, Christy, Lieutenant, xii., 212, 271-xi., 371 —xii., 145, 161. 70. Admiralty Court, appointed, i., 121. Agent to be appointed for the ProRobert Webb, Marshal of, seizes vince, in London-Henry Goldney goods, 539. Trial by, John Moore, named, iii., 44. deputy of Col. Quarry, Judge of, Agnew, Edward, prisoner at Quebec, 580. Vice-Wm. Asheton, Judge, xi., 658. iii., 172. A. Hamilton appointed Agnew, John, Prothonotary, xi., Judge, iv., 250. Decision by, ne- 365. Sub-Lieutenant, tenders recessary to a register for Dutch signation-not accepted, xii., 633. vessels brought in by privateers, Resigns, 685. Justice, xiv,, 164. viii., 155. Proceeding of "IStan- Agreement with Indians, ii., 15. wix" privateer, 172. Matthew Between Lord Baltimore and HanClarkson appointed Marshal, x., nah Penn, iii., 232. Duplicate 538. Judge Ross, xi., 713. An- received, 233. Respecting dividrew Robinson appointed Register, sion line, 461, 463, 464, 497. Rexii., 14. Death of Judge George port, 544. Penn and Indians, Ross, 46. Cost of seal for, cut by 601. Between agents, to receive Caleb Lownes, 102. Case of money granted by Parliament, French claim, referred to Attor- ix., 47. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 3 Agricultural Society, addressed on Speeches from Governors, 85. subject of Hessian fly, xv., 524. Message of Commissioners to GovAnswer, 526. ernor, 91. Answer, 92. Indian Agriculture, donation to American lands, 93, 96. Plan of union Philosophical Society to encour- presented by Franklin, 105-109. age, xiv., 51. Report on necessary forts, 109. Air-furnace of M. Bustead, x., 641. Meeting ends, 110. Report of Aitkin, John, receives pay for a John Penn and R. Peters, Cornhanger lost by President, at James missioners to Governor IH. of Wilson's riot, xii., 341. their proceedings at, 111-129. Aitkin, Robert, paid for paper, xii., Deeds for lands, 119-129. Indians 179. Secretary to Commissioners, complain of, 286. Settlers north for procuring flour, 227. To deli- of, 420. Treaty at, viii., 641. ver salt, 241. Pays for, 316. Bill Treaty at and Commissioners, x., for printing, xiv., 75, 157, 206, 177. Chairman of Committee 510, 643. Printer, xv., 69, 169, receives powder, 327. Lutheran 251, 351, 460, 520, 648-xvi., Church at, asks for a brief to col100, 411. lect, xv., 14. Aix-la-Chapelle, treaty of peace, or Alberson, Ricliff, Lieutenant, xi., cessation of arms, signed'at, v., 330. 56. Proclamation, 331. Other papers Albion, ship, sunk in Delaware, respecting it, 359, 362, 553. seized by Navy Board and libelled, Akins-place, vii., 155. claimed by David Beveridge, &c., Akoan, (Indian) on Indian Murders, xi., 544. vii., 357. Aldermen, of Philadelphia, xvi., 53. Alarm, false, by Governor Evans, Ale-houses, courts held in, ii., 409. 1706, ii., 433, 453. Committee, x., Alexander, Captain Charles, ap549. pointed to command the "Bull Albany, proceedings with Indians Dog," x., 290. Resigns, 540. at, ii., 461. Conference with Alexander, James, letter to Governthe Five nations at, iii., 193. or M., on Connecticut claim, vi., Expenses provided for, 196. Go- 267. Letter from a Connecticut vernor's speech, &c., at, 198. man, andanswer, 270. FromJames Answer of Indians, 200. Surren- Brown and answer, 271, 273. der of land by Indians, 201. Go- Alexander, Joseph, resigns as Lieuvernor's answer to Indians, 202. tenant, xii., 390. Respecting, 203- 207. French Alexander, William, letters to and erect fortifications near Albany, from, vi., 248, 262, 555. Cons 419. Indian affairs at, iv., duct of Lydius, 248. Sends a 770, 771, 774, 775. Treaty with minute of Council of New Jersey, Six nations, report of Comrmis- respecting Connecticut, 555. Takes sioners at, v., 7-26. Message brig, x., 563. Assistance requestrespecting, 329, 495. Meeting ed for, xi., 275, 528. postponed, 524. Time of, 749. Alexander, Major William, recomCommissioners to, vi., 23, 25, 47. mended as Surveyor, xv., 49. Proceedings of the Congress at, Alexandria, proceedings of meeting 57-129. Rank of Colonies to be of General Braddock with Governaccording to location, 65. Plan ors at, vi., 365. of union proposed, 66, 91. Com- Alfred, General Hopkins of the, to mittee on, 67. Draft of general search vessels for seamen for public speech to Six Nations, 69-71L vessels, x., 435. Plans of union, 71, 72, 78, 87, Algiers declares war against United 89, 93, 96, 100, 105-109. Stock- States, xiv., 560. bridge Indians attend-to be Allaguipas, Old, his mother now supported and addressed, 72. alive near Raystdwn, son KanukMohawks deliver speech, 74. susy present at conference at PhiAnswer of Six Nations, 79. ladelphia, vi., 588. 4 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Allegheny County, Prothonotary, of, xii., 88, 152. Continental &c., James Bryson, xv., 548. money declined for, 248. Sold Register and Recorder, S. Jones, 340, 343, 344, 614, 745. Estate in Justices, 550. County Lieutenant, Berks, Big Spring tract, xiii., 236, General R. Butler, 551. Justice, 286, 296, 303. Reconveyed to 560, 604, 606. Lands at Cone- State, 766. Suit of children of, wango to be reserved, 593. Pro- with State, xiv., 448, 459, 463, posals for purchase of reserved 589, 590, 592. Estate, xv., 4, 40, tract opposite Pittsburg, right of 43, 124, 237, 265. pre-emlption to certain islands in, Allen, Andrew, a forger delivered to 598. Lots not to be sacrificed, New Jersey, xvi., 14. 599. Valuation of by Council, Allen, Fort, vii., 15, 17, 189, 222, 601. Committee to name 267, 305, 309, 314, 429, 474, 476, streets in the new town, restric- 622, 723. Plan of, 18. Teedyustions removed in part, 604. Ap- cung and his party at, perpetually pointment of justices rescinded, drunk. Commander complained and others appointed, 606. Cer- of for selling rum to Indians, 222. tain lots to be valued by a Coin- Sons at, 475, 476. Indians at, 478, mittee, 606. Various petitions, viii., 98, 138, 143, 150, 167, 234, &c., for lots and islands in, and 513, 515. Agents for Indian trade patents, 609. Sales of lots to J. appointed at, 234. A place of Robinson, 609. Report on hames. rendezvous for troops, xv., 295. for streets, &c., in, sale of farm Allen, George, and others' examinvacated, and islands, 611. Re- ation, vii., 154. Appointed Indian turns of all islands in, to be made, agent, viii., 286. 612. Names of streets, 623. Re- Allen, Ira, of Vermont, on controservation for State at Conewango versy between Vermont and New in, xvi., 47. Islands in, surveyed, York, xii., 233. 97. Divided into Townships, 150, Allen, Lieutenant James, x., 339. Collector of Excise, John Griffin, Allen, John, Commissioner, to Fort 162. Sheriff, 204. Coroner, 204. Pitt to attend Indian treaty, ix., Huling's Island in, S. Huling has 491. Commission, 492. instrucpre-emption right, 284. Island tions, 493. Report 514-543. in, granted to William Todd, 289. justice xii., 391. Form of conveyance for, 301. Allen, Nathaniel, regulator of Militia officers, 372. Justices, weights and measures, xiii., 633. 377. General St. Clair's requisi- Allen, Sarah, removal postponed on tion of men, 424. Report on. account of sickness, xii., 386. Register and Record, 450. R. petition, 743, 746. Butler resigns as Justice being Allen, William, appointed to try a elected to Assembly, 539. negro for arson, iv., 243. Elected Alleghany River, line run between to Assembly by two counties, Susquehanna-Ferry over, xii., required to select which he will 309, 317.; xv., 5, 85. Islands in, serve vii. 283. To hold Supreme for sale,' 513. Islands in, sold Court, viii., 481. Chief Justice to W. Wilson, xvi., 84. of Supreme Court, ix., 393. Chief Allegiance to King and fidelity, &c., Justice Salary, x., 53. Resigns, to, William Penn promised, i., 173. Presents shot, 364. Ap80. To the Crown insisted on in pointed Lieutenant Colonel, 444, a qualification, ii., 108. Question 445. Pass for his daughter Mrs. respecting, 385. Delancey to visit him, xi., 593. Aliens, rights of, viii., 355. Allen, William, (Captain,) recomAllen, Andrew, member of Council, mended to Congress as Lieutenant ix., 704. Attorney General, x., 53, Colonel, x., 444. Appofnted, 445. Sent Commissioner to Virginia, Alles, Captain Henry, resigns Com173, 174. Instructions, 175. Re- mission in Shee's battalion, x., port, 181. Forfeited estate, sale 497. INDEx TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 5 Allibone, Captain, letter to, xii., 203. 578, 581, 590, 592, 602, 622, 627, Allibone, William, Commander for 628, 679, 687, 710. Appointed defence of Delaware River, xiii., Commander in chief, 236. Pay 316. for private arms, 274. Answer to Allison, Robert First Lieutenant, Assembly's address to Governor xi., 140. To have articles left by on quarters, wagons, &c., 283. enemy secured, 534, and used Appoints General Stanwix to at Billingsport, &c., 575, 584, succeed General Forbes, 298. 655, 682, 715. Take down Restoration of Fort Du Quesne, spouts. 316, 322. Names Commissioners Allinson, William, to R. Peterson, to state account of expenses of condition of Braddock's road, vi., expedition, 322. Objects to per 434. diem pay, 323. In Philadelphia, Atkinson, Wilson, Quarter Master, 324. Supply bill, 331. Ticondexi., 84 roga, 380. Exchange of prisoners, Allummappees, an Indian, iii.,. 297, 381. Success at Isle Royal, &c., 304, 315, 318. (al Sassoonan,) 503. Wants men, 578, 590, 602. Delaware chief, in Philadelphia, Letters to and from, ix., 33, 34, iv., 53, 307. A special present 48, 62, 63, 74. Intelligence from to, from Governor, 309. Colonel Boquet, 34. Asks for Almanac, printed in 1685, by troops, 74. Willia-m Bradford, "' Lord Penn," Ammunition removed, xi., 538. to be stricken from, i., 165. Andaggyjunguah, a Conestoga chief, Ahlmshouse, Philadelphia, iii., 588. ii., 246. Alricks, Hermanus, resigns several Andrews, John, under Sheriff of offices in Cumberlancl County, his Philadelphia, ii., 181. successor, ix., 671. Andrews, Major John, x., 683. Alricks, Peter, elected councillor, Andrews, Robert, Commissioner, on i., 122, and Justice, 122. Alludes boundary with Virginia, xiv., to historical account of Mohawks, 211, 236. in 1665, 300. Commissioned by Andrews, Thomas, to take account Penll, Lieutenant and Commander- of arms, ii., 241. in-chief of Town anlld Fort of New Andross, Sir Edlund, regulation Castle, 337, also names of respecting issue of patents, i., persons enlisted, 337. Justice, 86. 369. Ann, Princess of Denmark, made Amazon, ship, Captain Floyd goes Queen of England, proclaimed, ii., to Charleston, xiii., 521. 70. Amberson, William, Commissioner, Annaly, Indian, dies, viii., 163. xii., 371. Resigns, 465. Annand, William, dedimus to, ii., Amboy, camp at, powder for, x., 703, 97. 704. Stores at, xi., 119. Annapolis, General B. invites GovAmerica, the independence and ernors to meet at, vi., 332. Consovereignty of United States gress adjourn from Princeton to, acknowledged, xiii., 543. Pro- xiii., 746. clamation of Congress on cessation Anne, Queen, allusion to sale of proof hostilities, 553. vince to, iii., 73. Act for continuAmerica, North, his majesty's title ing the Government in case of to rests on discovery, vi., 100- death of Governor, iv., 49. 105. Annuities to widows, &c., of officers, American Philosophical Society, xvi., 140, 142. donation to, to encourage Agri- Antes, Colonel Frederick, to renculture and Commerce, xiv., 51. dezvous at Swedesford, xi., 301. Amherst, General, Jeff., Letters to Justice, xii. Resigns as Justice, and from, viii., 236, 261, 262, xiv., 167, 169. Commissioner to 274, 283, 300, 316, 322, 331, 380, examine rivers, xvi. 319. 381, 437, 448, 452, 454, 503, 504, Antes, Henry, Sheriff, xiii., 398, 6 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 751.; xiv., 256. Pay for services Armstrong, Edward, Chairman of against Indians, 534, 603. Ir- Committee of H. R., reports in faregular returns, 726. vor of publishing Colonial Records, Antes, Lieutenant Henry. iv., 10. Antis, William, Commissioner for Armstrong, George, Commissioner to taxes and levies, xi., 536. cut road west, vi., 318. InstrucAntille, Edward, i., 588. tions to, vii., 535. Letter from, Antitrinitarians to be discounte- 556. Message from Yaughtanno, nancedl, iii., 64. 558. Apoquinimy and Upland Indians, Armstrong, James, Coroner, iii., 615, willing to sell lands-Commission- Armstrong, James, Quartermaster, ers appointed, i., 156. x., 499. App, Michael, Coroner, xv., 570. Armstrong, John, an Indian trader, Appeals, iii., 278. and three others, murdered by Apple-tree alley, between Third and Delaware Indians, iv., 675, 678, Fourth, xii., 751. 679. C. Weiser's report respectApprentice seized by Sheriff, ii., 148. ing, 680-684. Report to Governor An enlisted, discharged, x., 470. M., of mission to Connecticut, vi., Apty, Thomas, keeper of new gaol, 259-261. Commission, &e., to x., 429. Rate of maintenance, survey road, 323, 377, 378, 401. 430. Declines victualing people in Letter, Great Cove destroyed, 318, prison, 470. His account, 504, 699. 676. Arch street bridge and wharf, peti- Armstrong, Lieutenant ColonelJohn, tion for, i., 330. orders of Governor M., vii., 161. Archer, Lt. Henry W., xiv., 217. Letters to and from, 231, 259, 503, Archives, Pennsylvania, Act author- 594, 630. Arrived, his report, izing Governor to select a compe- 257-263. Conference with Cherotent person to arrange documents kees, 552. Murder at Great Cove, for publication, and also to have 599. Arrival of Cherokees at Fort them printed, iv., 14. Loudoun, destitute, viii., 77, 78. Arentz, Baron de, case of, xii., 743. Letters to and from, 111. Letters Argus, armed boat, N. Galt, master, to and from, ix., 181, 274, 444, xiv., 10. 446, 448, 451, 461, 484. InstrucArmand, General, corps, petition for tions to, 451, in Philadelphia, clothing, xii., 216, 568. List 490, 510, 512. of his corps, xiii., 763. Letter, Armstrong, Major General John, xiv., 12. Legion, 626. to remove troops from BillingsArmitage, Benjamin, ii., 540. port, xi.,,270. State of army, Armitage, Shewbart, appointed Third 396. Order, 475. To repair to Lieutenant, xi., 774. city to command troops, 597. Armour, Lt. James, recruits for Lan- Paymaster at B., 618. In Phlilacaster county, xi., 477. delphia, 707. Pay for BillingsArmourer, of boats, x., 490; xi., 408. port, 757. Superintendent on Arms, sent, vii., 107, 109. Required Delaware, 759. Lieutenant, xi., by General Forbes, order for, viii., 187. Resigns, 199. Appointed 79, Not received, 84, 112. Dis- first Brigadier General, 199. Maguised, forbid, ix., 546, 659; xi., jor General, 214. Attends Council 752, 756. From Mons. Penet, — esol'n of Congress, 248. Apagreement with for, xii., 104. Of plies for a pass for L. Thompson, the State, to be worked on the xii., 32, 63, 83, 120, 124, 130. standards for public -use, 108. Member of Congress, 172, 371. Armstrong's, compact, vii., 154, 156, Letter, 322. Clothes for, 420. 172. Conference between Indians Commissioner of peace in Northand Col. Claphalm at, 157. umberland county, xiv., 168. Armstrong, Alexander, writes letters Letter on Wyoming, 188. Comnto Indians, which create disturb- missioner to Wyoming, 202. Comnance, iv., 680. miss'rto Wyoming paid, xiv., 638. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 7 Armstrong, John, Jr., Secretary of Arndt, John, xiii., 137. Censor, Council, appointed in place of 723. Justice, xiv., 670. TimothyMatlack, xiii., 540. Sec- "Arnold," name of floating battery, retary of Council, xiv., 10. Ac- x., 525; xi,, 138. counts, 118. AppointedAdjutant Arnold, Major General Benedict, to General, with rank of Brigadier have command of militia at BrisGeneral-President's opinion, 217, tol, and all east of Philadelphia, 219. Requests investigation into xi., 224. Letters to and from, reports respecting him, 383. 228. Why shops are to be shut Appointed Commissioner, xv., 5. on fourth July, his reasons, 523. Commissioner to Commercial Con- Invites Council. to dinner, 523. vention, 82, 156. Member of To furnish aid in quelling riot, Congress has leave of absence as 665. Sends wagons to Egg-harSecretary, 195. His account of bor, 674. Pass toMiss Levy, 676, expenses of the Convention, paid, 679, 680. Leaves city before 250. Resigns as Secretary, 301. complaint about wagons sent to Delegate to Congress, 341, 418, Egg-harbor is settled, xi., 684.. 513. Resolves respecting, sent to DeleArmstrong, Col. Joseph, respecting gates, 690. To be published, 692. Braddock's road, vi., 425; x., Applies to Congress for court 700; xi., 111, 113. martial, 703. Proceedings against Armstrong, Thomas, Coroner, vi., John Mitchell, 707, 708, 709. 638; vii., 266. Complaint against proceedings, Armstrong, Lieutenant, returned as printed and sent to Congress, 720. belonging to Pennsylvania, xii., Resigns command in Philadel235. phia, 725. His case resumed, Armstrong, Lieutenant William, at 759. Depositions to be taken of Frederick, vii., 553. his conduct when commanding Armstrong, William, paymaster at city, xii., 225. Expenses of witB., xi., 575, 578, 590, 618. nesses on trial of, to be charged Armstrong, Major William, paymas- to Congress, per resolve, 225. Obter at Billingsport and Mud Island, jections to certificates of Geddis xii., 10, 22, 40, 120, 150, 162, and Govett, 225, 226. Joins ene186. His pay, &c., 283, 457, my at New York, 490. Papers to 570, 598, 667, 703. Appointed be seized, 490. Proclamation Commissary to Commissioners for against, 496. Miss Hannah and running line with Virginia, xiii., nephew pass to Connecticut, 509. 203. Pay to, 347. To pay work- Baron Steuben to occupy his men at forts, xi., 767. To run a country-seat, 519. His wife to north boundary line, xv., 22, 32. depart —sale of land in Northern Stores for, 33. Pay, 120, 190, Liberties, xiii., 80, 81. T. Mat204, 328, 605. Pay for labors, lack's accounts as prosecutor of, 356, 374. To report description xiv., 605. Estate sold, xv., 640. of Erie lands, 382. Commissioner Arnold, Thomas, claim for estate to to Luzerne county', 452. His pay, William Green, xvi., 307. 456, 595, 613. Late Deputy Adj. Arsenal ordered to be erected on General of State Militia, paid for Thirteenth and Juniper, xiv., 401, actions 1777, 1778, xvi., 261. 458. Pay for, 469, 477, 588. Coroner, 542. Arters, John, confesses a murder, Army, rations, x., 500. Desertions, x., 88. xii., 3, 322. New arrangements Articles of agreement between Penn of, 500. Southern, 643. Conti- and Baltimore, proceedings of nental, xvi., 214.2 Court respecting, iv., 255. With Arndt, Hon. Jacob, money paid to, Indians, 1701, 338. for purchase of provisions, xi., Artificers, Colonel Baldwin's Regi422. Councilor, 652. Paid, xii., ment of, xii., 719. 180, 302. Letters, 317, 407, 502. Artillery Company, rules and regu 8 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. lations for, x., 391-394. Men to bills, 106. Dismissal of, power be increased, 464. Officers,, 584. of Governor, &c., 107. Speaker Pay, 619. At Fort Island, xi., 1. charged with expressions against Captain Strohbogh, 4, 265. Comn- laws, ~109. Old laws, 133. pany and Officers commissioned, Alteration of style of bills pro223. Horses impressed, 301. posed, 178, 180. Sit in the Guards for, 302. Companies, at meeting-house, 179. Vacancies Forts on Delaware river, xii., 10. by suspension of Members of Petition for an Independent Coin- Council, 203. Governor's speech, pany, 391. Proctors, 727. Officers 286. Speaker White imprisoned, appointed, xv., 437. Powder, 292. Adj ournment, proceeding 581. Articles ordered for, xvi., 24. in Council on, 294, To meet at Arts and Scielnces, a School of, pro- New Castle, 324. Under Fletcher, posed, i.; 93. 366. Speaker, 399. Address to Ash, James & Co., powder for Governor, 402-6. Discussions privateer Rebecca, xi., 642. with the Governor, 406-433. Ash, James, contest with William Answer of Council to remonWill, as Sheriff of Philadelphia, strance of Assembly, 423. To sit 567, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, in Philadelphia, 437. Difficulty on 575, 576, 577, 578. Declared an adjournment by Governor, 445. elected, 579. Sheriff of Philadel- Governor asks to answer Queen's phia, xvi., 208, 211, 490. letter, 446. Returns of Members, Ash, Martha, to be imprisoned, 454, 482. David Lloyd appointed x., 661. Speaker, 454. Respecting adAshbridge, Justice of Chester county, journment, 456. Remonstrance, complaint against, vii., 406. 457. Address of Governor, 459. Ashburn, William, Coroner, vii., Grant of one penny to New York, 266; viii., 402. 460, 462. Remonstrance in anAshcomb, Charles, Deputy Surveyor swer to Queen's letter, 469. Gov. of Chester county, complaints Markham's addresses to, 480, 484, against, i., 151, 153, 154, 155, 488, 490, 494, 503, 505, 506, 519, 163, 191, 193. Vexatious suit, 548. Edward Shippen, Speaker, 200. 490. Answer to Governor's Ashman, Colonel George, appointed speech, 492. 506. Members electLieutenant of Bedford, xii., 549. ed, 502, 516, 518, 547, 567, 595, xiii., 1, 150. Resigns as Lieu- 601. John Simcock, Speaker, tenant of Bedford county, xiv., 503. Committee on answer to 169, 207. Queen's letter, 507. Markham Ashton, Joseph, petitions for a road, proposes a new frame, 507. John ii., 10. Blunston, Speaker, 518, 568, 601. Ashton, Robert, Clerk of county, ii., Phineas Pemberton, Speaker, 548. 87. Asks for the records, 87. Address to King, 553, 554. Grand Dedimus to, 96. Clerk of city and Committee of the Whole to inquire county, 254. Complaint against into absences, 569. To meet at his holding several offices, 456. New Castle, 588. Speech of GoLaws, 488, 571. vernor, 590. Advice of proprieAshton, Thomas, prisoner, not dis- tary to, 596. Read charter and charged from parol, xi., 625. frame, 597, and laws, 598, 602. Assay bill, proposed, ix., 358. David Lloyd suspended, 604. Assembly, thank Governor for his Conme to hear charter and frame kind speech, i., 65. To examine read, 603, 604, 605, 611. Debate old laws, 67. Meeting made open, about oaths and tests, 606. Ille86. To sit at New Castle, 96, 102. gal arrest of David Lloyd, 607. Members for Philadelphia, 99. And Robert Turner, 609. Differ Not to be arrested for debt, 102. about time of end of session, 610. Nicholas More, appointed speaker, Joseph Growden, Speaker, 615. 105. To have 8 days to peruse Act of Union, 619. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 9 Prorogued, ii., 11, 12. Called tories, 133. Governor advised together, 25. Richard Wilson, not to meet at New Castle withdies, 27. Resolution of Council, out new writs, 13.6. Commlissions 26. Convened on King's letter, of peace issued, 136,. Ask Gover2, 28, 29, 30. Letter to Proprie- nor for copies of orders respecting tary on defence of New York, 31. defence of New York, 138. AdAnswer to Iing's letter, 30. Call- dress to Governor on separation — ed to consider proposed bill to an- Defence of New York, &c., 139. nex proprietary governments to Answer to Governor, 140. MeetCrown, 32. Members, 34, 37. ing of, with Council, 144. Ask Governor's speech, 35. Joseph Council's opinion in writing, 146. Growden, Speaker, 36, 206. Ad- Answer, 146. Resolution on address to Governor, 36. Reply, 36. journment, 147. Send bill to preConference with, 37. Address Go- vent disputes concerning meetings vernor, 37. Respecting privileges of, 149. Message from Council and property, 38, 43-45. To on adjournment, 149. Resolution think of some person to represent on right of Governor to dissolve Governor in his absence —Suggests or prorogue, 157, 158, 169. SeAndrewHamilton, 46. Toconsider paration from Territories, 163, further the laws of marriage, 48. 164. Send qualifications to GoDifficulties arising out of laws vernor, 165. Speech of Governor passed at New Castle, 50. Ad- to, 165, 168, 174. Address to dress of Governor to, and the se- Governor, 167, 175. Refusal to cluding members, 50. Bill pre- wait on Governor in a body, 173. pared for payment of ~2,000 to Complains of their sendirg a reGovernor-Sent to them-Their monstrance against him to propriaction, 51. Message from Go- etaries, 176. Address on candivernor, 54. To Governor and 10 dates for Sheriff, 177. Governper cent. allowance on lands, or's answer, 178. Remonstrance 54. Charter of privileges signed ordered back from New York, -Number of members, &c., 58. 178. Governor's message givFurther prorogued for want of ing proprietaries' views on varibusiness, 69. Adjourn for a ous matters, 187. Journal demonth, 75. Discussion on situa- manded, 186, 190, 191. Memtion of Lower Counties, 71-75. bers deceased, 190. Answer to, Meetingat SamuelPeres, 76. Ad- 191, 193, 195-197, 198-200. dress of Representatives of Phila- Joseph Growden, Speaker, 206. delphia, Bucks and Chester to Speech of Governor, 207. Send Governor, 84. Meet - Inquiry, message to Governor on adjournWhy 8 members are returned?- ment, 226. Address to Queen and Reply, 105. Debate on it, 105. Proprietary, 235, 236. Governor's Decision, 106. David Lloyd, address, 249. The answer, 249. Speaker, 106. Members, 109. On bills for establishing courts, Dispute between, and Council 253-256. Message to Governor, about future time of meeting, 110. 256. Governor's views, 256. DisProrogued by Council, 111. To cussion about courts, 257, 261, be called, 116, 119. Conference 262. Objections of Governor and with territories, 120. Meeting to Council to bill establishing courts, consider of union of territories 263-266. Answer to, 266-270. and province, 123. Difficulties Answer of Governor and Council, about meeting, 125. Address of 270-275. Answer to, 277-279. Governor, 126. Address of Ter- Charges against James Logan, ritories to Governor, 128. To Secretary, as one of his advisers meet at Joseph Shippen's, 129. on courts, ask for his removal Address of Governor, 130, 132. from Council, 279. Governor Meeting of, appointed, 130, 132. goes to New Castle, 280. ResoSeparation in Legislation of Terri- lution of Council sent to, 280. 10 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Message of Governor, 281. An- sage to, 437. Answer, 441. Value swer, 281, 282, 283. Logan's ex- of money and contracts, 445. planation of remark to S. Rich- Conference with Council on, 446. ardson, who took it as a joke, 284. Governor's speech, 451. Answer, Governor's reply to Assembly, 452. Remonstrance of, 454. Ad284-289. Governor's answer, 289- dress Council, 460. Governor's 296. Adjourn without Governor's address, 461. Neglect to raise leave, 298. Called together by funds censured, 462. Reply, 463. Governor at earlier day, 298. Governor to, 465. Resolutions Governor's speech to, respecting by, 466. Adjourns without Gocourts and other subjects, 300- vernor's consent, 467. Governor 308. Conference with Governors lets them alone, but removes emsubjects to be discussed, 309. bargo, 467. Called, 469. GoConference and discussion between vernor's message, 472. Address Governor and, on their respective to Governor, 475. Answer, 476. powers and duties, 311-315. Message from, 478. Answer, 479, Speaker and representatives af- 480. Swedes' petition, 480. Mesfronted, depart suddenly, 314. sage, Answer to Governor, 482. Apologies, 315. Messages and His answer, 483. Committee speeches between them, 316-327. of conference, 483. Discussions Remonstrance of, 328-336. Mes- about courts, 485. And message sage, &c., 337-344. Articles of to Governor, 486. Ashton, (Robimpeachment against James Lo- ert,) makes alterations in court ganl, 344-348. Remonstrance of, bill, and is blamed, 489, 490. on courts, 348-353. Adjourn Messages, 491. Remonstrance, themselves, called again by Go- 495. D. Lloyd, speaker, 503. vernor, 353. Message of Governor Governor's address to, 503. Anto, 356. Answer to, 358. Go- swer, 504. Issue a mittimus to vernor to, 359-361. Answer to jail, of James Logan, 507. Order Governor, articles against Logan to Sheriff, 507. Governor denies to be prosecuted, 361. Meeting power of, to commit, 507. Goof, to try the impeachment of vernor gives order to protect him, James Logan, discussion of the 508. Remonstrance of, to'Governright of Assembly to do so; 365-6, or, 514. Change of members of 372. James Logan's defence on three counties, 516. Richard Hill, each article, 367-372. Messages speaker, 517. Addresses between between Assembly and Governor Governor and Assembly, 517, 518. on impeachment, 372-385. Jas. Discussion with Governor about Logan's petition to Governor and laws, 520-529. Meet-Governor's Council, 376. Petition of Phila- address to, 535. Answer, 535, delphia against New Castle, 379. 536. Governor to, 537. Agree Action on, 379-383. Governor's to ~2000 for Queen's use, 538. message and answer, 384. D. Governor's speech, R. Hill, speakLloyd, speaker, Governor's mes- er, 541. Answer, 544. Several sage, reflections on, 398.'An- Acts sent to Governor, 548. swer of, 399. Magistrates' courts Isaac Norris, speaker, Governor's held in ale-houses, 409. Message speech, loses by coming here, from Governor to, on French pri- 560. Answer, 560. Governor's vateers, 413. Answer to, 415. mill creek, Nathaniel Pool's, road Governor's reply, 417-420. An- to William Coates's corner, 561. swer, 421-423. On quit rents, Governor's speech, 568. Answer, Assembly of New Castle, 424. 568. Complain of having two Conference with, and Governor, on Reg. Generals, 569. Address to respective powers, as to meetings Governor on too few members, and adjournments, 432. Address 562. Governor to, and answer, to Governor Gookin, on his arri- 572. D. Lloyd, speaker, 575. val, &c., 433. Governor's mes- Rumor of death of Queen, 574. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 11 Summons to meet,' 590. Govern- sentation from speaker to Governor's speech, 591. Answer, 592. or, respecting, 298.. Names of Governor to, 594. Discussions on the eight members, letter from, laws between, Governor and As- unopened by, 298. Their represembly, 590-597. Joseph Grow- sentation to Governor, 299. Obden, speaker, 608. Governor's jections to electing a member in speech, 609. Discussions between, place of Keith, 300. Governor's and Governor, 611. Richard Hill, speech to, 305, 338. D. Lloyd, speaker, 613. Governor's speech, speaker, 337. Complain of rude 613. Resolutions adopted, 614. treatment in Philadelphia, 340. To Governor, 615. Representa- Action of Council on, 340. Gotion of position of proprietary at vernor's speech on, 341. Recomfirst, with regard to Quakers and mends their course, 342. Agree affirmation, 616. Vote Governor to division of Chester county, 345. Gookin, ~100, 630. Asks for Act sent to Council to issue bills ~200, granted, 630. of credit, 346. Proclamation reConvened by Governor Keith, specting riotous conduct in Philaiii., 14. Address to King, 25. delphia, 351. Speech of GovernGovernor's speeches to, 25, 27. or on paper currency, 352. AnAnswers to, 27. At New Cas- swer, 353. Governor to, 354, 357. tle, 32. Appealed to by Governor A. Hamilton, speaker, 371, 387. in case of murderer, 40. Jonathan Govr.'s speech to, 373. Message Dickinson, speaker, 56. Speech of Governor on paper money, 377. of Governor Keith, continuance Governor's speech, 390. Message of Government supplies, 63. of Governor on application of SuNew commission and instruc- gar Islands, to Parliament, 401. tions from William Penn, Jr., Answer to Governor on, 406. laid before, speech to, 65. An- Charges, 407. Message on Indian swer, 66. Their advice to de- trade, 408. Andrew Hamilton, lay publication of commission, 67. speaker, 417. Address to GoWilliam Trent, speaker, 69. Go- vernor, 420. On Sugar Islands, vernor's speech and answer, 70. 420. Answer, 421. Address to Jeremiah Langhorn, speaker, 140. King, &c., 423. Adjourn in conseSpeech to Governor, and answer, quence of small-pox, 426. Bill for 141. Address to King, 226. Ad- paying wages of, 427, 434. Pay to dress to Governor Keith from, Governor, object to his message, complaining of grievances and his reply, 427-8. Wait on Thos. encroachments of New Castle Penn with an address, 433. His county, upon Chester county, 234. answer, 434. A. Hamilton, speakGovernor Gordon's speech to, 255. er, 466. Governor's speech, 493. D. Lloyd, speaker, 261. Speech Address to Governor, 493. To to Governor, and his answer, 261. Governor, 509. Jeremiah LangMessage of Governor, 262, 263. horne, speaker of, 528. GovernSpeech of Governor to on bills of or's speech, 531. Answer, 532. credit, iron works, 264. Prevent- Message of Governor on appointed by heavy rains, from meeting, mnent of Mr. Davis as agent, 539. 267. Message of Governor on On Act for small debts, 540. Readulteration of bills of credit, de- solves on, 541. Message to Gosigns of John French against pro- vernor respecting Maryland affairs, prietary's interests, William Till, 566. A. Hamilton, speaker, 576, Supreme Court, dams in Brandy- 615. Governor's speech to, 576. wine creek, 267-9. David Lloyd, Address to proprietary, 582. And speaker, 289. Address to King answer, 582. To Governor, 582. George II., 291. Speech of Go- And answer, 583. Called to convernor to, 292. Withdrawal of sider Lord Baltimore's application eight members from, occasions to the King for the territories, 594. want of a quorum, 298. Repre- Governor's speech to, 595. An 12 INDEX. TO COLONIAL RECORDS. swer to, 596. Address to Gover- prietarylands, 348. Dr. Greeme's nor, 596.. Petition to King, 596. salary, 349. Speaker John KinWaits on John Penn, proprietary, sey, 353, 470. Call of, 359. Papers prior to his departure for England submitted from Lords of trade, and address to him, 611. Answer, &c., on value of gold and silver 611. Message of Governor and coins and on bills of credit, 359. answer, he being sick, 616. Reports on, 360, 365. On state Pass act for printing Colonial of Province, 366-371. On liberty Records and Pennsylvania Ar- of conscience, 367, 375. Goverchives, iv., 14. Message from nor's message on raising money Governor and Council, 18, 19. for Philadelphia, 385. Objects to On wears, 20. Court of Chancery it, 385. Answer to Governor, 389. and Equity, 18, 20, 22. Message Governor represents conduct of from Governor and Council on Is. Pemberton, 389. Messages of wears, 23. Petitions against Governor to, reviewing various Court of Chancery, 35, 36, 37. proceedings of, 398-402. Reasons Message of Governor on do, 39. for bill to raise money on PhilaAnswer, 41. James Logan as- delphia, 408. Governor's answer sumes the government on death to, 409-413. Answer to, 414. of Governor Gordon, and makes a Gdvernor's reply to, 419.. Goverspeech, referring to the posture of nor's speech in defence, 422. affairs, 50. Address in reply, 51. Asks for originals, received from A. Hamilton is Speaker, 53, 95, England, 424, 425, 426. Gover97, 249. Message to, 95, 97. nor to, on probable peace with Message apprehended and cor- Spain, 427. Adjourn abruptly, rected, 98. Position on account 430. Greater number are Quakof Governor's death, 98, 99. Mary- ers, 435. Resolution to pay ~3000 land affairs, 101, 151, Answer to for King's use, 459. Messages of President's message, 119, 120. Governor, 431, 438-443, 447, 461, Petition to King, 125. From 466, 473, 491, 495, 507, 510, 540, Council to, 201. To Council, 202. 558, 590-600, 602, 626, 627, 658, Message to, 233. Answer, 236. 672, 676, 677, 678, 685, 687, 737, Council object to certain expres- 740, 749, 750, 763, 765, 772. sions 237. Message to Council on Messages to Governor, 435-438, Indian treaty, 238. Answer to, 448, 450-459, 466, 470, 491, 495, 239. Papers laid before, recol- 509, 511, 549, 558, 602, 603-618, mendation of Governor Thomas 628, 637, 659, 673, 676-679, 685, and petition of Lorcd Baltimore 740, 763, 773. Minute of Council, against, 249. Gov. Thomas ar- 459. Resolution respecting Drs. rives,'and is proclaimed, 288. Grneme and Zachary, health offiAppoints Thomas Lawrie, Secre- cers, 496. Governor asks for tary, 289. Message to, 290. Ad- erection of a pest house,.507. dress from, to Governor, 292. Assembly's reply, 509. GoverProceedings at Hampton Court, nor's answer respecting funds, writ to, 301. Message of Gover- and his support, 510. Reply, nor on bills of credit, 303. Com- 511. Report of a Committee on plimentary message to, 305. A. port physician, Dr. Grneme, 515, Hamilton, Speaker, 311, Mes- -523. On powers of Government, sage to, 305, 314, 319, 322, 331, &c., 519-559. Presents to In332, 333, 335, 354, 359, 380, 385, dians, 575. John Kinsey, Speak387, 389, 398, 402, 405, 407, 587, er, 618, 669, 749. Speech and 737, 754, 758, 773. From, 316, Governor's answer, 619. Address 321, 330, 333, 356, 360, 375, 387, to Governor, 619. Answer, 620. 402, 754, 758, 773. Onbills credit, Address to Governor on election 319-321, 330. A bill to regulate riots in Philadelphia, 620. Attorchoice of inspectors of elections ney General's opinion on, in reply necessary, 335. Message on pro- to Mayor, 621. Governor's an INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 13 swer to, 623. Message of Gover- 333. Disapproving Governor's nor on Thomas McKee's deposi- course, 333. His reply to, 339. tion respecting Indians, 634. Expenses of treaty with Indians, Answer, 637. Send orders for 341. Messages of Governor James money, 638. RupturewithFrance, Hamilton, 365, 395, 412, 430, 672. Murders by Delaware Indi- 456, 484, 491, 493, 499, 502, 505, ans, 679. Proposed visit of Gov- 511, 513, 524, 528, 540, 546, 564, ernor, &c., to indians, 679. Pay 578, 608, 638, 639, 652, 729, 737, Governor ~500, 753. Expedition 747, 751, 757, 764. Messages, to Cape Breton, 754. Catawbas &c. of, to Governor Hamilton, 367, and Virginia, 758. Grant provi- 372, 412, 414, 427, 605, 613, 617, sions for King's use, 769. The 648, 711, 763. Present Governor Governor objects, 769. Governor's with ~600, 368, 428, 461, 711. pay, 770.' Propose to Governor Presents to Indians, 403, 711. to visit Albany, appoints cornmis- On bills of credit, 415. Report of sioners, 771. In view of Indians committee on paper currency, 415. taking sides with French, 773. Do. of lower counties, 417. AdJohn Wright, Speaker, 782. dress to Governor on public houses, John Kinsey, Speaker, v., 4, 428. Governor's answer, 430. 55, 123, 347, 411. Isaac Norris Relative to settlers on nnpurchased Speaker, 484, 558, 599, 662. Mes- lands, 459. Isaac Norris, Speaker, sages from Governor to, 4, 26, 30, 484, 558, 599, 662. Indian affairs, 36, 44, 45, 46, 53, 62, 64, 124, 484, 485, 513. Informal call of, 154, 156, 182, 230, 233, 270, 329, message, controversies between 339, 454, 484, 491, 493, 499, Gov. and Assembly, about the le502, 505, 511, 513, 524, 528, 540, gality of the meeting, 491-494. On 546, 564, 605. Do. to Governor, lighting and watching city, 506, 31, 43, 44, 46, 48, 54, 56, 58, -63, 512, French claims-on Indians, 124, 159, 183, 184, 234, 237, 274, &c., 528. Heavy expenses of In333, 341, 347, 459, 484, 506, 526, dian affairs, 545, 546. Proprie545, 547, 562. On instructions taries decline bearing a part of to commissioners to Albany, 26, expenses of treaties with Indians, 36. Conscientious scruples, 43, 49. &c., 546. Bills credit, 562. Bills credit, 44, 46, 49. Funds, Amendments to fee bills, 579. billeting soldiers, 54, 65. Pay of Serjeant at arms, 617. Bills troops, 58. Death of Jno. Penn,-, credit, 638, 652, 723, 747. AfGov'r, going to England for health, fairs with French and Indians on 62. Review of his nine years' ad- Ohio, 705-722. Passionate treatministration, 62. Address to ment of Governor alluded to, 723. Governor in reply, 63. Sketch of Extract from report of Committee John Penn, 63. Governor's re- on bills of credit, 723. Governor ply, 64.. Poposed call of, objected replies to their violent address, to, 73. Kinsey consulted, 74. 737-746. On western boundary, Speech of Council to, 95, 96. 763. Message to President and Council, Messages and speeches from Go100. Council refuse to print, 105. vernor to, vi., 22, 23, 26, 37, 39, Called together on important mat- 41, 139, 166, 185, 188, 190, 206, ters, 135. Account of money given 211, 221, 236, 243, 244, 247, 320, for King's use, 160. Unexpected 322, 327, 330, 352, 386, 408, 425, adjournment of, 163, 164, 165. 427, 438, 440, 502, 504, 525, 534, Respecting Indians, 184. Mes- 536, 537, 550, 565, 612, 617, 670, sage relative to capture by priva- 684, 689, 702, 706, 715, 728, 729, teers, 233. Means of defence on 733, 743. Messages to Governor, the river, 271, 274. Adjourns, 40, 139, 167, 189, 191, 206, 211, Resolutions of Council in conse- 220, 226, 236, 243, 244, 325, 329, quence, passed, 277, 279. Peace 384, 388, 425, 437, 441, 525, 536, between England and France, &c., 569-587, 597, 598, 605, 616, 624, 14 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 637, 677, 691. On defensive 537-546, 569-587, 604, 703, 707, measures, 23. Expenses of Corn- 711, 715. Exposure of frontiers, missioners to Albany, 23. Wont 550, 565. General Shirley's orders raise men or money, 27. Money to Dunbar, 586. Conduct of, comfor King's use, 41. Governor lays plaintof Governor against Quaker before, proceedings of Congress at preaching, Franklin, &c., 600. Albany, 57-129. Speaker chosen, Supplies for Crown Point, 616. 165, 639. Isaac Norris, 167, 639. Long message of Governor to, 617 Grant money, 167. Edward War- -623. Long answer to, 624-637. ner, deceased, 176. Contagious Distribute arms and ammunition, fever, 190. Bills credit, 206. 663, 677. French and Indian outDiscussion with Governor on, ex- rages, 677. Report to Council on hibitproprietary instructions, 220, arms, &c., 679. Messages to Gov221-223. French troops at Ohio, ernor, 707-710, 714, 743, 746. 223. A verylong message to Gov- Remonstrance of Philadelphia ernor, relative to proprietary in- militia bill, 735. Councils report structions, &c., 226-236, 617. on claims of Shawnees, 746. Governor's Answer, 236-243. Messages to, vii., 18, 19, 39, Arrival of Mohocks, 243-4. Pas- 55, 87, 91, 92, 120, 130, 131, 142, senger Bill, 243. Currency, dis- 143, 148, 178, 186, 195, 202, 246, covery of Governor, &c., 244-246. 387, 413, 417, 453, 562, 569, 578, His answer, 247. Conduct of, 582, 592, 605, 617. From, 18, 45, 295, 299, 302. Minutes of Assem- 91, 93, 125, 143, 183, 19~3, 201, bly asked for by Governor, 305, 303, 384, 411, 413, 573, 579, 609. 322, 331. Accused by General Vote sixty thousand pounds, 125. Braddock of pusillanimous and Address to Governor on enlisting improper behavior, 307. Arrival servants, 37, 39. Conspiracy in of Braddock-Roads-Embargo- back counties, 87, 91. Several Post-common fund, &c., 320. members resign-new writs issued Governor complains of publishing -by Speaker-Governor declines official letters, 322. Answer to acting on the occasion, 148-151. Governor, 325. Letter, &c., of Minute of, signed by William Massachusetts Commissioners, 330. Franklin, (clerk,) on resignation Governor directs Secretary to of members, 150. Resolutions on make copy of minutes, 331, 339. various bills and Governor's Indian affairs, 352. German bill, course, 184. To lower counties 384. Access to Journals, 392. on export of provision, 195. Governor calls it the Quaking As- Acts of New York and New Jersembly, 409. Lower, presents to sey on embargo. 197. Proposed General Braddock, 415. Demand treaty, 203. Tax on proprietary sight of a letter from, 424, 433. estate, 204. Remarks of council Troops from Canada, 427. Provi- on message, 204, Address to sions go to New Foundland, 439. Governor Denny on arrival, give Power to call Assembly discussed him ~600-his answer, 227. with Governor, 441. Address of, Speech 229. Messages of Goverto his Majesty, presented by pro- nor Denny, 235, 248, 304, 306, prietaries on restrictions, 448. 342, 346, 350, 364, 365, 368, 370, Council blame, 461. Speech of 375, 718, 733, 736, 748, 751, 758, Governor on Braddock's defeat, 763, 774, 779, 757, 779. Messages &c., 486. Answer to address by to Governor Denny, 236, 237, 246, privy council, 505-510, Colonel 307, 313, 345, 352, 363, 364, 368, Dunbar's request for winter quar- 369, 375, 379, 721, 727, 730, 742, ters, &c., 513, 535. Tax on pro- 751, 759, 757, 758, 781. Western prietary estate, 525-532, 715. boundary, &c., 236. Instructions, Roman Catholics in Bucks Coun- 237, 238. Committee of conferty, 503, 533. Militia bill, 534, ence on money bill, 249-250. Rea598. Tax on proprietary estate, sons offered to Governor, 251. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 15 Committee to draw up reasons for Pray his removal, 742. Militia his Majesty, 255. Various docu- bill and services of troops, 744, ments from privy council on af- 751. Governor's answer, 748-750. fairs in the province, 272-278. Proceedings against Moore, 750. Conduct of, 272. Speeches of Governor asks for minutes, 751. Governor Denny, 280. Orderto, J. Norris sick, resigns, 770. Secretary Peters to issue writs of Thomas Leech, elected, 772. election for several members- Messages to Gov. Denny, viii., letter from Richard Peters by or- 4, 36, 39, 51, 53, 71, 102-110, 111, der of Governor inquiring the 112, 170, 229, 240, 323, 324, 330, reason of so many vacancies, 291. 331, 354, 356, 363, 373, 374, 396, Answer of Speaker with letter of 446. Messages from Gov. Denny, four members resigning-Minis- 1, 12-17, 29, 41, 61, 62, 65, 66, ters ask Quakers to allow seats to 68, 72, 78, 81, 166, 169, 237, 240, be filled by persons of other de- 275, 291, 303, 317, 319, 327, 339, nominations, 292. Writs of elec- 349, 361, 369, 372, 382, 447. I1mtions issued, 293. Indian mur- peachment of W. Moore, 1, 11. ders, 304. Indian trade, 307. Indian trade, 19-24, 51, 240. Appointment of Samuel Kirk, as Treaty at Easton referred to, 39. Sergeant-at-arms, 313. Number Duties, 41. Captives with Indians, of public houses in Philadelphia, 51, Answer to Gen. Abercrombie, 352. Various proceedings respect- 52. Letter from General Forbes, ing quartering of soldiers, 361- 61. Remonstrance to Governor, 373. Meet on Sunday and send 74. Supply bill, 75. Condition of message to Governor, 364. Con- provinces, 102. Letter from Admittee of Conference, proceedings, miral Boscawen asking for men, 370-374. Conestogo Indians want 164. Answer, 164, 166. Councils clothes, 379. On money for Mr. opinion on, 165. Letter from Croghan, 384. Remonstrance General Forbes, 169, 170. Indian against Governor's message on Affairs, 171. Isaac Norris, Speaker, supply bill, 401. His answer, 403. 224, 407, 506, 671. Governor's Asks right of his reasons to King speech, 227. Respecting General -postponed, 406. Neutrals, 410. Forbes, &c., 229, 237, 240. DeOn quartering soldiers, 410, 411. mand of General Schuyler for pay On supply bill and answer, 413. of prisoners, 240. Blankets for Report on supply bill, 421. An- soldiers, 263. Dr. Franklin hands swer to 437. Powers of, Assem- proprietaries a' paper unsigned bly-Governor, &c., under consti- fromn, on which, as well as their tution in reply to Lord Loudoun, rights, they remark, 276. Address 449. Answers of Speaker and delivered by eight members, 282. Franklin to Lord Loudoun on Two members apply for answer, money bill, 450. Governor agrees 284. Letter, General Amherst, to, 453. Speaker on Indians at letter respecting, 284. Resolve of Lancaster, 497, Account of pro- House of Representaiives respectvincial forces, asked for, 565. ing Vm. Moore of Chester Co., 287. Address to Governor on embargo, Respecting appointment of Colonel 567. Remonstrance to Governor Byrd of Virginia to succeed General on embargo, 571. Embargo and Forbes, 299. Bills credit, taxes, militia, 573. Roads, 592. Reso- 303. Supplybill, 331. Distressed lutions —i.litia, &c., 618. Com- situation of Lancaster, by quartermittee wait on Governor to in- ing soldiers, 330. Supplybill, 331. spect minutes of council on pur- Obstinacy of, 351. Reply to prochase of land, 635. Refused, 636. posed amendments, respecting Governor's speech to, on French warrants, 354. Plays and lotterand Indians, 718. Troops for New ies, 356. Governor refuses to sign York, 721. Address to Governor's bill on warrants, &c., 361. Mr. agent, William Moore, Esq,, 741. Galloway's remarks on observa 16 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. tions onbill for recording warrants, ix., 158, 181, 200, 236. Conduct 363-369. Letter from General censured by Earl of Egremont, 16. Stanwix, 373. On pay for wagons, Message from Governor, 2, 10, 16, 373. Bill for warrants, views of 18, 19, 21, 37, 52, 53, 55-58, 94, proprietary estate, 374. J. Norris 108, 113, 115, 116, 122, 131, 149, resigns; Thomas Leech chosen 158, ]74, 179, 181, 183, 240, 244, Speaker, 396. Carriages, 397. 283, 290, 310, 323, 363, 394, 396. Called on account of absence of Messages to Governor, 20, 64, 97, great seal, 408. Messages to Gov- 109, 116, 123-125, 134, 153, 155, ernor Hamilton, 424, 425, 428, 157, 180, 182, 185, 246, 284, 312, 447, 496, 510, 560, 572, 580, 584, 324, 361, 369-374, 385, 407, 685. 611, 692, 715. Messages fromGeov- Resolution authorizing Governor ernor Hlamilton, 437, 446, 448, 449- to enlist soldiers on frontiers, 36. 478, 480, 481, 495, 509, 512, 559, WVill pay for them, 36. Pays Gov-_ 563, 577, 578, 579, 581, 593, 596, ernor ~800, 37. Surprise at Gen603, 605-609, 662, 666, 674, 676, eral Amherst's letter, 64. Vote a 681, 687, 688, 691, 693, 695, 710, reward to be offered against high775. On Indian wars, 429. Mili- way robbery about Philadelphia, tary forces, 447. Reverend Win. 70. Take leave of Governor Smith serves an order of privy Hamilton, who is succeeded by council against, 438, and other John Penn, 73. Speech of Govpapers relating to him, 438-446. ernor Penn, 91-93. Indian murW~ith report and Governor's mes- ders, 92, 97. Address to Governor, sage to, 446. Resolve to raise congratulatory, 97. Answer,.99. two thousand seven hundred men, Reply of New York to application arrears due, and estimated expense to protect Indians, 122, 123. of raising, 458. Supply bill, 478, Militia bill, 133. Remonstrance 480, 481. Grant ~1000 to snuffer- of Smith and Gibson on Indian ers by fire at Boston, 483, Troops, affairs, 138. Declaration of fron495, 496, 509. Council not a part tier inhabitants, 142. Proceedings of, 503. Answer to General Monck- on, 146, 147. Governor's answer ton for troops, 510. Appoint- to committee of, on, 147. Supply nent of Franklin and Charles as bill, 149, 158, 161, 174, 28-1. agents to England, 512. Letter of Proprietary lands, 153, 155, 156, condolence of Governor on death 161, 185. Charged by Governor King George II., 521. Exclusive with ill treatment of himself and nomination of officers, 533. Laws proprietaries- history of supply repealed, &c., 559. Condolence bill, &c., 174. Supply bills, &c., on King's death, 560. Governor 179, 180, 184. J. Norris resigns presses answer to message, 563, as Speaker, Benjamin Franklin 580. Acts of agents, 572. ~1000 chosen, 182, 236. Members, 201. to Governor, 583. Tax on pro- Joseph Fox, Speaker, 236, 287, prietary estate, 584. Money 590. Assessment on proprietary bills, 596. Supply bill, 603, 605. lands, 241. Money for Fort AuIndian treaty, 662. Fees of At- gusta, 244. Advices respecting torney General, 667. Adjourns evacuation, &c., of Fort Augusta, without Governor's consent, 685. 283, 284. Tie vote between two War with Spain, 703, 706, 710. members for, new election ordered, Report of committee on Governor's 286. Writs to Sheriff, 288. Fire message, 716. Resolutions ap- at Montreal, 290. John Fairlamb pointing committee on treaty with dies-election ordered, 301. ReIndians, and asking inspection of peal of Stamp Act, 311, 312. Council minutes, 719. Declined, Lands-troops quartered, 324. 720. Dissolves without notice to Present Governor ~500, 327, Governor, 776. Minutes of treaty 805. Joseph Galloway, Speaker, at Lancaster, 775. 335, 399, 551, 591, 625-691. Meets —Isaac Norris, Speaker, Courts of judicature, 361, 369 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 17 374. New member for Chester, in Philadelphia, 146. Vote an in room of John Morton, 375. increase of pay, 148. Petition to Salary to Governor, 392, 622. call in account of Boston port bill, Messages from Governor to, 407, declined by Governor, 180. 408, 425, 427, 430, 434, 459, 466, Called on account of Indian diffi545, 554, 595, 622, 645, 682, 692, culties, 195. Virginia and In708, 713, 720. Messages to Gov- dians, 206. Continue troops, ernor, 407, 432, 454, 465, 473- 209. Edward Biddle, Speaker, 480, 568, 592, 594, 692, 709, 714, 213, 241. Pay of soldiers, 214, 721. Murders of Indians by F. 215. Resolutions, pay of rangers, Stump, 414-490. Poor Indians 215. Petition to King on affairs, from Wyalusing, 423. Lottery 233. Petitions from the Colonies, asked for-also charter for Phila- 239. E. Biddle, sick-John Mordelphia Contributionship, 440. ton chosen Speaker, 241, 272. LReflecting on Governor, 454, 473. Resolutions of House of Commons, Raising money, 466. Answer of 251, 252. List of certificates, 260. Governor, 473. Treaty at; Fort Resolutions appointing Committee Stanwix, 545. New member to be of Safety, &c., 279, 282. Charles elected for Chester Co., 550. Moore, clerk, 282. Resolution John Fairlamb died, 550. Indian appointing new committee, 375. trade, 557, 592. Indian boundary, Benjamin Franklin, President. 554, 568. Address on fisheries, Order barracks to be repaired, 610. Lotteries, 622. Indian 389. Resolution for purchase of trade, 645. A member must be clothing and accoutrements by an resident of city or county from agent, Mathias Slough, 538. Comnwhich he is elected, 650. Arrest plaint against Committee of, 573. of Connecticut men, 682. Re- Memorial on increase of Commonstrance from, on impressment mittee, 579. Memorial on Roeof carriages, 684. Reward for buck, 582. Ask what military Stewart, 685. Grant to Governor, preparations have been made, 687. Money for Indians, 692. 586. Report on conduct of ComImprovement of rivers, 720, 721. mittee of Safety, 611. Adjourn Pay Governor, 730. Message from without raising flying camp, acPresident and Council on Wyo- cording to Congress, 611. ming, 772. Memorial from Council on reMessages from Governor, x., 2, fusal of Continental Currency, xi., 17, 28, 31, 34, 60, 68, 71, 117, 2. Memorial to, on calling out 142,. 146, 195, 208, 214, 224, 233, militia, 15. Add seven members 237, 249, 260. Messages to Gov- to Council of Safety, 45. Loane ernor, 1, 17, 28, 33, 35, 71, 74, asked by Council of Safety, 117. 142, 209, 215, 225, 237, 252. Committee from, 208. Wait by Address to Gov. Richard Penn, 1. Committee on Council, respecting His answer, 2. Joseph Galloway, quota to be furnished by this Speaker, 2. Present to Governor, State, 210. Present complaints 2. Members' views on offering a of officers against Colonel Bull and reward, 14. Carriages impressed Major McCurry, 210. Pecuniary by Colonel Wilkins, 17. Foreign state of Board of War, referred evidence, 18, 20. Bills, credit, to the, 211. Order on Council 33. Duties and excise, 33, 34, for money, 213. Petition of Wal35. Joseph Galloway, Speaker, ter Hall, a person about to abscond 59, 105. Letter from Governor being in his debt, 214. Letter Payne, 60. Evacuation of Fort from Council on state of land Pitt, 68, 70, 74. Address to forces, 215. Minute asking conGovernor John, 96. Answer, 97. ference with Council on state of Present to Governor, 97. Support affairs, 217. Plan for removing of Government, 96. Connecticut citizens, 218. Representation from people, 117, 142. Fortifications Council on present frame of Gov2 18 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. ernment, 220. Resolutions res- 693. Conference on Constitution, pecting probable attack of enemy, 695, 699. Letter of Monsieur 227. Resolution on borrowing Holker, and message of Supreme money, 227. On loan from Con- Executive Council, 699, 711, 714. gress, 228. Resolution allowing Distribution of provisions, &c., Militia rum or whiskey, 230. 711. Committee meets Council With Council, elects President on finances, 717. Notice of Inand Vice-president, 375. Elect dian murders by Indians at Bushy delegates to Congress; their Run, 718. Defence of frontiers, names, 385. Representation of 719. Message sent from Council Council respecting wagons, &c., respecting Arnold, 721. Conimpressed, 390. On calling out ference with Council respecting, whole force on petition-con- 726, 727. Resolutions respecting ference, 394. Referred to Con- officers, 727. Letter of Massachugress, 394. On recruits, 401. setts, 729. Resolve, Rangers, 730. Council inform of J. P. Howell Conference, 730. Letter from being Receiver General of cloth- Field officers of Pennsylvania ing, 424. Interference of Board Line, 731. Message of Council, of War respecting provisions, 425. 734. Resolution approving of Representation of Supreme Execu- acts of Council to borrow money, tive Council to, on expenses of 739. recruiting, 431. Conference on Resignations-Answers to Quemagazines, 434. Commissioners ries by Attorney General-Comto Congress at Yorktown, 438. mittee meets Council-Address of Wages of Executive Council and Council, xii. 95. Messages from Navy department, 441. Appoint President,' 96, 124, 125, 167, Lieutenant-Resolves respecting 175, 176, 246, 254, 264, 285, 366, Colonel Hartley's enlisting sol- 474, 526, 545. Messages to the diers for Congress, 452. Respect- President, 555, 564, 569, 575, ing the quota of the State, 454. 624-626, 630, 637, 641, 644, 667, Battalions and conference with 675, 676, 738, 742, 749, 753, 759, Council, 456. Early call of-act 765. Resolution respecting conregulating prices of goods, sus- fiscated property of Reynold Keen, pended, 525. Resolutions respect- 103. Address Mons. Gerard ing Navy, &c., 554. Public of- on his departure, 109. Act of fenders, 558. Resolution-em- Congress respecting arrival of bargo on provisions, 569. Peti- Count D'Estaing, 114. Resolution of Ralph, (negro,) 570, 571. tions-Council to procure flour Summons by Justices to take oath and salt, 117, 118. Thanks to of allegiance, 574. Order copies' Gen. Wayne and Pennsylvania of'acts, &c., 585. Plan of the Line, 124, 134.'Bounty for wood, river Delaware, 587. Speaker 125. New members elected, 129, chosen, 617. Case of Charles 131, 134, 145. Vote of thanks to Campbell, 618. General Lacey Gen. Wayne for affair at Stony and Colonel Knox, Committee to Point, 135. Conference with Council on letter of General Council, 156. Sale of ship Gen. Wayne, 619, Letter from Colonel Greene. Opening of Land Office, Hartley-March of troops, 621. 160. Respecting boundaries with Register and recorder of Bedford Virginia and Connecticut-Great County. Public expression favor seal of late province-papers sent of Colonel Hartley-Letter from to-regulation of prices, 176, 177. Massachus'ts on Tories-Provisions Archibald Thompson, deceasedpermitted to Bermuda, 629. Long Joseph Blewer elected, 188. Conaddress from Council to, on fiscated estates reserved for Univarious subjects, 685-690. Reso- versity-rules and regulations, lutions of Virginia, 691. Appli- 189. To decide about Great Seal cation to Congress for money, of late Province, 205. Bills of INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 19 Credit ceased-Taxes-Property Acquit him, 584. Thomas Paine of Aliens, &c., 134. Receive re- paid as Clerk, 594. Committee verse of Great Seal, 237. Confer- to inquire into causes of discontent ence with Council on defence of in Pennsylvania Line, 632, 636. frontiers, 248. Pay of Mr. Brad- Account of provisions purchased, ford as Commissary, 253. Account 638. Tender of flour exported, of troops, 254, 255. Raising four 644. Appropriation for infantry companies, 258, 261. Memorial -Increase of auditors, 645. Conon Taxes in Philadelphia county, ference on calling in old continen263. Message on proprietarylands tal mloney, 649. Militia, 652. Grataken under old right-Case of Jehu tuities to officers, 655. Dispute Eyre for plank and timber taken with Connecticut, 657. Defence of by enemy-Army supplies, 264. frontiers, 659. Hog Island, 661. Case of John Ensmenger, 267. Action towards traitors, 675. LieuH. and I. Ichelburg, 280. Papers, tenants and Sub-Lieutenants, 676. &c., 285. Act for paper moulds State House Steeple to be taken for money, 298. Meet Council on down, 682. Order a fine on scarcity at camp, 351. Conference delinquent Commissioners, 686. with Committee of Congress and Various resolutions calling in conCouncil on. Loan Office Certificate tinental money-Floating bridge — Their value —Amount from this on Schuylkill, 691, 692. Report of State-Supplies, &c., 360. Re- Committee of Grievances, 694. Respecting Mrs. Murray and Mrs. call of Mr. Searle, 694. Powers disFerguson, 366. James Hutchin- puted in case of Isaac Austin, 720. son member in room of G. Bryan, Complaint, Col. Hart, 737. Penn367. Letter of Congress-Quar- sylvania Line-Gen. Waynetermaster and Commissary Depart- Militia prisoners, &c., 738. Conments, 369. Delegate to Congress ference, 740. Pay of labor, 752, elected — Supplies, 371. Action Message, 763, 765. Recruit of under various subjects, 475. De- Federal Army, 765. Resolutions cision of Virginia —Letter of Gen. on various matters- supplies, X~V., 476. Conference on supplies, finances, &c., 770. 478, 479. Conference on finances, Resolution for money through 480. Respecting Virginia, 486. R. Morris to Thos. Smith, xiii., Order cattle bought, 488. Papers 6. Resolutions respecting Confrom Maryland and Virginia on necticut claim, 10. Messages from confederation, &c., 491. New Council, 58, 67, 107, 129, 258, members, 506, 507, 508, 510, 259, 262, 348, 363, 408, 425, 513, 517, 518. Army-Virginia 438, 483, 518, 537, 538, 647, boundary-Supplies, 529, 530. 648, 666, 682, 683, 692. MesResolution to suspend sales of sages to Council, 733, 761. Deestates, 539. To prevent frauds ficiency of recruits, 58. Resolutions in British vessels using American respecting Connecticut claim, 123. prize papers, 543. New members On supplies to United States, 125. -Resolution, expenses of govern- Sales of Province Island-Defence ment-Clothing for army, 545. of frontiers, 127, 128. Expedition Appointments by 554. Finances, against Indians, 132. Various 555. Resolution, Loan Officer, papers submitted to, 199. Con556. Resolution for purchase of ference with Council on Virginia corn-Rescinded, 561. Not to line, 209. On militia fines and pay continental money to Comr- taxes, 236. May draw on State missioner, 567. Finances, 568. Treasury-Message, various comLoan, 571. Provisions, 575. plaints —On powers of Council, 258, Francis Hopkinson, 567, 573, 578. 262. J. Dunlap for printing votes T. M'Kean to occupy J. Duche's of, 277. Difficulties ofofficers, 308. house, 578. Case of Francis Hop- Loans-Taxes —Robberies, British kinson, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583. goods, 349. Estimate of supplies 20 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. required, 352. Council may draw ton's demands, 381, 387. Case of -Damage by enemy, 363. Jno. Aaron Doane, 388, 392. Flour Craig elected, 407. Disposal of Inspector and Land Officers, 444. funds for defence, 420. Pofe'rs, Various papers, 564. Letter-from Commissioners to make levys- Council respecting Sick Keesar, evils of debts to State, 438. Seizure &c., 569. Disturbances at Wyoof British good, 483. Pennsylvania ming, 572. From Council relative and Virginia, 519. Minutes and to Test Law, 573. Taxes, Reveresolutions on accounts, 525. T. nues, Test Laws, &c., 575. MesMatlack's accounts, 537-8. Con- sage on affairs of State generally, firms appointment of Stille to 645. Letter and papers from settle accounts with United States Council, 647. State of represen-Letter Fred. Phile, 563. On tation, 652. peace, &c., &c., 647-666. Memo- Messages from Council, xv., 70, rial of officers of Pennsylvania 76, 106, 116, 167, 268, 276, 304, Line, 682. Virginia boundary, 314, 393, 400, 401, 408, 419, 528, 685. Order State House lot to be 532, 536, 541, 547, 582, 592, 594, a public green for e-;er, 692. List 605, 658. Messages to Council, of officers entitled to benefit of Re- send various papers, 71. Inspecsolution 22d Sept., 712-718. On tor-General, letter, Pres't Sullia public demonstration on account van, proposition respecting arms, of peace, 748, 761. Vendue laws, 78. Petition from Wyoming, 79. 761. Conference with Council, 762. Various letters, &c., 106. WesMessages from Council, xiv., tern Line-Lake Erie, 116. Con11, 16, 39, 44, 45, 61, 163, 183, ference with Council on pay of 185, 246, 269, 270, 275, 276, 284, Inspector-General, 135. Election 328, 342, 343, 348, 366, 380, 381, in Liuzerne, T. Pickering, funded 388, 392, 564, 575, 645. Messa- certificates, lower price of land, ges to Council, 289. Conference balances due, &c., 167. Various of Committee with Council, 25. papers sent to, 268. WinVm. Mitchell Inundation at Wyoming, 61. In- member, 302. Wyoming and Ludian Affairs, 185. Resolutions on zerne affairs, 304. Appointment Wyoming, 202. Appoint Joseph of officers, 314. Measures to enReed, Cad. Morris, W. Montgo- force laws in Luzerne Co., expulmery, J. Gardner and William sion of comm'rs from Wyoming, Henry, delegates to Congress, 261. &c., 315. Delegates to Congress, On Escheats, 269. Purchase from 341. Conference with Council on Six Nations, public debt, plans of depreciation of paper money, 398. payment, &c., 270, 274. Respect- Letter of P. Bond, petition of and ing Thomas Paine's services and summons, and A. Betz's memohis reward, 275. March of troops rial against J. Weaver, 419. Supfor Wyoming, 276. Sale of old plement to Act of Assembly for jail, and money for Montgomery raising by lottery funds to imCourt House, purchase of part of prove public roads, 448. ResoluState House lot, 284. And im- tion of 1787 respecting reserved provement of, 286. Dismiss H. tract opposite Pittsburg, 504. PaShoemaker, a justice, 288. Coun- pers submitted by Council, 518. cil recommend a law for jail in Capture of Col. Pickering-purMontgomery County, 313. Land chase of triangle, concerning prices Office, public debt, &c., 328, 342. of land, adulterated plate, powder Message on revenue, comptroller's magazine, pensioners, 529. Contaxes, foreigners, justices, prisons, ference on purchase of Lake Erie &c., 349, 355. Resolutions on N. triangle, petition respecting cerBoundary with N. Y., 363. Treaty tain lots, 532. Conference rewith Indians at Fort Stanwix, 366. specting Jno. Franklin, 533. PowImprovement of State House lot, der magazine, 535. Memorial D. 369. N. Y. Boundary, Capt. Hous- Lenton, -541. Council refer case INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 21 of Capt. Win. Ross to, 543. Ask to Governor, 49, 85. Thomas respite of Doane negatived, 544. McKean, Speaker. Message from, Extension of time for settling ac- 83. Answer of Gov. P., 84. Cwesar counts, 550. Prest. T. Mifflin, Rodney chosen Speaker, 106, 216, V. P. Geo. Ross, 584. Goods for 272. Address to-Gov. John Penn, Indians, 605. Members of Con- 107. Answer, 108. Pay Governor gress, electors, test law, bills of ~250, 110. Resignation of Gov. credit, Presq. isle roads, canals, Read as Attorney-General, and &c., 658, 660. appointment of Jacob Moore, 216. Conference on payment of pen- Message from Governor, 216, 243. sioners, xvi., 2. R. Peters, speak- Message to Governor. Boundary er, 39. Messages from Council, line with Maryland, 216. 16, 39, 141, 148, 204, 274,.277, Assessors, xii., 134, 136, 145, 506, 429, 437. Message to Council, 512, 513, 516, 518. 39. Lake Erietriangle, 39. Reso- Assize of Bread, i., 576, 582, v., lutions to call convention to ex- 565, 619, viii., 575., ix., 727, x., amine constitution, 41. Resolu- 18, 75, 243. tions respecting reservations at Aspden, Mathias, a house and lot Presque Isle, De.Beuf, Conewango in the city to be valued by W. and Venango, 47. Acts to establish Rush and B. Harbeson, xiii., 170. board of appeal, and for collection Report on, 209. Petition in favor of fines and taxes, 73. Petition of of, xiv., 578. Respited, 625. D. Leet, 148. Call a convention His estate in Chester county to be to amend the constitution, pro- sold, 663. Pardoned, xv., 4. *ceedings of Council respecting, Deed for his estate in Chester 159. To appoint commissioners County, 72. to view rivers, 315. Pay to offi- Assheton, Ralph, Member of Council cers, 445. New members, 533. iii., 333. Goes to Lancaster at 537. request of Council, iv., 153. Assembly of Lower. Counties Assheton, Robert, bill respecting meet at New Castle, and choose Courts, ii., 491. Remonstrance Jacob Kollock, Speaker, ix., 2, 71, against, 494. Member of Council, 200, 289. Messages from Gov'or, 536. Dep. clerk, 567. Ad2, 10, 18, 25, 42, 108, 115, 122, ministers oath to Governor Keith, 338, 597, 660. Message from As- iii., 13. Charges against him by sembly, 109, 115, 116, 123, 598; Governor, 72. Pleads innocence, 661. Courts, 18. Relating to Pax- 72, 77. Suspended and restored ton riots at Lancaster, 89. Speech to Council, 172. Recorder, 172. to, 166, 168. From to Governor, A judge, 187. Powder house 167. Proceedings, 168. Laws, 168. referred to, 242. Invited over Present to Governor, 169, 289. by Penn-his long and valued Members, 203. Repeal of Stamp services, &c., 258. Appointed Act, 313. Sundrylaws, 314. John judge, declines, 258. A near Vining chosen Speaker, 336, 400, relation of William Penn, 258. 697. Laws, 337. Present Govern'r His powers as Recorder, 258. ~200, 340, 601. Various laws, Dies, 270. 599, 600. CwesarRodney, Speaker, Assheton, William, Judge of Vice 625. Give Governor ~200, 627. Admiralty and called to Council, Indian trade, 660, 661. Pay Gov'r iii., 172. A near relative of ~100. Gov. Hamilton meets at William Penn, 174. New Castle William Armstrong, Assheton, William, (merchant) to Speaker. Justices, 742. John be seized, xi., 284. Vining dead, 713. Association, Friendly, Committee Elect David Hall, Speaker, x., from, vii., 637, 638, 647, 648. 5. Address to and from Governor, Associators formed for defence of 6. Acts passed by, 48, 79, 84, city, v., 158. Declaration to, by 109, 218, 244, 265, 272. Present Council, 168, 172. Form compa 22 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. nies and elect officers, 174. Coin- Atkinson, Joseph, confined for robmissions, 181. Superior officers bery, xi., 123. take oaths, 183. Officers of com- Atkinson, Wilton, justice, xi., 528. panies of several )counties, 185. Atkinson, William, CoronerofBucks, Officers of Chester county, 185. iii., 140, 416, 465, 520, 574, 614, Of Philadelphia county, 193. iv., 247, 309, 352, 469. Bucks, 193. Reviewed by Presi- Atlee, John, recommended to Condent and Council, to their satis- gress as a Colonel, x., 442. faction, 223. Good effects as to Atlee, Col. Samuel, recruiting, x., security, 231. Artillery company 538. His battalion, 673, 674, 734. formed, Captain Sibbald to cornm- to order battalion from Chester, mand batteries, 267. New cornm- 605. Paid, 649. Battalion, xi., pany and officers in Bucks county, 16, 116, 215. Paid, 568. His 325, 326. And Commissioners, x., rank as Brigadier General in Con279. Expenses of, 285. Returns tinental army referred to General to be made, 294. Form of com- Vashington, 673. mission for officers, 295. Of Atlee, Colonel Samuel John, battalcounties ask for pattern guns. ion, x., 704. Delegate to ConRules and regulations, 307. Ar- gress, xii., 138. Lieutenant of tides of Association, 308-312, Lancaster, 436. Councillor, xiii., 315. Officers, 314, 315. Young- 722. Member of Council, xiv., 5. est companies, 315. Rank, 315. Commissioner to Indians, 40, 54. Resolution of Congress establish- Atlee, William, appointed Judge of ing, 316-321. Go to New York, Supreme Court, xi., 1.96. To in486. Rules and regulations print- quire into case of Joseph Richarded, 548. To parade, 560. Car- son, 202. Money to, to purchase tridges, 579. Powder to, 622, blankets, 271, 319. A commis636. Rules printed for, 636. sary of prisoners, 414, 560. Judge Families provided, 646, 680, 696. of Supreme Court, xii., 69. AcTo join guard, 649. Colonel count of Conestoga manor, 221. Lewis, 651. Pay to families, 671. Atlee, William Augustus, of LancasMarch of, 673. Names of desert- ter, appointed second Judge of ers to be reported, 687. City Supreme Court, xi., 270. Paid, Guards, 691. Arms for, 706. 694. Deputy Commissary Gene — Wages from Congress, 716. To ral, pay to, xiii., 526. Resigns' make returns of arms, &c., 753. as second Justice of Supreme Families to be provided for, xi., Court, but is immediately re-ap22, 23. To form a brigade, 27. pointed, xiv., 175. Letter-Re-. To be supplied by shops-Not to signation as Deputy Commissary be distressed by creditors, 30. General, 314. Chairman and; Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel Treasurer of Committee of Inspeeappointed, 31. Their tanners to tion and Observation of Lancaster have preference of hides, 58. County, xv., 166. And Justice Arms, 78, 198. of Supreme Court, 167, 204. Tra-: Aston, Captain, vi., 764. veiling expenses paid, 262, 291, Aston, George, petition, road, iii., 398, 560, 579, 645. Of Supreme 227, 230. Justice, left out, 381. Court, Pay to, xvi., 17. Atkins, Edmond, vii., 600, 622, 626. Atlee, William Richardson, ProthoLetters to and from, 626. notary of Delaware, xvi., 172. Atkins, Samuel, prepares chrono- Attachments, Act regulating, v., logy of almanac-To blot out 619. "Lord Penn, " i., 165. Dispute, Attainder, Act of, and names of Conm341. missioners under, xi., 479, 504. Atkins, Captain Christopher, arrives Atterwancy's account of French in the Bay, in an armed sloop- building a ship at Cadaraghqui, Stops vessels - Embargo - Per- v., 549. mitted to proceed, viii., 58. Attorneys, Prosecuting, i., 167. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 23 Sheriffs cannot act as, 170. Nor of boats against, x., 472, 473, 477, can the Clerk of the Court, 170. 485. Signs declaration and reAttorney Generals appointed, i., 174, signs as member of Committee of 188. Fees, 199. Vacancy, 210. Inspection, &c., 485. ii., 11. A. Hamilton, iii., 113. Avery, Cap. John, Jr., a pirate, i., Resigns, 239. To be advised 549, 580. respecting discharge of prisoners, Awandoe Creek, ix., 554. iv., 267. Tench Francis, is, 620. Awannameak Indian wounds Henry Opinion on riots, 623. Tench Webb, iv., 413, 420, 447. Francis, resigns, vi., 277. Ben- Awnings for tents, x., 632, 642. jamin Chew, appointed, 277; x., Ax, Jacob, convicted of regrating 216; xi., 254. pork, xii., 240 Attolrney General answers to queries, Axtel, Capt. Thomas, xvi., 42. xii., 94. Appointed, 550. Opinion Ayres, Col., xi., 278. on right to vote in a certain case, xv., 376. Fees, 537. B. Attwood, Judge, 68. Chief Justice of New York, 68. Babbit, Samuel, allowance fortaking, Auctioneer elected, xii., 185, 186. claimed, ii., 54. Auctioneers, xv., 50, 52, 53, 166, Bache, Benjamin Franklin estab183, 197, 198, 321, 322, 324; lishes a newspaper, The Daily Adxvi., 36, 155, 177, 235, 253, 315, vertiser, xvi., 409. 500, 541. Bache, Capt. L., applies to comAudendried, Dr. Frederick, convict- mittee for guns, 287, 288. ed of burglary, ix., 173. Bache, Richard, merm. of Board of Audibert, Philip, Deputy Paymaster War, xi., 198, 201. General, U. S., xiii., 7. Backhouse, Richard, charged with Auditor General, Letter on Accounts, sending public wagons on private xii., 176. account to Boston, xi., 453. ObAuditors to adjust pay of troops, tains deed for estate late of Joseph provided, xii., 588, 600, 633, 646, Galloway, xii., 104. 653, 654, 747; xiii., 242. Bacon, Win., an early purchaser of Aucquick, treaty at, vi., 145. lands, xiii., 321. Names of Indians present, 159. Bader, Philip, petition-a prisoner Governor notifies Indians of his taken on way to Du Quesne, vii., appointment, 169. Tanacharisson 398. arrives from, 192. Badger, Edmond, Coroner, iv., 500, Augusta, Fort, vii., 281, 294, 302, 602. 436, (See Shamokin,) 453, 512, Bahl, Philip, appointed sub-lieuten724, 760, 772. Store proposed at, ant, xii., 317, resigns. as sub-lieu622, 736. Indian agent appointed tenant, xii., 38, 384. at, viii., 99. A Delaware family Bahringer, David, Coroner, ix., 333. of Indians settles near, 120. Bail, when to be taken, ii., 11. Francis Campbell declines as In- Bail, Robert, coroner, x., 100. dian Agent to, 128. N. Holland Bayley, Francis, Coroner, xi., 191, appointed, 129. Letter from, 458, 368. 499. Troops at, 513, 515; ix., Bayley, Francis, printer, xii., 186; 42. Aid for support of garrison xiv., 239; xv., 13, 185, 204, 366, asked for, 244. Advice of As- 441; xvi., 7, 67, 200, 244. Pay sembly-On evacuating, or re- for printing laws, xiii., 90, 93. ducing garrison, 246. Orders to And laws, 447, 496, 702. Deed to, evacuate, 283, 284. Road to, 727. from Reading, 440. Conference Bailey, Jacob, Coroner, xi., 606. at, 610. Road from, 651. Sheriff, xii., 134. Auld, Jacob, Sub-Lieut.,.xiii., 262. Bailey, James, Justice, xiv., 653. Auley, Cornelius, Coroner, xi., 363. Bailey, John, member of Council, Austin, Thomas, Memorial of officers xi., 210. Account, 719. 24: INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Bailey, Jonathan, Sheriff of Sussex is taken at New Castle, 261. county, discharged, ii., 101. Jus- Orders her up, 264. Requested tice of Lewis, complaint against, to fit his vessel as soon as possible, 465. Judge of Sussex, iii., 253. 269. Asks an assistant, 273. Judge of Supreme Court, 269. Can't sail for want of men-ProBaily, Thomas, severe sentence, poses pressing-President advises xiii., 314. a bounty, 282. Thinks it unsafe Bailey, Win., Sheriff, xiii., 723, 745; to proceed, 284. Captures French xiv., 234, 557, 558. prizes, 324. Baird, George, Justice, xiv., 262. Ballew, Bennet, accompanies Indians Baird, Patrick, Surgeon of Philadel- on way to New York, xvi., 135. phia, appointed to visit sickly Balliot, Captain Stephen, xi., 109; vessels, iii., 112. Clerk of Council, xiii., 177, 270, 316, 378, 449, 519. 216. Secretary to Governor, 322. Balliott, Stephen, Council of CenAppointed Secretary. of Council, in sors, xiv., 170. A Commissioner place of T. Lawrie, iv, 429. to lay out road from Lehigh Water Resigns, 639. Omits to enter Gap to Wyoming, xv., 22. Comseveral messages, required to be missioner of Claims in Luzerne, entered by his successor, v., 67. 222. Accounts, 595. Commands Baker, Hilary, tavern licenses, Phil- battalion of Northampton Co. adelphia, xvi., 216.2 militia, xvi., 364. Baker, Hilary, Jr., Clerk of Court of Ballot-box, in what cases to be used, Quarter Sessions, xi., 271, 547, i., 58. Not used excepting in 689. Renders account of fines col- Upland and Lower counties, 282. lected, xii., 215. Asks opinion Bancroft, Daniel, suspected as a spy respecting a law of Assembly, from Jersey-commlitted to gaol, xiii., 549. xi., 59. Baker, Dr. John, petition for ne- Bank proposed to be set up, by groes, xii., 501, 502. Robert Turner and others, i.,.236. Baker, Lieutenant, vii., 603. Caution against counterfeits, 236. Bakers, to be kept at making bread, Bank North America, xiii., 175. xi., 303. Letter from T. Willing, 200. Baldwin, Col., Regiment of artifi- Copy of rules, &c., sent to Councers, xii., 719. — oil, xv., 192. Baldwin, John, to keep ferry over Banks, dams, &c., at Point-no-point, Neshaming, i., 514. Refuses Con- Act for keeping in order, viii., 480. tinental bills-Declared an enemy, And at Greenwich, 482, 484. &c., x., 774. Bankson, Andrew, complaint against, Ball, John, Justice, xi., 379. for marrying persons illegally, Ball, Lieutenant George, on parole, ii., 114. Dismissed, 115. x., 575. Sent to Germantown, Bankson, And., Jr., a Justice, ii., 159. 580, 581. Sent to York, 601, Bankson. Capt. John, xi., 510. 622, 627. Baltimore, Lord, expected, Council Ball, Thomond, Justice, xi., 528. ordered by Governor to attend him Ballet, James, Commander of Man- when Lord Baltimore arrives, i., of-war Otter, arrives, v., 239. 74. Abuse of his agents complained Meets Council and shows instruc- of to Governor of New York, 103. tions, 241. Meets and fights a Commission sentto New York, 103, large ship, 243. An entertain- The conduct of his agents comment to, 243. Committee to con- plained of, 103, 104, 106. High suit with, 246. Sent for by Coun- taxes complained of, 101-iii., 60, cil —proposes raising a battery 223. Original agreement between and placing his guns on it, 249. Hannah Penn, Joshua Gue and To consult with Hector, Man-of- Henry Gouldney, for mortgages rewar, off Virginia, 254. Fears specting boundaries, 232. Letter desertion of seamen, 255. Fears of Governor Keith to Governor of for his ship if Captain Randolph's Maryland, 232. Attempts to ob INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 25 tain lower counties, 252. Letter Barley, every man seated 3 years, to Governor on riots, 468, 479,486. to sow a bushel of, i., 98. Claims territories, 594. Objects Barnes, John, a member of Council, to George Thomas as Governor, to keep debates secret, i., 125. iv., 249. Proceedings of Hamp- Appointed Ranger for Philadelton Court, 256. Incapacity of phia county, 165, 166. guardians of heir of, to arrange Barney, Capt. Joshua, commissioned respecting boundary with Pennsyl- with others on ship Gen. Washvania, x., 220. Inhabitants, diffi- ington, late "Monck," xiii., 283. culty as to non-entry and clearance Barnhill, Robert, paid for gunpowof vessels from New Castle, i., 101. der, &c., xv., 653. Patents from, to Harman'and Barnitz, Jacob, Register and RecorMoll, 109. Visit of Colonel Tal- der, having vacated office of Colbot to Widow Ogles, 113. Com- lector of Excise, xiv., 584. Jusmissioners to look into his conduct, tice, 663. 113. Declaration of Penn against, Barony, the Welsh claim to be a 113. His agents, 114, 115. Dif- distinct, i., 265. ference between his government Barr, James, Justice, iv., 605. and Penn's, 114. Hessianprison- Barr, John, Sheriff, ix., 199, 285, ers taken to, xi., 77, 104, 129. 333. Merchants complain of annoyance Barr, Thos., fire worker to artillery, from small privateers on coast, xi., x., 3, 15, 16, 225, 389, 390, 395, 702. Seamen from gunboats in- 399, 408, 415, 419, 427, 428, 485, duced to, 770, 771. Brought 529, 587. back, 783. Expenses divided, 783. Barracks, xiii., 128. Baptists, Seventh Day, John Horn, Barracks, at Carlisle, strange cona minister, released from militia duct of commissioners, vii., 737. fine, xiv., 568. Lord Loudon respecting, 756. Barbadoes, claim from, for lands Barracks, at French Creek, xi., 5~. through Tretwell and Taylor, v., Barracks, at Lancaster, repairs, xii., 551. 659. To be sold, xvi., 325. Barber, Lt. Col. Francis, xii., 711. Barracks, at Philadelphia, complainBarber, Robert, letters of remon- ed of, viii., 71. Officer at Philastrance sent by, proceedings, ii., delphia to place guard at Fort 186, 187, 192. Coroner of Chester Wiccacoa, 147, 224, 262, 331, 333. county, iii., 140. Sheriff of Lan- Attack on, expected, ix., 132. Mecaster, 370. morial of Indians in, 135. Sir W. Barbei, William, a prisoner of war, Johnson to be consulted on their asks to become a citizen, and Cap. removal from letter to him, 137. Benj. Wickes, xii., 354. Released Indians to be removed from, 170. from parol, 385. General Gage's troops quartered Barckley, Hugh, justice, xiii., 760. there, 323. Build' g middle house, Barclay, George, Secretary to Gov- west side, 461, 472. At Lancaster, ernor and to J. Logan, iii., 243. 556. On Liberty Island, x., 490. Barclay, John, justice, xiii., 454, Irregularities and destructionBarclay, Thomas, appointed memn- quarrels among soldiers, comber of Navy Board, xi., 127. Paid plaints against, xii., 204. Cornfor saltpetre, &c., 184. Imports a mittee to inquire about, 206. cargo of salt at $10 per bushel, 249. Their report, 208, 209, 211. ReBard, Richard, justice, xiv., 657. pairs, 613, 632. To be laid off Bard, Dr. Samuel, xii., 36. into lots, xiv., 76, 456, 603. Lots, Barge, Jacob, warden, xi., 557. To xv., 18, 21, 50, 256, 434. distribute salt and flour, xii., 119. Barrack Master to furnish battalion Barkstead, Joshua, Coroner for Sus- with bedding, x., 400.. Wood and sex. Resigns, i., 168. Attorney- candles, 426. L. Nicola, order for General, 174. Letter from, Mary- arms, 517. John Reed appointed, land. Council called, 298. | 553,568. 26 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Barrack Masters, xi.,'51. 158, 161, 172, 173, 205, 231, 249, Barrack Master General establisbed, 251, 267, 269, 284. Block house 1776. Abolished, 1778. Colonel at, 269. Isaac Melchor, xvi., 301. Battery Guns at Wiccacoa fired, in Barrel, dimensions of, iii., 277. compliment to Governor John Barrett, Captain Lemuel, respecting Penn, ix., 72. A floating, to be Indian murder near Fort Cumber- built, x., 437. Committee apland, ix., 304. pointed, 437. Captain Samuel Barrett, Philip, Sheriff, x., 270. Davidson to command, 510. To Barrington, an officer on- parole, x., be called Arnold, 525. Lt. Fitz698. simons, 531. Lt. McFatridge, Barry, Captain John, commands 536. Officers, pay, 634. Pay of brig Lexington, x., 526. Prison- Marines, 651. ers taken by, paroled, 545, 546. Battery, Putnam, irons and handAnd others to be, prosecuted for cuffs for, xi., 5, 8, 17. seizing James M'Calmont, xv., Batwell, Rev. Mr., letters respect286, 389. ing his lands, xii., 297. Bartholomew, Edward, commis- Bawcomb, Peter, Sheriff of Kent sioner of taxes and levies, xi., Co. 536. Collector of Excise, Phila- Bawer, Jacob, Sheriff, xv., 294. delphia, xiv., 311. Colonel, bat- Bayard and Hodge, buy cannon, xii., talion Chester Co. militia, xvi., 279. 251. Bayard, John, member of Council Barton, Rev. S., applies for and of Safety, x., 717, 718. Counobtains a pass to New York, xi., cillor, xiii., 87, 152, 160. Auc565. tioneer, xii., 524. Commissions, Barton, Rev. Thomas, Letter on In- 313. Judge, 513. Major, asks dian depredations, vi., 675. Pass for a pilot to cruise off the for self and wife to New York, xi., Capes, x., 469. Colonel, to guard 579. Wife asks for pass from New State prisoners to Lancaster,, xi., York-rejected, xii., 339, 357. 4. Surgeons appointed to his Barton, William, pass to New York, battalion, 24. xii., 47, 256, 339. Rejected, 314. Bayard, Stephen, clerk to Dr. KearsGranted, 317. Notary Public, ley, x., 374. xiii., 20, 36. Prays for a stay of Bayard, Colonel Stephen, recruits, execution, xv., 66. Suspended xi., 463. for two years, 72. Petition, judg- Baynton, John, a provincial Comment suspended for five years, missioner, vii., 499. Secretary's 542. Seal affixed, viii., 8, 335. CollecBartram, Alexander, estate sold, tor of tonnage, xiv., 654; xv., xii., 329, 441. 321. Dies, 416, 417. Bartram, Mrs. Jane, pass for, xiii., Baynton, Peter, wife's petition for 292. his estate, i., 536. Bass, Robert, orders for medicines, Baynton, Wharton, & Co., advised x., 292, 305. To deliver medi- of mischief intended to their goods, cines to D. Rush, 489. ix., 302. Bassett, Frances and family, author- Bay Verte, Fort on side of, captured ized to hold lands, i., 538. by the English, vi.. 447. Bassini and Garrison agree to remove Baxter, Mrs. Elizabeth, pension, xv., obstructions, xiii., 744. 322, 413. Bastard child, case of a, xii., 77. Baxter, Colonel Win., of Flying Bastardy, cases of, i., 440. Camp, xv., 10. Battalions, x., 458. Officers of, xi., Baxter, Lt. Colonel, x., 766. 179. Beale, Thomas, Justice, xiii., 7. Battel, French, Coroner, v., 597, Beans, Dr., Surgeon, xi., 123.. 662; vi., 638. Beaton, John, paymaster, xi., 231. Batteries formed in Philadelphia, v., Beaton, Major John, paid for ser INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 27 vice] in purchase of wheat, &c., Piper, Council answer him, 410. xii., 193. Commissioner of pur- To be supplied with arms, 422. chases, 334. Horses, 493. Stockade, fort to Beaton, John, justice, xiii., 316. be erected in, 555. Traitors in, Beatty, Charles, appointed a Com- 556. Sheriff, 608. Coroners, 608. missioner to Wyoming, vii., 754. Register and Recorder, 628, 646. Beatty, Colonel. Letter on conduct Pay Master, 637. Militia to be paid of Lieutenant Benjamin Wilson, off, 717. To be raised, 740. xii., 101. Commissary of prison- Justices, 781. Militia to be called ers in relation to Mr. Lynch, xii., out by Lieutenant in case of inva326. sion, lxii., 10. Justices, 19. Beatty, David, Justice, xii., 353. Officers of militia commissioned, Beatty, Ercurius, receiver of certifi- 70. Letter, Mr. Dougherty, recates for arrears of pay, xiv., 150, specting road to Fort Pitt, 72. 173. Lieutenant, xv., 437. Agents in, to receive proceeds of Beatty, Captain John, made Major, sales of horses taken by Colonel x., 768. William Maloney, 115. Election Beatty, Reading, Surgeon, xii., 622. Reports, Assessors, &c., 146, 544. xiii. 115. Sheriffs, 147, 544. Coroners, 147, Beaver Creek, Indian town, v., 349; 544. Money to, 340, 342. Lieuviii., 305. tenants, 372. Justices, 456, 459, Becker, Major Henry, x., 768. 556, 615. Appointments, 554Bedford, Col., at Barracks, x., 671. Agents for confiscated estate apBedford County formed out of Cum- pointed, 610. Complaints, subberland, Justices appointed, q, Lieutenant J. Martin, 647. _..Vol730. Arthur St. Clair appointed unteers, 678. Lieutenants, Pxiii Prothonotary, &c., 731. Sheriffs 284, 367, 446. Justice resigns, elected, 779. Coroners, 779. 101, 118. Capt. Boyd's Rangers Lieutenant Hamilton charged with ordered to Yorktown, 121. Lieut. murder in, Di, 7. Special Court Richard Johnston, 121. Sheriffs, to try, 8. Justices appointed, 8, 134, 400, 730. Election, 729. 78, 162, 212. Sheriffs elected, Coroners, 134, 400, 730. Cloth59, 101, 212, 271, Coroners ing for, 145. Pay for Capt. Boyd's elected, 59, 101, 271. Germans company's conveyance, 151. Resettled at the Glades, on Stony cruits, 168. Persons appointed to Creek, &c., in, 8. Boundary line, try cases in, 198. Militia-defence 27, 41. Division of, 32, 42, 72. of frontiers, 203. Jno. Overholz, Westmoreland formed, 77. Thos. Jno. Reid, 204. Classmen RangSmith, Prothonotary of B. and ers, 257. Pay to troops, 265. Sale St. Clair, of Westmoreland, 78. of land in, 300. Rations for, 359. Act to lend money to build Court Justices, 389, 400. Jos. Galloway's house and prison, 198. A special estate sold, 450. Harvey Gordon's Court ordered, 265. Colonel estate, 701. Censors, 729. Justices Thomas Smith of, 672. Audit of Resign, 748, 761. Elected, 7.61. Accounts, l)9, 16. Lieutenant Provisions delivered to Militia at, appointed, 187, 303. Prothono- xiv., 3. Justices,~, 24, 209, 212, tary, 187, 718. A Councillor tobe 666. LieutenantArshman resigns, elected, 195. Sheriffs appointed, 169. Rations, 181. Geo. Wood ap234, 363. Justices, 301. Officers pointed Lientenant, 207. Elections, elected, 363, 572, 620, 716, 774, 244, 563. Sheriffs, 244, 567. Repre781. C6roners, 363. Recorder sentatives, 244. Coroner, 244, 567. refuses to deliver papers, impris- Eighteen penny tax, 267. Fees in oned, 373. Incursions of Indians, case of Charles Cessna, 266. Juscall out militia, 382. Arms for, tices, 368, 602. Accounts, 628. pay for provisions to Colonel Captain John Galloway, of the miliPiper, 392. Letter from, exposed tia of, 637. Justices, 24, 26, 51, 58, situation, men enlisted by Colonel 109, 189, 278, 450, 605. Justices 28 INDEX TO COLONIAL IRECORDS. resigned, 109. Contested election, Bedford, Fort, ix., 32, 34, 304, 386. 26, 112, 126, 127, 132-133, 157, Bedford, Gunning, measurer of grain, 160, 162, 170, 176, 298, 583. xi., 546 Removed, 607. ApSheriffs, 139, 298, 600. Coroner, pointed Measurer of grain and salt 139, 298, 600. County Lieuten- in Philadelphia, xi., 541. Reant, 184, 187. Collector of Ex- ceives pay for making a triumphal cise, 222. Division of districts for arch in Philadelphia for Federal election of Justices in, 270. Hun- procession, xv., 574. tingdon county separated from, Bedkin, Henry, Captain of Dragoons 278. Councillor, 298. W. Road in Armand's Legion, xiv., 626. to, confirmed, 330, 331-337. Wit- Bedwell, Thomas, proposes to erect nesses paid. Lieutenant resigns, furnaces for refining sulphur, x., 339. HughBarclay appointed, 341. 519, 550. Road to Loyal Hanna, 346. Wit- Beer, good quality of, iii., 391. Sent nesses paid in contested election to boats, x., 562. case, 351. Road, 358. Petition and Beeson, Henry, Coroner, xv., 121, order respecting, 359. Road from 303, 584, xvi., 202, 232, 518. Ray's Hill, 431, 519. Completed Belcher, Jonathan, Governor of Masby J. Skinner, 543. Road to Pitts- sachusetts, requested to arrest a burgl, 599, 635. Justices, xvi- counterfeiter, iv., 225. Answer, 1. Road to Pittsburgh, 27,51. 241. Sureties, 32. Contested election, Belcher, Governor Jonathan, of New 36. For providing for militia at Jersey, in Philadelphia, is applied Morrison's Cove, 1778 and 1779, to for aid against privateers in Bay, 45. Lieutenant, 52. Pay for a v., 110, 112. On privateers, 266. gun taken by savages in. Road Alters destination of troops, vi., from Frankstown Branch of Juni- 410. Embargo, 463, 662. To be ata to Conemaugh, 71. Contested informed of suspension of hostilielection, 76. Complaint of mili- ties with Indians, vii., 163. Lettary flour, 160. Returns of three ters to and from, 166, 359, 385, Battalions, 163. Pay to orphans 467, 566, 606. Copy of minutes of their pensions, 184. Sheriffs, at Easton, sent to, 359. Militia, 212, 498. Coroners, 212, 498. 566. Hugh Barclay, Lieutenant of, 223. Bell, Robert, Lieutenant, xiv., 38. Rations for, 262. Contested elec- Bell, Samuel and Mary Parrock, tion, 280. Commissioners to set- estate to be restored, xii., 31.5. tle Treasurer's accounts, 315. Jus- Bell, Captain Thomas, commands tices, 319, 341, 407, 433, 448. privateer Speedwell, xi., 2. Militia, 337. Excise received, 372. Bell, William, Justice, xiii., 7. PreDeath of Collector, 383, 385. Ii- sent at Riot at J. Wilson's; gives legal election, 407, 448. Militia bail, xii., 130. fines remitted, 461. Samuel Brady Belmont, Earl of, i., 578. serves in militia in, 464. Specifi- Bellamy, Charles, Petition, his vescation of road to Pittsburgh, 466, sel to be repaired, v.,:597. 476, 531. Indians in, 515. D. Bellamy, John, vs. Luke Watson, for Espy, Prothonotary, 517. Taxes lands, and being appeal from judgreceived by B. Dougherty, Treas- ment in Sussex County, on prime urer of, 520. Plowder and lead hook, i., 77. for militia. Justice Cable elected Belleu, Captain of the Liverpool, 595, to General Assembly; resigns, 596. 533. Tavern licenses, 541. Capt'n Bells, to be removed from the City, McDonald's company, 547. xi., 306. Bedford, Duke of, letter respecting "Benefit of Clergy," how to be adtreaty, v., 360, 379, 411. Letter ministered, ii., 86. to, on paper currency, 416. Act Benezet, Anthony, presents the case to encourage importation of iron of the French neutrals, vii., 7, 17, from Colonies, 457. 720. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 29 Benezet, Daniel and James, attend passage of law for defence, 729. to removal of sick, vi., 171. Great body of Indians in, 772. Benezet, James, Prothonotary, xi., New York troops sent to, 775. 187; Clerk of Orphans' Court, 194. Instructions to their Captain, 775. Benezet, Sam'l, Prothonotary of Sheriffs elected, vii., 266. CoroBucks, in room of James B3., re- ners elected, 266. Indians invade, signed, xv., 271; Justice, xiv., and murder, 302; murders in, 198. 357. Petition from, respecting Benham, Robert, Coroner, xv., 646. Indian ravages-troops ordered Benjamin, a Mahakin Indian, living from General Forbes' regiment, near Bethlehem, brings news, viii., viii. 99, 102. Indian murders in, 126. 140. Coroners appointed, 223, Benkson, Andrew, offers to take up 403, 506, 780. Sheriffs appointed, arms against French, i., 334. 223, 403, 506, 780. Inspectors, Bennet, Abraham, pilot, commission 400. Justices commissioned, 562. granted to justify him on repelling Coroners elected, ix., 57, 199, and making reprisals on the ene- 285, 333, 398, 547, 623, 688, 778. my with an armed pilot boat called Sheriffs elected, 57, 199, 285, the Randolph, xii., 326. 333, 398, 547, 632, 688, 778. Bennett, Caleb, Coroner, xvi, 494. Justices, 172, 340, 673, 680. Bennett, Joshua, (a schoolmaster, Execution at, 192, 402. Lottery convicted and fined for keeping for Episcopal Chiirch, 243. Deaths school, not having taken oath of of two Justices-Jacob Levan and allegiance,) remittedi xi., 652, Win. Maugridge, 340. Letter to 653. Magistrates on murders, by F. Bennett, Jacob, sheriff, xv., 566; Stump, 418. Petition for road to xvi., 192. Fort Augusta, 440, 556. AuthorBennett, William, Sheriff, xiii., 392; ized to elect two Members, 650. Coroner, 720; xiv., 237. Execution, 678. D. Broadhead, Bensell, Dr. Charles, of Germantown, -Justice, 746. Division of, a., 32, x., 547. Lieut. Ball sent to, 580. 42. Sheriffs elected, 56, 101, 211, Draper and Budden, 596; to col- 270. Coroners elected, 56, 101, lect leaden weights, 637. 211, 270. Justices, Letter to Bensill, George,, pay as aid-de-camp, Committee, 654. Arms to be colxii., 589. lected, 441; arms, 652. Estate Benson, Henry, Coroner, xiv., 567. of Daniel Andrews, 261. Powder Benzier, Chris. Thos., a Moravian, for, 371. Muskets made in, 584, sent to consult with Gov. M., vii., Declaration of Independence to be 190. published, 635. Express to order Bergen, Elizabeth, gives information militia to City, xi., 7. Militia respecting inhabitants of Elizabeth- under Colonel Morgan to be ready, town and New York, xii., 206, 207. 86. Troops refuse to march to Berkenbout, Dr., to be arrested, xi., General Washington; Commis567; letter to R. H. Lee on mak- sioners to settle accounts of miliing a treaty, 569, 570; sent to N. tia, and flying camp instructions, Y., 576. 146. Sheriffs elected, 187, 358, Berker, Colonel, xi., 272. 363, 596. Coroners, 358, 363, Berks County, proposed, v. 560, 445. Justices, 195, 251, 300, 596, 565; petition for road, 576; re- 598, 741. Prothonotary, 197, 341, turn of, 610. Sheriffs elected, 471. Arms for, 218. Paymas597, 662. Coroners, 597, 662. ters, 277. Militia called out, 302, Act respecting Inspectors, 619. 360. Guard to be raised for deRoad to Reading, 610. Sheriffs fence of frontiers, 350. Officers elected, vi. 144, 638. Coroners elected, 358. Commissioners to elected, 144,. 638. Justices com- buy supplies in for army, 404. plain of Roman Catholics in, 503, Provisions purchased in, 423. 533. Persons coming to compel Money for recruiting, 424. Mili 30 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. tia, 200, to be at Reading, 446; right of a non-resident holding Pay to, 450; rifles, 506. Aid freehold estate in County. M. asked for by Colonel Hunter, 531. Richards elected, 396. Election Ammunition, 538. Disturbances for Justice set aside, 482. Petition at Reading, xii., 12. H. Hailer of militia, 415. Pay to militia to receives subscriptions to Loan Of- Wyoming, 421; removal of J. Lice, 47. Elections, Assembly, Livergood, 428; contested election, 131, 508. Sheriffs. 131, 132, 508. 439, 482. Witnesses, 454. BurCoroners, 131, 132, 508. Justices, gesses of Reading, 462. D. Hun519. Estate of Andrew Allen in, ter, Justice, revoked, 482 Conforfeited, sale postponed, 152. tested election, 546, 559. Justice Commissioners complain of being Ludwig resigns, 577. Expense of obstructed, 275, 357. Appoint- prisoners, 1777, 641. Claim of ments, 554. Order favor of Henry widow of Rev. J. Rosenborough, Spicker, paymaster, 556. Militia referred to Judges, 643. Deputj to be paid off. Collection of Surveyor, xvi., 28. Sureties for taxes opposed in, 568. Petition Prothonotary, 31. Militia, 90... for, 608. Justice Weaver removed, J. Diemer, appointed President 635. Auditors, 646. Militia or- of C. C. P., 125. H. Christ, clerk dered out, 721. Deeds in, xiii., of Orphans' Court, dec'd-James 12. Militia called out, 53, 204. Scull appointed, 144. Expense of Sale of confiscated estates, 57. wagons to Reading, 160. Return Election, 88, 393, 720. Sheriff of militia officers, 171. Justices, 88, 393, 720. Coroner, 88, 393, 174. Sheriff, 192, 490. Coroner, 720. Estate of A. Allen-Big 192, 490. Accounts of paymaster of Spring tract, 236. Petition of militia, 195. Provisions, 230. Primilitia and soldiers, 299. Indians soners removed to Philada., 234. invade, 350. Militia called out, Militia paid, 319, 348, 523. Offi357, 365, 368. Militia, 600. Di- cers elected, 362, 418. N. Brosius vision into election districts, 751. dies, and Peter Feather, jr., electJustices, xiv., 170, 226, 321, 373, ed, 372. Pensions, 412. Contested 442.. To send fifty men to Wyom- election, 435, 457, 460. Captain ing, 217. Councillor, 231, 232. 554, Robinson, 530, 536. Capts. Rheim Elections, 232, 554. Sheriffs, 232, and Spratts, 533. Col. Samuel Coroners, 232, 554. Representa- Ely's battalion, 538. Militia, 542. tives, 232, 554. Contested elec- Bermudas, Governor of, applies for tion, 321. Comptroller's reports provisions, vii., 168, 202. Powder on accounts, 382. Deed for land, from, 321. Petition from, for prolate Andrew Allen's, xv., 40. Ac- visions, granted, 413. Flag of counts of agents for confiscated Truce from, xii., 2, 29. Sloop estates, 62. Elections, 98, 294, Industry, Captain Harvey, from, 376, 439, 482. Sheriffs, 98, 294. ordered to depart, 34, 38. Sus565. Coroners, 98, 294. 565, pends trade, 426, 428. Flour Representatives, 98. Estate of shipped to, xiii., 50. Flag of Christian Hack, 180, Justices, 202, Truce from, 524. 376, 419, 437, 439, 463, 520, 522, Bernard, Governor Francis, of New 577. Oley furnace in, 229. Jersey. Letter announcing his Agent for purchasing flour in, 249. arrival and taking possession, M. Moore, Commissioner to repair viii., 139. Complains of Indian road from Hamburg to county barbarities-is invited to a conline, 252. Militia, 281. Called ference-arrives and examines into out to quell riots in Luzerne, 292. Indian affairs, 140. Arrives in Val. Eckhart sent with instruc- Philadelphia-invites Indians to tions. M. Hollenback proposes Burlington, 140. Gov. Denny, &c., to supply rations, 295. Contested visit, 151. His return-conference election for Justice-settled by with Indians, 156. Speech to Inopinion of Attorney-General on dians, 159. At Easton, 179, 193, INDEX TO COLONIAL REC3RDS. 31 216. His protection asked for 446; xii., 215. Lieut. Colonel, Waping Indians, 217. promoted, xii., 35. Bernice, Lawrence, makes' files, x., Bickham, George, Quartermaster's 612. Captain, xi., 21, 32, 113. Berringer, David, Coroner, ix., 199, Bickley, Samuel, Sheriff, iv., 602, 285, 398. 748. Berry, Samuel, Coroner, iii., 332, Biddle, Charles, pass to, xiii., 547. 370. Councillor from Berks, xiv., 231, Berry, William, appointed clerk of 269. Elected Vice President of Kent, i., 170. Council, 553, 565; xv., 110. Vote Berry's Place, vii., 154. of thanks to, for the faithful disBethlehem, Indians, address and an- charge of his duties as vice presiswer, vi., 747, 750. Indians from dent, 292. Paid, 297. Chosen Diahoga may be received at, vii., Secretary of Council, 301, 312, 170. Names of two Delaware fami- 592. Fees received by him, xvi., lies at, 174. Speech to Indians at, 286, 371. 174, 175. Indians arrive at from Biddle, Clement, proposes to supply Diahoga, 187. Apprehended di-fil boats with liquors, x., 331. Conculty, 190. Two brethren sent to tract ends, 418. To supply prisGov. M., 190. Indians removed to oners from St. Johns, 424, 427. Easton, 191. Number of Mora- To locate and contract for powder vians in, by Spangenberg, 353. mills, 488, 497. To manufacture Petition for a watch, 459. Gover- powder, x., 600. To have shot, nor's answer, 460. Indians at, 650. Quarter-Master General re461. Fears of Indians at, 478, ceives several articles for conInformation received at, 478. Ad- tinental use, 638, 641. To redress of Moravians at, 494. Indians ceive blankets, 672; xi., 17; xii., apply to minister of, for permis- 392. Appointed Marshal, 537. sion to hunt, 516. March from, Appointed Quarter-Master General to Fort Allen, 723. Benjamin, of militia, xiii., 53. Pay, 667. To an Indian of Makin tribe, living receive stores, 71. Paid to, 136, near, brings news, viii., 126. Sis- 198, 296. To provide stores, 296. terhoocl present rags-thanks for, Supplies furnished, 386, 706. x., 553. Militia to guard, xi., Notary Public, xiv., 571. Pro446. poses to furnish rations to invalid Bevan, Aubrey, Coroner, iv., 309, guard, rates, xv., 17, 63, 115, 212. 352, 469, 500, 601. Marshal, 323. Rations, 349, 365, Bevan, Davis, Coroner, ix., 57, 199. 381, 448, 503, 613. Justice, 541. xii., 62, 316. Caveat of, for city.For rations to invalid guard, xvi., lots set aside, xv., 518. 76. For pensions, 286. Time Bevan, Win., complains of Enoch allowed him for paying debt due Story, ii., 160. by him, 287. Fees, 523. Bewley, John, appointed Collector Biddle, Edward, on Indian murders of Customs, i., 534. Seizes goods, at Tulpehocken, vi., 705. Speaker, 543. Called on by Council to ad- x., 213. Sick, resigns, 241. minister oath under dedimus-he Biddle, Capt. James, x., 407. declines, ii., 95. Agrees to it, and Elected Prothonotary of Philadeladministers both oath and affirma- phia, xv., 595, 596. Justice, 607. tion to several members, 96. Re- Tax on writs received, xvi., 220. ceives a commission from Queen, Biddle, John, measurer of grain, 104. Invited to Council, but de- xiv, 568; xv., 322. Dies, xvi., cines, 117. 204. Bible, latest quarto edition ordered Biddle, Capt. Nicholas, appointed to by Supreme Executive Council, command of boat Franklin, x., xv., 138. 296. Resigns commission to enter Bicker, Henry, recommended to Con- into continental service, 425, 426. gress as Major, x., 446. Appointed, I Biddle, Owen, Committee of Safety, 32 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. to have boats and machines fiations, 673. Committee on plan constructed, who to employ, x., of, 678, 683, 700. Barracks at, 283. To procure grape-shot, 287. 704. Fortifications, piers, 719, Order for lead and flints, 305. To 729. Officers appointed to erect procure a seal for committee with fortifications at, 730. Militia of motto, 328. To procure a special city to be employed at, 734. Colorifle, 332. Paid for pikes, 482. nel John Bull, superintendent of To buy shot, 592. To engage works at, 737. Stores for, 745, store-houses at Germantown, 596. 771. Sinking Chev-de-frieze, 753. Clothing, 673. Member Board of Pay of J. Dundas as assistant snWar, xi., 201. Appointed a Com- perintendent, xi., 6. Chev.-demissioner to run line between Vir- friese built at, Rob't Smith, articles ginia, xiii., 192. for, 5, 6, 19. Men sent down, 19. Bigham, Lieutenant Jno., com- Respecting, 60. Colonel Bull to plains of Captain Gardener, xii., command and superintend, Blath316. To be prosecuted, 683. waite Jones, Chief Engineer, 125. Writ against, xii., 618. Court Salt for provisions at, 135. Teams martial, 675. for, 139. Laborers to be emBigland, Wm., invents a rowing ployed, provisions and soldiers, wheel for the row boats, and 142. Troops fromi South Carolina thanks, x., 295. may be employed at, 236, 242. Biles, John, Justice, xi., 760. The Boards visit, 243. General Biles, Samuel, Sheriff, x., 100, 270. Du Coudray presents a plan for the Biles, Capt. Thos., a prisoner, ap- fort at, tents for, 245, 246. Coloplies for certificate of rank, xi., nel Bull to procure carts and teams, 496. 246. General Potter asks for Biles, Thos., Sheriff of Bucks, iii., boats to convey the militia from 289. Chester to; Captain Downey orBiles, William, member of first dered from; resolutions of Cong'ss Council, i., 57. Appointed sub- on fortifications at, to be furnished Treasurer for Bucks, 111. A special General Armstrong, 248. OrdCommissioner to try cases, 164. nance, 252. Removal of troops to Road to New York, 514. Coroner Fort Island, 269. Boats to be furof Bucks, iii., 31. Commissioner nished Major General Armstrong, for building a new court house and to remove troops, 270.. Vork prison, 241. done at, by Colonel Bull, 399. Billings, Joseph, counterfeits bills of Colonel B. Jones discharged as credit, proclamation for arrest, ix., engineer, 486. Council visit, 570, 647. 571. Cannon for, 572. Signal Billingsport, not suitable as Hog Is- gun at, 573. Colonel Bull and land, for "frames," x., 294. Re- Win. Armstrong employed at, &c., port of committee to survey 575. Provisions, 576, 578. BarJersey Shore, views of defence, racks, 575. Pay at, 607, 618, 629, 474. Redoubt to be erected at, 643. Men left to take care of can601. Chev.-de-friese to be sunk, non, xi., 636. James Dundas 603, 700. Survey to fort, x., 568. pay-master, garrison relieved, Fortifications, 572, 605. Engineer workmen paid, 756, 757. To stop to give plan for works, lands to be vessels, 761. Workmen at, 767, bought, Congress to pay for, 619. 777. Wmin. Armstrong, pay-masTroops to and from, 627. Sheds ter, xii., 10. Pay to Colonel Bull, at, Robert Smith appointed, 13. For workmen, time of serMons. Kermanvor, engineer, ap- vice expiring, 26. A flag of truce pointed at, 631. Timber for, 645. arrives with prisoners, 29. Pay House purchased at, for fortifica- for work, 40. Supplies at, for tions, of Benjamin Weatherby by United States, 41, 65, 66..SerCongress, paid for, Robert Smith vice of militia about to expire, paid, 675. Redoubt, 660. Forti- others to be called out, 71. Claim INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 33 of Captain McGCinley for work, petition against, 750, 752. Counpay for, 83, 86. James:Loughead terfeited, iv., 273. Governor to pay master at, 86.. Provisions Assembly, respecting, 303, 304, purchased for, 86. Sickly state of 315, 317, 318-336, 375. Lords of garrison, 117. Time, expiring, Trade on, 357, 358. Reports of persons to be left in charge by Assembly on, 361. Respecting, Captain Boys from galleys, 134. v., 33, 35, 42-47, 375, 396, 412, Workmen to be discharged when 415, 416, 561, 562, 605, 613, 638, works are secured from weather, 723-728; vi., 39, 139, 191, 207, 146. Pay to Colonel Bull, 180. 209, 222, 231, 239, 246, 339, 340, Major Wm. Armstrong, paid for - 352, 353, 386, 388, 437, 439, 446, workmen, 186. Under Captain 505-510, 518, 521, 524, 537, 546, Boys, 627. Pay to Major Win. 587, 588, 597, 680, 682, 693, 696, Armstrong, 636. Pay to guard 702, 711, 714, 720, 724, 736, 738, at, 718. Troops raised for defence 743. Opinion of Council, 207, vii., of, 719. Pay for officers, &c., xiii., 94, 196,:231, 238, 246, 24714. Supplies, men to be dis- 257, 264, 396, 409, 413, 417, charged, 16. Overseer wanted, 430, 441, 442, 450, 453, 463, 565, 30. Pay to, 43, 48. French Gen- 572, 618, 743; viii., 39, 66, 76, erals, view,l 51. In charge of 80, 86, 299, 301, 318, 323, 332, Win. Smith, 54, 121. Pay of 350, 357, 397, 399, 402, 460, 483, officers and workmen, 121, 149. 502, 511, 515, 529, 535, 559, 584, Return of stores made by Wm. 596, 605, 693, 715. Ratified in Smith, pay for sails of boat for, England, 39, 64, 68, 342. Passed, 272. For fencing in the: State 86. Important omission in, for lands, 276, 325. Arms to -be loss of quit rents,' 350. Opinion of brought from, 334. Repair' of Privy Council on, 529; ix., 10, 12, boat, 383. Fencing, 405. Salary 17, 19, 52-55, 115, 117, 148, 149, tocease,429.. Payat, 444. Taxes, 177, 178, 197, 199, 240, 244, 245, 449. Visit of Council to, 578. 325, 389, 392, 575, 576, 589-592, Report on account of Edward 595, 597, 642, 651. Counterfeited, McKeggan, -mason at, xiv., 647; x., 24, 27, 28, 31, 41, 67, 465. Accounts, 581, 586, -617. 139, 148, 223, 263, 281, 485, 497, B. Jones, engineer at, paid, xv., 637-774, 779, 780. Of 1769, coun24. Claim for a frame building, terfeited, proclamation, 88, 97-99, taken by British at, 37. Two 256, 257. Refused by John broken cannon (French nine Drinker and J. Fisher and sons pounders) at, to be delivered to -proceedings, 486. Exchanged, Henry Hill, 192. Paid Andrew xi., 709. Mistake in printing the Long for logs for chevaux-de-frieze backs, proclamation to call in, in 1777, xvi., 45. Stores, &c., 362. Old to be called in, issued 1779, and hoisting flag, 456. by British Government, 382. Bills of credit, proposed acts for, Counterfeit, 397, 709, 735, 765. iii., 226, 227, 228. Approved:by Called in by Congress,:CommisGovernor for ~30,000, 229. Re- sioners appointed for each county, emitted, 248. Governor's remarks xi., 736. Called in, xii., 3, 67, 73, on currency, 249. Sir Alfred 108, 233, 299, 364, 369, 589, 707, Popple on issues of, 262. Speech 732, 745, 760, 770. Sale of Proof Governor on, 264. Adulterated, vince Island to redeem, 671. Pro268. Act of Assembly, forissue of, clamation respecting, 726; xiii., 346. And terms of, 346. Gov- 26, 28,.39, 45, 54, 56, 66, 109,118, ernor's views, 347, 348-350, 356, 142, 180, 190, 193, 218, 235, 236, 360, 377, 393, 396. Counterfeited 246, 250, 274, 305, 315, 316, 320, in Virginia by R. Jenkins, iv., 325, 345, 366, 389, 395, 409, 505, 629. Instructions to Governor, 543, 552, 572, 576, 618, 729. Lots 473. Lords of- trade on,:476, sold to redeem, xiv., 34, 35, 65, 673. Respecting, 676. Merchants 333, 338, 457, 466, 476, 559, 572, 3 34 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 604, 631. Pay to signers of, 572, Blackwood, Marm'ke, Smith, x., 421. 573, 596, 621, 624, 631. Paper Blaine, Ephraim, Sheriff,. ix., 779; for, 580, 635; xv., 10, 155, 405. Sheriff, x.,- 56, 150; Lieut, apDepreciation on, 445. Pay to pointed,:xi., 199; Deputy Comsigners; 155. mnissioner of purchases; Letter on Bills to be passed into laws by vote, scarcity of flour, xii., 112, 144; i., 58; prepared, 61, 64, 6:6, 71, order of Congress for five million, 72, 81, 97, 98; of Excise, 108. 235, 359; returns of purchases, Alteration of style proposed by As- 411; Letter, xiv., 283, 286; claims sembly, 179. a city lot, 469. Binlgham, Win., delegate to Con- Blar, Captain James, commands a gress, xv., 189, 341. boat, x., 339. Bingley,! Edw'd, appointed captain Blair, Rev. Samuel, Chaplain, furof Fire Brig, x.,. 609.. nished with a suit of black clothes, Binney, Dr. Barnabas, a physician xii., 358. and surgeon of U. S. ap- Blair, Win., Jr., Coroner, xiv., 236, plies for pay:of depreciation, xiii., *567;- xv., 102. 122; city lot, xv., 46; dead, 621. Blaithwaite, Secretary, Letter to Birch,' Matthew, appointed collector - Governor, i., 526. of customs, i..534; and surveyor, Blakeney, Col., Adjutant General, 535; seizes goods, 543. Com- iv., 430. plaints against him, 559-61. Blakeney, Gilbert, proposes to raise Bird, Colonel James, x., 601.. men at Fort Pitt, xiii., 454. Bird, Mark, offers to nmake muskets Blanchard, Colonel Joseph, Letter in Berks county, x., 504, 696, 691, to commander at Albany, relative 697, 699; at Riot at James Wil- to battle, &c., at Lake: George, vi., son's, gives bail,. xii., 139.. 623.. Birmingham, Richard, brother-in- Blankets, housekeepers: called on law:-of Gov. Gookin, ii., 614, 630. for, x., 400, 473,;508, 672; to Bizalion, Louis and P., Indian be.procured from -Citizens, xi., traders, complained of, ii., 18, and 21, 23, 328, 334;.Commissioners,.confined, 19; give security, 100; 329; increased,:334. wife interprets, 141; arrives, 145, Bleweir, Cap. Joseph, x., 660, 661, 155, 186. Complainedagainst, 403. 683, 689, 700, 726, 761. To fit Bizalion, Peter, a French Roman out armed boat "Convention,"'Catholic Indian trader arrested, ii., xi., 2, 52; to sink gondolas, 470; 509; invites Governor to Cones- orders, 475; sale of estates, 539; toga, 537; in.prison-gives bond, son pris'er, 571. Appointed mem539,- asks to trade with Indians, ber of Navy Board, 122, 397. WVar-'545. Indian Interpreter, iii., 19; den, xiii., 100. iv., 53.; Blond, Col., xi., 107. Blackberry Creek, xi.,, 699. Bloom, Stephen,'Cofoner, xv., 101. Blackfan, Edward,. Sec'y, letter: Blue Anchor, in Philadelphia, ii., 9; from proprietary by, called for, its locality —used as a public landi., 230, 231-; from, 340. ing, 10; papers respecting, noticed, Blakiston, Win.,:Coroner, v.,.411. -again considered, 12, 14, 19, 39, Black Log,: or Sleeping Place, v., 349. 54. -Blacks' Gap, road through, xvi., 102, Blunston, John, member of Council, 484. i., 331, 333; Speaker of Assembly,.Blackwell, Captain John, Governor, 518, 568, 601. arrives and produces commission, Blunston, Samuel, Justice, iii., i., 228; takes his seat. in Council,:359; letters, 470; in Philadelphia 229; his speechto Assembly, 286-'Reports Germans going over 289; sends a long letter of resig- Susquehanna, iv., 57,'147; letters'nation, and two Commissions from from, 147, 149, 155, 190; on Win. Penn for successor, 313-315;. Maryland affairs. Indian outrage instructions,. 318, 319. in' Lancaster County, 280. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 38 Blythe, Benjamin, Sub-Lieutenant, muster master, 338; to have xi., 358, 564; xii., 323, handcuffs on board, 361:; bounty, Blythe, William, deposition of mur- 361, 385; stores for, 362; general cler of ten1 Indians by Frederick instructions for, 368; rations, 415; Stump, ix:., 414. proposals for provisions, 418; Board of inspection on tea impoltecl number of men, 465; proposal for fiolm Amsterdam xiv., 33. supplying, 423; Francis Wade Board of Property, establishment of obtains contract, 423; three to be a, proposed, xiii., 132; to meet, at Liberty Island, 429; rules and 296; meeting, 320, 442, 498, 621, regulations for men in Barracks, 638, 704,-760, 761; xiv.,: 46, 139, 428;.number of men on board, 200, 374, 451, 452, 473, 494, 503,: 430; hands for, 462. Memo518, 591, 616, 639, 652, 672; xv., -rial of officers, 472. Co mittee 15, 31, 48, 61, 76, 93, 112, 128, to superintend, 480; officers to be 140,'161, 173, 189, 222; 223, 254, convened, 489; crews to be well 261, 266, 270, 279, 310, 311, 326, clothed, 498; rationis, 500.- Five'34., 346, 349, 362, 381, 383, 387, guard boats to be built, 514; 401, 419, 420, 425, 466, 487, 524, to act in concert with brig Lexing558, 612, 637, 652; xvi., 16, 46, ton, 526; swivels for, 552'; Com70, 86, 1.04, 124, 145, 1,77, 208, moclore to distribute powder to, 2202, 242, 269, 290, 316, 374, 394,.10; flat bottom to be built to 414, 434, 480, 509.- Reports:xv., transport men from shore to shore, 379'6-12, 613; oficers pay, 634; ComBoard of Treas'y, letterfrom,xii., 55. modore. Calcdwell, 650; in Darby Board of War (State), x., 699, 719, creek, 656; John Peal, Court 755; xi., 177, 181, 182,'188,:194, Martial on,.656; Camden, 689;.198, 201, 211,. 221, 243, 246, 250, to be built, 758. Armed —Dela260, 303, 394, 411, 425, 497, 759.- ware, xi., 5; "Convention" orAsk for wagons, xii., 16; -for key of dred to Cape May, 8; Delaware, MIagazine, 32.;.inf0rmaation asked 5, 10. of, 67; letters, 85, 9s, 94, 100, Boccalunce-at head. of Ohio-fort 116, 117, 174,198, 240,'312, 433, at, v., 634; or Conewago Indians, 452, 454, 495, 741,:743; xiii., 96, viii., 270. 128, 449.* Bodie, WV.illiam, of. Bucks, charged Board of War (Continental), Rich'd with counterfeiting bills of credit, Peters, Secretary, xi., 226. In- iv., 273-277. structions, 425,. 497, 508, 509, Boehm, Philip, Paymaster, xi., 279. 630, 627, 637~. Appointed Justice; resigns as Boats, models offered, x., 284,.285; Paymaster, 588. AppointedCoroguns for, 288; ordered to be built, ner, 597. To -pay off militia, or 284, 285; a sail for,.ordered, 285; give reasons, 718. Receives pay names of, 289, 290,, 29:6, 314, 328, for, xii., 55. To render account, 329, 335,.351, 404, 407, 408, 426, 243. Coroner, 506. 437, 440, 488, 501,. 505, 511, 554, Boehm, Philip, Jr., Paymaster, xi., 664; namnes of Commanders, 287, -767. 290, 296, 328, 329, 330, 3,35, 352, Bceufs, Fort aux, latitude, distances, 355, 362, 383, 396, 404, 407,,408, -&c., v., -761. 423, 426, 427, 437,:440, 488, 490, Boger, Lieutenant Richard, prisoner, 501,' 505, 516,.521, 554, 592, 664,:x., 601, 622, ordered to York, 627.;725; failure and success in launch- Boggs,: John, Lieutenant, xii., 489; ing, 291; model of, 296; launch, Sheriff,. 518; xiii., -134, 396. 314; regulations for, 321; commis- Agent for confiscated estates, xiv., sionof Officers, 321; Committee to 140. Justice, xv., 59. draw, rules for,.327; for supplies Bond, Phineas, to be seized, xi., of, 328; to be manned-pay of 284; released, 300, 525; on petiofficers', 329; supplies. tion of his mother, his attainder for,:331; cartridge boxes for, 333; was suspended,.xv., 8; estate of, * It is sometimes difficult to determine from the minutes which Board is intended. IINDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. claim of J. Weiss on, 187; British sufferers, viii., 483; donation by Consul, 215; suggests certain Assembly, 483. matters, 408, 410, 417, 419; Boston: Port Bill, Governor petitioned complaint against, 517, 520. to call Assembly on account of, Bond, Dr. Thomas, visits sickly declines, x., 177; Ministerial vessels, iv., 498, 587, 674; with troops captured at, 409. Dr. Graeme, visits sickly ships, Botanist, appointed by French Minvi., 170; their joint report, 171- ister, xii., 610. 173. To visit a vessel arrived with Boucaloonce or Canawago Indians, passengers, v., 100; to visit ship viii., 270. from Barbadoes, 109, 112, 121; to Bouchet, Cheval. Du, Letter, xiv., visit, 410. Coroner, vii., 266; to 173. examine surgeons, x., 452, 458; Boude, Dr. Samuel, collector, vi., asks for powder to burn in gaol, 653. 512; to collect rags in store, 633; Boude, Thomas, Coroner, vi., 144, Bond, Thomas, Jr., Purveyor of 638. United States Hospital, xi., 168; Boudinot, Elias, elected President of xiii., 115. Congress, xiii., 412. Bonham, Ephraim, Sub-Lieutenant, Boundaries of Counties, i., 126, 129, xi., 218. 130, 154, 262, 265, 266, v., 502, Bonsall, Justice, proceedings against, 514; x., 273, vii., 354, 356, 391. Boundaries between Maryland and Book, Law proposed for making Pennsylvania, ii., 362; iii., 232, several sorts of, for use of the 233, 461, 463, 464, 467-491; v., people, i., 93. 422; x., 216, 220, 221, 240, 241. Books, military, to be purchased, x., Boundaries between Virginia, and 500. Pennsylvania, v., 758-767; vi., Boon, Captain Andrew, x., 669. 8, S1, 240; xii., 16, 224, 234, 250, Boonbrack, Lieutenant Benjamin, 287, 303, 444, 476; xiii.,.685, leaves his colors, x., 694. xiv., 56, 74, 104, 211, 236, 360, Boone, Captain Hawkins, a wounded 402, 518. soldier rewarded for his bravery, Boundaries between Maryland, Virxi., 704. i ginia and Pennsylvania, v., 422. Boone, William, Coroner, v., 597, Boundary, Northern, xiv., 362, 385, 662; vi., 144, 638; sheriff, vii., 655; xv., 12, 22, 33, 38, 190, 202, 266. 204, 212, 220, 328, 374, 393, 401, Boquinville, Colonel, at Montreal, 421, 456, 458, 614, 642. viii., 505.' Boundary, Western, xiv., 464, 507, Bordentown, troops sent to, x., 629. 643; xv., 16, 19, 38, 106, 108. Bordley-of Maryland, iv., 115. Boundary Treaty with Indians at Bore, Lassee, justice left out, iii., Fort Stanwix, ix., 545, 568, 586. 531. Boundary between Pennsylvania and Boring Mill, erecting, near City, x., New York, xvi., 225. 641. Bounties, xvi., 106. Bork, Lawrence, of Lancaster, viii., Bounty of Lands offered to officers 143. and soldiers, vi., 504. Boscawen, Admiral, on French fleet Bouquet, Colonel Henry, demands arrived, vi., 451. Captures three quarters in Philadelphia for solFrench vessels, 463, 465. Intelli- diers, vii., 358. Proceedings by gence from, 592. Reported cap- Governor, Sheriff, &c., 359-78; ture of French vessels, vii., 156. viii., 234, 270. Letters to and Letter asking men, viii., 163; As- from, ix., 35, 197, 247. Journal, sembly decline, 164; opinion of 208-234. Posts cut off, 35. Good Council, 165, 166; message from conduct of, 42. Peace with InAssembly on, 170. dians on Ohio, 238. Boston, great fire at, Relief asked Bourne —Health Officer, vi., 169. by Governor of Massachusetts for Bowen, Major Thomas B., xi., 20; INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 37 receiver of certificates for arrears troops, 719. Pay formen at forts, of pay, xiv., 151, 173, 401. xiii., 14, 43, 48, 121. Discharged Bowles, Joseph, testifies against Col. from. service, with compliments Talbot, i., 115. for his merits, 151. To order out Bowles, Leonard, becomes a citizen a signal boat, xi., 692. Boats to from'Bahama Islands, xii., 92. Colonel Bull, 717. To, make list Bowman, Captain W., x., 529. of officers, &c., 727. Bowman, Henry, appointed Ranger Braddock, General. Edward, his arrifor Sussex County, i., 166. val looked for, vi., 298. Arrives Bowman, John, Ensign, xii.~ 9. in Virginia, 303. Lord HaliBowman, Martin, Commissioner, xii., fax notices his appointment as 406. Commander-in-Chief, 306. -LetBoyce, Nathan, Captain of a boat, ters to and from, 307, 331, 332, x., 327, 423, 426. 335, 338, 371, 377, 380, 383, 394, Boyd, Major Alexander, Auctioneer, 398, 399, 401; 406, 408, 461. Acxii., 625, 659; to examine British cuses Assembly of pusillanimous goods, xiii., 491. Resigns as auc- and improper behavior, 307. tioneer of Philad'a, xv., 50, 53. Flour for his army; 308. Wishes Boyd, Andrew, sub-lieutenant, xi., a post between Philadelphia and 318, 496, 511; wagon-master, 589. Winchester, 321. Troops arrive Col. xii., 445; resigns, 733. in Virginia, 331. Commissioners Boyd, Captain Andrew, offers re- for laying out road, 318. Necessward, xi., 511, 761. ity of union of colonies, 332. Boyd, David, Coroner, ix.,r689. Desires meeting of Governors at Boyd, Lieutenafit John, xi., 511. Annapolis, 332. Governors ShirBoyd, Captain John, asks for pay, ley and Delancey arrive in Philaxiii., 729; Councillor, 751. delphia on their way to, 358. Boyd, Hon. John, Commissioner re- Meeting with Governors at Alexspecting peace in Northumberland, andria, and proceedings, 365, 368. xiv., 168,; Commissioner to Wyo- Proposals for a common:fund, 365, ming, 202; Justice, 237, 307. Letter, Commissioners on road, Boyd, Samuel, Coroner, ix., 778; 369, 374. Flour not arrived -at x., 56, 101, 211, 270; Paid for Fort Cumberland, 373. Letter, R. services, xiii. 44. Peters, to Commissioners on road, Boyd, Lieutenant Thomas, ap- 376, 378, 398, 425, 466, 521. pointed, x., 678. Thomas, wagon Wishes -to contract for wagons, 378. master, dies, xi., 580. Persons charged with supplying Boyd, Captain, x., 708. French, 380. Governor supplies Boyd, Captain, with his company of money, 383. Letter, Sir Thomas rangers ordered to Yorktown, xiii., Robinson on General Braddock's 121. affairs, 394. R.- Peters' reports on Boyd, Tho's, proclamation against, road, 395. Approves of Shirley xi., 446. taking Colonel Schuyler and men, Boyd, Wm., Justice, xiii., 542. 398. Proposes setting out for DuBoyer, Conrad, Coroner, xiv., 230. Quesne, what he intends to do if Boyer, Jacob, Sheriff, xvi., 192. he takes the fort, &c., 399. ComBoyer, James, Justice, ix., 645. plains of Governor Dinwiddie and Boyrie, Mons., and- LeRoy,: two roguery of Assembly, 400. ProFrenchmen arrested' at Philadel- posals-for provisions, 401. Letter phia,: viii., 714. from Winm.:Shirley, secretary to, Boys, Capt. Nathan, leaves men from 404. On garrisoning fort, 406. galleys in charge of fortifications *Has begun his march, 413. WVaat Billingsport and Mud Island, gons, 414. Present to, from lower xii., 134. To discharge men, 190. Assembly, 414. Supplies, 415. Pay for, 223, 250, 275, 314.' Ex- Letters to and from, 415, 424; 426, pense of boats, 354, 376, 392, 406, 428, 429, 430, 445, 461, 475, 476. 452, 489, 627, 628, 657. To raise Money wanted for road; soldiers' 38 INDE'X TO COLONIAL RECORDS. wives sent home, 42~6. -Remits printers, x., 420. Newspapers bills to Govehnor, 426, 429.: Is ordered, xi;, 654'; xii:., 197. infolmedf bf-Freneh at' Ohio, 431. Bradford, William, prints almanac, Thanks to GQvern;:or Morris' for 1685; required to blot out "Lord provisions, sends a: draftf for Penn," i., 165. CComplains of his Franklin; road, 446. Progress, tools and letters being takeli from 460, 463, 466, 475, 477. Colonel him by late rnlers, 366. Restored, Bunrd's a'ccount of road, &c., 466. 367. Printer, in case of Wm. Murders hear Fort' Cumberland, Moore and- Dr. Smith, viii.;, 440. 475. His defeat and death,. 478- Printer, xvi., 527. 484, 487, 494 496, 98L502, Bradford,' Capt. William,- of Second 511-520, 548, 593, 599; 625, 700. Battalion, ordered to take British Letter from Capt. Robert Orme, officers into custody, x., 302. To account of action, &c., 487. List print rules and regulations, 321. of killed and wounded, 489-492, Bradford, Capt. William, Jr., xi., 2. 499, 502. Retreat of Colonel Member of Navy Board, 127. Dunbar, 492. Wives of Indians Pay master of State Navy Board, from Aughwick, 494. Letter 366. from General Shirley on; 548, 549. Bradford, Win. C., pay master of Pay-ment of claii-s'to Governor the fleet, xi., 387, 442, 448, 475, Morris, 643. From proprieta- 588. Pay mastdr, xii., 44, 48. ries on, 730, 733. Commissioners Discharged, 192.'-Pay as Comrnappointed to settle his accounts missioner fixed, 253. of wagoner, vii., 10. Succeeded Bradford, Win. Jr. -appointed Atby Lord Loudoun, 181. Effects of, torney General, xii., 550. Coun*351. Sir Jno.:St.' Clair; on his sel on Connecticut claim, xiii., 128. road, 592. Wagon accouiit, viii., Retaining fee, 136. Also in case 284. of Baron Iurst & -Co.; 137. ReBradford, Andrew, printerj'ordered tained, 241, 2-81i 310. Case bebefore Council'for'' pblishinig a tween'State and" General'Roberpamphlet, reflecting onl'the credit dean, 319. To remove a suit to of the province:, also. in Weekly another Court, 367, 496. ApMercury, iii., 143. Appears before pointed'agent on trial of private Council; denies all knowledge of rights at Wyoming, xiv., 35. the pamphlet and charges his Fees on' Connecticut claimn, 141. journeyman with the othe'.; asks Returns two threatening letters to pardon and is forgiven by the Marbois, 143.'Attorney General, Governor, and ordered to print pay to, 628. Opinion on pardonnothing in future'about govern- ing powei, x,., 329. Report on ment without permission,'145. claim' to a city lot, 71. Pay Publishes in his paper "Brutus to, 227, 419; xvi., 21. Fees in and Cassius';" ordered to be ar- four suits, 391. Settlement for rested for it;'house searched for fees, 546. manuscript of it; found to' be'by Bradin', Nath'l, Justice, xiv., 362. Parson Campbell, 369.' Commlitted Bradshall, John, appointed Attorand bound over to Court, 370. ney-General for Kent, i., 174. Bradford, Joseph, xi., 408. Brashaw; Jaines, appointed Chief Bradfoid, Thomas, appointed'agent Surveyor and'Register of New for marine~ prisoiiers of war sent Castfle i.', 157, I61, 164. to Philadelphia, xii., 23. To re- Bradshaw, William, Constable, comceive prisoners fiom flag of truice, plaint o'f Quakers against, vii., 29, 37, 44. Aiplies for officers, 53, 405. 5 5, 495. Buy'S city tot, xi1.34, 34Biadstreet, Colonel John, letter to 37. Paid for printing, 643. Governor M.':on French sent to Newspaper, v.,;'187, 366,'384. Ohio, vi., 412, 427. At Presque To be filed 444, 639. Isle, letter from, inclosing terms Bradford,: Thomas and William, of peace with Indians, ix., 193. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 89 Brady, John, Captain, x.,.752.. Breinig, Gieorge, Justice; xiv., 629, Brady, John, wounded at. Battle of 637. Brandywine, loses a gun, forwhich Breintnall, Joseph, Sheriff, iv., 85, he is paid, xvi., 288. 247.. Brady; Lieutenant, appointed Cap- Breton, Cape, expedition against, tain, xii., 437. from New England, iv.,:753, 754, Brady, Captain Joseph, petition, xi., 762, 763. 313. Brett, Robert, Clerk of Market, PhilaBrady, Captain Samuel, reward to, delphia, complained of, i., 442, for- an. Indian scalp, xii., 632. 443, 444. serves in Bedford county,. xvi., Bribery andlcorruption at elections, 464. v., 564, 566, 619. Brandingham, Dr., a pirate, i.j 578. Brice,- John, Lieutenant of "WarBrandt, Henry, vi., 291. - ren," x., 501 Brandywine Creek, a bridge, road Bridge at Frankford out of: repair, and water-mill complained of, i., ii., 194, 406, 407, 658. 199. Obstructions,.292. Roads, Bridge at Schiuylkill, tolls to be paid, ii., 111; iii., 142. Indians com — xi., 53. Floating at, 55. Guards plain against mill and dam hin- for, 56. Pensawkin Creek, 104. dering their fishing; sheriff to Over Schuylkill nearly ready, 210. throwthemldown, 269. Fisheries, To be removed to Delaware, 305. ix., 465, 472, 598, 638, 639. In Delaware River, 310, 666, 711. Marsh to be repaired, &c., x., 80. Bridges, iii., 246, 263, 426,. 428, Brandywine Shoal, man-of-war Roe- 481; ix., 284, 285, 658,. 719, 729; buck aground on, x., 552.. x., 109; xi., 614. B]randycwine, Battle of, Captain Wil- Briefs, necessary before asking chaliam Mckay wounded at, xi., 667. rity, iv., 259..: WVilliam. Russell loses a leg at, Brientnal, Joseph; Sheriff Philadelasks aid, xii., 107. phia County, iii., 614. Brannon, Benjamin, Sub-Lieutenant Brigade, Expenses, sii., 510. of. Chester county, applies:for can- Brigadier Generals appointed, xi., non, xi., 219, 242. 62, 199, 3958. Brass to be purchased, x., 612. Can- Briggs, Samuel, of Philadelphia, nons to be made by B. Loxley, 626. ipetition, with a model of machine Brassines, Monsieur de, debts paid for making nails, screws. and gim-he to be delivered to French blets, xvi., 88. Model returned, Consul, x., 235. To be delivered 346. to Monsieur de Marbois to be sent Bright, Jacob, Com. made prisoner, to France, xv., 215. xi., 536. Bratton, Captain William, xi., 569, Brimstone, Bounty for, x., 530. 684. Justice, xiii., 666. Brinkloe, Clerk of Kent, resigns, i., Bread, assize of, i., 576, 582; viii.,: 170. 574; ix., 727; x., 18, 75, 243. Bristol, (Buckingham,) to be laid Bread andcl flour, exportation of out, i., 513. Ferry to Burligton, Merchantable;. law proposed, iii., ii., 488. Petition about road, 549; 240, 391, 536-538; v.-, 565, 619. iii., - 43. Erectedl into a boNot merchantable, not to be ex- rough, 58. Ferry over Neshaminy ported, viii., 172, 173, 407, 548. creek, 233. Passed, 235. Act for Bill for assize of, 574. Not mer- -erecting house of correction in, v., chantable export of, ix..,- 362, 364.:34. Road from Philadelphia to, Assize of, 727. - 59, 61. Election of Burgesses and Bread, narmy, no want of, xi., 303. Constable —dedimus to adminisBreading, Nathaniel, councillor, xvi., ter oath, 110. Petition of inhabit202. ants colplaining of an insult Brearly, David, C., J., xiii., 74, from a Captain Sims, xi., 254. Mr.:Brecht, Peter, Coroner, x., 100,211, De Normandie, 480. Election of 270. Amos Gregg, Chief Burgess, xv., 40 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 83, 273; and second Burgess, ix., 660. Information respecting, Thos. Pearson, 273. Connecticut settlers, x., 50. Bristow, John, Councillor, i., 196. Brooke, Henry, Collector of Lewes, British half pence, proclamation ii., 98. Member of Council from against importation or manufac- Lewes, iii., 143. Judge of Supreme ture of, xiii., 4. Goods to be Court, 269. Brooks, Jas., to be seized, 170, 317, 328. Desert- arrested, x., 359. His friends may ers to report themselves to Coun- visit him, 371. Goes under escort oil, 342. Prisoners on board to Lancaster,.380. At Lancaster, ship at New York, 431. Goods 385. Pay to guards, 403, 409, 503, seized at Lancaster, 453. Provi- 698. In gaol, 699. sions sent to American prisoners, Brooks, Edward, Frankford Bridge 459. Goods seized, 482, 483, 484, referred to, iii., 246. 525, 526, 563, 667. Prisoners al- Broonback, Lieut. Benjamin, charged lowed to pass through city to N. with leaving colors, x., 694. York, 572. Brosius, Nicholas, collector of excise, British Consul, complaint against, by dies, vi., 371. Admiralty Court for a survey or- Brothers, Ship, sails under sea letter dered, xv,, 517, 520. from Council, from Philadelphia Britton, John, plank, x., 672. for China, Capt. Josiah, xvi., 224z. Brockden, Chas., Recorder of Deeds, Broughton, Thomas, Governor of S. Philadelphia, vii., 464. Master of Carolina, letter on Spanish prepaRolls, removed on account of age, rations at Havanna, iv., 165. ix., 397. Brown, Andrew, prints Federal GaBrodhead, Charles, brings message zette, and Council subscribes, xv., from Indians of Wyomink, vi., 566; xvi., 222z, 493. 751. Commissioners to Indians, Brown, Colonel, battalion to defend instructions, 754. Charges Teedy- frontiers of Cumberland, xiii., 222. uscung with Indian murders, vii., Ammunition sent to, 247. 326, 328. Brown, Lieut. David, on frontier, Brodhead, Daniel, a justice, v., 113. complains of want of clothing-is Letter from Northampton on dis- supplied, xi., 665. turbances, 757. Letter to Mr. Brown, Elijah, to be seized, xi., 283. Peters on Connecticut claim, vi., Brown, James, Letter to J. Alexan253, 255. Removes from North- der on Connecticut claim, vi., 271;, ampton (where he acted as jus- and answer, 273. tice) to Berks, where he is now Brown, John, arrested and impriappointed a justice, ix., 746. Re- soned, his examination implicates commended to Congress as Lt. Messrs. Morris and Willing, xi., Colonel, x., 442, 444, 722, 767. 345. To be published with remarks Articlesfurnished, 722. Pay, 751. by V. P. and Mr. Sergeant-no Brodhead, Colonel, ordered with men person to converse with him-proto Bordentown, x., 629. Letter posals of General Howe, 347. Reto, 743. Wants bayonets, xi., 457. marks on, 348. Permitted to go Pay to, 400. Ask nothing for sol- to Lancaster Co.,: 406, 407. Disdiers, 519, 531. Letters to and charged, 452, 459. Seized by order from, xii., 25, 31, 80, 84, 173, 215, *of Congress-taken to Lancaster245, 435, 445, 498, 585, 743. his examination, 394. Resigns, Moravians recommended to, 346. but not accepted, 774. Complaints against, at Fort Pitt, Brown, John, case of, in Montgom747. Pass, xiii., 544. Report of ery county, xv., 423, 432. Comptroller against, xvi., 44. Brown, William, Captain of MaElected Surveyor General, 208, rines, x., 488, 504, 606. To re210. Names of his deputies, 214. cruit men, 505. Sent with prison222, 224, 2222, 229, 257, 261, 280, ers- to be exchanged, 596, 688. 288, 292, 390, 461. To. command floating battery.; to Brodhead, Garret, appointed justice, raise men for, 725; xi., 278. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 41 Brown,: William, auctioneer, xii., Bucks County, Sheriffs of, i., 58, 185, 186, 525. Justice, xiv., 344. 186, 332, 368. Seal for, ordered; Bruner, George, xii., 70. its device, 66. County Court of Brushes and priming wires, x., 314. Philadelphia fined for deciding a Bryan, George, tie vote for Assem- case in jurisdiction of, 76. Subbly; new election ordered, ix., 286. Treasurer appointed, 111. DiviNaval officer, x., 611, 728. Vice sion line'between Philadelphia President, xi., 174, 375, 632, 634, county, 126-130. Coroner, 162, 721. Extra pay, 387. Father-in- 228. Trial for murder, 164. Spelaw dies, 721. Proclamation, 493, cial commissioners, 164. Petition 513, 545, 610, 627. Resigns as of Jacob Hall, 194. Road from Vice-President, another elected, Philadelphia, 195, 298. Joseph xii., 127. Elected to Assembly, Growden, memnber of Council, 196. 129. His account, 211. Ap- Roads, ii., 67, 520. Road from pointed Judge of Supreme Court, King's road to be extended and 303, 305. Opinion, case of Wil- surveyed; 67. Dedimus to Jereliam Hanks, xiii., 543; xiv., 668. miah Langhorn, 97. Commission Reappointed Judge Supreme Court, to try a negro in, 112, 160. Claim xv., 189, 190. Paid, xvi., 312. John Tatham vs. Joseph Growdon, Bryan, Jacob, pays Lydius for a 179. Case of John Eastburn, 182, share, vi., 293, 209. William Biles, Sheriff, 182. Bryan, John, Coroner, x., 100, 211, Two members of Assembly die, 273. 190. Complaint of John Eastburn Bryant, Captain John, xii., 2. against sheriff for not obtaining Bryce, John, Ensign, x., 464. First restitution, 209. Act to sell old Lieutenant, 501. court-house and building a new Buchannan, Colonel Arthur, battal- one and prison read, 214. Sheriff ion to be supplied with axes, &c., complains about tax-payers, 391. xi., 413. Sub-Lieutenant, xii., William Crasdell, Sheriff, 397. 322.; Case of J. Heaton and J. GrowBuchannan, Robert, Sheriff, iii., 465, don, 407. Petition of Thomas 520, 575. Attacked by rioters Fairman about land in, 434. Manfrom Maryland, 612. Sheriff, iv., ner of laying in, complained of, 309, 352, 470. 456. Case of David Bollard, 456. Buchannan, Thomas, Sub-Lieuten- -Extortion, 456. Two Justices apant, xii., 322. Sheriff, xvi., 194, pear before Council to explain, 458. 509. Are acquitted, 459. Want ferry Buchannan, William, Commissioner from Bristol to Burlington, 488. to cut road westward, vi., 318, Mingo, an Indian slave, arrested, 324, 377, 435. Commissary-Gen- 489, 508. Sufferers from fire ask eral, letter to, on supplying pro- relief, 544. Road from opposite visions for the army-prices, xi., Reading's Landing, 561, 562. 334. Justices, iii., 28. William Biles, Buck, Dr. Henry, xi., 116. Coroner, 31. John Hall, Sheriff, Buckanon, William, Coroner, viii., 31, 56, 108, 140. Ferry from 505. Bristol to Burlington, 43. Mary Buckingham (Bristol) tobe laid out Underwood under sentence of as a market town, i., 513. Road death for murder of her child, to, 514. reprieved for twelve months,:45. Buckinghaml township, petition for John Cutler, Coroner, 56, 69. road, ii., 520, 539. Bristol erected into a borough, Buckley, Samuel, and C. Pickering 58. Abraham de Normandy, charged and tried for counterfeit- Sheriff, 69. Jeffry Pollard, Coroing, i., 85. ner, 108. Win. Atkinson, CoroBuckman, William, Coroner, viii., ner, 140. Ferry at Solebury, 171, 781; ix., 57. Sheriff, 285, 333, 174. Division line between Phila398. delphia.and, 177-8. Thomas 42 INDEX TO RCOLONIAL - RECORDS. WVatsoh, charges against, 233.1 Sheriffs elected, vi., 144, 638; Ferry over Neshaminy Creek, Coroners elected, 144, 638.. Sher233, 235.'Bill proposed;and Coln- iffs elected, vii., 266. Coroners missioners named for building a elected, 266,- Justices appointed, new Court house and prison for, 437. Negroes convicted and:parGovernor's objections to, 241.. doned, viii., 58.: Coroners apFrankford bridge, 246. Thomas pointed, 223, 403, 506, 781. SherSiiles, Sheriff and Jno. Woolston, iffs appointed, 223, 403, 506, Coroner, 210, 289; 332, 370, 387. 781. Wagons furnished-by, 376. Indian disturbances liear Durham Justices appointed, 576.:Courts, Iron Works,'329. T. Smith,.ix., 22, 23, 663. Coroners-elected, Sheriff,.332, 387. Sheriffs, 416, 57, 199, 285, 333, 398, 547, 623, 464, 520, 574. Coroners, 416, 688, 778. Sheriffs elec-ted,.57, 199, 465, 520, 574. Roadt petitioned 285,.333, 398, 547, 623, 688, 778. for'from Great Swamp; Commis- An interior county, 138. Justices sioners appointed,. 5z42.. Return appointed, 205, 235, 583, 663, 672. of, 584-587.. Road to Matousic, Indians commit outrages on lands 590. Coroner, 614. Sheriff, 614. of Peter Tuck, 385, 388. FurPetition, respecting Court of naces and forges, in 1750, 632Chancery; its history, 617.'Peti- 636...L. Growden dies and is suction against Court of Chancery, ceeded by Wm. Hicks, 663. Road, iv., 37. Sheriffs elected, 85, 247, 703. County road line between 309, 352, 470, 500, 601, 669, 748, Philadelphia, 745, 750, 760. Re782. Coroners elected, 85, 247, cords, preservation of, x., 23, 42. 309, 352, 601, 669, 748, 782. Sheriffs elected, 56, 101, 211, 270. Lawrence Grow'den appointed by Coroners elected, 56, 101, 211, 270. special commission Justice, 141. Justices, 47, 88, 162. Lottery in, Special commissions for in, in 26, 41. Pigeon Swamp, 26, 41. consequence of sickness of Dr. _Dogs, damage by, 32, 42. ConGrerme, 244. Win. Bodie of, victions, executions and reprieves, charged with counterfeiting bills 172, 225. Division of county, of credit,'273. Examination of 224, 226. Associators of, 362. }Robert Savery, 274. Justices ap-'Coal mine to be sought for in, 428. pointed, 312, 482, 782. Coroners, Call of Committee on important 469, 500. Justices appointed, v., -business, 452, Committee to 3, 113, 388, 573. Road, 464. Powder in, 471. SaltFrankford to Bristol, 29. Sheriffs petre, knapsacks, 474. Firelocks, elected, 55, 120, 345, 411, 464, 537, 554. Troops to be ready, 550, 597, 662. Coroners elected, 647. Declaration of Independence 55, 120, 345, 411,.464, 550, to be read, 635. Arms, 638. 597, 662. Road from'Philadelphia Election suppressed, 764. To be to Bristol, 59, 61. Officers elected ready: at moment's warning, by associators, 193, 247, 325, 326. 781. Troops ordered from, xi., Commissions to, 209. French 43, 44,. 55. House of Isaac Hicks -prisoners ordered to Newtown jail'searchedl; books, papers, records, from privateer Trembleur, 264. &c.; magazine at Newtown to be Escort for, 267. Complaint against cleared for the:books, &c., 127. Sheriff at election; not sustained, Sheriffs, 179, 372, 378, 596. Coro345. New county out. of, 619. ners, 179, 217, 372, 378, 596. Members of Council appointed, v., Register, 187. Prothonotary, 187. 213. Justices, 320, 374.:Amount Clerk of Orphans' Court, 194. of Poor tax, 462.' Road from:Dedlimns,' 194. Justices, 248, 251, Dunk's ferry to Philadelphia, 498, -282, 3'72, Joseph Hart, Council502, 510.'Case of Edward Antill, lor, 249. Committee for driving 512. The town of Buckingham'off cattle increased, 25'3.- Lieu(Bristol) to be laid out' as a mar-: tenants, 259. Discharge of s'olbet' town, 513.'Road to, 514. diers, 266. Militia to be sent INDEX TO COLONIA:L:RECORDS. 43 down,:'275.. Troops: now in bar- Reeder convicted of misderaeanor racks to guard neighborhood of at Court, 180. Estates of John city, 302. To guard prisoners to Reid and Owen Roberts sold, 1.80, Reading, 302. Militia, 360. Jus- 183, 204. Evan Thomas, John tices, 379. Pay -Master of, 390, Overholz, 204. Deed to lEben 508. Goods seized by Colonels Carson for part of Tinicum, Jos. Smith and -Keichlein, 392. John Paxson's estate, 236, 256, 266. J. Kerr appointed to receive and col- Reid, 277. Robberies in, 338, 339. lect clothing, insteaid of General Militia called out, 369. Execution, Lacey, Brigadier General, 411. 394. John Tomnlinson apprehendLieutenant, 452.. Goods found in ed, 431. Agents for forfeited es-:swamp seized, 462. Robbery of tates, 441. A. Bartram's estate G. Vansant, of Midldletown,. 512. 498. Robberies, 515, 532. Israel Reward for robbers in, 518, Cloth- Doan, 516. A. Long, 524. Acing purchased, 541.- Agents; 556.:counts of Colonel Joseph Hart; B. Walton confined, 565. Militia, *damages from enemy, 574. Estate, 626. Militia called out, 636.:S. Byles, 599. Banditti, 600. Justices, 708. Record of a road, Proceedings against Doans, Dil764. Jno. Hart receives subscrip- Ion, &c.; depositions, 616. Estions to Loan Office, xYii. 47. For- tate, Joseph Doan, 623. Robberies feited estates in,.73, 77. Militia by the Doans; depositions and called out, 129. Elections, 136, proclamation, 630, 687. John 510. Sheriffs, 136, 510. Coroners, Clark resigns as Justice, 732. ]36, 510. Representatives Assess- Colonel F. Murray, Lieutenant, ors, Commiss'rs,~ Councillor, 136. 746. Estate of Alexander BarEstate of Gilbert -Hicks sold, 156. -tram, 748. Officers' lands in, 753. J. Galloway's estatei 104, 191, 256; Justices, xiv., 139, 147, 197, 198, 268. Hooper's trial, 25:0.- Mili-:200, 203, 212, 270,.313. Dedimus tary officers appointed; 298. Con'- to administer oaths, 153. Conmissioners of purchaises, 301. -tested election for Justices, 197, Sale of Jno. Jones' estate, 350. 207.. To send fifty men to WyoEdward Jones, R. Swanwick, 381. fming, 215, 555. Elections, 237, Phineas Paxton, Tory, prohibited 555. Sheriffs, 237, 555. Reports, from keeping public house, 401, 237, 555.. Coroners, 237, 555. 403. Win. Scott, Pay Master, Council, 237, 555. Contested 461. Appointments, 554. Jus- election decided by appointment tice Long resigns, 557. Pardon of of George Weickart as Justice, J. Baldwin, 571. Andrew Allen's 270. Valentine Nelson's estate, estate, 615. Auditors, 646. Es- 307. Militia, 374. Counterfeits, tate of Daniel Williams, 671. 383. Case of Aaron Doan, 178, Election of military officers, 720. 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 392,. 395. Estate of Peter. Perlie sold, 733. Of Solomon. Vicars, 364, 393. nWm. Thomas, 734. Complaint of Message to Assembly respecting, Captain Joseph against Colonel 395. Inspector of flour, 488. Joseph Hart, 737. Recruits at. Murder and arson by John fMcNewtown to be provided for, xiii., Donald;:inquest and proclalmation, 8. Militia to rendezvous at,53. 489. J, Galloway's -estate, 494. Informality in election of Lieluten- - Robbery of Treasury; prisoner ant; money for supplies, 83. bro'uight to Philadelphia, 516. Elections, 86, 719. Justices, 454. Militia, 596. Excise Collector, Sheriff, 86, 391,. 720. Censors, 596. Attorney General to defend 719. Coroner, 86, 391, 720. Pay a suit for land late of John Overto militia, 90. Estate of John holtz, 657. Deed for land in,.Meredith, 94. Treasury robbed, - estate of'E. Thomas, xv., 14. proclamation, 95. Justice Long:Justices, 30, 32, 104, 131, -437, resigns, 98. Robbery of Collector 441, 644, 645. Elections, 98, 296. Barton; depositions, 139. P D. Representatives,.98, 296. Sher 44 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. iffs, 98, 296, 566. Coroners, 98, 142;officers complain against, 210; 296, 566. Resignation of Justice to procure teams, &c., 246; arms and Collector of Excise; William should be packed, 399; account Harvey chosen, 104. Thomas of work done at Red Bank and Wright assaults J. Thomas, 255, Billingsport, 399, services dis256. Claim for land supposed of pensed with as- Adjutant-General, Peter Perlee, 260. Prothonotary, 400; employed to direct the James Benezet, resigns, 269. works at Billingsport and Mud Samuel Benezet appointed, 271. Island-his pay, 575; rations, Burgesses of Bristol, 272. Coun- 636, 637; to make repairs at cillors, 296. James Hanna, Re- Fort Island, 725, 728, 777; to gister, &c., 406. Mrs. Elizabeth secure plank, &c., at Sullivan's Baxter, receives pension, 322, 413. Bridge, 709; to have boats, 717; Sale of R. Robertson's estate post- paid, 743, 757; pay to, xii., 13, poned, xvi., 35. Receipts from 66; claim of McGinley, 83, 105; tavern licenses, 83. Justices, pay to, 180; commissioner of pur70, 105, 145, 153, 289. Sheriff, chases, 301, 372, 403; paid for 192, 490. Coroner, 192, 490. expense of dispatches from WyoHenry WVynkoop resigns as Judge ming, xv., 276; purchases a neand Justice, 105. Contested elec- gro, part of Ed. Stiles' confiscated tion, 129. Election of President property, 277. Court Quarter Sessions; J. Bar- Bull, John, a Moravian Missionary, clay appointed, 133. Accounts of pass to, xiii., 570. Collector of Excise, 136. Irregu- Bull, William, Governor of South lar election in, 142, 151, 153. Carolina, letter respecting peace Fees for defence of title in, 153.. with Indian tribes, ix., 775. Estate of D. Kennedy, supposed "Bull-Dog," Gunboat, x., 290, 291, escheat, 174. Report on contest- 353, 506; Lieutenaut Webb, 643. ed election in, 200. Wmr.:Harvey, "Bull-Dog," Galley, xi., 510. Collector of Excise, 271. Taxes; Bulla, Thomas, to be seized as inimiJ. Chapman, Treasurer, 286. ical, xi., 344. Patent for land to Martha Biles, Bullock, Joseph, Warden, xiv., 150. 309, 320, 390. Repairs of alms, Bullocks, price of, xii., 385. 400. Pensions, 412. Lieutenant- Bull's-head, Philadelphia, ii., 134, Colonel, Valentine Eckart, 418. 491. Militia under General Lacey in, Bunner, Andrew, owns privateer, 457. - xi., 543. Budd, John, story of West Jersey Bunner, Jacob, a Captain, x., 634. Indians, i., 449. Bunthurst, (al. Bunter) convicted of Budd, Levi, xii., 112. murder, xi., 608; sentenced, 609. Budden, James, deed for part of Buott, Pont Du, captured and deTinicum, xii., 256. scribed, vi., 447. Budden, Captain William, and sons Buoys, proposed in the Delaware to be exchanged for Lieutenant River, i., 82,204, 205; iii., 493. Ball. of Roebuck, x., 563, or Mid- Burd, Edward, Prothonotary:Sushipman Draper, 595, 596. preme Court, xi., 566; petition to Bull, Colonel John, to appoint guards be continued prothonotary of Sufor powder-magazine, x., 420; his preme Court, xiv.:, 628; is apbattalion, 423, 436, to march for pointed, 629; prothonotary of Canada-articles for, 454; second Court paid their expenses, xv., Lieutenant of, 457; Chaplain 226; xvi., 17. appointed, 458; pikes, 653; ex- Burd,. Major, Letters to and from, amine condition of. associators, vii., 436, 453, 619, 622, 734, 736, 673, 674; wagons, 675; superin- 772; to furnish supplies, 550. tendant, 737, at Norrington, 784; Burd, Fort, xvi., 2232. Store at Norrington, xi., 6, 48; Burd, Colonel James, Commissioner commands at.Billingsport,. 125,. to cut road westward, vi., 317, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 45 318, 377, 403; letters to and from, meeting of sufferings, vii., 405, 377, 433, 435, 436, 466, 485; for 559. escorts, 435, 436; on road, 466; Bush, Captain George Bush, xi., 488. on Bracddock's defeat, vi., 499; Bush, Henry, Sheriff, xv., 640. letter from Winm. Trent on murders Bush, Major Solomon, appointed on Patterson's Creek, 641; letter Deputy Adjutant-General, xi., on blowing uap Fort Du Quesne, 240; petition, interesting recital viii., 234; commissioner with J. of his services, &c., xii., 140; Davenport to receive Ind'n prison- deputy Adjutant, referred to ers, 776, 777; sent with Thomas Board of War, as Lieutenant-ColMcKee, under instructions, to nel, 151. Wyoming, ix., 29; appointed Corn- Bush-Hill, (Philadelphia,) Indian missioner to Wyoming, 59. conference at, viii., 667. Burd, John, xi., 493, 773. Bushy Run, murders by Indians,.Burgesses elected, xv., 83, 273, 463. xi., 718. Burglars convicted by Supreme Busse, Captain Christian, at Augusta Court, v.,.155; one reprieved, and Fort Hunter, vii., 302; a great 163. want of clothes, 302. Burglary, iii., 109, 110. Busse,:Captain Jacob, of Northamp3urinol-commands, viii., 311. ton, petition of, and other Cap"'Burk," Gunboat, x., 351, 585. tains, and resolutions of Council, Burk, Lawrence, sells English xii., 141. child to French at Fort Niagara, Bustead, Morgan, to cast heavy reasons for-his character, viii., cannon, 412, 438, 439, 462; his 147.: furnace to be examined by CapBurkhard, Captain Daniel, x., 634, tain'Loxley, 622; his air furnace 649. taken, 641. Burley, Henry, xii., 53. Butler, Anthony, appointed QuarterBurlington, N. J., a general meeting Master, xi., 279., at., ii., 253; ferry to Bristol, Butler, Mr.-to be furnished with 488; road to-return of, iii., 218; boats for wounded, xi., 303. Indian conference at, viii., 156; Butler, Colonel, xi., 493. called an "Island," 177; priso- Butler, Charles, petition against Daners sent from, to York Town, by vid Lloyd, i., 383, 386. order of Congress, 645. Butler, Lord, sheriff, xv., 193, 300, Burney, Thornmas, ordered to Phila- 577; xvi., 17; Councillor, 204. delphia to be examined, v., 600; Butler, Colonel Richard, recommends a counterfeiter, xii.,.89, 272; a officers, xii., 10; return of his notorious counterfeiter apprehend- regiment, 37; recommends ensign, ed, 267. 37; xiii., 418; letters and paBurns, James, Justice, xiii., 647. pers delivered by officers to ConBaxrns, Larry, a soldier in Pennsyl- gress, 608; Lieutenant of Allevania line, arrested for stealing- gheny county, xv., 551; Commisexcuses himself, xii., 275, 276; sioner with Gen. Gibson on Erie released, 276. triangle, 554; and others propose " Burnt Cabins," road to, xv., 121, purchase of lots opposite Pittsburg, 322, 371, 395. 598; goods for Indians, 604, 618; Burrall, Jonathan,.commissioner to Commissioner for purchase from settle accounts of Commissary de- Indians triangle on Lake Erie, partmeunt, xiv., 28.. xvi., 36; paid, 95; value of lots Elorrows, John, petition for release, in reserved tract, opposite Pittsiii., 81. burg, 45, 176; Lieutenant of RIrt, John, Indian trader, concerned Allegheny county, requisition for in murder, by Indians of Thomas men,'422; report on, 424; elected Wright, iii., 285; 313, 326. to Assembly, 537. Bush, David, Justice of New Castle Butler, Simon, Coroner, vi., 638. Company, complained of, by Butler, Walter, letter from, v., 624. 46 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS, Butler, WVilliam, ferry on depreciated Cahectodo, a French Intemipreter,w iii. lands, opposite to, and other privi- 439. leges, xv.., 42. Caldwell, Andrew, appointed ComB3utler, Zebulon, terms on delivery mander-in-Chief of the Navy of of Fort at Wyomiing, by Amos Og,- Pennsylvania, x., 255. Commoden, ix., 677; order for arrest,:dore: of fleet, 459, 480. To call 682; circulates advertisements- together officer of boats, 489, 651. proclamation of Governor Penn Resigns as Commodore, 581- 587. against, x., 153; committed,:Member of Council of Safety, xi., xiii., 760; Lieutenant of Luzerne 45. Appointed member of Navy county, xv., 264; xvi., 29; Let- Board,; 122. A Warden,. 538; ter from, on division of militia, xiii., 100.; xii., 326. 317. Caldwell, Charles, apprehended, ii., Buttons for soldiers to be made out 488. of lead and tin, xi., 440.: Caldwell, James, Sheriff, ix., 689, Buyers, John,:Justice, xii., 491. 778. Byers, John, Member of Congress, Caldwell, Robert,: taken prisoner at xiii., 120, 152. Mount Washington; exchanged; Byrd, Colonel, of Virginia, fears of appointed Captain of marines on Assembly respecting his appoint- ship, General Greene, xi., 751, ment to succeed Forbes, viii., 758. 297. Caldwell, Samuel, to purchase shoes, hats, &c., x.,.402,- 408. Buys a C. part of Hog Island, xiii., 281, 325, 328. Appointed Collector of tonCable, Abraham, Justice, xi.,' 716. nage duty, xv., 417, 435. Claim Justice, xv., 241. to Hog Island, 481. Collector of Cackawatchky, a Shawnese Chief, Tonnage;. certificate to, xvi., 114. present to, v., 351, 530. Calhoun, Captain. George, xi., 2. Cadaraghqui, fort at, v.-549. French Appointed Lieutenant, xii.,.16. building a ship at, 547. French Calico, printing by Jno. Hewson, building a fort. at, vi., 10. encouraged by Council, xvi., 185. Cadenhead, John, memorial respect- payments,' 116, 254. ing goods, &c., xiii, 760, 764. Callahan, David, discharged, x., 465. Cadwalader, General, xiv., 634. Callender, William, resigns as'memCadwalader, Colonel John, member ber of Assembly, vii., 148. Asks of Committee of Safety, to procure to examine minutes, 394-397. patterns of muskets, &c., x., 282. Callender, Captain, ix., 269. To inspect ordnance, &c., 283. Callender, Colonel, x., 737. Coummittee to wait on, 754. To Callender, Robert, letter to Baynton, ~-colmmanld a brigade, xi., 27. Brig- Wharton & Co.; intended mischief adier General, 62. Appointed to their-goods, ix., 302. Second Brigadier General, 199. Calumet pipe, meaning of ceremony Cadwalader, Lambert, recommended Iwith, v.,:313. as Lieutenant-Colonel, x., 444.: Calvert, Benedict, of Maryland, dis445. Receives muskets, 548. putes and riots, iii., 484. Made Colonel, 767; respecting, Calvert, Colonel, Governor of Maryxi., 110, 114, 131, 494. land, iii., 180. Letter from GovCadwalader, Robert, recommended ernor Keith to, 180-222, 224. to Congress as a Colonel, x., 443. Camden, armed boat, x., 351, 506, Cadwalader, Dr. Thomas, member 689. of Council, vi., 666. To examine Cameron, Allen, and Dr. Conolly and Surgeons, x., 452, 458. servants,- imprisoned in PhiladelCage, a, ordered to be built in Phila- phia, x., 445. In room with Gendelphia, i., 92. Claim for build- eralMcDonald, 595. ing, ii., 26.'Campbell, an Episcopal clergyman Caglhnawaga Indians, v., 643. of dissolute character, writes INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 47 Brutus and Cassius, on throwing Caniadarogon, an Indian, v., 84. off subjection to powers of Gov- Cann, James, appointed Register of ernor, iii.. 369. Newcastle, i., 121. -Campbell, Charles, Sub-Lieutenant, Cani, John, member of Council, i., xi., 618. Commissioner to lay 369. out a road, xv., 191. Cannon requested from England, Campbell, Captain Duncan, of::ship:Massachusetts and New York, v.i stranded on New Jersey; orders 173. Answer from Governor Clinrespecting, x., 386. ton, 189.: Governor Shirley, 198. Campbell, Flrancis, letter, on Indian From Cape Breton,: 203.' From affairs, vi,, 699. Appointed In- Governor Clinton, 205.: Governor dian agent at Fort Augusta, viii.,'Shirley,: 206. A:dmiral Knowles; 99. Declines, 128. 207. Furnished by Governor ClinCampbell, George, member of Coun- tn, 215. To be''asked of Goveroil of Safety, xi., 45. Prothono- nor Trelawney, 228. Received, tary for Philadelphia county, 190. 231. Placed'on batteries, 249, Declines taking oath, 195. RKeg- 250. Cost of, x., 373. Comister:of Wills, xiii., 253. mittee on, 548. Heavy, to be Campbell, James, goes to Steele's cast by persons named, 412, *fort, vi., 675. 462, 500. Timber for carriages, Campbell, Captain James, of man-of- 470. Brass, B. Loxley's proposiwar; Nightingale, for men, viii., tion, 627. Brass, xi., 5,' 6, 7, 290. 20. Arrived in prize vessels,:20. Campbell, James, Ensign, xii., 8. To be cast, 73. Campbell, John, Braddock's defeat, Cannon, John, appointed Sub-LieuVi.., 481. tenant of Washington.county, Campbell, Mary, pass for, xi., 597. xii., 681. Campbell, Michael, pension to his Cannon, Capt. Newton, of a schooner children, xv., 430. from WVest Indies, petition to sell Campbell, Thomas, Captain, xi., cargo, xii., 11. Depositions and 17; 740. Of company-of Rangers, - proceedings, 12, 13. xii., 16, 65. Can-owarookary, an Indian village, Canachquasy, Indian, v., 166. viii., 118. Canada, proposed expedition from Canteens. ordered, x., 628. New York, ii., 449. Queen's let- Canterbury TIownship, Kent.ounty, ter respecting, 449.:Governor, of, formed, i.,: 556. name given to him by: Indians, iv., Cantwell, Edmund, Sheriff of New732. Expedition against, v., 127, castle county, i., 57. Mernmber of *130, 132, 134, 140-145, 14i, 152, first Council, 65. 159, 168, 296, 553. Letter from Cape Breton, expedition against, Governor Clinton to Governor of, from New England, iv., 753, 754, 553, 554.. Governor Vaudievil, 762. Commander of, written to letter of General Abercrombie:to, for cannon, v., 203. on capitulation of'Fort William Cape de Verd Islands, deposition reHenry, viii., 141, 504. Col. Bo- spectingGov. of, &c., iv,, 289, 296. quinville, 505. Falls into hands Cape May, wrecked'goods arrive of English by peace treaty of 1763; from; proceedings, iii., 238. proclamation by Governor Penn,' Capitulation, articles of, at Fort Neix.; 80. Colonel Bull to march for,' cessity to Captain Villier, vi., 52.;x.,:454, 480, 483. Articles of, at Blockhouse, WyoCannasatego, Indian chief-speech ming, ix., 771. tot Delawares about lands, iv., 579. Captains recommended to or by Dies and is buried, v., 467. Congress,: x., 634. Appointed, Canasatagy, the chief town of the; xi., 2, 4, 17, 18, 20, 21,32,:37, Senecas, viii., 118. 62,: 74, 578, 740. Chosen, xii., 2, Canasoragy, an Indian town, vi.,444.. 88, 89, 338, 374, 662;' xiii., 160, Candles, price of, xii., 175. 275; xiv., 181. 48 INDEX TO;COLONIAL RECORDS. Carberry, Captain, case of, xii., 348. Carlisle, Alexander, is rewarded for Carberry, HIenry, Captain in Penn- arresting two persons, xiv., 666. sylvania line, to be arrested, xiii., Pardoned for extortion, xv., 33. 616. Trial, xiv., 105, 106, 240. Carnaghan, John, Sheriff, x., 212, Carey, Matthew, & Co., paid for 273. Deposition, 235. newspapers, xv., 25, 139. Carondowana, alias Robert Hunter Carey, Nathan, Sheriff, xv., 193. (an Indian), marries Mrs. MonCoroner, 300, 577. tour, a French woman, iii., 295, Cariljas, Don Francisco, Governor of 337. Monte Cristo, respecting priva- Carothers, Col., Lieutenant, request teers, viii., 235. to: resign; not accepted, xii,, 4. Carleton, General, letter to, xiii., Resignation accepted, 94, Letter 680. from, 100, 721. Carlisle, great distance from Phila- Carothers, John, Lieut.-Colonel, xi., delphia, v., 657. Commissioners - 272, 444, 489, 491. Intelligence appointed to hold conference with of Indian murders in Cumberland, Indians at, 665, 684, 719. Dis- 489,. 506, 520, 538. Return of tances to Shanoppens town, 750. militia, 772. Resigns, xii., 93, Suffering from Indians, vi., 675. 721. Fort at, 732. Indian conference Carpenter, Sub-Lieutenant, resigns, at, 776, 778-784. Conference with xii., 395. Indians at, vii., 1-6. Colonel Carpenter, Emanuel, Justice, xiii., Stanwix at, 714. Barracks at, 737. 290. Resigns, xiv., 563. Post through, to Winchester, to Carpenter, Lieutenant John, apbe continued, viii., 71. Barracks pointed, x., 678. complained of, 71. Fort at, 224., Carpenter, Joshua, a Justice, i., 382. Murder of Doctor John, &c., at, Carpenter, Samuel, has execution 455. Proclamationrespecting, 456. against Society of Free Traders, Colonel Bouquet at, ix., 35. Order i., 146, 149. Succeeds Clayof General Gage for troops at, 118.. poole in Council, 210. With Letter of Governor Penn to Cap- others proposes to set up a tain William Murray at, for troops bank, 236. Appointed by W. to Lancaster, 127. Lottery for Penn, assistant to Governor MarkEpiscopal church in, 243, 325. ham, 475. Appointed Treasurer, Frederick Stump in gaol at, 438. 576. Member of new Council, 580. Ordered from, to Philadelphia, 441. Proposes to settle claims for Blue Rescue of Stump, 448. Convic- Anchor Landing, and take Walnut tions, 513, 632. Lottery for Steele's street wharf, ii., 19. Asks allowchurch, 622. Conviction and exe- ance for taking Babbit, 55. Afcution, 743. Prisoners at, x., 688.. firmed, 96. Provincial Treasurer, Dr. John Kearsley removed to, -122. Produces his accounts, 153. 773. Return of election of Bur- Goes to New Castle about powder gesses, &c.-expenses of stores to, money, 351. Treasurer, 530. xiii., 575. Election for Chief Bur- Carpenters' Hall, militia to meet at, gess and other officers, xv., 216. to protect Congress from insult, Burgess of, 463. Gazette paid for xiii., 664. Rooms spoken of for printing, 518. Entitled to a third public offices, xvi., 486. Justice, 520. Carr, Jno., Sheriff, xii., 510; xiii., 87. Carlisle, Abraham, transcript of;re- Carriages, for majesty's service hire, cord of Court of Oyer and Termi- vii., 433. 443. Hire of, in majesner, xi., 600. Order for execution, ty's service, viii., 171, 333, 342, 606. Petition to delay execution 344, 373, 397, 549. Bill proposed till meeting of Assembly, 607, 613. for regulating hire of, 66. Of his Wife, 613. Condemned, Carrough and Fullerton, build and 614. Costs in case of, xii., 36. launch boat Effingham,," x., 314. Estate in Philadelphia sold to R. Carson, Andrew, pilot, xiv., 49, 53, Bethell, xii., 687; xiii., 6. 68, 69, 183. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 49 Carson, Ebenezer, deed to, at Tini- Cartledge, Edmund, suspected of cumn, xiii., 236, 623. murdering an Indian, iii., 146, Carson, James, bond to J. Moles- 148-156. Petition; bailed, 156. worth, xiii., 385. Committed to Sheriff till legally Carson, John, Indian trader, arrives discharged, 162. Habeas corpus, at Fort Augusta, vii., 773. 162. Delivered to magistrates, Carson, John, of Carlisle, to attend 165, 167. Petition for trial, 187. to repairs of muskets, xi., 739. Trial deferred, 191. Pardon asked Carson, John, letters to and from, for by Indians, 189, 200. xii., 8, 16. Clothes for a wounded Cartridges, certificate, x., 577. officer, 318. Weight of powder to ball, 587. Carson, Lieutenant, arrives with Sizes of muskets, 588. Paper for, prize to the ship General Greene; 701. - To have buckshot in, 626. mast required, xii., 19. Cartridge paper, x., 701. Carson, Joseph, Paymaster succeed- Cartwright, Richard, on bounds of ed, xi., 23, 27. To appraise an Connecticut, 1664, vi., 263. armed boat, 670. Paid for goods Casdrop, Major, to have bridge over seized in Bucks, 392, 397, 413, Schuylkill removed to the Dela462, 476. Asks for cannon, 636, ware, &c., xi., 298, 305. Called 696. Deed for part of Tinicum, into service; Richard Dennis to xii., 256. Fine remitted, 506. supply his place at Schuylkill, Deed to, for land on Hollander's 310. To replace bridge at, 536. Creek, xiii., 52. In N. L., 126. Cash, Caleb, Coroner, ix., 57, 199, Carson, Samuel, Lieutenant, xi., 286, 333, 398, 547, 623, 689, 777; 751. Applies for clothing, xii., x.,. 56. Dies, 78. 687. Caswell, Governor of North Carolina, Carter, Christopher, taken into custo- letter on refugee, xii., 314. Letdy, x., 360. May be visited in jail, ter on Convention, xv., 159. 371. Released on bond, 372. Catawba Indians, murder of, iii., Friends may visit, 397. To be re- 21. Aid in settling peace between leased, on leaving the country, 455. Virginia and, requested, iv., 755. Carter, Henry, traitor, xii., 273. Complaint against North Indians Carter, James, to superintend ma- by South Carolina, v., 346. Unking firelocks, x., 650. friendly -wampum returned in Carter, John, appointed Regulator of consequence by other Indians, Weights and Measures, iii., 372. 402. At Fort Loudoun, viii., Carter, William, Sheriff of -Philadel- 111. phia county, i., 195. Term ex- Cathcart, John, asks relief, respectpires, 211. ing goods sold him by Sheriff, iii., Carthagena, letter from Command- 241. ant, respecting citizens returned Catholics, Roman, letter from Jusfrom thence, xvi., 381. tices of Berks Co. respecting, vi., Cartledge, John, informs about dis- 503, 533. turbances at Conestogoe, iii., 15. Cattle, only one half of stock to be Interprets, 45. His accounts for killed, ii., 27. Certain days, betreaty with Indians, 81. Sent tween which none to be killed, 27. with wampum to Conestogoe In- To be driven from shores of river, dians, 114. Suspected of Indian xi., 4, 266, 281, 310. Stock to be murder, 146, 148-156, 157. Left preserved and fed; proclamation, off as Justice, 157. Committed to 429. Sheriff till legally discharged, 162. Cauffmann, Joseph, refused right to Admitted to habeas corpus, 162. hold land, being a Roman Catholic, Delivered to magistrates for trial, 596. 165. Message respecting, 167. Cavenaugh, William, Notary Public, Petition for trial, 186. Indians xiv., 287. ask for his pardon, 189, 200. Caves, in Philadelphia, dwellers in, Trial deferred, 191. ordered before Council, i., 160. 4 50 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Letter from Governor Penn, re- run line between Maryland and specting, 163, William Frampton Pennsylvania, iv., 313. petitions for removal, from before Chamberlain, Peter, road to, i., his door, 167, 199. To be cleared 387. by a certain day, 201. Chambers, Benjamin, appointed to Cayuga Indians, Scaienties, a noted keep order in public houses, i., 74. man among, at Chamber's Mill, As High Sheriff, to summon juries, v., 83. Indians in Philadelphia, 86. Appointed a Sub-Treasurer x., 255. for Philadelphia county, 111. Debt Cecil, Charles, claim for city lots, against, 152. Petition, 189, 190. xv., 379, 387, 436, 459, 480, 481. For a road to Bucks county, 298. Celeron, Captain, a French officer on Petition for Arch street bridge the Ohio - extraordinary letters and Front, 330. Water Bailiff, from, v., 425. Speech to Indians, 342. Complains of two Swedes 530. Leaden plates on Ohio, ministers setting up a boat at 634. Schuylkill ferry, ii., 137. Case Censors elected, xiii., 673, 719, 720, of Rudman and Sandal, 147, 721, 722, 723, 726, 729, 730. F. 149, 150. President of Free SoA. Muhlenberg, President, 744. ciety of Traders, 154, 163. InCensors, council of, F. A. Muhlen- vents a boat, 258. Objects to other berg, President, receives his pay, ferries, 258. Attacked by Swedes, xiv., 2, 8. S. Davidson, 140. W. 477. Petition about ferry, 525. Irvine, 160. St. Clair, 163. A Intelligence about Great Cove, Wayne, 166. Pay for, 170, 176, &c., vi., 675. 184. Doorkeeper paid, 196, 203, Chambers, Colonel, xii., 8. 210, 212. Pay to, 213, 229, 231. Chambers, James, applies to be Report of, 335. Prothonotary, xiii., 324. Census, United States, xvi., 401. Chambers, Joseph, at house at PaxCesna, Charles, xiii., 298. Com- ton, memorandum of message to plaints against, 509. To be prose- Indians, v., 84, 87. cuted for forgery and perjury, xiii., Chambers' mill at Paxton, Indians.683. His sureties, letter of Thos. at, v., 83. Smith on, xiv., 29. Fees paid in Chambers, Lieutenant John, account, case of, 266. xiii., 702. Cesna, John, Coroner, x., 101, 212. Chambers, Stephen, present at riot Sheriff, xii., 147, 547; xiii., 134. at J. Wilson's, gives bail, xii., Expenses as, xvi. 137. Censor, xiii., 722. Cesna, Major, xi., 123. Sheriff, 363. Chambers, Thomas, appointed EnTakes arms from individuals, xii., sign, xiii., 215. 575. Chambly and St. John, forts, prisonChalkley, Thomas, iii., 246. ers taken at, released on parole, x., Challenge, Captain Young confined 410. for giving a, xii., 62, 67. Chambou, Monsieur Du, commands Chaloner, John, Commissary —report Fort Du Buott, vi., 447. purchase of flour by agent of Ma- Chancellor, William, xvi.;, 456. ryland, xi., 767. Deputy Commis- Chancery Courts proposed, iii., 91, sary of purchases, xii., 253. Deed 105. Assemblyand Councilrecomfor part of Tinicum, 256. Appoint- mend Governor Keith to hold, ed auctioneer for N. L., xvi., 315, 105. Members of Council to sit 316. Auctioneer at Philadelphia, on bench with Governor, 106. receipts for duties on sales, 500. Proclamation for holding at PhilaChamberlain, Edward, appointed delphia, 106. Held by Governor Master at Arms, &c. Resigns, Gordon, 266. Persons appointed x., 512. to draw up rules, 266. Petitions Chamberlain, Maj. James, appointed respecting-history of, 617.; iv., Wagon Master, xii., 393. 19, 21, 22, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Chamberlaine, Samuel, appointed to 37, 38, 40-46. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 51 Chandler, Rev. Dr. Thomas B., let- Charter of Property read, ii., 54. A, ter to, x., 359. prepared by D. Lloyd, 61. Signed Chaplains to Battalions, x.,'452, under conditions, 62. Instrument 457, 550. asked for and sent to Assembly, Chapman, Abraham, Commissioner 109, 110, 157, 199, 252. for building new court-house and Charter of Liberty to be kept by prison for Bucks county, iii., 241. Master of Rolls, i., 111. For Chapman, Benjamin, Sheriff, vi., Philadelphia to be drawn up, 117. 638; vii., 266. Old charter taken, 573. Old and Chapman, John, Coroner, v., 55. new, 573, 580. Out of settlement, Justice, xi., 708; xv., 30. Re- 597. signs, 104. Chartier's Island, in Ohio, sale of Chapman, Joseph, Coroner, iv., 669, ordered, xvi., 284, 748, 782. Chartier, Peter, accepts a commisChapman, Samuel, imprisoned, xii., sion under French, iv., 757, 759. 540. Fears from, v., 1. Goes over to Charles, Robert, appointed clerk of French, 167. Seduces Ind'ns, 311. Council at suggestion of Governor Chartier, Martin, sent on message to Gordon, iii., 257. Minutes to be Indians, ii., 390. Complaint, 403. under inspection of James Logan, Indian interpreter, iii., 22. iii., 257. Commissioner to Mary- Chastenoy, Monsieur, Lieutenantland, 544. Appointed agent with General of Leeward Islands, relaBenjamin Franklin to England, tive to English prisoners taken by viii., 512. Agent in England, ix., French privateer, and also some 10. free negroes, v., 71, 122. Letter Charles II., King, death of, i., 132. to, with Spanish prisoners, 131. Charleston, S. C., yellow fever at, Reported capture of a French ship vessels from, examined and stop- from, 347. ped at Mud Island, xii., 457, 483. " Chatham," galley-man paid for Charlestown - exchanged prisoners loss of arm, xi., 464. Lieutenants arrive in Philadelphia in distress Meyers and McClaner, 576. Capand are provided for, xiii., 1. tain Roach, 578. Charter —number of members to " Chatham," gunboat, x., 305. stand, i., 71. To be enrolled, 71. Chatham, John, Coroner, xiii., 398. Read, signed, sealed and delivered, Chatham, Lieutenant John, of a and old one returned with hearty boat, x., 339. thanks, 72. Of liberty, 111. Cheaver, Peter, an Indian trader, Amended, 111. Members to be iii., 501. elected according to charter, 324, Cheltenham, road to Philadelphia, 577. i., 379, 384, 387. Petition about Charter for Bristol, iii., 102. road, ii., 549. Charter of Pennsylvania, i., 17. Chenastry, on Susquehanna, iii., 295. New preferred to old, 63. Altera- Cheny, Colonel Thomas, sub-Lieutions proposed, 68. To be tran- tenant of Chester, xi., 321, 507. scribed, 68. Committee to draw Cherokees, oppose the French, vii., up, 69, 70. Under great seal, 31. Conferencewith, 552. Chiefs 276. answer, 558. Message from, 528, Charter of Philadelphia, signed, ii., 599, 600, 603. Arrive destitute 61. Version respecting Justices at Fort Loudoun, viii.; Sir J. St. being Aldermen, 66. Bill for con- Clair's opinion of them, 77. He firmation proposed, 153. and Mr. Hockly refuse supplies, Charter of Privileges read, ii., 46. 77. March from Fort Loudoun, Of property, also of Philadelphia,: 111. Engaged to aid in defence, read, 53. Signed, 56. Copy of 112. Arrive from Virginia, 126. it, 56-60. Sent for, by Council, Deputy attacked with pleurisy, 103. Bill for confirming, 155, 156, 128. Message of, to Delawares, 157, 158, 170, 171, 172. 135. Sick recovers, 141. 52 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Chestnut Hill, action at, xiv., 637. tion and decision of Council, 144, Chester Co., Sheriff of, i., 58, 174. 158. Line of 1688 referred to, Seal for, ordered; its device, 66. 159. Papers of Record in hands Sub-Treasurer appointed for, 111. of Pat Robinson's widow, 159. Division line between Philadelphia Search for evidence of division and, 126, 154, 265, 266. Refusal line, 160. To pay expenses of to survey lands in, 151, 153. messenger to Maryland, 175. PeDeputy Surveyor of, 151, 154, 193. tition for respite of Mary Woolvin, A Justice complained of, 157. Re- 186, 193. And for Win. Hill, 189, quest of clerk, 182. Members of 193. Wm. Battin, to be hung in Council, 196, 213. Complaint chains, 193. Isaac Taylor, Suragainst Sheriff, 200. Which of veyor, and Elisha Gatchell, made the members to attend Council, prisoners by Maryland, 212, 214. 234. Welsh Tract, 263-265, 266. Road to Swede's Ford, 225, 230. Petition to extend it, 263. Depo- Road near Thomas Moore's mill, sition of John Blunston, 264. 227. Confirmed, 231. Complains Thomas Usher, 264. Election of encroachments and grievances disputed, 268. Taxes for New from New Castle county, 234, 236. Castle to be paid in, till division Division line, 234. Old Court, is made. 311. Justices, 320, 374. house and prison to be sold, 235. J. Blunston, member of Council, Justices, 256. Jno. Taylor, Sher331. Resigns, 333. Successor iff, Jno. Mendenhall, Coroner, 260, elected, and declines, 335. Sher- 289. Road through Pequea, 263. iff, 368. Petition to divide, from Commissioners appointed, 263. New Castle co., 379, 388. Jn. Bris- Send Justices left out, James tow, Ranger of, called to account James, commissioned, 282. John for a marked horse, 438. Amount Burt, an Indian trader from, 286. of one penny tax, 462. Trial Daniel Williamson, a member of of a vessel seized, to be in, 475. Assembly, dies, 228. Conviction Petition for a ferry at the rock, for murder of Indians in, 327. R. 478. Bridge over Chester creek, Parke, Coroner, 332. Jno. Tay522, 526. Sale of old Court house, lor, Sheriff, 332. Proposes a di525. Petition, Ann Baynton, 536. vision of the county; inconveniBridge over Chester creek, 525, ently large; no jail at, 343. Re624. Andrew Job, Sheriff, ii., 22. ference to Assembly, 344. DiviRoads, 33. Commission for a sion agreed to, and persons apCourt to be held extra, 105. Jno. pointed to it, 345. And lines, 345. Hoskins, Sheriff, 105, 397. Taxes, Complaint from Governor of Mary150. Road, 239. Wm. Davis, a land, 347. Division; Lancaster Justice, removed, 561. Trial for county taken from it, 355. Shermurder, 612, 613, 616, 629. Jus- iff and Coroner, 370, 387. Regutices, iii., 28, 50. Sheriffs, 31, lator of Weights and Measures 56, 69, 108, 140, 260, 332. Coro- appointed, 372. New Justices to ners, 31, 56, 69, 108, 140, 260, be elected, in lieu of those de332. Petition of murderers, 41. dined, 381. John Karnanghan, Justices complain of grievances in a Justice, 412. Sheriffs, 416, 464, commissions to Justices; action of 520, 574. Coroners, 416, 464, Council on, 57. Township of New 520, 574. Bridge to be built over Garden, 91. Rocks and mountains Cobb's creek, 426, 428. Persons between, and Philadelphia, 111. to build; their report, 431. HisPetition for a division between tory of division line, 470. JusPhiladelphia and, 111. Uninhabit- tices, 531, 533. Sheriffs, 614. ed and unsettled lands in, 142. Coroner, 614. Petition, respectPetition for roads, 142. Difficulties ing Court of Chancery; its hisin paying taxes for want of divi- tory, 617. Petition against Court sion line; Secretary's report on of Chancery, iv., 37. Sheriffs, original proprietary line, and ac- 86, 247, 309, 352, 469, 500, 602, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 53 669, 748, 782. Coroners, 86, 247, John. Lewis, 496. Justices, 573. 309, 352, 469, 500, 601, 669, 748, Dams, &c., 683. Banks, dams, 782. Difficulties with Maryland; &c., ix., 24. Coroners elected, 57, numerous documents, 101-151., 199, 285, 333, 398, 547, 623, 689, Road from Lancaster to Coventry 777. Sheriffs elected, 57, 199, Iron Works, on French creek, 152, 285, 333, 398, 547, 623, 689, 777, 266. Road from Susquehanna; Justices appointed, 205, 673, 750. laid out, 181. Case of Elisha Conviction, 235. Execution, 236, Gatchell attached by persons from 545, 678. Lottery for Episcopal Maryland, 227. Justices, 259, churches in, 243. Writ for elec312, 481, 482. Roads, 278, 282, tion of new member of Assembly, 284, 495, 503. Juror set aside in room of John Fairlamb, defor declining to take affirmation, ceased, 301. New member of 482. Standard weights andmeas- Assembly, in room of John Morures purchased by; Regulator ap- ton, 375. Sheriff to receive pointed, 507. Justices appointed, Stump and his servant from v., 3, 387, 547, 572. Sheriffs Lancaster, and send them to elected, 55, 120, 345, 411, 464, Philadelphia, 442. Act for em550, 597, 662. Coroners elected, bankments, 470, 472, 576, 658. 55, 120, 345, 411, 464, 550, 597, John Fairlamb dies, 550. Di662. Complaint against Justice vision of, 556, 563-579, 729. Ruston, 78, 95, 378. Road to Road to Philadelphia, 623, 627, Cobb's creek, &c. complained of 692. Forges and furnaces in 1750, by George Gray, 99,'100, 202. 632-636. Special Court, for trial Officers chosen by companies of of a negro in, for rape, 648. EmAssociators, 185, 186, 247. Com- bankments, x., 26, 42. Estate of missions to, 209, 325. Sheriff Samuel Phipps, &c., 40, 42. complained of by Governor Ogle, Sheriffs elected, 56, 100, 211, 270. case of Samuel England, 376, 382. Coroners elected, 56, 100, 211, 270. Justices Ruston and Emmet cornm- Justices; convictions; executions, plained of by inhabitants; proceed- &c, 43, 65, 94, 92, 265, 268. ings respecting them; Presbyte- "Chester County man" demands rians involved, 378. New county money from J. Galloway, 44. Alout of, 619. Act respecting In- leged error in road to Lancaster, specters, 619. Sheriffs. elected, 65, 69. Estate of Win. Martin, vi., 144, 638. Coroners elected, 72. Complaint against Sheriff, 144, 638. Law for chosing In- &c., for not aiding custom house spectors, 623, 624. Danger from officer in seizing a vessel, 230. DeIndians, 670. A large number of cision of Governor, that the jurispersons coming from, to compel diction of the county does not exGovernor and Assembly to pass tend into the river, 232. Estate certain laws, 729. Sheriffs elected, John Taylor, 259, 261. Proclavii., 266. Coroners elected, 266. manon for murderer of John Complaint of Justice Ashbridge, Fkghnar, 269. Colonel Wayne 406. Justices elected, 417. Mor- of, 288. Manufacture of arms in, decal Moore, C. Burgess, 417. 356. Letter to Committee to be Number of Roman Catholics in, prepared, 507. Powder for, 526. 448. Address of Assembly against Battalion ordered from Chester, William Moore, Justice, to Gov- 605. Troops to be ready, 627. ernor, 741. Proceedings, 776. Declaration of Independence to be Coroners appointed, viii., 223, 4 )3, published, 635, 677, 753. Elec506, 781. Sheriffs appointed, 223, tion contrary to Convention; Sher403, 506, 781. Case of William iff Vernon arraigned, 742. PrcMoore, Justice of, 1, 11, 17, 162, thonotary, xi., 188. Register and 282, 287. Wagons furnished by, Recorder of Deeds, 190. Prothon376. Respecting choice of Inspect- otary 197, 230, 244. Justices, 198, ors, 400. Trial and execution of 251, 274, 759. Recorder to be ~:54 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. written to respecting papers, 216. 392, 722. Sheriffs, 87, 392, 722. Artillery company applies for can- Censors, 722. Coroners, 87, 392, non, 219. Lieutenants, 229, 257, 722. Justices, 633. John Hannum 318. Paymaster, 230. Records as Justice resigns, 105, and Agent, detained from Prothonotary, C. 106. Robberyof collectors, 129. DeDavis; John Evans, Judge Su- positions, 139. Justices, 140. Wm. preme Court, 270. Militia sent Armstrong's estate, 182. Justices, to, from Philadelphia, 275. Wa- 219, 316. Estate of Winm. Madgons to be impressed; militia dock, 251. Militaryofficers elected, called out, 302, 318. Committee 282. Robberies in, 338. British to collect blankets, 328. Militia, goods seized, 482, 525, 526, 563. 360. John Temple seized and Robberies, proclamations, 339,533. imprisoned, 362. Pay to horse- Isaac Pyle pardoned, 577. Jusmen, 387. Case of Charles Din- tices, xiv., 138, 217, 226, 228, 567. gee, 402. Purchase of provisions Prothonotary, complaint against, in, 423. Paymaster, Beaton, 204, 209. Election, 238, 555. Sher444. Complaint against, for iffs, 238, 555. Represen'ives, 238, bringing to Philadelphia, provi- 558. Coroner, 238, 555. Coinsions, 445. Traitors in, 496. missioner, 238, 555. Execution Militia, 497. Murder of William ordered, 240. Contested election, iammon, and proclamation, 446. 260. Collector of excise, 445. Flag at, 591. Ravages of enemy Adam Grubb, flour inspector, 487. in; expenses of prisoners; guard Lieutenant, 486. Appeal of Lieut. to aid in collecting militia fines in, Thomas Levis, 522. Militia, 584. 507. Justices, 541. Disputed elec- Execution of Eliz. Wilson ordered, tion of representatives, 621, 622, 586. Postponed, 591. Execution 623. Claim and payment of reward of Robert Elliott ordered, 622. for arrest of James Fitzpatrick, a Pardoned, 635. Abuses and irregnoted robber, 616, Sheriff, 624. ularities, 647. Lieut'nt R. Smith Commissioners and Assessors' removed, 650. Restored as Lieut. election illegal, 662. Elections, of County-further proceedings, 729, 760, 772. Militia officers 658, 660, 661, 664, 665, 666, 670. chosen, xii., 2. Justices, 15, 285. Sales of confiscated lands ordered W. Clingham receives subscrip- of A. Matthias, Aspden, &c., 663. tions to Loan Office, 47. Militia SuccessortoR. Smith, 666. Chas. called out, 129. Councillor, 131, Dilworth appointed, 670. Pardon 148. Justices, 752. Assembly, of severalpersons, 671. P. Frazer, 131, 512. Sheriff, 131, 151, 512. Recorder and Register, xv., 4; Coroners, 131, 151, 512. Militia; and Justice, 38. Sale of P. Bulresolution respecting, 142. Elec- la's property postponed, 6. F. & tion of D. Gardner confirmed, 146. W. Armstrong's do., 9. Orders Estate of Christian Wilson, 246. for executions of McDonough and Military officers appointed, 298. Shirtliffe, the latter to be reprieved Commissioner of purchases, 301. under the gallows, 31. Militia, Murder of Win. Boyd in, by Jno. 32, 37, 40, 98, 105. Justices, 38, and Robert Smith; reward offered 39, 41, 96, 359, 450. Sale of R. by State, 349. Paid, 362. Mili- Young's property postponed, 61. tary election, 379. Militia duty, Contested election, 62, 131. Deed 456. Estate David Dawson, 463. for late estate of M. Aspden in, 72. Justices and -Treasurer resign, Sheriffs, 98, 296, 566. Coroner, 526. Appointments, 554. Pay 98, 296, 566. Sale'f estate of for soldiers, 600. Auditors, 647. Peter Bell postponed, 120. PetiAgents not to receive money for tion of tax collectors; Capt. David sales at Hogg Island, xiii., 14. Hayes's Co., 141. Treas.'s acc't, False returns of election, 43. Mi- 179. Contested elections, 182. J. litia called out, 53. Sales of confis- McClelland, County Lieutenant, in catedestates, 56, 57. Elections, 87, room of C. Dilworth, resigned, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 53 197. Account of D. Cloyd, Trea- in, iii., 233. Passed, 235. Not room surer of, for taxes, &c., 227. Cap- for troops at, x., 540. Colonel tain Rudolph's company, 261. Moses Moore, Colonel R. Thomas Negro of John Bell, fine remitted, of county, arms to, 672. 267. Election set aside, 326. Cheston, Daniel, runs off with GovFines, 327, 328, 413. Reduced, ernor's negroes from Cape de 371. Complaints against Cabel Verde-proceedings against him, Davis, prothonotary, 404, 405, iv., 289. Released on bail, 296. 406, 410. Petition of Quakers to Chevalier, James, clerk in Register's Council respecting militia fines office, xvi., 445. and order of Council on it, 418. Chevaux-de-frise to be sunk oppoContested election, 450. R. Wil- site the Fort, x., 334. Committee ling, councillor, 566. Justices, to attend to it, 334. Certain perxvi., 6, 38, 52, 88, 96, 200, 433. sons only to act as pilots, 372, 376. Militia, 8, 18, 251. Accounts in, Logs for a third tier, 390. To be 30, 34. Sureties for prothonotary, connected by chains, 399. Com31. Contested election, 38. Chil- missioners to buy logs, 404. More dren of John L. Shumann called to be sunk, 404. Views of commiton to pursue a claim in Germany, tee on defending, 474. A. Donald49. Accounts of John Christie, son to launch at Gloucester-John collector of excise, 50. Amount Coburn to take them to their of tavern and marriage licenses, places near Fort Island, 513; and 61. Contested election, 68. Con- Captain Rige, 514, 616. Sunk at firmed, 88. Tavern licenses, 166. Fort Island to be examined, 519. Opinion of Attorney-General in Boom to be sunk, 525. Two more, regard to Justices and-Judges, on 535. What vessels may pass, division of the county, 187. She- 540. Pay of men at, 556, 567, riff, 190, 232, 492. Coroner, 190, 598. To be sunk-Robert Smith, 232, 492. Part erected into new 603, 606, 645. Pilots through, county-surety increased, 194. Re- 611. Workmen, 636. Timber for, port on contested election-it is 645. Piers-Captain Whyte, 648, confirmed and Justice R. Cooper 650, 682, 700. J. Coburn, 722. elected, 200. Doctr. Thomas Rus- S. Morris, 753. Vessels to be ton claims his seat in Council over inspected, 779. To raise, 781. Colonel R. Willino —decision, 202. No vessels to pass, xi., 4, 25. Tavern licenses, 272. Excise re- Samuel Wheeler works at, 5. Received by J. Christie, 355. Mili- lating to, 60. Under charge of tia battalion of Colonel John Mc- Navy Board, 122. Pilots not subDowell, 372. Tavern and marriage ject to fine, 233. Tobe discharged, licenses, 380. Repairs of arms, 281. A. Donaldson, 558. New 416. Militia officers elected, 419. ones ordered, 725. Building by Pay of Captain David Crosby's Francis McClester, 752. Removal company, 424. Andrew Boyd, of, xiii., 637. On Jersey shore to wagon-master, 533. be sold, 590, 671. Proposal De Chester, town or borough, complaint Bartine and G., 739. Removal, of Robert Wade against authori- xiv., 58, 73, 78, 104, 153, 200, ties for laying out a street and 241, 501. wharf on his property, i., 440, Chew, Benjamin, appointed Attor477. Bridge. over Chester creek, ney-General, vi., 277. Commis522, 526, 624. D. Lloyd's lots in sioner to Lancaster, vii., 93, 96. the green-claim of Church, 55:6. Goes to Easton with Governor, vii., Petition and order- respecting 204. Speaker of Assembly at fairs, ii., 40. Proposed act to Newcastle, 295. To draw up confirm to Ralph Fishbourn the message to Assembly, 433, 441, old court-house of, 218. Asks to 442, 716. Attorney-General Sube a free port, 546. Act proposed preme Court, viii., 66. Gives to sell old court-house and prison opinion on registers for Dutch 56 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. vessels, 155. Testimony respect- Christ Church, Philadelphia, vestry ing land office, 338, 342. Report, to be informed of proposed bill 345. Opinion on rights of aliens, to alienate lands, ii., 222. Cer355. Second report on warrants, tificate of Robert Jenny, rector 361. Protests against Governor &c., of Governor's having taken on bill for commission, viii., 357. Sacrament, vii., 741. Bells rung, Objections to bill on warrants, 361. for peace between France and Attorney-General asks for fees- Spain, ix., 42. In compliment Governor's message, 666. To to Governor John Penn, 72. draw for money granted by Par- Representation from Wardens, &c. liament, ix., *2, 4. Appointed respecting Rev. Mr. Comlb, xi., Chief Justice of Supreme Court, 296, 300. Bells rung on capture x., 173. Chief Justice, Register- of Cornwallis; pay to ringers, General of Wills, &c., and one of xiii., 143. Joseph Dolby receives Governor's Council, prisoner, to pay for, 423, 559, 563. Bells be removed by Congress-refuses rung on La Fayette's arrival, xiv., signing parole, xi., 264.. Escort 176. On anniversary of Indefor, 265, 266. Rev. Dr. Ewing pendence, 494. Pay for ringing apologizes for, and declares his wil- bells of, 4th July, xv., 60. On lingness to sign the parole, 267. proclamation of President and Papers of Land Office to be de- Vice President, 121, 344, 363, 597. manded of, xiii., 434. Deposition, Bells rung, xvi., 2242, 410. xiv., 463. Charter returned to, Christ, Henry, Sheriff, viii., 780. 513. Agent for Proprietaries, xiv., Respecting Reading, xii., 780. 624. - Justice, xiv., 170. Chew, John, a Justice, x., 9. Christ, John, Register and Recorder, Chew, Richard, x., 694. xvi., 143. Chew, Sam'l, M. D., befriends Wmin. Christian Religion, religious worship Rumsey, of Maryland, iii., 591. restricted to the, ii., 220. Sam. Chew, a Justice, x., 9. Third Christiana, fort at, reinforced by Justice of Supreme Court, 108. Marylanders, i., 188. Chichester, weekly market and fair, Christiana, Fort, Virginia, murder of i., 558. Petition for a fair and Catawba Indians at, iii., 21. market; established, ii., 12. Lot- Christie, Captain, vii., 714. tery for Episcopal Ch. in, ix., 243. Christie, Dr. David, buys city lots, Chickasalary, John, (Indian) at Au- xvi., 95. gusta, desires a conference with Christie, John, Second Lieutenant, C. Weiser, viii., 458. x., 488. Chief Justice appointed, Jeremiah Christy, William, releases prisoners Langhorne, in room J. Logan, iv., from jail, x., 227. 348. Death of, 640; v., 433. Ap- Church of England complains against pointed, xi., 186, 195, 202, 249, law about marriages, ii., 26, 48. 254. McKean opinion on charac- On alienation of lands, 222. ters of prisoners, xii., 75. Mc- Clergy to be protected, William Kean re-appointed, xiv., 167. Penn, Jr. being a member, iii., Chillaway, Job, (Indian), complains 64. Proportion of, to Quakers in of being cheated in a horse, viii., Council observed, 143. Frequent 489. absence of, 143. Equal on SuChina Factory, xii., 204. preme Court, 158. Petition of China, ship Brothers, Captain Josiah, Wardens of Christ Church respectsails-under sea letter from Coun- ing Keithian meeting house, 394. cil-for, xvi., 2242. Churches in City; troops to be quarCheverie, Captain De, to be arrested, tered in, if not provided for elsev., 168. where, x., 673. Chorley, Joseph, ferry at, i., 514. Civility, or Tagodrancy, Indian Chovet, Dr., gives certificate in favor Chief, ii., 553, 565. In PhiladelS. Fisher, xii., 221. phia, 566. Indian Chief, iii., 15. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 57 At Philadelphia conference, 45, forfeited money to Treasurer, xiii., 163. Meeting of Governors and 341. Manager of State Lottery, Indians at his cabin, 121, Visit xiv., 286, 652. Marshal; accounts of Governor to, and presents, 302.. called for, xv., 397. Loses child, 332. At Philadelphia, Clarkson, Major Matthew, A. D. C., 361. letter from, respecting Miss Levy, Clapham, Colonel William, on cessa- xi., 676. Summoned before C. tion of Indian hostilities, vii., 117. denies their right, 677. Aid Letters to and from, 155, 157, 161. to General Arnold, 709. Conferences with Indians, 157. Clause, Daniel, letters to and from, Answer of Governor Morris to In- vi.. 181, 292. Lives with Hen*dians, 158. drick, the Mohawk Chief, 182. Clarke, George, Coroner, xv., 589; Letter on Lydius' deed, 249. To xvi., 210, 495, 516. Onondago,'291. At Albany, 293. Clark, James, Coroner, iv., 602. Conference with Indians at ColoClarke, John, Sheriff, x., 270. Re- nel Johnson's, 468-475. Statesigns as Justice of Bucks, xiii., ment of designs of French and In732. dians, vii., 43. Letters to and Clark, Samuel, Coroner, xvi., 212, from, 155. 514, 537. Claypoole, James, answers to execuClark, Thomas, a lawyer, opinion on tion against the Society of Free bill for Courts, ii., 254. Traders; appeal to England, i., Clark, Thomas, a traitor, to be ar- 146, 149. Appointed Judge, 153, rested, xi., 539, 542. 156.' Applies to be Register Clarke, William, member of First General, 185. Complaint against Council, i., 57. Has leave of Clerk of County Court, 190. Apabsence, 78. A Judge, 324, pointed Register General, 195. 331. Complaint, 339. Collector Member of Council, 196. Dies, of Customs; seizes goods, 450. 208. His successor, 210. Seal Member of new Council, 580. A to be delivered as clerk, 250. D. provincial Judge, ii., 87. Takes Lloyd refused to deliver papers, affirmation, 96. Member of Coun- 256, 265, 333, 341. Division of oil, 117. Complaint against estate, 341, 537. Clerk of New claims of boundary between Mary- Castle; to deliver up records, ii., land and Pennsylvania, 362. Ap- 97. Applies to be Sheriff of Philaplies to be measure sealer, v., 280; delphia county, xi., 217. Apx., 688, 699, 735; xi., 496, 508; pointed, 223, 502, 511, 512. Sherxii., 31. iff, 595, 599, 614. Clarkson, Matthew, Justice and No- Claypoole, John, Appointed Shertary; may take acknowledge- iff of Philadelphia county, i., 211. ments, ix., 760. A Justice, x., Not to continue in office as others, 48. Quarter-master, 314. Ap- 321. Collector of monies, 384. pointed by Committee of Safety Fees, 388. Seizes goods from MarMarshal of Court of Admiralty, shal, 543. Complaint against, 555. 538. To superintend troops going Sheriff, complaint against, ii., 21. to Trenton in shallops with oars, Claypoole, John, upholsterer, xv., xi., 24. Petition, 176. To be 598. Marshal, 576, 657, 760. Case Clayton, Ashur,'deposition respectof sloop Active, 657. Marshal ing Wyoming, ix., 767. memorial, xii., 105. Obstructed -Clayton, John, Jr., Sheriff, v., 597, by a merchant; advice, 105, 662. 155, 316, 351. On currency, 353. Clayton, John, invents a machine Marshal answer to memorial, for threshing wheat, ix., 698. 482. Complaints against, 523, Clayton, William, claim for building 531. Exonerated but superceded, the Cage in Philadelphia, ii., 26. 533. And case of F. Hopkinson, Clement, Jacob, patent for land, xvi., 579, 584. Late Marshal; to pay 2202. 58 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Clerk of a Court cannot act as at- Clowes, Peter, Coroner, iv., 500, 602. torney in it, i., 170. Sheriff, v., 411. Clerke, Colonel.William, Paymaster, Club, Mrs. Margaret, pass for, xiii., xi., 272. 567. Clerkship, errors of, how amended, Cluggage, Captain of Rangers, xii., i., 461. 32. Clifford, Thomas, messenger of Cluggage, Robert, Justice, xiii., 367. Council, obtains aid from counties, Resigns, 748. i., 212. Door-keeper to Council, Cluggage, Thomas, Captain, xi., 740. 298. Clunie, James, Sheriff, xv., 570; Clift, Benjamin, i., 435. xvi., 195, 498, 499. Clifton, William, asks for money to Clunn, Captain John, to be arrested, search for coal in Bucks county, convicted and imprisoned for treax., 427. son, xii., 199. Conspiracy with Cline, Sergeant, asks to be promoted, enemy from Elizabethtown, 206. xi., 774. Discharged, 207. Trunks delivClingan, William, Justice, xv., 41. ered to Gov. of New Jersey, 224. Clingham, William, Member of Con- Clymer, Daniel, present at riot at gress, xi., 385; xii., 47. J. Wilson's-surrenders and gives Clinton, Governor George, of New bail, xii., 128. Deeds to, 323, York, letter on position of French 348. Applies to be naval officer, and Indians, iv., 772. Letter on xiii., 735. French and Indian affairs, v., 30. Clymer, George, Continental TreaTo furnish account of payments surer, to have battery built, x., to troops, &c.~ 131. Letter to and 401. Appointed Commissioner, from, for information, 133, 135, xv., 5. 164. Cannon requested from, 173. Clymer, William, member of AssemLetter to and from, 178 to 189, bly from Philadelphia, deceased, 205, 215, 265, 284, 297, 305, 462. v., 516. Address of Assembly to, 465. Let- Coal to be taken up out of the river, ter, 495, 517, 548, 553. Letter to x., 421. To be purchased, 422. Governor of Canada, 553. To Thrown into river, 423. Quantity, Governor H., 553. Answer to, 423. Quantity in Philadelphia, 554. Letters, 573, 575, 607, 625, 425. Brought from Virginia, 707. 639, 642. Proceedings of Council Ordered from Jamaica, 428. Mine at Fort George, 640-667. Very ill, searched for in Bucks county, 428. 647. Provision by the State for Coart, Rev. Mr., letter to-murders officers, xii., 305. Letter on boun- by Indians, vi., 658. dary, xiv., 457. Letter, &c., re- Coates, Dr. John, commands boat, specting rioters in Luzerne coun- xi., 2; xii., 142. ty, xv., 497. Ratification of Con- *Coates, William, appointed Lieut. stitution by New York, 506. Asked Colonel, xi., 31. Lieutenant of for letters of John Franklin, 571. County Philadelphia, 207, 221, Amendments of Constitution, xvi., 257, 258, 261, 275, 318, 390. 103. A prisoner, 419. Prisoner on paClothes, law proposed for two sorts role-exchange, xii., 51. Assemonly, one for winter and one for bly, 131. To muster militia, 220. summer, i., 93. Appointed Lieutenant, 298. MeClothier, State, app'd, xii., 56, 87. morial respecting pay of men, Clothing, v., 53, 56. To be pur- xiii., 503; xv., 13, 373. Paid, chased by an agent, x.j 538. Ap- 209. Justice, 520. plications for, xi., 772. Receiver- Cobeas, Lieutenant John-recruits, General of, 407, 588., 591; xii., xi., 424. 92, 94, 174, 267, 622. Cobey, John, Second Lieutenant, x., Cloughan, William, Justice, xi., 759. 457. Clowes, John, Coroner, iii., 416. Coblehill, Indian disabled at, x., Justice, ix., 203. Dies, 581. 435. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 59 Cobb's creek, near Darby, the first Cole, Colonel Philip, x., 744, 746; dividing line between Chester xi., 83. county and Philadelphia county, Coleman, William, appointed third iii., 144. Bridge to be built over, Judge, viii., 77, 481. Committee 426, 428, 431. Road to, very an- on warrants, 342. Report, 345. cient, in use before grant of Pro- Reference of warrants to, 342, 361. vince, v., 100, 202. Judge, 481, 592. Judge of SuCoburn, John, to take chevaux-de- preme Court, ix., 393. frise from Gloucester, near Fort Collectors of customs, ii., 121, 123, Island, x., 513, 539. Pay for 127; xiv., 52. sinking chevaux-de-frise, 567, Collectors of excise, xiv., 445, 573, 598, 645, 648, 672, 682, 722. 620. Coburn, Thomas, pay for attending College, Academy and Charity Sch'ls flag at Chester, xi., 590. of Philadelphia, condition and useCochran, Captain, company to be fulness-act for suppressinglottepaid, xi., 15, 424. ries and plays levelled against Cochran, William, Sub-Lieutenant, them-vindication —statistics, &c., xi., 379. viii., 339. Imprisonment of ProCock, Captain Lasse, asks leave of veost Smith, 443. Charter for, 40. absence to attend to Society's busi- Commencement postponed, xii., ness, i., 65. Member of first Coun- 43, 98. [See University.] cil, 57. Offers to take up arms- College at Princeton, pay for damage proposes visit to Indians, 334. In- done to, by militia, xiii., 64. terpreter, 435. Collier, James, Captain, xi., 750. Cock, Lawrence, a councillor, i., 365. Collier, Joseph, makes saltpetre, x., Codorus river, fisheries in, ix., 719, 480. 720. Collier, Richard, Quartermaster, x., Cceur, Jean, a French officer ori Ohio, 480. sent to Ohio for Indians, v., 462. Collings, Robert, commands privaLeaden plate stolen from, 508. teer, xi., 3. Speech, 531. Collins, Thomas, Sheriff, ix., 199, Coffin, Stephen, deposition respect- 286, 333. ing his being made prisoner by Colonels-recommended to Congress French and Indians on Ohio, vi., as, x., 442. Appointed, 443. 9. Lieutenant, 444. Appointed, 445. Cohen, Benjamin, Attorney-General xi., 31: xii., 71. and member of Council, vi., 666. Colonial Records, respecting publiCohen, Solomon Myers, deed for cation, i., 9-16. Message of Govcity lot, xiii., 598. ernor Johnston recommending Cohongoruton, Indian name for Po- publication of, iv., 1. Report of towmac river, iv., 719. Committee of Senate, 1. Act proCoin, too much taken to East Jersey posed, providing for, 8. Report to pay cattle, ii., 27. Rates at of select committee of House of which foreign, are to pass pro- Representat'es recommending, 10. claimed, 179. Exportation of, 529. Act passed by Assembly for, 14. Gold and silver, value of, iv., 357, Colonies, petition from, &c., x., 238, 358, 361-2. 248, 250, 251. Coiners, two convicted, vii., 725. Colony vessel, estimate of equipColden, Alexander, Deputy Post- ment of a, v., 272. master in New York, v., 647. Colt, Arnold, Collector of Excise, Colden, Governor Cad'r, of New xvi., 308, York-letters to and from, ix., Colville, Lord, Commander of fleet 113, 120. Protection of Indians in North America, asks for searefused, 121. Minutes of New men, vii., 772, 775. Of naval York Council, 121. Administers forces in America, ix., 299. oath to Governor Penn, 630. In- Commerce, donation by Assembly dian trade, 656. to encourage, xiv., 51. 60 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Commercial Convention, xv., 82. and-J. Hughes; Letter from; meet Letter and papers from Fenoh Council; examination of several Coxe, Commissioner to, 86. Ex- persons, vii., 153. Letter to Govpenses paid, 250. ernor, 773. Commissary's office in Philadelphia, Commissioners, provincial, letter to, x., 698; xi., 448. respecting quarters for troops, vii., Commissary of provisions, x., 510. 380. And answer, 380. Applied Commission of provincial Judges, i., to by Governor; their answer, 121. Of Collector of Customs, 383. To Governor, 498, 636, 657, 148. To Markham, Goodson and 671, 694, 733. Governor to, 671, Ellis, 205. For successor to Black- 672. Governor complains of, viii., well, 315. For BenjaminFletcher, 64, 66. as Governor, 345-364. For officers Commissioners appointed to remove of Customs, 534-539. For trials, settlers from Indian lands, ix., &c., ii., 112, 123. Style of, iii., 481. Instructions, 483. Letter, 256. For Justices, 28. Style of, Governor John Penn to, 237. 62, 175. To military officers in Names of, 237, 240. Answer to the counties, v., 209. To Colonel circular, 240. For making road Taylor to command battery, 251. from Lancaster to Philadelphia To Abraham Wiltbank, 266. To appointed, 657. Captain Sibbald, 267. Military, Commissioners to settle accounts of vi., 754. Colonel James Burd militia and flying camp of Berks and Josiah Davenport, to receive county; and instructions, xi., 146. prisoners from Indians, viii., 776. Commissioners, under Act of AtTo James Searle, xii., 414, 418. tainder; their names, and instrucCommissioner to receive public aid, tions, xi., 479. i., 111. To purchase lands from Commissioners elected, xii., 134 Indians, 156. To regulate Water 136, 506; xiii., 719-723. Courses appointed, ii., 23. Report, Commissioners of purchases, A24. Under dedimus to administer pointed, xii., 301, 302. List of, oaths, 62, 92. 302, 305, 306. More pay, 362,370, Commissioners of property, their 371, 372, 393, 405, 406, 434, 660. commission and names, ii., 61. xiii., 7, 18. Controversy between Commissioners for Indian Affairs at S. Lyons and Major Smith, Albany; proposal, iii., 82. 222. Commissioners on line with Mary- Commissioners, xiv., 230, 256, 490, land, iii., 464, 497, 544. Report 504, 555, 602. Of taxes for Philaand oath, 544. delphia, 4, 9, 151. For settling Commissioners to treaty at Albany account of Commissary's departreport, v., 27, 36, 296, 299. In- ment, 28, 386. For treaty with structions to, 300. At Lancaster, Indians, 40, 45, 51, 72, 186, 205, report of, 306. 452, 514, 518, 658. On boundary Commissioners to run line between with Virginia, 56, 59, 60. Their Maryland and Pennsylvania, iv., pay, 60, 69, 74, 211, 286. Re313, 329. port, 288, 518. To examine SusCommissioners for laying out a road quehanna river, 182. To profrom Philadelphia through several ceed to Wyoming; on claims, counties to Easton, v., 577, 610. 202, 204, 235. Of streets, 230. To hold conference with Indians Roads, 442. On islands in Dela. at Carlisle, 658. Ieport of, 664. ware, 345, 460, 505. On northCommissioners, provincial letter to, ern and western line, 363, 380, vi., 744. 385, 399, 445, 454, 460, 507, 514, Commissioners to Albany, vi., 25. 655. Their commission, 47. Of wagons, Commissioners for improving Sus. 775, quehanna river, xiv., 485. Commissioners to Indians, B. Frank- Commissioners appointed, xv., 2, lin, J. Mifflin, J. Fox, E. Morgan 5. Northern boundary, 12, 16, 22, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 61 190, 212, 340, 356, 382, 464. to procure powder and saltpetre, North-western boundary, 16, 19, 282. Model of a pike to be pro38, 39. Man killed while in ser- cured, 283, 284. Committee visvice, 285. Laying out road from it Red Bank and Mud fort and Millers' Spring to Pittsburg, 13. examine river; they deem it imTo Wyoming, 22. To examine practicable to lay a boom across, River Delaware, 19. For inland 283. Committee for construction navigation, 60, 135. For islands of boats, &c.; one for inspecting in Delaware river, 65. To lay out ordnance, &c., 283. Commissary road between Juniata and Cone- of stores, 284. Plan for building maugh, 191. On claims in Lu- a boat or calevat, 284. Various zerne county, 214, 217, 237, 453, committees appointed, 282, 284, 470, 471, 472. To Wyoming, 289. Thanks to author of a plan, 314. Between New York and 284. Order on Captain Loxley Pennsylvania, report it finished, - for guns, &c., 285. Plan for stop340, 356, 554. To lay out roads ping the channel rewarded, 286. in Northampton and Luzerne, 425. Members of Continental Congress To view Jones' lane, 448. paid, 286. Ground to be viewed, Commissioners for ascertaining for a proposed battery, 286. Grape claims of settlers at Wyoming, shot to be procured, 286. Boats xvi., 16. To ascertain quantity to be built, and carpenters, &c. to and quality of land at and near be employed, 287. Inhabitants of Wyoming, 22. To purchase tri- New Jersey to be asked for aid in angle at Lake Erie Report, 36. defence of river, 287. Military On boundary line of Huntingdon guard to be appointed at State county, 46. For Indian affairs, House; commanders appointed 63, 178. To view Delaware, for boats; New Jersey will furnish Schuylkill, Susquehanna and Ju- logs, &c. for obstructing channel, niata, 178. Instructions to, 181. 287. Minute men, and arms for J. Sellers resigns; B. Rittenhouse boats, 287 Committee to borrow appointed, 194. Instructions to, money provincial Treasurer, 286. 208, 347. Letter from, 2222, 260, Medicines for use of hospitals, 288. 279. Pay, 384, 462, 513. To Offer to take charge of powder, examine Quittapahilla and Swa- 288. Keeper of stores and cannon, tara and other rivers, 315. T. 288. Account of logs from New Matlack, J. Adlum and Samuel Jersey, 289. Names of boats, Maclay; also F. Antes, R. Howell 287, 290, 296. Account of logs and William Dean, 319. Pay, furnished by New Jersey, 289. 321. Instructions, 337. Order Committee to inquire respecting to, 347, 407, 429, 525, 544, 547. damaged gunpowder and saltpetre On road to Pittsburgh, report, at Long Island, 289, 291. Teams 466-476, 530. to be furnished New Jersey, 289. Committee of Inspection and Obser- Workmen for fire arms to be provation, x., 497; 645. cured, 289. Joel Ferree makes Committee of Safety, minutes of, x., guns at Lancaster, 290. To attend 279-652. And regulations, 283. the launch of the "Bull Dog," Resolutions of Assembly; Asso- 290, 291. Names of commanders ciators; Commissioners and As- of boats, 287, 290, 296. Model sessors; minute men; fire-locks; presented of a boat, 291. List of saltpetre; names of Committee of medicines; orders for, 292. Plan Safety; duties, 280. Bills of credit; of Captain John McPherson's for signers-amounts; Treasurer; tax defence of this country; thanks sinking bills, &c., 281. Benjamin to, 292. Resolutions of Congress, Franklin, president, William Gov- recommending active measures, ett, clerk; patterns of muskets 292. Advertisement in conseto be provided Colonel John Cad- quence, 294. Committee report walader and S. Moore; committee H og Island rather than Billings 62 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. port for the "frames," 294. "A' And Jno. M. Nesbitt, 356. Report'"rowing wheel" invented, 295. of arms, being made, 356. ResoBorrow money from Wardens, lution of Congress for arrest of 295, 296, 297. Form of a com- dangerous persons going at large, mission for officers of military as- 357. Proceedings; papers andpersociation, 295. Model of a boat, sons arrested, &c., 358, 360. Or296. Guard for powder in new der to jailor, 359. Carpenters to jail at night and on Sundays, 296. be employed to make floats for Cannon balls to be purchased, 297. machines for Fort Island, 360. Memorial from committee of city, Lend Congress powder, 361. Agree &c., 297. Committee appointedto upon a list of military stores, 362. draw up rules and regulations for Order pilots for chevaux-de-frise, associators, 297. Dr. Franklin ap- 363. Send powder to Northampplies for powder for General Schuy- ton, 363. Wim. Allen presents ler, 300. Robert Towers, keeper cannon shot; thanks to, 364. of Magazine, 300. Military asso- Instructions to Peter Long as shipciations of York, Cumberland, &c. husband, 364. Resolve of Conapply for pattern guns, &c., 300. gress to. raise a battalion for genInquire what quantity of lead may eral defence, 365. Firelocks and be had in city; can find only bayonets to be collected, 366. five hundred weight, 300. Three Hospital requested for use of sick, ministerial officers arrive from 366. Granted gratis except for Cork, 302. Captain William venereal patients, 366. Cases of Bradford to take them in custody Dr. Kearsley and Brooks laid beand bring them before the, 302. fore Congress, 367. AccommodaProceedings against them, as com- tions provided at Fort Island, 367. ing to enlist with General Gage in Instructions for armed boats, 368. Boston; required to sign an in- For defence at Fort Island, 368..strument of writing that they Hulk to be sunk in river, 368. will not serve against the Colonies, May erect works on Province 303. List of packages of goods Island, 371. An English deserter arrived with them for use of the receives aid, 372. Proposals of army under General Gage; pro- pilots, 372. Christopher Carter ceedings against them, 304, 305, released, 372. Re-appointed by 306. Articles of association, 308- Assembly, 373. Grant Dr. Kears312, 315. Recommendations as ley a clerk, 374. Riots; arms, to rank, 315-321. Various com- 375. Gunsmiths, 376. Pilots mittees, 328. Order a seal, with enter into an agreement, 376. device and motto, 328. Chevaux- Oaths taken by them, 376. Vesde-frise to be sunk opposite fort, sel cast away on Jersey coast, 334. Committee to see it done, with men and ammunition; state334. Regulation of pilots, 337, ment, &c., 377. Order Dr. KearsWatch at the Capes, 356. Buoys ley to Yorktown jail, 378. Order to be taken up; cannon lent to to R. Morris for expenses, 381. Lewes, 338. Comnm'tee to examine Appoint Thos. Proctor Capt'n, and knapsacks, &c.; resolution of Con- David Rittenhouse, engineer, 383. gress respecting Major Rogers, Engage person from York to make 342. Funds sent to counties for saltpetre, 384. Correction of arms and ammunition, 346. Car- minutes, 385. Export provisions tridges reduced, 347. Memorial to West Indies, to be returned in to Assembly on state of affairs, arms, &c., 385. Orders for con348. Estimate of monies, 350. finement of officers and men Arms called in, 351. Lewes and stranded on New Jersey, 385-387. Pilot Town to be supplied with Defence of city, 390. Captain ammunition, 352. Offer of car- Proctor's company to be received bines by Congress accepted, 354. into barracks, 390. Rules and Warrant, &c. for Jno. Ross, 355. regulations for artillery company, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 63 391. Resolution respecting Capt. Order artillery company to Fort Proctor's company, 394. Loan of Island; fire-rafts; a battery to be powder to Cofigress, 395. Inquire built, 437. Restore Captain if a master of arms is necessary, Proctor, 438. Files ordered, 438. 395. Turpentine to be purchased, Order for Russia sheeting; in395. Quantity of sulphur in city, quiry what goods of Joshua 395. Committee to contract for Fisher & Son are in possession building and equipping a ship of of Committee of Inspection, 439, war for river service, 396. Regu- 449, 451, 453, 454. Resolutions lations for pilots, 396. Pilot be- respecting city and liberties, retween Philadelphia and Chester, specting powder, 440. Congress 397. Agree to purchase powder may employ three pilots, 441. and lead from Cumberland county, And men from the boats, 441. 398. Fire rafts, 399. Officers, Choice of Colonels for battalions pro tem., 406. Resolutions of to be recommended to Congress, Congress; prisoners to be released 442, 444, 446. Chosen, 443, 446, on parole, 410. Apply to West- 447. Resolutions of Congress remoreland respecting arms, 411. spectilg D. Conolly, A. Cameron Committee to apply to Congress and servants, 444. Order of for export of produce, 411. Con- commitment, 445. Parole required dition of soldiers in jail, 411. of Andrew Ellicott and Lord DrumAutholity to John Wilcocks to load meond, 445. Recommendations to a vessel with produce, to procure Congress for Captains, 447.. Appowder for province, 413, 421. pointed, 448; and other officers Heavy cannon to be cast, 412. appointed, 442-451. Surgeons to Order removal of coal from river, be examined; Captain Proctor to 421. Respecting coal thrown into, command artillery at Fort Island; 423. Dismiss two officers on com- a call of Bucks County Committee plaints against them. 323. Comn- to choose Lieutenants and Capmittees to ascertain quantity of tains, &c.; places for Magazines, coal in city, 423. Make contract 452. Resolution of Congress for for supplying boats, 423, 424. supplies to Colonel Bull for CanaCongress requests supplies to wo- da, 454. Apply to City Committee men and children of soldiers taken to procure certain articles, 454. at St, Johns, 424. Prisoners se- Committee to procure copies of all cured, 424. Return of coal in petitions, &c., presented by this city, 425. Direct a vessel to be Colony to the throne since 1762, loaded with produce, on their ac- 455, 461. Release of Carter and count under Act of Congress, 426. Snowden, 455. Committee to proFurnish money to search for coal cure spades, &c.; letters to assesin Bucks county, 428. Order sors and counties for arms and coal from Jamaica, 428. Orders saltpetre, 455. Andrew Caldwell for removal of prisoners to new appointed Commander-in-Chief of gaol, 429. Rule for supplying navy, 456. Returns of men in Congress with powder, &c., 431. service; Second Lieutenants choCommittee to visit Fort Island, sen, 457. Appoint surgeon and inquire what further defences are chaplain, 458. Authorize a shipnecessary, 432. To recommend ment of produce; offer to loan moto Congress field officers for bat- ney to persons who will erect powtalion, 432. Action on resolution der mills; also for firelocks, 459. of Congress respecting powder, Order for sale of J. Fisher & Son's &c., 433. Order boats up to city goods, 460. Dr. John Smith imand men into the barracks, 434. prisoned; order for iron for gunAuthorize Gen. Hopkins of the Al- barrels, and brass; report of Comfred, &C., to search outward bound mittee on copies of petitions, &c., vessels for seamen; recommend a 461. Works on Liberty Island, discreet use of this privilege, 435. 462. Hands for navy; contract 64 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. for cannon; resolution of Congress, Rev. William Linn chaplain, 487. money for recruiting, &c., 463. Changes of officers on navy, 488. Orders, 464. Ensigns for Colonel powder mills and survey of river, Bull's battalion, 464. Number of 489. Officers of boats to be conhands on boats; survey of Jersey vened by Com. Caldwell, 489. coast, 464. Purchase of arms by Erection of barracks on Liberty counties, 465. Release of Camp- Island, 490. Saltpetre; armourer bell and Snowden; increase of men of boats; removal of prisoner fiom in service for defence; powder- Lancaster, 490. Pest-house —ask mills to be employed, 467. Ex- for two thousand men; meet every port of produce; Dr. Smith exam- day; key of old gaol; powder ined and remanded to prison; mills, 491. Address memorial to pilot to cruise for vessel with arms, Assembly to raise two thousand &c., 469, 470. Lieutenant Came- men; Dr. Robert Harris borrows ron convicted and remanded; min- money for building powder magautes to be read; leave of absence zine, 493. And to others, sailto be asked; officers to be ap- cloth for Pennsylvania ship, 493. pointed; timber for carriages to Notice for volunteers, 493. Rooms be procured; rags and lint to be at Province Island; signals for advertised for, and saltpetre, 470, vessels on river; flag-staff for fort; 471. Dr. Conolly examined and smith's shop and forge on; First remanded, 472. Memorial against Lieutenant, 494. Building of ship T. Austen, &c., 473, 477. R. to be hastened; powder mill necesSeward, Lieutenant, 473. Am- sary, 495. Letter to Committee of munition to be imported, 473. Inspection, respecting T. Rogers Offer to buy blankets of Mr. Gratz, and J. Sermon; raise salary of R. 473. Committee on survey of Towers; payment for site of powJersey shore report, 474. Pur- der mill, 497, 499. Purchase chase of Oznaburgs, 474. Dr. military books; call for volunConolly's servant sent from gaol teers; M. Bunstead to be proseto workhouse, 476. Two prisoners cuted, 500. Powder mill; Abel discharged, also steward of a boat; Morris resigns as Ensign; George pay of Captain of boats increased; Ross appointed; experiments on share of prize-money, 477. Offer rifling cannon, &c., 501. May to Maryland to instruct in art of distribute prisoners; commit H. making saltpetre; appoint Dr. Y. Price as a tory, 503. Order to Hugh Hodge a surgeon, 476. Ber- raise men; regulations; officers to nard Romans, Captain of Mat- boats appointed, 505. Survey of trosses; T. Hanson, Quartermas- river between Reedy Point and ter; powder mills, 479. Insure a Pea Patch; apilot; committee on vessel against seizure for bringing gun-locks, 506. Boats to be sent powder, 479. Quartermasters ap- to Fort Island; pilot-boats to surpointed; four boats; officers of vey, 507. Order call on citizens Mattrosses; pay for recruiting; for blankets; pay stopped for Captain Campbell; gun locks, &c., clothing; pay for goods shipped 481. Proposals for gunpowder, for powder, 508. Decline loaning 482. Men to be raised, by request arms on account of their scarcity; of Congress, for New York, 483. give a hat to each man, 509. ReCongress to be applied to replace solution of Congress respecting arms, 483. Congress furnish, arms; signals; appointments, 510. through: "Secret Committe," fifty Riot in prison, call on military; tons saltpetre, 484. To place sol- prisoners of war to repair to places diers in pest-house and gaol, 485. named by Congress; chevaux-deOrder papers and stores of John frise; pay to seamen in navy; Drinker and J. Fisher & Sons to guards for gaol; State House, &c., be locked up, they refusing to take 512. Appointments; pay and Continental bills, 486. Appoint bounty; chevaux-de-frise; guard INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 65 boats to be built; discovery of Drs. Rush and Duffield have sulphur ore; recruits; prisoners charge of hospital and pest-house, of war, 514. Signals; officers; 549. Send memorial to Congress chevaux-de-frise; arms; L. Ni- asking cannon taken by Commocola, Barrackmaster; recruits; no dore Hopkins at Providence; indented servants, 516. Pay to write to several counties for fireofficers; chevaux-de-frise, report locks, &c.; powder magazine to on; sulphur refining, 519. Re- be built at French Creek; examicruits; armourer at Fort Island; nation of prisoners by Court of pay of pilots; floating battery; Admiralty; David Jones appointed city battalions; signals, 520. Offi- chaplain, 551. Orders to vessels cers of provincial ship; muskets to attack man-of-war Roebuck, for Congress; naval stores; tim- aground; cause of boats returnher for carriages, 522. Fitting out ing; John Reed, commissary, &c.; brig Lexington; arms taken from medicines; sisterhood at BethleCustom House officer; Mattrosses; hem present rags; boats stationed release of Henry Price; fortifica- in Bay; order respecting prisoners tions on Delaware; names for on parole, 553. Order of busivessels; sinking piers at Fort ness; boats to cruise in river, 554. Island, 525. A man-of-war and Men, &c., at Fort Island to pretender arrive in Delaware Bay; pare for action, 557. Express from pay to H. Fisher; saltpetre; pro- Port Penn; vessels in sight from; vincial ship, 526. Proceedings orders to Captain Reed, 557. Orfor defence, 526. Guns, locks, ders for ammunition; enlistment rifles; cannon; vessels to sink in of apprentices; inhabitants to supriver; logs for piers; officers; ply lead fromn houses; committee McBean runs off with pilot-boat, go to Fort Island; expresses, 559. 531, 533. Congress send informa- Old hulks to be purchased for covtion respecting Samuel Samlple's ering gondolas; beer to be sent to art of boring and grinding gun- gondolas; resolution of Congress barrels, to be purchased, 534. on prisoners to be exchanged, 563. Vessel to cruise in Delaware Bay; And cannon, 564, 565. Shot; pay gaol to have iron doors; arms for for chevaux-de-frise; call on irmpilot-boat at Bombay Hook; pilot- portant business; Lieutenant apboats to stay below Chester, 535. pointed; two vessels to be purTwo more chevaux-de-frise to be chased for special purposes; fire sunk, 535. Officers appointed; rafts; survey of river; resolution brig to be purchased for a fire ves- of Congress respecting gaoler, 567. sel; three new members added, Instructions to John Read, Bar537. Assembly authorize agent to rackmaster, 568. Two gallies to buy clothing, 538. Appoint M. be built, &c.; sale of Joshua Fisher Clarkson Marshal of Court of Ad- & Son's rigging at auction; sick miralty, 538. Barracks to be pro- men to hospital; to fortify part of vided; Continental troops; orders Jersey shore; write to Committee for officers, &c.; quarters at Ches- of Delaware; officers of boats to ter, &c.; surgeon for provincial attend, 571. Memorial to Conship; powder magazine; resolves gress on fortifications at Billingsof Congress, 540. Various corn- port; sulphur and lead, 573. mittees, 543. Prisoners paroled, Committee to procure carriages; 545. Prisoners removed from beef and pork; list of necessaReading, 546. Defence of river; ries; complain of committee of floating battery to be built; two Assembly, 573. Fascines to be prisoners on parole sent to Gler- cut; removal of a prisoner of war; mantown, 547. Two men deserted survey of river; memorial to Confrom Lord Dunmore, sent to their gress on defence, 575. Survey of families; order printing of rules river, 575. Instructions to Winm. and regulations of associators; Richards, as ship's husband, 576. 5 66 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. One hundred men for Fort Island; cers, 596. Rifle guns; purchases; salt removed to Germantown; cer- chevaux-de-frise; saltpetre; gontificate of committee on cartridges, dolas; guards for powder house, 577; Lieutenant Ball on parole; 599. Prisoners to be removed powder from Congress; memorial from Germantown; arms; lead; to Assembly for increase of com- fire rafts; fortifications on Delamittee; floating battery; flats; ware river; redoubt to be erected cartridges; cargoes, 579. Prison- at Billingsport, 601. And boom; ers from North Carolina commit- fire brig at Fort Island; gunted to gaol; gaol secured; guard barrels; chevaux-de-frise to be for; Com. Caldwell resigns, 581. moored at lower and middle buoy; Stores for saltpetre in Germantown, John McLean, a tory, committed; 581. Ask Congress how to treat Samuel Davidson to be Commoprisoners in gaol; reply, 582, 584. dore; rifle company of WestmoreMemorial to Assembly respecting land, under command of Captain engagement with the Roebuck, Vansweringen and Colonel Proc&c., 582. Accept of proposals for tor; chevaux-de-frise to be sunk muskets from Berks county, 584. at Billingsport, under Robt. Smith; Appointments; vessels to be equip- cartridges to be made up for ship ped for service; order various arti- Montgomery, 603. Write to Gencles; resolve of Assembly inquir- eral Washington for an engineer iug what preparations have been to erect fortifications at Billingsmade; committee to draw up an port; Dr. Rush to procure surgiaccount of them; the fire sloop to cal instruments for use of Probe manned, 585. Instructions to vince; desist from building at Captain Read for better govern- Fort Island; battalion ordered up ment of navy; pay of officers; two from Chester; privateer brig Hanshallops to be fitted up to attend cock; exchange of rifles for musguard-boats; officers appointed; kets, 604. Exchange of prisoners Captain Montgomery called to an- with Liverpool man-of-war; S. swer; prisoner on parole; cart- Davidson appointed Commodore; ridges, proportion of powder to officers of boats resist his authority, ball, 587. Sizes of muskets; or- 606. Hog Island to be laid under der for purchase of formers, &c.; water, 607. Ask loan; flying men sent to pilot-boat; sulphur, camp; Congress except to ex&c.; representation from Com- change of prisoners; instructions mittee of Bucks, 589. Resolution to Commodore Davidson; Capt. of Congress respecting privateers; Bingley appointed, 609. Order disposition of prisoners from North purchases of brass-plank; buildCarolina; timber for carriages, ing of flat-bottom boats; what 591. Cannon ordered from New- stores are wanted; copper, amport, &c.; guard-boats to be built; munition to be delivered, 613. lead to be purchased; cannon Agree with Thomas Savage to shot; guard-boats sent to Lewes make salt in Jersey; Drs. Rush T.; alteration in galleys; ap- and Duffield to make list of medipointment of a Commodore for cines, &c., wanted; Marine CornNavy considered; brimstone; mittee of Congress ask for lead for hulks to be fitted out, 593. Pay; four frigates building; rum for two gondolas to be built; victual- rifle company; to confine Commoling of navy; saltpetre; Captain dore Davidson's command to ship Read resigns; prisoners; bed- of war, &c., 615. Transactions to cases; resolution of Congress, ex- be laid before public, 615. Traichange of prisoners, 595. Send tor allowance to officers in gaol, prisoners with Captain Brown; his 615. Instructions to Capt. Henry instructions; commanding officer Dougherty, 617. Orders for disof fleet ordered to allow marine charge of R. Saunderson, &c.; company to be under its own offi- against seducing men from boats; INDEX TO GOLONIAL RECORDS. 67 appointments; engineer to make army; employment of soldiers, draft of fortifications at Billings- &c., by iron-masters; Dr. Kuhn port; to purchase land there; pay, appointed physician and Director619. Appointments; H. Fisher's General of hospital for troops in receipt for guard-boat; resolution New Jersey, and adjust a plan; of Congress to raise companies; persons employed byt Committee send money to Committee and not to be enlisted; printing bills of Convention, 621. Gunpowder to credit; leaden Weights to be colbe distributed to associators; lected; Dr. Dunlap to purchase battalion of Germans; prisoners medicines, &c., 637. Loan from to be escorted to Yorktown; pow- Congress; arms, &c., in Bucks to der to Commiss'rs of Jersey; ad- be repaired; Dr. John Davis may dress to inhabitants of Pennsyl- purchase instruments; prisoners vania, explanatory of its course of North Carolina, in gaol, may with regard to Commodore David- write to friends under inspection: son, 623. Title papers of land at L. Kaigher seeks redress; order Billingsport; battalion ordered to to C. Biddle for stndry articles, Jersey; erection of fortifications; and to Colonel Thomas McKean; allowance of rum; proposals for resolution of Congress for parole casting brass cannon; privateer; of A. McDonald; band.ages; pribattalion ordered back; troops in soners discharged, 639. Offer a counties to be in readiness; guard- reward for apprehension of Major house at old powder-house to be Rogers; all provincial arms to be removed to new magazine; labo- delivered to General Roberdeau's ratory enclosed with fence; sails order; prisoners of war sent to for gondola; refusal of Lieuten- Yorktown; awnings for tents; M. ants to give parole, to be conveyed Bustead's air furnace to be taken to York, 627. Colonel Miles to for public use; a boring mill near order troops to Philadelphia and city; intrenching tools; orders Jersey; resolutions of Congress; for various payments, 641. Payofficers, prisoners, to wear their ment for brig Nancy, lost; plan uniforms; prisoners on parole; for supporting families of poor provincial troops to receive Conti- associators; privateer Venus; pay nental pay; appointments; five of artillery company increased; hundred riflemen to be got ready Major Potts resigns; Lieutenant to proceed to Bordentown, under Webb suspended and restored; command of Colonel Brodhead; Ensigns and Lieutenants recomsix shallops to transport troops, mended to Congress; arms from 629. Reward offered for cutting non-associators, 643. Sundry orloose pier at Fort Island; rough ders; appointments; cartridges sheds at Billingsport; New Ionu- sent to New Jersey; land at Bildon cannon sent down to Fort; lingsport; prisoners to York, &c., patroles for city; awnings bought 645. British officers, prisoners, up for tents; conference with required to leave city; the famnicommittee of Congress, &c.; Mon- lies of poor associators to be prosieur Kermanvor appointed engi- vided for; brig Dolphin's freight neer at Billingsport, 631. Dr. money paid; old scow for hulk, Dunlap, surgeon; arrival of can- &c., paid for; discharge of Mcnon; flints; value of arms taken Donald, by order of Congress, on from non-asso6iators to be paid parole, 647, 648. Gun-barrels; for; linen for bandages and lint, chevaux-de-frise; pay for Mrs. and awnings for tents, 633. Sur- Conolly; leaden weights; guard; geon's mate; pay of officers; Cap- associatois, 649. Pay of marines; tains; resolution of Congress send- saltpetre; firelocks; rank; exing copies of Declaration of Inde- change of copper; purchase of pendence; orders to proclaim it, rifles; provisions for troops; arms 634. Rules and regulations of to be repaired, 651. Required by 68 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Convention to lay accounts and 27, 33, 37, 40, 45, 54, 57, 60, 64, proceedings before them; pay- 74, 76, 80, 83, 95, 97, 98, 103, ment to, 674. 107, 122, 125, 105, 133, 135, 142, Committee of Safety-their accounts 144, 149, 152, 164, 168, 180, 185, to be settled by a committee ap- 186, 193, 196, 205, 206, 212, 215, pointed, xi., 643. 219, 221, 225, 226, 238, 245, 246, Committee of all the Counties meet 248, 249, 250, 261, 267, 282, 286, in Philadelphia; delegates to Gen- 374, 401, 406, 411, 413, 432, 519, oral Congress, x., 200. 546, 560, 566, 595, 635, 640, 643, Committee, Secret, to furnish Coin- 644; xvi., 7, 10, 17, 18, 21, 22, mittee of Safety fifty tons salt- 23, 24, 30, 35, 39, 41, 44, 50, 61, petre, 484. 63, 80, 82, 86, 89, 92, 94, 101, 127, Committee to fix signals at Cape 148, 154, 161, 166-201, 217, 222, Henlopen, 510. Alarm, 548. 2102, 2149, 216Z, 227, 228, 234, 236, Committee, Marine, of Congress, x., 253, 267, 291, 315, 317, 326, 328, 648. 359, 373, 381, 407, 419, 420, 427, Commodities, price to be according 459, 432, 434, 481, 515. To appoint to value of money, ii., 445, 446. an invalid corps, xiv., 666. ConCommodore of fleet to be appointed; troversy between Comptroller and his pay, to have clerk, x., 379. BoardofTreas'y, xv., 54. Tohave Commodores, of Navy, x., 593, 603. balance in Treasury transferred to Comptroller General, Reports, xiii., State Treasury, 54, 60. Expenses 509, 511, 517, 532, 534, 536, 546, of office, 225. To pay specie, 324. 552, 553, 557, 561, 563, 566, 567, Instructions to, xvi., 80. Addi570, 573, 574, 576, 579, 580, 583, tional instructions to, and opinion 584, 586, 589, 590, 593, 596, 598, of judges on manner of settling 601, 603, 604, 607, 611, 613, 615, accounts, 90. Vote on, 91. Ac617, 619, 620, 622, 623, 624, 628, counts examined by Receiver, 272. 631, 632, 634, 636, 638, 640, 643, Report of Committee on, 314. 647, 668, 673, 674, 676, 679, 680, Alters warrants, 320, 323. Reso682, 683, 690, 692, 694, 696, 701, lutions respecting, 331. 702, 703, 706, 708, 711, 731, 736, Conarroe, Thomas, agrees to build 741, 743, 746, 751, 753, 755, 768, piers at Marcus Ilook, xiv., 479. 775, 777; xiv., 4, 9, 13, 15, 29, Claim for building piers at Marcus 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 41, 45, 50, 53, Hook, xv,, 228. Report of War55, 60, 61-64, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, dens on, 233. 80-103, 107, 110, 118, 123-134, Conditions or Concessions of Penn141, 151, 153, 159, 160, 164, 165, sylvania, i., 26. 169, 176, 177, 178, 179, 183, 189- Conestoga, attack of Indians on 196, 199, 202, 207, 211, 215, 216, families at, ii., 121, 122, 131, 138, 217, 224, 225, 228, 229, 230, 231, 141. Indians from, 186. Indians 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, alarmed by threats from Maryland, 243, 244, 255, 261, 262, 263, 264, 191. Indian Harry and brother, 265, 273, 276, 278, 287, 289, 292- 204. Indians in Philadelphia, 300, 309, 311, 312, 314, 318, 320, 245. Present large wampum belt, 322, 324, 342, 346, 347, 348, 356, 246. Treaty with, 299. Message 357, 359, 361, 364, 366, 370, 374, to and from, 467. Suspected of 376, 380, 382, 395, 396, 400, 402, murder, 70. In Philadelphia, 246. 406-440, 446, 448, 452, 458, 462, Message from, 403. Conference 463, 464, 467, 473, 477, 478, 480, with Indians at, 511, 513, 516, 482, 487, 492, 500, 503, 507, 509, 531, 533, 574, 594-600. Death of 511, 512, 514, 519, 520, 522, 551, Old Queen, 574. Move off, 603. 553, 557, 558, 562, 570, 574, 578, Chiefs arrive in Philadelphia, 606. 579, 581, 583, 587, 590, 592, 601, Disturbance among Indians, iii., 604, 606, 607-615, 617, 631, 632, 15, 17, 18. Conference at, 19-24. 633, 634, 636, 639, 643, 653, 655, Trespassers from Maryland on 659, 662, 679; xv., 1, 8, 13, 24, 25, lands, 37. Petition for a road to INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 69 Brandywine, 43. Civility or Ta- To Governor of New York, 112. gotolessa and other chiefs visit Governor Franklin of New Jersey, Philadelphia Conference, 45. Let- 113. Council of New York will ter from, on Indian murders, 66. not allow them to pass through, Col; John French sent to, makes 119, 120, 121. Return from Amhis report, 77-81. Report of Con- boy to Trenton under Captain ference with Indians at, 92. Pres- Schlosser, 124. Sheriff and Magisents from Virginia to Indians, 114. trate of Lancaster to give informaVisit of Five Nations and Gov- tion, 124, 128, 352. Deposition ernor, &c. to, 120. Conference at, of Benjamin Kendal of Lancaster, 121-130. Murder of Indians by 125-6. Letter, Magistrates of Cartledge reported, 146. Proceed- Lancaster, 131. Act for preventings, 146-7. Indians from, at ing tumults, &c., 132. Body prePhiladelphia, 163. Governor's paring to come to Philadelphia, message to Assembly, 167. Gov- 132. Public meeting called at ernor holds council with Indians, State House, 132. Memorial from 178, 181-184. Lands near, sur- Philadelphia barracks, 135. Letrendered by Indians to Governor ter to Sir William Johnson on Keith at Albany, 201, 202. Gov- their removal, 137. Memorial of ernor going to, 225. Indians Matthew Smith and James Gibson, killed by Shawnese, 302. Gov- &c., respecting Indians, 138-142. ernor visits, 302. Proposed Declaration of frontier inhabitants, treaty, 302. Message sent to, to 142. To be removed from barconvene Indians, 305. Council racks, 170. Message of Assemat, 309-314. Disturbances, 331. bly respecting massacre, 410-412. Treaty at, 337; vii., 7, 59, 282. Of Governor, 460. Indians, murWant clothing, 379. At Lancas- der of, at Lancaster, complaint, ter, 479. Deputies from, 484. x., 255. Manor, 257. About to remove, complain of Conewago, river fisheries. ix., 719, Governor, viii., 113. Propose to 720. to build beyond Fort Augusta, 113. Conewalngo (Alleghany Co.), lands Intelligence from; Sewaise their adjacent to the mouth to be rehead man, 115. Letter from served for Commonw'th, xv., 593. James Wright respecting, 116, Confederacy frigate, xii., 85. ReAt Lancaster not well taken care quires donble-headed shot, 106. of; conference with them, 457. Impresses seamen, 148. Indians' address to Governor C(onfederation, copy of the, received Jno. Penn, ix., 88. Letter, E. from Congress, xi., 379. MaryShippen on, 89. Action of Coun- land on, xii., 491, 492. Ratified cil, 90. Governor Penn's letter by all the States, 649. to magistrates on, 92. To be Conferences with Indians in Philabrought to a place of safety, 97. delphia, viii., 9, 29, 30, 32, 42Second murder, E. Shippen's ac- 49-51, 54, 86. count, 100. On Province Island, Confirmation of laws passed at New 100. E. Shippen sent to, for intel- Castle, ii., 46, 49. Of public ligence; also Rev. Jno. Elder and landings, Blue Anchor and Penny Colonel Armstrong, 101. List of Pot, 39. papers and effects, 102. Of mur- Congress of Governors at New York, dered Indians, 103. Proclama- vi., 751. tion, 107. Paxton Boys preparing "Congress," gunboat, x., 335, 488, to march to Philadelphia to kill 504. Indians at Province Island, 108. "Congress," armed boat, xi., 3. Message of Governor Penn, 109. Congress, privateer sloop, x., 605. From Assembly, 109. To be sent Congress, privateer, x., 740. to Governor Johnson, 110, 111. Congress, proceedings, x., 240. Letters to, by Indians and Captain Congress, Continental, members from Robinson of Highlanders, 111. Pennsylvania receive pay, x., 286. 70 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Resolutions of, 292, 316. Carbines ishing substitutes, 382. Election of offered, 354 Provincial, of New delegates byAssembly, 385. ResoYork, asks for loan of powder, lution of, on proposed attack on 312, 315. State of account be- Philadelphia, 404. Resolutions tween Pennsylvania and, 340. respecting officers' oaths, 417. Resolution to arrest all dangerous Resolutions respecting accoutrepersons going at large, 357. Re- ments, 460. Money from, 466. commend export of provisions to Treaty with France, and other West Indies and import of arms, papers received from, to be read 385. Decision respecting officers, in churches, 487. Respecting &c. stranded in New Jersey, 386. further purchases of clothing, 507. Offer to buy ship Sally, 407. Reso- Troops, &c., 509. Indecent aplutions respecting British officers, plication of Secretary to G. Bryan 410. Respecting export of provi- respecting a house, 531. Grant sions to Bermuda, 413. Resolu- money to Council, 534. Resolutions of, 432, 433, 439, 453, 463, tions in case of evacuation of city, 484, 485, 502, 510, 591, 592, 595, 539. Protest against their laying 612. Ask for pilots, and men to embargo on provisions in Pennsylnavigate the public vessels to vania, 546. Invite Council to atReedy Island, 442. Recommen- tend public reception of French dations as Colonels to, 442. Reso- Minister, 548. Ask for a galley lutions respecting Dr. Conolly and at Cape May, 556. Asked for Allen Cameron and servants, 444. commissions, 564. Money, 580. To replace arms, 483. Order re- Appealed to, on requisition for specting soldiers and barracks, eight hundred wagons, 589. 485. Order return of arms and Joseph Reed resigns seat in, 594. powder, 508. Resolution respect- Attempt of British to spread sediing prisoners, 541, 563, 565 —and tious papers, 596. Resolutions, cannon at Providence, 564, 565, 636. Commissions for vessels; 567. Order muskets, 522. Trade, Commissary of Naval stores, 649. 541, 546. Build magazine on Case of C. J. McKean and General French Creek, 552. Loan money, Thompson, 653, 660. Resolutions 638. Cannon Committee, Marine respecting money bills, 661. Committee, xi., 7. Send State Money, 669. Resolution for per$40,000, 7. Loan to Council, 12, sons going within enemy's lines, Resolutions of, 31. Fast Day. 704. Respecting officers, 727. 175. Loan money, 177, 199. Resolution respecting meaning of Conference with Council respect- department, 758. Respecting ing General Howe, 198. Resolu- soldiers, in room of Colonel Proctions on steps to be taken to op- tor's men, 766. Commissary pose the enemy if they approach, Trumbull's account, 775. Reso203. Resolution for Board of lution to ship some corn, 782. War to furnish arms to Pennsyl- Letters to and from, xii., 3. Call vania militia, 212. Appoint Gen- in bills of credit, 3. Resolution eral Arnold commander of militia on exchange of prisoners, relative East of Philadelphia, 224. Reso- to appeals, 6. Conference with lutions respecting Billingsport, delegates in, on wagons, 19. 248. Resolution calling for four Claim for purchases; Indian afthousand militia, 254. Arrest of airs; wagon service, 25. ResoluThomas Lightfoot ordered, 269. tion on wagons, 26. Conduct of To be consulted on discharge of J. McAllister, 31. Recommend militia, 272. Resolution to seize completing battalions, &c., 36. persons, &c., 283. Arrest and Papers and resolutions; shipment examination of John Brown, 345. of flour, 61. Illegal capture of a Copy of Confederation, 379. Re- Portuguese ship, 63. Paper of commend calling in old bills of Mons. Gerard sent to Council, 67. credit issued by G. B., and abol- Mr. Holker and flour, 54, 56, 67, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 71 68. Request militia to be placed new arrangement of army, 500. at Sunbury, 74. Circular; ex- Fast Day, 518. Increase of comnpected enemy at New York; and panies, 520. Supplies, 546. necessary operations of army; Act Names of agents for supply of respecting John Douglass of pri- southern army; live stock, 562. vateer, 75. Continuance of em- Wyoming garrison, 569. Meeting bargo, 82. Provision for officers, of Pennsylvania line, 593. Ill85. On public credit; embargo; treatment of prisoners; money. restrictions on internal trade; for, 597. Clothier-General and clothing for troops, 108. Act, on deputy to be prosecuted, 599. arrival of Count D'Estaing, 114. Ask for men, 615. Removal of Samuel Huntingdon elected Speak- convention troops, 648. Articles er, 116. Letter from Commercial of confederation ratified by all Committee of, to export provi- the States, 649. Fast, 675. sions, 130. Appoint a fast, 145. Money required, 675. CapResolutions, 147. Impressment ture of prizes, 683. Resolutions of Pennsylvanians on board of Con- on soldiers; and Continental federacy, 148. King of France to money, 692. Fast Day, 697. be received through his minister, Act for Court to try piracies, &c., 170. Membersfrom Pennsylvania 702. Pay to officers; circular; elected, 172. Resolution respect- naval officer's duty, 733. Convening artificers and court martial, tion troops; liquidation of debts; 176. Regulation of prices, 177. heavy expenses, 737. Persons to Fast Day, 183, 282. On supplies sign bills of credit, 740. Call for for army, 197, 198. Order ex- men, 742, 743. Thomas McKean, penses of witnesses in case of Speaker, 782. Respecting French Arnold to be charged to them, 225, sailors, xiii., 5. Drafts for money, Various papers from, 227. Pris- 3-7. Petition to, for settlement of oners of war; estates of French Connecticut claim, 10. Delegates subjects, 230. Draw bill for a on do., 16. Leaden spouts, 42. million, 232. Troops to be raised, Resolution to Pennsylvania and 250. Laws sent to, by State, 251. New Jersey to embody three thouRequisition to supply Mr. Holker sand men; French seamen, 53, with flour, 275. Continental bills; 55. Conference on defence, 61. finance, 286. Letter and resolu- Connecticut claim, 79. General tions of Council on state of fron- Win. Irvine, Brigadier Gen., aptiers, 289-292. Represent scarc- pointed to command at Fort Pitt, ity of meat in camp, 349, 351. 79. Fast Day, 101, 124. John Case of Richard Wells' lot on Hanson, president, 105. Money Arch street, 353. Draw on Coun- for, 110. Respecting Connecticut cil, 359. Conference with Assem- claim, 123. Requisition for supbly and Council on loan office cer- ply of federal army, 144. Quota tificates; their value; quota of of troops, 148. What captures supplies, &c., 360. Embargo to are lawful, 154. Reward for prisbe continued; order for money, oners, 256. Fast Day, 267. Au363. On Quarter-Masters' debts, dience with French Minister on 369. Jared Ingersoll and Tim. birth of a Dauphin, 282, 284. Matlack new delegates; letter Resolutions of Council on treaty from committee at camp, 370, 371. power of, 286. Conference on Order for money, 395. Action, pursuing war with vigor, 291. under various laws, &c., 398. Letters of General Irvine on emiCommissions for capture, 399. gration, 297. On robbery of mail, Supplies, 403. Furnish exchange, 311. Congress advise Pennsyl420, 423. Wagons, 433. Call in vania and Virginia to send each bills, 459. Draw bills, 462. Reso- one hundred and fifty men to lutions respecting officers, 471- Fort Pitt, 348. Proclamation for 473. Supplies, 483. Resolutions, thanksgiving, 396, 400. Resolu 72 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. tions; estimates; quotas of States, sylvania, 491. Ask for attend406. Elias Boudinot, president, ance of delegates, &c., 517. John 412. Conference on British goods, Hancock elected president, 587. 482. Proclamation on cessation Form of cession by Connect't, xv., of hostilities, 555. Letter on lite- 19. Have accepted the cession of rary property, 574. Address on lands by Connecticut, 28. Disfinances, 576. Proposals of New turbances in Wyoming, 37. PaYork and Maryland fixing federal pers relating to infractions of city, 599. Conference of com- treaty, 50. Illncrease of federal mittee with Council relative to troops; establishment of a mint, troops at Lancaster, 603. Coin- 105, 106. Act for reducing explain of insults by an armed body penses of civil list, 192. Resoluof soldiers; conference on, 604, tion, Phineas Bond, British Con606, 609. Report on late distnrb- sul, 205. Send to Council the ances, 619. Papers respecting Report of convention in Philadelclaim of Shallus and Sallaway re- phia, 286. Delegates to, 339. Ratiferred to land office; city lots, 636. fication of Federal Constitution, Propose to return to city, 637. 351. Act to grant sea letters, 392. Mode of corresponding with Coun- State of representation, 455. Act, cil; adjourn from Princeton to settlement of accounts, 458. Fix Annapolis; choose president, 747. price of triangle on Erie, 472. Ratify peace; proclamation, 749. Settlement of accounts, 480. Interest on money loaned United Mode of disposing of lands in States, xiv., 7. Resolutions, 25. western territory, 496. Agree to Private right to Wyoming lands, send troops to Easton, 502. Call 31. Resolutions, 38. States nun- on Virginia and Pennsylvania for represented; Mons. Marbois, troops against Indians, 515. ReFrench Consul, 43. Petition of quisition of, for 1788, 521. Prosettlers at Wyoming; resolution posals for sale and purchase of on place of meeting of Conmiis- triangle on Erie, 524. Act relinsioners to Indians, 51. Prefer- quishing to Pennsylvania, 530. ence to States which comply with Act putting in operation the Conresolutions of 1782, 119. On stitution; now adopted by eleven raising troops for western posts; States, 535. Recommend prevenand for commissioners to Indians, tion of importation of convict male143. Acts of, 144. Cession of factors into this country, 542. lands to United States; Acts of Returns of elections in this State Connecticut and North Carolina, for members of, 636, 638. Pro162. Case of Robert Shewell, 162. clamation of, 638. Act respecting Quota required for protection of oaths, and transmitting acts of north-west frontiers, 177. Dele- Governor, xvi., 96. Laying duty gates to, 261. Richard Henry on goods, 112, On tonnage, 119. Lee, president, 270. Delay of Several Acts; department of Forpublic accounts, 283. Council on eign Affairs established, 126. Act powers of; public debt, 328-342. providing for expenses of Indian Resolution and proclamation on treaties, 141. Acts of, establishing counterfeiting certificates, 347. Treasury department; registering Resolution, Commissioners for and clearing vessels; coast'g trade, settling accounts; list of deputies &c., 154. Acts for salaries; safe to issue certificates, 372. Resolu- keeping of Records, 167, 175. tions, 384. Order to raise troops, Act respecting North Carolina, &c., 406. Delegates commissioned 289. Indian difficulties in Washto, 442. Propose to lay off into ington county, 306. Act to proStates the western territory, 471. mote useful arts; and collection of Acts of, 473. Birth of Duke of Nor- duties, 347. Various Acts, 374, mandie, 480. Recoognize Mons. 381, 384, 392. Act for census Marbois as Vice Consul of Penn- United States, 402. Seat of gov INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 73 ernment; invalid pensioners, 408. Governor P. to several persons Light houses, &c.; trade and respecting, 606. Riots at Wyotreaties with Indians; seamen; ming, 663. Depositions, Amos time of holding seats of presi- and Nathan Ogden and Zebulon dent, &c., 423. Acts-of tempora- Butler, 674. Proclamation against ry establishment of post office, &c., settlers at Wyoming, 679. Depo428, 433. Terms of members, sitions respecting, 710. People 438. Journals sent, 439. Ar- on their way to Wyoming armed; rangements for accomodating Con- proclamation of Governor Hamilgress in State House, 486. ton, 747. Depositions, 751, 767. Connecticut, to raise troops for Can- Proceeding of Council, 753. Letada expedition, ii., 450. Repre- ters respecting Wyoming, 754, sented at treaty with Indians at 756. Letter to Governor TrumAlbany, v., 7. Settlers from, show bull, 777. Letters to and from symptoms of disturbance in North- Governors, x., 3, 117, 151, 162, ampton county on account of pre- 163. People settling on proprietended claim to lands, 734. Letter, tary lands, 50. Letters respecting, D. Brodhead, 757. From Gover- 86. Petition against people from nor H. to Governor of, 758. Rela- Northumberland, 111. Eliphalet tive to dispute with, 767-777. Dyer, Winm. S. Johnson and SecreInfluence of Lydius, &c., with In- tary Strong arrive from, 118. Letdians in purchase of lands, vi., ter of Governor Trumbull, and 117. Message from Jno. Shekel- resolutions of Assembly, 119-139, almy on designs of settlers from, 143, 151. From John Penn to 215. Speech to Scaroyady, 217. Governor 152. Proclamation Various papers relating to claim, against settlers, 153. Governor 247-275, 286-293. Bounds de- Trumbull's account of affairs, 163. scribed in 1664, 263. Proceedings History of Indian deed to Susqueat Court at Kensington on do. 264 hanna Company, 177. People Invalidation of Lydius' deed, 284. refuse to submit to laws of PennMinutes of Council of New Jersey sylvania, 275. Governor's letter respecting, 555-558. Lotteries, to magistrates, 275. Boundaries, forbidden in, vii., 113. Settlers in xii., 177. Letter from Governor deNorthampton county, viii., 563, clining to refer dispute on princi598, 646. Report of Sheriff and ples of confederation, 287. ProJustices on, 564. Governor's pro- ceedings of Convention, 585. Reclamation against, 566. Letter to specting dispute, 657. ClaimsGovernor Fitch, 568. To Sir resolutions of Assembly and petiWm. Johnson, 570. Number of tion of Sup. Exec. Council for families, 595. At Cushietunck, settlement of, xiii., 10. Letter 612. Opinion of Attorney Gen- from delegates of Pennsylvania eral, 620. Letters, &c., 621. in Congress on, 16. Proceedings, Letters to and fron Governor, 568, 79. In Congress and Assembly, 570, 620, 627. Proclamation 123. Counsel appointed, 215. against settlers, 663. Settlers at Law for raising troops-counsel Wyomink, ix., 7, 27, 602, 606. inquire respecting it, 217. H. OsProclamation against, 27. Instruc- burne solicitor, 266. Counsel aptions to Burd & McKee, agents, pointed, counsellors appointed by 29. Instructions to Governor H. Council, 310. Suit to be brought 60. To Colonel Burd, 61. Pro- to a speedy close, 313. Agents ceedings and resolutions of Sus- to have use of papers, 314, 332. quehanna Company, 569. Letters Papers to be examined, 361. Exfrom L. Gordon, Chas. Stewart penses attending suit against, 366. and John Jennings respecting New Conference respecting evidence, England settlers, 573. Governor 417. Indian deeds, &c., 418, 420, P.'s proclamation, 588. Letters 434. Expenses attending suit, of Governor, 602. Letters from 421. Court at Trenton, 430. 74 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Papers demanded and delivered their servants, 444. Order from over by Jno. Penn, 437. Journal Committee of Safety to the gaoler, at Fort Stanwix, counsellors ap- 445. Examined and remanded, pointed, 441. Witnesses, 442. 472. His servant, John Brown, Pay on account, 446, 452. Decree sent to workhouse, 476. Person in favor of Pennsylvania procla- may visit on business, in presence mation, 475. H. Osburne dis- of another, 482. A supposed accharged, 596. Letter from Gov- complice, 533. Wife's allowance, ernor Jona. Trumbull, xiv., 2. 648, 696. Asks permission to rePetition of settlers, 51. Fees to tire to a plantation-Allowed, he counsel, 141. Reports of Wm. to give bond, xi., 196. Enlarged Bradford, Jr., and James Wilson, on bond, 200. A British officer, 159. Act of Legislature and letter, to be arrested-Violates parole, S. Hardy, 162. Resolutions of imprisoned, xiii., 161. His servCouncil respecting Wyoming, 169. ant committed, 163. Conference relative to settlers Conoy Indians, letter at their indriven off in May, 188. Copies stance to Governor, iv., 656. of Indian deeds taken, 240. List Move higher up Susquehanna, of papers relating to Wyoming, 747. Claim lands where their 318-320. Form. of cession by, town stood, v., 393; viii., 730. xv., 19. Cession of lands by, 28. Conoy Town, conference with InClaims in Luzerne County, 279, dians at, iii., 188. 280, 355. Governor Huntington Conshocken —Delaware Indians deinterposes for Jno. Franklin, 385, clare war against Senecas, xii., 386. Letter to Comptroller of, 586. 546. Laws against settlers to be Conscience, rights of, declared, ii., enforced, xvi., 317, 322, 352, 364. 57. Liberty of, and Sabbath, Connell, William, commands priva- 210. Liberty of, to be observed, teer General Thompson, x., 793. iii., 64. On liberty of, views of Connelly, Captain Robert, of Penn- Assembly and Governor, iv., 366sylvania Regiment, xiv., 655. 371. Conner, Michael, complains of Constable, William, to be arrested, being in fear of his life from sev- xii., 495. To give security, 496. eral persons, x., 723. Constitution, dissatisfaction withConococheague-murders at, vii., Convention —Sense of people to 479, 503. be taken, xi., 221. Federal, orConogocheague- evil intentions at der of procession on ratification -towards goods, ix., 302, 303. of, by Pennsylvania, xv., 350. Conolloway Indians, vi., 675. By Virginia, 498. By New York, Conolly, Dr. John, letters to and 506. from, x., 140. His advertisement Constitution of Pennsylvania, call and conduct, &c., 140, 141, 146, of Convention to amend the, by 148, 164, 165. Lord D.'s views Assembly-Proceedings of Assemof his commitment, 161. Ad- bly, xvi., 41, 159. dress to magistrates of Westmore- Continental Board of War, informed land, 167. Deposition of Henry of great number of prisoners in Reed, 168. Answer of magistrates, new gaol, xi., 298. Bakers to be 167. Murders in Westmoreland kept at making. bread, 303. county-His conduct complained Continental Navy Board to purchase of, 180. Releases prisoners from 12 fireships, xi., 255. To have gaol, 227. Proclamation against pilots furnished for their ships, tax collectors, &c., from "Fort 260. Dunmore," 227. Certificate re- Continental Army, rules and reguspecting collectors, 228. Resolu- lations printed by John Dunlap, tions of Congress respecting his x., 636. confinement in prison at Philadel- Continental Bills, refusal of, xi., 2. phia with Allen Cameron and Persons to be punished who re INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 75 fused to take-Letter on, from Cook, John, Sheriff, x., 56, 100, J. Dickinson, 92. 211. Continental-Money tendered in pay- Cook, Richard, accomplice of L. nment for a redeemable ground- Stewart, to be arrested, ix., 717. rent forfeited by Andrew Allen, Cook, William, Sheriff, x., 59, 101, xii., 249. Teams to pass bridge 212; xi., 84, 112, 126, 131, 270. free, 271. Moulds for, 298. Ex- Cooke, Edward, Lieut., xiii., 167. changed, 429, 430, 434, 448, 552. Cookson, Thomas, writes letter to Scale of depreciation to be pub- Governor at instance of Conoy lished, 612, 648, 684. To be Indians, iv., 656; murders by called in, 649, 692, 724. Delaware Indians, 675, 678; a Continental-Treasury, x., 401. Justice v., 3. Prothonotary of Contreceeur, Capt'n, summons from, Lancaster county- Letter on death to surrender, vi., 29. of Adam Furney, 377. A Justice, "Convention," galley, x., 702. 600. Armed boat to be fitted out, xi., Coombe, Thomas, appointed by Go2. Captain Rice ordered to Cape vernor Collector of light money, May, 9, 107. Captain Richard ix., 197. Eyre appointed to command of, Coombe, Major, xi., 123. 543, 557. Coombe, Rev. Thomas, to be seized, "'Convention," brig, to be corn xi., 284, 299, 300, 525, 527. His manded by Captain Thomas Hous- wife applies for a pass for his son tons, and to be fitted out, xi., 555. John to New York, xiii., 122. Takes prizes-Expense of fitting Cooper, William, Ensign, xiii., 53. out, 592. Copper mine sought for on SusqueConvention in Philadelphia, min- hanna-a subterfuge for annoyutes sent Council, xv., 286. Or- ance of Indians, iii., 160. Perkider of procession in Philadelphia, omen, proposed sale of, x., 23, 351. 41. Conveyances, act to'prevent dis- Copper, to be purchased, x., 612. putes in, v., 619. Coppock, Bartholomew, member of Convictions, &c., x., 60, 92, 172, Council for Chester, i., 213. 225, 226, 256. Corbin, Margaret, order in favor of, Conway, Henry Seymour, Rt. Hon., for her bravery, she having been letters to and from, ix., 298, 299, wounded and utterly disabled by 309, 310. Stamp Acts, 298, 307. three grape shop, while filling the Repeal of, 310. post of her husband, who was Conway, George, discharged, x., 465. killed by her side at Fort WashConwell, William, Justice, ix., 272. ington, xii., 34. Coogler, John and wife, to be arrest- Coren, Captain Isaac, applies for ared for aiding British, xii., 301, ticles, xii., 55. 308. He and wife released on Cornbury, Lord, letter from, ii., 78. conditions, 384. To be addressed on decease of Cook, Arthur, appointed judge, i., Governor, 91. Vice Admiral of 153, 156, 324. Appointed special the Jerseys, issues a commission Commissioner, 164. A Council- to arrest a vessel, 99. Said to lor, 169. To act as Lieutenant have issued a marriage license, Governor, 212. Judge, 324, 331. 115. Asks Governor to urge Guardian to J. Taylor, 331. As- means of defence for New York, sistant to Governor, 505. De- 136. Address of merchants to, ceased, 607. on privateers, 411. Vice AdmiCook, Benjamin, Coroner, iv., 602, ral, 421. 748, 782. Cornish, Andrew, Governor, &c., Cook, George, ordered out of the arrive at his house, iii., 309. JusState, xii., 293. tice, 358. Justice left out, 531. Cook, Jacob, resigns as Justice, xii., Cornwell, Frank, Sheriff of Sussex 556; xiv., 45. county, i., 213. 76 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Cornplanter, Indian Chief, grant of Coskosky, Indian town, v., 349. land to, xvi., 38. In Philaclel- Cotnam, Lieutenant George, perphia, 497, 498, 499. And other mitted to raise recruits for LieuIndian Chiefs, petition, 353. In tenant General Philips's regiment Philadelphia, speeches to and at Annapolis Royal, v., 269. from, 497. Letterto, 510. Speeches Cottringer, John, refused right to to and from Council, terms of sale hold land, being a Catholic, ix., and purchase at Fort Stanwix, of 596. lands on Lake Erie, 500-509. And Coultas, James, Sheriff, vi. 638. vii., Half-town, remain in city till arri- 266. Breach of confidence in, 362. val of President of the United Of Philadelphia, order to arrest States, 513. Interpreter paid, 534. and imprison Dr. Win. Smith, for Expenses paid. in Philadelphia, libel, viii., 442; 547. Coulter, Thomas, Justice, xiv., 602. Cornwallis, Lord, surrenders to Council-first meeting of, i., 56. General Washington at Yorktown, Ncames of members, 58. Rules news brought by his aid, Colonel of, 56, 59, 60. Number of memTilghman, to Philadelphia, xiii., bers returned by Sheriffs, not 94. Christ Church bells rung, agreeing with charter; pray Gov143. ernor that it may not operate Coroners for each county proposed, against; WV. Penn's reply, that it i., 65, 187. Organized, appointed, should not, 58. Member elect, 343. A deputy pro tem. appoint- sent for, 65. Nicholas Moore aped, 158. Appointed, 162, 174, pointed Secretary, 73. Propose 286; ii., 163. Is a Justice's in- that magistrates provide for the quest in absence of, valid? 184; sustenance of the people, 78. Deiii., 30, 56, 69, 108, 139, 140, 260, bates to be kept secret, 96. Pro289, 332, 359, 370, 387, 521, 574, posed to double the number of 614. Inquest, when necessary, members for Philadelphia, 98. To 150. Elected, iv., 85, 86, 247, be always with Governor, 98. Per309, 352, 469, 500, 601, 669, 748, sons not serving when elected to 782; v., 55, 120, 345, 551, 597, be fined, 101. Members not to be 662; vi., 144, 637; vii., 267, 753; arrested for debt, 102. List of viii., 223, 403, 781; ix., 57, 199, members to be kept, 103. Mem285, 333, 398, 547, 623, 624, 689, bers sent for to Kent county, 103. 691, 777, 778; x., 56, 78, 100, Sheriff may attach goods, &c., of 211, 212, 270, 273; xi., 179, 191, members not paying their fines, 217, 235, 363, 365, 366, 372, 373, 107. President, how chosen, 120, 378, 593, 596, 606, 638; xii., 131, 146. To define jurisdiction of 134, 136, 145, 146, 147, 161, 166, Courts, 124. Debates in, to be 182, 506, 507, 508, 510, 512, 518, kept secret, 125. Refuse a col540-544; xiii., 85, 86, 87, 88, 92, lector's oath, but take his attes133, 134, 158, 391, 393, 395, 397, tation, 148. Counties not to 398, 400, 419, 719-723, 726, 730, suffer by suspension of members, 740, 751; xiv., 230, 232, 234, 203. Sheriff to summon mem236, 237, 238, 244, 248, 256, 267, ber, 146. Notice of meeting to be 268, 289, 554, 557, 558, 563, 597; set up "'at the gate," 157. Suxv., 98, 100, 102, 109, 116, 120, pervise the press, 165. Refuse to 125-139, 193, 294, 296, 298, 300, sign a minute in President Lloyd's 301, 565, 566, 570, 580, 586, 589, time, for want of his reasons for 646; xvi., 191, 193, 195, 208, refusing, 165. Counsellors ap212, 215, 490, 492, 493, 494, 496, pointed, 168, 169, 552. A mem498, 499, 509, 514, 518, 527, 542. ber charged with fornication reCorrection, a house of, in each coun- tires, 176, 178, 180. Etiquette ty, proposed, i., 61. towards Assembly, 177. Early Corsey Col., Battalion to rendezvous meetings of, 176. Adjourn to at Swedes' ford, xi., 301. Quaker meeting house, 178, 224, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 77 226. Members dismissed; 211. 93. Oath and affirmation adminMembers attend, as Deputy to istered to, by John Bewley, ColGovernor, 212. Claim-papers and lector, 96. Commission to William copies, 230, 231, Member to at- Markham as Register-General, 96. tend on Governor, 231, 232, 238, Times of meeting, 96, 97. Debate 239. Days of meeting, 231. De- about meeting of Assembly procide that keeper of great seal has rogued by, 110. Power of Legisa right to absent himself, 234. lation affected by death of GoverDifficultybetween, and the keeper nor H., 114. Commission read, of seal, 235, 236. T. Lloyd's let- 116. New members, 117. Proter to, 236. Authority of certain prietary's son, and Collector 3ewpapers required, 239. Question as ley invited, 117. Address of Govto right of election of a member ernor to, 141. Message to Assemserving seven years without inter- bly on adjournment, 149. Remission of one year, 267. Jno. monstrance of Philadelphia against Eckley's election disputed, 268. licenses, &c., 161. Answer to, 161. Also Thomas Lloyd's, 269. Stormy Addresses to and from Governor, debates in, 277. Discussion about 164, 167. Assembly ask removal laws and adjournment of Assem- of James Logan from, 279. Resobly, 290, 294. Debate between lution sent to Assembly, 280. DeAssembly and, on imprisonment bate about sheriffs, 297. Discusof Speaker White, 292. Tumul- sions on impeachment of James tuouns proceedings, 297. Extra Logan, 365-385. Mayor and Remeeting called on receipt of a let- corder of Philadelphia appear beter from Maryland, 298, 299. fore, 407. Petition of Philadelphia Governor Blackwell resigns, 313. to, on tax for court-house, 410. Thomas Lloyd elected President, On French privateers, 413. Order 317, 323. Penn's instructions, 318. about change in money, 435. Returns of members, 322, 323, Complaint to Governor about his 324. Members sign declaration address, 435. Colonel Evans's of allegiance, 321, 450. Member (late Governor) address to, on objected to on account of debauch- Assembly's address to Governor ery, 323, New mode of election of G., 436. Action on, 437. Address members, 324. New Council under of nine members of late Governor's Fletcher, 365, 369, 567. Nomi- Council to Governor G., 439. Renate officers, 366. Day appointed ceive no compensation, 440. Anfor considering government affairs, swer of Assembly, 442. Discus367. A fixed day for meeting, sion on value of money, contracts, 572. Number of members, 577. &c., 445, 446. Assembly's AdNew, formed by proprietary-meom- dress in answer to Governor and bers, 580. Fixed time for meeting, Council, false alarm, &c., 453. 581. Records missing, 589. Diffi- Address from Assembly, 460. Case culty in election, 590. of A. Sandall, Swedish minister, Days of meeting fixed, ii., 66. 484, 500, on Queen's order to GovTo have cognizance of affairs of ernor to meet at New York, 532. individuals, 67. Administer oath Receive complaints from Indians, to Governor Hamilton, 69. Joseph 554. Answer to, 555. Demand from Growcden's speech to, 78. Reply Governor Hunter of New York of Governor, 78. Oath taken by for 2000-decision, 557. Presents members, 90. Present themselves to Indians, 561. Robert Asheton before Commissioners to take oath, appointed deputy clerk, 567. Let-Colonel Quarry's remarks on ters on repeal of laws by Queendetention of dedimus, 92, 93. Proclamation on peace with Spain, Difficulties suggested by Colonel &c., 571. Meet weekly without Quarry respecting the oath and summons, 597. Governor attends affirmation, 93. Proposal as to for the last time, 629. where the dedimus is to be kept, Governor Keith attends and 78 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. qualifies members, iii., 14. Names Business without a quorum, 247. magistrates for Lower Counties, Address to King George II., 271. 15. Accusation of Governor New members, 333. Assembly Gookin against sundry persons, complain to, on rude treatment in 15. Meet to hear Colonel Gookin's Philadelphia, 340. Governor's charges-who confesses he has speech to Assembly on, 341. Rank none to make, 17. Colonel John of members, 384. Thomas Griffitts French a member, 18. Governor's and Charles Reed chosen members, speech, and discussion on mode 529. Ask Governor how the Court of issuing commissions, 33-35. of Chancery is constituted-petiTo meet every week, 56. New tion respecting, 617. commission and instructions from On Court of Chancery or Equity, William Penn, jr., laid before, iv., 19, 21, 22, 27. Can Governor be 64. Agree with Assembly in ad- Chancellor? 23. Report of James vising delay, 68. Governor's Logan on Court of Chancery, 27. charges against Robert Asheton, James Logan becomes president 72, 77. Letter and Report on on death of Governor Gordon, 47. Governor's position, 73. Order Have under consideration affairs of Privy Council for repeal of cer- with Maryland, 63-73. Letter to tain laws, 75. New members, Governor Ogle, 76. Relative po113. Governor attends, after re- sition of, and Assembly with return from Virginia, 115. Views gard to powers arising from death on demand of New York for con- of late Governor-explanations, tribution to fortifications, 134. &c., 99. On Maryland affairs, 101 Not satisfied with powers of Court -151. Petition to King, 125. respecting a road, 142. Jasper Proceedings on Maryland affairs, Yeates dies-Henry Brookes suc- 197, 232, 237. Message to Asceeds him, as ~ Collecter of sembly on do., 201. Answer, 233. Lewes, 143. Proportion in mem- Expressions objected to, 236. Clerk bers between Church of England asks for salary, 237. Message from and Quakers observed, 314. Assembly, 238. Answer to, 239. Decision about dividing line Clerk justified in his claims, 240. between Chester and Philadelphia Two prisoners apply for trialCounties and taxes, 144. Preced- referred to Supreme Court, 250. ing minutes to be read and ex- Proceedings respecting discharge amined, 147. Proceedings in case of prisoners under proceedings at of Indian murder by J. & E. Cart- Hampton Court, 264. Governor ledge, 148-156. To receive mes- Thomas arrives, 288. Appoints sage from Five Nations, 163. Thomas Lawrie, clerk, 289. GovRobert and William Asheton called ernor inquires why A. Hamilton to Council, 173. Vote of thanks and Dr. Graeme do not attend, 292. and ~500 to Governor, 174. Write Repeats the inquiry, and receives to Governor at Conestogo —lands answers not satisfactory, 295. on Susquehanna-Indians —Mary- Proceedings in England for quietland title, 178, 180. Decline or- ing Maryland and Pennsylvania, dering provisions, 180. Various 298 -301. Proclamation to be proceedings respecting treaties made, 301. On value of gold and with Indians at, Conestogo, 203. silver coin, and bills of credit, 365. Message to Indians on treaty with Petition from Mayor, &c., of PhilVirginia —runaway negroes, &c., adelphia, to raise money, 376. 209. Advice to Governor Keith Order for appearance of petitionas to his course-with Maryland, ers, 379. Proceedings against 214. William Fishbourne and Israel Pemberton, Jr., 389-394. Josiah Rolfe, 225. Thomas Mas- Thomas Lawrie resigns, and P. ters dies, 232. Francis Rawle Baird appointed secretary, 429. elected in his place, 232. John Minute to Assembly, 460. PetiRamsey, chamber-keeper, 233. tion of seven companies of soldiers, INDEX TO COLONIAL IRECORDS. 79 466. Action on, 469. Discussion of charge of equipment of a colrespecting health officer, 496- ony vessel and smart money, 270498. Rights of, and Assembly re- 273. Several messages received specting, 498. Pest-house —report from Assembly-Anxious to adof Assembly-Messages, &c., on journ, 276. Remarks on, 276. controversy between Governor and Assembly adjouin, and a series Assembly, 507-559. P. Baird of resolutions is passed by Counresigns as Secretary, and Richard cil, 277-279. Letters to GovernPeters appointed, 639. ors Gooch and Clinton, on privaJames Hamilton, a member, v., teers, 283, 284. Answer Governor 1. Benjamin Shoemaker, do., 3. Gooch, 301. Letter to ProprietaAddress to King on successes in ries, 319. Decision respecting Scotland, 51. Joseph Turner, Bucks county Associators and ofThomas Hopkinson, and Lawrence ficers, 326. Message to Assembly, Growden become members of, 65. 329. Message from Assembly disList of members according to pri- approving of resolutions, 338. Reority, 67. William Logan becomes ply to, 339. Governor James a member, 68. Richard Peters, Hamilton meets Council, 362. Clerk, 68. Course of business Richard Peters appointed Clerk settled, 69. Form of licenses and Secretary of Province, 365. changed, 69. Chamber to be in Governor goes to New Castle and State-house, 69. Governor replies leaves members in charge, 488. to Governor Shirley respecting John Penn arrives —Made a memsupplies, 76. Proceedings relative ber, with rank of Eldest Counto robberies by French and Span- cillor, 606. Is present, 618. iards, 90. Letter to Proprietaries Various papers relative to Conon robberies, 92. Speech to As- necticut claim, vi., 247-275. Adsembly, 95, 96. Message from vice to Governor M., 274. Road Assembly, 101. Governor Shir- from Shippensburg to Du Quesne, ley and Indians, 102. Refuse to 317. Opinion of, on publishing print address to Assembly, and papers by Assembly, 328. Govtheir answer, 104, 105. Relative ernor informs of appointment of to forces raised for expedition to Mr. Quincey as Commissioner, Canada, 130-145. Letter to Gov- 329. Governor informs of French ernor Shirley, 143. Message to fleet and troops for North America, Assembly, 154, 156. Letter to 353. Lynford Lardner a member, Proprietaries on defenceless state 414. Opinion of, on saving clause of province and city, 160. Declar- in Colonel Evans's commissionation to Associators, encouraging Tax on proprietary estate, 520. them to proceed in choosing offi- New Members-B. Cohen, John cers, 168. Letters to Governors Mifflin, and Dr. Thomas CadwalaClinton and Shirley, for loan of der,. 666. Advise Governor and cannon till those ordered from some members to proceed to fronEngland should arrive, 172, 173. tiers, 676. Report of Committee Send Messrs. Lawrence and Tay- on distribution of arms, &c., by lor to New York for cannon, 206. Assembly, 679. On defenceless Higginbotham and Perie appear state of province, 680. Petitions before, 218. Review the Associa- for defence from all parts, 680. tors, 222. Message to Assembly, Advise Governor not to assent to 230. Captain Ballet meets, and bill for taxing proprietary estates, shows his instructions, 241. Sits 680, 692, 696. Advice to Goverevery morning, City Court-house, nor, 705. Advice to Governor re-246. Resolutions of, for defence specting French neutrals, 711. of city, 250. Orders to ferrymen Proceedings, 713. Extracts from respecting seamen from Otter old Minutes of Council, 1709-1746, sloop, 256. Message to Assembly 720-724. on means of defence, and estimate Advise Governor towards Qua 80 DINDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. kers on war against Delaware In- Opinions on supply bill and;Asdians, vii., 103, 107. B. Franklin sembly, 325. Objections of, to and other Commissioners meet, bill for remission of bills of credit, 153. Letter to Governor Belcher, respecting quit rents, 350. Gov166. Proceedings on Assembly's ernor' s insinuations against —Their message on tax on proprietary reply —Protest of Mr. Chew, 357. estate, 204 Governor Morris re- Protest against Governor for astires, and William Denny presents senting to a bill of credit, 358. his commission as Governor, and Allusion to Governor Keith, 359. order clearance of vessels, 221. John Moland, a member, 360. Governor Denny asks advice of Discussion continued on bill, 361. Council, 236. Appoint Hamilton, Proposals of Larduer and Logan to Shoemaker, Logan, and Secretary send bill on warrants aJ propriePeters to investigate proprietary tary, 362. Mr. Gallowa; s remarks purchases from Indians, 354. on bill, 363-369. Nelv bill proQuartering soldiers, 359-378. G. posed by Mr. Moland sent to AsCrogihan attends in, and gives his sembly, 369. Speech of Governor opinion on Indian affairs, 382. on bill-Rights of property-Of AW. Callender and Israel Pember- Secretary and Surveyor-General, ton ask permission to examine 375. Not a part of the Legislaminutes of Council respecting In- ture, 503. Take oaths of allegidian claims to lands, 394. An- ance, &c., to King George III., swer to, 397. Answer to remarks 520. Address of Governor and of Assembly on supply bill, 437. Council to George III., 561. GovChew and Peters to draw up pro- ernor sick - Transmits message position to Assembly on money and report respecting Connecticut bill, 441. Report, 442. Lord settlers in Northampton county, Loudon sends answers to money 564. R. Peters resigns as Secrebill, 451. Address of Moravians, tary, and Joseph Shippen, Jun'r, 494. Discussion on building fort elected, 671. Decline exhibiting and houses at Wyoming for Dela- to Committee of Assembly their wares, 734. Proceedings in case minutes, 719, 720. of William Moore, 741, 750, 764, Joseph Shippen, Jr., continued 776, 781. Secretary and Clerk-reception of bW. Peters, Secretary pro tem., John Penn as Governor, ix., 74. viii., 19. Governor complains of Action in relation to murder of insult from Commnissioners, 31. ConestogaIndians, 90, 100. RichAffairs with Teedyuscung and his ard Penn admitted as a member, clerk, 31. Communication from 101, 104. Relating to murder of Governor respecting bills, &c., 70. Conestoga Indians, 88-128. AdConvened at request of General vice about their removal from barForbes on Indian affairs, 126. racks, 135. Action on remonOpinion of proper treatment of strance of Smith & Gibson, 146. French prisoners, 148. Governor Various letters submitted on the asks advice of, in case of Dutch Indians in barracks, 170. Address vessels brought in by privateers, to King on repeal of Stamp Act, 155. Proceedings in case of Wil- 315. William Till dies-James liam Moore, 161. Acquittal, 162. Tilghman elected in his place, 354. Opinion on Assembly's rejection Murders of Indians by F. Stump, of Admiral Boscowen's request 414-490. Examination of James for men, 165. Addresses of meet- Cunningham respecting rescue of ings of sufferings on Indian land Stnump, 450. Colonel Armstrong claims, and proceedings on, 239, to be written to, to regain him, 241, 243-245. Report of Com- 451. Proceedings respecting shootmittee on complaints of Indians ing Indian George, 603. New at Easton, respecting claims for Members, 704. James Hamilton land by Teedyuscung, 246-261. as President succeeds John Penn INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 81 on his going to England, 733. not to be enlisted-order for powJoseph Shippen, Jr., is continued der for Maryland, Ind. Co.-deClerk, 733. Alteration in forms, position of John Walker-and 734. Take oaths, 734. Order Martha Ash, 663. Compliance men to be raised for Wyoming, withrules andregulat'ns of Assem753. Letter to proprietaries re- bly for associators-arms-letters specting, 727, 779. Proclamation from boats, resignation J. and A. respecting approval or annulling Arthur-J. and J. Hatton to be of laws by King, 766. apprehended-letter to Salem-ColMinutes, x., I to 276. William onel Kirkland-apprehension of Hicks added to, 12. In absence Tories, 667, 670. Orders for sail of Ricbqrd Penn-the President, cloth, &c. —pay for families of asJames t-; nilton acts as Governor, sociators-letter to delegates in 90. Johi:' Penn arrives as Gover- Congress on militia, 669. Orders nor, and le present, 91. Action re- for arms-Committee on complaints specting Connecticut claim, 118- of families, 671. Thomas Whar139. Dr.Conolly,140, 145, 169, 170. ton, Jr., chosen President, and Recommend petition to the King David Rittenhouse Vice President in the present posture of affairs, — furnish Lancaster with arms232. Message to Assembly, 233. blankets —workmen not to be enCouncil-Privy-Acts confirmed or be quartered in repealed by, iv., 483-486. On places of worship —wardens and state of the province, &c., vii., deacons to be informed of this or272-278. On various Acts, 275. der-flying camp to be raisedCouncil of Safety. (See also Com- condition of companies of associamittee of Safety, x., 279-652.) tors to be examined-assistance - Appointed; by Convention of State sloop to J. Coburn-clothing— meet-names of members, 653. Billingsport-Ensign Kirk resigns, Declaration read subscribed-Mr. 673. New member-clothing for Rittenhouse, chairman-Colonel Col. Atlee's battalion- supplies Miles' men sick-Dr. Thomas Parke for families, 675. Workmen not to attend them-stage in State to serve in militia-insult at PhilHouse yard fitted up for guard- adelphia-William Sutton from doorkeeper appointed - Colonel New York, confined as Tory-poor Bull to procure pikes and Toma- associators of Bucks county-man hawks, 653. Resolutions respect- from Chester county confineding flying camp and letter to Coin- militia quartered inprivate houses Inittee of Berks-Jacob S. How- -George Gray a new member — ell appointed Secretary-Resolu- battalion short of officers to be tion of Convention-defence of passed byMuster Master, 677. Apfrontiers-new members, 655. pointment of officers-comlmittee Petition from boats at Darby on plan of fortifications at BillingsCreek-S. Morris to supply them port-German lieutenants re-Court martial on John Peal- commended to Congress-flying Captain Loxly ordered to city- camp-arms to be repaired-offiWilliam Nisbett, Treas'rer, orders, cers' account, 679. Cannon sent 659. Major Bell-Colonel Mont- to camp in New Jersey-Congress gomery new members-allowance resolve that paper makers do not to associators' families-sinking go with associators to New Jersey piers —flying camp-Colonel Ran- -deserters from Continental army kin command of fleet, 659. Pow- in custody of Colonel Haslettder-return of stores-redoubt at dissatisfaction in naval department Billingsport-salt for navy-Con- -relief of poor families of associagress order cannon to General tors-sick soldier of Continental Mercer for flying camp-combus- army provided with a physiciantibles-persons and papers to be William Sutton-sash weightsarrested, 661. Men employed various orders, 681. Maryland 6 82 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. money to be changed-fortifica- Visit Fort Island, 732. Militia of tions at Billingsport, 683. Various city to be employed at Billingsorders and payments for arms, port-Dr. Wm. Currie rqsigns as &c. —troops under Captain Proctor Surgeon-Prisoner enlarged onpaincreased-recommendto Congress role-Change of officers of Flying another lieutenant, 685. Sundry Camp-Congress agree to provide payments-deserters from asso- for disabled men, 735. Order on ciators to be reported, 687. Per- Congress for money —L. Nicola mission granted to prisoners con- continued as Barrack-Master —Vafined at Lancaster, 688. State rious accounts —Return of arms to cannon foundry and boring mill- be made-12 recruiting sergeants, Aid to Captain Mathew Smith — 737. Persons to buy blanketswages to a slave to be paid, 6S9. New commissions to Captains of Sundry orders-pay for arms taken Galleys, 739. Privateer cornmisfrom non-associators-bounty to sioned —Regulars for Continental soldiers in Bucks County —pay service-Exchange of cannon in for shot cast by G. Taylor-Captain ship Montgomery - Officers apOpp's company to march to Jersey, pointed, 741. New arrangement 690. Orders for city guards, 691. of battalions —Letter to Colonel Order to Commodore Davison, Brodhead —To General McKinley 693. Respecting enlargement of — Men to be sent to Fort MontJames McConneaughy-forged gomery, 743. Raise pay of pilots deeds for land by George Crows -Ship Montgomery be fitted out are to be taken, 693. Money -Various orders, 744. Resolufound in his trunk, 695, 696. Re- tions respecting pay, stores, assoward offered on account of riot, ciators-Guard for city, 747. Mo701. Loan to Congress, 703. nopoly of salt, 748. Lists of clothUrgent order to troops to depart ing, 749. Orders respecting chain for Amboy, 704. Publish hand- and boom in river-General Howe bills denying reports respecting expected, 747, 750. Salt-Pay to number of troops in New Jersey, Colonel Brodhead, 750. Order 706. Guard for Reading, 714. arms to be distributed —AssociaBlankets, &c., to be purchased- tors to report-Letter from General apply to Congress to pay wages Lee respecting Hessians approach&c., of associators-four members ing-Complaint of Sharp Delancy, added by convention, 717. F. 753. Offer bounty-Committee to Gurney a member-piers to be view avenues to city-Brass canfinished, 718. Hospital for sick non from Jersey —Articles for Bilsoldiers-Dr. Gerardus Clarkson lingsport-Send expresses, 755. physician —fortifications at Bill- Appoint officers of foot —Proposals ingsport-various orders, 719. to Board of War for defence-No Fast sailing sloops or schooners persons of military experience — to be engaged, 719. Guards for General Stevens proposed, 757. frigates, prison and powder-pris- No persons to view the works at oners discharged, 720. Regimen- Fort Island, nor sound Channeltal paymaster-enlistments-re- Salt to be sent and sold at Trenport on Chevaux de frise, &c.,- ton-A Captain appointed-Pay complaint of Michael Conner- increased of men in fleet, 759. committee to inspect arms, &c.- Magazine for military stores, 763. pilot through Chevaux de frise Officers appointed —Boats to be appointed-servants and appren- built-A fire to be erected, and tices not to be enlisted, 723. nails made at Fort Island, 765. Barracks-S. Mifflin declines be- Arrangements in Battalion, officers ing Commodore-purchase of commanding companies, promoarms and commander of floating tions, &c., 766. Orders, 769. Men battery, 724. Appoint T. Seymour to be enlisted, 773. Privateers, Commodore-instructions to, 731. 773. Various orders, 783. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 83 Minutes, xi., 1 to 170. Artil- 38. General Howe advancinglery to be paraded at Fort Island, boats sent to Trenton ferries to be -Fleet to be manned and rendez- in order-Commnodore Seymour to vous at Philadelphia-Store for be under General Washingtonclothing, &c., 1. Memorial to As- expresses, 39. Authorize impresssembly on continental currency, 2. ing a carriage and horses from Arrival of transports at New York, Messrs. Pemberton and Emlen, Jr., 3. Appointments, 2, 17. Priva- to remove General Roberdeau to teers, 3. Captain Strohbogh's com- Lancaster-no further restriction pany of artillery to be sent for- on salt-inhabitants permitted to no vessels to pass chevaux-de-frise sell as usual-books and treasury -orders to Commodore Seymour to be removed to Lancaster-removal of cattle from shores- wagon to be provided, 41. - WarPutnaln Battery- prisoners of war dens to appoint patrols-commitundel care of S. C. Morris-S. ment, &c., of William Smith and Wheeler works at chevaux-de- J. Stansbury-militia ordered frise, 5. Order troops from Berks, from Bucks county, 43. Seven pay at Billingsport-brass cannon, members added by Asseimbly, 45. money from Congress, 7. Pay of Employ Dunlap's printing mateofficers of armed boats-Captain rials ask aid of citizens to GeneRice ordered to Cape May-his ral Putnam in throwing up works instructions, S. Orders toChester of defence, 46. Wagons-poor militia to march to city, 9. Order militia-powder from French troops from counties, 10. Borrow creek-battalions to join General from Congress, 12. Captain Coch- W., 49. Stores to be openedran's Company to be paid- Me- prisoners sent to Baltimore under morial to Assembly on calling out guards-sick soldiers- appointmilitia, 15. Various orders, 17. ments, 51. Tolls on Schuylkill Authority to collect blankets and bridge-sick at hospital-wagonstockings in city, 18. Will pro- ers, 53. Census of males fit to vide for Associators' families- bear arms, 60. Pay for wagons, Salt for Philadelphia County-no 60. Regulations for soldiers, 72. vessels to depart except already Send off expresses, 74. Rum sent cleared-William Parr to remove to camp, 75. Appointments and records to Lancaster-supply for orders for pay, 76-84. Cannon to families of Associators, 23. Field be collected in Philadelphia, 84. Officers to be noininated-Sur- Troops to be paraded, 85. Militia geons appointed-Troops sent to disgusted, return-under orders Trenton-and to General W., 25. not given officially-Colonel HuNo person to pass ferries with fire bly, commissary, 86. Suspected arms without permit-L. Nicola, persons-prisoners from Roebuck Town Major-duty-guards for -from New York-provision for, city-volunteers shops to be 89. Thanks to officers, &c., at shut up, and schools broken up- Lancaster, for remaining, 90. ColBrigade formed-armed boat, 27. onel Hunter's battalion refuses to Ferrymen on Delaware to trans- march to aid of General Washingport Maryland flying camp to the ton, 95. Indian treaty at Easton, city-troop of horse to be formed 96. Persons appointed to attend, to proceed to General W. wagon- 96. Secretary to Commissioners, ers needed-not to be impressed- 98. Officers of Major Williams' paymaster-Associators to be sup- battalion, 98, Punishment of deplied from stores, 29. Port opens serters from militia, 102-106. -vessels may pass-loan from Officers prisoners with the enemy Congress-appointments, 37. to retain their rank, 109. ResoluSchools opened-prisoners re- tion respecting business, 112. moved under guard to Newtown- Against false reports, 114. Loan medicines-resolutions on defence, from Congress-letter to Hewes, 84 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Tybout and Tuckness for supplies, [Proclamation by the Council, 115. Order a regiment of artil- showing that by the occupation of lery to be raised-officers and the City by the British, the Governmen-Colonel Proctor to be Colo- ment by the Assembly became temnel of it, 116. Justices to exam- porarily useless-they transferred ine persons in jail suspected of their powers to a body composed of stealing money from S. Lowry- the Supreme Executive Council and Hessian and Waldecker prisoners other gentlemen therein namedto be delivered to Colonel Melchor which body they denominated "A -Major Williams resigns-Far- Council of Safety, with all the powers mer and Murray appointed, 116. for the time being of the Assembly. Ask loan of Assembly, 117. Or- It only continued in existence for der arrest of Joseph Atkinson for about one year, when the cause of robbery, 123. Appointments-ap- their appointment being removedplications for regiments-gun-lock the Council was by proclamation disfactory-fortifications at Billings- solved into the original Assembly port-officers —cash brought from and Supreme Executive Council, xi., Baltimore, 125. Sends boat Del- 325-353.] aware to defend salt-works in New Jersey from expected enemy —ad- Colonel Galbraith to collect blankets ditions to Navy Board, 127. Offer for the sick, to be appraised by bounty in navy, and fix pay of three individuals-seven persons officers and men, 132. Regula- authorized to collect in Chester tions respecting sick, 133. Ar- Co., arms, blankets, &c., xi., 328; rearages to Captain Brown's com- and others in Lancaster countypany-salt for beef, 135. Steward Ordain Commissioners in each at Province Island-Committee to County to seize and confiscate the inquire about stores-Regiment to property of individuals inimical be raised to serve in any part of to this country, 329. General United States-bounty-appoint- Armstrong presents a statement ments and pay, 137. Navy Board relative to the militia-Provisions to take the Province shallop, 138. not to be procured at HummelsSentence on Lieutenant John Dean town for gun factory-Joshua Elreferred to Navy Board, 138. Ap- der to supply them even by force, point Joseph Stiles superinten- 331. Order goods returned to J. dent of ordinance-necessary Swanick-fix prices, 336. Rebuildings, 143. George Ingles moval of families from State superintendent of gun-carriages- Works-Ordinance against buystoring timber-state of troops in ing up and engrossing merchanCity-Ceneral Gates-officer to dize-number of commissioners to visit-also Barrack-Master and buy blankets increased, 337. OrTown-major, 144. Smith's shop dinance against distilling from to be erected-pay of Jacob Howell, grains, 338; or appoint persons Secretary, 146. End of Council to take blankets from certain perMinutes, 146. Memoranda of pay- sons-paying, &c., therefor, 339. ment and occurrences, 149-176. Pay of Lieutenants on appeal Call for money on Supreme Exec- days-wagons required, 341, 342. utive Council, 176. James Read, Appointwagon-master-IndiansCouncilman, could not serve be- General Hand, 343. John Brown ing in Assembly, 500. Also arrested and imprisoned-his exMat. Smith, 502. Committee to set- amination, &c., 345, 347. Indian tie accounts appointed, 645. Coin- depredations-wagon for William mittee, Hambright & Lacey, to ob- Harris, 347. Additions to Cointain minutes and papers of, relative missioners to seize effects of tories to their proceedings and deposit -Remarks on John Brown's exthem in Secy.'s office, xii., 242. amination, 348. Wagons not to Purchase bylate, paid for, xiii., 28. be impressed at Lancaster-militia INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 85 of this State complained of-Corn- Amount of revenue from first tax, missioners sent to camp to inquire 461, 466. Power to form, is in into it, 350. Commissioners to Proprietary, iii., 344. New, iv., collect arms, &c., may appoint 335, 755. To be formed, v., 398, assistants-Dr. Shannon to be 403, 404, 426, 428, 619. arrested, 352. Proclamation of County workhouses proposed, iii., Supreme Executive Council dis- 39. Justices, 28, 62, 175. solving and terminating the Coun- Courtney, Herculeus, First Lieutencil of Safety, 353. ant of Artillery company, x., 619. Made Captain Lt. of do., 775. [Here the minutes of Supreme Court, Provincial to have five judges, Executive Council recommence. to make two circuits yearly, i., Though they appear to have kept 98, 107. And be a Court of Equiseparate minutes.] ty, 102.: Records in a certain case to be burned, 106. Council Councillors, xi., 372, 595, 596; xii., to define jurisdiction of, 124. Spe146, 147; xiv., 230, 232, 234, 236, cial, 163, 164. Appeals from 237; xv., 294, 296, 298, 300. County Court-Judges conzmisCouncil of War at Great Carrying sioned, 169. Clerk of a, cannot Place, vi., 608. Articles adopted, act as attorney, 170. Ten days 609. between a judgment and execuCouncil of War by Governor Shirley tion, 170, 171. Judges proposed, at New York, vii., 23. 187. Commissioned, 192. NeCounterfeits and counterfeiters, re- cessity of a, 241, 247. Debate specting, i., 72, 84, 87, 88, 89. on, 248. Five judges decided on, Search-warrant for, 89; iii., 109, 248. A decision in case Thomas 110, 268. Arrested, &c., iv., 224. Harris confirmed, 311. Expenses Demand on Massachusetts, 225, of summons, how paid, 311. 241, 273, 274. Rob. Jenkins, 429; Keeper of great seal may sit in v., 119, 141, 268; x., 88, 97, 109, County Courts, 321. Mercenary 172, 256. Proclamation against pleadings in, 327. Clerk appointRichardson and Ford for, 99. J. ed by Penn continues in office unM'Allister and Short, 256-258. til convicted of crime charged Escape of and proclamation, 258. against him, 327. John White, Deeds for land, 693; xi., 216, Clerk, case, 327, 329. Case of 234. Plates discovered, 234, 397, judgment under wrong name, 394. 663; xii., 87, 89, 199, 267, 268, Proceedings in an urgent case, 272, 375. Plates defaced, xiii., 395. Address Governor, 402. 385; xiv., 59, 347, 450, 454. Judge appointed, 451. Place of Counties, names of, i., 57. Names of holding, 453. Bills proposed reSheriffs, 57. Courts in, rules for specting, 610. Bill for regulaproposed, 64. Seals for each or- ting, ii., 45, 184. Act for estabdered-their devices, 66. Court lishing, 155, 252, 253, 259, 337, fined by Council, 76. Bounds of, 480-2. Magistrates obliged to 126, 129. Justices appointed, 129. hold their courts in ale-houses, To raisemoney, 131,152, 162, 163, 409. Revival of, 571. Justices 298. Magistrates reminded of appointed for the, 597. Actestabduty against debauchery, 201. A lishing, proposed, viii., 399, 400. good understanding between up- Delayed by absence of great seal, per and lower, to be preserved, 408. Opinion on, 543. Disal203. Confusion as to taxes and lowed, 559, 573. To continue writs, 265. To elect members actions, &c., 673. A special, apaccording to charter, 324. Clerks pointed for trial of Lt. R. Hamilcontinued, 344. New negotiation ton in Bedford county, x., 8. respecting officers, 345. Clerks Justices to preside in, xii., 546. refuse to deliver records, 378. To be established by Congress for Probate of Wills for each, 461. trial of piracies, 702. 8(3 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Court of Admiralty, Judge F. Hop- Samuel Miles, 306, 66. Judge, kinson re-appointed, xv., 191. Edward Shippen, 207. H. WynCourt of Chancery, iv., 19, 21, 22. koop, 229. T. Hopkinson, a Judge Report of James Logan on, 27. of, 310. Pay to Judge Wynkoop, Violation of charter of privilege, xv., 645. 27. Petition of Phila. against, 35. Court, Federal, to try private rights Of Bucks, 36. Chester, 37. As- to lands in Wyoming, xiv., 31. sembly on, 40-46. Seal, 639. At Hannas' Town, xiii., 699. Contrary to Proprietary instruc- Court of Judicature, Act for estabtions, x., 20. lishing, ii., 222, 252, 434, 438, Court, City, xiii., 781. 440, 443, 454, 482, 485, 488, 489, Court of Common Pleas, A. Hamil- 503, 518, 524, 540, 571-2, 578. Obtonll Prothonotary, iii., 271. A. jections of Governor and Council, Hamilton, Clerk, applies for pow- 263. Governor has power to esers of a Justice - granted, but tablish, 296, 400. Chief Justicecannot sit as both at same time, A. Hamilton-died-Judge Momiv., 153. M. Stedman, President, pesson, 239; iii., 171, 278, 398. viii., 339. Justices superseded, Law of 1727 repealed, 418, 422. 562. Prothonotaries to be Judges Message of Governor on continuain their counties, xi., 221. P. tion of actions, ix., 18, 361, 363, Fleeson, President, to receive re- 369, 385, 390, 392, 581. cords of Mayor's office, xiii., 20. Court-Orphans-Clerk dies and D. Pentecost appointed President, another appointed, iv., 151. Clerk Washington, 732. E. Shippen, of, appointed, vii., 501. For city Justice, xiv., 103. H. Wynkoop, and county clerk-appointed WVilPresident, 150. F. Antes resigns, liam Nicolls, xiv., 667. 169. Justices of, 180, 182. A. Court of Oyer and Terminer, ii., 18, McAllister resigns-Henry Slagle 36, 86, 111, 254, 395. Commisappointed, 182. Justices, 224, sions how to be issued, iii., 33-35. 226, 242, 257. James Moore, re- Repeal of laws respecting, 90, signs, 567. General Quarter 156. Continued under GoverSessions and Jail delivery, and nor Gorden, 253; iv., 71, 244. Orphans', J Maxwell, President, Allen, Coleman, and Growden, xv., 72, 124. Prothonotary, &c., viii., 336, 592. Judges, ix., 581; 96, 97, 269, 271, 315. Dorsey xvi., 17. Pentecost suspended on account Court of Quarter Session-Justices of removal, 124. EdwardShippen oath, ii., 90. To administer cerresigns as President of Court of tain oaths, 104. Trials, 396, 579. Quarter Sessions, 120, 128; xvi., power of, over a road discussed, 50, 119, 120. iii., 142; ix., 172, 237. Justices Court, County, rules for proposed, of, 393; xiii., 20. i., 64. Fined by Council, 76. No Court of Philadelphia county-Juscircular, 147. Special, to be tices commissioned, ii., 159, 254. granted, 80, 515. County, ii., Adjourned by Governor, 279. 254, 259, 571, 597; ix., 201, 237. Court, Supreme, iii., 254. Number Delaware county, xvi., 209, 212. of Judges equal as to Church of Court of Equity - Judge Guest England and Quakers, 158. complains that none have been New commissions for, 253. Vaheld, ii., 114, 160, 184, 254. cancies Hilland Lloyd, 398. C. J., Rules for, 184; iii., 93, 105; iv., being now President cannot act, 19, 21, 22, 40. iv., 71. Convictions by, 209. Court, High, of Errors and Appeals, Prisoners for trial, 250. C. J. Judges appointed for, xii., 548. Langhorne dies J. Kinsey sucJudge resigns, 723. Judges ap- ceeds, 640. Conviction of burglars, pointed, xiii., 535, 545, 550. v., 155. 2nd Judge dead, vi., Judges to have access to library, 135; viii., 335. Session of,576. Opinion asked, 690; xiv., Judges Allen, Growden and Cole INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 87 man, 481, 592. J. Evans dies, Cox, Captain Paul, appointed memxiv., 41. Jacob Rush appointed, ber of Navy Board, xi., 122. Com43, 71, 483; xvi., 17. mands a flag of truce, has perCourt, District, of Pennsylvania, to mission to pass Mud Fort, xii., be held in Philadelphia, xvi., 433. 557. Of United States, to be establish- Coxe, Mrs. Sarah, too ill to travel, ed, xvi., 100. xii., 390. Court of Vice Admiralty-Andrew Coxe, Tench, appointed commisHamilton appointed Judge, iv., sioner, xv., 5. Commissioner to 250. Commercial Convention, xv., 86, Court-houses, i., 510; iii., 235, 241; 135. To lay out a road, 425, xii., 181. In Philadelphia, to be 445. Paid as M. C., xvi., 10. built by a tax, ii., 406, 407, 409, Cox, William, letter to, vii., 600. 410. Craig, Hugh, paymaster, xi., 32. Coutts James, Speaker of N. C. As- Craig, Captain Isaac, promoted to sembly, ii., 425. Major, xiii., 223, 233. Certificate Cove-Great- destroyed, vi., 673- of, xiv., 27. Memorialon lands in 677. Inhabitants' letter to Jus- Westmoreland county, 291. tices of Cumberland County, v., Craig, Colonel, commands a regi453. Election, 468. nient, xii., 36. Cove, Little-Inhabitants' letter to Craig, Captain James, shot for, x., Justices of Cumberl'd Co., v., 452. 598. A prisoner, xi., 292. oventry Iron Works on French Craig, John, commander of privateer Creek, Chester county, iv., 152, sloop Congress, x., 605. Resigns, 247. xii., 88. Of dragoons, 275, 332. Cowden, Captain, x., 699. Resigns Council, elected to AssemCowperthwaite, Captain, x., 484, bly, xiii., 407. Collector of excise 757. Joseph conducts Continental in Westmoreland, xv., 55. Lieupowder mill, 757. Storekeeper tenant of Northampton county, 55. of provisions at Reading, xi., Revoked, 132, 621. 423. Justices, 619. Sheriff, xiv., Craig, Captain Robert, paid, x., 686. 555; xv., 98. Craig, Thomas, commissioner of purCowpland Caleb, 3rd Judge, dies-his chases, xii, 405, 409. Appointed place filled, viii., 77. Lieutenant, xiii., 617. ProthonoCowpland, David, Burgess, xi., 729. tary of Montgomery county, xiv., Cowpland, Captain Jonathan, xi., 202, 204. 678. Appointed Captain of a Craig, William, sheriff, v., 597. Apguard boat, x., 759. pointed prothonotary of NorthCoxe, Colonel, letter, xii., 423. ampton county, xv., 461. Justice, Coxe, Dr., Iron works in Jersey, x., 579, 621. 575. Cramer, Philip, Sheriff, xi., 596. Cox, Isaac, paymaster of troops, x., Crapp, John, Surgeon, charged with 722. Resigns, 755. ill-treatment of an insane patient Cox, Captain John, of ship Euryale and ordered to cure her, i., 512. from Barbadoes-letter of Presi- Cratho, John, authorized to trade dent to, v., 106. Complaints and buy and hold lands, iii., 235. against, 108. Proclamation against, Crawford, Captain, akren at St. 109. Physicians to visit ship, John's, is on parole, x., 586. 109. Crawford, Colonel James, x., 687; Cox, John, taken by Indians, vii., xi., 104. Expedition, xvi., 42. 242. Feeble condition, 243. Com- Crawford, Edward, Jr., prothonotary plains of Thomas Forster of Lan- of Franklin County, xiv., 202, caster county interrupting survey 204. of land, ix., 335. Member of Coun- Crawford, Hugh, brings message from cil of Safety, x., 717. To purchase Twightwees, v., 437. woodland in Jersey for salt works, Crawford, James, Sheriff, xii., 137, xi., 294. 513; xiii., 92. 88 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Crawford, Josiah, letter-Justice, say nothing about a fort, 522. xii., 486. Treaty with Twightwees, 523. Crawford, William, Judge of Court His journal, 528, 530-540. Letter, in Westmoreland county, joins 539. Bears a message from Virginia against Pennsylvania, x., Shawnese to Governor - letter 228. from, 569, His journal, 731. Crawford, Colonel William, expedi- Letters to and from, vi., 21, 140, tion against Indians, xiv., 310. 160, 180, 181, 188, 218, 226, 373, Credit, of the provinces assailed by 375, 398, 642, 699. Building fort Andrew Bradford, printer, for at mouth of Monongahela, 21. which he is summoned before At Auckwick, 150. Fort at Wills' Council, iii., 143. Creek, 180. French at Ohio, 181. Creigh, John, Clerk of Orphans' Commission for surveying roads, Court, xi., 200. Justice, resigns, 318, 323. Letter from, and other xii., 3. Commissioners for laying out a Cremshier, John Dutton, Notary, road for Braddock, 368. Indianxiii., 15. messages, 375. Indians return to Cresap, Thomas, iii., 472. On west Auckwick, 398. At Little Meadside of Susquehanna not disposed ows, 460. French and Indians on to return, iv., 57. On Maryland Ohio, 642. Reported "cut off," affairs, 68, 103. Arrested for 667. Act proposed for relief of, murder of Knowles Dant, 109, 743, 744. Account of interview 121, 122, 139. List of persons with Indians, 781. Appointed by concerned in burning his house, Sir Wm. Johnson agent of Indian 117, 130, 135. Character of, 111, affairs, vii., 354. Letters to and 177. Petition of, 145, 256. from, 355, 384, 385, 403, 465, 474, Cresap, Captain, alluded to, v., 218. 475, 480, 481, 484, 503, 532, 608, Sends for Indians —their report, 639, 644, 660, 681. Instructions 439. of Johnson to, 355, 435. Gives Cresson, Sam'l, collects excise, xv., opinion in Council, 382. Govern222. or's letter to, on money, 384. " Crisis," payment to Thomas Receives from J. Pemberton, &c., Paine for ten dozen, by the Coun- on part of friendly association, cil, xii., 503. money for Indians, 391. Deputies Crispin, William, provisions, xi., from Indians, 485. Speech of 142, 248, 257, 266, 267, 280, 405, chiefs at Lancaster, 485. Indians, 408, 440, 448, 465, 475, 528, 572, 503. Minutes of his proceedings 576, 586, 640, 650; 689, 706, with Indians at Harris' and Lan717, 719, 728, 742, 750, 778. caster, 506-517. Sent by W. Commissary, xii., 10, 26, 44, 65, Johnson, to Pennsylvania, 624. 86, 111, 204. To furnish rations Letter to, from Gov., on a clerk, and account, and be discharged, 658. Encloses a paper written 226, 247, 450. Collector of excise, by C. Thomson to Governor, 681. 554; xiv., 365. Teedyuscung's opinion of, 731. Croasdell, William, Sheriff of Bucks, Indian agent for Sir. William ii., 397. Johnson, attends conference at Croghan, George, an Indian trader, Easton, viii., 175. Opinion of coninforms of Indians formerly in ference with Ohio Indians, 301. Act French interest have changed to in favor of, and William Trent disEnglish, v., 72, 119, 211. Letter allowed in England, 321. Holds to, from R. Peters, 214. Narra- conference with Indians at Pittstive of his proceedings at Ohio, burg, 382-391, 429. Garrisons Fort 287. Pay to, 294. His residence Lyttleton, ix., 34. Letters to and 348, 349. Indian Conference at from, 249, 321, 490. His journal his house in Pennsboro, 431-436. of transactions with Indians, 250Letters, 496, 515. Instructions 264, 322. Goods for Indiana, 302. respecting presents, 518. Private, Indian affairs, 433. Going to Fort INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 89 Pitt to condole with Indians, 490, Governor to Justices, respecting 496. Conference at, 514-543. Col. Dunbar, 514. Company Speech to, 533. formed in Lurgan township for Crohon, Dennis, petition of his wife, protection, ask for arms, 533. his case stated, and cannot appear Difficulties with Maryland, 639. in time, xii., 58, 65. Indian murders, 645-662, 670. Croker, Joseph, (a mason) killed at Destruction of Great Cove, 673Wyoming, viii., 134. 675. State of affiairs in, 706. Croll, Michael, sub-Lieutenant, xii., Orders of Governor Morris to 407. Justice, xiv., 629. Colonel Armstrong and others Crooks, Thomas, Justice, xiii., 122. in, vii., 161. To commissaries Crosby, John, Jr., Coroner, ix., 778; of stores, 162. Petitions from, x., 56. Commissioner of pur- 241. Roads, 592. Justices dechases, xii., 393. dine serving, 595. New, comCrosier, Matthias, Coroner, vii., 267. missioned, 637. Coroners apCroston, M., contractor, vii., 550. pointed, viii., 223, 403, 506, 781. Crown Point, intended expedition Sheriffs appointed, 223, 403, against, v., 199. French propose 506, 781. Inspectors, 400. Repbuilding a fort near, vi., 330. resentation of proprietary tax in, Supplies for, 616. Expedition- 472. Tabular statements, 476. number of men to be raised in Sheriffs elected, ix., 57, 199, 286, each State for, vii., 29. 333, 398, 547, 624, 681, 691, 779. Crows, George, forges deeds, x., 693, Coroners elected, 57, 199, 286, 695, 696, 698, 720. 333, 398, 547, 624, 673, 691, 732, Crozer, John, xi., 429. 779. Justices, 293, 386, 470. A Cruikshank, Alexander, sells negro, frontier county, 138. Letter, Geni., 556, 558. eral Gage, and advertisement of Cryder, Michael, agent of estates, Lieutenant Colonel Reid, comxiii., 115. plaining of insults to troops, 267. Cuba, Island of, enlistment of sold- Letter to Justices, 272. Justice iers for, iv., 499. V William Smith complained of for Culbertson, Andrew, Justice, xi., neglect of duty, 293. Removed, 398. 293. Writ against James Smith as Culbertson, Capt. Robert, x., 700. a ringleader of rioters near Fort Wagon master, xii., 453. Loudoun, 293, 297. Letter to Culbertson, Samuel,: Commissioner magistrates respecting destruction to buy provisions Chester Co., xi., of goods intended for Fort Pitt, 424. Elected to Assembly-re- 302, 304. Murders by F. Stump, signs as Justice, xii., 170. 414-490. Ordered to PhilaCumberland Co., formed, v., 428, delphia, 441. From Sheriff 431. Justices appointed, 436. Holmes, 463. From Justices, 486. Early settlements, 440. Governor Convictions, 513.. H. Alrich rewrites to Justices, 450. Sheriffs signs-T. Francis succeeds, 671. elected, 468, 551, 597, 662. Cor- Convictions, ix., 548. Trial of oners elected, 468, 551, 597, 662. negroes, 704. Division of, 719, Petition from Great Cove in, 468. 729. Bedford county taken from Boundary line between, and York it, 730. Claims for carriages emco., 502, 514, 619. Workhouse ployed by Colonel Wilkins, x., 17. and house of correction, 506, 512. Sheriffs elected, 56, 101, 212, 271. Complaints against Indian traders, Coroners elected, 56, 101, 212, 528, 547. Andrew Montour applies 271. Justices elected, 56, 101, tolive in, 566. Has acommission 212, 271. Division of, 32, 42. and permitted to go there, 567. Convictions and executions, 50, Act respecting Inspectors, 619. 265. Associators ask for pattern Petition for protection, vi., 130. guns, 300. Resolve of CommitSheriffs elected, 144, 638. Coro- tee of, for powder and lead, ners elected, 144, 638. Letter, 398. Arms to be collected, 441. 90 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. A fifth battalion to be raised, 450. Justices, 157, 164, 180, 240, 307, Officers appointed, 451. Removal 344, 357, 370, 465, 517. Elecof prisoners of war, 515. Aid to tions, 236, 563. Representatives, associators, 696. Colonel Joseph 236. Sheriffs, 236, 56'7. CounArmstrong, 700. Militia, xi., 77. cil, 236. Coroners, 236, 567. Prothonotary, 178, 221, 244, 365. Commissioners, 236. Eighteen Lieutenant appointed, 187, 199, penny tax, 267. Militia, 400. 205, 257. Clerk Orphans' Court, Deputy Surveyors, 441, 442, 444, 200, 694. M. Agnew late Pro- 445, 449. Lieutenant William thonotory refuses to deliver to W. Sterret, 482. Contested election, Lyon the papers and records- 485. Lieutenant John Wilkins, proceeding, 244. Threatened des- Jr., 551. President of Court C. truction of public property at P., &c., Samuel Laird appointed, Carlisle, 307. To pay for arms, 553. Road from Miller's spring 358. Militia, 360. Col. Clarke, to Pittsburg, xv., 13. John Paymaster, 361. Election, 366. Wilkins resigns as Lieutenant, Sheriffs, 366, 609. Coroner, 366, 87. George Gibbons appointed, 609. Petition for defence from 89. Collector of excise, 93. Indians in, 410. Pay for recruits, Election, 102, 300, 577. Sheriff, 444. Militia called out, 447. 102, 300, 577, 578. Coroner, 102, Justices, 453, 523, 621, 691, 781. 300, 577, 578. Resignation of Militia, 477, 740. Indians, 489, Justice Beale, 105. Justices, 90, 491, 506, 520, 770. Justices, 131, 154, 213, 570, 644. Militia, xii., 3. Lieutenants, 15. Win. 178, 229. Election of town officers Lyon receives subscriptions to at Carlisle, 218. Execution orloan office, 47. Change in orders dered, 218. Collector of excise, respecting Lieutenants, 76. Mi- 221, 222. Road from Miller's litia in Northumberland destitute, spring to Fort Pitt, 273, 274. aid refused by Commissary, 100. Road by Burnt Cabins, 322, 371. Elections for Representatives, Contested election, 325, 326. Councillor, Commissioners, As- Western road to Bedford, 327, sessors, &c., 166, 518. Justices, 330. Pension to Captain Walker 198, 376, 559, 667. Sheriffs, 166, Denny's widow, 345 William 518. Coroners, 166,'518. Case Elliott paid as a member of conferof Robert Story, 179. He dis- ence of committees, 353. Road closes a plot and is reprieved, 192. between Clark's Gap and Burnt Taxes, 210. Petition to offer re- Cabins, 371, 393, 399, 486, 519. ward for apprehension certain per- Riots, 415. Nol pros., 417. Pay sons, 248. Incendiaries in, pro- to Colonel Gibson for printing, 457. clamation for arrest, 294. Officers Pension, 464. Election set aside, appointed, 322. Appointments, 520. Road to Pittsburg, 594. 554. Auditors, 646. Captain Sureties for officers, xvi., 32. Carothers resigns, 721. Survey Neglect charged on Commissionto Alexander Powers, 783. Elec- ers, 39. Allen McGeechan, agent tions, xiii., 133, 396, 726. Jus- of confiscated estates in, 73. tices, 7, 266, 520, 647, 666. Road to Pittsburg, 73. Colonel Sheriffs, 133, 396, 726. Coroners, George Gibson, Lieutenant, 73. 133, 396, 726. Militia called out, Road through Black's Gap, 102. 53, 122. Colonel Brown's battal- Militia returns, 149. Sheriffs, ion and Colonel Purdy's, 222. 193, 509. Coroners, 193, 509. Colonel Mitchell's to go to North- Deputy Surveyer, 214. Militia, umberland, 223. Pay for troops, 319, 363, 445. Prothonotary, J, 269. Price of rations, 270. Pro- Agnew, deceased, 328. Pay and thonotary, 324. Call on for men, bounty for a detachment under 349, 369. Taxes, 647. Censors, command of Captain Samuel HolRepresentatives, 726. Agent of liday against the Indians, 363. confiscated estates, xiv., 140. Taxes received, &c., 380. Excise, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 91 408. Pensions, 412. Militia, 22. Customs, how raised, i, 99. CounBreakfasts for and price, 501. cil refuse to take collector's oath Militia, Captolin George Hayes' but will receive his attestation, company, 536, 542. 148. Officers of, to be protected, Cumberland Fort-flour not arrived iii., 64, 143. at, for General Braddock, vi., Cuthbert, Anthony, claim for city 373, 445. Persons missing from, lots, xv., 439. Claim to citylots, 4. Cannon for, 445, 465. Murders xvi., 119, 167, 170, 293, 299. near, 475, 643. Colonel DDunbar Cuthbert, Thomas, appointed agent with wounded arrives at, 502, 513. for forfeited estates, xi., 758. ReCumberland or French Fort Beau moved, 767. Sejour, captured, 447. Com- Cutler, John, coroner of Bucks, iii., munication cut off, vii., 133. 56, 69. Adamn Stephen commander, letter Cuyler, Cornelius, bearer of letter from, 289, 381. Murders near, from Governor of New York to 381, 503. Respecting, 512. 600; Governor of Canada, v., 554. viii., 224; ix., 35. Indians mur- Cypher, Michael, ensign leaves his dered near, 304. colors, x., 694. Cunningham, Allen, coroner, xii., 513; xiii., 87. Cunningham, Colonel, xi., 367. D. Cunningham, James, examination of, respecting rescue of Stump, ix., Dagworthy, Cap., commands at fort 449, 450. Deposition respecting Cumberland. Indian murders, Peter Chartier, iv., 757; x. 683. vi., 643; vii., 601; letters, 602, Cunningham, Peter, ensign, xii., 37. 632, 633. Cuppaidge, Lieutenant George, pris- Dahauff, Cap. Abml., firelocks, x., oner of war removed, x., 574. 539. Curgill, Major Jno., to answer Coun- Dale, Peter, his mill, ii., 10. cil respecting obstructions at ferry, Dampier, Cap. (the navigator) ii., xi., 675. 99. Currency, Governor's views on, Darby Township, complaint respectiii., 249, 250. ing road from B. Chamber's ferry, Curric, Dr. William, resigns as sur- ii., 33. Bridge at Cobbs' creek, geon of Colonel Atlee's battalion, iii., 426, 428, 431. Road to from x., 734. Philadelphia, v., 121; laid but not Curry, Robert, Coroner, takes a de- cleared in 1706, 121, 202. Creek, serter, xi., 451. banks, &c., to be made and reCurtis, Jehu, 2nd Judge of Supreme paired, viii., 575, 583, 683. Boats Court dies, vi., 135. in x., 656, 682. Marsh, &c., Act to Curtis, John, a justice of Kent ac- extend, ix., 12, 24. Rendezvous cused of hightreason, i., 158, 163, at, xi., 301t Road from to Schuyl164, 165, 196. Objected to as kill bridge, xii., 314, 70. Road member of Council, 197, 268. between, and Lancaster, 592, News of robberies, v., 89. A 650, 667, 710. Report on, conNanticoke Indian conference with, firmed, 726. ix., 45. Darlington, Abm., Coroner, iii., Curwen, John, repaid for surveying 370, 387. Jones' lane, xvi., 11. Dartmouth, Earl of, letters to and Cushietunk-Connecticut settlers at, from, x., 220, 221, 240, 248; nonJ. Hyndshaw's deposition, viii., importation; Congressi; boundary 612. Lands, &c., 646. Connec- line, 240. State Colonies, 248. ticut settlers at, ix., 27, 29. Darvall, William, Agent of Lord Custologo, a Delaware Indian, and Baltimore, i., 113, 115, 116. a leading man, v., 660. Dauphin county; Alexander GrayCustom House fees, i., 67. Officers, don, Prothonotary, xiv., 374. 535, 537. Register and Recorder, 376; other 92 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. offices added, 377; Justices, 396, Davis, Major Caleb, x., 697. Pro477. Lieutenant, 400. Sheriffs, thonotary, xi., 230, 235, 244. 556. Coroners, 556; Represent, Justice, 274, 286. Complains of 556. Large petition from, in favor H. H. Graham, for detaining of Commissioners for not assessing records of Chester Co.-authorfor a Court-house at Harris's ferry, ity to take them, 254. Comxv., 14. Elections, 100, 294. plaint against, xiv., 204, 207. Justices, 41, 405. Sheriff, 100, Davis, Colonel, to provide horses 296, 570. Coroner, 100, 296, 570. for ammunition to WestmoreAgent for sales at, 172, 223. land county, xii., 386. Councillor, 296. Contested seat Davis Enoch, Justice, Philadelphia, taken by Mr. Kucher, 309. Con- ix., 237. tested election of Justice, 405. Davis, Henry, Coroner, ix., 199. Thomas Clark appointed, 405. Davis, Doctor John, may buy instruRepair of arms, 421. Removal ments, x., 638. of prisoners, 469. Lieutenant of Davis, John, Captain, xi., 18. County, xvi., 40. Am'lntoftavern Davis, Llewellyn, ensign, xii., 10. and marriage licenses, 61, 543. Davis, Merrick, Coroner of PhilaColonel Hanna's battalion, gunner delphia, iii., 140, 332, 370. wounded, 121. Tavern and mar- Davis, Samuel, Coroner of Sussex riage licenses, 196. Sheriffs, 195, county, iii., 260, 289. 498. Coroners, 195, 498, 499, Davis, Ensign Septimus, appointed, 500. Deputy Surveyor, 214. x., 678. Division into townships, 253. Davis Thomas to build boats, &c., Justices, 204, 309, 352, 362, 387, x. 283. Troops to Bord'n, 629. 447, 537. Contested election, Davis, William, a Justice of Chester 274, 362. Excise, 408. J. Glon- County, left out of common, for inger resigns as justice, elected indiscreetly marrying a couple, ii., to Senate, 537. 561. Dauphin of France-proceedings, Davison, John, an Indian trader was xiii., 282, 284, 285. Cost of at Washington's defeat, vi., 195. entertainment, 297. Davison, Commodore Samuel, comDavenport, Josiah, appointed Corn- plaint and trial, x. 701. Dismiss'r, with Col. Burd, to receive missed, 702. prisoners from Indians, viii., 776. Dawson, Captain Samuel, xi., 2. Davidson, Rev. James, assistant at Dawson, Captain, dies, xii., 435. salt works, xi., 403, 509. Dayagoughderesesh, alias Thomas Davidson, Joshua, Ensign, xii., 31. King, an Oneida Indian, dies, ix., Davidson, Captain Samuel, per- 775. mitted to make a voyage for Dealer, Chas., storekeeper, xi., 437. Congress, x., 415.. Commands Dean, Lieutenant John, sentence of floating battery-, 509. Boats Court Martial referred to Navy resist his command, 606, 607, Board, xi., 138. 608, 615, 624, 696. Appointed Dean, Colonel Joseph, xi., 142. To Commodore, x., 603, 701, 702. rendezvous at Swedes ford, 301. Censor, xiii., 729. Coroner, xiv., Dean, Joseph, Member of Council of 567; xv., 139. Safety, xi., 45. Board of War, Davis, Lieutenant Abner, resigns 201. Memorial. Purchases a x., 759. forfeited estate in Philadelphia Davis, Benjamin, Sheriff, iv., 469, County, xii., 45. Appointed 500, 601; v. 55, 120, 345; viii., Auditor to settle accounts of 402, 506. To assist Captain troops, 589. Purchases, 639. Downey in a survey near the Warden, xiii., 100. Deed to, river, xi., 249; and from Salem 126. Bell's estate, 529, 570, 587. downward, 250, 258. Notary, Sale of estate, 623, Appointed xv., 241. Measurer of, grain, auctioneer for Philadelphia, xvi., xvi., 209. 313, 316, 320, 460. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 93 Dean, Samuel, Sheriff, xiii., 392, to administer oath to the Gover720; xiv., 237. Councillor, 567. nor, ii., 62. Discussion as to the To superintend drawing donation keeper of it, ordered into hands land lottery, xv., 108. of Master of Rolls, 63. Objections Dean, Lieutenant Colonel, William and difficulties, 63, 68. Legal x., 733. opinions where to be kept, 68. Dean, William, Justice, xiii., 625. Oath administered by Council, Dean, William, Lieutenant, pay to, 69, 91. Commissioners objections xvi., 267, 278. To examine to administer oaths and affirmarivers, 319. tions, and place of keeping it, 93Dearing, Wm., servants complained 95. John Bewly, Collector, adagainst, 149, 150, 152. ministers it, 96. Granted by Death of King William III. an- Council, for Sussex and Kent, nou:nced, succeeded by Princess 97. To Robert Asheton, 98. MesAnn of Denmark as Queen, ii., senger to Chester with, paid, 111. 69. To J. Yeates, &c., to administer De Barras, Count, Commander of oath to Governor Keith, iii., 13. French fleet, applies for sailors To administer oaths at Bristol in deserted, xiii., 5, 54, 55. absence of Secretary, v., 110. Debts, priority of payment to in- Issued to J. B. Smith, Jno. Morhabitants, ii., 363. Recovery of ris, Jr., and George Campbell, for small, iii., 540, 541. Recovery of, City and County of Philadelphia, iv., 38, 40, 41, 331, 332. Lands xiv., 110. To Jno. Arndt and in execution for, ix., 147, 148, Rob. Levers, xv., 279. 160. Small, 204, 238, 243. Deeds, fraudulent, i., 207. From De Buc, Peter, his will, i., 443, 444. Indians to Win. Penn, 1701, and De Canaveral, Commandant General agreements, iii., 600-603. From of Carthagena, letter from, xvi., Six Nations to proprietaries for 381. lands on Susquehannah at Albany, Decatur, Captain Stephen, petition vi., 119-129. For lands between that his wife Priscilla may come Pennsylvania and Indians, vii., frotm New York, xii., 699. 693, 698. For 1718, demanded Decker, Cobus, daughter captured by Teedyuscung, 731. For land, by Indians, viii., 143. forged, x., 693. Issued for forDeclaration, Pennsylvania against feited estates, xii., 45, 104, 157, Lord Baltimore, i., 113, 115. 158, 185, 189, 196, 201, 202, 222, Against Nicholas Moore, 134-137, 238, 246, 256, 258, 265, 268, 276, 138. Of Governor and Council to 281, 283, 284, 299, 300, 317, 320, continue the laws, 296. Of King 323, 324, 326, 343-346, 348, 350, William and Queen Mary, 304. 352, 380, 381, 383, 413, 421, 430, Of allegiance signed by members, 441, 445, 446, 448, 457, 458, 463, 322. Of Quakers, 526. Fidelity, 468, 481, 552, 553, 560, 571, 575, form of, iii., 229. Representation 612, 614, 615, 617, 618, 619, 620, from Quakers respecting, 234. 621, 639, 661, 668, 671, 672, 673, Bill passed, 235. Form of change 687, 709, 731, 733, 734, 737, 747, proposed, iv., 334. Of war be- 751, 752, 755, 775, 781, 782. tween England and France, 690. Diffanderfer, Michael, buys esProclaiming King George III., tates, xii., 275. Indian, or reviii., 517. Of war with Spain, lating to Connecticut controversy, 703. Of frontier inhabitants, &c., delivered to II. Osbourne, xiii., on murder of Indians, ix., 142, 438, and returned per list, 462146. Of war against the Dela- 471. xiii., 12, 20, 25, 26, 30, 33, ware Indians, vii., 88. Adam 34, 35, 39, 40, 45, 46, 52, 54, 56, Terrence, Indian murders, vi., 57, 63, 64, 65, 66, 80, 81, 94, 97, 649. 98, 108, 109, 117, 126, 127, 139, De Cornay, Mons., letter, xii., 425. 142, 146, 159, 166, 170, 171, 172, Dedimus potestatem, to six persons 175, 176, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 94 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 193, 199, 204, 214, 217, 219, 235, De Lafarge, Charles, letter to Gov. 236, 246, 250, 251, 271, 273, 274, Keith on assuming the Governor277, 278, 279, 280, 305-308, 315, ship, iii., 73. 316, 320, 325, 334, 335, 340, 344, Dela Grange, Arnoldus, claim against 346, 316, 384, 389, 409, 432, 450, C. Taylor's estate, i. 201. 505, 543, 548, 549, 552, 572, 576, De la Luzerne, Chevalier, to be re585, 587, 592, 599, 604, 617, 621, ceived publicly by Congress, xii., 623, 629, 631, 646, 686, 695, 701, 170, 172. Visits President and 727, 735, 748, 759, 760, 767, 778. Council, 180. Letter, 251, 433. xiv., 34, 35, 54, 56, 65, 151, 176, De Lancey, James, Governor of New 409, 453, 456, 459, 462, 486, 492, York, v., 71(, 717. Letters to and 495, 501, 583, 589, 591, 603, 607, from, vi., 9, 13, 43, 511, 520, 554, 632, 639, 642, 649, 650, 653. 592. Answer to Commissioners, xv., 4, 13, 14, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 92. Arrives in Philadelphia, 358. 50, 51, 72, 99, 124, 153, 173, 180, Examination of a French deserter, 181, 185, 230, 256, 434, 458, 46s, 416. On embargo, 511. On the 472, 538, 562. xvi., 283, 541. defeat of General Braddock, 520. Deedjoskon, Delaware Chief, vii., Intelligence from Admiral Bosca431. wen, 592, 600. Letters to and Deer and other wild beast not to be from, vii., 560, 596, 606, 628, 716, hnnted on Indian lands, viii., 762; viii., 146, 165. Embargo 482-484. -Sir Charles Hardy, 560, 606. De Ford, Vincent, xii., 86. De Lancey, Captain, x., 560. De Grafendriedt, Techarner, claim De Lancey, Dr., x., 689. for lands, xv., 629. De Lancey, Mrs. Mary, pass to visit De Haas, General. Petition of Ro- her father, WinVm. Allen, and remain bert Patton, for relief from ill in Philadelphia, xi., 593. treatment by, xi., 188: De Lancey, Oliver, on parole, x., 40. De Haas, John Philip, appointed Delaney, Capt. Sharp, complains of Justice, ix., 281. Deposition, his insult, x., 753, 759. To attend ill treatment by Connecticut men, Board, xiii., 294. Appointed by 682. Dispute with Grubb of Assembly Collector of port PhilaLancaster, x., 346. His battalion, delphia, xiv., 52, 447. Urging 514, 525, 529, 532. Has a negro collections, 405. Place of office, pardoned, xvi., 107. 406, 444, 450, 473. Sale of goods, De Haas. Johannes, returned as 637. On collecting imposts, xv., Councillor for New Castle, i., 214, 134. To render account of clues, 222. Refuses to act as a magis- 253. Reports, 254. Re-appointed istrate till he knows who is king, Collector, 315. ~ Office for, &c., 302. 402, 440, 484. Commendation of, De Hart, Jacob, Lieutenant, xi., as Collector of Customs, xvi., 59, 751, 766. 2172. Paymaster of pensioners, De Hart, Colonel, letter respecting 293. Accounts, 328. Ashur Levy, xii., 258. De la Vega, letter from, respecting De Haven, Peter, x., 467, 503, 527, a prize, v., 199. 533, 650, 686. xi., 272, 273, 281, Delaware, armed boat, xi., 5, 10, 27, 314, 546, 663, 701, 754, 759. 47, 68, 74,113. Thomas Philips, Agent for estates forfeited, 754. first Lieutenant, 47. Resigns, 758. Health officer, Delaware County, Prothonotary, 775. Agent to buy hay, xii., xvi., 171. William R. Atlee ap543. Gun stocks, xvi., 460. pointed 172. Collector of Excise, Dehuff, Henry, Chief Burgess, xi., Philip Sheaff-Lieutenant of, Luke 364. Morris, Jr., 183. Opinion of AtDe Kalb, Baron, Major General, killed torney General regarding Justices at Camden-commissions as en- and Judges on division of county, signs in Pennsylvania line grtnted 187. Justices, 190, 217, 218, 301, to his sons, xiii., 52. 402. Sheriff, 191, 493. Coroner. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 95 191, 493, 498. Presidents of 277. Billy Champion complains Courts, 209, 212. Elected, 214. of settlers on Susquehanna, 426. Deputy Surveyor, 214. Justice Message of Governor to NewsKean resigns, 352. leeka, their chief, &c., respecting Delaware Indians, suspected of mur- settlers on their lands, 428. Conder, ii., 70. No interpreter of their forence with, on,Big Island, 620. language but " Harry," Confer- Chief Newsleeka at Philadelphia, ence, with, 546. Conference with, 656. Letter from Notawatways, a ancl interpreterl, iii., 19. Govern- chief, 735. Conference in Philaor presents several papers relating delphia, x., 10, 61L Joseph Wipey to them andlands, iv., 481. Dis- murdered —reward offered, 199. turbance about lands, 575. Speech And Shawnese separate from each of Cannasatego to, 579. Petition other, 201. Message to, 204. of Capt. John Titame, a chief of, At Conshocking declare war 624. Murders by-seizure by against Senecas, xii., 586. Shekcalamy, 675. C. Weiser to be Delaware, State of, Committee, to sent to, at Shamokin, to demand be written to, x., 571. Negotiathe murderers, 676, 678, 679. In tion for inland navigation, xiv., Philadelphia, 742. Murderers 583, 669, 672. Inland navigation, arrested and in prison, 744. xv., 71. Speeches, 767. Olumpees, king Delaware and New York, fees in, to of, dies, v., 212. Consultation be compared, i., 63. about successor, 222; vi., 36. Delaware River, buoys proposed, i., Under Shingas destroy Great Cove, 82, 204, 205. Wharf at Chestnut 675. Scaroyady and Monteur sent street asked for, 267. Forts on, to, 697. Cause of alienation, 724- 109, 131, 370, 372. Watch to be 728. Opposed to English, vii., stationed at Cape Henlopen, 479. 13. War u-rged —and scalps, 74. Ferrymen to give bonds respecting Declaration of war against, pro- strangers and pirates, ii., 13. A claimed, 88. Governor Morris supposed privateer or pirate blamelby Sir William Johnson for, seized in, 99. Rendezvous for 117. Temporary suspension of hos- privateers, 468. New ferries, iii., tilities, 130, 134, 144, 171. Names 39, 43. At Falls, 43. Infested of families at Bethlehem, 174. with pirates-Teach, a noted one, Message and wampum from Tee- 54. Numerous shipwrecks in the dyuscung, 198. At war, 244, 297. bay-buoys required, 493. Pilots Further suspension of hostilities, to have license, iv., 394. Lands 390. Speech of Seneca chief to, in forks of, 576. Rules and regu515. Hung in N. J.-described, tations to be observed in cases of 540. To be treated with at Col. flags of truce-also how pilots are Johnson's, 655. Fort and houses to act, v., 81. Spaniards commit for, at Wyoming, vii., 730, 734. robberies, 92. Privateers also, Arrive with skins-disappointed 110, 111, 245, 248. Intelligence at not finding goods, 734. A boat commissioned, 266. Hector, family of settlers on Susquehanna man-of-war, captures a schooner coming from Tinoglan, viii., 120. off, 323. A French flag of truce Message to, from Cherokees, 135. with prisoners captured by privaCopy of Sir William Johnson's teer Spry, viii., 139. Piers prospeech to, on Ohio, 151. Opinion posed, 574. Fish in, 583. Light respecting, 194. Claims to lands, house, buoys, &c., ix., 56, 57, 202. Propose moving to Kuskus- 148, 197, 550. Embanking and ky, 305. Horses stolen by, 401. draining marshes, 245, 247. WarChiefs propose holding a treaty, denlls appointed-bill to regulate 676. Conference with relatives of pilots, 293, 593, 599, 676. FishDr. John at Philadelphia, 709. eries, 623. Ajl accurate map of, Perfidy of, ix., 239. Treaty of 720, 721. Acts respecting lightpeace with, by Sir Wm. Johnson, house, buoys, x., 4. Pilot boat 96 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. loaded with goods seized by a wrecks, 558. Light-house, 574, revenue schooner in-proceed- 620. Plan of, 587. Buoys, 715. ings, 9. Jurisdiction of Chester Wrecks from fisheries to be recounty does not extend into the moved, 720. Swept for -anchors, river, 232. Ebenezer Robinson 770, 773. Elegant plan of, by Du receives thanks for his plan for Portail, fortifications, 776. Col. stopping the channel, 286. Com- Bull to execute, 777. James Hopmittee to visit Red Bank and Mud kins allowed to search wrecks in, Island-report-width-no boom xii., 1. J. Knox reports articles can be placed there, 283. Chev- found, 2, 14, 33. Pay to artilleraux-de-frise, 335. Rules for ists doing duty at Forts on, 10. pilots, 356. Pilot boat to cruise W. Watkins petitions to sweep — in, 401. To be surveyed from rejected, 21. Win. Watkins auMarcus Hook to Philadelphia, by thorized, 33, 34. Petition to persons named, 412. Coal to be search for wrecks, 75, 76. Jehu taken out of, 421. Report on coal Eyre, 263, 264. Deserters taken, thrown into, 423. Jersey shore to 303. Commission to Abraham be surveyed, 465. Report on, Bennett, pilot, for armed pilot 474. Signals along, 489. Survey boat, the Randolph, 326. A small between Reedy Point and Pea boat, Capt. Buck occasions alarm, Patch, 506, 507. Signals, 520. 331. Refugees taken to be exPiers at Fort Island, 524. Places changed, 413. Wrecks of vessels for fortifications, 524. Logs for burned injure fisheries on Jersey piers in, 530. Contract for piers, shore, 611. Enemy about to leave 530. McBean visits man-of-war New York for, 685. Conference fraudulently, 531. Vessels to on defence of-two companies to cruise in —two more chevaux-de- be raised, 686. Enemy expected, frises, 534, 535. Man-of-war 707. Two companies to be raised Roebuck aground-vessels sent to for defence of, 719. Light-house attack-boats return, 552, 553. ill danger of being washed away, Preparations for action-vessels in xiii., 100. A British vessel in, resight of Port Penn, 557. Stage fusing to be examined by naval boats, Captains Bush and Taylor, officers, to be taken by Captain between Philadelphia and Wil- Porter to Mud Island, 145.. Demingtoll, 563. Survey of, 567. fence of, 261. Proposals to buy Fortifications-chevaux-de-frise to ship General Monck for defence of, be sunk, 600, 602. Engineers 270, 316. Hog Island, 11, 279, solicited from General Washing- 280, 281. Preservation of fish in, ton to erect fortifications at Bil- 318. Boats to convey French lingsport, 604. Hog Island to be army over the, 358. Vessel to be overflowed, 607. Defence endan- procured for defence, 384. Vessel gered by dispute in naval depart- for defence of-John Sneider comment, 680. Piers, 718, 727. mander, 445. Hyder Alley bought Chain-boom, 750. Eastern chan- for State, 450. Vessel to be pronel to be sounded near Fort Island, cured, with provisions for prison761. Ferries not to be passed by ers at New York, 457. Pay for persons with arms, xi., 27. Brig flour, &c., 481. Sale of armed blown up at Cape May, 77. Stores vessels authorized, 552. Chevmoving across, 83. Vessels of aux-de-frises to be sold and pest war arrive in, 184. Survey near, houses repaired-boom at piers of, 249. General Washington asks 590. Obstructions to be reroved, for a survey of —N. Sellers, Col. 595. Wardens to have a survey Lalor and Capt. J. Downey to made, to know which chevaux-demake it, 250,. 258. Barges to frise to remove, 637, 671, 739. watch cruisers, 539. Sunken Agreement with Bassini and garvessels, &c. to be secured, 555. rison for removal of obstructions, Defence of, 556, 562, 570. To raise 744. Chevaux-de-frise, xiv., 58, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 97 73, 75, 78, 79, 104, 105, 213, 636. recommended for 3rd brigade by Agreement with Donaldson andl Chev. Luzerne, xii., 116. Hollingsworth-appropriatio n for Dement, William, adjutant, x., 499. improving, 105. Vessel pur- Deniver, John, a highlway robber chased ll9. Bunoys removed from, taken, reward paid, xi., 20. and proclamation, 122. Expended Denmark, Princess Ann, announcecl byWaUrdens, 151. PaidcDonaldson as Queen of England, ii., 70. and llollingsworth, 153, 200. Cer- Proclaimed, 70. tificate to, 241. Ilprovements Dennis, Richard, appointedl in place proposed by Wardens, 323, 325. of Major Casdrop on Schuylkill, Memorial of merchants respecting xi., 310. piers, 326. Commissioners to set- Dennison, Col. Nat., councillor, xv., tie jurisdiction of islands in, 345-6. 162, 184, 191. Dispatched to LuErection of piers by Thomnats Davis, zerne —his instructions, 293, 365, 458. Land for piers at Marcns 384; xvi., 16, 20. Farmishes Hook, to be bought, 460, 464. clothing to J. Franklin. Davis declines piers-new propo- De Normandie, Abraham, sheriff of sals, 468. Thos. Conarroe agrees Bucks, iii., 69. to build piers at Marcus Hook, 479. De Nlormandie, Anthony of Bristol, Chevaux-de-frise, 500. Pay to case of, xi., 480. Commissioners on Islands, 504. De Normandie, Dr. John Abraham, Damage to banks by uncommon petitions to sell real estate, xi., freshet andhigh tides, 512. Buoys 571. in river, 585. Report on jurisdic- Denny, David, Coroner, xii., 151. tion of Islands in, with sketch of, Denny, William, Coroner, ix., 548, 590, 599. Inprovement of, 640. 624, 691. Engineer at Billingsport, xv., 24. Denny, William, Governor, presents Commissioners for dividing islands his commission dated May 7, havin —paid, 65. Support of Light- ing taken the oath before his house, &c., in, 73. Newbold's Is- majesty in council, vii., 220. Afland, 184. Funds for improving, ter the affixing of the seal, he isfurnished Wardens, 197. Claim of sues an order for clearing' out Thos. Conarroe for building piers vessels after 22cl Augnst. 221. at Marcns Hook, 228. Report on, Proclamation is made for contiln233. May be made navigable to ance of officers-and commission head waters, 659. Improvement is published at court house, 221. of navigation of, xvi., 147. Comn- Letters to and from Governor missioners to view, 178, 2222. Hardy, 223. Proclamations of, John Lockhart petitions for pre- 226. Address of Assembly, to emrption right of a small island 227. Order for ~600. Governor's between Hog and Tinicum, 230. answer, 228. Speech to AssemPay to Matlack Howell and Dean bly, 229. Messages to Assembly, for maps of, and Lehigh, 278. 235, 238, 239, 248, 304, 306, 846, Commissioners to examine, 319. 350, 382, 387, 396, 409, 413, 417, Pay to R. Thorne for improving 444, 562, 578, 582, 592, 605, 617, at Well's Falls and Howells, 718, 733, 736, 748, 751, 758, 763, 322. 774, 779. Messages from AssemDelegates in Congress, xv., 19. bly, 233, 237, 238, 247, 307, 345, De Lignery, Monsieur, shot in thigh 384, 413, 418, 573, 579, 617, 721, at Niagara, viii., 379. Formerly 727, 730, 742, 751, 759, 781. commanded at Pittsburg, 392. Commission, &c., published at Dellam, Richard, paymaster of flying New Castle, 230. Asks advice of camp, xi., 100, 140. Council on intended message reDelucena, Abraham, of New York, garding exhibition of his instrucpetition respecting goods seized, tions, 236, 237. Sends copies of iii., 61. instructions on money bills, 238, De Marcellin, a young Frenchman 344. Conference on money bill, 7 98 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 249, 251. Reasons of Committee to William Logan, 488. From Sir on, 251-255. His reasons to be Charles Hardy, 496. To collector sent to his Majesty, 255. Visits on allowing vessels to depart, 501. frontiers, 265. Power to fill comn- Speech to Indians, 519. Letter missions, 265. Additional instruc- of Lord Loudoun on Indian suptions, French war, 269. Letters port, 523. Writes to C. Armstrong to and from Lord Loudotun, 269, to visit Cherokees, 527. 1Aloney 380, 397. From Sir William John- all expended, 528. Proposes to son, 278, 351, 434, 495. Speech invite Delawares to settle at Shato Assembly, 280, 622. Orders mokin, 549. Message to Teedynew writs of election to fill vacan- nscung, 546. To Cherokees, 548. cies, 293. Meets Council at New Letters to G. Croghan, 548. PassCastle —message to, 295. Indian port and order to sheriff to guard murders, 304. Address from Qua- Indians from Lancaster to Philakers on treaty, 311. His answer, delphia, 549. Militia, Indians, 312. His opinion of Teedyuscung, Colonel Stanwix, &c., 563. Em351. Letter to and instructions of bargo, 569. Militia for South George Crogham as Indian agent Carolina, 578. To Lord Loudoun, appointed by Sir William John- 581. Sir Charles Hardy, 581. son, 355. Sends minutes of Con- Answer to Assembly, 582. Procference at Easton to Governor lamlation for a fast, 591. Roads, Belcher, 359. Issues warrant to 592. To Croghan, 605, 634, 659, sheriff to quarter troops in Phila- 679. Stanwix, 607. Long mesdelphia, 362. Various proceed- sage on various matters, 609. ings, 359-379. W7rites to Mayor, Expected attack, 617. From Gov374. Answer, 376. Writes to ernor De Lancey, 628. Committee Provincial Commissioners for mo- from Friendly Association, answer ney — they say there is none, to, 637-648. Sends copy of re383. His letter to Croghan, 384. monstrance to Croghan, 658. AnAssembly agree to pay expenses, swer to, 661. Applies for list of 384-5. Embargo, 387, 388, 482, goods for presents, 671, 672. Let606. Death warrant of Charles ter from provincial commissioners, Jegler, 389. Further suspension 697. Authorized to send troops of hostilities with Delawares pro- to New York, 721. Visit from claimed, 390. Warrant for respite Teedyuscung, 725. Certificate of of Jegler, 398. Remonstrance of having taken sacrament in Christ Assembly on supply bill, 401. Church, 741. Long message beHis answer, 403. Quartering tween, and Assembly, 742, 751. troops, 409. On supply bill, 413, Commissioners to Wyoming, 754. 417. Consults Lord Loudoun on Interview with Teedyuscung at supply bill-asks advice of Coun- Philadelphia, 770. Estimate of cil, 441. Militia bill, 444. Short expenses of the Government, 776, sketch of Province for Lord Lou- 779. William Moore's case, 741, doun, 444. Receives alarming in- 750, 764, 776, 781. Messages to telligence from Fort Augusta —and Ass'bly, viii., 1, 12, 17, 29, 41, 61, agrees to pass money bill, 453, 62, 66, 72, 78, 80, 111, 166, 169, 454. And sends amendments to 232, 237, 240, 275, 285, 291, 303, others, 455. Answer to petition 317, 319, 326, 349, 369, 372, 382. for a watch at Bethlehem, 460. Messages from Assembly, 4, 36, Meeting of Governors with E. Lou- 39, 51, 53, 65, 71, 102-110, 112, doun at Philadelphia, 470. Letter 170. 229, 323, 324, 330, 331, 354, to Croghan-Sons of Teedyuscung 356, 373, 396. On impeachment at Fort Allen-small-pox at Lan- of William Moore, 1, 12-17. Letcaster, 474. To W, Parsons, 476. ters to and from, 23, 26, 27, 37, From George Croghan, 478, 480- 59, 69, 78, 116, 147, 155, 165, 481. To Earl Loudoun on ship- 167, 224, 232, 272, 274, 283, 289, ping provisions, 482. Instructions 290, 292, 298, 316, 331, 341, 352, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 99 373, 376, 391, 400, 403. Confer- their reply-Mr. Chew protests, ences with Indians, 9, 29, 30, 32, 357,.358. Refuses to sign bill, 86, 100, 114, 403. Speech to &c., on warrants, &c., 361. Signs Teedyuscung, 42, 52. Letter to several bills, 362. Receives ~1000, Colonel Washington, 56. Request 362. Sends letter from General for troops bky General Forbes, 59, Stanwix, 372, 373. Remarks on 65. Complains of provincial com- bill-Secretary and Surveyor Genmissioners, 64. Various griev- eral, 375. Signs bill-receives ances, 72. Destitute Indians at ~1000, 376. On waogons, 376, 396. Fort Loudoun, 78. Orders arms Speech to Teedyuscung, 405. Abfor General Forbes, 79. Com- sence of great seal —call Asseraplains of inactivity of Assembly, bly, 408. Superceded by Jaimes 80. A favor asked of himl by Hamilton, 409. Sends letter from Teedyuscung —his answer, 115. General Stanwix, 426. Case of Speech to Indians, 117. Message William Moore, 441. to Indians at WVyoming, 129. In- Depositions, respecting dispute and structions to F. Post, 138. Lays riots between Maryland and Pennembargo, 146. Visit, with Turner, sylvania, iii., 472, 612. Francis Peters and Chew to Governor Ber- Kip riots with Maryland, iv., 65. nard, 151. Writes to Spanish Henry Munday, 107. Elisha Governor respecting a Spanish Gatchell, 229. Of Robert Savery vessel, 155. Declares William on counterfeits, 274. Thomas Moore innocent, 162. Admiral McKee, skirmish with the Inlldians Boscawen asks men-Ass'bly de- in Virginia, 630. James Hencline-m-essage to, 165,166, 169. dricks, about Indians, 655. Of Letter from General Forbes, 169. WVilliam Kelly, a pilot, v., 113. Assembly on Boscawen and Indian Of others relating to privateers, affairs, 170. Speech to Indians at 115-119. Pyramus Green taken Easton, 183, 192. Answer to mnes- prisoner, 233. Captain George sage of Ohio Indians, 206. Obliged Porteus, 245. George Proctor to leave Ind'ns, bids farewell, 219. 248, 253. Roger Sheron, 249. Speech to Assembly, 227. Re- Respecting privateers, 260-264. specting General Forbes, 229, 237. Captain T. Jenkins, 282. Morris On tonnage duty, 231, 232. Let- Turner, 482. Ralph Kilgore, 482. ter, General. Schuyler, 240. Ad- Obstruction of surveys of land, dress from Assembly-delivered by 489. Respecting murder of Dudeight members-loss of wagons- ley Digges, 582-597. A. Monquarters for soldiers-trial of WVil- tour and Jno. Patten, respectliam Moore, &c., 282, 441. To ing distances, &c., on Ohio, 762. General Amherst on address of Stephen Coffin, vi., 9. Peter Frank Assembly, 283. Resolve of As- on Indians, 54. Charles Courtesembly respecting case of William nay, Francis C. Bouviere on arriMoore of Chester county, 286. val of French at Ohio, 224. Of Colonel Mercer succeeds General Jean Silvester, 416. Matthew Forbes, 292. Bills credit-taxes, Laird, Michael Huber, Jacob Hu303, 319, 323. Letters from W. her, Braddock's defeat, 482-484. Pitt and Lord Amherst on affairs By Henry Cole, Jno. M. Hute, at Du Quesne, 317. Distresses at J. McMichael on Indian hostilities Lancaster by quartering soldiers, in Northampton county, 758. 230. Supply bill, 331, 332. Grant George McSwaine, French and by Assembly to, ~1000, 333. Indians vii., 395. M. Roup, Takes possession of great seal —is 493. Of John Hogan, account of applied to the laws, 335. Visit Iurning Fort Granville, 562. Arfrom Teedyuscung, 344. War- thur Henderson, 618. George rants and surveys, 349. Position Ebert, 620. James IIyndshaw, of, 354. Bills of credit, 357. In- Connecticut settlers, viii., 612. sinuations against Council-and Benjamin Kendal, Conestogo In 100 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. dians, ix., 126. Wm. Blythe, mur- 653, 654; xv., 198; xvi., 214, der of Indians by F. Stump, 414. 211z-252, 254, 256, 257, 278, 461, Amos Ogden, Wyoming, 674. Of 463. J. P. De Haas, ill treatment by Derring, Christopher, Collector of several Connecticut men, 682. excise, xiv., 652. Aaron Van Campen and Peter Deserters, xiii., 14, 22, 29, 96, 340. Kachlein, 710. Respecting Wyo- Deshler, David, Commissioner of ming, 751. Ashur Clayton, 767. purchases, xii., 486; xiii. 109. Joseph Morris, 769. Henry Reed, D'Estaing, - Count, his squadron respecting Dr. Conolly, x., 168. takes Win. Straker prisoner, xi., Samuel Whitesides, 227. John 553. Arrives with French fleet, Carnallan, Sheriff, 235. Respect- Act of Congress on, xii., 114. ing robbery of ensign Vansant, Permission asked for provisions xi., 513. Of Alexander Patter- to be sent to, 162. son, 528. Respecting Indians, Destitute, provision for the, i., 78. 535. Respecting Win. Moore Dewall, G., President of Court of Smith, for carrying letters for Maryland, respecting H. Carberry, British prisoner, xii., 30. Of xiv., 106. Win. Geddis and Wm. Govett, Dewees, Samuel, sub-Lieutenant, respecting Arnold's conduct while xi., 765. in command of city, 225. Res- Dewees, Colonel Thomas, Jailor of pecting, 307. Greenbury Hughes Philadelphia to take certain perand Lawrence Maskill, respect- sons into custody, x., 359, 360 ing John Linch, 312. Drs. Big- 408. Order for removal of prisonham and Bevans against Captain ers to new gaol, 429. Complaint, Gardner, 316. John Seely, xiv., 567, 568. To purchase arms, 32. John Armstrong, WV, Brink, 673. L. Meyers, Joseph Salmon, Wm. Dewees, William, Sheriff, x., 100, Jennings, 172. Of B. Chew, in 212, 270; xi., 201, 273. Comncase of Mrs. Allen's children, 463. plaint against, 210, 211. acquitWm. Wilson, 498. Peter Au- ted, 211. drain, robbery, 514. David Diahoga, Indians from, vii., 168. Mead, 572. G. Smith, xv., 514. May be received at Bethlehem, Depreciation, scale to be published, 170. Indians from, intend an xii., 612, 639, 648, 684, 703, 709, attack, 186, 187. Arrive at Phila716, 717, 747, 753; xiii., 74, 122, delphia from, 198. At Easton, 140, 149. Certificate stopped, 206. New Castle, sent to, Inxv., 429. dians remove to, 223. Arrival of Depreciation, lands, sales, xiv, 621. Indians from Ohio, 281. Sketch Plan of; ordered to be sold at of country from Easton to, 683. Lancaster, xv., 18. Call for in- Dick, John, letter respecting Wyoformation, 46. Sales of, 58. ming, ix., 753. Sale ordered, 138. Certificates, Dickey, Robert Coroner, xv., 580; xvi., 148, 541. On pay, 230, xvi., 215, 521. 325. Survey, 418, 439, 454. Dickinson, gunboat, x., 335, 397. Deputy Surveyor paid xvi., 303, Steward discharged, 476, 488, 376, 422, 452, 514. 505; xi., 393. Depui, Moses, a Justice, v., 113. Dickinson, proposed as the name of Depui, Nicholas, letter to, on Indian a new township in Washington invasions, xii., 312. county, xiv., 275. Depui, Benjamin, Justice, xiv., Dickinson College, survey of lands 198. for, xv., 139, 466. Order to, 4, Depui, Captain Charles, petition to 298, 616, 654. refit his vessel, v., 581. Survey Dickinson, James, a Deputy Suron his vessel, 581. Report, 581. veyor removed, xiv., 653. Deputy Surveyors, xiv., 441, 443, Dickinson, Jonathan, Mayor of 445, 449, 454, 456, 457, 458, 462, Philadelphia, iii., 31. Speaker, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 101 56. Governor's address to, 56. 27, 31, 55, 136, 163, 177, 294, Visits Indians with Governor, 295, 296, 297, 309, 419, 445, 455, 121. 465, 602, 651; vii., 33, 133. Dickinson, Colonel John, to inspect Invasions of French and Indians, ordnance and military stores, x., 1. Assembly of Pennsylvania 283. Commands second battalion will not aid, 27, 55. French operaof associators, 314. to go to tions-forts on Wills' creek, 136. New York, 484, 487, 548. Colo- Raising levies for Wills' creek, nel, x., 754; xi., 4. Writes to 177. Flour for Wills' creek, 297. Brigadier General Philip Dickin- Gen. Braddock complains of, 400. son not to receive Continental Attack on Niagara, 419. Sends money, 92. Councillor, xiii., men and cannon to Fort Cumber409. President, xiii., 413, 414, land, 445, 455. French and In736 Proclamation, 416, 737. dians-cannon for Fort CumberLetter on Connecticut, &c., 479. land, 465. Proposes building a Salary paid, 576. Letter to Coun- fort at Great Crossings —Dunbar's cil on their late measures respect- retreat, &c., 602. Examines at ing Wyoming, xiv., 218. Letter request of Lord Loudoun, the Into Donalson & Hollingsworth on dian trade bill, vii., 450. Meets removal of Chevaux-de-frise, 241. Earl Loudoun and Governors at Re-elected President, 249. Philadelphia, 472. Dickinson, Brigadier General Philip, Distances from Carlisle to Shanopletter to, on Continental money, pin's town, v., 750. xi., 92. Distillery of liquors-Act to encouDiemer, Jacob, appointed President rage by a bounty proposed —and C. C. B., Berks county, xvi., 125. objected to by inhabitants and Diemer, Dr. James, appointed Jus- traders, iii., 248. But favored tice in Berks county, xv., 462. prospectively, 249. Dieskau, General, defeat of Frencl- Divorces asked for, ix., 564, 566, under, at Lake George, vi., 637. 567, 568, 580; x., 27, 40, 53, 54, Digby, Admiral, grants passport for 103, 105. a flag vessel, with provisions for Doan, Aaron, arrested, and bounty New York, xiii., 457, 459. paid, xiv., 178. Case of, 384, Digges, Dudley, murder of-cor- 385, 386, 387. Pardoned, 387. respondence and depositions re- Message to Assembly on, 388specting, v., 582. 392, 395. Pardoned on condition Dill, Col. Matthew, x., 672; xi., of leaving United States forever, 69, 113. xiv., 214. Dill, Matthew, Lieut., xi., 783. Doan, Ab'm, proclamation against, Dillon, Amos, proclamation against, xiii., 616, 631. Under sentence xiii., 616. of death in Philadelphia-petition, Dilworth, Charles, appointed Lieut. xv., 497. Opinion of judges, 501. of Chester County, in place of R. Captors rewarded, 502. Case, Smith, xiv., 670. Sheriff, xvi., 504. Ordered to be executed, 505. 192, 492. Petition in favor of respite, 515. Dingee, Charles, refuses to take A free negro in jail afraid ofoath of allegiance, is imprisoned, released, 516. Order for execuxi., 402. tion, 535. Respite negatived, Dinwiddie,, Surveyor Gen'l, 544. v., 244. Doan, Israel, xiii., 517. Dinwiddie, Robert, Governor of Vir- Doan, Joseph, traitor, estate sold, ginia, letters to and from, v., 632, xiii., 686. Taken, 741. Balance 687, 698, 700, 712, 714, 755, 764, paid for his apprehension, to Jo767. Letter from French corn- seph Wilson, xiv., 4. mander, 714. Proclamation to Doan, Joseph, Jr., to Greer Ferguencourage enlistments, 766. Let- son, &c., for apprehending, xiv., ters to and from, vi., 1, 3, 5, 7, 215. 1G2 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Doan, Levi, reward for apprehend- plored by W. Irvine, 125. Paing, xiii., 542, 630. Under sen- tents for, 201, 220, 245. Fees, tence of death in jail in Philada., 358, 421. Battery, 580. Surveypetition, xv., 497. Opinion of ing of, xvi., 50. judges, 501. Captors rewarded, Donegal, T., violent proceedings 502. Case, 504. Order for exe- against house of John Scott, iii., cution, 505. Petition in favor of 267. respite, 515. A free negro afraid Dongan, Governor of New York, his of-released, 516. Order for exe- agency in purchase of land on cution, 535. Respite negatived, Susquehanna, iii., 205. Receives 544. pay from Proprietaries for lands Doan, Malin, proclamation against, on Susquehanna, vi., 124. xiii., 630. Donnaldson, John, resigns as WarDoan, Moses, proclamation against, den, xiv., 150. Register-General, xiii., 616, 630. his office, xvi., 45. May employ Dobbs, Governor Arthur, of Virg'a, a clerk, 64. Pay to, 301. Exmeets Earl Loudoun at Philad., penses to Easton, 516. vii., 470. Donnel, Johln. (See M'Daniels.) Dobbs, Governor of North Carolina, Donnel, Nathaniel, Second Lieut. of daily expected, vi., 164. Letter Mattrosses, x., 524. on trade of Hudson's Bay, viii., Dorothy, ship, a sickly vessel, ar290. rives, iii., 292. Is released, 294. Dobbs' Ferry-passes to be sent to, Dorsey, Captain Thomas, paymasxiii., 419. ter, x., 436; xi., 266, 301, 406, Dock creek landing, Philada., ii., 408, 424. 10, 12, 14, 19. Dougherty, Bernard, x., 353, 531. Dogs, Act against, x., 32, 42. To furnish rations, xiii., 375. JusDolby, Joseph, bell-ringer of Christ tice and President of Court, 446. Church bells, xiii., 423, 563. Paid Justice resigns, xiii., 101. On for ringing Christ Church bells on rations, 129, 595. Pay for rations, arrival of La Fayette, xiv,, 176. xiv., 181, 202. Accounts, 507. July 4th, 494. Paid for ringing Dougherty, Edward, Coroner, v., the bells of Christ Church, xv., 120, 597. 60, 344, 363, 597; xvi., 2242, Dougherty, Capt. Henry, appointed 410. to command a boat, x., 287, 296, Donalclson, Arthur, to launch che- 419. Ordered from Liberty island, vaux-de-frises built at Glouces- 427. To order boats to Philadelter, x., 513. To build piers at phia, 434. Seamen for public Fort Island, 525. To build two vessels, 442. Instruction, 617. more chevaux-de-frises, 534, To order guards at State I-ouse, 535, 648, 651, 737. Builds float- 445. To command galley Delaing battery, 725. To raise ware, 702. Captain of Artillery, wrecks, &c., in Delaware, xi., 559, xi., 223. Health officer, xii., 692. Proposals for removing 483. chevaux-de-fiise, xiv., 75, 78. Dougherty, John, Coroner, vi., 144, Agreement with, and pay, 104, 662. 119. Entitled to third payment, Dougherty, John, Jr., heads armed 200, 213. Certificate to, from men from WVyoming, x., 86; to WVardens, and letter of President, build a fort, 87. 241. Letter, 500. Dougherty, -, member of AsDonaldson, John, Member of Coun- sembly - letter from Bedfordcil, i., 492, 552. Tried and ac- road to Fort Pitt, xii., 73. quitted, 570. Douglass, Ephraim, Report on InDonation, lands, xiv., 454, 458, dian agency, xiii., 681. Protho653, 654. To officers of Penn'a notary, 702. Clerk of Courts, 704, line, xv., 17, 74, 102. Lottery 742. Member Council, 743. Letfor, 74, 97, 108, 128, 263. Ex- ter, xiv., 525. Deputy Surveyor's INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 103 petition, xv., 122. Agency for Drinker, John, refuses bills of credit, Confiscated Estates in Fayette papers, &c., locked up, x., 486. County, xvi., 26. For surveys Dromgoole, Captain, Indian interof depreciation lands, 418, 422. preter, xv., 238. Report on accounts, 446, 447. Drought, a long, vi., 422. Douglass, George, applies to go- to Drummond, Dr., applies to be enScotland-not granted, xi., 579. larged on parole; granted on conDouglass, Captain John, xi., 2. En- ditions, xi., 268. sign, xii., 2. Drummond, Lord, gives parol, x., Douglass, John, Captain of privateer 445. -abscondedl, xii., 75. Dryer, Jacob, irons to be taken off, Douglass, Captain Thomas, charges the allowed time to leave the against, xiv., 621. United States, xv., 348. Opinion Dover, John, threatens life of a col- of judges, 501. Case of, 611, 624, lector, xii., 402, 404. Commis- 627. Pardoned, 630. Doubts resion refused, 407. specting opinion of judges; warDover, Kent Co., Canterbury Town- rant for execution negatived, and ship, court house, &c., at, i., 556. he pardoned, 631. Two good horses to be at, viii., 71. Dry lands, in Northampton County, Act for sale of lots in, ix., 169. xvi., 2172, 243. For improving marshes, x., 49. Dublin, Second Township, petition Prisoners sent from to New Cas- for road to Philadelphia, i., 387. castle for exchange, 564. Opposed by First Township, 389. Dower, at common law forfeited by Dublin, Lower Township, commisattainder of husbancl, &c., xii., 70. sioners report respecting a road Downar, Richard, and Randolph il, x., 51. Mohr, case of, at Lancaster, iv., Dubrois, Captain John, i., 396, 435.. 256. Duchi, Anthony, xiii., 146. Downard William, and Maryland af- DuchY, Mrs. Elizabeth, asks to refairs, iv., 1ll. turn from New York, xii., 17, 18. Downey, Captain J., ordered to Bil- Allowed to return, being sick, 36, lingsport. Benjamin Davis to 309. (See below.) assist him in a survey of ground DuchY, Jacob, proposed as a clerk near the river, xi., 248, 249. Of at Easton, vii., 669. Assistant to the river from Cooper's Ferry to Mr. Croghan, signs minutes, 714. Salem, 250. DuchY, Rev. Jacob, his wife applies Downingtown, militia sent to, from for a pass to New York; granted Philadelphia xi., 275. Provisions on conditions, xi., 759, 762. Mestored at, 423. morial of Francis Hopkinson reDoyle, Samnuel, arrested for murder specting, 773. of Indians on Pine creek, xvi., Duch.?s house to be occupied by T. 464. Reward paid for, 483, 484, McKean, xii., 578. 547. DuchY, T. S., letter from, xii., 18. Doyle, William, coroner, ix., 285, Duck Creek-petition for cutting a 333, 398. way through the marshes, i., 60. Doz. Andrew, appointed Commis- Draining, embanking, &c., ix. sioner of Purchases, xii., 301, 375, 313, 401. Church, trustees to 376, 392. Resigns, 397. sell lands, &c., x., 80-85. Drake, Oliver, Captain, xii., 70. Duckett, John, petition for pardon, Draper, John, coroner, x. 106. referred to Supreme Court, iii., Draper, William, midshipman, pri- 276. soner, x., 596. Exchanged, 596. Ducking, a sentence for scolding, by Draper, Samuel, coroner, x. 271. xii., 235, 243. Driesback, Simon, censor, xiii., 723. Du Coudray, General, one of colnDrinker, Henry, to be seized, xi., mittee to examine works on river, 283. To lay out a road, xv., 425- xi., 231. Presents a plan for fort 445. at Billingsport, 245, 246, to be 104 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. furnished a boat, 252. Ordinance Duncan, Stephen, resigns as Treasin State House yard, xi., 252. urer, xii.. 527. Applies for a house at Fort Is- Dundas, James, pay at Billingsport, n1111 2'd5, 266. xi., 607. Paymaster at BillingsDuff. Tllhonas, sheriff, ix., 57, 199, port, 756. 286. 623, 688, 778. Dunlap & Claypoole, printers for Dutfedll, Dr., surgeon to boats, x., Council, xv., 87, 113, 215, 360, 3ii2. Attends at pest house, 409, 366. Their paper to be filed, 444. 545. And hospital, 549. MIedi- xvi., 21, 262. John D. loans cines, &c., 614. money to recruit Pennsylvania Duefi ed, Dr. Benjamin, report on a Line, 489. Newspaper, 516, 539. prisoner, xvi., 211, 222.' Dunlap, Doctor James, surgeon in Duffield, Doctor John, Surgeon Mate Navy, x., 632. To have aimate, Hospital Unitecl States, xiii., 157. 634. Bandages, 638. Pay, xi., Duke, TShe, laws to be examined, i., 68, 110, 111. Justice, xiv., 242. 63. Adctress to, and kinlg, pro- Dunlap, Major James, made Lieuposed on forts, &c., 109; pe- tenant Colonel, x., 768. tition to, 116. Dunlap, John, printer, x., 136. Duke of INorlualldie, lbirth of, xiv., printing press, &c., taken by 480. Council of Safety, xi., 46. Decline Dalaney, Daniel, Attorney General to continue taking his paper, 521. of MVlaryland, iii., 614. Comes from Taken, 654. Newspapers order by Maryland clwith Edward Jennings as Council, xii., 197. Deed for part agent of Governor Ogle, iv., 115. of Tinicum, 256. Deed to, xii., Correspondence with President, 323, 331. Paid for printing votes 117, 131, 146. of Assembly, xiii., 277. Laws, 447, Dun, Captain, imprisoned on charge 479. Buys City lots, xv., 13. Prinof murder; how to be tried, ii., ter, 191. 86. Duinlmore, Fort, Colonel Conolly's Dunbar. Colonel, sent with troops proclamation from, x., 228. fro11 Enlanld, vi., 201, 311. Dunmore, Lord, informs of a conDunbar. Colonel, Thomas, retreat fession of murder in Philadelphia, after clefeat of Braddock, vi., 492, x., 88. In connection with Doctor 494. Letter from and to, 494, John Conolly, 141. Governor 498, 515, 519, 521, 547, 593, 595. Penn's letter to, 149, 156. Letters Arrives at fort Cumberland with to and from, 156, 158, 181, 191, Twounded, 502, 513. Desires win- 193, 236. Commissioners sent ter quarters in Philadelphia, 513, to 170, 173. Their instruction, 514, 535. Directions of Governor 175. Report, 181. Correspondto, 515. Not in the battle, 519. ence with, 182-191. Goes on an His account of the defeat from expedition against Shawnese, 214. others, 519. Marches from Two men desert from, 548. Cumberland, 521. Field officers Dunn, Abner, Lieutenant, xii., 10. opinion, 547. General Shirley Dunn, James, a wounded militiato, 549. Orders to, 558-561. man aided, xi., 403. Reasons for not going against Dunn, Thos., Sheriff, viii., 506, 781. Du Quesne, 593, 595. His retreat, Dunning, Ezekiel, Sheriff, v., 551, 602, 604. Letters to and from, 597, 662; viii., 781; ix., 51, 199. vii., 39. Coroner, vi., 638. Duncan, David, Commissioner of Dunning, James, charges against, purchases, xii., 654, 656. Paid v., 85. for supplies furnished troops in Dunwick, W'Tm., time allowed, xi., defence of frontiers, xvi., 400. 717. Duncan, James, Collector of Excise, Dunwoodie, James, Messenger, to resigns, xv., 126. Resigns, 222. collect election returns, xv., 634. Duncan, MIatthew, as Captain, x., Duplessis, Peter LeBarbier, Notary 447. and tab., public, xv., 221. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 105 Duponceau, Peter S., applies to be quors, sugar, &c., viii., 30, 35, Notary Public, xiii., 735. Ap- 40, 67, 100, 230. Reasons of pointed, 736. Paid for transla- merchants against, 231, 232, 334. tions, xiv., 258. On negroes and mulatto slaves, Du Portail, General, Letter, xi., 732. 576, 578, 580. Petition merElegant plan of river Delaware, chants against, 576. On, 601, 776. Compliment to, for his plan 611; ix., 637, 641; x., 24, 25, of river, 776. 32, 34, 41, 72, 73. Act for layDupui, Aaron, Cdmmissioner to In- ing, xvi., 112. dians, vi., 754, 764. Duykinck, Colonel, to be imprisonDu Quesne, Fort, capture of, vi., ed, xi., 365. 141. Letters from Capt. Stobo, a Dyer, Eliphalet, a Commissioner hostage, 141, 161. List of deser- from Connecticut, arrives, x., 118. ters, 142. Dunbar's reasons for Dyer, Thomas, Justice, xiv., 147. not going against, 593. Affairs Dyer, Major Winm., appointed Collecat, 619. Colmmander killed, 614. tor of Customs-also SurveyorCondluct of French commander General of the Colonies-appoints with Indians, viii., 119-121. a Deputy Waiter and Searcher, i., Burned and evacuated by French 148. Elected to Council, 197. — General Forbes' letter on, 233. Objected to, 197. Report of conRespecting, 264, 265. To be re- mittee, 198, 210. Dismissedfrom stored, 315, 316. Expenses of Council, 211. expedition against, 322. Commissioners appointed to state account of, 322, 332. Site not fixed E. on, 392; vii., 153, 241, 502, 601, 602, 603, 631, 632, 716. "Eagle," armed boat, xi., 76. Durell, Adam, letters to Gov. from, Eaker, Dr. Joseph, paid to, for Capasking men, &c., viii., 289, 318. tain Robinson's company, xix., Durham, Iron Works, iii., 309, 329. 152. Disturbances near, 329. Road Eakman, Captain John, x., 709. through to Philacl., v., 576. Road Ealer, Peter, Sheriff, xiv., 248, 557. from Easton to, vi., 304. Claimed xv., 100. by George Taylor —difficulty be- Eastburn, Benjamin, run temporary tween him and George WVall- line between Pennsylvania and agreement with Joseph Galloway Virginia, v., 760. -proceedings, xi., 537. Eastburn, John, levy of Sheriff, ii., Durham tract, rule postponed, xii., 182. 391. Eastburn, RIobert, to collect linen Durkee, John, indicted for riot at from ladies, for bandages, x., Wyoming-imprisoned for debt, 633. Sale of salt, 762, 781; xi., discharged, x., 52. 51. Dutch, grant of lands to Swedes, ii., Easton, petition for road, v., 576. 465. Vessels brought in, Gov'r Conimissioners return of, 610. To embarassed by, viii., 155. Pres- Reading - petitioner appointed, byterians —Act to sell land, x., 611. Indians removed from Beth243. lehem to, there being troops, vii., Duties, retaliatory, laid on goods 191. Governor's instructions to from New York, ii., 611; iii., 38, Mr. Parsons respecting them, 191. 163. On persons of convicts im- Proposed treaty at, 202. Gov'r ported as servants, 163, 166. On holds treaty at, 204-220. No foreigners, &c., not servants, 359. settling preliminaries, 206. Treaty On convicts, iv., 304, 384, 386. at, 280. Teedyuscung at, 307. Laid on persons convicted of hei- Letter from C. WVeiser relating to nous crimes —Act repealed at Indians at, 308. Conference at, Court of St. James, v., 66, 499, 309. Conference with Indians at, 551. Proposed on tonnage, li- 313-338. Copy of minutes sent 106 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. to Gov. Belcher, 359. Answer, disputed, 268. Copy of writ of 385. Expenses of message to In- election, 280, 282. Proceedings, dians to come to treaty at, 384. 293. Messages to W. Parsons at, 477. Eddy, John, appointed First Lieut. Treaty at, 648. Minutes, 648- in Sixth Battalion Continental 714. Charles Thomson appointed troops, x., 477. clerkto Teedyuscung, 665. Sketch Eden, Robert, Gov. of Maryland, of country froam, to Diahoga, 683. letter to, onil proceedings respectCommissary of provisions at, 775. ing boundary, x., 241, 247. Treaty referred to, by Teedyus- Edger, James, Censor, xiii., 740. CUlng, viii., 33. By Assembly, 51, Edie, John, Sheriff, xv., 102, 297, 63. Conference at, 165. Teecly- 579. uscung behaves badly at, 172. Edie, Samuel, Sheriff, ix., 778; x., Conference with Indians at, 174- 56, 101; xv., 303. 223, 228. Names of the several Edmunds, William, letter relating to nations, 176. List of presents New Castle and other Indians, for Indians, 214. Treaty printed, vii., 163, 165, 167, 172. 226. Report of Committee on Education, first school established claims made for lands by indians under E. Flower —terms, &c., i., at, 246-261. Meeting of Indians, 91. Of youth, its importance, xii., &c., at, 630. Minutes of confer- 98. Moral, recommended, xiii., ences at, 630-654a. Court-house 434. at, ix., 23. Act passed for, 325. Edwarcs, Fort, vii., 716. Attacked Ferry at, to be taken by commit- by Indians, viii., 60, 141. tee, xi., 72. Indian treaty at, Edwards, Chas., sentence remitted, 96. Money and papers from loan owing to another's confession of office, to be removed to, 305, 306. guilt, xi., 624. Report of persons who read them, Edwards, Joshua, to be arrested, 307. Books to, 309. Petition of apprentice to Dr. Yedall, xii., German Lutheran Reformed Ch. 504, 505. To give security, 505, at, 422. Militia, 200. To be as 506. guards for, 446. Myer Hart, of, Edwards, Dr. Enoch, Justice, xiv., complains of Sheriff not executing 629. process against a tenant, xii., 75. Edwards, Marshall, pay-master, xi., Memorial from, respecting claims 266, 390, 448. in Luzerne County, xv., 224. Edwards, Thomas, a Justice, iii., Resolutions at, declared seditious 359. Sheriff, xiii., 393, 723; by Judges of Supreme Court, &c., xiv., 267, 268. and prosecution to be commenced Edwin, John, letter, trouble with against parties, 225. Continental Teedyuscung's messengers, viii., troops sent to, for Luzerne, 502. 98. Express to, 516. Effingham, gunboat, launch of, x., Eckhart, John, Justice, xiv., 321. 314. Captain Allen Moore, 328. Eckart, Valentine, Commissioner to Resigns, 442. H. Montgomery, purchase provisions, xi., 423. Captain, 488, 505. Letter on Indian murders in Egan, John, petition for removal to Berks County, xii., 466. Directed - another vessel, xii., 82. to order out militia in, 721. Let- Egg Harbour, part of enemy's fleet ter on delinquent collectors, xiii., arrives at, xi., 254. Wagons 570. Justice, xiv., 1.70. Dis- sent to, by Jesse Jordan, for patched to Berks, with call on mi- goods, 672, 679, 684. litia, and instructions, xv., 295. Egreniont, Earl of, Secretary of State, Lieutenant of Berks County, xvi., letter, to raise men, viii., 677, 418. 685, 703. Letters to and from, Eckley, John, a Judge, i., 109. Re- ix., 13, 15, 37. gister-General, 211. Refuses, 211. Eichelberger, George, Sheriff, ix., Lieut. Governor, 212. Election 548, 624, 689. Examined on con INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 107 tested election in York county, posed on, 130; xvi., 36, 38, 44, xi., 698. Guilty of misdemeanor, 202, 209, 490, 492, 497, 499, 501, Sheriff sent for him, 700. Opin- 509, 514, 518, 527, 542. ion of C. J. asked, 744. Election riot at Philadelphia, iv., Eichelberg-er, Lieutenant in Conti- 620. nental troops, resigns, x., 477. Electors of President and Vice PresE]ichelberger, Jacob, Justice, xi., iclent of United States, xv., 658. 443. Justice, letter, complaint, Elfrith, Henry's, house in Front offers resignation, xii., 421. Not street stopped, ii., 9. Taken by accepted, (see proceedings,) 422. public for a landing, to be paid Eight per cent. per annum, x., 223, for, 10, 12. Proposal of S. Car226. penter, 19. Considered, 54. Ejectment, case, ii., 180. Elizabethtown, N. J., trunks of Elaboratory, xi., 108. 113, 121, 125. goods at, from New York, xii., Elder, David, Justice, xi., 524. 199, 206. Elder, Rev. John, on Indian mur- Ellicot, Andrew, gives parol to comders, vi., 648, 652, 704. On mittee of safety, x., 445. ApFrench and Indians, intelligence pointed Commissioner on northfrom Monacatooha, 673. At Tul- west line and Ohio, xiv., 454. phehocken, 704. Accepts, 464. Commissioner to Elder, John, petition, xv., 176. assist D. Rittenhouse to runll Elder, Joshua, to find provisions for northern boundary, 655. Co1ngun factory, xi., 330. Expenses missioner to run west line, xv., of militia, 412. Sub-Lieutenant 38, 114. Assisted by Colonel of Lancaster county; his accounts Andrew Porter on north, 175. referred to Comptroller General, Paid, 202. Jno. Adlum, 212, xv., 432. Petition, 441. Peti- 340. Paid, 356, 458. Appointed tions for an audit, refused, xvi., to survey islands in Allegheny, 67. Deputy Surveyor's fees on xv., 615. Letter respecting surpurchases of lands, (deprecia- vey referred, 631. Asks for tion,) not paid; memorial report- loan of surveying instruments on ed on, 374, 376. triangle, xvi., 161 Asking to be Elder, Colonel, Sub-Lieutenant, xii., furnished with copy of Indian 3, 91. Wishes to resign, refused, deed given to Butler and Gibson, 84. Commissioners, which is not on Elder, Colonel Robert, battalion of record, 375. Lancaster county militia, xiv., Ellicott, Joseph, Sheriff, ix., 547, 380. Paid for services in 1777, 623, 689. 1778, 1779, xv., 291. Elliott, Benjamin, Sheriff, xiv, 567; Election, no need of writs prior to, xv., 139, 300. Councillor, xvi., i., 240. Disputed, 267, 268, 270, 220'. Comlmissioner to fix county 279, 281. Copy of a writ of, 281. lines of Huntingdon, 46. Ballot box not used, 282. Except Elliott, Mrs., and daughter, apply at Upland and Lower counties, for pass from New York to recover 282. Tickets to be made distinct, property, her husband being atiii., 166. Act respecting, 277. tainted-declined, xi., 718. Gov.'s view of, 391. Acts, &c., Elliott, James, sent express to Wyorespecting, x., 67, 68; xii., 129, ming with Act of Aaspembly and 131, 133, 134, 136, 137, 145, 146, instructions, xiv., 636. 147, 160, 506, 546; xiii., 132, 719, Ellis, John, Second(Lieutenant, x., 723; xiv., 113, 158, 162, 196, 229, 457. 230, 232, 238, 248, 282, 307, 312, Ellis, Rowland, a Justice, ii., 159. 322, 382, 443, 462, 554, 556, 562, A Justice, iii., 28. 567; xv., 62, 98, 100, 103, 113, Ellis, Thomas, appointed Register 182, 270, 272, 294, 296, 298, 300, General, i., 211. 301, 325, 326, 362, 398. Opinion Ellison, Lieutenant, Colonel, to comof Judges of Supreme Court pro- mand regiment, vi., 294. 108 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Elsenborough, Spanish privateer off, England, proposed by Governor and v., 248. decided that people in, should Elton, Captain Robert, x., 687. bear a portion of the public charge, Elwoocl, John, pilot, convicted of i., 93. Order for transportation high treason, to be executed, xi., of a criminal to, for trial, 203. 624. Reprieved, 631, 653. Par- Goods not to be exported to other doned, xii., 48. countries than, 232, 233, 240. ReEly, Isaac, Lieutenant, xi., 750. ported invasion by Prince of Orange First Lieutenant, Franklin galley, brought by T. Whitpain, 246. xii.7 139. Lieutenalnt resigns Coonplallns of Prench — prepares 489. for war with, 302. Appealed to, Embargo laid, 451. Removed, ii.. in case against Society of Free 467. On provisions, iv., 167, Traders, 147. William and Mary 479, 480, 506. On powder, 764. King and Queen, 340. Who is On provisions, v., 42, 209, 270. King? 502. Discussion about Removed, 273, 459. Warrant to William and Mary, 303. DeclarAbmz. Taylor, Collector, to lay, on ation of King and Queen, 304. provisions, vi., 319, 425, 439, Discussion about, and defensive 451, 463, 464-511, 592, 601. Per- measures, 304-310. Declares war mis'n to certain vessels, 451; vii., with France and Spain, ii., 70. 94, 122, 129, 130, 135, 136, 142, Princess Ann of Denmark declared 151, 169, 183, 184, 186, 195, 202, Queen, 70. Circumstances here 221, 227, 270, 393, 417, 418, 429, may be very different from those 431. In lower counties, 195. in, 311. Expedition against CanBond of vessels, 227, Order for, adcla, 449. Taxes, how raised in, 386, 388, 409, 444, 455, 497, 500, 463. Death of Queen-King 559, 560, 561, 567, 570, 593, 596, George proclaimed, 575. King 606. Remonstrance of Assembly George I. dies-George II. proto Governor on, 571; viii., claimed, iii., 282. Sugar Islands 26, 38, 59, 146, 713. Laid, 713. apply to Parliament to restrain Proposed, xi., 192. On provis- trade of new colonies, 401. Inions, 545, 546, 569, 646, 682, 712, formality in repeal of provincial 761, 763, 777, 780, 783; pro- laws, 534. Application of Lord visions allowed to be exportel, Baltimore to King of, 594. Petixii., 1, 2, g, 10, 59, 61, 130, 191, tion to, 597. Ingtruetionq, &o., 1097 299, 412. About to expiro,7 iv. 7 422. Wighe to encourage opinion of Congreds to boe aaked importation of white oervanta on its continuance, 70. Continued, rather than negroes, 437. Proba81, 99. Proclamation for, 171. ble rupture with France, 670, 673. President Congress, 362. Laid, Declares war with France, 689, 387. From Governor Lee, 400. 690. Encourages ships of war Port open partially, 404. E n- and privateera, 693. Ceasation forced, 525: xiii., 41, 49. of arms between, and France, &c., Embezzlenmnt of goods by master treaty signed at Aix la Chapelle, of a vessel complained of, i., 142 v., 330. Proclamation, 331. Emerson, Jonathan, a Justice, ix., Third article of treaty and other 645. papers, 359-362. Death of Prince Emlen, Caleb, to be seized, xi., 284. of Wales, 527. Laws confirmed, Emlen, George, buys lot on Province 619. Report on claim to North Island, xv., 173. Amnerica, vi., 100-105. Sends Emalen, Samuel1 Jr.1 to be seized? forces to North America under xi., c83. oir Peteor Hal-lket an CGolonol DunEmmes, John, Lieutenant of fire- bar, and will send Commander-inbrig, x., 620, 627. chief, 202. Lieutenant-Colonels, Empson, Cornelius, erects a mill, i., Ellison and Mercer, 294. Church 301, 384. of, on marriage, ii., 26, 48. On Engineers, x., 457, 501. alienation of lands, 222. Justices INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 109 of, appointed-decline on account ringing bells, 176, 494. Certifiof oaths, 531. cate from Council to, at request England, Philip, keeps ferry at of deputies, that they may " keep Schuylkill, i., 126, 368. Swedes up'" a succession of religious complain against, 373, 387. Com- teachers, 584. Ringing Christ plains against William Powell, Church bells, xv., 60, 344, 597. 380, 381, 437. Views of Bishop White on marEngland, Samuel, complaint against, riage licenses, 614. Academy, by Governor Ogle, v., 382. lands for, xv., 585. Ringing of Engle, Lieutenant-Colonel Jacob, Christ Church bells paid for, xvi., appointed sub-Colonel, xii., 298. 224%, 410. English, David, Justice. xii., 198, Epple, Andrew, xi., 124. 376. Resigns, xiv., 597. Equity, Courts, i., 102, 116, 127, English Jack, authorized to be worn 190; ii., 184; iii., 93, 105; iv., on intelligence boat, v., 267. 21, 22, 27. English, James, paid for securing. Erb, Ensign Lawrence appointed English, Major, arrives from Mary- Lieutenant, xiii., 3, 6. land with armed men, i., 188. Erie, Lake, building vessels on, viii., Engraving, by IH. D. Pursell and 377. Reservation of a tract on, Robert Scott, xiv., 471. xv., 121. Description of the Ennis, James, Ensign, xii., 10. lands asked from Commissioners, Ensigns recomnmended to Congress, 382. Terms of sale by Congress, x., 449. Appointed, 450, 643; 473. Authority to purchase trixi., 32, 78, 89, 112, 557, 578; angle, 473. Proposal of delegates xii., 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 31, 36, 53, 58, for purchase, 524. Transferred to 65, 88, 89, 107, 338, 428, 480, 483, Pennsylvania, 530, 531. Confer662, 769; xiii., 16, 53, 215, 275. ence on subject of purchase, 532. Enyeart, Wm, Coroner, xvi., 527. Pay for map, &c., 561. Fund for Episcopal Church complains against purchase, 607. SurveybyA. Ellilaw about marriages, ii., 26, 48. cott refused, 631. Act of ConIn Stamford, Connecticut, wish a gress relinquishing triangle, 530. lottery to finish it, which they Meeting of Indians at Muskingum cannot have in Connecticut, vii., favorable to, 531. Commission113. Certificate of rector and as- ers, Generals Butler and Gibson sistant of Christ Church to Gov. appointed-instructions to, 554. Denny on taking sacrament, 741. Permission asked to make obserLottery for finishing the, in the vations in Canada, 650. Purchase city, viii., 340. Form of liturgy of triangle from Indians-Cornto be altered on death of King missioners appointed, xvi., 36. George II., 519. The bells of Reservations at, 47. Triangle on, Christ Church rung, for peace be- survey, 161. Surveys of four retween France and Spain, ix., 42. serve tracts by Jno. Adlum —surIn compliment to Gov. John Penn, veys of, 161, 169. 72. Lottery for repairs and fur- Error, writsof, ii., 127. nishing various, 243, 247. In Errors and Appeals-Court created, behalf of Rev. Mr. Coombe, xi., and James Smith, Judge, xii., 296, 300, 525. Obtains pass for 548. He resigns, 723. High Court Europe, 527. Rev. Mr. Thorne of, William Moore and John Basuspected, xii., 334. Wife of yard appointed Judges, xiii., 535. Rev. Thomas Coombe applies for Henry WVynkoop appointed Judge, a pass to New York for his son 544. Samuel Miles appointed, John, xiii., 123. Christ Church 550. Judges to have access to bells rung for capture of Corn- Library, 576. wallis, 143. Joseph Dolby re- Erwin, Colonel Arthur, xi., 49. To ceives pay for ringing, 423. Let- rendezvous at Swedes' Fort, 301. ter from John Adams on American Erwin, Joseph, Sheriff, ix., 779. Bishop, xiv., 399. Christ Church Coroner, x., 59. 110 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Erwin, Matthew Captain, xi., 32, Thomas, 200. Thomas Shoe305. maker, 2022. C. & A. Stedman, Erwin, Captain of Rangers, recom- 204. David Thompson's, 222. mends Lieutenants, xii., 73. M. Witman, 231, 276. ChristoEscheator General, xv., 285. pher Wilson, 246. Continental Escheats fee, xiii., 73. Message money declined as a tender for a from Councilto Assembly on, xiv., ground rent, 249. J. Galloway's 269, 507. at Tinicum, 256. Thomas MackiEsler, Capt. Aclam, complaint against ness, 259. John Tolley, 260. L. election of, xiii., 619. Fegan, 260. William McMullin.Espy, David, Register and Re- appointed agent for, on dismission corder of Bedford, xi., 629, 646, of Thomas Hale, 261, 264. Jo718. Censor, xiii., 729; xiv., seph Galloway in Bucks, 268. In196. Justice, xv., 51. Prothono- terest in less than freehold to be tary, xvi., 517. sold, 272. C. Sawer in GermanEstates, Intestate, how regulated, i., town - Rules adopted for sale 103, 153. Practice respecting of, 281, 299. Deeds, 283, 284. judgments, 157. On Boon's Island Joseph GalEstates, forfeited, proceeding re- loway's estate, 284, 300. Petispecting, xi., 479, 547, 556, 587, tion of Jacob Morgan respecting 599, 608, 714. Notice of sales, mill late of C. Sawer, 303. Es745, 749. P. De Haven, agent, 754. tate of Samuel Bell and Mrs. ParDifficulty about deeds withheld, rock, 315. Of George Enser in xii., 22. Agents have made no city, 317. Of Peter Arthur, 320. return in Reynold Keene's case, In Northampton, 322. In Phila23, 26, 80, 102. Traitors, 27, 49, delphia Alex. Bartram, John Copies of papers asked for, 67. Roberts, 323, 324, 374. Of Peter Case of Michael Witman, 69. Of Campbell, 324. Christopher Mrs. David Dawson, 70. In Sawer, Germantown, 326. Of 13ucks county, 72. Alexander George Rhine, decree against, 327. McKee, Lancaster county, 76. Joseph Galloway, 331. Jacob Lawrence Growdens in Bucks Hare, 340. Richard Swanwick, county, 77. Jno. Rein, Reynold, to be sold, 341. Sales to Hugh Keen, H. Hopkinson, 81. Of James Horner, Jno. McNair, Jr., of AnRanlkins, 81, 218, 219. Isaac drew Allen, 344, 345, 346. To Melchior and estate of And'w Al- Henry Shade, James Doak, 345, len, 88, 152, 249. Sales of, 99. 346. Resolutions for sale of ConlResolutions of Assembly, sales mo0ns, &c., in Philadelphia, 347. postponed- of R. Keene's es- Of Jona. Jones, 350. Joseph tate, 103. Deed for Joseph Gal- Galloway at Tinicum to Kerline, loway's estate, money received for 353. Petition of J. Roberts, eshouse and lot of Arthur Thomas, tate rejected, also, Joseph Corn105. John Potts, 114, 115, 116. ley's, 374. Edward Jones, RichSales in Bucks county of Gilbert ard Swanwick, 381. Jno. BartHicks' estate, and deed for —in lett, 383. Sale of Durham tract Northampton county of John postponed, and of Thomas West, Young, 156, 157. James Rankin, 391. Sales of lots on Race street David Sproat, 174.. Samuel landing postponed, 401. S. ShoeShoem-aker's property, deed for, maker's, 413, 430. Gid. Vernon, 185, 265. Reservation by Assem- Peter Arthur, 421. Alexander Barbly of, for benefit of University of tram, J. Galloway's, 441. C. Saner, Pennsylvania, rules and regula- Jr., 445, 448. Of JosephComley, tions for the future, Henry Joun- 447. Joseph Griswald, 450. John kins sold, 189. J. Galloway's, 191. Parrock, 457. Geo. Harding, 458. J. Custard, David Thompson, David Dawson, 463. Joshua George Harding, 196, 238. Rich- Thomas, 468. L. Fagan, 470. ard Swanwick, 199. Arthur William Thomas, 481. W. Austins, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 111 492. Agent resigns, 526. Goods, for Washington county, 139. Re536. Sales of, suspended, 539. turn of Robert Smith agent, estate Of John Parrock, 752, 755, 782. of J. Parrock, Richard York, J. Agents to refrain from further Adams and wife, 141. Of John sales, of Isaac Allen, 781. George Tolly, 146. J. Parrock, York, Reine, 552. George Knapper, and Adams, 141, 164. Pay for S. Shoemaker, Joseph Stansbury, searching records, 165. Mathias 554. James Rankins, 560, 577. Aspden, John Parrock, 171. T. M. Roberts, 572. Jno. Potts, 577. Forrest, 175. A. Bartrams, 175, Agents to make return of those 176. John Reid, Owen Roberts, unsold, 600. Agents appointed, 181, 182. William Armstrong, 610. S. Shoemaker, 612, 615. Of 182. Nicholas Houssecker, 199, Andrew Allen, 614. Joel Evans, 250. Evan Thomas, Jno. OverJoseph Griswald, 617. Jno. Hen- holz, Daniel Jeans, Jno. Reid, derson, George Penner, 619. Jno. 204. C. Saner, 207. Report on Wright, J. Bultcher, 621. Hog M. Aspden's, 209. Joshua Knight, Island, 630, 631. Account of all 214. Of Andrew Allen, John confiscated, sold or not, inquiry, Reid, 236, 273, 277. Jos. Paxson, 633, 634. Agents to make reports, 236, 266. Samuel Shoemaker, Escheator general appointed, 634. 246. William Maddock, 251. H. Holton Jones, 639. John Parrocks, Steininger, 273. Of George P. 661. Oswald Evans, Henry Wertman, J. Galloway, 279. J. Welfling, 669. Daniel Williams, Galloway, 281. In Bedford county, 671. Jno. WVright, Jno. Burke, II. Gordon, 301. Andrew Allen 673. J. Rankins, 680. Hog 303, 309. Agents, 302, 303. Of Island to be divided, 679. Abram E. Milne, 309. Of Gilbert Hicks,': Carlisles, 687. Sales of, 693. C. 346. Of C. Werkieser remitted Sauer, Isaac Allen, 709. Of Wil- and divided among his children, liam Rhodden, 731. Of Peter 350. J. Dean, A. Bartram, and D. Purlie, 733. William Thomlas, Burge, 361. J. Rankin, 3S4. 734. Of Samuel Shoemaker, 737. Agents for, in Bucks county, 441. Alexander Corbitts, Andrew Of William Bell, 449. Galloway's, Allen, 745, 746. Andrew Elliott, 450. Alleged fraucd in sale of A. 747. B. Booth, J. Galloway, 751. Bartram's estate tried and disJno. Fox, 775. Of Abram Carlisle, missed, 499. Of John Potts, 505. xiii., 5. Of William Price, 9. C. Saur, 509. Anthony Yeldall, Agents not to receive pay for sales 515, 519. W. Bell, 529, 587. at Hog Island, 11. Of AndrewAl- Agent's accounts, 584. J. Romich, len, 12, 57. J. Galloway, 12. Jno. 592. Samuel Byles, 599. Estate Parrock, 20. Of Major Parr, 23. of Joseph Dean, 623. A. Elliots, Of Benjamin Booth, 23. J. Duch5, 646. Joseph Doan, 686. Estate 25, 26. David Jones, 30. Jona. of Charles Hook, John Hoster, Adams, 34. Thomas Hughes, 38. A. Stedrman, 695. Harvey GorOf Peter Campbell, 50. Stephen don, 701. Curtis Lewis, 735. Of Anderson, John Jackson, George Alex. Bartram, 748. Of A. Allen, Sinclair, R. Swanwick, 56, 57. reconveyed to State, 766. Agents Ph. Marchington, Benedict Ar- in Westmoreland for, 774. Gidnold, 80, 81. Of Jno. Meredith, eon Vernon, 778. Agents to report 94. William Evans, 97. Of dates of sale, &c., xiv., 28. Of James Rankin, 98. Jno. Han- Dr. Andrew Ladlie, 34. _Of Wilnum, agent, resigning, William liam Thomas, 56. Execution Will, discharged, H. Osburne ap- against E. Milne stayed, estate of pointed, agents to report estates John Wilson, 140. Agents, 140. unsold, 106. Of Nathan Roberts, Aid of Attorney General directed 108. M. Cryder, agent, 115. on sales of lands, 175. In WestChristopher Saner, 126. John moreland county, 287, 290. In Rhine, 137. Agents appointed Northumberland, A. Bartram's, 112 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 292. Letter to George Stewart Evans, David, petition, i., 540, 549, agent for, 321. From, 385. Of 563, pirate, 578. A. Yorkes, 385. Accounts of Evans, David, Judge of Supreme George Smith, 395. Jona. Adams, Court, iii., 269. 451. In York county, 462. An- Evans, Edward, attend to venclues, drew Allen, 463, 589, 590, 592. xi., 766. J. Galloway, 494. In WTestmore- Evans, Evan, to take down spouts, land and Washington county, xi., 279. 607. -William Thomas, 642. Of Evans, George, Surgeon, xi., 35. Samuel Shoemaker, 650. Sales Evans, Griffith, Assistant to Compordered in Chester county, estate troller General, xiii,, 577, 646; of IM. Aspden, 663. C. P. Wert- xiv., 55, 160, 197. Deputy Surman, 666. Estate of Andrew veyor, xiv., 654. Attends distriAllen, xv., 2, 40, 43. J. Galloway's bution of donation lands, xv., city lots, 6, 15. Sales of P. Bul- 128. Paid for filling patents for las, postponed, 6. Also of F. & lands, 139. Clerk to CommissionW. Armstrong's, 9. Evans er on New York line, paid, 356, Thomas, 14. Arthur Thomas, 359. 51. Agent of, in Berks county, Evans, Jabez, a Canada prisoner, 62. M. Aspden, 72, 75. Walter given in exchange, v., 643. Willitt, 99. Ahdrew Allen, 124. Evans, John, arrives as Governor, Title to a, to be defended, 127. ii., 115. Takes the oaths, 115, A. Bartram, J. Meredith and Isaac 116. Address to Council, 141. Taylor, 153. A. Elliott and A. Long and angry message to the Bartram, 172, 185, 223. George Assembly, proprietary views, &c., Smith, agent, 170. Christian 187. Controversy with Assembly, Huck, 180. Alexander Ross, 191. 147, 157, 158, 163, 167, 169, 175, Agent for Montgomery county, 188, 191 to 203, 419. His false 198. John Rhine, 205. Agent alarm in 1706, 433. Proposes to Dauphin county, James Clunie, visit the Conestoga Indians, 251. 223. Andrew Allen, 237, 265. Visits the Susquehannah Indians, Agents in Philadelphia, 246. E. 385. Account of his journey, 386, Perlee, Ab. Pastorius, 261. Ed- 390, and expenses, 392, 394, 396. Stiles, 277. WilliamlRankin, 425. Message, 398, 401. Plantation Andrew Allen, 428. J. Rankin, near New Castle, meets As468. Of Anthony Yeldell, 606 sembly, messages and answers, B. Arnold, 640. Samuel Shoe- 424-426. Succeeded by Charles maker, 657. Of Andrew Elliott, Gookin, as Deputy Governor, 427. xvi., 23. Ephraim Douglass, Charges against, false alarm, &c., agent, 26. Agents, 73. Of John 433. Address to Council, on Robinson, 136. A. Elliott, 216, grievances, 436, 442. Misapplies 220. A. Bartram's, 283. F. & funds, 464. Claim against HouW. Armstrong, 299. Samuel s$on, 494. Saving clause in comBiles, 309, 390. William Austin, mission and instructions, submit387. Anthony Yeldall's, 422. S. ted to Assembly, vi., 220, 529. Biles in Bricks, 507. Harry Gor- Tax on proprietary estate, 524. don, 540. Proceedings in his time, 721. Estimate of charge of equipment of Evans, John, Justice, iv., 259. a colony vessel, v., 272. Of pay Evans John, of Chester, appointed to provincial forces, viii., 226, 287. third judge of Supreme Court, xi., Etherington, Major George, of 2d 270. Dies, xiv., 41. His sucBattalion, gives parol, x., 333. cessor, 42, 43. Pay, 47. Etting, Elijah, x., 729. Evans, Lewis, map of Pennsylvania, Eustace, Major, dies, xiii., 223. materials for, sent to General St. Evans, Dr., Cadwalader, claim for Clair, vi., 301, 303. Certificate city lots, xv., 379, in his favor, respecting Paschall's Steel Fur387. nace in Philadelphia, ix., 633. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 113 Evans Peter, Deputy Register for ming out, 111. Collection of, iv., Probate of Wills, petition on, ii., 295, 686. Amount collected, vi., 237, 391. Sheriff of Philadelphia, 241. On liquors, &c., vii., 58, 397. Tax collector to give ac- 177, 181, 184. Bill, x., 24, 25, count, 473. Claims right to Re- 34, 35, 41. Winm. Crispin, collecgister of probate under Wm. Penn; tor of, xii., 554. John Stokely apobjections to, Register of Province pointed collector, xiii., 577, 597, at Philadelphia, 339. Withheld 769. Coll'ors, &c., xiv., 396, 400, a portion from a relation of pro- 445, 452, 486, 585, 590, 596, 652; prietary, 339. Register General xv., 315. Sale of W. Hays' estate for Probate of Wills, iv., 33. postponed, xv., 2. Fine remitted, Commissioner to buy provisions, 44. John Craig, 54, 93. Resignaxi., 424. tion and appointment, 104, 127. Evans, Colonel William, to impress Fine remitted, 127. Appointed, wagons in Chester connty, xi., 132. Fines, 133. J. Duncan re302. Justice, 542. Commissioner, signs-Richard Parker appointed, xii., 370. 222. Removed, and appointed Eve, Oswald, Warden, ix., 293. in York County, 264, 266. CollecEveret, Edward, petition, i., 157. tors of, 315. Resigns, 581. ColEverly Michael, recommended by lectors of, xvi., 83, 136, 194, General Washington for promotion 308, 311, 372, 374, 477. Deaths as Ensign, for "extraordinary ex- of, 383. ertions," &c., is promoted, xii., Execution-ten days allowed after 352. And on recommendation by judgment, i., 170, 171. Not to General Wayne, is promoted as be levied on one property, if obLieutenant, 483. jected to, when there is enough to Ewer, Robert, declines being justice, satisfy it elsewhere, 173. Nor to i., 370. deprive family of all support, 174. Ewing, General, xi., 78, 691. Council prayed to revoke orders Ewing, James, a justice, x., 209. for, 203. In Kent County, 252. Councillor, xi., 623, 698. Executions of criminals, iv., 47, 224, Ewing, Hon. James, persons to be 253, 503; v., 125, 154, 157, 158, summoned before Council on con- 269, 414, 488, 506, 567, 612, 699; tested election in York, xi., 676, vi., 136. Reprieves and pardons, 691. vii., 172, 342, 398, 559; viii., Ewing, James, Vice-President, xiii., 335, 336, 496, 506; ix., 5, 173, 413, 416, 417, 736. 192, 236, 238, 266, 334, 398, 402, Ewing, Jaspar, appointed Prothono- 513, 545, 600, 601, 632, 666, 671, tary of Court, xvi., 120, 122. 678, 743; x., 44, 50, 64, 110, 172, Ewing, Rev. Dr. John, apologizes 256; xi., 490, 616, 641, 753, 780; for B. Chew, and asserts his wil- xii., 5, 178, 179, 181, 275, 329, lingness now to sign the parole, 333, 335, 374, 387, 405, 535, 536, x.,.267. Commissioner to run 667, 730, 750; xiii., 117, 137,304, line between Virginia and Penn- 382, 394, 505, 595, 704, 720, 725; sylvania, xiii., 79. Buys a lot, xiv., 153, 203, 227, 240, 449, 567, 271, 685, 753. Paid, xiv., 317. 585, 586, 588, 591, 622, 624; xv., Resigns, 443. 2, 31, 203, 207, 311, 398,. 400, Ewing, Colonel John, xvi., 535. 423, 427, 476, 483, 576, 578, 580, Examinations of various persons at 583, 589, 633, 636; xvi., 9, 15, camp, at Armstrong's, (Fort Hali- 27, 118, 485, 535. fax) vii., 154. Of Daniel M'Mul- Executors to give security, i., 553. len and Thomas Moffit, 283. Of Expedition against Cape Breton, ii., Win. Johnson, 341. On Indian 753, 754, 762, 763, 765. murders, 357. Of Indian prison- Expenses of Government, including ers, 531. troops, vii., 778. Exchange of prisoners, x., 563, 564. "Experiment," gun-boat, x., 289. Excise, a bill of, i., 108, 109. Far- Capt. Dougherty transferred from, 8 114 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. to the Washington, 296. Lieut. In Philadelphia-Act to suppress, Allen Moore appointed to, 296, x., 254. To be prevented, xiii., 328, 335, 505. 753. Exportation of goods, inquiry re- Fairfax, William, of Virginia, letter specting, i., 232, 233, 240. Of from respecting Indians, v., 657, flour and bread, iii., 536, 537, 719. 538, 541. Fairlamb, John, Sheriff, vi., 638. Exports, 1773 to 1784, xiv., 336. vii., 266; viii., 781; ix., 57. ProExtortion complained of, ii., 456. vincial Commissioner, 237. MemEyre, Major Benjamin, to value a ber of Assembly, dies, 301, 550. boat, xi., 529, 670. Ordered new election, 550. Eyre, Benjamin G., applies to search Fairlamb, Nicholas, Sheriff of Chesriver for wrecks, xii., 76. To re- ter, iii., 31, 56, 69, 108; xvi., store Schuylkill bridge, 205, 267, 190, 494. 293, 317. Warden, xiii., 100; Fairman, Benj'n, Frankford bridge xv., 12. referred to him, iii., 247. Eyre, Jehu, report of auditors on Fairman, Thomas, petition against plank, &c., taken by enemy, xii., Thomas Holme, iS 199. Com263. plaint against, far iorcible entry, Eyre, John, has lumber taken by 199, 201, 202, 320. Surveyor, to enemy, xi., 564. Claim for- lay out a road, 499. About land committee on-'' Genl. Greene," in Bucks, ii., 434. And city lots, 756. xiii., 322. Eyre, Manuel, to build a boat, x., Falconer, Captain Joseph, paid for 283-285, 296. The "Bull Dog," mounting guard at Magazine, 290. Committee at launch, 290. Statehouse, &c., x., 709. Failure to launch, and success, Falconer, Captain Nathaniel, order 290. "Congress." "Franklin." for lead, x., 437. On survey of Appointed member of Navy Board, River, 489. To fix signals at Cape xi., 122. Resigns as Justice, xiv., Henlopen, 510. For arms, 535. 242. For swivels, 554. A warden, xi., Eyre, Richard, sent to salt works in 538. Resigns as warden, xvi., command of "Delaware" boat, 352. Health officer —.Wharf at xi., 126, 191. Appointed to com- State Island, 493. mand Brig Convention, 543. Falconer, Robert, ensign, xi., 78. Eyre, Captain Robert, commands a Falkner, Daniel, and Frankford Co. boat, x., 339. petition, ii., 431. Eyres, Robert, claims pay for copies Falkner, John, Lieutenant, xii., 390. of laws, ii., 19, 20. False alarm, by Governor Evans, 1706, ii., 433, 453. Families, registering of, i., 109. F. Faries, Owen, buys a confiscated estate, xii., 189. Fabricius, Jacobus, petition to keep Farmer, Captain, x., 697. an ordinary-Refused, i., 143. Farmer, Edward, a Justice, ii., 159. Fabricius, Rev. Jacob, minister of Conference with Indians at, 546. Swedes' Church, blind and in po- A Justice, iii., 28. verty, appeals to Council-War- Farmer, Jesper, Indians complain dens summoned, i., 386. against his servants for making Fair, a, asked, for New Castle, i., them drunk, i., 147-149. 180, 345. Also at Philadelphia, Farmer, Lewis, Major, xi., 116, 129, 218. "Contemptuous Paper" re- 142, 651, 660, 710, 728, 743. specting, 224. Proceedings, 224. Farmer, Colonel Lewis, appointed Another day for, appointed, 225. Receiver General of Clothing, xi., An addition at Philadelphia, 226, 743. Commissary of the State555, 556. Appealed to in case of German Fairs, ii., 12. Objections to, 12. Battalion, xii., 14. Money to, 16, INDEX TO, COLONIAL RECORIDS. 115 41, 62, 73, 106, 144, 212, 223. as Justice-Elected to Senate, Stores to be delivered by Mr. 536. Crispin to, 226, 247, 274, 381, Fayette, Marquis de la, recommends 406, 429, 446, 506, 622, 662, 684, Chevalier de Lambert, xiii., 479. 701, 712. His pay, 717, 721, 782. Fayette, General de la, bells rung To deliver shoes, xiii., 9, 47, 48, onhis arrival in city, xiv., 176. 143, 367. Stores in hand to be Feather, Peter, Junr., Coroner, xv., sold, 624. Appointed Register of 294, 565; xvi., 491. German passengers, xiv., 447. Feauss, Lieutenant Francis, of proReturn of German passengers, vincial ship, x., 521. xvi., 222. Febiger, Christian, auctioneer, N. Farmer, Michael, tobacconist, find- L., xv., 52, 321. Memorial reing no sales here, petition for a specting Footman & Chaloner's pass to Boston-Granted, xii., 11. vendue in Passyunk, 592. Of N. Farmer, Thomas, Sheriff of Phila L., account, xvi., 10, 11. Redelphia county, ii., 25. Resigns, signs, 35. Certificate of fidelity, 98. 67, 68. State Treasurer, 2142, Farquhar, It'v. Colin Al., asks pass 237, 443. Trustee of Loan Office, to New York, xii., 106. 448. Letter, 466. Fascines to be cut, x., 574. Federal City —proposals New York Fast-day, proclamation for a, v., and Maryland for fixing, xiii., 169; vi., 422; vii., 110, 560. 600. Appointed by Congress, xi., 175. Federal constitution, order of proProclamation, 176, 438, 725, 751. cession in Philadelphia on ratifiAppointed, xii., 145, 183, 280, cation by Pennsylvania, xv., 350. 282, 516, 671, 697; xiii., 101, Amendments proposed by North 124, 267, 396, 400. Carolina, xvi., 304. Fauquiere, Governor Francis, of Fees in New York and Delaware to Virginia, letter from Governor H. be compared, i., 63. Custom on Indian affairs, viii., 779. Let- House, 67. Certain vessels to be ters to and from, ix., 305, 345, exempted, 68. For surveying, 349. 69. In Philadelphia, 388. ReFayette County, Prothonotary, E. specting, 466. Officers, ii., 47, Douglass, xiii., 702. Clerk, 704. 54, 586. Do not pay expenses of Alex. McClean appointed Judge Court, 102. Proposed. 219; iii., and President Court of Common 245; v., 564, 578, 619. Pleas, 732. Also Register of Wills, Fegan, Elizabeth, wife of a traitor, &c., 763. Lieutenants, xiv., 38. order for her removal, xii., 243. Justices, 54, 134, 322, 346, 362, Estate, 470. 571. Contested election, 346. Fegan, Lawrence, wife injured by Elections, 563. Represent., xv., Rioters, x., 701. 109. Sheriffs, 109, 303. Coro- Felons-not to be brought to the ner, 109, 303. Collector of Ex- country, i., 72. cise, Joseph Douglass, 132. Jus- Fell, Benjamin, Coroner, xi., 179, tices, 188, 294, 584. Ephraim 219, 372, 378. Douglass, agent for estates confis- Fell, George, Coroner, x., 100, 211, cated in, xvi., 27. Sureties, 31. 270. Edward Cook, President of Court Fell, Jesse, Sheriff, xvi., 196, 496, of Common Pleas, 50. Justices, 499. 138. Joseph Terrance, High-Sher- Feoffment-deeds, for Lower Couniff, appointed Lieutenant in room ties to be recorded, ii., 39. of R. Bell, deceased, 148. Jus- Ferguson, Charles, Commissioner, tices, 138, 231, 279, 407, 423, 536. x., 702. Sheriff, 202, 518. Coroner, 202, Ferguson, Mrs. Elizabeth, refused a 518. Councillor, 202. Irregular pass to New York, xi., 629. Peti. returns of militia officers, 376. tion of George Meade, Thomas Excise, 385. John Hoge resigns Franklin, and William White in 116 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. her behalf respecting sale of estate Finney, Captain Walter, memorial -referred to agents, xii., 352. respecting land, xiii., 747. Sale of Graeme park deferred, and Fire arms, spared to Virginia, x., she to live rent free except taxes, 418. Not to be purchased to go 365, Message to Assembly re- out of Province, 498, 542. specting, 366. Prays to stay in Firelock, &c., to be purchased, x., country, 386. 402, 420, 423, 443, 459, 501, 502, Ferguson, Captain William, xii., 503, 541, 545, 548, 560, 585, 588, 718. 711. Ferree, Joel, of Lancaster makes Fire, buckets, in Philadelphia, peguns for Committee, x., 290. tition for, and ladders, i., 478. Ferree, John, Sheriff, x., 101, 211, Fire rafts and sloops to be procured, 270. x., 397, 543, 557, 560, 567, 597, Ferree, Col. John, x., 686, 690, 699. 620, 699. Commanded by CapFerree, Joseph of Germ'n, salt, x., tain John Hazelwood, 437. Cap660, 665, 770. To collect leaden tain W. Greenway, 525. Mr. weights, 637. Vernon's Brig, 536. Committee, Ferries, i., 126, 184, 368, 387, 461, 575. Guard for, i., 27, 247. 478, 498, 513, 514, 581; ii., 458, Fire ships, xi. 249, 255, 256. 525, 528; iii., 39, 43, 166, 171, Fire sloop to be manned, x., 585. 174, 233, 235, 360; iv., 22, 34, - brig, 608. 40, 46. Not to be passed by per- Fish, preservation of, in the rivers, sons with arms, xi., 27, 28, 31. viii., 582. Act for preservation of, Ferris, Captain Owen, resigns, xii., in western branches of Delaware, 550. xiii., 318 Inspector of, xiv., 488. Fetterman, George, x., 660. Fishburn, Benjamin, appointed payFilbert, Peter, Sheriff, xiv., 232, master, x., 733. 554; xv., 99. Fishbourne, Ralph, proposed act to Files, to be made by L. Bernie, x., confirm to, the old Court house 612, of Chester, ii., 218. Fincher, John and family murdered Fishburn, William, memberof Counby Indians, ix., 44. cil, iii., 226. Powder house reFincher, Joshua, Coroner of Phila- ferred to him, 242. Robbed, 389. delphia, iii., 260. Proceedings against, 395, 396. Fine imposed on County Court of Disabled from holding office, 450. Philadelphia for giving judgment Acts in favor of 536, 537. against law, i., 76. Fisher, Henry, appointed to furnish Finley, James, Justice, xiii., 520; notice from Capes of the appearxiv., 54. Resigns as justice in ance of suspicious vessels, x., 337. Westmoreland, xv., 472. His instructions, 339. IntelliFinley, Rev. James, undertakes a gence from, 526, 535. Pay to, secret mission, xiii., 481. Pay to, 527, 559. Guard boat sent to, 500. 593. Receipt for guard boat, &c., Finley, William, Councillor, xvi., 620. Express to, respecting Hes2162. Paid for team taken in sians, 753. At Lewistown to give 1778; xvi., 308. intelligence, xi., 9, 185. Light Finney, David, Jr., naval officer at house, 574. To be written to reNew Castle resigns, x., 109. specting Dragon boat, xii., 120. Finney, Captain Samuel, member Claim on for prize money, xv., of Council, ii., 37. A Justice, 499. 159. Judge, 239. Fisher, Jabez, Coroner, viii., 403. Finney, Captain John, member of Fisher, Joseph, arrested, i., 609. Council, ii., 68. Takes oath, 96. Fisher & Roberts ask for remission High Sheriff, 97. To take account of forfeiture on brandy, xiv., 76. of arms, 240. Resigns, 298. News Rent of stores, 570. of robberies by French and Span- Fisher, Joshua, Coroner, iii., 465, iards, v., 89. 524, 575. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 117 Fisher, Joshua & Sons, inquiry of 576. Appointed to new company, Committee of Inspection as to pro- xii., 720. perty of, in their hands, x., 439. Fitzsimons, Thomas, member of Decline lists, 449. Committee to Council of Safety, xi., 45. Approcure invoice, 451. To be ap- plication with certificate of French plied to, to sell, 453. They refuse Minister, respecting cargo of flour, to sell, 454. Order for sale by 645. auction, 460. Refuse bills of cre- Fitzsimons, Thomas, &c., petition dit-papers, &c., to be taken and respecting Mr. Levins, an absealed up, and stores locked up sconding merchant, xiii., 370. by Committee, 486. Refuse to Censor, 720; xiv., 230. Appoint. deliver up their books, 488, 497. ed commissioner, xv., 5; xvi., 2. Sale of rigging by auction, 571. Fitzwater, Thomas, Coroner of Phi. Fisher, Joshua, to be seized, xi., ladelphia County, i., 228, 283, 290, 295, 308, 309. Five Nations of Indians, lands purFisher, Miers, to be seized, xi., 283, chased - presents to, iii., 273. 290, 295, 308, 309. Pleads claim Respecting, 330; iv., 434, 446. for city lots, xv., 201. As attor- Flag, purchased, to be raised on ney for Richard Howe and John Gov. Thomas's arrival from AntiElliott-opinion of Attorney-Gen'l gua-cost of, iv., 304. asked, 207. Claims for city lots, "Flag, Union," v., 350. 399, 437, 481, 485. Claims a lot Flag, altered, x., 694. in Philadelphia for Widow Gas- Flag, in exchange for Wampum, xi., kill, of London, xvi., 55, 108, 212. Letter from Board of War, 130, 153. Southwark, &c., 238. respecting, 411. Pay at Chester Fisher, Samuel, (son of Joshua,) to for attending; 590. be seized, xi., 283, 290, 295, 308, Flags or standards for public use, 309. Ill in prison, released tem- with the arms of the State worked porarily, xii., 221. thereon, ordered, xii., 108. Fisher, Samuel R., intercepted let- Flag, State, xiii., 586. Mentioned, ter, xi,, 729, 735. In gaol two having been hoisted for two years, years, sick, discharged, xiii., 13. xiv., 518. Fisher, Capt. Thomas, x., 182. Flag of truce, with negroes, arrived Fisher, Thomas, (son of J.,) to be from Hispaniola, v., 71, 74. With seized, xi., 283, 290, 295, 308, English prisoners, arrives from 309. Justice, xiv., 256. New Orleans, 77. Rules and reFisher's Island-sick passengers to gulations respecting, 80. Pilots, be landed at, iv., 569. how to act in cases of arrival of Fisheries, preservation of, address flags of truce, 81, 98, 122. Sent from Assembly on, ix., 610, 707. with Negroes to Havana, 200. Acts proposed, 719, 726, 729, 730; French prisoners sent to Hispanix., 73, 141, 226. Injured by ola, 267. Mr. Burch applies to wrecks of State, burned on Jersey be released from contract-letter shore, xii., 611. to M. De Chastenoy-pass for, Fitch, Thomas, Governor of Connec- 281. S. Phips, respecting, 419; ticut, letters to and from on dis- xii., 10, 29, 30, 31, 502, 504, 506; pute, v., 770, 773. Letters to xiii., 258. and from on Connecticut claim, Flag vessel expected with prisoners, vi., 255, 261. Letter to on set- xii., 521. tiers in Northampton Co., viii., Fleeson Plunket paid for drums, x., 598, 626. 499; xi., 121. President of Court Fitler, George, inquest on, xiv., of Common Pleas and Quarter 159. Sessions-to receive records, xiii., Fitzpatrick, James, a noted robber, 20. President of City Court, 181. arrested, executed, and reward Justice, xiv., 135. Complaint offered paid, xi., 616. against, 511. Resigns as PresiFitzsimmons, Nicholas, Lieut., xi., dent of Quarter Sessions, 548. 118 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Fletcher, Benjamin, commission as Floating bridge at Schuylkill, xi., Governor of New York and Penn- 55, 536. Guard at, 657. sylvania, i., 345-364. Reasons Flour, inspections of, useful, iii., for his commission to Penn'a, 390, 492. Exportation of, 536, 355. His powers and duties, 356. 537, 538-and bread, bad, not to Employ militia of New Jersey, be exported, v., 33, 34, 459, 460. 356. Appoints William Markham To be exported, x., 451. InspecLieutenant Governor, and several tor appointed in Philadelphia, JaCouncillors, 365. Going to fron- cob Plankinhorn, xi., 201. Foretiers-calls Assembly-asks ad- stalled, 639, 640, 671, 766. Letvice of Council, 368. Visits New ters and papers respecting purCastle, 368. Refuses by advice of chases of, xii., 16, 18, 47. To be Council, a letter from former purchased, 45, 46. Names of Council, as inconsistent in the agents, 46. Scarcity of, 112, 117, address, with his patent, 370. A 224. And salt exchanged, 136. man of arms, and not of Quaker Loaned to house of employment, principles, 373. Leaves for New 172. Forestalling, 224. For Mr. York, 375. Letter, 383. Action Holker, 275, 296. Inspectors, upon it, 385. Request to Govern- xiv., 444, 445, 487; xvi., 61, 63. ors to send Commissioners to New Flower, Enoch, appointed by CounYork to settle quotas for defence, cil first schoolmaster-His terms, 393. Letter for support of the Go- &c., i., 91, 372. vernment, 395. Address to As- Flowers, Colonel B., xi., 735. Died, sembly on certain members refu- xvi., 285. sing oaths, 398. Attends Council Fly, the, an armed vessel, arrives at New Castle, 398. Approves J. with cannon for province sent by Growden as Speaker-address to, Congress, x., 632. 399. To support New York Flying-Camp, x., 664, 673, 679, 690, against French and Indians, 400. 703, 706, 708, 735; xi., 27, 29, Speaker's address to, 400, 402, 93, 119; xiv., 34, 604, 624, 634; 405. Discussions with Assembly, xv., 10; xvi., 536 406-433. Asks Assembly to an- Fooks, Paul, xi., 48. Petition, 176. swer Queen's letter, 446. Leaves Notary Public, 200. Dies, xiii., for New York, 447. Adjourns 735. courts, 453. Address to Assem- Footman, Richard, petition, attorbly, 459, 463, 466, 468, 470. Op- ney of J. Warren, xi., 710; xvi., poses county levies, 471. As- 36, 40, 196. sembly wagfes, 471. Dissolves Forage, letters on, xi., 335. Assembly, 472. His authority as Forbes, Brigadier-General John, apGov. revoked, on restoration of pointed to command troops, viii., ProvincetoW. Penn, 474. Applies 27. Letters to and from, 59, 60, for troops for New York, 480, 484, 79, 83, 100, 110, 167, 224, 232. 486, 490, 504. Speech to N. Y., Arms required, 79. Not received, 504. Report on Gov.'s letter, 520. 84. Suggestions of Sir William Fletcher, Thomas, Justice, iv., 259. Johnson respecting Indians joinF leury, Francis, a Frenchman, im- ing him, 97. Asks for a provinpressed on the State ship-com- cial treasurer and barrack-master, plaint of Consul, xii., 35. Report 100. Attends Council in Philaon his case, 37. Discharged and delphia with Major Halket and paid prize money, 86. several Indians, 124. Council Flints for General Washington's convened at request, on Indian army, x., 632; xi., 497. affairs, 126. Message of GoverFloating battery-.Putnam-Nicho- nor to Indians on Susquehan1 as Fitzsimons, Third Lieut., x., nah, 131. Letter from Fort Lou531. To furnish men, 552. Comi. doun —Every thing depends on Davison, 615, 725, 737; xi., 5, the people of Pennsylvania, 167. 17, 77, 85, 138. Sends news of attack on Loyal INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 119 Hanning, 212. Letter from Rays- Forsyth, John, Collector of Excise town —Proposed operations —Forts for York county, xiv., 585. to be garrisoned, &c., 224. Cap- Forsyth, John, appointed Collector tures Fort Du Quesne-French of Excise in York county, xv., burn and evacuate it, 233. Ill- 264. ness of, 262, 264, 283. Holds Foster, David, released, x., 462. conference with Indians at Phila- Foster, John, Coroner, xii., 137, 138. delphia, 264. Indian warriors Fort Island,. battery, &c., to be who assisted him, 265. Leaves erected at, x., 383, 385, 432, 494. Colonel Mercer in command, 292. Captain Proctor to command artilGeneral Amherst appoints Briga- lery, 452. To have 6 guns made dier-General Stanwix, 298, 317. for, 494, 497. Committee to His death allulded to, 298, 317. perfect fortifications, 498. Three Did not pay for his wagons, 373. armed boats to be sent down, 507. Forbes, Lieutenant James, recruits, Armourer, 522. Piers to be built xi., 573. at, 525. John Reed appointed Forbes, Hon. Mr., member Con- commissary and barrack master gress, dies-Invitation to funeral, at, 553. Men and boats to be xii., 293. ready for action, 557. Committee Forcible entry and detainer, i., 236, to repair to, 559. Survey to Bil253. Proceedings, 253, 258. lingsport, 567. Furnace to heat Ford, Philip, mortgage to, of pro- shot, &c., 572. Barracks ready, vince, ii., 455. 587. To desist from works at, Ford, Philip, Sheriff, ix., 199, 285, 605. Pier cut loose, New London 333. Writ for election of a new cannon for, 630. Piers at, 648, member of Assembly, 301. Coro- 718. Wood for, and stone, 699, ner, viii., 781. 722, 734, 741, 755, 758. Council Ford, Samuel, sentenced to death, visit, 731. No persons to view, xi., 565. Warrant issued, 566. 758. Sounded, 761, 772. A fire Forest, Captain Thomas, commands to be created and nails to be mantroops sent to General Washing- ufactured at, 765. Artillery to ton, xi., 25. parade at, xi., 1, 24, 28. Boom Forestalling in Philadelphia, petition to be fixed to piers at, by Thomas against, xi., 639, 640, 671; xii., Marle, 31. Takes men to, 33. 190. Captain Jno. Read, barrack masForgery cases, ii., 108, 186. ter, 51. Piers, 109, 114. Pay of Fornication, alteration in the law armourer at, 115. Of John Read against proposed, i., 61. Charges barrack master, 116. Under for, i., 156, 176, 188. charge of Navy Board, 123. GenForrest, Captain Thomas, appointed eral Proctor's regiment, marches of marines, x., 514. To recruit from, General Potter to furnish men, 517. Pay, &c., 518. Al- guard for stores, &c., 250. Relowed a drummer and fifer, 521. moval of troops from Billingsport Of artillery, 742. Committed to to, 269. The banks to be repaired, jail for assault on Mary Taylor, 285. Flood gate to be made at, xi., 201. Claims two lots in 286. Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Philadelphia, xiii., 136, 175, 331, Smith in command, 397. Pickets 334, 500, 505, 507; xv., 3. taken up, 557. Cannon for, 572. Forrest, Walter, his mill, i., 389. Repairs at 725. Garrison relieved, Forster, John, Coroner, xii., 513. 756. Workmen at, 767. Stores Forster, Joseph, paid for removing for, 771, 777.; xii., 10, 13, 26, exhibition frame from Market 40, 65. Sickly state of garrison, street to Statehouse, xiv., 157. 117. Times expiring, persons to Forster, Thomas, Justice of Lancas- be left in charge, 134. Workter, complained of, for interrupt- men to be discharged when works ing Sheriff in surveying land-He are secured from weather, 146. is removed from office, ix., 335. Pay to Colonel Bull, 180. Wil 120 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. liam Anderson's account of ser- Fortsvices, &c., at, 294. Cannon from, Conococheague, vi., 641. 312. Laborers to be employed at, Cumberland, vi., 373, 513; vii., 403. Major Armstrong, 402. 289, 342, 502, 512, 565, 601, 632; William Earle, 427. Suspected viii., 224; ix., 35, 304. vessels to unload at, 453. Quar- Drumer, vi., 33. antine at, 457. Fortifications, Dunmore, x., 228. 468, 480. Captain Paul Cox in Du Quesne, vi., 141; vii., 153, flag of truce to pass, 557. Pay 341, 502, 601, 602, 632, 716; viii., to workmen, 588, 667. Under Cap- 120, 147, 233, 315, 322, 427, 509. tain Boys, 627. Pay to guard, 718, Edward, (N. Y.) vii., 379, 714; Troops for defence of, 719. Pirate viii., 60, 141. hung in chains, 731. Pay for Frederic, vii., 502, 529, 552, men at, xiii., 14. Supplies, men 553, 556; viii., 224. to be discharged, 16. Overseer Freeland, xii., 62; xvi., 170. wanted, 30. Supplies, 43. French Fort Island, x., 525, 540, 566, General's views, 51. Under care 567, 568, 586, 605, 665, 722. (See of William Smith, 54. Pay to above.) workmen, 91, 121. A British ves- -- Island, Mud Island, and sel to be stopped at, 145. Pay Fort Mifflin, xii., 10, 13, 26, 40, for, 149. Pay for repairing banks 65. at, 296. Salary at, to cease, 429. Frontenac, vi., 20. Pay at, 444. Taxes, 449. Visit George, v., 640; vi., 59. of Council to, 578. Lease of Granville, vii., 232, 233, 278, meadow to B. Brannon, 691. (See 561, 716. below.) Great Meadows, vi., 50, 158, Forts- 602. Adjouquay, vii., 137, 159, 182, Guadenhutten or Allen, vi., 184. 772. Allen, vii., 17, 189, 222, 429, Halifax, vii{, 154, 156, 724. 474, 723; viii., 98, 138, 150, Hand,-xi., 558. 166, 234, 514, 515, 523; ix., 30, 42, Hannas Town, xvi., 341. 244, 246, 283, 441, 651; xv., 359. Harmar, xv., 605. Augusta at Shamoken, vi., Harris, John-near, vii., 244. 701; vii., 6, 54, 76, 79, 80, 90, Hunter, v., 470; vii., 502, 724, 121, 157, 184, 281, 294, 302, 436, 773; ix., 30. 503, 512, 543, 546, 550, 597, 603, Jenkins, xi., 654. -724, 736, 773; viii., 99, 128, Johnson, vii., 43, 74, 154, 159. 129, 406, 458, 499, 514, 522, 753; Juniata, viii., 224. ix., 30, 42, 244, 246, 283, 284, Lawrence, xi., 699. 440, 651. Lebanon, vii., 35. Bedford at Rayston, ix., 30, Le Boeuf, viii., 380, 513, 515; 304,386. ix., 35; xv., 593; xvi., 47. Billingsport, x., 294, 474, 604, Liberty Island, x., 462. 626, 673, 678, 719; xii., 10, 13, Ligonier, ix., 35; xvi., 176. 26; xiii., 14, 16, 43, 51, 121, 429, Loudoun, vii., 395, 445, 555, 449; xiv., 465, 581,586, 617. 632; viii., 77, 78, 111, 167, 224, Boccalunce, v., 624. 776; ix., 88, 292. Burd, xvi., 2232. Loyal Hanna, viii., 224. Cadaraghqui, v., 549; vii., 10. Lyttleton, vii., 77, 553, 555, Carlisle, vi., 732; viii., 224. 632; viii., 224; ix., 34, 434, 490, Chambly and St. John, x., 410. 514, 684, 686, 718. Christiana, i., 109, 131, 188, McCords, vii., 77. 370, 372; iii., 21. Reinforced from McDowells, vii., 231, 233. Maryland, i., 188. McIntosh, xiv., 373, 448; xvi., Christiana-(Virginia,) murder 340. of Indians at, iii., 21. McKees, vii., 148. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 121 Forts- FortsMettols, vii., 399. Wiccacoa, vi., 770; viii., 39, Mifflin, xi., 397, 654; xiv., 512, 147. 586, 617. (See Mud.) William Henry, N. Y., vii., Montgom'y, x., 743, 756; xi., 4. 515, 714; viii., 141. Morris, (Shippensb'g) vii., 599. Wills' Creek, vi., 137, 180. Mud Island, x., 283, 378, 382, Wyoming, vii., 730; ix., 377; 383, 385, 432, 452, 474, 494, 495, x., 86. 498, 513, 520, 525, 540, 566, 567, Forts-Address proposed to King 568, 586, 605, 665, 722; xi., 397, and Duke on building forts, &c., 654; xii., 10, 13, 26, 40, 65; xiii., i., 109. At New Castle, 131, 370, 14, 16, 30, 43, 51, 449; xv., 175. 372. Suggested by Proprietaries, (See Mifflin,) v., 515. Croghan, to say nothing Muncey, xiii., 214. about building, 522. Views of Necessity, vi., 50, 158, 602. Assembly, 547. Necessity, at Niagara, viii., 147, 380, 400. Great Meadows, defeat of WashNorris, vii., 493. ingtonat, vi., 50,137. Du Quesne On Ohio, v., 423, 447, 461, 482, taken, 141. Deserters and prison515, 608, 623, 659, 660, 687, 696, ers, 142. French taken by Eng712, 720, 761-763; vi., 4, 10, 31, lish-Murders, 643. Chain offorts 33, 140, 185, 223-226, 465, 642; recommended by Commissioners, vii., 133. vii., 153. A map of frontiers and Oswego, vi, 13, 310. forts alluded to, 228. Proposed Pitt, viii., 509, 582; ix., 32, near Wyoming, x., 86. In Vir35, 42, 210, 239, 259, 264, 304, ginia, 158. 321-323, 434, 490, 514, 684, 686, Foulke, Judah, Sheriff, ix., 689, 718; x., 11, 17, 21, 68, 70, 71, 74, 777; x., 56. Clerk of market, 176, 183, 200; xi., 699; xii., 716, and keeper of standard weights 747; xiii., 79, 83, 162, 348, 408, and measures, Philadelphia, 111. 455; xiv., 476, 498, 517; xvi., Foulke, Stephen, conceals desert340. See Du Quesne. ers, xi., 357. Preservation, xv., 66; xvi., Fowler, Captain, a British officer, 170, 176. now a settler here, xi., 658. Presque Isle, vi., 10; viii., 380, Fox, Edward, notary, xv., 89. 513, 515; ix., 35, 193. Fox, H., Sec'y of State, letter from Rayston, viii., 224. — Appointm't of Earl of Loudoun, Red Bank, x., 283, 474, 617. commander-in-chief, vi., 179, 180. Redstone, vi., 137. Officers appointed to command Rice, xiii., 117. troops about to embark, 180. Shamokin, at, or Augusta, vi., Treatment of French prisoners, 701; vii., 6, 54, 76, 79, 80, 90, 269. Succeeded by Winm. Pitt, 121, 157, 184, 281, 436, 503, 512, 412. 543, 546, 550, 736, 773; viii., Fox, James, a Justice of Philadel99, 128, 129, 406, 458, 499, 514, phia county, i., 544. Treasurer, 522, 753; ix., 30, 42, 244, 246, dies, 576. 283, 284, 440, 651. Fox, John, to be seized, xi., 283. Shippensburg, vi., 459, 732; Fox, Joseph, a Provincial Commisviii., 224. sioner, viii., 499, 636, 657, 697. Shirley, vii., 232, 278. Elected Speaker of Assembly, ix., Stanwix, ix., 545, 738; x., 257; 236, 287, 591. Writ for a new xiv., 366. election of a member, 301. DeSteele's, vi., 675. dines as Commissioner to Indian Ticonderoga, viii., 380. treaty at Fort Pitt, 491. Report Venango, vii., 289, 341, 502; respecting firelocks, x., 307, 357. viii., 265, 380; ix., 35; xvi., 47. Can't find workmen, 380, 381. Washington, L. I., xii., 34; Barrack-Master, 390, 408, 415, xiv., 443; xvi., 535. 427, 459. His apprentice enlisted 122 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. is discharged, 470. Fire-arms, Frankford Bridge, iii., 247, 263. 484, 486. Frankford Company petition F. D. Foy, Miles, &c., petition, iv., 256. Pastorius, &c., ii., 430, 431. Frame of government, i., 29, 42, Quantity of land owned, 431. 48. Debate respecting its having Plot against, 431, 432. been printed in handbills, 278. Frankford Creek, passage over, Committee to prepare a new, 486, broken, to be repaired, ii., 52, 507, 597. 194. Through to Bristol, v., Frampton, William, a councillor for 59. Kent, i., 127. Petition for remo- Franklin, Benjamin, Clerk of Asval of caves from before his door, sembly, iv., 424, 459. Commis167. Justice, 176. Register Gen- sioned to meet Indians at Carlisle, eral pro tem., 185, 186. Death v., 658. Report, 665-684. Comof, 195. missioner to Albany, vi., 25. His Frampton, Major General, to sail comm'n, 47. Appointedto make with troops for Louisburg, v., 37. draught of a plan of union, 67, France,England declares war against, 100. Plan presented by, 105-109. and Spain, ii., 70. Probable rup- Employed to procure waggons for ture with England, iv., 671, 673, General Braddock, 408, Holds 677. War declared, 689. In fa- office under general post-office — vor of Popish pretender, 677. Complaint by Governor M., 600. Privateers capture vessels, 749. As Committee of Assembly distriCommission to P. Chartier, 757. butes arms, -. His course in And Spain, peace declared, ix., Assembly represented by Gover13, 37. And England, treaty of nor M., 739. And Indians-Brief 1763, 80. Extract from treaty narrative of incursions, 1755, 766. with, xi., 487. Consul of, Mr. Fort Allen, letters from, vii., 15. St. John, letter, xiv., 2. Mon- Expenses at, 17. Sent to build sieur Marbois, consul, 43. Ves- Fort Allen, 17. Expense of Comsel of, detained by Court of Ad- panies-His proceedings, 19. Letmiralty, 111. Consul General in- ter from, and other Commissionsulted, 115, 116. Two criminals ers, to Indians-They meet Counpardoned on application of Mar- cil, 153. Has part charge of post bois, Jr., 240. Conviction of L. office-Salary, &c., 447. Agent, Blanc, L. Collinet, 447, 449. Ex- delivers to proprietaries a paper equator to Vice-Consul, 491. Act entitled " Complaints unsigned," of, for encouraging commerce &c., from Assembly, at which with United States, xv., 463. they complain, viii., 276. Heads Francis, Tench is Attorney General, of complaint, 279. And answer iv., 620. Replies to case stated by agents of proprietaries, 278. respecting Connecticut claim, v., Answerto agents, 299. Appointed 775. Resigns as Attorney Gene- with R. Charles agent to England, ral, vi., 277. B. Chew appointed, 512, 547. Agent in England, ix., 277. Capt., applied for rifle guns 10. Chosen Speaker of Assemto Committee for his company, x., bly, 182. Agent for provincej in 288. Colonel, applies for powder, London-Salary, x., 53. A Com598. To lay off lots at barracks, missioner at Albany, 177. Presixiv., 76. Agentfor proprietaries, dent of Committee of Safety, 282. demands first payment, 622. To thank Captain McPherson, 292. Warrants for city lots to issue in Makes a present of curious copfavor of, xv., 379, 383. Commis- per plates to Supreme Executive sioner for Road, 425, 445. Council, xi., 233. Member of Francis Turbut, letters to and from, Congress, 385. Councillor, xiv., ix., 587, 606., Respecting shoot- 555, 556. President of Supreme ing Indian George, 603, 604. In- Council, 557, 565. President, dian conference at Shamokin, 610. xv., 110, 126. Receives pay for Succeeds to sev'l offices, 671, 680. postage on his public letters while INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 123 President, xvi., 67. Dies-Pow- xiv., 486. Letter to, xv., 35. der for his funeral, 341. Tes- Passport to, 67. Arrives —heard, timonial of respect, 344. Be- 79. Member Assembly, 162, 408. queaths to Council a portrait of Board paid, 427. Letter from him by Martin in 1767, 358. Governor Huntingdon respecting Thanks of Council to executors, his imprisonment, 575. Letters 359. received from Governor ClinFranklin, boat, late commanded by ton, 578. Expense of removing Captain Biddle, now by Captain from Northampton-Medical atN. Boyce, x., 426. Captain Hous- tendance, &c., 640. Arrested, ton, 488, 506. 290. He to be closely confined Franklin, galley, xi., 12, 706, 750. and in irons, 291. To be furnished Lieutenant, xii., 139. with a mattrass-Irons removed Franklin College, grant of land to, -On parole, 304. Memorial of by Supreme Executive Council, his sickness, and irons to be resurvey of, xv., 367. Expense of moved, 385, 394. Expenses, 487. surveying, 657. Conference respecting, 533. Sick, Franklin Co., Prothonot'y, xiv., 202. nurse for, 537. His letter asked Justices, 208, 345, 369, 567, 657, for, 571. Expense of boarding as 669. Elections, 236, 486, 563. a State prisoner, xvi., 4. ConferRepresentative, 236. Sheriff, 236, ence on his case, 17. Clothing 563. Council, 236. Coroner, 236, for, 21. Boarding paid, 50. Li563. Lieutenant, 400. Represen- quors for, 61, 82, 95. Removed tatives, 563. Election declared from Philadelphia, 102. void, 487. Two election districts Franklin, Gov. Wm., of New Jerfor Justices set off, 650. Justices, sey, letters to and from, ix., 113, xv., 59, 108, 199, 269, 347, 537, 543. With Indians, 113. Rob545, 588, 641. Sheriff, 120, 300, bery of treasury of New Jersey, Coroner, 120, 301. Contested 544. election, 129, 199. Collector of Franks, David Solebury, present at excise, Wm. Long, resigns, Coun- riot at J. Wilson's, gives bail, xii., cillor, 301. Lieut. of, resigns, 319. 141. Examined, 199. Claim for Jeremiah Talbot appointed, 343. provisions, 296. To be arrested, Asks for a Justice of the Peace for 495, 496. To return to army, Greencastle, 497. Division, 641. 496. Order of Orphans' Court in favor Franks, David, Brit. Commissary, of Wm. Dean's widow, xvi., 29. xi., 679. Clerk, sent to N. York, Sureties, 31. Amount of tavern 683. Petition for pass, xii., 141. and marriage licenses, 61. Lieut. To be arrested, 495. To depart paid, 63. Collector of excise re- the State, 498, 502, 505. Sicksigns, 87. Justices, 167, 403, Doctor to visit, 509, 546. 478. Sheriff, 210, 495. Coroner, Franks, Isaac, Notary, and T. P., 210, 495. Militiafines, 279. Tav- xvi., 1. ern and marriage licenses, 369. Franks, Peter, deposition against Taxes received, 462. Wm. Hob- Indians, vi., 54. bert pardoned, 479. Edwd. Craw- Franks, Mr., x., 500. ford Register and Recorder, 496. Franks, Col., to receive tents for Receipts of tavern and marriage French emigrants, xvi., 513. licenses, 522. Frankstown road to Conemaugh, Franklin & Hall, printers, enjoined xvi., 252, 256, 434. not to publish papers without ap- Fraud, meaning of, explained by probation of Governor, vi., 327. Teedyuscung, vii., 325. Their answer to Governor, 327. Frazer, John, petition for restoration Opinion of Council on, 328. Im- of a vessel, iii., 76. Indian traplicated in case of Win. Moore der, store above the mouth of the and Dr. Smith, viii., 439. Ohio, v., 659. Gives information Franklin, John, deed to, for city lot, respecting French and Indians, 124 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. and sites of several places, 659. Traders arrested, 390. Complaint, Had a gun-smith shop at Wenin- 403, 534. Privateers, captures go, 660. Sent with Indians from by, 411. Lands men at WhoreFort Pitt to Redstone, ix., 539. kills, 448. The, incroach on New Instructions to, 540. York by erecting fortifications near Frazier, Persifer, appointed Comm'r Albany, iii., 419. Arrives and of purchases, xii., 301. Declines, blockades the British in New York, 334. Elected Brigadier General, xi., 532. Minister is received xiii., 289. Recorder and Register, by Congress, 548. Frigate Chixv., 4. Justice, 38. Treasurer of mere, 618. Minister 645. Offers Chester Co., 179. a reward for captures, 646. Fleet Frederick, Fort, vii., 529, 552. under Count D'Estaing arrives, Conference at, 552, 556; viii., xii., 114. Officers recommended 224. by Chev. Luzerne, 116. Claims Freeland, Fort, surrender of, xii., of their subjects here, 267. Opin62. Thanks and orders of Coun- ion of Attorney-General and cil, 63. Gun lost at, paid for, Councils on, 275. Minister and 1777, xvi., 170. the State enterinto an agreement, Freeman, Benjamin, wounded at 368. Sailors desert, 370. PassAmboy —allowance to, xiii., 266. port for Havana, 402. Desertion Freeman, Moses, Sheriff, iii., 332. of sailors, 409. Exchange on, Free Masonry, fatal effects from 419. Loan, 418, 420, 422. Fleet using in jest, iv., 277. at Newport, 424, 430. Supplies Free negro made prisoner by a for, enlistment of Hessians, 433. Spanish vessel, asks a trial, ii., Get masts from Schuylkill, 488. 112. Minister appoints William Young, Free Society of Traders, stockhold- Jr., as Botanist, 611. Sailors to ers in Virginia in trouble for be collected, 723. Want to ship want of their books and accounts flour to St. Domingo, 729, 730. -ordered to be sent — officers Applied for by Count de Barras, summoned-further sales of land resolution of Congress, xiii., 5. forbidden, ii., 154. Officers, 154. Generals visit forts, expenses E. Shippen to send full account of paid, 51. Sieur Holker consul to England, 163. Act for sale of General, 59. State of subsidy tb their lands for payment of debts, United States, 100. Minister has discussed by Governor and Coun- audience by Congress on birth of cil, iii., 138. a Dauphin, 282. Costs of enterFrench from Maryland, rumored in- tainment, 297. Army to be convasion by, i., 277, 299. War veyed over the Delaware, 358. with England, 302. Fears in Deserters, 375, 473, 475. MemoNew York, 332. In Maryland, rial of Consul on powder, 619. 334. French, David, Attorney General of French and Indians conspire against Lower Counties, iii., 253. Clerk England, i., 396. of Peace and Court, 338. French, fleet on coast, rumor of and French, John, Colonel, declines to alarm, i., 479. Arrive at and administer oathto GovernorKeith, plunder Lewestown, 539. Traders iii., 13. Member of Council, 18. with orders-fears of from Cana- Keeper and Ranger, 37. Attends da, ii., 19. Pirates, 21, 24. conference between Governor Hart Squadron under M. De Coetlogon, of Maryland and Governor Keith, 24. Prize, 99, 100, 101. Prison- 60. Report on Indian visit, 77. ers landed from privateer at Bur- Visits Indians with Governor, 121. lington, ordered by Lord Corn- designs against proprietary's inbury to be sent to Pennsylvania, terests, 138. Sent to investigate 113. Men stopped by order of murder of Indians at Conestoga, Governor, 182. Victory over, 215, 146. To survey Springetsbury Privateers on coast, 240, 241, 468. manor, 185. Approves of Gover INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. i25 nor's course in directing the sur- 711, 729, 751. Indians, vii., 43. vey, 186. Agent respecting Ches- Large body preparing for Fort ter and New Castle line, 235. Augusta, 453. Alarm from, 718. Keeper of Great Seal, 253. Judge, Neutrals, 14, 32, 45, 55, 58. 253. Dies, 338. Encroachments, 18. Petition, 239. French, Captain John, Sheriff at New Proposal to bind out, 390. SufCastle, ii., 448. Sent to Indians, ferings of, 393. Some arrested, returns, 467. His account, 528. 446. Expected at Fort Augusta, French and Indians of Mississippi 512. Supposed at Little Meadcombining, v., 1, 2, 5, 27, 31. ows, 601. Prisoner taken, 604. Flag of truce from W. I. arrives, Case of, 717, 720, 723. Will Sock with English prisoners and free takes colors from, viii., 132. negroes, 71. Flag of truce ar- Flag of truce with prisoners caprives, with prisoners, 77. Rob- tured in Delaware Bay by priberies on river by, and Spaniards, vateer Spry, 139. Commander at 89, 98. And Indians, 119. Ces- Fort Niagara buys a white child sation of arms between, and Eng- from Indians, 147. And Indians land —Proclamation, &c., 330, 331. attack Loyal Hanning, 212. NeuShip reported to be captured trals, 269, 718. Intelligence from, bound to Philadelphia, 347. Pa- 377. Agreement for exchange of pers respecting peace, 359-362. prisoners, 381. Arrest of Boyrie A body of, moving to Ohio from and Le Roy, 714. Canada, 387, 423. And Indian French, Major Christian, a minisaffairs, 460. A trader captured, terial officer arrives and is ordered 461. Cause leaden plates to be into custody, x., 302, 303. Gives buried in Ohio, 508, 510. Build- his parole to proceed to General ing a ship at Cadaraghque, 549. Washington's camp, 303. His Ill-treatment by, 573. Letter from baggage to be given up, 304. ApGovernor Clinton on breach of plies for goods, is refused, going treaty at Aix-la-Chapelle, 553. to camp under care of Willing Answer of Governor of Canada to, and Wharton, 305. Goes security 554. And Indians attack Twight- for two privates, 306. wees town, 599. And Indians French creek, Congress build pow-pass Fort Oswego on way to Ohio, der mill on, magazine, x., 550. 607. Affairs on Ohio, 624. No- Powder mills on, xi., 49. Bartice of Indians to commander near racks at, guard for, 58. Le Beuf Weningo, 666. And his answer, at head of, to be reserved for 664-668. Have built two forts on commonwealth, 593. Ohio, 687. On affairs on do., French, Robert, enticing soldiers 708-710. Letter from Legardeur away, xi., 766. Arrest, 766, 770. de St. Pierre, 715. Affairs with French emigrants bound to Sciota, Indians, 732, 734. And Indian to receive tents, xvi., 513. invasions, vi., 1-9. Report on Fretwell, Ralph, complains against claims to North America, 100-105. Surveyor General for not issuing Influence on Indians, 129. Troops warrant to survey his lands, i., p. arrive at Ohio, 223-226, 233. Re- 124, 155. Pretends to a title for specting, 309. Embargo on pro- lands for friends in Barbadoes, v., visions, 319. Fit out a large fleet 551. with troops for North America, Friendly Association contributes 353. Notice from Governor to the, money for Indians, vii., 391. 411. Sent men to Ohio, 412, 427. Friendship, sloop, privateer, xi., 2., Forts taken by English, 447. Frigates, four building by Congress, Fleet at Louisburg, 450, 459, 461. x., 115. Men at rope walk for, On Ohio, 602. At Lake George, 707. 623. Defeat under General Dies- Frontier counties want troops, vi.. kau, 637. And Indians pass Al- 601. Condition of, from Indians, leghanies, 651, 675. Neutrals, vii., 130, 133, 228, 592; ix., 30, 126 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 58, 138. Condition and mode of 321. Settlers on Indian lands, defence, xii., 631. Inhabitants 403, 405. Letters to and from, ask for defence, xiii., 206, 290. 422, 443, 581, 718. Murders by Froom, Coarse, an Indian trader, Stump, 441. Riots at Wyoming, iii., 329. 663. Answer to remonstrance of Fry, Colonel Joshua, a Virginia Assembly, 718. Letters to and Commissioner and mathematician from, x., 17, 19, 68. Carriages observes latitude of Shanoppins employed by Colonel Wilkins, 17. Town, &c., v., 751. Acts in a hostile and cruel manFuller, Henry, Sheriff, x., 100, 270. ner against American subjects, Fullerton, Major, arms, x., 672. 302. Fullerton, Ensign Richard, ap- Galbraith, Bernard, Lieutenant, of pointed lieutenant, xii., 550. Lancaster county, xiv., 478. Fullerton, Humphrey, Justice, xiii., Galbreath, Colonel Bartram, arms, 266. x., 674, 682, 690, 691, 692; xi., Fullerton, Dr. Humphrey, his widow 83. to receive arms, 212. To (Ann McKnight) receives pension, send troops to Lancaster, 313, xv., 413. 496, 538, 574-5, 577, 776. To call Fullerton, Mary, pension, xv., 185. out men, xii., 64. A commisFullerton, Lt. Richard, order to, sioner to examine Susquehanna xii., 717. and Juniata rivers, xvi., 178. Funk, George, Coroner, xiii., 134. Instructions, 181, 208. Paid, 260, Furby, Caleb, Coroner, x., 56, 101, 308. 211. Galbraith, James, Sheriff, iv., 602, Furman, Moore, teams discharged 669. A Justice, v. 600. Sends for want of money, xii., 435. information about French and Furney, Adam, shot, but recovered, Indians at Ohio, 615. And others v., 377. advise inhabitants to prepare Furnaces, xi., 335. Oley, xv., 229. against attacks of Indians, vi., 669. Appointed a Commissioner to Wyoming, vii., 754. ProvinG. cial Commissioner, ix., 237. Letter; finds a dead Indian, 487. Gabriel, George, Indian murders in Lieutenant of Cumberland, xi., his neighborhood, vi., 645, 662, 205. 208. 668. His placed described, 669. Galbraith, John, Sheriff, iii., 387, Houses burned by Indians, vii., 416. 154. Galbraith, Robert, Prothonotary, Gaddis, John, Justice, xiv., 54. xi., 187. Justice, 302, 303. ReGage, General Thomas, letters to signs, 646. Agent for confiscated and from, ix., 90, 110, 118, 119, estates, xiii., 774. Justice, xiv., 170, 238, 266, 267, 275, 292, 297, 24. To measure between Susque318, 324, 403, 405, 663, 664, 686. hanna and Allegheny river, xv., On Paxton murders, 110. Order 5. Runs above line, 85. Presifor troops, 118. Answer of Gover- dent of Court petition against nor Colden respecting Indians, Prothonotary, 536. Contracts for 119. Kind part taken by, 123. road from Frankstown, 546. On Places Indians under protection of road from Frankstown to ConeCaptain Schlosser, 124. Sends maugh, xvi., 252, 256, 257. troops to Philadelphia, 129. Peace Galbraith, Thomas, on Indian murmade by Colonel Bouquet, 238. ders, xiv., 476. Conference of Sir W. John- Gale, Levin, Commissioner, to run son with Indians, 266. Insults the line between Maryland and to troops in Cumberland, 267. Pennsylvania, iv., 313. Rioters in, 299, 301, 303. Quar- Gallatin, Albert, of Fayette county, ters for troops in Philadelphia, respecting confiscated lands pur318. Murders near Fort Pitt, chased, xvi., 422. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 127 Gallissoniere, Marquis, sends Cele- 311. Ensign James to be Lieuron to Ohio-see letter in French, tenant, xiii., 492. Of artillery v., 425. paid, xiv., 55. Gallespie, George, xi., 630. Gamble, Wm., Captain of _Etna fire Galleys, "Franklin," xi., 12, 572, ship, x., 525. Resigns, 760. 578, 706, 750, 765. To aid in Ganawese or Piscataway Indians, searching wrecks, xii., 1, 14, 23, ask to settle here, ii., 191; iii., 19. 192. Discharges from, 187, 190, Their residence, 501. Visit and 340. Pay, 223, 251, 253, 315. speech at Philadelphia, 606. King, Reduced, 323, 376, 406, 477, 627, letter to, from Gov. Keith, 188. 657, 720. Memorial of officers of, Gaol, new in Philadelphia, x., 535. xiii., 677. Persons complain of, 600. Galloway, John, Captain, xii., 70. Garcia Antonia, a mulatto prisoner, Of Bedford county, accounts, xiv., ii., 11, 18, 112, 120. 637. Gardner, Captain, complaint against, Galloway, Joseph, a provincial com- xii., 316, 449. missioner, vii., 499, 636, 657, 671, Gardner, D., member of Assembly, 697. Remarks on bill for record- xi., 215. ing warrants, &c., viii, 363-369. Gardner, Hugh, flour inspector, xiv., Elected Speaker of Assembly, ix., 445. 335, 399, 551, 596, 625, 691. Gardner, John, Sheriff, xii., 513; Commissioner to lay out money xiii., 87, 392, 617. to Indians —his advice, 468. Sick Gardner, Joseph, confirmed as Counand resigns, 590. re-elected, cillor from Chester Co., xii., 146. 625. Receives a threatening Appointed delegate to Congress, anonymous demand for money, xiv., 261, 442, 549, 560. signed " Chester County Man," Garland, George, Lieutenant of boat, and at his request Governor P. x., 339. Of galley Hancock, xi., issues a proclamation for arrest of 678. Honorably discharged from the unknown writer, x., 44. gallies, xii., 315. Chosen Speaker, 59, 105. His Garland, Silvester, and Indian, arwife asks protection of council, rested for stealing silver cups, i., xi., 196. Agreement with George 376. Complained of, for selling Taylor for Durham furnace, 537. rum to Indians, ii., 33, 45, 48. Deed signed to Richard Back- Garrett, Capt. Morton, resigns, xi., house for his late estate in Bucks 122. county, price, &c., xii., 104. Garrigues, Samuel, Notary Public, Estate claim of widow Growden xv., 527. confirmed, paid, 191. Deed for Gaskill, Christina Gulielma, of LonTinicum to several persons as don, by attorney Miers Fisher, part of his forfeited estate, 256. claims city lots under Winm. Penn, Sale of, in Bucks county to John xvi., 75, 108, 130, 144, 147. NeYoung, Jr., 268, 284. In Phila- gatived, 153. delphia, 300, 331, 353, 441, 751. Gatchill, Elisha, Justice of Chester Hog Island, 576, 631, 661. Sale county attacked at Nottingham by of his confiscated estate, xiii., persons from Maryland, iv., 227, 280, 281, 325, 450. Estate in 242. Deposition of, 229, 252. Bucks, sale of, xiv., 494. Notice Letter to Gov. Ogle on, 252. of sale of his lots at Sixth and Gateau, Nicholas, "the French Market streets, xv., 6, 15, 37. cook" naturalized, ii., 131, 168. Petitions by Thomas Clifford for a Petition, 170, 171; 180 182. Aupardon-which he is allowed to thorized to trade and buy and hold withdraw, xvi., 363. lands, iii., 235. Galt, Captain, case of, xii., 266. Dis- Gates, General Horatio, demands charged, 340. men, xi., 269. Gamble, James, letter from-reasons Geddes, Captain, of privateer Holfor not joining the militia, xii., ker, captures a vessel and crew 128 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. and liberates them, for which his Printed in Philadelphia by Melbond is put in suit, xii., 49, 50. chior Steiner, ordered by CounGeddis, Win., to' make deposition Cil, xv., 375. respecting Arnold, xii., 225. Re- German Reformed Church in York, port unsatisfactory, 226. lottery for, ix., 567, 579. ExGee, Joshua, trustee of W. P., P. S. change of land warrants with, from, noticed, iii., 237. xvi., 297. Geiger, Col. Henry, xi., 89. Letter German regiment in Northumberon Indians, xiii., 337. land, xii., 461. Gennessee County Expedition, to Germans apply to be naturalized, pay to troops, xvi., 235. ii., 241, 480, 492, 493. Arrive in Genoa, republic of, unites in treaty great numbers, required to take of peace, v., 360. oath, iii., 29. Of Lancaster Co., George, Fort, proceedings of Council ask to be naturalized, 374, 393. at, v. 641. Proceed west of SusquehannaGeorge, a Seneca Indian, shot, ix., discover error, and are willing to 603. return, iv., 59. Difficulties with George I., King, dies-Prince pro- Maryland, 63-71. To be protectclaimed, iii., 280. ed by Pennsylvania, 71, 189, 194. George II. proclaimed King, iii., Diseased, 194. Apply for a pest 280. Addresses to, 291. Death of, house to be erected, 507, 509. viii., 514. Viewed with jealous eye, 508, 509. George III., King, ascends throne, Number to be imported in a vessel, viii., 515. Proclaimed, 516. De- limited, v., 427. (See Palatines.) claration proclaiming, 517. Allusion to by Assembly and GoGeorges, John, Commissioner to vernor, vi., 621, 631. Act proposed Maryland - return -report, &c., to prevent importation of, in too iii., 545-563. great numbers, ix., 245, 246, Georgia, loan asked for distressed 248. Riotous, at Wyoming, 663. inhabitants, xiii., 15. Settle at the Glades on Stony Gerard, Sieur, French Minister, creek, &c., in Bedford Co., x., 8. certificate respecting a cargo of Battalion of, to be formed, 622. flour, xi., 645. Offers a reward Captains appointed, 634. Officers for capture of British vessels, 646. recommended, 643, 685. PassenOn subject of a supposed duel, 678. gers-register of, xiv., 445. LewLetters to and from, xii., 66, 67. is Farmer appointed, 447. Approves of course of Council German —Township-road to, i., with Mr. Holker-papers, &c., to 387. be sent to Congress, 71, 72. Let- Germantown - Petition of F. D. ter and commission as Consul- Pastorius -want more room-exGeneral, 78. Address of Council emption from County Court of to, on departure, 110. Philadelphia, &c., ii., 10. MarGerman-battalion raised as part of ket-day, 28. Complaint about State quota, xii., 14-Congrega- road from T. Leech's, 147. Sowtion ask for a brief, 90. er's paper at, complained of, vii., German-Luth'n Church, in Lan- 245. Records of, ancient, to be caster County-lottery for, ix., deposited with Recorder of Deeds, 390, 392, 567, 579-Philadelphia, Philadelphia, ix., 578, 580. Salt mistake committed against them sent to, x., 577. Iron, 575. Lt. by land office in favor of Reform- Ball sent to, 578, 601. Storeed, corrected, xvi., 149. Passen- house to be engaged at, 596. gers, arrive in Philadelphia, 222. Prisoners removed to York, 601, Property left to emigrants, 403. 622. Leaden weights to be colReformed, surveys of lands, 422. lected by Dr. Charles Bensell, German, newspaper, petition for aid &c., 637. Salt from stores at, to- Council subscribe for five 660. Son of Joseph Blewer tahundred, at Lancaster, xi., 409. ken prisoner at battle of-pass for INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 129 his wife to New York, to visit on Erie triangle, xv., 554. Goods him, xi., 571. Justices, 644. In- for Indians, 604, 618. Commishabitants refuse to pay taxes, sioner to purchase triangle at xii., 53. Proceedings of Council Lake Erie, from Indians, xvi., respecting, 54. C. & A. Sted- 36. Pay and expenses, 75, 95. man's estate at, 204. Sale of C. Account, &c., xvi., 426. Sauer's estate in, 281. George Gibson, Captain Nathan, x., 686. Bay, type fo under at, buys con- Gilbert, Francis, First Lieut., x., fiscatedl estate of C. Sauer, 326, 404, 488. 445. Case of John Dover, 402, Gilchrist, James, Ensign, xii., 36. 404, 407. Sale of Holton Jones' Gilfroy, John, tried for mutiny and estate in, 639. Illegality of an desertion-convicted- pardoned, election for Justice, xiv., 282, xi., 541. 363, 378, 382. Justice Howell Gill, John, Justice, xiv., 153; xv., resigned, 313, 315. John Nice, 26. Justice, 315. Gill, Robert, Sheriff, iv., 748, 782. Gerrard, sloop, privateer,. xi., 542. Gillespie, George, refused a pass, Getshens, Captain, of privateer Im- xi., 478. pertinent, of New York, prays for Gilliland, Winm., Justice, xiv., 247. exchange-declined, being a resi- Gilpin, Thomas, to be seized, xi., dent, xii., 147. 284. Sent to Virginia-dies, 472. Gettig, Christopher, First Lieuten- Girty, Simon, releases prisoners ant, x, 752. from Westmoreland jail, x., 227. Gettigh, Christian, Justice, xii., Glass, manufacture of, in Lancaster 491. County, ix., 354. Getting, Christopher, Coroner, xiii., Glass, Josiah, appointed Lieut. of 92. Capt. Irwin's company, xii., 17. Gibbons, Joseph, Coroner, ix., 547. Glatz, Captain Jacob, x., 734. Gibbons, Joseph, Jr., Coroner, ix., Glen, James, Gov. of S. Carolina, 623, 688. letters to and from, v., 303, 696, Gibbons, Lieut. Philip, xi., 470, 699, 708; viii.. 270. Sends bills 491. to General Braddock, vi., 427. Gibbons, Win., xiii., 723. Sheriff, Glazier, Cap. B., Braddock's defeat, xiv., 238, 555. vi., 480. Gibbons, Lieut., convicted of em- Glentworth, George, and R. Harris, bezzling public money-Attorney- petition, xiv., 617. Claims city General to prosecute for damages, lots, xv., 379. Warrants to issue ~6,000, xii., 139. in favor of, 382. Gibbs, Edward', High Sheriff of New Gloninger, John, xiii., 732. JusCastle Co., i., -331. tice, xiv., 158. Lieut. of Dauphin Gibbs, Richard, Sheriff, ix., 778; County, 400. x., 56. Gloucester, chevaux-de-frise built Gibbs, Mrs., imports firearms, &c., at, x., 513. x., 399. Gnadenhutten, inhabitants flee to, Gibbs, Sarah, authorized to sell from Mahoney, vi., 736. Address property, i., 581. of Indians from Bethlehem, and Gibson, George, Lieut. of Cumber- answer, 747, 748. Destruction land Co., xv., 89. Pay to, xvi., of, 772. Franklin's proceedings 75. at, vii., 15. Gibson, James, and M. Smith, &c., Goad, Capt. Solomon, petitions to memnorials respecting Indians on unload his vessel, &c., vii., 347. fron ler, ix., 138, 146. Referred to Peters & Mifflin, to Gibson, John, Auditor-General, xi., report the facts, 349. 202. Deed for city lots, for heirs Goddard, William, printer of laws, of, xiii., 572. Coroner, xv., 125, ix., 395. 302. Godfrey, Lieutenant Rowley, of forGibson, General John, Commiss'r ty-eighth regiment of foot in 9 130 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Grenada-a prisoner signs parole, Gookin, Captain Charles, succeeds x., 331. Evans as Governor-arrives, and Godfrey, Thomas, and T. Leach, is proclaimed at market place, ii., case of a road, ii., 152. 427. His proclamation of conGodin, Nicholas, an Indian trader, tinuance of laws and officers, 427ii., 138, 141, 168. Lives among 8. Takes the oath, 428. Visits Indians-Gov. complains against, New Castle to proclaim his com385. Arrested-lawyers' opinions mission, 428. Messages, 437, 461, of, 390. Question as to his for- 465. Visits New York, 449. eign allegiance, 385. Trial, 396. Goes to Lewes, 468. Supply bill, Goforth, George, Coroner, v., 55. 493. Invited- to conference at Gold and Silver, value of, iv., 357, Conestoga, 532. Account of his 363, 364. Bill for ascertaining journey, &c., 533. Queen's order fineness of, vii., 63, 72. Ware, to attend at New York, 532. Hint Act to prevent frauds in, ix., 546, respecting his pay, 541, 560. A 650. Causes of scarcity, 652. great loser by coming here, 560. Golden, William, Sheriff, vii., 267. Superceded by Governor Keith, Goldensher, William, Sheriff, vi., 631. Late Governor lays certain 638. accusations before Governor Keith Goldney, Henry, named as agent for against individuals, iii.. 15. province in London, iii., 44. P. Which before Council he retracts, S. from, noticed, 237. and attributes what he said to a Gondolas, to be built, x., 599. disordered head from indisposiBuilding, 627. To be sunk near tion, 17. Trenton-disposition of men- Gordon, Adjutant, returned as beammunition, &c., xi., 470, 471. longing to Pennsylvania, xii., 235. Gonne, Henry, Coroner, iii., 465, Gordon, Benj., Judge, Kent county, 521, 575, 615; iv., 470, 500. iii., 253. Gooch, William, Governor of Vir- Gordon, James, a British major, has ginia, administers oath to Gov- goods seized at Lancaster, xiii., ernor Gordon and sends his certifi- 453. cate, iii., 530. Letter on Indian Gordon, Lewis, letter respecting murders, 564. Answer to, 565. New England settlers at WyoCorrespondence with, iv., 203. ming, ix., 572. Letters respecting Appointed to command of troops Wyoming, 752, 756. To give up, in North America, 431, 439. Let- to committee, ferry at Easton, xi., ters, v., 55, 132. Letter to, on 72. Late Prothonotary to be irmprivateers, &c., 254. On man-of- prisoned, 261. war, 280. On privateers, 283, 301. Gordon, Major Patrick, Governor, Letter on Catawba Indians, 346, arrives and produces commission 347. from proprietaries —is introduced Good, Robert, sub-Lieutenant, xii., by Governor Keith, and published 395. at Court House, iii., 251. ProGood, Lieutenant, resigns, xii., 775. clamation for continuing officers, Gooding, Abraham, Sheriff, iii., 387; 251. Speech to Assembly, 254. iv., 470, 500. Receives letter from England on Gooding, John, Sheriff of New Cas- bills of credit-message to House, tie, iii., 260, 289, 416, 465, 615. 262. Speech to Assembly on bills Goodson, John, appointed by Wm. of credit —iron works, hemp, &c., Penn assistant to Governor Mark- receives ~500, 280. Address to ham, i., 475. Declines, 498. King George II., 292. Speech to Goodson, Job, Frankford bridge re- Assembly, 292. From the eight ferred to him, iii., 246. withdrawing members of AssemG'oodwin, Capt. George, xi., 30. bly to, 300. Calls Assembly, 301. Goodwin, John, Second Lieutenant Visits Mahanatawny, 302. His of artillery company in Philadel- report, 303. Proclamation rephia, vi., 770. specting murder of Indians, 307. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 131 Governor and Council visit In- dams on rivers, iv., 18. Message dians at Conestoga, 309-314. to Assembly on wears, 23. On Speech to Assembly on rude treat- pounds, 26. Thanks Council for ment in Philadelphia, 341. Views report on Courts of Chancery, 27. on bills of credit, 347, 348-350. Obliged by ill-health to retire from Proclamation on riots in Philadel- active business of Council, 33. phia, 351. On paper money, 352, Message on Court of Chancery, 357, 360. Speech to Indians, 364. 38. Receives ~400-causes senTo Assemby, 373. On paper tence to be executed on two men money, 377 Visits New York, and reprieves one woman-at383. Speech, 390. Message on tends Council, so far as the minapplication of sugar islands, 401. utes show, for the last time-his Message to, and answer of Assem- death is announced by James bly, 406, 407. Proclamation on Logan, who being oldest CouncilIndian trade, 411. Governor and lor succeeds Governor Gooch as Assembly, discussion about his president, 47. Proclamation to message, &c., 427-8. Governor, be made and officers continued, Council, and a large escort go to 48. His death noticed by J. Logan Chester to wait on Thomas Penn, in his speech to Assembly, and 433. Goes to Maryland relative their answer, 50, 52. Indians to boundary, 464. Correspond- notice his death, 54. Proceedings ence respecting riots, &c., and of Council in his time, vi., 723. Maryland, 468, 470, 474, 481, 485, Gordon, Robert, Judge of Supreme 487, 490, 495. Authority from Court, iii., 260. Register of ProSpringett Penn —new commis- bate, 338. sions —Justices, 491. Speech to Goshen Township, petition for road Assembly, 492. Doubts of his to Philadelphia, ii., 111, 189. powers, 508. Seeks advice of Gosner, Peter, second Lieutenant, Council, 508. Messageto Assem- x., 457. bly, 509. Commission from Thos. Gotschuc, Capt., gives intelligence, and Richard Penn, 525. Oath xii., 19. administered by Governor of Vir- Gouger, Dunwick, and Kender, ginia, 527. Goes to Virginia to make fire arms, x., 484. take it, 527. In a sloop, being Governor-officers appointed bylargely escorted to it, 529. Re- not to continue for their lives, i., turns, having received the oath 69. But during his life, 69, 107. from Governor Gooch, 529. Speech And afterwards to be chosen acto Assembly, 531. On spirituous cording to charter, 69. Expenses liquors, 534. On power of ap- of his table to be paid, 99. Prepointing officers, 537, 538. Mes- servation of his person, 102, 107. sage on, 539. On affairs with Prisoner secreted in his house, 138. Maryland, 543. Commissioner His absence accounted for and reon boundary, 544. Letter to Gov. gretted, 199, 201. Instructions Gooch of Virginia on Indian mur- respecting caves to be pursued, ders, 565. To Justices on Mary- 199. Commissions Lieutenantland affairs, 567. Speech to As- Governor, 211. A member of sembly, 576. Death of Govern- Council to attend on, 231, 238. or's lady, 571, 577. Letter, lords Authorizes Justices to hold courts, of trade giving an account of the 231. Refuses great seal to comproducts of -the country, 584. missions, but insists on the lesser, Speech to Assembly on Lord Bal- 232. Inquires about export of timore's claim to territories, 596. goods to other countries than Speech to Indians, 605. Letter England, 232, 238. Attendance to Abraham Wendall, 609. Sick, of members of Council on, 239. 609. Assembly grant ~400, 612. Poverty plead in cause, 239. His Speech to Assembly, 615. Sick- powers, 244. Improper language message, 616. Against wears and to, 250. His remarks on it, 250. 132 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Complains against Thos. Lloyd's Graff, Rev. Mr., Indian hostilities, election, 269. Samuel Richard- vi., 757. son's, 270, 271. Speech, 286, Graf-on, Richard, judge of Supreme 294. On proclaiming King Wil- Court, iii., 269. liam, 301. Graham, Henry Hale, late prothonoGovernor, of New York and Penn- tary of Chester connty detains resylvania, Benjamin Fletcher's cords, xi., 254. commissions, i., 345. Of Massa- Graham, William, collector of exchusetts-letter, 514. cise, xiv., 400. Govett, Joseph, to build boats, &c., Grant, Lieutenant,Charles, comx., 283. mands atFortLoudoun, ix., 268. Govett, William, clerk of Committee Letter from Governor to, 273. of Safety, x., 282. To make de- Grant, Captain George, xi., 273. position respecting Arnold's con- Grant, Captain John, xi., 423. duct while in command of city, Grant, Thomas, sheriff, xiv., 558; xii., 225. Report unsatisfactory, xv., 118, 170. 226; xiii., 721. Paid for services, Grantham, John vs. Thomas Woolxiv., 625. aston, i., 236, 253, 258. Grace, Robert, compromise with, Granville, Fort, attack on, vii., 231, for a slave condemned to death, 232. Burned, 278. John Hogan, ii., 405. account of capture, 561. Street, Graeme, Dr. Thomas, member of —, captured at, 716. council, iii., 247, 248. To visit Gratz, —, has blankets, x., 473. sick vessels, 293. Third justice Graves, Thomas, i., 435. of Supreme Court, 400, Admin- Gray, George, keeper of lower ferry isters oath to commissioners, 544. complains of road to Cobb's creek, Judge of Supreme Court, iv., 233. &c., v., 99. Member of CommitSick, 244. Why don't he attend? tee of Safety, to procure brushes 292, 295. Governor determines and priming wires, xi, 314. Comto call him, 295. Reports on mittee on gaoler, 568.'To sound sickly vessels, 306. Second jus- channel. 761. Right of floating tice, 348. Pay for his services bridge on Schuylkill vested in, asked for, 349. To attend on xii., 690. Objects to Darby road, Henry Webb, sent from Minni- 709. Arms from associators, 696. sinks, wounded by an Indian, Batall., 696, 709. 413. Accounts, 469. Resolutions Gray, John, Coroner, viii., 780; ix., respecting, as health officer, 497- 57, 286. 499. Report of Assembly respect- Gray, Thomas, Coroner, ix., 333. ing his appointment, 515. Con- Gray, William, to purchase provitroversy between Assembly and sions, xi., 423, 448. Council, 507-559. Visits vessels, Gray, William, a Captain, xi.,-74. 674. To visit a vessel arrived with Gray's ferry, to be guarded, xi., 302. passengers, v., 100. To visit Graydon, Alexander, relates conship from Barbadoes, 109, 112, versation of Israel Permberton, 121. To visit vessel, 410. Jr., with him respecting Governor With Dr. Bond visits sickly Thomas, iv,, 389. As Captain, ships, vi., 170. Their joint re- x., 447. Prothonotary, xiv., 374. port, 171-173. Naval officer, 319. Register, Recorder, &c., 377. Graeme, Mr. Thomas, collector at Expenses to Huntingdon, xvi., New Castle dies, is succeeded by 169, Tavern and marriage licenWilliam Till, v., 244. ses of Dauphin county, 176. Graeme, Park, sale to be deferred Great Britain, letters from Secretary and Mrs. F. to live rent free, Pitt, viii., 1.8, 26, 27, 272, 289, xii., 365. 315, 316, 449, 451, 590. Earl Graff, George, Sheriff, xv., 297, 570; Loudoun succeeded by M. G. xvi., 192. Coroner, 193, 494, Abercromby, 26. B. G. Forbes 499. appointed, 27. Bills of credit INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 133 ratified, 39. General Amherst Acknowledges independence, 545. appointed commander-in-chief in Proclamation for peace with reN. A., 236. Rear Admiral Saun- cords from Congress, proclamaders appointed comlmander-in- tion for, 749. A thanksgiving, chief of Navy in N. A., 316. 750. Proclamation on treaty with, Death of Princess of Orange, 318. xiv., 19-22. Complaints of British Report of Lords Committee of on infractions of treaty with, xv., Council for plantation affairs on 50. Phineas Bond consul, 215. the case of Rev. Dr. William Proclamation forbidding wheat Smith, charged with libel, and from United States to be imported other papers, 438-447. Money on account of Hessian fly, 524, granted by parliament to Colonies, 526. 400, 501, 546, 693. B. Franklin Great Cove, destroyed by Indians, and R. Charles appointed agents vi., 673-677. Murder at, vii., to, 512. Death of King George 599. II., succeededbyKing George III., Great Crossings or Meadows, vi., 515-520. Order of Council on 602, 623. report of Committee on Laws, Great Meadows, Braddock at, vi., 552, 558. Urges raising of troops, 466. Fort proposed by Governor 588, 590, 677. Letters, Earl of Dinwiddie, 602. Egremont, 678, 703. War with Great Seal, viii., 335, 408. Spain declared, 703, 706-710. Green, Rev. Ashbel, asks a respite Letters from, ix., 13, 15, 47, 114, for P. Waugh, xvi., 497, 519. 298, 309, 310, 341, 342, 343, 545, Green, Joseph, Commissioner to buy 552, 629, 637, 706, 766. Peace provisions, xi., 424. between France and Spain, 13, Green, Pyramus, deposition relative 37. Grant by, to Colonies, 2, 4, to his capture by a privateer, v., 10, 47-51, 115, 125. Treaty of 233. 1763 proclaimed, Canada ob- Green, Thomas, Sheriff, iv., 748, tained, 80. Relating to Stamp 782. Act, 298, 309. Repeal of 309. Green, Colonel Timothy, battalion, Lord Colville, commissioner of the x., 691. naval forces, 299. Address to Green, Timothy, Justice, xiv., 348, King on repeal of Stamp Act, 315. 394. Strength of a battalion of foot, Green, William, a pilot, committed 320. Instructionsto Governor on to prison, x., 405. Released on settlers on western lands, 321. condition of entering continental Order in Council, 341. Indian service, 432. trade, 582. Approves of John Greene, Major-General N., represenPenn as Governor, 629. Scarcity tation respecting wagons, xi., of gold and silver owinc to ex- 465, 467. Letter on want of moports of them to, 652. Laws ap- ney for forage, xii., 300. Acproved or annulled by, 760-766. count, 326. Letter, 428. EuloComplains of Massachusetts circu- gium on, for his brave conduct in lar, 545. Approval or annulling South Carolina, xiii., 107. laws, x., 103. Letters from, 220, Greene, Ship General, to be fitted 221, 240, 248. Boundary with out, xi., 724. Captain MontgomMaryland, 220, 240. Petitions from ery, 730. Valued, 739, 751. Colonies, 239, 248. Non-importa- Pay for, 756, 758. Ordered to tion, 240. Resolutions of House sea under Captain Montgomery, of Commons, 250. Three minis- various officers appointed, xii., 4, terial officers arrive at Philadel- 5. Return of seamen on board, phia from Cork, 302. Resolutions 4. Takes a prize-Reqnires -a of Council respecting, and the mizzen-mast, 19. Takes a prize, power of Congress to make treaty 111. Cruise ended-She arrives with her, xiii., 286. Commission and is to be sold, 150. Petition to Richard Oswald to treat, 459. of officers, 158, 159. Sale of, 134 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. complained of, 159, 161. To be Griswald, Joseph, traitor, imprisdeliveredl -a1. ClaIor of II. W. oned, vii., 66. Archer, 191. Growcen, Joseph, elected member Greene, William, Governor of Rhode of Council, i., 196. Called to acIsland, applies to export provis- count for having frame of governions-Declined, vii., 559. Asks ment printed, 278. Proceedings, release of a prisoner, x., 444. 293. Appointed Judge, 324, 331. Greenwalt's, Colonel, battalion to Speaker of Assembly, 399. Adserve as guards at Lebanon, xi., dress to Governor F., 400. His 417. landing, 514. Member of new Greeswahl, Joseph, traitor, xii., 83. Council, 580. Speaker, 615. ApGreenwalt, Colonel Philip, xiii., 642. pointed Speaker of Assembly, ii., Greenway, Joseph, ensign, x., 464. 36, 204, 608. Speech to Governor Master of provincial ship, 522. and Council, 78. Claim against, Resigns, 694. 181. Judge, 239. Arrests J. Greenway, William, Captain of fire- RIeaton, action of Trover, &c., raft, x., 525. Measurer of grain, 407. &c., xi., 607. Measurer of salt — Growden, Lawrence, appointed JusPrice complained of, xiii., 59. tice, iv., 41. Commlssloner t6 Price fixed, 595. run the line between Marylandl Greer, Captain David, made Major, and Pennsylv7a, 313. Member of x., 768. Council, v., 65. Complains against Greer, Joseph, deed to, xii., 350. Sheriff at election-Not sustained, Gregg, Dr. Amos, Chief Burgess of 345. Judge of Supreme Court, Bristol, xv., 83. Councillor, 570. viii., 481, 592. Dies, ix., 663. Committee on1 Indian fund, 607. His siuccesor, 663. Estate for-vl., 222 feited in B]ucks ounty —Glaim of Gregg, John, Sheriff, viii, 781; ix., widow, xii., 77, 191. Paid, in 57, 199. lieu of annuity, 191. Gregg, Matthew, wagon-master, xi., Grono, Colonel G., election, xi., 39, 755. Resigns, xii., 453. 560, 773. Gregory, James, Sub-Lieutenant, Gronow, Lewis — military officers asks to resign-Not accepted, xii. elected in Chester county, xiii., 4, Accepted) 94. 283. Giressel, Colonel, at riot at Jamoe Grunbb Aclam, Flou-r I1aspeao6r of Wilson's, dismissed, xii., 145. Chester county, xiv., 487. Grey, James, Coronel, v., 551. Grubb, Adam, Justice, resigns, xvi., Grey, Johh, of Donegal, messenger 218s. to Diahogo, vii., 549. Grubb, Curtis, asks for divorce, ix., Grier, Major James, xiii., 592. 564, 566, 567, 568, 580. To be Griffin, John, Coroner, xi., 235. prosecuted, xiii, 678. Griffith, Dtniel, Justlce, x;v., 129_ Grubb, Colonel Peter, of Lancaster, Griffith, Gideon, Sheriff, iv., 55, dispute withl De Haas, x., 346. -782. Furnace for making salt pans, Griffitts, Isaac, Sheriff, v., 464, 551. xi., 335. T. Edwards, manager, Removed, 561. gone to the field-Hugh Lusk is Griffitts, Thomas, member Council, employed, 350. iii., 529. Keeper of Seals, 530. Grube, Rev. Bernard, Moravian misGriffltts, Thomas, 3d Justice, iv., sionary, pass to Pittsburg, &c., 348. Resigns-William Till suc- recommended to Colonel Brodceeds, 640. head, xii., 346. GOitftig, William, eaao of, viii., 666, Gruber, Edward, Justice, xv., 14. 667. Guard boats, x., 682. G(rigg, Cap. John, resigns, xiii., 275. Guards, pay of, x., 407, 599, 691, Grist, John, a squatter on lands, in 709, 769. gaol, proceedings respecting, iii., Guest, John, member of Council, 137, 138. ii., 2. Takes the oath, 96. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 135 Judge, complaining that no Equi- Haberstick, Colonel Michael, guard, ty Courts have been held, 114, xi., 438. 156. A Justice, 159. Respecting Hack, Doctor, viii., 271. his salary as Chief Justice, 237. Hadden, Samuel, fraud of a master Guildin, John, Justice, xii., 519. of a vessel, i., 565. Guion, Captain of Mermaid, respect- Haffa, Henry, Sheriff, xi., 598; xii., ing salt taken, xii., 143. 132, 508. Gun barrels, art of boring and Hageman, Ulrich, liberty to trade grinding-to be made public-by and hold lands, iii., 248. pay, to Tomlinson, x., 533, 602. Hagner, Frederick, agent, xi., 667. Paid for, 648. Hagner, Colonel, to superintend Gunckle; Michael, indulged in re- sale of salt works in New Jersey, gard to barrack lots, xiv., 635. xii., 160. Gun factory to be established at Haige, William, member of first Hummelstown, for the present, Council, i., 57. xi., 314. Haig, Captain of militia-a German Gun locks, Committee to superin- murdered, v.; 347. tend manufacture, x., 506, 536, Haines, Reuben, to furnish beer, x., 636. 646. Warden, xi., 559. Petition Gun lock manufactory, x., 606. to postpone sale of lands, xiii., Gunpowder, petition of Philadelphia 293. respecting, i., 478. Proposals for Halderman, Colonel, asks for a manufacture of, x., 482. hospital for the sick, viii., 63.. Guns, firing of, in Philadelphia to Respecting ship King of Prussia, be stopped, as it frightens Indians 64. And Sir J. St. Clair, coniand women and children, i., 586. plain of barracks, 71. Gunsmiths, xii., 24. Haldiman, General, x., 140. Gunstockers, apply for higher Haldyman, Colonel, at Carlisle, vii., wages, ki., 363, 364. 737. Gurney, Francis, member of Council Hale, John, to be imprisoned, x., of safety, x., 717, 726. To have 661, 694. pier finished, 718. To receive Hale, Thomas, agent for forfeited money for salt, 761; xi., 4, 33. estates, and vendues, xi., 767; Warden, xiii., 100. Commis- xii., 189; xiii., 584. Purchases sioner for defence of Delaware, a house and lot, late Arthur 316, 384. And George Westcoat, Thomas', xii., 104. Suspicions deeds for city lots, xiv., 453, 462, against, as agent, 256. Suspected Arms belonging to his battalion of using money, 258. Dismissed to be delivered to John Nicholson, as agent, 261. Dismissed, 261. xv., 372. To deliver up papers, 263. Letter Gurney, Captain Henry, not dis- from, on Indianlands, 265. Procharged, 23, 25. cess against, for balance due, 268. Guthrie, James, Sheriff, xvi., 215, Brought before Council, 324. 521. Justice, xiii., 517. Haley, John, appointed Clerk of Guthrie, John, Ensign, xii., 31. Orphans' Court of Philadelphia, Guyer, Casper, confined, xi., 565. xi., 240. J. Humphreys refuses to deliver papers, &c., 306. Half-King, of the Six Nations, of very great note and esteem among I. them, v., 660. Speech of, 691. Halifax, Fort, its disadvantages, Habeas Corpus, writ against Israel vii., 724. Pemberton, Jr., Governor, &c., Halifax, Lord Dunk, his opinion on objections to, iv., 392. Writ of, paper money, v., 605. Letters issues in favor of Israel Pember- to and from, vi., 306, 333. By ton and others ordered to Virginia, General Braddock, notice of his xi., 308, 309. appointment as Commander-in 136 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Chief, 306. And other Lords of ed by Winm. Penn to Assembly, as trade, on state of affairs in pro- his representative while absent, vince, vii., 272, 278, 387, 738. 48. Dedimus potestatem to six Halifax, Earl of, Secretary, letters persons, to administer oath to, as to and from, ix., 113. Indian Governor, 62, 92. Takes oath at affairs, and:Assembly, 113. hands of Council, 69. CommuniHalket, Major, attends Council in cation from, 79. Dismisses them, Philadelphia with several Indians 84. Dies, 87. His appointment and General Forbes, viii., 124. approved by the Queen, 89, 98. Halkett, Sir Peter, sent with troops Lord Cornbury to be addressed in from England, vi., 200, 311. consequence of death of, 91. DeKilled in Braddock's engagement, dimus to Commis'rs to adminis498. ter oaths-difficulty with Colonel Hall, Charles, agent forfeited es- Quarry, 92. Power of Legislation tates, xi., 599. affected by his death, 114. ComHall, David, Speaker of Assembly, mission as Chief Justice arrives at New Castle, x., 5. Justice, after his death, 239. Appointed 10)8. Printer-case of William by Penn Lt. Governor-dies vi., Moore and Dr. Smith, 4S8. 720. Hall, John, Sheriff of Bucks and Hamilton, Andrew, prays conKent, iii., 31, 56, 108, 387, 416, firmation of road to Wiccacoa, 465, 520. iii., 111. Attorney-General and Hall, Peter,, Sheriff, iv., 500, 602. member of Council, 113. Resigns Hall & Sellers, newspaper, xi., 654; as Attorney-General, 237. Apxv., 366. Papers ordered by pointed Prothonotary of Court of Council, xii., 197. Common Pleas, 271. Recorder, Haller, Henry, Coroner, ix., 398; 293. Visits Indians with Govr.xii., 47, 250. Respecting Read- his remarks, Dn Tulpehocken land, ing, 780. 326. Speaker, 371, 387, 417, Halliday, Wm., Sub-lieutenant, xi., 466, 576, 615. Commissioner on 379. boundary line, 544. ReturnHalliwell, Richard, a Commissioner report, &c,, 545-563; iv., 53, under dedimus to administer 95, 99, 249, 311. Signs petition oaths, ii., 62, 92. to the King, 125. Appointed Hambright, John, Lieutenant of Judge of Vice Admiralty Court, marines, xi., 747. Member of 250. Why don't he attend? 293, Council, xii., 83, 286, 391. Ac- 295. Agent for his Majesty-decount, 510. ceased, v., 106. Hamburg, Senate of, letter on ship Hamilton & Georges, reference to Elve, Cath, xiii., 703. their proceedings in 1734, iv., Hamersley, Robert, Justice, xiv., 137, 161, 168. 500. Hamilton, Hance, Sheriff, v., 411, Hamilton, -, apprehended, xv., 468, 550. Marches from Carlisle 300. to Shippensburg, vi., 675. LetHamilton, Colin, arrested-released, ter, vii., 77, 230. x., 468. Hamilton, Henry, robbed and murHamilton, Dr., letter from John dered near Philad., ix., 76. Franklin, xv., 575. Hamilton, James, Member of CounHamilton, Alexander, Secretary of cil, v., 1. Arrives as Gov'r, and Treasury, xvi., 244. successor toPres. Palmer, bearing Hamilton, Andrew, Governor of a letter of thanks from proprieNew Jersey, and Post Master taries, 362. His commission read General, memorial of, i., 469. and proclaimed at court-house, For a road to Dunk's ferry, 498. 363. His proclamation to conSalary, 570. - Asks for support of tinue officers, 363. Appoints the post, 524. Petition respecting Richard Peters Secretary, 364. claim for salary, ii., 33. Suggest- Messages and speeches to Assem INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 137 bly, 365, 374, 395, 430, 454, 484, dians, 657. Appoints commis'rs 491, 494, 502, 505, 524, 528, 578, to meet them, with presents, 658. 605, 608, 638, 639, 648, 652, 719, Their commission, 658. Letter 729, 735, 747, 751, 759. Mes- to British Consul at Teneriffe, in sages and speeches from Assemi- favor of Captain Nerie, 661. Anbly to Governor, 367, 373, 414, swer to Indian speeches, 693. 429, 484, 491, 494, 506, 510, 526, Letters to Gov. Glen, 696..To 545, 561, 606, 613, 648, 722. On Dinwiddie, 696, 698. Sends Shawbills of credit, 374. Presents to, nese home with John Ketten, 704. 368, 376. Issues proclamation on Instructions to, 707. Letter to treaty of peace between England Gov. Glen of South Carolina, 708. and France, 380. Letters to Gov. To Lord Holdenesse, 709. SickOgle on Maryland affairs, 383, ness, 711. Bills, credit, 729, 747. 384. Message on Indian affairs, Reply to Assembly's violent ad395. To Duke of Bedford on pa- dress, 737-746. Boundary with per currency, 416. Correspond- Virginia, 759-767. To Gov'r of ence with Governor of Maryland, Connecticut, letters, &c., relative 421, 423. And Virginia, 423, to dispute, 769-777. Letters to 424. Letter from Captain Cele- and from Governor Dinwiddie, ron, 425. Message to Twightwees, vi., 1, 3, 27, 137. To and from &c., 449, 450. Writes to Justices Gov. De Lancey, 9, 13. Gov'r of Cumberland, 450. Letter from Shirley, 16. Messages to Asthem, 452. Proclamation re- sembly, 22, 23, 26, 31, 37, 41, specting iron, 459. From and to 44, 133, 139. Messages from AsGovernor Clinton, 463, 465, 480, sembly, 25, 45, 139. Sends C. 495, 575, 625, 639, 641. Coentro- WVeiser to Shamokin, 24. Mesversy with Assembly on legality sage to Indians, 25. Letters to of meeting, 491-494. Letter from and from G. Washington, 28. George Croghan to, on Indian af- Speech of Half-King, 31. Gov. has fairs, 497. Message on lighting half of legislative power, 41. and watering, and raising money Views on bills of credit bill, 41on city, 505, 506. Speeches to 44. Defeat of Virginia forces, Indians, 533, 534. Geo. Croghan also by French — protection of to, 539. From Mons. Joncaire, counties — treaty at Albany541. Letter to and fromL Shaw- death of Justices, &c., 133-136. nese, 568-571. On fee bills, 576. Hle resigns-proprietaries accept Correspondence and deposition his resignation, and appoint Robrespecting murder of D. Digges, ert Hunter Morris in his place, in Maryland, 582-596. Pardon 143. Last appearance in Council, for Hamilton Carson, 601. War- 143. To and from Geo. Croghan, rant for execution of Danl. Hors- 145, 160. Instructions to Conley, 602. James Kelly and James rad Weiser, 147. Letter to D. Rice-and reprieve of Kelly to be Clause, 182. Letters, Indian afa witness, 604. Onpaper money, fairs in Northampton Co., 764. 605. On French and Indians Report at Carlisle, 783. Appointbuilding forts at Ohio, 609. Pre- ed by Council on Committee to sent to, froml Assembly, 618. investigate proprietary purchases Letters to and from Gov. Dinwid- from Indians, vii., 354. Apdie on Indian affairs, 628-634. pointed by proprietary, Governor, Forts on Ohio, 629. Asks Govr. to succeed WVm. Denny, viii., 409. Dinwiddie of Virginia, for a copy Arrives- his commission, 409. of the descriptive deed (for In- His Majesty's certificate of approdian lands), executed at Lancas- bation, 412. Proclamation to conter, 634. Bills, credit and Indian tinue officers, 413. Goes to New affairs, 639, 648, 652. Letter Castle, 414. Conference with from Win. Fairfax, asking his Teedyuscung, 415, 423. Speeches presence at Carlisle, to meet In- to Assembly, 422. Messages to 13,3 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS, Assembly, 423, 426, 437, 446, journment of Assembly, 684. 448, 449, 478, 480, 481, 495, 509, They adjourn without it, 685. 512, 559, 563, 577, 578, 579, 581, Letter to Beaver and Shingas, 690. 593, 603, 605, 666, 676, 681, 688, Proclamation of war with Spain, 690, 693, 695, 710. Messages 706, 710. Conferences with Infrom Assembly, 424, 425, 447, dians at Philada., 707, 709, 712. 510, 560, 572, 580, 692, 715. On Orders embargo, 713. Arrests Indian affairs, 426. Disbanding Boyrie and Le Roy, 714. Report forces, 447. Letters to and from, of Committee of Assembly on his 448, 449, 451, 452, 495, 568, 570, messages, twenty-third and twen578, 588, 590, 592, 600, 622, 626, ty-fifth, 716-719. Reply to As628, 678, 686, 687, 690, 776. sembly, declining exhibition of Case of Dr. Win. Smith, 446. minutes, 720. Conference with Military affairs, 452. Proclama- Western Indians at Lancaster, tion respecting murder of Dr. 720-774. Minutes of treaty sent John, at Carlisle, 456, 709, 712. to Assembly, 775. To Col. Burd Supply bill, 478. Passes supply and Mr. Davenport, Comm'rs to bill by advice of Council, 480. receive Indian prisoners, 776. Speech to Indians in conference, Letter to King Beaver, 778. To 490. Supply bill, 481, 494, 500, Governors Sharpe and Fauquiere, 603, 693, 695. Says Council is 779. Message to Assembly, ix., not a part of the Assembly, 503. 2, 10, 16, 18, 19, 21, 25, 31, 36, Troops for Fort Pitt, 509. Objects 42, 52, 53, 55, 58. Message from to granting certificate to agents to Assembly, 20. Letters to and England, 512. Instructions re- from, 13, 15, 34, 38, 40, 43, 62, specting Liturgy, 520. Letter of 74, 75. Receives ~250, 5. Concondolence to Assembly, on death ference and speech to Teedyusof King George II., 521. Procla- cung, 7. Proclamation of peace mation respecting laws disallow- between France and Spain, 14, ed, 559. King's death, 560. Bills 39. Courts, 18. Bills credit, &c., of credit, taxes, &c., 562. Too 19. Tavern licenses, 25. May unwell to attend Council, 563. enlist soldiers on frontiers, 36. Sends message and other papers, Asks for his pay-Allowance, relating to settlers from Connec- ~500, 37. Engages 700 men, 42. ticut, in Northampton Co., 564, Conferences with Indians, 44, 67. 572, 622, 626, 629. General de- Bills of credit, 52. Indian murmands three hundred men, 577, ders, 58. Instructions from King, 581, 593, 602. Agents in Eng- 60. To Colonel Burd, 61. Proland, 579. Assembly grants clamation against highway rob~1,000, 583. Proclamation offer- berynear Philadelphia, 70. John ing bounty to soldiers, 587. Sup- Penn arrives as Governor-Asply bill, 603. Asks for informa- sembly of New Castle wait on tion on drafts on Treasurer, 605. Governor Hamilton, and take On course of Assembly respecting leave of him, 71. President of bills of credit, &c., 606. To Gen. Council, 603. Succeeds John Amherst on Connecticut settlers, Penn on his going to England at 622. From Gov. Fitch on Con- death of Richard Penn, 733. Pronecticut settlers, 626. Goes to clamation, 733. Holds conference Easton to meet Indians, 630. with Indians, 737. Answers chief's Proclamation against settlers on letter, 739. Goes to New CastleIndian lands, 662. Attorney- His proclamation, 743. Do. reGeneral's fees, 666. Proclama- specting laws, 766. Message on tion against wounding women in Wyoming, 772. Governor Richstreets of Philadelphia, 672. ard Penn arrives, 780. Bounds TreatywithDelawares, 676. From to be named in parole, xi., 269. Earl of Egremont, for troops, 678, Pass and protection granted, 301. 685. Withholds consent for ad- Parole delivered up, and he fully INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 139 discharged, 438. Asks for a pass from, xii., 138, 284, 427. Brigfor himself and retinue, 478. adier-General, letter, xiv., 23. Register and Recorder of West- And report, 25, 159, 162, 180. moreland, xiv., 655. Justice, xv., Pay to, 200. 44. Hand, Fort, xi., 556. Hamilton, Captain John, command Hand, Matthew, raises a company, boat "Congress," x., 296, 329, x., 708. 335. Resigns, 665. Hanna, Colonel, battalion, xvi., 122. Hamilton, John, Commissioner, x., Hanna, James, Register and Recor702. der, xv., 407, 441. Hamilton, Lieut. Robert, charged Hanna, Robert, at Westmoreland, with murder of Lieut. Tracy, x., to deliver ammunition, x., 597. 6. Special Court appointed for Hanna's Town, (Westmoreland,) trial of, in Bedford county, 8. xi., 477. For Courts, xiii., 699, Ensign, xii., 3. Building fort at, 1776, xvi., 541. Hamilton, Thomas, Sheriff, vii., 267. Hannum, Colonel John, xi., 83, Coroner, xv., 570. 507. Hamilton, William, Coroner, iv., Harnnum, Colonel John, escapes 782. Traitor, to be arrested, xii., from enemy, xii., 114, 477. Re495. To depart State, 499, 502. signs as Justice, xiii., 105; and Asks further time, refused, 502; as Agent, 106; Auditor, 264. granted, and permitted to go to Hanover, Elector of, proclaimed St. Eustatia, 503. May go to George, King of England, ii., 575. country-seat, 520. May retire to Hans, Captain of fire raft, x., 543. another State, 549. Petition for Hanson, John, President, Conson, 632. May remain in the gress, xiii., 105. State, 681. Pass to New York, Hanson, Thomas, a justice, ix., xiii., 559. Bonds cancelled, 698. 645. Quarter-Master, x., 479. Claim for ground rent at Lancas- Resigns, 499. ter, xv., 614, 618, 641. Paid, Hanssegar, Nicholas, recommended 645. as Major, and appointed, x., 446. Hammon, Benjamin, murder of, Harbeson, Captain Benjamin, xi., and proclamation for arrest of 32. murderers, xi., 446. Harbeson, Benjamin, to buy brass, Hammond, James, Sheriff, xiv., x., 612. 567; xv., 121. Hardenbaugh, Abraham, New York Hampton Court, (E.,) proceedings Commissioner to run boundary respecting Articles of Agreement line, xv., 340. between Penn and Baltimore, iv., Hardie, Captain Robert, of fire 254. Proceedings, 298-301. rafts, x., 560. "Hancock,'" gunboat, x., 351, 362, Hardclie, Captain Robert, receives 488, 506. arms for gun boats, x., 601. Not "Hancock," privateer brig, x., 605. an officer, xi., 118. Prisoner with "Hancock," galley, officers, xi., British, xiv., 637. 576, 578, 706. Harding, Rev. Robert, report on "Hancock," galley, xii., 23, 477. number of Roman Catholics, vii., Hancock, John, President of Con- 448. Claim for city lot, xvi., 522, gress, sends letter of General 531. Washington, xi., 197. Elected Hardy, Sir Charles, Governor of President, xiv., 587. New York, to and from, vii., 9, Hand, Colonel, xi., 108, 342. 10, 35, 101, 113, 122, 123, 142, Hand, Daniel, special commission 223, 307, 339, 494, 496, 581. On for, armed the "George" to cap- embargo, 197. On Teedyuscung, ture vessels, xii., 364. 223. Agent of newspapers, 307, Hand, General Edward, letters to 339, 447. Sails from N. Y., 560. and from, asking for troops against Hawley, Rev. Gideon, letters to and Indians, xi., 261. Letters to and from, vii., 11. 140 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Hardy, or Harding, George, case of, Letters to and from, vi., 184, 457, xi., 753, 754, 760-761, 764. Re- 645. Death of Monacatootha, 184. prieved, xii., 149. Estate sold, Goes with Indians to Will's creek, 196, 458. 226. Informs of murders at Hardy, Hon. Samuel, letter and act Will's creek, 458. Recommends of Legislature of Connecticut, block houses, 458. Murders at xiv., 162. Penn's creek, 645, 646, 654, 655. Hare, Captain, refuses continental Indian conference at, 780. Remoney, x., 780. port of C. Weiser and Indians at Hare, Jacob, a tory, xii., 340. his ferry, vii., 33. Plan to kill Hare, Robert, paid for porter, xi., Indians at, 35. Fort Near, 245. 137. Treaty at, 506-517. Hargiss, Abraham, Lieutenant, x., Harris, Major John, xi., 86. 708. Harris, John, Captain, x., 752. Harlin, Ezekiel, Indian interpreter, Harris' ferry, xi., 84. Resigns, 778. iii., 246. Transportation of ammunition to, Harman, Ephraim, has a patent xiii., 263. Military stores to be from Lord Baltimore, i., 109. moved from, 698. Too inconHarmar, Fort, xv., 605. venient for a court house, xv., 14, Harmar, Captain Josiah, pay for Harris, Dr. Robert, building a powmuskets, x., 406, 418, 485. de- der mill, x., 492. Saltpetre, 599, preciation pay to, xii., 703. Case 644, 700. Respecting salt, xii., of, xiii., 671. Letter from, xiv., 144. Carries off clandestinely, 185. For recruiting expenses, 153. 216. Person to take charge of Harris, Samuel, x., 270. Fort McIntosh, 372. Returns, 473, Harris, Thomas, case of, i., 327, 480, 517, 549, 559, 662. Register, 329. xv., 6,:13, 340. Proposes a new Harrison, James, member of first arrangement of United States Council, i., 57. Appointed Judge, troops at Muskingum, 379, 393, 153, 156. A special commissioner 437. Surgeon, &c., elected, 498; to try a case, 164. xvi., 41. Letters and drafts on Harrison, Francis, a councillor, i. Treasury, 258, 263. Harrison, Governor, of Virginia, Harper, Dr. Andrew, applies for a letter and act of Assembly, xiii., pass to Scotland, rejected, xii., 637, 753. Resolution of House 302. of Delegates, xiv., 38. Entries Harper, John, Quarter-Master, x., in land office, 200. 480. Harrison, Major James, attends conHarper, John, Coroner, xiii., 723; ference between Governor Hart of xiv., 238; xv., 99. Maryland and Governor Keith, Harper, William, complains against iii., 60. Anthony Morris, Mayor, respect- Harrison, Captain John, to coming an execution, ii., 151. mand boat " Dickinson," xi., Harris, Captain David, prothono- 393. tary, xi., 301, 305. Prothonotary Harry, (an Indian and interpreter,) of Northumberland, letter, xii., ii., 71. His brother arrives in 75. Philadelphia, 155. Returns froml Harris, James, commissioner on Onondago, 204. At Philadelphia, boundary lines of Huntingdon 537. county, xvi., 46. Hart, James, house robbed by Harris (John?) builds a house on French and Spaniards, v., 89. Choniata, (Juniata,) iii., 503. Hart, John, Sheriff, iv., 247, 309, Road from the ferry on Susque- 352, 500, 669, 748, 782. Coroner, halna to Lancaster, 618. Road 601; v., 345, 411. Sheriff of to Philadelphia, iv., 181, 27.9, Bucks, certificate of furnaces and 282, 284. Bring reports of French forges, ix., 635; x., 697. Survey and Indians, at Logstown, v., 614. of river from Salem downwards, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 141 xi., 358. To receive subscriptions vessel and cargo, and becomes to loan office, xii., 47. Collector citizen, xii., 36. of excise, 554. To provide for Harwood, Susannah, case of, i., 578, recruits at Newtown, xiii., 8. Hartman, Henry, murdered by InGratuities for soldiers, 22, 182. dians, vi., 668. Treasurer of Bucks county Hartman. Captain, x., 689. robbed, 95. Hartman, Thomas, xiv., 228, 559. Hart, Joseph, sheriff, v., 464, 550. Justice, petition for removal, xi., 122. Register, 187. Order xvi., 10. for money, 213. Elected Coun- Haslett, Colonel, of Delaware Regicillor, 249. Pay, 359. Powder ment, xi., 125. in hands of A. Wallace, 508. De- Hassel, Samuel, member Council, livers up key of Loan office chest iii., 333. to Assembly, xi., 395. Goes to Hassert, Asent, liberty to trade and Newtown, 399. Reports on Dr. hold lands, iii., 248. Birkenhouts papers, 569. To ex- Hastings, George, Captain, ship amine gaol, 684; xii., 8, 11, 15, stranded at N. J., x., 391. 93, 404, 721. Complaint against, Hetaguantagechty, Indian chief, iii., 737, 762; xiii., 76, 82. Have 436, 511, 577, 608. ammunition, 94. Memorial on pay Hats, patent granted for weaving of troops, 523. Censor, 719. Ac- and working straw, &c., for, iii., counts, xiv., 265. An intestate 18. estate, 307; xvi., 490. Hatton, John, and J. Jr., arrest of, Hart, Myer, complains against x., 665, 670, 694, 699. sheriff of Northumberland xii., Houghton, Geo., complaint against, 75. xii., 287. Hart, Colonel, Governor of Mary- Haussign, Nicholas, Major to Cololand, iii., 37. Meeting and con- nel Wayne's battalion, x., 460. ference with, and G overnor Keith. Havanna, Spanish preparations at, Hart, William, coroner, xi., 596. iv., 167. Letter from Lieutenant Hartley, Colonel Thomas, recom- Governor Penalosa, capture and mended to Congress as Lieutenant ransom of English frigate, &c., v., Colonel, x., 444. Pay for fire- 75. Negroes taken by Philadellocks, 487; xi., 34, 397, 452, 488. phia privateers, sent to Havana Petition, 530. Register, 531, on trial for their freedom, 79. 626; 628. Vote of thanks to, for Provisions allowed, xii., 398. gallant conduct, 640. His plan Memorial of merchants of Philaof defence adopted, 646. His del'a respecting flour shipped to, plan for defence of frontiers xv., 633. Conduct of officers at, adopted, and Colonel Hunter to xvi., 144. supply at Potter's, 646. Claim Haverford, meeting-house, ii., 111. on York township, xiii., 44, Haverstick, Ensign, xi., 32. Censor, 723. Haverstick, Colonel Battalion, xv., Hartshorne, Wm. of N. J. suspected, 113. but'sent to N. J., xi., 117. Hawer, Jacob, Sheriff, xv., 565. Hartzell, John, Coroner, x., 211, Hawker, Capt. James, stationed in 270. Delaware river-stamp papers Hartzell, John, Sheriff, xii., 134. sent on board his ship, ix., 300. Hartzell, Jonas, Sheriff, xi., 597; Hawking and Peddling, a license xii., 506. Commissioner on juris- granted for, xvi., 111. diction of Islands inl Delaware, Hay Creek, near Philadelphia, iii., xiv., 345. Councillor, xvi., 192. 111. Applies for warrant, 237, 242. Hay, John. Sheriff, viii., 781; ix., Sheriff, 491. 57. Letter, 103. Harvey, Abm., complaints against, Hay, William, complaint against, by xii., 307. Governor Ogle, v., 382. Collector Harvey, Joseph, of Bermuda, sells of Excise, Lancaster, xiv., 106. 142 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Hayes, Hon. Christopher, Sub-Lieu- of Assembly on, 515-523.., Retenant, xi., 445; xiii., 150, 584. port in Council on, 524-540. Hayes, Ensign, vii., 631. Amendment to bill, vi., 345-352. Hayes, John, sent to Indians at Ohio, P. De Haven appointed in Philaviii., 491. Sub-Lieutenant, xii., delphia, xi., 775. To examine 384. vessels from Charleston, and stop Hayes, Henry, Sheriff, x., 56, 100. them at Mud Island, xii., 457. H. Hayes, Samuel, sub-Lieutenant, xi., Dougherty respecting vessel from 442. South Carolina, 483. John Jones, Hayward, Henry, complaint, i., 578. 554. To attend to his duties, Hazard, Ebenezer, applies for use of xiii., 578. Covers for sick, 695; documents, xiii., 122. And order xiv., 377, 467; xv., 317. Comin favor of, 354. Applied to, for plaint against John Jones, xvi., papersrespectingConnec'cut, 420. 134, 142, 147, 151, 168, 170, 172. Hazelwoocl, Capt. John, to command Displaced, 175. Extortion in fees, -ten fire rafts, x., 437. And sup- 402. erintendent of all, 437. To value Heap, Geo., Coroner, v., 411, 464. a brig, 536, 550. Survey river, Heaton, James, petition against J. 567, 603. To fit out guard Growden, for arrest on action of boat, 592. Of fire rafts, &c., trover, ii., 407, 508. xi., 611. Combustibles, 661, Hebrew Congregation of Philadel699. Commissioner of purchases phia ask loan of lottery-wheels, in Philadelphia, xi., 155. Sup- xvi., 488. plies J. Hopkins with a vessel for Hector, man- of- war, captures a expedition down river, 237. Com- schooner, v., 323. pliment to, 277. May seize pro- Heeston, Lieutenaint-Colonel Edvisions for fleet, 361. Rations, ward, xii., 70. 471, 529. To offer pardon to all Heidelberg, guard at, xi., 36. deserters who return, 541. To Heinecken, Jan. Hendlrick Chrisfurnish men, 557. To receive tian, acknowledged as consul from prisoners, 566. And conduct to United Netherlands, xiv., 451. Chester-account of fleet, &c. to Heister, (See Hiester.) be made out, 577. Orders to stop " Hell-Cat," armed whale-boat, xii., vessel with flag, 595. Allowed to 393. sail for West Indies, 643. Petition Helm, John, Regulator of Weights for a cannon, xii., 57. Appointed and Measures, xiii., 633; xv., Commissioner of purchases, 397, 322. 406, 423, 450, 456, 473, 474, 613. Hellstedt, Charles, Swedish ConCommissioner to supply forts, sul, letter from, xiv., 276. Comxiii., 17, 44. Claim for expendi- plains of rude behaviour of contures in 1778, &c., xv., 455. Pay stables, &c., xv., 348. On neufor services in navy and as Com- trality of Sweden, 433. missioner on purchases, xvi., 224. Hembel, William, proceedings in Hazen, Colonel, regiment letter from England respecting act to enable officers, xii., 215. General Wash- him, as a naturalized subject, to ington's opinion, 262. Regiment, hold real estate, x., 103. 278. To guard prisoners, xiii., Hemp, raising, to be encouraged, 165. iii., 166, 375. Governor's speech Hazlehurst, Isaac & Co., memorial on, 264, 270, 392. respecting entry of brandy, xv., Hemplin, Captain Thomas, raises 366, 367. men in Northumlberland, xii'., 46. Hazlet, Win., Justice, xiii., 140. Henderson, Lieutenant, appointed Hazleton, Hamilton, x., 727. Captain, xii., 88. Heads, lecture on, proposed and re- Henderson, Ensign Andrew, defused, xiii., 324. Clines, xiv., 237. Deputy SurHealth Officer appointed, iii., 112, veyor, xv., 407. 293; iv., 496, 515, 674. Report Henderson, CaptainAlexander, com INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 143 mander of gunboat Bull-Dog, x., of John Ruby, xiii., 19. Pay to, 353. 90, 166, 195. Paid gratuities, Henderson, Rev. Jacob, letter to, 244. British goods seized, 329, from Henry Munday on Maryland 453. Justice and President of affairs, iv., 103. Court Common Pleas and GenHenderson, Captain William, xi., 2. eral Quarter Sessions, xiv., 181. Hendricks, Abraham, Justice, xiv., Delegate to Congress, 261, 442. 256. Entitled to half proceeds of goods Hendricks, James, deposition re- seized, 309. Deceased-His wispecting Indians, iv., 655. Lieu- dow receives payment of several tenant, xii., 9. sums, xv., 546. Hendricks, John, goes over to side Henry, William M., Justice, xi., of Maryland, iv., 150. House to 379. be defended, 194. Henry, William, (member of CounHendrick, (Peters,) Mohawk chief, cil,) to conduct John Brown to v., 625; vi., 76, 97, 113, 117, Lancaster, xi., 345. To employ 118, 124, 249, 251, 286-290. In- men to make arms-Not to be enfluence with Indians respecting listed, 380. Money, 569. Furpurchase of lands, 117, 118. nish arms, 631. Commissary of Clause lives with him, 182. Ar- Naval Stores, xii., 56, 57, 148. rives in Philadelphia, 243. Coun- Appointed Lieutenant of. Philacil in doubt what to say to him, delphia, 297, 487, 656. (City,) 247, 249. Letter from Governor pay for guards, xiii., 336. To M., 252. In Philadelphia, 277. call out troops,. 380. CounterSpeech about New York, 281. manded, 380. Asks opinion as Henricks, Tobias, Justice, iii., 358. to his duty, 551. Guard Coroner, v., 551, 597. for City and Liberties, xiv., 10. Hendrickson, Yeshro, and Margaret Militia fines and expenses, 77. Mattson tried for witches, i., 93, Petition for share of sale of goods, 95. 291. Pay for militia, 446. ExHenlopen, Cape, a watch to be sta- penses of militia, xv., 5, 76. Pay tioned at, i., 479. Light-house, to, 95, 199, 265. Case of an elecxiii., 100. Repairs paid for, 100, tion of officers referred to, 237. 293. Beacons, &c., ceded by Justice in Northampton County, Council to United States, xvi., 367. To report on arms deliv358. ered, 373. To order election for Hennessey, Lieutenant John, float- captain, and to return arms, 381, ing-battery, x., 520, 530. 438. 489. To receive cartHenry, Captain, to survey river, x., ridges, 447. Paid for exercising 567. militia, xvi., 68, 168. Resigns, Henry, George, to sell vessels, x., 446. 641, 643. And tools, &c., 644, Henry, Colonel William, to furnish 649, 662, 669, 670, 718. Have account of state of city militia, guns valued, xii., 36. xi., 218. Lieutenant of city, 218, Henry, John, magistrate, of Lancas- 225, 228, 234, 242, 275. To send ter, dead, xi., 211. off militia, 275, 277, 318. Henry, John, applies to deliver a Herbert, Morgan, &c., convicted of lecture on heads, refused, xiii., murder of Indians, iii., 327. Ap324. - plies for mercy, is referred to JusHenry, Patrick, Governor of Vir- tices, 327. ginia, on road from Fort Cumber- Herbert, Captain Thomas, x., 539. land, xiv., 467. Hersent, Samuel, appointed a subHenry, William, of Lancaster, a treasurer for Philadelphia county, magistrate, x., 237, 252. To make i., 111. To prosecute offenders, rifles, x., 523. Receives powder 167. High sheriff of Philadelat Lancaster, xi., 53. Jus- phia, 170. Cannot act as attortice, 252. Papers on land, estate ney, 170. Petition, 199, 319. 144 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Heslip, Thomas, commissioner for Hiester, Daniel, council, xiv., 230. purchase of provisions in Chester Elected commissioner on Luzerne county, xi., 424. claim, in place of General MuhlenHessians, embark at Staten Island berg, resigned, xv., 217. for Pennsylvania, x., 753. Flags Hiester, Daniel, Jr., letter comtaken at Trenton, xi., 70. To be plains against Frederick Limback, employed at Lancaster in making xiii., 74. - Elected Brigadiershoes, 85. Guard for, 94. Pris- General, 289. oners, 102, 116, 129. To be em- Hiester, Gabriel, justice, xi., 471. ployed, 186. To Baltimore, 104, Highway, robbery, the first com129. Flags delivered to Board of mitted in the province, v., 414. war, xii., 245. Deserters, 433. About Philadelphia, proclamation Flags taken at Trenton, given to against, ix., 70, 76, 316. DePennsylvania, xiii., 559. ldared, 717, 720, 727. Hessian fly, supposed cause of pro- Higginbotham, Charles, case of, hibition against admission of with Maryland, iv., 101. Flees wheat into England, correspon- into Maryland, and is appointed dence with Agricultural Society Captain of militia and justice, respecting it, xv., 524, 526. 147, 150. Motions watched, 154, Hetherling, Captain Jacob, x., 686. 155, 160, 189, 193. Claim from Children, pension to, xvi., 125. Maryland for land, temporary Hewes, Josiah, care of prisoners, line, 187, 188. His statement, xi., 89. 190. Letter to and from council, Hewson, John, calico printer in N. 190. Govr.'s letter to Gov. Ogle L., xvi., 85, 116, 196, 254. respecting, 192. Appears before Heydrick, Colonel Peter, x., 713. council, 218. Is examined, 220. Heysham, Captain William, xi., Hill, Colonel, x., 645. 538; xii., 83. Commissioner for Hill, Henry, a justice, x., 47. Counsalt complains of being insulted cillor, xiv., 555, 556; xv., 30, by L. Kuhn, 160, 161. 130. To receive two cannons from Hickard, John, justice, xii., 342. Billingsport, 192. Hicks, Gilbert, forfeited estate in Hill, John, appointed High Sheriff Buoks county sold, xii., 156. of Sussex county, i., 165, 166, Hicks, Giles, applies to be prothono- 213. Member of council, i., 268. tary, xi., 178. Resigns his pay, Hill, Richard, member of council, xii., 643. Sub-Lieutenant resigns, ii., 118. Goes to New Castle, 651. 381. Speaker, 519, 541. Elected Hicks, Isaac, a justice, x., 47. Of Mayor, gives a dinner, 575. A Bucks county, his house to be justice, iii., 28, 187. Visits Insearched and all public books, dians with Governor, 121. Goes &c., to be removed to building to Albany with Governor, returns, erected for them at Newtown, 196. Site of powder house rexi., 128. ferred to him, 243. Judge, 257. Hicks, Captain Robert, murdered Died, 381. Death of, 398. Peby Indians in Virginia, iii., 22. tition with Dr. S. P. Moore reAlso a negro, 22. specting title of lands, vii., 728, Hicks, William, succeeds Lawrence 739, 740. Claims lots and liberty Growden in several offices, ix., lands, xiii., 9. And city lots, 663. A member of council, x., 49, 321, 326, 503. Claims city 12. lots; xiv., 359, 458; 464. Claim, Hicquoqueen, Indian King, i., 396. xv., 481, 486. Hides, to be sold in preference to Hill, Richard, Jr., dies, his executanners who are associators, xi., tors petition to be able to make 58. title deed for his lands, vii., 728, Hierback, John, justice, xiv., 162. 739, 740. Hiester, Colonel of battalion to ren- Hill, Thomas, &c., process issued dezvous at Swedes ford, xi., 301. against, for illegal acts, iii., 234. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 145 Hill, Captain William, keeper of town, xiii., 614. Account between powder house, iv., 765. United States and Pennsylvania Hillegas, Michael, and. George Cly- for stores, xiv., 551. Expenses of mer, Continental Treasurers- Indians, xv., 240, 277. order of Congress on, x., 401, 415, Hodge, Andrew, letter on General 436, 438, 453, 457, 463. Ap- Howe's progress, xi., 39. Applies pointed treasurer of Committee of for broken cannon, 662. Safety, 281. Orders on, 286. Hodge, Andrew, Jr., pass, xiii., 543. Orders on, 333, 344, 347, 348-361, Hodge, Dr. Hugh, appointed sur374, 379, 381, 382, 384, 395, 401, geon to third battalion United 402, 463, 485, 492, 502, 513, 599, Colony troops, x., 478. 635. Member of Committee of Hodge, Hugh, Jr., surgeon's mate, Safety, 537. Treasurer United xi., 24, 32. States, receipt of exchange, xii., Hodge, Miss Marg., pass for, from 423. Letter, 444. To lay off lots New York, xiii., 272. at barracks, xiv., 76. Hodge, Wm., paid for a negro, xiii., Hilliard, John, member of first 640. Council, i., 57. Hodrick, Capt. Win. Adolph, xi., 2. Hillman, Cornelius, inducing sol- Hoffman, Michael, Ensign, xii., S. diers, xi., 766. To be arrested, Hoffnagle, Capt. Peter, x., 700. 766. Dismissed, 769. Hogan, John, deposition and full Hillsborough, Lord, letter complain- account of capture of Fort Graning of Massachusetts' circular to ville, vii., 560. colonies, ix., 546. Indian trade, Hoge, David, Sheriff, ix., 548, 624, 552, 706. Laws passed 1760, 636. 691. Hiltzseimer, Jacob, to have a guard Hoge, John, Surveyor on west over firelocks, x., 560. branch of Susquehanna, xv., 85. Hines, Samuel, Coroner, xv., 294, Hog or Hogg Island, suitable for 565. frames, x., 294. To be overflowed, Hislep, Capt. Thomas, company, x., 607. Taken forcible possession of 675. by sundry persons, who give secuHitchcock, Mrs. Eleanor, paid for rity to appear at Court, xii., 570. hoisting a pole and flag on it at Sheriff of Chester to deliver posCape Henlopen in 1775, 1776, as session to J. Mease, &c.-Abrasignals, xv., 566. ham Kentzing to hold for the Hobson, Captain, of forty-fourth State as part of estate of Joseph regiment arrested, vii., 103. Galloway, 591. Persons to atHockley, James, commissioner on tend survey of, 630. Retaining Schuylkill, xvi., 240. fee to J. D. Sergeant in case ofHockley, Richard, resigns great seal Committee of conference, 634. to Governor, viii., 335. Receiver- Claim to be prosecuted, 661. General with R. Peters, secretary; Partition line to be run between represent a history of proprietary State and Messrs. Mease, C. & Co., taxes in Cumberland county, 472. 679. Agents not to receive Receiver-General on proprietary money for sale at, xiii., 11. Sale estate, ix., 178. of estate of Joseph Galloway, Hockley, -, Treasurer, refuses 279, 280, 281, 286, 299, 325, 508. to supply Cherokees, viii., 77. Papers relating to purchase of Keeper of great seal, 408. part of, 675. Suit for recovery of Hockley,, Receiver-General, a part sold Samuel Caldwell, xiv., refuses to lend Governor for use 4. Suit between State and Thos. of province, vi., 681. Proctor-counsel employed, xv., Hockley, Col. Thomas, proves mus- 116, 372. Papers necessary to kets, x., 502. And repairs, 679, trial to be loaned to Samuel Cald682, 686, 696. well, 473. Suit respecting, xvi., Hodgdon, Col. Samuel, letter re- 69. Island between, and Tinispecting cannon taken at York- cum, 230. 10 146 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Hogs, trial for killing, i., 150, 152. Holland, extracts of treaty with, Not to run at large in Philadel- contrabands of war, &c., iv., 487. phia and New Castle, 327. Holland, Lieutenant Hitchen, letter Hohler, Peter, Justice, xii., 8. on French and Indians, v., 622, Holder, George, a suspected person, 623, 641; vi., 411. applies for trial, xii., 11. Par- Holland, Nathaniel, appointed Indoned, 12. dian agent at Shamokin, viii., 99, Holdernesse, Earl of, sends des- 128 129, 499. Letter on Indians, patches from England on move- 499. ments of French and Indians, v., Holland, Thomas, resigns as first 689. Letter to, from Governor Lieutenant, x., 484, 515. H., 709. Hollander's Creek, near PhiladelHolopeeka, Packsinosa's son, vii., phia, iii., 111. Road and bridge 187. leading to Greenwich Island, act Holgate, applies for arms, xii., 61, 62. proposed, ix., 360. Deed to JoHolgate, Col. Matthew, xv., 12, 17. seph Carson on, xiii., 52. Holiday, Justice Thomas, complaint Holliday, John, Justice, xiv., 602. against, viii., 42. Holliday, John, a Justice of Bedford Holker,, Adjutant General, county, vacated, xv., 26. shipment of provisions for French Holliday, William, paymaster, xi., fleet. xi., 692. Letters from, 669, 637. 714. Certificate, 779. Hollinback, John, paid for forage for Holker, French Consul —exemption Wyoming, xv., 221. Sale of from militia fines to Frenchmen, Allen's estate, 237. xii., 30, 32. A Frenchman ir- Hollenback, Matthias, proposals for pressed on State ship, 35, 37. rations, xv., 295. Paid, 519. Complains of purchasers in Wil- Hollingshead, Mr., master of ship mington, 47. Complains of news- General Greene, xi., 760. Elected papers, 59, 60, 61. Ships for to Assembly, xii., 129. General Mercer, 191. And brig Hollingsworth, Levi, sent to New Trooper, 197. Respecting flour, York for cannon arrived there, to 54, 56, 66, 68. Mons. Gerard ap- bring them by land, x., 632. Peproves of course taken by Coun- tition respecting salt works at cil in regard to, 71. All papers, Turtle-Gut inlet, xi., 193. Sells &c., to be sent to Congress, 72. flour to agent of Maryland, His powers, 74. For flour, 85. 767. Respecting flour in his Answer of Capt. Montgomery re- hands, xii., 16. Papers delivered specting Vincent de Ford and to Henry H., 18. Letter to, on Francis Fleury, 86, 411. To ex- supplies, 203. Proposals for rechange salt for flour, 90. Letters moving cheveaux-de-frise, xiv., to and from, 100. Letter to, on 75, 78. Agreement and pay, 104, flour, 108, 233. Fire at his llouse, 119, 200, 213. Certificate to, 241. 262. Requisition of Congress for Letter, 500. To distribute aid to flour, 275, 296. Conference with the Chinese, 574, 616. Expenses Council, 368, 413. Bills on paid for Chinese, xv., 106. French Governor, 419. Masts Holmes, Lieutenant James, apfrom Schuylkill, 488. Pay to, pointed, x., 676. Resigns, xi., 634. Purchases lot on State 68. Island, xiii., 8. French seamen, Holme, John, offers to take up arms 54. Tax, 54. Recognized as against French, i., 334. Sheriff, Consul General, 59. Paid, 242. ix., 286, 333, 398. Letter to GoAgent, xiv., 405. vernor, 463. Ordered to take F. Holker, privateer brig, xi., 49. Stump and servant to PhiladelCapt. Geddes captures a vessel phia, 441. In Philadelphia, 490. and liberates the captain and Holme, Thomas, member of first crew, for which bond is put in Council, i., 67. Surveyor-Gensuit, xii., 50, 155. eral, 120. Reasons for not issu INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 147 ing warrant to survey R. Fret- 18. Appointed Judge of Admiralwell's lands, 124. Order to sur- ty, 49, 50, 307. To postpone sale vey them, 124, 154. Appointed of house, 81. Seal for admiralty, Commis'r to treat with Indians for 102. Money for New Jersey, 197, lands, 156. Complaints against 307. Impeachment of, as Judge Ashcome, 193, 201. F. Fairman, of Admiralty, 567, 573, 578petition against, 199, 201, 202. 583. Unanimously acquitted, 584. Map of Pennsylvania, 264, 266. Complaint against, xiii., 183. Holmes, William, Coroner, xii., 166, Paid, 329, 451, 532. Judge Ad518. miralty, paid, xiv., 142. Errors Holt, Rives, Sheriff of Sussex, iii., and appeals, 310, 314, 602. Ac260, 289, 370. Letter from Gov- counts, xv., 133. Salary paid, ernor to, on pilots not licensed, 185. Reappointed as Judge of iv., 394. Admiralty Court, 191. Paid, 199, bolt, Ryvers, Chief-Justice of Su- 282, 351. Call on Marshal for preme Court, dies, ix., 203. accounts of property, 397. Pay, Holt, Samuel, to take account of 474. Complaint against British arms, ii., 241. consul for a survey ordered, 517, Holton, Colonel Francis, battalion, 520, 626. Paid, xvi., 99. Rex., 682. paid money lent for recruiting, Honeyman, Lieutenant to corps of 511. invalids, xi., 647. Petition, 753. Hopkinson, Thomas, appointed clerk Petition for rations, xii., 14. of Orphans' Court, iv., 151. MemHoneyman, William, decree of Su- ber of Council, v., 65. preme Court favor of, xii., 114, Horn, John, minister of Seventh-day 115. Baptists, released from militia Honoyoothack Indians, ii., 140. fine, xiv., 568. Hooken, Henry, Sheriff, xvi., 490. Horses, importation and exportation Hooper's trial at Morristown, xii., of, i., 80, 81. Number to be kept, 250. no stone horse to go at large, ii., Hoops, Adam, commissioner, to cut 27. To draw double, 220, 222. road westward, vi., 318. Justice, Act to improve breed of, proposed, ix., 583. iii., 234. Passed, 235. JockeyHopkins, Commodore, takes cannon bill, v., 371, 372, 375. To be at Providence, x., 550. Resolu- impressed for artillery, xi., 301. tion of Congress, 564. Purchased, 447, 449, 489, 491. Hopkins, General, (?) of the Alfred, Stolen, 608. A case not pardoned, obtains privilege of searching out- 717. Stealing, xii., 86. To be ward bound vessels for seamen, seized, 450. Horrible sentence x., 435. for, xiii., 195, 221. Lost, 521. Hopkins, James, supplied with a Horsefield, Timothy, letter-Attack vessel for an expedition down the on Gnadenhutten, vi., 736, 750, river, xi., 237. Applies for eight 757. Indians from Diahoga-Letmen, 241, 242. Allowed to search ter, vii., 169, 187, 189, 190, 192, wrecks in Delaware river, xii., 1. 305, 461, 586, 622, 732, 736. Hopkins, John Estaugh, removal of States apprehended difficulty with, wrecks from fishery-He to have 191. Governor orders Indians to them, xi., 720. Easton, 192. Return of Indians, Hopkins, Captain William, sent by 587, 773. Letters to and from, General Wentworth to enlist sol- viii., 84, 99, 353, 663. Conferdiers for Cuba, iv., 499. ence with Indians, 84. Hopkinson, Francis, of Continental Horsham, a mill erected by GoverNavy Board, xi., 260. Memorial nor, who asks for a road to be respecting claims of Rev. J. Du- laid out, iii., 158. Returns, 163, ch6, 773, 774. Applies for a 177. Confirmed, 177. pass for his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Hoskins, John, Sheriff of Chester Duchi, from New York, xii., 17, county, ii., 105, 150, 397. 143 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Hoskins, Stephen, Coroner, iv., 247. ceiver General of clothing, 407, Hospital, establishment of, for sick 424, 670. Resigns, 742. poor and lunatics proposed, v., Howell, John, justice, xii., 379. 513, 526. Justice resigns, xiv., 312. Hospital, Pennsylvania, taken up Howell, Mordecai, complains of for sick continentals, xi., 33, 52. Colonel Quarry, ii., 517. Managers refuse continental bills, Howell, Reading, map of Pennsylx., 779. vania, xvi., 275. Of Delaware and Hospital, Dr. Benjamin Rush, phy- Lehigh rivers, 278, 319. Pay on sician and surgeon to, x, 347, account of maps, 337. Cornmis548. Dr. Kuhn, 636. sioner paid, 544. Hospital, and pest house, x., 549, Howell, Samuel, member of corn636. rmittee and to have floating batHospital, sick soldiers at, xi., 52, tery built, x., 437. Chairman, 85. 412. To buy copper, 612. Hospital, Navy report on, xi., 641. Howet, Captain, of a French flag of Houber, Michael, deposition, Brad- truce with prisoners captured in dock's defeat, vi., 483. Del'are Bay, by privateer SpryHoughton, Rowland, merchant of lands sugar —is tried by Admiralty Boston, charged as a counterfeiter. Court, xiii., 139. Petition, 148. Governor of Massachusetts re- Huber,Jacob, deposition, Bradcldock's quested to have him arrested, and defeat, vi., 483. examination, iv., 225. Answer, Huber, Colonel John, &c., petition 241. for pay, xiii., 461. His declaration, 241. Acquitted, Hubley, Adam Major, xi., 35. Lieu242. tenant Colonel, 770. Succeeds House of Correction, iii., 39. In Colonel Hartley, 778. Ensign, Bristol, v., 34. xii., 65. Letter, 85. Appointed House of Employment, sick at, xi., lieutenant of Lancaster county, 56. Claim of Council against, for 628, 702, 769, 775. Letter on flour, &c., xv., 227. military guards for Lancaster, Houston, Thomas, lieutenant of xiii., 141. Resigns as lieutenant, gun boat, x., 330. Commands 732. Moneys received for State Warren, 510. For recruits, 529. duty on auction sales in SouthRecommended by navy board but wark, xvi., 155, 303, 386. not appointed, xi., 543. Com- Hubley, Bernard, as lieutenant, x., mand brig Convention, 555. 685. Asks a staff appointment, Takes prizes, 592. xii., 659. Houston, Lieutenant William, pen- Hubley, George, a captain, x., 634. sion to his widow, xv., 430. Hubley, John, commissary of conHoward, Joseph, coroner, v., 551. tinental stores, xi., 86. ProthonHowe, General, invasion feared, x., otary, 187. Resigns council, is 747. Intelligence from his army, appointed prothonotary and clerk 783. Advancing towards Prince- of Orphans' Court of Lancaster, ton, xi., 39. Intentions, 199. John 199. To search for records of Brown's statement respecting his Westmoreland, 252. Builds stores, propositions through Mr. Willing, 739. To deliver up key of maga345. Application for accommo- azine at Lancaster to order of dation of troops, xiii., 619. Board of war, xii., 32. Purchase Howe, Lord, killed, viii., 147. of Witman's estate, 231. Petition Howell, Isaac, justice, xiv., 116. against, as prothonotary, xiii., Charge against, 136. 545; xvi., 2162. Howell, Jacob S., clerk of Board Hubley, Joseph, as captain, x., 447. of war continued, xi., 262. Re- Hubley, Michael, Captain, barrackceives money, 264. Authorized master at Lancaster, xi., 92. Pay to borrow money, if necessary, increased, 405. Justice, 252. for the navy, 361, 366. Re- Justice, xiv., 157. President of INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 149 Courts, xv., 499. Militia fines, Hulings, Michael, Warden, ix., 293. rent of house in Lancaster for Hulings, Samuel, has pre-emption storing arms, &c., 412. right to island in Alleghany river, Hucksters, regulated, i., 582. xvi., 285. Hudson, William, complaint against Hulings, Thomas, a Commissioner for improper language, i., 371. to view rivers, xvi., 178. InstrucProceedings, 371. Acquitted, 371. tions, 181, 208. Paid, 260, 308. Convicted for stealing a stick of Hulk, an old, paid for, x., 647. fire wood, applies for a pardon, Hulscamp, Garret, pilot, x., 428. case referred to attorney-general, Hume, Robert, Lieutenant of boat, xvi., 387. x., 408, 488. Huffnagle, Michael, charged with Hummelstown, (Derrytown,) gunsecreting records of Westmore- factory to be established at, xi., land in Lancaster, xi., 252. Or- 314. dered from camp of General Wash- Humphreys, Assheton, applies to be ington, 253. Order, 475. Asks for notary public, xiii., 302. Notary, compensation for services under 445. General McIntosh, xii., 73. Asks Humphreys, Colonel,. succeeds to pay, 487. Petition to be pro- Colonel Nagle's command, xi., thonotary, 632. Agreement with, 457; xiii., 281. for supplies for militia, xiii., 157. Humphreys, Daniel, printer, paid, Prothonotary of Westmoreland, xv., 519, 642. Printer of Penn158. Accounts, 595. Justice, 700. sylvania Mercury, xvi., 257. Papers, &c., of A. Ross, 766, 754. Humphreys, James, appointed clerk Agent for estates, 774. On sale of of Orphans' Court in place of Mr. confiscated estates in Westmore- Price, vii., 561. A Justice, and land county, xiv., 289, 290. Pro- Notary to take acknowledgment perty in ruins of Fort Pitt, 472. of deeds, ix., 678. A Justice, x., Confiscated estates in Washington 46. Bounds to be fixed by paand Westmoreland counties, 607. role, xi., 269. Refuses to deliver Huffnagle, Philip, removed from up the public papers, &c., 306, Montgomery jail to Philadelphia, 525. xv., 161. Complaint against, as Humphreys, Whitehead, aided by prothonotary, xvi., 162, 163. Council in manufacture of steel, Hugg, Joseph, to have a boat of xv., 269. New Jersey, with man and pay, Humpton, Colonel Richard, x., 754, &c., x., 328. 767. Commands regulars in conHughes, Captain of Washington tinental service, xi., 2, 5, 6, 16, county rangers, xiv., 215. 32, 55, 108, 119, 270, 573. LetHughes, John, commissioner of ter-Clothing expenses, xii., 320, wagons, vi., 775. Provincial 718. Superintendent of recruitcommissioner, vii., 657, 671, 697. ing service, xiii., 155. Money Going to Wyoming to build fort, placed in his hands, 156. Pay 730. Opposed by Governor and to, 198, 205, 347. To enlist men Council, 734. Commission and from Pennsylvania line, 419. Letrefusal, 754. Wants command, ter of War Office sent to, 449. refused, 756. Stamp officer, To produce soldiers for examinaPhiladelphia, ix., 300. Resigns, tion, 614, 711. Buys city lots, 300. Of 7th Pennsylvania Regi- xiv., 605. Accounts, 644, 646. ment, xiii., 98. Justice resigns, Accounts approved, xv., 356. xiv., 567. Hunt, John, to be seized, xi., 283. Hughes, Joseph, report of houses Sent to Virginia and dies, 472. built by him and Pawling at Wyo- Hunt, Martha, pardoned, iii., 244. ming, viii., 134. Hunter, Alex'r, Paymaster, xi., 81. Hulings, Captain John, xi., 32. Hunter, Alexander, Collector of ExPresents a model of a boat, and cise, leaves the country-his sucthanks, x., 296. cessor, xiv., 652. 150 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Hunter, Col. Daniel, Paymaster, xi., 542. His answer, 599. Further 277. proceedings, 603. L. B. McLene, Hunter, James, Paymaster, xi., 160. Prothonotary, removed-Andrew Hunter, Col. James, xi., 491. Henderson appointed, 622. SureHunter, John, Sheriff, v., 55. Con- ties, xvi., 32. Commissioners suited on law for bill of credit, appointed to ascertain county viii., 342. Asks longer time, lines, viz., Elliott Taylor and Har342, 538, 694. ris 46. Disturbances, 94, 95, 97. Hunter, Jonathan, imprisoned and Division of election districts, 111. enlarged, xi., 364. List of tavern keepers, 123. ReHunter, George, imprisoned and en- turns of militia officers, 171. larged, xi., 364. Tavern licenses, 434. Sheriff, Hunter, Joseph, Coroner, ix., 57. 210, 527. Captives in Ohio, 458. Hunter, Robert, an Indian marries Coroners, 210, 527. Councillor, Mrs. Montour, iii., 293. Paid for a 221, 241. Road from Franksgun, &c., when taken prisoner by town to Conemaugh, 252, 434. B. the British in 1777, xvi., 311. Elliott, treasurer, 284. AssemHunter, Samuel, a Justice, ix., 680; blyman, 539. Lieutenant, 454. x., 602; xi., 76, 110. Of Sus- Erected Sep. 20, 1787-stray quehanna county, paid for provi- horses, 315. Justices, 353. sions, 394. Lieutenant-Colonel — Huntingdon, lottery for Episcopal arms, 491. Letters, 508. Troops, church in, ix., 243. 510, 528. To supply men at Col. Huntingdon, Hon. Samuel, elected Potter's, 646. To be paid for re- Speaker of Congress, xii., 116. cruits, 719; xii., 46. Asks for Huntington, Gov. Samuel, letter to, powder, 50. Letter, Indian in- respecting Jno. Franklin, xv., 386. cursions, 72, 230, 234. Lieuten- Letters, 385, 386, 575. ant, 307, 743. For recruits, xiii., Hurricane, destructive, in leeward 132. Gun flints, 137, 150. islands, x., 57. Proclamation of Course approved, 292. Pay for Gov. Penn, 58. recruiting, 312. To contract for Hurst, Baron & Co., vs. Statesupplies, 356. Horse lost, 520. counsel employed, xiv., 52. Hunter, William, Ensign, xii., 338. Owned lot south of Lombard Hunter, Fort, 471. Capt. Busse at, street, public burying ground, vii., 362. Described, 724, 772. xv., 273. Hunter, Colonel, (Governor of New Hurst, Charles, petition for a pass to York) to meet at New York with England, xii., 72. To appear at Governor, ii.; 534. Demands Council, 258. ~2000 for Queen's use —decision of Hurst, Charles, and Timothy, claims, Council, 557. Respecting a coun- xv., 481. terfeiter, 567. Governor of New Hustanecks, a great Indian captain, York, on Indian murder, iii., 21. vii., 530. Communication from, 59. 62. Huston, Capt., recruits for Colonel Going to England, 68. Has partly Shirley's regiment-inquiry rein charge the post office, vii., 447. specting, v., 105. Huntingdon Co., divided from Bed- Huston, Lieut. W., wounded, alford, xv., 278. Prothonotary ap- lowed refreshments, xii., 308, pointed, Lazarus McLene, 279. 348. Register and Recorder, A. Hen- Huston, John, Sheriff, xvi., 518. derson, 283. Elections, 300. Hutchins, Thomas, Commissioner Councillor, 300, 327. Sheriffs, on boundary with Virginia, xiii., 300, 577. Coroners, 300, 577. 685. Paid as Commissioner to Justices, 330, 368, 527. Disturb- run line with Virginia, xiv., 236, ances in-proceedings of Councils 317. To run the new line, 402. respecting, 479. Justice Coyle re- To view roads, 442. signs, 526. Complaint against Hutchinson, Dr. James, with Dr. Prothonotary of county, 536, 541, Rush, to advise health officer INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 151 appointed surgeon of fleet, xi., lished, 635. Ordered to be read 543. Report, &c., 641. State at State House July 8, every surgeon, case referred to, xii., 2, member of committee, &c., re267, 278. Pay, 323. Member of quired to be present, 635. Assembly, 367. To deliver hos- Indian Corn, patent granted for pital stores, 506. To visit D. curing, iii., 18. Franks, 509. Director-General of Indians, agreement with, about militia hospitals, 445. Deed to, rum, i., 98. To have rum on xiii., 12, 57. Appointed director agreeing to be punished as white of hospitals, &c., 76. Certificate men are, 105. Selling rum to, to, 247. To apply public funds to 116. Kill hogs at the Falls, 139. planting fruit trees in Pennsylva- Complain against Jesper Farmler's nia hospital, xiv., 71. Paid as servants making them drunk, physician and surgeon to militia, 147, 148, 149. Complaint against 625. Asks for depreciation, 653, not selling powder and shot to 655. Paid, xv., 356. For at- them, 157, 158. Complaint tendance, &c., on John Franklin, against for rapine, &c., 162, 180. 640. Attendance, &c., on invalid Sale of liquors to, 187. Injury guard, xvi., 82. to N. Skull, &c., 187. Letter, Hyatt, John, Sheriff, iv., 500, 601, Governor and Council of New 669. York, respecting Susquehanna Hyder Ally, sale of ship, xiii., 445. and Schuylkill, 202. Rumored Bought for State, 450. invasion by Senecas and French Hyndshaw, James, deposition re- from Maryland, 277. And Papists, spect'g Connecticut settlers, viii., 299. Historical account of Mo612. hawks in 1665, 300. Lassie Cock, Hynson, Col. Nathaniel, conference proposed visit to; Council's inbetween Gov. Hart of Maryland, structions, 334. Proposed comand Gov. Keith, at the house of, panions, 335. Visit Philadelphia, iii., 60. 340. Visit to the Governor, 372. His conference with them, 372, 373. Respecting drink, 373. I. Views of the Quakers, 373. Arrested for stealing silver cups, Ice, goods damaged by, permission 376. French and, conspire — asked to sell, xii., 210. Mad. Le Tort, &c., 396. King Ichelburg, F. and J., represeritation Huquequeen, Shakuppoo, Kyenof Assembly respecting, xii., 280. turrah, Olemeon, 396, 435. Ihrie, Conrad, Jr., Coroner, xiv., Called Shallnavooners, 397. Pre557; xv., 100. sents to, 435, 436. Captain Cock, Imlay, Wm., to be seized, xi., 284. Peter Reverdie, interpreters, 435. Released, 295. Petition against French traders Immlr el, Michael, to be closely con- with, 436. Arrive in Philadelfined, xi., 357. phia, 447. Onteo, Menanges, Impeachment-Report of Committee Mohocksey, Tamance, Alemeon, to examine minutes, viii., 1, 12- &c., 447. Senecas, Onondagas, 17. 447. Story of West Jersey, 449. Impertinent -brig, prize to ship And French, 453. Peace with, General Greene, xii., 19. Her 454. Proposed to give part of condemnation to be obtained, 20. one penny revenue to, 468. MoImpressment of seamen, v., 326, ney expended for, 519. Fright327. ened by firing guns, 586. Trade Independence, declaration of, reso- bill proposed, 606. lution of Congress to send copies Agreement between William to various bodies, x., 634. Let- Penn and the Susquehannah, ters written by Committee of Shawnee and others, ii., 15. Safety to counties to have it pub- Trade with, 18. False alarm 152 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Indians- Indiansfrom, 20. Indian trade regula- Nicole Godine, a French trader tions, 21. A joint stock pro- among, complained of by Govposed, 21. Not, but chiefs to ernor, 385. Arrested, 390. buy rum, 21. License for selling Stranger, from Carolina at Shawto, necessary, 21. Various chiefs nese town, 390. M. Chartiere to be consulted, 26. Complaint sent to invite them to Philadelon sale of rum, 33. Happy issue phia, 390. Expenses of treaties of conference between New York with, 392-3, 394, 461. Nantiand, 35. Come to take leave of kokes, 394, 396, 397, 488. MesGovernor, 44. To be permitted sage from, complaining of several to give evidence, 46. Some Del- French traders, 403. License to aware and Conestoga, suspected to trade with, 404. Five Nations of murder and robbery, 70. At- to be engaged by New York in tack families at Conestoga, 121, expedition to Canada, 450. Gov122, 131. N. Godine, a trader, ernor sends excuse for not meetinformation respecting Carolina, ing the Conestogas, 451. Message and Potomacs, and Senecas and from Conestoga, 467. Presents Conestoga, 138. Coming to Phila- for, 467, 473. Of several tribes delphia to trade, Onondagoes, arrive at, 469. Conference with, Honoyoothacks, 140, 141. Or- 468-475. Indian slave Minogo tyiagh, chief of Conestogas, 141, imported, 490. Peter Bizalion, a 204. Complain of rum, 141. trader, arrested, 509. Suspicious Conference on affairs, 143. Con- belt of wampum-large meeting spiracy against Shawnese, 145. -Governor to attend, 509, 570. Harry's brother arrives, 153. Report of conference with, at Kagundanoyagh, an Onondago Conestoga, 511, 513, 516. Names chief arrives in Philadelphia, 159. of several Indian chiefs, 509, 511, Recommended by Governor to 516. Queen of Conestogas, 516. Assembly, 165. Arrive in Phila- Presents, 516. Expense of, 529, delphia, 183. From Conestoga, 546. Invite Governor to confer186. Alarms, 187. Manangy, ence at Conestoga, 531, 532, 533. chief on Schuylkill, arrives in Presents to, 533. Come to Philabehalf of Ganawese or Piscata- delphia on expedition to Canada, ways, ask permission to settle 537. Governor invited to conferhere, 191. Violence to English ence with, at Manatanny, 545. families, 191. Indian Harry's At E. Farmer's, 546. Numerous brother returns with presents belts and presents, 546-549. from Onondagoes, 204. To have Arrive from Conestoga, names of advantage of our laws, 212. For several chiefs, 553. Refer to proimprovement of trade with, 220, prietary's promises, 553. Com224. Conestoga, Shawnese and plain against traders, 554. ReGanawese arrive in Philadelphia, turn from Five Nations, report, 244. Conference with, 245. John 557. Presents from several Hans building a log trading house, named tribes, 557. Death of 246. Nantikokes, 246. Large Mechelokeety, 557. In Philadelbelt of wampum, its object, 246. phia, 561, 574. In Philadelphia, Present skins in, when of friend- 599-602. Conestogas move off ship, 248. Cost of last treaty, unexpectedly, 603. In Philadel248. Governor Evans visits Con- phia, 603. Complain of rum estoga, 251. Treaty with Cones- being sold to them, 604. Arrive togas, 299. To be secured in in Philadelphia, 606, 613. their allegiance and instructed in Disturbance among, at Conestothe Christian religion, 299. As- goe, iii., 15, 17, 18. Several sembly's address to Governor, tribes meet at Conestoga, 19. 299. Governor Evans visits, 385. Onechela's son killed, 20. MurAccount of his journey, 386-390. der of Catawba,' 21. Several INDEX TO COLONIAL ]RECORDS. 153 Indians- Indiansmurders by, in Virginia, 22. Tra- first settlement of province, 194, ders plundered by, 22. Articles 197, 203. Presents for, to be puragreed to by, 24. Expenses of chased by Isaac Norris, in New treaties with, 25, 58. Numerous York, 196. Governor's speech chiefs arrive and hold conference, and presents at Albany, 197. An45. Murders by Southern, and swer of-confirmation of "league alarms from, on Susquehanna, 66. of friendship," 200. Surrender Report of Col. John French on of lands by, at Albany, 201. Govisit to, 77-81. John Cartledge's vernor's answer to, 202. Reaccount of expenses, 81. Propo- specting, 204-207. Message to, sitions to Five Nations at Albany, from Council, 209. Answer to 82. Of Pennsylvania-their con- Governor's speech respecting Alduct, 85. James Logan's report bany and Virginia, 215. Speech of his visit to Conestoga, 92. In- to Governor, 216. Address from quiry as to right of Five Nations Ocowellos, King of Shawnese, to lands on Susquehanna, 98. 219. Answer to, 219. Present Letter-Governor of New York, of rum to, 219. Governor's anon affairs of, 99-102. Conference swer to, 219-221. Complain of at Philadelphia, 102. Presents mill and dam on Brandywine to, 105. Expenses and presents, creek, as hindering the fishing, 107. Agreement between, of 269. Conference in Philadelphia, Virginia and Conestoga, 114. De- 271. Purchase of lands on Susputies from Five Nations sent to quehanna spoken of, and effected. Conestoga, 119. Governor, &c., by Gov. Dongan, 278. " League visit them, 121. Conferences, of friendship" by Penn, alluded 121-130. Murder of, near Cones- to, 273. Presents to chiefs of toga, reported, and attributed to Five Nations, 273. Further conJ. or. E. Cartledge, 146. Logan & ference with them, 274. SettleFrench, sent to inquire about it- ments along the SusqLehanna their report of the conference objected to, 274. Governor's anwith, 148-156. Troubles on Sus- swer to, 275. Restricted in rum, quehanna, 160. Arrive in Phila. 276. Expenses of, 280. Gov. to from Conestoga - message from visit, 280. Kill Thomas Wright Five Nations, 163. Message from, at Snaketown, 285. Munscoes on by French & Logan, 165. Mes- Susquehanna, 286. The first acsage from Gov. to Assembly re- cident of the kind in the province, specting, 167. Conference with, 286. Miamis and Tweechtwees 168-170. Lands on Susquehan'a, threaten Mrs. Montour, Le Tort 178. Conference with at Cones- and Robert Hunter, 295. Examitoga, 181-185. Show Governor a nation of Indian reports of Mrs. parchment received from William Montour, &c., 295. Presents to, Penn, containing many articles 297. Shawnese kill Conestoga, of friendship between him and 302. Report of Gov. on visit to, the, 181. Declare his right to at Mahanotawny, 303. Message purchase (and their consent), and presents sent to, 305. Murlands on Susquehanna, 181. At der of, 306, 313. Proclamation Corray Town, 188. Governor's respecting, 307. Presents to, letter to Ganawese King, 188. 308. Flathead-propose makirg The Five Nations in want of pro- war against, 309. Council at visions, 189. Ask reprieve of Conestoga, 309-314. Messages John Cartledge, 189. Bodyto be from, 315. Meeting of several examined, 191. Presents to, 191. chiefs at Philada., 316. And an Governor's visit to Albany, to immense collection of inhabitants meet Five Nations -heads of at the great meeting-house, 318. treaty, 193. Penn's treaty, or Complaints James Logan, about "leagues of friendship" with, at Christians settling on their lands, 154 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Indians- Indianswhich had never been paid for, him to take back a large belt of 319. Deed for lands on Susque- wampum, which he does, 606. hanna, 321. Discussion between, In Philadelphia, conference and James Logan, relative to the with, iv., 53. Notice Governor's intended lands, 322. Also of A. death, 54. Speeches and answers, Hamilton, 324. And R. Hill, 324. 54. Presents to, 55. Conference Agreement with William Penn, at Philadelphia, 79-85. An un&c., about sale of lands, 325. usual number in PhiladelphiaInteresting discussion about their much disordered with liquor, 86. lands, between Logan, Hamilton Order of Council against supplyand Hill, 325. Minnissinks ing them with liquor, 87. Recharged with murder at Snake- lease lands west of Susquehanna town, 326. Murder by Morgan to proprietary, 88. Accidentally Herbert, &c., in Chester County, killed by Solomon Moffat, 88, 89. 326. Disturbances near Durham Recommend Shekellamy to special Iron Works, 329, 330. Letters notice, 88. Proclamation for apfiom, 333. In Philada., 333. And prehending S. Moffat, 89. J. LoCouncil, 334. Presents to, 337. gan's speech to, 90. Presents to, Expenses of, at Phila., 343. Con- 90. Receive message and wamference at Phila., 361. Tawenna pum from Governor of Maryland, alludes to Penn's house in town, 90. Request Governors of Mary363. Governor's speech to, 364. land and Virginia to be written to And presents, 365. Allowances respecting lands, 93. 203. Difto agents, 366. Of Brandywine ference between, and white men creek, 382. Louisiana, 402. in conducting business, 94. ExTreaty with Five Nations, 403. penses, 226. Treaty with Six Conference at Philadelphia, 404. Nations of, 233, 236. Shawnese Treaty of trade, 406, 408, 409. on Alleghany, 234. Treaty with, Proclamation respecting, 409, 411. 238. Message to, from proprieAt Phila., 425. Conference with, tary, 245. Murders of Catawbas, at, 435. Proprietary addresses 246. Commit outrage in Lancasthenm, 435. And their answer, ter county, 280. At Philadelphia, 437. Speech of chief, 438. Pre- 307. Presents to, 308. Special sents a mantle to Thomas Penn, present from Governor to Allum440. Strength of the Tweet- mappis, 310. Nutinmus and other wees, 440. Presents to 442. Re- Indians arrive, 312, 337. Exspecting Shawnese, 443. Minutes, penses, 319. Articles of agree446. Read to, 447. Present to, mentwith, by William Penn, 1701, from proprietary and Council, 338-340. Their time for business 450. Conference with, 451. At- is " when the sun is rising and tacked with small-pox-one dies not declining," 341. Conference in Phila., 463. Quassenungh re- with, 336-346. New treaty with, covers, 463. Treaties with, 493. 336. Conference-allude to the Conference at Philad'a, 500-505. two deaths of their tribe, 341. Speech of John Harris —building Awannameak, of Mennesink, a house at Juniata, 503, 504. wounds Henry Webb, who is sent Presents to, 506. Shot dead by to Philadelphia and placed under an officer, 513. Murder in Vir- care of Dr. Graeme, 413, 447. ginia, 564. At Phil'a, 571, 577. Letter from Governor to, 420, 573. Arrive at Phil'a, 597. Confer- Council with, at a Quaker meeting ence with, 598. Deeds from, to house, 432, 443. Presents to, 435. Wm. Penn, for lands on Susque- 446. Papers relating to the Delahanna, 600-603. Gov.'s speech wares, 481. In Philadelphia, 500. to, 605. Answer of Ganawese Ask payment for land, 501. chief respecting murders in Vir- Presents to, 502. Letter from ginia, attended by Governor, asks Shawnese and Mingoes, complain INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 155 Indians- Indiansing of rum sent among them, 502. On Mississippi, threatening Expenses, 549. Deputies from signs of joining French and atSix Nations arrive-agree to quit tacking northern provincesclaim to lands-receive presents, snow shoes, v., 1, 5 Treaty with, 559-583. Names of those present, at Albany, 7. Report of Com583-586. Presents to, 573, 575, missioners, 7-26. Six Nations, 578. Expenses, 576, 583. Com- 36, 72. C. Weiser sent to Shaplain of deer getting scarce, mokin to inform of death of John hunting grounds less aundtrader's Penn, 73. At Chamber's Millprices of goods higher, 581. Scaientes from Cayuga nation, 83. Conspiracy with certain, and Message, &c. by C. Weiser to French, to cut off inhabitants of Indians at Joseph Chambers, 84. Pennsylvania and Maryland, 587. Tistagechroanu, a nation of, N. Nations, with whom the Six Na- of Lake Frontenac, 85. And tions are in alliance, 586. Letter French united against English, to, from Gov. T., 588. Imrpris- 97. On or near Lake Erie, 120. oned in Maryland, 588. On Ex- C. Weiser's visit to, at Shamokin, penses, 600. Petition of Captain 136. Presents for, 139. Sent to John Titami, 624. Respecting John Harris's, 139. From Ohio lands sold by Six Nations, 625. arrive, 145. Conference with, Skirmish with, in Virginia, 630. 146-151. Presents to, 151. LetGovernor's message respecting, ter from Conrad Weiser, 162. 634. Letter of Governor to Con- Arrive with him at Paxton, 164. rad Weiser, 635. Message of As- Message from Assembly respectsembly on, 637. Letter from ing Ohio, 184. Cost of presents Governor of Virginia and report ought to be divided among other of C. Weiser on, 640. His second colonies, 188. Letters to Govs. report, 646-650. Conference at Gooch and Ogle, 189. ProclamaPhiladelphia, 651. Mediation of tion against rum, 193. Presents Governor Thomas with, in favor for, 197. Governor Ogle on affairs of Virginia, 653-655. James of, 209. Respecting Ohio, 210. Hendrick's deposition respecting Conrad Weiser and Shekalamy alarm from, in Lancaster county, attend Council to consult about 656. Letter from Conoy Indians, successor to Oluriny, deceased 657. Governor's message respect- king of Delawares, 222. Ononing, 658. Instructions to Conrad dago deputies expected, 222. Weiser on journey to Onondago, Robbed by James Denny of horses, 655. His report, 660. Murders 229. Letter from Gov. Gooch reby Delawares, 675, 678, 679. C. specting Ohio, 257. Account of Weiser sent to Shamokin, 676. moneys received and paid for to His report, 680-684. Treaty at be prepared, 269. Maryland reLancaster, 697-737. Prices of fuses to make allowance for Ingoods for, regulated, 747. Treaty, dians, 273. Message from Six 739. Shawanese unfriendly with Nations, 285. Letter to Governor other tribes of, 741. Delawares Clinton respecting, 286. Instrucin Philadelphia, 742. Trial of, by tions to Conrad Weiser, 290, 304. Supreme Court, 751, 752. Ca- Letter from Governor Shirley, tawbas and Virginia dispute with, 295. Commissioners, 299, 305. 755. From Shamokin arrive, Treaty at Lancaster-report, 306767. Negotiations at Onondago, 319. Day and night means a 768. Presents to, 768. Affairs year, 310. Calumet-pipe, exat Albany, 770. And French in planation of ceremony with, 313. Canada, 772, 773. Commission- Dinner to, 315, Treaty signed, ers appointed to Albany, 772, 316. Expenses of treaty at Lan777. Journal and report of Con- caster, 327, 333. Message to Asrad Weiser, 777. sembly respecting, 329. Gov o156 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Indians Indiansernor of South Carolina complains French and, 599. At Ononagainst Catawbas, 346. Journal dago invited by Governor of of Conrad Weiser to Ohio, 348- Virginia to a council at Winches358. Distances to places, 348. ter, 607. And French on way to Arrive in Philadelphia, 388. build forts at Ohio, 607. Report Conoys claim lands-discussion of, on Ohio-Logstown, &c., 614. about-presents, 383. Proclama- Presents, 617. Monocatootha, tion against settlers on their lands, 615. Death of king of Twigh394, 410. Consultations with twees, 619. On alliance between Six Nations, 395. Proclamation, England and Six Nations, 617. not to sell rum to, 397. Arrive, Letters on, fiom Oswego, 622-628. 398. Presents to, 403, 406, 517, On Virginia, 628-637. WVoman's 518. Injuries from, 404. In- story, 643. Commissioners to dians in Philadelphia, 405. In meet at Carlisle, 658. Custologo, Ohio, 423, 431. Conference with a Delaware, and leading man, 660. Mr. Peters, &c., at Cumberland, The "Half King " of the Six Na431. Views of Council, 436. tions of very great note and esMessage from the Twightwees, teem, 660. Report of Commis437. Lands unpurchased-report sioners to Carlisle to hold conferof R. Peters-proceedings against ence with, 665-684. Those pressettlers on, 440-449. Indian ent, 685. Various speeches, &c., traders killed by, 449. Govern- 691. Proposal to release lands orWs answer to message of Twigh- on Ohio, 695. Message from Govtwees, 449. Col. Johnson on In- ernor H. to. 705. Sick in Philadian affairs, 463. Assembly and delphia-sent home with John Gov. of New York on do., 467. Patten, 707. And French, 707Cannasatego dies and is buried, 722, 730. Croghan's journal, 467. Also Soleon Walaghly, 467. 731. Speeches, 733. MIessage, At head of affairs is a Roman 749. Murder near Log's town, Catholic, 467. Put out Council 753. Treaty at Carlisle, 754. fire, 471. English traders taken Affairs, 763. prisoners, 481, 484. Letter from And French affairs, vi., 1-9. Governor Clinton to Governor H. Commissioners to Albany, 23, 25. on, 495. Letter from George Message to, 25. Speech of Half Croghan, 496. Speech of a Cay- King, 31. C. WVeiser's report at uga Sachem to Colonel Johnson Shamokin, &c., 35, 36. Proceedand his reply, 508-511. Affairs ings of Congress at Albany, 57on Ohio, 513. Letter from C. 129. Nations present, 75, 78. Weiser, 517. Instructions to Murder of English fishermen at Croghan and Montour, 518. Pri- Canso, 87. Lands, 93. Speech vate to Croghan —say nothing of River, 94. Meetings of Comnabout a fort, 522. Information mlissioners of Pennsylvania at from G. C., 522. Treaty with Albany with, for purchase of Twightwees, 523, 524. Treaty lands-deeds for, &c., 114-129. with several tribes, 532. Speech Influence of Lydius, Woodbridge of Governor H., 533. Nanticokes and Hendrick, 117. Influence of arrive from Wyomen, 543. Heavy French on, 129. Letter from expenses of their affairs, 546. Ononraguite - chief of Saulte Complaint against traders, 547. taken prisoner bythe French, 129. Expenses of treaty with, not to be Governor H., &c. on Indian affairs, borne by proprietaries, 544. 145. Treaty at Auckquick, 147Onondacks join French, 547. 169. Death of Kissakoquilla, Message from Shawnese to Gov- 154. Present at treaty, 159. ernor, and answer, 569-579. Notified by Governor Morris of Moravian missionaries to, 576. his appointment, 169. Message Attack on Twightwees town by to Delawares, 187. Proposals of INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 157 Indians- IndiansFrench to, 188. Tanachrisson attacks of, 669. Great Cove dearrives, 193. Conference with, stroyed by-Sherman's Valley, 192-200. Discourse between &c., 673-677, 680. Conference Twightwees and Owendats, at Philadelphia, 680-689. ScaroGovernor objects to mouth of yady and Montour sent under inJuniata as a place for, 218. Ne- structions to Delawares, 697. cessaries for —some gone to Wills' Braddock's defeat has occasioned Creek, 226. Hendrick and other war with, 700. Murders at TulMohocks arrive in Philadelphia, pehocken, 703-706. Cause of 243, 244, 247. Cherokee Indians, alienation, 710. Report on, 724prisoners to French, arrive with a 728. Attack and burn Mahoney pass from Albany Commissioners, and Gnadenhutten, 736, 738. 276. Conference at Philadelphia, Trade bill, 743. Invited to con277-286. Opinion of Lydius ference, 745. Address of Bethdeed, 279. Letters respecting, lehem Indian, 747, 750, Message 286, 287. Names of, present at from, at Wyomink, 751. InCouncil, 291. Henry Brandt and structions to Commissioners to Seth, 291. Scaroyady's account invite, to a conference at Harris's, of proceedings, 340. Mohawks 754. Hostilities in Northampton in Philadelphia, 341, 344, 352. county, 756, 758-761. Council Complain of being naked, 359. at New York on Indian affairs, Conference in Philadelphia, 360- 765. Brief narrative of incur365. Names of, present, 360. sions of French and, in province, Further proceedings, 370. Set- 1755, 766-768. Conference at tiers on lands of, 420. Death of Carlisle, 773-784. Kishycoquillas, a Shawnese chief, Conference at Carlisle, vii., 1421. C. Weiser and Shekallamy 6. AtLancaster, 7. Conestogoes, visit Ostreacky and confer with, 7. Names of those present, 1-7. from Canasoragy, 444, Persons Governor's speech to-hostilities, missing from near Fort Cumber- 1-7, 9. Presents to, 9, 58. land, 455, 457. Murders near Scalp and strings to be sent to CoShippensburg, 459. At Little lonel Johnson, 10. Governor Meadows, 460. Murders near Hardy complains of, 10. Gideon Fort Cumnberland, 461. Confer- Hawley says they are hostile, 12. ence at Colonel Johnson's, 468- And French affairs, 18, General 475. Jagrea on his return from Shirley's speech to Six Nations, Owendots, 495. Letter, C. Wei- 21. In Virginia, 31. Report of ser, about women, 494. Women C. Weiser at Harris's ferry, 33. from Auckwick -understanding Plan to kill, at do., 34. Oneida's, with their husbands, 494. In Senecas, &c., 43. In PhiladelPhiladelphia, 522. Col. Weiser's phia, 46-55. Troubles in back opinion of, 535. Anxious to hear counties, 55-58. Danger on the from Government, 536. Scaroy- way from Conestogoes, 59. Pready's son-in-law to return to Ohio, fer going to Pennsbury, 61. Con536. Weiser's history of the ference at Philadelphia, 64. Of Owendot, 551. Conference in Auckwick before Braddock's dePhiladelphia, 566-568, 588. feat arrive in Philadelphia, 64. Council of war, 608. With, 612. Entertained by Governor MI., 64. Messageof Scaroyady, 615. Mes- Speech of Scaroyady, 65. Consage of Governor to, on defeat of ference, 70-72. Number present French at Lake George, 637. at treaty at Mount Johnson, 72. Letters relating to, 640-643. Af- Hostilities at McCord's fort, 77. fairs at Jno. Penn's creek, 645- Conference at Philadelphia, 78, 662. Murder of Henry Hart- 137, 144. Scalps-declaration of man, &c., 668, 669, 770. Advice war recommended, 78. Bill for of inhabitants to prepare against trade with, 93. At Philadelphia, 158 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Indians- Indians90-94. Newcastle's child to be Fort Augusta, 294. Report of taken care of by Governor, 95. Cap. New Castle, 296. ConferWVar with Delawares, 88-103, 144. ence at Fort Augusta, 299. InSpeech of New Castle, &c., to vade Berks county and murder, Governor, 145. Conversation of 302. At Fort Allen, 305. Right C. Weiser with, on the war, 106. of proprietaries to make war with, Conference with, and speech of on treaties, 305. Conference at Governor, 107. Governor Hardie Easton, 309. Governor complains on, 113. Report of delegates of indulging their notions about from the Six Nations, 115. Con- treaty, 311. Treaty at Easton, ference with, 137-142. Memoran- 313-338. Teedyuscung explains dum of New Castle, &c., journey "fraud,' and alludes to the "Into, on" Susquehanna, 137. At dian walk," 326,351. Purchases Phila., Delawares, Shawnese, &c., from, by proprietaries - Com137-142, 144. Suspension of hos- mittee of Council appointed to tilities with Delawares, 144. Ad- investigate, 354. George Crogdress of Governor and people to, han appointed by Sir Wm. Johnon Susquehanna, 145. Letters son agent, 355, 434. Murders in from Commissioners to Governor, Berks and Northampton county, they meet Council-examinations 357. Examination respecting, of persons, &c., 153-155. Burn 357. Murdered near Muskingum, houses at or near Shamokin, 154. three, and a prisoner blown up, Conference between Colonel Clap- 381. Son of Captain Jacobs ham and Ogaghraderisha, 156- killed, 381. Various names160. Letters, Wmi. Edmonds and friendly association raise money WVm. Parsons —murder, &c., 165, for, 391. Deposition at Fort 167. Scalpingpartytobe recalled, Loudoun, 395. Indian walk, 167. May be received at Beth- 1737-N. Scull certificate respectlehem, 170. Messages to, at ing, 399. Memorandum at Fort Diahoga, 170. At Bethlehem, Allen, 431. Cause of war, 431. speech to — and names, 174. In Philadelphia, 436. And French Trade, 177. Conference with, 182. preparing for Fort Augusta, 453. Intelligence of intended attack At Bethlehem desire a watch, 459, from Diahoga, 186. Nine nations 461. Arrive at Bethlehem from in English interest, 188. Arrival Diahoga, 461. At Harris's, 462, at Bethlehem, 188. Difficulty 465. New Jersey minute, 467. feared, 190. At Philadelphia, At Fort Allen, 474. On their way 192. Declaration of war by New to Bethlehem to kill whites, 477. Jersey against, 194. At Phila- Shawnese and Delawares in Fort delphia, 198. Message from Tee- Allen-murder at Conegocheague, dyuscung, 199. Address of New 379, 503. Provisions scarce at Castle, 199. Sunday not known Wyoming, 479. Afraid of sickto, 205. Treaty at Easton, 204- ness in Philadelphia, 479. Con220. Murder on frontiers, 214. estoga, send deputies with letter Wampum attreatydescribed, 216. to Governor D., 484. Speech of Governor M. communicates seve- chiefs at Lancaster, 485. And ral letters, &c. received by him Governor, 486. Wnm. Logan on affairs of, 230-235. Indian sent to, with instructions, 488. captures at Kittanning, 242. Memorandum by C. Weisor, 489. Statement of cruelties to Richard At Lancaster, 497. Catawbas arCoxe, &c., 248. Colonel Arm- rive at Fort Cumberland, 502. strong's report, 257. At Wyo- Murders, 379, 503. Croghan's ming on way to Easton, 267. minutes of his proceedings with, Prisoners taken, 282-289. Let- at Harris' and Lancaster, 506ter, Wm. Parsons, respecting, 517. Conference of Governor, ~88. Fears of French and, at &c. with, at Lancaster, 517-551. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 159 Indians- IndiansNames of representatives of Six Committee on complaints of, Nations present, 507. Six Onon- against proprietaries in, 756, 776. dago warriors permitted to go to Conference at Philadelphia, Fort Cumberland, 512. Speeches, viii., 9, 29, 40, 51, 54, 86, 110, 529. Two prisoners examined, 114, 122, 149, 156, 403, 429-435, 531. Murders at Swatara, 538. 466, 484-495, 698-702, 707, 709. Hung in New Jersey for accidental Trade with, 19, 24, 29, 39, 51, 71, homicide, 540. On lands at Wyo- 76, 234, 241, 303, 332. Teedyming and Juniata, 540. Propose uscung's insolent reply, 29. Sir Winm. Johnson as a model, 542. Insists on his clerk being present, Governor proposes to invite Dela- 30, 31. Names of, in Philadelwares to settle at Shamokin, 543. phia, 31. Residences of several Deaths by small-pox, 547. Gov- nations, 35. Assembly in favor ernor's message to Teedyuscung, of distant,. 39. Attack Fort Ed546. Guard for, from Lancaster ward, 60. Cherokees at Fort to Philadelphia, 549. Thomas Loudown, destitute, 77, 78, 111. McKee's instructions to conduct, Speech of Teedyuscung, &c., at to Shamokin, 550. Minutes of Mr. Horsfiield's, 84. Murders, 95. Conference with Cherokees, 552. Letters from Jno. Edwin respectReturn of messengers to Beth- ing, 98. Ravages in Berks Co., lehem, 587. Minutes of, 588. &c., 99. Catawbas at Fort LouReport of Thomas McKee, 597. doun, 111. Cherokees, 112. Deaths from small-pox, 597. Conestogas, 113. Speeches of Murders at Great Cove, 599. Governor to, 117. " Caligh Cherokees at Fort Cumberland, Wanorum,"I Custom of Northern 601. The Swallow Warrior killed with wampum, 119. "Fat Bear," in Virginia and his son wounded — meaning of, 119. Conduct of murders, 601, 603, 604. Murder French Commander at Fort Duof a sentry, 619. Proceedings at quesne towards, 119-121. Arrive Fort Johnson, 622-624. In Vir- from Winchester, Va., with passginia, 631. Murders near Fort ports from General St. Clair, 124. Loudoun, 631. Letter from, 636. News brought by Benjamin, a Lands purchased from, 636. An- Mahakin, living near Bethlehem, swer to Committee of Friendly as- 126. On Susquehanna alarmed sociation, 637. Address from, by arrival of Cherokees, 126. 638. Answer, 647. Treaty at Messages to, proposed, 128. F. Easton, 648-714. Presents for, Campbell appointed agent to Fort at Easton-list of, 671, 672. Augusta, declines-N. Holland Alarm from, and, 718. Alliance appointed, 99, 128, 129. Message with, at Easton, 720, 733. Take of Governor to Teedyuscung and off J. Keller's wife, &c.,- 735. Indians at Wyoming, 129. MesDelawares disappointed at not sage of Governor and General finding goods, 735. Abuses in Forbes to, on Susquehanna, 131. the trade with, 739, 742, 747, 759, Charles Thomson and F. Post, 763, 768. Cherokees -and Mo- messengers, hold conference with hawks arrive in Philadelphia Teedyuscung, &c., at Nescopec, from Colonel Johnson, 753. Sent 132. Report of Hughes and Pauon to Winchester, 754. Murders ling on building houses at Wyoin Northampton county, 757. ming —a mason killed by, 134. Designs of, in New York, 762. Message from two Cherokee chiefs Letter from chiefs of Onohagh- to Delawares, 135. Barbarities in guaga, 763. Councilat Philadel- New Jersey complained of by phia with Conestogoes, 768. At Governor Bernard, 139, 140. Sent Philadelphia, 770. Letter from messengers to Ohio, 147. Girl Indian Commissioners, 772. Cas- delivered up, 148. Minnisinks tirequa, a chief, 773. Report of and Senecas arrive, 149. Speech 160 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Indians- Indians - of Sir Wm. Johnson to Delawares, tions to F. Post on journey to 151. Conference at Burlington, conference on Ohio, 469, 491. 156. Munseys are "women," Hunting forbidden on their lands, 157. Mohawks and Cherokees 482, 484. Conference at Philawith Scaroyacly's wife and children delphia, names, &c., 484-495, arrive, one Cherokee sick, 162. 497-500. Letter from N. Holland, Death of Annaly-they ask for Indian agent at Shamokin, 500. guns and horses, 163. The port Expected, 583. Conference with Mahon-Captain Wallace requires Jo Peepy, and message to Govermen-if three hundred are sup- nor, 586. With Teedyuscung, plied, Admiral Boscawen promises &c., at Philadelphia, 594, 598. to send the Echo of thirty-two With Nanticoke, 614-620. Enguns, 163. Assemble at Easton, glish prisoners given up by, 628, 165. Arrive at Fort Allen, 167. 629. Arrive at Easton, and Assembly on Indian affairs, 170. visit Governor, 629. Conferences Rum not to be sold to, 172. at Easton, 630-654. At PhiladelReport and conference with Pis- phia, 654-661. Letter of Goverquitom, 174. Conference at Eas- nor H. to Beaver and Shingas, ton, 174-223. Names of the 690. Conferences with Western, several nations at, 176. Refer to at Lancaster, 721-774. Presents being defrauded of land in Penn- to, 774. Letter, Governor H. to sylvania and New Jersey, 199. King Beaver, &c., 778. To GovTeedyuscung's account of Waping erlnors of Maryland and Virginia Wapinger, or River Indians, and respecting, 779. their peculiar wampum, 217. Trade with, ix., 21, 24, 25, 552, Settlement with, for lands by 568, 582, 642, 656, 658, 660, 706. Messrs. Peters and Weiser, 218. Complain of Connecticut settlers, Agents for Indian trade at Fort 27. Agents sent to Wyoming, Allen, appointed, 234. Confer- &c., 29. Hostilities by Western, ence with General Forbes at 30, 74. Murders by, on frontiers, Philadelphia, 263-269, 270. 31. Murder of John Fincher, &c., Thomas King, 270. R. Tuckness, near Sinking Spring, 43, 69. Indian agent resigns, George Allen Murders in Northampton county, appointed, 286. Colonel Hugh 58. Conferences at Philadelphia, Mercer's account of, 292. Min- 44, 66, 76, 85-88, 328, 604, 610, utes of conference with, at Pitts. 736, 773. Conestoga, address burgh, 293-297. F. Post, mis- from, asking protection, 88. sionary to, 301. Ohio ought not Murder by whites-E. Shippen's to be invited to conference, 301. letter, 89, 94, 400. Troops called.Delawares talk of moving to Kus- for by General Gage, 90. On kusky, 305. Conference with Province island, greatly exposed, Colonel Mercer at Pittsburg, 306, 100. List of Conestogas mur311. Messengers to, 341. News dered, 103-113. Sent for William from Pittsburg, 377. Minutes of Johnson — Under protection of conference at, 382-391, 393, 395. Captain Robinson-Reply of GovHorse stolen by Delawares, 401. ernor of New York, 113-122. Conference, 415-421. Minutes of Memorial of Pompunagh and conference at Pittsburg, 429-435. others in barracks, 135. Memorial, With Teedyuscung, 435. Mur-'Smith, Gibson, &c., on frontiers, der of Dr. John, &c., at Carlisle, 138. Declaration of frontier in455, 709. Complaints, and con- habitants, 142, 146. To be ference with Conestoga Indians at removed from barracks, 170. Lancaster, 457. John Chicka- Reward offered for scalps, 189. salary at Fort Augusta sends for Approval by Sir Wm. Johnson, C. Weiser, 458. Conference in 189. David Owen lives with, Philadelphia, 463-469. Instruc- 190. Treaty of peace concluded INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 161 Indians- Indianswith, by Colonel Bradstreet, Presents, 536. Messengers refuse 192-197. Terms obtained by Col- to go to Red Stone, 543. Seneca onel Bouquet, 208, 209, 238. George shot, 603. Present of Speech of Onondago and Oneidas, condolence with, 604. Minutes 209. Of Colonel Bouquet, 210- of conference at Shamokin, 610234. Peace with tribes on Ohio- 620. Conference with, at Big Journal of conferences with Geo. Island, 620. Arrive from Diahoga Croghan and, 249-264. Names in distress, 648. Munceys hold of tribes met at Fort Pitt, 256. conference at Philadelphia, their Proclamation of Governor Penn chief, Meetham, 689, 694. Conat, 264. Trade with, 265. Con- ference at German Flats, 708. ference with Sir WVm. Johnson, Complaints against Pennsylvania 266. Treaty between Sir Win. satisfied, 709. Three thousand Johnson and, 277-280. Murder pounds givento, 709. Killbuck and near Fort Cumberland, 304. others bring letter from Netotway, Conference at Fort Pitt-Murders, a Delaware chief, and hold con321-323. Proclamation respect- ference at Philadelphia, 736-742. ing settlers on lands of, 328, 403, Peace between Six Nations and 407, 408. Conference with Nan- Southern, 776. A Shawnee, robticokes, Conoys, Mohickons, &c., bed, asks aid, 777. at Philadelphia-Presents, 329- Conferences at Phila., x., 10, 332. Murder of an Indian re- 12, 61, 255. Trade with, &c., 21. garded as meritorious on frontiers, Keyashuta, a Seneca chief, in 350. Of Bucks county com- Philadelphia, receives a present, plained of, 385. Causes of ill- 55. Garrison at Fort Pitt, 74. temper of, 408. Assembly on Lands, proclamation against setPaxton murders, 408-412. Sir tiers on, 95. War with, feared, Wm. Johnson on difficulties with, 193. A Delaware, Joseph Wipey, 412. Murder of, by Frederick murdered - proclamation, 199. Stump, 414-490. Delawares Death of Sir William Johnson, complain of settlers' on their 200. The Shawnese separate from lands, 426, 448. Message from the Delawares-threaten war with Assembly, 465. Condolence with, Virginia, 201. Message of Gov'r 466. Money raised to pacify, 467. Penn to Shawnese, recommendPresents for, 468. List of per- ing peace with Virginia, 203. sons belonging to Pennsylvania And to Delawares, 205. Disturbmurdered by, 469. Names of ances in Virginia, 208. Arrive, Indians killed by F. Stump, 470. 238, 255. Claim of lands by Letter from, at Great Island, 480. Conestoga, 255, 256. Shawnee Proclamation against settlers on John, a disabled, presented with lands of, 481. Are found dead in powder, 435. To distribute priSusquehanna, 487. Commission- soners, 500. At Fort Pitt, 754. ers to attend treaty at Fort Pitt, Treaty at Easton, xi., 97. Va491, 492, 493, 506. Sir William rious articles provided for, 108, Johnson holds a conference with 142. Ask for a flag in exchange the Six Nations, 496, 568. From for Wampum, 212. Country to Susquehanna connected with mur- be penetrated, 261. Depredations ders arrive at general congress, in Westmoreland - Gen'l Hand, 506. Reverend Mr. Steele's re- 342, 347. In Bedford co., 382. port of proceedings, 507. Names Murders in Northumberland co., of Indians at Red Stone, also of 403. Alarm from, in Cumberland inhabitants, 508. Conference -militia to' defend inhabitants with, at Fort Pitt, 514-543. Mes- from, 410. Murders by, 489, 506. sages of Governor Penn to, 517, Ravages at Wyoming, 528. At519. Murders of Englishby, 521, tack party going from Fort Pitt to Speech of commissioners to, 530. Fort Lawrence, &c., 699. Murders 11 162 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Indians- Indiansat Bushy run, 718. Jesse Thomp- to, 379, 400. Murders by preson scalped by, 747. Depreda- sent to, 471, 507, 515. Murders, tions near Sunbury, 765. 476. Petitions to trade with, 521. Invade Northampton co., xii., Genl. Clark's expedition, 558. 57. In Northumberland co.- Execution of an, for murder, orsurrender of Fort Freeland, 62. dered, 585. William -McClay Incursions in Maryland, 72. Fears distributes goods to, at Wyoming from, in consequence of General 604. Report of Winm. McClay reSullivan's removal from North- lating to the Six Nations of, 658, umberland, 138. In Northum- 663. berland, 230. Lands, 265. Pre- Provisions for Scotosh, a Wymium offered for scalps in North- andot chief, &c., xv., 54, 58, 60. umberland, co., 311. Invasions, Robbery of, near Tioga-restored 312. Heavy rewards offered for by Council, 91. Choctaws and prisoners and scalps, 328. Mur- Chickasaws, with John Woods, ders in Berks co., 466. Delawares interpreter, in Philad'a-receive at Conshocking declare war ag'st presents, 229. Horse purchased Senecas, 586. Scalp, reward to for Cherokee chief, 232. Change Capt. S. Brady, for one, 632. In in resolution of Council, respectNorthampton co., 717. ing chiefs, 233. Expenses of Expedition against, proposed, Cherokee chief and Capt. Dromxiii., 132. Invasions of, feared, goole, interpreter, paid, 238. 169. Scalp paid for, 201. Alarm Presents new suit of clothes for from, 248. In Northampton co., interpreter, John Woods, 239. 337. Invade Berks county, 350. Expenses, 240. Detained at LanConsultation with General WV., on caster by sickness of interpreter, expedition against, 356, 368, 369, 250. Expenses paid to S. Hodg371, 373, 406. Invade Northum- don, 277. Pay for services in berland co., 417. Deeds to be watching their movements on applied for, of John Penn, 419. frontiers, 310. Murders in WashDeeds delivered to Mr. Osborne, ington co., 317. Depredations 438. Returned, 462. Pay for on frontiers, 323. Militia ordered services against, 535. Scalps out, 323. John Woodsin service paid for, 536. Report of E. Doug- of the department respecting, lass' agency, 681. Letter from 366. Troops called for by ConDelegates in Congress, on affairs gress, against, 515. Pacific, near of, 699. Pittsburg, 531. Commissioners Commissioners for treaty with, to, on Erie triangle, 553, 554. xiv., 40, 47. Place of meeting, Generals Butler and Gibson send 51. Commissioners to have deeds, list of goods for, 604. Committee 54. Instructions, 72. Number to inquire into fund for purchase of troops necessary for Comem'rs, of lands on Lake Erie, from, 607. 142. Assembly on, 185. Arti- Report of Committee on, and cles to be procured for Comm'rs, purchase of goods-Col. Johnston 186. Copies of deeds made for appointed, 609. Indian blankets use at Trenton, 240. Letter at Pittsburg, 617. Goods purfrom Commissioners, 261. Pur- chased for, 618. chase from the Six Nations, 271. Purchase of triangle on Lake Pay to sundry persons for losses Erie from-Grant of land to Cornsustained in Crawford's expedition planter, xvi., 38. goods for, 63. against, 310. Isaac Wilson, a On their way to New York, ask prisoner, with, 344. Message in- for money, 135. Receive it, 136, forming of treaty at Fort Stan- 144. Act of Congress providing wix, with, 366. Representation for expenses of treaties with, 141, from two sachems of Six Nation 142. Payments to Generals Buttribes, 374. Present of two guns ler and Gibson, 178. A spy upon INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 163 Indians- Ingersoll, Jared, sent to Connectithe, paid, 227. Depredations in cut, xi., 291. Assists Attorney Washington county, 264. Defence General in proprietary claims, of frontiers against, 297. In 737. Delegate to Congress, xii., Washington county, 306. Corn- 371. planter and other chiefs petition, Inglis, John, named commissioner 353. Letter from Council to, in to settle accounts of Duquesne, reply, 357. Joseph Nicholson, viii., 323. their interpreter, 362. Detach- Inland navigation, correspondence ment of Cumberland militia under with Maryland and Delaware resCaptain Samuel Holliday against, pecting, xiv., 585, 669, 672. 363. Colonel McGilivray and Commissioners meet, xv., 134, chiefs of Creeks on their way to 135. New York-Arrive in Philadel- Innes, Colonel James, letters to and phia, 395. Two friendly Indians from —Defeat of Washington, vi., (Senecas?) murdered by whites 50, 141. Going to Wills Creek, on Pine Creek-Proclamation, 141. Builds fort at Wills Creek, &c., against murderers, 396, 397, 180. Indian murders, 461. 398. Correspondence of Council Braddock's defeat, 478 - 499. with, and others on the subject Noticed, 602. of the murder, 398. Letter from Inn-keepers, to report strangers, ii., Council to Colonel McGilivray, 13. 404. Trade with, Act of Con- Inomoy Creek, running into Lake gress, and treaties, 415. Supposed Erie, v., 97. murderers of, arrested in Port- Inscription on leaden plates suihk land, 422. Pine Creek murders, by French in Ohio river, v., 510. 437. Visit of Cornplanter, 438. Insolvent Debtors, observations on, Address and wampum from, by iii., 376. Oliver Phelps, 439. Council pay Inspectors for Counties-Law for Indians for murders, 440. Robert choosing, v., 566. King, messenger, paid, 442. In Inspectors, law respecting, vi., 623, Berks and Bucks, 462. Doyle 624. Of elections, ix., 17, 296. arrested, 464. Reward paid for, Of flour, xiv., 444, 445, 487. Of 483. Cornplanter and others in lumber, &c., 488. Of staves and Philadelphia-Speeches to and heading, 488. Of fish, 488. Of from, 497. Their expenses paid, salt provisions, xii., 486. Gene498. Conference between Corn- ral, xv., 77. planter and Council on, respect- Instructions, TVm. Penn to Governor ing treaty at Fort Stanwix for Keith, iii., 63. To Governor lands on Erie, 501-509. Letter Burnett of New York about supto Cornplanter from Council- plies for defence, 119. To Messrs. Payment to interpreter, 511. Preston and Kinsey on going to Chief Great-Tree wounded in his Maryland, iv., 206. From Proleg, under treatment by Dr. prietary on bills of credit, 318. Jones, 512. Cornplanter and Additional, to Governor Thomas, Half-Town asks to remain till 471. To Commissioners to Albany, arrival of President of United 775-777. To Captain Ballet, of States, 513. Defence against, the Otter, v., 241. Captain Tayin Bedford and Northampton lor to John Sibbald, 284. To counties, 515. Croghan and Montour, respecting Indigo, purchased by State, xi., 537. presents to Indians, 518. To Industry, brig, Captain Barton, John Patten, 707. To Conrad privateer, xi., 21. Weiser, vi., 147. Proprietary, Ingelo, Richard, Clerk of Council, discussion as to submitting to i., 47. Assembly, 220-223. Long mesIngels, George, Inspector of lumber, sage of Assembly on, 226-236. xv., 322. Governor's answer, 236-243. To 164: INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Scarroyady and Montour, 697. To R. Elliott-An express to To Commissioners to Indians, Wyoming, xiv., 636. To delegates 754. To James Young, vii., 162. in Congress on form of cession by To Governor Denny (additional), Connec'nt, xv., 20. For Commiswar against France, 269. Sir sioners on inland navigation to Wm. Johnson to George Croghan be drafted, 60. To Colonel N. as Indian agent, 355, 435. To Dennison, 293. Valentine EckCaptain George Armstrong, 525. hart, 295. To Comptroller GenTo Thomas McKee to conduct eral, xvi., 80-81. To Evans Indians to Shamokin, 550. From Owen for a road, 85. To CoinGovernor D. to F. Post, with missioners to view rivers, 181, message to Teedyuscung, viii., 208, 337. For, sale of barracks at 138. Proprietary, 324. To F. Lancaster, 350. Post, 469. To James Burd and Interest or forbearance, i., 223, 226. Thomas McKee, agents to Wyo- On money, act proposed, ii., 214. ming, ix., 29. To Governor H., Interpreters, i., 435. 60. Colonel Burd, 61. From Intestate Estates, proposed act, ii., Proprietaries to Governor Penn, 224. Difficulties about, referred, 117. To Captain Schlosser res- iii., 234. Laws proposed or pecting Conestoga Indians, 126. passed, 373, 375, 376, 429. Act To Governor Penn, on settlers on respecting, ix., 153, 155, 156, 161, western lands, 321. To Reverend 339. John Steele and other commis- Intrenching tools, x., 599. sioners to Indian land settlers, Inundation, at Wyoming, xiv., 61. 483. Of Commissioners for moes- Invalids, corps of-transfer of Lieusengers from Fort Pitt to Red- tenants Honeyman, Pugh and stone, 540. To Arthur St. Clair re- Wood to, xi., 647. Regimentspecting Dr. Conolly, x., 145. To persons placed on, xii., 57. GenAndrew Allen and J. Tilghman as eral Irwin complains that persons Commissioners to Virginia, 174. capable to do duty are placed in, To Henry Fisher, at the Capes, 58, 64, 65, 95. General Potter 337. To John Read, at Fort and Colonel Cunningham apIsland, as barrack master and pointed to decide cases of claims clerk, 568. ToWilliam Richards, of discharge, 628; xiv., 39, 666. ships husband, 576. To Captain Proposed, 666; xv., 10, 17, 39, Read for government of Navy, 63, 86, 144, 204, 212, 303, 365, 587. To Captain Wm. Brown to 377, 380, 386, 446, 474, 500, 509, exchange prisoners on board the 556, 613, 633, 637, 651, 654; xvi., Liverpool, 590. To Commodore 7, 17, 37, 68, 75, 2132, 388, 408. Davidson, 608. To Captain Iredale, Abraham, a British prisonHenry Dougherty, 616. To Cap- er, exchanged for John Knowles, lain John Rice, xi., 8. To corm- xi., 564. missioners for settling accounts Irish, Nathaniel, presents model of in Berks county, 146. For arrest a boat-thanks for, x., 241. of disaffected persons, 285. To Irish Servants, duty on, iii., 359. recruiting Lieutenants, 419, 420. Iron chest purchased for Receiver To Commissioners under Act of General, xiv., 168. Attainder, 479. To agents under, Iron hill, near New Castle, i., 115. respecting attainder of factors, Iron and steel furnaces and forges 504. Of General on celebration, in Pennsylvania, 1750, 632-636. 523. To James Searle, agent for Iron, pig and bar, importation of, loans, xii., 416. To Commission- into England from colonies eners for running line with Virginia, couraged, v., 457. Erecting mills 704.' To Surveyor General res-'for slitting or rolling-tilt hampecting lands, xiii., 596. To mers —making steel prohibitedCaptains Robinson and Shrawder, proclamation of Governor, 457. 678. Major James Moore, 698. Iron manufactured, 1749-1756, in INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 165 province-inquiry of British gov- 567. Master of Rolls-accounts, ernment on, 738, 740. xv., 165, 166. Recorder-Justice Iron Works, rum not to be sold in C. C. P., 192. Bankrupt, 621, neighborhood of, iii., 247, 24S. 622. Master of Rolls, xvi., 106. Governor's speech on, 263. At Recorder and Register, 113. Paid Mahanatawny, 305. Durham, for enrolling laws, 228. Provincial 309. To be encouraged, 392; iv., Commissioner, ix., 237. 47. Coventry, 152, 247. Dr. Irwin, William, recommended to Coxe's in Jersey, x., 575. Mas- Congress as Lieutenant-Colonel, ters may employ soldiers, 636. 444. Of sixth battalion, 487. Ironcutter, John, servant of Freder- Recommending an Ensign, xii., ick Stump, confined in gaol at 58. Brigadier General, 368. JusCarlisle, ix., 441. tice, xiv., 322. Irons, Simon, appointed Ranger of Irwine, Lieutenant-Colonel James, Kent county, i., 165. made Colonel, x-, 767. Irvine, Doctor, returned as belong- Israel, Israel, expenses of Indians, ing to Pennsylvania, xii., 235. xv., 240. Innkeeper, 623. Irvine, Colonel James, Brigadier General, xi., 6. Pay to, 697. Councillor, xiii., 394. Paid, 599. J. Irvine, Brigadier General James, reelected vice president, xiv., 249. Jack, James, Coroner, ix., 286, 333, Resigns, 552. 398. Justice, xiv., 65, 361. Irvine, John, Ensign, x., 464. Cap- Jack, Matthew, Sheriff, xii., 541; tain, xii., 374. xiii., 158, 419. Justice, xiv., 180. Irvine, Samuel, Justice, xiv., 344. Jack (a negro), kills Wm. RakeIrvine, Colonel William, battalion straw-trial, &c., ii., 11. Trial, surgeon appointed, x., 458. Let- 18. ter on desertion, xii., 330. Va- Jacobs, Captain, vii., 232. cancies, 374, 760. Letter on re- Jacobs, Benjamin (son of the cruiting, 569. Commands at Fort Speaker), Prothonotary, xi., 188, Pitt, Brig. General, xiii., 79. Call 197. for militia, 83. Letters on emigra- Jackson, Dr. David, Paymaster, xi., tion and killing of Indians at Mus- 27. Appointed Quarter-Master of kingum, 297. On Indian expedi- militia, xii., 146, 458, 497. To tions, 406. A prisoner-his ac- pay depreciation, 705. Late count approved, 447. Accounts, Quarter-Master, xiii., 71. Memo491, 500, 583. Letter on laying rial, 597. Paid, 598. out landinOhio, 617. Letter, 686. Jackson, David, delegate to ConCensor, 726. Surveyland for, 776. gress, xiv., 442, 549. Censor, xiv., 160. Allows im- Jackson, Joseph, Sheriff, iv., 469, provements on reserved tract, 500, 600. xiv., 373. Appointed land agent, Jackson, Samuel, Coroner, ix., 688. 386. Explores donation lands, Jackson, Samuel, to be seized, xi., xv., 125. M. C., 159. M. C. pay 284. to, 577. Jagren. arrives in Philad., vi., 522, Irvine, Captain, of company of Jamaica, Governor of, letter respectRangers, xii., 17. Promoted, 92. ing Stanwix privateer, viii., 171, Allow to company of, 173. Ap- Proclamation, i., 592. Resolupointed Brigadier General, xi., tions of Assembly and House of 278. Recruits, 738. Commons on, vii., 738, 740. Irwin, Matthew, appointed Quarter- James, Abel, a Warden, ix., 293. Master, xi., 305. Toprocureloan, To be seized, xi., 283. 741. Agent for navy, xii., 19. James, James, Justice for Chester Collecting salt, 123. Warden, county, iii., 282. xiii., 100. Recorder and master of James, John, to be seized, xi., 283, rolls-dedimus potestatem to, xiv., 342. 166 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. James, Richard, Coroner, iv., 470, bills of credit of several counties, 500. iv., 429. Arrested, 422, 429. James, Thomas, Sheriff, v., 550, Jenkins, Captain Thomas, captured, 597, 662. v., 282. Deposition, 283. James II., King proclaimed, i., 132. Jennings, Edmund, comes from Jameson, Captain, vii., 294. Maryland with D. Dulany as agent Jameeson, D., and J. Eichelberger, of Governor Ogle, iv., 115. Corletter respecting J. McCallister's respondence with President, 117, cQnduct, xii., 27. 131, 146. Jameeson, John, Lieutenant of Jennings, Edward, Coroner of Kent Rangers, xii., 73. county, iii., 260. Janney, Abel, Coroner, ix., 285. Jennings, John, Sheriff, viii., 780; Janney, Robert, Rector of Christ's ix., 57, 398, 548, 623; xi., 364. Church, administers sacrament to Letter from, and C. Stewart, 573. Governor Denny, vii., 741. 585. Instructions to, 608. Janney, Thomas, appointed special Jennings, Dr. Michael, resigns as Commissioner to try a case in surgeon, xi., 124. Bucks, i., 164. Jennings, Samuel, refuses to serve Janvier, Thomas, Provincial armor- as a Justice, i., 370. Assistant to er-order for arms for General Governor, 505. Forbes, viii., 79. Refuses to de- Jennings, Solomon, deputy Sheriff, liver by order, 84. iv., 154. Jaquies, Jos., authorized to fit out Jervis, Charles, to be seized, xi., an armed whale boat called "Hell 284. Cat" to capture enemy, xii., 393. Jewell, Captain John, appointed Jawert, John, petition-member of Surveyor and Searcher of CusFrankford Company, ii., 431. toms, i., 538. Jay, John, sends commissions for Jewell, Robert, Coroner, x., 270. privateers, xi., 699. Appointed Keeper of State Prison, 696; xi., by Congress Secretary of foreign 566. Coroner, 593. affairs, xiv., 356, 363. On duties Jews in Philadelphia, ask countein French ports, 403. Secretary nance and protection in erecting a of foreign affairs, letter respecting synagogue, xiii., 367. a claim in Germany, xvi., 48. Job, Andrew, Sheriff of Chester Jefferson, Governor Thomas, letter county, ii., 22. on line between Virginia and Jocelyn, Capt. Thomas, arrives at Pennsylvania, xii., 444. Philadelphia with troops sent by Jeffs, Robert, complaint against T. General Shirley, vi., 774. GovFairman for forcible entry, i., 199. ernor's instructions to, 775. Answer of Council, 199, 201, 202, Joel, Captain, a deserter from New 318, 320. Jersey imprisoned, xii., 495. Jegler, Charles, sentenced - war- Released, 498. Paid for secret rant of execution, vii., 342, 389. services, 552. Respited, 398. His character at John, Doctor (Indian), murder of, Lancaster, 398. &c. at Carlisle, viii., 455. ConJenkins, Fort, Colonel Lindemoth ference with relatives of, at Philstationed at, xi., 654. adelphia, 709, 712. Jenkins, Colonel David, of Lancas- Johns, Capt. Reese, x., 696. ter county militia, 1777, &c., xvi., Johnson, Derrick, executed for mur154. der, i., 378, 382. Complaint of Jenkins, George, second Lieutenant, wife, 442. x., 457. Captain, 503. Johnson, Fort, vii., 43. Indian Jenkins, John, letter to, xv., 35. proceedings at, 622, 625. Passport to, 67. Arrives-is Johnson, Governor of Maryland, heard, 79. letter, 647. Jenkins, Robert, of Salem, New Johnson, Colonel Guy, letter anJersey, counterfeits, in England, nouncing sudden death of Sir INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 167 William and his filling the station at Niagara, 400. Letters to and for the present, x., 200. from, 570. Letters to and from, Johnson, Colonel J. M., letter to, ix., 105, 111, 137, 189, 306, 412, on Lydins procuring a fraudulent 468, 495. On Paxton riots, 111. deed for lands, vi., 249. From, On removal of Indians from bar268, 269. racks, 137. Approves of rewards Johnson, Dr. Robert, appointed Sur- for scalps, 190. Deputies sent to, geon to Colonel William Irvine's with terms obtained by Colonel battalion, x., 458. Bouquet of Indians on Ohio, 239. Johnson, Samuel, unwilling to take Murder of a Mohawk Indian, 306. the oath, is permitted to sell his On Indian affairs on frontier, 412. real estate and depart, xi., 498. Murder of Inclians-draws for Johnson, William Samuel, a Com- money, Mr. Croghan, 496. Conmissioner from Connecticut, ar- ference with Six Nations, 496rives, x., 119. 506. Dismisses officers of Indian Johnson, W~illiam, examination on trade, 582. Conference with Inforts, &c., vii., 341. dians, 708. And other Indians, Johnson, Colonel William, report at x., 11, 216. Letters to and from, Onondoga, v., 463, 607, 641, 775. 21, 192. Affairs on fiontier of Letter to Richard Peters on Con- Virginia, 192. Sudden death of, necticut claim, vi., 269. Letter 201. from Governor M., 286. To Gov- Johnston, Alexander, Justice, xii., ernor Phips, 607. R. Peters, 15. Declines, 104. 287-290. Proposed for command Johnston, Andrew, Coroner, xv., of expedition against Nova Sco- 102, 297, 579; xvi., 194. tia, 313. Conference'with In- Johnston, Francis, recon-rnended to dians, 468-475. Holds Council Congress as Lieutenant-Colonel, of war with Indians, 610. Letter x., 442, 444. Appointed, 445; of Governor M. to, on Indian af- xi., 48. Complains of Jacob fairs after Braddock's defeat, 700. Weaver as a suspected person, Gone to New York, vii., 41. Let- 190, 270. Sick-resigns, 407, ters to and from, 97, 116, 117, 424. Petition, 710. Receiver 127, 193, 226, 278, 351, 622, 623, General, xii., 689. To receive 624, 626, 753. Blames Governor Physic's books, &c., 719. Call Morris for issuing declaration of on, for settlement, 746. List of war, 117. Negotiates with In- books, &c., received, 755. Comdians, 143. Message and wam- missioner to Indians, xiv., 40, 54, pum from, 171. Appointed sole 508, 515. Letter respecting superintendent of Six Nations of horses purchased, 360. Receiver Indians, 193. Has made arrange- General, 444, 447, 509. Receiver ments-letter to General Aber- General's instructions respecting crombie, 192. New Castle sent Erie land valuation, xv., 601. to, 222-226, 305. With J. Trimble to prepare conJohnson, Sir William, appoints veyances for Alleghany lots and George Croghan Indian agent, islands, 609. To accept proposals with instructions, vii., 355, 434. of Turnbull and O'Hara, 649. Letters to and from, 434, 488. Receiver General of land office, Report of George Croghan's pro- xvi., SO. Re-appointed, 350. ceedings at Harris' and Lancaster, Fees, 377. Letter, 410. Ac506-517. Proposed by Indians counts, 420. as a model, 540. Speech of In- Johnston, Lieut.-Colonel James, xi., dians to, 622, 624. Proprietary 115. instructions to treat with Dela- Johnston, James, Sheriff, xi., 366, wares, 655. Teedyuscung's opin- 609; xii., 166; xiv., 442. ion of, 731. To General Aber- Johnston, John, Sheriff, xv., 301, crombie, viii., 97. Speech to 589, 592; xvi., 210. Delaware Indians, 151. Success Johnston, Major, barns and houses 108 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. burned-reward and proclamation paired with funds by lottery, xv., for apprehending three persons, 449. Report on, 494. xii., 261. Jones, John, Health officer, xii., Johnston, Lt. Richard, xiii., 121. 554; xiv., 375. Accounts, 467. Johnston, Robert, physician and Health officer, xv., 3, 321, 323. surgeon in hospital, United States Justice, 323. Health officer, corn-depreciation, xiii., 136. Collector plaint against, xvi., 134, 142, 147, of Excise, xvi., 385. 151, 168, 170, 171, 172. He is Johnston, Samuel, president of displaced, 173. A Justice, ii., North Carolina convention —trans- 159. mitting declaration of rights and Jones, Captain, x., 436. Made proposed amendments to federal Major, 76, 78, 697. constitution, xv., 524., Jones, Joseph, trial of, ii., 396. Johnston, Thomas, Justice, xiii., Jones, Sergeant Jonathan, Funeral 266. expenses paid, xi., 106. Johnstone, William, Justice, xiv., Jones, Owen, Jr., to be seized, xi., 634. 284, 292. Pass, xiii., 571. Johnston, William F., Governor's Jones, Robert, a justice, iii., 28. message recommending publica- Jones, R. Stuttle, Secretary of corntion of Colonial Records, iv., 1. mittee, x., 440. Jolly, Charles, Justice, ix., 393. Jones, Samuel, a justice, iii., 358; A Justice of Philadelphia com- xiv., 307. Deputy surveyor, plained of by Assembly, x., 30, lays a plan of depreciation lands, 31. xv., 18. Jones, Lieutenant Colonel Blath- Jones, Thomas, &c., case of, stated, waite, chief engineer at Billings- xii., 438. port, xi., 125. Paid as engineer, Jonquiere, Mons. La, makes a discharged, 486. Engineer at speech to Indians, v., 528. Billingsport, xv., 24. French claims on this continent, Jones, Cadwalader, Governor of 529. Letter to Governor HamilNew Providence, i., 242. ton, 540. Letter to Governor Jones, David, appointed Chaplain Clinton, 554. to battalion of Shee and Wayne, Jorachgnison, a Cayuga Indian, x., 551. Justice, xiv., 495. memorandum of news by him, Jones, Reverend David, commrnuta- viii., 118. tion of Pay, xv., 143. Asks Jordan, Jesse, deputy wagon-masfurther allowance as chaplain, ter, sends a train to Egg Harbor 299. for goods, improperly, xi., 672. Jones, Colonel, late Captain, ap- To attend Council, 674. His pointed at Philadelphia, v., 257. examination, 680. Jones, Dr. Evan, charged with Jordan, John, wagon master, xi., murder, in diverting himself with 380. Justice, xiv., 164, 307. ceremony of making free mason Jordan, Thomas, pay master, xi., in jest, iv., 277. Sheriff, v., 597, 618; xii., 83. 662. Josephson, YManuel, asks loan of Jones, Evan, Coroner, vi., 144. lottery wheel for Hebrew congreJones, Gibbs, appointed Captain, gation, xvi., 489. Lieutenant, x., 480. Resigns, Josiah, Captain James, resigns xii., 288. command to enter Continental Jones, Griffith, Complaint against, service, x., 426. Sails for China, i., 78. Testifies against J. Ed- under sea letter from Supreme monson, 114. Council, 213. Executive Council, xvi., 2242. Member of Council, 452. Elected Jounkin, Henry, confiscated estate Mayor of Philadelphia, ii., 162. sold, xii., 189. Qualified, 163. Journal of Conrad Weiser to ShamoJones lane, or Lancaster road, com- kin, iv., 640, 680. To Onondago, missioners to view-To be re- 660-669, 778. To Ohio, v., 348 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 169 358. To Onondago, 470, 528. to hold Court, 450. To lay out Of George Croghan at Ohio, 528. roads, 572. How considered by To Auckwick, vi., 150-160. Of charter, ii., 67. Of County Court New Castle, &c., to Indians on of Philadelphia commissioned, Susquehanna, vii., 137. Of Fred. 159. Of county have concurrent Post to Wyoming, viii., 142. Of power with those of city, 162. George Croghan and conference Complaint against, 180. Can they with Indians, ix., 249-264. lawfully hold an inquest in abJoy, Daniel, on comumittee to survey sence of Coroner, 184? Appointed Jersey shore, x., 474. from Church of England, decline Judges, may be appointed by Gov- serving on account of oaths, ernor during his life, i., 107, 121. opinion of Attorney General Five to be appointed, 98, 108. asked, 531, 546. For Bucks and Appointed, 119, 324. Their Chester commissioned, 596, 597. commission, 121, 190. Hire of a Commission, iii., 28-50, 254, 256, boat, 157. Continued, 199. One 350, 491, 531. Of Lancaster from lower counties, 204. Decree county, letter to, on Maryland afof, disobeyed, 218. Of P. fairs, iv., 65. Appointed, iv., 141, Court - Commission postponed 209, 312, 348, 482, 762. Of peace rather than the court, 226, 320. appointed, v., 106, 378, 387, 403, Appointed, 324, 331, 343. Two 436, 547, 572, 600. Appointed, commissions to be drawn for, 344. vi., 136; vii., 417, 433, 437, 637, Provincial, ii., 87. Required to 769. Elected, viii., 18, 562, 573, take oaths, 89. Commission for, 575. Commissioned, ix., 172, 201, 123. Appointed, 239. Commis- 203, 205, 235, 237, 245, 266, 281, sioned, iii., 254, 256, 257, 269; 308, 340, 374, 386, 393, 470, 601, viii., 77. Of Courts of Common 626, 645, 663, 672, 680, 730, 731, Pleas-Prothonotaries to be, xi., 732, 742, 746, 750. Death of 221. Of Supreme Court, 254, two, 340. Comluissioned, x., 8, 270 Oaths by dedimus, 271. 14, 27, 31, 41, 45, 46, 47, 81, 88, Of Admiralty Court, appointed, 155, 162, 173, 217, 263, 264. 713. Of Errors and Appeals, xiv., Chief of Supreme Court, x., 53, 66. Of Supreme Court, 42, 43, 108, 173, 213. Of peace, xi., 194, 71, 117, 141, 175. Letter to, on 195, 198, 211, 218, 220, 228, 229, Longschamp's case, 117. 248, 251, 265, 274, 282, 300, 301, Judicature, law of 1727, establish- 302, 398, 405, 443, 553, 471-524, ing courts of, repealed, iii., 418. 527, 529, 541, 572, 599, 616, 619, July 4, 1763, ix., 65. To be cele- 620, 621, 644, 666, 690, 708, 716, brated, how and why, xi., 522. 741, 759, 779, 781. Appointed, Juniata, mouth of, objected to as a xii., 3, 8, 15, 19, 46, 105, 112, settlement for Indians, vi., 218. 150, 170, 171, 198, 231, 285, 293, Suffers, 674. John Harris builds 336, 342, 353, 374, 378, 391, 393, at, iii., 503. Fort at, viii., 224. 437, 455, 456, 459, 482, 486, 489, Frankstown branch road to Loyal- 490, 519, 524, 526, 556, 557, 595, hanna, xv., 346, 353-355. 615, 635, 667, 752. To preside Juniata river, commissioners to in Courts, 546; xiii., 7, 21, 38, view, xvi., 178, 260, 319. 42, 98, 101, 118, 122, 140, 208, "Jupiter," privateer, x., 715. 219, 244, 263, 264, 266, 284, 290, Jurisdiction, of a county, does not 316, 367, 389, 400, 446, 517, 521, extend into the river, x., 232., 542, 625, 633, 647, 666, 677, 683, Justice, chief, of Supreme Court ap- 698, 700, 732, 748, 761, 765; xiv., pointed, xi., 186, 195, 202, 254. 11, 24, 31, 45, 47, 54, 60, 65, 108, Justices, appointed, i., 120, 122, 127, 116, 117, 118. 121, 134, 135, 138, 129, 152, 182, 211, 320, 343, 369, 139, 147, 149, 151, 153, 158, 159, 375, 380, 544. Fines of, 134. A, 162, 164, 167, 174, 175, 180, 196, accused of treason, 158. Refuse 197, 198, 200, 201, 203, 205, 208, to serve, 370, 371, 382. Refuse 211, 212, 216, 224, 226, 228, 229, 170 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 234, 237, 240, 255, 259, 260, 276, Katarioniecha, husband of Mon280, 282, 289, 291, 307, 313, 321, tour's daughter, iii., 501. 322, 344, 348, 357, 362, 368, 370, Kean, John, justice, xv., 41. 373, 396, -442, 449, 454, 465, 477, Keane, Patrick, Lieutenant of the 479, 485, 487, 495, 500, 504, 509, Roman Catholic regiment of vol517, 549, 563, 567, 584, 602, 605, unteers in British service to be 617, 627, 629, 635, 640, 653, 656, watched, xii., 177. 657, 668, 670, 672; xv., 4, 8, 14, Kearsley, Dr. David, x., 359. 17, 23, 24, 27, 30, 32, 35, 38, 39, Kearsley, Dr. John, x., writes sun41, 51, 59, 60, 62, 65, 90, 92, 96, dry inflammatorypapers, 35S, 361. 104, 108, 124, 131, 139, 143, 149, He is to be taken into custody, 154, 160, 164, 171, 173, 182, 188, 361. His friends to be admitted, 192, 199, 202, 227, 233, 266, 269, 371. Letter from Robert Shewell 270, 271, 294, 302, 307, 323, 330, to, 372. Sent to York county, al347, 359, 369, 370, 376, 398, 405, lowed a servant, &c., 373. Asks 419, 420, 424, 437, 450, 462, 463, for a clerk, granted, 374. His 475, 479, 480, 483, 497, 520, 522, oath, 374. Stephen Bayard, 523, 526, 537, 545, 547, 551, 559, clerk, 374. Ordered to Yorktown 570, 577, 579, 583, 589, 604, 605, jail, 378. Departs under escort 606, 619, 642, 647; xvi., 1, 4, 13, for Lancaster, 380. Order for 14, 16, 20, 30, 37, 48, 49, 53, 80,. expenses. 381. Safe at Lancas88, 94, 99, 126, 138, 154, 174, ter, and to be sent forward to 190, 209, 217, 2172, 21882 219-, York county, 385. Pay to guards 226, 237, 239, 242, 253, 255, 259, of, 403, 408. Removed to Carlisle, 286, 301, 309, 319, 325, 341, 353, 773. 377, 387. 395, 403, 407, 411, 423, Kearsley, Paul, x., 359. 423, 428, 433, 446, 448, 450, 479, Keating, Maurice, and others en536, 537, 539. gaged in piracy, evidence from Jamaica to be published, xiv., 268. K. Keble, Abraham, a justice, x., 8. Keechline, Colonel Andrew, xi., 21, Kachlein, Peter, sheriff, ix., 199, 36. Commissioned to buy provi285, 333, 688, 778; x., 56. sions, 424, 506. Deposition, respecting Wyoming, Keehmle, John, for medicines 1776, 710. Militia to be called out, and xv, 207. premium for scalps in Northum- Keekyuscung, (Indian) sent on mesberland county, xii., 312. Re- sage to Ohio, viii., 147. signs as Lieutenant, 317. Keely, Mathias, firelocks, x,, 501. Kagundanoyagh, chief of Onondagoe Keen, Reynold, act for relief of, xi., Indians arrives in Philadelphia, 630. His estate forfeited, xii., 23. ii., 159. Petition respecting, 26, 27, 80, Kakow-watchy, chief of Shawnese 103. Indians, iii., 309. His son Quas- Keene, Lawrence, appointed prosenungh attacked with small-pox thonotary of Northumberland at Philadelphia and recovers, 463. county, xiii., 697. Justice, xiv., Kammerer, Henry, stationer, xv., 11. To inquire into election in 322, 648; xvi., 147, 464. Penn township, 447. ProthonoKanuksusy, son of old, Allaguipas, tary of Court of Common Pleas' vi., 589. dies, xvi., 119. Kapp, Michael, Coroner, xv., 296. Keesar, Sick, a Chinese, and thirtyKargher, Ludwig, memorial, x., five others arrive, xiv., 561. 638. Letter to Assembly respecting, Karnaughan, John, justice of Ches- 569. Their wants to be supplied, ter, county, iii., 412. Left out, 574, 616. Pay for, 659. Provi533. sions for, xv., 28, 36, 52, 61, 78, IKarrod, Levi, justice, xiii., 264. 83, 84, 93, 99. To be sent to INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 171 Maryland, 75, 107, 160, 178, Letter, Ch. Delafaye, to, approv386. ing his course, and allusion to Keilin, John, Coroner, v., 597. agreement between Penn and Keith, George, complains against Queen Anne for province, 73. Thomas Lloyd, i., 378. Report of Lords Justices, 73. Keith, Governor William, supersedes Opinion of Council on it, 74. Governor Gookin, i., 631. Ar- Sends proposals of Commissioners rives as Governor, and is pro- on Indian affairs to Governors of claimed at the Court-house, iii., Virginia and Maryland, 82. Writes 13. Oath administered under a letter to Governor of New York on dedimus by several persons, 13. Indian affairs, 99-102. Proposes Visits New Castle, 14. Lays be- a Court of Chancery or Equity. fore Council Governor Gookin's 105. Suggests examination of accusations, 15. At a subsequent vessels from sickly ports, 113. meeting calls on Governor Gookin Visits Virginia, 112, 113. And to substantiate them, who says he Maryland, 114. Returns, 115. has none to make, 17. Goes to Memorial to Governor of Virginia, Conestoga —Proposes addition from -16,- His answer, 117. Describes Lower Counties, 17, 18. Proposes geographical position of Indians, Colonel French, who is admitted, 114-116. Visits with members 18. Nominates Justices and of Council the Five Nations at ConJudges, 18. Attends a Council estoga, 119. Returns and leaves of Indians at Conestoga, 19. Ex- James Logan, 130, 134. Opinion penses of journey to do., 25. on law respecting Free Society of Goes to Sussex, 25. His speeches, Traders, 138. Speech to Assem25, 27. Goes to New York with bly, 141. His mill, 158. Visits Governor Spotswood, 30. Pro- Chester county on account of vision for his possible death, 30. threatenings to Indians from MaHis arguments against pardoning ryland, 160. Orders a survey of two murderers of Chester county, land on Susquehanna, 160. Lays under sentence of death, 41. before Board agreement between Speech about Teach and other pi- Maryland and Pennsylvania as to rates, 54. Announces to Assem- surveys on Susquehanna, 161. bly the death of William Penn, Message to Assembly respecting and pronounces an eulogium on, Conestoga Indians and the Cartrecommends a proclamation, &c., ledges, 167. Calls Robert and 58. Meets and comes to an ami- William Assheton to Council, 173. cable conclusion with Governor Vote of thanks and ~500 to, 174. Hart of Maryland, 60. Style of Road to Horsham returned and commissions, 62. Continues the confirmed, 177. Orders survey of government after William Penn's land on Susquehanna to Octordeath, 62. His speech to Assem- ara for Indians, also a wagon load bly on supplies, 63. Instructions of provisions, 177. Writes to Gofrom William Penn, (Jr.,) 63. vernor of Maryland, 180. Refers New commission, &c., laid before to consent of Indians to William Council, 64. Speech toAssembly, Penn's purchase of lands on 65. Sees probate of William Susquehanna, 181. His speech Penn's will-Asks their advice, to, 181. Conference with, at Con66. Assembly's address to, 66. estoga, 181-185. Warrant to surAnd advice to delay publication vey Springetsbury Manor, 184. of commission, 67. Council give His settlement of Newbury, 185. same advice, 68. Goes to New His course approved by Colonel York to meet Governor Hunter French, 186. Want of funds for before his sailing for England, 68. expenses of government, 187. Speech to Assembly, and answer, Letter to, and answer from, J. 70. Speech to Council-Charges Mitchell on Council at Conoy town, against Robert Assheton, 71, 77. 188. Letter to Ganawese king, 172 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 188. Purposes going to Albany, Kembel, William, (see Hembell.) 190, 192. Speech to Indian mes- Kendal, Benjamin, deposition resenger, 191. Speech to Five Na- specting Conestogo Indians, ix., tions at Albany, 197. Has Indi- 127. ans at his chamber-Surrender of Kennedy, Daniel, Adjutant of 6th land near Conestogoe by them, Pennsylvania regiment, prisoner 201. His speech to Indians, 202. on parole and in distress, relieved The papers to be published, 202. with clothing, xii., 249. Pay, Going to Conestogoe with Gover- xvi., 2162, 243. Fees received, nor Spotswood of Virginia to hold 380. treaty with Indians, 202. COUn- Kennedy, David, Justice, xi., 599. oil object till they know Governor Petition respecting tract of land Spotswood's object, 202. Returns and wood, xii., 252. Secretary of to Philadelphia, 203. Letter to Laud Office, 689; xiv., 444; xvi., Governor Burnet for leave to treat 82, 350. To apply to John Penn for at Albany, 203. Minute of New deeds and papers, xiii., 418. Also York, agreeing to it-Governor to B. Chew and Joseph Turner, [Keith's speech, 204. Letter, Gov- 435. Returned to him by H. Osernor of Virginia to, 205. Answer burne, 462-471. Respecting a to, 207. Consults Council about mistake, xvi., 149. Escheated Maryland, 214. Letter to Lord estate, 174. Re-appointed SecreBaltimore, 225. Letter to Gov- tary, 350. ernor of Maryland, with agree- Kennedy, Dr. Samuel, appointed ment of Lord Baltimore, 232. Surgeon of 4th battalion, x., 484. Receives and withholds instruc- Kennedy, William, estate of, xiv., tions from William Penn's trust- 36. Estate paid for apprehending ees, 237. Warrant to Sheriff for Moses Doan, 47. wrecked goods, 238. Produces a Kent County-Sheriffs of, i., 58, paper as a charge against J. Lo- 186. Seal for, ordered —its degan, who makes his defence, 243, vice, 66. Danger of revolt-Ves245. Attends Council for last sels not clearing at New Castle, time, 250. Governor Gordon suc- 101. Members sent for, 103. ceeds him, 251. Member of As- Misdemeanors in, 103. Subsembly from Philadelphia-Ex- Treasurer appointed, 111. Shercused-Going to England, 298. iff of, 127, 149. William FrampWVitnesses deed from Indians, 321. ton, a Councillor, 127. John Petition of Palatines to, 322. (For- Curtis, a Justice, accused of high mer Governor,) submits instruc- treason, 158, 161. Appointed, 159. tions to Assembly, vi., 220, 235. Attorney General to prosecute Proceedings of Council in his time, John Curtis, 163, 196. Ranger 722. Allusion by Council to a appointed, 165. Clerk resigns, bill passed in his time, viii., 359. 170. Coroner, 187, 340. Justice Keithian meeting-house and Christ appointed, 211, 286. W. Markchurch, petition respecting, iii., ham, member of Council, 212, 394. 213. Ranger complained of, 226. Kelcher, Anthony, Sheriff, xiv., 557; Execution in, 252. Justices, 320, xv., 101, 296. 339. Complaint against Court, Keller, Joseph, affidavit of, Indians 321. Man imprisoned for beating taking off his wife, &c., vii., 735. his wife, 337. John Barnes to be Keller, Rudolph, Sheriff, xvi., 195. arrested, 439. Difficulty about Kelly, John, Justice, xiv., 509. holding a Court, 450, 452, 453. Kelly, William, pilot, deposition of, Amount of one penny tax, 462. v., 113. Sheriff, xi., 222, 240, Court-house, 510. Canterbury 606. Justice, xiii., 633. township formed, 556. R. Wilson, Kelpius, Johannes, member of member of Assembly, dies, ii., Frankford Company, petition, ii., 26. Dedirnus to William Annand, 431. 97. And William Rodeney, 97. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 173 Names proposed for magistrates, Kermanvor, Monsieur, engineer at iii., 15. William Rodeney, Sher- Billingsport, x., 631. iff, and Edward Jennings, Coroner, Kern, Jacob, Coroner, viii., 506. 260. M. Freeman, Sheriff, 332. Kern, Captain, account of Indian Samuel Berry, Coroner, 332, 370. murders, ix., 43. 575, William Rodney, Sheriff, Kerr, John, appointed to collect 370, 575. Letters respecting dis- clothing in Bucks county, xi., pute with Maryland, 474. B. 411. Gordon and B. Shurmer, Judges, Kesselman, Frederick, traitor, xi., iv., 253. Thomas Skidmore, Sher- 767. Proclamation against, 768. iff, and Samuel Berry, Coroner, Keyashuta, a Seneca chief, ill Phila289. Sheriffs, 416, 465, 524, 615. delphia, present to, x., 55. Coroners, 416, 465, 524, 615. Keyser, Andrew, case of, xii., 261. Letter Governor to Justices, 490, Kidd, Alexander, traitor, arrested, Answer, 494. Sheriffs elected, xii., 479, 481, 526, 551. 470, 500, 602, 748, 782. Coron- Kidd, John, Justice, ix., 393. ers elected, 470, 500, 602, 748, Kidd, Captain, privateer, visits 782. Sheriffs elected, v., 55, 411, Lewistown and sells goods to in468, 551, 597, 662. Coroners habitants, i., 579. The pirate, at elected, 55, 411, 468, 551, 597, Lewes, ii., 121. 662. Officers elected by Associa- Killbuck, bearer of letter from Delators, 248, 325. Justices dead- ware chief arrives in Philadelphia others appointed, vi., 136. Exe- and holds conference with Presiecution of J. Duffy, 136. Sheriffs dent Hamilton, ix., 736. His elected, 145, 638. Coroners elect- speech, 737. In Philadelphia, ed, 145, 638. Sheriffs elected, x., 10. vii., 267. Coroners elected, 268. Kichline, Colonel, death of, xiii., Coroners appointed, viii., 223, 82. 403, 506, 781. Sheriffs appointed, Killburn, Joseph, paid for leaden 223, 403, 506,.781. Act for relief spouts, xvi., 491. of poor, ix., 3, 4. Sheriffs elected, Killer, Colonel, to rendezvous at 57, 199, 286, 337, 398, 548, 624, Swedesford, xi., 301. 688, 778. Coroners elected, 57, Kilner, James, complaint against 399, 286, 333, 398, 548, 624, 688, and trial as master for abuses on 778. Trustees of Loan Office for, board, i., 79, 80. A curious case. 205. Justices, 266, 338. Exe- Kimmel, Adam, xi., 381, 382, 385, cution, 600. Draining and em- 388. banking Pearman's Branch, 313, Kimmel, Captain, applies for re400. Conviction in, 384, 601. ward for arresting Thomas TayJustices, 645. Special Court for lor,. a highwayman, xii., 275, trying negroes in, 655. Embank- 276. ing, &c., 698. Justices appointed, Kindassowa, a chief of the Minnix., 9, 217. Sheriffs elected, 56, sink Indians, iii., 326. 101, 211, 270. Coroners elected, King, Charles II., address to, pro56, 101, 211, 270. Respecting posed in building fortsf i., 109. Duck Creek Church, trustees to Petition to, 116. sell lands, &c., 80, 85. King of England, address of GoverKentzing, Abraham, to hold posses- nor T. and Council to, v., 51. sion of Hog island for the State, King George, (Elector of Hanover,) xii., 591. proclaimed, ii., 575. Keppel, Commodore A., French sup- King, John, a convicted mariner plied with provisions from Colo- applies for a pardon —Sustained nies, vi., 323. by Judges-granted, v., 344. Ker, Samuel, discharged, x., 772. King, Thomas, ain Oneida Indian, Kerlin, William, innkeeper, com- dies in South Carolina, ix., 775. plaint against, xii., 536. License Quantity of wampum exhibited restored, 548. given by, 776. 174 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. King, Walter, his road, i., 387. f pecting muinrder of D. Digges, v., King William III., death of, ii., 70. 582 —597. King, William, Coroner, xiii., 403, Klotz, Colonel, xi., 89. Of Lancas506. ter county-Case of Dr. B. WilKing's highway, i., 587. son referred to, xii., 101. Kingsley, N., Justice of Luzerne Knapsacks, ordered, x., 628, 636. county, resigns, xvi., 269. Kneeghnyaskoate (Indian Harry's Kinkead, James, Coroner, x., 106, brother), returns with presents 212. from Onondagoes, ii., 204. Kinsey, Abm. tenant of Hog Island, Knight, John, Coroner, x., 78, 100, x., 607. 212. Kinney, Abraham, Ensign, xii., 3. Knight, Thomas, pardoned for horse Kinsey, John, sent to Maryland, stealing so far as relates to cutting iv., 203. Instructions to, 206. off his ears, xiv., 243. Returns from Maryland and re- Knous, George, Coroner, xiv., 248. ports, 209. Speaker, 353, 470, Knowles, privateer schooner, Capt. 618, 669, 749. Appointed Chief Turner, captures Spanish vessels, Justice in place of Langhorne, viii., 225. 640. Commissioner to Albany Knowles, Admiral Charles, letters 771. Speaker of Assembly, v., 4, from and to, v., 127, 133, 141, 55, 123. Commissioner to Albany 207. Forman-of-war, 207. Takes -Report, 26. Approbation of Port Louis-carries cannon to laws by Lords Justices, found Jamaica, 228. Loan of some of among the papers of Assembly- them to be requested, 228. InGovernor to Council, vi., 356. quiry on his account respecting Kirk, Ensign John, resigns, x., 673. impressment of seamen-CounKirk, Samuel, to be Sergeant at cil's decision, 326, arms, v., 617. Appointed Ser- Knowles, John, madeprisoner-asks geant at Arms of Assembly, vii., to be exchanged, xi., 564. Ex313. changed, 565. Resigns as Justice, Kirkbride, Colonel Joseph, x., 711. xiv., 640. Lieutenant of Bucks, xi., 206, Knox, Captain, x., 709. 208, 217, 266, 275, 277, 396. Knox, Ensign George, xi., 620. Kirkbride, Joseph, Jr., commissioner Knox, General Henry, letter on for building new court house and union of companies with Proctor's prison for Bucks county, iii., regiment, vi., 245. Wagons for 241. Ferry, 363. General W., xii., 398. Secretary Kirkbride, Mahlon, provincial cornm- at War-letters to and from, xiv., missioner, ix., 237. 517, 560. For expenses Indians, Kirkbridge, Colonel, to view fords xv., 240. Letter, 435. above the Falls of Delaware, x., Knox, John, sweeping river-reports 783. articles found, xii., 2, 21. Called Kirkland, Colonel, escapes, x., 661. on to report, 33. Tonnage officer, Order for arrest, 665, 694. xiv., 10. Kishycoquilla, a Shawnese chief, Knox, Colonel Robert, xi., 556. To death of, vi., 154. Governor's ask State shallop, 576, 592. Asletter to sons of, 421. sembly, xii., 131. Kitchen, Stephen, pardoned, xi., Kollock, Jacob, letter from Govern609. or to, respecting pilots not liKittanning burned, vii., 294. censed, iv., 394. Chosen Speaker Kittanning, a town to be laid out in of Assembly of lower county, ix., proprietary manor at, x., 201. 2, 71, 201. Resigns —son sucDistances from Canoe place to, ceeds, 699. xv., 91. Kollock, Jacob, Jr., Sheriff, v., 662; Kitts, George, provisions, x., 651. vi., ~38. Kitzmiller, Jacob and Martin, cor- Kollock, Philips, appointed to severespondence and depositions res- pal offices in Sussex, ix., 699. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 175 Captain of British vessel in Dela- 150. Account, 302. Examines ware, xiii., 145. Schuylkill bridge, 374. Pay, 420, Kollock, Simon, Sheriff, iii., 387, 542, 600, 712. Account, &c., 416, 465, 524., 682. Pay to, xiii., 52, 151, 358. Kreamer, Philip, Coroner, xi., 444. Lacey, General John, Jr., in comnSheriff, xiii., 88, 394, 617, 720; mand, 1777, 1778 -Medicines xvi., 491. furnished, xiv., 655. Krug, Jacob, receipts for taxes, Lack, Captain Jacob, company, x., 1787, 1788, xvi., 83. 682. Kucher, Christopher, xvi., 196. Lackawaxen, exploration of, xv., 65. Letter, xii., 392. Ladders and leather buckets in Kuhn, Adam Simon, a Justice, v., Philadelphia, i., 478. 600. Appointed a Justice of Lan- Lahneman, Philip Thomas, Secrecaster county, viii., 562. Estate tary of Governor, i., 47. of, at Lancaster confirmed, x., Laird, Hugh, Justice, xiv., 512. 32, 42. Resigns as Justice, xv., 212. Kuhn, Dr. Adam, recommends a Laird, Mathew, deposition, Bradsurgeon, x., 458. Physician and dock's defeat, vi., 482. Director General of hospital — Laird, Samuel, Coroner, ix., 779; plan, 636. M. D. to be seized, x., 56, 101. Justice, xi., 691. xi., 284. Arrives from St. Croix- Lajonquiere, Governor of Canada, is arrested and imprisoned, xii., answer to Governor Clinton's 501. Vessel to be examined at letter to, v., 554. his expense, 502. To depart for Lake George, battle, &c., at, vi., S Croix with his family and give 623. Defeat of French at, 637. security not to return during the Lake, St. Sacrament, (see Lake war, 504. To sail for St. Croix, George.) not to return-memlorial in his Lambert, Chevalier De, recomfavor, 516, 517. Petition from mended by Fayette, appointed his brothers for his return- Second Lieutenant, xiii., 479. granted, 650. Lancaster County, formed from Kuhn, Dr. Frederick, xvi., 194. Chester county —Bounds, iii., Kuhn, Ludwig, insults Captain 355, 358. Justices, Sheriff and Heysham, xii., 160. Committed Coroner appointed, 359, 370. to gaol, 161. Germans of, ask to be naturalized, Kuskuski on Beaver creek, viii., 374. Loan, by province to build 265. Delawares propose moving prison and court house, 379. to, 305, 393. Site of, and also for a town fixed on-Discussion as to title of the TL4. land, 381. Losses from Mingo Indians, 382. No roads laid out Lacey, John, recommended as Cap- to Philadelphia, 394. To be, 395. tain, x., 447. Justice, xi., 372. Sheriffs, 416, 465, 520, 615. Lacey, General, to command militia Coroners, 416, 465, 520, 615. between Schuylkill and Delaware, Charged with riots in Maryland, xi., 396. Appointed Brigadier 468. High road laid out and conGeneral, 398. Troops for, 447. firmed, and to be continued to Sends suspected persons to prison, Schuylkill ferry at Philadelphia, 472. (General,) on state of militia, 521-524. Justices, 531. Win. 522. Commands on Susquehanna, Rumsey of Maryland sent to, on 533. To grant furloughs, xiii., 74. trial, 593. High Sheriff attacked Pay to, 252. Commissioner to by persons from Maryland-DeWyoming, xvi., 22. Berks county position of under Sheriff, 612. militia under General Lacey in Petition for road from SusqueBucks county, 457. hanna to-Commissioners to lay Lacey, John, Jr., agent for estates, out, 618. Road to Schuylkill, xi., 556. Councillor, xii., 136, 618. 176 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Justices written to preserve tion, 506, 512. A Nanticoke order of settlers over Susque- Indian imprisoned for abusing a hanna, iv., 58. Complaints from white girl, 543. Justices apMaryland against, 62, 63. Letter pointed for, 600. Robbery and of President Logan to Justices pardon, 601. Law for erecting relative to affairs with Maryland, county out of, confirmed, 619. 69, 71. Proclamation against Act respecting inspectors, 619. men from Maryland, 73. Certifi- Descriptive deed for lands execate from, 75. Sheriffs appointed, cuted by Indians at, 634. 86, 247, 309, 352, 470, 602, 669, Petitions for defence from Done748, 782. Coroners elected, 86, gal, vi., 131. Pextang, Derry 247, 309, 352, 470, 602, 669, 748, and Hanover, 132. Sheriffs 782. And Maryland affairs, 101- elected, 144, 638, Coroners ap151. Sheriff authorized to call pointed, 144, 638. Inspectors, out a force to protect the settlers, law for choosing, 623, 624. Dan151. And Justices to take deposi- ger from Indians, 670. Conimistions, 151. Justices needed, 152. sions to military officers in, 755. Road to Coventry Iron Works, Conference with Indians at, 152, 247, 266. Messrs. Lawrence vii., 7. Large bodies from back and Ashton, members of Council, counties to meet there and comgo to, to act with Justices, &c., pel Assembly to pass certain laws, in restoring peace, 153. Rewards 87. Messrs. Chew, Stedman, offered by Maryland for magis- West, Shippen, sent to meet the trate of Lancaster county, 155, conspirators at, 93. They return 165. Jail broken into by Mary- and report. 96. Sheriffs elected, landers, 251. Cases of Daniel 266. Coroners elected, 266. AsLow and Rudolph Mohr, 255. sociated military companies formJoseph Evans, a sufferer by Mary- ed, 294. New justices, 391. land and by fire, permitted to ask Mr. Handshue, Lutheran minister Charity, 259. Petition from, res- -Favorable character of C. Jegpecting road to Coventry Iron ler, 398. Treaty at, 462, 485, Works, 266. Roads, 278 282, 504-506-551. guard for Indians 284, 365, 495. Outrages by In- to Philadelphia, 549. Consultadians in, 280. Justices appointed, tion on speech to Indians at, 517. 312, 482. Praying for boundaries Justices commissioned, viii., 18, of a new county, 317. Map of 562. Complaint against Justice Pennsylvania, 317. New county, Holliday, 42. Two good horses petition, 335. Road from, to to be at, 71. Indian murders, 95. Philadelphia, 495. Return of, Coroners appointed, 223, 403, 503. Alarm from Indians, 656. 506, 781. Sheriffs appointed, Indian treaty at, 697-737. New 223, 403, 506, 781. Distresses county between, and Philadelphia of, by quartering soldiers on the proposed, 756. J. Hendricks' inhabitants, 330. Trials in, 336. deposition, 655. Wagons furnished by, 376. ResCircular letter of Governor to pecting choice of Inspectors, 400. Captains of militia of, v., 2. Complaints of Conestoga Indians Justices appointed, 3, 6. Peti- at-Conferencewith, 457. Courts tion for arms, &c., 26. Sheriffs - Supersedents - New justices elected, 55, 120, 411, 464, 551, commissioned, 562. Road to 597, 662. Coroners elected, 55, Galbraiths, 696. Carlisle, 676. 120, 411, 464, 551, 597, 662. Conferences with Indians at, 720Officers commissioned, 210, 247, 774. 325. Commissioners to Lancas- Convictions, &c., ix., 5. House ter, 306-319. Treaty at, signed, of correction, 22. Sheriffs elected, 316, 322. Expenses of treaty at, 57, 199, 285, 333, 398, 547, 623, 327. Justices appointed, 378. 688, 778S. Coroners elected, 57, Workhouse and house of correc- 199, 285, 333, 398, 547, 623, 689, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 177 778. Justices, 177, 281, 292, by Colonel Wilkins, x., 17. 386, 601. Murder of Conestoga Sheriffs elected, 56, 101, 211, Indians at, 89-113, 410, 460. 270. Coroners elected, 56, Letter from Sheriff Hay of, 101, 101, 211, 270. Division of, 32, 103. Paxton boys forming a 42. Estate of Adam Simon Kuhn, company to march to Philadel- 32, 42. Alleged errors in road phia, 108-113. Sheriff and mag- from Philadelphia to, 65, 69. istrates to give information, 124. Special Court for trial of, 73. EsDeposition of B. Kendal, 126. tate of William Martin, 73. ExTroops ordered from Carlisle to, ecutions or convictions, 110. 127. Letter of Governor to mag- Report of road from Philadelphia, istrates of, 131. Intelligence 113. Regulation of buildings, from, 132. A frontier county, &c., 149. Deputation of Cones138. Court of Quarter Session, toga Indians-murders -lands, 171. Justices, 172, 281, 292. &c., 255. Estate William Scott, Petition, quit rents, 179, 180. 259. Joel Ferree makes guns for A pardon asked for and granted, Committee of Safety, 290. Comn244. May raise money for nightly mittee to settle dispute bewatch, 283-285, 292, 296, 549. tween Grubb and De Haas, 344. E. Shippen, A. Stedman and J. Arms to be collected in, 356, 441. Saunders, Justices of Court of Removal of prisoners from, 491, Oyer and Terminer, &c., 292. 514. Prisoners to be distributed, Thomas Forster, a Justice, re- 502. Pay for arms, 520. Guns moved for interrupting sheriff in wanted from, 530. Matthias survey of land, 335. Manufac- Slough appointed agent to buy ture of glass in, 354. Lottery for clothing and accoutrements, 535. German Lutheran Church, 390, To permit General McKinley to 392, 567, 576, 579. Letter of contract for rifle guns, 598. Pay Governor to magistrates of, res- to M. Slough for tirelocks, &c., pecting murders by Frederick 606. Troops to be ready, 627. Stump, and other documents, Declaration of Independence to 414-490. Sheriff to receive be published ill, 635. Saltpetre Stump and servant from sheriff of manufactured at, 647. General Cumberland and take to Chester McKinley may buy rifles in, county, 442. Convictions, 513, 651. Money to families of asso601. James Webb declines as ciators — to be supplied with barrack master- James Ralph arms, 672. Colonel Crawford's appointed, 556. Supplement to battalion, 672. Colonel Porter's Act creating county, 556, 563, 682, 686. Orders respecting 579. Divorce case, 564, 580. prisoners confinedat, 687. To asSettlers from, go to Wyoming, sist Captain M. Smith to procure 583. Lottery for bridge and rifles, 688. Prisoners from Carpaving streets, 621. Furnaces lisle, 688. Mr. Brooks, a prisand forges, 1750, 632-636. New oner, to have liberty, 699. Col. road to Philadelphia proposed, Ferree-various captains, ~692. 657, 667, 681, 690. Justices, Powder for frontiers of, 702. 673. Special court for trial of State prisoners sent to, xi., 4. negroes, 680. Justice ill-treated Records removed to, 23. Books by Connecticut men-To be ar- and treasury moved to, from Philrested, 682. Orders for arrest, adelphia, 41. Powder sent to, 64. 683. Laz. Stewart taken and Troops to march to Philadelphia, escapes, 683. Reward offered for, 78. Guard for barracks, &c., 78. 685. Division of county, 707. Charles Wurtz, Town major, 78. Message of Governor respecting Hessians to be employed in makLaz. Stewart, 713. Conviction ing shoes, 85. lThanks to ofliand reprieve, 745. cers who remained, 90. Colonel Claims for carriages employed Timothy Green's battalion, 110. 12 178 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Powder magazine to be built at, Washington's order, 476. Re115. Prothonotary, 187, 199. cruiting at, 477. President WharCoroners elected, 191. J. Hubley ton, Jr., dies and is buried at-orresigns in Council, 199. Case of deroffuneral,499. Barracks tobe Joseph Richardson inquired into, cleared and Hessians secured202. Petition for magistrates and guard at, 510. Making of clothborough officers, 211. Death of ing too expensive at, remove to John Henry, a magistrate-Mr. Philadelphia, 521. Council inSchaffner elected, declines-Mr. tend to move to PhiladelphiaHuIbley and J. Hobson, Justices, declines taking Dunlap's paper, 211. All arms in, to be delivered 521. Prisoners removed to Philto Colonel Galbraith, 212. Win. adelphia, 573. Dedimus to adKelly, Sheriff, 222, 606. Bur- minister oaths, &c., 585. Agent gesses and other officers appoint- of forfeited estates, 599. Sheriff, ed, 223. Alarm from British 222, 606. Coroner, 606. Cost of prisoners-Town Major, 236. J. storehouse at, built by John HubHobson declines-William Henry ley, 738. Case of Robert Mcappointed a magistrate, 237. Neill, 760. Executions, 780. Justices, 251. Records of West- Money for, 781. moreland secreted in, 252. J. Board of War ask for key of Hubley to search for them, under magazine at, xii., 32. William warrant from Hubley and William Barton receives subscriptions for Henry, Justices, 252, 265. Lieu- loan office, 47. Case of Michael tenants, 257. William A. Atlee, Witmnan's forfeited estate, 69. Judge Supreme Court, 270. Pow- Change in orders respecting Lieuder house and magazine and ex- tenants, 76. CaseofAlexanderMcpenses of militia at, 271. De- Kee's forfeited estate-wheat to be struction of public stores at, purchased by Henry and Marshall, threatened, 307. Troops sent to, petition M. Reinhard for loss of and guard for prisoners, 313. horse, 85. Guards to be furnishSupreme Executive Council meet ed from Philadelphia, 95. Comat, 313. Order papers there, 314. plaints against Quarter Masters C. Wurtz, sub-Lieutenant, 335. and other officers, 100. Claim of John Brown arrested and sent to, Christian Wurtz, Town Major345, 406. John Smith discharged, referred to Board of War-guard 347. Wagons bringing wood or for prisoners to, 116. Election of provisions to, not to be impressed, Representative, 134, 508. Com350. Militia, 360. HenryDehuff, missioners, 134. Sheriffs, 134, chief Burgess, 364. Coroner, 368. 508. Justices, 231, 556. CoroWagon Master, 380. Barrack ners, 134, 508. Assessors, 134, Master, 405. A German newspa- 508. Prices fixed for wheat and per established and subscribed for, flour-purchase of, 142. William 409. Provisions stored at-Capt. Henry's order for clothing, 148. William Will, Storekeeper, 423. Christian Wirtz pays for house Purchase of provisions in, 424. and obtains deed, south-west Orders to troops to proceed for corner Walnut and Front, Philacamp-York militia to come to- delphia, 174. Witman's estate, order to remove powder, &c., over 231, 276. Execution of Thomas Susquehanna-cartridges to be Taylor, a highwayman, 275. Sifilled and a guard to be furnished mon Sneider, sub-Lieutenant, refor, 442. Assembly inquire at signs, 279. Military officers apwhose expense public buildings pointed, 300. And Commissioner are erected, 443. Pay of wagon- of purchases, 301. Militia fines, ers too low, 448. Prisoners from collector appointed, 386. To Virginia sent to, 462. May be Northumberland county, 492. discharged at, or Pottsgrove, 468. George Reine-estate sold, 552. Horses to be delivered on General Appointments, 554. Justice Cook INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 179 resigns, 556. Road between tenant, 206. Storehouse and Darby and, 592. Colonel Hubley, magazine at, 225. Disputed Lieutenant, 628. Auditors, 646. election, 232. Tax on writs, 236. Complaint against J. Bailey, Wa- Witnesses on election examined, gon Master, 647. Convention, 253, 254, 255, 258, 264, 266, troops to be removed to, 648. 267. Decided by appointing Road from Darby, 650. Repair Thomas Edwards, as Sheriff, and of barracks, 659. Provisions for John Offner as Coroner, and J. militia, 660. Troops called out, Whitehill as Councillor, 267, 695. Complaint against Wagon 269. Sheriffs, 267, 556. Coroner, Master-repair of barracks, 697. 267, 556. Parties engagedl in Bayonets for, 702. Auditors to election fraud to be prosecuted, pay troops, 718, 722. Militia 268. Election of Joseph Miller called out, 765, 767. LieLten- confirmed, 269, 270. William ants appointed, 767. Henry entitled to half proceeds of Militia, xiii., 27. Called out, goods seized, 309. Colonel Rob53. About to march, 71. Troops ert Elder's battalion of county discharged-cartouch boxes to be militia, 380. Col. James Mercer bought for militia, and arms, 82. and other militia officers, 396. Elections, 88, 393, 722. Sheriff, County Lieutenants to give se88, 393, 722. Censors, 722. curity, 400. Deputy Surveyor, Coroner, 88, 393, 722. Represen- 441,443, 447, 453. Justices Kelly tatives, 722. Councillor, 722. and Smith refusing to resign, are Execution, negro York, 137. Es- superseded, 454. Lieutenant B. tate of JohnRhine, 138. Military Galbraith, 478. Adam Reigartguard, 141. C. Wirtz commission- purchase of horses in, 519. Elecer, 154. Guard for prisoners to, tions, 556. Justice Carpenter, 165. Estate of Nicholas Hous- representative, resigns as Justice, sicker, 199, 251. Gratuities to sol- Contested election, 616, 617. diers, 244. Justices, 290. Clandes- Captain Michael Whitley paid for tine traffic in British goods-Wil- a gun and blanket, lost in action liam Henry to inquire into-arrest at Chestnut Hill, 637. Contested of persons, 317. Seizure of books, election decided for Justice Bailey, &c., 329. Men required, 365, 369. discharged from recognizance, Militia fines, 383. Pardons, 453. 654. Goods of Major James Gordon Justices, xv., 4, 14, 38, 52, 149, seized by William Henry, 453. 173, 515. Depreciation lands to Militia ask for pay, 457. British be sold at, 18. Proceedings for goods seized, 482. Justices, 542, taxes stayed, 22, J. Cornall par633. March, temper and inten- doned so far as relates to "cutting tions of troop stationed at, and off both ears, " 25. Cases of conference with Committee of criminals, 31. Petition of delinCongress on, 603. James Jacks, quent tax collector rejected, 49. Recorder and Register, 681. Corn- Petition, J. Miller respecting exmissioner, 722. Adam Hubley cise, 81. William Hayes' estate, resigns as Lieutenant of county- 90, 91. Elections, 98, 296. SherJohn Gloningher asks for it, 732. iffs, 98, 296, 570. Coroner, 98, 296, Colonel James Ross appointed 570. Representatives, 98. CounLieutenant, 746. cillor, 296. Colonel Haverstick's Justices, xiv., 45, 47, 65, 109, battalion and Captain Jacob Metz157, 180, 181, 201, 208, 259, 276, ger, 113. Committee of inspec307, 479, 654, 656. John Shrie- tion and observation, 1776 and'77, ber appointed to care of barracks, 167. Catharine Reinick, pension, 76. W. Hay, Collector of Excise, 185. Sale of William Hayes' 106. Negro Cato pardoned, 109. property referred to Comptroller, Contested election for Justices, 244. Indians detained at, by 196. Simon Schneider, sub-Lieu- sickness of interpreter Woods, 180 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 250. Pension to William Patter- urer for New Castle, i., 111. son's widow, 275. Rum seized Sheriff of New Castle, 194. from A. Moore, 282. Col. James Landis, Samuel, letter respecting Ross to deliver to M. Hollenback visit of Colonel George Talbot to arms for Luzerne, 289. Captain widow Ogle's house, i., 113. John Graff, 363. Militia fines, High Sheriff of New Castle, 121. house for storing arms, &c., 412. Letter from, 194. Jones' Lane to be improved, 448, Land office, viii., 337. In Lower 494. Sale of estate of William counties, not yet open, x., 208. Hayes postponed, 461. Michael Land offices, Congress object to Hubley, president of Courts, 499. opening, xii., 160. John Lukens Henry Ream, Justice, 515. Win. late Surveyor-General, to search Henry's widow is paid-part sales for papers relating to Cox's neck, of British merchandize seized- in New Castle county, 621. Offistores-expenses of Indian pris- cers appointed, 689. James oner, &c., 546. Ground rent on Tilghman, Secretary under prolots due W. Hamilton, 614. Paid, prietaries-Books and papers, 645. 690, 719, 749. Conference with Fines remitted, xvi., 12. Sur- Council on establishing aboard of veyor's district, 19. Sureties, 31. property, xiii., 132. David KenRemission of fines to Sheriff on nedy, Secretary, 418. Late Secseveral prisoners, 61. Tavern retaries James Tilghman and and marriage licenses, amount Edmund Physic, 420. Papers bereceived, 62. Receipts for taxes, longing to, to be demanded of J. 1787, 1788-receipts for excise, Turner and B. Chew, 433. Title 83. Taxes, 123. Repair of road, to city lot to Jacob Shallus con124. Accounts of Collector of firmed, 631. Papers again reExcise-sale of J. Armor post- ferred to, 636. Report, 639. poned, 136. Claim for military Conference on opening, xiv., 29. services under Colonel D. Jenkins, Commissioners to have Indian 1777,'78,'79, 154. J. Lutz, for deeds and papers, 54. Iron chest services, 161. John Griffith, Col- for Receiver-General, 168. E. lector of State taxes for, 180. -Blaine's letter referred to, 286. Sheriff, 193, 493. Justices, 410. Papers respecting Virginia boundCoroner, 193, 493, 499. Taxes ary, 288. On confiscated estates received by Jacob Krug, treas- in Westmoreland, 290. On A. urer, 290. Excise collected, 311. Power's claim, 292. Report, 343. Barracks at, to be sold-Com- Deputy surveyors in each county, missioners, 325. Instructions, 441, 442. Officers, 444. Lands 350. Tavern and marriage li- to be surveyed, 452. Counterfeit censes and tax on writs received certificates-Slrveyors on donaby John Hubley, 355. Militia tion lands, 454. To sell lands, pay-on expedition to Northumn- 633. Dispute between Maclay and berland county under John Slater, Edmiston about a line settled, 363. And under Captain Cald- xv., 6. Notice of sale of J. Galwell, 364. Militia officers elected loway's city lots, 6. Lands for according to Colonel James Ross' offices, 17. Depreciation lands to certificate, 399. Payfor aservallt be sold, 18. Receiver, 27. To enlisted, 408. Keeper of powder sell city lots, 58. Sale of depremagazine, &c., 434. Doyle ar- ciation, ordered, 138. To issue rested for killing Indians, 464, patent to John Hughes, 191. 483. Excise received, 477. Pen- Parchment for patents, 201. sion to Sergeant N. Little's widow, Public notice of sale of reserved 486. James Jack, Register and tracts opposite Pittsburg to be Recorder, 495. Forfeiture re- printed, 522. Report of committed, 495. Excise, 520. mittee on reserved lots opposite Land, Samuel, appointed Sub-Treas- Pittsburg, xvi., 22. Advertising, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 181 24. To furnish Attorney-General ernor Dongan for Win. Penn, with necessary papers in case of 273. In execution for debts, 280. Hog Island, 69. Fees received, Complaint against Christians for 82. Receiver-General to sell cer- settling on, for which Indians had tain city lots, 95. Depreciation not been paid-And Logan's reply certificates, 148. Mistake cor- to, 320 Indian deed for, on rected, 149. Case of J. Hartzell, Susquehanna, 321. J. Logan's 237. Dry lands of Northampton impressions about them, 322. county, 243. Exchange of war- Tulpehocken, Lechy, &c., petition rants, 297. Fees received, 380. of Palatines respecting, 322. InForm of conveyance for islands teresting discussion about, bein Ohio and Allegheny rivers, tween Logan, Hamilton, Hill, &c., 301. Fees received in, 311. 325. Released by Indians west Secretary and Receiver-General of Susquehanna, iv., 88, 92. re-appointed, 350. Valuation- Respecting, 336. Time granted Error in survey of tract on Gir- to purchasers who have not paid, tey's Run, opposite Pittsburg, 343. From Delaware Indians, 410. Fees received, 522. papers relating to, 481. Indians, Lands, to be taxed to meet charges, Cayuga, ask payment for, 500. i., 70. Appeal from Sussex Quit claim to, on Susquehanna, court for, on Prime Hook-Deci- 559-586. What raises their sion, 77. Issue of patents-De- value, 571. Disturbance with lay complained of, 86. Decision the Delawares about, 575. respecting Luke Watson, 89. Speech of Cannasatego to, 579. Commissioners to dispose of, 144. In Forks of Delaware, 576. PetiRefusel to survey, 120, 124, 151, tion of Captain John Titami, a 153. Indians willing to sell lands chief, 625. Reference to claims between Upland and Apoquinimy for, in 1736, 709. Claimed by -Commissioners appointed, 154. Indians, v., 383. Proclamation Fraud in a deed, 207. Regula- of Governor H. against settlers tions for enrolling proposed, 219. on, 394, 410. Report of R. Peters Estimated by distance from Phila- -Proceedings against settlers on delphia, 600. Quiet possession unpurchased, 440-449. Petitions for seven years, 620. Purchased of inhabitants, 454. Survey of, from Indians, ii., 17. Overplus obstructed by Indians, 489. Abm. — Near Pemmapeck, controversy Taylor sets up a claim to, under respecting, 34. Deficiencies, 54. early title, 551. Descriptive Free Society of Traders, not to deed executed by Indians at Lanmake further sales of, 154. Seven caster, 634. Deeds for, purchased years quiet possession, &c., 220, from Indians, at Albany, by the 221, 224. Belonging to Frank- Commissioners of Six Nations, ford Co., ii., 431. Swedes comn- vi., 119, 129. To George McCall, plain against proprietary and 235. Connecticut, claim to, 247secretary for taking their Dutch 275. Bounty offered to officers lands, 465. Religious societies not and soldiers, 504. Were the to sell, 528. Aliens holding, 610. Indians paid for, 710. Report, Have Indians right to those, on 724. Unpurchased, about AdSusquehanna? iii., 98. John jouquay-doubts respectingbuildGrist settles on, 137, 138. Of ing fort there, vii., 182. TeedyFree Society of Traders to be sold uscung speaks of, 203. Fraud in, for payment of debts, 138. On explained, 326, 327, 537, 540. Susquehanna, consents to Wi. And purchases, 327, 540. CoinPenn's purchase of, 181. Sur- mittee appointed by council to rendered to Governor Keith by investigate proprietary title to Indians at Albany, 201. Pala- Indian purchases of, 354. R;etines ask to purchase, 241. On quest to examine minutes resSusquehanna purchased by Gov- pecting, 394. Memorandum at 182 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Fort Allen, 431. Papers exam- Susquehanna Company, 569. Roined by committee, 464, 465. man Catholics may not hold, 596. Partial report of committee, 465, Respecting settlers, 637, 641. 469. Purchased from Indians, Connecticut people settling on, 635, 636, 676. Deeds for, pro- x., 50. Proclamation against, dluced to Teedyuscung, 688, 693, 95. Near Pittsburg —Early sur698. Lands in province and city vey of, 161. Deeds for, forged -Petition of Richard Hill and S. by George Crows, 693. DepreP. Moore to make title to, 728. ciation, xv., 42, 58, 426. DonaTeedyuscung demands deed of tion, 351, 580. Reservations, 593, 1718, 731. Complaints of Indians 599, 601. Grant of eighteen about, viii., 199. Purchase at tracts to Franklin College, 367. Albany from Susquehanna-from Reserved tract, 497, 509-512, John Penn's creek to Ohio, 199, 522, 649. Reserved, opposite 203-205. Teedyuscung denies Pittsburg, value of, xvi., 45, 340. claims of Delawares, 202. Deeds Depreciation, 148, 303, 325, 376, produced, 205, 211. Confer- 419, 439, 448, 452, 515. Fort ence at house of Nicholas Scull, McIntosh survey, 340. at request of C. Weiser, 211. Lane, Henry, traitor, to be arrested, Settlement by Peters and Weiser xii., 338, 342. Enlarged, 346. with Indians for, 219. Proprie- Lang, James, Ensign, appointed tary release for, 222. On Teedy- Lieutenant of battalion, x., 645. uscung's claims for, 242, 243. To raise volunteers, xi., 27. Report of committee of council on, Clothing account, 645. 246-261. List of deeds, &c., Langdon, John, Governor New produced, 259-261. Mr. Peters, Hampshire-letter and Act on in relation to papers in land office, navigation and commerce, xiv., &c., 335. Probity of officers, 596. 337. Discussions by Governor, Langdon, Woodbury, may export Council and Assembly, and re- provisions, xii., 173. marks by Galloway on bill for Langhorn, Jeremiah, dedimus to, recording warrants, &c., 361-372, ii., 97. A Commissioner named 675. Views of Assembly on pro- for building a new Court House prietary estates, 374, 530. Tax and prison for Bucks county, iii., Act, 1759. Opinions on, 537, 241. Appointed Judge, 258. 538. Security of estates, 539. Justice of Supreme Court, 400. Claims of unnaturalized subjects, Speaker, 528. Justice, iv., 244. 545. Purchase of, 623. Indians C. J., 348. Dies, 640. Succeednot cheated for, 661. Conferences ed by John Kinsey, 640. at Easton and Philadelphia, 630- Lapackpitton, Indian chief, vi., 35. 661. Naturalized persons may Laquis, William, journey to Indians hold, ix., 17, 24, 242, 325. In on Susquehanna, vii., 137, 182. executions for debts, 146, 148, Lardner, Lynford, v., 600. Member 160. Circular of Governor Penn of Council, vi., 414. Distribuon assessment of proprietary, 237. tion of arms for Assembly-report Answers to, 240. Instructions to on, 679. A Lieutenant, vii., 62. Governor on settlers on western, Provincial Commissioner, 671. 321, 403, 407, 408, 412. Procla- Expenditures for provincial ship, mation of Governor respecting, viii., 81. Declines being a Com327, 353. Justice of Lancaster missioner, 86. Visits NewCastle removed for interrupting survey with Governor John Penn, &c., of land, 335. Modes of granting, ix., 73. in province, 380. Mortgages un- Latcha, Major, xi., 110. paid, 395. Sir Win. Johnson on Latitude of Shanoppin's town, &c., settlers on Indian, 412. Settlers v., 751-757. on, 421 426, 431, 448, 568, 578. Latta, Thomas, a Justice, x., 209. Proceedings and resolutions of INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 183 Lattimore, Arthur, Coroner, viii., Law Suits, vexatious, to be avoided, 780; ix., 57. i., 204. Lattimore, Robert, Coroner, ix., 548. Lawyers, to be sent for to New Laub, Conrad, Sheriff, xvi., 194, York, ii., 407. 492. Laws, agreed on in England, i., 37. Laughlin, Alexander, Justice, xiv., Old, to be examined by Assembly, 242. 67. Seal, &c., to be affixed to all, Laughlin, Hugh, Justice, xiv., 362. 72. Not to be printed, but copies Laurens, Henry, president Congress, to be sent to each county, 74. sends copy of confederation, xi., Proposed, 86. Marginal notes to 379. Also commissions for priva- be examined by a Committee, 97. teers, 437. Various motions respecting, 97. Lawrence, Colonel Charles, Lieu- Can they be valid without consent tenant-Governor and commander- of Assembly? 106. Passed, 110. in-chief of Nova Scotia-to con- Continuing the old, 133. To be cert with Governor Shirley meas- according to charter, 134. And ures against French, vi., 311. published, 171. New, confirmed, Letter, 451, 464, 554, 711. Sends 171. Discussion between AssemFrench neutrals, 711. Captain of bly and Council about continuing, a fire raft, x., 536. Sent into 183, 184. To be enforced, 197, guard boats to Lewes Town, 593. 198, 199. Proposals from AssemLawrence, John, elected Justice for bly respecting, 205. Proposed, Philadelphia, v., 106, 110. Jus- 216, 217, 219, 226, 274. What tice of Supreme Court, ix., 393. laws had been enrolled and sealBounds to be fixed in parole, xi., ed, 276. On parchment rolls, 269, 525. Sentenced to death, 276. To be published under Penn's 565. Reprieved, 566, 579. Par- seal, 276. Not to be depended doned, 624. Lieuten't, xii., 338. upon, 277. Proceedings respectLawrence, John, Jr., at riot at Jas. ing, 294, 295. Declaration of Wilson's-bailed, xii., 152. Lieu- Governor and Council to continue tenant-Colonel of Flying Camp, the, 296. Style of, to be as in 1685, xiv., 634. 326. Proposed, 326, 335, 339. Lawrence, Joseph, Coroner, xiv., Sheriff to publish new laws in mar558. ket place, Philadelphia, 376. List Lawrence, Staats, at riot at J. Wil- of, in force, 411. Objections to son's —a min or —bond for, xii., 144. several, 429, 434, 455. Omissions, Lawrence, Thomas, to receive 462. To be renewed, 466. Prowrecked goods from Cape May, posed, 508, 521, 525, 552, 554, iii., 238. Mayor of city, 293. 571, 598, 600, 607, 610. ProMember of Council, 302. Goes to posed, &c., ii., 12, 32, 45, 46, 48, Lancaster at request of Council, 49, 54, 56, 154, 155, 156, 169, iv., 153. Appointed to try a negro, 184, 210-213, 218-222, 224, 231, 243. Commissioner to Albany, 236, 251-253, 337, 363, 420, 444, 771. Commissioner to treaty at 504, 518. Repealed, 251, 253. Albany, v. 28. Committee on Lower counties object to confirm Indian affairs, 167. Lieutenant- laws passed at New Castle, 49, 50. Colonel of Associators, 175. Of To be printed-copies to be sent'Committee of merchants on cur- to England, 64, 156. Separation, rency, xii., 353. Assembly, 163. Members to be Lawrie, Thomas, appointed secretary elected, 184. Meeting of Assemand clerk by Governor, iv., 289. bly at New Castle, 207. Change Resigns, and P. Baird succeeds of members, 516, 528, 529, 550, him, 429. 552, 563, 565, 571, 579-590, 609. Law Cases, submitted by Assembly Discussion about, between Govto Governor, ii., 627-629. ernor and Assembly —respecting, Law, practitioners of, draw up bill iii., 27, 36, 39, 43, 71, 75, 138, for Courts, ii., 252. 143, 165, 166, 171, 172, 174, 226, 184 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 233, 234, 235, 245, 247, 250, 277- Coroner, Philadelphia, xv., 98, 280, 357, 359, 375, 379, 380, 394, 574; xvi., 208, 490. 396, 400, 418, 422, 426, 435, 589. Leacock, Joseph, Coroner, xv., 328. Proposed, passed or repealed, iv., Inspector of pot and pearl ashes, 8, 14, 17, 18, 20, 22, 297, 304, xvi., 312. 306, 331, 336, 384, 386, 398, 475, Lead, only five hundred weight in 483, 503, 549, 626, 628, 634, 638, Philadelphia, x., 300. To be im659, 687, 688, 752. Proposed, &c., ported, 301. Enquired for at Tiv., 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 67, 369, conderoga, 301. Order for, and 370, 371, 375, 426, 427, 428, 499, flints, 305. Receiv'd, 328. Weights 502, 511, 512, 514, 516, 559, 560, &c.-inhabitants called on for, 576, 578, 619, 687. Historical 559, 649. Iron weights to be exview of certain Acts, 499. Con- changed for, 561. To be delivered firmation of, 619. Proposed, to secret Committee of Congress, &c., vi., 225, 344-357. Discov- 600. Required, 615. Weights ery of, among J. Kinsey's papers. to be collected-price, 637. Paid 357, 673, 382, 441, 551, 702. for, 648, 700. General Roberdeau Proposed, passed or repealed, asks pay for, xii., 162, 163. vii., 63, 72, 87, 93, 181, 182, 184, Leaden plates buried in Ohio, one 246, 275, 346, 390, 392, 396, 400, stolen from Jean Coeur, v., 508. 416, 433, 436, 443, 580, 583, 593, Copy of inscription on it, 510, 634. 719, 722, 739, 761. Act for regu- League of Friendship, William Penn lating officers and soldiers, 63. and Indians, iii., 24. Heads of Proposed, amended, passed or re- agreement, 311, 336. pealed, viii., 19-27, 30, 40, 65, League Island, dams, sluices, &c., 69, 76, 80, 100, 101, 125, 170, 172, ix., 390, 392. 173, 230, 318, 321, 332, 333, 335, Leaming, Thomas, fine remitted. 339, 342-351-356, 370, 376, 397, Leather, tanning and currying now 400, 402, 407, 455, 478-480, 483, proposed and discussed, iii., 139. 524-557, 558, 573, 580, 582, 583, Acts respecting, x., 22, 24, 41. 610, 673, 683, 684, 715. Partial- Lebanon Co. Justice appointed, ly repealed in England owing to ix., 281; xiv., 159. Prisoners informality, 535, 542. Proposed, sent from Reading to, x., 547. passed, repealed, &c., ix., 3, 4, Guards at, to be increased, xi., 17, 22, 23, 25, 37, 55, 56, 57, 63, 417. 64, 147, 148, 150, 151, 152, 168, Lebanon, Fort, vii., 35. 238, 242, 243, 245, 247, 283, 285, Le Boeuf, fort burned, viii., 380, 513. 294, 296, 313, 314, 325, 326, 337, Post at, cut off and massacred, 354, 356, 358, 360-366, 369, 389, ix., 35. To be reserved for Com390, 392, 394, 401, 421, 439, 443, monwealth, xv., 595. Reserval 446, 448, 461, 465, 470, 472, 549, tion at, for State, xvi., 47. 556, 561, 563, 564, 566, 576, 578, Lechay Hills or mountains, de580, 582, 599, 621, 622, 623, 626, scribed, iii., 322. (See Lehigh.) 637, 640, 643, 649, 650, 652, 654, Ledlie, Andrew, respecting Wyo658, 662, 681, 687, 698, 717, 719, ming, ix., 756. Surgeon, xi., 94. 720, 722, 724, 729, 730, 760. God- With others send memorial and dard, printer of the, 393. Pro- resolutions, which are declared posed, enacted or repealed, x., 4, seditious and ordered to be prose18, 25, 26, 27, 32, 35, 41, 48, 70, cuted by Attorney General, xv., 72, 74, 76, 79, 80, 98, 102, 104, 224, 225. Paid for medicines, 106, 109, 139, 144, 147, 197, 209, &c., 344. Petition, 471. 218, 223, 224, 237, 239, 241, 243, Ledlie, William, Coroner, ix., 623, 254, 261, 263, 274. Printing of, 688. xiii., 90, 193, 275. Lee, Captain.., petition to have Lea, Isaac, Coroner, v., 55, 120, 345, his company annexed to Colonel 411, 464. Proctor's regiment, xii., 210. Leacock, John, Coroner, xiv., 555. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 185 Lee, Lieutenant Joseph Brown, ap- Lenox, William, enlarged, x., 291, pointed, x., 678. 292. Lee, General, letter inform- Leogane, flag of truce from, with ing of Hessians embarking at prisoners, v., 122. Gets repairs, Staten Island for Pennsylvania, 122. Spanish prisoners to be sent x., 753.` back, 122. Spanish prisoners Lee, Major -, respecting sup- sent to, 130, 234. plies, xii., 210. Of light dra- Leonard, Ezekiel, Sheriff, xv., 97, goons, 235. 296, 566. Lee, Richard Henry, letter to, from Le Roy, George, recommended by Dr. Birkenhout, xi., 569. Elect- Chev. Luzerne, xii., 46. ed president of Congress, xiv., Le Roy, Monsieur, and Boyne, two 270. French subjects, arrested, viii., Lee, Thomas, president of Virginia, 714. letters to and from, v., 423, 424. Lesher, John, Commissioner to purLee, William, Coroner of Philadel- chase provisions, xi., 423. phia, ii., 108. Lesley, Robert, proposes alteration Leech, Benjamin, claims a lot on of hammer of State House clock, Tenth street, as purchased by xv., 380, 387. Care of State Tobias Leech from William Penn, House clock, xvi., 220, 488. xiii., 31. Le Tort, Captain Jacques (and wife Leech, Thomas, Committee of As- Ann), asks permission to go to sembly, vii., 637. Elected Speak- England, i., 340. Madame and er, 772. Chosen Speaker of As- Indians, conspiracy, 396,435, 436. sembly, viii., 396. Succeeded by Indian trader returns from CanNorris, 407. To take care of sick ada-testimony in his favorsoldiers, xi:, 56. gives security, ii., 100. Letter Leech, Toby, ii., 540. from Madame on attacks of InLeet, Edward, case of, with Mary- dians, 121. And Indians, 138, land, iv., 101. Examination of, 140, 155. Petition from jail, 163. 104-106, Petition, 170, 171. Complaint Legacy Act, vii., 416, 443. against, 403, 471, 554. Gives reLehigh River, fisheries, ix., 623. cognizance, 539. Asks to trade Exploration of, xv., 65. Union with Indians, 562. At Council saw mill on road to, 195, 229, 230. at Conay T. with J. Mitchell, iii., Survey of road between Susque- 187. Noticed by Indians, 274. hanna and Nescopec, xvi., 20, 83. Arrives from Chenasty, reports Commissioners to examine, 319. Indian threatenings, 294. PreLehigh Water Gap, road to Wyo- sents a claim for services, iv., 237. ming, xv., 22, 30. Letter from, 574. Lehman, Christian, a Notary and Letters of Marque, proclamation for Tabellion Public, x., 9. commissions to, against Spain, Leib, Michael (Dr.), paid for medi- iv., 451, 486; xi., 23, 24. cines and attendances on a dis- Lettersabled militia man of Philadel- Abercrombie, General James, phia, xvi., 61. vii., 193; viii., 37, 69, 78, 141. Leiper, Thomas, deed for part of Adams, John, xiii., 702; xv., Tinicum, xii., 256. Sheriff. xv., 50. 102, 300, 578, 580. Adams, Robert, vii., 43. Leisler, Jacob (of New York), letter Agents of Parliamentary grant, to president Lloyd on defence ix., 49. against French, i., 332. Allen, Ira, xii., 233. Le Marr, Captain, x., 503. Alexander, James, vi., 267, Lennot, William, to be seized, xi., 270, 273. 286. Alexander, William, vi., 248, Lenox, David, as Captain, x., 447. 262. Arrested and confined, xi., 287. Allinson, William, vi., 434. 186 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Letters- LettersAmherst, General Jeff., viii., Blaithwaite, Secretary, i., 526. 236, 261, 262, 274, 285, 298, 322, Blunston, Samuel, iii., 470 331, 380, 381, 437, 448, 452, 454, iv., 147, 155, 158. 503, 504, 578, 590, 602, 628, 679, Blythe, Colonel Benjamin, xi., 687; ix., 34, 62, 74. 564; xiii., 522. Archer, Henry William, xv., Board of Admiralty, xii., 393, 51. 707. Armand, General, xix, 12. Board of Treasury, xii., 55, Armstrong, George, vii., 557. 198, 324; xiv, 604; xv., 82, 106, Armstrong, Colonel John, vi., 123. 378, 400, 403; vii., 231, 257, Board of War, xi., 468, 509, 503, 552, 599; ix., 444, 448, 626, 637, 758; xii., 16, 32, 90, 462, 484; xii., 322. 92, 198, 210, 215, 221, 262, 312, Arndt, Jacob, xii., 317. 433, 454, 702, 743; xiii., 97, 128, Arnold, General Benedict, xi., 449, 551. 228. Boggs, John, xiv., 140. Arnold, Thomas, xvi., 307. Bond, Phineas, xv., 408, 416. Assembly, xiii., 352. I~ Boscawen, Admiral, vi., 451. Assembly of Maryland, i., 334. Boscawen, Admiral E., viii., Atlee, Colonel, xii., 330, 437, 164. 480. Bouchet, Cheval., iv., 173. Atlee, Judge, xii., 220. Bouquet, Colonel Henry, ix., Atlee, Samuel J., xiii., 697; 35, 207. xiv., 310. Bowen and Beatty, xiv., 178; Atlee, William Aug., xiv., 314. 401. Attorney-General, xiv., 619; Boyd, Samuel, &c., xvi., 2092. Auditor-General, xii., 177. Braddock, General E., vi., 307, xv., 647; xvi., 210z-433, 452. 331, 332, 371, 398, 399, 401, 426, Bache, Benj. Franklin, xiv., 430, 445, 475. 409. Bradford, William, Jr., AtBaker, Hilary, xiii., 549. torney General, xii., 583, xiv., Ballet, Captain, v, 256. 134; xv., 446. Baltimore, Lord, iii., 468, 479, Bradstreet, Colonel Jno., vi., 486. 413; ix., 193. Barton, Reverend Thomas, vi., Brearly, Adam, xiii., 3. 675. Brearly, David, C. J., xiii., Bayard, John, xi., 39. 74. Bayard, Jno., and C. Pettit, Brodhead, Daniel, xii., 25, 80, xiv., 618. 84, 173, 215, 245, 287, 377, 435, Beatty, Colonel, xii., 101. 445, 498, 586, 743; xvi., 171, Beckley, John, xvi., 439. 216, 224, 2112, 2122, 253, 256, Bedford, Duke of, v., 360, 379, 261, 288, 292, 317, 384, 461. 411. Broughton, Thomas, iv., 165. Belcher, J., Governor, v., 5; Bryan, George, C. J., xii., 423. 266; vii., 384. Buchannan, William, vi., 435. Bernard, Governor Francis, Bull, William, Governor of viii., 139. South Carolina, ix., 775. Biddle, Edward, vi., 704. Burd, James, &c., vi., 377, Biddle, Colonel Clement, xii., 403, 435, 436, 466. 484, 485, 499, 393; xiii., 330. 555,vii., 436, 453, 618, 734. Birkenhout, Dr., xi., 569. Burd, John, xi., 773. Blaine, Ephraim, xii., 111, Butler, Colonel, xi., 690. 522; xiv., 283, 286. Butler, Colonel Richard, xii., Blair, W., ix., 342. 36, 428; xiii., 503, 603; xvi., 45, Blakeney, Colonel, iv., 430. 422, 537. Blanchard, Col. Joseph, vi., 623. Butler, Walter, v., 624. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 187 Letters- LettersButler, Zebulon, xv., 505; Commissioners of Berks county, xvi., 317. xii., 275; xv., 428. Buyers, Hon. Jno., xiii., 686. Commissioners of Connecticut, Cadenhead, John, xiii, 764. x.. 121, 126, 133. Callender, Robert, ix., 302. Commissioners to Indians, vii., Callender, William, and, J. 153, 498, 772. Pemberton, vii., 394. Commissioners of Lancaster, Calvert, Charles, iii., 222, 224. xvi., 123. Campbell, Francis, vi., 699. Commissioners to Luzerne, xv., Campbell, George, xvi., 462. 276. Campbell, Captain James, viii., Commissioners on defence of 290. Delaware, xii., 361, 487. Campbell, John, vi., 481. Commissioners to view Rivers, Cannon, John, xiii., 584. xvi., 2092, 2222. Cariljas, Don Francisco, viii., Commissioners of Taxes, Phil171. adelphia, xiii., 453, 647, 573; Carmarthen, Lord, xv., 50. xiv., 151. Carmichael, ~, xvi., 144. Commissioners of Trade and Carothers, John, xii., 4, 93., plantations, ix., 343. 100, 398, 721. Commissioners on Boundary, Carson, John, vii., 773; xii., 8. xiv., 69. Caswell, Governor of North Commissioners of Virginia and Carolina, xv., 159. Maryland, xiv., 398. Celeron, a French Captain, v., Committee of Assembly on purCellender, Robert, v., 600. chase of lands, vii., 635, 636. 425. Committee of Safety, x., 497. Chambers, Benjamin, vi., 675. Comptroller General, xiv., 457; Chambers, John, xii., 391. xv., 69, 413, 429; xvi., 94, 293, Chastenoy, Mons., to, v., 131. 317, 318, 332, 348, 359. Christ, Henry, xii., 780. Congress, x., 564, 565, 660; Chrystie, Captain James, xiv., xi., 197, 379, 437, 487, 619, 636, 32. 752, 759, 767; xii., 2, 25, 49, 65, Clapham, Colonel William, vii., 66, 75, 80, 84, 108, 116, 147, 160, 156. 176, 197, 200, 201, 227, 230, 234, Clark, Brigadier-General, xiv., 250, 263, 275, 279, 287, 331, 334, 162. 370, 387, 392, 398, 400, 403, 410, Clarkson, Major Mathew, xi., 423, 424, 427, 459, 484, 517, 529, 676, 677. 569, 597, 599, 615, 671, 675, 683, Clarkson, Mathew, xii., 482; 685, 702, 718, 733, 735, 736, 740, xiii., 182. 742, 750, 758, 778, 783; xiii., 16, Claus, Daniel, vi., 182, 249, 41, 101, 105, 123, 137, 148, 170, 292, 468; vii., 155. 173, 185, 311, 502, 512, 574, 576, Clinton, Governor of New York, 600, 618, 635, 637, 681, 682, 697, iv., 772. From and to, v., 30, 699, 730, 744; xiv., 12, 43, 51, 56, 133, 187, 215, 265, 286, 305, 52, 72, 78, 143, 270, 343, 347, 431, 462, 480, 495, 508, 517, 524, 372, 384, 443, 473, 480, 509, 516, 553, 573, 625, 639, 642; xii., 64, 561, 587, 618, 643, 652; xv., 102, 306; xiii., 350; xiv., 457. 106, 215, 286, 455, 474, 480, 515; Cluggage, Captain, xii., 147. xvi., 438. Coates,Colonel Wm., xiii., 641. Connecticut, Governor of, xiv., Colden, Cadwalader, ix., 120, 317; xv., 575. 656, Connor, John, xiii., 148. Commercial Committee of Con- Contrecceur, Captain, vi., 39. gress, xii., 130. Conway, Rt. Hon. H. C., ix., Commercial convention, xv., 298, 309, 310. 107. Cook, Jacob, sii., 556. 188 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Letters- LettersCookson, Thomas, v., 377. 359, 377, 382, 384, 385, 388, 467 Cookson, William, iv., 657, 675. 473, 475, 476, 482, 501, 543, 549, Cornbury, Lord, ii., 136. 571, 580, 581, 605, 606, 607, 608, Cornplanter, Indian, xvi., 499, 634, 637, 647, 657, 658, 661, 672, 510. 679, 738, 773; viii., 56, 283. Council, v., 320; xiii., 680; Deshler, David, xii., 596. xiv., 56, 262, 276, 282, 286, 317, Dewalt, G., president of Gener321, 356, 359, 381, 405, 447, 509, al Court of Maryland, xiv., 106. 571, 572, 585; xv., 20, 26, 35, Dick, John, ix., 753. 106, 170, 180, 276, 301, 362, 381, Dickinson, John (intercepted), 396, 401, 442, 443, 472, 493, 505, xi., 92. President, xiii., 478. To 524, 571, 618, 641; xvi., 26, 39, C., xiv., 219, 243. 126, 149, 181, 266, 357, 358, 361, Digges, Dudley, xii., 522. 399, 404, 511. Dinwiddie, Governor Robert, of Council of Safety, x., 654, 657, Virginia, v., 632, 687, 712, 765, 667, 669, 681, 743; xi., 115, 123, 767; vi., 5, 7, 27, 31, 55, 163, 335. 177, 294, 296, 297, 308, 419, 445, Coxe, Colonel., xii., 423. 451, 602; vii., 31. Coxe, Tench, xv., 86. Dobbs, Governor Arthur, viii., Coyle, James, xv., 527. 290. Craig, John, xiii., 407. Dongan, Governor, N. Y., relatCrawford, Josiah, xii., 486. ing to French and Indians, i., 217. Crawford, William, x., 165. Dougherty, x, xii., 72. Crispin, William, xi., 440. Dougherty, Bernard, xiii., 101, Croghan, George, v., 72, 119, 310. 496, 539, 569; vi., 21, 145, Douglass, Ephraim, xiv., 525. 160, 180, 181, 188, 226, 398, 642, Duch6, T. S., xii., 18. 699; vii., 355, 403, 465,478, 479, Duffey, Capt. ---, xii., 67. 480, 482, 484, 503, 525, 600, 630, Dunbar, Col. Thomas, vi., 498, 660; ix., 249, 323. 547, 593, 595. Cumberland Co., Justices, ix., Dunmore, Lord, x., 156, 183, 486. 188. Dagworthy, John, vii., 603, 632, Du Portail, General, xi., 732, 633. 779. Dartmouth, Earl of, x., 220, Durell, Admiral Phil., viii., 289. 240, 248. Dyson, J., ix., 49. Davis, Caleb, xv., 406. Eckart, Col. Valentine, xii., Deane, Joseph, xii., 607. 466; xiii., 570. De Canaveral, Exc'y, J., xvi., Edmonds, Win., vii., 163, 773. 381. Edwin, John, viii., 99. De Cornay, Monsieur, xiv., 425. Egremont, Earl of, viii., 678, De Hart, Colonel, xii., 686; ix., 13, 15, 37. 258. Eichelberger Jacob, xii., 421. De Lancey, Governor James, Elder, Rev. John, vi., 652, 7C4. v., 717; vi., 9, 32, 511, 554, 592; Elder, Col. -, xii., 71. vii., 560, 596, 628, 716, 762; Ellicott, Andrew, xiv., 464; viii., 146, 165. xv., 631. Delany, Sharp, xv., 599. Espy, David, xvi., 517. De la Vega, v., 199, 200. Espy, Mr. —, xiii., 284. Delegates in Congress, xiv., 3, Ewing, James, xi., 676; xiv., 12, 105, 119, 357, 379, 521, 549; 443. xv., 19, 37, 300, 472, 502, 514; Fairfax, William, v., 657. xvi., 100, 119, 409. Falconer, Nathaniel, xv., 331. De Marcellin and Le Roy, xiv., Farmer, Lewis, xvi., 222. 30. Fayette, Marquis de la, xiii., Denny, Governor William, vii., 223, 479. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 189 Letters- LettersFebiger, Christian, xvi., 35, Glen, Governor James, of South 466. Carolina, v., 699. Ferris, Capt. Owen, xii., 556. Glonsinger, John, xiii., 424. Field officers of Pennsylvania Gooch, William, Governor of line, xi., 731. Virginia, iii., 564; iv., 655, 755; Findley, Wm., xvi., 434. v., 56, 189, 221, 257, 280, 301, Finley, Rev. James, xiii., 617. 346. Fishbourne, Benj. A. D. C., xi., Gordon, James, xiii., 453. 468. Gordon, Lewis, ix., 572, 744, Fisher, Samuel R., xi., 729. 752, 756. Fitch, Thomas, Governor of Gordon, Patrick, Governor of Connecticut, v., 773; vi., 261; Pennsylvania, iii., 469, 475, 481, viii., 627. 483, 487, 489, 495, 565, 567, 583. Fitzsimons, Thomas, xiii., 555: Governor of Connecticut, xii., xvi., 2. 287. Fleeson, Plunket, xiv., 548. Governor of Maryland, xii., Fletcher, Gov. Benjamin, i., 400, xv., 463. 383, 384. Governor of Massachusetts, xii., Flint, Royal Commissary, xii., 400; xiv., 516, 643; xv., 53, 170, 227. 183, 435. Forbes, General John, viii., 59, Governor of North Carolina, 60, 79, 100, 110, 167, 224, 232. xii., 314; xvi., 309. Forsytll, Robert, xii., 522. Governor of New Jersey, xv., Fox, H., Secretary, vii., 179, 493. 180, 268. Governor of New York, i., 202; France, Minister of, xii., 723; xii., 301; xiv., 380; xv., 497; xii., 723, 487, 647, 672, 682. xvi., 103. Francis, Tench, v., 775; xv., Governor Green of Rhode Is153. land, xii., 444. Franklin, Benjamin, vii., 16; Governor of Virginia, iv., 655, xiv., 165. Executors of, xvi., 755; vii., 570; xiv., 467, 643, 358. 0 651. Franklin, John, and John Jen- Graff, Reverend Mr., vi., 757. nings, xv., 79. Greene, General Nathaniel, Franks, David, xii., 547. xii., 300, 305, 428. Fraser, John. v., 659. Green, Wm., Gov. R. I., xii., French Minister, xii., 723. 444. Furman, Moore, xii., 435. Gregg, Mathew, xii., 455. Gage, General Thomas, ix., 90, Gregory, James, Sub-Lieuten118, 119, 170, 238, 264, 267, 281, ant, xii., 4, 93. 292, 300, 302, 318, 321, 403, 581, Griffin, —, xii., 250. 665, 718; x., 17, 19. Gronow, Lewis, xii., 600; xiii., Galbraith, Colonel Bartram, 283. xi., 776. Gurney, Francis, xv., 340. Galbraith, James, and John Hale, Thomas, xii., 265. Hoge, ix., 487. Halifax, Earl of, ix., 113. Galbraith, Robert, xvi., 252, Hall, Charles, xii., 76; xiii., 256. 128. Galbraith, Thomas, xiv., 476. Haller, Mr. Henry, xi., 771; Gamble, James, xii., 311. xii., 12, 48, 436, 780. Ganawese, King, from Gover- Hamilton, A., and John Georges, nor, iii., 188. iii., 554, 558, 559, 560. Gardner, Joseph, xiv., 549. Hamilton, Hance, vii., 77. Gerard, Sieur, xi., 679; xii., Hamilton, Governor James, v., 60, 66, 78. 383, 384, 463, 570, 582, 586, 596, Glasier, B., vi., 480. 628, 632, 661, 693, 696, 698, 700, 190 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. etters- Letters- Letters708, 709, 753, 768; vi., 1, 3, 27, xi., 699, 749; xii., 30, 54, 59, 61, 31, 145, 148, 181, 182, 763; viii., 65, 90, 94, 233, 296, 402, 419. 568, 570, 622, 691, 776, 778, 779; Holland, Hitchen, v., 622, 623; ix., 777. vi., 53, 411. Hamilton, Captain John, x., Holland, Nathaniel, viii., 501. 665. Holmes, John, Sheriff, ix., 463. Hammond, William, Sheriff of Hopkinson, Judge Francis, xii., Baltimore, iv., 66, 69. 267, 574; xiv., 144; xv., 398. Hancock, John, Governor of Hopson, P., v., 228. Massachusetts, xv., 435. Horsefield, Timothy, vi., 736, Hand, General Edward, xi., 756, 757; vii., 169, 187, 190, 305, 261; xii., 138, 284, 427; xiv., 23, 461, 587, 732; viii., 84, 99, 353, 25, 72, 159, 162, 165, 173, 180. 663. Hannums, John, xiii., 105, 508. Hubley, Lieutenant Adam, xi., Hardy, Governor, Sir Charles, 770; xii., 732. vii., 9, 35, 41, 113, 122, 123, 142, Hubley, Colonel John, xii., 53, 307, 339. 84, 231; xiii., 71, 140. Hardy, Samuel, xiv., 162. Huffnagle, Michael, xiii., 731, Harmar, Colonel Josiah, xiv., 754, 766, 774; xiv., 471, 472, 185, 311, 356, 373, 447, 470, 473, 607; xv., 179. 480, 516; xv., 379; xvi., 258, Humpton, Colonel Richard, 262. letter, xi., 761; xii., 320. Harris, John, vi., 184, 226, Hunter, Colonel Samuel, xii., 457, 645, 654, 655, 661. 23, 72, 229, 308, 461, 490, 743, Harrison, Governor.Benjamin, 744; xiii., 521. of Virginia, xiii., 753; xiv., 38. Huntington, Governor Samuel, Hart, Colonel Joseph, xiii., 82; xv., 575. xiv., 307. Innes, Colonel James, vi., 51, Hartley, David, xiv., 165. 478. Hartley, Colonel Thomas, xi., Irvine, Brigadier-General, Jas., 452, 626. xi., 569, 696. Hawley, Rev. Gideon, vi., 11. Irvine, Colonel William, xi., Hay, John, Sheriff, ix., 103; 569. xii., 108. Irvin, Brigadier-General, xii., Hazard, Ebenezer, xiii., 122. 58, 227; xiii., 297, 406, 430, 491, Heisted, Charles, Swedish Con- 616, 617, 677, 686. sul, xiv., 276. Jacks, James, xiv., 331. Henry, George, xi., 765. Jackson, David, xiv., 549. Henry, John, xiii., 324. Jamaica, Governor of, viii,, Henry, Governor Patrick, of 171. Virginia, xii., 16. Jameison, D., &c., xii., 27. Henry, Colonel William, xi., Jay, John, xiv., 165, 405, 451, 779; xii., 570; xiii., 603, 641; 560. xv., 241. Jefferson, Thomas, Secretary, Hewitt, Thomas, xii., 490. xvi., 314, 374, 415, 428, 433, Hiester, Daniel, Jr., xiii., 74. 456. Hill, Thomas, Secretary, v., Jennings, Edm., and D. Du686. barry, iv., 108, 130, 141. Hillegas, Michael, xii., 423, Jennings, John, ix., 585. 444. Jocelyn, Thomas, vi., 774, 778. Hillsborough, Lord, ix., 546, Johnson, Colonel, v., 431, 480, 552, 637, 706, 760. 549; vi., 269, 359, 509, 607. Hodgdon, Colonel Samuel, xiii., Johnson, Colonel Francis, xi., 614; xv., 9. 190, 407; xiv., 311; xv., 426. Holdernesse, Earl of, v., 689. Johnson, Governor of Maryland, Holker, Mons., French Consul, xi., 647. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 191 Letters- LettersJohnson, Colonel Guy, x., 200. Lincoln, Benjamin, xiii., 254. Johnson, Sir William, vii., 117, Livingston, Robert R., minister 193, 279, 434, 622, 626, 723; viii., for Foreign Affairs, xiii., 211, 97, 507; ix., 21, 63, 129, 189, 412, 282, 459, 487, 543, 555. 495; x., 21. Livingston, Gov. Win., of New Jones, Cadwalader, Governor of Jersey, xi., 185; xii., 87, 89, 386, New Providence, i., 342. 495, 685. Judges Supreme Court, xi., Lloyd, P. Zachary, xvi., 458. 753; xiv., 141; xv., 452; xvi., Lochrey, D. Arch'd., xi., 773. 14. Lochrey, Arch'd., xii., 72, 245. Justices of Berks county, vi., Logan, James, president, iv., 503. 64, 70, 75, 112, 121, 137, 140, 146, Justices of Cumberland, v., 159, 190, 198, 206, 252, 288, 311. 452. Long, Andrew, xii., 537. Justices of Philadelp'a, xii., 80. Long, Thomas, xiii., 98. Justices of Lancaster county, Long, William, xv., 266. iv., 66, 109. Lords of Trade, iv., 356, 503, Justices of Lewistown respect- 567; vii., 272, 278, 386, 738; ix., ing piratical vessels, i., 539. 40, 79. Kachlein, Peter, xii., 317. Lords, Justices, iv., 671, 675. Keene, Lawrence, xiii., 697. Louisiana, Governor of, viii., Keith, Win., Governor, iii., 223. 124. Kellogg, Martin, v., 573. Loudoun, Lord, vii., 234, 269, Knowles, Governor or Admiral 340, 342, 379, 429, 453, 495, 523, Charles, v., 127, 133. 525, 596, 597, 732, 737, 756; viii., Knox, General Henry, xii., 23. 245, 398, 400; xiv., 517. Lovell, James, Del. Mass., xii., Kucher, Christopher, xii., 393. 51. Laird, Hugh, xv., 213. Lukens, John, Surv'r General, La Jonquiere, v., 554. xv., 49. Langdon, John, Governor of Luzerne, Chev. de la, xii., 251, New Hampshire, xiv., 596. 433. Lawrens, Henry, xi., 437, 487. Lynch, Jno. Patrick, xii., 353. Lawrence, T., Governor, vi., Lyttle, Andrew, xii., 334; xiii., 249, 451, 464, 554, 711. 508. Lawrence, Thomas, letters of, McAllister, Richard, xiv., 182; v., 92, 133. xv., 126. Ledlie, Andrew, ix., 756. McCleery, Wm., xiii., 698. Lee, Arthur, and R. Butler, McClenachan and Irwine, xi., xiv., 165. 766. Lee, General, x., 753. McDowell, John Rev., xiii., 481. Lee, Major ——, xii., 210. McFarlane, Andrew, x., 169. Lee, Thomas, President of Vir- McGauhey,, xiii., 647, ginia, v., 423. 672. Leisler, J., Governor of New McGinty, Alexander, v., 627. York, defence against French, i., Mackay,.2Eneas, x., 140, 169. 332. MoKean, C. J. Thomas, xii., 75, Lenox, David, xiv., 454. 112. Levan, Daniel, xiii., 750. McKee, Thomas, vii., 597, 619, Levers, Robert, xi., 528; xiii., 734. 74. McKinley, John, x., 669. Lewis, William, xvi., 456. McIntosh, Gen'l, xi., 699, 773. Lieutenants of Philadelphia, McLean, Alexander, xiii., 334, xii., 338. 510, 516, 531. Limback, F., and P. Burn- McLean, Mr., xii., 93. holder, xiii., 91. McMichael, John, vi., 254. 192 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Letters- LettersMaclay, Win., xiv., 374, 604. Moore, Major James, xii., 92; Magistrates of Huntingdon, xv., xiv., 29, 31, 32. 479. Of Westmoreland, x., 323. Moore, Col. James, xiv., 144. Maisterson, Captain Samuel, v., Morales, Francis, xiv., 484. 323. Morgan, Capt. Jacob, vii., 35; Managers of State Lottery, xiv., xi., 531; xii., 53, 117, 743. 275, 286; xv., 36, 159. Morris, Cadwalader, xiv., 29. Marbois, Mons., xiii., 486, 596, Morris, Governor of New York, 600, 645, 672, xiv., 111, 135, v., 1. 140, 173, 282, 290, 405. Morris, Gov. Robert H., vi., Marine Committee, xi., 646. 187, 249, 252, 254, 255, 286, 295, Marshall, Lt. James, xiv., 165; 296, 297, 299, 301, 303, 327, 334, xv., 107. 335, 338, 372, 406, 408, 410, 412, Marsteller, Philip, xii., 67, 116, 415, 419, 420, 421, 452, 453, 455, 392. 461, 462, 463, 476, 495, 496, 511, Maryland, Gov. of, xii., 433. 519, 563, 565, 595, 599, 604, 639, Massachusetts, Gov. of, xi., 652, 660, 662, 666, 700, 744, 771, 629, 682. 772, 774, 776; vii., 10, 97, 109, Maseracre, Col., xii., 52. 120, 136, 151, 170, 189, 191; xi., Maxwell, William, vi., 434. 690. Mead, David, insurrection in Morris, Robert, x., 784; xii., Northumberland, xiv., 358, 398, 2. Sup. fin., xii., 783; xiii., 19, 497. 100, 128, 173, 195, 211, 282, 374, Mercer, Lieut.-Colonel Hugh, 404, 406, 408, 425, 487, 551, xiv., viii., 292, 305, 391, 394. 182, 468. Merchants of Philadelphia, xiv., Muhlenberg, Fred. Aug., xii., 54. 263, 568. Speaker, xii., 568, 584. Melcher, Col. Isaac, xv., 597. Munday, Henry, iv., 102. Miles, Hon. Samuel, xiv., 66. Murray, Gov. James, ix., 290. Militia Officers, xii., 215. Nathaniel, Mr., vi., 756. Miller, Rev. Peter, xiii., 510. Navy Board, xii., 398. Milligan James, xiv., 586. Nesbitt, Mr., xii., 283. Mills, Lieutenant, v., 573. Netotways (Indian chief), ix., Minister of France, xiv., 115, 735. 121, 136, 144, 173. New Castle, Capt. vii., 189. Minister, United Netherlands, New Castle, Duke of, iv., 422, xiv., 135. 428, 430, 490, 689, 766; v., 37, Mitchell, James, to Governor, 127. iii., 187. New York, Governor and CounMitchell, John D., Quarter- cil of, respecting D. Plessie, i., Master-General, xii., 18. 202. Mitchell, Col. John, xii., 321. Nice, John, xv., 432. Monakatootha, v., 635. Nicholson, Francis, Governor of Monckton, General Robert, viii., Maryland, i., 515. 495, 509. Nicholson, John, ComptrollerMontgomery, Capt., xii., 19, 86. General, xiii., 417; xvi., 332. Montgomery, Daniel, xiii., 697. Nicola, Colonel, xii., 400, 450, Montgomery, Joseph, xv., 221. 730. Montgomery, Capt. James, x., Norris, Isaac, Speaker, vii., 149. 665. North Carolina, xv., 524. Montgomery, Wm., xvi., 538. Ogden, Aaron, xi., 752. Montour, Andrew, vi., 46, 130. Ogle, Samuel, Governorof MaryMoody, Robert, x., 86. land, iii., 480, 557, 559; iv., 60, Moore, Ann, xiii., 105. 116, 156, 167, 175, 187, 195, 206, Moore, Sir Henry, Governor, 219, 223, 242, 311; v., 187, 192, ix., 569, 642. 202, 209, 273, 376, 382, 422. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 193 Letters- LettersOnonraguite (Indian chief), vi., Phile, Frederick, xiii., 563; 130. xvi., 58. Orndt, Capt. Jacob, vii., 305, Phips, S., v., 418. 429, 475, 723. Phips, Gov. S. of MassachuOrndt, Major, viii., 167, 401, setts, vi., 451, 605, 606; vii., 135, 406. 169, 186. Orth, Adam, xiii., 485. Phipp, Paul, Gov. of Jamaica, Osborne, Henry, xiii., 350. xiv., 269. Owen., Evan, xvi., 259. Pickering, Timothy, xii., 451; Palmer, Anthony, President, xv., 212, 465, 502, 505, 514, v., 76, 131, 143, 145, 165, 186, 546. 189, 190, 201, 215, 223, 225, 254, Pierce, John, xv., 5, 87. 286. Pierce, Joseph, xiv., 582. Paris, Capt. Richard, vii., 529, Pinalosa, Gov. of Havana, v., 557. 75. Parker, Robert, xvi., 87. Pitkin, Gov. William, of ConParsons, William, vi., 668, 737, necticut, ix., 602. 761; vii., 163, 284-289, 305, 475, Pitt, William, Secretary, vii., 620. 413, 564; viii., 18, 26, 27, 272, Patterson, Alexander, xiii., 288, 315, 316, 449, 451, 588. 731, 760, 763; xiv., 32, 47, 162. Plunkett, William, x., 86. Patterson, James, ix., 453. Pomroy, Ralph, xi., 749, 752. Payne, Sir Ralph, Governor, Popple, Sir Alfred, iii., 262. &c., x., 57. Porter, Col. Andrew, xiv., 285. Pearson, James, xiv., 285, 406. Porter, Stephen, xv., 108. Pemberton, James, xvi., 2102. Potter, General, xii., 490, 492. Pendleton, Edmund, xv., 498. Potter, John, Sheriff, vi., 673. Penn, Gov. John, ix., 92, 104, Potts, Dr., xii., 101. 110, 111, 112, 113, 127, 135, 268, Powell, Jeremiah, Gov. of Mass277, 297, 299, 303, 306, 344, 351, achusetts, xi., 690, 728. 353, 377, 405, 416, 422, 424, Pownall, John, Secretary of 440, 442, 446, 468, 483, 564., 573, Trade, vii., 738; viii., 515. 585, 586, 600, 664; x., 119, 121, Pownal, Thomas,vi., 267. 123, 130, 149, 152, 158, 164, 171, Pownall, Gov. Thomas, vii., 176, 192, 193, 194, 202, 221, 236, 717; viii., 483. 242, 247. President United States, xvi., Penn, Richard, Governor, x., 93, 119, 123, 141, 154, 169, 289, 68, 86. 306. Penn, Thomas, v., 228, 239, Proctor, Col. Thomas, xi., 781; 240, 499. xii., 9. Penn, William, i., 527, 528. Proprietary from Maryland, i., Pepperell, Sir William, vii., 230, 298; ii., 136; v., 216, 362, 570. 515; vi., 485. Perie, Nicholas, v., 219. Prothonotary of Huntingdon, Perry, Samuel, v., 135. xvi., 123. Peters, Richard, v., 213, 214, Provincial Commissioners, vii., 376, 403, 462, 760; vi., 287. 694. Secretary, vii., 149, 151, 397; x., Provincial Council, ix., 757, 177; xv., 493. 779. Peters, William, vii., 167. Purdy, R., A. C., xii., 131. Pettit, Charles, xi., 117, 490; Putnam, General Israel, xi., xii., 2, 326, 328, 330; xvi., 411. 203. Phelps, Oliver, xvi., 439. Quincey, Josiah, vi., 339. Philadelphia Library Company, Randolph, Edmund, xiv., 651. xii., 318. Randolph, Gov. of Virg'a, xv., 159, 416, 465. 13 194 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Letters — Letters — Rea, Samuel, xii., 336, 374, Sharp, Lieutenant Geo., xii., 485. 15. Receiver-General, Land Office, Sharpe, Gov., Horatio, vi., 178, xiv., 454; xvi., 95, 410. 410, 420, 456, 477, 643; vii., 32, Redick, David, xv., 493. 341, 570, 716; ix., 377, Reed, Justice Adam, vii., 303. Shawana, Ben., (Indian,) ix., Reed, James R., xv., 505. 480. Reed, Joseph, President, xiii., Shawnese, v., 289. 70. Shee, John, xiii., 744. Register General, xvi., 63. Shelburne, Earl of, ix., 341, 342, Reid, Lieutenant-Colonel, ix., 343, 378, 379. 268, 269. Sheriff of York County, xii., 82. Rendon, Don Franc., xii., 398. Shippen, Edward, v., 659; vi., Rhea, Samuel, xiii., 736. 431, 459; vii., 294; viii., 113; Riffetts, Philip, xv., 483, ix., 89, 100, 108; xv., 120. Rittenhouse, David, xiii., 519, Shippen, Joseph, Jr., xii., 327. 522. Shirley, Gov., iv., 753; v., 30, Robbins, Ezekiel, xiii., 459. 56, 72, 127, 141, 152, 170, 295, Roberdeau, General, xi., 677. 297, 305 71]8; vi., 16, 52, 309, Robeson, Capt. Thomas, xiii., 310, 404, 410, 439, 450, 558, 561; 565. vii., 19, 39, 45, 111, 112, 127. Robinson, Lieut. Andrew, xiii., Shirley, Will'm, Secretary, vi., 698. 404. Robinson, Capt. Thomas, xiii., Shoemaker, Colonel Jacob, xii., 503-699. 103. Robinson, Sir Thomas, vi., 176, Shrewsbury, Secretary of Eng200, 302, 373, 395, 451, 644. land, war with French, i., 302. Ross, James, xvi., 464. Smallwood, W., Gov., of MaryRush, Dr. Benjamin, xv., 616. land, xiv., 589. Ruston, Dr. Thomas, xvi., 201. Smith, Col. vi., 20; xii., 210. Rutherford, John, vi., 303. Smith, Devereux, x., 169; xii., Ryerson, Thomas, xvi., 297. 287. St. Clair, Arthur, x., 140; xi., Smith, Jon. B., xv., 595. 762, 770; xii., 36, 52, 139, 240, Smith, Matthew, xi., 461, 751. 421; xiii., 505; xv., 183, 194, Smith, Samuel, Sheriff of Lan518; xvi., 422. caster, iii., 615; iv., 67. St. Clair, Sir John, vi., 298, Smith, Samuel, Jr., iii., 615. 300; viii., 70. Smith, Thomas, xii., 551; xiv., St. John, Mons. xiv., 2. 450. St. Pierre, Legardeur, v., 716. Smith, Wm. Moore, xv., 428. Sanders, Robert, v., 626. Spangenberg, Rev. Mr., vi., Sargent, Aufrere and B., ix., 358; vii., 118, 173; viii., 304. 47. Sprogell, Ludowick, xi., 655, Schrawder, Captain, xiii., 645, 779; xii., 44. 731. Spry, Captain, vii., 127, 128. Schuyler, Col. Peter, viii., 240. Spycker, Peter, vi., 703. Scott, Hon. Thomas, xi., 773; Stanwix, Col. John, vii., 598, xii., 235; xiii., 403, 672. 599, 600, 602, 629; viii., 146, 341, Scott, William, xiii., 318. 343, 352, 373, 376, 377, 378. Secretary of foreign affairs, xv., Steele, Rev. John, ix., 486, 506, 51, 465; xvi., 48. Of land office, 509. 237. Of treasury, 189, 244. Of Stephen, Adam, vii., 289, 381, war, xiv., 465; xv., 435; xvi., 502. 189, 200. Stephenson, George, xii., 201,.Seely, Jonas, ix., 43, 44. 296. Senate of Hamburgh, xiii., 703. Stevens, Arent, v., 625. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 195 Letters- LettersStevenson, James, vi., 248. Traill, Robert, xv., 461. Stewart, Charles, ix., 583, 756, Trelawney, Gov., of Jamaica, v. x., 50. 326. Stewart, Col., xi., 782; xii., Trent, William, v., 462, 616; 116. vi., 481, 641; vii., 601. Stewart, George, xiv., 385. Troup, Robert, Sec. Treasury, Stewart, Chas., and John Jen- xii., 198. nings, ix., 573. Trumbull, Gov. Jonathan, x., Stiles, Joseph, xiv., 29. 3, 119, 157, 163; xiv. 2, 12. Stoddert, Benjamin, v., 550. Trustees of Westmoreland, xiii., Stobo, Captain Robert, vi., 141, 698. 161. Tucker, Henry, x., 321. Stone, Andrew, Secretary, iv., Turnbull, Mr., xii., 334. 671, 675. Turnbull, Marmie, & Co., xiv., Stout, Captain Hermann, xii., 517; xv., 617. 89. Turnbull, William, xv., 445. Street Commission's, xiii., 596. Udree, Capt. Daniel, xii., 675. Strettell, Robert, vi., 773, 777; Ulm, city of, xiv., 356. vii., 167. Van Campen, John, xii., 570, Stroud, Col., x., 717. 585; xiv., 443. Sullivan, Major, xii., 9, 107. Van Sice, John, vii., 43. Sullivan, David, xiii., 172. Vernon, Admiral, iv., 478. Supreme Executive Council, Virginia, Delegates, xi., 690. xi., 215, 394, 401, 425, 759; xii., Wall, Col. George, Jr., xi., 636; 46, 48, 54, 109, 117, 198, 203, xii., 101, 250. 210, 230, 234, 245, 256, 312, 399. War, Secretary of, xiii., 425; Superintend't of Finance, xiii., xv., 250, 641. 619, 731. Wardens of Philadelphia, xiv., Surveyor General, xiv., 454, 78, 122, 212, 578; xv., 233. 639; xv., 427, 452; xvi., 171, Warren, Admiral, v., 6. 216, 2112, 2122, 2192, 2232, 224, Washington, Col. George, vii., 231. 603, 604. Sutherland, Captain Nicholas Washington, General George, x., 16. xi., 197, 228, 428, 436, 490, 626, Swaine, Charles, vi., 643. 650, 654; xii., 8, 32, 90, 92, 123, Swaine, Francis, xii., 61, 284. 203, 227, 262, 313, 335, 376, 392, Tanner, Michael, &c., iv., 69. 474, 517, 545, 574, 591, 706, 7427 Tasker, Benjamin, President of 761, 778; xiii., 41,184, 211, 321, Maryland, v., 582, 583, 589. 362, 457, 487, 502, 603. Teedyuscung, viii., 96. Wayne, General Anthony, xi., Thomas, Gov. Geo., iv., 635, 619; xii., 437. 653; v., 2. Wharton, Joseph, xv., 499. Thomson, Charles, vii., 724; Weiser, Conrad, iv., 768; v., xiv., 23, 31, 72, 143, 643. 121, 133, 166, 467, 517; vi., 147, Thompson, James, xii., 75. 148, 248, 291, 443, 467, 495, 503, Thompson, Captain Wm., viii., 613, 640, 647, 649, 650, 652, 656, 111; xiii;, 221. 659, 681, 760, 762; vii., 302, 308. Tilghman, J. & A. Allen, x., Weiss, Lewis, xiii., 9. 182, 186, 191. WVest, Justice, viii., 455. Till, William, (Pres.,) vii., 267. West, William, v., 761. Tinker, Gov. John, of R. I., vii., Weitzel, Colonel, xii., 57. 151. Wikoff, Winm., and L. Clark, Torbert, John, xvi., 174. xiii., 486. Townsend, Admiral, vii., 571. Wilkins, John, xv., 86. Trade, Lords of, v., 711, 718; Wilkinson, -Clothier-General, vi., 59. xii., 87. 136 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Letters — Anderson, xiii., 21, 44, 74. CoinWilliams, Lieut.-Colonel Win., plaint against, 91. To contract xii., 88; xiv., 641. for supplies, 402. Resigns, 617. Willing, Thomas, president B. Account, xiv., 23. Taxes, 67. iN. A., xiii., 200. Justioe, 231. Prothonotary of Wilmot, Henry, ix., 749. Northumberland, dies, xv., 460. Wilson, James, and Win. Lewis, Levis, Thomas, Justice, xiv., 212. xii., 324. Appeals, xv., 392. Wilson, James, xiv., 317. Levis, William, printing, xiii., 136. Wilson, Col. Wm., xvi., 464, Levy, Aaron, supplies troops, xvi., 483. 316. gWiltner, Col. -—, xii., 215, Levy, Ashur, appears as supposed 297, 309. spy, xii., 258. WVink, Jacob, xv. 331. Levy, Hyman, has goods of enemy Wolcott. Roger, Gov. of Con- in hand after evacuation of Philanecticut, v., 771. delphia, xi., 525. Woods, George, xiii., 509; xvi., Levys County, iii., 38, 244, 246. 361. Lewis, a French Canadian priWVraxall, Peter, vii., 195. soner, i., 435. Wi"right, James, viii., 116. Lewis, Colonel, battalion, x., 651, VWright, John, iii., 470. 682. WVynkoop, Henry, xii., 490; Lewis, Colonel Robert, battalion, xiii., 95, 357, 601, 616, 768; xvi., xi., 35. 104. Lewis, Major, &c., petition to ship Wyoming, Commiss'rs, xiv., tobacco-granted, xii., 747. 215. Lewis, Wrixam, Coroner, vii., 267. Zeigler, Capt., xii., 220, 334. Lewis, William, sister and servants, pass to, xiii, 621. Attorney, xiv., 463. Letter, xvi., 456, [The foregoing list is. intended 459.. merely to show the persons from Lewes County, i., 127. Councillor.Whom letters were received. Very for port of Whorekills-Duties on generally, the letters themselves are goods at New Castle, 205. Wilnot given (having probably been liham Massey, collector at, 537. lost), though in some cases they Lewestown, arrival, and plunder by, are; and others not found here, will French vessels at, i., 539. Cap(if printed) be found under the same tain Kidd's privateer visits-Comhead in the index to the Archives.] plaint against inhabitants for purchasing goods from him, 579. To be tried by Admiralty Court, Levan, Daniel, Jr., Sheriff, xi., 187, 580. Watch against pirates, ii., 358. Prothonotary and Justice, 23, 24. H. Brooke, collector, 99. 542. Complaint against sheriff, 101. Levan, Isaac, Jr., Coroner, ix., Prize, 101. Samuel Louman, 778; x., 56. collector, 121. French privateer Levan, Colonel Sebastian, xi., 35. at, 448, 468. Address from, Levers, Robert, Prothonotary, xi., against J. Bailey, justice, 465. 187. Clerk of Orphans' Court, Governor at — Message froa — 191, 228. Pilot asks for pay, 506. Levers, Robert, a Justice, ix., 245. Lewes, Henry Brooke, collector: of Paymaster, xi., 2. Prothono- customs at-A member of council, tary, 187. Clerk of Orphans' iii., 143. Robberies by French Court, 191, 228. Sends goods to and Spaniards, v., 88. IExpress Boston for sale, &c., 401. Let- from, respecting captitres by priters, 528; xii., 47, 316. Lieu- vateers in sight of, 110. Extenant, of Northampton, 767. press sent to, 257. Commission Letter of non-acceptance of Thos. to Abraham Wiltbank to corn INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 197 mand intelligence boat, 266. Em- visions for a circuitous voyage, bargo, vii., 388. To be supplied xi., 636. with ammunition, x., 353. Man- Lightfoot, Benjamin, Sheriff, v., of-war and tender arrive, 526. 597, 662; vi., 144. Rifle Company at, 615. Lightfoot, Samuel, a Justice, v., Lexington, brig fitted out by Con- 547. gress, x., 524. Commanded by Lightfoot, Thomas, arrest ordered Captain Barry, 526. Ammuni- by Congress, but declined, he tion for, 528. not being a resident, xi., 269. Libertines, to be discountenanced, Claims lots in city, xiii., 18. iii., 64. Lighthouse at mouth of Delaware Liberty, charter of, to be kept by Bay, ix., 56, 57, 148, 296, 550. Master of Rolls, i., 111. Reli- Supported by tonnage tax, xi., gious, declared, ii., 57. 620. Liberty Island, order respecting, x., Lighthouse on Cape Henlopen in 419. Three boats to be always danger of being washed away, at, 426. Lieutenant Symonds to xiii., 100. command artillery company at, Lighthouses, beacons, &c., xvi., 437. Committee to lay out works 132. at, 492. Limbach, Frederick, Justice, xiv., Library, State, funds for inclosing, 185, 261. xii., 588. Books to be returned Linch, or Lynch, to be arrested, to State, 699. Judges of Appeals xii., 312. Is imprisoned; letter to have access to, xiii., 576. from James Wilson and William Keys for, xvi., 72. Lewis respecting, ordered before License, for publishing, to be given board; sent back, &c., 324, 326, by council, i., 165. For selling 350, 353. Considered a prisoner liquors, 165; ii., 159, 160, 455. of war and removed to new gaol, New form, v., 69, 71. Marriage under charge of Mr. Bradford, fees, xi., 760. To travel through 353. the State granted to Alexander Lindenmuth, Michael, Justice, xi., Cathcart and James Shirly, xiv., 479. Colonel, at Fort Jenkins, 592. To John Sheriden to travel 654. through the State and sell goods, Lindemuth, Colonel, not to be paid xv., 243. Tavern and marriage, money, xii., 567. in several counties, xvi., 61, 62, Lindley, Thomas, road near, iii., 83, 176, 522. 227, 230. Lieutenants of boats, &c., x., 339, Lincoln, Major General, minister of 505, 643. Recommended as, and war department-guards for prisappointed, 448-473, 645. Second oners, xiii., 165. Failure of expedo., 449, 453, 505, 572. Ap- dition against Sandusky, 323. pointed, xi., 23, 31, 32, 37, 47, Artillery commissions, 460. 56, 61, 199, 202, 205, 229 257, Lincoln, Hon. Benjamin, letter and 303, 310, 318, 333, 358, 370, 378, resolution of Congress, xiii., 254. 437, 448, 453, 455, 557. And Lindt, Michael, paid for repair of subs chosen, xii., 2, 9, 10, 14, 70, Court house for Assembly and 73, 88, 89, 132, 139, 297, 298, Council, xi., 362. 307, 317, 322, 338, 372, 374, 384, Linen, cloth manufacture to be en390, 437, 477, 483, 489, 490, 595, couraged, i., 93. To have a price 603, 632, 662, 681, 720, 733, 777; set on it, 98. Premium claimed, xiii., 82, 83, 158, 160, 167, 168, 194. Manufacture of, in Phila240, 262, 275, 316, 731; xiv., 38, delphia, ix., 354. Old, for band180, 205, 217, 478, 482; xvi., 42. ages and lint, x., 471, 633. Ligonier, express dispatched to St. Linington, John, applies to be Clair from, x., 201. measurer of salt, wheat, &c., xi., Lightbourne, Captain, asks for pro- 590. Inspector of staves, heading, &c., Philadelphia, xiv., 488. 198 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Linn, Rev. William, appointed ~200, 468. Lots in Chester chaplain to Pennsylvania troops, town, 557. Charges against, by x., 487. Colonel Quarry, 602, 603. IlleListon, Edmund, robbed by French gally arrested, 607. To produce and Spaniards, v., 89. papers relating to Blue Anchor, Lite, Daniel, appointed sub-Lieu- ii., 10. Draws, and obtains Govtenant of Washington county, ernor's signature to, a charter of xii., 681. privileges, 62. Speaker, 106, 398. Literary Property, letter of Congress Proceedings respecting a forged on, xiii., 574. remonstrance signed by, 186, 192. Little, John, purchaser of provisions, Charged with bribery, 432. xi., 423, 448. Speaker, 506. Chief Justice, iii., Little, John, Justice, xiv., 667. 257. Speaker, 260, 289. SickLittle Meadows, affairs at, vi., 460. ness renders him incapable, 398. French at, vii., 601. Lloyd, Thomas, appointed first masLittleton, Fort, viii., 224. ter of rolls, i., 91. Commissioner Liturgy, to be altered on death of to New York, 103, 104. PresiKing George II., viii., 518. In- dent of C., 119. Has great seal, structions to Governor Hamilton 119. Deputy Lieutenant, 211. respecting, 520. Called on for blanks sent by proLivergood, Captain Jacob, of rifle prietary, 230. Asks advice about company appointed, xiii., 71, going to N. Y. and leaving the 177. great seal, 234, 235. His letter Liverpool, man-of-war and prison- to Council, 236. Letter from, reers, x., 596. Exchange, 606. specting papers received, 238. Lievzey, Thomas, provincial Coin- Complaint and proceeding against, missioner, ix., 237. 245, 250, 261, 265, 270-274, 275. Livingston, Philip, secretary for In- His answer, 275. Proceedings, dian affairs, New York, iii., 201. 279, 293. Elected president, 317, Livingston, R. R., list of his ne- 323. Refuses to be Lieutenant groes, xiii., 154. Commission Deputy Governor under Fletcher, from King for R. Oswald to treat, 364. Has records of New Castle, 459. 389. Dead, 522. Livingston, Gov. William, of New Lloyd, Peter Zachary, Captain of a Jersey, onprisoners, xi., 185. Ap- company of Philadelphia battalplied to, for a robber, 512. Pris- ion of militia, resigns, xvi., 336. oner sent to, xii., 38. Letter In charge of books and papers of 87. Receives trunks from New Assembly, 446, 449. York, 224, 386. Capt. Joel, 495. Lloyd, Captain, vii., 294; x., 560. Letters to and from, xiii., 680. Loan office, Trustees, removal of, Letter respecting captors of Col. iii., *383. Robbery of W. FishPickering, xv., 493. bourne, 389, 536, 537. Trustees, Llewellyn, Daniel, claims a city lot, removal of, &c., iv., 297, 658, xiii., 119. 673, 676, 688. Bill for new Llewellyn, David, Surveyor of roads, trustees, v., 369, 375. Of, authoriii., 231. ized to draw for appropriation by Lloyd, David, Commissioned by parliament, viii., 666; ix., 205, Governor as Attorney General, i., 394; x., 27, 29, 31, 37, 68. 188. Proposed as clerk of coun- Money in, xi., 211. Order on, ty Court, 190. Appointed, 192. 213, 448, 475. Money, books, Accused, 244, 247. Refuses to &c., to be removed under guard deliver up papers to J. Claypoole, to Easton, 305, 306, 307. To 256. Proceedings, 256, 257, 258, be placed in hands of Robert 269, 279. Petition against, 383, Levers, 307. Committee of As386. Complaint against, for ad- sembly demand the key of loan journing Assembly, 445. Speak- office chest, which Colonel Hart, er, 454. Proposal to give him by consent of council, delivers to INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 199 them, 395. Certificates to be Logan, James, appointed a commispaid Joseph Carson for goods, sioner of property, ii., 61. Sec397. Persons in each county to retary and member of council, 68. receive subscriptions, xii., 47. Receiver General, 112, 237. Certificates, amount, value, &c., Member of council, 117. Com360. Bills exchange, 422. Let- plains against collectors of tax, ter, Thomas Smith, Commissioner, 122. Asks recompense for past 551, 556. Continental, Thomas services, 213. Charges against, Smith, xiii., 6. Thomas Smith, by Assembly, ask his removal Commissioner, 585. Claim for fromcouncil, 278-9. Articles ofiminterest on certificates of, xiv., peachment by Assembly against, 169, 338. Counterfeit certificates, 344-347. His reply to, 353-356. 450. Draft on, 457, 504, 589. Various discussions respecting, Paper for certificates, xv., 10. 365-385. Petition to Governor Thomas Smith, loan officer, and respecting impeachment, ii., 376. Corn. Barnes, and Jona. Smith, Goes to Virginia, 397. Petition Jr., clerks, 11. Printing new for salary, 412. Charge against, certificates, 30. Certificates to by Swedes, 465. His answer, Pennsylvania line, 87. T. Smith 466, 482. Remonstrance against, asks protection of council from 495-502. His justification, 500Comptroller-General, 218. Cer- 502, 504. Assembly order comtificates printed, xvi., 88. To be mittal to jail, 507. Governor removed, 99. To remove to ac- interferes, 508. Returns from commodate convention, 214'. England, 567 A Justice, iii., 28. Loan, for invalid soldiers, xvi., Visits and holds conference with 2132. Indians at Conestoga, 92-98. To Lock, manufac'y, provincial, x., 651. inquire into right of Five Nations Lockrey, Lieutenant Colonel Archi- to lands on Susquehanna, 98. bald, of Westmoreland county, Visits Indians with Governor, xi., 110. Receives rifles and 121. Sent to Conestoga to inquire guns and money, 186. Prothono- about murder of Indians, 146. tary, 187. Clerk of Orphans' Report, 148-156. Succeeds PatCourt, 190, 436. Money to, 477. rick Robinson in 1700 as SecreLetter, 773. Prothonotary of tary, 163. Returns with letters Orphans' Court, 430. Recon- from H. Penn, and two trustees, mends lieutenants, xii., 73. 237. To receive wrecked goods, Lieutenant, 372. To have arms 238. Complains of injurious asrepaired, 641. Supposed death persions on his character in a or captivity of, his commission printed paper, and asks to be annulled, xiii., 155. Successor heard in defence-a day fixed for appointed, 167. it, 242. Governor produces a Lockart, John, petition for small paper, 243. Decision, 245. ReIsland between Tinicum and Hogg ceives as Secretary, possession of Island, xvi., 230. lesser seal, 252. His remarks as Lockerman, Nicholas, Coroner, iii., to the manner in which it had been 416, 465, 524, 575. removed by Governor Keith, 252. Lodge Jonathan, Sheriff, xi., 367, he delivers it to Governor, 252. 638, 639. Sheriff of Northumber- Sends message to Conestoga land county, suspended by Jus- Indians, 305. Indians charge tices of which he complains, xii., Christians settling on their lands 43. Complaints against, 65. which had never been paid for, Trial, referred to Chief Justice, 319. His reply, 320. His impres105. Case referred to Supreme sion respecting lands conveyed Court after opinion of Chief Jus- by Indians, 322, 324. Repudiates tice, 108. stories about sale of lands by Lofland, Dorman, Sheriff, x., 211, Indians, 325. Chief Justice in 274. place of J. Norris, 412. Commis 200 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. sioner on boundary line, 544. aid of Indians, 145. Goes to Draws up a long and' full report Easton with Governor, 204. One on Court of Chancery, iv., 27. of committee to investigate proBecomes President of council and prietary Indian purchases, 359, Governor on death of Patrick 462. Instructions to, 488. At Gordon, 47. Issues proclamation Harris' ferry, 513. Appointed to to continue officers, &c., 48. Is confer with Teedyuscung, viii., to sign all public instruments, 49. 31, 40. Takes care of a child Returns from New Castle prepares delivered up by Indians, 147. a speech for the Assembly sit- Loggstown, where situated, v., 289, ting, referring to late Governor's 634, 645. C. Weiser at, 349. death, and the consequent change Indians and French about, 614. of Governors, which he delivers, Fort at Boccalunce, one hundred 50. And receives their reply, and twenty miles from, 634, 659, 53. Which he answers in name 660. Forts built by French, 675, of Council, 53. Letters on Mary- 690. Distances, 730. Distances land affairs, 65, 70, 75, 76-79. and longitude, 753. Latitude of, Receives Indians at his house, 79. 763. Extent of province, W. of, Issues order against selling liquor 759, 763. to Indians in Philadelphia, 87. Lohra, P., notary public, xv., 527. Proclamation for apprehending Lollor, Col. Robert, to survey river Moffat, 89. Concluding speech Delaware from Christiana downto Indians, 90. Documents res- ward, xi., 250, 318. Paymaster, pecting Maryland affairs, 101-151. 448, 475, 759; xii., 463. RegisCalls Assembly, 114. Answer to ter, xvi., 446. Jennings and Dulaney, 121. Long, Capt. Peter, ship's husband, Signs petition to the King, 125. x., 361. Instructions, 364. Correspondence with Jennings Long, William, Collector of Excise, and Delaney, 121, 137, 140. Vin- xiv., 573. Resigns as Collector dicates himself from charges made of Excise, xv., 266. by commissioners to Governor Long Island, memorial of prisoners Ogle, 145, 146, 159. Proclama- on, xii., 480, 481. tion against Spanish preparations Longschamp, Charles Julian de, inat Havana, 166. Correspon- sults Mons. Marbois, Consul-Gendence with Governor Ogle, 167, eral of France, xiv., 115,116, 117, 175, 190, 195, 198, 205, 228, 252, 120, 121, 123, 135, 136, 137, 140, 253, 257, 265. Message to As- 144, 149, 162, 163, 171, 184, 262, sembly on Maryland affairs, 201. 395, 466. Memorial, 572. PetiInstructions to Preston and Kin- tion,- 589, 592. Has leave of absey, 208. Asks for salary, 237, sence, 638. To be kept closely 240, 241. A house of his burned confined, xv., 59. by a negro, 244. Message to Longville, Chevalier, despatch reIndians, 246. Proclamation on spectilig building a house at Cadaorder in council, 263. Speaks of raghqui, v., 549. resigning as C. J., 306. Visit of Lords of Trade to Justices, on Win. Indians to, 580. Succeeded by Keith's occupying government, J. Langhorne, 348. Renounces and alluding to agreement beall claim to seat in board, v., 67. tween Queen Anne and William Succeeded as Secretary by R. Penn for province, iii., 74. LetPeters, 68. To examine negroes ter from Sir Alfred Popple, Secreof flag of truce, 74, 75. Indian tary of, on issues of bills of credit, references to, 147. Committee 262. Letter from-rates of gold on Indian affairs, 167. and silver coin-bills of credit, Logan, William, made member of iv., 357, 474. Letters of marque, council, v., 68. Dissents to &c., 486. declaration of war against Indians, Lords Commissioners of Trade, letvii., 70. In New Jersey, soliciting ter from, ix., 79. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 201 Lord's Justices, letters from, iv., Loudoun, Lord, appointed to con671, 675. Approbation of laws, mand in Virginia, vii., 134, 179, vi., 356. 180. Letters to and from, 234, Lords of privy Council, letter to 270, 305, 340, 342, 376, 379, 380, proprietaries on death of King 429, 453, 482, 495, 571, 581, 596, George II.; viii., 516. 732, 737. Fears respecting OsLorentz, Joseph, Coroner, xvi., 194, wego, 234. Advises various meas494, 499, 530. ures, 271. Remarks on his letLorne, Caleb, cuts, in metal, State ters in Council, 305. Military afarms, xi., 552. fairs, 340. Requires quarters for Lotteries, forbidden in Connecticut, military in Philadelphia, 369permitted in Pennsylvania, vii., 379 In New York, 379. Pro113. One asked for, to finish an poses embargo, 429, 444. ReEpiscopal church in Connecticut, quests of Governor, account of 113. And plays, Act for sup- province, 444. Also arrest of five pressing proposed, viii., 339. neutrals, 446. Meeting of-inquiry Their continuance vindicated and respecting Constitution, &c., reply instances of useful application, of R. Peters, vii., 448. Advises 340. Their prohibition unreason- Governor to pass money bill, 453. able, 340, 355, 356. Considered as Meeting at Philadelphia with Govvery different, 542, 676, 684. For ernors of North Carolina, &c.various purposes in Philadelphia, minutes, 470. Quotas of each ix., 56, 57, 148, 243, 247, 540, State, &c., 471. From Gov. D. 580, 638, 639. Passed, 247. For on shipping provisions, 482. bridge over Skippack, 284, 285. Going with the fleet-appoints Time prolonged, 296. Act passed, General Webb at Albany, Col. S. 325, 326, 360, 389, 392, 459, 472, Stanwix of Philadelphia, and Lt.549, 567, 576, 579, 622. For Col. Bouquet to South Carolina, first and third Presbyterian &c., 525. Conference with southchurch, 580. For Lancaster, 621. ern Governors, 552. Embargo, King objects to, 621, 622, 636, 591, 593, 596. Absence of, 718. 638. In Bucks county, x., 26. Respecting barracks and roads, Parsonage at Newtown, 41. In 756. Letters to and from, viii., New Castle, 48. United States- 23. Asks aid to carry on war, tickets in received-and sent to 28. Returning to England is sucBoard of Treasury, xi. 576. ceeded by M. G. Abercrombie, 26. Managers of State, xiv., 286, 451, London, Richard and wife, keeper 471, 652. State, xv., 36, 93, 97, of jail at Lancaster, attack on 125, 159, 180. Donation land, them, iv., 251. 74, 97, 108, 128, 179, 316, 351, Loughead, James, Paymaster, xi., 356, 580. For improving roads, 233, 260. Paymaster at Billings448. Money to be collected for port, xii., 86. Paymaster, 451, Lancaster road and improvement 453, 454, 486. Paymaster to of Schuylkill, xvi., 98, 140. Con- militia, xiv., 159. Justice, 344. ference on, 143. For Hebrew con- Complaint against, by Swedish gregation, 488. Consul for rude behavior of conLouden, Hugh, violent proceedings stables-ordered to send apology, against Speaker and Secretary, ii., xv., 348. 627. Louisburg, reduction of, iv., 765. Loudoun, Fort, deposition of pris- 766, 773; v., 32. Troops sent oners at, vii., 395. Mentioned, from England under General St, 503, 504, 602. - Cherokees at, Clair and Major General Frampdestitute, viii., 77, 78, 224. In- ton, 37. French fleet arrives, vi., dian goods lying at, 776. Losses 451. at, from Indians, ix., 190. Capt. Louisiana, map of, 1721, referred Grant commands at, 268. Riots to respecting Sugar Islands, iii., near, 269, 292, 301. - 402. Susquehanna laid down as 202 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. a boundary of Pennsylvania, 402. Lower Dublin Township, Roads in, Governor of, letter from with ii., 530. Petition respecting road prisoners in a flag of truce from to Philadelphia, ix., 628. New Orleans, viii., 124, 150. Lowman, Samuel, Collector of Demand for a free negro held in Lewes-Witness in Kidd's case, bondage there, xvi., 33. ii., 121. Judge of Supreme Court Love, Alexander., Coroner, v., 597, of Lower Counties, iii., 253. 662. Lownes, Caleb, cuts a seal for Court Lovell, James, delegate for Massa- of Admiralty, xii., 102. chusetts-letter —resolve of Coun- Lowry, James, examination, vii., cil, xii., 51. 155. Lovering, Joseph, a child of four- Lowry, Lazarus, examination, vii., teen or fifteen, enlisted, to be 155. discharged, xii., 686. Lowry, Stephen, Commissary, robLow, Joshua, Coroner of Lancaster bed, xi., 116. county, iii., 370, 387, 416, 465, Lowther, G., Attorney General, ii., 520, 575; iv., 86, 309, 352, 469, 224, 254. 500. Loxley, Benjamin, 1st Lieutenant Lowe's Ferry, changed to B. Gal- of Artillery Company in Philabraith's, viii. 676. delphia, vi., 770. Orders on for Lower Counties-Shall their expen- guns and stores, x., 285, 407. ses be a public charge? i., 117. Proposals for brass cannon, 626. Practice in, respecting judgments Air furnaces, erecting a boring on estates of deceased persons, 157. mill, 641, 656, 688. To examine Good understanding between up- furnace, 622. Called on for his per and, to be preserved, by hav- accounts, xi., 76. ing one judge from, 204. Can't Loxley. Benjamin, Jr., to be arrestagree about bill for support of ed for inducing soldiers away, government, 623. Address pro- xi., 760, 770. prietary on defence of New York, Loyal Hanning, attacked by French ii., 31. Object to confirmation, and Indians, viii., 212. Fort, and threaten to separate. Gover- 224. Block-house and saw-mill nor's address to 50. Object to act proposed by General Forbes near, of union and other difficulties, 51. 234. Letter James Burd fromDifficulties about charter of privi- account of capture of Du Quesne, leges, 52. May have a separate 234. Assembly-if they will not unite Loyd, Colonel Hugh, x., 697-698, with the Province, 60. Difficul- 708. ties with Province in regard to Loyd, Thomas, council take copies charter, separation, &c., discuss- of proceedings and debates in Ased, 70-74. Conference with Gov- sembly, published by him, xv., ernor, 75. Questions proposed by 345. Paid for, 504, 627. Governor and Council, 82. An- Ludgar, Peter, arrested, i., 244-5. swers, 82. Members of Council Case confirmed, 245. from, 117. Division of, from Pro- Ludwick, Christopher, powder, x., vince, 119, Conference, 120-124. 421; xi., 32, 303. Governor advised not to meet at Ludwig, John, Justice, xiv., 170. New Castle, 136. New writs is- Lukens, Charles, Sheriff, x., 212, sued, 136. Col. French, a mem- 270. Sheriff elect of York deber of Council, iii., 18. Judges lines, xi., 219. and Justices named, 18. Interest- Lukens, John, applies to be Surveyed in the government, 64. Mem- or-General, xii., 233. To hunt for ber of Council, 143. Attempt of papers, 621. A Commissioner to Lord Baltimore and Lord Sunder- extend Mason and Dixon's line, land to obtain, 252. David French 635, 703. Instructions, 704. Attorney General for, 253. Jus- Late Surveyor-General called on tices, 254. for copies of papers relating to INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 203 forfeited estates, 67, 252. Has 192, 300, 577. Justices, 212, 366. gout-Surveyor-General appointed. 605, 606. Claims in, Commission689. Commissioner, pay,' 714. ers to adjust; General MuhlenPay, xiii., 50. Report on a city berg resigns; Joseph Montgomery lot, 123. Paid for plans of city resigns; Stephen Balliet chosen, lots, 148. Report, 321. Com- 221. Memorial from Easton, remittee on Virginia, 685. Reap- specting claims in, 224, 225, 235. pointed Surveyor-General, xiv., Commissioners paid-sale of An444, 447., Appoints deputies, 451. drew Allen's estate-Mr. HollinAnd of donation lands, 454. Re- back to superintend, 237. Daniel commend a deputy, xv., 49. Re- Hiester resigns as Commissioner, commends Andrew Elliott as Sur- 245. Z. Butler, Lieutenantveyor of Alleghany, 615. Ac- Conference of Judges with Councounts, xvi., 137. Death of, 199, cil, &c., fresh disturbances in, 208. 265. Proclamlation against John Lumber, Inspectors of, xiv., 488. Franklin, John Jenkins, &c., for Lumesden, Robert, wharfinger and opposition to government, 280. weighmaster of hay at draw Arms for, 289. John Frankbridge, xi., 545. lin arrested-to be closely conLunatics, bill proposed respecting, fined-news from, sent to Goverv., 512. Expense of a soldier, nor of New York by Dr. Redick, xii., 280. 291. Militia of Berks county Lurgan, Township Cumberland Co., called out to quell riots in, 292. a military company formed for Colonel Dennison despatched tomutual protection-ask for arms, his instructions, 293, Message to &c., vi., 533. Assembly on, 304. Enforcement Lusk, Hugh, appointed manager at of laws in, recommended to AsGrubb's furnace, xi., 350. sembly, 314. Commissioner paid, Luther, John, Justice, xv., 4. 355. Griffith Evans, clerk to ComLutheran Church of Albany, asks missioners paid, 356. Intelligence for a brief to collect, xv., 14. from, 361. Illegalmilitary election, Lutheran Reformed German congre- 362. Supplies for troops, 380. J. gation of Easton, petition to be Franklin's irons to be removed, allowed to ask aid in completing 385. Roads, 425, 445. Complaint their church-granted, xi., 422. against Justices of-quantity and Lutheran Congregation of Philadel- quality of land claimed by Pennphia, tender and pay money for sylvania owners in, also drafts of lot in city, xiii., 36. land held by them by Surveyor Lutterlish, Col., applies for a num- General, 450, 452, 454, Commisber of wagons, xi., 409. sioners appointed to proceed there, Luzerne, Chevalier de la, recom- viz.: Stephen Balliet and Maj. mends two young men for Second William Armstrong, 455. Pay of Regiment, xii., 116. French Commissioners, 470-471. Letter Minister on Birth of Dauphin, of Instructions to Commissioners audience by Congress, xiii., 282. -spirited proceedings on arrest Address to, 284. Answer, 285. of Col. T. Pickering, 484. ProLetter on insult to Mons. M arbois, clamation against captors of T. xiv., 115, 116, 121, 137. Address Pickering, 487, 489. Expense of of Council to, on his approach- T. Wigton, in going and returning departure, 145. His answer, ing from, on public business147. Request to Congress for ContiLuzerne County, Timothy Pickering nental troops to expel rioters elected Prothonotary and Clerk from, 493. Letters, Governor of of Courts, &c., xv., 96, 97. Regis- New York, 497. Troops for, to ter and Recorder, 134. Election, proceed to Easton, 502. Release 162, 300. Representatives, 160. of T. Pickering —Opinion asked Sheriff, 192, 300, 577. Coroner, respecting troops for Tioga —Let 204 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. ters from Z. Butler, 505. De- Lynch, John, about absconding, xi., spatches to, 506, Opinion of 214. Judges respecting, 507. Troops Lyttleton, Fort, murder of G. Pennot necessary, 505. Intelligence degrast's daughter, vii., 632. from Colonel Pickering-Express Garrison attacked, ix., 34. paid, 514. Return of field and Lydius, John, has influence with company officers by Z. Butler, re- Indians, respecting purchase of jected, 525. Conference respect- lands, vi., 117. His conduct, ing John Franklin, 533. Sword 248, 249, 251. Indian opinion ot presented by Council to Captain his deed, 277. Invalidation of William Ross, for opposing the deed, 284. Respecting, 288. late rioters, 543. Rewards to Sells shares, 293. Captain Ross-Roswell Franklin, for capturing Benjamin Earl and Thomas Kinney, 547. Letter, E. Colonel Pickering on rioters, 606. Petition for removal of fines McAffee, Captain, robbed of goods, from captors of Colonel Pickering, xi., 563, 564. Is paid reward for 610. Expense of removing John arrest, 616. Franklin, &c., 640. Military offi- McAulay, Cornelius, Coroner, xiii., cers in first battalion of, xvi., 730; xiv., 245. 1-2. Rewards for arresting riot- McBean, Angus, obtains frauduers in, 11. Justices, 4, 12, 126, lently a pilot-boat to visit man219, 395, 407, 539. Contested of-war, x., 531. To be brought election in, 15, 121. Sheriffs, 17, back, 531. Proceeding of Com196, 204, 496. Coroners, 196, mittee respecting, 532. 204, 496. Officers of 8th Com- McCall, Archibald, sends ship "Bropany, 1st battalion, militia, elect- thers" to China, xvi., 224.2 ed, 195. Councillor, 204. Jus- McCall, George, Act for vesting certice Kingsley resigns, 269. Col- tain lands in, iii., 597. Conveys lector of Excise-Arnold Colt, 308. to Cape Breton Governor' s request Division of 2d batallion, and ap- for cannon, v., 204. Vesting pointment of officers, 317. Mr. lands in, vi., 235. Spalding carries presents to In- McCall, Samuel, elected Major of dians, 440. Militia officers elect- Associators, v., 175. ed, 464. Justice Montgomery re- McCalla, Rev. Daniel, appointed signs, 539. Chaplain to Colonel Bull's battaLycons, Andrew, place, vii., 155. lion, x., 458. Lydia, ship, arrives from London- McCallister, John, Commissary, Committee to inquire about arms, complaints against, xii., 27. Provi., 679. secuted, 41. His account obLyons, William, examined, respect- jected to, 198. ing Stump, ix., 510-511. Mem- McCallister, Colonel Richard, of ber of Council of Safety from York county, battalion, x., 682; Cumberland, x., 756. Prontho- xi., 444. Censor, xiii., 723. Renotary, xi., 178, 221, 244, 697; signs as President of Courts, xiv., xii., 47. 182. Councillor, 234, 239. As Lyons, Samuel, sentenced to death, Councillor resigns, xv., 126. xi., 564, 566; xiii., 311. McCalmont, James, memorial reLyttle, Andrew, commissary, com- specting his seizure by Captain plains to Council, xii., 334, 437. John Barry and others, against Memorial complaining of being whom a prosecution is ordered, displaced as deputy Surveyor- xv., 286. Referred to General Brodhead, McCalmont, John, paid, per decision &c., xv., 383. Report in his favor of Supreme Court, xvi., 46. -May be re-appointed, 459. McCandless, Captain James, x., 697. Lykin, Neils, a Swede, ii., 480. Superseded, xi., 448. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 205 McCartney, Dr. John, to be arrested McClester, Francis, builds chevaux as an incendiary, xii., 294. de frise, xi., 752. McCay, William, Justice, xiv., 242.1 McClure, John, Coroner, vi., 144; McClance, Lieutenant John, xi., 576. vii., 267. McClare, Michael, Coroner, iv., 247. McClure, David, Justice, xiv., 180. McClay, Samuel, to examine rivers, McComb, William, Coroner, xiv., xvi., 319. 244, 597; xv., 121. McClay, William, Coroner, ix., 547. McConaghy, David, Sheriff, ix., A Justice, x., 43, 47. Prothono- 286, 333, 398. tary, xi., 187. Commissioner to McConneaughy, James, to be conIndians, xiv., 40, 54, 518. To fined, x., 677. Discharged, 69:3. examine Susquehannah River, McConnel, Captain James, of flying 182. Justice, 322. Respecting camp, x., 679. At riot at J. WilSix Nations of Indians, 374. son's, gives bail, xii., 139. Buys Goods to Indians, 604. Report, land, xiii., 273. 658, 662. Deputy Surveyor, xvi., McCord's Fort, vii., 77. 243, 254. McCoskrey, William, Coroner, ix., McClean, Alexander, Sub-Lieu- 199. tenant, xiii., 168. To run Vir- McCoy, Colonel ZEneas, commands ginia line, 252, 253, 335, 510-519. regiment, xi., 2. Prothonotary, 254. Appointed McCracken, Henry, pension to wiJudge and President Court Comn- dow, xv., 341. mon Pleas of Fayette county, xiii., McCulloch, Lieutenant James, re732. Register of Wills, &c., 763. cruits, xi., 542, 573. Deputy Surveyor, xvi., 257. Re- McCullogh, Captain John, pay for port on road to Pittsburg, 466. artillerists at forts on Delaware, *McClean, Archibald, draft to, xii., xii., 10. 683. Justice, xiv., 164. Death McCune, James, Justice, xiv., 180. of, xv., 15, 17. Account of sur- McCaskey, William, a Justice, x., vey referred, 635. 209. McClean, James, Member Congress, McCutcheon, David, a tory, arrested xii., 172, 371. and imprisoned, x., 616. McCleery, William, letter and me- McDade, Philip, dies intestate, xii., morial, xiii., 698. 204. State claim, 331. McClellan, John, appointed Collector McDaniel, James, not to proceed to of Excise, xiv., 590. Collector of New Jersey, x., 660. Excise, removed, xv., 264. Lieu- McDaniel (alias Donnel), John, actenant of Pennsylvania troops- complice of L. Stewart, to be arHis daughter receives a pension, rested, ix., 717. 312. McDermont, Terence, an English McClellan, Captain Joseph, Lieu- cadet, arrives from Cork, and is tenant of battalion, appointed ordered into custody, x., 302, Captain, x., 645. To recruit, xi., 303. 555. McDonald, Captain Allen, released McClenachan, Blair, Owns brig from gaol, x., 647. Expenses Convention, xi., 714. To fit out paid by Congress, 648. ship General Greene, 730, 735. McDonald, General Alexander, in:Complaint against, by the Mar- gaol-room mate, Allen Cameron, shal, xii., 155. Passport to New x., 595. To be released by order York, xiii., 558; xvi., 316. of Congress, 639, 647, 648. McClenachan & Irwin, xi., 743. Re- McDonald, Francis, a soldier, bonnport case of F. Fleury, xii., 37. ty paid to, xiv., 138. Letter to, on supplies, 280. McDonald, Captain James, x., 697. McClenachan & Moore, memorial re- McDonald, John, proclamation ag't specting loss of goods on Brig for murder of wife and son of L. Philadelphia, and person to in- Kraymer, Jr., of Bucks —and arspect, xiii., 768. Report, 769. son, xiv., 489. 206 INDEX TO COLONIAL IECORDS. McDowell, Alexander, deputy sur- McIlwaine, Colonel, to rendezvous veyor, report of line run on new in city, xi., 301. purchase, xiv., 604. McIlwaine, Captain, troops to BorMcDowell, Col. James, xi., 208. dentown, x., 629; xi., 32. McDowell, John, Censor, xiii., 741; Mcllwaine, Ferguson, appointed waxiv., 170. gon-master, xi., 342. McDowell, Nath'l, Ensign, xiv., 237. McIlwaine, Joseph, Inspector of flour McDowell's Mill-Colonel Dunbar's in Bucks county, xiv., 488. troops to be placed near, vi., 514. McIlwaine, Robert, Coroner, v., 468. McElhatton, William, First Lieuten- McIlwaine, William, Justice, xiv., ant, x., 756. (See McIlh'n.) 200, 203. McFarlane, Andrew, respecting Dr. McIntosh, General, letter on attack Conolly, x., 169. of Indians, xi., 526, 679, 699, 773. McFarlane, John, to be arrested, McIntosh, Fort, General Harmar xii., 521. Imprisoned, 523. asks for a person to take charge McFarlan, William, Coroner, xiii., of, xiv., 373, 448. Lands at, sur135, 443, 740. veyed, xvi., 340. McFatridge, John, Second Lieut. of McKay, Abigail, released, but cpnFloating Battery, x., 536. fined to fixed limits, xi., 236. McFerran, -, paymaster, xii., McKean, Joseph Borden, pays ex767. penses of Judges, &c., on circuit, McGaughey, Arthur, Collector of xv., 34, 239. Excise, xiii., 597. Declines, 647, McKean, Thomas, Trustee of gene672. Sheriff, xv., 298, 600; xvi., ral loan office, ix., 205. Speaker 212. of New Castle Assembly, x., 83. McGaughey, Thomas, Sheriff, xv., Colonel, 548. Receives articles, 600; xvi., 498. 638. Paid for muskets, 648. ApMcGee's Fort. (See McKee's.) pointed Chief Justice, xi., 254. McGilivray, Colonel, and Chiefs of Oath to be administered by dediCreek Indians, on their way to mus, 271. Takes oath, 304. ReNew York, visit Philadelphia, port to Judges, 563, 564. Charges xvi., 395, 524, 525. against Brigadier General William McGinley, Captain, asking for pay, Thompson-proceedings, 653. Dexii., 80. Claim for work, 83. nies- General T. called before McGinty, Alexander, &c., letter on Council-declines, 660. Opinion Indian and French affairs, v., on prisoners taken, xii., 74. Also 627. Indian trader, petitions for in new gaol, 110, 112. May ocaid, and deposition recommended cupy J. Duche's house, 578. to Assembly, 663. Speaker of Congress, 782. Deed McGowan, John, appointed Lieuten- for Duche's lot, xiii., 25. Presiant, x., 698. Captain, 766. Pay, dent of Congress, 41. Answer xii., 321. of Supreme Court, 219. Opinion, McGowan, Major, loses a certificate, case of Wm. Hanks, 543. Re-apxvi., 409. pointed Chief Justice, xiv., 167. McGraw, Colonel Robert, to dis- Case of A. Bare, 318. Pay, 603, charge hands, x., 600. 669. Paid, xv., 360, 636; xvi., MIcGrew, Archibald, Coroner, vi., 312. 144. McKee, Alexander, forfeited estate, McHenry, Lieut. Charles, xi., 593. petition of James, respecting, xii., McHenry, William, appointed sub- 76. Lieutenant, xiii., 82. McKee's Fort, vii., 148. His house McIlhadden, John, appointed Cap- burned, 154. tain, xi., 740. McKee, Captain Robert, x., 692. McIlhatton, Captain, xii., 279. McKee, Thomas, deposition respectMcIlhatton, Lt. William, disabled, ing skirmish with Indians in Virput on invalid list, xii., 51, 279, ginia, iv., 630, 634, 635. Upper 338, 421. place in danger from Indians, vi., INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 207 669; viii., 513, 622. Instructions McMullen, Captain, x., 710. to, to conduct Indians to Shamo- McMullen, James, Coroner, v., 55. kin, 550. Report of his expedi- McMullin, Winm., agent of confiscated tion to Indians, 597. Letter from, estates, xii., 261. Takes oath, respecting Delawares, 735, 736. 264, 330. Complaint, 695. And Conestogo Indians, viii., 113, McMurdy, Rev. Robert, to receive a 121. Sent with Colonel Burd, suit of black, xii., 464. under instructions, to Wyoming, McNair, Robert, agent of forfeited ix., 29, 534. estates, xi., 749. McKinzie, Samuel, surgeon, x., 530. MeNair, W., Justice, xiv., 200, 362. McKinly, John, sheriff, viii, 403. McNeal, John, declines to be apMcKinley, Brigadier General, x., pointed engineer, x., 457. To 651. Of Wilmington, letter to survey Jersey shore, x., 474. from Council of Safety, 743. McNemera, Thomas (a lawyer), McKinney, David, Justice, xi., 528. complained against, ii., 457. McKinney, Mordecai, Justice, xi., McPherson, Robert, sheriff, viii., 398. 781. Sheriff, ix., 57, 199. ColMeKissack, Captain William, xi., 2. onel of battalion, x., 687, 710. McLane, Samuel, buys one of the McPherson, Captain John, offers old jail lots, xiv., 583. plan for defence-thanks to, x., McLaughlin, Captain, vi., 764. 292. Asks cannon —may purMcLean, Alex.r, Justice, xiv., 54. chase, xii., 36, 39. McLean, Archibald, Prothonotary, McPherson, Lieutenant William, rexi., 187, 191, 274, 388; xii., 47, commended to Congress, xi., 655. 93. A commissioner to extend McPherson, Major John, killed beMason and Dixon's Line, 635. fore walls of Quebec, xi., 655. Instructions, 704. McPherson, Captain William, a reMcLean, Captain, ix., 190. signed British officer, appears beMcLean, Captain James, unable to fore Council, having escaped from attend to command of Invalid New York, xi., 657. Corps, is displaced by Colonel L. McPherson, Colonel, xi., 121. Nicola, xv., 633. McPherson, Major, Aid to General McLean, Mr., a prisoner, x., 603. St. Clair, leaves British serviceMcLean, William, a Justice, x., 209. draws clothing, xii., 241. McLene, Alexander, assistant to MoVeaugh, Colonel — battalion to Colonel Andrew Porter, xv., 19. rendezvous at Falls of Schuylkill McLene, James, member of Assem- and Darby, xi., 301. bly, xii., 424. Commissioner to MeWilliam, Richard, Justice, ix., Congress at Yorktown, 435. Of 203. Trustee of General Loan Council, 618. office, 205, 206. Second Judge of McLene, James, Censor, xiii., 726. Supreme Court, 581. Judge Council, xiv., 34. of Oyer and Terminer, 581. Chief McLene, Lazarus, Prothonotary and Justice of Supreme Court of Lower Clerk of Orphans' Court of Hunt- Counties, x., 108. ingdon, xv., 279. Mack, Rev. Martin, pass for to the McLene, Lazarus Brown, complaint Indians, as Moravian missionary, against, xv., 588. Answer to v., 576. charges made against him, 599. Mackay, ZEneas, letter respecting Further proceedings, 603, 620, Dr. Conolly's advertisement, &c., 621. Removed from office, 622. x., 140, 169. McLochrey, Archibald, Prothonota- Mackay, Hon. John, pay to, xi., ry, xi., 187. 592; xii., 66. McMichael, John, letter to R. Peters Mackey, David, Justice, xii., 105. on Conn. claim, vi., 254. Sheriff, 150. Justice, xiii., 219. McMullen, Daniel, examination of, Mackey, Robert, brings off a boat, who escaped from Indians at Con- xi., 529. Appraises schooner Viestoga, vii., 282. per, 679. 208 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Mackay, Captain William, wounded Manlon, Luke, complaint against for at Battle of Brandywine, xi., 667. stealing a heifer, i., 579. Receives clothing, 667. Manlove, Boaz, Sheriff, ix., 548, 624, Mackiness, Thomas, a traitor, xii., 688. 106. Manlove, Matthew, Coroner, ix., Maclay,, charged with suf- 199. fering a traitor to escape, xi., Manatanny, Assemblage of Indian 566. kings at, ii., 545, 546. Maclay, William, Deputy Surveyor, Manaukyhickon, an Indian, iii., 295, dispute about a line, xv., 8. Paid 304, 315. for surveying; accounts, xiii., Manor of Springetsbury, warrant for 420, 494, 567. To remove stores survey of, iii., 785. from Harris's, 690. Manufacture of linen cloth to be Madagascar, trade with, i., 592. to be encouraged, i., 93. Steel, Maffat, Solomon, accidentally kills xv., 269; to be encouraged, iii., an Indian, iv., 88. Proclamation 392. Of Pennsylvania, Governor, for apprehending, 89. called on for an account of, since Magaw, Col., recommended to Con- 1734, ix., 343. Letter of Governor gress as a Colonel, x., 442. Penn on, 353. Number of stated, Elected, 443, 464. To have use 354. And Useful Arts Society, for of pest-house, 490. encouragement, receives aid from Magaw, Colonel Robert, xi., 124, Council, Christopher Marshall, Jr., 436. Treasurer, xvi,, 51. Meeting, 313. Magazine for stores, x., 778. Factory burned by design-ProMagistrates, iii., 259. clamation against incendiary, 326. Mahanatawny, Governor visits, iii., Map of Pennsylvania, by T. Holme, 302. His report, 303. Iron-works acknowledged, i., 264, 266. Menat, 305. tioned, iv., 317. Of distances, Mahanoy, also John Penn's Creek by Patten, v., 747. Of Frontiers (which see), vi., 645, 646. and Forts presented by Governor Mahanoy, settlements at, burned, IvMorris, vii., 228. By John Reed, vii., 493. payments for, x., 260, 267. Mahonoy attacked and burned by Maqua, or Mohock Indians, v., Indians, vi., 737. 11. On Susquehanna, viii., Mahoning, township, divided, xv., 128. 41. Marache, Solomon, City lots, xiii., Mail, Robbery of Southern, xiii., 587. 312. Marbois, Monsieur, with Luzerne, Maisterson, Captain Samuel, in the visit President and Council, xii., Hector, captures a Schooner off 180. Letter respecting duties, the Delaware, v., 323. Letter of xiii., 597, 598, 600. Memorial, President to, 324. 618. On Consular powers, 619, Maitland, Richard, D. A. G., orders 645, 671. for troops to aid Provinces, ix., Marbois, Sieur de Francis, Exequator 307. as French Consul, xiv., 43. On a Majors, persons recommended to French ship detained by Court Congress as, x., 444. Appointed, of Admiralty, 111. Insulted by 446; xi., 35, 116, 214. Longschamps, 115, 116, 117, 120, Makin, Thomas, notified not to keep 121, 135, 137, 140, 143, 144. On the Free Schools without license, his privileges, 282. Onship Venus, i., 383. 291. On going to New York, 404. Maloney, Colonel William, petition Case of Lieutenant Colonel, 447. respecting horses taken by him Marbois, Sieur Pierre Francis, Barbe from traitors, xii., 115. de, Jr.,, applies for a pardon of two Mamachtaguin, an Indian, ordered French criminals-granted, xiv., to be executed for murder, xiv., 240. Exequator as Vice-Consul, 585. 491. Consul of France, to receive INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 209 Monsieur de Brassini and send hold a Court in an urgent case, him to France, xv., 215, 236. 395. Discussions with Council March, the first month in the year, and Assembly, 418. Addresses i., 58. Assembly, 459. ~200 to be given March, Joseph, Member of Council to, 468. Informs Council of resof Safety, xi., 45. toration of Province to William Marcus Hook, land to be purchased Penn-His Commission as Goverat, for piers, xiv., 460. Plan of, nor, &c., 472-475. Takes oath, 464. Agreement between Council 472, Address to Assembly, 480, and Landholders at, for site of 484, 488. A new frame, 507-8. piers, 475. Piers at, xv., 228. Proclamation against Pirates, &c., Marginal notes, Committee ap- 529'. Charters a School for poor pointed to inspect, on laws, i., 97. children, 532. Asks advice of Marine Committee of Congress, x., Council respecting goods seized, 648. Informs of a reward offered 543-4. Receives a new Comnmisby French Minister for capture of sion from Proprietary as Deputy British vessels laden with spars, Governor, 546. Published at inward bound, xi., 646. Market-place, 546. Addresses to Mariners, petition for wages, i., 63, Assembly, 548. Takes oath of 64. Not to be trusted, ii., 212. fidelity, 553. Letter to, as late Decision in their favor, 73. Pay Governor respecting old Charters, of, x., 650. 573. Appointed by Proprietary Maris, Jesse, Sheriff, ix., 623, 688, Register-general, ii., 96, 97. May 777. use his own seal, the official one Markets in Philadelphia, notices and being withheld, 113. J. Moore regulations of, i., 92, 110, 145, refuses to deliver Records, &c., 190, 376, 377, 382, 388, 391, 442, 121. His death noticed, 151. 443, 444, 461, 515, 580, 582; ii., Markland, John, Lieutenant, xii., 10. 26, 28. Callowhill street, proposed Markoe, Abmr., buys a lot, xii., 271. act for, ix., 650; xi., 195. To Markoe, Captain, escorts Dr. Kearsbe repaired, 523, 524, 526, 640. ley and H. Brooke to Lancaster, Forestalling, 639, 640. Repairs x., 381. His report, 385. to, 659. xii., 41, 80, 110, 190; Marle, Thomas Stationed at Fort Isxiii., 3. License to buy and sell land and to fix boom, xi., 31, 33. dismissed, xiii., 86. Marple, Richard, murdered, xiv., Markham, Win. Governor, papers 57. on frame of Government, 1696, Marriage, Law proposed for young i., 48, at first Council, 57, ap- men at a certain age, i., 93. Laws pointed Secretary of the Pro- respecting, ii., 12. Complaint vince, &c., 142. To proclaim against, 26, 48. Illegal, 114. King James at New Castle, 142. With, first cousins, &c., fine proAppointed to treat with Indians posed, 219. Licenses objected tofor lands, 156. Appointed Ran- Case of Israel Taylor's daughger for Philadelphia County, 166. ter, 455. Clandestine, Act to Commission to, 206. Member'prevent, iii., 379. And other of Council, 212. On defensive licenses to be changecd in form, measures, 306. Respecting a bill v., 69, 71. Fees changed, xi., drawn on John Moll, 233. Letter, 760. Licenses-Views of Bishop Thomas Lloyd to, on affixing seal, White on, xv., 614. 250. And others offer to take up Marsh, Colonel, of Second Battalion, arms, 335. Refuses to deliver xiii., 98. Seals and Records, 342, 343. Ap- Marsh Creek, vi., 675. pointed Lieutenant Governor by Marsh, Joseph, to build boats, &c., Fletcher, 365, 366. Takes oath, x., 283. The "'Warren," 328 367. Goes to New Castle-his re- xv., 12. ception and confirmation, 369. In- Marshal of Court of Admiralty apdorses a commission to Justices to pointed, x., 538. Of Admiralty 14 210 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. bound to obey Judge of Admir- Marylandalty, xi., 657. M. Clarkson ap- 188. Rumored invasion from, by pointed, 576, 657, 760. Cornm- Senecas, 277. Letter received plaints against, xii., 523, 531, from, occasions council to be con533. Clement Biddle appointed, vened, 298. Alarm from, by In537. dians, French and Papists, 299. Marshall, Captain Abraham, resigns, Letter from Assembly of, 334. x., 645. Transportation ot tobacco from, Marshall, Benj., Ensign, xi., 754. to Lower counties, to be stopped, Marshall, Christopher, to take care 465, 468. Extraordinary letter of of sick, xi., 34. Of Lancaster to Gov. Francis Nicholson, on his purchase wheat, xii. 85. reported conduct in Sussex Co., Marshall, Christopher, Jr., Secretary 515. Commission to Gov. Nicholof Society for encouraging manu- son to appoint certain officers for factures and arts, xvi., 51. Pennsylvania, 533, 534. Against Marshall, Edw'd, on the "' Walkers" piracy, 562. Indians of Conestoga to run line, 1837, vii., 400. alarmed by threats from, ii., 191. Marshall, James, Register of Wills, Violence to English families in, xii., 582. Sheriff, xiv., 245, 597. 191. Gov. Seymour informs of Sheriff, xv., 121. French privateers on coast, 240. Marshall, John wishes to establish Justices of New Castle complain manufactory of thread-Declined, of encroachments by, 353. Adxii., 81. dress from, to Queen, on boundMarshall, Cap. John, xi., 428, 508. ary lines between, and PennsylMarshall, William, inserted by mis- vania, 362. Sheriff seizes protake in proclamation, respecting perty, and is arrested by Sheriff forfeited estates, obtains a certifi- of New Castle, 393. Militia of cate from Council, xi., 615. Cecil Co. ordered out to execute Marsteller, Philip, paymaster, xi., writ of ejectment, 395. Governor 272, 388, 412. Seymour, 417, 421. Conference Marsteller, Major Phillip, xi., 35, with Indians at Conestoga, 513. 448, 493. Paymaster, 368; xii., Indian settlements in, iii., 20. 25. Letter, purchase flour, 57. Trespassers from, on lands, 37. On flour, 117, 203. Paymaster, Col. Hart, governor, 39. Gov. 361. Letter, 392. Keith meets Gov. Hart at Colonel Martial Law-Council authorized to Hynson's-conference - amicable declare, in the State, xii., 374. conclusion, 60. On Indiani affairs, Proclamation of, 383. 82. Interference with Indian Martin, Alexander, x., 696. Gov'r lands on Susquehanna, 160. Exof North Carolina, xvi. 305. pense of messenger to, 175. Philip Martin, Henry, brings back. sailors Syng, of Philadelphia, committed from Baltimore, xi. 782. to Sheriff, for survey under MaryMartin, Dr. Hugh,-Surgeon, iii., land title, 176. Difficulties on 270. Justice, xiv., 25.7. Susquehanna, 178. Advice of Martin, Jas., Sub. Lieut., xi., 303. Council of Pennsylvania-on surMartin, John, Sheriff, xi., 366. vey to Octorara, 180. Governor Justice, xiii., 583. writes to Governor Calvert, 180. Martin, Joseph, Coroner, xvi., 491. Intrusions on lands on SusqueMartin, Robert, Paymaster, xi., 34. hanna, 181. Condition of affairs Ensign, xii., 53. between, and Pennsylvania. SurMaryland,-a long journey from veyor and others made prisoners, Pennsylvania, i., 79. Land sued 212, 216. Decision of Council on, for in, 101. Patents from Lord 216. Letter fromn Governor of Baltimore, 109. Reinforce fort at Maryland, 222. Answer of GovChristiana, and otherwise cor- ernor Keith, 223. Descriptions plailed of, 188. Major English - bypatent, 223. Boundaries, 224. arrives from, with armed men, Original agreement between Lord INDEX T) COLONIAL RECORDS. 211 Maryland- arylandBaltimore and Hannah Penn, 232, Letters to and from Governor 234. Letter Governor Keith to Ogle, 156, 159, 167. 252, 253, Governor of, 232. Governor Gor- Reference to patent, 162. Hamildon speaks of Lord Baltimore's tonll and Georges, 168. Letters to attempts to obtain counties in and from Governor Ogle, 175. InDelaware, 252. Governor of, com- tention of rioters, 190. Letter to plains of new county line-Gover- and from Governor Ogle, 190, nor Gordon to point out his error, 195, 198, 228, 242, 257. Respec347. Agreement on division line, ting German settlers, 194, 197, 461, 463, 464, 497. Commis- 201. Messrs. Preston and Kinsey sioners under agreement with- sent to, 204. Their report, 210. Governor goes to, 464. Corres- Instructions to them, 206. Vapondence respecting riots, 468. rious documents with report, 215Precept against rioters, 468. Let- 223. Case of Elisha Gatchell, 227. ters of Governor Ogle, 480, 543. Deposition of, 229. Governor Commissioners on boundary, 544. goes to Virginia-express leaves Return-report, &c., 545, 563. dispatches for him, 232. Affair Outrage by William Rumsey, a at Lancaster County gaol, 250, surveyor of, 591. Claims the 254. Governor sends order in territories of Pennsylvania, 594. Council-and to have proclamaRobert Buchanan, High Sheriff of tions printed in Philadelphia, 254. Lancaster County, attacked by Proceedings at Hampton Court, persons from, 612. Daniel Du- on petitions from, respecting laney, Attorney-General of, 612. articles of agreement, 255. Case Germans go west of Susquehanna of Daniel Lowe, 254. Rudolph, by interference from, but finding Mohr, and R. Downer, 256. Govtheir error, propose returning to ernor Ogle to President Logan, on Pennsylvania, iv., 57. Letter views of order in Council, 260. from Lieutenant-Governor Ogle, Proclamation of Pennsylvania, on against certain settlers on lands order of Council, 263, 265. Coron Susquehanna, 61. Statement respondence between Governor of the parties, 61. Deposition of Ogle and Governor Thomas, 294. Francis Kip, 62. Letter, Gover- Proceedings at Hampton Court nor Ogle, 66. Proclamation for quieting, and Pennsylvania, against soldiers from, 73. Letter 298 - 301. Commissioners apto Governor Ogle, 76, 79. Gover- pointed to run the line, 313. Corneor of, sends message and wam- respondence with, 329. Notice pum to Indians, assuring them of of commissioner being appointed his protection, by order of King in England by Court of Chancery, of England, 92. Difficulties with and to meet in Annapolis, 394. from an association in Chester Complaints against settlers on County, 100. Case of Henry Susquehanna, 572, 573. Letter Mlunday, 101, and Edward Leet, to Governor, with extract of In&c., 101. Various documents dian treaty, 576. Letter from respecting these disputes, 101- Governor-account of conspiracy 151. Certificate of Governor Ogle between French and Indians, 587. to 49 persons for 200 acres, Letter to Governor Ogle, 576. 102. Statement by Jennings and From Governor, 601. Letter of Dulany, 117. Correspondence Governor Ogle, respecting Higwith, and Governor, 116, 117, 121, ginbotham, v., 187, 218, 222. Tem130, 137, 141, 142, 146. Higgin- porary line, 187. Relative disbotham flees into, and receives an pute with Pennsylvania; 187-192, appointment, 147, 154. Letters 202, 209, 221, 222, 224, 225. On from Governor Ogle and S. Blun- Indian affairs, 209. Case of Higston, 155. Rewards for magis- ginbotham and Price, 218. Extrates of Lancaster County, 155. amination of Colonel White, as 212 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Maryland- Marylandsurveyor, 221. Refuses to make 221. Boundary, 240. Proclamaallowance for Indians, 273. Case tion to be recalled, 241, 243, 245. of Samuel England, 376. Case of Letter to Governor Eden, 242. Adam Furney, 377. Governor Act for establishing and fixing Ogle complains against Samuel lines, 263, 272. Committee of England and William Hay, 382, Safety offer to instruct in art of 383, 384. Correspondence with making Saltpetre, 478. Money G(overnor H., 421, 582-597. Tem- to be changed for Soldiers, 682. porary line, 421. Proceedings in Flying caimp to cross at Delaware Great and Little Cove, 553. Cor- Ferry, xi., 28. Capt. Hindman's respondence and depositions re- Company, 109. British army specting murder of Dudley Digges, landed in, 283. A prisoner handed 582-597. Bryan Doran arrested over to battalion, 364. John White in, 604. Proposes building maga- Swift sent to Penna., 407. Act zine, &c., at Will's Creek, vi., against whiskey, 647. Embargo, 137. Letters to and from Governor 712. Sailors taken to, andbrought Sharpe, 178. Informs of safe back, 782. Letter from Gov. Lee arrival of troops in Virginia for on Embargo, xii., 400. Wants Gqeneral Braddock, 331. Petition copy of embargo law, 433. Reof Wat. Sipple, 417. Letter to mark on confederation, and remonGov. Sharp, respecting, 418, 419. strance, 491. Convention, German Resolution to provide means for and English troops, to be removed paying men and expenses, 457. from, 648. Letter from G. Dewall, Difficulties on Conolloway's creek, President of General Court, re639. Letters to and from Governor specting Henry Carberry, xiv., Sharpe, vii., 32, 570. No embargo 106. On opening Potomac, 398. on provisions, 183. Complaints To, on Inland Navigation,5 83, 584, from borders of, 241. Fort 669. Letter, Governor Smallwood, Frederick, 529, 552, 553, 556, 589. From Governor, 651. Com558. Vessels to depart, 570. missioners to be appointed, 669. Letter from C. J. Holt, respecting Inland Navigation, xv., 70. murder of, under Sheriff of Wor- Chinese to be sent to, 75. Govcester County, viii., 286. He is ernor of, demands a Criminal, convicted and punished, 372. 463. For a Burglar, 499. Letter to Governor Sharp, 372, Maseraere, Joshua, letter, xi., 52. 779. Letters to and from Gover- Mason & Dixon's line, extension of, nors of, ix., 305, 375, 564. xii., 635. Pay to Commissioners Governor Sharpe of, administers for extending, 661. Instructions, oath to Governor Penn, 348. 704. Pay, 714. Complaint of John Redick, de- Masons' Lodge, prisoners in, xi., prived of his land, 375, 376. 292, 293, 294. To be removed to Boundary question between, and Virginia, 296. IIabeas Corpus, Pennsylvania, 375, 379, 564. 308, 309, 525. Complaint against. Letter of Mason, Rich., petition road, ii., 527. Governor Penn to Gov. Sharpe, Mason, Thomas, claim for land and 564. Laws respecting fisheries, lots, xiii., 140. 623. Agreement of 1732, between Mason, Captain Thomas, may ship Pennsylvania and. Proclamation flour to Bermuda, xiii., 50. respecting boundary line, x., 206, Massachusetts, Governor, Stoughton 216. Jurisdiction of Pennsylvania applies for provisions for his to be not extended at present, Majesty's Army and Navy against owing to incapacity of heir of New Foundland, i., 515. Gov. BelLord Baltimore, 220. Governor cher of, applied to, to examine Penn's proclamation, 220. Let- Rowland Houghton, arrested as a ters, Earl of Dartmouth and counterfeiter, iv., 225. ExpediWilliam Penn, respecting, 220, tion against Cape Breton, 753. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 213 Letter from Governor, asking for ii., 62. Objections to, and diffiaid, 773. Represented at treaty culty about it, 63. To print at Albany, v., 7. Letters to and Laws at his own charge, 64. from Governor, 31, 341. Gover- Thomas Story to have a Sealnor Shirley recommends a meet- described, 233. petition for ing of Commissioners at New York, Salary, 412; ix., 397; xiv., 378. to consider and digest plans for John Morris dies. Matthew Irunited co-operation against French win, appointed, 379. and Indians, 83. Governor Shirley Masters, authorized to chastise their respecting Indians and French, 97. servants, and punish persons who Governor Shirley and Indians, inveigle them, i., 79. To give 101, 141. Discharge of Pennsyl- security for their servants, 93. vania forces, 141. Cannon re- Masters, Thomas, Provincial Judge, quested from, 173. Answer of ii., 87. Obtains patents for curing Gov. Shirley, 198. Letterto, 206. &c. Indian corn, and also for Charge for transporting prisoners, working and weaving straw, &c., 420, 427. To and from Governor for hats. Council grant and of, vi., 16. Union of Colonies, 18. authorize publication, iii., 1S. Resolutions cutting off supplies Mem. of Council, 113. Dies, 232. from French, 309. Sends Commis- Masters, William, a Provincial sioners to Pennsylvania, 314. Commissioner, vii., 498, 636, 657, Message of Governor to Assembly, 671, 697. Paymaster, xi., 34. 314. Resolutions of, 317. Em- Matlack, Colonel Timothy, asks for bargo ordered, 439. Vote of Haversacks, x., 600. To have Assembly to ask a supply of pro- Rifles, 634, 683, 690. To keep visions, 614. Message to Gover- register of all attainted persons, nor. Vote of Assembly respecting xi., 503. To provide stores for share of arms, vii., 111. Applies clothing, &c., xi., 1. Register of to export provisions, 135, 136, Forfeited Estates, 745. Secretary, 168, 186, 570. Governor Pownall, xii., 189, 405. Delegate to Con717. Gov'r Pownall asks aid for gress, 371, 464. Accounts of sufferers by great fire at Boston, Tavern and marriage Licenses reviii., 483. Assembly grants ~1000, ported on, xiii., 537, 538. Re483. Sends circular to colonies, quested to resign, 539. John ix., 546. Lord Hillsboro' con- Armstrong, Jr., in his place, 540. plains of it, 546. Letter from re- Counsel in his case-paid, 591. specting Tories, xi., 629. To be Comptrollers report on accounts, allowed to export flour, 682, 690, 625. Case of, xiv., 282, 284. 728, 729. Resolution respecting His accounts, 604. Keeper of exchange of prisoners, xii., 51. the Seal, Secretary of Council, From Governor respecting a cap- Commissioner for, forming flying tured traitor, 400. Acts for regu- Camp, Colonel of a Rifle Batlation of trade, xiv., 517. Let- talion of Militia and prosecutor ter Governor on operation of of General 2rnold, 604. ApNavigation Act, xv., 53. Letter peal, xv., 220. Pay for services of Governor and reward for on Delaware and Lehigh, xvi., Daniel Shay, &c., 171. Repeal, 278. To examine Rivers, 319, 435, 442. Wife paid in his absence, 349, Massey, Samuel, Member of Navy 366, 384, 407, 429, 462, 512. Board, xi., 127. Matrimony, Banns of, required to be Master at Arms, x., 512. published, x., 31. Master of Rolls, Thomas Lloyd, ap- Matson-A Shawnese Town, iii., pointed first, i., 91. To keep 350. Charter of Liberty, 111. His an- Mattson, Margaret, and Yeshro Henswer respecting laws enrolled, drickson, trial as witches, i., 93, 276. To keep the dedimus to 95, 96. administer oaths to the Governor, Mattrosses, Company of, to be raised 214 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. for service of United Colonies, Medicines for Hospital, ordered, x., x., 477. Captain Lieutenant 292, 305, 339, 489. for - Gibbs Jones, appointed, Meetings, Religious, right to sell, 480. Matth. Whitlow, first Lieu- &c., ii., 221, 222, 228. Bill restenant, 483. N. Donnell, second pecting, 553. Lieutenant, 524. Melcher, Isaac appointed Captain, Maule, John, Commissioned to corn- x., 497. Declines, 526. Major, mand Intelligence Boat, and an- xi., 31, 305, 408. Barrack Master thorized to wear an English Jack, General, 51. To receive Hesv., 267. sian and Waldecker prisoners, Maul, Nehemiah, Pilot, x., 376. 116. And forfeited estate of AnMaurice, Alexander, imprisoned, x., drew'Allen, xii., 88. Asks renewal 668. of Patents defaced by fire, xv., Mavericke, S., On bounds of Conn., 560. Letter and Maps, 597, 612, 1664. vi., 263. 626. Barrack Master General, cerMaxwell, General, letter respecting tificate to, 1776-1778, xvi., 301. Miss Levy, xi., 675. Memorials, American Philosophical Maxwell, James, Justice, xii., 667. and Historical Society, respecting Maxwell, William, On condition of Publication of C. R., i., 9. Report Braddock's Road, vi., 434. on, 12. Act respecting,. 15, 16. May, Cape, Wrecked goods arrive Of William Markham, in behalf of from —Proceedings, iii., 238. William Penn, 328. Of Captain May, Daniel, Justice, xiv., 234. Christopher Smith on Murder of Mayors of Philadelphia, iii., 31. Catawba Indians, iii., 21. Of iv., 752; xvi., 52. Governor Keith to Governor of Meade, David, letter, 399, 497. Virginia, and answer, 118. For Justice, xiii., 683. Insurrection Hon. Thomas Penn, why certain in Northumberland, xiv., 359. bills were not presented to his Mead, Eli, Justice, xv., 51. Majesty, &c., v., 499. See Jno. Means, William, Second Lieutenant, St. Clair, on roads, vii., 592. Of xi., 32. Pompunagh and other Indians in Mease, Ann, sentenced as a scold to Philadelphia Barracks, ix., 135. be ducked, pardoned, xii., 235, Of M. Smith, James Gibson, &c., 243. respecting Indians on Frontiers, Mease, James, Clothier General, to 138. From City, &c., to Combe prosecuted as well as his' mittee of Safety, x., 297. From deputy, xii., 599. Petition, xiv., Committee to Assembly, 348. 393. Paid, 477. Of Captains and Lieutenants of Mease, John of Light-horse, asks Boats, against Thomas Austin, for wagons to remove his goodsi 472. To Congress for cannon, from Trenton to Lancaster, xi., 550. To Congress, 572. To AsDeed for part of Tinicum, xii., sembly, on Roebuck, 582. To 256. Deed to, xiii., 236. Ap- Congress, Fortifications on Delapointed Auctioneer for South- ware, 601. Of Captains of Boats wark, xiv., 38; xv., 50, 153, resisting command of Commodore 186. S. Davison, 616. L. Kargher, Mease and Caldwell, order to, for 638. To Assembly, on refusal of use of battalion, x., 401, 405, 415, Continental Currency, xi., 2. Of 418, 426, 436, 445, 462, 47.9. To officers to Assembly, 15. Of Officers provide beds, &c., for battalion in of State Regiment against Colonel Barracks, 419. Bull, 210. Major N. McCurry Meason, John, Justice, xiv., 134. against Captain Morrow, 210. Measures, proposed act to regulate From prisoners in Virginia, 395. sale of Beer and Ale by, ii., 218, Of Mrs. Ferguson, 322. Of Francis 221. Sealer of, v., 280. Hopkinson, respecting claims on Mechelokeety, an Indian Chief, dies, Estate of Rev. J. Duch6, 773, i., 557. 774. Matthew Clarkson, Marshal, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 215 xii., 105. Of James Bell, respecting Applies for tents, 483. Inspector property, 315. Prisoners on Long of Militia, xvi., 92. Island, 480, 481. Of merchants, Mercer, Colonel James, xiv., 396. 480, 482. Dr. Kuhn, 517. Judge of Mercer, Lieutenant Colonel, comnAdmiralty, respecting desertion missioned to a regiment, vi., 294. of French Sailors, 409. Owners Mercer, Colonel Hugh, vi., 604; vii., of brig Fame, 507. Officers of 230. At Frederick, 553, 772. Proctor's Artillery officers, 729. Cannon sent to, for flying camp, From Land Office, 749. Samuel x., 660, 712. To send guard to Preston Moore, Henry Hill and R. salt works in New Jersey, 777. Wells, claim for lots, xiii., 9, 503. Letters to and from, viii., 292, Of Citizens of Philadelphia, on an 305, 309, 391, 394. Left in Comunfair Election, 119, 120. Report mand by General Forbes, 292. Is of Surveyor General, 321. Colonel succeeded by General Stanwix, Joseph Hart, 523. Jacob Shallus, 298. Conference with Indiansfor a lot in City, 548, 549. Of their intentions, &c., 305. ConOfficers Pennsylvania Line and ference with Indians at Pittsburg, Galleys, 677, 682. Officers of State 306-309. On Indian affairs, 309Navy, 683. WV. McCleery, 699. 313, 382-391, 394. Of Quakers, 741. Jno. Mitchell, Mercer, Ship, General, provisions W. Finney, 747, 760. William shipped by Mr. Holker on, xii., Pollard, 748. J. Cadenhead, 194. D. Drais, two Frenchmen,- 764. " Mercei," Privateer, General, capMcClenachan and Moore, 718. A. tures Codfish, xii., 161. Yarrington, xiv., 32. Of Philada., Merchants of Philadelphia, in En140. John Reynolds, 164. Isaac gland, petition against bills of Craig, 291. A. Power and report credit, iv., 750. Petition against of Surveyor General, 292. E. tonnage duty, viii.,' 230, 232. Blaine, 468. Of thirty-six natives Petition against duty on rum of Bengal and China, 561. Long- under proof, x., 247. schamps, inhabitants of Philadel- Meinzies, James, of Boston, petiphia, 572. Officers of Pennsylvania tion, i., 560. Line, xv., 17. Of Proprietaries, Mercier, Mon. Le, bearer of sum63. From Luzerne County, 234, mons from Contracoeur, vi., 30. 235. Charles Simnms, 250. James Mercury, the Weekly, printed by McCalmont, 286. Isaac Hazle- Andrew Bradford-Arraigned behurst & Co., 367. T. Wade, John fore Council, iii., 145. Franklin, merchants of Philadel- Mercury Packet, to be attended by phia, 385. Turnbull, Marmie & armed boats, xii., 392. Co., 444. C. Febiger, 592. Mer- Meredith, Major, Samuel, x., 464, chants, Philadelphia, 633. J. 503, 533. Appointed Fourth Fisher, 635. Of Committee of Brigadier-General, xi., 199. M. Society, for abolition of Slavery, C. xv., 184. Sale of land postrespecting a free Negro held in poned, 265, 341. bondage in Louisiana, xvi., 33. Marion Ford,-Road, i., 396. Public creditors, 107. Joshua Marion, Upper, T. petition for a Elder, 374. Of Mayor, &c., of Ferry on Schuylkill, ii., 276. Philadelphia, 387. Mich. Morg. Meshonekek Creek, viii., 143. O'Brien, City lots, 393. Messages of Governor, ii., 451, 461, Mendenhall, John, Coronerof Chester 465; xi., 685, 711. County, iii., 260, 289. Metschir, John Gotlieb-Suspected, Menonists released from taking oath, imprisoned, xi., 409. To be disiii., 29. charged on taking oath, 413. Mentges, Francis, made Major, x., Meyers, George, Lieutenant, xi., 768. Inspector of Militia, xv., 14. 576. Resigns, xii., 477. Appointed Inspector General, 77. Micllael, Everhart, Agent of forfeited His pay considered, 135. Estates, dies, xi., 599. 216- INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Middletown, Guard at, xi., 512. Miuflin, Warner, a Justice, ix., 645. Miercken, Peter, Sugar Refiner, Signs address from Quakers, xi., authorized to hold land, ix., 727. 427. Meirs, Jacob, to receive beer, x., Mileage, paid Councillors, xi., 205. 646. Miles, Colonel Samuel, x., 330. To Miers, (or Mears,) John, of Berks purchase Rifles, 530, 601, 683. County, to pay for saltpetre, x., Ordered to Billingsport —And or481, 490. dered back, 626, 694, 697. Rifle Mifflin County. Prothonotary &c., Regiment, 708; xi., 47. Brigadier Samuel Edmondson, xvi., 166. General, 61. At Marcus Hook, Justices, 166, 168, 199, 217,2 407. 119, 215. Deputy Quartermaster Lieutenants, Samuel Bryson, 183. General, xii., 450, 498, 512, 543. Sheriff, 198, 542. Coroner, 198, Deputy Quartermaster General, 542. President of Courts, 224. xiii., 41. Petition to postpone Collector of Excise, William Pur- sale of lands, 293. Elected Judge dy, 294. Register and Recorder, of High Court of Errors and Ap444, 537. peals, 550, 551. Censor, xiii., lifflin, Fort, [See Mud Fort]. Lt. 720. Resigns as Judge, xiv., Colonel Samuel Smith, commands 66. Pay, 229. Of Battalion Rifles, at, xi., 397. accounts, xv., 137. Enters appeal Mifflin, Brigadier General, privateer, 302. Committee on Indian funds, x., 702. 607. Appeal from Comptroller Mifflin, John, Member of Council, General, xvi., 4. On bench vi., 666. To inquire about arms of Mayor's Court, 240, 242. by ship Lydia, from London, 679. Miley, Abram, Sheriff, xiii., 400, Commissioner, of wagons, 775. 730; xiv., 294. Goes to Easton with Gov., vii., Military Stores, Inspectors of, ap204. A Provincial Commissioner, pointed, x., 283. Ordered, 285. 499, 636, 671. Books to be purchased, 500. Mifflin, Jona., Deputy Quartermas- Militia, necessity of, in province, ter-General, applies for Wagons, ii., 79. Those who enlist to be xi.. 294. exempt from watching, &c., in Milftin, Captain Samuel, asks to Philadelphia, 151, 161, 204, 205. Export Provisions, vii., 571. Com- Law passed, 424. Law suggested mands at Fort Wiccacoa, viii., 39. by William Penn, Jr. Quakers Appointed Commodore and Corn- not to be oppressed by it, iii., 64. manler-in-chief of all the Naval Circular to Captains, v., 2, 6. Bill. Armaments of the State, 708, vi., 534, 588, 597, 601, 724, 735, 712, 718. Declines, 724. Sent 741. Officers, 766, 769, 773. for, x. 784. To deliver cannon to County Officers and regulations, Chester County, xi., 220. A vii., 36, 40, 62, 70, 76, 92, 152, Warden, xi., 538. 390. Association in Philadelphia, Mifflin, Major, delivers powder to 62. Officers' names, 62. John Towers, x., 312, 500. To inquire Nixon, in room of Thomas Wilwhat stores are wanted, x., 612. ling, Lieutenant, irregular, 76. Mifflin, General Thomas, orders Of York County, 76. Powder and Wagons, xi,, 222, 223. Message ammunition wanted, 76. Returns from, General Sullivan's order for of Comp. from several Counties, Militia, 225. One of Committee 82, 120. Notice of, 274. Remonto examine works on river, 231. strance of Quakers against, 404. M. C. pay to, xiii., 587. (Dela- Quartering Soldiers, 406,407. Bill, gate in Congress,) sends papers, 463, 464, 572, 575, 593, 618, 718, xiv., 3. Asks for powder to cele- 722, 729, 734, 737, 744, 757, 758; brate the Fourth of July, xv., ix., 128, 133, 150, 151. Called 235. President, 584. Presi- out, xi., 17, 39. To be formed dent, xvi., 219. Paid for leaden into brigades-John Cadwalader spouts, 479. appointed Brigadier General, and INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 217 S. Miles, Brigadier General of At Lancaster discharged, 82. regular forces, 62. Regulations, Ordered out, 98. Bedford, 121. 72. Disgusted with unofficial Westmoreland, 157. Called out, orders, return, xi., 86. Deserters, 169, 203, 269. Stores to be pro102, 106. To be called out by vided for, 296. Petition, 298. Congress, 198. Ordered from Call'of, 330, 349, 368. Fines, counties, 222. General Arnold 382. Pay to, 421, 423. Three appointed by Congress to com- regiments to be completed, 445. mand, 225. Congress call for WXant pay, 461. Recruits, 494. 4000, 254. To be paid for lost Discharged, 592. Election in blankets, &c., 291. Called out, York irregular, 695; xiv., 3, 23, 293. Drawn by lot, 313. Troops 77, 159, 167, 168, 177, 380, 513, to be placed, 446, 477, 478, 581, 549, 584, 624, 634; xv., 5, 13, 636. Ordinances respecting, xi., 14, 30, 40, 98, 105, 107, 109, 199, 332. Called out, 359. Expenses 209, 234, 237, 283, 301, 328, 357, referred to County Paymasters, 358, 371, 391, 432, 473, 590, 603. 413. Sent to Susquehanna, 532. Officers appointed by Council, Ammunition for, 538. Time of, 437. Laws and pensions, 590. expiring, 574. Complained of, Fines, 603, 604; xvi., 1, 2, 8, at camp, Commissioners sent 18, 38, 66, 149, 166, 168, 195, to enquire about it, 350. In 2162, 227, 251, 317, 337, 340, 348, Cumberland County, 410. Short, 382, 445, 535. 580. Called out, 581, 733. Re- Mill and Mill Race, Cornelius Empturn of, by Jno. Carothers, son, i., 301. Walter Forrest's, 772. Officers chosen, xii., 2, 15, 389. Peter Dales, ii., 10. ProTerm of service expired, 42. Call prietary's, 64, 65. of, of county in seed time, and Miller, Abm., Justice, xii., 19. other evil effects of time expiring Miller, Captain, x., 689. at Billingsport, 71. To be prac- Miller, George, a delinquent Coltised —Steuben's work on disci- lector, xiii., 641. pline, 73. Change in orders, 76. Miller, Henry, Sheriff, xii., 513; Destitute, 100. Refuse to pay xiii., 93, 397. Prothonotary of fines, 103. Called out, 123. Of York, xv., 17. Chester county, 142. Called out by Miller, Jacob, to build boats, &c., General W., equipment of, 144. x., 283. Has lumber taken by Dr. D. Jackson, Quarter Master, enemy, xi., 564. 146. Counties, 200, 202. Law, Miller, John, Coroner, viii., 403. 299. Proclamation respecting, Examined respecting Stump, ix., 320. Desertion of, 322. Changes 510, 511. C-ommissioner of in-arrangement of, 373. Reso- purchases, Lancaster, xii., 660. lution for greater care of, in Justice, 150; xiii., 677. Sheriff, certain counties, 373, 375. To xiv., 557; xv., 79, 296. be in readiness —enemy ap- Miller, Joseph, Justice, xiv., 158. proaching, 386. Collection of Miller, Miss, pass for, to New York, fines, 388. Inspector, 388, 389. xi., 577. Arms to be collected, &c., 389. Miller, Peter, a Justice, x., 15, 46. Duty, 454. Paymasters, 463. Printer, x., 420. Traitor bailed Muster Masters, 462. Doubts on out, xii., 145, 149. Coroner, law, 469. To Northumberland, xiv, 557. 492. Judge Advocate appointed, Miller, Rev. Peter, intercedes for 504. Pay off Berks county, 567. Henry Martin, xiii., 510. Auditors appointed, 589. Fines, Mills, Alexander, to be arrested for &c., 611. Discharged, 638. Pay, discouraging enlistments, xii., 650. Called out, 695. Exemption 378. Taken and dismissed, 379. from, pay of, xiii., 21. Gratuities, Mills, Griffith, ii., 541. trial for desertion, 22. Order 3000 Milsheimer, Rev., a chaplain in a men out in several counties, 53. German regiment, taken at Sara 218 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. toga-to be sent to New York, per rent on, 340, 385. Letter, order of Board of War, xii., 262. 321. Battalion to protect NorthMingo or Conestoga Indians, iii., 19. umberland, xiii., 223. Memorial, Mingo, an Indian slave, imported, xiii., 747. Contractor for State ii., 489, 509. navy, 1776, 77. Appeal respectMinnisink Indians, charged with ing his accounts, xv., 432. Asmurders at Snaketown, their signs of, for an arrest, 617. residence - Kindassowa, their Deputy Quarter Master General, chief, iii., 326. Wounds Henry United States, xvi., 456. Webb, iv., 413, 420. Governors Mitchell, Ann, wife of John, under letter to, 420. Murders by, in- sentence of death, pardoned, iii., vited to Burlington. Messengers 240. Moses Tetamy and J. Still, viii., Mitchell, (a Swiss) Indian trader, 141. Arrive on way to Burling- ii., 403, 405. In search of mines, ton, 149. Opinions respecting, 403. 194. Mitchell, WTm., elected Justice, xii., Minor, John, Justice, xiii., 264. 19. Resigns, 526. Minshall, Joshua, his house broke Moffit, Thos., escapes from Indians, open by Higginbotham, iv., 156. vii., 282. Mint of the United States, Act of Mohawks, Indians, historical aoCongress passed for establishing counts of, in 1665, alluded to, i., a, xv., 104. 300; v., 10, 624-628. In PhilaMintges, Adjutant, Francis, ap- delphia, vi., 341. Murdered near pointed Lieutenant, x., 678. Fort Cumberland, ix., 304. Minutes of a Council, at New York, Molan, John, a lawyer, viii., 339, held by Governor Shirley, vii., 342, 344, 361. Member of Coun23-31. Of New York Council, cil, 360. 497. Of Croghan with Indians, Moland, John, proposed new bill on 506-517. warrants, &c., viii., 369. Miralles, Don Juan de, asks to Moland, Win., made prisoner, asks export flour for his private use, to be exchanged, xi., 564. Disxii., 314. abused of treason under great Miranda, George, an Indian trader, seal, xv., 382. letter from, detailing account of Molatton, an Indian town, iii., 315. accidental killing of an Indian, Molesworth, James, examination, iv., 88. executed as a spy, xi., 197. Mirchell, Richard, appointed Sub- A spy, executed in 1777, bond to, Treasurer, for Kent, i., 111. xiii., 385. Mitchell, Alexander, Justice, xii., Moll, John, member of first Coun336. cil, i., 57. Has patent from Lord Mitchell, James, to survey Sprin- Baltimore, 109. Refuses to progetsburyManor, iii., 185. Letter vide for a bill in favor of proprieto Governor —Council at Conay- tor, 233. Member of New Countown, 187. Expenses, 382. Sheriff, cil, 580. Damage to his estate iv., 500. alleged, ii., 109. Mitchell, First Lieutenant, x., 488. Molleston, Alexander, complains Mitchell, John, Muster Master of against the official conduct of army and navy-gratis, x., 504. Wm. Hill, a magistrate of Sussex Commissary of provisions for county, iii., 259. artillery, 510. Master of pro- Molliston, John, Coroner, v., 55. vincial ship, 522. Storekeeper, Mompesson, Roger, Judge of Admixi., 423. Proceedings against, ralty, Counsellor at Law, apfor Arnold's wagons, 707, 708, 709. pointed member of Council, ii., Deputy Quarter Master Gen- 117, 134. Chief Justice, 239. eral asks for two hundred Monakatootha, letter apprizing of wagons, xii., 18. Has charge arrival of large body of French of Schuylkill bridge, 269. Pays at Ohio, v., 635. Half-king INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 219 of great note, 660. Speech chased as part of estate of A. of, 691. Or Half-king, dies at Bartram, 192. Agent for sale of John Harris's, vi., 184. Indian confiscatedestates, 198. Change and French, 673; of districts in, 233. Execution of Monck, ship General, proposals to John Brown, ordered and postbuy for defence of the Delaware, poned, 423, 432. Asks for a new xiii., 270. Name changed to election district for Justices, 483. Gen'l Washington, and allowed Case of J. Eckley, Collector of to make a voyage, 283. Taxes, 534. New election district Monckton, Brig. Gen'l Robert, let- for justices, 551. Councillor, 546. ters to and from, viii., 495. Asks Express to, 572. Norristown to for troops, 495, 506, 509. Goes have three Justices, 609. Cornto Phila.., 592. plaint against Lieutenant of PhinMoney, bill proposed, i., 72. Arrest ladelphia for moneys detained, of counterfeiters proposed, 84. 636. Gunpowder furnished, paid Case of Charles Pickering, 84. for, 642. F. A. Muhlenberg reEdmund Lassell, 380. Raised, signs as Justice, 644. Justices, 558. Act proposed for paying xvi., 1, 138, 189. Militia, 29. and receiving, for contracts, at Contested election, 30, 43, 48, 49, certain rates, ii., 220, 223, 224. 55. Election confirmed, 59. AmQueen's proclamation respecting, ount of tavern and marriage li435. No price to be set on Eng- censes, 61. Collector of excise, lish, or gold-commodities td be Jacob Auld, owes a balance, 64. lowered, 444, 445. Act publish- Returns of field officers, 71. Esed in market place, 447. And tate of John Robinson, 136. Robdollars, discussion on raising ert Loller, Register and Recorder, value of, iii., 173. Coiners, con- 156. Militia fines, 166. Sheriffs, victed, vii., 725. 191, 490. Coroners, 191, 490. Monroe, George, Sheriff, v., 551, Fines against overseers of poor, 597, 662. remitted, 288. Tax collected, Montgomery County, Prothonotary, 311. Militia officers elected, xiv., 202. Dr. Abel Morgan ap- 362. Taxes received, 384. Repointed Lieutenant of county, gister, 446. Fines received, 460. 205. Register of Wills and Re- Error corrected, 463. Contested corder of Deeds, 210. Justices, elections, 501. 215, 279, 504, 629. Sheriffs, 230, Montgomery, Fort, x., 743, 756. 555. Representatives, 230, 555. New York, xi., 4. Coroners, 230, 555. Commission- Montgomery, Lt. Hugh, of gunboat, ers, 230, 555. Justices, 244, x., 329. To command gunboat 282. Memorial respecting pay- Warren, 437. Captain of Effingment for a purchase of land out ham, 488; xi., 225, 531. Applies of sale of old prison, Phila., 282. for wagons, 520, 530; xii., 44. No jail at, 313. Public buildings, Montgomery, Capt. James, to have 456. Laid off from Philad., 457. command of boats, x., 328. CallDeed for land, 492. Elections, ed to answer -his command xv., 100. Sheriff, 100, 294, 564. changed, 586. Resigns, 665. Coroner, 100, 294, 564. Repre- Commands privateer, 7()6. Of sentative, 100. Militia, 107. Jus- ship Genl. Greene, xi., 730, 747. tices, 124, 164, 279, 323, 537, Ordered to sea, xii., 4. Takes a 605, 609, 644, 647. Sales of es- prize and wants a mast, 19. Lettates, Alex. Bartram, John Mere- ter to Holker, 86. Takes a prize, dith and Isaac Taylor —George 111. Complaint against, 155. Smith, agent, 153. Fine on Corn- Montgomery, Hon. Joseph, xii., 778. missioners for not furnishing re- Recorder and Register for Dauturn of assessments, remitted, phin, xiv., 376. Justice, 378; -Captain R. Coleman to be put xv., 41. Resigns as Commis'r, in possession of tract of land pur- 221. 220 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Montgomery, Col. Winm., to purchase appointed to command boat " Exlead for Associators, x., 592. periment, x., 296. Of gun-boat Delegate to Congress, xiv., 261. "Effingham," 328. Resigns from Justice, 396. President of Com- the "Effingham," 442. mon Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Moore, Charles, Clerk of Assembly, 400. Letter on disturbances at viii., 512. Wyoming, xv., 27. Runs line Moore, Colonel, battalion, x., 687. between Susquehanna and Alle- Battalion to rendezvous at Falls gheny, 85. Pay as member of of Schuylkill and Darby, xi., 301. Council of Censors, and Coin- Moore, Doctor, (see Nicholas M.) missioner to Wyoming, 539. Jus- Morris, Governeur, pass to N. York, tice, resigns-elected to Assem- xiii., 586. bly, xvi., 539. Moore; Henry, Gov. of New York, "Montgomery," The Provincial letter and papers respecting New ship to be called, x., 525. Sent England settlers at Wyoming, ix., to attack man-of-war Roebuck, 569. Indian trade, 642, 645. aground, 552. Captain Read re- Moore, Jacob, appointed Attorneysigns, 595. Pilot for, 679. Green- Gen'lof Lower counties, x., 216. way resigns, 694. W. Whitpain Moore, Col. James, x., 659, 665, resigns, 712, 741. Fitted out for 686. Resigns as Justice, xiii., a voyage, 745. Sails for, xi., 6, 118.;Major, of Pennsylvania line, 75, 86, 128. Paid for a silver 9. His instructions to, 698, 703. call, xiv., 600. Detachment, xiv., 23. Letter, "Montgomery," privateer brig, x., 29. Accounts, 37, 110. Troops 701. at Wyoming, 110. Colonel, 118, Montour, Andrew, sent by Governor 159. 229. Petition, 621. Fine of Virginia to Indians at Onon- for a riot, remitted, 622. Resigns dago, iv., 607, 634. To be ex-' as Justice, xiv., 567. amined on distances, 730, 762. Moore, John, appears before Gov'r v., 290, 349, 497. Instructions in relation to complaints against to, respecting presents, 518. Ap- Col. Quarry, i., 545. A lawyer, plies to live in Cumberland Co., 551. Deputy of Colonel Quarry, 566. Has a commission, 567. To Judge of Admiralty, 580, 603. interpret for Virginia, 568. Let- Attorney-General, 11. Comm'r to ters to and from, affairs on Ohio, administer oaths, 62, 92, 390. vi., 47, 130. Near Shamokin, Register-Gen'l, 97. Succeeded 669, 673. Arrives, 681. Instruc- by Markham, 97. Refuses to detions to, on visit to Delawares, liver papers and seal, 113, 121. 697. Arrives with Scaroyady at Gives oath to Gov. Evans, 116. Onohquoge, vii., 12. At Phila- Collector, 240. Seizes a Boston delphia, 64. Report, 65. viii., vessel from Salem, 240. Rea270, 429. sons for withholding records, MIontour, Mrs., wife of Carondo- &c., from Markham, ii., 122. wana, (an Indian,) iii., 295. Proposed as successor to Colonel Makes a long report of the inten- Win. Markham, who dies, 151. tions of the Delawares and other Collector of customs, 240. Sheriff, Indians, 296. Presents for, 337. viii., 403, 506. Provincial ComHer daughter marries Indian, missioner, ix., 237. Justice, 750. 501. Captain of gun-boat Hanoock, x., Montour, Lewis, vii., 506. 362. Commissioner to buy proMontreal, General Amherst's sue- visions in Philadelphia county, cess at, and Isle Royal, viii., 503. xi., 424. Sale of estates, 538. Great fire at, relief asked, ix., Major, letter, xii., 93. Frivolous 390. complaint against, dismissed, 26. Moody, Robert, Letter from, on Justice, xiv., 180. President of Wyoming, x., 87. Court of Common Pleas and QuarMoore, Lieut. and Captain, Allen, ter Sessions, 559; xv., 109. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 221 Moore, Mordecai, Chief Burgess of Indians from Diahoga, vii., 170. Chester, vii., 417. Number of, in Bethlehem, 353. Moore, Nicholas, (President of Free Settlements burned, 494. Send Traders,) complained against — F. Post miss'ary to Indians, viii., his rebuke and apology, i. 59. 301. Ask exemption from Taxes, Speaker, 105. Asks for an altera- 304. Indians viewed suspiciously, tion in law respecting fornication, ix., 140. Sisterhood at Bethle61. Appointed, by Governor, hem present rags-thanks for, x., Secretary of Council, 73. A 553. Missionaries have pass for Judge, 119. Declaration against, Pittsburg, &c., xii., 346. John [Bull 134, 137, 138, 139, 141. To de- and John Mygant-missionaries sist from exercising authority, -pass to Albany and the Lakes, 142. In a languishing condition, xiii., 570. not expected to recover, 153. Ju- More, Capt. Francis, James, x., 766. dicial act complained of, 145, 151, Morey, Jacob, Justice, xiv., 584. 152, 153. Judgment against, 189, Morgan, Dr. Abel, Surgeon, xi., 124. 190. A large purchase of land resigns, xiii., 262. Lieutenant of from Penn, xiii., 321. Montgomery county, xiv., 205. Moore, Robert, murderer, escapes Morgan, Enoch, Paymaster, xi., 125. from goal in New York, iii., 108. Morgcan, Evan, one of Committee of Proclamation for, 108. Assembly to distribute arms, vi., Moore, Dr. Samuel Preston, with 679. Com'r of wagons, 775. Richard Hill, petition to make Morgan, Col. George, asks for a pass title deed for R. Hill, Jr's. land in for his wife to go into the city for city, &c., vii., 728, 739, 740. her child, xi., 486. Patent for Claims lots and liberty lands, xiii., city lots, xvi., 499. 9. For city lots, 49, 321, 326. Morgan, Capt. Jacob, letter from, Moore, Thomas, Mill road, near, iii., vii. 35. 142, 227. Collec'r of customs pro- Morgan, Col. Jacob, appointed Coloposes alteration of law, 278. i nel, xi., 31. Lieutenant, 194. Moore, William, Justice of Chester resigns, 203. Pay, 208. Applies County. Address of Assembly to for arms, 218. Berks, 423. ReGovernor, complaining of, vii., signs seat in Council, 457, 466. 741. Proceedings, 750, 764, 776, Letter, 531. Purchase of flour, 781. Address to Governor, 764. xii., 53. Money to, 65. Decree Letter from, in prison, 776. Case of Supremrn Court against John of, viii., 1, 11-17, 162, 287, 442. Potts' estate, 114. On flour, 117. Governor Denny's message on, 1. Mill, 299. To pay militia, 567, Answer of Assembly, 4. Pro- 595, 686, 705, 743, 778. See also ceedings in Council, 161. De- Morgan, Jacob, Jr., buys paper clared innocent of all charges, 162. mills, &c., in Roxboro-estate of Resolve of Assembly respecting C. Sawer, xii., 299, 303. Deed his case, 287. Member of Coun- for part of Tinicum, 256. Supcil of Safety, xi., 45. Chosen erintendent of Commissioners of Vice-President, xii., 163, 541, purchases, payment to, xiii., 7, xiii., 50. Councillor, 133. Pres't, 43, 74, 142, 219, 220, 262. 112. Appointed Judge of High Morgan, Morgan, Coroner of New Court of Errors and Appeals, Castle, iii., 260, 289, 332, 370. 535. Morgan, Thos., Coroner, iv., 669, Morales, Francis, asks discharge of 747. 782. Spanish sailor from prison, xiv., Morocco, treaty of peace with, sent 484. to Assembly, xv., 268. Moravian-Missionaries to Indians, Morris, Abel, resigns as Ensign, x., petition for a pass, v., 576. C. 501. Weiser to be consulted —but the Morris, Anthony, appointed Judge, design is abandoned, 375. At i., 451. Appointed Justice of Bethlehem, authorized to receive Philadelphia county, 370. Grants 222 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. replevin in case of seized goods, 128. Letter, Massachusetts, &c., 544. Complaint against, offers to on revenue on impost, 174. For resign, 566. Col. Quarry's speech supplies, 193. Long circular respecting, 575. Elected Mayor from, 195. Capt. Van Heer's of Philadelphia, ii., 104. Case of corps, 211. On supplies, 374. Wm. Harper, 151. Address of Papers from Congress, 541. LetPhiladelphia to Governor,. 161. ters, xiv., 119, 182. Report on To have key of.the large house at accounts, 464, 466, 473, 481, 482, Barracks for soldiers, x., 415. 488. Appeal to Supreme Court, Made Lieutenant-Colonel, 767. 488, 495, 497. Suit against, 555. Morris, Hon. Cadwallader, xiv., 29. K Appointed Commissioner, xv., 5. Delegate to Congress, 261. Deeds to, for property corner Morris, Fort, vii., 599. Sixth and Market streets, 151. Morris, Jacob, Inspector, xii, 487. Petition for city lots of S. ShoeAppointed Auditor to settle ac- maker's estate, 657. A city lot counts of troops, 589. Resigns, lately owned by, xvi., 540. 614. Morris, Gov. New York, letter reMorris, James, Justice, xiv., 215. specting Indians and French, v., 1. And president of Courts, 504. Morris, Robert Hunter, appointed President of Courts, xvi., 138. Governor by Proprietary, vi., 143. Morris, John, Coroner, iv., 669. Late Chief Justice of New Jersey, Appointed Quarter-Master, with 143. Appears in Council, 144. title of Lieutenant-Colonel, xi., Is received at Bush Hill by Gov. 25. Authorized to appear in City and Council-his commissions, Court and. prosecute for State, &c., exhibited, and then published 246, 276, 285. at the Court House, 144. NotiMorris, John, Jr., Master of Rolls, ties Indians at Auckwick -of his xi., 187. To Courts as Attorney appointment, 169. Speech tq for State, 258, 294, 357. Record- Assembly, 184. On French afer of Deeds to send charter of fairs, 185. Message to Delaware Academy, xii., 38. Master of Indians, 187. Messages to AsRolls, deceased, xiv., 378. sembly, 221, 243, 244, 247, 320, Morris, Dr. John, Cor'r, xvi., 492. 322, 330, 332, 413, 415, 432, 440, Morris, Joshua, resigns as member 443, 504, 525, 536, 546. Messages of Assembly, vii., 148. from do., 220, 226-236, 243, 244,.Morris, Luke, a Warden, xi., 538. 325, 359, 437, 441, 525, 546, 550, xiii., 100. 554, 555, 565, 569-586. Objects Morris, Morris, a Justice, iii., 28. to Act limiting number of passenMorris, Robert, Warden, ix., 293. gers arriving, 225. Long message Member of Committee of Safety, from Assembly on instructions, to procure powder and saltpetre, 226-236. His answer to, 236x., 282. To apply for guns, 243. Message on emigrant bill, 288. To order medicines, 292. 243. Amount of Excise collected, May export produce for pow- 211. Messages to and from Asder, 469. Cargoes, 579. State- sembly, 244-247. On Connectiment of John Brown of interview cut claim, 249, 252, 254, 255, 261, with, xi., 345. Member of Con- 262, 267, 268-274. Council's adgress, 385. Imports arms for vice to, 275. Letters, 286, 295, State, 653, 771. Letters to and 299, 301, 380, 382, 418, 421, 424, from, xii., 2. Superintendent of 452, 453, 455, 511-519, 563, 565, finance-letter on requisitions, 639, 739, 742, 744, 760, 771, 773, 782. Superintendent of finance, 774, 776. Conduct of Assembly, presents order for money nunder 295, 302, 322. Asks for Assem-.Actof Assembly, xiii., 7. Payto, bly's minutes, 305, 322. Corresfor Congress, 73, 110. Paid for pondence with General Braddock, supplies, 83. Letter, 96. On 307, 331, 332, 335, 377, 380, 394, French subsidy, 10:. Barracks, 398, 399, 400, 406, 415, 431, 461. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 223 Morris, Robert Hunter- Morris, Robert HunterAgainst Assembly publishing let- 684, 689, 706, 724, 728, 729, 733, ters, &c., 322, 616. Injunction 745. Do. from do., 597, 598, to Franklin and Hall not to pub- 616, 677, 691, 692, 707, 746, 747. lish, 327. Mr. Franklin's answer Militia bill, 598, 724. To Sir to, 327. Letter from Josiah Thos. Robinson, 592. Disposition Quincey, 329. Sends Secretary of forces-conduct of Assembly, to make copy of Assembly's min- 599, 600. To Gov. Dinwiddie utes, 331, 339, 392. Genl. B. de- respecting Dunbar, 604. Supsires a meeting of Governors at plies for Crown Point, 617. AnAnnapolis, 333. Complains of swer to long message of AssemAssembly, 335. Letters to and bly-supply bills-proprietary esfrom, 373. Sir Thos. Robinson tates-taxes-Germans, &c., &c., on General Braddock's affairs, 617-623. Their answer to him, 394, 407, 408, 414, 494, 496, 536, 624-637. Defeat of French at 566, 644. " Quaking Assembly, " Lake George under Genr. Dieskau, 409. From Col. Bradstreet, 412. message to Indians, 637. MaryGeneral Braddock has begun his land temporaryline, 639. Letters march, 413. Letters to and from to, on Indian murders, 649-662. Gov. Sharp, 410, 418, 420. Complains of distribution of Writes to Shekallamy respecting arms, &c. by Assembly, 663. Insettlers on Indian lands north of forms Mayor, &c., of French in Albany, 420. On death of Kishv- city, 663. Indian murders, 670, coquillas, 421. Appoints a fast, 677. Advised to visit frontiers, 422. Demand of Assembly for a 679. Proposes associations in letter from General Braddock, counties, 680. Proposes to bor424-5, 433. From Gov. Shirley, row from Receiver-General for 439. Power to call Assembly, province, 681. Bill for taxing 441. Printing papers, 442. Ad- proprietary estates, 682, 684. dress of Assembly to King on pro- Going to frontiers, 688. Speech prietary restrictions, 448. Re- to Indians on, 688. Stays by adcommends an embargo on account vice of Indians,. 689. Explains of arrival of French fleet at Louis- his situation to Indians, 692. burg, 450. To Commissioners on Instructions to Scaroyady and Braddock's road, 452. To Gov. Montour, 697. Effect of BradSharp, French and Indians in dock's defeat in producing Indian Cumberland county, &c., 454. wars, 700. Proposes a plan reTo Gov. Dinwiddie respecting can- specting tax on proprietary esnon for General, 455. Receives tate, 703, 705. Asks for money, various accounts of B3raddock's &c. by advice of Council, 706. defeat and death, 480-485, 486, Calls on Philadelphia for help 495, 496, 511, 519, 599, 604. against Indians, 710. Letter Speech to Assembly, 486. Let- from proprietaries, 733. Letter ters on -Dunbar's retreat, 494. to Thomas Penn-views of FrankTo General Shirley, 496. On lin —Qu1akers and their addressesCatholics, 504, 533. To Colonel French neutrals-militia bill, &c., Dunbar, 515. His answer, 519. 737-742. Receives ~5000 from Tax on proprietary estate, 525- T. Penn, 742. Gov. Shirley re532, 536-546. Answer on provi- quests him to meet at New York, ding quarters by Mayor, &c., 516, 745. Invites Indians to Confer532. Militia bill, 534, 588. In- ence at Harris' Ferry, 745. Andians, 536, 554. Letters to and swer to address of Bethlehem Infrom General Shirley, 563, 594, dians, 750. Message from In595. To Colonel Dunbar, 565. dians at Wyomick, 751. AnTax on proprietary estate, 569- swer, 753. At Reading, 760. 587, 617, 627, &c. Messages to Attends council of war at New Assembly, 597, 617, 670, 675, York, 765. Conference at Harris' 224: INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Morris, Robert Hunter- Morris, Robert HunterFerry, 770, 778. At Carlisle, commission as Governor-before 773, 776, 778, 780. Directs dis- signing warrant Gov. M. invites position of troops from New York, attention of Council to orders 772-775. Instructions to Captain previously given for continuing the Jocelyn respecting, 775. Letters embargo, which is now disconfrom, vii., 3, 97. Conference tinned after a certain day, 221. with Indians at Carlisle, 1-6. At Gov. M., by request, attended Lancaster, 7. Speech on hostili- Council, 222. Renders to Assemties, 2. Message to Assembly, bly a particular account of the 18, 19, 39, 44, 55, 87, 91, 120, condition of the province, and a 130, 131, 142, 143, 178, 195, 202. map of the frontiers and forts, Messages from Assembly, 37, 45, 228. His resignation alluded to, 91, 92, 93, 125, 143, 183, 196, 229. Meets Council at New Cas203. Attends Council of war at tie-publishes Denny's commisNew York, 23. Correspondence sion and declaration of war, 231. with Governor Dinwiddie, 31, 133. Communicates to Council at Do. with Gov. Sharp, 32, 132. Philadelphia several letters, &c. Enlisting servants, 37. Entertains addressed to him before change Indians, 64. Informs Council, of Gov. was generally known, 231. &c., of a conspiracy to compel pas- Morris, Governeur, letter to and sage of certain laws, 87. Pro- from, respecting flour, xii., 16. claims war against Delaware In- Morris, Samuel (Senior), and othdians, 88, 92. Correspondence thers, petition for a pardon of with Sir William Johnson, 97. four prisoners, xi., 565. With Sir Charles Hardy, 9, 10, 35, Morris, Samuel (Jr.), Appointed 100, 113. Speech to Indians, 107. Sheriff of Philadelphia county, in Letters to and from Gen. Shirley, room of Isaac Griffiths removed, 109. Asks for arms for colony, v., 561. Elected, 597, 662; vi., 109. Don't trouble himself about 144; viii., 402, 505.:,lMember of church building, 113. Blamed Committee of Safety, to procure by Sir William Johnson for de- patterns of muskets, &c., x. 282. claring war against Delaware In- To survey Jersey Shore, 474. dians, 117. Prospects on fron- Pay of, 650. Letter to, 753. tiers, 120. Letters to and from Appointed Register of PhiladelGov. Phipps, 135, 136. On sup- phia county, xi., 186. To report of government, 143. Ad- move records if necessary, 258, dress to Susquehanna Indians, May export codfish captured by 145. Discusses election of mem- privateer Gen. Mercer, xii., 161. bers to fill places of several re- Morris, Samuel C., member Council signed, 148. Answer to speech of Safety, x., 718, 726, 729. To of Ogagroderisha, 158. Orders to fit out an armed boat, xi., 2. Has Lieutenant-Colonel Armstrong, charge of prisoners of war, 5. &c. in Cumberland county, 161. Applies for shot, &c. for brig Authorizes Moravians to receive Achilles, 747. Indians, 170. Letters to and Morris, Capt. Staats, supplies monfrom H. Fox, Secretary of State, ey, vi., 292. 179, 180. To and from Horse- Morris, William W., New York field, 169, 187, 190. Receives In- Commissioner to run boundary dians from Diahoga, 199, 200. line, xv., 340. Receives money from Assembly- Morris, Lieutenant-Colonel, on solgives Indians a part, and taking diers' quarters at Philadelphia, four members with him proceeds viii., 262. to Easton, 204. Proceedings Morrison, James, Ensign, xii., 31. there, 204-220. Attends Council Sheriff, xvi., 204. for the last time, William Denny Morrison, Robert, Coroner, v., 662; producing at this meeting his vi., 638; vii., 266. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 225 Morrison, Sergeant, x., 480. scow in repairing banks at, xiv., Morrow, Captain, complaint against, 170. Damage to banks by xi., 210. freshets, 512. Stone for, 586. Morrow, Abraham, Gunsmith, xi., Report to be made, xv., 175, 204. 358. Repairs arms, xv., 406. Repairs of banks, 225, 236, 365; Morton, John, seat vacant in Assem- xvi., 32, 86, 95, 97, 99, 100, 101, bly, ix., 374. Sheriff, 398, 548. 110, 121, 131, 140, 147, 160, 174, To receive Stump and servant 301, 365. To be kept up at exfrom Lancaster, 442. Appointed pense of State, 100. Piers at, fourth Justice of Supreme Court, 147. Proposals for repairs, 160. x., 173. Speaker, 241, 272. Muhlenberg, Fred. Augustus, mermMorton, Sketchly, to supply boats ber Congress, xii., 172. Letter in Darby creek, x., 656. respecting Rev. Mr. Melsheimer, Mortonson, Morton, a Swede, ii., 262. Draws salary, 263. Dele480. gate to Congress, 371. Speaker Moses, Isaac, may sell teas at auc- of Assembly, xiii., 352. Censor, tion, xii., 427. 723. President of Council of Moshowatshong River, viii., 143. Censors-receives his pay, xiv., Motto, for a seal for Committee of 2. Justice in Philadelphia counSafety, x., 328. ty, 54. Register of Wills-ReMoulder, Capt. John, commands a corder of Deeds, 210. Dedimus boat, x., 339. To gunboat-re- to,'229. Resigns as Justice of signs, 362. Montgomery county, xv., 644. Moulder, Capt. Joseph, x., 407, 632. Speaker H. R., xvi., 438. Moulder, Wm., appointed 2d Lient. Muhlenberg, Henry A., chairman of fourth battalion, x., 484, 541. of committee of Senate, reports in Mountfort, Count, horse for his favor of publishing Colonial Rebeing lame, xi., 486. cords, iv., 1. Mount Johnson, treaty at, vii, 70. Muhlenberg, Michael, Expenses of Mount Providence, Justice, xii, 482. prisoners to Virginia, xi., 437. Moyamensing, road from, to Phila- Account objected to, 481. delphia complained of, i, 189. Muhlenberg, Peter, superintends Regulation of, xvi., 41, 228, 234, drawing of lottery of donation 238. Report, 245-251. Draft of, lands, xv., 97. Pay to, 126, 493. 236, 252. Vice President, 308. Moyes, John, attends on signal gun Resigns, 563. at Billingsport, xi., 573. Muhlenberg, General, resigns as Moylan, Colonel, certificate to, as Commissioner on claims in Luofficer in eleventh Pennsylvania zerne, xv., 214. regiment, xii., 609. Mullinax, Nathaniel, ferryman at Moylan, Jasper, petition respecting Schuylkill, i., 438. a perishable cargo —rej ected, xiii., Muncey, Fort, Captain Robeson's 656. head quarters to be at, repairs to Moylan, Col. Stephen, makes return be made by order Col. Hunter, of fourth regiment of dragoons, xiii., 214. xii., 333, 740, 759. Muncey Indians, are women and Mud Island, (see Fort Island.) cannot hold treaties by themMud Island (or Fort), committee to selves, viii., 156. Conference visit — report - width - a boom with, at Philadelphia, ix., 689. cannot be placed there, x., 283. Meetham, chief, 689, 694. Chevaux-de-frise to be sunk op- Muncey, troops to rendezvous at, posite, 334. Boards for, 378. xiii., 368, 374. Battery to be erected, 383, 385. Munday, Henry, case of, with MaryCaptain Proctor to command ar- land, iv., 101. Address of thirtillery at, 453. On defence of, ty-one persons to, 101, 102. Let474. Rooms at, 494, 495. For- ter to Rev. Jacob Henderson retifications, 499. Hire of mud specting settlers near Susquehan15 226 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. nah, 103. His examination, 107- Muskingum, murder of Indians at, 109. xiii., 297. Murders, ii., 513. In Chester Co., Muster, Masters, x., 493, 500. petitions of, iii., 40. In New Mutiny, laws against, vii., 347. York, 108. Myers, Lieutenant George, appointMurdoch, Samuel, to be seized, xi., ed, xi., 202. 284. Enlarged, 296. Not dis- Myers, Henry, case of, xi., 655. charged, 525. Myers, Jacob, appointed armorer to Murphy, Commissioners of Lord boats, &c., x., 490. Pay, 520. Baltimore, conduct complained of, i., 104. Sheriff denied a warrant to arrest, 106. N. Murphey, Capt. Daniel, reinstated, xi., 119. Nagle, George, Sheriff, ix., 778; Murran, William, Ensign, xi., 783. x., 56, 100. Recommended. to Murray, Rev. Alexander, mission- Congress, as Major, 446. Made ary, &c., permitted to sell his real Lieutenant Col., x., 767; xi., 6, estate, and to depart and travel 49, 110, 456. into several counties., xi, 502, Nagle, Sergeint of third regiment, 503, 565. Made prisoner, his to be arrested as concerned in petition, 564, 565. Pass for self riot, xiii., 617. and wife, 578. Nagle, Henry, Justice, xi., 619. Murray, Alexander, Sr., Justice, Nagel, Peter, Coroner, xii., 508; xiv., 487, 517.;siii., 88, 394, 720; xiv., 232, Murray, Capt. Francis, second ma- 554. jor, xi., 116. Applies to be ap- Nails, screws and gimblets, machine pointed Lieutenant of Bucks, by Sam'l Brigs, for making, xvi., xiii., 745. Appointed, 746. 88. Murray, General James, Governor of Nancarrow, John's, air furnace, he Quebec applies for aid for loss by objects to have it taken possession fire in Montreal, ix., 290, 534. of, (being a Quaker) for making Murray, Jas,, Coroner, x., 101, 212. shot and shells, xii., 435. Murray, Jas., Cap., x., 701; xii., 42. Nancy, Brig, arms from, x., 633. Murray, Major, ix., 322. Lost on return, and paid for, 642. Murray, Mrs., message respecting, Blown up, at Cape May, 745. xii., 366. Nanticoke Indians, iii., 188. ConMurray, Capt. William, command- ference with, in Philadelphia, ing troops at Carlisle-General viii., 614; ix., 44, 63. Gage's order for troops at, ix., Nantucket applies to be allowed to 118. Letter from Gov. Penn to, ship provisions, refused, xii., 525. to move with troops to Lancaster, Nash, Brigadier General, wagons 127. for, xi., 277. Murthwait, Richard, an invalid sol- Nathan, Simon, seizes goods from dier, fined for selling liquors-re- Virginia-proceedings, xiii., 2. mitted, xii., 374. Sergeant, con- Nathaniel, Mr., letter on Indian victed by Court Martial of em- hostilities, vi., 756. bezzling money entrusted to him Naturalizations, i., 538; ii., 184, for recruiting, xiii., 149. 241, 493. Of high and low Mushett, Capt. Thomas, of a cus- Germans. Bill proposed, 480; tom house schooner, captures a iii., 241, 248, 282, 284, 287, 288, pilot boat loaded with goods in 290, 326, 331, 367, 368, 374, 385, Delaware river-proceedings, x., 392, 410, 413-417, 429, 431, 465, 9. Proclamation of Governor, 12. 467, 515-520, 525, 587, 593, 597, Muskets, &c., patterns for, to be 607; iv., 59, 60, 72, 99, 331, 627, procured-description of, x., 282, 638; ix., 17, 245; x., 103.2 Fo542. Sizes of, 588. Price of, reign Protestants, 629. 711. Nautilus, Gun-boat, x., 314. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 227 Naval affairs, Committee on, may who return, 541. Recommended enlist from the boats, 200 seamen, an officer as Commander of brig x., 432. Russia sheeting, 438. Convention, belonging to State. Naval Officer of Philadelphia ap- Councils appoint Captain Eyre, pointed, xi., 198. Office, xiv., 543. Dismissed and Captain 406., Elected, xv., 315. Seizes Blewer ordered to send out brig a suspected vessel, 377. Convention, 552. Enemy's vessels Naval Stores, x., 522. in Delaware river, 557. Sales of Navigation of Rivers, acts for im- public vessels. Report on hospital proving, ix., 719, 728. medicine chest, 641. Limit on Navigation Act, operation of, xv., prices of vessels, and on guns, 53. Instruction for Commis- 643. Distribution of prize money, sioners, on inland, 60, 70, 135. 659. Surgeon, 691. Account Navy, boats to be built, x., 765. sales, 718. Cutter Revenge as Bounty to and pay of officers and Guarda Costa, 720. Order for men, xi., 132. Proposed dis- money, 728. Of Pennsylvania banding of, 552. Ship General repayment to New Jersey of Greene, ordered to sea, seamen money advanced by Treasurer on board, officers appointed, xii., to, xii., 197. Sale of negroes, 4, 5. Discharges from State ser- 398. Continental for pig iron, vice, 187. Officers to be dis- 483. charged on account of expense. Navy of Pennsylvania, gun-boats, 316. Fisheries injured bywrecks x., 283, 284, 287, 289, 290, 291, of burned State vessels, 611. 296, 305, 314, 328, 351, 353, 355, Navy Board appointed,, to have 357, 383, 489, 490, 505, 506, 533, superintendence of all naval af- 575, 581. Commodore Thomas fairs as well as fortifications, xi., Read, 379. A ship of war to be 122. Additions to, 127. To take built, 395, 401. May purchase Province sloop. Sentence of court- one, 401. Andrew Caldwell, Commartial referred to, 138. Ap- mander, 457. Nauticus' plan pointed, names and duties, 182. for a fire ship, 366. Hands Object to oath, 182, 183. State for, 462. Ship to be finished with of affairs, 191. Action, 193. To expedition, 486, 518. William be increased. State of old jail, Brown, Captain of marines on 194. List of officers recom- board, 488. Character of Lieumended to command various tenants inquired into, 488. Musboats and vessels, 199, 202. ter Master, 495. Rations, 500. List of vessels, 199, 202. Pay- Pay and bounty, 513, 518. Vesmaster's pay, 202. Apply for sel for, 536, 559, 560. Ships money, 217, 221. Visits Billings- husband, 576. Commodore Caldport, 243. Money paid to, 246. well resigns, 581. Captains, 583, To furnish General Potter with Officers appointed, 584. Vessels boats, 248. To furnish Du Coudray to be equipped-pay. Fire sloop with a boat, 252. To purchase manned, 584. Two shallops twelve fire ships, 255, To furnish to be bought for officers of guard continental ships with pilots, 260. boats, 586. Captain Montgomery, Request assistance to be sent to 586. Instructions to Captain Read, Captain Alexander, 275. Money 587. Galleys altered, 593. Pay, sent to, at Red Bank, 361. Pay- 759. Hulks to be purchased, 593, ment to, 365. Win. Bradford, Appointment of a Commodore conpaymaster, 366. Allowance in- sidered, 593. Gondolas ordered stead of spirituous liquors in, -pay-victualling- Captain 408. Pay to officers, 521. Boats Read resigns, 595. Exchange of afloat. Convention brig to be prisoners, 594. Samuel Davidson, fitted out, 529. First deserter Commodore, 603. The Fly, 632, tried-pardoned, 541. Proclam- Officers pay, 534, 650. Resigna. ation for pardon to all deserters tion-colors altered, 694, 697 228 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 702. Galley building, 702. Sam'l Nehffield,, dedimus to, ii., Mifflin, Commodore, &c., 708. 97. To be considered, 716. Guards Nelson, Colonel, x., 737. for, 720. Muster roll to be formed Nelson, John, Captain, xi., 34. for, 726. Pay, 727. Miffin de- Nelson, William, Coroner, xiv., 555. dines, 724. T. Seymour ap- Neri, Capt. Philippe, petition to repointed, 731. Memorial of, xiii., pair vessel, v., 620, 654, 656, 661. 683. Pay to T. Morarity, xvi., Nesbitt, Rev. Dr. Charles, petition 198. Pay to John Hazelwood, for interest to Dickinson College, 224- W. Bradford, 527. William xv., 298. Webb, Paymaster, 539. Nesbitt, John Maxwell, Paymaster Nawgle, Anthony, Coroner, xv., to the boats, x., 385. Warrant 298. and instructions, 356; 408. Neagley, Jno., asks to be natural- Paymaster, 498. Treasurer to izedCl iii.7 375. Council, 657. Treasurer of Board Noeall, James, Justice, xiv., 346. of WTar, xi., 202. Applies for Neall, WVilliam, charged with coun- a pass for Mrs. Elliott-declined terfeiting, but acquitted, iv., 226. for reasons, 718; xii., 285. ComnNecessity, Fort, at Great Meadows, mittee of merchants on currency, vi., 50. Articles of capitulation, 353. In Front street, 746; xiii., 52, 137. 294. Pass to New York, 551. Nees, Adam, Justice, xiv., 479. Buys land, 646. Paymaster of Negro boy taken on the lines-case naval and land forces, &c., xv., discussed, xii., 335. Sale of a, 144. Late Treasurer of Council' 361. of Safety-report on account, 219. Negroes, in Philadelphia, presented Nescopec, conference of C. Thomfor riotous conduct, i., 380. Jack son anid F. Post with Indians at, kills J. Rakestraw, ii., 12. Trial viii., 132. Road from Susqueof, 11, 18, 112, 160, 211, 275. hannah to Lehigh, xvi., 83, 2132, A, from Jersey arrested, 275. 259, 284. Duties on, iii., 165, 247, 248, Neshamekacton, creek about three 250. Prisoners to be tried, 254. miles from Fort Allen, vii., 317. Sets fire to ahouse in Bristol-new Neshaminy Creek, ferry at, i., 514. commission for trial of, iv., 243. Ferry over, iii, 233. Passed, 235. Confessed his crime —reprieved Netherlands —United —Minister calls for three months, 244. Insolence on Presid't and Council to thank of, in Philadelphia, 243. To them for asserting the law of nabe transported, 259. White ser- tions in Longschamp's case, xiv., vants preferred to, 437. Free, 121. Letter from minister, threatarrive in a French flag of truce ening to leave, 135. J. H. C. from West Indies, v., 71, 74. Heinecken —Consul received, 451. Sent to Havana, 79. Rules and Netotways alias King New Coiner, regulations for flags of truce, 80. a Delaware chief, letter from, ix., Duties on, viii., 575, 576, 578, 583, 736. Answer to his letter by 601. Trial and conviction of, in president of Council, 739. Philadelphia, ix., 6, 542. Duties Neutrals, French, sent to Philadelon, 446, 472, 637, 641. Forrape, phia by'Gov. Lawrence of Nova 648. In Kent, 655; In Lancaster, Scotia, vi., 711, 729. Land at 680. Pardoned in Philadelphia, Province Island, 751. Their 699. In Cumberland, 704. Trial number, 751. Arrive, vii., 15, in Chester county, 705. New 32. To be dispersed among Castle, 707. Duties on, x., 72. counties, 45, 55, 58. Petition, Special Courts for trial of, 73, 276. 239. Not to be treated as prisonEnlisting, 427. Duties on, xiv., ers of war, 241. Proposal to bind 264, 506. Of Philadelphia, apply out children of, 390, Passed, 392. to make a fence around burying Sufferings of, 393. Five arrested ground, 637. at request of Lord Loudoun, 446. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 229 Case of, 717, 720, 723, 739. At New Castle Co.Philadelplhia in distress, viii., Court, 327, 329. Decision, 327. 269, 718. Hogs not to run at large, 327. Neville, Gen., to place a person in Thomas Harris, 329. Complaint charge of Fort Mcintosh, xiv., 448. against High Sheriff, Edward Neville, Hon. John, xiv., 631. Gibbs, 331. Jno. White asks for Neville, Presley, Surveyor complains the papers and records, 333, 339, of being deprived of his district 341, 387. Complaint against in Washington county-referred King's collector, 335, 336, 337. to Surveyor-General, xv., 218. Capt. Peter Alrichs appointed by Nevill, Thomas, repairs of State Penn Lieutenant and CommanderHouse, xii., 702, 703, 712, 720, in-chief of town and fort, 337, 783. To estimate leaden spouts 370. Sheriffs, 339, 370, Coroin Philadelphia, xiii., 268. ners, 340, 370. Fair to be held Newaleka, a Delaware chief, arrives twice a year, 345. Number of in Philadelphia, ix., 656. Representatives, 366. Fletcher Newbold, island in Delaware, pork visits, 368. AndlLieut.-Gov., their ~ taken from, xv., 184. reception, 369. His Majesty's letNewbury, Keith's settlement of, iii., ters patent published, 369. Gov. 185. seeks place for a fort, 370. PetiNew Castle Co., Assembly to sit at, tion to divide from Chester couni., 96, 97, 100. Complaints for ty, 379, 388. Case of widow not entering and clearing vessels Wynne respecting judgment at, 101. Iron hill near, 115. against her husband under wrong Justices to visit a ship and de- name, 394 Council meets at, manclwages, 131. Proceedingsin 401. Address to Governor, 402. case of a sailor suspended by Amount of ld. tax, 462. PetiCouncil, 132. A fair asked for, tion to take children to New York, 180. Sheriffs of, 58, 126. Seal 479. Petitions for roads, 499. for, ordered- its device,. 66. Thomas Pierson, Surveyor, 499. Watchmen to be paid out of Treas- Act to prevent fires, 508. Matury, 118. Surveyor-General, 120. thew Birch, Collector of Cul oms Register, 121. High Sheriff, 121, at, 534. Goods at, seized by or174, 197, 213. Ranger-Justices der of Judge of Admiralty, 541. appointed, 127. Fort, 130. Col- Complaint against Collector, 559, lector in, 130. King James to be 560. Pirates at, 563. Case of proclaimed by Justices at, 142. Collins and Sheriff, 576. Boats Judicial act complained of, 145. sent to, for intelligence respecting Justices,152. Surveyor andReg- pirates, ii., 21. Privileges asked ister, 157, 164. Coroner, 174. for of proprietary, 39. Division Duties on goods at Whorekills, lines between, and Chester, 39. 205. Appeal from Collector, 205. Privileges asked for and granted, Court complained of, 207, 220. 39, 42. Objections tolaws passed Councillor, 214. Forcible entry at, and desire of lower counties and detainer, 236, 253. Causes to withdraw, 49. Reply of Govtransferred to Philadelphia, 252. ernor, 50. Magistrates, 137. Wm. Violentproceedings, 252-258, 261. Tonge, clerk and naval officer, Fort at, 109, 130, 337, 370. Taxes 97. Meeting of Assembly at, collected for Chester county, 265. 209. Petition from Justices on Alarm of invasion from Maryland, encroachments by Maryland, 353. also dissatisfied that King William Abuses from the fort complained had not been proclaimed there, of by merchants of Philadelphia, 299. Taxes, question between, 379-383, 433. Sheriff of, arrests and Chester county, 311. Jus- Sheriff of Maryland, 393. Militia tices, 320, 340, 369. Assembly to of Maryland ordered out to exemeet at, 324. Court complained cute writ of ejectment, 395. of, 325. Complaint of clerk of Governor's plantation near. 423. 230 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. New Castle Co. New Castle Co.Message to Assembly of, 424. vi., 145, 638. Coroners elected, Answer —Governor's reply, 425. 145, 638, Indian chief and othGov. Gookin visits, 428. Firing ers-journal to Indians on Suson subjects, 433. Privateer at quehannah, vii., 137. Three InWhorekills - action of Council dians from' New Jersey go with on, 448. John French, High him to Diahoga, 152, 165. MesSheriff, 448. Advises Philadel- sages to Indians, 170. Speech to phia to protect against privateers, at Bethlehem, 175. Letter to 451. Governor Keith visits, iii., Captain of Fort Allen, 189. Ar14. Complaints against, for en- rives at Philadelphia with mescroachments on Chester county, sage and wampum from Teedyus234. Division line, 234. Magis- cung, 198. Address, 199. Asks trates to state their objections, protection for prisoners, 200. 235. Commission of Governor Sent with letters to Gov. Hardie Gookin proclaimed at, 252. Jno. and Sir WinVm. Johnson, 222. Gooding, Sheriff, and Morgan Mor- Sheriff elected, 267. Coroner gan, Coroner, 260, 289, 382. elected, 267. Indian chief, reComplaint of Indians against mill turns from Six Nations and reand dam on Brandywine Creek, ports, 296. Visits C. Weiser and 269. Justices appointed, 270. arrives with him, 307. Dies of King George II., proclaimed, 282. small pox at Philadelphia, 337, WV. Read, Sheriff, 332. Mr. 338. News of embargo sent to, French, the clerk, dies, 338. 129. Assembly at, meet, choose Successors to, 338. David French, Benjamin Chew, Speaker, 295, Attorney-General-Evans, Peter, 296. Message to, 295. Embargo, claims office of Register —objec- 388. Supreme Judges, 558. tions to, 339. Sheriffs, 416, 465, Complaint of Quakers against D. 520, 615. Coroners, 416, 465, Bush, 559. Embargo at, viii., 520, 615. Meeting of Commis- 39. Two good horses to be at, 71. sioners on boundary, 497. Lord Coroners appointed, 223, 403, 506, P timore claims New Castle, 781. Sheriffs oppointed, 223, 403, Kent and Sussex, 594. Duke of, 506, 781. Assemblymeets, choose letters, iv., 422, 428, 430, 490. E. Kollock, Speaker, ix., 2, 71. EsDeclaration of war with France, tate of A. and A. Thomas vested 689. James Logan goes to, on in trustees, 3, 4. Marsh, &c., to death of Gov. Gordon, 50. As- be embanked, 3, 4. Reviving sembly at, 356. Sheriff elected, actions in Supremle Court of, 3. 470, 500, 602, 748, 782. Coro- Roads, 4, 5, 314. Sheriffs elected, ners elected, 470, 500, 602, 748, 57, 199, 286, 333, 398, 547, 623, 782. Assembly at, 619. Sheriffs 688, 778. Coroners elected, 57, elected, v., 55, 411, 468, 551, 199, 286, 333, 398, 547, 623, 688, 597, 662. Coroners elected, 55, 778. Gov. John Penn, Gov. visits 411, 468, 551, 597, 662. Express with Earl of Stirling, &c., 73. with news of robberies by French Is proclaimed, 73. Assemblytake and Spaniards, 89. Road from leave of Governor H., 71. AsPhiladelphia to, orders respecting, sembly at-their proceedings and 107, 121, 130. 202. Officers elect- laws, 165-169, 405, 625. Justices, ed by Associators, 194, 248. 203, 626. Justices-trustees of Commissioned, 210. Till, Collect- general loan office, 204, 266. or, in room of Thomas Granele, Roads —streets and other laws, deceased, 244. Letter from, re-: 314. Present to, 314, 400, Laws, specting Spanish privateers, 252. 337, 401. Conviction in, 384. Defenceless state of, 258. Can- Judges —deaths and appointments, non procured for, 270, 301. Road 581. Laws for various embankto Philadelphia, 301. Officers ap- ments, 600, 662. Executions, pointed, 326,327. Sheriffs elected, 671. Pardons, 699. Trial of ne INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 231 New Castle Co.- New Jerseygroes, 707. Governor H. goes to, feits bills in England, iv., 429. 742. His proclamation at, 743. President. and Conucil of, to be Assembly meet, and Governor applied to, to prevent danger from proclaimed at, x., 5. Meet at flags of truce, v., 81. Demands Misses Clay's house, 6. Acts re- a fugitive, 94. Gov. Belcher in lating to, 48, 49, 79, 80, 244, 265, Philadelphia-applied to respect272, 274. State House at, 48. ing privateers in bay, 111, 112. Sheriffs elected, 56, 100, 211, 270. Pilots petition, 226. Governor on Coroners elected, 56, 100, 211, 270. privateers, 266. Col. Schuyler Convictions, &c., 61. Presbyte- with five hundred men raised in, rian church, &c. vested in trus- to go with Shirley, 398, 410. tees, 79, 85. Justices, 81, 217. Minute of Council respecting ConGov. John Penn proclaimed at, necticut, 555-558. Embargo, 592. 93. Naval officers at, 109. Geo. Win. Logan in, asking aid of InRead resigns as Attorney-General, clians, vii., 145. Prevails on two and Jacob Moore appointed, 216. to undertake the journey to DiaBoundary lines, 273. Justices, hoga, 152. A scalping party 275. Special Court for trial of from, 163. Letters to and from negroes, 276. Applies for pow- Gov. Belcher, 165. Scalping der, 531. Surveyor G. Lukens to party to be recalled, 167. On search for papers relative to embargo, 196. Memorandum of "'Cox's Neck" in, xii., 620. 1755-claim of Indians to pine New Castle, Duke of-letters, v., land in, 325, 337. Copy of min37, 127, 129. Respecting troops, utes of treaty at Easton sent to &c. raised, 129. Gov. Belcher, 359. Answer, 385. New-Comer, a Delaware Indian Council minutes, 467. Indian chief, x., 64. hung for accidental homicide, 540. New Counties, iv., 317, 335, 755. Governor sends law for march of formed west of Susquehannah, v., troops into New York or Pennsyl398, 403, 404, 426, 428, 559, 565. vania, 566, Complaint against New Hampshire, Act of Legislature people opposite Easton,jt,,634. on commerce and navigation, Gov. Bernard arrives and takes xiv., 596. possession, viii., 139. Complains New Jersey, letter sent from West of Indian barbarities, 139. InIndies to England complained of dians arrive -on way to Burlingas injurious to this province- ton, 149. Opposition of people satisfaction asked, i., 75. (See to pacific measures-Governor D., Archives, vol. 1, 58-63.) Corn- &c. pay visit to Gov. Bernard, missioners appointed, 75, 76. 151. Indian conference at BurAgreement between, and Pennsyl- lington, 156. Complaints by Invania respecting criminals, 101. dians about lands, 199, 209. Demand from Governor Olive for River Indians near Esopus, 217. seaman's wages, 131. Hue and An old bill of the currency refused cry from East Jersey endorsed, by Indian, replaced by Governor 147. Voters said to have come H., 489, Letter to Gov. Franklin from, 279. Number of militia, asking protection for Indians on 356. Indians of West Indies, their way to Col. Johnson, ix., 448. Road to New York through, 113. Treasury robbed -letter 514. Complaint that carries off Gov. Franklin, 543. Proclamaour coin to pay for cattle-reme- tion of Gov. Penn, 544. Laws dy, ii., 27. J. Spicer's negro respecting fisheries, 623. Inhabfrom, arrested, 275. Col. Hunter, itants applied to in defence of Governor of, iii., 60, 62. Going river-will furnish logs, &c., x., to England, 68. Letter of Gov. 287. Account of logs furnished, Burnett on Indian affairs, 135. 289. Associators may buy lead Robert Jenkins of Salem, counter- and have powder, 313. Proposals 232 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. New Jersey — Pittsburg Gazette, xvi., 89, 126, to, for a boat, 328. Ship with 2222, 257, 262. men and arms stranded in, 378. Newton, Henry, Sheriff, iii., 520, 383, 384, 391. Orders of Con- 575. gress respecting, 385-387, 409. Newtown, Bucks county, lottery for Shore from Billingsport to be sur- repair of meeting house and resiveyed to Newtown creek, 465. dence of Presbyterian minister at, Report, 474. Shore to be defend- x., 41. Magazine to be removed ed, 571. Dr. Coxe's iron works, and public books, &c., to be de575. Salt works in, 614. Troops posited there, 128. sent to, 628. Supplies for troops New York, complaint to, against in, 635. Boxes of cartridges sent Lord Baltimore's agents, i., 103, to, 644. Escort of prisoners from 104. To render their account, Burlington to Yorktown by order 105. Letter from Governor and of Congress, 645. Troops for Council of, respecting Du Plessie, camp, 675. Ferry open for troops 202. And Susquehannah and on Delaware, xi., 31. Salt works, Schuylkill Indians, 202. Keeper 114. Salt works defended, 127. of the great seal-proposes to Letters to and from Governor, 185. visit, 234. Letter from J. Leisler Prisoner sent to, xii., 38. Pay- to president Lloyd for defence ment to, of money advanced by against French, 332. Colmniss'rs Joseph Borden, Treasurer, to late meet to fix on quotas of each Navy Board of Pennsylvania, 197. colony for defence, 393, 401. Enemy leaves, 404. Captain Two Councilmen from, in town, Joel, 495. Traitors arrested, 553, 401. Governor of, asks for de557. Prisoners in gaol, 585. fence, 449, 459, 460, 462, 463, Traitors to be arrested from, 663. 466, 468, 471, 484, 486, 504, 506, Troops called out by Congress, 520. Laws of, in England, 460. xiii., 59. Jurisdiction of islands Governor applies for troops, 480. in Delaware river-Commission- Road to, through Jersey, 514. ers appointed by Pennsylvania Iing's soldiers desert from lort at, and, xiv., 345, 460. Protection ii., 20. Proclamation ordered, of buoys in Delaware river, 585, 20. Application for assistance, 591. Report onislands, 591. Gov- 31, 35. Happy issue of conferernor of, demands Andrew Allen, ence with Indians and, 35. Ata forger, xvi., 15. -\ wood, Chief Justice, 68. Defence Newman, Wingate, commander of of, 114. Lord Cornbury applies privateer brig Hancock, x., 605. for means, 136, 138, 142, 144. New Orleans, flag of truce with Gov. Gookin visits, 449. Expeprisoners from, arrives at Phila- dition against Canada, 449. Govdelphia, viii., 124. ernors to meet at, on expedition Newport, R. I., French fleet arrive against French, 532. Governor at, xii., 424. Hunter's letter from, 532, 534, New Providence, letter from Gov. 557. A counterfeiter in, 566. of, and proclamation encouraging Duties laid on goods from Pennreturn of landholders, i., 342. sylvania, 611. Gov. Hunter obewspapers, complained of, vii., tains confession of murder of Ca245, 307, 339, 447. German, es- tawba Indians, iii., 21. Gov. tablished, xi., 409. Dunlap's de- Spotswood of Virginia on do., 30. cined, 529. Taken, 647. Sub- Gov. Keith visits, 30. Governor scribed for, 654. Publications Hunter communicates certain letcomplained against, xii., 59, 60, ters patent-proceedings on, 59, 61. Ten copies of each ordered 61. Gov. Hunter going to Engfor Council, 197. Taken by Su- land, 68. Indian affairs at Alpreme Executive Council, xv., bany, 82-89. Complaint to, 366, 375. What are to be filed, against Five Nations, 98. Letter 444. Paid for, 639, 642, 652. of Gov. Keith to, 99. Murderer INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 233 New York- New York — escapes from gaol at, 108. Let-' on French and Indian affairs, 717. ter from Gov. Burnet of, and in- Letters to and from Governor, structions, 119. Contributions vi., 9, 13, 33, 48, 520. Ohio aftowards defence required, 119. fairs, 13, 33. Treaty at Albany, Council's answer respecting con- 25. Commissioners, 47-129. Restributions to fortifications, 134. olution of Assembly-Indian alRoad, 177. Philip Livingston, liance, 33. Proceedings of Consecretary for Indian affairs, 200. gress at Albany, 57-129. ProLetter to Gov. Burnet for permis- ceedings at Luttridge's, 61. Resion to treat with Indians at Al- monstrance from Oswego traders, bany, 203. Minute of Governor 63. Col. Dongan's agency in and Council in answer, 204. Al- lands on Susquehannah, 124. ludes to Penn's purchases on Hendrick's speech about, 281, Susquehannah through Governor 285. Letter to Governor, 411, Dongan, 205. Lands on Susque- 416. Embargo, 511. Battle, &c. hannah purchased by Gov. Don- at Lake George, 623. Congress gan for William Penn, 273. Pal- of Governors at, 749, 751, 765. atines leave for Pennsylvania, Soldiers arrive from, 772. Dispo323. Gov. Gordon visits, 381. sition of, 775. Letters to and Encroachments of French-forti- from Gov. Sir Charles Hardy, fications, 418, 635. Governor of, vii., 9, 35, 41, 113, 122, 123. sends account of Indian affairs at Neutrals at, 14. Minutes of a Albany, iv., 770. Letter Governor Council of war held by Governor Clinton, 772. Letter from Gov. Shirley at, 23. Raising of men Morris-suspicious appearances of for Crown Point, 35, Resolves of Indians and French, v., 1, 5. Assembly, 36. Indians, 41, 120Message from Governor of, 8. 123. Embargo, 130, 196, 560, Treaty at Albany, 7-26. Attack 596. Stage boat, and wagon beby French and Indians on "Great tween Philadelphia and, 222. Meadow fort, " 19. Letters to Fears respecting Oswego, 234. and from Governor of, 31. Em- Troops find quarters in, 379. bairgo, 42. Proposed meeting of Minutes of Council, 497. Sir Commissioners at, to consider Charles Hardy sails from, 560. plans for united exertions against Fort Edward —Fort William Henry French and Indians, 83. Cannon invested, 714, 716. Relief for, requested from, 173. Letter from 715, 719, 721, 723. Letters to Gov. Clinton, 175. To do., re- and from Governor, viii., 146. spectingcannon, 189. Messengers Embargo laid, 146. Letter to sent to, for, 205. Furnishes can- Governor with Conestoga Indians non, 215, 216. On privateers, asking protection on their way to 265. Commissioners at, 296, 305. Sir. Win. Johnson, ix., 112. UnFrom Governor, on Indian affairs favorable answer, 119, 120. Proand letter from Col. Johnson, 431. ceedings of Council on, 121. Message of Governor C. to Assem- Refuse passage through to Conesbly, and address of Assembly to toga Indians, 119, 120, 121. EfGovernor C. on Indian affairs, feets of Stamp Act in, 300, 301. 465. From Governor, to Govern- Governor to administer oath to or H. on do., 495, 508. Leaden GovernorJohnPenn, 347. Letter, plate from Jean Coeur, 508. Let- &c., Gov. Moore respecting New ter of Governor C. to Governor of England settlers, 569. Indian Canada-also to Governor H., trade, 642. Appoints Commis553. Answer to, 554. On Indian sioners on Indian trade, 656. and French affairs from Oswego, Provincial Congress ask for loan &c., 622-628. Council at Fort of powder, x., 312, 315, 328. George, 640. Weiser's journal, Recruiting at, 520. Sends Wm. 642. Letters from Gov. Delancey Sutton to be confined, 677. Let 234 INI)EX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. New York- able, xv., 633. Pay for invalids, ter respecting, written, 681. xvi., 17. To deliver all arms, &c., Transports arrive at, xi., 3. Fort to Joseph Stiles, 70, 75. Pay to, Montgomery, 4. British fleet 37. blockaded by French at, 532. Nicholason, Joseph, interpreter to Movement of enemy at, passes to, to the Indian chiefs, xvi., 362, 534. restricted, 757. Large reinforce- Nichols, Major Francis, present at ment of enemy expected at, xii., riot at J. Wilson's-gives bail, 75. Passes to, to be denied, 172. xii., 137. Foreign merchandize from, 199. Nicholls, Richard, on bounds of Gov. Clinton respecting provi- Connecticut, 1664, vi., 263. sions, 305. Act of, on confedera- Nicholls, William, 1st Lieutenant, tion, 492. Enemy about to leave for xii., 70. the Delaware, 683. No danger of Nicolls, Col. F., xiv., 634. invasion of Pennsylvania-troops Nichols, William, Clerk of Orphans' discharged, xiii., 82. Prisoners on Court of Philadelphia, xiv, 668. British ships at, 431. Vessel sent Notary Public, xv., 45. Reapto, with provisions for prisoners, pointed Clerk of City and Orphans' 459. Letter to Governor on north- Courts, 315, 367. ern boundary line, xiv., 363. Nicholson, Gov. Francis, of MaryBill before Legislature relative to land, extraordinary letter from, i., partition line, 372. Respecting, 515. Commission to, to appoint 380, 385, 399, 443, 457, 460, 464, certain officers in Pennsylvania, 507. From Governor Clinton, 457. 533. Volunteers in expedition Demand on, for a thief, xv., 125. to Canada, ii., 450. ProclamaGovernor's letter to, on riots at tion of, and Col. Vetch, 451. To Tioga, 276. Boundary line com- meet at New York, 532, 534. pleted, 340-356. Commissioners Nicholson, John, xiii., 72. Reports Abraham Hardenburgh and Win. as Comptroller-General, 420, 421. W. Morris, 340. Ratifies Federal Takes oath as Comptroller-GenConstitution, 506. Proposes oral, xiv., 456. Deed to, for a amendment of Constitution of city lot, xv., 230. EscheatorUnited States, xvi., 103. General, 285. To lay out a road, Niagara, Fort, French at, buy an 425, 445, 623. Comptroller-GenEnglish child, viii., 147. Taken, eral-sureties, xvi., 31. Pay to, 379, 393, 400. 54. Esclieator-General report, Nice, John, Justice, resigns, xiv., 179. Report of public debt, 264. 672. Major of 2d battalion Phil- Books relative to certificates, 272. adelphia militia, resigns, xv., 432. Censured for pension report, 329. Nicodemus, (Indian) on Indian Resolutions and votes respecting murders, vii., 357. his accounts -letter and stateNicola, Lewis, makes a plan for a mentfrom, 330-336. Proceedings calavat-thanks to, x., 284. To to be published, 337, 339. Reaask for key of old gaol, 491. Bar- sons of those who voted for his rack master, order on for arms, dismission, 344. Resolutions and 517, 748. Appointed town major, inquiries of Council, 357. xi., 27, 33, 48, 222, 266, 306, 528, Nishewatshowall, viii., 143. 538, 637, 647, 741. To find guard Nitzillius, Mathias, a Swede, ii., for floating bridge, 56. Town Ma- 480. jor, xii., 10, 37, 38, 62, 66, 68, 92, Nixon, Benjamin, Captain of a com177, 250, 279, 338, 400, 448, 450, pany of foot, ix., 204. Justice, 455, 464, 492, 550, 555, 588, 599, 626. 622, 633, 639, 649, 693, 723, 781. Nixon, John, a Warden, 293. ChairDismissed, with thanks as Town man of Comm. of Safety, x., 406. Major, xiii., 185. Appointed to To superintend boats, 480; xi., command. of invalid corps, in 117. Rank, 650. Explains letplace of Capt. James McLean, un- ter to Andrew Elliott, xii., 353. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 235 Patent to, for lands in Northurn- Northampton Co.berland county, 781. ners elected, 597, 662. Return Noble, Richard, Sheriff of Bucks of road, 610. Act respecting Incounty, i., 58. Petition, 75. specters, 619. Symptoms of disCase decided, 76. Marries unlaw- turbance from Connecticut befully, 144. tween, 41Q and 42Q, of North Non-Associators, x., 643, 691, 696, latitude, on account pretended 697. claim, 735. Letter from D. BrodNon-Conformist, oath taken by head, 757. Various letters and Wm. Clark as privy Councillor, papers respecting Connecticut i., 369. dispute, 767-777. Purchase of Non-importation in colonies-Earl lands at Albany, vi., 111-129. Dartmouth on, x., 240. Sheriffs elected, 144, 638. CoroNorbury, Captain, captures priva- ners do., 144, 638. Indian hosteers, v., 301. tilities in, 756-764, 771. Various Normandy, Abraham de, Sheriff of depositions respecting, 758. New Bucks, iii., 69. York soldiers sent to, 775. SherNormandie, Duke of, birth, xiv., iffs elected, vii., 266. Coroners 480. elected, 266. Indian murders, Norris, Fort, vii., 493. 357, 757. Justices, 769. CoroNorris, Isaac, Member of Council, ners appointed, viii., 223, 403, 506, ii., 429. A Justice, iii., 28. Ac- 781. Sheriffs appointed, 223, companies Governor to Albany to 403, 506, 781. Inspectors, 400. purchase presents at New York, Connecticut settlers in, 564, 599. 196. Site of powder house re- Report of Sheriffs and Justices to ferred to, 242. Chief Justice of Governor on, 564. Governor's Supreme Court, 400. Declines, proclamation, 566. Letters from, 412. Commis'rs onboundary, 544. to Governor of Connecticut and Commissioner to Albany, iv., 771. Sir WinVm. Johnson, 563-572. And Speaker, v., 484, 558, 599, 662. other papers, 612, 621, 628, 662. Commissioner to Carlisle, to meet Proclamation against settlers, 663. Indians, 658. Report, 665. Coln- Court house at Easton, ix., 23. missioner to Albany, vi., 25. Sheriffs elected, 57, 199, 286, His commission, 47. Speaker of 333, 398, 548, 623, 688, 778. CoroAssembly, 167, 639. Indians ar- ners elected, 57, 199, 28.6, 333, 398, rive at his house, 276. Speaker, 548, 623, 688, 778. Indian murvii., 268. Sick-resigns, 770. ders in, 58. A frontier county, Chosen Speaker, viii., 227. Sick 138. Petition on quit rents, &c., andresigns, 396, 407, 506, 671. 179, 180. Justices appointed, Speaker of Assembly, ix., 1, 58, 205, 245, 308, 575, 660, 746. In200. Resigns as Speaker on ac- structions to Sheriff of, 608. To count of ill health, 181, 236. A elect two members of Assembly, Commissioner at Albany, x., 177. 650. For road, 703. Road to Norris, Lieutenant James, applies Wyoming, 731. Connecticutpeofor clothing, xii., 247. pie on their way, armed, to WyoNorth, Caleb, recommended as Cap- ming, 747. Report of Tilghman tain, x., 447; xi., 620; xiii., 743. and Shippen, 750. Division of, North, Captain George, of artillery x., 32. Sheriffs elected, 56, 100. company in Philadelphia, vi., 770. Coroners elected, 56, 100. JusNorth America, bank of —money tices, 155. Executions, &c., 129. from, xiii., 176. Copy of its rules Z. Butler distributes advertiseand regulations sent to Council, mnents in, 154. Road to Wyoxv., 192. ming, 219. Governor's letter to Northampton county, mentioned, magistrates, 275. Associators ask v., 564, 565. Justices appointed, for pattern guns, 300. Petition 573. Petition for road, 576. for powder, 363, 366. ColmmisSheriffs elected, 597, 662. Coro- sioners receive money, 404. Re 236 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Northampton Co.- Northampton sent to, for powder, 439. 677. Incursions of Indians, 717. To collect arms, 441. Person to Robert Levers, Lieut., J. McFerlearn to make saltpetre, 498. Fire ran, Paymaster, 767. Sheriff to locks from, 585. Declaration of return of property of George Independence to be published in, Bachman, xiii., 47, 89, 395, 723. 635. Troops to be called out, xi., Censor, 723. Sheriff, 47, 89, 395, 55. Disaffected persons taken in, 723. Representatives, 723. Troops 109. Col. Jost Trisbach's bat- called out, 53. Complaint against talion, 126. Prothonotary, 187. Col. Robert Levers, 91. Justices, Register and Recorder of Deeds, 122. Relief of, 127. Bounty 190. Clerk of Orphans' Court, paid to Rangers, 132, 137. Peti191. Justices, 211. Militia or- tions on militia fines and taxes, dered, 222, 360. Lieutenants, 236. Pay for militia, 270. Peti257. Justices decline to take tion of militia of, 298. Troops oath —others appointed, 260, 760. raised in, 316. Number to be Lewis Gordon to be imprisoned, called out, 317. Indian depreda261. Militia to march to Lancas- tions, 337. Contract for rations, ter, 275, 302. Election, 364. 362. Supplies, 376, 402. ElecMilitia called out, 308. Books tions, 89, 395. Pay to troops, in library belonging to State, 425. Pay for provisions, 441. to be sent to Easton, 309. Store- Estimate of damages by enemy, keeper, 437. Guards at, 446, 528. Claim of Elizabeth Kurtz Agent to distribute provisions col- for land in, 548. Col. Thomas lected in, 422, 512. Ammunition Craig appointed Lieutenant of for, 538. Recommendation of county, 617. Justice, 775. Sale criminals to mercy, 586. Sheriffs of estate of Win. Thomas, xiv., elected, 597. Coroners, 597. 56. Contested election, 158. Militia complain against Col. John Troops to be kept in readiness Weitzell, 705. Wagons, xii., 2. for Wyoming, 166, 167, 168. A Pay for purchase of provisions in, Justice of Court appointed, 174, 44. Robert Levers receives sub- 226. Justices, 174, 185, 198, 200, scriptions to loan office. 47. 228, 261, 362, 442, 559, 584, 642, Money for, through Philip Bcehm, 649. Contested election, 232, 248, Paymaster, 55. Indians invade, 443. Sheriffs, 248, 556. Coroners, 57, 64. Approval of government, 248, 556. Eighteenpennytax, 267. 72. Militia refuse to pay fines, Collector of Excise, 445. Deputy 103. Elections, 134. Represen- Surveyors, 458. Militia, 586. tatives, 134, 506. Sheriffs, 134, Deed A. Allen'% estate, 587, 590. 506. Coroner, 134, 506. Peti- Collector of Excise, Geo. Grafftion of Captain Jacob Buss and resigns-and George Schriver apothers of 5th battalion and reso- pointed, 620. Separation of two lutions of Council in the case, townships - petition respecting 141. To furnish wagons to re- taxes, 627. Collector of Excise, move baggage from west, 143. 628. Pay for provisions furnished, Estate of John Young sold, 157. 658, 659. Claim for estate of G. Militia fines, 243. Military offi- P. Wertman, 666. Justices, 666. cers appointed, 298. Premium Provisions for, 668. Deed for for scalps-militia called out, 312. lands, xv., 4. Road from Lehigh Express paid from, 313. Resig- Water Gap to Wyoming, 22. Jusnation and appointment of Lieu- tices, 35, 43, 92, 143, 178, 247, tenants, 317. Pay for estates, 367, 480, 579, 589, 619, 642. 322. Needs ammunition, 374. Deeds, 43, 124. Lieut. Archer Militia for, 483. Ammunition for, resigns, 51. Lieutenant, 55. 488. Petition of officers of miltia Northern part to be made into a against Col. S. Rea, 607. Audi- new county, 91. Election, 100, tors, 646. Petition for defence, 297. Sheriff, 100, 297, 570, 640. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 237 Northampton Co.- Northampton Co.Coroner, 100, 297, 570. Repre- Taxes received, 478. Suit besentatives, 100. Councillor, 100, tween Commonwealth and late 103, 297. Thos. Hartman re- Commissioners of, 493. Militia, moved from, 141. Sub-Lieuten- 515. ant paid, 168. Claims in Luzerne North Carolina, strange Indians county-memorial, 224. Sedi- from, arrive at Shawnois town, tious resolutions at Easton-pros- ii., 391. Gov. Dobbes daily execution to be commenced, 225. pected, vi., 164. Powder belongContested election-John McNair ing to, x., 416. Prisoners from, agent for confiscated estates, 248. committed to Philadelphia gaol, Lieut. of county accounts, 249. 581, 584. Disposal of, 591, 638, Proprietaries claim" Indian land "' 648. Letter Governor Caswell on in-petition against, 265. Con- refugee, xii., 314. Act of Legistested election, 298, Roads, 425, lature ceding lands to United 445. Estate of A. Allen, 428. States, xiv., 162. Letter Gov. C. Robert Levers, Prothonotary, dies, delegates to convention, xv., 159. 460. Win' Craig elected, 461. Declaration of rights, and desired Contested election, 480. Fines, amendment in Federal Constitu537. Excise from P. Pettigrew, tion, 524. Acts of Congress re562. George Sinclair, 572. Collect- specting, xvi., 289. Resolution or of Excise resigns, 581. Jno. amendment of Constitution, 304. Craig, Collector of Excise, 582, 621. Relinquishes a part western terriComplaint against Commissioners tory, 329. Act of Congress for pay and Treasurer for withholding in- due from United States, 384. formation, 614, 618. Expense of Northumberland Coulnty, formed, removing John Franklin to Phila- x., 42. Justices commissioned, delphia, 640. Petition for re- 43, 47, 262. Sheriffs elected, 59, moval of a Justice-sureties for 101, 217, 271. Win. Maclay apProthonotary, xvi., 20, 32. Peti- pointed to several offices, 43. tion against Commissioner of Wm. Plunket, president of Court Taxes and Treasurer, 45. Pro- at, 87. Petition of inhabitants ceedings of Council respecting, against Connecticut people, 111. 48. Order favor of John Chaul- Message to Assembly respecting, bers, late sub-Lieutenant, 65. 117, 143. Z. Butler distributes John Franklin removed to, 102. advertisements in, 154. Money Sheriffs, 192, 490. Coroners, 192, to build Court house and prison, 490. Councillor, 192. Militia, 198. Governor's letter to magis195, 382.' Petition of removal of trates, 275, 366. Powder for, 662. George Sinclair to Philadelphia, Officers commissioned for battal208. Contested election, 209. ion of Associators in, 746. Col. Nescopec road, 2132, 2152, 284. Hunter of, xi., 110. ProthonoSettlers on dry lands refuse to tary, 187, 301. Register and Repay, 2172. Justices, 282, 286, corder, 194. Justices, 218, 398, 325, 450. Deputy Surveyor, 288. 405, 528. Militia called out, 302, John Dorr, Lieutenant, and John 360. Elections, 367. Sheriffs, Dillinger, Ensign of 7th company 367, 638. Coroner, 367, 639. of 1st battalion, 295. Captain L. Paymaster, 372. Joseph Green Stacker, paid, 311. Capt. Green- paid for provisions for Lieutenant myer's company battalion com- Hunter for Susquehanna county, manded by Col. S. Baillot, 364. 393. Indian murders in-militia Col. Philip Boehm's battalion, called out, 403. Provisions pur382. Capt. Paul Knaus's com- chased in, 423. Militia, 478, 508. pany, for men in service against Indians in, 508, 509, 510. PetiIndians, 383. Excise, 408. Tax tion from, 541. Fort Jenkins in, on writs —tavern licenses received, 654. Improper election, 730. 411. Militia and Indians in, 487. Case of John Taylor, 779. Wa 238' INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Northumberland Co. — Northumberland Co.gons, xii., 2. Complaints against 493. Troops for Wyoming, 519. Justices of-John Lodge, Sheriff, Col. Harmer's case, 671. Jus43. Sheriffs, 43, 75, 137, 513. tices, 683. Matthew Smith, ProCoroners, 137, 513. Justices, 46, thonotary, dismissed, and Law437, 490. Prothonotary, 42, 75, rence Keene appointed, 696. Ir243. He must reside in the regular returns, 726. Election, county, 42. Troops raised in, 46. 746, 750, 751. Justices, xiv., 11, Powder for Col. Hunter, 50. Com- 32, 158, 322. Disturbance among plaint against John Lodge, Sher- soldiery at Wyoming-letter to iff, 75. Militia destitute, 100, 105, Sheriff, 116, 120. Letter on dis108. Against Justices Weiser turbances at Wyoming, 165. and Atkinson, 112. Volunteers Justice Antes resigns-resolution turn out in a case of invasion- of Council in reference to Wyoclaim of Col. Smith for, 114. ming, 167, 168, 184. Repair of Defence of frontiers, 120. Elec- arms, 238. Elections, 256, 558. tions-Representatives-Commis- Sheriff, 256, 558. Representasioners-Assessors, 137. Fears of tives, 256, 558. Coroners, 256, Indians, owing to General Sulli- 558. Justice dismissed -by Asvan's removal, 138. Indians in, sembly, 288. Confiscated estates, 230. Letters respecting situation 292. Collection of fines against of, 308. Lieutenants and subs, Col. James Moore, &c.-insurrec308, 384. Officers of the ranging tion in, 358, 359. Justices, 369, company chosen-premium off- 396, 493, 509. Troops, pay for, ered in, for prisoners and Indian 382. President of Courts of Cornscalps, 311. Justices, 342. Pro- mon Pleas and Quarter Session, vision for troops in, 365. Justices 400. Deputy Surveyors, 441, 445, superceded, 376. Defenceless 457. Collector of Excise, 445, state of, 459, 461, 492. General 653. List of militia officers, 453. J. Potter, Councilman, 543. Ap- Andrew Allen's estate, 464. pointments, 554. Volunteers in, Justices, 627. Division of Ma678. Thsign, 769. Patent for honing township, xv., 41. Juslands in Turbutt township to John tices, 51, 60, 92, 271, 307. Estate Nixon, 781. Rangers to be raised of Thomas Mackiness, 82. Elecin-Alexander Smith appointed tion, 101, 103. Sheriffs, 118, 171, Surgeon, xiii., 10. Complaint 310, 570. Coroner, 118, 810, 570. against Matthew Smith, Prothon- Councillor, 103. Sales of estate otary, 29, 446, Estate of Thomas Thomas Mackiness, 153. Of A. Hughes, 38. Election, 92, 398. Bartram, 185. Road from Berks Sheriff, 92, 398. Coroner, 92, to, by saw mill of Conrad Min398. Protection for, 117. Pay nick, 252, 254. Cattawissa, a for recruits, 132. Ammunition separate district for electing Jusfor, 150. Rations, 186. Militia, tices, also Lycoming-latter re204. Cumberland battalion sent jected, 271. Division of townto, 223. Pay to seven month's ships, xvi., 6. Justices, 15, 99, men, 268. Lieutenant Samuel 107. Pay to widow of Baltzer K. McGrady and volunteers raised by Smith, ordered by Orphans' Capt. Robinson approved-peti- Court, 16. Pay for provisions tion of R. Haines and S. Miles to furnished by Evan Owen, 38. postpone sales of land-rejected, Return of militia officers, 66. 293. Contract for provisions, Lawrence Keene, Prothonotary, 356. Suit, Henry Gross against dies-Jasper Ewing elected, 120. D. Deshler for purchase of horses, Sheriffs, 195, 494. Coroner, 195, 367. Rendezvous at Muncy, 368, 494. Councillor, 195. Return of 374. Indians in, 417, 421. male white inhabitants made, 201. Agreement with John Weitzell Riot in, 2232, 225. Lieut. Breadfor rations, 428. Prothonotary, ing resigns, 231. Deputy Sur INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 239 Northumberland Co.- Oathveyor, 254. A. Bartram's estate Keith under dedimus, iii., 13. sale, 283. John Brady wounded Not required of Menonists, &c., at Brandywine, 289. Supplies 29. Difficulties on account of, iv., for Wyoming, 364. Preemption 482, 629. Act to relieve from right to two islands in Susque- taking, x., 32, 42. Or affirmahannah-asked for by J. Byers tion, objected to by Navy Board, and F. McPherson, &c., 395, 399. xi., 183, 195. Act of Congress Murder of two Indians on Pine respecting, xvi., 94, 96. Taken creek, 396, 398. Excise collected, by President, &c., 96. 460. John Simpson, Register O'Brien, James, under sentence of and Recorder, 495. Taxes re- death, reprieved, xi., 653. ceived, 516.. Execution of J. E. Octorara, survey to, advice of CounJones ordered, 535. W. Mont- cil on, iii., 180. To consult Gov. gomery resigns as Justice-elect- Calvert, 180, 212. ed to Assembly, 539. Odell, Rev. John, letter to Mrs. Notary and Tabellion Public, x., 9; Bullock, x., 359. Handed over xi., 200, 201, 685; xiii., 13, 15, to New Jersey committee, 361. 20, 36, 302, 445; xiv., 287, 362, Officers, on Governor's power to ap568, 571. Appointed, xv., 45, point, iii., 537, 538. Commission 89, 222, 241, 255, 295, 358, 527; in each county, v., 209. And xvi., 16, 163, 586. soldiers, bill to regulate, viii,, 482. Nottingham, Maryland, settlement Of Governors and their salaries, of, iii., 60, 212. x., 260, 266, 634. Form of comNova Scotia, expedition against, vi., mission for Associators, 295, 314. 321. Col. Win. Johnson proposed Recommendations as to rank, 315for command, 313. French neu- 321. Commissions, 322. Of artrals fromn, 711. Act for binding tillery, ask for alterations in field out persons imported from-neu- pieces, 327. Pay of men and, of trals, vii., 739, 740. boats, 329. And allowance, 329. Nunes, Daniel, Coroner, iii., 615. Disputes about rank, 334. Pay Nunes, Daniel, Jr., Sheriff, viii., and rations, &c., 521. Of 781; ix., 57, 199. provincial ship, 522. Pay of, 586. Nutimus and other Indians arrive at Names of several, 697, 700, 704, Philadelphia, iv., 312. 708, 711, 712, 715, 717, 720, 722, 738, 741, 756, 766, 768. Of Maj. Thos. Proctor's' companies, 742. 0. Of battalion in Northumberland, 746. Promotions, 767, 668. OrOath, Council refuse to take a col- der to, 769. Pay of, armed boats, lector's, but will his attestation, xi., 8. Memorial to Assembly on 148. Refusal to take, 398. Ad- calling out militia, 15. Appointministered to Gov. Hamilton by ed, 23, 36, 54, 56, 61, 62, 111, Council, ii., 68. To be taken by 116, 272. Rank of, 54, 109, 272. Judges and other officers, 89. To be nominated in different counDifficulties of administering it, ties, 24. Of Maj. Williams' regi90-96. Collector does administer ment, 98. Of the twelve battalit, 96. To be administered by ions, 179. And of twelve regiCourt Quarter Sessions, 104. Ad- ments in continental service, 181. ministerod to Gov. Evans, 115, Of 10th regiment remonstrate, 116. Affirmation instead of, 169. 184. Proceedings, 185. Answer, Rejected, 170, 215, 227. Man 190. List of, named by Navy fined for not taking, 180. Address Board, and Brigadier Generals apto Queen on, 219. Remonstrance pointed, 190. Memorialof, against of Assembly on, 455. Lawyer Col. Bull and Capt. Morrow, 210. complained of, 457. Difficulties, An artillery company and, com615, 616. Administered to Gov. missioned, 223. Pay of, 232, 272. 240 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Officers- OfficersRecruiting, 419, 464, 468, 469, ing, 471. For promotion, 545 578. Of State fleet allowed their Capt. Owen Ferris resigns, 550. expenses to Lancaster, &c., 521. Promotions, 550, 572. To draw Circular of Council to, on defence, stores, 574. Quarters for, in 531. Of galleys appointed, 576, Philadelphia, 586, 605. Recruit578. For recruiting, 578. Capt. ing stations, 606. Petition of, 606, R. Hardie not an, having been 607. Officers in 11th Pennsylvania broke, 718. Resolutions of Con- regiment, 609. For new comgress and Assembly respecting, panies, 622. Resignation, 650. 727. Letter from field, of Penn- Gratuities, &c., 655. Orders to, sylvania line, 731. Of marines for defence of frontiers, 659. Apon ship General Greene-of rang- pointments, 662. Accounts reers, 740. Pay of, 757. Court of ceived, 676. Promotions, 684, inquiry on, charged with misbe- 687. Depreciation accounts, 702, havior, 775. Militia chosen for 705, 716. Pay to, by name, 705. several counties, xii., 2, 7, 8, 9, Pay to, under General Wayne at 10, 70. Of ship General Greene, south, of two companies to be 4, 5. Commissioned, 70. Roll raised, 719. And terms, 720. on western frontiers, 74. Promo- Election ordered, 720. Memorial tions in army of Captains, Lieu- of Proctor's artillery, 727. Pay tenants, Ensigns, &c., by name of, of Pennsylvania line, 732, 747, 88, 89. List of, who have vio- 754. Transfers of, 761. Rank, lated patrol, 91. Petition of, of xiii., 25. Appointed, 71, 167, ship General Greene and action 168. Depreciation, 144. Vacanof Council, 158, 159. Applica- cies and promotions in Penntion for bounties, 200. Of Col. sylvania regiments, 202, 223. Hazen's regiment returned in war Resignations and appointments, office as belonging to Penlsyl- 275. Election in Chester county, vania, 235. Mistakes in comnmis- 282. Officers elected by Council, sions, 240. Union of certain com- 289. Memorial of Maj. A. Porter panies with Col. Proctor's regi- and, of regiment of artillery, late moent, 245. Of Col. Hazen's regi- Proctors, for promotion, 367. To ment to receive supplies, &c., 278. make monthly returns, 448. List Memorial on promotions-rank, of promotions, 457, Commissions 286. Lieutenants and subs., &c. to be issued, 460. Want pay, appointed for Philadelphia and 461. Rank of Capt. Oberton, other counties, 298. Of ranging 543. Appointments, 581. Lands company of Northumberland co., to be sold to pay off depreciation 311. Complain of desertions- certificates to, 596. Half pay referred to General WT., 316. De- and commutation of, 603. Anonsertions in army-appointed in ymous paper from soldiers to Cumberland county, 322. And Governor, &c., respecting —Counmen of 4Lth regiment of dragoons, cil's action on, 605. Conference 332. By what-oaths to be taken, respecting complaints of insult to 341. Vacancies in Penn's divi- Congress, 606, 607, 609. Henry sion and names, entitled to fill Carberry, James Sullivan, and them in camp, 355-357, 368. Lieutenant Nagle to be arrested, Vacancies, 374, 379. Prisoners 617. Memorial of, of State navy, on Long Island ask for preserva- 683. List of, entitled to benefits tion of their rank, 387. Militia of resolution of Assembly, Sept. Inspectors with rank of Lieut.- 22, 1783, 712-718. Dates of comColonel, 389. Independent corps, missions, 731. Appointed for petition for, 383. Objected to, protection of frontiers, xiv., 177. 389. James Searle, Lieutenant- Commissioned with dates, 181. Colonel, 418. Surgeons, 437. Act for benefit of, 185. Letters Resolutions of Congress respect- of administration for estates of, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 241 Officers- Officers - 200. J. Armstrong appointed ments in Luzerne county, 317. Adjutant General, in place of Elected in 3d battalion of Berks James Wilkinson, removed from county, also of 1st of Montgomery State, 217, 219. Declined, 337. county, 362. Elected in LancasOf Capt. Stokely's rangers paid, ter county, 399. In Berks coun367. Of Captain Guthrie's regi- ty, 418. Chester county, 419. ment, 376. Col. Samuel J. Atlee In Luzerne county, 464. paid, 378. Capt. Thomas Hous- Offley, Daniel, asks for money to ton's claims, 381. Comptroller- search for coal mine in Bucks co., General reports in favor of, 406- x., 428. Makes anchors for frig440. List of, entitled to lands, ates, 717. Iron work for battery 451-452. List of, in Northum- Putnam, &c., xi., 10. Pay for anberland, 453. Comptroller's re- chor, &c., 118. ports on accounts of, 465, 518. Offner, John, Coroner, xiii., 88, 393, Appointed of Fed. militia, 559. 723. Sheriff, xiv., 267, 557; xv., Report of Comptroller-General on 99, 296. accounts of —soldiers and invalids, Ogaghradarisha, see Agag. 613-615. Of Pennsylvania line- Ogden, Amos, appointed Justice in memorial for land in Beaver Northampton county, ix., 575. county-donation lands, xv., 16. Letter to, 607. Deposition of, Claim of Capt. James O'Hara for 674. Arrives at Philadelphia depreciation, 142. Petition of from Wyoming, 743. city, 205. Complain of an elec- Ogden, David, a suspicious charaction, 237. Lieut. Joseph Ashton ter, arrested-sent to New Jersey, made Captain, in room of Captain xii., 37. F. R. Thompson, Ensign —ques- Ogden, Nathan, deposition respecttion of rank between Capt. Fer- ing Wyoming, ix., 674. He is guson and Capt. Ziegler, 381, 394. treacherously murdered, 714, 749. Letter Secretary of War on ap- Ogle, Samuel, Governor of Marypointment of commissioned offi- land, correspondence relative to cers, 435. Capt. WVn. Paulus disputes and riots with Maryland, removes from State, 436. Ap- iii., 480, 483, 557, 559. Letters to pointed artillery of infantry and and from, on Maryland affairs, rank, 437. Of artillery present iv., 66, 76, 116, 155, 156, 167, thanks to Council, 438. Richard 175, 187, 190, 195, 198, 205, 219, Allison elected Surgeon and John 223, 228, 242, 252, 253, 257, 260, F. Carmichael Surgeon's mate of 265. Gone to Virginia, 232. troops under Col. J. Harmar, 498. Sends Jennings and Dulany with Returns to be made of, put in, letter, &c., 116. Long time after appointed by Council, 599. Of date of letter, 158. Correspondfirst battalion-Luzerne, xvi., 1. ence with Governor Thomas, 302, Rank-E. Denny, Lieutenant, 41. 311. Letters to and from, v., Return of, in Northumberland 187, 202, 209, 273, 376, 382, 421, county, 66. Do. of Montgomery, 422. of civil, 71. Inquiry into conduct Ogle, widow's house visited by Col. of, 72. Annuities to widows, &c. Talbot, i., 113, 120. of, 140, 142. Returns of election O'Hara, James, applies for money in Cumberland, 149. Returns of to buy provisions for troops in Berks and Huntingdon, 171. western country, xv., 367, 430, York, 173. Luzerne county mill- 442, 475, 575. tia elected, 195. Depreciation Oglethorp, General, account of transpay, 229. Lieutenant-Colonel B. actions in Georgia on Spanish inFlowers dies-account for depre- vasion, iv., 619. ciation, 278. Lieutenant and En- Ohio, Virginia going to build forts sign of 1st battalion of North- against French on, v., 423, 461. ampton county, 295. Appoint- Leaden plates sunk by, in, 508, 16 242 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Ohio- Opdengrafe, Abraham, claims pre510. Fort suggested by proprie- mium for finest piece of linen tary, 515. View taken of it by cloth, i., 194. Assembly, 547. French building Opekasset, an Indian chief, iii., 304, forts on —Indian affairs, 622-637. 315, 333. Captain Trent views ground for a Opinion of C. Pratt, Attorney-Genfort to be built, 660. French have eral, on Connecticut trespassers, buiilt two forts on, 687. Various viii., 620. Of Chief Justice on papers relating to lands and In- prisoners of war and traitors, xii., dians on, 690-710. Distances, 75 Of Attorney-General on prop730, 731. Distances on, 753. erty of French subjects being French and Indian affairs on, vi., paid into Consul's hands as a de1-9, 31, 46, 57-129, 605, 642. pository of monies, having no Forts on, 32, 33, 141, 185, 223. legal representatives here, 275. French troops arrive, 223-226. On French deserters, 423. Of On their way from Canada, 427. Supreme Court on section of Indians, Governor Denny's an- Constitution, xiii., 218-221. On swer to message of, viii., 206. Philadelphia election, 222-231. Settlers on, xiii., 425, 426, 431. Case of WVm. tIanks and election State lands on, 754. Proposals of Justices, 543. Of Judges of to be received for sale of island Supreme Court in case of J. and A. in, xv., 513. Islands in, sur- Melchior, xiv., 553. On election veyed by D. Reclick, xvi., 97. case asked of Judges of Supreme Act for Government of territory Court, xv., 130. On pay to pronorth-west of, 133, 375. Form of prietaries for interest asked, 202, conveyance for islands in, 301. 205. Of Judges Supreme Court Okely, John, Conmmissioner to Wy- for payment to proprietaries, 210. oming, xiv., 202. On islands in Of Attorney-General on power of Delaware river, 345. Council to pardon in certain Old, James, list of shot to be cast cases, 329. On militia fines in by, xi., 129, 131. Justice, xv., 52. Chester county, 371. Of AttornOley, furnace in Berks co., xv., 229. ey-General on right of a non-resiOliver, Andrew, Commissioner from dent to vote in a county where he Massachusetts to Pennsylvania holds estate, 376. Of judges' case for aid, vi., 314. of Doans and Dryer, 501, 631. Olomipas, King of Delawares, dies, Of judges on imports-authority v., 212, 533. His successor, 222. and powers of Collector and naval Onantio, or Onontio, name given by officer, xvi., 128. Of AttorneyIndians to Governor of Canada, General with regard to Justices iv., 733. on division of Delaware and ChesOnas, Indian name given to Penn, ter counties, 187. explained, iii., 199. Orange, Prince of, invasion of EngOneida Indian dies, ix., 775. land by, reported, i., 247. Onichkaryagoes Indians, iii., 513. Orange, death of Princess of, viii., Onigh, an Indian, speaks, viii., 120. 318. Onohaghguaga, chiefs of, letter from, Ord, Captain George, arrives with vii., 763. detachment from Nova Scotia, Onondago Indians, i., 447; ii., 140. vi., 417. Applies for wagon and Instructions to Conrad Weiser on chaise for, 417. Brings powder journey to, iv., 655. His report, from Bermulda, x., 321. 660. Negotiations at, 768. Mes- Ord, John, Notary Public, xi., 201, sage from Indians at, to Gov. H., 206. Sick-substitute appointed, v., 637. xiii., 13. Onontio, Indian chief, viii., 121. Orders in British Council, iv., 254, Opakethwa, and another Indian 262, 266, 298, 483, 487, 766. Of chief, dies at Philadelphia with Council favor of Rev. Dr. William small pox, iii., 463. Smith on Assembly, viii., 438. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. -243 To Capt. Montgomery x., 586. Oster, Monsieur, Vice-Consul of Capt. Valentine Opp's com- France, on deserted sailors, xii., pany to march for Jersey, 690. 370. Certificate, 551. Ordnance and military stores, in- Oswald, Eleazer, printer, xv., 108, spectors of, appointed, x., 283 367, 381. Petitions respecting, Field pieces to be altered, 327. 494. Proceedings of Council Ordinance for seizing and selling respecting fine and imprisonment, estates, xi., 329. Respecting mi- 495, 501, 502, 503. Adverse delitia, 332. Increasing number of cision of Council and Dr. Redick's Sub-Lieutenants, 333. Against reasons for a vote in his favor, buying up and engrossing mer- 506. Fine remitted, 514. Paid. chandize, 337. Against distilling for newspaper, 652. from grains, 338. Oswald, Richard, commissioned by Ordinary, keepers to have three King of Great Britain to treat, months to sell off liquors, &c., after xiii., 459. license taken away, i., 167. Oswego, Fort-French and Indians Orme, Captain Robert, letter from pass, on way to Ohio to build forts Governor to, with presents for there, v., 607. Letters from LieuGeneral Braddock, vi., 414. Let- tenant Holland, 623. From Gov. ter from, wounded, 487. Account De Lancey on French and Indian of action, 488. affairs, 716. Intelligence, vi., 33. Ormsby, Mr. John, has a ferry on Troops pass, 428. Alleghany river, xii., 309. Pa- Oswego, treaty to be held at, vii., tent for, 317. 156. Fears respecting, 234. List Orndt, Captain Jacob, letter advising of Philadelphia shipwrights taken of Teedyuscung, &c., being at at, 717, 737. Gen. Amherst emWyoming, vii., 267, 305. Letter, barks at, for Isle Royal and MonTeedyuscung coming to treaty at treal-his success, viii., 503, 504. Easton, 429. Letters to and from, Otstuacky, an Indian town on Sus474, 723. Marching with Teedy- quehanna, vi., 443. uscung, 723. Letter from, 128; Ottendorff's Company, xii., 297. Indians arrive at Fort Allen, viii., Otter, man-of-war, Commander Bal117. Horses stolen, 401, 406. lot, arrives, v., 239. Capture of Orndt, John, Register and Recorder French prizes, 324. Remarks of of Deeds, xi., 191. Assembly respecting, 334. Orphan daughter of John McClellan Otto, Dr. Bodo, xiii., 115. receives a pension, xv., 312. Otto, Dr. Frederick, x., 695. Orphans' Court, ii., 565. Charles Otto, John, Justice, xiv., 442. Read, clerk, dies; Thomas Hop- Otto, Monsieur, Charg6 of France, kinson appointed, iv., 151. Clerk applies for delivery of Monsieur of, appointed, vii., 501. de Brassines, xv., 215. Orr, Robert, Sheriff, xiii., 730. Otway, Gen'l —regiment to strengthCoroner, xiv., 289. Sheriff, 656. en Fort at Wiccacoa, viii., 39. Orr, Thos., alien duty, xv., 408, 415. Soldiers ask for relief, 164. Osborne, Henry, appointed Judge Outen, William, Sub Sheriff of WorAdvocate of militia, xii., 504. cester, Md., shot by John Willey, AppointedEscheatorGeneral, 634. who is convicted and punished, Notary, xiii., 15. Agentof estates, viii., 372. 106. Searching records, 165. So- Owendat Indians-history by Conlicitor on Connecticut claim, 266, rad Weiser, vi., 551. 310, 328, 332, 361, 411. Indian Qwechela (Indian chief), his son deeds, 438. Returns them per killed, iii., 20. list, 462, 547. To deliver paper Owens, David, a corporal in Captain to secretary, 472. Asks loan McKean's company, kills his wife, of papers, 476. Discharged; all &c., ix., 190. Committed to jail papers to be given up, 596. Es- for enlisting negroes, x., 427. cheator-General, xv., 425. Discharged, 439. 244 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS, Owen, Evan, member of Council, the services and merits of, xiv., iii., 247, 248, 269. To survey 275. Payment to, 402. route for road between Susque- Palatines-lists of those imported to hanna and Lehigh, xv., 195. Re- be prepared, iii., 29. Ask to purturn and survey, 230. Paid to, chase land, 241, 284. Arrive — 234. Survey of road between some fears from their numbers, Nescopec and Lehigh, xvi., 20, 83, required to take oath, &c., 283. 85, 259. One hundred and nine naturalOwen, Griffith, member of new ized, 283, 287, 288, 290, 328, 330, Council, i., 580. Appointed a 331. Petition to Governor Keith commissioner of property, ii., 61. respecting Tulpehockenlands, 322. Takes affirmation, 96. Sent to Leave New York and settle at TulAssembly, 155, 167. Keeper of pehocken, 323, 367, 368. NatuState-House clock, discharged, ralized, 374, 385, 386, 389, 413xiv., 55. Repairs State House 415, 417, 429, 431, 452-459, 465, clock, xv., 414. 467, 515-520, 524, 569, 570, 587, Owen, John, Sheriff, iii., 370, 387, 593-597, 607. Naturalized, iv., 416, 615; iv., 86, 247, 669, 748, 59, 72, 99, 331, 332. Commended 782; v., 411, 464, 550. Sheriff of by Governor, 315. Arrive, v., Chester county, certificate respect- 112. Arrive sickly, Doctors to ing furnaces, &c., ix., 635. visit ships, vi., 169. Reports of Owen Owen, Sheriff of Philadelphia, Doctors Bond and Grneme, 171iii., 260, 289, 312. Coroner, 370, 175. Number buried, 175. Act lim387, 416, 464, 520, 575, 614. iting numbers, 225, 243. AmendCoroner, iv., 85, 247, 309, 352, ments to bill, 345-352, 354-356. 469. Paleske, Charles, duties on tea, xv., Owen, Robert, has a boat seized at 371, 372. Schuylkill ferry, i., 441. Palmer, Anthony, member of CounOxford, Church-Act proposed for cil, ii., 429. A Justice, iii., 28. sale and purchase of lands, viii., Neglects Council, 384. Becomes, 574, 583. as eldest Councillor, President, Oxford Township, petition for road, and succeeds Governor Thomas, i., 389, 502. To assist in repair v., 68. Issues proclamation for of water passage at Frankford, ii., continuing offices, 70. Letters, 76. 52. For pilots and flags of truce, 83. Oyer and Terminer Court, commis- Orders Captain Cox, of ship Eusion of, issued, ii., 18. For gaol ryale, from Barbadoes, below, delivery, called, 86; iii., 398. 106. Proclamation against, 109. Oysters, out of season, Act respect- Messages, 124, 154. Letter, Mons. ing, ix., 549, 707, 729. Chastenoy with prisoners, 131. Letter to Governor Shirley, 143. To Governor Clinton, 145. Speech to Indians, 149. Message to AsP. sembly, 157. Letters to Governors Shirley and Clinton, 165, Paca, William, respecting court mar- 215. Issues a proclamation for a tial on General Arnold, xi., 702. fast day, 169. Mortal sickness, Packsinosa, his son, Holepeeka, Letter to Governor Clinton reIndians, vii., 187. Shawnee chief, specting cannon, 189. Letters to 726. Governor Ogle, 189, 192, 222, 224, Paine, Thomas, appointed Secretary 225. To Governor Gooch, 189. to Commissioners at Easton, ix., To Higginbotham, 192. Procla98. Paid by Council for ten dozen mation against selling rum to Inof Crisis, xii., 503. Paid for ser- dians, 195. Letter to De la Vega, vices as clerk of General As- 201. Signs a pardon for William sembly, 59{. Message from Ward, 210. Letters to and from Council to Assembly respecting Governor Clinton, on cannon, 217, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 245 218. Writes to Governors Gooch 201, 205, 222, 223, 243, 260, 261, and Ogle, 223. Proclamation 271, 309, 336, 337, 338, 339, 361, about pilots, 227. Message to 364, 374, 388, 390, 400, 409, 419, Assembly, 230, 234, 270. Writes 427, 430, 433, 436, 447, 450, 455, to Governor of Virginia respecting 462, 484, 494, 514, 519, 522, 524, privateers, 254; also to Governor 526, 536, 542, 563, 568, 571, 575, Clinton, 256, 265. To and from 592, 598, 602, 607, 611, 618, 651, Governor Belcher on privateers, 654, 657, 662, 674, 684, 694, 718, 266. Commission to Abm. Wilt- 722, 729, 730, 735, 746, 747, 759, bank to command intelligence 767, 778, 779; xiii., 17, 18, 50, boat, 266. Message from Assem- 53, 72, 87, 94, 100, 117, 120, 121, bly on money for defence, 275. 127, 135, 143, 163, 185, 196, 221, Pass for flag of truce, 281. Let- 240, 247, 253, 271, 277, 280, 285, ter to Governor Clinton, 286. In- 294, 299, 303, 308, 314, 346, 360, structions to C. Weiser, 292, 304. 368, 373, 383, 395, 407, 432, 442, Message to Assembly, 329. As- 449, 450, 452, 453, 454, 455, 457, sembly's message disapproving 470, 480, 481, 494, 496, 499, 501, his course, 333-338. Message to 503, 507, 508, 511, 513, 524, 527, Assembly in reply, 339. To Gov- 529, 531, 535, 542, 545, 551, 553, ernor Gooch, respecting Catawba 566, 571, 572, 575, 578, 584, 588, Indians, 346. Is informed by let- 595, 597, 603, 605, 614, 619, 620, ter from the Proprietaries of Gov- 634, 639, 642, 666, 671, 673, 681, ernor James Hamilton's appoint- 691, 725, 727, 741, 744, 745, 747, ment and tendering their thanks 753, 763, 768; xiv., 3, 9, 11, 30, for his past services, 3C2. 31, 33, 36, 43, 50, 59, 66, 76, 77, Palmer, George, Coroner, xiii., 89, 104, 108, 116, 121, 138, 140, 142, 396, 724. 143, 144, 146, 151, 153, 160, 171, Palmer, John, undertakes mason- 173, 175, 182, 184, 198, 226, 234, work on Fort Island, x., 371. 235, 239, 242, 248, 254, 262, 263, Palmer, Thomas, makes rifles, x., 265, 266, 277, 279, 284, 307, 309, 633. To deliver rifles, 653. 322, 327, 357, 362, 370, 378, 383, Paper mohey, Message of Governor, 384, 387, 404, 441, 449, 452, 453, &c., on, iii., 377, 393, 396. Report 454, 459, 461, 465, 466, 470, 4739 of committee of Assembly on, v., 477, 481, 486, 492, 501, 503, 504, 415, 416. Advantages of, 605. 508, 510, 511, 520, 553, 554, 555, In circulation, xiii., 422. 558, 563, 568, 570, 571, 575, 579, Paper for cartridges wanted, x., 701. 580, 585, 586, 589, 590, 591, 606, Papists, alarm from, to Protestants, 607, 616, 622, 624, 628, 629, 631, council called, i., 299. 632, 633, 635, 636, 639, 642, 646, Pardons, i., 379. Complained of, ii., 647, 650, 652, 653, 654, 655, 657, 455; iii., 240, 244, 370, 372, 659, 671; xv., 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 390, 429, 591; iv., 24, 47, 209, 16, 17, 22, 23, 25, 27, 31, 32, 33, 224, 252, 253, 278, 330. Re- 35, 38, 40, 43, 44, 47, 55, 57, 59, prieves, &c., v., 75, 141, 162, 62, 65, 68, 71, 73, 74, 81, 82, 90, 210, 268, 344, 506, 601, 612. Re- 92, 93, 101, 105, 109, 110, 112, leases, &c., viii., 78, 336, 667. 118, 123, 125, 129, 131, 139, 141, And respites of criminals, ix., 142, 143, 148, 149, 151, 163, 164, 173, 244, 334, 384, 387, 399, 510, 165, 166, 168, 171, 183, 195, 196, 513, 549, 601, 626, 666, 699, 734, 203, 205, 209, 213, 215, 217, 219, 743, 778. Reprieves, &c., x., 44, 224, 227, -229, 230, 239, 240, 242, 50, 60, 89, 92, 172, 228, 258; xi., 252, 255, 258, 259, 263, 267, 279, 250, 384, 462, 470, 503, 539, 566, 283, 286, 288, 290, 298, 302, 305, 579, 583, 609, 637, 642, 650, 655, 309, 310, 322, 325, 326, 327, 328, 695, 703, 719, 747, 748, 753, 760, 330, 341, 345, 347, 348, 350, 357, 763, 765; xii., 13, 21, 33, 48, 61, 360, 362, 363, 365, 366, 371, 373, 69, 77, 86, 93, 101, 102, 113, 116, 379, 381, 386, 390, 401, 403, 407, 134, 159, 178, 190, 192, 197, 200, 412, 414, 417, 420, 422, 423, 425, 246 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Pardons- Parker, Thomas, Sheriff, viii., 403. 427, 431, 434, 442, 445, 449, 451, Parker, William, Sheriff, vii., 267. 452, 463, 464, 466, 469, 471, 475, Coroner, x., 398. Justice, xiii., 476, 483, 486, 488, 497, 499, 503, 248. 509, 514, 516, 519, 521, 523, 525, Parlee, Peter, xiii., 74. 528, 531, 535, 541, 549, 552, 557, Parliament, grant from — portion 560, 565, 580, 583, 586, 606, 611, received, ix., 2, 4, 10, 47, 115. 613, 617, 618, 619, 630, 645, 652; Agreement between agents rexvi., 3, 5, 6, 8, 18, 28, 40, 43, 45, specting, 47-51. 54, 55, 61, 62, 69, 76, 79, 85, 87, Parliamentary, grant to colonies to 89, 91, 93, 99, 101, 103, 104, 107, be shared, viii., 401, 501, 512, 109, 111, 112, 115, 116, 119, 131, 546, 606, 610, 665, 667, 693. 132, 134, 135, 141, 144, 154, 157, Parole, taken, x., 553. Prisoners' 162, 165, 169, 171, 176, 190, 193, orders respecting, 553. 197, 199, 204, 209, 211, 213, 215, Parr, Mr., asks permission to sell 2112, 2132, 2152, 2192, 2232, 225, claret at vendue-refused, xii., 3. 232, 241, 254, 259, 260, 268, 270, Parr, James, Coroner, x., 59. Aid273, 277, 281, 283, 284, 288, 290, de-camp to Major General Potter, 292, 295, 297, 299, 301, 303, 305, xiv., 165. 306, 308, 310, 313, 318, 328, 329, Parr, William, Sheriff, ix., 286, 323. 349, 365, 366, 367, 371, 374, 377, Writ for new election for Assem379, 380, 383, 388, 391, 393, 394, bly, 288. Master of Rolls, 397. 397, 399, 401, 403, 405, 411, 413, Recorder to remove records, &c. 415, 417, 419, 427, 441, 451, 452, to Lancaster, xi., 23. Rent of 463, 479, 480, 482, 488, 495, 497, office, 384. 512, 519, 520, 522, 538, 540, 542, Parrock, wife of John, claims rent 547. on property left by father esPardoning power by Council, opinion cheated illegally-referred to Atof Attorney-General, xv., 329. torney-General, xi., 668. Paris, Ferdinand John, agent in Parrock, John's, Estate, xii., 315, England, iii., 401, 535, 539. 457, 661, 752, 755, 782; xiii., 170, Agent in England, papers respect- 309. ing Maryland sent to, iv., 129. Parry, John, Sheriff, iii., 464, 520, New orders asked for, 302. Dis- 574; iv., 309, 352. covers counterfeit bills, 429. Sends Parry, Thomas, a Justice, xi., 300. papers, 476. Agent of Proprie- Parsons, William, Surveyor-Genetaries, answer to B. Franklin's eral, resigns on account of ill complaints, viii., 279. B. Frank- health —N. Scull succeeds him, v., lin's answer to it, 300. 274. Letter from, to Governor on Paris, Isaac, Ensign, xii., 8. Connecticut claimants, 736. LetParis, Captain Richard, a trader, ters, vi., 668, 737, 781. Letters vii., 503. Letter to Gov., 538. to and from, vii., 163, 164, 191, Park, Col. Joseph, xi., 85.' 267, 284, 305, 376, 475. Indian Park, Robert, Coroner, iii., 332. murders, &c., 165. Instructions Parke, Thomas, Coroner, iv., 748, to, respecting Indians, 191, 476, 782. Sheriff, v., 411, 468, 551. 620. Parke, Dr. Thomas, to attend sol- Parvin, Francis, resigns as member diers sick in barracks, x., 653. Assembly, vii., 148. Parker, Alexander, Lieutenant, xi., Paschall, Benjamin, sick soldiers, 740. xi., 52. Justice, 667. Parker, Eli, Coroner, ix., 779. Paschal, Col. Jonathan-of city batParker, Joseph, member Committee talioln, x., 677, 659, 694, 698. of Safety, x., 537. Paschall, Stephen, account of his Parker, Richard, Collector of Excise, steel furnace in Walnut street xv., 222. Philadelphia and certificates of Parker, Robert, resigns as Collector others, ix., 633, 634. To make a of Excise, xvi., 87. pike, x., 284. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 247 Paschal, Wm., road to Swede's ford, To Win. Penn on restoration, 473. iii., 225, 230, 231. 483. Office proposed, ii., 38. Passengers, proposed Act linmiting Granted to Thos. Master for weavnumber-objections to, vi., 225, ing straw for hats and curing In243. Amendments to bill, 345- dian corn, iii., 18. Fees for, v., 578. 352, 354-356, 382. To John Ormsby for ferry over Passes, strangers required to have, Alleghany and Monongahela rivii., 13; Granted, xi., 599, 641, ers, xii., 317. For lands to Jacob 642, 645, 648, 657, 673, 695, 703, Clement, xvi., 2202. To M. 718, 756, 757, 761, 762, 766, 770, Biles, 309. To Col. George Mor772, 783; xii., 1, 2, 11, 21, 23, 24, gan, 499. 29, 32, 33, 36, 44, 5(0, 67, 68, 73, Pateraroes Brass, to be procured, x., 78, 79, 85, 86, 101, 149, 156, 159, 328. 163, 172, 177, 180, 243, 250, 251, Patrols, for city, x., 630. 256 257, 259, 260, 271, 300, 314, Patterson, Alexander, Justice, xiii., 337, 342, 346, 347, 365, 391, 479, 683. Letters on commitment of 489, 494, 504, 505, 514, 518, 522, Z. Butler, 760, 762. Letter to, 524, 563, 573, 589, 591, 594, 657, from Major Moore, xiv., 31, 662, 674, 684, 686, 690, 741, 749, 32. Resigns as Justice, 117. Let781, 782; xiii., 21, 28, 30, 38, ter, 162. 39, 50, 63, 66, 128, 131, 157, Patterson, James, appointed Com161, 163, 175, 179, 180, 181, missioner on Virginia line, xiii., 184, 186, 187, 202, 208, 241, 205. 247, 248, 253, 254, 255, 271, 272, Patterson, John, Collector, x., 213. 277, 279, 281, 282, 283, 284, 286, Patterson, Thomas, prisoner from 294, 300, 302, 304, 313, 314, 324, Virginia, to be discharged, xi., 325, 329, 330, 336, 340, 341, 346, 474. 353, 356, 358, 369, 370, 381, 383, Patterson, William, letter on cap386, 389, 391, 395, 403, 404, 418, ture of Stump and servant, ix., 422, 424, 429, 431, 432, 439, 441, 453. Talk with Indians at Great 443, 444, 447, 448, 450, 454, 457, Island, 453. Made Justice on ac471, 474, 486, 499, 501, 503, 505, count of capture, 470. Letter to, 507, 509, 511, 513, 515, 517, 521, from Indian chief, 480. Justice, 524, 527, 529, 531, 533, 535, 538, xv., 58. 543, 545, 547, 548, 549, 551, 552, Patterson's Creek, murders at, vi., 554, 561, 563, 565, 567, 571, 575, 641. 577, 579, 585, 595, 607, 620, 632, Patton, James, wagon master, xi., 642, 687, 696; xiv., 50, 66, 76, 438. 107, 120, 204, 216, 562. Patten, John, sent with Indians, v., Passport for Indians, from Lancaster 705. Instructions to, 707. Arto Philadelphia, vii., 549. rives-examined as to distances, Pastorius, Francis Daniel, a Jus- 730. His journal, 731. Map of tice and takes the oath, i., 371. distances, 747, 758, 762. Sheriff, Petition in behalf of Germantown, xi., 48; xv., 577; xvi., 210, 527. exemption from County Court of Patton, John, his declaration, vi., Philadelphia, ii., 13. Petition 20. Made Major, x., 768. Coinagainst J. H. Sprogel, 430. missioner for defence of the DelaPastorius, Daniel, and city lots, ware, xiii,, 316. Auctioneer, xv., xiii., 322. 322. Suitable lot for powder Pastorius, Henry, a Justice, iii., magazine, xvi.,~ 328, 532. 531. Patton, Robert, petition against Passyunk, roads in, ix., 719, 720, General De Haas, xi., 188. Sta729. Regulation of, xvi., 228, tion at Long Island, asks to be 236, 238. Report, 245-251, 262. restored to his former rank in Draft of, 493. 11th Pennsylvania regiment, xii., Patents, complaints that they have 609. not been issued —reason for, i., 86. Paul, Johrn, Justice, xiv., 200. 24J8 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Pauling, Mr., vii., 772. Report of xv., 10, 90, 204. Builds barJoseph Hughes on return from racks for invalids, 204. Claims building houses at WyQm-ing, city lots, 482. viii., 134. Pearson, Capt. John, xi., 577, 653. Pauling, P., claim for lands, x., 35. Justice, xii., 286. Of PennsylPaxinosa and son, Indian chief, vania regiments, xiv., 655. talks of removal from Susquehan- Pechoquealin, near Durham Iron nah-alarmed by news from works, iii., 309, 329. Cherokees, viii., 126. Peebles, Col. Robert, x., 700. Paxton, Capt. John, x., 683, 687. Peepe, Joseph, vii., 506. Indian, Paxton, Joseph, inprison-sick may viii., 151. Conference with Govbe released on giving bonds, xii., ernor, 586. Speech about Thos. 546. Penn and lands, 661; ix., 738. Paxton, Phineas, tory, prohibited A Delaware Indian in Philadelfrom keeping public house, xii., phia, x., 61. 401, 403. Pemberton, Israel, Jr., Governor Paxton Boys, (see Conestoga In- complains of, iv., 389. Warrant dians.) issued for his arrest, 391. Answer Paymasters, xi., 2, 23, 32, 79, 124, of Sheriff Robinson, 391. Gov233, 260, 266, 272, 277, 279, 297, ernor objects to form of writ, 392. 304, 368, 372, 406, 444, 637, 718; Conduct of, under it-declaration xii., 463, 489, 629. of Sheriff, 393. On behalf of Payne, Sir Ralph, Gov. of leeward Quakers intercedes for Delaware islands-letter-account of de- Indians, vii., 103. Breach of structive hurricane-asking as- confidence charged to, 362. And sistance, x., 57. Proclamation of others pay over money from Gov. Penn, 58. Letter sent to friendly association, 391. Asks Assembly, 60. Answer, 60. to examine minutes, 394, 397. Pea Patch, x., 506. Delivers address, 638, 647. RePeace, preliminaries of a general, ceives at Philadelphia a mesxiii., 543. Proclamat'n for thanks- sage by Lowe from Cherokees to giving, 749. Ratification by Con- Delawares, viii., 135. At confergress received, 750. Public de- ence at N. Scull's, 214. To be monstration for, 752, 761. seized, xi., 283. Returned from Peace Makers, i., 90. Virginia, 472. Peale, Chas. Wilson, 1st Lient., Pemberton. James, resigns as memxi., 32. To take portrait of Gen. ber of Assembly, vii., 148. Signs Washington for Council, 671. address of Quakers as clerk, 405. Elected to Assembly, xii., 129. Introduces a French merchantSells property, 174. Deed for agrees to pay a ransom of a vessel lots in city forfeited by John taken by a Spanish privateerSmith, &c., 247, 441. Late agent difficulty, viii., 151. Clerk of for confiscated estates, xiv., 264. meeting of sufferings, 239. Chosen Pearls, Capt. Richard, letters to and by tie vote member of Assembly, from, vii., 529, 531, 557. Inter- new election ordered, ix., 288. preter, 553. Advice of, commission to lay out Pearson, George, repairs of State money for Indians, 468. John House, xv., 115. and Israel and S. Emlen, carriage Pearson, Isaac, Sheriff, v., 597, 662; and horses to be impressed from, to vi., 144, 638. Declines as Com- remove Gen. Roberdeauto Lancasmissioner to Fort Pitt, ix., 491, ter, xi., 41. To be seized, 283. 596. A supersedeas, xii., 287. Habeas corpus, 308, 309. RePearson, James, improvement of turned, 472. Asks protection for State House lot, xiv., 406. Re, wagons going to Winchester, 457. pairs of State House-agrees to See, 473. cover with copper, 596. Repairs Pemberton, John, to be seized, xi., of State House-accounts referred, 284. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 249 Pemberton, Phineas, member of Penn, JohnCouncil, to keep debates in secret, HIenry Hamilton, 76. Conferences i., 125. Complains against In- with Indians, 77. Proclaims treaty ditans for killing hogs, 134. Road of 1763 with France, 80. Conferto New York, 514. Speaker, ences with, 77, 85-88. Address to, 548. from Conestoga Indians, 89. MurPemepecca, mills and road, i., 587. ders of, 89, 352. Letter to AssemOverplus land near-controversy bly on, 92, 94. Proclamation rerespecting, ii., 34. specting, 95. Speech to Assembly Penalties, remitted, ii., 103, 108. respecting troops, 91. Messages Pendleton, Edmund, letter with rati- to Assembly, 94, 108, 115, 116, fication by Virginia of the Federal 122, 133, 149, 153, 155, 158, 177, Constitution, xv., 499. 179, 181, 183, 241, 283, 291, 311, Pendergrasse Gerard, murder of his 312, 323, 363, 394, 396, 398, 407. daughter, vii., 632. Messages from Assembly, 109, Penet, Mons., proposes to supply 116, 122, 123, 125, 134, 152, 154, State with arms-Council agree 156, 161, 180, 182, 284, 324, 361, with him, xii., 104, 369. Proclamation respecting murPennington, Edward, to be seized, der of Indians, 95, 107. Address xi., 284. from Assembly, 97. Answer to, Penington, Ephraim, Coroner, xiv., 99. Proposes admission of his 234, 557, 558. brother, Richard, to Council, 101. Pennington, Isaac, Sheriff Bucks Paxton boys at Lancaster, 109. county, iii., 416, 465. Proprietary, instructions to, 117. Penn, Hannah, widow of William, Conestoga Indians, 118. Proposes and others, agreement with Lord militia law, 133. Asks advice of Baltimore, iii., 231, 236. Letter Sir Win. Johnson, on removal of from, noticed, 235. Indians from barracks, 137. AnPenn, John, Eldest proprietary, ar- swer to committee of Assembly on rives, iii., 569. Received by May- remonstrance of Smith & Gibson, or, &c., andaddressed, 570. Meets 147. Supply bill, 149, 158, 161. Indians and Council, 571-574. Militia bill objected to, 151. ObBorn in America, 599. Going to jects to Assembly naming officers England, is waited on and ad- in bills, as infringing his prerogadressed by Assembly, 611. An- tive, 152. Proprietary estate tax, swer, 611. One of the proprieta- 153, 155, 156, 158, 161. Meets ries, dies, v., 62, 73. Eldest son Assembly at Tew Castle-speech of Richard, arrives-is admitted to, 166-168. From, 167. Illas member of Council and as- treatment of self and proprietary signed rank of eldest councilman, by Assembly, supply bill, &c., 606. Is present at Council, 618. 175, 179, 180. Passes it, 184. Commissioner to Albany, vi., Circular to Provincial Commis25. His commission, 47. Report sioners on assessment of proprieof proceedings at Albany, 111-129. tary lands, 237. Answer to, 240. Appointed Governor by Thomas Proclamation of peace with Inand Richard Penn, ix., 71, 72, dians on Ohio, 234. Rioters of 347, 629. Arrives, 71. Issues Cumberland, 273. Evacuation of proclamation —joyful reception at Fort Augusta, 283, 284. Writ to Philadelphia, 72., Visits New Cas- sheriff for a new election of Astle with Earl of Stirling and L. sembly, 288. Fire at Montreal, Lardner, 73. Letters to and from, 290. Present to, 296. Riots in 74, 89, 92, 100, 102, 104, 108, 110, Cumberland county, 297. To H. ill, 112, 113, 114, 118, 119, 120, J. Conway on effects of Stamp 122, 127, ]129, 131, 137, 239, 240, Act, 299. Repeal of, 311, 312, 266, 267, 273-277, 281, 290, 292, 315. Letters to and from, 303, 297, 300, 301. Proclamation on 305, 306, 307, 320, 321, 344, 349, highway robbery and murder of 351, 375, 377, 379, 403, 405, 412, 250 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Penn, John- Penn, John422, 424, 440-442, 443, 444, 446, 486, 487, 495, 506, 508, 572, 573, 448, 462, 463. To magistrates in 582, 585, 586, 606, 642, 664, 706, Cumberlandrespecting goods, 303. 718, 736. Second proclamation Instructions to, respecting settlers for arrest of Stump and his seron Western lands, 321. Procla- vant, 488. Messages to Six Namation respecting, 327. Convic- tions, 517, 519. Proclamation on tions for highway robbery, burg- robbery of Treasury of New Jerlary-executions, 334, 396. Order sey, 544. Attends a treaty at to prepare anl account of manufac- Fort Stanwix respecting Indian tures since 1734, 343. Letter to boundary, 545. Letter from Lord Governor of Virginia on settlers Hillsboro' on letter to Colonies on Western lands, 344. Receives from Massachusetts, 546. Indian from Thomas and Richard a new boundary described, 554, 568. Incommission as Governor till De- dianl trade, 555. Letter to Gov. cember 1, 1769, 345. Commis- Sharpe on complaints against sion, 346. Oath of office to be Maryland, 564. Letter to Govadministered by Governor of New ernor of Connecticut on New EngYork or other Governor, 347. land settlers, 573. Proclamation Goes to Maryland, and takes oath, on, 588. Letter to Colonel Fran&c., 348. Letter from Governor cis, Stewart and Ogden, 607. Inof Virginia, 349. To Earl Shel- struct' ns to J. Jennings, Shff., 608. burne-massacre of Indians, set- Address from Assemblly on fishtlers on Indian lands, 352. To eries, 610, 623. Makes present to Commissioners of Trade, &c., on Indians, 614. Proclamation on manufactures, 353. To Governor fisheries, 623. Receives new comSharpe on J. Redick's land, 377. mission from Thomas and Richard Grants of land, quit rents, ex- Penn as Governor, 346, 628. Propense of Province, 379-382. Right clamation continuing officers, 644. to nominate printer of laws, 395. Indian trade, 645. For arrest of Messages to Assembly, 407, 427, Joseph Billings, 647. Indiantrade, 430, 434, 459, 466, 545, 554, 582, 656. Arrival of Newaleka, 656. 595, 645, 656, 660, 682, 686, 713, To General Gage on riots at Wyo720. Messages from Assembly, ming, 654. Proclamation against 407, 408, 432, 447, 454, 458, 465, Connecticut settlers, 679. Arrest 473-480, 568, 594, 656, 685, 692, of Connecticut settlers, 682. Roads 708, 714, 721. Settlers on Indian from Philadelphia, 686. Remonlands, 407, 408, 427, 432, 434, strance of Assembly, 684, 686. 481, 483, 573, 692, 709. Murders Proclamation against L. Stewart, of Indians by Frederick Stump in 687, 716. Grant to, 687. Money Cumberland-various documents for Indians, 692. Message rerelating to, 414-490, (see F. specting Laz. Stewart, 713; and Stump.) Message to Newoleeka, murder of N. Ogden, 714. Imchief of the Delawares, 428. To provement of rivers, 720, 721. Wyalusing, 436. To sheriffs, re- Goes to England on account of specting Stump, 442. His reply death of Richard-is succeeded by to Colonel Armstrong, 446. In- James Hamilton as President, bestructions to, 451. Assembly re- ing oldest member of Council, 733. flect on Governor's course in cases John, by will, becomes proprieof Indian murders, 454-458. Mes- tary, 742. With Thomas Penn, sage in reply, 459, 473. Raising having revoked Governor Rich-. money, 460. Receives ~500, 472. ard's commission, is appointed, Message from, Ass'bly on charges, with King's approbation, Gover473-480. Proclamation for re- nor a second time-arrives and is moval of settlers from Indian present in Council, who fix his lands-commissioners appointed, " state and title," x., 90, 91. 481. Letters to and from, 484, Continues Joseph Shippen, Jr., as INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 251 Penn, John- Penn, JohnProvincial Secretary, 91. Is pro- Shippen, Jr., and is required by claimed at court-house, 92. Issues Council to hand them to Secrea proclamation continuing officers, tary, xii., 326. To be applied to 92. Is proclaimed at New Castle, for Indian deeds and papers re93. Against settlers on lands, 95. specting Connecticut claim, xiii., Address from Assembly, 96. An- 418. Delivered to Council, 437. swer, 97. Receives a present from Passport for self and family to Assembly, 97. Against counter- New York, 561. Payments to, feiters, 99. Proclamation respect- xvi., 4, 33, 300, 305. Proprietaing laws void, 104. Address from ries (John Penn and John, Jr.,) Assembly at New Castle, 107. -claim and title to province Answer, 108. Messages to As- stated and referred to Supreme sembly, 117, 146, 196, 208, 214, Court, xiv., 502. Tench Francis, 216, 224, 237, 243, 251, 260. agent for, demands first payment, Messages from Assembly, 142, 622, 624. Paid, 625. Proprieta215, 225, 237, 252. Letters to ries, xv., 63, 153. City lots, 430. and from, 119, 121, 123, 130, 145, Petition and claim, 440, 478. 149, 151, 152, 156, 164, 171, 176, Claim for Springettsbury Manor, 192, 193, 194, 202, 220, 221, 236, 541, 542, 554. Instalment due, 240, 242,-247. Receives commis- 634, 651, 663. Payment to, xv., sioners and papers from Connecti- 235. caut, 119. Letters, &c., 121-139. Penn, John, Jr., payments to, xvi., Connecticut affairs, 142. Dr. Co- 4, 33, 300, 305. nolly, 140, 165, 171. Fortifications Penn, Letitia's Manor, iii., 144. in Philadelphia, 146. Proclaina- Penn, Richard, joins in commission tion against Connecticut settlers, to Governor Gordon, iii., 525. 153. Commission and instructions (Brother of John) visits New Casto A. Allen and J. Tilghman, com- tie with Governor John, &c., ix., missioners to Virginia, 174. Let- 73. Admitted as a member of ter to Lord Dunmore, 176. A Council, 101. Subscribes oaths, commissioner at treaty at Albany, and takes his seat, 116. Ap177. Declines calling Assembly pointed to compare bills, 246. on account of Boston port bill, Appointed Governor, arrives, 780. 181. To Arthur St. Clair on Meets Council, 782. His proclaaffairs in Westmoreland, 194, 197. mation, 783. (Brother of John), Proclamation for murderer of a Governor-address to from AssemDelaware Indian, 199. Message bly, x., 1. His answer, 2. His to chiefs, &c., of Shawnese, 203; former residence here, 2. Reand to Delawares, 204. Indians ceives ~ 600 from Assembly-affair and Virginia, 208. Proclamation of Laz. Stewart-barracks, 3. Profor recovery of goods, 214. Ex- claimed at New Castle, 5. Address pedition from Virginia against from and to Assembly, 6. ConShawnese, 214. Boundary line ferences with Indians, 10, 12. with Maryland, 216. Barracks Proclamation respecting pilotout of order-guns not to be fired, boat taken, 12. Message to As224, 225. Letter to Governor sembly, 2, 16, 28, 30, 68, 71, 84. Eden of North Carolina, on pro- Message from Assembly, 1, 17, 28, clamation respecting boundary, 29, 70, 74, 81. Respecting car242. Recalled by proclamation, riages impressed by Colonel Wil245. With resolutions of House kins for Fort Pitt, 17. Complaint of Commons, 251, 252. Procla- of Assembly against Justice, 30, mation for arrest of a murderer, 31. Loan Office bill, 30, 31, 37, 269. Late Governor, a prisoner, 68. Proclamation respecting hurto be removed by Congress, xi., ricane in West Indies, 58. Con264. Escort for, 265, 266. Re- ference with Indians, 61. Evacuceives the public papers from Jos. ation of Fort Pitt, 68, 70, 71, 74. 252 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Penn, Richard — Penn, William — Letters to and from, 3, 16, 17, 19, 37. Present at first Council, 57. 21, 50, 57, 68, 86. Message from May secure himself, 60. ComLower Counties, 82. Answer to, plains of letters written from Jer84. Wyoming, 86. Letter tO sey to England, 75. Allegiance Dr. William Plunket, 87. Pro- to, upromised, 81. Charge against, clamation against counterfeiters of for not entering and clearing vesbills of credit, 88. Goes to New sels at New Castle, 101. Appoints Jersey-James Hamilton acts as Wm. Markham Secretary of proPresident, 90. Commission to vince, 142. His absence accounted Richard Penn revoked by Thomas for and regretted, 199, 201. Supand John-John succeeds Richard plies, 199, 200. Blanks sent by as Governor again, 91. him for patents and commissions, Penn, Springett, his manor to be 230, 231. Despatches from, 252. surveyed, iii., 185. His sealto be attached to published Penn, Thomas, arrives at Chester, laws, 276. Letter from on proclaimiii., 433. First presence in Coun- ing King William, 301. Hopes to cil, 433. Indians present him visit the province, 313. Authorwith a fine painted mantle of otter izes Governor Blackwell to resign, skins, 440. Speaks to Indians, and sends two commissions for 445. Presents guns to Indians, the successor to be filled by Coun450. Conference with Indians at cil, 315. Letter from, to Council, Philadelphia, 500. Commission 316. Instructions to Council, to Governor Gordon, 525. Pre- 318. Asks Council to pay ~600 sent in Council, iv., 53. And and build a house and stock a confers with Indians, 54. Ob- plantation for each child, 317, tains release of lands from In- 328. Declaration of allegiance to, dians, 88. Letter from on the signed by members of Council, peace with France, v., 342. Me- 321. Markham refers Council to morial to, relating to certain bills, his requests, 328. Ordered to 499. To build forts with Gov- proclaim William and Mary, 340. ernor of Virginia, vi., 4. Letter His example followed in case of to, from Governor, on Braddock's Judges, 344. The government defeat, 517, 733. Letter from placed in hands of Benjamin Governor on various subjects, 737 Fletcher, 345-364. His right to -742. Sends ~5000, 742. And Schuylkill Ferry, 445, 461. He Richard, proprietaries, message is restored to the government of to Assembly complaining of a the province-Authority to Govpaper delivered by B. Franklin, ernor Fletcher revoked —Patent agent for province, viii., 276. An- for the restoration —Commissions swer by F. J. Paris, their agent, William Markham as Governor, 276-280. Jo. Peepy's statement and John Goodson and Samuel about, 661. Carpenter as assistants, 472-475, Penn, Thomas and Richard, [father 483. Defence of province, 503. of Governor John,] appoint (as His charter, 506. His letter to Proprietaries) John Penn as Gov: Council on abuses reported to him, ernor, ix., 71-73. Instructions to 527. Answer to, 528. New comGovernor, 117. Send new com- mission to William Markham, mission to John Penn as Governor, 546. Complains of advance on 346, 628. Richard dies, 733. money, 559. Appears in CounLeaves, by will, his son John his cil, 565. Orders proclamation share as proprietary, 736. Change against pirates, 565. Suspicions of seal, 736. of England on pirates, 565. Old Penn, William, charter to, i., 17. and new charters, 573, 574. LetConditions and concessions, 26. ter to, from Lords Justices, on Frames of government, 29, 42, trade and navigation and piracy 48. Laws agreed on in England, -Calls Assembly, 574. Charter INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 253 Penn, William- three plantations near, settled for given up-He forms a new Coun- his children, i., 328. Preferred cil, 580. Commissions Thomas as a residence by Indians to ConStory Keeper of Great Seal, 581. estoga, vii., 61. His advice to Assembly, 596, 613. Penn, John's, creek, murders on, vi., Poll tax proposed, 599. Refer- 645, (Alias Mahonoy.) Petition ence to his agreements with Indi- of inhabitants, 647. Letters, 649, ans, iii., 24, 310, 313. Death of, 662, 669. Murders by F. Stump announced by Governor Keith, of ten Indians near, ix., 414-490. 58. His kind treatment of Indi- Penn, Port, vessels of war in sight, ans, 94. Speech of Governor re- express from, x., 557. specting, 122. Consent of Indians Penn's Valley, petition from, reto his purchase of lands on Sus- specting militia, xii., 104. quehannah, 181. "Leagues of Pennsylvania-Charter, i., 17. Confriendship" with Indians at first ditions and concessions, 26. settlement alluded to, 194, 197. Frame of government, 29. Laws Often referred to by Indians, 216. agreed on in England, 37. Second His arrangement with Indians frame of government, 1683, 42. about lands, 325. Indians allude Frame passed by WV. Markham, to his speeches to them, 363. 1696, 48. First meeting of CounLove for Indians, 600. Seen by cil, 57. Alterations in charter the Indians then present, 600. proposed, 58, 61. Difficulty with Deeds to, 1701, 607. His treaty Jersey about letters sent to Engwith Indians in 1701 alluded to, land, 75, 76. Provision to be iv., 337. Articles of agreement made for the sustenance of the with Indians in 1701, 338-340. people, 78. Provisions scarce, His provisions for liberty of con- 78. Arrangement with West Jerscience-Views of Assembly and sey respecting criminals, 101. Governor, 368-371. His speeches Commissioners sent to New York to Indians remembered, vii., 317. to complain against agents of Lord Purchase of lands, 327. Reser- Baltimore, 103, 104. Council to vation of commons, &c., in Phila- act for Governor, 119. Death of delphia, xii., 347. Claimns under Charles II., and proclamation of old rights from, xiv., 323, 359, KingJamesII., 132, 133. William 361. First payment to devisees Markhalm Secretary of province, and legatees of, &c., for vesting 142. Collector of Customs and their rights in State, 397. Claims Surveyor General appointed, 148. to city lots-R-eports on, xv., 379, Governor appoints Lieutenant383, 399, 413, 429, 437, 440, 442, Governor, 211. Captain John 478, 481, 485, 627. Lots in city Blackwell, Governor, arrives, 228. claimed under grant from, xvi., Takes his seat at Council, 229. 55, 108, 299, 300, 457, 522, 531, Thanksgiving-day on account of 532. birth of a prince, 229. Inquiry Penn, William, Jr., invited to be for blank parchments left by propresent at Council, ii., 117. In prietary for patents and commistrouble, 160. Instructions to sions, 230. Produced, 231. And Governor Keith, iii., 63. Member cancelled, 231. Use of greater of Church of England, 64. and lesser seal, 232. Goods to be Pennell, Joseph, Commissioner for exported only to England, 232, settling public accounts in marine 233. Decision respecting keeper department, xiv., 139. of great seal's right to absent Pennock, Joseph, petition respect- himself, 234. Map of Thomas ing land purchased from William Holme acknowledged, 264. BounPenn, xiv., 26. dary of Philadelphia and Chester Pennsboro' Township, Qumberland counties, 263, 265, 266. DiscusCo., v., 431. sion about proclaiming King WilPennsbury, Penn's wish to have liam and Queen Mary, 301, 303, 254 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Pennsylvania- Pennsylvania304, 341. And defensive meas- pirates, &c., 529. Commission to ures, 306-310. Governor Black- Governor Nicholson of Maryland well resigns - Penn sends two to appoint certain officers in, 533. commissions for successor to be Commission to Matthew Birch as appointed by Council, 316. Thos. Collector of customs at New Castle, Lloyd elected President, and the 534. And as Surveyor and Searchother commission destroyed, 317. er of customs in Pennsylvania, Instructions of Penn, 318. Pro- 535. To John Bewley, Collector posal of Markham, &c., to take at Philadelphia, 535. To William up arms against the French, 334. Massey at Lewes, Collector, 537. Benjamin Chambers appointed Discussion about piracies, 539, Water-Bailiff, 342. Commission 547. Tobacco shipped from, to to Benjamin Fletcher as Governor Scotland, 551. William Penn apof New York and, 345-364. Ne- pears in Council, 565. James Fox, glect and mismanagement in the Treasurer, dies-Samuel Carpengovernment assigned as reasons ter appointed, 576. New Charter, for his appointment, and taking Act of Settlement, &c., 597. out of the hands of proprietary, Claims on government fori small 355. A Lieutenant-Governor to arms in Markham's time ordered be appointed-Also Councillors, to be paid, ii., 19. Weak and 356. Arrivalof GovernorFletcher, defenceless condition of, 31. Bill 364. Thos. Lloyd refuses to be before Parliament to annex to the Deputy Gov'r, 364. Winm. Mark- Crown the proprietary governham appointed Lieutenant Gov- ments, 32. Patrick Robinson, ernor - Also Councillors, 365. late Secretary, 33. Joseph GrowWho take the oaths, &c., 365,- den, Speaker, 36. Charterofpriv367. Number of representatives ileges, 56-60. Commissioners of changed, 366. Difficulty about a property appointed-Their comletter addressed by former Coun- mnission, 61. Andrew Hamilton, oil to Governor, 370. Letter from Governor, oath, how to be adminGovernor Fletcher, and reply to istered to, 62. Difficulty with it by Council, 384. Sends Com- Lower Counties discussed in remissioners to New York to meet gard to separation, 71-74. Exthose of other provinces-Their posed situation of, 78, 79. Disreport, 393. Means for support putes with Lower Counties conof Government, 397. List of laws tinned —Address of representatives in force, 411. Amount of revenue of Philadelphia, Bucks and Chester in each county from one penny to Governor on position of affairs, tax, 462. Transportation of to- 85. Andrew Hamilton, Lieutenbacco from Maryland to Lower ant Governor, dies-Succeeded by Counties to be stopped, 465, 468. Edward Shippen, &c., President The province restored to William of Council under Commission of Penn, and the authority of Gov- Proprietary, 88. Winm. Markham ernor Fletcher revoked, 472. Pa- appointed by proprietary Register tent to William Penn, 472, 473. General, 96, 97. Representatives His commission to William Mark- debate on extra numbers of nmemham as Governor, 474. And to bers owing to Governor Hamilton's John Goodson and Samuel Car- death, 105. Decision, 106. David penter as his assistants, 475. Lloyd chosen Speaker, 106. French Committee appointed to consider prisoners ordered from Burlington a new frame of government, 486. to, 113. John Evans, Governor, Edward Shippen, Speaker, 490. arrives, 115. Commission to CounDefence of province, 503. Tax cil read, 115. On division of the of one penny, 520. An Associa- territories, 119, 123, 124, 126. tion.proposed by Secretary Blath- Speech of Governor, 126. Address waite, 526. Proclamation against of territories, 128. Difficulties INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 25,5 Pennsylvania- Pennsylvaniatowards union continue, 130. Sep- and payment of money for it alaration of territories in Legisla- laded to in letter and report to ture, 133, 134. Judge Mompes- Governor Keith, 73. Governor son's opinion as to the Governor's Keith describes the position of meeting the representatives of the various tribes of Indians, 114-116. three Lower Counties at New Andrew Bradford publishes reflecCastle, 136. Affairs of " Penn- tions on the credit of the province, sylv'a Company" to be inquired for which he is summoned before into, 136. Death of Wm. Mark- Council, 143. Difficulties from ham, 151. Bill for securing and Maryland with Indians on Susqueconfirming rights and properties, hanna, 160. Commission to Jo154. Expenses of government seph Pidgeon relating to stipulaprovided for, 159. Separation of tions with Maryland on surveys territories-Assembly summoned, and settlements, 161. Act pro165. Various documents, &c., re- posed for trial of felonies out of ceived from England, 179. Rates bounds of counties, 171. State of foreign coins, 179. Long mes- of finances, 187. Allusion to first sage from Governor to Assembly settlement by Penn —"'his leagues giving proprietary's views on va- of friendship with them," 194, rious matters, 187. Joseph Grow- 197. Conference with Five Nations den, Speaker, 206. Defenceless at Albany, 197. The Five Nations state, 241. Address from Mary- at Albany surrender lands to, by land to Queen on running boun- Governor Keith, 201, 202. Papers dary lines, 362. Case of William to be printed, 202. Respecting Clark, 362. Proprietary rights, Albany Conference, 202, 207. 416. Extent of province on Del- State of things with Marylandaware river, 421. Gov. Charles Surveyors and others taken prisGookin succeeds Evans as Gov- oners, 212. Original agreement ernor, 427. Required to raise between Lord Baltimore and Hantroops for Canada expedition, 449. nah Penn, L&c., about boundaries, Mortgage to Philip Ford, 455. Feb. 17, 1723, 231. Letter to GovRemonstrance of Assembly, 513. ernor of Maryland with, 232. S. Carpenter, Treasurer —finances, Proclamation to be prepared, 232, 530. Not yet surrendered to the 233. Prepared and ordered to be Crown, 568. Governor Gookin published, 236. J. Logan returns superseded by Governor Keith, with proprietary's instructions, 631. which Governor withholds for reaWilliam Keith appointed by sons stated, 236. Governor Keith's proprietary as Governor-Arrives administration closes-Major Patand is proclaimed at Court House, rick Gordon produces his cornPhiladelphia, iii., 13. Agreements mission from Springet Penn, witl with Indians at Conestoga, 24. I-Hannah Penn's assent and his ~2000 for Queen's use, 32. In.- Majesty's approbation, and is pubterference from Maryland, 37. lished as Governor at Court House, Agent for the province in London Philadelphia, 251. Lesser seal to be appointed —Henry Goldney placed in hands of James Logan, named, 44. Governor Keith and as Secretary, 252. Re-delivers it Governor Hart meet, and come to to Governor, 252. Attempts of an amicable conclusion, 60. Gov- Maryland and Lord Sunderland ernor Keith announces death of on Lower Counties, 252. Great William Penn, 58. Continues the seal to be kept by Colonel John Governor, 62. Instructions from French, 253. Proclamation pubWilliam Penn, Jr., to Governor lished in all province and counKIeith, 63. State of affairs in ties, 253. Letter of Sir Alfred consequence of death of proprie- Popple on issues of bills of credit, tary, 66, 73. Sale to Queen Anne 262. Issue of paper money or 25X6 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Pennsylvania- Pennsylvaniabills of credit, 347, 348, 396. cles of agreement between Penn Alleged robbery of treasury, 386, and Lord Baltimore, 1732, 254. 395, 396. Trade with Sugar Proclamation on order in Council Islands, Governor's message on, respecting Maryland, 262, 265. 401, 418. Map of Louisiana, 1721 Gov. George Thomas arrives and -Boundaries of Pennsylvania, enters on his duties, 288. Thomas &c., 402. Address of Asse.mbly, Lawrie appointed by Governor, Governor and Council to King on Secretary and Clerk of Council, Sugar Islands, 423. Thomas Penn, 289. Proceedings at Hampton proprietary, arrives, 433. Divis- Court for quieting, and Maryland, ion line with Maryland, agreement, 298 —301. Proclamation to be &c., 461, 4637 464. Correspond- made, 301. Justices appointed, ence respecting riots in Maryland, 312. Commissioners appointed 468, 469, 474-491. New commis- to run the line, 313. A map of, sion to Governor Gordon, 526. mentioned, 317. Correspondence Jeremiah Langhorn, Speaker, 528. with, 329. Articles of agreement New greater and lesser seals given 1701, between WmV. Penn and Inby proprietaries, 530. New com- dians, for lands in Susquehannah, missions granted throughout, 531. 338-340. New treaty with InTroubles with Maryland, 542, 591. dians, 347. Various papers on Commissioners and report on value of coin and on bills of boundary, 549. Speaker of As- credit from Lords of Trade, as also sembly on Maryland difficulties, reports on, from Assembly and 566. Death of Governor's lady, Governor, 356-366. On state of 571. John Penn arrives, 569. province, 367-371. Notice of Maryland claims the territories, Commissioners appointed in Eng594. Assembly called, 594. In- land on Maryland affairs, 394. dian deeds to William Penn, 1701, Samuel Preston is Provincial 600. Difficulties with Maryland, Treasurer, 412. Defence of, 422. 614. Counterfeit bills discovered in State House, &c., vested in England, 429. Gen. Wentworth trustees, iv., 46, 483. Governor to enlist soldiers for Cuba, 499. Gordon dies, and is succeeded by Controversy between Assembly James Logan as president, 47. and Council on pest house, Proclamation to be made, 48. health officer, powers of Governor, Notices also to be given by virtue &c., 507-559. Indians quit claims of Act of Queen Anne in Great to lands on Susquehannah, 559. Britain, 49. Germans go over to Value of lands-settlers on JuniMaryland,.57. Complaints against ata, &c., 571, 572. Richard Peters settlers on Susquehannah, 61, 63, appointed Secretary on resigna64, 66, 71. Release of lands west tion of P. Baird, 639. Treaty of Susquehannah by Indians to with Indians at Lancaster, 697proprietary, 88. Dispute between 737, 739. Maryland and, 101, 151, 190-199, Troops to be raised for Louis203, 227, 232. Preston and Kin- burg, v., 38, 39. John Penn, one sey sent to Maryland, 204. In- of the proprietaries, dies, 62, 73. structions to, 206. Their report, Gov. Thomas sails for England 210. Various documents with it, and president Anthony Palmer 215-223. New Governor men- succeedshim, 68. Richard Peters, tioned as appointed, 233. Papers Secretary, 68. Proper notices to received from proprietary, 234. be sent to England and other coloGeorge Thomas recommended as nies, 68. Also proclamation, 68, Governor, 249. Lord Baltimore's 70. Reported capture of an Engpetition against, 249. Proceed- lish frigate bound from Havana, ings at Hampton Court respecting 75. Returns of men belonging petitions from Maryland on arti- to, by Samuel Perry, 135, Forces INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 257 Pennsylvania- Pennsylvaniadischarged by Gov. Shirley and Crown Point expedition, vii., 29. Admiral Knowles, 141. State of TWar declared against Delaware the province, 158. Expedition to Indians, 88. Conspiracy against Canada, 130, 132, 134, 140-145, Assembly in back counties, 91. 148, 152, 159,168, 170. Amount A share of arms requested from of pay due four companies from, General Shirley, 109, 111. Win. 176. Win. Parsons resigns as Denny succeeds Governor Morris, Surveyor-General, Nicholas Scull 221. Account of condition of succeeds, 274. Various docu- province, with a map, 228. Variments respecting treaty at Aix la ous documents from Dunk HaliChapelle, 330, 331, 359-362. fax, &c., ondefenceless state of the James Hamilton succeeds Presi- province, 272-278. Proprietary dent Palmer, 362. Richard Peters purchases from Indians —Comappointed Secretary of province mrittee of Council appointed to and Clerk of Council, 364. Words investigate, 354. Affirmation of punched out of the seals, 382. N. Scull respecting, 399. Account Respecting dispute with Mary- of, by Gov. Denny at request of land, 383, 386, 421, 582-597. Lord Loudoun, 445. Romai French fiom Canada on way to Catholics, 448. Constitution, &c., Ohio, 387. Temporary line with in reply to Lord Loudoun, 448. Maryland, 423. Early settle- Brockden, Recorder of Deeds, ments along Susquehannah, &c., 465. Fast appointed, 560. Gov440-449. French claims, speech ernment growing worse, 633. of Mr. Joncaire, 528. Corres- Proprietaries to come over, 633. pondence with Virginia and New Committee of Assembly ask to York on Indian affairs, 622-637. inspect minutes of purchase of Western boundary of, and Vir- lands from Indians, 635, 636. ginia, 758. Calculations of lati- Deeds for lands produced to Teetude and longitude, &c., 759-767. dyuscung, 688, 693, 698. AlarmCommissioners to Albany, vi., ing condition of, from French and 25. And Virginia affairs, 83. Indians, 719. Troops for New Report of proceedings, 111-129. York, 721. Enquiry by British Meeting of Commissioners with government respecting manufacSix Nations at J. Stevenson's ttre of iron, 738, 740. Estimate relative to purchase of lands, 114- of expenses of government, 778. 119. Deeds for lands at Albany, Connecticut settlers, ix., 7, 27, 119-129. Gov. Hamilton resigns, 602. Sum granted to colonies by, and Robert Hunter Morris, late 2, 4, 10, 47, 115. Quota of each Chief Justice of New Jersey, ap- colony, 48-52. Paxton riots, 88pointed and is proclaimed at 113. Act for payment to colonies, Court House, 144. Various pa- 160. Stamp Act in, 298, 299. pers relating to Connecticut claim, Address to King on repeal, 315. 247-275. Loans, 555-558. Map, An account of manufactures since 300, 302. Commissioners from 1734 ordered, 343. John Penn Massachusetts, 314. Embargo, receives new commission as Gov319. Disputes with Maryland, ernor from Thomas and Richard, 417, 639. Fast Day —long drought, and takes oath before Gov. Sharpe 422. Embargo, 511. Braddock's of Maryland, 345-349. Number defeat, &c., 415, 424, 426, 428, of manufacturing establishments 429, 430, 445, 461, 475, 476. in, 354. BIoundary question beTemporarylinebetweenMaryland, tween Maryland and, 377. Quit 639. Brief narrative of incur- rents-cost or expenses of prov — sions of French and Indians, ince-'grants of lands, &c., in re1755, 766-768. ply to Earl Shelburne, 379-384. Number of men to be raised Modes of granting land, 380. and measures to be taken in, for Fundsin, 382. Settlers on Indian 1. 258 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Pennsylvania- Pennsylvanialands, 404, 405, 407, 412, 480. tice, 186, 195, 202. Declines, Boundary line, 413, 545. Treaty 249. Thomas McKean appointed, at Fort Stanwix with Indians re- 254. Jonathan Dickinson Serspecting boundary, 545. De- jeant, appointed Attorney Genscribed, 554, 568. Proceedings eral, 254. Congress call for four and resolutions of Susquehannah thousand militia, 254. Death and comp'y, 569-572. Respectingpur- funeral of Thomas Wharton, Jr., chasers, 602. Laws respecting President of the State, at Lancasfisheries, 623. New commission ter, 499, 500. Joseph Reed, Preto Gov. Penn-oath administered sident, George Bryan, Vice Presiby Gov. Colden, 629. Slitting dent, 632. mills, plating forges, and steel Boundary line with Virginia, furnaces in 1750, 632-636. Rich- xii., 16, 476, 700. Messages beard Penn, one of the proprietaries tween President and Assembly, and father of Gov. John, dies, 96. Arms of the State orderedto be 736. Gov. John goes to England worked on standards for public use, and James Hamilton as President 108. Joseph Reed, elected Presiof Council succeeds him, 736. dent, and William Moore, Vice PreBy will of Richard, his son, John sident, 113, 541. Letter, Auditor becomes proprietary, 742. Altera- General on accounts, boundaries tion of the seal to John's name, between, and Virginia and Con742. Richard Penn appointed necticut, 176, 177. Great seal of Governor, arrives, 780. His pro- late province to be secured, 178. clamation, 783. Dispute between Virginia and, Richard Penn, Governor, x., 1. 211, 287. Proclamation on VirRelating to difficulties with Con- ginia and, 212-214. Dispute with necticut, 50. List of public debts, Connecticut, 287. D. Rittenhouse, 53. Public officers, their salaries, State Treasurer, 554. Extension 53. His commission is revoked, of Mason and Dixon's line, 635. and John Penn appointed Gover- Dispute with Connecticut, 657. nor, 91. Joseph:Shippen, Jr., Line between Virginia and, 700. secretary, 91. Respecting Con- Instructions, 704. Pay, 714. necticut claim, 117-139, 143, 151. Resolution and petition respectDr. Conolly, 140, 145, 149; 175, ing Connecticut claim, xiii., 10. 176. Boundaryline with Virginia, Troops called out by Congress, 53. 149, 158, 175, 176, 181-194. Con- Proceedings respecting Virginia, necticut claim, 177, 275. Bound- 79, 192, 209, 253, 269, 334, 510, ary with Maryland, 206, 216, 220, 519, 541, 685, 753. And Connec240, 245. Jurisdiction not to be ticut, 79, 123, 128, 203, 205, 266, extended at present, 220. Pro- 310, 313, 334, 417, 418, 420, 421, clamation respecting, 220. Letter 430, 434, 437, 462. William to Earl Dartmouth, 221. Procla- Moore, President, and James Potmation to be recalled, 241. Let- ter, Vice President, 112, 114. ter to Governor Eden on, 242, Counsel appointed on Connecticut 243. Proclamation recalling for- claim, 128. Congress asks a remer on boundary, 245. Reed's turn of number of white inhabimap-payments for, 260. Ex- tants of, 148. Paid F. Bailey for penses of Government, 266. Taxes printing laws, 193. Council, &c., to be laid, 282. decide Virginia line is not to be run Master of Rolls, xi., 187. Four by astronomical observations, 209. Brigadier-Generals appointed, 199. Congress advice, 150. Men to be Dissatisfaction with present frame sent to Fort Pitt, 348. John Dickof government, purpose taking inson, President, and James Ewsense of the people, 220. Bound- ing, Vice President, 413. Dupliary between, and Virginia, 238. cate of charter, 437. Indian deeds Joseph Reed appointed chief jus- and papers retur'd by H. Osborne, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 259 Pennsylvania- Pennsylvania462-471. Decree against Connec- 356. Cession of lands by comticut, 473. Proclamation con- missioners, accepted by Congress, firming boundary between Penn- 28. Lands opposite to Pittsburg, sylvania and Virginia, 541. Pro- 42. Accounts between United clamation of peace, Mr. Stille States and this State, 83. Benappointed to settle accounts with jamin Franklin elected President, United States —bells to be rung, and Charles Biddle, Vice Presi559. Messages to Assembly on dent, 110. Proclamation on Virstate of Province, 647-666. John ginia agreement, 289. ConnectiDickinson, President, and James cut claimants, 279, 280. Great Ewing, Vice President, 737. seal, 299. Benjamin Franklin, Boundary Commissioners, 753. President, and P. Muhlenburg, Ccrps of infantry, xiv., 5. Vice President,'308. Boundary Boundary with Virginia, 56, 59, with New York completed, 340. 69, 74, 114, 119, 200, 211, 286, Order of procession in Philadel288, 361], 388, 394, 399, 518, 651. phia on ratification of Federal conConnecticut claim, 2, 51, 141, stitution by, 350, Commissioners 159. T. McKean re-appointed to run line paid, 356. A descripChief Justice, resolutions respect- tion of Erie lands asked of coming Wyoming, 167. Arrangement'missioners, 382. Asks for copies of militia for protection of west- of Acts of Virginia respecting ern frontiers, 177. John Arm- lands in, 451. Terms of sale of strong, Adjutant General with triangle at Erie, 472. Troops rank of Brigadier General, in against Indians on frontiers called place of James Wilkinson, 219. for in Congress, 515. Triangle on John Dickinson elected President, Erie, 524. Erie, 530, 531, 532, and James Irvine, Vice President, 554. Thomas Mifflin, President, 249, 250. Purchase, by the Com- George Ross, Vice President, 584. missioners of lands, from the Six Maps, 597. Nations of Indians, 271. Popu- Triangle at Lake Erie to be purlation, taxables, 1760, 1770. Ex- chased, xvi., 36. Master of rolls, ports, 1773, 1784-336. Message M. Irwin, 106. Call of a convencontaining a general view of af- tion by Assembly to amend confairs, 328-342. New York bound- stitution, proceedings of Council ary, 363, 380, 385, 399, 443, 445, on, 41, 159. John Lukens, Sur460, 464, 507, 586. Treaty at veyor General, dies, Daniel BrodFort Stanwix for lands, 366. In- head elected, 208. Thomas Mifterfering claims on Virginia, 368. flin, President, George Ross, Vice First payment to devisees and President, 219. Suit for deprecialegatees of William Penn, &c., tion and counsel fees, 226. Puband copy of notice in the pa- lie debt of, 264. Instalments paid pers, for vesting their rights in proprietaries, 306. Howell's map the State, 397. Requisition for of, 275, 337. Cedes to United Federal troops, 465. State of the States light-house at Cape ienloclaims and title of Messrs. Penn pen, beacons, piers, &c., 358. to the Province read and referred Pennsylvania arms mentioned to be to Supreme Court, 502. Fort Pitt engraved on presents to Indians to be taken possession of, 517. in Philadelphia, xv., 229. " State Flag" mentioned, 518. Pennsylvania artillery captured, State road from Miller's Spring to xiii., 253. be marked out, 574. Report of Pennsylvaniabattalion, x., 415, 419, Alexander McDowell of survey of 420. Colonel Bull, 420. Captain new purchase, 604. Proprietary Williams of, 420, 435. Captain paid, 625. Willet, 434. Supplies ordered by Bloundary lines, xv., 12, 15, 16, Congress for, 439, 440, 441. Reso19, 31, 33, 39, 107, 108, 212, 340, lution of Congress to supply, 454. 260 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Rev. William Linn, chaplain, 487. 407. Recruiting from, 418, 443, Surgeon Samuel McKenzie, 530. 500, 562, 571, 597. Arrests, 617. Colonel Miles of, 549. Of Ger- Affidavits of James Bennett on mans, 622. Captains appointed, mutiny, 618. Memorial of officers, 634, 678. New arrangement for 682. Field officers appointed, continental service, 742. 697. Colonel Humpton's report, Pennsylvania brigade 3d, promo- 711. Council on, 733. General tion of officers in, xii., 88, 89, Armand, 763. Auditor of depre107. ciation, xiv., 139, 150, 160, 178, Pennsylvania company, affairs to be 206. Act for benefit of officers inquired into, ii., 137, 160. and soldiers, 184. Letters of adPennsylvania hospital proposed, v., ministration granted on estates of 513, 516, 526. Taken for sick officers and soldiers in, 200. soldiers, xi., 3X, 85. John Storer, Memorial of officers for land, xv., steward, 85, 130. Illegality of 16, 17. Payment in certificates election of managers, 776; xii., for arrears to, 86. Claims for ser280, 688. Paid for board of dis- vices, 260. Donation, land lotabled men, xiii., 252, 457, Fruit tery, time extended, 263. Actrees to be planted at with public counts of William Turnbull, as funds, xiv., 71; xv., 155, 187. purchaser for, 299. Distressed Pensions paid to, 640. For board soldiers of, provision for, xvi., of David Grady, a pensioner, xvi., 220. Recruits for, 492, 533, 535. 413. Pennsylvania Regiments, PaymasPennsylvania land company, ii., ter, x., 2. Fourth, xii., 321, 160. 572. Sixth, 209. Tenth, 320. Pennsylvania line, Lieutenants Eleventh, promotions, 586, 684. placed on invalid list, xi., 647. Colonel Robert Patton asks to be Provisions for, xii., 106. Pur- restored to rank as before being chases for, 112. Case of Larry taken prisoner, 600. Certificate Burns, alleged theft, his excuse, respecting other officers, 609. 275. Released, 276. Supplies At Fort Pitt, 716. Third, recruits for, 409. Recruits —bounties, 431. at New town, xiii., 1, 8. Arrest Pay, 578. Mutiny, 593.' Quar- of Lieut. Nagle, 617. Eighth, 25. ters for officers, &c., 605. Recruit- Seventh, 98. Vacancies and proing stations, petition, 606. In- motions, 202. quiry into causes of discontent Pennsylvania University, see Uniin, committee to inquire, 632. versity of Pennsylvania. Enlistment in, complained of, Pennypot Landing, confirmed, ii., committee on causes of late dis- 39. content, 633. Account of monies Penrose, Joseph, recommended to advanced to, 661. Means for ex- Congress Lieutenant-Colonel, x., pediting march of, 693. Pay to, 444. Appointed, 445. R. Seward 701. Again formed, and on march appointed a Lieutenant in his under General Wayne, 739. Pay battalion. 472. Made Colonel, to, 747. Recruiting, 750. Pay, 767. Battalion, xi., 17, 20, 47, 752, 782. Pay to, xiii., 1. 83. Clothing for, 23, 48, 67. Pay, 24, Penrose, Jonathan, Justice, xiv., 71, 72, 149. Recruits, 151. Place for 197; xv., 256. recruiting, Colonel Humpton ap- Penrose, Thomas, to fix piers near pointed superintendent, 155, 156. Fort Island, x., 648. No British deserter or soldier to Pensions, xv., 185, 186, 190, 286, be enlisted, 156. Pay, 187, 198, 312, 322, 327, 341, 343, 345, 357, 205, 266, 272, 285. Major Porter 358, 401, 403, 413, 430, 457, 464, to command 4th regiment of artil- 465, 472, 481, 485, 513, 545, 590, lery, 223. Captain Francis Proc- 634, 640; xvi., 125, 148, 163, 200, tor, his claim, 244. Bounties, 2132, 217, 223, 224, 2242, 286, 258. Recruiting, 330. Pay,.395, 328, 361, 370, 407, 408, 412, 413, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 261 420, 434, 481, 486, 489, 538. List 429. To be repaired, 590. Nichof persons entitled to ask for, olas Fitzsimons appointed Stew200, 320. ard, 631. Officers' lands, 753. Pentecost, Dorset, presents accounts On State or Province Island-reby Lieut. James Marshall of Wash- pairs to, xiv., 6, 655. ington county, xiii., 144, 150, Peters, Capt. John, resigns, xii., 152, 253, 541. Resigns as mem- 613. ber of Council, 703. Appointed Peters, Richard, Commissioner to Judge and President of Court run line between Maryland and Common Pleas, 732. Late Judge Pennsylvania, iv., 313. Appointof Court Common Pleas and ed Secretary on resignation of President, suspended on account P. Baird, 639. Appointed Secreof removal from Washington co., tary and Clerk of Council, v., xv., 124. 68. Letter to C Weiser, 211. Pepperell, Sir William, orders to, Made member at request of provi., 201. Raisingtroops, 298, 311. prietary, 382. In Cumberland Pequea, petition from, on roads, county, 431. Report of proceediii., 263. ings against settlers on Indian Per diem, pay objected to by Gen. lands, 440. To meet Indians at Amherst, viii., 323. Carlisle, 658. Report, 664. InPerie, Nicholas, letter from, in case formation respecting west bounds, of C. Higginbotham, v., 218. 760. Commissioner to Albany, Deemed offensive by Council- vi., 25. Thanks to, for his serapology-had a grant for his land mon, 66. Report of proceedings from Thomas Penn, 1736 —form at Albany, 111-129. Letters on of it, 219. Arrested and carried to Connecticut claim, 253, 254, 287. Maryland, 220. Examination of On Indian affairs, 287, 673. LetCol. White in his case, 221. His ter to and from Commissioners on own defence, 218. road, 376, 377. Report on BradPerkins, Attornrey, petition for par- dock's road-Indians at campdon, v., 75. and arrest of two persons charged Perkiomen, copper mine, x., 23, 41. with correspondence with the Vested in trustees, 41. French-committee on distribuPerry, James, as a favor, Teedyus- tion of arms by Assembly-report, cung asks his appointment by 679. Goes to Easton with GovGovernor as Captain, viii., 115. ernor, vii., 204. Letters to and Perry, John, Commissioner of pur- from, 394, 397. On money bills, chase, xii., 465. Enquiry re- 441, 442. Answers inquiries of specting, 648. Report, 653. Su- Lord Loudoun on Constitution, perceded, 654. &c., 448. Answer to Committee Perry, Micajah, agent on subject of of Assembly for minutes, 636. paper money, iii., 377. Secretary goes to New York, viii., Perry, Samuel, letter from-return 19. Receives at Philadelphia by of men belonging to Pennsylva- Lowe, a message from Cherokees nia, v., 135. to Delawares, 135. Sent to EasPerry, Wm., Sheriff, xi., 373, 377, ton to quell Indians, 172. Settles 638; xv., 125, 302, 580; xvi., with Indians for lands, 219. Let72. ters to and from, 305, 309. RePest House, petition of Germans specting papers, 337. Resigns for, iv., 507. Assembly andGov- as Secretary, 671. Claims proernor on, 508, 509, 510, 511, 515- tection of Governor, 361. Rep526, 549, 629. Bad conditionof, v., resentation with R. Hockley on 410. Sick attended by Drs. Rush proprietary taxes in Cumberland and Duffield, x., 409. Sick to be county, 472. Secretary, letter to sent to, 412. Soldiers to be put Henry WVilmot London, giving into, if barracks are too small, history of Indian deed to Susque485. To cease to T. Smith, xiii., hannah county, x., 177. Capt. 262 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 461, 503, 533. Of militia, 649. Petitions — Rank, 650. Secretary of War, Rawle for a bridge over Arch and 741. Petition respecting lots in Front streets, 330. Of Markham Philadelphia granted to late R. and others, to take up arms Peters by WinVm. Penn, xii., 779. against the French, 334. Justice Of Board of War-barracks, xiii., Edmond Lassell on counterfeiting, 128. Witness at Trenton, 442. 380. Against D. Lloyd, 383. Payto, 580. Member of Congress, Southampton township, 389. Rexiv., 5. Claim for liberty land, specting roads, 386, 388, 389. xv., 433. Warrant, issues to, Radnor township, 396. Against 436. Claim, 481, 485. Under French traders, 436. Various, Mason, 485. On Jones' Lane, 478. Forroads,499. Forbridges, 494. Claims two city lots-sale 522. Nich. Scull, &c., for a road, postponed, xvi., 50. Referred to 536. Supreme Court, 492. Repaid for For roads, ii., 10, 33, 111, 527. survey of Jones' Lane, 11. Claim For fairs, 12. F. D. Pastorius in to city lot, 523, 526, 529, 532, behalf of Germantown, 13. For re534, 539. Referred to Judge pairs of High street wharf, 23. A. Shippen, 520. Hamilton, PostMaster General, 33. Peters, Win., resigns as member Patrick Robinson for claims, 33. Assembly, vii., 148. Clerk to Of Philadelphia, 37. And ChesCommittee on lands, 464. Letters ter township, 40. From Philadelto and from, 167. Secretary of phia, 52. Wm. Markham, 121. Council petition, viii., 19. James le Tort from jail, 163, 170. Petersburgh, mediation of, xii., 742. N. Gateau, 170. John Tatham for Peter's Township, Washington co., land, 179. Philadelphia on monproposed division of, xiv., 275. ey, 221. Jacob Spicer on negro Petitions, of Duck Creek, for a way slave arrested in Philadelphia, through the marshes, i., 60. Of 275. From WVelsh tract for a mariners for wages, 63, 64. Of ferry, 276. Of John Powell Charles Pickering, 67, 73. Rich- against it, 277. James Logan, ard Noble, 75. Nicholas Bartlett, 376. Of Philadelphia against New 75, 77. Against master of a ship Castle, 379. Peter Evans, 391. and trial, 79. Respecting pa- James Heaton, 407. Philadelphia, tents, 86. Of Samunel Hersant 410. Story and Logan, 412. for furnishing the prison, 101. Bucks county, 488. Pastorius, Edward Everett for money, for Jawert, Kelpius and Falkner, 431. " waiting on the provincial judges Thos. Fairman, 434. Robert Clay with his boat in the going their for release of goods, 513. R. circuit, 157. Wm. Frampton re- Mason, road, 527. P. Bizalion, moval of caves, 167. For a fair 545. Chester township, 546. at New Castle, 181. Benj. Cham- Bristol, &c., respecting road, 547. bers, 189. C. Empson, 199. Rob- Philadelphia road, 561. J. Le ert Jeffs, against forcible entry Tort, 562. Win. Dilort to sell into his house, 199. Respecting goods, 576. Wm. Eburn-rum exportation, 213. For a fair at seized, 605. centre of Philadelphia, 218. Of Hugh Pugh and Lazarus Thomas R. Turner, S. Carpenter and oth- under sentence of death, iii., 41. ers, for a bank, 236. To extend Road from Conestoga to BrandyChester county, 263. To build a wine, 43. ~ Abraham Delucenawharf at Chestnut street, 267. Of goods seized, 61. John Frazer Brandywine on obstructions, 292. for a vessel, 77. John Burrowes Roads from Philadelphia, 298. for release, 81. Inhabitants of John White, clerk of Court, 327, Delaware —road from Philadelphia 329. Samuel Carpenter-hogs to Wiccacoa, 106, 107. From not to run at large in towns, 327. Schuylkill respecting taxes, 111. Of Benjamin Chambers and F. For roads in Chester county, &c., INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 263 stitions- Petitions142. J. and E. Cartledge, 186. pute, 417. Lurgan T. C. Co. Mary Woolvin, 187. Against for arms, 533. Of frontiers for powder house, 242, 244. Alex- protection, 550. Inhabitants near ander Molliston against WIm. Till, Penn's creek, 647. From several 259. Roads-Frankford and Pe- counties for defence, 670, 680. quea, 263. Of John Duckett for Inhabitants of York-alarmed a pardon, referred to Supreme by successes of Indians, vii., 234. Court, 276. Palatines to Gov. Of French neutrals support, 239. Keith respecting lands, 322. For Cumberland county-Rev. John new road to Wiccacoa, 547. Road Steele, 241. Inhabitants of Lurgan from Philadelphia-stone bridge, township, 241. Capt. Solomon &c., 573, 618. Respecting Courts Goad, 347. Of merchants to ship of Chancery-its history, 617. provisions, 393, 459. Philip BaRespecting wears on Schuylkill der, 399. From Bethlehem for a river, iv., 17, 18, 20. Of Phila- watch against Indians, 459. Samdelphia against Courts of Chan- son Mifflin on embargo, 571. Incery, 35. Of Bucks county habitants of Pextang about forts against it, 36. From Germans on Hunter and Halifax, 724. Of Susquehannah, 64. For road in two convicted coiners, 725. R. Chester county, 152, 266, 278. Hill and S. P. Moore title to lands, Durst Thome, &c., 171. N. 728. Of Philadelphia shipwrights Tainy, &c., on condemned goods, taken at Oswego, 737. Of Lehigh 173. Jacob Chamnberlin - fine, township on Indians, 757. 224. Roads, 247, 495. Thomas Berks county on Indian ravaCresap, Miles Foy, &c., on Mary- ages, viii., 99. Capt. Huet, 148. land affairs, 256. For roads, 278. Of Philadelphia merchants against Of criminals, 329. For new coun- tonnage duty, 230. Of French ty out of Lancaster, 335. Mayor, neutrals, 269. F. Post to be sent &c., of Philadelphia to Governor as missionary to Indians, 301. Of to raise money, 379, 384, 385. merchants of Philadelphia against Seven companies of soldiers, 466. sale of Provincial ship, piers, &c., Chester county — weights and 574. For roads, 676. measures, 507. Of Germans for Captain Armaolia of Spanish pest house, 508, 509. Of Capt. ship in distress, ix., 26. R. John Titami, 625. Merchants Hockley and E. Physick on proagainst bills of credit, 750. For prietary estate, 178. From sevdivision of Philadelphia and Lan- eral counties on proprietary quit caster county, 756. rents, 179. Of Wardens of PhiAgainst road to Bristol by N. lad'a, 366. Of merchants of PhilaCraft, &c., v., 61. Uty Perkins for delphia, lumber, staves, &c., 366, pardon, 75. George Gray, &c., 367. John Reddick, land in Maryroad to Cobb's creek, 99. Hugh land, 375, 376. Road from ReadBruslam for pardon, 105. From ing to Fort Augusta, 440. Philacriminals, 157, 158. Pilots of delphia road,. 623, 627. Lower Sussexcounty, 226. Of JohnKing, Dublin township road, 628. For 343. Of Chester county, 378. road from Fort Augusta, 651. Of Hans Hamilton as Sheriff, 468. Of Chester against road from Of trespassers in Great Cove, Philadelphia, 692, 703. 468. Moravian missionaries, 576. Respecting road from PhiladelRoads, 577. Charles Bellamy to phia to Lancaster, x., 65, 69. refit vessel, 597. Capt. Nery, Inhabitants of Northumberland 620, 654, 656. Alexander Mec- county against Connecticut peoGinty for aid, 662. pie, 111. To call Assembly on Inhabitants of Cumberland co., account of Boston port bill, 180. &c., asking for protection, vi., From colonies, 239. Of Captain 130. Watt. Sipple, Maryland dis- Du Casse, 262. From Bermuda 264 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Petitions- Petitionsfor provisions, 413. Boats in &c., Lewis Nicola, 741. R. McDarby creek, 656. Neill, C. Crawford, sub-Lieuts. Matthew Clarkson, &c., xi., 177. Northumberland, 749. Jno. ReyRobert Patton, 188. Levi Hol- nolds, Isaac Ely, Ann Tatnall, lingsworth, 193. Of Lancaster for 750. Lieut. Honeyman, James magistrates, &c., 211. Of Walter Dundas, Matthew Gregg-wagon Hall against a debtor, 214. Of master for payment, 755. Arms to Bristol, 254. Of negro Harry, a be brought to, 757. Mr. Hunter, slave, 263. Of Henry Funk and A. Kleir, 759. Jacob Deisher for George Kreibel, 269. Of Captain records, 764. Various, forpasses, Joseph Brady's company on draw- 770. Of military men, 766. Mering lots, 313. Jno. Swanwick for chants of Philadelphia, 783. goods, 359. On calling out whole For rations instead of money, force, 394. Of Lutheran Reforlmed xii., 2. Thos. Crouch, 3. Geo. German Church at Easton, 422. Holder, Ann Calvert, Abigail Of soldiers, 458. Of Fannet town- Ault, Michael Farmer, Captain ship for arms, 524. Chester co. Newton Cannon, to sell cargo, 11. battalion, 524. Eve Jeder and John Tully, Philip Nagle, Boudes Esther Blackman, 579. Of pris- Burke, and WmV. Phillips, 13. oners to be exchanged-verbal of Capt. Watkins, Margaret ChalSamuel Morris and others for a mers, Lieutenant Honeyman and pardon of four prisoners, 564. Pugh, 14. Of Philadelphia co., Rev. S. Barton and A. Murray- 15. Francis Hopkinson, 17. Thos. negro Ralph for remission of pun- Hanson for pardon, and for a passishment of death, 565. From Rev. W. Rogers for rations —to Fort Pitt, for pass for a boat sweep Delaware for pay, 20, 21. with furs, for New Orleans, For passes, 22, 23, 24. Reynold 568. Favor of Roberts and Car- Keen respecting his estate, 26. lisle, 606, 607. Of their wives, John Hayes, flag of truce, 31. 613. Of Captain Lightbourne, Lucy Thompson, Joseph Musgen636. L. Nicola-Wm. Low, 637. ung, Nathaniel Sackett, 32, 33. Against forestalling in Philadel- Abraham Chapman, 32. Timothy phia, 638, 640. Win. Streaker, Hooker, 34. Elizabeth Young, 641. Of Henry Sherer and others, Rachael Shubert-L. Nicola for 647. Thos. Fell, &c., Peregrine reward, 37. Capt. Jno. McPherJones, H. Meyers, 650. Of Mat- son, 38, 39. Joseph Dean, 45. thew Clarkson in case of sloop Fred. Sneider, doorkeeper, 48, 49. Active, 657.- Of sundry persons Mrs. Mary Matlack, 50. Comfor broken cannon, 662. Of Lts. modore Hazelwood-W. Johnston David Brown and Edward Ran- and John Lewis bail for two men dolph, 665. Of disabled soldiers, who join British army in Philaand for stores-of Purviance, Dean delphia, 57. John Swanwick, and Henderson for stores-Chris- Margaret Crohan, Catharine Matopher Getting, 667. Of Lieut. lone, Ann Williams, 58, 59. InSproat, 675. Of George Allen, valid corps, 64. John Young, Jona. Cowpland, John Wilson, Elizabeth Condor, 67. Charles David Franks, 679. Of Dr. Val- Hurst, Augustus Willett, Daniel entine Standley, 691. For rum Gomez, 72, 73. To search river for boats, 694. Peter De Haven, for wrecks-of Michael Huffnagle, 702. For pay-passes and par- of Susannah Simmons, Mary don and against privateers, 703. Cressons, not granted —Myer Hart, For passes, clothing, &c., 704. 75. Andrew Sponseller, James Col. Johnston, R. Footman and McKee, John Donnelly, Ellen KirMag. Devine, porter brewery, chenschlaeger, (bastard) —of Sarah 710. Of E. L. Treckel, claim on Growden, 76, 77. Andrew Right, a house, 714. Thos. Hazelwood, Catharine Ebert, Michael Toter, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 265'etitions - PetitionsSusannah Simons, Elizabeth Stew- John Clarke-officers of Colonel art, 78, 79. Of John Rein, Rey- Hazen's regiment, 278. Ann nolds Keen, Captain McGinley, Riche, 284. Capt. Gibbs Jones, Mary Cussans, Mary Gunnerson, 286. Of inhabitants of State on Ernst Ludwick Baish, John Mar- Schuylkill bridge and road to shall, 80, 81. Joseph Greeswald, Darby —Charles Cook, 293. York 83. Edward Fitzrandolph, James county for defence, 296. Various, Pannel, 86. Wm. Call of Ger- 309. Elizabeth Rinedollas, Capt. mantown and Matthias Stimmell, Daniel Topham, 311. George 92. Inhabitants of Penn's valley Montgomery, 317. Mary Murray, respecting militia duty, 104. For 322. John Dunlap and James passes, 106, 112. In favor of Budden, &c., 331. Robert McRalph, a negro, an imposition, Knight, 332. Capt. Turnbull, 113. Jed. Snowden, 116. Chas. 333. Edward Grisel, Capt. Wren Willing, &c., 120. Abraham Ris- and Lieut. Fick, 334. F. Mertean for negro slave, 134. In- chant, David Coleman, 336, 337. habitants of Northumberland, 138. Isabella Grant, George MontgomMajor S. Bush, Capt. Jacob Buss, ery, Capt. Manifold, P. Zant&c., David Franks, 141. Jere- zinger and WV. Barton, 338, 339. miah Simmons, Thomas Guion, 357. George Brett-a number re142, 143. Mary Flood, George jected —Robert Dunlap, Mary Harding, 149. Catherine Fritz, Roher and Mary Bird, 343. ElizaFrancis Nelson, 150. For passes, beth Rhinedoller, Ann Dunkin, not granted, 157. Of officers of Margaret McKewn, Jno. and Mary ship General Greene, Ann Win- Whittinham, 347. In favor of ters, Ann Nicholson, 158, 159. Mrs. Ferguson, 351. Capt. Win. Capt. Williams to take provisions Barber, 354. Pennsylvania divito French fleet, 162. Elizabeth sion, vacancies in, 354, 368. Rapp, 163. Mary Miller, Henry Christopher Schulz, 357. Judith Wauher, 190, 191. Jane Smith, Doyle, Mary Sharp, 361. A. Dark197. B. Soden, 200. MaryJones, ness, M. O'Harra, Joseph Myers, Samuel Kenny, &c., 201, 202. Mary Murray, 365. Richard Win. Mackey, 202. Daniel Murthwait, Jehu Roberts, 374. Wingate, 205. John Paul Schott, For independent corps, 383. ObEleanor Quinn, Francis Lally, jected to, 389. B. Rue, Daniel 216, 217. Win. Cassidy, Peter Zieber, Winm. Richardson, 390, Swope, 257. ~ Isaac Kauffman, 391. M. Johnson, 400. Jane Frederick Koble, Win. Keyser, Kerr, 410. Elizabeth Powers, 223. Margaret Brown, 225. Presi- 420. Meade & Co., Jno. Nesbitt, dent's house, 236, 244. Of John 428. Geo. Brett, 436. George Reine-wife of Casper Guyer, Hunton, 447. Moses Lamb, 455. 237. John Wright, Dr. Adams, Chester county, 456. Northum238. Mary Harding, Elizabeth berland, 459. Edward West, Voght, and Owen Ryan, 242. Joseph Burns, 469. E. L. FrieJoseph Walker, James Norris, chell-Merchants of Philadelphia, 247. Of Cumberland, 248. Isaac 478. J. & S. Holt, J. McGuire, Melchior, &c., to receive conti- Mary Meyer, 479. Henry Matnental money-prisoner for cloth- thews, 483. J. De Rey, 483. ing, 248. Dr. Kennedy, C. Mifflin, Abm. Surgert, A. Miller and KilS. McGinnis, 253. Wmin. Barton ion Dewinger, 484. J. Connolly, and Paul Zantzinger, Cornelius M. Huffnagle, &c., 487. M. GoLery, Mary Machbanks, Ann mez, 489. Jno. Eve, Nathan Riche, Peter Schwoope, 256, 257. Mitchell, W. Austin, 493. ReRebecca Paul, Jane Evans, Mag- specting negroes, 501, 502. W. dalen Divine, 258. John, Ens- Constable, S. Jeffries, T. Mendenmenger, 267. Jacob Taney, 271. hall, D. Franks, 504, 505. L. 266 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Petitions- PetitionsPrahll, J. Clay, O. Stevens, 514. H. Lightfoot, 18, 19. J. Howard, Moore, C. Pattison, 523. M. Esh- 18. Win. Barton, C. Philips, 21. ler, 531. J. Swanwick, H. Duna- L. Fohrer, 23. David Mead, 29. how, Winm. Montgomery, Jacob S. Simpson, B. Leech, J. Parr Sponseller, J. McCarty, 536, 537. and W. Gray, 30, 31. H. PaulJ. Boyd, 542. D. Dawson, M. ing, M. Maguire, 32. E. O'FlaLapp, 553. J. Davis, E. Ruell, herty, 38. S. Preston Moore, Hill M. Copple, T. Wade, H. Smith, & Wells, for City lots, 49. Cap. and W. Wood, 563. Opposers of Thomas Mason, M. Martin, Negro collections of taxes in Berks co., George, 50. Several, 53. B. G. Palmer, H. Bidstein, J. Stans- Duncan, 59. M. Burns, A. Beam bury, W.' Hammil, A. Darens, A. and J. Barkman, 72. S. LeshHarvey, 568. W. Erskine, M. incksy and John Hasse, &c., 82. Wilson, 577. E. Haines, J. Stans- E. Burgess, J. Anckley, 87. R. bury, 579. M. Dyer, Cavenaugh, Wetherill, for two deserters. 586. M. Bryan, C. Holmes, 590. Richard for D. Rundle. Thomas Taxes in Berks, 601, 608. Of Forrest, 96, 97. J. J. Rice, 100. officers of Pennsylvania line-of J. Swanwick, 104. Ph. SchreinNorthampton-C. Stewart, 607. er, 111. Doctors Bond, Wilson, Tax payers in Berks, 608. J. Beatty, and Otto, 115. John Becker, 618. MaryScanlan, 619. Shirgold, &c., 115. D. Llwellyn, E. Pettit, J. Davis, 629. G. 119. J. J. Gilmore, J. Green, Aertes, 631. M. Hamilton, M. Mary Hall, M. Lukens, 120, 121. Hufnagle, 632. Brothers of Dr.-/ J. Cannon, Samuel Sterrett, 123. Kuhn, 650. Jno. Millis, Jr., 654. M. Robbins, 125. M. Hall, J. Jasper Moylan, E. Davis, I. and Jones, 127. R. & R. Rundle, 132. J. Baker, M. Martin, J. Rogers, Thomas Forrest, R. Johnston, J. Fitzgerald, 657. J. Reine, 137. F. Hogan, J. Cowell, T. MaryEmmes, 674. Northampton Mason. J. R. B. Rodgers, M. for defence, 678. Several, 684. Turner, Surgeon, Alex. Stewart, Berks county-S. Carson, 687. 145. R. Murthwaite, Wvilliam J. Hicks, D. Sullivan, S. and D. Semple, 149. J. Stille, 150. Potts, 694. Of Captain Stephen Thomas Prudden, &c., in HospiDecatur, 699. Major Hamilton, tal, U. S., 153. N. Miller, C. C. Archibald, 708. H. Shrupp, Worts, 155. B. Young, Doctor 728. E. Fox, 729. J. Philip's Duffield, 157. M. Maus, 159. wife, a soldier for clothing —sup- Mrs. S. Trickett, 161. W. Peeland, plied, 735. Capt. Hart, 737. C. George Clift, 162. Asheton Koon, Mary Harding, 740. John Humphreys, J. Wallace, Sarah Deans, 743. Mich'l Parker, Andw. Kennedy, 166. G. Wilson, 169. Allen, 745. Not granted, 746. D. Sullivan, 172. M. Jenkins, Eliz. Stoops, Maj. Lewis, 747. W. J. Elderston, 175. M. McCausWilliamson, S. Collins, A. Hum- land, 178, 179. D. Reeder, J. phreys, 762. J. Conner, F. Ober- Hill, W. Benezet, 181. J. Egg, lin, 755. J. Patton and B. Davis, Negro Violet, 185. P. Fritz, H. Jr., 759. Of Capt. Hart against Barnhold, S. Thompson, M. ConCol. H., 762.' Mons. Massonnare, rad, 187. J. Heiner, 195. W. S. Rooks, 767. S. York, E. Over- Smith, G. Pancake, 196. J. holtz, P. Iserlo, M. Brown, Jno. Stevenson and N. Nicholson, R. Miller, M. Winstanley, 773. T. White, 202. S. Whitebread, E. Murphy, J. Parr and W. Gray, Sower, 209. John Bollen, 213. 777. H. Wolfe, P. McConnell, 214. N. Miller, J. Green, Jr., G. A. G. Haines, 218. J. McCullough, Baker, xiii., 4, 5. EB. Wade, 221. P. Frick, W. Hoofman, A. Wmn. Angelo, 17. E. Mooney, B. Gibson, 223. Northampton Taxes Sonmans, James Packer, for Thos. and Militia fines, C. Dorsey, B. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 267 etitions — PetitionsShoemaker, M. Knight, W. Green, H. Baker, A. Castner, 499. B 245. J. Hale, 243. Cap. J. Wilson, Knouse, A. Helme, J. Bowman, M. Young, 248. H. Spering, F. R. Haumer, G. Davis, M. Iseet, Sneider, L. Kale, M. Nichols, 253. 501. J. Boyd, M. Urner, S. A. McClean, Sol. Moses Cohen, Longacre, G. Levering, Colonel Israel Campbell, John Hood, 254. Coates, J. Loder, R. Wells, 503. B. Robinson, Dr. Edmiston, 263. M. Stackhouse, J. Wood, 505. S. Lindley, S. Ingliss, 271. M. M. Hartsbock, 508. Joseph Beck, R. McCawley, 273. J. Roberts, J. Tyson, E. Dyer, 511. Hildeburn, T. Allison, 277. H. Martin, C. Weaver, J. and B. Gideon Walker, 280. From Phil- S. Judah, A. Allen, J. Livergood, adelphia, relating to Sugar seized, Jr., S. and J. McCullloh, 513. M. 282, 283. Of R. Haines, and S. Eddy, Christopher Painter, N. Miles, 293. Jane Bartram, J. Low, D. Norman, Israel Doan, Taylor, S. P. Moore. M. Jenkins, W. Moland, C. Bittenhousen, D. N. Young, 294, 295. Fifth Batta- Adams, L. Spring, J. Moyes, 517. lion, 298. C. McAfee, S. Walsh, F. Buzzard, T. Christwell, J. R. Hartshorne, M. Mann, 300. Moyer, T. Barnes, Jr., W. NuColors taken from Hessians, 301. gent, T. Canby, Alexander Power, Geo. Thomson, A. Humphreys, 521. J. Cuyler, S. Massey, Sev302. H. Geiger, M. C. Hartman, eral persons, J. Merckley, 523. 310. L. Bailey, 314. C. Wer- T. McCloud, 525. P. Helick, J. keiser, A. Carpenter, 319. G. Evans, J. Dorset, L. Subzey, M. Gensil, 324. J. Mitchel, 330. Freeman, H. Ritchie, 527. E. M. Pickles, T. Periam, William Forman, J. Dorset, J. Prescot, J. Ford, &c., M. McKonky, C. Mus- Fisher, M. York, 529. Negro selman, 337. E. Stevenson, and Took, R. Skinner, E. Botner, 531. M. Shannon, 338. Captain John Benjamin Poultney, William Gensill, 356. E. Tracey, N. Boy- Bennet and Wife, H. McGaskey, ling, J. Downing, G. Wall, Jr., Thomas Clayton, H. Dickson and C. Campbell, 360. T. Haney, J. Leary, Jr., B. Bowman, J. Various persons, J. Britain, 368. Peck, J. Meyers, M. Meyers, A. Merchants of Philadelphia'on Meyers, Joseph Roberts, 535. S. absconding Merchants, 370. A. Porter, H. McCahan, Ann Hart, Martin, Lancaster, P. Godshall, J. Vanderen, &c., 539. C. Van George Weidell, 383. J. Jeffries, Phul, C. Waltz, S. Porter, A. 411. F. Mourer and P. Klein, Hodge, Jr., A. and W. Chapman, John Fishel, F. Hutchinson, P. &c., 543. M. Irvin, J. Carson, Newcomer, 432. D. Hoge, J. Thos. Irvine, G. Dalley, Captain Annan, F. McCawley and E. D. Brodhead, Jr., D. Norman, R. Briddle, J. Shaw, J. Harkins, J. Shoemaker, &c., J. Mather, J. Fell, and J. Johnston, 439. A. Riddle, D. Pastorius, &c., 545. Humphreys, 444. Ed. Stiles, J. M. Urner, T. Cheney, 546. B. Johnston, G. Grover, Captain J. Norris, F. Lewis, Jr., and M. M. Lees, Thomas Stites, 449. Widow O'Brian, J. Leary and M. York, Hartman, William Tanner and 549. J. Richardson, &c., 551. A. Wife, 451. J. Thompson, N. McGreggor, W. Frizby and Winm. Cline, G. Bough, 453. C. Stoever, Potts, H. Driver, E. Coxwell, 454. S. Bonsal, J. Heater, F. 553. A. Barr, 559; W. Layland, Stokely and John Boyd, Colonel 556. M. Hillegas, 571. Ward John Huber, &c., M. Miller, 461. Spooner, 572. F. Wade, J. DuL. Barnett, 474. N. Sharkey, rant, 572. J. Snyder, 584. T. 476. J. A. De Normandy, A. Hill, J. Keane, 589. J. Briggs, Shinnard, 479. N. Forsyth, Sieur A. Mideoff, 590. Of Merchants, Fermier, 481. H. Wynkoop, &c., on price of Salt, 593. T. 486. A. Holmes, 497. J. Jeanes, Ward, William Green, Samuel 268 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Petitions- PetitionsBurrows, 595. Luenze and Mul- 171. N. Bulrick, A. McIlwaine, let, David Jackson, 597. Thomas 173. James Stewart, 175. T. Norton, J. Harvey, Inhabitants McCullomls, Robert Hannah, Anof Southwark, 626. J. O'Neal, drew Jack, M. Ryan, 179. T. 634. Geo. Binckes, 639. G. Wall and A. Carson, 183. J. WVrightman, 642. Thomas Duval, Lesher, 184. J. Bottomly 198. 666. D. Hillyer and J. Johnston, B. Norris, 201. Ephraim Pen669. E. Allen, J. Wedburn, nington, Jno. Griffey, 203.'J. Thomas Green, XV. Nugent, 673. Jacobs, A. Characher, 205. EdDavid Welgar, 675. J. Jacks, C. ward Cunnard, Daniel Williams, Nell, 681. J. P. De Haas, 727. 208. N. Loomis, 225. Luke M. Brattelli, 735. D. Clymer, J. Keating, Jno. Carrel, 227. E. Foster and J. Kelly, 735. N. Morgan, 229. M. Lukens, H. Lloyd, 741. C. Wilstack, B. Horn-Washington county, 235. Fuller, M. Brattelli, 743. J. R. Colton, 239. S. Kerrigan, J. Caldwell, John Butler, Colonel Benson, James Brown and B. F. Murray, 745. Godfrey Diff- Gregory, T. Knight, 243. From endoffer, &c., 747. A. Fund, 753. Lancaster, 255. G. Davis, Wm. Officers Pennsylvania Line, 753. Conner, 262. J. Glauss, J. HamOf J. Bcehm, J. Patton, D. Lenox, mersley, 263. A. Le Blanc, J. 755. J. Adair, 762. Pennsyl- Monk, J. Kane, 265. T. A. Mount, vania Line, Memorial from De M. Moore, 267. Washington Marcelin and Le Roy, two French- county, 275. M. Standley, J. men in service, 764. J. Thomp- Morgan, P. Fowler, 277. J. Vanson, 771. W. Pilmer, J. White, derslice, H. McDowell, Ann Fos773. ter, 279. From Montgomery co., Wm. Nugent, A. Ruff, xiv., 9. from Germantown, William CavC. Wilstack, 11. J. Keitby, J. enaugh, 283, 287. J. Egolf, 284. Pennock, J. Thompson, 27. R. William Henry (Philadelphia), Anderson, 29. W. McMeen, T. 291, 309. J. Chandler, 307. R. Charles, 31. M. Slough, 33. D. Hackett, 314. Mary Monroe, &c., Pettet, 36. William Perkins, 41. 316. M. Barnet, 323. Peter A. French, 43. J. Dorvil, An- Hosterman, 325. WV. Stringer, drew Carson, 49. William Trick- H. Doran, 327. Robert Kennedy, ett, George Davis, W. Conner, 348. S. Burroughs, 357. J. Van M. Stein, 50. H. Schitz, S. Clin- Vleck, F. Banseman, H. McDowdell, 59. E. Milnes C. Darragh, ell, A. Carlisle, 363. WVm. CrisWilliam Pollard, A. Carson, 69. pin, J. Gregg, J. Snodgrass, 364. Inhabitants of Philadelphia co., R. Rodgers, M. Sharp, 270. Of 75. Peter Schneider, 76. Negro George Elder, 375, E. McKenzie, Thomas, Fisher and Roberts, 77. Jane Barker, 378. J. Rakestraw, J. Shrieve, 104. T. Murphy and 380. Captain J. Lang, 382. M. Jno. Chandler, M. Curral, Thomas Barker, 383. J. Mlease, 393. J. Green, J. Bailey, negro Cato, 109. Livergood, J. Bestor, 405. Lewis Henry Bailey, George McGuire, Weiss, Lewis Farmer, 441. C. 119. S. Kerrigan from WVest- Champaign, 455. City lots, 456. moreland, 137. J. Kelly, W. James Moore, 462. B. Grest, C. Whitebread, J. Langay, 141. C. J. De Longschamp, J. Neagle, and C. Malnshall, 149. M. Mc- 467. T. Moore, 470. Captain Guire, 151. A. Jack, 153. A. Robinson, L. Lenox, of Fisher Ruff, 156. Lieut.-Colonel James and Roberts, 492. J. McDowell, Moore, 159. T. Smith, M. Mc- M. Dawson, 500. J. Pleini, &c., Nally, Jno. Spalding, 160. Massa- E. Burgess, 509. W. Stringer, chusetts Bay, 162. P. Weis, R. Moore, 511. B. Brannan, J. Kean, 165. B. O'Neal, M. Thomas WVall, 513, 522. George Barnard, T. Pentlin, E. Milne, Deeks, 517. J. Hatchcock,'T. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 269 etitions — PetitionsMarmee & Co., 521. J. Manley, Wyoming, 79. J. Miller, 81 525. W. and E. Huggins, J. Mel- George Davis, 82. Earl of Shelchior, J. Maddox, &c., L. Hol- burne, E. Fox, Abraham Shoelingsworth, 550. E. and M. Wil- maker, 88. Eph. Douglass, 122. son, 554. W. Jack, D. Clayton, Edward Milne, 123. Of Joseph 563. G. McCrea, 567. M. Spence, Thomas, 127. P. Dowsett, 131. 573. B. Kreemer, 577. Favor J. Bond and son, 135. J. RobinMatthias Aspden, 578. J. Simson, son and C. Hurst, T. Rogan, 136, 579. J. Potts, 580. J. Smith, M. J. Lindsay, W. Henderson, &c., McKenzie and Hugh Jones, 581. inhabitants of Bethlehem. 141. Of clerical and lay deputies of M. Bennett, 143. B. Davis, 160. Episcopal church on succession,- T. Hutchins, 168. C. Howell, William Parsons, 585. L. Keat- 168. Hugh Neely, 175. Thos. ing, 586. Longschamp, 589. J. Gordon, 177. J..McGee, B. McClelland, R. Patterson, Eliza- Smith, A. Greble, John Elder, R. beth Wilson, 591. G. Schlosser, Stephenson, 178. Chester county L. Ross, 591. W. Pollard, 601. election, 182. J. Duffey, J. Steen, G. Glentworth and R. IIarris, 183. D. Neiss, J. Hughes, 191. Charles and H. Read, 617. Phila- Capt. R. Coleman, Charles Syng, delphia —Chester county, 619. Commissioners of Montgomery Eliz. Elliott, 620. Thomas Doug- county, 193. F. Wade, P. Smith, lass,.621. J. Pettigrew, 622. H. Higgins, J. Patton, J. Bayard, M. Aspden, 625. P. Kenney, E. 195. Wm. Rees, R. Fawcett, J. Burd, T. Wilkinson, Jane Gard- McGee, 202. Officers of Philaclelner, 629. Charles Smith, M. phia, 205. J. Rheiner, Geo. W. Joiner, E. Wright, 631. J. Du- Steinhauer, R. Fawcett and J. rant, F. Wade, 633. J. Lang, McGee, 209. A. Andaully, Mary Colonel T. Nichols, 6.35. W. Landell, R. Wells, John Clifford, Callahan —negroes of Philadel- 215. B. Edgeworth, Jonas Philphia for a fence, 637. Deed J. lips, 216, 217. J. Dryerrig. J. Sanse, Dr. J. Hutchinson, 653. Knight, W. Pettit, 221. Peter Le G. Garnick, 654. R. Ellis, J. Barbier Duplessis, 222. P. Le Barnes, WV. Swartz, 657. Winm. Barbier Duplessis not published, Rice, 665, 666. William Pollard, 222. R. Newton, Thomas ConGotlieb Moise, 669. narroe, J. Woods, Indian interM. Aspden, xv., 4. J. Taylor, preter, 228, 229. Daniel Hoff6. Robert Biggs, J. Kinkaldy, man, Jr. and Jacob H., It. NewThomas Smith, 5. W. Bond, F. ton, 230. T. McCrum, Jno. Lewis, Welt, 7. Dauphin county court T. Wigley, John Edgeworth, Jno. house, 14. B. Edgsworth, 16. J. Collins, 246. M. Slough, 250. Cornall, 24. Jno. Potts, 25, 26. Thomas Wright, J. Anderson, Bedford county, J. Levering, 26. Jno. Lewis, C. Young, 255. R. J. Kelly, Alexander Carlisle, 33. Somers, 259. M. Ahanger, A. William Baker, 34. Hudson Hoak, Godfrey King, Edward Springer, 36. Malcolm McDonald Pickering, B. Pittfield, 261. J. for Jeremiah Taylor, 38. E. A. Edgeworth, T. Gardner, A. Hoki, Smith, 41. Jno. Funk, R. How, G. King, 263. Of Northampton Jno. Elliott, 44. M. Conner, 49, county, 265. Militia, 265. J. 51. Geo. Sturmfels, 51. E. Me- on, J. Bell, 267. Sol. Vicar, J. Talbot, 56. H. Hubbs, Hayes, 274. A. Moore, John R. Young, 60. Win. Barton, 66. Mears, 282. Alien, duty not Of B. Davies, Jno. Penn, &c., taken-paid, 283. R. Adams, M. 63, 68. T. Cuthbert, &c., H. Phcenix, T. Lee, 2S5. Jno. Logan, Revers, 69. E. Armstrong, I. and B. Edgeworth, 290, 299. David J. Vernon, 71. D. Lenox, E. Jones, 299.. J. Jones, 302. D. Kenan, &O., 74. Late settlers at Hunter, 305. H. Martin, J. Har 270 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Petitions- Petitionsgrave, 307. J. Skinner, Christ. Boyd, E. Elliott, T. Matlack, &c., Schreffler, 323, 324. H. Augh- 429, 430. R. Peters, H. R. Taylerbaugh, J. Witherspoon, Cum- lor, &c., claims, 430. J. Lawson, berland county, 325. Thomas 431. J. Elder, J. Logan, 432, Gordon, Chester county and Cum- 433. M. Fisher, &c., G. Fellker, berland county, 327. J. Irvin, A. Cuthbert, M. Jenkins, 439. J. 329. C. Eddy, 330. Court room Penn and J. P., jr., J. Egg, 441. repairs, J. Wink, N. Falconer, P. Thompson, J. Reynolds, 442. 337. N. Chalfant, 337. J. Mines, Turnbull, M. & Co., M. Conner, 342. William Alexander, 343. 445. J. Armor, 445. H. Fisch, R. Wells and Clifford, J. Hatfield, 447. W. Cole, 449. J. Chesnut, C. Hall, T. Lloyd, 344. T. Rey- 451. George Eversew, E. Allen, nolds and R. Skinner, D. Rich- M. O'Brien, R. Heney, 453. John ey, George McLaughlin, John Hazlewood, 453. D. Fogg, J. Brannon, 347. John Rinn, 350. O'Bryan, fR. Crossley, J. DonaJ. Taylor, G. Watts, P. Cook, J. hue, 463. T. Carmichael, T. Sunkles, Joseph Perkins, 357. Bagley, 464. Removal of J. ReyM. Owen, J. Morris. Lieut. Bulk- nolds, jailor, 469. Dr. Andrew ly for William Beatty, 365. E. Ladlie, 471. T. Jennings, M. Ross, M.. Owens, 367. C. Paleske, Shoemaker, J. Dugan, 475. P. 371. J. Conrad Matsch, J. Letts, Nagle, 475, 476. D. Brunner, James Jackson, 373. Merchants 481. J. Berriman, &c., 482. A. of Philadelphia, 375. From Berks Goldsmith, 484. J. Bowman, J. county, 376. William Eckhart, McLaughlin, T. Wigley, E. Emery, M. Moyer, T. Tate, Eleanor Arm- 486. J. Garden from several perstrong, 378. J. Moore, 381, 382. sons respecting Colonel Oswald, William Moland, Andrew Lytle, 494. Abraham and Levi Doan, 382. A. Bety, 384. S. Coutty J. Baird, 497. John Douglass, and S. Lehman, gunsmiths, 384. H. Winkler, &c., 499. Joseph J. B. Knox, Cato Forster, R. Dow- Banks, M. Dukey, 503. E. Emdie, R.'Smither, 386. J. Mun- cry, A. Elmeor, J. Hyde, Jno. tzger, Cad. Evans, J. Humphreys, Weikart, 509. Lancaster, PhilaJ. Rock, W. White, T. Wardell, delphia, 515. Berks county, A. W. Courtney, 390. J. Match, J. Shaw, H. Dickey, R. Riffitts, Egg, M. Fisher, T. Hurst, Charles 523. N. L., Philadelphia, 532. Hurst, E. Blaine, Jona. Thomp- J. Eckley, T. Kennedy, P. Juner, son, William Harris, L. Harris, 535. Huntingdon, 536. J. Slough, &c., heirs, &c., N. Young, 399. J. Livergood, 539. W. McHenry, D. Shutz, Bedford and Neville, A. Barr, J. Hoover, 541. Win. 401. J. Thompson, F. Fast, M. Barton, Jno. Redman, T. Fowler, Baker, L. McNeal, 403. James 543. Ann Atkinson, Yorktown, Cunningham and T. Stokely for J. Match, 549. Montgomery co., pay, 405. J. Knight, S. Steward, 551. J. Glen, Berks county, 558. J. Chapman, M. Polly, W. Smith, H. Grim, 561. Hugh Patton, 562. Berks county, C. Eyler, 407. J. William Hill, 567. T. Shaffer, Elliott, P. Forsythe, P. Savakee, 581. O. Paul, R. Gibbs, Amos 409. H. Burney, P. Ely, William Watson, 587. N. Field, J. QuigRoberts, &c., 413. T. Gordon, T. ley, 606. S. Hulings, W. AlexWilliams, Berks county militia, ander, &c., 609. Lancaster co., J. Rheiner, 415, 423. Quakers of N. Seitzinger, S. Jenkins, &c., Chester county, P. Kitchen, 418. A. Fox, 611. John Hudson, variJ. Manderfeldt, J. McAlpine, P. ous prisoners in jail referred, Douglass, J. Reynolds, T. Armor, Northampton county, 613. R. N. Liberties, F. Fultz, J. Price and Gibbs, 614. J. Fureman, Thos. B. Humphreys, 425. H. Mc- Keys, D. McFarlane, M. Sharp, Cutcheon, G. Cooper, 426. J. 617. F. Hudson, 618, 619. L. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 271 Petitions- PetitionsGloss, E. Withington, 641, 643. H. McDowell, T. Combes, D. SulJ. Stackhouse, J. Pursell, 645. livan, 191. T. Wright, 193. B. S. Jones, &c., 652. William Hay, Vanheer, 195. W. Kintzler, 196. 654. J. Archibald, 200. J. McPherson, Isaac Franks, xvi., 1. E. Glass, A. French, Thomas McCartney, 2. J. Jenkins, 5. Jacob Hugely, J. Simpson, 211. D. English, 6. Brown and Shortall, Vq. Mec- 214. Repairs of State House, Cormick and T. Jones, W. A. 215. J. Logan, B. Miller, 2112. Patterson, 9. Colonel C. Febi- B. Miller, George Harple, J. Loveger, 10. B. Williams, N. Yanett,' ly, 2132. A. Neilly, F. Wing, 12. William Jones and John Northampton county, 215'. SetTate, William Price, M. Blair, H. tlers on dry land, 2172. S. ShanReam, 19. J. Doran, B. Jacobs, non, 2212. Arthur French, T. 23. D. Yoder, &c., 30. WVm. McCartney, 2112. J. McCoy, Sutherland, 34. G. Everson, Thomas Robinson, J. Faulkner, Mary Nees, 45. J. McPherson, J. Hamilton, 2232. J. Smith, J. G. Ingram, 55. J. Miller, 61. Wilson, R. Campbell, M. Jefferies, Matthias Hollapeter, 62. Joshua 225. J. Lockhart, A. Foulke, Elder, 67. M. Lukens, 69. P. 231. J. Bowling, S. Shewell, J. Quinn, 71. F. Renkhart, 73. E. Logan, C. Kunius, M. Williams, Mooney, 75. G. Burford, B. 233. W. Goggan, D. Morrison, Morgan, Enoch Supplee, 76. S. 237. F. Clow, 241. A. Cusick, Garrigues and E. Pole, Elisha 254. James Brown, E. RobinMills, B. Smith, Pat. Queen, J. son, 259. J. Williams, L. Billew, McGill, Joseph Rogers, C. Kalker- 260. XV. Davis, Thomas McCalson, J. Countryman, 79. G. In- vey, 267. P. Erlery, W. Nichols, gram and wife, J. Schulz, P. Bell, 269. J. Smith, 270. A. Thomas, 85. J. Brigs, Ann Woodby, P. 273. From Dauphin county, 274. Jack and J. Henry, 91. B. Ja- J. Lowry, 277.'J. Cesna, 280. cobs, J. Stark, University, J. C. Tantlinger, J. Plowman, 282. Logue, P. Cleare, 93. Captains J. Hagey, 284. Clement Biddle, McCurdy and Ferguson, 95. T. 287. John Wright, J. Moore, E. Kelly,'B. Oldwine, 99. J. Ryan, Williams, Walter Hood, 291. R. &c., W. Holton, &c.; 1H. Wall, J. Thompson, W. Purdy, 294. John Hunous, 104. L. Lesher, A. Rankin, 297. M. Reib, J. Bryce, Cagle, J. P. De Haas, R. Cunard, G. Logan, 299. J. Hunter, 301. 107. W. Lloyd, T. Gregory, H. John MeGarvey, M. Stanup, 303. Wells, 111. J. Coburne, A. J. Simpson, 305. H. Hoover, A. French, 112, 120. J. Thompson, Moore, 306. William Butler, B. 116. T. McCarty, Crousillat and Carr, A. Premier, 309. H. Groom, Oliver, E. Bayona, G. Benedict, Sarah Brown and B. Ferguson, 121. Washington county, 124. 310. Thomas Morgan, J. Thorn, P. Shaw, J. Mullen, 132. Judge 312. M. Biles, B. Peters, 322. of Quarter Sessions, 133. J. John Weitzle from Carlisle, 328. Whitehill, S. Pauboul, J. Burn- P. Forepaugh, 329. Favor Mrs. side, S. Shannon, 137. Bedford, C. Thompson, 341. T. Black, E. 143. John Irwin, J. Armstrong, Brown, 348. Of Cornplanter and 144. D. Leet, G. Burford, 147. other Indian chiefs, 353. D. Mary Adams, J. Campbell, 155. Dean, J. Galoway for a pardon G. Ebert, E. Baker, 157. J. Dew- (not granted), 363. SamuelHenberry, Ch. Jones, D. Fennel, 162. ry, J. Shaw, 365. M. Morgan ThomasCampbell, 176. R. Wall, O'Brien, 367, 393. E. Gorrecht, S. Burk, 165. A. Keebner, C. 367. T. Green, 369. C. Rowand, Miller, S. Goodman, 167. R. 371. J. Bowers, 374. J. RobinLollar, 169. W. Long, 170. W. son, J. Johnson, 379. J. MaxCoats, J. Potts, 179. E. Anthony, well, 380. J. Barent, 383. W. 272 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Petitious — accounts with United States, xvi., Hudson, J. Austin, 387. J. 387, 411. Letter from, 540. ResoSmith, Edward Taylor, H. Hewes, lutions in favor of, 545. 388. R. Paisley, 391. J. Mid- Petty, John, from Shamokin, iii., dleton, E. Mullery, 393. Laur. 333, 344. Penington, William Nelson, 395. Pextang, proposed by Indians as a Chr. Fox, 397. George Isler, limit of settlement, iii., 274. In399. Leonard Lesher, M. Bough, dians live near, 501. Petition of 401. J. Dugan, William Hender- inhabitants about Fort Hunter, son, J. McLaughlin, 403. R. and vii., 724. H. Crosser, J. Cloyd, 405. H. Pharaoh, ship, a sickly vessel arWiley, P. Meyer, J. Shireberger, rives, iii., 294. 411. J. Rudolph, 413. Herpst Phelps, Oliver, Address from Inand Lex, 415. E. Byron, Mary dians and Wampum, xvi., 439. Cunningham, 417. A. Sheridan, Philadelphia City and County, SheP. Roberts, 419. R. Breek, 423. riffs of, i., 58, 170, 190, 195, 211, J. Bridges, J. Winnamore, 425. 368. Seal for, ordered-its deJ. Haga, J. Gorgas and P. Martin, vice, 66. Court fined by Council E. Eastburn, 427. William Kins- for deciding a case belonging to ler, 428. J. Berry, J. Ubell, 432. Bucks county, 76. Bill to double D. Leet, 439. S. Roney, 441. number of members in Council, D. Leet, M. Herrin, 448. A. 98. Prison in, 101. Sub-TreaCunningham, J. Rumble, Wm. surers appointed for, 111. CharBeatty, J. Willisby, 451. B. ter for, 117. Division line between Kentzler, J. Osburne, 452. T. Bucks, 126, 130. And Chester Thrope, 455. Captain A. Miller, county, 126. King James II. 455. F. Deimling, 457. C. proclaimed, 133. A watch to be Brandel, 463. T. Gregory, G. D. kept, 144, City lots, 154. NoMolk, William Hobbert, E. Moon- tice to be "set up at the gate," ey, 479. E.'Eyre, S. Finley, D. 157. A deputy Coroner appointDougherty, Thomas Shockney, J. ed, 159. Cage ordered to be Ryan, 481. J. Burket, D. Bick- built, 92. A man whipped at the ley, B. Miller, 483. Jas. Thomas, market place, 92. Families livJ. Cinle, 489. Robert Campbell, ing in caves to appear before 495. A. Brodie, P. Waugh, 497. Council, 160, 163, 199, 201. JusT. Wigton, W. Dean, 501. W. tices, 162, 176, 182, 320. Ranger Alexander, 510. Jesse Wilson, appointed, 165, 166. William 512. J. Greenwalt, J. Rock, J. Frampton petitions to remove B. Knox, G. Row, D. McCulloch, caves before his door, 167. Sheriff 519. P. Waugh, 497, 519. Thos. cannot act as attorney, 170. CounPaul, 522, 530. S. Coates, 522. cil adjourns to Quaker meetingW. Rosell, R. Peters' claim al- house, 178, 224, 226. Badness of lowed, 529. J. E. Jones, 534. road from Moyamensing complainJ. Carmichael, 538. W. Fulton, ed of, 189. Paper against amagis M. Boggs, 539. Dr. A. Ledlie, trate, 191. Road from, to Falls 542. P. Woods, 543. J. Brown, Delaware, 195. To Plymouth &c., 547. township, 200. Buoys to be Pettigrew, James, collector of excise, erected, 204, 205. Roads in, 205. resigns, xv., 581. James Claypoole dies-new memPettit, Charles, letter respecting W. ber for, 208. Road from Radnor Hartshorne, xi., 117. A. Q. M. to ferry at-also from Darby toGeneral, 709. A. Q. M. General, and shortest from centre of, to letter from, with draft, xii., 326, the Falls, 209, 251. Claypoole, 328, 330. Q. M. G., letter for John, appointed Sheriff, 211. wagons and clothing order, 246. Samuel Richardson member of Delegate Congress, xiv., 549. Council for, 213. Fair at centre Sent to New York in relation to of, petitioned for, 218. " Sub INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 273 hiladelphia — Philadelphiascribers of a contemptuous paper" paid, 445. Schuylkill ferry belongs relative to fair at Centre, sum- to Proprietary, 445. Petition to moned, 224. Proceedings, 224. have Water street thirty feet Day altered, because it interferes wide —to be surveyed and clearwith business of Council, 225. ed, and called King street, 446. An additional Fair, 226. Coro- Governor signs proclamation for ners, 228. A Bank proposed to encouraging Proprietor's ferry on be set up by R. Turner and others, Schuylkill, 445, 461. Arrival of 236. Boundary between, and Indians, 447. Removal of clerk Chester, 263, 265, 266, 267. of market, 461. Amount of reWharf at Chestnut street, asked venue from one penny tax, 462. for, 267. Disputed election, ac- Petition for securing gunpowder, count of Welsh votes from Ches- and providing ladders and leather ter county, 268. Road from, to buckets, 478. Against disorders Bucks county, 298. Penn's ad- -and tanned leather, 478. A vice to Council respecting, 316. watch to be stationed at Cape Asks, Council to build him a Henlopen-alarm of French fleet, house in the city upon his lot, 479. Road from Dunk's by 317, 328.: Hogs not to run at Kings' road to, 498. From Benlarge, 327. Bridge prayed for, jamin Chambers, or lower ferry to be built over, and a wharf on Schuylkill to, 498. Petitions made against Mulberry street, for various roads to, 498, 502. 330.. Indians visit, 340. William Act for preventing fires, 508. Markham refuses to deliver up Sale of Richard Keys house authoSeal' and Records, 342, 343. rized, 511. Case of John Crapp, Watch to be strengthened, 342. a surgeon, 512. Petition of merJustices, 343, 371. President to chants on fees of Naval Officer, provide a seal for, 344. Governor 513. Thomas Curtis appointed Fletcher arrives, and is proclaim- clerk of market and corder of ed, 364. Number of Represen- wood, 515. Growth of vice in, tatives for, 366. Ferry at Schuyl- 528. Ordinaries too numerous, kill, 368. Indians visit to Gover- 528. Proclamation against, 530. nor, and conference, 372-3. New Petitions of William Southbee laws to be published in market and others, 531. New meetingplace, 376. Place for a market house on High street. Petition to be determined, 377, 388.: Re- of Quakers for a school for poor gulations of markets, 377, 382. children, 531. Charter for, 532. After New York custom, 377. John Bewley appointed Collector Road from Cheltenham to, 379, of Customs, 534. Matthew Birch, 384, 387. William Powel inter- Surveyor and Searcher, 535. feres with Schuylkill ferry, 380, Road from lime kiln, 536. Jus381..Presentment by Grand tices of County Court, answer Jury against conduct of negroes about seized goods, 543. New in, 380. Want of a water-way commission to Governor Markbetween Walnut and Chestnut, ham published at "Market along Front, presented by Grand place," 546. Bill for regulating Jury, 381, 382. Appeal of J. water-courses, 552. Office of Fabricius, pastor of Swedish Probate of Wills only at, 555. Church to Council, on account of Fair at Centre a nuisance, 555. poverty, 386. Roads to, 396, Levelling streets, 351. Com389. Place of market fixed- plaints against bakers for size of regulations, 391-2. Petition bread-assize, 576. Tobacco cutagainst French traders, 436. ters regulated, 576. Person apClerk of market complained of, pointed to "go round the town 442, 443, 444. John White, with a small bell in the night sheriff, dead-rent of jail to be time, to give notice of the time 18 2 74 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Philadelphia- Philadelphiaof night and weather, &c.," 581. Governor claims a fourth part of, Keepers of Schuylkill ferry not to 42. Shawnese Indians come to transport passengers " after day- take leave of Governor, 46. Pelight is shut in," 581. Markets tition to remove Burdens of Trade, regulated, 582. William South- 53. Charter for, submitted and bee, clerk, 582. Jail to be re- read, 53. Signed, 61. "Road and moved to Third street-how broken bridge leading out of the money is to be raised, 583. Pro- north end of the town," 63, 64, perty of John Sanders, deceased, 65. Commissioners appointed, to be sold, 584. Firing of guns 65. Governor Mill, 64, 65. Taxes frightens Indians and women, not collected-Thomas Farmer and children-to be stopped, 586. and William Tongue collectors, Roads from, to be cleared of 66. Version of the charter as aptrees, &c., to Falls of Delaware, plied to Justices, 67. Princess 587. Road to Pennepac Mills, Ann of Denmark proclaimed 587. Griffith Jones' bank lots Queen of England, 70. Provinover against Blue Anchor, 588. cial Court Judges ask how I"beneLands estimated by distance fit of clergy" is to be adminisfrom, 600. More tobacco than tered, 87. Call of a special Court could be shipped, 610. of General Gaol delivery, 86. Overseers of the poor out of Provincial Court —Attorney-Genpocket, ii., 9, 10. Complaint eral absent-Judges may adminisabout bank lot in Front street ter "'benefit of clergy," 87. John "' before the Blue Anchor —Henry Bewly, Collector of Customs, 95, Elfreth's house stopped, 9, 10, 19, 96. Thomas Farmer, High Sher54. Public landing at Blue An- iff, resigns - Jno. Finney apchor, 54. The reason for settling pointed, 97. Dedimus to Robert the city here, 10, D. Lloyd to Asheton, 97. Prisoners to be disproduce the papers respecting charged from gaol, 102. PenteBlue Anchor, 10. Young man cost Teague, Coroner-expenses killed by negro Jack, 11. Blue of a drowned man not paid, 102. Anchor, 12, 14. Strangers to Court fees do not pay expenses, have passes, and to be reported 102. Survey on goods, 103. by inn-keepers, 13. S. Carpen- Man to be whipped at the "bell of ter's proposal to settle claims for the city," remitted, 103. AnBlue Anchor landing, 19, 39. thony Morris elected Mayor of, Case of witchcraft, 20. Wharf and makes promise of fidelity to at end of High street broken Queen, 104. Wm. Lee, Coroner, down and complained of, 23. 108. Governor John Evans arCommissioners appointed to regu- rives-proclaimed at "market late water courses, 23. Report, place," 115. Commission to 24. Tax for,, 25. Sheriffs, 21, Council read, 115. "Bull's 25. Taxes, payment of, refilsed, Head," 134. Indians visit, to 25. Assembly to meet in Whit- trade, 140, 141. Militia duty expain's great front room, 26. empts from watching, &c., 151. Claim of W. Clayton for building Bills to confirm charter proposed, cage in, 26. A "Say Master" 153. Indian Harry's brother arproposed to attend to packing rives, 155. An Indian chief artobacco, 26. Proposed regula- rives at, 159. Justices of County tions to prevent coin going to E. Court commissioned, 159. Tax Jersey for cattle, 27. Markets, Collector —remonstrance against 27. Slaughter houses in city to enlistments, licenses, &c., 161. be forbidden, 27. Petition to As- Answer, 1 61. Griffith Jones electsembly, 37, 39. Privileges asked ed Mayor, 162, 163. Great disorfor, of the proprietary, 38, 39. ders in-proclamation, 162. CoroPennypot landing confirmed, 39. ner, 163. A great fray in the city, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 2 75 Philadelphia — PhiladelphiaMayor, &c. charged with being Tax Collector, 391. Sheriff, 397, concerned in it, 171. Not guilty, 406. Severe and singular pun171. Governor and Assembly- ishment of slaves by way of corndifference as to people's right to promise, 406. Complaint against choose Sheriff, 178. Two candi- Sheriff, 406. Petition of Mayor, dates, Wright and Budd, nomi- &c., on tax of Id. to build bridges nated, 177. Proclamation of rates and a Court house, 406. Case of of foreign coins, 179. Address of action of trover and conversion, Mayor, complaining that county 407. Mayor and Recorder appear Justices interfere, 180. Indians before Council, relative to levy of arrive, 183. Indian chief Manan- taxes for bridges and a court gy, on Schuylkill, arrives, 191. house-city claim right to assess Tax Collectors, 197. Road to for their own purposes, 407. PeGoshen, 111, 189. Proceedings tition of Mayor, &c., respecting on act of Mayor, &c., respecting raising funds for Court house, night watches —considered as &c., 410. Address of merchants clashing with Governor's procla- to Lord Cornbury on French primation on militia and exempts, vateers, 411. Captain Charles 159, 161, 204, 205. Disputed Gookin arrives as Governor, 427. election of Sheriff, 205. Christ Mayor to publish proclamation of Church vestry to be informed of Colonels Vetch and Nicholson on proposed bill to alienate lands, Canada expedition, 451. General 222. Petition for rates of money, embargoto be laid, 451. Advised 222, 223, 224. Sheriff to collect to protect against privateers, 451. tax, 233. Benj. Wright declines, Inhabitants not to serve on in233. John Moore, Collector, seizes quests, complain, 455. Complaint a Boston vessel for want of certi- against holding several offices at ficate, 240. Citizens to give ac- same time, 456. Complaint count of what arms they have to against T. McMara, a lawyer, 457. Committee appointed by Council, Embargo removed, 467. Taxes, 241. Frenchprivateers, 241. D)e- 468, 478. Various tribes of Infensive measures proposed, 241. dians at, 469. Swedish minister Arrival of Indian chiefs, Conesto- attacks B. Chambers, 477, 478. goes, Shawnese and Ganawese, James Logan to be committed to 244. Cost of treaty with Cones- jail, 507. Governor's order to togoes at, 248. False alarm in, Sheriff to protect him, 508. In250. Fortifications spoken of as dians at, 516. Act for regulating too costly, and postponed, 250. property in, 528. Acts, various, Powers of magistrates not relating to, passed and published abridged, 254. Opinions of law- at thie Court house, 529. Indians yers on Courts for, 254. Anegro arrive on way to Canada, 537. slave from Jersey arrested, on Road from opposite Jno. Reading's suspicion of arson, 275. Right landing to, record of, 542, 549, to elect a double number for 561. Laws, 550. N. Pool's road, Sheriff-Jno. Budd and Henry 561, 562. Indians in, 565. A Flower elected, 296, 307. Records suspicious vessel to be seized and to be demanded from Pat. Robin- examined, 566. Given up, 567. son's jwidow, 297. John Fenny, Reputation of flour injured, 568. Sheriff, 297. Resigns, 298. Elec- Corporation to attend Council at tions asked by military, 358. publication of laws, 571. Indians Petition of merchants of, against arrive, 574. King George proabuses at New Castle by a fort, claimed at market place, 575. 379. Assembly's action on, 380- Mayor Hill gives a dinner, 575. 383. Indians sent for by M. Justices for the several Courts Chartiere, 390. Unseated lots appointed, 597. Indians arrive, and taxes, 391-2. Peter Evans, 599, 603, 606, 613. 276 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Philadelphia- PhiladelphiaWin. Keith arrives and is pro- tion of merchants against duty on claimed at Court house Governor rum, under proof, 247. Gov. of province, iii., 13. Justices Gordon arrives and is published commissioned, 28. Mayor and at Court house, 251. Justices, Recorder commissioned by Gov- 257. Robert Asheton invited to ernor, 28. Governor Spotswood this country by proprietary-his of Virginia in, 30. Owen Roberts, long service as Clerk, ProthonoSheriff-Enoch Story, Sheriff, 30, tary, Recorder, &c.-his duties and 69,. 140. Jonathan Dickinson, powers as Recorder, 258. Riots and Mayor, 31. Richard Walker, disorderly practices complained of Coroner, 31, 56, 169. Indian by Governor —pillory and stocks chiefs arrive at, and have a con- burned down in the "I open' marference, 45. Justices, 50. Peti- ket place-proclamation, &c., 260, tion from inhabitants of Northern 261.' Owen Owen, Sheriff, and Liberties respecting land between, Joshua Fincher, Coroner, 260, and Whitsahickon mills, there 289. Assembly ask Governor to being no road, 50. Suspected protect them from the " rude pirates cognizable in Mayor's people of the city," 260. Indians Court, 63. Complaints against at, 273. Ferry to. Win. Cooper's vendue master for selling small and Gloucester-Governor objects quantities of shop goods, 91, 102. to an Act, the power'being proIndians at, 102. Court of Chan- prietary,. 277.: Number of Incery to be held at, 106,. Road to spectors of election, 278. King W]iccacoa, 106. Petition of B. George II. proclainmed, 282. PalViningrespecting, 107. Deferred, atines arrive from Holland, 282. 108. Prisoners under sentence Samuel Preston resigns as Jusof death at, 109. Road to Wic- tice, 282. Sickly vessels arrivecacoa described and confirmed, health regulations and physicians, 110. Hollander's creek —Hay 292, -294. Sir Wmin. Keith, a creek, 111. "A convenient road member of Assembly from, goes cannot be built between, and to England, 298. Governor and Chester, on account of "rocks some of Council leave for Conesand mountains," 111. Division togoe, 309. Large meeting of Infrom Chester county, 111. Ves- dians and inhabitants at the great sels from sickly ports to be ex- meeting house, 318. Owen Owen, amined by Patrick Baird, Sur- Sheriff, 332. Mench Davis, Corogeon, 112. Sheriffs and Coroners, ner, 332. Indians at, 333. Coun108, 140. Registers of, vessels, cil, 334. Rude treatment to As115. Difficulty about taxes for sembly complained of, 340. Rewant of dividing line between commendation of Council on, 340. Chester county and-decision of Governor's speech to Assembly on, Council about, 144-5, 158. A 342. Proclamation on riots in, mill erected at Horsham-road 351. Indian conference at, 361. a sked for, 158. Indians arrive Sheriffs and Coroners, 370. Exat, 163. Conference with, 163. amination of servants and passenFerry at end of High street, post- gers to be before Mayor of, 375. poned, already sufficient, 166. Win. Fishburn reported to be Wm. Asheton, Recorder, 172. robbed, as Treasurer, 387. No Road. to Swede's ford, 225. roads to Lancaster, 395. To be, Wrecked goods arrive from Cape 395. Petition of wardens of Christ May —proceedings respecting, 238, Church and Keithian meeting 239, 240. Ann Mitchell, under house, 394. Act against fire in, sentence of death, pardoned, 240. 396, 400. Trade with Sugar IsPetition against location of pow- lands, 401. Indian conference in, der house, referred to four mem- 404. Sheriffs, 416, 464, 520, 574. bers of Council, 242, 244. Peti- Coroners, 416, 464, 520, 574. In INDEX TO COLONI4L RECORDS. 277 Philadelphia — Philadelphiadians at, 425. Bridge over Cobb's speeches, 65-95. Charles Read, creek, 426, 428, 431. Small-pox clerk of Orphans' Court, diesprevails, 426, 428. Thomas Penn Thomas Hopkinson is appointed, arrives and is congratulated, 433. 151. Insolence of negroes in, Conference with Indians at, 435. 244. Road from Lancaster to, Indians attacked with small-pox 247, 495, 503. Proclamations die at, though no person beside ordered to be printed in, for was known to have it, 463. Jus- Maryland, 254. Road from John tices commissioned, 491. Buoys, Harris's to, 278. Governor Thom493. Indians arrive at, 500. as arrives and enters on his duties, Road from Lancaster laid out, 521. 288. Proclamation to be made, Justices, 531.'Evil effects and 289. Cost of flag to be raised on number of tippling places in, 534. Governor's arrival fronm Antigua, Road from Bucks county, 542. 304. Reports of Dr. Grinme on Proprietor complains of Romish sickly vessels, 306. Indians at, chapel or mass-house erected in 307, 312, 337. Petition from WValnut street, and declares that Mayor, &c., to Governor to raise religion contrary to the laws of money on citizens, 376-379. EdEngland, 546, 563. Petition for a ward Roberts is Mayor, 379. Bill new road to Wiccacoa, 547. John for raising -money, 384, 385. GovPenfi, eldest proprietary, arrives, ernor's message on, 385. Objects 569. Death of Governor's lady to it, 386. Pilots to be restrained mentioned, 574, 577. Conference from taking vessels up without with Indians at, 571. Road in license, 394. Proclamation against Northern Liberties to be reviewed, Spain read at Town-house, rejoicstone bridge, &c., 573. Alms- ings, &c., 396. Assembly's reahouse and provision for the poor, sons on bill for raising money 589, 590. Road to Macousie, from, 408. Governor's answerto, 591. Address from Mayor to Coun- 409. A man wounded by an Incil on claim of Maryland to the dian, sent to and placed under territories, 594. Conestoga and care of Dr. Gr2eme, 413. Messages Susquehanna Indians arrive at, to and from Governor and Assem598, 608; and conference, 60(8. blyon money bill, 414-420. CounSheriffs, 614. Coroner, 614. Re- cil with Indians in Quaker meetturn of road from Maquenusic to, ing-house, 432, 443-447. Justices, 617. Petition respecting Court of 482. Acts for vesting State House Chancery, history of, &c., 617. in trustees confirmed, 483. PetiAct proposed for providing for tion for roads, 495, 503. Resolusafe-keeping of public records in, tion respecting Drs. Grsme and iv., 11, 17, 21, 35, 483. Evans, Zachary as health officers, 496. Register Gen'l of Probate of Wills, Dispute between Assembly and 33. State House vested in trustees, Council as to appointment, 497-8. 46, 483. Petition against Court Cayuga Indians arrive, 500. Pest of Chancery, 35. Execution of house - discussion about, and two men, 47. Indian conference health office, &c., 507-559. Inin Philadelphia, 53. Trial of dians of Six Nations arrive and criminals in jail, 71. Indian con- hold conference about lands, &c., ference at, 79-85. Sheriffs elected, 559-583. -Names of Indians pre85, 247, 309, 352, 469, 500, 600, sent, 583-586. Famine andgreat 669, 748, 782. Coroners elected, distress among Senecas, 564. Sick 85, 247, 309, 352, 469, 500, 601, passengers arrive and are landed 669, 782.' Unusual number of at, 568. Council at, 569-586. Indians in, much disordered with Election riots in, 620-624.: Inliquor-public order against sup- dians at, 742. French privateers plying it, 86, 87. Treaty and pur- capture vessels, 749. Indians to chase of lands from Indians, and be tried by Supreme Court at, 751, 278 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Philadelphia — Philadelphia752. Division of County with Answers of Governors Clinton and Lancaster proposed, 756. Robert Shirley, 189, 198. Commanderof Strettell, Mayor, 762. Indians Cape Breton written to for cannon, from Shamokin arrive, 767. 203. Governor Clinton, 205. GovPoor-house and overseers, v., 30, ernor Shirley, 206. Ad. Knowles, 32. Sheriffs elected, 55, 1.20, 411, 207. For men-of-war, 207. Offi464, 561, 597, 662. Coroners elect- cers commissioned, 209, 247. Goved, 55, 120, 411, 464, 597, 662. ernor Clinton furnishes cannon, Road from Bristol laid out and con- 215, 216. Prisoners require profirmed, 59, 60, 61. Petition of visions, 232. Their arrival not N. Craft against, rejected, 61. approved of, 237. Prisoners to Council Chamber to be in State keep house after sunset, 238. House, 69. A French flag of truce Otter, man-of-war, John Ballet, arrives with prisoners and. free commander, arrives, 239. T. Penn negroes, 71, 74. Another flag of promises cannon when batteries truce arrives, 77. Proclamation are erected and militia law passed, respecting flags of truce and pilots 240. Captain Ballet meets Counto be read at Court House, 82. cil, 241. Entertained at Roberts' Spaniards design stealing a boat coffee-house, 243. T. Penn on in. harbor, 92. Road to New Cas- sickness about the dock, 244. Captie, 105, 121, 130. Captain Hus- ture of Captain Geo. Porteus, 245, ton recruits for Colonel Shirley's Council sits every morning at City regiment, 105. Vessel from Bar- Court-house, 246. Committee to badoes, with yellow fever, arrives consuLlt with Captain Ballet, 246. -ordered below, 104. Justices Batteries erected-Colonel Taylor elected, 106, 110. Orders of Pre- commands, 249. Disappointment sident to Captain Cox to remove in procuring Trembleur privateer, his vessel from, 106. Road to resolutions adopted by Council, New Castle, order respecting, 107. 250. Commission to Colonel TayComplaint against Captain Cox's lor, 251. Alarms from privateers ship, 107. Proclamation against, -embargo, &c., 245-260. Cap109. Drs. Graeme and Bond to tain Jones elected Colonel, 256. visit her, 109. Arrival of pala- Express sent to Lewes T., 257. tines, 113. Spanish prisoners Proceedings to fit out a privateer suffering in jail, 121. Pieces of at, 258, 260. Fears of Captain eight counterfeited by Jones and Randolph's ship at New Castle, Barnes, 119, 141. Indians from 260. Various depositions, 260Ohio arrive, 145. Conference with, 264. Captain Randolph's ship 146-151. Petition from merchants ordered up by Captain Ballet — to Assembly to put the city, &c., protest, &c., 264. Intelligencein a state of defence-a man-of- boat commissioned, 266. Captain war, &c. —association formed, &c., Sibbald to command batteries, 267. 158. Letter to proplietaries on Artillery company formed, 267. defenceless state of, 160. Batte- Powder house-order respecting ries formed, 161. Declaration of watch, &c., 268. Block-house at Council to, 168. Alarming state battery, 269. Recruits to be raised, of affairs, from sickness, war, &c., 269. Embargo removed, 274. 168. Proclamation for a fast day, Road to New Castle, 303. Letter 169. Attack from enemies ex- to proprietaries respecting, 320. pected, 169. Loan of cannon re- Officers appointed, 325. Proclaquested from Governors Clinton mation of treaty at Aix la Chaand Shirley, till those fronm Eng- pelle, &c., published at Courtland should arrive, 173; and house, 362. Gov. James Hamilton cruizers off capes, 174. Associa- arrives, and commissiol pubtors form companies and elect lished, 362. Proclamation of officers, 174. A list of them, 193. peace published, 381. Justices INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 2 79 Philadelphia- Philadelphiaappointed, 388. Indians arrive Letter of Governor calling for help and have conference, 388. Pro- against Indians, 710. French nenclamation against selling rum to trals, 711. Proceedings respectIndians in the city, 397. Indians ing, 713, 729. Large delegations arrive, 398. Bills for regulating from Chester and Berks coming to nightly watch, lighting streets, compel passage of certain laws, and raising money, 502, 505, 506, 729. Remonstrance of Mayor, &c., 512, 514, 619; and accidents by to Assembly, on militia bill and fire, 505, 514, 619. Hospital for means of defence, 734, 766. Arsick poor and lunatics proposed, tillery company, and officers in, 513, 516, 526, 619. A French 770r. Soldiers arrive from New vessel puts in, in distress, and is York, 773-775. allowed to refit, 528. Nanticoke Companies formed and ofliIndians arrive from Wyonien, cers elected, vii., 36, 40. French 543. Justices appointed, 572. neutrals, 15, 32, 44, 55, 58, John Penn, eldest son of Richard, 390. Indian conference, 46arrives and becomes member of 55, 64, 137, 144. Battery comCouncil, 606. Law respecting pany, 62. Company officers, their fires, 619. New county out of, names, 62. Magistrates appoint619. Two Shawnese sick in, 704. ed, 62. Nightly watch, 63,. 72, Distances, &c., from, to Ohio, 759. 90, 177, 184, 246, 390, 392. AdGovernor Hamilton resigns, and dress of Quakers to Governor on Robert Hunter Morris' commis- declaration of war with Delaware sion is read at Court-house, vi., Indians, 84. War proclaimed at 144. Sheriffs elected, 144, 638. Court-house, 88. Suspension of, Coroners elected, 144, 638. Sick- 144. MI. Bell applies to export ness prevails from palatine ships provisions, 168. William Denny — Mr. Bourne, health officer- proclaimed Governor at CourtCouncil doubt their power to visit house, 221. Stageboat and wagon ships, 169. Full reports of Drs. between, and New York, 222. Bond and Grseme, 171-173; and Fines diverted from corporation, also on contagious fevers in city, 257. Small-pox at, 30.9, 358. Ad173-175. Report of palatines dress of Quakers to, and answer, buried, 175. History of contagi- 312. Number of public housesous fevers in, 173-190. Indian quarters required for military, conferences at, 193-199, 204-206, 349, 352, 356, 359, 400, 406, 407, 243, 244, 277-286. An open road 430, 443. Colonel Bouquet, Earl from, to mouth of Conogochege, Loudoun, Col. Stanwix, through 302. General Shirley's son re- Captain Tulliken, demand quarcruiting in Philadelphia, 303. ters for soldiers-proceedings of General Shirley and Governor De Mayor Shute and others respectLancey arrive, on way to Anna- ing them, 359, 367, 406, 443. Vapolis, 358. Indian conferences rious proceedings respecting, 360at, 360-365, 370. Embargo, 45 1. 374. Mayor and aldermen remonPermission to certain vessels to strate against Assembly, 366. sail, 451. Colonel Dunbar desires Merctlants petition to ship proviwinter quarters for, his troops sions -rejected, 393. Justices, after Braddock's defeat, 513. Gov- 433. Indians arrive, 436. Nurnernor to Mayor, &c., on winter ber of Roman Catholics in, 448. quarters for Col. Dunbar's troops, lIinutes of meeting of Governors 516, 521, 533. Indians arrive and at, with Earl of Loudo-un, 470. have conference, 522-524. Gov- Clerks of Orphans' Court, 501. ernor informs Mayor, &c., of Passport for Indians from LancasFrench being secreted in city, ter to, 549. Complaint of treaty 663. Account of arms taken, 665. made by Quakers at, 634. Chas. Indian conference at, 682-689. Thomson, keeper of Quaker 280 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Philadelphia- Philadelphiaschool, 665. List of Philadelphia herst in, 324. Barracks of, deshipwrights taken at Oswego, 717, scribed, 331. College, Academy 737. Proposal to send troops and Charity School, condition and from, to New York, 719. Names statistics of, 339. Act for supof chiefs at, 726. Petition of pressing lotteries and plays proRichard Hill and S. Preston Moore posed, and instances in which they to make title to certain lands in, have been useful, 340. Lottery 728, 739, 740. Petition of ship- for fortifications of, 340; and for wrights from Oswego, 737. Gov- finishing the Episcopal church, ernor produces certificate of Rob- 340. Order to James Coultas, sheert Jenny, Rector of Christ riff, to imprison Rev. Dr. Win. Church, of having taken sacra- Smith, 443. Act passed for keepment, 741. Justices of peace, 769. ing banks, clams, &c., at PointConference with Indians at, lno-Point, in order, 480; and at viii., 9, 29, 40, 51, 54, 86, 101, Greenwich Island, 482, 484. Con114, 149, 265, 484-494, 667, 698, ference with Indians at, 489-494, 707, 709, 712. Tonnage duty ob- 497-500. Execution of Jas. Brulejected to, as injurious to business man, 506. Proceedings on death of, 31, 41. Names of Indians in, of King George II., 515-520. Sale 31. Conference with, 32, 86. and purchase of lands for Oxford Embargo at, 38. Abraham Tay- Church, 574. For keeping banks, lor, collector, 39. Fort at Wic- &c., in order —merchants' memo cacoa to prevent passage of ves- rial against, 574. Piers in Delasels, 39. Guards to be reinforced ware, 574. Banks at Darby creek from General Otway's regiment, to be made, &c., 575. Justices 39. Two good horses to be at, 71. commissioned, 575. Old ones Tax on unimproved lots in, 80. superseded, 575. Petition of merTeedyuscung in, 86. Flag of truce chants against duty on negroes, arrives with prisoners from New 576. Vaughan's regiment to be Orleans, 124. Indians arrive fiom moved from New York to PhilaVirginia, 124. Message received delphia, 578. Conference at, 594, by Peters and Pemberton from 614-620, 654-661, 667. Women Cherokees to Delawares, 135. A attacked and wounded in streets French flag of truce captured by of, 671. Proclamation against, privateer Spry in Delaware Bay, 672. Act proposed for vesting 139. Embargo, 146. Fort at State House in trustees, 676, 715. WViccacoa to be guarded, and can- Act proposed erecting District of non charged, to prevent evasion Southwark, 695, 698. Roads and of embargo, 147. Barracks at, highways, 694, 695. War with 147. Spanish vessel arrives with Spain proclaimed, 698, 703, 706. goods wrecked on an English ves- Embargo laid, 713. Arrest of sel near Cuba, 155. Embarrassm't Messrs. Boyrie and Le Roy, 714. about Dutch vessels and registers, Trustees of State House to pur155. Arrival of Cherokees, Mo- chase rest of the square, 715. hLawks, Scarroyda's wife and chil- Record of Court for trial of nedclren ask for guns and horses, 163. groes in, ix., 5. Indian conferCoroners appointed, 223, 403, 506, ences at, 6-9, 44, 77, 328, 604, 781. Sheriffs appointed, 223, 403, 689, 737. Proclamation of peace 506, 781. Petition of merchants between France and Spain, 15, 39, against duty on tonnage, 230, 41. Nuisances to be removed232. Thanksgiving clay appoint- highways, &c., to be regulated, ed, 235. Difficulty about soldiers' and wagoners, &c., 22, 24. Marsh quarters at, 262. Indian confer- and meadows, 24. Tavern lience with General Forbes at, 263- censes, 24. Petition, Spanish ship 269, 270. French neutrals at, in in distress at; J. Gibson apdistress, 268, 719. General Am- pointed factor, 26. Thanksgiving IND=EX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 281 Philadelphia — Philadelphia — day, 41. Christ Church bells rung morial of Wardens on pilotage, and cannons fired for peace be- &c., 366, 388. Names of Wartween France and Spain, 41. dens, 366, 367, 549. Of merWVatching and lighting, 54, 243, chants, 366. Moyamensing mea247, 543, 723. Lig-hthouse, buoys, dows, 367, 368, 376. John Allen, lottery for paving streets, &c., Justice, 374. Conviction and re56, 580. Sheriffs elected, 57, 199, prieve, 387, 399. Executions, 286, 333, 398, 547, 623, 688, 398. Poor Indians arrive from 777, Coroners elected, 57, 199, Wyalusing, 426, 436. Complaint 286, 333, 398, 547, 688, 777. of Billy Champion, 426. PhilaGovernor's proclamation against delphia Contribution apply for a highway robbery about, 70, 76, charter,- 440, 447. Lottery asked 316. Governor John Penn pro- for by Northern Liberties to buy claimed, bells rung and battery a public landing, 440, 447, 472, guns fired, &c., 72. Proclamation 638. Building middle house, W, of Governor Penn fom highway of barracks, 461, 472,688. Division robbery and murder of Henry of county, 556, 563, 579, 707, 729. Hamilton, 76. Paxton boys pre- Act passed for sale of a church in, paring to march to, 108. High- 566, 579. Ship-masters' Society landers, under Captain Robinson, incorporated, 566. Recorder to in, 110. Troops from Genl. Gage, receive Germantown records, 129. Attack on barracks expected, 575. Lottery for First and Third meeting called at State House, Presbyterian church, 580. Pe132. Memorial of Indians in bar- tition respecting road and steep racks at, 135. On their removal, hills between, and Chester, 137. An interior county, 138. 623, 627. Lower Dublin, road, Indians to be removed from bar — 628. Forges and furnaces in racks, 170. Or retained at public 1750, 632, 636. Stephen Pasexpense, 171. Justices, 205, 237. chall's account of his steel furProvincial Commissioners, 237. nace in Walnut street, 633. CerLetter from, 240. Lotteries for tificates respecting, 634. Act for various purposes, 56, 57, 148, erection of Callowhill street mar243, 579. Embanking and drain- ket, 650. Newalika, Indian chief, ing a lot in Kinsessing, 245, 247. arrives, 656. 1 Road from' LancasNew election ordered for member ter to, 657, 667, 681, 686, 693. of Assembly, on account of tie Executions and pardon, 666, 697, vote, 287. Seven Wardens ap- 734. Justices, 671. Notary Pubpointed, for bill regulating pilots, lie to take acknowledgment of their names, 293, 294. Lighting, deeds, 678. Road in Passyunk, watching, pilotage, &c., 294, 366, 686. Return of road to Lancas549, 723. Poor, 295, 296, 549, ter, 700. Road on dividing line, 561. Relating to Stamp Act, 298, 703. In Passyunk-regulators for 299, 300, 301, 315. Arrival of Northern Liberties, 719. Warstamped papers, 300. John dens and pilots, 723. Defence of, Hughes, Captain James Hawker, 729. Lighting and watching, 730. General Gage, 301. Quakers, Road on line between, and Bucks, peaceable conduct of, 301. Ad- 745, 750, 760. Justices, 750, 760. dress to King, 315. Highway Conference with several Indian robbery near-Governor's procla- tribes at, 773-775. Conviction mation, 316, 396. General Gage and reprieve, 778. Richard Penn, asks quarters for troops-High- Governor, arrives, 780. Road land regiment, returns of, 318. through widow Master's land, Message to Assembly respecting, 781. Governor proclaimed at 323. Manufacture of sail-cloth, Court house, 782. His proclamaticking and linens in, 354. Regu- tion for continuing officers, 783. lation of streets, &c., 361. Me- John Swift, Collector of Port, 282 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Philadelphia- Philadelphiax., 8. Notaries and Tabellion terial officers arrive from Cork — Public, 9, 15. Sheriffs -elected, Captain Bradford to conduct them 56, 100, 212, 270. Coroners elect- to Smith's tavern, 302. Comn ed, 56, 78, 100, 212, 270. Jus- mittee to inspect goods from Cork, tices commissioned, 15, 30, 31, 313. Watch at the Capes, 359. 45, 46, 156. Indian conferences Barracks to be repaired, 389. at, 10, 12, 55, 61, 255. Barracks, Defence of city, 390. Commnittee condition of, complaint of Captain to procure logs for third tier of Sutherland, 16, 21, 415. Chim- chevaux-de-frize, 390. Captain ney sweepers, 23, 41. Perkiomen Thomas Proctor's company adcopper mine, 23. - Damage from mitted to barracks, 390, Comdogs, 33. Estate of J. Pauling, mittee furnish powder, 407. Sur35. Convictions and executions, vey of river from Marcus Hook to, 50, 60, 89, 92, 172, 256. Alleged 412. Coal to be taken out of errors in road from, to Lancaster, river, 421. Racks for arms in and petition, 65, 69, 70,. 113. State House, 422. Coal thrown Wardens, 70, 72, 259, 261, 263. intoi 423. Inquiry as to quantity Vendues, 72, 74. Roads, 73, 87. of coal in city, 423. Return of, New jail, 73. Old road laid out 425. Part of new gaol ready to sixty years through Master's land, receive prisoners-they are re87. A murder confessed, 88. moved from old, 429. Or workGovernor John Penn proclaimed, house, 429. The armed boats or92. A French vessel arrives in dered up to, 434. Continental distress, 92, 102. Judah Foulke, troops in, 438. Resolutions reclerk of market and keeper of specting, 440. D. Connolly, Alweights and measures, 111. Re- len Cameron and servants comport on road to Lancaster, 113. mitted, send resolutions of ConAct to prevent infectious diseases, gress, 444. Guards at State 139. A grant and authority to house, 445. Parole of N. Ellicott Governor John Penn to build for- and Lord Drummond, 445. Soltifications, 146. Meeting of Com- diers to be placed in pest-house and mittee of all the counties-dele- gaol, if barracks will not contain gates to General Congress, 200. them, 485. Called on for blankets, Complaint against Sheriff for not 498, 508. Riot in gaol-military aiding in seizing a quantity of called out to quell it-guards for sugars in Jeremiah Warder's powder house, State House, and store, 210. John Patterson, Col- fire rafts, 512. City battalions, lector of Port, 213. Goods stolen 521. Six rooms in new gaol with from vessel-proclamation of, 213. iron doors, 534. Fitting out two Against murderer of Edward privateers, 536. Saltpetre made Carey, 228. Sheriff, &c. of Ches- at Provincial works, 543. Notices ter refuse to aid in seizure of a to be put up at coffee house, to river, 230. Work house, inhabitants to furnish leaden win&c., 237, 243. Act to suppress dow weights, &c., 558. Iron clock fairs in, 254. Indians arrive, 255. weights to be cast and exchanged Counterfeiter escapes, 257. Pro- for leaden, 561. Stage boats, clamation for his arrest, 258. Captains Bush and Taylor, beReed's map, 260, 267. Petition of tween, and Wilmington, 563. Captain Dominique Du Casse, of Conduct of gaoler —survey of schooner Mary, in distress, 262. river from Billingsport to Fort Is-, Guards for military stores &c. at land, 567. Company of volunState House, 287. Guard at new teers for defence of river, 569, jail on account of powder, 296. 570. Lead, shot-list of necesMemorial to Committee pf Safety, saries-complain against Com297. Only five hundred weight of mittee of Assembly, 573. Survey lead in city, 300. Three minis- of river, 575. Gaolto be strength INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 283 Philadelphia- Philadelphiaened by bars, &c.-prisoners from quarters, Fifth near Market, 698. North Carolina committed-guard Riots in, L. Fagan stabbed, 701. for, 581. Colonel Atlee to order Reward, 701. Urgent order for his battalion from Chester, 605. troops in city to depart for Amboy, Firelocks purchased in Dock 706. Guard at State House, 709, WVard, 606. George Bryan, naval 710. House for an hospital to be officer, pilots for chevaun~-de-frize, taken-Dr. Gerardus Clarkson, distribution of powder to boats physician, 719. Fortifications at by Committee-report of Com- Billingsport-blankets, purchase mittee of Assembly on conduct of of, 719. Guards over frigates, this Committee to be published 720. George- Bryan, naval officer, in newspapers —appointment of J. 728. Militia to be employed at Hazelwood as Captain of fire ves- Billingsport-Dr. Currie resigns sels, &c. - flying camp, 611. as Surgeon, 734. L. Nicola, barTroops to be ready, 627. Guard rack master, 736. Guard for removed from old powder house city, 747, 750. Invasion of General to new magazine, 627. Gondola Howe feared, 747. Arms to be building, 627. Troops ordered to distributed-Hessians from Long and from Billingsport, 627. Col. Island expected- complaint of Miles to order most speedy march Captain Sharp Delaney, 753. of battalions to, also Col. Atlee, Fleet to rendezvous at, xi., 1. 628. Awnings and coarse linens Alarm from transports expected, to be bought up for tents-officers 3. Cannon hauled from State memorial for a patrol for safety house to commons to be proved, of city-resolutions respecting, 5. Sick soldiers placedinbettering 630. Ladies appealed to for old house, 13. Not to receive share linen for bandages, &c. —Robert of salt having been before supEastburn employed to collect it, plied, 16. Blankets and stock633. Awnings for tents, 633, ings collected from, 18, 20. Poor 641. Declaration of Independence women &c. of army, to be cared to be read at State house under for, 20. Public stores to be direction of Sheriff, 635. Prison- moved, 21. Salt for, 22. No ers discharged, 639. Prisoners vessel suffered to leave port or sent to York —boring mill near, through chevaux-de-frize-money 641. British officers —prisoners to for families of Associators-guard leave city-provision for families for salt vessels, 23. Records, &c., of poor associators, 646. Leaden to be removed to Lancaster, 23. weights required, 649. Guardor- Colonel Jno. Bayard commands dered, 649. Stage at State House battalion of militia of-Redman for guard —Council of Safety sit, and Hodge, Surgeons, 24. Field 653. Committee on complaints pieces from State house yard for of families of associators, 671. assistance to General Washington, Troops to be quartered in places 24. Barracks repaired, 24. Troops of worship —elders to have notice, sent in shallops, with oars, to 672. Marching of associators in- Trenton, 24. Vessels already convenient to public service, 673. cleared may pass, 25. No person William Sutton and James McCon- to pass ferries with arms-L. naughy confined as tories-sol- Nicola, Town Major-his dutydeirs quartered in private houses- citizens unfit to march to form a families of poor associators pro- guard-volunteers to be raisedvided for-battalion of Colonel shops and schools to be shut upPaschall to be passed by Muster Associates to form a brigade under Master, though short of officers, Colonel John Cadwalader, 27. 677. Sash weights, 681. Orders Ferryman on Delaware to bring respecting guards for city, 691. over Maryland flying camp, 29. Barracks, 698. Commissary's Council offer to reward those who 284 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Philadelphia- Philadelphiaform a troop of horse —John Schaf- repaired, 205. Sheriff elect defer, Paymaster —commendation of dines-James Claypoole applies shopkeepers, 29. Watchmen not for the office, 217. Plan for reto be enlisted-records sent to moving citizens-state of militia Reading, 31. To detain printers required, 218. Wim. Henry apof continental money-names- pointed Lieutenant and E. BenColonels appointed —old ferry, 31. ham and W. Semple sub-LieutenMedicines stored in college hall, ants-dedimus, 218. Militia to 35. Provision for sick soldiers, be arranged and in readiness, 219. 35. River craft allowed to pass, Judges of City Court appointed, 36. Opening of the port, 36. 220. Neither wagons nor drums Schools opened, 38. To impress to be permitted to enter the State carriage and horses from Messrs. house yard, as they disturb CounPemberton and Emlen - stores cil, Congress, and Assembly, 229. open-books and treasury re- July 4 celebrated —measulres to moved to Lancaster, 41. Carpen- prevent a riot, 237. Application ters' work at State house-War- by James Hopkins by order from dens to employ patrols-horses General Washington, for a vessel impressed —sixmen to inquire into to go down the river on an expecauses of commitment of William dition-supplied at General ArSmith and Joseph Stanbury, &c., nold's request, 237. Wm. Sykes 43. Continental stores to be re- arrested for moving goods contramoved, 44. Dunlap's printing ry to order, 234, 237, 238. Adpress taken into service of Coun- vertisement for election of Juscil of Safety-General Washington tices, 238. Committee for driving asks for aid to General Putnam off cattle ask to be increasedin throwing up works of defence, names, 244. Justices, 251. Ordl46, Stores opened, 51. Men nance in State House yard, 252. compelled to join militia-guard General WVayne and General Nash for floating bridge at Schuylkill, present situation of the arimy ap56. Men to apply to General proaching city, 253. To furnish Putnam for orders, 58. Census men for guards, 256. Public paof persons fit to bear arms taken, pers to be removed when in dan60. Old arms to be collected and ger, 258. Committee to drive off repaired, 61. Wood for poor to cattle increased, 266. Wood for be cut on commons and in lanes, barracks 269. Colonel Henry, 70. Cannon to be collected, -83. Lieutenant, to complete and send Troops to be paraded before the off, militia to Chester and Downlodge —regulations, 85. Barracks, ingstown, 275. J. B. Smith, 86. Public smith's shops to be Prothonotary of county, to bring erected at corner of Chestnut and papers to city, 276. Col. Henry Fifth, 145. Small pox hospital to deliver spare arms to General in Vine street and in Pine street, Armstrong, 277. Officers object 154. Hospital opposite to sign of to removal of troops, 278. Lead"Noah's Ark," 158. Samuel en spouts to be taken downMorris appointed Register, 186. houses searched for arms-disaf Master of Rolls for State, 187. fected persons to be arrested, 279, George Campbell, Prothonotary, 283, 284. Persons appointed to 190. Justices-dedimus to James make arrests-Col. Nicola to furYoung, 194. State of old jail, nish guards arrests and com194. Lieutenant, 194. Clerk of mittal to prison, 287. Free Mamarket, 195. Prothonotary, 197. son's lodge, 290. Prisoners to be Fred. Phile, naval officer, 198. sent to Virginia, 290. Mason's Jacob Plankinhorn appointed flour lodge, remonstrance from, 292. inspector, 201. Wm. Dewees re- Boats and other water crafts, exsigns as Sheriff,. 201. Gaol to be cept shallops, to be detained, 297. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 285 Philadelphia- PhiladelphiaGreat number of prisoners in new cleansed, &c., 526. Necessity of gaol, 298. Guard at Schuylkill opening Courts of Justice-J. B. bridge to remove it when ordered, Smith appointed Prothonotary 298. None to pass without pass and Justice of Common Pleasproperly signed-light horse to galleyfrom Trenton to be repaired, proceed to camp-proclamation on Rev. Thomas Coombe, Jr., refuses approach of enemy —militia called to take oath-pass for him to out-horses not to be procured to leave State, 527. Petition reguard prisoners, 299. Shops and specting enemy's property found stores to be shut-armies now en- after evacuation-armed boats gaged, 301. Cols. Toomb and afloat brig to be fitted out, 529. McElwaine to rendezvous in, 301. Records brought from Reading — Bucks county tioops in barracks Court room in State House to be to send guards to protect artillery repaired-trees on lines near the at Gray's ferry; &c., 302.: Col. city to be cut down and given to Charles Stewart to seize all the the poor —Council room ready exhard bread he can find in, 303. cept chairs-ordered, 535. Bridge Bells to be removed from-John at Schuylkill to be restorad to its Haley, Clerk of Orphans' Court, place by Major Casdrop —Comcomplains of not being able to re- missioners of Taxes and Levies, ceive the papers from James 536. Wardelns of, appointedHumphreys, late clerk, 306. Mili- rations of Town Major; value oftia called out, 359. Repair of guard boats to watch cruisers Court House for use of Assembly in Delaware bay-resolutions of and Council, 362. Paymaster, Congress in case of evacuation, 390. Resblution of Congress on 539. Health officer and advisers, proposed attack on, 404. And 543. Wharfinger and weighact for supply of armies, 404. master of hay at drawbridge apCol. John Moore and Peter Evans pointed —vessel sunk in Delaware, commissioned to buy provisions embargo on provisions, 545. in, 424. Provisions brought from Measurer of wheat and other Chester county, 445. Sheriffs corn and salt appointed —Clerk of elected, 502, 512, 595. Coroners, Court Quarter Sessions, 546, 547. 502, 595.. Commissioners, 502. Wardens in want of money to Enemy preparing to leave, 507. pay city debts-reception of French News of evacuation of, reaches minister, 548-9. Repairs to State Gen. Washington, 520. Making house, 564. Lumber taken by up of clothing removed froli Lan- enemy, 566. Edward Burd, Proeaster, 521. First meeting at, thonotary Supreme Court, 566. after evacuation, 522. Celebra- Robert Jewell, keeper of United tion of 4th July —inquiry of Gen. States prison in, 566. Militia Arnold, why he has ordered the called out, 568, 581. Guard for shops to be shut, 522. His an- prisoners from Lancaster to, 573. swer and papers-warrant against Old work house to be used for all traitors in, 523. Markets to casting ball and room in State be repaired after destruction by House for magazine of small arms, enemy-butchers, &c., to be agreed 590. Pass for Mrs. Margaret De with- Act for regulating prices of Lancey to visit and remain with her goods suspended- discharge of father, William Allen, 593. Joseph persons from parole-enemy's Reed, Councillor, 595. General goods found-in the city-enemy's Armstrong ordered to, and take goods found in, after evacuation, commands of'militia —militia of in hands of Heyman Levy, 525. - counties to be ready, 597. Jus. Markets placed by Assembly in tices, 599, 619, 644,: 656, 658. charge of Council-Joseph Red- Measurer of grain, Bedford, reman, clerk, to have them well moved, Capt. W. Greenway ap 286 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Philadelphi a- Philadelphiapointed, 697. Militia as guards, tates, 754. Books missing from 617. Lime —State House, 620. _ State Library, 755. Two brass Militia ordered out, 636. Wood field pieces and writing paper from for L. Nicola, 637. Forestallers, Lancaster, 754. Plank and timpetition against, 639. Inquiry, ber stolen by enemy at redoubts 640. Execution, 641. Newspa- near, 756. Embargo for fifteen pers subscribed for by State, 654. days, 761. Wm. Rush, JusticeRepairs of State House-guard at seamen disappear-river to be middle ferry-againstkeeping gun- swept for anchors-arms arrive powder in, 657. Work at mar- from West Indies, 771. P. De ket house, 659. Pay for guard- Haven appointed health officer, salt seized-petition of Matthew 775. Prisoners shipped. 781. Irwin, Andrew Hodge and John Merchants petition Congress reBayard, for broken cannon from specting a Court of Appeals, 783. frigate Augusta, 661. Rent of Stores transported from, to fronferry on Schnylkill —riot of sailors, tiers, xii., 2. L. Nicola, town maJustices to aid in quelling-Maj.- jor, 10. A tobacconist finding no General Arnold to furnish troops — asles here applies to go to Boston, election-ferry not rented to Og- 11. Petitionto remove wagon duty, den —notice to be given that 15. Agent for prisoners sent to, proposals will be received, 665. 23. Charter of Academy and ColBridge over middle ferry, 666. lege to be sent Council by John Court of Quarter Sessions before Morris, Recorder of Deeds-James trial of persons for treason-corn- Claypoole, Sheriff —costs in cases reittee of merchants ask for a ves- of Roberts and Carlisle and Geo. sel to protect bay and river Dela- Hardy, 36. Willing Morris's ware from British vessels, 683. wharf, 38. Sheriffs, 38, 131, 507. State of prison and prisoners to Coroners, 131, 507. Justices, 150, be inquired into, 684. Hilary 379. Settees for Court room made Baker, Jr., appointed Notary and by John Pinkerton, 40. IrregularTabellion Public-General Arnold ities and rules of markets in, 41. leaves while inquiry is going on Markets in, 41. Commencement at respecting wagons to Egg Harbor, college deferred till constitutional 684, 685. Schuylkill upper bridge difficulties are removed, 43. Doorpartly carried away-middle bridge keepers of Council and Congress secured —severe season, 686. Gal- have same pay and privilege of lies disposed of —officers dis- State House yard, 49. Boards charged-forestallers, 687. Fore- for Court room, 56. Two men stalling, 690. Report on prison, join British army in, 57. Plan 695. Merchants against priva- of citizens for restoring public teers, 702. Charge against United credit, 65. Approved by Councils, States for use of public buildings, 67. Sheets of paper money disexcept State House, 705. Major- tributed- militia to be practiced General Armstrong in, 707. T. and receive ammunition, 72. LetHare's porter brewery-Schuyl- ter from Justices relative to nuikill bridge expensive, 711. Tim- sauces in markets, 80. Scarcity of ber taken from redoubts to make salt, to be distributed, 87. Gerbuoys, 715. Arnold resigns cornm- man congregation for a brief, 92. mand of-Colonel Bull to repair Resolutions of Council respecting Fort Island, cable and bridge, militia, guards, &c., 95. House 725. Plumstead's wharf, 748. and lot of Arthur Thomas, money Acts on sale by vendues, openly for, 104, 149. President's house, violated, to be published, 751. 106. Marshal hindered by merPrisoners discharged, 753. Exe- chants, 105. Joseph Redman, cution of George Hardy, 754. P. clerk of market, dies-Robert De Haven agent for forfeited es- Smith, hatter, appointed in his INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 287 Philadelphia- Philadelphiaplace —prisoners in new gaol, 110, L. Hollingsworth and Capt. Alli112. Boards for Court room, 112. bone, on probability of procurRiot at Hon. James Wilson's 121. ing supplies in, 203. Answers to, Proclamation respecting, 122. complaints against irregularities, Bounty for wood offered-it and &c. at the barracks-escheated flour scarce, 125. Embargo laid, property of P. McDade near China proclamation, 126. Militia called factory, &c., 204. Schuylkill out-Win. Moore elected to Coun- bridge replaced, 205. Barracks, cil and George Bryan, Charles W. Committee to inquire about, 206. Peale, Michael Shubert, William WVood west of Schuylkill to be Hollingshead and Jacob Schreiner cut down for poor, 207. Abuses to Assembly, 129. Joseph Reed. of —state of barracks reported by elected Councillor —Ass'bly, 131. Committee — persons employed Persons present at riot at James there, 208, 209, 211. Wood taken, Wilson's house, 128, 130, 137, Schuylkill ferry, 212. Fines col138, 139,141, 144, 145. Artillery lected by clerk of Sessions and called out, 143. Declaration of Sheriff, 215. Committee to fix President and Vice President, J. salaries of officers retained-reReed and Wm. Moore, 164. Or- turn of galley men-express exder of procession to proclaim, 165. pense —militia, special pay-quarRead at Court house-salt, 166. ters for troops in public housesA charitable society askto cut wood Schott and Armand's corps, 217. from land on Lancaster road for Peter Swope, turnkey of gaol, althe poor and to pay to treasurer, lows prisoners to escape, 222. 170. Managers of House of Em- President's house, 236, 238. A ployment, loan of flour granted scold sentenced to be duckedto, 172. Deed for house and pardoned, 235, 243. Deed to C. price at south-west corner Front W. Peale, for lots late of John and Walnut, 174. Abuses in Smith forfeited, 247. Continental wood on wharves, 175, 190. Mili- money refused in payment of tary store in Race street, 177. ground rent on forfeited estate, Vendue master (Wm. Brown) 249. Deeds for *forfeited estates, elected-deed for Shoemaker's 259, 260, 553. Insecure state of property, 185. Auctioneer gives gaol-guard ordered to, from bond, 186. Francis Bailey, prin- Court house, 259. President's ter, 186. Wardens of, order re- house in danger from fire at Mr. specting wood —forestalling in Holker's —taxes difficult to be colmarkets-taxes, 190, 191. Corn- lected, arising fromu misconstrucmissioners and Assessors meet tion of an Act, 260, 261. MemoCouncil-amount of tax, 193. rial of Commissioner of taxes, Broken cannon to be sold —Schuyl- 263. Referred to Assembly, 264. kill bridge, condition-tolls-to Deed S. Shoemaker's estate, 265. be valued-David Thompson's es- Schuylkill bridge carried away by tate, deed for, 195, 196. News- ice, to be restored by B. Eyre, papers ordered by Council to be 266. Schuylkill bridge, under called for, 197. House of Robert Quarter Master-General - contiWhite and wife to be searched for nental teams to pass free-rates counterfeit money, merchandise, of toll, 269. Damages to houses &c. —sale of Richard Swanwick's of Edward Barrett in Southwark, property, 199. Sub-Lieutenants by Flying camp, 271. Scarapply for bounties, 200. Deeds for city of powder, 279. Deeds for confiscated estates in, 201, 202. confiscated estate in, 283, 284. Schuylkill bridge and ferry, boats Against enclosing lands heretoand ropes for, till season proper fore open, or commons, 286. Pefor replacing bridge, 202. Letters tition respecting Schuylkill bridge to W. Turnbull, P. McClenachan, and road to Darby, 293. Ex 288 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Philadelphia- Philadelphiapenses of and support-death of a refugee, 397~ Lots near Race Mr. Forbes, M. C. —sales of broken street wharf required for public cannon, 296. Wm. Henry ap- landing sales postponed, 402. pointed Lieutenant and Ephraim Life of -a collector of militia fine Bonham and Frederick Hagner threatened, 402. Port opened for subs., and various other officers, clearing vessels —case of John 297, 298. Edward Evan's claim Dover, 402, 404, 407. Taxesfor city lots rejected —deed to Sheriff to arrest Mrs. Bartram, Jacob Morgan, Jr., in Northern Mrs. Stark, Mrs. Volans and Mrs. Liberties, 298, 299. Joseph Gal- Preston, wives of traitors, 425. loway's property sold-Andrew Deed S. Shoemaker's estate to P. Doz elected Commissioner of pur- and J. WVikoff and G. Hutchinson, chases for, 299. And Col. Jno. 430. Recruits for Pennsylvania Bull for county-Captain Topham line-bounties-deserters fromapplies for the brick yard in subscription for recruits, 431. ArNorthern Liberties, 311. Prop- rears to militia-John Nancarerty of Samuel Bell and Mrs. row's air furnace — Lieutenant Parrock to be restored-rent of Brady recommended for promomiddle ferry paid, 315. Deed for tion, 435. Alexander B3atram's George Enser's estate, 317. Ex- estate, J. Galloway's, 441. Deed, pense of replacing middle ferry 457, 458. Memorial James Mease, bridge, 317, 321.: A seditious pa- &c.,:to purchase a vessel in Berper posted at corners, proclama- muda, not granted, 465. Petition tion against, 319. Deed for Peter of merchants against Marshal — Arthur's estate,: 320. Library President's house-auction sale, company not permitted to receive 479. Of merchants against Marbooks from, New York, 318. Es- shal, 480, 482. Inspector of salt tate of Alexander Bartram and provisions, 487. Shingling old John Roberts, 323. Peter Camp- workhouse, 520. Complaints bell's, 324. Winm. Young, ap- against Lieutenants, 523. Three prentice of Benjamin Town, ar- auctioneers appointed, John Bayrested for seditious paper, 325. ard, Alexander Boyd and Win. Arms to Col. Henry, 330. Alarm Brown, 525. Joseph Reed profrom a small boat, Captain Buck, claimed at Court house president, 331. Two wards neglect to elect and W,iVm. Moore, vice president, Lieutenants, Councilappoint, 338. 541. Order of procession, 542. Pay to militia to Trenton-reso- S. Shoemaker's estate —George lutions for sale of forfeited estates, Knapper's estate sold, 553. Winm. reference to W. Penn's reserva- Crispin, Collector of Excise, 554. tion of commons, now vested in John Jones, health officer, inState-fences to be removed, 347. spector of staves, &c., 554. Col. R. Wells and lot on Arch street, Miles to have wood on Lancaster 353. Committee of merchants road cut, 559. Suspicious vessel appointed to confer with Council at Warder's wharf, 562. Petition relative to difficulties in currency, of Capt. John Davis, committee 353. Expense of examining and on, 563. Fine of a constable revaluing Schuylkill bridge, 374. mitted, 563. Petition of H. Smith Alexander Mills arrested and dis- and W. Wood, respecting fencing charged, on charge of discour- I"IMark's" liberty land-pay of aging enlistments, 378, -379. militia, 564. Auctioneer, 569. Taxes in Dock Ward, 382. Sale Estate of WVm. Austin assigned,of estate John Bartlett, 383. to University, 584. Vessels may Rent of bridge, 385. Inspector of clear, 602. Merchants, &c., commilitia, 388, 389. Expense of plain of ill-treatment to sailors at bridge, 391. Sheriff to arrest New York, 603. Quarters for Jemima Forrester or Biles, wife of officers of Pennsylvania line, 605. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 289 Philadelphia- PhiladelphiaNaval officer, 608. Scale of de- tate of Jno. Fox, 775. Excess of preciation published —repairs to militia offering- estate of Richard barracks-sale of S. Shoemaker's Wall, 776. Claim by Richard estate-militia called out, 612, Peters for lots in, 779. Sale of 613. S. Shoemaker's, 615. John lots at coffee house, 780. Deed Henderson's estate, George Ben- for estate of Isaac Allen, 781. Of *ners, 619. Pay of soldiers, 620. John Parrock, 782. Repairs of Bounty on recruits, 622. Repairs State house, 783. of barracks, 632. Discharge of Inhabitants of Charleston arrive militia-barracks to be preserved, in distress, and are provided for, Petition Catherine Graff for brick xiii., 1. Sales of Episcopal and yard, 639. Prohibition against Presbyterian Church lots postoccupying vacant lands in —pay poned, 3. Importation of British to Philadelphia troop, 641. Re- base half pence, proclamation repair of barracks, 649. Pay of specting, 4. Estate of Abraham militia —public stores on Race Carlisle sold to R. Bethel-City street wharf-road from Darby to, lot claimed by Evans and Lin650. Jno. Parrock's estate sold, nington as part of W. Salway, 6. 661. Estate of Henry Welfling, Claims of Moore, Hill and Wells, 669. State house steeple to be for lots and Liberty lands, 9. takendown andrepaired, 682. Lt. Deeds, 12, 20, 25, 26, 30. ConPoht resigns, 684. Repairs of dition of prisoners in gaol, health, barracks, 685. Abraham Carlisle's of S. R. Fisher, discharged, 13. estate sold to Robert Bethell, 687. Repairs of State house, 16. Property of floating bridge on Claim of Thomas Lightfoot for Schuylkill to be vested in George lots, 18. Papers in hands of Gray, on his paying a certain sum Samuel Powell, Mayor, to be deto the State, 690. Thos. Neville livered in,.19. City lots, 23. to purchase materials for repairs Deed for Duche's lot to Thomas of State house steeple and blocks, McKean, 25. Deeds to B. Leech, tackles, &c., 702, 703, 712, 720. 30, 31. To be located for James Lower rooms of State house fitted Parr, William Gray, 31. Lots for land office, 712. Two comn- for Pyke Land Co., 33. City panies for defence of forts to be lots for redemption of bills of raised, 719. Sales of lots in- credit, 35. Lutheran congregaroad to Darby confirmed and tion purchase lots of Mr. Penn, opened, 726. Petition of H. 1777, he refused receiving the Shrupp, to be paid for a horse — money then, 36. Militia to be of naval officer, vessel without pa- called out, 37. City lots, 39, 40. pers, 728. Executions of crimi- Appraisement of leaden spouts, nals-Thos. Wilkinson, a pirate, 42. Sales of liquor by vendue ordered to be hung on Windmill to, made up, 42. Hospital for Isl'd, and his body in chains at Mud wounded applied for by RochamIsland - deed estate William beau, 42. Deeds for city lots, Rhodden, 730, 731. Pirate re- 45, 46, 47, 49. Petition of Moore, spited for twenty-one days, 732. Hill, and Wells for city lots — Taxes, 735. Deed estate Samuel embargo raised-repairs of State Shoemaker, 737. Andrew El- House steeple, 49. Militia called liott's estate sold, 746. Estate of out, 53. Deeds for city lots, 63, Joseph Galloway, next to Presby- 65. Clothing from Yorktown, 77. terian meeting house, north by Sale of city lots, 80, 81. General alley formerly called Appletree election in, 85, 391, 393, 721. Alley, between Third and Fourth, Sheriffs, 85, 391, 721. Wardens, 751. Estate of John Parrock, 721. Coroners, 85, 391, 721. 752, 755. Lot of Thomas Seny, Censors, 721. Colonel Tilghman, 759. Sales of city lots, 772. Es- aid of General Washington, ar19 290 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Philadelphia- Philadelphiarives with news of surrender of 204. Report on value of M. Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Aspden's lot, 209. Deeds for orders of Council for rejoicings, City lots, 217. Deed for City 94, 96. Estate of Wm. Evans lots to Wardens 218. To J. sold, 97. Pay to militia guards, Mease, 235, 236. City lots, 240, 98. State House steeple, 98. 246. Estate Samuel Shoemaker, Militia called into service, 98. 246. Pay to J. Loughead, payLight house in danger — New master, 248. City lots, 250. Board of Wardens chosen, 100. George Campbell appointed RegThos. Coomlbe, late collector, to ister of Wills, 253. Committee deliver books and papers to war- to estimate leaden spouts taken, dens, 104. Claim of John Sher- 268. Deeds, 271, 274. Claim gold, &c., for a lot, 115. Deeds N. Young, for City lots purchased for lots, 118, 119. Unfair elec- from William Penn, 275. Extion, 118, 120, 127. Report of pense of erecting fence between Surveyor General on city lot President's house and Mr. Morris', claimed by Joseph Egg, 123. 279. Seizure of sugars on a Deeds for city lots-Barracks, Sloop of L. Hollingsworth, 128. Lot of Samul Fox, 130. 282, 283. Ship General WashSheriff to permit certain persons ington, (late Monk,) hired for a to embark for France, 135. Tho's voyage, 283. Interest on purForrest claims two lots, 136. chase money for City lots, when Plan of city lots, sale post- not paid duly, 285. Pay for an poned, 139. Lot of Samuel Allen entertainment, 289. Guard for and Thomas Sison, 140. John prisoners —Repairs of light-house Parrock, Richard York, &c., S. at Cape Henlopen, 293. Report Farlan, 141. - Christ Church bells of Surveyor General for City lots, rung for capture of Cornwallis, 295. State of accounts of indi143. John Lukens, Surveyor viduals called before CouncilGeneral, paid for plans of city Cost of entertainment on birth of lots-deed to Patrick Robertson, Dauphin, 288, 297. Deeds for 146, 148. Difficulty on election City lots, 305, 306, 307, 308, 315, of a councilman, 148, 154, 160, 316, 317, 321, 322. Report of 1]61. Deeds for city lots, 159. Surveyor General on claim of Auctioneer, 163. John Connelly, Moore, Hill and Wells, Daniel a British officer, to be arrested Pastorius and Thomas Fairman, and examined- violates parol, 322. T. Forrest, B. Davis, 323. and is imprisoned, 161. Re- Deed, 325, 326. Proceedings on ported value of lots, 164. Deeds claims to lots, 326, 328, 330, 331. for city lots-pay to militia, 166. Deeds, 334. Deeds for City lots, Claim of James Wallace for a city 340. Deed for City lots, 344, 346. lot, 167. Committee to view Men called out, 364. Deeds for house and lotlate of M. Aspden- City lots-Jews ask for countedeeds for several lots, 171, 172. nance and protection in erecting Claim for city lot - deed for Synagogue, 367. General Potter land, 175. Guard house near to command troops on Indian Magazine wants repairs, 178. expedition-National Bank of President and Judge of City Court North America —Absconding Mer-deed, 180, 181. L. Nicola dis- chant, 371. Execution, 382. missed with thanks as Town Complaint on calling out Militia Major —deed for lots, 185. Re- on election day —Commissioners port on election of Councillor for, for defence ask for a vessel of 188-192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 198, small draft-Papers of James 200, 201, 206, 210, 211, 212, 216, Molesworth, 385. Surveyor Gen217, 220, 220, 223, 232. Deeds, eral paid for plans of lots-Deeds, 193. Estate of Daniel Jeanes, 389. James Irvine, Councillor INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 291 Ehiladelphia — Philadelphia — other electionll —-Deeds — Pardon, Congress, on disturbances, &c., 395. Deeds, 409. Expense of 618. Justice, 625. Complaint fitting Comptroller General's office, of Southwark (if danger to health 417. President and Vice-Presi- from Brig Congress-Vessel to be dent proclaimed at Court-house- removed, and sick to pest-house, procession, &c., 413, 417. Joseph 627. Murder in, 629. City lot Dolby receives pay for ringing confirmed to J. Shallus, 631. Christ Church bells, 423. Deeds Again referred to Land office, for City lots, 432. Repairs of 636. Congress propose to return government house, 441. Com- to-Wardens to have surveys of mlissioners on taxes, 453. Becom- the Delaware made, 637. Report ing a place of much resort —Police, of Land office, 639. Deed, 646. 489. Goods per Amazon-Arrears State-house to be laid out by of payments for city lots, 491. Act of Assembly as a public green Claim to city lots, 495, 497, 500, and walk forever, 692. Bed503, 505, 507. Pay to seven covers for sick at State Island, 695. months' men, 503. Deeds for Execution, 704, 720. Electioncity lots, 505, 506, 507, 543, 552, Censors —Representatives, War572, 578, 587, 604, 617, 623, 629. dens, 721. Sheriffs-CoronersClaims of heirs of John Whitpain, Commissioners, 722. Joseph Cow506. Moore and Wells, 509. perthwaite contests election of Robberies, 515. Paid G. Owen, Sheriff, 720. William Brann for winding up State-house clock, murdered at Centre Square-In536. Memorial Jacob Shallus for quest and proclamation and desa lot, 548, 549. William Henry cription —Deeds for lots, 728. asks opinion respecting certain President and Vice-President duties, 541. Merchants ask ad- proclaimed, 738. Thanksgivingvice respecting importation of demonstration on account of British goods, 553. Proclamation peace, 752. Petitions D. Lennox, of peace-Christ Church bells to &c., to be auctioneers, 753. List be rung, 559, 563. British pris- of deeds, &c., of late corporation, oners allowed to pass throagh, transmitted by order of Assembly 572. Repairs of State-house to Council, 759, 760. Vendues, pumps, 575. Deeds-Health offi- 761. Deeds, 767. cer, 578. Deed, 585. Thomas Taxes, xiv., 4. Regulations of Turner, keeper of State Flag, 586. wagons, &c., 17. Deeds for City Prisoners to new gaol, 589. lots, 34, 35, 65. A. St. Clair, William Greenway, Measurer of John Mease, appointed Vendue Salt-Price, 593. Price of Salt Masters, 38. Inspectors of goods fixed —Wardens to have obstruc- Justices, 47, 54. Report on tions removed, 595. Paving Fifth goods to be sold by auction, 48. Street, between Walnut and Sharp Delany appointed Collector Chestnut Streets, 602. Congress of Port-Names of purchasers complain of being insulted at, of City lots to be furnished, 52. 606, 607, 609. Field officers con- F. A. Muhlenburg, Justicevened by Council, 609. Confer- letter from Merchants-Accounts ence with officers-Attack on Bank of John Hazelwood-Commismeditated-Arms to be delivered sioners of purchases in-Griffith to Militia, 611, 612. Arrests or- Owen, keeper of State-house dered, 613. Examination of sol- clock, discharged, 55. Murder diers to be made —Cannon taken of Richard Marple, 57. Chevaux at Yorktown to be delivered, 614. de frize-City lots sold,-Report Proclamation against M. and A. on,-Virginia boundary, 59. H. Doan, A. Dillon, &c.-Complaints Schitz resigns as justice, 60. to be heard against Captain Esler's Inspectors of goods, 61, 67, 68. appointment, 617. Repert to Sales of goods by auction, 70. 292 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Philadelphia — PhiladelphiaFruit trees to be planted with 229, 555. Representatives,.229, Health office funds, at discretion 555. Sheriff's, 230, 555. Coroof Dr. James Hutchinson —Goods ner's, 230, 555. Warden's, 230, per Ship Minerva to be inspected, 555. Declaration of election of 71. Proposals for removing Che- President and Vice-President, vaux de frize, 73, 75, 78. Corn- 249. Procession, 250. Proclaimed plaint against Constables, 75. at Court House, 251, 252. ReHillegas and Francis to lay out pairs in Secretary's office, 268. lots at. Barracks-Inspection of Box to be delivered to Marbois goods-Remission of forfeitures free of duty, 2S3. Sale of old on Brandy-Militia filles and ex- jail-Purchase of part of Statepenses, 77. Chevaux de frize, house lot, corners of Fifth St. agreement with Donaldson & and Sixth Street, for public buildHollingsworth. --- Appropriation ings, 284, 285. Repairs of Statefor River Delaware, 105. Me- house, 285. Improvement of morial of Merchants for inspec- State house lot, 286. Ground tion of goods, 106. Justices — rent paid by Council on lot corner Irregular elections, 108. Dedimus Sixth and Market to WinVm. Altpotestatem, issues for City and more, 289. Contested election County of, 110. Triumphal arch, of Justice, 291, 307 323, 325, the carpenters' work valued by a 344. Cl'k of city, Lieut.,.314, 640. committee of persons —Sales of Claims for city lots under old goods by Wardens, 111. Robbery rights rom Winm. Penn, 323, 326, in Southwark, and arrest of per- 327, 343. State lottery drawing, sons —Proclamation,' 112. In- 324. Memorial of merchants on spection of goods, 114, 115. In- piers in the Del're, 326.' Populasult to Monsieur Marbois, Consul tion 1760 and 1770 —exports 1773, General of France, by Longs- 1784, 336. James Loughead, champs, 115, 116, 117, 120, 121, Justice, 344. Report on city lot 135, 137. Justices, 116, 121, 135, in favor of John Lownes, 347. 149, 151, 159, 197. Buoys re- Memorial of merchants on piers, moved from Delaware —Procla- &c., 356. Old jail and workmation, 122. Claim of John house to be pulled down —city lots Balderston for a lot, 138. Memo- for Richard WXells and Henry Hill, rial against a bridge on German- devisees of Richard Bacon-Patrick town Road, 140. J. B. Smith, Haley arrested and reward to be prothonotary, 143. Deeds for lots paid, 359. Right of Pennocks to - Wardens expenditures on River city lot, 361. Right to city lot — J. Donaldson resigns-Joseph referred to Surveyor-General, 362. Bullock appointed, 151. Ex- All military and other stores to pense of removing exhibition be removed to a place of safety, frame from Market to State on account of destruction of old House, 157. Persons in gaol- jail, 366. Win. Whitebread offers Return of arms, &c.-Inquest on to pay his bond and mortgage George Fitler, 159. Payment to given to late Mayor, &c., 368. Wardens, 162. Leaden spouts Improvement of State house lottaken in 1777, paid for, 174. letter to merchants and traders, Deed for lots-Bells rung on La- 369. Contested election of JusFayette's arrival in, 176. Coin- tice for New Market Ward, 370. missioners ask for sale of old iron 377, 380, 381. Justices, 370. from jail-Council refuse, 179. Old jail, 409. Repairs of State Jonathan Penrose, justice, 197. house, 375. Matthew Irwin, ReRepairs to State Mansion-house, corder of Deeds, 378, 379. Gen. 206. Deed, 209. Removal of St. Clair, Auctioneer, 394. Repairs Chevaux-de-frize, 212. Repairs of State house and clock, 395. of State House, 235. Elections, House to cover cannon, 401. INDEX TO COLONIA.L RECORDS. 293 Philadelphia- PhiladelphiaThos. Paine paid-Dr. Ewing and wharf, 492. RPepairing State house Thos. Hutchins to run N. W. line, and building arsenal, 495. Deed, 402. Offices of Collector, Naval 501. Edward Shippen appointed Officer and Wardens-improve- Justice for Dock Wardl-Plunket ment of State house lot, 406, 444. Fleeson resigns as president of Report of Comptroller-General on Court —Edward Shippen appointed sums due military officers, 406- in his place —improvement of State 440. Deputy-Surveyors in each house lot, 549. Three stone steps county-a tent for Captain Por- for State house paid for, 550. B. ter, 441. Deputy-Surveyor, 441, Franklin, Councillor, 554. Geo. 443. James Read appointed Gray, Commissioner, 555. Arriflour inspector, 444, 445. Re- val of Sick Keesar and thirtygister of German passengers, five others from Bengal and China 445, 447. Improvement of State to seek a passage home, 561. House lot, 446. L. Farmer John Biddle, measurer of grain, appointed Register of Germans, 568. Clement Biddle, Notary447. Election in Penn Township, Mercantile Committee, 571. Me44-7. City lots to Francis Gurney mor'l of Lion-gschamps-of inhaband G. Westcoat, 453. Mont- itants against test law-debate gomery county formed from, 456. and resolution on the law, 573, Claim Thos. IMason-Wells, Hill 574. Aid to the Chinese, 574. and Young, referred to Mr. Story, Petition in favor of M. Aspden458. Money to Wardens, to enable Purchase of a lot at Cape May by Thomas Davis to erect piers-or- Wardens, 578. Repairs of State der for erecting an arsenal first house, 581. Deeds for old jail on Sth and Locust &c., ordered and adjoining lots-consideration on'"corner of public square, be- and names of purchasers-grant tween Thirteenth and Juniper of room in State house to SurAlley "-deeds, 457, 459, 460, veyor-General for an office, 583. 461. Wardens to contract for Improvement of State house yard, land at Marcus Hook for piers- execution of Elizabeth Wilson ornavigation above city —jurisdic- dered, 586, 588. Petition of tion of islands, 460. Edward Longschamlps, 587. Arsenal, 588. Bartholomew, Collector of Excise, Agreement with James Pearson 461. City lots —deeds, 462. to cover State house with copper, Richard Hill's devisees —plan of 597. Petition Win. Smitll to piers, 464. New proposals for construct a wharf-jurisdiction of piers-inmprovements of Statehouse Delaware river, 598, 599. Deed lot-E. Blaine claims a lot, 469. for barrack lots-State house lot, China factory, 479. Agreement 601. Deedcitylots, 605. Leaden with Thomas Conarroe for build- spouts, 618. Respecting M. Asping piers at Marcus Hook, 479. den -instructions respecting barCall on Commissioners to report, rack lots, 625. State house lot, improvement of State house lot, 626. Edward Burd, Prothonotary 483. A Spanish frigate at, 484. of Supreme Court, petition for Deed for city lot to John Franklin, Justice, 629. Justices, 629. Deeds 486. Inspectors of lumber, salt barrack lots, 632. Delinquents provisions-Robert Morris appeals for barrack lots, 634. Negroes to Supreme Court firom Comp- ask to enclose their burying troller-General's decision respect- ground, referred to Surveyoring his accounts —deed for barrack General, 637. Deeds for barrack lots, 489. Mons. Marbois, vice lots, 638. Abuse of public propFrench Consul at-proceedings erty in Southwark by militiarelative to old gaols and buildings appropriation for improving river in Montgomery - county, 491. Delaware, 641. Schuylkill bridge Rent of store on Market street by Davis and Casdrop-abuse of 294 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Philadelphia- Philadelphia — public property in Southwark, 115. Militia, 109. Proclamation 643. Deeds city lots, 649. Bar- and procession on election of racks and city lots, 650. Thos. President and Vice President, 111. Davis, wharf builder- deed city Bells rung, 121. Demand on New lot, 653. JohnBlaynton, Collector York for a horse thief, 125 of tonnage-State house clock, Claims for city lots to be consid654. Win. Craig, Justice of High ered, 134. Favor of J. Robinson, street Ward, 660. State house claim of R. Peters & C. Hurst, improvement-Clerk of Orphans' 136. Deed to Robert Morris, corCourts, W. Nicolls, 667. Justice ner Sixth and Market, and priceNice resigns, 672. city lots ordered to be sold, 151. Health officer, xv., 3. City Alexander Todd, Justice-sale of lots, 3. Improvement of State lot postponed, 160. Jno. Mease, house, 4. Notice of the public / auctioneer, Matthew Irwin, Master sale of Joseph Galloway's proper- of Rolls, 166. Convicts to be ty, Sixth and Market streets, 6, 15, punished with eight inch sheds, 37. Repairs of State house, 10. 169. R. McKnight, Justice of Justices, 8, 17, 23, 26, 160, 256. Dock Ward, 171. State house, 367, 422, 452, 520, 522, 541, 606. 172. Clock, 174. Sundry lots Deeds for city lots, 13, 35, 37, 46. to be sold-flour inspector, 172. Barrack lots to be sold, 18, 20. Plan for Court house adopted, City lots to be sold, 23. Plan 174. Deeds barrack lots, 180. be furnished by Surveyor-General, 181. Auctioneer's accounts of St. 28. State house improvement, Clair, 183. J. Mease, auctioneer, 30. John Cowan, execution not 186. Notices distributed respectnow issued, 31. J. Kelly's ears ing citylots, 188. Sheriff to postnot be cut off, 33 City lots, 46. pone sale of flour, 191. Peter Auctioneers-deed for barrack lots, Wikoff, auctioneer, in place of 50. C. Febiger, auctioneer for General St. Clair-Wardens to Northern Liberties, 53. State improve Delaware river, 197. house, 57. City lots between Claim for city lots by R. Howe Fifth and Seventh, in Market, to and J. Elliott, 201. Execution of be sold (from Schuylkill, 58. a criminal postponed —claim for Pay for ringing Christ Church taking care of State lot by Winm. bells, 60. Claim of proprietaries Rees rejected, 202. Barracks for for city lots, 63, 68. Leaden invalids —officers of light infantry, spouts, pay for, 66. Pay to agent fines suspended, &c.-removal of on sale of barrack lots, 69. Re- stores from, 1777, 265. Claim port of Attorney-General on claim by Miers Fisher, attorney for to city lot, 71. Support of light city lots, &c., 207. Militia, 209. house, &c., 73. Sale of city lots, Mons. De Brassines delivered up Chinese to be- sent to Maryland, to Mons. Marbois, French Con75. Materials for houses at bar- sul, 215. Jonas Philips charged racks, 76. Improvement of State with usury, dismissed, 217. State house lot, 77. Sales of lot post- house yard, 220. Sale of merponed, 85. City lots to be sold, chandize for duties, 225. Piers 87. Repairs of State house- at Marcus Hook —presents to Earl of Shelburne claims citylots, Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians Notaries Public appointed, 87. in, 229. Deeds to John NicholState house, 90, 103. Elections, son for city lot, 230. Gunpowder 98. Wardens, 98, 559, 562. Rep- delivered to Col. Miffin to celeresentatives, 98. Councillors, 567. - brate 4th July, 235. And to Wm. Street Commissioners, 98. Sher- Will-officers of militia complain iffs, 98, 328, 567, 579. Coroners, of an election, referred to Win. 98, 328, 567, 574. Commission- Henry-appeal of executors of ers, 98. State house repairs, 99, Caleb Newbold, 237. Claim for INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 295 Philad elphia- Philadelphiacity lot-report of contested elec- arms to be collected and repaired, tion for Mayor-another election, 343. Swedish Consul complains 241, 242. Agents of forfeited es- of rude behavior of two constatates, 246. Indians detained at bles, &c., 348. Plan of city lots Lancaster by sickness of inter- to be sold-State house, 349. preter, 251. Plan of forty-two Order of procession on adopting city lots on Lombard street re- Federal Constitution, 350. Josepl ported by Comptroller, to be sold, Perkins to repair arms, 357. E. 255. Deed for barrack lot, 256. Pole, Notary, 358. Guard at Robert McKnight, Justice, 272. State house, 365. Newspapers Lot on Lombard street, between published in, taken by Council, Tenth and Twelfth, appropriated, expense of, to be curtailed, 366. on request of Wardens, as a bury- Invalid corps on duty at State ing ground for strangers — " Act house, 367. Sheriff ordered to April 8, 1786," for directing sale of set up Francis Wade's house at a such citylots as remain the proper- limit for the Commonwealth-city ty of the State and for disposing of Lieutenant to deliver to Jlno. Nichthe house andlots in High street, olson arms belonging to Col. F. late the property of Joseph Gallo- Gurney's battalion-petition of way and forfeited, 273. Minutes merchants respecting goods sold of convention met in, transmitted to, arid insolvent in, Delaware, by Congress, 286. Report of plan asking not be charged duties on of city lots south side Market their return —German newspaper and west side of Tenth for sale, by Melchior Steiner in, ordered 301. New memlbers-elections- by Council, 375. Suspected vesinvalid guard, 303. Procession sel seized by naval officer — soldiers President and Vice President granted him to enforce lawsFranklin and Muhlenberg, 308. powder purchased for celebration Execution of Jacob Dryer ordered, of ratification of ("Co-stitution, 311. Collector, Naval Officer and 377. Notices for eno.osing city Clerk of Court appointed, 315. lots-reports of Board of properMurder of a Spaniard in, Coro- ty on sundry claims under Wnm. ner's inquisition and proclama- Penn - conference asked with tion to arrest riqters-Dr. Rush, Jtdges, 379, 383. Robert Leslie &c. called on conduct of Mr. Jones, proposes an alteration in the hamhealth officer, 317. Proclamation mer of State house clock, granted, against rioters at house of Maj. 380, 3S7. Report on certain Alexander Boyd, also against claims to city lots-warrants to mnurderer of a Spaniard at house issue in favor of Tench Francis of Margaret Bailey, 319. John and George Glentworth, 383. Sale Jones elected health officer —plan of Wade's house referred to Atof forty city lots to be sold-Jacob torney-General-arms for repair Dryer pardoned, 320. New or- placed in hands of Samuel Coutder of Council, conduct of officers, ty and Samuel Lehman, gUn321. Election of officers, John smiths —John Franklin's irons to Baynton, Collector of Tonnage, be removed - merchants ask a Abm. Hubley, Auctioneer, Chris- postponement of suits on bonds, tian Febiger, Auctioneer, and 385, 387. Title of Joseph Egg other officers, 322. TWardens ap- forcitylot, 391. Numerous claims pointed —C. Biddle, Marshal —M. for city lots by grant from W. Sadler has use of old sashes, 323. Penn, 399. Sharp Delaney to Jona. B. Smith, Prothonotary of contract for house for public offiCourt C. Pleas, 325. Council at- ces, 402. Claims of sundry pertend speaking in Zion church, 340. sons for city lots, 413. State Duties refunded on package re- house clock, 414. J. Baynton ceived by mistake-all the public dies —Samuel Calldwell appointed 296 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Philadelphia- PhiladelphiaCollector of tonnage duties, 417. appointed-report on Jones' lane, Repair of arms, 421, 422. Papers 527. Petition Northern Liberties relating to claim of Chas. Cecil, for certain city lots, 532, 533; in hands of Mord. Lewis, called Militia expenses-John Franklin, for, 423, 424. Jacob Weaver, conference respecting, 533. PowJustice —claim for lots, 424, 425, der for militia-J. Franklin ill in 429. Major John Nice of 2d bat- prison-expense of nurse allowed, talion of militia resigns —Collector city lots corner Green and Third to furnish account of moneys due to WVm. Sheaff, and price, 537, on imposts-magazine for pow.- 538. Report on roads and streets der so full as not to receive a laid out in Southwark, &c., 539, quantity arrived, it is placed in 547, 554. Board of Wardens es"guard house" adjoining, 433, tablished and members appointed 434. Deed for barrack lot-Col- — SamuelCaldwell, Collector, 559. lector, 434. Wardrant to R. Peters Deed for city lot to W. Sheafffor liberty land-Capt. William entry of teas, 562. Contested Paulus remnoves, vacancy to be election for Sheriff, between Win. supplied by election, 436. Capt. Will and James Ash, 567, 568, Ziegler to have room in house of 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 575, 576, employment for soldiers, 437, 577, 578, 579. Triumphal arch 438. Claims for city lots, 438, made by Gunning Bedford-John 439. Thanks of artillery officers, Leacock, Coroner, 574. James 438. Claims for city lots, 440, Ash declared Sheriff, 579. Elec441. Sundry claims for, 442. tion frauds complained of and enMilitia, 443. Lieuteuant asks for quiredinto-State house roof, &c., powder and cartridges, order for — to be examined-lottery —gunpowopinion asked of Judges respect- der to celebrate election of Presiing storage of more powder, 447. dent and Vice President, 580. Expenses for State house yard for Procession - President, Thomas 1787, 449. Disputed military Mifflin, George Ross, Vice Presielection, 454. Carriages for ar- dent-survey of lands for Episcotillery cannon, 455, 457. Deeds pal Academy, 585. Infested with for city lots-claim of Charles robbers-disorderly and wicked Cecil, 459. Repairs of arms, 465, persons-resolutions against-re468. Deed barrack lot, 472. port against vice and immorality, Claims for city lots, 477, 478, 479, 589. Christ Church bells rung480, 481, 485, 520, 524. Federal pilots, 597. Powdermagazine, 599. ship Union placed in State house Inquiry into manner of conducting yard, 487. Care to be taken to jail, 602. Contested election, 612. prevent escape of John Franklin, Robert Lesley's memorial respect490. Petitions of Abraham and ing G. Owen and State house clockLevi Doan, now in jail under election fraud, report on, 619. sentence of death, 497, 501. Regulation of Southwark-health Execution ordered, 505. Peti- officer, 627, 628. Postpon6choice tion favor of Doans-respite, of health officer, petitioners may 515. A free negro afraid of withdraw, 629. Memorial of merDoans, released, 515. Com- chants relative to flour shipped to plaints against British Consul, Havana -Capt. McLean unable to 517, 520. Repairs of artillery, comiand the corps of invalids, 517. Caveat of Davis Bevan set Col. L. Nicolais appointed in his aside and patent to issue to Mary place, 633. Returns of members of Meredith for city lots-D. Hum- Congress, 636. Hearing of landphreys for printing-repairs of holders in Southwark on report of arms —Wardens for rent of offices, Commissioners, 648. 518, 519. IIessian fly, answer of Notaries, xvi., 1. Paid to Capt. Agricultural Society to-Notaries John Morrell for powder to cele INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 297 hiladelphia- Philadelphiabrate Washington's birthday, 4. Claim of Ay. Cuthbert for city Regulation of Moyamensing and lots, 119. Procession for comnPassyunk, 4. Southwark, 4. Or- mencement, 121. Powder for 4th ders for executions, 9. Repairs July — Samuel Powell, Mayor, of arms, 14. Andrew Allen to be takes oath in Council, 123. given up to Governor of New Watch houses, lamps, &c., in Jersey, 14. Arrangements for re- State house yard, 127. Enoch ception of General Washington — Edwards, Pres't. of General Court an address by President —Escort; Quarter Sessions, in place of Edno illumination-estimate of ex- ward Shippen, 133. Indians on penses, 25. Letter to Assembly their way to New York ask for on, execution ordered, 26. Sales money, 134. Repair of gun carof J. Kenzey's city lots ordered — riages, 136. Export of potashes State house clock, 29. C. Febi- from, 140. Lots in Southwark, ger, auctioneer, 35. R. Footman 140. State house, care of-misand Wm. Shannon appointed- take committed by issuing land invalids, 36. Sheriff to read to warrants for the Reformed conprisoners in jail act on penal gregation instead of German Lulaws, 43. Register-General's of- theran, corrected, 148. C. G. fice in Receiver-General's, 45. Gaskill's claim negatived, 153. Two city lots claimed by Richard State duty, on auction sales in Peters-sale postponed —society Southwark, 155. Tavernlicenses for encouragement of manufac- received, 157. Loan of drafts of tures, &c., paid, 51. Mayor and Southwark and leveling instrualdermen under Act of incorpora- ments by Council to-Notary, 164. tion, 53. Relative to title of State Claim of A. Cuthbert and N. to lot between Cedar and Lom- Young, 167, 170. Nathaniel Falbard, claimed by Miers Fisher, coner appointed health officer, &c., for widow Gaskill of London, 174. Repairs of public arms, 178. under a grant from Wmin. Penn, State house clock put under care 55. M. Leib paid for medicines of Robert Lesley, in place of G. and attendance on a militia man, Owen, 180. Account G. Owen for 61. James Read re-appointed care of State house clock, 197. inspector of flour-Matthew Ir- Report on accounts of J. Perkins win paid for enrolling laws, 63. and A. Morton for repair of arms, Lot on Vine between Schuylkill 198. Powder, &c. for celebrating Front and Second appropriated as election of President and Vice a stranger's burial ground, 69. President-repairs of arms beStores forpresident's celebration — longing to, 201. John Biddle, road, 85. Lamps placed in State measurer of grain, dies, 204. house yard, &c., 86. Samuel James Ash, Sheriff-J. Leacock, Brigs presents machine for ma- Coroner, 208. Benjamin Davis, king nails, screws and gimblets, measurer of grain, 209. State 88, 346. Payment to Rakestraw house,' 219. Clock, 220. Tax and Colliday for repairs of State on writs received, 220. German house, 90. City lots by J. Nich- passengers arrived, 222. Comolson-by Dr. D. Christie and J. mittee of Safety, 1776, take salt Mercer to be sold-expenses of from a store which is now paid fireworks, &c., on arrival of Presi- for —address from Abolition socident of United States, 94. John ety, 2102.. Tavern licenses, 2172. Franklin removed from jail in, to Regulation of Southwark, &c., Northanmpton, 102. Claim of 2202. Pay for lamps, watch Chr. Gula. Gaskill for city lots, house in State house yard and 108, 109. Win. Shannon auction- watchmen for public offices, 2202. eer Northern Liberties, 109. Ex- Dr. Duffield reports sick prisoners ecution of Win. Cole ordered, 118. to be removed from jail-Deputy 298 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Philadelphia- PhiladelphiaSurveyor, 2232. Sea letter granted constables of-pardoned —convicby Council to Capt. James Josiah, tion for stealing a stick of fire of ship Brothers, bound to China- wood-referred to Attorney-GeneChrist Church bells rnng-regu- ral, 387. W. Austin's estate sold, lation of Southwark, 225, 228, 387. Money for building cells 238. Jno. Patton, auctioneer, A. and walls in jail yard, 388. ConHubley, auctioneer, Southwark. ference with Mayor, Assembly Report of Commissioners to reg- and Common Council on the subulate streets, lanes and alleys j ect of their representation rein Southwark, Passyunk and specting gunpowder magazine Moyamensing, 245-251, 262. now erecting, 387, 390. Powder Wm. Shannon, auctioneer's ac- for 4th of July, 391. Mistake in count of duty on sales in Northern sale of city lots to M. M. O'Brien Liberties, 253. Two city lots for rectified, 393. Repairs of State sale, 271. W. Ferguson, Joseph house —attention requested for Snowden and Christian Carberry Colonel McGilivray and prinreleased from jail, 281. Light- cipal chiefs of Creek Indians on ing lamps, watchmen about State their way to New York —invitation house, 291. Anthony Cuthbert to commencement in German Reclaims city lot, 293, 299. Ex- formed church in Race street, 395, change of warrants for land with 396. Deputy of health officer exGerman Reformed congregation, torts fees, 402. Benj. F. Bache 297. Duty on sales at auction establishes " The Daily Adverin Southwark, 303. Tavern li- tizer," 409. City Hall being censes — House of Employment erected-a building pulled down — paid for J. McManus, injured ringing of Christ Church bells 4th while in public service-Excise July, 410. Survey of land for collected-duty on sales at auc- German Reformed congregation, tion by R. Footman, 311. Joseph 423. Circuit Court United States Leacock, inspector of pot and pearl to be held in, 433. Powder for ashes —subscribers to manufac- celebrating arrival of General turing fund meet at the college- Washington, 436. Lieutenant additional auctioneers appointed, Winm. Henry resigns, 447. NichJoseph Dean and John Chaloner olas Miller paid for billeting soldfor Northern Liberties, 315. iers, 447. Thomas Proctor apMannufacturing building burned pointed Lieutenant of) 449, 485. by design, proclamation against P. Thompson claims citylot, 457. incendiaries, 326. Powder maga- Duties on sales at auction, 460. zine -Lot of Col. John Patton on Tonnage duty and fines collected, WValnut street near Schuylkill 461. R. Peters claims city lots, proposed to be purchased, 328. 462. Expenses of President's reValue of, 337. Capt. P. Z. Lloyd ception, &c., 465. Fees received resigns, 337. Jonas Philips ap- by Master of Rolls-Gov. Mifflin plies to be auctioneer for Moya- receives pay for leaden spouts mensing-not vacant, 340. Pow- taken from him in 1777-report der for celebrating birthday of on conduct of several prisoners, President United States, 365. M. 479. Militia, 481. Execution of O'Bryan for city lots —plan and Pat. Waugh ordered, 485. Thos. dimensions of powder magazine, Willing paid for leaden spouts 367. Charles Biddle, paidfor State taken in 1777-arrangements for achouse yard, &c., improvements — commodation of Congress in west WV. Shannon, duties on sales at wing of State house and sundry auction, 369, 386. Repairs of State offices in Carpenter's Hall, 486. house yard, 370. Stephen Pros- Paid R. Lesley for taking care of ser, Notary, 386. Attack of State house clock —M. Josephson, Castner Jones of Delaware on two for Hebrew congregation, asks INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 29H Philadelphia- Philadelphia Library Company, not loan of lottery wheels, 489. Jas. permitted to receive books from Ash, Sheriff, John Leacock, Coro- New York, xii., 318. ner, 490. Samuel Powell and Phile, Dr. Frederick, appointed Joseph Kilburn paid for leaden Naval Officer of Philadelphia, xi., spouts, 490. R. Peters' claim for 198, 513, 520. Certificate respectcity lot referred to Supreme Court, ing health of S. Fisher, xii, 221. 492. Nathaniel Falconer, health Naval Officer, 608. Letter, xiii., officer-Brown's Federal Gazette — 563. Draft on, 700. Appointed repairs at State Island-draft of Naval officer, xv., 315, 621. CerSouthwark, Moyamensing and tificate of his fidelity as Naval 1Passyunk, 493. A L"necessary" Officer, xvi., 59. to be sunk in State house yard, Philips, Jonas, charged with usury, 496. P. Wangh respited-Corn- but dismissed, xv., 216. planter and other Indians in, 497. Philips, Thomas, Lieutenant of boat, Their expenses paid, 498. Patent xi., 47. Lieutenant, 557. to Col. George Morgan for city Phipps, S., letter on charge of translots, 499. Duty on sales at auc- porting English prisoners, v., 418. tion received, 500. Indian chief Phips, Gov. P., sends letter from " Great Tree" wounded in leg- Gov. Lawrence on French fleet, attended by Dr. Jones-Corn- vi., 451, 555. To Governor M., planter and Half Town permitted 606. To General Johnson, 607. to remain till arrival of President Phipps, Gov. S., Massachusetts apUnited States-French emigrants plies for export of provisions vii., furnished with tents, 513. WV 135, 136, 169, 186. Gosline repairs east wing of State Phoenix, privateer, captures a Porhouse for Register-General's office, tuguese vessel illegally, xii., 63. 515. Public officers called on for Physick, Edmund, Receiver-Geneinformation, 517. A city lot- ral, petition respecting propriegunpowder for arrival of Presi- tary estate, ix., 178. Called on dent United States, 522. Claim for books, papers, &c., xii., 256, of Richard Peters for city lots, 280, 316, 332, 357, 359, 362, 409. 523, 526, 529, 532, 534. C. Bid- Delivered to Secretary and Col. die, account of expenditures on Johnston, 719. Secretary of land State House, &c., 522, 523. Print- office, xiii., 420. To examine ing for convention-pay to Commis- papers for quit rents due propriesioners to explore rivers, 525. taries, xiv., 71. Paid for services Claim of Thomas Harding con- as keeper of great seal, xv., 299. firmed, 522, 531. Lot for powder Pickering, Charles, petition, i., 67, magazine, cost, &c., by Jno. Pat- 68. Decision in favor of, 73. ton, 532. Wm. Semple, sub- Testimony, 101. Charged with Lieutenant of-lecture by Judge counterfeiting money, 84. Jury Wilson, 533. R. Peters' claim summoned, 86. Names of jury, rejected, 539. Sale of city lots 87. Sentence, 88, 91, 92. Tesordered, 540. Receipts from auc- timony, 135. Pleads for servants, tion - table covers for Senate 150. chamber, 541. Deed John Pat- Pickering Timothy, order from Board ton and wife for lot for powder of War, xi., 497. Letters, xii., magazine, 541. Repairs at State 451, 693. Quarter-Master-Genhouse, 542. Materials for pow- eral United States, xiii., 48. der magazine —expeinses of offices, Elected Prothonotary, &c. of Lu544. Cornplanter's expenses paid, zerne county, xv., 96, 97, 99. Charles Cecil's claim dismissed, Register and Recorder, 134. Elec547. tions in Luzerne, 212. Letter to, Philadelphia Contributionship for 362. From, 465. Arrested by insuring houses ask for a charter, mob, 484, 493. Released, 502. ix., 440, 447, 472, 637, 641. Letter to, asking his opinion on 300 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. sending troops to Tioga, 505. In- Act regulating, ix., 293, 295, 296, telligence from, 514. Letter on 671, 729. Rules for, x., 337, 344, reward to captors, 547. Paid as 357. Petition, 354, 405, 543. Commissioner on Connecticut Special grant to, 340, 341, 344, claims, 573. Proclamation re- 357, 416, 428, 520, 555, 678. specting captors of, annulled, 605. Special, for chevaux de frize, 363. Letter froml, referred, 606. Peti- Rules and regulations for, 396. tion of captors, 611. Report re- Boat to cruise in bay, 401. A, specting captors, 627. Reward, restricted to Chester, 402, 535. 627. Register and Recorder of Pay increased, 430, 520. To Luzerne county, xvi., 444, 446. cruise in bay, 535. For privaPidgeon, Joseph, interested in Free teers, 542. Pay of, 555. Raised, Society Trade, ii., 154. A Justice, 745; xi., 574. 159. Member of Council, 168. Pine Creek, two friendly Indians Commission to, stipulations be- murdered by whites, xvi., 396. tween Maryland and Pennsyl- Proclamation against murderers, vaniarespecting surveys, iii., 161. 397. Depositions sent AttorneyPieces-of-Eight, bill proposed, i., General, 418, 437. Doyle ar72. Not to pass by weight, 72. rested-reward paid, 483, 484, Counterfeited by C. Pickering and 508. S. Buckley, 85. Proclamation to Pine Street Church, lots enclosed put down, 89. Respecting, 91, with, not to be sold now, xiii., 3. 92. In Robert Turner's hands, Pipe, the-Captain of Shawnese, 209. Counterfeited by Jones and vii., 382. Barnes, v., 119, 141. Stamps de- Piper, James, Sheriff, x., 101, 212, faced, 145. 270. Pierce, George, Justice, xiv., 138. Piper, Col. John, xi., 83, 240. Pierce, John, Paymaster-General, Censured for enlisting men in xii., 712. Paymaster-General Bedford, 411. Lieutenant, 187, United States, xiii., 7. 708. Lieutenant authorized to Piercy, Lieutenant Henry, recruits, call out militia of Bedford counxi., 567. ty in case of invasion, xii., 10. Piers, to be fixed, x., 648, 682. To Officers named, 70. Ammunition be erected in Delaware river, xiv., sent to, 104. Lieutenant, 372. 458. And land purchased at Resigns as Lieutenant, 549. To Marcus Hook for, 460, 464, 468. receive clothing for Captain Boyd Agreement with Thomas Conar- at Bedford, xiii., 145, 152. roe to build, 479. At Marcus Piper, John, Justice Court Common Hook, xv., 228; 233. Pleas, xiv., 208. Pike, Thomas (dancing master), to Piracy, execution for, xii., 537. be seized, xi., 284. Evidence from Jamaica against Pike-Dr. Franklin to procure a pat- Maurice Keating, &c., xiv., 268. tern for a, x., 283, 284. S. Pas- Pirates, vessels arrive at and plunchall to make, 284. To be pro- der Lewestown, i., 539, 549, 554, cured, 328. Pay Owen Biddle 555. Proclamation against, 555, for, 482. 559, 562, 563, 566, 572, 574. Pilots, not licensed, restrained from Proclamation against, 565. Quesgoing on board vessels bound up tion about sending, for trial, 577. the river, iv., 394. Directions to, Jaimes Brown, 580. Law against, in cases of flags of truce, v., 81. 590. Alarm from, ii., 21, 22, Eachl to have printed copy of 24, 25, 100, 148, 566, 567. proclamation, 82. Interference of Proclamation against, iii., 32, Jersey asked, 111. Examination 38, 50, 58, 63. Sailors taken of, 111, 112. Of Sussex county, by, arrive, 51, 55. Governor's petition, 226. Proclamation not speech on, 54. Teach, a noted, to board vessels inward bouind, 54. In gaol ask for clothing, &c., 227. For Delaware bay and river, 430. To be executed on Wind INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 301.mill Island and in chains at Mud letter on progress of works at, Island, xii., 731. Sentenced, xv., 427. Conference at, 429-435. 397. Three hundred men to be raised Piscataway Indians ask to settle for, 582. Early survey of lands here, ii., 191. near, x., 161. Geographical situPisqutomen (Indian), sent on mes- ation of Fort Pitt, 175. Proceedsage to Ohio, viii., 147. Returns ings against Samuel Sample, a and reports, 174. supposed accomplice of Dr. ConPitcher, James, appointed Commis- oily, 533. Patent to John Ormssary, vi., 303. by for ferry at junction of AllePitkin, William, Governor of Con- ghany and Monongahela rivers, necticut, letter of Governor P. to, xii., 317. Captain Craig ordered on New England settlers, ix., 573. to, by General Washington, 330. Answer, 602. Pass to, for Moravians, 346. JusPitt, Captain, may hire prisoners tices, xiii., 69S. Petition of M. from gaol, x., 542. Boggs respecting improvements Pitt, Fort, General Monckton asks in reserved tract opposite to, xiv., for four hundred troops, viii., 373. State road to, 574. Road 509-ix., 34, 42, 269. Confer- from Miller's Spring to, xv., 13. ence and speeches at, 219. In- Privileges to Win. Butler on acdian prisoners to be sent to, 239. count of land opposite to, being Indian conferences at, 249-264. overflowed-ferry, 42. Draughts Lieutenant-Colonel Reid corn- of depreciation lands to be put mands at, 269. Goods for, in up at, 43. Favor of James Robdanger, 303. Murders near, 321- inson, 73. Sale of lands pro323. Lands, 434. Croghan going posed, 118. Road to, from Miller's to, to condole with Indians, 490. Spring, 121. Road through WestCommissioners, appointed to at- ern Counties to, 273. Members tend treaty, decline, 491. Messrs. of Assembly confer on, 274. Allen and Shippen appointed, 491. David Reddick to lay common Commission and instructions, 492, and lots in lands opposite to, 289. 493. Indians from, 496. Con- Scull and Hall, printers, 390. ference at, 514-543. Messengers Reserved tract opposite, 497, 501. with Indians from, to Redstone, To be arranged for sale, 504. 539. Indian councils at, referred Plan reported, 509-512. Lots to to, x., 11. Evacuation of, 68, be sold in Philadelphia, 522. In71, 74. Petition of Labatte and dians pacific near, 531. Road to, Angle, xi., 568. Party attacked from Bedford, 599. Lots opposite, by Indians, 699. Rawlin's regi- not to be sacrificed, 600. Valuament about to march for, 758. tion, 601. Lots on reserved tract Brigadier-General Wm. Irvine opposite to, xvi., 22. Road becommands, xiii., 79, 83, 150, 162. tween Bedford and, 27, 51, 466, Men to be sent to, 348. G. Bla- 550. Value of reserved lands keney offers to raise men, 454. opposite, 45. Road from CurmSale of ruins, xiv., 498. To be berland county to, 73. Reserved taken possession of for Commit- tract opposite, surveyed, 97, 340. tee, 517. David Duncan of, furnishes troops Pittsburg, minutes of conference on frontiers with supplies, 400. with Indians at, viii., 293-297. Error in survey of a tract oppoBrigadier-General Stanwix suc- site to, 411. ceeds Forbes and Mercer at, 298. Pitt, Wm., appointed one of the prinConference at, 306. Returns of cipal secretaries, vii., 412. Letters the garrison at, 314. News fronl, to and from, 564; viii., 18, 26, 379. *Captain Gordon, engineer, 272, 288, 315, 316, 449, 451, 590. arrived, spot for fort not fixed on, Complaints against America by 392. De Lignery shot at Niagara, Spain, 18. Lord Loudoun's suc393. News from, 392. Stanwix's cessor, 26. To raise troops under 302 IND'EX TO CO LONIAL RECORDS. General Forbes, 27. Restoration Poor,. relief of the, iii., 43, 88, of Fort Du Quesne, 315. 590. And almshouse PhiladelPlague, master of vessel imprisoned phia, 598, 590. And impotent on account of, iv., 674. persons not to be imported, iv., Plankinhorn, Jacob, appointed flour 304. Laws, proposed or passed, inspector Philadelphia, xi., 201. v., 371, 372, 396, 403. Bill layPlate, leaden, taken from Jean Coeur, ing duties on, 499. Relief of, ix., made by French on Ohio, v., 508. 3, 4, 243, 294, 394, 396, 434, 446, Copy of inscription on it, 510. 470, 472, 593, 599, 637, 640, 719, Plates, for counterfeiting, defaced 721, 724, 729. Relief of, 243, by Council, xiii., 385. 294, 396, 470. Poor wood from Plays and Lotteries, Act against, commons, xi., 70. Overseers of, proposed, viii., 339. Vindicated, ask a pass for pauper, xiii., 28. 340, 355, 356. Considered in a Pope, John, a Justice, ix., 543. very different light, 542. Popple, Sir Alfred, Secretary of Pleasants, Samuel, to be seized, xi., Lords of Trade-on bills of credit, 283. iii., 262. Plumsted, Clement, a Justice, iii., Population, of city and each county, 28. Member Council, 269. 1760, 1770, xiv., 336. Plumsted, William, to draw for "Porcupine," guard boat, xi., 750. money granted by Parliament, Porter Brewery in Philadelphia, xi., ix., 3, 4. 710. Plumstead's wharf, xi., 748. Porter, Col., battalion, x., 683, 686, Plunket, Dr. WVilliam, letter from, 708, 710. on WVyoming, x., 86. Governor's Porter, C~aptain Andrew, to stop answer to, 87. President of Court and exam-1ine a British vessel at at Northumberland, 87. Mud Island, xiii., 145. Promoted Plymouth, township, asks for a cart to.major, 223, 233. Memorandlum road, i., 200, 218. of officers on promotion, 367, 491. Poetquessing Creek, road, ferry and Error in commission, 617. bridge, i., 514. Porter, David, pay to, as wagon mnasPoht, Lieutenant, resigns, xii., 685. ter, xii., 703. Pole, Edward, to attend vendues, Porter, Capt.., asks that his xi., 767; xiv., 495. Petition to company may be annexed to Col. be Notary-is appointed, xv., 358. Proctor's regiment, xii., 210, 266. Pollard, Jeffrey, Coroner for Backs, Porter, Stephen, Commissary, xiv., iii., 108. 403, 643. Receives a tent, 441. Pollard, William, x., 699. Member Pay for necessaries for Commisof Navy Board, xi., 127. Indebted sioners to run line, 442, 445. Comfor purchase of a traitor's estate, missary to Commissioners on west xiii., 3, 9. Memorial respecting boundary, xv., 108, 120; xvi., money of W. Price, 748. Justice 2092. -new trial to, xiv., 669. Porter, Col. Andrew, error in comPollock, James, Coroner, x., 212, mission, xiii., 617. Pay for provi270. Superceded becaulse no sions for Virginia Commissioners, taking oath, by Geo. Reading, xi., xiv., 104, 114, 119, 134. Coim455. missary to Commissioners to sell Pollock, Capt. iWm., x., 701. public horses, 286. Reversed, Pomroy, Robert, Lieutenant of gun 308. On north line, 399, 586. boat, x., 327, 353. Resigns as Commissary, 400. To Pomroy, Ralph, xi., 749. run western boundary, xv., 19, Pompunagh and other Indians in 106. And assist A. Ellicott on Philadelphia barracks —menmorial, northern line, 195, 220. Paid, ix., 135. 356. Asked for description of Pools, Nathaniel, former road from, Erie lands, 382. Claim for a to Wm. Coat's corner, ii., 561, horse, 642, 644. 562. Record, 562. Porteus, Captain George, captured INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 303 off the capes by a French priva- 490. Requesting militia for Norteer-deposition of, v., 245. thumberland, 492. Councilman, Portrait of Benjamin Franklin, be- 543. Vice President, xiii., 112. queathed by him to Council, xvi., ElectedMajor-Gen'l., 289. Course 358. Thanks for it, to executors, approved, 292. Censor, xiv., 359. 212, 442. Command on SusquePosackaselt (an Indian), suspected hannah, 485, 655. Death of of murder, ii., 71. Deputy Surveyor, xvi., 257. His Post, aid for the, asked for, i., 524. son James appointed in his place, Office, petition of Post Master- 261, 264. General for salary, ii., 33. Law Potter, John, Sheriff, v., 468; vi., for settling Post Office, 33. Gen. -144, 638. Letter from, Great Braddock recommends a, between Cove destroyed, 673. State of Philadelphia and Winchester, vi., affairs in Culmberland, 706. 321. Office, western, mentioned, Pottinger, James, leaves his misvii., 120. Managed by Franklin tress, joins enemy and deserts to and Hunter —extent, salaries, priv- Washington, xii., 219. ileges, &c., in reply to Sir C. Potts, Major James, of musket batHardy, 447. Riders paid, xiv., talion, has leave to resign, x., 643. 548. Potts, John, a Magistrate, vii., 62. Post, Frederick (a German), ap- Potts, John, estate of, xii., 114, 116, pointed with Charles Thomson 117. messengers to Indians, holds con- Potts, John, Jr., at riot at J. Wilference with, at Niscopec, viii., son's, xii., 137. 132. Sent with message from Potts, Doctor Jona., censured, xii., Cherokees to Teedynscung, 137. 100, 101. At riot at J. WVilson's, Instructions from Governor, 138. 139, 577. Journal to Wyoming, 142. Sent Potts, Capt. Joseph, xi., 379. with Indians, 147, 148. Arrives Potts, Nathaniel, at riot at J. Wilwith news froml General Forbes. son's, gives bail, xii., 138. 212, 223. Authorized to go as a Potts, Samuel, to cast heavy canMoravian missionary to Indians, non, x., 412, 530. 301. Sent to Indians by Governor, Potts, Col. Thomas, battalion, x., 341. News sent to, of murder of 701, 710; xi., 47. Dr. John at Carlisle, 455. In- Potts, Zebulon, Sheriff, xiv., 230, structions for journey to Indians 555; xv., 101. on Ohio, 469. Not allowed to Pottsgrove, stores of provisions at, pass through Seneca country, 491. Mitchell, storekeeper, xi., 423. Letter from Delaware chiefs, 676. Virginia prisoners, 468, 472, 473. Postlethwaite, Samuel, Sheriff, xiv., Poultney, x., 528. 236, 567. Ponltney, Benj., xi., 74, 137. Pass Pot-ashes, export of, from Philadel- to New York, xiii., 534. phia, xvi., 140. Inspector of, Poultney, Thomas, buys an old jail 312. lot, xiv., 583. Potomac River, Indian name for, Pounds, to be erected in each townCohongoruton, iv., 719. ship, iii., 345, 356. Erection of, Potter, Captain, vii., 230. iv., 19, 21, 40. Potter, Capt. James, a Commissioner Povey., John, confirms proceedings to remove settlers from Indian at Kensington respecting bounds lands, ix., 481. Appointed third of Connecticut, vi., 267. Brigadier-General, xi., 199. Asks Powder, money to be paid at New for boats to convey troops from Castle complained of by PhiladelChester to Billingsp't-he attends phia merchants, ii., 379, 382, 433. Council, 248. To send guard to And powder house, petition Fort Island, 250. Letter, 266; against, and bill proposed, iii., xii., 70. Expenses paid, 365, 242. Referred to Richard Hill, 593. Marches againsttories, &c., &c., 242, 244. Embargo to be 304 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. laid on, iv., 765. House at Phil- All to be delivered to R. Towers, adelphia, order respecting watch, 744. To be removed from mills &c. at, v., 269. Scarcity of, vi., on French creek and Norrington 666.. And saltpetre, committee towards Lancaster, xi., 49. Magto procure, x., 282. Robt. Tower azine to be built at Lancaster, appointed Commissary of maga 115. Millat Frenchcreekburned, zine, 301. Sent to General Schuy- evidence of, 184. In hands of ler to be proved -made by Lush William Wallace of Bucks, and Eve, 301. To be removed 508. Asked for a privateer, 543. from jail, 308, 312. Receipts, For privateer "Addition," 630. &c. of, 312, 314. Provincial Con- Against keeping in Philadelphia, gress of New York apply for loan &c., 637. Scarce, xii., 298. of, 312, 315, 327, 328. Associa- Magazine full-a quantity placed tors of New Jersey to have, 313. in "guard' house," xv., 433. Bounty on importation, 330. Committee on, 599. Lot for, proGeneral WTashington asks for, posed to be purchased, xvi., 328. 330. Account Congress and Penn- Lot valued, 337. Plan and disylvania for, produced, 340. Lent mensions of, 367. Proceedings to Congress, 361. For North- suspended, 387. Erecting, 390. ampton county, 363. To be pur- Cost of, &c., 532. chased in Reading, 395. Loan of, Powell, Jeremiah, President of Masto Congress, 395. From Cumber- chusetts-letters, xi., 690, 728. land county, 398. On hand, 399. Powell, John, &c., petition against Belonging to North Carolina, 416. another ferry on Schuylkill, ii., Guards for magazine, 420. Bought 277. Ferry not granted, 289. of J. Pringle, 420. To be paid Under Sheriff of Lancaster counfor saltpetre, 430, 431. To Con- ty, deposition, attack on High gress, 432, 440. Places for mag- Sheriff Buchanan by persons from azines to be selected, 455. Boun- Maryland, iii., 612. ty to persons erecting powder Powell, Samuel, a Justice, x., 47. mills, 459, 479. To be employed, Mayor of Philadelphia, xvi., 53, 467. To be made in Bucks co., 123. Paid for leaden spouts in 472. Proposals for manufacture 1777, 490. of, 482.' Mills to be erected, 488. Powell, Wmi., interferes with P. Clement Biddle to look out for a England on Schuylkill ferry, i., site and contract for it, 488, 494, 380, 381, 437. Welsh petition 495. Site for mill, 497, 498. for a ferry at, 478. Regulations, Used by Dr. Bond at gaol-to 581. friendly Indians, 512. For Ches- Powers, Alexander, survey to, for ter county, 527. For Bucks, &c., land in Cumberland county, xii., 537. Various committees to inm- 782. Memorial on land in Norport, 543. Mill building by or- thumberland county-Report of der of Congress, 549. At French Surveyor-General, xiv., 292. creek a magazine, 550. Money Powers, Captain, united to Colonel to Thomas Heinberger for mill, Proctor's regiment, xii., 210, 266. 561. Vessel for magazine, 567. Power, Lieutenant John, appointed, From Congress, 578. Weight of, xii., 2. to ball in cartridges, 587..Sizes Powle, John, charges against, v., of muskets, 588. House, 599..87. To be manufactured at Continen- Pownall, John, secretary Lords tal mill, 600, 626. For boats, Trade, letter on iron works, vii., 610. ForAssociators, 622. Cart- 738. Death of King George, II., ridges with buck shot, 626. Fur- viii., 514, 520. nisbhed Associators, 636. For Pownal, Thomas, letter to Governor frontiers of Lancaster county, M. on Connecticut claim, vi., 267. 703. For General Washington, Commissioner to Pennsylvania 703. For camp at Amboy, 703. for aid, 314. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 305 Pownal, Gov. Thomas, of Massachu- Sent to Maryland, iv., 203. Insetts, sends list of Philadelphia structions, 205. Report, 210. shipwrights captured at Oswego, Is Provincial Treasurer, 413. vii., 717. Letter on great fire at Justice, xvi, 325. Boston, asks aid, viii., 483. Pretender, Popish, abjuration oath Poyntell, Wm., Station'r, xvi., 2212.; administered to Governor, iii., 13. Pratt, C., Attorney-General, opinion Sustained by French power, iv., on Connecticut trespassers, viii., 677. Rebellion in Scotland in 620. favor of, v., 6. Success over, Pratt, Henry, Coroner; iv., 500, 601, thanksgiving, 50. 669, 748, 782, v., 55, 120, 345. Price, Henry Yelverton, tory Praul, John, Justice, xv., 256. speeches, committed, x., 503. Presbyterians, in Chester county- Released, 524. magistrates embittered, v., 378. Prichett, Thomas, Inspector of beef Of a New Engl'd missionary, vii., and pork, shad and herring, Phil11. Church, lottery for 1st, 2d adelphia, xiv., 488. Inspector of and 3d, ix.+ 580. Church, &c. salted provisions, xv., at Newtown, Bucks county, lot- Pride, Chetmall, in prison for murtery for, x., 41. At New Castle der of apprentice, ii., 513. vested in trustees, 79, 85. In Pride, the Indian chief, vii., 382. Market street, 471. Church, sale Dies in Carolina, 540. of lots of Pine street postponed, Prime-hook, Luke Watson's title xiii., 3. to, i., 118. Presentment of Grand Jury against Prince, birth of a, Thanksgiving negroes, i., 380. day, i., 229. "Preservation" Fort, built, xv., Princeton College, pay for damage 66; xvi., 170. to, by militia, xiii., 44. Congress President's House, belonging to the adjourn from, to Annapolis, 746. State, repairs, xii., 106, 236, 238, Pringle, John, may ship produce, 244, 262. x., 425. President United States, mode of Printing, debate on D. Growden's administering oaths and trans- printing the frame of government, mitting acts of government, xvi., i., 278. Proprietor's objections 94. Celebration of his arrival in to use of the press, 278. A. Philadelphia, 95. Letters, 93, Bradford ordered before Council119, 123, 141], 144, 169, 189, 289, not to be done but by permission 306. Proclamation for Thanks- of Governor, iii., 143-145. giving, 188. Indian outrages in Printers of Continental money, exWashington county, 306. Birth- cused from militia, xi., 31. day celebrated, 365. Prison, in Philadelphia, i., 101, 445, Presqu' isle, fort described, vi., 10. 582, 583; iii., 235, 241. Heads Fort burned, viii., 311, 380, 514. of, regulation for, by Council, xiv., Post at, cut off and massacred, 353-356. Sales of lots of old ix., 35. Treaty with Indians at, jail, &c., 583. concluded by Colonel Bradstreet, Prisoners, on flag of truce, charges 193-197. Reservation at, for to be paid by respecting, v., 417. State, xvi., 47. Charge of, to each government, Press, publication by, to be licensed 420. Of war, a list of them to by Council, i., 165. Liberty of be sent, x., 776. Exchange of, the, vii., 339. xi., 564. Removed from LancasPreston, Samuel, appointed Sheriff ter to Philadelphia, 573. Conof New Castle county, i., 340. vention, 637. Taken at sea, Chief Collector of Sussex, ii., 183. Justice to inquire as to their charMember of Council, 429. Resigns acter and circumstances as traitors as Justice of Philadelphia, iii., or pirates, xii., 71. Opinion of 282. Provincial Treasurer, 446. Chief Justice, 74. Exchange of, 6, Commissioner on boundary, 544. 23, 29, 51, 59, 147, 241, 494, 574. 20U 30( INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Privateers, ii., 148, 187, 240, 411, Proclamations — 413, 448, 468. Encouraged by 341. For encouraging proprietor's England, iv., 693. French cap- ferry on Schuylkill, 446. Of ture four vessels, 749. Spanish Governor against reputed piracies, and French, in Delaware, v., 93, &c., 529, 535. Proroguing As111. Depositions respecting, 112, sembly, ii., 12, 69. Respecting 115-119, 124, 159, 233, 245, 248, strangers, 13. Deserters from 254, 257, 258, 260-264, 265. 268, King's soldiers at New York, 20. 280, 282, 284, 300, 301, 320. Of Ann of Denmark as Queen of Complaints of Spain against England, 70. Relative to change American, viii., 18, 235. Diffi- of Governor by death of Andrew culty about Dutch vessels brought Hamilton-registers of vessels, in by, 105. Convoy of, 156. Of- &c., 86. To continueofficers, 116. ficers of Stanwix to be arrested, Against disorders in Philadelphia, 171. Spry, Captain Spring, cap- 162. Respecting rates of foreign tures a French flag of truce in coins, 178. For thanksgiving day, Delaware bay, 139. Complaint 215, 217. Respecting French priof Gov. of Monte Cristo against, vateers and arms, 241. Of Coun235. Also Knowles, Captain cil, 336. Of Gov. Gookin, 427. Turner, 235. Fitting out at Peace with Spain, 571. For conPhiladelphia, apply for shot, x., tinning officers, iii., 14. Against 536, 591. Resolution of Congress, pirates, 32. Occasioned by death 590, 605. Commissioned, 626, of Win. Penn, 59. Of letters 642, 702. Owners and Commis- patent from New York, 62. For sioners, 702, 706, 713, 715, 741, Court of Chancery, 106, 107. For 743, 773; xi., 2, 4, 21, 282, 541. Robert Moore's arrest, 108. ReComnm'ns from Cong'ss, 437, 630, specting agreement between Lord 661, 697, 703, 714; xii., 63, 326. Baltimore and Hannah Penn, 2327 Privileges, asked for, by Assembly, 234. Prepared to be published ii., 37. Governor's answer to, 41. respecting Hannah Penn and And property, distinction between, Lord Baltimore's agreement, 236. 40. Charter read, 44. Delivered Of Governor Gordon, 252. Riots to Speaker by Governor, 48. in the city, 260, 261. RespectCharter signed-copy of it, 56-60. ing murder of Indians, 307. Prize Money, how to be shared, x., Riots in Philadelphia, 351. Re476. How to be distributed, xi., specting Indian trade, 409, 411. 658, 740. Of Governor Gordon's death and Prize Guard, Capt. Thomas may ex- continuance of officers, iv., 48. port to Antigua, xiii., 254. Breaks Against Marylanders, 73. For health law, 258. J. Seely, 407. apprehending Sol. Moffat, 89. Process, bill for continuing, propos- Against Spaniards, 166. Of Gov. ed. ii., 336. Ogle, 254. On order of Council Procession in Phila., on ratification on dispute with Maryland, 263. of Federal Constitution, xv., 350. Of proceedings at Hampton Court, Proclamation to be issued, that no 301. Against Spain, 351, 396. person shall deal with servants for To enlist soldiers for Cuba, 499. goods or money, i., 74. Consta- Of war between England and bles to visit public houses-people France, 688. Against selling rum not to stay longer than an hour, to Indians, 759. Troops for Louis-. 76. Masters allowed to chastise burg, v., 40. Thanksgiving day, servants, 79. To put down coun- 50. For continuance of officers, terfeit money, 89. Against Lord 68, 69, 70. Respecting flags of Baltimore's agents, 104. Of James truce, 82. Fora fast, 169. Against II. as King, 132. Against selling rum, 194. To pilots not to board rum to Indians, 154. Forthanks- vessels coming in, 227. Treaty giving on birth of a prince, 229. at Aix la Chapelle, 360. Of peace, Of King William and Queen Mary, 379. By Governor, 379. Against INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 307 Proclamations- Proclamationsrum, 397. Relative to iron and settlers, 153. For murderer of steel, 457. For fast, vi., 422. Delaware Indian, 199. On bounWar against Delaware Indians, dary line, 206. Against persons vii., 88. For a fast, 110. For rescuing goods not entered, 214. suspension of hostilities with Del- Respecting boundary with Maryawares, 134, 144, 192, 247, 390. land, 220. Against murderer of Of Governor Denny, 221, 226. Edward Carey, 228. Recalled, For fast day, 591. Against sale 241, 245. For a murderer, 269. of rum to Indians, viii., 172. For a fast day, xi., 176. On apThanksgiving day, 235. Of Gov. proach of enemy towards city, Hamilton to officers, 413. Murder 299. Respecting error in printDr. John, 456. Of King George ing bills of credit, 362. ThanksIII., 517, 518. Of laws disal- giving day, 369. Respecting stock lowed, 558. Respecting Connec- cattle, 429. For a fast, 438. For ticut settlers, 566. Bounty to arrest of murders, 446. Against soldiers, 587. Against settlers on certain traitors, 483, 493, 513-518. Indian lands, 662. Of war with Of General Arnold, 523. EmSpain, 706. Peace between bargo on provisions, 545. For France and Spain, ix., 13, 37, 39. traitors to take trial of estates, Against Connecticut settlers, 27. 610-612. Arrest of a noted robThanksgiving day, 41. Against ber under a, claim and payment highway robbery near Philadel- of reward, 616. For thanksgiving phia, 70, 76, 316, 398. Of Gov. day, 627. Partial suspension of John Penn for continuance of offi- embargo, 646, 763. Against forecers, 72. On murder of Cones- stalling, 671. Against British togoes, 94, 107. Governor Penn course, 733. For a fast, 751. for scalps, 190. Of Bouquet's Embargo, 777. Taking off, 784. treaty with Indians, 206, 234. Against suspicious persons, xii., Peace with Indians on Ohio, 264. 27. Favor Dennis Crohon, 65. Respecting settlers on western Respecting riot at Hon. James lands, 327, 481. Reward for ar- Wilson's, 122. Embargo, 171. rest of Stump and his servant, Fast, 183. Respecting dispute 488. Governor Penn on robbery with Virginia, 212-214. For apof Treasury of New Jersey, 544. prehension of three persons susRespecting New England settlers, pected of burning property of Maj. 588, Fisheries, 623. Continuing Johnston, 261. J. Richardson, officers, 644. Arrest of Joseph 294. For fast, 282. For arrest Billings, 647. Against Wyo- of incendiaries in Cumberland co., milag New England settlers, 679. 294. Against a seditious paper, Against Lazarus Stewart, 687. Of 319, (see 325.) For arrest of Governor Hamilton, 733. At New Jno. and Robert Smith for murCastle, 743. Against Connecticut der, 349. Of martial law, 283. settlers, 747. Respecting laws, Suspending purchases, 408. A766. Of Gov. Richard Penn, 783. gainst traitors, 496. Fast day, Apprehension of persons engaged 517, 537. On bills of credit, 589. in taking revenue schooner and Against traitors, 665. Fast day, pilot boat, x., 12. For arrest of 697. For arrest of Win. Rankin, " Chester County Man," demand- 710. To receive continental ing money from J. Galloway, 44. money, 724. On importation of Respecting hurricane in West British half pence, xiii., 4. EmIndies, 58. Against counterfeit- bargo, 41, 49. For a fast, 124, ers, 88. John Penn continuance 267. On robbery of mail, 312. of officers, 92. Against settlers Robberies in Chester and Bucks, on Indian lands, 95. Against 338, 533. French deserters, 375. counterfeiters, 99. Declaring laws Of Congress for thanksgiving, void, 104. Against Connecticut 396, 400. Against vice and ima 308 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Proclamations- Proctor, Thomasmorality, 433. On French sailors, firearms, 403. Gunners, &c., to 473. Decree against Connecticut, be allowed accoutrements 405. 475. Confirming boundary line To provide drum and fife, 405. between Pennsylvania and Vir- Straw for bedding, 406. Disginia, 541. Of Congress on ces- charged on complaint of Captain sation of hostilities, 555. Against Williams, 422, 424. Restored, Doans, &c., 616. For a murderer, 438. To enlist volunteers, 467. 629. Against the Doans for rob- Form of enlistments, 468. To bery, 631, 687. Counterfeit coin, use rooms in pest house, 494. 643. Fraudulent sales of land, Called on to quell riot in gaol, 644. Robbers, 687. For mur- 512. Express sent to, 526. Troops derer, 728. Thanksgiving for increased-brevet Major, 685, peace, 748. On treaty with Great To enlist men, 722. Officers Britain, xiv., 19-22. For a mur- of companies, 742. To be ready derer, 57. For robbers in Phil- to march for Fort Montgomery, adelphia, 112. Removalof buoys, 757, 769. To parade artillery at 122. Against conspirators in Fort Island, xi., 1. To send men Westmoreland, 151. Respecting to General Washington, 25. To Wyoming, 220-224. Of Congress be Colonel of regiment, 116, 215. on counterfeiting certificates, 347. Marches from Fort Island, 250. Against Jno. McDonald for mur- Part of quota, 568. Letter, 781. der, 489. Against robbers, 514. Letters to and from, xii., 9. Against James Burn, xv., 79. Artillery, 622, 727. Sheriff, President andVice President, 111. xiii., 722. Sheriff has comFor apprehension of Daniel Shay, mitted Longschamps, xiv., 120. 176, 435, 442. Against rioters in Sheriff, 230. Suit with State for Luzernecounty, 278. Respecting Hogg Island, xv., 116. Elected agreement with Virginia, 279. Lieutenant of Philadelphia county For arrest of rioters and murderer in place of Win. Henry, xvi., of a Spaniard, 317, 319. Against 449, 485. Applies for powder for captors of Col. T. Pickering, 488, arrival President U. S., 522. 603. Against conspiracy against Proctor, William,n Justice, xiii., 389. the laws, 489, 497. Members of Promotions, army and navy, xii., Congress, 638. Electors, President 88, 92; xiii., 223, 367, 441, 456; and Vice President United States, xv., 337. 655. For arrest of incendiaries, Property, charter of, ii., 37, 44, 48, xvi., 327. For arrest of murderers 54. Comm'rs of, appointed, 61. on Pine creek, 397. Proprietary, promise on proroguing Proctor, Francis, Lieutenant of ar- Assembly, ii., 12. Articles of tillery, x., 416. Discharged from agreement between, and the Susservice on complaint of Captain quehannah and other Indians, 15. Williams, &c., 423, 424. Lieut. Commission to regulators of water fire worker, 620. Second Lieu- courses, 23. King's letter, 28, tenant, 742. Claim, xiii., 244. 30. Assembly to, on King's letProctor, George, deposition respect- ter respecting defence of New ing Spanish privat'r, v., 248, 253. York, 30. Address from lower Proctor, John, Jr., Sheriff, ix., 779; counties to, on do., 31. Commux., 59, 106. nicates to Assembly a bill before Proctor, Colonel John, xi., 118, 477, Parliament to annex proprietary 531, 576; xii., 123. governments to the crown, 32. Proctor, Thomas, appointed Captain Decides respecting overplus land of artillery at Fort Island, x., 382. near Pennepack, 34. Speech tc His company to be received into Assembly-compelled to go te the barracks, 390. To be fur- England, 35. - Conferences witlh nished with firelocks, &c., 394. To Assembly, 37. Address of Asreceive cannon, 402. Order for sembly to, on privileges, 37. Re INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 309 Proprietary- Proprietaryply to each request, 41-43. In- for forgery, &c., 186. Governor dians come to take leave of, 46. communicates the proprietor's Wishes Indians to be permitted to views on various matters, 187. give evidence-asks Assembly to Original rights, 416. Governor think of some person to repre- Evans on quit rents, 419. Revesent him in his absence-suggests nues, 423. Mortgages the provA. Hamilton, 48. Delivers the ince to Philip Ford in 1690, 455. charter of privileges to Speaker, Swedes complain against, 465, 48. Bill prepared to grant ~2000 480. Letter from, 494. Right to to, and carried to Assembly, 51. ferries, 526. Position at first, 617. Charter of privileges delivered by Appoints William Keith GoverSpeaker to Governor, 51. Goes nor of province, iii., 13. Gives to Pennsbury, 52. Warns As- dedimus to J. Yeates, &c., to adsembly of the short time he has minister oath to Governor, 13. to stay, 52. Answer to petition Scheme concerning quit rents, from Philadelphia on removal of 32. To nominate an agent for the burdens of trade, 53. Charter province, Henry Goldney desigfor, submitted and read, 53. In- nated by Governor and Council, quiry, who he intends to leave in 44. Death of William Penn anhis place, 53. Answer to Assem- nounced to Council by Governor bly respecting charter of proper- Keith-his eulogium, 58. Inty, 54, 55. Messages to Assem- structions from W. Penn, Jr., 63. bly, 54. From Assembly, 55. Line between Chester and PhilaSigns charter of privileges, 54. delphiacounty, 144. Instructions A copy of it, 55. Commission to received by Governor but not comCommissioners of property, 61. municated for reasons stated, 235. Signs a charter of property to be Interests opposed by Colonel John sealed in six months, if he does French, 268. Thomas Penn arnot direct otherwise, 62. Author- rives, 433. Respect to, 433, Thos. izes Governor and Council to open and Richard Penn grant new comletters in his absence-one ar- mission to Governor Gordon, 526. rives, 64. His mill, 64, 65. Tax Gives new greater and lesser of ~2000 for, 70, 71, 135, 185, seals bearing their names —re213, 363. Sends papers from ceives the old one and gives the England, 71. Governor Hamil- new in charge of T. Griffiths, 530. ton dies and is succeeded by Address Indians, 573. Presents Council under commission of the, to, 574. Meet Indians at Phila86. Appoints William Markham, delphia, 579. Speech, 579. AdRegister-General, 96. Road to dress of Assembly and answer, Goshen, 111. Commissions John 582. Sick at Pennsbury, 598. Evans as Governor, 115. Com- To Abraham Wendall, 609. Obmission to Council read, 115. tains from Indians release of His son William, Jr., invited to lands between Susquehannah and Council, 117. Urges Governor Kittoctinny hills, iv., 88. Sends and Council to inquire into af- with Council message to Indians, fairs of "Pennsylvania Corn- 245. Proceedings of Hampton pany," (Free Traders?) 137. Court, 254. Instructions respectExpenses of Government to be ing bills of credit, 318. Demand paid by the country, 143. Opin- for quit rents becomes oppressive, ion of Assembly and Council on 330. Applies to Assembly respectsaving clause of commissions, ing lands, 348. Sails for England, 146. W. Markham dies, 151. John Penn dies, v., 62, 73. Letter from, approving of Gov- Letter to, from Council on robernor's refusal to confirm bills, beries of French and Spanish, 186. Remonstrance signed by D. 92. Letter to, on defenceless Lloyd for the House-prosecution state of city and province-and 310 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Proprietary — Proprietaryasking cannons, &c., 161. Letter over, 633. Complaint of treaty frolm-alteration in the family, by Quakers at Philadelphia, 634. &c., 216. Letter from Thomas Report on complaints against, 776. Penn-for man-of-war, 228. By Estate tax on, viii., 67, 74, 82, her, 239, 246. Promises cannon, 105, 278, 299, 301, 302, 319, 240. Letter alluding to sickly 324, 326, 350, 456, 460. Approve state of city, especially about the of supply bill, 125. Message dock, 244. Letter to, from Coun- from Thomas and Richard Penn cil, 319. Inform President Pal- on receipt of a paper by Dr. Frankmer of Governor Hamilton's ap- lin fromn Assembly without adpointment and thank him for dress, &c., at which, they comhis services, 362. Recommends plain, 276. As well as of its building a fort or block house on detention by lawyers for a year, Ohio, 515, 547. View of it by 276. B. Franklin's to agent of, Assembly, 547. Decline bearing 299. Compensation for loss of part in expenses of treaties with quit rent omitted in bill, 350. Indians, 546. Order Abraham Discussion in Council about, 357. Taylor's name to be struck from Protest of Council, quit rents, &c., Council, 551. Letter respecting 358, 361. Galloway's remarks title set up by Ralph Fretwell on bill, 363-369. Their position and A. Taylor for friends in Barba- with regard to propriety, 374. does, 551. On paper money, 605. Appoint James Hamilton GovDeeds to, from Indians for ernor, 409. Report of agents lands purchased by Commission- on assessment of, 456. Objections ers at Albany from Six Na- to tax, 460. Representation of tions, vi., 119-129. Instruc- R. Peters and R. Hockley on tax tions-is the Governor required in Cumberland county, 472. Right to exhibit them to Assembly? to complain, 524. Tax on estates, 220-223. Long messages from 530, 540, 584, 606. Wish of, reAssembly to Governor, 226-236. specting lands, officers, &c., 675. And answer of Governor, 236- Proceedings of privy Council to 243. Present address of Assem- be secret, 720. bly to King, 448. Letter, 485. Instructions to Governor H. on Answerto iddress, 504-510. Tax report of Committee-bills of credit, on their estate, 525, 619, 680, 682, taxes —grantby Parliam't —agents, 689, 692, 702, 715-720, 738. &c., ix., 11, 21, 47, 51, 53. Ill Opinion of Council on saving treatment by Assembly, 174. Imclause of W. P.'s commission to possibilityto render account of, by Colonel Evans, 529. Discussion, Receiver-General, 178. Quit rents, on, 525-532, 569-587. Philadel- 180, 379-382. Let. to, from Counphia proposes to pay, 568. As- cil respecting Wyoming, 757, 779. sembly ask, was not withholding Thomas and John Penn revoked payment for land the cause of In- Richard's commission as Governdian alienation, 710. Report, 724. or, and Thomas, with King's apOn Braddock's defeat, 730. Tax probation, appoints John Governon estate of, vii., 203, 396, 409, or, who arrives and is present in 463. Instructions onmoneybills, Council, xi., 91. Abuses prac247, 396. Charter, &c., 273. ticed on their lands under color Right to make treaties on war of old rights, xii., 264. And meswith Indians, 305. Charged by sage of Council to Assembly on it, Indianswith injustice, 352. Coin- 264. Late Sec'y. James Tilghman mittee of Council appointed to called on for books, &c., 690. investigate the state of their In- Arrears of ground rent on confisdian purchases, 354, 431, 536. cated estate, claim for, xv., 51. Instructions, 441, 442. Taxes Claims to city lots, 63, 68. Patent and quit rents, 469. To come asked for Springettbury Manor INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 311 lands, 153. Question raised in tary stores, 72. Repairs of Marine Council Oln payments to, 202. Hospital, 373. Rent of, 383, 387. Answer of Judges Supreme Court, Surveyor-General to survey and 210. Payment of interest, 211. mark ground for Hospital, 655. Proprietary Estates, tax on, &c., ix., Land remaining to be sold, sv., 153, 155, 157, 158, 161, 179, 180, 146, 148. Sale of lot. Repairs, 185, 237, 240. xvi., 353. Sick in Hospital, 437. Proprietary Lands, settling on, by Trustees appointed, 448. Wharf Connecticut people, x., 50. Town at, 493. to be laid out at the manor at Provincial Commissioners, comKittanning, 201. plained of, viii., 64, 66. CommisProprietary Claims, Jared Ingersoll sioners to attend treaty with Inemployed to assist Attorney-Gen- dians, 586. Circular of Governor eral-allowance, xi., 737. Penn to, respecting proprietary Prosser, Stephen, Notary Public, lands and assessments, ix., 237. xvi., 286. Names of, Commissioners, 237. Protest, of Council against Gov- Answer to circular, 240. ernor for assenting to a bill for re- Provincial Court, Judges, and queemission of a bill of credit, quit ries on certain points, ii., 87. rents, &c., viii., 358. Of Supreme Provincial-ship of War proposed, Executive Council against Con- viii., 30, 36, 81, 334, 573, 574, gress laying an embargo on pro- 583. Condition province, 83. Setvisions in Pennsylvania as an in- tlement with Indians for lands, fringement of the power and au- by Peters and Weiser, at Easton, thority of Council, xi., 546. 219. Report of committee apProthonotaries appointed, xi., 178, pointed by Councils to investigate 187, 221, 230, 240, 244, 301, 365, the claims made by Indians at 566, 694. Circular to 188. To be Easton, respecting lands, also a judges of Common Pleas, 221; list of deeds, &c., produced, 246, xii., 243, 681; xiii., 158, 324, 702; 261. Correspondence between xiv., 202, 204, 376; xv., 17, 97, Assembly and proprietaries about 269, 271, 461; xvi., 35, 122, 164, Tax on estates, &c., 276, 279. 166, 168, 172. Lottery for defence of Province, Providence, Rhode Island. cannon 340. Agent to be appointed to retaken at, by Co m. Hopkins, x., ceive share of money granted by 550. Res. of Congress, 564. Parliament to colonies, 400, 501, Province Island, act introduced for 512, 546. Gov. James Hamilton, vesting in trustees, iv., 629, 635. succeeds Denny,.409. Assembly Passed 638. Indians on, much agrees to raise 2700 men, Estiexposed, ix., 100. To be guarded mated expense of, 458. Reprefor safety, 101. Paxton Boys at sentation of R. Hockley proprieLancaster, forming company to tary Receiver-General, and R. march to Philadelphia, and kill Peters, Secretary, on proprietary Indians at, 108. Pest house on, taxes in Cumberland County, 472. x., 409, 412. Hospital, xi., 21. With tabular statements, 476. Fergus Purden, steward, 136. Or Benjamin Franklin and Robert State Island to be sold in lots to Charles appointed agents to Engredeem bills of credit, xii., 671. land, 512, 693. Relating to ConBy Mr. Holker, purchase of lots, necticut settlers, 563-572, 612, xiii., 8. Sale of lots, 26, 28, 34, 621-628; x., 401, 495, 521, 522, 54, 56, 65, 66, 76, 241, 242, 307, Ship to be called Montgomery, 505. Commission on sales, 313, 525. Surgeonfor, 541. Commit543. Deed to John Wilcocks, 549, tee on, 543. Sent to Roebuck, Trustees of, 578. Bed covers for' 552. Pay of Pilot, 555. Memosick at, 695. Deed, 727. Pest rial to Congress, 575, 694. Monthouse, xiv., 6, B. Brannon and gomery pilot for, appointed, 679 use of pump, 72, removal of mili- Provisions to be furnished Massa 312 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. chusetts, i., 515. Embargoon, iv., 311, 315, 356, 367, 384, 420, 421, 479, 480. Exportation of 491-495, 441, 444, 509, 514, 519, 525, 542, 506. Embargo on, vi., 319, 351. 603, 604, 646, 684, 698, 741, 752; Law passed, 356. Applications xiv., 54. to export, vii., 135, 136, 151, 168, Purden, Fergus, Steward at Pro186. Embargo on, 183, 184. vince Island Hospital, xi., 136. (See Embargo.) Exported from Purdey's, Colonel Battalion to reMaryland, 183. Message to Lower lieve Colonel Brown's, xiii., 222. Counties on, 195, 202. Embargo Pursell, Henry D., engraves borders taken off, 221. Order, 387. for paper money, xiv., 470. petitions to ship read and rejected, Purviance, John, to examine British 393, 459. Scarce at Wyoming, Goods, xiii., 491. 479. On shipping, to sundry Purviance, Sam'l Andrew, resigns, places, 482, 497. Report of ves- xii., 487. sels loaded with, 500, 561. Pusey, Caleb, member of new CounRhode Island applies, 509, 560. oil, i., 580. Member of Council, Massachusetts applies, 570. Ex- takes affirmation, ii., 96. ported, 606. Stored at different Pusey, Joshua, a Justice, v., 547. places, -. Commissioners for Putnam, Brig General, Privateer, purchasing, xi., 423, 424, 425. x., 702. Embargo on, 545. Suspension in "Putnam" Floating Batteryfavor of, 646. Distribution among hand cuffs for, xi., 5, 18, 79. troops, 710. For Massachusetts, "Putnam" Galley, xi., 176. Peti729. Allowed to be exported, tions of officers. xii., 1, 2, 8, 10, 59, 130, 173, 191, Putnam, Gen. Israel, Aid asked 197. for in throwing up works of dePublic houses, regulations, i., 74, fence around Philadelphia, xi., 75, 76. 46. All able bodied men to apPugh, Capt. xi., 215. Lieut., placed ply to him, 56, 176, Letter on on invalid list, 647. Asks for enemy's movements, 202. rations, xii., 14. Pykeland, County, Claim for city Pugh, Hugh, of Chester County.-A lots, xiii., 33, 60. murderer under sentence of death, petitions for pardon, arguments Q. for and against; iii., 40, Pugh, Joseph, Sheriff, vi., 638; Quahanoquesie Indians, live over vii., 266. Allegheny, viii., 96. Pulaski's, Count, Corps, xii., 76. Quaker Assembly meet at meetingPumpshire, John, Indian agrees to house, i., 178. Gov. Fletcher a go to Diahoga, vii., 152, 307, 431. man of arms and not of Quaker Interpreter at Easton, 672. principles, 373. Opinion of the Punishment for telling truth, i., 88. Indians respecting, 372. Declamodes of, 92. Number of stripes ration of, on loyalty to King, 526. to be inflicted; 97. Severe and Answer to, on war, ii., 242. singular, on slaves in Philadel- Account of arms to be taken, 241. phia, 406. Severe, xiii., 314. Defensive measures proposed, 242. Purchases, Commissioners of, ap- Objections, 243. Complaint about pointed, xii., 300, 301, 302, 305. oath, 457. Object to defensive Orders to, 309. Asks more pay, measures, 460. Ahd affirma'n, 617. 362, 370, 371, 405, 406, 409, 410, Address to King respecting, iii., Returns of, 411, 412, 420, 449, 26. Not to be oppressed by mili453, 456, 464, 465, 488, 493, 514, tia duties, 64. Assembly's views 559, 584, 595, 612, 615, 648, 653, on, 66. Numbers of, and Church 654, 658, 660, 678, 700, 705, 722, of England equal in Council, 143. 779; xiii., 7, 17, 44, 58, 59, 67, And on Supreme Court bench, 92, 142, 155, 201, 208, 218, 222, 158. Object to style of address to 223 263, 269, 294, 295 298, 300, King, 226. Another to be chosen INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 313 member of Council, 232. Repre- pointed by Council to inquire into sentation from, respecting forms Indian claims to lands, 246, 261. of declaration of fidelity, 235. Attend Conference in PhiladelAnd liberty of conscience, As- phia, 490. sembly's and Governor's views of, Peaceable efforts of, ix., 301. iv., 367-371, 380-384. Assel- Suspected-confined in Mason's bly decline defence on account of Lodge and removed to Virginiatheir principles, 425, 435. Coun- proceedings, xi., 283, 284, 286, cil with Indians in their meeting- 288, 290, 292, 293, 295, 296, 299, house, 432, 443. Oaths, 628. 300, 303. Obtain writs of habeas Form bulk of Assembly, v., corpus, 308. Proceeding of Su207. Reflected on by Council, preme Executive Council, 309. 278. Defence of, by Assembly, Conduct in Virginia-various pa336. pers, 382. Expenses paid to Read"'Political Engines,' vi., 600. ing, 394. Memorial from prisonConduct of, represented by Gov. ers in Virginia-they belong to Morris, their address, 739. United States, 395. Address to Address against war with In- Council-verbal answer, 426. dians, vii., 83, 84. Intercede in be- Another address-conference with half of Delaware Indians through and proceedings of Council, 427. Israel Pemberton, 103, 105. Gen. Conference respecting prisonShirley on, 112. At Treaty at ers in Virginia, 435. Expenses Easton take leave of Tedyuscung, paid to M. Muhlenburg, 437. 215. Requested by ministers to Mrs. Pemberton asks protection resign seats in Assembly, to be for wagons, 457, 458. To be sent filled by other denominations, from Staunton to Shippensburg 292. Address Governor on treaty and discharged —they to pay their at Easton, 311. His answer, 312. expenses, 461. To Lancaster, 462. Referred to, 332. With Sheriff, Or may be discharged at Pottscarry Governor's order for quar- grove, 468, 472. Arrived at Lantering troops to Assembly, con- caster, &c., 472, 473. Pass given sidered a breach of confidence, to, 473. Also to several of 362. Money raised by Friendly their wives to return to PhilaAssociation for Indians, 391. Ad- delphia from head-quarters, with dress to Governor on Militia bill- consent of Gen. Washington, 473. liberty of conscience, 404. Threats Account of expenses, 481. Roberts against, 502. Address of, meet- and Carlisle, proceedings against, ing of sufferings, against David 606. Expenses to Virginia, 682. Bush, 559. Law proposed in fa- S. R. Fisher, 729, 734. vor of religious scruples, 593. Paper purporting to be from a Treaty made at Philadelphia by, meeting in Warrington, respectcomplained of by proprietaries, ing negro Ralph, considered an 634. Their offers to be refused, imposition, xii., 113. Paper on 635. Committee of Friendly As- militia fines and taxes, 245. John sociation answer to, 637. Ad- Nancarrow objects to having shot dress from, 638. Answer, 647. and shells cast in his air furnace, Urge Tedyuscung to ask for a 435. clerk, 659. Charles Thomson S. R. Fisher two years in gaol master of school, 665. sick —discharged, xiii., 13. AdAttend Indian Conference at dress to Council on the rejoicings Easton, viii., 175, 211. Address for victory, &c., 131. Pass to from, meetings of sufferings on Owen Jones, Jr., Ann Howell, &c., Indian complaints, 239, 241. 249. Memorial of, against theaAnother, 243. Governor's an- tres, &c., 741. swer, 242. Remarks of Logan Of Chester county petition reand Shoemaker in Council on, specting militia fines-order of 245. Report of committee ap- Council on it, xv 418. Expense 314 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. of prisoners sent to Virginia via missioner to Pennsylvania for aid,:Readingo, 1777, 641. vi., 314. Letter to Governor, 329. Quakers —Society of Free, memo- Arrives, 330. rial for a lot of ground, xiii., Quisagechroanu, an Indian, speaks, 775. vii., 120. Quality, Joseph, Lieut., xi., 576. Quit Rents, Act to collect, proposed, Quarier, Alex., Capt., xii., 338. ii., 221. Governor Evans's view Quarry, Col. Robert-Judge of Ad- of, 419. Concerning, iii., 32. miralty seizes goods at New Being payable in specie oppresCastle, i., 541, 544, 545, 546, sive, iv., 330, 331, 333, 334. 548, 561, 562, 565, 566, 575, 580. May be taxed, viii., 301, 450, 530, Judge, &c., and Jno. Moore, ex- 537. Complaint of omission in a hibit charges against David Lloydl, bill for compensation to Proprie602, 603. Reply, ii., 71, 89. taries for loss of, 350. Protest of Communicates to Council, sundry Council against Governor on, 358. papers from the government, 89, Governor Penn on-Manner of 90. Remarks to Council about imposing, &c., ix., 379, 382. dedimus, 92. And difficulties Due Proprietaries, search for, about oaths, 93, 94, 96, 115, 116. xiv., 71. Complaints against, 517. Quartermasters appointed, x., 479, 480. xi., 25, 84, 279, 305. Pay, R. 371. Certificates as pay, 496. Elected, xii., 146. Complaints Radine, Colonel, La, Assistant enagainst, at Reamstown, 158. gineer to General De PortlandQuassenungh, son of the old King compliment to, xi., 776. of the Shawnese, Kakewatchy, Radmore, T. Petition for Road, i., attacked with small-pox in Phila- 396. delphia, and recovers, while his Rags for lint and bandages adverattendant dies with it, iii., 463. tized for, x., 471. Quebec, walls of-Major John Mc- Rahm, Michael, Coroner, xv., 570. Pherson killed before, xi., 655. Coroner, xvi., 195, 498, 500. Edw. Agnew a prisoner at —in dis- Rains, Heavy, prevent the meeting tress-relieved by Council, 658. of Assembly, iii., 267. Long abQueen Anne ascends the throne, ii., sence of, vi., 422. 60. Order from-approves of A. Rakestraw, Joseph, killed by negro Hamilton as Governor, 89. Issues Jack, ii., 11. Trial, 18. Joseph, new Commissions, 104. Ad- petition, xiv., 380. dress to, on oaths, 209. Proclama- Ralph, (Negro), petition, xi., 565. tion about money, 435. Letter Referred to Assembly, 570. Reon expedition against, 449. In- suit; 571. A negro formerly prostructions for Col. Veitch, 449. perty of John Rankin, a traitorMeets part of Assembly, 459. imposition practised in a paper Order to Governor to meet at purporting to be from a Quaker New York on Canada expedition, meeting, -- Referred to York 532. Objections of Council, 532, County, xii. 113. 534. Repeals laws, 571, 572. Ralston, Captain, x., 689. Death of, 574, 575. King George Ralston, John, Justice, xiv., 216. proclaimed, 574. ~2000 for her Ralston, Robert, to muster militia, use, iii., 32. to guard prisoners, xiii., 293. Quick, Jacobus, prisoner from Vir- Rambo, John, accused of fornication, ginia, sent under parole to Go- i., 156. vernor of New Jersey, to answer Randolph, Lieut. Edward, Surveyor charges, xi., 474. General, commissions Matthew Quigley, Henry, Coroner, xvi., 194, Birch to be surveyor and searcher 509. of customs in Pennsylvania, i., Quincey, Josiah, appointed Com- 534, 551. Paid for enlisting men, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 315 xi., 487. Stationed on frontiers- Read, Justice Adam, Letters, concomplains of want of clothing-is dition of frontiers, murders, &c., supplied, 665. vii., 303. Randolph, Edmund, on Commercial Read, Charles, Sheriff, Philadelphia, Condition of States, xiv., 651. iii., 370, 387, 416. Member of Randolph, Governor,.of Virginia, Council, 529. Clerk of Orphans' Letter, xv., 159. Court, dies, iv., 151, 243. ComnRandolph, Isham —Captain of ship missioner for Indian affairs for Rachel from London-his protest New Jersey, at Easton, viii., 175. on being ordered up from New Read, George, resigns as AttorneyCastle, v., 264. General of Lower Counties, x. 216. " Randolph, " armed Pilot boat un- Read, James, Letters to and from, der commission to Abraham Ben- on Indian affairs, xi., 650, 651. nett, pilot, xii., 326. Read, James, appointed CouncilRangers, appointed, i., 165, 166, man, xi., 500, 525, 596; xii., 155. 206, 226. Regulated bylaw, iii., Resigns, 744. Appointed Register 235. of Admiralty Court, 745, 748. " Ranger," Gunboat x. 488, 505. Commissioner to Wyoming, xiv., Rank of Officers. Rules for settling 202. Flour Inspector, 445; xv., in North America, vii., 472, 473. 172; xvi., 62, 63. Councilman, Disputes, about, x., 334; xi., 54, xv., 294, 295. 272; xiii., 543; xv., 381. Read, John, Barrack Master, &c., inRankin, James, confiscated estate, structions to, x., 568. Commands xii., 82, 113, 174, 218, 219, 577. fleet, 387. Barrack Master at Rankin, John, petition, xii., 82, Fort Island, xi., 51. 113, 174, 218, 219. Justice, 342. Read, Joseph, elected to Assembly Rankin, William, escapes from jail, from York Connty —resigns as a Proclamation against, xii., 710. Justice, xv., 364. Ranniston, John, Sergeant and En- Read, Moses, Justice, xii., 93. sign, xii., 58. Read, Peter, arrested on suspicion Rape, cases of, i., 588, ii., 11. To of shooting Indian George, ix., be punished by death, 211. 603. Special Court for trial of a negro Read, Captain Thomas, sent to for, ix., 648. General Washington, xi., 24. Rations, x., 415, 500, 515; xi., 379, Read,; William, Sheriff, iii., 332, 471, 538, 710, 750; xii., 21, 406; 370. Clerk of Court, 338, 387. 492; xiii., 71, 129, 162, 359, 375, Reading, petition for road from, to 448, 534, 743; xv., 17, 295, 349, Easton, v., 610. Commissary of 493, 494, 519, 613. Provisions at, vi., 775. Ravages Rawle, Francis, petition for bridge of Indians at, viii., 100, 102. at Arch and Front streets, i., 330. Letters for Episcopal Church in, Interested in society of Free ix., 243. Road from, returns of, Traders, ii., 154, 163. Elected 556. Powder. purchased from, Member of Council, iii., 232. x., 420. Prisoners removed from, Rawlings' Regiment marches for 546, 679. Prisoners taken to, Fort Pitt, xi., 758. 648. Guard for, 714. Records Razers, Bernard, of Lancaster, asks removed to, xi., 30. Prisoners to be naturalized, iii., 374. sent under guard to, 302. ExRea, John, Coroner, xiii., 726. penses of paid to, 394. ProviIRea, Samuel, Coroner, x., 100. sions stored at, 423. Two hunLieutenant of Northampton Co. dred militia to be at, 446. Disxii., 317, 336, 374, 485. Corn- turbances between prisoners and plainants against, 6j7. Resigns, inhabitants, xii., 12. Deposition 739. respecting William Moore Smith, Read, Adam, a Justice, v., 600. 30. Letter Christ and Haller Letter to, Indian murders, vi., claim for town plot, 780. Elec668. tion for Burgess, xiv., 462. 316 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Prisoners sent to Virginia, via, Redman, Joseph, sheriff, viii., 781 1777, xv., 641. ix., 57, 398, 547, 623. Clerk Reading, Lieut. George, xi., 455. of Market, xi., 195. Dies, xii., Reading, John, landing, ii., 539. 110. Record of Road opposite, 541, Redman, Joseph, Jr., appointed 549, 561. President of New Jer- surgeon, xi., 24, 32. Secretary sey, demands a fugitive, v., 94. of convention, xvi., 524. Reamstown, complaints against Red Stone creek, location, vi., 29. Dep. Quarter-mast., at, xii., 158. Fort, 137. Proceedings of corn-' Rebecca, " privateer, xi., 642. missioners to Indians at, ix., 506. Receiver General, ii., 112, 122; Names of inhabitants and Indians, xiv., 444, 447. 508. Indians proceed to, 539. Receiver General of Land Office, Indian messengers refuse to go, xv., 27. To give notice of sale, 542. 522. Orders to sell City Lots, Redwood, John, taken by pirates, xvi., 95, 271. Reappointed, 350. i., 539. Receiver of Provisions appointed, Reed Collinson, xvi., 130. xii., 585. Reed, Henry, deposition concerning Recorders, iii., 173. Dr. Conolly, x., 168. Recorders of Deeds, xiv., 584. Reed, Col. Jacob, xv., 109. Recorders and Registers, xv., 5, Reed, James, Prothonotary, xi, 197. 134. Lieutenant of City, 203, 206. Records, safe keeping of, iv., 17, 21, Censor, xiii., 720. 33, 35. Sent to Lancaster, xi., 23. Reed, James R., xv., 341. Delegate To Reading, 31. To Easton, 306. to Congress, xv., 449. Recruits, x., 519, 520; xiii., 168. Reed, John, payments to, for his Red Bank, committee to visit-Re- map, x., 260, 267. port —Width of river, x., 283. Reed, Joseph, x., 330. Appointed Report of committee on defence Chief Justice of Supreme Court, of, 474. Money sent to, for Navy xi., 186. Requested to come and Board, xi., 360. Work done at, qualify, 195. Reasons for not 399. deciding to take it, 202. Declines Reddick, John, petition respecting being Chief Justice, 249. T. his land in Maryland, taken from McKean appointed, 254. Member him, ix., 375. of Congress, 385. Attends conRedick, David, appointed to lay out ~ ference with Council, 456. Electcommon and town lots in reserved ed member of Council-Apology lands opposite to Pittsburg, xv., of business in Congress, 535. To 289. Sent to New Jersey and New assist Attorney-General, 558. ReYork, with news from Wyoming, signs seat in Congress, 594. 490. Returns, 495. Expenses Elected Councillor, 595, 625. paid, 498. Vice-president, 565. Elected President, 632, 634. To arrange lots opposite Pittsburg Sick, 723. Proclamation, 646, for sale, 504. Reasons for his 671, 733, 763, 777, 784. Presivote, favor E. Oswald, 506. Re- dent, Letters to and fromi-Proclaports plan for reserved tract with mations, xii., 27, 122. Messages Mr Cannon, 509-512. To receive to Assembly, 96-99. Messages proposals for lots, and for islands from Assembly, 96, 99. Riot at in Ohio and Allegheny rivers, 513. Hon. J. Wilsons, 121, 122. Surveys islands in Ohio and Alle- Councillor, 131. President, 131, ghany rivers, xvi., 97. 163, 541. Takes oath, 169. SalaRedman, John, Jr., appointed pay- ry, 182. Loses a hanger at J. master, x., 756. Wilson's —Paid for, 341. To take Redman, Dr. John, asks for a pass command of troops, 452. At for self, daughter, Sarah Coxe Trenton-Specie sent to, 596. and children, to New York, xiii., Appointed to see Pennsylvania 551. Line mutineers, 593. Counsel on INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 317 Connecticut controversy, xiii., Reid, Lieutenant Colonel, letters to 128. Retaining fee, 136. Ap- and from, ix, 268, 269. Insults of pointed in case of Big Spring troops, 268, 271. tract, 236, 280, 296, 310. Assists Reigart, A., Sh'ff, ix, 623. Purchases Attorney-General in Bucks Co. horses for troops, xi., 446, 489. case, 381. Delegate to Congress, Rein, John, traitor, xii, 80. xiv., 261. Reinick, Dr. Richard, dies, payReed, Major of Hazens' regiment, ments to his daughters, xv., 249. xii., 262. Religious Societies. Worship reReed, Samuel, Ensign, xii., 65. stricted to the Christian religion, Reed, Captain Thomas, named for ii., 222. Power of, to sell lands, Commodore of fleet, x., 379. &e, objected to, ii., 528. To purSurvey of river, 489. To fix chase lands for burying grounds, signals, 510. Captain of arm- &c., iii., 394, 400. ed ship building, 516. Sent Remington, John, a lawyer, in to Roebuck, man-of-war, 552. trouble for performing ceremony Resigns, 595. of Free Masonry in jest, iv., 277. Reedy Point, x., 506. Remonstrance sent by Robert Barber, Rees, Daniel, dies from ether used signed D. Lloyd as from Assembly by Dr. Jones in making a free to Proprietary-forgery, ii., 187. Mason in jest, iv., 277. Of Assembly against various matReeve, Peter, Warden, ix., 293. ters, 455. Of inhabitants of PhiReformed Congregation Philadel- ladelphia on oaths, 457. Of Asphia. [See German Lutheran.] sembly, 513. Of Mayor, &c., Regiments, officers of the 12th of Philadelphia to Assembly, on Pennsylvania, in Continental Ser- quartering troops, vii., 366. Of vice, xi., 179. Assembly against Governor' s mesRegistered vessels, ii., 96, 112. sage on supply bill, 401. Of AsRegister of Admiralty Court ap- sembly on embargo, 571. Of pointed, xii., 14, 745. Commissioners at Easton, 657, Registers appointed, i., 121, 185, 658. Of Smith & Gibson, on In195, 211. Register General dies dian affairs and frontiers, ix., 138 — Commissioners appointed till -146. Of Assembly against imGovernor does, 185, 186; xi., 186. pressment of carriages, by Col. Register General appointed, ii., 96, Wilkins, 684, 686. Answer of 97, 113, 121, 151, 569. Respect- Genl. Gage to, 718. From Maing, 551. John Donaldson, xvi., sons' Lodge, xi., 292, 294. Of 45. May employ a clerk, 64. Maryland, xii., on confederation. Office expenses,215. As Comptrol- Of Virginia against Vandalia or ler, 241, 272. Pay to, 301. Report Indiana Companies, 491. respecting, 314. Clerk paid, 416. Rent, sale of goods distrained for, x., Resolutions respecting, 531. 41. Register of German passengers, Repeal of laws, ii., 251. xiv., 445. L. Farmer, appointed, Replevin, writ of, granted by A. 447, 586. Morris against seized goods, i., Register General of Probate of Wills, 544, 566. Presenter of a petition iv., 33, 40 for, "reprehended for his insoRegister of Wills and Deeds, xiii., lence," ii., 109. 763 &c., appointed xvi., 443, 444, Reports, on publishing Colonial Re495, 515. cords, i., 12. Of WVm. Salway Registration bill of freemen and ser- and other Commissioners to New vants proposed, i., 98. Of fami- York, 393. lies, 110. Of Commissioners to regulate Reichel, John Frederick, Moravian water courses, Philad'a, ii., 25. missionary, has permission to re- Of Hamilton & Georges, on return to Saxony with his wife, turn from Maryland, iii., 547. &c-, xii., 782. On Chancery Court, iv., 27. 318 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Reports- ReportsOn Maryland affairs, 154. Of vost, and Winm. Moore, 438. Of Assembly, on value of gold and Committee of Privy Council on silver coins, and of bills of credit laws submitted, 524, 552. Order issued, 361-364; Do. by Council, of Council on, 552, 557. Of sheriff 364. Of Lords of Trade on vari- and justices of Northampton ous laws, 475. Conrad Weiser County, on settlers in, from Conon Indian skirmish in Virginia, necticut, 564. Tax on proprietary 640. Of Conrad Weiser on jour- estates, 584. Of Committee of Asney to Onondago, 660-668. On sembly on Governor's messages, journey to Sha.mokin, 680-684. 716, 719. Of Rev. John Steele, Journey to Onondago, 778, 782. T. of proceedings with Indians, ix., Lawrence and J. Kinsey, of treaty 506. Of Tilghman and Shippen, at Albany, v, 7-26. Of treaty at respecting Wyoming, 750. Lancaster, 306-309. Of commit- Of Comm'rs Allen and Tilghtee on paper currency, 415. Also man, x., 181. Of Committee to of Lower Counties, 417. Of Rich- procure copies of petitions, &c.,.to ard Peters of proceedings against the throne since 1760, 461. On settlers on unpurchased lands, survey of Jersey shore, 474. On 440, 449. Of Com'rs to Carlisle to cartridges and muskets, 588. Of hold conference with Indians, 665. Assembly on conduct of CommitOn respective claims of French tee of Safety, 611. Of joint Cornand English to North America, mittee of Assembly and Council vi., 100, 105. On what forts on various matters, xi., 735. are necessary, 109. Of John Of Committee on barracks, xii., Penn and Richard Peters to Gov. 208, 209. Of auditors on case of H., of their proceedings at Albany, JehnEyre, 263. iii., 129. John Armstrong, of Of Comm. of grievances,.xiii., mission to Connecticut, 259, 261. 694; John Lukens, Surveyor Gen., Of Road from Easton to Durham respecting a city lot, 123, 175. On furnace, 304. Of Committee of election of councillor in Phila. 184, Council on distribution of arms, 188. Of Surveyor General, 295. &c., by Ass'bly, 679. Of Com'ee On city lots, 321. Of Comptroller to inquire into cause of Indian Genl., 420, 421. Of decree against alienation on acc't of lands, 724, Connecticut, 474. Of Commission728. On Shawnese claims, 724. ers for running line between PennOf Conrad Weiser at Har- sylvania and Virginia, 510, 531. ris's ferry, vii., 33. Of Montour Of Comptroller General, 509, 511, and Scarroyady, 65. Of dele- 517, 532, 534, 536, 546, 552, 553, gates from six Indian nations, 557, 561, 563, 566, 570. Of Com115. Of Col. John Armstrong on missioners on C. H., Washington, Indian affairs, 257, 263. Of Capt. County, 531. Of Committee on Newcastle, 296. Of Committee of Congress on late disturbances, Ass'bly on supply bill, 421. Thos. 619. On Gov. Harrison's let'r, 685. McKee, 597. Of Committee on Of Commissioners of taxes, complaints against propri'ry, 776. xiv., 9. General Hand, 25. Of Of Committee on Impeach- WV. Bradford, Jr., and Jameg Wilment, viii., 1, 4. Of Hughes and son, counsel on Connecticut claim, Pawling on return from build- 159. Of Pennsylvania Commising houses at Wyoming, 134. Of sioners on Virginiaboundary, 286. Committee of Council to inquire On Wyoming. 462. Managers of into claims of Indians at Easton State Lottery, 471. Of GJenl. respecting lmands, 246, 261. On William Irvine, 522. Of Commislaw respecting warrants and sur- sioners on jurisdiction of islands veys, 345. Of Lords of Commit- in Delaware, 590.- Of Alexander tee of Council for plantation affairs McDowell, deputy surveyor, rein case of Dr. Wm. Smith, Pro- specting the new purchase, 604, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 319 Reports- ResolutionsOn case of George Schlosser, 660. 410, 412, 418, 432, 433, 439, 453, Of Comptroller on payment to 455, 458, 463, 484, 485, 502, 510, Deputy Surveyors of fees for do- 522, 523, 529, 541, 546, 563, 567, nation land.-Lottery tickets re- 590, 592, 620, 629, 631, 634, 638, maininginthe wheel, xv., 351. Of 639, 647, 654, 681. On IndependCommissioners onland near Erie, ence, 634. Of Congress, xi., 31, 382, 522. On election in Berks, 194, 203, 212, 224, 226, 248, 254, 482. On do in Cumberland, 520. 295, 344, 369, 404, 415, 446, 461, Of Commissioners to lay out 507, 523, 539, 596, 627, 636, 663, streets, &c., 539. Against theatri- 669, 677, 704, 727, 776, 782. Of cal exhibitons, 590. Rules and re- Assembly, 213, 215, 217, 220, gulations, 591. Names for streets, 227, 228, 230, 568, 644, 739. Of &c., in Alleghany, 610. Election Congress, xii., 6, 26, 31, 36, 74, frauds, 619. L. B. McLean, 620. 76, 114, 147, 170, 176, 183, 210, On purchase of triangle at Erie, 214, 227, 228, 230, 234, 242, 280, xvi., 37. Respecting city lots, 360, 378, 396, 398, 433, 471-473, 60. In by John Nicholson, 94. 484, 500, 517, 521, 522, 562, 571, On case of Turnbull, M. & Co., 593, 615, 648, 653, 657, 692, 719, 158. On memorial in behalf of 758, 759. Of Massachusetts, child of R. Wilson, 183. On public 51. Of Councils, 141, 142, 151, debts, 221. Of Commissionerson 155, 238, 347, 367, 377, 697. streets, &c., Southwark, Passyunk Against vendcles, 151. Of Asand Moyamensing, 245, 251, 262, sembly 258, 261, 371, 537, 545, Of Committee on accounts with 554, 561, 570, 636, 645, 653, 655, United States, 253. On case of 661, 690, 740, 769, 770. Of ConJohn Bryce, 298. Committee on gress, xiii., 5, 42, 53, 61, 79, 83, controversy between Comptroller ~ 123, 146, 154, 254, 348, 404, 407, and Register General, 314, 349. 605, 606, 609, 636, 744. AssemOn Memorial of Joshua Elder, 374. bly, 61, 123, 132, 236, 420, 422, On Genl. R. Butler's letter, and 436, 514, 525, 685, 712, 761. Of Genl. St. Clair, respecting requisi- Council, 291. Of Censors, 751. tion, 424. Of Committee on case Congress, xiv., 25, 31, 38, 145, of Genl. Thompson's widow, 465 280, 286, 347, 384, 443, 509, 562, Of Committee on certificates in 647. Assembly, 202, 285, 286, Comptroller's office, 485. 363, 369, 476, 666. Council, 167. Representation of Quakers, xi., 427. Congress, xv., 315, 502, 515. Of Supreme Executive Council to General Assembly, 594, 596. Of Assembly, 431. Assembly, xvi., 73, 74, 315. Of Representatives elected, xii., 134, Congress, 154, 375, 423. Of Coun136, 145; xiii., 391, 393, 395, 397, cil, 459, 545. 419, 443, 719, 723, 726, 729; xiv., Respite, of punishment on account 229, 230, 234, 236, 237, 244, 256, of pregnancy, xii., 110. Of a 554, 556, 558. Elected, xv., 98, pirate on account of doubt as to 100. legality of sentence, 732. Reprieve of William Ward, form of, Revenge, cutter to be appraised for v. 162, 211. Of Alexander Urie, guard a costa, xi., 720. 269, 293. Thomas Kelly, 604. Of Rex, Abraham, buys confiscated esCatharine Reynolds, 612. tate, xii., 445. Resolutions-Of Massachusetts, cut- Reynell, John, prisoner, xi., 292. ting off supplies of provisions Reynolds, James, frames portrait of from French, vi. 309. Of Assem- Washington, &c., xiv., 265. bly of Connecticut respecting Reynolds, John, Justice, iv., 348. claims to lands in province, x., Discharged, x., 465. Lieutenant, 119. Of Congress, 292, 316, 357. xi., 750. Late Lieutenant John Of Convention, 655. Of Com- of Franklin galley-Dr. Hutchmittee of Safety, 337. Congress, inson presents case of widow and 320 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. sick children-rations granted, Appointed ship's husband, 560, xii., 106; xiv., 242. 576. To send troops in shallops Rhea, John, Coroner, xiv., 237. to Trenton, xi., 24. Examined Rhine, Michael, decree of Supreme as to frauds in Quarter-Master's Court against estate of George department-dismissed, xii., 387. Rhine, xii., 327. Richardson, John, member of first Rhoads, Capt. -, officers elect- Council, i., 57. Member of Couned, xii., 9. cil, removed for absence, 210. Rhoads, Henry, Justice of Bedford Attainder taken off, 619. county, resigns, xi., 616. Richardson, Joseph, charged with Rhoads, Peter, member of Council counterfeiting, xi., 216. Enof Safety, x., 762. President of larged on bail, 226. A traitor and Court Common Pleas and Quarter counterfeiter, apprehended and Sessions, xiv., 226. imprisoned, xii., 270, 272. Rhode Island, Gov. Hopkins says Brought before Council and reAssembly will raise men, vi., 606. manded, 273. Discharged, 339. Gov. Tinker applies for provisions, Richardson, Samuel, member of vii., 151. Gov. Greene applies- Council for Philadelphia, i., 213. declined, 559, 560. Letter from Complaint against, 244, 270, 292. Gov., xii, 446. And Providence Justice of Peace, 544, ii., 159. Plantation, Act of Congress re- Richardson, Thomas, sent to New specting, xvi., 384, 393, 402. York for cannon, x., 635. Rhodes, Wm., Sh'ff, viii., 506, 781. Ried, J. R., applies to command Rice, Benjamin, Ensign, x., 464. troops, xiv., 157. Capt. to assist with chevaux-de- Riflemen, a body of, proposed, x., frise, 514. Captain sells cloth- 491. ing, xii., 297. Rifles, x., 522. Rice, Evan, trustee of General Loan Righton, William, compromised, office, ix., 205. with, for a slave condemned to Rice, Fort, guard at-supplies for, death, ii., 405. xiii., 117. Rinker, John, Sheriff, vii., 266 Rice, Capt. John, pardoned and Riots iii., 260, 267, 468-491. Elechanded over to Maryland battal- tion, in Philadelphia, iv., 620, ion, xi., 364. 623. Bill for preventing tumults Rice Capt. John, appointed to com- and riotous assemblies-passed, mand of boat, x., 287, 702. Builds ix., 717, 720, 729. Acts respectgun boat "Dickinson," 335. ing, x., 4, 52. In gaol, 512. Chevaux-de-frise, 535. To com- In Philadelphia, 701; xi., 307, mand "Convention," 702. To 665. raise men, 725. Commands armed Rippey, Wm., Sheriff, xi., 609. Coro"Convention," xi., 2. Ordered ner, xiii., 134, 396. to Cape May-instructions, 9. Ritchie, Capt Craig, xiv., 216. Rice, Lewis, repairs banks at Mud Ritchie, Robert, appointed member Island, xv., 204, 225, 236. of Navy Board, xi., 122. Rice, Patrick, clerk of Dr. Franks, Rittenhouse, Benjamin, gun-lock allowed to go to New York to factory, x., 481. Proposals acsettle accounts-required to give cepted-ordered to city, 495. bond and take oath, xi., 683. Superintendent of the gun-lock Rice, Ensign Robert, xi., 573. factory, xi., 458. Appointed a Richards, John and Ann, charged Commissioner to view river with witchcraft, ii., 20. Schuylkill, xvi., 194. Richards, Peter, sub-Lieutenant, Rittenhouse, David, appointed Enxii., 131. gineer to Committee of Safety, Richards, Capt. William, on survey x., 382. Member of Committee, of river, x., 481, 488. To pur- 537. Vice President of Council chase articles, 598, 660. To fix of Safety, 673. Appointed on signals at Cape Henlopen, 510. Committee to survey Jersey Shore, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 321 474. Engineer to prove cannon, 230, 252, 273, 274, 322, 326, 330. 501. To purchase, 538. On Fort Western, 326, 330-337, 346, 351, Island, Committee, 546. Receives 355, 358, 359, 370, 399, 425, 431, atcompliment as member of Coun- 445, 448, 519, 546, 594, 599, 635; cil, xi., 52. Treasurer, 670, 754. xvi., 19, 27, 51, 73, 83, 102, 252, Member of Board War, 201. 256, 259, 292, 434, 466, 484, 530. Treasurer, 242, 257. Appointed Rations, 68. State Treasurer, xii., 554, 657. Robb, Andrew, Justice, xiv., 323. Draft on York, 684, 688. Com- Robb, Robert, Coroner, viii., 506, missioner to run line between 781. Virginia and Pennsylvania, xiii., Robberies in Bucks and Chester 70, 685. Commissioner on north counties, xiii., 338, 339, 515, 532. ern boundary, xiv., 319 To Proclamation respecting, 339, 533. view roads, 442. AssistedbyAn- Robbins, Ezekiel, appointed to disdrew Ellicott on northern boun- tribute provisions at New York, dary, 655. Commissioner to run xiii., 459, 533. D. Sproat dewestern line, xv., 33. To re- mands moneys, without authority cover moneys due, 253. Pay to, of Council, 553. 614. Roberdeau, Captain, company, vii., River Indians, Wapers or Waping- 76. ers, singular wampum described Roberdeau, Col. Daniel, a member by Teedyuscung, viii., 217. of Committee of Safety, to inRoach, Isaac, pilot, x., 344. Second spect ordnance and military stores, Lieutenant of boats, 383, 488; x., 283. Guards at State House, xi., 562, 578. 287. To procure pikes, 328. To Roades, John, Coroner, iii., 371. apply to Congress for powder, Roads and Highways, i., 184, 189, 505. To have iron doors made for 195, 199, 200, 205, 209, 218, 251, gaol, 535, 548. To receive pro298, 379, 384, 387, 389, 396, 498, vincial arms, 640. Removed to 499-502, 510, 514, 536, 572, 5S7. Lancaster, xi., 41. Member of Walter King's, 387. The King's, Congress, 385. Troops to work 389; ii., 10, 33, 64, 65, 111, 147, at Billingsport, 242. Attends 152, 203, 236, 238, 485, 520, 526, Council, 548. Asks pay for lead, 536, 539, 541, 549, 561, 562; iii., xii., 162, 163. Letter and reso43, 50, 106, 107, 108, 138, 142, lution of Congress, 669. Letter 158, 163, 177, 219, 225, 227, 230, from, 677. Trial at Carlisle with 231, 263, 521, 524, 542, 547, 573, State, xiii., 319. 585-7, 590, 617, 618. Confirmed, Roberts, Algernon, Commander, 231; iv., 21, 46, 152, 181, 186, xii., 410, 420. 247, 266, 276, 279, 282, 285, 365, Roberts, Capt. Charles, of schooner 495, 503; v., 59, 61, 99, 100, 105, Thetis, to be secured with his pa107, 120, 202, 376, 577, 610, 611; pers, x., 765. vi., 300, 302, 304, 317, 318, 369, Roberts, George, to be seized, xi., 376, 377, 378, 409, 433, 476, 607, 283. 629. Braddock's, 395-403, 430, Roberts, Hugh, to be seized, xi., 434, 446, 460, 466, 476, 485, 493, 283. 497, 521, 555, 617; vii., 592; Roberts, Jane, draws money for viii., 677, 694; ix., 4, 22, 23, 169, self and children, xiii., 671. 248, 361, 440, 556, 623, 627, 651, Roberts, John, transcript of the re657, 667, 681, 686, 693, 699, 719, cord of Court of Oyer and Term720, 729, 732, 745, 750, 781; x., iner, xi., 600. Order for execu23, 39, 41, 51, 65, 69, 73, 113, tion, 606. Petitions for suspen219; xi., 481, 492. And high- sion of execution till after meetways, xii., 154, 314, 592, 656, ing of Assembly, 607. Petitions 667, 726. Commissioners for in favor of, 606, 613. Of his wife, viewing, paid, xiv., 442; xv., children, &c.-notes of Chief Jus13, 22, 30, 95, 121, 191, 195, 229, tice, 613. Condemned, 614. His 21 322 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. estate to be sold, xii., 323. Peti- victed, 142. To deliver up papers, tion for suspension-rejected, 374. 158, 181, 191, 192. Removed, Costs in case of, 38. Estate sold, 192. Committee sent to, for the 571. Payment to Jane Roberts Records, 192, 193. Councillor, out of his estate, xiv., 174. Pay- 365. Warrant for taxes to, 447. ment to his widow, xv., 467. Petition for claims due him as His widow receives a payment out Secretary, ii., 33. Dies —records of his estate under decree of Su- to be demanded of his widow, preme Court, xvi., 65, 350. 297. Secretary's papers in his Roberts, John, Cor'r, xvi., 191, 490. widow's hands, iii., 159. Order Roberts, Jona., Commissioner for for, 160. Succeed as Secretary erecting public buildings in Mont- by James Logan in 1700, 163. gomery county, xiv., 456. Robinson, Peter, Coroner, viii., 402, Roberts, Joseph, petition for remis- 506, 781. Sheriff, ix., 779; x., sion of fine, xiii., 511. Fine re- 56. nmitted, 535. Robinson, Samuel, Sheriff, iv., 470, Roberts, Owen, Sheriff of Philadel- 500, 602. phia, iii., 31, 56, 140. Traitor, Robinson, Septimus, Sheriff, iii., xiii., 180. 464, 520, 574; iv., 309, 352, 469. Roberts, Col. William, to rendez- Answer to warrant against J. Pemvous at Swede's Ford, xi., 301. berton, Jr., 391. Powder, 508. Resigns his com- Robinson, Thomas, (Merchant) vesmission, xii., 548. Sheriff of sel arrives from sickly ports, iv., Montgomery county, xiv., 555; 674. Sheriff, x., 106; xi., 639. xv., 97, 296. Robinson, Sir Thomas, letter to act Robertson, Daniel, Sheriff, ix., 57. vigorously in defence of governRobertson, Robert, Coroner of Net ment, vi., 177. Union of coloCastle, i., 174; iii., 416. nies-French, &c, 177. Troops Robeson, Andrew, Register of Ad- sent to Virginia, 200. Appointmiralty, xii., 316. Dies, 745. ment of James Pitcher as ComRobeson, Captain Thomas, letter on missary, 303. Letters, 373, 395, stores for Wyoming, xiii., 565. 511, 599, 639. On Braddock's Sent to, 567. defeat, 511, 599. Robin Hood, ford on Schuylkill to Rochambeau, Count de, asks for a be guarded, xi.. 302. hospital in city-house of emRobbins, Samuel, sent express to ployment proposed, xiii., 42. Virginia-his expenses, iii., 162. Rochambeau, General, commands Builds a boat, "Ranger," x., French army, xiii., 358. 335. Roche, Capt. George, member of Robinson, Andrew, a Councillor, i., Council, ii., 140. Justice, 159. 365. To enquire respecting W. Rodan, John, from Virginia, sent to Hudson, 371. Warrant for taxes gaol, xi., 473. (See William.) to, 447. Commands Highland- Rodan, Wm., sent under parole to ers, ix., 110. Appointed Regis- Chester to be discharged, xi., ter of Admiralty Court, xii., 14. 474. (See John.) Rangers to go to Lancaster, xiii., Rodgers, Col., xv., 24. 117. To have his head quarters Rodman, Win., declines appointat Fort Muncey, 215. Sent to ment as Commissioner to attend Wyoming, 509. Instructions to, Indian treaty at Fort Pitt, ix., 678. Letter, 698. Of Rangers, 491. xiv., 152. Rodney, C(esar, Sheriff, vi., 638; Robinson, Ebenezer, plan for stop- vii., 266. Trustee of General ping channel-thanks to, for it, Loan Office, ix., 204. Third Judge x., 286. of Supreme Court, 581. And Robinson, Pat., complaint against, i., Judge of Oyer and Terminer, 581. 136. Proposed to be displaced, Speakerof Assembly, 625. Speak141. Can't be removed till con- er of lower Assembly, x., 105, INDEX TO COLONIWAL RECORDS. 323 216, 272. Justice of Supreme Province —Mr.Harding, the priest, Court, 108. applied to, 447. His report, 448. Rodney, Daniel, Sheriff, iii., 524, John Cottringer and Joseph Cauff575. man, refnsed right to hold lands, Rodney, John, Coroner, v., 551, ix., 596. Regimnent of volunteers 597. Sheriff, vii., 267. in British service — Lieutenant Rodney, Thomas, a Justice, ix., Patrick Keane to be closely 645. watched, xii., 176. Rodney, Winm., member of Council, Romand, Mr., engineer —materials ii., 117. for experiments, xi., 13. Rodeney, William, dedimus to, ii., Romans, Bernard, appointed Cap97. Sheriff of Kent county, iii., tain of a company of Mattrosses, 260. x., 479. Roebuck, man-of-war aground in Rongfong, Fred., resigns as Captain, Delaware bay, x., 554.- Lieuten- xiii., 15. ant Ball of, to be exchanged, Rope-walk of Stacey Hepburn, x., 563. Sent to Gernmantown, 580. 778. Jas Wharton's, 707. Engagement with, 582. Man-of- Rosborough, Rev. John, chaplain of war, prisoners from, xi., 89. Militia, dies-pension to widow, Rogers, Major, an English captain, xv., 234, 442, 485, 643. Pension made prisoner-arrest referred to paid to widow of, xvi., 407. in Congress, x., 343. On parole, Rose, John, secretary of Council of 344, 354. Censors, xiii., 770. Rogers, Major John, xi., 87. Rose, Polycarpus, gives intelligence Rogers, Maurice, clerk of Commit- respecting Indian and French contee of Accounts, x., 652. spiracy, i., 396, 435. Rogers, Nicholas, one of a commit- Rosencrange, Jacob, Justice, xv., 35. tee to examine works on river (he Ross, Rev. ZEneas, at New Castle, speaks French), xi., ix., 100. Rogers, Thomas, convicted of refus- Ross, Colonel, to draw rules for ing Continental bills, x., 497. boats, x., 327. Major R., reward offered for his Ross, Colonel George, member of apprehension, 640. Continental Congress, receives his Rogers, Rev. Dr. William, chaplain, pay, x., 287. To inspect ordapplies for clothing, xi., 727, 728, nalce, 283. Order for rifles, 644. 740. Petition for half ration to Appointed Ensign, 501, 700. be drawn in city-rejected, xii., Complains against wagon owners, 21. xi., 349. Appointed Judge of Rolfe, Josiah, a Justice, iii., 28. Admiralty, 713, 755. Judge of Member of Council, 227. Admiralty Court, dies, xii., 46. Rolls office, ii., 579. Ross, George, Councillor, xv., 296. Rolls, Master of, first appointed, i., President, 584. Vice-President, 91. To keep Charter of Liberty, xvi., 219. 111; xiv., 378, 379. Ross, John, viii., 113, 342. A lawRotton, John, an English ensign, yer, 339. Report, 345. Comnarrives and is taken into custody, missioner to attend Indian treaty x., 302, 303. at Fort Pitt, declines, ix., 491. Roman Catholics-proprietor com- Appointed Muster-master of boats, plains of a house built in Walnut x., 338. Warrant and instrucstreet, in which mass is said by tions, 355, 427. Number of men Romish priest, and declares it con- on boats, 430. trary to the laws of England, iii., Ross, James, applies to be Lienten546, 563. An Indian, v., 467. ant of Lancaster county, xiii., In Berks county-Justice's letter 735. Appointed, 409, 570, 746. to Governor respecting, vi., 503, Lieutenant of Lancaster county, 533. Complaints against, vii., return of militia officers elected, 344. Inquiry as to number in xvi., 399. Sheriff, 193, 494. 324 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Ross, Captain Joseph, x., 686. Rush, Dr. Benjamin, appointed Ross, Captain William, is presented physician and surgeon to hospital, by Council with a sword, for meri- x., 347. Attends sick, 409. To torious conduct in Luzerne coun- receive medicines from Dr. Bass, ty, xv., 543. Report in his favor, 489. And Dr. Duffield, 545, 549. 547. Paid, 548. Sword presented, Surgical instruments, 604, 614. 551. And Dr. Hutchinson to advise Ross, William, bail refused, x., health officer, xi., 543. Director729. General of hospitals, xiv., 634. Rothrock, Jacob, Coroner, xii., 513; Applies to Council for interest xiii., 93. due Dickinson College, xv., 616, Rough, Michael, Coroner, xii., 540. 654. Rowan, James, deed to, xii., 320. Rush, Jacob, appointed to assist Inspector, 487. Attorney-General in case of Ship Rowan, William, sheriff, xi., 371, Albion, sunk in Delaware and 375, 599. Of York, 229, 599. claimed by Beveridge and others, Sheriff, xii., 161, 162. xi., 544. On Philadelphia elecRowing-wheel, an invention by M. tion, xiii., 200. Judge of Supreme Bigland, x., 295. Court, xiv., 42, 43. Takes oath, Rowland, Samuel, Jr., viii., 781. 70. Pay to, 481, 602, 666. Roxborough, paper mills, &c., of C. Judge Supreme Court pay, xv., Sauer sold in, xii., 299. 135, 358. Paid, xvi., 305. Royer, Samuel, Justice, xiv., 669. Rush, Joseph, to value ship General Ruddisell, Jacob, Coroner, xiii., Greene, xi., 720, 739; Coroner, 397. - ii., 507; xiii., 85, 391, 723; xiv., Ruddisel, Jacob, Coroner, xiii., 723. 230. Rudman, Andrew, case with Benja- Rush, Dr. Richard, to examine surmin Chambers, ii., 137, 147. geons, x., 452. Rue, Benjamin, asks to form an in- Rush, William, purchases firelocks, dependent company of artillery,. x., 478, 544. Procure bars, &c., xii., 391. for gaol, 580. -Order to, 720. Rue, Benjamin, sheriff, xiii., 392. Paid, xi., 697. Elected Justice Rugh, Michael, Coroner, xiii., 158, of Philadelphia, 770. Judge of 419. City Court, xiii., 181, 581. JusRPules and Regulations respecting tice of N. Mulbery ward, and of flags of Truce, v., 80. Of Con- Court of Common Pleas, xv., 26. tinental army ordered to be print- Russell, William, lost a leg at battle ed, by John Dunlap, for use of of Brandywine, asks aid, xii., Associators, x., 636. 107. Rules and regulations of Council, Ruston, Justice, complaints against, xv., 341, 586, 590. Report of v., 78, 95, 99. Committee, 591. Ruston, Dr. Thomas, claiming his Rum, proposed changes of duty on, seat in Council from Chester, ii., 27. Sent from New Castle to xvi., 201, 202. Conestoga, 140, 141. Seized by Rutherford, John, letter announcing collector, 605. And Indian trade arrival of General Braddock, vi., in, iii., 409~ Proclamation against 303. sale of, to Indians, viii., 172. Rutter, Thomas, Sr., at meeting Rumsey, William, a surveyor of of Indians at Philadelphia, iii., Maryland, outrage by, iii., 591. 319. Casts cannon, x., 530. Proceedings against, 592. Ryan, John, confined as dangerous, Rand, Gottfried, pass for, with x., 574. Moravian missionaries to the In- Ryan, Michael, appointed Adjutant dians at Onondago, v., 576. of 4th battalion, x., 515. Rundle, Richard, petition for Daniel Ryan, Michael, may be employed R., xiii., 96, 132. Daniel and by Lieutenant of city as inspector George, 132. of the militia, with rank of Lieu INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 325 tenant-colonel, xii., 388, 389, 393, to Congress-ceases as Auc571. Arrested, xiii., 670. tioneer —-resolutions respecting, Ryder, D., opinion on law without 197. Pay to, 218. Letter, 518. suspending clause, vi., 209. Debt due from him as late AucRyland, Nicholas, v., 410. tioneer, and Gov. of Western Territory, xvi., 176, 423. Fees on auctions, 460. S. St. Clair, Lieut. Genl., appointed to command troops for Louisburg, Sabbath, law respecting, ii., 210, v., 37. Letters, to and from, vi., 212. 298, 380. Appointed Deputy "Sachem," Privateer, takes priso- Quarter Master, 298, 320. Gov. ners of war, x., 713. M. sends maps, 298. Proposes Sackett, Nathaniel, petition, xii., opening roads to Ohio, proposes 33. floats for crossing creeks, &c., 301. Sacrament, certificate of Rector and St. Clair, Sir John, Dep. Quart. Gen. Assistant Rector of Christ Church on opening Roads —memorial, of administering, to Gov. Denny, vii., 592. Letters to and from, vii., 741. viii., 71. Proposes establishing Sail Cloth, manufacture of in Phila- two good horses at several places delphia, ix., 354. Loaned to to keep up quick communication, Virginia, x., 422, 549. 71. Grants pass-ports to Indians Sailors engage in a riot at an elect- from Virginia, 124. Commistion in Philadelphia, iv., 621. sioner on accounts of Du Quesne, St. Clair, Arthur, appointed Pro- 322. thonotary, &c., of Bedford county, St. Croix, arrivals from, xii., 20, ix., 731. Appointed on special 29. Court in Bedford county, x., 8. St. Domingo, provisions to be Prothonotary of Westmoreland, shipped to, xii., 59. 77. Letters, 140. Instructions St. Eustatia, equipments imported to, respecting Conolly, 144. Let- from, x., 708. Vessel allowed to ters to and from, 194, 201, 202. take provisions to, xii., 130. Fire-locks, 417. Recommended St. Georges' Creek to be stopped, as a Colonel to Congress, 442. ix., 60t). Elected, 443. Major appointed St. John, Monsr., French Consul, to battalion, 460. xi., 770-7, letters from, xiv., 2. Recommends Ensigns, xii., 3. St. Sacrament, see Lake George, vi., Letters to and from, 36, 52, 420. 637. Supplying troops in other States Salaries of Deputy Treasurer, &c., with provisions, 52. On Lieut. i., 111. Gibbon's case, 139. Recommends Salaway, William, a Councillor, i., Captains,. Letter mistakes 365. Also, a Justice, 370, Comin dates of commissions, 240. Re- missioner to New York, report, cruits, 421. Promotions, 545. 393. Asks for money for troops, 613. Salem, New Jersey, a Boston vessel To court-martial Lieut. Bigham, from, seized at Philadelphia, ii., 675, 685, 686. Returns of re. 240. Col. Kirkland to be arrested, cruits to be made, xiii., 39, 47. x., 665. Message, 408. List of promotions, Salt to Germantown, x., 577, 699. 441. On Light Dragoons, 504. Monopoly of, 748. Sent to TrenBuys land, 505. Delivers message ton, 759. Arrives, 779. Purfrom Soldiers, 605, Censor, 721. chased, 780, 782. xi., 7. To be Appointed Auctioneer of City, divided among counties, 13. xiv., 38, 163, 374. Sale of ruins Terms, 14, 16. Commissioners at Fort Pitt, 498. Paid as mem- to distribute, 17. To militia in ber of Congress, xv., 18, 28. Ac- actual service, 20. Cargo sold counts, 153, 183, 194. Appointed at $10, 249. In Prichard's 326 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Store, xi., 654, 661, 670. Great Sandeland, Jonas, Coronor of Ches. scarcity of, xii., 87. Comnmis- ter, iii., 56, 69, 108. sioners for collection and distri- Sanders, Charles, member of Counbution, 123. Exchanged for flour, cil, i., 449. 136. Pay for, 141, 144, 151. Sanders, John, estate sold, i., 564. Price of, 133. Distribution, 262, Sanders, Robert, letter on French 263. Commissioners for pro- and Indian affairs, v., 626. curing, 161. Complain of it and Sandusky, failure of expedition Flour being smuggled, 152. against, xiii., 323. Expedition Per Brig Active, 159. Commisnt- against, 373; xvi., 233, 234, sioner insulted by L. Kuhn, 160, 283. Claim for a horse lost on, 161. From Jeremiah Warder, 445. 191. Price complained of, xiii., Saratoga, German Regiment, and 595. Chaplain taken at, xiii., 262. Saltpetre, to be procured, x., 282, Saristagoa, Indian Interpreter, iii., 700; Purchased from, J. Sims, 571. 314, 315. A person frolm York Sassoonan or Alummappees, iii., arrives and engages to show 318. King of Delaware Indians, how to make, 384. To be &c., deed from, 322, 333. paid in part with powder, 430. Speech, 334. Grief of, 404. In Instruction to inhabitants to Philadelphia, 404; iv., 53. An make, 443, 456. Maryland to be old man 54. Presents a belt of instructed, 479,'480, 481. Re- wampum of ten rows, 54. Arrives, ceived from Congress, 484. Made 307, 443, 446. by Meais in Berks, 490. Per- Satacaroupes, Indian,-journey to sons instructed to make, 498. Indians on Susquehannah, vii., Made in Philadelphia, 543. 137. Works, 604. In Lancaster, 647. Satcheechoe, Indian messenger, iii., Salt Provisions, Inspectors of, xiv., 191. 488. Saunders, John, a pilot, restricted Salt Works in New Jersey, under to Chester, x., 402. Committed Mr. Savage, Commissioner on, x., to jail, 402. Released-oath, 678, 701-6. Guard sent to, 776, 416. 777. At Turtle Gut inlet for sale, Saunders, Rear Admiral, appointed xi., 193. Troops sent to, 114. Commander-in-Chief of English Boat "Delaware" Capt. Eyre, Navy in North America, viii., sent to defend, 127, 191. Wood- 316. land for, 294. Salt pans, 335. Saunderson, Robert, to be disJames Davidson, appointed assis- charged, x., 618. tant, 403. Account of expendi- Saner, Christopher, Sr., his estate ture, 509. Deeds for land, xii., sold in Germantown, xii., 281, 84. Manager dead, works to be 299, 303, 326, 348, 445, 448, 709. sold, 160. Sold, price and Deed See Sower. for, to Jno. Thompson, 186, 190. Savadge, Thomas, to make salt in Sample, Samuel, a supposed ac- Jersey, x., 614, 650, 678. Makes complice of Dr. John Conolly at salt in New Jersey, x., 679, 701. Pittsburg, proceedings against, At salt works New Jersey, exx., 533. pects enemy,-xi., 126, 279, 462. Sample, Robert, Sheriff, x., 212, salt works, xii., 84. 270. Scaientes, a man of note of Cayuga Sandall, Andrew, Minister of Swe- Nation of Indians, v., 83, 84. dish Church, attacks Benjamin Scalps, proposed, vii., 74. PreChambers at Schuylkill, ii., 147, miums offered, 76, 78, 89. 477, 478. His answer in writing, Opinions of C. Weiser and Teedyand action of Council, 485. Case uscung on, 735. Reward offered of Schuylkill Ferry, iii., 147, for, ix., 189. Sir William John149, 150. son approves of it, 190. Gov. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 327 Penn's Proclamation for, 191. his terms, &c., i., 91. Convicted Premium offered in Northumber- and fined for keeping school not land county for Indian, xii., 311. having taken oath of allegiance, And Northampton county, 312. xi., 653. Reward to Capt. Samuel Brady Schott, Capt. John P., now comfor, 632. Indian paid for, xiii., mands Armand's corps-petition, 201. xii., 217, 218, 221, 297. An exScarborough, man-of-war, about to press from Wyoming to Philadelsail from New York for England, phia, xiv., 176. to take copies of papers from Schrawder, Philip, recommended to Council, v., 104. Congress as 2d Lieutenant, x., Scaroyady, v., 167, 674. Message 679. Recommended for command to, 705. Half King, vi., 140. of a company, xii., 297; xiii., Speech to by Gov. on Connecticut 136, 574. people, 216. Respecting, 287, Sehrawder, Simon, sub-Lieutenant 202, 331, 340, 344, 352. Ac- of Lancaster county, xiv., 206. count of his proceedings, 340. Schreiner, Jacob, elected to AssemDeath of son, 523. Message from, bly, xii., 129. 612. Arrives, 681. Presented Schreyver, George, Coroner, xv., to Governor Shirley and De 297, 570. Lancey, 358. Complains of the Schuyler, Colonel, to go with ShirIndians being naked, 359. Mes- ley, vi., 398. General, asks pay sage to Gov. Morris, 615. for prisoners in Canada, viii., Advises English, vii., 12; 64. 240. Applies for gunpowder, x.. Speech, 65. Drunk for several 301. May loan it to Provincial days, 87. Promises to build Congress of New York, 312. PowFort at Shamokin, 90 Wife and der received, 327. Lead from children arrive, viii., 163. Ticonderoga, 330. Schaffer, David, Jr., Warden, xiii., Schuylkill, ferry at, established, 721 let to Philip England, i., 126, 184, Schaffer, Henry, Justice, xiv., 307. 368, 387. Swedes complain against Schaffer, John, Pay Master, xi., 29. keeper, 373. Against William Scheline, Lambertus, counterfeiter, Powell, 380, 381, 437. A boat confined — pardoned and dis- seized, 441. Belongs to propriecharged, blind, xi., 397. tary, 445. Proclamation respectSchitz, Henry, Justice-contested, ing, 446. More ferries proposedxiv., 47, 50, 59. Resigns, 60. referredto proprietary as his right, Schlosser, Capt., J., of Royal Ameri- 461. Passengers not to be ferried can Regiment protects Indians, over after night, 581. B. Chainix., 124. Instructions to, 127, bers complains of another boat 132. being about to be set up by two Schlosser, George, report in favor of, Swedes, ministers, ii., 137. Counxiv., 661. cil forbid it, 137. Case of RudSchmick, Rev., John Jacob, Mis- man and Sandal, 147, 149, 150. sionary to Indians, presents their Indian chief Manangy arrives, 191. memorial from Philadelphia bar- Benjamin Chambers invents a racks, ix., 135. boat for, 258. Objects to othei Schnider, Capt. Jacob. ferries, 258. Petition from Welsh Schneider, Lient. Godfrey, sells tract for another ferry on, 276. clothing, xii., 297. Opposed by Win. Powell, 277. Schonover, Nicholas, an Indian Ferry notgranted, 289. B. Chamntrader, iii., 309, 320. bers at, attacked by Swedes, 477. School, petition of Quakers for a, 478. Ferries and roads belong t( in Philadelphia, i., 532. public, 485, 525. Ferry, pro. School of Arts and Sciences pro- posed law, 528. Petition from in posed, i., 93. habitants on taxes, iii., 91. Or School-master, the first appointed, road, 225. Fishing dams to b( 328 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Schuylkill- to, from Darby, 650, 667, 727. removed, 233. Act against dams, French get masts from, 488 &c., 383. Road from Lancaster Floating bridge vested in George to, laid out, 523, 618. Wears on, Gray, 690. River, examination act against, 566. River, petition of, xvi., 122. Commissioners to respecting wears on, iv., 17, 2:), view, 178. J. Hockley paid, 240. 23, 284. Road from Lancaster Commissioners to examine, 319. to, 503. H-istory of early action, Sherman, Conrad, xiv., 486. 18. Riot respecting wears, 284. Scofield, Nath., Cor., xvi., 192, 492. To be made navigable, viii., 582. Scold, a common, sentenced to be Act to keep banks, &c., in order, ducked, but pardoned, xii., 235, 667. Ferry, Act for protecting, 243. ix., 296, 549. Fisheries, 610, 620, Scotland, rebellion in favor of Po707. Navigation and fisheries, pish Pretender, v., 6. Success x., 73. Not to be passed by per- in, 50. sons with arms, xi., 27. Toll Scott, Alex., Proth'aryy, xvi., 41. bridge at, 53. Floating bridge, Scott, James, a traitor, imprisoned, guard at, 55, 56. Bridge nearly xii., 329. ready to be passed with wagons, Scott, John, violent proceedings 210. To Christiana, 250. Bridge, against his house in Donegal guard for-no one to pass, 299. township, iii., 266. Coroner, xiii., Falls, troops to rendezvous at, 751; xiv., 256; xv., 118. Jus301. Guard, 202 Bridge to be re- tice, 59. moved and taken to the Delaware Scott, Josiah, a Justice, x., 209. -boats to be removed, 81, 305. Scott, Philip, Justice, xiv., 321. Major Casdrop there, 298, 305. Scott, Robert, resigns as Justice, Called into service-Richard Den- xiii., 748. Engraver, xiv., 471. nis supplies his place, 310. Bridge Scott, Thomas, Commissioners to to be repaired and brought again Congress at Yorktown, xi., 435. to its place, 536. Guard for mid- Letter, 773. Sales of land in this die bridge, 657. Rent of, 664, province by Virginia, xii., 234. 667. Toll from United States, Appointed Prothonotary of Wash675. Partly carried away, 686. ington county, 681. Election in Expensive, 711. Cable, &c., 724. Washington county, xiii., 403. Bridge to be examined-tolls Acccounts, 586. Resigns as memcharged, xii., 195. Committee ap- hber Congress-referred to Assempointed to employ person to take bly, xv., 6.56. Requested to concare of,. and procure boats and tinue as member Congress, xvi., ropes for ferry, till season for re- 7. Member Congress, resigns placing bridge, 202. Benj. G. Eyre from Council, 40. paid for replacing, 205. Wood Scott, Capt. Wm., x., 687. Payon tract west of, to be cut down master, xi., 308, 390, 406, 493, for the poor, 207. Abuses of, 509; xii., 461; xiii., 27. 208. Wood taken-terms of con- Scruneyattha, Indian half kingtinental teams, 212. Carried speech to Governors, vi., 31. away by ice-to be restored by B. Scull, Edward, obstructed by InEyres, 266. Under charge Quar- dians in survey of lands, v., 489. ter-Master-General's department, Scull and Hall, printers, Pittsburg, J. Mitchell to keep in repair- xv., 390. continental teams, &c., to pass Scull, Jasper, Sheriff, v., 662. Corofree-rates of tolls, 269. And ner, vi., 144. Sheriff, ix., 285, road to Darby-petition, 292. 333, 398. Road from, 314. Rent paid, 315. Scull, John, presents for Indians, Expense of replacing, 317, 318, iii., 297. Sent with message to 321. Rent paid, 340, 385. Ex- Indians, 305. Interprets, 313. pense of examining, 374. Ex- Expenses, 344, 425. penses, 391. Rent, 458. Road Scull, Nicholas, &c., petition for INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 329 road from lime kilns to Philadel- President, 138. Sloop Active, 144. phia, i., 536. Sent to Indians, Attends Council, 210. Paid, 274, iii., 305. Expenses, 344. Inter- 314. Member of Congress, 371. prets, iv., 742. Sheriff, 748, 782; Pay as Member of Congress, xii., v., 55, 662. AppointedSurveyor- 409, 410. Appointed agent to General, 274. Sheriff, vi., 144, Europe to solicit loans, 414. Com638. Surveyor-General's certifi- mission, 415. Instructions, 416. cate respecting Indian walk, vii., List of goods to be purchased, 399. Indian conference at his 417. Made Lieutenant-Colonel by house, at which Commissioners, brevet, 418. Compensation, 418. Quakers, &c., were present, re- Interest, 422. Report on his respecting lands, &c., viii., 212. call, 694. Return from Europe Scull, Nicholas, Ensign, x., 464. requested, xiii., 11. To be writScull, William, Sheriff, x., 270. ten to, 242. Arrives from France Sea letters, Act of Congress for and waits on Council, 310. Regranting, xv., 392. specting his pay as agent, 751. Seagrove, James, to be arrested, xii. Before Council, 752. Committee 495. Released, 498. on accounts of, xiv., 373. Seals for each County ordered- Secret Committee (of Congress) to their devices, i., 65. Use of great furnish saltpetre, x., 484. and lesser, 232. Keeper of great, Seddon, Thomas, paper-maker, xv., proposes to visit New York- 462. doubts of his right to do so Seditious papers, persons spreading, solved, 234. Difficulty about, to be secured, xi., 396. 235. Greater, when applied, 243. Seely, John, Ensign, xi., 112. JusRefused to a paper, 250. To be tice, xiii., 683. Deposition of, delivered to keeper, 319. Keeper xiv., 32. may sit in Co'ty Courts, 321. For Seely, Jonas, letter from, in relation Philadelphia county, 343. Keeper to Indian murders, ix., 43. Prorefuses to affix it, 345. Keeper, vincial Commissioner, 237. 581. County, law changed, ii., Seidel, Nathan, a Moravian, sent to 210. For Master of Rolls' office consult with Governor M., vii., described, 233. Greater and 190. lesser, new ones given by Pro- Seigler, Charles, (see Jegler.) prietaries, iii., 530. Delivered Seip, Peter, Coroner, ix., 778; x., to Secretary, iv., 639. Words 56. punched out, v., 382. Great, the, Selin, Captain, rank, xii., 297. viii., 335, 408. Difficulty in ab- Sell, Ludwig, Coroner, xv., 577 sence of keeper, 408. And motto xvi., 210. for Committee of Safety, x., 328. Sellers, John, a commissioner to Fdr Court of Admiralty, cut and view river Schuylkill, resigns, paid for, xii., 102. The Great, of xvi., 194. late Province, to be secured, 178. Sellers, Nathan, appointed to make The Great, of late Province, Mr. a survey of river Delaware from Physic, keeper, delivers it —di- Schuylkill to Christiana creek, rections respecting it, 205. As- xi., 251. Commissioner to view sembly apply for, part delivered, roads, xiv., 442. 237. The Great, xv., 299. Semple, Captain, xi., 33. Sealer of weights and measures, i., Semple, Cunningham, Justice, xiii., 128. 666. Seamen may be searched for on Semple, William, Sub-Lieutenant, board of vessels, x., 435. resigns-thanks for services, xii., Search warrant granted, i., 151. 210. Searle, James, xi, 715. Member of Seneca Indians, rumored invasion Congress-change of flour to ship- by, from Maryland, i., 277, 447. bread for shipment, xii., 77-82, Confess to murder of Catawba In172. Asks to be Aid-de-Camp of dians, iii., 21. Famine and great 330 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. distress among, iv., 564; vii., 24. Regulation of, 729. Not to 40, 43. Chief's speech to Dela- be enlisted, x., 70A. And apprenwares, 515. Their chief town, tices, not to be enlisted, xi., 242. viii, 118, 149. A chief dies Settlement —bill of, passed, i., 62, at Easton, 213. Seneca George, 63. Act of, does it vacate the shot, ix., 603, 604; Speech of charter? 597. Shoanaszowa, 604. War de- Sewaise, or Sohaise, chief of Conesclared by Dlaawares against, xii., toga Indians, viii., 115. Speech 586. to Governor, 118. Sensemnan, Gotlieb, and wife, Mora- Seward, Richard, appointed Lieuvians-pass to Pittsburg, &c,, tenant in Colonel Penrose's batwith letters to Colonel Broclhead, talioln, x., 473. xii., 346. Sewell, Richard, Sheriff, v., 120, 345, Sergeant, Jona. Dickinson, appointed 411. Sheriff of Philadelphia, reAttorney-General, xi., 254. Case turns furnaces and forges in of Mrs. Parrock, 667. Attorney- 1750, ix., 633. General, paid salary, xii., 102, Seyfert, Conrad, Lieutenant, xii., 155, 493. Resigns as Attorney- 338. General. 550. To assist in a Seymour, Col., Governor of Maryprosecution, 600. Retaining fee, land, expresses from, relative to case of Hog Island, 634. Resigns French privateers, ii., 240. Is he as Attor'ney-General, thanks to, Vice Admiral of the Province? 548, 550. Appointed a conn- 417, 421. sel on Coa-necticut claim, xiii., Seymour, Thomas, appointed Com215, 299, 310. Buys city lots, modore, &c, instructions to, x., 335. Employed in case of chil- 731. Council visit, at Fort Island, dren of Andrew Allen and State, 732. To als fleet, 754. Not to xiv., 448, -459. Attorney-General, allow persons to examine works, paid to, 623. To aid Attorney- 758. Men of boats improperly General, xv., 127. detained, 777. To inspect vesSermon, Joseph, convicted of refus- sels, 779. To weigh chevaux-deing Continental bills, x., 497. frise, 781. Not to allow vessel Serrill, Isaac, Commissioner, xii., to pass, 781. To man fleet and 420. rendezvous at Philadelphia, xi., Servants, law to prevent sale of, into 1. To station guard-boats, 4. other Provinces proposed, i., 61. Ordered with boats to Trenton, Sale of a, 63. Proclamation 39. Orders to issue through Corn. against dealing with, 74. Masters Hazelwood, 74, 131, 242, 257. authorized to chastise, 78. To Shade, Captain Henury, of Rifle comserve five for every day's absence, pany, x., 605. 80. Punished for telling truth, Shaffer, David, "a good WVhig" — 88. Rules respecting, 117, 129. pass, xi., 593. Complaint against, 146, 149, 150. Shaffneer, George, Ensign, x., 704. Master of a vessel threatens to Shakuppo, Indian King, i., 435. carry, to Virginia, 161, 162. Trial Shakatawlins, Indian Chief, death for sale of a, 185, 223. Duty on of-grief of Sassoonan, iii., 404. convicts imported as, iii., 163, Shallnarooners Indians, i., 397. 166. On Irish, 359. Enlisting Shallop, the State, to be sold, as of, iv., 437, 466, 468. England she lies half full of water, xi., wishes white servants, rather 576. than negroes, 437, 438, 449, 468. Shallus, Jacob, memorial and brief Indentured, clamor against enlist- of title to land, referred to ing, vi., 777. Letter to General Land Office, xiii., 548, 549. Title Shirley respecting, 777. Address to city lot confirmed, 632, 633. of Assembly to G~overnor on en- Again referred to Land Office, listment of, vii., 37. And appren- 636. Report, 637. Notary, xv., tices, enlistment of, ix., 17, 23, 295. INDEX TO COLONIAL BECORDS. 331 Shamnbough, Valentine, recovers Indian affairs, from Governor, from R. Swanwick's estate, xii., viii., 779. Letters to and from, 199. ix., 306, 375. Administers oath Shamokin, (see Fort Augusta,) to Governor Penn, 348. Petition journal of C. Weiser to, iv., 640, of John Redick, 375. 646, 680. Conrad Weiser sent to Sharp, Lt. George, offers resignademand of Delaware Indians the tion —declinecl, xii., 15. murderers of John Armstrong, Sharp, William - proceeding of 676, 678, 679. His report, 680, Hampton Court respecting Mary684. Removal of Indians from, land and Pennsylvania, iv., 254. 747, 758. Indians from, arrive, Certificate of confirmation of acts 767. Message, &c., delivered by by Court at Kensington, viii., 40. Conrad Weiser to Indians at Sharpless, Daniel, to make fire Joseph Chamber's, v., 84. Called arms, x., 338. in Indian Zenachson, 84. Visit Shaver, George, Ensign, xii., 70. of C. WVeiser to, vi., 35. Lands Shaw Anthony, Coroner, iii., 465, purchased, Indians, 119, 129. Mur- 520. ders at J. Penn's Creek, 645, 662. Shaw, Williaim, Attorney-General, Described by Governor, 665. Mur- iii., 338. Commissioner of purders by Indians, 668, 669. Go- chases, xii., 584. Letters on disvernor intends building a fort at, turbances at Wyoming, xv., 27. 701. Governor promises to erect Shawannah Indians, articles of a fort at, vii., 6. Fort at, 6, 54, agreemnent with, ii., 15. Con76, 79, 80, 90, 96, 121, 159, 163, spiracy against, 145. 184, 281, 294. Houses burned, Shawnese Indians, iii., 19, 45. Vir154. Indian Conference at, 299. ginia slaves among, 215. MesGovernor proposes to invite Dela- sage fromn their chief, 309. Louisiwares to settle at, 543, 546. In- ana, 402. Respecting, 443. Second structions to Thomas McKee to conference with, at Philadelphia, conduct Indians to, 556. Indian iii., 459-463. Unfriendly, with Agents at, viii., 99, 128, 501. other tribes, iv., 739, 741. Ask Conference between Col. Francis, Delawares to remove from Sha&c., and Indians at, ix., 610- mokin to Ohio, 747, 757; v., 292. 620; xi., 84. Message from, 569, 571. ImShankland, David, Coroner, viii., prisoned in South Carolina, 696. 506. Sick in Philadelphia, 704. Death Shankland, John, Sheriff, iii., 615. of Kishocoquilla, a chief, vi., Shankland, Joseph, viii., 403, 506. 154, 178, 421. Report on claims Shankland, Rhoads, Sheriff, ix., of, 724. Chief, the Pride, dies 286, 333, 398. in Carolina, vii., 540. Tribes, Shankland, William, Sheriff, iv., perfidy of —terms of peace ob748, 782. Sheriff, v., 55, 551, 597. tailed by Colonel Bouquet, ix., Coroner, 411, 468. 239. Hostages escape, 239. SepaShannon, Dr., to be arrested, xi., rate from Delawares and move to 332, 386. - Scioto, x., 201. Message of GoShannon, William, auctioneer, vernor Penn to, 203. Expedition Northern Liberties, xvi., 36, 40. against, from Virginia, 214. Duty on sales, 253. Shawana, Ben, Indian Chief, at Shanoppin, Town W., of Carlisle, v., Great Island —letter to W. Pat707. Distance and latitude, 751- terson, ix., 480. 762. Shawana, John, a Shawnese Indian, Sharpe, Gov. Hor., of Maryland, vi., asks aid of Council, ix., 776. 178. Number of enemy at Wenan- Shawnois Town, strange Indians go, 179. Letters to and from, 418, from North Carolina arrive at, 453, 477, 639; vii., 14, 132, 341, ii, 390. 570, 716. Meets E. Loudoun at Shay, Daniel, rewards offered for Philadelphia, 470. Letter to, on him by Council and Governor of 332 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Massachusetts, xv., 171. Repeal Modes of granting land —quit by Massachusetts, 435, 442. rents, &c., 379, 382. Claims city Sheaff, Philip, Collector of Excise, lots, xv., 88, 235, 481, 485. xvi., 194. Shelby, Captain, vii., 531. Sheaff, William, complains of short Shemekenwhoa, a Shawnee Chief, measure in city lots purchased, complains of sale of rum, ii., 33. xv., 537, 562. Sherard's ferry, xi., 636. Shee, Colonel John, recommended Sheriffs of counties, i., 58,126, 165, as a colonel to Congress, x., 442. 166, 170, 186, 195, 197, 206, 211, Elected, 443. Officers, 497. Capt. 213, 267, 269, 332, 339, 368. Fined Alles resigns, 497. Firelocks lent for not doing duty, 125. Cannot to, 501. D. Jones, chaplain, 551. act as attorneys, 170. Complained Asks for arms, 600. Auditor of of, 301. Continued for a season, Accounts, xii., 486, 717; xvi., Claypoole excepted, 321. To re543. ceive Governor's rents, &c., 343; Shee, Walter, appointed Tonnage ii., 20, 22, 25, 101, 105, 177, 178, Officer, &c., xi., 191, 197, 200. 205, 233, 397, 298, 448; iii., 30, Member of Board of War, 200, 56, 69, i08, 139, 260, 289, 332, 272. (Deceased,) Collector of 359, 370, 387, 464, 465, 520, 574, Tonnage and Duty on Negroes, 614. Elected, iv., 85, 247, 309, xiv., 264. 352, 469, 500, 669, 748, 782. Sheik, Sede, a Christian nobleman Elected, v., 55, 120, 345, 464, from Syria-bill presented by 551, 561, 597, 662. Elected, vi., Governor for his entertainment- 144, 638; vii., 753; viii. 223, 403, requests it may be paid, iv., 296. 781; ix., 57, 199, 285, 398, 547, Sheep, ten, to be kept by every' 548, 623, 624, -688, 691, 697, owner of forty acres, ii., 27. 777, 778, 779; x., 56, 100, 106, Sheep stealing, conviction for, xii., 211, 212, 270; xi., 178, 186, 261. 217, 222, 229, 234, 240, 363, 365, Sheeting, Russia, x., 439, 441. 371, 372, 373, 375, 377, 378, Shekillamy, Indian Chief, iii., 337. 503. 512, 525, 595, 606, 609, 623, To be sent as messenger to In- 638; xii., 38, 43, 131, 134, 136, dians, 409. Returns with In- 145, 147, 161, 162, 166, 182, 506, dians, 425. Reward to, 447. At 507, 508. Fines, 215, -510, 513, Philadelphia, 500, 608. To be 518, 540. Elected, xiii., 85, 87, specially noticed by request of 88, 89, 90, 92, 133, 158, 391, 393, Indians, iv., 88. Attends con- 397, 419, 443, 719, 726, 730, 740, ference, 434, 447. His cousin 751; xiv., 230, 232, 234, 236, killed, 641. Orders Delaware 237, 244, 245, 248, 256, 267, 269, murderers arrested, 675. They 554, 557, 558, 567, 597. Elected, are in prison, 746. On Shamokin xv., 98, 100, 102, 109, 116, 118, Indians, 747, 757. Complains of 120, 125, 195, 294, 296, 297, 301, rum, 758; v., 83, 84, 212, 213, 302, 325, 565, 570, 578, 584, 600, 222, 284. 646; xvi., 17, 72, 191, 192, 194, Shekallamy, John's, lame son, 210, 212, 215, 490, 492, 494, 495, James Logan, vi., 35. Comn- 496, 498, 509, 514, 521, 527, 542. plains of strangers from New Sherman's Valley, suffers from York, 216. Informs of settlers Indians, vi., 674. Creek, naviganorth of Albany, 420. Letter of tion of, x., 70. Governor to, 420. Goes with C. Shewell, Robert, claim on, xi., 669. Wiser up Susquehanna, 444. And Isaac Wikoff, 670. Case of, Shekallamy, John-his statement in resolution of committee on States, reply to D. Zeisberger, vii., 245. xiv., 162. Shelburne, Earl of, letters to and Shick, Calamy, youngest son, alias from, ix., 341, 342, 378, 379. On John Petit, viii., 263. Indian murders, &c., 342. Charge Shingas, Delaware King, destroys of Provincial establishment, 378. great cove, vi., 675. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 333 Ship Montgomery, pays wharfage on Wyoming affairs, ix., 749. and storage, xii., 35. Report, 750. Justice, &c., xv., Ship, provincial, of war to be built, 38. x., 395. Progress, 401, 495. Offi- Shippen, Joseph, Jr., elected Seccers, 521, 522. To be called retary of Council in place of R. Montgomery, 525. Peters, viii., 671. Continued SecShippen, Edward, appointed speaker retary and Clerk of.Council, ix., of Assembly, i., 490. Gone to 72, 782. Appointed Commissioner England, 545. Member of Coun- to Indian treaty at Fort Pitt, 491. cil, 547. Member of new Council, Report, 514. Continued provin580. Appointed Commissioner of cial Secretary,.x., 91. Letters to property, ii., 61. Provincial and from, 140. Bounds to be judge, 87. President of Council of fixed by parole, xi., 269. DisGovernors, 86. Takes affirmation, charged, 490. Applied to for 96. To send accounts of Free Soci- records, 764. Late Secretary to ety of Traders to England, 163. deliver papers, &c., to Timothy A commissioner of property, iv., Matlack, xii., 293. To John Penn 31. Letter, describing several who is called on for them, 327. places and persons, v., 660. Let- Shippen, William, member of Conter informing of French on Ohio, gress, xii., 172. Recommends vi., 431. Murders near Shippens- surgeon, 271. burg, 459, 655. Letters to and Shippen, Dr. William, Jr., to exfrom, vii., 294. Appointed com- amine surgeons, x., 452, 458. missioner to Wyoming, 754. Let- Shippen, Captain William, guardters to and from, viii., 113. Judge ian of children of, receives penof admiralty, 171. Justice of Lan- sion, xv., 267, 327,'330, 337. caster, 562; ix., 89. Letter re- Pension paid, 343, 361. Papers specting murder of Conestoga In- referred, 434, 441, 520, 524, 560, dians, 89. Second account, 100. 562, 627, 635. Pay for lumber Sent to for intelligence, 100. In- furnished guardians of his childforms Governor of designs of Pax- ren, xvi., S. ton Boys to march to Philadelphia Shippensburg, road from, through and kill Indians at Province Is- Raystown, Wells creek to Du land, 108. Justice, &c., 292. Ap- Quesne, vi., 317. Commission to pointed Justice and President of George Croghan, J. Armstrong, Court of Common Pleas, xiv., &c., 318. Murder near Fort at, 103. Judge of errors and appeals, provisions, &c., 460. Fort at, 207, 210. Justice of Dock ward, 493, 732; vii., 599, 603; viii., 224. 548. President of Quarter Sessions, Provisions from Virginia to be 549. Resigns as President of Court discharged at, xi., 461. Sent to General Quarter Sessions, and Lancaster, 462. Justice, xv., 120. Accepted, 128. Shipmaster's Society incorporated, Claim on estate of B. Arnold, 640. ix., 566, 578, 650. Resigns as President of Court of Ships, "unfree" proceededagainst, General Quarter Session, xvi,, i., 90. 133. Judge claims of R. Peters, Shirley, Fort, vii., 230. Evacuated, 562. Judge of Court of Errors, 278. &c., 534. Shirley, Captain Morris, recruiting Shippen, Edward, Jr., Commis- for his father's regiment in Philasioner to Lancaster, vii., 93, 96. delphia, vi., 295, 303. In west, Member of Council, ix., 7.04. 335, 337. Bounds to be fixed by parole, xi., Shirley, Governor William, expedi269. tion against Cape Breton, iv., Shippen, Joseph, occupies Whit- 753, 762. Embargo on powder, pains front room, ii., 26. As- 764. On reduction of Lewisburg, sembly to meet in his "great 764. Letters, &c., v., 31, 55, 63, 73, chamber," 129. Sent to Easton 74, 76, 83, 97, 105, 127, 133, 141, 334 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Shirley, Gov. WVilliam- Shoanaszowa, Seneca Indian's 152, 165, 171, 296, 303. Asks for speech at Philadelphia, ix., 604. rolls of soldiers, &c., 127. Letters Shirts for soldiers, xi., 471. to and fromn, vi., 16, 57, 439, 463, Shoemaker, Abraham, notary pub496, 511, 655. To be consulted, lic, xv., 89. 200. ATessage to Assembly, 314. Shoemaker, Anthony, for pass, xii., Proposes building a fort near 252. Crown Point, 330. To take Colo- Shoemaker, Benjamin, commissionnel Schuyler and men, 398. Em- er to Indians, vi.; 754. Appointed bargo, 439. Successes at Louis- on Committee to investigate proburg, 463. Letter from Governor prietary purchases from Indians, M~I. on Braddock's defeat, death vii., 354. Pass to Shrewsbury, of his son, &c., 496. Coin- xii., 782. mandc devolves on him, 497. Shoemaker, Lieutenant-Colonel, letBraddock's defeat, arrival of Col- ter —lilitia refuse to pay fines, onel Dunbar at Cumberland, 513. xii., 103. Governor M. informs him, of In- Shoemaker, Henry, Justice, xiv., dian murders, &c., near Shamo- 33. kin, 665. Of Massachusett, his Shoemaker, Jacob, Sheriff, ix., 547, son recruiting in Philadelphia, 623, 688. Certificate respecting 296, 298. Proposes stopping sup- steel furnace, 633. plies from French, 309. Letters Shoemaker, Jonathan, Justice, xv., to and from, 309, 310, 334. Ar- 279. rives at Philadelphia, 358, 548, Shoemaker, Samuel, to be seized, 549, 555, 593, 595, 777. Plans of xi., 2854. Confiscated estate in French, provision in England Arch, between Front and Second, against fort proposed, Comollis- north side, sold, and deed exesioners appointed, &c., 310, 313. cuted, xii., 185, 265, 271, 413, Message to Assembly, 314. Arri- 553, 613, 737. Intercepted jourval of French fleet at Louisburg, inal-hlis wife, 271. Her pass to 450. Opinion of Colonel Dunbar's New York, 352. Estate sold, xv., retreat and orders to him, 548. 657. Letter to Dunbar, 549. On French Shoemaker, Thomas, certificate reneutrals, 730. Invites Governor specting steel furnace in PhiladelM. to meet at New York, 745. phia, ix., 634. Confiscatedl esCouncil at New York, 765. Sends tate sold, xii., 202. soldiers to Philadelphia, 774. Re- Shoes for soldiers, xi., 56. specting indented servants, 777. Shops and schools to be shut up; Request appointment of Commis- xi., 27. Opened, 50. sioners to settle General Brad- Shot to be made, x., 561, 575, 578. dock's wagoner's accounts, vii., Shreiber, John, to have care of bar10. Letters to and from, 19, 39, racks, stores, and.d magazine at 109, 111, 127. To General John- Lancaster, xiv., 76. son, 19. Appointed Commander- Shreuer, Colonel, Miss Levy, xi., in-chief, 19. Instructions to Gen- 676. eral Johnson, 19. Speech to Six Shrewer, George, Coroner, xvi., 192. Nations, 21. Holds council of war Shrewsbury, Secretary of State, at New York, 23. Measures to be England, letter respecting invataken and number of men to be siOns of French, andcl preparation raised for Crown Point, 29-31. for war, i., 302. Enlisting servants, 37, 39. Called Shrewsbury, Duke of, letter on pion for a share of arms, 109. Sent, rates, i., 555. 110, 111. On decl'n of war, 112. Shubart, Michael, elected to AssemShirley, William, Secretary to Gen- bly, xii., 129. eral Braddock to Governor Morris, Shubel, Theodore, memorial, xi., state of the camp, &c., vi., 405. 755. Killed, 489, 496. Shugart, Peter, Sheriff, viii., 403. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 335 Shugart, Zechariah, Sheriff, viii., 284. Deeds for lands purchased 506. Pass for his wife, xi., 567. fiom, by Commissioners at AlShurlock, Simon, to finish with ex- bany, vi., 119-129. Settlers on pedition the ship he is building their lands, 420. Scaroyady and for the province, x., 486, 495. Montour sent to, in reference to Shumann, John Ludwig, children Delawares, 697. General Shircalled on to pursue a claim in ley's speech to, vii., 21, 59. Germany, xvi., 49. Heirs of pro- Captain Newcastle sent to, 222. perty in Germany, 126. Croghan's proceedings with, at Shurnmer, Benjamin, Judge of Su- Harris's, 506-517. preme Court for Kent, iii., 253, Skidmore, Thomas, Sheriff of Kent 269. County, iii., 289. Sibbald, Captain John, appointed to Skinner, John, paid on account of command the batteries, v., 267. contract with State, xv., 227, 431, Col. Taylor's instructions to, 284. 486, 519, 543, 635. Sigfriedt, John, Sherifi; xi., 525; Skins, presented by Indians on rexiii., 47, 48. newal of treaties, iv., 571. Signals, x., 515, 521. Skippack creek, bridge over, lotSilk to be encouraged, iii., 392. tery for, ix., 284, 285, 719, 729. Silsby, Samuel, Coroner, v., 411, Skull, Nicholas, complained of, i., 468. 187. Injury from Indians, 187. Simcock, John, member of first (See N. Scull.) Council, i., 57. Appointed to Slagle, Colonel Henry, x., 735. treat with Indians for lands, 156. Slater, Thomas, and mate of brig Councillor, 169. To act as Lieu- Betsey, from Virginia, imprisoned tenant-Governor, 212. Declines for going with Roebuck, x., 563. to attend Council, 234. Speaker, Slaughter, Colonel George, allowed 503. to purchase powder for a new Simmons, Jeremiah, Lieutenant of a settlement in Virginia or Kenboat, x., 339. Appointed Cap- tucky, x., 332. tain of artillery company, 584. Slave, "and Slavery," negro Harry, Respecting salt taken, xii., 142. case of, xi., 263. Act to prohibit Simmons, Captain Leeson, signals, importation proposed, ii., 213. x., 521. Condemned to death -Owners Simms, Charles, claim to land on compromised with, 405. SinguOhio, xv., 242. Memorial, 250. lar punishment, 406. Gradual Simple, Win., Sub-Lieut., xi., 218. abolition proposed, 688. MeSimpson, James, appointed master morial of Colmmittee of the Soof provision vessels, x., 584. ciety for the Abolition of, relative Lieutenant, xi., 557. to a free negro held in bondage in Simpson, John, accomplice of L. Louisiana, xvi., 33. Stewart, to be arrested, ix., 717. Sleeping Place, or Black Log, v., Paymaster, xi., 2. Register and 348. Recorder of Deeds, 195. Sloan, Lieutenant David, appointed, Sims, Captain, complained of as in- x., 678. sulting inhabitants of Bristol, xi., Slough, Matthias, Coroner, vi., 638; 254. vii., 266; viii., 402, 506, 781; ix., Sims, Joseph, sells saltpetre, x. 314. 57, 199, 285, 333, 398, 547. ColSims, Woodrop, buys a lot, xiii., onel, x., 503..Agent to buy cloth395. ing, 538. Saltpetre, 540. Pay Sipple, Jonathan, Coroner, ix., 624; for troops, 554. Delivers certain x., 270. articles, 726. Sipple, Waltham, petition against Small, Major, x., 500. Maryland's proceedings, vi., 417. Smallman, Lieutenant Thomas, at Six Nations of Indians, arrival of Frederick, vii., 553. some of their chiefs at Philadel- Small-pox prevails-Assembly adphia, iii., 608. Message from, v., journs in consequence, iii., 426, 336 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 428. Indian dies at Philadelphia, Wm. Boyd in Chester county-' 463. Prevails in Virginia, v., proclamation against, xii., 349. 221. At Philadelphia, vii., 309, Reward paid, 362.. To be execu358, 517. At Lancaster, 474. ted, 405. Deaths by, 546, 597. Smith, Jona., Jr., clerk in Loan OfSmallwood, General, xii., 549. fice, xv., 11. Smallwood, John, fined, imprisoned, Smith, Jona. Bayard, member of and reprieved, xi., 663. Council of Safety, xi., 45. ProSmallwood, W., CGovernor of Mary- thonotary, 197. To bring papers land, resolution of Legislature, to Philadelphia, 275. Member of xiv., 589, 651. Demands a crim- Congress, 385. To furnish copies inal, xv., 463. of papers, 425. Appointed ProSmith, Captain Lieutenant, xii., 718. thonotary and Justice of PhiladelSmith, Colonel, xi., 553; xii., 89, phia county, 527. Applies to 114 have records of Prothonotary's Smith, Mr., a custom-house officer, office brought from Reading, 534. arms taken from, x., 524. Appointed Auditor to adjust acSmith, Abraham, Lieutenant, xii., counts of troops, xii., 589. Re322. Resigns, 487. Paid for pro- signs, 614. Prothonotaryof Philavisions, xiii., 247. County Lieut., delphia, xiv., 143. Prothonotary xiv., 400. Councillor, xv., 302, of Court of Common Pleas of 358; xvi., 409. Philadelphia, xv., 329, 330, 331. Smith, Alexander, Surgeon, xiii., Resigns, 595. 10. Smith, Matthew, and James Gibson, Smith, Baltzer Cline, pension to &c., memorial respecting Indians widow of, xv., 545. on frontiers, ix., 138-142, 146. Smith, Capt. Christopher, commis- To buy arms at Lancaster, x., sioned by Governor Spotswood to 688. Member of Council, xi., go to Albany respecting murder 503, 618. Letter, 751; xii., 3, of Catawba Indians, iii., 21. 20, 72, 114. Elected Vice PresiSmith, Devereux, letter respecting dent of Council, 127. Resigns, D. Conolly, x., 169. Letter, xii., 221, 222, 493. Prothonotary, 286. 243. Complaints against, xiii., Smith, Ezekiel, Sheriff, viii., 506. 29. 446, 493. Dismissed, 696. Smith, Garrett, deposition respect- Smith, Robert, at works at Fort ing Col. Pickering, xv., 514. Island, x., 605. Paid for buildSmith, George, agent for sale of es- ing chevaux-de-frise, 645, 700. tates, xi., 538, 608. Agent of Builder, at Billingsport, xi., 6. confiscated estates, xii., 189. Lieutenant, 230, 370. Sheriff, Smith, Jahbel, captured in flag of 624. Hatter, appointed clerk of truce by a privateer under E. market, xii., 110. Lieutenant Skellinger-bondput in suit, xiii., of county of Chester, proceed49. ings respecting, xiv., 650, 658, Smith, James (Yorktown), member 660, 661, 664, 665, 666. Paid for of Congress, xi., 385. Of York, newspapers, &c., xv., 239, 366, appointed Judge of Court of Er- 370, 373. rors and Appeals, xii., 548. Re- Smith, Samuel, Sheriff of Lancaster signs, 723. Controversy with S. county on Maryland affairs, iv., Lyons. xiii., 222, 311. 68. Smith, John, an Indian trader, iii., Smith, Lieut.-Colonel Samuel, com309. manding at Fort Mifflin, gives his Smith, Dr. John, arrested and im- receipt for sundry articles, xi., prisoned as a tory, x., 460. Con- 397. Committee to Gen. Arnold, victed and remanded to gaol, 469. 523. A suspected person discharged Smith, Samuel, Sheriff, iii., 615; from prison, xi., 347. iv., 86, 247. Censor, xiii., 719. Smith, John and Robert, murder Justice, xiv., 313. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 337 Smith, Samuel, Jr., Escheat, xiv., Smyther, Capt. -, of militia, 405. x., 649. Smith, Col. Thomas, attends con- Snake Town, Thomas Wright killed ference between Governor Hart of by Indians at, iii., 285, 313, Maryland and Goverpor Keith, 326. iii., 60. Sheriff, 332. Sheriff, v., Sneiler, Frbd., doorkeeper, xi., 597, 662. Sheriff, vi., 144. Of 606. Doorkeeper, donation to, Bedford, x., 672; xi., 108. Late xiii., 258. Pay on business of Prothonotary refuses to deliver election, 276. papers-arrested, 373; xii., 8, Sneider, Simon, sub-Lieutenant, 15, 70. Respecting militia, 210. resigns, xiii., 279. Justice, xiv., Commissioner of Loan Office, let- 322. Petition against, 325, 493. ter from, 551. 556. Continental Snow Shoes, preparing by Indians, Loan officer, payment to, xiii., 6, v., 1. 585. Loan officer, xv.-, 11. Snowden, Christopher, appointed Smith, Timothy, Sheriff, iii., 362, searcher and waiter of customs, 370, 574, 615. Sheriff, iv., 86. i., 148. Smith, WilliaLm, committed, enqui- Snowden, Isaac, slave, convicted, ry why? xi., 43. To be seized, x., 93. Commissioner for taxes 284. and levies, xi., 536. Collector of Smith, Williaml, Lieutenant, xii., public taxes not to pay nmilitia 776. fines, xii., 636. Buys city lots, Smith, WVm., Coroner, v., 411, 464, xiii., 334, 340. Accounts, 380. 551. Sheriff, viii., 402, 506. (New Treasurer of City and County of Castle), Coroner, 403. Justice, Philadelphia, xv., 89. ix., 272. Complained of forneg- Snowden, Jedediah, to send stores lect of duty, 293. Removed, 293; to Lancaster, xi., 58. For negro x., 687. Battalion, 688. Justice, run off to enemy, xii., 116. And xiii., 653. Has care of pest house Sarah, pass granted to, xiii., 369. and Mud Island and Billingsport, Snowden, Leonard, to be arrested, 429. Builds a wharf, xiv., 598, x., 359. Friends may visit, 397, 599. 409. To be released on parole, Smith, nVm. Drewitt, to be seized, 455. His expenses paid, 457, xi., 284. 467. Smith, William Rev. Provost, case Snyder, Conrad, Coroner, xv., 120, of, viii., 11, 17. Charged with 301. libel against Assembly, &c., 11, Snyder, Ensign Philip, xi., 557. 17. Serves Assembly with an Society of Free Traders (see Pennorder of Council, 438. Found sylvania Company), execution guilty of libel and imprisoned, against, i., 146, 189. 438-442. Order of committal to Society for Propagating the Gospel the Sheriff of Philadelphia coun- in Foreign Parts-Rev. Alexander ty, 442. At Indian conference at Murray, missionary, x., 503. Shamokin, ix., 611. Iolds di- Sock, William and Betty, viii., 113, vine service, which Indians at- 115, 116, 134. News by him, tend, 612. To be seized, xi., 284, 118. Takes colors from French, 525. 131. Smith, Win. Hooker, claims, xiv., Soldiers petition Governor acd Coun395, 396. Letter to, xv., 35. cil, iv., 666. In want of clothing, Smith, Win. Moore, deposition re- v., 56. Purchased, 65. specting at Reading for carrying Solebury Township, road, ii., 520, letters for British prisoners, xii., 539. Bucks county, ferry at, iii., 30. 171, 174. Smither, John, Coroner, ix., 689, Soleonwanaghty, an Indian chief, 778. dies, v., 467. Smout, Edward, Justice, iii., 531. Sotcher, John, heep er of ferry from Smuggling, i., 285. Bristol to Burlington, ii., 488. 22 338 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Southampton Township, about road, 118, 173. On Indian affairs, 118. i., 389. Goes to Lancaster county, 165. Southbee, William, sells land for Jo. Pepy and Nicodemus to be Dover Court House, i., 556. Clerk sent away, 173. Number of Moof market, assize of bread, 582. ravians in Bethlehem, 353. Asks South Carolina, Governor of, letter exemption from taxes for Morato Governor of Virginia-Spanish vians, viii., 304. troops and armament preparing at Spangler, George, for expenses of Havana, iv., 165. Counterfeiter, Captain Calnpbell's men —to con276. Governor Glen sends bells duct prisoners to Yorktown, x., to General Braddock, vi., 427. 640. An Indian chief dies in, vii., 540. Spaniards, trade with, in West InnMilitia for, 575, 578. Letter from dies to be opened, ii., 179. CoinGovernor Bull respecting peace mit robberies on Delaware, v., 92. with Indians and death of an 111, 119. Oneida, ix., 775. Troops from, Spanish -preparations at Havana, may be employed at Billingsport, iv., 165; Prisoners in jail, in a xi., 236, 242. Military stores lent suffering condition, v., 121. Sent to, 691. Loan asked by Congress to Leogane, 131. Captain De Chefor distressed inhabitants, xiii., verie to be arrested, 168. Priva15. "South Carolina," ship, teer off Elsenborough, 248. DeCommodore Gilliam, 368. Act of positions respecting, 248, 253. Legislature, xiv., 165. Letter from New Castle, 252. Southersby, William,.commissioned Sparllawk, John, appeal, xv., 234, as Register-General, pro tem., i., 235. 183, 186. Resigns, 195. Speakers of Assembly, i., 105, 399, Southwark, District of, Philadelphia, 490, 518, 548, 568, 615; ii., 36, Act for erecting, viii., 694, 698. 206. 398, 503, 560, 575, 608. Regulation of, xvi., 4, 155, 2202, Elected, iii., 69, 140, 261, 289, 225, 234, 238. Report, 245-251, 337, 371, 576; v., 486; ix., 1, 2, Draft of, 493. 58, 71, 181, 200, 236, 287, 289, Sowers' Christ'r, Newspaper, com- 335, 399, 551, 591, 625, 691, 742; plaints against, vii., 245, 339. x., 2, 5, 59, 81, 105, 213, 216, Forfeited estate, xiii., 207, 508. 241,. 270, 271, 273. Spain and France-war with Eng- Speech of Half-King Seruneyattha land proclaimed, ii., 70. War- sent to Governors of Virginia and rant and proclamation for Letters Pennsylvania, vi., 31. of Marque against, iv., 350, 396. Speedwell, ship, letter-of-marque, Report of peace with, 427. Rela- xi., 2. tive to, 491-495. Unites in treaty Speedwell, sloop, pay for, xi., 703. at Aix-la-Chapelle, v., 359, 360. Belonging to State, work on, xii., Complains against American pri- 385. vateers, viii., 18. War with, de- Spees, Henry, Second Lieutenant on clared by Great Britain, and pro- Franklin galley, xii., 139. Lieuclaimed at Philadelphia, 703, 706, tenant, resigns, 305. 710. Peace with France, ix., 13, Spence, Lieutenant Douglass, ap37. pointed, xi., 202. Spangenberg, Rev. Augustus, peti- Spencer, John, Coroner, v., 662. tions for a pass for Messrs. Mack, Spencer, Colonel, xii., 53. Zeisberger and Rund, to go as Spicer, Jacob, Petition respecting a missionaries from, the Moravians negro slave arrested in Philadelto the Indians, v., 576. Letter phia, ii., 275. New Jersey Comninforming Governor of Indians on missioner for Indian affairs, at their way from Wyoming, vi., Easton, viii., 175. 358. Attends, at request of In- Spicker, Henry, paymaster, xi., 57a2. dians, a conference with Governor, Spirituous liquors, man fined for bevii., 107. Letters to and from, ing disordered by, i., 60, 68. Or INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDES. 339 der to be preserved in public Sprogel, Ludwick, Muster-master, houses, 74. Decision respecting pay, x., 771, 772. Muster-roll, estate of a person who killed him- xi., 655, 779. Muster-master self with drink, 94, 98. Agree- General, asks for rum, xii., 44. ment with Indians about, 98. Discharged, 192. Bargains made with persons under Spry, Privateer, captures a French effects of, not valid, 98. Tax on, flag of truce with prisoners in 99, 100. Adulteration of, 101. Delaware bay, viii., 139. At To be furnished Indians, if they Monte Christo, 234. will agree to be punished as white Spry, Captain R., vii., 128. Wants men are, 105. Sale to Indians, seamen, having buried 170, x., 117, 187. License to sell, 165, 129. 166, 167; ii., 21, 26, 33, 45, 159; Spur, Lieut., paid as a spy, xi., 117. iii., 247, 249, 534. And Indians, Spyker, Henry, Paymaster, xi., 277, iv., 758, 760. Not to be sold to 493. Indians, v., 397. Excise on, x., Spyker, Peter, to C. Weiser on In35. For'soldiers, xi., 508. Fine dian murders, vi., 703. for selling, not remitted, 719. Stacker, Lewis, Justice, xiv., 584. Sale of, without license, punished, Staddle, Christian, Second Lieut., xiii., 449. x., 457. Spotswood, Alex., Governor'of Vir- Stagle, Henry, appointed President ginia-commission to Captain C. of Courts of Common Pleas and Smith, to go to Albany, iii., 21. General Quarter Sessions, xiv., In Philadelphia, in respect to 182. Justice, 234. Northern Colonies, 30. Letter to Stake., George, Justice, xiii., 422. Governor on Indian affairs,' 82-89. Stamp Act-letter of H. S. Conway Conference with Governor Keith, to Governor respecting effects of, 116. Answer to memorial, 117. in Pennsylvania, ix., 298. AnDescribes position of Indians, 114- swer of Governor Penn to, 299. 116. Letter to Governor Keith- Papers arrive at Philadelphiaconference with Indians at Albany, John Hughes resigns —stamps 206; and answer, 207. Letter sent on board vessels of war, 300. from, to Governor Keith, com- Effects of, in New York, 301. Letplaining of Council in relation to ter Secretary Conway, 309, 310. Indians, 208. Obliged to return Bill proposed in Parliament for to Virginia, and not attend treaty repeal, 309. Passed, 309, 310. with Indians, 209. Address of Governor and Council Spotswood, William, paid for news- on repeal of, 315. papers, xv., 366. And printing, Standiford, George, Ensign, xii., 70. 372. Printer, paid for newspa- Standing Stone, Colonel Brodhead's pers, xvi., 189. regiment ordered to, xi., 531. Spouts taken down, xi., 291. Ammunition removed to CumberSpringetsbury, manor of-warrant land county, 538. for survey of, iii., 184. Return of Standley, Joseph,. Ensign, x., 460. survey, 185. Manor claimed by Standley, Dr. Valentine, xi., 691. J. Penn, Jr., and J. Penn, xv., Stansbury, Jos. committed-inqui541. ry why, xi., 43, 75. Estate sold, Sproat, David, property at S. W. xii., 554. Pass to enemy's line corner Front and Walnut Streets rejected, 568, 573. Pass for his sold, xii., 174; xvi., 2172. wife, 594. Sproat, Rev. Dr. James, pay to, as Stansbury, Nath., a Justice, ii., 159; Chaplain to General Hospital, iii. 28. xiii., 561. Stanwix, Fort, Governor goes to atSproegel, Jno. Henry and L. C., tend a treaty at, respecting bounnaturalized, ii., 184. Petition of dary, with Indians, ix., 545. F. D. Pastorius against, for an Treaty of Sir Wm. Johnson, 553. ejectment, 430. Boundries described, 554. Treaty 340 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. at, x., 257. Treaty with Indians Stedman, Alex., Commissioner to for lands at, xiv., 366. Treaty at, Lancaster, vii., 93, 96. Commisfor lands with Indians-terms of sioner on accounts of Du Quesne, sale and purchase, xvi., 501, 506. viii., 322. President of Court of Stanwix, Colonel John, at treaty at Common Pleas, 339. Warrants Lancaster, vii., 533, 563, 597, referred to, 342. To be seized, 600, 602, 603, 607, 629. At Car- xi., 284. lisle, 629, 716, 772. Brigadier- Stedman, Charles, to be seized, xi., General, letters to and from, viii., 284. 146, 341, 343, 352, 373, 376, 377, Stedman, Charles and Alex., for378, 400, 427. Death of Lord feited estate at Germantown, xii., Howe, 147. Appointed by Gen. 204. Amherst to succeed Gen. Forbes, Stedman, Joseph, Coroner, x., 56, 298. To appoint Commissioner 211, 270. to settle account of Du Quesne, Steel, James, orders to, mnake sur323. Consulted in case of a sol- vey beyond Susquehanna, iii., dier under sentence of death, 336, 161. Commissioner on boundary, Letter from Indians, 341, 343. 544. Recommends raising troops of Steel, Lieut. John, recruits, xi., 444. horse, 352. Successes at Niagara, Steel, making of, prohibited, v., 437. 400. Progress at Pittsburg, 427. Steel furnaces in Philadelphia, &c., Indian Conference at Pittsburg, 1750, ix., 632-636. 429-435. Steel, manufacturing of, by WhiteStanwix, Journal of the Congress at head Humphreys, aided by CounFort, xiii., 440. Treaty to be re- cil, xv., 269. turned, 442. Steele, Rev. Mr. Jno., meeting house, Stanwix, privateer, warrant against fort at, vi., 675. Captain, &c., officers of, on complaint of Go- affairs on borders of Maryland, vernor of Jamaica, viii., 171. vii., 241. Appointed CommisProceedings against, 172. sioner for removal of settlers on State House, Philadelphia, Act Indian lands, ix., 481. Instrucpassed for vesting in trustees for tions, 483. Letters to and from, use of Province, iv., 46, 483. 486. Letter on report of proKeeping of records in, 17, 21, 33, ceedings, 506, 509. Lottery- for 40, 85. Vested in trustees, viii., his church at Carlisle, 622. 684. Trustees to purchase rest Steele, John, printer, xiv., 494. of, 715. Lot a public green for- Steelman, Hans, of Maryland, sells ever, xiii., 692. (See Philadel- goods to Indians without license, phia.) ii., 21. State or Province Island to be sold Steiner & Cist, printers, xi., 200. in lots to redeem bills of credit, Steiner, Melchior, Council order two xii., 667, 671. copies of Geriman newspapers Staten Island, enemy at, xiii., 73. printed by him in Philadelphia, State Lottery. See Lottery. xv., 375. Prints a German newsStates, New, out of lands ceded to paper, xvi., 126, 375. the United States, xii., 517, 518. Steinmetz, John, City lots, xiii., Staves and Heading, regulations on 576. export, viii., 333, 548. Board, Stenton, James Logan's residence — plank and timber, xiv., 488. Indians entertained at, iv., 82. Stayner, Roger, Second Lieut., x., Stephen, Adam, vii., 289. Com457. mands at Fort Cumberland, 289, Stealing provisions, lad of 13 con- 381, 502. victedl-pardoned, xii., 69. Stephens, (or Stevens,) General, Stedifort, Garret, Quartermaster, x., 755, 757. x., 480. Captain, xii., 215. Stephenson, George, agent of forSteddicorn Simon, paper maker, feited estates, dead, xii., 64. xv., 462. Rev. Mr. Batwell's land, 296. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 541 Sterling, Captain James, paid for Message of Governor to Assembly expenses of escort of prisoners respecting, 713. Murder of N. to York Town-allowed horses, Ogden, 714, 749. Proclamation x., 645. Order to, 647. against him and his accomplices Sternfield, John, deed to, xii., 201. named, 717. Joins Connecticut Sterrat, James, Sheriff, v., 55, 120. people against Wyoming, 749. Sterratt, John, Sheriff, iv., 748, 782. Notice of his conduct by GoverSterrett, Samuel, muster-master, nor R. Penn, x., 3. xii., 462. Applies for pay, xiii., Stewart, Robert, Cor., v., 411, 464. 123. Asking copy of Act respect- Stewart, Walter, as Captain, x., ing university lands, 454. 447. Order to, xi., 421. To take Sterrett, William, Lieutenant, xiv., Colonel Becler's command, 456. 483. Money, 526. Colonel, xii., 368. Steuben, Baron, on military discip- Stewart, William, accomplice of line, subscribed for, xii., 72. Lazarus, to be arrested, ix., 717. To occupy Arnold's country-seat, Stewart, William, Coroner, ix., 57, 519. 199. Stevens, Arent, letter on French Stiles, Captain, and his mate, murand Indian affairs, v., 625. dered, viii., 436. Stevenson, George, Commissioner Stiles, Captain, ordnance, xi., 252. oh accounts of Du Quesne, viii., To furnish arms and men to Cap322. Ensign, xii., 8. tain McAffee, 564. Repairs, 590, Stevenson, James, letters to and 606, 662. from, vi., 248. Deed to Lydius, Stiles, Edward, may export provis248. Auditor of depreciation of ions to Bermuda, x., 414 Negro Pennsylvania Line, xiv. 139. sold as part of his confiscated esSteward-of Penns'a Hospital, (Dr. tate, xv., 277. Story,) paid for stores, &c., xi., Stiles, Captain Joseph, Commissary 85, 130. Military Stores. Superintendent Stewart, Charles, and Jennings, on of laboratory for providing stores New England settlers in Wyo- for galleys, &c., xi., 47, 125. ming, ix., 573. Appointed a jus- Superintendent of ordnance, 142, tice, 575. Letters to and from, 242. Takes charge shallops with 583, 586, 607. Letter respecting ammunition, 310. To have shirts WVyoming, 756. Letter from, re- made, 470. A warden, 538specting Connecticut settlers, x., orders to, xii., 3, 20, 72, 111, 50. Says army is in want of 139, 145. Price of storage on bread, xi., 303. powder raised, 172. Repair of Stewart, George, Sub-Lieutenant, arms, 266. Pay for men, 287. xi., 378. Summoned to appear Orders to, 313, 405, 428, 456, on charge of misbehaviour as 614, 641, 662, 702, 712, 774. To agent for sale of forfeited estates deliver ammunition, xiii., 1. To — Notices to be put up near have arms ready, 19, 20, 28, 48, 70, Ephrata, calling for evidence, 82, 137, 149, 178, 213, 239, 247, 547, 570. Letter to-agent of 263, 310, 311, 329, 335, 341, 345, confiscated estates, xiv., 3. 508, 567, 603, 670. To deliver Stewart, James, accomplice of Laz., over cannon taken at Yorktown, to be arrested, ix., 717. A coun- 614. Letters, &c., xiv., 29, 72, terfeiter, arrested, xi., 234. 159, 183, 185, 199, 206, 231, 366. Stewart, John, paid for a mare, xiii., To remove stores from old j ail, 636. 366. To erect a frame arsenal, Stewart, Lazarus, order for arrest 401, 469, 477, 588, 655. Colnof, for ill treating Justice De Haas, missary of Military Stores, xv., ix., 682. Capture and escape, 12, 15, 33, 46, 82, 110, 204, 235, 682. Reward offered for, 685. 277. His pay, 61. Tents to ColProclamation against, 687. De- onel Armstrong, 204. Powder for position respecting capture, 710. Fourth of July, 235, 236, 307. 342 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Complains of powder magazine Story, James, Commissioner on being full, 433, 434, 447, 453. United States accounts, xiv., 386. Commissary, xvi., 154, 408. Corn- Story, John, to settle accounts, xiv., missary, &c., 270, 513. 405, 451. Still, Isaac, Indian interpreter, viii., Story, Dr. John, Steward of Penn'a 30. Messenger to Minnisinks, Hospital, paid, xi, 85, 130. 140. Sent to Indians, 341. Story, Samuel, Lieutenant, xi., 776. Stille, Benjamin, appointed to settle Story, Thomas, appointed Keeper of accounts between United States Great Seal, i., 580. Appointed and Pennsylvania, xiii., 558, 597. Commissioner of property, ii., Stillwell, John, Coroner, x., 270. 61. To have a seal, describedStinton, —, murder of, by In- as Master of Rolls, 233. Petition dians, ix., 140. for salary, 412. To appear before Stirling, Earl of, visits New Castle Council, xii., 259. with Governor John Penn, &c., Stotesbury, Lieutenant John, xi., ix., 73. 92. Appointed, xiii., 25. Stites, Henry, Quarter-Master, xi., Stoughton, William, Governor of 54, 112. Massachusetts, applies for proviStobo, Captain Robert, hostage at sions, i., 515. Fort Du Quesne, letters from, vi., Stout, Captain Harmnan, recruits, 141, 161. xi., 573. Lieutenant, pay, 596. Stocker, Anthony, executors indem- Letter, xii., 89. nified, xvi., 4. Stoy, Capt., xi., 424. Stocker, Clement, pass to, with Stoy, Lieut. J., to recruit, xi., 572. books of accounts of Thomas Straker, William, made prisoner by Wharton, late Pres't, xii., 594. Count D'Estaing's squad'n, order Stockton, Major, taken, and a boy, of Congress respecting, &c., rexi., 200. Sick in prison-his ferred to French Minister, xi., wife attends on him, 216. 553. Decided to be a citizen of Stocker and Wharton, claim against this State, 554. Going to West executors Of estate of xv., 647. Indies, 641, 684. Proposals accepted, xvi., 223. Strangers, required to have passes, Stokely, Nehemiah, Justice, xiii., ii., 12. To be protected, iii., 64. 244. Straw, &c., weaving and working, Stokely, Paynter, Coroner, vi., 638. patent granted for, iii., 18. Stokely, Thomas, Register and Re- Strawbridge, Thomas, x., 738. corder, xiv., 260. Of Rangers, Strawbridge, Col. Thomas, superpayment of officers and privates, ceded as sub-Lieutenant, xi., 437; 366. xii., 514. Stone, Andrew, Secretary of Lords Streaker, Wm., pass for, xi., 641. Regents, letter from, iv., 671, Street, -, captured at Fort 675. Granville, vii.; 716. Stone, Frederick, Sheriff, ix., 689, Streeter, James, petition about ap778; x., 56. prentice, i., 583, 584. Stoneburner, Leonard, to collect Streets, bill for regulating, i., 552. leaden weights at Germantown, Stretcher, Henry, a member of Asx., 637. sembly from Sussex, complaint Stony Point, victory at, by General against, i., 185. Anthony Wayne, votes of thanks Strettell, Robert, member Council, to, xii., 124, 135. iv., 506. President of Council, Storekeepers of provisions appoint- letters from, vi., 773, 777. ed, xi., 423, 437. Strickland, Amos, Sh'ff. v., 55, 120, Story, Enoch, indicted for enter- 345. Complained against- actaining Win. Bevan's servants, quitted, 345. ii., 160. Claim for entertaining Stringer, Win., applies for a pass, County Justices, 180. Estate sold, xi., 569. xii., 283. Strohbogh, Captain, sent for, xi., 4. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 343 Strohbogh, John Mertin, Lieutenant taking, 494. Sir WVm. Johnson's of 3d artillery company, x., 567. account of, 501, 506. ExaminaSecond Lieutenant, 619. tion of Armstrong, Miller and Strong, Jedediah, a Commissioner Lyons respecting, 510. Admonfrom Cohnecticut, arrives, x., 118. ished and dismissed, 512. GovStrong, Matthew, proposes to sweep ernor Penn to Indians-imessage river for anchors, xi., 770. of condolence, 521. Stroud, Col., xi., 717. Stump, George and wife, case of, Stroud, Col. Jacob, his conduct dis- xii., 723. approved of, xii., 64, 65. Cen- Sturgeon, William, assistant rector sured, but mitigated, 100, 101. of Christ Church, vii., 741. Letter to, on Indian invasions, Sturmfels, George, claims for ground &c., 312. Memorial and depo- rent due proprietary on a confissition respecting, xiv., 32. cated estate, xv., 51. Stuart, Alexander, depreciation, Sugar Islands, apply to Parliament xiii., 154. to restrain trade of northern coloStump, Frederick, murders ten In- nies, iii., 401. Answer of Assemadians-deposition of Win. Blythe, bly to Governor on, 406, 418. &c., ix., 414-490. Letter from Sugars, Zecharias, Coroner, vi., 638. Gov., &c., to magistrates of Cum- Coroner, vii., 266. berland, 416. Do. of Lancaster, Suicide, case of, ii., 181. 418. And Berks, 419. Procla- Sullivan, General, orders militia to mation of Governor, 420. Cap- Jersey, xi., 225. Quota for, xii., ture of, 438. He and his servant 26. Men to be urged on to, 43. John Iron Cutter, ordered from His army to be supported, 72. Carlisle gaol to Philadelphia, to Militia to be placed at Sunbury to be examined, 441. Letters from protect stores, &c., for, 74, 92. Governor to Sheriffs, 440, 442. Letter from, 107. Removal from From General Gage respecting, Northumberland, 138. Wagons 443. Letter from Colonel John to be obtained, 143. Armstrong to Governor respecting Sullivan's Bridge, xi., 709. the murder, and his arrest, 444. Sullivan, Lieut. James, of dragoons, Governor's answer, 44(6. Message to be arrested, xiii., 617. from Assembly, 447. Rescue of, Sulphur Ore, discovery of, x., 314. 448. Examination of James Cun- Refining, 519, 593, 608. ningham, 449, 450. Proceedings Summons of Contrecweur to surof Council, 451. Instructions to render, vi., 29. Colonel Armstrong to regain him, Sunbury, Congress request militia 451. Letter froml William Patter- placed at, xii., 73. To be reson, his captor, 453, 470. Mes- moved from Wyoming, 138. Millsage of Assembly, reflecting on tary stores at, xiv., 165. Governor, 454. Governor's mes- Sunday, unknown to Indians, vii., sage, 460. Letter General Arm- 205. strong means used to regain, 462. Sunderland, Lord, on expedition From Sheriff of Cumberland re- against Canada, ii., 449. Atspecting, 463. Letter to Sir Wil- tempts to obtain lower counties, liam Johnson, 468. Names of iii., 252. Indians killed by, 470. Letter Superintendent of Finance-reports, from Colonel Armstrong in his &c., xiii., 566, 619, 637. vindication, 484. An Indian found Supply Bill, viii., 478, 481, 693, dead in Susquehannah by James 695, 717; ix., 158, 161, 180, 183. Thompson, 487. Second procla- Passed, 184. mation for their arrest, 488. De. Supreme Court, ii., 524, 526. Jusscription of, and Iron Cutter, 489. tices commissioned, 596. ReaGeneral Armstrong and Sheriff sons for delaying trials, 615. New Holmes in Philadelphia to be ex- commission for Judges named, amined, 490. Funds allotted for iii., 253, 269. Judges commnis 34t4 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Court-iii. Supreme Court — sionecl, 269. M. Hill dies, 381, traveling from Carlisle to Phila396. Two vacancies, 398. Isaac delphia, xv., 34. Deed —Justices — Norris, Chief Justice-Jeremiah division of Mahoning township, Langhorne and D. Grneme, 400. 41. Accounts with United States — Convictions by, iv., 209. Chief sale of city lot postponed, S5. Justice Launghorne dies and is Balance paid Isaac Snowden as succeeded by J. Kinsey-Thomas Treasurer-fines not to be paid, Griffitts resigns as Third Judge, for laying off a part of west WVVin. Till succeeds, 640. To try branch of Susquehannah, 85. Indians, 751, 752. Convictions Opinion asked of, in an election of burglars, v., 155. Of murder, case, 131. George Bryan re-ap269. Report in case of A. Ure, pointed, 189. Opinion asked 277. Jehu Curtis, SecondJudge, relative to allowing interest to dies —W. Till proposed, vi., 135; proprietaries, 202. Expenses paid, viii., 66, 335; ix., 3, 4, 169, 203, 204. Answer of Judges, 210. 205, 272, 393, 581. Act proposed Judges to confer with Council reto enable, to take evidence in for- specting resolutions at Easton, eign countries, x., 18, 21. Judges, 224. Account of conference and salaries, 53. Of lower counties- result, 225. Expenses paid, 226. John Vining dies, 108. J. Me- 264, 328, 379. Conference asked, W:illiams, Chief Justice, 108. 261-265. Letter on magazineWm. Allen resigns-Benjamin opinion on J. Rheiner's case, 452. Chew appointed Chief Justice, Expenses of judges and servants, 173. John Morton, Fourth Judge, 495. Case of E. Oswald, 494, 173. John Lawrence and Thomas 495. Opinion, 501. Expenses, WTilling, second and third, 173, 623. Pay, 636. Pay to Judges, 265. Joseph Reed appointed xvi, 39. Decision favor of Jno. Chief Justice, xi., 186, 195, 202, McCalmont, 46. Paper referred 249. Judges appointed, 254, 270. to Judges, 97. Pay to, 349. Decrees respecting purchase of Supreme Executive Council —Asforfeited estates, xii., 48, 49. sembly and Council jointly elect Judges of, 69. Decrees favor J. President, Thomas Wharton, Jr., Morgan and WVm. Honeymlan, 114. and Vice-Presid't, George Bryan, Decrees on estates, 174, 175, 191, xi., 173. The election proclaimed 199, 249. George Bryant, Judge, at Court House by the proper 303, 305. Decree, 327, 702. title, 174. Oaths administeredPower of Assembly over, 721. Timothy Matlack, secretary of Asked opinion on 20th section of Council and of Commonwealth, Constitution, xiii., 218. Answer, 174. Licenses for public-house 219-221 Opinions on Philadel- keepers, 175. Day of fasting and phia election, 229-231. Powers humiliation appointed by Conof Council to appoint Judges, gress, 175. Proclamation, 176. 259. Judges recommend Jessie Council of Safety call for moneyand S. Vicars and Jno. Shebell to law books to be purchased, 177. mercy, 373. Conference requested Letter from George Washington, with Council, 607, 619. Jacob 178. Establish a Board of WarRush, Judge, xiv., 42, 43, 71. their names and duties, 181; and Longschamp's case, 117. W. A. a Navy Board, 182. Officers obAtlee resigns and is re-appointed, ject to oath, 183. Explosion of 175. Robert Morris appeals to, re- powder mill —letter from Henry specting accounts, 488. Claim and Fisher, arrival of vessels of war, title of Messrs. Penn to province 184. Proceedings on remonstrance referred to the, 502. Opinion, of officers, 185. Letter, Gover553. Expenses, 554. Prothono- nor Livingston, of New Jersey, tary, 628. E. Burd, 629. Ex- relative to prisoners, 185. Hespenses of Judges paid, while sians may be employed-appoint INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 34-5 Supreme Executive Council-xi. Supreme Executive Councilments, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, arms, 223. Artillery company, 194, 195, 196, 197. Petition of and officers commissioned, 223. Robert Patton, 189. Official ar- Resolution of Congress appointralngeeuents of 10th battalion, 190. ing General Arnold commander of Navy Board's state of affairs, 191- militia — ask for money-John 193. Petition of L. Hollingworth, Kidd declines being a member, 194. Mrs. Galloway to be pro- 224. Col. Walter Stewart —Col. tected, 196. Money returned to Bull promoted —militia ordered by Hyde & Co., 197. Congress asked Gen'l Sullivan to Coryell's ferry, to call out militia of Pennsylva- 225. Resolution of Congress renia-conference with Representa- specting rank, &c., in army, 226. tives in Congress on Genl. Howe's Of Assembly-probable attack of intention —Board of War want enemy, 227. Loan from Congress more money-officers in navy -Justices, &c., 229. Committee recommended-appoint four Bri- to view works on river, reportgadier-Generals, 199. Also offi- Colonel Stewart on change of orcers for navy-appointments, 200. ders —orders for militia, 231. A Dr. Conolly enlarged — appoint present of fourteen copper-plates Board of War, 201. Money from from Dr. Franklin to Council, 232. Congress —appointnments -move- Pay of Commodore fixed, &c. — ments of enemy, 202. Confer- movements of enemy- Orders, ence-resolution of Congress, 203. 232. Paymaster, complaint by Address to the people on taking Board of War-pilots-William active measures against the ap- Sykes contemptuously removes proaching enemy, 204. Lienten- goods from, 234, 235, 236. Adants to be written to, 209. Assem- vertisement for election of Jusbly ask respecting quota required tices, 238. Boundary between from the State on Continental Virginia and Pennsylvania-Marservice-Board of WVar to give a koe famlily sent to St. Croix, 240. return, 210. Complaints against Servants not to be enlisted-proofficers, 210. Pecuniary affairs of clamation —visit Billingsport, 243. Board of TWVar complained of, 211. Du Coudray's plan-ask for moReferred to Assembly-blankets ney from Congress, 245, 246. to be collected, 211. Order of Order for. boats to convey militia Assembly for money, 213. Orders from Chester to Billingsport, to for money, 214. Walter Hall pe- General Potter- General Armtitions to have an absconding strong and General Potter attend debtor detained, 214. Plan for -Justices of Little Britain-resot turning over certain troops —Jus- lutions of Congress on Billingstices-letter to Assembly respect- port, Capt. Downey ordered there, ing provincial forces, 215. Money 248. A cargo of salt arrives at for Navy Board, 217. Minute of Tom's river-for sale at ten dolAssembly, ask conference on state lars per bushel-ordered to be of affairs, 217. Plan for remov- bought —Joseph Hart elected a ing citizens, 218. Appointments member —survey of Delaware river -Justices-orders for arms —con- by Davis and Downey-Joseph ference with Assembly, 219. Re- Reed declines being Chief Justice, presentation to Assembly on dis- 249. Order surveys of river, and satisfaction with present frame of appoint persons to do it —order government-propose taking sense guard for Fort Island, 250. And of people on a convention, 220. money —committee of Board of Prothonotaries to be judges in War attend and consult on best their counties, 221. James Clay- mode of procuring intelligencepoole, sheriff, 222. Circular to persons appointed to proceed to counties to send militia, 222; and Capes -Justices, 251. Proceedwagons —order from Congress for ings respecting Westmoreland 346 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council —xi. Supreme Executive Councilrecords —increase committee of. Commodore Hazelwood-appointBucks county for driving off cat- meuts, 277. Application of Genl. tie-arrival of part of enemy's Knox for cannons-call on P. De fleet at Egg Harbor —Genls. Wayne Haven for arms, for stores-Leadand Nash attend, and present en spouts to be taken downsituation of army approaching search houses for arms-disafcity, 253. Appoint Chief justice fected persons to be arrestedand Attorney-General — call of wagons and horses-appointments, Congress for 4, 000 militia - deten- 279. Com'tee to drive off cattletion of records, 254. Change in company raised by J. Williams committee on cattle —Congress -arms from French creek, 280 authorize purchase of twelve fire- -privateer commissioned-list of ships, 255, 256. Ask for money, disaffected persons, to be arrested, 256. Moley sent to County Lieu- 282. Raising troops —resolutions tenants, 257. Papers and records for arrest of disaffected persons in Philadelphia to be removed in named, 283, 284. Instructionscase of danger-attorney for cer- blankets, 284. Persons appointed tain Courts, 258. Discontinue to make arrests, report of arrests, Board of War-Justices-suspect- 287, 289. Refuse to hear the pared persons delivered up, 261. L. ties-order Jared Ingersoll to ConGordon imprisoned —Letter from necticut-wagons from counties General Hand, asking for troops — guards for prisoners-liberty for Indian country, 261. Wagons granted to Thomas Asheton -lost -accounts of Board of War to be blanlkets, &c., to be paid forsettled-person enlarged on pa- William Lenox enlarged, 291. role, 263. Proceedings respecting Remonstrance fromn Masons' lodge a slave —pilot discharged —Benj. -to be sent to Congress-answer Chew and John Penn made priso- -enlarged, 292. Militia called ners, refuse parole-Congress to out —Hazelwood, Commodore of order them removed, 264. Arrest fleet in Delaware-prisoners, 293. of several persons for riot in York Prisoners in Masons' lodge to recounty-Rev. Dr. Ewing apolo- move to Virginia-enlargements gizes for Mr. Chew, offers his pa- — paymaster-purchase of guns role, 267. Parole of Doctor Drum- -water craft to be detained, 297. mond —Navy Board to assist in Light horse to proceed to campremoval of troops from Billings- guard for bridge-proclamation -- port to Fort Island-knapsacks- approach of enemy- militia to be examlinatiQn of three more rioters, ready-horses scarce, 299. " The and discharge of two-petition in two armies being now engaged, case of not taking test of allegi- and the event doubtful," stores ance-Thomas Lightfoot ordered and shops ordered to be shut, and to be arrested by Congress, but all except those making or repairis not a resident-demand of Genl. ing arms to repair to Captains' Gates for men-bounds prescribed quarters at two o'clock-battalin parole-wood for barracks- ions to rendezvous at Swedesford declined, 269. Judges of Supreme and Falls of Schuylkill-provisCourt appointed - removal of ions to be supplied there and at troops from Billingsport-store- Darby —army engaged with Gen. houses and magazine at Lancas- Washington —troops from Bucks ter-Clerk of Court, 271. Con- to turn out, with or without arms, gress to be consulted about dis- bringing axes, shovels, &c.-apcharge of militia-appointments, pointments -- horses to be im&c., 273. Orders to Col Henry pressed, 301. And wagons — -aid for Captain Alexander, 275, guards-bakers not to be enlisted 276. Books and papers ordered — boats to be collected, 303. to Philadelphia-compliment to Call out militia of Bucks and INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 347 Supreme Executive Council-xi. Supreme Executive CouncilPhiladelphia, order loan office President, and George Bryan, books and money to Easton under Vice- President -- new member, guard, bridge over Schuylkill to 375, 378. Receive from Congress be removed and brought to the copy of the confederation, 379. Delaware, Quarter-master ap- Congress recommends calling in pointed, money asked of Con- the old bills of credit issued by gress, 305. Boats on Schuylkill G. B.-also to abolish substitutes, to be hauled on land-bells to be 382. Receive various papers taken down and removed to places relative to Quakers sent to Virof safety -order for public re- ginia, 383. Delegates to Congress, cords detained - report to, on loan payment of wagoners, 385. Conoffice books and papers-threat- ference with Assembly on state of ened destruction of public prop- Continental army-remonstrance erty, 307. Proceedings on writ against its going into cantonments, of habeas corpus issued against -Dr. Shannon, 389. Representapersons arrested-riots in Carlisle tion to Assembly respecting imn-guard for stores-books in library pressing wagoners, &c., 390. Conto go to Easton, 308, 309 Ap- ference on calling out whole force point R. Dennis in place of Major against enemy on petition, 394. Casdrop - place shallops and Referred to Congress, 394. Deliver ammunition under care of J. up key of loan office chest-orders Stiles - proceedings respecting respecting militia-prisoners of driving cattle, pay for pasture- Virginia belong to United States, B. Vancampen Sub-Lieutenant- 395. Block tin and lead at Carvarious orders for money, 311. lisle —Colonel Lacey to command Decide on petition of Captain militia-Colonel Kirkbrideto send Joseph Brady's co. on Lots- out light horse, 396. Complaint orders-meet at Lancaster, 313. of Colonel Hartley for impressing Gun factory at Hummelstown- wagons-clothing for Fort Mifflin — establish expresses between Coun- pardon and discharge of Lomlbarcil and Camp, 314. Two prisoners tus Schellince-pay Joseph Carson escape on way to Virginia-jailer for goods, 397. Appoint Justicesexamined and implicated-several wagon masters-Brig.-Generalarrests connected with the escape, pay Col. Bull for work at Red Bank 315, 316. Ask for money —Trea- and Billingsport, 399. And as Col. surer can't comply-wagons sent commandant —services of Adjut'tfor goods to Trenton or Bristol General -unnecessary - dispense — Assembly ask a conference on with Colonel Bull —apologize to state of affairs-granted-Colonel him, 400. Capt. Woelper's claim, Hart takes his seat, 317. Militia R. Levers and goods sent to Bosto defend inhabitants of Chester, ton for sale-write to General 318. Blankets-a private escapes Washington about recruiting offi-pay for Colonel Piper's family, cers, 401. Case of C. Dingee319. of W. Montgomery-appoint J. Here begin minutes of " Council of Davidson assistant at salt works Safety," 323. [Which see.] -murders by Indians-aid a Proclamation dissolving the Council wounded militiaman, 403, 404. of Safety, 353. John Morris, Jr., Resolution of Congress on propoto attend Court in York and Cum- sal to regain city-Act for supply berland-M. Immel to be closely of arms-provision in Berks counconfined —complaint against Win. ty for fleet-pay of M. Hubley Lees, 357. Appointments, 358. increased, 405. John Brown enPay for arms-petition of John larged-letterfrom R. McCallister Swanwick —militia called out, 359. — J. White Swift-Col. Johnston New members, 366. Appoint- resigns-J. S. Howell appointed ments, 367. Thomas Wharton, Receiver-General, 407. Offers a 848 INI)EX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xi. Supreme Executive Councilprice in lieu of rations of liquors Virginia, 435. Money —Wagon-subscribe for 500 copies of Ger- master-proclamation for a fast, mall newspaper in Lancaster, also 438. Wages of, 441. Various of Dunlap's-wagons to be fur- orders, for cartridges, guard, &c., nished from each county-to Colo- for Lancaster, 442. Old powdernel Lutterlish-arrest of J. G. mill ground to be let-Assembly Metscher as suspected, 409. In- inquire into expense of the public dians in Cumberland County- buildings in Lancaster-Justice Colonel Piper censured for enlist- for York, 443. Provisions introing men in Bedford — General duced from Chester - appointLacey's place as clothier supplied ments, &c., 445. Resolution of -letter from board of war re- Congress requesting five hundred specting flag, 411. J. G. Metscher militia at various points in the to be discharged on taking oath- State, and order thereon-reward county paymasters to examine offered by proclamation for arrest militia accounts of expenses, 413. of murderers of W. HammondPrisoners under guard on their horses and stables, &c., 446, 447. way to Yorktown-Captain Long John Bailey resigns-Money from and company continued in ser- Congress for provisions-various vice, 414. Resolutions of Con- orders for money, 449. Resolves gress respecting oaths to be taken of Assembly for quota — Order by officers, 415. Order commis- taken-Sub-Lieutenant appointed sions for persons recommended -Resove of Assembly-conferby General Washington to re- ence respecting battalions and recruit-clothing delivered by J. G. duction of certain regiments —exHowell, 418, 424. Colonel Coates emruption of persons engaged in a prisoner with enemy —Colonel making bayonets —Jacob Morgan Thompson to act in his behalf- resigns his seat-letter from Genorders for recruiting, 419. Pay- eral, in favor of Mrs. Pemberton, ment to Commissioners to pur- 457, 458. B. Rittenhouse's paychase provisions, 422. Allow con- petition of soldiers from Antrim gregation at Easton to ask aid in and Peters Township, 458. John finishing their church-granted- Brown discharged - Resolve of agent to distribute provisions- Congress respecting accoutrements arms for Bedford-money to buy -Virginia prisoners to go to provisions in Lancaster-store- Shippensburg, and be discharged, keepers of provisions at several 460. Expenses to be paid by places, 423. Store committee from prisoners-money from Congress Assembly, 424, 425. Interference to buy horses-prisoners sent to of board of war in buying provi- Lancaster — to be delivered to sions-copies of papers to be fur- Francis & Long-horses bought, nished by J. B. Smith, 425. Ad- 461. J. Carson paid for goods dress from Quakers, 426, 427. seized in Bucks county —saltAnswer and representation and works, 463. Orders to various conference with, 427. Wagon- recruiting officers named, 464. master appointed a.address of Wagons-old spirits seized, paid General Washiangton4' to inhabit- for, 465. Money from Congressants - proclamation respecting various orders for money, 466. stock cattle-address of General Representation of General Greene Washington from Valley Forge, respecting wagons, 467. Re429. Representation to Assem- cruits-prisoners from Virginia, bly, 431. Conference on maga- 468, 469, 472, 473, 474. James zines, 434. Resolution of Con- Hamilton discharged, 469. Digress on prisoners and troops- rection respecting men, &c., of horses-Commissioners to Con- gondolas ordered to be sunk at gress at Yorktown-lprisoners in Trenton, 470, 471.. Rations of INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 349 Supreme Executive Council —-xi. Supreme Executive CouncilCommodclore H.-Justices of Berks, iff —robbery in Bucks county 471. Suspected persons seized by -Proclamation against traitors, General Lacey-orders, 473. Re- 512, 518. Reward for robbers cruits for continental army-re- -clothing for troops, 519. Evaccruits horses-orders, 474, 475, nation of Philadelphia - Elec476. United States lottery tick- tion for Councillor-wagons for ets received and disposed of-re- Capt. Montgomery-clothing to be cruiting money and for buying made in Phil'a-intend removing horses —militia for defence of fron- from Lancaster, discontinue to tiers, 477, 478. Grants a pass on take Dunlap's paper-officers of request of James Hamilton, 478. State fleet-paid expenses from Appointment of commissioners on Trenton to Lancas'r, 521. Arms in Attainder Act-their instructions, Genl. Lacey's hands to be sent to 479. Case of Anthony De Nor- city-memorial of Mrs. Ferguson mandie, 480. Roads —object to Mi- -celebration of Fourth of Julychael Muhlenbergh's account of Genl. Arnold to be inquired of, expenses of prisoners to Virginia, why he had ordered shops to be 481. Pass for Mrs. Col. Morgan- shut-his reasons for so doingCol. Jones paid and discharged- also, with regard to clothing-a Lieut. Edward Randolph paid for warrant for bringing up traienlisting men-letters and papers tors-invites Council to dinner, received from Congress to be read 523. Justices-markets to be in churches - horse for Count repaired-early call of Assembly Mountfort, his being lame, 487. -arms - resolve of Congress, susJ. Tilghman discharged-Indian pension of Act of Assembly regumurders-recruiting-situation of lating prices of goods, marriage frontiers-orders, 489. J. Bone and tavern licenses —Sheriff- sunto be executed-Joseph Shippen, drypersons discharged from parol Jr., discharged-arnms for North- -new mnember-goods found in umberland-General Wayne, &c. City after evacuation belonging to -Indians, 491. Proclamation enemy —exceptions to discharge, printed —horses —recruiting-Board 525. Courts for Philadelphia of War, 493. Rank of Captain county-J. B. Smith appointed Biles, 498. Treason in Chester Prothonotary and Justice-Revd. county-Samuel Johnson may sell Thomas Combes, Jr., receives a his real estate and depart-guard pass to leave the State, 527. at Lebanon increased -Thomas Petition from Hale & Weaver on Wharton, Jr., President, dies at property of enemy in city after Lancaster-order of funeral, 499. evacuation-Col. Nicola asks for Purchases of clothing to cease- rations-Indian depredations at order for rifles and muskets for Wyoming- Justices- recruiting, defence of frontiers-guard for 528. Traitor's property-armed collecting militia fines- enemy boats afloat-brig to be fitted out, preparing to leave Philadelphia- 529. Apply to Board of War for ravages committed by, in Chester ammunition -petition of Col. county-expenses in transporting Hartley-aid to wives of Privates prisoners, 507. Powder-spirits in fleet, 530. Insulting applica-salt-works-troops for defence, tion of Charles Thomson to Vice 509. Proclamation against per- President about a house-circular sons who joined the enemy-Re- to officers on defence —disposition ward against robbers in Bucks of troops-representation to Concounty —clothing for troops march- gress on frontiers, 531. Order ing west, 519. Guard for Lan- troops to Susquehanna and discaster —troops for defence-cloth- tribute at various places-money ing for field officers-reward for from Congress-Genl. Lacey comcriminals, 511. Clapyoole, Sher- mands —drugs-money to Col. 350 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xi. Supreme Executive CouncilHartley, 533. Money from Con- Delaware, 562. Commissions for gress-recruiting —records of Pro- private ships of war-enquiry for thonotary's office brought from goods, 563. Petitions for pardons Reading-articles left by enemy — exchange of prisoners - apto be secured and State House pointments -- passes, 565. Aprepaired —trees in city to be re- point Prothonotary of Supreme moved and given to the poor- Court —warrants of death and reIndians-Joseph Reed a member prieves-arrest of a British Doctor — apology, 536. Appoint com- — pass to Mrs. Shugart —orders for mittee to meet one from Congress money, 566. Pass for Labatu and on resolutions-sales of, by per- Anglo-Resolution of Assembly, mission of Genl. Arnold-a de- embargo-militia of City called serter, the first from the fleet- out —recruits- treasonable letter pardoned-all who return to be to R. H. Lee-embargo-militia pardoned-petition from North- called out, 569. Letter to R. H. umberland, 541. Appointments, Lee-petition of negro Ralph re-privateer-advisers to Health ferred to Assembly-visit Bilingsofficer-appoint commander of port-case of Col. Geo. StewartBrig "Convention" over one pass for Mrs. Blewer, whose son recommended by Navy Board- was taken prisoner at Germanclaim for a vessel sunk in Dela- town-permission to Dr. De Norware, 543. Appoint Jacob Rush mandie to sell real estate, 570, to assist Attorney General 571. Cannon for Bilingsport and in case of ship Albion-Wharf- Mud Island —Justices appointedinger and Weigh Master at draw- recruiting officers - guard from bridge -cartridges to Henry Bun- Lancaster to Philadelphia of ner -proclamation for embargo prisoners-signal gun at Billingson provisions, 545. Protest port 573. Summons of Justices against Congress laying an em- to take oath of allegiancebargo in this State-return to be Quarter Master General, certifimade of men in State fleet-ap- cates in pay for services-purpoint measurer of Wheat, &c., chase of linens by late President 546. Clerk of Court-charge in Maryland. Col. Bull to be against agent for sale of forfeited employed at Billingsport and Mud estates —notice to be put up, 547. Island, his pay-Pay Master Attend public reception of French and Steward there-to use articles Minister by Congress —Wardens taken from enemy, 574, 575. ask for money-heavy bill for Time of Militia expiring, 574. spirits —brig "Convention" nearly Old draft to Moses WVard-supready-prop'd to send on a cruise, plies for forts-officers for galleys 549. Disposition of arms from -State shallop to be sold —prisoWest Indies-propose discharge ners to Chester-account of State of certain officers of Navy-dis- fleet to be made-Marshal-rearming galleys-orders of Con- cruits-passes, 577. Officers apgress respecting Winm. Straker, pointed-passes granted —others 553. Resolutions of Assembly refused-galleys in service-rerespecting discharge of Navy, &c., cruits —tools, &c., belonging to 554. Armed Galleys to be at State -reprieve, 579. Money Cape May-armed brig Conven- from Congress-militia of Philation fitting out-traitors-galleys 4elphia called out, 581. Appoint to be sent down Delaware - commissioners to try Henry Indigo-men-Lieutenants, 557. Bunthant a murderer —passesFrederick Verner-Joseph Reed recruits-execution, 582. Pardon employed as counsel — a pass -Indigo-purchase of clothing, — raising wrecks in Delaware, 583. Prisoner in Chester gaol 561. Conference on defence of endeavoring to escape is ordered INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 351 Supreme Executive Council-xi. Supreme Executive Councilto the new gaol in Philadelphia- 629. Choosing President, and a dissenting minister in England Vice President-dinner- Joseph applauded for his kindness to Reed and George Bryan elected, prisoners-passes, 584. Order to 633. Militia ordered out-men Commodore Hazelwood for can- guarding cannon at Billingsport non for Congress-Assefbly ask -Capt. Lightbourne's circuitous for copies of Laws &c.,-wood for voyage —Wm. Low —paymaster galleys, &c., 585. Pass-pardon of Bedford —letters from Board of — Board of War ask for plan of War-convention prisoners, 637. river Delaware for General Wash- Appointments-sale of public ington —sales of forfeited estates, vessels by auction-pay to tavern 587. Surprise at requisition for keepers for militia on marchwagons referred to Congress, 589, forestalling, 638, 639, 640. Pass Order respecting old work house -forestalling inquiry-vote of and State House-clothing-pass thanks for brave conduct to Col. for Mrs. De Lancey —clothing, Thomas Hartley-sales of public 593. British propose to send a vessels-gun factory-report on flag —orders to Commander to Navy Hospital —permit to William stop the vessel at Delaware-pass Streaker —execution ordered, 640, to Mrs. Yard, &c., 595. Appoint- 641. Pardons-powder for privaments-seditious papers and per- teers-marching orders countersons to be secured, 596 —troops manded-sales of vessels —-limits to repair to City to be ready, 597. and guns-pay at Billingsport, Appointments - orders- pardons 641, 643, 644. Justices-passes sentence for murder, 609. Proc- -sale of tools,. &c., —accounts of lamations for traitors to take their late Committee and Council of trials, 610, 612. Execution sus- safety to be settled-reprievepended, 612. Proceedings in certificate of French Minister recase of Roberts and Carlisle, 606- specting a cargo of flour, 644, 645. 614. Pay reward for arrest of a British property, 645. Suspension noted robber-Assembly -met- of embargo-Prothonotary, &c., payments to Jno. Hambright and — Col. Hartley's plan of defence Cap., Stokely —militia of Phila- adopted-French Minister offers delphia called out as guards, 617. a reward for captures - invalid French Frigate, convoy of-new corps-their clothing —Attorney mnemlbers-message to Assembly General to confer respecting case -Justices-Sloop Active, 619. of Sloop Active-Act of Maryland Tonnage tax for Light House-dis- against distillers of Whiskeyputed election in Chester county militia to be mustered, 647. Pass-discharge of militia-march ports-commiss' ns -oaths —comof troops, 621, 623. Embargo, missary circular to delegates, 649. 622. New member, 623. Choice Clothing, 651. Account of Jacob of President-joint committee- Arndt as councillor paid-a arms for militia-Genl. Washing- school-master convicted for keepton asks for a guard for conven- ing a school without having taken tion prisoners going South- oath of allegiance and finedmilitia of Bucks called out for remnitted-Robert Morris receives purpose-as well as of Phila- arms from West Indies-charges delphia -- proclamation for a against Thomas McKean, member Thanksgiving day, 626, 627. of Congress-reprieve of Elwood, Conduct of Col. Hartley approved 653. Caution against purchase -letter from Massachusetts to of traitor's estates-subscribe for prevent return of tories-pass for newspapers - salt in possession Mrs, Ferguson to New York re- of Wilcocks-letter from Lieut. fused-permit provisions for Ber- Col. Hunter-Washington-Spromuda —galleys, 628, 629. Galleys gell. Major John McPherson dies 352 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xi. Supreme Executive Council-his brother recommended, 654. prisoners —militia fines —pass for Justices for Philadelphia-Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Straker for St. EustaHart paid-guard at Middle ferry tia-Notary and Tabellion public -— Sloop Active-Capt. WVm. Mc- -provisions and stores-address Pherson, British Officer, against toAss'y, 685-billsof credit-war keeping gun powder in Phila- -ship of war-forestallers, 687delphia, 657. Case of Gens plan for gradual abol. of slaveryThomson and McKean, 659, 660. Western frontiers - clandestine Pay of guard-salt seized, 661. marriages - Proprietary estates, Committee of Congress confer 689. Dr. Stanley's pay, &c., 691. with, on bills of credit, 664. Jus- Mr. Holker and brig Industry — tices required to aid in suppress- resolves respecting Arnold to be ing riots, and General Arnold to published, and of Congress-sigfurnish military aid-want of nals to vessels-pay to Arthur clothing in 4th Pennsylvania regi- Donaldson-resolves of Virginia ment complained of by Lieuten- -Joseph Jeffries and wagonsants, and clothes, to be given, money from Congress, 693. Con665. Pass, applications to be in ference with Assembly on 20th writing-Bridge over Schuylkill section of Constitution, 695, 699. -Justices-money from Congress Message respecting Mr. Holker to -clothing to a disabled soldier, Assembly, 699. Repudiate claim 667. Money from Congress-let- to propose bills on house-may ter from Delegates of Virginia in- advise Delegates in absence of closing resolves on boundary line, Assembly-pay to invalid on a 669. Salt in Prichard's store- galley, 701. Merchants meet on valuation boat " Viper"-procla- a letter from Baltimore complainmation against forestalling-re- ing of small privateers on coast, quest General Washington to sit 702. Petitions from militia of for his portrait, 671. Complaint Northumberland --- passes - parof wagons improperly sent for don, 703. Rules for entering merchanrclise to Egg Harbor by enemy's lines, 704. Complaint Jesse Jordan —provisions for Penn- against Colonel John Weitzell, sylvania forces-opinion of Gen. 705. Orders for money for galWVashington asked as to Colonel leys-charge against United States Atlee's claim to be Brigadier-Ge- for use of public buildings except neral-letter Governor Morris and State House-Arnold's wagonsWmn. Whipples-respecting trials proceedings against Jno. Mitchell, of persons for treason —value of 707. Petitions-Col. Johnston" Viper, "'-a pass to New York, distribution of articles provided 673. Contested election — Miss for troops-rules for and pricesLevy's pass from Arnold-Letter message to Assembly, 711, 714. from Matthew Clarkson, A. D. C., New member-timber for buoysrespec'g, 677. Petitions-prisoner privateers, 715. Expenses-mowith British-supposed duel with ney from Congress-committee of a French citizen disproved —passes Assembly-Justices - sloop Ac-David Franks British Commis- tive-Win. Dunwick —horse stealsary-militia law-proclamation ing not pardoned-boats for Col. for attainder —wagons for Egg Bull-militia, 715. Murders at Harbor, 679. Massachusetts asks Bushy Run-pass declined-Capt. to export floufr, 682. Pass for Hazel an officer-sales of vessels clerk of D. Franks for New York, -Col. Hunter-D. Morgan not 683. Committee of merchants ask pardoned, 719. Defence of fronfor protection to Bay and River tiers, 719. Committee to value Delaware, 683. Inquiry respect- cutter Revenge, as a guarda costa ing General Arnold and wagons -removal of wrecks from fishery to Egg Harbor-state of gaol and -expenses-exchange of prison INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 353 Supreme Executive Council-xi. Supreme Executive Councilers-proceedings in case of Ar- city-garrison relieved at Mud nold to be printed and sent to Island and Billingsport-petitions Congress, 721. Conference with — ship General Greene —arms — Delegates-bridge and cables- Billingsport-passes to New York fast-ship General Greene to be limited-pay of officers of Ship fitted out-conference with As- Gen. Greene, 756, 757. Is this sembly-Arnold resigns command State a separate department from of Philadelphia, 725-conference that of commander-in-chief-apwith committee of Congress and pointments-Arnold's case —JusAssembly respecting Arnold, &c., tices —pass for Mrs. Duche on 726, 727. Resolution that State conditions, 758, 759, 762. Elect military officers shall be entitled M. Clarkson Marshal —elections to same benefits as those of United in Chester county —fees on marStates-Rev. Dr. Rogers applies riage licenses - Justices - passes for clothing-list of officers to be -pay for wagons-difficculty to made out by Captain Boys, 727. man ship General Greene-emConference with Congress and bargo —George Harding, 761, 764. Assembly, 730. Captain of Gen. Accounts of General St. ClairGreene-outfit —-election-confer- Justices informed that the Court ence Congress and Assembly- has not power to discharge solthanks of officers, &c.-Captains diers-pass for vessels with pro-letter from field officers, 731. vision-pass for Mrs. Duch6 — Letter General Washington-Du proclamation for embargo, 762, Portail -petitions —-proclamation 763. Record of a road in Bucks -militia law, 733. Message to inquired for-permits for vessels Assembly on provisions seized- -Indians —medicines-orders for military stores-S. R. Fisher to money —appointments —exchange be confined-report of Joint Com- of bills —petitions, 765. Permit mittee, 735. Exchange of Bills of to a vessel to depart not granted Credit-pay of members, and of -resolve of Congress asking midelegates, 736. Resolution of litia to occupy forts in room of Assembly-repair of rifles-per- Colonel Proctor's men-seamen sons to value ship Gen. Greene, induced away-persons to be ar739. Officers on ditto-distribu- rested for it-Dr. Jennings asks tion of articles-prize money- for clothing-agent for forfeited loan to State, 740, 741. Resolu- estates-vendues-William Armtions of Assembly-officers Me- strong paymaster - agent of Clenachan and Irwin to obtain Maryland purchases flour-order loan-bills of credit to be taken- respecting, 766, 767, 770, 771. resolutions of Congress-Major Justices —passes-seamen disapJohn Browne, receiver of cloth- pear —Captain Martin sent to ing, resigns-Lieut. Col. Farmer Baltimore for them-stores for receiver, 742, 743. Ask opinion Mud Island-R. Morris's letter in case of Eichelberger-petitions respecting arms from West Indies, -notice to be given of sale of 770, 771, 772-passes —provisforfeited estates, 745. Rules to ions allowed to be exported in be required in future for pardons, several vessels for Bermuda, 772. 747. Pardons-sale of cannons- Elections in Chester county-Delaorders-Justice for Northumber- ware to be swept for cannons and land-forfeited estates, 749. Re- anchors, 773. Petition of Col. solution respecting wagon mas- Eyre's battalion —Colonel Bull to ters, 755. Resolution appointing execute plan of fortifications-his auditors to settle claims of Jno. pay and rations-embargo conEyre, &c., for timber and plank tinnued-proclamation, 777. Mostolen by enemy, employed in ney to several counties-Combuilding redoubts and bridge near missions, 779. Executions23 351: INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-ix. Supreme Executive Council —xii. shipment of convicts-Justice re- affairs —Wagon service, by Constricted to one in certain counties, gress, 25, 26. Conduct of J. Mc781. Expenses of sailors divided Allister, 31. Proclamation against -Congress advise export of some traitors, 27. Flags of truce and provisions —Court of Appeals- prisoners-Pass, 29. Win. Moore embargo off, 783. Proclamation Smith —French Consul on exempts arms, 784. from militia duty and fines-Flag Resignations of officers offered of truce-Ensigns, 30, 31. Sweepand not accepted-Captain Mont- ing Delaware Pardons-Lieutengomery ordered to sea-Return of ant N. Sackett, 33. Mrs. Duch — seamen-Various officers appoint- passes-Case of David Ogden, ed to ship General Greene —Militia 36. Prisoners to New Jerseyof Philadelphia, payfor-Pardons Sales of cannon-Charter of Acnot granted, xii., 4, 5. Agents ademy - Costs Carlisle, Roberts of forfeited estates to make re- and Handy-Fleury, 38, 39. Marturns, 6. Flag of truce arrives- kets J. McCallister to be prosefamily on board allowed to land, cuted, 41. Terms of militia ex7. Unruly characters taken on pired-Complaint against Justices public ships-Ensign appointed, of Northumberland-Resolves of 7. Justices-Military officers- Congress-Letters General WashSuspicious characters, orders re- ington Minute of Trustees of specting, 8, 9. Permit Captain College, 43. Order purchase of Cannon to sell cargo-Pardon to flour. through William Turnbull, George Holder-Disturbances at agent, 45, 46. Death of Judge Reading with prisoners — a. default- Ross-Complaint of Holker reing Sub-Lieutenant-Petitions- Ispecting purchases of flour in Soldiers pardoned, 12, 13. Sweep- Wilmington, 47. Agents to reing Delaware-German battalion ceive subscriptions to Loan Office, — Petitions —Register of Admiralty 47. John Elwood pardoned-LetCourt appointed-Justices-Wa- ter to delegate in Congress-trangon duty referred-Decline a sub- scripts from courts- Francis HopLieutenant's resignation, 15. Wa- kinson appointed Judge of Admigons-Purchases by John Carson ralty-List of traitors-Privateer -Letter, P. Henry on boundary Holker, 48, 49, 50. Passes-Exwith Virginia-Stores for troops change of prisoners - Disabled — Lieutenants appointed -Pass. men on invalid list, 51. Military for Mrs. Duch6 asked for-Flour affairs - Ensigns - Col. Spencer in hands of Levi Hollingsworth, and Captain Wilkie - Purchase 17, 1.8. Wagons required-lCon- of flour at Reading, 52, 53. Monference with delegates in Con- sieur Holker-Remonstrance from gress-Prize to Lieutenant Car- Germantown, a guard asked for, son-Mast for ship General Greene. 56, 57. Ensigns-Affairs of Ac-Captain Gotschue — Justices, ademy and College-Shipment of 18, 19. Prize brig to be con- provisions —Holker complains of demned-M. Smith's pay-Peti- newspapers, 59. Preservation of tions for pardons, pass-Rations, public buildings erected by Conto sweep Delaware rejected, 20, gress-Resolves of Congress and 21. Warrants for. wagons in dif- various papers from-Letters from ferent counties- Forfeited es- iolker and Gerard on flourtates, deeds withheld-Bounty for Swaine's securities and his duties recruiting-Order. to Colonel Ni" -Pardons-Pass-Congress ask cola-Discharge from a galley- to export provisions-Petition for Thomas Bradford agent for ma- arms, 60, 61. Surrender of Fort rine prisoners, 22, 23. Claim for Freeland-Thanks and orderspurchases, referred to Congress Capture of a Portuguese ship, 62, -Guns to be repaired —Indian 63. Incursions of Indians-Let INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 3 5 Supreme Executive Council-xii. Supreme Executive Council — ter, Gov. Clinton-Forfeited es- for prisoners-army deficiencytates-Case of Colonel Stroud- rations for soldiers' wives-list of Jonathan Lodge —Invalid corps- officers violating parole, 90, 91. Plan from Philadelphia for resto- Clothing-provisions for Generat ration of credit —Ensign, 64, 65. Sullivan at Wyoming —promoMons. Holker and flour-L. Ni- tions-militia, 92, 93. Mr. Holcola-Hospital at Valley Forge- ker-resignations-answer of AtPardon for a challenge-Plan for torney-General to queries-clothrestoring credit —Forfeited estates, ing-guards, loan of arms-ad66, 67. Passes —Congress and dress to Assembly, 94, 95. ResoMons. Iolker respecting flour at lutions respecting militia —guardWilmington —Pardon of a youth invalid regiment, Board of VWar, of thirteen for stealing provisions &c., 95. Message to Assembly-Forfeited estate of Michael Wit- successes-addition of another man, 68, 69. Militia officers, 70. power —Proprietary estates —army Forfeited estates-Embargo —Mi- and navy-government education litia, times expiring, others to be of youth - college - embargocalled out-Prisoners taken at sea roads-provision for officers of in arms against United States- government-sale of confiscated Mons. Gerard and Holker, 70, 71. estates, 96-99. Colonel Stroud, Approval of their government- D. Potts, Holker, &c., 100, 101. Letters relating to forfeited es- Seal for Admiralty Court-R. tates —pass-road in Bedford Co. Keene's estate —militia, resoluto Fort Pitt —sheets of paper money tions respecting not paying fines, -practicing of the militia-Steu- 102. Deeds for confiscated propben's treatise to be printed —Lieu- erty-agree with Mons. Penet for tenant appointed, 72, 73. Mus- arms-lot-petition from Penn's ter rolls-opinion Chief Justice on valley and answer' —Justicesprisoners - enemy expected at Jona. Lodge, trial - memorial New York-distressed state of Matthew Clarkson Marshall, 105. WVestmoreland Co., 75 Change of Shot for confederacy frigate-Winm. orders to militia-forfeited estates — Russell loses leg at Brandywine, search for wrecks-purchases of 107. Guards for gaol at Yorkflour, 76, 77. Course to be pur- Congress on public credit-emsued by Michael Teter, a dis- bargo, &c. arms of State to be abled soldier —passes, 78, 79. worked on public standards-case Mons. Gerard's powers-confis- of Jona. Lodge referred to Supreme cated estates - state of fron- Court-decline furnishing flour to tiers-papers, &c., in hands of M. Holker on account of scarcityFrancis Hopkinson-manufacture Assemblypropose address to Sieur of thread, 81. Embargo —estates — Gerard, 109. Address of Council fines in York county-petition to him-an execution respited on and passes, 83. Wheat to be account of pregnancy-prisoners purchased at mills by Henry and in new gaol —Clerk of market apMarshall-letters from Col. Brod- pointed-prisoner with enemyhead —Col. Hubley —Salt Works- prize taken by the Genl. Greene, provision to be made for officers, 110, 111, 112. Case of negro &c.-prisoners, pardon on condi- Ralph-imposition practiced, 113. tion of serving United States- Decree of Supreme Court favor Mons. Holker applies, for flour, Jacob Morgan-Col. Hannum's 84, 85. Horse stealing-counter- escape from enemy-voluntary feiting-distribution of salt-in- turn out of militia in Northumspection of clothing, 87. Promo- berland county-order to William tions of officers, 89. Counterfeit- Honeyman-arrival of Count D'ers, 89. Brief to solicit money Estaing-aid asked on petition of for a church —flour for salt-guards Col. Maloney respecting horses 356 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xii. Supreme Executive Counciltaken by him, 114, 115. Par- litia of Chester county-prices of dons, petitions, claims-resolu- flour and wheat in Lancaster countions of Assembly respecting sup- ty-case of Jeremiah Simmonsply of flour and salt-sickly state Captain Guion, salt-flour and of garrisons at the forts, 116, 117. wagons on frontier-artillery Resolutions of Assembly on flour called out, 142, 143. Staats Lawand salt, distribution, 119. De- rence at riot-flour and saltfence of frontiers-pass for Chas. sloop Active-Robert Harris, salt Willing-order to Henry Fisher, for Trenton objected to-equip120. Riot at Judge Wilson's- ment of militia called out by Geproclamation-letter from Gen- neral Washington-Peter Miller eral Washington, 122,123. Mes- bailed out-fast appointed by sages to Assembly, 96, 124, Congress-elections, 144, 145. 125, 167, 175, 176, 474, 530- Additional Commissioners ap533, 555, 575, 630, 667, 675, pointed to procure salt-election 738, 753, 758, 759, 763. Thanks of Joseph Gardner, from Chester, to General Wayne proposed, confirmed - elections - case of 124. Distribution of flour, &c., Captain Getshens-resolutions of to poor of city-also wood-of- Congress, 146, 147. Impressment fering a bounty, 125. Procla- of seamen of State on frigate Conmation for embargo, 126. Vice- federacy-Matthew Smith resigns President Bryan resigns-Mat- — complaint from Bedford against thew Smith elected Vice-Presi- Lieutenant-order of Congress dent, 127. Daniel Clymer at Wil- favor James Wilkinson, Clothierson's-surrenders and gives bail General-additional Commission-militia of city and some coun- ers to procure salt-pay to workties called out-execution of D. men at President's house-Geo. Dunn ordered-election of WVVm. Harding reprieved, 148, 149. Sale Moore for Council and five others of ship General Greene orderedfor Assembly, 128, 129, 131. vendues condemned-resolutions Winm. Bell at riot-passes for respecting-Solomon Bush reGermany-Joseph Reed elected ferred to Board of War, 151. Councillor and President-prices Sustain Commissioners for profor wagons, 130, 131, 132.- curing salt-riot at Wilson'sOf salt, 133. Joseph Gardner Dr. Harris threatened for carelected member-against persons rying off salt, 152, 153. Roads going at large charged with high and highways-the Marshal comtreason, 133. Soldiers' times ex- plains of Blair McClenachan — pire at Billingsport and Mud Is- complaints against sale of Genland-persons to be left in charge eral Greene, 154, 155. Con-negro slave pardoned-elec- ference with Committee of Astions-vote of thanks to General sembly-on bounty to militiaWayne for services at Stony Point, salt returned to Colonel Smith 134, 135. Resolutions respecting -Justices resigned being elected salt and flour exchanged-Major to Assembly-payment for land Francis Nicols at riot at J. Wil- by Isaac Hicks-deed for-two son's, with others named, to give other receipts for land, 156, 157. bail, 136, 137. Jno. Lacey, Jr., Complaint against Deputy Quara member, 137. Case and pro- termasters at Reamstown-owners ceeding of Major Sol. Buss-Cap- of brig Active-brass kettles in tain Jacob Buss and other cap- hands of Joseph Fox —petition of tains of Northampton —and re- officers of ship General Greenesolutions-David Franks refused are they officers of Navy?-salta pass-pay for salt claimed-D. pay for-sales of General Greene Solebury Franks at riot at J. complained of, 158, 159. Election Wilson's-bailed, 140, 141. Mi- of President and Vice-President INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 357 Supreme Executive Council-xii. Supreme Executive Council — -complaint of Captain Heysham New Jersey-boundary with Conagainst L. Kuhn —House of Em- necticut-broken cannon to be ployment ask for flour-letter of sold-state of and tolls on SchuylCongress against opening Land kill bridge-to be valued-petiOffices-manager of salt works in tion of David Franks for a passNew Jersey dead-they ordered deeds executed, 194, 1.95, 196. to be sold-money for salt-cod- Pardons-money repaid to New fish captured by the Gen. Mercer Jersey-to Mrs. Sarah Chesnut may be exported-Sheriff and per decree of Supreme Court-Mr. Coroner of York county, 160, 161. Holker ships-newspapers to be Election of President and Vice- called for-Congress on supplies President-Joseph Reed and lWm. for army, 196, 197, 198. Monthly Moore, 163. Message to Assemr- receipts to be sent to Treasury of bly-general condition of affairs, Congress-Justices-two trunks 167. President and Vice-Presi- of goods at Elizabethtown from dent elected-audience of Chev. New York-Captain Clunn to be De La Luzerne, —embargo con- arrested-David Franks examined tinned 170, 172. Members of Con- -illegal practices-counterfeiting gress elect-loan flour for poor -Robert White's wife-house to -passes to New York to be re- be searched-confiscated estateferred-sale of ship Gen. Greene R. Swanwick, 198, 199. Bounties -allowance to Captain Irwine's — provisions — pardons - embarcompany-Colonel Brodhead, 172, goes - deeds for confiscated 173. Resolution, &c., sent to As- estates, 200, 201. Conference sembly, 176. Case of Pat. Keane, with Committee of Congress on Lieutenant of the Roman Catholic supplies — public credit, &c.Regiment of Volunteers in British meeting of Merchants on supplies service-to be closely watched- — Schuylkill bridge, &c. —Gen. Resolutions on bounds sent to Washington on alarming scarcity Virginia and Connecticut-re- of provisions, 202, 203. And to turns of gallies to be made out- others on procuring supplies, 203, pass for child eight years old, 204. David Franks' petition re177. Various orders for execu- fused —suspicion against-alleged tions —cargo for account of United suspicions intimacy between States cleared, 178. Visit from Elizabethtown and the enemy at Chev. De La Luzerne and Mons. New York —persons named, 206. Marbois-discharges from gallies Scarcity of wood —to be cut for -execution - passes - election, poor, 207, 208. Difficulty with a 180, 181. Pay of wagons-ques- portion of militia-amount in tion about seat between Thomas Treasury subject to order of ConUric and John Piper-Mr. Holker gress --. Semple, Sub-Lieut. sends ship General Greene to resigns-thanks for his servicesMartinico — proclamation for a annexation of two companies to fast, 183. Auctioneer elected, Colonel Proctor's Regiment-taxes William Browne-firewood-deed -goods damaged by ice-survey for property in Philadelphia, late to be had — disputes between of Samuel Shoemaker, 185, 186. Pennsylvania and Virginia-reSale of salt works in New Jersey commendation of Congress-pro-discharges from State service, clamation respecting —barracks186, 187, 190. Confiscated estates account of late Vice-Pres't, 210, for University, &c., 189. Wood 211. New Members-wood taken -markets forestalling, 190. Gal- — Schuylkill ferry and Continenloway's estate-petitions-Holker tal teams —proclamation respectexports provisions —salt-taxes, ing dispute with Virginia, 212, 190, 191, 192. Discharges —par- 214. Rates of pay to Soldiersdon, 193. Prisoners of war in tavern-keepers-pay to Almoner 358 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xii. Supreme Executive Councilfor absent militia - quarters of war-minutes of Council of to be provided for more in Safety to be placed in Secretary's public houses — passes - Cap- office, 242. Militia fines-pardon tain J. P. Schott has Armand's a scold, 243. Paper from Quacorps, 217, 218, 221. Door-keep- kers on militia fines, 244. Troers' pay-pardons-auditors do phies, colours taken from not attend on account of. bad Hessians delivered to Board of weather-abuse of weight in War, 245. On supplies-Deed flour-James Pottingers' petition, to C. W. Peale-clothing, 247. 218, 219. Express to Gov. Living- Conference with Assembly on ston-militia to be mustered and defence of frontiers-money-dcepaid-Mr. Atlee's account of Con- cision respecting continental nestoga malor —cash in treasury money being received in dis-Samuel Fisher ill in prison, to charge of ground rent on forfeited be removed-Col. Smith resigns, estates-aid of clothing to a priso220, 221. Pay to President —to ner, 249. Conference with Aswitnesses in case of Arnold-ob- sembly on case of Col. Haller, jections to certificate of Geddis wagon master-troops to be raised and Govett in case of, 225, 226. -returns of troops-affairs with Pay to James Read, commissary, Virginia-laws of State sent to unnecessary-W. Crispin to fur- Congress-passes to be applied nish rations and account, and be for within ten days-pay to galdischarged, 226. W. C. Bradford leys, 251. Petition D. Kennedy to render account-wishes of -Surveyor Genl. has gout-acCongress to be ascertained, 227. counts of Bucks county for purSale of salt ordered-letter to chases-pay to commissary of Congress on supplies-money prisoners - against partial profrom Congress-return of clothing vision for regiment-salt, 253. -coopers' work for galleys, 229. Speedy collection of debts-mesIndians in Northumberland- sage to Assembly on number of names of officers, &c., held as troops —views of French Minister, prisoners of war-elections, 230, 255. Pass for Winm. Barton anvd 231. Messages to Assembly, 96, Paul Zantzinger to Elizabeth 124, 125, 167, 175, 233, 246, 264, Town-suspicions of speculation 285, 358, 564, 567, 624, 626, 637, against an agent for forfeited 641, 667, 676, 733, 748, 749. Ceas- estates — deed for marsh landa ing of issues of Continental bills at Tinicum, part of Jos. Galloway's -taxes-property of aliens and estate —call on Edmd. Physic, late sundry papers before Assembly, Receiver General of Pennsylvania, 233. Sales of lands by Virginia- for books, papers, &c.,-sundry Indians —Taxes —petitions —resolu- petitions, 256, 257, 258. Resotion of Congress-clothing-order lution of Assembly to raise four of Congress, 234, 235. Officers companies-several persons to returned as belonging to State — appear, 258. Deeds for estates a scold pardoned, 235, 243. Order forfeited, 259, 260. Proclamafrom Congress for moneys-case tion and reward, $3000 offered to of Capt. Papley, 236. Conference arrest four persons-return of on supplies —application for Great clothing-dismissal of Thos. Hale Seal-delivered in part to As- as agent-Win. McMullin apsembly, 237. Orders of Congress, pointed, 261. President's house 238. Order for Beef —pardon for in danger from fire at Mr. regrating pork —mistake in date Holker's-salt distributed-Col. of commission-Salt, price of —- Hazen's men and officers-Revd. Major T. McPherson received- M. Milsheimer, a chaplain, taken exchange of prisoners-door- at Saratoga-dispute with Virkeeper, 241. Petitions-trophies ginia-Mr. Hale to deliver up INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 359 Supreme Executive Council-xii. Supreme Executive Councilpapers-auditors in case of Jehu respecting frontiers-letter to, 289Eyre-supplies —taxes, 262, 263. 292. Petition of inhabitants reLetter of Mr. Hale on Indian lands, specting bridge and road to Darby 265. Deed to Thomas Britton, -letter of Genl. Washington and late S. Shoemaker's estate, 265. returns of Col. Moylan's corpsDecison against Capt. Galt, 266. Major Eyre has charge of Bridge John Ensmenger's case referreclto -resolve of Congress relative to Dr. Hultchinson-right of France officers-Joseph Shippen, Jr., late as depositories of moneys of her Secretary, to deliver papers, &c., citizens who have no claimants to T. Matlack-funeral of Mr. here, referred to Attorney General Forbes, Member of Congress-accounts of Win. Turnbull for election-petition of Charles Cook, purchases of flour-reward for 293. Doubtful election in Maapprehension of Thos. Burney. a nallen and Tyrone Townshipnotorious counterfeiter, 267. account of Win. Anderson —burnDeed for J. Galloway's property- ing of houses in Cumberland and Schuylkill Bridge tolls, &c., 268, proclamation for arrest of incen269. Jos. Richardson arrested —Dr. daries, 294. Land of Revd. Mr. Martine app'd Surgeon —passes for Batwell-petition from'York for Soldiers' wives to New York limi- defence —broken cannon soldted to -15th April-intercepted Major D. Frank's claim-Mr. Journal-Mrs. Shoemaker-valu- Holker for flour-officers of Ottenation of damages by flying camp to dorf's Company —for rank —militia Edw. Barrett in Southwark-peti- laws —appointments of Lieutention of Jacob Taney for recogni- ants and Subs, 296, 297, 298. zance forfeited, 270, 271. Dr. Paper money moulds —deeds for Winm. Cooper to'be arrested- sales of confiscated estates, 297, Jos. Richardson- Henry Carter 300. Commissioners of purchases -marriage interests less than for each county —George Bryant freehold in confiscated estates appointed Judge of Supreme to be sold, 272, 273. Scarcity Court —conduct of Virginia Comin camp-opinion of Attorney mlissioners —petition of Jacob General on moneys of French Morgan respecting mill, &c., pursubjects to be paid to Consuls chased by him-deserters re-Mr. Holker, requisition for flour ceived from vessels in river, 302, -Berks county commissioners- 303. Officers of Ranging ComThos. Taylor apprehended and pany —premium for prisoners and executed-case of Larry Burns a scalps, 311, 312. John Lynch's -soldier, 274, 275. Deeds, 276. case —letters to Northampton on Grants to Col. Hazen's Regiment- Indian invasions and resolutions petitions-powder —cannon sold- -Gen. Washington names posts fast day by Congress - Simon for supplies-powder, 312, 313. Sneider resigns as sub-Lieu- Road from Darby-forage at Tinitenant, 279. Books, papers, seals, culm —flour to be exported by &c., from Edmd. Physic-fast day Don Juan de Miralles —refugee in -resolution of Assembly against North Carolina —discharge of F. and J. Ichelbury-expense of Navy Officers on account of exa lunatic-deed for estate of.pense —rent of Middle ferrypaid Christopher Sawer-neglect to -property of Saml. Bell, 315. comply with terms of sale —rules, Admiralty - Physick's papers280, 281. Proclamation for a desertions of army —deed —patent fast, 282. Names collected who to Jno. Ormsby for ferry —resigjoined British Army in 1777. nation, 317. Refuse to allow State of frontiers, and dispute with Philadelphia Library Company to Virginia, 287, 289- - ccount of import books from New Yorkclothing-resolutions for Congress Lieut. W. Huston a wounded 360 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council —xii. Supreme Executive Council —officer —seditious paper pasted up 353. Expenses of boats —vacancies — Proclamation against, 319. in army, 354-356. Pass refusedDeed —clothing —Schuylkil Bridge suit of black for Rev. Samuel — disposition of supplies, 320, Blair-Physick's books, 358. Or321. Desertions — forfeited es- der of Congress, 359. Conference tates in Northampton, pay for — on loan office certificates-value appointments —change in number -supplies, &c., 360. Sale of and pay of Surgeons in galleys — negro Aaron of P'r Campbell's esdeeds, 322, 323, 324. Case of tate —paymaster —Physick's books John Lynch —Thomas Hale, agent -resolutions of Congress —peti-pay for gallies —taxes —Wm. tions, 360, 361. Pay to commisYoung and Benj. Town suspected sioners of purchases —embargoof printing seditious paper " Slow orders, 362. Expenses of express and Sure," imprisoned, 324, 325. from frontiers-supplies for army Deed to Jacob Bay, type founder, -sale of Grweme park, and Mrs. at Germantown —Treasurer always Ferguson to live rent free, she to have ~30,000 in hand —comr- paying taxes-allowance to Gen. mission to Abm. Bennett for Potter for travelling expensesarmed Pilot boat Randolph — provision for troops in Northumdraft of Congress —Jos. Ship- berland county, 364, 365. Mespen, Jr., delivers papers, &c., to sage to Assembly respecting Mrs. John Penn who is called on to de- Murray and Mrs. Ferguson-Jas. liver to Secretary-decree against Hutchinson elected to Assembly, estate of Michael Reine —order to, 367. Sailor taken-several not to 326, 327. Rewards for Indian be exchanged-Expenses of store prisoners and scalps —seditious at Walnut and Sixth-agreement papers —Wm. Young released- and memorandum between French draft of Congress-executions minister and the State, 368. ordered -- clothing, 328, 329. Debts from quartermasters, 369. Purchasers of Tinicum to be French sailors desert-supplies — put in possession —alarm from a orders for purchases-commisboat-letters —appointments, 331. sioner appointed - delegates in Sale of clothing by vendue- Congress chosen, 370, 371. Apclaim of a prize-Physic's books point persons to execute act for and papers-return of officers and procuring supplies —appointments men in fourth regiment of dra- -change in company of rangers goons, 332. Clothing —execution, — arrangement of militiain several 333. Pay for estates-discharge counties, 372, 373. Value of of Mr. Galt-all confiscated es- bridge-petition respecting John tates to be sold-oaths to be taken Roberts' estate-rejected report by officers, 341. Resolutions res- from Assembly —on claims of pecting sales of commons, &c., in Erie, &c.-complaints of malPhiladelphia- missionaries pass practice —authority to declare to Pittsburg-pay of militia, 347. martial law-justices superceded Cases of Captain Carberry and -resolution for greater ease of Lieut. Houston-deeds —great dis- militia in certain counties-exetress for meat in camp-murder cutions ordered, 374, 375 Resoof William Boyd-proclamation lutions respecting supplies and for arrest of John and Robert other measures of support and Smith, 348, 349. Conference security - regulation of passes, with Congress and Assembly on &c.-resolution of approbation of scarcity at camp-case of Mrs. Congress, 376, 377. Supplies — Ferguson, 351. Deeds-M. Ev- taxes-new mills-wrong election erly promoted-new gaol-Jus- of lieutenants-wagons, 378, 379. tices-John Nixon explains letter Committee of Congress at camp-Merchants on currency, 352, wants of army-petition, John INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 361 Supreme Executive Council-xii. Supreme Executive CouncilSwanwick —deeds —estate R. Swan- British-deed-confiscated estate wick and Edward Jones, 381. -shipment to Cape Francois, 413. Drafts from Congress-deed-pe- Application of James Searle for a tition for independent corps- loan, 414. His commission, 415. proclamation for martial law, &c., Instructions, 416. Compensation, 383. Enemy approaching-troops &c., 418. Cases of E. Grizzle and to be in readiness-rank to officers J. Wilson, traitors-French bills -fraud in transportation to Tren- of exchange, 419, 422. Purchases ton-passes, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. -deeds-recruits for St. ClairAllen-critical state of army, 386, clothes for General Armstrong and 387. Embargo, 387. Mititia son-J. Eichelberger, 421. Interfines-Mr. Ryan, militia inspector est on loan-exchange on Dr. -arms to be collected and none Franklin- opinion, George Bryant left with disaffected-object to in- on French deserters —forage on dependent corps, 388, 389. Arms Hudson river-purchases, &c., for Colonel Rea-artillery com- 423. Sales of teas, 423, 427. pany-Durham tract, 390, 391. March of troops-arrival of French allowance to volunteers for arms fleet at Rhode Island-sheriff to -light horse for General W.- arrest four females, wives of armed boats to attend Mercury tories-letters to and from De packet-special commission for an Corney, 425. Suspicious trade armed whaleboat-appointments, from Bermuda-Mud island-par392, 393. Orders for wagons- dons — appointments, 426, 427. for money, 395, 396. Desertion Recruits for Pennsylvania line — of French sailors-order for arrest bounties-deserters, 431. Supof wife of a refugee-A. Doz, re- plies for French fleet —Hessian signs, and Captain Hazelwood enlistments — wagons —pay of, appointed commissioner, 397. 432, 433. Nancarrow's air furCongress inquire what action an- nace-death of Captain Dawsonder various resolves-sale of ne- Lieutenant Brady promoted 435. groes at request of navy board- General Wayne on expedition provisions allowed for Havana- against Bergen —surgeons ap enlistment fines remitted —circular pointed, 437. Statement of case on taxes-resolutions of Congress, of Thomas Jones, &c., of Captain 398, 399. A traitor prohibited Coren's artillery artificers, 438. from keeping public house. — Orders for money —frame for Thos. Traitor captured and carried into Wharton's picture-deeds to C. mountains-embargo-Cap. Burd W. Peale-Thos. Lawrence, &c., resigns-recruits and teams, 400, reserved for University, 441. 401. Lot for public landing on Pledge for money to be borrowed Race street-sale postpoled-pass — sale of damaged provisions at for Havana —labors at Mud island — auction-orders for money, 442, Letters and resolutions from Con- 443, 444. Congress-Warrantsgress, 402, 403. Enemy leaves Confirmation of line with Virginia New Jersey —port partially opened -resolution of Rhode Island-printing-John Dover's case, deed to A. Rex-Dr. Hutchinson 402, 404, 407. Execution ordered Director General of military of R. and J. Smith-purchases, hospitals-horses to be collected, 405. Decision on taxes-pay- 444, 445, 446. Deed-ordersments-appointments, 407. Pro- pardons, 447. Deed, 448. Conclamation suspending purchases, duct of Rufus Gardner-paymas408. Desertion of French sailors, ter orders, 449. Appointments, 409. Returns of purchases, 411. 451. Advise President to take Congress and bills of exchange- command of troops-two boats to pardons-spy executed-opinion be fitted out to seize provisions, on capture of French subjects by 452. Scanty of provisions and 3;62 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council —xii. Supreme Executive Councilhands in New Jersey-deserters- passes-pardon-purchase of catprovisions shipped, 454. Peti- tle-warrants to arrest certain tion, Chester county-debts-jus- traitors-Captain Joel, 495, 496. tices died-yellow fever at Char- Proclamation against certain traileston-quarantine at Mud island, tors, 496. Distresses of army457. Deed, 458. Orders coun- pay of teams-release, &c., of termandcling march of militia- traitors - pay of militia, 499. paymaster-defenceless state of Flour for arnmy-resolutions of Northumberland in case of with- Conress —arrival and arrest of Dr. drawal of German regiment, 461. Adam Kuhn-'negroes, 501, 502. Drafts of Congress-deed, 463. Pardon of negroes-refuse further Resignation of Lieutenant Currie time to depart to D. Franks and -suit of clothes for Reverend R.'WC. Hamiltonl-pay J. ArndtMcMnrdy-commissioner of pur- passes, 502, 503. Vessel in which chases, 465. Murders by Indians Dr. Kuhn arrives examined at his in Berks-troops sent, 467. For- expense-Thomas Paine paid for tifications at Mud island-deed- ten dozen of the "Crisis." W. doubts on militia law, 469, 470. Hamilton allowed to go to St. Mr. Holker ships- provisions Eustatia, 503. WV. Constable to scarce at fort Pitt-confiscated give bond-Dr. Kuhn and family estate-letters and resolutions of to depart for St. Croix, and to Congress respecting pay and lands give security not to returnto officers, 471-473. Capture of Joshua Edwards to be arrestedprovisions -order respecting —mi- judge advocate of militia-pass to litia fines-message to Assembly D. Franks, &c., 504, 505. New on taxes-militia-letters, Gene- members-elections-pardons, &c., ral W., 475. Decision of Virginia 506, 507. Election-pass to Miss on boundary —scarcity in the Arnold — D. Franks sick, 509. army-contracts for captured pro- Elections, 513. Passes mulatto Visions-resignation of Lieuten- slave —Pennsylvania Hospitalant Myers-privateers, 477. Mer- Dr. Kuhn, 515. Proclamation for chants of Philadelphia against fast, 516. Dr. Kuhn-unnapproMarshal, 478. Ensigns-appre- priated l1hnds ceded to Congress hension of suspected persons-B. -General Washington against Galbraith refuses to deliver up temporary enlistments, 517. papers-deed-conference on pri- Baron Steuben to occupy Arnold's soners on Long Island-sales by country seat, 519. W. Hamilton auction, 480, 481. Conference to go to his country seat —Arnold's on finances, 481. Answer, M. wife to depart from the StateClarkson-justices —appointmenlts shingling old work house-militia -yellow fever, 483. Orders — company augmented by resolution resolution of Congress —supplies of Congress-John McFarlane to -pardons —militia for Northamp- be arrested, 521. Resolution of ton-account, T. Scott, 485. Con- Congress-various papers —conference respecting Virginia-peti- sideration of complaints against tions - Westmoreland co., 487. Marshal, &c., 522. Resignation of Arnold's joining enemy-search Justices, &c.-Traitors allowed to for his papers-various letters- embark for West Indies-refuse justices appointed-confederation allowing provisions to go to — Vandalia or Indiana county, Nantucket-three auctioneers for 491. Confederation in New York Philadelphia, 524, 525. Justices -militia to Northumberland —W. and Treasurer resign-inquiry into Austin's estate- orders for pay- Marshal's conduct-new member, Colonel M. Smith, resigns-ship- 526, 527. Message to Assembly, ments of provisions for Bermuda on army —Virginia boundary, &c., refused, 493. Traitors' papers - 528-531. Marshal exonerated, but INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 363 Supreme Executive Council —xii. Supreme Executive Councilsuperceded, 533. Promotions — money, 567. Petitions Joseph Wm. Hamilton —executions —re- Stansbury, &c.- Resolution of prieves, 535. Orders for execu- Congress-Wyoming garrison —of tions, &c.-appoint Clement Biddle Assembly, finances-pay for York Marshal-proclamation for fast, county-auctioneer, 569. Forci. 538. Suspend sales of estates, ble possession taken of Hog Islandc 539. Elect President and Vice- -pay for Mud Island-pardon in President, 541. To prevent frauds Bucks county —loan under resoluof using American prize papers, tion of Assembly-deed, 571, 572. by British vessels-purchase of Defence of suits for militia fines pay-General Potter, a member, — ardon-pay General Potter543. Jno. Piper, a member-State new charge against Francis money-clothing for army and Hopkinson-J. Stansbury, 573. quarters-message to Assembly- Stolen property-F. Hopkinsonexpenses of Governor-promo- deposits of provisions-message tions, 545. Appoint Justices to to Assembly-arms taken, 575. preside over Courts, 546. J. D. Suits for arms taken- troops Sergeant resigns as Attorney- entitled to draw stores-deeds — General —W. Roberts as Lieuten- petitions, 577. Case of F. Hopant-Colonel-license restored- kinson —tried, 578, 579, 580, 581, Colonel J. Piper Lieutenant-new 582, 583. Unanimously acquit member-Win. Hamilton may go him, 581. Assembly on Commisto country seat, 549.'W. Brad- sioners and Quarter-Master cerford, Attorney-General-promo- tificates-Commissioner of purtions —Mons. Oster, certificate —- chases-estate of Wm. Austin, money for Congress, 551. Deeds assigned to University-Receiver — Traitors from Jersey, 553. Ap- of provisions-New Jersey pripointments by Assembly-Joseph soners —proceedings of Connecticut Stansbury's estate-message to convention —Wyoming —alarm for Assembly, finances, 555. Loan supplies, 584, 585. War between office-Captain Coxe on a flag of Delaware and Seneca Indianstruce —New Jersey traitor —Justice Mud Island-repairs to public resigned, 557. Win. West, Jr.- magazine —purchase of cannons Colonel Miles authorized to cut declined-promotions, 587. Tonwood from land near city-Justice nage duty — pedlar refused a resigns-corn to be purchased for licence-Auditors to settle acFederal army, 559. Deed —-con- counts of troops-inclosure of ference-Captain Moore's volun- Library, 588. Bills of credit, teers paid and discharged- proclamation, 589. Relief of Wypurchase of corn rescinded, 561. oming-Hog Island held for State, Suspicious vessel, at Warder's 591, 592. Mutiny of Pennsylwharf-Congress ask names of vania line-President and GenCommissioner for supply of eral Potter sent to, 593. Loan on southern army — Messrs. Bache and Treasurer's note-appointment- - Smith to indorse bills emitted by Justices-pass for Joseph StansState-petitions, 563. Message bury's wife —Thomas Wharton's respecting powers of council- estate-Thomas Paine paid as Supreme Court, &c., to apprehend Clerk of Assembly —orders for suspected persons, &c., 564. money 595. Specie to be sent to:Suspected persons-Col. Morgan President —ill-treatment of prito pay off Berks county militia — soners —money raised for by each no moneyto Col. Lindemuth-im- State, 597. Money required by peachment of Francis Hopkinson Congress —clearance of vessels — -payments —message to Assembly ill-treatment of prisoners at INew -who decline to pay Commis- York, 603. Opinion in answer to sioners of purchases in continental Treasurer to pay pension to Lieu 364 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council —xii. Supreme Executive Counciltenant Bush —suit against Mease Sub-Lieutenant Agnew, 633. and West, 604. Quarters for Escheator-General appointed - officers of Pennsylvania Line — Hog Island case —extension of term of service, 605. Officers and Mason & Dixon's line-Commisrecruitng stations —claims of offi- sioners-Jacob Weaver, a Justice, cers in Pennsylvania Line-com- removed for adultery, 635. Taxes plaints against Colonel Resa, 607. and fines-pay at BillingsportPetition of Tax-payers in Berks pay to seven months men, 637. county, 608. Officers of Pennsyl- Discharge of militia-depreciation vania Line, 609. Agents ap- pay-account of provisions purpointed for confiscated estates- chased — deed —barracks- brickMoney to each county for enlisting yard, 639. Vacant lots in city -burnt vessels injure fisheries on -arms to be repaired-attestJersey shore —persons authorized ing recruits-Colonel Hart's acto remove them, 611. Exchange counts- message to Assembly between State and continental on protection of inhabitantsmoney-to be published monthly plan for, 641. Returns of taxsain newspaper-to fix the rate —re- ble property-pay of volunteers pairs to barracks —money to make -composition of southern army purchases-resignation of John - wagons, 643. Message on Peters,jr.-deed for S.Shoemaker's tender of a portion of flour exestate-lrilitia called out-depre- ported —depreciation —confinement ciation accounts —where to be of soldiers inquired into — insettled-pay to wife of Robert crease of auditors - appropriaMcCabe, killed-General St. Clair tion by Assembly for raising wants money for troops, 613. infantry, 645. Auditors appointConference with committee of ed in each county - complaint Congress on money-Auditors for against J. Martin and J. Bailey, settling depreciation on officers' 647. Depreciation-conventionaccounts resign —deeds —Congress troops to be removed-conference ask 100 rank and file-Justice on calling in continental moneyappointed, 615. Officers to go to articles of confederation ratified their regiments, 616. Deeds, 617, by all the States - Auditors 618, 619, 620, 621. Suryeyor- ready-repair of barracks, 649. General to search for papers, 621. Grant permission to Dr. Kuhn to Bounty on recruits -clothing- return-pay of militia-Darby officers for new companies —value road-resignation, 651. Resoluof a cargo, 623. Message to tion of Assembly on pay of miliAssembly on state of affairs- tia, pay of Auditor —report on soldiers' Taxes-new counties in case of John Perry, 653. Disthe west, 624, 626. Soldiers dis- missedl-D. Duncan appointedcharged-Captain Boys has charge resolution on gratuities, &c., to of forts and gallies, 727. Orders officers, 655, 656. Orders-dis-A. Hubley Lieutenant-cases pute with Connecticut, 657. Orof claims for discharge from ders for defence of frontiers to invalid corps-stations for recruits, officers of several counties-bar629. Expenses of Governor, 630. racks at Lancaster, 659. Call of Hog Island survey —Committee militia-conference on convention on part —Jo. Galloway's property prisoners-C. Wirtz removed and -petitions —state of frontiers, J. Miller appointed-deed to Jonas 631. Lieutenants appointed- Philips —account of pay to Pennreward to Captain S. Brady, for sylvania line ordered-claim on an Indian scalp-causes of dis- Hog Island to be prosecuted-pay content in Pennsylvania line- for extending Mason and Dixon's account from agents for confis- line, 661. Officers of volunteer cated estates — resignation of company appointed - respite - INDEX TO COLONIAL BECORDS. 365 Supreme Executive Council-xii. Supreme Executive Counciltraitor from New Jersey to be ar- Jas. Tilghman, late Surveyor of rested, 663. Number of recruits Land Office, called on for books, for federal army —cannon-flag of &c. —property of Schuylkill floattruce granted only by Congress- ing bridge vested in Geo. Gray, return of clothing to be made- 690. Resolutions of Assemblyproclamation for attainder of pay of militia —supplies of federal traitors, 665. Darby road-Jus- army —recruiting —calling in contice-execution ordered - mes- tinental and State money, 691. sage-State Island to be sold in Purchases —bounty —new levies — lots, 667. Deeds-city lots laid conference on means of expediting off and sold-Congress ask march march of Penna. line —sale of conof the line in detachments, 669. fiscated estates, 692. Doorkeeper Report on taxes-enlistments — not to pay militia fines, 696. State or Province Island to be sold State Library, books to be rein lots-proceeds to be applied to turned, 699. Guard for Commissinking bills of credit-day of sioners on boundary — Wagon fasting fixed by Congress-deed, Masters —Darby road —purchases671. Accounts of Lieutenant's epaulets —pay to Joseph Gardner, deeds, 673. Money called for by 701. Muskets from Board of Congress-Court Martial on Lieut. WVar —bayonets for LancasterBigham —account for newspapers- materials purchased for repair of Col. Udree resigns as sub-Lieut. — State House steeple —establishmessage on Acts of Assembly to- ment of Courts for trial of pirawards traitors, 675. Message on cies, &c,, by Congress-CommisLieutenants and Lieutenant's ac- sioners to pay depreciation certicounts-defence of frontiers, 677. ficates —none but officers of the Conference with Assembly-divi- line entitled to it-pay to Comsion line of Hog Island —enlist- missioners for running the line, ments in Northumberland and 702, 703. Instructions to ComBedford, 679. Assembly ask missioners, 704. List of officers conference on recall of agent to to be paid depreciation certificates, Europe on loans-J. Rankin's es- 705. Conference on suppliestate-nolle prosequi-W. Hamil- enemy about leaving New York ton may remain in the State — for Delaware —defence —depreciaWashington county formed out of tion pay, 707. Renewal of a lost Westmoreland —Prothonotary ap- certificate -- various orders for pointed, 681. State House stee- money —gaol fees-deeds, 708, pie to be taken down and repair- 709. Proclamation for arrest of ed-Probate of Wills, &c., ap- W. Rankin, 710. State House pointed-account J. Lacey, Jr. — for Land Office —frigate Trumbull, capture, &c., of prizes —prosecu- purchase of powder-depreciation of Lieutenant Bigham, 683. tion to be made good to Colonel Money to York —clothing —depre- Hazen's regiment, 713. Orders ciation-enemy about to leave for money —Commissioners on New York for Delaware, 685. line —defence of frontiers-PennOrder a soldier of fourteen or sylvania line-prize moneyfifteen years to be discharged- printing —depreciation, 714. Dedefenceless state of Berks county preciation, 716, 718. Taxes —call and defence of Delaware —two of Assembly, 717. Payof troopscompanies to be raised —delin- Col. Humpton —guard at fortsquent Commissioners liable to depreciation — officers for south fine —promotions-case of Samuel under General Wayne —Physick's Carson —arrest of an offender- books and papers to Col. Johndeed, 687. Appoint officers of ston —two companies for defence Land Office —confiscated estate, of forts, 719. Terms andofficersexpenses-partial pardon, 689. repairs of State House-military 366 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xii. Supreme Executive Councilelection-disputed powers of As- Robinson, deceased-James Read sembly in Executive affairs —case elected —Andrew Allen's estate, of Isaac Austin-Capt. Carothers 745. Deed-Colonel Johnstonresigns —pay of State Clothier- Col. Brodhead-tobacco to be militia in Berks ordered out, 720, shipped-pay officers at Fort Pitt, 721. Militia — George Stump- 747. Message to Assembly, finanJudge Smith resigns —French ces —Auditors of accounts-amendsailors-orders, 722, 723. Pro- ment of land office laws, 749. clamation to receive continental Stamping bills paid-barracks of money-sales of land in Phila- Lancaster —estate of Benj. Booth — delphia, 724, 725. Darby road- deed, 751. Message -militiapetition of D. A. Henning re- price of labor-Pennsylvania line, ferred to Supreme Court-memo- 753. Estate Alexander Corbittrial officers of Proctor's regiment, defence of frontiers —brig Eliza727. H. Shrupp paid for a horse — beth —books, &c., delivered to memorandum of Naval Officer, Receiver-General - deed, 755. vessel without papers —Act re- Message, requisition of cavalry, specting bills of credit —French 758, 759. Volunteers, 763. Pemarine desires to ship flour to St. tition Captain Hart against Col. Domingo, 729. Executions —pi- H., who is cleared —message to rate hung in chains-deed, 730, Assembly on state of affairs, 763. 731, 733. Pirate respited, 732. Recruits of fed:~ral army —militia A. Boyd resigns-circular of Con- called out, 765. Mons. Massongress asking that master and nare forfeits goods, 767. Militia chief may sign in presence of called out-Paymaster of York, Naval Officer, 732, 733. Deed-re- Ensign Samuel Quinn, 769. Resoprieves-Commissioners of taxes, lutions of Assembly, 770. MiliEPhiladelphia-quota of troops — tia ordered out-sale of city lots clothing a soldier's wife, 735. under G. Bryan. and Geo. SchlosConvention troops-liquidation of ser —petitions, 773. Receivers of United States' debts —expenses of recruits —orders-deed —Jno. Sigcampaignn- deed — accounts of friedt —moneys —resignation of R. Lieutenants-complaint of Capt. Good, 775. Excess of militia ofJohn against Col. Joseph Hart, fering, 777. Riflemen for General 736, 737. Message to Assembly- W. —returns to be made up by R. Pennsylvania line-formed and Morris - lots in Philadelphia on march under General Wayne — claimed by R. Peters —pardons of militia-prisoners, &c. —Lieut. S. prisoners in gaol, 779. Accounts Rea resigns, 739. Resolution of of sappers and miners at campAssembly, and conference, 740, claim of H. Christ and H. Haller 741. Message to Assembly, de- for land in Reading-leave of abmands of Congress, &c.-call of sence to Col. Nicola —sale of lots Gen. Wayne.for men-mediation in Philadelphia —deed and patent, of Vienna and Petersburg-Con- 781. Jno. F. Reichell returns to gress ask for men-distresses in Saxony-B. Shoemaker to New Northumberland county —report Jersey —deed —survey of land in on taxes from Bedford —letters Cumberland county-Thos. Mcfrom Board. of War-Col. Brod- Kean elected President of Conhead, Col. Morgan-purchases- gress-Robert Morris to be furBaron De Arentz-referred to nished with account of requisiCongress, 742, 743. James.Read tions of money, 784. resigns-no more bills of credit to Ammunition-provide for pribe issued-a claim to A. Corbitt's soners from Charlestown, xiii., 1. estate —message to Assembly, Resolutions respecting goods from bills of credit-Register of Court Virginia under-seizure to be given of Admiralty. in room of Andrew up, and Simon Nathan, plaintiff, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 367 Supreme Executive Council-xiii. Supreme Executive Councilcalled up. and discharged, 2. 43. Pay for damage of PrinceRiflemen-pay for traitor funds ton College by militia, 44. Lands -robber arrested in Trenton- claimed by Yorktown, 44. City sales of lots inclosed with Epis- lots, 45, 46, 47. Estate of George copal and Presbyterian Churches Backman-clothing for Pennsylto be suspended-clerk of market vania line-Mud Fort and Billingasat York appointed, 3. Proclama- port-T. Pickering, Quartermastion respecting British half- ter-General —capture of a flag of pence, 4. French sailors-A. Car- truce-city lots-embargo proclalisle's estate, 5. City lots-pay- mation revoked - repairs of ment to R. Morris-Justices- steeple, 48, 49. Appoint the sons order of Congress for money, 7. of Baron De Kalb ensigns, 51. Recruits at Newtown-sale of lots Deed to Joseph Carson-appointon State Island to Mr. Holker- ment of Clement Biddle Quarterdeeds in all cases to be made to master-General, and W. Cooper purchasers at public sale-shoes ensign-order out 3000 mento be delivered to Captain Zeigler French seamen, 53, 54. Petition -case of Win. Pollard, 8, 9. Set- respecting tax-agreement with tlement between Connecticut and Winm. Smith for care of Forts and Pennsylvania-resolutions of As- Pest-house-deeds, 55, 56, 57. sembly and petition to Congress Messages to Assembly, 58, 66, — against receiving money for 107, 128, 248, 258-262, 348, 363, sale of Hogg Island —return of 408, 425, 439, 483, 517, 537, 538, Mr. Searle, 10, 11. Deeds-S. 682, 733, 761. Various orders R. Fisher discharged-notary ap- for purchases, &c.-recognition pointed, 13. No pay for sales at of Sieur Holker as Consul-GeneHogg Island-deserters-loan for ral, 59. Conference on finances, South Carolina and Georgia, 15. 60. Pikeland case —conference Connecticut claim —State House on defence, 61, 62. Call on -ensign removed-supplies to Commodore Hazelwood for men forts-men there to be discharged -deed for city lots, 63, 64. -pardons, 16, 17. Papers of Wagons, 65, 66. Deecl-purMayor-militia of Northampton, chases —message to Assembly, 19. Courts-deeds-notary pub- 67. Quarters for troops, 68. lic-gunpowder-exemption from March of enemy-militia called militia by Justices-pay of militia, out and orders-Captain J. Liver20, 21. Deserter-escheator to good appointed-Dr. Jackson, 70, take estates-claim of Major Parr 71. Rations, 71. Money to Con-of Benj. Booth given up-cloth- gress through R. Morris-retaining for Pennsylvania line —two ing fee in Bucks-enemy at Stapipes wine seized, 22, 23. Wagon ten Island —militia delayed, 73. hire in New Jersey, 24. Deeds, Militia detained-Peter Parlee26, 30, 31, 32. Claims of H. Frederick Limback-Thos. AnderPaulding for lands at Wyalusing, son resigns, 74. Justices to revise sale stopped —sundry persons to be their rules, 74, 75. Sale at Prodelivered up by Sheriff, 32. Claim vince Island vacated, 75. Direcof Pikeland county for city lots- tor of Hospitals, 76. Attainted deed-James Cunningham's ac- persons-resolutions - boundary count, 33. Sale on Province Is- with Virginia-commissioners to land, 34. City lots, 35. Notary run line-Connecticut claimpublic, 36. Claim for Lutheran march of troops, 79. Deeds, 80, Church, 36. Call on militia, 37. 81. Discharge of troops-taxesJustices in Chester county, 38. death of Colonel Kichline —anothei Sale postponed, 39. Recruits- elected-election in Bucks-supcity lots, 39, 40. Embargo, 41. plies paid Congress —Col. Irvine Appraisement of leaden spouts, to be obeyed: at Fort Pitt, 82, 83. 368 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xiii. Supreme Executive CouncilMovements of enemy-discharge rations and prices-robbery of of militia-religious visit to Ire- collectors in Chester Countyland-how viewed by Council- message, 128, 129. Lot of Samelection-Philadelphia, 84, 85. uel Fox —address to General Elections-boxes for public pa- Washington on capture of Cornpers, 87. Elections, 88, 89. News wallis-and his answer —repreof surrender of Lord Cornwallis sentation on bahalf of the Quaarrives —orders for rejoicings- kers, 130, 131. Resolutions and Treasurer of Bucks county robbed conference on expedition against — proclamation respecting, 95. Indians- establishment of-board Suit against Jno. Vanderen for of property-election, 133. Perbreach of contract-case of Benj. sons to embark for FranceFord, a prisoner-enlargement- elections-reprieves-change in deed-nolle pros. in case of mo- bounty, 135. Claim for City ther of Thomas Forrest, 97. Light lots-retaining fees to counsel in House-new wardens chosen- Connecticut case —depreciation fast day-Justice resigns, 100, to Physician-execution, 137. 101. Wardens - John Hanson, Deed-City lots -plan — postPresident of Congress-Justice poned sale-depositions on robresigns, 105. Agents resigned or bery on collectors in Bucks and appointed-to report estates un- Chester-agents of estates apsold, 107. Eulogium on Gen. pointed, 139. Lots and lands — Greene-taxes - frontiers —mus- persons to view, 140. Deeds for ter of militia —deeds, 108, 109. city lots —Christ Church bells, President and Vice-President- pay for ringing-clothing, 143. damaged arms to be sold, 110, Accounts of J. Marshall-Mons. 111. Wnm. Moore, President, and Holker-depreciation-taxes to be James Potter, Vice-President- collected-British vessel in DelaDeclaration signed —read at Court ware, refuses to be examined-to House-order of procession, 112, be stopped by Capt. A. Porter at 113. Executions ordered-cer- Mud Island-clothing for Bedford, tain troops to proceed to Lancas- 145. John Lukens, Surveyor Genter from Fort Rice, 117. Deeds eral for plan of City lots-deeds, for city lots, 118, 119. Unfair 146. Election of a Councillor for election in Philadelphia, 119, 120. Philadelphia-plans of City lots Petitions for pardon-orders for paid for-Lieutenant resigns, 149. money, 121. Use of documents Ammunition for various places — granted to Ebenezer Hazard- Captain Boyds discharged from Justices-Dr. Barnabas Binney service with compliments to his applies for depreciation pay- merit, 151. Sailors for French pass to New York for son of Rev. frigate, 153. What captures Thomas Coombe, 122. Mode of are lawful-servants of R. R. assessing taxes- Samuel Sterret Livingston-depreciation case of -report of Surveyor-General on A. Stuart to be settled-purchases claim, John Egg for city lots- commission-plan for recruiting resolutions of Congress on Con- Pennsylvania line - places of necticut controversy —and of Ge- rendezvous-Col. Richard Hampneral Assembly, 123. Pay of mi- ton appointed superintendent, litia of Philadelphia-proclama- 154, 165. Agreement for suption for a fast day —supplies to plies of militia-Dr. Duffield's United States, 125. Sales of Pro- depreciation, - election - WVestvince Island-election deeds- moreland, 157, 158. Arrest and frontiers, 126, 127. Appoint imprisonment of John ConReed, Bradford, and Wilson nolly-election in Philadelphia, counsel on Connecticut claim 161, 163; Supplies-rations, -state of Barracks —frontiers- Connolly's servant, 163. Report INTDEX TO COLON IAL RECORDS. 369 Supreme Executive Council-xiii. Supreme Executive Council — on value of estates-guard for ders for;money, 213. Deed —prisoners-orders for money, 165. Fort Muncey, —-Ensign —-appointDeeds for City lots-pay to mili- ed J. Dickinson Sergeant —-additia of city; Claim of James Wal- tional counsel on Connecticut lace for a' lot-Edward Cooke, Claim, 215. Deeds-inquiry appointed sub-Lieutenant, 167, about Connecticut troops, 217. 168. Recruits-depreciation-ra- Ask opinion of Supreme Court —tions for State Fleet, paid for 20th Section of Constitutiondefences of frontiers, 169. British deed - supplies - Justices - angoods to be seized, Committee to swer of Supreme Court, 219, value lot of M. Aspden-deeds, 220 Election-extension of au170, 171, 172. What captures are thority in case of siege-horse lawful-pay for Riflemen-pay thief, 221. Controversy between for watching the British fleet, 173. S. Lyons and Major J. Smith, reOn revenue from imports, claim specting cattle-defence of fronfor a lot in city, report of sur- tiers-Captain Porter promoted, veyor-general on T. Forrest's also Captain Craig-election of claim for city lots, and also by Councillor, 222, 232, 233. ConferB. Davis-Deeds, 175, 176. Capt. ence on defence of frontiers-acLivergood's pay-Moses Scott's, counts, 235. J. Reed appointed &c. Colonel Stephen Balliott, counsel in case of Big Spring 177. Guard house to be repair- tract-deeds, 236. Petitions reed, 178. Deeds —places of ren- ferred by Assembly-land in dezvous. President and Judge of Bucks to be valued —arms to City Courts, 181. Deeds-comn- be delivered to Petit & Fitzsimplaint against F. Hopkinson, ons, 236, 237. Sheriff to re182. Gen. Washington on sup- turn-sales of merchandise from plies-Deeds-Report on election St. Thomas-case of Baron, Hurst of Councillor, 184, 188. Speedy & Co.-purchasers of City lots to modes of justice between French be put in possession-on Province and American subjects-Colonel Island to pay, 241. Committee Nicola dismissed with thanks as to draw up message to Assembly Town Major, 185. Report and -settlement with Mr. Holker, discussion on election of Coun- 242. Remonstrance of Captain cillor, 184, 188, 192, 194, 195, F. Proctor-rations for Colonel 196, 197, 200, 203, 206, 210, 212, S. Balliott-election in Washing216, 217, 221, 223. Money bor- ton County, 245. Deeds for city rowed of Congress to be repaid- lots, Dr. Hutchinson's pay, 247. -supplies —horrible sentence of a Message on defence of frontiers, Criminal-remitted —pay to mili- 249. Deeds, 250, 251. A. Mctia, 195. Submit various papers Lean to run Virginia line-to to Assembly —deeds, 199. Bank have militia from Washington of North America, 201. Vacancies County-Worsley Emes as Capt. and promotions in Regiments- -George Campbell, Register of Line with Virginia-militia called Wills, 253. Permit exports to out, 203, 206. Deeds-James Pat- Antigua-reward for prisoners, erson appointed Commissioner on 254. Class men-Rangers of line in Virginia, 205. Defence of Bedford County, 257. Grant to Frontiers-Taxes-money due C. P. Snyder-Captain Prizgard Sower, to be paid-State-recruit- breaks health laws-may draw on ing, 207. Conference with As- State Treasury-message,-varsenbly on Virginia line —-not to ious grievances-interference, be by astronomical observation —- with powers of, 258 262. Apfear of revolt at Fort Pitt —-report point justices-on failure to elect on M. Aspden's estate, 209. Van- in certain counties 264. Proclasteer's corps, 211. Various or- mation for fast day —solicitor on 24 370 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council —xiii. Supreme Executive CouncilConnecticut claim,' 267. Esti- vine proposing emigration and mate of leaden spouts-provis- killing of Indians at Muskingum — ions for persons engaged in run- cost of entertainment in Dauphin, ning Virginia line, 269. Approve 288, 297. Counsellors-feesof buying ship General Monk to banks at Mud Island, 297. Redefend the Delaware-deeds, 271. prieve-orders for money. J. D. Paper for laws-resignation-ap- Sergeant, in case of Hog Island, pointments of officers, 275. Seven 299. Deeds, city lots, 305. Public months men-deed-pay to Con- creditors, 307. Deeds, 304. Sale gress-fees to counsel-J. Gallo- of articles ordered, 311. James way's estate and J. Reid's sold, Searle arrives —ammunition or281. Adjourn to attend recep- dered-counsellors appointed on tion of news of birth of Dauphin Connecticut claims-case of Smith of France-delivery of a deserter & Lyons-robbery of Southern from —Pennsylvania line, 281. mail-reward offered, 311. ProclaPetition for goods seized on L. mation, 312, 313. Severe sentence Hollingsworth's shallop-state- -Connecticut claim-militia callment from Robert Morris on old ed out —trade with enemy-city Continental money-officers elect- lots, 315, 317, 320. Report ed in Chester county militia- of Surveyor-General on lots Dauphin of France-address to claimed by Moore, Hill & French Minister-ship General Wells, 321. Refuse to allow Washington hired to superintend- John Henry to lecture on ent of finance for a voyage-com- heads-claims to city lotsmissions issued to Captain Joshua fencing lands at Billingsport —Hog Barney, &c., 282, 283. Address I'ld, 325. Seizure of British goods, to French Minister and reply-in- 329. H. Osburne to have books terest to be charged on delinquent and papers -- deserters —proclacity lot purchasers, 285. Sur- mation against traitors, 332. plus purchases not needed, to Deeds - Virginia line - arms be sold at auction-resolutions as brought from Billingsport, 335. to powers of Congress alone to Proclamation for robbers —prize make treaties with Great Britain, money-pay of deserters forfeited, 286, 288. Order pay for an 339. Deed-clothing —lead to be entertainment, 288. Military delivered, 341. British deserters generals elected-dates of com- to report themselves -- Jesse missions, 289. Military in coun- Vickers to be executed, but if he ties to be in readiness —conference make discoveries to be pardoned with Congress on pursuing war -conference on Connecticut *with vigor, &c., 291. Approve of claim-General Greene proposed military proceedings in Northum- as seventh Judge-pay to Van berland County-election of Jus- Etten's Company - meeting of -tice-state of frontiers-petition Board of property-Jesse Vickers Ito defer sales of land in North- partially confesses, 343. Exeumberland County, —military of- cution deferred, he and others f-cers elected-repairs of light- to be removed to Philadelphia house-guard for prisoners, 293. gaol, and militia dischargedCertain persons summoned be- Caleb Paul to be demanded of fore Council-to State indebted- Governor of New Jersey-ammuness,'294, 297. Reports of Sur- nition to Chester county-deed veyor-General on claims to City for city lots, 344-loans —British lots-also call for demands for goods —robberies-taxes —moneys horses and cattle purchased, 295. due militia —execution of J. Board of property, members ap- Vickers further postponed, 349. pointed-stores to be furnished Indians in Berks county-C militia-letters from General Ir- Werkeiser's estate divided among INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 371 Supreme Executive Council —xiii. Supreme Executive Councilhis children-resolutions of New robberies in Bucks county, 381. York —loan-election of Justice Defence of frontiers-deeds —purrejected, 351. Supplies required chase vessel for defence of Dela-an answer to assembly-defence ware-plates for counterfeiting, of the Delaware-permission to 385. Articles furnished General sell ship Genl. Washington — Potter-passes, &c., 386. Surpay for taking prisoners of war, veyor-General paid for plans of 353, 354. Permit to Ebenezer city lots, 389. Elections, 391, Hazard to examine public docu- 393, 395, 397, 398. Proclamation ments —conference with Assembly of Congress for thanksgiving, 396, on present critical situation of 400. Letter to General W. on affairs, 355. Committee to confer abandonment of Wyoming, 399. with Gen. Washington on Indian Col. Levers to contract for supexpedition-Col. Hunter to con- plies —H. Welflang —Justices in tract for provisions-action for a Washington county —election in dead horse-militia of Berks do., 403. Estimates-quotas of called out, 357. Boats to trans- States, 405. Supplies - Indian port Rochambean's army across expedition from Fort Pitt-J. Delaware-meeting of Board of Craig resigns, 407. John Dickproperty-price of rations for Bed- inson elected-cattle in bad orford county, 359. Papers relative der-time for electing President to Connecticut claim to be ex- and Vice President-expense of amined-sale of ship Gen. Wash- trial with Connecticut, 411. Proington-opposition to militia law, gramme of election of President 361. Rations-Indian expedition and Vice President, 412. Corp-authority to draw on Assembly ference with Connecticut-elecand object-damage by enemy, tion-John Dickinson and James 363. Men required by Board of Ewing, 413. Conference with WPar-called out, 365. Assembly counsel and Solicitor on evidence inquire amount of expenses of respecting Connecticut claimsuit against Connecticut —deeds — Indians in Northumberland-exaction of IH. Gross against Dishler penses of fitting up Comptroller's for purchases-shoes disposed of — office, 417. Order respecting Inofficers in Proctor's artillery regi- dian deeds and other- papers rement ask for promotion-invita- specting Connecticut-John Penn tion to attend consecration of to be applied to-enlistment of Jews' Synagogue, asking protec- eighteen months' men —electiontion, 367. Various petitions and Dobb's ferry for receipt of flags, pardons-call on militia of certain 419. Funds for defence-deeds counties-damage by enemy esti- respecting Connecticut-destitute mated, 369. General Potter to Indian prisoners —report of Compcommand troops on Indian expe- troller-General on accounts for dition —money to be drawn from rations-Ebenezer Hazard to be National Bank of North America — applied to for papers on Connecappointments for purchases-mar- ticut —state of ranging companies — shal of admiralty to pay moneys expenses of Connecticut controto Treasurer, 371. Loan of arms versy-report on accounts of Wm. from State-expense of Sandusky Maclay, 420, 421. Paper money expedition, 373. Rations for mili- now in circulation-Indian expetia-troops under General Potter ditions countermanded —various at Muncey-French seamen-pro- orders for money, 423. Robert clamation, 375. Troops called Morris, Colonel Butler-National out from city-General W. against Bank —settlements on Ohio, 425, Indian expedition-troops recalled- 426. Disposal of money for depasses-J. Reed assistant counsel fence, 426. Contracts for supto Attorney-General in case of plies in Northumberland-for pest 372 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xiii. Supreme Executive Councilhouses to cease and salary at Mud vania Hospital-militia want pay, Island and Billingsport, 429. 457. Pass from Admiral Digby Court on Connecticut meets at for vessel with provisions —Ezekiel Trenton —General Irvine on set- Robbins to distribute them among tiers on Ohio-prisoners in prison prisoners, 459. Commissioners ships at New York-reward for for officers, 461. H. Osburne reapprehending John Tomlinson of turns deeds per list and they are Bucks, 431. Deeds-proclama- handed to D. Kennedy-accounts tion against vice and immorality — and payments, 462-470. Letter — case of John Fishel, a prisoner John Dickinson on state of affairs — by General Burgoyne, 432. Pa- eighteen months men —H. Ospers from J. Turner and B. Chew burne directed to place extracts belonging to Land Office to be in hands of Secretary —proclamademanded, 435. Papers delivered tion-desertions of French sailors, up by Jno. Penn-quantity of 473. Prisoners returnfrom among supplies to be credited-various Indians, pay and clothes-vessels orders for money, 437. Indian in Delaware river to be searched deeds to be delivered to Mr. Os- for French sailors-pay to rangersburn-message to Assembly- decree in favor Pennsylvania powers of counties to levy money — against Connecticut-proclamation evils of debts to the State-pay to respecting, 475. Loan of papers militia —Court House for Wash- to H. Osburne-rent of room at ington county-reward for appre- Marcus Hook-copies of Act adhending Levi Dean, 439. Journal verse to erecting an independent at Fort Stanwix connected with State within Pennsylvania, 477. Connecticut claim —commission to Fee to counsel-President onbusicounsel and Solicitor in do. —agent ness to be attended to-LaFayette for forfeited estates in Bucks- recommends Chevalier de Lampay for provisions-call on Gen. bert-copies of printed minutesSt. Clair for promotions-repairs orders for money, 479. Pay for to government mansion house, flour —mission of Rev. Jas. Finley, 441. Connecticutpapers returned, 481. Paid Council —British goods, 442. Election, 443. Copies of laws 483, 484, 485. Return of military purchased - complaints against stores —report of agents respectProthonotary of Northumberland- ing Connecticut - militia fines, Journal at Fort Stanwix returned- 485. Mons. Marbois to receive counsel fees in Connecticut case- powder into magazine-pass down accounts of Brigadier-General Ir- Ohio-recovery of Charlestownvine while prisoner, approved, end of Connecticut suit-various 447. Officers to make monthly letters-negotiations at Paris, 487. returns-rations-claim for ne- Pennsylvania line - revenuegroes taken —estate of Winm. Bell — taxes-prisoners at New Yorkletter —war office-E. Tyson, 449. new State-police for city-militia Discharge of a soldier by substi- laws, 489, 490. Wyoming lands, tute - Hyder Ally bought for 497. Alleged frauds in sale of State-report on excise-deed, Alexander Bartram's estate tried 451. Pay on account of Connec- and dismissed, 499. Pay to Rev. ticut suit-taxes-Major Gordon James Finley-to General Irvine on goods seized at Lancaster, 453. on account of captivity-PennsylAct respecting University re- vania line-estate of C. Saur, 500. quested -proposal of Gabriel Indian incursions stopped-treaty Blakency to raise men at Fort with United Netherlands ratified — Pitt declined-promotions, 455. memorial Cols. Coates and Loller Promotions-passport for flag for on payment to men in State moNew York-vessel to be sent with ney-city lots-deserters, 503. provisions —account of Pennsyl- Executions ordered-various pa INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 373 Supreme Executive Council-xiii. Supreme Executive Council — pers read-deeds, 505. City lots, scalps annulled, 538. Clothing 507. Claims for estate C. Saur- for British soldiers —part of goods complaint against C. Cesna-Brit- seized in Chester county-embezish goods seized-lands at WVyo- zled-Sheriff ordered to appearming, 509. Rev. Peter Miller in- Capt. John Hughes dischargedtercedes for H. Martin-Commis- T. Matlack requested to resignsioners on line between Pelnsyl- another Sec'y. to be appointedvania and Virginia -Joseph Rob- the body of Luz. Subzey to be erts, petition, 511. Case of H. delivered to D. Brodhead, Jr., Martin, Pentecost and Cannon-of 539. John Armstrong, Jr., apC. Cesna, 513. Account of Wm. pointed sec'y-papers from ConHenry of L. for arms-papers re- gress - proclamation confirming lating to C. Cesna-of Colonel J. boundary line between PennsylMorgan, Jr. —Acts and orders of vania and Virginia, 541. Reward Congress-accounts of Adam Hub- for apprehending Levi Doanley, &c.-robberies in Philadel- against John Hubley as Prothonphia and Bucks-depreciation to otary-purchases —rank —deedsPennsylvania line-account for preliminary articles for a general writing paper, 515. Confiscated peace-opinion of Supreme Court, estate-Israel Doan-accounts of 543. Henry Wynkoop, Judge of Commissioners for defence~of Del- Court of Errors and Appeals, 545. aware-John Potts, 517. Report of Pay to H. Osburne, 547. Deeds Commissioners Pennsylvania and for city lots-claim of Eliz. Kurtz Virginia —exchange of certificate — for land-receipts and expendilands of A. Yeldal-companies for tures of public moneys by SuperWyoming, 519. Horse lost- intendent of Finances-H. Baker Justices, 521. Exchange of cer- asks opinion respecting a law of tificates - soldiers to march for Assembly-Province Island —adWVyoming-pay for soldiers in ditional clerk allowed, 549. Sale Bucks county, 523. Flag of truce of armed vessels-deed —demand from Bermuda - memorial, A. on Ezekiel Robbins by David Young for purchases-extracts Sproat for moneys, 553. Proclaand resolution of Assembly on mation of Congress on cessation of accounts, &c., 525. Pay to W. hostilities, 555. Benj. Stilli ap. A. Atlee-account N. Stokely, pointed Commissioner to settle ac527. E. Bryson Smith to report counts between Penn. and United himself-damages from enemy to States-bells of Christ Church to Northampton county-estate of be rung-proclamation of peace — WVm. Bell, 529. Expenses in run- Hessian flags taken at Trenton to ning line between Pennsylvania be demanded, 559. Passport to and Virginia, 531. Report of John Penn and family, 561. Repurchase of land for Court House turn of stores at Wyoming-anin Washington county-militia or- swers of Judges respecting entry dered out, 531. Robberies in of British goods, 565. SuperinBucks and Chester, 533. Judges tendent of Finance circular, amof High Court of Errors, &c., ap- munition for Wyoming-not to pointed-Win. Moore and John be delivered on receipt of officers, Bayard-rations, &c., 535. Re- 567. British prisoners pass ports on accounts-State House through city-stores for Wyoming, clock-Bell's estate-ask confer- 572. On literary property, 574. eonce Committee on Comptroller's On finance-deeds-Collector of report on T. Matlack's accounts Excise-Appraiser of goods, 577. for tavern and marriage licenses- Health officer to discharge his reward for scalps, 537. Message duty-nmeeting of trustees of State on Secretary's accounts-procla- Island-visit forts, 579. Prisonmation offering reward for Indian ers removed to new gaol, 589. 374 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council —xiii. Supreme Executive Council — Chevaux-de-frise to be sold-pest complaints against appdintment house repaired boom-at piers- of Capt. Esler to be heard-letters counsel in case of T. Matlack Rev. J. Finley and Gen. Irvinepaid, 591. Deed-price of salt deed, 617. Memorial of Consul complained of-discharge of cer- of France-conference with Judges, tain military companies, 592. &c. —affidavit of J. BennettTaxes-papers delivered up-exe- resolution of Congress-report on cution-Wardens to remove ob- late disturbances-Capt. Esler's structions-price of salt fixed, appointment - conference with 595. M. Marbois, duties on a Judges, &c., on consular powerspart of a cargo-instructions to application of Maj or-General Howe Surveyor-General- H. Osburne for stores, 618, 619. New memdischarged-papers to be given bers of Board, property-deeds, up —accounts with United States — 621. Proclamation against murStreet Commissioners-new Col- derer of J. Molineaux-deed, lector of Excise, 597. Request of 629. Title confirmed to J. ShalMarbois not granted —pay to lus, which had before been conDougherty and Huffnagle-pay to firmed by land office to William Quarter-Master-deed, 599. Du- Sallaway-the right is inquired ties on French vessel-Federal into - Justices - regulator of city-Berks militia-instructions weights and measures, 633. Reto loan officer-memorial from turn of Congress to city proposed Berks county-apprehension of and welcomed by-Act of Virginia banditti, 601. Paving in city Assembly-survey of the Dela-half pay and Commutation ware respecting Chevaux- de-frise, - troops at Lancaster - and 637. Report of Land Office-send conference with committee of copy of Gov. Harrison's letter to ('ongress on, 603. Deeds —anon- Prothonotary of Washington co., ymous letter of officers for ap- 639. Proclamation against base pointment of officers to Governor coins, 643. Fraudulent settleand Council, 605. Resolutions of ment onlands-Mons. Marbois on Congress on and conference re- a cargo —letter from Capt Schrawspecting-requested with Judges, der on Wyoming, 645. Messages 607. Resolutions of Congress and to Assembly on various subjects, further action - field officers of 647-666. Governors - Commiscity convened, 609 Answer from sioner-health-land for officers — Col. Shee in name of officers- Courts-discharge of debts-ancconference-letter from Captain tions-a Chamber of Commerc — Christie - attack on the Bank chevaux-de-frise - canals-bounmeditated-Capt. Stiles to deliver daries — religion — old prisonarms to militia, 611. Three pa- measures-French seamen —dispers from Jas. Bennett presented, turbances among soldiers, officers - refusal to consider them-a large Congress at Princeton-Captain guard of militia called out —arms — Carberry, 666. Money for lots — TI. Carberry and J. Sullivan to be Major Ryan seized for debt for arrested-Robert Patton's com- another-cause of Col. Harmer's mission, 613. Examination of disappointment - memorial of soldiers-cannon taken at York- French merchants-chevaux-detown to be delivered Col. Hodgdon, frise, 671. Col. Harmei's memo614. Deposition and proclama- rial, 671. Case of Ephraim Allen tion respecting robbery in Bucks referred to Judges of Supreme county-omission in Col. Porter's Court, 671. Various papers sent commission — Captain Carberry, to Assembly - conference with Captain of Pennsylvania line, to Committee of Assembly on Act be arrested, also Lieut. James for sale of certain lands, 673. Sullivan and Sergeant Nagle- Hog Island, decision-patent for INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 375 Supreme-Executive Council-xiii. Supreme Executive Council — E. Blaine-case decided —B. Shoe- berland-James Searle, pay as maker to receive papers from his agent, 751. Public demonstrafather, 675. Memorial of Penn- tion for peace-J. Searle, before — sylvania line-letter Comptroller- Act against vice and immorality — General, 683. Charles Cesna to Comm'rs appointedby Virginia on be sued for perjury and forgery- boundary-letter from Governor Virginia boundary-Commission- H. —against fairs-Pennsylvania ers-report of committee on Gov. line and land in Bucks, 753. Harrison's letter-resolution of Survey on a ship and cargo, 755. Assembly, 685, 686. Deed-pro- List of deeds, mortgages, bonds, clamation against robbers in Bucks &c., transmitted by order of Ascounty, 687. Laying out State sembly to, 759, 760. Inventory House grounds as a public green of goods by John Cadenhead — forever, 692. Matthew Smith dis- papers from Major James Moore — missed-Hamilton's bonds can- demonstrations on account of celled-Hanna's-town for Courts, peace —vendue laws, 761. Con699. New members, 719, 724, ference with Assembly —General 730. Proclamation for a murder- Armand and his corps-Z. Butler's er, 728. Dates of commissions, commitment, 760, 763. Address 731. Appointments and resigna- to General Washington, 765. Pations, 732. Message to Assem- pers of A. Ross to be received bly-sundry letters-elections — from Mrs. McCoy-answer of G. barracks. in Lancaster —eulogium Washington-deeds, 667. Brig on Pennsylvania line, 733. New Philadelphia, loss of goods, and member-time for choosing Pres- inspection, 768, 769, 770. Counident and Vice President, 733. cil of Censors, 770. Ship I" Two President and Vice President Friends," 771. Globes, maps, &c., chosen —Dickinson and Ewing- purchased, 775. Secretary to reDuponceau, Notary, &c., 737. S. cord correspondence, 774. Deed, Rhea and accounts-Col. Craig- 778. proposal to raise chevanx-de-frise Order sent against Hogg Island, by De Brattine and Garrison-or- xiv., 4. Draft on Treasurer for der to Wardens for money for, interest due on certificate for 739. New member -memorial money loaned United States, 7. from Quakers, 741. New mem- Various orders for money, 7-9, 10. bers-pay for apprehending Joseph Messages to Assembly, 11, 15, Doan, 742. New members-ap- 30, 39, 44, 45, 61, 163, 183, 185, plicant as a navy officer —rations 246, 269, 271, 275, 276, 281, 284, for Northumberland, 743. Presi- 328-342, 343, 366, 380, 381, 522. dent council of Censors —bar- Messages from Assembly, 289. racks-removal of obstruction in Settlers on lands of State —agreeDelaware river, 744. Committee ment with New Jersey on trials — on contested election in Northum- prisoners-regulation of carts, &c., berland-Col. Ross, Lieutenant of in Philadelphia, 17. ProclamaLancaster-memorial Captain F. tion on treaty with Great Britain, Finney for land-correspondence 19-22. Conference with Comnwith Congress, 747. Resignation mittee of Assembly-letter Brig.of Justices-deed-money of a General Hand and report, 25. traitor-propriety of public de- Gratuity to soldiers, 27. Confermonstration on account of peace- ence with Assembly on opening proclamation for public thanks- Land Office, 29. Claims of J. giving, 749. Ratification by Con- Campbell on Virginia land —megress received, 750. Resolution morial of De Marcellin and Le of Council of Censors —division of Roy-President of Congress on Berks into election districts-new Federal Court to try private rights member and elections in Northum- to Wyoming lands-letter Major 376 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xiv. Supreme Executive CouncilMoore, 31. Drafts of letters to Court of Common Pleas, 103. Pay delegates, &c.-report on tea, to to Col. A. Porter for provisions be sold —Wmin. Kennedy's estate, to Virginia Commissioners and 36. Election of Justices, 39. Donaldson and Hollingsworth for Pay to Commissioners for treaty chevaux-de-frise-Wardens, 105, with Indians-Commissioners ap- 109. Dedimus issues for Philadelpointed, 40, 45. Jacob Rush ap- phia-triumphal arch-pay to troops pointed third Judge of Supreme at Wyoming —Mols. Marbois on a Court —States unrepresented in detained French ship, 111, 113. Congress-Mons. Marbois, French Proclamation to arrest robbers in Consul, 43. Messages to Assem- Southwark, Philadelphia-election bly —debts due by State-confis- for no vacancy, 113. Insult to cated estates-Commissioners to French Consul by Longschamps, Indians, 45. Contested election 115, 116, 117, 121, 123. [See also for Justice, 47, 51. Congress on vols. X., XI., P. A.] A. PatterWyoming, place of meeting of son resigns as Justice, 117. MinIndian Commissioners —donation isters of France and United Nethto encourage agriculture and erlands call on President, 121. commerce, 51. Pay to counsel in Removal of buoys from Delaware, case Baron Hurst & Co. vs. State — proclamation respecting-writ of names of purchasers of city lots Habeas Corpus, case of Longto be prepared —pay to Judge of schamps, 123. Letter to Judges Admiralty-conference on with- of Supreme Court, of Minister of drawing troops from Wyoming — Netherlands and Mons. MarboisSharp Delany, Collector, 53.- In- James Wilson to assist as counsel, dian Commissioners to have deeds, 135. Person concerned with Long&c. -letter from merchants of schamps, and proclamation conPhiladelphia —Jnstices —discharge cerning, 137. Recorders to take of State House clock keeper, 55. bonds and Prothonotaries to see Commissioners on Virginia boun- that oaths are taken, 138. Oath dary line to meet-deed-procla- to Joseph Pennell, Commissioner mation for a murderer, 57. Chev- to settle public accounts in marine aux-de-frise-report on sales of department, and J. Stevenson, city lots-boundary with Virginia, Auditor of depreciation of Penn58. Inundation at Wyoming, 61. sylvania Line —Justices appointed, Judge of Errors and Appeals re. 139. Escape of Longschampssigns-Ferguson's lectures and a bridge-claim of J. Wilson's esscale-inspection of goods, 67, tate-Connecticut claim-Judges 71. Sold at auction-oaths to Supreme Court-case of LongJudge Rush —fruit trees to be schamps, 142. Rations for Northplanted in Pennsylvania Hospital - ampton county —return of threatEd. Physic to examine papers for ening letters to Marbois-seven quit rents due Proprietaries, 71. hundred men for western posts Province Island, military stores,, and number of troops for Commisremoval-copies of letters to be sioners to Indians, 143. Call of made —inspection of goods-re- Assembly, requesting delivery of moval of chevaux-de-frise, 73. Longschamp-address to Luzerne Commissioners on boundary with on his departure, 145. Distress Virginia to meet —proposals for of frontiers —answer of Luzerne, moving chevaux-de-frise-com- 147. President of Court of Complaint against Constables, 75. mon Pleas-resignation of a WarBarracks to be laid off into lots- den and another appointed —deeds forfeiture on brandy-militia fines — expended for improvements in and expenses, 77. L'Orient a the Delaware-conspiracy against free port-chevaux-de-frise, 79. taxes in Westmoreland countyE. Shippen, President Justice of proclamation, 151. Illegal elec INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 3877 Supreme Executive Council —xiv. Supreme Executive Counciltion in Northumberland county- appointed Judge of Court of Erpersons in gaol in Philadelphia- rors and Appeals-Contested reports of counsel in case of Con- elections, 207, 208. Deed-Comnecticut —retrn of arms, &c., in plaint against Prothonotary of city-inquest on George Fitler, Chester county, 209. Appoint159. Act of Legislature of Mas- ments of Register and Recordersachusetts, &c., cession of lands Provisions for Westmorelandto the United States, 163. Mili- Commissioner on Virginia boundtary arrangements and resolutions ary, 211. Removal of Chevaux de respecting Wyoming-C. J. Mc- frize-Pay to censors-and State Kean reappointed, 166, 167. clothiers, 213. Various orders Resignations of Antes and Ash- for money —Bounty to captors of man accepted, 169. Conference Jos. Doane, Jr., 215. Lieutenant respecting Wyoming and Long- for Northampton county - Jno. schamp-case of E. Milne ac- Armstrong, Jr., Adjutant-General count of stores, &c., of United in place of James WilkinsonStates taken by the enemy, 171. left the State, 217. To have Salaries to Judges of Supreme charge of troops sent from Bucks Court-instructions to Lieuten- and Berks to Wyoming, 217, 218. ants of Northumberland-deposi- Order to him for expenses-His tions —message to Assembly-va- rank - Letter from President rious matters, 173. Payment to Dickinson on propriety of call on Jane Roberts out of estate John militia to be reconsidered-Fort Roberts-proceedings against F. to be levelled- Colonel ArmLembach-accounts of President strong's appointment objected to for leaden spouts taken for public -he objects generally to their use in 1777-resignation of Justice measures, 219, 220. ProclamaAtlee-reappointed-recovery of tion respecting Wyoming, 220debts, 175. Refuse to sell old 224. Pay for provisions furnished iron from jail-military officers flying camp in 1776 —For framing, appointed for frontiers-bounty varnishing and gilding pictures to Ogden and McClellan, captors in council chamber-and various of Aaron Doan, 177. Officers, other orders for money, 225. OrCommissioners, Justices, 181. der for execution, 228. Disputed Expenses of troops-appoint- election, 232, Inspection of ments-examination of Susque- goods, 232. Repair of State hannah river —Wyoming-A. Car- House, 235. Complaint of Washson, 183. Pennsylvania Line- ington county against Commislist of officers who have taken sioners of taxes, 235. Pay for oath of allegiance-Wyoming, copies of Indian deeds-execu185:. Goods for Commissioners tion ordered-criminals pardoned to treat with Indians and warrants on application of Mons. Marbois, for, 187. Minutes of, delivered Jr.,-Certificate of removal of to Council of Censors-transfers Chevaux de frise to Donaldson of certificates by officers to other & Hollingsworth-and letter of persons-Jona. Penrose, Justice, President, 241. Message to As197. Spies on frontiers paid, 199. sembly-Obstructions in DelaList of entries of land in Virginia- ware-Virginia boundary-irreginquiry about letters of adminis- ular elections, 247. Conference tration taken out by officers of on election for President and Vice Pennsylvania Line, 200. Justices President-John Dickinson and appointed, 200. Commissioners J. Irvine re-elected-contested to Wyoming-execution, 203. election, 249. Proclamation at Appointments of Justices, Pro- C. IH. and procession, 251. Rethonotaries pay to Commission- signation of James Wilkinson as ers to Indians, 205, Ed. Shippen Adjutant and Brigadier-General 378 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council —xiv. Supreme Executive Council-Contested election in Lancaster, 289. Intestate estate in Bucks 253, 254, 255, 258; 264, 266, 267, county-Justices, 307. Pay Attor268, 269. Conference on Wyo- ney-General —Wardens' accounts ming, 258, 259, 260. Sixtrustees -Hon. William Henry entitled for Lancaster appointed, 259. to half sales of goods seized-OrContested election in Chester- der for sale of horses reversed, Delegates to Congress appointed 308, 309. Payments to persons by Assembly, 261. Picture frames on Crawford's expedition-To F. -Portrait of Washington, 265. H. Judge of Errors and AppealsLancaster election decided and Colonel James Moore and others councellor, sheriff and coroner -Letters-Atlee -Johnson - D. appointed, 267. Prosecution of Harmer, 311. Complainants from persons engaged in fraud at Lan- Wyoming attend cand receive caster election-Repairs in Secre- money, 315. Letters on Connectary's office-Message on escheats ticut claim, &c., 317. List of -Election of William Miller in papers, &c., relating to Wyoming Lancaster confirmed, 268, 269. controversy, 318-320. Elections, Evidence in a contested election 321. Claim to city lots under in Bucks county-R. H. Lee, Pre- Penn, 323. Drawing of State sident of Congress- Purchase lottery-Appointment of S. Sneifrom Six Nations-Public debt der as justice objected -to, 325. and payment-Proposed plans Memorial of merchants on piersdiscussed in a message to Assem- Message to Assembly-City lots, bly, 270-274. Thomas Paine's 327. Long message to Assembly services'and reward, 275. Divi- -Containing a general view of sion of Peter's township proposed the condition of the province, and named, 275. Swedish Consul 328-342. Act of Congress-New -March of troops to Wyoming, members, 342. Commissioners on 277. Jurisdiction of islands in jurisdiction of island, 345. ConDelaware-Petition for Justices, tested election in Fayette county, 279. Claims against United 346. Counterfeit certificatesStates - Conference - letter to Proclamation of Congress respectGovernor of New Jersey-Accounts ing, 347. Claims of Captain of Timothy Matlack, 281. Illegal Thomas Houston, 348. Message election at Germantown-Letter to Assembly-Revenue-Taxesof Marbois on his privileges as Prisons-Foreigners, &c., 349consul-Identity of Amos Wil- 355. Insurrection in North-umliams —Public accounts-Box to berland-Old jail and workhouse be delivered to Marbois free of to be pulled down-City lotsduty-Bounty for capture of A. Patrick Haley arrested and reWVilliams-Memorial from Mont- ward paid, 359. Boundary line gomery county-Respecting money between Virginia-Sale of horses for C. H., 282, 283. T. Matlack -Merchants on Barbary savages -Money for C. H. at Montgomery -Right of Pennock to city lot, -Sale of prison-Purchase of 361. Notary-Marbois-Governor part of State House lot-Repairs of New York-Germantown elecof State House, 285. And for tion, 363. Reward for appreimproving the Square —T. Matlack hending Sol. Vickars claimed-Boundary line-Sale of public Report of Commissioners to Inhorses-Notary Public-C. H. in dians, 365. Removal of military Westmoreland-Sale of Confis- stores, &c., from old jail-Treaty cated estates, 287. Papers from at Fort Stanwix with Indians, Commissioners on Virginia boun- 366-7. Payment of William dary-Justice dismissed-Election Whitebread's bond, &c., to citymessage from Assembly-Ground Interfering claims for cession of rent for lot at Sixth and Market, Virginia-Copy of agreement to INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 379 Supreme Executive Council —xiv. Supreme Executive Council — be obtained-Merchants of Phila- Ewing and Thos. Hutchins, conmdelphia —Justices, 368. Improve- missioners on, 402. Debate on ment of State House lot, 369. powers of Council, 403. Duties Division of a township in West- in French ports-An escheatmoreland proposed, — Commis- Mons. Marbois goes to New York sioners for liquidating and settling -leaves Mr. Holker-French sailor accounts with United States-List -Petition from Bucks county, of deputies to issue certificates- 405. Troops to be raised-DepuBill of New York respecting par- ty surveyors, 441. Commistition line-Martha Boggs' peti- sioners for viewing roads-Deletion for improvements on reserved gates to Congress-Rev. Dr. Ewing tract near Pittsburg-Comlmittee resigns as Commissioner - Fort of Conference on accounts of Washington-Irregular elections, James Searle - Person to take 443. Duties on imports-Public charge of Fort McIntosh, 373. offices-Deputy surveyors-Flour Boundary line with New York- inspectors-Collectors of exciseElection in New Market ward- Register of German passengers, Captain Houston's demands, 381. 445. State House lot-Case of Rent of Province island-Wyo- Lewis Collinet-Conference with ming - Committee on rumor Mons. Marbois respecting-Elecagainst Jno. Armstrong, Jr., 383. tion in Penn's Township-securiCase of Aaron Doane-Resolution ties, 447. Case between children of of Congress to be published- Andrew Allen and State-counsel Ground rent on estate of Andrew employed-Execution ordered of Yorkes-Conference on New York Le Blanc and Preston —'L. Collinet line-Mortgage on confiscated es- pardoned, 449. Counterfeit loan tate-Adjourn for Good Friday, office certificates, 450. Mons. 385. General William Irvine ap- Heinecken consul-State lottery pointed land agent-John Story -List of officers and soldiers enadditional commissioner to settle titled to land —Estate of Jno. United States accounts-Case of Adams relinquished-J. H. C. Aaron Doane, 386, 387. Pardoned, Heinecken, consul from N. Neth387. Message to Assembly-With erlands, 451. Survey of lands reasons for proceedings in case reported by Comptroller-J. Story of Aaron Doane, 388, 393. Pa- to enter on his duties early-city pers relating to Virginia to be lots-Militia officers, 453. Resohanded over to J. Lukens by D. lution respecting northern and Kennedy-Warning to Sheriff to northwestern boundaries-appoint prevent escape of Doane and Andrew Ellicott-Deputy surveyLongschamps-Repairs of State ors of donation lands-Complaint House and clock-Petition of Wil- against Plunket Fleeson —Counliam Hooker Smith and Dr. Smith, terfeit land office certificates, 454. 394, 395, 396. Payment ordered Draft on loan office-Boundary to the devisees and legatees, &c., with New York-Montgomery of William Penn for their estates County public building, 457. in Pennsylvania according to a Piers to be erected in Delaware law passed for vesting them in river-arsenal in Philadelphia, the province, 397, 398. Outrages 458. Purchase of land at Marcus at'Wyoming-Letter from Corm- Hook for piers-jurisdiction of missioners on opening Potomac- islands-western boundary-pay Jn. Adams on American Bishop- to a prisoner out of eighteen minister of Netherlands-Andrew pence tax-pay for apprehending Porter appointed Commissioner Sol. Vickars, 461. Confiscated for running northern line with estates in York county —Burgess D. Rittenhouse, 399. Boundary of Reading-deeds for city lotswith Virginia, 402. Dr. John for lands in Northampton county — 380 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xiv. Supreme Executive Councilreport on Wyoming —deposition Deed for land —report on election — respecting Mrs. Allen's children, duties, 493. Deed-prosecuting 463. Richard Hill's devisees for taxes-ringing bells, 495. claim-plan for piers -Andrew Postage —R. Morris' accountsEllicott accepts-report on officers' Wyoming.- State House, 497. accounts — federal troops, 465. Rent, Pickering and Hodgdon, Order for new issue of bills-pe- 501. Claim and title of Miss tition of Longschamps rejected- Penn to province stated and reroad from Fort Cumberland-re- ferred to. Supreme Court, 502. port on Warden's account and List of Commissioners elected beHealth Officers-sale of Crispin's tween 1781 and 1785 to be made estate deferred, 467. Davis de- out-order for payment of interest dines an agreement for piers- of United States-pay to Commisnew proposals-city lots —improve- sioners on islands in Delaware ment of State House lot, 469. river, 505. Urging CommissionEngraving borders for new emis- ers on western boundary-pression paid to D. H. Pursell-west- ents to Indians, 507. Conference ern territory-Indian murders- with C. J. on Wyoming and memState lottery-Robert Scott, en- ber of Assembly, 508. Repairs graver, 471. Acts of Congress- of banks at Mud Island-copy of property in ruins of Fort Pitt — charter returned to B. ChewCol. Harmer and his men-du- militia in service of Congress, 513. ties, 473. Agreement with prop- Proclamation against robber of erty holders at Marcus Hook, 474. P. Audrainm-list of goods for InEmission of bills of credit-Indian dians-lots to be surveyed, 515. murders-depreciation pay-pub- Congress, delegates to attendlic arsenal-back pay to Council Acts of Massachusetts for regulaof Safety, 477. Agree with Thos. tion of trade-letters to General Conarroe to build piers at Marcus Knox, &c., 517. Petitions to Hook-purchase of books, 479. trade with Indians-improvement Grant two licenses to travel of State House lot - report on through the Commonwealth-birth complaints of Thomas Shields and of Duke of Normandy-State lot- Spanish captain, 521. Message, tery, 481. Appeal in case of Robert numerous resolutions and letters —'Wilson allowed-Robert Morris' raising of troops-militia lawsaccounts — public'buildings of defects of confederation - trade Montgomery county-call on Com- with Indians - invalids -corresmissioners of Philadelphia to re- pondence with Governor of Massaport-quota for interest-State chusetts-resolutions respecting House lot, 483. Commissioners Mayor, &c., 525. Ed. Shippen on improvement of Susquehannah appointed Justice for Dock Wardappointed- illegal election in P. Fleeson resigns as President of Cumberland-release of a Spanish Quarter Session, &c., and E. prisoner from gaol, 485. Deed, Shippen appointed —State House 486. Appoint Inspectors of lum- lot-post rider paid, 549. Fees ber, &c.-Robert Morris appeals to counsel in case of Robert Morto Supreme Court respecting his ris and R. Wilson - claim for accounts-deed for barrack lots- lands, 551. Opinion of Judges inquest and proclamation of a in case of J. and- A. Melchior and murder and arson by Jno. Mc- extinguishment of ground rentDonald, 489. Decide not to sell General J. Irvine resigns as Vice old jail now-to pay for public President of Council and Charles buildings in Montgomery out of Biddle elected, 553. Expenses of proceeds of jail - exequator to Judges of Supreme Court paidMons. Marbois as Vice Consul of elections, 554. Henry Hill, CounFrance at Philadelphia, 490. cillor, 555. Elections-B. Frank INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 381 Supreme Executive Council —xiv. Supreme Executive Councillin, President, 557. Appoint offi. Pearson for copper roof to Statecers for federal militia, 559. In- house, 597. Win. Smith builds a form General Knox-Algiers de- wharf-jurisdiction of Delaware dares war against United States- — report of wardens on suit beP. Muhlenberg a member-me- tween Thomas Davis and Commorial of Sick Keesar, &c., from monwealth, 599. Paid for silver Bengal and China, 561. Pass to call furnished ship Montgomery Indians to Ohio, 562. Message -State house lot-for horses, sale with sundry papers, 564. B. of depreciated lands, 601. ReFranklin elected President and port of Alex. M'Dowell, surveyor Charles Biddle, Vice President- on the new purchase-accounts of proclamation and procession, 565. T. Matlack, Commissioner, &c — Release a Seventh Day Baptist medicines for a soldier wounded minister from militia fine-Jno. at Wyoming-deed for city lots — Biddle, measurer of grain-Jno. distribution of goods to Indians Vanderen, Jr., Notary Public- at Tioga, 605. Confiscated estates execution-letter to Assembly on -deed for lands at Braddock's the Chinese lately arrived, 569. upper crossings, 607. Controller Clement Biddle, Notary Public, General's reports on account of of571. Disturbances in Wyoming- ficers, soldiers and invalids, 607memorial from Longschamps, from 615. Contested election at Laninhabitants of Philadelphia on caster, 617. Lots not paid for to test law and resolution, 572-574. be resold —Collector of excise reMessage to Assembly on taxes, signs, and another elected, 620. revenue and test laws, 575. Pay Tench Francis demands first payfor arrest of McDowell-sale of ment-Stephen Porter asks pay lots-delegates to Congress ap- to be raised-rejected, 623. Britpointed, 577. Conference with ish goods seized, 621. R. Wilson Committee of House on disturb- respited-demand of proprietaances at Wyoming, 578, 579. ries-paid, 625. Opinion asked Negotiation with Maryland and of Judges as to interest, 626. Delaware on inland navigation- Stay of suits for taxes in Northdeeds for old jail and adjoining ampton, 627. Collector of excise lots and names of purchasers- -Edward Burd, Prothonotary of grant to Surveyor-General, for an Supreme Court, 629. Case of R. office, a room in State House, 583. Elliott-deeds-sales of land valGrant to Episcopal Church a cer- ued-F. Wade's petition rejecttificate in favor of "keeping up ed, 633.. R. Elliott pardoned, 635. a regular succession "-letter to Send express to Wyoming with Governor of Maryland on inland act of Assembly and instructions, navigation and to Governor of New 636. Leave of absence to LongsJersey respecting buoys in Dela- champs-deeds-case of John Buware-order for execution of an chanan, surveyor, 639. F. Indian for murder, 585. And of Wade to be prosecuted as a deE. Wilson, purchase Jacobs' Law faulter - appropriation for imDictionary, 587. Arsenal-peti- provement of Delaware Rivertion-Longschamps-letter —Gov. abuse of public property in Smallwood-deed of lands, 589. Southwark by militia, 641. Deed Report of Committee on Islands in -bridge over Schuylkill, 643. Delaware —deed for land-respite, Message to Assembly-represent691. Collector of excise appointed ation in Congress-Indians-dis-licenses to travel through the orders in Northumberland —John State, granted - Longschamps- Franklin - inland navigationdeed for land, 593. Act of New western frontier and VirginiaHampshire on Commerce and foreigners, &c., 645. Abuses and Navigation-agreement with Jas. irregularities in Chester county 382 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xiv. Supreme Executive Councilletter to Assembly, 646. Deeds, ny —petition of Dauphin on Court 649. Separation in Franklin co. house at Harris's ferry, 14. Me-managers of State lottery- morial of officers for land-Prodeeds-Justice in Chester remov- thonotary of York-C. Biddies' ed-letter from Governor of Ma- proposal for rations, 17. Order ryland on inland navigation- sales of depreciation lands and Gov. of Virginia on disputes on barrack lots — exact account of Territory-Edmund Randolph on military stores to be obtained — Convention of States, 651. State Commissioners of N. W. boundof representation in Congress- ary paid —A. M'Lene to assist And. State lottery, 2d class, to draw- Porter in running line —pay to collector of excise-deed-divis- Commissioner to examine river ion of Washington county-dona- Delaware —form of deed of cession tion lands-removal of a deputy by Connecticut, 19. Sale of goods surveyor, 653. Conference on for duties —instructions to deleWyoming-persons from Mary- gates on cession —sale of barrack land discharged from a recogniz- lots, 21. Stop proceedings in a ance-Attorney Generalto defend case of taxes-W. Armstrong, a suit for land in Bucks county- Commissary, &c. —sale of city lots R. Smith re-appointed in Chester ordered, 23. Disturbances at county, 657. Further proceed- Wyoming —deleg'es, St Clair and ings, 658, 660, 661, 663, 664, 665. Wilson announce acceptance by Supplies to Chinese, 659, 666, 670. Congress of cession of lands by Report of committee respecting Connecticut -- Surveyor General Geo. Schlosser, in his favor, 661. to furnish plan of unsold city lots Letter to Assembly respecting — provisions for Chinese, 28, 34. case of John R. Shaw-sale of es- Deed for city lots-letters to Wytates in Chester county, division oming, 35. Expenses of W. IH. of Westmoreland into districts, Smith to and from Wyoming paid 663. Claim for lands in North- -disturbances there-deeds for ampton-an invalid corps to be lots-claim for a frame building formed - reward to Alexander taken by British at BillingsportCarlisle for apprehending persons State lottery, 37. Petition re-Receiver to sell district of A. specting duties-western line-D. M'Clean-Clerk of Court appoint- Rittenhouse and And'w Ellicott to ed, 667. New trial granted in run western line, 38, 39. Plans case of Pollard-Commissioners of depreciation lands-deedswith Maryland and Delaware on division of Mahoning township, inland navigation to be appointed 40. Privileges to Win. Butler on — repairs of iron chest, 669.- depreciation lands, 42. Salaries Lieut. of Chester county, 670. to Judges- Notary Public apCommissioners on inland naviga- pointed, 45. Deeds-State house, tion postponed, 672. 47. Petition of tax collector reOrder sale of estates confiscated, jected — survey of depreciation xv., 2 —elect Commissioners, 2, 3. lands ordered-surveyor recomExecution ordered - suspended mended, 49. Letters J. Jay, Sec., sale-claim of T. Forest to city on infractions of treaty with Great lots, 3. Of Joseph Galloway's, 6. Britain — auctioneers - claim fqx Dispute between Maclay and arrears of ground rent on A. Edmonston-Deputy Surveyors de- Thomas's estate -resignation of cided-arms of U. S. on Susquehan- Lt. Archer, 51. Controversy bena, claimed by Commissary, order- tween Comptroller and State ed to be delivered-sale of estate of Treasurer, 55. Expenses of High Wiliam Armstrong postponed, 9. Court of Errors and AppealsDeeds for city lots, 13. —For lands, State house, 57. Expense of 14. Brief to Lutherans of Alba- Wyandot Chief-sales of land and INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 383 Supreme Executive Council-xv. Supreme Executive Councilcity lots —Longschamps to be kept lent person-highway from Leconfined, 59. Ringing of bells high Water Gap to Wyomingfor 4th of July-inland naviga- pay to WVm. Henry while waiting tion-pay of Commissary of mili- for papers, 59. Officers of Luztary stores, 61. Memorial of pro- erne County-lottery of donation prietaries for city lots, 63,68. Pay lands, 96, 97. Deed, 98. Electo Commissioners for dividing tions, 99, 100. Send various island in Delaware river, 65. Pay papers to Assembly —mint United for building Fort " Preservation" States —increase of Federal troops, -petition of Wm. Barton for stay 105, 106. Order sales of proof execution-passport to John perty in hands of Commissioners Franklin and J. Jenkins, &c., 67. on West line, 109. B. Franklin Memorial B. Davis, J. Penn, &c., elected President, and Charles for city lots, referred to Attorney Biddle vice president, 110. ConGeneral-claim of Ed. WVilliams tested election in Bedford County, for half pay-allowance to agent 112. Express from Washington for sale of barrack lots, 69. to Cantwell's bridge. Do. to Messages to Assembly, 70, 77,116, Wyoming, 115. Western bound167, 268, 276, 304, 393, 400, 401, ary, Lake Erie —Indian purchase, 408, 419, 532, 536, 541, 547, 582, 116. Reservation onroad between 592, 594, 605, 659.-requisition Clark's Gap and Burnt Cabinsof Congress for quota of Federal and from Miller's Spring to Fort supply-papers relating to WVyo- Pitt, 121. Dorsey Pentecost, late ming-report of attorney general Judge, suspended on account of on claim to City lot, 71. Claim removal to another county-deed of J. Robinson for land opposite for land, 124. Ask opinion of Pittsburg-deed-Wm. Barton,; Judges of Supreme Court on an 73. Lottery for donation lands- election question-report on elecrelief of D. Lenox-Chinese to be tion in Chester County, 131. removed to Maryland-sale of City Bedford election-excise taxes, lots, 75. Counterfeit gold-di- 133. Order purchase of latest vision of Smith, T. —militia-ap- edition, 4to, of the Bible-and points ColonelF. Mentges inspec- transactions of A. P. Societytor-general-arms, 78, Arrival proceedings stayed-survey of of J. Franklin and J. Jenkins- land for Dickinson College — petition from settlers at W.-pro- Pennsylvania Herald-for filling clamation respecting a kidnapped patents for donation lands, 139. negro-letter to Assembly, 79. Appeals by executor of Thomas Sales of land in Northumberland Wharton and Anthony Stocker, -accounts with United States- 141. Case Jno. Bond & Son for Burgess of Bristol elected, 83. seizure of goods, 140. DisturbSales and fines postponed-lines ances in York County —list of purrun on West Branch of Susque- chases of depreciation lands, 147. hannah-and between old and Sales of land-disturbances in York new purchase, 85. Commercial County, 148. New Memberconvention-sales of City lots or- deeds to Robert Morris-Sixth dered-Lieutenant of Cumberland and Market and price-City lots resigns-issue of certificates to to be sold, 151. Deeds for lands Pennsylvania line for arrears- and City lots-accounts of Gen. division of Pitt Township, 87. St. Clair-patents for Proprietary Robbery of Indians near Tioga- lands -- Springetberry Manor, division of Northumberland Co. 153. Report of Committee on -estate of Wm. Hay-distances various accounts-discharge of from Susquehannah to Allegheny delinquents —pay for signing bills river, 91. Drawing of lottery, 93. of credit, 155. Election in LuzReward for Brinkhurst a fraudu- erne-T. Pickering-arrearages 384 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xv. Supreme Executive Council — on lands-reduction of price- -election in Franklin confirmed, Bedford and Neville-contingen- 199. Miers Fisher, claim for city cies, 167. Resolutions respect- lots-resolutions respecting sale ing delinquents —commissioners of flour rescinded, 201. Northern to be furnished with eight inch Boundary-questions proposed shells tobe usedon convicts, 169. respecting payments to proprieRewards for Daniel Shay, &c, 171. taries-reprieve, 203. Repairs of J. Clunie, agent in Dauphin, 173. Mud Island-questions adoptedLetter M. Huffnagle on a pur- Lieutenants of City, 205. Reward chase-Col. And. Porter to assist for apprehending Philip JonesA. Ellicott in running northern opinion asked of attorney generLine-report on Mud Island-pro- al respecting city lots and landsvisions and buildings to be made, execution ordered, 207. Answer 175. Resolutions on Bedford of Judges of Supreme Court-orelection-proclamation for Daniel der for an arrest, 211. J. Adlum' Shay, &c.-sale of goods seized, surveyor on North Line-Justices 177. Deeds, 180, 181. Letters- of Luzerne, 212. Pardon of Governor of New York on line — Aaron Doane on condition of never State lottery, 180, 182. Contested returningto the United States, 212. election in Chester County-let- Resignation of Genl. Muhlenberg ter to Governor Massachusetts on as Commissioner on claims in arrest of criminals-St. Clair's Luzerne- seizure of Ship Anne accounts as auctioneer, 183. -Phineas Bond, British Consul — Order newspaper-George Bryan Mons. de Brassines to be dereappointed Judge of Supreme livered up to Consul of France, Court, 189, 190. F. Hopkinson 215. Appoint Danl. Hiester in reappointed-sale of flour post- place of Genl. Muhlenberg as poned-patent to John Hughes Commissioner on Luzerne claims for land in Westmoreland-Com- -election at Carlisle, 217. Claim missioners appointed to lay out of Presley Neville-Thos. Smith road between Juniata and Cone- Loan Officer, 219. Conference maugh, 191. Copy of By-Laws, with Judges, &c., on resolutions &c., of Bank of N. America pre- at Easton —prosecution against sented-two cannons from Bil- persons as seditious, 225. Exlingsport to Henry Hill-land in penses of Judges, &c., paid E. Montgomery County delivered up Burd - account against House -claim to land to be insisted on, of Employment, and against 193. Resolution offered res- Treasurer of Chester County for pecting appointments of officers taxes and supplies, 227. Warby Council-petition respecting dens to examine claim of Thos. collections of money due the Conarroe for piers at Marcus Hook State-Secretary J. Armstrong, — presents to Choctaw and ChickaJr., appointed-Member of Con- saw Indians in Philadelphiagress asks leave of absence-Evan road to Lehigh-transportation of Owen appointed to survey better military stores from Oley furnace route for road between falls' of -registering patents, 229. Road Nescopee and Lehigh, 195. Cod- from Susquehannah to Lehighorus T.-York County divided- deeds, 230. Horse for Indian Gen. St. -Clair promoted by Con- Chief-change of resolution regress-removed. as auctioneer- specting the Choctaw and ChickaPeter Wikoff appointed-im- saw Indian Chiefs-payment to provement of the Delaware, 197. John Penn - compensation to Deputy surveyors ousted to be Thos. Conarroe-change of disreplaced-lease of Mud Island re- tricts in Montgomery County, 233. linquished, to be released by Pension, —-appeal of John SparComptroller general on conditions hawk-claim of Earl of Shelburne INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 385 Supreme Executive Council-xv. Supreme Executive Councilto City lots —claims in Luzerne and house —-Burgesses of Bristol-road Northampton, 235. State house, to Pittsburg, 273. Members of &c.,-powder for 4th of July, 235. Assembly from western counties Brassines debts discharged-he to confer on it —a travelling license be delivered over to French Con- to Geo. Kinnear being altered in sul-pay to Commissioners on date-put into suit-pension to Luzerne claims-appeal on case Widow Patterson, 275. Pension of Caleb Newbold -officers of to Widow of Christian Reinickmilitia complain of an election — Commissioners report on line besales of land in Luzerne ordered, tween Luzerne and Northumber237. John White appointed by land, 276. Expenses of Indians Treasury to settle accounts be- paid-claim of Col. Bull for a tween Pennsylvania, Delaware and negro bought of Edward Stiles, Maryland and United States-J. 277. Armed banditti at TiogaNicholson's advances for Indians, letter to Governor of New York &c. —expenses of Judges, &c., and delegates in Congress, 279. 239. Treasurer not to draw for Proclamation against rioters in revenue at present, 245. Reso- Luzerne county-and also on Virlutions of Genl. Muhlenberg re- ginia agreement-inquiry by Asspecting Jno. Rheiner estate lost — sembly relative to operation of plan of City lots —for sale, 246. law respecting Connecticut claimConference with Judge Bryan on ants, 281. Case of A. Moorecase of Jno. Rheiner agent in Register of Wills, 283. Jno. Northampton for confiscated es- Nicholson appointed Escheator tates - Wm. Montgomery cor- General-alien duty not paidmissioner on Luzerne claims, 249. expenses of a man wounded by a Indians at Lancaster detained by tree falling while in service of sickness of Interpreter, require Commissioners not taken, 285. more money, 250. D. Ritten- Suit against Captain Jno. Barry, house to recover moneys loaned — Ic., for seizing James McCalmont account of moneys due for customs -a protest against decision, 287. to be rendered, 253. Conference D. Redick to lay out lots with Judges on petition of iioters opposite Pittsburg, 289. To go in York, and for land in Bucks to New York to communicate to county, 260. Decide case of the Governor intelligence respectduties between two States, 261. ing Luzerne —Col. Robert Elder Time for applicants for donation paid for his services, 1777-78-79. land lottery extended, 263. Col- paid for arrest of John Franklin, lectors of excise in York county he to be closely confined and in -petition of Northampton county irons, 291. Thanks to Charles against claim of proprietaries for Biddle, Vice President-riots in the Indian land in-referred to Luzerne —militia of Berks called Attorney General - conference out-pay to H. McCormick for with Judges on fresh disturbances information respecting — Colonel in Luzerne county, 265. Pension Dennison dispatched to Luzerne — to children of Win. Shippen- his instructions-and to Tioganegro pardoned, 267. Message to President advances specie for exAssembly. with various papers- penses of Colonel Dennison, 293. lend money to Whitehead Hum- Stationery for —elections —notaryphreys to enable him to manu- instructions to Valentine Eckhart facture steel, 269. Division of -proposals for rations by M. Northumberland - districts for Hollenback, 295. Elections, 296, electing Justices, 271. Wardens 298. E. Physick as keeper of apply for strangers burying Great Seal- Dd. Jones, chaplain ground - acts for sale of for- asks allowance, 299. Hamilton feited city lots and J. Galloway's apprehended-elections-city lots — 25 386 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council —xv. Supreme Executive CouncilGenl. Armstrong resigns as Secre- Bedford appointed -- rules and tary and Charles Biddle chosen- regulations for Council, 341. clothing for troops on Ohio, 301. Duties received by mistake reNew member —John Franklin's funded-Lieutenant of Franklin irons to be removed on his parole chosen —pension paid to children -message - Wyoming and Lu- of Captain Wm. Shippen —public zerne-currency fees-price of arms to be collected and repaired lands-taxes-lands for officers, — fees from Deputy Surveyors, 305. Conference on Wyoming- 343. Pensions, 345. Complaint powder on election of President of Swedish Consul for rude beand Vice President - Colonel haviour of Constables and AttorPickering and riots at Tioga- ney-orders respecting —plan of ask permission of Congress to city lots and sale ordered, 349. raise troops-patents, 307. B. Order of procession in PhilaFranklin, President, and P. Muh- delphia on ratifying Federal Conlenberg Vice President- pro- stitution —report on Deputy Surcession —McKucher takes his seat, veyor's fees —on Donation Land 309. Delinquent fines-order re- Lottery tickets remaining in specting-pay for services in wheel, 351. Road from Frankswatching movements of Indians town Branch of Juniata to Loyal on frontiers-order for execution, Hanna confirmed and ordered, 311. Appoint Committee to 353, 355. Payment to Porter and amend resolutions of Assembly on Ellicott for boundary line, 356. annual appointment of officers — Petition of Bedford respecting message to Assembly - recom- width of road-order on —decision mending enforcement of Laws in respecting case of R. Wells, 359. Luzerne county — expulsion of Pension to Captain Shippen's Commissioners from Wyoming — children, 361. John Woods Colonel Mentges —taxes, 314. Member of Congress applies for Proclamation against rioters. in money —taken sick while engaged Philadelphia-Indian murders in in business of Indian department, and arms sent to Washington 362. Ringing Christ Church county, 317. Election of auc- bells, 363. Repairs of houses at tioneers in city and other officers Mud Island -- N. Dennison's ex- Clement Bicdle-marshal, 323. penses to and from XWyoming, Contract for specie to be complied 365. Expenses of newspapers in with-excise-Prothonotary Comn- city to be reduced —resolutions mon Pleas, Philadelphia - con- respecting invalid corps —money tested election, 325. Attend to James O'Hara to buy procommencement - expenses of visions for troops in western Judges paid —report of Attorney country —grant of land to FrankGeneral on case of Jno. McCannon- lin College, 367, 368. Resolualso on power to pardon in certain tion respecting public arms to cases, 329. Wardens appointed, be republished —donation lands — 339, 341. Prothonotary to hold memorial of J. Hazlehurst & Co. office where his court is —account — brandy —public arms when reof public arms delivered —pension paired to be exhibited, 369. Road - resignation of Lieutenants - by'"burnt cabins" —militia fines delegates of Congress —Wardens, reduced —duties and bonds, 371. 341. Mr. Redick to have island R. Elliott from Lancaster to in Ohio surveyed —Drs. Rush and Philadelphia by order of Supreme Hutchinson to examine vessels- Court-pay in certificates for commissioners report line between horses furnished-counsel in suit New York and Pennsylvania for Hog Island —W. Bradford, finished in 420 --- attend speak- Sergeant and E. Tilghman —reing in Zion Church-Lieutenant for port on arms called for, 373. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 3887 Supreme Executive Council-xv. Supreme Executive CouncilSheriff ordered to set up F. Wade's table-rank, 394. Conference on house at a limit for-arms of Col. depreciation of paper moneyGurney's battalion to be delivered Marshal called on for accountsto J. Nicholson —arms to be re- petitions, claims for city lots — paired by Abraham Morrow-pe- road to Pittsburg, 399. Executition of merchants respecting du- tion of pirates, &c., ordered, 400. ties-stove and repairs for cham- Letter Governor Massachusettsber —subscribe for German news- Bedford and Neville, 401. Repapers by M. Steiner-opinion spite of pirates -Collector to conasked by Comptroller respecting tract for offices, 403. Complaints certificates and order, 375. Con- agaipst Richard Davis, 404, 405. tested election in Berks county- Report of Board of Treasury on Attorney-General gives opinion bills of credit-contested election that holding freehold estate by a in Dauphin county, 405. Connon-resident entitles to a vote- tested election in Berks, 407. powder purchased for celebrating Representation in Congress, 409. ratification of Constitution-naval Money drawn without appropriaofficer seizes a vessel suspected of tion, 407. Representation in Conwishing to escape duties-asks for gress-British Consul, suggestions a military company —granted, 377. on laws, 408, 410. Claims of J. Alteration of State House clock- Mitchell for city lots, 409, 410, supply of troops in Luzerne-wood 413. Difficulties between Treasfor invalids-conveyance of public urer and Comptroller, 410. Pendespatches-pension to widow of sions, 413. Federal gazette subLieut. John McClellan-rank of scribed for-riots in Cumberland, Capt. Ferguson, 381. Conmmis- 415, 416. Gov. Randolphrespectsioners of western boundary asked ing a negro-P. Bond on rights, for a description of the lands- &c., of British subjects-Samuel memorial of Wm. Moland, show- Caldwell, Collector of tonnage duing that he is not a traitor-con-, ties, 417. Refer P. Bond's letter firmed by pardon under great to Assembly-pay to Judges Suseal-report on certain claims to preme Court-order on petition of city lots - warrants to issue in Quakers of Chester county, 419. favor of Tench Francis and Geo. Contested election in York counGlentworth-memorial of Andrew ty, 420. Commissioners to lay Lytle, Deputy-Surveyor-referred- out roads in Northampton and suit against John Moore dismiss- Luzerne, 425. Depreciation lands, ed, 383. Papers respecting sale John Brown's case, 426, 427. of F. Wade's house referred to Estate of M. Conner-Jno. FrankAttorney-General - certain gun- lin, deputy's fees, 427. Appeal smiths to be employed-road from of John Mitchell-Joshua Elder's Juniata, pay for laying out-me- account —Maj. Jno. Nice resignslmorial of John Franklin, to be execution of John Brown and difreleased from irons, being in bad ficulties-case of John Logan, 432, health-memorial of merchants 433, 434. Neutrality of Swedenasking to postpone suits on bonds- duties outstanding-powder magpay for newspapers, 385. Favor azine full, 433. Pay to Judgesof Dr. Evans' claim, line between deed for barrack lot-children of Edmunson and Maclay-message Capt. William Shippen-commisto Assembly-ratification of Con- sioned officers to be appointedstitution-description of western regiment of artillery-repeal of purchase-bonds for duties-land proceeding in case of Daniel Shay, warrants-pensions —depreciation- 435. Warrant to R. Peters —C. land titles, Wardens - Luzerne Cecil-troops to have room in county-Col. Pickering —map of bettering house-quota of troops — northern boundary, 393. Large officers appointed-claim for land 388 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xv. Supreme Executive Councilthrough Miers Fisher, 437. Claims Island, to be loaned, 473. Elecfor city lots-thanks of artillery tion of Justice in York settled and officers-contested election —claim another contested —accounts beAnthony Cuthbert, 439. Letter tween United States-pay for supto Justices of Northampton re- plies to troops in western country, specting Mrs. Roseborough —repeal 475. Executions ordered - city of proclamation in case D. Shay, lots —pension,- 477. Discussions 445. Memorial on depreciation- relative to city lots, 478, 479, 481. what newspapers are to be filed- Disturbances in Huntingdon co., pay to Commissioners for opening 479. City lots-further time alcertain roads in Northampton lowed on accounts, 481, 485. and Luzerne, 445. Case of J. Colonel Timothy Pickering made Rheiner submitted to Judges, 446. prisoner, 484. Proceedings reAlso respecting storage of powder, specting, 484, 487. Proclamation 447. Lottery for improving roads — for arrest of captors, 487. Mr. Jones' lane, Commissioners to Redick to go to New Jersey and view-expenses of State House New York on subject of capture yard for 1787, 449. Asks for Acts of Col. Pickering and other outof Virginia respecting lands- rages-his instructions, 490. Exorder Surveyor-General to furnish penses of messenger to and from drafts of lands, also quantity and Luzerne-request to Congress for quality of lands claimed by Penn- troops to expel rioters from Lusylvania in Luzerne county, 451. zerne-letter to Col. Zeb. Butler Opinion of Judges on powder approving of his conduct towards magazine and on Jno. Rheiner's rioters-news from D. Redick and case-instructions to Capt. Stiles Gov. Livingston, 493. Jones' lane respecting powder, 453. Expenses road, report, &c. —case of E. Osof State Navy in 1778, &c.-re- wald, 494, 495. Expenses of port from Lieut. Henry on con- Judges of Supreme Court and tested military election-repairs their servants paid —proceedings to cannon carriages - Commis- in case of Eleazer Oswald —Mr. sioners appointed to proceed to Redick returns from New York, Luzerne county, 455. Their pay — 495. Proclamation and warrant pensions —pay for printing to of Governor Clinton —troops asked Col. Gibson, 457. Resolution on from Congress —disposal of lands Surveyors having but one district in western country — a Justice rescinded —opinion of Miers Fisher asked for Franklin county —letter, respecting claim of Charles Cecil, &c., Gov. Clinton, New York — 459. Death of R. Levers-resig- petition Abraham and Levi Doan nation of R. Truitt not accepted — referred to Judges-sale of reWin. Craig appointed-Sheriff to served tract opposite Pittsburg to postpone sale of WV. Hay's estate, be considered, 497, 501. Claim 461. Commerce of France and for prize money at Lewistown — United States-Governor of Mary- referred, to Attorney-General, 499. land demands a criminal, 463, Reward claimed for capture of A. 464. Pensions-a Swedish ship and L. Doan-answer of Judges runs away-T. Pickering on con- to reference respecting, 501. Col. duct of J. Jenkins, 465. Deed to Pickering released-Congress send Dr. Harris-paid Jno. Duffield — -troops to Luzerne county —reward removal of sailors-removal of to captors of Doans-case of E. prisoners, 469. Terms of sale of Oswald —provision for the support triangle on Erie-letters of in- of troops at Easton, 503. Restructions of Commissioners to served tract to be arranged for Luzerne, 472. -James Finley re- sale —T. Pickering asked opinion signs —authority to buy triangle — respecting troops for Tioga —letters papers necessary for trial on Hogg and depositions respecting Lu INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 389 Supreme Executive Council —xv. Supreme Executive Council zerne county —execution of A. gomery county-City lots in N. and L. Doan ordered, 505. Case L.-John Franklin, 533. Case of of E. Oswald decided adversely — J. Eckley-Powder magazineD. Redick's reasons for his vote — Act of Congress putting in opeletter Governor of New York, with ration the constitution adopted ratification of Federal Constitu- by eleven States - Order for tion —opinion of Judges respect- executing A. & L. Doane, 535. ing measures in Luzerne —division City lots fall short in quantity, of Washington county, 507. Ar- 537, 538. Forage commissioners ranged plan for reserved tract, report on street roads, &c., laid 509-512. Fine against E. Oswald out-Council of censors —Wyoremitted —news from Col. Picker- ming, 539. Permit to C. Wyering-petitions favor of Doans — man to travel-Memorial of D. respite —call of Congress for troops Linton for reward for apprehendagainst Indians on frontiers, 515. ing a villain —Captain Schott to Release a free negro from jail in receive stores-Claim for a shaldanger of his life from the Doan's- lop burned in 1777-Claim of J. pay express to and from Easton — Penn and J. Peln, Jr., for Sprincomplaint of Admiralty Court getsbury manor, 541, 542. Coinagainst British Consul for a sur- plaint against Prothonotary of vey ordered on a vessel, referred Huntingdon-Importation of maleto Judges —Washington -county factors to be prevented —William militia —city artillery, 517. Sub- Barton - W. Lawrence - Road mit letters and papers respecting in Bedford county completedcall of troops to Assembly —Davis Compliment to Captain William Bevan's caveat for city lots set Ross of a sword for his conduct aside and patent to Mary Mere- in Luzerne county, 543, 544. Redith-pay Carlisle Gazette for ad- spite of A. & L. Doane negatived vertising, also'D. Humphreys- -Pensions, 545. Road from repairs of arms-J Skinner for Frankstown —Sundry payments road — rations —expense of re- to William Henry's widow of cruiting —Wardens of Philadlel- Lancaster-Rewards of captors in phia, 519. Justice in Carlisle — Luzerne, 547. Prayer to Consundry claims for city lots —elec- gress for extension of time on action set aside —British Consul- counts-Appointments for Allerequisition of Congress, 521. ghany county-Sword to Captain Wheat prohibited in England on William Ross and his thanksaccount of Hessian fly-proposals New district in Montgomery counin Congress on triangle on Erie- ty, 551. Justices, &c. —Washingdeclaration of rights by North ton county-J. Hubley for conCarolina and amendment of Con- ducting recruits to Lancasterstitution -- claims for lots, &c., Commissioners Generals Butler postponed —return and election and Gibson appointed to negotiate, of Luzerne county, 525. Amic- &c,, for the Erie triangle, 553. able suit with Captain Chris- Instructions-Patents under seal tie-Notaries public-Report on -Claims of Penns postponed, Jones' Lane-Proposals for roads 555. Clothing for invalid corps, -Acts relative to election of Jus- 556. Renewalof patents injured tices, 527. Message, 528, 529. by. fire-Pay to A. Ellicott for Act of Congress relinquishing to running line, and B. Ellicott for the State, Lake Erie tract, 530. making a map of triangle on Erie, Large meeting of Indians at Mus- 561. Warden Craig resigns, andL. kingum - Commissioners to be Simmons is elected -Entry of Teas appointed to attend, 531. Con- — V. Shippen's children —Deed ference with Assembly on pur- for city lot-Letter to Peter Muhlchase of triangle-Taxes in Mont- enburg requesting resignation as 390 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xv. Supreme Executive CouncilVice President-Received, 563. General -Valuation of lots at D. Redick, Vice President - Z. Alleghany by Council, 601, 602. Potts, coulncillor-Elections, 565. I Committee to incquire respecting Elections - In Philadelphia for the- jail - Proclamation against Sheriff - Proceeding-s, 567, 568, i captors of Colonel Pickering an569, 570, 571, 573, 575, 576. nulled-Further proceedings in Governor Clinton written to for, case of prothonotary of Huntingletters between John Franklin don —Collector of military fines, and Dr. Hamilton, 571. Tri- 603, 604. Committee to name umphal arch in Philadelphia, 574. streets, &c., in Alleghany —ReFranklin's letters received-J. Ash strictions on removed-Goods to decided to be Sheriff, 579. State Inldians-Justices, 607. Lots and House-Lottery, 581, Message Island in Alleghany — Petitions to Assembly, 582. Boundaries and decisions, 608. Report on -Donation lands, 583. Election Indian fund and goods-Cololel of Thomas Mifflin, President, and Johnson to purchase —Sale of George Ross, Vice President, 584. lots in Alleghany to J. Robinson, Lands for Episcopal academy, 609. Petition of rioters in Lu585. Act against vice and immo- zerne —Lancaster county on Jusrality, 587. Against vice and tices-Board of Jno. Franklinimmorality and wickedness in Names of streets, &c., in AllePhiladelphia - Resolutions, 589. ghany —Case of Jacob Dryer-and Report on rules and regulations- S. Hulings, 611. Committee on Theatrical exhibitions, 591, 592. election in Philadelphia —Returns Auctions-Charles Biddle reap- of Islands in Alleghany, 612. pointed Secretary-J. Trimble, Bishop White on marriage licenAssist. Secr'y-Message-Federal se's-Arrears due W. Hamilton constit'n compromised-New gov- for ground rent in Lancaster, 614. ernment influence-Sheriffs —Re- A. Ellicott appointed Surveyor of servations for the Commonwealth Islands in Alleghany, 615. Re-Road from Cumberland to Pitts- port on resolution of Assembly, burgh-Boundary lines to be en- November 14, 1787, embracing graved-Congress ask for copies many charges, 621. Removal of laws-Auction duties-Laws and appointment of prothonotary against vice, &c., to be published of Huntingdon —Comptroller-Genand enforced-J. B. Smith resigns eral —Public officers objected to as prothonotary — James Biddle as sureties-Committee to name elected-Committee for inquiry, re- streets, &c., in Alleghany, 623. port, 590-595. Vote to reconsider Officers to render accounts or be message- Conference respecting removed-Dedimus pot.-Names returns of Lieutenants —Account of streets - Rioters pardonedfor office rents-Map of part of other cases, 625. Debate on State presented - Wardens re- claim of De Graffendriedt, 628. specting pilots - Ringing Christ Case of J. Dryer discussed —Opinchurch bells, 597. Furniture- ion of Judges and Attorney-GenProposals for purchase of reserved eral-Is pardoned-Claim of De lots opposite Pittsburgh-Island Graffendriedt decided against in Alleghany river - Complaint him —A. Ellicott on survey of against prothonotary of Hunting- triangle referred, 631. Memorial donl-Road from Bedford to Fort of merchants of Philadelphia to Pitt - Public officers appointed be sent to Spain, on flour shiped by council-Powder magazine, to Havana- Colonel L. Nicola 599. Lots opposite Pittsburgh appointed to command of invalid not to be sacrificed-Act respect- corps-Captain McLean unableing elections of Justices-Third Messengers to be sent to certain Justice-Powers of Colmptroller- counties for returns of election for INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 391 Supreme Executive Council-xv. I Supreme Executive CouncilPresident and Vice President of guards -- Returns of President United States-Pension to widow and Vice President of United of Peter Nees, 633, 634. Instal- States —Proclamation respecting, ment due J. and J. Penn, Jr. — 655. Interference asked respectChildren of Captain Shippen- ing city lots sold as estate of S. Account of A. McClean for sur- Shoemaker, 657. Message to veying, &c., of reservation lands Assembly on Members of Con-Referred - Road in Bedford gress —electors-Road, canals, &c., county, 635. Returns of election 660. of members of Congress in each Committee of Conference on pencounty except Fayette - Provi- sions, xvi., 2. On letter from Gen. sions paid for continental army, Knox and on Mr Scott's resigna637. Fayette returned-Procla- tion, 3. instalments to be paid mation of members of Congress- proprietaries, 5. Thomas Scott Newspapers paid for, 639. Ex- resigns as M. C. —requested to penses of John Franklin-Pen- continue, 7. Credentials to memsions paid Pennsylvania Hospital bers of Congress not advisable, — Edward Shippen's claim for 13. Case of John Franklin, 17. purchase of B. Arnolds estate- Commissioners on quantity and Division of election district in quality of land at Wyoming, 22. Franklin county — Account of Comlplaints against ProthonotaWilliam Hamilton calling out ries of Westmoreland county, 23. militia on frontiers — Report of Appoint Committee to report mode members elected to Congress — of receiving Gen. WashingtonExpenses of prisoners to Virginia report alnL resolutions, 25. Let1777, via Reading, 641. Claim ter to assembly on expenses of of A. Porter —Resolution to refer escort-E. Douglass, agent of esclaim of Eve Withington to Judges tates in Fayette county —persons of Supreme Court-Payment to appointed to mark out a road bewidow of Rev. J. Roseborough, tween Bedford and Pittsburghchaplain of militia, balance of execution ordered, 27. Sureties half pay awarded by Assembly, on different officers-respecting a 1780, 643. Arrears to W. Ham- third justice, 31. Demand on ilton paid-A. Porter paid for Gov. of Louisiana for a free negro horse, 645. N. Little's widow in bondage there-payments to paid —Suit with Stocker & Whar- Messrs. Penn, 33. Appeal respectton- Counsel employed, 647. ing account of Robert WilsonHearing of landholders in South- resignation of C. Febiger as aucwark, &c., on report of Commis- tioneer - sale of R. Robertson sioners —Expenses-Express paid postponed, 35. Purchase of trifor bringing returns of election — angle on lake Erie, 37. AlteraDefect in laying off an election tion in Constitution of State prodistrict of Huntingdon County- posed, 41. Reward paid for apProposals for land in reserved prehending a deserter, 43. Retract —Colonel Johnston to accept served lands opposite Pittsburg them, 649. Payment *to John valued-office of Register GenerMitchell according to decision — al-claim on General Brodhead, Inquiry as to permission of Can- 45. Reservations for State accorada to surveyors to make obser- ding to resolutions of Assembly, to vations with reference to Erie- be located and surveyed-ComnAssignment of a bond by J. Red- missioners to run lines of Huntman, Jr.-Accounts of William ingdon county, 47. Order proseTurnbull, clothier- Claims of cution against Commissioners of Penns, 651. Adoption of reports taxes in Northampton countyof Committee on message, 652. call on heirs of John Ludwig Dickinson College paid-Invalid Shaurman to present their claim 392 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council —xvi. Supreme Executive Councilin Germany-election in Mont- to choice of Secretary, 85. R. gomery contested, 49. Subscribe Parker resigns as collector of exto society for encouraging mannu- cise, 87. S. Briggs' model of nail factures and useful arts-city lots machine, 89. Additionalinstruc— road from Bedford to Pittsburg, tions to Comptroller proposed — 51. Repair of Jones's lane-Al- repairs of State house, 91. Mode dermen of Philadelphia and May of communication'with Congress or-case of R. Wells, 53, 55, 57. — University ask temporary use Title of lot in city, 55.- of State house bell, 93. Certain Address to President General U. lots in city bought in by CompS., Washington, congl;atulatory, troller —disturbances in Hunting57. Commendatory certificate to don county -- expense of fire F. Philo as naval officer, 68. Of works on arrival of President U. Sharp Delaney as collector-an- S.-repairs at Mud Island —board swer of President Washington- of John Franklin-city lots to be election in Montgomery confirm- sold —recruiting, 95. Oath aded, 59, 60. Receiver General to ministered —D. Redick is paid for employ a clerk-Secretary to pro- islands in Ohio and Allegheny, vide for safety of records-appli- rivers surveyed by him, &c, — cation from' Mrs. Physic for cer- papers respecting Huntingdon retificate of donation lands survey- ferred to Judges, 97. Lottery ed-John Roberts' widow paid money —loan office to be removed out of his estate, 65. J. Adlum, — Mud Island repairs, 99. Estabsurveyor of reserved lands, refus- lishment of United States Courts ed pay —W. C. Bradford, late pay- — Eve WVithington paid for board master of State navy, owes a bal- of prisoners to Virginia —licenses ance-militia officers of North- for sale of spirituous liquors, 101. umberland —pay for leaden spouts Road through Black's gap —extaken in 1777-Benjamin Frank- pense of removing John Franklin lin is paid postage on public let- — division of election districts in ters received during his Presiden- Washington county —cannon to cy-printing-Joshua Elder ap- be repaired —amendments proposplies for an audit-refused-cer- ed by New York, 103. Memorial tificate to C. Febiger, late auc- of public creditors-taxes, 107. tioneer, 67. Rations to invalid Claim of C. G. Gaskill, 108, 109. guard-expenses of Judge of Su- Auctioneer of N. Liberties, 109. preme Court paid - contested Division of Huntingdon —license election in Chester county-land to peddle, 111. Certificate to office to furnish papers to Attor- Samuel Caldwell, Collector of ney General in case of Hogg Is- tonnage —oaths by Judges, &c., land-a lot appropriated to burial 114. Proclamation requiring of strangers-Williaml.Turnbull's oaths to be taken by officers — accounts, 69. Inquiry into con- second payment to encourage calduct of officers-agent appointed ico printing, 116. German letter for Cumberland-road to Pitts- delivered — execution ordered — burgh-act of Assembly on board claim of A. Cuthbert —duty on of appeals —and collection of fines tonnage —certificates, 119. Inviand taxes to be printed, 73. Du- tation to commencement, 121. ties between States-Dickinson State duty on goods imported — College per Dr. Rush,, 77. In- reward for capture of George Sinstructions to Comptroller General, clair —President Judge, Berks co. SO. Licenses-excise-road, 83. — Capt. J. Hetherlings' children Instructions to E. Owen-Calico — pension, 125. German newsprinting encouraged —instructions paper —property bequeathed in to Evan Owen-resolution to res- Germany —watch house —lamps, cind resolution Nov. 14, 1787-as &c., in State house yard —duties INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 393 Supreme Executive Council —xvi. Supreme Executive Councilon imports —exchange of certifi- veyor-Prothonotary Delawarecates —answers to Col. Delaney's J. Jones removed, 172 Nathaniel questions, 127. Answer of Judg- Falconer appointed - escheated es to questions on imposts, &c., property-Acts of Congress, 174. proposed by Judges, 128. Presi- Temporary post office-safe keepdent to Collector —complaint in ing of United States prisoners, Bucks against election of justices, 175. Debt of Gov. St. Clair, 177. 129. C. G. Gaskill, 130. Purchase Commissioners appointed to view of triangle-resolution of New rivers-Indian affairs-testimony York to amend the Constitution, from South Carolina —Escheator 139. Messages from Council, General's report,179. Instructions 139, 140, 148, 206, 275, 277, 317, to Commissioners to view rivers, 429-431, 437, 440. Powdermag- 181. Pensions- articles for Comazine - lottery money - annu- missioners on rivers-report on meities to widows, &c., of of- morial of child of R. Wilson, 183. fleers -- Mud Island - potashes Articles required by Commissionfrom Philadelphia —donation lands ers to view River Delaware-lots, 140. Expense of Indian opinion of Attorney-general asked treaties, 141. Expense of Indian respecting justices, in case of a treaties provided for, 142. Com- County division-execution orplaint against military officers — dered-answer of Attorney-genC. G. Gaskill's claim, 143, 147. eral about justices, 187. Acts of Complaint against officers at Ha- Congress-general Thanksgiving vana —expense of Indian chiefs -letter from Secretary of Treasury refunded, 143. Children of Rob- respecting public debts - and ert Wilson, 144. Survey ordered Secretary of War empowering him by Congress, 146. D. Leet, &c., to call out militia-newspapers, surveyors of depreciation lands 189. Journals Senate United -mistake of land office corrected States received, and Acts of Con-division of districts in Alleghe- gress - elections and appointny, 149. Confirmed, 150. Case ments, 191, 193, 199. J. Lukens of health officer Jones postponed, Surveyor-General dies, 199. Con151. Mr. Watt has authority to tested election expenses-paywithdraw a representation to ments to poor lists of pensioners Grand Jury of Cumberland - peti- -powder for celebration-repairs tion rejected as too indecent —C. of arms, 201. Dr. Ruston deG. Gaskill's claim to city lots reg- feated by Col. Willing-proclaisterled-fees to counsel for de- mation for Thanksgiving, 203. fense of title in Bucks county, Appointments, 205. Message to 153. Acts of Congress received Assembly-Acts of Congress-fees in land office-forfeited amendments to Constitutionrecognizances - tavern licenses, call of militia-bills of credit157. Case of Turnbull M. & co. health office-pensions-sureties, -Assembly propose calling acon- 207. Surveyor-general electedvention to amend State constitu- instructions to commissioners to tion —council oppose - postponed view Rivers-petition for removal -Assembly in mean time resolve of George Sinclair from Northon it, 159. Loan of instruments ampton to Philadelphia —justices, -A. Ellicott, 161. Notary-re- 209. Elections, 210, 212. Claims turns of militia, 163. Release of on United States list of pensions ground rent to John Dunlap, 164. -election of President and Vice Loan of drafts of Southwark President, order of procession, 212. and leveling instruments —murder Deputy Surveyors in counties — of J. M'Farland, 165. Acts of suit at issue between judges of SuCongress-A. Cuthbert's and N. preme Court and CommonwealthYoung's claim, 167. Deputy sur- Jared Ingersoll to assist Attorney 394 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xvi. Supreme Executive Council general-repairs of State House, Comptroller to employ clerks215. Expenses Deputy Surveyor division of Townships in Dauphin -sale of land in Cunmberland-a County-auctioneer's account in pension to W. Whitman, 2172. Northern Liberties for duty on Election T. Mifflin, president, and sales, 253. Deputy SurveyorsGeorge Ross, Vice President — Calico printing, 254. Deputy procession, 219. Case of George Surveyors, 257, 258. Nescopec Woods-public debt, 221. Report road-Townships in Washington on account of James Searle, agent, County-Death of General Potter, 222. Proposal of Stocker and 259. His son appointed Deputy Wharton for Exchange accepted, Surveyor, 261. Newspapers223. Jury in suit of judges report respecting Southwark, &c., against State differ-report of to be recorded-letter of Col. J. commissioners on rivers-Indian Harmar respecting drafts on interpreter, 2092. A non-suit, Treasury, 263. Depredations in 2102. Deputy Surveyors ap- Washington County by Indianspointed-Dr. John Wilkins coun- public debt of Pennsylvania, 264. cillor, 2112. Deputy Surveyors- Message-commissioners, on rivers loan for disabled soldiers made report-public records-l-owell's and accepted —Nescopec road —list map-bills of credit, 275. John of pensioners, 2132. Request Bayard trustee for Province Island. removal of loan office to accommo- deceased-and Robert Knox redate the Convention-Nescopec moved to New Jersey-commisroad report-C. Febiger treasurer, sioners on rivers-message, 277. 2152. Dry lands in Northampton James Searle balance due, 278. County, 2192. Title to Islands Deeds, 283. Pay for Chartier's in Delaware river, 2182. Coun- Island in the Ohio — Nescopec cillor, 2192. District of South- road-Sam Hulings' preemption wark, 2212. Commissioners to right to island in Alleghany river view rivers-letters-newspapers -time extended, 285. Clement -removal from jail of diseased Biddle allowed time to pay his prisoners-supension of taxes for debt, 287. Deputy Surveyorthe year, 2232, 2242. Rioters in Island in Alleghany granted to Northumberland County pardoned Winm. Todd, 289. Exchange of -Deputy Surveyors, 2232. Grant warrants for land, with German sea letter to ship Brothers for Reformed congregation of PhilaChina-list of pensioners, 2242. delphia-letters of Thomas RyerDeputy Surveyors - District of son on defence of frontiers against Southwark, 225. Suspension of Indians-Deputy Surveyor, 297. taxes not agreed to, 224, 225. Report on claim of John Bryce for Fees to counsel, 227. Dep. Sur- land-deed — claim of Anthony vey's, 229. John Lockhart applies Cuthbert postponed, 299. J. and for preemption rights to island in J. Penn, jr., ask for Sixth instalDelaware bet. Hogg and Tinicum mnent —Excise officers to pay-list -refused, 230. Memorial re- of, required, 300. Form of conspecting Southwark, &c., 232. veyance of islands in Ohio and Comptrollers accounts 236. Ad- Alleghany rivers, 301. Controvice to C. Febiger, Treasurer, versy between Comptroller and respecting revenue —case of Jonas Register General, 304, 307. ResHartzell, 237. Fees of Secretary's olution ofNorth Carolina-amendoffice — report of committee on ments to Federal Constitution, Southwark, Moyamensing, and 305. Indian difficulties in WashPassyunk-laying out and naming ington County - clailm for an streets and Wharves, &c., 245-251. estate, 307. Auctioneers appointRoad from Frankstown, 254, 257. ed, 313, 314; and Inspector of Accounts with United States- Pot and Pearl ashes —-Treasurer INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 395 Supreme Executiue Council —xvi., Supreme Executive Councilto attend meeting of subscribers to Samuel Briggs-Instructions to manufacturing fund at the to Commissioners to view DelaCollege, 313. Reportof committee ware, &c., Rivers —-Acts of Conon controversy between comp- gress to promote useful arts-and troller and register, 314. Property collect duties-Order to Commisclaimed for a German —commis- sioners on rivers, 347, 348. Comsioners to examine certain rivers mission to, 350. Pay to John to be appointed-to settle accounts Robert's widow out of his estateof Treasurer of Bedford, 315. Re-appointment of secretary —and Paid R. Martin for services, 1775. Receiver-General of land office-Against Connecticut settlers — Instruction to Commissioners for Deputy surveyors —Case of Fran- sale of barracks at Lancaster, 351. cis WVade-Conference with. As- Resignation of Warden-Justice sembly-Division-Militia of Lu- — Inquiry respecting certificates zerne county, 317. Debts due by issued by Comptroller —Reward United States, 324. Barracks at to captor of George SinclairLancaster to be sold, 325. Fire of Claims of States against United manufactory-Proclamation of in- States, 353. Call on Comptroller cendiary, 327. Gunpowdermaga- for accounts —Pay John Weitzell zine-Suitable lot on Walnut street, for provisions for Wyoming, 354. 328. Censure Comptroller for Captain Stiles to make returns of misstatement of pensions —North all stores in his charge —Fees reCarolina cedes part of western ceived and tax on writs, 355. territory-Powder magazine-Per- Resolutions calling on Comptrolsons to appraise value of the lot, ler for accounts with United 329. Resolutions condemning States, &c. —Indians complain of and dismissing John Nicholson, being plundered of their property Comptroller-General - Postponed — Letter to, 357. Cede Cape -Votes on various motions, 331. Henlopen lighthouse beacon, &c., Letter and statement from Comp- to United States —Dr. Franklin troller-General, 332, 336. Pro- bequeaths his portrait to Council ceedings to be published, 337, — Accounts received from Comp339. Order in favor of Reading troller —Letter to delegates re}lowell on account of his map of specting, 359. Letter to execuPennsylvania - Instructions to tors of Dr. Franklin for his porCommissioners on western waters, trait —Acts of Congress —Crimes 337. Order to, 339, Survey of against United States and military lands opposite Pittsburgh and at establishments —Pay for branding Fort McIntosh —Militia for fron- irons for pot and pearl ash casks, tier-Comptroller to furnish list 361. Joseph Galloway applies of certificates — Gunpowder for for a pardon —not granted-Banks Dr. B. Franklin's funeral —Cer- at Mud Island —Proposals for retificate to Brigadier-General pairs of, 363. Pay to militia Thompson's widow, 341. Rea- against Wyoming, 365. Citylotssons for voting for John Nichol- Mud Island —Officers of militia of son's dismission, 342-344. Sur- Westmoreland county —Plan and veying fees of undrawn donation dimensions of powder magazine, lots —Testimonial of respect to 367, 387. Provisions, &c., furDr. Franklin —Two negatives- nished, 372, 374. Acts of ConOrder to Captain Christie —Order gress, 372. Report of Committee to G. Delaney late collector to on Joshua Elder's memorial on return a deposit by Reed & Forde fees and depreciation lands, 374, -Account of powder, flannel, 376. Proposals of Dr. Gregg to &c., supplied for Dr. Benjamin pardon generally persons attaintFranklin's funeral, 345, 346. ed of high treason, 378, 379. Model for nail machine delivered Acts of Congress received-Encour 396 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Supreme Executive Council-xvi. p reme Executive Council — agement of learning —Claims of 441. Report on R. Galbraith Steuben-Courts in North Carolina and Frankstown road, 442. Pow-Letter commandant General of ers of Legislature expire —ReapCarthagena respecting citizens pointment of various officers, 443, now returned, 381. Acts of Con- 444. William Henry Lieut. of gress, 384. Accounts with United Philadelphia resigns, 447. OffiStates —-Grant to William Owen cers re-appointod, 448. Drawing Island in Alleghany river —Col- of donation lands, 452. Claim lector of excise, 385. Reform of S. McCoskry, 454. Breaches of penal system-Appropriation for Treaty with Great Britain —Inbuilding cells and walls in jail quired for, 457, 459. Payments for yard of Philadelphia, 388. Pow- pensions to invalids -- City lot, der magazine, 390. Proceedings 457. P. Lloyd Zachery, clerk of against Robt. Paisley-Suspended, Assembly asks to insert in Jour391, 392. Act of Congress re- nals, address of fifty-six members specting Courts in Rhode Island, — Letters from Ohio captives by 392. Mistake of Land Office in savages, 458. Resolutions recase of W. M. O'Brien corrected, specting treaty with Great Britain, 393.:Secretary at War asks at- 459. Report on case of General tention to Colonel McGillavry — Thompson's widow, 465. Report and Chiefs of Creek nation on and specification of road, Bedford their Way to New York-Invita- to Pittsburg, 466-477. Report of tion to commencement, 395, 396. Committee to examine certificates Preemption right to two islands in Comptroller's office —Execution in West Branch of Susquehanna ordered, 485. Cornplanter and asked for by J. Byers and F. Mc- other Indians in Philadelphia —Pherson, 395. Murder of two Speeches to and from, 497. Their Indians on Pine Creek-and proc- expenses paid, 498. Conference lamation for murderers, 396, 397, with Cornplanter at Philadelphia 398. Letters to Indians and — Terms of sale and purchase of others respecting it, 398. Elec- lands on Lake Erie at Fort Stantion of military officers of Lancas- wix, 501-509. Depreciation lots ter county-Preemption right to — Letter to Cornplanter —Asking island in Susquehanna river, 399. money —Declined payment to inLetter to Colonel McGilivray, 404, terpreter for expenses-Recruiting 405. Payment on account of Pennsylvania line, 511. Certifisurveys of rivers, 407. Delegates cate of Dr. Jones respecting Inin Congress on removal of seat of dian chief Great Tree —Cornplangovernment, 408. Supposed ter and Half Town request to stay murderers of Indians on Pine in city —French emigrants to reCreek, arrested in Portland, 422. ceive tents, 513. Recruits of Land purchased on Dunlap's Pennsylvania line —Books for — creek —Patent to issue for, 422. Various payments, 515. Public Report on General Butler and St. officers called upon for accounts Clair's letters for requisition of and information, 517. Powder to men, 424. Powder magazine' celebrate arrival of President of Message to Assembly-Mud Island United States, 522. Proposals -Claims against United States — for a general pardon to traitors, Reciprocity with nations of Europe 528. Confirm claim of Thomas -Aliens holding land —Murder Harding to city lot, 531. Resoon Pine creek, 436. Return of lutions respecting Comptroller — messenger to Indians respecting Register-General, &c., for inforPine creek murder, 440. Proces- mation and statements —Claim of sion at proclamation of Council R. Peters for lot —Invitation to a -Committee of convention invite lecture by Judge Wilson —Powder -Pay to -Indians for murders, magazine, 533. Execution of J. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 397 Supreme Executive Council — Surveyor General of Land office,E. Jones ordered -- Repairs to 351, 358. To furnish drafts of Senate Chamber, 535. Resigna- land held by Pennsylvania claimtions of Justices —Election to As- ants in Luzerne county, 451, 452. sembly, 537. Claim of R. Peters Resolution respecting Surveyors rejected, 539. Sale of city lots having but one district rescinded, ordered, 540. Various accounts 459. Recommends Andrew Elliapproved —Receipts from several cott to survey islands in Allesources —Building fort at Hannas- ghany river, 615. Complaint of town, 541. Powder magazine — Mr. Woods against, xvi., 11. Has Commissioners to view rivers — power to appoint deputies, 28. Sundry payments - Resolutions To have located certain reservafavoring appointment of C. Pettit, tions according to resolution of As545. sembly, 47. Of donation lands, 50. Appoints James Harris depSurgeons, to be examined by Drs. uty, 171. John Lukens dies, Cadwalader, Bond, Rush and Daniel Brodhead elected, 208. Shippen, x., 452, 458; xii., 215, Appoints his deputies for counties, 307, 437, 622; xiii., 11, 115, 157, 214, 216, 224, 2112, 2192, 229, 158. 254, 257, 261, 280, 288, 292, 317, Surgical Instruments, x., 614. 384, 390, 461. Must appoint, not Survey of Jersey Shore, x., 465. recommend deputies, 258. ApSurveyor-General of Customs, i., points General Potter's son, 261. 337, 538. Of depreciation lands, deputy Surveyor-General of Land Office, i., paid-Act for, 303. Fees received, 120, 124, 148, 151, 161; v., 311. Of lands opposite Fort Pitt 274. Complaint against, 330. Re- and at Fort McIntosh, 340. Deports, xiii., 175. Instructions to, preciation lands, survey of, 439. respecting lands, 596. Claim for Fees, 541. land referred to, xiv., 26. Report Surveyor's fees, i., 69, 499. on A. Power's claim, 292. To de- Susquehannah Company, proceedliver to D. Kennedy papers on ings and resolutions of, ix., 569Virginia claims, 394. Deputies, 572. Letters respecting, 572, 573. 441, 443, 445, 449, 456, 462. Jno. 602. Gov. Trumbull's view of, Lukens appointed, 444. Office in x., 4. Secretary Peter's letter to State House, 583. Reports, xiv., Henry Wilmot at London respect343. Appoints deputies for each ing Indian deed to, 177. county, 441, 442. Caveat against Susquehannah Indians, articles of J. Buchanan, 639. Removal of agreement with, ii., 15. Towns a deputy, 653, 654. Lots to be on, vi., 35. Deeds for purchase surveyed, 515. Report of survey of lands at Albany, 119-129. Col. of new purchase by Alex. Me- Dongan's agency in, 125. Lands, Dowell, 604. To survey andmnark 289. Complain of settlers, ix., 426. ground for hospital at Province 428. Connected with murders or State Island, 655. Difficulty arrive at General Congress, 506. about a line settled, xv., 8. Lands Conference with Delawares at Big for officers, 17. To furnish plan Island, 620. of lots in Philadelphia unsold, 28. Susquehannah River, Indian tribes To make plans of depreciation on or near, iii., 19. Lands to be lands, 43, 74. Call on, for sur- surveyed on, for Indians, 178. veys, 46. Recommend Major Indians consent to W. Penn's purWm. Alexander as deputy, 49. chase of lands on, 183. Munsoe To settle Presley Neville's claim, Indians on, 286. Minnisinks live 218. Fees from Deputy Survey- at forks of, 326. Laid clown as a ors, 343. Deputies not to hold boundary of Pennsylvania in map two districts at same. time, 344. of Lousiana, 1721, 402. Lands Lottery fees to Deputy-Surveyor, applied for west of, 546. Deeds 398 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Susquehanna River, Sussex County, Sheriff, to Winm. Penn 1701, for lands on, sion by Senecas and French firom 600-603. Road from John Har- Maryland, 277. Member from, ris's to Lancaster, 618. Germans objected to on account of debauchmove over, iv., 57. Complaints ery, but admitted to sit, 323. from Maryland, 61. Lands west Sheriff goes to England-Samuel of, released by Indians to Propri- Preston appointed, 340. And a etary, 88. Road from, to Chester, member also, 344. Three Reprereturn of, 181, 284. Justices, sentatives for, 366. - Clerk ap348. Indians quit claims to lands pointed, 371. Amount of one on, 559. New county to be penny tax, 462. Ask for defence, formed west of, v., 398, 403, 404, 522. Watch at Cape Henlopen, 426, 428. History of settlements, 524. Arrival and acts of French, 440-449. A family of Delaware enemy's vessels at, 539. ComnIndians coming from Tinigou, set- plaint against inhabitants for purties between Wyoming and Fort chasing goods from Captain Kidd, Augusta, viii., 120. Indians 579. 7Vatch against pirates, ii., 23, there alarmed by news from 24, 25. Dedimus to Nehfield, 97. Cherokees, 126. Indians in mo- Jona. Bailey, Sheriff, 101. Luke tion above Wyoming, 127. Mes- Watson, Sheriff, 101. Sam'l Pressage of Governor and Gen. Forbes ton, Collector of Levies, 183. Wm. to Indians on, 131. Fisheries, ix., Clark, complaint of actions arising 623, 719. A highway, 717. Gen. out of boundary lines between Lacey to command militia sent to, Maryland, 362. French privateer xi., 533. Pay to Commissioners lands men at Whorekills, 448, to examination of, xiv., 182. New 468. Complaints against Wm. appointment, 485. Expenses of Till, a magistrate-he is superlaying off a part of west branch ceded, iii., 259. Rives Holt, Sherof, and also of running and mark- iff and Samuel Davis, Coroner, ing the line between the old and 260, 289. Justices appointed, new purchase between Alleghany 270. Rives Holt, Sheriff, 332. and, xv., 85. Distances from Jno. Jacobs, Coroner, 333. SherCanoe place to Kittanning, 91. iffs, 416, 465, 524, 575, 615. Road from, to Lehigh, 229, 230. Coroners, 416, 465, 524, 575, 615. Commissioners to view, xvi., 178, I Sheriffs elected, iv., 470, 602, 748,.208, 260, 319, 462. Obstructions 782. Coroners, 470, 602,- 748, in, 208. Preemption to two Is- 782. Sheriffs elected, v., 55, 4117 lands to J. Byers and F. McPher- 468, 551, 597, 662. Coroners son, 395. do., 55, 411, 468, 597, 662. PeSussex County, Sheriff of, i., 58, tition of pilots of, 226. Sheriffs, 165. Seal for, ordered-its de- vi., 145, 638. Coroners elected, vice, 66. Decision of Court ap- 145, 638. Coroners appointed, pealed from, 77. Sub-Treasurer vii., 266; viii., 223, 403, 506, appointed, 111. Ranger appoint- 781. Sheriffs appointed, vii., 266; ed, 165, 166. Complaint against viii., 223, 403, 506, 781. SherAssemblyman, 185. Justices, 188. iffs elected, ix., 57, 199, 286, 333, A Justice accused of ill fame, 398, 548, 624, 688, 778. Coro186. Major Dyer elected and ob- ners elected, 57, 199, 286, 333, jected to as member of Council, 398, 548, 624, 688, 778. Justices, 197. Sheriff and* Ranger, 206, 266, 278, 374. Clerks of Courts 368. Members dismissed, 211. appointed, 699. Sheriffs elected, Justices, 211, 320, 369. Coin- x., 56, 106, 211, 270. Coroners plaint against Sheriff for not re- elected, 56, 106, 211, 270. Justurning a member, 213. Coun- tices, 81, 217, 264. Acts respectplaint by H. Bowman, 228. Sher- ing, 49. Ammunition sent to, iff asks aid, 247. New Sheriff, 352. 249, 340. Report from, of inva- Sutherland, Capt.Nicholas, of King's INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 399 troops, complains of the barracks Governor-his answer, 480-481-2. in Philadelphia, x., 16. Answer of A. Sandal, 483. Sutter, James, Superintendent of Swedes-ford, road to, iii., 225, 230, transportation, arrested, xii., 387. 231. Troops to rendezvous at, Sutton, William, in prison, x., 681. xi., 301; xii., 71. From New York, committed as a Swedish Church minister (Rev'd tory, 676. Jacob Fabricius) blind and reSwaine, Charles, in charge of pro- duced to poverty, i., 386. Warvisions, vi., 460, 473 Letter dens to appear, 386. from Geo. Croghan on French Swedish Consul, letter, xiv., 277. and Indian affairs, 642. To Gov. Complains of rude behavior from M., 643. constables sent by attorney-orSwaine, Francis, clothier, xii., 56. der of Council, xv., 348. 61. Sheriff, xv., 56, 294. Swift, John, a Justice, iii., 28. ColSwaine, Captain Jonathan,complains lector of Port, x., S. Complains of seizure of his vessel by Col- of pilot boat captured, 9. Asks lector -asks for freight of goods, reward to be offered, 10, 12. A &c., iii., 240. Justice, 88. Swaine, Major, State Clothier, xii., Swift, John White, from Maryland, 247. Return of clothing, defici- xi., 407. encies, 261, 266, 285. Swoop, Major, x., 658. Swanson, Swan, offers to take up Swoope, Michael, Coroner, viii., arms against French, i., 334. 781. Provincial Commissioner, Swanwick, John, goods of his father ix., 237; x., 735. Justice, xiii., seized to be returned, xi., 336. 422. Petition, 359. Petition respecting Sykes, William, complaint against, his father's property-Referred xi., 234, 237. to Supreme Court, xii., 58, 199. Symes, Lieutenant James Smyth, Petition, 536. an English officer, on a ship Swatara settlement, murders by In- stranded in New Jersey, x., 387. dians, vii., 538. Released on parole, 410. Money Swatara creek, murders on, by In- for, 418. dians, viii., 95. Symonds, Lieutenant, late of the Swatara river, Commissioners to Warren, to command artillery examine, xvi., 319. company at Liberty Island, x., Swearing, profane, Act to prevent, 437. v., 33, 34. Syng, Philip, silversmith, of PhilaSwearingen, Van, Sheriff, xiii., 740. delphia, committed for a survey Swede, a young, raises a false alarm on Susquelhannah, under a Maryrespecting Indians, ii., 20. Swedes land title, iii., 176. Provincial ministers propose setting up ano- Commissioner for Philadelphia, ther boat on Schuylkill-Council ix., 237. forbid it, 137. Syper, Anthony, counterfeits deeds Sweden maintains neutrality during for land, x., 694. war with Russia and the Ottoman Syria, a nobleman from, arrives, Porte, xv., 433. and is entertained at public exSwedes complain of P. England, pense, iv., 296. keeper of ferry at Schuylkill, not taking them to meeting over the T. river, i., 373. Complain of their Dutch grants of land being taken Tackawheetap, (an Indian) suspectby Proprietary and Secretary, ii., ed of murder, ii., 71. 465. Secretary Logan's answer Tashnichtorous, Indian chief, iii., to, 466. Attack B. Chambers at 500. Schuylkill, 477, 478. Answer to Taghneghdorrus, an Indian, v., 84. petition requested by Council of Tagotolessa, or Cap. Civility, and 400 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. several chiefs at Philadelphia county, 735, 743. And levies, conference, iii., 45-49. Commissioners of, xi., 536; xiv., Tail, estates, v., 426. 151, 235, 267. Eighteen penny Tainey, Nicholas, &c., petition res- tax, 287, 461. Suspension of, for pecting condemned goods, iv., the year proposed, xvi., 2232. 173. Not agreed to, 2242. Received, Talbot, Colonel, agent of Lord Bal- 478. timore, conduct complained of, i., Taxables, in each county, 1760, 103, 104, 120. Proposal to arrest 1770, xiv., 336. him, 104. Visits widow Ogle, Taylor, Abraham, member of coun113. Joseph Bowles, 115. cil, iv., 506. Elected Colonel by Talbot, Jeremiah, Sheriff, xiv., 237; associators, v., 175. Commisxv., 120. sioned to command batteries, 251. Tamnanee, arrives in Philadelphia, Instructs Captain Sibbald, 284, his speech, i., 447, Name struck out by order of proTanacharisson, or Half king, vi., prietary, 551. Sets up a claim 85. Death of, noticed, vii., 5. for lands under title, for which he Tanners who are associators to have is removed from council, 551. preference in hides, xi., 58. Collector of customs, vi., 319. Taquehsekachkawad, viii., 143. (Collector,) order to, of Governor Tarachawagon, name given by In- to ship provisions to Governor dians to Conrad Weiser, iv., 733. Tinker of R. I., vii., 152. Order Tasker, Benjamin, President of for embargo, 388. To allow vesMaryland, correspondence and de- sels to depart, 501. Collector of positions respecting murder of Philadelphia, viii., 39. Dudley Digges, v., 582-597. Taylor, Christopher, member of first Tate, Dr, James, pass to, xiii., 537. council, i., 57. A justice, 182. Tatham, John, vs. Jos. Growden, a Death of, commissioner to take claim for land, ii., 179. charge of his papers as Register Tatnall, Robert, captain of a guard General, 185. Administrators boat, x., 580. appointed, 186, 187, 191, 193, Taverns, ii., 159. Licenses, &c., 195, 201, 210, 332, 380. ix., 24, 25. Taylor, George, claims Durham furTawenna, Indian chief, iii., 313, nace, xi., 537. 363. Taylor, Isaac, son of Christopher, Tax, to be laid on land, to pay pub- i., 185. Administers on his eslie charges, i., 70. Import and tate, 185, 187. Repecting father's export, 99. High, complained of, will, 195. Joseph, 331. Daugh101. His son asks to administer, ter, case of, ii., 455. Surveyor, 185. Of one penny, 520. Collectors made prisoner by Maryland, iii., summoned, 521. Amount, 522. 212, 214. Appointed regulator Refusal or failure to pay, ii., 25, of weights and measures for 70, 71, 122, 127, 150, 159, 391, Chester county, iv., 507. 456, 463, 468, 542. Not raised Taylor, James, coroner, xvi., 199. here as in England, 463; iii., 91, Taylor, John, sheriff of Chester 144. Difficulty between Chester county, iii., 140, 260, 289. Order and Philadelphia counties, 144, on, for a cannon, x., 598. 158; viii., 301, 302, 304, 324, Taylor, Matthew, commissioner on 326. Proprietary, 472-477; x., boundary line of Huntingdon 420. Remonstrance of inhabi- county, xvi., 46. tants of Germantown against, xii., Taylor, Thomas, Register and re53, 54. Collection of, 191, 193, corder of deeds, xi., 190. To be 233. On Philadelphia county, written to, respecting papers, 216. 233. Misconstruction of law on, A highwayman executed, xii., 379. In Dock ward, 382. Cir- 275. cular on, 399. Opposition in Tea, Richard, resigns council, xi., Berks, 601. In Philadelphia 201. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 401 Tea, inspection board appointed on, respecting, 694, 698. His conimported from Amsterdam, xiv., duct, 699. And Captain Orndt, 33. 723. Visits Governor, 725. His Teach, a noted pirate, iii., 54. son Amos, 726. Demands deed Teague, Wm., Coroner of Philadel- of 1718; his opinion of Croghan phia, resigns, ii., 108, 163. and Johnson, 731. Opiniofi on Teedyuscung, Delaware king, sends building, and scalps, 735. ComGovernor a message and string of missioners to Wyoming appointwampum, vii, 198. At Easton ed, 754. Arrives in Philadelphia treaty objects to Pumpshire as respecting belt and scalps, 756. interpreter, having one of his At Philadelphia on his return own, 205. Benjamin, his charac- from Wyoming, 770. Mr. Edter, 205. Agrees to open, 206. meonds sent to, 773. Conference His speech, 207. Explains with, at Philadelphia, viii., 9, 29, " Whish Shickoy," 209. An- 100. Sends insolent reply to swers Governor, 213. Explains Governor, 30. Insists on his the belt, the square means "Lands clerk being present, 30, 31. of Indians," 213. Dines with Holds conference and smokes pipe Governor, 213. Reply to news of with Governor, 32. Speech, 32. Indian murders, 214. Philadel- Refers to treaty at Easton, 33, 39, phia Quakers take leave of him, WV. Logan confers with, 31, 40. 215. His speech, 215. Strange Governor's speech to, 42, 54. conduct of, 217. New belt given, Letter of Governor to Colonel 218. Answers Governor, 218. Washington, by, 56. Speech, Presents to, 219. Continues at &c., at Mr. Horsfield's, 84. In Fort Allen, he and his party per- Philadelphia, 86. Letter by his petually drunk, 222. Proceed- sons, named to three nations ings respecting, 222-225. At on Allegheny, 96. His demands, Wyoming on way to Easton with 114. Ask as a favor of Governor Indian prisoners, 267, 287, 305, to appoint James Perry as a cap309. Fears for his death, 317. tain, 115. Message of Governor Explains what he understands by to, 129. Conference with, at fraud, 325. Charged by Charles Nescopec, 133. Asks for colors Brodhead with Indian murders, taken by Will. Sock from French, 326. How received by Governor 134. Message sent by F. Post Denny, 351. Committee appoint- from Cherokees, 135. Behaves ed by council to investigate pro- badly at Easton, 172. Inquiry prietary purchases from Indians, as to the cause of his alleged 354. Message to, 384. Coming greatness, 190. Speaks on claims to treaty at Easton, 429. Memo- to lands, 202. Describes River randunm of his remarks about Indians living near Esopus, lands, 431. His sons at Fort 217. Quakers' views of his comAllen, 474, 476. Two messages plaints for lands, 243. Report of from, to W. Parsons, 477. News committee appointed by council from, 478, 488, 510-517. At on, 246-261. Visits Governor, Lancaster, 517. Respecting, 517- 344, 403, 414, 463. Delivers 551. Message of Governor to, prisoners, 414. Conference with 546. John Grey, messenger to, Governor H., 435, 500. To be 548. Rehearsal of messages to, informed of murder of Dr. John, 551. Minutes of messengers to, 455. Goes to Ohio with F. Post, 589. Respecting, 605, 607. At 469. Conference at Philadelphia, Fort Allen, 622. At treaty at 484. Stopped, 491. Conference Easton, 649. Demands a clerk, at Philadelphia about N. E. set656, 659. Appoints Chas. Thom- tiers at Wyoming, 500. Letter son clerk,.665. Respecting lands, to, from Sir William Johnson, 676, 677, 679, Deeds for lands 507. Sends message about Conproduced to, 688, 693. Interview necticut settlers, 570. Conference 26 402 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. at Philadelphia, 600, 622, 707. Proprietary as Governor —Lord Assertions about lands, related by Baltimore petitions against him, Isaac Stille at conference, 454, iv., 249. Arrives, presents com661, 667. Conferences with, ix., mission, takes oath, and is pro6. claimed Governor at Court House, Telfair, Rev. Dr., and wife, deed to, 288. Appoints Thos. Lawrie xii., 259. secretary, 289. Message to AsTemple, John, seized and imprison- sembly, 290. Receives opposition ed, xi., 362. Enlarged, 371. from Lord Baltimore, 290. AdTents to be made of awnings, x., dress from Assembly, 292. Cor630, 633. To be procured for respondence with Governor Ogle, troops at Chester, x., 540, 640. 302. Message to Assembly on Terrans, James, Justice, xii., 391. bills of credit, 303. Flag to be Terrence, Adam, dec'n Indian mur- raised on his arrival from Antigua, ders, vi., 648. 304. Messages to Assembly, 290, Territories, difficulties between, and 305. Rule for passing laws, 306. Province, ii., 124-129, 130. Ad- Makes a specialpresent to Alluemdress to Governor, 128. Make mappes, 310. Messages, 314, 319, proposals, 130. Separation in 322, 331-333, 335, 348, 352, 355, legislation, 133. Meeting of Re- 359. Answers of Assembly, 316, presentatives of, 134. To meet 321, 330, 333, 348, 355, 360, 365. at New Castle, 134. Separated On bills of cledit, 319, 335. Corfrom Provinces-Assembly to be respondence with Commissioners called, 163. Governor has not on Maryland line, 329. On elecmet them, 423. Meeting, mes- tions, 335. On Spanish affairs, sages and answers, 424-426. 354. Meets Assembly at New Test Law, memorial of Philadelphia, Castle, 356. Calls Assembly at xiv., 573. Referredto Assembly, Philadelphia, submits papers from 574. England on coin and bills of creTetamy, Moses, bears insolent mes- dit, 359. Messages to Assembly, sage from Tedynscung to Gover- 368, 380, 398, 405, 407, 409, 413. nor, viii., 30, 31. Sent on mes- 419. Do., and answers from do., sage to Minnisink Indians, 140, 367, 371, 387, 402-405, 414, 435. 149. At Easton, 175. Sent to On liberty of conscience, 368-371, Ohio, 491. 381. Orders petitioners of PhilaTeter, Michael, a disabled soldier, delphia for raising money to apcase of, and course to be pursued, pear before Council, 379. Bill, xii., 78. Governor's message on, 384. ComThanksgiving days-for birth of a plains of Israel Pemberton, 389. Prince, i., 229. For victory over Letter to pilots, not licensed, 394. French, ii., 215. Appointed, v., Proclamation on war with Spain, 50. viii., 235; ix., 41; xi., 396. Message to Assembly re627; xii., 369. Appointed by viewing various proceedings, 398, United States, xvi., 189. Pro- 401. On defence of Province, 401. clamation of Council for, 232. Answer to Assembly on bill to Theatres, &c., memorial of Quakers raise money on Philadelphia, 409against, xiii., 741. 413. Orders a man wounded by Theatrical exhibitions, against, xv., an Indian under care of Dr. 590, 595.. Greme, 413. Answers to AssemThomas, Arthur, and sons, to have bly on Philadelphia money bill, their papers secured, x., 661. 419. Letter to Indians respecting Money received for house and lot wounded man, 420. Speech to of Arthur Thomas, xii., 104. Assembly on defence, 422. On Thomas, Lieut.-Colonel David, bat- communicating to Assembly oritalion, x., 686, 695. ginals received from England, Thomas, Evan, Justice, iii., 531. 425, 426. On peace with Spain, Thomas, George, recommended by 427. On draft on Treasury, 461. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 40 Messages to Assembly, 438-443, 26, 36, 44, 46, 48, 54, 58, 63. 449, 461-466, 473, 491-495, 507, Men to be raised, 42. Bills of 510. Do. from, 435, 438, 448, credit, 44, 45, 46. Reduction of 450, 476, 491-495, 509. On en- Canada, 49. Proclamation for listing servants, 438, 443. Addi- Thanksgiving Day, 50. Address tional instructions on bills of cre- to King, 51. Money and clothing dit, 471-473. Proclamation for for troops, 56, 57. Proposes going enlisting soldiers for Cuba, 500. to England for his health, 61. On pest-house, 507, 508, 510. Announces in a message his intenMessages, 510, 540, 590-600, 601, tion, 62; also, death of John Penn, 602, 621, 626, 627, 634, 658, 672, 62. Short review of Governor's 677, 678, 679, 737, 749, 750, 754, administration, 62. Nominates 756, 757. Letter to Indians, 588, members of Council, 64, 68. Has 602, 763, 772. Messages frolm sailed for Great Britain - succeedAssembly, 549, 602, 603-618, 637, ed by Anthony Palmer, 68, 76. 659, 673, 678, 679, 687, 730, 754, Additional instrnctions to. vi., 763, 773. Seal at arms, 639. On 192. Message of Assembly on, election riots in Philadelphia, 623. 226-236. Proceedings of Council On naturalizing Protestants, 627. in his time, 723. On Indian skirmish in Virginia, Thomas, Joshua, sale of estate, xii., 634. Receives money from As- 468. sembly, 639. Mediates with In- Thomas, Lazarus, amurderer, under dians on behalf of Virginia, 653. sentence of death, petitions for Letter to Governor Gooch, and a pardon - argunents for and answer, 653-655. Indian affairs, against, iii., 40. 658. Dispatches from England on Thomas, Colonel Richard, receives probable rupture with France, accoutrements, x., 673, 733. Sta670. Speech to Assembly on, tioned at French Creek powder 671, 672. Trustees of Loan Office, works, xi., 48, 130. bills of credit, 673. Rupture with Thomas, William, sale of estate, France, 677. Murder by Dela- xii., 481. wares, 678; 687. Going to Vir- Thoeme, Durst, petition respecting ginia and Maryland, 689. Pro- condemned goods, iv., 171, 227. clamation of war between England Thoeme, John, Justice, xiv., 180. and France, 696 Treaty with Thompson, Alex., member of AsIndians at Lancaster, 697-737. semlbly, dies, xii., 188. WVar with France —privateers- Thompson, Andrew, Justice, xiv., treaty with Indians, &c., 737. On 247. capture of vessels by French pri- Thompson, Capt. Archibald, x., 692. vateers, 749. Expedition against Sub-Lientenant of Philadelphia, Cape Breton, 754, 763. New to act in Col. Coates' place, he county, 756. Catawbas and Vir- being a prisoner with the enemy, ginia, 757, 758. Proclamation xi., 419. against selling rum to Indians, Thompson, Benjamin, Lieutenant of 759. Letter to Wm. Hill, keeper boat "Experiment," x., 335. of powder-house, 764. Answer Thompson, Isaac, Lieutenant, xi., to Assembly on grant of provisions 640. Coroner, xiv., 555. for King's use, 768. Importance Thompson, James, Councillor, xi., of gaining over the Indians from 699. Purchases flour, xii., 75, the French, 792. Commission 77, 143. Account as member, and instructions to Commissioners 304. to Albany, 773-777. Thompson, Jesse, wounded and Proposes new members of Coun- scalped by Indians on Susquecil, v., 1. Circular to Captains of hanna, clothing for, xi., 747. militia, 2,-6. Messages to As- Thompson, John, Coroner, v., 552, sembly, 4, 26, 36, 44, 45, 46, 56, 662. Sheriff, ix., 333, 398, 547. 57, 62. Messages from Assembly, Sent with Indians from Fort Pitt 404 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. to Redstone, 539. Instructions to, Tickings, manufacture of, in Phila540. Sheriff, x., 56, 100, 211, delphia, ix., 354. 372; xi., 179, 378, 596. Pay- Tilghman, Colonel, aid of General master, 751. Commissary of Washington, arrives with news of musters-sends rolls and names surrender of Lord Cornwallis, of officers, xii., 73, 78. xiii., 94. Thompson, Joseph, Coroner, vii., Tilghman, Edward, employed as 266. counsel in suit, Thomas Proctor Thompson, Joshua, Coroner, vi., for Hogg Island, xv., 372. 638; viii., 402, 506. Tilghman, James, elected member Thompson, Peter, claim, xv., 481. of Council in room of William Thompson, Robert, Coroner, iv.,748. Till, deceased, ix., 354. Sent to Thompson, Lieutenant Robert, xii., Easton on Wyoming affairs, 749. 2. Report, 750. Sent to WilliamsThompson, Samuel, Captain, xii., burg as a Commisssioner to Lord 70. Resigns as Justice, xiii, 748. Dunmore, x., 173. Instructions, Coroner, xv., 300. 175. Report, 181. Allowed to Thompson, Colonel William, Letter visit his family, xi., 285. Parole respecting Indians, viii., 111; returned, and he discharged, 489, xi., 556, 567, 573. 492. Late Secretary of the Land Thompson, Brigadier-General Wil- Office under Proprietaries-called liam, makes charges against Tho- on for the books, papers, &c., mas McKean, xi., 653. Denial, xii., 690. Secretary of Land Of-.659. Called before Council-De- fice, xiii., 420. clines, 660. Dies-Pension to Till, William, a magistrate of Suswidow, xv., 234, 286, 345, 413, sex county, is complained against 472. Certificate to his widow, for indecent expressions against xvi., 341. proprietary's family, and arbi-'Thompson, Schooner General, pri- trary acts against Alexander Molvateer, x., 743. liston-he is superseded, iii., 259.'Thomson, Charles, master of Qua- Confesses his error, and is re-inker school, appointed by Teedy- stated, 269, 270. Member Counuscung his clerk, vii., 665. Asks cil, iv., 506. Mayor of Philadelfor copies of letters, &c., 724, phia, 623. 3d Judge of Supreme 725. Attends with Teedyuscung Court, 640. Appointed Collector at a conference in Philadelphia, of Customs at New Castle in room viii., 114. Appointed with Fred- of Thomas Grneme, deceased, v., erick Post messenger to Indians, 244. (President Council,) to 132, 147. Conference with, at William Parsons, vii., 267. A Nescopec, 132. (Secretary) makes Supreme Judge, vii., 558. Colan "indecent and affronting ap- lector of New Castle, viii., 39. plication" to the Vice-President Justice of Supreme Court-infirm, respecting a house, xi., 531. Sec- is displaced, ix., 203. Member retary of Congress, xii., 187. of Council, dies, 354. Paid for kettles taken for public Timber wheels for General Armservice, xiii., 319. Letter, xiv., strong, xi., 757. 23, 143. Tin to be purchased, x., 640. Thorne, Rev. Mr., Episcopal clergy- Tinicum, part of Joseph Galloway's man complained of and suspici- forfeited estate, deed for, xii., ous, xii., 334. 256, 331, 352. (Bucks county,) Thornton, Joseph, Sheriff, viii., deed to E. Carson, xiii., 236. To 402, 506. Colonel F. Murrry, 277. Thread, manufacture of, proposed Tinker, Governor John, of Rhode by John Marshall, xii., 81. Island, applies for permission to Tiadaughton creek, ix., 554. obtain provisions, vii., 151. Tiaogon, great number of Indians Tinogon, Delaware Indians move at, vii., 137. from, to Susquehanna, viii., 120. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 405 Tioga, riots at —Letter to Governor Torrance, Joseph, Sheriff, xv., 303, of New York and delegation in 584; xvi., 202, 208. Congress on, xv., 278. Intelli- Tortnor, Robert, Ensign, xii., 10. gcnce from, 307. N. Dennison Tost, John, Sheriff of Philadelphia sent to, receives pay, 312. Goods county, i., 58. distributed to Indians at, xiv., Touche, Chevalier de la, authorized 604. Report of Maclay, 658, 662. to collect French sailors, xii., 723. Tissue, William, Captain, xii., 70. Toutasariaga, Indian chief, iii., 500. Titami, Captain John, a Delaware Towers, John, may deliver lanterns chief, petition, iv., 624. and knapsacks to Colonel Miles, Tittemy, Joseph, vii., 431. v, 636. Various orders to, 640, Tittermary, John, pass for, xi., 648, 649, 651, 657, 658, 662, 664, 578. 672, 677, 688. Tobacco, seized by Governor, asked Towers, Robert, appointed Comnmisto be restored, i., 343. Casks sary of powder magazine, x., 301. regulated, i., 465. Transporta- Powder at Germantown, &c., 304, tion from Maryland to be stopped, 306, 307, 308, 313. Reports, 328, 465, 468. More at Philadelphia 331, 333, 339, 340, 352, 375, 378, than can be shipped, 610, 611. 382, 398, 404, 417, 421, 426, 428, A " Say Master" proposed to pre- 430, 435, 436, 440, 510, 527, 555. vent packing unmerchantable, ii., To keep key of magazine, 341. 26. To prove and stamp muskets, Todd, Alexander, Justice for Dock 383. Commissary, to deliver Ward, xv., 160. cannon, 402. To deliver powder Todd, Andrew, Surgeon, General to Congress, 415, 416. To receive Greene, xi.,765. Justice, xii.,753. and examine arms, &c., 422. Fix Tolbert, Captain, xi., 423. racks for arms in State-house, Tolbert, Major Jeremiah, xii., 678. 422. Quantity of shot in store, Tomlinson, John, art of boring 431. To furnish Congress with and grinding gun barrels to be powder, &c., 435. And shot, 443. purchased from, x., 533, 648. Reports, 447, 456, 458, 463, 496. Tonge, William, applies to have Powder to Virginia, 458, 468. papers delivered to him as Clerk Lives next but one door to Presof New Castle county-as naval byterian Church, Market street, officer-requirement of Council, 471. To furnish brass, 483. Pay ii., 97. increased, 497. Reports, 503, Tonnage, duty on, proposed-ob- 566. To procure formers, &c., jected to,'viii., 30, 31, 35, 67, 589. Orders on, for ammunition, 100. Petition of merchants &c., 613. Orders for delivery of against, 230, 232, 334. Duty, stores, &c., xi., 4. how and at what rate to be esti- Town, Benjamin, gunsmith, x., 422. mated, xii., 588. Printer, suspected of printing seToombs, Colonel, to rendezvous at ditious paper, " Slow and Sure," Swedesford, xi., 301. and William Young, his apprenTootelaes, alias Chaponick, iii., 511. tice, committed, xii., 325. (See Topham, Captain Daniel, applies 319.) for the brick-yard in Northern Townsend, Admiral, applies for exLiberties, xii., 311. port of provisions for fleet, vii., Tories, proceedings, persons and 571. papers, x., 358, 360, 460, 503, Townsend, Lyttleton, Coroner, x., 616, 677. Committed - their 211. names, xi., 58, 89, 190, 472, 478, Townships, ii., 520, 530. Pounds 479, 481. Suspected persons to to be erected in each, iii., 345; be arrested, 283. Proceedings iv., 278. against, 283. Remonstrance of, Tracey, Lieutenant, murdered by 292. Arrests, 308. Act against, Lieutenant Hamilton, x., 8. 481. Trade, Act in favor of certain per 406 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. sons to, proposed, iii., 234. Of mation against, 27, 287, 312. EsNorthern colonies restrained, 401, tates, 80, 114, 116, 117, 174, 185, 408. Indian, bill to regulate, vi., 204, 222, 246, 247, 259, 260, 265, 743. With Indians, vii., 177, 268 299, 300, 309. Not to go at 433, 455, 463; viii., 19, 24, 29, large, 133, 323, 331. Traitors, 268, 39, 51, 71, 76, 234, 332; ix., 53, 270, 271, 272, 277, 293, 334, 336, 264, 552, 642, 656, 706. English 339, 340, 390, 401, 416, 419, 425, government take it into their 470, 478, 481, 495, 496, 501, 515, hands, 581. 521, 524, 536, 553, 557, 558, 566, Trade and Navigation, to be encour- 577, 61), 612, 615, 617, 619, 651, aged, i., 574. 663, 665, 674, 675, 709, 710, 722, Trade, Lords of, letter from, on de- 729, 730, 733, 734, 737, 742, 745, fence of New York, ii., 114. 747, 751, 752, 775, 778, 781, 782. With Spaniards in West Indies to xiii., 5, 9, 11, 12, 20, 23, 26, 30, be opened, 179.. Appoint new 31, 32, 35, 38, 52, 56, 57, 78, 80, Commissioners of, 403. On coin, 94, 97, 98, 101, 108, 140, 146, and bills of credit, iv., 356-360, 163, 170, 171, 175, 180, 182, 199, 500. On presents to Indians, v., 204, 207, 209, 236, 246, 251, 252, 711. Letter on Indian affairs, 273, 277, 281, 296, 297, 301, 303, and proceedings at Fort George, 333, 346, 361, 385, 403, 430, 448, vi., 59. Additional instructions 450, 498, 505, 516, 519, 529, 590, to Governor Thomas, 192. Let- 592, 599, 623, 646, 695, 701, 735, ters to and from, vii., 272, 278, 748. 766, 776. xiv., 34, 47, 56, 386, 738, 740. Order embargo, 140, 290, 292, 359, 385, 451, 463, 387. Ask account of iron manu- 495, 498, 578, 589, 590, 642, 651, factures, 1749-1756, 738. And 663. xv., 4, 6, 8, 9, 14, 26, 40, plantations, Commissioners' pro- 43, 51, 73, 74, 82, 99, 124, 126, ceedings respecting regulations, 149, 153, 172, 180, 185, 187, 191, ix., 341, 343. Order Governor 192, 220, 223, 237, 260, 261, 265, Penn to send an account of manu- 277, 382, 406, 413, 425, 427, 428, factures in Pennsylvania since 468, 471, 606, 640, 657. xvi., 23, 1734, 343, 354. With Indians, 107, 136, 155, 179, 217, 273, 283, 552. 309, 350, 363, 387, 422, 507, 540. Traders —see Free Society of. Transports arrive at New York and Traill, Robert, appointed to receive sail southward, xi., 3. and distribute provisions collected Trapnall, Jno. Coroner, ix., 333, 398. in Northampton county, xi., 422. Treason —prisoners under sentence Storekeeperdeclines, 437. Coun- of death for, iii., 110. Treasoncillor, xv., 100. able plans discovered and persons Traill, Thomas, Sheriff, xiii., 89, 395, arrested at Carlisle, xi., 307. 724. Treasurer and deputy, salary, i., 111. Train, David, Coroner, x., 56. Appointed, 111. ii., 122. ProvinTraitors, Act for attainder of, xi., cial, Security, ix, 578, 580 State 481, proclamation againstcertain, appointed, xi., 257., xii., 554.483, 493, 496. Secretary to keep Treasury of New Jersey robbed, register of attainted persons, ix., 543, 544. Treasury depart503, 504. Instructions to agents, ment United States, act of Con504. Proclamation against, 513, gress establishing, xvi., 164. 518, 523. Estates, 529, 535, 538, Treaties with Indians, ii., 15, 299. 539, 556, 587. Letter from Mas- To be made with five nations, iii., sachusetts respecting, 629. Cau- 403. Penn and Indians, 338.tion against purchasing estates of, With Holland on contrabands of on account of frauds, 654. Sales war, iv., 487, at Lancaster, 697. of estates, 745. Suspicious per- With Six Nations at Albany, resons, xii., 8, 11, 12, 49, 80, 83, ports, v., 7, 26. At Easton, vii., 106, 113, 114, 133, 145 177, 199, 204, 220. Preliminaries, 206. 206, 222, 223, 237, 243. Procla- Opening, 207. Persons present, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 407 207. Governor's speech, 210. Par- Trindle, John, sub-Lieutenant, xii., ticular description of wampum 322. used, 216. Strange conduct of Trimble, James, xii, 718. SumTeedyuscung.,217. Strange speech moned as a witness, xiii., 296. of New Castle, 218. Speech of xiv., 466. Paid for fillingpatents Governor on giving belt, 218. for land, xv., 139, 229. Assistant Meeting breaks up, 219. Names: of Secretary, 592. To draw conveyIndians present at, 220. At Har- ances with Colonel Johnston, 609. ris's and Lancaster, 506, 551. Trophies of war - resolution of Of 1763, between France and Congress, 1778, request of board England, proclaimed, ix., 80. of war for, xii., 242. With Indians at Fort Stanwix, Troops to be raised from different boundaries described, 554. Of counties, x., 757. peace with Morocco, xv., 268. Trover and Conversion-action for, Trees, penalty for cutting, marked ii., 407. on boundary, i., 128. Trueby, Christopher, Justice, xiv., Trego, Benjamin and Joseph, ar- 180. rested and enlarged, xi. 308, Trumbull, Jonathan, Governor of Trelawney, Governor of Jamaica, to Connecticut. Letter from Presibe asked for loan of cannon, v., dent Hamilton, ix., 777. Let228. Ask to levy forces, 233. ters to and from on Susquehanna Letter respecting impressing sea- county, x., 4, 119, 151, 152, 163, men, 326. Decision of Council, 164. Resolutions of Counciland 327. Assembly, 119. Letter from, xiv., Trembleur, privateer, at Philadel- 2. phia, v., 249. Her French pris- Trumbull, Continental frigate, xii., oners ordered to Newtown jail, 712, 722, 760, 778. 264. Trump, Capt., vi., 764. Trent, William, Member of Council, Tsanandowa-lands at, iii., 273. ii., 118. Judge, 239. Speaker, Letter from Abraham Wendall at, iii., 69. Claim for bearing present to Governor of Virginia, 609. to Indians at Ohio, v., 490. Ac-, Tuck, Peter, of Bucks county, comcount from Ohio, 616. At the plains of Indians, ix., 385. forks, 660. Views ground for Tucker, Henry, chairman of departFort, 660. Ensign Ward of his ment of Bermuda-letter with company, surrenders Fort at Mo- powder, x., 321. nongahela, vi., 28. Braddock's Tucking, Robert, care of prisoners, defeat, 481. Affairs at Patterson's xi., 89. creek, 641. Aid proposed for his Tuckness, Robert, appointed agent relief, 743, 744. Proposed as for Indian trade at Fort Allen, viii, Secretary at treaty, vii., 516. 234. Resigns, 286. Letters, 601, 669. Tudor, Henry, appointed to ship Treniton Ferry-two good horses to Montgomery as pilot, x., 679. be established at, viii., 71. Troops Tulleken, C'aptain, demands quarsent to, in shallops, xi., 25. Jters fortroops, vii., 359. Boats and Commodore sent to, Tulpehocken-lands, J. Logan and 39. Six colors taken from Hes- Indians, respecting, iii., 322. Sians, 40. Prisoners from, 76. The farthest inhabited part of the Gondolas to be sunk near, 470, province assigned to Palatines 471. Officers of State fleet-leave from New York, 323. Indian for Lancaster, 521. Court on murders near, vi., 704, 738.Connecticut claim meets at, xiii., Horses stolen by, viii., 401. 430. Witnesses, 442. Turbett, Captain Thomas, x., 686, Trevis, Capt. John, sub-Lieutenant, 692. xi., 448. Tulbert, Henry, Sheriff, x., 211. Triesback, Colonel Jost, battalion, Turbutt, Samuel, collector of excise, xi., 126. xvi., 83. 408 IND)EX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Turnbull, Marmee & Co. Paid, 324. Ulm, city of, burgomasters and maClaim land on which Fort Pitt gistrates of, answer to letters from, was erected, xiv., 124. Petition xiv., 356. to trade withIndians, 520. Report Underwood, John, Sheriff, xv., 296, on their case, xvi., 158. 566. Turnbull, William, agent for pur- Unfree Ships, proceeded against, i., chase of flour, xii., 45, 76, 107, 90, 121, 122. Condemnation, 122. 112, 142, 144, 202, 203, 252.- Difficulty with purchaser, 124. Accounts, 252, 267, 380, 385, 595, Union, act of, i., 619. Flag, v., 634. Orders to, for money, xiii., 350. Of colonies, vi., 16, 38, 71, 43. To appraise goods, 577. Ac- 72, 78, 87, 89, 93, 96, 100. Plan counts, xv; 302, 345, 651. of, 105, 109. Turner, Joseph, member of Council, Union saw-mill, on the Lehigh, xv., v., 65. To examine negroes of 194, 229, 230; xvi., 83. flag of truce, 74; 75. Commit- Union, Federal ship, placed by pertee on Indian land claims, viii., mission of Council, in State-house 259. Papers belonging to land yard, after procession, xv., 487. office to be demanded of, xiii., 434. United States, lottery tickets reTurner, Robert, a judge, i., 119. ceived and sent to Board of TreasA justice, 120, 176. Register, ury, xi., 477. Independence acpro. tem., 185. Resigns, 195. knowledged, xiii., 543. ProclaHas pieces of eight, petition re- mation of Congress on cessation of specting, 209. Scandalous report hostilities, 555. Benj. Stille apabout, is justified by Council, proved to settle accounts with, 210. Lieut. of Governor, 211. 558. Proclamation of PennsylPetition for road to Bucks, 298. vania on peace-Hessian flags Councillor, 365. Treasurer, 436, given to Pennsylvania, 559. 443. Member of New Council, State of expenditures under head 580. Arrested, 608. of contingencies, xiv., 652. ReTurner, Thomas, keeper of State turns of electors of President and flag, xiii., 586. Vice-president, and proclamation, Tuscorora suffers from Indians, vi., xv., 655. President's letter on 674. mode of transmitting acts of Twightwees, described, iii., 440. Congress, &c., xvi., 93. Thankstown attacked by French and giving appointed by, 189. Claims Indians, v., 599.-Message from, of the several States against, 353. 600. Death of King, 617. Pres- Temporary and permanent seat of ent of condolence, 617. Discourse Government, 408. Accounts with with Owendats, vi., 199. 429. Pay for loss while in service Tybout, Andrew, care of prison- of, 536. Claims on, 540. ers, xi., 89. University of Pennsylvania, (see Tyler, John, armorer, xi., 408. Pe- Academy and College.) Confistition, xi., 655. cated estates reserved for, xii., Tyng, Charles, to distribute salt and 189, 441. Estate of William flour, xii., 119. Austin, in Philadelphia, assigned Tyoninhogaroa, Indian chief, iii., to, 585. Proceeds of estates, 440. xiii., 209, 255, 280, 310. James Type founder, Jacob Bay, at Ger- Patterson, teacher in, 205. Copy mantown, xii., 326. of act called for, 454. Lands appropriated to, xiv., 26, 488. Incomes of land accruing to, xv., QUg. 40. Council attend commencement, 328. Ask for use of bell of Udrie, Colonel Daniel, resigns as State-house, while the University sub-Lieutenant, xii., 675. is in Philosophical Hall, 93, 170. Ullaloes, a chief of Ganawese In- Invitation to commencement, 121, dians, xiii., 605, 606. 301, 403. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 409 Updegraff, Derick, justice, iii., 531. lionpublic, xiv., 568. Purchases Upland, goods left at, to be brought -Depreciation lands, xvi., 374. to Philadelphia, i., 64. Indians Vanderslice, Henry, Sheriff, x., 270. willing to sell lands, 156. Vanderslice, Lieutenant Jacob, reUrie, Alexander, convicted of mur- cruiting instructions, xi., 577. der, v., 269, 274. Report of Su- Vandike, Henry, Berks Co., compreme Court, 277. Action of plains of damage to farm, by Council, 280. Reprieve for, 293. roads, ii., 238. Urie, Thomas, Sheriff, xi., 234. Vandyke, John, Sheriff, v., 411, Sub-Lieutenant, 303. To receive 464. sulphur, &c., at Yellow Springs, Vance, John, apprehends a notorious 389. counterfeiter, and receives reUrie, Thomas, Junior, Sub-Lieuten- ward, xii., 268, 272. ant, xi., 379. Rifles for Bedford, Van Etten, John, Coroner, viii, 506. 423. Respecting election, 774; Van Hier, Captain B., petition for xii., 93. Counsellor, 147. Diffi- certain articles for his troop of culty with, and John Piper, about horse, xi., 737. Recruits, xiii., seats, 182. Resigns as a member, 188, 202, 211. 334. Vanhorn, Isaac, coroner, xv., 99, Urquehart, Eneas, traitor, arrested, 296, 566; xvi., 192. xii., 479, 480, 494, 524. Vanikin, Rebecca, pretended marUsher, Thomas, Sheriff of Chester riage with John Martin, x., 40, Co., i., 58, 174. Appointed sub- 53, 54. treasurer for Chester, 111. Corn- Vankemp, John, letter respecting plaint against, 200. His answer, Indians in Northampton Co., xii., 201. 326. Councillor, Usury, bill against to be renewed, Van Leer, Gerhard, to hold lands, i., 466, 468. &c., 111. Uttendorf, Monsieur, appointed ad- Van Leer, Lieut. Wm., recruits, jutant, x., 773. xi., 492. Van Lenkensdorf, Lewis, recommended to Congress, First Lieut., v. - x., 679. Appointed Adjutant, another nominated as Lieutenant, Valentine, Robert, intends a reli- 685. gious visit to Ireland-views of Vansant, Ensign Garrett, robbed in Council on, xiii., 85. Bucks County, xi., 512. Valley Forge, Hospital at, attended Van Sice, John, letter, vii., 44. by Captain Duffey, xii., 67. Van Swearingen, Captain of comVanbebber, Jacob, Justice of Su- pany of foot in Westmoreland preme Court, ix., 203, 206. Dies, County, xi., 46; Sheriff xiii., 135, 581. 443. Van Campen, Aaron, deposition re- Van Vlieck, Isaac, applies to be specting Wyoming, ix., 710. notary, xiv., 362; appointed, 363. Van Campen, Benjamin, appointed Vastine, Jeremiah, coroner, xiv., Sub-Lieutenant, xi., 310. Jus- 555. tice, xiv., 661. Complaint against Vaudrevil, Gov. of Canada, Major and his defence, —dismissed, xv., Gen'l Abercrombie's letter to, on 439. capitulation of Fort Winm. Henry, Van Campen, John, appointed jus- viii., 141; letter from, 504. tice, ix., 660. Letter to, on In- Vega, Don. F. C. Dela, Governor of dian invasions, xii., 312. Coun- Havana, letters respecting necillor, 506. Letter on alarm, for groes, v. 200. supplies to Wyoming, 585. Ac- Vetch, Col., instructions to, respectcount, 658, 715; xiii, 428. Letter, ing expedition to Canada, ii., 448. xiv., 443 To refund, xvi., 324. Venango, see Weningo, v., 659, 660. Vanderen, John, jr.,notaryjand tabel- Number of enemy at, vi., 179; fort 410 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. described, vii., 341; fort, viii., 265; put in, in distress for repairs, burned, 380; French at, in great 597, 620, 654, 656, 661; puts in, confilsion, 392, 396; post at, cut in distress, and asks to unload, off, massacred, ix., 35; reserva- vii., 347. tion at, for State, xvi., 47. Vice, suppression of, instrument to Vendue Masters, complaints against, be drawn for, by proprietary inin Philadelphia, iii., 91, 102. structions, i., 321; and immoralVendues, x., 72, 74; act to prohibit ity, proclamation against, xiii., sales by, xi., 751; expressly pro- 434; act against, 753; defects in hibited by law, except in particu- laws for, xiv., 352; act to prevent, lar cases, xii., 4; resolutions of xv., 587, 589, 595. Supreme Executive Council Vickers, Jesse and Solomon, reagainst, 151; auctioneer for Phil- commended to mercy, robbers in adelphia elected, 185, 525; Bucks county, xii., 338, 339, 343, sales of clothing by, 354; act 373. amended, 325; laws, new, &c., Vickers, Solomon, claim for reward xiii., 761; sale of tea, xiv., 36; for arresting, xiv., 364, 393, 398, Masters appointed, 38; memorial 459, 461. of C. Febiger, on Footman and Vickry, Thomas, coroner, xvi., 212, Chaloner's, in Passyunk, xv., 498. 592. Victory, over French, thanksgiving "Venus," privateer to receive cer- for, ii., 215. tain articles, x., 642. Vienna, mediation of, xii., 742. Verner, Fredlerick, pardoned, and Vallepanche, assistant engineer in to be tried, xi., 559. plan of River, compliment to, xi., Vernon, Admiral to Gov., on Spanish 776. Squadron, in West Indies, iv., Villier, Mon. Coulon de, Fort Ne479. cessity capitulates with, vi., 52. Vernon, Secretary, letters to Gov. Vines, John, Sheriff of Sussex co., from, respecting pirates, and a i., 58, 174. French squadron, ii., 24. Viningo, Benjamin, a Justice, iii., Vernon, James, signs proceedings 28. Petition respecting road from at Hampton Court, iv., 298, 301. Philadelphia to Wiccacoa, 107. Vernon, Nat., sheriff, x., 270, 742. Vining, Henry, Coroner, ix., 623, Vernon, Jon'n, cor'r, xv., 191, 230. 688, 778. Vessels, complaints against masters Vining, John, Supreme Judge, vii., of, i., 175, 343, 344; master lost 558. Chief Justice of Supreme overboard, 376, 379; complaint of Court, ix., 203. Trustee of Gensailors put on shore from a, 439; eral Loan Office, 204, 206. Chosen seized, to be tried in Chester Co., Speaker of Assembly, 336, 400, 475; registers of, ii., 90, 96, 97, 697. Judge of Oyer and Term112; sickly, orders respecting, iv., iner, 581. Dies, 743; x., 108. Chief 307, 314, 317, 496; not to be Justice of Supreme Court for piloted up river, except by persons lower counties dies, x., 108. having license, 394; resolutions, Virginia, acts of piracy, i., 562. &c., respecting visits of health Indian settlements in, iii., 20. officers, 496; arrive and land pas- Gov. Spotswoodcommissions Capt. sengers, 568; to be landed at Christopher Smith to confer with Fisher's Island, 569; Dr. Grseme Indians at Albany on murder of and Board visit, 587, 674; with Catawba Indians at Fort Christipassengers arrive, to be visited ana, 21. Various murders by by Dr.s Bond and Groeme, v., Indians in, 22, Gov. Spotswood 100; sickly vessel, ship Euryale in Philadelphia, 30. Gov. Spotsarrives with yellow fever, ordered wood on Indian affairs at Albany, below, 106, 107; to be visited by 82-84. Gov. Keith visits Virginia Drs. Greeme and Bond, 109; on Indian affairs 112, 113. Agreecertificates of physicians, 112; ment between Indians of, and INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 411 Virginia- VirginiaConestogoes, 114. Samuel Rob- England arrives, 689. Sends men bins sent express to —his expenses, to build forts on Ohio, 712. Doc162. Gov. Spotswood's letter to uments and calculations respectGov. Keith-conference with In- ing boundary of Pennsylvania dians, 206. Letter complaining and, 758-767. Grant of money of Council on Indian conference, to encourage enlistments, 765. 209. Runaway negroes, 209-211. French and Indian affairs, vi., 1Indian robberies in, 210. Runa- 9, 643. Correspondence with way negroes among Indians, 215. Governor, 1, 3, 5, 7, 27, 31, 55, Reported war with Indians, 500. 136, 163, 177, 294, 296, 297, 308. Governor to administer oath to Forts on Ohio, 4. Speech of Half Gov. Gordon under new commis- King, 31. Large force of French sion, 526. Letter Gov. Gooch on before fort on Ohio, 37. Forces, Indian murders, 564. Speech of 138. Forts Will's creek and RedGov. Gordon to Indians, and an- stone, 137. Assembly disappoints swer of their chief on the iAur- Governor, 165. Raise funds, 177. ders, 606. Indians request Coun- Troops driven from Ohio, 184. oil to write to Governor of, about Troops from England, 200. Arlands, iv., 93, 94. Correspondence rive in, 331. Correspondence with with Governor, 203. Demands a Gov Dinwiddie, vii., 31. Neumurderer, 245. Indian news, 245. trals arrive from Nova Scotia, 32. Skirmish with Indians in, 630. Indian affairs in, 31. Lord LouDeposition of Thos. McKee, 631, doun appointed to command in, 634, 635. Letter from Governor 133. Letter Gov. and Council to and report of C. Weiser on, 640. customs on embargo, 570. Troops Col. Gooch accepts Gov. Thomas' at Winchester —Col. Washington, mediation with Indians, 646. 601. Indian murders, 601. Post Thanks of Governor for his suc- to be continued through, viii., 71. cess, 654. Treat with Indians for Indians arrive at Philadelphia lands, 655, 658. Aid in settling from Winchester, 124. Letter to peace with Catawba Indians, 755, Gov. Fauquier, 779. Letters to 757, 758. Letter from Governor and from Governor of, ix., 305, Gooch on presents to Indians- 344. Settlers on western lands, prevalence of small-pox, v., 221. 321-325, 344. Answer to Gov. Letter to, on privateers, 254. Penn's letter, 349. Difficult to From, on Ohio Indians and pres- bring murderers of Indians to ents to, 257. Governor on man- justice, 350. Frontier, complaints of-war, 280. And Catawba In- against, 460. Respecting Dr. Condians, wampum returned, 402. nolly, x., 140, 146, 148. Letters Correspondence with, 421. Pres- to and from Lord Dunmore, 149, ident Lee, after retirement of Gov. 156, 158. Boundary between, and Gooch, 423, 424. On erection of Pennsylvania, 149, 156, 158. forts against French, 423. A. Forts on Ohio, 158. CommissionMontour to interpret for, 568. ers sent to, 170, 173. InstrucSends him to Indians at Onondago tions, 174. And letter to Lord to invite them to conference at, D., 176. Murders on frontiers, 607. Letters to and from Gov. 180. Complaints against Dr. C., Dinwiddie on French and Indian 181. Report of Tilghman and affairs, 629, 630-635, 687, 712, Allen, Commissioners, 181. Cor714, 754. Letter to Governor respondence, 182-191. Indians from Monakatootah-large num- threaten war with, 201. Gov. ber of French at Ohio, 635. Letter Penn's message to Indians recoimfrom W. Fairfax, 657. Commis- mending peace, 204. And to sioners to meet Indians at Carlisle, Delawares, 204. Disposed for war 658. Report, 664. French build with Indians, 208. Expedition two forts, 687. Man-of-war from against Shawnese, 214. Judge 412 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Virginia- VirginiaCrawford joins, 228. James Innes appointed, 685. Letter from Govto purchase second hand arms, ernor Harrison on boundary, 753. 418, 518. Borrow sail cloth from Resolution of, xiv., 38, 60, 69, 74, Pennsylvania, 422. Powder to, 114, 119. Boundary with, 56, 458. Armsto, 546. Coalbrought 59, 104, 174, 211, 286, 317, from, 707. Boundary between, 361, 518. Act of Legislature of, and Pennsylvania, xi., 240. respecting cession of lands to the Troops to work at Billingsport, United States, 165. Governor 242. Disaffected persons sent to, sends entries made in their land 290, 295, 296. Habeas Corpus office within Pennsylvania, 200. issues, 308, 309. Various papers Repayment of loan to R. Andrews, respecting, 383, 394, 395, 427. 236. T. Hutchins, Commissioner, Conference respecting, 435, 437, paid, 238. Report of Pennsyl460, 462, 468, 472, 473, 481, 483. vania Commissioners, 288. InTo be discharged at Pottsgrove, terfering claims for lands ceded 472. Letter, Delegates in Con- byr-copy of agreement to be obgress-resolutions, boundary line, tained, 368. Papers to be de669. Letter of Delegates on ditto. livered John Lukens by D. Ken690. Letters to and from Gov. P. nedy, 394. Commissioners apHenry, xii., 16, 263, 444. Relating pointed, 399. Opening Potomac, to boundary line, 16, 177. Con- 399. Proposes road from Fort gress on dispute between Penn- Cumberland, 467. Letter from sylvania and, - recommendation Governor relative to disputes not to sell at present, 211. Pro- from Edmund Randolph on comclamiation respecting dispute with, mercial convention, 651. Letter 214. Letters and various papers Governor Randolph, memorial of to Governor Jefferson, 224. Sales C. S., xv., 159. Proclamation on of land in this province by, 234. agreement, with, 279. Letter Affairs of, and Westmoreland, 250. Governor Randolph respecting a Letter from Governor of, respect- negro, 416. Copies of all Acts of ing dispute, 263. Boundaries with Legislature of Virginia relating to Pennsylvania, 287. Commiss'rs lands in this State asked for by complained of, 303. Line with, Council, 451. Ratification of Con444. Decision on boundary, 476. stitution received through EdConference respecting, 486. Re- mund Pendleton, 498. Call of monstrance against Vandalia or Congress for troops against InIndiana county, 491. Extension dians on frontiers, 515. Exof Mason and Dixon's line, 635. penses of prisoners sent via ReadConvention, British and German ing, 1777, 641. Act of Congresstroops to be removed, 648. Guard arrears of pay from United States, for Commissioners and provisions, xvi., 384. 700. Instructions to, 706. Pay, Viviat, Captain, arrives in a flag of 714. Proceedings respecting goods truce with prisoners from New seized, xiii., 2. Commissioners to Orleans, viii., 124. Receives his run line between, and Pennsyl- papers, 151, 155. Sails under vania, 79, 192, 203, 205, 209-253, convoy of Captain Atkins, 156. 269, 334. Congress recommend, Voght, Christian, sale of house, &c., 150. Men to be sent to Fort Pitt, xiii., 79. 348. Expenses of State prisoners Vroessen, Andrew, an original purfrom —report of Commissioners chaser from Wm. Penn, xvi., for running line, 510, 518. 523, 526, 529, 532, 534. ReProclamation confirming line run, jected claim, 539. A first pur541. Letter Gov. Harrison with chaser from Wmin. Penn-claim act of, 637. Boundary —resolu- of Richard Peters under him, xv., tions of Assembly —report on Gov. 481, 485. Harrison's letter —Commissioners, "Vulture," armed Boat, xi., 107. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 413 W. 394, 432, 436, 453, 697, 700; xii., 2, 16, 22, 26, 379, 390, 393, 394, Waddie, Henry, plantation, i., 389. 432, 436, 453, 697, 700; xiii., 28, Waddle, Francis, Coroner, x., 273. 66, 71. Waddell, William, Coroner, xi., Walbron, Major Ensign, x., 464. 373, 638. Coroner, xii., 182; Waldecker, prisoners to be delivered xiv., 289. to Colonel Melchor, xi, 116. Wade, Captain of State Shallop, xi., Wales, death of the Prince of, ad576. To precede French Frigate, dress of Governor and Council to 619. King, on, v., 527. Wade, Francis, obtains contract for Walk, Indian, Teedyuscung's views supplying boats, x., 423. Fur- of, vii., 326. Committee of nishes provisions, 485, 640.- Councils appointed to investigate Complaint against, for not re- charges, &c., 354. N. Scull's turning paper money, xiv., 631. certificate, 399. Petition rejected, 633. To be Walker, George, Coroner, ix., 548. prosecuted as a defaulter, 640. WValker, Jacob, Lieutenant, xii., 9. His house to be sold at the suit Walker, James, Coroner, viii., 506, of the State-title disputed- 781; ix., 286, 333, 398. ordered to be set up at a bid Walker, John, Coroner, xv., 300, fixed for the commonwealth, xv., 578. 374. Considered, 482, 483, 520, Walker, Rachel, claims reward 524. under proclamation for arrest of Wade, Captain Joseph, resigns, xi., James Fitzpatrick, a noted robber 682. -her examination-is paid by Wade, Robert, complains of author- Council, xi., 616. ities of Chester, for taking his Walker, Richard, Coroner of Philaproperty for public use, i., 440, delphia, iii., 56, 108. 477. Wall, George, Lieutenant, xi., 453, Wadsworth, Jeremiah, Commissary 473. Agent for estates, 556. General, xii., 91. Troops from Bucks county, 636. Wager, Philip, and Geo. Habucker, Agent for forfeited estates in deed to, on Province Island, xiii., Bucks county, xii., 73, 78. Let28. - ter, 101. Hooper's trial, 250. Wages not to be discounted from Commissioners on Islands in from rates, ii., 457. Delaware river, xiv., 345, 460. Waggoner, Christopher, Justice, Accounts as agent of confiscated ix., 245. estates, xvi., 509. Wagons, Commissioners of, vi., Wall, George, Jr., Sheriff, xii., 136, 775. General Stanwix, circular 510, xiii., 86, paid 295, 361, 481. letter to managers of, viii., 377. Wallace, George, Justice, xiv., 118. Order for, xi,, 222, 588. To be Wallace, James, Coroner, ix:, 547, provided, 291, 302, 341, 343, 623, 688, 778; x., 56. Justice, 349. Representation, 390, 589. deceased xi., 372. Not to be impressed at Lancas- Wallace, Michael, memorial respecter, 350. Master, pay of, 371. ting seizure of his brother as a Change of, 589. Seized, rescued soldier, xi., 381. by five persons who are to be Wallace, Robert, Coroner, v., 55. arrested, 381, 382, 385, 389. Wallace, Solomon, Coroner, ix., Duty, xii., 15, 25; 2, 16, 18, 333, 398, 548. 22, 26, 132, 394, 433, 436. From Wallace, William, Sheriff, xvi., 514, each county, 132, 143. Pay, 182. 537. Wanted, 227; xiv., 66, 71, 725. Williams, James, King's Collector Wagoners, xi., 28. Regulations, for bay and river Delaware, i., 55, 63, 64. Pay too low, 448. 194, 285. Complaint against, Wagon Masters, xi., 398, 438, 448; 335, 336, 338. Appointed Surxii., 2, 16, 22, 26, 379, 390, 393, veyor General of Customs, 336. 414 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Wallis, Samuel, a prisoner, act for names-their duties and powrelief of, ix., 151, 161. ers, xi., 181. To apply to ConWalton, Benjamin, of Bucks, con- gress for money, 182. Additions fined, xi., 565. made to, 188, 194, 198, 200. New Wampum, large belt presented by appointed, 201. Treasurer apIndians, ii., 246. Its object, 247. pointed, 202. Want money, 211, Belts of, iii., 188, 199, 205, 209, 218. Applies for, 221. Send 314, 425, 440, 443, 445, 446, 449, resolves of Congress, 226. To 572, 577, 606, 608. Belts and make estimate of expenses of strings, iv., 54, 99, 307, 308, 340, militia, 227. -Money paid-two 433, 434, 563, 567, 568, 569, 570, ships asked for by Navy Board, 573, 576, 579, 580, 588, 590, 642, 247. Fort Island, 250. Dis646-650, 665, 700-737, 747, 772. charged as no further necesv., 9, 11, 14, 72, 84, 119, 146- sary, with thanks, 260. Clerk 151, 288, 308, 315, 348-358, 388- continued, 261. Continental to 392, 399, 402, 405, 432-436, 450, deliver powder for Westmiore470, 480, 508, 530-540, 543, 599, land, 394. Resolution Congress, 600, 624-634, 637, 644, 657, 665- Flag, 411. Orders respecting 684, 691, 731. Belts and strings provisions, 425. Orders on, 497. returned, 402. Belts and strings, Letter from, raising a Company in vi., 31, 36, 55, 78-129, 145-160, Northumberland, 508, 509. Order 180, 187, 276-287, 343, 360-365, for sundry articles, 556. Plan of 446, 468-475, 522, 524, 551, 566, river Delaware, 587. Of loan of 615, 645-646, 669, 682, 685, 751, arms asked of, xii., 95. Letter 763, 778-784; vii., 1-7, 10, 13, to, commission for two young men 42, 56, 64-69, 80, 95, 107, 115, recommended by Chevalier de 137-142, 145-148, 157, 170, 189, Luzerne, 116, 117. Claim of C. 198, 201, 204-220, 205, 206, 224, Wurtz, Town Major of Lancaster 281, 296, 309-485,-506-551, 622, referred to. Guards for prisoners, 634, 648-714, 735, 768, 770. 116. Letter, 215. To rectify dates Particular description of, used at of Commissions, 241. Ask for treaty at Easton, 216; viii., 10, trophies of War, 242. Letter 40, 42, 84, 86, 100, 117, 119, respecting Chaplain Milsheimer, 127, 128-132, 148, 150, 156, 263. Cannon from Fort Island, 175-223, 293-297, 306-309, 343, 312. Respecting Captain Joel, 382, 391, 403, 415-421, 508. 495. To receive arms, 509. Indian custom with, 119. A par- Muskets distributed to States, ticular kind described, 217; viii., 702. Supplies, 707. On Wyom429-435, 466, 484-494, 500, 586, ing papers, 741. Requisition, 594, 615, 653, 670, 698, 702-707, 759. Case of B. Ford, xiii., 96. 709,720-774; ix., 6-9, 44, 47, 77, Barracks 128. Letter, 449, 459. 85, 210-234, 249-264, 328-332, War, Council of, at New York, vii., 428-430, 480, 497-498, 514-543, 23, 31. Quaker address against, 605, 689, 694, 736, 773, 776. Large 83. quantity exhibited by Indian from War, departm't, establ'd, xvi., 133. South Carolina; x., 10, 61, 257. Ward, Capt., vii., 230. Analogous with writing, 9; xi., Ward, ensign, surrenders fort on 212; xvi., 439. Forks of Monongahela, vi., 29. Wapping or Wappinger Indians, Ward, John, ensign, xii., 31. alias River Indians, speech of Ward, Moses, xi., 576. Teedyuscung, respecting, viii., Wardens of Philadelphia, petition 217. on pilotage, &c., ix., 366, 367, WTar, declared between England and.388. Act respecting, 550, 593, France, iv., 689. Proclamation 597, 729. Respecting, x., 70, 72, of Governor Thomas, 696. 76, 239, 243, 259, 261, 295, 297. War, Board of, x., 696, 777. For the Committee of safety, ask to borrow land service, established —their money from, 295, 296. Pilots, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 415 358; to employ patrols, xi., 42. ner, 98. Funds for improving Appointed, 538, 549, 557. Order the Delaware, 197. To examine respecting wood, xii., 190. To and report on claims of Thomas order watch for gaol, 259; to sell Conarroe, for building piers at lots, 726. To sell lands, xvi., 6. Marcus Hook, 228. Report on T. George Honey, clerk, 205. New Conarroe, 233. Wardens ask chosen, xiii., 98. Light house in for a burying ground for strangers, danger of being washed away, 273. Appointed, 322. N. Fal500. Order on Peter Reeve, coner resigns —James Montgomery late treasurer, for books and appointed, 337. F. Gurney, repapers, 102; —buy city lots, 218. signs-Wm. Allibone, appointed, To have obstructions removed, 341. Office for, 402. Office rent 595,671. Elected, 721. Paid, 739. paid, 519. Board established — To meet council respecting che- appointedviz., Nesbit, Craig, Allivaux-de-frise, xiv., 58, 73. To bone, Falconer, Paisely, Gurney, inspect goods on ship Clementine, and Benezet, 559. J. Craig, re77. And ship Fortune, 79. Letter signs — Capt. Leeson Simmons to Council and conference on chosen, 582. Respecting pilots, chevaux-de-frise, 79. Appropria- 597. Public lots in Southwark, tionfor improving Delaware river, xvi., 140. N. Falconer, resigns, 105. Inspection of goods, 109. 352. reports of sales of goods, 110, 114, Warder, Jeremiah, sells salt, xii., 115. To deliver vessels purchased 191. To be seized, xi., 284. to Hollingsworth and Donaldson, Warner, Col., to rendez119. Council agrees to indemnify vous at Darby, xi., 301. them for expenses on Delaware, Warrant to sheriff to quarter troops 120. Removal of buoys-and pro- in Philadelphia, vii., 362. clamation, 122. Expended on Del- Warrants and Surveys, record of, aware river improvements — J. viii., 337, 338, 345, 349, 369. Donaldson, resigns, and Joseph Referred to Judges and Lawyers, Bullock, appointed, 151 Payment 339, 342. Report on, 345, 361. to, 162. Certificate to Donaldson New bill, 370. Passed, 374. and Hollingsworth, 199. Pay for Opinion, 539, 541. New Bill, 674. removing chevaux-de-frise, 212. Warren, Admiral, letter, v., 6. elected, 230. Certificates to Don- Warren, Commodore, on expedition aldson and Hollingsworth, 241. to Cape Breton, iv., 762, 763. ~ Accounts, 309. Hearing before "Warren," gun boat, x., 328. Lt. council, 323. Conference on im- Symonds, now Lt. Hugh Montprovement of Delaware, 325, 356. gomery, x., 437, 501, 506, 511. their office, 444. paid towards Warren, John, coroner, viii., 402. erecting piers by Thomas Davis, Warrans Geo., meeting of Indians 458. To purchase land at Marcus near, ii., 509. Hook, for piers, 460. Plan of Washington County, formed out of piers, 464. Accounts, 467. Their Westmoreland - Thomas Scott, office in Front st. New proposals appointed prothonotary - James for piers, 468, 474. Thomas Marshall, Lieutenant, and John Conarroe, to build piers, 479. Cannon and Daniel Lite, subTo and from Hollingsworth and lieutenants, xii., 681 —James MarDonaldson, 500. Elected, 555. shall, Register of Wills, Recorder Purchase of a wharf at Cape May, deeds, and lieut., 683. Guard for for a beacon, 578. Report on Wm. Commissioners to run line between Smith's wharf, 599. Accounts, Virginia and Pennsylvania, 700. 632. Appropriation for improving Justices, xiii., 38, 122, 248, 263. river Delaware, 640. Pay for 264. Courts, 38. Sheriffs, 134, support of lighthouse, &c., in 443, 740. Elections, 443, 740, Delaware Bay, xv., 73. Elected, Coroners, 134, 443, 740. Censors, Phillip Wager and Andrew Bun- 740. Agents for confiscated 416 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Washington County-xiii. 124. Collector of excise, John estates, appointed, 139. Accounts Dodd, 132. Murders by Indians of Lt. James Marshall, 144. Lt. in-arms, &c., sent to, 317. ExConnor resigns, 149. Ammuni- pense of transporting arms and tion for, 150. Lieutenants, amunition from Philadelphia to, 158, 168, 240. Other officers, 382. Division of Cumberland and 168. Military officers, 160, 168. Morgan Townships, 450. Allowed Supplies, 165. A company of a third justice, 483. Division of rangers for defence, 168. Taxes, Townships, 507. Repair of public 206. Irregular military elections, arms, and militia services, 517. 245. Militia to guard in running A portion taken to Alleghany Virginia line, 253. Failure to County, 552. Contested el:ecelect justices, 264. Pay for sup- tion, 589. Justices, xvi., 50, 227, plies, 265. Pay to, 302. Boun- 237, 255, 319, 411, 536, 428, 536. ties, 308. Trials by special com- Sureties, 32. Prothonotary, 35, mission, 337. Election, 403. 41, Militia, 39, 42. Election of Court house, 439. Land pur- Justices illegal and set aside, 44. chased for, 531. Militia ordered Division of districts, 103. Petition out at call of General Irvine, 531. against register, provisions for Pay to lieutenant, 533, 534. Capt. military, 147. Sheriff, 212, 514, John Hughes, discharged from, 537. Coroner, 212, 514, 537. xiii., 539. Extract of letter from Division of Townships for election Gov. Harrison of Virginia, 639. of Justices, 226, 228, 259. Gen. Election, 740. Complaints on Washington's land in-militia, magistracy, 799. James Marshall 227. Payments for various serlieutenant, letter, xiv., 165. Ex- vices on frontiers of, 228. Payecution in order, 203. Company ments to militia, &c., for, 234. of rangers, Capt. Hughes, paid, Depredations by Indians in, 264. 215. Militia, Capt. Craig Ritchie, Militia, pay for defence, 283. 216. Justices of the Court of Indian outrages, 306. LieutenCommon Pleas, 224, 367. Com- ant authorized to call out militia, plaint against Commissioners of fr — frontiers, 340. Call for militia Taxes, 235, 597. Elections, 244, returns, 425. Fees for tavern 563, 597. Represen's., 244. Sheriff licenses, 460. Militia, 460. Thos. 244, 597. Justices, 689. J. Mar- Stockly, register and recorder, shall resigns as register and 515. John Hoge, elected to Senrecorder, 245. Thomas Stokely ate, resigns as justice, 536. appointed, 260. Eighteen penny Washington Fort, L. I., Margaret tax, 267. Division of Peter's Corbin rewarded for her bravery, Township proposed-to be named whose husband was killed at her Dickinson, 275. Capt. Hughes' side, xii., 34. Pay for arms, &c., companly of rangers, 322, 323. lost at, xiv., 443; xvi., 535. Freight paid, 456. Confiscated "Washington," Galley, xi., 701. estates in, 607. Justice, 164. Washington, General George, letters Town of Washington into a sepa- to and from, vi., 29, 37. Surrate election district, 634, 653 render of fort in the forks by Mr. provisions for Militia on frontiers Ward, 28. Arrives with a detachof, xv., 8. Divisionof Smithtown- ment, 29. Progress-makes roads, ship 76. Elections, 103,119. Coun- 29. Large force of French at cillor, 103. Sheriff, 103, 121, Ohio, 37. Defeated at Great 646. Coroner, 103, 121, 646. Meadows-detailed by Col. Innes, Report of Mr. Dale and letter of 50, 138. Defeat, 177. Davison's James Marshall, 107. Justices, account of, 195. Raising militia 120, 266, 279, 450, 483, 552, 589, in Virginia, vii., 601. Letters, 591. Division of Peters Township, 603, 604. Letter from Gov. Den126. Dorsey Pentecost, suspended ny to, viii., 56. British Officers as Judge on account of removal, sent to his camp, x., 306. Asks INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 417 Gen. Washington- Gen. Washingtonfor powder for camp at Cambridge, supplies, 321. Orders Captain 330. Letter to, from cornit- Craig to Pittsburg, 330. On suptee, asking for engineers to plies from State, 335. Recomerect fortifications, 604. Flints mends promotion of Michael for his army, 632. In Jersey- Everly from Serjeant to Ensign cannon from State House yard for services, 352. Address to sent to, xi., 24. Officers sent to, soldiery from enemy, his situation 24, 25, Orders troops from and difficulties, 370. Pressing Bucks Co., 43. To call out troops for recruits - critical state of from Bucks and Northampton, 54. army, 387. Letters, 392, 394, Letter from to council of safety, 398, 404, 498, 545, 574, 591. 177. Letters from, 197, 228, Light horse, 392. Wagons, 394, 436, 457, 490, 650, 730. On for- 398. Enemy has left New Jersey, tifying the Delaware, 228. Inteli- 407. Ensigns to be appointed, gence from, 232. Asks for a 428. Demand for horses, 446. survey of the river-persons ap- Countermands march of troops, pointed to make it, 250. Reques- 460. Want of provisions, capture ted to send Michael Hufflagle to of, in a prize, 474, 476, 498. Lancaster, 263. Engages the Recommends Ensigns, 482, 483. enemy, 301. Written to about Against temporary enlistments, recruiting officers, 401. Recom- 517. Clothing for army, 545. mends persons to recruit, 419. Deposit of provisions, 574. ReAddress to inhabitants New Jer- lief of Wyoming, 591. Want of sey, Pennsylvania, &c.,,428. Re- provisions, enemy about to leave specting cattle, 429. Protection New York for Delaware, 706. On for Mrs. Peniberton's wagons, memorial of Proctor's officers, 457. Order for horses at Lancas- 727. Calls for. men, 742. For ter, 476. Arms needed, 491. four battalions of infantry, 754. Receives account of evacuation of Transfer of officers, 761. Wants, Philadelphia, 520. Instructions 300 riflemen, 778; Going to move on 4th July, 523. Requires troops, requires vessels to transtroops to be sent from Phila- port, xiii. 41. Col. Tilghmandelphia to the main army, 568. his aid brings news of surrender of Draft of Delaware, 587. Clothing Yorktown by Lord Cornwallis, 94. sent to, 607. Asks for a guard Address from Supreme Executive for prisoners, 626. On supplying Council to, on capture of Lord spirits, 654. Consul asks for his Cornwallis, and answer, 130, 131. portrait to be taken by Peale, On supplies, 184. Recruits for 671. Taking vigorous measure Van Heer's troop, 188, 202, 211, to protect frontiers, 724. Let- 221. Election of Justices, 264. ters to and fromn xii., 8. Wagons Consulted about expedition to transport provisions, 26. Let- against Indians, 356, 362. Against ters to and from, 8, 32, 43, 89, it, 380. Letters to, on abandon90, 92, 203, 204, 227, 262, 313, ment of post at Wyoming, 399. 321, 352, 370, 387. Return of Indian expedition, 408. Letter Pennsylvania troops, 32. Men to respecting passes to be sent to be urged on to Major General Dobb's Ferry, 419. Gen. WashSullivan, 43. List of officers- ington asked to procure a passdepositions of Col. Hannum's port for flag vessel for New York escape from enemy, sent to, 114. with provisions for our prisoners, Calls out militia, 123, 129, 144. 446. Sends a passport from AdOpinion in regard to officers and miral Digby, 457. Incursions of men in Col. Hazen's regiment, savages stopped, 502. Half pay 262. Names posts for supplies, and commutation by Congress to 313. Desertions in army re- officers, 603. A returned captive, ferred to 316. Disposition of 603. Address of council to, on 27 418 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Gen. Washington- der, xvi., 497, 519. Respited, peace, &c., 765. His answer, 767. 520, 536, 542. Agents for sale of confiscated es- Waughhaughy, Cherokee Chief, tates in, 774. Portrait of, xiv. 265. speech of vii., 529, 553. Celebration of birth day, xvi., 4. Wayne, Anthony, recommended to Arrangements for his reception, Congress as Colonel of a battalion, 25. Congratulatory address of x., 442. Elected, 443. Major Council to, 57, 58. His answer, to, appointed, 460. Applies for 59. His land in Washington Co., money for battalion, 518. D. 227. Powder for celebrating his Jones, Chaplain to, 551. Attends arrival in Philadelphia, 465. Council, and presents situation of "Washington," gun boat, launch army approaching city, xi., 253. of, x., 314, 407, 488, 505. Recommends by name recruiting "Washington, ship General, " for- officers, 464, 477. Arms for, 490, merly General Monck — allowed 557. Conference of Assembly to make a voyage for Superin- and Council, on a vote of thanks tendent of finance. Commission to, and Pennsylvania line for their to Captain Joshua Barney, &c., important services at Stony Point, xiii., 283, 352, 354, 361. xii., 124, 135. Letter, 437. Wasp, continental Schooner, Capt. Recommends Ensign Everly as Alexander, takes Brig Betsey Lieutenant, 483. Others for profrom Virginia, x., 563, 777. motion, 550, 586. On meeting of Watch to be set at Cape Henlopen Pennsylvania line, 593. To furfor pirates, ii., 23. nish names of officers going South, Watching in Philadelphia, soldiers 719, 739. Decides rank of an to be exempt from, ii., 204. officer, xiii., 25. Regiment, 671. Watkins, Major, lead and tin for Pay as Council of Censors, xiv., buttons, xi., 440. 167. Watkins, Wm., Captain of a guard Wears, &c., against erecting on boat, x., 583. rivers, iv., 18. Views of Assembly Watkins, Wm., applies to sweep on, 20, 23, 284. Delaware River rejected, xii., 21. Weatherby, Benjamin, paid for land Authorized, 32, 34. bought by Congress for fortificaWatson, David, Commissioner to tions at Billingsport, x., 645. buy provisions, xi., 423. Jus- Weaver, Jacob, sheriff, viii., 402; tice, xii., 231. Depositions re- ix., 57, 199. A justice of Berks specting, 307. county removed, xii., 635. Watson, James, Coroner, xvi., 204. Webb, Brigadier-General, vii., 714. Watson, Lieut. Dolonel, x., 686. Webb, Henry, wounded by an InWVatson, Luke, charges against, i., dian, iv., 413, 420, 447. (Wil179, 180, 213. Takes his seat in liam,) 573. Council, 222. His hogs killed, Webb, James, Jr., sheriff, ix., 398, 224, 226. Sheriff of Sussex 547, 623. To receive Stump and county, ii., 101. servant from Carlisle, and send to Watson, Thos., of Bucks, iii., 233. Chester county, 442. A Commissioner for building a Webb, Lieutenant John, of Boat new Court house and prison for Bull Dog, discharged, suspended, Bucks county, 241. and restored, x., 643. Wattom, John, Coroner, ix., 57. Webb, Robert, Marshal of Admiralty Watts, Colonel Fred., payment to, x. Court seizes goods, i., 539. 688, xi., 88. Elected to Assembly, Webb, William, appointed notary resigns as Justice, xii., 170. Sub- public, xiii., 13. Lieutenant, 322. Paid, xiv., 348. Weber, Christian, justice, xv., 124. Storage on arms, xv., 565. As Webster, Pelatiah, receives pay for Councilman, xv., 300, 653, xvi., salt, xii., 316. 294. Weed, Captain Elijah, storekeeper Waugh, Patrick, convicted of mur- of provisions, xi., 423. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 419 Weickart, Geo., justice, xiv., 271. message from the Six Nations, Weights and measures, bill for pro- 284. At Philadelphia, 290. Inposed, i., 66, 128, 466. Seal for structions to, 290, 304. At LanJohn White, sealer, 514. Regu- caster, 306. Journal to Ohio, lation of, iii., 372. Standard 348-358. In Philadelphia, 388. purchased by Chester county. In Cumbetland county, 431. To Regulator of, appointed by Gover- Secretary, 467. Journal to Ononnor, iv. 507. Regulated, xiii. 632. dago, 470-480, 528, 541. LetWeiser, Benjamin, a Captain, x., ter, 517. Speaks of his son 634. Justice, xi., 405. " Sammy," 543. To be consulted Weiser, Conrad, comes with Indians about missionaries to Indians, to Philadelphia, iii., 425. Inter- 576. Governor Clinton to, 642. prets at Philadelphia, 435, 438, His journal to the Mohawks, 642500. Reward to, 447, 598, 607. 648. At Carlisle, 670. Distances, Interpreter for the province with 730. Consulted on Connecticut the Indians, iv., 56. Pay to, 86, dispute- his opinion, 775. Sent 96. Indian presents to, 88, 245, to Shamokin, vi., 24. Takes mes576. In Philadelphia, 500, 560. sage to Indians, 25. Letter to Letter of Governor to, respecting Governor H.,-report of visit Indian skirmish in Virginia, 635. to Shamokin, &c., 35, 36. Speech Report on, 640-646. Second re- to Indians, 82. At treaty at Alport, 646-650. Instructions for, bany, renders important service, on embassy to Onondago, 655. 117. Instructions to, on journey Report of journey there, 660- to Auckquick, 147. Letter from, 669. Sent to Delaware Indians to Governor H., 148. Journal to, at Shamokin to demand murder- 150-160. Letters respecting Coners, 676, 678, 679. His report, necticut, 215, 249, 291. Sent for, 680-684. Attends treaty at Lan- 331. In Philadelphia, 340. Recaster-his Indian name, 733. To turns homeward from Ostuacky, invite Indians to Governor's purchases provisions, &c., for Inhouse, 747. And Virginia, 757. dians, 446. Respecting Indians, Letter from Onondago, 768. Re- &c., 469. Letter about Indian port and journal to, 778-779. To women from Auckwich, 494. On employ scouts to watch Indians, catholics, 503, 533. On Indians, v., 2. Sent to inform Indians at 535. History of Owandot Indians, Shamokin of death of John Penn, 550-553. Conference with and 73. Letters from —meets Indians presents, 553. Letter to Governor at Chamber's mill, 83. Report of from, 615. Letters to and from, his message, &c., to Indians at 640, 647, 649, 650, 652, 656, 729, Shamokin, 84. To be consulted, 760, 762. Indian murders, 649119, 120. Letter in reply, 121. 662. Intelligence from, and Letter giving account of his visit others, respecting their sad conto Indians, 136. To be advised of dition, 667. Arrives with Indians, presents sent to John Harris, 139. 681. On Indian affairs in NorthComing to Philadelphia, 140. Ar- ampton county, 760, 762. Letters rives, 145. Statement respecting to and from, vii., 35, 302, 308, Indians from Ohio, 148. Letter 619, 735. Report of proceedings from, on Indian affairs, 162. Ar- with Indians at Harris' ferry, 33, rives with Indians at Paxton, 106. At Philadelphia, 137, 182. 166. Letter from, 166. Presents Consulted about fort at Adjoufor Indians, 197. Letter from quay, the land not having been Tulpehochen, 212. Respecting purchased, 182-184. At treaty Ohio Indians, 212. Answer to, at Easton, 206. Express to be by R. Peters, 211. Attends with sent to, 222. Complains of Shekalemy, 222. Writes of rob- Sowers' newspaper, 245. Sick, bery by James Denny, of horses sends son Sammy to interpret, from Indians, 228. Presents a 302. And New Castle arrive, 420 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Weiser, Conrad- Wells, James, sheriff, ix., 398, 548. 307. Memorand'm of conversation Justice, xv., 24. with Tittamy of Teedyuscung's Wells, John, justice, iii., 531. remarks about lands, 431. Me- Wells, Richard, pilot boat, x., morandum on Indian affairs made 567. by, 489. At treaty at Lancaster, Wells, Richard, asks for lot on 517. Croghan, answers Indians, Arch street notwithstandiag ac542. At Easton, opinion of tion of Congress, rejected, xii., Teedyuscung, 658. To take man- 353. Claims lots and liberty agement of building fort and lands, xiii., 9, 49, 321, 326. houses forDelawares at Wyoming, Claims city lot, xiv., 359, 458, 734. His opinion about offering a 464; xv., 344, 347, 349, 351. price for scalps, 735. Sick, ob- Decision, 359, 482, 487, 500, 524, jects to building, 735. Trading 622. Memorial relative to Comphouse at Fort Augusta, Rum, troller, &c., xvi., 27, 28, 34, 40, &c., 735. Excused, 736. In Phila- 47. Death of mother, and postdelphia, viii., 113. Sends a ponement, 49. Case continued, memorandum of news, &c., from 52, 53, 55, 57. Indians, 118. Advised with on Wells, William, coroner, viii., messages to Indians, 128. R. 403. complains of Teedyuscung's con- Welner, Colonel, complaint against, duct at Easton, 172. And Peters xii., 305. settle for lands with Indians, Welsh, interfere in Philadelphia 219. Being sick sends son to election, i., 268. Petition for a Fort Augusta to confer with John ferry at William Powells, 478. Chickasalary, 457. His son makes Welsh, Francis, letter relating cira speech to Indians at Shamokin, cumstances attending rescue of a ix., 619; x., 177. vessel seized by Custom-house WVeiser, Samuel, coroner, ix., 57, officers, x., 231. 199, 285. Welsh Tract, inhabitants complain Weiss, Colonel, xi., 452. against Indians, i., 162, 202. Weiss, Dr. Daniel, dies intestate, And Chester county, 263, 265. escheated, xv., 482. Not in Philadelphia county, 265. Weiss, Jacob, paid, xiv., 348. A barony, 265, 266, 267. InhaWeiss, Lewis, sale to Mr. Holker, bitants petition for road from xiii., 9. Justice, xv., 23, 26. Goshen to Philadelphia-CommisWeiss, Philip, forestaller, xi., 650. sioners appointed, ii., 111. PeAssists Longschamp to escape, tition for a ferry, 276. Opposed, xiv., 184. 277, 289. Settlers seized by Weitzel, John, to make purchases, Sheriff of Maryland, 393. x., 733; xi., 207, 278, 538. Comn- Weldall, Abraham, letter from plaint against, 704. Northumber- Tsanandowas' country to Goverland county, letter from, xii., nor, and his answer, iii., 609. 57. To, about Indians, 64. Militia Weningo, Indian town, location of, fines, 243. Agreement for rations v., 659, 660. John Frazer, gunfor Northumberland, xiii., 428, smith's shop at, 660. Case519-536, 743. For provisions wago, twenty miles above, 660. for Wyoming, xvi., 354. Fort near, 698. Course and disWelawanung or Big Horn, ix, 638. tance from Ohio, &c., 753, 763. Welch, William, sent as commis- Wentworth, Brigadier-General, in sioner to New York to complain Cuba, appoints Captain William against Lord Baltimore and his Hopkins to levy soldiers in Pennagents, i., 103, 104. To give in his sylvania-proclamation allowing, account, 105. Appointed commis- iv., 499. sioner to receive public aid, West, Martin, appointed master of 111. Justice of peace, 112. A ammunition vessel, x., 584. judge, 119. Dead, 119. West, Justice, of Carlisle, sends ac INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 421 count of murder of Dr. John, Westmoreland Co. (Indian,) viii., 455. Judge Crawford joins Virginia West, William, gives information against Pennsylvania, 22S. Derespecting distances and latitudes, position of Samuel Whitesides, &c., of various places near Ohio, jailor, 228. Letters from magisv., 761. Commissioner to Lan- trates, 234. Deposition of John caster, vii., 97. Member of As- Carnahan, Sheriff, 235. Letter to sembly, 636. Made Major, x., Earl of Dartmouth, 236. Powder 768. sent to, 346. To be written to by West, William, Jr., proclamation Committee respecting arms, 411, against, xii., 496. To give secu- 417. Petition to have powder rity, 558. Deputy Clothier Gen- remain, 449. Ask for ammunieral, to be prosecuted, 599. tion, 525, 597. Two Companies Western Road, xv., 273, 274, 327, raised for defence of frontiers 330, 353-355. Report of survey considered as militia in actual to Bedford, 330. service, 655. Pay of troops in, Western Territory, Congress pro- 711. Members of Convention to pose to lay off into States, xiv., purchase arms, 724, 726. Com471. pany of foot-Captain Van SwearWVest Jersey-(see New Jersey.) ingen to defend, xi., 46. Col. Weston, Anthony, his case and Proctor's battalion of, 110. Powpunishment, i., 92. der and lead for, 114. ProthoWest Point, letter from Col. Win. notary, 187, 430. Justices, 220, Williams of Third Pennsylvania 773, 774. Sheriffs, 373, 377, 638. Battalion —list of promotions of Coroner, 235, 373, 638. Records officers in consequence of Captain taken to and secreted at LancasLt. Henderson being made Cap- ter-supposed by late Prothonotain, xii., 88, 89. tary, Michael Huffnagle, 252. Vorestmoreland County formed out Col. Proctor, paymaster, 304. of Bedford, x., 77. Arthur St. Complain of Indian depredations, Clair appointed Prothonotary, &c., 342, 347, 382. Money due mil77. Justices of, 78, 142. She- itia, 392. To be paid Colonel riffs elected, 106, 212, 273. Cor- Archibald Lockrey, 392. Powder oners elected, 106, 212, 273.- for, 394. Money sent to, 477, Condition of things-Dr. Co- 511. Hanna's Town, 477. Money nolly's address to magistrates to Colonel John Proctor, 576. of, 167. Answer to, 167. DI)e- Military stores for, 716. Letter, position of Henry Read, 168. Thomas Scott, General McIntosh Letter, W. Crawford, respecting and A. Lockrey, relating to frondisturbances in, from Virginia, tiers, 773. Money for-Justice 165. Letters, ZEneas Mackay, D. appointed-limited to one, 781. Smith, Andrew McFarlane, 169. Lieutenants recommended by A. Letter, Gov. Penn to magistrates, Lockrey, and appointed, xii., 73. 171. Commissioners sent to Lord Distressed state of, 75. Elections, Dunmore, 173, 174, 176. Mur- 182, 336, 540. Sheriff, 182, 540. ders committed in-condition of Coroner, 182, 540. Colonel John County, 180. Require ammuni- Proctor, paymaster. 182. Sales tion, 181. Correspondence be- of land in, by Virginia, 234. tween Commissioners and Gover- Petition for defence, 246. And nor Dunmore on boundary, 181- Virginia, 250. Conduct of Vir195. Money to build court-house ginia Commissioners complained and garrison, 198. Affairs in- of, 303. Justices, 336. Comnmistown to be built at Kittaning, 201. sioners of purchases, 371. LieuForcible release of prisoners by tenants change in Rangers, 373. Christy, Girty and Dr. Conolly, Ammunition for, 385. Justices, 227. Dr. Conolly's proclamation 391, 482. Commniss'rs of puragainst tax collectors, &c., 227. chases, 465. Accounts, 487. Ap 422 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Westmoreland Co. Westmoreland Co. pointments, 554. Inquiry respect- 580. Coroner, 109, 125, 302, 580. ing J. Perry, Commissioner, &c., Representatives, 119. Justices, 648. Report on, 653. Removed 44, 125, 271, 473, 552. Collector -D. Duncan appointed, 654. of excise, 173. Lieutenant of Purchases, 659. Officers of vol- County, 173. Win. Courtney's unteer company appointed, 662. estate, 175. Patent to J. Hughes Washington formed out of it, 681. for estate of Alexander Ross, 191. Ensigns appointed, xiii., 53. Am- Road from Bedford to Loyal munition for, 150. A. Lockery's Hanna, 346, 353, 355, 546. Fees commission annulled, 155. Agree- of Collector of excise returned, ment for supplies for, 157. Elec- 461. Justice Finley resigns, 473. tion, 157, 158, 244, 419, 730. Sheriffs, xvi., 92, 215, 521. CorCensors, 730. Sheriffs, 158, 419, oners, 215, 521. Collector of ex730. Coroners, 158, 419, 730. cise, John Giffin, 162. Complaint Prothonotary, 158. Edw. Cooke against M. Huffnagle, prothonoappointed Lieutenant, 167. And tary, 162, 163, 466. Division of Alexander McClean Sub-Lieuten- townships, 167. Councillor, 216. ant -Recruits, 168. Clothing, Justices, 226. Memorial from, on 179. Taxes, 206. Justice, 244, excise, 300. Taxes, 460. Chas. 517. Guard to run Virginia line, Campbell, Lieutenant, 462. R. 253. Rating paid for, 288. Call Butler, elected to Assembly, reof militia, 313. Trials by special signs as Justice, 537. Militia, Commissioners, 337. Lieutenant 538. Colonel Archibald Lockrey Campbell, 361. Pay to militia, Lieutenant in 1777, 538. 423. Estate of Anthony Yeldal, Wetherspoon, D., sends news of 516. Militia ordered out at call robbery by French and Spaniards, of General Irwine, 531. Pur- v., 89. chases in, 542. Justice, 677, 700. Wharf, to be built on Delaware at Letter, trustees of, 698. Justices, Chestnut street, i., 267. xiv., 118, 180, 227, 257, 262, 561, Wharton, Capt. -, of militia, 567. Provisions for, 197, 211. x., 649. Captain Stokely paid for Rangers, Wharton, Carpenter, Commissary 245. Eighteen-penny tax, 267. of provisions, x., 408. Lot for court-house near Hanna's Wharton, James, Rope-walk, x., town, 287. Sheriffs, 289, 656. 706. Coroners, 289, 656 Confiscated Wharton, John, Coroner, iii., 387, estates in, 289, 290, 291. Memo- 416, 575, 615; iv., 86. To build rial, Isaac Craig, 291. Reports boats, &c., x., 283 By model, on militia accounts, 312. Lieu- 284. To be called "Experitenant Thomas Mason, 314. A ment," 289. "Washington," 296. division proposed, 372. Collector Launched, 314. To accompany, of excise, 400. Flour inspector, with instructions, Major French 445. Proceedings in Court in a to camp, 305, 306. case of hog stealing suspended, Wharton, Joseph, petition for ne452. Election, 563. JohnHughes gro, xii., 501. resigns as Justice, 567. Militia Wharton, Samuel, witness at Trenfines-Edward Cook Lieutenant ton, xiii., 442. Justice, xiv., 108. of County, 587. Execution of Wharton, Thomas, Sr., to be seized, Joseph Ross ordered, 588. Con- xi., 283. fiscated estates in, 607. Pardons, Wharton, Thomas, Jr., member of 633. Register and Recorder, Jas. Committee of Safety, to procure Hamilton, 655. Divided —pay to powder and saltpetre, x., 282. troops, 663. Collector of excise, President of Council of Safety, xv., 54, 132. Fort Preservation 673. President of Supreme Exbuilt, 66. Division of Pitt town- ecutive Council, xi., 373, 375. ship, 88. Sheriff, 109, 125, 302, Proclamations, 176, 299, 362, 369, INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 423 429, 438, 446, 483. Dies at Lan- Whitehead, James, Jr., Coroner, ix., caster-order of funeral, &c., 499. 547, 623. To be published, 500. Frame for Whitehill, John, Censor, xiii., 722. picture of, xii., 441. Late Presi- Council, xiv., 267. dent, his account books, 594. Whitehill, R., Commissioner to ConPay to executors, xiii., 707. Claim gress at Yorktown, xi., 435. against executors, xv., 141. Ex- Whitesides, Abraham, Justice, xiv., ecutors of, indemnification, xvi., 4. 656. Whealon, Capt.-, x., 689. Whitesides, Peter, allowed'.to sell Wheat, exports of, iv., 491-495. damaged goods by auction, xii., Wheat, John Clayton, invents a ma- 404. chine for threshing, ix., 698. Whitesides, Samuel, jailor, deposiWheat, from United States, prohib- tion respecting attack, x., 228. ited in England on account of Whitlow, Matthew, 1st Lieutenant Hessian fly, xv., 524. of Matrosses, x., 483. Wheeler & Wiley, piers, xi., 109. Whitman, Adam, Coroner, viii., 781. Wheeler, Gilbert, i., 588. Whitman, Michael, estate sold, xii., Wheeler, Samuel, works at chev- 277. aux-de-frise, xi., 5. Whitman, Win., memorial for a Whiskey, ordinance against distil- pension as a prisoner of war from ling from grains, xi., 338. Act battle of Germantown, xvi., 217, of Maryland against, 647. 218. White, Capt., Committee to Whitpaine, John, Assembly to meet prepare rules for boats, x., 327. in his "great front room, ii., 26. White, George, Coroner of Bucks Occupied by Joseph Shippen —Ascounty, i., 228. sembly to meet in his "Cgreat White, John, Speaker of Assembly, chamber," 129. imprisoned, i., 292. Clerk of Whitpaine, John, heirs of, claim Court N. C., petition, 327, 387. city lots, xiii., 507. Decision, 327. And recommen- Whitpain, William, midshipman on dation, 329. Asks for county seal ship Montgomery, resigns, x., 712. and records, 333. To be reinsta- Whitpain, Zach., brings report from ted as clerk, 339. Sheriff dead- England of invasion, i., 246. rent of jail to be paid, 445. Sealer Whitsaken Mill, no road to, iii., 50. of measures, 514. Appointed Whitwell, Francis, member of first by Treasurer to settle accounts Councils i., 57. between Pennsylvania, Delaware, Whiwhinjac, King of Gannawese InMaryland and United States, xv., dians, his speech, iii., 216. 238. Whorekills, ancient port of, at White, Mr., Paymaster, xi., Lewes, to be settled in regard to 266. duties, i., 205. French privateer White, Robert, member of Con- lands men at, ii., 448. mittee of Safety, to procure pow- Whyte, Robert, member of comder and saltpetre, x., 282. To mittee and to have floating bathave boats built, 283. Con- tery built, x., 437. Chevaux-decerned in illegal practices -his frise, 648. house to be searched, xii., 199. Wiatt, Thomas, Ensign, xii., 31. White, William, Bishop of Penn- Wiccacoa, road from, to Philadelsylvania, letter on marriage li- phia, Commissioners to lay out, censes, xv., 614. iii., 106. Petition to lay out a Whitebread, Winm., pay bonds, &c., new one-Commissioners to lay to city, xiv., 368. out, 547. Vessel not to pass, Whitehead, James, keeper of work viii., 39. Samuel Mifflin comhouse-order for removal of pris- mands, 39. Guards to be reinoners to new gaol, x., 429. Ac- forced from Otway's regiment, count, 437. Ensign, 704. Coro- 39. Fort at Philadelphia to be ner, xi., 596. guarded and cannons to be loaded 424 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. to avoid evasions of embargo, Wilkinson, James, Clothier-general, viii., 147. Meadow banks to be xii., 87, 238, 462. kept in order, 677, 683, 684. Wilkinson, Thomas, a pirate, conBattery guns fire royal salute for victed by Admiralty. Court to be peace between France and Spain, executed on Windmill Islandix., 42. Also in compliment to his body in chains on Mud Island, Gov. John Penn, 72. Embank- xii., 730. Respited in consequence ments of meadows, Moyamensing, of a doubt of the legality of his 577, 580. sentence, the Chief Justice being Wickes, Capt. Benj., xii., 354, 385. a member of Congress, 732. Wigfall, Samuel, advance to, for Wilkson, Thomas, cost of a gibbet making gun locks, x., 417. Con- for, xiii., 76. tract with, 421. Will, Col. Win., storekeeper of proWVigton, Lieut. John, xii., 718. visions at Lancaster, xi., 423, WVikoff, Isaac, case between, and 436. Sheriff, xii., 507; xiii., Robert Shewell, xi., 670. 85, 391. Discharged as agent of Wikoff, Peter, auctioneer of Phila- estates, 106, 581; xv., 12, 236. delphia, xv., 197. Battalion for celebrating 4th July, WVilcocks, Alexander, a Justice, x., 386. Contest with James Ash as 155. Member of Committee of Sheriff of Philadelphia, 567, 568, Safety, 493. Commonwealth vs., 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 575, 576, xiv., 33. 577, 578. James Ash elected, Wilcocks, Capt. —, x., 503. 579. WVilcocks, John, x., 533. To load Willett, Augustine, claim on forfeitproduce to buy powder, x., 413. ed estate of G. Hicks, xii., 73. Applies for pass for vessel with Commissioner, 394, 494. provisions, xi., 762, 764. Deed for Willey, John, shoots sub-Sheriff of lot on Province Island, xiii., 549, Maryland and is burned in the Wilcocks & McMurtrie, hold British hand, viii., 372. property, xi., 645. Salt in Prich- William III., King of England, dies, ard's store, 654. Letter, 661, 670. ii., 70. WVilcox, Mark, for paper, xiii., 515. William, King, and Queen Mary, Paper seized and used by Council complaint that they had not been in 1777, 536. Furnishes paper proclaimed at New Castle, i., 299, for new loan certificates, xv., 10. 301, 303, 304. Declaration of, To lay out a road, 425, 445. 301. Discussions, 304-310. OrWRilcox, Dr. Robert, xi., 230. der to proclaim, 340. Wiler, Capt. Jacob Lawson, xi., William Henry, fort, vii., 515, 716. 122. Capitulates —order of Gen. AberWilkie, Capt. -—, xii., 53. croimbie respecting, viii., 141. Wrilkins, Colonel -, impresses And letter to Governor of Canada wagons-remonstrance of Assem- respecting, 141. bly against, ix., 684. Carriages Williams, Capt., -., of Pennimpressed, x., 17, 69. sylvania battalion, x., 420. ComWTilkins, Dr. John, Councillor, xvi., plains of Captain and Lieutenant 2102. Proctor, 423, 438. WVilkinson, Amos, 2d Lieutenant, Williams, Charles, house burned by x., 457. To distribute certain ar- Indians, vii., 154. Convicted, ticles, xi., 739, 740. xi., 625. Wilkinson, Gen., xiii., 266. Williams, Lieutenant-Colonel WVm., Buys J. Galloway's land in Bed- proceedings of Board of Officers ford, 450. at West Point-list of promotions Wilkinson, James, Adjutant-Gener- in consequence of Captain Lieut. al, leaves State-J. Armstrong, Henderson's promotion, xii., Jr., appointed in his place, with 88. rank of Brigadier-General, xiv., Williams Dunk, roads, i., 503. 217. His resignation, 252. Williams, Edward, claim for ser INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 425 vices as clerk in military hospital, Wilmot, Henry, letter from, ix., xvi., 290, 291, 294. 749. Letter to, (London,) from Williams, Capt. Ennion, firelocks R. Peters, Secretary, giving hisfor, x., 519. tory of Indian deed to SusqueWVilliams, Isaac, Commiss'er, made hannah County, x., 177. prisoner, xi., 536. Wills, Probate for each County, i., Williams, John, commits suicide- 461; iv., 33, 40; v., 457, 502, question, whether an inquest 504, 511, 512. made by a Justice in absence of Will's Creek —proposed fortifications Coroner is valid? ii., 184. at, vi., 137. Col. Innes going to, Williams, Joshua, to be Captain, 141. Levies for, 177. Builds fort xi., 280, 282, 357, 358. at, 180. Camp at, 197. Indians Williams, Major -—, xi., 21, 84. go with John Harris to, 226. Best Resigns, 11-6. mode of sending provisions to, Williams, Richard, Justice, xiv. 605. 296, 477. Williams, Captain Samuel, ap- Wilson, Christ., complaint against, pointed Lieutenant to Gen. Wash- vii., 463. ington, xi., 24. Wilson, Geo., Sheriff, xvi., 198, 542. Williams, William, Adjutant of Wilson, Dr. Goodwin, Physician and Southwark militia, complains of Surgeon, xiii., 115. abuse of public property, xiv., Wilson, Hon. James, member of 641. Continental Congress, receives his.Williamson, Daniel, a member of pay, x, 286. Colonel's battalAssembly, dies, iii., 298. ion, 686, 692, 710, Riot at his Williamson, David, Sheriff, xv., house, xii., 121. Proclamation 646; xvi., 212. respecting, 122. Daniel Clymer, Williamson, Dr. Hugh, xiv., 317. present, surrenders and gives bail, Williamson, Samuel, late chaplain 128. Wm. Bell to give security, regiment of dragoons, pass for 130. Persons present, 137, 138, Europe, xii., 81. 139, 141, 144, 145. 152. Letter Willing, Captainl Richard, to accom- from, 324. President loses a pany Major French to camp, x., hanger at, 341 Counsel on Con305, 306, 481. necticut claim, xiii., 128. RetainWilling, Col. Richard, Councillor, ing fee, 136. Elected Brigadier xv., 566, 614, 632. Board pro- General, 289. Counsel, 310. Apperty, 637; xvi., 16, 194, 545. pointed agent to try private rights Decision in his favor as coun- at Wyoming, xiv., 35. To act as cilman over Dr. Ruston, 202. counsel in case Longschamps, 135. Willing, Thomas, owner of ship 149. Fees on Connecticut claim, Dorothea, iii., 294. Justice of 141. Report, 159, 162. Letter, 373. Supreme Court, ix., 393. A Lecture by, xvi., 533. Judge of Supreme Court, salary, Wilson, James, a deserter, xiii., 22. x., 53, 173, 265. Statement of Wilson, John, Justice, xi., 741. John Brown of interview with, Sentenced to death, 565. Rexi., 345. President B. N. A., prieved, 566, 579. Pardon, 624. letter respecting, xiii., 200, 201. Wilson, Lieut. Phillip, xi., 624. WVilling, Morris & Co., loading ves- Wilson, Richard, Member of Assemsel with produce for account of bly, dies, ii., 26. Committee, x., 426. Wilson, Robert, mate of ship CamWillis, Captain, paid, xi. 428. bridge, petition-loss of Captain Willis, John, gunsmith, x., 422. -asks advice of counsel, iv., 96. Wilmiington, Del., Act respecting Placed under care of merchants, wharves, walls, &c., x., 49. Banks, 97. Appointed Sub-Lieutenant of drains, &c., of Christiana to be Chester County, xi., 437. Childkept in repair, 80. Mr. Holker, ren of, claim a division of land in and flour purchased at, xii., 47, Northumberland Co., xvi., 146, 55, 56, 66, 68. 183, 185. 426 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Wilson, Thomas, Coroner, v., 597. Withington, Cap., x., 737. Justice, xiv., 666. Wittington, Eve, petition for payWVilson, Captain Wm., of Northunm- ment of expenses of prisoners to berland, xi., 423. Asks for time Virginia, xv., 641. Report of to pay for island in Allegheny Compt. General on resolution of river, xvi., 85. Conncillor, xvi., Council, to refer it to Judges, 643. 195, 197. Paid for services in Paid for boarding prisoners on case of Walkers and Doyle, &c., their way to Virginia, xvi., 101. 547. Withington, Martin, Sheriff, xv., Wilt, John, Coroner, xii., 544; 570; xvi., 195, 494. xiii., 400. Witman, Christopher, Coroner, ix., WViltbank, Abraham, (pilot,) corn- 333. mission to command intelligence Witman, Michael, forfeited estate boat, v., 266. Reports, 273. in Lancaster Co., case of, xii., WViltbank, Cornelius, Coroner, iii., 69. 387, 575. Sheriff, iv., 47). Wivall, Win., messenger to Indians Wiltner, Col., letter, xii., 215. at Manatanny —report of, ii., 546. Winchester, Va., post to be con- Wood, Lt. Ab'm, disabled-on intinued at, viii., 71. Indians ar- valid list, xii., 51. rive from, 124. Wood, frauds in, xii., 175, 190. Wines and other liquors-duties on, Wood, Joseph, recommended to ii., 234. Congress as Lt. Major, x., 444. Winjack, Indian Ganawese King, Appointed, 446. Major to Col. iii., 188. St. Clair's battalion, 460. BatWipey, Joseph, a Delaware Indian, talion, xi., 32, 54. murdered —reward offered for lnur- Wood, Sacherville, appointed doorderer, x., 199. keeper of Council of Safety, x., Wirtz, Christian, Sub-Lieutenant 653. and Major, x., 335, 575. Of Lan- Wood, Win., a Judge, i., 119. caster, pays for house south-west Woodbridge, Mr., supposed influcorner Walnut and Front streets, ence with Indians in purchase of and obtains deed, xii., 174. Su- lands, vi., 117. perceded as Commissioner of pur- Woods, John, interpreter to Chocchases, 660. Commissioner of taw and Chickasaw Indians in purchases. Commissions raised, Philadelphia, xv., 229. xiii., 154. Exempted fiom opera- Woelper, Capt. John David, of Gertion of law respecting barracks, man battalion, xi., 401. Disabled xiv., 634. and put on invalid list, xii., 51, WVissahickon Hill, now Vanderin's 279. Mill, x., 778. Deed for lands with Wolcott, Roger, Gov. of Connecticut Snuff Mill, &c., xiii., 33. -letters to and from on dispute, Wistar, Caspar, authorized to trade, v., 768, 771. and buy and hold lands, iii., 235. Wolf, Peter, Justice, xiv., 255. Wistar, John, of Lancaster, asks to Wolfe, Reese, Coroner, ix., 689. be naturalized, iii., 374. Woolsey, John, a Canadian prisoner Wistar, Richard, deed for city lot, from Reading, at Philadelphia by xiv., 456. permission, x., 679. Witchcraft, alleged case of, ii., 20. Woolston, Jona'n, Coroner of Bucks Witches, trials of persons as, i., 93, County, iii., 260, 289, 332, 370, 95, 96. 387, 416; iv., 85. Withers, Ralph, member of first Woolaston, Thos., and Jno. GranCouncil, i., 57. thani proceedings, i., 236, 253, Withers, Captain John, x., 701. 258, 261. Witherspoon, Dr John, asks for re- Work, Andrew, Sheriff, v., 464. Of lease of suspicious persons, xi., Lancaster-certificate of furnaces 261. Hon. John, Member of and forges, ix., 636. Congress, xiii., 43. Work, Henry, Sheriff, xvi., 495. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 427 Work, Joseph, Sheriff, xii., 134, wheat, xii., 490. Of Bucks, 508; xiii., 88. appointed Judge of High Court Work-houses and prisons, i., 582; of Errors andcl Appeals, 548. Letiii., 39. To be erected in coun- ter on robbery of Treasury of ties, v., 506, 512. Bucks county, xiii., 95. Judge Workmen in employ of Province of Court of Errors and Appeals, not to be enlisted, x., 636. 544, 550. Depositions respecting Worley, Francis, to survey Spring- robbery, 616. Justice, xiv., 139. etsbury manor, iii., 185. President of Court Common Pleas, Worrick, Andrew, Sheriff, v., 411. 150. Paid as Judge High Court Worrell, Jas., to take down spouts, of Errors and Appeals, 229. Pay xi., 279. as a Judge of High Court of Errors Worrall, Peter, resigns as member and Appeals, xv., 645. Resigns of Assembly, vii., 148. as Judge and Justice in Bucks, Wraxall, Peter, Secretary of Indian xvi., 105, 133. affairs, vii., 195. Wynkoop, John, Coroner, iv., 470, Wrecked goods arrive from Cape 500. May-delivered to J. Logan and Wynne, Thomas, his widow applies Thomas Lawrence-proceedings, to Council in case of a Judgment iii., 238, 239, 240, 241. under a wrong name, i., 394. Wright, Abijah, to be executed, xi., Wynne, Major Joshua, murdered 631. by Indians in Virginia, iii., 22. Wright, Alex., Justice, xiii., 263. Wyoming - Six Nations propose Wright, Benj., Sheriff of Phila., de- meeting at, on way to Philaclines collecting, is fined and re- delphia, iv., 500. Four Inmoved, ii., 233. dians arrive from, v., 543.Wright, Enoch, Adjutant, xi., 110. Symptoms of disturbance in NorWright, Major Geo., xv., 109. thampton county, from ConnectiWright, James, takes a place for cut claimants, 735. Letter from the Indians at Lancaster, vii., 51Q. William Parsons, 736. Letter To obtain information respecting from D. Brodhead, 757. ConnecConestogas, viii., 115. His letter ticut movements, 757, 758. Disto Gov., giving it, 116. pute, 767-777. Paxinosa-Indian Wright, John, relative to dispute Chief, vi., 35. Influence of Lywith Maryl'd, iii., 472. Speaker, dius, &c. with Indians respecting iv., 782. lands, 117, 247-275. Indians from, Wright, Thomas, killed by Indians on their way to Philadelphia, 358. at Snaketown, iii., 285. Assault Message from Indians at, 751. on Joseph Thomas, of Bucks-pe- Answer, 753. Indian hostilities, tition and pardon, xv., 255, 256. 756. Wright's ferry, xi., 637. Indians at, vii., 108. New Writs of Error, ii., 127. Castle, &c., arrive at, on journey Wurts, Charles, Town-major of Lan- to Indians on Susquehannah, vii., caster, xi., 78. 137. Fort proposed at Adjouquay, Wurtz, Christian, Town-major of fourteen miles above, 159. Indians Lancaster, applies for pay and ra- now belong to Diahoga, 188. tions, xii., 116. (See Wirts.) Remove back to Diahoga, 222. Wyalusing, Indians at, to be pro- Teedyuscung, &c. at, 267, 284, vided for, ix., 97, 137, 139. Poor 328. Indian murders, 357. ProIndians arrive from, at Philadel- visions scarce at, 479. Indians phia, 425, 435. Message to, 436. on lands at, 540, 676, 677, 723. WVyalusing creek, claim to land on, Indians intending to settle at, xiii., 33. 726. Mr. Hughes, Commissioner, Wygant, John, a Moravian mission- going to build fort and Indian ary-pass to, xiii., 570. houses at, 730, 735. Opposed by Wynkoop, Henry, member of Coun- Council, 734. C. Weiser to be cil of Safety, x., 675. Quota of employed, 734. His opinion on 428 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Wyoming- Wyolingbuilding, 735. Messrs. Hughes, and Zeb. Butler, 677. ProclamaShippen and Galbraith, to go, tion of Governor against Connecti736. Commission to-Mr. Hughes cut settlers, 679. Warrant to refuses —Charles Beatty added, arrest several persons for ill 754, Teedyuscung visits Gover- treatment of a Justice, 682, 6S7. nor Denny on his return from, Depositions, 710, 711. Message 770. of Governor to Assembly, respectHouses for Teedyscung at, viii., ing, 713. Murder of Nathan 112. Indians above, in motion, Ogden at the fort, 714. Procla127. Message of Gov. to Teedyus- mation for capture of Stewart and cung and Indians at, 129. Con- his accomplices there named, 717. ference with C. Thomson and F. Road fromi Blue Mountain, asked Post and Indians at Nescopec, for, 731. Commissioners ap132. Report of Hughes and pointed, 732. Connecticut people Pawling, of houses built at, 134. armed on their way to-proolaMason killed by Indians, 134. mation against, 747. Captain Journal of Fred. Post to, 142. Amos Ogden arrives at PhiladelBuilding houses at, 129. Indians phia with news from, 748. Proat, to be informed of murder of ceedings of Council, 749. Report Dr. John, at Carlisle, 455. N. E. of Tilghman and Shippen, 750. people about to settle on lands Depositions of Neal Arnott and at, 500. Indians hold conference Scott, skirmish at block house, at Philadelphia, 594, 600. Con- 751. Letter of Lewis Gordon, necticut settlers, 563-572, 612, 752, 754. John Dick, 753. 621-628. Indians at, on way to Council order one hundred men Easton, 630, 646. Proclamation, to be raised, 753. Several letters, 663. 756. From Council to ProprieSettlers from Connecticut, ix., taries, 757. Deposition of Ashur 7, 27, 602. Indians complain, Clayton, 767. Joseph Morris, 27. James Burd and Thomas 769. Articles of capitulation at McKee sent to under instructions, block house, 771. Message of 29. James Burd appointed Corn- Governor to Assembly, 773. missioner to, 59. Instructions Letter from President Hamilton to Governor H., 60. To Colonel to Gogernor Trumbull, Governor Burd, 61. Indian mine at, 329. of Connecticut, 777. Proceedings and resolutions of Case of Laz. Stewart, x., 3. Susquehanna Company, 569-572. Governor Trumbull on SusqueLetters Lewis Gorden, C. Stewart hannah Company, 4. Connecticut and J. Jennings, respecting New people settling on proprietary England settlers, 572, 573, 584. lands, 50. John Durkee - inLetter to Governor of Connecticut, dieted for riot at —imprisoned573. Charles Stewart and Amos discharged, 52. Fort proposed Ogden appointed Justices, 573. at J. Dougherty's, 86. Letters Settlers from Lancaster county, from R. Moodie-Wrim. Plunkett 583. Governor to John Jennings, and Governor Penn, 87. John 585. To Charles Stewart, 586. Dougherty, Jr. heads armed men, Colonel Francis, 587. Governor's 86. Petition of Northumberland proclamation, 588. Letters sent against Connecticut people, 111. by Governor P. to sundry per- Message to Assembly on, 117. sons, 606. Instructions to Sheriff Messrs. Dyer, Johnson and Strong, of Northamption, 608. Justices sent by Governor Trumbull, arrive appointed, 660. Germans and at Philadelphia, 118. Letter from New England men behave riotous- Governor Trumbull with resoluly, 663. Deposition of Amos tions of Assembly of Connecticut, Ogden, 674. Terms on delivery 119 - 139, 151. Proclamation of the fort at, between A. Ogden against settlers and Z. Butler for INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 429 Wyoming- Wyomingcirculating advertisements, 154. Various papers and depositions Governor Trumbull's account of, relating to disturbances at-reso164. History of Indian deed, 177. lutions respecting preparations Road from Blue Mountain, 219. for, 167. -Provisions for, 168. Refuse to submit to laws of Penn- Conference respecting, 171. Desylvania, 275. GCovernor's letter positions-narrative of Benaiah to Magistrates, 275. Mundy, 172. Conference with Ravages of Indians at, xi., 528. Council and Ass'y, 183, 184, 188. troops for, 531. Relating to Connecticut settlers Troops to be sent to, for Genl. driven off in May last, 186. Sullivan, xii., 92. Troops to be Messrs. Boyd, Armstrong, Read ordered from, to Sunbury, at re- and Okely, commissioners to proquest of Genl. Hand, out of gar- ceed to, on claims, 207. Ammurison left there, 138. Relief of nition sent to, 207. Commissiongarrison, 569. Alarm about sup- ers, letter from, 215. Fifty men plies, 585. Commandant Mitchell to be drawn from Bucks and Berks sends papers, referred to Board of counties, to proceed to, to quell War, 741. disturbances, 217. President DickOn abandonment of post at, insou's letter to Council, object xiii., 399. Conference respecting to their late measures respecting, lands at, 509. Capt. Robeson's 219, 220. Proclamation respectand Capt. Shrawder's companies ing, 220-224. Expenses of comfor, 519. Stores, &c., asked for, missioners, 235. Repair of arms, 565, 567, 572. Letters from, 645. 238. Provisions, 238. Express Justices, 683. Armed force to be to, with dispatches, paid, 254. stationed at, 693. Major Jas. Conference between Assembly and Moore, with troops, ordered to, Council on, 258, 259, 260. Com721. Provisions for, 725, 741. plainants attend Council and reZeb. Butler committed, 760, 763. ceive money, 315. Deposition Petition of A. Yarrington-re- taken, 317. List or collection of ferred to A. Patterson, 765. all the' acts of governors, and Expenses of a soldier paid to, other papers relating to, 318-320. xiv., 5. Federal Court to try Rations for militia, 343. Insurprivate right of soil to the lands rection at-letter of David Mead, at, 31. Memorial of A. Yarring- 359. Some of Berks county troops ton and deposition of John Seely refuse to do duty, 374. Northumrespecting Col. Jacob Stroud, 32. berland troops, 382. Outrages at, James Wilson and Wmin. Bradford, 398. Pay to commissioners, 446. Jr., agents to conduct trial of pri- Rations for, 457. Report of comvate rights at, 35. Petition to mittee of Assembly at, 463. LetCongress of settlers, 51. Confer- ter, D. Mead, 495. Conference ence on withdrawing troops from, with Chief Justice, 508. Disturb53. Distress from inundation, 61. ances at, 572, 578, 579. Capt. Pay for troops at, 110. Disturb- Sawyer's subsistence account, 581. ances among soldiery at-A. Pat- Medicines for a soldier wounded terson resigns as Justice, 116, at, 605. Express to, for distri117. Letter from Z. Butler in be- buting Act of Assembly —instruchalf of Connecticut people, 120. tions to J. Elliott, 636. General Petition in favor of Winm. Shrader, John Armstrong paid as commis137. Conspiracy against taxes- sioner to, 637. Committee of Asproclamation, 151. Report of sembly meets Council, 656. Paid Counsel on controversy with Dr. Schetta for healing a man Conn., 159, 163. Return of wounded at, 671. stores at, 164. Disturbance at, Road to, from Water Gap, xv., 165. Troops to be in readiness 22, 30, 93. Letters to William in Northampton county for, 166. Montgomery and Win. Shaw, on 430 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. Wyoming- Wyomingdisturbances at, 27. Cession of laws against Connecticut settlers lands by Connecticut, accepted by in 1775, 317; 322, 352. ProCongress, 28. Letter to J. Frank- visions furnished by John Weitlin, W. H. Smith and J. Jenkins, zell, 354; and by Win. Sawers35. W. H. Smith's expenses to militia sent to, paid, 364. Supand from, paid by Council, 36. pli6s, 389. Disturbances, 37. Eli Mead, Justice, 51. Wounded soldier, 64. Y. Protection to John Franklin, John Jenkins, &c., 67. John Yard, John, fined for not taking Franklin and J. Jennings arrived, oath, ii., 180. Remitted, 181. examined-petition from " late Yardley, Thos., ferry at, iii. 166, 174. settlers," 79. Express to, 115. Yarclley, William, appointed a speJohn Franklin, member of As- cial Commissioner to try a case, sembly-N. Dennizen, Councillor, i., 164. Member of Council for 162. Forage for troops, 221. Bucks, 213. Proceedings, 293. Mission with despatches in 1786, Sheriff, v., 597, 662. respecting disturbances, paid to Yarrington, Abel, Coroner, xvi., Col. John Bull, 276. Proclama- 196, 496. tion against John Franklin, &c., Yates, Ab'm, Chairman of Com'ee 280. Message to Assembly re- of Albany, receives powder, x. 327. specting disturbances, 305. Con- Yaughtanno, Cherokee Ch'f, speech, ference respecting-affairs at Ti- vii., 529, 553. Answer to Gov.'s oga —troops to be raised, 307. message at Fort Frederick, 556. Fines on delinquents of North- Year, commences in March, i., 58. ampton county, arising from a An Indian's, v., 310. tour of duty to, 310. Expulsion Yeates, James, one who ran the line, of commissioners from, 314. Dr. 1737, or Indian walk, vii., 400. Andrew Ledie paid for medicines, Yeates, Jasper, a Commissioner un&c., 344. Commissioners paid, der dedlimus, to administer oaths, 355. Col. T. Pickering is made ii., 62, 92, 116. Member of Counprisoner —conduct of Luzerne cil, 119. Judge, 239. Adminiscounty-proceedings of Council ters oath to Gov. Keith, iii., 13. -letters to Governors of New Member of Council dies, 143. York and New Jersey, 484. Mr. Yeates, John, Coroner, v., 551, 597. Redick sent to New Jersey and Yeldell, Dr. Anthony, traitor-his New York by Council-proclama- apprentice arrested, xii., 504. tions respecting captors of Col. Wife and children to depart the Pickering, &c., 489, 490. Pay to State, 509. Case of, referred to W. Montgomery as commissioner Committee, xv., 606, 614. to, 539. Letters between John Yellow Fever brought to Phila., by Franklin and D. Hamilton re- ship from Barbadoes, v., 105, 106, quested from Governor Clinton, 107, 109. At Charleston, quaran571. Letters received, 578. Ex- tine, xii., 457, 483. penses of commissioners to, 594. Yellow Springs, sulphur, &c., at, Arrest of rioters in, xvi., 11, xi., 389. 12. Expenses, 15, 16. Comrnmis- Yocum, Mounce, i., 435. sioners for ascertaining claims, Yocum, Peter, i., 397. 16. Case of John Franklin, a York, Edward, Lieut. of Provincial state prisoner, 16. Sheriff, 17. ship, x., 521. Expenses of taking John Franklin York, Thomas, may ship produce, to Easton, 17. Committee to as- x., 425. certain quantity and quality of York County formed, v., 398, 403, land at and near, 22. Boarding 404, 551, 662. Sheriff elected, of John Franklin paid for, 50. 411, 468, 551, 597, 662. Coroners Provisions for, 230. Enforcing of elected, 411, 597. Another coun INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 431 York County- York Countyty west of, proposed to be formed, Counterfeiter in jail, 234. Lieu426. Early settlements, 440. tenants, 257. Abuses by, cornBoundary between and Cumber- plained of, and orders for arrest, land, 502, 514, 619. Work-house 266. Riot in, several persons and house of correction, 506, 512. charged and arrested, and warAct respecting Inspectors, 619. rant issued in Philada., County, Sheriffs elected, vi., 144, 638. 267, 268. Archibald M'Lean, Cl'k Coroners elected, 144, 638. Dan- of Orphans' Court, 274. Militia ger from Indians, 670. Return called out, 302, 360. Threats of seven companies of militia, against public stoles at, 307. vii., 76. Petition on Indian suc- John Brown, 344, 406. Stephen cesses, 233. Associated compa- Foulke conceals deserters, 357. nies formed, 294. Two good horses Elections, 371, 656, 695; 697, 698. to be at, viii., 71. Coroners ap- Sheriff, 371, 375, 599. Coroner, pointed, 223, 403, 506, 781. Sh'ffs 371, 599. Prothonotary, 388. appointed, 223, 403, 506, 781. Case of Wm. Montgomery, 402. Trials in, 336. Choice of Inspec- Paymaster, 406. Joseph Boone tors, 400. Sheriffs elected, ix., 57, convicted, 490. Indians, 535. 199, 286, 333, 398, 548, 624, 688, WAVrn. Low, 637. Escort of pri778. Coroners elected, 57, 199, 286, soners, 637, 643. Election, 676. 333, 398, 548, 624, 689, 778. A Waagons, 693. Councillor, 715. frontier county, 138. Petition- Councillor elected-contested elecquit-rents, 179, 180. Justices, tion-George Eichelburger exam235, 543, 731. Lottery for Epis- ined -decision, 698.' His concopal Church in, 243. Convic- duct condemned, and Sheriff sent tions, 282, 549. Special court to for him, 750. Opinion asked — try negroes, 543. Lottery for contested election, 744. Justices, German Reformed and German xii., 19. Archibald McLean reLutheran Churches, 567, 579. ceives subscription to loan office, Regulation of fisheries in Codorus 47. Forfeited estates —Mr. Steand Conewago, 719. Sheriffs phenson, agent, dead, 64. Wm. elected, x., 56, 101, 212, 271. Mitchell appointed, 65. Estate of Coroners elected, 56, 101, 212, James Rankin, 82, 113, 174, 218. 271. Justices, 162, 209. Relief Sheriff sends money, 83. Guard of prisoners, 42. Convictions at gaol, 108. Case of Negro and executions, 50. Associators Ralph referred to, 113. Militia ask for pattern guns, 300. Pur- called out, 129. Rep's, Comm'rs, chase powder and lead, 344. Pow- Assessors, 145, 513. Sheriffs, 145, der for Westmoreland, 346. Dr. 146, 161, 513. Coroners, 145, Kearsley sent to, 373, 380. And 146, 161, 513. Case of Thos. J. Brooks also, 380. Arrived, Readly, 178. Petition for protec385. To collect arms, 441. Pri- tion, 297. Military officers app'd, soners of war, 515. Prisoners 298. Justices, 342, 353, 595. removed from Germantown to, Wagon masters, 390. Appoint601, 622, 626. Firelocks bought ments, 554. J. Rankin's estate, in, 615. Prisoners, 639, 640. 560, 681. Expenses of county, Escort of prisoners to, paid for, 569. Auditors, 647. Convention, 645. Col. Matthew Dill, 672. troops to be removed to, 648. Arms, &c., 681. Col. Richard Military guard for conventionM'Allister, 683. Capt. William prisoners-Committee of ConferSmith, 687. Colonel, 693. Col. ence on, 660. Draft to A. McMatthew Dill, xi., 113. Col. Mc- Lean, 684. Sales of estates in, Pherson's battalion, 121, A. Mc- 688. Col. WV. Rankin escapes Lean, Prothonotary, 187. Chas from gaol-proclamation for arLukens declines being Sheriff, rest, 710. Clerk of Market app'd, 219, 229. Justices, 219, 443. xiii., 3. Pay for horses, 28. 432 INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. York County- York County — Claims for land in York town, 44. Chambersburg, through Black's Troops called out, 53. Estate of Gap, xvi., 103. Justices, 13, James Rankin, 98. Horrible sen- 154. Sheriff, 193, 492. Coroner, tence for horse stealing, 195. Mi- 193, 492. Paid John Harris for litia called out, 203. Justices, a gun and blanket, taken in 1776, 208, 422, 666. Call on for men, on way to Amboy-also to M. Pe348, 365. Sheriff, 397, 723. Co- terman, Conrad Giessey, Jacob roner, 397, 723. Execution of Lefevre, 160. Reward to Abr'm W. Bibb and T. Hiler for murder, Moser, 162. Returns of officers, 595. Irregular military election, 173. Tax on writs —executions 695, 723. Censors, 723. Represen- received by Henry Miller, Prothotatives., 723. Justices, xiv., 162, notary, 356. Troops for Wyo164, 182, 201, 208, 211, 212, 224, ming, 364. Col. Albright's bat229, 234, 247, 255, 256, 449, 486. talion-Capt. Dodd's co., 427. Illegal election, 162. Winm. Scott, Capt. Trett's co., 536. Tax on Lieut. of County, complained of, writs, 541. 203. Irregular election, 208, 256, Yorke, Thos., Committee of Assem557. General election, 234, 557. bly, vii., 636. Sheriffs, 234, 557. Coroners, 234, Yorktown, Congress of Commission557. Representati's, 234, 557. De- ers at, xi., 435. Lord Cornwallis puty Surveyor, 441, 459. Confis- surrenders at, xiii., 94. Bedford cated estates, 462. Register and Rangers ordered to, 121. Cannon Recorder, 584. Collector of Ex- taken at, the property of the cise, 585, 590, 591. Militia, 590. State, 614. Archibald M'Lean, Prothonotary, Young, -, letter to, from John death of, xv., 15. Henry Miller, Fraser, v., 659. his successor, 17. Col. Andrews' Young, Charles, Notary Public, xv.; battalion, 43. Justices, 65, 227, 255. Claim City lot, 481. 302, 474, 615. Confiscated estates Young, James, appointed Comm'ry in, 73. Election, 102, 296. General of muster-orders and Sheriffs, 102, 297, 579. Coro- instructions of Gov. to, vii., 162, ners, 102, 297, 579. Richard Commissary to pay troops, 476. McAllister resigns as Councillor, Paymaster-estimate of pay to 126. Appeal of Wm. Scott, pay- Provincial forces, viii., 224, 287. master, 144. Disturbances, in, Justice, ix., 393. Captain, x., 148. Councillor, 149. Militiaof, 697. Justice, xi., 228. Requisi152. Divisionof Codorus district, tion for wagons, 588, 589. 196. Militia, 243. Paymaster Young, Capt. John, confined for of, 249. Petition of Hoak & King giving a challenge, xii., 62, 67. for a riot, referred to Judges, 260. Estate in Northampton Co., sold, John McClellan, Collector of Ex- 157, 158. Deed to for gr'd rt., 283. cise, removed, and John Forsyth Young, Lazarus, order for his arappointed, 264. Appeal of Win. rest, ix., 682. Young, agent, 282. Representa- Young, Moses, appointed Assistant tives, 302. Contested election, 420, Secretary, xi., 78. 474. Claim for title to estate of Young, Nathan, Coroner, ix., 286. Win. Rankin, 425. Contested Young, Dr. Thomas, to assist Dr. election-a former election report- Potts, xi., 50, 52. ed on and confirmed, and Elihu Young, Win., to be arrested as acUnderwood declared Justice, 474. complice of Stewart, ix., 717. As Execution of negro Jack Durham apprentice of Ben. Town, printer, ordered; 475, 476. And Philip arrested on suspicion of being Nagle, 476. Postponed, 483. Par- concerned in seditious paper, don, 549. Election irregular — "Slow and Sure," xii., 325. commission to Justice M'Ilhenny Discharged, 328. revoked, 615. Road between Young, William, Jr., appointed by INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 433 MinisterofFranceto collectplants, Zeigler, Capt., Daniel, to distribute xii., 610. to troops articles left, xi., 710, Youtll, to be provided with learn- 750. Account of expenses, xii., ing-school of arts and sciences, 64. Letter, 220. To furnish i., 93. Reprieved under gallows companies with refreshments, 266, on account of, iv., 224. A per- 278. Account as distributor of son acquitted of crime on account stores, 297. Letter, 334, 335. of, xii., 202. To distribute articles, 547. Letter for books and accounts, 628. Pay, 635. Clothing for troops, Zachary, Dr. Lloyd, to visit sick 684. Shoes delivered to, xiii., 9. vessels, iii., 293. As health offi- Order to, 76, 91, 164. cer, to visit vessels, 496-498. Zeigler, Capt. David, question of Report of Assembly oil, 517. Re- rank with Captain Fergurson, xv., port in Council, 524. 381, 395. Appointed Captain, Zadousky, Anthony, sent as mes- 437, 43S, 439, 473. senger to Indians, iii., 305. Ex- Zeisberger, Rev. David, pass for, as penses, 345. missionary to Indians, v., 576. Zane, Isaac, at Indian conference at Examines John Shekallamy, vii., Nicholas Scull's house, viii., 211. 245. Arrives at Bethlehem with Zantzinger, Adam, x., 481, 647, 689 accounts fromn Guadenhutten, vi., Zantzinger, Catherine, pension to, 736. xvi., 148. Zigrea, "drunken," an Indian, arZantzinger, Paul, pass for, to New rives at Philadelphia, vi., 681. York, xii., 256. Rejected, 314. Zimmerman, Matthew, ii., 541. Granted, 317. Asks for pass for Zistagechroanu, a nation of Indians Rev. Thos. Barton and wife from north of Lake Frontenac, v., 85, New York —rejected, 339, 357. 212. Public papers in his hands rela- Zinachson, Indian name for Shating to estate of J. Ruby, xiii., 19. i tmokin, v., 84. 28 INDEX TO PE NNSYLYANIA ARCHIVES. VOLUMES I. TO XII., INCLUSIVE, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ACHIVYES. A. Acts of Assemblying lands at Wyoming, 658. Abercrombie, Major General, ap- Complained of by British merpointed Colonel, ii., 647; iii., chants, 747. Of North Carolina, 321, 364, 366, 371, 376, 380, 392, appointing deputies to convention 552. Going to England, 518. in Philadelphia for revising ConAbolition of Slavery proposed to stitution, xi., 117. For purchase Assembly, vii., 79. of Erie, xii., 89. Abraham's plains, action at, xi., 435, Adams, John, and ]B. Franklin, letter 436. from Paris, vi., 521. Minister to Academy, of Philadelphia, address France, introduction of MAr. Searle, from Students to Governor Morris, viii., 399, 563. Minister to Holii., 193. At Newark, Delaware, land, ix., 589. Advises of acseeks aid, iv., 468. Washington, knowledgment of independence lands for, xi., 215. by Holland, 633. On public debt Acadian, French Spy, captured, iv., to France, x., 384, 386. Relating 206. Or French neutrals, their to American Bishops, 432. On history, iii., 565-568. British grievances, 745. Accounts, reports on, xii., 6, 9. Adams, Samuel, on expected sediAchilles, Brig, owners ask for shot, tious papers, vii., 14. On reprevii., 308. sentation, 763. Ackowanothro, speech of, iii., 548. Addresses from churches, &c., to Active, Sloop, capture and case of, Governor Morris, ii., 183, 184, vii., 170, 172, 468. Agents of 185, 192, 200. From Germans, sloop, prize money, viii., 209. 217, 225. To Governor Denny, Sloop, Arnold, &c., charged with 760, 762, 763. Of Indians at concern in, ix., 10, 33. Brig, Bethlehem, 636. Of Representa(1780,) x., 161. (See vol. viii.) tives of New Jersey to Governor Acts of Assembly, opinion of attor- Belcher, 1757, iii., 170. Of Asney on, ii., 100 For forming sembly of Lower counties to Goverand regulating the militia, iii., nor, 309, 721. Of Commissioners 110, 115, 117, 120. For issuing for Indian affairs, 555. Of Counbills of credit, 99. Various cil of Safety, v., 642. Of officers notices, 114, 117. To remove to Assembly, 724. Of Congress settlers from Indian lands, iv., to inhabitants, vi., 488. Of Col283. Of New York on Indian onel Hartley to Congress, vii., 5. trade, 361. Of Virginia, 372. A serious, to inhabitants of WyoOf Virginia respecting clothing, ming, by W. Hooker Smith, xi., vi., 125. Of Congress, vii., 102, 105. Governor Mifflin to Assea152, 159. For vesting proprietary bly, xii., 34, 46. Senate to Gov. estates in the State, viii., 113. Mifflin, 44. House of RepreTo prevent and stay suits against sentatives to Governor Mififin, Wyoming, x., 5. Of 1705, for 45. bailing prisoners, 407. Of New Adlum, John, on surveys, xi., 576. York on boundary, 422. Restor- Report on, 577. Letter from J. 438 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCII1VES. Hart, 593. Recommendation, Albany620, 629. soldiers, 724, 736. Secretary Administration of government, Act Peters to, Captains at, 738. Insecuring, in case of death, &c., dian treaty at, commissioners to, i., 155. ii., 137-143, 181. Actmirality, orders, i., 194, 206, 207, Albion, ship, captured and con234, 242, 243, 306. Opposition demned, viii., 491. to judge of Vice adm., 205. Orders Alexander, Charles, v., 626, 637. respecting shipwrecked seamen, Alexander, Captain, of seventh regi234. On impressments, 638, 640, ment, promotions, viii., 248. 641. Court, complaint against Alexander, Major, ix., 109. Judge of, 205. Orders from, iv., Alexander, James, ii., 462. 243, 331, 622. Court, Judge of, Alexander, William, letter introGeorge Ross appointed, vii., 212. ducing an extraordinary writing Business delayed for want of a master, ii., 170. Letters to and Register, 451. Judge Ross dies, from, 170, 315, 348, 375. 554. F. Hopkinson succeeds him, Algiers and United States, war be554, 558. Letter from, respect- tween, xi., 522. ing seal, 694. Board of, to fit Alison, Francis, Jr., on surrender of out vessels of war, viii., 273. Fort Freeland, vii., 592. Privateers, 340. Court grant war- Allegheny, Indians, letter from, i., rant for sale of ship Albion's 550, 552. Mountains, notice to cargo, 491. Letter on cutting inhabitants, iv., 252. River, land masts on Schuylkill for French bad near, x., 509. County, fleet, 542. Board of, ix., 95, 101, formed, xi., 640. River, island 106. Court fees received, 555, 567, in, applied for, 623, 645. 630, 672; x., 58. Letter of Judge Allegiance, Assembly pass act reH., on a vessel escaping under pecting oath of, vi., 433. writ of, 356 Cases, xi., 53-55. Alleminga, Fort, above, [See Fort.] Fees, 125, 126, 375, 381, 383. Murders by Indians, iii., 77. African Trade, Board of Trade make Allen, Andrew, case of Big Spring inquiries about it, i., 153. Duties tract at Reading, x., 712. A on negroes, 159, 160. counterfeiter, demanded by New Agents, of confiscated estates, viii., Jersey, xi., 550. 735, 760. Allen, Ethan, at Wyoming, x., 765, Agnew, John, ix., 135. 766. Respecting, xi., 68, 108 Agreement, between Lord Baltimore Allen, Fort, [See Fort]; iii., 5, 68, and Thomas and Richard Penn, 81, 119, 152, 194, 218, 420, 424, to have line run in 1760, (Mason 504, 521; iv., 139; viii., 286; and Dixon's,) iv., 1-36. Entered Captain Shrawder leaving, ix., into with Wyoming rioters, 350- 649; xii., 70. 352. Between Pennsylvania and Allen, Ira, viii., 88. Virginia about boundary, viii., Allen, James, statements respecting, 352, 488, 516, 570. With Six vi., 407. Nations, xi., 529-533. Allen, Mrs., asks pay for lead taken, Agricultural Society, Philadelphia, vii., 452. grant by Assembly to encourage, Allen, William, letters to and from, x., 204. On Hessian fly, xi., 384, ii., 362. Chief Justice, iii., 64, 385, 527. 304. Air Furnaces, by Mr. Nancarrow, Allentown, arms, &c., at, vi., 51, viii., 456. 135, 473, 655. Aix la Chapelle, preliminary of Allface, a Seneca chief, xii., 300. peace, signed at, ii., 3. Allibone, Win., a warden, xii., 314. Albany, minutes of commissioners Allomappis, (Indian,) answer to at, &c., letter to Governor Van Governor, i., 224. Letter to, 266. Dam, i., 296, 297. Representation Reported death of, 772. of Captains at, on condition of Alricks, Hermanus, letters, ii., 383. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 439 Alricks, Wessel, letter, W. P. to, i., Antil, Colonel, ix., 473. 131, Antrobus, Joseph, auctioneers petiAmazon, ship, seizure of British tion for an act against purchasers, goods on, ix., 742, 756. i., 167. Amberson, William, viii., 289, 4S7. Apoquinimy, Reverend Mr. CampAmerica, North, Indian tribes in, bell, appointed minister of, i., list of, iv., 188. 191. To be removed, 236. American Bishops, x., 434. (See Appeal, instructions respecting, i., Bishop.) 196. From Courts, instructions American Philosophical Society, in- to T and R. Penn, on, ii., 107. vitation to council to annual ora- Court of, recommended by Council, tion, Viii., 136. Grant to, by vii., 78. Advice asked by deleAssembly, x., 204. gates, 192. In cases of captures American regiment at Schuylkill at sea, Congress resolves respectheighis, x., 323. Deserters from, ing, 265, 436. 388. Appointment, viii., 335. Of officers, Amherst, Major General Jeffrie, ap- ix., 27. pointed to succeed General Aber- Apportionment of $636,000 among cromlbie, iii., 518, Letters, 634, the States, x., 238. 694, 701, 706, 710, 712, 715, 718, Apprentices, and indented servants, 726, 734. Letters to and from, General Shirley's letter on enlistiv., 37, 39, 45, 46, 48, 50, 64, 68, ing, ii., 417. 71, 73, 74, 76, 79, 87. Apty, Thomas, letter, stopped by Ammunition, waste of, v., 27. New York while conducting InAnderson's Fort, xii., 461. dians, iv., 157. Anderson, Patrick, letter on state of Arbuthnot, Admiral, viii., 339. the army, v., 27. Arbuthnot, Captain Alexander, merAnderson, Thomas, return of provi- chandize seized, ix., 574. sions to third Pennsylvania regi- Archives, Pennsylvania, messages mIent, ix., 175. of Governor respecting, i., 3, 16. Andover Iron Works, N. J., vi., Report of committees on, 3, 10. 178. Law for publishing, 14, 22. PerAndrea Doria, brig, &c., destroyed son to superintend, 15. Report by fire for safety, vi., 28. of S. Hazard to Governor, on, Andrews, Robert, a Virginia com- 17-21. Preface, xii., iii. Report missioner, to run line between of editor, v. Supplementary act, Virginia and Pennsylvania, viii., April 12, 1855. MSS. to be bound 353. Reverend, appointed by and placed in State library. Certain Virginia, to run line, ix., 78. documents to be framed, xii., 10. Appointed by Virginia commis- Armand's corps, complaints against, sioner on boundary, x., 146, 171, vii., 377 General, Legion, and (1783.) mutiny of soldiers, x., 62. Petition Anonymous remarks on J. Brown's against, 133. examination, vi., 36. Armory, state of, v., 731, 733. Anstey, John, applies for certified Armour, Lieutenant, vi., 451. list of traitors, xi., 148. Arms, bond given to King for, ii., Anstruthers, Lieut. Philip, British 300. Sent to Bucks county, 393. officer, prisoner of war, v., 77. Arms and ammunition, account Antes, Colonel Fred., viii., 206, of purchases, iii., 25. Great 219. scarcity of, iv., 694. Agreement Antes, Henry, Sheriff of Northum- to import by H. B. & Co., 708. berland county, to arrest insur- Commissioners of York county gents at Wyoming, x., 344. respecting, 708. In Lancaster Complaints against, 482. county, 717. To be collected, vi., Antes, Lieutenant Colonel, vi., 176. 47, 51, 52, 58, 86, 193, 244, 375, Antes, William, vi., 456; ix., 381, 395, 452, 456, 463, 480, 482, 486, 758. 488, 495, 504, 505, 522, 547, 549, 440 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 558, 562, 576, 639, 654, 745. Re- plains of his rank, 316.'Wheat ceived from France, 108; vii., 12, to be secured, 317. Appointed 125, 146, 190, 202, 238, 239, 290, commissioner to Wyoming, 327, 294, 296, 308, 338, 375, 376, 386, 330. Ordered to return to Phila417, 437, 562, 579, 711, 748; viii., delphia, 360. Deposition, 623. 139, 238, 2142, 305, 360, 453, 505, Letters, 427, 653, 658, 675, 677, 572, 580; ix., 26, 31, 94, 192, 685, 686. To inhabitants of Wyo200, 350, 391, 393, 416, 465. ming, 685. To President Dickin&c., to be taken care of by the son, 686. Letters to and from, States, x., 154. At Carlisle, xi., xii., 109, 285. Time of settling 379, 458. Sherman's valley, 285. Armstrong, Edward, report on ar- Armstrong, John, Jr., asks to be chives, i., 10. Secretary of council, ix., 650. Armstron-g's, Fort at, [See Fort Appointed to Congress, continues Halifax,] secretary, xi., 137. Letter, 407. Armstrong, Fort, (Kittanning,) viii., Armstrong, Joseph, letters to and 38. Evacuated, 106. Named, from, ii., 247, 248. xii., 134, 135, 139, 1 47, 156, 170, Armstrong, Cap. William, wagoners 220, 327-329. To be evacuated, stopped with British clothing, x., 193, 194. Men sent to, 215, 234 12. Armstrong, John, &c., murder of, Armstrong, Major William, viii., by Indians, i., 643, 646, 759. 34, 311, 599. Hands employed Armstrong, Captain John, at Abra- on N. boundary, xi., 215. Deham's plains, xi., 437. scribes Erie country, 242. ApArmstrong, Captain, commander at pointed commissioner to view Pittsbnrg, xii., 300. lands in Luzerne county, 30-, 460. Armstrong, Colonel John, letters, Dispatches from Wyoming, (1784,) ii., 451, 457, 719, 767. Account 447. of expedition and attack on Kit- Army, proposals for raising an, iv., tanning, 767-775. List of killed 654. American, v., 63,. 79, 8:, and wounded, 774; iii., 40, 48, 84, 87, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 51, 54, 78, 83, 146, 173, 187, 191, 10S, 112, 114, 115, 117, 119, 120, 196, 201, 212, 239, 282, 289, 296, 127, 129, 132, 135, 136, 141, 142, 303, 3G5, 446, 447, 448, 482, 551, 143, 144, 157, 158, 160, 162, 621, 627, 688. To provide horses, 16;3, 168, 171, 175, 176, 178, 180, 163. Indicted, 6'31. Letters to 186, 192, 196, 215, 230, 234, 236, and from, iv., 108, 135, 136, 143, 248, 249, 253, 300, 304, 306, 325, 152, 175, 203, 205. Recruiting 370, 451, 452, 455, 485, 505, 584, instructions to, 116. Murder of 586, 598, 615, 617, 624, 636, 645, Conestoga Indians, 152. Asks 655, 669, 672, 676, 679, 681, 683, for a battalion, 693; v., 164, 229, 685, 691, 694, 697, 701, 712, 724, 324, 558, 560, 563, 568, 572, 581, 731, 732, 739. Movements of, vi., 587, 598, 636, 641, 645, 653, 672, 31, 43, 70, 83, 90, 97, 100, 104, 684. On rum in army, 561. 108, 144, 150, 151, 152, 155, 169, Complains of militia, vi., 100. 189, 190, 230, 238, 241, 263, 265, Letters to and -from, 30, 43, 53, 296, 301, 350, 369, 374, 461, 471, 60, 70, 85, 90, 100, 122, 148, 149, 556, 568, 586, 592, 659, 673, 734230, 238, 293, 412, 489, 516, 612, 736, 755; vii., 102, 103, 142, 167, 613, 635, 657, 661, 669, 680, 715, 181, 237, 244, 263, 268, 300, 339, 717, 744. His position, 91, 153. 377, 387, 392, 412, 442, 482, 494, Lead mine, 412. Account of 567, 581, 583, 607, 716, 736. 748, operations at Chestnut Hill, &c., 752, 760, 771. Rank of officers 70. Letters to and from, viii., in, 162, 607. Cost of provisions 31, 152, 243, 636. Letter of and clothing, 181. Pay and half council respecting WVyoming, x., pay of, 263; viii., 70, 72, 74, 75, 307. Appointed to command 76, 85, 100, ]03, 141, 168, 214, uncler ColonelHarmer, 315. Corn- 267, 287, 295, 314, 317, 326, 333, INDEX TO PENNS YLVANIA ARCH-IVES. 4-1345, 351, 355, 389, 394, 417, 480, from John Brown, on impeach603, 731, 747. Great want of ment of, 226. Board of WVar dep'ovisions. 122. Success at the clines calling out militia while he South, 7 31; ix., 71, 73, 77, 84, commlands, 230. To Board of WVar, 120, 129, 136, 139, 151, 301, 387, resigning his command in Phila393, 430, 513, 514, 586. For the delphia, 256. Deposition of JohuI South, 109. Pay of soldiers and Gardener, wagonelr, 241. Passofficers, x. 113. port signed by, 262, 264. Letter Army, British, movements of, v., to John Brown, 270. Share of 43, 49, 67, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 96, the Charming Nancy, 275. Court 105, 108, 136, 141, 148, 157, 158, martial on, 327, 337, 351, 406. 161, 163, 168, 169, 171, 173, 178, Letters to and from, 370. Letters 186, 194, 215, 216, 217, 230, 236, from President Reed respecting, 244, 2.49, 289, 290, 300, 306, 351, 325, 327, 337, 347, 351, 380. 367, 380, 438, 450, 452, 556, 567, Purchase of goods in Philadelphia, 606, 615, 617, 645; vi., 23, 31, his aid, David S. Franks, 370. 32, 43, 70, 83, 90, 97, 100, 101, Money borrowed, 449. And Mr. 226, 263. 265, 285, 299, 366, 387, Seagrove, 450. Letter of J. i). 399, 470, 5(00, 503, 568, 604, 622, Sergeant, on death of Jesse Jordan, 673, 706, 734 -736, 749. Barbarity abating trial, 743. Trial of, viii., of, 470, 5(09-502, 503; vii., 387, 12, 35, 73. President Reed re393, 412, 452, 460, 479, 484, 486, quests Congress to dispense with 489, 492, 509, 519, 523, 526, 561, part of sentence of court martial 532, 576(, 608, 635, 646, 647, 648, in respect for his previous good 663, 674, 697, 736, 775; viii., 95, services, 99. -Charge against, 100, 293 3083, 312, 314, 333, 336, 639. A suspected messenger to, 361, 41 5 539, 708; ix., 71, 102, from New York, ix., 20, 24. 210, 301, 345, 347, 393, 422, 430, Mons. Holker charged with con436, 437. nection with, 10, 33, 178. Letter, Army, of Pennsylvania, number of 308. Burns New London, 404. men in, condition of, v., 27, 29, Arrests of Tories, v., 478, 479, 480. 33, 34, 37, 51, 52, 58. Arrest of Prothonotary of Bedford Arndt, John, v., 421; vi., 336. county, vi., 12. Letter, ix., 53, 109, 135, 175. Artificers, regiment of, under ColArnold, Benedict, Gen'l, appointed onel Baldwin, memorial of ix., to command of militia at Bristoland 105. Captain Wylies' return of, east of Ph1iladelphia, v., 366, 376. 665. Wounded, 657, 675. Commands Artillery, Regiment of, established in Philadelphia, vi., 568. Pro- under Col. Thos. Proctor, v., 234. clamation on evacuation of Phila- Officers, letter to Council, vii., delphia, 606. Letters, 687, 704, 154. Battalion, 121, 135, 294, 708, 748. Sends wagons to Egg 339, 393. Colonel of, viii., 111. Harbor, on private account, vii., Returns of, uander Gen. A. Wayne, 160, 175, 179, 181, 183, 194. 647, 726, 747. Returns of those Yeas antid nays to be required by paid, ix., 30, 55, 74, 123, 141, 207. delegates in Congress in his case, Pennsylvania regiment of officers 174. About to leave the State, petition-con-federation, 168. Col. 183. General Washington, res- Carrington, 207. Artificers, under pecting, 188. Votes in Congress Captains Wylie and Jordan, grarespecting M. Clarkson, aid to, 204. tuity to men, x., 94. Stores in. Statement of John Mitchell res- Philadelphia, xi., 257. pecting wagons used by, 207, 209, Ash, James, elected sheriff of Phila213, 220. Letter to Winm. Ship- delphia, xi., 410. pen respecting M. Clarkson, 209. Ashman, GCeorge, respecting attacks Letter to Mitchell, 216. Secretary and murders by Indians, ix., 152, Matlack to, respecting a name, 202. 223. His answer, 224. Letter Asheton Robert, letter W. P. to, 4:2 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. i., 134. Draft of a law respecting Assemblycourts, 165. 734, 736, 738, 739, 7!51, 752, 757, Assembly, writ for calling, i., 504. 761. Letters to and from, ix., 5, Remarks on the, ii., 181. Cen- 16, 51, 61, 188, 197, 209, 221, sured for not paying hands on 232, 241, 248, 412, 425, 447, 459, road, 393. Print letters against 461, 463, 467, 501, 509, 510, 513, Governor's wishes, 274. Remarks 620, 664. Resolutions, 4, 5, 11, on by Gov. Dobbs, 280. Governor 22, 52, 66, 68, 69, 506, 666, 754, asks for minutes, 284, 286 Issues 762. Committee of, 14, 22, 62, money without Governor's con- 415, 515. Recommends settlement sent, 285. Letter to, froll Gov. of Connecticut question, 4. Letter Morris, 356. Demand from Phil- to, on convention prisoners, 5, 11, adelphia, of mleans of defence, 197. President's statement of 485. Address of Quakers to, affairs, 219. On State of militia, giving their views, 487. Com- 221, 232. On money matters, mittee of, letters between Gover- 241, 248. Loans, 248. Collection nor and, 316, 318. Letters not to of fines, 415. Infractions of laws be submitted to, 367. Thomas of nations, 462, 464. Troops for Penn, letters respecting the, 367. federal army, 467. Boundary Pass militia law, 515, 531. Char- line, 506. Connecticut claim, 510. acter of, 226, 529. Address to Operations of army, 513. Fees, Governor, iv., 77. Governor's 515. Supplies, 620. To employ message to, 290. Petition of, to person to collect information rehis Majesty, 311. Message to specting frontiers, 666. Letters President and Council, 436. An- to and from, x., 8, 126, 195, 198, swer, 436. Powder offered, 679. 407, 427, 429. Resolutions of, 8, At New Castle, message, 72, 585. 9, 111, 129, 130, 149, 166, 177, iIessage from, 72, 248, 474. Min- 178, 179, 184, 195, 196, 203, 204, uLtes, 466, 474, 548, 665; v., 179, 209, 233, 315, 316, 332, 334, 335, 264, 482, 491, 513, 681. Address 336, 365, 367, 412, 420, 531, 538, of officers to, 724. Respecting 542, 557-561, 611, 695, 710, 711, prisoners, 513. Resolutions, 617. 749. Boundary with Virginia, 8, Laws recommended by Council to, 95. Purchase of lands from Invi., 685. Resolutions, 64, 73, 84, dians, 111. Message from, 379. 155, 396, 694, 733. Ask for Reports, 224, 316, (1784,) 551, papers, 272. Assembly and Coun- 552, 749. Of Connecticut, resocil to Congress, 104, 109, 111, lutions of, 116. Proceedings on 333. Letters to, 124, 152, 369, internal Commerce, 128, 130. 518, 709. Laws to be proclaimed, Riejoicings for peace, 151. Repairs 396. Laws recommended by to Government mansion, (1783,) Council, 518, 685. Letters to and 166, 332. Removal of obstructions fronm, vii., 77, 94, 100, 191, 194, in Delaware river, (1783,) 177. 195, 202, 712, 720, 738. State- Death of Major Kennedy, 178. ment of cost of provisions and Officers of Pennsylvania line, 179, clothing for State troops, 181. (1783.) Allotment of estates for Resolutions, &c., 187, 195, 237, University, 195. Wyonming and 244, 239, 278, 284, 294, 295, 718, Connecticut, intentions of Penn740, 741. Letters to County sylvania, 196 Papers asked for members of, 472. Order flour to by council, 198. Grant to Ameribe distributed to poor, 740. Geln- can Philosophical Society, 204. eral Committee of, viii., 694, 737. Elect Auctioneers for Philadelphia, Grant money for raising troops, 206, 209. Wyoming, 224. Pay 752. Letters to and from, 21, to W. Maclay, 315. Indian affairs, 262, 609, 625, 656, 685, 687, 692. 316. Order to R. Andrews, ComMemorials to, 27, 39. Resolutions missioner on boundary with Virof, 8, 14, 21; 276, 280, 569, 570, ginia, 336, 412. T. Matlack, 367. 646, 657, 663, 685, 728, 729, 732, Saleoflands, 379-384. Respecting INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 443 Assembly- Associators of York County, rules James Searle, 420. Chinese for, iv., 657. strangers from Pallas, Indiaman, Atkins, Edmund, appointed Super532. Election of Delegates to intendent, of Indian affairs, iii., Congress, 534. Treasurer, 534. 155. Letters, 175, 183, 197, 2358, Report on inlanid navigation, 538, 288. On Scalps, 185, 199. 541. State House, 542. Wy- Atlee, Judge, criminals at York, ollling, (1784,) 551, 552, 557-561. vii., 773. Jurisdiction of Islands in Dela- Atlee, Col. Samuel J., letters to and wvare, il6, 710. Act restoring from, state of army, v., 6, 10. lands in Wyominfg, 657. Removal On rank of, vii., 188. Return to of Henry Shloemlaker as a justice, the line opposed, 582. To pun695. Petition firom Wyoming, chase Flour, 674; viii., 216, 242, 699-704. Boundary line N. Y.- 250, 305, 311, 333, 335, 351, 423, Jurisdiction, &c., of Islands, 710. 437, 438, 469, 484, 580, 673. Custom house bonds, 711. Report Commissioner to treat with Inon Wyoming recommitted, 749. dians, x., 265. Letters from, on Election of J. Hamilton in West- election-deed of Six nations:, moreland County, 750. Election 360. of Persifer Frazer in Chester Co., Atlee, William, v., 248, 301, 327, as Register, &c., 756. Resolutions, 365, 376; vi., 212. (Judge) xi., 84, 87, 103, 207, 211, 393, 395, respecting State lands, viii., 56. 398, 402, 406, 523, 545, 547, 635, Tories, 125; ix., 8. Falls from 665, 669, 675, 677, 682. T. Pick- his horse, 170. Prisoners and ering elected register, &c., 84. troops, 203, 335, 347. Guards, Respecting pay to Col. Mentges, 212. Robbery, 596. Muster rolls 103. For men for Luzerne Co., of Lancaster Co., x., 394. 207. Address of, 728. Letters Attainder, legal evidence of, ix., to, 187, 206, 390, 348, 528. Re- 656. specting Erie Lands, 211. Thos. Attorney's fees, report on, xi., 6(47. Lloyd proposes to publish the Attorney General to be more liberally debates of, 212. Bill respecting provied fo ir, vi., 686. ComnmisWyoming, 260. Powder maga- sion to J. D. Sergeant as, viii, zinc, 392. Purchase of Erie, 395. 613. He resigns it, 612. William Respite of the Doans, 398. Ac- Bradford, Jr., appointed, 613, 621. counts, 406. To Gov. Mifflin, xiii., Letters to and from, xii., 99. 44. Auction duties, xi., 127. AuctionAssembly of Three Lower counties eers appointed, 128, 565, 680. address to Gov., on the rights as- Reports, 748, 755, 761. sumed bythat part of the province, Auctioneer, complaint of an, i., 167. iii., 309. Speech to, 377, 721. For Philadelphia, elected by AsMessagefrom, 380, 723. Messages sembly, x., 206, 209. to and from, 19, 380, 384. Urged Auditor General, U. S., state of by Secretary Pitt to raise troops, finances U. S., vi., 591. 95. Insult Gov. Denny, 112. Auditors of accounts of troops to be Print report of Conference, 112. appointed, viii., 751. Queries by, On road to Augusta, 561. 762. And answers to, 764. LetAssembly of Delaware, on Internal ters to and from, ix., 11, 12, 13, navigation, xi., 25. 17, 18, 29, 36, 47, 67, 104. Assembly of Massachusetts, resolu- Augusta Fort, ii., [See Forts.] Retions of, i., 666. specting, iii., 4, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, Assembly of Virginia, resolutions, 41, 43, 47, 64, 79, 88, 98, 100, 119, viii., 352. 161, 249, 279, 283, 287, 326, 327, Asswikales, Indians, number of, iv., 347, 349, 374, 388, 403, 406, 408, 302. 431, 478, 480, 502, 513, 515, 521, Association Battery, Phil., xii., 437. 550, 568, 570, 574, 621, 686, 6963, 44i INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 721, 727. Regiment officers in Balliett, Col. Stephen, viii., 5G5. Province, pay and date of com- Supplies, ix., 649, 744. Observamissions, 88. Forces refuse to do tions on Lehigh river and roads, duty for want of pay, 98; iv., 38, xi., 131. Remarks on, 135. Coln82, 83, 112, 122, 123, 128, 140, cil to, respecting Wyoming, 179. 165, 195, 207, 214, 463; v., 377, Appointed commissioner to view 414, 611, 763. Letters from, re- lands in Luzerne Co., 304. Inspecting Indians, vi., 57, 175, structions, 461. 191, 393, 478, 499, 537, 552, 564, Ballot, voting by, Censors inquire of 570, 571, 573, 599, 615, 624, 631, Council respecting, x., 302. An637, 711; vii., 574. At Sunbury, swer of Council, 306. xii., 329-339. Balme, Col. De la, viii., 766, 767. Anugsta, sixty-four blown up, v., Baltimore, letter to Magistrates of, 696, 703, 721, 698, 699. on sailors, vii., 399. CommisAungustus, (an Indian) intelligence sioners on boundary with Virginia, received by, ii., 729. meet and agree at, x., 96. Augwick, speech of Governor Morris Baltimore, Lord, Letter from Gov. to Indians at, ii., 193. Indians Markham, to, i., 39. His comluisnear, viii., 278. sioners waiting for Gov. Markham, Avery, John, Jr., letter from, vii., 46. Letter to, from Gov. Dongan, 477. 86. Sends Geo. Talbot, his proceedings, 87. W. Penn's declara-:B. tion against, 88. Notice to, of meeting of commissioners, 623. 13ache, Richard, v., 409. Appointed Letters from, 393, 395. to superintend magazines of flour, Bamper, Mr., suspicions against him vi., 235. Appointed by Congress as a messengerto Arnold, ix. 20, 24. to sign bills, viii., 635, 639; ix., Bancroft, Daniel, v., 231, 246. In 185. prison, 231, 246. Bache, Benjamin F., establishes his Bank of North America, resolutions Daily Advertiser, xi., 713. of Congress respecting establishBackhouse, Rev. Mr., appointed Mis- ment, ix., 173, 471, 477, 496. sionary at Chester, i., 226. Charter, 471. Bail, by whom to be taken, vi., 595. Bankrupt laws, do they affect pro13ailey, Francis, and Captain Lang, ceedings on Collector's bonds? vi., 404.' xi., 250. Baily, James, vi., 766; viii., 390. Baptist Church, Philadelphia, (See Wagons, ix., 160. Prisoners, 204, X Keithian B. C.,) i., 285. 210, 212, 231. Barbary Powers, memorial from Bailey, John, v., 405, 413. merchants on Capture by, x., 410, Bailey, William, v., 349.' 411, 705. Baird, Richard, capture, iii., 391. Barclay, John, HIog Island, xi., 89. Deposition, 396. Barclay, Thomas, on Dutch Loans, Baker, Hilary on Tavern Licenses, ix., 563. Free ports of France, xi, 604. x., 267. Baker, Hilary, Jr., asks explanation Bard, Peter, letter, ii., 764; iii., of late act abolishing slavery, 432, 499. Letter, iv., 210. viii., 720. Forfeited estates, ix., Barge and Tyng respecting salt, vii., 195. 728. Bald Eagle Creek-Indian murders Barney, Capt. Joshua, captures in on, vi., 515, 552. the Delaware, ship General Monk, Baldwin, Col., commands regiment in the Hyder Ally, after a brilliant of artificers, memorial, ix., 105. action, ix., 531, 532. Ballet, Captainof His Majesty's ship Barnsley, Cap. Thos., iv., 209, 212. Otter, pipe of wine, &c., presented Barracks, in Philadelphia, building, by city, ii., 5. Letter from, 7. iii., 279; iv., 170. Lancaster, Long action with a large ship, 7. 179. Expense of converting old INI)EX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 445 jail into, 715. At Fort, defective, Baynton, John, Collector of Tonnage, 729. At Fort Island nearly fin- statement respecting, x., 511. ished, 786; v., 7, 48, 71, 75, 78, Beahm, Philip, vii., 13. 148, 179, 184, 224. Used by U. Beall, Capt. Thomas, detachment S., out of repair, viii., 61, 161. arrives at Pittsburg, xii., 120. Near Basley's Mill, 41; ix., 326, Letters, 225, 230. Trial, 256. 426. At Lancaster, x., 233, 237, Beaton, John, vi., 494. 307. At Philadelphia, 239, 241, Beatty, Rev. Charles, Chaplain, iii, 261, 268, 276, 737. Lots, sale of, 297. Philadelphia, xi., 506. Beatty, Capt., xii., 300. Barrack master's report of filthy Beatty, Ercurius, and F. Bowen, houses left by soldiers, v. 265. Agents, to distribute certificates Barras, Mons. de, commander of to Pennsylvania Line-Report, x., French squadron at Newport, ix., 437, 506. Resignation, (1784,) 273, 353, 354. 604. Resumed, 605. Barry, John, (Capt.), recommends Beatty, John, ix., 125. the Lexington sent down, iv., Beaver Creek, number of houses, 750; vi., 243. iii., 563. Bartholomew, Edward, appointed Beck, Ensign, xii., 142, 276. Collector of Excise, x., 442. Becker, Lieut. Col., v., 485. ]Barton, Job, collector, Bucks Co., Bedford, Raystown, iii., 293, 4S2, robbed, ix., 459. 489, 51.0. Alarm from Indians, Barton, Rev. Thomas, letters to and iv., 111. Highway roberry near, from, ii., 568, 755, 756; iii., 245, 458. Road to Pittsburg, xi., 560, 377, 447, 450, 452. Complains as 643. Provisions arrive at, xii., 112, Chaplain, 451. Letter from Gen. 114. Boat-builders tools at, 114. Forbes, 451; iv., 132; v., 634. Bedford County, Commissioners of, Accepts Chaplaincy in British letter, on firelocks, iv., 712. Only Reg't at N. Y., vii., 226. Gone one gunsmith in County, 712. over to enemy, viii., 30. Troops required to march to Gen. Battalions, Letter to Colonels of, Washington, iV.) 149. Riflemen viii., 111. behave bravely at Lawrence's Is'd Battery, at Newcastle, order to pay under Col. Neilson, 230. Demand workmen at, iii., 317. of records, Court held at, 730. Batwell, Rev. Mr., v., 770; vi., 95, Election, 730. Alarming condition 144. Daniel, (Episcopal mission- from Indians, vj., 38. Prothonoary from England,) grant of land tary, arrest of, 12. Records, 12. to-a tory,viii., 107. Imprisoned Alarms of Indians, 194. Militia, -goes to N. Y., 107. 229. Records, Court, &c., 238, Bautcher, Samuel, ix., 127, 153. 511. Alarms from Indians and Baxter, Lt. Col. WVm., Letter, v., 31. Tories, 438, 458, 459, 460, 469, Bayard, Maj; John, proposes to im- 478, 505, 524, 682. Arms in, 506. port arms, &c., for Committee, Supplies for, 539. Freeholders of iv., 707, 708. Agreement with 577. Prisoners, 569. Justices, Congress, 708. Memorial on con- 577. Destitute of arms, &c., 619. fusion of troops in city, v., 17. Tory trials at, 750, 764, 769. R. Letter, few troops joining Gen. Galbraith resigns office in, 99. W., 107, 148; vi., 61, 75; vii., Case of Culbertson, 186. United 136, 189, 194, 311; viii., 111. A States arms to Militia of, 202. pass to Charleston, viii., 247. Captain Cluggage appointed to a Commands at Fort Pitt, (1783,) Command in, 296. Letter, B. x., 167. Delegate to Congress, Dougherty, on trial at, 297. 534. Letter as Delegate, xi., 456. Magazilie for provisions at, 305. Bayard, Col. Stephen, xii., 113, 116, Lieut. Piper, 578. Troops for, 127, 131, 133, 134, 139, 181. 341, 370. Affairs in, 446, 515, Baynton & Wharton, goods de- 534, 696. Murders by Indians, stroyed, iv., 226. 534. Election of Justices, viii., 446 INI)EX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 101. Troops sent to, alarm from powder and arms, 697. ResoluIndians, 408. Capt. Phillips, &c., tion to purchase arms, 725. Fears killed by Indians, 488. Plan of from negroes, 792. Proceedings defence, 749. Military division of, of Comnnlitee respecting prisoners ix., 149. Murders by Indians, of War, v., 119. Powder, 111. 152, 192, 202. Distresses of, 234, Fire-arms, 112. Troops desert, 236. Militia, 410, 514, 539. 196. Officers of counties, 341. Position, 467. Distress from In- Number of inhabitants between dians, 619, 628. M. Doane in eighteen and fifty-three years, jail at, x., 112. Prisoners to be 322. Commissions for Justices, sent to Lancaster, 119. Census 323. For Prothonotary, 323. of white males under 53, 512. Court in, 464. Militia, 466, 523, Bedford, Gunning, commissioner of 530, 756. Militia, vi., 47, 119. Taxes, ix., 140. Justices, letter from, 138, 722. Bedwell, Thomas, letter, respecting Wagons, 212. Courts, 234. No refining of sulphur, iv., 719, 752. attorney who practices in Courts, ix., 601. 245, 496. Commissioner for purB3eelor, Col., boundarywithVirginia, chasing provisions, 327, 347. viii., 583. Provisions, xii., 238, Tories, 342, 344, 346, 362. Com253, 278. mnissioner of, 395, 520. Militia, Belcher, Gov., letters to and from, 418. Census of, 418. Tax ii., 172, 242, 243, 261, 269, 471, assessed, 520. Justices of, in478, 489, 501, 513, 527, 530, 699. suited by Lieut. Col. Moy, 722. Orders to Col. Andrew John- Purchases of wheat ordered in, ston, 480. Petition to, respecting vii., 559. Taxes, viii., 124, 132, Indians, 488. Letters, iii., 54, 136, 138. N. Lutz appointed 151. Speech, 98. Address of commissioner of purchases, 201. Representatives to, (1757,) 170. Militia, 273, 742. Drunkenofficers, Bell, John, letters, ii., 692; iii., 282. 742. James Read, Register of Capt'n, xii., 123. Court of Admiralty-appointedBell, Major, reasons for not building death of Andrew Robinson, Regisa house for him, viii., 287. ter, 191. Proprietary land, 231, Belten, Joseph, invents a submarine 237. Prisoners, 234. Shot and mode of defence, iv., 650, 654. shells from, 432. List of officers Benezet, James, v., 469. of the militia in, x., 190, 331. Bens, Peter, taken prisoner by Troops to march to Wyoming, Indians, viii., 171. 345. Irregularity of election to Bensell, C., letter, respecting fugi- be inquired into, xi., 287, 310. tives from Germantown, v., 10. Bermuda, request from, for proBenton, Caleb, letter to Col. John visions, ii., 661. Franklin, respecting, towns in Bermudians, distress of, apply for Tioga, xi., 175. flour, &c., vii., 412. ReconzBergen, Gen. Wayne's attack on, mendation of Congress, 413. viii., 450. Bernard, Gov. Fra., Letter, iii., Berkenhaut, Dr., arrest of, vii., 742. 453. Berks county, petition for road, ii., Berry, Cap., a Virginia officer, xii., 98. Number of Roman Catholics 274. in, iii., 144. Petition from, 361. Berwick, Philadelphia Society, for Petition of Lutheran Church in, manufacture, &c., propose a road, iv., 279. Petition for improving xi., 428. Schuylkill, 360. Minutes of Bethlehem, dreadful state of neighCommittee of, 649. Resolutions borhood, ii., 523, 549, 565, 636, respecting conscientiously scrupu- 714, 715. Indian refugees at, lous, 649, 653. Powder for sale, 384. Address, 636. Articles sent 679. Petition from, complain of from, 658. Indians there, iii., 52. Indians as a burden and expense, List of Moravians at, 69-76, 242. iv., 273. Committee respecting Hospitals, v., 768. A suspicious INDEX TQ PENNSYLVANIA ARCIIIVES. 447 box direc'dto, vi., 5-7. Deposi'ns 365, 366, 369, 393, 425, 507, 673. respecting, 7. Flour to be sent To officers at, respecting embargo to, 177. Gen. Gates at, 197. aids, 409, 424. Officers relieved, Troops ordered by Congress to, 502. Orders about vessels, 538. 374. Guards at to be dismissed, Col. McCulloh relieves Col. Proc541. Orders for wafers sent to, tor's Artillery at, 371. Stores from Philadelphia, vii., 295. wanted at, 539. Orders to vesBiddle, Charles, elected V. P, x., sels, 537. Return of cannon at, 527. Letter respecting Chinese, 562. William Hamell in charge &c., x., 527. Appointed Secretary of, ix., 330. William Smith of Council, xi., 2:)7. stationed at, 544. Returns of Biddle, Col. Clement, letters, v., military stores at, x., 284. Lease 141, 145, 170, 197, 721, 739, 744, of, xi., 139. Fort at, xii., 341756. Clothier General, vi., 76, 92, 346. 104, 123, 139, 187, 299, 321, 540, Bills of Credit, Board of Trade, orders 738; ix., 129. Marshal, bonds, on, i., 187. Letters on, 197, 206. xi., 236. On exchange of loans, Counterfeit, 579, 580, 589. Historv 573. Tents for French emigrants, of, ii., 102. Instructions to Gover743. Letter, xii., 314. nor Thomas respecting, 104. Board Biddle, James, opinion on making of Trade on New Jersey, 128. returns of property for Taxes, Letters respecting, 221, 223; iii., viii., 136. 99, 113, 115, 117, 195. CounterBidcdle, John, vi., 242. feit, 365. Resolutions of House Biddle, Owen, letters to and from, of Commons on, iv., 173. Counv., 3, 10, 80, 105, 117, 148, 158, terfeited, 461, 466. Of States to 182, 192, 249, 267, 301, 31.5. be received by United States Loan Letter to Gen. Greene on forage, Office, v., 183. At Loan Office, viii., 151, 223. Horses, 169. vi., 184. Depreciation, 212. Big Bone Lick, viii., 152. Issued, 270. Struck by British Biggs, Cap. Benjamin, xii., 195, 235. called in, 59. Inquiry respecting Bigham, Fort, xii., 341. 538, 548. (under the Crown) Bigham, Lieutenant, viii., 316, 748; Resolutions of Congress respectix., 148, 207, 256, 285. ing, vii., 154. Signing, x., 456; Billet, Crooked, surprise and action xii., 34. at, on General Lacey, vi., 470. Bingham, William, Delegate in Barbarity of British soldiers, 471, Congress, xi., 308. 500. Depositions respecting, 500. Birch, M., collector, WV. P. to, i., Billiard Tables, taxes on, Philadel- 131. Inquiry respecting, 138. phia, x., 222, 224. Bird, Colonel Mark, pay of Billingsport, works at, iv., 784. soldiers, v., 9. Fortifications at, v., 8, 9, 11, 37, 46, Birthday of King of France, cele66, 118, 167, 230, 238, 305, 306, brated at Philadelphia, vii., 648. 359, 361, 377, 409, 411, 418, 423, Bishop, Rev. Nathaniel, Moravian 431, 437, 438, 449, 451, 461. preacher at Bethlehem, on murReturn of troops at, 423. In need ders at Muskingum, ix., 523. of officers, 437. Of blankets, 462. Bishop of London, commissions Expenses at, 471. Respecting, Rev. Mr. Cummnigs to exercise 511, 558, 563, 568, 572, 590, 591, jurisdiction over the Clergy of 626, 644, 663, 721. Captured by Pennsylvania, removal of Mr. enemy, 649. Action near, 663, Campbell, i., 236. Ministers li697. Lord Cornwallis gone to, censed by, not allowed to preach vi., 23, 30). Battery to be erected in Christ Church, 628. by Colonel Bull, 746. Claims Bishop, an American, letters relating against, vii., 140. Visits of to consecration of in Denmark and President, &c. to., 199, 200, 393. England, x., 433-435. ConsecraTroops for, 270. Cannon for, tion of Bishops White and Pro290, 298. Troops, &c., for, 339, voost, x., 434. 48 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCIIIVES. 1 lack Logg, xii., 461. 721. Letters to and from Gov. L lackiston, Governor, Letter, W. Hamilton, describing the boundaP., to, i., 135. ries of the State, &6., ii., 60, 65. lackwell, John, appointed Gover- Letters, 377, 418, 467, 527, 778. nor, arrives at Boston, i., 106. On New Jersey paper money, 128. And at Philadelphia, 106. Letter Board of War, Continental, v., 306, from, 107. 371, 382, 399, 430, 434, 439, 450, Blackwood, John, letter iii., 402, 502, 512, 535, 570, 583, 585, 675, 403. 685, 686, 751, 756. Order to Col. Bladen, Governor Thomas, letters Mackay to -march to Kittanning, to and from, i., 645, 686, 692, 726. 93; vi., 35, 42, 52, 63, 74, 79, 84, Blaine, Ephraim, commands at Li- 86, 93, 118, 127, 175, 185, 188, gonier, iv. 108. Letter, on dry 192, 195, 205, 208, 214, 216, 233, lands near Carlisle, iv., 591. 268, 281, 339, 351, 360, 370, 392, D)eclines a commission as Sub- 403, 429, 444, 454, 492, 515, 526, Lieutenant, v., 299. Letter, 677. 529, 533, 540, 546, 549, 556, 558, D. C. G., vi., 252. Commissioner 576, 581, 586, 593, 605, 608, 643, of purchases, vii., 17. Scarcity of 644, 646, 648, 649, 654, 655, 667, flour, names of assistants, 707. 668, 676, 684, 688, 727, 745, 749, Letters, viii., 13, 92, 260. 304, 758, 768. Resolutions of, 74. 479, 480, 494, 565, 577, 602, 630, Inquiries respecting provisions, 646, 705. Appointed Commissary &c., 185. Order of, 199. Letter General, 151, 625; ix., 54, 73, to Congress from, 315. Plan for 98, 121, 143. Payment of interest support of frontiers, 526; vii., 89, on city lots, x., 609; xii., 278. 90, 98, 99, 101, 107, 201, 202, 227, Blair, Rev. James, memorial from 229, 230, 232, 233, 25, 282, 284, Christ Church, against, i., 150. 286, 287, 289, 292, 305, 308, 312, Blair, James, letter respecting men 329, 332, 339, 340, 375, 385, 387, of galleys to work at rope walk, 397, 404, 418, 420, 421, 424, 437, v., 24. Powder, 50. 442, 450, 454, 456, 459, 460, 469, Blair, Rev. Samuel, Chaplain in 480, 495, 496, 508, 538, 627, 640, army, asks for his own servant, 649, 681, 691, 696, 709, 713, 719, ix., 111. 727, 730, 731. Resolution of, Blakiston, Presley, commissioner of 256; viii., 5, 8, 38, 43, 57, 62, 74, Taxes, ix., 140. 96, 98, 110, 119, 122, 132, 141, 153, Bland, Colonel Theodore, K., vii., 159, 161, 165, 171, 175, 181, 218, 99, 107. 224, 248, 308, 343, 425, 432, 434, Blankets, account of, sent west of 435, 436, 442, 453, 456, 471, 478, Susquehanna, iii., 95, &c., 485, 498, 505, 508, 509, 515, 549, scarcity of, v., 376, 572; 630, 552, 554, 573, 575, 579, 580, 600, 632, 751, 762; vi., 93, 253. 601, 611, 633, 689, 722, 727, 728, Blewer, Captain Joseph, vi., 671. 739, 747; ix., 3, 7. 14, 19, 23, 24, Block-house, built by Col. Lochry, 26, 31, 53, 57, 58, 95, 96, 103, ix., 80. 111, 124, 150, 167, 186, 187, 198, Blue Bell, skirmish at between 206, 290, 291, 391, 526. ConPotter's and Cornwallis's men, mittees of conference, 23; xi., vi., 32. 208, 240, 268, 281, 291, 300, 534, Blunston, Samuel, letters to and 555, 621, 624, 645, 685, 686, 707, from, i., 216, 295, 316, 353, 363, 716, 728. 410, 436, 437, 530, 547. Instruc- Board of War, State, appointed, v., tions to, 229. Letters to and from, 252. Discontinued, 253. Letters ii., 66. to and from, 264, 268, 281, 282, Blythe, Col. Benjamin, vii., 496. 283, 292, 295, 306, 314, 319, 320, Letter, viii., 97. 325, 328, 342, 345, 346, 348, 350, Board of Admiralty, ix., 95, 100. 355, 358, 364, 376, 382, 396, 398, Board of Trade, report on laws, i., 401, 409, 418, 427, 428, 434, 451, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 449 683. Resignation of Wm. Moore, visions, ii., 708. Great fire in, 264. aid solicited, iii., 714. Granted Boat, model of, for defence of Dela- by Assembly, 715. Commissionware, by N. Irish, iv., 638. ers of customs at, appointed, iv., Boats, armed, in Delaware river, 289. Letters from, 289, 305, 310, pay of men, v. 30. Destroyed or Arrival of British men-of-war, 685. lost, xii., 217. British prisoners escape from, vii., Boehm, Lieut. Col., v., 253. 698, 717. Boger, Richard, Letter, v., 31. Botetourt, Lord, Gov. of Virginia, Boggs, Alaj., sent with prisoners to iv., 364, 368, 371. Philadelphia, v., 233. Boudinot, Elias, on discovery of Boggs, Martha, reservedclands oppo- sulphur, iv., 720, 727; v., 313, site Port Pitt, x., 699. 443. Commissary Genl. of prisBond, Col., of New Jersey, attacks oners, 313, 502; vi., 89, 127, 162, a party of tories at Delaware Letter, x., 74. Water Gap, viii., 259. Boundary line between Maryland Bond, Phineas, respecting parole, and Pennsylvania, correspondence v., 578; vi., 655. Acknowledged between Gov. G. and 0., i., 336, as British Consul, in Middle 342, 343, 347. Commissioners States, xi., 145. Suggestions as Letters, 556, 557, 558, 568, 574, to laws affecting interest of Great 613. Various proceedings of comBritain, 255. Letter on complaint missioners and surveyors, 595of Judges of Admiralty, 381. 615. Commissioners of PennsylOpinion of Judges on, 383.. vania, 599. Do. of Maryland, Bond, Dr. Thomas, iii., 673, 676. 603. Meeting of commissioners Report on sickly vessels, iv., 59,, at Philadelphia, 623. See Mary374. Preparations for his family's' land. Agreement to run the removal, v., 79. Removes sick line between Lord Baltimore and to Philadelphia, 79. Advice re- Thomas and Richard Penn, in specting, 89. On military hos:- 1760, iv., 1-36. Commissioners pitals, 89. Letter, 383. appointed by Pennsylvania, DelaBondfield, John, vi., 172, 330. ware, and Maryland, to retrace Bonumtown, skirmish at, v., 211. the line between these States, Books wanted by Congressmen, v., report, &c., 37. Between New 754, 757, 772. York and New Jersey, 337, Boone, Capt., vii., 57. Killed, at 339, 340. Western, of PennsylFort Freeland, 590, 610. List of vania, 346, 424. his party, 610. Boundary between Pennsylvania Boone, George, to Gov. on Indian and Virginia, vii., 309, 310, 441, affairs, i., 217. Dams on Schuyl- ix., 28, 78, 189. Commissioners kill, 315. of Virginia, 78, 160, 233, 234, Boone, Thomas, letter respecting 301, 303, 315, 375, 402, 439, 506, Indians, iv., 67. 518, 533, 549, 562, 566, 585, 607, Borden, Joseph, finds sulphur at 772. Report to, and resolution Bordentown, iv., 753. of Assembly, x., 8, 56, 72, 95, Bornie, Laurence, file cutter, peti- 96. Col. Cox, &c., 96, 125, tion, iv., 777. 131. Gov. Harrison on, 56, 72, Boscawen, Vice.Admiral, appointed 77, 95, 96, 145, 171. Commisto command of fleet for North sioners appointed by Virginia, America, ii., 291, 322, 421. Off 146, 336; by Pennsylvania, 223, Newfoundland with his fleet, 373. 230, 233, 236, 269, 372, 373, 412, Takes two men of war, 375. Let- 413, 428, 438, 439, 489, 506, 573, ters to and from, 323, 421. Letter, 602, 608. on surrender of Louisburg, vessels Boundary-the Western, described, taken, &c., iii., 498. x., 439. Commissioners, 443, Bosley's Mills, viii., 171. 452, 760. With New York, x., Boston, Select men of, ask for pro- 412, 413, 414, 422, 435, 444, 450, 29 450 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 454, 710. Commissioners on, 422, pare for President's visit to forti450. fications, vii., 200. To get gallies Boundary with Indians, x., 418. ready, 240, 248, 566. At Mud Boundaryline, Western, xi., 26, 52, Island Fort, viii., 728. Orders 69, 71. With Virginia, 497, 499, for Capt. Roach to return, ix., 501, 507. Northern, 134, 141,156, 175. Ordnance, 416. 178, 187, 203, 214, 215, 216, 241, Braddock, Gen. E., instructions to, 243, 313. Complete, 214. New ii., 203, 261. Arrival, 277. Letters York and Pennsylvania, 523, 526. to and from, 258, 261, 263, 269, Boundary lines between Virginia 285, 288, 290, 299, 372. Letters and Pennsylvania, xii., 178, 182. respecting, 284, 286, 363, 365, Bounties, vii., 355; viii.; 26, 52, 366, 369, 377, 379, 382, 383, 419, 206; and gratuities to soldiers, 462, 525. His movements, 277. &c., ix., 18, 69, 75, 80, 114, 118, Franklin undertakes to procure 174. wagons for, 292. His advertiseBouquet, Col. Henry, letters, iii., 82, ment for them, 294. WVm. Shir85. On quarters for soldiers, 111. ley, Secretary to, 307. RespectRespecting, 145, 265, 547, 571, ing his road, 313, 321, 329, 345, 670. Conference with Indians at 347, 359, 363, 373, 569. Gives Pittsburg, 571. Letters to and passes to soldiers' wives, 348. Letfrom, iv., 166, 199, 205, 206, 208. ter from Governor Morris to comExpress to, 173. Memorandum mittee of Assembly for wagons for, for equipment of troops, 179, 194, 357, 377. Asks aid for Mr. Leslie in 206, 210. purchases, 316, 356. Captain Orde Bowdoin, Gov. James, of Massachu- commands train, 346, 356, 358. setts, letters to Congress on in- Letter Charles Swaine respecting suiting correspondence of Captain provisions for, 360, 362, 364, 372. Henry Stanhope, x., 499-506. Dispatches for, 377. His defeat, Bowen, Capt. J. B., letter, v., 114. 379, 381, 382, 383, 394. [See Bowen, Major, and Cap. Beatty, xi., Colon. Rec., VI.] Col. Dunbar 504. turns towards Philadelphia-deBowman, Col., xii., 243, 244. stroys provisions, &c., 383, 419, Boyd, Capt. Alex., instructions, v., 422, 446. Effect of defeat on In43. Letter, 49. Ranging Comn- dians, 394. Captain Orne, 399, pany, ix., 543. Elected Auctioneer 400. Col. Burton, 400. Orders for Philadelphia, x., 206, 209. recruits, 401. Complaint of, catBoyd, Col. Andrew, v., 712, 748; tle purchased for, 410. And for vi., 355, 432, 483, 582, 646; vii., not being paid for wagons, 576. 97, 471. Taken prisoner at Fort Commissioners appointed to settle Washington, 384. Death of Jesse accounts, 583, 598, 638. Award Jordan, viii., 12. Teams, 322. of Commissioners, 639. Croghan Boyd, L't, massacred by Indians, a Captain of Indians under, 689; vii., 723. iii., 549. Boyd, Col. J., vi., 596. Letter of Bradford, Thomas, escort of prisonCouncil to, respecting Wyoming, ers, vii., 560. Provision for prisx., 307. Appointed Commiss'r oners, 731. List of officers and to, 330. Letter, 627. prisoners of war, viii., 93. PrisBoyd, Mr., murder of, by the oners, 97. To preventintercourse Smiths, vii., 410. Murderers of, between officers and disaffected, to be arrested, viii., 244. 502; ix., 338, 380. Boyle, Alexander, instructions with Bradford, Wm., president of conprisoners from, iv., 51. Instruc- vention at Hartford, viii., 616. tions, with prisoners from St. Bradford, Col. William, v., 401, 430, Johns, &c., 688. 557, 575, 582, 615, 644, 648, 663, Boyrie, Mons., supposed plot, iv., 668, 707, 740, 745; vi., 11, 24, 79. 27, 80, 204, 332; viii., 111. Boys, Capt. Nathan, orders to pre- Bradford, Win. C., paymaster to INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 451[ fleet, v., 746; vi., 451. P. M., ix., 39. Returned from Sandusky vii., 556. and takes prisoners, good conBradford, Winm., Jr., appointed At- duct, &c., xii., 130, 131, 132, 139, torney-General, viii., 613, 621. 186, 210, 243, 244. Letters to, Statement of facts respecting his 213, 276. official acts, 666. Lieut. Bigham, Brady's fort, viii., 157. 725. Hog Island and Colonel Brandywine Creek, Indians cornProctor, 730, 760. Letters, ix., plain of encroachments at, i., 239. 199, 266, 272, 407, 408, 515, 553, Brandywine, killed and wounded, 656, 659, 676, 731. Opinions on &c. at battle of, v., 666, 672, 714. prize flour, 407, 408, 690. Fees, Battle of, vi., 58, 214, 286. 515. City lots, 553. On Moles- Wounded at, vii., 608. Indian worth's estate, 659. On Connec- purchase of, xii., 281. ticut trial, 576, 695. Opinion on Brant, Indians does mischief at PenBritish goods seized in Chester nipack, vii., 63, 623. county, 731. Wilcock's salt and Brant, Captain, x., 88. city lots, 750. Case of T. Mat- Brearly, David, C. J. of N. J., delack, x., 202, 635. Case of Big mand of fugitives-the practice, Spring tract, 712. Fees in Mont- xi., 548. gomery county, 743. List of Breckenridge, Hugh M., deposition, Commissioners, taxes, &c., 494. ix., 572. Answer to, 661. DeMilitia fines, 748. Opinion case livers an eulogium on those who J. O'Hara, xi., 58. Col. Thomas fell in the revolution (1779), 162, Hartly to, on trial of York rioters, Breckenridge, H., on Cornplanter, 115. Opinion on militia appeals, Indian Chief, xi., 732. 122. On case of Charles Sims' Brewer, Colonel, (Secretary to Genclaim to lands, 162. His fees eral Sullivan,) vii., 724. and duties as Attorney-General, Bridge at Cobb's creek, site for, i., 232. Opinion of Judges on, 233. 329. And of Council, 234. Permission Bridges and roads, i., 767. Guard, to publish, 234. On effect of orders to, v., 121, 124. On Burbankrupt laws, 250. On citizen- lington road to be destroyed, 95. ship, 260. Case Neiss and Rhein- Governor of New Jersey, respecter, 273. Election in Berks co., ing, 238. Over Schuylkill, vi., 310. Papers from New York, 415. 685, 768. On Schuylkill, Sulli419. To committee of States on van's, vii., 152, 196. Wyoming (1784), 446. Case of Bridgeton, New Jersey, salt scarce, Longschamps, 467. Health office pork.plenty, v., 86. fees, 618. On weights and meas- Brigade Majors, not furnished with ures, 734. On demand of a fugi- commissions, vi., 240. tive to Connecticut, 737. Brigadier-Generals needed, vi., 149, Bradford & Hall, author of "I Detec- 151. tor," ix., 266. Bright, Doct., ix., 575. Bradshaw, Thomas, letter, iv., 297. Brigs, Captain, at McIntosh, xii., Demand of murderer in New 277. York, 297. - Brison, James, justice at Pittsburg, Bradstreet, Col., death of, ii., 702, xi., 422. Licenses, 624. 734. Success at Cadaraqui, iii., Bristol, sulphur discovered, iv., 723. 517, 518. Grants a peace with Sick and wounded at, v., 175. Indians of Erie and Ohio, iv., 207. Arms and ammunition at, 181. Brady, son of Captain, mortally Camp near, 321, 342, 352, 368, wounded, vi., 688. Particulars, 414. 689. British Soldiers to be escorted to Brady, Capt. John, number of men Newtown, 96. Vessels trade with iv., 108. tories in Delaware, 504. Captain Brady, Capt., vii., 505; viii., 378, Murphey, action with, 504, 510. 565. Expedition against Indians, Vessels of war, 118, 126, 132, 452 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 216, 217, 263, 305, 315, 351, 352, 250. Explains his course, 197. 410, 435, 439, 450, 452, 453, 454, Suit against in Virginia, 202. 457, 462, 465, 467, 468, 470, 472, Militia, 210. State of frontiers, 480, 488, 504, 532, 591, 604, 648, 246, 249 283. Scalps, 301. Mis668, 680, 721, 746. Flag and es- understanding with officers at cort at Lancaster, affair between, Fort Pitt, 405. Apprehends to and officers, vi., 268. Vessels of use force to obtain provisions, war, 706. Fleet off Rhode Is- 471. Respecting frontiers, 478. land, 733-736. Charged with Danger of evacuating his post, using papers'of vessels taken, ix., 487, 488. Murder by Wyandots, 151; plot of prisoners to escape 513. Short of provisions, 515, discovered, 155; goods per ship 518. Murder by Indians, 536. Amazon seized, 742, 756; dam- Scarce of provisions, 558. Inages sustained in Northampton structions to Captain Samuel county, from the, 765. British Brady, 566. Base attempt to degoods seized in Chester county, stroy Indians near Hanna's town, 731 - and opinion respecting, 596. War between Delaware and 731; in ship Amazon, 742, 756; Seneca Indians, murder on French seizure of, 475, 476, 479, 742, creek, 640. His force, 708. Fron756, 757. Prison ships described, tiers, 743. Boundary, 744. Let757, 763; prisoners of war, 515. ters to and from, ix., 39, 51, 57, [See Prisoners.] And German 75, 98, 143, 307, 365, 379, 405. clothing deficient, x., 7. Corn- On campaign, against Delaware:mercial arrangements, remedy for Indians, &c., 97, 161. Successes, evils of, 155. Merchants com- 161. (1779,) x., 161. (See Vol. plain of grievances from America, VII.) Applies as surveyor in 745. Capture of negroes by, xi., room of I. Lukens, and is ap75. Consul, Phineas Bond, ac- pointed, xi., 630. Renewal of knowledged as, 145. Interferes Commissioners necessary by with rights of States, 375. change of counties, 640. Death Brocden, Charles, Master of Rolls, of General Potter, 660. His son iii., 703. appointed Deputy Surveyor, 662, Brodhead, Daniel, letter on state 663. Report Surveyor General, of troops after battle of Long'758. Letters from his letter Island, v., 21. And account of, book, 1779-1780, xii., 105-279. 22. Sickness, 40. Letters, 21, Expedition against Indians, 137, 29, 158, 283, 345; vi., 462, 492, 139, 140, 147. Proposes building 650, 660, 662, 687, 772. Letters a fort at Kittanning, 124. Names respecting state of frontiers, vii., it, 134, 135, 139, 147. Expedi465, 495. Account of affairs with tion, 149, 150, 153, 154. Burns Indians, 505. Letters to, respect- Seneca towns, 156, 159. Proposes ing frontiers, 516, 521, 525, 541, expedition to Detroit, 160, 164, 564, 569, 664, 702, 710, 771. Let- 166, 169, 183, 184, 186, 221, 238, ters, &c., viii., 21, 22, 36, 38, 50, 260, 277. Calls for troops, 223, 65, 66, 68, 69, 78, 79, 106, 109, 260. Wants provisions, 254, 257, 119, 120, 140, 149, 152, 158, 197, 259, 263, 266, 273, 274, 277. Is210, 246, 249, 283, 300, 378, 478, sues his last meat, 274. Counter 487, 488, 513, 536, 558, 565, 583, orders, 275. 584, 588, 595, 596, 640, 641, 707, Brodhead, Mr. applies, for Lieuten743, 766, 770. Places soldiers in ancy, vii., 606. Reasons for private houses, (Ward and Small- decision of officers in his case, man's) at Pittsburg, 22, 119, 120, 660. 149. Proposes purchase of pro- Brook, John, viii., 81. Comm'r prietary manors, offers to interest of Taxes, ix., 140. others in it, 121. Answer to, 150. Brooks, Wim., Town Major of York, Attacks of savages, 140. Con- vii., 459. gress resolve to sustain, 195, Brown, Andrew, against E. Oswald INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 453 for a libel, xi., 349. Asks pat- i., 279. Iron furnaces in, (1750,) ronage for Federal Gazette, 412. ii., 53. Soldiers at Newtown, Brown, Col. Alex., letter to, on non- 596. Associated military company compliance with orders, vii., 515. of, iii., 19. Number of Roman Brown, John, mittimus, &c. for, vi., Catholics in, 144. Justices of, 25, 30, 45. Anonymous remarks 182. Troops don't intend to on his examination, 36. march, v., 18. Tory election in, Brown, Col. John, on impeachment 31, 32. Troops to join Washingof Arnold, vii., 226, 271. ton, 115. Records, 237. Militia, Brown, John, Collector, Chester Co., 322, 331, 342, 368, 463, 464, 511, robbed, ix., 459. 523, 549, 567, 591. Account of Brown, John, his case by the Judges, flour taken, 421. Blankets from, xi., 264. Petition, 265. Re- 469. Driving off cattle, 546. specting execution, 269, 276, 277, Records to be removed, vi., 88. 279. Militia, 96. Clothing found, 92, Brown, Richard, deposition respect- 107, 146, 180, 187. Alarms in, ing murder of Indians by his 280. Insolence of Tories in, 291. servant, iv., 430. Captures by enemy in, 261, 263, Brown, William, letters, v., 37, 106, 361. Exposure to enemies, 595. 135. Of Cumberland Co., Petition Letter to Colonels of militia, vii., respecting Indians, ix., 522, 529. 104. Militia, 98, 103, 104, 108. Letter to, 641. Forage Master, 620. Agents for Brown's Fort, ii., 738; xii., 316. Confiscated estates, viii., 178. Brunswick, New, army at, v., 159. Taxes, 481. Auditors, ix., 11, British leave, 161. Increased at, 13, 17, 29, 36, 47. Sales of for244. Lord Sterling's brigade on feited estates in, 105. Commisway to, 67. Army at, 79. Sick sioner, ill treated, 199. Troops sent to Philadelphia, 79. Gen. at Newtown, 278. Troops, 338, Howe in possession of, 84, 381. 376, 378, 433. Robberies, 459, Bryan, George, elected Vice Presi- 501, 507, 529, 608, 609, 610, 611, dent of State, v., 252. Letters, 617, 635. Sheriff of, on arrest of 352, 463, 490, 514, 529, 530, 543, Sergeant Nagle, x., 67. Death of 575. V. P., vi., 10, 108, 109, 128, MajorKelnnedybyrobbers, (1783,) 144. Resigns as V. P., vii., 745. 178. Orders to Troops to marcl A Pennsylvania commissioner to to Wyoming, 345. Case of Solorun line between Virginia, viii., mon Vickers, 432. Banditti from, 353. Counterfeit coin, ix., 279, on frontiers, 583. Aaron Doane, 288, 299, 305, 309, 384. Error in 597. Robber of Treasury in jail, a law, 422. Pardon, 634. Answer 698. Robbery of Tax Collectors, to questions of Council on Justices xii., 298, 302. of the Peace, x., 16-19. Coin- Budden, James, v., 599. missioners on boundary, (1783,) Buffalo Creek, prisoners taken by 171. On trial of Indian for mur- Indians on, (1783,) x., 167. der, 473. On case of Doane, 609. Buffalo, Fort, iii., 13. Opinion on depreciation of pay, Buffalo Valley, Indians attack, xi., 120. On Brown's case, 264. viii., 249. State Island, 286. Bulkley, John, iii., 349, 351. Buchanan, Arthur, vi., 485, 487, Bull, Col. John, letters, v., 59, 102, 603. Indian murders, ix., 192. 201, 203, 208, 255, 304, 306, 709. His Battalion of Cumberland Co., Meets Indians at Easton, 201, (1779,) x., 161. (See Vol. VII.) 203, 208; vi., 128, 133, 150, 190, Buchannan, Capt. Thomas, viii., 31. 746. To erect Battery at BillingsBuchannan, Win., v., 552, 667, 677, port, 746. Marches brigade to 690,711, 742; vi., 34. enemy's lines, 133. Complains Buchloons, an Indian Town on of removal, 190. To repair banks French Creek, xii., 157. at Mud Island, vii., 240, 544. Bucks County, Courts, business of, Asks to be employed against 404 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Indians, 544. Raising chevaux Butler, Anthony, v., 553, 557. de frize, 544, 566, 587, 635. In- Butler, Col., money sent to, ix., 80, structions to viii., 164. Appointed 105, 113. commissioner of purchases for Butler, Richard, account of the rise Philadelphia co., 164. of the Indian War, iv., 568-570. Bull, Capt. Thomas, iii., 423. Butler, Col. Richard, vi., 252, 386, Bullets from Batsto-,iv., 761, 404, 420, 663; vii., 3, 65, 482, 762. 514. Recommendation for apBullitt, Thomas, letter, iii., 370. pointments, viii., 607. Partial Bunting, Joshua, a prisoner, viii., issues, 741. Recruits, 748. Re648. specting prisoners of war, ix., 561. Burd, Capt., viii., 297. Soldiers' times expiring, 664; x., Burd, Col. James, complains against 69, 88, 294. Conference with Assembly for not paying hands on him and A. Lee, on Indian treaties, roads, ii., 393. Letters to and 295. And Lee to Council, on from, 393, 454, 566, 631, 705. officers, 332. Letter to, respecting Fort, 609. Account against Teedy- Indians, xi., 206. Commissioner uscung, iii., 293. Proposal for to purchase Erie, 405. Purchase means of protection, 99. Letters, of Erie, 427. Proposes present of 333, 334, 367. Journal, 352. lands to Cornplanter, 562, 660. Letters iv., 88, 105, 111, 125, 128, Report on accounts, 588. Letter 140, 165. on Erie, 591. Indians, 716. Burd, Edward, appointed prothono- Quota of Militia demanded by tary vi., 695. Governor of Western Territory, Burgen, Mrs., receives provisions 715, 716. Indian captures, 723. by order of General Washington, Resigns as justice, xii., 5. viii., 60. Butler, Col. Wm., vi., 529, 537. Burgoyne, Gen., affairs at Ticonder- Letter, recruiting, provisions, inoga, v., 437, 541. Captured by activity of officers, &c., viii., 747. Gen. Gates, details, 657, 674, 676, Proposes printing office at Pitts680, 684, 695. Letters from G. burg, x., 421. Gates, 687. Prisoners from, 726, Butler, Capt. Zebulon, iv., 364. 729. Articles of Capitulation, Letter to, from Delegates in Con726-728. Stores taken from, 729, gress, 643. To Ellis Hughes, Conduct in Convention, General 647, 648. Gates' answer respecting, vi., 108. Butler, Lieut. Col. Zebulon, at SunReport to, and resolution of Con- bury, vi., 690; vii., 283, 289; viii., gress, on breach of Convention, 162, 600, 601, 602, 633. At 162-166, 176. Wyoming, rations to troops at, Burial ground reserved for strangers ix., 166. Petition, x., 559, 580, in Philadelphia, xi., 570, 571. 613. Appointed Lieutenant of Burk, Lawrance, letter, iii., 478. Luzerne County, xi., 179. DisBurke, Thomas, vii., 170, 172. turbances at, 192. Respecting Burnet, Silas, deposition, vi., 7. WVyoming, 351, 381. Arrest of Bush, David, ferry at Christiana, Rioters, Dudley is wounded, 356. i., 674. Erects battery at Wil- Militia, 414. Arms, (1787,) 459. mington, Delaware, ii., 6. Col- Deposition, 553. On difficulties lector of militia fines at Wilming- of meeting of Militia in Luzerne ton, complaints against, iii., 154, Co., 676. 165-170; ix., 174. Buyers, John, letter respecting Fort Bush Island, works on, v., 591. Freeland, vii., 591. Affairs at Busse, Capt., fort, ii., 159. Wyoming, xi., 439, 440. Busse, Christian, letter, iii., 279. Byers, James, casts brass cannon, Sick, 293, 362, 425. v., 369. Butcher, Zacariah, his letters on Byers, Capt. John, vi., 235. affairs at Marsh Creek, i., 625, Byles, Daniel, chosen Major of regi635. ment of Philad'a county, ii., 608. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 455 Byng, Ad. Robert, instructions to ginia at Pittsburg, vii., 79. Gov. Gordon, i., 194, 206, 207, Taken prisoner, xii., 190. 306. Campbell, Captain Thomas, appointed to a company of Rangers, vii., 300. Rank, 446; viii., 37, 70, 109. To be arrested, 68, 71. C. Letters, xii., 160, 171, 172, 179, 187, 194, 202, 203. Recruits at Cable, Abm., resigns as Justice, Newtown, ix., 79, 435. xii., 5. Campbell, Lieutenant Colonel, letter Cadaraqui, Colonel Bradstreet's to, xii., 135, 141, 154, 200, 211, success at, iii., 517, 518. 232, 237. Cade, Zebulon, conviction, xi., 421. Campbell, Rev. Mr., appointed minCadwalader, Colonel John, officers ister of Apoquinimy, i., 191. To of armed boats, reflect on Com- be removed, 236. mittee of Safety, iv., 704, 757. Or- Canada, union with, anticipated by ders to destroy bridges on Burling- Colonel Hazen, viii., 105. Expeton road, v., 95. Letters, 95, dition, ix., 308. 136, 160, 161, 178, 180, 186. Canan, Colonel John, Justice of Cadwalader, Colonel Lambert, cornm- peace, xi., 588. mission for, v., 53. Expected Canasatego, &c., deed from, for attack at Bristol, 136; vi., 655. lands between Delaware and SusCaldwell, Andrew, v., 261. quehanna, August 22, 1749, ii., Caldwell, Charles, demand of him 33, 36. for money paid for his apprehen- Canhawa, fort at, xii., 126. Atsion, vi., 502. tacked, 126. Caldwell, Commissioner Sir James, Cannisters for cartridges, described, vi., 32. vi., 393. Caldwell, Commodore Samuel, let- Cannon, casting of, by J. Old, iv., ter, iv., 717. Suggestions res- 721. Has cast a 241b., 721. pecting pay, gallies, &c., 720. Asked for from Congress, 735. Letter from Captains, complain- Letter to Captain Joy, 738. ing, 706. From committee on, Number cast at Reading and 724, 738. Reason of his return, Warwick furnaces, v., 36. Pro738. Obtains possession of Hog ved, 62. Carriages, 64. At Island, ix., 252, 520. Respecting Hibernia furnace, 72. Proved, Hog Island, x., 185. Hog Island, &c., 121, 170. Cast, 203, 369, xi., 89. On tonnage duties, 594. 535. Copper wanted for, 535. Calendar, Act for, change from old Cannon, Mrs., seditious conduct, to new style, ii., 68. ix., 193. Callender, Robert, letter, iv., 411. Canoes, hired for Fort Augusta, iv., Calvert, Benedict Leond., Governor, 112. letter from Governor Gordon to, Canterbury, Archbishop of, refuses i., 289. Answer, 292. to consecrate American Bishops, Calvert, Charles, conference with x., 434. Penn, i., 74. Cape Breton, expedition, ii., 339, Calvins, Stephen, recommended by 388. Reverend William Tennent as Cape May, wardens purchase ground interpreter, iii., 514. for Beacon at, xi., 93; xii., Cambray, Colonel, ix., 324. 101. Lot purchased by wardens, Camden, S. C., General Greene's 295. affair at, ix., 154. Capitulation, articles of, Fort FreeCameron, A., examination and his- land, vii., 611. tory of, iv., 682. Taken prisoner, Carberry, Mr., skirmish with Inv., 382. Letter, 383. dians, vii., 8, 10. Henry and Campbell, George, v., 269. Sullivan, affair of, x., 61, 74 Campbell, John, agent from Vir- Correspondence, &c., with Mary 45d I.NDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA_ ARCHIIVES. land, respecting, 290-293. Dele- Carson, John, vii., 401, 437, 470, gates on, 575, 576. Depositions, 637, 659, 679. &c., 576-580. Letter, Governor Carson, Joseph, account for cloths of Maryland, 320. Instructions seized in Bucks county, vi., 146. to sheriff, 323. Governor Paca, Carson, Samuel, Lieutenant of Ship respecting, 324. And John Sul- General Greene, vii., 310, 706. livan, respecting mutiny, xi., 27. Cartledge, Edmund, memorial on List of papers, 29. Indian trade, i., 261, 304, 327. Carleton, Guy, Governor of Quebec, Letter to Governor, 304, 327. His iv., 364. Grants a passport at examination, 305. request of General Washington, Cartouch boxes, ordered, vii., 358. ix., 674. Letter relating to pre- Casdorp, Thomas, letter, invents a liminaries of peace and termina- swivel skid for guns, v., 200. tion of hostilities, x., 13. Robber, Caswell, Richard, Governor of North in New York, 101, 131. Carolina, viii., 191. Deputies to Carlton, Joseph, letter to, xii., 267. convention-Act of Assembly, xi., Carlisle, state of things at and near, 116. iii., 79, 192, 196, 448, 450, 483, Cataragues, Indian town, xii., 301. 484, 489, 627, 691. Muster of Cavalry, recommended by Commiteffective men at, iv., 196. Res- tee of Congress in letter to Presipecting dry lands near, 590. dent Wharton, vi., 316. ResoCommittee, letter respecting salt- lutions of Congress to respectable petre manufacture, 706. Corn- young men to join, 323, 339. missioners letter to Committee of General Lacey on, 391. Safety, 713. Prisoners of war at, Cavet, James, letter, iv., 623. v., 77. Militia at, 164, 324. Censors, Council of, resolutions, But one lawyer practising under &c., of, x., 149, 153, 302, 327, Constitution, vi., 228. Magis- 329, 333, 336, 363, 596, 604, 605, trates, 228. Court held at, 238, 656.; On voting by ballot, 302. 511, 661. Replevins issued, ex- Answer, 316. cuses, case of Win. Montgomery, Census of Bedford county, x., 512. a traitor, 239. Lands near grant United States, xi., 709, 718. of, viii., 107. All artificers or- Certificate of Indian Isaac, respectdered by Congress to-magazine ing Sergeant Falconer being at required, 630, 632. Proprietary battle at Sideling Hill, iii., 315. lots, 636. State of things, 747. Of John Penn's appointment as Continental works near, ix, 460. Governor, iv., 119. Of Governor's Provisions, xii., 117. Magazine election, xii., 28. at, 119. Fort Lowther at, 348. Cessation of Indian hostilities, ix., Carlisle, Abraham, memorials in 641. favor of his pardon, vii., 21-24, Cessna, Captain Charles, distress 52-59. Notes of C. J. McKean, from Indians in Bedford county, on trial of, 44-52. ix., 236, 467. Carmnathen, (British Secretary,) to Chains to be placed across Chestnut Mr. Adams, complaining of griev- street, vi., 741. ances to British creditors, x., 746. Chaloner, John, vi., 320, 321. ApCarnahan, Captain James, xii., 10, pointed auctioneer, xi., 680. Re193, 254. port, 762. Carothers, John, v., 634, 639. Chaloner & White, vi., 761, 762. Lieut. vi., 436, 438, 447, 467, Fat cattle, viii., 248. 487, 491, 539, 559, 609, 619, 700. Chamberlain, Samuel, commissioner Resigns, vii., 405, 618; viii., 696. of Maryland on, boundary line, i., Caruthers, Robert, taken prisoner 603. by Indians, ix., 657. Chambers, Benjamin, deposition on Carrington, Colonel, proceedings Maryland affairs, i., 519. Has a against, v., 328. E. J., vacancy, private fort and cannon, iii., 12, ix., 487. 79. Refuses to deliver cannon, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 457 order for arrest, 165, 192. Let- Chester, first council at, i., 37. ter, iv., 535. Letter from, xii., Court at, 51. Rev. Mr. Backhouse 281. appointed missionary at, 226. Chambers, Colonel James, v., 364. Troops ordered to, v., 352, 353, Men applauded, vi., 97. 529, 532, 536, 563. In possession Chambers, Colonel, xii., 122, 130. of enemy, 616. Chambers, Colonel John, viii., 32, Chester county, election return 320, 374. for Assembly, i., 86. Council, Chambers, John, Sub-Lieutenant, 115. Business of Courts in, 279. vi., 504, 629. Returns of iron furnaces in, 1750, Chambers, Lieutenant, viii., 286. ii., 56. Petition from, for defence, Chambers, Colonel Maxwell, ix., 656. Number of Roman Catholics 292. in, iii., 144.'Mordecai Thompson, Chambers, Wm., killed by Indians, Wagon Master, 398. Committee, ii., 612. letter, iv., 718. Return of MemChambers, Fort, xii., 349. bers of Assembly, 740. Estimate Chancery, Court established, i., 171. of fire arms fit for use, in, 776. Proceedings, i., 440, 442, 456. Lieutenants of, v., 475. Flour Charles, Robert, letters to and from, in, 421. Militia, 324, 426. Records i., 215, 295. Appointed assistant 462. Persons to take account of agent in England to Benjamin grain, &c., in, 476, 477. Memorial, Franklin, iii., 759. 476. Complaints about substiCharleston, fallen, viii., 312, 316, tutes, 487. Letters to Lieutenants 326, 470. Flags of truce from, of, 582. Militia, 581, 582. Enemy ix., 338. supplied from, 686. Blankets, Chartier's Creek, Indians near, xii., &c., to be impressed, 691. Light 234, 243. horse militia, 732. Letters, vi., Charts, variation, xi., 718. 4, 98, 258, 731, Head Quarters Chastenoy, Mons., Letter to, respec- in, 98, 101. Militia, 494. Arms ting captured negroes, i., 755. in. 496. Commissioner's Taxes, Chastisement in the Navy, iv., 770. 561. Illegal election, vii., 97. Chauvignerie, Michael la, (a French List of Justices since Revolution, prisoner,) examination of, 294, 444. Bad conduct of East Marlbro, 305, letter to parents, iii., 329. 470. Murder of Jesse Jordan in, Cheat river, child killed by Indians, 743. Mr. Boyd of, murdered by xii., 163, 164, 256. the Smiths, viii., 244. Backward Chelsea Forge for iron, vi., 627. in furnishing volunteers, 456. Chemung, expedition proposed Accounts of sales of forfeited against, vii., 3, 86. estates in, ix., 105. Militia, 421, Cheney, Colonel, v,, 732, 434. Collectors robbed, 459, 501, Cherokee Indians, passport for, iii., 507. Seizure of British goods in, 405. Names and signification, and opinion of Attorney General 428; xii., 131, 147. respecting, 731. Wagons stopped Cherokee Indian women address in, with British clothing, x., 12. President Franklin, xi., 181. Wagoners' names, 13. Execution Letter to President Mifflin, 584. of David Dawson of, 609. Persifer Arrive in Virginia, 600. Frazer appointed Register of Wills Chesapeake, General Howe ap- and Recorder of Deeds in, 756. proaches, v., 544. Movements Militia fines, xi., 258. Contest for of enemy in, ix., 315, 351. seat in Council, 632. Chesapeake and Delaware, connec- Chevaux de frize, regulations about tion proposed, x., 540. Commu- vessels passing in, &c., iv., 717, nication between proposed, xi., 774, 775; v., 37, 39, 45, 66, 67, 25, 27. 83, 238, 426, 431, 626, 649, 681, Chesney, William, vii., 599. 699, 721, 747; vi., 20. Colonel Chesnut Hill, precipitate retreat of Bull engaged in raising, vii., 544, enemy, vi., 100. 566, 587. Removal of, x., 93, 458 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 144-146, 177, 210, 212, 219, 221, Circulars of Council, vi., 65, 88, 349, 350, 565, 585, Number and 179, 193, 294, 452, 638, 650; situation, (1784) 590. To be vii., 104, 105, 183, 304, 747. Of raised, xii., 290, 292. Congress, viii., 277, 414, 441, Chew, Benjamin, iii., 397. Letter, 454, 476; ix., 226, 251, 252, 387, iv., 44. Arrested, to be escorted 407, 548. To Prothonotaries, x., to Virginia, v., 478, 512. Request 268. Of Council to Lieutenants in favor of, vi., 61. Removal of, and Commissioners, xi., 379, 498, 85. Release, 364, 367, 378, 380, 746. 389, 507, 523. Cisney, John, murdered by Indians Chicochinican, Indian chief, letter in his field, list of killed, iii., 219. from, i., 239. City Guard, orders to, v., 121, 122Chignecto, French forts at, ii., 376. 124. Chilesquake, murder of J. Martin Civility, Captain, (Indian) letters and wife by Indians, ix., 659. to and from, i., 229, 233, 238, Chillaway, Job, an Indian chief, iii., 271. Reminds Blunston of pro582. r mise to the Conestogas, 295. Chillicoffi, Shawnese Indian town, Claims of Pennsylvania against destroyed by Colonel Clarke, xii., United States, xi., 234, 655. 258. Clapham, Colonel William, letters Chilohock's Town, xii., 177. to and from, ii., 596, 612, 615, Chinese, sick from an Indiaman, 663, 665, 669, 671, 672, 674, 687, and thirty-four others, and crew 705, 739, 744, 751, 766, 779. of the Pallas, seek and obtain Orders to Captain Miles, 687. aid, x., 527, 528. Resolution of Instructions, 666. Letters to and Assembly, 531. Levi Hollings- from, iii., 9, 10, 38, 41, 42, 58, worth respecting, 546, 548 Sent 64. to Maryland, xi., 56. Clarke, Abraham, vi., 367, 389. Chippewa Indians, x., 16; xii., 131, Clarke, John, Jr., vi., 23. And i. 147. Miller, vii., 609. Christ Church, Philadelphia, Rev. Clarke, Governor of New York, Dr. Evans arrives, i., 134. letters from, i., 619, 620. Memorial from, in favor of Gov. Clarke, Captain John, viii., 65, 66, Nicholson, 150. Claim on Baptist 68, 79, xii., 173, 174, 279. Sent Church, 284. Address to Gov. after trespassers on Indian lands, Denny, ii., 762. Petition in favor 177. Rev. Thomas Coombe, prisoner, Clarke, General, viii., 767, 769. v., 600, 603. Clarke, Brigad'r General G., answer Christ, Henry, v., 605, 734; ix., 80, to President Reed respecting ex133, 196, 237, 347. Proprietary pedition, ix., 331, 353, 354, 367, lands in Reading, 237. 369, 375, 405, 458. Meeting at Christina, Fort, curious relics found Westmoreland, 560. Capture and and battery erected, ii., 6. death of Colonel Lochry, &c., 458, Christie Captain Jacob, abuses on 468. Memorial of prisoners on, officers at Easton, &c., ix., 385. 574. Irvine expects co-operation Chrystie, Captain James, arrives at of, 649. Proposes expedition to, Easton with a detachment, x., 23, 137, 141, 201, 235, 239, 247, 135. At Fort Dickinson, 209. 306, 307, 315, 325, 343, 352. Christy, James, deposition respect- To officers of Westmoreland ing counterfeits found in wagons, county, 189. Injurious to Pennvi., 233. sylvania, 325. Church, Major, viii., 515. Clarke, Col., destroys two Shawnese Churchman, John, charts, xi., 718. towns, viii., 537, 580, 743. At Cincinnati Society invites Execu- Richmond, 768. tive Council, xi., 726. Clark, Col. Geo. R., expedition, xii., Circular of Massachusetts Assembly, 111. Takes Hamilton at Detroit, iv., 286. 116, ]20. Takes prisoners, 120, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 459 125. Deserters to, 142. Making Clinton, Gen. (British) vi., 27, 32. peace, 157. Has Virg. troops, His expedition to Connecticut, 177, 223. Goes against Detroit vii., 561. with Virginia troops, 177. De- Clinton, Brig. Gen., ix., 125. stroys town at Chillicoffi, 258, Clinton, Gen., arrives at Fort Sulli263. Letters to, 216, 238. van, x., 719. Clark, James, scalped by Indians, Clinton, Sir Henry, viii., 312; ix., viii., 23, 29. 71, 102, 404. Clark, John, v., 699. Clinton, James, appointed commisClark, Mich., v., 712. Serg xii., 230. sioner on boundary with N. Y., Clark, Walter, ix., 381. x., 450. Clark, William, letter to W. P., i., Clothiers, each State to pay its own, 77, vii., 293, 304, 312. Guard for Clarkson, Dr. Gerardus, letter re- store, 689; viii., 52, 53, 67, 707. specting sick soldiers, v., 165. Clothing, vi., 9, 12, 22, 27, 33, 38, Clarkson, J. L., ix., 226, 229. 42, 52, 61, 75, 85, 87, 92. 107, Clarkson, Matthew, (Marshal) an- 125, 134, 142, 146, 179, 181, 186, nounces death of Judge Ross, 189, 198, 251, 253, 275, 291, 343, vii., 554. Letter of Pres. on 387, 404, 412, 419, 426, 428, 559, sale of salt, viii., 498. F. Hop- 566, 643, 660; vii., 129, 135, 181, kinson to, on ditto, 500. Forbids 221, 273, 293, 304, 312, 336, 359, sale, 500. Letter respecting F. 637, 405, 411, 423, 440, 470, 570, Hopkinson's charges, xii., 250. 590, 659, 666, 670, 679, 685, 696, Clarkson, Matthew, (aid to General 714, 740, 744. Prices of, for Arnold) actionof Congress against, Army, 182; 17, 26, 34, 36, 53, vii., 204, 270. 56, 67, 76, 96, 105, 109, 116, 117, Claypoole, Capt. A. G., ix., 278, 140, 161, 162, 185, 199. Officer 376, 378. sells, 161, 162, 165; ix., 16, 19, Claypoole, James, vi., 624. Sheriff of 31, 237, 405, 406; x., 6, 7, 12, Philadelphia, to replace whipping 13; xii., 106, 113, 149, 151, 158, post and pillory, vii., 252. In- 180, 198, 225, 226, 250, 267. structions respecting S. R. Fisher, Clover seed, John Penn sends for, 291. G. Harding, 360. Captain vi., 10. Sutter, 632. Peter Miller, 765. Cluggage, Major Robert, viii., 278, guard for prison, viii., 117, 321. 297. Claus, Daniel, letters from, ii., 116, Cluggage, Capt. Thomas, appointed 174, 645. Interpreter, iv., 41. to an independent company in Clayton, Ashur, letters, iv., 137, Bedford, vii., 296. Letters to, 142, 174. Orders to, 194. 512, 624, 659, 697, 742. Clergy to be furnished with copies Clymer, Dan'l, vi., 105. of address of Congress to inhabi- Clymer, George, Commissioner on tants, vi., 489. Commercial regulations, xi., 522. Clingham, William, vii., 158. On call of a State Convention, Clinton, Gov. George, of N. Y., 562. Letters, i., 654, 661, 678, 687, 712, Coasting trade, xi., 607. 736, 766. Letters from, ii., 16, Coats, Col. Win., letter respecting 26, 29, 30, 32, 65, 99; v., 244. battle at Princeton, v., 159. Army, Genl. takes a spy, 639. Account of 162, 528, 767; vi., 376, 377, 763, Ticonderoga Battle, 676. Letter 764. Asks to be exchanged as of inquiry respecting act of Con- prisoner, 377, 477. Letters to gress, viii., 132, 179; ix., 122. and from, viii., 43, 378. Troops On boundary, x., 422, 435, 458, for, 508. Sends troops to Flower 513. On Wyoming affairs, xi., Town, ix., 250. Light horse, 273. 96. Partition line, 125. Pres. Lieut. Col., 325, 358, 377. ReFranklin to, respecting line, &c., views militia, 535; x., 759. Asks 187. Wyoming, 196, 335, 341, for arms for Seventh battalion, 412. Arms atAFishkiln, 456; xii. 33. xi., 273. Officers, 274. 460 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Cobb's Creek, Bridge and Road letter to, 304, 567, 579; viii., 69, over, i., 768. 92, 151. Of supplies-scarcity of Cock, Peter, Island in Del., granted, provisions, 287. General, of purto, i., 29. chases, 92, 150, 240. Coins, Foreign, remarks of Attorney- Commission, W. P. to W. Welch, General on several acts respecting &c., to Jersey, i., 85. To Govervalue of, ii., 102. nor A. Hamilton, respecting the Coins, regulation of; xii., 36. seal, 148. For Searcher of CusCold weather, severe, at Muskingum toms, 117. To Hamilton and and Pittsburg, xi., 244. Georges, 428. To Gov. Thomas Colden, Alexander, letter, iii., 444. from Thomas Penn, 625. To R. 479. Peters as Secretary of Land Office, Colden, Governor Cadwalader, let- 545. For Captain John Shannon, ters to and from, iv., 167, 364, 688. To Samuel Kirk, ii., 100. 562, 578. Asks reason for Penn's To commissioners to Indian treaty pushing his request for Indians at Albany, from Massachusetts, to pass through New York, 166. 137. New York, 138. Maryland, Colebrookdale, petition against In- 139. Connecticut, 140. Rhode dians, i., 213. Island, 141. Pennsylvania, 142. Coleman, Robert, letter, v., 39. New Hampshire, 138. Diary of Coleman, Ensign, xii., 138. Order Pennsylvania commissioners, 145. to evacuate Fort Crawford, 141. Of officers in Pennsylvania regiCollectors, appointed, i., 385, 389. Of ment, and their date, iii., 88. clothing, vii., 33. Of Bucks and Letter to Governor on provisions Chester Cos., robbed, ix., 459. for soldiers, 93. To affix seal, College of Philadelphia, address to 238. Of Captain John Sibbald of Council, interrupted by soldiers, Pennsylvania frigate, 190. To v., 199. Thomas McKee, 219. General Collins, Luke, letter on Western Forbes, 398. To appraisers of boundaries, iv., 455. transports, iv., 53. To physiCollins, Thomas W., accomplice of cians to examine sickly vessels, Molesworth, v., 281, 315. 59. To Dr. Thomas Coombe, 70. Colonels of battalions, circulars to, John Gibson, 105. To mayor of viii., 111. Of city battalions, Philadelphia to impress wagons, 309. 108. Colonel Turbut Francis, Colonial Records, to be published, 176. For Judges of New Castle i., 14, 22, 23. Courts, &c., 339. Bernard Ratzer, Colonies, to have management of surveyor of boundary between Indian affairs, iv., 182. Circular New York and New Jersey, 339. of Massachusetts Assembly, 286. Do. of Anthony Dennis, 340. To The, complained of, 311. Colonel Lambert Cadwalader, v., Commerce, resolution of Congress 53. F. Phyle as Naval Officer at on regulation of, x., 507-8. In- Philadelphia, 298 Not to be anteternal, proceedings of Assembly dated, 371. Not necessary for respecting, 128. Commissioners Brigade Major, vi., 255. For appointed, 730. Report to Con- privateers, granted, 329. For gress on, xi., 75, 79. Treaty with privateers, vii., 127, 536, 608. France, 220-228. viii., 613. Commercial Convention, commis- Commissioners, appointed to treat sioners on, xi., 27, 60, 61, 522. with New Jersey, i., 58. Their Regulations, 521, 523-526. Treaty instructions, 58. Of customs on with France, 220-228, 287. Navigation Act, 119. For disCommissaries, department, corn- tributing prize money, 654. On plaints against, vi., 135, 295, 425, boundary line, letters from, 556, 431. To be regulated, vii., 84, 557, 558, 568, 574, 601, 605, 613. 557. Conduct in, 490, 542, 550, Minutes of, 571-574. Reports of, 551, 552. Of purchases andissues, 575, 595-615. Notice of meeting INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 461 Commissioners- Commissionersat Philadelphia, 623. To borrow fence of Delaware., 26. Of, order of, ii., 252. From berland, 79. Of land office, 541, colonies, meeting proposed, 460. 545. To treat with Indians apTo settle accounts for wagons for pointed, 265; letter from, 266, General Braddock, appointed, 598. 332; instructions, 320; from Letter of Hugh Mercer to, iii., 27. Pres., respecting prisoners, 325; To Governor on quality of provis- arrive at Fort Stanwix, 346; ions, 93. Letters to and from treaty with Six Nations, 357, 395, Provincial, 93, 141, 161, 214, 235, 410, 489, 496, 610; obligation to 258, 281, 287, 398, 440, 454, 476, deliver goods, &c., to Indians, 498, 675. Accounts, report on, 610. Lancaster Co., 82. Ap452. Their right to pay out pointed to examine Roads and money disputed, 157. Authorize Rivers for internal commerce, Colonel Armstrong to provide 129, 130, 312, 533, 710. Northhorses, 163. Of Customis, 547. ampton Co., 92. Of Philada., obFor Indian affairs, 555. Of Lower ject to appropriating site of Jail Counties —letter to Gov. Denny for an Exchange, 104; old iron, for drums, colors, &c., 401. Of 307. To take possession of PittsBedford Co., on providing fire- burg when relinquished by United locks, iv., 712. Of Carlisle, let- States, 477, 498. On navigation ter on fire-locks, 713. Lords of of Susquehanna River, 755. Of Trade, plan for the management Taxes for Phila., Co., 51, 222, 224, of Indian trade, 182. For de- 238. On trade of United States fence, minutes of, 195. Of cus- appointed by Virginia, 738. Of toms, letter, 253, 254. Of cus- Washington Co., 584, 587. Of toms, Boston, 289. On Indian Westmoreland on supplies, 98. trade at N. York, 361, 364. Of On Wyoming, correspondence Connecticut, 471. Of York Co., with, 30-37; to magistrate as to respecting fire-arms to be made, safety, 662; answer, 663; to Pres. 708. Of clothing to be appointed, Dickinson, 664; advertisement, vii, 221. For forfeited estates, 669; letter from inhabitants to, 243. For purchase of flour, 753. 671; to Pres. Dickinson, 677. Of purchases — appointed, viii., On Western Boundary Line, xi., 154, 164, 219, 277, 441, 720. For 26, 52, 69, 178, 499. To Coemprocuring salt-scarcity feared, 4, mercial Convention, 27. On sub24, 28. Of Phila. Co., 80. For ject of Canal Navigation, 27. For procuring flour, 84. Of Virginia, improving Inland Navigation, 77. 91, 353. Of Taxes, 125..Of On Connecticut claims, 159, 160. Berks Co., taxes, 124, 132. On Northern Boundclary, 203. To boundary between Virga., and purchase Erie from Indians, 405, Penna., 353. On Connecticut 507, 509, 691. On Boundary claim, ix., 526, 624, 676, 693. Of with Virginia Commissioners, apCumberland Co., 736. For de- pointed, 501. Of Maryland and fence of the Delaware, 586, 618, Virginia, Internal Navigation, 621, 625 647, 672. Propose sale 511. To Maryland and Virginia of Hyder Ally, 672. Of North- On Commercial Regulations, 521. umberland Co., 440. Of putr- To run lines of Huntingcdon Co., chases, 17, 417, Of taxes Phila- 571. To view rivers, 681, 683, delphia Co., 116, 139, 328, 478. 690. Of Taxes, 498. To Indians, To run line with Virginia, 20, 78, 503, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510. On 519. Onboundary, x., 230, 233, Commerce, 522. Of Washington 236, 372, 373, 438, 489, 506. Co., xii., 288. Anxious to be correct, 236. Commrnitte on Indian affairs, minutes Report, 506. On northern boun- of meeting, iii., 382; letter to dary, ask for a transit instrument, Gov., 734. On Naval affairs, 416. Of Bucks, 75. For de- letter, iv., 692. Of Berks Co., 462 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Committee on Indian affairs — Conedogwinet Creek, petition, iv., Proceedings respecting prisoners 392. v., 19. For driving off Cattle, Conemach, Road from Frankstown, 315, 456, 461, 473, 512, 545, 565 xi., 186, 656, 725. 600. Of Cumberland Co.,-letter Conestogoe, Indians on Susque12. Of inspection in, letter re- hannah, i., 295. List of, ii., 242. specting prisoners, 77, Of fifty, Manor, Indians sent to, under 384, 473. Of Lancaster Co., 251, John Ross, ii., 595. Coroner's In266, 349, 365, 571. Of Trenton quest on murder of, iv., 147. Letreceive salt from Council, 69. Of ter John Elder, 148, 153. Beatty New York Letter, 40. Of York T., and Miller 151. Armstrong, 152. Troops marched in, 151. Of J. Shippen on 154. Sir William Congress, vi., 316, 362, 389, Johnson, 162. Manor purchased by Letters-An Cavalry, 317, 365, 367, J. Musser of Delaware, viii., 30, 384, 677, 753. Of city, letters to 54, 56. dealers in flour and importers, vii. Conestoga manor, title of Indians to, 461-465. Of Congress, 83, 84, ix., 49. 85, 88. Of Congress at camp, Conewago, Petition from, i., 681, viii., 266, 267, 293, 312, 314, 315, 682, 724. 337, 355, 404, 412. Complained Conewago Falls, improvement of, of, by Pres., Reed, 419. Of xi., 608; xii., 155, 156, 157. Congress, ix., 281. Of Assembly, Confederacy, frigate, vii., 533, 695. 14, 62, 415. Of Ways and Capt. Harding of, ship complained Means-pensions, xi., 545. of, for impressing seamen, viii., Committee of Safety, how and when 643. formed, iv., 637. Letters to and Confederacy completed, ix., 4. from, 635, 638, 642, 643, 644, 646, Confederation of States, act for, vi., 647, 650, 653, 654, 656, 664, 666, 19, Agreed to by Pennsylvania 668, 680, 686, 690, 692, 696, 697, Council, 455. Consented to by 702, 703, 706, 707, 708, 711, 712, Virginia, 144, 232. Articles of, 713, 714, 717, 718, 720, 721, 722, signed by Maryland, thus com723, 724, 725, 726, 729, 730, 731, pleting the whole thirteen States, 733, 734, 736, 737, 738, 740, 742, viii., 749. 743, 745, 746, 747, 760, 762, 764, Conferences with Indians, iv., 63. 765, 768, 769, 775, 776, 777, 778, At Onandago, x., 63; for purchase 779, 780, 784, 785, 786, 787, 788. of lands from, 105. Address of Rangers armed boat for Confession of Jesse and Solomon provisions, 704. Complaint of ill Vickars, ix., 609, to 617. treatment, 705. Changedto Coun- Confiscated Estates, instructions for cil of S., (which see) v., 26. Their sale of, viii., 345. Letter to agents expense account for dinners, &c., of, 760. Agents to report, x., 213. Resolutions, 317. Letters to 154; Hog Island, 185. and from, Col. Samuel J. Atlee, Congress, Committee of Secrecyagree 6, 10. Committee of Berks Co, 111. for powder, iv., 696. Letters to and Elmer, Jona'n., 7. Miles, Col. from, 681. Resolutions, 692. DeleSamuel, 5. Proctor, Maj. Thomas, gates in, letter to, from officers in 11. Read, John, 12. Richards, York county, 641. To Zeb. Butler, Wm., 13. Rittenhouse, David, 10, 643. President to B. Franklin, Smith, Robert, 8, 9. 643, 644, 646. Agreement with Compass, sign of Lt. Hammond Hodge, Bayard & Co. to import killed, vi., 258, 275, 291, 326. arms, 708. Intelligence from, Complaint against Captain Harding, 729. Invites Committee to hear vii., 761. Oration on General Montgomery, Comptroller Gen., Memorial on City 714. Leaves appointments with Lots, xi., 571. On accounts, 578- the States, v., 25. Confers with 582, 586, 591, 659. Acc'ts, xii., 3. Councils on defence of Del., 62. Letters, 90, 97, 99. Pay of Officers, 124. Continental INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 463 Congress- Congressmoney, 126. Removal of, from 261, 265, 270, 274, 304, 312, 313, Phila., 132. Punishment on 324, 347, 369, 374, 396, 417, 490, refusal of Continental money, 137, 513, 522, 532, 536, 550, 552, 631, 147. To Assembly, 179. Letters 647, 662, 664, 695, 716, 738, 757, to anld from, 129, 179, 219, 244, 761, 765. Resolutions of, 15, 20, 289, 290, 351, 366, 411, 435, 439, 75, 76, 83, 87, 101, 128, 154-158, 471, 491, 526, 536, 544, 574, 586, 173, 204, 221, 249, 250, 251, 263, 593, 599, 626, 630, 681, 687, 738. 287, 293, 315, 316, 365, 413, 436, Proceedings against Quakers, 554. 439, 500, 520, 542, 641, 732, 734. Resolutions, 25, 62, 124, 137, 183, Complimentary to Pennsa., vii., 268, 283, 290, 304, 309, 310, 319, 312. Marine Committee of, 12, 325, 328, 366, 418, 461, 469, 470, 76, 120, 187, 235, 241, 587, 657. 492, 513, 525, 527, 528, 539, 551, Committee of, 83, 84, 85, 88, 170, 552, 554, 575, 580, 583, 589, 596, 172. Commercial Committee of, 604, 606, 616, 623, 627, 647, 669, 579, 605. Appoint Thanksgiving 675, 678, 736. Confer with Com- Day, 89. Delegates in, 134, 137, mittee of Pennsylvania, 311. Pro- 140, 141, 158, 160, 162, 174, 181, ceedings against Capt. Nicholson 184, 189, 192, 422, 478, 551, 556, for contempt of Gov'r Johnson, 639. Case of C. J. McKean and 328, Books wanted by members, Gen. Thomson, 137. Do. of Gen. 754, 757, 771. Letters to and Maxwell, 138. Delegates to refrom, vi., 4, 9, 12, 30, 41, 115, 136, quire yeas and nays in case of 152, 153, 158, 161, 162, 176, 207, Arnold, &c., 174. Proclama208, 210, 242, 249, 284, 298, 316, tion for a fast, 257. Supply of 318, 327, 333, 340, 341, 350, 351, Troops, 244. Resolutions in favor 358, 364, 378, 394, 403, 448, 460, of Pennsa., 288, 313. Delegates 485, 488, 493, 507, 523, 524, 589, in, from Virginia, 73, 184. Reso592, 607, 613, 657, 670, 671, 672, lutions respecting clothiers, 293, 708, 710, 712, 713, 724, 726, 729, 304. For five Companies of Ran737, 742, 754, 771. Resolutions, gers, 300. Letter from Washing9, 59, 79, 82, 111, 145, 150, 163, ton, to, 479. Resolutions respect177, 184, 215, 257, 273, 286, 299, ing Gen. Trumbull, 374. On 300, 323, 341, 356, 364, 365, 374, Right of Petition, 439. Plan for 375, 377, 382, 388, 399, 422, 433, recruiting, 442. Journals distri442, 458, 461, 507, 508, 557, 578, buted, 472. Reformation of Qr. 585, 586, 602, 659, 672, 702, 705, Mr. and CommissaryDepartments, 732, 753, 758. In relation to Genl. 557. Men and provisions to be Burgoyne, 163. In relationto res- supplied, 716. Quotas of States, pectable young men forming troops 733. Proclamation for thanksof Cavalry, 323, Remonstrance of giving,. 757. Letters to and from, Council and Assembly against viii., 20, 75, 85, 87, 98, 99, 135, cantonment of army, 104, 109, 142, 177, 199, 202, 203, 229, 251, 111, 333. Memorialfromprisoners 263, 277, 299, 325, 340, 343, 348, at Winchester, 111. Printing of 375, 395, 419, 429, 458, 517, 529, Journals, 191, 237. At least three 534, 535, 560, 583, 591, 606, 609, members necessary from each 635, 636, 639, 657, 685, 686, 694, State, 358. Inattentive to sup- 702, 705, 719, 722, 723, 751. port of frontiers, 535. Letters Resolutions of, 86, 142, 173, 175, from Lord Howe and Gen. Clin- 185, 195, 255, 256, 261, 272, 285, ton under consideration, 584, 332, 346, 352, 375, 391, 448, 519, Resolve on embargo, 585. Invite 520, 553, 603, 629, 649, 687, 699, Councils to reception of Mons. 700, 724, 737, 749, 753. Marine Gerard, 677. Objects to expense Committee of, 231. Delegates in, of fortifications, 705. Letters to 9, 46, 61, 161, 191, 351, 392, 494, and from, vii., 5,13, 14, 75. 81, 89, 643, 703, 711, 722, 745. Do. from 102, 106, 127, 152, 224, 243, 246, Connecticut, 111, 112, 239. Cir 464 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Congress - Congressculars of, 20, 203, 251, 277. Jour- Committees of Conference, 22. nals printed, 98. Order military Convention prisoners, 26. Orditrophies to be collected, 98. Pres. nance on capture and condemnaReed requests a part of sentence tion of prizes, 43. Report of comof General Arnold to be dispensed mittee on public debt, 85-93. with in view of his previous good Courts for trial of Piracies and services, 99. Draw for money, Felonies, 94. Provisions, 134. 104, 121, 195, 252, 255, 342. Pro- Wants of the army, 151. On clamation for a fast, 131, 135. false papers of vessels, 151. ExAppointment of officers to be sus- porters of flour, 133, 162. Appended, 142. Minute respecting proving of National Bank, 172. John Holker's flour, 147. Res- Signers of bills of credit appointed, pecting commissions to privateers, 185. Bills of credit, 188, 195. 173. Horses, 175. Clothing to Requisition of Infantry, 195. Of officers of Medical Staff, 185. Col. three hundred riflemen, 242, 243. Brodhead to be sustained, 195. Supplies of money, &c., 252. Want of money, supplies, &c., President Huntington resigns203, 375. French fleet, 251. Thomas McKean, elected, 267. Quotas of States of ten millions, Subscription to loan for citizens 255. Committee of co-operation of South Carolina in Philadelphia, at camp, 266, 267, 293, 312, 314, 309. Connecticut claim, 306. 315, 337, 355, 356, 404, 412. Value of leaden spouts to be taken, Direct Admiralty to fit out vessels 366. Holker, Consul General of of war, 273, 277. Conference of France, 383, 394, 400. Form of Committee, 281. Commissions Exequatorfor, 390. Raise troops, for Privateers, 340. Ask to be 394-5. Letter of Governor New informed of measures taken, 343. Jersey, 411. Consular power, 416, Respecting furnishing to French 417. Instructions to Gen. Irvine, allies, 25,000 men, 346, 348. Fur- 419. Respecting general officers, nish exchange on Minister to 423. Proclaim thanksgivingFrance, 391. Money asked for by victory over Cornwallis, 441, 443, Pennsylvania, 392, 395. Pres. 518, 650. John Hanson elected Reed's statement of State pro- President of, 444. Connecticut ceedings, 458-468. Resolutions and Pennsylvania, 444, 448. In on emission of bills, 520. favor of Ebenezer Hazard, for Appoint fast day, 590. Commis- materials of History, 450. Insions for private armed vessels, fraction of laws of nations, 463, 606. Appoint signers of bills for 464. Charters Bank of North Pennsylvania, 634, 639. Non America, 471. Impost on goods, payment of interest, 711. Letters 474. Seizure of British manufacto and'from, ix., 21, 43, 54, 76, tures, 475, 476, 479. Rendezvous 81, 83, 84, 94, 102, 108, 110, 112, for recruits, 485. Report on let151, 162, 163, 172, 194, 210, 242, ter of Robert Morris, 499. Mas273, 309, 369, 383, 395, 400, 417, sacre at Muskingum, 523. Honors 423, 433, 441, 446, 447, 448, 450, to French Minister in consequence 463, 476, 479, 518, 523, 540, 561, of the birth of a Dauphin of 757. Committee of, 281. Reso- France, 542-547. Illegal interlutions, 73, 77, 109, 134, 152, 164, course between private armed 168, 185, 188, 209, 243, 273, 300, ships and enemy, 548. Loss of 309, 366, 391, 394, 411, 417, 464, mails-orders for recovery, 560. 476, 483, 484, 509, 548, 560, 582, Proceedings on Connecticut claim, 609, 645, 741, 756. Circulars, 568, 582. [See Connecticut.] Not 194, 252, 463, 548. Delegates in, to enter into treaty of peace with103, 163, 306, 307, 420, 434. out consent of allies, 645. Abuse Delegates of Virginia in, 260, 266, of passes, 741, 750. Seizure of 271, 274. Appoint a fast, 21. British goods, 741, 756. Letters INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 465 Congress- Congressto and from, x., 7, 27, 61, 62, 98, secretary of Foreign affairs, 401, 135, 151, 193, 206, 231, 234, 263, 557. Claims of Penna,. 405, 424. 358, 371, 397, 441, 442, 457, 461, Captures by Barbary powers, 410, 472, 488, 490, 507, 514, 532, 535, 411. Delegates elected to, 437. 539, 543, 544, 549, 736, 745, 754. May appoint Commissioners on Resolutions of, 7, 27, 46, 90, 105, boundary, 440. Respecting troops 136, 139, 168, (1783) 179, 194, for defence of frontiers, 440. Lay239, 242, 369, 507, 520, 524, 528, ing off States in western territory, 536, 543, 544, 549, 550, 561, 562, 457. Soldiers' certificates, 461. (1784) 566, 590, 716. Delegates Relief of disabled soldiers and seato, 7, 25, 38, 45, 48, 52, 53, 73, men, 472. Asks for copies of 101, 126, 151, 154, 155, 156, 184, Journal, 488. Sends Journal to 204, 209, 243, 358, 369, 405, 410, States, 493. Papers relating to 440, 457, 477, 488, 511, 534, 549, Governor of Massachusetts and 556, 563, 575, 581, 593, 601, 697, Captain Stanhope, 499 Com705, 713, 759, 768. To arrange for merce-States to vest, with power claims in treaty, 7. Treaty with to regulate for fifteen years, &c., Indians on peace, 45, 46. Finances, 508, 738. Proportion of officers 233. Delivery of New prison, 52. and privates to be furnished by Maintaining garrison at Fort Pitt, Penna., 511. Report on National 53. Attack expected at Philadel- debt, 514-520. Resolution on loan phia, 61. Public documents taken, office, 520 523. Issue of certifito be restored to England, 90. cates to Continental army, 524. Indian affairs, 101. On purchase Military claims, 528, 535. State of of lands by Pennsylvania from In- representation, 532. Certificates dians, 105. Report on Indian for soldiers, 536. Short represenaffairs, 119-125. Proclamation tation, 537. John Hancock elected for thanksgiving for peace, 134. President, 539. Copies of JourRemoval of seat of Government, nals, 543. Ratification of definitive 136-139. On full representation, Treaty, 549. Temple, Consul 139, 153, 156. Care of arms, General from Great Britain, 544. artillery, &c., 154. Gratuity to Treaty with Indians, 549. WyoWashington, 155, 185. Debate ming, (1784,) 550, 563, 716. Apwhether seven States can ratify pointrnent of Delegates, 562. Retreaty of peace, 156, 184, 193. moval of seat of Government, 136Loan office, (1783,) 169. Finan- 139, 566-574, (1784,) 575. Comcial plan, (1780,) rejected by Va., mittee of States to act in recess, 173. Commutations in lieu of 566. Indemnification to Washhalf pay to officers, 179. Wash- ington, 575. Temporary form of ington, renounces his commission, Government for western territory, 183, (1783). Treaty of peace rati- 575. Captain Carberry, 575, 576. fled by nine States, 193. Court Petition of Z. Butler, 581, 716. for determining right of soil at Collection of debts, 590. Removal Wyoming, 194, 204, 210, 216, of papers from Annapolis, 601. 231. Representation not full, Propose places for the public build206. Members attending, 207. ings and seat of Government. States represented in, 220. Im- 697. On Barbary powers, 705. portance of full representation Longschamps -Wyoming, 706. from each State, 239. Arrears of Complaint of Thomas Shields, 715. interest on National debt, 242-256, Report on Revenue system, 732263. Delegates to, elected, 354. 735. Acknowledgment of Sieur Proceedings in case of Long- de la Forrest as vice consul of schamps, 358. Richard Henry Lee, France, 735. Provision for diselected President of, 359. Delays abled soldiers and seamen, 745; in settling French accounts, 369. xi., 3, 4, 50, 51, 56, 70, 71, 79, Accounts, 371. John Jay elected 121, 122, 132, 143, 145, 168, 171, 30 466 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Congress- Congress173, 175, 180, 190, 191, 214, 239, of invalids, 314. Report on let285, 292, 311, 314, 323, 339, 353, ter of Commissioner of accounts 375, 387, 433, 472, 476, 483, 562, of Virginia, 317. Further time 585, 601. Resolutions, 38, 50, for presenting accounts, 323. 64, 73, 74, 75, 128, 129, 141, 142, Act respecting western territory, 190, 282, 292, 316, 352, 387, 407, 332, 339. Wyoming, 342. Troops 555, 582, 586, 612, 616. Delegates for do., 350, 352, 373. T. Pickerto, 4, 27, 37, 40, 83, 106, 188, 189, ing's release, 364. Erie, 382, 383. 207, 237, 251, 252, 308, 342, 350, Transfer of Erie, 387. Commis352, 364, 373, 382, 383, 408, 433, sioner of accounts, 406, 408. Con451, 453, 456, 457, 460, 504, 505, stitution to be submitted to Con-:537, 543, 590, 595, 684. Reports vention, 407. On Wyoming, to, 15, 79-83, 107. Committee of (1784,) 434, 451, 453, 456, 461. the States, 483. Treaty with Marbois and Longschamps, 483. Prussia, 4. Treasury Board Re- Appointment Bowen and Beatty, ports and letters, 15, 41. Domes- 504. Erie, 540. Recruiting, 555. tic debt, 37, 50. Requisitions, 38, On imposts, 582, 583. Copies of 65, 198. Circulars, 50, 71. Papers to be sent to each State, Foreign debt, 38, 65. Indents for 586. Judicial Courts, 590. Loan interest, 51. Representation, 51, certificates, 595. Indian Chiefs 56. Finances, 64, Liquidation in Virginia, 600. Accounts, 602. of accounts, 71. Hostile intention Public credit, 612. Amendments of Indians, 72. Negroes captured of Constitution, 616. Defence of by English, 75. Report on uni- frontiers, 622. Useful arts, 685, form system of Commerce, 75, 689. Duties, 689. Copyrights, 79. On claim of Pennsylvania, 705. Intercourse with foreign 80-83, 106. Delegates elected, nations, 708. Census, 709, 718. 83. Cession by Connecticut of Letter to, from Council on infraclands west of Pennsylvania, pro- tions of treaty with Great Britain, posed, 107. State of representa- xii., 76. tion, 122, 132, 168, 175, 180, 192, Connecticut correspondence with, ii., 263, 275, 298, 311. Rights of States 120, 122, 125, 126, 190, 208, 255. to interpret treaties, 128. Re- Settlers on Penn' a lands, 120-127, venues, salaries of officers of Gov- 197, 225, 240. Commissioners to ernment, 129. John Armstrong, Albany, 140. Indian deeds for Jr., appointed to, 137. Sale of lands to Susquehanna Company, Townships in western territory, (supposed Lydias) 147, Lydias, 141. On coining copper, 142. John, 171, 174, 176, 190, 323. Franking privilege to members of Petition of officers of NorthumberConvention, 142. Phineas Bond, land county, against, 240, Thomas British Consul, 145. On claims Penn's letter respecting, 370. unsettled, 170. Boundary of Letter from Thos. Penn, 255, 370. New York and Pennsylvania, 188. From Governor De Lancey on, 273. Report of Convention at Philadel- Men to be raised for Crown Point, phia, 190. Privileges of Consuls, 326. Assembly grants Western 191. Application for men for lands to S. Hazard, 301. Action Luzerne, 206. The new Consti- onpetition of Susquehanna county, tution, 214. Prospects, 204. Re- for lands, 303. quire full representations, 214. Connecticut settlers from, at CushiSea letters, 239. Purchase of tunch, iii., 754, 756, 757, 760. Erie, 247. Quantity of land in Connecticut, land purchase and setErie tract, 251, 308. Bills of tiers, iv., 41, 51, 56, 70, 83, 88, credit against State, 252. Com- 103, 105, 127, 129, 343. Letters mittee of Ways and Means on between Gov. J. Trumbull and E. finances, 258. Settlement of ac- Dyer, 394, 401. Proclamation of counts, 282, 285, 292, 316. Pay Gov. R. Penn against intruders, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 4z:7 453. Commissioners letter to of Governor Trumbull, 146; letGov. Penn, 470. W. S. Johnson ters to and from Gov., 147, 148, to Rev. Dr. Smith, 475. Dele- 213; resolution of Assembly of gates in Congress to Butler, &c., Penna., 204; complained of, 204; 643. W. Maclay respecting, 660. claims, 398; claimants disposed to Memorial Northumberland and violence to Benj. Luce to depart, Northampton counties, showing a 679; memorial of John Franklin history of the dispute, 670, 678. to Assembly of, 681; resolutions Obligation of settlers, 687. Reso- of Assembly on ditto, 683; cession lution of Congress, respecting, proposed by, 760. Proceedings in 692, (See Wyoming.) Congress respecting, and \WyoConnecticut, settlers suffering from ming, xi., 5, 106. Act to comply Indians, vi., 6~t6. with requisitions, 17, 22. Cession Connecticut Troops, viii., 421. Letter proposed of lands west of Pennsylto Delegates of, on Wyominglands, vania, report on, 107.. Claims, 111. Gov. Trumbull, of, 111. 159. Letters to and from GoverConnecticut, claim to be settled, ix., nor, 239, 409, 414, 447, 451, 735. 4. Letter to delegates on, 306, Holders of land ask for division in 307. Resolution, &c., of Con- Luzerne Co., 386. Claimants in gress respecting claim on, 416, arms at Abraham's plains, 437. 510, 526, 563, 567, 622, 624, 629, Letter from Dr. Hugh WTilliamson, 639, 643, 652, 653, 654, 677, 679- 419. Riglhts of Settlers, (1784) 692. Proceedings in Congress, 447, 451. Agreement with E. list of names for Judges, 679. Dyer, 533. Absconding debtor Minutes of Commissioners, 679, claimed, 735. 680, 681, 684, 689. Commission Connor, Col. Morgan, letter, v., 315; of Commissioners, 680. Letters vii., 336. H. Osborne, Solicitor, 681, 682, Connor, Col., viii., 537. 685, 688, 689, 690. Letters of Conolly, Dr. John, taken by order of Connecticut Agents to, 682. Se- A. St. Clair, iv., 477. His adverlection of Judges, 684. Confer- tisement, 477. Commnission from ence, Council and Agents report Dunmnore, letters, &c., respecting, on Judges to Congress —and with 476, 478, 481, 484, 487, 489, 493, respect to pay, 686. Report of 495, 502, 514, 525, 530, 539, 541, Committee of Congress, 686. Let- 545, 551, 574, 577, 586, 603, 605, ter of Pennsylvania agents to 607, 612, 618, 624, 627, 630. ArCouncil respecting funds, 688. rested, 476, 484, 637. Released Letters W. Bradford and J. Reed by sheriff, 484. In possession of on impediments thrown in their Fort, 485. Proceedings at Courtway to progress, 690, 691. Tes- house, 485. Depositions respecttimony of Lord Stirling import- ing, 492, 564-568, 571, 582. Adclant —he is sick, 692. Time of set- vertisement of, 521. Fort at tlement above Walpeck, 693. Wheeling proposed, 522. PetiNotice of deeds for purchase by tion from Pittsburg against, 526. Dongan, release of Duke of York, Remarks on proceedings of, 528. &c., 694. Commission to examine Letter to A. St. Clair, 548. Lord Sterling, 694, Letters WV. Duty on skins to Virginia, 539. Bradford respecting trial, 695. Letter Dr. C. to.A. St. Clair, 548, Various papers and proceedings 551. St. Clair's answer, 549. Acat Trenton, 679-724. Copies of count of his arrest, 637. Letter Records of State obtained, 730. committee of Maryland, with one Proclamation respecting decree at of Conolly to Capt. McKee, 695. Trenton, 732. Accounts of Ser- Letter of, to committee of Safety, geant and Reed in case, 738. 703. Esxamination of, and hisConnecticut and Wyoming —[See tory, 682. Letter to John Gibson, WVyoming]; resolutions of Assea- 683. Plans escape-from jail, 728, bly of, x., 116, 117; proclamation 729. Letter to Committee on his 468 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. confinement, 770. Mrs., asks for Convention Troops to be escorted, company for Dr. C. as he is ill, vii., 89, 95, 99, 101, 104, 106, 778. (See Westmoreland,) v., 101, 107, 108, 110, 129. 130, 242, 245, 297, 298. Obliga- Convention at Hartford, proceedings tions, 247; 298. In prison, asks sent Pres., viii., 617. return of a favorite pair of pistols, Convention prisoners, ix., 5, 6, 7, &c., viii., 104. 12, 24, 225, 227, 230, 232, 234, Conolly, Col. taken prisoner, ix., 235, 319. Troops, 14, 277. Dis102, 473. posal of, 25, 37. Congress on, Conolly, Mrs. Susanna, letter from, 167, at Reading, 225. x., 778. Convention in Philadelphia to revise Conoquieson, (Indian,) speech to Federal Constitution, xi., 11.9, 122, Sir Wm. Johnson, iv., 373. 214. Members letters to be free, Conscience, liberty of, explained i., 142. 634. Rights of, protected in mili- Convention, resolutions in Assemtia bill, iii., 128. bly to call, on the Constitution, Constitution of United States, 565. amendments proposed by North Conyngham, Capt., G. respecting Carolina, xi., 617, 674. purchase of his vessel, vii.. 228, Constitution of 1776, xii., 52, 68. 235, 289, 319. His conduct, 318. -- -- 1790, xii. 12, 27. His explanation, 319, 322. --- ------ U. S., ratification by Coochocking, ix., 39; xii., 120, 135, state, xii., 82. 158, 219, 220. Block houses not Consuls, British, xi., 145. Privi- built, 177. Council at, 219, 220, leges of, 191. Phineas Bond ap- 228, 231. pointed, 145. Suggestions, 255. Cook, Colonel, ix., 51, 79, 595. Supposed infringement of rights Col., Edward, Sub lieutenant, of State, 375. Letter from on, 246. Distress of Hanna's Town, 381. Opinion of Judges on, 383. 629. Colonel, John —Letter of Consul General of France, form of General Sullivan to, vii., 593. exequator recommended by Con- Cooke, Colonel Wm., ordered to gress, ix., 390. Brunswick, condition of Army Contempt of Court, legal opinions on, forbids, v., 84. xii., 83. Cook, Wm., proposal for suplies at Continental money, v., 126, 327, Sunbury, ix., 411. 396, 602. Signers wanted, 602. Cooke, Winm., respecting lands, xii. Operations of Owen Jones, jr., 286. in, vi., 53-56. Counterfeits, Cookson, Thomas, letters to and 111, 365. On wagoners, 200, from, i., 637, 646. 657, 680, 682, 206, 215, 233. On a coachma- 684, 727, 730. Thomas, letters ker, 359,; vii., 156-158, 186, from, ii., 9, 42. 192; viii., 141, 277, 302, 304, Coombe, Thomas, health officer of 383, 385, 416, 517, 534, 757. Philadelphia, iv., 59, 70. Signers appointed, 635. Called Coombe, Rev. Thomas, of Episcopal, in by Council, ix., 38, 77, 117, Church, arrested, v., 575. Petition 119, 129, 130, 134, 141, 145, 171, of Episcopal Churhes in his behalf 188. Signers of, 184. Regiment, 600, 603. Rev. Thomas, Jr., vi., estimate of a, v., 43. Money 627. Pass for, 626. value, 125. Refusal of, 136, 147. Cooper, Ensign, viii., 65. Ensign Vessels, 501. Troops and militia WVilliam, state of troops, ix., 750, don't agree, vi., 291. 750. Ensign, xii., 254. Leonard, Conway, S. H. Secretary, letter, damages to the barracks at Phila, iv., 244. ix., 424. Conway, B. G. T., v., 522, 530. Com- Copper, coinage of, Resolution of plains of sending off, Militia, 531. Congress respecting, xi., 142. Convention of the State will visit Substitute for, as sheathing, ix., fortifications, iv., 791. 430. Mine, at Gap, in Lancaster INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 469 Co., ii., 311. Penn's interest in, lution of, viii., 608. Accounts of 369. members, xii., 9. At Coochocking Copy Rights, act passed by Con- xii., 528. Of Censors, resolutions gress, xi., 705. of, x., 149, 153, 302, 306, 326, Coran, Captain, of Artillery, refuses 327, 333, 336, 363, 546. At obedience to Colonel Flower, viii., Fort George, iv., 167. 469. Council of Safety appointed, iv., 636, Corin, Captain Isaac, raises a 792; v., 26. Circulars, 76. To Company, and is received into clergy, 82. Resolutions, 81, 82, 84, State service, viii., 294. 115. To Congress, 129, 131. CirCornplanter, (Indian Chief, ) land cular to Inhabitants, 134. Resoluproposed to be given, xi., 562. tions, 134, 147. Address of, to Comes to Phila., 733, 739, 740, Citizens on Hessian prisoners, 146. 741. Indian Chief, xii., 32. Discontinued, 252. Recommend Message of Gov., Mifflin in favor embargo, 319. Can't form a quoof, for lands, 85. Ensign Jeffers' rum, 349. Address to citizens, letter respecting, 86, 300. On 642. Letters to and from. Andhis way, 321, 322. erson, Patrick, 27, Armstrong, Cornwallis, Lord, gone to Billings- General John, 164, 229, 324. Asport, going to Red Bank, vi., sembly, 264. Atlee, Win., 248. 23, 30, 43, vii., 663. Report Bancroft, Daniel, 231, 246. Baxof junction with Gen. Phillips ter, Lieutenant Colonel William, in Virginia, xi., 173. Retreat of, 31. Bayard, Colonel John, 107. 283, 301. Movements of, 337, Berks Committee, 111, 112. Bid358. 375, 430. Rejoicing at die, Clement, 140, 145, 197, 744. Philadelphia, 440. Proclamation Bird, Col. Mark, 9. Blair, James, for thanksgiving by Congress, 24, 50. Bond, Dr. Thomas, 89. 442. Prisoners at Lancaster, Bowen, Capt. J. B. 114. Boyd, 674. Lord, operations at south, Alexander, 49, 748. Bradford, x., (1780,) 173. Col. William, 745. Brodhead, Coroners, iv., 460. Inquest on Daniel, 21, 29, 158. Brown, WVm., Conestoga Indians, 147. 37, 135. Buchanan, William, 744. Coroner, of Franklin Co., xi., Bull, John, 58, 102, 201, 203, 208. 765. [See the Counties.] Cadwallader, Gen. John, 95, 136, Correy, Jonathan, letter to, from 160, 161, 178. Caldwell, Andrew, Colonel John Franklin, xi., 161. 261. Casdorp, Thomas, 200. Coshicton, destroyed by Indians, Circular, 45, 81, 82, 84, 99, 119. vi., 651; vii., 63. Coats, Col. Win., 159, 528. ColeCotes, Admiral Thos., iii., 187, 298. man, Robert, 39. College of PhilCoudray, [see Du Coudray.] adelphia, 198. Commissioners of Coughenawage, burned, vii., 387. Berks Co., 112. Commissioners Coultas, James, chosen Lieutenant of Lancaster, 762. Committee Colonel of regiment of Phila., of Berks Co., 111, 112. Comcounty, ii., 608. Sheriff of mittee of Cumberland, 12. ComPhiladelphia, iii., 64. mittee of Lancaster, 250, 266. Council, first, at Upland, obligations Committee of New York, 40. of members to keep secrets, &c., Committee at Trenton, 69. Corni., 37. Penn's difficulty to find mittee of Yorktown, 151. Conmembers of, 132. With Delaware gress, 129, 137, 179, 218, 244, 681. Indians at Philadelphia, 539. Connolly, John, 101, 130, 242, Letters to Governor, iii., 8; at 245. Cook, Colonel William, 84. Newcastle, minutes of, 631. Crispin, William, 114, 681, 748. Letters, [see Sup., Exec., C.,] De Haven, Peter, 155. De NorResolutions, vi., 64. Circulars, mandie, Dr. J. A. C., 176. De65, 88, 179, 193, 240, 294. Com- wees, Thomas, 266. Dickinson, plaint to Congress, 279. Reso- Brigadier Gen., 116, 117, 233, 244. 470 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Council of Safety — Council of SafetyElder, Robert, 753. Evans, John, 26, 47, 60, 69, 91, 92. Reed, 246, 529. Ewing, James, 146. Joseph, A. G., 109, 151. Richards, Farmer, Captain Lewis, 51. William, 13, 46, 63, 169, 242. Fisher, Henry, 42, 47, 53, 61, 70, Richardson, Joseph, 254. Rit99, 100, 108, 152, 263. Flower, tenhouse, David, 62. Roberdeau Colonel Benjamin, 27, 138, 184. Daniel, 757. Ross, George, 758. Gibson, John, 65. Hale, Thos., Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 38, 58. 203. Haller, Colonel Henry, 144, Savadge, Thomas, 55, 195, 216, 250. Hancock, John, President, 217. 229. Seymour, Commodore 137, 179, 219, 244. Hannigan, Thomas, 67, 104. Smith, Robert, Thomas, 253. Harris, John, 753, 37. Sprogell, Lodick, 230. 758. Hart, Joseph, 18, 97, 236. Stansbury, Joseph, 94, 98. StirHazlewood, Commodore John, ling, Lord, 157, 166, 173, 195. 205, 747. Heard, Gen. Nathaniel, Stevenson, George, 68. Tallman, 262. Hnbly, John, 128. Huff, Peter, 64. Taylor, George, 49. Joseph, 72, Hunter, Lieutenant Thorne, William, 143. Tilghman, Samuel, 133, 762. Irvine, Gen. James, 156, 174. Trenton, ComWm., 172. Irwine, Col. Wm., mittee, 69. Virginians, 14. 162. Johnston, Col. Francis, 172. Walters, John, 182, 244. WashJoy, Daniel, 62, 121, 179. Knight, ington, General George, 253. Peter, 239. Kuhn, Ludgwig, 39. Wayne, Colonel Anthony, 88. Lacey, Captain John, Jr., 154. Weedon, Colonel G., 241. WeitLancaster Commissioners, 762. zill, John, 85. Wells, Richard, Livingston, Gov. Win., 238, 243, 189. Williams, Major Ennion, 251. Lochry, W., 135. Mackay, 34, 35, 39, 51, 52, 80, 103, 105, JElneas, 59. McKinley, Brigadier 107, 112, 115, 117, 127, 204, General John, 34. Meade, George 212. Wirtz, Christian, 202, 208. & Co., 61. Mease, James, 193. Wood, Colonel Joseph, 87. WynMease & Caldwell, 104, 120. koop, Henry, 32. Letters, vi., 3, Melchor, Col. Isaac, 178, 206. 4. Ordinances of the, considered, Mercer, Brigadier General, 41, 67, confirmed or repealed by the As71. Mifflin, Jonathan, 86. Miles, sembly, 73. Dissolution of, 64. Colonel, S. 5. Mitchell, John, 62. Order of, 92. And Assembly, to Montgomery, Hugh, 57, 120. Congress, 333. Moore, John, 135. Morgan, Col. Council of Safety of Kent County, J., 761. Morris, John, Jr., 161, Delaware, apply for salt, v., 79, 749. Morris, Robert, 28, 31, 126, 80. 132, 138, 189, 255, 758, 769. Council, Sup. Executive, ResoliMorris, Samuel, C., 109. Navy tions, v., 691. [See Supreme Board, 746. Nelson, Thomas, Executive Council.] 167. Nesbit, Mr., 240. Nevell, Council of War, at Oswego, minutes Thomas, 64. Nicola, Lewis, 7, of, ii., 413, 427. On the fleet, vi., 29, 71, 75, 78, 90, 92, 121, 200. 20. Parke, Lt. Col. John, 181. Patton, Counterfeit, bills of credit, made in Maj. John, 41. Pennell, Jos., 143, England, i., 578. Capture of 197. Peters, Richard, 15. Pintard, Jenkens, 619, 620. Depositions Lewis, 196. Piper, John, 148. respecting, 621, 623. Described, Potter, David, 86, 218. Potter, 589. Counterfeit bills of credit, Gen. Jas., 752, 755. Proctor, John, iii., 365; iv., 460, 461, 462, 466; 202, Proctor, Major Thos., 11, 23, v., 239, 240, 248, 258, 327, 525. 45, 50, 52, 97, 118, 130, 134, 189, Continental bills found on wagon192, 207, 234, 236, 249. Putnam, ers, &c., vi., 200, 206, 215, 233, General Israel, 163, 168, 170, 177, 555. Half pence, ix., 279. Loan 196, 208, 215, 230. Read, James, office certificates in circulation, 20, 138, 258. Read, John, 23, 24, x., 447. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 471 Counterfeiters in prison, vii., 694, Coxe's Town, stores at, vii., 508. County Lieutenants-circular, to Coysgarne, Joseph, Letter W. P. to, Battalion districts, x., 419. i., 136. Court, Provincial, proceedings, i., Craig, CaptainJ., viii., 76, 254, 303, 98. Of Judicature, establishing 397, 717; ix., 39, 114. of, Act respecting, 157. Draught Craig, Capt. Isaac, memorial and of a law for better establishing History, ix., 497. 165. Of Chancery, procla- Craig, Isaac, letter from Pittsburg, mation establishing it, 171. Re- xii., 300. port of business in Philadel- Craig, Colonel John, instructions to, phia, Bucks, and Chester Cdunty, to take Franklin, xi., 188, 196. 279. Pay for troops, 236. Militia fines Court, Worcester, County, Md., of John Youngman, 304. proceedings, iii., 586. Craig, Robert, vi., 41. Courts, vi., 228, 234, 245, 294, 661, Craig, Col. Thos vi., 412. Desert685. Court of Admiralty neces- ers, ix., 18, 563. sary, 685. Craig, Thomas, Lieutenant of NorthCourts, no State attorney in North- ampton Co.-letters of Council to, umberland, vii., 73. Long sus- respecting Wyoming, x., 296, 303, pension of Justice renders people 305. licentious, 73. Of appeal from Craig, Thomas, respecting Brown's Courts of law recommended, 78. execution, xi., 276. At York, 773. Crawford, Col., commands expediCourts, viii., 326, 622. Of Common tion to Sandusky-he missing, ix., Pleas, 622. 556, 576; xii., 202. Courts, judicial, Delegates on, xi., Crawford, Edward, Jr., licenses, xi., 590. 690. Court, District U. S., to sit in Phila- Crawford, Fort, viii., 77, 106. Evadelphia, xi., 723.. cuated, ix., X39; xii., 129, 134, 139. Court martial proceedings, vi., 581, Order to Ensign Coleman to evac697, 704. Appeal from, by Capt. uate, 141. To be evacuated, 195. R. Hardie, vii., 91, 327; viii., 70. Men to, 160, 215, 261. Captain Francis Swaine, 397, 429, 433; Stokely to take his station at, 255. ix., 207,; xii., 192, 256, 263. Described, 350-352. Cove, Great, Indian murders at, Crawford, James, vii., 760. vi., 138. Credit, public, resolutions of ConCowell, Ebenezer, vi., 51. gress on, xi., 612. Cowperthwaite, Col., viii., 111. Cresap, Michael, iv., 502, 512, 539, Cox, Lieutenant Col. Gabriel, suits 561. against, arising from boundary Cresap, Thos. Deposition of, i., 311, with Va, x., 81, 96, 125, 131. 352. Respecting, 313, 320, 321, Letter to Michael Huffnagle, 125. 326, 336, 338, 352, 398, 410, 412, Coxe, Col., Iron furnace, v., 56. 415, 417, 419, 462,.464, 476, 489, Coxe, John, to transport all the shot 501, 556. Warrant to arrest, he has made, iv., 757. 489. Depositions respecting, 504Cox, John, letter, vi., 16, 29. 528. Coxe, Col. John, wagons, vii., 749. Cress, Peter, deposition, vii., 259. Cox, Col. John, viii., 359, 406. Creveceur, Mons., letter to, from Coxe, Tench, Commissioner to Corn- Pres. Dickinson, x., 195, (1784) mercial Convention, to Maryland 550. Commissioners, xi., 61. To Crispin WVm., letter, v., 114, 681, Council, 60. Appointed on Com- 706, 748; vi, 151, 175, 203, 208, merce, 522. His views of pur- 440. Orders to prepare for Prest's chase of Erie lands, Gorham & visit to fortifications, vii., 200. Co.'s claim, 539. Application to Asks for money, 314. Soldiers Governor of Canada suggested, demand liquor of, ix., 437. 542, 543. Croghan's Fort, xii., 352. 472 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Croghan, George, Letter, i., 247, Cumberland county770; ii., 689, 694. And In- Indians, 558. Troops, ix., 15, 71, dians, 9, 115. Letters to and 400. Col. Abm. Smith, of militia, from, 13, 31, 118, 119, 132, 144, 203. Lands in, 409. Provisions, 173, 203, 209, 212, 218, 219, 459. Prisoners of war, 575. In483. Gov. Morris's account of dians, 522. New township, Green, him, 689. Fort, 571, 623. Orders 647. Taxes, 736. Case of Peter to, 536. Captain of Indians under Dill, 736. Commissioners on Braddock, 689. Letters to and taxes, x., 79; Indians in (1779) from, iii., 175, 247, 248, 319, 428, 159; -(See Vol. XII.)-return of 544, 671, 733; iv., 42, 44, 483, sheriffs, 1777 to 1783, 285; offi507. Speech of Indians to, 497. cers of militia in, 599, 600. State Crosswicks, v., 181. road, xi., 158. Returns of militia, Crown Point expedition against, ii., 605. 20, 21, 29, 257, 326, 330, 332, Cumberland Fort [See Forts.] ii.; 341, 345, 350, 365, 374, 442, 579, xii., 353. 585, 589, 631. Cummings, Lieut., orders to, ix., Crows' Town, xii., 201. 28. Culbertson, Col. Robert, vi., 448. Cummings, Lieut., John, Indian Culpepper, Thos. Letter to W. Penn, murders &c., x., 23. i., 51. Cummins, Major J. R. ix., 20, 24. Cumberland county, letter D. Ma- Cunningham, Mr., ix., 606. gard, on proper site for County Cunningham, Hon. James, Taxes, town, ii., 39. From T. Cookson, ix., 495. 42. Letter Gov. Hamilton to Jus- Cunningham, James, report of surtices, 49. Petitions for defence, veys of depreciation land xi., 263, 239, 749, 755, 756, 757, 760. In- Currency, state and improvements dian Massacres, 571, 575, 611, of, vii., 416, 448, 481, 543, 572, 613. Orders to Captains of, 602. 643, 721, 738. Plan for improvWant of Arms, 636. Number of ing-Town meeting in Phil., 621. Roman Catholics in, iii., 144; re- Emissions stopped, viii., 58. cruits in, 406; Gov'r's orders to Curry, Col., viii., 52. sheriff of, 108; troops, 448; fort, Curtis and Finney, Letters, i., 759. 196. Indian murders, iv., 117. Curwin, Jno., on Turnpike, xi., Military at, 131. Claims, 168, 572. 170, 219. People from, moving Cushing, Thomas, vii., 250. up Susquehannah, 218. Passes Cushitunck, settlers from Connecgiven by justices, 218. Battalion ticut on lands at, iii., 754, 756, to be raised, 693. N. J., petition of, 757, 760. Settlement at, iv., 70, for powder from City, v., 30. Corn- 83, 88. Proclamation, at, 70. mittee letter, 12. Petition, (N. J.) Cushcushking, iii., 523. 30. Condition of affairs in, 299, Cuscushing, xii., 156. 334. Opposition to Government, Cuskusky, prisoners at, xii., 243. 324. Resolutions of, 340. Books Customs, Searcher of, i., 116. Comand Records, 416. Militia, 501, missioners of, on Navigation Act 752. Tories, 624. Tory Estate to Governor, 119. Letters of W. seized, vi., 94. Militia, 169, 379, P., on complaints of merchants 426, 605. Horse thieves in, 381. respecting duties on Tobacco, 149, Taxes, 550. List of Justices, Commissioners of, Letter, of W. vii., 144. High price of wheat- P., i., 138. Letters from, 185, Justices, &c., 399. Ought to 238. Officers to reside in their guard frontiers, 419. Resolve to Districts, 185. Collectors, &c., defend themselves, 437. Martial appointed, 195, 196, 199, 238, spirit in, 623. Lieutenants, viii., 395. Transports not liable to, iii., 152. Taxes not demanded by 137, 138; commissioners of, letter, collectors, 61. Indians, 243. 546; collectors, 546. Officers apWagons in, 447. Officers of, 522. pointed, iv., 253, 254, 255, 305, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 473 Customs- Davis, Thomas, contractor for buil449, 451. Meet with obstructions ding piers in River Delaware x., in America, 299. Officer killed, 456, 713. 297, 302. Life of Searcher at Davis, Mr., xii., 205. Philada. threatened, 310. Table Davis' Fort, xii., 354. of fees asked for, 380. Davison, Com. Samuel, appointed Cut-cheek, an Indian, xii., 301, commander of the fleet, iv., 759. Replies of different officers, 759; v., 378. Davison, Hugh, resigns as Lt., vi, Do 504. Dawson, David, of Chester Co., Dale, Samuel, instructions as agent executed, x., 609. to Wyoming, xi., 66. Dawson, Captain Samuel, xii., 107. Dallas, Alex. J., appointed Sec'y of Troops required, 143. Letter to, State, xii., 46. Letters to and 151. from, 99. Deane frigate, vii., 198, 521, 533. Dalley, Gifford —quarters for citi- Deane, James, vii., 11. zens from South Carolina, ix., 274. Dean, Joseph, Petition respecting Dana, Francis, vi., 318, 384. land, and forfeited estate, vii., Darby Creek, works on, v., 591. 540; viii., 81, 712. Darby, skirmish near, with Genl. Death of King George II., iv., 37. Potter's men, vi, 141. Of Conrad Weiser, iv., 41. Of Darnall, Henry, attorney general of Queen of Denmark, sister of his Maryland, to Judges of Court, at Majesty, 625. York, ii., 93. De Barras, Mons., ix., 353, 372. Dartmouth, Earl of, appointed Secr'y [See Barras] of State, iv., 456. Letters, 456, De Brussine & Garrison propose to 464, 480, 482, 538, 577, 579, 585, remove Chevaux-de-frize, x., 144 588, 613, 614, 621, 625. -145. Dauphin of France born, honors by Debts, Priority, of, act respecting, Congress in consequence, ix., 542, i., 159. 544, 545, 547. Debt, Public, of Pennsylvania, cerDavenport, Jonah, an Indian trader's tificates granted for, iv., 257, 333, examination, i., 299. 345. Report of Committee to ConDavidson, Mr. Jas., instructions, gress on the public, ix., 85-93. &c., to, vi., 16, 160, 181, 186, Public-States called on for stateDavis, Alban, deposition respect- ments of, xi., 613, 639, 640. ting a smuggler, iv., 445. Decker, Cox & Co., invaded Indian Davis, Benj'n, jr., Report, xi., 766. lands, xii., 176. Davis, Col. Caleb, v., 292. Debtors not to leave the State, v., Davis, Caleb, list of Justices in 356. Chester Co., vii., 444. Declaration, W. Penn against L. BalDavis, Col., vii., 565. timore, i., 88. Of War, England Davis, David, commissioner of pur- and France, ii., 635, 735. chases, viii., 382, 458. De Corney, Monsieur, viii., 383, Davis, Issachar, instructions to, res- 396, 406, 416. pecting accommodations, at Dedimus, Potestatem, i., 289, 393. Easton, iii., 209. To James Hamilton, ii., 461. To Davis, John, vi., 562. Win. and Richard Peters, iv., 40. Davis, Col. John, letter to, xii., 117, J. Shippen, jr., 101, 104. 152, 175. Deeds to sundry persons on Del. by Davis, Doct. John, taken prisoner — Gov. Nicolls, i., 27, 28. To Peter exchanged, v., 204. Cock by Gov. Lovelace, 29. For Davis, Capt. Peter, to be arrested, lands in West Jersey, 29, 31. xii., 166. Trial, 256. Escapes, From Indians, to Cantwell and 266. De Haes, 32. To Fopp Outhout, 474 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Deeds — De la Balme, Col. and party-fate 33, 34, To Henderson 34. To Peter- of, viii. 766, 767. son 35. To J. P. Jacquett, 36. De la Fayette, Marquis, ix., 283, Indian To William Penn: July 359, 430, 627. 15, 1682, 47; June 23, 1683, De la Luzerne, Chevalier, viii., 62, 63, 64; June 25, 1683, 62, 383. 63, 64; June 25, 1683, 65; July De Lambert, Chevalier, introduced 14, 1683, 65, 66; Sep. 10, 1683, by Marquis Fayette, ix., 627, 734, 67; Oct. 18, 1683, 67; June 3, 735. General St. Clair, respect1684, 88, June 7, 1684, 92; July ing, 735. 30, 1685, 93; Oct. 2, 1685, 95. De Lancey, James, Governor of New June 15, 1692, 116; Gov. Don- York, letters to and from, ii., 168, gall to W. P. 121, 122; July 5, 179, 220, 233, 243, 261, 264, 267, 1697, 125; Sep. 13, 1700, 133, 270, 273, 278, 279, 280, 326, 331, 146; Lands on Schuylkill, Sept, 338, 345, 346, 359, 384, 391, 396, 7, 1732, 344. John Newton, ab- 398. Controversy with General stract of, 374. For settlement at Shirley about cannons, 349; iii., Tulpehocken, 404. For lands on 434, 691. Susquehanna, Oct. 11, 1736, 494. De Lancey, ~, surprises and kills For lands on Delaware, Aug. 25, Colonel Green, at White Plains, 1737, 541. Indian, for lands in ix., 155. New Jersey, Feb. 21, 1743, 641. De Laney, Col. viii., 111. Of feoffment, Duke of Y. for N. Delaney, John, petition from, Castle, Aug. 24, 1682, 52. Ac- wounded at Germantown, vii., knowledgment and recording act 94. respecting, 155, 158. Indian, for Delany, Sharp, (Collector:) on lands between Delaware and Sus- Memorial of Captain vii., 762; quehanna, ii., 33. Indian, to Darie, x., 97. Heavy demand, "'Susquehanna Company," for 441, 715. Report Mr. Orr's duty lands, 147-158, 175. Ques- as an alien, xi., 259. Attorney tions proposedrespecting, iii., 262, General's opinion as to CitizenMemorandum Richard Peters ship, 260. Queries, respecting respecting that of 1718, 262. For duties, 397. Answer of Judges land, defective, viii., 49. Peti- to, 601, 602. tion on acknowledgment of, xi., Delapt, Richard, &c., vii., 702 136. From Indians, for Erie, xii., De La Vega, F. C., Governor of 100. Havana, letter, to, iii., 508. De Grasse, Count, present of can- Delaware County, Justice of peace, non for, x., 59. xi., 638. De Haas, Major, iv., 206. Delaware Indians, number of, i., De Haas, Gen. J. P., vi., 646, 648, 301. Letter of Governor to, 649, 674. Proposes to raise vol- 303. Declaration of war against, unteers, 646. Difficulty respect- views of council on, ii., 654. ing command, 670, 684, 729. Suspension of hostilities, 669. Respecting seizure of flour, vii., Conference with, at Pittsburg, by 330-332. Letter to, 332. Colonel Bouquet, 571-574. De Hart, Jacob, Lieutenant of ship Murders, iv., 503,; v., 314; viii., General Greene, vii., 310, 364. 120, 152. Towns destroyed by D)e Haven, Hugh, iv., 569; vi., Colonel Clarke, of Virginia, 515. 58. Indians, base attempt by whites De Haven, Peter, letter respecting to destroy, near Hanna's Town, gun factory, v., 155. Explosion 596; ix., 39, 97, 247; x., 85, 86. of Powder Mill, 255, 256, 261, Behave well at Muskingum, xii., 606, 607; vi., 52, 453, 475, 632; 237. Councils, 239, 246. Towns, at Gun factory, vii., 12, 133, 175, 256, 270. — 111, 147, 153, 155, 194. Applies to be Wagon Mas- 156, 166, 211, 228, 231, 233, 235. ter, 175; viii., 360. Council, 219, 267, 269, 305. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 475 Delaware River, grant of lands on, Delaware Riverby Governor Richard Nicolls, i., reports on defences of the, 35927. Grant of island to Peter 363, 430, 431, 526, 565. Shore, Cock, 29. Commissioners to treat survey of, instructions for, 441. with New Jersey, respecting, 58, Twelve fireships ordered by Con59, 60, 61. Letter, William Penn, gress, 464. Dispatches from on, 60. Deed for lands on, 541. John Hunn respecting vessels of Spanish privateers in, 759, 763, war in, 451, 453, 462, 467, 468, 765, 766. Deed for lands between, 474, 475. Dispatch from Leeson and Susquehanna, ii., 33, 36. Simmons, respecting vessels, 538. Defence of, 477, 509. Descrip- Defects in the defences of, 626 tion of cannons required, 511. Capture of Billingsport, 648. Joshua Fisher about to publish a State vessels in, 648. Opmap of, is stopped by Governor, orations on the, 648, 649, 663, letters respecting, 492, 593. Me- 718. French Frigate Chimere morial of Pilots, iv., 263. Pro- arrives-pilot for requested, 665. clamation respecting Fish, 347. Forts attacked by land and water, Lord Dunmore's designs on Islands 667. A chevaux-de-fri ze removed, in, 637. British vessels appear 668. Commodore Hazlewood's in, 724, 725, 732, 736, 737, 740, account of action between the 743, 747, 748, 753, 762, 769. fleets, 721. Fort Mifflin, 723. Complaint of officers of armed Ship Montgomery and other vesboats, 705. Engagement with sels burned near Burlington for Roebuck and Liverpool, 748. safety, 740. [See also BillingsRiver and Bay pilots, v., 28. Pay port, Fort Mifflin, Mud Fort and of menin the armed vessels on, 30. Red Bank.] Naval and military Chevaux-de-frize, respecting, 37, operations on, vi., 11, 19, 20, 21, 39, 45, 66, 67, 83, 238, 426, 431, 23, 24, 27, 28, 44, 47, 50, 110, 591, 626, 648, 649, 680, 696, 699, 121, 130, 133, 204. Fort Mifflin, 721. Fortifications and defence of, 11, 19, 24, 27, 246. British ves8, 9, 11, 37, 39, 45, 57, 62, 130, 138, sels in, 11, 27. Red Bank, 11, 166, 242, 346, 359, 376, 425, 431, 28, 80, 246. Billingsport, 23, 27, 434, 501, 526, 542, 565, 620, 626. Lord Cornwallis, 23, 31. General Dispatches from H. Fisher respect- Clinton with troops arrives, 27. ing vessels of war, 42, 47, 53, 61, Vessels burned for safety, 28, 80. 70, 99, 100, 108, 153, 263, 402, Proposal to salt fish from, for the 465, 504. No person to pass with- army, 380. Sunken vessel of out a permit, 82. River craft to enemy to be raised, 652. British be removed from Jersey side, 84. vessels in, 706. Council of Attempt to bribe pilots to bring War, Chevaux-de-frize, 20. Fort fleet from New York by James Mercer, Red Bank, 21. Fortifying, AMolesworth, (who was executed) 710. Map of, 758, 768. Defence 270-282, 315, 336, 337. Actions of, vii, 19, 180, 191, 197, 199, on, 453, 504, 648, 696, 697, 701, 200, 270, 282, 290, 298, 329, 410. 702, 703, 706, 707, 709. British Letter to Governor, on defence of, vessels in or near the, 99, 118, 180. Visit of Governor, &c., to 126, 132, 216, 217, 263, 305, 315, fortifications of, 199, 200, 203. 402, 453, 457, 462, 465, 467, 468, Map of, 233. Survey of, by Gen. 472, 488, 538, 591, 668, 699, 721. Du Portail, 201, 227, 229, 232, Augusta and Merlin blown up, 272, 279, 280, 366, 399, 403, 698, 699, 706, 707, 719, 720, 721. 409. Banks at Mud Island, to All the lumber used for fire rafts, be repaired, 240. Troops sent to -fords on the, 375, 441. Trade the Forts on, 270, and cannon, carried on with enemy, 403, 504. 290, 298. Billingsport, 290, 298. Capture of traders by Captain 339, 365, 366, 369, 371, 409, 502, Murphy, 504, 510. Guns for 507, 562, 673, 720, 745. Mud Cape May, 346. Du Coudray's Island, 270, 290, 339, 369, 385, 476 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Delaware River- Delaware River397, 410, 502, 562 652, 673, 720, tract for, 456. Proposals, 471, 745, 764. Timber wheels required, 713. Improvements contemplated 345. Treatment of vessels bound by the Wardens, (1784) 571. up and down, 372, 456, 537. A Buoys taken away, 580. Beacon piece of heavy cannon from on Cross Ledge, 588. ChevauxPrinceton, 375. Waste of powder de-frizes, 589, 606, 607, Jurisin bringing vessels to, 398, 404. diction of Islands, 611. And Letters to and from Henry Fisher, navigation of, 710. Inquiry as to 396, 410. Sweeping forlost articles, ownership of Islands in the River, 433, 541. Chevaux-de-frize, 544, 739. Navigable communication 566, 587, 635. Raising sunken between Chesapeake and, Provessels, 644. Mrs. Hitchcock's ceedings, xi., 25, 27. Sloop and claim for giving notice, 705. negro Jim brought into, 53. Henry Fisher's letters, 390, 410, Beacon at Cape May, 93. Spanish 705, 730. Officers ordered up Frigate at Marcus Hook, 99-102. from forts, 720. Armed boats in, Examination of rivers, 677. Comviii., 216, 231, 254, 274, 339, 437. m'rs to examine, 622. Soundings Claim for Hog Island, ix., 5, 42, in, 1776, opposite Billingsport, xii. 252, 520. Defence of, 60. British 68. Jurisdiction of Islands in, 75. fleet expected-Isaac Roach sent Report on claims to islands in, 87. to Capes to watch, 80, 112. Orders Report on jurisdiction of Islands, to, 96. Danger from enemy, 105. 289. On improving, 292, 294. Ship ashore and lost, 113. Capt. Of Wardens, on light house, capes, Roach to return, 175. Chart of, beacons, buoys, winter harbors, near Mud Island mentioned, 255. &c., 310. Flags of truce from S. C. ordered Delaware, State of, comm'r appointed down river, 338. Frigate Trum- on boundary line. George Read bull in, 338. British ship of war Riddle appointed 1849, (note) iv., Gen. Monk captured in, by Hyder 37. Troops want clothing, v., Ally, Capt. Barney, 529. Purchased 34. Prisoners in Phila., jail, for defence of, 530. Ask for a sureties for, 309. vii., 152. vessel of easy draught, 647. Com- Letter to Governor on exportation m'rs for defence of, 586, 618, 621, of provisions, from, viii 10. 625, 647, 672. Sale of Hyder Allows export of provisions, Ally proposed, 672. Armed 229, 609. Insecurity of public Schooner equipped for defence of, stores in, ix., 95, 100, 105. and commanded by John Snyder, Removal of, ordered, 101. Inland 672. Equipping armament to de- navigation, x, 538, 540. Act fend, x., 26. Removal of Chevaux- of, to comply with requisitions, de-frize, 95, 144. Commissioners xi., 16, 22. Proceedings on appointed to examine, 130. In- internal navigation, 25, 27, 77. quiry respecting islands above Letter from Governor, 33. Falls, 130. Falls of, as seat of Delegates in Congress, v., 536. Government, 137. Proposals of Letters, vi., 4, 116, 136, 207, 231, De Brussine & Garrrison to remove 268, 279, 298, 359, 380, 455, 535, Chevaux-de-frize, 93, 144-146, 577; vii., 134, 140, 160, 162, 349, 359, 565. Resolutions of 174, 181, 184, 189, 192, 422, Assembly on removing, (1783) 476, 551, 557, 639. To require 177, 210. Amount expended for yeas and nays in certain cases, improvement. 240. Military stores 174. From Virginia, 73, 184. at Fort Island and Billingsport, Letters to and from, viii., 9, 61, 284, (1784.) Removal of chevaux- 161, 191, 351, 392, 494, 643, 711, de-frizes, 340, 350. Jurisdiction 722, 745. From Connecticut, of Islands, 130, 366, 696. Federal letter to, on Wyoming Lands, buildings on the Delaware, 693. 111, 112. Of State, in Congress, Piers to be erected, 407. Con- ix., 103, 163, 306, 307, 420, 434, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 477 Delegates in Congress- Assembly, 19, 98. Instructions to 763. Query on legality of trial L. Morris, jr., 90. Order to the by a judge, whois a, 163. Prison Sheriff of Cumberland Co., 105. ships, 762. Of Virginia, in Long letter to Proprietaries, 107. Congress, 260, 266, 271, 274, Treated with rudeness and inIn Congress, letter to, x., 25, 27. solence by members of the House, 45, 48, 52, 69, 72, 101, 126, 151, 112. Letter on transactions with 154, 155, 156, 184, 204, 210, 223, Lord Loudoun, ]17. Proclamation 358, 369, 397, 405, 410, 440, 457, against rum, 521. Is succeeded 476, 534, 549, 564, 592, 681, 697, by Governor Hamilton, 689. 705, 713, 759, 768. On gratuity Speech to Assembly at New Castle, to General Washington, 151. 377. Election of, 354, 437, 534. No. Denny, David, viii., 496. Ensign, of, 564. Letters, xi., 4, 27, 37, his rank, xi., 325. 40, 87, 106, (see Vol., x., 759,) De Normandie, Dr., v., 176. 188, 189, 207, 237, 251, 308, 342, Dent, Lieutenant, a Virginia officer, 350, 352, 364, 373, 382, 383, 408. xii., 274. 433, 451, 453, 456, 457, 461, 504, Department of foreign affairs to be 505, 537, 543, 590, 684. Elected, established, xi., 599. 83. De Peyster, Lieutenant Colonel, Deluge in'Luzerne County, xi., 85, A. S., on Indian negotiations, x., Denmark, Queen of, death, iv., 625. 86, 89. Willing to consecrate American Depositions, and Examinations, Bishops. Letters from Mr. De Jonah Davenport, an Indian St. Saphorin, &c., x., 434. Trader, i., 299. James Le Tort, Denison, Colonel, vii., 16. Nathan, 300. Edmund Cartledge, 304. instructions with arms for Wy- Thomas Renick, 309. Thomas oming, xi., 212. A Scotch Cresap 310, 352. Respecting Emissary, 213. Letter oninsurg- dams on Schuylkill, 315. Luke ents, 327. Mercer, 335. James Hendricks, Dennis, Anthony, commission as 348, 399. John Capper, 350, 360. surveyor of boundary between John Lowe 350. William N. York and N. Jersey, iv., 340. McMannick, 354. John Brabaker, Denny, William, Governor, arrives 355. Joshua Lowe, 356, 363. and succeeds Morris, ii., 760. Charles Jones, 357. Francis Address of Unitas Fratrum to Ward, 357. John Patten, 358, him, 760. Of Ministers, Vestry, 360. Alexander McKee, 360. &c., of Christ Church, 762. Of Joshua Minshall, 361. Rebecca Regim't of Philada. Co., 763. His Hendricks, 361. Tobias Hendreply, 763. Letters to and from, ricks, 362. Abstracts of, 365-367. 779; iii., 5, 8, 13, 18, 29, 35, 36, Samuel Thorn, 374. Jeremiah 38, 39, 40, 48, 50 53, 54, 58, 64, Fowler, 375. John Sullivan, 382. 69, 76, 78, 83, 93, 95, 96, 106, Richard Andrew, 382. William 137, 138, 141, 145, 146, 148, 150, Andrew, 383. George Andrew, 160, 162, 173, 174, 186, 193, 201, 384. John Emerson, 396. Cor207, 209, 212, 214, 218, 221, 235, nelius Coinages, 397. Richard 236, 239, 247, 248, 251, 256, 258, Ashton, 398. William Daugher273, 277, 278, 282, 289, 290, 293, ty, 400. Samuel Moncey, 401. 296, 298, 300, 303, 304, 313, 315, William Glasspill, 412. Michael 316, 323, 330, 338, 349, 351, 364, Dooling, 413. Henry Packard, 365, 366, 380, 383, 385, 392, 401, 423. Thomas Rothwell, 424. 403, 412, 425, 427, 428, 430, 432, Hugh Rainey, 433. Patrick 434, 436, 438, 442, 449, 453, 471, Thomas, 440. Ann Thomas, 441. 480, 481, 485, 487, 489, 490, 498, John Wright, 464. Rob. Barber, 508, 511, 517, 518, 546, 552, 571, 489, 490. John Coats, 500. 623, 634, 671, 675, 677, 685, Jeremiah Star, 501. Winm. Miller, 687, 689. Messages to and from 501. Henry Munday, 502. John 478 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Depositions- DepositionsKelly, 504. On taking of Cresap 337. Nicholas Powell, 440. -Arthur Buchanan, &c., 505, Monacatootha and Montour, 452. 507, 515. Robert Buchanan, 506, Moravians, 459. J. Shmick and John Starr, 508. George Aston. H. Fry, respecting Wyoming, 510. Samuel Scott, 510, 515, 491. William Johnston, iii., 13. William Downard, 512. Samuel 16. Samuel Clifford, 44. LeonSmith, 513. David Priest, 515. ard Weeser, 45. Henry Hess, Samuel Atkinson, 516. Daniel 56. John Williamson, 139. Southerland, 517. Benjamin Of a Delaware prisoner, 147. D. Chambers, 519. John Ross, 521, Broadhead and E. Biddle, 244. 525, 526. Frederick Lather, 522. B. Shoemaker and John Drake, Balser Springier, 523. George 249, 254, 264. Conrad Weiser Hornspacker, 529. Michael Tan- and J. McKee, 256. C. Busse ner, 524. Thomas Coulson, 528. and J. Orndt, 259. James HynldJoseph Evans, 555. Conrad Kel- shaw, 263. Michael Chavignerie, ler, 555. Anderson and Mont- 295, 305. Francis Fevre, 363. gomery, 537. Riots on Schuyl- Richard Bairds, 396. Benjamin kill, 553. On MarylandclOutrages, Handy, 592. William Ellegood, 555. Samuel Cartwright, 561. 693. Abraham Ingram, 597. Sapience Harris, 562, 590. Win. Andrew Collings, 597, 602. Williams, 563, 591. Thomas Moses Timmons, 598. Thomas Rothwell, 424, 564, 590. Jno. Hindes, 601. John Pollock, 603. Daneilly, 566. Matthew Donahoe, John Spicer, 603. Win. Gray, 583. Rachel Brick, (Counter- 605. William Hayward, 606. feits), 621. William Brick, do. Parker Selby, 607. John Willy, 622. Alexander Armstrong, 643. 609. Peter Dolby, 611. John Peter Shultz, 694. Robert Sharp, 612. Patience WVadelow Owings, 695. JohnLemmon, 695. Hemmons, 614. Colonel John Thomas Norris, 697. J. Roberts, Dennis, 615. Penington Welsh, 698. Valentine Eyler, 699. 618. Moses Moore and Isham MIatthias Ulrick, 700. V. Oler, M. Bernat, 632. Barbara Lingaree Kittsmiller, anld J. Banker, 701. and Mary Roy, 633. John SpenHerman Updcegraef, 702. Adam cer, 635. Thomas Himmons, 637. Furney, 704, 726. Zachary Solomon Fruit, 637. Richard Butcher, 707. S. White, &c., ii., Coverdell, 639. Warren Bur18. Samuel England, 21 Jer- roughs, 640. James Ingram, 641. emiah Brown, 22. John Murray, John Pettijohn, Sen., 642. Alex. 37. Margaret McCleary, 37. West, 643. Charles Polke, 643. Benjamin Swoope, (riot), 50. Magdalen Manlove, 644. Joseph Samuel Dickinson, 64. Martin Morgan, 645. Ephraim Polke, Kittsmiller, 70. Respecting death 646. Waitman Willey, 647. of John Diges's son. Anthony Jared Hitchins, 649. Robert Conley, &c., 76. John Stackers, Shankland, 652, 656. Christoph78. P. Coyle, 79. Leond. Kitz- er Hoskins, 677. Peter Titell, miller, S0. Jacob Sheely, 81. 705. Richard Davis, 705. John John Seifert, 82. Patten and Loughry, 731. Depui's, Aaron, Montour, 123. A French desert- iv., 45. Sam. Sellers and Joseph er, 124. John Trotter, Indian Ross, respecting a French spy Trader, 131. Peter Hogg, (In- taken, 205. Lieutenant Charles dians), 167. Francis Claw, (do.) Grant, 220. John Shelby, 222. 168. Wim. Morris and William James Wilkins, 223. Ralph NailGreen, 265. James Anderson, er, 225. J. Smith, 230. McGlash266. Thomas Clarke, 283. en Lt. Leond. 233, 234. Henry Mathias Steelman. 335. Charles Prather, 237. Thomas Romberg, Vanderford, 336. Thomas Van- 23. John Jennings, 342. Win. derford, 337. Alexander Quillin, Sims, 387. Winm. Nimins, 387. INDEX TO COLONIAL RECORDS. 479 Depositions- DepositionsAsa Luddington, 388. Thomas Church lots, ix., 364. Sarah Bennet, Joseph Drake, 425. Keith, 501. John Robinson, 572. Richard Brown, 430. Thomas H. M. Breckenbridge, 572, 661. Woods, (Sheriff,) 435. Alban Samuel Hunter, respecting Indian Davis, 445. James McCashlin, murders, 658. Respecting Joseph 459. Ephraim Hunter, Sheriff, Doane, x., 110. Mahlon Doane, 491. George Wilson 493. Win. 111, 112. James Oellers (1780), Wilson, 542, John Pollock, 544. 161. Respecting Wyoming-Mr. David Griffey, 555. John and Tidd, 196. Respecting escape of James Fowler, 564. Samuel St. C. J. Longschamps, 271-274. ReClair, 565. iEneas Mackay, 566. specting ruins at Pittsburg, 463WVm. Amberon, 568. George 464. Against Henry Carberry, Ashton, 571. Arthur St. Clair, 576-580. James Bell, 594. Phil582. Charles Foreman, 604. lip Jenkins, 594. Mark tIalfpenSamuel WVhitesitt, 605. Deve- ny, 597. Robert Gibson, 598. reux Smith, 606. Malachi Hays, John Boyd, 621. William Brink, 607. Frederick Fenney, 607. 621-623. Col. J. Armstrong, 623. James Kinkead, 608. Win. Pow- Respecting Wyoming, 631-638, ell, 608. Elizabeth Myers, 608. 649-652. Taken at Wyoming, James Meyers, 608. James 653, 659-662, 688, 691. John Smith, 610. Samuel McKenzie, Leith, on Indian robberies, 763. 611. AEneas Mackay, 611. Peter A. Ellicott on arrest of T. PickerSmith, 665. A. Cameron, Dr. ing, xi., 327. Ira Manvil, WyoSmith, and John Connolly, 682. ming, 344. Benedict Satterlee, Dewees, Col. William, v., 261. do., 345. Joel Whitcomb, 358. Mrs. Abigail McCay, 337. Sarah Keeny, 358. Elijah Reynolds, O'Brien, 339. Thomas Patterson, Joseph Earl, Martin Dudley, Jos. 420. George Kriebel, 432. Jere- Kilburn, 359, Garrett Smith, 371. miah Loughead, 452, Henry Win. Smith, 393. M. Hollenbach, Funk, 495, 508. Riots at York, 394, 551. N. Kingsley, Lord But496-508. Wm. Beckworth and A. ler, T. Pickering, 551. Z. Butler, Laughlin, 624. Robt. Galbraith, 553. Jacob Hartzell, xii., 298. 638. Sam. McGregor, 665. Silas Thos. Gibson, 300. James Banes, Burnet, vi., 7. John Sweeney, Jr., 302. Jno. Hart, 303. 58. Jacob Sitler, 67. Frederick Depreciation of money, ix., 77, 85, Schauss, 67. Prisoners in Virgin- 117, 119, 129, 130, 133, 135, 136, ia, 75. Margaret Lederman, 117. 141, 145, 147, 171, 212; xi., Daniel Shelly, 95. Samuel Stew- 55. Of pay, Judges' opinion of, art, 217. Henry Mansin, 221. 120. Joseph Rode, 224. WVendle Mey- Depreciation Lands, surveys, xi., 93, er, 225. James Christy, 233. 263. Sales of, 125. WinVm. Harper, 442. Col. F. Watts Depui, see Forts, ii. and S. Henry, 500. Thomas Cra- Depui's Fort, xii., 354. ven, 501. Win. Stayner, 501. Depui, Samuel, letter, iii., 423, 424. Samuel Erwin, 502. R. Weston, Depui, Nicholas, ix., 105, 113. 542. R. Weston, M. Warwick Description of a man, singular, iv., and J. Vanzant, 542. Garret and 369. John Vanzant, 596-7. Archibald Desertions, v., 144, 180, 196, 207, Hamilton, 679. Affey Beeth, 771. 208, 262, 648, 700. John Mitchell, vii., 207-209, 213. Deserters, vi., 411, 732; vii., 356, John Gardiner, 241. John Parker, 443, 769, 775; viii., 6, 12, 74, 77, 259. Peter Cress, 259. Thomas 95, 100, 103, 184, 225, 235, 262, Pollock, 577. John Leffertie, viii., 263, 317, 415, 418, 510, 623; ix., 387. Henry O'Neill, 527. D. 299, 503. From American regiFranks, 615. Joseph Shoemaker, ment, x, 388. 645. RespectingGerman Lutheran Deshler, Col., vi., 394. 480 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Deshler, Charles, Commissioner of Dickinson, Mr., house burnt by magazine of provisions, vii., 17. British, vi., 31. Deshler, David and Charles, viii., Dickinson, Brigadier General Phile300. (Commissioners of pur- mon, v., 117. Letter from, by his chases.) 300, 517, 697, 701, 711, servant sent to Genl. WV., 116, 117, 721. 233, 244; viii., 506, 507, 736. D'Estaing, Count, vii., 671. And Dickinson, Fort, x., 184. Troops his fleet in Rhode Island, 734-736. at, 189. Deep snow at, 197. Success of fleet in West Indies, Commanded by Major Moorevii., 661. Respecting, 736, 747, money wanted to pay debts, 209. 764, 772. Freshet at, 222. "Detector," author of, required, ix., Diemer, James, recommended as a 266. Judge at Reading, xi., 596. Detroit, Governor of, by proclama- Digby, Rear Admiral, Robt., views tion offers protection to rebels, v., under preliminaries of peace, x., 402. Gov. of, encourages Indians 21. and Tories, vi., 460. Congress Digges, Dudley, Gov. of Virginia, purpose an expedition against, letter from, viii., 510. 529. General Armstrong's views Digges, John, applies for land, i., on, 657. A strong fort, above de- 637. Letter to R. Peters, 643. scribed, viii., 106. British and Case of, 637, 645, 681, 683, 684, Indian convention at, 707. De- 685, 686, 693, 696-710, 713, 725. sign upon, xii., 110, 111, 118, 166, Remonstrance, 693. Germans at 167, 183. Governor Hamilton of, Conewago, 709, And Kitzmiller, Clark's success against, 120, 131. 713. Letter on death of his son, Designs of enemy, 140, 147, 160, ii., 73. Petition of Attorney-Gen184, 186, 265, 269. New fort, 188. eral to Judges at York, 93. Strength of garrison, 192, 196, Digges, William, letter, iv., 489. 198. Fort, described, 206.u Dill, Peter, discharge requested as a Deux Points, Count de, letter intro- relief to Cumberl'd Co., ix., 736. ductory, viii., 684. Dilworth's Spelling Book or Gand's, De Villier, Captain, receives capitu- written for, by a member of Conlation of Fort Necessity, ii., 146. gress, vi., 209. Dewar, David, petition respecting Dingey, Charles, case of, vi., 162. sailors impressed, iii., 302. Dinwiddie, Robert, Gov. of Virginia, Dewees, Col. William, deposition speech on proroguing Assembly, respecting explosion of powder ii., 169. Letters to and from, 177, mills, v., 261. 226, 268, 270, 273, 390, 422, 446, De Witt, Simeon, appointed to run 454, 481, 530, 560, 581, 711; iii., boundary line with N. Y., x., 450. 50. Proclamations about Indians, Diahogo, intelligence from, ii., 729. 155, 156. Diary, of Pennsylvania Commission- Directory, first published in Philaers to Albany, ii., 195. delphia, x., 271. Dickeson, Mr. (owner of ship bring- Distances from Philadelphia to Ohio, ing stamps to Philadelphia), iv., - ii., 133. Mouth of Wills' Creek, 241. 134. From Harris' to Phil. Davies', Dickinson College, interest due, xi., 134. From do. to Logstown, 135. 540, 578. Distillation of wheat and other grain Dickinson, James, conference with to be stopped, v., 229, 710. Indian chiefs on survey of Dona- Distillation of liquors from grain, tion Lands, x., 740. viii., 31. Dickinson, His Excellency, John, Doane, Aaron, petition for pardon, ix., 494. Elected President of x., 348, 716, 717. Deposition Council, 651, 731, 734. Calls atten- against (1784), 597. In prison, tion of Judges to moral education 598. Judge Bryan on, 609. of youth, x., 523. Ceases to be Doane, Abraham, troubles WashingPresident, 527. Letter to, xii., 289. ton county, x., 594. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 481 Doane, Abraham and Levi, letter to Dorsey, Thomas, v., 535, 550. PayC. J. McKean respecting, xi., 351. master, 535. Resolution of Assemblyfor respite, D'Orvillier, victory over Sir C. Har398. dy, xii., 204. Doane, Israel, petition for release, Dougherty, Bernard, vii., 186, 297. ix., 7.59. Respecting trial at Bedford, 297. Doane, Joseph, respecting arrest of, ix., 467, 538, 542, 546. Distresses x., 110, 114, 152. Petition of of the county, 553. Indians, 558. captors, 565, 582. Of Bedford, 619, 628. And D. Doane, Joseph, estate, xi., 725. Espy, deposition respecting M. Doane, Mahlon, deposition respect- Doane, x., 112. To send prisoning arrest of, x., 111, 112. ers to Lancaster, 119. Doane, Moses, Abraham, &c., rob- Dougherty, H., enemy's ships on bery of Bucks county treasury, Reedy Island, iv., 753. ix., 616, 617. Dougherty, Capt., killed near Fort Dobbs, Arthur, Governor of North Freeland, vii., 591, 610. Carolina, letters to and from, ii., Dougherty, Capt. John, viii., 369. 281, 536~ Doughty, Capt., v., 167. Dogs, use of, against Indians re- Douglass, Capt. captures a privateer commended, iv., 181; vii., 357. off the Delaware and takes her Donaldson, Arthur, recommended to into Egg harbor, vii., 192. make chevaux-de-frize,. iv., 774- Douglass, Commander *John, judgAssists L. H. in removing chev- ment against, vii., 641, 647. aux-de-frize, x., 349, 350. Douglass, Major Ephraim, on Indian Donaldson, J., letter Win. Penn to, negotiations, x., 62, 70, 83. Eleci., 128. tions, 262, 696. Memorial for ofDonaldson, Joseph, v., 496, 534. flee in Fayette county, 118, 553. Riots at York, 496. Justices, 464, 582. No sheriff in Donaldson, Joseph, &c., vi., 775. Fayette, 588. Letter from, xi., 32. Donation Land, lottery, proposal Election returns, 535. On duty as respecting, xi., 49. surveyor, xii., 78. Donation Lands, survey of, xi., 512. Dove, R., respecting pass from New General Irvine's description of, York to Virginia, ix., 625. 513-520. Dover Troops ordered to, v., 58. Donnaldson, John, appointed Regis- Downey, Capt., leaves Billingsport, ter-General, xi., 568. Office in v., 430. State House, 509. Clerk, 570. Downingstown, Gen. Howe's Army Order, 571. Report, 722, 764. near, v. 606. Flour to be sent to, On duties of office, xii., 3. vi., 177. Dongan, Gov. Thomas, deeds from, Doyle, Sam'l, arrested, xi., 730. to Win. Penn for lands on Susque- Acquitted, 744. hannah, i., 121, 122, 133. Let- Doz, Andrew, appointed commisters to W. P., 74, 80, 81, 84. To sioner of purchases in PhiladelLord Baltimore, 86. To President. phia, viii., 154, 169,'412. Applies, and Council, 104. as commissioner, for the sale of Donnahill, John, soldiers in distress, State Island, 412. for cash, ix., 671. Drais, Daniel, taxes on confiscated Donop, Count, wounded at Mount estates, x., 150. Holly, v., 177. Action at Red Drake, Joseph, deposition, iv., 425. Bank, killed, 707, 709. Drayton, Win. H. books from libraDonville, Monsieur, killed, ii., 620. ry, vii., 328, 335. Instructions found on him, 600. Drummond, Dr. George, a prisoner Dorchester, Lord, Letters of Thomas on parole, v., 484, 511. Hutchins, (Geographer,) for per- Dryer, Jacob, Letter to C. J. Mcmission to survey lands, xi., 315. Kean, respecting, xi., 351. Doria, And., Brig. Capt. Robinson, Dry lands, near Easton, Northamptakes British sloop-of-war, v., 132. ton Co., iii., 578, 647, 651. 31 482 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Dryslow, David, vi., 336. Dundas, James, v., 616. Claims Duane, James, vi., 102. (M. C.) against Billingsport, vii., 140, 253, difficulty with sheriff's officer, viii., 326, 333. 629, 659. Committee of Con- Dunkers opposed to militia, v., 768. gress, 694. Letter to, xii., 109. Dunlap, Col., viii., 31. Dubois, Abraham, Auditor of Bucks Dunlap, James, vi., 610. Co., ix., 11, 13, 17, 29, 36, 47, 67. Dunlap, Lt. James, vii., 488. Duche, Jacob, chosen Colonel of Dunlap John, Congress negotiate Regiment of Phil. Co., ii., 608. with, for continuing publication of Duch6, Jacob, jr., statement respect- Journals, vi., 191. Letter to, vii., Quakers at Easton, iii., 275. 201. And J. Budden, memorial, Duche, Rev. Jacob, letter to Wash- viii., 208. ington referred to, vi., 6. House Dunmore, Earl of, dispute between to be occupied by C. J. McKean, Penna. and Virginia, iv., 514. viii., 684. Speech to White Eyes (Indian Du Coundray, Mons., Reports on Chief), 684. Governorof Virginia, Works on Del., v., 359-363, 430, letters, 461, 482, 493, 525, 577, 431, 526, 565. 579. Commissions Dr. CO1nnoly, Dudgeon, Richard, Engineer, letter, 477. And others, 487. Proclaiii., 442. mation, 490. Various, 586, 612, Dudley, Joseph, a Wyoming rioter 654-5. Has designs on Islands in wounded, xi., 356, 359. Dies, 365, Delaware River, 637. 367. Dunmore Fort. See Fort Pitt, iv., Duer, John, letter to F. L. Lee, vi., 521; xii., 351. 277, 284. Dunwoodie, James, instructions to, D-ffey, Patrick, letter, v., 141. Election returns, xi., 430. Duffield, Rev. Geo., respecting Rev. Duplantain, Capt., xii., 258. WVm. Linn, ix., 493. Duponceau, Peter S., applies to be Duke of York, release-deed of fe- Notary and Interpreter-his testioffment from, to WV. Penn, for N. monials, &c., x., 351-353. Castle, i., 52. Petition of Win. Du Portail, Genl., survey of DelaMarkham, to, 78; ix., 694. ware River, vii., 201, 227, 229, Duke of Normandy, birth of, an- 232, 272, 279, 280, 366, 400, 403, nounced by Sec'y Jay, as a cause 409, 690. Thanks, &c., 403. On of pleasure, x., 476. Companies of Miners and Sappers, Dumas, Captain, a French Officer, 690. Proposals respecting Sapcopy of his instructions to Mons'r pers and Miners, viii., 37. Money Donville, taken by English, ii., for troops, ix., 210. 600, 620. Claim, xi. 411. Du Pui's Fort, xii., 354. Duanbar, Col. Thomas, letters to and Du Quesne Fort, ii., 361, 375, 38%, from, ii., 385, 410, 412. 417. 390, 393, 570, 579, 582; iii., 9, 13, Turns back after Braddock's de- 59, 83, 147, 306, 527, 543, 546, feat, 383. Remarks on, 379, 383, 685, 693. Skirmish at, 547; xii., 384, 387, 390, 391, 395, 396, 397, 355-359, 427-431. 400, 406, 422, 435, 440. Gov. Durham IronSWorks, ii., 479. IronMorris demands pay for recruits to Master at, iii., 274. Braddock, 401, 412. Durkee, Major, John, letter, iv., 364. Duncan, David, appointed Commis- Du Simitiere, translation of papers, sioner for Westmoreland County, vii., 212. orders to, ix., 17. Charges against, Dutch, agreement with English, on 97. Resigns, 141. Provisions, surrender of N. York, i., 25. An190, 200, 305, 380, 399. And swer of, to Govr. of Md., 492. John Finley, apply for Fort McIn- Dutch, in Lancaster county, oppose tosh, as a place of Indian trade, the laws, and cause a riot, v.,405x. 704. 408. Duncan, Stephen, resigns as Justice, Dutch loan, on, ix., 563, 564, 591. being elected to Ass'y, viii., 597. Duties on Negroes, Wines, &c., aet INDEX TO PENNSYLVANrA ARCHIVES. 483 respecting, i., 159, 306. Orders 208, 325. Prisoners sent to, 250, to Govr. Gordon, 325. On Sea- 650. Guard at, 324. Prothonomen, Hospital, 251. Names of tary, 332. Papers, &c.,. sent for Receivers, 252. Received in Phi- safety from City to, 623. Alarm, ladelphia, ix., 206. Queries on, on acccount of prisoners, &c., xi., 597. Answers, 601. On Ton- 650. Importance of the ferry, nage, 599, 689. 651. Wagons, 652. Unguarded Duvall, G., of Md., letter respecting condition of, vi., 197. Soldiers disHenry Carbery, x., 291. Answer tressed for clothing, 197. Hosof Judges of Supreme Court to, pitals, 198. Named as a ren292. dezvous, 302. Tories, 342. Duykinck, Col., v. 756. Defenceless state of, 346. Troops Dyer, Elijah, agreement with, xi., ordered by Congress to, 374. No 533. houses to be had in, 362, 381. Dyer, Ephraim, &c., Answer to Guards to be dismissed, 541. Gov. Trumbull, iv., 401-408, 470. Difficulty in procuring a house for To Gov. Penn, 490. public papers, vii., 176. Price of Iron at, 177. Muster of Soldiers at, viii., 321. A place of deposit, ix., E. 263. Supplies for Genl. Sullivan, 263. Savages near, 275. Abuses Earthquake destroys Lisbon, ii., in officers at, 385. Troops, 403, 530. Large part of Port au Prince, 426, 527. Waste on public lands, iv., 371. 741. Cap. Chrystie, arrives with Eastburne, Benj., Surveyor of Bonn- a detachmemt at, x., 135. Pedary line, i., 611. Report. 615. tition of Wyoming prisoners at, Eastburne, Captain Robert, ordered 690. to'Raystown, iii., 481. Arrived Eckhart, Valentine, vii., 552. Inthere, 489. dian murders, viii., 529. ConEaston, described by Winm. Parsons, vention prisoners, ix., 225, 230. ii., 95, 98, 305. Petition for road Militia from Bucks, 433. Returns from, to Reading, 98. The dry of officers in Berks Co., Militia, x., lands near, 305. Road to Reading, 190. Instructions to, respecting 443. Report of Indians, 443. De- troops, xi., 203, 211. serters from, 585. Minutes of Eden, Robert, Governor of Maryland, Indian Conferences at, 722-730. iv., 369, 616. Of Executive Council at, 721, 730. Edmonds, William, ii., 681. Indians approaching, iii., 7, 36. Education of youth, and moral trainIndians at, 53. Conduct of ing urged on Judges by Pres. people at, 78. Stores at, 82. Dickinson, x., 523. Proprietary land at, 84; no mut- Edwards, Major, bounties, ix., 75; ton or cooks at, 104. Quakers viii., 107, 152. present at Treaty 17,57, 205. In- Edwards, Thomas, vi., 449. Colonel, structions, &c., relative to accom- account, viii., 237. Militia, 288. modations at, 205, 217, 517. Egg Harbour, arrival of British fleet Indians at, 210. Quaker pre- at, v., 457. A prize brig there, sents to Indians, 214. Memoran- vi., 736. A privateer captured dum respecting demand of Teedy- by Capt. Douglass, carried into, uscung for a Clerk, 235. De- vii., 192. Battle at, xii., 110. positions respecting treaty at, 244, Egmont, (Falkland Islands,) King of 249, 254, 256, 259, 263, 264. Spain disavows expedition to, iv., Quakers at, 205, 250, 262. Pe- 387. tition from settlers on dry lands Eichelberger, Geo., to be arrested, near, 578. Treaty with Indians vii., 193. at, byGov'r H., iv., 68, 78, 80, 82. Eichelberger, Jacob, vii., 490, 530. Latitude and Longitude, 592. Elder, Rev. John, letters, iii.,, 251. Meeting of Indians at, v., 201, 203, Recruiting orders to, iv., 116. 484 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Letters to or from, 127, 132, 148, of Congress, 695; viii., 10, 229, 153, 714. Murder of Conestogoes, 261, 263, 266, 333, 354, 432, 433, 148, 153. 609. Permit for provisions, ix., Elder, Joshua, vi., 615, 616, 640; 38, 146. Violated by French vii., 592. Election of Justices, Consul, 180. (See Holker,) viii., 101. Enceinture, a good cause for stayElection, return of Sheriff of Ches- ing execution, but not judgment, ter Co., i., 86, 115. Do., Kent in opinion of C. J. McKean, viii., Co., 116. Riot at, in York County, 298. ii., 50. Of a Lieut. of Dock Ward, Enemy, intercourse with, restricted County of Philadelphia, 600. Tory by Congress, vii., 316, 324. in Bucks County, v., 31, 32. At England, objects to consecration of Lewes, 53; vii., 97. Returns American Bishops without Test must be certified by Constable or Oath, x., 434. Overseer of the Poor, x., 284. Of English vessel assumes French Matthew Irvin, as Recorder of colors, complaint against, x., Deeds, Philadelphia, 707. 175. Elizabethtown, N. J. Enemy leave, Engrossing or forestalling provisions v., 178. Surprise of post at, viii., to be prevented, vii., 85, 88, 113, 103. Genl. St. Clair at, 103. 151. Ellicott, Andrew, appointed to run Entails, in America, opinion on, i.. Westernboundary, x., 452. Let- 281, 284. ters to and from, respecting boun- Episcopal Church. Rev. Dr. Evans dary, xi., 140, 178, 203, 216, arrives, i., 134. Appointment of 429. Survey of Islands in Ohio, Rev. Mr. Campbell, 191, 236. Of 583. Proposes publishing obser- Rev. Mr. Backhouse, 226. Mevations, 216. Describes Erie morial from Christ Church, 150. Lands, 243. Deposition on T. Dispute with Baptists, 284. Mr. Pickering, 327. Purchase of Erie, Campbell to be removed, 236. 429, 537. On survey of Lake Rev. Mr. Cummins to exercise Erie, 612, 615, 704. jurisdiction over the Clergy of Elliott, Mrs., case of, vii., 247. Pennsylvania, 236. Prayers for Elliott, Mr., Indian agent, x., 84, 85. Royal Family to be altered, 225, Instructions to, xii., 222. 624. Rev. James Blair comElliott, Lt. Benj'n, account of his plained of, 150. Matrimonial proceedings, xi., 665. licenses, change in the law, 236. Elliott, Win., proposal for a road, Letter, Bishop of London, 236. xi., 70. Of Society for Propagating the Ellsworth, Oliver, conference, viii., Gospel, 191, 226. Difficulty with 261. Keithian Baptist Church, 284. ReElmer, Jonathan, letter from, v., 7. fusal of Ministers licensed, by Elwood, John, record of proceedings Bishop of London, 628. Christ in case of, for treason, vii., 59-62. Church and St. Peters, memorial He was pardoned July 15, 1779. on behalf of Rev. Thomas Coombe, Col. Rec., Vol., XII., p. 48. a prisoner of war, v., 600. Reply of Embargo on provisions, ii., 373, 396, Council, 603. Missionary at Car421, 500, 689, 733. Governor lisle, land granted to, becomes proposes laying at Newcastle, 396, tory, viii., 107. Relative to con420. Merchants wish it removed, secration of Bishops, Williarm 709. On provisions, iii., 97, 114, White consecrated, (see "Bishop 144, 148, 174, 186, 373, 393, 479; of London," Vol. I., pp. x., 236, iv., 79. Deemed necessary, v., 628.) Bishop White on Marriage 314, 319. Ordered by Congress, licenses, xii., 31, 314. vi., 585, 708, 709. Relaxation of, Equity Court, plan for, i., 166. 732, 733, 737; vii., 78, 197, 231, Erie, Lake, Commissioners to in247, 315, 409, 424, 588, 639, quire whether any part of it is in 768, 745. Revoked, 424. Acts the State, x., 129. Commis INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 485 sioners arrive at, xi., 203. Letter Erwin, Capt. viii., 106; xii., 203. to Delegates, on purchase of, &c., Erwin, Captain Joseph, state of fron237. Lands described by Col. A. tiers, vii., 563. Porter, 241. Estimated considera- Erwin, Col. Joseph, viii., 66, 79. tion to Indians for Triangle at, Erwin, Robert, letter, iii., 64; viii., 245. Proposition of Mr. Irvine to 126, 145. purchase, and proceedings of Con- Escape, a most extraordinary, from gress on, 247. Size of the tract Indians, viii., 527. unsettled, 251. Assembly ap- Escheats, resolution of Council resprove of purchase, 252. Proceed- pecting, ix., 341. ings in Congress on quantity in Escort, British and flag, vi., 217. Of purchase of, 308, 313. Extract Convention troops, vii., 89, 95, from Cession of New York to 99, 101], 104, 106, 107, 108, 110, United States, 309. Do. of Massa- 129. To Fort Lawrens, attacked, chusetts. 310. Authority of 173. Council to purchase, 313. No Espy, David, respecting Justices in reservations necessary, 382. Act Bedford T., viii., 102. of Congress transferring to State, Estates of Tories to be seized, vi., 387. Resolution of Do., 387. Re- 13. Sold, 94. Forfeited, produce port of Council on purchase of, to money to the State, vii., 80; viii., Assembly, 389. Estimate of Ex- 282, 733, 734, 736. Letter to penses of purchase from Indians, Agents, 735. Auditors accounts, 390. Letter from Vice President sales, &c., ix., 104. Philadelphia, to Assembly, respecting, 390. Re- Bucks, Chester, and York, 105. port and Resolution of Assembly Terms of sale, 195. on purchase of, 395. List of Estherton, General Hand at, vii., Goods for Indians, 427. Letter 344, 510. Andrew Ellicott on purchase, 429. Estimate, cost of three battalions, Obligation of Comm'rs, to deliver 61. Current expenses of Penngoods to Indians, 507. Purchase sylvania, 62. Providing for four and Boundary of Indian lands, hundred men, 62. Of a continen508. Report to General Assembly, tal regiment, v., 43. of purchase of, 528. Agreement Ethcart, Cap. of French vessels, with Gibson and Butler, and Six viii., 546. Nations, for purchase from, 529- Ettwein, John, Moravians, vi., 751. 533. Leave to survey to be Ettwein, Rev'd John, orders sent to, asked of Gov. of Canada, 537, for wafers by Council, vii., 295. 543. Tench Coxe suggests diffi- Etwein, John, account of massacre culties as to title of, 539, 543. at Muskingum, ix., 525. Resolution of Assembly, survey Eustace, J. P., v., 381. and location of, 566. John Adlunl Eustace, Capt. x., 120. on survey of, 577. Expenses of Evans, Edward, vi.. 544. survey, 576. Money drawn for, Evan, Evan, resigns as Justice, 589, 691. Letter of General But- being elected to Ass'y, viii., 597. ler on, 591. Survey of, 612, 615, Evans, Griffith, proposals, xi., 49. Quantity and value of, stated Evans, Lieut., vii., 762; xii., 137. by Comptroller, 655. Estimate Evans, Lewis, proposes to publish a of Expenses to, 691. Deeds, 704. Map, instructions to, ii., 46, 47, List of papers relating to 60, 309. xii., 88. Act authorizing pur- Evans, John, v., 246, 352, 529. chase of 89. Letter Governor to Evans, Col. John, xii., 210, 219, Secret'y Hamilton, State ready to 225, 231, 238, 240, 253. pay, 90. Documents to adjust Evans, Rev. Mr. Evanarrives, i., 134. account sent, 90. Causes of de- Evans, Peter, lays claim to office, lay in settling, 91, 100. Deed i., 235. Indian chiefs to State for, 101. Evans, Col. Thomas, has a Tory Letters patent, U. S. to State, 103. prisoner, vi., 709. 486 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Evans, Winm., respecting Tories, vi., Falconer, Nathaniel, superintendent 731. of flour Magazine, vi., 235, 240. Everett, Fort, xii., 359. Falconer, Serjeant, in battle at SideEvidence, act respecting, i., 155, ling Hill, iii., 315. 160. Fallowfield, T., election, x., 364. Ewing, Genl., vi., 235. Farmer, Rev. Ferd., Catholic Priest, Ewing, James, v., 298. Security for numnnber under his care, iii., 144. Dr. Connolly, v., 297, 298. Elected Farmer, Lewis, letter, v., 51. EsVice-President of State, ix., 651. timate and price of provisions, Ewing, Rev. John, goes to Europe vii., 181. Purchase of goods, for aid to Newark (Del. ) Academy, 273, 755. Clothier, viii., 52, 706. iv., 468. A Pennsylvania Coin- Farmer, Michael, complains of dnlmrissioner to run line between ness of tobacco trade, vii., 453. Virginia, viii., 353. Commis- Fast, proclamation of Governor sioner on Virginia boundary, Morris for a, ii., 649; iii., 253. (1783) x., 171, 230, 438, 440. Thanksgiving, 690. RecolmmendResigns, 428, 443. Commissioner ed by Congress, vi., 341. Proclaon Susquehanna R., 755. mation of Congress. vii., 257, 261, Examination of Walter Winter, i., 321. Appointed, ix., 21. 218. Of Morgan Herbert, 219. Fauntleroy, Major, ix., 752. Of James Lewis, ix., 473. Archd. Fauquier, Governor Francis, of VirHenderson robberies, 597. Jacob ginia, letter to, froml Governor Miller, 600. T. Bedwel, 601. Penn, on peace with Indians of Exchange on Moneys to France, viii., Erie and Ohio, made by Colonel 391, 411. Bradstreet, iv., 207. ProclamraExcise, amounts collected in 1752-3, tion, 255. ii., 85. Amount collected in Penn- Fayette, County formed from Westsylvania in 1771, iv., 2, 3, and 4, moreland County, x., 118, 184. 633. Bills of credit struck on the, Appointments of Lieutenants not 634. Report of Collector, xii., 1. satisfactory, 265. Returns of Exempts from militia duty, vi., 458. Field officers in, 275. Memorial, Exequator, form of, for Consul Gen. 280. Troubles from Virginians, of France, ix., 390. 280. Agent to, 450. No Sheriff, Expedition against Spain, orders, i., 588. Depositions respecting at616. Against Louisburg, 679, 688, tacks on Collectors, 593, 594. J. 745, 746. Story opens office for adjusting Expresses sent out, v., 693. claims, 742. Military Officers, xi., Eyres, Richard, letter, v., 106. 702. Eyre, Benjamin, v., 375. Fayette, Marquis de la, said to be Eyre, Benjamin G., &c., removal of nominated Ambassador to U. S., vessels, vii., 644. Schuylkill vi., 546, 558, 568. Expedition bridge, viii., 144. under, viii., 196. Orders troops Eyres, Col. of Artillery, viii., 111. from Pennsylvania and Virginia, Eyres, Col. Jehu, viii., 591. ix., 283, 359. Compliment to; Eyre, Joshua P., appointed by Gov- 430. Introduces Chevalier de ernor, Commissioner on the line Lambert, 627, 735. Addresses between Pennsylvania, Delaware Indians at Fort Stanwix, x., 346. and Maryland, report, iv., 37. Febiger, Christian, resigns as aucEyre, Major, vi., 768. tioneer, xi., 563. Elected Treasurer, 638. Facts, respecting Treasury department, 649. TreaF. surer, xii., 5. Fees, Regulation of, act respecting, Fairfield, Conn., burned by Gover- i., 158. Of officers of Customs, nor Tryon, vii., 561. iv., 380. Fairlamb, N., applies for Gun locks, Fenwick, John, respecting, i., 55. iv., 755. Fergnson, Mrs. Elizabeth, opinion INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 487 of, by General Roberdeau, vi., vi., 706. Letters, vii., 390, 410, 131. Letter and petition respect- 705, 730. Supposed to be taken ing her estate and husband, 617. by boats in Delaware, viii., 275. Letter in favor of, vii., 100. Case Fisher, Joshuta, proposed map of of, in Council, 202. Petition on Delaware Bay, G6vernor stops sale of estate, viii., 4. publication, ii., 592. Letter to Ferguson, Capt. W. his rank, xi., Governor, 593. 240. On recruits, 590. Fisher, J. & Son, petition, ix., 645. Ferris, Owen, arms wanted, viii., Fisher, Samuel R., letter from 229. Council to C. J. McKean, respectFerrol, Capt. Thomas, xii., 163. ing an intercepted letter from, Field Conductor of Military stores, vii., 225, 274, 279. To be con268, 272. fined, 291. Field, N., Letter, William Penn to, Fisher, Thomas, elections in York i., 128. County, xi., 388. Finances of U. S., vi., 591. Fisheries and Trade of N. E., British Finley, Capt., viii., 40. Acts, iv., 613. Finley, James, appointed Justice, Fishing Creek, murders by Indians, resigns-his reasons, xi., 298. vii., 357. Finley, Rev. James, sent on a secret Fishkill, N. Y., aplace of rendezvous, expedition to western counties, vi., 302. Arms sent to by Conix., 729. Sent to Westmoreland necticut Claimants, (1785,) xi., on secret expedition in relation to 456, 457. a new State, x., 40, 41. Instruc- Fitch, Thomas, Deputy Governor tions to, 163, (1783.) Connecticut, letters to and from, Finley, Captain John, xii., 107, ii., 122, 125, 208; iv., 50, 103. 139, 150, 181, 186, 209, 250. Fitzgerald, Colonel John, aid to Gen. Finley, Captain Joseph, xii., 181, Washington, vii., 370. 186, 195. Fitzsimons, Nicholas, appointed Finnie, Col., viii., 577. keeper of Province Island, x., 74. Finney, Captain, marches for Fort Fitzsimons, Thomas, respecting a Pitt, x., 337; xii., 300. vessel loaded by French Consul, Fire, great, ill Boston; aid solicited, vii., 407. Inquiry of effect of iii., 715. At Montreal, (ask aid,) peace on goods from G. B., iv., 248. Ships plan of Naticus, x., 28. Letter, 48; xi., 427. 666. Appointed Commissioner on comFire companies in Philadelphia, re- mercial regulations, 252. On loan vival of, recommended by Su- Certificates, 595. preme Executive Council, vii., Flags for Galleys, v., 13, 47. 134, 201. Flag, State, raised on Market street Fire Rafts, D. Joy's plan for, iv., hill, x., 38. 698. Flag, Spanish, drawing of a, sent Fire Ships-object of, v., 429. to the Governor, x., 743. Fish, proclamation for preserving Flag of Truce furnished, i., 753. fish in rivers, iv., 347. From the British, vi., 217, 232, 268, 371. Delaware, proposal to salt, for the From South Carolina in the Delaarmy, vi., 380. ware, ix., 338. Fishbonrne, Win., robbery of the Flax, worms destruc've to, viii.,281. Treasury, i., 272-279. Fleeson, Plunket, resigns presidency Fisher, Henry, dispatches from, iv., of Court in favor of Ed. Shippen, 664, 724, 725, 732, 736, 737, 740, x., 523. 743, 755, 762, 765, 769. Instruc- Fleet, British, ix., 105. tions to, 743. Guard boat sent to, Fleury, Francis, a French subject, 765. Letters to and from, v., 42, applied for, vii., 522, 531, 532. 47, 52, 61, 70, 99, 100, 108, 153, Flint, Royal, viii., 70, 86. 263, 402, 465, 504. Instructions Florida, East and West, treaties with to, v., 42. Vessels in Delaware, Indians, iv., 321. 488 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Flour, large quantity ordered by Forfeited estates, Commissaries of, Congress to be purchased, vi, vii., 243. Returns to be made of, 177, 256, 278, 281, 348. Maga- 243, 287, 540. zines for provis'ns to be establish- Forman, Brig. General, v., 435, 439. ed, 178, 333, 377. Resolve of Forman, David, viii., 332. Congress, 377. Persons appointed Forrest, Col. Thomas, v., 142. vi., to lay up, 234, 240, 241, 272. In- 357. Major Thos., vii., 135, 254, structions, &c., 303-314. Letters 397. Lieutenant Col. ix., 142, of Board of War to Congress, 316. 231. C. and A., 333. Desist from pur- Forsman, Hugh, viii., 697. chase of, 422, 431, 449, 675. To Forst, David, vi., 296. be exported to procure clothing, Forsyth, Robert, purchases, viii., vii., 548, 567, 685, 692. Scarce 577. 707, 730, 733. Frauds in, 557, Fortifications at Philadelphia, i., 558, 560, 599, 600. Assembly 633, 636. order flour to be distributed to Fort Island, fortifications, &c., v., poor housekeepersinPhiladelphia, 11, 12, 23, 24, 26, 47, 61, 69, 83, 740. Purchases of, 753, 766. 92, 98, 118, 130, 377, 432, In exchange for Salt, viii., 3. 526. Returns of Military stores Scarcity of, 48, 51, 53, 54, 85, 86, at, x., 284. 90, 147, 237, 359, 398, 402, 601. Forts: Conveyed to enemy, 125. Scarcity On Ohio, French, i. 309. Allen, of in army, ix., 53, 54. Prize, to (see Gnadenhutten.) Augusta, be inspected, 407, 408. One-third (Shamokin), ii., 557, 627, 644, of purchases of exports to be fur- 646, 656, 662, 674, 700, 706, 712, nished to State, 133, 162. In- 731, 739, 764, 765, 780. Above spector's report, xi., 755. Alleminga, 677. At Armstrong's, Flower, Col. Benj., v., 27, 138, 181, 663, 671, 674, 686, 687, 751. (See 184, 369, 706; vi, 79, 135, 450, Fort Halifax.) Brown's Fort, 738. 463; vii., 294, 296, 385. Letters Capt. Busse's Fort, 159. Capt. to and from, &c., viii., 26, 110. Burl's Fort, 609. Christina, cuCaptain Coran refuses obedience rious relics discovered, 6. Croto, 468; xii., 271. ghan's Fort, 571, 623. CumberFlowertown, troops sent to, ix., land, (Will's Creek,) 276, 376, 250. Dupui's or Hyndshaw, 678. Du Footman, Richard, Memorial of, viii., Quesne, 361, 375, 380, 390, 393, 113. 570, 579, 582. Franklin, 669, Forage, vi., 418, 738, 742, 752; vii., 678. French Forts, 240. Gap of 101, 102, 620. Scarcity of, viii., Tolihaio, 547, 551, 554, 555. 150, 151, 163, 175, 404, 600, 608. Gnadenhutten, (Fort Allen), 521, Master, 155, 165. 565, 569, 638, 677, 747, 754. Forbes, Brigadier General, to be ap- Granville, 743, taken [Col. Rec. pointed by General Abercrombie, 242, 278.] Archives, 556, 561, iii., 321. Letter from, 383. Com- 565, 569, 603, 604, 613, 623, 631, mission to Mordecai Thompson, 743, 744, 750, 753, 756. Great 398. Orders, 409. Letter, 448. Cove, 462, 474. Near Great MeaResolution of Provincial Comrnmis- dow, proposed by Gov. Dinwiddie, sioners respecting, 441. Letter 398. Halifax, at Armstrong's, from Colonel John Armstrong, 663, 671, 674, 686, 687, 751. Ha448. Letter to Rev. Mr. Barton, milton, 669, 678. Harris's Ferry, 452. Colonel of Regiment, 553. 441, 603, 635. Henry, at ToliDeath of, 579. halo, 159, 561, 565, 570, 676. Fords, on Delaware, v., 375, 441. Hunter's Mill, 545, 551, 553, Foreman, Charles, deposition, iv., 554, 564, 615, 617, 686, 751. 604. Hyndshaw, 678. Lebanon, 159, Forestalling, vii., 85, 88, 113, 117. 547, 555, 565, 570, 665, 676. LytOf flour, 151. tleton, Sugar Cabins, 556, 561, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 489 Forts- Forts565, 569, 603, 604, 621, 752. Mc- wVilliam, 354. A new Fort buildCord's, 611, 617, 623. McDowell's ing by Armstrong & Potter, 79. Mill, 575. McKee's, 634, 635, 637, Allen, iv., 138. Augusta, 38, 82, 686, 751. Matchitongo, 556, (Porn- 88, 111, 122, 123, 140, 165, 195, fret), 561. William Henry, 585, 214, 463. Evacuation of, 214. Northkill, 159, 675. Necessity, Dunmore, see Fort Pitt, 521, 524. Articles of Capitulation to Capt. Hunter, 111. Liberty Island, 764. De Villiers, 146. At Niagara, 579, Loudoun, 175, 209, 218, 229, 231. 722. Norris, 669, 678. At Oswego, Mud Island, Resolution of Assem575. Pleasant, 438, (Cumber- bly, 474. Message to Gov. on, land), Patterson's, attacked, 608, 475. Pitt, 210, 215, 300, 307, 337, 617, 623. Pomfret Castle, 556, 395, 483, 522. List of Goods and 565, 569, 603, 604. At Lake St. Pass for, to, 224. General Gage's George, 437. Shirley at Augwick, opinion of, 457. Called Dunmore, 556, 561, 565, 569, 603, 604, 623, 521, 524. Latitude andLongitude, 632. Swatara, 161, 551, 554. 592. Redstone, old, 481. StanStockadesin Cumberland, 536. In wix, Treaty and. purchase of Virginia, 581. Capt. Potter or- lands, at, 309. Route to, dered to build fort at, 602. A new from New York, 309. Fort Indefortr IO. Pxc- ~u- rrs_ HeA eiiQ $umaned by tni rl1 441. Allen, iii., 5, 68, 81, 119, Heath to surrender, v., 287. 152, 218, 355, 420, 424, 500, 521. Fort Lee, 66, 71. Fort MIontAllemingle, 218, 253. Aulgusta, gomery, Artillery for, 50, 671. 4, 9, 12, 14, 41, 43, 79, 119, 161, Fort Hand, vi., 673. Fort Mercer, 249, 277, 279, 283, 287, 326, 327, 21, 28. Fort Mifflin, heavy can347, 349, 374, 388, 403, 406 408, nonading at, 11, 18. Loss of, 19, 431, 478, 480, 502, 513, 515, 521, 23, 24, 27, 47. Fort at Pittsburg, 550, 568, 570, 574, 686, 721, 727, plan to destroy, 507. Provisions At Buffaloe, 13. At Carlisle, 119. for, 532. Respecting, 670. Fort Cumberland, 83. At Chambers's Frederick, vii., 339, 340. Fort 12. Du Quesne, 8, 13, 59, 83, Freeland, (see Freeland.) Jenkins, 147, 306, 527, 543, 547, 685, 693, 81, 87, 345, 357, 438, 760. Built (Fort Pitt) 696. At Mr. Everett's on Ohio, by Gen. McIntosh, 132, (Capt. Wetherhold) 355. Frank- Laurens, 173, 465, 517, 569. Fort lin, 32, 51, 152, 153. Frederick, Ligonier, 345. Fort Mifflin, can198. French and Indians build- non sent to, 298, 339. Troops for ing a, 79. Halifax, 6, 17, 119, 251. 3650. Ammunition wanted, 9857 Hamilton, 81, 119, 139, 140, 152, 397, 720. Prices forIron-work, 652. 218, 222, 356. Henry, 51, 119, Fort Muncy, 5, 323, 344, 357, 512, 194, 218, 283,.353. Hunter, 17, 760. Fort Pitt, 341, 697. Fort 52, 64, 119, 251, 277, 279, 331, Roberdeau, 419, 624. Fort Wash352, 489. Hyndshaw, 81, 82, 139, ington, 384. Fort Allen, viii., 286. 140, 222. At Le Bceuf, 305. Leba- Armstrong, (Kittaning,) 38, 106, hon, 31, 36, 51, 218. Ligonier, Brady's 157. Freeland's, 157. 669. Loudoun, 119, 218, 280. Crawford 77, 106. At Detroit deLyttleton, 12, 48, 51, 58,. 119. scribed, 606. Frederick, militia Morris, 59. At McDowell's, 29, at, 5. Freeland, 637. Jenkins, 40, 48, 51, 58. Norris, 81, 152, 29, 40, 157, 171, 563. Mifflin, 599, 218. North Kill, 31, 36, 253, 277, 728. At Montgomery's, 29, 171. 283, 354. At Presqu' isle, 13, McIntosh, 531. Muncy, 29, 40, 305, 561. At Philadelphia, 26. 157, 166. Pitt, 78, 109, 159, 172, Ray's Town, (Stockade) 510. 405, 441, 478, 484, 499, 552, 554, Shippensburg, 119. Shinglaca- 642, 743. Rice attacked, 561. Its mush, 430. Swatara, 218, 352. location, 567. Attacked, 567. Venango (Machault), 305, 306, Schuyler, 370. Built by English 506, 522, 561. Wyoming, 288,297. for Shawnese, 551. Allen, ix., 490 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Forts- Forts649, Armstrong, 39. Billingsport, 142, 148, 155. Evacuation, 141, 330. Block-house, by Col. Loch- 147. Described, 382-384. So]rey, 80. Crawford, 39. McIntosh, dier killed, 148. Lebanon, 38439, 648. Miller, 596. Mud Is- 387. Lehigh Gap, 388. Le Boceuf, land, 72, 330, 364. Mluncy, 528. 387, Ligonier, 389-393. Loudoun, Pitt, 17, 37, 47, 55, 75, 81, 103, 394-396. Lowther, at Carlisle, 348. 111, 143, 419, 433, 521, 575, 635, Lyttleton, 396-398. McAlavy's, 636. Reed, 596. Schuyler, 123. 461, McIntosh, 108, 110, 248, 250, Smith, 522. At Wyoming, 166. 252, 400'!404. Troops from Fort Fort Island, returns of military Henry, &c., 277. Capt. Brigs at, stores at, x., 284. Billingsport, 277. Soldier killed, 148. Indians 284. Dickinson, 184, 189, 209, killed near, 250, 252. McKee's, 222. Fort Island, 284, 509. Me- 404. Machault. (See Venango.) Intosh, 109, 391, 406, 448, 466, Manaday, 405. Matchitongo. 704. Pitt, 53, 83, 95, 115, 140. (See Pomfret Castle.) Mercer. 167, (1783) 337, 345, 462, 483. (See Red Bank.) Miiffin, or Mud Rice, 165. Stanwix, 489; xi., 507. Fort, 407-412. Miller, 412. MorSullivan, x., 719. McInt'h, xi. 510. ris, at Shippensburg, 412-415. Allen, xii., 70. Anderson's, 461. Muncy, 415-420. Nazareth Mill, Armstrong, 134, 135, 139, 147, 420. Necessity, 420-423. Norris, 156, 160, 161, 170, 172, 177, 192, 423. Northkill, 424-426 Patter193, 220, 225. Men to, 215, 234, son's, 426. Pitt, 161, 167, 182. 257, 261, 327-329. Augusta, 329, Building, 227. Troops to, 277. 339. Bedford, at Rays town, 339, Barracks in bad order, 267. Capt. 341. Bigham, 341. Billingsport, Armstrong commands, 300, 431341, 346. Browns, 346. Burd, at 437. Pomfret Castle, 442. PresRedstone, 346. Canhawa, 126, qu'isle, 443. Red Bank, (Mercer) Chambers, 348. Crawford, 129, 445-452. Reed, 452. Rice, 134, 139, 172, 194, 225, 230, 261. Northumberland Co., 453. Rice, Men to, 215. To be evacuated, Wash'n Co., 457. Roberdean, 454. 141. Capt. Stokley at, 254, 257. Robinson's, 456. Sackville, (or Descri'd, 350-352. Croghan's, 352, St. Vincent,) 120. St. Vincent, Cumberland, 353. Cushocken, (or Sackville,) 120, 157. Shirley, 158. Block-houses not built, 177, 456. Standing Stone, 459. StanDavis's 351. Detroit, Fort near wix, 112. Steele's, 461. Swartz, old one, 184. Described, 206, 207. 461. Swatara, 462. Venango, Dunmore, 354. (See Pitt.) Du- 113, 130, 157, 463. Wallace, 464. pui's, 354. Du Quesne, 355-359, Wiccacoa. (See Philadelphia.) 427-431. (See Pitt.) Everett, 359. William, 464. Wind Gap, 464. Franklin, Northampton Co., 360. Wyoming, 465. Franklin, Venango Co., 361. Fowler, Alexander, ix., 114. ApFrederick, 362. Freeland, 362-366, pointed to audit acc'ts, xii., 109. Granville, 366-868. Halifax, 368- Fox, H., appointed Secretary in 370. Hamilton, 370. Hand, 134, room of T. Robinson, ii., 490. 172, 371. Harmar, 371. Harris's, To, iv., 80. 371. Henry, Northampton Co., Fox, Ed., Commiss'rs oath, x., 103. 373. Henry, (at Wheeling,) 223, France, cessation of hostilities, ii., 231, 234, 236, 475. To be evacu- 3. Prisoners retained in, on ated, 277. Holliday's Cove, and account of nonpayment of ranits garrison, to be evacuated, 277. som bills, iv., 201. Arrival of Hunter, 375. Hyndshaw, 379-380. military stores from, for the Jenkins, 380-382. Kittanning, army, vi., 108. Aid from, 173, 182. Named Armstrong, 134, 135, 330. Treaty with, 466, 479, 493, 139, 147, 156, 160, 161, 170, 177, 506, 521. Fleet and ambassador 192, 193, 215, 220, 225. Laurens, arrive, 638, 639. Blockade, New 108, 114, 116, 125, 126, 128, 130, York, 639. King of, his birth-day INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 491 France- cates information, deemed irregcelebrated in Philadelphia, vii., ular, iv., 311, 334. Letter of 648, 651. Guns, Standards, and Congress to, 643, 644, 645. Inseals, ordered in Paris, viii., 257. telligence from, respecting French, Minister of, Mons. La Touche, ix., v., 283. And John Adams, letter, 130. Papers used by the British, vi., 521. Treaty with France, 152. Vessels of, import merchan- 466. His opinion of Americans, dise, and do not report, 176. 681. Introduces Mr. Van NoemViolation of embargo, 180. Mast- er, vii., 774. Letter to Mr. Hartcutting on Schuylkill, 180. Sup- ly, as to speaking of loyalists plies for, 186. Seamen of, 273. and their estates, ix., 670. Elected Squadron under De Barras at a member of Council, then presNewport, sailors leave, 354. ident of it, and then president of Consul General, Bolker, 383. the State, x., 527. Letter from, Form of exequator for, 390. (1784) 556. Re-elected PresiRecognition by Congress, 394. dent, xi., 207. Extract from Birth of Dauphin, honor to, 542. will, leaving his portrait to CounDesertion of seamen, 731, 736. cil, 701. Their acceptance of it, Mons. Marbois on storing powder 701 Dies. Invitation to funeral, for vessels of, 741. Vessel from, xii., 85. brings despatches respecting pre- Franklin County, no marriage liminaries of peace between Great licences received there, x., 329. Britain and the U. States, x., 10, Formed, (1784), 603. Light11. Colors of, on an English yves- Horse, Election, xi., 280. Trial sel complained of, 175. Letter to of W. Nugent 316. Coroner, 765. minister, interest on certificates, Franklin, Fort, ii.,669, 678. iii., 32, 223. Free ports appointed in, 51, 152, 153. Northampton Co., 267. Chev. Luzerne leaves Phila., xii., 360. Venango, 361. 279-282. Minister complains of Franklin and Hall, letter to Gov. on interest not paid, 355. Quar- print'g letters with minutes of Asantine regulations from plague, sem'y, ii., 274. T. Penn's opinion 356. Debt to, 386. Sieur de La- of, 420. Forest, Vice Consul, 735. Corn- Franklin, Colonel, John, to offimercial treaty with, xi., 220-228, cers of the Garrison at Wyoming 287. Ministerof, respecting Mar- to surrender x., 621. To Presbois and Longschamps, 468, 469, ident Dickinson, 672. Memorial 470, 473, 482, 487. to Connecticut Assembly, 681. Francis, Tench, Attorney General, Resolutions of Assembly on do., resignation, ii., 255. Signer of 683. Letter to, from Joseph bills of credit, ix., 185. Appoint- Hamilton, 751. Letters to and ed Commissioner for division and from, xi., 3, 14, 52, 67, 84, 94, sale of barrack lots in Philada., 111, Respecting, 26, 35, 45. x., 240, 241, 261. Issues notice for a meeting, 66. Francis, Col. Turbut, Commission, His report of proceeding in Phila. iv., 176. Instructions, 177, 194. 67, Wyoming affairs, 94 Letter Letter, 210. to William Montgomery, 111. Franklin, Benjamin, engages to Letter from Caleb Benton on procure wagons for General Brad- towns on Tioga, 175. Pardoned, dock, ii., 294. His advertise- xii., 104. Appointed High Sheriff, ment for them, 295. Letter to 105. To Benjamin Franklin on Governor on forage, 297. His election as president, *and on success, 309. Letters to and from, Wyoming, 296. 274, 344, 467, 548, 766. T. Franklin, Governor William, New Penn's opinion of, 420. Con- Jersey, letter on Indians passtinued as Agent for the Province ing through State, iv., 157. On in England, and Robert. Charles Robbery of Treasury, 305. Prohis assistant, iii., 759. Commnuni- clamat'n against a smuggler, 381. 492 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Franklin, Roswell, raised a party to French and Indiansarrest rioters at Wyo'ng, xi., 359. 170, 173, 176, 192, 213, 215, 220, Franks, David, Commissary of Brit- 227, 229, 240, 264, 267, 290, 292, ish prisoners, case of, vii., 76, 381, 405, 411, 413, 433, 440, 446, 81, 112, 270, 395. His clerk per- 447, 448, 453, 471, 472, 491, 493, mittecl to go to New York, 173, 495, 528, 559, 561, 565, 579, 610, 180. British Agent, viii., 33. 629, 689. Neutrals arrive from Ordered to depart, 611. Depreci- Canada, 513, 581. Success of Sir ation of currency, 615. Deposi- Williamr Johnson over, 422, 423. tion, 61 6. Reason for not depart- In Philadelphia suffering for wood, ing, 617. Declared very frivo- iii., 92, 282. Cadet, orders found lous, 617. on a, 286, and Indians respecting, Franks, David S., aid to General 9, 16, 151, 293, 294, 298, 305, Arnold, order to buy goods, vii., 363, 431, 625. Neutrals, 112, 370. Asks investigation of his 565. History of, 563. Prisoner conduct with Arnold, viii., 589. examination, 294, 305. CommitFrankstown, lead mine near, vi., ment for, 658. Fleet sails from 293. Indians near, vii., 702. Brest, 677. Spy captured, iv., Engagement with Indians, near, 205, 206. Frigate arrives in Delaix., 202, 543. Road from to ware, v., 665. Prisoners at ReadConemach, xi., 657. Road, Re- ing, 250. Preparingto aid Amerport, xii., 80. ica, 282. Captain, accounts reFrazer, John, and George Wood, on pecting sailors, vii., 678. Fleet, highway robbery near Bedford, 747, 764. Fleet, (D'Estaing's iv., 458. 736. Frigate piloted, 12, 76. Frazer, Persifer, elected Register of Treaties with the, 89. Gentleman Wills and Recorder of Deeds in supposed to have been killed by Chester county, x., 756. an American officer, 164, 169, 185. Frederick, Fort, iii., 198; vii., 339, Fleets, flour, &c., for, 713, 720, 340; viii., 5. Minister Gerard, 16, 17, 61, 62, Freeland, Fort, (near Muncy Hill,) 70, 83, 164, 169, 185, 269, 278, Indians near, take, prisoners, vii., 532, 595, 604, 633, 648. Consul, 346. Murders, 357, 589. Respect- (Holker) 137, 238, 407, 499, 503, ing, 511, 586. Destroyed, 586, 510, 522, 531, 536, 558, 560, 580, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 596, 597, 599, 600, 601, 628, 641. Mer609, 611. 619, 623. Capitula- chants to pay Militia fines, 499, tion articles, 609, 611. List of 502, [503, 513. Army at Rhode Captain Boone's partykilled, 610. Island, viii., 479. Fleet expected, Location and capture, viii., 157, 251, 312, 334, 347, 350, 366. Off 637; xii., 362-366. Newport, 406. Off Virginia, 414, Freelinghuysen, Brig. Major, v., 233. 416, 443, 455, 604. Search of Freeman, privileges of, respecting, vessels for sailors, 403, 412. Cuti., 159. ting masts on Schuylkill, 540, Freeman, Samuel, capture of Indian 542, 543. Correspondence relating murderers, xi., 714, 721. to importation of merchandise in, French and Indians, proceedings at 545-548, 549, 552, 571. Minister, Albany, i., 296, 298, 665. Letter (Luzerne,) invites President and to Indians about, 302. Fort on Council to dinner, 45. Reviews Ohio, 309. Speech of, to Shaw- Troops, 207. Letters to and from, nese, 325. And Indians, 748, 334. Emigrants to Scioto, ask for 749, 750, 752, 756, 761, 770. Inva- tents in Philada, xi., 743. Mersions by the, and Indians, 104. chants complain of doing military Peace with England, 127. Pris- duty, 49. oners at New York examined, 661. French Creek, powder works, vi., War declared against, by English, 540. Powder mill site asked for, ii., 635, 735. And Indians, 20, vii., 315. Indian murder on, viii., 26, 31, 50, 123, 124, 132, 167, 168, 640. And Sugar Creeks, surveys INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 493 between, land bad near Allegheny Furnaces, for casting cannons, v., R., x., 509. J. Hartto J. Adlum on, 36, 72. Iron, 56. xi., 593. Indian towns on, xii., Furney, Adam, case of, i., 685, 726, 167. 727, 729, 730, 731, 737. Freshet, heavy, at Fort Dickinson, x., 222. Friendly, Association, address of, G. complaint of Conrad Weiser against, iii., 312, 313. Gaddes, Col., letter to, xii., 178. Frigate, Pennsylvania, Captain Sib- Gage, General Thomas, iv., 137, 143, bald, commission, iii., 190. Her 164, 168, 170, 172, 214, 231, 240, sailors not to be impressed, 191. 248, 256, 258, 276, 300, 337, 344, List of officers, &c., 260. Letter 379, 393, 394, 457. Ordered to John Bulkley, 349. Arrives at return —arrives, 501. Lewes Town, 490. Officers recom- Galbraith, Col. Bartrem, letters, iii., mended, 657, 658. Sails, 676. 277; v., 343, 353, 407, 409, 415, Frigate Trumbull, ix., 95, 100, 104, 457, 480, 486, 521, 532, 533, 543, 239. 562, 573. Advanced age, 334. Frisbie, Jas., letters to, i., 38, 127. Lieut. of Lancaster, 353; vi.. 642, Frisbie, Levi, Missionary passport, 648; vii., 370, 507, 522, 612, 679. iv., 455. Galbraith, James, letter, ii., 740. Frontenac, French forces at, ii., 404, Galbraith, Col. Robert, resigns sev423. eral offices, vii., 74, 99. RespectFrontiers, petitions from, iii., 153, ing Indian murderer, x., 466. 158, 159. Alarms, murders, &c., Boundaries, 756. Distracted state from Indians and Tories, vi., 436, of affairs in Huntingdon county, 438, 447, 458, 460, 467, 469, 528. xi., 370. Road to Frankstown, 530. Plan for support of, 526, 656. Road, 725. Indian chiefs, Operations and alarms on, vii., 733; xii., 301. Deposition on 81, 82, 86, 192, 300, 305, 316. Records, v., 638. Letter, 730; Five companies of Rangers for, vi., 238, 511, 550. 300; viii., 58, 65, 66, 68, 78, 106, Galbraith, Thomas, vi., 533. 109, 113, 157, 158, 170, 189, 218, Gale, Levin, Commissioner of Mary246, 265, 278, 302, 305, 348, 378, land on boundary line, i., 603. 387, 393, 405, 408, 412, 418, 471, Galerme, John Baptiste, his relation 491, 536, 558, 640, 728, 738, 742, of the history of the French Neu767. State of, ix., 23, 70, 75, 79, trals, iii., 565. 115, 152, 192, 202, 232, 234, 238, Galleys, armed, on Delaware river240, 275, 303, 332, 334, 369, 559, names and officers, &c., v., 4. 564, 596, 620, 628, 657, 666, 742; Asked for by Gen. Washington, xii., 107, 108, 109, 254. vi., 354. Members of Congress Fry, Henry, examination respecting on, 359. Dismantled, 421, 440. Wyominck, ii., 491. To be got ready, vii., 239, 240, Fullerton, Major Richard, asks pow- 249. Fitting out, 314. der for 3d Philadelphia Battalion, Galloway, Joseph, and William M., x., 759. letter, iii., 160, 214; vi., 347. Funerals, order to attend, of Gen. Memorial respecting estate of, Mercer, v., 222. Col. Hazlett, viii., 208. Estate in Hog Island 223. Capt. Morris, 223. confiscated, xi., 89. Sale of esFunk, Henry-examination-con- tate, xii., 319. scientious scruples, v., 495. Mit- Galloway, Mrs., through fear asks imnus for, 508. Petition, 524. protection of Council, v., 291. Furman, Colonel, sent to Monmouth, His meadow on Schuylkill, 354. v., 209. Respecting her property, vi., 695. Furman, Moore, vi., 439. Difficul- The law, 675. Asks for permisties for provisions, money, &c., sion to cut wood on her husband's viii., 143, 146. forfeited estate, vii., 93. Reply 494 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. of Council, 95. Property to be regiment to Pittsburg, xii., 142, sold, 660. 143. Letter to, 168. Gamble, David, trial,.xii., 256. Es- Georges, John,..appointed Commiscape, 266. sioner to Maryland with A. I-I, Gamble, James, petition, viii., 177. i., 427, Gap, copper mine, in Lancaster co., Georgia, Indian treaties with, iv., T. Penn interested in, ii., 311. 323. Citizens, driven off to PhilRefuses to sell, 369. adelphia, ix., 300, 309. Act, to Gap at Talihaio —Fort at, (see Forts, comply with requisition, xi., 17, ii.) 22. Letter Governor of, 96. Gardner, Hon. Dr., condition of Gerard, Mons., French Ambassador, Bedford county, ix., arrives, vi, 638, 671.'Applies Gardner, John, deposition, vii., 241. for Win. Straker, 671. His recepGardner, Joseph, elected member of tion by Congress, 677. Claims a Congress, x., 354, 437. Letters citizen and negroes as prisoners, to and from, 405, 526. Papers vii., 16, 17. Letters to and from, from Connecticut before Congress, 16, 17, 61, 62, 70, 83, 164, 169, (1785) xi., 449, 453. 185, 269, 278, 532, 595, 604, 633, Garland, Capt., George, commands a 648, 651, 653, 708. Offers a regalley, vi., 737. ward on captures, 120. ComGarrison, at Fort Augusta, return of, plaint of President to, 269, 278, iv., 122. At Fort Hunter, state 639. His commission, 655, 662. of, iii., 53. Rejoicings on King's birthday, Gates, Major-General Horatio, sends 648, 651. Thanks, 708. a Canadian Indian, v., 153. Let- German battalion to be raised, iv., ter, 247. In Philadelphia, 197, 779. 247. Appointed to command at German, Lutheran, church lots, ix., Ticonderoga, 491. Spy taken, 363, 364. Congregation, Phila639. Takes Burgoyne, 674, 676, delphia, error in their warrant, 680, 746. Letter from, respecting xi., 607. capture of Burgoyne, 687. Letter German prisoners, viii., 343. to Major General John Vaughan German Protestants, of Philadelphia on burning towns, 688. Answers county, address to Gov. Morris, respecting Burgoyne, vi., 108; ii., 200. xii., 218, 228, 230, 241, 247. German regiment, viii., 166. Stops purchases, 233, 234. German, troops, ix., 289, 290. Geddes, Capt., viii., 49. Germans, in Philadelphia, complain Gehr, Captain Joseph, trial by Court of sufferings, ii., 217, 225. ConMartial, ix., 362. Cashiered, 363. duct of, at York, v., 576. Geiger, Col. Henry, his battalion, Germantown, original charter of, v., 253. Attacks of Indians, i., from Win. Penn to, i., 111-115. 396. Troops, 429. Arms for sale at, not to go out of Genseng, introduced, ii., 174. province, iv., 731. Quarters for George I., King, death of, i., 199. troops at, v., 206. Troops for, George II., King, accession of, i., 225. Army at, 485. Head quar199. Proclamation of, 200, 202. ters of Gen. Washington at, 617, Of continuance of officers, 200. 645. Defeat at, 645, 714. Gen. In the territories, 204. Death of, Armstrong's letter on military iv., 37. movements near, vi., 70. Gen. George III., King, ascends the Irwin wounded, 71. Escape of throne, iv., 37. Proclamation of, Gen. Reed, 71. Stocking weavers and submission to, 38. Intends and tanners at work at, 128. Batmarrying Princess Charlotte, iv., tie, vii., 94. 58. Death of sister Princess Gerry, Elbridge, v., 754. On iraLouisa, 300. posts, xi., 598. George, Capt., xii., 216. Gibbons, Lieut. C., under arrest, George, Capt. Robert, to march his vii., 643. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 495 Gibbon, WVm., vi., 530. rested, v., 489, 490; vi., 465, Gibbs, Major, journal in Rhode Is- 534. land, vi., 734. Gordon, Gov. Patrick, arrival, i., Gibson, Col. George, vi., 319, 324, 188. Proclamation, 189. Letter 553. Commissions, xi., 607. to, in behalf of Swedish children, Gibson, John, commission to lade 189. Instructions to take mutrand unlade a Spanish vessel, iv., derers, 217. Letters to and from, 105. Report, 118. Auditor-Gen- 241, 243, 302, 303, 304, 313, 320, eral, letter on prisoners of war, 326, 336, 340, 341, 342, 343, 347, v., 65. To paymasters, 334. Let- 353, 386, 395, 403, 414, 417, 427, ter to, on provisions, ix., 190. 437, 443, 447, 455, 547, 549, 727. Commission to purchase Erie of Dies, 489. Indians, xi., 405. Goods for, 427. Gordon, Snimuel, to N. Denison reReport on accounts, 588. And R. specting a Scotch emissary, xi., Butler, agree with Six Nations of 213. Indians for their lands, 529-533; Gordon, Thomas, viii., 282. xii., 115. Letter to, 171. Gore, Obediah, and M. Hollenbach, Gibson, Col. Thomas, of Slippery troops for Wyoming, xi., 216. Rock, deposition, xii., 300. Gorham & Co.'s purchase of Erie Gilbert, Benj., family taken prison- lands, xi., 541. ers by Indians, viii., 213, 222, Gourla, John, vi., 443. 259. Governors of States, letters to, G-iles, Edward, letter, v., 437. vii., 197. Of Delaware, x., 504. Gillespie, George, viii., 481. Maryland, 293, 320, 324, 527, 528, Girty, Thomas, letter from, ix., 40. 540, 542, 543, 744, 753. Mass., Glass, Lieut., &c., to march Capt. letter to, 354, 499, 500, 503, 504. Irwin's company to Fort Arm- New Jersey, 103, 366, 458, 730. strong, xii., 172. New York, 413, 435, 450, 513. Gloninger, John, ix., 654. North Carolina, 353. South CarGloucester, riot at, i., 546. Com- olina, 79. Virginia, letters to mittee of, approve of chevaux-de- and from, 56, 72, 77, 95, 96, 145, frise, iv., 785. 175, 602, 608. Of Connecticut, Glover, General, vi., 31. xi., 239, 409, 414, 447, 451, Gnadenhutten, massacre at, ii., 735. Delaware, 33. Georgia, 521, 549. See fort (Allen), 565; 96. Louisiana, 567. Maryland, viii., 158. Fort Allen at, xii., 323, 56. Massachusetts, 271. New 327. Jersey, 326, 335, 336, 548, 550. Goforth, William, Auditor of Bucks New York, 96, 125, 195, 196, 326, county, ix., 11, 13, 17,'29, 36, 67. 335, 341, 412. North Carolina, Gold, fall of, in value compared with 116. South Carolina, 545. VirContinental money, vii., 192. ginia, 115, 116, 497, 499, 501, Gonsales, Emanuel, attack on, by 507, 523, 557, 600. Indians, viii., 551. Govett, W., & W. Geddes, viii., 73. Gooch, Gov. Wm., of Virginia, let. Grweme, Thomas, M. D., to visit ters, ii, 544, 663, 687, 756. Let- vessels, i., 209. Report, 210, ter from, ii., 18. 212. Justice of Supreme Court, Gordon, Adj. Court martial on de- 289. Visits vessels, iii., 673, serters, xii., 165, 207, 223. 676. Report on sickly vessels, Gordon, Major James, seizure of iv., 59. supplies intended for Cornwallis' Graff, Matthias, vi., 54. prisoners at Lancaster by William Grabam, Henry Hale, Justice, Del. Henry, ix., 674. county, xi., 638. Gordon, John, vi., 342, 344, 346, Grain and Salt, measurer's report, 465, 534. xi., 766. Gordon, Lewis, letters, iv., 66, 67, Grand Jury, presentments of, Act 70, 174, 420, 423, 427. To be ar- respecting, i., 153. 496 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Grant, Lient., letters, iv., 229, Ask for information on commerce, 231, 240, 244. agriculture and population, 465. Grant, Thomas, on Wyoming af- Insulted by inhabitants of Philafairs, xi., 110. delphia in the case of the Polly Granville, Fort, see forts, ii.; xii., (tea ship), 480. At Hannas 366, 368. town, 514. Objects to PennsylGray, Wm., and John Little, vi., vania nominating deputies to 377. General Congress at Philadelphia, Gray, William, Treasurer of North- 576, 589. Respecting Connolly ampton, ix., 229. Paymaster, ancd Indians, 577. Act prohibi238. ting exportation of gunpowder, Graydon, LieLt. Caleb,' letter, iii., &c., 585, 616. Earl Dartmouth's 728, 729; iv., 52, 88, 206, 214. letters, 588, 589, 621, 625. Earl Great Britain, instructions from, to Dunmore's letters to and from, WVm. Penn, respecting wrecked 461, 482, 493, 525, 577, 579. On treasure, i., 100. Commission trade and fisheries of N. E., 613. andinstructions to Sir R. Holmes, Orders of, Commander-in-chief to 97. Orders of Privy Council be supreme in America, 621. against pirates, 101, 102. Letter People of Pennsylvania not reto William Penn on peace with turning to a just sense of their Spain, 104. James III. born, or- situation, 621. Death of his ders respecting, 106. Conmmis- Majesty's sister, Queen of Densioners of Customs to Gov'r on mark, 625. Proclamation for Navigation Act, 119. Lords Jus- suppressing rebellion and seditices on peace with French, 125. tion, 652. King's speech to ParOrders respecting Mediterranean liament, vi., 14. Burgoyne's passes, 177, 180, 183, 184, 439. convention to be confirmed by, On repeal of laws, 190. Church 166, 176. And United States, prayers for royal family to be preliminaries of peace signed x., altered, 225, 624. Information 8. Letter of Sir Guy Carleton, as to officers, &c., requested, 253, 13. Rear Admiral Digby's letter 288, 331, 332, 348, 446. On respecting prisoners, 21. Inquiry passes, 177, 180, 182, 183, 242, respecting goods from, 28. J. 256, 258, 264, 283. Duties on Temple commissioned Consulnegroes, 306. Onpiratical goods, General, 544. 307. On Duties, 325. Corres- Great Cove, Indian murders at, ii., pondence on state of affairs, (see 462, 474; iv., 138. Earl Hillsborough, Dartmouth, Great Meadows, fort proposed to be Fox, Pownall, Stephens, &c.)- built at, by Gov. Dinwiddie, ii., birth of a Princess, iv., 311. 398. Death of Princess Louisa, 300. Green, Colonel, surprised at White Birth of a Prince, 414. King's Plains by De Lancey and killed, speech, 355, 359. Infectious dis- &c., ix., 155. ease among cattle, 355. Ameri- Greene, Gen. Nathaniel, vi., 405, can affairs, 355, 357, 359. Ad- 444, 483, 530. Respecting Ardress of House of Commons to nold and the wagons, vii., 175, King, 357. Do. Lords spiritual 179. Respecting forage, danger and temporal, 358. Conduct of of horses starving, &c., viii., 150, merchants of Philadelphia, 361. 151, 163, 165, 380, 426, 475. Dukeof Grafton appointed keeper Checked at Camden, ix., 154. of Great Seal after death of Mr. Position in S. C., 283, 430. LetYorke, 363. Ask for table of ters to, xii., 118, 120, 145, 174, fees of officers of Customs, 380. 204. Destruction of public stores, Complains of resolutions of Phil- 145. adelphia as " very strong and Greene, ship Gen., vii., 244, 246, unbecoming," 380. Earl Dart- 266, 309, 310, 311, 343, 397, 443. mouth appointed Secretary, 456. Name not to be changed for Reed, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 497 263. Agents for, 266, 343, 344. I. Letters from, 266. Officers for, 266, 343, 362. Valuation, 320. Haberstick, Michael, vi., 362. Appraisers appointed, 303. Re- Hackenwelder, Rev. John, vii., 516, port, 320. Sale of, viii., 3. 524, 541. Letter, Indians, deep Greenwalt, P., vii., 287, 507. snow, viii., 152. Missionary, 211. Greenwich Hospital, duties on Letters to and from, xii., 111, seamen, i., 251, 403. Receivers, 121, 124, 132, 219, 221, 225, 227, 251. 258, 266. Greer, Joseph, vi., 395. Haffa, Henry, Sheriff, viii., 704, Grier, Lieut., viii., 642. 742. Gregg, Matthew, his accounts, vii., Haffer, Henry, (see Haller,) vii., 334. 552. Gregory, James, v., 334, 500, 588. Hagner, Col. takes charge of Salt Grier, Major, ix., 118. works, vii., 767. Griffin, Col. Samuel, letter with a Hagner, Will. &c., respecting Salt, spy, v., 127. vii., 677. Griffitts, William, iii., 92. Hagner, Lt. Frederick, vi., 486. Griswold, Matthew, Governor of IIague, Gen., ix., 641. Connecticut, on rights of claim- Hahn, Michael, Riots at York Town, ants (1784), xi., 447, 451. xi., 97. Gronow, Lewis, vi., 487, 496, 722. Haldiman, Frederick, letter, iv., Growdon, Lawr., Commissioner of 465. Pennsylvania, on boundary line, Hale, Thomas, v., 203. And N i., 601. Weaver, vi., 628. Speculations Grubb, Col. Curtis, vi., 174. with public monies, viii., 112, Grube, Rev. B. A. D., vii., 520. 115. Guerard, Benj., Gov. of South Car- Hales, Gen. (Brit.) vii., 489. olina, asks for a list of traitors, "Half-King" of the Six Nations x., 79. dies at Paxton, ii., 177, 178. Gun, a factory on French Creek, Half-town, (an Indian chief,) xii., letter from P. De Haven respect- 300, 322. ing, v., 155. Memorial from gun Half-tree, (an Indian chief, 322. stockers in, 733. Prices, 743; Halifax, Dunk, Earl of, letters to vii., 12, 133, 195, 365. Lock him, ii., 528, 657. manufactory, iv., 712. Factory, Halifax, Dunk, letters, iv., 192, 200, plan for a, 767. Continental, 201, 202. found, xii., 262. HALIFAX, (Fort) see Forts. ii., Gunpowder, &c., not to be exported Account of provisions, iii., 6, 17, from England, iv., 585. In Phil- 119, 251. Of no advantageadelp'a, inquiry concerning, vii., removed to HUNTER's urged 251. 146. xii., 368-370. Guns and ammunition sent to back Halkett, Major, letter, iii., 450. counties, ii., 393. Brass, cast by Hall, Charles, vii., 651. seizes B. Loxley, iv., 731. land called Indian Town, viii., Gunsaleye, Martin's, house attacked 118. Receipts for land, 194. Resby Indians, viii., 202. pecting trial, for lands at LancasGurney, Francis, letter, iv., 691; ter, ix., 294, 321. v., 186. Sent to Monmouth Hall, David, and H. Fisher, armed against tories, 177. Asks for old boats in Delaware Bay, viii., 216, guns to be removed from river, Haller, Col. Henry, vii., 483, 484, vii., 495; viii., 81. Resignation 488, 552; viii., 83, 416, 425, 426, as warden, xii., 2. 430. Respecting proprietary Guthrie, illness of, xii., 151, 230. lands in Reading. ix., 237. LetGuyho, Captain of French vessel, ter, v., 144, 250. on importing merchandise, viii., Hallock, Capt, Wm., Capt. Proctor's 546. Ammunition on board the Hornet, 32 498 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. powder bad, iv., 750. Letter Rev. Jno., 127. Gardon, Lewis, from Committee, 752. 66. Graydon, Lt. C., 52. HopHamberger, John, powder works on kins, Stephen, Gov., R. I., 121. French creek, vi., 540. Horsfield, Timothy, 61. Indians, Hambright, Captain John, instruc- 60, 61. Johnson, Sir Wm., 103. tions to, iii., 42. vi., 57, 532, Peters, R., 50. Pitt, Win., 58. 570, 626; account of a murder Shippen, Joseph, 82, 110. Teedand skirmish, 770; vii., 311, yuscung, 75, 80, 81, 82. Tilgh323; viii., 370, 418. Barrack man, James, 424. Young, James, master at Lancaster, ix., 170, 335, 131. Proclamation for arrest of 336. murderers of Indians, 65. Hamilton, Alexander, Sec. Trea- Hamilton, James, letters to and sury, debts, xi., 638. Answer, from, ii., 447, 483, 537, 640, 731, 641. Letters to and from, xii., 740. Dedimus to, to fill Commis90, 100. sions, 460. Orders to, 603, 604; Hamilton, Andw., opinion on pro- v., 611-613, 620; vi., 372, 383, prietary appointments, i., 129. 433, 456, 468. Certificate of Dr. Forbid by Wm. P. to attach the Shippen, 375. Pass for, 469, seal to a paper, 148. Letter to, 486. Discharge of, 435, 456, 465, on impressments, 637. 468. Hamilton, Andrew, and J. Georges, Hamilton, Joseph, to Colonel John comrs. to Md.-notice of, to Gov. Franklin on Wyoming affairs, x., Ogle, 427. Commission, 428. In- 751. Letters to and from, xi., ", structions, 429. 67, 84, 94,183, 185. ApprehendHamilton, Fort, iii., 81, 119, 139, ed, 460. 140, 152, 218, 222, 356. xii., Hamilton, Major, ix., 12. 370. Hamilton, Win., imprisoned, asks Hamilton, Hance, letters, ii., 611, release, viii., 591. Report of 753. committee, xi., 535. Hamilton, Henry, Lieutenant Hammell, William, petition respectGovernor of Detroit, offers bribes ing Mud fort and Billingsport, ix., to rebels, v., 402.-taken pris- 330. ner, xii., 116, 120. Hammond, Lieutenant, killed at the Hamilton, Gov. (an Ind'n) cap- Compass, vi., 258, 275, 291, 326. tured, vii., 512, 517. Hampton, John, v., 317. Hamilton, Governor James, letters Hancock, John P. C., v., 137, 179, to and from, ii., 49, 60, 66, 91, 219, 244, 289, 352. 113, 120, 122, 125, 126, 130, 168. Hancock, John, Gov. of MassachuLetters to Board of Trade on setts, letter from, xi., 272. Boundaries, and Claims of the Hand, Fort, vi., 673; xii., 134, 371. State, 60, 63. Report of Privy Hand, General Edward, v., 443,488, Council on, 65. Opinion on his 528, 540. Sent against Indians power to pass bills of credit, 106. on frontiers, vi., 18. Recalled Retires, 174, 180. Fort, 659, 678. from Pittsburg, 69. Conference Power to sell Proprietary lands, with Indians, 601; vii., 321. iii., 684. Succeeds Governor On his way to Wyoming, 321. Denny, 689. Proclamation for a Letters, 342, 345, 403, 715. ReThanksgiving day, 690. Letters specting, 521; viii., 134. Want to and from, 690, 693, 694, 696, of men, &c., 135. Complains of 701, 702, 706, 710, 712, 714, 718, desertions, 184. His rank, 409. 726, 729, 732, 734. Speech to To, on appointments, 425, 515; Assembly of New Castle, 721. ix., 244, 517. (1779), x., 159, Address of Assembly, 723, 725. (see Vol. VII.); xii., 118. Letters to, and from Amherst, Hand, H., v., 382. Gen., iv., 37, 39, 45, 46, 50, 64, Hanigan, Thos., on sulphur, v., 253. 68, 71, 73, 74, 76, 79, 87. Burd, Hanna, Robert, letter, iv., 605, 625, James, 105, 125, 128. Elder, 627. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 499 Hanna, Major, viii., 526. Letter from, 311, 316. Returns Hanna's Town, provisions to be of recruits, &c., at heights of stored at, vii., 305. Troops, 406. Schuylkill, 323. Returns of Troops for, viii., 50, 65. Maga- troops, 337. Indian treaties, 394, zine at, 69. Public records re- 470. Troops leave for Fort Pitt, moved to, 284, Base attempt to 345, 391. Returns of troops, 390, destroy Delaware Indians near, 393, 403, 431, 446, 480, 490, 492. 596. Ravages of Indians near, Situation of Fort McIntosh, 406, ix., 240. Destroyed, 596, 606. 448. New regiment, 455. OffiDistress of, 629. Indian murder cers willing to continue, 465. near, x., 22. As county town of Discharges, 469, 479. Pay of Westmoreland, 91; xii., 130, 131, officers, 484. Recruiting, 490, 253, 254. Captain Irwin at, 170, 509. To retain the troops, 496. 251. Recruiting, &c., 509. Returns of Hannum, Col., viii., 163. To arrest troops in service, xi., 173, 174, murderers of Mr. Boyd, 244. 217, 219. His rank, 209. ArProvisions, 324. rangement of troops, 218. ReHannum, John, Hog Island, ix., enlistments of officers, 270. Con753. tinued in command, 282. IrregHans, John, letter W., i., 143. ular commission to Mr. Spear, Hanson, John, appointed President 287. Rank of officers, 325. Reof Congress, ix., 267, 444. cruiting money, &c., 392. Troops Harbeson, Benj,, &c., vii., 102, 153. ordered to, xii., 314. Harden, Major John, recommenda- Harmar, Fort, attacked by Indians, tion of, x., 610. xi., 371, 392. Hardin, Mr., court martial against, Harper, Wm., deposition, vi., 442. xii., 152. Harris, David, vi., 32; vii., 638. Hardie, Capt. Robert, petition of, Harris' ferry, vii., 391. vi., 259. Appealfromcourtmar- Harris, John, letters to and from, tial, vii., 91. Memorial for pay ii., 178, 230, 232, 441, 603, 627, for naval services, 92. 635, 662. Letter from, iii., 33. Harding, Capt. of ship Confederacy, Pitch and tar may be made on vii., 761. Susquehanna, iv., 721; v., 758. Harding, George, petition in favor And R. Elder, 753; vi., 211, 574; of, vii., 326, 360. viii., 23, 550. Harding, Lieut., xii., 128. Attacks Harris' fort, xii., 372. Indians, 156. Harris, James, letter to J. McLene Harding, Nicholas, letter to, iii., 53. respecting road, xi., 186. Harding, Robert, Rev., Catholic Harris, Dr. Robert, proposals for priest, number under his care, making salt, v., 507. iii., 144. Harrison, Captain, xii., 135. Hardy, Sir Charles, appointed Cap- Harrison. Gov. Benjamin, of Virtain-General and Governor of ginia, on boundary, ix., 518, 533, New York, arrives, ii., 399. Let- 549, 607. [See boundary Virters to and from, 399, 405, 435, ginia.] On boundary, x., 56, 72, 472, 497, 526, 533, 572, 574, 585, 77, 95, 96, 145, 175, 602, 608. 606, 609, 629, 646, 655, 688, 689, Respecting boundaries, xi., 497, 695. On transports, iii., 141, 499, 501, 507. 174. Harrison, Jas., commission to, i., 85. Hare's Brewery, memorial respect- Harrison, Lieut. John, xii., 235, ing James Warren, vii., 113. 236. Hargis, Mr., keeps light-house, xii., Marshall, J., v., 211. 310. Hart, John, bounty for soldiers, Harmar, Col. Josiah, vii., 736, 750; impatience, viii., 750, 752; ix., viii. 305. Muster roll, 188, 220, 55, 128, 291, 339, 376. 245, 515, 537, 539, 603. In- Hart, Jon'a., to J. Adlum, land on structions for recruiting, x., 309. French creek, xi., 593. 500 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIAT ARCHIVES. Hart, Col. Joseph, letter respecting Hayes, John, viii., 317. troops, v., 18, 97, 237; viii., 326, Haylars, Capt. of New Brunswick. 327, 356, 503, 523, 707. Robberies captures, a cutter and -her capin Bucks and Chester, ix., 507. tain, R. White, a traitor, ix., 530. Letter from Geo. Wall, 529, 608- Hazard, Ebenezer, petition for use 617. of historical documents, ix., 449. Hart, Win., vi., 396, 431, 524. Publishes two vols., 449, 450. Hartford, convention at, viii., 616. Resolution of Congress for, 450. Hartley, David, letter to, from Dr. Reports to Congress as P. M. Gen., Benjamin Franklin, respecting robbery of mail, 560. loyalist's estates, ix., 669. Let- Hazard, Sam'l, memorialto Connecter to Dr. Franklin on Mr. Jay's ticut for western lands, and their return (1784), x., 557. action, ii., 301. Hartly, Col. Thos., v., 697; vi., 351, Hazard, Samuel, appointed by Gov497, 668, 674, 680, 682, 687, 689, ernorto arrange Archives-makes 690, 691, 692, 705, 729, 770, 773. report to him, i., 17. By LegisLetters, vii., 3, 10, 81, 86, 87, lature to superintend printing 258, 391, 694, 775. His opera- and have lithographs made, 22. tions on frontiers, 5, 117, 776. Hazelwood, John, Com'dore, orders Vote of thanks to, 9. Troops in to Captain Watkins with prisonwant of clothing, 336. Resigna- ers, v., 168. Letters, 205, 602, tion, 366. Regiment (1779), x., 620, 663, 680, 696, 721, 747. To 159 (see Vol. VII.), 366. To W. furnish pilots, 501. Succeeds Bradford, on trial of York rioters, Seymour, 594. Success of fleet, xi., 115, 156. 217, 746, 747; vi., 47, 121, 132, Hartzell, Jacob, on robbery of Tax 167, 181, 234, 246, 598, 724, 749. Collectors in Bucks county, xii., Cannon to be sunk, 167. Facts 298. respecting evacuation of Fort Hartzell, Jonas (Sheriff), vii., 655. Mifflin, &c., 47-50; vii., 19, 112. Harvey, Sir Charles, victory over, Petition of, 284. Condemns purxii., 204. chase of provisions, viii., 653, Haslett, Col., orders to attend fune- Letters, &c., ix., 38, 54, 73, 133, ral of, v., 223. 143, 425. Receiver of flour, 133. IHasse, John, sends petition, xi., Hazen, Col. Moses, at Brandywine, 288. vi., 58. Petition of officers in his Hatton, John, to be apprehended, regiment, viii., 44. Commands v., 7. Canadaregiment, 17, 645. ClothHauer, Samuel, letters, xi., 47, 102. ing-redress, union of Canada, Havana, Gov. of, letter to, i., 752. 105. Regiment, ix., 244. Brig.Letter to, iii., 508. To Governor General, 643, 648. Penn, no foreign vessels admitted, Heads, a Lecture on, ix., 573. iv., 286. Heard, General Nathaniel, v., 262. Hay, John, Sheriff of York, vii., Heath, General William, v., 161, 694. 162, 168. Summons, surrender of Hay, Lient.-Colonel, viii., 10. Penn- Fort Independence, 237. Ressylvania regiment, 240. pecting deserters, viii., 6. Hayes, Col. Christ., ix., 79, 105, Heinecken, J. H., Christian, recog141, 247, 300, 330, 354, 369, 404, nized as Consul for U. Nether469, 637, 772. Indians murder lands, at Philadelphia, x., 446. on frontiers, &c., x., 264. Re- Hellstedt, Charles, commissioned as specting appointments in Fayette Swedish Consul, Philadelphia, x., co., 265. Affairs in WVestmore- 362. Sends letter advising of land, 279. war between Russia and Turkey, Hays, John, journal of, vii., 735- xi., 265, 293. 741. Henderson, Andrew, account of riotHays, Col. John, light horse in Al- ous disturbances in Huntingdon, len township, ix., 428. xi., 305-307. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA. ARCHIVES. 501 Henderson, Archibald, respecting Hessian fly, importation of flour robbery, ix., 601. into G. Britan prohibited on acct. Henderson, Captain, v., 67. of, xi., 527. Informati oln-asked Hendricks, James, Instructions to, respecting it of Agri. Soc., 384. iv., 112. Reply to, 385. Henlopen, Cape, alias Cornelius, Hessians embark from Staten Island, Penn's account of, i., 147. v., 45. Prisoners at Trenton, Henlopen, Cape, Light-house, con- 140, 146. Sign parole, 145. Addition described by Wardens, dress of Council on, 146. Taken, xii., 308. 178. Prisoners arrived at PhilaHenry, Fort, ii., 159, 561, 565, 570, delphia, 190, 244. At Lancas676. Garrison at, iii., 52, 119, ter, 251. Amboy, 300. Defeated 194, 218, 283, 353. North'n Co., at Red Bank, 706, 709. At Midxii., 373, 375. (At Wheeling,) dletown, vi., 549; viii., 95. 223, 231, 234, 236, 263. To be Deserters may be enlisted in evacuated, 277. French army, 448, 449. Troops, Henry, George, resigns as Lieuten- deficiency of clothing, x., 6. ant of Philadelphia, v., 355. Heth, Capt. xii., 165, 167. Henry, John, asks for liberty to de- Hetty, Sloop, Muster Roll, v., 17. liver a lecture on heads to pay off Hewitt, Thomas, vii., 545. Expectdebts of Theatre, ix., 593. ing Indians and Tories, viii., Henry, Lt. George, sells public ves- 528. sels, vii., 139. Respecting arms Hibernia furnace N. J., making &c., 190, 239, 333, 365, Cannon, &c., v., 72. Henry, Patrick, (Gov. of Va,) on Hiester, Dan'l, Jr., viii., 697. Electan Embargo, vii., 247. On Boun- ed commissioner of Luzerne Co., dary, 441. xi., 160. Permanent seat of GovHenry, Patrick, Jun., v., 260, 286. ernment, 607. Henry, Col. Will'm, vii., 359, 416, Higgenbothan, Charles, Case of. i., 456, 514, 557, 599, 667. To pur- 530, 535. chase flour, 674. Proofs respec- Higgins, Andrew, instructions to, ting flour, 557. to proceed to Cape May, ix., Henry, Col. William, makes large 413. purchases of whiskey at high Highlanders, Regiments of Soldiers, prices, vi., 205, 208. Letters, arrive, iii., 440. To be located at 558, 645; viii., 30, 116, 207, Reading, 575. 309, 3S0, 423, 652, 667, 685, Hill, Col. Henry, letter, v., 66, 94. 753, 761. Return of arms &c., Wants a new Militia Law, xi., xi., 239; xii., 259; v., 347, 472, 94. 543, 634, 635. Appointed Lieu- Hillegas, Michael, vi., 538, 548, tenant, 355. Letters to and from, 565. (Treasurer,) 402, 492. Apix., 7, 154, 170, 205, 476, 575. pointed Commr. for division and Dragoons, 154. On paper Cur- sales of barrack lots, x., 239, rency, 171. At Lancaster, seizes 241, 261. supplies for prisoners there from Hillsborough, Earl of, appointed Cornwallis' army, 674. Elected Secretary, iv., 282. Letters, 2S2, member of Congress, x., 354, 437, 283, 290, 292, 300, 302, 307, 311, 534. Letter, 405.; xii., 314. 334, 361, 363, 369, 373, 375, 380, Herbert, Morgan's examination, i., 382, 387. Secretary of Board of 219. Recommended to mercy, Trade, 301. Complains of, receiv225. ing information first from private Hernandez, B. A., Petition for Span- persons, 303. Of do. through ish vessel to depart after Repairs, proprietaries, 306, 310. Comiv., 105, 118. plains of, petition of Assembly, Hervey, Maj. George, vii., 566. 311. Legislative authority of Hess, Henry, Examination of, iii., Great Britain must be sustained, 56. 340. On Conduct of Merchants 502 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES, of Philadelphia, 361, 373. Ap- on importing merchandise, 545pointment of Duke of Grafton, 548. Consul General of France, 363. Complains of Resolutions ix., 9, 31, 45, 153, 175, 342, 353, of Philadelphia, as " expressed in 383, 390, 394. Detail of charges very strong and unbecoming against him, 9, 175-184. Answer terms," 380. Orders to complete to, 31, 36. Answers of President the Battalions, 382. Reed to, 175, 184, 342. Vessel Iiltzheimer, J., v., 354, for St. Domingo, 153. AndProvHobson, Samuel, imprisoned for en- ince Island, 298. listing servants, ii., 640. Holland, acknowledges independHockley, Richard, letters to and ence of United States, ix., 633. from, ii., 475, 476. Hollenbach, M, and 0. Gore, troops Hodgdon, Samuel, asks for cannon, for Wyoming, xi., 216. Deposiviii., 174, 453, 746. C. G. M. G. tion respecting Capt. Schott, 394. respecting arms, ix., 391; x., 39, Holiday's Cove, troops at, xii., 108, 59. Cannon for Count de Grasse, 234, 235. 59. Dispatches letters to Easton, Holliday, Mr., active on frontiers, xi., 374. Arms at Carlisle, 379; vi., 115. xii., 314. Holliday, Wm., &c., petition for deHodge, Andrew, arms lent by, vii., fence against Indians, vii., 445. 190. Relating to cutter Revenge, Hollingshead, Mr., service in the 319. State, applies as master of the Hoffman, Stokely-traitor prisoners ship General G., vii., 365. in jail, vii., 737. Hollingsworth, Henry, superintendHog Island, right to, asserted, viii., ent of flour magazine, vi., 235. 730, 734. Seized as confiscated, Hollingsworth, Levi, and some flour, 734. Proctor's claim, 760. In vii., 472. And Arthur DonaldDelaware river, claim, ix., 5, 42. son remove chevaux-de-frise from Possession delivered, 252, 520. river Delaware, x., 349. ComClaim of Caldwell and Barclay to, plimentary letter to, from Presixi., 89. Early history involved, dent Dickinson, 350. On raising 90. chevaux-de-frise, xii., 294, 295. Hoge, Hon. Jon'a., letter to, on In- Report respecting Chinese, 537, dian murders, vi., 610; xi., 149. 546, 548. Holdernesse, Earl of, iii., 148, 162. Holt & Kollock, privateers in DelaHole, Nicholas, Collector in Bucks, ware, i., 763. Militia officers robbed twice, ix., 529. chosen, ii., 477. Holey, Robert, case of, i., 289, 292. Holt, Richard, letter for defence of Holker, Mons., Consul of France, Delaware, iii., 477, 509. Letter, flour stolen from, vii., 137, 238. 636. Loads vessel, 407. Respecting Honeyman, Lieut., viii., 363, 378, two French merchants paying 500. militia fines, 499, 503, 510. On Hooper, Col. Robert Lettis, v., 689, privileges of French subjects, 510, 756; vi., 75, 76, 187, 197, 199, 513, 522, 662. Applies respect- 210, 240, 242, 267, 284, 286, 344; ing Francis Fleury, 522, 531, 532. vii., 433. Penrose's servant, 699, 701. In- Hooper, Robert Lettis, Jr., appointvitation to, 536. Publications, ed to purchase flour, &c., vi., 235, 580, 601, 630. Purchases of 241. flour, 558, 560, 580, 599, 600, 601, Hoops. Adams, letters to and from, 628, 632, 641, 669, 675, 679, 682, ii., 462, 474, 752, 686, 703, 713. Respecting flour, Hopkins, James, order for boats for, &c., viii., 11, 87, 90, 94, 134, 147, v., 521. 148, 347, 350, 365, 366, 383, 396, Hopkins, Gov. Stephen, Rhode Is402, 416, 540, 545, 550, 552, 571, land, ii., 345, 473, 500, 673. Let614, 756. Correspondence rela- ters to and from, iv., 121. ting to fleet neglecting regulations Hopkinson, Francis, appointed Col INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 503 lector at New Castle, iv., 451. solve on boundary line, ix., &c., v., 489. Appointed Judge 563. of Admiralty Court, vii., 555, House of Employment, managers 558. Salary, viii., 241, 245, 390, of, accommodation of sick prison412, 658. Trial postponed, 667. ers, viii., 725, 726. Fees received in Admiralty Court, Houston, Capt., of State navy, vi., ix., 555, 567, 631, 672. Salary, 421. 577 Judge, A. C. fees, x., 58. Houston, Dr. J., on jail fever at Escape of a vessel to Delaware- Lancaster, ix., 282. attached at Marcus Hook when Houston, W. C., v., 366. launched, 355. Fees, 707. Ap- Howe, Gen. Sir William. army adpointed Commissioner on naviga- vancing to Philadelphia, v., 83. tion of Susquehannah river, 755. Has taken New Brunswick, 84. (J. A.), case of sloop and negro To Princeton, 148, 159, 163. Atbrought into Delaware, xi, 55. tempts to obtain Delaware pilots Letters to and from, 53, 125. through J. Molesworth, 270, 282, Resolutions of Assembly of Mary- 315. Movements, 438, 557. Apland, 77. Letter respecting, from proaching Chesapeake, 543; vi., M. Clarkson, 250. Supposed in- 23, 43, 83, 129. In Chester co., terference of British Consul with 129. Proposes exchange of prisWVardens of Philadelphia, 375. oners, 299. Letter from, to ConOn safety of admiralty papers, gress, 585. Question of compell634. ing attendance as awitness inthe Horsfield, Timothy, letters to and city as a garrison town, ix., 462. from, ii., 289, 458, 481, 500, 512, Howe, Lord, and prisoners, corres520, 688, 701, 713. Letters, iii., pond through Mrs. White, v., 97. 34, 76, 142, 207, 247, 286, 350, Howell, Jacob S., letters, v., 47, 55, 351, 436, 438, 741. Letters to 640. Estimate of cost of clothand from, iv., 61. Recruiting ing Pennsylvania troops, vii., 182. orders to, 116. Clothing, viii., 247. Horses, number of draught and Hubley, Adam, Jr., letter, v., 158, pack, in different townships of 358, 530, 533, 699. Claim of, Northampton county, iii., 404. vii., 553, 596. Sketch of Gen. Purchase of, vi., 316, 396, 402, Sullivan's proceedings, 721, 755. 415, 427, 429, 440, 443, 444, 448, Col. in place of Col. Hartley, 366. 454, 525, 530, 563, 626. Purchase At Sunbury, 498, 512. At Wyorecommended by Com. of Con- ming, 553. List of officers, viii., gress, 316. Thieves, British, 513. Exposed state of magazine, from Philadelphia, depositions re- 755. Letters to and from, ix., specting, 221-226, 381, 391, 396, 8, 65, 156, 199, 211, 218, 225, 432, 582. Starving, viii., 169, 231, 235, 252, 268, 279, 292, 351, 175, 181, 187, 309, 310, 311, 319, 364, 417, 422, 457, 465, 466. 496. To be branded, 417. Cost Daring plot discovered, 156. of, 483. Goes to South Carolina, 347. ReHosick, Indian outrages at, ii., 167, specting Fort Sullivan and opera168. tions in New York, x., 719. Hospital, duties on seamen-names, Hubley, Lieutenant Bernard, Indian i., 251. Pennsylvania, subscri- murders, xi., 709, 710. Militia, bers to, ii., 87. Military, Dr. 738. Bond's opinion on nature and use Hubley, John, resigns seat in Counof, v., 89. At Reading, 139. cil, v., 295. Letters, 102, 128, Articles for, viii., 496. 295, 342, 415, 427, 505. Letter Hosterman, Col., viii., 513. with money and papers fiom House of Commons, resolution on Philadelphia to Lancaster, 102. Bills of Credit, iv., 173. Respect- Public houses, 128; vi., 750. ing manufactures, 292. Can't attend Court at Bedford, House of Delegates of Virginia, re- 769. Builds a powder magazine 504 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. and storehouse at Lancaster, vii., Letters, 453, 462, 467, 468, 474, 297. Letter, 667; viii., 84, 389, 475. 394, 400, 586. Journal, 401. Hunt, John, remonstrance, (1777,) Land trial in Lancaster county, against treatment, by order of ix., 295. Burningof CourtHouse Council, x., 158. (see Vol. VI. at Lancaster, x., 278. 589.) Hubley, Joseph, vi., 145. Hunter, Ephraim, Sheriff of WestHIubley, Michael, appointed presi- moreland, deposition, iv., 491. dent of Courts in Lancaster co., Hunter, Fort, iii., 17, 52, 64, 119, xi., 363. 251, 277, 279, 331, 352, 489. Huff, Joseph, making cannon, shot, Journal of J. Patterson, 331; iv., &c., at Hibernia furnace, N. J., 111; xii., 375 379. v., 72. Hunter's Mill, ii., (see Forts.) Huffnagle, Michael, militia, viii., Hunter, Samuel, letter, v., 133, 370, 210, 569. On supplies, ix., 397, 377, 415, 610, 717, 737, 762; vi., 460, 469, 511, 596. Respecting 57, 175, 191. 392, 478, 499, 537, Col. Cox, x., 125. Timber on 552, 563, 564, 570, 571, 573, 599, lands opposite Pittsburg, 140, 615, 624, 631, 637, 666, 711, 773; 141. Settlers on, 429. Destruc- vii., 116, 316, 346, 375, 438, 455, tion of garrison ruins, 429. Or- 516, 546, 574, 589, 615, 619. Atders to, respecting Manellan town- tacks and murders by Ind'ns. ship, 747. Tippling houses, &c., 346. Letters to and from, viii., 186. Election at Pittsburg, 211. 29, 88, 157, 166, 173, 189, 205, Sale of ruins of Garrison at Pitts- 369, 393, 567, 601, 632,-633, 717; burg, 462, Murder by Indians, ix., 292. Discharge of Militia, 465, 467. On Indian robberies, 364. Frontiers, 503, 528, 637, 763. To, on timber, xi., 500, 657, 658. Deposition respecting 501. Letter from Pittsburg on murders, 658. Indian affairs, xii., 300. Huntingdon, Co., disturbances in, Hughes, Col., ix., 389. xi., 305-307, 379. Commissioners Hugh, Ellis, letters to, iv., 647, 648. to run Boundary lines, 571. JustiHUghes, John, letters, iii., 288, 289, ces, 588. Statement of Lt. Benj. 316. Stamp officer at Philadel- Elliott's proceedings, 665. phia —letter to Mr. Dickeson, Huntingdon, Gen., v., 30. owner of the ship, iv., 241. Pro- Huntington, Sam'l, Elected Pres. posal to Joseph Mitchell for lands, Cong. vii., 739. Resigns as Pres. xi., 253. of Congress, ix., 267. Governor Hughes, Col., ix., 389. of. Connecticut respecting John Hughes, W., letter from, ii., 271. Franklin, xi., 239, 409, 414. Hugo, Lieutenant, v., 177. Huston, Capt. Jno., arrives to enlist Humphreys, David, Secretary of soldiers, i., 769. Society for propagating Gospel, Huston, Lt. W., wounded by Inletters from, i., 191, 226. Of re- dians, viii., 153. ceivers, 252. Hutchins, Tho's, appointed Comm'r, Humphreys, Lieutenant, letters, iii., to examine roads and rivers for 28, 39. internal commerce, x., 129, 130. Humphrey, Joshua, jr., proposes to Appointed Commrs. on Virginia build piers at Marcus Hook, x., Boundary, 223. Commr., 334, 471, 438, 440. (Geographer) letters Humphreys, Whitehead, contract to Congress and Lord Dorchester to be made with, for steel, vi., for premission to survey lands on 178. Erie, xi., 314, 315. Humpton, Col. Richard, vii., 366. Hutchinson, Dr. James, appointed Humpton, Col. viii., 6, 539, 693; to inspect sickly vessels, vii., ix., 487, 505. Letter to, on sol- 408. To recommend Surgeon for diers, at Lancaster, x., 59. Ship G. G. 343. To supply SurHunn, John, instructions, v., 450. geon's instruments. 547. Sur INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 505 geon in the army, needs several 750, 752, 756, 761, 771. Reported articles, viii., 496. On condition death of Allumapees, 772. of Hospital on State Island, x., 178, Indians-first deed from, to Win. To Gen. Irwin, on 4 men burned Penn, i., 47. Deeds, 32, 33, 34, at fire-works in Phila., 218. On 35, 36, 47, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 88, inspector of pot and pearl ashes, 92, 93, 95, 117, 133, 145, 344, xi., 679. 374, 494, 498, 541, 641. SusqueHyder Ally, privateer, Capt. Bar- hannah, and Winm. Penn, agreeney, takes ship Gen. Monk, in ment between, 144. Expenses of, Delaware River, gallant action, 198. Expenses, resolution of H. ix., 529. Fitted for defence of R. respecting, 199. Complaint of River, 621. Change of officers, George Aston against conduct of, 618. Sale proposed by Commis- 205. Petition from Colebrookdale sioners, granted, 672. against, 213. Letter, Allumapees Hyndshaw, Fort, (see Forts,) iii., 81, to Governor, 214. Murder of, 215. 82, 139, 140, 222; xii., 379, 380. Letter, James Le Tort to Governor Hyndshaw, James, deposition, iii., on, 216. Instructions of Governor 263. Letter, 290. to take murderers of, 217. George Boone to governor on, 217. Examinations of Walter and John Winters and Morgan Herbert, I1. 219. Scull and Zadusky, mission to, 220, 222. Warrant to arrest Imlay, John, vii., 264. Winters and Herbert, 221. InImlay, Wmi., a prisoner from New structions to Scull and Zaduskey, York, v., 597. and Smith and Scholehoven, 222. Immel, Mich'l, mittimus for, v., 649. Messengers to Shawnese, 223. AnIminel, Capt., viii., 288. swer to governor, 224. Murder Impertinent, privateer brig captured of an, 224. Directions to John by Capt. Montgomery, vii., 476. Petty, 227. Mission of Smith and Imposts, resolution of Congres on, Petty to, 228, 232. Shawnese, x., 582, 583. Answer of President time of their arrival, 228, InMifflin, 585. E. Gerry on, 598. structions to Wright and Blunston, resolution of Congress on, xi., 230. Letters from, 238, 239. 582, 583, Answer of President Complain of encroachments on Mifflin 585. E. Gerry on, 598. Brandywine Creek, 239. Murder Impressments-Admiralty to Judge of Shawnese. 241. Death of ShekaIIamnilton on, i., 637. To Gov. lamy's son, 241. Advice to traders Thomas on, 638, 641. Orders with, 243, 245. Delawares respectrespecting, 640, 641. Sailors of ing a murder, 254. Memorial on Pennsylvania frigate exempt from, trade with, 261. Letters from 191. Of a sailor, compl'nt against, Governor to, 262, 266. Memorial 103. on outrages by, 265. Case of Impressing wagons vii., 388, 427, J. Mattox, 266. Compl't against J. 433, 439. Miranda, 266. Murder of three, Impressments by Capt. Harding, 267, 268. Invitation to five nations vii., 762. Complained of Capt. 288. Conestogoe, promise of Wm. Harding for, viii., 643. Penn to, 295. And French proceedIndependence, Fort, summoned by ings at Albany, 298. Examination Gen'l Heath to surrender, v., 237. of Jonah Davenport, 299. NumIndependence of U. S, acknowledged bers of, in different tribes, 301. by Holland, ix., 633. Message from Shawnese, 329. Indian Trade, i., 425. Outrage, 340. Delaware Chiefs to Indian Isaac, 612,621. Certificate Gov. G., 341. Governor to, 347. of, respecting battle at Sideling To Gov. G., 395, 454. On Trade, Hill, iii., 315. 425. Release from Six Nations Indians and French, i., 748, 749, for Susquehanna lands, 498. Mur 506 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Indians, i. — Indians, ii.der in Virginia by, 436, 437, 439. Outrages at Hosick, 167, 168, Council with Delawares, 539, 170. Death of the Half Iing, Deed for lands on Delaware, 541. 177, 178. Six Nations, 178, 279, Outrage at S. Bethel's 547. Res- 299. Speech of Gov. Morris to, at olutions respecting rum, 549, 551. Augwick, 193. Montour, Andrew, Letter to Gov., 551, 552. Child 230, 451, 627. Detail of Indian claimed, 585. Power of Attorney affairs, 1752-54, 233. J. Patten, to sell lands in New Jersey, 630. a trader with, 240. Conestogos, And deed for, 641. Murder of list of, 242. Cherokees at PhilaJohn Armstrong, &c., by 643, 646, delphia, 244. Massacre at Little 647. Treaty at Lancaster, present Meadows, 362. Arrive at Philaat, 656. Report of large numbers delphia, drunk, 389. Effect of at Harris's Ferry, 657. Copy of Braddock's defeat on, 394. Conpaper given to, at Virginia, 658. ference with Shirley, 402. Do. at Death of Tocanuwarogon an Onon- Lake George, 407. Near Harris's dago Chief, 661. Catawba respect- ferry, have crossed Susquehanna, ing, 663. Letter from, to Gov. letter from Gov. Morris to neighGooch, 664. News from Oswego, bouring Governors, 450. Alarms 665. Shekalamy, 673 in Lancaster County, 450. MurLetters from C. Weiser, respect- ders at Great Cove, 462, 464, 474. ing, ii., 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 23, 44, Tulpehocken murders, 503, 504. 259, 316, 319, 453, 461, 503, 504, Massacre at Gnadenhutten, 524. 511, 562, 563, 628, 696, 776. Ex- At Mennisinks, 532. In prison at pected at Lancaster, 9. Shawnese, Easton, 534. Presents to, 536. 8, 144, 212, 570, 571, 634. To- Cherokees and Catawbas, 536, wicktowick or Twightwees, 9, 321. 558, 561, 567, 570, 571, 573, 580, The praying, 11. Presents to, 11. 711. At Nescopeck, 558, 565. Nantecoke, 11. Seneca, 11. Back- Col. Johnson's treaty with, 559. shenoath, 634. Jagrea, 681. On Juniata, 566. Refugees at Traders in 1748, 14. Murders by, Bethlehem, 584. Murders in New 16, 159-166, 363. Shekalamy, York. 586, 610. Sent to Conesdeath of, 23. Tagneghdoarus, togo Manor, 595 Reward offered eldest son succeeds him, 23, 259, for scalps of, 607, 619, 625. Burn 319, 634, 647. Uneasy at settle- and take McCord's fort, 611, 617. ments of whites on Juniata, &c. Isaac brings scalp of Captain JacDeed for lands between Delaware obs, 612. At Bethlehem, address and Susquehannah, 33. Resolu- to Gov., 636. A bad, 645. At tions of New York, 52. Letters Burlington, 645. Captain New on, 57, 58, 59, 113, 118, 173, 209, Castle, 682. Diahogo, account 229, 232, 278, 289, 394, 436, 440, given by, of, 683. Teedyuscung, 443, 444, 448, 451, 457, 462, 465, replyto Gov., 721, 722, 724. Con468, 473, 478, 483, 501, 520, 535, ference at Easton, 722, 730. Cap537, 539, 575, 620, 634, 670, 699, tain New Castle, character of, 701, 712, 713, 716, 720, 734, 740. 727. Augustus, intelligence by, 746, 748. Treatment of, by W. from Diahogo, 729. Attack of, Penn, 109. Expenses for Indians, near Brown's fort, 738. Miscon11!. Scaroyady, 15, 114, 220, 279, duct of a Lieutenant, 753, 766. 447, 627. Monecotootha, 114, 178, Cumberland County, alarms in, 451. Traders, 118, 119, 131. 756. And petitions, 757, 758, French and, 123, 124, 132, 144, 167, 760. Murder near Fort Augusta, 170, 173, 176, 276, 362, 455, 457, 764. Conversation between Con580. Treaty at Albany, Commis- rad Weiser and Shekalamy, 776. sioners to, 137-143. Make deed Col. Armstrong's account of exfor lands to " Susquehannah Com- pedition to, and attack on Kittanpany," through Lydias, 147, 171. ning, with list of killed and wounPurchase of lands from, 167, 279. ded, 767, 775. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 507 Indians, iii.- Indians, iii.Letters respecting, iii., 5, 8, 10, tendent of affairs with, 155. 16, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, Cause of troubles with, 160. Ed36, 38, 40, 48, 67, 76, 83, mund Atkins' operation at South, 107, 116, 139, 141, 142, 147, 149, 174, 183. Presents to, 187. At 151, 173, 174, 190, 193, 201, 204, Easton, 210. List of, killed at J. 206, 239, 246, 277, 283, 361, 420, Cisney's field, 229. Journal of 424, 425, 435, 453, 478, 581. Ar- Van Etten, 229. Proclamation riving at Easton, 7, 210. Teedy- against selling rum to, 237. Abuscung, respecting, 8, 104, 109, duction of a boy by four white 143, 193, 206, 209, 212, 235, 247, men to the, 246. William Tata248, 256, 286, 299. Ogaghrad- my attended by Dr. Otto, 247. arika, 8. Murders, 11, 29, 30, Letter of George Croghan, 248. 33, 36, 38, 40, 51, 77, 78, 139, Conference with Teedyuscung, 211, 218, 219, 241, 279, 283, 731. 248. Bad policy of Gov'r inviFrench and, 9, 16, 50, 79, 98, ting, 338. Conference with, in 143, 147, 151, 268-273, 293, 294, New Jersey, 341. Lands claimed 305, 535. NVeiser Conrad, letters by, in New Jersey, 344. Give to and from respecting, 18, 28, 31, powers of attorney to transact all 35, 86, 216, 221, 277. Confer- future business, 346. Five on ence, remarks on, 38, 193, 216. their way to Bethlehem, escort, Gallant conduct of Lieutenant._ 351. At Fort Augusta, 351. Humphreys, 28, 39. Instructions Conference of officers in Virto Capt. Hambright, 42. Exami- ginia on proposals from Teedynation of Samuel Clifford, 44. Do. uscung, 367. Murders and alof Leonard Weeser, 45. Murder arms in Lancaster, Cumberland, near McDowell's, 51. List of, at &c., 377. Minutes of Meeting of Bethlehem, 53. Mohicans, 52:- Committee on Indian affairs, 382. Delaware, 52, 83, 98, 107, Richard Baird's Deposition, 397. 193, 571. At Easton, 53, Passport for Cherokees, 405. List 78. Tokayiendisery sick, 67. of names and signification, 428. Armstrong (Indian) loses a gun, Memorial of Joshua (Christian In67. Mennesinks, 67. Letters of dian), 434. Prohibition of* sale Timothy Horsfield, 34, 76. At of rum to, 437, 519. Conference Bethlehem, 76. Capt. Jacob's son at Philadelphia, 456-467. Memkilled, 83. Young Jacob (seven orial respecting it, 469. Presents foot high) killed, 83. Sun-fish, a to, 467. Certificate of delivery noted war'r, killed, 83. Shawnese, of, 477. Letters of Sir William 83. Fraudulent purchase of lands Johnson, 193, 485. Letters of from, respecting, 86. Maryred, Capt. Orndt, 5, 51, 207, 209, 212, an Indian woman, beggar, 87. 350, 351, 367, 487, 491. Journal Expected to attack Fort Augusta, of Moses Titamy and Isaac Hill, 98. Peace with the Delawares, 504-508. Moravian described, 98. On march to Fort Augusta, 500. Journal of Frederick Post, 98. Govr.'s letters on Indian af- 521-544. King Beaver, 523, 524, fairs, 107, 117. Invited to settle 526. Delaware George, 524, 526. at Shamoken 114. Letter from, Cushoushking described, 525. to Gov'r of Maryland, 143. Let- Catawabas, 539, Speech of Ackoter from Spangenburg respecting, wanothio, 548. Joshua, and other 141. T. Horsfield, respecting, Indians to Gov'r, 575. Passport 142. Examination of a Delaware from Ohio for, 554. List of, preprisoner, 147. Of a Chickasaw sent at treaty of Easton, 558. Condo. 148. Petitions for defence ferences at Pittsburg, 560, 571, against, 151, 153, 159, 164, 174, 674. Letter from Proprietaries 235, 238, 284. Proclamations of to Delaware, 576. CommissionGov. Dinwiddie respecting, 155, ers of Indian affairs, letters, 382, 156. Edmund Atkins superin. 583, 734. Job Chillaway, 582, 508 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Indians, iii.- Indians, iv.Complaint against Geo. Croghan and Southern districts, N. A., lists for trading with, 665. Attack on of, 188. Peace made by Col. Fort Ligonier, 669. Presents to, Bradstreet with, on Erie and 675, 716, 718 Disturbances in Ohio, 207. Charge of killing, by Virginia, 694. Shekalamy, 721. people of New Jersey, 207. Goods, Journal of John Hayes, 735-741. destroyed between Fort Pitt and Conversation with, by F. Post, Philadelphia, 217, 219-222, 224, 742. Conference with, at Pitts- 226, 228, 230. Murder by whites burgh, by Gen. Monckton, 744. near Pittsburg, 217, 218. At Death of Conrad Weiser, iv., 41. Shamokin threatened, 217. Going Teedyuscung, respecting, 40, 44, to build on Great I-land, 218. 57, 74, 82, 85, 86. Daniel Claus, Murders, 249, 296, 307, 329. LetInterpreter, 41. Samuel Weiser, ters of Sir. Winm. Johnson comlplain26, 41. Lands from, 41, 49, ing of ill tr atment of, 261. 67, 86, 88, 103. Depositions, 46. Boundaries between Colonies and, Message from Gen. Amherst, 48. proposed, 261, 262, 281. ExpenTellinemut, 52, give up prisoners, ses of Conferences with. 262. 52. Letters respecting, 40, 52, Complaint from Bucks Co., against 61, 62, 64, 67, 82, 103, 109, 110, 273. Act to remove settlers on 138, 142, 174, 227, 260, 317. 502. lands not purchased of, 283. MurPrisoners delivered up, 52, 64. der by Fred, Stump, 290, 296. To and from Gov. Hamilton, 60. Presents of condolence for, 294. Conference, 62. Murder of, by Congress of at Sir Wm. Johnson's, whites, 65, 430. Henry Qua- 294, 307, 309. Land purchase mash's story, 66. Treaty with, and treaty at Fort Stanwix, 309. at Easton, by Gov. Hamilton, 68. Trade, long report on, embracing Names of, at Treaty at Lancaster, Treaties with various Colonies, 90. Speeches, 74, 78, 80, 82, 85, 313, 331, 349. Conference, with 86, 497. Complain of Sir William Six Nations at Johnson Hall, Johnson's treatment at a Confer- 1755, 325. Sir Win. Johnson's ence, 69. Allegheny, 80. Set- speech to Six Nations, 325, 326. tlement at Cushetunk, 83. Names Boundary between Pennsylvania, of, at Lancaster Treaty, 96. Chil- &c., 329. Murder of Seneca dren prisoners among, 98, 100. George's son, 349. Complaint of Delivered up, 100. Speech Col Francis for land and salt of Onandago Council to Sus- springs, 349. Act of N. Y., resquehannah, 107. Alarm near pecting trade, 361, 369. Murderer 1Bedford from, 111. Murders in of Indian Stephen sent from VirCumberland Co., 117, 175. Mem- ginia, 365. Act of Virginia on orial, Northampton Co, 120. Near Indian trade, 371, 372. Minutes Northampton, alarm, 125. Fa- of Commissioners of Pennsylvamilies, from Nain and Nazareth, nia on Indian trade, 373, 448. 134. Job Chilliway, 138, 142, Conoquieson to Sir Wmin, Johnson, 174. Papunchay, 138. Murders 373. Sir William Johnson, on at Great Cove, 138. Conestoga proceedings at Fort Stanwix or Paxton, murder of, 147, 148, 375. Letters respecting, 411, 413. 151, 152. Passing through States, 430, 533, 539, 556, 559, 567. Murdifficulties, 157, 158, 160, 162, der of two, by R. Brown's servant, 164, 167. Council at Fort George, 430, 433. Murdlers near Fort N. Y., decide against, 167. Ad- Pitt, 437. Minutes of a Council dress of, in barracks to Gov., held with, at Philadelphia, 438. 170. Murders near Fort Loudoun, Speech of Pipe, Chief of Dela175. Plan of Lords of trade for wares, 441. Gov. Penn's answer management of Indian affairs, to Newcomer's message, 469. 182, 189. Licenses to trade with, Speech of Shawanese to Geo. Crorequired 186. Tribes in Northern ghan, 497. Letter to Six Nations INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 509 Indians, v.- Indians, vi.and Delawares from Arthur St. 491, 495, 499, 515, 516, 524, 552, Clair, 500. Shawanese, 501, 512, 559, 564, 570, 571, 573, 577, 589, 574, 583. Murder of Joseph 603, 610, 612, 647, 655, 661, 673, Wipey, Indian Chief of Dela- 688, 721. Commissioners to hold wares, 503, 520. Intelligence treaty at Pittsburg with, 578. received by messenger from Mus- Defence against the, 586. Gen. kingum, 509. Letter from Alex- Hand's conference with, 601. ander McKee, 511. And Virgin- Gen. Armstrong on warfare with, ians, 511, 516, 517. White Eyes, 614. At Wyoming, 626, 629, 631, Captain, 513, 531, 539, 540, 684. 632, 634, 647, 648, 660, 662, 669, Newcomer, 513. Petition from 730. General panic, 634, 635, Westmoreland, 518. Murders by 639, 642, 658. Defensive arrange519. Maclure killed by, 520, 526. ments, 640, 645. Coshieton deTraders successful, 523. Logan stroyed by, 651. Kill Captain (Mingo chief,) returns with scalps Miller, 673. Son of Capt. Brady and prisoner, 525, 541. Minute mortally wounded, 688, Ct89. of Conference at Pittsburg, with, Messages to Col. George Morgan, 531. Depositions of W. Wilson 587, 652, 714. Treaty at Fort and J. Pollock, 544. Opposed to Pitt, 717. Col. Hartley attacks, Virginia, 551. No accommodation, 770, 772. 557. Speeches, 552. Message on On frontiers, vii., 3, 4, 5, 10, Murders, 554. Depositions, 555. 81, 132, 173, 362, 399, 408, 419, Place for Trade proposed, 557. 431, 445, 447, 505, 554, 562, 564, WVar, accounts of the rise of, 568, 569, 572, 578, 589, 603, 606, 612, Presents to, 615. Speech of Lord 614, 615, 617, 618, 649, 650, 664, Dunmore to White Eyes, 684. In 673, 696, 710, 715, 755, 769. Northumber'd, create alarm, 789. Chief killed, 5. Skirmishes with, Canada, sentbyGen. Gates, v., 5, 6, 7, 173. Murders, 16, 173, 153. Col. Bull appointed to meet, 399, 438, 521, 524, 534, 574. at Easton, 201, 203, 208. Of Towns destroyed, 6, 81. PrisonPluggy's-town commit hostilities ers with, 10. Seneca chief, Great against Virginia, 258, 260, 286, Tree, 11. Towns, 6, 11. And 313. Delawares, 313. Alarms tories at Minnesinks, &c., 15, 63, and murders in Westmoreland 81. Brant at Pennipack, 63. At Co., 344, 443, 540, 599. Letters, Wyoming and Minnesink, 63, 81. Gen. Hand, 443, 541. Capt. John On Susquehanna, 81, 87, 117. Miner, 444. Capt. John Killbuck. On Chilisquaqua, 82. Escort to 444. Capt. Samuel Meason, 445, Fort Lawrens attacked by S. Girty D. Zeisberger, 447. Morgan and Mingoes, 173. Alarms at Jones, 448. Win. Cross, 449. Ligonier and Blackleg creek, 173. John Corbley, 449. James Chew Gen. Washington on expedition 449. Near Fort Augusta, 611. Joab against, 210. State of the fronChillaway, 718. Condition of fron- tiers, 258, 268, 275, 282, 283. tiers, 737. Murders and alarms Arrive in Philadelphia, 292. Oron frontiers, 741. ders not to be waited for in emerOn western frontiers, vi., 18. gency, 300. Massacre near Fort Alarms from, in Bedford county, Ligonier-attacks and murders 39, 194. Murders, 39. West- near Fort Jenkins, 345, 346, 357. moreland co., &c., 69, 175, 191, Do. near Fort Freeland-take J. 194. John Harris' opinion of, McKnight (a member of Assem211. And tories on frontiers, bly) prisoner, 346. Various mas436, 447, 467, 469, 485, 487, 530, sacres, 357. Use of dogs and 536, 660, 662, 666, 669, 674, 682, horsemen against, recommended 683, 690, 691, 692, 767. Cap- 357. In Philadelphia, 362, 364. tain Alexander McKee and others Scalps, reward for, 362. In Norjoin, 445. Murders by, 485, 487, thumberland county, 408, 574, 510 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Indians, vii.- Indians, viii.606, 614, 615. Near Fort Jen- Expedition proposed against, 412. kills, 438. Near Fort Laurens, Captain Phillips and others killed 465. Speeches, 495, 505. Near by, 488. Murder by Wyandots, Kittanning, 505, Gov. Hamilton 513. In Kentucky, 514. Delacaptured, 512. Proceedings on waretown destroyed by Colonel frontiers, 516. Fort Freeland de- Church of Virginia, 515. Henry stroyed by, and British, 586, 589, O'Niell's deposition respecting, 591, 592, 593, 597. Capt. Boon, 527. Murder between Reading &c., killed, 590, 591, 592. And and Shamokin, 529, 532. On Capt. Dougherty, 591, 610. Gen. Robinson Run, 526. Shawnese Sullivan going to Tioga, 594. towns destroyed by Col. Clarke, Arrival, 715. Letter, Jno. Van 536. Incursion on Emanuel GonCampen, 603. Mahakamack, 603. sales, 558. Near NorthumberProceedings in Paxton, 606, 609. land, 558. Northampton, 560. Shenung town burned, 667. Near Attack on Fort Rice, 568. Scalps, Franks town, 702. Colonel Brod- 568. Base attempt to destroy hlead destroys towns, 702. Towns Delaware, bywhites near Hanna's destroyed by Gen. Sullivan, 709, town, 596. War between Dela721, 724. Murder of Lieut. Boyd, wares and Senecas, 640. Murder 723. Various tribes, 517, 518, on French creek, 640. Proposed 541. Their proceedings, 524, 526, operations of, 691, 692. 541. Marvellous escape of an Their title to Conestoga Manor, express from, 527. In North- ix., 49. On frontiers, 39. Capt. amptoncounty, 572. Minnesinks, Brady, 39. Delawares, 39, 97. 573, 575. Attack Col. Pomroy's house, 51. Murders by, viii., 23, 140, 157, Murders by, 70, 107, 152, 192, 236, 159, 189, 203, 213, 249, 282, 341, 240, 257. At Wills' mills, 108. 369, 488, 513, 514, 528, 529, 640. Northampton county, 113, 158. Delaware, murder of, 30. Scalps, In Bedford county, 152, 236. Col. James Clark, 23, 29. On fron- Brodhead attacks towns, 161. tiers, 78. Proposed mode of Moravian, kindness of, 161. Near defence against, 114. Attack a Bradford, 192. Pursued by Lieut. sugar camp on Raccoon creek, Morrison of Virginia regiment, 140. Letter of J. Hackenwelder, 201. Engagement with Captain respecting, 152. Munceys, Dela- Moore and Lieutenant Smith near wares and Shawnese, 152. On Frankstown, 202. Ravages on Fishing and Muncey creeks, 156. frontiers, 238, 559. Delawares, Take prisoners, 157. Mingoes or 247. Shawanese, 247. WyanMunzus, Wisndoughalends, 159 dots, 247. Northampton co., 257, Munzey, Washnash, 159. Pre- 275. George Lerne and others miums for scalps, 167, 172, 176, killed, 258. Indian town, 323. 187, 283. Take Peter Bens pris- Defeated, 334. In Northumberoner, 171. Invasions, 176. Pris- landco., 392. Attacks, near Macooners, 189. Incursions,,202. At- nie creek, 396. Expected at Suntacked by Major and Capt. West- bury, 504. In Cumberland co., brook and Captain Van Etten, 522. Moravian massacres at 202. Murder of Gilbert and Peirt Muskingum, 523, 524, 629. In families, 213. Depredations by, Bedford county, 192, 606, 619, 224, 226. In Northampton co., 629. Hanna's town, 240, 526. 238, 286. In Cumberland co., Expedition against, 630, 635, 636. 243. In Buffaloe valley, 249. Declined, 640, 649, 724. At and Near Augwick, 278. Near 12 M. near Wyoming, 657. Deposition Run, 282. Murders by, near of Samuel Hunter respecting Sunbury, 341, 513. Scalps, 369, murder of John Martin and wife, 393. Petition from Northampton 658. Cap. Robinson on ditto, 659. against, 387. Alarms from, 408. Petition of prisoners among, 733. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 511 Indians, x.- Indians, xi.Murders by, x., 15, 22, 167, goods, &c., to, 610. Conference 265, 464. Affairs, 25, 46, 53, 83- with "Whole Face" and " Long 90, 119-125, 168, 265, 294, 295, Hair," on survey of donation 317, 410, 554. Treaty of peace lands, 740. Segonkquas and proposed, 45, 62. Hostilities on Conhonew, 741. Indian robberfrontiers, 53. Conference at Onan- ies, 763. dago, 63. Report, E. Douglass, Report to Congress on hostile on negotiations with, 62, 70, 83. intentions of, xi., 72. Purchase Captain Pipe, 83, 84, 85. Council from, by Susquehannah county, at Detroit, 84. Various tribes, 84- 114. Murders by, 149, 209. Let90. Congress do not object to ter, Cherokee women to PresiPennsylvania holding a confer- dent, 181. Letter James Rinlrer, ence with, for purchase of lands, Superintendent of, to R. Butler, 105. Resolution of Assembly respecting, 206. Murders in respecting purchase of lands from, Washington county, 209, 377. 111. Report to Congress on In- Purchase of Erie lands from, 390. dian affairs, 119-125, 126. Treaty Attack Fort Harmar, 392. Comnwith, 152. In Cumberland co. missioners to purchase Erie from, (1779), 159, 161. Take Mrs. 405. Outrages at Wyoming, 432. Walker and others and kill on Instructions to Commissioners to, Buffalo, and Short creeks (1783), 503. Purchase of lands from Six 167. Commissioners appointed Nations, towards Erie, 508. Obto hold treaty with, 265. Confer- ligation of Commissioners to, 507, ence with Lee and Butler on trea- 509. Treaty at Fort McIntosh, ties with, 295. Report and reso- 510. Agreement between Gen. lutions of Assembly on, 316. List Butler and Gibson with Six Naof goods for purchasing lands tions, for lands, 529. Letter of from Indians, 318. Instructions Cherokee chiefs to Pres. Mifflin, to Commissioners, 320. On res- 584. Act of Congress for extoration of prisoners, 325, 326. pense of negotiations with, 604. Expenses on transportation of Defence against, 666. Troublegoods to, heavy, 332. Commis- some in Washington county, 673, sioners to treat with, arrive at 675, 685. Col. McGillivray and Fort Stanwix, 346 La Fayette ad- chiefs of Creek Nation visit Phila., dresses, 346. Negotiations of 707, 711, Murders on Pine creek, Commissioners with Six Nations 709, 710, 714, 719, 720. Troubleof, 357. Pine Creek, alias Tia- some in Northumberland county, daughton, of treaty of 1768, 357. 710. Petition of prisoners among, Answer of Six Nations, 357. 712. Murderers described, 721. Deed from, 360. Treaty at Fort Take horses from Plum creek, McIntosh, 391, 395. Boundary 723. Samuel Doyle arrested, 730. with, 418. Murder by Mamaugh- Cornplanter and Stiff Knee at taqulie opposite Pittsburg, 465. Philadelphia, 733, 739, 740. ComIndian in prison, 466. Judge plaints by, 739. Against, 740. Bryan, respecting his trial, 473. About to return from Philad'a, Commissioners for treaty with, 740, 741. Joseph Nicholason, in489. List of goods for, 497. To terpreter, 742. S. Doyle acquitbe delivered by W. Maclay, and ted, 745. explanations respecting hunting Murders on Pine Creek, xii., 9, on their lands, 510. A pass re- Cornplanter, Indian Ch'f, 32. Deed quested for T. and J Killbuck, for Erie, 100. Murders, 107, 148. Indian hostages, returning home, Mingoes, 108, 111, 114, 120, 123, 526. Speech of Sir J. Johnson, 164, 179, 189, 227, 232, 233; 246, 554. Indian treaty on boundary 252, 256, 269, 305. Delawares with United States, 562. Obliga- 111, 114, 120, 132, 153, 155, 156, tion of Commissioners to deliver 157, 159, 166, 182, 188, 214, 228, 512 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Indians, xii.- Indians231, 233, 235, 237, 239. Shawnese, on Robinson's Run, 261, 263. Mc 111, 120, 132, 150, 157, 159, 163, Intyre's party kills, 270. Murders 164, 179, 181, 189, 227, 238, 241. on Ten Mile Creek, 271. Letter A town attacked by Col., Van- of Wm. Penn to Susquehannah, schaik, 112. White Eyes a Mingo 280. Slaves, 280. Purchase on chief, 119. Burn a speech of Gen. Brandywine, 281. Letter of PittsB., 120. Wyandots, 123, 131, 147, burg Committee on, 300. All-Face, 150, 158, 159, 163, 164, 179, 184, a Seneca chief, 300. Half Town, 250, 252, 256, 259, 271. Attack 300. Capt. Harris (a warrior,) fort Canhawa, 126. A Delaware 300. Cut-Cheek, 300. Henry Kilmurdered, 127. Tawas, 131, 147. buck (Delaware chief) petitions 150, 185. Chipewas, 131, 147, for his land, 305. Charles Wilkins 150, 184. Cherokees, 131. Poot- wishes to open a store among, eatomies, 131, 147, 150, 184, 317. Murder in Northumberland Mohicans, 131, 132. Nonowland, Co., 318, 319, 320, 322. Corn132, 156. Affairs, 132, 153. From planter and others on their way, Coochocking, 135. Munceys, 136, 321. Letter from several, 322. 155, 159, 164. Brodhead's expe- Sleeping Place (McConnel's Town) dition against, 137, 153, 154, 156, 461. 164, 165, 169. Steal horses, 139. Ingersoll, Jared, v., 502, Council At Fort Dillars carry off boys, 142. ask him to remain in the city, 503. A prisoner taken, 147. Moses Ingersoll, Jonathan, ix., 643. Kilbuck, 121, 147. Senecas, 147, Innholders not to sell rum to soldiers, 148, 159, 300, 321. Attacked by iii., 132. Lieut. Harding, Nonowland, &c., Innes Col., at Fort Cumberland, ii., wounded, 156. Seneca towns burn- 277, 376. ed, 156, 157. Huron's, 157. Inquisition on three Indians murYayhroonwago, 156, 165. Buck- dered, 267, 268. At Wyoming, iv., loons, 156. Mahuslquechikoken, 384. 156. Indian towns on French Instructions, to commissioners to Creek, 157. Maquichee tribe of New Jersey, i., 58. To W. Penn on the Shawnese, 157, 158, 159, Col. wrecked treasure, 140. From Clarke making peace with, 157. Great Britain, 97, 100, 102, 105. Murder at Cheat River, 163, 164, To W. Penn on birth of James 256. Indian lands invaded from III., 106. To Gov. Gordon, duties Ohio, 176. Peckawee and Chil- on negroes, 306. Of Governor to acoffe tribes make depredations, take murderers of Indians, 217. 179, 181. Wyandughalins, 182. To proprietaries on appeals, 196. Murders near Miami, 189, 210, To Scull and Zaduskey, 222. Smith 212, 214, 224. Council at Cos- and Scholehoven, 223. To Hamilhocking, 219. Lands settlers on, ton and Georges, 429. To Lewis 220. Expedition against, 124, 125, Evans about map, ii., 46. To L. 238. Wylandaweechan, 227. Mah- Osbourne for papers from Maryingweegeesuch's letter to Council, land, 92. Additional, to Governor 229. Expedition against, 229, Thomas, 104. To T. & R. Penn, 232. Near Logstown and Chartier's on appeals, 107. To Col. Shirley, Creek, 234. Scalps, premium for, 178. To General Braddock, 203. 240. Presents for, 241. Murders Captain Frederick Smith, 544, in Westmoreland Co., 242. Pris- 552. Jonas Seely, 544, 556, 596. oners taken and killed, 243. Wy- Adam Read, 545, 551. B. Frankandots cross Ohio, 248. Attacked lin to Captain Vanetta, 546, and killed near Fort McIntosh, Conrad Weiser, 5 17. T. McKee, 249; 250, 252. Take forts in the 553, 563, 564. James Galbraith, "'new country," 257. Shawnese 555 Jacob Morgan, 555. Captown at Chilcothe destroyed by tain Busse, 555. Thomas McGee, Col., Clarke, 258, 263. Men killed 563, 564. John Ross, 595. Col. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 513 Instructions-ii. Instructions-viii. Wm. Clapham, 596, 667. Of nel of City Battalion, 309. To Captain Dumas, to Mons. Donville, Colonel Win. Henry, 309. Capt. (a French officer taken,) 600. To Samuel Morris, 310. To agents James Burd, 601. 603. John for sale of confiscated estates, 345. Steel, 601. Captain Potter, 602, Captain McElhatten, 365. To L. 6')3. Edward Shippen, 603. Cap- Nicola, on enlistments, 422. To tains of Cumberland, 602. Elisha Captain Isaac Roach, ix., 96. To Salter, 603, 621. Robert Irwin, Andrew Higgins, 413. Of Congress 624. Captain Miles, 687. Res- to General Wm. Irvine, 419. To pecting letters of Marque, iii., 3. commissioners on boundary, 519. To Commander of Fort Hunter, To Robinson and Shrawder, x., 17. To Captain Hambright, 42. 99. To Sergeants Lee and McTo Lewis Morris, Jr., 90. Priva- Clure, 109. General Irvine to teers or letters of marque, 91. To James Boggs, 115. To Major Adjutant Kern, 334. To George Moore, 127, 132. To Rev. James Stevenson, 386. To Captain R. Finley, 163, (1783.) To Captain Walker, 409. To John Bull, 557. Shrawder, 165, (1783.) To ComP. Post, 620. To officers, &c., at missioners on boundary with VirFort Augusta, 727. To appraisers ginia, 230. To Lieutenant Colonel of transports, iv., 56. James Harmar, 309. To commissioners Hendricks, 113. Colonel Arm- to treat with Indians, 320. To strong, 114, 116. Rev. Mr. Elder, Colonel Proctor, respecting H. &c., 116. James Young, 125, Carbery, 323. To commissioners 180, 192. Captain J. Schlosser, at Wyoming, 330. To Sheriff 160. Colonel TurbutFrancis, 177, Antes, to arrest persons at Wyo195. James Webb, at Lancaster, ming, 344. To, William Irwine 180. Asher Clayton, 194. Peter as land agent, 427. To Samuel Bard, 210. To Sheriff, Justices Dale, xi., 66. To Colonel John and Posse of Northampton county, Craig, 189, 196. To officers in 421. To Comm. Caldwell, 726. Luzerne county, 204. To ComTo Captain Proctor, 728. To missioners, 205. To N. Denison, Com'r Davison, 791. To Henry 212. To Balliet and Armstrong to Dougherty, 791. To Henry Fisher, view lands in Luzerne county, v., 42. Captain Boyd, 43. From 304. To Captain Jno. Kemp, Councils, (volunteers,) 119. Cir- with provisions for prisoners at cular, 129. For recruiting, 209. New York, (1782,) 497. To comTo Commodore Seymour, 233. missioners to Indians, 503. To For survey of Delaware and shore, Evan Owen, on Nescopec road, 441. To Captain John Hunn, 450. 585 Commissioners, on SusqueLieutenants of counties, 458. To hanna, 634. To commissioners to escort of prisoners in Masonic view rivers, 683. To Charles Lodge, 607, 609. To Com. Hazel- Pettit, agent, on accounts with wood, 637. To Mr. Buchanan, United States, 708. Report, 749. 711. Letter, 771. To James Governor John Penn, respecting Davidson, vi., 16, 186. To mil- Wyoming, xii., 51. lers, 303-305. To superintend- Insurrection, Tory, in lower counants, for purchase of provisions, ties, iv., 773. 306, 307, 311-314. To F. Baily Intercourse with foreign nations, and Captain Laing, respecting xi., 708. provisions in Virginia, 404. To Internal commerce proceedings of Sheriff, 621. To Lieutenant Stoy, Ass'y, and Merch'ts, x., 128, 130. 717. To James Claypoole, Sheriff, Internal navigation, proceedings vii., 291. To Lieutenants, viii., between Pennsylvania, Delaware 72. Colonel John Bull, 164. To and Maryland, respecting, xi., Commissary of Supplies, 287. To 25, 27, 77. Commissioners of recruiting officers, 290. To Colo- Virginia and Maryland on, 511. 33 514 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Invalid Regiment, design of, vi., Irvine, William proposes in Con411; vii., 358. How officers are gress, proceedings respecting Erie, transferred to, 701. Philada., in- xi., 247. Wyoming, 338. Timber effective, ix., 103, 206. opposite Fort Pitt, 501. Survey of Invitation of French Minister to the donation lands, 512. AcPres. and Council to dinner, viii., count of donation lands, 513-520. 45, 609. Irwin, Arthur, complaint against, Irish, Nathan, Letter to Committee ix., 199. of Safety, model of a boat, iv., Irwin, Barclay, & Co., respecting a 639. vessel for State, vii., 198, 246. Iron, price of at Easton, vii., 177. Irwin, Capt., vii., 39, 512. At Chester, 566. Furnaces, &c., Irwin, Mr. John, viii., 69. Appoinin Pennsylvania, returns of, ii., ted agent by Genl. Wm. Irvine, 52-55. Govr's Circular respec- ix., 649. No civil magistracy in ting, iii., 275. Works atAndover, Pittsburg, x., 289. N. J., fit for steel, vi., 178. Chel- Irwin, Gen. wounded near Germansea forge, 627. town, and death, vi., 70, 85, 89, Irvine, James, letter, iii., 702. 90, 98, 128. Neglected by militia Irvine, Col. James, Letter, iv., 138. when he fell, 100. Letter to, from Irvine, Gen. James, and Col. Mat- Dr. Hutchinson. Four men thew, in behalf of prisoners of burned by fire-works in Phila., war, in N. Y., viii., 660, 663, 664. x., 218. Irvine, Hon. James, letter to, on Irwin Capt. Joseph, viii., 8, 40, 68, prisoners to be discharged, x., 26. 79; xii., 138, 160, 163, 169. A Disturbances in Washington Co., Warden, 314. 467. Retires from V. Presidency, Irwin, Mr., xii., 275. 527. Case of Doane and Dawson, Irwin, Matthew, commiss'y, v., 587. 609. Qr. Master, 613. Letter, 771. Irvine, Col. Win., v., 172, 340; vi., Fitting a privateer, vi., 166, 718. 720. And Rob. Bridges, vii., 314. FitIrvine, Gen. William, viii., 74, 86, ting out a galley, 314. Asks for 103, 206, 225, 234, 238, 245, 409. Cannon, 314; 244, 261, 265, Rank, 409. Militia, 511, 512, 266, 311, 734, 765. Elected Re540, 578, 642. Letters to and corder of Philadelphia, x., 707. from, ix., 15, 16, 83, 240, 285, Recorder appointed Justice of 345, 373, 458, 468, 515, 525, 552. Common Pleas, xi., 136. Instructions from Congress, 419, Irwin, R, commis'n and instruction 433. Death of Col. Lochry, 458. as chief wagon master, ii., 624. Massacre at Muskingum, 525. Irwin, Robert, viii., 14, 126 Boundary line-taxes, &c., 575. Irwin, Col. Samuel, viii., 637, 638. Certificates respecting engage- Irwin, Tho's, &c., vii., 147. Loan ment and wounded, 587. Destruc- of powder, viii., 138. tion of Hanna's Town, 595. Ex- Irwin, Capt. enters Continental serpedition against Indians, 630, vice, v., 39; vii., 512. 635, 636, 648, 649, 724. Appoints Irwine, Brig. Gen., letter to, v., John Irwin agent, 649. Money sent 162, 584. to 724. Respecting sale of Lands, Isaac, Indian, ii., 612, 621. x., 56, 66. At Fort Pitt, 95. Islands in Western Rivers, xi., 644, Instructions to Sergts., respecting 667. In Delaware River, under Fort McIntosh, 109. Instructions jurisdiction of Pennsylvania, xii., from, relative to lands opposite to 74. Report on claims to, 87. Fort Pitt, 115. Agreement with Mr. Boggs, 140. Letter from Dr. Hutchinson, 218. Recommended J. as land agent, 425. Instructions to, 427. Surveys betweenFrench Jack, Capt., viii., 211; xii., 122, and Sugar Creeks, 509. 139, 140, 195, 235. INDEX TO PE.NNSYLV:.NIA ARCHIVES. 515 Jack, James, Magistrate's Commis- Penn on troubles from Somerset sions, new and old differ, x., 264. county, Cape Henlopen, &c., i., Commissions, xi., 363. 147. Jackson, David, pay for wagons, Jenifer & Root-prices of Wagons, viii., 544. Elected delegate to vii., 750. Congress, x., 437. Letter, 522. Jenkins, Fort, vii., 29, 40, 157, 171. Jackson, Maj. Wm., Sec'y at War, Burnt, 563; viii., 29, 40, 157, ix., 757. 171. Burnt, 563; xii., 380-382. Jacobs, Captain, killed and scalped, Jenkins, John, letter on Wyoming, ii., 612, 621. x., 37, Respecting, xi., 15, 45, 52. Jail, of Philada., prisoners for crim- Jenkins, Robert, counterfeits bills inal offences in, ix., 249. Site of credit in England, i., 578. Arof, for an exchange in Phila., x., rested in N. York, 619. Deliver104. ed up to Gov. of Pennsylvania, Jamaica, fleet at, in want of provi- 620. Examination of, 620. Desions owing to embargo, iii., positions, 621. Letter, J. Ladd 187. to J. Steele, 623. James, Abel-salt, vii., 758. Jenkins, Stephen, petition of, reJames III., (the pretender,) birth lease from prison, xi, 537. of, instructions to Wm. Penn on, Jennings, Dr., at Sunbury, vii., i., 106. 511. Jameson, Lieut.. Letter to, xii., Jennings, Governor, memorial to, 177, 186, 193. At Fort Armstrong, from Salem, i., 75. 177, 195. Jennings, John, deposition respectJamieson. David, letters, iii., 8, ing Wyoming, iv., 343. To be 413. David, vii., 490. And arrested, xi., 328. James Eichelberger, vii., 490, Jennings, Michael, vii., 311, 359. 530. Jewish, Congregation of Philadelphia January, Thomas, letter, iii., 410. invites President, &c., to attend Jay, Hon. John, elected by Congress, consecration of Synagogue in Secr'y of foreign affairs-his Cherry St., (1782) x., 731. duty, &c., x., 401, 402, 557. Joel, Mr. (a tory) viii., 576, 579, Laws of State sent to, 407. Trans- 624, 657. mits a letter from Mons. Marbois, Johnson, Dr., Commissioner of Con409. And from John Adams, re- necticut, iv., 470. lative to consecration of Ameri- Johnson, Gov. Th., Letter to, xii., can Bishops, 433. Respecting a 166. Spanish sailor, 499. Representa- Johnson, Gov. of Maryland, comtives do not attend, 538. About plaint against Capt. Nicholson for to return from Europe, (1784,) contempt, v., 328. On Whiskey 557. Vice Consul of France, 735. law, vii., 125. Respecting Spanish flag, 743. In- Johnson, Jacob, letter on Wyoming, quiry, 759. xi., 171, 202, 287, 411. x., 34. Letter to, xii., 163, 176. Johnson, Sir John, ix., 102. At DeJeffers, Ensign, J., in favour of troit, Indian Council, x., 84, 87. Cornplanter, xii., 86. Speech to Indians, 554. Jefferson, Thomas, Gov. of Virginia, Johnson, John, robberies, ix., 603on boundary, viii., 196, 641, 707, 606. 709. Gov. of Va., on boundary Johnson, Mr., suspected of being a line, ix., 78, 160, 189. Secretary British emissary on account of a of State, letters from, xi., 679, proposed immigration, ix., 552. 681, 685, 688, 689, 696, 700, 703, Johnson, Mr., release of, x., 171. 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 712, 713, Johnson, Sir William, treaty propo718, 722. Gov. of. Va., Letters, sed at his house, ii., 279. Letters to, xii., 140, 273. to and from, 26, 299, 393, 535. Jeffries, Joseph, vi., 349. Gains advantage over French, Jenkings, Col., letter from Winm. 422, 424. Success 6f, 446, 531], 516 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 535. Extract from Treaty, 559. i88. Asks for pass to Elizabeth Censures Governor Morris for Town, ix., 521. proclaiming war with Delaware Jones, Samuel, Letter from, xii., Indians, 651. His views on dec- 282. laration of war against Delaware Jones, Thomas, vi., 38, 69, 107, Indians, 655; iii., 193, 485, 704; 130, 246. No flour on hand, iv., 40, 44, 56, 74, 77, 78, 80, 38. 103, 137, 165, 215, 226, 249, 260, Jones, Thomas, Jr., viii., 303. 290, 292, 307, 349, 375. Indians Jordan, Capt., of Artillery artificers, complain of him, 69. Address to x., 94. Six Nations of Indians, (1755,) Jordan, Jesse, respecting wagons 325. used by Gen. Arnold, vii., 160, Johnston, Col. Andrew, orders of 179, 194, 213-220, 266, 743. Dies, Gov. Belcher to, ii., 481. murdered, 743. Johnston, Capt. Andrew, on York Jordan, Mr., recruits, ix., 185, 191. Co., riots, xi., 157. Joshua, (a Christian Indian,) memoJohnston, Benj., respecting lands rial, iii., 434. from Virginia, x., 611. Journal from Reading to sundry Johnston, Col. Francis, letter, v., forts, ii., 675. Of a visit to dif125, 172. Appointed to receive ferent forts, 159-166. Of Conrad and distribute clothing, vi., 181. Weiser, iii., 32. To Fort Allen, 6 6. Disabled by ill health, 250. Or- Of Capt. Van Etten, 222-235. Of ders, 732. Return of 2d Brig. Jacob Morgan, 252. C. Thompunder, vii., 66. Letter on want son, and F. Post, 412. Moses of Clothing in Army, 411. Affair Titamy and J. Hill, 504-508. F. at Stony Point, &c., 581; viii., Post, 521. 560. John Hayes, 735. 373, 410, 539, 693. Appointed Of Fred. Post, iv., 92. Of J. Van Receiver General of land office, Campen, at Wyoming, 428. Of ix., 67. Order for books, &c., Major Gibbs, of operations in 202, 327. Commr. to treat with Rhode Island, vi., 733. Of John Indians x., 265. On land office, Hubley, viii., 401. 282. On restoration of pris, ners, Joy Daniel, plan for fire rafts, iv., 325, 326. Counterfeit certificates, 698. Letters, v., 62, 121, 179. 453. Sales of depreciation lands, Proves cannon, 62, 121. Makes xi., 125. Islands in Western return of cannon at Forts on Del. Rivers, 644, 667. Report, 750. vii., 562. Johnston, Gen'l, of Maryland, v., Joy, W. D., letter to, respecting 195. cannon, iv., 738. Johnston, Dr. Robert, petition of, Judges of three lower counties apix., 457. pointed, iv., 339. Johnston, Gov. Win. F., messages Judges of Common Pleas, letter from on Archives, i., 3, 16. Council to, viii., 6.23. Jones, Rev. David, asks pay as Judges of Supreme Court, opinion chaplain, viii., 752. Respecting on search of vessels for French forfeited land in Northumberland, sailors, viii., 403, 412. Letter xi., 58. from President Dickinson to, Jones' Lane, turnpike, xi., 335. [1784] xi, 442, 443. On case of Jones, Morgan, v., 448. John Brown, 264. Wyoming and Jones, N., copies of deeds, Conn., ix., Longschamps, 415. Marbois and 677. Do., 467, 472, 478, 488, 489, 490Jones, Owen, Jr., vi., 53-56. Op- 494. [1784] Opinion on case of erations in Continental money, murder, 560. Answers to que53-56, 67, 74. Resolutions of ries on duties, 601. Amicable Board of War respecting, remov- suit against State for depreciation al to Staunton, 74. Letters, 102, on salaries, 635, 636. Respecting 106. Resol. of Congress, 79, 93, a negro confined in Dauphin, 667. 112. Board of War requests draft, On tenure of offices, xii., 30. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 517 Judicial Courts, delegates on, xi., Keith, Gov. Sir Wm., proclamations 590. of, i., 169, 170, 171. To Assembly, July 4th, celebration illumination, departure, 188. and precautions, v., 411. Keithian, Baptist Church dispute Jungman, John, petition for pay, with Christ Church, i., 285. Hisxi., 288, 304. tory of, 285. Jurisdiction for trials of crimes at Kelley, Col., Indians, viii., 562. sea, difficulties respecting iv., 292, Defence against Indians, ix., 70. 301, 302. Opinion of Solicitor Kelly, William, resignation required General, 292, 304. as Justice of Peace, x., 419. Jurman, Moore, xii., 289. (Furman?) Kemp, Capt, John,'of Schooner Justices of the Peace, Win. Penn's Cohanzey, with provisions for letter to, on the importance of the prisoners at New York, (1782), office and their duties in it, i., instructions to, xi, 497, 143. Of Bucks County, iii., 183. Kemplen, Capt., Thomas, vii., 438, Dignity of, Justice of the peace, 455, 510, 547, 586, 596, 664. viii., in proportion to the curls of his 29. wig, iv., 206. Of Berks. Co., vi., Kendall, Jos., respecting murder of 138. Of Cumberland, Co., vii., Boyd by Smiths, vii., 410. 144. Chester Co., list of, 444. Kennedy, Archibald, letters, ii., 702, Of Phila. letters to, on nuisances, 714, 733. Letters, iii., 477, 479. 658; viii., 101, 102. Resign, Kennedy, David, appointed Secrebeing elected to Assembly, 597. tary of land office, ix., 67; lots Of Northampton, letter to, respec- for German Lutheran congregation ting Rev. John Rosborough, xi., 363. Dry lands in Northampton 272. Of Franklin County, trial Co., xi., 651. Report on land of W. Nugent, 316. Resign, xii., office, 757. 5. Kennedy, Major, killed in attempt to secure robbers, grant by Assembly to his family, x., 178, K (1783.) Kent County Del, associated military Kacklile, Andrew, vii., 775. companies, iii., 23. Letter from Kacklin, Lt. Col., viii., 176, 356. Council of, resolutions, v., 79. Kannakalo, Ind'n Town, vii., 11. Procure salt from Philadelphia, Keachline, Lt. Andrew, vi., 92, 107' 79. Kearney, Capt., surprises Indians, Kentucky, a new settlement, viii., vi., 722. 379. Murders in 514. EmigraKearsley's Estate, ix., 321. tions to, incredible, xii., 274. Kearsley, Jonathan, on manufacture Keppel, Commodore, ii., 351, 354. of saltpetre, iv., 727. Kern, Adjutant, letter to, iii., 334. Keene, Lawrence, Prothonotary of Kern, Jacob, court of inquiry ordered Northumberland, list of Jurors on, by Col. Bouquet, iv., 199. recognized at Wyoming, xi., 111. Kern, Lt. Nicholas, Indian Murders, Keiser, Seck and thirty-four others, viii., 213, 387. Commands at Chinese, &c., are landed sick and Lehigh Gap, 259, 286. Col. Troops, in destitute condition from an ix.,.428. To Jno. Armstrong, x., Indiaman named Pallas, x., 526. 654, Their case stated to Governor of Kester, Capt., resigns, ix., 529. Maryland, 527. His answer, 528. Key, Geo. S., commisioner from Md. Resolution of Assembly, 531. Levi on boundary line, (1849,) iv., 37. Hollingsworth's report respecting Kilborn, Aaron, record of Court them, 533, 546, 548. And other against, xi., 546. Chinese sent to Maryland xi., 57. Kilborn, Joseph, record of conviction (See Vol. X.) of, xi., 419. Keith, Sarah,. deposition-robbery Kilbuck, Henry, (Delaware Chief,) in Bucks Co., ix., 501. petition to Council, xii., 305. 518 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Kilbuck, Capt. John, xii., 180, 181, Kowatz, Col, vi., 705, 719. 203, 258. Kreider, Conrad, viii., 435, 489. Kilbuck, Capt. Moses, xii., 121, 147, Kriebel, Geo., deposition militia fine, 262, v., 433. Petition, 524. King of G. Britain, speech of, vi., 14. Kucher, Col. Christopher, militia, King, Lieut., vii., 691. viii., 288, 289, 324. Kingsbridge works levelled,vii., 636. Kuhn, Dr. Adam, viii., 585 586. King's ferry, redoubt at, taken by Kuhn, Ludwig, letter on troops to enemy, vii., 460. March from be raised, terms, v., 93. Parkness in Jersey to, viii., 480. Kushocton, excursion to, ix., 540, Kingsley, Nathan, resigns as a 541. justice, xi., 662. Kyasshula, (Indian,) Speech of, iv., Kirk, Samuel, appointed Serjeant at 433. arms to H. R., ii., 100. (See Vol. II., p. 19.) Kirkbride, Lt. Jo., v., 322, 331, 342,,. 368, 463, 465, 549, 567, 580. Col. vi., 96, 175, 261, 262, 280, 503. Labar, Col. Abraham, v., 320, 325. His property burned by enemy, Lacey, Capt. John, Jr., complains 503; vii., 108. of ill treatment from Col. Wayne, Kiskiminetas, Creek, xii., 161. v., 154. Scouts to be sent to, 173. Lacey, Brig. Gen. John, Jr., apKittanning prisoners escape, ii., 711. pointed Brigadier General, vi., Account by Col. Armstrong of 168, 170. Relieves Gen. Potter, expedition and success, 767, 168. Men applauded, 97. Marches 775. Killed and wounded, 773. with troops near enemy's lines, iii., 116. Troops at, about to 133. Respecting, 96, 168, 170, march in want of provisions, v., 202, 662, 663. Asks to raise a 93. Fears from removal of troops, troop of militia horse, 379, 390. Indian incursions, 313. Troops Skirmish, 265, 414. Account of at, vii., 565. (Fort Armstrong,) surprise and action at Crooked viii., 38, 78. Authority to esta- Billett, 470. Depositions respectblish a post at, xii., 113. Fort to ing British barbarities, 500. Combe built, 124, 126, 131, 132, 160. mendation of, 545. Court Martial, Kitzmiller, and Digges i., 713. 581. Wagons lost, 623. Letters Kitzmiller, Martin's, Examination, to and from, 168, 202, 226, 240, ii., 70. 255, 265, 361, 379, 381, 384, 390, Knight, John, appointed Coroner of 398, 402, 410, 414, 470, 579, 580, Philadelphia, iv., 461. 594, 595. Number of troops reKnight, Peter, v., 239. duced, 202, 226, 254, 261, 265. Knox, Gen'l, respecting casting of Orders of Council, 254. Troops brass cannon, v., 170. Leaves, arrive at camp, 291, 325. Returns Morristown, 192. Applies for can- of troops, 297, 402, 472, 485. non, 45!). vi., 677. vii., 433. Remarks to General Washington viii., 111, 193, 253, 349, 359, 406, about, 325. Letters to and from, 726. Orders shells and shot from viii., 178, 505, 526, 750. Letter Berks and Lalcaster to head of to, respecting enemy, ix., 436, Elk-against Cornwallis, ix., 432. 437. Sec. of War. Letters, xi., 208, Ladd, John, letter respecting Jen240, 268, 281, 291, 300, 534, 555, kins, i., 623. 621, 624, 645, 685, 686, 707, 728. Ladies of Philadelphia, commended Knox, John, &c., vii., 433. for their patriotic zeal, viii., 361, Knyphausen, Gen., in N. Jersey, 384. Consult Gen. Washington viii., 312. as to money raised, 471. Kollock, Jacob, jr., letter, iii., 438. La Fayette, Marquis de invites Kompeton, Capt. Commands enemy Gen. Wayne to dinner, viii., 587. near Boon's mill, vii., 591, 596. Terms proposed by soldiers, 698. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIk ARCIHIVES. 519,a Lucerne, Capt., xii., 270. 225, 262, 269, 276, 345, 347. Town Jaird, Samuel, vi., 550. Major, 229, 254, 328. Guard at, lake George, conference with In- too large, 262. Barracks forprisdians at, ii., 407. oners, 269. Militia, 270, 278. iamb, Col., his regiment, viii., 193, Removal of convention, troops 253. asked for, 282, 290. Trial for lancaster, court house, report of land, 294, 295, 321. Capt. Scott, Commissioners, i., 252. Treaty 335. Capt. Hambright, 336. Col. at, Indians present, 657. Treaty Hubley gone to South Carolina, at, Conestogo Indians at, ii., 242. 347, 351. Troops, 418, 456. Shot Return of iron furnaces, &c., in and shells from, 432. Fines, 466. 1750, 53. Gap copper mine in, Soldiers of Pennsylvania Line 311, 312, 369. Petition and alarm, killed, 476. Robberies, 596, 606. 450. Ammunition sent to, 480, Fines and militia, 654. Court of 613. Names of Indians at, treaty appeal on militia fines, 737. Prisat, iv., 90. Troops rendezvous at oners of Lord Cornwallis' army at, barracks in, 180. Muster of ef- supplies for, seized by W. Henry, fective men at, 195. And Pitts- 674. Disorderly soldiers at, x., burgtime for journey, 210. Light 59. Fears of the bank being athorse ordered to, 212. Letter of tacked, 60. Soldiers march from officers at, 335. Letter committee Philadelphia to, 62. Mutiny proof, 697. Committee, letter from, posed to Gen. de Armand's and respecting fire arms, 717. Return Col. Moylan's troops, 62. Prisof Assemblymen for, 742. Salt- oners to be sent from Bedford petre made at, sent to Philadel- jail to, 119. Barracks, &c., care phia, 742. Money and papers of, 233, 236. Court house burned, sent to, from Philadelphia, v., 278. Jno. Schreiber in charge of 102. Governor at, 128. Letters barracks, &c., damages to them, to and from committee, 250, 266. 309, 334. Muster rolls, 394. A Scarcity of salt in, 202. Maga- pardon asked for Abraham Bare, zine required at, and fears, 211. 396. Malconduct of judges of Richardson, a counterfeiter, taken election, 713. to, 248. Hessian prisoners at, Lancaster County, orders to arrest may be employed, 251. Riots at, Daniel and Wm. Lowe, i., 349. 266. Iinquisition for murder at, Letter Justices of, to Governor, 268. Powder magazine required, 439. Lands in, proclamation 295. Wagons from, 301, 302. against settling on, 529. AssoAdvertisement for, 302. Prison- ciated military companies of, iii., ers of war to be sent to, 306. 21. Number of Roman Catholics Committee's letters, 251, 266, 349, in, 144. Petitions against Indians, 365. Militia, 343. Magazine at, 159. Companies in, 389, 394. insecure, ix., 3. Convention pris- Soldiers at, 411. Proposal for a oners, 5, 6, 7, 26, 234, 235, 276, literary institution, 677-9. Want 278, 282, 328, 335, 357, 345. Title of magistrates, v., 347. Expenses to Conestoga, Manor, 48. Plot of of prisoners, 349. Troops orderBritish prisoners in barracks dis- ed to Chester, 353. Difficulties in covered, 156. Alarm at, 157. military affairs, 354. Letter of Affair between guards and Moy- Commissioners, 364. Letter to, lan's dragoons, 157 Capt. Ham- 762. Difficulties from Continenbright, barrack master, 170. Dis- tal money, 396. Opposition to putes between light horse and laws by the Dutch, 405, 408, 413, militia guards, 170. Guards, 199. 427. Money sent to, 415. Search Prisoners, 203. Dangerous sick- for Westmoreland Records in, 455. ness among, 204. Arrive from Militia, 480, 486, 521, 532, 534, Reading, 204, 282. Troops at, 562. J. Morris, Jr., appointed to 211, 293. In want of provisions, attend Court at, 481, 506. Session militia-prisoners, Colonel Wood, of Court at, 505, 506. Prisoners, 520 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Lancaster Co.- Lancaster Co.533. Troops to be stopped at, on improving Susquehanna river, 543. To march, 571,573. Papers 608. removed to, 645, 749. Letters to Lancaster Turnpike, letter from R. Commissioners, 762. Quarters for Peters, respecting Jones'lane, xi., militia to be provided, 758. Price 335. of salt at, 759. Camp at, 761. Lanctot, Major Godfrey, expedition Mittimus for J. Keller, &c., vi., 80. against Indians, &c., viii., 557, Guards for military stores, 174. 559; xii., 228, 246, 259, 270. Flour to be deposited at, 177. To proceed to Cooshocking, 246. Regulations for the main guard Land, Samuel, letter to William at, 193. Controversy between an Penn, i., 87. officer and tavern keeper at, 200, Land Office, commission to R. Peters 206, 268. Secretary Matlack in- as Secretary, i., 545. Inquiries suited at, 201. Wagon masters, by officers of, viii., 307. David 212. Letter to magistrates of, Kennedy appointed Secretary of, 258. Lieut. Hammond killed at ix., 67. Francis Johnston, Re"the Compass," 258. Affair of ceiver-General of, 67. Order for "the flag" at, 268. Traitors in, books, &c., received from E. 361. Want of money to buy Physic, 202, Claims, 263. Lands horses, 384. Letter of Commis- in Lancaster county, 294. Westsioners, 531. President Wharton moreland and Cumberland, 409. dies and is buried at, 493, 553. Opening of, x., 282. Objections Taxes, 531. Crews from gallies to the law, 283. Titles, 414, 416, arrive at, 550. Militia, 594. Il- 611. Counterfeit certificates, 453. legal election in, vii., 19. C. Sales of lands, 536, 537, 541, 545, Wirtz, respecting stores at, 220. 547. Inquiry as to ownership of Militia at, 230, 679. Stores, 232. islands in the rivers, 739. ConGen. Pulaski's corps, 232, 233. ference with Indians respecting John Hubley builds powder mag- survey of donation lands, 740; azine and storehouse at, in occu- xi., 503. pation of U. S., 297. Officers for, Lands, grants, &c. of, in New Jersey, 306. Stores from Lebanon, 371, i., 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 56, 469. Resolve to defend them- 57. Sales of, by iVm. Penn, in selves, 437. Cannon, twenty- England, 39. Indian deeds for, four pieces arrive from, 457. 32, 34, 35, 36, 47. [See Deeds.] Wagons required from, 469. Flour John Fenwicke, respecting, 56. to be purchased in, 567, 668. Welsh tract, 108 to 110. On DelPrices in, 568. Martial spirit aware, deed for, 541. Survey of, awaked, 623. Guards, 670. State on Susquehannah, 299, 494, 495, lands in, viii., 30, 54, 56. Lands 498, 629. Petition of Ross and in Indian town seized, 118. Rein's Carrol respecting, 333. Deposimill, flour sent from, 125. Forage tion, Luke Mercer, 333. On master, 155. Commissioner of, Schuylkill, deeds for, 344. At purchases horses, 187, 192. Lieut. Tulpehocken, deed for, 404. Noof, 241. Fines, 324. Menonists, tice respecting lottery, 455. Deed 329. Taxes, 380, 668. Volun- for, on Susquehannah, 494. Reteers, 389, 423. Purchases in, lease, 498. -Lands in Jersey, 631, 398. Militia, 469, 632. Colonel 641. Fraudulent purchase of InMoylan's regiment going to, 604. dians respecting, iii., 86, 299. Convention prisoners (German) Weiser's opinion, 313. Corresto be moved from Maryland and pondence between F. J. Paris and Virginia to, 753. Complaints others, 676. From Indians, iv., against Commissary, 754. Inse- 40, 49, 51, 56, 66, 70, 78, 83, 88, cure magazine, 755, 761. M. Hub- 103, 218, 309. At Fort Stanwix, ley appointed president of Courts, 309. Grant of, to officers of Pennxi., 363. Turnpike, 572. Meeting sylvania regiment, 335. And INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 521 Lands- 22. Reasons for repealing varilots, surveys of, x., 53, 56, 65, ous, 154, 156-164. Instructions 414, 506. Purchase by T. Proc- on passing 184. To be protor, 420. On Alleghany river, claimed, vi., 396. Recommended settling, 429. Sales, 541, 602, by Council to Assembly, 685. 603. In new purchase,number of respecting property, 675. Mild warrants issued for, xi., 121. De- system, effects of, xii., 4. preciation lands, sales at low Lawton, Esq., Agent for Win. Penn prices, 125. Claim of S. Riddle and in England, on various public afJ. Hill, letter from land officers, fairs, i., 139. 138. Virginia titles, 138, 160-162. Lawyers, scarcity of-but one in Between northern boundary and Carlisle, vi., 228. Not one in Erie, 211. Patents for, xii., 36. Reading, 245. Given to Cornplanter, 85. Indian Lea, James, recommendation. iv., invaded on the Ohio, 176. Dis- 586. pute, 195. Petition of Samuel Lead, scarcity of, vi., 293. Mine near Jones, 285. Wm. Cook, respect. Frankstown, 293, 413. Gen. Robing, 286. Western, memorial of erdeau, undertakes working 423. S. Hazard for, ii., 301. Grant of, Furnace at, 446. Mines, vii., 445, to Susquehannah Company by 446. Taken from houses in PhilaConnecticut, 303. delphia, 452. Pay for claimed, La-ne, William, viii., 360. viii., 5. Lanen, R., appointed Capt. ix., 529. Learning, T. & G. Henry, vii., 422. Lang, James, v., 396; vii., 537. Or- Leary, Capt. Dennis, attack by Inders respecting vessels, 567. dians, viii., 532. Lanroy, Col., ix., 324. Lebanon, Fort, described, ii., 665. Latima, Mrs. Charlotte, a female (See Forts.) iii., 31; xii., 384Tory, vii., 474, 480, 493. 387. Latimer, George, appointed commis- Lebanon Town, Lancaster Co., (Quitsioner on navigation of Susque- topahella,) proposal of C. Rabohanna river, x., 755. Recom- teau to establish by lottery an inmends J. Potter, xi., 661. stitution of literature, iii., 677. Latitude and longitude of various His commission and petition, 678. places in province, iv., 592. 679. Recommendation, 689. Lauman, Ludwig, letter, v., 102. Meeting at, v., 158. Number Laumoy, Col., asks for plan of city, of Militia at, much reduced vi, 768. as guards, vi., 264, 549. Militia Laurens, Fort, xii., 108, 114, 116, at, vii., 230, 232. Stores to be 125, 126, 128, 130, 132. To be removed to Lancaster, 371, 459. evacuated, 141, 147, 155. Soldiers 469, 522. Guard also discontinkilled, 148. Escort Indians to, ued, 507. Mr. Hubley objects to attacked and killed by Indians, taking charge of stores from Lebavii., 173, 465. Saved by miracle, non, and giving up key of maga569. zine, 509. Loan office at, viii., Laurens, Henry, succeeds John 51. Mr. Melshier, pastor of GerHancock as President of Congress, man Lutheran Congregation near, v., 736. Letter, 735. Resolu- 123. tions for a Thanksgiving, 735. Lebar, Col. Abm., vi., 45, 105. Lawrence, Gov. of Canada, letters Le Bceuf, Fort, xii., 387. to and from, ii., 375, 422. Iis suc- Le Tort, James, letter to Governor, cess over the French, 422. i., 216. An Indian Trader, examLawrence's Island, Col. Neilson at- ination, 300. tacks and captures enemy at, v., Ledlie, Andrew, Dep. Commissioner 230. of prisoners at Easton, ix., 527. Lawrence, Thos., vessels to be exam- Lee, Arthur, on Indian treaties, x., ined at Battery, iii., 675. 294. Conference with, and R. Laws for publishing Archives, i., 14, Butler, 295. To Col. F. Johnson 522 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. respecting Indian prisoners, 326. Lerne, Geo., wife, &c., killed by InAnd Butler to Council on officers, dians in Northampton Co., ix., 332. 257. Lee, Capt., viii., 43, 57. Lesher, John, vi., 170, 327, 346, Lee, Francis, Lightfoot, vi., 82, 147, 667, 675. 277, 284. Leslie, Matthew, letter from ii., 356. Lee, Fort, v., 66, 71. Enemy ex- Sent to purchase provisions, pected to reduce, 71. 316. Lee, Genl., v., 45. Robbed of horses, Letart's Spring, population of, xii., 162. Capture, exchange, &c., 172. 281. Lee, Major, Henry, Jun., surprises Le Tort, James, letter to Governor, British at Paulus Hook, vii., 661, i., 216. An Indian trader, ex665. Clothing, &c., viii., 56, 67, amination, 300. 457, 477, 599. Letters, vol. i.Lee, Major's, party destroys vessels From William Penn, 38, 49, 54, off New York, viii., 100. Horses 60, 61, 67, 70, 72, 93, 126, 127, and wagons, 504. 128, 129, 131, 132, 134, 135, 136, Lee, Richard Henry, applies for a 137, 138, 139, 142, 143, 148. To pilot for a French frigate, v., 665. William Penn, 49, 51, 54, 55, 56, And M. Smith, on disputes with 76, 77, 79, 30, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, Virginia, vii., 73. On boundary 106, 129; (See W. Penn.) Gov. question-operations of Cornwal- Markham to Lord Baltimore, 39. lis, &c., (1780,) x., 173. Elected From the Proprietaries, 203. Inpresident, 359. dians to Governor, 214. AllumLee, Richard, Governor, Maryland, apples to Governor, 214. James letter, iv., 538. Logan to R. Charles, 214. Sam'l Lee, Major Thomas, vi., 440, 568. Nutt to Governor, 215. Wm. Penn Lee, Serjt. Edward, killed and scal- to James Frisbee, 46. From Sir ped by Indians, ix., 659. Wm. Petty to Win. Penn, 49. Lee, Thomas, Sims., Gov. of Mary- From Phil. Lloyd to Wm. Penn, land, letters to and from, ix., 12, 54. From James Nevill to Winm. 37; viii., 354, 432, 433. Penn, 55, 56. Wm Penn to Gov. Lee, Wm. Serj't, and McClure to of New Jersey, 60. From Gov. take possession of Fort McIntosh, Blackwell to President Lloyd, 106. x., 109. James Steele to R. Shankland, Leech, Thomas, iii., 676. Sails af- 187. Gov. Keith to Assembly, 188. ter privateers, 676. Capt. of From Micajal Perry, 197, 206. frigate, 657. Society for propagating the GosLeffertie, John, deposition of, res- pel, 191, 226. Proprietaries to pecting enemies, and burning Trustees, 203, 236. ChecochiniCoughenawag, viii., 387. can to Governor, 239. Gov. G. to Lehigh Gap Fort, xii., 388. Wall Shekalamy, 241, 455. Admiralty on improving 292. to Governor, 242, 243, 253, 306. Lehigh, River, observations on, and 439. Gov. G. to Traders, 243. roads, by S. Balliet, xi., 131, James Logan to Traders, 245, 132. Remarks on, 135. Exami- Commissioners of Trade, 245. H. nation, 694. Newcastle to Gov., 246, 269, 577, Leimback, Fred., v., 524. [See Line- 581, 594, 633, 648, 652, 679. D. back.] Lloyd to R. Charles, 246. CoinLeith, John, deposition on Indian missioners of Customs to Goverrobberies, x., 763. nor, 238, 395. Greenwich HospiLenox, David, attack on R. Smith, tal to Governor, 251, 403. Genevii., 637. Statement of his ser- ral Spottswood on Post Office, 264, vices, x., 754. Claims deprecia- 265. Joshua Lowe to Governor, tion of pay, xi., 55. 268. Capt. Civility to Governor, Leonard, Sam'l, letter Wm. Penn 238, 271. From Alured Popple, to, i., 129. 245, 288, 331, 348, 433. S. Blun INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 523 Letters-i. Letters-ii. ston, 295, 316, 410, 530. Rip Van 758, 761, 771, 772. Presd't P. to Dam to Gov. G., 296. Governor Gov. of Havana, 752. Do. Mons. to Delaware Indians, 302, 303. Chastenoy, 755. Curtis and FinEdmund Cartlidge to Governor, ney to, 759. Jehu Curtis, 759. 304. Gov. Ogle to Gov. G., 313, Capt. Taylor to Captain Medcalf, 320, 326, 336, 342, 343, 403, 414, 760. Holt and Kollock to Presi443, 727, 758. Gov. G. to Gov. dent, 763. President Reading of Ogle, 321, 326, 337, 340, 343, 347, N. J., 764. Answer of President, 417, 427, 447. Boone and Mattox 765. Secretary P. to Proprietato Gov. 340. Delaware Chiefs to ries, 768. Capt. John Huston to Gov., 341. Gov. to Indians, 346, President, 769. Geo. Croghan to 445. Gov. to S. Blunston, 353, T. Lawrence, 770. 437, 547. Wright and Blunston Alexander, James, ii., 465. Alexanto Gov., 363, 436. Benjamin der, Wm., 170, 315, 348, 375. Shurmer to R. Charles, 370, 380, Allen, Wm., 362. Alriclls, Her390 Justices of Kent to Gov. G., manus, 383. Armstrong, Col. 372, 389, 500. J. Ross to Gov. John, 451, 457, 719. Armstrong, Ogle, 381. Gov. to Wright and Joseph, 247, 248. Assembly, 316, Blunston, 386, 436. Lord Balti- 318. more to Gov. G., 393, 395. In- Ballett, Capt. J., ii., 7. Bard, Peter, dians to Gov. G., 394, 425, 549. 764. Barton, Rev. Thos., 568, Abraham Wendall for Indians, to 755, 756. Belcher, Gov., of New Gov., 454. James Steel to James Jersey, 172, 182, 242, 243, 261, Heath, 426. Gov. Gooch, 544, 269, 471, 478, 489, 501, 513, 527, 663, 687, 756. Commissioners on 530, 699. Bell, John, 692. BlunBoundary Line, 556, 557, 558, ston, Sam'l, 66. Board of Trade, 568, 574, 613. James Hamilton 128, 377, 418, 467, 527, 778. to R. Peters, 585. Ferd. J. Paris, Boscawen, Adm., 322, 421. Bos586, 628, 734. Justices of New ton Selectmen, 708. Braddock, Castle to Governor, 592. Gov. Gen., 258, 261, 263, 269, 285, 288, Clarke, N. Y. to Governor, 619, 290, 299, 372. Burd, James, 393, 620. James Ladd to J. Steel, 623. 454, 566, 631, 705. Burgesses R. Peters to T. Cookson, 637. of Wilmington, 456. Bush, John Digges to R. Peters, 645. D., 6. Between Gov. Bladen and Gov. Churchman, John, ii., 19, 25. ClapThomas, 645, 686, 692, 726. Con- ham, 596, 612, 615, 663, 669, rad Weiser, 649, 650, 651, 661, 671, 686, 705, 739, 744, 751, 766, 665, 671, 673. Gov. Shirley and 778. Captains of his regiment to Gov. F., 653, 667, 669, 670, 711, Commissary James Young, 703, 746, 754. Gov. Clinton and Do., 704, 716. Claus, Daniel, 116, 174, 654, 661, 678, 687, 712, 736. 645. Clinton, Gov. N. Y., 16, 26, Thomas Cookson, 637, 646, 657, 29, 30, 32, 65, 99. Cookson, Tho680, 682, 684, 727, 730. D. Bush mas, 9, 42. Coxe, Gov., 377. to Thos. Hopkinson, 674 Adam Croghan George, 13, 31, 118, 119, Furney to T. Cookson, 685. Gov. 132, 144, 173, 203, 209, 212, 218, Shirley and P. Warren to Gov. 219, 483. Thomas, 689. R. Peters to Thos. De Lancey, Gov., of New York, ii., Calder, 729, 731. Tench Francis 168, 179, 220, 233, 242, 243, 261, to, Do., 733. Captains at Albany, 264, 267, 270, 273, 278, 279, 280, 736. Indian t) President, 737, 288, 326, 331, 338, 344, 345, 346, 741. Capt. John Stoddard to Gov. 350, 384, 391, 396, 398. Denny, Shirley, 740. George Croghan to Gov. Win., 779. Digges, John, R. Peters, 742, 770. Capt. Perry 73. Dinwiddie, Robert, Governor to R. Peters, 745. To and from Virginia, 177, 226, 268, 270, 273, Conrad Weiser, 649, 650, 661, 390, 422, 446, 454. 481, 530, 560, 665, 671, 673, 748, 749, 750, 756, 581, 711. Dobbs, Gov., N. C., 524 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Letters-ii. Letters-ii. 281, 536. Dunbar, Col. Thos., Peters, Richard, 59, 89, 172, 196, 385, 401, 410, 417. 214, 218, 232, 307, 312, 315, 345, Edmonds, Wm., ii., 669, 681. 411, 455, 651, 660, 685. Pepperell, Fisher, Josh., ii., 592, 593. Fitch, Wm., 329. Philadelphia, Mayor Gov. Thos., 122, 125, 208. Fox, and Aldermen, 389. Phipps, H., 490, 606, 659. Francis, Tench, Lieut. Gov., 413, 732. Polson, 255. Franklin, Benj., 274, 344, Cap. Winm., 246, 247, 248. Powell, 466, 548, 766. Franklin & Hall, B. and S. Rhoads, 3. Pownall, 274. Sir Jno., 377, 418, 467, 527, 778. Gage, Col., Thomas, ii., 571. Gal- Read, Adam, ii., 738. Read, Charles brath, James, 740. Gooch, Gov. 645. Ridout, J., 734. Robinson, 18. Sir Thos., 188, 249, 284, 291, 365, Halifax, Dunk, ii., 657. Halifax, Earl 379, 439, 440, 520, 764. Rutherof, 528, 657. Hamilon, Gov. ford, Jno., 276, 288. James, 49, 60, 66, 91, 113, 120, St. Clair, Sir John, ii., 567. Sal122. Hamilton, Hance, 611, 753. ter, Elisha, 611, 613, 621. Scull, Hamilton, James, 731, 749. Nicholas, 73. Sharp, Horatio, Hardy, Sir Charles, and Gov., Governor Maryland, 113, 125, 399, 435, 497, 526, 574, 585, 606, 130, 187, 192, 213, 228, 244, 274, 609, 629, 646, 688. Harris, John, 382, 397, 451, 490, 507, 557, 573. 178, 230, 232, 441, 627, 662. Shippen, Edward, 230, 358, 362, Hawkins, John, S., 117. Hen- 364, 400, 455, 463, 472, 627, 634, dricks, Thos., 438. Hobson, 642, 738, 740. Shirley, Governor, Cap. Saml., 641. Hockley, 20, 26, 215, 260, 282, 298, 326, Richd. 475, 476. Holt, R. and 328, 330, 338, 381, 387, 698. S. Kollock, 4, 477, 509. Hoops, Shirley, Geheral, 292, 330 405, Adam, 462, 474, 752. Hopkins, 417, 435, 481, 493, 495, 502, 524, Gov. Stephen, 345, 434, 500, 673. 569, 576, 577, 578, 579, 587, 651, Horsefield, Timothy, 289, 458, 693, 715. Shirley, John, 199, 481, 500, 512, 520, 688, 701, 713. 332, 402, 423. Shirley, W., 29, Hughes, Win., 271. 293, 307, 310, 321, 346, 357. Innes, Col., ii., 217, 376. Johnson, Spangenberg, Revd. Mr., 584. Col. Wm., 26. Johnson, Genl., Spering, Lieut., 566, 587. Spry, 393, 535. Commod., 508. Steele, Revd. Kennedy, Archd., ii., 702, 714, 733. Captain John, 623. Stevenson, Lawrence, Gov, ii., 375, 422. Lee, Geo., 442, 461, 465, 514, 749, 775. President of Virginia, 58. Lesley, Stevenson, James, 170, 323, 411, Matthew, 316, 356. Logan, Wm., Swaine, Charles, 360. 479. Loudoun, Lord, 718. Tasker, Benjamin, Governor, ii., 93. McKee, Thomas, ii., 553, 563, 564, Thomas, tfov., 180. Thompson, 615. Magaw, David, 39. Mar- William, 752. Till, William, 464. shall, Capt., 29. Mercer, Capt. Trent, William, 17, 50, 575. Hugh, 632. Mercer, James, F., Van Etten, Captain John, ii., 720. 281. Morris, Gov., R. H. [See Walker, Thomas, ii., 267. WashingR. H. M.] Morris, Lewis, 315. ton, Colonel. George, 565, 620. Norris, Isaac, ii., 242, 243. Weiser, Conrad, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, Ogilvie, Wm., ii., 585. Ogle, Gov., 23, 44, 259, 318, 453, 461, 503, (Md.) 40, 46, 57. Orme, Robert, 504, 511, 562, 563, 628, 696, 776. 312, 325, 329. Orndt, Cap. Wentworth, Governor, J. G., 195. 742. West, Francis, 571. Wetterhold, Parsons, Wm, ii., 41, 95, 98, 305, Captain, 741, 753. Williams, 443, 515, 534, 539, 595, 670, 740, Israel, 20. Wolcott, Governor 742, 745, 747. Patterson, Cap., Roger, 120, 126. 613. Penn, Thomas and Richard, York, several persons, ii., 448. 304. Penn, Thomas, 189, 195, Abercromby, Maj. General, iii., 321, 252, 275, 305, 333, 366, 419, 438. 364, 366, 371, 376, 380, 392, 553. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 525 Letters-iii. Letters-iii. Allen, William, C. J., iii., 64, 304. 623, 634, 671, 675, 677, 685, 687, Amherst, General Jeff., 634, 694, 689. Depui, Samuel, 423, 424. 701, 706. 710, 712, 715, 718, 726, Dinwiddie, Gov. Robert, 50. 734. Armstrong, Colonel John Dudgeon, Richard, 442. 40, 48, 51, 54, 78, 83, 146, 173, Elder, Rev. John, iii., 251. Erwin, 187, 191, 201, 212, 239, 282, 289, Robert, 64. 296, 303, 365, 446, 447, 448, 481, Fothergill, John, iii., 667. Forbes, 551, 621, 627, 688. Atkins Ed- Gen. John, 83, 398, 448. mund, 175, 183, 197, 268. Galbreath, Bartram, iii., 277. GalloBard, Peter, iii., 432, 499. Barton, way, Joseph, and Wm. M., 160, Rev.-Thos., 377, 450, 551. Beatty, 214. Gordon, Lewis, 754, 756. Rev. Charles, 297. Belcher, Gov. Governor of Havana, 508. J., 54, 151. Bell, John, 282. Grpme and Bond, Drs., 673, 676. Bernard, Governor Fra., 453. Graydon, Lieut., 728, 729. Blackwood, John, 402, 403. Bos- Halkett, Major, iii., 450. Hamilton, cawen, Admiral, 493. Bouquet, Gov. James, 690, 691, 693, 694, Colonel, 82, 85, 265, 571, 670. 696, 701, 702, 706, 710, 712, 714, Bulkley, John, 349. Bull, Capt. 718, 726, 729, 732, 734. Harding, Jno. 422, 423. Bullitt, Captain N., 53. Harris, John, 33. HolThomas, 371. Burd, Maj. James, dernesse, Earl of, 148, 162. Hol333, 334, 350, 367. Burk, Law- land, Nathaniel, 583. Holt, R., rence, 478. Busse, Christian, 279, 636. Horsfield, Timothy, 34, 76, 425. Byers, John, 406. 142, 207, 247, 286, 350, 351, 436, Callender, Robert, iii., 29. Chauvig- 438, 741, 755. Hughes, John, nerie, Mons., 329. Chew, B., 397. 288, 289, 316. Humphreys, Lt., Chief Justice, 754. Clapham, 28. Hyndshaw, James, 290. Colonel William, 9, 10, 13, 14, Indians to Governor of Maryland, 38, 40, 42, 58, 64. Colden, Alex., iii., 143. Irsvine, James, 700. 446. Commissioners, 93, 161, Jameson, David, iii., 8, 412. Janu214, 235, 258, 281, 287, 398, 498, ary, Thomas, 410. Johnson, Sir 675. Commissioners of Lower William, 485, 7Q4. Joshua, and Counties, 401. Commissioners of other Indians, 575. Customs, 546. Commissioners of Kennedy, Archibald, iii., 477, 479. Indian affairs, 583. Commis- Kern, Adjutant, 334. Kollock, sioners of Wyoming, 318. Cotes, Jacob,438. Admiral Thomas, 186, 298. Coul- Lawrence, Thomas, iii., 675. Leech, tas, James, 64. Council to Gov., Thomas, 676. Lloyd, Thomas, 8. Croghan, George, 175, 247, 11, 319, 361, 411. Lords of trade, 248, 319, 428, 544, 671, 733. 690. Loudoun, Lord, 137, 138, De Lancey, Governor Jas., iii., 434. 141, 145, 150, 174, 267, 277, 316, Denny, Gov. William, 5, 8, 13, 317, 323, 338. Lyttleton, Gover18, 29, 35, 38, 40, 48, 50, 53, 54, nor William Henry, 18, 315, 398. 58, 64, 69, 76, 78, 83, 93, 95, 96, McClughan, John, iii., 393. McKin106, 137, 138, 141, 145, 146, 148, ley, John, 381. McMichael, John 150, 160, 162, 173, 174, 186, 193, 405. Masters, William and J. G., 201, 207, 209, 212, 214, 218, 221, 160. Mercer, Col. Hugh, 27, 57, 235, 236, 239, 241, 245, 247, 248, 571, 584, 624, 673, 685, 721, 728. 251, 256, 258, 265, 266, 268, 273, Meyer, Engineer, 47, 48. Miller, 277, 278, 282, 289, 290, 293, 296, John, 455, 545. Monckton, Gen. 298, 300, 303, 304, 313, 315, 316, Robert, 732. Moore, Justice, 511. 323, 330, 338, 349, 351, 360, 364, Morgan, Capt. Jacob, 30, 31, 39, 365, 366, 370, 380, 383, 385, 392, 191. Morris, Sam'l, 635. Mont401, 403, 412, 425, 427, 428, 430, gomery, Capt. Jno. 411. Nevill, 432, 442, 449, 453, 471, 480, 481, Samuel, 206. 485, 487, 489, 490, 498, 508, 511, Orndt, Jacob, iii., 5, 51, 207, 209, 212, 517, 518, 546, 552, 571, 583, 584, 350, 351, 367, 487, 490, 678. Os 526 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Letters-iii. Letters-iii. wald, Thomas, 298. Otto, Dr. Van Etten, Cap. iii., 139. Vining, M., Jno. 247, 251. T., 635. Paris, F. J., iii. 666. Parsons, Wm., Walker, Capt., Richard, iii., 409. 5, 7, 35, 81, 84, 104, 139, 142, Washington, Col. George, 300. 163, 211. Pemberton, Israel, 37, Weiser, Conrad, 19, 28, 31, 35, 555. Peters, Richard, 7, 11, 33, 86, 207, 217, 221, 277, 283, 293, 37, 51, 80, 84, 86, 92, 104, 157, 312, 313, 425, 428, 439, 500, 571, 206, 217, 239, 245, 251, 283, 288, 699, 701. Weiser, Samuel, 10. 297, 298, 377, 381, 384, 386, 389, Wentworth, Gov., 5. West Francis 390, 393, 397, 402, 406, 409, 422, 707, 732. Wetherhold, Lieut. 428, 438, 450, 455, 471, 475, 478, Jacob, 211. 484, 488, 500, 510, 514, 516, 544, Young, James, iii., 12, 49, 57, 455, 546, 551, 552, 555, 571, 575, 580, 484, 488. 621, 627, 636, 660, 662, 673, 675, Allen, Andrew, iv., 702. Allen, 677, 698, 727, 733, 741, 754. Jno. 680. Allison, R. and J. Peters, William, 299, 312, 547. Worrell, 764, 784. Atlee, Col., Pitt William, 94, 96, 106, 301, 772. Amherst, Gen. Jeffrey, 37, 330, 519, 753, Post, Fred'k, 39, 45, 46, 48, 50, 64, 68, 71, 73, 580, 698, 700, 702, 703-709. Pow- 74, 76, 79, 87. Anonymous, 156. nall, John, (secretary,) 97, 759. Apty, Thos., 157. Armstrong, Pownall, John, Gov. Mass., 693, John, 108, 135, 136, 146, 152, 714. Price, G., 488. Price, Lieut. 154, 174, 193, 203, 205. AttorneySamuel, 429, Proprietaries, 106, General, S. G. B. 302. 157, 193, 576, 668, 683. Ball, Joseph, iv., 761. Bard, Peter, Quamas, Capt. Henry (Indian,) iii., 210. Barnsley, Capt. Thos. 209, 758. 212. Barry, John, 750. Barton, Quinby, Jonathan, iii., 681. Rev. Thos., 133. Bayard, Major Raboteau, C. C., iii., 677. Read, John, 707. Beatty, R. and J. Chas., Jr. 546. Read, Jas, 36, 245. Miller, 151. Bedwell, Thomas, Reading, alarms at, 36. Reading, 719. Belton, Joseph, 650, 654. Philip, 699. Reed, Adam, 426. Rey- Berks county Committee, 679. nolds, George, 5. Ridout, J., 660, Bernard, Gov. F., Mass, 162. 662. Rebertson, Maj. James, 291. Biddle, Owen, 765, 789. Blaine, St. Clair, Sir Jno., iii., 266, 661. Ephraim, 590. Boone, Gov. Tho's, Shackerly, Mr., agent, 137. Shank- 67. Borden, Joseph, 753. Botteland, William, 3 62. Sharp, Ho- tourt, Lord Governor, 365, 368, ratio, Gov. 143, 183, 197, 585, 697, 371. Boudinot, Elias, 720, 727. Shippen, Jps. 333, 389, 409, Bouquet, Col. Henry, 166, 198, 410, 42i, 449, 470, 4)10. Shippen, 204, 206, 208. Bradshaw, Thos. Edward, 8, 304, 394, 409, 427. 297, Bryan, George, 777. Burd, Sibbald, Capt. Jno. 490. Span- Capt. James, 88, 111, 124, 128, genberg, Rev. Mr., 69, 141, 434, 140, 165. Burd, Mark, Chairman 500. Stanwix, Col. John, 220, of Bucks county, 697. Butler, Z., 239, 241, 288, 301, 438, 517, 668, Capt., 364, 643, 647, 648. 687, 693, 696, 710, 713. Steven- Cadwalader, Col. John, iv., 757. son, George, 384, 386, 390, 391, Caldwell, Commodore, 706, 717, 395, 400, 411. Stevenson, Surgn., 726. Callender, Robert, 411, 413. James, 82. Stephen, Col. Adam, Capts. of Pennsylvania armed 83, 668. Swain, Charles, 424. vessels, 707. Carleton, Gov. Guy, 516, 686. 364. Carnahan, John, 603. Caredyuscung, iii., 385, 509, 623,704. penter, E. 160. Cavet, James, Tennent, Rev. William, 514. 622. Chambers, Benjamin, 535. Thomson, Charles, 256, 422. Till, Chew, Benjamin, 494. Clayton, William, 471, 475. Trent, Winm., Ashur, 138, 142, 174. Colden, 1:9. Trump, Levi, 408, 425, 430, Gov. Cadwalader, 167, 364, 562, 480, 582, 699. Turner, J., 442. 563, 579. Collins, Major Luke, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 527 Letters-iv. Letters-iv. 454. Commissioners of Bedford Gage, Gen. Thomas, iv., 137, 143, county, 712. Commissioners of 144, 164, 168, 170, 172, 214, 217, Carlisle, 706, 713. Commissioners 231, 240, 248, 256, 260, 276-300, of Connecticut, 470, 471. Com- 337, 344, 377, 393, 394, 457. Gormissioners of Customs, Boston, don, Lewis, 66, 67, 70, 143, 174, 289, 305, 311. Commissioners of 420, 423, 427. Governor of HaTrade, 174, 182, 189. Commis- vana, 286. Grant. Lieut. Chas., sioners of Westmoreland county, 229, 231, 240, 246. Graydon, 489. Committee of Chester county, Lieut. Caleb, 52, 88, 207, 214. 718, 730. Committee of Frederick Gurney, Francis, 691. county, Md., 681. Committee of Haldiman, Frederick, iv., 465. Lancastercounty, 717. Committee Halifax, Dunk. 192, 200, 201, 202. on Naval affairs, 692. Committee Hallock, Captain William, 751. of Reading, 757. Committee of Hamberger, Thomas, 795. Hanna, Safety, 635, 638, 642, 651, 654, Robert, 605, 625, 627. Harris, 656, 664, 666, 668, 679, 680, 696, John, 721, 789. IHazelwood, Com697, 702, 703, 704, 706, 708, 711, modore, 765. Hamilton, Gov'r 712. 713, 714, 717, 718, 720, 721, James, 37, 39, 45, 46, 50, 52, 58, 722, 723, 726, 727, 729, 730, 731, 60, 64, 67, 68, 71, 73, 74, 76, 79,'733, 734, 736, 737, 738, 740, 742, 80, 82, 86, 103 105, 110, 124, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 750, 751, 128, 130, 419, 424. Hendrick, 757, 760, 761, 762, 763, 765, 768, James, 346. Hillsborough, Earl 769, 770, 773, 774, 775, 777, 779, of, 282, 283, 290, 292, 295, 297, 790. Committee of Secresy of 299, 300, 302, 306, 309, 311, 334, Congress of North Carolina, 733. 340, 361, 363, 364, 375, 380, 382, Congress, 640, 643, 644, 645, 680, 387, 414. Hopkins, Governor 728, 732, 760, 773, 778, 782. Steph., 121. Horsfield, Thomas, Congress of North Carolina, 734. 61. Howell, John L., 765. Connolly, John, 548, 695, 703, Hughes, Ellis, 647, 648. Hughes, 770. Connolly, Mrs., 778, 780. John, 241. Conway, H. S., Secy, 244. Indians, iv., 60, 61, 170, 450, 500. Cooper, Guy, Sec'y, 250. Coxe, Irish, Nathan, 638. Irvine, Col. John, 757, 762. Crawford, Win. James, 138. 424. Croghan, G., 452, 482, 506. Johnson, Sir William, iv., 40, 44, Dartmouth, Earl of, iv., 456, 460,464, 56, 74, 77, 78, 80, 103, 137, 162, 480, 538, 576, 579, 585, 588, 613, 165, 215, 226, 249, 260, 290, 292, 614, 621, 625. Davison Commo- 307, 309, 349, 375. Johnson, dore, 791. De Haven, Peter, 731. William Samuel, 475. Joy, Capt., Dickeson, Mr 241. Dickinson, 738. John, 784. Digges, WinV., 489. Kearsley, Jonathan, iv., 727. Dougherty, H., 753, 778, 791. Lancaster, officers at, iv., 335. Durkee, John, 364. Dunmore, Lancaster Committee, iv., 697. Earl of, 460, 482, 493, 525. Dyer, Ledlie, Doctor, 427, Lee, Richard, Eliphalet, &c., 394, 401. 538. Logan, William, 62, 530. Eden, Robert, Gov. of Maryland, iv., Macbean, Angus, iv., 731, 369. Edmondstone, Chas. 433. Maokay, ZEneas, 484, 494, 516, Elder, Rev. John, 127, 128, 132, 517, 540. McKinley, John, 746, 135, 148, 153, 714. 749, 764. Maclay, William, 462, Fairlamb, N., iv.,753. Fisher, Henry, 660. Maul, James, 680. Miles, 664, 724, 725, 732, 736, 737, 740, Colonel Samuel, 748, 783, 787. 743, 755, 762. Instructions, 686, Montgomery, John, 505, 506, 530. Fitzsimons. T., and J. Moulder, Moore, Sir Henry, Governor of 763. Fox, Mr., 80. Francis, Col. New York, 337. Morris, Robert, Turbutt, 210. Franklin, Wil- 750, 752, 768, 773. Morris, liam, Gov'r, N. J., 157, 305. Fra- Samuel, 787. Morton, John, 772. zier, J., and George Wood, 458. Moylan, Stephen, 774. 628 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Letters-iv. Letters-v. Nicola, Lewis, iv., 635, 726. New 488, 618. Smith, Rev. Dr. Wm., York Commissioners, 150, 168, 475, 511. Smith, William, 229, 337. 245. Spear, J., 481. Stedman, Old, James, iv., 721. Charles, 685. Stephens, Sec'y Penn, Governor John, iv., 135, of Admirality, 243, 331, 623. 136, 138, 140, 143, 144, 146, 148, Stevenson, George, 102. Stewart, 150, 153, 155, 157, 158, 160, 163, Charles, 383, 384, 416, 417, 428, 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 182, 689. Stuart, John, 189. 192, 198, 201, 203, 206, 208, 210, Teedyuscung, iv., 74, 78, 80, 82. 214, 217, 226, 231, 243, 244, 248, Thompson, John, 415, 416. 250, 256, 258, 260, 262, 274, 276, Thompson, William, 521, 526, 280, 290, 295, 297, 299, 300, 302, 680. Tilghman, James, 335, 346, 305, 307, 309, 311, 334, 337, 339, 416, 417, 419, 420, 424, 427, 428, 340, 344, 349, 361, 363, 365, 369, 462, 488, 535, 591. Trumbull, 377, 380, 387, 411, 414, 431, 449, Governor Jonathan, of Connecti573, 576, 578, 585, 586, 588, 603, cut, 394, 401. Tryon, William, 604, 612, 614, 616, 620, 622, 625, Governor of New York, 467. 627, 629, 652, 659, 688. Penn, Van Campen, John, iv., 415, 416, Governor Richard, 448, 450, 456, 417. Vining, John, 338, 341. 460, 465, 466, 476, 480, 484, 494, Virginia, Governor, 207. 506, 521, 526. Peters, Richard, Washington, General, George, iv., 40, 44, 50, 56, 62, 64, 66, 70, 77, 644, 645-6, 775. Webb, James, 80, 530. Phelps, Richard, 297, 213. Westmoreland County, 300. Pilots restricted, 777. Pitt, Trustees of, 449. Wickes, Capt. William, 58. Plunket, William, Lambert, 758, Wilkins, Colonel, 109. Pollard, William, 787. 395. Williamson, Dr. Hugh, 364. Pownall, John, 309, 368, 415, Willson, George, 426, 455, 466. 486, 629, 652. Proctor, Thomas, Wilson, Thomas, 108. Wynkoop, 729, 753, 790. Provincial Com- Henry, 702, 792. missioners, 142. Yeates, Abm., Cha'n, iv., 646. Read, Captain Thomas, iv., 745, Young, James, 208, 210. 747, 750, 751, 753, 769. Reed, Alexander, Charles, v., 626- AnderJoseph, 679. Reese, William, son, Patrick, 26. Armstrong, Gen. 653. Reid, Colonel John, 246. John, 164, 229, 324, 558, 560, Reilley, Richard, 783. Richard, 563, 568, 572, 581, 587, 598, 636, James, 721. Roberdeau, Colonel, 641, 645, 653, 672, 684. Arndt, 719, 760, 786. John, 421. Arilold, Benedict, St. Clair, Arthur, iv., 426, 437, 367, 376. Assembly, 179, 264, 452, 471, 476, 481, 494, 500, 506, 491, 681. Atlee, Col. S. J., 6, 10. 530, 573, 583, 586, 589, 622, 624, Atlee, William, 248, 301, 327, 628, 637, 659. Sample, David, 365, 376. 481. Schlosser, Captain J., 158. Bache, Richard, v., 409. Bailey, Seely, Jonas, 141. Sharpe, Gov'r John, 405, 413. Bailey, William, of Maryland, 207, 262, 277. Shel- 349. Bancroft, Daniel, 231, 246. burne, Earl of, 274, 276, 280, 281. Baxter, Lieutenant-Colonel, Wm., Shippen, Edward, 62, 64, 154. 31, Bayard, Capt. Jno., 106, 148. Shippen, Joseph, Jr,, 82, 88, 102, Becker, Lieutenant-Col., Henry, 108, 110, 128, 132, 154, 175, 209, 485. Benezet, James, 469. Ben212, 298, 412, 4;9, 420, 437, 471, sell, C., 11. Berks County, Com481, 488, 540, 546, 550, 557, 558, mittee, 111, 112, Biddle, Clem560, 564, 583, 618, 624, 637, 650. ent, 140, 145, 170, 197, 721, 739, Sluman, J. and W. Judd, 661. 744. Biddle, Owen, 3, 11, 80, Smith, Daniel, 498. Smith, 105, 117, 148, 158, 182, 192, 249, Devereux, 511, 515, 612, 630. 267, 301, 315. Bird, Mark, 9. Smith, James, 228, 641. Smith, Blaine, Col. Ephraim, 299, 677, Robert, 776, 783. Smith, Thomas, Blair, James, 24, 50. Blewer, Jos, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 529 Letters, v.- Letters, v.120, 464, 713. Board of War, gan, 315. Conway, Gen. T., 522, 268, 292, 306, 314, 320, 399, 583, 530. Cooke, William, 84. Cor585, 683, 751, 756. Boggs, Major, bley, John, 449. Council of 232. Bond, Phineas, 578. Bond, Safety, [which see.] Council of Dr. Thos., 78, 89, 383. Boudi- Safety of Kent, 79. Creigh, John, not, Elias, 313, 443. Bowen, &c., 628. Crispin William, 114, Capt. J. B., 114. Boyd, Alexan- 681, 706, 748. Cross, William, der, 49. Boyd, Col. Andrew, 712, 449. Cumberland County, 12, 748. Boger, Richard, 31. Brad- 77. ford, William,'401, 430, 557, 575, Davis, Col. v., 292. Davison, Com582, 615, 644, 648, 649, 663, 668, modore, Saml., 378. Dellaven, 707, 740, 745. Brodhead, Daniel, Hugh, 569. De Haven, Peter, 21, 29, 158, 283, 345. Brown, 155, 255, 606, 607. Delegates in Wm., 37, 106, 135. Bryan, Geo. Congress, 537. De Normandie, Dr. V. P., 352, 463, 490, 514, 529, J. A. C., 176. Dewees, Thomas, 530, 543, 574, 610, 661, 682. Bu- 266. Dickinson, Gen. Philemon, chanan, Wmi., 552, 667, 677, 116, 117, 233, 244. Donaldson, 690, 711, 742, 744. Budden, &c., Joseph, 496, 534. Dorsey, James, 590, 591. Bull, Col. John, Thomas, 534, 550. Downey, 59, 102, 201, 203, 208, 255, 304, Capt. 431. Drummond, Dr. 306, 709. Butler, Anthony, 553, George, 511. Dundas, James, 557. 616. Cadwalader, John, v., 95, 136, 160,'Elder, Robert, v., 753. Elmer, 161, 178, 180, 186. Caldwell, Jona'n, 7. Episcopal Churches, Andrew, 261. Cameron, Allan, 600, 603. Eustace, J. P., 381. 383. Campbell, George, 269. Evans, John, 246, 353, 529. Ewing, Carothers, John, 634, 639. Cas- James, 146, 298. ]Eyers, Richard, dorp, Thomas, 200. Chambers, 106. Eyre, Benjamin, 375. David, 113. Chambers, Col. Eyers, Col. Jehu, 591. James, 364. Cheney, Col. 732. Farmer, Capt. Lewis, v., 51. Fisher, Chester County, Lieutenants, 475, Henry, 42, 47, 52, 61, 70, 99, 100, 582, 629. Chew, James, 449. 108, 153, 263, 402, 465, 504. Christ, H. &c., 605, 633, 734. Flowers, Col. Benjamin, 27, 138, Clark, John, 699. Clark, Michael, 181, 184, 369, 716. Forman, 712. Clarkson, Dr. Gerardus, Brigadier-General, David, 435, 165. Clinton, Gen. George, 676. 439. Coats, Col. Win., 158, 528, 766. Galbraith, Lieuten't-Col., Bartrem, Coleman, Robt., 39. College of v., 343, 353, 407, 409, 415, 457, Philadelphia, 198, Committee of 480, 486, 521, 532, 533, 543, 562, Berks, 111, 112. Committee for 573. Galbraith, Robert, 730. driving off cattle, 473, 512, 545, Gates, Major-General Horatio, 247, 567, 610, 630. Committee of in- 687, 688. Gerry, E., 754. Gibson, spection, Cumberland, 79. Comn- John, 65. Giles, Edward, 437. mittee of Fifty, 473, 630. Coim. Gregory, James, 334, 500, 588. of Lancaster, 251, 266, 349, 365. Griffin, Col. Samuel, 127. GrifCommittee of New York, 40. Com- fith, Capt. 328. Gronow, Lewis, mittee of Safety, [which see.] 487, 732. Gurney, Col. Francis, Committee at Trenton, 69. Com- 186. mittee of Westmoreland, 313. Hale, Thomas, v., 203. Haller, Committee of Yorktown, 151. Con- Henry, 144, 250. Hamilton, gress, 137, 179, 217, 219, 244, James, 611, 613, 620. Hampton, 289, 290, 372, 411, 413, 435, 439, John, 316. Hancock, John, P. 471, 491, 575, 586, 592, 593, 599, C., 137, 179, 21.9, 289, 352, 491, 626, 627, 681, 688, 738, 768. Con- 539, 544, 574, 586, 592, 589, 626, nolly, John, 101, 130, 242, 245, 627, 681. Hand, General Edward, 297, 298. Connor, Colonel Mor- 443, 540. Hand, H., 382. Hanni34 530 INDEX TO PENANSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Letters, v.- Letters,, Thomas, 253. Harris, John, 553, 599, 633. Marten, James,;53, 758. Harshall, J., 211. Hart, 436. Matlack, Timothy, 254, 323, Joseph, 18, 97, 237. Hartley, 332, 337, 355, 357, 364, 469, 485, Thomas, 697. Hayes, Capt. 704. 487, 507, 602, 612, 616, 620, 659. Hazelwood, Commodore John, Meade & Co., 61. Mease, James, 205, 602, 620, 663, 680, 696, 721, 193. Mease & Calcldwell, 104, 120. 747. Heard, Gen. Nathaniel, 262. Meason, Captain Samuel, 445. Henry, Patrick, Jr., 260, 286. Melchor, Colonel Isaac, 178, 206, Henry, Col. William, 347, 472, 507, 527, 584, 653. Mercer, Hugh, 543, t34, 635. Hill, Col. Henry, General, 41, 67, 71. Mifflin, 66, 94. Hiltzeimer. J., 354. Hodge, Jona., 86, 584, 594, 596, 597. Ancdw., 148. Hooper, Robert Mifflin, General Thomas, 125, 375, Lettis, 689, Hopkinson, Francis, 381, 490, 554, 720. Miles, S., 489. Howell, Jacob S., 47, 55, 5. Minor, Captain John, 444. 641. Hubley, Adam, Junr., 158, Mitchell, John, 62. Montgomery, 358, 530, 533, 666, 698. HIubley, Hugh, 37, 120. Moor, John, 66, John, 102, 128, 295, 347, 415, 427, 135. Morgan, George, 286, 313, 505. Huff, Joseph, 72. Hunn, 447. Morgan, Jacob, 299, 313, John, 450, 453, 462, 467, 468, 474, 322, 341, 407, 447, 466, 530, 608, 475. Hunter, Lt. Samuel, 133, 632, 756, 761. Morris, John, Jr., 244, 370, 377, 415, 610, 717, 737. 161, 294, 481, 482, 506, 749. MorIngersoll, Jared, v., 502. Irwin, ris, Lewis, 351. Morris, Rt., 28, Matthew, 613, 771. 31, 126, 132, 138, 173, 174, 190, Johnston, Francis, v., 125, 172. 216, 255, 379, 382, 626, 759, 760. Jones, Morgan, 449. Joy, Daniel, Morris, Captain Samuel, 204. 62, 121, 179. Morris, Samuel C., 108, 132. Kirkbride, Joseph, v., 322, 331, Navy Board, State, v., 293, 346, 402, 342, 368, 463, 465, 549, 567, 580. 425, 429, 446, 475, 488, 491, 501, Knight, Peter, 239. Knox, Gen., 505, 510, 521, 538, 542, 590, 594, 170. Kuhn, Ludwig, 93. 602, 663, 696, 722. Navy Board, Labar, Colonel Abm., v., 320, Continental, 319, 491. Nevill, 325. Lacey, Captain John, Jr., John, 286. Nevell, Tholas, 64. 154. Lancaster, Committee of, Nelson, Thomas, 167. Nesbitt, 251, 266, 365, 571, 762. Lang, Alexander, 240, 628. New York James, 396. Lauman, Ludwig, Committee, 40. Nice, Captain 102. Laurens, Henry, 735. Lee, John, 427. Nicola, L., 7, 29, 71, Richard Henry, 665. Leimback, 75, 78, 90, 92, 121, 148, 200, 354, Frederick, 524. Levers, Robert, 364, 410, 417, 600, 604, 608, 612, 332, 618, 622, 623, 645, 650, 653, 619, 631. Nixon, John, 489. 717. Lieutenants of Counties, Officers of the Army, v., 188. 297, 365, 379, 380, 424, 475, 521, Old, James, 179, 398. 541, 545, 556, 582, 592, 615, 629, Paca, William, v., 635. Paine, 660, 694. Livingston, Governor Thomas, 659. Parke, Lieutenant William, 238, 243, 251, 267, 294, Colonel Jno., 181. Patten, Major 296, 301, 320, 328, 346, 348, 614, John, 40. Pennell, Joseph, 143, 621. Lochry, Archibald, 344, 488, 197. Peters, Richard, 14. Phila741. Lochry, W., 135. Loug- delphia county, letter to, 660. head, James, 485. Lyon, Wm., Pintard, Lewis, 196. Piper, John, 416. 149, 436. Potter, David, 86, 218, McCalister, Richard, v., 330, 333. 305. Potter, General James, 433, 335, 369, 412, 558, 633, 640, 767. 436, 440, 460, 511, 551, 570, 571, McClean, Archd., 514, 536, 575, 718, 719, 738, 752, 755, 768. 661, 682, 704. McIlvaine, Wm., Potts, Jonathan, 350. Prisoners 509. Mackay, ZEneas, 59, 92. in Masonic Lodge, 604. Proctor, McKinley, General, 34, 309, 456. Colonel Jno., 202. Proctor, Thos., Magistrates, 411, 421, 473, 504, Major, 11, 33, 45, 50, 52, 97, 118, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 531 Letters, v.- Letters, v.130, 134, 141, 189, 192, 207, 234, 434, 451, 471, 485, 540, 674, 683. 236, 249, 455. Putnam, General War Office, Continental, 290, 382, Israel, 118, 127, 163, 168, 170, 399, 430, 434, 439, 450, 502, 512, 176, 196, 208, 215, 230, 232, 247, 535, 675, 683, 685, 686. WVash282, 300, 676. Putnam, Daniel, ington, General George, 113, 117, 215. 253, 290, 373, 419, 431, 439, 452, Read, James, v., 20, 68, 138, 204, 482, 510, 526, 617, 619, 624, 664, 258, 323, 463, 602. Read, John, 669, 678, 691, 697, 710. Way, 12, 21, 23, 24, 26, 47, 60, 68. Nicholas, 315. Wayne, Colonel Reed, Joseph, 109, 151, 289, 379, Anthony, 89. Weedon, Colonel 692, 701, 702. Richards, Win., G., 241. Wetzell, Lieutenant 13, 47, 62, 166, 169, 242. Rich- John, 85, 544. WVells, Richard, ardson, Joseph, 254. Rittenhouse, 189. Wetherill, Samuel, Jr., 342, Benj., 743. Rittenhouse, David, 355. Wharton, John, 489. Whill10, 62, 264, 357. Roberdeau, den, J., 382. Williams, Ennion, Daniel, 639, 659, 673, 726, 728, 34, 39; 51, 53, S0, 103, 105, 107, 735, 757, 770, 772. Ross, George, 112, 115, 117, 126, 204, 209, 212. Jr., 704, 758. Rouget, Stephen Wirtz, Christialn, 202, 208. WitJoseph, 569. Rush, Benjamin, rman, Christopher, 111. Wood, 3, 38, 59. Colonel Joseph, 87. Wynkoop, Savadge, Thomas, v., 55, 194, Henry, 32. 216, 217, 228, 418, 540, 763. Adams, John &B.F., vi., 521. Antes, Searle, James, 216. Seymour, William, 456. Armstrong, Gen. Commodore, 67, 83, 104, 401, John, 30, 43, 53, 60, 70, 84, 90, 577. Shee, Colonel John, 417. 100, 122, 148, 149, 230, 238, 293, Shippen, WVm., 768. Simmons, 412, 489, 516, 612, 613, 635, 657, Leeson, 538. Skinner, B. G. 661, 669, 680, 715, 717, 744. Cortland, 367. Smith, Robert, 8, Arndt, John, 336. Arnold, Gen. 9, 37, 324, 426. Smyth, Hugh, Benedict, 687, 708, 748, 749. As703. Sprogell, Ludick, 230. sembly, 153, 369, 518, 685, 709. Stansbury, Jos., 94, 98. Stephens, Attlee, Mr., 212. Auditor-Genl1 General, 175. Stevenson, George, U. S., 591. 68, 635. Stewart, Col. Walter, Bailey, Francis, and Capt. Lang, vi., 401, 713. Stillwell, Nicholas, 404. Bailey, James, 766. Bay453. Stirling, Lord, 157, 166, ard, Col. John, 60. Beaton, John, 170, 173, 174, 194. Stockton, 494. Bedford Co., freeholders, Richard W., 317. 367. Sutter, 577. Berks Co. Commissioners, James, 750. Supreme Executive 521. Berks Co. Justices, 138, 722, Council, [which see.] Biddle, Col. Clement, 92, 104, Tallman, Peter, v., 64. Taylor, 123, 139, 187, 220, 299, 321, 540, George, 49. Thomson, Charles, 738. Blaine, Eph., D. C. G., 252. 68. Thorne, Winm., 143. Tilgh- Blewer, Capt. Joseph, 671. Board lan, James, 156, 174, 502, 641. of War, Continental, 35, 42, 52, Tilghman, Tench, 674. Treasury, 63, 79, 84, 86, 93, 118, 127, 174, U. S., 334. Trenton, Committee 184, 188, 192, 194, 205, 208, 214, at, 69. Trumbull, Jona'n, 657. 216, 234, 268, 281, 286, 339, 351, Tyler, John, 731. 360, 369, 393, 402, 429, 444, 454, Vaughan, Major General John, 492, 515, 526, 533, 549, 556, 558, (British,) v., 688. Virginia, dele- 576, 581, 586, 593, 605, 608, 643, gates in C., 413. Virginians, 14. 644, 646, 648, 649, 654, 655, 667, Walters, John, v., 182, 245. 668, 676, 684, 688, 727, 745, 749, War Office of Pennsylvania, 268, 758. Bondfield, John, 172, 330. 281, 282, 283, 292, 294, 306, 314, Boudinot, Elias, 89, 162. Boyd, 315, 319, 325, 328, 342, 345, 346, Andrew, 355, 432, 483, 582, 646. 348, 350, 355, 358, 364, 377, 382, Boyd, Colonel J., 596. Bradford, 396, 398, 401, 409, 418, 427, 428, Colonel Win., 11, 24, 27, 80, 204. 532 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Letters, vi.- Letters, vi.Bradford, Wm. C., 451. Bridges, Penn'a in Congress, 4, 116, 136, Robert, 718. Brodhead, Colonel 207, 231, 242, 269, 279, 299, 380, Daniel, 462, 492, 660, 772. Bryan, 455, 535, 577. Deshler, Colonel, Geo., V. P., 10, 108, 109. Bu- 394. Donaldson, Joseph, &c., chanan, Arthur, 485, 487, 603. 775. Duanle, James, 102. Duer, Buchanan, William, 34. Bull, John, 276. Dunlap, James, 610. Colonel John, 128, 133, 190, 746. Edwards, Thomas, vi., 449. Elder, Butler, Colonel Richard, 252, 386, Joshua, 615, 616. Ettwein, John, 404. Butler, Colonel Zebulon, 751. Evans, Edward, 544. Evans, 690. Colonel. Thomas, 709. Evans, Cadwalader, Col. Lambert, vi., 655. WVmn., 731. Caldclwell, Charles, 502. Carothers, Ferguson, Mrs. Elizabeth, vi., 617. John, 436, 438, 446, 467, 487, Fisher, Henry, 706. Flowors, 491, 539, 559, 609, 719, 700. Colonel B., 79, 135, 450, 463. Chaloner, John, 320, 321. Chal- Forrest, Major, 357. Forst, oner & White, 761, 762. Chain- David, 296. Franklin, Benjamin, lbers, John, 504. Circulars, 65, and Jno. Adams, 521. Furman, 88, 124, 179, 240, 294, 392, 431, Moore, 439. 452, 638, 650. Clark, Abraham, Galbraith, Lt. Bartremi, vi., 642, 648. &c., 367, 389. Clarke, John, Jr., Galbraith, Robert, 238, 511, 550. 23. Claypoole, James, 624. Cly- Galbraith, Thomas, 532. Gallomer, Daniel, 104. Coats, Colonel way, Mrs. Joseph, 675. Garland, Wm., 227. Collectors of Cloth- Captain George, 737. Gates, Gen. ing, 33. Commissioners for col- Horatio, Pres. B. of W., 205. lecting Clothing, 179. Commis- Gerard, Mons., French Minister, sioners for collecting provisions, 638, 671. Gibbon, Col. WVilliam, 278, 294, 329, 418, 431. Com- 530. Gibson, Colonel George, missioners for seizing Estates, 13, 319, 324, 553. Gourla, John, 443. 644. Commissioners of Bucks Gray, Wm., and John Little, 377. Co., 395. Commissioners of Ches- Graeff, MIatthias, 55. Greene, ter Co., 561. Commissioners of General Nathaniel, 444, 482, 530. Lancaster County, 531. Comrnmis- Greer, Joseph, 395. Grolnow, sioners for WVestern Department, Lewis, 496. Grubb, Colonel C., 386. Committee of Congress, 316. 647. 363, 367, 384, 389, 677. Congress, Harberstick, Michael, vi,, 362. Hagto anc from, 3, 9,12, 30, 31, 41, 116, ner, Lt. Fred'k, 486. Hale, Thos., 136, 153, 158, 161, 176, 207, 208, 628. Hambright, Captain John, 210, 211, 248, 249, 284, 298, 316, 57, 532, 570, 626, 770. Hamilton, 318, 327, 340, 350, 351, 364, 394, James, 372, 433, 456, 468, 469. 403, 448, 460, 485, 488, 498, 507, Hand, General, 601. Harris, 523, 524, 589, 507, 607, 613, 657, John, 211, 574. Harris, David, 670, 671, 672, 708, 710, 712, 713, 32. Hart, William, 396, 431, 425. 726, 727, 737, 741, 754, 775. Hartley, Colonel Thomas, 351, Combe, Rev. Thomas, Jr., 626. 497, 674, 688, 690, 691, 612, 705, Council of Safety, 3, 4, 41. Cow- 729. Hazelwood, Commissioner, ell, Ebenezer, 51. Cox, John, John, 47, 121, 132, 167, 181, 235, 16, 29. Craig, Capt., 746. Craig, 246, 598, 724, 749. Henry, WilRobert, 41. Craig, Col. Thomas, liam, 558, 645. Hillegas, Michael, 412. Crispin, WinVm., 151, 174, 538, 548, 565. Hoge, Jonathan, 203, 440. Culbertson, Colonel 610. Houston, Captain Thomas, Robert, 448. 736. Hubley, John, 769. Hubley, Dana, Francis, vi., 318, 384. David- Joseph, 145, 750. Hunter, Lt. son, James, 16. Davison, Hugh, Samuel, 57, 175, 191, 393, 478, 504. De Haas, J. P., 648. De Ha- 499, 537, 552, 564, 570, 571, 593, ven, Hugh, 58. De Haven, Peter, 599, 615, 524, 631, 637, 711, 52, 453, 474, 632. Delegates, of 773. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 533 Letters, vi. — Letters, vi.Irvin, Matthew, vi., 156, 718, 726. I O'Neal, Dennis, vi., 498. Irvine, Colonel William, 726. Patterson, Capt. Alex'r, vi., 432. Jeffries, Joseph, vi., 349. Johnston, Penn, John, 10. Peters, Richard, Colonel Francis, 732. Jones, 72, 493. Pettit, Charles, 366, 513, Owen, Jr., 53, 54-56, 102, 106. 525, 620, 623, 738, 742. Phila. Jones, Thomas, 38, 69, 107, 130, Co., Lieutenants of, 500. Picker247. ing, Timothy, 173, 237, 528, 546. Keachline. Lieutenant, vi., 92, 107. Piper, Col. John, 34, 36, 115, 13,o Kirkbride, Colonel Joseph, 96, 194, 229, 469, 505, 682. Pleasants, 175, 261, 262, 280, 503. KnQx, Samuel, 524. Porter, Captain Robert, 736. Andrew, 574. Potter, General Lacey, Brigaclier-Gen., vi,, 168, 202, James, 51, 83, 89, 97, 98, 141, 226, 255, 265, 361, 381, 384, 390, 150, 167, 169, 516, 517, 521, 603, 398, 402, 410, 414, 470, 579, 580, 665, 729. Potts, Samuel, 595. 594, 595. Laird Samuel, 550. Price, Philip, 695. Proctor, Col. Lancaster county commissioners, John, 445, 458, 516, 659, 722. 531. Lebar, Colonel Abraham, Proctor, Colonel Thomas, 676, 44. Lee, Francis Lightfoot, S2. 712. 147, 276. Lee, Major, 440. Ralston, John, &c., vi., 747, 772. Lesher, John, 170, 327, 347, 667, Rice, Robert, 722. Rea, Samanel 675. Levan, Abraham, 406, 449, 611, 672. Read, Jas., 234, 245, Levers, Robert, 5, 76, 140, 141, 473. Recruiting Officers, 248, 280, 341, 344, 346, 362, 381, 435, 464, 287, 288. Reed, Gen. Joseph, 486, 534, 626, 719, 721. Levis, 120, 218, 712, 733, 739. Reigart, Thomas, 651. Lewis, William, Ab'r., 626. Rittenhouse, David, 641. Lieutenants, 157, 169, 426, 184, 643. Roberdeau, General 452, 501. Livingston, Gov. Vin., Daniel, 10, 18, 130, 134, 144, 183, 133, 453, 599, 604, 728. Lochrey, 207, 209, 214, 273, 287, 295, 359, Colonel Archibald, 143, 459, 495. 374, 422, 436, 446, 567, 583, 585, Lutterloh, Colonel, 210, 283, 322, 609. Ross, George, 69. Ross, 34S, 352. Lyon, William, 228. Col. Geo., Jr., 319, 324. Rudolph, McCalister, Colonel Richarcl, vi., 22, Lt. John, 454. Rush, Jacob, 752. 171, 196, 244, 369, 463, 479, 547, Russell, William, 286. 706. McClean, Archibald, 294, Sanders, William, vi., 716. Sav376. McDowell, Alexander, 572. adge, Thomas, 17, 159, 182, 236, Mcllenry, Captain, 732. Mackay, 398, 401, 417. Scott, Abraham, Jo0hn, 400. McKIean, Thomas, &c., 647. Scott, Thomas, 673. 266, 555, 566, 569. Maclay, Sergeant, Jonathan, D., 496, 630, inm., 634. MIcGee, John, 38. 683, 740. Seymour, Commin r fMagistrates, 258. Marsteller, Thos., 97. Shippen, Edward, Philip, 264. Matlack, Timothy, 682. Shippen, Dr. Win., 688. 5, 10, 76, 82. Mease, James, 22, Skinner, Lt. Abraha m, 625. 426, 428. Melchor, Col. Isaac, Slough, Matthias, 53, 55. Smith, 676, 699. Mitchell, John, 762, James, 270. Smith, Jonathan B., 763, 764. Morgan, Col. George, 109, 124, 160, 191, 232, 292, 303, 587, 652, 714. Morgan, Jacob, 314, 350, 357, 359, 365, 371, 403, L. B. C., 14, 47, 119, 288, 418, 420, 429, 466, 545. Simith, Lt 9 522, 542, 563, 630. Morgan, Col. 92. Smlith, Matthew, 632. Smith, Jacob, 119. Morgan, Jacob, Jr., Lt. Colonel Samuel, 4, 92, 107. 382, 399, 441, 568, 575, 638. Smith, Thomas, 39. Smith, Dr. Morris, R., 45. Musser, John, 55.'VWm,, 621. Sprogel, Lodick, Navy Board, State, vi., 24, 38, 110, 678. Spyker, Henry, 391. Steven24:3, 332, 355, 421, 434, 517, 554, son, George, 94. Stevenson, R., 696, 706, 745. Nesbit, John M., 653. Stewart, Lt. Col. George, 652. Nicola, Col. Lewis, 179, 213, 485, 517, 603. Stewart, Colonel 358, 411, 656, 742. 1 Walter, 285, 343, 717. Stiles, 534: INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Letters, vi.- Letters, vii. — Capt. Joseph, 480. Stoddart, 418, 420, 421, 424, 437, 442, 450 Benj., 608. Stoy, Lieut., 717. 454, 456, 459, 460, 469, 480, 492, Stroucd, Col. Jacob, 651, 748. 493, 508, 539, 627, 640, 649, 676, Sweers, Cornelius, 473. 677, 681, 691, 696, 709, 710, 713, Tilghman, Jas., vi., 96. Tilghman, 719, 727, 730, 731. Boyd, Col. Tench, 407. Thompson, J., 299. Andrew, 97, 471. Boys, Capt. Van Campen, John, vi., 767. Nathan, 201, 248, 566. Bradford, Wagon Masters, vi., 124, 212, 763, Thomas, 560. Bradford, W. C., 765. Wallis, Samuel, 664, 787. 556. Brodhead, Col. Dan'l, 465, Washington, Gen. George, 9, 30, 505, 516, 521, 524, 541, 569, 710, 153, 156, 180, 188, 200, 201, 235, 771. Brown, Capt. Alex'r, 515, 241, 250, 254, 255, 263, 274, 277, Brown, John, 226, 240, 271. 288, 291, 325, 333, 338, 353, 354, Bucks Co., Militia-Circular, 104. 357, 401, 405, 409, 410, 416, 425, Bull, Col John, 240, 544, 635. 430, 445, 480, 490, 498, 522, 529, Burke, Thomas, 170, 172. Butler, 546, 557, 558, 604, 742, 752. WVat- Col. Richard, 65, 482, 514. Butler, kins, Jos., 368. Watson, John, Col. Zebulon, 283. Buyers, John, Jr., 769. Wayne, Gen. Anthony, 591. Campbell, Capt. Thomas, 86, 142, 248, 251, 387, 397, 408, 301, 447. Carson, John, 437, 411, 419, 429, 451, 474, 746. 470, 637, 659, 699. Carothers, WVeaver, N., 628. Wetzel, Lt. Col. John, 405, 618. Chesney, John, 270, 541, 551, 629, 651. Will'm, 599. Circulars, 104, 105, Wharton, Pres. Thomas, 11, 12, 183, 304, 747. Clarkson, Matthew, 13, 14, 17, 18, 22. White Eyes, 554. Claypoole, James, Sheriff, Capt., 587, 652. Wilcocks, John 252, 291, 360, 630, 765. Clingham, and Alexander, 740, 754. WVirtz, W. 158. Cluggage, Capt. Thomas, Major, 201. Wise, Frederick, 512, 624, 659, 742. Coats, Lt. 415. Woods, George, 39. Wyn- Col. William, 376, 377, 763, 764. koop, Henry, 600. Commercial Comm'e of Congress, Young, Jas., vi., 75 218, 259, 276, 579, 605. Commissaries of pur282, 289, 320, 321, 322, 330, 337, chases and issue, 304. Cormmis343, 357, 366, 519, 676, 761, 762, sary Gen'l. of Issues, 587. Com763, 764, 765, 766. missioners for procuring Salt,'769, Zantzingrer, Paul, vi.,.23. Commissioners of forfeited Estates, Achilles, Brig, owners of, vii., 308. 243. Commissioners for purchase Adams, Samuel, 14, 763. Ad- of flour, 753, 766. Committee of miralty, Judge of, 694. Allen, City, 461. Congress, 13, 14, 75, Mrs., 452. Allison, Francis, Jr., 81, 89, 102, 106, 120, 127, 152, 589, 591. Armstrong, Gen. John, 243, 246, 261, 265, 270, 273, 304, 18. Arnold, Gen. Benedict, 256, 312, 313, 324, 347, 369, 374, 396, 370. Artillery officers, 254. As- 417, 507, 513, 522, 532, 536, 552, sembly, 64, 77, 94, 100, 120, 142, 631, 647, 662, 664, 673, 695, 716, 191, 202, 472, 693, 712, 720, 738. 738, 757, 761, 765. Delegates in, Atlee, Will'm, 674. Avery, John, 134, 140, 141, 160, 162, 174, 181, Jr., of Mass., 477. 184, 189, 192, 478, 557, 639. Baltimore, to Magistrates of, vii., 391. Delegates from Virg'a, 184. CoinBarge & Tyng, 728. Bayard, mittee of, 84, 85, 88, 159. Marine John, 189, 311, 693. Baahm, Comm'ee, 12, 76, 120, 187, 235, Philip, 13. Blaine, Col. Ephraim, 241, 588, 657. Connor Col. Mor403, 707. Bland, Col. Theo'd, gan, 336. Conyngham, Capt. G., 99, 107. Blythe, Col. Benjamin, 319. Cook, Col. John, 593. 496. Board of War, 89, 90, 98, Council of Massachusetts. 138. 99, 101, 201, 202, 227, 229, 230, Cox, Col. John, 749. Craig, 232, 233, 256, 282, 284, 286, 287, James, &c., 717. Crawford, James, 289, 292, 305, 308, 312, 329, 332, &c., 760. Crispin, Winm., 200, 339, 340, 375, 385, 387, 397, 404, 314. Cushing, Thomas, 250. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 535 Letters, vii.- Letters, vii.Davis, Caleb, vii., 444. Deane, Jas. 19, 112. Henry, George, 139, 190, 11. De Haas, Gen. J. P. 330. De 239, 333, 365, 423. Henry, Gov. Haven, Peter, 133, 175, 195. De- Patrick, 247, 441. Henry, Col. laney, John, 94. Delany, Sharp, William, 359, 416, 456, 514, 557, 762. Delapt, Rich'd, &c., 702. 599, 600, 667, 710. Hertzel, Jonas, Delaware, Gov'r, of, 199. Del- Sh'ff, 655. Hervey, Maj. George, egates in Congress, 134, 140, 160, 566. Hewitt, Thomas, &c., 545. 162, 174, 181, 184, 189, 422, 551, Hodge, Andrew, 319. Hoffman, 557, 639. Delegates in Congress Stokely, 737, Holker, Mons. 137, fromVirg'a, 184. Deshler, Charles 238, 498, 502, 503, 510, 513, 531. 17. Dougherty, Bernard 186, 532, 558, 560, 580, 601, 628, 641, 297. Drayton, Win. H., 328, 335. 669, 675, 678, 682, 683, 686, 699, Dundas, James, &c., 140, 253, 701, 703, 713. Hopkinson, Francis 326, 333. D)unlap, John, 201. 558, 694. Hubley, Lt. Col Adam, Du-Portail, Brig. Gen. Le Ch., 366, 498, 553, 596, 721, 755. 272, 279, 280, 366, 399, 403, 409, Hubley, John, 297, 667. Hunter, 690. D)U Simitiere, 212. Lt. Samuel, 116, 316, 346, 375, Eckert, Valen'e, vii., 552. Edwards, 438, 455, 510, 536, 546, 574, 589, Major, 107, 152. Eichelberger, 590, 594, 615, 619. Hutchinson, Jacob, 491, 530. Elder, Joshua, Dr. James, 408. 592. Erwin, Capt. Joseph, 563. Imlay, John, vii., 264. Irwin, BarEttwein, Rev'd John, 295. Eyre, clay, &c., 198, 246, 263, 265, 266. Benj. G. &c., 644. Eyre, Col. Jehu, Irwin & Bridges, 314. Irwin, 457. Matthew, 246, 261, 265, 311, 734, Farmer, Col. Lewis, vii., 273, 689, 765. Irwin, Thomas, 147. 754, Farmer, Michael, 453. Fire James Abel, vii., 758. Jameson, Companies, 134. Fisher, Henry, David, 491, 529, 652. Jameson, D. 390, 410, 705, 730. Fitzsimons, & J. Eichelberger, 529. Jennings, Thos 407. Flower, Col. Benj. 294, Michael, 311, 359. Jenlnifer & Root, 296, 385. Franklin, Benj., 774. 750. Johnson, Gov. of Md., 125. Galbraith, Colonel Bartrem, vii., Johnston, Col. Francis, 411, 581. 370, 507, 522, 611, 699. Galbraith, Jordan, Jessie, 191. Joy, Capt. Col. Rob't, 18, 74, 99. Galloway, Daniel, 562. Judges of Supreme Mrs. Joseph, 93, 95. Gerard, Court, 773. Mons'r, Fr. Min., 16, 17, 61, 62, Kackline, Andrew, vii., 775. Kendall, 70, 83, 164, 169, 185, 269, 278, Jos., 410. Kirkbride, Joseph, 108. 595, 604, 633, 648, 651, 653, 708. Knox, John, 433. Governors of States, 152, 197. Lang, Capt. James, vii., 537, 538, Greene, Major, Gen. Nath'l, 175, 567. Leamin-g, T. & G., Henry, 422. 179. Greenwalt, P. 287. Gregg, Lee, Richard, Henry, 73. Levan,. Matthew, 334. Grube, Rev'd B., Dan'l, 610. Levers, Robert, 15, A. D., 521. Gurney, Francis, 495, 176,. Lieutenants, 267, 275, 486, Hackenwelder, John, vii., 516, 524. 650, 747. Livingston, Gov. Win. 541. Hagner, Will. &c., 677, 260, 474, 480, 492. Lochery, Hagner, Col. 777. Hale, Thos. Col. A., 173, 362, 363, 430, 564, 688. Hall, Charles, 651. Haller, 754, 769. Lowell, lion. James, Col. Henry, 488. Hambright, 477. Louden, San'l, 206. LoughJohn, 311, 323, 519. Hand, Gen. head, James, 531, 673,764. Lyon, Edward, 321, 344, 715. Harbeson, William, 144, 399. Benj'n, &c., 102, 154. Hardie, MeAlester, Col. Rich'd, vii., 110, 115, Robert, 91, 92. Harding, Capt. 367, 399, 414, 427. McCalla, Wil761. Harris, David, 638. Harmar, liam, 620. McCulloh, Capt. John, Lt. Col. Joseph, 750. Hartley, 371, 506. McClenachan, B. & C. Col. Thomas, 3, 5, 9, 81, 86, 87, 248, 252, 267, 281, 285, 288, 309, 91, 258, 391, 694, 776. Hay, John, 310, 318, 322, 343, 364, 397, 442, 694. Hazelwood, Coemm'r, John, 768. McElheney, George, 315. 536 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Letters, vii.- Letters, vii.McGinley, Capt. John, 652. Mc- 260, 270, 290, 298, 405, 423, 440, Henry, Capt. Matthew, 384. Mc- 476, 485. Pulaski, General Count, Kean, Thomas, C. J., 21, 225, 233. Purchasers of flour, 548, 274, 279, 328, 637, 644, 699, 703, 692. Purchasers of Salt, 728. 732, 735, 744. Maclay, William, Read, James, vii., 289. Read, John, 192, 357, 586, 590, 591, 593, 597, 272. Reading, Geo., 345. Recruit'g 598, 621. McPherson, Capt. John, Officers, 300. Reed, Bowes, 262. 180. Marine Committee of Con- Reed, President J., (see Supreme gress, 12, 76, 120, 187, 235, 241, Executive Council). Risberg, 588, 657. Marshall, Christopher, Gustavus, 550. Rittenhouse, 668. Marsteller, Col. Phillip, 567, Benjamin, 142. Rittenhouse, 716. Martin, Col. 416. Mary- David, 302. Roberdeau, General land, Gov. of, 197. Massachusetts, Daniel, 100, 137, 159, 167, 181, Council of, 138, 231. Maxwell, 184, 192, 195, 197, 236, 296, 299, Gen. Win. 178. Miller, H. & J. 643. Rogers, Rev. William, 253, Clark, Jr., 609. Mitchell, John, 273, 449. Root, Hon. Jesse, 774. 160, 189, 213, 248, 262, 345, 412, Ross, Geo., 212, 451, 468. Rush, 474, 527, 746. Montgomery, Capt. Dr. Benj., 408. Rush, Joseph, James, 454, 476, 487, 521, 532, and J. Craig, 303. Ryan, Philip, 706, 755. Moore, Thomas, 543. 541. Morgan, Col. Jacob, Jr., 483, 484, St. Clair, General Arthur, vii., 559. Morris, A. James, 760. 237, 291, 355, 452, 491, 500, 582, Morris, J. Jr., 120, 309, 310. 607, 665, 736. Savadge, Thos., 96, Morris, Robert, 125, 386, 417, 109, 111, 116. Scammell, Alex., 608. MIurray, William, 432. Myers, 649. Scott, Thomas, 434. Scott, Jacob, &c., 745. Wm., 118, 206. Schuyler, Philip, Navy Board, vii., 695. Neilson, 11, 75. Scull, Major, Sec. B. W., Captain John, 74. Nesbit, J. M., 469. Searle, Hon. James, 141. 210, 228, 234, 247. New Jersey, Sergeant, Jona. D., 267, 275, Delaware and Virginia, 152, 197. 395, 743. Sheriff, High, of PhilaNicholson. Captain, 488. Nicola, delphia, 252. Shippen, William, Major Lewis, 72, 190, 203, 255, 209. Shoemaker, Lieut. Jacob, 358, 362, 364, 387, 484, 489, 492, 632, 688. Smith, George, 164. 509, 519, 523, 526, 548, 549, 561, Smith, Colonel Matthew, 280, 306, 562, 574, 625, 632, 635, 641, 643, 472, 574, 589, 606, 609, 614, 747f 646, 648, 663, 674, 682, 698, 701, Smith, Merriweather, 73. Smith, 767, 769, 775. Northampton Thomas, 696. Sprogel, Lodick, County, Colonels of, 616. 129, 550. Stanley, Dr. Valentine, Officers at Billingsport and M. I., 165. Steuben, Baron, 199, 325. vii., 409, 424, 502, 720, 745, 747. Stevenson, R., 206. Stewart, Orndt, John, 625. Owners of Colonel Walter, 9, 660. Stiles, Brig Achilles, 308. Captain Joseph, 141, 238, 358. Patterson, Alexander, vii., 527. Straker, William, 71, 72. Stroud, Patterson, WVilliamn Augustus, 167. Colonel Jacob, 63, 613. SubPeale, Charles Wilson, 384. Lieutenants, 105. Sullivan, Gen. Pearson, John, 70. Pettit Chas., John, 94, 120, 211, 388, 427, 439, A. Q. M. G., 196, 335, 399, 420, 450, 457, 473, 568, 593, 594, 756, 421, 433, 460, 481, 495. Phila- 768. delphia Justices, 658. Phyle, Dr. Thompson, HIon. James, vii., 632. F., (Naval Officer) 185. Picker- Thompson, William, vii., 65. ing, Timothy, 656. Piper, Col. Urie, Thomas. vii., 534. John, 578. Pitcairn Captain, P., Van Campen, John, vii., 573, 574, 374. Pomrroy, Ralph, 312. Potter, 603. Virginia, Delegates, in General James, 418. Printers of Congress, 184. Governor of, 197. Newspapers, 136, 201, 206. Proc- Wade, Captain, vii., 12. Wade, tor Thomas, 121, 123, 125, 146, Francis, 412. Wadsworth, Jere INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 537 Letters, vii.- Letters, viii.miah, 159, 672. Wall, Colonel 471, 478, 485, 498, 502, 505, 506, Geo., Jr., 103, 104, 660. WValker, 507, 508, 509, 549, 552, 554, 573, Captain Andrew, 323. Wardens 575, 579, 580, 581, 600, 601, 611, of Philadelphia, 627. Washing- 632, 689, 704, 722, 727, 728, 739, ton, General George, 89, 95, 119, 747. Boyd, Colonel A., 12, 322. 127, 129, 161, 188, 211, 225, 236, Boys, Captain Nathan, 228, 254, 293, 327, 337, 341, 351, 377; 407, 728. Bradford, Thomas, 97, 502. 447, 479, 535, 555, 626, 670, 671, Bradford, William, Jr., Attorney 684. WVayne, General Anthony, General, 621, 666, 725, 730, 760. 64, 142, 255. Westbrooke, Major Bradford, William, (Pres. of H. Samuel, 63. Wetherill, Samuel, C.,) 616. Brady, Capt., Samuel, Jr., 172.'Wetzel, Colonel, John, 565. Brodlhead, Colonel Daniel, 299, 572, 579, 617. Whiteside, 21, 22, 38, 42, 50, 65, 66, 68, 89, Thomas, 19. Wilcocks, Alex'r 106, 108, 119, 120, 140, 149, 152, and John, 122, 148, 721, 725, 727. 158, 197, 210, 218, 246, 249, 300, Will, William, &c., 759. Wilkin- 378, 513, 515, 536, 558, 565, 583, son, General J., 449, 744. Woods, 584, 585, 588, 595, 596, 640, 641, George, 534. 743, 766. Bull, Colonel John, Young, James, vii., 98, 148, 151. 164. Butler, Colonel Richard, Zeigler, Captain David, vii., 368. 607, 741, 748. Butler, Lieut. Active, agents of sloop, viii., Colonel William, 747. Butler, 209. Adams, John, 399, 563. Colonel Zebulon, 601, 632. Admiralty, 542. Agents of Con- Campbell, Captain Thomas, viii., fiscated Estates, 735, 760. Allen, 36. Caswell, Richard, Governor, Ira, 88. Amberson, Win., 487. N. C., 191. Chaloner & White, American Philosophical Society, 248. Circulars, 20, 111, 145, 202, 136. Antes, Frederick, 219. 251, 277, 292, 441, 447, 454. Armstrong, Major General John, Clarke, Capt. John, 68. Clarkson, 31, 152, 241, 636. Armstrong, Matthew, 498, 500. Claypoole, Major William, 34, 311, 599. James, Sheriff, 117, 321. Clinton, Assembly, 262, 280, 609, 625, George, Governor of New York, 656, 658, 663, 687, 693, 737, 758. 132, 179. Cluggage, Maj. Robert, Atlee, Colonel Samuel J., 216, 278. Coats, Colonel William, 42. 241, 250, 305, 311, 333, 335, 351, Colonel of City Battalions, 309. 423, 437, 438, 469, 484, 524, 580, Commissaries Gen'l of purchases, 673. Atlee, Hon. Wm., (Judge) 240, 720. Commissary of sup56, 124. Auditors of soldiers' plies, 287. Commissioners for accounts, 762. procuring flour, 84. CommisBailey, James, viii., 390. Baker, sioners of Philadelphia County, Hilary, Jr., 720. Balliet, Lieut. 80. Commissioners of purchases, Colonel Stephen, 564. Battalions, 277, 441. Commissioners for salt, Colonels of, 111. Bayard, Hon. 4, 24, 28. Commissioners of J., 247. Bedford, inhabitants of, Taxes of Berks County, 124, 133, 749. Beelor, Colonel Joseph, 583. 138. Commissioners of Taxes, Bell, Major, 287. Berks County, 125. Commissioners of Virginia, Commissioners of Taxes, 124, 133, 91. Committee of Assembly, 694, 138. Biddle, James, 136. Biddle, 737, 758. Committee of Congress, Owen, 151, 169, 223. Blaine, 694. Committee of co-operation Ephraim, 13, 260, 304, 479, of Congress, 266, 315, 337, 338, 480, 494, 565, 579, 603, 631, 355, 356, 414. Committee of 646, 703. Blythe, Benjamin, 96. merchants of Philadelphia, 306. Board of War, 5, 8, 38, 40, 43, Congress, 20, 75, 85, 87, 98, 99, 57, 62, 74, 96, 98, 110, 122, 132, 135, 143, 199, 202, 203, 229, 251, 141, 153, 159, 161, 165, 171, 175, 263, 277, 299, 325, 334, 340, 343, 181, 224, 248, 269, 308, 343, 425, 348, 375, 395, 417, 429, 458, 515, 433, 434, 435, 436, 442, 453, 456, 517, 529, 534, 535, 560, 583, 590, 538 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Letters, viii.- Letters, viii.606, 609, 635, 639, 657, 685, 702, Hackenwelder, John, viii., 152, 703, 719, 722, 723, 724, 744, 751. 770. Haffa, Henry, 704. Hale, Congress-Delegates of State in, Thomas, 112, 115. Hall, Charles, 9, 46, 61, 160, 191, 392, 494, 643, 54, 118, 194. Hall, David, and 703, 722, 744, 757. Committee H. Fisher, 216. Hailer, Henry, of, 53, 239, 266, 281, 293, 312, 83, 416, 430. Hamilton, William, 314, 338, 404. Delegates of 591. Hand, General Edward, Connecticut in, 111, 112, 351. 135,184, 425. Hannunm, Colonel Marine Committee of, 231. Con- John, 244, 324. Harmar, Colonel necticut Delegates in Congress, Joseph, 188. Harris, John, 550. 111, 112, 351. Conolly, Dr. John, Hart, John, 750. Hart, Colonel 104. Convention at Hartford, 616, Joseph, 326, 327, 356, 503, 523, Cox, John, 406. 717. Hayes, John, Jr., 317. Davis, David, viii., 382, 458. Hazen, Colonel Moses, 105, 645. Dean, Joseph, 712,734. De Corny, Hazelwood, John, 653. Heath, Mons., 383, 406, 416. De La William, 6. Heister, Daniel, Jr., Fayette, Major General, 587. De 697. Henry, Colonel William, 30, La Luzerne, Chev., 448, 449. 116, 207, 309, 380, 423, 652, 667, Delegates in Congress, 9, 46, 61, 685, 730, 754, 761, 769. Hewitt, 160, 191, 392, 494, 643, 703, 711, Thomas, 528. Hillegas, Michael, 722, 744, 757. Delegates of Con- 402, 492, 493. Hodgdon, Samuel, necticut in Congress, 111, 112, 174, 746. Holker, Mons., 11, 87, 351. Denny, David, 496. Deshler, 90, 94, 134, 147, 148, 347, 350, David and Charles, 300, 517, 699, 365, 366, 396, 402, 540, 545, 546, 702, 711, 721. Digges, Lient. 550, 552, 571, 750. Hopkinson, Gov. of Virginia, 510. Dickinson, Francis, 241, 245, 390, 412, 500, Philemon, 507, 736. Doz, Andrew, 667. Howell, Jacob S., 247. 1154, 169, 412. Duane, James, Hubley, Colonel Adam, 512, 755, 629, 659. Duncan, Stephen, 597. Hubley, John, 83, 389, 394, 400, Du Portail, Mons., 37. 586. Huffnagle, Michael, 569. Eckhart, Valentine, viii., 529. Hunter, Colonel Samuel, 29, 157, Edwards, Colonel Thomas, 237, 166, 189, 205, 369, 392, 567, 601, 288. Elder, Joshua, 101. Elliot, 632, 717. Huston, Lieut. and Andrew, 620. Ellsworth, Oliver, Adjutant W., 153. 261. Erwin, Captain, Joseph, 79. Irvine, General James, viii., 660, Espy, David, 102. Ethcart, Cap- 663, 664. Irvine, General Win., tain, (French) 546. Eyre, Major 74, 103, 206, 225, 232, 238, 245, 3Benjamin G., 144. 409, 511, 512, 540, 578, 642. Farmer, Colonel Lewis, viii., 52, Irwin, CaptainJohn, 771. Irwine, 704. Fayette, Marquis De La, Captain Joseph, 68. Irwin, Col587. Ferguson, Elizabeth, 4. onel Samuel, 637. Irwin, Thos., Ferris, Owen, 229. Fisher, Henry, &c., 137. Jackson, David, 541. 216. Flint, Royal, 70. Flower, Jefferson, Thomas, Governor of Colonel Benjamin. 26. Forman, Virginia, 196, 641. Col. Francis David, 332. Forsman, Hugh, Johnston, 410. Rev. David Jones, 697. Forsyth, Major, 510, 577. 752. Jones, Thomas, Jr., 303. Franks, David S., 589, 611, 615, Kern, Lieutenant Nicholas, viii., 619. French Consul, 90. French 213. Knox, General H., 253, Minister, (Luzerne,) 45, 615, 628. 349, 358, 726. Kryder, Conrad, Furman, Moore, 143, 146. 433, 489. Kucher, Christopher, Gamble, James, viii., 177. Geddes 288, 289, 324. Kuhn, Dr. Adam, Captain, 49. Gillespie, George, 585. 481. Govett, William, and WV. Lacey, General, viii., 178, 505, Geddes, 73. Greene, Major Gen. 508, 526, 750. Lanctot, Godfrey, Nathaniel, 150, 151, 165, 381, 426, 551. Land office to be opened, 475. Guyho, Capt., (French) 546. 94. Land Officers, 307. Lane, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 539 Letters, viii.- Letters, viii.William, 360. Leary, Dennis, Morris, Captain Samuel, 310. 531. Lee, Major Henry, Jr., 56, Morris, Samuel (Register), 228. 67, 457, 479, 599. Lee, Thomas Morris, Samuel, Jr., 308. Moylan, Sim, (Governor of Maryland,) Colonel Stephen, 183. Muhlen330, 354, 432, 433. Lewis, Wil- berg, F. A., 123. liam, 231. Lieutenants, County, Navy Board, viii., 346, 553. 72, 387, 454, 476, 519. Living- Nicholson, John. 73. Nicola, ston, William, Governor of New Colonel Lewis, 12, 95, 100, 108, Jersey, 138, 314, 576, 624, 634, 181, 262, 316, 358, 363, 376, 378, 636, 648. Lochry, Colonel Archi- 389, 391, 415, 423, 469, 510, 516, bald, 42, 50, 65, 66, 69, 77, 282, 669-682, 724, 750. 290, 318, 405, 518. Loughead, Officers of Militia, viii., 265. Of James, 567. Lutz, Nicholas, 201, land office, 307. To Assembly, 301, 313, 342, 357, 367, 399, 417, 693. Oster, (French V. Consul,) 438, 474. Luzerne, Chev. de la, 604. 45, 334, 368, 448, 449, 540, 543, Paine, Thomas, viii., 21, 226. 615, 629. Lyndermood, Colonel Patton, John, 502. Peale, Chas. Michael, 230, 236. Lyon, Samuel, Wilson, 319. Penet, P., 257. 439, 715. Peters, Rich'd, 119. Pettit. Chas., McCalister, Richard, viii., 16. 104, 143, 146,197, 211, 223, 320, McCalla, William, 212, 661. Ma- 342, 406, 614. Philadelphia Co. clay, William, 156,172. McClean, Commissioners, 80. Philadelphia Archibald, 14, 126, 144, 280, 731, Library Company, 183. Phila745. McClenachan, Blair, &c., 3. delphia merchants, 266, 308. McElroy, Archibald, 323. Me- Phyle, Dr., 547. Physic, EdGuire, Matthew, 756. McKean, mundl, 113. Pickering, Colonel C. J. Thomas, 14, 178, 234, 298, Timothy, 499, 503, 604. Piper, 331, 403, 597, 649, 650, 654, 657. Colonel John, 234, 278, 297, 302, McLane, Captain Allen, 258. 319, 349, 489, 530. Potter, Gen. McLeery, William, 584. McLene, James, 484, 561, 689, 710. Potts, James, 61. McMullin, William, Dr. John, 96. Powell, Jeremiah, (Agt.) 282. McPherson, Major President of Mass. Bay, 254. WV., 617. Mahingwegeesuch, 769. Powell, Col. Leven, 767. PresiManagers of House of Employ- dents of Council of C. P., 622, rment, 725, 726. Marine Commit- 658. Prisoners of war at New tee of Congress, 231. Marsteller, York, 619, 620, 626. Proctor, Colonel Philip, 50, 155, 328, 362, Colonel John, 217, 284. Proctor, 371, 383./ Mason George, 287. Colonel Thomas, 710. ProthonoMason, John, 373. Massachusetts, taries, County, 58. Purchasers Council of, 522. Matlack, Colonel of flour, 3. Purviance, Samuel, Timothy, 60, 112, 502, 503. Jr., 644. Matthews, Colonel G., 660. Mel- Quemahoning, Inhabitants of, chor, Colonel Isaac, 65. Mer- viii., 531. chants of Philadelphia, 266, 306, Rea, Samuel, viii., 213, 221, 222, 703. Miles, Col. Samuel, 533, 227, 259, 286, 320, 386, 560, 592, 600, 608, 618, 699, 718, 719. 640, 683, 729. Recruiting officers, Militia Officers, 265. Miller, Rev. 290. Reid, Major James, 44. Peter, 606. Minister of France, Revol, Captain (French), 546. 615. Miralles, Don Juan, &c., Reynolds, John, 690. Rice, Pat174. Mitchell, John, 186, 334, rick, 33. Riche, Mrs. Anne, 141. 500, 501, 716. Montgomery, Risberg, Gustavus, 210. RittenRev. Joseph, 170. Morgan, Col. house, David, 657, 662. Roach, Jacob, 238, 344, 368, 369, 449, Isaac, 254, 339. Roberdeau, 544, 594, 702. Morgan, Lieuten- General Daniel, 5. Roberts, Jehu, ant Jacob, 273. Morris, Robert, 296. Rodney, Governor of Dela372, 415. Morris, Samuel, 699. ware, 10. Rowan, William, 23. 540 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Letters, viii.- Letters, viii.Ryan, Lieut. Colonel, Michael, Wharton, James, 766. Wilkinson, 371, 582, 656. James C. G., 269. Will, WmV., St. Clair, General Arthur, viii., 638. Willet, Augustin, 305. 168, 374. 397, 515, 537, 669, 672, Williams, Benseller, 63. Wilson, 690, 691, 701, 721, 723. Schott, James, 541, 542. WVirtz, ChrisCaptain John Paul, 24. Scott, tian, 187, 192, 304, 311, 328, 398, Hon. Thomas, 63, 280, 569, 713. 575, 602, 632, 653, 667. Witman, Scott, Colonel William, 365, 379, Adam, 129, 264, 303, 742. Wyn382, 408, 434, 524, 531, 623. koop, Henry, 557, 572. Scull, Major Edward, 368, 655. York County, Lieutenants of, viii., Scull, William, 94. Searle, Jas., 444. 515, 532. Sergeant, Jona. D., 6, Zeigler, Captain David, viii., 59, 498, 613. Shippen, Joseph, Jr., 209. Zeisberger, David, 158. 200. Shippen, Dr. William, 643. Admiralty, Board of, ix., 95, 100, Smith, Mr., 311. Smith, Lieu- 106. Agnew, John, 135. Andertenant Colonel Abraham, 443, son, Thomas, 175. Antes, Wm., 491, 522. Smith, Colonel George, 381. Arbuthnot, Capt. Alexander, 52. Smith, Colonel Matthew, 23, 574. Armstrong, John, Jr., 650. 249, 417, 513, 691. Smith, Rich- Arndt, John, 53, 109, 136, 175. ard, 740. Smith, Lieut. Robert, Ashman, George, 154, 202. As455, 535. Smith, Thomas, 113. sembly, 5, 16, 51, 61, 188, 197, Smith, WiV., 415. Steel, Archi- 219, 221, 231, 241, 248, 412, 425, bald, 21. Steuben, Baron, 270. 447, 459, 461, 463, 467, 501, 509, Stevenson, George, 50, 107, 141. 510, 513, 620. Committee of, 14, Stewart, Charles, 698. Stiles, 62, 415, 515. Atlee, William, Joseph, 139. Stroud, Colonel 170, 203, 335, 347, 596. Auditors Jacob, 9, 176, 188. Swaine, of Bucks county, 11, 13, 17, Francis, 34, 76, 117, 428, 431, 29, 36, 67. Chester county, 12. 433. Of State, 104. York county, Thomson, Charles, viii., 550. 18. Thompson, John, 413. Treas- Bailey, Jas., ix., 160. Baker, Hilary, urers, County, 58. Treasury, Jr., 195. Balliott, Stephen, 649. U. S., 92, 185. Barclay, Thomas, 563. Barras, University of Pennsylvania, viii., Mons. De, 353, 354. Beatty, John, 246, 643. 125. Biddle, Clement, 129. Bllaine, Van Campen, John, viii., 262, Col. Ephraim, 54, 72. Blair, Rev. 683. Vankemp, John, 551. Van- Samuel, 111. Board of Admiralderen, John, Jr., 594. Virginia ty, 95, 100, 106. Board of War, Commissioners, 91. 3, 7, 14, 19, 23, 24, 26, 31, 53, 57, WVade, Francis, viii., 274. Wads- 58, 96, 103, 111, 124, 150, 167 worth, General Jeremiah, 205. 186, 187, 198, 206, 290, 291, 391, WVagonmasters, 444, 447. Wall, 526, 527. Board of Wardens of George, 178. Waln, Nicholas, Philadelphia, 101. Boys, Capt. 81, 100. Washington, General Nathan, 175, 416. Bradford & George, 35, 36, 43, 48, 54, 70, 74, Hall, 266. Bradford. Thomas, 75, 117, 128, 145, 155, 163, 180, 338, 380. Bradford, William, Jr., 193, 214, 240, 267, 292, 312, 314, Att. G., 199, 266, 272, 407, 408, 338, 339, 356, 361, 373, 377, 414, 515, 526, 553, 576, 656, 659, 676, 470, 474, 482, 486, 525, 577, 598, 690, 695, 631, 750. Brodhead, 682, 687. Watts, Colonel Frede- Col. Daniel, 39, 51, 52, 57, 169, rick, 558. Wayne, Gen. Anthony, 365, 379. Brown, William, 641. 450, 451, 587, 593, 680. Wetzel, Bryan, V. P., 279, 288, 299, 305, John, 602. Weltner, Col. Lund., 309, 384, 422. Bucks county Au40, 57, 62, 161, 171, 233, 341. ditors, 11, 13, 17, 29, 36. Butler, West, William, Jr., 631. West- Col. Richard, 561, 664. Buchanmoreland Representatives, 709. an, Arthur, 192. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 541 Letters, ix. — Letters, ix.Caldwell, A., ix:, 480. Caldwell, S., Duncan, D., ix., 17, 97, 190, 200, 520. Campbell, Captain Thomas, 305, 380, 606. Du Portail, Brig. 435. Carrington, Lieut. Edward, General, 210. Dyer, Eliph., & J. 487. Cessna, Charles, 467. Cham- Root, 683. bers, Col. Maxwell, 292. Christ, Eckart, Valentine, ix., 225, 230, 433. Henry, 80, 133, 196, 237, 347. Edwards, Major, 75. Christie, Capt. Jacob, 385. Circu- Fayette, Marq's de la, ix., 626. Field lars, 226, 252, 548. Clarke, Brig. officers, 187. Forrest, Lieut. Col. Gen. G., 23, 137, 189, 331. Clark, T. 231. Fowler, Alexander, 114. Walter, 381. Clarkson, John L., Franklin, Dr. Benj., 669. Sec. Treasurer, 226, 229. Clay- Gardner, Dr., ix., 628. Geiger, Col. poole, Capt. James G., 278, 376. Henry, 396. Gibson, John, 190. Coats, Col. William, 250, 272, 325, Girty, Thomas, 40. Glonenger, 358, 377, 535, Commissioners for John, 655. Goforth, William, 48, defence of Delaware, 531, 586, 618, 67. Gordon, Major James, 673. 621, 625, 647, 672. On Connecti- Governor of New York, 629. Concut claim, 624, 683, 686, 688, 689, necticut, 626. 691, 692, 693. Commissioners of Hall, Charles, ix., 294, 321. Hattie, Northumberland, 440. Cumber- Henry, 237. Hambright, John, land county, 737. Commissioners 336. Hammell, William, 330. of taxes Philadelphia county, 116, Hannum, John, 758. Harrison, 136, 328, 478. Committee of As- Gov. Benj., of Virginia, 518, 533, sembly, 14, 62. Of Congress, 281. 549, 562, 607. Hart, John, 55, Congress, Pres. of, 20, 43, 54, 71, 128, 291, 338, 376. Hart, Colonel 75, 76, 81, 83, 84, 94, 102, 108, Joseph, 507, 529. Hartley, Mr., 110, 112, 124, 151, 162, 163, 194, 639. Hayes, Christopher, 141, 300, 210, 242, 267, 273, 284, 309, 370, 354, 368, 404, 469, 631. H3ays, 395, 400, 416, 423, 433, 441, 448, Col. John, 428. Hazard, Ebenezer, 463, 475, 479, 518, 523, 548, 5f;0, 449. Hazelwood, John, 38, 133, 561, 686, 757. Delegates to, 103, 425. Hazen, Brig. General Moses, 163, 306, 420. Delegates of Vir- 643. Henry, John, 573. Henry, ginia, 260, 266, 269, 274, 763. William, Esq., 6, 138, 139, 154, Congress circular, 252. Connecti- 171, 205, 476, 574. Higgins, Ancut, agent, 681, 682, 683, 685, 686, drew, 413. Holker, Mons. (Fr. 691. Connecticut, Gov. of, 629. Cons.) 9, 31, 45, 153, 175 342, Cook, Col. Edward, 629. Cook, 353, 354. Hopkinson, Francis, William, 411. Cooper, Leonard, 555, 567, 577, 631, 672. House of 424. Cooper, Ensign William, 750. Delegates of Virginia, 562. HousCraig, Capt. Isaac, 497. Craig, ton, Dr. J., 282. Howe, Major Capt. Thomas, 503. Crispin, Win., Gen., 462. Hubley, Col. Adam, 8, 437. Cummins, Lieut.,28. Cum- 65, 156, 199, 211, 218, 224, 231, mins, Major J. R., 20, 24. Cun- 235, 252, 269, 278, 292, 351, 360, ningham, Hon. James, 495, 606. 364, 417, 422. 456, 465, 466. HubDalley, Gifford, ix., 274. Dean, Win., ley, John, 295. Huffnagle, Michael, 358. De Barras, Mons., 353, 354. 410, 469, 511, 596. Hughes, Capt. Delegates of State in Congress, John, 533. Hunter, Col. Samuel, 103, 163, 306, 420, 434, 763. Dele- 292, 364, 503, 528, 657. Hutchingates of Virginia in Congress, 260, son, James, 327. Ingersol, Jona266, 271, 274. Depui, Nicholas, than, 643. Irvine, Gen. William, &c., 105, 112. Dickinson, John, 83, 240, 285, 345, 373, 458, 468, Gov. Del., 494, 731, 734. Donna- 515, 525, 552, 575, 595, 630, 635, hill, John, 671. Dougherty, Ber- 648, 724, 731. nard, 467, 539, 543, 546, 553, 557, Jackson, Maj. Winm. (Sec'y.), ix., 757. 619, 628. Dove, R., respecting a Jefferson, Thos., Gov. of Virginia, pass, 625. Dubois, Abraham, 48, 78, 160, 189. Johnston, Francis, 67. Duffield, Rev. George, 493. 263, 327. Johnston, Dr. Robert, 542 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Letters, ix.- Letters, ix.457. Jones, N., 677. Judges of 435, 446, 454, 474, 477, 481, 487, Sup, Court, 634. Justices of Glou- 488, 505, 512, 513, 544, 636, 668, cester, 544. 739, 740. Morris, Capt. Sam, 221, Keith, Sarah, ix., 501. Kennedy, D., 415. Moultrie, Brig. Gen., 215. 263, 363. Kern, Col. Nicholas, Moylan, Col. Stephen, 267, 321. 428. Muhlenberg, F. A., 60. MuhlenLacey, Gen., ix., 437. Ledlie, And'w, berg, M., 241. 527. Lee, Thomas S., Gov. of iMd., Nevill, Thos.,ix., 76, 283. New York, 13, 37. Levan, Daniel, 38. Le- Gov. of, 629. Nicholson, Capt., vers, Capt. Robert, 227, 257, 268, 239, 664. Nicholson, John, 48, 275, 321, 338, 348, 377, 403, 426, 118, 131, 154, 174, 212, 216, 243, 428, 578, 742. Lewis, Col., 421. 663, 664, 677, 737, 738, 747, 749, Lieutenants, County, 226, 337, 387, 755, 758. Nicola, Col. Lewis, 198, 407, 425. Lincoln, B., Sec'y at 254. War, 549,'627. Livingston, Hon. Officers of Land Office, ix., 409. On R. R., 493, 506, 544, 545, 633. removal of Records, 412. Officers Livingston, Wm., Gov. of N. J., of Westmoreland, 189. Orth, 82, 287, 388, 392, 404, 437, 530, Adam, 187, 460, 737. Osborne, 531, 608, 617, 618, 621, 622, 623, H., 252, 341, 890, 563, 639, 642, 651. Lochrey, Col. Archibald, 18, 643, 681, 682, 685, 688, 689. Os28, 51, 79, 115, 246, 307, 333. ter, Mons. F. C., 730. Loughead, James, 436. Lukens, Parr, James, ix., 327. Parr, William, John, 61. Lux, George, 45. Lu- 263. Pemberton, John, 551. Penet, zerne, Chev. de la, 547. A. P., 430. Pentecost, Dorsey, McCalla, William, ix., 136, 423. Mc- 315, 540, 541,545,556, 661. Perry, Dowell,John, 729. MIcFarlane, A., John, 55, 248. Peters, Richard, 55. Maclay, William, 640. Mac- 454. Pettit, Col. Charles, 129,159. lean, Alexander, 564, 585, 588, Philadelphia Co. Light Horse, 230. 772. McClean, Archibald, 58, 352, Pickering, Timothy, 3893, 577. 359, 370, 402. M. McConnell, Perry, James, 52. Pixley, Thos., 326, 371, 424. McKean, C. J. 364, Porter, Major Andrew, 327, Thomas, 42, 125, 735, 751. Mar- 632. Postlethwaite, Samuel, 192. bois, Mons., 734, 741. Marsh, Potter, Gen. James, 70, 184, 528, Col. Joseph, 396, 440. Marshall, 641. Prisoners on prison ships, Col. James, 193, 233, 304, 343, 668. Prudden, T., 480. 367, 444, 484. Marsteller, Philip, Randolph, Lt. Asher, ix., 436. Rea, 638, 639, 641. Maryland, Gov. of, Lieut. Col. Samuel, 107, 108, 158. 13. Mason, Isaac, 238, 303. Read, James, 191. Reed, Joseph, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and 517, 526, 563, 691. Reichel, John Maryland, 474. Matthews, Winm., Frederick, 265. Rittenhouse, David, 551. Mentges, Lieut. Col. P., 216, 117, 119, 229. Roach, Isaac, 96, 299. Merchants of Philadelphia, 112. Roberts, Joseph, 745. Rob731. Mersereau, Joshua, 287. ins, Ezekiel, 674, 677, 756. RobMiles, Col. Samuel, 80, 95, 127, inson, Capt. Thomas, 208, 228, 237, 150, 153, 280, 324, 346, 357, 432. 334, 392, 659. Rogers, Rev. Wm., Miller, Rev. Peter, 27, 313, 314, 3. Root, Jesse, and Eliph. Dyer, 751. Minister of France, 130. 683. Miralles, Don Juan, 196. Mitchell, St. Clair, Gen. Arthur, ix., 27, 37, 60, Capt. Alexander, 165, 166. Mont- 386, 735, 752. Schlosser, G., 299. gomery, William, 640. Morgan, Scott, Hugh, &c., 771. Scott, Col. Col. Jacob, Jr., 127, 236, 326. Thomas, 20, 324, 354, 374, 438, Moore, James, 62. Morris, Gov., 496, 644, 646. Scott, Lieut. Win., 308. Morris, Robert, 244, 245, 228, 232, 302, 319, 341, 350, 426, 250, 251, 262, 264, 280, 281, 286, 455, 556, 632. Searle, Hon. Jas., 287, 291, 310, 376, 383, 387, 395, 519, 589, 591. Secretary at war. 397, 398, 414, 416, 417, 418, 419, 549. Sergeant, Jon. D., 526. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 543 Letters, ix - Letters, x.Shiell, H. N., 520. Shrawder, 226, 407, 427, 428, 692, 696, 697. Capt.Philip, 388,660, 761. Smith, Atlee, Samuel J., 333, 346, 3860. Col. Abraham, 234, 400, 514. Atlee, William, 394. Smith, Dr., 643. Smith, George, Barclay, Thomas, x., 267. Bartholo42, 358. Smith, James, 459. Smith, mew, Edward, 442. Baynton, Lt. Col. Robert, 421, 434. Smith, John, (Collector of Tonnage,) 511. Hon. Thomas, 652. Sterret, Sam'l., Blaine, Ephraim, 609. Board of 676. Stewart, Charles, 675. Stir- Treasury, 527, Boggs, Matthew, ling, Lord, 675. Stokely, Thomas, 699. Boudinot, Elias, 74, 98. BowCapt., 330, 406. Stroud, Jacob, doin, James, Gov. of Massachu108, 259. setts, 500, 503, 504. Bowen, E. Thome, J'n, ix., 118. Thomson, Chas., F. & E. Beatty, 437, 596, 604, 605. 267. Thompson, Jas., 228. Treas- Boyd, Hon. John, 307, 330. Boyd, ury, Board, 226, 229. Trumbull, and Armstrong, 591, 627, 630, Governor of Connecticut, 639, 642, 662, 664. Bradford, Wm. Jr., 202, Trustees of University, 461. 494, 655, 713, 743. Brodhead, Van Campen, Jno., ix., 106, 123, 522, Col. Daniel, 160. Brussine, De, 693. Van Staphorst, N. and J., and N. Garrison, 144. Bryan, 591, 593. Virginia delegates in George, 16, 73, 609. Bryan, Saml. Congress, 260, 266, 269, 274. (Secy.) 327. Butler, Col. Richard Wagon masters, ix., 421. Wall, Geo., 69, 294, 332. Butler, William, Jr., 529, 628. War, Secretary at, 421. 483, 549, 757. Wardens of Phila- Caldwell, Samuel, x., 185, Carleton, delphia, 126. Washington co., in- Gen. Guy, 13, 101, 131. Carleton, habitants, 355. Washington, Gen. Joseph, Sec. War Office, 314. CarGeorge, 39, 54, 66, 71, 75, 84, 98, mathen, Secy, 746. Censors, Coun102, 111, 120, 124, 141, 195, 197, cil of, 153, 302, 306, 333, 336, 207, 242, 254, 284, 293, 320, 481, 596, 604, 655. Christie, Cap. Jas., 485, 486, 501, 505, 509, 536, 550, 135, 209. Circulars, 284. Clinton, 626, 642, 653, 656, 661, 674. George, Gov. of New York, 205, Wayne, Gen. Anthony, 15, 66, 74, 413, 422, 435, 450, 513. Coats, 123, 124, 137, 138, 139, 155, 173, Lt. Col. William, 758 Commis283, 359, 366, 430. Weiss, Lewis, sioners for sale of Barracks, 239, 298, 523. Westmoreland county, 240, 241, 261, 276, 737. Commisofficers of, 189. Willing, Thomas, sioners of Boundary Line, 233, 497. Wilson, James, 526. Wirtz, 235, 416, 438, 454, 489, 506. Christian, 379. Wood, Col. James, Commissioners, (Boyd, &c.) 307, 24, 236, 262, 276, 289, 328, 357, 330, 339. Commisioners of Cum382. Wylie, Capt. Thomas, 191, berland Co., 79. Commissioners for 665. defence of Delaware, 26. ComnYork county, Auditors, ix., 18. missioners of Lands, 541, 545. Zantzinger, Paul, ix., 282. Commissioners for treating with Adams, John, x., 384, 386, 433, 434, Indians, 265, 325, 332, 333, 346, 746, Agents of Confiscated Es- 357, 395, 410, 489, 496. Commistates, 154. Allison, James, 167. sioners of Roads, 533. CommisAntes, Henry, Sheriff Northumber- sioners on Navigation of Susqueland, 344, 482, 650. Armstrong, hanna, 755. Commissioners of John, Jr., Secy., 46, 53, 56, 63, Taxes, 238. Commissioners of 65, 78, 341, 147, 187, 199, 211, Taxes, Bucks Co., 75. Commis238, 286, 327, 3, 3 339, 343, 345, sioners of Taxes, Lancaster, 82. 525. Armstrong, Lt. Col. John, Commissioners of Taxes, of North307, 315, 317, 319, 361. Arm- ampton, 92. Commissioners of Gen. John, 430, 653, 654, 655, Taxes, Philadelphia Co., 51, 104, 658, 669, 677, 679, 685, 686, 688, 222, 224. Commissioners of Phil692, 694. Armstrong, Capt. Wm. adelphia Co., 307. Commissioners 12. Assembly, 126, 195, 199, 223, of Washington Co., 136, 564, 584. 544 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Letters, x.- Letters, x.Commissioners of Westmoreland of Delaware, 540. Gov. of MaryCo., 98, 593. Commissioners to land, 292, 320, 324, 526, 528, 540, Wyoming, 664, 669, 677. Com- 542, 543, 744, 753. Gov. of Masmittee of Merchants, 210, 212, sachusetts, 354, 500, 503, 504. 219, 221. Congress, 60, 61, 74, Gov. of New Jersey, 103, 366, 458, 98, 135, 193, 206, 231, 234, 263, 730. Gov. of New York, 205, 353, 358, 368, 397, 417, 424, 433, 440, 412, 450, 513. Gov. of North 442, 457, 461, 473, 489, 493, 494, Carolina, 353. Gov. of South Ca499, 507, 530, 535, 537, 539, 543, rolina, 79. Gov. of Virginia, 57, 664, 732, 736, 745, 754. Circular, 145, 175, 602. Grand Inquest, 424. Congress, Delegates in, 7, Philadelphia, 347, Guerard, Benj., 25, 27, 38, 45, 52, 55, 69, 72, 101, Gov. South Carolina, 79. Gurney, 126, 151, 154, 155, 156, 183, 184, Francis, 144. 204, 210, 223, 358, 368, 397, 398, Hamnailton, Joseph, x., 751. Harmar, 410, 440, 457, 477, 511, 549, 556, Lt. Col. Josiah, 309,311, 316, 322, 563, 575, 576, 581, 592, 601, 697, 337, 345, 391, 394, 406, 430, 448, 705, 715, 759. Connecticut, Gov. 455, 465, 469, 479, 483, 490, 508. of, 147, 148. Council of Censors, Harrison, Gov. Benj., 57, 145, 175, 153, 302, 306, 333, 336, 596, 604, 602, 608. Hartley, David, 557. 655. Cox, Gabriel, 125. Craig, Hays, Christopher, 264, 279. HellThomas, 296, 303, 305. Crawford, stedt, Charles, Min. N. Nether'd, Edward, Jr., 392. Creveceur, 350, 362, 408. 435. Henry, Win., Mons., 195. Cummins, Lt. John, 405. Hillegas, Michael, 238, 261, 22. 276. Hodgdon, Samuel, 39, 59, Delaney, Sharp, x., 97, 442, 715. Hollingsworth, Levi, 350, 533, Delegates in Congress, 7, 25, 27, 546, 548. Hopkinson, Francis, 38, 45, 52, 55, 69, 72, 101, 126, 58, 355, 707, 755. Howe, Maj. 151, 154, 155, 156, 183, 184, 204, Gen., 66. Ilubley, Col. Adam, 718. 210, 223, 358, 368, 397, 398, 410, Hubley, John, 278. Huffnagle, 440, 457, 477, 511, 549, 556, 563, AMichael, 125, 140, 141, 147, 186, 575, 576, 581, 601, 697, 705, 715. 211, 429, 462, 464, 467, 763. 759, 768. Doe Marbois, Mons., Humpton, Col. Richd, 59. Hutch311, (See Marbois.) Depeyster, inson, Dr. James, 178, 218. Col. A. S. 62. Dickinson, James, Inhabitants of Wyoming, x., 670. 740. Dickinson, John, 77. Digby, Irvine, Hon. James, 26, 458, 467, Rear Adml. Robert, 21. Donald- 609. John, Irwine, 289. Irvine, son, Arthur, 350. Donaldson, Gen. Wm, 56, 66, 218, 509. John, 565, 588. Dougherty, Bar- Jacks, James, x., 264. Jackson, nard, 114, 119. Douglass, Ephr'm, Hon David, 522. Jay, Hon. John, 62, 70, 71, 262, 553, 564, 581, 588, Secy. F. A., 401, 407, 433, 446, 696, Duponceau, Peter S. 352. 499, 538, 735, 743, 759. Jefferson, Duval, Hon. Gabriel, 291. Thomas, &c., 386. Jenkins, John, Ellicott, Andrew, x., 452. Espy, 33. Johnston, Benj., 611. JohnDavid, 114, 119. Ewing, Rev. Dr. ston, E. & W. Baldwin, 679. JohnJohn, 428, 443. son, Col. Francis, 282, 325, 326, Filbert, Peter, Sheriff B. C., x., 67. 333, 453. Johnson, Jacob, 34. Finley, Rev. James, 40, 41, 163. Judges of Supreme Court, 448, Fitzsimons, Thomas, 28, 48. Flee- 460, 523. Justices of Northumson, Plunket, 523. Francis, Tench, berland, 628, 629, 630. Justices of 240, 261, 276. Franklin, Benjamin, Wyoming, 662. 386, 556, Franklin, John, 621, lKern Nicholas, x., 654. 629, 672, 681, 751. Fullerton, Land Office, x., 536, 537, 739. Lee, Major, Richard, 758. Arthur, 294, 326, 332. Lee, RichGalbraith, Robert, x., 466. Gardner, ard Henry, 173. Levers, Robert, Joseph, 404, 516, 698. Gov. of 341. Lieutenants, (County,) 286, Connecticut, 147, 148, 213. Gov. 345, 410, 419. Livingston, R. R., INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES, 545 Letters, x.- Letters, x.Secy, 9, 13, 21. Livingston, Gov. Ch'n, 30, 32, 35, 208; 574, 617, Wilm. of N. J., 103, 713. Loan, 619, 624, 626, 627, 675. Peale, Office, 57, 168, 169, 174, 514. Charles W., 162. Pearson, James, Longschamps, 742. Luce, Benjn., 373, 420, 426, 442, 535, 547. 679. Lukens, John S. G., 53, 65, Pentecost, Dorsey, 167, 181, 262, 95, 451, 458, 506, 540, 678. Lu- 413, 757. Pettit, Charles, 208, zerne, Chev. de la, 27, 28, 72. Lyon 497. Phile, Frederick, 240. WYilliam, 285. Phipps, Paul, 359. Pierce, John, BJcClean, Alexander, x., 294, Mc- 536, 539. Porter, Andrew, 372, Clean, Brig. Gen., Allen, 70, 71. 760, Potter, G-en. James, 47, 159, lMcDowell, Surgeon John, 343. Proctor, Thos., Sheriff, Philadel-!McKean, C. J. Thomas, 176, 285, phia,. 286, 323, 324, 327, 420. 290, 292, 396, 448, 739, 766. Prothonotaries, 268, 439. Pro. liaclay, William, 46,346, 418, 444, thonotary of Washington County, 510. Magistrates and Sheriffs of 78. North'ld Co., 295, 304. 344, 347, Read, Jas., x., 330, 339. Receiver 460. Managers of State Lottery, Gen. of Land Office, 546. Redick, 362, 372, 400, 468, 474, 513. Mar- David, 416. Reed, Joseph, 157, bois, Mons. Barbe de, 175, 277, 159, 160, 163, 719, (1779-80). 283, 350, 351, 356. Marbois, Reynolds, John, 277, 3'27. RitMons. de, 311, 351 354, 362, 367, tenhouse, David, 241, 269, 439, 368, 409, 430, 440, 447, 471. Mas- 454, 455, 456, 458, 730. Robins, sachusetts, Gov. of, 354. Matlack, Ezekiel, 26, 213. Robinson, Capt. Timothy, 226. Mead, David, 222, Thomas, 14, 48, 99. Rosencrone, 401, 482, 663, 707. Merchants, Count de, 434. Rush, Hon. Jacob, Committee of, 210, 212, 219, 221, 292. Ryan, Michael, 308. 406, 409, 418. Mifflin, Thos., 183. St. Clair, Gen. Arthur, x., 49, 260, Milligan Robert, 755. Milligan, 483. St. Saphorin, de, 434, James, 426. Minister of France, Schrieber, John, 309, 334. Scott. 223, 409 Minister of Holland, Thomas, 65, 78, 80, 364. Scott, 415. Minister of United Nether- Lt. William, 591. Seely,Jonathan. lands, 350, 362, 408, 435. Mont- 650, 677, 678, 692. Secretary of gomery, Hon. John, 206, 220. Foreign Affairs, 9, 13, 21, 401, Montgomery, Joseph, Ch'n, 30, 32, 407, 433, 446, 475, 499, 538, 735, 444. Montgomery, William, 765, 743, 759. Shaw, William, 764. 766, 767. Moore, Lt. Col., 286. Shoemaker, B., 93. Shrawder, AMoore, Major James, 132, 185, Capt. Philip, 23, 24, 99, 104, 131. 187, 197, 207, 222, 232. Moore, Slough, Mathias, 237. Smallwood, William, 93. Morales, Francis, Gov. of Maryland, 542, 543, 744, 476. Morgan, George, 526. Muh- 753. Smith, Thomas, 57, 78, 168, lenberg, P. A., 153. Murray, Lt. 170, 174, 190, 447, 461. Smith, Francis, 679. W. and W. Kelly, 419. Smith, New Jersey, Gov. of, x., 103, 366, Winm. Hooker, 760. Smyser, Jacob, 458. New York, Gov. of, 205, 353, 77. South Carolina, Governor of, 435, 450. Nicholson John, 6, 16, 79. Sproat, David, 68. Sproat, 28, 46, 48, 50, 52, 53, 93, 95, 96, Rev. James, 720. Stanhope, Hen97, 481, 529, 750. Northumber- ry, (Brit. Capt.) 503, 504. Steuland Magistrates and Sheriffs, 295, ben, Baron, 352. Story, John, 450, 304, 344, 347. North Carolina, 451, 742. Street Commissioners, Gov. of, 350. Philadelphia, 55. Surveyor Gen., Officers of Pennsylvania Line, x., 53, 65. 425, 592. Okeley, John, 330, 339, Taylor, Timothy, x., 432. Trumbull, 696. Owen, Griffith, 563. Gov. Jon.'of Connecticut, 147, Pace, John, x., 292 Paca, William, 148, 213. Trustees of Loan Office, Gov. of Maryland, 320, 324. Par- 481, 532, 545. Trustees of Proker, Winm., 167. Patterson, Alex., vence Island, 75. Trustees of 35 5(6 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Letters, x.- Letters, xi.Westmoreland Co., 91. Turnbull, Gov. N. C., 116. Chaloner, John, Marmee, & Co., 281. 680, 761. Cherokee Chiefs, 584. Van Berekal, P. J., x., 415. Van Cherokee Indian Women, 181. Ctampen, John, 24. Vancouver, Churchman, John, 718. CincinCharles, 712. Virginia, Gov. of, nati, Society of, 726. Circulars, 57, 145, 175, 602. 379, 746t. Clarkson, Matthew, Wardens of Philadelphia, x., 93, 281, 250. Clinton, George, Governor 349, 456, 571, 580, 584, 585, New York, 96, 125, 187, 196, 197, 588, 589, 606, 607. War Office, 326, 335, 341, 412. Coats, Lieut. 27, 302, 459, 460, 479, 495, 497, Colonel William, 273, 274. Com. 525, 529. Washington, Gen. Geo., mander of Spanish Frigate, 100, 150, 151. Weitzel, John, 99, 109, 101, 102. Commissioners for wes232, 343. Wilkinson, Gen. James, tern boundary, 26, 52, 69, 178. 610. Williamson, Hon. Hugh, 397. Northern boundary, 203.. On ConWVilson, James, 202, 399, 471. necticut claims, 159. To commerWilson, Joseph, 152. Wilson, cial Convention, 60. To Indians, William, 304, 654. Wynkoop, 503, 507, 508, 509, 510. Of LuHenry, 211. zerne Co., 205, 302, 332. Of MaryAtlee, Win. T., (Judge) xi., 233, land, 61. For improving inland 485. Adlum, John, 576, 693, 620. navigation, 77. To examine rivers, Agricultural Society, 527, 384, 622, 634, 637, 681, 683, 690, 750. 385. Anstey, John, 149. Antes, Of taxes, 499, 593, 603. Of VirFrederick, &c., 439. Armstrong, ginia and Mlaryland, 511. ComJohn, Jr., 137, 407, 436, 447. mittee of Assembly, 547. Of ConArmstrong, Major William, 214, gress, 583, 585. Comptroller Gen., 242, 460. Ascheraden, Shultz 33, 34, 90, 97, 139, 142, 198, 229, Von, 295. Assembly, 87, 103, 234, 249, 259, 323, 404, 561, 589, 187, 206, 390, 397, 398, 402, 409, 655, 658, 731, 729, 739, 742, 747. 521, 529, 547, 669, 673, 674, 675. Congress, 4, 15, 50, 51, 57, 70, 71, Baker, Hilary, xi., 604. Balliet, Ste- 79, 121, 122, 132, 143, 1456, 168, phen, 177, 179, 460. Barclay, Jno., 171, 173, 175, 1.80, 190, 191, 214, 89. Bartholomew, Ewd., 767. Bay- 239, 285, 293, 311, 314, 323, 339, ard, John, 28, Benton, Caleb, 175. 353, 375, 387, 432, 451, 472, 483, Biddle, Clement, 236, 573, 743. 562, 583, 739. Delegates in, 4, Bingham, WVm., 308. Board of 27, 37, 41, 106, 188,189, 207, 237, Treasury, (see Treasury Board.) 251, 252, 266, 280, 308, 342, 350, Board of War, 208, 240, 268, 281, 352, 365, 373, 382, 383, 408, 482, 291, 300; 534, 555. Bond, Phineas, 456, 457, 459, 504, 505, 537, 543, (British Consul,) 255, 381.. Brad- 590, 685. Committee of Ways and ford, Win., Jr., 58, 114, 122, 232, Means, 259, 583, 585. Committee 234, 250, 260, 273, 310, 415, 419, of States, 446, 483. Connecticut, 43l, 445, 446, 467. Breckenridge, to and from Governors, 238, 409, H., 732. Brearly, David, (C. J. N. 414, 447, 451, 735. Cornplanter, J.) 548. Brison, James, 422, 624. (Indian Chief,) 739, 740. Correy, Brodhead, Daniel, S. G., 641, 660, Jona., 104. Cowperthwaite, Jos., 663, 758. Brown, Andrew, 412. (Sheriff,) 330. Coxe, Tench, 61, Brown, John, (prisoner,) 264. 639, 543. Craig, Lieutenant Col., Bryan, George, (Judge) 264, 283, John, 196, 286, 305. Craig, 286, 490. Burd, Edward,'765. Thomas, 276. Crawford, Edward, Butler, Lord, 330. Butler, Gen. Jr., 690. Cunningham, James, Richard, 427, 562, 591, 715, 723. 263. Curwen, John, 572. Butler, Col. Zebulon, 179, 192, Dale, Samuel, xi., 66. Davis, Benj., 330, 351, 356, 381, 41r4, 459, 619, Jr., 766. Delany, Sharp, 259, 676. Buyers, John, &c., 439, 440. 597, 601, 603. Delaware, GoverCaldwell, Sam'l., xi., 89, 594. Canan, nor of, 33. Delegates in Congress, Col, John, 588. Caswell, Richard, 4, 27, 37, 41, 87, 106, 188, 189, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 547 Letters, xi. — Letters, xi.207, 237, 251, 252, 266, 280, 308, (Swed. Cons.,) 265. Hiester, 342, 350, 352, 365, 373, 382, 383, Daniel, Jr., 607. Henderson, 456, 457, 460, 504, 505, 537, 543, Andrew, 305. Henry, Wm., 238, 685. Denison, Nathan, 212, 213, 453. Hollenbach. Mathias, 216. 326, 619. Donaldson, John, 569, Hodgdon, Samuel, 205, 374, 379. 570, 722, 763. Dorchester, Lord, Hoge, Honorable Jonathan, 149. 315. Douglas, Ephraim, 32, 535. Hopkinson, Francis, 53, 77, 125, Eckert, Val'ne, xi., 203, 211. Elli- 375, 634. Houer, Samuel, 47, 102. cott, Andrew, 134, 140, 178, 216, Hubley, Adam, 755. Hubly, Lt. 243, 326, 429, 583, 613, 615, 705. Bernard. 709, 710, 739. Huffnagle, Elliott, Lieutenant Benjamin, 665. Michael, 500. Huntington, Gov. Falconer, N., xi., 737, 747. Febiger, Samuel, of Connecticut, 238, 409, Christian, 563, 649, 758. Fergu- 414. Hutchins, Thomas, (Geoson, Captain William, 590. Fin- grapher,) 314, 315. ley, James, 299. Fisher, Thomas, Ingels, George, xi., 767, Irvine, 388. Fitzsimons, Thomas, 427, 595. General Wm.,,01, 512. 513. Irwin, Franklin, Benj., 701. Franklin, Col. Matthew, 749. John, 3, 14, 52, 67, 84, 94, 111, Jacks, Jas., xi., 363. Jefferson, Thos. 175, 182, 183, 185, 549, 556. Free- Secretary of State, 679, 688, 689, man, Samuel, 714, 721. Fullerton, 696, 700, 703, 705, 706, 707, 708, Richard, 726. 709, 712, 713, 718, 720, 722. JenGalbraith, Rob., xi., 379, (656, 725, kins, John, 52. Johnston, Capt. 738. Gardner, Hon. Joseph, 451, Andrew, 157. Johnston, Colonel 453. Gerry, Elbridge, 598. Get- Francis, 125, 189, 245, 589, 644, tig, Christian, 439. Gibson, Geo., 645, 668, 750. Jones, David, 58. 606. Gibson, John, 427. Gordon, Jay, John, 74, 171, 201, 287, 293, Samuel, 213. Gore, Obadiah, 192, 411. Judges of Sup. Court, 233, 216. Governor, of Connecticut, 264, 283, 295, 441, 442, 443, 472, 238, 409, 414, 447, 451, 735. Of 478,484, 488, 490, 601, 667. JusDelaware, 33. Of Georgia,.96. tices of Berks County, 286. JusOf Maryland, 56. Of Massachu- tices of Franklin County, 316. setts, 271. Of New Jersey, 73, Justices of Northampton, 272. 326, 550. Of New York, 96, 125, Kemp, Capt. J., xi., 497. Kennedy, 187, 196, 326, 412. Of North David, 139, 651, 757. Keene, Carolina, 116. Of South Carolina, Lawrence, 111. Kingsley, Nathan, 545. Of Virginia, 115, 116, 212, 662. Knox, Gen. H., (Sec. War,) 249, 256, 284, 290, 497, 501, 523, 208, 268, 281, 290, 301, 524, 555, 557. Graham, Henry Hale, 638. 621, 624, 707, 711, 728. Grant, Thomas, 110. Griswold, Land Officers, xi., 138, 757. Latimer, Matthew, Governor of Connecticut, George, 661. Lenox, David, 55. 447, 451. Gurney, Col. Francis, Levan, Daniel, 63. Lewis, William, 768. 273, 727. Lianes, Thos. de Ugarte, Hahn, Michael, xi., 97. Hamilton, Y., 100, 102. Lieutenants of Alex., (Sec. Treas.,) 638, 639, 641, Counties, 379, 619. Livingston, 654, 663. Hamilton, Dr. Joseph, Governor William. 93, 336, 550. 3, 67, 84, 94, 182, 185. Hancock, Lloyd, Peter Z. 729. Loan Office, (Gov. John, of Mass.,) 271. Hand, Trustees of, 170. Lukens, John, General Edward, 505 Harmar, 32, 37, 98, 139, 427. Luzerne, Lieutenant Colonel Josiah, 173, Chevalier de la, 462, 464, 465, 466, 217, 270, 286, 325, 391. Harris, -468, 470, 475, 476, 482, 487. James, 186. Harrison, Benjamin, Lyon, Wm., 731, Governor of Virginia, 497, 499. McKean, (C. J.) Thos., xi., 264, 276, 501, 507. Hart, Jonathan, 593. 283, 295, 351, 366, 485, 661. McHartley, Colonel Thomas, 114, 156. Lean, Alexander, 71, 642. McClean, Hasse, John, 288. Health Officer, Captain James, 229, 230, 231, 406. 737, 747. Hellstedt, Charles, McLene, James, 186. Magis 518 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Letters, xi. — Letters, xi.trates, Wyoming, 440. Managers, Pine, R. E., 95. Porter, Colonel of State Lottery, 89, 118. Mar- Andrew, 156, 178, 203, 214, 241, bois, Mons. Barbe de, 49, 461, 471, 502. Potter, James, 661. Powel, 479, 481, 484, 494. Marshall, Lt. Samuel, (Pres. Agricul. Soc'y,) James, 209, 377. Martin, Robert, 384, 385, 527. Practitioners of &c., 438. Maryland, Governor of, Law, Phila., 425. Proctor, Thos., 57. Maryland, Commerce Corn- (Sheriff,) 469, 477, 664. 719, 740, missioner of, 61. Massachusetts, 741, 763. Prothonotaries Circular, to and from, Gov.. 271. Mead, 591, 765. David, 454, 455. Melcher, Col. Randolph, Bev., Gov. Va., xi., 557. Isaac, 523. Mentges, Col. Francis, Randolph, Edmund, Gov. of Va., 78. Mercantile Society of Phila- 115, 116, 212, 249, 256, 284, 2990, delphia, 103. Mifflin, John, 646. 523, 525. Read, Jas, 757. Receiver, Mifflin, Thomas, 505. Milligan, Gen., 667, 693, 696, 750. Redick Robt, 27. Minister of France, 462, David, 149, 197, 244, 338, 410, 464, 465, 466, 468, 470, 473, 476, 414, 432, 459, 593. Reed, Hon. 482, 487. Minister of United Ne- James R., 283, 308. Reed, Lient. therlands, 469, 470, 475, 477, 479, Samuel, 435. Register Gen., 569, 480. More, Brigadier General, 570, 722, 763. Rinker, James, 206. 567. Mlitchell, Joseph, 253. Rittenhouse, David, 203, 337, 743. Montgomery, Thos., 505. Mont- Robins, Ezekiel, 495. Robinson, gomery, Wm., 35, 108, 111. John, 719. Robinson, Capt. Thos., Moore, Colonel James, 434, 485, 432. Ross, James, 458, 730. 436, 443. Moore, Thomas, 99. Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 427, 540, 578. Morris, Richard, (C. J. N. Y.,) Rush, Judge, Jacob, 295, 485. 413. Morris, Robert, 505. Muhl- Ruston, Thomas, 632. Ryerson, lenberg, General Peter, 133, 135, Thomas, 666. 231. St Clair, Hon. Arthur, xi., 127, 189, Nesbitt, John Maxwell, xi., 520. 393, 716. Schott, Capt. John P., New Jersey, to and from, Gover- 297, 298, 397, 663. Scott, Thos., nor, 93, 326. New York, to and 215, 568. Secretary of Foreign from Governor, 125, 187, 196, 326. Affairs, 75, 171, 201, 287, 293, Nicholason, Joseph, 742. Nichol- 413. Secretary of State, U. S., son, John, 33, 34, 90,97, 139, 142, 679, 688, 689, 696, 700, 703, 705, 198, 229, 234, 249, 259, 323, 404, 706, 707, 708, 709, 712, 713, 718, 561, 589, 655, 658, 729, 731, 739, 720, 722. Secretary of Treasury, 742, 747. Nicola, Lewis, 536. 638, 641, 654, 663, 664. Sec'y of Officers of Militia, of Philadelphia, War, 208, 240, 268, 281, 291, 300, xi., 57. Officers, Commanding in 645, 685, 686. Sellers, John, 623. Luzerne County, 204. Officers, of Shannon, Wm., 748. Sheriff of Military, of Luzerne County, 299. Philada., 469, 477. Shippen Ewd. O'Hara, James, 228. Owen, 91. Simms, Charles, 160, 169. Evans, 585. 643. Oxenstierna, Skinner, John, 92, 143, 158. Smith, F. G., 266. Francis, 195. Smith, Jonathan, B. Patterson, Alexander, xi., 457. Pen- 423. Smith, Robt., Editor, 126. nel, Joseph, 506. Perin, Joseph, Smith, Thos Duncan, 305. Smith, 288. Peters, Richard, 335, 432, Winm. Hooker, 45, 102, 104, 108, 572, 636. Pettit, Charles, 37, 41, 193, 330. South Carolina, Gov. 87, 106, 266, 708. Phila., Agricul- of, 545. Sprague, Joseph, 93. tural Soc'y., 384, 385, 527. Phila., Stiles, John, 202. Stroebell, John Company, 428. Pickering, Col. C., 651. Sullivan, Prest., John, Timothy, 133, 134, 159, 176, 177, of N. H., 122. Surveyor Gen., 179 180, 205, 208, 256, 281, 295, 758. Swaine, Francis, (Sheriff,) 296, 312, 346, 353, 356, 363, 267. 365, 366, 399, 424, 541. Pinck- Talbot, Lt. Jere.. xi., 280. Tax, Cornney, Thomas, Gov. of S. C., 545. missioners, 499, 593, 603. Telfair, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCEIVES. 549 setters, xi.- Letters, xii.Edward, (Gov., Georgia,) 96. Theo- Davis, Col. John, 117, 152. Dawmas, Jos., 725. Todd, Wm., 645. son, Capt. Samuel, 145, 151. Traill, flon. Robert, 288, 289, 446. Doauglass, Ephraim, 78. Duane, Treas'r,, 568, 649, 743, 758. Treas- James, 109. Duncan, David, 247. ry, Board of, 15, 64, 79, 86. Evans, Colonel John, xii,, 213, 219, 155, 382, 383. Trimble, James, 231, 238, 240, 253. 679. Trustees of Loan Office, 170. Flowers, Col. Benjamin, xii., 271. Trustees of Washington Academy, Franklin, John, 296. 215. Turnbull, WVilliam, 623. Gaddes, Colonel, xii., 178. Gates, University of Penn'a, xi., 613. Major General, 218, 228. George, Van Campen, John, xi., 26. Van- Capt. Robert, 142, 168. Gibson, dyke, Gov. Nicholas, 33. Vau- Colonel John, 171. Glass, Lieut. ghan, Samuel, 675. Virginia, to 172. Greene, Major General, 118, and firom, Govs., 115, 116, 249, 120, 145, 174, 204. 256, 284, 290, 497, 507, 523, 557. Hamilton, Alex., S. T., xii., 90, 100. War, Board of, xi., 208, 240, 268, Harrison, Lieutenant John, 236. 281, 291, 300, 534, 555, 621, 624, Heckenwelder, John, 111, 12], 707, 711, 728. Wardens of Phil- 124, 221, 227. Hollingsworth and adelphia, 99, 100, 101, 543. Donaldson, 291, 292. IH-ffnagle, Washington, Gen. George, 496. M., 300. Washington, President U. S., 587, Indians, Susquehanna, xii., 250. 596, 599, 600, 601, 602, 604, 605, Ingersoll, Jared, Atty. Gen., 99. 611, 615, 616, 673. Westbrook, Irwine, Captain Joseph, 138, 169. Abraham, 47, 102. Till, William, Jameson, Lieut. John, xii., 177, 417, 713. Willett, Col. Marinus, 186, 193. 711. Williamson, Hon. Hugh, Jay, John, xii., 163, 176. Jefferson, 449. Wilson, James, 445, 453. Gov. Thos. of Virginia, 140, 273. Wilson, Col. William, 192. Johnson, Th., Gov., 166. Jones, Armstrong, Col. John, M. G., xii., Samuel, 282. 109, 285. Attorney Gen., 99. Lanctot, Major, xii., 246, 259. Lt's Bayard, Col. Stephen, xii., 117, 133, of Counties, 137, 246, 275. Liv134, 139. Beall, Capt Thomas, ingston, Gov. Win., 1N. J., 71. 23. Beck, Ensign John, 142, 276. Lochrey, Col. Archibald, 122, 123, Biddle, Col. Clement, 314. Biggs, 130, 139, 169, 202, 2L4, 215, 219, Capt. Benj., 195, 235. Blaine, 225, 239, 257, 260, 261, 264. Col. E., 278. Brady, Capt. Sam- Lukens, John, S. G. 79. 1,el, 213, 276. Brodhead, General M'Ilvaine, Francis, xii., 161, 170. Daniel, 105-279. M'Intyre, Capt. Thos., 208, 212. Campbell, Lt. Col., xii,, 135, 141, M'Kean, Thos., C. J., 79, 299. 154. Campbell, Capt. Thomas, Mifflin, Gov. Thomas, xii., 8, 31, 32, 160, 171, 179, 187, 194. Carlton, 90, 93, 95, 100. Mitchell, David, Joseph, 267. Carnaghan, Cap- 250, 260. Mitchell, Col. John, tain James, 193, 254. Chaum- 148. Moore, James F., 144. bers, Benj., 2:1K. Clarke, Col. Moore, Wm., V. P., 71. MooreGe)orge Rogers, 143, 216, 238. head, Capt. Samuel, 129. Morgan Clarke, Captain Jno., 174, 276. Capt., 173, 208. Morgan, Col. Clinton, Gov. N. Y., George, 32. Geo., 116, 153, 159, 191. Coleman, Ensign, 138, 141. Coin- Nicholson, John, xii,, 7, 90, 93, 95, missioners of Washingt!on county, 97. 238. Cooko, WVilliam, 286. Corn- Page, Hon. John, xii., 167. Peery, planter, 322. Council, 287, 289, Col., 262, 265. Pendleton, Col., 290, 293, 294, 296, 300, 302, 304, 201. Penn, William, 280. Pe306, 314, 317, 319, 320, 322. ters, Richard, 207, 210, 224, 234, Council at Coochocking, 228. 271, 274, 281, 282. Peters, Rev, Craig, Capt., 233. William, 284. Pettit, Chas., 7. Dallas, Alex. J,, Secretary, xii., 99. Peyton, Col., 201. Pickering, 550 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Letters, xii. — ing, 684. Orders respecting, iii., Timothy, 106, 113, 128, 133, 149, 3, 91, 162. 158, 179, 183, 190, 237, 241, 244, Letts, Ezekiel, petition for captain248, 255, 258, 263. cy, v., 57. Rawlin, Col., xii., 272. Reed, Pres- Levan, Abraham, vi., 406, 449. ident Joseph, 107, 159, 163, 180, Levan, Daniel, letter to Council, 186, 251. Robeteau, Thomas C., vii., 611. Council ask for 284. Rogers, Captain John, 217. Continental money, ix., 38. A Ross, V. P., 317, 318. Justice required at Reading, Scammel, Col. Alex., xii., 185, 226, xi., 63. 268. Secretary at War, 292. Levers, Robert, v., 332. ProthonoShepherd, Col. David, 167, 270, tary, &c., 333, 618, 622, 623, 645, 277. Shippen, Doctor Wm., 191. 717; vi., 5, 76, 140, 141, 341, 344, Shrawder, Captain Philip, 70. 346, 362, 381, 435, 464, 486, 534, Slaughter, Major, 232. Smith, 626, 719, 721. Letters, vii., 15, Col. T., 152. Smyth, Thomas, 176. Can't find house at Easton, 112. Springer, Ensign, 195. 176. Lieut., ix., 64. ConvenSpringer, Capt. Uriah, 274, 279. tion prisoners, militia, 227, 323, Steele, Col. Archibald, 115, 136, 348, 403, 426. Indian murders, 153, 161, 223, 230, 245. Stiles; 257. Provi-ions, savages, 268, Joseph, 317. Stoddard, Benjamin, 275. Trial of Col. Stroud, 339. 266. Stokely, Capt. Thos., 254. Taxes, 377. Light horse in Allen Sullivan, Major General, 154, 165. township, 428. Complaint against, Susqnehannah Indians, 280. 527. Militia, frontiers, &c., 579, Taylor, Major, xii., 182, 188, 192, 742. Letter on election in North194, 197, 200. Tilghman, James, ampton county, x., 341. Death 285, 286. Treasury, Comptroller of, xi., 289. of, 97, 99. Treasury, Secretary Levis, Thomas, vi., 651. of, 95. Levy, Miss, pass to, by Arnold, vii., Valandigham, Colonel George, xii., 223, 224. 261. Van Campen, John, 70. Lewes, Delaware. Collectors appointVernon, Major Frederick, 121. ed, i., 196. Vessels captured off, Wall, George, Jr., xii., 289, 290, ii., 4. Notice to be given of 293, 319. War, Secretary at, 32, enemy, 5. Signal guns and flag 292. Wardens of Philadelphia, described, 5. Collector of Cus287, 290, 291, 292, 294, 304, 306, toins at, iii., 546; iv., 76. Priva308. Washington county Coin- teers, 676. Tory election at, v., missioners, 289. Washington, 53. Riotous c induct, 54. SigPresident, George, 8. - - Gen- nals, &c., at, 167. eral, 113, 120, 125, 131, 146, 155, Lewis, Col., letters sent to, ix. 421. 164, 176, 184, 188, 197, 206, 212, Lewis, General, at Fort Pitt, vi., 223, 233, 242, 243, 252, 256, 258, 717. 265, 269. White, John, 302, 304. Lewis, James, examination, servant White, Bishop William, 31, 314. of Col. Conolly, and taken with Whitehead, J., 314. Williams, him, ix., 473. Adj. William, 295. Williams & Lewis, Thomas, appointed by VirEngle, 295. Wilkins, Charles, ginia Commissioner on boundary, 316. Wilkins, Dr. John, Jr., 321, x., 146. 322. Wilkinson, James, 199, 209, Lewis, William, letter, vi., 641. To 226, 250. Wilson, Col. William, defend a suit, viii., 231, 236. 319, 320, 322. Wolcott, Oliver, And Attorney General, case of S. T., 91, 94, 97. Wynkoop, Niess and Rheiner, xi., 273. InHenry, 299, 302. fractions of treaty, 727. Zeisberger, Rev. David, xii., 192, Lianes, Thomas de Ugarte, Y. Com196, 203, 214, 221, 231. mander of Spanish frigate at MarLetters of Marque. granted, ii., 660. cus Hook, correspondence with, Orders of the government respect- xi., 99, 192. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 551 Libling, Andrew, prisoner in jail, 506. Boundaries, 494. Birth of and others, revolt, x., 327-329. Dauphin of France, 544. Holland Library Co., Philadelphia, books acknowledges independence, 632. arrived at New York, viii., 183. Secy.of Foreign Affairs, letters to Licenses, marriage and tavern, iv., and from, x., 9, 13, 21. 110. For Indian trade required, ivingston, William, Gov., of N. J., 186; vii., 611; xi., 69. Rev., v., 238, 243, 251, 267, 294, 296, Winm. Linn, ix., 893. Marriage, 301, 320, 328, 346, 348, 614, 621. Bishop White on, xii., 31, 314. vi., 133, 453, 599, 604, 728. vii., Lieutenants, hints for, v., 265. Cir- 260, 475, 480, 492. viii,, 139, culars to, 297, 365, 379, 380, 424, 314, 576, 624, 634, 636, 648. 459, 475, 523, 541, 545, 556, 582, Cruelty of the Enemy, ix., 81. 592, 615, 660, 694. Letters to, vi., Deserters, 287. Fears Enemy, 157, 169, 193, 500, 650. Circular 388, 393. Cartridges, Clinton &c., letters to, vii., 105, 267, 275, 486, 404. Letter, 411. Movements 650, 747; viii., 72, 453, 476, 5i9. of enemy, 437. Capture of a County, circulars to fines, ix., Traitor, 530, 531. Bucks Co. rob226, 387, 407, 425. Circular to, bery, 608, 616, 617. Enemy, 618. xi., 379. Of Luzerne, to N. Den- Passes, 619, 621, 622, 623, 651. nison on militia laws, 619; xii., Letters to and from, x., 103, 366, 137, 246, 275. 458, 730; xi., 73, 326, 338. DeLightfoot, Sam'l., petition of, against mands, Wit. Allen, a counterfeiter Williamr Moore, iii., 328. 550. Letter from, xii., 71 Light Horse, ordered out, ix., 556. Lloyd, David, letter from, i., 246. Light-house at Cape Henlopen, xii., Lloyd, Peter, Z., address, xi., 30O. 728. Ligonier, Fort, Indians attack, iii., Lloyd Philemon, letter to Penn, 669. Defence of, vi., 532. Mur- i., 54. ders at, by Indians, vii., 345. In Lloyd, Thomas, proposed subdanger, 518; xii., 389-393. scription to publication of debates, Ligonier Valley, ravages of Indians, xi., 213. ix., 240 Lloyd, Cap. Thomas, ii., 759. Lincoln, Gen., v., 281. Wounded Letters to and from, iii., 11, 319, at Ticonderoga, 675; vii., 736. 361, 411. Lincoln, Gen. B., Secretary at War, Loan Office, report on, i., 457. Inix., 526, 527. Fayette introduced come of, ii., 86. Continental, to Chevalier de Lambert, 627. Re- receive bills of Credit of States v., quests a guard for prisoners in 183. Thos. Smith, Commissioner the new jail, 549, 618; xii., 149. of, 183. On opening, to receive Lindsay, Dr. Alexander, viii., 518. Bills of Credit, vi., 184. CertifiLineback, Frederick, relates respect- cates, 421, 427k 545, 565, 566. ing massacre of Moravian Indians At Lebanon, viii., 51. Respecting, at Muskingum, ix., 523,524. [See x., 57, 169, (1783,) 170, 174, Leimibach. Vol. V.] 190, 223, 447, 453, 514, 532. Liquor, soldiers demand, ix., 437. Counterfeit certificates in circuRegulations respecting sale of, x., lation, 447. Letter of trustees of, 439. 481. On scarcity of bills, 481, 545. Lisbon, destroyed by earthquake, Trustees apply for bills, 532. Reii., 530. specting, xi., 33, 659. Report Little, John, signs article of capitu- of Trustees on nonpayments, 170, lation at Fort Freeland, vii., 611. Clement Biddle, on exchange of Liturgy, prayers for the Royal farm- loan, 573, 659. Certificates, 747. ily directed to be altered, i., 225, Interests on Loans, to be paid in 624. bills on Paris, v., 602. Office to Livingston, R. R., Secy. of foreign be removed 617. Authorized by affairs, Number, of Servants, ix., Assembly, viii., 7, 276. 465. Resolutions of Congress, 493, Lochry, Archibald, v., 344, 488, 552 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 741. Call on by Gen. Hand for 468, 475, 513. Donation land, militia, 488; vi., 68, 143, 459, xi., 49. State, 89, 118. 495. vii., 173, 362, 363, 430, Louden, Samuel, printer, vii., 206 754, 770. Opinion on reward for Loudoun, Fort, iii., 119, 280. ConIndian Scalps, 362. State of fron- ference of a Council of officers at, tiers, 564. Letters to and from, in Virginia, 367. murders near, &c. viii., 42, 50, 65, 66, 69, 77, 109, iv., 175, 209, 219, 229. Light 282, 290, 318, 405, 518. Letters horse expected at, 209. Letter to andcfrom, ix., 18, 28, 51, 79,115, from, 218, 226, 231; xii., 394246, 301, 307, 336. Clarke's 396. expedition, 332, 336, 405. Cap- Loudoun, Lord, appointed Comture and death of, 458, 468; mander in Chief, ii., 647. Earl of, xii., 107, 163, 172. Letters to, introduction of, 657. Letters to and 122, 123, 130, 139, 169, 202, 214, from, 691. His appointment and 215, 219, 225, 239, 257, 260, 261, arrival, 718; iii., 137, 138, 141, 264. To order men to Fort Pitt, 145, 150, 174, 267, 278, 316, 317, 169, 215, 255. 323, 338. Asks loan of Cannon, Lochry, WVm., v., 135. 267. Hints at a plot discovered Lodge, Mr., case of vii., 546. by intercepted letters, 325. Logan, (Mingo chief,) raises a party Loughead, James, v., 485; vii., to cut off Shawnee Town traders, 531. 673, 764; ix., 436. v., 513. Return with scalps, Loughead, Jeremiah, deposition re525. specting Records of WVestmuoreLogan, James, letter from, i., 245. land County, v., 452. Letter to R. Charles, 215. Resigns Loughery, John, deposition respecas member of Council, 730. ting Indian Murders, iii., 731. Logan, Win., letters to and from Lousia, Princess, death of, iv., 300. iv., 63, 530. Letter, ii., Louisburgh, expedition against, Loganian Library to be used by i., 667-670, 679, 689, 692, 711. Soldiers, v., 399. Distress at, ii., 391. Papers resLogstown, Indians near, xii., 234. pecting operations at, iii., 442, Loller, Robert, candidate for office, 446. xi., 618. Louisiana, demand on Gov. Miro, Long, Andrew, petition, viii., 548. for a Negro, xi., 567. Memorial, ix.,762. Lovelace, Francis, succeeds GoverLong Island, Battle of, movement of nor Nicolls, i., 28. Grants island troops, v., 21. in Delaware to Peter Cock, 29. Longschamp, C. J. depositions re- Lovell, Hon. James, of Mass., letter specting his escape, x., 271-274. to, vii., 477. Mons. Marbois respecting, 277. Lowe, John, deposition, i., 350. Retaken, 277. Proceedings, 350, Lowe, Joshua, letter on murder of 351, 358. Anonymous letter to Indians, i., 268. Mons. Marbois respecting, 409. He Lowther, Fort at Carlisle, xii., 348. cdemands him, 706. Asks leave of Loxley, Benj., for casting brass absence to select a plantation, 742. guns, iv., 731. And Mons. Marbois, respecting Loyalists, Dr. Franklin's advice attack on, xi., 442, 461-495 Let- respecting, ix., 668. ter to Judges, respecting, 442. Loyalsock, Indian murders at, vi., Arrested, 466, 469, 470, 477. 576, 599. Indian murders, vii., Claimed, as a French subject, 357. 467, 468. Certificate, 471. Let- Luce, Benj., warned to depart from ter, to Judges, 472, 478, 485, 488. Wyoming, x., 679. To Congress, 472. Case, 485, 489, Ludwig, Christopher, Superin490. Sentence, 491. tendent of Bakers, sent by Gen. Lottery, Land, notice respecting, i., Washington to Philadelphia for 455. Managers of the State, sale hands, v., 439. of tickets, &c., x., 362, 372, 400, Lukens, John, elected Surveyor INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 553 Gen. ix., 66. Comm. to run Vir- Commissioners on capture, 332. ginia line, 20. On survey of do- Disturbances in, 363, 365. Field nation lands, x., 451, 459. Ap- Officers elected, 384. Memorial pointment by, 458. Returns of for division of land, 386. Militia surveys, 506. Letter of James Laws, 619. iN. Kingsley resigns Dickinson on survey of donation as Justice, 662. Difficulties in lainds-conference with Indians, collecting militia, 676. (See Col. 740. Letters and instructions to, Rec.) 53, 56, 65, 95, 756. Appointed Lycoiming Creek, Indn. murders, vi., commissioner, on Virginia boun- 552, 599, 603. dary, 223. Letters to and from, Lydius, John, purchase of land from xi., 32, 93, 139, 427. His death, Indians for Susquehanna Coml631. D. Brodhead succeeds, let- pany, ii., 60, 171, 174, 176, 273, ter, xii., 78, 630. 279, 298, 303, 323. And his purLumber, report of, inspector, xii., 1. chase of lands for Connecticut, Lumber, inspection at Philadelphia, iv., 41, 51, 57, 66, 70, 83, 88, memorial of merchants, iv., 263. 103. Lutheran Churches, address to Gov. Lyndermloodl, Col. Michael, viii., Morris, ii,, 183, 184. Phila., pe- 230, 273. tition for a brief to raise funds for Lyon, Samuel, viii., 439, 715. Zion Church, iv., 253. Of Berks Lyon, William, v., 416; vi., 228; county, petition, 279. Mission- vii., 144, 399. Return of Sheraries to Georgia, 563. iffs on Cumberland county, x., Lutheran (German) congregation 285. Offices in different Counties, at Lebanon, an old dispute among, xi., 731. viii., 123. Lyttleton Fort, ii., (see Forts) iii,, Lutterloh, Col. J. H., vi., 210, 12, 99; xii., 396-398. 250, 283, 323, 343, 348, 352. Lyttleton, Governor Wvilliam H., of Lutz, Nicholas, appointed commis- South Carolina, letters, iii., 19, sioner of purchases in Berks Co., 315, 399. Asks for ammunition, viii., 201, 301, 313, 342, 356, 367, 315. For Pilots, 399. 399, 417, 438, 474. Luzerne, Chevalier de la, reception of by Congress as French minister, viii., 9. Letters, 334, 368, 448, ~. 540, 543, 609, 614, 628. And Mlons. Holker, charges, ix., 180. McAlister, Jno., depositions respectBirth of Dauphin, to, honors, 543, ing him as commissary, vii., 490, 544, 545, 547. Dispatches respec- 513, 529, 550, 652. ting peace between Great Britain McAlavy's Fort, xii., 461. and the Uuited States, x., 12. McCalester, Col. Richard, letter, v., Valedictory, on leaving, 279. An- 330, 333, 335, 369, 412, 558, 633, swer of Council to, 282. Mons. 640, 692, 768; vi., 22, 171, 196, Marbois on, 283. Respecting at- 244, 369, 463, 479, 547; vii., 110, tack on Mons. Marbois by Long- 115, 367, 401, 414, 425. Wishes to schamp, xi., 461, 462, 464, 465, resign, 415, letter from, viii. 16. 466, 468, 469, 470, 473, 476, 482, McCalester, Contract, xii., 208. 487. McCall, Samuel, appointed CommisLuzerne County, deluge in, xi., sioner to settle accounts for wag85. Gen. Muhlenberg resigns as ons for Gen'l Braddock, ii., 598. Commissioner, 136. Want the McCall, Capt. Win., ix., 554. laws, 159. Daniel Heister elected McCalla, Win., vii., 620; fines, and resigns; W. Montgomery viii., 212, 557, 661. Comllniselected, 160. Disturbances in, sioner of Bucks Co., ill-treated, 207. Officers of Military compa- ix., 199. Supplies, 423. nies in, 299. Commnissioners ap- McCay, Abigail, examination of, pointed to view the land in, 304. v., 337. 554 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. McClean, Alexander, going on Gen. McElhatton, Cap., instructions to, Clarke's expedition, ix., 352. viii., 365. Boundary line, 353, 402, 563, McElheney, Geo., vii., 315. Orders 566, 585, 588, 772. Appointment 537. of Lieut. Beal-in favor of con- McElroy, Archibald, commands a duct of Virginians in Westmore- Battalion, viii., 323, 326. land Co., x., 293. On boundary, McFarlan, Lt., viii., 594. xi., 26, 69, 71. Bond as Survey- McFarlane, A., ix., 55. or, 642. Road to Pittsburg, 642. Magee, John, vi., 38. McClean, Archibald, v., 514, 536, McGillivray, and Chiefs of Creek 575, 661, 682, 704; vi., 294, 376. nation of Indians visit Philada., Letters to C. J. McKean, on foul xi., 707. practices, vii., 14. To and from, McGinley, Capt. John, vii., 652. 127, 145. New state, 280. Ap- McGlasken, Sergt. Leonard, warrant pointed a commissioner to run to arrest, iv., 224. Letter from line between Virginia, ix., 20. Win. Smith respecting, 229. DeAlexander McClean, his substi- position, 233, 234. tute, 20. Commission 301, 304. McGowan, Capt., viii., 209. Town lands, 371. McGuire, Matthew, applies for bMcClean, Capt, James, instructions money for Penna. Line, v., 756. from Comptroller to arrest smug- McHenry, Capt., Matt., vii., 384. gled goods, xi., 229. His letter McIllvaine, Francis, xii., 161. Letto President Franklin, asking his ters to, 170, 172. advice, 230. President Franklin's McIlvaine, Wm., v., 509. answer, 230. Letter to Muhlen- McIntosh, Fort, ix., 648. Instrucberg on, 231. Wants of the In- tions to Sergts. Lee and McClure valid Guards, 406. to take possession of, x., 109. McCleery, Winm., viii., 584. Situation of, 391. Facts respectMcClenachan, Blair, &c., respe.- ing, 406, 448, 466. To be vacated, ing Cutter Revenge, vii., 248, 252, 704. Troops at, xii., 108, 277, 281, 285, 288, 309, 343, 364, 397. 300. Design in building, 110. Notice to, respecting sale of Ship Has preference of General W., Gen. Greene, viii., 3. 125, 126, 168. Described, 400-404. McClenachan & Irwin, agents of Soldier killed, 148. Provisions, Gen. Greene, vii., 263, 265, 309, 174, Capt. Clarke at, 174, 234, 310, 318, 322, 442. Sale of Min- 247. Indians cross Ohio near, erva's cargo of fish, 768. 24S-killed, 250, 252. McCleery, Col, xii., 278. McIntosh, General Lach, of Geo., M cClughan, John, letter, iii., 393. proposed to succeed Gen. Hand, McConnell, Major Matthew, ix., 254, vi., 467. Arrives at Lancaster, 346, 371, 424. 564. His movements, 646, 651, McConnels Town or Sleeping Place, 662; vii., 131, 173, 342. Operaxii., 461. tions on Ohio, 132, 565. RespectMcCord's Fort, attack on, ii., 617; ing, 431. Unfortunate, 465; xii., 399. xii., 109, 119, 146. Designs on McCulloh, Captain John, vii., 370. Detroit-building of Fort McInArrives at Billingsport to relieve tosh, 110, 118. Appoints officers, Col. Proctor's Artillery, 371. 113. Provisions, 114. Not on McDonald, Cap., takes Fort Free- good terms with General Morgan, land, vii., 591. 116. To go south, 118. McDowell, Alexander, vi., 572. McIntyre, Capt., viii., 40, 106. McDowell's Fort, iii., 51. At, xii., McIntire, Captain Thomas, xii., 158, 398. 159, 209, 212, 216, 235, 237, 243. McDowell, John, applies to Rev. Attacks and kills Indians, 249, Mr. Finley, to visit western fron- 250, 252, 270. tiers, ix., 729. McKean, Thomas, opinion of, attainder on a free-holder's removal INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 555 to another State, v., 400. Quali- McKee's Fort, vi., 404. fication and oath as Chief Justice, McKee, Capt. Alex., joins Indians, 621; vi., 266, 555, 566, 569. vi., 445. Opinion respecting Treasurer, McKee, Capt. Thos., (McGee) Com566. Asked for notes in trial of mission, to iii., 219. Letters to and Robert~ & Carlisle, vii., 21. His from, 563, 564, 615, 684. Instrucnotes in case of Ab'm Carlisle, tions, 533'; x., 86. 44-52. Proceedings in Congress McKinley, John, letter from, iii., respecting him and General 381. Vessels of war near mouth Thomson, 137. Prisoners in jail, of Christiana, iv., 746. Des699, 703, 773. Letterfrom Coun- patches from,WVilmington, men of cil respecting D. Lenox and R. war off creek's mouth, 746. EnSmith, 637. Intercepted letter gagement with the Roebuck and from S. R. Fisher, 225, 274, 279. Liverpool, 749. Favor of George Hardy, 326. McKinley, Brig. General John, Letter to on forfeited estates, 328. letters, v., 34, 309, 456. Riot at Fort Wilson, 732, 735, McKinney, David, resigns as Jus744. Opinion on Traitors and tice to enter Assembly, viii., 597. when Government began, 645. McKnight, James, an AssemblyRespecting Sheriffs, Justices, &c., man, captured by Indians, vii., 699. Letters, viii., 14, 178, 234, 346. 298, 330, 406, 597, 649, 650, 657. McLane, Captain Allen, clothing, Bailing of Griswold, &c., 649, viii., 56. Applies for an appoint650. Statement of attorney gen- ment, 258. eral, 666. Correspondence with McLaughlin, Captain James, agreePresident Reed, on bailing Gris- ment with his Company, ii., 541. wold, 649-651, 654, 666. To oc- His orders, 543. cupy DuchIs house, 685. Let- McLean, Moses, a commissioner to ters, ix., 42. Elected President examine rivers, x., 330. of Congress, 267. J. Thomas, McLean, Brig. Gen., on Indian afpersons under sentence of death, fairs, 70, 71, 88. Invites to din125. Can he, being delegate to ner, 79. Congress, legally act as Judge of McLean, Col., viii,, 555. Supreme Court of the State? 163. McLene, James, taxes, viii., 61. Proposes a pardon, 634. Pass- Letter from James Harris, on a port for R. Logan, 751. Letter of road, xi., 186. French minister on Seamen, 734. McMichael, John, petition, iii., 405. Answers to Council on Justices of McMillan, Rev. W., ix., 572. peace, x., 19-21. Case of Dr. WVm. McMillan, Rev. John, (1783,) x., Moland, 176. Commission ex- 169. pires-is re-elected C. J., 285. McMullen, WVm., viii., 282. Respecting Henry Carberry, 290, McPherson, Capt. John, on defence 291. Asks for a pardon for A. of Del. River, vii., 180. Bare, 396. Letter to, on distur- McPherson, Major WV., application bances in Northumberland Co., for adoption into the State, viii., 448, 460. Opinion on claim of 617. Messrs. Penn to interest, 730. McWilliams, Richard, appointed Opinion on depreciation of pay, Judge, iv., 580. xi., 120. On Brown's case, 264. Mackay, YEneas, letters, iv., 484,.On powder magazine, 276, 283. 494, 516, 517, 540. Deposition, Letter to, respecting A. and L. 611. Letters, v., 59, 92. Insolence Doane and J. Dryer, 351. Jones of officers, 59. On march from and McElroy, 366. Recommends Kittanning-provisions scarce, 93, J. Potter, 661. On price of affix- 135. ing great seal, xii., 78. Letter Mackay, Alex'r, notice to inhabito, on robbery in Bucks County, tants west of Alleghany moun299. tains, iv., 251. 550 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Mackay, John, vi., 400. Required Manchash taken by Spaniards, xii. to attend Council, 400. 216. Maclay, William, letter on gaol, &c. Manners, Rev. Mathias, Catholic at Sunbury, iv., 463. On Con. priest, number under his care, necticut, 660; vi., 634; vii., 192, iii., 144, 357, 586, 590, 591, 593, 597, 598, Mansin, Henry, examination, vi., 623. Recomnmends use of dogs 221. against Indians, 357. Respecting Manufactures, inquiries respecting, Indians, viii., 156, 172. ix., 611. iv., 292. Pennsylvania Society Letters to and from, x., 46. Com- for encouraging cotton, subscripmissioner to treat with Indians, tion to, by the State, xi., 569. 265. To exaline roads and Manvil, Ira, deposition, xi., 344. rivers, 129, 130. Indian bound- Commitment, 345. In gaol, 347. ary, 418, 444. Appointed com- Map of Delaware Bay and River, missioner, 334. To deliver goods Fisher's, ii., 592, 593. Of Pennto Indian chiefs, 510. And to ex- sylvania proposed by Lewis Evans, plain certain expressions, 510. 47, 60, 309. Macclure, David, missionary pass- Marbois, Mons., letter on desertion port, iv., 455. of French seamen, ix., 734. Maconie Creek, attacks of Indians, Storing of powder, 741. Resix., 396. pecting plague supposed to exist Madison, James, a Virginia commis- at Marseilles, and regulations, sioner, to run line between Penn- x., 356. Letter from, 362. Apsylvania, viii., 353. peal respecting duties on a box Madison, Rev. James, appointed by arriving for him, 367. Collector Virginia, commissioner to run tenders the box-he declines, 368. line, ix., 78, 233, 402, 439, 445. Relinquishedby Council —cquestion Appointed by Virginia as commis- reserved, 368. On resolution of sioner on boundary, x., 146. On Congress-settlement of accounts, trade of United States, 738. 369. Anonymous letter to, resMagazine required, v., 382. For pecting Longsohamp, 409. Going provisions to be established, vi., to New York with Congress, 432. 178. At Lancaster unsafe, ix., A French criminal, 440. L. Collinet 36. At Wiyoming, 166. released at his request, 447. ApMagistrates, &c.-Qualifications.- points his brother Vice-Consul, Act respecting, i., 155. Complaint 471. Demands Longschanmp, 706. against a, 191. Recommended, Respecting English vessels assumiv., 409; v., 322, 347, 411, 421, ing French colors, 175, (1783.) 473, 504, 553, 581, 599; vi., 258. Respecting Longschamp, 277, 350, Conduct towards soldiers com- On Chev. Luzerne's departure, plained of, viii., 391. 283. Correcting a former letter, Mallhakimack settlements, distress 311, At Fort Stanwix, 346, of, vii., 603. Thanks to Council in case of Mahingweegeesuch, Indian, xii., Longschamp, 351. Complains of 229. Letter to Council at Coo- interest not paid, 355. chocking, 230. Marbois, St. Pierre Francois Batbe Mahusquechikoken, an Indian town de, Vice Consul at Philadelphia, on French Creek, xii., 157. x., 470, 478. Mail packets between England and Marbois, Mons. Barbe de, letters to Halifax to be established, ii., 467. and from, xi., 461, 471, 479, 481. Mail, robbery, of U. S. resolve of Certificate, [1784] 461. Complains Congress on letter of P. M. Gen'l, of French merchants having to ix., 560. perform military duty, 49. VaMamachtagwin, Indian prisoner for rious documlents, [1784] relating murder opinion of Judge Bryan to affair with Longschamp, 461as to his trial, x., 473. 495, Manaday Fort, xii., )405. Marcus Hook, vessel launched, at, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 557 tached under writ of Admiralty- Martin, John, and wife murdered escapes to Wilmington —letter of and scalped by Indians, ix., 658, Judge Hopkinson respecting, x., 659. 355. Piers at, 407, 471, 713. Martin, Thomas, petition of, xi., Spanish frigate in danger at, xi., 69. 99-102. Maryland, an Indian trader murilarine Committee of Congress, vii., dered by Indians, ii., 16. Depo12, 76, 120, 235, 587, 637. On sitions relating to, 18, 81, 22, 37, shipments of flour, 588; viii., 64, 76, 82, 265, 266, 283, 335, 231. 440; (see depositions.) Letter J. Market Clerk of Reading, persons Churchman, 19, 25. Care of recommended, iii., 658. In Phila- Joseph England, 21, 25. Digge's delphia ruined by enemy, vi., choice, petition, 28. Correspond369. ence between Governors of, and Markham, Gov. William, chooses Pennsylvania, 40, 46, 57, 91, 93, first Council at Upland, and takes 113, 125, 130, 187, 192, 213, 228, obligation of members, i., 37. 244, 274, 382, 397, 451, 504, 540, Letter to Lord Baltimore, 39. 557, 573. Boundary line between Letter to, from Robert WVade, & Pennsylvania, 40, 41, 49, 73. ExJ. S., 46. Negotiates first Indian amination of Martin Kitzmiller, purchase for Penn, 47. Recom- 70. Letter John Digges on the mended by William Penn, 69. death of his son, 73. Depositions Goes to England-petition to respecting, 76-82. Letter to Geo. Duke of York, 78. Grants certifi- Stevenson, forbidding a levy on cates of naturalization, 118. Let- certain lands, 89. List of Taxes, ter William Penn to, respecting 94. Governor of Pennsylvania his bond, 126. sends for copies of public papers, Marriage licenses, iv., 102, 175; xi., 92. Granted, 93. Petition of 690. Bishop WThite on, xii., 31, Henry Darnall, Attorney-General, 314. to Judges at York, respecting Marsh Creek, account of affairs at, death of Digge's son, 92. Letter i., 625, 634. John S. Hawkins, 117. CommisMarsh, Col. Joseph, orders to, ix., sioners to Indian treaty at Albany, 396. Flag-staff on Market street 138. WaT. Morris and Wai. hill to be repaired, 440. Green, depositions, 265. James Marshall, Christopher, to assist in Anderson, 267, 283. Watman procuring flour, vii., 668. Sipple's case, 335,337, 440. PetiMarshall, Colonel James, disputes tion to Governor Morris from. boundary line, &c., ix., 304, 315- sufferers by Maryland, 432. Grant 319, 367. of ~10,000 by Assembly, 685. Marshall, Lt. James, militia, ix., Statement of Wam. Johnson, a 192. Conduct of Penticost, 193, prisoner, iii., 16. Letter from 233, 317, 343. Affairs in WVash- Indians to Governor of, 143. Letington Co., 343, 444, 484, 575. ters to and from Governor Sharpe, On defence of frontiers, xi., 377. 143, 183, 197, 585, 662. DeposiMarsteller, Philip, vi., 264. To pur- tions, (which see.) Death of chase flour, vii., 567, 716. Res- Outten, 585, 660. Minutes of pecting flour, viii., 51. Forage Council, 586. Proceedings in master, 155, 328, 362, 371, 383. Worcester County Court, 609. Supplies for expedition, ix., 638, Agreement between Lord Balti641. more and T. & R. Penn, to apMartial, Courts, v., 384, 396. point commissioners to run Martial law, opinion of, xii., 127. boundary line between Maryland Martin, Col. Sub. Lt. of Bedford and Pennsylvania, 1760, iv., 1-36. Co., vii., 446. Commissioners appointed by Martin, Henry, intercession for, ix., Maryland, Delaware and Penn751. sylvania, respecting State lines, 558 INDES TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCIIIVES. 1849, George S. Key appointed, ginia on internal navigation, 511. 37. Letter of Gov. Penn to Gov. On commerce, 521. Sharpe, on peace made with In- Maryland and Pennsylvania. - dians by Bradstreet, 207. Frontier Depositions (which see) Letters inhabitants removing over moun- to and from Gov. Calvert, i., tains, 217. Letter, Gov. Sharpe, 289, 292. Conference with 262, 277. Petition from S. Ken- Willarn Penn, 74. Case of nedy, &c., of New Castle county, Wherry and Holey, 289, 292. against rioters from, 331. Case Thomas Cresap, 311, 313, 316, of Saml. Galloway, convicted at 320, 321, 326, 336, 338, 352, Dover, 341. Letter Gov. Eden on 398, 410, 412, 415, 417, 419, convention on Indian trade, 368. 462, 464, 475, 476, 489, 501, On proclamation, 616. Letter 556. Warrant to arrest, 489. from WVin. Digges, respecting Depositions, 504, 528. CorDigges' choice, 489. From Benj. respondence between Gov. Ogle Chambers, 535. From Gov. R'cl'd and Gov. Gordon, 313, 320, 326, Lee, 538. Examination of Con- 330, 427, 434, 442, 447, 461, nolly, &c., by Committee on Fred- 466, 471, 479, 486. Relative erick County, 680. Regiment to Boundary Line, 336, 342, under Colonel Richardson, v., 461, 556, 557, 558, 595, 616. 177. Troops from, expected under Agreement received, 342. PeGeneral Johnston, 194. Arrive in tition of Ross and Carroll, 333. Philadelphia, 196. Expected at- Case of Daniel and W. Lowe, tack by British, 289. Contempt 349. Titles of various docuof Capt. Nicholson, to Gov. John- ments, 369, 376, 402. Abstract son, 328. Gen. Howe in Chesa- of Newton's deed, 374. Justices peake, 543. Lands in, 557. Offers of Kent to Justices of Maryland, troops for Phila., vi., 183. Pro- 376. Answers, 376, 387, 388. visions for Cheaspeake, 442, and Lord Baltimore to Gov. G., 393, men from gallies, 442. Law res- 395. Case of James Heath and pecting distillation of grain, vii., J. Steele, 426, 433. Hamilton 125. Letter to Gov., 197. To and Georges appointed by PennMagistrates of Baltimore, 390. sylvania Commissioners to, 427. Wheat carried into, 688. Price, Their commission, 428. And 688. Gov. Lee's letters, on Em- instructions, 429, 435. Case of bargo, viii., 329, 354, 432, 433. T. & J. Rothwell, 433, 561, 584, Signs, articles of confederation, 590, 592. Historical sketch by 749, 751. Convention, prisoners Gov. G., 479. Mittimus for to be removed from, to Pennsyl- prisoners, 529, 530, 533. Case vania, 753. Convention prisoners, of Charles I-igginbotham, 530, ix., 5. Letters of Gov. Lee, 12, 534. Canon's case, 534. An37. Letter R. Morris to, 474. swer of Dutch to Governor, 492. Mason & Dixon's line, 549. Line Miles Foy in jail at Philadelof soldiers, x., 55. Passes an phia, 547. Outrages, 555 Act on restrictions of British on Notice to, of meeting of ComAmerican commerce, 155. Corres- missioners in Philadelphia, 623. pondence respecting Henry Car- Affairs at Marsh Creek, 625, 535. berry, 290-293. Letter to Gov., Case of John Digges, 637, 643, 320. From, 324, 744. Chinese 681, 683, 684, 685, 686, 693, recommended to Gov. of, 527, 696, 710, 719. Letters to and 528. Inland navigation commis- from Gov. Bladen and Gov. G., sioners, 538, 540. Act respecting 645, 686, 692. claims, 753. Act to comply with Mason and Dixon —agreement on requisitions, xi., 16, 23. Letters to which they afterwards ran the Governor respecting sick Chinese, boundary line, 1760, iv., 1-36;. 56. Resolution of Assembly, 77. Line to be extended to fix a Inland navigation, 77. And Vir- boundary, between Virginia and INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 559 Pennsylvania, viii., 353, 570. 337, 355, 357, 364, 469, 485, 487, Allowance to Commissioners for 507, 602, 612, 616, 620. Letters, extending, ix., 4. Commission- vi., 5, 10, 56, 76, 82, 106. Iners to extend, 78, 190, 304, 519, sulted by guards at Lancaster, 549; x., 224. 201. Letter to Arnold, vii., 223. Mason, George, declines building Answer, 224. Letter, viii., 60. a house, his reasons, vi., 287. Memorial, x., 198-202. Letters Mason, John, militia, vi., 373. of Attorneys for State, 202, 364, Mason, Isaac, ravages of Indians, 367. Respecting his case, 9, 363, ix., 238, 303. 365. Report on, 365. Memorial, Massachusetts Assembly, Resolu- xi., 150. Warrant to arrest, 154. tions, i., 666. Correspondence Matthews, Colonel George, on behalf with Governors, ii., 20, 26, 181. of prisoners of war, at New York, Commissioners to Indian treaty viii., 660. at Albany, 137. Wants pro- Matthews, Dr. Hugh, to be arrested visions from Philadelphia, 412. in Philadelphia, iii., 64. Embargo on provisions asked Mattox, John, Indian outrages on, by Assembly, 283. Asks for i., 266. provisions, 732. Gov. Pownall Maul, James, instructions to, iv., describes great fire in Boston 680. and asks for aid, iii., 714. Maxitawny, murders by Indians, Commissioners of, claim share iii., 219. of parliamentary grant, iv., 159. Maxwell, General, v., 177. ProLetter Gov. Bernard, 163. As- ceedings of Congress in case of, sembly circular to the Colonies, 328; vii., 119, 129, 178. Report 286. Send letters from Frank- to Congress respecting, 138. lin and Adams, vi., 521. Letter May, Cape, Channel, v., 425, 429. to President of Council respect- Guns for, 346. Beacon at, xi., ing Mr. Temple, vii., 138. Let- 93. ter to President of, respecting Mead, David, on Wyoming affairs, embargo on flour, 231. Asks v., 207, 222, 404, 482, 663, 707, for flour-recommendation of On Wyoming affairs, [1785] vi., Congress, 315, 324. Represen- 455. tation, 763. Troops, viii., 44. Meade, George, & Co., v., 61. VesLetter to Pres. Powell, of, 254. sel loaded by French Consul, vii., Asks provisions, 522. Letter 407. from Robert Morris to, ix., 474. Mease, James, appointed Clothier Letter to Gov., demand of fugi- General, v., 193. tives, x., 354. Insult to, by Mease and Caldwell, letter, v., 104, Capt. Stanhope, 499. Acts of, 120. complained of by British, 745- Mease, James, vi., 22, 426, 428. 747. Act to comply with re- Clothier, viii., 639. quisitions, xi., 16, 23. Pro- Mease, John, elected auctioneer for clamation against Daniel Shays, Philadelphia, x., 206, 209. ~&c., 119. Annulled, 271. Ex- Meason, Captain Samuel, v., 445. tract from deed of cession of Measurement of Vessel, instrucErie, 310. tions respecting, iv., 56. Master of Rolls, iii., 703. Medicines, list of, for army, viii., Masters, William and Joseph Gal- 519. loway, letter, iii., 160. Mediterranean, passes, orders resMasts, for French Fleet, being pecting, i., 177, 180, 183, 184. cut on Schuylkill, viii., 545, Meeker, Major, (of New York) vii., 548, 549, 552, 578. Cut on 573. Schuylkill for French navy, ix., Meens, Lieut., prevents a rescue, 10, 181. - vii., 299. Matchitongo, ii., 556, 561. Melchor, Colonel Isaac, v., 178, 206, Matlack, Timothy, v., 254, 323, 332, 507, 527, 584; vi., 676, 699; 560 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. viii., 65. Map of boundary, xi., ticut, 681. Of Merchants, on 423. Barbary powers, 411, 418, 705. Melsheimer, Mr., a British chaplain, Light infantry of Philadelphia, recommended, viii., 123. xi., 36. Of Northumberland co., Memorial to Governor Jennings, 123. Of T. Matlack, 150. Of from Salem, i., 75. Inhabitants Charles Sims, 160. Inhahitants of Welsh Tract, 108, 110. Of of Luzerne county for division of Christ Church, 150. On Indian lands, 386. trade, 261. On Indian outrage, Menonists or German Quakers, iii., 265. S. Hazard to Connecticut, 194. Opposed to militia, v., 768. for Western lands, ii., 301. Of Complain of oath, vi., 572. Of Joshua, a Christian Indian, iii., Lancaster Co., have many cattle, 434. Of Synod against plays, viii., 329. 656. Of John Bayard and Rd. Mentges, Colonel Francis, military Peters, on troops in City, iv., 17. parade in Philadelphia. xi., 78. Of Committee for driving cattle, His pay, 103. 461. Of Gun stockers, 733. Cor- Mentges, Lieutenant Colonel P., mander Seymour, 434. North- sales of confiscated estates at ampton county, for defence, iv., Reading, ix., 216, 299. 120. Of pilots of Philadelphia, Mercantile Society of Philadelphia, 262. Wardens, 264. Merchants, thank Council for use of room, 270. L. Weiss, 472. Northum- xi., 103. berland and Northampton, 669, Mercer, Fort, vi., 21. Evacuated, 685. To Congress, from prisoners 21, 28. xii., (See Red Bank.) at Winchester, vi., 111. Of re- Mercer, Widow, pension, xi., 679. cruiting officers to Council, 280. Mercer, Captain Hugh, orders to, ii., Of Council and Assembly to Con- 603. Letter, 632; iii., 57, 571, gress, 333. In cases of John 624, 673, 685, 721. Roberts and Abmr. Carlisle, vii., Mercer, James H., recruiting in 21-24. In favor of John Roberts, Pennsylvania, ii., 281. 24-44. In favor of Abm. Carlisle, Mercer, Brigadier-General, cannons 52-58. Of Justices of Northum- sent for, by Council, v., 41, 6,. berland, 72. Respecting James Letters, 41, 67, 71. Orders to WVarren, 113. Of widow, &c., of attend funeral, 222. John Roberts, 122. Of first com- Mercer, Colonel James, commanding pany of artillery of Philadelphia, a battalion at Lancaster, ix., 654. 392. B. Flower to Assembly, Merchants complain against duty on viii., 27. Of Hazen's regiment to tobacco, i., 149. Petition on size General W., respecting Canada of barrels, 203. New York, conmregiment, 17. Of Dunlap and plain of embargo, ii., 702. Of Budden, 208. Of officers of militia, Philadelphia-memorial, inspec264. From Colonel Proctor's tion of lumber, iv., 270. Coinartillery, ix., 74. Of Col. Butler's plaints against, 361, 373, 380. Of regiment of artificers, 105. Cap- Philadelphia, -letter to, on emtain Thomas Robinson, 228. Of bargo, viii., 266. Aid, 704. Of Virginia delegates, 266. Of second Philadelphia, petition on seizure battalion, 429. Prisoners in of sugars, ix., 534. On French Clarke's expedition, 574. Over- seamen, 731. Of Philadelphia, seers of poor of N. L., 739. conference of Assembly with, on Andrew Long, 762. Of Major M. internal commerce, x., 128. LetRyan, x., 91, 308. Of Ephriam ter to, in answer to memorial, Douglass, 118. Against theatres 208, 210. Letter from, to Council, in Philadelphia, 141-143. Of T. regulations, &c., 212. Advice Matlack, 198, 226, 363, 365. Of asked by President Dickinson, Merchants of Philadelphia, 208, 219. Their answer, 221. Letter 411. Fayette county, 280. John to, on piers in Delaware River, Franklin to Assembly of Connec- 407. Memorial respecting Barbary INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 561. powers, 411, 418, 705. Apprized Monmouth, 158. Announces to of war between Algiers and United Congress that General Washington States, xi., 522. thinks British intend starting for Meridian, &c., N. Scull, on mode of Phila., 358. Appointed with Mons. ascertaining, ii., 73. Du Coudray, to complete works Merlin, British man-of-war, blown on Delaware, 359. Letters, 125, up in Delaware, v:, 721, 722. 375, 381, 490, 554. Attacks Mersereau, Joshua, letter to Gov. Tories at Monmouth, 168. At Livingston on a supposed British Morristown, 192. Letters, 125, deserter, ix., 287. 375, 381, 490, 720. Announces Messages, Governor Johnston, res- resignation of Washington, x., pecting publication of Records and 183. Elected President, xi., 411. Archives, i., 3. Shawnese, to Mifflin, Gov. Thos., on Indian mrurGovernor, 329. To and from As- ders, xii., 9 Certifi'te of election sembly, iii., 19, 90, 99, 112, 710, as Gov'r, 28. First message as 718. Teedyuscung to Governor, Governor, 29. Letters to and 509. From Assembly at New from, 31, 32, 90, 93, 95, 100. Castle, 379, 384. Gen. Amherst To Speaker on communication beto Indians, iv., 48. Governor to tween two houses, 33. Address Assembly of New Castle, 72, 585. before Legislature, 34, and their Teedyuscung, 78. Assembly, 250, answer, 44. Approves acts, and 474. Governor to Assembly, 685. appoints A. J. Dallas, Secretary Of Council to Assembly, vii., 738. of State, 46. Messages, 29, 85. &c., of Gov. Mifflin, xii., 29, 85. Invitation to funeral of Benjamin Methodists, persecuted by a magis- Franklin, 85. trate, who considers them Tories, Miles, Colonel Samuel, letter from, viii., 740. v., 5. Appointed Dep. Q. M. by Meyer, Isaac, murdered-proclama- T. Pickering, viii., 499, 533, 600, tion, iv., 376. 608, 618. Applies for authority Mever, Engin'r, letters, iii., 47, 48. to cut wood for soldiers, over Meyer, Wendle, examination, vi., Schuylkill, 618. Furnish a horse, 225. 699. Quarters for soldiers in Miami Indians, x., 85. On trade, Philadelphia, 718, 719; ix., 80, 744. 95, 150, 153, 280, 824, 346, 357, Middletown, New Jersey, action at, 389, 432. Shot and shells to be v., 158. Guards at, vi., 549. Es- sent to head of Elk, 432. Certicort of stores from, vii., 458. ficate of Supreme Court in case Mifflin, Fort, attack on, v., 699, 701. of, xi., 547. Heavy cannonading at, vi., 11. Military affairs, iv., 37, 40, 45, 47, Loss of, 19, 23, 24. Complaints 51, 73, 74, 114, 124, 129, 132, against fleet, 24. Commodore 141, 143, 145, 147, 166, 171, 172, Hazelwood's account, 47-50; vii., 176, 179, 181, 193, 195, 196, 199, 240, 270, 339, 365, 369, 562, 652. 203, 206, 210, 212, 259, 377, 393, Or Mud Fort, xii., 407-412. 639, 642, 656, 693, 702, 710. Mifflin, John, dry lands in North- Court of Inquiry on Jacob Kern, ampton county, xi., 646. 199; v., 3, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, Mifflin, Jona., making lumber into 18, 27, 33, 34, 43, 52, 58, 63, 80, rafts on Delaware, v., 86. Letters, 102, 104, 107, 113, 114, 115, 119, 86, 584, 594, 596, 597. Appointed 170, 265, 267, 304, 322, 326, 330, superintendent of flour magazines, 333, 343, 345, 364, 369, 384-396, vi., 235, 240, 289. 425, 432, 482, 483, 485, 491, 492, Mifflin, Colonel Samuel, orders to, 522, 530, 556; x., 14, 15, 22, 23, v., 44. 39, 53, 190, 284, 436, 449, 450. Mifflin, General Thomas, addresses Military School, vi., 411. a town meeting at State House, v., Military trophies, to be collected by 77. Letter to, 125. At Lancaster, order of Congress, viii., 68. 128. Return to army-arrival at Military stores in Pennsylvania, xi., 36 562 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 699. A conductor to be appointed 344, 351, 374, 376, 378, 382, 386, xii., 268. 389, 401, 443, 454, 484, 491, 503, Militia Law, passed, ii., 513, 531, 507, 509, 531, 535, 549, 623, 633, 561. Noticed, v., 299. Of Bucks 640, 645, 667; ix., 7, 8, 30, 47, County, 322. 52, 62, 65, 69, 71, 149, 184, 186, Militia, Associated Companies of 198, 202, 205, 209, 210, 211, 218, Philadelphia City, iii., 19. Of 220, 221, 225, 226, 228, 231, 241, Bucks County, 19. Of York 253, 276, 288, 303, 33s, 348, 364, Co., 20. Of Lancaster County, 382, 397, 400, 407, 410, 418, 419, 21. Of New Castle County, 21, 421, 429, 433, 4342 457, 514, 539, 22. Kent County, 23. Sussex, 632. Law, difficulties, 381, 382. 23. Estimate cost of three bat- Fines, 186, 200. Companies in talions, 61. Of New Castle, Kent, Berks Co., and officers, x., 190. Of and Sussex, 87. List of officers CumberlandCo., returns, xi., 605, in Province pay and dates of Corn- Fines, 669. Lieut. Hubley respecmissions, 88, 89. Number of ting, 738, Ordered out, xii., 215. blankets, &c., sent west of Sus- Miller, Capt. 8th Penn. Regt., killed quehanna, 95. Number of men, by Indians with seven others, vi., 99. Act for forming and regula- 673. ting the, 107, 112, 117, 120. Miller, Rev. Frederick Cosemer, Rights of Conscience protected in, recommended for chaplain, iii. 128. Respecting, 150. Killed 362. &c., at Ticonderoga, 203. Fines, Miller, Fort, xii., 412. cases of Quakers at Wilmington, Miller, Henry, and John Clark, Jr., Del., 154, 165, 170. Remarks vii., 609. on Law, 309. List of officers in Miller, John, letters, iii., 455, 545. pay with date of Colmmiss'ns, 336; Miller, Rev. Peter, intercedes for vi., 34, 57, 59, 85, 86, 89, 100, John Rein, viii., 606. Applies 119, 149, 155, 157, 166, 169, 172, in behalf of John Rein, ix., 27. 174, 176, 180, 196, 200, 229, 241, Intercedes for John Rein, 313. 244, 263, 275, 277, 288, 296, 301, Reply to, 314. For Menonists 302, 350, 361, 369, 370, 374, 379, 751. 389, 391, 392, 398, 413, 416, 426, Millers, Instructions to, vi., 303. 445, 452, 464, 472, 478, 481, 490, Milligan, James, nominates John 494, 540, 556, 579, 582, 586, 594, Story as commissioner to settle 619, 644, 649, 654, 667, 687, 691, accounts, x., 426, 427. Connmmis700, 711, 727, 745, 756. Corn- sioner on Susque'lna River, 755. plaints against, 85, 89. Law, Gen. Milligan, Robert, on internal naviWVayne's of, 86. Neglect of, in case gation, xi., 27. of Gen. Irwine, 100. Soldiers to be Mills, Francis, oath of allegiance, free from Ruptures &c., 248; vii., v., 15. 18, 64, 66, 69, 74, 77, 80, 82, Miners and Sappers, companies to 98, 99, 104, 106, 110, 115, 116, be formed, vii., 690. 122, 142, 146, 202, 230, 260, 280, Mines at Sinking Spring Valley, 282, 341, 354, 355, 365, 367, 369, vii., 305. 375, 393, 401, 404, 406, 415, 426, Mingo Indians, number of, i., 301; 430, 435, 455, 496, 499, 519, 535, xii., 108, 111, 114, 119, 120, 123, 546, 553, 564, 612, 615, 640, 677, 127, 181, 233. 679, 681, 741, 763, 764. Baron Minister of France, French SquadSteuben, views of, 325. Laws ron expected, calls for American respecting delinquents, President troops, promised, viii., 334. Asks Reed's views, 359. Laws good, President and Council to dinner, 508; viii., 5, 16, 21, 26, 27, 39, 45, 609. Affairs of Mr. Holker, 50, 52, 62, 68, 69, 96, 103, 109, 614, 628. 119, 120, 149, 189, 207, 243, 250, Minnesinks, Tories and Indians 264, 265, 268, 270, 271, 292, 293, burning and destroying at, vii., 305, 309, 315, 321, 333, 337, 338, 15. Distress at, 573, 575. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 563 Minor, Captain John, v., 444. 270, 271. Andrew Higgins, 270, Mintzes, Francis, Adjutant, v., 6. 272, 336. John Snyder, 271,272, Minutes of Council, not in Colonial 336. Abigail McCoy, 275, 278, Records, ii, 166. Of a meeting 290, 336. Examination of J. at Sugar Cabins, on Braddock's Molesworth, 277. His confession, road, 321. Of Executive Council 280. Sarah O'Brien, 277, 290, at Easton, 721, 730, 743. Of 337. War office to General LinProvincial Commissioners, iii., coin, respecting, 281. Accom454, 476. Of Council at New plices, 281, 282, 315. Board of Castle, on bills of credit, 630. Of war to General Putnam, 282. To Council at Fort George, New York, Executive Council, 290. Executed, iv., 167. Of Board of Commis- 283. Opinion respecting his essioners for defence, 195. Of Com- tate, ix., 659. missioners of Pennsylvania on Molyneaux, ~, killed, x., 73. Indian trade, 372. Of conference Monckton, Gen. Robert, letter, iii., with Indians at Pittsburg, 531. 732. Conference with Indians at Of Committee of Berks, 649. Of Pittsburg, 744. Brigadier-Gencommittee for erecting powder eral, iv., 39, 45. mills, 709. Monk, British ship of war General, Miralles, Don Juan De, asks per- captured by Hyder Ally, Captain mission to ship flour, viii., 174. Barney, ix., 532. Purchased for Dies, 228. Will defective, 228. defence of Delaware river, 531. Rent of house in Market street Name changed, 530. Captures by demanded, ix., 196. the Washington, 586. To be sold, Miranda, J., complaint against by 621. Sale of, 624. Indians, i., 267. Money, rates of, Act respecting, i., Miro, Brigadier-General, Governor 156. Continental, resolves of Conof Louisiana, letter to, respecting gress on, v., 126. Scarcity, vi., a negro, xi., 566. 81, 384, 391. Scarcity of, viii., Missionaries, passports for, iv., 455. 133. Rate of, 302, 304. DepreJournal of, 495. ciation, 350, 383, 385, 396. Plan Mitchell, David, xii., 250, 260. to appreciate, xi., 416. DepreciaMitchell, Captain Alexander, pro- tion great, xii., 146, 248. visions, ix.,165. Return of troops, Monmouth C. H., v., 158. Mifflin 166. attacks tories at, 169. Gurney, Mitchell, John, letter on provisions do., 177. for troops, v., 62; vi., 762, 763, Montgomery county, no prison there, 764; vii., 160, 189, 345, 412, 474, x., 408. Dispute between magis527. Respecting Arnold's affair, trates and commissioners respect160, 175, 179, 207, 213, 220, 262. ing fees, 743. Wagons, 248, 746. Money for Montgomery, Mrs. Dorcas, pass for Schuylkill bridge, viii., 187. to Europe, vi., 84. Horses, 334. Command at Wyo- Montgomery, Fort, artillery for, ming, 716, 721. On militia, 500, v., 50. Taken, 671. 501. Letters to, xii., 148, 152. Montgomery's fort, viii., 29, 171. Mitchell, Joseph, purchase of lands Montgomery, General, oration on from William Penn through John death of, to be delivered before Hu.ghes, xi., 253. Congress, iv., 714. Mittimus for two Maryland prisoners, Montgomery, Hugh, v., 57, 120. i., 529. For Joseph Richardson, Montgomery, Capt. James of Ship, v., 249. Henry Funk, 508. M. Gen. Greene, vii., 311. Ordered Immel, 649. For John Brown, to join Boston frigate, 454, 487. vi., 25. For several persons, 80. Takes privateer Brig Impertinent, Mohican Indians, xii., 131, 132. 476. Cruizes with Capt. Nicholson, Moland, Dr. Win., case of, x., 176. 533. Takes privateer Brig Bayard, Molesworth, James, British spy, 706. Takes prizes, 609, 623, 664, depositions, John Eldridge, v., 755. 564 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Montgomery, James, T., warden, Moore, William, Confession of, iii., xii., 314. 324. Petition against, 328. ComMontgomery, John, letters, iv., 505, mitment of, 332. Flattering letter 506, 533. to and from Governor, 512. ElectMontgomery, Hon. John, letter re- ed, V. P. vii., 745. Elected Presspecting Court decided on by ident of State, ix., 447. Term Congress, x., 216 Representation expires as President of Council, in Congress, 220. 651. Letter to, respecting corporaMontgomery, Joseph, letter on Wyo- tion papers, x., 93. ming, x., 31. A commissioner, Moorehead, Cap. of Indep. Co., viii., 330, 444. Elected commissioner 78; xii., 127, 129, 165. to examine rivers, 312. Asks for Morales, Francis, case of a sailor, a transit instrument, 416. x, 476, 499. Montgomery, Revd. Joseph, respect- Moravian Indian Towns, general ing Frontiers, viii., 170. war expected, viii., 766. Indians, Montgomery, William, history of, kindness of, ix., 167. Massacre at vi., 62. Trial, 239. Muskingum, 523, 524, 629. Montgomery, Wm., ix., 641; ap- Moravians, Examinations of ii., pointed to exam'e rivers, x., 130. 459. Settlements destroyed, Resigns, 312. Appointed comm'r, 521, 525, 526, 527, 549, 565. 335. Elected member of Congress, List of, at Bethlehem, iii., 69, 354. To Council, 765, 766. Letters 76, 242. Letters respecting, to and from, xi., 35, 108. Letter 141. Indians, 500. Missionfrom Colonel John Franklin, to, aries-Journal, to Muskingum, 111, Appointed commissioner to iv., 495. Letter from D. ZeisLuzerne, 177. berger, 498. Ask for relaxing of Montgomery, ship, and other con- the Test, Vi., 541, 551; viii., 551. tinental vessels burned in the Morden, Ralph, convicted of Treason Delaware for safety, v., 740. letter, C. J. McK. respecting, viii., Montour, Andrew, ii., 9. Wants a 597. house built for him, 12. Respect- Morgan, Dr., arrives at Pittsburg, ing, 230, 454; xii., 196. xii., 117, 191. Montreal, Great fire at, asks aid, iv., Morgan. Col. George, v., 286, 313, 248. 447. Honorable acquittal, vi., 386 Moore, Captain, resigns, viii., 288; 587, 652. Message from Indians Engagement with Indians, ix., 652, 714; ix., 17. Respecting J. 202. and T. Kilbuck, Indian hostagesMoore, Cap. J. F., resigns, xii., 144. asks for a pass for them to PittsMoore, James, ix., 62. burg, x., 526; xii., 115, 129, 146, Moore, Major, James, ix., 285; 206, 208. Letters to 116, 153, Recruiting instructions, x., 127. 159, 190, 208, 249. Not on good Commands Pennsylvania, Line, terms with Gen. McI., 116. 131. Instructions, 132. On Wyo- Morgan. Cap. Jacob, letters, iii., 30, mine affairs, 183, 187, 197, 209, 31, 39, 191. Journal, 252. 222, 232, 286. Morgan, Col. Jacob, v., 299, 313, Moore, Lt. Col. James, on Wyoming, 322, 341, 407, 447, 466, 530, 604, xi., 434, 435, 436, 443. 632, 756, 761, 767; vi., 14. 47, Moore, John, appointed collector of 119, 288, 419, 441, 522, 706; Philadelphia, i., 195; Letter from viii., Indians arms, 238. AppointFort Lee, v., 66, 135, &c.; petition for Philad., 448, 552, 594, 702. setting forth the great scarcity of Morgan, Lt. Jacob, respecting militia provisions, vii., 186. of Berks county, viii., 273, 345. Moore, Robert, a murderer, proc- Provisions, 344. Militia, 369, 545, lamation against, i., 170. 655. Moore, Thomas, vii., 543; Respect- Morgan; Lt. Jacob, Jr., vi., 47, 119, ing danger to piers from Spanish 128, 382, 399, 543, 568, 575, 638. frigate at Marcus Hook, xi., 99 Appointed Quarter Master, resigns INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 565 as Council, 399; vii., 3, 483, 484, accounts, 513. Appoints agent 559. Accounts, ix., 127. Lands to settle accounts between Pennof proprietary, 231. Letter to, sylvania and United States, 668. on Indian murders, 236. Provi- President Dickinson asks state of sions, 326. revenue, 739. Answer to, 740. Morgan, Lt. B. C., vi., 562, 630 Letters to, on refusing to pay Q. M. G., viii., 83. troops, x., 312. Answer to, 313. Morgan, Capt. Simon, xii., 173, 208. Letter from War Office, 314. Morocco, signals agreed upon be- Answer, 315. Letters to and tween, and United States, xi., 171. from, 53. Copies of accounts Morris, Colonel Anthony, wounded, sent to Council by Comptroller v., 162. Order to attend funeral General, 481. On accounts, xi., of, 223. Recommended as an 505. Commissioners on Coinofficer, vi., 99. merce, 522. Morris, Col. (British), v, 158. Morris, Governor Robert Hunter, Morris, Cadwalader, elected member arrives, ii., 172. R. Peter's letters of Congress, x., 354. Resigns, to, 172. Letters from, 177, 186, 354. 192, 203, 216, 220, 223, 226, 231, Morris, fort, at Shippensburg, xii., 232, 244, 249, 261, 262, 267, 268, 412-415. 270, 272, 276, 279, 280, 284, 298, Morris, A. James, troops, vii., 760. 325, 328, 331, 335, 345, 356, 358, Morris, John, Jr., letter, v., 160, 294, 361, 365, 372, 375, 376, 379, 382, 481, 482, 506, 749. To attend 389, 391, 395, 396, 397, 401, 405, courts, 481, 506. 412, 432, 440, 447, 450, 454, 461, Morris, Lewis, letters to and from, 469, 470, 472, 475, 480, 498, 500, ii., 314; v., 351. 506, 508, 512, 520, 524, 526, 528, Morris, Lewis, Jr., instructions to, 530, 540, 556, 560, 562, 564, 566, private vessels for soldiers, iii., 90. 569, 572, 574, 576, 582, 592, 596, Morris, Robert, letters to and from, 602, 606, 612, 616, 618, 621, 622, v., 28, 31, 126, 132, 138, 173, 174, 625, 626, 629, 637, 638, 643, 647, 189, 191, 216, 255, 379, 382, 627, 648, 665, 672, 674, 684, 688, 694, 759, 760. Asks for a pilot, 28. 711, 714, 733, 739. Addresses to, For a surgeon, 254. Asks leave from churches, &c., 183, 184, 185, of absence from Congress to at- 186, 191, 200, 223, 251. Speech tend to his private affairs, 759. to Indians at Augwick. 193. On Granted, 760. Respecting Jno. bills of credit, 221, 223. Letters Brown, vi.,45. Letter respecting to Proprietaries, 223, 229, 286, arms imported, vii., 125, 387, 417, 311. From Proprietaries, 189, 608. Arms for state, viii., 373, 195, 252, 253, 275, 304, 305, 333, 415. Submits to Congress a plan 366, 419, 438. To Committee of for a National Bank of North Assembly, 271, 272. Controversy America, ix., 172, 477. Letters to with Franklin and Hall, about and from, 244, 245, 250, 251, 263, printing minutes of Assembly, 264, 280, 281, 285, 286, 287, 291, 274. Orders to Secretary to inspect 310, 373, 376, 383, 387, 395, 397, their Journals, 276, 284, 286. 398, 414, 416, 417, 418, 419, 435, Hears of Braddock's defeat, 382. 446, 454, 474, 477, 481, 487, 488, Complaint for not writing to 505, 512, 513, 544, 636. To pro- Board of Trade, 438. Complaint vide supplies, 262, 285. Respect- of Commissioners respecting a ing, 346. Superintendent of sentence in the order for scalps, finance, 244, 254. Tents, 386, 620. Message to Assembly, 750. 387. His advice requested by Expects a successor, 712. Ceases President Reed, 416. Writes to be Governor, succeeded by to States, 474. Views of Finances, Winm. Denny, 760. prospects of peace, &c., 488-492. Morris, Governeur, letter to, vii., Report of Committee on, 499. 472; ix.. 308. Captain Van Heer, 505. Public Morris, Samuel, appointed Comn 566 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. missioner to settle accounts for munition wanted, 385. Officers wagons for General Braddock, ii., relieved. 502. Persons not to 598. Register, Miralle's will visit, 537. Fortifications, viii., defective, viii., 228. 599. Arms to be returned, 728; Morris, Captain Samuel, Jr., troops, ix., 72, 330. Chart of river viii., 308, 310. Light horse ordered near, mentioned, 255, 364. Lease out, 699. Troops ordered out, ix., of, xi., 139, 142. Condition 221, 415. of, 198, 404, 560, 562. Report, Morris, Samuel C., letters, v., 109, 586, 617. Or Fort Mifflin, xii., 133. In battle at Trenton, 162. 407-412. Morrison, Ensign, takes a prisoner, Muhlenberg, F. A., recommends a xii., 147. British Chaplain, viii., 123; ix., lMorrison, Lient. of Virginia regi- 60. Speaker of Assembly, 241. ment in pursuit of Indians, ix., Muhlenberg, Henry A., Report on 200. publishing Colonial Records and Miiorris town, Washington at, v., Pennsylvania Archives, i., 4. 177. Army at 192, 215. Enemy Muhlenberg, Rev. Henry, letter to marching for, viii., 356. Penn- Rev. Richard Peters, on his secular sylvania Volunteers at, 394. employment, iii., 80. Passport to kMortality, in Philadelphia, i., 769. Ga., as Missionary, iv., 563. Mortars, imported by Virginia, xii., Muhlenberg, General Peter, resigns 189. as Commissioner to Luzerne Co., Moultrie, Brig. Gen. Wm., stopped xi., 136. Successor elected, 160. at Billingsport, asks pass to City, Elected Vice President, 207. ix., 215. Muncey Fort, vii., 5, 10, 323, 344, Mountfort, Count, introduced by 346, 357, 512; viii., 29, 40, 157, Col. Brodhead, vi., 462, 492, by 162, 166; ix., 528; xi., 29, 40, J. Read, 473. His plan for regu- 157, 166; xii., 415-420. lating Militia, 489. Muncy Hill, viii., 619. Mount Holly, skirmish at, v., 177. Muncey Indians, xii., 155, 157, AMTountjoy, Camp at, vi., 251. 261. Moylan, Stephen, iv., 774. Murders by Indians, i., 254, 643, Moylan, Col. Stephen's regiment to 647; ii., 16, 159-166, 571, 613. guard magazine at Lancaster, ix., [See Indians.] A, vi., 771. Of 7. His dragoons in want, 137, Mr. Boyd by the Smiths, vii., 410. 139, 150. Affair with Guards at Jesse Jordan, 743. In WashingLancaster, 157. Resolution of ton county, xi., 209. Congress, 209. Lieutenants in Murphy, Capt., brave action with regiment, 321. Leaves Lancaster, boats from British vessels, v., 267. Troops, 752. 504. Opinion of Council respectBMoylan, Colonel, regiment, x., 62. ing, 510. Moylan, Colonel, vii., 666. Murran, Mr. Commission for, vii., Maoylan's Regiment, Return of, viii., 420. 129. Returns of 4th Regiment, Murray, Lieut. Francis, difficulties 183. Which he commends, 14. in raising troops, x., 679. Going to Lancaster county, 605. Murray, Colonel James, vi., 774. Mlud Fort, or Mud Island, or Fort Indians near, ix., 657. Mifflin, v., 11, 23, 24, 26, 47, 61, Murray, Major, carried off by Tories, 92, 584, 595, 639, 679, 732, 733, vi., 291. 750, 755, 766. Murray, William, letters for, vii., Mud Island, purchase of Island, 432. iv., 474. Resolution of Assembly, Murrow, Captain, vii., 3. Skirmish, 474. Message to Governor, 475. 8, 10. Banks to be repaired, vii., 240. Muskingum, massacre of Moravian Fort, Troops for, 270, 339, 365, Indians at, ix., 523, 524, 525, 629. 369, 395, 397, 652, 745, 747. River and Ohio, proposed settleCannon for, 290, 410, 562. Am- ment at, (1783,) x., 168. Severe INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 567 cold at, 244. Delawares behave Navigation, Inland, report, x., 538. well at, xii., 237. 541. Musser, John, vi., 55. Purchases Navy, American, sale of ship Gen. Conestoga manor, viii., 30, 54, 56, Greene, viii., 3. J. Gamble ap118, 195. plies to be received into, 177. To Mustard, memorial from Philadel- be fitted for sea, 273, 277. Galley phia, xi., 684. officers to be discharged, 728. Muster Roll of Sloop Hetty, v., 16. Navy, Continental, the Trumbull Mutiny of Pennsylvania line, ix., frigate going on a cruise, ix., 95. 188. Letter to Capt. Nicholson on Mutton, none at Easton, or cooks to manning, 239. Relating to, 95, dress it, iii., 104. 100, 106, 239, 338. Ship Gen. Myers, Lieut. Jacob, vii., 745, 747. Washington, captures by, 586. Myers, Godfrey, Lieut., prisoner Navy Board of State, appointed, v., exchanged, ix., 389. 252. Letters, 293, 402, 425, 429, 465, 501, 504, 510, 521, 538, 542, _N. 590, 594, 602, 746. Of State, vi., 110, 227. 243, 332, 333, 355, 421, Nagle, Sergeant of 3d Pennsylvania 434, 517, 554, 696, 745. WashRegiment, Orders to arrest, x., ington asks the men from the 63, 67, 69, 72. Gallies, 421. Men from Gallies to Nail Factory, near Philadelphia, serve as guards, &c., 434, 440, Proposal to employ Hessian pris- 454, 460, 492, 493. The Gallies, oners at, v., 206. &c., sunk, 517. Crews arrived at Nailer, Ralph, statem't of, respect- Lancaster, 550. Pay of, 598. ing highway robbery of goods, Rations, 656, 657. Brig Conven&c., for Fort Pitt, iv., 225. tion asked for use of State, 695. Nain, Indian Families from, iv., 134. Prize taken by Guard boats, quesNancarrow, Mr., on air furnaces, tions about it, 696. A Galley to viii., 456. be placed in Cape May channel, Nanfan, J., letter W. P. to, i., 128, 702, 749. Armed boat to go to 148. Chester, 724. Captain Garland Nantucket in want of provisions, commands a galley, and makes viii., 522. his selection, 737. Damages Nash, Genl., to proceed with troops claimed, 770. Attempt to muster to Billingsport, v., 419. Wound- 678. Continental, v., 319, 346, ed at Germantown, 646; vi., 544. 489, 491. Continental, apply for Natchez, taken by Spaniards, xii., cannon, vi., 695. Ship Confed216. eracy, 761. Letters, viii., 346, National and party distinction. 552. Sale of negroes, 346. Iron What? vi., 383. ballast, 552. Naturalization certificate from V. Navy, British, fleet sail from N. Y., Markham, i., 118. Certificate of, vii., 385, 390; 63, 77, 100, 181, to Swedish Clergyman, iii., 692. 332, 339. Certificate of J. Shippen to a list Navy, French, fleet, viii., 251, 312, of persons, who, having taken the 342. Squadron expected, 334. sacrament, make oath, &c., iv., Navy of Pennsylvania, No. of men, 242. &c., in, v., 3. Pay of, 30. Re" Nauticus,"plan for fire-ships, iv., specting. 106, 118, 119, 126, 132, 666. 138, 169, 205, 293, 346, 378, 402, Naval Service of Pennsylvania, No. 425, 429, 465, 488, 491, 501, 504, of men in actual service, iv., 739. 510, 521, 538, 542, 590, 594, 602, Officers, payments to, x., 114. 663, 680, 696, 721, 722, 723, 740, Stores, Commissioners of Trade 746. Vessels burned for safety, on, i., 634. 740. Council of War on Board, vi., Navigation Act, orders respecting, 20. Complaints again t, 24, 121, i., 117. Several vessels burnt for safety, 568 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 28, 81. Letters, 38. List of fleet vii., 79. Claimed by French min that passed Philadelphia, 50. ister, 16, 17, 61, 62, 70, 83. Sale Laid up, 110, 421. Letters re- of, belonging to continental sloop specting, 121, 132, 133, 243, 246, of war Florida, viii., 346. Cap354, 451. Gun boats asked for, tured by British, xi., 75. A slave 204, 243, 247. Want money, 227, claimed, 249, 256. Slave, letter 262. State of, 235. Case of V. P. Muhlenberg to Gov. RanRobert Hardie, 259. Washing- dolph respecting, 249, 256. Judges ton's advice respecting the Gal- of Supreme Court, 667. A free, leys, 332, 333, 354. Dismantled, demanded of Louisiana, 567. 421, 440. Court-Martial at Tren- Neilson, Capt. John, respecting ton, 527. Galleys asked for by militia, vii., 74. Attacks and coMrm'e, vii., 11, 19. Appeal fr:)m captures enemy under Stockton Court-Martial by Capt. Hardie, at Lawrence's Island, v., 230. 91. His memorial for pay, 92. Nelson, Thomas, Jr., applies for Vessels to be sold, 100, 112, 139. guard for Loan Office certificates Dr. Stanley claims pay as Sur- for Connecticut, v., 167. geon, 165. Deane frigate, 198. Nemos & Valliant, French merch'ts, Vessels to be purchased, 199, 210, refuse to pay militia fines, vii., 228, 234, 235. Guarda Costa, 510, 513, 514. Capt. Conyngham's vessel for, Nesbitt, Jno. M., v., 240; vi., 652. 235. Gallies to be got ready, 239. Letter respecting purchase of ves240, 249. Ship Greene, 244, 246, sels by State, vii., 211, 228, 234, 261, 265, 266, 303, 308, 309, 311, 246. Letter to merchants on war 320. Cutter Revenge, 167, 241, with Algiers, xi., 522. 266, 281. 285, 308, 310, 318, 319, Nescopec Indians at, ii., 558, 561, 322. Dragon Boat, 730. Claims 565. Settlements on N. E. branch of Wm. Rush against Gallies, destroyed, vii., 81, 87. 277. Vessels to be hired, 269. Nescopec Creek, road to Lehigh proPetition of Corn. Hazelwood, 284. posed, xi., 133. To E. Owen, 585, Terms proposed by Agents, 285. 643, 669. Men of gallies put on the line, Netherlands, United, attack on Mar291. Officers of ship Gen. Greene, bois and Longschamps, xi., 468, 310, 311. Return of officers and 470, 475, 477, 479, 480. men in, 373, 389, 528, 706. Sea- Nets, for fishing, ordered, xii., 115, men taken to Balt.-difficulty of 116, 152, 160, 245. manning, 390. Capt. Montgom- Neutrals, French, History of, iii., ery joins Boston frigate, 454, 487. 565. Capt. Montgomery takes Brig Im- Nevill, James, letters from, i., 55, pertinent privateer, &c., 476. 56, 83. Chases others, 521. May enlist Nevell, John, letter, v., 286. prisoners, 488. Capt. M. cruizes Nevell, Samuel, iii., 206. with Capt. Nicholson in Deane Nevell, Thomas, letter on gun carFrigate and Confederacy, 533. riages, v., 64. Respecting State Letter, T. Pickering on severe House steeple, Philadelphia, xii., discipline in, 656. 76, 283. Nazareth, Indian families from, Newark (Del.) Academy, seeks aid, iv., 134. iv., 468. Nazareth Mill, fort at, xii., 420. Newark, N. J., surprise of post at, Necessity Fort, capitulates to Capt. viii., 103. De Villiers, ii., 146. Articles of New Castle, grant of, to Penn, i., 52. Capitulation to Capt. De Villiers, Call of Council and Assembly of, 146; xii., 420-423. 126. Proclamation of King George Negroes, &c., duty on, Act respect- II., at, 204. Memorial for County ing, i., 159, 160, 306. Sent to officers, 224. Justices of, letter Havana to be tried, 752, 755. to Gov., 592. Embargo proposed Manumission of, recommended, at, ii., 396. Call of Council, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 569 William Penn's letter to Justices fire on Indians, 206. Opinion of, i., 142. County associated respecting an Act of, 295. TreasMilitary Companies of, iii., 21, 22. ury, 305. Boundary between, and Order to pay workmen at Battery New York, 337, 339, 340. Procat, 317. Governor's speech to lamation of Gov. Franklin against Assembly at, 377. Message from a smuggling vessel, 381, 445. do. to Governor, 379. Letter from Cartridges sent to troops in, 786. Commissioners, 401. Embargo, Petition for ammunition from city, 471. Minutes of Council, 631. v., 30. Salt sent to, 64. HiberCommon, message of Governor nia furnace casting shot, cannon, respecting, 688. Speech of Gov- &c., 72. River craft to be reernor, 723. Address from, 723. moved from, to Pennsylvania, 84. Recommendation of a Clerk of Bridges on Burlington road to be market at, iv., 53. Share of Parlia- destroyed, 95, 238. Monmouth mentarygrant, 72. Message from C. H., 158. Middletown, action Gov. to Assembly at, 72. Col- at, 158. Counterfeits, 239, 240, lector of Customs appointed, 254, 327. Militia ordered to join Gen. 451. Rioters from Maryland, 331. W., 240. Respecting prisoners, Judges appointed, 339. Captain, 243, 251, 267, 296, 320, 329, 346. an Indian Chief, directions, ii., Water craft collected in, 321. 682. His daughter brought to Guns for, 346. Respecting slaves Philadelphia, 684. Letter to Mr. captured with prisoners, 348. Taafe, 685. Letters, 726, 727. Militia called out, 359. Act exNewcastle, Holles, letters from, i., empting men at salt works from 246, 247. enlisting, 764. Governor applied New Hampshire, Commissioners to to in behalf of Navy laid up, vi., Indian treaty at Albany, ii., 138. 133. Andover iron, only suitable Correspondence between, and Gov. for steel, 178. Pittstown, 421, Pennsylvania, 186. Acts to com- 435. Letter to, vii., 152, 197. ply with requisitions, xi., 16, 23. Letters to and from Gov., viii., Deputies to Convention in Phila- 63, 139, 314, 576, 624, 634, 637. delphia, 123. Col. Pond of, attacks a party of New Haven, Connecticut, expe- tories at Del. Water Gap, 259. dition against, vii., 561. Burn- Enemy near Springfield, 308. ed, 561. Gen. Knyphausen in, 312. EneNew Jersey, deeds for lands in West, my at Elizabethtown point, 314. i., 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 630, Enemyleaves, 361. Armymarches 641. Proceedings of a Court in from Parkness to Kings's ferry, Salem, 37. Letter James Nevill, 480. Tories, 637. Letters from respecting lands in, 55. Corn- Gov. Livingston, ix., 82. To raise missioners appointed by Penn to troops, 394..Sent to Congress, treat with, for river, &c., 58. 411. Advices of enemy, 412. East, Minutes of a Council of the [See Governor L.] Letters to and Proprietors, ii., 75. Board of from Gov., x., 103, 366, 458, 730. Trade on paper money of, 128. Commissioners to inquire what Correspondence with Governors islands in Delaware river, above of, and Pennsylvania, 172, 182, Falls, are in each State, 130, 366, 433. Address to Gov. Belcher in 458. Resolution of Pennsylvania 1757, on State of affairs, iii., 171. on jurisdiction of islands, 611, Regiment, list of killed, &c., 203. 710. Respecting Captain White, Conference with Indians in, 341. 730. Acts to comply with requiLands claimed by them, 343. sitions, xi., 16, 23. Ground for Power of attorney to transact beacon at Cape May, 93. Capbusiness, 366. Letter Gov. Ber- ture of T. Pickering, 327. To nard, 453. Letter Gov. Franklin, Governor, 326, 335, 338. C. J. respecting Indians passing through Brearly, on demand of prisoners, his State, iv., 157. People of, &c., 548. Governor asks for a 570 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. counterfeiter, 551. Letter to Gov- Minutes of a Council at, 694. Emernor, xii., 71. bargo, 694. Merchants against emNew London, enemy's vessels alarm- bargo, 702, 733. Regiment attack ed, vii., 636. Burned by Arnold, Ticonderoga, list of killed and ix., 404. wounded, &c., iii., 203. Letter Newport, Del., head quarters at, v., Governor De Lancey, 691. Letter 598. Gov. Tryon, iv., 467. Act of AsNewport, R. I., flour sent to, viii., sembly claiming share of parlia125. French fleet arrive off, 406. mlentary grant, 149. Letter of French squadron at, ix., 353, 354. Commissioners to Gov. Penn, 150, Newspapers ordered by S. E. Coun- 168, 337, 368. Oppose Indians cil, vii., 136, 201, 206. passing through, 157, 167. CounNewton, Bucks co., British soldiers cil at Fort George, 167. Boundato be escorted to, v., 96. Cloth ry between, and New Jersey, 337, carried off by tories, vi., 291. 339. Act on Indian trade, 361. Return of officers and privates in Boundary between, and Pennsylartillery, settled with at, ix., 30, vania-proposal of G. Colden on 55. Troops, 278, 291, 423, 437. settlement of, 562, 576, 578. MinDemand for liquor by soldiers, ute of Council on, 576. British 437. expected at, 645. Committee New York, articles of agreement be- sends prisoners to Philadelphia, tween Dutch and English on sur- v., 40. Large number of houses render of, i., 25. Letters to and secured for British army, 72. from Gov. Dongan, 74, 80, 81, 84, British fleet leaves, 351, 352. 104. Efforts of, against the French French fleet arrives, vi., 638, 639. and Indians, 104. Letter, Gov. Attack on, meditated, 645. BritRip Van Danm to Gov. G., 296. ish about leaving, vii., 18. AbanFrom Commissioners at Albany to donment of, by British, 77. Evils Gov. Van Dam, 297. Minutes of of intercourse with enemy at, Commissioners at Albany, 297 176. Major Meeker of, 573. AlProceedings of Assembly at, rela- armed, 636. With Vermont, contive to French and Indians, 298. troversy, viii., 88. Letter Gov. Letter of Gov. Clarke, &c., rela- Geo. Clinton, 132, 179. British ting to Jenkins, 619. Gov. Clin- fleet at, 339. Ill treatment of ton, letters from, 654, 661, 678, prisoners at, 619, 620, 660, 663, 687, 712, 736, 766. Letter from 664. Provisions for, 621, 626. Gov. Clinton respecting a prison- Intercourse of tories with, 636. er, ii., 16. Resolutions on Indian Fear of Fort Schuyler being abanaffairs, 52. Correspondence be- doned, ix., 123. Invested by tween Governors of, and Pennsyl- Gen. Washington, 301. Papers vania, 16, 26, 29, 30, 32, 65, 99, asked from, 629. Number of 168, 179, 220, 233, 433. (See De prisoners in prison-ships at, 667. Lancey, Hardy.) Depositions re- Supplies for, 674. Copies of specting Indian outrages at Ho- Records obtained, 730. Prisoners sick, 168. Independent compa- at, in want, x., 68. Demand for nies of, condition of, 256. Opposes fugitives, 101, 131. Boundary levies, 298. Controversy between with, 412, 413, 422. Letters to Shirley and De Lancey, about and from Gov., 413, 422, 435, 513. cannon for Cape Breton expedi- Act respecting boundary, 422, 435. tion, 338, 354. Scarcity of sail- Commissioners, 422, 450,454, 711. ors at, 352. Governor Sir Charles Acts complained of by British Hardy appointed and arrives, 399. merchants, 747. Acts to comply Gen. Shirley at Oswego and oper- with requisitions, xi., 16, 23. ations, 381. At Oneida, 388. Fort Division line, 125, 140, 156, 178, at Oswego, 575, 629, 646. Mur- 187. Complete, 214, 216. And ders in, 586, 610. Operations on Wyoming affairs, 196, 199. ExLake George and Ontario, 693. tract from deed of cession of Erie, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 571 309. To Governor on arrest of T. 364, 387, 484, 489, 492, 509, 519, Pickering, 326, 335, 338. C. J. 523, 526, 548, 560, 561, 562, 576, Morris issues a warrant against 625, 634, 635, 642, 643, 646, 648, Wyoming insurgents, 340, 341. 663, 674, 682, 697, 701, 767, 769, Supplies for prisoners at, [1782] 775. Recruiting in Philadelphia 495. Boundary, 522, 526. Enemy useless, 501, 549. On defence of evacuate, xii., 262. Attack on, River and City, 190. Letters, 269. viii., 12, 77, 95, 100, 108, 181, Niagara Expedition, ii., 349, 353, 262, 316, 358, 363, 378, 389, 391, 355, 357, 423, 425, 427, 579. 415, 469, 510, 516, 724, 750. InNice, Capt. John, v., 427. Pro- struction, 422. Correspondence moted, viii., 515. on recruiting, 669-682. Plan proNichalson, Jno., plan for a Gun posed to render militia for guards, factory, iv., 767. ix., 299. Leaves city —appoints Nicholason, Joseph, Indian interpre- successor, 254. Respecting conter, vi., 742. dition of jail, xi., 536. List of Nicholson, Capt. of Deane frigate prisoners in the workhouse, 648. may enlist prisoners, vii., 488. Nichols, Gov. Richard, enters into Commands fleet, 521, 533. agreement with Governor of New Nicholson, Capt. of Trumbull frigate, York, on its surrender, i., 25. ix., 239. Grants lands on Delaware, 27. Nicholson, Capt. James, complaint Succeeded by Governor Lovelace, of Gov. Johnson of Maryland, 29. agoainst, for contempt, he is dis- Niser, George, massacre at Musmissed by Congress, v., 328. kingum, ix., 525. Nicholson, John, viii., 73. Letters, Nixon, John, chosen Lieutenant of ix., 48, 118, 131, 154, 174, 212, a Company in Philadelphia, ii., 747, 749, 753. Instructions to, 600. 174. Account, 216, 243. Expenses Noemor, M. Van, introduced by of office, 663. Funds, 664, 677, Franklin, vii., 774. 678, 737, 738, 758. Compt. Gen., Nonowland, (a Delaware Chief,) x., 6, 16, 28, 29, 46, 48, 50, 52, xii., 132. Wounded in attack 53, 93, 94, 96, 529, 750. On on Indians, 156. Claims on traitors' estates, 96. Norris, Fort, xii., 423. On James Searle's claim, 97. Asks Norris, Isaac, letter to and from, ii., for a guard, 750. Letters, xi., 244, 245, 345. Fort, 669, 678. 33, 34, 90, 96, 139, 142, 198, 228, North, Colonel Caleb, viii., 610. 249, 258, 328, 404, 635, 693, 695, North America, Bank of, Resolutions 702, 728, 739, 742, 747. Buys of Congress approving establishdepreciation lots, decision respect- ment of, as a national bank, ix., ing them, 702. Letters to and 172. Charter of, 471, 477. Letter from, xii., 7, 91, 93, 95, 97. to T. Willing, 496. Nicola, Lewis, letter from on defence Northampton county, petition for of the Delaware, iv., 635. Plan road, ii., 98. Alarms from Indians, forpowder magazine, 715. Letters 515. Number of Roman Catholics to and from, v., 7, 29, 71, 75, 78, in, iii., 144. Petitions from, for 90, 92, 121, 130, 148, 200, 354, defence, 151, 174, 237, 284, 321, 364, 410, 417, 600, 604, 608, 612, 357, 360. Ammunition wanted, 619, 631. Orders, 96, 121, 122- 163, 164. Position of Troops in, 124, 131, 184, 201, 219-228. 325. Number of wagon and Applies for rations as Town Maj or, horses in, 404. Memorial for while enemy was in city, vi., 174. defence, iv., 120 669. Military Letters, 197, 213. Unsafe con- Company formed, 124. Alarm dition of Easton, 197. Rations, from Indians, 125. Petition of 213, 358, 411, 656, 657. Arrest Roman Catholics 279. Instrucof Dr. Berkenhaut, 742. Letters, tions to Sheriff, &c., 421. Troops vii., 77, 190, 203, 255, 358, 362, to join Washington, v., 115, 523, 572 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Prisoners from, 139. Letter to Northern Boundary, estimate of Sheriff, 489. Wagons in, 421. necessary stores for 1787, xi., 104. Sheriff to arrest prothonotary, Letter A Ellicott, 134. 489, 490. Records, 654. Wagon Northern Liberties of Philadelphia, masters, vi., 212. Militia, 406. petition to have streets regulated, Tories, 551. Instructions to iv., 312. Sheriff, 621. Situation of, 719, North Kill, ii., 159, 675. 721. Militia, vii., 13, 613, 688. North Kill, Fort at, iii., 31, 253; Petition from, alarms from xii., 424-426. Indians, proceedings against spies, Northumberland county, petition 360. Constitutional Society of of officers against Connecticut 4th battalion of, 384. Indians, settlers, ii., 240. Memorial for 572, 613, 616, 617, 689. Letter defence, iv., 669, 655. Condition to Colonels of, 616. Executions, of troops at, v., 85. Militia, 158. 655. Indians in, viii., 238, 500. Militia, vi., 169, 499. Indian Commissioner of purchases, 300, murders in, 499, 575. No flints, 317. Petition from, 387. Petition 500. Arms for, 522. Supplies from, respecting defence against for, 539. Defenceless state of, Indians, ix., 40. Distress in, 577. Murders in, 590. Waste 106, 238. Murders by Indians, of ammunition, 593. Distressing 107, 123, 158. Convention pris- condition, 609, 631, 633, 634, 637, oners ordered to, 227, 234. 642, 692, 729. Case of Mr. Lodge, Treasurer, 229. Plan of defence vii., 546. Distresses of, 586. against Indians, 238. Estimate Sheriff to be sued for escapes, of damages sustained by the 700. Forts Muncey and Jenkins, inhabitants from the British, 765. 760. Memorial of Justices respecCollection of taxes in, x., 92. ting Courts, want of District Letter of Council to Lieut. Craig, Attorney, &c., 72. Long suspenrespecting Wyoming, 296, 303, sion of justice has rendered people 305. Election, writ for, 339. licentious, 73. Indians and Tories, Letter Robert Levers respecting, 117, 574, 593, 614. Officers for 311. Letter to Prothonotaries troops at, 317, 341. Justices disrespecting Wyoming, 749. Taxes, charge a deserter, 356. Petition, xi., 603. Dry lands, 644, 647, 519. Orders to Justices respecting 651. Nescopec road, 585, 643, officers, 545. Distress of, 593, 596, 669. 598, 604, 618. Fort Freeland deNorth Carolina, Indian treaties stroyed, 586, (See Freeland Fort..) with, iv., 323, 324. Prisoners to Much exposed, viii., 88. Troops, be distributed, 733. List of those 97. Condition of, 156, 157, 167, sent to Philadelphia, 734. Troops 249, 558. Scarcity of provisions to go to Billingsport, v., 418. at, 270. Council at, deferred on Offers troops for Philadelphia, vi., account of trial of F. Hopkinson, 183. Rendezvous in, 302. Letter 658. Condition of, ix., 208. to Governor Caswell respecting a Magistrates, 229. Taxes, 381, prisoner, viii., 191. Letter to 440. Indians in, 392. New Board Governor, demand for fugitive, of Commissioners, 440. Records, x., 353. Acts to comply with 440. Letter of Council to magisrequisitions, xi., 17, 23. Gov. tracy and Sheriff, &c., of, Caswell sends acts for dele- respecting Wyoming, x., 295, gates to convention, 116. Pro- 303, 304. Sheriff to arrest insurposes amendment to Constitution gents, 344. Magistrates to aid, United States, 674. Act appoint- 344, 347, 460. Field Officers ing, delegates to Convention in elected, 404. Militia Officers, 444, Philadelphia, 117. Cession to Disturbances in, 448. Justices United States of eastern territory of, to Alexander Patterson, &c., accepted, 681. Cession of lands to keep peace, 628. To John to United States, 688. Franklin, &c., demanding arms, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA, ARCHIVES. 573 &c., 629. Answer of John Frank- Officerslin, 629. Letter to prothonotaries more pay, 280, 287, 288, 327. respecting Wyoming, 749. Claim May be suspended by the States, for forfeited land in, xi., 58. 356. Promotion of, 357, 677. An Letter from L. Keene, Prothono- increase of, recommended, 387, tary of, 111. Recording of deeds, 397. Appointed, 461. Gen. McIn123. Returns of officers, 416. tosh, 467. In Army, rank of, apPension of Widow Mercer, 677. peal to Congress on, &c., vii., 162, Indians in, 710. Murders on two 607, 660, 691. Washington on, Indians in, xii., 318, 319, 320. 188. European, to divest themselves of European ideas-letter to Gen. Pulaski, 233. Recruiting, O. letter to, 300. Appointments, 306, 51'2, 607. Petition of, of Penna. Oaths, and Affirmations, Act respect- line on rank, 306. Men in State ing, i., 158. Dedimus to adminis- Navy, 373, 389. At Billingsport ter, iv., 40. Or test law, opposi- and MIud Island, letters to, 409, tion to, v., 427. Taken by C. J. 424. Resolutions of Congress reMcKean, 621. Of allegiance to be specting, 436, Necessary, 452. taken, vi., 433, 434. Form of Recommended, 501, 553, 565, 597. Certificate, 679. To be taken by At Mud Island and Billingsport Soldiers, viii., 291. By several relieved, 502. Conduct to be inyoung men, 333. Of Edward Fox, quired into, 542. Authority vested x., 103. Act of Congress respect- in the State, 552. Half pay, 582. ing, xi., 600. Mr. Brodhead, 583, 606. Who O'Bail, Cap., (Indian,) xii., 300. have broken parole, 626. Only in Obligations, J. Smith and J. Owens, the Army to receive articles, 627. iv., 245. Jonathan Smith, 246. In hospitals, 649. Insolence of, For appearance, v., 695. on Continental vessels, 657. DeO'Brien, Mrs. Sarah, examination of, cision in case of Lt. Brodhead, -v., 337. 660. And in 1st Penn. Regiment, Odgers, William, an officer of cus- 726. In St. Clair's division, 752. toms, murder of, iv., 297. De- Petition for provisions, viii., 8, 35, mand of murderer at New York, 45, 67, 111, 290, 389, 410, 512, 297. 522, 569, 599, 610. Appointments, Office, claimed by Peter Evans, i., 290 310, 607. At Fort Pitt, mnis234. understanding between, 405. And Officers of Pennsylvania Regiment in prisoners of war in charge of T. Prov'ce, pay and dates of Commis- Bradford, Comm'y, 93. Names of sions, iii., 88. Quarters at Phila- Cols. Battalions, 111. Respecting delphia, 558. Of the Province in clothing, petition, 17, 116. Con. 1773, showing their salaries, &c., gress recommend suspending apiv. 600-603. In Army and Navy pointments of, 142, 206. Rank of, appointments, &c., v., 33, 39, 90, 153, 409. Duty of Col., 154. Sells 114, 124, 235, 265, 284, 293, 303, clothing, 161, 162, 165. Sur355, 356, 395, 401, 551, 738. Ex- geons propose resigning, 168. change of, 165. Rank, 172, 241, Clothing for, of hospital and medi371, 483. List of in Penn. State cal staff, 185. Pay too small, 207, Reg., 318, 341, 528, 595. Inso- 722. Rank, 232, 238, 729. Prolence of, 59. In pay of U. S., motions, 245, 248, 264, 515. Me176, 345. Address of respecting morial of Pennsylvania Line, 264, Militia of Penn., 186, To Assem- 265. Recruiting instructions to, bly, 724. Charges against, 756. 290. Petition of officers in favor Non Commissioned, vi., 159. In- of prisoners, 610. Rank of Govconvenience of too many, 151. In- ernors in the field, 535. Captured, structions to recruiting, 248. List petition in favor of, 610. In favor of recruiting, 249, 251. They ask of prisoners at- New York, 619, 574 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Officers- militia law, 302, 378 561. Re620. To Assembly, 693. (alley turns of Luzerne county, 384. Of officers to be discharged, 728. De- Westmoreland Co., 402. Of Northpreciation of pay, ix., 3, 6, 13, 77, umberland county, 416. And 112, 133. How to be appointed, offices, public Gov. to, on tenure of, 27. returns of those paid, 30. xii., 32. Pay of captive, 78. Of Col. Proc- Ogden, Col., of Elizabethtown, tor's artillery, and a memorial, 98, advises of enemy, ix., 412. 142; accounts of officers with Ogden, Nathaniel, killed at Wyoming, prisour's, 111. Names of, required, iv., 383. Inquisition on, 384. De123, 124. Adjutant and Inspector positions, 386-392. General required, 125. Charges Ogle, Gov., Letters between, and against, 135. Respecting several, Gov. G., i., 320, 326, 330, 336, 421, 142, 143, 529. Of Bedford Co., 427, 434, 443, 447, 461, 471, 479, 149. Resolutions of Congress- 488. Letters from, ii., 40, 46, 57. confederation and petition of Penn. O'Harra, Capt., xii., 126, 165, 167, regiment of artillery, 168. Letter 198, 300. to field officers of Westmorland O'Hara, James, claims for pay, xi., Co., 189. Of Philada. Co. Light 58, 228. Horse Co., 230. In Moylan's regi- Ohio River, French Fort on, i., 309. ment, 321. Petition of, 327. Col. Settlements, ii., 31. Distances Stroud's, 268, 339, 365, Of land from various places to, 141. A office, 409. Return of non-com- party proposes to form a settlemissioned, serving in Southern ment on, at mouth of Muskingum, army, 517. Returns of Pennsylva- unusually low, (1783), x., 168. nia line, 725-729. Rank of, x., 49. Survey of Islands in, xi., 583. Pay of, 113, 114, 179. Commuta- Falls of, xii., 164, 168. tion by Congress, 179. Of troops Okely, J., brings Canadian Indian in Philada. Co., 218, 219, 225. from Genl. Gates, v.. 153. ApIn Fayette Co., 275. Westmore- pointed commissioner to Wyoming, land Co., 275, 276. In Washing- x., 330. Applies to be commiston Co., 287 —289. Required by sioner on jurisdiction of islands in war office for defence of western the Delaware, 696. posts, 296, 302. Of Berks Co. Old, James, casts a 24 pound canmilitia, 191, 331. To be appoint- non, iv., 721. Cast shot, v., 179, ed, 332, Returns of, &c., 338. 398. Field, elected for Northumberland Old Town, xii., 117, 136, 263. Co., 404, 444. Recommend Wil- Oneida carrying place, Gen. Shirley liam Irvine, 425. Of Washington at, ii., 388. Indians, x., 88. Co., 436. Philada. Co., 443. Mi- O'Neill, Dennis, vi., 498. litia elected under law, 453. Of O'Neil, Henry, deposition respecting Penn. Line, willing to continue in attack of Indians, viii., 527. service of United states, 466. Pri- Onondago, council, at speech to Invates and officers of state in fede- dians, iv., 107. ral regiments, 511. To command Opinion of D. Ryder, King's attorregiment of federal malitia required ney, on several acts of Assembly, from this state, 525. of Penn. ii., 100. Of Thomas MAcKean, alLine, 593. Of militia in Cumber- legiance and rights of a freeholder, land Co., (1784,) 599-600. ()f v., 400. Of C. J. McKean, on Penna. line, (1781,) 721, 728. traitors, when the Government beNaval, return of payments to, 114. gan, &c., vii., 645. J. D. SerOf Philadelphia Militia invite geant, on concealing taxable proGovernor, &c., to attend review, perty, viii., 49. Nicholas Waln on xi., 57. Instructions to, in Lu- do., 81. Commissioners of Phila. zerne county, 204. Rank of, 204. Co., 80. Of James Biddle, 136. In Luzerne County, 300. Returns J. D. Sergeant on British Commisof, elected in Philadelphia, under sions to Cruizers, 395. Of Judges INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 570 of Supreme Court on search of vii., 300. Disobedience of, 515. vessels for French sailors, 403, Respecting Mud Island, 537, 720. 412. J. D. Sergeant on right of Billingsport, 538, 720. General, Marshal to sell in certain cases, from Head Quarters, viii., 696. 498, Of Chief Justice M'Kean on Of Gen. St. Clair, ix., 60. Lieut. Penna. claim to interest, x., 739. Cummins, 29. For Books, &c., of Of Wm. Bradford on fees in land office, 202. To Pres't Quarter Montgomery Co., 743. Of W. Sessions, 323. To officers on reBradford, (A. G.) on case of James moval of records, 412. To Andrew O'Haras' claim, xi, 58. Of Higgins, 413. To wagon masters, Judges McKean and Bryan on 420. Lieutenants, 425. depreciation of pay, 120. Of Att'y Ordinance of Congress respecting Gen'l on appeals, 122. On claim capture and condemnation of prizes, of Chas. Sims to Lands, 162. Of ix., 43., 478. Bank of North judges, &c., on a point submitted America, 471, 477, 478. For by Att'y Gen'l, 233-234. On Citi- Government of N. W. Territory, zenship, 260. On Admiralty case, xi., 162-168, 604. 383. Of Judges on a case of Orme, Robert Captain, introduction Murder, 560. W. Bradford, on of, to Gov. Morris, ii., 195. LetHealth Office fees, 619. On ters to and from, 312, 325, 329. Weights and Measures, 734. Of Wounded in Braddock's defeat, Judges of Supreme Court on te- 379, 400. Going to England, 400. nure of Officers, xii., 32. On con- Orndt, Captain, letter, ii., 742. Lettempt of Court, 83. ters, iii., 5, 51. 207, 209, 212, 350, Oppakhassits, (Indian,) Answer to 351, 367, 487, 491, 670. Govenor, i., 224. Orndt, John, vii. 625. Power of Ord, Captain, ii., 346, 356, 358. Justices of Sup. Court, tenure of Orders to Captains Martin and Sheriff's office, &c., 701. Craig, 541. Captain Isaac Wayne, Orth, Col. Adams, ix., 186, 461, 654, 543. 737. Order to affix great Seal, iii., 318. Osborne, Henry, Escheator, Gen'l, To Saml. Mifflin, v., 44. To Com- ix, 341. Illumination of city, 390. modore Seymour, 83. Of L. Ni- On Connecticut claim, 563. To cola, Town Major, 96, 121, 122, Gov. Trumbull, for papers, &c., 124, 131, 184, 201, 219-228, 547. 639, 642, 643, 681, 682, 685, 686, Of Council for intelligence of ene- 687, 730. my, 157. Commo're Hazelwood to Osborne, Joseph, sent to Maryland Capt. Mathews with prisoners, 168. for public papers, ii., 92. Of Genl. Gates for quarters for Oster, Mons. French Consul, case of, troops at Germantown, 207. To viii., 890. Asks pass for French Col. Melcher to examine and clear Vessels, 604. Sailors from French houses occupied by troops in ships, ix., 372. Phila., 215. To Capt Mullen with Osterhout, Gideon, Petition, xi., 553. prisoners, 235. To Col. D. Brod- Oswald, Eleazer, Trial for contempt head, 283. Lieutenants, 297, 321, of Court, &c., xi., 348. And'w 864, 371, 379, 380, 404, 424, 541, Brown vs., 349. 545. To Col. Nicola to collect Oswald, Thomas, iii., 298. wagons, 364. To S. Hunter, 370. Oswego, Gen. Shirley's arrival, and To Militia to be ready, 404. Gene- operations at, ii., 381. Minutes ral, 384-396. The Northampton of Council of War at, 413, 427. troops, 544. To Gen. Armstrong, Fort at, 574. Gen. Ross comvi., 53. Of Council of Safety, mands at, x., 89. 93. Of Board of War, 199. To Otsego, Gen. Clinton arrives from, at Jacob Morgan, 385. Of General Fort Sullivan, x., 719. Wayne to Capt. Craig, recruits, Ottendorf, Major, corps commanded 746. From Executive not to be by, viii., 62. waited for in cases of emergency, Otto, Dr. Matthew, report on Wil 576 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. liam Tatamy, (an Indian,) wound- Parmiter, John. Letter W. P. to, i., ed, iii., 247, 251. 127. Ottawa Indians, x., 86. Parole of Hougonere, &c., v., 18. Outten, death of, iii., 589, (see de- Not to be taken in certain cases, positions,) iii., 664. vi., 381. Owen, Evan, instructions to, on Nes- Parr, Major William, ix., 256, 263, copec Road, xi., 585. 371. Owens, Samuel, obligaton to disperse, Parsons, WVm., Letters from, ii., 41. &c., iv., 245. Description of Easton, 95, 98, 305, 443, 515, 534, 596, 670, 714; 741, 742, 745, 747. Letters to P. and from, iii., 5, 7, 35, 81, 84, 104, 139, 142, 163, 211. Paca John, respecting Heniry Car- Party Walls, in Philada, Act reberry, x., 293. specting, i., 159. Paca, William, applies in behalf of Passes, Mediterranean, Orders reJ. Tilghman, v., 635. Of Mary- specting, i., 177, 180, 182, 183, land, letters to and from, x., 293, 242, 256, 258, 264, 282, 439; iv., 320, 324. 243, 622. Pack-horses, xii, 213, 245, 272. Passport for Cherokees, iii., 405. Page, Lt. Gov., of Virginia, xii., For F. Post, 578, 689. For Tee165, 167. dyuscung, 692. For a showman, Page, John, appointed by Va., com- iv., 164. For express to Col. missioner on boundary, x., 146. Bouquet, 173. F. Post, 277. To Paine, Thomas, selected to corre- missionaries, 455, 563. Dr. Ewspond with Assembly on state of ing, &c., 4i8; xii., 71. affairs, v., 659. Resolutions\ of Patents and Grants, Act respecting, Assembly, viii., 226. i., 159. For Erie, from U. S., Pamphlets respecting Quakers, ii., xii., 103. 257. Patterson, Alexander, Narrative of Paper, want of, to be seized, vi., a most extraordinary escape of an 355. express from Indians, vii., 527. Paper money, Winm. Henry's plan Letters on Wyoming, x., 31, 32, to raise value of, ix., 171, 665. 207, 208, 574. Conference with, Papists, to be deprived of arms, 207. To Judges of Supreme Court, ammunition, &c., iii., 130. (See 617. To Council, 619. CommisRoman Catholics.) sioners, 625, 626, 627. Justices Papley, Cap., viii., 97. of Northumberland bound to keep Pardon, petition for, iv., 102. Of peace, &c., 628. Letter to, (1786,) prisoners under Test-laws, vii., on arms sent to Fishkill, xi., 457. 130 Prerequisites to, 651. Of Orders to, ii., 603. Letters, 613; John Franklin, xii., 101. vi., 432. Paris, Ferd. J., Letters, i., 526, 628. Patterson's Fort-See Forts, ii. Letters to and from, respecting Patterson's Fort, xii., 426. purchase of lands from Indians, Patterson, James, Journal at Fort iii., 666. Hunter, iii., 321. Parke, Lt. Col. John, vii., 181. Patterson, Lt., controversy at LanParker, John Deposition, vii, 259. caster, vi., 201, 206, 228. Parker, Wi., letter respecting Patterson, Mr., xii., 135. prisoners taken by Indians, Patterson, Wm. A., vii., 167. Ac(1783) x., 167. count of his services in the Army Parks, David, Conviction of, xi., 167. 419. Patton, Major John, letter, v., 41. Parliament of G. B., King's speech, Patton, Col. John, Superintendent vi., 14. of flour magazine, vi., 235. Parliamentary Grants, claims for, Patton, John, cast-iron shot, viii., iv., 72, 121, 159. 502. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 577 Paules Hook, Surprise of British at, known to President and Council, by Major Lee, vii., 661. ix., 551. Paxton, or Conestoga, Indians, Pendleton, Col., xii., 201. Murder of, Inquest on, iv., 147. Penet, P., agent in France, fusees, Letters John Elder, 148, 153. flag and seal, viii., 257; A. P., From agents, 151. Sir Wim. John- discovery of a metal and mastic son, 162, 165; vii., 606, 609. for ships' bottoms, ix., 430. Upper, difficulty respecting elec- Penn, John, letters from, i., 203, tion of Justices, viii., 101. 237. Dies, 734. Proceedings Pay of Soldiers, &c., v., 3, 9, 31, about his will, 734; Appointed 43, 267. Navy, 500. Of Officers Governor, iv., 119. Proclamation and Soldiers of American Army, on preserving fish in Delaware, 113. 347. Against murderer of J. Peace between Great Britain and Meyer, 376. On Western riots U. States, preliminaries signed, against Dunmore, 580. Letters x., 10, 11. Letter of Sir Guy Carle- to and from; Admiralty, board of, ton,13 From Rear-Admiral Digby 622. Apty, Thomas, 157. Armon, 21. Letter Ezekiel Robbins strong, Col. John, 135, 136, 146, respecting prisoners, 26. Re- 155, 174, 192, 203. Bard, Peter, specting goods imported from 210. Belton, Joseph, 652. BerGreat Britain since, 28. procla- nard, Gov. F., Mass., 163. mation of Congress for Thanks- Bouquet, Col. H., 166, 199, 206, giving, 134. Treaty ratified, 193, 208. Botetourt, Lord, Governor 549. Rejoicings for, 149, 428. Virginia, 365, 368, 371. Burd, Negotiations, 185. Col. James, 140, 144, 164. CalPeale, Charles Wilson, vii., 384; lender, Robert, 411. Carnahan, Presents a portrait of Prest. John, 603. Clayton, Asher, iv., WVharton, viii., 319; And other 139, 174. Colden, Gov. Cadwalacitizens-invitation to attend de- der, 167, 562, 578, Commis'rs of livery of an eulogium on the brave Connecticut, 471. Commissioners men who fell in the revolution, of customs, Boston, 289, 305, 310. by Mr. Breckenridge, (1779) x., Commissioners of Customs, Lon162; Tenders to council a portrait don, 253. Commissioners of New of Pres. Wharton, painted by him, York, 150. Commissioners of (1780) x., 163. Westmoreland County, 487, 579. Pearson, -James, repairs on State Conway, kS. H. Secretary, 244. House, Philada. x., 373, 420, 426, Cooper, Guy, Secretary, 250. Dart442, 535, 547. Trees for State mouth,.Earl of, 464, 480, 539, House yard, 420. 579, 585, 589, 613, 614, 621, 625. Pearson, John, letter, vii., 70. Eden, Robert, Governor of MaryPeculations, viii., 74. land, 368, 616. Edmonstone, Peery, Col., xii., 262, 265. Charles. 433. Elder, Rev. John, Piers at Marcus Hook, x., 407, 471, 135, 148. Fauquier, Gov. Francis, 713. of, Virginia, 207. Francis, TurPeirt, Benjamin, family taken priso- butt, 210. Franklin, Gov. Win. ners, viii., 213, 222. N. J. 156. Gage, Gen. Thomas, Pemberton, Israel, proceedings 142, 144, 156, 164, 168, 170, 172, against, i., 585; Letters, to and 214, 217, 219, 231, 248, 256, 258, from, iii., 37, 555. Respecting, 260, 300, 337, 377, 393, 394, 410. 249, 250, 255, 262, 264, 275, 319; Gordon, Lewis, 143. Graydon, &c., remonstrance (1777) against Lieut. C., 207, 214, 218. Haldetreatment of them by order of man, Frederick, 465, 501. Halifax, Council, x., 158. See Vol. VI., Dunk, 192, 200, 201, 202. On page 509. stamps, 202. Post office, 203. Pemberton, John and William Hanna, Robert, 605, 625, 627. Matthews, on a religious visit to Governor of Havana, 286. Earl Europe, make their intentions of Hillsborough, 282, 283, 290,?st 578 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 292, 295, 297, 299, 300, 302, 307, 229, 286, 311. From, 189, 195, 309, 311, 334, 340, 361, 363, 369, 252, 253, 275, 304, 305, 333, 366, 3b0, 382, 387. Irvine, Col. James, 419, 438. On instructions, Con138. Johnston, Samuel, 378. necticut, 254. Introduces CapJohnson, Sir William, 162, 164, tain Orme, 194. Respecting his 214, 226, 249, 268, 290, 307, 309, interest in Gap Copper mine, 311, 349. Knox, W., letter, 505. Lee, 369. Richard, 538. McFarlane, Andrew, Penn, Thomas and Richard, petition 487. Mackay, IEneas, 484, 494, to the King respecting laws, i., 514, 517. Message to Assembly, 716. Suit against E. Jersey, 290. Montgomery, John, 505, minutes of a Council, ii., 75. In507, 533. Moore, Sir Henry, Gov. structions to, from King, respectNewYork, 337. New York Com- ing appeals, 107. Answer to Asmissioners, 150, 168, 337. Phelps, sembly on various subjects, 108. Richard, 300. Pownall, John, Revenue of Province, 110. Right 307, 368, 370, 410, 465, 535, 616, to purchase lands, 111. On taxa620, 629, 652. Robinson, John, tion of estate, 112. Letters, 304; 379. St. Clair, Arthur, 476, 501, iii., 107, 157, 193, 576. Agree504, 509, 510, 514, 519, 523, 530, ment with Lord Baltimore about 539, 542, 545, 550, 557, 558, 560, running the boundary line, 1760, 564, 573, 583, 586, 589, 628, 659. iv., 1-36. Message from AssemSchlosser, Capt., 158, 160. Seely, bly, 248. Intervention of proJonas, 141. Sharpe, Governor, of prietaries in communicating inforMaryland, 207, 262, 277. Shippen, mation, irregular, 307, 310. Joseph, Jr., 298. Earl of Shel- Penn, Richard, appointed Governor, burne, 274, 276, 280. Smith, iv., 447. Proclamation against Devereux, 515, 612. Stephens, Connecticut intruders, 453. AnPhillip, Secretary, of Admiralty, swer comers message, 469. 243, 331, Stewart, Charles, 382, Alessage, 555. Passport to mis384, 689. Trade, Lords Com- sionaries, 455. Letters to and missioners, 174, 182, 281. Thomp- from —Dartmouth, Earl, 456, 460. son, William, 521, 526. Trum- Dunmore, Earl, 461. Frazer, bull, Jonathan, Gov. Connecticut, John, and G. Wood, 458. Indians, 408. Tryon, William, Governor 450, 451. Tryon, Gov., New of New York, 467. Vining, John, York, 447. Westmoreland Trus338, 341. Williamson, Dr. Hugh, tees, 449. Gage, Gen., 457. Gal366. Young, James, 208, 210; loway, Joseph, &c., 448. Jno., late Govr., priso'r of war, es- Penn, William, Letters from, to cort, for, v., 478, 484, 511; sends James Frisbie, i., 38, 127. To for clover seed, vi., 10, re- Governor and Council of N. Jerquest in favor of, 61, removal of, sey, 60,. 61. Henry Savell, 68. 85. Release, 364, 367, 378, 380, Thos. Taylor, 70. Jno. Tucker, 389, 507, 523; Receives papers of 72. Philemon Lloyd, 72. Council, Secretary's office, viii., 200; In- 93. XW. Markham, 126. John structions respecting Wyoming, Parmiter, 127. Luke Watson, xii., 51. 127. J. Donaldson, 128. N. Field, Penn, John, Jr., and John Penn, 128. J. Nanfan, 128, 148. Saml. statement of their claim to the Leonard, 129. Wessel Alricks, province, and opinion of the 131. Jno. Birch, 131. Circular, judges, on it, x., 485. Opinion of to persons to serve in Council, do. as to interest, 739. 132. Robert Asheton, 134. Gov. Penn, Richard, letter from, i., 236. Blackiston, 135. Owners of ship Penn, Thomas, and others to be, Providence, 136. Joseph Coysarrested, for riot, at Gloucester, garne, 136. Col. Quarry, 137. i., 546. Commission to Governor, Commissioners of Customs, 138, Thomas, 625. Letters to and from, 149. Esquire Lawton, his agent 203, 237, 410; Letters to, ii., 223, in England on various public INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 579 affairs, 139. Justices of New Cape Henlopen, also Cornelius, of Castle, good advice to, 142. John the Dutch, 147. Forbids Gov. Hans, 143. Hamilton to affix the seal to a Letters- paper, 148. His will established, To, from Sir Wm. Petty, 49. 203. His powers under charter Thos. Culpepper, 51. Philemon to make laws, ii., 101. His treatLloyd, 54. James Nevill, 55, 56, ment of Indians, 109. - Warrants 83. Governor Dongan, 76, 80, for Welsh tract, xii., 279, 280. 81, 84. Wm. Clark, 77. John Letter to Susquehannah Indians, West, 79. John Richardson, 81. 280. William Welch, 82, and T. Lloyd, renn's Valley, Indian murders in, 84. Samuel Land, 87. Council vi., 515, 516, 517. at Whitehall, on birth of a Prince, Pennell, Joseph, letter, v., 143, 106. Andrew Hamilton, 129. 197. Accounts, xi., 506. Sales of land by, in England, 39. Pensions, list of, ix., 588; xi., 624, Indian Deeds- 679. Forland between falls of Delaware Pensioners, payment of, xi., 545. and Neshaminey, 47. Between List of, sent to War Office, 645, Pennepack and Neshaminey, 62, 729. Pensions, 728, 729, 730, 63, 64. West side of Schuylkill, 731. 65. Between Schuylkill and Ches- Pennnsylvania, its future greatness ter, 65. Between Schuylkill and predicted by Sir Wm. Petty, i., Pemapecha, 66. Between Susq. 49. Memorial, &c., from Welsh and Del., 67. Land on Perki- tract, 108, 110. W. P.'s descripomen, 88. Pennepack, 92. Deeds tion of 1683, 68. Deeds for, see to, from Gov. Thos. Dongan, 121, Deeds. African trade of, 152. 122. On Pemapecha, 91. Between Proclamation of Governor Keith ditto and Chester, 92. Between for continuing the Government, Duck Creek and Chester, 95. 69. Commission to Hamilton and Neshaminey and Poequessing, Georges, 428, 429. Do. to Gov. 116. For Susquehannah confirm- Thomas from T. Penn, 625. Coring Dongan's, 133. Calls Court respondence between Governors at Upland, 51. Appoints Coin- of, and Maryland, ii., 40, 46, 57, missioners to treat with New Jer- 91, 93. Boundary line between sey on boundaries and satisfaction, Maryland, 40, 41, 49, 64, 73. Map 58. Feoffment from Duke of York of, by Lewis Evans, 46, 60, 309, for New Castle to, 52. Letter to 583. His instructions, 47. ReGovernor of New Jersey, claim to turns of Iron and Steel Furnaces, Del. river, &c., 60. Proclamation Slitting Mills, Tilt Hammers in against dealing with Thomas Mat- 1750, 52-55. Letter of Governor thews for lands, 68. Recommends Hamilton on boundaries of, and W. Markham, 69. Conference claims of French, Virginia, &c., with Charles Calvert 74. Corn- 60, 63. Report of Privy Council mission to Winm. Welch, &c., 85. on, 65. N. Scull, on mode of Declaration against Lord Balti- finding Meridian, Tangent line more, 88. Letter to the Council, and running the Circumference of 93. Proclamation against cutting the Circle, 73. Statement of Extimber in Philadelphia, 97. His cise collected, 85. Income of Loan conduct to Indians, 302. Instruc- Office, 86. Governor sends to tions to, respecting wrecked trea- Maryland for copies of public pasure, 100. Charter of German- pers, 92. Answer, 93. Proprietown, 1689, 111-115. Asks per- tary revenue, 110. Connecticut sons to assist in Council, 132. settlers on land in, 120 to 127, Agreement with Susquehannah 196. Commissioners to Indian Indians respecting conduct to each Treaty at Albany, 142. Their other, &c., 144. Complains of Diary, 145. Governor Hamilton trouble from Somerset county, retires, succeeded by Robert HIun 5S0 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Pennsylvania, iii.- Pennsylvania, iv.ter Morris, 180. An account of 190. Guarantee against impressthe state of the province referred ment of sailors of, 191. List of to, 225. Supplies expected from, officers, 260. Troops making forts 249, 293, 305, 306, 579. Letter, at Wyoming, 303. Address of Committee of Assembly to Gov- Assembly of lower provinces, 308. erner Morris on ~5000, 271. An- Intercepted letters and a plot disswer, 272. Purchase of land from covered, 324. List of officers in Six Nations, 279. Bond given for pay of the province and dates of arms to King, 300. Grant by Con- commissions, 336. Regiment, their necticut to Susquehannah Com- stations, 337. Forces between pany, 303. Commissioners of Delaware and Susquehanna, 340. Trade and Plantations send inter- Number in pay of the province, rogatories for information respect- 341. Troops, 449. Depositions ing, 378, 418, 527, 778. Account respecting Maryland, (which see). of guns and ammunition delivered Warrant to survey land, 663. to back counties, 392. Represen- Proceedings of Court against John tation of citizens of Philadelphia Willey, 664. Letters between to General Assembly demanding Ferd. J. Paris and others respectdefence, 485. General Shirley ing fraudulent purchase of lands sends ammunition to, 502. And from Indians, 666. Power of Atarms, 654. Assembly granted torney from Thomas and Richard ~55,000 and Proprietary ~5000, Penn to sell lands, 685. 513, 529, 530, 536. Gov. Shirley's Agreement betw. Lord Baltimore troops ordered from, 577. Murder and T. and R. Penn, respecting by mob for enlisting servants, 578. boundary line, 1760, iv., 1-36. Map of Delaware bay and river Commiss'ers appointed by Pennby Joshua Fisher, 592, 593. Com- sylvania, Delaware and Maryland missioners offer rewards for Indian on the line between those states, prisoners and scalps, 606. Officers J. P. Eyre appointed, 37. Military at Shamokin complain of pay, 700. affairs in, 37, 40, 45, 47, 51, 73, Commissioners decline further 74. Claims for distributive share payments, 742. Message to As- of moneys allotted by parliamensemnbly from Governor, state of tary grants in 1758. Three lower province, 750. William Dennyar- counties, 72. Rhode Island, 121. rives and succeeds Morris as Gov- New York, 149, 169. Massachuernor, 760. Addresses to him, setts, 159, 163. John Penn ap760, 762, 763. pointed Governor, 119. InsurAccount of arms and ammunition rections in back counties, 155. purchased, iii., 25. Estimated Claims of Carlisle, 168, 170. Letannualexpense, 62. Cost of three ter from Indians in barracks to battalions, 62. Of provisions for Governor, 170. Col. T. Francis four hundred men, 63. Proprie- to raise troops, 176. Equipment tary land at Easton, 84. List of of, 179. Musters of effective men officers in pay of the province and at Lancaster, 195. Do. of second dates of commissions, 88. Secre- battalion at Carlisle, 196. Orders tary Pitt urges Assembly to pro- to, 198. Draught of warrant for vide forces, 95, 96. Plan of pro- enlisting troops, 197. Orders to tectionbyMajor Burd, 99. Num- battalions of Pennsylvania regiber of men in pay of province, 99, ment, 198. Peace with Indians 341. Squadron from England, 96. on Erie and Ohio granted by Col. Quarters for troops in city, 110. Bradstreet, 207. Proclamation of Letters to and from Proprietaries, Col. Fauquier, respecting settlers 106, 157, 193, 576. Number of on western lands, 255. Account Roman Catholics in, 144. Opin- of certificates granted to pay pubion of Proprietaries' right to pay lic debt, 257. Return of royal out bills of credit, 157. Frigate, regiments stationed in, 259. Re INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 581 Pennsylvania, v.- Pennsylvania, vi.port of Attorney and Solicitor Minute respecting, 577. Great General on certain acts, 274, 276, Britain objects to sending depu280, 281. Earl Hillsborough asks ties to general Congress at Philafor information, 283. Act to re- delphia, 576. New Assembly move settlers from Indian lands, not to meet till further orders, 283. Communications not to pass 579. Proclamation of Gov. Penn through proprietaries, 307, 310. against Lord Dunmore, &c., 580. Governor not to communicate pub- Answers to queries from Great lie letters to Assembly, 309. Com- Britain, respecting statistics of, plains of petition of Assembly, showing commerce, manufacture, 311, 334. Boundaryof lands with population, offices, salaries, occuSix Nations, 329, 424. Estimate pants, boundaries, &c., 591-603. of debts due from, 333, 345. Of- Gov. Eden requests suspension of ficers of Pennsylvania regiment issue of proclamation, 616. Earl ask for grant of land on Susque- Dartmouth thinks she is not rehanna, 335. Permission granted turning to a sense of her situato survey on, of boundary line tion, 621. Duties on peltries to between New York and New Jer- be collected, 628. Amount of Exsey, 339, 340. Western boundca- cise for 1771, 2, 3 and 4, 633. ry, 346, 426, 430. Proclamation State of the bills of credit struck respecting fish, 349. Agreement on the Excise, 634. A. St. Clair between proprietors and Connec- recommends temporary line, 659. ticut settlers, 350, 352. Minutes Number of men in actual pay in of Commissioners on Indian trade, naval service, 739, 781. Also in 372. Claim on Gen. Gage for pay military, 780. of carriages used by Lieut. Col. Men in pay in service of; in army Wilkins, 377. Letters to and from and navy of; salaries, v., 3. A. St. Clair [see St. Clair.], depo- Troops, clothing, 13. Furnaces sitions, &c., respecting western for casting cannon, and quantity boundary, 430, 435, 455. Messa- cast, 31. Quotas of grain to be ges to and from Assembly, 436. furnished by each Co., 182. Loan Richard Penn appointed Governor, offices to receive bills of credit of, arrives, 446. Reasons of Com- 183. Militia, important services missioners, appointed to meet at of, 186. Address of officers, 186. New York, for not attending, 448. Gallant affair at Lawrence's George Croghan on western boun- Island, 230. Thomas Wharton, daries, 452. Highway robberies Junior, elected President, and. near Bedford, 456. Counterfeits, George Bryan, V. P., 252. Fi461, 466. Proclamation for ap- nances, 264. Call for troops, 319, prehending counterfeiters, 466. 461, 523, 539. Transfer of, to Westmoreland county Courts, &c., Continental service, 357. Debtors 467, 471, 487, 492. Dr. John not to depart from, 356. State Connolly's proceedings, 476, 478, of the treasury, 357, 372, 378, 484, 528. Jurisdiction extended 381, 409. Joseph Reed appointed to Pittsburg, 479, 481, 483, 489, Chief Justice, 289, 379. Declines, 525. Lord Dunmore's letter, &c., 379. Proposal to Virginia on on jurisdiction, 483, 514. Letter subject of boundary, 413. Militia William Digges respecting Digges' ordered to Ticonderoga, 492. T. choice, 490. Proclamation of Earl McKean, Ohief J., 621. Militia Dunmore, 490. And Virginia to be ready, 583. Return of, bedispute, 511, 514. Letter Benj. longing to State, 595. Chambers, 536. Assembly re- Claims Win. Straker, from French solves to pay a certain number of Minister, as a citizen of the State, Rangers, 548, 559. Message, 554. vii., 61, 62, 70, 72, 83; and VirGovernor Colden on settlement of ginia, relative to disputes between, boundary with New York, 562. 73. Three Co's to be enlisted, 76. 582 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Pennsylvania, vii.- Pennsylvania, viii.Council ascribe victory to God, ply of militia, 681. Prisoners 77. Benefits in prospect from, expected, 731. Quota of assess77. Gradual abolition of slavery ment by Congress, 733. Report proposed, 79. Marriage licenses on salaries of officers, 739. Return liable to abuse in. 79. Differences of General St. Clair's division of between Connecticut and Virginia army, 753. Thanksgiving Day, and this State to be brought to a 757. settlement, 79. State of military Boundary between, and Virginia, affairs, owing to redemption of viii., 46, 56, 63, 91, 191, 285, old paper money, 80. Tax of, 5s. 352, 488, 516, 570, 713, 744, 746. assessed in different Co's, 80. Lands belonging to, 56, 91. Taxes recommended towards pay- Troops surprised at Elizabething off paper money, 80. Money town and Newark, 103. Drafts received from forfeited estates, for money by Congress, 104, 122, 80. Guard for Convention troops 197, 252, 256, 320, 342, 402, 492. to be called from different counties, Returns of troops, 110, 111. De90. Act to prohibit distillation mand on Edmund Physic for of grain, 125, 152. Supreme Ex- books, records, &c., respecting ecutive Council asks for a portrait proprietary estates now vested in, of Washington, 127. Quota not 113. Lands seized in Manor T., to be increased, 141. Quota of Lancaster County, said to have taxes ordered by Congress, 157. been purchased by Mr. Penn at Advance of money from Congress, Fort Stanwix, 118. Soldiers of, 160. Cost of clothing the troops, in Moylan's regiment, 128. Col182. Circular from Council to the onel Moylan commands Fourth other States, respecting abuses of regiment of light dragoons, 184. power by Congress. Gen. Arnold, Account of taxes from Treasurer &c., 183. Great scarcity of pro- U. S., 185. Intrusions by Virvisions for want of hard money, ginia, 191. Return of troops 186. State of finance, 87. Propose under General St. Clair, 220. buying a vessel, 199. Surveys Colonel Hay of 10th regiment, of Susquehannah, 210. On de- 240. Captain Alexander of 7th fence, 238. Grant from Congress regiment, 248. Loan of fieldof two millions, 269. Resolutions pieces, 253. Quotas of ten milof Congress in favor of, 288. Mem- lions, 255. Guns, standards and bers of Council called to form a seal ordered in France by agent quorum, 389. Complimentary Penet, 257. State of Pennsylvaresolutions passed by Assembly nia regiments, 271. A loan puon President and Executive Coun- thorized by Assembly, 276. New cil, 295. Do. by Congress of the State proposed, 280. Call for State of, 312. Similar resolutions militia, 294, 306. Quota of proof the Legislature and Executive visions, 294. Agreement between of the State, 313. Correspondence Virginia and Pennsylvania on respecting Genl. Arnold, 325, 327, boundary question, 352, 570. 337, 347, 351, 380. Military Commissioners on, 353, 569. Emposition, 342. Washington dis- bargo, 10, 229, 261, 263, 266, 333, claims partiality to any State, 354, 433, 452, 609. Congress 353. Men and means furnished furnish exchange on minister to by, during the War,A378. Is this France, 391. Money asked of State a separate Department? 256, Congress, 392, 395. Volunteers 339, 385, 387. Death of Judge at Morristown, 394. Asks a bill George Ross, 554. Rangers and of exchange from French Consul, riflemen, 568. Opinion of C. J. 397. James Searle sent to France McKeanwhen the Government of, as agent to procure loan, &., 399, began-traitors and treason, 645. 514, 532. President Reed comNot exceeded by any State in sup- plains against Committee of Con INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 583 Pennsylvania, ix.- Pennsylvania, ix.gress-statement of facts, 420.. der muskets to the State, 96. Too great a dependence on, for State of affairs, 130. President's supplies, 426. President Reed's letter to General Washington statement to Congress of State respecting, 141-149. Question as proceedings and demands on her to legality of trial before Supreme from first to last, 458-468. Quota Court, Judge being member of of supplies demanded by Commit- Congress, 163. Cannot comply tee of Congress, 472. Virginia with requisitions of Congress, 187. confirms line run in 1779, 488, Mutiny of Pennsylvania line, 188. 516, 583, 713, 744, 746. To draw Proceedings of Pentecost and in Continental bills by taxes, 534. Cannon, 193. Case of seizure of Rank of governors in the field, merchandise in Pennsylvania, 535. Loan office certificates for belonging to Virginia, to pay a bills of exchange to be sold, 555. private debt-correspondence with Congress call for cattle, 556, 560. delegates in Congress, &c., resRevolt of Pennsylvania line, 603, pecting, 260, 266, 271, 272, 274. 718, 721, 722, 723, 724, 729, 731, Corps of three hundred riflemen 734, 736, 737, 744, 761. Thos. to be raised, 280. La Fayette Smith and Rd. Bache, appointed orders troops from, to South Caroby Congress to sign bills, 635, lina, 283. Accounts with United 639. Proprietary lots of, wrong States, 288. Boundary with Viropinion respecting, 636. Returns ginia, 233, 234, 301, 304, 315, of artillery under General Wayne, 344, 352, 356, 402, 444, 506, 562, 647. Names of officers under 607. Finances, 310. General government asked for, 658. State Clarke's expedition, 357. James of treasury, 657, 662. State of Searle, agent to Holland, 367. To account with Congress, 694. raise three thousand men, 395, Names of officers in Captains 397, 398. Removal of records, Porter and Simon's companies, 413. E. HIazard applies for access 696. Troops of Pennsylvania line to documents for history, 449. to join army in Virginia, 737. Publishes a collection, 447. SupAgainst bringing convention pris- plies for prisoners in New York, oners to, 745. Assembly grant 470. And Connecticut, 447, 510, money for raising troops, 752. 526, 563, 568, 629. Wm. Moore Resolution of Congress respecting elected President, and J. Potter, convention prisoners from Mary- Vice President, 447. Troops at land and Virginia to, 753, 757, Fort Pitt, 521. Instructions, &c., 758. Resolution of Congress call- to commissioners on boundary ing in Continental money-Cona- with Virginia, 518, 533, 549, 562, mittee of Assembly, 757. Estimate 566, 585, 772. President Moore's of expense of convention prisoners term expires-John Dickinson to the State, 758. Estimate of elected President, and Jas. Ewing, sums necessary for payment of Vice President, 651. State of the bounties to general officers, &c., paper money, 665. B. Stille, of 758. Colonel Proctor and others Rhode Island, appointed agent to claim Hog Island, 730, 734, 760. settle accounts between PennsylAllowance to commiss'ers for ex- vania and United States, 668. tending Mason and Dixon's line, Various papers-proceedings at &c., ix., 4, 78, 161. Exhausted Trenton on Connecticut claim, state of treasury, 15. Comparison 679-724. Claim stated, 700, 701, with other States as to supplies, 710, 713. Deeds produced at 16. Commissioners to run line Trenton, 715-724. Rev. Mr. Jas. between Virginia, 20. Rifles re- Finley's secret expedition to Westquested from Board of War, 26, ern counties, 730. Copies of 31. Commissioners appointed by records of Connecticut and New Virginia, 78. Board of War ten- York obtained, 730. Proclama ~~84 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Pennsylvania, x.- Pennsylvania, xi.tion respecting decree at Trenton, 1768, 357. Vote of, on settlement 732. of accounts, 369, 370. Report of Boundary between Virginia, x., 8, Commissioners on boundary, 373, 56, 72, 81, 95, 96, 125, 145, 171, 374. Pennsylvania troops in ser(1783) 175, 181, 223, 231, 233, vice of United States, 393, 394, 236, 269, 280, 336, 372, 373, 413, 403, 431, 443. Claims of State 414, 416, 428, 438, 439, 489, 506, on United States, 397, 398, 422. 573, 602, 611, 705. Confirmation Purchase of land from Indians, of line run by Nevill and McClean, 412. Boundary with New York, 8. Wyoming affairs, 147, 148, 412, 413, 422, 435, 450, 454, 711. [See Wyoming] New state 711. Commissioners, 422. James threatened on frontiers — Rev. Milligan and J. Story, ComnmisJhimes Finley sent to counteract sioners to settle accounts with it-correspondence, 40, 41. In- United States, 426. Western structions to, 163. Pennsylvania boundary described, Commisline of soldiers, 55. Letters of sioners, 452. Penn, John, and Governor Harrison, of Virginia, John, Jr., their claim to the proon boundary (1783), 56, 65, 72, vince, and judge's opinion on it, 77, 78, 95, 96, 145, 175. 485-488. Quota of State, 517, Resolutions of Congress on pur- 529, 530, 531. Land claims under chase of lands from Indians, 105, Virginia titles, 611. Surveys of 119, 124, 126. Resolutions of lands received from Virginia, 705. Assembly respecting purchase of Inquiries from land office, whether lands from Indians, 111. Lands islands in the rivers belong to the opposite Fort Pitt, 115. Report proprietaries or the State, 739. to Congress on Indian affairs, Opinion of judges of Sup. Court, purchase of lands, &c., 119-125, on claim of Messrs. Penn to inter126. Affair of Colonel G. Cox, est, 739. Acts complained of by and boundary of, 81, 86, 96, 125. British merchants, 747. Western Proceedings of Assembly and boundary, 760. merchants on internal commerce Acts to comply with requisitions, -by roads and rivers, 129, 130, xi., 17, 23. Appoints Commis312. To inquire what islands sioners to commercial convention, above Falls belong to this State 60, 61. Her present system, 62. and New Jersey, 130. Captain Requisitions on, 74. Inland naviChrystie reaches Easton with a gation, 25, 27, 77. Report of detachment, 135. Letters from Treasury on claim of, 79, 82, 87, Gov. Trumbull, 147, 148. Reso- 234, 235. Connecticut proposed lutions of Assembly, intentions cession of lands yW. of, 5, 107. towards Connecticut settlers, 196. Boundaries, 140, 169, 187, 214, Commissioners appointed by, on 216, 310, 497, 499, 501, 507, 522. Virginia boundary, 223. Instruc- Accoulnts between, and United tions to Commissioners on, 230. States, 146. Troops in service of Apportionment of $636,000, 238. United States, 174, 175. RequiExhausted treasury, 241. Alpha- sitions, 198, 214. North line betical list of persons attainted of completed, 214. Amount of claim high treason under the laws of, against United States, 234, 235. 250-260. Commissioners to treat Description of lands around Erie, with Indians appointed-letter, by Porter, Armstrong and Elli265. Affairs in Fayette county, cott, 241, 243. Respecting the 280. Opening of land office, 282. finances, 258. Authority of Objections to the law for, 283. Council to purchase Erie, 313. Chief Justice McKean re-elected, Respecting Erie, 203, 237, 241, 285. Offic'rs required for defence 245, 247, 251, 252, 308, 309, 310, of western posts, 303. Pine 313. Rights of State supposed to Creek means Tiadaughton of, be infringed by British Consul, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 585 Pennsylvania, xii.- Ross and Carrol, lands on Susque375. Letter from P. Bond on, hanna, 333. Boundary line, 336, 381. Opinion of judges on, 383. 342, 556, 557, 558, 595-615. Campbell's and Simpson's claims, Agreement received, 342. Case 501. Boundary with New York, of Daniel and William Lowe, 349. 522, 526. Commercial Regula- Titles of various documents, 369, tions proposed by Virginia, 523- 376, 402. Newton's deed, ab526. Resolutions in Assembly to stract, 374. Justices of Kent to call State Convention, 565. Re- Justices of Maryland, 376, 387. specting survey of Erie lllnds, 566. And answer, 379, 388. Lord Subscribers to Society for Encour- Baltimore to Governor Gordon, asing cotton manufactures, 569. 893, 395. James Heath and J. Committee - of Congress ask Steele, 426. Hamilton & Georges,. information on imposts, 583. appointed Commissioners to MaryAnswer to, 585. Congress calls land, 427. Commission, 428. for statement of public debts, Instructions, 429, 435. Case of 613, 638. C. Febiger elected T. and J. Rothwell, 433. Mitimus Treasurer, 638. Cession of lands for Maryland prisoners, 529, 530, from North Carolina to United 532. Case of Higenbotham, 530. States, 681, 688. Accounts Warrant to arrest rioters, 538. between United States and, 698. Pennsylvania Board of War, v., 281, Return of mil tary stores in, 699. 282, 283, 290, 294. (See also Benjamin Franklin leaves his Board of War.) portrait, by Martin, to Executive Pennsylvania Frigate, iii., 190, 191, Council, 701. They accept of it, 260. 701. Charles Pettit appointed Pennsylvania Hospital, list of first to settle accounts with United subscribers and amounts, ii., 87States, 708. Asks of Connecticut 89. aid in arresting a fugitive debtor, Pennsylvania Invalid Guards, Phila73. Opinion of Attorney General, adelphia returns of, xi., 418. 737. Pennsylvania Line, petition of Constitution of 1776, xii., 54-68. Captains of, vii., 306. Return of 1790, 12-27. Thomas Mifflin, officers, 494. Account of recruits election as Governor, 28. A. J. for, 548. Colonel Atlee, 583. Dallas, Secretary of State, 46. Return of Captains, &c., of 1st Islands in the Delaware over Regiment, 726. Revolt of, viii., which she has jurisdiction, 74. 603, 718, 721, 724, 729, 731, 734, Letter to Congress on infractions 736, 737, 744, 761. Memorial of of treaty with Great Britain, 76. officers of, 264. Answer to, 265. Fee for affixing Great Seal, 79. Thanks of President, 265. ReRatifies Constitution of United specting, 603. Defection, ix., States, 82. Seal established,'8. 39, 143, 147, 175, 188. The Virginia boundary line, 179, 182, flower of the army, 143. Causes 195. Premium offered for scalps, of mutiny, 147. Mutiny, 188. Sol240. John White to settle United diers killed, 4 6. Returns of offiStates accounts, 303, 304. cers, 725-729. State of, 747, 759. Pennsylvania and Maryland, dis- Commanded by Major J. Moore, putes depositions. (See deposi- x., 131. Instructions, 132. Resotion. ) Letters between Gordon lution of Assembly respecting and Calvert, i., 282, 289. Thomas officers, 179. Certificates of final Cresap, 311, 313, 320, 321, 336, settlement distributed to, by 352, 398, 412, 415, 417, 419, 462, Bowen and Beatty, 437. Letter 476, 489, 501, 534. Letters, J. of officers to Council-pay and Blunston, 316. Letters between land, 593. Arrangement of offiGovernor Gordon and Ogle, 320, cers in, (1781) 721-729. Plan 326, 330, 336, 427, 434, 443, 447, and Instructions for recruiting, 461, 471, 479, 488, 489. Petition, 728-730. 583 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Pennsylvania Rangers, ix., 228. Perry, Micajah, letter from, i., 197, Pennsylvania Regiment. one and 206. two battali'ns officers in Province, Per ry's Mills, xii., 130. pay and dates of Commissions, Pest house, on Province Island, sick iii., 88. List of officers in pay of from vessels, removed to, iv., 59. United States, v., 176. Who On State Island, repairs of, x., 52. want commissions, 318. Cash Letter from Health Officer, xi., paid for recruiting service, 335. 737. Continental, 357. Clothing dis- Peters, Richard, Commissioner of tributed, vi., 47. State of Pennsylvania on Boundary Line, Treasury, 81. Boundary between i., 601. As secretary of land office Virginia and, 82. Congress order commission, 545. grain to be threshed. or paid for Peters, Richard, letters, ii., 59, 89, as straw, 82. Recovery of debts, 172, 196, 214, 218, 232, 307, 316, and punishment of crimes, 84. 345, 441, 443, 449, 455, 651, 654, Council and Assembly remonstrate 685; Letters to and from, iii., 7, with Congress against cantonmlent 11, 33, 37, 51, 80, 84, 86, 92, 104, of army, 104, 107, 111. Petition 157, 206, 217, 239, 245, 251, 283, to Congress from Council and 288, 297, 298, 381, 384, 386, 389, Assembly, 154, 160. Resolutions 390, 393, 397, 402, 406, 422, 428, of Assembly, 64, 66, 73, 84, 155. 438, 450, 455, 471, 475, 478, 484, Inquiry respecting magazines for 488, 500, 510, 514, 516, 544, 546, provisions, 178. Recommendation 551, 552, 555, 571, 575, 580, 621, of Assembly on military affairs, 660, 662, 673, 675, 677, 698, 727, 180. Approval of Congress for 733, 741, Memorandum, respectrecapturing Philadelphia, 184. ing deed of (1718,) 262; Letters Attorney General attacked at to and from, iv., 40, 44, 62, 64, Reading, 267. Militia returns, 66, 70, 77, 80, 530. Dedimus to, 297. Troops ordered to several 40; Letter, disputes among solplaces, 383. Drafts of militia in, diers, v., 14. Memorial respect301. Council concur in confeder- ing troops in City, 17; vi.. 72, ation, 455. R-turns of State 493; ix., 454; On Turnpikes, xi., troops now in service of United 335, 572. On Trial of Julges, States, 476. Of artillery, claim 636. xii., 207, 210, 224, 234, of, Officers under Resolutions of 271, 274, 281, 282. Congress, ix., 168. Troops, Peters, Rev. Richard, claim for return of, at Fort Pitt, 521. lands, viii., 50. Pentecost, Colonel Dorsey, seditious Peters, William, statement respectconduct of, ix., 193, 233. Deposi- ing Quakers at Easton, iii., 274, tions respecting, 572. In General 299, 312, 547; Dedimus to, iv., Clarke's Camp. Virginia bound- 40; Letter to; xii., 284. ary, state of affairs, J. Marshall, Peterson, Lieut. xiii., 139. &c., 315-319, 540, 541, 545, 556, Petition, of the Swedes, Report on, 661. Refutes charges by Brecken- i., 172. Of merchants in Philada. ridge against him, 662. On Indian on size of barrels, 203. Of frontier murders, (1783) x., 167, 181. inhabitants against, Indians, 209. Deposition, 362. On boundary, Of Eight members of Assembly, 413. Attack on excise officers in respecting privileges, 211. Answer Washington county, 757. to, 212. Inhabitants of ColebrookPepperell, Sir Willliam, letters, ii., dale against Indians, 213. Miles 329, 353, 365. Foy, &c., prisoners in Philada. Perkin, Joseph, return of arms, &c., Jail, 546. From Phiadelphia xi., 238. relative to road to Gloucester, 436, Perry, Col., ix., 79, 331. Against powder house in Philada. Perry, Col., James, purchases, ix., 675. From Conestoga, 681. From 200. Respect'g ravages of Indians, Chester Co., respecting bridges 210. Accounts, 247,306; xii., 261. and road, 767. Of George Gray, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 587 Petitions- Petitions&c., road to New Castle, 768. Hardie, 259. Prisoners to VirInhabitants near Digge's choice, ginia, 510; Of R. Hardie, vii., 92. ii., 28. Henry Darnell, 93. For For guns and amunition, 102. a lload in Berks and Northumber- John Moore and others on proland Counties, 98. Of officers of visions, 186. William Rush, 277. Northumberland County, 240. Of Of Captains of Pennsylvania Line, Susquehanna Company, 303. 306. Favor George Harding, 326, From Cumberland County, 385. 360. Of inhabitants of NorthTo Governor, from sufferers by ampton Co. 360, Win. Holliday, Maryland, 432. Lancaster Co. 450. &c. against Indians, 445. Of M. York, 461. Cumberland Co. 758. Jennings for clothing, 359. From John Hughes, 638. Chester Co., Philadelphia, 416, 422. Congress for defene, 656. Capt. Jacob will hear, 439; Elizabeth FerguMorgan, iii., 31. From North- son, on sale of estate, viii., 4. Ampton County for defence, 151, Captain Irwin, 8. Officers in Col. 153, 164, 174. Lancaster County, Ilazen's Regiment, 44. Lieut. W. 159. York County 235. North- Huston, 153. Of inhabitants of ampton County; 238, 284, 321, Northampton Co. 387. Andrew 357, 360. David Dewar, 302. Long, 548, James Rowan, 573. Against William Moore by S. Oficers in behalf of the prisoners Lightfoot, 3~9. Berks County, at New York, 619; Of Northamp361. J. McMichael, 405. Settlers ton County, ix., 40. Officers of on dry lands near Easton, 578. Pennsylvania Regiment of ArtillAgainst plays, &c., 659: Jacob ery, 168. Of Philadelphia County, Hockstetter, iv., 99. Catharine Light Horse, 230. From York, McKey, 99. John Martin, 100. for Clerk of Market, 256. Of nonPardon for negro Joe, 102. F. and cinmissionecl Officers of 8th PennhM. Ennis, 106. B. A. H-ernandez, sylvania Regiment, 365. Of 118.'1hos. Romberg, 239. Bucks Richard Rundle, 443, 448. Of county against Indians, 273. Ro- Owen Jones, Jr., 521. William man Catholics of Northampton, Brown, from Cumberland County, 279. Lutherans in Berks, 253, 522. Of Merchants of Philadelphia, 279. Of Assembly complained of 534. Of prisoners oni Clarke's exby Lord Hillsborough, 311. Of pedition, 574. Joshua Fisher & Northern Liberties to have streets Sons, 644. Prisoners by Indians, regulated, 312. Samuel Kennedy, 733 Wikoff & Clarke. 740. 331. For improvement of Schuyl- Isarel Doane, 759; Robert Turner, kill 360. For road from Schuyl- x., 39. Of John Reynolds, jailor, kill to Susquehannah, 362. For at Philadelphia, 119. From York, aid to Port an Prince, 371. Res- against Arimand's legion, 133. Of pecting Conedogwinet creek, 392. Daniel Drais, 150. Aaron Doane, For road in Northern Libertie%, X48, 716, 717. P. S. Duponceau, 442. Of Christian Lehman to be 352. Of captors of Joseph Doane, appointed notary public, 444. 565. Of Zebulon Butler, &c., 559, John Knight for coroner, 461. 580, 613, 716.. Of prisoners at Westmoreland county, 518, 520, Easton, 690. Inhabitants of Wy535. Pittsburg, 526. Laurence oming, 699. Of D Duncan and Birnie, 777. Northumberland Co. J. Finley, for Fort McIntosh, for protection from Indians, 788. 704. Of Philadelphia road, near From N. J. for powder, v., 30. Of Master's estate, (1773,) 718; Capt. D. Woelpper, for office, 48. Respecting acknowledgment of Ezekial Letts, 57. Stephen J. deeds, xi., 136. Of Thos. Lloyd to Rouget for commission to arm, print debates, 213. John Brown, 569; From Council and Assembly 264. John Jungman, 288, 304. to Congress on recovery of Phi a- Of Quakers against Theatres, 342, delphia, vi., 154, 160. Robert Stephen Jenkins, 537. Gideon 588 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Petitions — PhiladelphiaOsterhout, 553. University of of ministers and vestry of Christ Pennsylvania ask for use of State- Church in favor of Governor NichHouse bell, 613. Granted, 614. olson, 150. Party walls in, Act Robert Loller, 619. Northampton respecting, 159. Act for better County, on Nescopec road, 669. government of, respecting, 160. From Westmorel'd Co., on excise Act for raising money in, 161. on liquors, 670. Mustard in Phila. Lower ferry on Schuylkill, Act, 684. Thomas Martin, Lands, 697, 161. Collectors, &c., of customs Indian prisoners. 712; Samuel appointed, 195, 196, 199, 385, Jones, lands xii., 182. Henry 389. King George II. proclaimed, Kilbuck, (Del. Chief,) 305. 202. Petition of merchants on Petit, Charles, vi., 366, 513, 525, size of barrels, 203. Physicians 620, 623, 738, 742. A. Q. M. G., to visit vessels, 208. Courts of vii., 196, 219, 335, 399, 420, 421, business in, 279. Difficulty be433, 460, 481, 495. Plan of tween Christ Church and Baptists, finance, 481. Letters to and from, 285. Great mortality in, 769. viii., 104, 143, 146, 342, 406, 614. Names of several persons who Defendants on State, 197, 211, died, 769. 223, 224, 320, 614. Money, ix., Cleansing and walling the dock, 129, 159. Memorial of merchants, and improving swamp between x., 208, 211. Elected delegate to Budd's buildings and Society Hill, Congress, 437, 534. Claims of ii., 4. Arch under Dock street to Turnbull, M., & Co., for land, Third, 4. Name given to it, 4. 497. Letters, xi., 37, 41, 87, 106, Proprietary called on for his share 266, 456. Respecting his pay as of expense, 4. Presents to Capmember, 266. Instructions and tain Ballet of ship Otter, 5. Acappointment as agent to settle count of steel furnaces in 1750, accounts with United States, 708. 53. An extraordinary writing On accounts, xii., 6. Letter to, 7. master arrives, 170. Addresses Pettit, Daniel, collector of Bucks, to Governor Morris, 183, 185, 191, ix., 206. Robbed, 459. 200. Petition of Germans in, Petty, John, mission to Indians, i., sufferings, 217, 224. Cherokee 229. Letter from, 232. Indians at, 244. Sheriff warned Petty, Sir William, writes to Wm. not to discharge King's soldiers, Penn on future greatness of Penn- 296. Letter to committee for prosylvania, i., 49. visions, 354. Embargo on proviPixley, Thomas, at Mud Island, ix., sions, 263, 283, 373, 375. Indians 365. arrive in liquor, lodge in State Peyton, Colonel, xii., 201. House Square, citizens to be kept Phelps, Richard, letter iv., 300. from them, 389. Colonel Dunbar's Philadelphia, petition from owners and Sir Peter Halket's regiments of meadows, respecting road to expected, Governor asks Mayor to Gloucester, i., 437. Council with provide quarters for them, 395. Delawares at, 539. Meeting of Demand of Governor on Sheriff commissioners of Maryland and for carriages, 432. RepresentaPennsylvania, 623. Report on tion of citizens to General Assemfortifications, 633, 650. And pe- bly demanding means of defence, tition of merchants, 636. Powder 485. Address of Quakers to Ashouse, petition against, 675. Pro- sembly, 487. Fisher's map of clamation of W. P. against cutting Delaware Bay, 592, 593. Election timber in, 97. Proceedings of for lieutenant of company of Dock Provincial Court at, on quit rents, ward, John Nixon chosen in place 98. Governor Blackwell arrives of Thomas Willing, resigned, 600. at, 106. Searcher of customs, Legality of, doubted, 600. Officers 117. Merchants complain against chosen by regiment of the county, duties on tobacco, 149. Memorial 607. New Castle's daughter INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 589 Philadelphia- Philadelphiabrought to, 685. Merchants of, Wardens, 265-269, 271. Of Merpetition for removal of embargo, chants, 270. Report on trial of pri709. Address of Unitas Fratrum soners at, 298, 299, 302, 304, 307. to Governor Denny, 760. Of min- Troops under Lieutenant Colonel isters, &c., of Christ Church, 763. Wilkins, to march from, to Fort Of regiment of county, 760, and Pitt, 300. Life of searcher at, reply, 763. threatened, 310. Petition of Associated military company, iii., Northern Liberties to have streets 19. Guns and stores belonging to regulated, 313. Troops to defort at, 26. Estimate of cost of part for Ireland, 344. Complaint garrison at Wiccacoa, 27. Do. of against merchants of, 361, 373, vessels of war at, 27. Letter, 380. Resolutions of Inhabitants William Allen to Sheriff to arrest of, expressed "in very strong Dr. Matthews, 64. Potash made and unbecoming terms," 380. at, 53. Small-pox prevails among Council with Indians at, 437. soldiers, 82. Return of beds for Petition for road through Widow soldiers in, 85. Demands of Col. Masters' land, 443. Rob't Bayard, Bouquet of Mayor, for quarters Collector of Customs at, 449. John for soldiers, 85, 111. Soldiers Knight appointed Coroner, vice ordered by General Shirley to, Caleb Cash, deceased, 461. Troops and instructions to L. Morris, Jr., to be stationed in, 465. British to provide vessels for them, 90. insulted by, in the case of the French in, suffering for wood, 92, Polly, (Tea Ship,) 480. Tea Ship 282. Quarters for troops in, 110. at, 480. Congress, general, at, City watch, 113. French neutrals, objected to by Great Britain, 576, 92, 114. May form a company, 589. Latitude and longitude, 592. 126. Provisions of bodies scru- Plan of Lewis Nicola, for defence pulous to bear arms, 126. Number of the Delaware, 635. Expense of Roman Catholics in, 144. Lient, of converting old jail into barCol. Bouquet in, 146. Barracks, racks, 715. Prisoners from North 282. Indian conference at, 456, Carolina, 734. Heavy cannon 469. Memorial of, 28. Quakers asked from Congress, 735. State respecting, 469. Presents to of the Barracks, v., 7, 71, 75. Indians, 467. Ordinance and Troops in city, 17. Plan for prostores at, 492, 497. Return of tection of, 1,7, 38. Petition of officers quartered at, 559. Judges Cumberland county, New Jersey, of Courts, iv., 42. Thomas for ammunition, 30. Prisoners Coombe, health officer, to exam'e sent from New York, 40. Attack sickly vessels, 59. Petition for expected, 72. Minutes of Meeting a pardon, 102. Proceedings re- at Indian Queen respecting tories, specting a Spanish vessel in 73. Names of suspected persons, distress, 105. Mayor of, commis- 74. Town Meeting at State house, sioned to impress wagons, 108, 77. Barracks, 78, 184. Sick sent 117. Indians under protection of, from Brunswick to, 79. General threatened by rioters-attempts Howe's army expected, families to send them through New York, to prepare for removal, 81. Resoopposed, 167. Letter from Indians lutions of Council of Safety, 82. in barracks to Gov., 170. Goods No person to pass Delaware river from, to Fort Pitt, destroyed, 215, without a pass, 82. Resolutions 229, 230, 241. Stamps arrive at, of "Real Whigs," all persons to letters respecting, and other pro- arm for defence, 83. Guards and ceedings, 241. Lutheran Church, officers appointed, and districts laid (Zion,) in want of funds, asks off, 90, 92. Troops, German-terms, for a brief, 253. Searcher of 93. Orders of L. Nicola, Town Customs appointed, 253, 305. Major, 96, 201. British soldiers Memorial-of pilots, 263. Of escorted to Newtown, 96. State 590 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Philadelphia- Philadelphiaprisoners to be removed, 99. Yes- 581. Removal of Congress, 132. sels of war in the Delaware, 42, Hessian prisoners sent to, from 47, 52, 61, 70, 99, 100, 108, 153. Trenton, 141, 190; 206. Complaint Letters, Dr. Jno. Connolly, from against guards extorting money, prison, 101, 130. Money and 148. More wagons not required, papers sent, for safety, to Lan- prospects better, 150. Prisoners caster, 102. Shops, closing and sent from Lewes, 152. Protest of opening, 115. Orders of Town James Tilghlman, on behalf of proMajor, 96, 121, 122-124, 131, prietaries against cutting woods 184, 201, 219-228. Major Stockton from Commons, 156, 174. Assoand prisoners taken at Lawrence's ciators, bravery of, 159. Lolrd Island sent to, under Major Bogg's Sterling sends prisoners to, 170. 232. Prisoners sent to, 232, 235, Rich'd Penn's house suitable for a 247, 300. Hessian prisoners sent store for furniture, 178. Number to, 244. General Gates in, 197, of militia in, 178, and sick, 178. 247. Condition of old jail, 266. Cannon in State house yard, 180. Enemy expected, 268, 305. Pro- Arms sent to be repaired in, 184. thonotary Campbellinquires about Standing orders for the garrison oath, 269. F. Phyle, naval officer, in, 184. Important services 298. Remonstrance of Council and rendered by militia of, 186. Assembly on withdrawal of troops Maryland troops arrive in, 196. from, 307. Embargo proposed, Address of College, &c., of, on 314, 319. Attempt to bribe Dela- interruptions by soldiers, 198. ware pilots through J. Molesworth, Houses where troops are, to be his trial and execution, &c., 270- daily visited, 201, 215. Report 282, 335. Contract for manufac- on buildings at air furnace, 206. ture of woolens in, by S. Wetherill, Exorbitant prices at, 209. Funeral 342, 355. George Henry declines of Gen. Mercer, 222. Col. Haslett as Lieut., and William Henry ap- and Capt. Morris, 223. Wagons, pointed, 355. Ephraim Bonham 490. Foundry in Southwark, 583. Sub-Lieutenant, 356. Also Win. Enemy expected, 592. ContiSimple, 356. Enemy expected at, nental soldiers not to be enter358, 457, 469, 471, 472. Report taimed in, 619. Valuable public on works on Delaware, by Du papers removed from to Easton, Coudray, 359. Wagons required, 623. Blankets, shoes, &c., to be 364. Gen. Arnold appointed to impressed, 623, 626. Provisions, command of militia, 366. Maga- &c., to be removed, 627, 630. zine required, 382. General Military Court martial on priorders, 384-396, 547. Old Loga- soners, 631. Enemy leave Philanian Library to be cleared for delphia, 692. Records removed soldiers, 399. Celebration of July to Lancaster, 749. 4th, illumination, &c., 411. Mea- On recapture of, vi., 31, 120, 154, sures for preserving order for, 12. 183, 273. L. Nicola asks for raWood for officers' use,417. Persons tions, while enemy was in, 174. to take account of flour, &c., ill, Committee of Congress on recap477. Time of militia expiring, ture, 183, 218. Troops offered by 485. Gen. HIowe approaching, different States, 183. Congress via. Chesapeake, 543. Tories to approves of attempt at regaining, be arrested, houses searched, 551. 184. Inquiry respecting officers Warrants to Lieutenants to search with prisoners for, 216. Horse for arms, 563. Representation of thieves from, 221, 225, 226. InChrist Church, and St. Peter's, in solence of Tories, 291. J. Simons behalf of Rev. Thomas Coombe, asks permission to enter, 299. then a prisoner of war, 600. Pro- Counterfeiter to be arrested, 359. ceedings against, 556, Bakers to Insults of enemy, 361. Prospect have furloughs, 570. Wagons, of evacuation of, 366, 557, 579, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 591 Philadelphia- Philadelphia580. Nightly watch, 369. Stalls. 197, 231, 247, 315, 409, 424. Mrs. in the market, 369. Right of cor- Allen asks pay for lead taken from poration to rent ferries and land- her house in, 452. Tobacco trade ings, 369. Bridge at Schuylkill, in, dulness complained of, 452. 370. Supply of marketing to the Letters, committee of city to dealcity by Tories, 384, 412, 414, 521. ers in flour and importers, 461. Whipped, 521. Measures to pre- Two large guns in river, 495, vent disorders in, after evacua- Recruiting in, by Col. Nicola, usetion, 557, 558, 579. British ship- less, 501. Death, and residence ping drop down, 568. General of Judge Ross, 554. Hudson Arnold to command in, 568. De- square or orchard, 554. Ferries, fence, evacuation by British army, 627. Plan adopted by Town 604, 630. Proclamation of Genl. mneeting for improving currency, Arnold in, 606. Council remove 621, 643. Bells to ring, and fireto, 608. Tory property, &c. in, works on birth-day of King of 628, 659, 663. Committee' of France, 748. Power of Wardens Congress to inquire into property over nuisances in the markets, in, 659. Bridge over Schuylkill, 658. Guards for prisoners, &c., 685, 768. Demolishing of mili- at, 676, 677, 689. Salt at, 677. tary works, 687. Report of Com- Clerk of market, 708. Militia mittee of Congress on property in from forts on Delaware ordered Philadelphia, 703. Salt seized of up to, 719, 720. Riot at J. WilJ. and A. Wilson, 703, 754. Con- son's, 732, 735. Flour distributinental troops going to, Gen. W. ted by Assembly to poor houseasks for militia, 108. Recruiting keepers, 740. Embargo, 78, 197, in, 722. Chains to be set across 231, 247, 315, 409, 424, 588, 639, Chestnut street and State House 745. square, 741. Dinner by French minister to Gen Armstrong called to com- Pres. and Council, viii., 45. Barmand in, vii., 18. Militia, 98. racks in used by U. S. out of Salt seized in, 122. Fire Coln- repair, 61. Troops expected for panies in, revival of, recommended quarters, 65. Letter of Comm'rs by Supreme Executive Council, to Council on concealing property 134, 201. State House can't be from taxation, 80, 81. Commisused by Congress owing to elec- sioler's letter on taxes, 80. Wartion, 140. Powder magazine, 141. dens to remove watch from Court Danger from gunpowder, 146. House to guard prison, 117. Capt. McPherson on defence of, Schuylkill Bridge secured, repairs 180. Arnold's command in, 181. to, 144, 186. Andrew Doz apWagons not to stop before State pointed Comm'r of purchases in, House, 189. L. Nicola on defence 154, 164. Barracks, 61, 161. of, 190. Conference between As- Library Co. ask to bring books sembly and Council on, 191. War- from New York, 183. City Batrants to Sheriff, 149, 192. Bridge talions, 309. Patrols of Light over Schuylkill, terms of Army, horse, 310. Forage yard in, 311. 196. Propose buying a vessel, Sheriff's office, 321. Embargo, 199. Indians arrive in, 292. 330. Quantity of Salt on hand, Memorial of first Artillery Coin- 85. Prize brought into, 262. pany of, 392. Old library room President to Merchants on Emin State House- key asked for to bargo, 266. Washington, &c., accommodate Indians, 362. Re- commends patriotic spirit of the fused, 364. Drs. Rush and Hutch- Ladies, 361, 384. Taxes, 381. inson to inspect sickly ves'ls, 408. City Light horse to march, 470. Petition respecting currency, 416. Amount raised by Ladies of-letDo, respecting Court of Appeals- ter Pres. Reed to Gen. Washingprivateers, 422. Embargo, 78, ton, 471. Mrs. Washington on 592 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Philadelphia- Philadelphiaher way to City, 471. Of N. seizure of sugars, 534. Guard Rowan as Vendue Master, 573. asked for prisoners in new jail, Sketch of duty of a police officer 549. Debts of theatre, proposal in, 582. Frauds at grate of the to pay off by a lecture on heads, gaol, 691. Merchants of, reject 573. Prisoners taken in Clarke's application of Pres. for aid, 704. expedition in distress in, 574. Quarters for Soldiers in, 718, 719. Isaac Snowden, treasurer, 587. Prisoners in Gaol, 723. Sick Merchants addressed by Council prisoners in House of Employ- respecting French seamen, 731. ment, 725. Board of War apply Memorial of Overseers of Poor of for use of west wing of State N. L., respecting taxes, 739. List House, 727. of City lots purchased, 748, 749. Estimate of taking down St. house Flag on Market street hill, x., 39. steeple, ix., 46, 283. Resolution Taxes in, 51. Congress ready to of Assembly to pull down, 52. T. deliver up new prison at, 53. Nevill on, 76. Wardens on sale Street Commissioners, letters to of lots, 101. Prisoners and stores and from, 55. Troops expected in danger, 103. Account of sales from S. C., sick, 55. Mutiny of of forfeited estates, 105, 126. troops, 63. Combination formed Taxes, 116, 139. Removal of in, 65. Proposals to appropriate fence from lot, now Girard square, site of old jail for exchange-obby Wardens, 150. Rent of house jections by City Commissioners, in Market street demanded of Don 104. Jailor at, petitions postponeJuan Miralles, 196. Plan of L. ment of execution of sentence, on Nicola for dispensing with militia account of weather, 119. Conferas guards, 198. Duties received ence with merchants on internal in, 206. Light Horse company, commerce, 128. Removal of seat petition, 230. Prisoners for crim- of government of U. S.-proceedinal offences in jail of, 249. L. ings in Congress respecting, 136. Nicola leaves, names Capt. Mc- Memorialagainst theatres in, 141. Connell in his place, 254. Capt. Removal of chevaux-de-frises from Cooper inspector of barracks, 255, river, 93, 144-146, 349, 350, 565. 424. Quarters sought for citizens Resolution of Assembly-preparof South Carolina and Georgia in, ations for rejoicing for peace, 149, 274, 281, 300, 309, 323, 324. 428. Congratulatory letter or adCounterfeit half-pence discovered, dress to Gen. Washington, on his 279. One hundred city lots to be safety and return, 150. His anlaid off for sale, 299, 305, 422. swer, 151. Government mansion, Barracks, 255, 326, 424. Taxes, 166. Condition of hospital on City lots, 329. Lead spouts taken State Island, 179. Auctioneers in war to be valued, 366. Reasons elected by Assembly for, 206. for deferring illumination, 390. Memorial of merchants, 206. Four Removal of Records, 413. Light men burned by fire-works, 218. Horse to be ready, 415. Prisoners Returns of troop of light horse, from York, 426. Flag-staff on 218. Of officers of first battalion, Market street hill to be repaired, 219. Advice asked of merchants preparatory to news from Corn- respecting commercial interests, wallis, 440. News of capture of 219. Their answer, 221. Tax on Cornwallis reaches, 454. Federal billiard tables, 222, 224. Purtroops expected, barracks to be chasers of citylots, 225. Returns put in order, 455. Criminals in of fourth battalion, 235. Comjail, 469. Bank North America missioners for division and sale of chartered by Congress, 471. Taxes, barrack lots, 239, 241, 261, 268, 478. Action of Gen. Monk and 276, 737. Call on persons collectHyder Ally in the Delaware, 529, ing moneys, 260. Proposals for 530. Petition of merchants on "labelling' and numb'ng houses INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 593 Philadelphia- Philadelphiain, 269. Directories first publish- Jenkins, agents from Wyoming, ed in, 271. Chevalier de la Lu- arrive, 52. Officers of Militia, zerne leaves, 278, 282, 283. Pow- invite Governor to attend a review, der magazine full, 281. Number 57, 78. J. Franklin's report of of persons confined in jail for proceedings in, 67. Wardens felony, 286, 296-302. Account of purchase ground at Cape May for public arms, &c., required, 286. beacon, 93. R. E. Pine, paints Commissioners inquire about the portraits in Assembly room, 95. iron in old jail, &c.-law for sale, Danger to piers at Marcus Hook, &c., 307. Revolt in the jail, 327, from Spanish frigate, 99-102. 329. Repairs on executive man- Mercantile Society thank Council sion, 333. Report on repairs of for committee room, 103. Act of State House, 335, 348, 372, 420, North Carolina, appointing dele426, 442, 493, 535, 542, 547, 563. gates to convention, 117. Do., Grand jury present the want of New Hampshire, 123. The "Evenroom in magazine for powder, ing Chronicle" established, 126. 347. Charles Hellstedt, Swedish Matthew Irwin, Recorder, appointConsul, appointed, 362. Disposal ed Justice of Common Pleas, 136. of old prison work house, 407. Power of recorders to acknowledge Allowance to prisoners, 407. Trees deeds, 136. Phineas Bond, British planted in State House yard, 420. Consul, 145. Larger powder magaFrench Consul-General leaves for zine required, 202. Militia artilNew York with Congress, 432. lery stores in, 257. Opinion of Militia officers, 442. J. H. C. C. J. McKean on powder magaHeinecken. Consul at, from United zine, 276, 283, 546. Returns of Netherlands, 446. Piers contracted officers elected Lunder militia laws, for, 457, 713.` Chinese, &c.,land, 302, 378, 561. Wardens intersick and in want, 527. State fered with by British Consul, 375, House clock and G. Owen (1784), 381. Opinion of Judges on, 383. 563. Wardens want money to Resolution of Assembly to purproceed with improvements in chase a powder magazine, 393, river (1784), 571. Removal of 546. Contested election of a buoys by ill-disposed persons, Sheriff, James Ash elected, 410. 580. Beacon placed on Cross Returns of invalid guards, 418. Ledge (1784), 586. Chevaux-de- Jona. B. Smith resigns as Profrise, 589. Aaron Doane in jail thonotary, 423. Lawyers recomat, 598. Memorial of merchants mend James Biddle for Prothonoand traders respecting Barbary tary, 426. Attack on Mons. Marpowers, 705. Matthew Irwin elect- bois by Longschamps, 461-49.5. ed Recorder of Deeds, 707. Peti- Barrack lots, sale of, 506, 589, tion for a road near Master's lands, 590. Commercial convention pro718. Invitation of Jewish con- posed at, 523. L. Nicola, on gregation to Supreme Executive condition of the prison, 536. ExCouncil to attend consecration of pense of watching public buildsynagogue in Cherry street (1782), ings, 543, 575. Repairs of State 731. Sieur de la Forest, vice- House, 558. Febiger resigns as consul of France, 735. Comp- auctioneer, 563. Register Gentroller asks for a guard at State eral opens office in State House, House, 750. Act to ascertain num- 569, 570. Burial ground for ber of taxables in Philadelphia, strangers, 570, 571. Memorial 750. Major Fullerton asks for of Controller on citv lots, 571, powder for third battalion, 759. 58S, 590. Of Receiver General, City lots which have reverted to do., 572. James Read, flour the State, 762. inspector, 573. Tonnage duties, Memorial of light infantry to, offer 594. Tavern licenses, 604. Error of service, xi., 36. Franklin and in warrants of German Lutheran 38 594 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Philadelphia- killed by Indians in Bedford co., Congregation, 607. Regulation viii., 488. of water courses in Southwark, Philips, General, reported junction 611. Commissioners to examine with Lord Cornwallis in Virginia, Delaware river, 622. Prisoners ix., 173. in work-house, 648. Trees for Phips, Lieutenant-Governor P., asks State House yard, 674. Inspector to load provisions at Philadelphia, of pot and pearl ash, 679. John ii., 412. Letter, 732. Chaloner appointed auctioneer, Phipps, Paul, letter from President 680. Powder magazine, 682. Dickinson to, on his polite attenMemorial on mustard, 685. Of tions, x., 360. William Semple, sub-lieutenant, Phyle, Doctor Frederick, naval offi687. Solitary cells in jail to be cer at Philadelphia, v., 298; vii., erected, 706. Creek Indian chiefs 185. On merchandise in French visit, 707, 711. Daily Advertiser vessels, viii., 547. Naval officer, established by B. F. Bache, 713. x., 240. District Court, United States, to Physic, Edmund, order on, iv., 418. sit in Philadelphia, 723. Corn- Demand for the public books, planter and Stiff-Knee arrive, respecting proprietary estates, 733. Committee room in State viii., 113. House, 739. Indians are going Pickering, Timothy, vi., 173, 237, home, 740. Citylots, 742. Uni- 546. On ill usage on board a versity corner-stone laid, 742. public vessel, vii., 656. Appoints French emigrants to Scioto, 748. Colonel Samuel Miles deputy Presideht's arrival to be celebra- quarter-master, viii., 499, 503; ted, 763. ix., 262, 281, 389, 577. AppointResignation of F. Gurney as warden, ed Register, &c., in Luzerne, xi., xii., 2. Accommodations for 84. Letters to and from, 133, President U. S., 37. Warden's 135, 159, 176, 177, 179, 180, 205, report on Delaware river, 287. 208, 256, 281, 295, 296, 312, 346, On piers, 294. On improving 353, 359, 363, 365, 399, 424, 541. Delaware, 294. Wardens pur- Capture of, 326. Proclamation, chase lot at Cape May for a beacon, 329. Certificates, &c., respecting, 294. Proposals forrepair of State 551-555. On roads, 133, 135. House, 295. Complaints on loss To be advised with respecting of arms, 295. Wardens ask for a Franklin, 189. Militia officers burying ground for strangers, and justices at Wyoming, 312. 304. Paper money-oil for light- Proclamation, to arrest persons, houses, 306. On state of the 329. Letters to Governors New river, 307, 308, 314. As respects York and New Jersey, respecting, lighthouse, buoys, piers, winter 338. Depositions respecting, 345, harbors, &c., 308-314. Powder 358, 371. Restored to liberty, magazines full, a history of, 317. captors, 346, 353, 363, 399, 552. Fort Wiccacoa, or Association Views respecting old settlers, &c., battery at, 437. Potter's field, 353. Applies as Surveyor-Genor Washington square, 468. eral, 630. Indian murders, xii., Philadelphia Library Company, ask 8. Letters to and from, 106, 113, to bring books from New York, 128, 133, 149, 158, 179, 183, 190, viii., 183. 237, 241, 244, 248, 255, 258, 263. Philadelphia Company for promoting Pierce, John, certificates, x., 536, manufactures, &c., propose a road, 538. xi., 428. Piers at Marcus Hook; x., 407, 471, Philadelphia County Commissioners 713; xii., 2. to erect cells, xi., 706. Pierry, James, letter, ix., 52, 55. Philadelphia County Light Horse Pilots asked for by South Carolina, Company, petition, ix., 230. iii., 399. Of Delaware river, mePhilips, Captain, and eleven men morial, iv., 265; memorial of War INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 595 dens, 265, 271. Of H. Fisher, 664. 477, 498; sale at, 483; Turnbull, Regulations for, 680, 686. Re- Marmie & Co., claim the land, stricted, 731, 743; v., 28, 47, 270- 497; xii., 161, 167, 182, 431-437. 283, expense of Chevaux de frise, Pitt, William, Secretary of State 426, 501. Attempt of Moles- iii.,94, 96, 106, 321, 518; notices of worth to bribe, 270-282, 315. King George's intention to marry Pinckney, Gov. Tho., of S. C., applied Princess Charlotte, iv. 58. to for public papers, as evidence, Pittsburgh,-Journal of F. Post to, xi., 545. iii., 560. Return of provisions at, Pine Creek, murders by Indians, vi., 579. No. of garrison at, 580. Con552. Alias Tiadaughton, x., 357. ferences at, 560, 571, 674, 744. Indian murders on, xi., 709, 710, Fort at, 685, 693. Fort Pitt, 696. 714. Indian murders on xii., 318. Military post near, iv., 39, 45, 210, Pine, R. E., paints portraits of Re- 484. To Lancaster, journey to, volutionary heroes, xi., 95. 210. County town of WestmorePintard, Lewis, letter, xi., 196. land, 449, 471. Petition against Pipe, Col., (Indian chief,) x., 83, 84. Connolly, 526. Troops marching Pipe, Capt., xii., 197, 203. from Virginia to, 530. Minutes of Piper, John, Col., letter, v., 149, 436, Indian conference at, 531. Thoughts vi., 34, 36, 115, 138, 141,'194, 229, of abandoning, 550. Gen. Hand 469, 505; vii., 578; viii., 235, 278, recalled from, vi., 461. Fort at, 297, 302, 319, 349, 488, 530. At- threatened, 507. Provisions for, tacks of Indians near his house; ix., 532. Col. Brodhead's regiment 152, 554. marches for, 700. An agent from Pirates, orders, &c., respecting, i., Virginia at, vii:, 79. Troops, 341. 97, 99, 101, 102, 207. Letter, Delaware Indians at, viii., 22. Privy Council on, 269, 306. Troops thrown into private dwellPiratical Goods, orders respecting, i., ings at, by Col. Brodhead, 22, 119, 307. 120. Fort Pitt, a serious concern, Pitcairn, Capt. P., prisoner at Read- 440. Garrison in distress, 554. elecing, asks to remain there, vii., 374. tion at, x., 211. State of, for want Pitch and Tar, manufacture of, iv., of acting civil magistrates, 289. 410. Printing office proposed, 421. Gen. Pitt, Fort, iv., 210, 298, 300, 307, Gage orders works to be demolish337, 395, 483, 511. Conference ed, 429. Ruins, 462. Ejectment with Indians at, 298. Troops to against Capt. Lucket, 466. To be march from Philadelphia for, 300. taken possession of for the State, Letter, &c., Colonel Wilkins, 395. as soon as relinquished by the U. Gen. Gage in, 456. Latitude and S., 498. Road to, 533. Road to, longitude, 592. Called Dunmore, proposed, xi., 70. Severe cold at, 521, 524; ix., 17, 37. A tory 244. Lands opposite described, paper found in a powder horn 244. Timber on, 500, 501. Road near, 39. Washington's letter re- from Bedford to, 560, 643; xii., specting, 81. Has never wanted 150. Boat-builders employed, 112. flour, 143. Gen. Irvine ordered Want of provisions, 112. Colonel to, 419. 433. Boundary line, Rawlins's detachment arrives at, taxes, &c., 575; x., 53, 83, 95, under Capt. Beal, 120. Fort en115, 167, (1783,) 337, 345; in- croached on, 133, 190. Letter of structions relative to lands oppo- committee on Indians, 300. Capt. site to, 115; timber on-agree- Armstrong commands, 320. Forts ment Gen. Irvine and Boggs, 140, at, 365-359, 427-431. 141, 699; Col. Bayard commands Pittstown, N. J., powder sent to, vi., at, (1783) 167; ruins of garrison 421. Arms at, 435, 439. at, 421, 462, 464; depositions re- Plays, Games, and Sports, reasons specting-bill of sale, 463; eject- for repealing Act against, i., 155, ment against Capt. Lucket, 466; 159. Memorialagainst, iii., 657. to be given up to certain persons, Pleasants, Samuel, vi., 524. Re 596 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. monstrance (1777) on treatment, Potter, David, asks for Salt for x., 158. See Vol. VI., p. 509. Bridgetown, New Jersey, v., 86. Piuckamin, Gen. Washington at, v., Letters, 86, 218, 305, 433, 436, 168, 171. 440, 460, 511, 551, 570, 571, 584, Pluggy's town, Indians attack Virgi- 718, 719, 735, 752, 755, 768. nia, v., 258, 260. Potter, Gen. James, letters, vi., 51, Polson, Capt. William, letters to and 70, 83, 89, 97, 98, 150, 166, 169, from, ii., 246, 247, 248. On re- 231, 516, 517, 521, 603, 605, 729. cruiting service, 247, 248. His operations west of Schuylkill, Pomfret Castle, (see Forts, ii.) 98. Skirmish at Blue Bell, 32. Pomroy, Col., house attacked by In- Near Barren Hill Church, 70. 98. dians, ix., 51. Wishes to retire, 123. Near DirPoor, overseers of N. Liberties, me- by, 141.'Asks leave of absence, morial ix., 739. 167. Relieved by Gen. Lacey, 168. Pooteatomies, xii., 131, 147. Clamor against, 231. Skirmishes Popple, Alured, Letters from, i., 245, near Germantown, 70. Respect288. ing, 662, 681, 684; vii., 342, 418. Population of State in 1775, iv., 597. Recommended, 448, 473; viii., Port au Prince, earthquake at, peti- 484, 561, 567, 689, 699, 710. tion for aid, iv, 370. State of frontiers.-Indian murPorter, Capt. Andrew, vi., 574; viii., ders, ix., 70. Soldiers, 128. Re57; ix., 257. Major Andrew, ix., cruits, 184. Elected Vice Presi632. Col., letter respecting his dent, 447. Expedition declined, rank, x., 49. Andrew, commis- 640. Arms for Wyoming, x, 47. sioner on W. boundary, x., 444, Letter to President Reed, (1779. 455, 760. Asks advice respecting See Vol. VII.,) militia, Indians, wagons, &c., 372. On boundary, &c., 159. Death'of, xi., 660. xi., 26, 69, 156, 1.78, 215, 241. Potter, James, appointed Surveyor, Commis'er, 502. N. line complete xi., 661, 663. 214. Describes Erie lands, 242. Potts, Jonathan, v., 3-50. Porter, Capt. Stephefi, appointed com- Potts, Samuel, vi., 595. missary to commissioners on boun- Potts, Dr. John, letter to on clothing, dary with Virginia, x., 438. Asks viii., 96. pay to be raised, 737. Potts Grove, flour to, be deposited at, Post, Fred., Journal with C. Thom- vi., 177. son, iii., 412. Journal, 412, 422, Powder, agreement for, by Congress 520, 524, 560-565. Character of, Committee, iv., 696. Offer of, by 578. Letters, 581, 698, 700, 702, Berks county, 679. Scarcity of, 706, 709. Instructions, 621. Re- viii., 434, 442. For celebrating lation of conversation with Indians, President's arrival, xi., 763.742. Journal, iv.,92-98. Passport, Required for thirty-nine dis277. charges, xii., 9. Magazines at Postage, franking privilege, xi., 142. Philadelphia, 317. Magazine, plan Post Office, A. Spotswood, letter on, of a, by Lewis Nicola, iv., 715; i., 264. Answer, 265. Facilities vii., 141. Waste of, 398, 404. Phirecommended by Dunk Halifax, ladelphia presented by Grand Jury iv., 202. as not capable of containing all the Postlethwaite, Capt. Samuel, letters, powder, x, 347. Too small for Indian murders, ix., 192. all the powder, xi., 202. Advice Pot and pearl ash Inspector, xi., asked of C. J. McKean, 276. Opi679. nion, 283. Described, 546. PowPotash works at Philadelphia, iii., der magazine at Philadelphia, to 53. be purchased, 393, 682. Potomac Fall as seat of government Powder-mills, erected, iv., 745. of United States, x., 138. Committee for erecting, 709. LoPotters' Field, Philadelphia, patent, cation of several, 709. Report &c, xii., 304, 468. on, 765. R. Morris asks for, 768. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 597 Explosion of State, letter P. De 511, 513, 534, 604, 609. Relief Haven, v., 255. Testimony re- of, 442, 585, 600, 620, 632, 647. specting, 256, 257, 261. Maga- In Masonic Lodge, 582, 584, 586, zine at Lancaster, 295. Merchants 593, 604, 607, 609. Of war-in apply for, 319. Hemberg's vi., Reading, 21. Pay of officers, 31. In 139, 540. Discovered, 544. Pro- Bristol, 61. Care of, 65. At perty on French Creek desired, Carlisle, 77. At Philadelphia, to vii., 315. be removed, 99. From Com. HaPowell, Jeremiah, President of Mas- zelwood, 169. Sent to Philadelsachusetts, prisoner carried into, phia, 232; vi., 105, 127, 216, 261, viii., 254. 263, 410, 427, 519, 680, 709. ExPowell, Col. Leven, letter from Ken- change of, proposed by Gen. Howe, tucky, viii., 766. 300, 318. From Philadelphia in. Powel, Samuel, (Prest. of Philadel- Virginia, 74, 75, 102, 104, 106, phia Agricultural Society,) infor- 111, 158, 210, 365, 367, 401, 402, mation requested on Hessian fly, 404, 453, 509, 510, 524. Memoxi., 527, 384, 385. rial to Congress, 111, 158. RePownall, Sir John, letters, ii., 377, monstrance, 509. Petition, 511, 467, 527, 778. Exchange not exempt from miliPownall, Secretary, John, letters, iii., tary duty, vii., 496. Who have 97, 759; iv., 309, 368, 465, 535, broken parole, 626. Expected, 616, 617, 620, 629. 731; viii., 5, 43, 93, 157, 163, Pownall, T., Governor of Massachu- 180, 188, 191, 343, 368, 555, 723, setts,-Account of great fire in 725, 726, 745, 753. Of war at N. Boston, solicits aid, iii., 714. York, distress of, 619, 620, 660, Granted by Assembly, 715. 663. Provisions, 620. Regulations Prather, Henry, Deposition, iv., 237. respecting supplies, 626. The ConPrayers, for the Royal family, to be vention, to be removed from Maryaltered, i., 225, 624. land and Virginia, to Yorktown Presbyterian, Synod, Address to Gov. and Lancaster, 753. Convention, Thomas, i., 743. Second Church, letters to Assembly on, ix., 5, 6, 7, do., 744. 24, 37, 38, 158, 203, 341, 357, President and Council have power to 515. Plot discovered at Lancaster, discharge soldiers, viii., 110. 156. In Clarke's expedition, mePresident and V. President, election morial, 574. Confined for criminal of, xi., 635. offences in Philadelphia jail, 249. Presqu'isle, fort at, iii., 13, 563. In prison ships at New York, 667. xii, 443. Ships, British, at New York. SufPrice, G., letter, iii., 488. fering on board, ix., 656. At N. Price, Lt., Samuel, letter, iii., 429. York, number of prisoners, 667. Prince, birth of a, iv., 414. Letter of Council to prisoners, 668. Princess, Louisa, death of, iv., 300. Described, 757, 763. War, ix., 561, Princess, a, born, iv., 311. In prison ships at New York, numPrinceton, Enemy advancing to, v., ber, 667. Letter of Councilto, 668. 148, 157, 158. Washington has, Provisions for, 669, 674. At New 159. Battle at, 159, 163, 168, 171, York, supplies for (1782,) xi., 495. 215. In workhouse, Philadelphia, 648. Prison, (new,) at Philadelphia, x., Letter, Gen. Washington respect52. ing, (1782,) 496. Prisoners, delivered up by Indians, Privateers, Spanish, on Delaware, i., iv., 100. At Philadelphia, on trial 759, 763, 765, 766. King's orders of, opinions, iv., 298, 299. Taken respecting, iii., 91, 162. Commisat St. John's, and Chamble, sent sioned, v., 569. Commissions to interior, 688: v., 77, 99, 168, granted by Congress for, vi., 327, 170, 232, 233, 234, 241, 243, 244, 378, 670, 705, 726, 727. Commis249, 267, 294, 296, 306, 317, 320, sions for, vii., 127, 224, 536. Com329, 371, 383, 442, 469, 471, 502, missions for, viii., 603. 598 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Prize money, Commissioners, for dis- Proctor's Col., regiment, xii., 223. tributing, appointed, i., 654, 655. Proctor, Col. John, v., 202; vi, 445, And prize money, viii., 262. Act for 458, 506, 659, 722; viii., 193, 217, capture and condem'ion of, ix., 43. 253, 284, 710. Proceedings of a General Court Mar- Proctor, Captain Thomas, to return tial, ix., 361. bedding, &c., from Province Island, Proclamation, William Penn against iv., 728, 729. On the Barracks, Thomas Matthews, i., 68. Against 729. Has proved cannon,&c., 790. cutting timber in Philadelphia, 97. Return of stores, 754. Of Gov. Keith to continue the Go- Proctor, Major Thomas, letters to vernment, 169. Of do. reward for and from, v., 11, 33, 45, 50, 52, a murderer, 170. Of Gov., Gordon, 97, 118, 130, 134, 141, 189, 192, 189. Of King George II, 200, 220, 207, 234, 236, 249, 451, 455. Or204. Of Gov. Thomas against set- ders prisoners to jail, and arrest tling on lands in Lancaster county, of Mrs. White, 97. Appointed a Re629. Of Gov. Gordon, 189. Of giment of Artillery, 234. On joinGov. Morris for a fast, ii., 649. Of ing the Continental service, 189. Gov. Dinwiddie, of Virginia, re- Proctor, Col. Thomas, vi., 676, 712, specting Indians, iii., 155. Against 732. Letters, vii., 121, 123, 135, selling rum to, 237, 519. And sub- 146, 261, 270, 290, 298, 405, 423, mission of inhabitants to George 440, 476, 485. Objects to uniform, III., iv., 38. Gov. Hamilton for 292, 293. Companies, 339, 340, murderers, 65. Gov. Fauquier, 387, 397. Letters, viii., 43, 57, 255.. For preserving fish in Dela- 76, 193. Claims Hog Island, 730, ware river, &c., 347. Against 734, 760. Threats, complaints murderer of Isaac Meyer, 376. Of against, ix., 11, 17, 120. ResignaGov. Franklin, New Jersey, against tion, 142, 511. a smuggler, 381, 445. Gov. Penn, Proctor, Thomas, Sheriff, instructions against Dunmore's 580. Fleming to, respecting H. Carberry, x., 323, Elliott, 665. Of Gen. Washington, Revolt in jail, 327. Purchase of v, 700. On threshing out grain, land, 420. vi., 116. For pardon to tories re- Proctor, Gen. Thomas, proposes celecommended, 434. Of Gen. Arnold bration of President Washington's after the evacuation, 606. For birth day, xi., 664. Indian murpardon of prisoners under Test ders, 719. Respecting Indians, laws, vii., 130. Of Congress for a 740, 741. Fast day, 257, 261, 321. For ap- Proctor's Col., regiment, xii., 223. prehending deserters, 448. By Proposals for raising an army at Congress for Thanksgiving, 757. westward, iv., 654. Respecting Virginia boundary, Proprietaries, notice respecting land viii., 63. Of Congress for a Fast, lottery, i., 455. To trustees, let130. For apprehending J. & R. ter from, 236. Appointments, AnSmith, murderers of Mr. Boyd, drew Hamilton's opinion on, 129. 244. Respecting counterfeits in Land at Easton, iii., 84. Letters of Philadelphia, ix., 279. Of Con- government, 107, 157, 193, 576, gress for a Thanksgiving, 650. 668. Power to Gov. Hamilton to Respecting the money and credit, sell, 685. Lands in Reading, ix., 131. For Thanksgiving by Congress, 231, 237. victory over Cornwallis, 443. Re- Prothonotaries must reside within specting decree at Trenton, 732. their counties, vii., 638. County, Congress for Thanksgiving for viii., 58. Of Washington county, peace, x., 134. Of Governor of letter from Governor of Virginia, Connecticut, on Wyoming lands, x., 78. Circulars to, 268, 439, 146. Of Massachusetts for arrest 749; xi., 591. Of Supreme Court, of Daniel Shays, &c., xi., 119. On 765. arrest of Col. Pickering, 329. For Providence Ship, letter W. P. to Indian murders, sii., 318. owners, on seizure, i., 136. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 599 Province Island, first house on for 432, 488, 439, 441, 458, 471, 475, sick, iv., 59. And Mr. Holker, 477, 479, 480, 485, 494, 505, 515, ix., 298. Lots, 384, 385. Uni- 522, 525, 526, 539, 548, 556, 558, versity, &c., 385. Hospital, keeper 560, 565. Quota of supplies deappointed, x., 75. Purchasers of manded of all States, 472, 572, lots, 225. 601, 603, 611, 629, 635, 652, 653, Provincial forces refuse to do duty 661, 697, 719, 720, 739. Rendezfor want of pay, iii., 98. Number vous for, 720. Estimate of, necesin pay, 99. Proposed dre'ss of, sary at different posts, 681; ix., 101. Commissioners' letter, iv., 15, 16, 17, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 66, 142. 71, 73, 81, 83, 84, 99, 102, 103, Provisions-Embargo on, ii., 263, 111, 124, 137, 143, 151, 161, 165, 283, 373, 375, 500. Gen. Shirley 167, 175, 186, 190, 201, 207, 250, remits to Gov. Morris for, 357. Re- 262, 265, 277, 285, 290, 303, 327, quested for Bermuda, 661. For 345, 348, 359, 381, 399, 400, 410, soldiers, bad, iii., 48, 54. Esti- 411, 417, 419, 423, 425, 459, 470, mate cost of, 62. Commissioners 529, 744; x., 105, 109, 118; xii., on, 92, 214. Ammunition at fort 112, 114, 116, 117, 121, 125, 132, Augusta, 79. At different forts, 134, 135, 136, 154, 160, 161, 164, 81. Embargo on, 97, 114, 144, 172, 173, 179, 183, 186, 208, 218, 148. High prices of, v., 667, 676, 229, 230, 231, 234, 236, 241, 247, 690, 721, 739, 742, 744, 748. Cost 253, 254, 256, 257, 259, 260, 262, of liquor, 742; vi., 34, 38, 104, 264, 266, 272, 273, 274, 277. De107, 129, 130, 135, 143, 207, 269, stroyed, 145, 200, 263. 271, 277, 281, 284, 286, 289, 294, Provost, Rev. Samuel, consecrated 296, 306, 307, 348, 377, 378, 552, Bishop, x., 434. 667. Resolutions of Assembly Provost, Gen., (British,) vii., 736. respecting, 66. Great want of, in Prudden, T., and A. Caldwell, ix., the Army, 38, 107, 263, 329, 480. Large quantity of flour, &c., or- Prussia, treaty with, xi., 5-14. dered by Congress, 177, 256. In- Rights of conscience, worship and quiries by Board of War respect- burial secured by, to United States, ing, 165. Prospects of a supply, 8. 231, 240. Commissioners for pur- Prussian merchants, certificates in chasing, 294, 329. Instructions, favor of, ix., 361. &c., 303-314. Letter of Board Public Records, report on, securing, of War to Congress on, 315. Let- xi., 545. ter of Council to Commissioners, Pulaski, General, his legion, vi., 705, 327. Memorial of Council and 719. Complaints against his corps, Assembly to Congress on the causes vii., 230, 232, 233, 353, 378. Letof delay and difficulty respecting, ter from Board of War, 233. 333-336. Purchases to be desist- Punishment, in Army, v., 119. ed from, 427, 435, 441, 449; vii., Purchasers of flour, vii., 548, 674, 85, 88, 128, 159, 181, 186, 391, 692, 718, 753, 766. Of salt, 432, 514, 555, 570, 586, 605, 670, 728, 769. Of flour to exchange for 671, 685, 692, 727, 730. Prices of, salt, viii., 3, 51. 181, 192, 245. Resolution of Con- Purdie, Col., viii., 562, 567. gress for supply of 245. Maga- Purviance, Samuel, Jr., complaint of zines for, 305; viii., 8, 48, 55, conduct of seamen on Delaware, 66, 69, 70, 74, 75, 85, 86, 90, viii., 644. 94, 97, 146, 178, 198, 240, 248, Putnam, Daniel, letter, v., 215. 251, 255, 260, 277, 285, 295, 300, Putnam, Gen. Israel, orders lumber 301, 305. Great scarcity in Army, on Delaware R., to be made into 122, 132, 260. Places of deposit, rafts, v., 86. Visits Fort Island, 170, 260, 270, 287, 313, 317, 325, 130. At Crosswicks, 181. Let328, 330, 342, 354, 362, 364, 367, ters, 163, 168, 170, 177, 196, 208, 371, 379, 382, 383, 399, 425, 430,.215, 230, 232, 247, 282, 300. 600 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Q. Randolph, Beverly, Governor of Virginia, call of a convention, Quarry, Col., letter W. P. to, i., 136. xi., 557. Indians, 600. Quakers-pamphlets respecting, ii., Randolph, Edmund, Governor Vir257. Address to General Assem- ginia, memorialof Charles Simms, bly on present state of affairs, 487. xi., 115, 116. Resolutions of A deputation at Easton desire to Virginia, 212. Respecting anegro make presents to Indians, 728. slave claimed, 249, 256. Laws Governor's objections, 729. requested, 284. Laws-Joseph, Present at Easton at Treaty, iii., Elam, 290. Commercial regula265, 250, 262, 263, 264, 274, 319, tions, (1786,) 523, (1784,) 525. Memorial respecting Conference at Randolph, Lieut. Asher, information Philadelphia, 469. of enemy, ix., 436. Iesolutions, and other acts of Rangers, armed boat to Committee Congress against v, 5.51, 574, of Safety, iv., 704. For provi580, 589, 593, 596, 600. Of Council sions, 704. Complain of ill treatagainst, 555, 574, 582, 534, 586, ment, 705. Five companies to be 590, 591, 593, 600, 604, 608, 609, raised, vii., 300, 301. 612, 632. Rank, antedated commissions not to Proceedings against, vi., 4, 74, give, v., 371. Arrangement of, 75, 401, 402, 404, 432, 509- 483. Of officers, appeal to Con510, 572, 709. gress respecting, vii., 162, 447, Representation of, for not illu- 607, 691. Washington on, 188. minating houses, ix., 450. John Ransom bills unpaid, prisoners held. Pemberton and William Mathews in France on account of, iv., 201. imake known their intentions to go Rattan [Ruantan?] Isl'd, to be setto Europe on a religious visit, 551. tied, i., 659, 660. Petition against theatres, xi., 342. Ratification of Constitution of U. S., Quamash, Henry, (a laime Indian,) xii., 82. story about sale of lands, iv., 66. Rations, in Continental army, iv., Quarter.\aster, department to be re- 679. What constitutes a, vi, gulated, vii., 84, 85. 247, 272, 657. Value of, vii., Quarters for soldiers in Philadelphia, 302, 515. Act of Congress resiii., 85, 111, 112. pecting, furnished inhabitants on Quemahoning, T., petition from, let- frontiers, 673. ter Colonel Piper, answer to, viii., Rawlings, Col., regiment, vii., 339, 530. 340; viii., 5, 38; xii., 115, 147, Quinby, Jonathan, land on Delaware, 272. His detachment arrives at iii., 681. Pittsburg, 120. Quit-rents, proceedings of court on, Ray's Town, Stoc'de fort at, iii., 510. i., (99. Raystown, Fort Bedford at, xii., Quittapahilla, iii. (See Lebanon.) 339-341. Razer, Peter, appointed Collector of Customs at Lewestown, iii., 546; iv., 76. Raboteau, C. L., proposes a lottery Ratzer, Capt. Bernard, Surveyor of to raise funds for a Literary boundary between New York and Academy, iii., 677. His commis- New Jersey, protection asked for sion, 678. Petition, 679, 680. him, iv., 336, 337, 339. CoinRaccoon Creek, Indians attack a mission of Governor Penn to him, Sugar Camp on, viii., 140, 159. 339. Boys taken, xii., 148, 210, 214. Rea, Samuel, vi., 611, 672. Attack Radiere, Col. de la, vii., 400. of Indians on Gilbert and Piert, Rain deluges Luzerne Co., xi., 85. viii., 221. Savages, 222, 227. Ralston, John, &c., to investigate Tories at Water Gap, 259. Militia, cause of distress, vi., 647. Re- Indians, 286, 560. Troops, 320, ports, 772. 386, 592, 640, 683, 729; ix., 581. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 601 Murders by Indians, 107, 108, appointed to examine Roads, &c., 158. Militia, 743. between Susquehanna, and iamRead, Captain Adam, orders to, ii., proving communications between 545, 551. Letter to, 738. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Read, Charles, letter, iii., 546. rivers, x., 129. Case of Big Read, James, iii., 36, 245. Letter Spring tracts, 712. A justice of respecting prisoners of war, v., peace required, xi., 63. Election 20. Special messenger, 68. Let- of Burgesses, 275. Recommendaters, 20, 68, 138, 204, 258, 323, tion of J. Deimer as Judge, 597. 463, 602. Prothonotary, 323; Reading, George, murders, &c. near vi., 234, 235, 245, 473; vii., 289. Fort Ligonier, vii., 345. Appointment as Register of C.ourt Reading, John, President of New of Admiralty of Berks Co., ix., Jersey —death of John Hamilton191. Appointed commissioner to demands a counterfeiter, i., 764. WVyoming, x., 330. Flour Inspec- Reading, Philip, letter, iii., 699. tor, xi., 573. Reasons for not building a house Read, John, letters to and from, viii., 287. respecting Mud Fort, v., 12, 23, Receiver General, islands in Ohio, 24, 26, 47, 60, 64, 91. xi., 667. Report, 750. Report Read, Captain Thomas, on the on certificate, xii., 47. naval affairs of the river, iv., 745, Recorders to have power to acknowl747. Complains of want of sea- edge deeds, xi., 136. men, bad powder, &c., 750, 751, Records of Bucks county, v., 237. 753. Resigns, 769. -Westmoreland, 452, 455. Chester Reading, Berks County, water ob- county, 462. Bedford, 638. Northtained at, ii., 45. Guard for, 544, ampton county, 654. To Laneas596. Public stores at, 660. Jour. ter, 749. And papers, public, from, by Captain Young, to sundry Richard Peters' letter respecting, forts, 674. To receive Highland vi., 72. Circular of Council on, soldiers, iii., 575. Recommenda- 88. To be removed to Northamptions for Clerk of Market, 659. ton county, 88, 140. Public, viii., Committee respecting arms, &c., 318. Removal of, ix., 412. Of iv., 757. Uneasiness respecting Court against Kilborn and Parks, prisoners of war, v., 20, 250. xi., 419. A. Kilborn, 546. S. Furnace, cannon cast at, 31. Let- Miles, 547. Report on securing ter from, 139. Hospital at, 139. public, xi., 575. Quantity of arms in, 341. Pris- Recruiting, service of twelve Pennoners at, 467. J. Morris to attend sylvania regiments, cash paid for, court at, 481. Fear from powder, v., 335, 4,3. Col. Hartley on, 633. Places of worship used as vi, 321. Wayne on, 408. Ofibarracks, 653. Troops sent from, cers' memorial to Council, 280, vi., 14. Flour to be deposited at, 397. Letter to General Washing177. Clothing at, 250. Attacks ton, 287, 288, 292. Plan of Conon Attorney-General, 267. No gress for, vii., 442. Accounts, lawyer, 245. Troops ordered to, 500; viii., 72, 351, 363, 368, 382, 374. Guards dismissed, 542. 422, 437, 439, 669, 682, 730, 732, Request of prisoners to remain at, 744, 745, 753; ix., 69, 136, 187, vii., 374. Disturbance by prison- 191, 196, 221. Rendezvous for, ers at, 450, 454, 480. Tory let- 484. Instructions to Maj. Moore, ters, 488. Prisoners, and scarcity x., 127. Suspended, 529. Orof provisions at, viii., 425. Sales dered by Secretary of War, xi., of confiscated estates at, ix., 216. 555. Convention prisoners arrive at, Recruits, respecting, vi., 410, 411, 225, 230, 236, 289, 290. Proprie- 433, 451, 659, 746; vii., 64, 65, tary land, 231, 237. Quarters to 70, 105, 442, 476, 500, 659, 667, Troops, refused at, 299. Respect- 711. 742. ing, 346, 347. Commissioners Red Bank, attack on, v., 118, 130. 602 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. State of, 362, 663, 699; 701, 703, command troops in person, 760. 706, 707, 709, 719, 745, 746. Letter to Congress on dispensing Count Donop killed, 699. Cornm- with part of the sentence of Court modore Hazelwood account of ac- Martial respecting Gen. Arnold, tion, 721, 722; vi., 21, 24, 28, 31, viii., 99. Letter to Nicholas Waln Visit of President, &c. to, vii., on oppressive execution of law, 199, 200. Fort (Mercer), battle, 106. On power with Council to &c. at, viii., 445-452. discharge soldiers, 110. Gen. Redick, David, difficulty in surveys Brodhead proposes a purchase of in Washington county, x., 416. manor lands, 120. President deAccount of Indian murders, xi., lines being concerned, 150. 149. Intelligence from N. Y., Thanks to officers of militia, 265. 197, 339. Elected Vice President, Asks meeting of merchants, 266. 411. Describes lands opposite [See Sup. Executive Council.] Pittsburg, 244. Asks letters from Replies at length to Mons. HolGov. Clinton, of J. Franklin and ker, ix., 175-184. Reply to field Dr. Hamilton, 412. Hamilton and officers, 187. Letters, 517. To Benton (1787), 459. Justices, H. Osburne, on Connecticut claim, 592. 563, 691. Account as counsel in Redstone,-people against Captain Connecticut case, 738. Letters Springer, xii., 278. to, from Council (1777) respectReed, Adam, letter, iii., 426. ing office of Chief Justice, x., Reed, Bowes, vii., 262. 157. Letters to andfrom (1779), Reed, Fort, xii., 452. 157, 159, 160. Elected member Reed, Joseph, letter, iv., 679. Arms Congress, 254; xii., 106. Letters to be taken from soldiers leaving to, 150, 163, 180, 186, 251. army, v., 10. Sends prisoners Reed, Leonard, wagon master, refrom Trentoi, 151. Appointed signs, vi., 290. C. J., 289, 379. Letters to and Reed, Major, viii., 116. from, 109, 151, 289, 379, 692, 701, Reed, Lieut. Samuel, operations at 702. Has horse shot under him Wyoming, xi., 435. and narrowly escapes, vi., 71. Reese, William, letter, iv., 653. Recommended for Brigadier- Gen- Reformed German Clergy, address eral by General Armstrong, 91. to Gov. Morris, ii., 185. Appointed on committee of Con- Regiment, Pennsylvania, how stagress on memorial of Councils and tioned, iii., 339. State of the Assembly, 160, 183, 218. Letters, forces between Delaware and Sus120, 218,- 712, 733, 739. Asked quehannah, 340. Number in pay to assist Attorney General, 712. of province, 341. Gen. Armstrong's opinion of, 662, Regiment of Philadelphia county, 681. Gibb's journal in R. I., 733. address to Gov. Denny, ii., 763. Presence required, 739. Letters His reply, 763. to and from. (See Sup. Execu- Register General appointed, xi., 568. tive Council.) Affidavits respect- Opens office in State House, 569. ing, before Congress, by Clarkson Appoints Thomas Smith, clerk, and Franks, vii., 270. Compli- 570. Order, 571. To Comptroller mentary resolutions of Assembly, General, 693, 696. Report on fi295. Correspondence respecting nances, 722. On duties of office, Arnold, 162, 283, 327, 337, 347, xii., 3. 351, 380. Views on militia laws, Reichel, John, Frederick, Moravian 359. Letters to Gen. Washing- missionary, applies for passport, ton, 377-383. Compliment to, ix., 265. 582, 584, 665. His private posi- Reid, James, R. &c., letter, viii., 45. tion, 712. Wrong impressions of Delegate in Congress, xi., 308. Board of War, 713. Correspon- Pay as member, 280. dence with J. Wilcox, 721, 725, Reigart, Adam, vi., 626. 727. Sickness, 744. Proposes to Reilly, Capt., vii., 691. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANiIA ARCHIVES. 603 Rein, John, viii., 606. vii., 138. Ass'y on salaries of offiRejoicings for peace, resolutions of cers, 739. Of comm'e of Congress Assembly, x., 149. on public debt, ix., 85-93. Of Religious liberty and rights secured committee on letter from Superby treaty between U. S. and intendant of finances, 499. To Prussia, xi., 8. Assembly on boundary line beReligious societies, holding lands, tween Virginia and Pennsylvania, &c., respecting, i., 160. x., 8, 72, 95. In case T. Matlack, Remonstrance of Council and As- 9. Ephraim Douglass to Sec'y of sembly to Congress on the with- War, 83. To Congress on Indian drawal of Continental troops from affairs, 119-125. On internal Philadelphia, v., 307. Of Council commerce, 128. To Congress on and Assembly to Congress against full representation, 139. On inarmy going into winter quarters, terest on debt, 242-250. T. Matvi., 104, 107, 111. Of prisoners lack, 365. On national debt, 514in Masonic Lodge, 509. Jas. Pem- 520. On State House, 335, 375. berton, John Hunt and Samuel Council censors, 383. Of ComPleasants (1777) against treat- missioners on boundary, 373, 374, ment by order of Council, x., 158. 506. On arrears of imposts, 378. LSee vol. VI., p. 509.] Of Commissioners on boundary Rendezvous, plans of, proposed, vi., between Pennsylvania and Vir302. ginia, 506. To Congress on reveRepeal of various laws, reasons for, nue system, U. S., 732-735. To i., 155, 191. Assembly (1784), on Wyoming, Reports, of Senate, &c., committee 541. respecting — Colonial Records and Of Treasury, xi., 15 On Western Archives, i., 3, 10. Of S. Hazard, boundary, 69, 308. On commerce, respecting Archives, 17. To be 75. On cession of lands by Conprinted in English and German, necticut, 107. Proceedings of land21. On petition of the Swedes, holders, at Wyoming, 246. To 172. Of Drs. Grueme and Zach- Assembly on Erie, 252. Of Attorney ary, 210. Commissioners onLan- General, on citizenship, 259, 260, caster, C. H., 252. On passes, Report, to Congress on letter of 256. On Loan Office, 457. Commissioners of Virginia, 317. On public accounts, 459. On fort- Of Council on Lake Erie, 389. Of ifications at Philadelphia, 633, commissioners on boundary be636. Of Board of Trade on laws, tween N. York, and Pennsylvania, 721. Of C. Thomson and F. Post, 522, 526. Of Council to General of journey to Indians, iii., 412. Assembly, on purchase of Erie, Of committee on Commissioners' 528. On claim of Wm. Hamilton, accounts, 452. Of Drs. Greme 535. On securing public records, and Bond, iv., 59. Of John Gib- 544, 675. On rewards of Captors, son, 118. To Commissioners 554, 577. On J. Adlum's letter trade and plantations respecting on surveys, Comptroller General, certain acts, 275, 281. Of Solici- on accounts, 587-582, 590. On tor General, on trial of prisoners Mud Island accounts, 586, 617. at Philadelphia, 298, 299, 300, On accounts of General Gibson, 304, 307. On salt works, 771. and Butler, 588. On attorney's Of barrack master on dirty houses fees, 647. On account, 695. left by soldiers, v., 265. Of De Health officer, 747. of auctioneers, Coudray on defences on Delaware, 748, 755, 761. Master of Rolls, 360, 565. To Congress respect- 748. Receiver General, 750. Coming Burgoyne, vi., 163. Respect- missioners viewing rivers, 751. ing Win. Straker, 701. On prop- Flour inspector, 755. Secretary erty in Philadelphia, 706. Coia- of land office, 757. Surveyor mittee on Congress, 753. To Con- General, 758. of treasurer, 758. gress, respecting Gen. Maxwell, Iegister General, 763. Prothono 604: INDEX[ TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. tary of Supreme Court, 765. 741. Of Assembly, 187, 192, 237, Measurer of grain and salt, 766. 244, 269, 278, 284, 294,'295, 718, Collector of Excise, xii., 1. In- 740, 741. Board of War, 256. Of spector of Lumber, 1. Treasurer's, House of Delegates of Va., 441; 4. Charles Pettit on accounts 6. viii., 86, 142, 173, 175, 185, 195, Of Receiver on Certificates, 47. 255, 256, 261, 272, 285, 332, 346, Of Commissioners to Wyoming, 73, 352, 391, 448, 519, 520, 553, 603, 296. Oil Frankstown Road, 80. 629, 635, 649, 687, 699, 700, 724, Of Wardens on state of river, 308. 737, 749, 753, 761. Assembly, 8, Representation of Quakers, for not 14, 21, 276, 569, 570, 646, 657, illuminating houses, ix., 450. 685, 728, 729, 733, 734, 736, 738, Representation in Congress, state of, 639, 751, 752, 759, 761. General xi., 122, 132, 168, 175, 180, 214, Assembly of Virginia respecting 263, 275, 298. western boundary, 352. Of CounRequisitions by Congress on the cil, 608; Of Assembly, ix., 4, 5, States, xi., 15, 23, 30, 73, 198, 11, 22, 53, 66, 68, 69, 202, 464, Resignations in favor of persons not 476, 483, 506, 509, 666, 754, 762, allowable, vii., 99; viii., 597, 612; Congress, 73, 77, 109, 134, 152, Of F. Gurney as Warden, xii., 2. 164, 168, 185, 188, 209, 243, 273, Of Justices, 5. 300, 309, 366, 383, 391, 394, 411, Resolutions of Assembly of Massachu- 446, 450, 483, 484, 493, 506, 548, setts i., 666; Of N. V. Assembly, 560, 582, 608, 645, 741, 756. Of ii., 52; Of House of Commons on Council, 341. House of Delegates Bills of Credit, iv., 173. Of Council of Virginia, 562; x., 8, 111, 129, at New York oil Indians passing 1`0, 149, 166, 177, 178, 179, 184, through New York, 172. House 195, 196, 203, 204, 209, 233, 315, of Commons on Manufactures, 292. 316, 333, 334, 335, 336, 365, 867, Of Philadelphia, complained of by 3'69, 412, 420, 488, 531, 559, 695, Earl Hillsborough, as "in very 710, 711, 749, 750, 756. strong and unbecoming terms," Of Assembly of Connecticut, x., 380 Of Assembly relative to Fort 116, 117, 653. at Mud Island, 474. Of Assembly Of Congress, x., 27, 36, 90, 105, 548; Of Congress, v., 25, 62, 124, 136, 139, 194, 209, 241, 507, 508, 137, 183, 268, 283, 304, 309, 310, 511, 520, 528, 536, 543, 544, 549, 319, 325, 328, 366, 418, 461, 469, 550, 561, 562, (1784,) 566-572, 470, 492, 513, 528, 539, 551, 552, 590, 716. 554, 575, 580, 583, 589, 596, 604, Of Council of Censors, x., 149, 153, 606, 616, 623, 627, 647, 649, 675, 302, 326, 327, 332. 678, 736. Of Council of Safety, Of House 6f Delegates, of Maryland 80, 84, 115, 124, 317. 699. Of Commissioners on trade. x., 744. meeting of "Real Whigs" at Phila- Of House of Delegates of Virginia delphia, 83. Of Cumberland, Co., on boundary, (1783,) 171. Comn340. Of Assembly, 617; Assembly, missioners on trade, 738; Of Asvi., 64. 66, 73, 84, 155, 396, 694, sembly, xi., 84, 207, 21l, 252, 733, 741. Congress, 9, 59, 79, 83, 393, 395, 898, 406, 523, 564, 56i, 111, 145, 150, 162, 177, 181, 215, 614; 635, 686, 665, 669, 6~2, 25.6, 273, 286, 299, 300, 323, 341, of Maryland, 77; Of Congress, 38, 356, 858; 364, 365, 374, 375, 377, 50, 61, 73, 74, 75, 128, 129, 141, 382, 388, 398, 422, 433, 442, 458, 142, 282, 316, 352, 387, 555, 582, 461, 507, 508, 557, 578, 585, 586, 586, 612, 613, 616, 665, 677; Of 602, 659, 672, 702, 705, 732, 733, Council of Virginia, 291; Of Exe755, 758. Council, 64. Board of cutive Council, on purchase of War, 74; Of Congress, vii., 15, 20, Erie, 313. Lake Erie relinquished 75, 76, 83, 87, 101, 129, 154, 158, by Congress, 387. Powder Maga173, 204, 221, 249, 251, 263, 287, zine, 393. Purchase of Erie, 395, 293, 315, 316, 365, 374, 413, 436, Respite of Doanes, 398. Accounts, 439, 500, 519, 542, 641, 732, 734, 406, Commissioners to Virginia INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 635 and Maryland, 523. Call of State Rice, Fort, attacked by Indians, viii., convention, 564. Sale of Erie 561, Where located, 567. Atlands, 566; Of Wyoming settlers, tacked, 567; x., 165; xi., 453, 83. 454. Returns of Assemblymen, for Ches- Rice, Patrick, clerk of D. Franks, ter county, iv., 739. For Lancas- allowed to go to New York to setter, 742. Of troops, vi., 484. Of tle accounts, vii., 173. Pass for, 2d Brigade of Foot under Colonel 180. Letter, viii., 33. Johnston, vii., 66. Pennsylvania Rice, Robert, recruiting in PhiladelBrigade under Col. Stewart, 69. phia, vi., 722. Of Gen. St. Clair's division, 752. Riche, Mrs. Anne, pass to New York Of non-comm'd officers, serving in refused, viii., 141. Southern army, ix., 517. Of troops Richards, James, a prisoner to be at Fort Pitt, 521. Of deserters removed, petition, iv., 722. from American regiment, x., 890. Richards, William, letters, v., 13, 47, Of Pennsylvania line, 390. Of 62, 166, 169, 242. Military, 22, 390, 393, 436. Of Richardson, Col., v., 177. officers of Troops in Philadelphia Richardson, Joseph, letters, v., 254. Co., 218, 219, 235. Of military Counterfeits, 239, 248, 254, 327, stores at Fort Island and Billings- 525. In Lancaster, 248. MIittiport, (1784,) 284. mus for, 249. Revel, Capt., of French vessel, on Richardson, John, to W. Penn., i., importing merchandise, viii., 546, 81. 547. Riddle, Geo. Read, appointed by DeRevenge, Cutter, vii., 187, 241, 266, laware on boundary line, 1849, iv., 281, 285, 289, 300, 310, 318, 322. 37. evenue system of U. S., report to, Ridout, J., Letters, ii., 734. Congress on, x., 732. Ridout, Sergeant, letter to, iii., 660, Reynolds, Jno., frauds at the grate of 662. the jail, viii., 690. Jailer, petition Rinker, James, respecting the dispoto postpone execution of sentence sition of Indians, xi., 207. on account of weather, x, 119. Riot at Gloucester, warrant, i., 546. Longschamp retaken, 277. Re- On Schuylkill, 553. At election volt in jail, 327. in York county ii., 50. At LanRheiner, John, forfeiture of flour to caster. Danger to Mr. Wirtz from, D. Niess, submitted to Judges, xi., v., 266. At J. Wilson's in Phila273. phia, vii., 732, 735, 744. Rhode Island Commissioners to In- Rioters, seize goods on way to Fort dian Treaty at Albany, ii, 141. Pitt from Philadelphia, iv., 217, Act appointing Commissioners to 219, 222, 224, 226, 228, 230, 244, meet General Shirley, 442. Re- 246. In New Castle county, 331. quest provisions, 672. Letters At Wyoming, 385. of Governor, 434, 500. Claim for Risberg, Gustavus, vii., 550. Flour share of parliamentary grant, iv., wanted, viii., 200. 121. Journal of Major Gibbs of, Rising Sun Inn, burned, vi., 71. military and naval operations Rittenhouse, Benjamin, to superinthere, vi., 733-736. Enemy quit- tend Gun Lock factory, iv., 712; ting, 387. Letter, Robert Morris v., 743. On gunlock factory, vii., to, ix, 474. Troops to march for 142. Appointed commissioner, to the Highlands, 549. B. Stille, of, examine Schuylkill, xi., 623. appointed to settle accounts of Rittenhouse, David, letters, v., 10, Pennsylvania and United States, 62, 264, 357. Presides at Town 668. Act to comply with requisi- Meeting, v., 77; vi., 184, 643. Retions, xi., 16, 23. Act to estab- port on state of Treasury, vii., lish judicial courts, U. States, in, 118, 302. A Pennsylvania Com707. missioner to run line between VirRice, Capt. viii., 161, 162. ginia, viii., 353. State of Trea 606 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. sury, 657, 662. Treasurer on pa- Memorial of widow, &c., respectper currency, &c., ix., 117, 119, ing dower, 122. Respecting es229. Appointed Commissioner to tate of John R., viii., 296. examine roads and rivers for in- Roberts, Joseph, petition for pardon, ternal commerce, x., 129, 130. ix., 745, 764. Commissioner (1783,) of boundary Roberts, Jonathan, respecting exewith Virginia, 171, 223. Trea- cution of John Brown, xi., 279. surer, 241, 456, 534. Commis- Robertson, James, iii., 291. sioner, 334, 444, 454, 455, 736. Robeson, Captain, eldest Continental Instruments, 454. Asks for a quad- officer in the navy, vi., 21. rant, it would be useful, 458. Roberteau, Thomas C., letter from, Commissioner on Susquehanna xii., 284. Reasons for leaving river, 755. Treasurer, on taxes, service, 284. xi., 337. Indemnifying bond, 743. Robinson, Andrew, Register of Rivers, examination of, xi., 681, 683, Berks, death of, ix., 191. 690, 694, 756. Robins, Ezekiel, agent for relieving Roach, Isaac, boats in Delaware wants of prisoners at New York, Bay, viii., 254. Prisoners taken ix., 675, 677. His proceedings, by, 339. Sent to Capes to watch 756. Letter on orders to disBritish fleet, ix., 80. Instruc- charge prisoners, x., 26, 213. tions to, 96. Vessels seen, 112. Supplies for prisoners at New To return, 189. York, (1782,) xi., 495. Roads and bridges, i., 767. Robinsons, Fort at, xii., 456. Petition respecting, from Phi- Robinson, Captain Isaiah, takes a ladelphia through Wiccaco to British sloop of war, v., 32. Gloucester, 436; ii., 98. Condi- Robinson, John, deposition respecttion of various, iii., 279. From ing D. Penticost, ix., 572. Indian Schuylkill to Susquehanna, peti- murders, xi., 719. tion for, iv., 362. In bad order to Robinson's Run, (Youghioghany be repaired, vi., 441, 450, 482. Co.,) men killed at, xii., 261, 263. Proposed, &c., xi., 70, 91, 131, Robinson, Samuel, letter, ii., 480. 133, 135, 143, 149, 186, 262, 560, Robinson, Captain Thomas, ix., 184, 643, 656, 725. Frankstown, re- 228, 237, 334, 393, 504, 528, 657, port, xii., 80. 659. Memorial, 228. Murder by Robbery, highway, near Bedford, Indians, 659. On military affairs, iv., 458. In Bucks and Chester x., 14, 99. Indian murders, 15. counties, ix., 459, 501, 507, 529. On Wyoming affairs, 47, 48. InOf Bucks tax collectors, xii., 299. structions to, 99. On Indian outRoberdeau, D., explanations, v., 658. rage, xi., 432. Letters, 639, 659, 673, 726, 728, Robinson, Sir Thomas, letters to and 735, 756,' 772; vi., 10, 18, 130, from, ii., 188, 249, 284, 291, 365, 134, 144, 183, 206, 209, 214, 273, 379, 439, 440, 491, 764. Resigns 287, 295, 359, 374, 422, 436, 446, as secretary, 491. 567, 583, 584, 609. Speaks favor- Rode, John, examination, vi., 224. ably of Mrs. Ferguson, 131. Of Rodney, CUsar, appointed Judge of books, 583. Proceeds to the lead Supreme Court, iv., 581. mine, 423. Proposes to build a Rodney, Governor, of Delaware, fort there, 424. And furnace, letter to, viii., 10. 446; vii., 100, 137, 159, 167, 184, Roebuck, and Liverpool, British men192, 194, 198, 236, 296, 299, 643. of-war in the Delaware, iv., 748, In favor of Mrs. Ferguson, 100. 749. In Lewestown Roads, 753. Of Lieutenant Meens, 299. Claims Gone, 762. Engagement with, payment for lead, viii., 5. 749. Man-of-war, in Delaware Roberdeau, Fort, vii., 419, 446; xii., river, v., 99, 100, 108, 118, 190, 454. 453, 668, 721, 722. Roberts, John, memorials, &c., in Rogers, Captain John, letter to, favor of his pardon, vii., 21-44. xii., 201, 217. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 607 Rogers, Rev. William, (Chaplain,) I Rowan, Win., Sheriff, instructions asks for clothing, vii., 253. Fur- respecting executions, viii., 23. ther supplies, 273, 277. Half Rudolph, Lieut. John, vi., 454. pay in advance, 449. Respecting Rum, Indian, resolutions respecting, pay as chaplain, ix., 3. i., 549, 551. Not to be sold by Rolls, Master of, report, xi., 748. Inn holders) to soldiers, iii., 132. Roman Catholics, suspicions of, ii., Proclamation, 237. Advertise114, 176, 228, 423, 646, 690, 694. ment against, 437. Proclamation, Mass house, iii., 16. Deprived 519. Charge of selling, at Fort of arms, &c., (see Papists,) 131. Augusta, iv., 88. To pay military fines, 132. Num- Rumford, —, of Wilmington, purber in Pennsylvania, 144. Of chase of flour, vii., 558, 560, 600, Northampton, petition for a 601, 629. church, iv., 279. Rundle, Richard, petition of, ix., Romberg, Thomas, deposition, iv., 444, 448. 238. Petition, 239. Rush, Dr. Benjamin, Letter to Owen Root, Hon. Jesse, respecting flour, Biddle. His salary, v., 3. Letters, vii., 774. 3, 38, 59. Roots, George, deposition respecting Rush, Dr. Benjamin, appointed to ruins of Fort Pitt, x., 463. inspect sickly vessels, vii., 408. Ropewalk, J. Wharton's, v., 94. Dickinson College, xi., 427, 540, Rosborough, Rev. John, killed at 578. Trenton, his family recommended Rush, Jacob, vi., 752. Judge of by council for pay, xi., 272. Supreme Court, respecting H. Rosencranze, Colonel, ix., 106. Carberry, x., 291. Ross, Alexander, sells lands to Rush, Joseph & J. Craig, appointed Charles Sims, Virginia titles, xi., to appraise Ship General Greene, 160. vii., 303. Report, 320. Ross, Colonel, ix., 351. Rush, William, petition, respecting Ross, Major, commands at Oswego, work, at Gallies, vii., 277. x., 89. Russell, Ensign, William, who lost Ross, Colonel George, vi., 69, 319, a leg at Brandywine, applies for 324. Appointed Judge of Ad- promotion, vi., 214, 286. Loses miralty-Letter accepting, vii., leg at Brandywine, vii., 609. 212. Asks for a Register, 451. Russia, war with Turkey, xi., 265. Claims of Sloop Active, 463. Ruston, Dr. Thomas, claims seat Death of, 554. His successor, in conncil, for Chester county, 558. Elected Vice-Pres., xi., 411. xi., 633. C. Willing declared in Ross, Lieut. James, order on, for possession, 633. arlns, (1787,) xi., 459. Rutherford, John, letter on General Ross, John, instructions to take Braddock's affair, ii., 277, 299. Indians to Conestoga, ii., 595. Ryan, Lieut. Colonel, his pay, viii., Ross, William, claims for captors of 656. T. Pickering, xi. Ryan, Capt. Michael, viii., 371, 582. Rotfong, Captain, ix., 360. Ryan, Major, Michael, memorial, Rothwell, Thomas and Garret, their services of, x., 92. Memorial case, i., 567, 583. Petition, 567. respecting certificates received for Depositions, 583. pay- for payment of which he is Rouget, Stephen J., petition for in the hands of the Sheriff, his privateer, v., 569. services, &c., x., 308. Roupe, Colonel, ix., 349. Ryan, Philip, vii., 541. Rous, Rev. Lucas, address in Latin Ryder, D., King's Attorney General, to Gov. Morris, ii., 251. opinion on several Acts of Assem. Route of Royal American Regiment bly, ii., 100. in Pennsylvania, iii., 267. Ryerson, Thomas, defence against Rowan, James, petition to be vendue Indians, xi., 667. master, viii., 573. 603 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCITIVES. petitions for Rev. Thos. Coombe, S. v., 600, 603. St. Vincent, post at, prisoners taken, Sacrament of Lord's Supper to be xii., 116, 157. partaken of previous to naturali- Salaries of public officers of United zation, iv., 242. States, xi., 129, 615. Saddles, scarce, vi., 363. Salt, bill respecting, 197, 206. Made) Sailors of frigate Pennsylvania guar- on Tom's river, v., 55. Sent anteed against impressment, iii., to New Jersey, 64, 69. Kent Co., 191. Delaware, applies for, 79. Scarcity Sailors, jurisdiction for trial of, for of, 202, 758. Dr. Harris's procrimes at sea, iv., 292, 301, 362. posal for making, 507. New JerOpinions of Attorney and Solicitor sey, Act exempting men from enGeneral, 292, 304, 307. Elope listing, 764. Seized in Philadelfrom French vessels, viii., 347, phia, vii., 122, 149, 759, 765. In 350, 366. exchange for flour, 674, 675, 678, St. Clair, Sir John, reviews soldiers, 682, 693, 769. Scarcity of, 709, ii., 276. Displeased with Gov. 728, 729,. 734, 759. For flour, Morris, 293. Introduction to Gov. plan of Assembly, 718. Scarcity Morris, 188. Respecting, 315. of, viii., 4, 13, 24, 28, 84, 85. Letters, iii., 266, 661. Seized in the hands of Mr. WilSt. Clair, Arthur, letters, iv., 426, cox, decision in his favor, ix., 437, 452, 471, 476, 481, 500, 504, 750. 509, 510, 514, 519, 523, 530, 539, Salt Petre, person sent from York to 542, 545, 546, 547, 573, 583, 586, manufacture, iv., 668. H. iVyn589, 625, 637, 659. Conduct at koop on, 702. Manufacture of, Ticonderoga, to be inquired into,v. 706, 727, 742. 491; vii., 237, 291, 355, 452, 607, Salt Works, report on, iv., 771. At 736. Receives a cask of wine Tom's River, v., 55, 194, 216, 217, from President, 292. Wishes to 228, 418, 427, 540, 614, 753, 758, purchase a forfeited estate, 491. 763. In danger from enemy, 56. Letter on army, 583. Opinion of Visits from, 194, 217. Seen from, victory at Stony Point, 585. 217. Attacks, 228. Workmen Major Lee's success, 665. Return exempt as militia, 614, 621. On of his division, 752; viii., 76, Tom's river, instructions to J. 103, 168, 297, 374, 397, 515, 537, Davidson, vi., 16, 181, 186, 236. 608, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, Purchase of land at, 16, 29, 237. 676, 678, 680, 690. At Elizabeth- Men leave, 160. Men sent to from town, 103. Return of Pennsylva- fleet, 182. At Squan, &c., detroops under him, 220. Unsuc- stroyed, 398, 400. Councilrefuse cessful with the mutineers, 701, more money for, 417. Seized in 721, 723. Letters to and from, Philad'a, 703, 724, 740, 753. On ix., 27, 36, 61, 386. Respecting Tom's River, vii., 96, 109, 111, de Lambert, 735, 752. Resp., 116. Colonel Hagner takes charge 142, 256. On rank of Colonel of, 766. Porter, x., 49. Sale of Fort Pitt, Saltar, Elisha, Commissary Gene485. Elected auctioneer of Phila., ral's orders, ii., 604. Letters to 205, 209, 261. Elected to Con- and from, 611, 613, 618, 621. gre'ss, 534. Asks time on pay- Sample, Samuel, visits Connolly in ment of auction duties, xi., 127. jail, iv., 728. Advanced, successor appointed, Samptown or Quibble. Skirmish at, 129. Wyoming, 189. Attack on v., 249. Fort Ilarmar by Indians, 392. Sanderlane, James, writes to GoverLetter from, 529. To Gen. Butler nor Markham, i., 46. on Indians, 746. Ask troops for Sanders, William. vi., 716. Western Territory, 716. Sandusky, Expedition to, under Col. St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia, Crawford, ix., 366. Failure of, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 609 556, 576, 637, 649. Upper, xii., of Supreme Court, by President 120, 121, 164, 242. Indians, x., Dickinson, x., 523. 84. Schott, Captain John Paul, letter Saphorin, M. de St., on consecration and history of, viii., 24, 153, 161. of American Bishops by Denmark, Raising a troop of light dragoons, x., 434. xi., 297, 298, 397. Censured, Sappers and Miners Co. proposed, 393, 394. Troops, &c., 663. viii., 37. Schreiber, John, in charge of barSaratoga. Capture of Burgoyne, racks, &c., at Lancaster, damage relating to, v., 675, 676, 680, 684, to them, x., 309, 334. 687, 726-729. Schropp, Matthew, account of MoSasoonan, &c., deed from, 1732, i., ravians at Bethlehem, iii., 242. 344. Schuyler, Fort, viii., 370. Fear of Satcterlee, Benedict, deposition, xi., its abandonment, ix., 123. 344. Commitment, 345. In gaol, Schuyler, General, conduct at Ticon347. deroga, to be inquired into, v., Savadge, Thomas, letters relating to 491. enemy, and Salt works at Tom's Schuyler, Philip, vii., 11, 75. ComRiver, v., 55. 194, 216, 217, missioner on New York line, x., 228, 418, 540, 763. Purchase 450. of land, 763. Letters to, vi., Schuylkill River, lower ferry on, 17, 159, 182, 236, 398, 400, Act respecting, i., 161. Lands 417. Part owner of salt works, on, deed for, 344. Dams on, 315. 186. Objects to J. Davidson's Riots on, 553. Ferry, application appointment, 236. Letters, vii., for, ii., 648. Petition for improve96, 109, 111. ment of, iv., 361. Road from, to Savell, Henry, letter to, from WVm. Susquehanna, 362. British erect Penn, describing the country, i., a battery at, v., 663. Army west 69. of, vi., 91, 254. Cornwallis Scalps, premium offered by commis- crosses, 23. General Potter's prosioners for, ii., 619. Minutes res- ceeclings, 98. WVashigton's views pecting,.619. Letter of Governor of troops, necessary on, 153, 156. Morris to commissioners, 620, Ordered to, 169. Magmzine for 625, 629. Brought in, 639, 641. provisions at, 347. Ferry and Opinions on, iii., 185, 199. Of bridge, Philadelphia, 370. SurIndians, inquiries respecting a vey of, with a view to transportareward for, vii., 362, 569. Pre- tion of supplies, 513, 525. List miums, &c., offered for Indian, of fords on, 514. Bridges over, viii., 167, 172, 176, 189, 283, 301, 685, 768. Bridge on, vii., 94. 369, 393, 568, 592. Supreme Sullivan's, 94, 107, 152. Bridge Executive Council offer premium secured, repairs to, viii., 144, for, xii., 240. 186. Men engaged in cutting Scammell, Alexander, vii., 649; masts on, for French fleet, 540. xii., 185, 226, 268. Order of Monsieur Holker, 540Scarroyady, ii., 15, 114. 543, 550, 571. Wood, 618. Toll Schlatter, Rev. Michael, pass for, at bridge, 618. Respecting masts ii., 67. cut for French navy, ix., 10, 34. Schlosser, Captain J., conducts In- And Susquehanna river, commludians to Armboy, iv., 158. In- nication between, x., 129, 130. structions to, 160. Commissioners to examine, xi., Schlosser, George, to lay off city lots, 623, 677. Falls, observations on, ix., 299. by John C. Stroebel, 651. ExamiSchneider, Rev. Theodore, Catholic nation of, 677, 694. Little, murpriest, number under his care, ders by Indians, viii., 529, 532. iii., 144.! Scioto, banks of, xii., 111. Schools, public, for education of Scott, Abraham, &c., vi., 647. youth, urged to attention of Judges Scott, -Hugh, &c., court-house and 39 610 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES, prison, Washington county, ix., Secretary of foreign affairs, letters 771. to and from, x., 9, 13, 21, 735; Scott, Thomas, vi., 673; vii., 434; xi., 74, 202, 293, 411, 599. viii., 63, 81, 280, 713. Letters to Secretary of Treasury, xi., 655, 663. and from, ix., 20, 324, 355, 374, Security, officers to give, i., 395. 438, 497, 646; x., 65, 78, 80. Seditious papers from British, acElection in Fallowfield township, tion of Cong. against, vii., 14, 15. 364. In behalf of Washington Seely, John, to IH. Antes, x., 650, academy, xi., 215. On his way 677, 678. to Congress, 568. Seely, Jonas, Recruiting orders to, Scott, William, vii., 118. And R. iv., 116, 141. Orders to, ii., 544. Stevenson, respecting election in Seely, Col., ix., 404. York county, 206; viii., 365, 379, Seidel, Christian, examination of, ii., 382, 408, 444, 524, 531, 623. Of 459. York county, arms in Philadel- Selin, Capt, viii., 153, 161, 171. phia. ix., 228, 232, 302, 319, 341, Sellers, John, resigns as commis350, 426, 455, 556, 632. Arms at sioner on Schuylkill, xi., 623. York, x., 591. Sellers, Nathan, appointed CommisScull, Nicholas, on method of find- sioner to examine roads and rivers ing the meridian, &c., ii., 73. with a view to internal commerce, Surveyor-General, viii., 95. x., 129, 130, 334. Scull, Major Edward, Secretary of Semple, Winm., Sub. Lt. of Phila., meBoard of War, vii., 469; viii., morial, xi., 687. 369, 655. Seneca Indians, ii., 11. Expedition Scull, William, surveyor, applies, against, xii., 147, 150, 154, 155. viii., 94. Towns burned, 156, 300, Sea, letters granted by Congress to Sergeant, Jona. D., AttorneyGeneral, vessels, xi., 239. attacked at Easton, vi., 267. ReSeal, the great, order to affix, iii., signs as Att'y. Gen., 740. Letters 318. For Admiralty Court, vii., to and from, 496, 630, 683, 740, 694. Representing the arms of vii., 267, 275, 395, 743. Arnold's the State, Ordered in Paris, viii., trial, 743. Lett's to and from, viii., 257. The great', fee for affixing, 5. Opinion on concealing taxable xii., 78. Of the State established, property, 49, 303. British Com88. missions to cruisers, 395. Sale of Seamen, shipwrecked, order of Ad- articles, 498. Resigns as Attormiralty, i., 234. Hospital, duties ney General, 612. Form of Comon, 251. mission, 613. Account as counsel Searle, James, v., 216; vii., 141. against Connecticut, ixs., 738. Agent to Europe for loans, &c., in- Servants and Apprentices, on enlisttroduced to John Adams, viii., 399. ing, ii., 417, 572, 576, 582, 587. Letter at sea, 514. From Brest, Murder by mob, 576. Indented, 532. To be sustained, 625. Agent proceedings of Board of War, reto Europe, recall proposed, reasons specting enlisting of, v., 328. Resoagainst, ix., 62, 311. Object of lutions of Cumnberland county, remission, 311. Coming home, 367, specting, 340. Enlisted to be paid 520. Loans, 565. Death of wife, for, viii., 730. Number of R. R. 520. Respecting loans in Europe, Livingston, ix., 467. 589. Agent to Europe claim for Sewickly, xii., 131. compensation, x., 97. Seymour, Commodore. Order, not Seat of Government, proceedings in to let vessels pass Chevaux-deCongress respecting removal from friese, v., 67. To send up Galleys, Philadelphia, x., 136, 139. 83. Enemy, 104. Letters, 67, 83, Secret Committee to Committee of 104, 401, 577. Memorial, 434. Safety sends ammunition, iv., 773. Instructions, 233. -Demand for Secretary of Commonwealth, resolu- pay, 577. Superceded by CoUition of Ass'y, respecting, ix., 762. modore lIazelwood, 594; vi., 97. INDEX TO PENINSYLVAINIA ARCHIVES. 611 Shackerly, MRr., Agent, letter to, iii., and Cannon, iii., 105. High, of 137. Philadelphia-to re-place whipShadow of Death, xii., 461. ping post, &c., vii., 252. WarShamokin, house built at, for She- rants to, 149, 193. Letters to, x., kalamny, i., 660. Minutes of a 63. List of, in Cumnberland Co., Council at, respecting officers' pay, (1777 to 1783, 285.) ii., 700. Fort Augusta at, xii., Shermanl's Valley, time of settle329-339. ment, xii., 285. Shannon, Doctor, to be arrested, vi., Shiel, H. N., Hog Island, ix., 520. 53. Shingass, iii., 531. Shannon, Capt. John, commission Shinn, Bertliss, (a suspicious perand instructions to enlist, i., 688. son,) viii., 638. Sharpe, Horatio, Gov. Maryland, let- Shippen, Edward, letters to and ters to, and fronm, ii., 113, 125, from, ii., 230, 358, 362, 364, 400, 130, 187, 192, 216, 228, 244, 274, 455, 463, 472, 576, 603, 608, 634, 382, 397, 451, 468, 490, 507, 520, 738, 740. Commission to settle 556, 557, 573, 685. Governor of accounts for wagons for Braddock, Maryland, iii., 143, 183, 197, 585, 598; iii., 8, 304, 394, 409, 410, 662, 697. Of Maryland, letter to, 427. Letters to and froml, iv., 62, from Gov. Penn, on peace made by 64, 154. Prothonotary, vi., 682. Col. Bradstreet with Indians of Resigns as Justice, xi., 91. Erie and Ohio, iv., 207, 262, 277. Shippen, Joseph, appointed Captain, Sharpe, W., orders in Council re- ii., 622. Letter, 636. specting Privateers, iii., 91. Shippen, Joseph, Jr., letters, iii., Shaw, William, Wyoming affairs, x., 333, 389, 409, 410, 426, 449, 470, 764. Answer of President Dick- 510. Letters to and from, iv., 82, inson, 761; xi., 109. 88, 102, 108, 109, 110, 128, 132, Shawanese, message from, i., 223. 154, 175, 209, 212, 298, 412, 423, Time of their arrival in the State, 437, 471, 481, 488, 530, 539, 542, 228. Indians, number of, 302. 545, 550, 557, 558, 560, 564, 583, Letter of Governor to, Wm. Penn's 586, 618, 625, 637. Dedimus to, conduct to, their arrival, &c., 302. 101, 104. Books and papers Speech of the French to, 324. belonging to Secretary's office, lIessage to Governor, 329; iv., viii., 200. 501, 511, 513, 540, 543, 583; ix, Shippensburg, Road to Clarke's 247; x., 83, 86, 161; xii., 111, Gap, xi., 143. 119, 120, 157, 158, 179, 181, 227, Shippen, Doctor WVilliam, Director 2.83, 241. Town destroyed, 258, General of Military hospitals, v., 263. 223. To Congress, 768. To furShawnee Town in possession of But- nish medicines for the army, vi., ler, vii., 6. 688. Lectures on Anatomy, viii., Shays, Daniel, proclamation of Mas- 643; xii., 191. sachusetts to arrest, &c., xi., 119. Shippen, WVilliam, letter to, reShee, Colonel John, v., 417. specting Matthew Clarkson, vii., Shekalamy, letter Governor to, i., 209. 241, 455. Death of his son, 241. Shirley, Governor William, letters, At Shamokin, 673. Indian Chief, i., 746, 7,4. (of Mtts.) letters 757. Death noticed, his son suc- from, ii., 20, 26, 181, 215, 231 ceeds as Chief, ii., 23. Presents 260, 298, 32, 328, 338, 345, 348tos ais Chiefmily12 6,, 338, 3 3 to his family, 24. 355. 357, 361, 381, 395, 698. GenShelburne, Earl of, letters, iv., 274, eral appointment as Colonel, and 276, 280, 281. instructions to, 178, 442, 447. Shepherd, Lieut., xii., 137. Letters to and from, 495, 498, Shepherd, Colonel David, letter to, 501, 502, 569, 576, 577, 578, 579, xii., 167, 225, 238, 270, 277. 582, 587, 638, 715. Sends amSheriff of Curmberland county, umunition, 502. Deathof his son, orders to arrest B. Chambers 524. Plan of operations, 524. 612 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Ordered to England, 606. Fort, Sims, Major or Captain, charge, (See Forts.) against by William McIlvaine Shirley, General William, orders v., 509. General Washington soldiers to Philadelphia, iii., 90. respecting, 509. Letters to and from, ii., 292, 293, Sinking Spring Valley, provisions 307, 310, 317, 321, 334, 346, 357, to be stored at, vii., 305. 331. Secretary to Braddock, 307. Sipple, Watman's case, ii., 335. Shirley, John, letters to and from, Six Nations of Indians, agreement ii., 199, 332, 381, 387, 422. Death for purchase of lands from the, by of, 524, 531. Generals Butler and Gibson, xi., Shmick, John, examination respect- 529-533. ing Wyominck, ii., 491. Skelton, Captain, xii., 126, 250. Shoemaker, B., letters respecting Skinner, Lieut. Archibald, vi., 625. corporation papers, x., 93. Skinner, Courtland, B. G., v., 367. Shoemaker, Henry, convicted of riot, Skinner, John, proposes a road, xi., removed as a Justice, x., 695. 91, 92, 143, 158. Shoemaker, Lieutenant Jacob, vii., Skipton, xii., 117, 230, 241. 655, 688.. Skirmishes, v., 211, 232, 234, 249; Shoemaker, Joseph, deposition of, vi., 32, 70, 97, 98, 134, 141, 265, viii., 645. 285, 414, 673, 688, 770; vii., 7. Shoes for army, v., 670. Slaughter, Major, xii., 232, 238. Showmlan, obtains a passport, iv., Slavery, gradual abolition of, in the 164. State-bill furnished to Assembly Short creek, prisoners taken by the for, vii., 79. Act for abolishing, Indians on, (1783,) x., 167. passed, viii., 720. Shrawder, Captain Phil., viii., 161; Slippery Rock, near Pittsburg, xii., ix., 349, 388. Takes up march 300. from Gnaddenhutton, 649. Sol- Slough, Matthias, vi., 53, 55. diers sick, 660. Troops at Wyo- Smallman, Thomas, purchases Isming, 761. Respecting Wyoming, land below Fort Pitt, viii., 596. x., 23, 24, 99, 10z4, 131. Ap- Small-pox, prevails among soldiers pointed Capt., 131. Letter from, at Philadelphia, iii., 82. At xii., 70. Marcus Hook, iv., 783. Among Shrewsbury, New Jersey. Express soldiers, ix., 660. to, for intelligence of enemy, v., Smallwood, General, takes a brig, 43, 49. Ships of war passing, 49. vi., 161. Colonel Gurney at, 186. Smallwood, Governor, of Maryland, Shurmer, Benjamin, letters to and internal navigation, x., 542, 543. fiom, i., 370, 380, 390 Delegates on trade, 744. Claims, Sibbald, Capt. John, of Pennsylvania 753. Frigate, commission, iii., 190, 350. Smith, Colonel, vi., 31, 32. AbraLetters, 490. Recommendations, ham, viii., 443, 491, 522; ix., 203, 657, 658, 660. Leaves frigate- 234, 400, 514; xii., 119. succeeded by T. Leech, 658. Smith, Devereux, letters, iv., 512, Sideling Hill, battle at, iii., 315. 515, 612, 630. Deposition, 606. Signals agreed upon with Morocco, Victualler of troops at Kittanning, xi., 171. v., 313. Sirmcock, John, commiss'n to, i., 85. Smith, Captain Frederick, orders to, Simmons, Leeson, v., 538. ii., 544. Simonds, Captain, ix., 120. Smith, Garrett, deposition respecting Simsbury, Connecticut, convention Wyoming, xi., 371. prisoners sent to, ix., 25. Smith, George, vii., 164. RespectSinms, Charles, memorial respecting ing bounty, viii., 52. lands under Virginia title, xi., Smith, Henry, mission to Indians, 160. Opinion of W. Bradford, i., 229. Letter from, 232. Jr., 162. Letter to Vice Presi- Smith, James, passes given by, for dent, 169. sundry goods destroyed, iv., 219. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 613 Depositions respecting, 220. Let- resignation, required, x., 419. ter to, escorting party, 229. Ob- Deposition respect'g J. P. Schott's ligation, 245. M. C., vi. Pur- Company, xi., 393 394. Mem'obrial chases. ix., 459. of, &c., 400. Passes given by, Smith, Dr. John, examination and for sundry goods, iv., 21.9. Dehistory of, in Maryland, iv., 682. position respecting, 220. Letter Deposition, 230. to LieLt. Grant, 229. Smnith, Jonathan, obligation, iv., Smith, Rev. Dr. William, iv., 475. 246. Smith, Dr. William, vi., 621. Smith, Jon. B., presides at meeting Depositions respecting. vii., 259. of " Real Whigs," v., 83; vi., Smith, William. (a tory,) to Le 108, 109, 124, 160-191, 232, 292, confined to his house, v., 106. 303, 314, 350, 357, 359, 365, 371, Obligation of, 145. 403, 420, 427, 466, 54!. Resigns Smiths, murder of Mr. Boyd by, as prothonotary of Philadelphia, vii., 410. xi., 423. Smith,'William Moore, vii., 488. Smith, Lieutenant, engagement with Respecting execution of John Indians, ix., 202. Brown, xi., 277. Smith, Matthew, vi., 633; vii., 280, Smith's fort, ix., 522. 306, 472, 574, 589, 594, 606, 609, Smithfield, prisoners taken at, vi., 614. With troops at Sunbury, 402. 609. Elected vice-president, 745. Smyser, Jacob, x., 77. On Indian murders, viii., 23, 249, Smyth, Hugh, v., 703. 370, 417, 513, 671. Smyth, Colonel Thomas, letter to, Smith, Meriwether, and R. If. Lee, xii., 112, 152. on disputes with Virginia, vii., Snodgrass, ~ collector iln Bcks, 73. robbed, ix., 507. Smith, Richard, complains of a Snow, deep at Fort Dickinson, x magistrate, inimical to the Metho- 197. dists, viii., 740. Snows, deep on mountains, viii., Smith, Robert, state of Billingsport, 120, 152, 156. v., 8. Letters, 8, 9, 37, 324, 426. Snowden, Isaac, Treasurer, viii., Attack on, vii., 637. Militiafines, 567. Treasurer, ix., 587. viii., 535.. Lieutenant of Chester Snowden, Jedediah, wishes to be county, ix., 421, 434. clerk of the market, vii., 708. Smith, Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel, Snyder, Captain John, appointed to vi., 4, 92, 107. command armed schooner for Smith, Thomas, letter, iv., 488, 618. defence of the Delaware, ix,, 672. Commissioner of loan office of Society for Propogating Gospel, apUnited States, v., 183; vi., 39; point Rev. Mr. Campbell minister vii., 696-7. On state of frontiers, of Apoquinimy, i., 191. Rev. Mr. proposes mode of defence, viii., Backhouse at Chester, 226. Let114. Appointed by Congress to ters from Secretary of, 191, 226. sign bills, 635, 639. Bills of Soldiers, distressed condition of, i., credit, ix., 185. Troops from 712, 724. Desertion of, 745. Wyoming, 652. Loan officer, let- Articles of agreement with officers, ters to and from, x., 57, 169, ii., 541, 547. At Fort Augusta (1783,) 170, 174, 190, 447, 461. disposedtomut'ny, iii., 686. In Loan officer, xi., 33, 34. want, 688. Pay of, 140, 687, 688. Smith, W. Hooker, to Corporal Want of provisions, &c., v., 3, 9, Montgomery, on Wyoming affairs, 12, 14, 37, 58, 79, 80, 104, 105, x., 760. Letters, xi., 45, 102, 115, 132, 142. Absenting them104, 105, 108. selves, names of, 110. Deseritions, Smith, William, second letter, iv.,. 144, 166. Wants of, 160, 161, 165, 244. 345, 674. Pay of, 533, 550, 575. Smith, William, muskets arrived, Good effects of good clothing on, viii., 415. As Justice of the peace, vi., 26. Great scarcity of pro 6 [4 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. visions, &c., 38, 61, 343, 354, 3S8, danger from ice, correspondence 408, 419. Number of, 159. Dis- with Commissioner Lianes, xi., tress of, 189, 253. Regullations 99-102. of main guard at Lancaster, 193. Spanish ship puts in in distress, Consumption of liquor, 203. proceedings, iv., 105. Attacked British, depositions respecting, - by privateers, 192. 217, 225. Enlisted, to be sound, Spearing, Lieutenant, letters, ii., 248. Bounty friom Congress, 508. 566, 587. Shot by another, 718. Distress of Speeches of Governor Morris at families of, vii., 482, 637, 666. Aungwick, ii., 193. Governor And sealmen, disabled, provided Belcher's, iii., 98. Indians, 204. for, vii., 89. Bonnties to, 355, Of Governor to Assembly at New 748. Oath to be taken, viii., 291. Castle, 379. Teedyuscung, iv., Raised by subscription, 689. Pay 85, 86. Governor Hamilton, 86. of, 739. Bounties and gratuities, Conoquieson (Indian) to Sir Wilix., 18. Disorderly at Lancaster, liam Johnson, 373. Kyasshula, x., 59. At Philadelphia, attack 433. Of Pipe, a Delaware Chief, on Congress, submission, 61. 441. Of Shawanese, 497. Lord Solitary cells in Philaclelphia to be Dunmore to White Eyes, 684. erected, xi., 706. King Great Britain, vi., 14. Solomons, Capta'Li, ix., 70. Spelling books required in Congress, Somerset, C. H., Army at, v., 162. vi., 209. Enemy at, 367. Spies, viii., 598. Soundings of Delaware river, xii., Spirituous Liquors, on use of, in 69. Army, v., 560, 673, 720. Cost of South Carolina asks for ammunition for the Army, 743;- vi., 203, 205, uand stores, iii., 315. For pilots, 240, 247, 395, 689. Act against 399. Indian treaties with, iv., distillation from grain, vii., 125, 323. Accommodation of Citizens 152. In army, 550. driven from, to Philadelphia, ix., Spouts: leaden, in Philadelphia, 274, 281, 300, 309, 323, 324. taken luring war, to be appraised, Position of affairs in, 283, 430. ix., 366, Flags of truce from, 338. Letter Sprague, Joseph, on Wyoming from Governor asking list of affsirs, xi., 93. traitors, x., 99.. Operations of Springer, Ensign, xii., 195. Lord Cornwallis, (1780,) 173. Springer, Capt. Uriah, xii., 274, Act to comply with requisitions, 278. xi., 17, 23. Governor appliel to Springfieldcl, N. J., enemy near, viii., for public papers as evidence, 308. 545. Sproat, David, on prisoners at New Spain acknowledges independence, York, x., 68. Major, ix., 244. ii., 111. Offers a loan, 111. Sproat, Rev'd James, chaplain asks Spain and Portugal, treaty with, for clothing, x., 720. vi., 173. Sprogel, Lodick, v., 230; vi., Sppalding, Captain, skirmishes with 678. Escort of troops, vii., 129, Indians, vii., 8. 552. Spalngenberg, Rev. Mr. letters, ii., Spry, Commodore, ii., 508. 584, 715. Catalogue of Moravians, Spy, British, taken by Gen. Cliniii., 69. Letters to and from, 69, ton, v., 639. 141, 435, 500. Spyker, Benj., Jr., deposition reSpaniards, conduct of privateers specting H. Carberry, &c., x., towards, complained of, iii., 162. 577. Spanish flag, a drawing sent to the Spyker, Henry, vi., 391. Government, x., 743. Stamps, proposed for Colonies, iv., Spaniarcds take Natchez, &c., xii., 202. Arrive at Philadephia, 241. 216. Letter J. Hughes to Mr. Dickeson Spanish frigate at Marcus Hook in respecting, 240. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 615;tanclarci ordered in France, viii., Steele's, Fort at, Rev. Mr., xii., 257, 461.'tanding Stone, Town, Inhabitants, Steele, James, letter from, on call of driven, off, and murders, vi., 438, Assembly, i., 187, 426. 603, 610, 650. Account of, ix., Steele, Rev'd Capt. John, letters, 546. Fort, xii.,458-460. ii., 623, itandley, Dr. Valentine, vii., 165. Steelman, James, viii., 634, 648. Atanhope, Capt. Henry, British Stephen, Col. Adam, letters, iii., sends insulting letters to Gov. 83, 668. of Massachusetts, x., 499-506. Stephens, Mr., makes Potash at Stansbury, Joseph, suspected, v., Philadelphia, iii., 53. 74. Letters from jail, 94, 98. Stephens, Philip, Secretary of AdTo be confined to his house, 106. miralty, letter to Gov., iv., 243. Obligation of, 145. Stephenson, Col., death of, vii., 401. Stanwix, Fort, Congress anid pur- Stephenson, Lieut., xii., 137. chase of lands at, iv., 309, 375. Sterret, Samuel, copies of acts of Arrival of Comm'rs at x., 346. lands for benefit of University of Mlarquis Fayette addresses Indians Pennsylvania, ix., 676. at, 346. Mons. Marbois at, 346. Stenben, Baron, reviews troops, vi., Purchase of land at, xi., 508. 568. Invited to examine defences Stanwix, Col., John, iii., 150, 173, of Delaware, vii., 199. Militia, 188, 191, 196, 220, 239, 241, 288, 325. Book on military discipline, 301, 439, 517, 628, 668, 687, 693, 643. Militaryplans of, viii., 225, 696, 710, 713. 270, 642. To Pres. Dickinson in State House steeple, estimated cost behalf of P. S. Duponceau as noof taking down, ix., 46. Reso- tary, &c., x., 352. lution of Assembly to pull down, Steuben, Fred., Wm., De, accounts 52. T. Nevill on, 76. (Philad'a,) settled, xi., 70:. reports on repairs, x., 335, 348, Stevens, Gen. Said to be slain, v., 372, 420, 42), 442, 493, 535, 542, 160. Extract of letter from, 175. 547. Treesplanted in, 420. Guard Stevenson, George, letters to and asked for, by Comptraller, 750. from, ii., 89, 449. Letter, iii., Repairs of clock, 563. Repairs, 384, 390, 395, 400, 411; iv., 102. xi., 558. Trees for, 675. Letter, Circular of Councils, v., State (or Province) Island, repairs 68. Chairman, 97; vi., 94, Letof Pest-houses at, x., 53. ters to and from, viii., 50, 107, State Island, repairs wanted, xi., 141. Lays claim to town land in 286. York, 732. " State rights," case of between Stevenson, Surgeon James, letter, Pennsylvania and Virginia, ix., iii., 82. 260, 266, 270, 272. Stevenson, James, account, ix., 221. Staunton, Phil., prisoners sent to. Steve-ison, R., vi., 653. vi., 74, 75. Stewart, Charles, letters, iv., 383, Steclman, Alex., appointed Comm'r 384, 416, 417, 689. Provisions, to settle accounts for wagons fur- viii., 578, 698. Letter to, from nished General Braddock, ii., Lord Sterling, ix., 675. 598. Stewart, Lieut. Colonel George, vi., StedlmanL, Charles, announcing 217, 485, 517, 603. arrival of fleet at Boston, vi., Stewart, John, letter from Commnis685.. ioners on Indian trade to, iv., Steel, contract for, vi., 178. Iron 189. of only Andover Works, New Stewart, Lazarus, capture and esJersey, suitable for, 178. cape, iv., 378. Steele, Archib'd, letter to, viii., 41 Stewart, Colonel Walter, v., 401, Letters, &c., to xii, 115, 116, 119, 713. Loss at Brandywine, 714; 136, 145, 148, 153, 160, 161, 174, vi., 255. Skirmish, 285, 343, 204, 223, 230, 244, 249, 262, 263. 717. Letters, vii., 9, 660. Return 616 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. of Pennsylvania Brigade under, Milligan Commissioner, to settle 69. accounts between United States Stiff-Knee, Indian Chief, arrives in and Pennsylvania, x., 427, 450, Philadelphia, xi.. 733. 451, 742. Stiles, Captain Joseph, vi., 480. Stoy, Lieutenant, vi., 717. On powder magazines, vii., 141. Straker, Wmn., captured by French, On arms, 238, 358. Repairs of with his negroes, Mr. Gerard aparms, viii., 139. Powder maga- plies to Congress for his imprisonzine too small, xi., 202. De- ment, vi., 671. Facts respecting, scribes it, 546. Keeps powder 678. Report of Board of War, magazine, at Philadelphia, xii., 701. Resolution of Congress, 702. 317. With several negroes claimed by Stillwell, Nicholas, v., 453. Mons. Gerard, French Minister, Stirling, Lord. Brigade on way to (See Vol. VI.) vii., 16, 17, 61, 62, Brunswick, v., 66. Clothing for, 70, 83. Letters, 71, 72. 80, 105, 112. Letter respecting Strangers, Burial ground reserved movements in New Jersey, 157, in Philad'a, xi., 571, 570. 162, 170. 173, 174, 194. Letters, Strettell, Robert, letters to and from, 157, 166, 170, 173, 174, 195; viii., ii., 648. 314, 698. Recovering from sick- Strobogh, Lieut., death of. vii., 135, ness-wants a pipe of wine, ix., 146. 675. Commission to examine, Stroebel, Jno. C., on Schuylkill 694. Falls, xi., 651. Stock, Live, &c., to be. removed Strong, Captain Solomon, xi., 108. on appearance of enemy, v., 317, Strong, Commissioner of Connecti404, 456, 461, 473, 512, 545. Plan cut, iv., 470. and persons for, 424. Stroud, Colonel Jacob, vi., 748. Stockton, IMajor Richard-(British.) Letters, &c., vii., 63, 572, 573, Captured and defeated by Colonel 613. Respecting battalion, viii., Neilson, at Lawrence's Island, v., 9. Indians, 176, 188; ix., 108, 230. Sent to Philadelphia, 232. 113, 250, 268. Court martial, A noted Tory, 237. John Norris, 268, 339. taken with, 301. Exchange pro- Stroud, Samuel, vi., 651. posed, 316. Stump, Frederick, murders Indians, Stockton, Richard W., v., 367. iv., 290, 296. Stoddard, B.njanin, vi., 608. Let- Style, Act for changing Old to New, ter to, xii., 266. 1752, ii., 68. Stoddart, Captain, skirmish with In- Sub-Lieutenants-circular to, vii., dians, vii., 8. 105. Stokeley, Captain, viii., 210; x., Substitutes, v., 487, 672. Discon22, 262 tinuance of, vi., 59, 251. Expense Stokely, Captain Thomas, xi., 107, of, 65, 96, 171; vii., 401. 122, 254. Stationed at Fort Craw- Sugar Cabins, minutes of a meeting ford, 255. Death of, in General at the, ii., 320. Clarke's expedition, ix., 369, 458. Sugar Camp, murders at, xii., 210, Under Colonel Lochry, 330, 333, 212. 405, 406. Letters to and from, Sullivan, Capt., xi., 201. 330, 446. Sullivan, Fort, when and where Stony Brook. Engagement at, v., erected, x., 7 9. 162. Sullivan, Gen., complained of, vi., Stony Point, Wayne's victory, vii., 37, 97. 581, 585. Enemy at, 636. Reso- Sullivan Gen. John, respecting the lution of thanks to Gen. Wayne, bridge built by him on Schuylkill, 741. vii., 94, 120. Letter respecting Stores, Return of, at Fort Augusta, papers, 211. Impressing wagons, iv., 122. 388, 427, 433, 439. Guard for Story, John, appointed with James stores, 451. On ranging Co.'s, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 617 455, 568. Respecting Quarter 421. Arnold, Benedict, 376. Mlasters. Escort for stores, 405, Assembly, 586. Atlee, William, 418, 424, 447, 457, 473. Respect- 327. ing, 473, 512, 535. Movements, Bailey, John, v., 405, 413. Bailey, 553, 554, 555,'585, 590-594, 597, Win., 349. Bryan, George and 620, 640, 619, 667, 686, 709, 715, J. Evans, 352. Biddle, Colonel 721-724, 756, 768. Complained ot, Clement, 721, 739. Biddle, Owen, 590, 593. Letters from, 593, 594. 267, 268, 301. Blaine, Ephraim, Going to Tiogca, 594. Destroys 299, 677. Blewer, Joseph, 464. Indian Towns, 721-724, 756. is Bond, Phineas, 578. Boundinot, comrlained of for making appoint- Elias, 313, 442. Boyd, Colonel ments, viii., 425. Expedition, ix., Andrew, 712. Bradford, Colonel 263; xii., 119, 138, 148, 154, 165, William, 430, 557, 582, 615, 644, 175. 648, 649, 663, 668, 707, 740. Sullivan and Carberry, mutiny, xi., Buchanan, William, 552, 667, 27. 677, 690, 711, 742, 744. Budden, Sulphur, refining of, iv., 719, 752. James, 591. Bull, Colonel John, Discovered near Susquehanna, 304, 306, 709. Butler, Anthony, 719. Near Elizabeth Town New 557. Jersey, 720. In Bristol, 723. Near Campbell, George, v., 269. Bordentown, 753; v., 182, 245, Carothers, John, 639. Cheney, 253. Colonel, 732. Christ, H., &c., Sunbury, troops, &c., Jail proposed, 605, 623, 734. Clark. Mich., 712. iv., 463; vii., 341, 344, 375, 499, Co:ats, Lieut. Colonel William, 553, 574, 593, 609, 619. Flour 766. Committee for driving ordered to, viii., 310. Murders by off cattle, 473, 512, 545, 567, Indians, 341. German battalion 610. Committee of Lancaster, called from, 474. Indian murders 266, 349, 571. Committee of near, viii, 513, 529. Distress of, fifty, 473, 631. Congress, 2S9, 611. Troops at, ix., 293. Supplies 352, 366, 372, 411, 471, 530, 574, for, 411. Fort Augusta, at, xii., 586, 593, 626, 630, 638. Con329, 339. nolly, John, 297. Conway, Brig. Sunderland, Earl of, orders, &c., Gen. T., 523, 530. Crispin, Win., from him, i., 97, 100, 102, 105. 706. Supersedeas, of Thomas Yorke, a DeHaven, Hugh, v., 569. Judge, iv., 42. DeHaven, Peter, 606, 607. Supreme Court, plan for, i., 166. Dewees, Thomas, 266. Downey, At York, letter from Judges, viii., Capt., 431. Donaldson, Joseph, 773. 497, 534. Dorsey, Thomas, 535, Legality of trial and sentence when 550. Dundas, James, 616. the Judge is a delegate to Con- Episcopal Church, v., 600, 603. gress, ix., 163. Eyre, Joshua, 591. Judges, requested by President, to Flower, Benjamin, 369, 706. recommend importance of moral Galbraith, Bartremn, v., 343, 353, training of youth, public schools, 407, 409, 415, 457, 480, 486, &c., x., 623. 521, 532, 533, 543, 562, 573. Prothonotaries' Reports, xi., Galbraith, Robert, 730. Gerry, 765. E., 754. Gregory, James, 334, Opinion of Judges on tenure of 500, 588. Gronow, Lewis, 487, offices, xii., 30. 732. Supreme Executive Council or- Hamilton, James, v., 611, 613, ganized, v., 252. Call of, 620. Hancock, John, President, 312. 289, 574. Hand, Brig. General Letters to and from, Armstrong, Edward, 443, 540. Hazelwood, Colonel John, 324, 558, 561, 568, John, 602. 620, 680, 696, 721. 570, 572, 581, 587, 598, 636, 641, Henry, Colonel, William, 473, 645, 655, 672, 684, Arndt, John, 543. Henry, William, and. J. 618 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Supreme Executive Council —v. Supreme Executive Council-vi. Hubley, 347. Hooper, Robert, 324, 426. Smyth, Hugh, 703. Lettis, 689. Hopkinson, F., &c., Stewart, Colonel Walter, 713. 489. Howell, Jacob S., 640. Stillwell, Nicholas, 453. Sutter, Hubley, Adam, 531, 533, 667. James, 750. HIubley, John, 295, 415, 427;. 505. Tilghman, James, v., 502, 641. Hunn, John, 453, 4!i2, 467, 468, Tilghman, Tench, 674. Treasury, 475. Hunter, Lieutenant Samuel, United States, 334. Trumbull, 370, 377, 414, 737. Hunter, Col. Jonathan, 657. Tyler, John, 731. Samuel, 610, 717. Virginia, Delegates in Congress, Ingersoll, Jared, v., 503. Irwin, 413. MIatthew, 613, 771. WVar Office, v., 290, 296, 301, 306, Kirkbride, Jo., v., 322, 331, 342, 371, 39S, 430, 439, 450, 502, 512, 368, 463, 465, 549, 567, 580. 535, 570, 583, 584, 675, 685, 686, Laurens, Henry, v., 735. Lee, 751. W;ar Office of Pennsylvania, Richard Henry, 665. Leimback, 409, 428, 451, 471, 683. WashFrederick, 524. Levers, Robert, ington, General George, 419, 431, 618, 622, 623, 645, 650, 654, 717. 482, 510, 617, 618, 624, 664, 669, Lieutenants of Counties, 365, 379, 678, 697. WVeitzell, Lieutenant 380, 424, 474, 523, 541, 545, 556, John, 268, 544. 582, 593, 615, 694. Livingston, Young, James, v., 336, 337, 411. Governor WVilliam, 267, 294, 296, Antes, Williamnl, vi., 456. Arm301, 321, 329, 614, 621, Lochry, strong, General John, 30, 43, 53, Archibald, 344, 488, 741. Lyon, 60, 70, 85, 91, 100, 122, 148, 149, 7Villiam, 417. 230, 238, 293, 413, 4S9, 612, 613, McCaliister, Richard, v., 330, 333, 635, 660, 669, 680, 715, 717, 744. 335, 369, 412, 559, 633, 640, 692, Arndt, John, 338. Arnold, Gen767. McIlvaine, William, 509. eral Benedict, 687, 706, 748. AsMcKlinley, Jno., 309, 456. McLean, sembly, 104, 369, 518, 685. AuArchibald, 514, 536, 575, 682, ditor-General, United States, 591. 704. Magistrates, 421, 473, 504, Bailey, Francis, and Captain Lang, 553, 580, 598. Melchor, Isaac, 405. Bayard, Colonel John, 527, 653. Mifflin, Jonathan, 584, 61. Beaton, John, 494. Berks 594, 595, 597. Mifflin, General county justices, 138, 722. B3iddle, Thomas, 554, 720. Morgan, Colonel Clement, 92, 104, 122, Jacob, 299, 322, 341, 406, 466, 139, 187, 220, 540. Blaine, Eph530, 632. Moirris, J., Jr., 294, raim, D. C. G., 252. Blewer, 481, 506, 749. Captain Joseph, 671. Board of Navy Board, v., 293, 425, 429, war, (Continental,) 35, 42, 52, 501, 511, 521, 538, 540, 542, 590, 63, 84, 86, 92, 118, 127, 174, 185, 594, 600, 722. Navy, Continental, 188, 192, 195, 205, 208, 214, 216, 491. Nicola, L., 600, 619, 630. 234, 268, 280, 339, 351, 359, 369, Paca, William, v., 635. Potter, 402, 429, 444, 454, 492, 517, 526, General James, 305, 433, 437, 533, 540, 549, 556, 576, 581, 586, 440, 461, 511, 551, 570, 718, 719, 593, 604, 608, 643, 644, 647, 649, 738, 768. Proctor, Col. Thomas, 654, 655, 667, 668, 684, 727, 745, 455. 758, 768. Bondfield, John, 172, Read, James, v., 323, 602. Reed, 330. Boudinot, Elias, 89, 162. Joseph, 289, 379, 693, 701, 702. Boyd, Lieutenant Andrew, 355, Rittenhouse, Benj., 743. Rober- 432, 482, 582, 647. Boyd, Colodeau, Daniel, 639, 659, 669, 726, nel J., 596. Bradford, Colonel 728, 735, 770, 772. William, 11, 24, 27, 80, 204. Savadge, Thomas, v., 763. Sey- Bradford, William C., 451. Brodmour, Commodore, 577. Sheriffs, head, Daniel, 462, 492, 772. Magistrates, &c., 291. Sheriff of Buchanan, William, 34. Bull, Northampton Co., 489. Shippen, Colonel John, 129, 133, 190, 746. William, 768. Smith, Robert, Butler, Col. Richard, 253, 386, 404. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 619 Supreme Executive Council-vi. Supreme Executive Council-vi. Caclwalader, Lambert, vi., 655. Galbraith, Colonel Robert, 238, Caldwell, Charles, 502. Carothers, 511, 550. Galloway, Mrs. J., 674. Lieutenant John, 438, 447, 466, Glarland, Captain George, 737. 491, 539, 559, 609, 619, 700. Gates, General HIoratio, President Chambers, John, 504. Circulars, B. VW., 205. Gibbon, Colonel 65, 88, 124, 179, 240, 294, 427, William, 530. Gibson, George, 431, 452, 638, 650. Claypoole, 319, 553. Gourla,. John, 443. James, 624. Clymer, Daniel, Gray, William, and Jno. Little, 105. Coates, Colonel William, 377. Greene, Major-GeneralNath227. Collectors of clothing, 33. aniel, 444, 483, 530. Greer, Commissioners of Berks county, Joseph, 395. Gronow, Lewis, 327, 520. Commissioners of 496. Chester count'y, 560. Commis- Haberstack, Michael, vi., 362. sioners for Lancaster, 531. Corn- Hagner, Lieutenant Frederick, missioners of clothing, 27, 179. 486. Hale, Thomas, and N. Commissioners for seizing estates, Weaver, 628. Iambright, John, 13, 644. Commissioners for col- 770. Hamilton, James, 372, 383, lecting provisions, 278, 294, 329, 433, 456, 468. Harris, David, 32. 418, 431. Commissioners for Harris, John, 211, 574. Hart, Western department, 386. Corn- William, 396, 431, 525. Hartley, mittee of Congress, 316, 362, 367, Thomas, 497, 674, 691, 692, 720. 384, 389, 677. Congress, 12, 104, Hazelwood, Commodore John, 47, 136, 152, 153, 158, 161, 176, 207, 121, 132, 167, 180, 246, 599, 724, 208, 210, 248, 249, 284, 298, 318, 749. Henry, William, 645. Ril327, 340, 350, 364, 378, 39i4, 403, egas, Michael, 538, 548, 565. 448, 4!;0, 485, 488, 493, 507, 522, Hubley, John, 750, 769. Hubley, 524, 589, 592, 607, 670, 675, 708, Joseph, 145. Hunter, Lieutenant 710, 713, 726, 727, 737, 775. Samuel, 175, 191, 392, 478, 499, Coombe, Rev. Thomas, Jr., pass 536, 552, 563, 564, 571, 573, 599, for New.York, 626. Cowell, 624, 636, 711, 773. Ebenezer, 51. Coxe, John, 16, Irvine, Matthew, vi., 166. Irvine, 29. Craig, Robert, 41. Craig, Colonel William, 726. Irwin, M., Colonel Thomas, 412. Crispin, and R. Bridges, 718. William, 151, 174, 203, 441. Cul- Jeffries, Joseph, vi., 349. Jones, bertson, Colonel Robert, 448. Thomas, 107, 130. Dana, Francis, vi., 316. David- Kirkbride, Joseph, vi., 96, 175, son, James, 16. Davis, John, 261, 262, 280, 503. 562. Davison, Hugh, 504. De- Lacey, Brig.-Gen., vi., 168, 202, Haven, Hugh, 58. De Haven, 226, 240, 255, 265, 361, 378, 381, Peter, 52, 475, 633. Delegates in 384, 390, 398, 402, 414, 470, 579, Congress, 116, 124, 137, 207, 231, 580, 594, 595. Laird, Samuel, 242, 269, 277, 298, 359, 380, 455, 550. Lebar, Colonel Abraham, 535, 577. Deshler, Colonel, 394. 44, Lee, Francis Lightfoot, 82, Dickinson, Jonathan, 496. 147. Lee, Major Thomas, 440. Edwards, Thomas, vi., 449. Elder, Lesher, John, 170, 327, 347, 667, Joshua, 616. Ettwein, John, 751. 675. Levan, Abraham, 406, 449. Evans, Edward, 544. Evans, Levers, Robert, 140, 141, 341, Colonel Thomas, 709. Evans, 344, 346, 362, 381, 435, 464, 486, William, 731. 533, 626, 719, 721. Levis, Thos., Ferguson, Mrs. Elizabeth, vi., 651. Lewis, William, 641.'Lieu617. Flower, Colonel Benjamin, tenants, 156, 169, 426, 452, 500, 135, 450, 463. Forst, David, 650. Livingston, Governor Wil296. Freeholders at Bedford ianm, 133, 453, 599, 604, 728. County, 577. Furman, Moore, Lochrey, Archibald, 68, 142, 459, 439. 495. Lutterloh, Colonel, 210, Galbraith, Bartrem, vi., 643, 648. 348, 352. Lyon, William, 228. 620 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Supreme Executive Council-vi. Supreme Executive Council —vii. McCalester, Colonel Richard, vi., pen, Dr. WVilliam, 688. Skinner, 22, 171, 197, 244, 369, 463, 479, Abraham, 625. Smith, Lieutenant 547. Maclay, William, 634. Mc- Colonel, 4. Smith, James, 270. Clean, Archibald, 294, 376, 750. Smith, Jonathan, B., 160, 191, McDowell, Alex., 572. Mackay, 232, 293, 303, 314, 350, 357, 359, John, 401. McKean, Thomas, 365, 369, 403, 420, 427, 466, 545. 266, 555, 566, 568. Magistrates, Smith, Matthew, 632. Smith 258. Mease, James, 22, 426, 428. Thomas, and Edward WVoods, 39. Marsteller, Philip, 264. Melchior, Smith, Dr. William, 621. S1mith, Colonel, 676, 699. Morgan, Col- and Keachline, lieutenants, 92, onel G(eorge, 714. Morgan, Jacob, 107. Sprogel, Lodick, 678. SpyL. B. C., 14, 288, 418, 441, 522, ker, Henry, 391. Stevenson, 542, 562, 630, 706. Morgan, George, 94. Stevenson, Robert, Jacob, commissioner, 47, 382. 653. Stewart, Colonel Walter, Morgan, Jacob, Jr., 128, 399, 568, 285, 343. Stiles, Captain Jos., 574, 639. Morris, Robert, 45. 480. Stoddart, Benjamin, 608. Navy Board, State, vi., 24, 38, Stroud, Col. Jacob, 748. Sweers, 110, 243, 332, 333, 355, 421, 434, Cornelius, 473. 517, 696, 745. Nesbit, John M., Tilghman, James, vi., 96. Tilgh652. Nicola, Lewis, 197, 213, man, Tench, 407. 358, 411, 656, 742. Van Campen, &c., John, vi., 767. O'Neal, Dennis, vi., 498. Wagon masters, vi., 212. Wallis, Patterson, Captain Alexander, vi., Samuel, 666, 687. WVashington, 432. Peters, Richard, 72, 493. General George, 153, 156, 180, Pettit, Charles, 366, 513, 525, 189, 200, 201, 241, 250, 254, 255, 620, 623. Pickering, Timothy, 263, 274, 277, 291, 325, 338, 353, 173, 237, 546. Piper, Colonel 354, 357, 401, 405, 409, 416, 425, John, 34, 36, 115, 138, 194, 229, 431, 445, 480, 490, 498, 522, 546, 469, 505, 682. Pleasants, Samuel, 557, 558, 604, 752. WTatkins, 524. Porter, Captain Andrew, Joseph, 368. WVatson, John, 769. 594. Potter, General James, 51, Wayne, Anthony, 25, 86, 142, 83, 89, 97, 98, 141, 150, 169, 521, 251, 381, 387, 397, 408, 411, 419, 665, 729. Potts, Samuel, 595. 428, 451, 474. Weitzel, LieutenPrice, Philip, 695. Prisoners in ant John, 271, 541, 551, 629. Masonic Lodge, 509, 511. Proc- Wirtz, Major, 201. Wynkoop, tor, Colonel John, 445, 458, 506, Henry, 600. 659, 722. Proctor, Col. Thomas, Young, James, W. M., vi., 75, 676. 218, 259, 276, 282, 289, 321, 330, Ralston, John, &c., vi., 747, 772. 337, 343, 366, 519, 674. Rea, Samuel, 611, 672. Read, Adams, Samuel, vii., 14, 763. James, 234, 245, 473. Recruiting Admiralty, Judge of, 558, 694. officers, 280. Reed, Joseph, 120, Allen, Mrs., 452. Allison, Francis, 218, 712, 739. Rice, Robert, 722. Jr., 589. Armstrong, General Rittenhouse, David, 643. Rober- John, 18, Arnold, Major General deau, General Daniel, 10, 131, Benedict, 370. Artillery, officers, 134, 144, 183, 206, 209, 216, 273, 254. Assembly, 64, 77, 100, 142, 287, 295, 359, 374, 422, 446, 567, 191, 202, 472, 693, 712, 720, 738. 583, 584, 609. Rudolph, Lieu- Atlee, William, 674, 773. tenant John, 454. Rush, Jacob, Baltimore, magistrates, vii., 390. 752. Barge, and Tyng, 728. Bayard, Sanders, Wm., vi., 716. Savadge, John, 189. Beahm, Philip, 13. Thomas, 159, 182, 236, 398, 400, Blaine, Ephriam, 707. Bland, 417. Scott, Thomas, 673. Ser- Colonel Theodore, 107. Blythe, geant, Jonathan D., 630, 683, Colonel Benjamin, 496. Board of 740. Seymour, Commodore Thos., war, (Continental,) 90, 98, 101, 97. Shippen, Edward, 683. Ship- 201, 202, 227, 229, 230, 232, 256, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 621 Supreme Executive Council-vii. Supreme Executive Council-vii. 282, 284, 286, 287, 289, 292, 308, Peter, 133, 175, 195. Delaney, 312, 329, 339, 340, 375, 385, 389, John, 94. Delaney, Sharp, 762. 397, 404, 418, 420, 421, 424, 437, Delapt, Richard, 702. Delegates 442, 450, 454, 456, 459, 460, 469, in Congress, 134, 137, 140, 141, 480, 495, 496, 507, 627, 640, 649, 160, 174, 181, 184, 192, 422, 478, 676, 677, 681, 691, 696, 709, 710, 551, 557. Delegates in Congress 713, 719, 727, 730, 731. Boyd, from Virginia, 184. Deshler, Colonel Andrew, 97, 471. Boys, Charles, 17. Dougherty, Bernard, Captain Nathan, 200, 240, 248, 186, 297. Drayton, William H., 566. Bradford, Thomas, 560. 328, 335. Dundas, Jaimes, &c., Bradford, WV. C., 556. Brodhead, 140, 253, 326, 333. Dunlap, John, Colonel Daniel, 465, 505, 569, 201. Du Portail. Briogadier-Gen710, 771. Brown, Lieutenant- eral, ch., 272, 279, 280, 3,i6, 399, Colonel Alexander, 515. Brown, 403, 409, 690. Du Simitiere, Lientenant-Colonel John, 226, 271. 212. Edwards, Major, 107, 152. Ball, Colonel John, 240, 544, 635. Eckhard, Valentine, 552. Erwin, Burke, Thomas, 170, 172. Butler, Captain Joseph, 563. Ettwein, Colonel Richard, 482, 514. But- Rev. John, 295. Eyre, Col. Jehu, ler, Colonel Zebulon, 283. 457. Eyre, Benj., G., &c., 644. Campbell, Captain Thomas, vii., Farmer, Colonel Leiwis, 273, 301, 447. Carothers, Col. John, 689, 754. Farmer, Michael, 453. 405, 618. Carson, John, 437, 470, Fire companies, 134. Fisher, 637, 659, 691. Chesney, William, Henry, 390, 410, 705, 730. Fitz599. Circulars, 104, 105, 183, simons, Thomas, 407. Flower, 304, 486. Clarkson, Matthew, Colonel Benjamin, 294, 296, 385. (Marshal,) 554. Claypoole, Jas., Franklin, Benjamin, 774. Sheriff, 252, 291, 360, 631, 765. Galbraith, Colonel Bartrem, vii., Clingham, W., 158. Cluggage, 370. 507, 522, 611, 679. GalCaptain Thomas, 512, 624, 659, braith, Colonel Robert, 18, 74, 99. 742. Coats, Lieutenant-Colonel Galloway, Mrs. Grace, 93, 95. William, 376, 377, 764. Com- Gerard, Mons., 16, 17, 61, 62, 70, mercial Committee of Congress, 83, 164, 169, 185, 269, 278, 595, 579, 605. Commissaries ot pur- 604, 632, 648, 651, 653, 708. chases and issues, 304. Commis- Governors of States, 197. Greene, slary General of issues, 587. Com- Gen. Nathaniel, 175, 179. Greenmissioners for collecting flour1 waltI P.7 287. Gre'g7 Matthtew Th3, 700. ommiss're of forfeited 64i. furncy, francis, 460, &etates, 243. Commissioners for Hagner, Will., &c., vii., 671, 767. procuring salt, 760. Committee Hiale, Thomas, GSS. Hall, Chas., of City, 461. Committee of Con- 651. Haller, Captain Henry, 488. gress, 84, 85, 88, 170. Congress, Hambright, John, 519. Hand, 5, 12, 13, 14, 81, 89, 102, 106, General Edward, 321, 344, 403, 127, 162, 241, 246, 261, 265, 270, 408, 715. Harbeson, Benjamin, 274, 304, 312, 313, 324, 347, 369, &c., 102, 153. Hardie, Captain 396, 417, 479, 490, 507, 513, 521, Robert, 91, 92. Harding, Capt., 532, 536, 552, 631, 647, 662, 664, 761. Harmar, Colonel Joseph, 673, 695, 716, 738, 756, 765. 750. Harris, David, 638. HartConnor, Colonel Morgan, 336. ley, Colonel Thomas, 3, 10, 71, 86, Conyngham, Captain G., 320. 87, 258, 391, 776. Hazelwood, Council of Massachusetts, 138. Coin. John, 19, 112. Henry, Coxe, Colonel John, 749. Craig, George, 139, 190, 239, 333, 365. Jamoh &i,, 717. Crawford, Jal., ilonry, QGoyrnur Fat.rik, P47, 760. Crispin, William, 200, 314. 441. Hlenry, Col. W~illiam, 309, Cushing, Thomas, 250. 416, 456, 514, 557, 599, 600, 667, Davis, Caleb, vii., 444. De Haas, 711. Hervey, Major George, 566. General J. P., 330. De Haven, Hewitt, Thomas, 545. Hodge, 622 - INDEX] TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Supreme Executive Council-vii. Supreme Executive Council-vii. Andrew, 319. Hoffman, Stokely, 76, 120, 187, 235, 241, 588, 657. 737. Holliday, William, 445. Marshal, Christopher, 668. MarsHolker, Monsieur (Consul), 137, steller, Colonel Philip, 567, 716. 238. 499, 502, 503, 510, 513, 531, Massachusetts, President of Coun532, 536, 558, 560, 580, 601, 628, cil of, 231. Maxwell, General 641, 669, 675, 678, 682, 683, 686, William, 178. Martin, Colonel, 699, 701, 703, 713. Hopkinson, 446. Meade & Co., George, 407. Francis, 758, 694. Hubley, Lient. Miller, H., & Jno. Clark, Jr., 609. Colonel Adam, Jr., 366, 498, 553, Mitchell, John, 160, 189, 213, 248, 596, 721, 755. Hubley, John, 262, 345, 474, 527, 746. Mont297, 667. Hunter, Lieut. Col. gomery, Captain James, 455, 476, Samuel, 116, 316, 346, 375, 438, 487, 521, 533, 706, 755. Moore, 455, 510, 546, 615, 619. Thomas, 543. Morgan, Colonel Imlay, John, vii., 264. Irwin, Jacob, Jr., 484, 559. Morris, A. Barclay & Co., 198, 244, 246, 263, James, 760. Morris, John, Jr., 265, 266, 734. Irwin & Bridges,. 120, 309, 310. Morris, Robert, 314. Irwin, Matthew, 244, 261, 125, 386, 417, 608. Murray, 263, 311, 734, 765. Irwin, Thos., William, 432. Myres, Jacob, 745. &c., 147. Navy Board, vii., 695. Neilson, James, Abel, vii., 758. Jameson, Captain John, 74. Nesbitt, J. MIH., David, 529, 652. Jameson, D., 210, 228, 234, 246. New Jersey, and J. Eichelberger, 490, 530. Delaware and Virginia, 152. Jennifer & Root, 750. Jennings, Newspaper Printers, 136, 201. M., 311, 359. Johnson, Colonel Nicholson, Captain, 488. Nicola, Francis, 411, 581. Jordan, Jesse, Lewis, 77, 190, 203, 255, 358, 362, 194. Joy, Captain Daniel, 562. 364, 387, 484, 489, 492, 509, 519, Judges of Supreme Court, 773. 523, 526, 548, 549, 56 561, 562, 574, Kackline, Andrew, vii., 775. Ken- 625, 634, 635, 641, 643, 646, 648, dal, Joseph, 410. Kirkbride, 663, 674, 682, 698, 701, 767, Joseph, 108. Knox, John, 433. 769, 775. Northampton county, Lang, Captain, James, vii., 537, inhabitants of, 360. Colonels of, 567. Leaming, T., & George 616. Henry, 422. Levan, Daniel, 610? Officers at Billingsport and M. Isl., Levers, Robert, 15, 176. Lieu- vii., 409, 424, 502, 720, 745. tenants, 267, 275, 486, 650, 747. Orndt, John, 625. Owners of Livingston, Governor William, brig Achilles, 308. 260, 474, 480, 492. Lochry, Lt. Patterson, William A., vii., 167. Col. Arch'd, 173, 362, 363, 430, Persons on forestalling, 113. 564, 754, 770. Loudon, Samuel, Pettit, Charles, 196, 335, 399, 403, 206. Loughead, James, 531, 673, 420, 433, 460, 481, 495. Phila764. Lyon, William, 144, 399. delphia Justices, 658. Phyle, MacAlester, Colonel Richard, vii., Dr. F. (Naval Officer), 185. Pick110, 115, 367, 399, 414, 426. ering, Timothy, 656. Piper, Lt. McCalla, William, 620. McClen- John, 578. Pomroy, Ralph, 312. achan, B. & Co., 248, 252, 281, Potter, General James, 419. Proc285, 288, 309, 310, 318, 322, 343, tor, Colonel Thomas, 121, 123, 364, 442, 768. McCulloch, Capt. 135, 146, 260, 270, 290, 298, 405, John, 371, 506. McGinley, Capt. 423, 440, 476, 485. Purchasers John, 652. McIlheney, George, of flour, 548, 692, 766. Pur315. McIntosh, Gen. Lachn., 131. chasers of salt, 728. McKean, Thomas, C. J., 21, 225, Read, James, vii., 289. Read, 274, 279, 328, 637, 644, 699, 703, John, 272. Reading, George, 345. 732, 735, 744, 773. Maclay, Wm., Recruiting officers, 300. Reed, 192, 357, 586, 593, 597, 598, 623. Bowes, 262. Risberg, Gustavus, McPherson, Captain John, 180. 550. Rittenhouse, Benjamin, 142. Marine Committee, of Congress, Rittenhouse, David, 302. Rober INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 623 Supreme Executive Council-vii. Suprefie Executive Council —viii. dean, Gen. Daniel, 100, 137, Amberson, William, 487. Amer. 159, 167, 184, 192, 198, 236, 296, Philosophical Society, 136. An299, 643. Roberts, widow, &c. tes, Frederick, 219. Armstrong, of John, 122. Rogers, Rev. Win., Gen. John, 31, 152, 243, 599, 636. 253, 273, 449. Root, Hon. Jesse, Armstrong, William, 34. Assem774. Ross, George, 212, 451, 468. bly, 280, 609, 655, 656, 685, 687, Rush & Hutchinson, Drs., 408. 758. Atlee, Col., Samuel J., 216, Rush, Jos., and James Craig, 330. 241, 220, 305, 333, 335, 351, 423, Ryan, Philip, 541. 437, 438, 469, 484, 524, 580. St. Clair, Gen. Arthur, vii., 237, Atlee, Judge William, 56, 124. 291, 355, 452, 491, 500, 582, 607, Auditors of soldiers' accounts, 665, 736. Savadge, Thomas, 96, 762. 109, 111, 116. Scammell, Alex., Baily, James, viii., 390. Baker, 649. Scott, Thomas, 434. Scott, Hilary, Jr., 720. Balliet, Lt. Col. W. & R. Stevenson, 206. Scull, Stephen, 564. Bayard, Hon. J., Major, 469. Searle, Hon. James, 247. Bedford, Inhabitants of, 141. Sergeant, Jonathan D. 267, 749. Blaine, Ephraim, 13, 260, 275, 395, 743. Sheriff, High, of 304, 478, 480, 494, 565, 577, 603. Philadcla., 252, 291, 360. Shippen, 630, 646. Blythe, Benj., 96. Win. 209. Shoemaker, Lt. Jacob, Board of War, 5, 8, 38, 39, 43, 688. Smith. George, 164. Smith, 57, 74, 98, 110, i122, 132, 141, Col. lMatthew, 280, 306, 607, 609, 153, 159, 161, 165, 175, 181, 224, 614, 747. Smith, Meriwether, & 248, 269, 308, 343, 425, 432, 434, R. H. Lee, 73. Smith, Thomas, 435, 436, 442, 453, 457, 471, 478, 695. Snowden, Jedediah, 709. 485, 498, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, Sprogel, Lodick, 129. Standley, 549, 552, 554, 573, 576, 579, 580, Dr. Valentine, 165. Steuben, 581, 600, 601, 611, 632, 689, 722, Baron, 199, 325. Stewart, Col. 727, 728, 739, 747. Boyd, Col. WValter, 9, 660. Stiles, Capt. Jo- A., 12, 323. Boys, Capt. Nathan, seph, 141, 238, 358. Straker, 228, 728. Bradford, Thomas, 97, William, 71, 72. Stroud, Col. 503. Bradford, William, Jr., 621, Jacob, 63, 613. Sullivan, Gen. 666, 725, 730, 760. Brodhead, Jno. 211, 388, 427, 439, 450, 457, Colonel Daniel, 22, 38, 106, 109, 473, 756, 768. 120, 140, 149, 197, 210. 217, 246, Thompson, Hon. James, vii., 652. 249, 300, 378, 513, 515, 536, 558, Van Campen, John, 573, 574, 565, 588, 596, 640, 743, 766. 603. Bull, Col. John, 164. Butler, Col. Wall, Gen. Geo., Jr., vii., 103, 104, Richard, 607, 741, 748. Butler, 660. Wardens of Philada., 627. Lt. Col. William, 747. Butler, Washington, Gen. George, 119. Col. Zebulon, 633. 127, 129, 161, 188, 210, 236, 293, Campbell, Thomas, viii., 36. Cas327, 337, 341, 351, 377, 407, 447, well, Richard, Gov. N. C., 191. 479, 535, 555, 626, 670, 671, 672, Chaloner and White, 248. Cham684. Wayne, Gen. Anthony, 142. bers, Col. John, 320. Circular of Wetherill, Samuel, Jr., 172. Congress, 277. Clarkson, MatWetzel, Col. John, 299, 572, 579, thew, (marshal) 498, 500. Clay617. Whitesides, Thomas, 19. poole, James, 117, 321. Clinton, Wilcox, Alexander and John, 122, Gov. George, 132, 179. Cluggage, 148, 721, 725, 727. Wilkinson, Major Robert, 278. Coats, Col. Gen. J., 449, 744. Will, William, William, 43. Colonels of Battal729, 759. Young, James, 98, 151. ions, 111. Colonel of City BatZeigler, Capt. David, 368. talion, 309. Commissioners for Active Agents of sloop, viii., 209. procuring flour, 84. CommissionAdams, John, 399, 563. Admi- ers of Philada., 80. Commissionralty, 542. Agents for confiscated ers of purchases, 277, 441, 720. estates, 735, 760. Allen, Ira, 88. Commissioners for purchase of 624 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Supreme Executive Council —viii. Supreme Executive Council —viii. salt, 4, 24, 28. Commissaries of Colonel Moses, 105, 645. Heisler, supplies, 287. Commissioners of Daniel, Jr., 697. Henry, Colonel Taxes of Berks county, 124, 133, WVilliam, 30, 207, 309, 380, 423, 138. Commissioners of Virginia, 652, 667, 685, 730, 654, 761. 91. Committee of Assembly, 737, Hewitt, Thomas, 528. Hillegas, 758. Committee of Congress at Michael, 403, 492, 493. Hodgdon, Camp, 266, 293, 315, 355, 404. Samuel, 174, 746. Holker, Mons., Congress, 20, 85, 87, 96, 99, 135, F. C. 11, 90, 94, 134, 147, 148, 142, 199, 202, 203, 229, 263, 299, 347, 350, 365, 366, 396, 402, 545, 325, 340, 343, 349, 375, 419, 429, 550, 552, 571, 756. HIopkinson, 458, 517, 529, 560, 583, 590, 606, Francis, 241, 245, 490. 667. How608, 635, 639, 657, 702, 719, 722, ell, Jacob S, 247. Hubley, Col., 723, 744, 751. Congress, Com- Adam, 512, 755. Hubley, John, mittee of, 53, 239, 281, 337, 338, 83, 395, 586. Huffnag-le, Michael, 355, 356. Conolly, Dr. John, 104. 569. Hunter, Colonel Samuel, Cox, Col. John, 406. 29, 157, 166, 189, 205, 369, 393, Davis, David, viii., 382, 458. 567, 632, 717. Huston, Lt., W. Dean, Joseph, 712, 734. De Cor- 153. ny, Mons. E., 383, 416. Delegates Irvine, General James, viii., 663, in Congress, 9, 47, 61, 160, 191, 664. Irvine, General William, 351, 392, 494, 643, 703, 722, 745, 103, 206, 225, 232, 238, 245, 409, 757. Delegates of Connecticut 511, 512, 570, 578, 643, Irwin, in Congress, 111, 112, 711. Den- Captain John, 771. Irwin, Colonel, ny, David, &c., 496. Deshler, D. Samuel, 637. Irwin, Thomas, and C., 300, 535, 697, 711, 721. &c., 137. Dickinson, Gen. Philemon, 736. Jackson, David, viii., 544. JefDoz, Andrew, 154, 413. Duane, ferson, Thomas, Gov. of Virginia, James, 628, 659. Du Portail, 196, 641. Johnston, Col. Francis, Genl., 37. 410. Jones, Rev. David, 752. Eckart, Valentine, viii., 529. Ed- Jones, Thomas, Jr., 303. wards, Col. Thomas, 237, 288. Knox, General, H. viii., 253, 349, Elder, Joshua, 101. Ellsworth, 359, 726. Krieder, Conrad, 435, Ion. Oliver, 261. Erwin, Capt. 489. IKucher, Christopher, 289, Joseph, 79. Espy, David, 102. 324. Kuhn, Adam, 585. Eyre, Major Benj. G., 144. Lacey, General John, viii., 505, Farmer, Col. Lewis, viii., 52, 706. 508, 526. Lanctot, Godfrey, 551, Ferguson, Elizabeth, 4. Ferris, Lane, William, 360. Leary, Owen, 229. Flower, Col. Benj., Dennis, 531. Lee, Major tIenry, 26. Franks, David S., 611, 617. Jr., 56, 67, 457, 477, 599. Lee, Geddes, Capt., 49. Gilles- Thomas Sim, Governor, of Marypie, George, 481. Govett, Win., land, 330, 354, 432, 433. Lewis, & Winm. Geddes, 73. Greene, William, 231. Lieutenants of Genl. Nathaniel, 150, 165, 381,.counties, 72, 387, 454, 476, 519. 426, 475. Livingston, Governor William, Haffa, Henry, viii., 704. Hale, 139, 374, 576, 624, 635, 636, 648, Thomas, 112, 115. Hall, David, Lochrey, Colonel Archibald, 42, and H. Fisher, 216. Hall, Charles, 77, 282, 290, 318, 405. Loughead, 54, 118, 194. Hailler, Henry, 83, James, 567. Lutz, Nicholas, 201, 417, 426, 430. Hamilton, William, 301, 313, 342, 357, 367, 399, 417, 590. Hand, General, Edward, 438, 474. Luzerne, Chevalier de 155, 184, 425. Hannum, Colonel la, 358, 448, 540, 542, 614. John, 244, 324. Harmar, Colonel Lyndermood, Col. Michael, 230, Joseph, 188. Hart, John, 750. 236. Lyon, Samuel, 439, 715. Hart, Joseph, 326, 327, 356, 503, McCalester, Colonel Richard, viii., 523, 717. Hayes, John, Jr., 317. 16. McCalla, William, 212, 661, Hazelwood. John, 652. Hazen, McClean, Archibald, 14, 126, 144, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 625 Supreme Executive Council-viii. Supreme Executive Council-viii. 731, 745. McClenachan, Blair, 221, 222, 227, 259, 286, 386, 560, 3, McGuire, Matthew, 756. Me- 640, 683, 729. Reid, Major James, Lane, Capt. Allen, 258. McLene, 44. Reynolds, John, 690. Rice, James, 61. McKean, C. J. Thomas, Patrick, 33. Riche, Mrs. Annie, 178, 234, 298, 331, 403, 597, 649, 141. Risburg, Gustavus, 200. 650, 654, 657. McMullin, Wm. Rittenhouse, David, 657, 662. 282, McPherson, Major, WT. 617, Roberdeau, General Daniel, 5. Maclay, William, viii., 156, 172. Roberts, Jehu, 296. Rodney, Gov. Managers of House of Employ- of Delaware, 10. Rowan, William, ment, 725 726. Marsteller, Col. (Sheriff,) 23. Ryan, Michael, Philip, 51, 155, 328,' 362, 371, 371, 582, 657. 383. Mason, John, 373. Mas- St, Clair, General Arthur, viii., sachusetts, Council, 522. Matlack, 168, 374, 397, 515, 537, 701, 721, Colonel Timothy, 60. Melchor, 623. Schott, Captain John Paul, Colonel Isaac, 65. Merchants of 24. Scott, Hon. Thomas, 63, 713. Philadelphia, 266, 306, 704. Miles, Scott, Colonel William, 365, 379, Colonel Samuel, 533, 600, 608, 382, 444, 524, 580, 623. Scull, 618, 699, 718, 719. Miller, Rev. Edward, 655. Scull, William, Peter, 606. Miralles, Don Juan 94. Searle, James, 514. Sergeant, de, 174. Minister of France, 614, Jonathan D., 395, 498, 613, Ship628. Mitchell, John, 186, 334, pen, Joseph, Jr., 200. Smith, 500, 501, 716. Montgomery, Rev. Colonel Ab'm, 443, 491, 522. Joseph, 170. Morgan, Lt. Jacob, Smith, Colonel George, 52. Smith, 273. Morgan, Colonel Jacob, 238, Colonel Matthew, 23, 249, 417, 344, 369, 449, 544. Morris, Robt. 513, 706. Smith, Richard, 740. 372. Morris, Captain Samuel, Smith, Lieutenant, Robert, 445, 310, 699. Morris, Samuel, Jr., 535. Smith, Tho's, 113. Steuben, 308. Morris, Samuel, (Reg,) Baron, 270. Stevenson, George, 228. Moylan, Colonel Stephenis 50, 107, 141. Stewart, Charles, 183. Muhlenberg, F. A. 123. 699. Stiles, Joseph, 139. Stroud, Navy Board, viii., 346, 543. Col. Jacob, 9, 176, 188. Swaine, Nicholson, John, 73. Nicola, Col. Francis, 34, 76, 117, 428, 431, Lewis, 12, 77, 95, 100, 108, 181, 433. Treasurers of Counties, 58. 262, 316, 358, 363, 376, 378, 391, Treasury, U. S. 92, 185. 415, 422, 460, 510, 516, 724. University, of Pennsylvania, viii., Officers of land office, viii., 307. 246. Oster, Mons. (F. C.) 604. Officers Van Campen, Jon. viii., 222. of militia, 265. Vankemp, John, 551. Paine, Thomas, viii., 21, 226. Wade, Francis, viii., 274. WadsPeale, Charles Wilson, 319. worth, Jeremiah, 205. Wagon Penet, P. 257. Pettit, Charles, Masters, 447. Wain, Nicholas, 104, 197, 211, 224, 342, 406, 614. 100. Washington, Gen. George, Philadelphia Library Co., 183. 35, 36, 43, 48, 54, 70, 74, 75, Physic, Edmund, 113. Pickering, 116, 128, 145, 155, 161, 180, Colonel Timothy, 499, 604. Piper, 193, 214, 240, 267, 292, 314, Colonel John, 234, 297, 302, 319, 332, 339, 361, 377, 470, 474, 349, 488, 530. Potter, General 482, 486, 525, 534, 535, 577, 599, James, 485, 561, 689, 710. Powell, 684. Watts, Colonel Frederick, Jeremiah, Pres. of Mass. Bay, 254. 558. Wayne, General Anthony, Presidents, of Common, Pleas, 450, 451, 587, 593. Weltner, 622, 658. Proctor, Col. John, Colonel Lund, 161, 233, 341. 217, 284. Proctor, Thomas, 710. West, William, Jr., 631. WestProthonotaries of Counties, 58. moreland representatives, 709, Purchasers of flour, 3. Purvi- Wharton, James, 766. Wilkinance, Samuel, Jr., 644. son, James, C. G., 269. Will, Rea, Lieutenant Samuel, viii., Colonel William, 628. Willet 40 626 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Supreme Executive Council, —ix. Supreme Executive Council,-ix. Augustin, 305. Williams, Ben- ticutclaim, 624, 683, 688, 689, 690, silleri, 63. Wirts, Christian, 187, 692, 693. Comm'rs of Cumber192, 304, 310, 328, 398, 575, 602, land Co., 736. Comm'rs for 653, 668. Witman, Adam, 129. defence of Delaware, 586, 618, 264, 303, 742. Wynkoop, Henry, 621, 625, 647, 672. Commis557, 572. Zeigler, Capt. David, sioners of Northumberland, 440. 59, 209. Commissioners of Taxes, PhilaAdmiralty, Board of, ix., 94, 100, adelphia county, 116, 139, 328, 106. Agnew, John, 135. Antes, 478. Committee of Assembly, 14. William, 381. Armstrong, John, 62, 415. Committee of Congress, Jr., 650. Arndt, John, 53, 109, 281. Congress, 21, 43, 76, 81, 137. Ashman, George, 152, 202. 83, 94, 102, 108, 110, 112, 151, Assembly, 5, 16, 51, 61, 188, 197, 162, 163, 194, 210, 242, 252, 267, 219, 221, 232, 241, 248, 412, 447, 273, 309, 395, 400, 416, 423, 433, 459, 463, 467, 501, 509, 510, 513, 441, 448, 463, 475, 479, 486, 518, 620. Atlee, Williarm, 170, 203, 523, 548, 560, 561, 757. Congress, 335, 347, 596. Auditors of Bucks delegates, in, 103, 163, 306, 420, county, 11, 13, 17, 29, 36, 47, 67, 768. Connecticut, Governor of, 105, 113. Auditors of Chester 629. Cook, Colonel Edward, 629. county, 42. Auditors of Phila- Cook, William, 410. Cooper, delphia county, 104. Auditors of Leonard, 424. Cooper, Ensign York county, 18. William, 750. Counsel in ConBailey, James, ix., 160. Baker, necticut, claim, 526. Craig, Hilary, Jr., 195. Balliott, Captain Isaac, 497. Craig, CapStephen, 649. Barclay, Thomas, tain Thomas, 503. Cummings, 563. Beatty, John, 124. Biddle, J. R., Major, 20, 24. Cummins, Clement, 129. Blaine, Colonel Lieutenant, 28. Cunningham, Ephraim, 72. Blair, Rev. Samuel, Hon. James, 495. 110. Board of War, 3, 8, 16, 19, Dalley, Gifford, ix., 274. De 23, 26, 31, 57, 58, 96, 103, 111, Barrass, Monsieur, 353, 354. 150, 167, 186, 187, 198, 206, Delegates in Congress, 103, 163, 290, 291, 391, 526, 527. Board 306. Delegates of Virginia in of Wardens of Philadelphia, Congress, 260, 266, 271, 274. 101. Boys, Captain Nathan, Depui, Nicholas, &c., 105, 113. 175, 416. Bradford and Hall, 266. Dickinson, Governor, John, DelaBralford, Thomas, 338, 380. ware, 494. Dickinson, President, Bradford, William, Jr., Attorney John, 731, 734. Donnahil, John,'General, 199, 266, 272, 407, 408, 671. Dougherty, Bernard, 467, 515, 526, 553, 576, 656, 659, 676, 539, 543, 546, 553, 557, 619. 690, 750. Brodhead, Colonel Dove, R., 625. Dubois, Abraham, Daniel, 39, 57, 161, 365, 379. 47, 67. Duffield, Rev. George, Bryan, Vice-President, 279, 288, 493. Duncan, David, 17, 97, 200, 299, 305, 309. Butler, Colonel 305, 380. Du Portail, Brigadier Richard, 561. General, 210. Caldwell, Samuel and H. A. Eckhert, Lieut. Valentine, ix., Shiell, ix., 520. Campbell, Capt. 225, 230. Thomas, 435. Carrington, Lieut. Edwards, Major, ix., 75. Edw'd, 487. Cessna, Capt. Chas., Field officers, ix., 187. Forrest, 236, 467. Christ, Henry, 81, Lieut. Col. T., 231. Fowler, 133,.196, 237,. 347. Circulars, Alex., 114. 226, 337, 387, 407, 425. Clarke, Gloninger, John, ix., 654. GoGeneral G., 23, 137, 331. Clarke, forth, William, 47, 67. Gordon, Walter, 381. Claypoole, Captain Major James, 673. Governor of A. G., 278, 378. Coats, Colonel Maryland, 12, 37. William, 250, 272, 325, 358, 377, Hall, Charles, ix., 294, 321. 535. Commissioners on Connec- Hambright, Colonel John, 336. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 627 Supreme Executive Council,-ix. Supreme Executive Council, —ix. Hommel, Winm., 330. Hannum, McConnel, Major Matthew, 327, John, 753. Harrison, Governor 371, 424. McDowell, John, 729. Benjamin, 518, 533, 549, 562, McKean, Thos., C. J., 42, 125, 607. Hart, John, 54, 128, 751. Marbols, Mons., 741. Marsh, 291, 338, 376. Hart, Joseph, Colonel Joseph, 396, 440. Mar507. Hayes, Christopher, 141, shall, James, 193, 233, 304, 343, 300, 354, 368, 404, 637. Hazard, 367, 444, 485. Marsteller, Philip, Ebenezer, 449. Hazelwood, John, 639. Mason, Isaac, 238, 303. Ment38, 133. Hazen, Col. Moses, 643. ges, Lieutenant Colonel P., 216, Henry, John, 573. Henry, Wm., 299. Merchants of Philadelphia, 7, 154, 171, 205, 476. Higgins, 731. Miles, Colonel Samuel, 80, Andrew, 413. Holker, Monsieur, 95, 127, 150, 153, 280, 324, 346, (F. C.,) 9, 31, 45, 153, 175, 342, 357, 432. Miller, Rev. Peter, 27, 353, 354. Hopkinson, Francis, 313, 314, 751. Minister of France, 555, 567, 577, 631, 672. Howe, 542. Miralles, Don Juan, 196. Major General, 462. Hubley, Mitchell Alexander, 165, 166. Colonel Adam, 8, 65, 156, Montgomery, Whm., 641. Moore, 169, 211, 218, 224, 231, 234, James, 62. Morgan, Col. Jacob, 252, 268, 278, 292, 295, 351, Jr., 127, 326. Morris, Governor, 360, 364, 417, 422, 456, 465. 308. Morris, Robert, 244, 245, 466. Huffnagle, Michael, 410, 250, 251, 262, 264, 280, 281, 286, 511, 596. Hughes, Capt. John, 287, 291, 308, 310, 376, 383, 387, 533. Hunter, Col. Samuel, 503, 395, 397, 398, 414, 416, 417, 418, 528, 657. 419, 435, 446, 474, 477, 481, 487, Irvine, Gen. William, ix., 83, 488, 505, 512, 513, 544, 637, 668, 240, 285, 345, 373, 458, 468, 515, 739, 740. Morris, Capt. Samuel, 525, 552, 575, 595, 630, 635, 648, 221, 414. Moultrie, Brigadier 724. General, 215. Moylan, Colonel Jefferson, Thomas, Governor of Stephen, 267, 321. Muhlenberg, Virginia, ix., 78, 160, 189. John- F. A., 60. ston, Dr. Robert, 457. Johnston, Nevill, Thomas, ix., 76, 283. Col. Francis, 263, 327. Jones, New York, Governor of, 629. N., 677. Judges of Supreme Nicholson, Capt., 239. Nicholson, Court, 634. Justices of Gloucester, John, 49, 118, 131, 154, 174, 212, 544. 216, 243, 663, 664, 677, 678, 737, Keith, Sarah, ix., 501. Kennedy, 738, 747. Nicola, Colonel Lewis, D., 263, 363. 198, 254. Lee, Thomas, S., ix., 12, 37. Officers onremoval of Records, ix., Levan, Daniel, 38. Levers, Robt., 112. Officers of land office, 409. 227, 257, 268, 275, 321, 339, 348, Orth, Adam, 188, 470, 737. Os377, 426, 463, 578, 742. Lewis, borne, H., 252, 341. 390, 688, Colonel, 421. Livingston, Hon. 689, 730. Oster, French V. C., R. R., 493, 506, 544, 545, 633. 372. Livingston, William, Governor of Pemberton, John, and William, New Jersey, 82, 388, 393, 404, Matthews, ix., 551. Penet, A. 437, 530, 531, 608, 617, 618, 621, P., 430. Pentecost, Dorsey, 315, 622, 623, 651. Lochrey, Colonel 540, 541, 545, 556, 661. Perry, Archibald, 18, 28, 79, 115, 246, James, 240. Peters, Richard, 454. 307, 333. Loughead, James, 436. Pettit, Col. Charles, 129, 159. Lukens, John, 61, Lux, George, Pickering, Timothy, 389, 577. Por45. Luzerne, Chevalier de la, ter, Andrew, 327, 632. Postleth542. waite, Samuel, 192. Potter, Gen. McCalla, Wn., ix., 136, 423. Ma- James, 70, 184, 641. President clay, Winm., 640. McClean, Alex., of Quarter Sessions, 323. Pris564,- 585, 588, 772. McClean, oners in Prison ships, 668. Arch'd., 59, 352, 359, 370, 402. Prudden, T., and A. Caldwell, 480. 628 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCOHIVES. Supreme Executive Council, -xi. Supreme Executive Council,-x. Rea, Colonel Samuel, ix., 107, Atlee, Samuel J., 333, 346, 360. 158. Read, James, 191. Reed, Atlee, William, 394. Joseph, 517, 526. Reichel, John Barclay, Thomas, x., 267. BarFrederick, 265. Rittenhouse, tholomew, Edward, 442. Baynton, David, 117, 119, 229. Roach, Jon, 511. Blaine, Ephraim, 669. Isaac, 96, 112. Roberts, Joseph, Boggs, Matthew, 699. Boudinot, 745. Robins, Ezekiel, 674, 677, Elias, 74. Bowen, F. B. and E. 756. Robinson, Thomas, 208, Beatty, 437, 596, 604, 605. Boyd, 237, 334, 392, 659. Rogers, Rev. Hon. John, 307, 330, 339. Boyd William, 3. and Armstrong, 591, 627, 630, St. Clair, GeneralAnthony, ix., 662, 664-669, 670, 676. Bradford, 27, 36, 386, 735. Scott, Hugh, &c., William, Jr., Attorney General, 771. Scott, Thos., 20, 324, 354, 494, 655, 712, 743. Brodhead, 374, 438, 496, 646. Scott, Lt. Col. Daniel, 160. Brussine and William, 228, 232, 302, 319, 341, Garrison, 145. Bryan. Hon. Geo., 350, 455, 556, 632. Searle, Hon. 16, 73. Bryan, Samuel. (Sec'ry,) James, 519, 589, 591. Secretary 327.. Butler, Col. Richard, 69, at War, 483, 549, 757. Shrawder, 294. Butler, William, 421. Captain Philip, 761. Smith, Col. Caldwell, Samuel, x., 185. CarleAbraham, 234, 400, 514. Smith, ton, Gen. Guy, 101, 131. Christie, George, 42. Smith, James, 459. James, (Capt.) 135, 209. CircuSmith, Lieutenant Col. Robert, lars, 284. Clinton, Gov. Geo., of 421, 434. Smith, Hon. Thomas, New York, 205, 412, 422, 435, 450, 652. Sterrett, Samuel, 676. 513. Commissioners for sale of Stokely, Captain Thomas, 330, barracks, 239, 241, 261, 268, 276. 406. Commissioners of boundaries, 233, Thome, John, ix., 118. Treasury 234, 416, 438, 454, 489, 506. Comn Board, 226, 229. missioners of Cumberland county, Van Campen, John, ix., 105, 123, 79. Commissioners on defence of 522. Van Staphorst, N. & J. 591, Delaware, 26. Commissioners for 593. treating with Indians, 2615, 325, Wagon Masters, ix., 421. Wall, 332, 333, 346, 357, 392, 395, 410, George, Jr., 628. Washington, 489. Commissioners on lands, Co., Inhabitants of, 355. Wash- 541, 545. Commissioners of Phiington, General George, 54, 98, ladelphia, 104, 307. Commission102, 120, 141, 195, 197, 207, 242, ers of roads, 533. Commission254, 284, 293, 320, 481, 485, 486, ers of Taxes, 238. Commissioners 501, 505, 509, 536, 550, 626, 642, of Taxes of Bucks county, 75. 653, 656, 661, 674. Wayne. Gen. Commissioners of Taxes of LanAnthony, 15, 74, 123, 124, 137, caster county, 82. Commission155, 173, 283, 359, 366, 430. ers of Taxes of Northampton Co., Weiss, Lewis, 298. Willing, 92. Commissioners of Taxes of Thomas, 496. Wilson, James, Philadelphia, 51, 222, 224. Com&c., 526. Wirtz, Christian, 379, missioners of Washington county, Wood, Colonel James, 236, 262, 136, 584. Commissioners of West276, 289, 328, 357, 382. Wylie, moreland county, 98, 593. ConCaptain Thomas, 191, 665. gress, 60, 62, 74, 98, 135, 193, Zantzinger, Paul, ix., 282. 206, 231, 233, 263, 359, 369, 397, Agents of Confiscated Estates, x., 410, 417, 440, 442, 457, 461, 473, 154. Antes, Henry, Sheriff, North- 489, 493, 494, 499, 507, 532, 535, umberland, 344, 482, 694. Arm- 537, 539, 543, 544, 736, 745, 754. strong, Br. Gen. John, 686, 688. Council of Censors, 153, 302, 306, Armstrong, Lt. Col. John, 307, 333, 336, 596, 604, 655. County 315, 317, 319, 361. Armstrong, Lieuts., 286, 345, 410, 419. Craig, Capt. William, 12. Assembly, 195, Thomas, 296, 303, 305. Crevecour, 198, 223, 407, 427, 428, 692, 694. Mon., 195. Cummins, Lt. John 22. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 629 Supreme Executive Council,-x. Supreme Executive Council, —x. Delany, Sharp, x., 97, 441, 715. Irvine, Gen. William, 56, 67, Delaware, Gov. of, 540. Delegates 509. Irvine, John, 289. in Congress, 7, 25, 27, 28, 38, 45, Jacks, James, x., 264. Jackson, 48, 52, 69, 72, 101, 151, 154, 155, Hon. David, 522. Jay, John, Sec156, 183, 184, 204, 210, 213,,358, retary of Foreign Affairs, 401, 369, 397, 398, 449. 456, 477, 511, 407, 409, 475. JohnstoD, Benjn., 549, 556, 563, 575, 576, 581, 592, 611. Johnston, Col., Francis, 282, 601, 705, 715, 759. Dickinson, 325, 326, 333, 453. Judges of SuJohn, 77. Dougherty, Bernard, preme Court, 448, 460, 523. 114, 119. Douglass, Ephraim, 262, Land Office, x., 536, 537, 739. 553, 564, 581, 588, 696. Donald- Lee, Arthur, 295. Lee, Richard son, Arthbir, 850. Donnaldson, John Henry, 173. Levers, Robert, 341, 565, 583. Duval, Hon. Gabriel, 291. Livingston, R. R., Secretary, &c., Ellicott, Andrew, x., 452. Espy, 9. Livingston, Gov. William, 103, David, 114, 119. Ewing, Rev. Dr. 366, 458, 730. Loan Office, 57, John, 428, 443. 168, 169, 174, 190, 481, 515. Finley, Rev. James, x., 41, 163. Longschamp, John, 742. Lukens, Fitzsimons, Thomas, 28, 48. Flee- John, S. G., 53, 65, 95, 451, 458, son, Plunket, 523. Francis, Tench, 506. Luzerne, Chev. de la, 278, 240, 261. Franklin, John, 672. 282. Lyon, Wm., 285. Fullerton, Richard, 758. McClean, Alex., x., 293. McDowGalbraith, Robert, x., 466. Gard- ell, Surgeon, 343. McKean, Thoner, Hon. Joseph, 405, 526. Gov. Mas, C. J., 19, 176, 284, 290, 291, of Connecticut, 147, 148, 213. 730. Maclay, William, 46, 346, Gov. of Delaware, 540. Gov. of 418, 444, 510. Magistrates and Maryland, 292, 320, 324, 526, 527, Sheriff of Northumberland, county, 540, 542, 543, 744, 753. Gov. of 460. Managers of State Lottery, Massachusetts, 354, 500, 503, 504. 362, 372, 400, 468, 474, 513. MarGov. of New Jersey, 103, 366. bois, Mons. 175, 223, 277, 283, Gov. of New York, 205, 412, 422, 311, 350, 351, 354, 356, 362, 367, 435, 450, 513. Gov. of North Ca- 368, 409, 432, 440, 445, 471. rolina, 353. Gov. of South Caro- Mead, David, 404, 483, 707. Mer. lina, 79. Gov. of Virginia, 56, chants, committee of, 210, 212, 145, 175. Grand Inquest, 347. 219, 221, 406. Mifflin, Thomas, Guerard, Gov. Benjamin, of South 183. Milligan, James, 426. MilCarolina, 79. ligan, Robert, 755. Minister of Harmar, Lt. Col., Josiah, x., 309, Holland, 415. Minister of United 311, 316, 322, 337, 345, 398, 394, Netherlands, 350, 362, 409, 415, 406, 430, 448, 455, 465, 468, 479, 435. Montgomery, John, 216, 483, 490, 508. Harrison Gov. Ben- 220. Montgomery, Joseph, 444. jamin, 56, 145, 175, 608.. Hays, Montgomery, William, 765, 767. Christopher, 264, 279. Hellstedt, Moore, Lt. Colonel, 286. Moore, Charles, Minister of Uni'd Nether- Major, James, &c., 183, 186, 197, lands, 350, 362, 409. Henry, Wil- 207, 222,232. Morales, Frc's. 476. liam, and G. Gardner,-405. Hille- Morgan, George, 526. Morris, gas, Michael, 239, 261. Hodgdon, Robert, 53, 312. Muhlenberg, Samuel, 39, 59. Hollingsworth, Frederick A., Pres. C. C., 153. Levi, 350, 533, 546, 548. Hop- Nicholson, John, x., 6, 16, 28, 46, kinson, Francis, J. A., 58, 355, 48, 50, 52, 53, 93, 94, 96, 97, 481, 707, 735. Howe, Major General, 529, 750. Northumberland, Mag. 66. Hubly, John, 278. Huffnagle, and Sheriffs, 295, 304. Michael, 125, 140, 141, 147, 186, Officers of Pennsylvania Line, x., 211, 429, 462, 464, 467, 763. 425, 592. Humpton, Col., Richard, 59. Hun- Parker, William, x., 167. Patterter, Samuel, 47. Hutchinson, Dr., son, Alexander, 208, 574, 617, 619, James, 178. 623, 626, 627, 675. Peale, Chas. 630 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Supreme Executive Council, —x. Supreme Executive Council, —xi. W., 162, (1779,) 163, (1780.) 222, 343. Wilkinson, Gen. James, Pearson, James, 373, 420, 426, 610. Williamson, Hon. Hugh, 397. 443. Pentecost, Dorsey, 167, 181, Wilson, James, 399, 471. Wilson, 262, 413, 757. Pettit, Charles, Win., 304. Wilson, Jos., 153. Wyn208, 497. Phile. Fredk., N. O., koop, Henry, 211. 249. Phipps, Paul, 359. Peirce, Adlum, John, xi., 576, 629. AgJohn, 536. Porter, Andrew, 372, ricultural Society, 327, 384, 762. Potter, Gen. James, 47,159, 385. Anstey, John, 148. ArmProctor, Thomas, Sheriff, 286, strong, John, Jr., 137, 407. Brig. 323, 420. Prothonotaries, 78, Gen. John, 447. Armstrong, Wil268. Prothonotary of Washington liam, 215, 242. Assembly, 87, county, 78. 103, 187, 206, 390, 397, 398, 402, Receiver Gen. of Land Office, x., 409, 529, 669, 673, 674, 675. 547. Redick, David, 416. Reed, Bache, Benjamin F., xi., 713. BaJoseph, 157, 159, 160, 163. Rey- ker, Hilary, 604. Balliet, Stephen, nolds, John, 277. Rittenhouse, 177, 179, 460. Barclay, John, 89, David, Treasurer, 241, 269, 439, Bartholomew, Edward, 767. Bay464, 455, 456, 458, 736. Robbins, ard, John, 28. Biddle, Clement, Ezekiel, 213. Robinson, Captain 236, 573, 743. Board of Treasury, Thomas, 14, 48. Ryan, Michael, 155. Board of War, 208, 240, 308. 268, 281, 291, 300, 534, 555, 645, St. Clair, Gen. Arthur, x., 49, 260, 685, 686, 707. Bond, Phineas, 483. Schreiber, John, 309, 334. 255, 381. Bradford, William, Jr., Scott, William, 591. Scott, Thos., Attorney General, 122, 232, 234, 65, 78, 80, 364. Secretary of 250, 260, 273, 310, 415, 419, 431, Foreign Affairs, 9, 401, 407, 432, 445, 446, 467. Brearly, David, C. 446, 499, 538, 735, 743, 759. J., New Jersey, 548. Brison, Jas., Shaw, William, 764, 767. Sheriffs, 422, 624. Brodhead, Daniel, 641, 63, 67. Sbrawder, Capt. Philip, 661, 662, 663, 758. Brown, An23, 104. Slough, Mathias, 237. drew, 412. Bryan, Geo., (Judge.) Smyser, Jacob, 77. Smith, Win., 264, 283, 286. Burd, Edward, and W. Kelly, 419. Smith, Tho- 765. Butler, Lord, 331. Butler, mas, Land Office, 57, 168, 169, Gen. Richard, 427, 563, 591, 715. 174, 192, 447, 461. Sproat, Rev. Butler, Col. Zebulon, 179, 192, James, 720. Sproat, David, 68. 330, 351, 356, 381, 414) 459, 676. Stanhope, Henry, Captain, 503, Buyers, John, &c. 438, 440. 504. Steuben, Baron, 362. Story, Caldwell, Samuel, xi., 89, 594. John, 450, 451, 742. Street Canan, Col. John, 588. Caswell, Commissioners of Philadelphia, 55. Richard, Gov. North Carolina, 116. Surveyor Gen., 53, 65, 95, 451, Chaloner, John, 762. Cherokee 458, 503. Chiefs, 584. Cherokee Indian woTaylor, Timothy, x., 432. Trum- man, 181. Clarkson, Matthew, bull, Gov. Jonathan, Connecticut, 250. Clinton, George, Gov. New 147, 148, 213. Trustees of Loan York, 96, 187, 326, 335, 341, 412. Office, 481, 532, 545. Trustees of Coats, Lt. Col. William, 273, 274. Westmoreland county, 91. Turn- Commander Lianes of Spanish Fribull, Marmee & Co., 281. gate, 101, 102. Commissioners of Van Berkel, P. J., Ministerof Hol- Commercial Convention, 60. Comland, x., 476. Vancouver, Chas., missioners on Connecticut Claims, 712. 159. Commissioners to Indians, Wardens of Philad., x., 93, 281, 503, 507, 508, 509, 510. Commis849, 456, 571, 581, 584, 585, 588, sioners for improving Inland navi589, 606, 607. War Office, 27, gation, 77. Commissioners of Lu802, 459, 460, 479, 495, 497, 525, zerne county, 304, 332. Commis529. Washington, Gen. George, sioners of Northampton county, 150, 151. Weitzel, John, 99, 109, 603. Commis'rs on Rivers, 622, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 631 Supreme Executive Council, —xi. Supreme Executive Council, —xi. 634, 637, 681, 683, 690. Commis- 523, 525, 557. Graham, Henry sioners of Taxes, 499. Commis- Hale, 638. Grant, Thomas, 110. sioners of Virginia and Mary- Griswold, Gov. of Connecticut, land, 511. Commissioners of West. 447, 451. Gurney, Francis, 768. Boundary, 26, 52, 69, 178. Com- Hollenbach, Mathias, xi., 216. mittee of Assembly, 103, 547. Hamilton, Alex., Secretary TreasCommittee of Ways and Means, ury, 638, 641, 654, 663, 664. Congress, 285, 545. Committee of Hancock, Gov. John, of MassaCongress, 583, 585. Congress, 4, chusetts, 272. Harmar, Lieut. 50, 51, 56, 70, 71, 79, 121, 122, Col. Josiah, 173, 217, 270, 286, 128, 143, 145, 168, 171, 173, 180, 325, 391. Harrison, Governor 191, 214, 239, 285, 293, 311, 314, Benjamin, ofVirginia, 497 (1783), 323, 339, 353, 375, 387, 432, 543, 499, 501, 507. Hartley, Colonel 562. County Commissioners, 593, Thomas, 156. Hellestedt, Chas. Cowperthwaite, Joseph, 830. Coxe, (Swe. Cons.), 265. Hiester, Tench, 5, 9, 542. Craig, Lt. Col. Daniel, Jr., 607. Hodgdon, SamJohn, 196, 236, 305. Craig, Tho- uel, 374, 379. Hopkinson, Fra's, mas, 276. Crawford, Edward, 690. 53, 77, 125, 375, 634. Houer, Cuningham, J., 263. Curwen, Samuel, 47, 102. Hubley, Adam, John, 572. 755. Hubley, Lieut. Bernard, Dale, Samuel, xi., 66. Davis, 709, 710. Huffnagle, Michael, Benjamin, Jr., 766. Delany, 500. Huntington, Governor of Sharp, 259, 602. Delegates to Connecticut, 238, 409, 414. Congress, 4, 27, 37, 87, 106, 188, Indian prisoners, xi., 712. Ingels, 207, 237, 251, 252, 266, 280,. 308, Geo., 767. Irvine, Gen. Wmin., 501. 842, 351, 352, 364, 373, 382, 383, 512, 513. Irvine, Matthew,'749. 408, 433, 456, 457, 460, 504, 505, Jacks, James, xi., 361. Jay, 537. Denison, Nathaniel, 212, John, 171, 202, 287, 293, 300, 327. Douglass, Ephraim, 32, 535. 411. Jefferson, Thomas, Secre-. lonaldson, John, 569, 570, 722, tary State, 679, 688, 689, 696, 753. Dunwoodie, James, 430. 700, 703, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, Eckert, Valentine, xi., 203, 211. 712, 713. Jenkins, John, 15, 52. E'licott, Andrew, 134, 140, 178, Johnston, Captain Andrew, 157. 216, 243, 326, 429, 583, 612, 615, Johnston, Francis, 644, 750. 705. Elliott, Lt. Benjamin, 665. Jones, David, 58. Judges of Falconer, Nathaniel, xi., 737, 747. Supreme Court, 233, 264, 283, FeDiger, Christian, 563, 649, 761. 295, 441, 442, 451, 472, 478, 484, Ferguson, Capt. W., 590. Finley, 488, 490, 601, 667. Justice of Rer. James, 299. Fisher, Thos., Berks co., 286. Justices of Frank388. Fitzsimons, Thos., 426, 595. linco., 316. Justices of NorthampFrEnklin, Dr. Benj., Executors, ton co., 273. 701. Franklin, John, 14, 52, 94, Keene, Lawr., xi., 141. Kemp, 111, 175, 182, 183, 185, 549, 556. Captain John, 497. Kennedy, Freeman, A., 714. David, 651, 757. Knox, Gen. H. Galbraith, Robert, xi., 379, 656. (Sec'y War), 208, 268, 269, 281, Gardner, Hon. Joseph, 451, 453. 290, 301, 524, 555. Gibson, George, 606. Gore, Obe- Land Officers, xi., 138. Latimer, diah, 192, 216. Gov. of Delaware, George, 661. Lenox, David, 55. 33. Of Connecticut, 238, 409, Levan, Daniel, 63. Lieutenants 447, 451. Of Georgia, 96. Of of counties, 379. Lioht Infantry Maryland, 57. Of Massachusetts, Company of Philadelphia, 36. 271. Of New Jersey, 93, 550. Livingston, Win., Gov. N. J., 93, Of New York, 96, 125, 187. Of 336, 350. Loan Office, trustees, North Carolina, 116. Of South 170. Lukens, John, 32, 93, 427. Carolina, 545. Of Virginia, 115, Luzerne, Chevalier de la, 462, 464, 116, 212, 256, 284, 290, 497, 501, 465, 466, 468, 470, 473, 482, 487. 632 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Supreme Executive Council,-xi. Supreme Executive Council,-xi. McKean, C. J., Thos., xi., 264, Receiver Genl., 667, 696. Redick, 276, 283, 295, 351-366, 661. Mc- David, 149, 197, 244, 338, 410, Lean, Alex., 71, 642. McLean, 459, 592. Register Genl., 569, Capt. James, 229, 230, 231, 406. 570, 722, 763. Rittenhouse, DaMagistrates of Wyoming, 440. vid, 203, 337, 743. Robbins, EzeManagers of State Lottery, 89, kiel, 495. Robinson, Capt. Thos., 118. Marbois, Mons. Barbe de, 432. Ross, James, 458. Rush, 49, 461, 471, 481, 494. Marshall, Dr. Benjamin, 437, 540, 578. James, 209, 377. Mead, David, Rush, Jacob, (Judge) 295. Rus454, 455. Melchor, Isaac, 523. ton, Thomas, 632. Ryerson, Mentges, Col. Francis, 78. Mer- Thomas, 666. cantile society of Philadelphia, St. Clair, Hon. Anthony, xi., 127, 103. Mifflin, John, 647. Milli- 189,. 393. Schott, John P., 297, gan, Robert, 27. Minister of 298, 397, 663. Scott, Thomas, United Netherland, 468, 470, 475, 215, 569. Secretary of Foreign 477, 479, 480. Miro, B ig. Gen., Affairs, 171, 202, 287, 290, 300. 567. Mitchel, Joseph, 253. Mont- Sellers, John, 623. Shannon, gomery, Wm., 35. Moore, Col. Winm., 748. Sheriff of Philada, James, 434-436-443. Moore, 469, 477, 664, 719, 740, 741, 763. Thomas, 99. Morris, Richard, (C. Shippen, Edward, 91. Skinner, J., of N. Y.), 413. Morris, Robt., John, 92, 143, 159. Simms, 505. Muhlenberg, Peter, V. P., Charles, 169. Smith, Francis, 231. 193. Smith, Jona. B., 423. Nesbitt, John Maxwell, xi., 520. Smith, T. D., and A. Henderson, Nicholason, Joseph, 742. lNich- 305. Smith, Wm. Hooker, 14, olson, John, 33, 34, 90, 139, 142, 45, 102, 192, 330. Sprague, Jo198, 234, 249, 259, 322, 404, 561, seph, 93. Stiles, Joseph, Z02. 589, 655, 658, 702, 731, 739, 742, Sullivan, Pres. John, 125. 747. Nicola, Lewis, 536. Swaine, Francis, 269. Officers commanding in Luzerne, Talbot, Lieut. Jeremiah, xi., l80, xi., 204. Officers of Militia of Telfair, Edward, Gov. of Geoigia, Philadelphia Co., 57. O'Hara, 96. Torrence, Lieut. Joseph, 702. James, 228. Owen, Evan, 585, Trail, Robert, 446. Treasury 643. Board, 64, 79, 86. Trinble, Patterson, Alex., xi., 457. Peters, James, 679. Trustees of Loan Richard, 335, 432, 572, 636. Pet- Office, 170. Trustees of Was'aingtit, Charles, 28, 37, 41, 167, 266, ton Academy, 215. Turltbull, 708. Philadelphia Agricultural Wm., 623. Society, 384-385, 527. Pa. Coin- University of Penns., xi., 613, I)any, 428. Philadelphia County 704, 742. Comm'rs, 706. Pickering, Timo- Van Campen, John, xi., 26. Vanthy, 159, 177, 178, 179, 180, 208, dyke, Gov. Nichs., of Delaware, 256, 281, 295, 296, 312, 346, 353, 33. Vaughan, Sam., 674. 359, 363, 365, 366, 399, 424, 541. War, Board of, xi., 208, 240, 268, Pinckney, Gov. Thomas, of South 281, 291, 300, 534, 555, 621, 624, Carolina, 545. Pine, R. E., 95. 645, 685, 686, 707, 711. WarPorter, Col. Andrew, 156, 178, dens of Philadelphia, 99, 101, 214, 241-502. Powel, Samuel, 543. Washington, Gen. George, 527; 384, 385. Proctor, Thomas, 496. Washington, President, 587. (Sheriff,) 469, 477, 664, 719, 740, 596, 599, 600, 601, 602, 604, 605, 741, 763. 611, 615, 616, 673. Westbrik, Randolph, Beverly, Gov. of Vir- Abraham, 47, 102. Wilson, Jss., ginia, xi., 557, (1784.) Ran- 445, 453. Wilson, William, 192. dolph, Edmund, Gov. Virginia, Will, William, 413. Willet, Col. 115, 116, 212, 249, 256, 284, 290, Marinus, 711. Williamson, lion. 523, 525. Read, James, 757. Hugh, 449. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 633 Supreme Executive Council,-xii. Creek, 857. Proceedings at Zeigler, Captain David, xi., 284, Lancaster to examine and clear, 290, 301. xi., 608, 611. J. Adlum, recomCongress, xii., 76. Cornplanter mended, appointed, 621, 629. and other Indians, 322. Franklin, Meeting of counties to improve, John, &c., 296. Huffnagle, M., 625-629. Instructions to Com300. Gov. Livingston, N.- J., missioners, 635, 637, 682. Letters 71. Secretary of War, 292. from, 637, 694. Examination, Wall, George, jr., 293, 319. 679, 694. Estimate of expenses Wardens of Philadelphia, 287, to view, 694. 294, 304, 306, 307. White, Susquehanna Indians, letter William Johl, 304. Wilkins, Dr. John, Penn to, xii., 280. jr., 321. Wilson, James, 294. Sussex county-associated military Wilson, William, &c., 318, companies, iii., 23. 319, 320, 322. Offer premiums Sutter, James, v., 759. for scalps, 240. Sutter, Captain to be arrested vii., Surgeons wanted in the army, iii., 632. 57. Excuse for one, 265. For Swaine, Chas., ii., 361. Letter on the army, ix., 238. making provision at Easton for Surveyor General, appointed, i, 310, Governor, &c., iii., 517. Wagons, 326. John Lukens elected, ix., 686. 66. Instructions to, respecting Swaine, Francis, letters to and from, lands and lots, x., 53, 56, 65. viii., 34, 78, 117. Tried and conMeeting at, on survey of lands victed by Court Martial, 397, 429, received from Virginia, 705. 431, 433. (Sheriff) explains diffiOffice, xi., 32, 93, 660, 663. culty charged on execution of Surveys of Erie, John Adlum on, xi., John Brown in Montgomery Co., 576. Report on, 577. xi., 269. Susquehanna Company, deed for Swartz, Fort, xii., 461. lands from Indians, (supposed Swatara Fort, xii., 262. fraudulent), ii., 147, 175. Grant Swearingen, Captain viii., 210, 559; of land to, by Connecticut, 303. xii., 121. Susquehanna Co. meeting and resolu- Swanwick, Richard, forfeited estate, tions respecting lands purchased vii., 328. of natives, xi., 114. Swedes, report on a petition of the, Susquehanna-Lands, people settling i., 173. on, iv., 218. Officers of Pennsyl- Swedes-ford, to be fortified, v., 615, vania Regiment ask for, grant of 617. Howe, expected to cross at, Land on, 335. Road from Schuyl- 664. kill to, 362. Deed for lands Swedish minister at Wilmington between, and Delaware, ii., 33, naturalized, iii., 692. 36. List of inhabitants west of, Swedish Consul, Charles Hellstead in 1748, 38. Lands granted by appointed, x., 362. Advises of Connecticut, 303. Sulphur dis- War between Russia and Turkey, covered near, iv., 719. Pitch xi., 265, 292. and tar may be made on, 721. Swedish Envoy sends papers on Settlements on N. E. branch barratry of a Captain of a vessel, burned and destroyed, vii., 81. xi., 295. Survey of, by State, 210. Commis- Sweeney, Lieutenant, skirmish with sioners appointed to examine river, Indians, vii., 7. x., 129. And opening a Com- Sweeney, John, taken at Brandywine, munication between, and Schuyl- vi., 58. kill, 129, 312. Proposal for Sweers, Cornelius, letter, vi., 473. building a Town on east bank Charged with frauds, 672. of, 129. Commissioners ap- Swenkfelders, ask for relaxing of the pointed, 130, 334. Heavy freshet, Test, vi., 541, 551. 222. Tiadaughton, means Pine Swift, Captain, Capture of, vi., 261. 634 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. T. Telfair, Edward, Governor Georgia, letter from, xi., 96. Taghneghdoarus, Shekelamy's son, Temple, Lieutenant-Colonel, viii., succeeds him as chief, ii., 23. 653. Tait's brigade, xii., 260. Temple, John, Consul-General from Talbert, Major, ix., 135. Great Britain, x., 544. Talbot, Colonel George, proceedings Tenbrook, Dereck Wassel, appointon part of Maryland, i., 87. ed Ensign, ix., 529. Talbot, Lieutenant Jeremiah-elec- Ten-mile Creek, murders on, xii., tion of troop of light horse in 271. Franklin county, xi., 280. Tennent, Reverend William, recomTallman, Peter, respecting salt sent mends an Indian interpreter, iii., to New Jersey, v., 64. 514. Tannehill, Captain A., xii., 225, Tents, wanted for Southern army, 226. viii., 575. Proposals of R. Tarleton, Colonel, advances towards Morris for, ix., 386, 387; xii., South Carolina, ix., 283. 162. Tavern licenses, xi., 604. Tenure of office, Judge's opinion on, Taxes, assessed or laid, vii., 80, xii., 30. 118, 157. Quota of each State, Test Act, effects of, v., 661. The 157. On land, viii., 54, 61, 124, relaxation of, asked for by Mo125, 132, 136, 138, 185, 302, 303. ravians, &c., vi., 540, 551. ReGrain to be received for, ix., fuse it, 751. Pardons for prison16, 53, 59. Heavy amounts. out- ers under, vii., 130. standing, 82. In. Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day, proclamation for, county, 116, 139. Ought to be iii., 690. Ordered by Congress, in specie, 171, 233; x., 51, 52, v., 736. Appointed byCongress, 75, 79, 82, 222, 224. Com- vii., 89, 757. Proclamation of missioners of, xi., 498, 593, Congress for, ix., 441, 443, 518, 603. 650. For peace, proclaimed by Taylor, Frederick, collector of C hes- Congress, x., 134. ter county, robbed, ix., 459. Theatres and plays, petitions against, Taylor, George, letter, v., 49. iii., 656, 659. And other amuseTaylor, Major Richard, xii., 167, ments recommended by Congress 182, 188, 192, 194, 197, 200, and Assembly to be suppressed, 201. vii., 78. Their evil effects, 78. Taylor, Captain Polycarp, of ship Philadelphia, petition for alecture Fancy, off Capes, letter, i., on heads, to pay off debts of, ix., 760. 573. In Philadelphia, memorial Taylor, Silas, deposition, respecting against, x., 141. Petition of Wyoming, ix., 622. Quakers against, xi., 342. Taylor, Timothy, respecting Solo- Thomas, Governor George, proclamon Vickers, x., 432, 433. mation, i., 629. Commission from Teedyuscung, ii., 715. Reply to T. Penn, 625. Letters to and Gov., 721, 722. Always drunk, from. [See Letters.] Additional 724. At Easton, iii., 8. At Fort instructions on bills of credit, ii., Allen, 104, 109. Respecting, 143, 104. Letter to Governor Morris, 193, 206, 209, 212, 235, 247, 248, 180. 256, 286, 318, 319, 346, 350, 367, Thomas, Joseph-Doan's estate, xi., 376, 425, 435, 464, 509, 521, 576, 725. 692, 717, 735. His demand for a Thome, John, ix., 118. clerk, 235. Requests houses to Thompson, Captain, at Brandywine, be built at Wyoming, 385, 412- vi., 58. 422. Behaves badly, iv., 40, 44. Thompson, General, proceedings in Respecting, 40, 74. Letters, &c., Congress respecting, and C. J. 74, 78, 80, 82, 85, 86. Denies McKean, vii., 137. charge of land fraud. 86. Thompson, Colonel James, ix., 228. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 635 Thompson, General, x., 483. 175. Military post to be at, Thompson, Hon. James, purchases 369. flour, vii., 632. Titamy, Wm., (an Indian) wounded, Thompson, Jesse, scalped, petition, iii., 246, 251. vii., 308. Tobacco, complaints of merchants Thompson, William, letter on re- against duties on, i., 149, 203. cruits, vii., 65. Trade in Philadelphia, dullness of, Thompson, John, iv., 415, 416; vi., complained of, vii., 452. 299. Expedition to Indian towns, Todd, Wm., counterfeits money, vi., viii., 413. 359. Thompson, Mord'i, appointed wagon Todd, William, Islands in Western master of Chester county, iii., Rivers, xi., 645. 398. Tom's River, salt works established Thomson, Charles, clerk to Teedyus- by Council at, v., 55. cung, iii., 256. Reports of jour- Tomlins, Joshua, proposals for ney with F. Post to Indians, making Gun Barrels, iv., 771. 412-422; viii., 550. Tonnage duties, xi., 599, 691. Thorne, Win., letter, v., 143. Tories, embodying in New Jersey, Tiadaughton, Creek, of treaty of Troops to be sent there, iv. 782. 1768, explained by Indian as Pine Meeting at Philadelphia respectCreek, x., 357. ing, v., 72. Taken, 113. At Ticonderoga, list of killed and wound- Monmouth, 169, 177, 209. Col. ed, &c., of party sent towards, iii., Furman sent to, 209. Election 203. Statement of operations at, in Berks Co., 31, 32. Sent pris472, 477, 479. Lead found at, iv., oners from N. Y., 40. Election 646. Condition of troops at, v., at Lewes, 53. Confined, 106. Obli87, 350. Inquiry into conduct of gation of, 145. Attacked at MonGenerals at, 491. Militia ordered mouth by Miffin, 169, 177. Major to, 492. Gen. Horatio Gates to Stockton, 230, 232, 237. Colonel command at, 492, 494. Resolu- Duyckings, 241. Sent to Phila., tions of Congress respecting, 247, 420. To be arrested, 478, 492, 494. Wounded at, 675, 481, 502, 511, 513, 555, 624, 665. 676. Captured by Gen. Gates, Escort for 512. At Yellow Springs, Burgoyne, &c., prisoners at, 606. Proceedings against, vi., 4, 657. 5, 13, 44, 51, 75, 77, 83, 94, 117, Tidd, Martin, deposition respecting 118, 144, 170, 210, 242, 342, 344, Wyoming, x., 196. 345, 346, 347, 359, 361, 362, 434, Tilghman, James, Letter, iv., 335, 443, 445, 453, 498, 533, 534, 542, 346, 416, 417, 423, 488, 535, 590, 551, 555, 596, 602, 611, 615, 621, 590. Protests against cutting wood 625, 641, 644, 651, 653, 663, from commons of Philadelphia, 672, 680, 683, 695, 709, 715, v., 156, 174, 502. Refuses to 721, 728, 731, 742, 744, 750, 752. take parole, 502. Applies to be in Action of Congress respecting, 210. Maryland, 635, 641; vi., 96. Let- Insolence of, 291; vii., 3, 6, 15, ter to, xii., 285, 286. 112, 130, 164, 225, 236, 260, 387, Tilghman, Tench, accounts of Ticon- 488, 493, 563, 589, 651, 737. A deroga Battle, v., 675; vi., 407. female, 474, 486, 492; viii., 84, Till, Win., letter, iii., 471, 475. 107, 125, 127, 129, 178, 259, Tin, block, required, vi., 368. 282. Tinicum Island, a part of the Tory papers, list of, sent to Goverestate of Joseph Galloway, viii., nor of New Jersey, 625, 707. 208. Torrence, Lieutenant Joseph, miliTioga burned, vii., 6. Kannakaloo, tary officers, xi., 702. 11. Gen. Sullivan, marching for, Town Meetings, &c., at Philada., 594. v., 73, 77, 83. Tioga, River, towns on. Caleb Ben- Trade, Admiralty on, i., 253, 331, ton to Col. John Franklin, xi., 332. Indian, 261, 304. Board 636 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. of, inquiries respecting African 229. Letters to and from loan trade of Pennsylvania, i., 152, officer, to give bonds, x., 527. 288. Letter from customs on, Letters to and from, xi., 15, 64, 185. Board of, on Bills of credit, 79, 86, 155, 382, 383, 663, 664. 186. Indian, 327. Depredations Report to Congress, 15, 50. Res. by enemy on, vii., 235. olutions of Congress respecting, Trade, Lords Commissioners of, iii., 64. Rsservations at Erie, 382. 690. To Governor Penn, iv., 174, Department, facts respecting, 649. 182. Plan for management of Treasurer, U. S., tax of PennsylIndian trade, 182, 313. Letter to vania, viii., 185. County, 58. John Stuart on, 189. Illicit, Report of, xii., 4. Dunk Halifax to Governor Penn, Treaties, reference to, i., 168. At 280. Report of Lords of, on Lancaster, Indians present at, Indian boundary, 281. Ditto 656. Indian, at Lancaster, 656. of Commissioners of, respecting With Indians, ii., 559. With acts of New Jersey relative to France, vi., 466, 479, 493, 521. vessels stranded, 295. Lord Infractions with G. B., xi., 72. Hillsborough, Secretary of, 301. Commercial, with France, 220Report of Commissioners on In- 228. dian Trade, 313-31, 447. Coin- Trees, elm, presented by Col. George missioners on Indian, to meet at Morgan, for State House yard, New York, 361,- 363, 368, 371, thanks of Council for, x., 420. 372, 448. Sir William Johnson, Trent, William, account of a muron trade with, 375. Arthur St. der by Indians, ii., 16, 50, 575. Clair on, 557. Letter, iii., 149. Trail, Hon. Robert, letter from, xi., Trenton, Council send salt to, v., 238. Death of R. Levers, 289- 69. Battle, prisoners, &c., 140, resigns in council, and applies for 141. Letters respecting, 140-142, his place, 289. Prisoners in Eas- 146, 159, 161, 168. Troops renton jail, (1784,) 446. dezvous at, vii., 764. Troops at, Traitors, confiscated estate, Control- viii., 523. Troops at, ix., 18, 82. ler Nicholson on, x., 96. List of, Provisions at, 113. 250. Certified list of, applied for Trimble, James, widow Mercer's by J. Anstey, a British Agent, pension, xi., 677. Variation xi., 148. charts, 719. Transports employed in King's ser- Trophies, military, to be collected, vice not subject to Custom-house viii., 99. regulations, iii., 137, 138, 146. Trumbull, frigate, goingon a cruise, Fraud attempted on Custom- ix., 95, 100, 106, 229. In the house, 291. General Amherst on, Del., 338. iv., 46, 87. Commission to ap- Trumbull, Jonathan, Gov. of Conpraisers of, 53. Their report on, necticut, letter to E. Dyer, &c., as to value, &c., 55. Instruc- iv., 394. Answer, 401. Letter tions to appraisers respecting to Gov. Penn, 408. Governor of measuring, 56. Difficulties about Connecticut, papers requested, a, 87. ix., 639, 642. Of Connecticut, Treason, opinion of Jon. D. Sergeant, proclamation on Wyoming, x., vii., 396. 146. Letters to and from, 147, Treasury, robbery of the, i., 278- 148. 279. Of New Jersey, robbed, iv., Trumbull, Gen. Joseph, commissary, 305. U. S., v., 334, 373. State death of, vii., 374. Resolutions of, vi., 81. U. S., to be organ- of Congress respecting settleized and provided with a house, ment of his accounts, 374, 396. vii., 89. Of State, balance in, Trumbull, William, proposals for a 118; viii., 58, 92. Of Bucks co., magazine of provisions, iv., 760. robbed, ix., 609. Judges advise Trump, Levi, letter, iii., 403, 425, some pardons, 634. Board, 226, 430, 480, 582. 699. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 637 Trustees of general loan office, x., Independence acknowledged by 431, 514, 545. Holland, ix., 683; And Great Tryon, William, Gov. of New York, Britian, preliminaries of peace beanswerto queries, iv., 467. Burns tween, signed, x., 10. Seat of Fairfield, Connecticut, vii., 561. Government, proceedings in ConTulpehocken, deed for lands, i., 404. gress on, 136, 139. Returns of Murders at, ii., 503, 504, 511, Pennsylvania troops in service of 525. 393, 403, 431, 449. Claims of Turkey and Russia, at war, xi., Pennsylvania on, 397, 398. John 265. Jay elected secretary of foreign Turnbull, Marmnie & Co., on storing affairs, 401, 402. J. Milligan and powder in magazine, x., 281. J. Story, Commissioners to settle Claim for land on which fort accounts between, and Pennsylstands at Pittsburg, 497. vania, 426. Will barely relinquish Turner, Joseph, letter to, from a Pittsburg, 498. National debt, merchant at Halifax, iii., 442. 514-20, 260. Loan office, 520, Turner, Robert, raises flag on Mar- 522. Report to Congress on Revket street hill, x., 39. enue system of, 732. Commissioners Turnpike, Rh'd Peters on Lancas- appointed by Virginia on trade of, ter, xi., 335. 738. do. by Maryland, 734; ReTuscarawas, xii., 142. port of treasury to Congress, on Tyler, John, (armourer), v., 731. acts passed by the States, to meet the requisitions, xi., 15. Account of receipts and expenditures, 30. U. Finances, 15, 23, 30, 33, 50, 86. Uniformity of commercial systems Unander, Rev, E,;ick, Swedish minis- in the States, proposed, 61. ter at Wilmington, certificate of Requisitions, 73. Ordinance for naturalization iii., 692. settling accounts between, and Uniform of Troops, Colonel Proctor States, 146, 154, 317, 323. Algiers, objects to color of, vii., 292. Views war between, 522. Statement of of General Washington, respecting, quantity and value of Erie, 685. 293. Amendments to constitution, proUnion of Colonies suggested i., 678; posed by N. Carolina, 674. Census, Draft of a plan for, ii., 197. At 679. Accept cession of Western Albany, 199. Plan of Governor territory from N. Carolina, 681, Morris's views of, 499. Meeting 688. Accounts with Pennsylvania, proposed at New York, 498. Gov. 698. Gov. of Western territory, Morris to Earl of Halifax on, 529. 703. Courts, 703. Charles Pettit, Colonel Washington desires an, appointed to settle accounts be621. tween Pennsylvania and, 708; Unitas, Fratrum, address of, to Gov. Patent for Erie, xii., 103. Denny, ii., 760; Exempt from mil- University of Pennsylvania, laws of itia duty, iii., 134. (see Moravians.) College, viii., 246. Shippen's Passport for F. Post, 578, 989. anatomical lectures at, 643. Fund United Netherlands, letter from Pres. arising from sales of estates, for Dickinson to minister of, respect- the charity schools, ix., 385. Sale ing Longschamp, x., 351. Extract of confiscated estates, 461, 676; of letter from, 108. Letter from Estates allotted to, x., 195; Ask P. J. Van Berekel, respecting, for use of State House bell, now 415. Pres. Dickinson to the minis- meeting at Philosophical Society's ter of, 435. J. H. Christian Heinec- Hall, xi., 613. Granted by Asken, consul of, for Philadelphia, sembly, 614. Invitations to com446. mencement, 704, 711. United States, of America, theconfed- Upland, first Council at, i., 37. eration completed by Maryland Court called at, 51, signing the articles, viii., 749, 751; Urie, Thomas, vii., 535. 638 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. V. Vaughan, Samuel, on trees for State House yard, xi., 674. Valandigham, Col. George W., letter Venander, George, ix., 529. to, xii., 261. Venango, Fort at, iii., 13. Autho. Valley Forge, winter quarters at, vi., rity to establish a post at, xii., 122. 113, 130, 181. Indian towns near, Van Berekel, P. J., respecting a pub- 157. Fort at, 463. lication in a newspaper, x., 413. Veness, Jerome, noble conduct, of, Van Campen, John, letter to, iv., vi., 689. 70; vi., 767. Distress at Minni- Vermont and New York, controversy sinks, vii., 573, 575, 603. Incur- between, viii., 89. sions of Indians, viii., 202, 551, Verner, Frederick, proceedings inhis 683. Distress of inhabitants, ix., case, vi., 713. Exchange of, pro106, 123, 522. Sick soldiers, 660. posed, vii, 246. Connecticut claim, 693. Letter of Vernon, Major Frederick, xii., 108. Capt P. Shrawder, to, 24. Letter, Letter to, 121. Want of provixi., 26; xii., 70. sions, 121, 125. Vance, Capt., xii., 183, 187. Vessels-Rules for measuring transVancouver, Chas., patronage, for a ports, iv., 56. Sickly to be exbook, x., 712. amined, 59, 374. Difficult to obVan Dam, Gov. Rip, letter to Gov. tain, for transports, 79. A SpanGordon, on Indian affairs, i., 296. ish, in distress, proceedings, 105, Vanderen, John, Jr., wheat and flour 118. Ransom bills unpaid, priin Delaware, viii., 594. soners detained in France on acVandyke, Gov. Nicholas, of Dela., count of, 200. Law of New Jerletter from, xi., 33. sey respecting stranded, 295. Van Etten, Capt. Jno., instructions Memorial of L. Weiss, on sickly, to, ii., 546. Letter, 720. Letters 472. Purchased, 764. Not to pass to and from, vii., 139. His chevaux-de-frise, v., 67. Order Journal, 222-235. Encounters respecting, in Delaware, vii., 747. Indians, viii., 303, 321. Substitute for copper discovered, Vanfleck, Henry, suspicions against, for sheathing of, ix., 431. vi., 57. Deposition respecting, Vickers, Jesse, robbery of Treasury 67, 77. of Bucks county, confession, ix., Van Hur, Capt., viii., 539. 609. Van Heer, troop of Marechause, ix., Vickers, Sol., confession, respecting 486, 505, 506. robbery, ix., 614, 615. Case of, on Van Horn, Capt., ix., 300. charge of robbery in Bucks Co., Van Lier, Mr., xii., 115, 134, 162. x., 432. Van Noemer, M. introduced by Vining, John, letter, iv., 336, 341. Franklin, vii., 774. Appointed Judge, 337. Case of Vanschaick, Col., commands at Fort Galloway, at Dover, 341. Stanwix, and attacks an Indian Virginia, murder by Indians, i., 436. town, xii., 112. Letters of Governor Gooch, ii., 18. Van Staphorst, N. and J., on Dutch Pres't Lee, 58. Gov. Dinwiddie's loans, ix., 564. Loans, 591. speech on proroguing assembly, Vanzant, Garret and John, exami- 169. Correspondence with Govnation respecting robberies, vi., ernor of Pennsylvania, 18, 58, 177, 596, 599, 600, 604. 226, 268. Provisions for, 268, Varnum, Gen., vi., 31, 121. 449.. Forts in, 581. French neuVarnum, Major and his company trals in, 581. Grant of men and have hard fare, vii., 465. money, 621. Council of officers at Vaughan, Col., iv., 39. Fort Loudoun in, iii., 367. Indian Vaughan, Maj. Gen. John, Gates's affairs in, 694. Letter to Gov. letter to, on burning towns, v., 688. Fauquier from Governor Penn, on Vaughan, Gen. (British) commands peace with Indians made by Col. expedition to Conn., vii., 561. Bradstreet, iv., 207. Frontier in INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 639 habitants moving over Allegheny 516, 570, 583, 641, 713, 744, 746. mountains, 217. Murder in Au- Intrusions by, 191. Letter from gusta county, 218. Proclamation Gov. Jefferson on, 196, 641. Suit of Gov. Fauquier, 255. Lord against Col. Brodhead by, 202. Botetourt, Letter from, 365. Act Congress sustain him, 195, 202. on Indian trade, 372. On Western Resolution of General Assembly of, boundaries, 455. Counterfeits, respecting agreement and boundary 461, 462. Act of, against coun- between, and Pennsylvania, 352, terfeits, 462. Papers, &c., re- 570. Commissioners, 353. Looked lating to Dr. John Connolly's pro- to for provisions, 471. Confirms ceedings, 476, 479. Muster at line run in 1779, &c., 488, 516, Redstone, old Fort, 481. Boundary 570, 583, 641, 713, 744, 746. with Pennsylvania, 481, 483, 4U0, Obtaining more territory, 707. 515, 516. Lord Dunmore's Let- Convention prisoners to be moved ters, &c., 460, 482, 493, 522. from, to Pennsylvania, 753. ConProclamation of Earl Dunmore, vention prisoners, ix., 5, 25. 490. Advertisement of Dr. Con- Line between Pennsylvania Comnolly, 521. Letter, 526. Remarks missioners, 20, 78, 189, 301. Rev. on Connolly's proceedings, 528. Jas. Madison and Rev. Robert Troops marching from, to Pitts- Andrews, Commissioners to extend burg, 530. Indians aim at, 550. Mason & Dixon's line, 78, 233, Cap. Crawford, President of Court, 234. Instruments required, 78. 551. Depositions, 582, 603, 705, Gov. Jefferson's letters. 78, 160. 607-612. Letters respecting dis- Reported junction of Lord Cornpute, 586, 587, 589, 612. Minutes wallis and Gen. Phillips in, 172. of Council of, on Indian hostilities Proceedings of Pentecost and Canat Pluggy's Town, appoints, Geo. non, 193. Lt. Morrison of 9th Morgan and Col. Nevill to confer, Virginia regiment in search of Inand chastise them, v., 258. Letter, dians, 201. Movements of enemy P. Henry, Jr., 260, 286. Letters in, 210. Delegates of, in Congress to delegates in Congress, 413. on seizure of merchandise belongProposition for settlement of boun- ing to State for a private debt, dary between, and Penn., 413, letters respecting, 260, 266, 271, Troops to go to Billingsport, 418. 272, 274, Troops ordered to Quakers, &c., to be sent to, 580, South Carolina by Fayette, 283. 582, 584, 586, 600, 604, 632. Boundary with Pennsylvania, 233, Boundary unsettled, vi., 69, 82. 234, 301, 304, 315, 344, 352, 356, Volunteers expected from, 120. 374, 402, 439, 445. Position of Act of, for clothing their troops, Lord Cornwallis in, 301, 337, 125. Consents to confederation, General Clarke's expedition, 325, 144, 232. Offers troops for Phila- 343, 352, 355, 356, 561. Boundary delphia, 183. Rendezvous, in, line, 468, 506, 513, 519, 533, 562, 302. Letter from, on disputes 566, 585, 607, 772. Letters of with Pennsylvania, vii., 73. An Gov. Harrison, 518, 533, 549. agent from, in Pittsburg, 79. Resolutions of House of Delegates, Circular to, 152. From Delegates 562. Boundary line between, and of, in Congress, 73, 184. Resolves Pennsylvania, x., 8, 56, 72, 77, 95, of General Assembly of, 185. 96, 145, 146, 171, 175, 181, 223, Letter to Governor, 197. Letter 232, 233, 236, 269, 280, 293, 336, from Patrick Henry on Embargo, 372, 373, 374, 413, 414, 428, 438, 247. Papers respecting boundary 439, 489, 506, 573, 602, 611, 705. called for, 309, 310, 441. Reso- Letters of Gov. Harrison, 56, 65, lutions of House of Delegates on 72, 77, 78, 95, 145, 175, (1783.) boundary line, 441 Enemy land Case of Col. Cox, 81, 96, 125, 172, at Portsmouth, 412. Boundary (1783.) Commissioners appointed between, and Pennsylvania, viii., by, 146, Resolution of House of 46, 56, 63, 91, 191, 285, 352, 488, Delegates, 1783, 171. Commis 640 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. sioners of Pennsylvania, (1783.) Virginia, vii., 412. Enemy's 171, 223. Case of John Campbell, boats in Delaware, viii., 274. 172, Rejects finance plan of Wade, Robert, & J. S., letter to Congress, 153, (1780.) Agreement Governor Markham, respecting at Baltimore, 223, Letter A. Mc- Lord Baltimore, i., 46. Clean, respecting Westmoreland, Wadsworth, Gen. Jereraiah —fears a 293. Report of Commissioners want of flour for the army, vii., on Boundary, 373, 374. Difficul- 159, 672. Asks copy of a letter ties on surveys, 414. Report of respecting flour, viii., 205. Commissioners, 506, Titles in Wagoners, deserted, vi., 320, 337. Washington Co., 414, 417. Meet- Drowned, 321, 322, 337. Countering at Surveyor General's respect- felt bills found on, 200, 206, 215. ing surveys of Land, obtained Wagon Masters, circular to, vi., 124, from, 705. Resolution cff House 212, 330, 337, 338, 357, 763, 765. of Delegates, appointing Commis- Wagons, number of, in Northampsioners on Trade of U. S. 738. ton county, iii., 404. Advertised Act to comply with requisition, for by Colonel Stanwix, 629, 660. xi., 17, 23. Letter from land offi- To be impressed in Philadelphia, cers, on claims under titles of, iv., 108, 116. Required, v., 171, 138, 160. Memorial of Charles 186, 292, 301, 364, 490, 553, 554, Simms, 160, 169. Letters, Gov'r 594, 596, 599, 605, 618, 622, 689, Randolph, 212, 284. Laws re- 717, 734, 771. Scarcity of, vi, quested, 284. Proceedings of 41, 65, 69, 77, 107, 116, 124, 130, Council, respecting titles, 291. 137, 139, 141, 179, 200, 210, 212, Report to Congress, on letter of 218, 220, 252, 276, 282, 289, 298, Commissioners of, 317. Letters to 319, 320, 324, 328, 330, 334, 338, and from Govr. Harrison (1783), 343, 348, 353, 362, 366, 371, 377, on boundaries, 497, 499, 501, 507. 405, 416, 450, 483, 513, 519, 546, Campbell and Simpson's claim, 608, 621, 623, 676, 699, 761-767; 501. Copy of laws asked for, 507. &c., vii., 81, 98, 101, 151, 160, And Maryland, on internal navi- 175; 194, 207, 248, 266, 335, 388, gation, 511. Commissioners to be 402, 420, 421, 424, 427, 433, 439, appointed by Penn'a, 521. Act 460, 469, 474, 478, 483, 484, 485, of, on commerce, 523-526. Letter 495, 523, 746, 749, 750, 768; viii., to Gov. Randolph on calling con- 84, 319, 323, 339, 351, 390, 405, vention, 557. Arrival of Indian 415, 416, 417, 430, 435, 482, 489, chiefs in, 600. Clothing for troops, 504, 544, 705; ix., 153, 160, 357, xii., 106. Militia Law, 127, 147. 412, 420. Letter to Gov. Jefferson, 140. Pay Waldechers made prisoners, v., 178. to soldiers, 150.. Troops of, 165. Walk, Indian, on lands, iv., 85. Letter to Gov. Page, 167. Troops Walker, Captain Andrew, to J. sent to Col. Clarke, 177. Boun- Hambright, vii., 323. dary line, 178, 182, 195. Import Walker, Captain Richard, instrucmortars, 189. Provisions, 263. tions, iii., 409. Tr7oops and officers-Capt. Berry Wall, Geo., respecting tories, viii., and Lieut. Dent, 274. 178. Virginians, copy of paper given to Wall, Colonel George, Jr., vii., 103, Indians by, i., 658. Letter from, 104, 660. Officers resigned and respect'g accusation against them, appointed, ix., 529. Doan's v., 14. estate, 628. On improving the Delaware River, xii., 289, 293. W. On sale of J. Galloway's estate, 319. Letter from, 289. Wade, Captain, pilots a French Wallace, Fort, xii., 464. frigate, vii., 12. Wallis, Samuel, vi, 664, 687. Wade, Francis, letter to J. Mitchell Waln, Nicholas, letter to, on oprelative to landing of enemy in pressive execu'nof laws, viii., 101. INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 641 Walter, John, letter on Sulphur, City and County, Philadelphia, v., 082, 244. v., 563. To arrest, vi., 12, 53, Wampum, quantity of, left with 65. To Sheriff, to seize salt, vii., Secretary, by Conrad Weiser, ii., 149. George Eichelberger, 193. 17. For sale of a cargo, viii., 491. War, declared between England For lands in new purchase, and France, ii., 735. Indian, ac- number of, issued, xi., 121. count of the rise of the, iv., 569. Against Wyoming insurgents, Board of, letters to and from, xi., xi., 340. William Penn, for 240, 268, 282, 290, 301, 531, 555, Welsh Tract, xii., 279, 280. 621, 624, 645, 685, 686, 729, 730. Warren, James, memorial in favor Council of, held, vi., 21. Office, of —as interested in Hare's brewery, Continental. [SeeBoardof War.] vii., 113. v. Of Penn. [See Board of War.] Warwick, English man-of-war taken v. Secretary at, ix., 483, 526. by the French, ii., 630. Office, letters to and from, x., Warwick furnace, cannon cast at, v., 27, 302, 314, 315, 459, 461, 479, 31. 494, 497, 529. Corps, under Washington Academy, lands for, xi, Colonel Harmar, necessary to 215. protect lands, 495. With Al- Washington, Col., Geo., charged by giers, xi., 522. Secretary at- T. Penn, with imprudence, ii., 255. Cornplanter, xii., 32. Quota of Desires union of Colonies, 621. Penns., 292. Decided to resign, 620. Letters, Ward, Mr., xii., 035. 541, 5C,5, 620; iii., 300. Wardens of Philadelphia, memorial Washington county, letter of Dorsey of, respecting pilots, iv., 265-269, Pentecost respecting, ix., 315, 540, 271. Letter to, respecting ferries, 541. Gen. Clarke's expedition, vii., 627. On sale of lots, ix., 325, 343, 354. Affairs in, 343. 355, 101, 126. Removal of fence, 150. 3(;7, 435, 484. Inhabitants of, letRemoval of Chevaux-de-frise ter, 356. Election of Justices, from river, x., 93, 349, 350, 606, 405, 496. State of parties, 438, 607. On storing of powder, 281. 444. Letter Capt. Hughes, 533. Piers, 407. Contract for piers, Expedition to Sandusky, 556. 456. Removal of Buoys, &c., State of affairs, 564, 646, 666. 580. J. Donnaldson resigns, 583, Site for Court house and prison 584. Joseph Bullock, elected, selected, 772. New State threat583. Expenditures, 585. Beacon ened, Rev. J. Finley sent to, x., on Cross Ledge, 589. Purchased 40, 41, 163. Letter of Prothonoground for beacon, at Cape May, tary, 78. Case of Col. Cox, 81, xi., 93. Danger to piers, at 96, 125. Taxes, 136, 593. Laid Marcus Hook, from Spanish out, 181, (1783.) D. Pentecost on frigate, 99. Correspondence with affairs, 262. Return of militia, commander, &c., 99-102. Sup- officers in, 287. Difficulties from posed interference of British Con- Virginia titles, 416. Return of sul, with, 375. Expense of public stores, in, 436. And offiwatching public buildings, 543. cers of militia in, 436. JohnStory, Resignation of, xii., 2. Report agent on accounts, 451. Disturbon Delaware river, 287, 289, 291, ances in, 467, 554,585. Doanegives 292, 293, 294. Public burying trouble in, 582,584. Commissioners ground, 305. of, 584, 587, 593. J. Story opens Warminster, Collector of, robbed, office for adjusting claims, 742, ix., 508. Attack on Excise office of, 757. Warrant to arrest rioters, i., 538, Indian murders in, xi., 209. Ap546. For enlisting troops, iv., plication from, for defence, 377. 197. To arrest Sergt. McGlasken, Danger from Indians, 686. Di224. To nrrest tories, v., 478, vided, 640. Indian troubles in, 479, 480, 484. For Lieut's of 673, 675, 685, 686. Secretary of 41 642 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. War to Lieutenants of, 686. Pe- Washington, Gen.-vii., tition on taxes, xii, 288. 89, 90, 95, 119, 127, 129, 161, Washington, General George, Letter 187, 225, 293, 327, 337, 341, 351, sent *from Congress to Committee, 377, 406, 447, 479, 555, 738. His iv., 644, 645. From Committee, movements and designs on Susquerelative to works on Delaware- hanna, 86. Escort of Convention asking for an engineer, 775. Move- *troops, 95, 99, 101, 104, 106, 107, ments, v., 84, 113, 367, 373, 451. 110, 112. On intercourse with Retreats from New Brunswick be- enemy, 119, 127. Reply to refore Gen. Howe, 84. Letters to quest to sit for his portrait for and from, 113. Council recom- Council, 127. On clothing, 129, mend to open shops, 115. Bucks 161. On rank of officers, 188. and Northampton to join, 115. Respecting Arnold, 188. Asksfor Letter Gen. Dickinson, sent to, survey of Susquehanna-Expedi116, 117. In possessionof Prince- tion against Indians, 210. Reton, 159. At Somerset, 162. At specting Tories going within enePluckamin, 168, 171. Letters to. my's lines, 225, 236. Survey of and from, 113, 117, 253, 290, 373, Delaware by Dui Portail, 229. 419, 431, 439, 452, 452, 510, 526, Views of, respecting uniform of 617, 619, 624, 664, 669, 678, 691, troops, 293. Wafers ordered from 697, 700, 710. Asks for maps of Bethlehem, 295. Court Marshal country, 419. At Morristown, 177, on Arnold, 327, 337. Orders 215. Important services rendered troops for secret expedition, 329. by militia of Pennsylvania to, 186. Pres. Reed. to, in relation to Gen. To be reinforced, 616. Head-quar- Arnold, 337, 341, 351, 380, 406. ters at Germantown, 617. Orders Correspondence with Pres. Reed, Continental soldiers not to be en- 351, 377, 555, 684. Extract of tertained in city, 619; vi., 9, 30, letter to Congress on situation of 43, 153, 154, 180, 189, 200, 201, enemy, 479. On partiality to par235, 241, 250, 254, 255, 263, 274, ticular States, 353. On Militia, 277, 287, 288, 291, 325, 333, 339, 354. Col. John Fitzgerald to, 353, 354, 357, 401, 405, 409, 410, 370. Respecting Gen. Sullivan, 416, 425, 430, 445, 480, 490, 498, 535, 555. Col. Lochry tenders 522, 529, 546, 557, 558, 604, 742, thanks to, 565. Writes for Penn752. His movements, 91, 122. sylvania Rangers and Riflemen, Affair at Chestnut Hill, 100. Takes 568. On evacuation of Fort Lauwinter quarters in Chester county, rens, 569. Officers who have 61. Proclamation on threshing broken parole, 626. On clothing grain, 116. Distress of the Army, the Army, 670. Anticipated want 189, 328. On clothing, 200, and of flour, 671, 685. Co-operation party with clothing for prisoners with French fleet, 736. Supply of at Lancaster, 216 Address to Militia, 741. Embargo laid to aid citizens, 277, 326.' Asks for Gal- in supplies, 745. French fleet to lies, 354. Empowered to call out co-operate with, 748. Makes an 5000 Militia, 399, 409, 446. In- effort to close war, 748. Letters troduces Gen. Greene, 405. Let- to and from, viii., 35, 36, 43, 48, ter to Gen. Lacey on prisoners 54, 70, 74, 75, 128, 145, 154, 163, with marketing, 410. Respecting 180, 193, 240, 267, 332, 338, 339, wagon law, 416. Men from Gallies, 348, 356, 369, 373, 375, 412, 470, 421. Militia, 490. Arms, 498, 474, 482, 486, 525, 577, 598, 682, 522. May empower persons to 686. Memorial of Col. Hazen to,, obtain provisions, 66. Distress 17. Remarks on, 116, 155. Cirfor provisions, &c., 263, 326, 328. cular respecting supplies, 145. On evacuation of Fort Mifflin, 47. Appoints places of deposit for proTakes measures in case of evacua- visions, 180. Respecting Magation, 558. Evacuation of Phila- zines. 193. Army, 267. Opinion delphia, 604. Letters to and from, of militia, 268. State Militia, call INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 643 Washington, Gen.-viii. Washington, Gen.-ix. for,'2J2. Prospects, 312. Militia, Withdrawal of troops from Wyo314. Army in danger, 314. Re- ming, 652, 653, 656, 858. Passes, duction of Charlestown, 316. 661. Declines expedition against Writes alarming letters abont Indians, 640, 642. Appoints enemy, 333, 336, 337. Expects Dobbs' Ferry as rendezvous for French fleet-calls for troops, 338. persons having passes, 661. PassArrival of Admiral Arbuthnot at port requested of, and granted by New, York, 339. Wagons, 351, Sir Guy Carlton, 674. Address of 356. Distress for provisions and Council, congratulatory on his men, 355. Enemy marching to safety, &c., x., 150. His reply, Morristown, 356. Enemy leaves 151. Letters of Pres. Dickinson, New Jersey, 361. Commends the to Delegates, suggesting an annual patriotic spirit of the ladies of sum to meet expenses arising out Philadelphia, 361. Militia unne- of his position, 152, 185, 575. cessary, 377. Want of forage, 404. Answer from Delegates, in ConFrench fleet between Virginia and gress, 155. Suggests uniformity Delaware-our troops not ready, of arms in the States, 154. Re414. His situation, 417. Calls nounces his commission to ConGerman Battalion from Sunbury, gress, 183, (1783.) To, respecting 474, 486. In want of provisions, prisoners at New York, (1782.,) 625, 577, 719. Reduces Regi- xi., 496. Letters to, xii., 113, ments, 595. Respecting several 120, 125, 131, 146, 155, 164, 176, spies, 598. On Wyoming, 682. 184, 188, 197, 206, 212, 223, 233, To post garrison at Wyoming, 717. 242, 243, 252, 256, 258, 265, 269. Letters to and from, ix., 39, 54, Washington, Geo., President United 66, 75, 84, 98, 102, 111, 120, 124, States, circular on mode of com141, 195, 197, 207, 242, 255, 284, munication with executives, xi., 293, 320, 481, 485, 486, 501, 505, 587. Sends Acts, 596, 599, 601, 509, 513, 536, 550, 626, 642, 653, 602, 603, 604, 611, 615, 616. Ce656, 661. To Gen. Wayne, on lebration of birth-day, 664. Letcritical situation of Southern af- ters on Indian murders, 8. fairs, 66. Frontiers, 75. Respect- Washington, Fort, Andrew Boyd ing Fort Pitt, 81, 102. Want of taken prisoner at, vii., 384. provisions, 84, 124. Respecting Washington, Geo., (an Indian,) xii., officers, 98. Removal of stores 214. from Delaware, 101. Fears Fort Washington, ship, (formerly General Schuyler will be abandoned, pro- Monk,) captures by, ix., 586. To visions, army, 123. Artillery of- be sold,621. Sale, 624, 625. ficers of Col. Proctor's regiment, Washnash, a noted Indian warrior, 141. Requisition of troops, 195, viii., 159. 197. Confinement of prisoners, Wasock, Capt. Strong's town, at, xi., 205. Militia, prospects of, 207. 69. Provisions, 207. Riflemen wanted, Water Gap, meeting of tories at, at242. Robert Morris appointed to tacked by Capt. Bond, of New Jerprocure supplies, 254. Appoints sey, viii., 259. places of deposit, 262. Supplies, Watkins, Joseph, vi., 368. promotions, want of troops at Watson, John, Jr., claims damages King's bridge, 285. Encourage. done by galley men, vi., 769. ment from President Reed, 293. Watson, Luke, letter W. Penn to, i., Invests New York, 301. Rifle 127. corps, 320. Operations, 887. Fi- Watts, Frederick, viii., 558. nances, 481, 485. Captain Van Way, Nicholas, v., 315. Heer's troops, 486, 505. Future Wayne, Col. Anthony, on a supposed operations, 509, 513. Views and fraud, v., 88. Dreadful condition prospects of affairs, 536-539. Re- of troops at Ticonderoga, 88. cruits, 550. Indians, 626, 642. Complained against by Capt. John 644 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Lacey, Jr, for ill treatment,.154. position, 256. Respecting Sower's Brigadier General, letters, vi., 25, papers, 440. Journals of, 32, 66. 86, 251, 387, 397, 408, 411, 419, On purchase of lands from In428, 451, 474. His opinion of dians fraudulently, 86. Respectwell-clad soldiers, 26. Exertions ing a horse sold Indians, 86. to clothe soldiers, 61, 408. On Complains.. of an address of Militia and clothing, 142, 419. Friendly Association, 313. Death On substitutes, 251. Recruiting of, iv., 41. His son Samuel, inorders, 248, 397, 408, 411, 419, terpreter, 41. 746. Return of troops, 476. Let- Weiser, Samuel, account of exters, vii., 64, 142, 255. Brilliant penses to Augusta, iii., 713. Provictory at Stony Point, 581, 585. posed as Interpreter, x., 266. Resolution of thanks by Assembly Weiss, Lewis, memorial respecting and Supreme Executive Council infectious diseases and imposito, his victory at Stony Point, 741; tions on passengers, iv., 472. viii., 223, 450, 587, 681, 737. At- Respecting Mr.'Holker and Protack on Bergen, 450. Orders of, vince Island, ix., 298. Massacre 451. Invited by La Fayette to of Moravian Indians at Muskindinner, 587. Expedient to make gum, 523. soldiers comfortable, 593. Return of Weitzel, John, in want of hemp, v., Artillery under him, 647. Lettersto 85, 544; viii., 602. Letter to, and from, ix., 15, 66, 74, 123, 124, x., 99, 109, 232, 343. 137, 138, 139, 148, 150, 155, 173, Welch, William, to Wm. Penn, i., 283, 358, 366, 430. Destined for 82. Commission to, 85. Yorktown, 74, 359. Respecting, Well, Colonel, viii., 111. 142, 148, 154, 155. Goes to meet Wells, Richard, a Tory, v., 108. Cornwallis, 359. Reasons for declining a seat in Wayne, Captain Isaac, orders to, ii., Council, 189. 542. Welsh Tract, Memorial of inhabitWeather, very severe at Muskingum ants to Commissioners, i., 108. and Pittsburg, xi., 244. Proceedings of Commissioners, Weaver, Capt. Wendle, viii., 288. 108. Paper from, 108. Reply Webb, James, instructions to, iv., to by Commissioners, 110. War180, 213. ranit, William Penn for, xii., 279, Weed, Captain Elijah, instructions 280. respecting fugitives to New york, Weltner, Colonel Lund, viii., 40, x., 102. 42, 57, 62, 153, 161, 166, 171, Weedon, Col. G., letter, v., 241. 206, 214, 233, 270, 341, 369, 377. Weights and Measures, opinion, Wentworth, Governor, of New xi., 734. Hampshire, letters to and from, Weiser, Conrad, letters to and from, ii., 186, 195, 200. Letters to and i., 649, 650, 661, 665, 671, 673, from, iii., 5. 748, 749, 750, 756, 758, 761, 771, West, Francis, iii., 706. 772. Proceedings at Onondaga, West, William, Jr., viii., 631, 639. 649. Builds a house for Shekil- Westbrook, Major Samuel, respectamy at Shamokin, 661. Letters ing Brandt, &c., at Minisinks, vii., from, ii., 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 23, 44, 63. Captain, do., viii., 202. 259, 319, 453, 461, 503, 504, 511, Major, attacks Indians, 203. 547, 550, 562, 563, 628, 696, 776. Westbroek, Abraham, letters, xi., Purchases land, 10. Journal of 47, 102. distances to Ohio, 12. Quantity West Florida, continental sloop, of Wampum left with Secretary, viii., 346. 17. Letters, iii., 18, 28, 31, 35, Western boundary, xi., 26, 52, 69, 86, 207, 217, 221, 277, 283, 293, 71. 312, 313, 425, 428, 439, 500, 571, Western Lands, suggestions respect699, 701. Memorandum of con- ing Cession of, x., 152. ference with Indians, 216. De- Western and north-western terri INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 645 tory, sale of townships in, xi., commended, 36. Provisions, 55. 141. Ordinance for government Blockhouse or Magazine, built by of, 162. Ceded by N. Carolina, Col. Lochry, 80, 115. Letter to 681. officers of, 189. Pentecost and Western territory, Act of Congress Cannon, 193. Claims for land, respecting, xi., 332, 339. Defence 263. Disputes in, 300, 596. State of, 621. Act of Congress for, 621, of, 666. Gen. Clarke's expedition, 715, 716. inquiries into, 325, 332, 344, 355. West Indies, action in, vii., 636. State of money, troops, &c., 331. Success of Count D'Estaing's Disputes on Virginia boundary, fleet in, 661. 344, 439. Lieut. for, 354, 356. Westmoreland County-difficulty Respecting lands in, 409. Militia, about courts, &c., iv., 467. Let- 410. Affairs in, 468, 511. Minter, A. St. Clair, about Pittsburg utes of a meeting in, for deas County town, 471. Assessors fence of county, 559. Memorial can't collect the taxes, 487. De- of prisoners in Clarke's expediposition of Sheriff Hunter, 491. tion, 574. Condition of, 2. Of George Wilson, 492. Letter, Counties, 637. Received Mr. J. Montgomery, on affairs, 505, Finley's mission to, 730. New 506. G. Croghan, 507. Men State proposed, 730. Troops, raising, 509. Men killed, 510. 750. New State threatened, Rev. Petition from, 518, 520, 536. J. Finley sent to, x., 40, 41, 163. Death of Maclure, 526. Deposi- Hanna's Town, as County seat, tions, 492, 526, 564, 568, 571, 91. Commissioners interfered 582, 603-605, 607-612, 624, 627, with, byVirginians, 98. Fayette, 628, 630, 647, 648, 659. Trustees Co. formed from, 118, 181. Alarmon County seat, 579. Letter re- ing state, of Manallen T., 147, specting, 589, 605, 618, 623. 553. Rangers, Captain Stokely, Trustees fix on Pittsburg as 262. Returns of Field officers, County seat, 449, 471. Opposed, 275, 276. State of affairs, 279. 471. Troops, leave, v., 202. Letter, Alexander McClean, exCoin. letters respecting Indians,. culpatory of the Virginians, 294. 313, 443. Alarms, 344. Records, John Story, agent on accounts, 452. Search for, in Lancaster, 450. Road to Pittsburg, 533. 455. Militia, 488. Aid asked County Commissioners on attacks for Gen. Hand, 529, 540, 541, on Collectors in Springhill Town542. Indians in, 599. Indian ship, 594. Franklin Co. formed, affairs in, vi., 3, 68. Mr. Holli- 603. J. Story opens office, for day, 115. Alarm from Indians adjusting claims, 742. James and Tories, 438, 458, 460. Num- Hamilton elected Register of ber of arms in, 495. Indian mur- Wills, Recorder of Deeds, 750. ders, 495. Supplies for, 538. Returns of militia officers, xi., Troops for, vii., 305, 341, 404, 402, 403. And arms, 404. Excise 406, 424, 515, 569. Condition, on liquors, 661. Petition from, owing to boundary question with 670. Indian murders in, xii., Virginia, viii., 47. Col. Lochry, 107, 242, 355. Troops raising, Lieut. of, 109. Colonel Brod- 108. Times of troops expire, 157. head, &c., 198, 250. New State Infested with Mingos, 232, 234. proposed,,280. Lieut. of, 290. To furnish flour, 278. Troops, sent to-alarms from In- Westmoreland, town, (See Wyomdians, 408, 766. Letter, Repre- ing,) vi., 371. sentatives of, 709. David Dun- Weston, Richard, examination of, can, appointed Commissioner of vi., 142. Wetzel, Lt. John, 271, purchases, ix., 17. Militia, 18, 383, 541, 551, 629, 651. 28, 57. Col. Lochry commands, West Point in danger, viii., 339. 18, 28. New County proposed Flour for, 349. out of, 36. A prothonotary re- Wetherill, Sam'l, Jr., v., 342, 355. 646 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Invitation to funeral of James Wiccacoa, estimate of cost of garrison, Young, vii., 172. iii., Wetherhold, Lieut. Jacob, letters, Widows, at Letart Spring, xii., 281. iii., 211. Wig, importance of a, to a justice of Wharton, Thomas, Jr., elected Presi- the peace iv., 206. dent of the State, v., 252; Letters, Wilcocks, J. and A., claim salt seized vi., 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 22, 25. in Philadelphia, vi., 703, 724, 740, Death of, 493, 546, 558, 569, 625. 754; Alexander and John respectFuneral at Lancaster, 552; Por- ing salt seized, vii., 122, 148. Curtrait of, viii., 319. rency, 721, 725, 727. Wheat, distillation of, and other Wilcocks, John, salt decision in favor grain to be stopped v., 229; To be of, ix., 750. threshed or taken for straw, vi., Wilkins, Charles, letter on Indian 83; High price of, vii., 399, 717. store, xii., 317. Destruction of crops, 401, 426. Wilkins, Captain John, xii., 300. Purchase of, 559; Cheaper than Wilkins, Dr. John, xii., 321. flour, viii., 363. Wilkins, Lieutenant Colonel, to march Wheeling, troops at, xii., 108. Boys with troops from Philadelphia to killed, 148. Fort Pitt, iv., 300. Pay for Wheeling, Captain xii., 216. carriages used by, 877. Explains Wherry, David, case of, i., 281, 282, his course against charges at Fort 289, 292. Pitt, 395.'" Whigs, Real," resolutions of meet- Wilkinson, J. complaint against Gen. ing of, at Philadelphia, v., 83. Arnold, vii., 449; J., vii., 736, Whilldin, James, v., 382. 744; Commissioner to examine Whiskey to be allowed soldiers, v., Rivers, x., 129, 130, 334. Resigns, 372; Large purchases, at high his commission as Brigadier, Gen. prices, by an officer, vi., 205, 208. - 610; xii., 199, 209, 226, 250; C. White, Mrs., to be seized, with her G., viii., 269. papers, for giving intelligence to Will, William, &c., salt, vii., 729, Lord Howe, v., 97; vi., 63, 239. 759; viii., 638; Contests election White Eyes, speech of Lord Dunmore of Sheriff Ash, xi., 410, 413. to, iv., 684; Captain (Indian,) Willett, Augustin, viii., 305. message to Colonel Morgan, vi., Willet, Col. Marinus, accompanies 587, 652, 714; A (Mingo Chief,) Indians, to Philada., xi., 707, 711. xii., 119. Willey, John, proceedings, of Court White, John, to settle accounts with of Sussex, against, iii., 665. U. S., xii., 303, 304. Williams, Amos, case, of, x., 713. White Marsh, camp at, v, 767. Williams, Major Ennion, letters v., White Plains, Col. Green, surprised 34, 35, 39, 51, 52, 80, 103, 105, and killed at, by De Lancey, ix., 107, 112, 115, 117, 127, 204, 209, 155. 212. Resigns his commission, White, Cap. Robert, a traitor cap- reasons for, 212. tured in a cutter, by Cap. Hylars, Williams & Engles on State-Htuse, ix., 530, 531; Letter from Gov. of xii., 295. New Jersey respecting, x., 730. Williams. Benseller, viii., 63. White, William, consecrated Ameri- William, Fort, xii., 464. can Bishop, x., 434. Williams, Adjutant William, on loss White, Bishop William, on Marriage of arms, xii., 295. Licenses, xii., 31, 314. Williamson, Dr. Hugh, letter on Whitehead, J., letter, xii., 314. affairs at Wyoming, iv., 365. Goes Whiteside, Thomas, vii., 19. to Europe, 468; To, in answer, Whitesitt, Samuel, deposition iv., a member of Congress x., 397; 604. On memorial, &c., from Conn., "Whole Face," and " Long Hair," (1785,) xi., 449. Indian Chiefs, conference with, x., Williamson, Capt. Ralph, collector in 740. Bucks Co., robbed, ix., 508. INDEX' TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 647 Willing, Capt. exchange of, ix., 111; ing stores at Lancaster, vii., Company, xii., 143. 220. Respecting purchase of Willing, Thomas, President of-Bank horses, &c., viii., 187, 192, 304, North America, ix., 496. 310, 328, 398, 574, 602, 653, 668. Wills, mills, ix., 108. Wirtz, Major, ix., 226, 229, 379. Wilmington, (Del.) Fort and bat- Wise, Frederick, vi., 415. tery erected by D. Bush, &c., ii., Wistar, Dr. Caspar, Jr., on inspector 6. Letter from Burgesses of, of pot and pearl ashes, xi., 679. alarm at, 456. Complaints against Witherspoon, Major, wounded at D. Bush about militia fines, iii., Germantown, v., 646. 154, 165-170. Rev. Erick Unan- Witman, Adam, Taxes, viii., 129, der, Swedish minister at, 692. 264, 303. Classing inhabitants Enemy's vessel near Creek's of Berks county, 742. mouth, iv., 746. Engagement Wetterhold, Captain, ii., 618, 741, with the Roebuck, 748. Troops 753. at, v., 586. Wetzel, Lieut. Colonel, complaints Wilson, G., letter, iv., 426, 455, against, vii., 195. Respecting 466. orders, 299, 572; 578, 617; viii., Wilson, James, riot at (Fort Wilson) 602. in Philadelphia, vii., 732, 735, Woelpper, John David, a soldier in 744. On cutting masts for French the Indian war, v., 48. fleet on Schuylkill, viii., 541, 542. Wolcott, Roger, Governor ConnecAttorney for State, in case of T. ticut, letters to and from, ii., 120, Matlack, x., 202. Thorough 126. knowledge of Wyoming affairs, Woman, a, in distress in the army, 204. Agent on disputed lands, vi., 716, 772. 399. Elected delegate to Congress, Wood, purchase and price of, v., 437, 534. Wyoming affairs in 507. Congress, (1785,) xi., 453. As Woods near Philada., v., 156, 174. agent on Wyoming, xii., 294. Wood, Colonel James, letters to, Wilson, Joseph, claim for arrest of respecting desertions of ConvenJoseph Doane, x., 152. tion prisoners, ix., 25, 225, 328, Wilson, William, Lieutenant of 357. Militia, Law, 382. Letters, Northumberland county, respect- 262, 276, 345. Removal of Coning Wyoming, x., 304. To J. A., vention prisoners, 203, 225, 236, 654. Bearer of ammunition to 262, 289. Wyoming, xi., 192. Provisions Wood, Colonel Joseph, dreadful at Skipton, xii., 230.. Indian condition of soldiers at Ticonmurders, 318, 319, 320. deroga, v., 87. Winchester, Virginia, prisoners from Woods, George, vi., 39; vii., 504. Philadelphia at, vi., 74, 75, 102, Woods, Thomas, Sheriff, deposition, 104, 106, 111, 158, 210, 364, 367, iv., 435. 509, 510, 524. Remonstrance Wool recommended to be purchased from prisoners, 509. Petition, and manufactured, vi., 41. 510. Woolens manufactured in PhiladelWindgap, Fort, xii., 464. phia, v., 342, 355. Wine, a cask of, sent by President Wrangel, Rev. Charles Magnus, to General St. Clair, vii., 292. certificate of Governor to, iv., Winter, John, examination of, i., 251. 219. Wright, John, Deposition, i., 464. Winter, Walter, examination of, i., Instructions to, 279. 219. Writ for call of Assembly, i., 504. Wipey, Joseph, a Delaware Indian, Writing master, an extraordinary, murdered, iv., 503. arrives at Philadelphia, ii., 710. Wirtz, Christian, v., 202, 208. Wyalusing, Captain Hartley attacks Regulations of guards at Lancas- Indians near, vi., 773. Arrives ter, vi., 193, 201. T. M., respect- at, vii., 7. 648 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Wyandot Indians, murders by, viii., Wyoming-vi. 159; 513; ix., 247; x., 86. 665. Obligation of sett'ers, 688, Forsake the English, xii., 123, 689. Petition for troops, supply 127, 128, 131, 147, 181, 186, 188, by Congress, vi., 371. Threaten248, 252, 259, 260. Cross Ohio, ing appearance:, 621. Cut off, 248, 270, 271. 626, 628, 631, 632, 631, 643, 647, Wykoff, P., appointed auctioneer in 664, 686. Company, from, 674. place of General St. Clair, xi., Colonel Brodhead ordered to, 660, 128. 662. Rendezvous, at, 680, 691, Wykoff, W. & L. Clarke, ix., 740. 721, 730, 772. Danger from InWylandaweecham, (Indian,) xii., dians, vii., 3, 8. Murders by 227. Indians, 16, 340, 357. Alarms Wylie, Capt. Thomas, recruits, ix., about, 63. Invested by Indians, 191. A return of Pennsylvania &c., 81, 82, 87, 344, 384. Express Corps of Artillery artificers, 665. from, 284. In want of ammuniCaptain of Artillery artificers, x., tion, 286. Jesse Thompson scalped 94. near, 308.: General Hand on his Wynkoop, Henry, letter on sa'tpetre, way to, 321, 344. Stores for, 40%, iv., 702. Letter, v., 32; vi., 600, 450. Boats for. 438. Guards for viii., 557, 572. Letter to, on va- stores, 450. Colonel Hubley nnd cancyin magistracy, x., 211. Let- Gen. Sullivan at, 553, 620. Head ter on robbery, xii., 298, 802. Quarters at 568, 596. Letters to Wyoming, examinations respecting, delegates from Connecticut reii., 491. 500; iii., 248, 288, 297, specting lands, viii., 111; Indians 301, 303, 304, 318, 412, 422, 582. take prisoners, 157, 171, 189; Houses for Teedyuscung at, 385. Indians and tories, 528; Col. Z. (See Connecticut,) N. E. settlers Butler, 600, 601, 611, 633; reaat, iv., 105, 127, 343. Agreement sons for stopping provisions dewith rioters, 350, 352. List of stined for, 611, 632, 633, 682; residents, 354. Letter, John Dur- Indian operations, 6!'2; Act of kee to Capt Butler, 364. Letter, Congress for relief of, 649, 657, Dr. H. Williams on situation of 717. Return of rations to troops affairs, 364. Letter, Saml. John- at, under Colonel Zebulon Butler, ston, respecting Lazarus Stewart ix., 166. Fort and magazine at, and his escape, 378. Inquisition, 166. Stores at, 167. Silas Tay384 List of rioters at, 385. De- lor's deposition. Zebulon Butler, posit'ons and examinations, 386, 622. Withdrawal of troops from, 387, 888, 391, 425. Nathen Ogden 652. Attacks of savages, 657. killed by Lazarus Stewart, 385. Resolutions of Assembly, 754. Letters, Charles Stewart, respect- Troops at, 761. Act relative to ing, 383, 384. Letter, Governor suits at, x., 5. Return of Stores, Trumbull, 3 4. E. Dyer, &c., 14. Letters of Cap. P. Shrawder, answer, 395-408. Respecting, 416, 23, 24, 104. Return of Stokely's 420, 427, 430. Condition of things, company, 22. Letter of, Alexan419, 420. Directions to sheriff, der Patterson, 30, 32, 35. Joseph 421. Surrender of b ockhouse, Montgomery, 31, 34. Jacob John427. J. Van Campen's minutes son, 34. List of persons at, who of proceedings at, 428. Treat- wish to support the laws, 37. ment of Simpson and Forster, Capt. Robinson at, 47. Ammuuniowing to connection with the Og- tion sent to, 47. Provisions to be dens, 430. Proclamation of R. sent to, 99. Provisions for, 104. Penn, Governor, 453. Letters, Returns of Captains Robinson, and Comm'sr of Connecticut, 470, 471. Shrawders, Companies of PennLetter Wm Johnston to Dr. sylvania Rangers at, 105. ProviSmith, 475. Letter, Z. Butler, sions for, 10l, 109, 131. Resolu647. P. Sluman and W. Sudd, tions of Assembly of Connecticut, 66!. Depositions, Peter Smith, 116, 117. Reports of Assembly, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 649 Wyoming-x. Wyoming-x. 224. Proposals for supplying David Mead, letter on state of troops with provisions at, 118. affairs at, 404. Piundering, 399. P. Shrawder appointed Captain To judges on disturbances in at, 131. Major Moore, commands Northumberland Co., 448, 460. Pennsa. line, 131, 132. Captain Report of Committee of Assembly, Chrystie, reaches Easton, with a 460, 471. sheriff Antes charged detachment, 135. Proclamation of with not executing his duty, 481. Gov. of Connecticut, respecting Letters of D. Mead, 207, 222, 40 1, lands, 146. Letters to and from 482. Resolution of Congress, Gov. Trumbull, 147, 148. Decision (1784,) on court, 550. Report to against Connecticut unexpected, Assembly, (1784). petition of 148. Instructions to Cap. Shraw- Shepherd, &c., (1784,) 551, 552, der, (1783,) 165. Letter, J. Moore, 557. Proceedings of Assembly, 183, 187, 286. Troops At Fort (1784,) 557-561. Proceedings in Dickinson, 189, 197. Resolution Congress, 563. Letter Alexander of Congress, for a Court to deter- Patterson to Council (17b4,) promine right of soil, 194. Resolu- ceedings, 574. Resolutions of Astions of Assembly, intentions of sembly, (1784,) 575. Petition of State towards, Connecticut set- Zeb. Butler, &c., 559, 580. Letter tiers, 196. Deposition of Martin to Boyd and Armstrong, commisTidd, 195. Deep Snow, 197. sioners, 591. Various documents Condition of settlers, 197. Papers respecting, 615-710. Petition of asked for by Council, 198. Penn- Z. Butler, &c., to Congress, 613sylvania7 opposed to revision of 617. Alex. Patterson to Judges decision, at Trenton, 204, 2102 of Supreme Court, 617. Do. to 216. Letter to Gov. Clinton, of Council7 619. John Franklin, N. Y., 205. Behaviour of Set- &c., to officers of the garrison to tiers, 207, 208. Letter, President surrender, 621. Deposition of Dickinson, to Governor T., 213. John Boyd, 621. Wm. Brink, 621, J. Montgomery, on the court, 216. 623. Colonel J. Aimstrong, 625. Provisions, 222, 232. Time of Commissioners to Alex. Patterson, withdrawing troops from, 224. 624. Answer, 624. CommissionLetter of Congress on Court, 231. ers to Alexander Patterson, 625. Letter of Council, to Magistracy Answer, 626. Commissioners to and Sheriffs of Northumberland Alexander Patton, 626. Answer, Co., respecting, 296, 304. To 626. Thomas Hewett, &c., to Thomas Craig, Lieut. of North- Alex. Patterson, 627. Answer, ampton Co., on, 296,303. Letters, 627. Boyd and Armstrong to of Council to Lieut. Wilson, of President Dickinson, 627. JusNorthumberland Co., 304. Coun- tices of Northumberland at, ready cil, to Boyd and Armstrong, 307. to execute the laws, 628. Justices Wheat reaped on disputed lands, of Northumberland to A. Patterhow disposed of, 317, 337. Letter son, &c., demanding, bond to of Pres. to Col. Armstrong, mea- keep peace, 628 Justices of sures respecting lands, &c., 319. Northumberland to Jno. Franklin, Men shut up in the garrison at &c., demanding arms, &c., 629. Fort Dickinson, 321. Commis- Answer of John Franklin, 629. sioners appointed, 330. Instruc- Justices of Northumberland Co., tions to, 330, 339. Provisions, 630. Boyd and Armstrong re343. Sheriff to arrest certain in- specting, 630. Depositions resurgents, 344. Troops to march specting, 631-638, 639-650, 651, from Bucks and Berks Cos. for, 652. Persons who bore arms, 345. Order to magistrates of 638. Jona. Seely to H. Antes, Northumberland, 347. Letter to 650. List of~iffidavits taken at, delegates on claims, 399. James 652. Letter J. Armstrong, 653. Wilson appointed to manage, 399. 654, 669. Wi iam Wilson to J. 650 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. Wyoming-xi. Wyoming-xi. Armstrong, 652. Deposition, 655. necticut, 3, 107. Proceedings in 656. Act of Assembly restoring respect, to Connecticut, 5, 107. certain lands, 657. Depositions, Safety of agents from, secured, 659-662. Question to magistrates 15, 52. William Hooker Smith, by commissioners as to safety, letters to and from, &c,, 15, 45, 662. Answer, 66-:. Depo-itions, 102, 104, 105, 108. John Jen665-668. Escape of prisoners kins, letters to and from, &c., 15, from Easton jail, 663-666. Ad- 45, 52. John Van Campen, on, 26. vertisement of commissioners at, Meeting at, 47. Montgomery, 669. John Franklin to President William, on, 35, 108, 111. Sus-Dickinson, 672. Deposition, &c., quehanna Co., 45, 114. Westof Capt. Shoemaker, 674. Alex. broek and Hauer, 47. Obed. Patterson to Col. Armstrong, 675. Gore, 48. Franklin and Jenkins Commissioners to Pres. Dickinson, in Philadelphia, 52, 67. Instruc676. Claimants disposed to vio- tions to Samuel Dale, 66. Notice lence, 676. Letter J. Armstrong issued by J. Franklin, 67. Reto J. Seely, 677, 678. Connecticut port of proceeding of F. and J., in claimants warning to Benj. Luce Philadelphia, 67. Capt. Strong's to depart, 679. Lieut. Francis town at Wasock, 69. Resolves Murray to Brig. Gen. Armstrong, of settlers, 83, 114. T. Pickering difficulty in raising troops, 672. Register, &c., 84. Deluge in, 85. Memorial of John Franklin to Letter, Joseph Sprague, on affairs Assembly of Connecticut, 681. at, 93. Dr. Benton-Captain Resolutions of Assembly on do., Bortle, —town of Putnam-Capt. 683. Brig. Gen. Armstrong to Strong,-Hagaboom settlers, 94. inhabitants of, 685. Letter to Letter, Governor New York, Ethan President Dickinson, 686. De- Allen and S. Strong, 96. W. H. positions, 688, 691, 693. Petition Smith, &c., to council, 102. Do. of prisoners at Easton, 690. Brig. to Jona. Correy and Mr. L., 104. Gen. Armstrong to President, re- A serious address to inhabitants, commending defensive measures, by W. H. Smith, 105. W. Mont694. Henry Shoemaker convicted gomery to Council respecting of riot, and removed as a justice, E. Allen, Captain Strong and Col. 695. Petition of inhabitants, 699- Franklin, &c., 108. Thos. Grant, 704. No motion in Congress by to Council, 110. Lawrence Keene delegates from Connecticut, 706. to do, on recognizances, 111. J. Letter David Mead, depositions, Franklin to William Montgomery, 707-710. Resolution of Congress, 111. Meeting of the proprietors Z. Butler, 716. Sec. Armstrong of Susquehanna Co. 114. Report to prothlonotaries relating to, 749. on cession, proposed by CommisReport to Assembly read and re- sioner of lands west of Pennsylcommitted, 749. Joseph Hamilton vania, 107. List of land-holders, to Col. John Franklin, 751. Ces- 124. Letters to and from T. sion proposed by Connecticut, Pickering, 133, 135, 159, 176, 178, 759. W. Hooker Smith, &c., to 179, 180, 195, 205, 208, 256, 281, Corporal Montgomery, 760. Winm. 295, 296, 312, 359, 363, 365-371, Shaw to Council, 764. Answer, 399, 424, 541. Roads, 133, 135. 766. Wm. Montgomery to Coun- Letter from Commissioners on cil, 765. Ethan Allen, &c., 765, Connecticut claims, 159. Com766. missioners elected, 160. Letter, Letters, &c., to and from Colonel Benton to John Franklin on Tioga John Franklin, xi., 3, 14, 45, 47, towns, 175. Council, to Picker52, 67, 84, 94,. 111, 182, 238. ing and Balliet. 179. Instructions Letters to and firom Joseph Ham- to Colonel John Craig, to take ilton, 3, 67, 84, 94, 182, 183. Franklin, 189. Letter from DeleCongress accept cessions of Con- gates in Congress, 189. Arms, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 651 Wyoming-xi. Wyoming-xi. &c*, sent, to, 192. Disturbances tailing occurrences, 359. Capt. at, 192. Combination of settlers, Ross wounded, 361. Letter of V. 194. Right to dispossess in a P. Muhlenberg to T. Pickering, Federal Court, 194. Respecting on release, &c., 363, 364, 366. T. Pickering, in letter F. Smith, Military post at Tioga, to be fixed, 195. Instructions to officers, 369. Deposition, Garret Smith, 204. To commissioners, 205. 372. Letters, Z. Butler; election Council ask Assembly to apply to of officers, 381, 414. Memorial Congress for men, 206, 207. Arms from Luzerne for divisions of lands for, 212. Instructions for N. Den- as Connecticut claimants, 386. nison, 212. Letter, Gore and Captain Scott's movements, Hollenbach, troops, 316. Letter to 393, 394, 397. Memorial of Governor of Connecticut, 238. William Smith, 400. Claims of Report and proceeding of land- rewards, 399, 402. Governor holders, 246. Courts heldquietly, Huntington, respecting John 256. Bill respecting, introduced, Franklin. 409, 414. Papers re260. Complaint against justices, specting, &c., 415. Conviction of 281, 312. Recognizance, for Kilbourne and Parks, 419. B. & A. John Franklin's appearance, 295. Abbott, 420. Zeb. Cade, 421, 424. Letter, L. Myers, respecting F., John Franklin sent to Phila., by 296. Half-share men taking Captain Ross, 424. John Jenkins lands at Tioga, 296. John P. not to be favored, 425. Various Schott raising a troop, 297, 298. documents respecting, (17.82 to Officers of light dragoons, in 1788,) 431-461. Wm. Bradford, Luzerne Co., 299. Commis'ners at Trenton, (1782,) 431. R. appointed to view lands in, 304. Peters summoned, to do. (1782,) Election of militia officers, 312. 432. Defence from Indians, 432. Justices, 313. Letters to Gov'rs. Lands, address by Jenkins, &c., of New York and New Jersey, on (1784,) 434. Letter to Col. J. capture of Timothy Pickering, Moore at, withdrawal of arms, 326. N. Denison, on insurgents, &c., from, 434. Lieutenant James 327. Deposition of A. Ellicott Reed, at Abram's plains, (1784,) relative to T. Pickering, 327. 435, 436. Letter, J. Buyers, &c., Proclamation, 329. John Jenkins, 439. Pres. D., writes to magis&c., 329. Directions to sheriff trates at, 440. To judges, 441, respecting John Franklin, 330. 442, 443. Wilson and Bradford, Z. Butler, &c., to Pres., riot, 332. on private right of soil, 445, 446. From commrs., on capture of, T. Prisoners in Easton jail, 446. Pickering, 332. Letter to Gov. Dispatches from General Armof N. Y., 326, 335. N. J., 336, strong. 447. Governor of Con338. From D. Redick, 338. War- necticut to J. Franklin, rights of rant against insurgents, 340, 345. settlers, &c., 447, 451. Letter, Depositions of Ira Manvil and B. Hugh Williamson, (1785,) on Satterlee, for capture of T. Pick- Memorial from Conn. claimants, ering, 345, 347, 353, 358, 399. T. 449. J. Gardner, respecting, &c., Pickering restored to liberty, 346. 451. Gov. Conn. to Congress, Congress applied to for troops. (1784,) 451, 453. James Wilson, 350, 352, 353. Letter to Z. Butler (1785,) to Pres. D. 453. David commanding officers of govern- Mead to Do., (1785) 455. Delement, 351. Views of T. Picker- gates to do. (1785,) arms, &c., to ing respecting old settlers, &c., Fishkill, 456. Answer, (1785,) 353. From Zeb. Butler, capture 456. To Alexander Patterson of rioters, J. Dudley, wounded, (1786,) on do., 457. Arms to M. 356, 349. Roswell Franklin Hollenbach, (1787,) 458. Arms raises a party to arrest rioters, sent to Lieut. Butler, (1787,) 459. 359. Letter, T. Pickering, de- To D. Redick, (1787,). respecting 652 INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES, Wyoming-xii. York Co.Hamilton and Benton, 459. Presi- mittee of officers of militias 639. dent to delegates, (1787,) appre- Letter to delegates in, 641. Do. hension of Hamilton and his to Committee of Safety, 642. Adpapers, 460. President to Balliet dress from inhabitants to Comand Armstrong, (1788.) Lands, mittee of Safety, 657. Military 461. Agreement with E. Dyer, Associations in, 656. Rules for (1780,) 533. Petition of Stephen associators, 657. Letter from, Jenkins, for release from prison, 668. Militia, vi., 169, 379. De537. Appointment of justices of, termined not to march, 196. Court proposed, 541. Record of Court at, 238, 294, 511. Application against A. Kilborn, 546. Certifi- from, 376. Lieutenants, 426. cates respecting capture of T. Scarcity of money. Recruits, Pickering, 551-554. John Frank- 497. Elections, 775. Salaries, lin asks for supplies in prison, complained of, 776. Colonel Gal548. Report of committee on braith resigns several offices in, letter, T. Pickering, 552. Peti- vii., 74. Militia, 115, 367. Election, Gideon Osterhout, for re- tions, 193, 206. Letter from Scott wards for captures, 553. Reports and Stevenson, 206. Affairs in, of Committee on rewards, 554. 401, 415. Town major inquired Lieutenants to N. Denison, on about, 456, 459. Embezzlement militia laws, 619. Petition of of public stores at, 490, 513, 529, Thomas Martin for lands, 697. 550, 551, 652. Is a Commissary Instructions of John Penn, xii., necessary? 530. Martialspiritin, 51. Report of Commissioners to, 623. Counterfeiters in prison, 73, 296. Troops raised, 126. 694. Malpractice in staff departLetter of inhabitants to Council, ment, viii., 141. Prisoners es296. Fort at, 465. cape from gaol, 178. Volunteers to be raised, 413. Militia of, 524. Claim to the " Town Land," 732. Y. Recommendation respecting, 746. British convention, prisoners to Yahrungwago, Indian town, xii., be removed from Maryland and 156, 165. Virginia to, 753. Convention Yeas and nays to be required by prisoners, ix., 5, 232, 234, 236, Delegates in Congress in certain 319, 337, 341, 345, 350, 426. cases, vii., 174. Auditors of, 18. Troops ordered York, Colonel, (Brit.) vii., 561: to, 60. Sales of forfeited estates Wm. Chesney, agent of, letter on in, 105. Clerk of Market, 256. confiscated estates, 599. Crimi- Troops for, 346. Light Horse, nals at, 773. 455. Mildew and hail destroy York county, riot at election in, ii., grain, x., 77. Petition of inhabit51. Petition of attorney-general ants against Armand's legion, 133. of Maryland to Judges at, respect- Report of arms at, 591. Riots in, ing Digges, 93. Letter from xi., 98, 115, 156, 157. Elections, sundries at, and great alarm at, 387. 448, 514. Associated Military York, Duke of, release from, ix., Companies, iii., 20. Number of 694. Roman Catholics in, 144. Peti- York, Mr., death of, keeper of the tion for protection, 235, 236. great seal, iv., 363. Companies in, 395, 400. Return York, Mr., to be confined, v., 471. of officers at, 410. Committee, York, Thomas, Judge supersedeas, letter respecting manufacture of iv., 42. arms, ix., 708. From inhabitants Yorktown-troops from, v., 151. of, on military affairs, 710. Reso- At, in want of provisions, 198. lutions of, 711. Companies may Military election, 330, 333. Riot be raised, 711. Minutes of Com- at, 496-500. Affairs at, 514-520, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. 653 534, 536, 570, 558, 661, 682, 692, Z. 704, 730, 752, 767. Warrant to arrest, 520. Conduct of Ger- Zachary, Lloyd, M. D., to visit mans, 576, Tories sent from to vessels, i., 209. Report, 210. Carlisle, 588. Plot discovered, Zadusky, Anthony, instructions to, 634, 635. Letter from D. Rober- i., 220. Letter from, account of deau on, 659. Prices at, 677. a murder, 227. Gen. Wayne destined for, ix., 74. Zantzinger & Kuhn, manufacture Riots at, xi., 99, 115, 156. saltpetre at Lancaster. iv., 742. Youghioghany county, murders at Zantzinger, Paul, v., 699; vi., 23. Robinson's run, xii., 263. Respecting convention troops at Young, Commissary James, ii., 703. Lancaster, ix., 282. Captains of Clapham's regiment Zedirtz, Herman, vi., 5. complain, 702. His letter to Zeigler, Capt. David, vii., 368; viii., Governor Morris respecting pay 59, 209. Capt.,. x., 322, 509. of soldiers, 704, 716. Commis- Respecting his rank, xi., 241. sioner of musters, Journal to Commands, 268. Respecting his different forts, 681. Letters, company, 284. From Secretary iii., 12, 49, 57, 455, 484, 488. of War, 290, 300, 301. RespectInstructions to, iv., 125, 129, ing his Company, 338. 180, 192. Musters men at Zeisberger, David, examination of, Lancaster and Carlisle, iv., 195, ii., 459. Letter from, iv., 498; 196. Letters, 209, 211, 213; v., v., 446. His life in danger, and 336, 337, 411. Letters, vi., 218, saved by savages, vii., 542. Letter 259, 276, 282, 289, 320, 321, 329, respecting Indians, viii., 159. 343, 357, 366, 519, 676, 761, 762, Missionary, 211; ix, 57; xii., 763, 764, 765, 766; vii., 98, 146, 192, 196, 203, 214, 221, 231, 243, 151. Death and invitation to 244. To ascertain the strength funeral of, 172. of garrison at Detroit, 192, 196, Young, Captain James, pursued 203, 221. Letter from Council at Indians, ix., 202. Coochocking, 219. Youngman, (Jungman?) John, Zuber, David, recommended for a petition militia fines, xi., 304. pardon, viii., 331.