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INTRODUcTORY to this work, we state some facts of private history. In the year 1831, Mr. John W. Barber of New Haven, Ct., prepared a work upon that our native city, which combined history, biography and de. scription, and was illustrated by engrfavings connected with its rise, progress and present condition. Its success suggested to him the preparation of one, on a similar plan, relative to the State. For this object he travelled through it, from town to town, collecting the materials and taking sketches. After two years of industrious application in this, and in writing the volume, the Historical Collections of Connecticut was issued, a workli which, like its successors, was derived from a thousand different sources, oral and published. As in the ordinary mode, the circulation of books through "the trade," is so slow in progress and limited in sale, that no merely local work, however meritorious, involving such an unusually heavy outlay of time and expense as that, will pay even the mechanical labor, it, as well as its successors, was circulated by travelling agents solely, who thoroughly canvassed the state, until it found its way into thousands of families in all ranks and conditions,-in the retired farm-house equally with the more accessible city mansion. rhat book, so novel in its character, was received with great favor, and highly commended by the public press and the leading minds of the state. It is true, it did not aspire to high literary merit:-the dignified style,-the generalization of facts,-the philosophical deductions of regular history were not there. On the contrary, not the least of its merits was its simplicity of style, its fullness of detail, introducing minor, but interesting incidents, the other, in "its stately march," could not step aside to notice, and in avoid. ing that philosophy which only the scholastic can comprehend. It seemed, in its variety, to have something adapted to all ages, classes and tastes, and the unlearned reader, if he did not stop to peruse the volume, at least, in many instances could derive gratification from the pictorial representation of his native village,-of perhaps the very dwelling in which he first drew breath, and around which entwined early and cherished associations. The book, therefore, reached MORE MINDS, and has been more extensively read, than any regular state history ever issued; thus adding another to the many examples often seen, of the productions of industry and tact, proving of a more extended utility than those emanating fiom profound scholastic ace. quirements. This publication became the pioneer of others: a complete list of all, with the dates of their issue, follows: 1 p36. THE HIST. COLL. OF CONNECTICUT; by John W. Barber. 1 39. " " MASSACHUSETTS; " John W. Barber. 1q41. " " NEW YORK; " J. W. Barber and H. Howe. 1843. " " PENNSYLVANIA; "Sherman Day. 1844. 6" " NEW JERSEY; "J. W. Barber and H. Howe. 1845. " "~ VIRGINIA; "Henry Howe. 1847, " " OHIO; "Henry Howe. PREFACE. From this list it will be perceived that OHIO makes the SEVENTH state work published on the original plan of Mr. Barber, all of which thus far circulated, were alike favorably received in the states to which each respect. ively related. Early in January, 1846, we, with some previous time spent in preparation, commenced our tour over Ohio, being the FOURTHI state through which we have travelled for such an object. We thus passed more than a year, in the course of which we were in seventy-nine of its eighty-three counties, took sketches of objects of interest, and every where obtained information by con. versation with early settlers and men of intelligence. Beside this, we have availed ourselves of all published sources of information, and have received about four hundred manuscript pa,ges in communications from gentlemen in all parts of the state. In this way, we are enabled to present a larger and more varied amount of materials respecting Ohio, than was ever before embodied; the whole giving a view of its present condition and prospects, with a history of its settlement, and incidents illustrating the customs, the fortitude, the bravery, and the privations of its early settlers. That such a work, depicting the rise and unexampled progress of a powerful state, destined to a controlling influence over the well-being of the whole nation, will be looked upon with interest, we believe: and furthermore expect, that it will be received in the generous spirit which is gratified with honest endeavors to please, rather than in the captious one, that is dissatisfied short of an unattainable perfection. Whoever expects to find the volume entirely fiee from defects, has but little acquaintance with the difficulties ever attendant upon procuring such materials. In all of the many historical and descriptive works whose fidelity we have had occasion to test, some misstatements were found. Although we have taken the best available means to insure accuracy, yet from a variety of causes unnecessary here to specify, some errors may have occurred. If any thing materially wrong is discovered, any one will confer a favor by ad. dressing a letter to the publishers, and it shall be corrected. Our task has been a pleasant one. As we successively entered the various counties, we were greeted with the frank welcome, characteristic of the west. And an evidence of interest in the enterprize has been variously shown, not the least of which, has been by the reception of a mass of valuable communications, unprecedented by us in the course of the seven years we have been engaged in these pursuits. To all who have aided us,-to our correspondents especially, some of whom have spent much time and research, we feel under lasting obligations, and are enabled by their assistance to present to the public a far better work, than could otherwise have been produced. H. H. 4 OHIO. OUTLINE HISTORY * THE territory now comprised within the limits of Ohio was formerlv a part of that vast region claimed by France, between the Alleghany and the Rocky Mountains, first known by the general name of Louisiana. In 1673, Marquette, a zealous French Missionary, accompanied with Monsieur Joliet, from Quebec, with five boatmen, set out on a mission from Mackinac to the unexplored regions lying south of that station. They passed down the lake to Green Bay, thence from Fox River crossed over to the Wisconsin, which they followed down to its junction with thie Mississippi. They descended this mighty stream a thousand miles to its confluence with the Arkansas. On their return to Canada, they did not fail to urge, in strong terms, the immediate occupation of the vast and fertile regions watered by the Mississippi and its branches. On the 7th of August, 1679, M. de la Salle, the French commandant of Fort Frontenac, on Laklie Ontario, launched, upon Lake Erie, the Griffin, a bark of about 60 tons, with which he proceeded through the Lakes to the Straits of Michillimackinac. Leaving his bark at this place, he proceeded up Lake Michigan, and from thence to the south west, till he arrived at Peoria Lake, in Illinois. At this place he erected a fort, and after having sent Father Lewis Hennepin on an exploring expedition, La Salle returned to Canada. In 1683, La Salle went to France, and, by the representations which he made, induced the French Government to fit out ail expedition for the purpose of planting a colony at the mouth of the Mississippi. This expedition failed, La Salle being murdered by his own men. This disaster did not abate the ardor of the French in their great plan of obtaining possession of the vast region westward of the English colonies. A second expedition sailed from France, under the command of M. D'Iberville. This officer entered the mouth of the Mississippi, and explored the river for several hundred miles * The principal sources from which this outline is derived, are the MSS. of Hon. Thomas Scott, of Chillicothe, Secretary of the Convention which framed the constitution of Ohio;the historical sketch prefixed to Chase's Statutes, and Perkins' Annals of the West. OUTLINE HISTORY. Permanent establishments were made at different points; and from this time the French colony west of the Alleghanies steadily in creased in numbers and strength. Previous to the year 1725, the colony had been divided into quarters, each having its local governor, or commandant, and judge, but all subject to the superior authoritv of the council general of Louisiana. One of these quarters was established north west of the Ohio. At this period, the French had erected forts on the Mississippi, on the Illinois, on the Maumee, and on the lakes. Still, however, the communication with Canada was through Lake Michigan. Before 1750, a French post had been fortified at the mouth of the Wabash and a communication was established through that river and the Maumee with Canada. About the same time, and for the purpose of checking the progress of the French, the Ohio Company was formed, and made some attempts to establish trading houses among the Indians. The French, however, established a chain of fortifications back of the English settlements, and thus, in a measure, had the entire control of the great Mississippi valley. The English government became alarmed at the encroachments of the French, and attempted to settle boundaries by negotiations. These availed nothing, and both parties were determined to settle their differences by the force of arms. The claims of the different European monarchs to large portions of the western continent were based upon the first discoveries made by their subjects. In 1609, the English monarch granted to the London Company, all the territories extending along the coast for two hundred miles north and south from Point Comfort, and "up into the land, throughout, from sea to sea, west and north-west." In 1662, Charles II. granted to certain settlers upon the Connecticut all the territory between the parallels of latitude which include the present State of Connecticut, from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. The claims which Massachusetts advanced, during the revolution, to an interest in the western lands, were founded upon a similar charter, granted thirty years afterwards. VWhen the king of France had dominions in North America, the whole of the late territory of the United States, north-west of the river Ohio, was included in the province of Louisiana, the north boundary of which, by the treaty of Utrecht, concluded between France and England in 1713, was fixed at the 49th parallel of latitude north of the Equator. After the conquest of the French possessions in North America by Great Britain, this tract was ceded by France to Great Britain, by the treaty of Paris, in 1763. The principal ground whereon the English claimed dominion beyond the Alleghanies was, that the Six Nations owned the Ohio valley, and had placed it with their other lands under the protection of En,gland. Some of the western lands were also claimed by the British as having been actually purchased, at Lancaster, Penn., in 1744, at a treaty between the colonists and the Six Nations at that place. In 1748, the "Ohio Company," for the purpose of securing 6 4 OIJTLINE IIISTORY. the Indian trade, was formed. In 1749, it appears that the English built a trading house upon the Great Miami, at a spot since called Loramie's Store. In 1751, Christopher Gist, an agent of the Ohio Company, who was appointed to examine the western lands, made a visit to the Twigtwees, who lived upon the Miami river, about one hundred miles from its mouth. Early in 1752, the French having heard of the trading house ol the Miami, sent a party of soldiers to the Twigtwees and demanded the traders as intruders upon French lands. The Twigtwees refused to deliver up their friends. The French, assisted by the Ottawas and Chippewas, then attacked the trad(ling house, which was probably a block house, and after a severe battle, in which fourteen of the natives were killed and others wounded, took and destroyed it, carrying away the traders to (Cana-da. This foirt, or trading house, was called, by the Eng(lishl, Picl,(iwillany. Stuchl was the first British settlement in the Ohio valley, of which we have any record. After Braddock's defeat, in 1755, the Indians pushed their excursions as far east as the Blue Ridge. In order to repel them, Maajor Lewis, in Jan., 1756, was sent with a party of troops on an expedition against the Indian towns on the Ohio. The point apparently aimed at was the upper Shawanese town, situated on the Ohio, three miles above the mouth of the Great Kanawha. The attempt proved a failure, in consequence, it is said, of the swollen state of the streams, and the treachery of the guides. In 1764, Gen. Bradstreet, having dispersed the Indian forces besieging Detroit, passed into the Wyandot country by way of Sandusky Bay. He ascended the bay and river as far as it was navigable for boats, and there made a camp. A treaty of peace was signed by the Chiefs and head men. The Shawnees of the Scioto river, and the Delawares of the Muskingum, however, still continued hostile. Col. Boquet, in 1764, with a body of troops, marched from Fort Pitt into the heart of the Ohio country on the Muskingum river. This expedition was con ducted with great prudence and skill, and without scarcely any loss of life, as treaty of peace was effected with the Indians, who re stored the prisoners they had captured frown the white settlements. The next war with the Indians was in 1774, generally known as Lord Dunmore's. In the summer of that year, an expedition, under Col. M'Donald, was assembledat Wheeling, marched into the Muskin gum country and destroyed the Indian town of Wapatomica, a few miles above the site of Zanesville. In the fall, the Indians were de feated after a hard fought battle at Point Pleasant, on the Virginia side of the Ohio.. Shortly after this event, Lord Dunmore made peace with the Indians at Camp Charlotte, in what is now Picka way country. During the revolutionary war, most of the western Indians were more or less united against the Americans. In the fall of 1778, an expedition against Detroit was projected. As a preliminary step, it was resolved that the forces in the west, under Gen. M'Intosh, should move up and attack the Sandusky Indians. Preliminary to this. 7 OUTLINE IIISTORY. Fort Laurens, so called in honor of the President of Congress, was built upon the Tuscarawas, a short distance below the site of Bolivar, Tuscarawas county. The expedition to Detroit was abandoned and the garrison of Fort Laurens, after suffering much from the Indians and from famine, were recalled in August, 1779. A month or two previous to the evacuation of this fort, Col. Bowman headed an ex pedition against the Shawanees. Their village, Chillicothe, three miles north of the site of Xenia, on the Little Miami, was burnt. The warriors showed an undaunted front, and the whites were forced to retreat. In the summer of 1780, an expedition directed against the Indian towns, in the forks of the Muskingum, moved from Wheeling, under Gen. Broadhead. This expedition, known as "the Coshocton campaign," was unimportant in its results. In the same summer, Gen. Clark led a body of Kentuckians against the Shaw nees. Chillicothe, on the Little Miami, was burnt on their approach, but at Piqua, their town on the Mad River, six miles below the site of Springfield, they gave battle to the whites and were defeated. In September, 1782, this officer led a second expedition against the Shawanese. Their towns, Upper and Lower Piqua, on the Miami, within what is now Miami county, were destroyed, together with the store of a tiader. There were other expeditions into the Indian country from Kentucky, which, although of later date, we mention in this connection. In 1786, Col. Logan conducted a successful expedition against the Mackachack towns, on the head waters of Mad River, in what is now Logan county. Edwards, in 1787, led an expedition to the head waters of the Big Miami, and, in 1788, Todd led one into the Scioto valley. There were also several minor expeditions, at various times, into the present limits of Ohio. The Moravian missionaries, prior to the war of the revolution, had a number of missionary stations within the limits of Ohio. The missionaries, Heckewelder and Post, were on the Muskingum as early as 1762. In March, 1782, a party of Americans, under Col. Williamson, murdered, in cold blood, ninety-four of the defenceless Moravian Indians, within the present limits of Tuscarawas county. In the June following, Col. Crawford, at the head of about 500 men, was defeated by the Indians, three miles north of the site of Upper Sandusky, in Wyandot county. Col. Crawford was taken prisoner in the retreat, and burnt at the stake with horrible tortures. By an act of the Parliament of Great Britain, passed in 1774, the whole of the late north-western Territory was annexed to, and made a part of, the province of Quebec, as created and established by the royal proclamation of the 7th of October, 1763. But nothing therein contained, relative to the boundary of the said province of Quebec, was in any wise to affect the boundaries of any other colony. The colonies having, in 1776, renounced their allegiance to the British king, and assumed rank as free, sovereign and independent States, each State claimed the right of soil and jurisdiction over the district of country embraced within its charter. The charters of 8 OUTLINE HISTORY. several of the States embraced large portions of western unappropriated lands. Those States which had no such charters, insisted that these lands ought to be appropriated for the benefit of all the States, according to their population, as the title to them, if secured tt all, would be by the blood and treasure of all the States. Congress repeatedly urged upon those States owning western unappropuiated lands, to make liberal cessions of them for the common benefit of all. The claim-of the English monarch to the late north-western Territoy was ceded to the United States, by the treaty of peace, signedt at Paris, September 3d, 1783. The provisional articles which formed the basis of that treaty, more especially as related to the boundary, were signed at Paris, November 30th, 1782. During the pendency of the negociation relative to these preliminary articles, Mr. Oswald, the British commissioner, proposed the river Ohio as the western boundary of the United States, and but for the indomitable perseverance of the revolutionary patriot, John Adams, one of the American commissioners, who opposed the proposition, and insisted uponi the Mississippi as the boundary, the probability is, that the proposition of Mr. Oswald would have been acceded to by the United States commissioners. The States who owned western unappropriated lands, with a single exception, redeemed their respective pledges by ceding them to the United States. The State of Virginia, in March, 1784, ceded the right of soil and jurisdiction to the district of country embraced in her charter, situated to the north-west of the river Ohio. In September, 1786, the State of Connecticut also ceded her claim of soil and jurisdiction to the district of country whin the limits of her charter, situated west of a line beginning at the completion of the forty-first point degree of north latitude, one hundred and twenty miles west of the western boundary of Pennsylvania; and from thence by a line drawn north parallel to, and one hundred and twenty miles west of said line of Pennsylvania, and to continue north until it came to forty-two degrees and two minutes north latitude. The State of Connecticut, on the 30th of 13Iay, 1801, also ceded her jurisdictional claims to all that territory called the "Western Reserve of Connecticut." The States of New York and Massachusetts also ceded all their claims. The above were not the only claims which had to be made prior to the commencement of settlements within the limits of Ohio. Numerous tribes of Indian savages, by virtue of prior possession, asserted their respective claims, which also had to be extinguished. A treaty for this purpose was accordingly made at Fort Stanwix, October 27th, 1784, with the Sachems and warriors of the Mohawks, Onondagas, Senecas, Cayugas, Oneidas, and Tuscaroras; by the third article of which treaty, the said Six Nations ceded to the United States all claims to the country west of a line extending along the west boundary of Pennsylvania, firom the mouth of the Oyounayea to the river Ohio. 2 9 OUTLINE HIIISTORY. A treaty was also concluded at Fort McIntosh, January 21st, 1785, with the Wyandot, Delaware, Chippewa, and Ottawa nations, by which the boundarv line between the United States and the Wyan dot and Delaware nations was declared to begin "at the mouth of the river Cuyahoga, and to extend up said river to the Portage, be tween that and the Tuscaroras branch of the Muskingum, thence down that branch to the crossing place above Fort Laurens, thlen westerly to the Portage of the Big Miami, which runs into the Ohio, at the mouth of which branch the fort stood which was taken by the French, in 1752; then along said Portage to the Great Miami, or Omee river, and down the south side of the same to its mouth; then along the south shore of Lake Erie to the mouth of the Cuyahoga river, where it began." The United States allotted all the lands contained within said lines to the Wyandot and Delaware nations, to live and hunt on, and to such of the Ottawa nation as lived thereon; saving and reserving for the establishment of trading posts, six miles square at the mouth of the Miami, or Omee river, and the same at the Portage, on that branch of the Big Miami which runs into the Ohio, and the same on the Lake of Sandusky where the fort formerly stood, and also two miles square on each side of the Lower Rapids of Sandusky river. The Indian title to a large part of the territory within the limits of Ohio having been extinguished, legislative action on the part of Congress became necessary before settlements were commenced as in the treaties made with the Indians, and in the acts of Congress, all citizens of the United States were prohibited settling on the lands of the Indians, as well as on those of the United States. Ordinances were accordingly made by Congress for the government of the North-western Territory, and for the survey and sale of portions of lands to which the Indian title had been extinguished. In May, 1785, Congress passed an ordinance for ascertaining the mode of disposing of these lands. Under that ordinance, the first seven ranges, bounded on the east by Pennsylvania, and on the south by the Ohio river, were surveyed. Sales of parts of these were made at New York, in 1787, the avails of which amounted to $72,974, and sales of other parts of said range were made at Pittsburg and Philadelphia, in 1796. The avails of sales made at the former place amounted to $43,446, and at the latter, $5,120. A portion of these lands were located under United States military land warrants. No further sales were made in that district until the Land Office was opened at Steubenville, July 1st, 1801. On the 27th of October, 1787, a contract in writing was entered into between the Board of Treasury for the United States of America, of the one part, and Manassah Cutler and Winthrop Sargeant, as agents for the directors of the New England Ohio Company of associates, of the other part, for the purchase of the tract of land bounded by the Ohio, from the mouth of the Scioto to the intersection of the western boundary of the seventh range of townships then surveying; thence by said boundary to the northern boundary of 10 OUTLINE HISTORY. the tenth township from the Ohio; thence by a due west line to Scioto; thence by the Scioto to the beginning. The bounds of that contract were afterwards altered in 1792. The settlement of this purchase commenced at Marietta, at the mouth of the Muskingum river, in the spring of 1788, and was the first settlement formed within the limits of Ohio. An attempt at settlement within the bounds of Ohio had been made in April, 1785, at the mouth of the Scioto, on the site of Portsmouth, by four families from Redstone, Pa.; but difficulties with the Indians compelled its abandonment. The same year in which Marietta was first settled, Congress appointed Gen. Arthur St. Clair, an officer of the revolution, Governor; Winthrop Sargeant, Secretary; and the Hon. Samuel Holden Parsons, James Mitchell Yarnumn, and John Cleves Symmes, Judges; in, and over the Territory. The territorial government was organized, and sundry laws were made, or adopted, by the Governor and Judges Parsons and Varnum. The county of Washington, having its limits extended westward to the Scioto, and northward to Lake Erie, embracing about half the territory within the present limits of the State, was established by the proclamation of the Governor. On the 15th of October, 1788, John Cleves Symmes, in behalf of' himself and his associates, contracted with the Board of Treasury for the purchase of a large tract of land situated between the Great and Little Miami river, and the first settlemen{ within the limits of that purchase, and second in Ohio, was commenced in November of that year, at Columbia, at the mouth of the Little Miami, five miles above the site of Cincinnati. "A short time after the settlement at Marietta had commenced, an association was formed under the name of the "Scioto Land Company." A contract was made for the purchase of a part of the lands included in the Ohio Company's purchases. Plats and descriptions of the land contracted for, were, however, made out, and Joel Barlow was sent as an agent to Europe to make sales of the lands for the benefit of the company; and sales were effected of parts thereof to companies and individuals in France. On February 19th, 1791. two hundred and eighteen of these purchasers left Havre de Grace, in France, and arrived in Alexandria, D. C., on the 3d of May follow ing. During their passage, two were added to their number. On their arrival, they were told that the Scioto Company owned no land. The agent insisted that they did, and promised to secure to them good titles thereto, which he did, at Winchester, Brownsville, and Charleston (now Wellsburg). When they arrived at Marietta, about fifty of them landed. The rest of the company proceeded to Gallipolis, which was laid out about that time, and were assured by the agent that the place lay within their purchase. Every effort to secure titles to the lands they had purchased having failed, an appli cation was made to Congress, and in June, 1798, a grant was made to them of a tract of land on the Ohio, above the mouth of the Scioto river, which is called the' French Grant.'" 11 OUTLINE HISTORY. The Legislatare of Connecticut, in May, 1795, appointed a committee to receive proposals and make sale of the lands she had reserved in Ohio. This committee sold the lands to sundry citizens of Connecticut and other States, and, in September of the same year, executed to several purchasers deeds of conveyance therefor. The purchasers proceeded to survey into townships of five miles square the whole of said tract lying east of the Cuyahoga; they made divisions thereof according to their respective proportions, and commenced settlements in many of the townships, and there were actually settled therein, by the 21st of March, 1800, about one thousand inhabitants. A number of mills had been built, and roads cut in valious directions to the extent of about 700 miles. The location of the lands appropriate for satisfying military land bounty warrants in the district appropriated for that purpose, granted for services in the revolutionary war, commenced on March 13th, 1800; and the location of the lands granted to the Canadian and Nova Scotia refugees commenced February 13th, 1802. The lands east of the Scioto, south of the military bounty lands, and west of the fifteenth range of townships, were first brought into market, and offered for sale by the United States on t!e first Monday of May, 1801. The State of Virginia, at an early period of the revolutionary war, raised two description of troops, State and Continental, to each of which bounties in land were promised. The lands within the limits of her charter, situate to the north-west of Ohio river, were withdrawn fi'om appropriation on treasury warrants, and the lands on Cumberland river, and between the Green and Tennessee rivers on the south-easterly side of the Ohio, were appropriated for these military bounties. Upon the recommendation of Congress, Virginia ceded her lands north of the Ohio, upon certain conditions; one of which was, that in case the lands south of Ohio should be insufficient for their legal bounties to their troops, the deficiency should be made up from lands north of the Ohio, between the rivers Scioto and Little Miami. In 1783, the Legislature of Virginia authorized the officers of their respective lines to appoint superintendants to regulate the survey of the bounty lands promised. Richard C. Anderson was appointed principal surveyor of the lands of the troops of the continental establishment. An office for the reception of locations and surveys was opened at Louisville, Kentucky, August 1st, 1784, and on the 1st of August, 1787, the said office was open for the reception of surveys and locations on the north side of the Ohio. In the year 1789, January 9th, a treaty was made at Fort Harmer, between Gov. St. Clair and the Sachems and warriors of the Wyandot, Chippewa., Potawatomie, and Sac nations, in which the treaty at Fort McIntosh was renewed and confirmed. It did not, however, produce the favorable results anticipated. The Indians, the same year, assuming a hostile appearance, were seen hovering round the infant settlements near the mouth of the Muskingum and between 12 OUTLINE HISTORY. the Miamies, and nine persons were killed within the bounds of Symmes' purchase. The new settlers became alarmed and erected block-houses in each of the new settlements. In June, 1789, Major Doughty, with 140 men, from Fort Harmar, commenced the building of Fort Washington, on a spot now within the present limits of Cincinnati. A few months afterwards, Gen. Harmar arrived, with 300 men, and took command of the fort. Negotiations with the Indians proving unavailing, Gen. Harmar was directed to attack their towns. In pursuance of his instructions, he marched from Cincinnati, in September, 1790, with 1,300 men, of whom less than one-fourth were regulars. When near the Indian villages, on the Miami of the lake in the vicinity of what is now Fort Wayne, an advanced detachment of 210, consisting chiefly of militia, fell into an ambush and was defeated with severe loss. Gen. Harma;r, however, succeeded in burning the Indian villages, and in destroying their standing corn, and having effected this service, the army commenced its march homeward. They had not proceeded far when Harmar received intelligence that the Indians had returned to their ruined towns. He immediately detached about one-third of his remaining force, under the command of Col. Hardin, with orders to bring them to an engagement. He succeeded in this early the next morning; the Indians fought with great fury, and the militia and the regulars alike behaved with gallantry. More than one hundred of the militia, and all the regulars except nine, were killed, and the rest were driven back to the main body. Dispirited by this severe misfortune, Harmar immediately marched to Cincinnati, and the object of the expedition in intimidating the Indians was entirely unsuccessful. As the Indians continued hostile, a new army, superior to the former, was assembled at Cincinnati, under the command of Gov. St. Clair. The regular force amounted to 2,300 men; the militia numbered about 600. With this army, St. Clair commenced his march towards the Indian towns on the Maumee. Two forts, Hamilton and Jefferson, were established and garrisoned on the route, about forty miles from each other. Misfortune attended the expedition almost from its commencement. Soon after leaving Fort Jefferson, a considerable party of the militia deserted in a body. The first regiment, under Major Hamtramck, was ordered to pursue them and to secure the advancing convoys of provisions, which it was feared they designed to plunder. Thus weakened by desertion and division, St. Clair approached the Indian villages. On the third of November, 1791, when at what is now the line of Darke and Mercer counties, he halted, intending to throw up some slight fortification for the protection of baggage, and to await the return of the absent regiment. On the following morning, however, about half an hour before sun rise, the American army was attacked with great fury, as there is good reason to believe, by the whole disposable force of the north-west tribes. The Americans were totally defeated. Gen. Butler and upwards of six hundred men were killed. 13 OUTLINE HISTORY. Indian outrages of every kind were now multiplied, and emigration was almost entirely suspended. President Washington now urged forward the vigorous prosecution of the war for the protection of the North-west Territory; but various obstacles retarded the enlistment and organization of a new army. In the spring of 1794, the American army assembled at Greenville, in Darke county, under the command of Gen. Anthony Wayne, a bold, energetic and experienced officer of the revolution. His force consisted of about two thousand regular troops, and fifteen hundred mounted volunteers from Kentucky. The Indians had collected their whole force, amounting to about two thousand men, near a British fort, erected since the treaty of 1783, in violation of its obligations, at the foot of the rapids of the Maumee. On the 20th of August, 1794, Gen. Wayne encountered the enemy, and after a short and deadly conflict, the Indians fled in the greatest confusion, and were pursued under the guns of the British fort. After destroying all the houses and corn fields above and below the British fort, on the Maumee, the victorious army returned to the mouth of Au Glaize, where Wayne erected Fort Defiance. Previous to this action, various fruitless attempts had been made to bring the Indians to peace. Some of the messengers sent among the Indians for that object were murdered. The victory of Wayne did not at first reduce the savages to submission. Their country was laid waste, and forts were erected in the heart of their territory before they could be entirely subdued. At length, however, they became thoroughly convinced of their inability to resist the American arms and sued for peace. A grand council was held at Greenville, where eleven of the most powerful north-western tribes were represented, to whom Gen. Wayne dictated the terms of pacification. The boundary established by the treaty at Fort McIntosh was confirmed and extended westward from Loramie's to Fort Recovery, and thence south-west to the mouth of Kentucky river. The Indians agreed to acknowledge the United States as their sole protector, and never to sell their lands to any other power. Upon these and other conditions, the United States received the Indian nations into their protection. A large quantity of goods was delivered to them on the spot, and perpetual annuities, payable in merchandise, &c., were promised to each tribe who became a party to the treaty. While the war with the Indians continued, of course, but little progress was made in the settlement in the west. The next county that was established after that of Washington, in 1788, was Hamilton, erected in 1790. Its bounds included the country between the Miamies, extending northward from the Ohio river, to a line drawn due east from the standing stone forks of the Great Miami. The name of the settlement opposite the Licking was, at this time, called Cincinnati. At this period, there was no fixed seat of government. The laws were passed whenever they seemed to be needed, and promulgated p,. 14 OUTLINE HISTORY. at any place where the territorial legislators happened to be assembled. In 1789, the first Congress passed an act recognizing the binding force of the ordinance of 1787, and adapting its provisions to the federal constitution. At this period, the judges appointed by the national executive constituted the supreme court of the territory. Inferior to this court, were the county court, courts of common pleas, and the general quarter sessions of the peace. Single judges of the common pleas, and single justices of the quarter sessions, were also clothed with certain civil and criminal powers to be exercised out of court. In 1795, the governor and judges undertook to revise the territorial laws, and to establish a system of statutory jurisprudence, by adoptions from the laws of the original States, in conformity to the ordinance. For this purpose they assembled in Cincinnati, in June, and continued in session until the latter part of August. The general court was fixed at Cincinnati and Marietta; other courts were established, and laws and regulations were adopted for various purposes. The population of the territory now continued to increase and extend. From Marietta, settlers spread into the adjoining country. The Virginia military reservation drew a considerable number of revolutionary veterans, and others, from that State. The region between the Miamies, from the Ohio far up toward the sources of Mad river, became chequered with farms, and abounded in indications of the presence of an active and prosperous population. The neighborhood of Detroit became populous, and Connecticut, by grants of land within the tract, reserved in her deed of cession, induced many of her hardy citizens to seek a home on the borders of Lake Erie. In 1796, Wayne county was established, including all the north-western part of Ohio, a large tract in the north-eastern part of Indiana, and the whole territory of Michigan. In July, 1797, Adams county was erected, comprehending a large tract lying on both sides of Scioto, and extending northward to Wayne. Other counties were afterwards formed out of those already established. Before the end of the year 1798, the North-west Territory contained a population of five thousand free male inhabitants, of full age, and eight organized counties. The people were now entitled, under the ordinance of 1787, to a change in their form of government. That instrument provided that whenever there were five thousand free males, of full age, in the territory, the people should be authorized to elect representatives to a territorial legislature. These, when chosen, were to nominate ten freeholders of 500 acres, of whom the president was to appoint five, who were to constitute the legislative council. Representatives were to serve two, and councilmen five years. The first meeting of the territorial legislature was appointed on the 16th of September, 1799, but it was not till the 24th of. the same month that the two houses were organized for business; at which time they were addressed by Gov. St. Clair. An act was passed to confirm and give 15 OUTLINE HISTORY. force to those laws enacted by the governor and judges, whose validity had been doubted. This act, as well as every other which originated in the council, was prepared and brought forward by Jacob Burnet, afterwards a distinguished judge and senator, to whose labors, at this session, the territory was indebted for some of its most beneficial laws. The whole number of acts passed and approved by the governor was thirty-seven. William H. Harrison, then secretary of the territory, was elected as delegate to Congress, having eleven of twenty-one votes. "Within a few months after the close of this session, Connecticut ceded to the United States her claim of jurisdiction over the northeastern part of the territory; upon which the president conveyed, by patent, the fee of the soil to the governor of the State, for the use of grantees and purchasers claiming under her. This tract, in the summer of the same year, was erected into a new county by the name of Trumbull. The same congress which made a final arrangement with Connecticut, passed an act dividing the North-western Territory into two governments, by a line drawn from the mouth of the Kentucky to Fort Recovery, and thence northward to the territorial line. East of this line, the government, already established, was continued; while west of it another, substantially similar, was established. This act fixed the seat of the eastern government at Chillicothe; subject, however, to be removed at the pleasure of the legislature." On the 30th of April, 1802, Congress passed an act authorizing the call of a convention to form a State constitution. This convention assembled at Chillicothe, November 1st, and, on the 29th of the same month, a constitution of State government was ratified and signed by the members of the convention. It was never referred to the people for their approbation, but became the fundamental law of the State by the act of the convention alone; and, by this act, Ohio became one of the States of the Federal Union. "Besides framing the constitution, the convention had another duty to perform. The act of congress, providing for the admission of the new State into the Union, offered certain propositions to the people. These were, first, that section sixteen in each township, or, where that section had been disposed of, other contiguous and equivalent lands, should be granted to the inhabitants for the use of schools; second, that thirty-eight sections of land, where salt-springs had been found, of which one township was situated on the Scioto, one section on the Muskingum, and one section in the United States military tract, should be granted to the State, never, however, to be sold or leased for a longer term than ten years; and third, that onetwentieth of the proceeds of public lands sold within the State, should be applied to the construction of roads from the Atlantic, to and through the same. These propositions were offered on the condition that the convention should provide, Ly ordinance, that all lands sold by the United States after the thirtieth day of June, 1802; should be exempt from taxation, by the State, for five years after sale. 16 OUTI,INE hIISTORY. " The ordinance of 1785, had already provided for the appropriation of section sixteen to the support of schools in every township sold by the United States; and this appropriation thus became a condition of the sale and settlement of the western country. It was a consideration offered to induce purchases of public lands, at a time when the treasury was well-nigh empty, and this source of revenue was much relied upon. It extended to every township of land within the territory, except those in the Virginia military reservation and wherever the reserved section had been disposed of, after the passage of the ordinance, Congress was bound to make other equivalent provision for the same object. The reservation of section sixteen, therefore, could not, in 1802, be properly made the object of a new bargain between the United States and the State: and many thought that the salt reservations and the twentieth of the proceeds of the public lands were very inadequate equivalents for the proposed surrender of the right to tax. The convention, however, determined to accept the propositions of Congress, on their being so far enlarged and modified as to vest in the State, for the use of schools, section sixteen in each township sold by the United States, and three other tracts of land, equal in quantity, respectively, to one thirty-sixth of the Virginia reservation, of the United States military tract, and of the Connecticut reserve, and to give three pei centum of the proceeds of the public lands sold within the State, to be applied under the direction of the legislature, to roads in Ohio. Congress assented to the proposed modifications, and thus completed the compact." The first General Assembly under the State constitution met at Chilicothe, March 1st, 1803. The legislature enacted such laws as were deemed necessary for the new order of things, and created eight new counties, namelv: Gallia, Scioto, Franklin, Columbiana, Butler, Warren, Green, and Montgomery. The first State officers elected by the assembly were as follows, viz.: flichael Baldwin, Speaker of the House of Representatives; Nathaniel IIassie, Speaker of the Senate; William Creighton, Jr., Secretary of State; Col. Thomas Gibson, Auditor; William AMcFarIand, Treasurer; Return J. Meigs, Jr., Samuel Huntinagton, and William Sprigg, Judges of the Supreme Court; Francis Duilavy, Wyllys Silliman, and Calvin Pease, Judges of the District Courts. The second General Assembly convened in December, 1803. At this session, the militia law was thoroughly revised and a law was passed to enable aliens to enjoy the same proprietary rights in Ohio as native citizens. At this session, also, the revenue system of the State was simplified and improved. Acts were passed providing for the incorporation of townships, and for the establishment of boards of commissioners of counties. In 1805, by a treaty with the Indians at Fort Industry, the United States acquired, for the use of the grantees of Connecticut, all that part of the western reserve which lies west of the Cuyahoga. By subsequent treaties, all the country watered by the Maumee and the 3 17 i i OUTLINE HISTORY. Sandusky have been acquired, and the Indian title to lands in Ohio is now extinct. In the course of the year 1805, the conspiracy of Aaron Burr began to agitate the western country. The precise scope of the conspiracy does not distinctly appear. "The immediate object, probably, was to seize on New Orleans and invade Mexico. The ulterior purpose may have been to detach the west from the American Union. In December, 1806, in consequence of a confidential message from the governor, founded on the representations of an agent of the general government deputed to watch the motions of Burr, the legislature passed an act authorizing the arrest of persons engaged in an unlawful enterprise, and the seizure of their goods. Under this act, ten boats, with a considerable quantity of arms, ammunition, and provisions, belonging to Burr's expedition, were seized. This was a fatal blow to the project." The Indians, who since the treaty at Greenville had been at peace, about the year 1810, began to commit aggressions upon the inhabitants of the west. The celebrated Tecumseh was conspicuously active in his efforts to unite the native tribes against the Americans, and to arrest the farther extension of the settlements. His proceedings, and those of his brother,'the Prophet,' soon made it evident that the west was about to suffer the calamities of another Indian war, and it was resolved to anticipate their movements. In 1811, Gen. Harrison, then governor of Indiana Territory, marched against the town of the'Prophet,' upon the Wabash. The battle of Tippecanoe ensued, in what is now Cass county, Indiana, in which the Indians were totally defeated. This year was also distinguished by an occurrence of immense importance to the whole west. This was the voyage, from Pittsburg to New Orleans, of the first steamboat ever launched upon the western waters. "In June, 1812, the United States declared war against Great Britain. Of this war the west was a principal theatre. Defeat, disaster, and disgrace marked its opening scenes; but the latter events of the contest were a series of splendid achievements. Croghan's gallant defence of Fort Stephenson; Perry's victory upon Lake Erie; the total defeat, by Harrison, of the allied British and savages, under Proctor and Tecumseh, on the Thames; and the great closing triumph of Jackson at New Orleans, reflected the most brilliant lustre upon the American arms. In every vicissitude of this contest, the conduct of Ohio was eminently patriotic and honorable. When the necessities of the national government compelled congress to resort to a direct tax, Ohio, for successive years, cheerfully assumed, and promptly paid her quota out of her State treasury. Her sons volunteered with alacrity their services in the field; and no troops more patiently endured hardship or performed better service. Hardly a battle was fought in the north-west, in which some of these brave citizen soldiers did not seal their devotion to their country with their blood. "In 1816, the seat of the State government was removed to Co 18 OUTLINE HISTORY. lumbus, the proprietors of the town having, pursuant to an agreement entered into, in good faith, erected the State-house and other public buildings, for the accommodation of the legislature and the officers of state. "In January, 1817, the first resolution relating to a canal, connecting the Ohio river with Lake Erie, was introduced into the legislature. In 1819, the subject was again agitated. In 1820, on the recommendation of Gov. Brown, an act was passed, providing for the appointment of three canal commissioners, who were to employ a competent engineer and assistants, for the purpose of surveying the route of the canal. The action of the commissioners, however, was made to depend on the acceptance by congress of a proposition on behalf of the State, for a donation and sale of the public lands, lying upon and near the route of the proposed canal. In consequence of this restriction, nothing was accomplished for two years. In 1822, the subject was referred to a committee of the house of representatives. This committee recommended the employment of an engineer, and submitted various estimates and observations to illustrate the importance and feasibility of the work. Under this act, James Geddes, of New York, an experienced and skillful engineer, was employed to make the necessary examinations and surveys. Finally, after all the routes had been surveyed, and estimates made of the expense had been laid before the legislature at several sessions, an act was passed in Feb., 1825, "To provide for the internal improvement of the State by navigable canals," and thereupon the State embarked in good earnest in the prosecution of the great works of internal improvement." The construction of these and other works of internal improve ment, has been of immense advantage in developing the resources of Ohio, which, in little more than haltf, century, has changed from a wilderness to one of the most pow-erfu States of the Union. k: 19 COT-UN T I E S. ADAMS. ADAMS lies on the Ohio river, about fifty miles east of Cincinnati. and derives its name from John Adams, second President of the United States. It was formed, July 10th, 1797, by proclamation of Gov. St. Clair, and covered a large tract of country, being then one ot the four counties into which the N. W. Territory was divided. The land is generally hilly and broken, and, in the eastern part, not fertile. The staples are wheat, corn, pork and oats. Many of the first settlers were from Virginia, Kentucky and Ireland. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population: Franklin, 1,358 Meigs, 1,071 Tiffin, 1,533 Green, 1,081 Monroe, 828 Wayne, 858 Jefferson, 938 Scott, 916 Winchester, 1,112 Liberty, 1,096 Sprigg, 1,984 The population of Adams, in 1820, was 10,406; in 1830, 12,278 and in 1840, 13,271, or 24 persons to a square mile. The first settlement within the Virginia military tract, and the only one between the Scioto and Little Miami until after the treaty of Greenville, in 1795, was made in this county, at Manchester, by the then Col., late Gen. Nathaniel Massie. McDonald, in his unpretending, but excellent little volume, says: Massie, in the winter of the year, 1790, determined to make a settlement in it, that he might be in the midst of his surveying operations and secure his party trom danger and exposure. In order to effect this, he gave general notice in Kentucky of his intention, and offered each of the first twenty-five families, as a donation, one in-lot, one out-lot, and one hundred acres of land, provided they would settle in a town he intended to lay off at his settlement. His proffered terms were soon closed in with, and upwards of thirty families joined him. After various consultations with his friends, the bottom on the Ohio river, opposite the lower of the Three Islands, was selected as the most eligible spot. Here, he fixed his station, and laid off into lots a town, now called Manchester; at this time a small place, about twelve miles above Maysville, (formerly Limestone,) Kentucky. This little confederacy, with Massie at the helm, (who was the soul of it,) went to work with spirit. Cabins were raised, and by the middle of March, 1791, the whole town was enclosed with strong pickets, firmly fixed in the ground, with block houses at each angle for defence. Thus was the first settlement in the Virginia military district, and the fourth settlement in the bounds of the State of Ohio, effected. Although this settlement was commenced in the hottest Indian war, it suffered less from depredation, and even interruptions, from the Indians, than any settlement previously made on the Ohio river. This was no doubt owing to the watchful band of brave spirits who guarded the place-men who were reared in the midst of danger and inured to perils, and as watchful as hawks. Here were the Beasleys, ADAMS COUNTY. the Stouts, the Washburns, the Ledoms, the Edgingtons, the Denings, the Ellisons, the Utts, the McKenzies, the Wades, and others, who were equal to the Indians in all the arts and stratagems of border war. As soon as Massie had completely prepared his station for defence, the whole population went to work, and cleared the lower of the Three Islands, and planted it in corn. The island was very rich, and produced heavy crops. The woods, with a little industry, supplied a choice variety of game. Deer, elk, buffalo, bears, and turkeys, were abundant, while the river furnished a variety of excellent fish. The wants of the inhabitants, under thlese circumstances, were few and easily gratified. When this station was made, the nearest neighbors north-west of the Ohio, were the inhabitants at Columbia, a settlement below the mouth of the Little Miami, five miles above Cincinnati, and at Gallipolis, a French settlement, near the mouth of the Great Kenhawa. The station being established, Massie continued to make locations and surveys. Great precautions were necessary to avoid the Indians, and even these did not always avail, as is shown by the following incidents, the first of which is derived from the narrative of Israel Donalson, in the American Pioneer, and the others from McDonald's sketches. I am not sure whether i'. was the last of March or first of April I came to the territory to reside; but on the night of the 21st of April, 1791, Mr. Massie and myself were sleeping together on our blankets, (for beds we had none,) on the loft of our cabin, to get out of the way of the fleas and gnats. Soon after lying down, I began dreaming of Indians, and continued to do so through the night. Sometime in the night, however, whether Mr. MIassie waked of himself, or whether I wakened him, I cannot now say, but I observed to him I did not know what was to be the consequence, for I had dreamed more about Indians that fight than in all the time I had been in the western country before. As is common, he made light of it, and we dropped again to sleep. He asked me next morning if I would go with him up the river, about four or five miles, to make a survey, and that William Lytle, who was then at the fort, was going along. We were both young surveyors, and were glad of the opportunity to practice. Accordingly we three, and a James Tittle, from Kentucky, who was about buying the land, got on board of a canoe, and was a long time going up, the river being very high at the time. We commenced at the mouth of a creek, which from that day has been called Donalson creek. We meandered up the river; Mr. Massie had the compass, Mr. Lytle and myself carried the chain. We had progressed perhaps one hundred and forty, or one hundred and fifty poles, when our chain broke or parted, but with the aid of the tomahawk we soon repaired it. We were then close to a large mound, and were standing in a triangle, and Lytle and myself were amusing ourselves pointing out to Tittle the great convenience he would have by building his house on that mound, when the one standing with his face up the river, spoke and said, boys, there are Indians; no, replied the other, they are Frenchmen. By this time I had caught a glimpse of them; I said they were Indians, I begged them to fire. I had no gun, and from the advantage we had, did not think of running until they started. The Indians were in two small bark canoes, and were close into shore and discovered us just at the instant we saw them; and before I started to run I saw one jump on shore. We took out through the bottom, and before getting to the hill, came to a spring branch. I was in the rear, and as I went to jump, something caught my foot, and I fell on the opposite side. They were then so close, I saw there was no chance of escape, and did not offer to rise. Three warriors first came up, presented their guns all ready to fire, but as I made no resistance they took them down, and one of them gave me his hand to help me up. At this time Mr. Lytle was about a chain's length before me, and threw away his hat; one of the Indians went forward and picked it up. They then took me back to the bank of the river, and set me down while they put up their stuff, and prepared for a march. While setting on the bank of the river, I could see the men walking about the block-house on the Kentucky shore, but they heard nothing of it. They went on rapidly that evening, and camped, I think, on the waters of Eagle creek, started next morning early, it raining hard, and one of them saw my hat was somewhat convenient to keep off the rain, came up and took it off my head, and put it on his own. By this time I had discovered some friendship in a very lusty Indian, I think the one that first came up to me; I made signs to h'im that one had taken my hat, he went and took it off the other Indian's head, and placed it again on mine, but had not gone far before they took it again. I complained as before, but my friend shook his head, took down and opened his budget, and took out a sort of blanket 22 ADAMIS COUNTY. eap, and put it on my head. WNe went on; it still rained hard, and the waters were very much swollen, and when my friend discovered that I was timorous, he would lock his arm in mine, and lead me through, and frequently in open woods when I would get tired, I would do the same thing with him, and walk for miles. They did not make me carry any thing until Sunday or Monday. They got into a thicket of game, and killed, I think, two bears and some deer; they then halted and jerked their meat, eat a large portion, peeled some bark, made a kind of box, filled it, and put it on me to carry. I soon got tired of it and threw it down: they raised a great lau~l, examined my back, applied some bear's oil to it, and then put on the box again. I wet t on some distance and threw it down again; my friend then took it up, threw it over his head, and carried it. It weighed, I thought, at least fifty pounds. While resting one day, one of the Indians broke up little sticks and laid them up in the form of a fence, then took out a grain of corn, as carefully wrapped up as people used to wrap up guineas in olden timnes; this they planted and called out squaw, signif,ing to me that that would be my employment with the squaws. But, notwithstandin_i my situation at the time, I thought they would not eat much corn of my raising. On'Tuesday, as we were traveling along, there came to us a white man and an Indian on horseback; they had a long talk, and when they rode off, the Indians I was with seemed considerably alarmed; they immediately formed in Indian file, placed me in the centre, and shook a war club over my head, and showed me by these gestures that if I attemipted to run away they would kill me. We soon after arrived at the Shawanee camp, where we continued until late in the afternoon of the next day. During our stay there they trained my hair to their own fashion, put a jewel of tin in my nose, &c., &c. The Indians met with great formality when we came to the camp, which was very spacious. One side was entirely cleared out for our use, and the party I w-as with passed the camp to my great mortificatiotn, 1 thlinking they were going on; but on getting to the further end they wheeled shott round, came into the camp, sat down-not a whisper. In a few minutes two of the oldest get up, went round, shook hands, came and sat down again; then the Shawanees rising s5;nultaneously, came and shook hands with them. A few of the first took me by the hand; but one refused, and I did not offer them my hand again, not considering it any great honor. Soon after a kettle of bear's oil and some craclins were set before us, and we began eating, they first chewing the meat, then dipping it into the bear's oil, which I ttied to be excused from, but they compelled me to it, which tried nmy stomach, although by this time hiunger had compelled me to eat many a dirty morsel. Early in the afternoon, an Indian cartle to the camp, and was met by his party just outside, when they formed a circle and he spoke, I thought, near an hour, and so profound was the silence, that had they been on a board floor, I thought the fall of a pin might have been heard. I rightly judged of the disaster, for the day before I was taken I was at Lilmestone, and was solicited to join a party that was going down to the mouth of Snag creek, where some Indian canoes were discovered hid in the willows. The party went and divided, some came over to the Indian shore, and some remained in Kentucky, and they succeeded in killing nearly the whole party. There was at this camp two white men; one of them could swear in English, but very imperfectly, having I suppose been taken young; the other, who could speak good English, told me he was from South Carolina. He then told me different names which I have for got, except that of Ward; asked if I knew the Wards that lived near Washington, Ken rucky. I told him I did, and wanted him to leave the Indians and go to his brother's, and take me with him. He told me he preferred staying with the Indians, that he might nab the whites. He and I had a great deal of chat, and disagreed in almost every thing. He told me they had taken a prisoner by the name of Towns, that had lived near Washington, Kentucky, and that he had attempted to run away, and they killed him. But the truth was, they had taken Timothy Downing the day before I was taken, in the neighborhood of Blue Licks, and had got within four or five miles of that camp, and night comning on, and it being very rainy, they concluded to camp. There were but two Indians, an old chief and his son; Downing watched his opportunity, got hold of a squaw-axe and eave the fatal blow. His object was to bring the young Ii.dian in a prisoner; he said he had been so kind to him he could not think of killing him. But the instant he struck his father, the young man sprung upon his back and confined him so that it was with difficulty he extri cated himself from his grasp. Downing made then for his horse, and the Indian for the camp. The horse he caught and mounted; but not being a woodsman, struck the Ohio a little below Scioto, just as a boat was passing. They would not land for him until he rode several miles and convinced them that he was no decoy, and so close was the pursuit, that the boat. had only gained the stream when the enemy appeared on the shore. He had se verely wounded the young Indian in the scuffle, but did not know it until I told him. But 23 ADAMS COUNTY. to return to my own narrative: two of the party, viz., my friend and another Indian, turned back from this camp to do other mischief, and never before had I parted with a friend with the same regret. We left the Shawanee camp about the middle of the afternoon, they under great excitement. What detained them I know not, for they had a number of their horses up, and their packs on, from early in the morning. I think they had at least one hundred of the best horses that at that timne Kentucky could aflord. They calculated on being pursued, and they were right, for the next day, viz., the 28th of April, Major Kenton, with about ninety men, were at the camp before the fires were extinguished; and I have always viewed it as a providential circunmstance that the enemy had departed, as a defeat on the part of the Kentuckians would have been inevitable. I never could get the Indians in a position to ascertain their precise number, but concluded there were sixty or upward, as sprightly looking men as I ever saw together, and well equipped as they could wish for. The Major himself agreed with me that it was a happy circumstance that they were gone. We traveled that evening, I thou ght, seven miles, and encamped in the edge of a prairie, the water a short distance off. Our supper that night consisted of a raccoon roasted un dressed. After this meal I became thirsty, and an old warrior, to whom my friend had given me in charge, directed another to go with me to the water, which made him angry; he struck me, and my nose bled. I had a great mind to return the stroke, but did not. I then determined, be the result what it might, that I would go no ifarther with them. They tied me and laid me down as usual, one of them lying on the rope oni each side of me they went to sleep, and I to work gnawing and picking the rope (made of bark) to pieces, but did not get loose until day was br-eaking. I crawled off on my hands and feet until 1 got into the edge of the prairie, and sat down on a trussuck to put on my imoccasins, aInd had put on one and was preparing to put on the other, when they raised the yell and took the back track, and I believe they made as much noise as twenty while men could do. Ilad they been still they might have heard me, as I was not more than two chains' length fiom them at the timne. But I started and ran, carrying one moccasin in my hand; and in order to evade them, chose the poorest ridges I could find; and when coining to tree-logs 3lying crosswise, would run along one and then along the other. I continued on that wav until about ten o'clock, then ascending a very poor ridge, crept in between two logs, and being very weary soon dropped to sleep, and did not waken until the sun was almost down; I traveled on a short distance further and took lodging for the night in a hollow tree. I think it was on Saturday that I got to the Miami. I collected some logs, made a raft by peeling bark and tying them together; but I soon found that too tedious and abandoned it. 1 founiid a turkey's nest with two eggs in it, each one having a double yelk; they made two delicious tueals for different days. I followed down the Miamii, until I struck Harmar's trace, made the previous fall, and continued on it until I came to Fort Washington, now Cincinnati. I think it was on Sabbath, the first day of May; I caught a horse, tied a piece of bark around his under jaw, on which there was a large tumor like a wart. The bark rubbed that, and he became restless and threw me, not hurting me much, however; I caught him again, and he again threw me, hurting me badly. HIow long I lay insensible I don't know; but when I revived he was a considerable distance from me. I then traveled on very slow, my feet entirely bare and full of thorns and briars. On Wednesday, the day that I got in, I was so far gone that I thought it entirely useless to make anlly further exertion, not knowing what distance I was from the river; and I took my station at the root of a tree, but soon got into a state of sleeping, and either dreamt, or thought that I should not be loitering away my time, that I should get in that day; which, on reflection, 1 had not the most distant idea. However, the impression was so strong that I got up and walked on some distance. I then took my station again as before, and the same thoughts occupied my mind. I got up and walked on. I had not traveled far before I thought I could see an opening for the river; and getting a little further on, I heard the sound of a bell. I then started and ran, (at a slow speed undoubtedly;) a little further onil, I began to perceive that I was coming to the river hill; and having got about half way down, I heard the sound of an axe, which was the sweetest music I had heard for many a day. It was in the extreme out-lot; when I got to the lot I crawled over the fence with difficulty, it being very high. I approached the person very cautiously till within about a chain's length, undiscovered, I then stopped and spoke; the person I spoke to was Mr. William Woodward, (the founder of the Woodward High School.) Mr. Woodward looked up, hastily cast his eyes round, and saw that I had no deadly weapon; he then spoke. "In the name of God," said he, "who are you?" I told him I had been a prisoner and had made my escape from the Indians. After a few more questions he told me to come to him. I did so. Seeing my situation, his fears soon subsided; he told me to sit down on a log and he would go and catch a horse ho had in the lot, and take me in. He caught his horse, set 24 ADAMS COUNTY. nie on him, but kept the bridle in his own hand. When we got into the road, people began to inquire of Mr. Woodward, "who is he-an Indian?" I was not surprised nor offended at tile inquiries, for I was still in Indian uniform, bare hea(led, my hair cut off close, except the scalp and foretop, which they had put up in a piece of tin, with a bunch of turkey feathers, which I could not undo. They had also stripped off tile feathers of about two turkeys and hnng them to the hair of the scalp; these I had taIken off the day I left them. Mr. Woodward took me to his house, where every kindness was shown me. They soon gave me other clothiing; coming fi-rom different persons, they did not fit me very neatly; but there could not be a pair of shoes got in the place that I cotlid get on, my feet were so much swollen. In the spring of the year 1793, the settlers at Manchester commenced clearing the out-lots of the town; and while so engaged, an incident of much interest and excitement occurred. Mr. Andrew Ellison, one of the settlers, cleared a lot immediately adjoining the fort. He had completed the cutting of the timiber, rolled the logs together and set tlhem on fire. The next miorning, a short time before daybreak, Mr. Ellison opened one of the gates of the fort, and went out to throw his logs together. By the time he had finished this job, a number of the heaps blazed up brightly, and as hie was passing from one to thie other, he observed, by the light of the fires, three men walking briskly towards him. This did not alarm him in the least, although, he said, they were dark skinned fellows; yet he concluded they were the Wades, whose complexions were very dark, going early to hunt. He continued to right his log-heaps, until one of the fellows seized hirm by the irms, and called out in broken English, "How do? how d(lo?" He instantly looked in their faces, ani to his surprise and horror, found himself in tihe clutches of three Indians.'o resist wais useless. He therefore submitted to his fate, without any resistance or an attempt to esc,pe. The Indians quickly nioved off with him in the direction of Paint creek. When breakftst was ready, Mrs. Ellison sent one of her children to ask their tfither homiie but he could not be found at the log-heaps. His absence created no inmmediate -larm, as it w as thought he might have started to hunt after the completion of his work. Dinniel time arrived, and Ellison not returning, the family became uneasy, aI( be('an to suspect soiiie accident had happened to him. His gun-rack was examin ed, and tithere bung his iithe and h-is pouch in their usual place. Massie raised a party, and mnade a circatit troiundl the plaice, and found, after some search, the trails of four men, on oof whom li had on shioes;, (nl)tl is Ellison had shoes on, the truth, that the Indians had made himt a prisoner, was utlifl(ed. As it was almost night at the time the trail was discovered, the party retuiried to thecir station. Next miorning, early preparations were made by Massie and his praty to pursue the Indiians. In doing this they found great difficulty, is it was so early in the spring that thIe vegetation was not of sufficient growth to show pl)inily the trail of the Indians, Miio took the precaution to keep on hard and high -land, where their feet could make little or no imlpression. Massie and his party, however, were as unerring as a pack of well-trained hounds, and followed the trail to Paint creekl, when they found the Indians griled so fast on them, that pursuit was vain. They therefore abandoned it, and returned to the station. The Indians took their prisoner to Upper SandLsky, and compelled him to run the gauntlet. As Ellison was a large man and not very active, he received a severe flogging as he passed along the line. FroIn this place hlie was taken to Lower S.andusky, and was again compelled to run the gauntlet, and was then taken to Detroit, where he was generously ransomed by a British officer for one hundred dollars. He was shoritly afterwards sent by his friend, the officer, to Montreal, fi-orn whence he returned horne before the close of tihe summer of the same year. Another incident connected with the station at Manchester occurred shortly after this time, which, although somewhat out of order as to time, I will take the liberty to relate in this place. John Edgington, Asahel Edgington, and another man, started out on a hunting expedition towards Brush creek. They camped out six miles in a north-east direction from where West Union now stands, and near where Treber's tavern is now situated, on the road from Chillicothe to Maysville. The Edgingtons had good success in hunting. having killed a number of deer and bears. Of the deer killed, they saved the skins and hams alone. The bears, they fleeced; that is, they cut off all the meat which adhered to the hide without skinning, and left the bones as a skeleton. They hung up the proceeds of their hunt on a scaffold, out of the reach of the wolves and other wild animtals, and returned home for pack horses. No one returned to the camp with the two Edgingtons. As it was late in December, no one apprehended danger, as the winter season was usually a time of repose from Indian incursions. When the Edgingtons arrived at their old hunting camp, they alighted from their horses and were preparing to strike a fire, when a platoon of Indians fired upon them, at the distance of not more than twenty paces. Asahel Edg 4 25 ADAMS COUNTY. ington fel to rise no more. John was more fortunate. The sharp crack of the rifles, and the horrid yells of the Indians, as they leaped from their place of ambush, frightened the horses, who took the track towards home at full speed. John Edgilgton was very active on foot, and now an occasioi offered which required his utmost speed. The moment the Indians leaped from their hitding place, they threw down their guns and took after him. They pursued him screaming and yelling in the most horrid manner. Edgington did not run a booty race. For about a mile the Indians stepped in his tracks almost before the bending grass could rise. The uplifted tomahawk was frequently so near his head, that he thought hlie felt its edge. Every effort was made to save his life, and every exertion of the Indians was made to arrest him in his flight. Edgington, who had the greatest stake in the race, at lengl'h began to gain on his pursuers, and after a long race, he distanced them, made his escape, and safely reached home. This, truly, was a most fearful and well contested race. The big Shawnee chief, Captain John, who headed the Indians on this occasion, after peace was made and Chillicothe settled, frequently told the writer of this sketch of the race. Captain John said, that "the white man who ran away -was a smart fellow, that the white man run and I run, he run and run, at last, the white man run clear off froml me." The first court in this county was held in Manchester. Winthrop Sargent, the secretary of the territory, acting in the absence of the governor, appointed commissioners, who located the county seat at an out of the way place, a few miles above the mouth of Brush creek, which they called Adamsville. The locality was soon named, in derision, Scant. At the next session of the court, its members became divided, and part sat in Manchester and part at Adamsville. The governor, on his return to the territory, finding the people in great confusion, and much bickering between them, removed the seat of justice to the mouth of Brush creek, where the first court was held in 1798. Here a town was laid out bv Noble G;rimes, under the name of Washington. A large log court house was built, with a jail in the lower story, and the governor appointed two more of the Scant party judges, which gave them a majoritv. In 1800, Charles Willing Byrd, secretary of the territory, in the absence of the governor, appointed two more of the Manchester party judges, which balanced the parties, and the contest was maintained until West Union became the county seat. Joseph Darlintone and Israel Donalson, were among the first judges of the Common Pleas. These gentlemen, now living in this county, were also members of the convention for forming the constitution of the State, there being, in 1847, only three others of that body living. AW'EST UNION, the county seat, is on the Maysville and Zaaiesville turnpike, 8 miles from the Ohio at Manchester, and 106 souttherly from Columbus. The name was given to it by Hon. Thonmas Kirker, o)ne of the commissioners who laid it out in 1804, and one of its earliest settlers. It stands on the summit of a high ridge, many hundred feet above the level of the Ohio. As early as 1815, a -.~wspaper was established here by James Finlay, entitled the Political Censor. The annexed view shows, on the left, the jail and market, and in'the centre, the court house and county offices. These last stand in a pleasant area, shaded by locusts. The cour't nouse is a substantial stone building, and bears good testimony to the * In 1803, Gen. Darlinton was appointed Clerk of Common Pleas and Clerk of the Su. prenie Court. The first office he left a few months since, and the last he still retains. 26 ADAMS COUNTY. skill of its builder, ex-Governor Metcalf, of Kentucky, who, commencing life as a mason, has acquired the sobriquet of "Stone Hammer." The first court house here was of logs. West Union contains 4 churches: 1 Associate Reformed, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Metholist and 1 Baptist; 2 newspapers, a classical school, and 9 mercantile stores. It had, in 1820, a population of 406; in 1840, 452. Public Buildings, West Union. In the eastern part of this county are considerable beds of iron ore, that have been in use many years; it is a mineral region, and large hills are composed of aluminous slate. Some years since, a singular phenomenon occurred in this section, described by Dr. Hildreth, in the 29th volume of Silliman's Journal: A part of the summer of the year 1830 was excessively dry in the south-west portion o Ohio. During the drought, the water all disappeared from Brush creek, which heads among some slaty hills, leaving its bed entirely dry for several weeks. Towards the close of this period, loud and frequent explosions took place from the slate at the bottom of the creekl, throwing up large fragments of rock and shaking the earth violently for some distance. The inhabitants living near its borders became much alarmed, thinking a volcano was breaking out. On examining the spot, large pieces of iron pyrites were found mixed with the slate-stone. The water, which had heretofore protected the pyrites firom the atmosphere, being all evaporated, the oxygen found its way through the crevices of the slate to these beds, and acting chemically upon them, new combinations took place, forcing up the superincumbent strata with great violence and noise. When the water again covered he bed of the creek, the explosions ceased. The barren hills in this part of the county, and of some of the other river counties, remain, in many cases, the property of the General Government. They afford, however, a fine range for the cattle and hogs of the scattered inhabitants, and no small quantity of lumber, such as staves, hoop poles and tanner's bark, which are unscrupulously taken from the public lands. Dr. John Locke, from whose Geological Report these facts are derived, says: Indeed, there is a vagrant class who are supported by this kind of business. They erect a cabin towards the head of some ravine, collect the chestnut-oak bark from the neighboring hill tops, drag it on sleds to points accessible by wagons, where they sell it for perhaps $2 per cord to the wagoner. The last sells it at the river to the flat boat shipper, at $6 per cord, and he again to the consumer at Cincinnati, for $11. Besides this common trespass, the squatter helps himself out by hunting deer and coons, and, it is said, occasionally 27 ALLEN COUNTY. by taking a sheep 4 r a hog, the loss of which may very rtasonably be charged to the wolves The poor families of the bark cutters often exhibit the very picture of imnprovidence. There begins to be a fear among the inhabitants that speculators may be tempted to purchase up these waste lands and deprive them of their present'range' and lumber. The speculator must still be a non-resident, and could hardly protect his purchase. The inhabitants have a hard, rough region to deal with, and need all of the advantages which their mountain tract can afford. Winchester, 12 miles NW. of the county seat, is a thriving town, with 7 stores and about 400 people; Manchester, 8 sw., has 4 stores and about 250 population; Jacksonville, 10 NE., has a population of about 200; Locust Grove, Rockville, Bentonville, Cherry Fork, Eckmansville and Rome, are small towns having post offices. ALLEN. ALLEN was formed April 1st, 1820, from Indian territory, and named in honor of a colonel of that name in the war of 1812: it was temporarily attached to Mercer county for judicial purposes. The surface is generally level; the soil varies from a sandy loam to clay, and is well adapted to grain and grass. The principal crops are wheat, corn, rye and oats, with timothy,-clover and flaxseed. The county is well settled for a new one, which arises from the U. S., and State land offices having formerly been within it, and the land, therefore, was taken by actual settlers. The population is of a mixed character, and the southern part has many Germans. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population: Amanda, 282 Goshen, 236 Shawanee, 429 Auglaise, 732 Jackson, 570 Union, 669 Bath, 1,382 Marion, 315 Washington, 457 Clay, 435 Moulton, 263 Wayne, 404 Duchaquet, 692 Perry, 565 German, 856 Pusheta, 768 The population of Allen, in 1840, was 9,081, or 16 inhabitants to a square mile. Lima, the county seat, is 95 miles WNW. from Columbus, and was laid off as the seat of justice for the county in the spring of 1831. It is several miles north of the centre of the county, the southern portion of which has been an Indian reservation. Thle annexed view was taken near the residence of Col. Jas. Cunningham, on the Wapakonetta road. The stream shown in the view is the Ottawa river, usually called Hog river-a name derived from the following circumstance: McKee, the British Indian agent, who resided at the Machachac towns, on Mad river, during the incursion of General Logan, in 1786, was obliged to flee with his effects. He had his swine driven on to the borders of this stream; the Indians thereafter called it Koshko sepe, which, in the Shawnee language, signifies Hog river. Lima contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 -Zs ALLEN COUNTY. Methodist, and 1 Baptist church; 6 dry goods and 4 grocery stores, a foundery, 2 newspaper printing offices, and a population estimated at about 500. The town is progressing with the gradual increase of the country. Lima. Wapakonetta is 10 miles from St. Maryv's, and 12 from Lima, on the Auglaize, and contains 1 Catholic and 1 Methodist church and 3 stores; it is settled principally by Germans, and in population is somewhat less than Lima. After the Shawnees were driven from Piqua by Gen. Clark, they settled a town here, which they called Wapaghkonetta.* By the treaty at the Maumee rapids, in 1817, the Shawnees were given a reservation of ten miles square in this county, within which was their council house at Wapakonetta, and also a tract of twenty-five square miles, which included their settlement on Hog Creek; by the treaty of the succeeding year, made at St. Mary's, 12,800 acres adjoining the east line of the Wapakonetta Reserve were added. At the village the-e is a fine orchard, at least sixty years of age, and from its being slanted in regular order, it is supposed to have been done by Frenchmen settled among the Indians. The society of Friends, for a number of years, had a mission at Wapakonetta. From the year 1796 till the formation of the state constitution, Judge Burnet, of Cincinnati, attended court regularly at that place, Marietta and Detroit, the last of which was then the seat of justice for Wayne county. The jaunts between these remote places, through a wilderness, were attended with exposure, fatigue and hazard, and were usually performed on horseback, in parties of two or three or * John Johnston says" Wapagh-ko-netta: this is the true Indian orthography. It was named after an Indian chief long since dead, but who survived years after my intercourse commenced with the Shawanoese. The chief was sor.e what club-footed, and the word has reference, I think, to that circumstance, although its full import I never could discover. For many years prior to 1829, I had m-r Indian head quarters at Wapagh-ko-netta. The business of the agency of the Shawano se, Wyandotts, Senecas and Delawares, was transacted there." 29 AI,LEN COUNTY. more. On one of these occasions, while halting at Wapakonetta, he witnessed a game of ball among the people, of which he has given an interesting narration in his letters. Blue Jacket, the war chief, who commanded the Shawanees in the battle of 1794, at Maumee, resided in the village, but was absent. We were, however, received with kindness, by the old village chief, Buckingelas. When we went to his lodge, he was giving audience to a deputation of chiefs from some western tribes. We took seats at his request, till the conference was finished, and the strings of wampum disposed of-he gave us no intimation of the subject matter of the conference, and, of course, we could not ask for it. In a little tinle he called in some of his young men, and requested them to get up a game of football for our amusemient. A purse of trinkets was soon made up, and the whole village, imale and female, were on the lawn. At these games the men played against the women, and it was a rule, that the former were not to touch the ball with their hands on penalty of forfeiting the purse; while the latter had the privilege of picking it up, running with, and throwing it as far as they could. When a squaw had the ball, the men were allowed:o catch and shake her, and even throw her on the ground, if necessary, to extricate the ball from her hand, but they were not allowed to touch, or move it, except by their feet. At the opposite extremes of the lawn, which was a beautiful plain, thickly set with, blue grass, stakes were erected, about six feet apart-the contending parties arrayed themselves in front of these stakes; the men on the one side, and the women on the otlter. The party which succeeded in driving the ball through the stakes, at the goal of their opponents, were proclaimed victors, and received the purse. All things being ready, the old chief went to the centre of the lawn, and threw up the ball, making an exclamation, in the Shawanee language, which we did not understand. Ile immediately retired, and the contest began. The parties seemed to be fairly niatched, as to numbers, having about a hundred on a side. The game lasted more than an hour, with great animation, but was finally decided in favor of the ladies, by the power of an herculean squaw, who got the ball, and in spite of the men who seized her to shake it from her uplifted hand, held it firmly, dragging them along, till she was sufficiently near the goal to throw it through the stakes. The young squaws were the most active of their party, and, of course, most frequenitly caught the ball. When they did so, it vwas amnusing to see the strife between them and the young Indians, who immediately seized them, and always succeeded in rescuing the ball, though sometimes they could not effect their object till their female competitors were thrown on the grass. When the contending parties had retired from the field of strife, it was pleasant to see the feelings of exultation depicted in the faces of the victors; whose joy was manifestly enhanced by the fact, that their victory was won in the presence of white men, whom they supposed to be highly distinguished, and of great power in their nation. This was a natural conclusion for them to draw, as they knew we were journeying tc Detroit for the purpose of holding the general court; which, they supposed, conltroled and governed the nation. We sdent the night very pleasantly among them, and in the morning resumed our journey. In August, 1831, treaties were negotiated with the Senecas of Lewiston and the Shawnees of Wapakonetta, by James Gardiner, Esq., and Col. John M'Elvain, special commissioners appointed for this purpose. The terms offered were so liberal that the Indians consented to give up their land and remove beyond thle Mississip)i. The Shawnees had at this time about 66,000 acres in this county, and in conjunction with the Senecas about 40,300 acres at Lewiston. The Indians were removed to the Indian territory on Kanzas river, in the Far West, in September, 1832, D. M. Workman and David Robb being the agents for their removal. The latter, Mr. Robb, in a communication respecting the Indians, has given the following interesting facts. Intemperance to a great extent prevailed among the Indians; there was, however, as wide a contrast in this respect as with the whites, and some of the more virtuous refused to associate with the others. This class also cultivated their little farms with a degree of taste and judgment some of these could cook a comfortable meal, and I have eaten both 30 ALLEN COUNTY. butter and a kind of cheese made by them. Many of them were quite ingenious and natural mechanics, with a considerable knowledge of, and an inclination to use tools. One chief had an assortment of carpenters' tools which he kept in neat order. He made plows. harrows, wagons, bedsteads, tables, bureaus, &c. Ile was frank, liberal and conscientious. On my asking him who taught him the use of tools, he replied, no one; then pointing up to the sky, he said, " the Great Spirit taught me." With all their foibles and vices, there is something fascinating in the Indian character, and one cannot long associate with them without having a perceptible growing attachment. The Indian is emphatically the natural man, and it is an easy thing to make an Indian out of a white person, but very difflicult to civilize or christianize an indian. I have known a number of whites who had been taken prisoners by the Indians when young, and without exception, they formed such attachments that, after being with them some time, they could not be induced to return to their own people. There was a woman among the Shawnees, supposed to be near an hundred years of age, who was taken prisoner, when young, ill eastern Pennsylvania. Some years after, her friends, through the agency of traders, endeavored to induce her to return, but in vain. She became, if possible, more of a squaw ill her habits and appearance than any female in the nation. As a sample of their punctuality in performing their contracts, I would state that I have often loaned themn money, which was always returned in due season, with a single exception. This was a loan to a young man who promised to pay me when they received their annuity. After the appointed time he shunned me, and the matter remained unsettled until just prior to our departure for their new homes. I then stated the circumstance to one of the chiefs, more from curiosity to see how he would receive the intelligence than with the expectation of its being the means of bringing the money. He, thereupon, talked with the lad upon the subject, but, being unsuccessful, he called a council of his brother chiefs, who formed a circle, with the young manl in the centre. After talking to him a while in a low tone, they broke out and vociferously reprimanded him for his dishonest conduct but all proved unavailing. Finally, the chiefs, in a most generous anId noble spirit, made up the amount from their own purses, and pleasantly tendered it to me. The Indians being firm believers in witchcraft, generally attributed sickness and other misfortunes to this cause, and were in the habit of murdering those whomi they suspected of practising it. They have been known to travel all the way fromi the Mississippi to Wapakonetta, and shoot down a person in his cabin merely on souspicionI of his being a wizzard, and return unmolested. 6When a person became so sick as to lead them to thllink he was in danger of death, it was usual for them to place him in the woods alone, with no one to attend except a nurse or doctor, who generally acted as an agent in hurrying on their dissolution. It was distressing to see one in this situation. I have been permitted to do this only through the courtesy of relatives, it being contrary to rule for any to visit them except such as had medical care of them. The whole nation are at liberty to attend the funerals, at which there is generally great lamentation. A chief, who died just previous to their removal, was buried in the following manner. They bored holes in the lid of his coffin-as is their custom-over his eyes and mouth, to let the Good Spirit pass in and out. Over the grave they laid presents, &c., with provisions, which they affirmed the Good Spirit would take him in the night. Sure enough!-these articles had all disappeared in the morning, by the hand of an evil spirit clothed in a humnan body. There were many funerals among the Indians, and their numbers rapidly decreased: intemperance, and pulmonary, and scrofulous diseases, made up a large share of their bills of mortality, anti the number of deaths to the births were as one to three. A few anecdotes will illustrate the wit and dishonesty of some, and the tragical encounters of others of the Indians. Col. M'Pherson, the former sub-agent, kept goods for sale, for which they often got in debt. Some were slow in making payments, and one in particular was so tardy that M'Pherson earnestly urged him to pay up. Knowing that he was in the habit of taking hides from the tanners, the Indian inquired if he would take hides for the debt. Being answered in the affirmative, he promised to bring them in about four days. The Indian, knowing that M'Pherson had at this time a flock of cattle ranging in the forest, went in pursuit, shot several, from which he took offthe hides, and delivered them punctually according to promise. While we were encamped, waiting for the Indians to finish their ceremonies prior to emigration, we were much annoyed by an unprincipled band of whites who came to trade, particularly in the article of whiskey, which they secreted from us in the woods. The In dians all knew of this depot, and were continually going, like bees from the hive, day and night, and it was difficult to tell whether some who lead in the worship passed most of the time in that employment or in drinking whiskey. While this state of things lasted, the 81 ALLEN COUNTY. officers could do nothing satisfactorily with them, nor were they'sensible of the consequence of continuing in such a course'I'The government was bound by treaty stipulations to maintain them one year only, which was passing away, and winter was fast approaching, when they could not well travel, and if they could not arrive until spring, they would be unable to raise a crop, and consequently would be out of bread. We finally assembled the chiefs and other influential men, and presenting these facts vividly before them, they became alarmed and promised to reform. We then authorized them to tomahawk every barrel, keg, jug, or bottle of whiskey that they could find, under the promise to pay for all and protect them from harni in so doing. They all agreed to this, and went to work that night to accomplish the task. Having lain down at a late hour to sleep, I was awakened by one who said he had found and brought me a jug of whiskey: I handed him a quarter of a dollar, set the whiskey down, and fell asleep again. The same fellow then came, stole jug and all, and sold the contents that night to the Indians at a shilling a dram-a pretty good speculation on a half gallon of "whisk," as the Indians call it. I suspected him of the trick, but he would not confess it until I was about to part with them at the end of the journey, when he came to me and related the circumstances, saying that it was too good a story to keep. One of our interpreters, who was part Indian and had lived with them a long time, related the following tragical occurrence. A company of Shawnees Inet some time previous to my coming among them, had a drunken frolic and quarrelled. One vicious fellow who had an old grudge against several of the others, and stabbed two of the company successively until they fell dead, was making for the third, when his arm was arrested by a large athletic Indian, who, snatching the knife from him, plunged it into him until he fell. He attempted to rise and got on his knees, when the other straddled him, seized him by the hlair, lifted up his head with one hand, while with the other he drew his knife across his throat, exclaiming-" lie there, my friend! I guess you not eat any more hommnony." After we had rendezvoused, preparatory to moving, we were detained several weeks waiting until they had got over their tedious round of religious ceremonies, some of which were public and others kept private from us. One of their first eacts was to take away the fencing from the graves of their fathers, level them to the surrounding surface, and cover them so neatly with green sod, that not a trace of the graves could be seen. Subsequently, a few of the chiefs and others visited their friends at a. distance, gave and received presents from chiefs of other nations, at their head quarters. Among the ceremonies above alluded to was a dance,lkn which none participated but the wa rriors. They threw off all their clothing but their britchelouts, painted their faces and naked bodies in a fantastical manner, covering them with the pictures of snakes and disagreeable insects and animals, arnd then armed with war clubs, commenced dancing, yelling and frightfully distorting their countenances: the scene was truly terrific. This was followed by the dance they usually have on returning from a victorious battle, in which both sexes participated. It was a pleasing contrast to the other, and was performed in the night, in a ring, around a large fire. In this they sang and marched, males and females promiscuously, in single file, around the blaze. The leader of the band commenced singing, while all the rest were silent until he had sung a certain number of words, then the next ill the row commenced with the same, and the leader began with a new set, and so on to the end of their chanting. All were singing at once, but no two the same words. I was told that part of-the words they used were hallelujah! It was pleasing to witness the native modesty and graceful movements of those young females in this dance. When their ceremonies were over, they informed us they were now ready to leave They then mounted their horses, and such as went in wagons seated themselves, and sei out wkth their "high priest" in front, bearing on his shoulders "the ark of the covenant," which consisted of a large gourd and the bones of a deer's leg tied to its neck. Just pre pious to starting, the priest gave a blast of his trumpet, then moved slowly and solemnly while the others followed in like manner, until they were ordered to halt in the evening for encampment when the priest gave another blast as a signal to stop, erect their tents and cook supper. The same course was observed through the whole of the journey. When they arrived near St. Louis, they lost some of their number by cholera. The Shawnees who emigrated numbered about 700 souls, and the Senecas about 350. Among them was also a detachment of Ottawas, who were conducted by Capt. Hollister from the Maumee country. The principal speaker among the Shawnees at the period of their removal, was Wiwelipea. He was an eloquent orator-either grave or gay, humorous or severe, as the occasion required. At times 32 ALLEN COUNTY. his manner was so fascinating, his countenance so full of varied expression, and his voice so musical, that surveyors and other strangers passing through the country, listened to him with delight, although the words fell upon their ears in an unknown language. He removed out west with his tribe. The chief Catahecassa, or Black Hoof, died at Wapakonetta, shortly previous to their removal, at, the age of 110 years. The sketches annexed of Black Hoof and Blue Jacket, are derived from Drake's Tecumseh. Among the celebrated chiefs of the Shawanoes, Black Hoof is entitled to a high rank. He was born in Florida, and at the period of the removal of a portion of that tribe to Ohio and Pennsylvania, was old enough to recollect having bathed in the salt water. He was present, with others of his tribe, at the defeat of Braddock, near Pittsburg, in 1755, and was engaged in all the wars in Ohio from that time until the treaty of Greenville, in 1795. Such was the sagacity of Black Hoof in planning his military expeditions, and such the energy with which he executed them, that he won the confidence of his whole nation, and was never at a loss for brares to fight under his banner. " He was known far and wide as the great Shawanoe warrior, whose cunning, sagacity, and experience, were only equalled by the fierce and desperate bravery with which he carried into operation his military plans. Like the other Shawanoe chiefs, he was the inveterate foe of the white man, and held that no peace should be made, nor any negociation attempted, except on the condition that the whites should repass the mountains, and leave the great plains of the west to the sole occupancy of the native tribes. "He was the orator of his tribe during the greater part of his long life, and was an excellent speaker. The venerable Colonel Johnston, of Piqua, to whom we are indebted for much valuable information, describes him as the most graceful Indian he had ever seen, and as possessing the most natural and happy faculty of expressing his ideas. He was well versed in the traditions of his people; no one understood better their peculiar relations to the whites, whose settlements were gradually encroaching on them, or could detail with m.ore minuteness the wrongs with which his nation was afflicted. But although a stern and uncompromising opposition to the whites had marked his policy through a series of forty years, and nerved his arm in a hundred battles, he became at length convinced of the madness of an ineffectual struggle against a vastly superior and hourly increasing foe. No sooner had he satisfied himself of this truth, than he acted upon it with the decision which formed a prominent trait in his character. The temporary success of the Indians in several engagements previous to the campaign of General Wayne, had kept alive their expiring hopes; but their signal defeat by that gallant officer convinced the more reflecting of their leaders of the desperate character of the conflict. Black Hoof was among those who decided upon making terms with the victorious American commander; and having signed the treaty of 1795, at Greenville, he continued faithful to his stipulations during the remainder of his life. From that day, be ceased to be the enemy of the white man; and as he was not one who could act a negative part, he became the firm ally and friend of those against whom his tomahawk had been so long raised in vindictive animosity. He was their friend, not from sympathy or conviction, but in obedience to a necessity whic left no middle course, and under a belief that submission alone could save his tribe from destruction; and having adopted this policy, his sagacity and sense of honor, alike forbade a recurrence either to open war or secret hostility. He was the principal chief of the Shawanoe nation, and possessed all the influence and authority which are usually attached to that office, at the period when Tecumseh and his brother the Prophet commenced their hostile operations against the United States." When Tecumseh and the Prophet embarked in their scheme for the recovery of the lands as far south as the Ohio river, it became their interest as well as policy to enlist Black Hoof in the enterprise; and every effort which the genius of the one, and the cunning of the other, could devise, was brought to bear upon him. But Black Hoof continued faithful to the treaty which he had signed at Greenville, in 1795, and by prudence and influence kept the greater part of his tribe from joining the standard of Tecumseh or engaging on the side of the British in the late war with England. In that contest he became the ally of the United States, and although he took no active part in it, he exerted a very salutary influence over his tribe. In January, 1813, he visited Gen. Tupper's camp, at Fort McArthur, and while there, about ten o'clock one night, when sitting by the fire in company with the (General and several other officers, some one fired a pistol through a hole in the wall of tiw 5 33 ALLEN COUNTY. nut, and shot Black Hoof in the face: the ball entered the cheek, glanced against tie bone, and finally lodged in his neck: he fell, and for some time was supposed to be dead, but revived, and afterwards recovered from this severe wound. The most prompt and diligent inquiry as to the author of this cruel and dastardly act, failed to lead to his detection. No doubt was entertained that this attempt at assassination was made by a white man, stimulated perhaps by no better excuse than the memory of some actual or ideal wrong, inflicted on some of his own race by an unknown hand of kindred color with that of his intended victim. Black Hoof was opposed to polygamy, and to the practice of burning prisoners. He is reported to have lived forty years with one wife, and to have reared a numerous famnlily of children, who both loved and esteemed him. His disposition was cheerful, and his conversation sprightly and agreeable. In stature he was small, being not more than five feet eight inches in height. He was favored with good health, and unimpaired eye sight to the period of his death. BLUE JACKET, OR WEYAPIERSENWAH.-In the campaign of General Harmar, in the year 1790, Blue Jacket was associated with the Miami chief, Little Turtle, in the command of the Indians. In the battle of the 20th of August, 1794, when the combined army of the Indians was defeated by General Wayne, Blue Jacket had the chief control. The night previous to the battle, while the Indians were posted at Presque Isle, a council was held, composed of chiefs from the Miamis, Potawatimies, Delawares, Shawanoes, Chippewas, Ottawas and Senecas-the seven nations engaged in the action. They decided against the proposition to attack General Wayne that night in his encampment. The expediency of meeting him the next day then came up for consideration. Little Turtle was opposed to this measure, but being warmly supported by Blue Jacket, it was finally agreed upon. The former was strongly inclined to peace, and decidedly opposed to risking a battle under the circumstances in which the Indians were then placed. "We have beaten the enemy," said he, "twice, under separate commanders. We cannot expect the same good fortune always to attend us. The Americans are now led by a chief who never sleeps. The night and the day are alike to him; and, during all the time that he has been marching upon our villages, notwithstanding the watchfulness of our young men, we have never been able to surprise him. Think well of it. There is something whispers me, it would be prudent to listen to his offers of peace." The councils of Blue Jacket, however, prevailed over the better judgment of Little Turtle. The battle was fought and the Indians defeated. In the month of October following this defeat, Blue Jacket concurred in the expediency of sueing for peace, and at the head of a deputation of chiefs, was about to bear a flag to General Wayne, then at Greenville, when the mission was arrested by foreign influence. Governor Sinicoe, Colonel McKee and the Mohawk chief, Captain John Brant, having in charge one hundred and fifty Mohawks and Messasagoes, arrived at the rapids of the Maumee, and invited the chiefs of the combined army to meet them at the mouth of the Detroit river, on the 10th of October. To this Blue Jacket assented, for the purpose of hearing what the British officers had to propose. Governor Simcoe urged the Indians to retain their hostile attitude towards the United States. In referring to the encroachments of the people of this country on the Indian lands, he said, "Children: I am still of the opinion that the Ohio is your right and title. I have given orders to the commandant of Fort Miami to fire on the Americans whenever they make their appearance again. I will go down to Quebec, and lay your grievances before the great man. From thence they will be forwarded to the king your father. Next spring you will know the result of every thing what you and I will do." He urged the Indians to obtain a cessation of hostilities, until the following spring, when the English would be ready to attack the Americans, and by driving them back across the Ohio, restore their lands to the Indians. These councils delayed the conclusion of peace until the following summer. Blue Jacket was present at the treaty of Greenville, in 1795, and conducted himself with moderation and dignity. Westminster, Lafayette, Allentown, Gallatin, St. Johns and Uniopolis are small places, the largest of which, Westminster, does not contain over 45 dwellings. Fort Amanda, a stockade in the last war, was on a commanding site on the west bank of the Big Anglaise, near the western line of the county, and on the site of an old Ottawa town. It was built by Kentucky troops, and named after some favorite lady of that state. 34 ASHLAND COUNTY. ASHLAND. ASHLAND was formed February 26th, 1846. The surface on the south is hilly, the remainder of the county rolling. The soil of the upland is a sandy loam; of the valleys-which comprise a large part of the county-a rich sandy and gravelly loam, and very prcductive. The principal crop is wheat, of which probably no portion of the state, of equal extent, produces more. A great quantity of oats, corn, potatoes, &c., is raised, and grass and fruit in abundance. A majority of the population are of Pennsylvania origin. Its present territory originally comprised the townships of Vermillion, Montgomery, Orange, Green and Hanover, with parts of Monroe, Mifflin, Milton and Clear Creek, of Richland county; also the principal part of the townships of Jackson, Perry, Mohecan and Lake, of Wayne county; of Sullivan and Troy, Lorain county; and Ruggles, of Huron county. This tract, in 1840, contained a popillation of about 20,000, or 50 inhabitants to a square mile. Public Buildings in Ashland. Ashland, the county seat, was laid out in 1816, by William Montgomery, and bore, for many years, the name of Uniontown; it was changed to its present name in compliment to Henry Clay, whose seat near Lexington, Ky., bears that name. Daniel Carter, from Butler co., Pa., raised the first cabin in the county, about the year 1811, which stood where the store of Wm. Granger now is, in Ashland. Robert Newell, 3 miles east, and Mr. Fry, 1II miles north of the village, raised cabins about the same time. In 1817, the first store was opened by Joseph Sheets, in a frame building now kept as a store by the widow Yonker. Joseph Sheets, David Markley, Samuel Ury, Nicholas Shaffer, Alanson Andrews, Elias Slocum and George W. Palmer were among the first settlers of the place. Ashland is a flourishing village, 89 miles NW. of Columbus, and 14 from Mansfield. It contains 5 churches, viz: 2 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal Methodist, 1 Lutheran, and 1 Disciples, 9 dry goods, 4 grocery, 1 book, and 2 drug stores, 2 newspaper printing offices, a flourishing 35 I ASHLAND COUNTY. classical academy, numbering over 100 pupils of both sexes, and a population estimated at 1300. The above view was taken in front of the site selected for the erection of a court house, the Methodist church building-seen on the left-being now used for that purpose: the structures with steeples, commencing on the right, are the 1st Presbyterian church, the academy, and the 2d Presbyterian church. At the organization of the first court of common pleas for this county, at Ashland, an old gentleman, by the name of David Burns, was one of the grand jurors, who, as a remarkable fact, it is said, was also a member of the first grand jury ever empaneled in Ohio. The court met near the mouth of Wegee creek, in Belmont county, in 1795: the country being sparsely settled, he was compelled to travel forty miles to the place of holding court. Jeromeville, 8 miles SE. of Ashland, on Lake Fork of Mohiccan, contains 6 stores and about 500 people. In the late war, it was the only settlement within the present limits of the county, and consisted of a few families, who erected pickets for their safety. There was at that time a Frenchman, named Jerome, who resided there and gave name to the locality. He had been an Indian trader, and had taken a squaw for a wife. The people of that nation always became more easily domesticated among the Aborigines than the English. From very early times it was the policy of the French government not to allow their soldiers to take wives with them into the wilderness. Hence the soldiers and traders frequently married among the Indians, and were enabled to sustain themselves with far less difficulty. The Delaware Indians had a settlement at or near Jeromeville, which they left at the beginning of the war. Their chief was old Captain Pipe, who resided near the road to Mansfield, one mile south of Jeromeville. When young he was a great warrior, and the implacable foe of the whites. He was in St. Clair's defeat, where, according to his own account, he distinguished himself and slaughfered white men until his arm was weary with the work. He had a daughter of great beauty. A young chief, of noble mien, became in love with her, and on his suit being rejected, mortally poisoned himself with the May apple. A Captain Pipe, whose Indian name was Tauhangecaupouye, removed to the small Delaware Reserve, in the upper part of Marion county, and when his tribe sold out, about 20 years since, accompanied them to the far west, where he has since died. Louidonville 18 s., Rowsburg 9 E., Savannah 7 NW., Orange 4 E., and Haysville 8 s. of Ashland, are villages having each from 50 to 60 dwellings. At the last is the Haysville Literary Institute: the building is a substantial brick edifice. Sullivan 14 NE., and Perrysville 18 sw., have each but a few dwellings. 36 ASHTABULA COUNTY. ASHTABULA. ASHTABULA was formed June 7, 1807, from Trumbull and Geauga and organized January 22, 1811. The name of the county was derived from Ashtabula river, which signifies, in the Indian language, Fish river. For a few miles parallel with the lake shore it is level, the remainder of the surface slightly undulating, and the soil generally clay. Butter and cheese are the principal articles of export. Generally, not sufficient wheat is raised for home consumption, but the soil is quite productive in corn and oats. The following is a list of its townships, in 1840, with their population. Andover, 881 Ashtabula, 1711 Austinburg, 1048 Cherry Valley, 689 Conneaut, 2650 Denmark, 176 Geneva, 1215 Harpersfield, 1399 Hartsgrove, 553 . Jefferson, 710 The population of the county, in 1820, was 7,369; in 1830, 14,584; in 1840, 23,724, or 34 inhabitants to a square mile. This county is memorable from being not only the first settled on the Western Reserve, but the earliest in the whole of northern Ohio. The incidents connected with its early history, although unmarked by scenes of military adventure, are of an interesting nature. They have been well collected and preserved by the Ashtabula Historical Society. This association, with a praiseworthy industry, have collected nearly a thousand folio pages of manuscript, relating principally to this county. Some of the articles are finely written, and as a whole, give a better idea of the toils, privations, customs and mode of pioneer life than any work that has ever met our notice. From this collection we have extracted nearlv all the historical materials embodied under the head of this county. On the 4th of July, 1796, the first surveying party of the Western Reserve landed at the mouth of Conneaut creek. Of this event, John Barr, Esq., in his sketch of the Western Reserve, in the National Magazine for December, 1845, has given a narration. The sons of revolutionary sires, some of Lhem sharers of themselves in the great baptism of the republic, they made the anniversary of their country's freedom a day of ceremonial and rejoicing. They felt that they had arrived at the place of their labors, the-to many of them-sites of home, as little alluring, almost as crowded with dangers, as were the levels of Jamestown, or the rocks of Plymouth to the ancestors who had preceded them in the conquest of the seacoast wilderness of this continent. From old homes and friendly and social associations, they were almost as completely exiled as were the cavaliers who debarked upon the shores of Virginia, or the Puritans who sought the strand of Massachusetts. Far away as they were from the villages of their birth and boyhood; before them the trackless forest, or the untraversed lake, yet did they resolve to cast fatigue and privation and 37 Kingsville, Lenox, Milford, Monroe, Morgan, NeLyme, Orwell, Phelps, Pi erpont, Plymouth, Richmond, Rome, Saybrook, Sheffield, Trumbull, Wayne, Williamsfield Windsor, 1420 550 173 1326 643 527 458 530 639 706 384 765 934 683 439 76'i 892 875 ASIITAB3ULA COUNTY. peril from their thoughts for the time being, and give to the day its due, to patriotism its awards. Mustering their numbers, they sat them down on the eastward shore of the stream now known as Conneaut, and, dipping fiom the lake the liquor in which they pledged their country-their goblets some tin cups of no rare workmanship, yet every way answerable, with thile ordnance accompaniment of two or three fowling pieces discharging. the required national salute-the first settlers of the Reserve spent their landing-day as became the sons of the Pilgrim Fathers-as the advance pioneers of a population that has Conneaut,* the Plymouth of the Reserve, in July, 1796. since made the then wilderness of northern Ohio to "blossom as the rose," and prove the homes of a people as remarkable for integrity, industry, love of country, moral truth and enlightened legislation, as any to be found within thie territorial limits of their ancestral New England. The whole party numbered, on this occasion, fifty-two persons, of whom two were females, (Mrs. Stiles and Mrs. Gunn, and a child.) As these individuals were the advance of after millions of population, their names become worthy of record, and are therefore given, viz.: Moses Clevelan'd, agent of the company; Augustus Porter, principal surveyor; Seth Pease, Moses Warren, Amos Spafford, Milton Hawley, Richard M. Stoddard, surveyors; Joshua Stowe, commissary; Theodore Shepard, physician; Joseph Tinker, principal boatman; Joseph Mcintyre, George Prou(ilfoot, Francis Gay, Samuel Forbes, Elijah Gunn, wife and child, Amos Sawtenr, Stephen Benton, Amos Barber, Samuel Hungerford, William B. Hall, Samuel Davenport, Asa Mason, Amzi Atwater, Michael Coffin, Elisha Ayres, Thomas Harris, Norman Wilcox, Timothy Dunham, George Goodwin, Shadrach Benham, Samuel Agnew, Warhaln Shepard, David Bear4, John Briant? Titus V. Munson, Joseph Landon, Job V. Stiles and wife, Charles Parker, Ezekiel Hawley, Nathaniel Doan, Luke Hanchet, James Hasket, James Hamilton, Olney F. Rice, John Lock, and four others whose names are not mentioned. On the 5th of July, the w,orkmen of the expedition were employed in the erection of a large, awkwardly constructed log building; locating it on the sandy beach on the east shore of the streamn, and naming it " Stow Castle," after one of the party. This became the storehouse of the provisions, &c., and the dwelling-place of the families. The spot where the above described scene took place, has much altered in the lapse of half a century. One of the party, Amzi Atwater, Esq., now living in Portage county, in a communication before us, says: * The view was constructed from a sketch as the place is now, altered to represent its ancient appearance. The word Conneaut, in the Seneca language, signifies " many fish";' and was applied originally to the river. 38 . ASIITABULA COUNTY. It was then a mere L'and beach overgrown with timber, some of it of considerable size, which we cut to build the house and for other purposes. The mouth of the creek, like others of the lake streams in those days, was frequently choked up with a sand bar so that no visible harbor appeared for several days. This would only happen when the streams were low and after a high wind either down the lake or directly on shore for several days. I have passed over all the lake streams of this state east of the Cuyahoga and most of those in New York on hard, dry sand bars, and I have been told that the Cuyahoga has been so. They would not long continue, for as soon as the wind had subsided and the water in the streams had sufficiently risen, they would often cut their way through the bar in a different place and form new channels. Thus the mouths of the streams were oontinually shifting until the artificial harbors were built. Those blessed improvements have in a great measure remedied those evils and made the mouths of the streams far more healthy. Judge James Kingsbury, who arrived at Conneaut shortly after the surveying party, wintered with his family at this place in a cabin which stood on a spot now covered by the waters of the lake. This was about the first family that wintered on the Reserve. The story of the sufferings of this family has often been told, but in the midst of plenty, where want is unknown, can with difficulty be appreciated. The surveyors, in the prosecution of their labors westwardly, had principally removed their stores to Cleveland, while the family of Judge Kingsbury remained at Conneaut. Being compelled by business to leave in the fall for the state of New York, with the hope of a speedy return to his family, the Judge was attacked by a severe fit of sickness confining him to his bed until the setting in of winter. As soon as able he proceeded on his return as far as Buffalo, where he hired an Indian to guide him through the wilderness. At Presque Isle, anticipating the wants of his family, he purchased twenty pounds of flour. In crossing Elk Creek on the ice, he disabled his horse, left him in the snow, and mounting his flour on his own back, pursued his way filled with gloomy forebodings in relation to the fate of his family. On his arrival late one evening, his worst apprehensions were more than realized in a scene agonizing to the husband and father. Stretched on her cot lay the partner of his cares, who had followed him through all the dangers and hardships of the wilderness without repining, palt and emaciated, reduced by meagre famine to the last stages in which life can be supported, and near the mother, on a little pallet, were the remains of his youngest child, born in his absence, who had just expired for the want of that nourishment which the mother, deprived of sustenance, was unable to give. Shut up by a gloomy wilderness, she was far distant alike from the aid or sympathy of friends, filled with anxiety for an absent husband, suffering with want and destitute of necessary assistance, and her children expiring around her with hunger. Such is the picture presented, by which the wives and daughters of the present day may form some estimate of the hardships endured by the pioneers of this beautiful country. It appears that Judge Kingsbury, in order to supply the wants of his family, was under the necessity of transporting his provisions from Cleveland on a hand sled, and that himself and hired man drew a barrel of beef the whole distance at a single load. Mr. Kingsbury has since held several important judicial and legislative trusts, and is yet living in Newberg, about four miles distant from Cleveland. He was the first who thrust a sickle into the first whieat field planted on the soil of the Reserve. His wife was interred at Cleveland, about the year 1843. The fate of her childthe first white child born on the Reserve, starved to death for want of nourishment-will not soon be forgotten. The harbor of Conneaut is now an important point of transhipment. It has a pier, with a lighthouse upon it, 2 forwarding houses, and 11 dwellings. Several vessels ply from here, and it is a frequent stopping place for steamers. Two miles south of the harbor, 22 from Jefferson, 28 from Erie, Pa., is the borough of Conneaut,.. ......... on the west bank of Conneaut creek. It contains 1 Baptist, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist, and I Christian church, 11 mercantile 39 ASHTABULA COUNTY. stores, 1 newspaper printing office, a fine classical academy, Mr. L. W. Savage and Miss Mary Booth, Principals, and about 1000 inhabitants. East and West Conneaut and South Ridge are small places in this, the township of Conneaut, which once bore the name of Salem. The first permanent settlement in Conneaut was in 1799. Thomas Montgomery and Aron Wright settled here in the spring of 1798. Robert Montgomery and family, Levi and John Montgomery, Nathan and John King, and Samuel Bemus and family came the same season. When the settlers arrived, some twenty or thirty Indian cabins were still standing, which were said to present an appearance of neatness and comfort not usual with this race. TI'he Massauga tribe, which inhabited the spot, were obliged to leave in consequence of the murder of a white mall named Williams. Two young men taken at the defeat of St. Clair, were said to have been prisoners for a considerable time among the India,4ns of this village. On their arrival at Conneaut they were made to run the gauntlet, and received the orthodox number of blows and kicks usual on such occasions. In solemn council it was resolved that the life of Fitz Gibbon should be saved, but the other, whose name is not recollected, was condemned to be burned. He was bound to a tree, a large quantity of hickory barks tied into faggots and piled around him. But from the horrors of the most painful of deaths he was saved by the interposition of a young squaw belonging to the tribe. Touched by sympathy she interceded in his behalf; and by her expostulations, backed by several packages of fur and a small sum of money, succeeded in effecting his deliverance: an act in the lowly Indian maid which entitles her name to be honorably recorded with that of Pocahontas, among the good and virtuous of every age. There were mounds situated in the eastern part of the village of Conneaut and an extenlsive burying ground near the Presbyterian church, which appear to have had no connection with the burying places of the Indians. Among the human bones found in the mounds were some belonging to men of gigantic structure. Some of the skulls* were of sufficient capacity to admit the head of an ordinary man, and jaw bones that might have been fitted on over the face with equal facility: the other bones were proportionably large. The burying ground referred to contained about four acres, and with the exception of a slight angle in conformity with the natural contour of the ground, was in the form of an oblong square. It appeared to have been accurately surveyed into lots running from north to south, and exhibited all the order and propriety of arrangement deemed necessary-to constitute Christian burial. On the first examination of the ground by the settlers, they found it covered with the ordinary forest trees, with an opening near the centre containing a single butternut. The graves were distinguished by slight depressions disposed in straight rows, and were estimated to number from two to three thousand. On examination in 1800, they were found to contain human bones, invariably blackened by time, which on exposure to the air, soon crumbled to dust. Traces of ancient cultivation observed by the first settlers on the lands of the vicinity, although covered with forest, exhibited signs of having once been thrown up into squares and terraces, and laid out into gardens. There is a fragment or chip of a tree in the possession of the Historical Society, which is a curiosity. The tree of which that was a chip, was chopped down and butted off for a saw log, about three feet from the ground, some thirty rods SE. of Fort Hill, in Conneaut, in 1829, by Silas A. Davis, on land owned by B. H. King. Some marks were found upon it near the heart of the tree. The Hon. Nehemiah King, with a magnifying glass, counted 350 annualer rings in that part of the stump, outside of these marks. Deducting * In the spring of 1815, a mound on Harbor street, Conneaut, was cut through for a road. One morning succeeding a heavy rain, a Mr. Walker, who was up very early, picked up a jaw bone together with an artificial tooth which lay near. He brought them forthwith to Mr. P. R. Spencer, at present the Secretary of the Ashtabula Historical Society, who fitted the tooth in a cavity from which it had evidently fallen. The tooth was metallic, probably silver, but little was then thought of the circumstance. 40 ASHTABULA COUNTY. 350 firom 1829, leaves 1479, which must have been the year when these cuts were made. This was 13 years before the discovery of America, by Columbus. It perhaps was done by the race of the mounds, with an axe of copper, as that people had the art of hardening that metal so as to cut like steel. The adventure of Mr. Salmon Sweatland, of Conneaut, who crossed Lake Erie in an open canoe, in September, 1817, is one of unusual interest. He had been accustomed, with the aid of a neighbor, Mr. Cozzens, and a few hounds, to drive the deer into the lake, where, pursuing them in a canoe, he shot them with but little difficulty. The circumstances which took place at this time, are vividly given in the annexed extract from the records of the Historical Society. It was a lovely morning in early autumn, and Sweatland, in anticipation of his favorite sport, had risen at the first dawn of light, and without putting on his coat or waistcoat left his cabin, listening in the mean time in expectation of the approach of the dogs. His patience was not put to a severe trial ere his ears were saluted by the deep baying of the hounds, and on arriving at the beach he perceived that the deer had already taken to the lake, and was moving at some distance from the shore. In the enthusiasm of the moment he threw his hat upon the beach, his canoe was put in requisition, and shoving fronm the shore he was soon engaged in a rapid and animated parsait.'The wind, which had been fiesh from the south during the night and gradually increasing, was now blowing nearly a gale, but intent on securing his prize, Sweatland was not in a situation to yield to the dictates of prudence. The deer, which was a vigorous animal of its kind, hoisted its flag of defiance, and breasting the waves stoutly showed that ini a race with a log canoe and a single paddle, he was not easily outdone. Sweatland had attained a considerable distance firom the shore and encountered a heavy sea before overtaking the animral, but was not apprized of the enliinent peril of his situation until shooting past him the deer turned towards the shore. He was however brought to a full appreciation of his d-anger when, on tacking his flail vessel and heading towards the land, he found that with his utmost exertions he could make no progress in the desired direction, but was continually drifting farther to sea. He had been observed in his outward progress by Mr. Cousins, who had arrived immediately alter the hounds, and by his own family, and as he disappeared firom sight, considerable apprehensions were entertained for his safety. The alarm was soon given in the neighborhood, and it was decided by those competent to judge that his return would be impossible, and that unless help could be afforded hlie was doomed to perish at sea. Actuated by those generous irrmpulses that often induce men to peril their ownI lives to preserve those of others, Messrs. Gilbert, Cousins and Belden took a light boat at the mouth of the creekl and proceeded in search of the wanderer, with the determination to make every effort for his relief. They met the deer returning towards the shore nearly exhausted, but the man who was the object of their solicitude was no where to be seen. They made stretches off shore within probable range of the fugitive for some hours, until they had gained a distance of five or six miles fiom land, when meeting with a sea. in which they judged it iiimpossible for a canoe to live, they abandoned the search, returned with difficulty to the shore, and Sweatland wa,- given up for lost. The canoe in which he was embarked was dug fiom a large whitewood log, by Major James Brookes, for a fishing boat: it was about fourteen feet in length and rather wide in proportion, and was considered a superior one of the kind. Sweatland still continued to lie off, still heading towards the land, with the faint hope that the wind might abate, or that aid might reach him fiom the shore. One or two schooners were in sight in course of the day, and he made every signal in his power to attract their attention, but without success. The shore continued in sight, and in tracing its distant outline he could distinguish the spot where his cabin stood, within whose holy precincts were contained the cherished objects of his affections, now doubly endeared f,om the prospect of losing them forever. As these familiar objects receded from view, and the shores appeared to sink beneath the troubled waters, the last tie which united him in companionship to his fellow-men seemed dissolved, and the busy world, with all its interests, forever hidden from his sight. Fortunately Sweatland possessed a cool head and a stout heart, which, united with a 6 41 ASHTABULA COUNTY. tolerable share of physical strength and power of endurance, eminently qualified him for the part he was to act in this emergency. He was a good sailor, and as such would not yield to despondency until the last expedient had been exhausted. One only expedient remained, that of putting before the wind and endeavoring to reach the Canada shore, a distance of about fifty miles. This he resolved to embrace as his forlorn hope. It was now blowing a gale, and the sea was evidently increasing as he proceeded from the shore, and yet he was borne onwards over the dizzy waters by a power that no human agency could control. He was obliged to stand erect, moving cautiously fromn one ex tremity to the other, in order to trim his vessel to the waves, well aware that a single lost stroke of the paddle, or a tottering movement, would swamp his fiail bark and bring his adventure to a fiial close. Much of his attention was likewise required in bailing his canoe from thle water, an operation which he was obliged to perform by nmaking use of his shoes, a substantial, pair of stoggies, that happened fortunately to be upon his feet. Hitherto he had been blessed with the cheerful light of heaven, and amidst all his perils could say, "The light is sweet, and it is a pleasant thing for the eyes to behold the sun," but to add to his distress, the shades of night were now gathering around him, and lie was soon enveloped in darkness. The sky was overcast, and the light of a few stats that twinkled through the haze alone remained to guide his path over the dark and troubled waters. In this fearful condition, destitute of food and the necessary clothing, his log canoe was rocked upon the billows during that long and terrible night. When miorning appeared he was in sight of land, and found he had made Long Point, on the Canada shore. Here he was met by an adverse wind and a cross sea, but the same providential aid which had guided him thus far still stustainecd and protected him; and after being buffeted by the winds and waves for nearly thirty hours, he succeeded in reaching the land in safety. What were the emotions lihe experienced on treading once more "the green atnd solid earth," we shall not attempt to inquire, but his trials were not yet ended. lie found himself faint with hunger and exhausted with fatigue, at the distance of forty miles firom any human habitation, whilst the country that intervened was a desert filled with marshes and tangled thickets, from which nothing could be obtained to supply his wants. These difficulties, together with the reduced state of his strength, rendered his progress towards the settlements slow and toilsome. On his way he found a quantity of goods, supposed to have been driven on shore firom the wreck of some vessel, which, although they afforded him no immediate relief, were afterwards of material service. He ultimately arrived at the settlement, and was received and treated with great kindness and hospitality by the people. After his strength was sufficiently recruited, he returned with a boat, accompanied by some of the inhabitants, and brought off the goods. From this place he proceeded by land to Buffalo, where, with the avails of his treasure, he furnished himself in the garb of a gentleman, and finding the Traveler, Capt. Chas. Brown, from Conneaut, in the harbor, hlie shipped on board and was soon on his way to rejoin his family. When the packet arrived off his dwelling, they fired guns from the deck and the crew gave three loud cheers. On landing, he found his funeral sermon had been preached, and had the rare privilege of seeing his own widow clothed in the habiliments of mourning. The first regular settlement made within the present limits of the county was at Harpersfield, on the 7th of March, 1798. Alexander Harper, Wm. M'Farland and Ezra Gregory, with their families, started from Harpersfield, Delaware county, New York, and after a long and fatiguing journey arrived on the last of June, at their new homes in the wilderness. This little colony of about twenty persons, endured much privation in the first few months of their residence. The whole population of the Reserve amounted to less than 150 souls, viz: ten families at Youngstown, three at Cleveland, and two at Mentor. In the same summer three families came to Burton, and Judge Hudson settled at Hudson. Cut short of their expected supplies of provision for the winter, by the loss of a vessel they had chartered for that purpose, the little colony came near perishing by famine, having at one time been reduced to six kernels of parched corn to each person; but they were saved by the intrepidity of the sons of Col. Harper, James and William. These young men made frequent journies to Elk Creek, Pa., from which they packed on their backs bags of corn, which was about all the provision the settlers had to sustain life during a long and tedious winter. Some few of their iournies were perfbrmed on the ice of Lake Erie, whenever it 42 ASTITA',:'UL. COUNTY. was sufficiently strong to hear themn. which " as sl(lom. On the first occasion of this kind they were progressing finely on the ice. when their sled broke through into the water. A third person who 1happened to be with thleni at this titiiie exclaimed," What shall we do?" ".Let it go," Jamrnes replied. " No "' exclaimed Williarn, who was of a (lifferent temperament, " you go into the woods and strike a file while I get the grain." Ile then with great difficulty secured the graili, by which operation he got completely wet through, and a cutting wind soon convertedl his clothing into a sheet of ice. He then went in search of his companions and was disappointed in finding they had not built a fire. The truth was, they had grown so sleeply with the intense cold as to be unable to strike fire. He soon had a cheerful blaze, and then converted himself into a nurse for the other two, who on getting warm were deadly sick. I ____________ I t1!II liltitslllil - _________ ___ II _ -'.' ".. - -'Illi! liii' I lIiJt . JEFERSiN HOUSL County Buildings at Jefferson. Jefferson, the county seat, is 56 miles firom Cleveland and 204 NE. of Columbus. It is an incorporated borough, laid out regularlv on a level plat of around, and contains 3 stores, 1 Pres., 1 Pap., 1 Episcopal, and 1 Methodist Church, aid 73 dwellings. The township of the same name in which it is situated, was originally owned by Gideon Granger of Conn. In the spring of 1804 he sent out Mr. Eldad Smith from Suffield in that state, who first opened a bridle path to Austinburg, and sowed and fenced ten acres of wheat. In the summer of the next year, Michael Webster, Jr., and family, and Jonathan Warner, made a permanent settlement. In the fall following, the family of James Wilson built a cabin on the site of the tavern shown in the view. The court house was finished in 1810 or'11, and the first court held in 1811; Timothy R. Hawley, Clerk, Quintus F. Atkins, Sheriff. Ashtabula is on Ashtabula river, on the Buffalo and Cleveland road, 8 miles from Jefferson. It is a pleasant village, adorned with neat dwellings and shrubbery. The borough contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist, and 1 Baptist church, 10 mercantile stores, and a population estimated at 1200. The harbor of Ashtabula is 21 miles from the village at the mouth of the river. It has seveiral forwarding establishments, 20 or 30 houses, the lake steamers stop there, and considerable business is carried on; about a dozen vessels are owned at this port. The corn It 43 46 ASHTABULA COUNTY. mercial business of this and Lake county has been much injured by - the internal improvement svstem of the state, which has diverted the back country trade into other channels. When the Erie canal North Public Square, Ashtabula. was finished, Northern Ohio felt its invigorating effects, for from the depression of the times after the late war, until the opening of that canal and the commencement of steami navigation on the lake, business languished and made but little progress. The invigorating effects of that work prompted a spirit in Ohio for similar enterprises. The representatives of this vicinity in the legislature drank deeply of the general enthusiasm, although aware that in any event their constituents would receive but a general benefit. The prosperity of Ashtabula received a severe shock in the loss of the steamer Washington, destroyed by fire on Lake Erie, off Silver Creek, in June, 1838, by which nmisfortune about 40 lives were lost. This boat was built at Ashtabula harbor, and most of her stock was owned by persons of moderate circumstances in this place. She was commanded by Capt. N. W. Brown. A passenger who was on board published, a few days after, the following account of this disastrous event. The W. left Cleveland on her passage down from Detroit, June 14th, at 8 A. M., proceeded on her way until Saturday 2 o'clock, A. M., when she arrived in the vicinity of Silver Creek, about 33 miles from Buffalo. The boat was discovered to be on fire, which proceeded from beneath the boilers. The passengers were alarmed, and aroused from their slumbers; such a scene of confiusion and distress ensued as those only of my readers can imagine who have been in similar circumstances. Despair did not however completely possess the mass, until it became evident that the progress of the flames could not be arrested. From that moment the scene beggars all description. Suffice it to say, that numbers precipitated themselves from the burning mass into the water; some of them with a shriek of despair, and others silently sunk beneath the waves; others momentarily more fortunate swam a short distance and drowned; others still, on pieces of boards and wood, arrived on the beach; yet some even of them, sank into a watery grave. The small boat had by this time put off loaded with about 25 souls for the shore. Those arrived safe, picking up one or two by the way. 'I'he writer of this article was one of the number. Other small boats came to our assistance, which, together with the Washington's boat, saved perhaps a majority of the passengers on board. There is reason to believe that as many as 40 perished. It is impossible to compulete the precise number. Many remained on the boat till it was wrapped in one sheet of flame. Of those there is reason to believe that numbers perished in the conflagration; while others, half burned, precipitated themselves into the watery element, thus 44 ASHTA BULA COUNTY. suffering the double agency of death by fire and water. Most of the crew were saved, the Captain among the number, who, during the awful calamity, acted with the utmost decisionII and intrepidity. Indeed, no blame, so far as the writer has been informed, has been attached to any officer or hand on the boat. The utmost exertion was used to move her on the shore, until it became necessary to stop the enginie in order to let down the small boat, which having been done, the fire had progressed so far as to render it impossible to again start the machinery. I give a few particulars of the losses of the passengers. Mr. Shudds is the only survivor of his family of seven. A lady passenger lost three children, a sister and mother. Mr. Michael Parker lost his wife and parents, sister and her child. But I will not firther continue the cases of individual berea veincit., Kingsville, 14 miles NF,. of Jefferson, (contains 1 Baptist, 1 Piesbyterian, and 1 Methodist church; 3 stores, a woolen factory, and about 4(00 people. It is a pleasant village and his a public square on which stand the churches. It is surrounded by a fine and intelligent agricultural community. At this place is the Kingsville Academy, a thriving institution, in good repute, with about 13, pupils, under the charge of Mr. Z. Graves, and supported by the public spirit of the vicinity. The water privileges are good at Kingsville: Conneaut creek runs near the village, on whichi are several mills and factories, and a branch runs through it, on which, within half a mile, are 5 improved water privileges. Six miles westerly from Jefferson is Austinburg, a village similar in character to the above. It contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Congregational, and 1 Free Will Baptist church, and about 300 people. West of the town, on a commanding site, is the Grand River Institute, Rev. Thomas Tenney, Principal. The buildings are spacious and comfortable and the institution flourishing, having a large fund for its support and about 150 pupils of both sexes. The original proprietors of this township were Win. Battell, of Torringford, Solomon Rockwell & Co., of Winchester, and Eliphalet Austin, of New Hartford, Ct. By the instrumentality of Judge Austin, from whom the town was named, two families moved to this place from Connecticut in 1799. The Judge preceded them a short time driving, in company with a hired man, some cattle 150 miles through the woods on an Indian trail, while the rest came in a boat across the lake. There was at this time a few families at Harpersfield; at Windsor, southwest, about 20 miles, a family or two; also at Elk creek, 40 miles northeast, and at Vernon, 40 miles southeast, were several families, all of whom were in a destitute condition for provisions. In the year 1800, another family moved from Norfolk, Conn. In the spring of 1801, there was an accession of ten families to the settlement, principally from Norfolk, Conn. Part of these came from Buffalo by water, and part by land through the wilderness. During that season wheat was carried to mill at Elk creek, a distance of 40 miles, and in some instances one half was given for carrying it to mill and returning it in flour. On Wednesday, October 24th, 1801, a church was constituted at Austinburg with sixteen members. This was the first church on the Western Reserve, and was founded by the Rev. Joseph Badger, the first missionary on the Reserve, a sketch of whom is in another part of this volume. It is a fact worthy of note, that in 1802, Mr. 45 ASIITABULA COUNTY. Badger moved his family from Buffalo to this town, in the first wag on that ever came from that place to the Reserve. In 1803,.Aus tinburg, Morgan and Harpersfield experienced a revival of religion I)y which about 35 from those places united with the church at Aus tinburg. This revival was attended with the phenomena of" bodily exercises," then common in the west. They have been classified by a clerical writer as 1 st, the Falling exercise; 2d, the Jerking exercise; 8d, the Rolling exercise; 4th, the Running exercise; 5th, the Dan cing exercise; 6th, the Barking exercise; 7th, Visions and Trances. We make room for an extract firom his account of the 2d of the series, which sufficiently characterises the remainder. It was familiarly called The Jerks, and the first recorded instance of its occurrence was at a sacrament in East Tennessee, when several hundred of both sexes were seized with this strange and involuntary contortion. The subject was instantaneously seized with spasms or coinvulsions in every muscle, nerve and tendon. His head was thrown or jerked from side to side with such rapidity that it was impossible to distinguish his visage, and the most lively fears were awakened lest he should dislocate his neck or dash out his brains. His body partook of the same impulse and was hurried on by like jerks over every obstacle, fallen trunks of trees, or in a church, over pews and benches, apparently to the most im minent danger of being bruised and mangled. It was useless to attempt to hold or restrain him, and the paroxysm was permitted gradually to exhaust itself. An additional motive for leaving him to himself was the superstitious notion that all attempt at restraint was resisting the spirit of God. The first form in which these spasmodic contortions made their appearance was that of a simple jerking of the arms from the elbows downwards. The jerk was very quick and sudden, and followed with short intervals. This was the simplest and most common form, but the convulsive motion was not confined to the arms; it extended in many instances to other parts of the body. When the joint of the neck was affected, the head was thrown backward and forward with a celerity fii'ightful to behold, and which was impossible to be imitated by persons who were not under the same stimulus. The bosom heaved, the coun tenance was disgustingly distorted, and the spectators were alarmed lest the neck should be broken. When the hair was loing, it was shaken with such quickness, backward and forward, as to crack and snap like the lash of a whip. Sometimes the muscles of the back were affected, and the patient was thrown down on the ground, when his contortions for some time resembled those of a live fish cast from its native element on the land. The most graphic description we have is fiom one who was not only an eye witness, but an apologist. He says, " Nothing in nature could better represent this strange and unaccountable operation, than for one to goad another, alternately on every side, with a piece of red hot iron. The exercise commonly began in the head, which would fly backward and forward, and from side to side, with a quick jolt, which the person would naturally labor to suppress, but in vain; and the more any one labored to stay himself and be sober, the more he staggered, anrid the more his twitches increased. He must necessarily go as he was inclined, whether with a violent dash on the ground, and bounce from place to place like a foot-ball, or hop round, with head, limbs and trunk twitching, and jolting in every direction, as if they must inevitably fly asunder. And how such could escape without injury, was no small wonder among spectators. By this strange operation the human frame was commonly so transformed and disfigured, as to lose every trace of its natural appearance. Sometimes the head would be twitched right and left, to a half round, with such velocity, that not a feature could be discovered, but the face appeared as much behind as before; and in the quick progressive jerk, it would seem as if the person was transmuted into some other species of creature. Head dresses were of little account among the female jerkers. Even handkerchiefs bound tight round the head would be flirted off almost with the first twitch, and the hair put into the utmost confusion; this was a very great inconvenience, to redress which the generality were shorn, though directly contrary to their confession of faith. Such as were seized with the jerks, were wrested at once, not only from under their own government, but that of every one else, so that it was dangerous to attempt confining them or touching them in any manner, to whatever danger they were exposed, yet few were hurt, except it were such as rebelled against the operation, through wilful and deliberate enmity, and refused to comply with the injunctions which it came to enforce." Front the universal testimony of those who have described these spasms, they appear to 46 ASHTABULA COUNTY. have been wholly involuntary. This remark is applicable also to all the other bodily exercises. What demonstrates satisfactorily their involuntary nature is, not only that, as above stated, the twitches prevailed in spite of resistance, and even more for attempts to suppress them; but that wicked men would be seized with them while sedulously guarding against an attack, and cursing every jerk when made. Travellers on their journey, and laborers at their daily work, were also liable to them. We conclude our sketch of the county with some amusing incidents, related in the Mss. of the Society; although trivial in themselves, they are important in illustration. There is a stream in Geneva, called " llorse's Slough," and it took its cognomen in this wise. For a time after the Spencers, Austin, Hale, and Morse commenced operations on the lake shore, in the NE. corner of Geneva, they plied their labors there only a week at the time, or as long as a back load of provisions, that each carried, might happen to last. Whatever time of the week they went out, those having families returned on Saturday night to the settlements, and those without, returned whenever out of provisions. The main portion of provisions by them thus transported, consisted of Indian or corn bread: and whoever has been used to the labors of the woods, swinging the axe, for instance, from sun to sun, and limited to that kind of diet almost solely, will know that it requires a johnny-cake of no slight dimensions and weight to last an axeman a whole week. It must, in short, be a mammoth of its species! Such a loaf, baked in a huge Dutch oven, was snugly and firmly pinioned to the back of James M. Morse, as he, with others, wended his way to the lake shore, intent upon the labors of the week. The stream was then nameless, but nevertheless had to be crossed, and Morse must cross it to reach the scene of his labors. Although a light man, he had become ponderous by the addition of this tremendous johnny-cake. The ice lay upon the streams, and men passed and re-passed unloaded without harm. Not so those borne down with such incumbrance as distinguished the back of Morse, who was foremost among the gang of pioneers, all marching in Indian file and similarly encumbered. They came to the stream. Morse rushed upon the ice-it trembled-cracked-broke-and in a moment he was initiated into the mysteries beneath, with the johnny-cake holding him firmly to the bottom. The water and mud, though deep, were not over his head. The company, by aid of poles, approached him, removed the Gloucester hump of deformity from his shoulders, relieved him from his uncouth and unenvied attitude, and while he stood dripping and quivering on the margin of the turbid element-amid a shout of laughter they named this stream "i Iorse's Slough." A young man by the name of Eliiah Thompson, of Geneva, was out hunting in the forest with his favorite dog. While thus engaged, his dog left him as if he scented game, and soon was engaged with a pack of seven wolves. Youing Thompson, more anxious for the dog than his own safety, rushed to the rescue, firing his rifle as he approached, and then clubbing it, made a fierce onset upon the enemy. His dog, being badly wounded and nearly exhausted, could give him no assistance, and the contest seemed doubtful. The wolves fought with desperation; but the young man laid about him with so much energy and agility, that his blows told well, and he soon had the satisfaction of seeing wolf after wolfskulk away under the blows which he dealt them, until he remained master of the field, when, with the remains of his rifle-the barrtl-on his shoulder, and his bleeding and helpless dog under his arm, he left the scene pan.ing and weary, though not materially injured in the conflict. Mrs. John Austin, of the same township, hearing, on one occasion, a bear among her hogs, determined to defeat his purpose. First hurrying her little children up a ladder into her chamber, for safety, in case she was overcome by the animal, she seized a rifle, and rushing to the spot saw the bear only a few rods distant, carrying off a hog into the woods, while the prisoner sent forth deafening squeals, accompanied by the rest of the sty in full chorus. Nothing daunted, she rushed forward to the scene with her rifle ready cocked, on which the monster let go his prize, raised himself upon his haunches and faced her. Dropping upon her knees to obtain a steady aim, and resting her rifle on the fence, within six feet of the bear, the intrepid female pulled the trigger. Perhaps fortunately for her, the rifle missed fire. Again and again she snapped her piece, but with the same result. The bear, after keeping his position some time, dropped down on all fours, ant leaving the hogs behind, retreated to the forest and resigned the field to the woman. The early settlers experienced great difficulty in preserving their swine from the ravages of wild beasts. Messrs. Morgan and Murrain, who, with their wives, iweit in the same cabin, had with difficulty procured a sow which, with her progeny, occupied a strong pen 47 ATHENS COUNTY. contiguous to the dwe,lling. During a dark night, their husb-nds being necessariiy absent, the repose of the ladles was disturbed by a very shrill serenade from the pen: arousing from their slumbers, they discovered a large bear making an assault upon the swine. They attempted, by loud screams and throwing fire brands, to terrify the animal; but not succeeding, they took an unloaded rifle, and having heard their husbands say that it required just two fingers of powder, they poured liberally into the muzzle, one of them in the meanwhile measuring lengthwise of her fingers, until the full amount was obtained, then driving in a ball they sallied out to the attack. One lady held the light, while the other fired the gun. Such another report, f;omn a tube of equal capacity, is seldom heard. The ladies both fell prostrate aind insensible, and the gui flew into the bushes. The bear was doubtless alarmed, but not materially injured. On the night of the 11th of August, 1812, the people of Conneaut were alarmed by a false report that the British were landing from some of their vessels. A sentinel, placed on the shore, descrying boats approaching, mistook them for the enemy. In his panic he threw away his musket, mounted his horse, and dashing through the settlement, cried with a stentorian voice, " turn out! turn out! save your lives, the British and Indians are landing, and will be on you in fifteen minutes!" The people, aroused from their beds, fled in the utmost terror to various places of covert in the forest. Those of East Conneaut had sheltered themselves in a dense grove, which being near the high road, it was deemed that the most perfect silence should be maintained. By that soothing attention mothers know how to bestow, the cries of the children were measurably stilled; but one little dog, from among his companions, kept up a continual unmitigated yelping. Various means having in vain been employed to still him, until the patience of the ladies was exhausted, it was nnauimously resolved, that that particular dog should die, and he was therefore sentenced to be hanged, without benefit of clergy. With the elastics supplied by the ladies, for a halter, and a young sapling for a gallows, the young dog passed from the shores of time to yelp no more. Rock Creek, 8 miles s. of Jefferson, contains 2 churches, 2 stores, 1 saw, 1 grist, 1 oil mill, 2 tanneries, and about 60 dwellings. It is on a creek of the same name, which furnishes considerable water. Eagleville is a somewhat smaller manufacturing village, 4 miles sw. of Jefferson, on Mill creek, a good mill stream. Windsor, 20 miles sw. of Jefferson, contains about 40 dwellings. There are other small villages in the county, generally bearing the names of the townships in which they are situated. ATHENS. ATHENS was formed from Washington, March 1, 1805, and derived lts name from Athens, its seat of justice. The surface is broken and hilly, with intervals of rich bottom lands. The hilly lands are covered with a fertile soil, and a heavy growth of trees. The principal crops are wheat, corn, oats and tobacco. Excellent coal abounds, iron ore is found in many places, and quantities of salt are made. The Hocking canal commences at Carrol, on the Ohio canal, in Fairfield county, and follows the river valley to Athens, a distance of 56 miles. The business, now small, is rapidly increasing. The coal trade of this valley is destined to be very great, ere many years. Below are the names of its townships, in 1840, with their population at that time. 48 ATHENS COUNTY. Alexander, 1450 Carthage, 737 Trimble, 762 Ames, 1431 Dover, 1297 Troy, 1056 Athens, 1593 Elk, 1261 Vinton, 227 Bern, 381 Lee, 848 Ward, 345 Brown, 257 Lodi, 754 Waterloo, 741 Canaan, 800 Rome, 866 York, 1601 Population of Athens county, in 1820, was 6,342; in 1830, 9,778, and in 1840, 19,108, or 30 inhabitants to a square mile. In Evan's map of the middle British colonies, published in 1755, there is placed on the left bank of the Hocking, somewhere in this region, a town, station or fort, named "French Margarets." Probably Margarets creek, in this county, was named from it. In the county above, (Hocking,) have been found the remains of an old press, for packing furs and peltries, which are yet visible, and attest that French cupidity and enterprise had introduced an extensive trade among the Indians. Lord Dunmore, in his famous expedition against the Indian towns upon the Scioto, in the autumn of 1774-just prior to the commencement of the revolutionary war, descended the Ohio, and landed at the mouth of the Great Hockhocking, in this county. He was there during the bloody battle of Point Pleasant-on an air line 28 miles distant-between General Lewis and the Indians. At this place he established a depot and erected some defences, called Fort Gower, in honor of Earl Gower. From that point he marched up the valley of the river, encamping, tradition says, a night successively at Federal creek, Sunday creek, and at the falls of the Hocking. From the last, he proceeded to the Scioto, where the detachment under General Lewis joined him, and the war was brought to a close by a treaty or truce with the hostile tribes. Dunmore, on his return, stopped at Fort Gower, where the officers passed a series of resolutions, for which, see Pickaway county, with other details of this expedition. Colonel Robert Paterson, one of the original proprietors of Cincinnati, with a party of Kentuckians, was attacked, near the mouth of the Hocking, by the Indians, two years after the erection of Fort Gower. The circumstances are given under the head of Montgomery county. Athens, the county seat, is situated on a commanding site on the Hockhocking river, 72 miles SE. of Columbus. It contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Cumberland Presbyterian, and a Methodist church, a classical academy, 11 mercantile stores, and by the census of 1840, had 710 inhabitants. It was made the county seat in March, 1805. The Ohio University, the oldest college in Ohio, is situated here, but has temporarily suspended its operations, for the purpose of recovering from pecuniary embarrassment. It was first chartered by the territorial government, and afterwards, in 1804, by the state legislature. It was early endowed by Congress with the two townships of Athens and Alexander, containing 46,000 acres of land, which, with the connecting resources, yield an annual income ot 7 to ATHENS COUNTY. about $5000. The buildings are substantial and neat, and stand in a pleasant green. This institution has exerted a most beneficial influence upon the morals and intelligence of this region. Among its graduates are many who do it honor, and it will, doubtless, when Ohio University, at Athens. again in successful operation-as it soon will be-continue its good work. This county was settled shortly after Wayne's victory. The following named persons are recollected as settling in Athens and vicinity, two or three years subsequent to -that event, viz: Solomon Tuttle, Christopher Stevens, Jonathan Watkins, Alvan and Silas Bingham, Henry and David Bartlett, John Chandler, and John and Moses Hewit. On Federal creek, also, were Nathan Woodbury, George Ewing-fathler of Hon. Thomas Ewing-Ephraim Cutler and Benjamin Brown. The first mill was erected about 1800, on Margarets creek, prior to which some of the settlers were accustomed to make tedious voyages, in canoes, down the Hocking, up the Ohio, and 4 miles up the Muskingum, above Marietta, to get their corn ground, while others, comprising a majority, depended upon hand mills and hommony blocks. The annexed vivid sketch of the captivity and escape of Moses Hewit (one of the earliest settlers in this county) from the Indians, is from the history of the Bellville settlement, written by Dr. S. P. Hildreth, and published in the Hesperian, edited by William D. Gallagher. Moses Hewit was a native of New England, the land of active and enterprising men, and born in Worcester, Massachusetts, in the year 1767. He removed to the waters ot the Ohio, in 1790, in company with his uncle, Captain John Hewit, soon after the settlement of the Ohio Company; at the breaking out of the Indian war, he resided on the island now known by the name of "Blennerhasset,";' in the block house of Captain James, where he married a cousin, the daughter of Captain Hewit. After his marriage, he lived a short time at the mouth of the Little Kenawha, but as the Indians became dangerous, ho joined the company of settlers at "Neil's station," a short distance above, on the same so ATHENS COUNTY. $, stream. At this period, all the settlements on both banks of the Ohio were broken up, and the inhabitants retired to their garrisons for mutual defence. The garrison at the middle settlement, in Belprie, was called "Farmer's Castle," and was a strong stockaded defence, with comfortable dwelling houses erected along the margin of the stout palisades which surrounded it. It stood near the bank of the Ohio river, on the waters of which nearly all the intercourse between the stations was conducted in light canoes. At this garrison, Mr. Hewit was a frequent visitor, but not an inmate. Some ot the more fearless inhabitants, on the left bank, still continued to live in their own dwellings, considering themselves in a manner protected by the Ohio river, and by the vigilance of the "spies," who daily scoured the adjacent forests. Mr. Hewit was, at this time, in the prime of life and manhood; possessed of a vigorous frame, nearly six feet high, with. limbs of the finest mould, not surpassed by the Belvidere Apollo, for manly beauty. The hands and feet were small in proportion to the muscles of the arms and legs. Of their strength, some estimate may be formed, when it is stated that he could, with a single hand, lift with ease a large blacksmith's anvil, by grasping the tapering horn which projects from its side. To this great muscular strength was added a quickness of motion, which gave to the dash ot his fist the rapidity of thought,' as it was driven into the face or breast of his adversary. TI'he eye was coal black, small and sunken, but when excited or enraged, flashed fire like that of the tiger. The face and head were well developed, with such powerful masseter and ten oral muscles, that the fingers of the strongest man, when once confined between his teeth, could no more be withdrawn than from the jaws of a vice. With such physical powers, united to an unrefined and rather irritable mind, who shall wonder at his propensity for, and delight in, personal combat; especially when placed in the midst of rude and unlettered companions, where courage and bodily strength were held in unlimited estimation. Accordingly, we find him engaged in numberless personal contests, in which he almost universally came off victorious. One instance of his activity and reckless daring took place at Marietta, about the year 1796. In some quarrel at a tavern, the vigor of his arm was laid so heavily upon one of his opponents, that serious apprehensions were felt for his life. Comiplaint was made to the magistrate, and a warrant issued for his apprehension. Of this he had timely notice, and not relishing the inside of a jail at that inclemnent season of the year, it being in February, he started for the river, intending to cross into Virginia, out of the jurisdiction of the constable. It so happened that the rains on the head waters had raised the river to half bank, and broken up the ice, which completely covered the stream with fragments of all dimensions, so closely arranged that no canoe could be forced through them. Although late in the night, there was yet the light of the moon, and rushing down the bank, with the constable and a numerous posse at his back, he leaped fearlessly on to the floating ice, and springing from fragment to fragment, with the activity of a fox, he reached the opposite shore in safety, about half a mile below the point where he commenced this perilous adventure. The constable, seeing the object of his pursuit afloat on the ice, came to a halt, concluding that, although he had escaped from the penalty of the law, he could not avoid the fate which awaited him, and that he would certainly be drowned before he could gain the shore. But, as fortune is said to favor the brave, he escaped without hlarm, and his life was preserved for wise and providential purposes. Sometime in the month of May, 1792, while living at Neil's station, on the Little Kenawha, Mr. Hewit rose early in the morning and went out about a mile from the garrison in search of a stray horse, little expecting any Indians to be near, having heard of none in that vicinity for some time. He was sauntering along at his ease, in an obscure cattle path, thinking more of his stray animal than of danger, when all at once three Indians sprang from behind two large trees, that stood one on each side of the track, where they had been watching his approach. So sudden was the onset, and so completely was he in their grasp, that resistance was vain, and would probably have been the cause of his death. He therefore quietly surrendered, thinking that in a few days he should find some way of escape. For himself, he felt but little uneasiness; his great concern was for his wife and child, from whom, with the yearnings of a father's heart, he was thus forcibly separated, and whom he might never see again. In their progress to the towns on the Sandusky plains, the Indians treated their prisoner, Hewit, with as little harshness as could be expected. He was always confined at night by fastening his wrists and ancles to saplings, as he lay extended upon his back upon the ground, with an Indian on each side. By day his limbs were free, but always marching with one Indian before, and two behind him. As they approached the prairies, frequent halts were made to search for honey, the wild bee being found in every hollow tree, and often in tha ground beneath decayed roots, in astonishing numbers. This afforded them 51 ATIIENS COUNTY. many luscious repasts, of which the prisoner was allowed to partake. The naturalization of the honey bee to the forests of North America, since its colonization by the whites, is, in fact, the only real addition to its comforts that the red man has ever received from the destroyer of his race; and this industrious insect, so fond of the society of man, seems also destined to destruction by the bee-moth, and like the buffalo and the deer, will soon vanish from the woods and prairiel of the West. While the Indians were occupied in these searches, Hewit closely watched an opportunity for escape, but his captors were equally vigilant. As they receded from the danger of pursuit, they became less hurried in their march, and often stopped to hunt and amuse themselves. The level prairie afforded fine ground for one of their favorite sports, the foot race. In this, Hewit was invited to join, and soon found that he could easily outrun two of them, but the other was more than his match, which discouraged him from trying to escape, until a more favorable opportunity. They treated him familiarly, and were much pleased with his lively, cheerful manners. After they had reached within one or two day's march of their village, they made a halt to hunt, and left their prisoner at their camp, although they had usually taken him with them, as he complained of being sick. To make all safe, they placed him on his back, confining his wrists with stout thongs of raw-hide to saplings, and his legs raised at a considerable elevation, to a small tree. After they had been gone a short time, he began to put in operation the plan he had been meditating for escape, trusting that the thickness of his wrists, in comparison with the smallness of his hands, would enable him to withdraw them from the ligatures. After long and violent exertions, hie succeeded in liberating his hands, but not without severely lacerating the skin and covering them with blood. His legs were next freed by untying them, but not without a great effort, from their elevation. Once fairly at liberty, the first object was to secure some food for the long journey which was before him. But as the Indian's larder is seldom well stocked, with all his search, he could only find two small pieces of jerked venison, not more than sufficient for a single meal. With this light stock of provision, his body nearly naked, and without even a knife or a tomahawk, to assist in procuring more, he started for the settlements on the Muskingum, as the nearest point where he could meet with fiiends. It seenms that the Indians returned to the camp soon after his escape, for that night while cautiously traversing a wood, he heard the cracking of a breaking twig not far fiom him. Dropping silently on to the ground where he stood, he beheld his three enemies in pursuit. To say that he was not agitated, would not be true; his senses were wide awake, and his heart beat quick, but it was a heart that never knew fear. It so happened that they passed a few yards to one side of him, and he remained unseen. As soon as they were at a sufficient distance, he altered his course and saw no more of them. Suffering every thing but death, from the exhausting effects of hunger and fatigue, he, after nine days, struck the waters of the Big Muskingum, and came in to the garrison, at Wolf creek mills. During this time he had no food but roots and the bark of the slipperyelm, after the two bits of venison were expended. When he came in sight of the station, he was so completely exhausted that he could not stand or halloo. His body was entirely naked, excepting a small strip of cloth round the loins, and so torn, bloody and disfigured, by the briers and brush, that he thought it imprudent to show himself, lest he should be taken for an Indian, and shot by the centries. It is a curious physiological fact, that famine and hunger will actually darken the skin in the manner mentioned by the prophet Jeremiah, when foretelling the fate of the Israelites; and may be accounted for by the absorption of the bile into the blood, when not used up in the process of digesting the food. In this forlorn state, Hewit remained until evening, when he crawled silently to the gateway, which was open, and crept in before any one was aware of his being near. As they all had heard of his capture, and some personally knew him, he was instantly recognized by a young man, as the light of the fire fell on his face, who exclaimed, "here is Hewit." They soon clothed and fed him, and his fine constitution directly restored his health. The course pursued by Mr. Hewit was in the direction of a favorite and well known trail, or war path of the Indians, from Sandusky to the settlements on the Muskingumn, and struck that river at a point called "Big Rock." firom an enormous block of sandstone that had tumbled out of a cliff and lay on the shore. The line of the trail lay between the waters of the Muskingum and those of the Scioto, crossing some of the branches of both these rivers. The war paths of the Indians were generally known to the old hunters, as in times of peace there was considerable intercourse for trade and hunting between the borderers and the Indian tribes. After the war was closed, by the masterly campaign of Gen. Wayne, the sturdy settlers on the shores of the Ohio, sallied out from their garrisons, where they had been more or less closely confined for five years, and took possession of the 52 ATHENS COUNTY. various farms, which had fallen to their lots either as " donation lands," or as proprietors in the Ohio Company, some of which had been partially cleared and cultivated before the commencement of hostilities. During this period, they suffered from famine, sickness, and death, in addition to the depredations of the Indians. The small-pox and putrid sore throat, had both visited them in their garrisons, destroying, in some instances, whole families of children in a few days. The murderous savage without, with sickness and famine within, had made their castles wearisome dwelling places, although they protected them from the tomahawk, and saved the settlements from being entirely broken up. In the year 1797, Mr. Hewit cast his lot fin the valley of the Hockhocking river, near the town of Athens, and settled quietly down to clearing his farm. He was by nature endowed with a clear, discriminating, and vigorous mind; and, although his education was very limited, extending only to reading and writing, yet his judgment was acute, and his reasoning powers highly matured by intercourse with his fellow-men. For sonme years before his death, he was a member of the Methodist church, which has the praise of reclaiming more depraved men than perhaps any other sect, and became a valuable citizen and useful man in society. A short time previous to his decease, which took place in the year 1S14, he was appointed a Trustee of the Ohio University, at Athens. At that early time, thie duties of a Trustee mainly consisted in leasing out and managing the fiscal affair-s of the college domain, embracing two townships of land. For this business he was well fitted, and his judgment and good sense, were of real value to the institution, however little he might be qualified to act in literary matters. The life of Mr. Hewit affords an interesting subject of contemplation. Hundreds of others, who were among the western borderers in early days, afford similar examples of recklless daring, and outrageous acts, while surrounded with war, tumult and danger, who, when peace was restored and they returned to the quiet scenes of domestic and civil life, became some of the most useful, influential, and distinguished men. It shows how much man is the creature of habit; and that he is often governed more by the character, and tLe outward example of men around him, and the times in which he lives, than by any innate principle of good or evil, which may happen to predominate within him. About four miles north of Athens, are mounds and ancient fortifications with gateways. One of the mounds which was composed of a kind of stone, differing firom any in the vicinity, was taken for the construction of a dam across the Hocking; there were in it over a thousand perches, and some of the stones weighed two hundred pounds. In the mound were found copper rings and other relics. There are many mounds in some other parts of the county. Dr. S. P. Hildreth, of Marietta, a gentleman of well-known scientific attainments, thus speaks in Silliman's Journal of the fossil remains in this region. The sandstone rocks contain many relics of fossil trees, of that ancient and curious family, bearing those rare devices and figures on their bark, so artificial in their appearance as to induce a common belief among the ignorant, of their being the work of man before the flood, and buried by that catastrophe in huge heaps of sand, since consolidated into rock. The excavations in sandstone rocks have been, as yet, so few and partial, that but a small number have been brought to light, although the strata through this valley are one vast cemetery of the plants of a former creation. I have seen some specimens found in quarrying stones for a cellar, or in grading a road, and have heard of many more, proving that there is an abundant supply laid up for future geologists, when the country becomes more cultivated, and extensive openings shall be made in the earth. On the heads of Shade river, a few miles sw. of Athens, there is a large deposit of fossil trees, the wood being replaced by a dark ferruginous silex. The yellow pine is very abundant in the lower part of the Hocking valley, and was probably at no very remote period, the prevailing growth of this part of the country. On this point, Dr. Hildreth also gives the following interesting facts. Extensive districts in which a pine is not now found, are thickly scattered with pitch pine knots, lying on the surface, the relics of former forests, which some disease, or pro 53 BELMONT COUNTY. bably the depredations of insects, had destroyed. In these situations large quantities of pitch and tar were formerly made. In numerous mounds, opened under my direction, the charcoal found about the human bones, which they almost universally contain, and which the aborigines first burned before casting up the mound of earth and stone, as a sacred monument for the dead, is most generally the charcoal of pine wood-leading also to the conclusion, that at their erection, yellow pine was the prevailing tree of the forest, for it is not probable they would take the trouble of bringing it from any distance. By the United States Statistics it appears there were 92,800 bushels of salt produced in.the county, and 47 men employed in the manufacture, in 1840. This has since increased. The principal salt wells now in the county, are those of Ewing, Vinton & Co., Fuller & Walker, and Samuel Denmans, at Chauncey; Hydes, Perkins & Prudens, near Athens. Nelsonville, on the Hocking canal, 13 miles above Athens, is a flourishing village, in the heart of the coal region and trade, and contains about 300 people: considerable tobacco is packed here. Chauncey, also on the canal 7 miles above Athens, is a village of about 200 inhabitants, where the manufacture of salt is extensively carried on, together with coal mining; at one mine the coal is obtained by sinking a shaft 120 feet perpendicular. M'Arthurstown, 26 miles wsw. of Athens, has about 250 people, and is in a good countrv. Hockingport, at the mouth of the Hocking, Hocking City, Amesville, Hebardsville, Albany, Millfield, Chesterfield, Savannah and Trimble, are small places. BELMONT. BELMONT was established, September 7th, 1801, by proclamation of Gov. St. Clair, being the ninth county formed in the N. W. Territory. The name is derived from two French words, signifying a fine mountain. It is a hilly and picturesque tract, and contains much excellent land. The principal crops are wheat, oats, Indian corn and tobacco, of which last, about two million pounds are annually raised. It has about 68.000 sheep, and coal abounds. The following are the names of its townships in 1840, with their population. Colerain, 1389 Pultney, 9 N47 Warren, 2410 Flushing, 1683 Richland, 3735 Washington, 1388 Goshen, 1882 Smith, 1956 Wayne, 1734 Kirkwood, 2280 Somerset, 1932 Wheeling, 1389 Mead, 1496 Union, 2127 York, 1294 Pease, 2449 Population of Belmont county in 1820, 20,329; in 1830, 28,543; in 1840, 30,902, or 51 inhabitants to a square mile. Belmont county was one of the earliest settled within the State of Ohio, and the scene of several desperate encounters with the Indians. About 1790, or perhaps two or three years later, a fort called Dillie's fort was erected on the west side of the Ohio, opposite Grave creek. 54 BELMONT CCUNTY. About 250 yards below this fort, an old man named Tate was shot down by the Indians very early in the morning, as he was opening his door. His daughter-in-law and grandson pulled him in and barred the door. The Indians endeavoring to force it open, were kept out for some time by the exertions of the boy and woman. They at length fired through and wounded the boy. The woman was shot from the outside as she endeavored to escape up chimney, and fell into the fire. The boy, who had hid behind some barrels, ran and pulled her out, and returned again to his hiding place. The Indians now effected an entrance, killed a girl as they came in, and scalped the three they had shot. They then went out behind that side of the house from the fort. The boy, who had been wounded in the mouth, embraced the opportunity, and escaped to the fort. The Indians, twelve or thirteen in number, went off unmolested, although the men in the fort had witnessed the transaction and had sufficient force to engage with them. Captina creek is a considerable stream entering the Ohio, near the southeast angle of Belmont. On its banks at an early day, a sanguinary contest took place known as "the bathtle of Captina." Its incidents have often and variously been given. We here relate them as they fell from the lips of Martin Baker, of Monroe, who was at that time a lad of about 12 years of age in Baker's fort. One mile below the mouth of Captina, on the Virginia shore, was Baker's fort, so named from my father. One morning, in May, 1794, four men were sent over according to the custom, to the Ohio side, to reconnoitre. They were Adam Miller, John Daniels, Isaac M'Cowan, and John Shoptaw. Miller and Daniels took up stream, the other two down. The upper scout were soon attacked by Indians, and Miller killed; Daniels ran up Captina about 3 miles, but beingf weak from the loss of blood issuing from a wound in his arm, was taken prisoner, carried into captivity, and subsequently released at the treaty of Greenville. The lower scout having discovered signs of the enemy, Shoptaw swam across the Ohio and escaped, but M'Gowan going up towards the canoe, was shot by Indians in ambush. Upon this, he ran down to the bank, and sprang into the water, pursued by the enemy, who overtook and scalped him. The firing being heard at the fort, they beat up for volunteers. There were about fifty men in the fort. There being much reluctance among them to volunteer, my sister exclaimed, "She wouldn't be a coward." This aroused the pride of my brother, John Baker, who before had determined not to go. He joined the others, 14 in number, including Capt. Abram Enochs. They soon crossed the river, and went up Captina in single file, a distance of a mile and a half, following the Indian trail. The enemy had come back on their trails and were in ambush on the hill side awaiting their approach. When suifficiently near they fired upon our people, but being on an elevated position, their balls passed harmless over them. The whites then treed. Some of the Indians came behind and shot Capt. Enochs and Mr. Hoffman. Our people soon re llb BELMONT COUNTY. treated, and the Indians pursued but a short distance. On theii retreat my brother was shot in the hip. Determined to sell his life as dearly as possible, he drew off one side and secreted himself in a hollow with a rock at his back, offering no chance for the enemy to approach but in front. Shortly after, two guns were heard in quick succession; doubtless one of them was fired by my brother, and from the signs afterwards, it was supposed he had killed an Indian. The next day the men turned out and visited the spot. Enochs, Hoffman and John Baker, were found dead and scalped. Enoch's bowels were torn out, his eyes and those of Hoffman screwed out with a wiping stick. The dead were wrapped in white hickory bark, and brought over to the Virginia shore, and buried in their bark coffins. There were about thirty Indians engaged in this action, and seven skeletons of their slain were found long after secreted in the crevices of rocks. M'Donald, in his biographical sketch of Gov. M'Arthur, who was in the action, says, that after the death of Capt. Enochs, that M'Arthur, although the youngest man in the company, was unanimously called upon to direct the retreat. The wounded who were able to walk were placed in front, while M'Arthur with his Spartan Band covered the retreat. The moment an Indian showed himself in pursuit, he was fired upon, and generally it is believed with efbfect. The Indians were so severely handled, that they gave up the puIsuit. The Indians were commanded by the Shawnee Chief, Charley Wilkey. He told the author [M'Donald] of this narrative, that the battle of Captina was the most severe conflict he ever witnessed; that although he had the advantage of the ground and the first fire, he lost the most of his men, half of them having been either killed or wounded. The celebrated Indian hunter, Lewis Wetzel, was often through this region. Belmont has been the scene of at least two of the daring adventures of this far-famed borderer. While hunting, Wetzel fell in with a young hunter who lived on Dunkard's creek, and was persuaded to accompany him to his home. On their arrival they found the house in ruins and all the family murdered, except a young woman who had been bred with them, and to whom the young man was ardently attached. She was taken alive, as was found by examining the trail of the enemy, who were three Indians and a white renegado. Burning with revenge, they followed the trail until opposite the mouth of Captina, where the enemy had crossed. They swam the stream and discovered the Indians camp, around the fires of which lay the enemy in careless repose. The young woman was apparently unhurt, but was making much moaning and lamentation. The young man, hardly able to restrain his rage, was for firing and rushing instantly upon them. Wetzel, more cautious, told him to wait until day light when there was a better chance of success in killing the whole party. At dawn the Indians prepared to depart.'I'he young man selecting the white renegado, and Wetzel the Indian, they both fired simultaneously with fatal effect. The young man rushed forward knife in hand to relieve the mistress of his affections, while Wetzel reloaded and pursued the two surviving Indians, who had taken to the woods until they could ascertain the number of their enemies. Wetzel, as soon as he was discovered, discharged his rifle at random in order to draw them from their covert. The ruse took effect, and taking to his heels he loaded as he ran, and suddenly wheeling about discharged his rifle through the body of his nearest and unsuspecting enemy. The remaining Indian seeing the fate of his companion, and that his enemy's rifle was unloaded, rushed forward with all energy, the prospect of prompt revenge being fairly before him. Wetzel led him on 56 BELMONT COUNTY. dodging from tree to tree, until his rifle was again ready, when suddenly turning he fired, and his remaining enemy fell dead at his feet. After taking their scalps, Wetzel and his friend, with their rescued captive, returned in safety to the settlement. A short time after Crawford's defeat, in 1782, Wetzel accompanied Thomas Mills, a soldier in that action, to obtain his horse, which he had left near the site of St. Clairsville. They were met by a party of about forty Indians, at the Indian springs, two miles from St. Ciairsville, on the road to Wheeling. Both parties discovered each other at the same moment, when Lewis instantly fired and killed an Indian, while the Indians wounded his companion ilnL the heel, overtook and killed him. Four Indians pursued Wetzel. About half a mile beyond, one of the Indians having got, in the pursuit, within a few steps, Wetzel wheeled and shot him, and then continued the retreat. In less than a mile farther, a second one came so close to him that, as he turned to fire, he caught the muzzle of his gun, when, after a severe struggle, Wetzel brought it to his chest, and discharging it, his opponent fell dead. Wetzel still continued on his course, pursued by the two Indians. All three were pretty well fatigued, and often stopped and treed. After going something more than a mile, Wetzel took advantage of an open ground, over which the Indians were passing, stopped suddenly to shoot the foremost, who thereupon sprang behind a small sapling. Wetzel fired and wounded him mortally. The remaining Indian then gave a little yell, exclaiming, "No catch that man, gun always loaded." After the peace of 1795, Wetzel pushed for the frontier, on the Mississippi, where he could trap the beaver, hunt the buffalo and deer, and occasionally shoot an Indian, the object of his mortal hatred. He finally died, as he had lived, a free man of the forest. St. Clairsville.' St. Clairsville, the county seat, is situated on an elevated ana romantic site, in a rich aglricultural region, on the line of the National road, 11 miles west of Wheeling, and 116 east of Columbus. It contains 6 places for public worship: 2 Friends, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist, and 1 Union, 1 female seminary, 12 mercantile stores, 2 or 3 newspaper offices, H. Anderson's map engraving and publishing establishment, and, in 1840, had 829 inhabitants. Cuming,'s tour, published in 1810, states that this town "was laid out in the woods, by David Newell, in 1801. On the south side of Newell's plat, is an additional part, laid out by William Matthews, which was incorporated with Newell's plat, on the 23d January, 1807, by the name of St. Clairsville." By the act of incorporation, the following officers were appointed until the first stated meeting of the inhabitants should be held for an election, viz. John Patterson, 57 BELMONT COUNTY. President; Sterling Johnston, Recorder; Samuel Sullivan, Marshall,, Groves Wm. Brown, John Brown, and Josiah Dillon, Trustees; William Congliton, Collector; James Colwell, Treasurer, and Robert Griffeth, Town Marshall. The view given was taken from an elevation west of the town, near the National road, and Neis wanger's old tavern, shown on the extreme right. The building in the distance, on the left, shaded by poplars, is the Friend's meeting house; in the centre is shown the spire of the court house, and on the right, the tower of the Presbyterian church. St. Clairsville derives its name from the unfortunate but meritorious Arthur St. Clair. He was born in Scotland, in 1734, and after receiving a classical education in one of the most celebrated universities of his native country, studied medicine; but having a taste for military pursuits, he sought and obtained a subaltern's appointment, and was with Wolfe in the storming of Quebec. After the peace of 1763, he was assigned the command of Fort Ligonier, in Pennsylvania, and received there a grant of one thousand acres. Prior to the revolutionary war, he held several civil offices. His military skill and experience, intelligence and integrity were such, that when the revolutionary war commenced, he was appointed Colonel of Continentals. In August, 1776, he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier, and bore an active part in the battles of Trenton and Princeton. He was subsequently created a Major General, and ordered to repair to Ticonderoga, where he commanded the garrison, and on the approach of Burgoyne's army, abandoned it. Charges of cowardice, incapacity and treachery were brought against him, in consequence. He was tried by a court martial, who, with all the facts before them, acquitted him, accompanying their report with the declaration, that "Major General St. Clair is acquitted, with the highest honor, of the charges against him." Congress subsequently, with an unanimous voice, confirmed this sentence. The facts were, that the works were incomplete and incapable of being defended against the whole British army, and although St. Clair might have gained great applause by a brave attempt at defence, yet it would have resulted in the death of many of his men, and probably the capture of the remainder; a loss which, it was afterwards believed in camp, and perhaps foreseen by St. Clair, would have prevented the taking of Burgoyne's army. In daring to do an unpopular act, for the public good, St. Clair exhibited a high degree of moral courage, and deserves more honor than he who wins a battle. St. Clair served, with reputation, until the close of the war. In 1785, while residing on his farm, at Ligonier, he was appointed a delegate to the Continental Congress, and was soon after chosen President of that august body. After the passage of the ordinance for the government of the North-western territory, he was made governor, and continued in the office until within a few weeks of the termination of the territorial form of government, in the winter of 1802-3, when he was removed by President Jefferson. .58 BEIMONT COUNTY. The remainder of the sketch of Gov. St. Clair, we give ill extracts from the Notes of Judge Burnet, who was personally acquainted with him. Beside being clearly and beautifully written, it contains important facts in the legislative history of Phio. During the continuance of the first grade of that imperfect government, he enjoyed the respect and confidence of every class of the people. He was plain and simple ill his dress and equipage, open and frank in his manners, and accessible to persons of every rank. Ill these respects, he exhibited a striking contrast with the Secretary, Colonel Sargent; and that contrast, in some measure, increased his popularity, which he retainled, unimpaired, till after the commencement of the first session of the legislature. During that session, he manifested a strong desire to enlarge his own powers, and restrict those of the Assembly; which was the more noticed, as he had opposed the usurpations of the legislative council, composed of himself, or in his absence, the Secretary, and the Judges of the General Court; and had taken an early opportunity of submitting his views on that subject to the General Assembly.... The effect of the construction he gave, of his own powers, may be seen in the fact, that of the thirty bills, passed by the two Houses, during the first session, and sent to him for his approval, he refused his assent to eleven; some of which Awere supposed to be of much importance, and all of them calculated, more or less, to advance the public interest. Some of them he rejected, because they related to the establishment of new counties; others, because he thought they were unnecessary or inexpedient. Thus more than a third of the fruits of the labor of that entire session was lost, by the exercise of the arbitrary discretion of one man. This, and some other occurrences of a similar character, which were manifest deviations from his usual course, not easily accounted for, multiplied his opponents very rapidly, and rendered it more difficult for his friends to defend'and sustain him. They also created a state of bad feeling between the legislative and executive branches, and eventually terminated in his removal from office, before the expiration of the territorial government. The governor was unquestionably a man of superior talents, of extensive information, and of great uprightness of purpose, as well as suavity of manners. His general course, though in the main correct, was in some respects injurious to his own popularity; but it was the result of an honest exercise of his judgment. He not only believed that the power he claimed belonged legitimately to the executive, but was convinced that the manner in which he exercised it, was imposed on him as a duty, by the Ordinance; and was calculated to advance the best interests of the territory... Soon after the governor was removed from office, he returned to the Legonier valley, poor, and destitute of the means of subsistence; and unfortunately, too much disabled, by age and infirmity, to embark in any kind of active business. During his administration of the territorial government, he was induced to make himself personally liable for the purchase of a number of pack-horses and other articles necessary to fit out an expedition against the Indians, to an amount of some two or three thousand dollars, which he was afterwards compelled to pay. Having no use for the money at the time, he did not present his claim to the government. After he was removed from office, he looked to that fund as his dependence for future subsistence; and, under a full expectation of receiving it, he repaired to Washington City, and presented his account to the proper officer of the treasury. To his utter surprise and disappointment, it was rejected, on the mortifying ground, that, admitting it to have been originally correct, it was barred by the statute; and that the time which had elapsed, afforded the highest presumption that it had been settled, although no voucher or memorandum to that effect could be found in the department. To counteract the alledged presumption of payment, the original vouchers, showing the purchase, the purpose to which the property was applied, and the payment of the money, were exhibited. It was, however, still insisted, that as the transaction was an old one, and had taken place before the burning of the war office, in Philadelphia, the lapse of time furnished satisfactory evidence that the claim must have been settled, and the vouchers destroyed in that conflagration. The pride of the old veteran was deeply wounded, by the ground on which his claim was refused; and he was induced, from that consideration, as well as by the pressure of poverty aRd want, to persevere in his efforts to maintain the justice and equity of his demand; still hoping that presumption would give way to truth. For the purpose of getting rid of his solicitations, Congress passed an act, purporting to be an act for his relief; but which merely removed the technical objection, founded on lapse of time, by authorizing a sett'ement of his demands, regardess of the limitation, This step seemed 59 BELMONT COUNTY. necessary, to preserve their own character; but it left the worn o*t veteran still at the mercy of the accounting officers of the department, from whom he had nothing to expect, but disappointment. During the same session, a bill was introduced into the House of Representatives, granting him an annuity, which was rejected, on the third reading, by a vote of 48 to 50. After spending the principal part of two sessions, in useless efforts, subsisting, during the time, on the bounty of his friends, he abandoned the pursuit in despair, and returned to the Legonier valley, where he lived several years in the most abject poverty, in the family of a widowed daughter, as destitute as himself. At length, Pennsylvania, his adopted state, fiom considerations of personal respect, and gratitude for past services, as well as from a laudable feeling of state pride, settled on him an annuity of three hundred dollars, which was soon after raised to six hundred and fifty dollars. That act of beneficence gave to the gallant old soldier a comfortable subsistence for the little remnant of his days which then remained. The honor resulting to the state, from that step, was very much enhanced, by the fact, that the individual on whom their bounty was bestowed, was a foreigner, and was known to be a warm opponent, ill politics, to the great majority of the legislature and their constituents. He lived, however, but a short time to enjoy the bounty. On the 31st of August, 1818, that venerable officer of the Revolution, after a long, brilliant and useful life, died of an injury occasioned by the running away of his horse, near Greensburgh, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. Bridgeport, on the west bank of the Ohio, opposite the city of Wheeling, and on the National road, is an important point for the forwarding goods to the WVest. It contains 1 church, 1 grist and 1 saw mill, 3 stores, 3 forwarding and commission houses, and had, in 1840, 329 inhabitants. In the spring of 1791, the cabin of Captain Joseph Kirkwood, at this place, was attacked at night by a party of Indians, wl-ho, after a severe action, were repulsed. This Captain Kirkwood "was the gallant and unrewarded Captain Kirkwood, of the Delaware line, in the war of the revolution, to whom such frequent and honorable allusion is made in Lee's memoir of the Southern campaigns. The state of Delaware had but one continental regiment, which, at the defeat at Camden, was reduced to a single company. It was therefore impossible, under the rules, for Kirkwood to be promoted; and he was under the mortification of beholding inferior officers in the regiments of other states, promoted over him, while he, with all his merit, was compelled to remain a captain, solely in consequence ol the small force Delaware was enabled to maintain in the service. He fought with distinguished gallantry through the war, and was in the bloody battles of Camden, Holkirks, Eutaw and Ninety Six." Captain Kirkwood moved to this place in 1789, and built his cabin on the knoll, about thirty yards west of the present residence of Mr. M'Swords. At the time of the attack on the cabin, there was an unfinished block-house standing on the highest part of the knoll, only a few yards distant. On the night of the attack, a party of fourteen soldiers, under the command of Captain Joseph Biggs, together with Captain Kirkwood and family, were in the cabin. About two hours befobr day break, the captain's little son Joseph, had occasion to leave the cabin for a few moments, and requested Captain Biggs to accompany him. They were out but a few minutes, and although unknown to them, were surrounded by Indians. They had returned, and again retired to sleep in the upper loft. 60 BELMONT COUNTY. when they soon discovered the roof in a blaze, which was the first intimation they had of the presence of an enemy. Captain K. was instantly awakened, when he and his men commenced pushing off the roof, the Indians at the same time firing upon them, from under cover of the block-house. Captain Biggs, on the first alarm, ran down the ladder into the room below, to get his rifle, when a ball entered a window and wounded him in the wrist. Soon the Indians had surrounded the house, and attempted to break in the door with their tomahawks. Those within braced it with puncheons from the floor. In the panic of the moment, several of the men wished to escape from the cabin, but Captain K. silenced them with the threat of taking the life of the first man who made the attempt, asserting that the Indians would tomahawk them as fast as they left. The people of Wheeling-one mile distant-hearing the noise of the attack, fired a swivel, to encourage the defenders, although fearful of coming to the rescue. This enraged the Indians the more; they sent forth terrific yells, and brought brush, piled it around the cabin, and set it on fire. Those within, in a measure smothered the flames, first with the water and milk in the house, and then with damp earth, from the floor of the cabin. The fight was kept up about two hours, until dawn, when the Indians retreated. Had they attacked earlier, success would have resulted. The loss of the Indians, or their number, was unknown-only one was seen. IHe was in the act of climbing up the corner of the cabin, when he was discovered, let go his hold and fell. Seven of those within were wounded, and one, a Mr. Walker, mortally. He was a brave man. As he lay, disabled and helpless, on his back, on the earth, he called out to the Indians, in a taunting manner. He died in a few hours, and was buried the next day, at Wheeling, with military honors. A party of men, under Gen. Benjamin Biggs, of West Liberty, went in pursuit of the Indians, but without success. A niece of Captain Kirkwood, during the attack, was on a visit about twenty miles distant, on Buffalo creek. In the night, she dreamed that the cabin was attacked, and heard the guns. So strong an impression did it make, that she arose and rode down with all her speed to Wheeling, where she arrived two hours after sunrise. After this affair, Captain Kirkwood moved with his family to Newark, Delaware. On his route, he met with some of St. Clair's troops, then on their way to Cincinnati. Exasperated at the Indians, for their attack upon his house, he accepted the command of a company of Delaware troops, was with them at the defeat of St. Clair, in the November following, "where he fell, in a brave attempt to repel the enemy with the bayonet, and thus closed a career as honorable as it was unrewarded." Elizabeth Zane, who acted with so much heroism at the siege of Wheeling, in 1782, lived many years since about two miles above Bridgeport, on the Ohio side of the river, near Martinsville. She was twice married, first to Mr. M'Laughlin, and secondly to Mr. Clark. The anecdote we derive from a published source. 61 BELMONT COUNTY. When Lynn, the ranger, gave the alarm that an Indian army was approaching, the fort having been for some time unoccupied by a garrison, and Colonel Zane's house having been used for a magazine, those who retired into the fortress had to take with them a supply of ammunition for its defence. The supply of powder, deemed ample at the time, was now almost exhausted, by reason of the long continuance of the siege, and the repeated endeavors of the savages to take the fort by storm: a few rounds only remained. In this emergency, it became necessary to renew their stock from an abundant store which was deposited in Colonel Zane's house. Accordingly, it was proposed that one of the fleetest men should endeavor to reach the house, obtain a supply of powder, and return with it to the fort. It was an enterprise full of danger; but many of the heroic spirits shut up in the fort were willing to encounter the hazard. Among those who volunteered to go on this enterprise, was Elizabeth, the sister of Colonel E. Zane. She was young, active and athletic, with courage to dare the danger, and fortitude to sustain her through it. Disdaining to weigh the hazard of her own life against that of others, when told that a man would encounter less danger by reason of his greater fleetness, she replied, "and should he fall, his loss will be more severely felt; you have not one man to spare; a woman will not be missed in the defence of the fort." Iler services were then accepted. Divesting herself of some of her garments, as tending to imnpede her progress, she stood prepared for the hazardous adventure; and when the gate was thrown open, bounded forth with the buoyancy of hope, and in the confidence of success. Wrapt in amazement, the Indians beheld her springinlg forward, and only exclaiming, " a squaw," " a squaw," no attempt was made to interrupt her progress: arrived at the door, she proclaimed her errand. Colonel Silas Zane fastened a table cloth around her waist, and emptying into it a keg of powder, again she ventured forth. The Indians were no longer passive. Ball after ball whizzed by, several of which passed through her clothes: she reached the gate, and entered the fort in safety; and thus was the garrison again saved by female intrepidity. This heroine had but recently returned from Philadelphia', where she had received her education, and was wholly unused to such scenes as were daily passing on the frontiers. The distance she had to run was about forty yards. Among the best sketches of backwoods life, is that written by Mr. John S. Williams, editor of the American Pioneer, and published in it in October, 1843. In the spring of 1800, his father's family removed from Carolina and settled with others on Glenn's run, about six miles northeast of St. Clairsville. He was then a lad, as he relates, of seventy five pounds weight. From his sketch, "Our Cabin; or Life in the Woods," we make some extracts. Emigrants poured in from different parts, cabins were put up in every direction, and women, children and goods tumbled into them. The tide of emigration flowed like water through a breach in a mill-dam. Every thing was bustle and confusion, and all at work that could work. In the midst of all this, the mumps, and perhaps one or two other diseases, prevailed and gave us a seasoning. Our cabin had been raised, covered, part of the cracks chinked, and part of the floor laid when we moved in, on Christmas day! There had not been a stick cut except in building the cabin. We had intended an inside chimney, for we thought the chimney ought to be in the house. We had a log put across the whole width of the cabin for a mantel, but when the floor was in we found it so low as not to answer, and removed it. Here was a great change for my mother and sister, as well as the rest, but particularly my mother. She was raised in the most delicate manner in and near London, and lived most of her time in affluence, and always comfortable. She was now in the wilderness, surrounded by wild beasts; in a cabin with about half a floor, no door, no ceiling over head, not even a tolerable sign for a fireplace, the light of day and the chilling winds of night passing between every two logs in the building, the cabin so high from the ground that a bear, wolf, panther, or any other animal less in size than a cow, could enter without even a squeeze. Such was our situation on Thursday and Thursday night, December 25th, 1800, and which was bettered but by very slow degrees. We got the rest of the floor laid in a very few days, the chinking of the cracks went on slowly, but the daubing could not proceed till weather more suitable, which happened in a few days; door-ways were sawed out and steps made of the logs, and the back of the chimney was raised up to the mantel, but the funnel of sticks and clay was delayed until spring... Our family consisted of my mother, a sister, of twenty-two, my brother, near twenty-one and very weakly; and myself, in my eleventh year. Two years afterwards, Black Jenny 62 BEI,MONT COUNTY. followed us in company with my half-brother, Richard, and his family. She lived two years with us ill Ohio, and died in the winter of 1803-4. In building our cabin it was set to front the north and south, my brother using my father's pocket compass on the occasion. We had no idea of living in a house that did not stand Our Cabin; or Life in the Woods. square with the earth itself. This argued our ignorance of the comforts and conveniencies of a pioneer life. The position of the house, end to the hill, necessarily elevated the lower end, and the determination of having both a north and south door, added much to the airiness of the domicil, particularly after the green ash puncheons had shrunk so as to have cracks in the floor and doors from one to two inches wide. At both the doors we had high, unsteady, and sometimes icy steps, made by piling up the logs cut out of the wvail. We had, as the reader will see, a window, if it could be called a window, when, perhaps, it was the largest spot in the top, bottom, or sides of the cabin at which the wind could not enter. It was made by sawing out a log, placing sticks across, and then, by pasting an old newspaper over the hole, and applying some hog's lard, we had a kind of glazing which shed a most beautiful and mellow light across the cabin when the sun shone on it. All other light entered at the doors, cracks and chimney. Our cabin was twenty four by eighteen. The west end was occupied by two beds, the center of each side by a door, and here our symmetry had to stop, for on the opposite side of the window, made of clapboards, supported on pins driven into the logs, were our shelves. UITpon these shelves my sister displayed in ample order, a host of pewter plates, basins, and ,ishes, and spooilis, scoured and bright. It was none of your new-fangled pewter made of lead, but the best London pewter, which our father himself bought of Townsend, the manufacturer. These were the plates upon which you could hold your meat so as to cut it without slipping and without dulling yo-. r knife. But, alas! the days of pewter plates and sharp dinner knives have passed away never to return. To return to our internal arrangements. A ladder of five rounds occupied the corner near the window. By this, when we got a floor above, we could ascend. Our chimney occupied most of the east end; pots and kettles opposite the window under the shelves, a gun on hooks over the north door, four split-bottom chairs, three three-legged stools, and a small eight by ten lookingglass sloped from the wall over a large towel and combcase. These, with a clumsy shovel and a pair of tongs, made in Frederick, with one shank straight, as the best manufacture of pinches and blood-blisters, completed our furniture, except a spinning-wheel and such things as were necessary to work with. It was absolutely necessary to have three-legged stools, as four legs of any thing could not all touch the floor at the same time. The completion of our cabin went on slowly. The season was inclement, we were weak-handed and weak-pocketed; in fact, laborers were not to be had. We got our chimney up breast high as soon as we could, and got our cabin daubed as high as the joists outside. It never was daubed on the inside, for my sister, who was very nice, could PM3 63 BELMONT COUNTY. consent to "live right next to thie mud." My impression now is, that the window was not constructed till spring, for until the sticks and clay was put on the chimney we could possibly have no need of a window; for the flood of light which always poured into the cabin from the fireplace would have extinguished our paper window, and rendered it as useless as the moon at noonday. We got a floor laid over head as soon as possible, per hal)s in a month; but when it was laid, the reader will readily conceive of its imperviousness to wind or weather, when we mention that it was laid of loose clapboards split from a red oak, the stump of which may be seen beyond the cabin. That tree g'ew in the night, and so twisting that each board laid on two diagonally opposite corners, and a cat might have shook every board on our ceiling, It may be well to inform the unlearned reader that clapboards are s,ich lumber as pio neers split with a frow, and resemble barrel staves before they are shlaved, but are split longer, wider and thinner; of such our roof and ceiling were comiposed. Puncheons were planks made by splitting logs to about two and a half or three inches in thickness, and hewing them on one or both sides with the broad-axe. Of such our floor, doors, ta bles and stools were manufactured. The eave-bearers are those end logs which project over to receive the butting poles, against which the lower tier of clapboards rest in forming the roof. The trapping is the roof timbers, composing the gable end and the ribs, the ends of which appear in the drawing, being those logs upon which the clapboards lie. The trap logs are those of unequal length above the eave bearers, which form the gable ends, and upon which the ribs rest. The weight poles are those small logs laid on the roof, which weigh down the course of clapboards on which they lie, and against which the next course above is placed. The knees are pieces of heart timber placed above the butting poles, successively, to prevent the weight poles from rolling off...... The evenings of the first winter did not pass off as pleasantly as evenings afterward. We had raised no tobacco to stem and twist, no corn to shell, no turnips to scrape; we had no tow to spin into rope-yarn, nor straw to plait for hats, and we had come so late we could get but few walnuts to crack. We had, however, the Bible, George Fox's Journal, I"arklev's Apology, and a number of books, all better than much of the fashionable read ing of the present day-from which, after reading, the readertinds he has gained nothing, while his understanding has been made the dupe of the writer's fancy-that while reading he had given himself up to be led in mazes of fictitious imagination, and losing his taste for solid reading, as frothy luxuries destroy the appetite for wholesome food. To our stock of books were soon after added a borrowed copy of the Pilgrim's Progress, which we read twice through without stopping. The first winter our living was truly scanty and hard; but even this winter had its felicities. We had part of a barrel of flour which wev had brought from Fredericktown. Besides this, we had a part of a jar of hog's lard brought from old Carolina; not the tasteless stuff which now goes by that name, but pure le-if lard, taken from hogs raised on pine roots and fattened on sweet potatoes, and into which, while rendering, were immersed the boughs of the fragrant bay tree, that imparted to the lard a rich flavor. Of that flour, shortened with this lard, my sister every Sunday morning, and at no other time, made short biscuit for breakfast-not these greasy gum-elastic biscuit, we mostly meet with now, rolled out with a pin, or cut out with a cutter; or those that are, perhaps, speckled by or puffed up with refined lye called salaeratus, but made out, one by one, in her fair hands, placed in neat juxtaposition in a skillet or spider, pricked with a fork to prevent blistering, and baked before an open fire-not half-baked and half-stewed in a cooking stove.... In the ordering of a good Providence the winter was open, but windy. While the wind was of great use in driving the smoke and ashes out of our cabin, it shook terribly the timber standing almost over us. We were sometimes much and needlessly alarmed. We had never seen a dangerous looking tree near a dwelling, but here we were surrounded by the tall giants of the forest, waving their boughs and uniting their brows over us, as if in defiance of our disturbing their repose, and usurping their long and uncontested preemption rights. The beech on the left often shook his bushy head over us as if in absolute disapprobation of our settling there, threatening to crush us if we did not pack up and start. The walnut over the spring branch stood high and straight; no one could tell which way it inclined, but all concluded that if it had a preference, it was in favor of quartering on our cabin. We got assistance to cut it down. The axeman doubted his ability to control its direction, by reason that he must necessarily cut it almost off before it would fall. He thought by felling the tree in the direction of the reader, along near the chimney, and thus favor the little lean it seemed to have, would be the means of saving the cabin. He was successful. Part of the stump still stands. These, and all other dangerous trees, were got down without other damage than many frights and frequent desertions of the premises, by 64 BEL.IMONT COUNTY. the famil," while the trees were being cut. T'he ash beyond the house crossed the scarf and fell Jn the cabin, but without damage.... The monotony of the time for several of the first years was broken and enlivened by the howl of wild beasts. The wolves howling around us seemed to moan their inability to drive us from their long and undisputed domain. The bears, panthers and deers seemingly got miffed at our approach or the partiality of the hunters, and but seldom troubled us. One bag of meal would make a whole family rejoicingly happy and thankful then, when a loaded East Indiaman will fail to do it now, and is passed off as a common business transaction without ever once thinking of the Giver, so independent have we become in the short space of forty years! Having got out of the wilderness in less time than the children of Israel, we seem to be even more forgetful and unthankful than they. When spring was fully come and our little patch of corn, three acres, put in among the beech roots, which at every step. contended with the shovel-plough for the right of soil, and held it too, we enlarged our stock of conveniences. As soon as bark would run, (peel off,) we could make ropes and bark boxes. These we stood in great need of, as such things as bureaus, stands, wardrobes, or even barrels, were not to be had. The manner of making ropes of linn bark, was to cut the bark in strips of convenient length, and water-rot it in the same manner as rotting flax or hemp. When this was done, the inside bark would peel off and split up so fine as to make a pretty considerably rough and good-for-but-little kind of a rope. Of this, however, we were very glad, and let no ship owner with his grass ropes laugh at us. We made two kinds of boxes for furniture. One kind was of hickory bark with the outside shaved off. This we would take off all around the tree, the size of which would determine the calibre of our box. Into one end we would place a flat piece of bark or puncheon cut round to fit in the bark, which stood on end the same as when on the tree. There was little need of hooping, as the strength of the bark would keep that all right enough. Its shrinkage would make the top unsightly in a parlor now-a-days, but then they were considered quite an addition to the furniture. A much finer article was made of slippery-elm bark, shaved smooth and with the inside out, bent round and sewed together where the ends of the hoop or main bark lapped over. The length of the bark was around the box, and inside out. A bottom was made of a piece of the same bark dried flat, and a lid like that of a common band box, made in the same way. This was the finest furniture in a lady's dressing room, and then, as now, with the finest furniture, the lapped or sewed side was turned to the wall and the prettiest part to the spectator. They were usually made oval, and while the bark was green were easily ornamented with drawings of birds, trees, &c., agreeably to the taste and skill of the fair manufacturer. As we belonged to the Society of Friends, it may be fairly presumed that our band boxes were not thus ornamented. We settled on beech land, which took much labor to clear. We could do no better than clear out the smaller stuff and burn the brush, &c., around the beeches which, in spite of the girdling and burning we could do to them, would leaf out the first year, and often a little the second. The land, however, was very rich, and would bring better corn than might be expected. We had to tend it principally with the hoe, that is, to chop down the nettles, the water-weed, and the touch-me-not. Grass, careless, lambs-quarter, and Spanish needles were reserved to pester the better prepared farmer. We cleared a small turnip patch, which we got in about the 10th of August. We sowed in timothy seed, which took well, and next year we had a little hay besides. The tops and blades of the corn were also carefully saved for our horse, cow, and the two sheep. The turnips were sweet and good, and in the fall we took care to gather walnuts and hickory nuts, which were very abundant. These, with the turnips which we scraped, supplied the place of fruit. I have always been partial to scraped turnips, and could now beat any three dandies at scraping them. Johnny-cake, also, when we had meal to make it of, helped to make up our evening's repast. The Sunday morning biscuit had all evaporated, but the loss was partially supplied by the nuts and turnips. Our regular supper was mush and milk, and by the time we had shelled our corn, stemmed tobacco, and plaited straw to make hats, &c., &c. the mush and milk had seemingly decamped from the neighborhood of our ribs. To relieve this difficulty, my brother and I would bake a thin johnny-cake, part of which we would eat, and leave the rest till morning. At daylight we would eat the balance as we walked from the house to work. The methods of eating mush and milk were various. Some would sit around the pot, and every one take therefrom for himself. Some would set a table and each have his tin cup of milk, and with a pewter spoon take just as much mush from the dish or the pot, if it was on the table, as he thought would fill his mouth or throat, then lowering it into the milk, would take uome to wash it down. This method kept the milk cool, and by 9 65 ii BROWN COUNTY. frequent repetitions the pioneer would contract a faculty of correctly estimating the proper amount of each. Others would mix mush and milk together... To get grinding done was often a great difficulty, by reason of the scarcity of mills, the freezes in winter, and droughts in summer. We had often to manufacture meal (when we had corn) in any way we could get the corn to pieces. We soaked and pounded it, we shaved it, we planed it, and, at the proper season, grated it. When one of our neighbors got a hand-mill, it was thought quite an acquisition to the neighborhood. In after years, when in time of freezing or drought, we could get grinding by waiting for our turn no more than one day and a night at a horse mill, we thought ourselves happy. To save meal we often made pumpkin bread, in which when meal was scarce, the pumpkin would so predominate as to render it next to impossible to tell our bread from that article, either by taste, looks, or the amount of nutriment it contained. Salt was five dollars per bushel, and we used none in our corn bread, which we soon liked as well without it. Often has sweat ran into my mouth, which tasted as fresh and flat as distilled water. What meat we had at first was fresh, and but little of that, for had we been hunters we had no time to practice it. We had no candles, and cared but little about them except for summer use. In Carolina we had the real fat light-wood, not merely pine knots, but the fat straight pine. This, from the brilliancy of ohr parlor, of winter evenings, might be supposed to put, not only candles, lamps, camphine, Greenough's chemical oil, but even gas itself, to the blush. In the West we had not this, but my business was to ramble the woods every evening for seasoned sticks, or the bark of the shelly hickory, for light.'Tis true that our light was not as good as even candles, but we got along without fretting, for we depended more upon the goodness of our eyes than we did upon the brilliancy of the light. Barnesville, 18 miles wsw. of St. Clairsville, is a large and flourishing town, containing 2 churches, 1 male academy, 1 masonic hall, and a population of about 750. Martinsville, 2 miles NW. of Wheeling city, on the Ohio river, contains 3 churches, 3 stores, and a population of 400. Morristown, 10 miles w. of St. Clairsville, on the National road, has 5 stores, 2 churches, and 350 people. Flushing, 10 miles NW. of St. Clairsville, has 3 stores and 250 people. Bellaire, Belmont, Ilendrysburg, Jacobsburg, Somerton, Uniontown, West Wheeling, Burlington, Centreville, ]armington, Loydsville, Shepperdstown, and Steinersvile, are also small villages. BROWN. BROWN was formed from Adams and Clermont, March 1, 1817, and named from Gen. Jacob Brown, an officer of the war of 1812. Excepting the Ohio river hills, the surface is level or undulating, and the soil generally fertile: the northern part, more especially, is adapted to grazing, and the southern to grain. The staples are wheat, corn, rye, oats and pork. The following are the names of its townships in 1840, with their population. Byrd, 2422 Huntington, 1957 Pleasant, 1485 Clark, 1290 Jackson, 1253 Scott, 1101 Eagle, 888 Lewis, 2044 Sterling, 608 Franklin, 1199 Perry, 1869 Union, 2071 Green, 358 Pike, 792 Washington, 848 Population of Brown county, in 1820, 13,367; in 1830, 17,866; in 1840, 22,715, or 44 inhabitants to a square mile. A short time previous to the settlement of this county, a severe 66 BROWN COUNTY. battle was fought at a locality, callea "the salt lick," in Perry township, in the northern part of the county, between a party of Kentuckians and some Indians, under Tecumseh. The circumstances are here given from Drake's life of that celebrated Indian chief. "In the month of March, 1792, some horses were stolen by the Indians, fronm the settlements in Mason county, Kentucky. A party of whites, to the number of thirty-six, was immediately raised for the purpose of pursuing them. It embraced Kenton, Whiteman, M'Intyre, Downing, Washburn, Calvin and several other experienced woodsmen. The first named, Simon Kenton, a distinguished Indian fighter, was placed in command. The trail of the Indians being taken, it was found they had crossed the Ohio, just below the mouth of Lee's creek, which was reached by the pursuing party towards evening. Having prepared rafts, they crossed the Ohio that ni,ght, and encamped. Early next morning the trail was again taken and pursued, on a north course, all day, the weather being bad and the ground wet. On the ensuing morning, twelve of the men were unable to continue the pursuit, and were permitted to return. The remainder followed the trail until eleven o'clock, A. M., when a bell was heard, which they supposed indicated their approach to the Indian camp. A halt was called, and all useless baggage and clothing laid aside. Whiteman and two others were sent ahead as spies, in different directions, each being followed by a detachment of the party. After moving forward some distance, it was found that the bell was approaching them. They halted, and soon perceived a solitary Indian riding towards them. When within one hundred and fifty yards, he was fired at and killed. Kenton directed the spies to proceed, being now satisfied that the camp of the Indians was near at hand. They pushed on rapidly, and after going about four miles, found the Indians encamped on the south-east side of the east fork of the Little Miami, a few miles above the place where the town of Williamsburg has since been built. The indications of a considerable body of Indians were so strong, that the expediency of an attack at that hour of the day was doubted by Kenton. A hurried council was held, in which it was determined to retire, if it could be done without discovery, and lie concealed until night, and then assault the camp. This plan was carried into execution. Two of the spies were left to watch the Indians, and ascertain whether the pursuing party had been discovered. The others retreated for some distance, and took a commanding position on a ridge. The spies watched until night, and then reported to their commander, that they had not been discovered by the enemy. The men being wet and cold, they were now marched down into a hollow, where they kindled fires, dried their clothes, and put their rifles in order. The party was then divided into three detachments,-Kenton commanding the right, M'Intyre the centre, and Downing the left. By agreement, the three divisions were to move towards the camp, simultaneously, and when they had approached as near as possible, without giving an alarm, were to be guided in the commencement 67 BROWN COUNTY. of the attack, by the fire from Kenton's party. When Downing and his detachment had approached close to the camp, an Indian rose upon his feet, and began to stir up the fire, which was but dimly burning. Fearing a discovery, Downing's party instantly shot him down. This was followed by a general fire from the three detachments, upon the Indians who were sleeping under some marquees and bark tents, close upon the margin of the stream. But unfortunately, as it proved in the sequel, Kenton's party had taken "Boone," as their watch-word. This name happening to be as familiar to the enemy as themselves, led to some confusion in the course of the engagement. When fired upon, the Indians, instead of retreating across the stream, as had been anticipated, boldly stood to their arms, returned the fire of the assailants, and rushed upon them. They were reinforced, moreover, from a camp on the opposite side of the river, which, until then, had been unperceived by the whites. In a few minutes, the Indians and the Kentuckians were blended with each other, and the cry of "Boone," and "Che Boone," arose simultaneously from each party. "It was after midnight when the attack was made, and there being no moon, it was very dark. Kenton, perceiving that his men were likely to be overpowered, ordered a retreat, after the attack had lasted for a few minutes; this was continued through the remainder of the night and part of the next day, the Indians pursuing them, but without killing more than one of the retreating party. The Kentuckians lost but two men, Alexander M'Intyre and John Barr. The loss of the Indians was much greater, according to the statements of some prisoners, who, after the peace of 1795, were released and returned to Kentucky. They related, that fourteen Indians were killed, and seventeen wounded. They stated further, that there were in the camp about one hundred warriors, among them several chiefs of note, including Tecumseh, Battise, Black Snake, Wolf and Chinskau; and that the party had been formed for the purpose of annoying the settlements in Kentucky, and attacking boats descending the Ohio river. Kenton and his party were three days in reaching Limestone, during two of which they were without food, and destitute of sufficient clothing to protect them from the cold winds and rains of March. The foregoing particulars of this expedition are taken from the manuscript narrative of Gen. Benjamin Whiteman, one of the early and gallant pioneers to Kentucky, now a resident of Green county, Ohio. "The statements of Anthony Shane and of Stephen Ruddell, touching this action, vary in some particulars from that which has been given above, and also from the narrative in McDonald's Sketches. The principal difference relates to the number of Indians in the engagement, and the loss sustained by them. They report but two killed, and that the Indian force was less than that of the whites. Ruddell states, that at the commencement of the attack, Tecumseh was lying by the fire, outside of the tents. When the first gun was heard, he sprang to his feet, and calling upon Sinnamatha to follow 68 BROWN COUNTY. his example, and charge, he rushed forward and killed one of the whites [John Barr] with his war-club. The other Indians, raising the war-whoop, seized their arms, and rushing upon Kenton and his party, compelled them, after a severe contest of a few minutes, to retreat. One of the Indians, in the midst of the engagement, fell into the river, and in the effort to get out of the water, made so much noise, that it created a belief on the minds of the whites, that a reinforcement was crossing the stream to aid Tecumseh. This is supposed to have hastened the order from Kenton, for his men to retreat. The afternoon prior to the battle, one of Kenton's men, by the name of M'Intyre, succeeded in catching an Indian horse, which he tied in the rear of the camp; and, when a retreat was ordered, lie mounted and rode ofl. Early in the morning, Tecumseh and four of his men set off in pursuit of the retreating party. Having fallen upon the trail of M'Intyre, they pursued it for some distance, and at length overtook him. He had struck a fire, and was cooking some meat. When M'Intyre discovered his pursuers, he instantly fled at full speed. Tecumseh and two others followed, and were fast gaining, on him, when he turned and raised his gun. Two of the Indians, who happened to be in advance of T'ecumseh. sprung behind trees, but he rushed upon M'Intyre and made him prisoner. He was tied and taken back to the battle ground. Upon reaching it, Tecumseh deemed it prudent to draw off his men, lest the whites should rally and renew the attack. Hle requested some of the Indians to catch the horses, but they, hesitating, he undertook to do it himself, assisted by one of the party. When he returned to camp with the horses, he found that his men hadf killed M'Intyre. At this act of cruelty to a prisoner, he was exceedingly indlignant; declaring that it was a cowardly act to kill a man when tied, and a prisoner. The conduct of Tecumseh, in this engagement, and in the events of the following morning, is creditable alike to his courage and humanity. Resolutely brave in battle, his arm was never uplifted against a prisoner, nor did he suffer violence to be inflicted upon a captive, without promptly rebuking it." McDonald, in speaking of this action, says: "The celebrated Tecumseh commanded the Indians. His cautious and fearless intrepidity made him a host wherever he went. In military tactics, night attacks are not allowable, except in cases like this, when the assailing party are far inferior in numbers. Sometimes, in night attacks, panics and confusion are created in the attacked party, which may render them a prey to inferior numbers. Kenton trusted to something like this on the present occasion, but was disappointed; for when Tecumseh was present, his influence over the minds of his followers infused that confidence in his tact and intrepidity, that they could only be defeated by force of numbers." Georgetown, the county seat, is 107 miles from Columbus, 30 from Hillsboro, 46 from Wilmington, 21 from Batavia and West Union. It was laid off in the year 1819, and its original propietors 69 BROWN COUNTY. were Allen Woods and Henry Newkirk. It is a smart business town, containing 1 Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, 1 Christian Disciples, and 1 Methodist church, a newspaper printing office, and about 800 inhabitants. The view shows the public square, with the old court Public Square, Georgetown. house on the left, and on the right, in the distance, a new and elegant Methodist church. It is contemplated to erect, shortly, a new court house, in good architectural taste. Georgetown was the residence of the late Gen. ThoMAs L. HAMER, who died in Mexico. He commenced the practice of the law in Georgetown, in the year 1820, which he continued until June, 1846, at which time he volunteered in the Mexican war. He was elected Major of the 1st Reg. Ohio Volunteers, and received the appointment of Brig. Gen. from the President, before his departure for the seat of war. In that station, he acquitted himself with great ability up to the period of his death. He was in the battle at Monterey, and on Maj. Gen. Butler's being wounded, succeeded him in the command. He distin,guished himself on this occasion, by his coolness and courage. Gen. Hamer was endowed with most extraordinary abilities as an orator, advocate and lawyer. He represented the district in which he resided, six years in congress, and distinguished himself as an able and sagacious statesman; and at the time of his death, was a member elect to congress. The estimation in which he was held by his professional brethren, may be feebly gathered from the proceedings of the members of the bar of his county, the proceedings of which meeting were presented to the Supreme Court of Ohio, for Brown county, on the 23d of April, and the court requested to have the same entered upon their journals; whereupon, Judge Read expressed the views of the court, as follows: "It is with pleasure that the court direct the proceedings of the bar to be entered of record, as the customary tribute to distinguished worth. It is proper to add, that the court sympathize deeply with 70 BROWN COUNTY. the family of Gen. Hamer, and the bar, and the community, in the loss we have sustained. Gen. Hamer was an ornament to the bar, and had distinguished himself in the counsels of the nation, and won to himself renown upon her battle fields. It is proper that one should cherish his memory, and keep his virtues and example before us. We, therefore, direct the clerk to enter these proceedings of record, as a testimonial of the high estimation entertained for the deceased by the court and the bar, and as a slight expression of the deep regret felt for his loss." In the county, there are two large settlements of colored persons, numbering about 500 each. One of these is 3 miles north of Georgetown; the other is in the NE. part of the county, about 16 miles distant. They emigrated from Virginia, in the year 1818, and were originally the slaves of Samuel Gist, who manumitted and settled them here, upon two large surveys of land. Their situation, unfortunately, is not prosperous. Ripley, from the Kentucky side of the Ohio. Ripley is upon the Ohio, 10 miles from Georgetown, 9 below Maysville, and 50 above Cincinnati. The town was laid out about the period of the war of 1812, by Col. James Poage, a native of Virginia, and first named Staunton, from Staunton, Va.; it was afterwards changod to Ripley, fiom Gen. Ripley, an officer of distinction in the war. When the county was first formed, the courts were directed to be held at the house of Alex. Campbell, in this town, until a permanent seat of justice should be established. For a time, it was supposed that this would be the county seat; a court house was begun, but before it was finished, the county seat was permanently established at Georgetown. The courts were, for a time, held in the 1st Presbyterian church, which was the first public 71 BUTLER COUNTY. house of worship erected. Ripley is the largest and most business place in the county, and one of the most flourishing villages on the Ohio river, within the limits of the state. The view shows the central part of the town only; it extends about a mile on the river. Ripley contains 2 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist, 1 Associate Reformed, 1 New Light, and 1 Catholic church, 20 stores, 1 newspaper printing office, 1 iron foundery, 1 carding machine, 3 flouring mills, and had, in 1840, 1245 inhabitants; since, it has considerably increased. The Ripley female seminary, under the charge of \Wm. C. Bissell and lady, has about forty pupils. The "Ripley College" was chartered by the state, but not endowed: it is now a high school, under the care of the Rev. John Rankin, and an assistant, and has about forty pupils, of both sexes. This institution admits colored children within its walls; and there are quite a number of people, in this region, who hold to the doctrine of equal rights, politically and socially, to all, irrespective of color. Aberdeen, opposite Maysville, Ky., was founded by Nathan Ellis, who was either from Scotland or of Scotch extraction. It contains several stores and churches, and had, in 1819, 405 inhabitants. Higginsport, on the river, 7 miles from Georgetown, is a considerable village, and has 3 churches, 4 stores, and, in 1840, had 393 inhabitants. Russelville is also a village of note, 7 miles E. of Georgetown, and is famous for its churches, of which it has seven, together with as many stores, and about 359 inhabitants. In the Perry township, in the extreme north part of the county, are many Catholics. They have a cathedral of much splendor, and a nunnery. Decatur, Hamersville, Arnheim, Sardinia, Fincastle, Carlisle, New Hope, Fayetteville and Greenbush are small villages in the county. BUTLER. BUTLER was formed in 1803, from Hamilton, and named in honor of Gen. Richard Butler, a distinguished officer of the revolution, who fell in St. Clair's defeat. The surface is level. It is all within the blue limestone formation, and is one of the richest agricultural tracts in Ohio. Its staples are corn, wheat, oats and pork. It produces more corn than any county of the state, the annual crop being over two millions of bushels! A large proportion of its population are of German descent. The following are the names of its townships, in 1840, with their population. Fairfield, 3580 Milford, 1868 Ross, 1524 Hanover, 1680 Morgan, 1726 St. Clair, 2307 Lemon, 3065 Oxford, 3422 Union, 2118 Liberty, 1479 Reily, 1758 Wayne, 1562 Madison, 2208 In 1820, its population was 21,755; inI 1830, 27,143; in 1840 28,207, or 59 inhabitants to a square mile. 72 BUTLER COUNTY. The large and flourishing town of Hamilton, the county seat, A. 22 niles N. of Cincinnati, on the left bank of the Great Miami. It contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist, 1 German Lu theran. 1 Associate Reformed, 1 Baptist, and 1 Catholic church, a Public Square, Hamilton. flourishing female academy, 2 newspaper printing offices, 3 flouring mills, 3 cotton factories, 3 saw mills, 2 foundries, 2 machine shops, and about 16 mercantile stores; in 1840, its population was 1409, since which it has considerably increased. Hamilton is destined to ie an important manufacturing town. The hydraulic works, lately built here, rank among the best water powers west of the Alleghanies. This work is formed by a canal, commencing at the Big Miami, four miles above the town, and emptying into the river near the bridge, at Hamilton. By it a very great amount of never failing water power has been created, sufficient, with a small additional investment, to propel 200 runs of 41 mill stones. It is durably constructed, and is adding much to the business of the community. View of Rossville, from Hamilton. Hamilton is neatly built, and has an elegant public square, on which stand the county buildings; it is enclosed by an iron fence, hand somely covered with green turf, and shaded by locusts and other 10 Ts BUTLER COIUNTY. expense of about Rossville, on the shows as it ap also a flourishing t, as that is as a stance, that it is e farmers of the contains 1 Pres out 18 mercantile urelation has since , in 1791, passed r, Fort Hamilton bhe site of Hamil sions, and to form ashington and the e camnpaign. It de of fifty yards our good bastions, for cannon in two barracks. In the eeding, an addi e to the fort, by Wilkinson, which enclosing, with rea of ground on rt, so that it exte river to about te of the present . The southern work extended to We Associate Reh. liven of the fort, irvey of Mr. Jas. Hamilton, made al years after. -A. The old fort Clair. B. Addicers quarters. b. c. Magazine. d. p. e, f, g. Block Present bridge across the Miami, shown in the view of Rossville. * This gentleman has written a large volume-as yet unpublished-filled with valuable acts and anecdotes connected with the history of the Miami valley. For the historical sKetch of Hamilton, and several incidents in various parts of our work, we are indebted to these Mss. T4 BUTLER COUNTY. Late in the fall oi 1792, an advance corps of troops, under the comniand of Major Rudolph, arrived at Fort Hamilton, where they wintered. TI'hey consisted of three conmpanies of light dragoons, one of rifle, and one of infantry. Rudolph was a Major of dragoons, from lower Virginia. His reputation was that of an arbitrary and tyrannical officer. Sometime in the spring, seven soldiers deserted to the Ohio river, where, procuring a canoe, they started for New Orleans. Ten or fifteen miles below the falls of the Ohio, they were met by Lieut. (since Gen.) Clark, and sent back to Fort Hamilton, where a court martial sentenced three of them to be hung, two to run the gauntlet, and the remrnaining two to lie in irons, ill the guard house, for a stipulated period. John Browil, Seth Blin and Gallaher, were the three sentenced to be hung. The execution took place the next day, on a gallows erected below the fort, just south of the site of the present Associate Reformed church, and near the residence of James B. Thomas. Five hundred soldiers were drawn up in arms around the fatal spet, to witness the exit of their unfortunate comrades. The appearance of the sufferers, at the gallows, is said to have been most prepossessing. They were all young men of spirit, and handsome appearance, ill the opening bloom of life, with their long hair floating over their shoulders. John Brown was said to have been a young man, of very respectable connections, who lived near Albany, New York. Early in life, he had formed an attachment for a young woman in his neighborhood, of unimpeachable character, but whose socital standing did not comport with the pride of his. parents. He was forbidden to associate with her, and required to pay his addresses to another. Broken-hearted and desponding, he left his home, enlisted in a company of dragoons, and came to the west. His commanding odlicer treated him so unjustly, that hlie was led to desert. When under the gallows, the sergeant, acting as executioner, inquired why the sentence of the law should not be enforced upon him, he replied, with emphasis-pointing to Major Rudolph-" that he had rather die nine hundred deaths, than be subject to the command of such a mian;" and was swung off, without a murmur. Seth Blin was the son of a respectable widlow, residing in the state of New York. The rope being awkwardly fastened aroiund his neck, he struggled greatly. Three times he raised his feet, until they came in contact with the upper part of the gallows, when the exertion broke his neck. Immnediately after the sentence had been pronounced on these men, a fr-iend hastened to Fort Washington, where he obtained a pardon from Gen. Wilkinson. Blt he was too late. The execution had been hastened by MIjor Rudolph, and he arrived at Hallilton fifteen minutes after the spirits of these unfortunate men had taken their flight to another world. Their bodies were immediately committed to the grave, under the gilltows.''lhere, in the dark and narrow house, in silence, lies the only son of a widowed miiotliher, the last of his family. A vegetable garden is now cultivated over the spot, by those who thin,k not nor know not of the once warm heart that lies cold below. The two other deserters were sentenced to run the gauntlet sixteen times, between two ranks of soldiers, which was carried forthwith into execution. The lines were formied in the rising ground, east of the fort, where now lies Front street, and extended firom Smithman's corner to the intersection of Ludlow street. One of them, named Roberts, having passed eight times through the ranks, fell, and was unable to proceed. T'lhe attendant physician stated that he could stand it no longer, as his life had already been eidllngerl-ed. Sometime after Gen. Wayne arrived at the post, and although frequently represented as an arbitrary man, he was so much displeased with the cruelty of Major lRudolph, that he gave him his choice, to resign or be cashiered. He chose the former, returned to Virginia, and subsequently, in company with another gentleman, purchased a ship, and went on a trading voyage to Europe. They were captured (it is stated) by an Algerine cruiser, and Rudolph was hung at the yard arm of his own vessel. I have heard some of those who were under his command, in Wayne's army, express satisfaction at the fate of this unfortunate man. In the summer of 1792, two wagoners were watching some oxen, which had been turned out to graze on the common below the fort; a shower of rain coming on, they retired for shelter under a tree, which stood near where the sycamore grove now is. Some Indians, who had been watching from under the covert of the adjoining underbrush, rushed suddeitly upon them, killed one and took the other prisoner. The latter was Henry Shafor, who, after his return, lived, until a few years past, two or three miles below Rossville, on the river. In September, 1793, the army of Wayne marched from Cincinnati to Fort Hamilton, and encamped in the upper part of the prairie, about half a mile south of the present town, nearly on the same ground on which Gen. St. Clair had encamped in 1791. Here they threw up a breastwork, the remains of which may yet be traced at the point where the 75 BUTLER COUNTY. present road strikes the Miami river, above Traber's mill. A few aays after, they con tinued their march toward the Indian country. Gen. Wayne detailed a stiong guard of men for the defence of the fort, the command of which was given to Major Jonathan Cass, of the army of the revolution, and father of the Hon. Lewis Cass, of the U. S. Senate. Major Cass continued in command until the treaty of Greenville. On the 17th of December, 1794, Israel Ludlow laid out, within Symmes's purchase, the original plot of the town of Hamilton, which he, at first, for a short time only, called Fair field. Shortly after, a few settlers came in. The first settlers were Darius C. Orcut, John Green, MWm. M Clennian, John Sutherland, John Torrence, Benj. F. Randolph, Benj. Davis, Isaac Wiles, Andrew Christy and Wm. Hubbert. Previous to 1801, all the lands on the west side of the Great Miami were owned by the United States, consequently there were no improvements made on that side of the river, except by a few squatters. There was one log house built at an early period, near tile west end of the bridge, now owned by the heirs of Lewis P. Sayre. On the first Mon day in April, 1801,-at the first sale of the United States lands west of the Miami, held at Cincinnati,-a company purchased the site of Rossville, on which, March 14th, 1804, they laid out the town. Mr. John Reily was the agent of the proprietors. The first settlers of Hamilton suffered much from the fever and ague, aild being princi pally disbanded soldiers, without energy, and many of thenm dissipated, but little improve ment was made for the first few years. In those early times, horse-racing was a favorite amusement, and all affair of all engrlossing interest. On public days, indeed on almost every other Saturday, the streets and cormmons in the upper part of the town were converted into race paths. The race course coinprehended the commnon from 2d to 4th street. At 2d street, a short distance north of the site of the Catholic church, was an elevated scaffold on which stood the judges of the race. On grand occasions, the plain within the course and near it, were occupied with booths, erected with forks and covered with boughs. Here every thing was said, done, eaten, sold and drank. Here was Black Jack with his fiddle, and his votaries mnaking the dust fly, with a four-hand(led, or rather four-footed reel; and every fifteen or twenty minutes was a rush to somne part to see a "fisty cvAff." Among the bustling crowd of jockies were asseminbled all classes. Even Judges of the court mingled with the crowd, and sometimes presided at the contests of speed between the ponies of the neighborhood. Soon after the formation of Butler county, Hamilton was made the county seat. The first sessions of the court were held in the tavern of Mr. Torrence, now the residence of Henry S. Earhart. The sessions of the court after this were held in the former mess room of the fort. It was a rough one story fiaiue building, about 40 by 20 feet, weather-boarded, without either filling or plastering, and stood about where the market now is. It was elevated fiom the ground about three feet by wooden blocks affording a favorite shelter for the hogs and sheep of the village. The Judges seat was a rough platform of unplaned boards, and a long table in front, like a carpenter's work bench, was used by the bar. It 1810, the court was removed to a room over the stone jail, and in 1817, transferred to the present court house. The court, at their July term,in 1803, selected the old magazine within the fort as a county jail. It was a heavy built log building, about 12 feet square, with a hipped roof conming to a common center and surmounted by a ball. The door had a hole in the center shaped like a half-moon, through which air, light and food( were conveyed, while on the outside it was secured by a pad-lock and hasp. It was very insecure, and escapes were almost as frequent as committals. It was the only jail for Butler county, firom 1803 to 1809. A small log house formerly a sutlers store, was used as a clerk's office. It has since beetn altered into a private dwelling, at present occupied by Dutch Jacob. The house erected by Gen. Wilkinson, in'92, for officer's quarters, (see a plan of fort,) was converted into a tavern kept by the county sheriff, Wm. M'Clellan, while the barracks and artificers shops were used as stables. JOHN CLEVES SYMMES, the author of the "Theory of Concentric Spheres, demon strating that the Earth is hol J. C. Symmes's Signature. low, habitable within, and widely open about the Poles," died at Hamilton, May 28th, 1829. He was born in New Jersey about the year 1780. His father, 76 BUTLEI' COUNTY. Timothy Symmes, was the brother of John Cleves Symmrnes, wellknown as the founder of the first settlements of the Miami valley. In the early part of his life he received a common school education. and in 1802 was commissioned an ensign in the army. In 1813, he was promoted to a captaincy, in which capacity he served until the close of the war with honor. He was in the hard-fought battle of Bridgewater, and at the sortie of Fort Erie, where with his command he captured a battery, and personally spiked the cannon. At the close of the war he retired from the army, and for about three years was engaged in furnishing supplies to the troops stationed on the Upper Mississippi. After this, he resided for a number of years at Newport, Ky., and devoted himself to philosophical researches connected with his favorite theory. In a short circular, dated at St. Louis, in 1818, Capt. Symmes first promulgated the fundamental principles of his theory to the world. From time to time, he published various articles in the public prints upon the subject. He also delivered lectures, first at Cincinnati in 1820, and afterwards in various places in Kentucky and Ohio. "In the year 1822, Capt. Symmes petitioned the Congress of the United States, setting forth, in the first place, his belief of the existence of a habitable and accessible concave to this globe; his desire to embark on a voyage of discovery to one or other of the polar regions; his belief in the great profit and honor his country would derive from such a discovery; and prayed that Congress would equip and fit out for the expedition, two vessels of two hundred and fifty, or three hundred, tons burthen; and grant such other aid as government might deem necessary to promote the object. This petition was presented in the Senate by Col. Richard M. Johnson, a member from Kentucky, on the 7th day of March, 1822, when, (a motion to refer it to the committee of Foreign Relations having failed,) after a few remarks it was laid on the table.-Ayes, 25. In December, 1823, he forwarded similar petitions to both houses of Congress, which met with a similar fate. In January, 1824, he petitioned the General Assembly of the state of Ohio, praying that body to pass a resolution approbatory of his theory; and to recommend himn to Congress for an outfit suitable to the enterprise. This memorial was presented by Micajah T. Williams; and, on motion, the further consideration thereof was indefinitely postponed." His theory was met with ridicule, both in this country and Europe, and became a fruitful source of jest and levity,,to the public prints of the day. Notwithstanding, he advanced many plausi ble and ingenious arguments, and . won quite a number of converts among those who attended his lec tures, one of whom, a gentleman now residing at Hamilton, wrote a work in its support, published in Cincinnati in 1826, in which he states .'"'a!~.his readiness to embark on a voy -..~.'.__.age of discovery, for the purpose of testing its truth. Captain Symmes met with the usual fate of projec tors, in living and dying in great pecuniary embarrassment. In per son, he was of the medium stature J. C. Symme' Monument. and simple in his manners. He bore the character of an honest, exemplary man, and was respected 77 BUTLER COUNTY. by all his associates. He was buried at Hamilton. Tne monument represented by the cut, has been built, but is not yet placed over his remains. It is surmounted by a globe, "open at the poles." MR. JOHN REILY, of this county, is one of the five members living of the convention which framed the Constitution of Ohio. His friend, Judge Burnet, in his late work, has given an eloquent tribute to his character and services. Middletown is 12 miles NE. of Hamilton, and 20 below Dayton, in a rich and beautiful country. The Miami canal runs east of the central part of the town, and the Miami river bounds it on the west. Lebanon Street, liiddletown. It is connected with Dayton and Cincinnati, and with West Alexandria, in Preble county, by turnpikes. The Warren county canal enters the main canal at this town. Two or three miles above, a dam is thrown across the Miami, from which a connecting feeder supplies the Miami canal. This work furnishes much water power, which, with a little expense, can be increased and used to great advantage. There are within three miles of Middletown, 8 flourming mills on the river and canal. Middletown was laid out in 1802, by Stephen Vail and James Sutton. Calvin Morrell, James Brady, Cyrus Osbourn, Daniel Doty, Elisha Wade and Richard Watts were among its early settlers. It contains 1IPresbyterian, 1 Bapl)tist, and 1 Methodist church, a classical academy, 16 mercantile stores, 2 forwarding houses, 1 grist mill and 1 woolen factory, and in 1840, had 809 inhabitants. The view of Lebanon street, was taken at its intersection with Broadway. Liebee's block is shown on the right, Deardorf's mill and the bridge over the Miami partly appear in the distance. In the northwest corner of the county, 12 miles from Hamilton, on a high and beautiful elevation, is the handsome town of Oxford, the seat of the Miami University. It contains 9 mercantile stores, 1 woolen factory, 2 Presbyterian, 1 Associate Reformed, and 1 Methodist church, and in 1840, had 1179 inhabitants. The Associate church have established a theological school here, under the care of the Rev. Dr. Claybaugh; it is yet in its infancy, promises well, and has a valuable collection of books. I 78 CARROL COUNTY. The Miami University buildings are in the east part of the town, in a large enclosure of fifty acres, part of which is in the llliami University at Oxford. original forest, and the remainder covered with a green sward, and ornamented with scattering shade trees. Including the preparatory department, there are about 150 students in the institution, which is under the charge of a President-the Rev. E. D. MacMaster-and 4 professors, beside the principal of the preparatory department. "The course of studies are not less extensive than those of the best colleges in the Union, and its faculty are earnestly endeavoring to establish the institution on a solid foundation." It was chartered in 1809, by the legislature of Ohio, and a township of land given by Congress for its support. The University was not regularly opened for the reception of students, until Nov. 15th, 1824. From that period until 1841, it had 308 graduates. Somerville, 14 miles NNW. from Hamilton, had in 1840, 318 inhabitants; Millville, 7 w. from Hamilton, Monroe, 12 NE., Chester, 10 SE., and Darrtown, 10 Nw., had each about 200 inhabitants. Jacksonburg, Miltonville, Reily and Trenton are also small villages. In this county are numerous ancient works, mounds, fortifications, &e. CARROL. CARROL was formed in the session of 1832-3, from Columbiana, Stark, Tuscarawas, Harrison and Jefferson, and named from Chas. Carrol, of Carrolton, Md., the last survivor of the signers of the Declaration of American Independence. The surface is hilly, and the staples are wheat, oats and corn; coal and iron abound. The population mainly originated from Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland, with some Germans and Irish. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population. 79 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. Harrison, 1308 Perry, 1344 Lee, 1372 Ross, 1593 Loudon, 966 Union, 889 Monroe, 1060 Washington, 1014 Orange, 1528 Carrol in 1840, was 18,108, or 45 inhabitants Augusta, 1234 Brown, 2165 Centre. 1139 East, 995 Fox, 1491 The population of to a square mile. View in Carrolton. Carrolton, the county seat, is 125 miles ENE. from Columrnbus. It was originally called Centreton, but on the organization of the county, changed to its present name. It is rather compactly built, with a public square in the centre-shown in the above view-on which stand the county buildings. It contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Lutheran, 1 Methodist Episcopal, and 1 Associate Reformed church, 6 mercantile stores. 2 printing offices, and 800 inhabitants. Leesburg, 12 miles sw. of Carrolton, has 2 churches, 3 stores, and about 60 dwellings. It is on One Leg, a stream so named from a one legged Indian who anciently dwelt upon its margin. The Indian name of this water course is the "Kannoten." The "Dining Fork of the Kannoten" derived its appellation, from the first explorers in this region dining upon its banks. Hagerstown, 1 miles east of Leesburg, is a somewhat smaller village, having a church, 3 stores, and a classical academy. New Harrisburg, Malvern, Magnolia, Pekin, Augusta, Norristown, Lodi, Minerva, Mechanicstown and Harlem, are small places; at the last of which is a chalybeate spring, said to possess excellent medicinal qualities. CHAMPAIGN. CHAMPAIGN was formed from Greene and Franklin, March 1st, 1805, and the temporary seat of justice fixed in Springfield, at the 80 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. house of George Fithian: it derived its name from the character of its surface. About half of it is level or slightly undulating, one quarter rolling, one fifth rather hilly, and about five per cent. wet prairie, and best adapted for grazing. The county is drained by Mad river and its tributaries. The stream flows through a beautiful country, and with its tributaries furnishes extensive mill privileges. The soil is generally rich, and the principal crops are wheat, corn, oats, barley and hay: wool and beef cattle are also important staples. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population. Adams, 970 Jackson, 1431 Salem, 1462 Concord, 935 Johnson, 1213 Union, 1249 Goshen, 1406 Mad River, 1894 Urbana, 2456 Harrison, 790 Rush, 1226 Wayne, 1300 The population of Champaign in 1820, was 8,479; in 1830, 12,137; and in 1840, 16,720, or 44 inhabitants to a square mile. Urbana, the county seat, is 42 miles WNW. from Columbus. It was laid out in 1805, by Col. Wm. Ward, originally from Greenbriar, Va. He was proprietor of the soil, and gave a large number of the lots to the county, with the provision that their sales should be appropriated for public objects. He also named the place, from the word urbanity. The two first settlers were the clerk of the court, Joseph C. Vance, father of Ex-Gov. Vance, and George Fithian, who opened the first tavern in a cabin, now forming a part of the dwelling of Wm. Thomas, on South Main street. Samuel M'Cord opened the first store, in the same cabin, in March, 1806, and built, the same year, the first shingled house, now the store of Wm. & Duncan M'Donald. In 1807, a temporary court house was erected, now the residence of Duncan M'Donald. A brick court house was subsequently built on the public square, which stood many years, and then gave place to the present substantial and handsome building. In 1807, the Methodists-those religious pioneers-built the first church, a log structure, which stood in the northeast part of the town, on the lot on which Mr. Ganson resides. Some years later, this denomination erected a brick church, now devoted to the manufacture of carriages and wagons by Mr. Childs, in the central part of the town. The first settlers in the village were Joseph C. Vance, Thos. and Ed. W. Pearce, George Fithian, Samuel M'Cord, Zeph. Luse, Benj. Doolittle, Geo. and Andrew Ward, Wm. H. Fyffe, Wm. and John Glenn, Fred. Ambrose, John Reynolds and Samuel Gibbs. Of those living in the county at that time, our informant recollects the names of Jacob Minturn, Henry and Jacob Vanmetre, Nathaniel Cartmell, Justice Jones, Felix Rock, Thomas Anderson, Abner Barret, Thomas Pearce, Benj. and Wm. Cheney, Matthew and Chas. Stuart, Parker Sullivan, John Logan, John Thomas, John Runyon, John Lafferty, John Owens, John Taylor, John Guttridge, John Cartmell, John Dawson, John Pence, Jonathan Long, Bennet Taber, Nathan Fitch, Robt. Nowce, Jacob Pence and Arthur Thomas. 11' S1 CHAMPAIGN COUNTIY. The last named, Capt. Arthur Thomas, lived on King's creek, three miles from Urbana. He was ordered, in the war of 1812, with his company, to guard the public stores at Fort Findlay. On his return, DL;~~~~ _ uolzc Square, uroana. himself and son lost their horses, and separated from the rest of the company to hunt for them. They encamped at the Big Spring, near Solomonstown, about 5 miles north of Bellfontaine, and the next morning were found killed and scalped. Their bodies were brought into Urbana, by a deputation of citizens. On the 4th of July, two months previous to this event, "The Watch Tower," the first newspaper in the county was commenced at Urbana; its publishers were Corwin & Blackburn. Urbana was a point where the main army of Hull concentrated, ere leaving for Detroit. They encamped in the eastern part of the town, on the home-lot of Judge Elisha C. Berry. In the last war it was a general rendezvous for troops, before starting for the north. They encamped in various parts of the town. Quite a number of sick and disabled soldiers were sent here, some of whom died: the old court house was used as a hospital. The celebrated Simon Kenton was here at an early day. Judge Burnet in his letters, states, that when the troops were stationed at Urbana, a mutinous plan was formed by part of them to attack and destroy a settlement of friendly Indians, who had removed with their families within the settlement under assurance of protection. Kenton remonstrated against the measure, as being not only mutinous, but treacherous and cowardly. He contrasted his knowledge and experience of the Indian character with their ignorance of it. He vindicated them against the charge of treachery, which was alledged as a justification of the act they were about to perpetrate, and reminded them of the infamy they would incur by destroying a defenceless band of men, wo/len and children, who had placed themselves in their power, relying on a solemn promise of protection. He appealed to their humanity, their honor and their duty as soldiers. Having exhausted all the means of persuasion in his power, and finding them resolved to execute their purpose, he took a rifle and declared with great firmness that he would accompany them to the Indian encampment, and shoot down the first man who dared to molest them; that if they entered his camp they should do it by passing over his corpse. Knowing that the old veteran would redeem his pledge, they abandoned their purpose, and the poor Indians were saved. Though he was as brave as Cesar, and reckless of danger when it was his duty to expose his per 82 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. son; yet he was mild, eveni tempered, and had a heart that could bleed at the distresses ot others. There were several Indian councils in Urbana, at an early day, which were usually held in a grove near the burying ground: distinguished Shawnee and iWyandot chiefs were generally present. Betbfore the settlement of the town, in the spring of 1795, Tecumseh was established on Deer creek, near the site of Urbana, where he engaged in his favorite amusement of hunting, and remained until the succeeding spring. His biographer gives some anecdotes of him, which occurred within the present limits of the county. While residing on D)eer creek, an incident occurred, which greatly enhanced his reputationI as a hunter. One of his brothers, and several other Shawanoes of his own age, propcsed to bet with him, that they could each kill as many deer, in the space of three days, as he could. Tecumseh promptly accepted the overture. The parties took to the woods, and at the end of the stipulated time, returned with the evidences of their success. None of the party, except Tecumseh, had more than twelve deer skins; he brought in upwards of thirty-near three times as many as any of his competitors. From this time he was generally conceded to be the greatest hunter in the Shawanoe nation. In 1799, there was a council held about six miles north of the place where Urbana now stands, between the Indians and some of the principal settlers on Mad river, for the adjustment of difficulties which had grown up between these parties. Tecumseh, with other Shawanoe chiefs, attended this council. He appears to have been the most conspicuous orator of the conference, and made a speech on the occasion, which was much admired for its force and eloquence. The interpreter, Dechouset, said that he found it very difficult to translate the lofty flights of Tecumseh, although he was as well acquainted with the Shawanoe language, as with the French, which was his mother tongue. Some time during the year 1803, a stout Kentuckian came to Ohio, for the purpose of exploring the lands on Mad river, and lodged one night at the house of Capt. Abner Barrett, residing on the head waters of Buck creek. In the course of the evening, he learned, with apparent alarm, that there were some Indians encamped within a short distance of the house. Shortly after hearing this unwelcome intelligence, the door of Captain Barrett's dwelling was suddenly opened, and Tecumseh entered with his usual stately air: he paused in silence, and looked around, until at length his eye was fixed upon the stranger, who was manifesting symptoms of alarm, and did not venture to look the stern savage in the face. Tecumseh turned to his host, and pointing to the agitated Kentuckian, exclaimed, "a big baby! a big baby!" He then stepped up to him, and gently slapping him on the shoulder several times, repeated, with a contemptuous manner, the phrase," big baby! big baby." to the great alarm of the astonished man, and to the amusement of all present. On the 22d of March, 1830, a severe tornado, proceeding from the sw. to the NE., passed over the northern part of Urbana. It demolished the Presbyterian church and several dwellings, and materially injured the Methodist church. Two or three children were carried high in air, and killed; boards, books and various fragments were conveyed many miles. Urbana is a beautiful town, and has, in its outskirts, some elegant private residences. The engraving is a view in its central part, taken from near Reynold's store. The court house and Methodist church are seen in the distance. The building on the left, now occupied as a store by Wm. M'Donald, was, in the late war, Doo little's tavern, the head quarters of Governor Meigs. The one in front, with the date "1811," upon it, and now the store of D. & T. M'Gwynne, was then a commissaries office, and the building where Col. Richard M. Johnson was brought wounded from the battle of the Thames, and in which he remained several days, under a surgeon's care. Urbana contains 1 Associate Reformed, 1 Presbyterian, 83 CLARKE COUNTY. 1 Baptist, and 1 Methodist church, 2 newspaper printing offices, 1 woollen factory, 1 foundery, 2 machine shops and 20 mercantile stores. In 1840, Urbana had 1070 inhabitants, which is far below its present population. Mechanicsburg, 10 miles E. of Urbana, on the Columbus road and head waters of Little Darby, is a flourishing village, containing 5 or 6 stores, 2 churches, 1 saw and 2 flour mills, a woollen factory, and had, in 1840, 258 inhabitants. Addison, 16 sw., St. Paris, 10 w., Westville, 4 w. of Urbana, and Woodstock and Lewisburg, in the NE. part of the county, are villages containing each from 36 to 60 dwellings. Middletown, Carysville, Millerstown, Middleburp and Texas are small places. CLARK. CLARK. was formed March 1, 1817, from Champaign, Madison and Greene, and named in honor of Gen. George Rogers Clarke. The first settlement in Clarke, was at Chribb's station, in the forks of Mad river, in the spring of 1796. The inhabitants of Moorefield, Pleasant, Madison, German and Pike are principally of Virginia extraction; Mad river, of New Jersey; Harmony, of New England and English; and Greene, of Pennsylvania origin. This county is very fertile and highly cultivated, and is well watered by Mad river, Buck and Beaver creeks, and their tributaries, which furnish a large amount of water power. Its principal products are wheat, corn and oats. The following is a list of its townships, in 1840, with their population. Bethel, 2033 Madison, 1115 Pike, 1437 German, 1667 Mad river, 1339 Pleasant, 1092 Greene, 1059 Moorefield, 1073 Springfield, 4443 Harmony, 1645 The population of the county, in 1820, was 9,553; in 1830, 13,074, and in 1840, 16,882, or 43 inhabitants to a square mile. The old Indian town of Piqua, the ancient Piqua of the Shawnees, and the birth place of TECUMSEH, was situated on the north side of Mad river, about five miles west of Springfield, and occupied the site on which a small town, called West Boston, has since been built. Drake'e life of Tecumseh, says. The principal part of Piqua stood upon a plain, rising fifteen or twenty feet above the river. On the south, between the village and head river, there was an extensive prairieon the northeast, some bold cliffs, terminating near the river-on the west and northwest, level timbered land; while on the opposite side of the stream, another prairie, of varying width, stretched back to the high grounds. The river sweeping by in a graceful bendthe precipitous, rocky cliffs-the undulating hills, with their towering trees-the prairies, garnished with tall grass and brilliant flowers-combined to render the situation of Piqua both beautiful and picturesque. At the period of its destruction, Piqua was quite populous. There was a rude log hut within its limits, surrounded by pickets. It was, however, sacked 84 CLARKE COUNTY. and burnt on the 8th of August, by an army of one thousand men, from Kentucky, after a severe and well-conducted battle with the Indians who inhabited it. All the improvements of the Indians, including more than two hundred acres of corn and other vegetables then growing in their fields, were laid waste anid destroyed. The town was never after re-built by the Shawnees. Its inhabitants removed to the Great Miami river, and erected another town, which they called Piqua, after the one that had just been destroyed; and in defence of which they had fought with the skill and valor characteristic of their nation. The account appended of the destruction of Piqua by General George Rogers Clarke, was published twenty years since, in Bradford's notes on Kentucky. On the 2d of August, 1780, Gen. Clarke took up the line of march from where Cincinnati now stands, for the Indian towns. The line of march was as follows:-the first division, commanded by Clarke, took the front position; the centre was occupied by artillery, military stores and baggage; the second, commanded by Col. Logan, was placed in the rear. The men were ordered to march in four lines, at about forty yards distant from each other, and a line of flankers on each side, about the same distance from the right and left line. There was also a front and a rear guard, who only kept in sight of the main army. In order to prevent confusion, in case of ani attack of the enemy, on the march of the army, a general order was issued, that in the event of an attack in front, the front was to stand fast, and the two right lines to wheel to the right, and the two left hand lines to the left, and form a complete line, while the artillery was to advance forwards to the centre of the line. In case of an attack on either of the flanks or side lines, these lines were to stand fast, and likewise the artillery, while the opposite lines wheeled and formed on the two extremes of those lines. In the event of an attack being made on the rear, similar order was to be observed as in an attack in front. In this manner, the army moved on without encountering any thing worthy of notice until they arrived at Chillicothe, (situated on the little Miami river, in Greene county,) about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on the 6th day of August. They found the town not only abandoned, but most of the houses burnt down and burning, having been set on fire that morning. The army encamped on the ground that night, and onl the following day cut down several hundred acres of corn; and about 4 o'clock in the evening, took up their line of march for the Piqua towns, which were about twelve miles from Chillicothe, [in Clarke county.] They had not marched more than a mile from Chillicothe, before there came on a very heavy rain, with thunder and lightning and considerable wind. Without tents or any other shelter from the rain, which fell in torrents, the men were as wet as if they had been plunged into the river, nor had they it in their power to keep their guns dry. It was nearly dark before the rain ceased, when they were ordered to encamp in a hollow square, with the baggage and horses in the centre-and as soon as:ires could be made, to dry their clothes, &c. They were ordered to examine their guns, and be sure they were in good order, to discharge them in the following manner. One company was to fire, and time given to re-load, when a company at the most remote part of the camp from that which had fired, was to discharge theirs, and so on alternately, until all the guns were fired. On the morning of the 8th, the army marched by sunrise, and having a level, open way, arrived in sight of Piqua, situated on the west side of the Mad river, about 2 o'clock, P. M. The Indian road from Chillicothe to Piqua, which the army followed, crossed the Mad river about a quarter of a mile below the town, and as soon as the advanced guard crossed into a prairie of high weeds, they were attacked by the Indians, who had concealed themselves in the weeds. The ground on which this attack, as well as the manner in which it was done, left no doubt but that a general engagement was intended. Col. Logan was therefore ordered, with about four hundred men, to file off to the right, and march up the river on the east side, and to continue to the upper end of the town, so as to prevent the Indians from escaping in that direction, while the remainder of the men, under Cols. Lynn, Floyd and Harrod, were ordered to cross the river and encompass the town on the west side, while Gen. Clarke, with the troops under Col. Shaughter, and such as were attached to the attillery, marched directly towards the town. The prairie in which the Indians were concealed, who commenced the attack, was only about two hundred yards across to the timbered land, and the division of the army destined to encompass the town on the west side, found it necessary to cross the prairie, to avoid the fire of a concealed enemy. The Indians evinced great military skill and judgment, and to prevent the westemrn division from executing the duties assigned them, they made a powerful effort to turn their left wing. This was discovered by Lloyd and Flynn, and to prevent being outflanked, 85 CLARKE COUNTY. extended the line of battle west, more than a mile from the town, and whith continued warmly contested on both sides until about 5 o'clock, when the Indians disappeared every where unperceived, except a few in the town. The field piece, which had been entirely useless before, was now brought to bear upon the houses, when a few shot dislodged the Indians which were in them. A nephew of Gen. Clarke, who had been many years a prisoner among the Indians, and who attempted to come to the whites just before the close of the action, was supposed to be an Indian, and received a mortal wound; but he lived several hours after he arrived among them. The morning after the battle, a Frenchman, who had been taken by the Indians a short time before, on the Wabash, and who had stolen away from them during the action, was found in the loft of one of the Indian cabins. He gave the information, that the Indians did not expect that the Kentuckians would reach their town on that day, and if they did not, it was their intention to have attacked them in the night, ill their camp, with the tomahawk and knife, and not to fire a gun. They had intended to have made an attack the night before, but were prevented by the rain, and also the vigilance evinced by the Kentuckians, in firing off their guns and re-loading them, the reasons for which they com prehended, when they heard the firing. Another circumstance showed that the Indians were disappointed in the time of their arriving; they had not dined. When the men got into the town, they found a considerable quantity of provisions ready cooked, in large kettles and other vessels, almost untouched. The loss on each side was about equal-each having about 20 killed. The Piqua town was built in the manner of the French villages. It. extended along the margin of the river for more than three miles; the houses, in many places, were more than twenty poles apart. Col. Logan, therefore, in order to surround the town on the east, as was his orders, marched fully three miles, while the Indians turned their whole force against those on the opposite side of the town; and Logan's party never saw an Indian during the whole action. The action was so severe a short time before the close, that Simon Girty, a white man, who had joined the Indians, and who was made a chief among the Mingoes, drew off three hundred of his men, declaring to them, it was folly in the extreme to continue the action against men who acted so much like madmen, as General Clarke's men, for they rushed in the extreme of danger, with a seeming disregard of the consequences. This opinion of Girty,. and the withdrawal of the three hundred Mingoes, so disconcerted the rest, that the whole body soon after dispersed. It is a maxim among the Indians, never to encounter a fool or a madman, (in which terms they include a desperate man,) for they say, with a man who has not sense enough to take a prudent care of his own life, the life of his antagonist is in much greater danger than with a prudent man. It was estimated that at the two Indian towns, Chillicothe and Piqua, more than five hundred acres of corn was destroyed, as well as every species of eatable vegetables. In consequence of this, the Indians were obliged, for the support of their women and children, to employ their whole time in hunting, which gave quiet to Kentucky for a considerable time. The day after the battle, the 9th, was occupied in cutting down the growing corn, and destroying the cabins and fort, &c., and collecting horses. On the 10th of August, the army began their march homeward, and encamped in Chillicothe that night, and on the 11th, cut a field of corn, which had been left for the benefit of the men and horses, on their return. At the mouth of the Licking, the army dispersed, and each individual made his best way horne. Thus ended a campaign, in which most of the men had no other provisions for twentyfive days, than six quarts of Indian corn each, except the green corn and vegetables found at the Indian towns, and one gill of salt; and yet not a single complaint was heard to escape the lips of a solitary individual. All appeared to be impressed with the belief, that if this army should be defeated, that few would be able to escape, and that the Indians then would fall on the defenceless women and children in Kentucky, and destroy the whole. From this view of the subject, every man was determined to conquer or die. The late Abraham Thomas, of Miami county, was in this campaign against Piqua. His reminiscences, published in 1839, in the Troy Times, give some interesting facts omitted in the preceding. It also differs, in some respects, from the other, and is probably the most accurate. 86 CLARKE COUNTY. In the summer of 1780, Gen. Clarke was getting up an expedition, with the object of destroying some Indian villages on Mad river. One division of the expedition, under Col. Logan, was to approach the Ohio by the way of Licking river; the other, to which I was attached, ascended the Ohio from the falls in boats, with provisions and a six-pound cannon. The plan of the expedition was for the two divisions to meet at a point ill the Indian country, opposite the. miouth of Licking, and thence march in a body to the interior. In ascending the Ohio, Daniel Boone and myself acted as spies on the Kentucky side of the river, and a large party, on the Indian side, was on the same duty; the latter were surprised by the Indians, and several killed and wounded. It was then a toilsome task to get the boats up the river, under constant expectation of attacks from the savages, and we were much rejoiced in making our destination. Before the boats crossed over to the Indian side, Boone and myself were taken into the foremost boat, and landed above a small cut in the bank, opposite the mouth of Licking. We were desired to spy through the woods for Indian signs. I was much younger than Boone, ran up the bank in great glee, and cut into a beech tree with my tomahawk, which I verily believe was the first tree cut into by a white man, on the present site of Cincinnati. We were soon joined by other rangers, and hunted over the other bottom: the forest every where was thick set with heavy beech and scattering underbrush of spice-wood and pawpaw. We started several deer, but seeing no sign of Indians, returned to the landing. By this time the men had all landed, and were busy in cutting timber for stockades and cabins. The division, under Col. Logan, shortly crossed over from the mouth of Licking, and after erecting a stockade, fort and cabin, for a small garrison and stores, the army started for Mad river. Our way lay over the uplands of an untracked, primitive forest, through which, with great labor, we cut and bridged a road for the accommodation of our pack horses and cannon. My duty, in the march, was to spy some two miles in advance of the main body. Our progress was slow, but the weather was pleasant, the country abounded in game; and we saw no Indians, that I recollect, until we approached the waters of Mad river. In the campaigns of these days, none but the officers thought of tents-each man had to provide for his own comfort. Our meat was cooked upon sticks set up before the fire; our beds were sought upon the ground, and he was the most fortunate man, that could gather small branches, leaves and bark to shield him from the ground, in moist places. After the lapse of so many years, it is difficult to recollect the details or dates, so as to mark the precise time or duration of our movements. But in gaining the open country of Mad river, we came in sight of the Indian villages. We had been kept all the night before on the march, and pushed rapidly towards the points of attack, and surprised three hundred Indian warriors, that had collected at the town, with the view of surprising and attacking us the next morning. At this place, a stockade fort had been reared near the village, on the side we were approaching it, but the Ildians feared to enter it, and took post in their houses. The village was situated oni a low prairie bottom of Mad river, between these cond bank and a bushy swamp piece of ground, on the margin of the river: it could be approached only from three points. The one our troops occupied, and from up and down the river. Gen. Clarke detached two divisions to secure the two last named points, while he extended his line to cover the first. By this arrangement, the whole body of Indians would have been surrounded and captured, but Col. Logan, who had charge of the lower division, became entangled in the swamp, and did not reach his assigned position before the attack commenced. The party I had joined was about entering the town, with great impetuosity, when Gen. Clarke sent orders for us to stop, as the Indians were making port holes in their cabins, and we should be in great danger, but added, he would soon make port holes for us both; on that, he brought his six-pounder to bear on the village, and a discharge of grape shot scattered the materials of their frail dwellings in every direction. The Indians poured out of their cabins in great consternation, while our party, and those on the bank, rushed into the village, took possession of all the squaws and papooses, and killed a great many warriors, but most of them at the lower part of the bottom. In this skirmish, a nephew of Gen. Clarke, who had some time before run away from the Monongahela settlements, and joined the Indians, was severely wounded. He was a great reprobate, and, as said, was to have led the Indians in the next morning's attack; before he expired, he asked forgiveness of his uncle and countrymen. During the day, the village was burned, the growing corn cut down; and the next morning we took up the line of march for the Ohio. This was a bloodless victory to our expedition, and the return march was attended with no unpleasant occurrence, save a great scarcity of provisions. On reaching the fort, on the Ohio, a party of us immediately crossed the river for our homes, for which we felt an extreme anxiety. We depended chiefly on our rifles for sustenance; but game not being within reach, without giving to it more time than our anxiety and rapid progress permitted, 87 CLARKE COUNTY. we tried every expedient to hasten our journey without nunting, even to boiling green plums and nettles. These, at first, under sharp appetites, were quite palatable, but soon became bitter and offensive. At last, in traversing the head waters of Licking, we espied several buffalo, directly in our track. We killed one, which supplied us bountifully with meat until we reached our homes. View at Piqua, the birth-place of Tecumseh. The view given was taken near the residence of Mr. John Keifer. The hill, shown on the left in the engraving, was the one upon which stood the fort, previously mentioned. About twenty-five years since, when the hill was first cleared and cultivated by Mr. Keifer, ch-arred stumps were found around its edge, indicating the line of the stockade, which included a space of about two acres; the plow of Mr. Keifer brought up various relics, as skeletons, beads, gunbarrels, tomahawks, camp kettles, &c. Other relics led to the supposition that there was a store of a French trader destroyed at the time of the action at the south-western base of the hill. When the country was first settled, there were two white oak trees in the villag,e of Boston, which had been shot off some fifteen or twenty feet firom the ground, by the cannon balls of Clarke; their tops showed plainly the curved lines of the balls, around which they had sprouted bush-like; these trees were felled many years since by the Bostonians for fuel. There is a tradition here, that during the action, the Indians secreted their squaws and children in "the cliffs" about a mile up the stream from the fort. The village of Boston, we will observe in digression, was once the competitor with Springfield for the county seat; it never had but a few houses, and now has three or four only: one of them is shown on the right of the view, beyond which, a few rods only, is Mad river. We subjoin a sketch of the life of Tecumseh, derived from Drake's memoir of this celebrated chief: Puckeshinwa, the father of Tecumseh, was a member of the Kiscopoke, and Methoataske, the mother, of the Turtle tribe of the Shawanoe nation; they removed from Florida to Ohio abotf the middle of the last century. The father rose to the rank of a chief, and fell at the battle of Point Pleasant, in 1774. After his death, his wife returned to the south, where she died, at an advanced age. Tecumseh was born at Piqua, about the year 1768, and like Napoleon, in his boyish pastimes, showed a passion for war; he was the acknowledged leader among his companions, by whom he was loved and respected, and over whom he exercised an unbounded influence; it is stated that the first battle in which he was, occurred on the site of Dayton, between a party of Kentuckians under Col. 88 CLARKE COUNTY. Benjamin Logan, and some Shawanoes. When about 17 years of age, he manifested signal prowess, in an attack on some boats on the Ohio, near Limestone, Ky. The boats were all captured, and all in them killed, except one person, who was burnt alive. Tecuinseh was a silent spectator, never having before'witnessed the burning of a prisoner; after it was over, he expressed his strong abhorrence of the act, and by his eloquence persuaded his party never to burn any more prisoners. From this time his reputation as a brave, and his influence over other minds, increased, and he rose rapidly in popularity among his tribe; he was in several actions with the whites prior to Wayne's treaty, among which was the attack on Fort Recovery, and the battle of the Fallen Timbers. In the summer of 1795, Tecumseh became a chief; from the spring of this year until that of 1796, he resided on Deer Creek, near the site of Urbana, and from whence he removed to the vicinity of Piqua, on the Great Miami. In 1798, he accepted the invitation of the Delawares, then residing in part on White river, Indiana, to remove to that neighborhood with his followers. He continued in that vicinity a number of years, and gradually extended his influence among the Indians. In 1805, through the influence of Laulewasikaw, the brother of Tecumseh, a large number of Shawanoes established themselves at Greenville. Very soon after, Laulewasikaw assumed the office of a prophet; and forthwith commenced that career of cunning and pretended sorcery, which enabled him to sway the Indian mind in a wonderful degr ee. Throughout the year 1806, the brothers remained at Greenville, and were visited by many Indians from different tribes, not a few of whom became their followers. The Prophet dreamed many wonderful dreams, and claimed to have had many supernatural revelations made to him; the great eclipse of the sun which occurred in the summer of this year, a knowledge of which he had by some means attained, enabled him to carry conviction to the minds of many of his ignorant followers, that he was really the earthly agent of the Great Spirit. He boldly announced to the unbelievers, that on a certain day, he would give them proof of his supernatural powers, by bringing darkness over the sun when the day and hour of the eclipse arrived, and the earth, even at mid-day, was shrouded in the gloom of twilight, the Prophet, standing in the midst of his party, significantly pointed to the heavens, and cried out, did I not prophecy truly? Behold! darkness has shrouded the sun!" It may readily be supposed that this striking phenomenon, thus adroitly used, produced a strong impression on the Indians, and greatly increased their belief in the sacred character of their Prophet. The alarm caused by the assembling of the Indians still continuing, Gov. Harrison, in the autumn of 1807, sent to the head chiefs of the Shawanoe tribe, an address, in which he exhorted them to send away the people at Greenville, whose conduct was foreshadowing evil to the whites. To the appeal of the governor, the prophet made a cunning and evasive answer; it made no change in the measures of this artful man, nor did it arrest the spread of fanaticism among the Indians, which his incantations had produced. In the spring of 1808, Tecumseh and the prophet removed to a tract of land on the Tippecanoe, a tributary of the Wabash, where the latter continued his efforts to induce the Indians to forsake their vicious habits, while Tecumseh was visiting the neighboring tribes and quietly strengthening his own and the prophet's influence over them. The events of the early part of the year 1810, were such as to leave but little doubt of the hostile intentions of the brothers 12 89 CLARKE COUNTY the Prophet was apparently the most prominent actor, while Tecum seh was in reality the main spring of all the movements, backed, it is supposed, by the insidious influence of British agents, who sup plied the Indians gratis with powder and ball, in anticipation, per haps, of hostilities between the two countries, in which event an union of all the tribes against the Americans was desirable. By various acts the feelings of Tecumseh became more and more evi dent; in August, he having visited Vincennes to see the governor, a council was held, at which, and a subsequent interview, the real position of affairs was ascertained. Governor Harrison had made arrangements for holding the council on the portico of his own house, which had been fitted up with seats for the occasion. Here, on the morn ing of the fifteenth, he awaited the arrival of the chief, being attended by the Judges of the Supreme Court, some officers of the army, a sergeant and twelve men, from Fort Knox, and a large number of citizens. At the appointed hour, Tecumseh, supported by forty of his principal warriors, made his appearance, the remainder of his followers being encamped in the village and its environs. When the chief had approached within thirty or forty yards of the house, he suddenly stopped, as if awaiting some advances from the governor; an interpreter was sent, requesting him and his followers to take seats on the portico. To this Tecumseh objected-he did not think the place a suitable one for holding the conference, but preferred that it should take place in a grove of trees-to which he pointed-standing a short distance from the house. The governor said he had no objec tion to the grove, except that there were no seats in it for their accommodation. Tecum seh replied, that constituted no objection to the grove, the earth being the most suitable place for the Indians, who loved to repose upon the bosom of their mother. The governor yielded the point, and the benches and chairs having been removed to the spot, the confer ence was begun, the Indians being seated on the grass. Tecumsch opened the meeting by stating, at length, his objections to the treaty of Fort Wayne, made by Governor Harrison, in the previous year; and in the course of his speech boldly avowed the principle of his party to be that of resistance to every cession of land, unless made by all the tribes, who, he contended, formed but one nation. He admitted that he had threatened to kill the chiefs who signed the treaty of Fort Wayne, and that it was his fixed determination not to permit the village chiefs, in future, to manage their af fairs, but to place the power with which they had been heretofore invested, in the hands ol the war chiefs. The Americans, he said, had driven the Indians from the sea-coast, and would soon push them into the lakes; and, while he disclaimed all intention of making war upon the United States, he declared it to be his unalterable resolution to take a stand, and resolutely oppose the further intrusion of the whites upon the Indian lands. He concluded, by making a brief but impassioned recital of the various wrongs and aggressions inflicted by the white men upon the Indians, from the commencement of the revolutionary war down to the period of that council; all of which was calculated to arouse and inflame the minds of such of his followers as were present. The governor rose in reply, and in examining the right of Tecumseh and his party to make objections to the treaty of Fort Wayne, took occasion to say that the Indians were not one nation, having a common property in the lands. The Miamis, he contended, were the real owners of the tract on the Wabash, ceded by the late treaty, and the Shawanoes had no right to interfere in the case; that upon the arrival of the whites on this continent, they had found the Miamis in possession of this land, the Shawanoes being then residents of Georgia, from which they had been driven by the Creeks, and that it was ridiculous to assert that the red men constituted but one nation; for, if such had been the intention of the Great Spirit, he would not have put different tongues in their heads, but have taught them all to speak the same language. The governor having taken his seat, the interpreter commenced explaining the speech to Tecumseh, who, after listening to a portion of it, sprung to his feet and began to speak with great vehemence of manner. The governor was surprised at his violent gestures, but as he did not understand him, thought he was making some explanation, and suffered his attention to be drawn towards Winnemac, a friendly Indian lying on the grass before him, who was renewing the priming of his pistol, which he had kept concealed from the other Indians, but in full view of the governor. His attention, however, was again directed towards Tecumseh, by hearing 90 CLARKE COUNTY. General Gibson, who was intimately acquainted with the Shawanoe language, say to lieutenant Jennings, "those fellows intend mischief; you had better bring up the guard." At that moment, the followers of Tecumseh seized their tomahaws and war clubs, and sprung upon their feet, their eyes turned upon the governor. As soon as he could disengage himself from the armed chair in which he sat, he rose, drew a small sword which he had by his side, and stood on the defensive. Captain G. R. Floyd, of the army, who stood near him, drew a dirk, and the chief Winnemac cocked his pistol. The citizens present were more numerous than the Indians, but were unarmed; some of them procured clubs and brick-bats, and also stood onD. the defensive. The Rev. Mr. Winans, of the Methodist church, ran to the governor's house, got a gun, and posted himself at the door to defend the family. During this singular scene, no one spoke, until the guard came running up, and appearing to be in the act of firing, the governor ordered them not to do so. He then demanded of the interpreter an explanation of what had happened, who replied that Tecumseh had interrupted him, declaring that all the governor had said was false, and that he and the Seventeen Fires had cheated and imposed on the Indians. The governor then told Tecumnseh that he was a bad man, and that he would hold no further communication with him; that as he had come to Vincennes under the protection of a council-fire, he might return in safety, but that he must immediately leave the village. Here the council terminated. The undoubted purpose of the brothers now being known, Gov. Harrison proceeded to prepare for the contest he knew must ensue. In June of the year following, (1811,) he sent a message to the Shawanoes, biddling them beware of hostilities, to which Tecumseh gave a brief reply, promising to visit the governor. This visit he paid in July, accompanied by 300 followers, but as the Americans were prepared and determined, nothing resulted, and Tecumseh proceeded to the south, as it was supposed, to enlist the Creeks in the cause. In the meanwhile, Harrison took measures to increase his regular force; his plan was to again warn the Indians to obey the treaty of Greenville, but at the same time to prepare to break up the prophet's establishment, if necessary. On the 5th of October, having received his reinforcements, he was on the Wabash, about 60 miles above Vincennes, where he built Fort Harrison. On the 7th of November following, he was attacked by the Indians at Tippecanoe, and defeated them. Peace on the frontiers was one of the happy results of this severe and brilliant action. With the battle of Tippecanoe, the prophet lost his popularity and power among the Indians, he having, previously to the battle, promised them certain victory. On the first commencement of the war of 1812, Tecumseh was in the field, prepared for the conflict. In July, there was an assemblage at Brownstown of those Indians who were inclined to neutrality. A deputation was sent to Malden to Tecumseh to attend this council. "No," said he indignantly, "I have taken sides with the king, my father, and I will suffer my bones to bleach upon tls shore, before I will recross that stream to join in any council of neutrality." He participated in the battle of Brownstown, and commanded the Indians in the action near Maguagg. In the last he was wounded, and it is supposed that his bravery and good conduct led to his being shortly after appointed Brigadier General in the service of the British King. In the seige of Fort Meigs, Tecumseh behaved with great bravery and humanity. (See Wood co.) 91 CLARKE COTUNTY. Immediately after the signal defeat of Proctor, at Fort Stephen. son, he returned with the British troops to Malden by water, while Tecumseh, with his followers, passed over by land, round the head of Lake Erie, and joined him at that point. Discouraged by the want of success, and having lost all confidence in Gen. Proctor, Tecumseh seriously meditated a withdrawal from the contest, but was induced to remain. When Perry's battle was fought, it was witnessed by the Indians from the distant shore. On the day succeeding the engagement, Gen. Proctor said to Tecumseh, "my fleet has whipped the Americans, but the vesels being much injured, have gone into Put-in Bay to refit, and will be here in a few days." This deception, however, upon the Indians was not of long duration. The sagacious eye of Tecumseh soon perceived indications of a retreat from Malden, and he promptly inquired into the matter. Gen. Proctor informed him that he was only going to send their valuable property up the Thames, where it would meet a reinforcement, and be safe. Tecumseh, however, was not to be deceived by this shallow device; and remonstrated most urgently against a retreat. ie finally demanded, in the name of all the Indians under his command, to be, heard by the general, and, on the 18th of September, delivered to him, as the representative of their great father, the king, the following speech: "Father, listen to your children! you have them now all before you. "The war before this, our British father gave the hatchet to his red children, when our old chiefs were alive. They are now dead. In that war our father was thrown upon his back by the Americans; and our father took them by the hand without our knowledge; and we are afraid that our father will do so again at this time. "Summer before last, when I came forward with my red brethren and was ready to take up the hatchet in favor of our British father, we were told nmt to be in a hurry, that he had not yet determined to fight the Americans. " Listen! when war was declared, our father stood up and gave us the tomahawk, and told us that he was then ready to strike the Americans; that he wanted our assistance, and that he would certainly get our lands back, which the Americans had taken from us. "Listen! you told us at that time, to bring forward our families to this place, and we did so; and you promised to take care of them, and they should want for nothing, while the men would go and fight the enemy; that we need not trouble ourselves about the eneIiy's garrisons; that we knew nothing about them, and that our father would attend to that part of the business. You also told your red children that you would take good care of your garrison here, which made our hearts glad. "Listen! when wig were last at the Rapids, it is true we gave you little assistance. It is hard to fight people who live like ground-hogs. "Father, listen! our fleet has gone out; we know they have fought we have heard the great guns; but we know nothing of what has happened to our father with one arm. Our ships have gone one way, and we are much astonished to see our father tying up every thing and preparing to run away the other, without letting his red children know what his intentions are. You always told us to remain here and take care of our lands; it made our hearts glad to hear that was your wish. Our great father, the king, is the head, and you represent him. You always told us you would never draw your foot off British ground; but now, father, we see that you are drawing back, and we are sorry to see our father doing so without seeing the enemy. We must compare our father's conduct to a fat dog, that carries his tail on its back, and when afrighted, drops it between its legs and runs off. "Father, listen! the Americans have not yet defeated us by land; neither are we sure that they have done so by water;' we, therefore, wish to remain here and fight our enemy, sh,uld they make their appearance. If they defeat us, we will then retreat with our father. f At the battle of the Rapids, last war, the Americans certainly defeated us; and when we returned to our father's fort at that place, the gates were shut against us. We were afraid that it would now be the case; but instead of that, we now see our British father pireparing to march out of his garrison. "Father, you have got the arms and ammunition which our great father sent for his red children. If you have an idea of going away, give them to us, and you may go and welcome, for us. Our lives are in the hands of the Great Spirit. We are determined to defend our lands, and if it be his will, we wish to leave our bones upon them." Tecumseh entered the battle of the Thames with a strong conviction that he should not survive it. Further flight he deemed disgraceful, while the hope of victory in the impending 92 CLARKE COUJNTY. action, was feeble and distant. He, however, heroically resolved to achieve the latter or die in the effort. With this determination he took his stand among his followe rs, raised the war-cry and boldly met the enemy. From the commencement of the attack on the Indian line, his voice was distinctly heard by his followers, animating them to deeds worthy of the race to which they belonged. When that well-known voice was heard no longer above the din of arms, the battle ceased. The British troops having already surrendered, and the gallant leader of the Indians having fallen, they gave up the contest and fled. A short distance from where Tecumseh fell, the body of his friend and brother-in-law, WVasegoboah, was found.'I'hey had often fought side by side, and now, in front of their men, bravely battling the enemy, they side by side closed their mortal career. "'Thus fell the Indian warrior Tecumseh, in the 44th year of his age. He was of the Shawanoe tribe, five feet ten inches high, and with more than the usual stoutness, possessed all the agility and perseverance of the Indian character. His carriage was dignified, his eye penetrating, his countenance, which even in death, betrayed the indications of a lofty spirit, rather of the sterner cast. Had he not possessed a certain austerity of manners, he could never have controlled the wayward passions of those who followed him to battle. He was of a silent habit; but when his eloquence became roused into action by the reiterated encroachments of the Americans, his strong intellect could supply him with a flow of oratory that enabled him, as he governed in the field, so to prescribe in the council. Those who consider that in all territorial questions, the ablest diplomatists of the United States are sent to negotiate with the Indians, will readily appreciate the loss sustained by the latter in the death of their champion..... Such a man was the unlettered savage, Tecumseh, and such a man have the Indians lost forever. He has left a son, who, when his father fell, was about seventeen years old, and fought by his side. The prince regent, in 1814, out of respect to the memory of the old, sent out as a present to the young Tecumseh, a handsome sword. Unfortunately, however, for the Indian cause and country, faint are the prospects that Tecumseh the son, will ever equal, in wisdom or prowess, Tecumseh the father." It is stated by Mr. James, a British historian, that Tecumseh, after he fell, was not only scalped, but that his body was actuallyflayed, and the skin converted into razor-straps by the Kentuckians. Amid the great amount of conflicting testimony relating to the circumstances of Tecumseh's death, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain the precise facts. It is, however, generally believed that he fell by a pistol-shot, fired by Col. Richard M. Johnson of Kentucky, who acted a most prominent part in this battle. Springfield, the county seat, is 43 miles w. of Columbus, on the National road, and on the line of the railroads connecting Cincinnati with Sandusky city. It was laid out in 1803, by James Demint. It is surrounded by a handsome and fertile country, is noted for the morality and intelligence of its inhabitants, and, by many, is considered the most beautiful village within the limits of Ohio. The eastern fork of Mad river washes it on the north, a stream described "as unequalled for fine mill seats, its current very rapid, and the water never so low in the driest season as to interfere with the mills now upon it." Through the place runs the Lagonda, or Buck creek, a swift and unfailing mill stream. Within a range of three miles of the town are upwards of twenty mill seats. Springfield suffered much during the era of speculation, but is now prospering, and from its natural advantages, is destined to hold a prominent place among the manufacturing towns of the state. The engraving shows its appearance as viewed from the National road, a quarter of a mile east; the main street appears in front, on the left the academy, and on the right the court house, and one of the churches. The view is from a familiar position, but the village, like many other beautiful towns, .93 CLARKE COUNTY. is so situated that no drawingo from any one point can show it to advantage. East View of Springfield. Several of the first settlers of Springfield still remain in and around it; among them may be mentioned the names of John Humphreys, David Lowry arnd Griffeth Foos, the last of whom occupied the first house built in the town as a tavern. The Ohio Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church has a flourishing high school at Springfield, for both sexes. A lyceum has been in successful operation about fourteen years, and the public libraries of the town comprise about 4000 volumes. Springfield contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist Episcopal, 1 Methodist Protestant, 1 Episcopal, 1 Associate Reformed Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, 1 Lutheran, 1 Universalist, and 1. African Methodist church; 2 or 3 printing offices; 3 drug, 1 book, 1 hardware, and 15 dry good stores; 1 paper, 1 oil, and 3 flouring mills; 1 cotton, 1 woolen, and 1 sash factory; 1 foundery and machine shop; and in 1830, had a population of 1080; in 1840, 2094; in 1846, 2952; and in 1847, about 3500. Springfield was the scene of an interesting incident in the life of Tecumseh, which is given at length by his biographer. In the autumn of this year, [1807,] a white man by the name of Myers, was killed a few miles west of where the town of Urbana now stands, by some straggling Indians. This murder, taken in connection with the assemblage of the Indians under Tecumseh and the prophet, created a great alarm on the frontier, and actually induced many families to remove back to Kentucky, from whence they had emigrated. A demand was made by the whites upon these two brothers for the Indians who had committed the murder. They denied that it was done by their party, or with their knowledge, and declared that they did not even know who the murderers were. The alarm continued, and some companies of militia were called out. It was finally agreed, that a council should be held on the subject in Springfield, for the purpose of quieting the settlements. Gen. Whiteman, Maj. Moore, Capt. Ward, and one or two others, acted as commissioners on the part of the whites. Two parties of Indians attended the council; one from the north, in charge of McPherson; the other, consisting of sixty or seventy, came from the neighborhood of Fort Wayne, under the charge of Tecumseh. Roundhead, Blackfish, and several other chiefs, were also present. There was no friendly feeling between these two parties, and each was willing that the blame of the murder should be fixed upon the other. The party under McPherson, in compliance with the wishes of the commissioners, left their arms a 94 CLARKE COUNTY. few miles from Springfield. Tecumseh and his party refused to attend the council, unless permitted to retain their arms. After the conference was opened, it being held in a maple grove, a little north of where Werden's hotel now stands, the commissioners, fearing some violence, made another effort to induce Tecumseh to lay aside his arms. This he again refused, saying, in reply, that his tomahawk was also his pipe, and that he might wish to use it in that capacity before their business was closed. At this moment, a tall, lank-sided Pennsylvanian, who was standing among the spectators, and who, perhaps, had no love for the shining tomahawk of the self-willed chief, cautiously approached, and handed him all old, long stemmed, dirty looking earthen pipe, intimating, that if Tecumseh would deliver up the,fearful tomahawk, he might smoke the aforesaid pipe. The chief took it between his thumb and finger, held it up, looked at it for a moment, then at the owner, who was gradually receding from the point of danger, and immediately threw it, with an indignant sneer, over his head, into the bushes. The commissioners yielded the point, and proceeded to business. After a full and patient inquiryinto the facts of the case, it appeared that the murder of Myers was the act of an individual, and not justly chargeable upon either party of the Indians. Several speeches were made by the chiefs, but TI'ecumseh was the principal speaker. He gave a fill explanation of the views of the prophet and himself, in calling around them a band of Indians-disavowed all hostile intentions towards the United States, and denied that he or those under his control had committed any aggressions upon the whites. His manner, when speaking, was animated, fluent and rapid, and made a strong impression upon those present. The council terminated. In the course of it, the two hostile parties became reconciled to each other, and quiet was restored to the frontier. The Indians remained in Springfield for three days, and onl several occasions amused themselves by en,gaging in various games and other athletic exercises, in which Tecumseh generally proved himself victorious. His strength, and power of muscular action were remarkably great, and in the opinion of those who attended the council, corresponded with the high order of his moral and intellectual character. JVittemberg College. "Wittemberg College is organized on a large, and liberal prospective scale, and on the same basis as Yale College, Ct., having both a collegiate and theological department, under the same Board and Faculty. It is under the auspices of the Lutheran church, and was chartered in 1845. Arrangements are made for six professorships. It is located about a third of a mile from Springfield, on beautiful forest grounds, containing 24 acres, surrounded with springs of the best water, and with the most charming scenery. The town, railroad, Buck creek, and Mad river are in view from the building. The institution is under the superintendence of Rev. Ezra Keller, D. D., assisted by competent instructors. It has now been in operation for one year, and has had 72 students connected with it. A 95 CLERMONT COUNTY. freshman and sophomore class has been formed. An Athaeneum, and two literarv societies have also been established. A general library, philosophical apparatus, and cabinet of natural and artificial curiosities have been begun. The German is taught as a living language. Tuition and boarding are furnished on very moderate terms. The government of the institution is made as nearly as possible to that of a well-regulated family." New Carlisle, 12 miles west of Springfield, is a flourishing village, in a beautiful and fertile country. It contains 2 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist, and 1 Free or Union church, 6 stores, an extensive coach factory, a fine brick school house, and by the census of 1840, has 452 inhabitants. South Charleston, 12 miles SE. from Springfield, on the Xenia and Jefferson turnpike, has 2 churches, several stores, and had ir. 1840, 240 inhabitants, since which it has much increased. Enon, on the Dayton turnpike, 7 miles from Springfield, has 2 churches, several stores, and about 60 dwellings: on the outskirts of this town is a beautiful mound, 30 or 40 feet in height. North Hampton, Tremont, Vienna, Donaldsville, Brighton, Harmony, Noblesville, Catawba, and Cortsville, are small villages. (See Addenda.) CLERMONT. CLIERMONT, the 8th county, created in the North-west Territory, was formed Dec. 9th, 1800, by proclamation of Gov. St. Clair. The name was probably derived from Clermont, in France. The surface is generally rolling and quite broken near the Ohio: in the northeast, there is much "wet land." A large portion of the soil is rich. The geological formation is the blue fossiliferous limestone, interstratified with clay marl, and covered, in most places, with a rich vegetable mould. The principal crops are corn, wheat, oats, hay, potatoes, tobacco, barley, buckwheat and rye; the principal exports are beef, pork, flour, hay and whiskey. It is well watered, and the streams furnish considerable water power. The following is a list of its townships, in 1840, with their population. Batavia, 2197 Monroe, 1617 Union, 1421 Franklin, 2219 Ohio, 2894 Washington, 2102 Goshen, 1445 Stonelick, 1478 Wayne, 976 Jackson, 883 Tate, 2292 Williamsburgh, 1459 Miami, 2061 The population of Clermont, in 1820, was 15,820; in 1830,20,466; and in 1840, 23,106, or 40 inhabitants to a square mile. The communication below, from Mr. Benjamin Morris, gives some facts respecting the history of the county and its early settlers. In June, 1804, and in the 19th year of my age, I came to Bethel, which, with Williamsburgh, were the only towns in the county. They Were laid out about 1798 or'99, and were competitors for the county seat. When I came, Clermont was an almost unbroken Wvilderness, and the settlers few and far between. In the langiage of the day, there was 96 CLERMONT COUNTY. Denham's town, now Bethel; Lytlestown, now Williamsburgh; Witham's settlement now Williamsville; Apples', Collins', and Buchanan's settlements. The following are names of part of the settlers in and about Williamsburgh, hi 1804:-Wm. Lytle, R. W. Waring, David C. Bryan, James and Daniel Kain, Nicholas Sinks, Jasper Shotwell, and Peter Light. Wm. Lytle was the first clerk of the county, and was succeeded by R. W. Waring and David C. Bryan. Peter Light was a justice of the peace under the territorial and state governments, and county surveyor. Daniel Kaia was sheriff, and later justice of the peace under the state government. David C. Bryan represented the county several years in the state legislature, before he was appointed clerk. I was at Williamsburgh at the sitting of the court of common pleas in June, 1804. Francis Dunleavy was the presiding judge, and Philip Gatch, Ambrose Ransom, and John Wood, associates, while the attendant lawyers were Jacob Burnet, Arthur St. Clair-son of Gov. St. Clair-Joshua Collet, Martin Marshall and Thomas Morris. The following are part of the settlers in and about Bethel, in 1804: Obed Denhamproprietor of the town-James Denhami, Houton Clark, John Baggess, Dr. Loofborough, John and Thomas Morris, Jeremiah Beck, Henry Willis and James South. John Baggess for many years was a representative in the legislature, justice of the peace and county surveyor. John Morris was appointed associate judge after the death of Judge Wood, in 1807; he was also justice of the peace, and one of the first settlers at Columbia. Houton Clark was one of the first, if not the very first, justice of the peace in Clermont. Thomas Morris practised law in the county about forty years, was a representative in the legislature, and once appointed a judge of the supreme court. In the winter of 1832-33, he was elected to the United States Senate, where he acted a conspicueus part in the antislavery movements of the day. The most prominent political act of his life, was his reply to a speech of Mr. Clay. He died suddenly, Dec. 7th, 1844: posterity only can judge of the correctness or incorrectness of his course. A neat marble monument marks his resting place, near Bethel. Jeremiah Beck and Henry Willis were farmers and justices of the peace. Ulrey's Run takes its name from Jacob Ulrey, who settled on its west side in 1798, and was the earliest settler upon it. The place is now known as "the Ulrey farm." Bred in the wilds of Pennsylvania, hlie was a genuine backwoodsman, and a terror to the horse thieves, who infested the county at an early day. Deer and bear were plenty around him, and a large portion of his time was passed in hunting them, for their skins. The early settlers around him received substantial tokens of his generosity, by his supplying them with meat. The first newspaper in Clermont," The Political Censor," was printed at Williamsburg, in 1813: it was edited by Thos. S. Foot, Esq.; the second, called "The Western American," was printed in the same town, in 1814: David Morris, Esq., editor. A considerable number of the early settlers in Clermont, were from Kentucky. Of those before named, the following were from that state:-R. W. Waring, Jasper Shotwell, Peter Light, Obed and James Denham, Houton Clark, John Boggess, Jeremiah Beck, Henry Willis and James South. Nicholas Sinks was from Va.; David C. Bryan, from New Jersey, and John and Thomas Morris and the Kain family, (I believe,) from Pa. After 1804, the county increased rapidly by settlers from New Jersey, Kentucky and Pennsylvania, with some from Maryland, New England, and a few from North Carolina. Neville was laid out in 1811, Gen. Neville, proprietor.' Point Pleasant and New Richmond were laid out about 1814; Jacob Light, proprietor of the latter. George Ely laid out Batavia afterwards. The early settlers about that place, as well as I remember, were George Ely, Ezekiel Dimmit, Lewis Duckwall, Henry Miley, Robert and James Townsley, Titus Everhart and Wm. Patterson. Before Milford was laid out, Philip Gatch, Ambrose Ransom and John Pollock settled in its vicinity. Philip Gatch was a member from Clermont, of the convention which formed the state constitution, and for years after was associate judge. Ransom, as before stated, was associate judge; and John Pollock, for many years speaker of the house of representatives, and later, associate judge. Philip Gatch was a Virginian. He freed his slaves before emigrating, which circumstance led to his being selected as a member of the convention to form the state constitution. The most prominent settlers in the south part of Clermont, were the Sargeant, Pigman, Prather, Buchanan and Fee families. The oldest members of the Sargeant family, were the brothers James, John and Elijah. They were from Maryland. James, who had freed his slaves there, was, in consequence, chosen a member of the convention which formed the state constitution. The Sargeants, who are now numerous in this part of the county, are uncompromising opponents of slavery. The Pigman family were Joshua, sen., Joshua, jr., and Levi. The Buchanan family were William, Alexander, Robert, Andrew, James, John, &c. James Buchanan, the son of John, was at one time speaker of the Ohio house 13 97 CLERMONT COUNTY. of representatives. The Buchanans were from Pennsylvania, and the Pigmants from Maryland. There were several brothers of the Fee family, from Pennsylvania. William, the most prominent, was the proprietor of Felicity, and a member of the legislature. His brothers were Thomas, Elisha and Elijah; other early settlers were Samuel Walrioen, James Daughters and Elijah Larkin, who has been postmaster at Neville, for more than a quarter of a century. In the vicinity of Withamsville, the early settlers were Nathaniel and Gideon Witham, James Ward, Shadrach, Robert and Samuel Lane. The Methodists were the most numerous in early times, and next, the Baptists; there were but a few Presbyterians among the first settlers. When I first came into the county, the "wet land," of which there is such a large proportion in the middle and northern part, was considered almost worthless; but a great change has taken place in public opinion in relation to its value. It is ascertained, that by judicious cultivation, it rapidly improves in fertility. At that time, these lands were covered by water more than half the summer, and we called them slashes: now the water leaves the surface in the woods, early in the spring. Forty years ago, the evenings were cool as soon as the sun went down. I have no recollection of warm nights, for many years after I came, and their coolness was a matter of general remark among the emigrants from the old states. I believe it was owing to the immense forests that oovered the country, and shut out the rays and heat of the sun from the surface of the ground, for after sunset there was no warm earth to impalt heat to the atmnosphere. Batavia, the county seat, is situated on the north bank of the east fork of the Little Miami river, 21 miles easterly from Cincinnati, and 103 sw. of Columbus. This to-wvn was laid out about the year 1820, by George Ely. About that time, the county seat was temporarily removed from Williamsburg to New Richmond, and Feb. 21st, 1824, permanently transferred to Batavia. It contains 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist church, 4 stores, 2 newspaper printing offices, and had, by the census of 1840, 537 inhabitants. Williamsburg is on the east fork of the Miami, 7 miles east of Batavia, and had, in 1840, 385 inhabitants. As previously mentioned, it was laid out by Gen. William Lytle, one of the earliest settlers of Clermont. His life was one of much incident. We derive the annexed facts respecting him, from Cist's Advertiser. GEN. WM. LYTLE was born in Cumberland, Pa.; and in 1779, his family emigrated to Kentucky. Previous to the settlement of Ohio, young Lytle was in several desperate engagements with the Indians, where his cool, heroic bravery won general admiration. Before the treaty of Greenville, while making surveys in the Virginia military district, in Ohio, he was exposed to incessant dangers, suffered great privations, and was frequently attacked by the Indians. This business he followed for the greater portion of his life. In County Buildings, Batavia. 98 CLERMONT COUNTY. the war of 1812, he was appointed Major General of Ohio militia, and, in 1829, surveyor general of the public lands of Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. In 1810, Gen. Lytle removed from Williamsburg to Cincinnati, where he died, in 1831. As a citizen, he was distinguished for public spirit and benevolence, and in his personal appearance and character, strikingly resembled President Jackson. Beside the facts given under the head of Logan county, we have space for but a single anecdote, exhibiting his Spartan-like conduct at Grant's defeat, in Indiana. In that desperate action, the Kentuckians, overpowered by nearly four times their number, performed feats of bravery scarcely equalled even in early border warfare. In this struggle, Lytle, then hardly 17 years of age, had both his arms shattered, his face powder burnt, his hair singed to the roots, and nineteen bullets passed through his body and clothing. In this condition, a retreat being ordered, he succeeded in bringing off the field several of his friends, generously aiding the wounded and the exhausted, by placing them on horses, while he himself ran forward in advance of the last remnant of the retreating party, to stop the only boat on the Ohio at that time, which could take them over and save them from the overwhelming force of their savage adversaries. On reaching the river, he found the boat in the act of putting off for the Kentucky shore. 'The men were reluctant to obey his demand for a delay, until those still in the rear should come up-one of them declaring that "it was better that a few should perish, than that all should be sacrificed." He threw the rifle, which he still carried on his shoulder, over the root of a fallen tree, and swore he would shoot the first man who pulled an oar until his friends were aboard. In this way the boat was detained until they came up, and were safely lodged from the pursuing foe. Disdaining personally to take advantage of this result, the boat being crowded almost to dipping, he ran up the river to where some horses stood panting under the willows, after their escape from the battle field, and mounting one of the strongest, forced him into the river, holding on to the mane by his teeth, until he was taken, in the middle of the stream, into the boat, bleeding, and almost fainting fromr,l wounds, by the order of his gallant captain, the lamented Stucker, who had observer h conduct with admiration throughout, and was resolved that such a spirit should int pe4sh; for by this time the balls of the enemy were rattling like hail about their ears. There was living many years since, near Williamsburg, Cornelius Washburn, or, as he was commonly called, Neil Washburn, who, in the early difficulties with the Indians, was distinguished for his sagacity and courage. Of his ultimate fate, we are somewhat uncertain: it is said, however, that the progress of civilization was too rapid for him, and that he long since left for the wilds of the far west, to pass his time in the congenial employment of hunting the bear and trapping the beaver. We have derived some facts from the lips of one who knew him well, Mr. Thomas M'DQnald, the brother of the author of the sketches and the first person who erected a cabin in Scioto county. In the year'90, I first became acquainted with Neil Washburn, then a lad of sixteen, living on the Kentucky side of the Ohio, six miles below Maysville. From his early years, he showed a disposition to follow the woods. When only nine or ten, he passed his time in setting snares for pheasants and wild animals. Shortly after, his father purchased for him a shot gun, in the use of which he soon became unexcelled. In the summer of'90, his father being out of fresh provisions, crossed the Ohio with him in a canoe, to shoot deer, at a lick near the mouth of Eagle creek. On entering the creek, their attention was arrested by a singular hacking noise, some distance up the bank. Neil landed, and with gun in hand, cautiously crawling up the river bank, discovered an Indian, about twenty feet up a hickory tree, busily engaged in cutting around the bark, to make a canoe, in which he probably anticipated the gratification of crossing the river and committing depredations upon the Kentuckians. However this may have been, his meditations and work were soon brought to a close, for the intrepid boy no sooner saw the dusky form of the savage, than he brought his gun to a level with his eye, and fired: the Indian fell dead to the earth, with a heavy sound. He hastily retreated to the canoe, from fear of the presence of other Indians, and re-crossed the Ohio. Early the next morning, a party of men, guided by Neil, visited the spot, and found the body of the Indian at the foot of the tree. Neil 99 I, I I ~ CLINTON COUNTY. secured the scalp, and the same day showed it, much elated, to myself and others, in the town of Washington; in Mason. Several persons in the village made him presents, as testimonials of their opinion of his bravery. In the next year, he was employed as a spy between Maysville and the mouth of the Little Miami, to watch for Indians, who were accustomed to cross the Ohio into Kentucky, to steal and murder. While so engaged, he had some encounters with them, in which his unerring rifle dealt death to several of their number. One of these was at the mouth of Bullskin, on the Ohio side. In'92, the Indians committed such great depredations upon the Ohio, between the Great Kanawha and Maysville, that Gen. Lee, the government agent, in employing spies, endeavored to get some of them to go up the Ohio, above the Kanawha, and warn all single boats not to descend the river. None were found sufficiently daring to go, but Neil. Furnished with an elegant horse, and well armed, he started on his perilous mission. He met with no adventures until after crossing the Big Sandy. This he swam on his horse, and had reached about half a mile beyond, when he was suddenly fired upon by a party of Indians, in ambush. His horse fell dead, and the Indians gave a yell of triumph; but Neil was unhurt. Springing to his feet, he bounded back like a deer, and swam across the Big Sandy, holding his rifle and ammunition above his head. Panting from exertion, he rested upon the opposite bank to regain his strength, when the Indians, whooping and yelling, appeared on the other side, in fuill pursuit. Neil drew up, shot one of their number, and then continued his retreat down the Ohio, but meeting and exchanging shots with others, he saw it was impossible to keep the river valley in safety, and striking his course more inland, to evade his enemies, arrived safely at Maysville. In the fall of the same year, he was in the action with Kenton and others, against Tecumseh, in what is now Brown county, for the particulars of which, see page 67. Washburn continued as a spy throughout the war, adding "the sagacity of lion to the cunning of the fox." He was with Wayne in his campaign, and at the battle of the Fallen Timbers, manifested his usual prowess. Neil Washburn was in person near six feet in height, with broad shoulders, small feet, and tapered beautifully from his chest down. He was both powerful and active. His eyes were blue, his hair light, and complexion fair. A prominent Roman nose alone marred the symmetry of his personal appearance. In this county are several quite populous towns. New Richmond, which had, in 4840, a population of 772, Moscow, which had 228, Point Pleasant 150, Neville 228, and Chilo 102, are all upon the Ohio river. Near the first is a Fourierite association, but not in a thriving condition. Bethel, 12 miles srE. of Batavia, had, in 1840, 366 inhabitants; Felicity, 21 southerly, had 442, and Milford, 10 NW., had 460 inhabitants. Felicity and Milford have much improved within the last few years. The last named is on the east bank of the Little Miami river, over which is a bridge, connecting it with the Little Miami railroad, on the opposite bank. There are other small villages in the county, but none of much note. CLINTON. CLINTON, was organized in 1810, and named in honor of Gov. Geo. Clinton, Vice Pres. of United States. The surface is generally level; on the west undulating, and the soil is fertile. It is particularly adapted to Indian corn and grass. It has some prairie land, and its streams furnish good water power. The principal staples are corn, wheat, oats, wool and pork. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population. 100 I.,., CLINTON COUNTY. Chester, 1784 Liberty, 1050 Vernon, 1434 Clarke, 1297 Marion, 643 Washington, 1170 Green, 1842 Richland, 1385 Wayne, 1366 Jefferson, 474 Union, 3284 The population of Clinton in 1820, was 8,085; in 1830, 11,406; and in 1840, 15,729, or 39 inhabitants to a square mile. This county was settled about the year 1803, principally by emigrants from Kentucky, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. The first settlement, however, was made in 1797, by Wm. Smally. Most of the first emigrants were backswoodmen, and well fitted to endure the privations incident upon settling a new country. They lived principally upon game, and gave little attention to agricultural pursuits As the country grew older, game became scarce, emigrants flocked from different parts of the Union, and the primitive manner of living gave place to that more conformable to the customs of older states. The following are the names of some of the most noted of the early settlers: Thos. Hinkson, Aaron Burr and Jesse Hughes, the first associate judges; Nathan Linton, the first land surveyor; Abraham Ellis and Thomas Hardin, who had been soldiers of the revolution; Joseph Doan, James Mills and Henry Babb, who served as commissioners; Morgan Mendican, who erected the first mill in the county, on Todd's Fork; and Capt. James Spencer, who was distinguished in various conflicts with the Indians. The first house for divine worship was erected by Friends, at Center, in 1806. The first court was held in a barn, belonging to Judge Hughes, and for a number of years subsequent, in a small house belonging to John M'Gregor. There are some of the ancient works so common throughout the west on Todd's Fork, near Springfield meeting house. The "Deserted Camp," situated about three miles northeast of Wilmington, is a point of notoriety with the surveyors of land. It was so called from the circumstance, that a body of Kentuckians, on their way to attack the Indian towns on the Little Miami, encamping over night lost one of their number, who deserted to the enemy, and giving warning of their approach, frustrated the object of the expedition. Wilmington, the county seat, is in the township of Union, on Todd's Fork, 72 miles sw. from Columbus. It is regularly laid out on undulating ground, and contains 5 houses for divine worship, 1 newspaper printing office, 1 high school, 19 mercantile stores, and a population estimated at 1500. The engraving represents one of the principal streets of the village, as it appears from the store of Joseph Hale; the building with a spire is the court house, a structure of considerable elegance. Wilmington was laid out in 1810, principally settled by emigrants from North Carolina, and named from Wilmington in that state. The first log house was built by Wm. Hobsin, and Warren Sabin's was the first tavern. The first church, a small brick edifice, was erected by the Baptists. In 1812, the 101 CLINTON COUNTY. first court was held. The earliest settlers were Warren Sabin, Samuel T Londen, Wm. Hobsin, Larkin Reynolds, John Swane, Jas. Montgomery, John M'Gregor, sen., and Isaiah Morris. This View in Wilmington. lv.st named gentleman, a native of Pennsylvania, descended the Ohio river with his uncle, in a flat-bottomed boat, in the spring of 1803, and landed first at Columbia, where his uncle opened a store, from a small stock of goods he had brought. After remaining at that place about three months, he removed his goods to Lebanon, and not long after died, leaving his nephew, then a lad of seventeen years of age, without any means of support. He however made friends, and eventually moved to Wilmington, where, on the 8th of July, 1811, he opened the first store in the town, in company with Wm. Ferguson. He was obliged, in moving from Lebanon, to make his way through the forest, cutting a wagon road part of the distance: the town having been laid out in the woods, it was with great difficulty that he could get through to the little one story frame house, erected in the midst of trees, logs and brush, on which he then settled and has since resided. Mr. Morris was the first postmaster in the town, the first representative from the county, to the legislature, and has since held various public offices.* WILLIAM SMALLY was born in western Pennsylvania, in 1764. At the age of six years he was stolen by the Indians, carried into the interior of Ohio, and remained with them until twenty years of age. While with them, he witnessed the burning of several white prisoners. On one occasion, he saw an infant snatched from its mother's arms and thrown into the flames. In 1784, he left the Indians, rejoined his parents near Pittsburg, and a few years afier, moved with them to the vicinity of Cincinnati. He was in Harmar's campaign, and at St. Clair's defeat, in the last of which, he discharged his rifle thirty five times, twenty one of which, it is said, took effect. He likewise accompanied Wayne's army * From the communication of Wm. H. Spencer, to whose researches we are mainly indebted for the historical and biographical materials embraced under the head of Clinton county. 102 CLINTON COUNTY. Being on one occasion sent forward with others, on some mission to the Indians, they were fired upon on their approach to the camp, and his two companions killed. He evaded the danger by springing behind a tree, and calling to one of the chiefs, whom he knew, telling him that he had deserted the whites, and had come to join them. This not only saved his life, but caused him to be treated with great kindness. He, however, took an early opportunity, escaped to the army, and at the batfie of the Fallen Timbers, showed his usual cool courage. In 1797, he setled on Todd's Fork in this county, and resided there for a number of years, depending principally upon hunting for a subsistence. His personal appearance was good, but his address resembled that of a savage. A little anecdote illustrates his determined character. He purchased land on which he resided from a lawyer of Cincinnati, who refused to make him a deed. Smally armed himself, called upon him and demanded a bond for his land, with the threat that if not furnished in three days, he would take his scalp. This positive language soon brought the lawyer to a sense of his dangerous situation, and before the expiration of the time, he gave Simally the desired paper. Mr. Smially passed the latter part of his life in poverty. In 1836, he emigrated to Illinois, where he died in 1840. COL. THOMAS HINKISON was born in 1772, in iWestmorelanid county, Pa. His father had emIgrated from Ireland in early life, had becomlne an excellent woodsman, and visited Kentucky at a very early period. He established a station near the junction of Hinlkson anid Stoner, which form the south fork of Licking river. Ilere the subject of this notice was raised, until the age of eighteen years, when in the autumn of 1790, as a volunteer in the Keilitucky militia, he accompanied the expedition of Gen. Harmar. He was in the battle near the Miami villages, under Col. Hardin's commnandl in front of the town, and witnessed the total overthrow and massacre of the detachment of Maj. Wyllis. In this battle he received a slight wound in the left arm, and narrowly escaped with his life. He was afterwards in the disastrous defeat of Gen. St. Clair, but amidst the general slaughter, escaped unhurt. Hitherto he had served as a private, but was subsequently selected as a lieutenant inll the mounted volunteers from Kentucky, who formed a part of the forces of Gen. Wayne against the same Indians in 1794. He was in the battle near the Rapids of the Maumee, but never pretended that he had done any thing worthy of distinction on that memorable day. During these several campaigns, however, he had formed the acquaintance of most of the leading men of Kentucky, and others of the N. W. Territory, which was highly advantageous to him in after life. Shortly after Wayne's battle, he returned to Kentucky, married and settled on a farm inherited from his father, situated in Harrison county, where he lived until the spring of 1806, when he emigrated to Ohio, and in 1807, settled on a farm about eight miles east of Wilmington, but then in the county of Highland. He was soon afterwards elected a justice of the peace for the latter county, and captain of the militia company to which he belonged, in which several capacities he served until the erection of Clinton county, in 1810, when, without his knowledge, he was elected by the legislature one of the associate judges for the new county. He made no pretentions to legal knowledge, nor will the writer claim anything for him in this respect, further than good common sense, which generally prevents a man from making a very foolish decision. After this appointment, he remained quietly at home in the occupations common to fariners, until the declaration of war in 1812, nor did he manifest any disposition for actual service, until after Hull's surrender. That event cast a gloom over the west. All of Michigan, Northern Ohio, Indiana and Illinois were exposed to savage depredations. Some troops had been hastily assembled at Urbana and other points, to repel invasion. Captain Hinkson was then in the prime of life, possessing a robust and manly frame seldom equalled, even among pioneers. He was a man of few words, and they to the purpose intended. He briefly explained to his family that he believed the time had come to serve his country. He immediately set out for head-quarters, and tendered his services to Gov. Meigs, then at Urbana. The president having previously made a requisition on the governor of Ohio, for two companies of rangers, to scour the country between the settlements and the enemy, Capt. H. was appointed to command one of those companies, with liberty to choose his own followers. This was soon done, and a company presented to the governor ready for duty. By this time the Indians had actual possession of the exposed territory, and it was the duty of these companies to hold them in check, and keep the army advised of their numbers and position. In performing this duty, many incidents might be related in the life of Capt. Hinkson, but one or two must suffice. Having at one time ventured to the Miami of the Lake, to ascertain the condition of the enemy, they found them encamped near the foot of the rapids of that river, with a select company of rangers, commanded by Capt. Clark, from Canada, numbering in all from three to five hundred, and 103 CLINTON COUNTY. under the command of the celebrated Tecumseh. The ground on the hill was for miles covered with a thick undergrowth, which enabled Capt. Hinkson and company to approach nearly within gun-shot of the enemy, without being seen. It was late in the afternoon, and while waiting for the approach of night, to enable them to withdraw more successfully, the company was secretly drawn up near the brink of the hill, and directed in whispers to merely take aim at the enemy. This was rather a hazardous display of humor, but as many of his men had never been in battle, Capt. H. told the writer it was merely to try their nerves. While engaged in this sport, they discovered Capt. Clark in the adjacent cornfield below, in hot pursuit after a flock of wild turkeys, which were running toward the place of concealment. Here was a crisis. He must be slain in cold blood, or made a prisoner. The latter alternative was adopted. The company was disposed so as to flank the captain and his turkeys. They were alarmed and flew into the tree tops, and while the captain was gazing up for his prey, Capt. Hinkson approached and politely requested him to ground arms, upon pain of instant death, in case he gave the least alarm. He at first indicated signs of resistance, but soon found " discretion the better part of valor," and surrendered himself a prisoner of war. Being at least one hundred miles from the army, in sight rf such a force, Capt. Hinkson and company were in a very delicate condition. No time was to be lost. A retreat was commenced in the most secret manner, in a southerly direction, at right angles from the river. By travelling all night they eluded pursuit, and brought their prize safely to camp. Shortly afterwards, Gen. Tupper's brigade arrived near the rapids and encamped for the night, during which, Capt. H. and company acted as piquet guard, and in the morning a few were selected to accompany him on a secret reconnaisance down the river. Unluckily they were met at the summit of a hill, by a detachment of the same kind from the enemy. Shots were exchanged, and the alarm now fairly given to both parties. This brought on the skirmish which ensued between that brigade and the Indians. While fighting in the Indian mode, near Wm. Venard, Esq., (one of Capt. Hinkson's men, who had been severely wounded,) Capt. H. saw a dusky figure suddenly rise from the grass. He had a rifle never before known to miss fire. They both presented their pieces, which simultaneously snapped without effect. In preparing for a second trial, it is supposed the Indian was a little ahead of the captain, when a shot from Daniel Workman, (another ranger,) sent the Indian to his long home. After this skirmish, the Indians withdrew to Frenchtown, and block houses were hastily thrown up near the spot where Fort Meigs was afterwards erected, and where the Ohio troops were encamped, when the fatal disaster befel Gen. Winchester, at Raisin, Jan. 22d, 1813. The news was carried by express, and the main body retreated, leaving Capt. H. and company to perform the sorrowful dirty of picking up some poor stragglers from that bloody defeat, and burning the block houses and provisions within twenty four hours, which was done before it was known that the enemy had retired to Malden. The Ohio brigade, and others from Pennsylvania and Virginia, soon rallied again, and formed a junction at the rapids, where they commenced building the fort, so renowned for withstanding two sieges in the spring and summer of 1813. During its erection, Capt. Hinkson was attacked with a peculiar fever, then raging in the army, from which he did not recover fit for duty, until late in the spring. With a shattered constitution he returned to his home, and was immediately elected colonel of the 3d regiment of the 2d brigade and 1st division Ohio militia, which was then a post of honor, requiring much patience and discretion, in a region rather backward in supporting the war. The reader will, in this narrative, see nothing beyond a simple memorial of facts, which is all that the unassuming character requires. He was a plain, gentlemanly individual, of a very mild and even temper; a good husband and kind father, but rather indifferent to his own interest in money matters, by which he became seriously involved, lost his property and removed to Indiana in 1821, where he died in 1824, aged 52 years. Clarksville, 9 miles sw. of Wilmington, Martinsville, 9 s., Port William, 9 N, New Vienna, 11 SE. and Burlington, 11 NW., are all considerable villages, each having more or less stores and churches; and the last, which is said to be the largest, having a population, estimated at about 300. Sabina, Sligo, Blanchester, Cuba, Lewisville, Westboro', Centerville and Morrisville, are small places. 104 COLUMBIANA COUNTY. COLUMIBIANA. COLUMBIANA was formed from Jefferson and Washington, March 25th, 1803. Kilbourn, in his Gazetteer, says: "Columbiana is a fancy name, taken from the names Columbus and Anna. An anecdote is told pending its adoption in the legislature, that a member jocularly moved that the name Maria should be added thereto, so as to have it read Columbiana-maria." The southern part is generally broken and hilly, and the northern level or undulating. This is an excellent agricultural tract: it is well watered, abounds in fine mineral coal, iron ore, lime and free stone. The water lime stone of this county, is of the best quality. Salt water abounds on Yellow and Beaver creeks, which also afford a great amount of water power. This is the greatest wool-growing county in Ohio, and is exceeded by but three or four in the Union. The principal products are wool, wheat, corn, oats and potatoes. About one third of the population are of German origin, and there are many of Irish extraction. The following is a list of its townships, in 1840, with their population. Beaver, 1973 Hanover, 2963 Springfield, 1994 Butler, 1711 Knox, 2111 St. Clair, 1739 Center, 3472 Liverpool, 1096 Unity, 1984 Elkrun, 873 Madison, 1472 Washington, 814 Fairfield, 2108 Middletown, 1601 Wayne, 1086 Franklin, 893 Perry, 1630 West, 1915 Goshen, 1397 Salem, 1903 Yellow Creek, 2686 Greene, 3212 Smith, 2029 The population of Columbiana, in 1820, was 22,033; in 1830, 35,508, and, in 1840, 40,394, which was greater than any other counties in Ohio, excepting Hamilton and Richland. The number of inhabitants to a square mile, was then 46. In 1846, the county was reduced by the formation of Mahoning, to which the townships of Beaver, Goshen, Greene, Smith and Springfield now belong. This county was settled just before the commencement of the present century. In 1797, a few families moved across the Ohio and settled in its limits. One of them, named Carpenter, made a settlement near West Point. Shortly after, Captain Whiteyes, a noted Indian chief, stopped at the dwelling of Carpenter. Being intoxicated, he got into some difficulty with a son of Mr. C., a lad of about 17 years of age, and threatened to kill him. The young man upon this turned and ran, pursued by the Indian, with uplifted tomahawk, ready to bury it in his brains. Finding that the latter was fast gaining upon him, the young man turned and shot him, and shortly afterwards he expired. As this was in time of peace, Carpenter was apprehended and tried at Steubenville, under the territorial laws, the courts being then held by justices of the peace. He was cleared, it appearing that he acted in self-defence. The death of Whiteyes created great excitement, and fears were entertained that it would provoke hostilities from the Indians. Great exertions 14 104 COLUMBIANA COUNTY, were made to reconcile them, and several presents were given to the friends of the late chief. The wife of Whiteyes received from three gentlemen, the sum of $300; one of these donors was the late Bezaleel Wells, of Steubenville. This was the last Indian blood shed by white men in this part of Ohio. Adam Poe, who, with his brother Andrew, had the noted fight with the Indians, once resided in this county, in Wayne township, on the west fork of Little Beaver. The son of Andrew-Deacon Adam Poe-is now living in the vicinity of Ravenna, Portage county, and has the tomahawk with which the Indian struck his father. The locality where the struggle occurred, he informs us, was nearly opposite the mouth of Little Yellow creek. We annex the particulars of this affair, firom "Doddridge's Notes," substituting, however, the name of Andrew for Adam, and vice versa, as they should be placed. In the summer of 17S2, a party of seven Wyandots, made an incursion into a settlement, some distance below Fort Pitt, and several miles from the Ohio river. Here, finding an old man alone, in a cabin, they killed him, packed up what plunder they could find, and commenced their retreat. Among their party was a celebrated Wyandot chief, who, in addition to his fame as a warrior and counsellor, was, as to his size and strength, a real giant. The news of the visit of the Indians soon spread through the neighborhood, and a party of eight good riflemen was collected, in a few hours, for the purpose of pursuing the Indians. In this party were two brothers of the names of Adam and Andrew Poe. They were both famous for courage, size and activity. This little party commenced the pursuit of the Indians, with a determination, if possible, not to suffer them to escape, as they usually did on such occasions, by making a speedy flight to the river, crossing it, and then dividing into small parties, to meet at a distant point, in a given time. The pursuit was continued the greater part of the night after the Indians had done the mischief. In the morning, the party found themselves on the trail of the Indians, which led to the river. When arrived within a little distance of the river, Andrew Poe, fearing an ambuscade, left the party, who followed directly on the trail, to creep aloniag the brink of the river bank, under cover of the weeds and bushes, to fall on the rear of the Indians, should he find them in ambuscade. He had not gone far, before he saw the Indian rafts at the water's edge. Not seeing any Indians, he stepped softly down the bank, with his rifle cocked. When about half way down, he discovered the large Wyandot chief and a small Indian, within a few steps of him. They were standing with their guns cocked, and looking in the direction of our party, who, by this time, had gone some distance lower down the bott9m. Poe took aim at the large chief, but his rifle missed fire. The Indians, hearing the snap of the gun-lock, instantly turned round and discovered Poe, who being too near them to retreat, dropped his gun and instantly sprang from the bank upon them, and seizing the large Indian by the cloths on his breast, and at the same time embracing the neck of the small one, threw them both down on the ground, himself being upmost. The Indian soon extricated himself, ran to the raft, got his tomahawk, and attempted to dispatch Poe, the large Indian holding him fast in his arms with all his might, the better to enable his fellow to effect his purpose. Poe, however, so well watched the motions of the Indian, that when in the act of aiming his blow at his head, by a vigorous and well-directed kick with one of his feet, he staggered the savage, and knocked the tomahawk out of his hand. This failure, on the part of the small Indian, was reproved, by an exclamation of contempt, from the large one. In a moment, the Indian caught up his tomahawk again, approached more cautiously, brandishing his tomahawk, and making a number of feigned blows, in defiance and derision. Poe, however, still on his guard, averted the real blow from his head, by throwing up his arm and receiving it on his wrist, in which he was severely wounded; but not so as to lose entirely the use of his hand. In this perilous moment, Poe, by a violent effort, broke loose from the Indian, snatched up one of the Iudian's guns, and shot the small Indian through the breast, as he ran up the third time to tomahawk him. Jni COLUMBIANA COUNTY. The large Indian was now on his feet, and grasping Poe by a shoulder and leg, threw him down on the bank. Poe instantly disengaged himself and got on his feet. The Indian then seized him again, and a new struggle ensued, which, owing to the slippery state of the bank, ended in the fall of both combatants into the water. In this situation, it was the object of each to drown the other. Their efforts to effect their purpose were continued for some time with alternate success, sometimes one being under the water, and sometimes the other. Poe at length seized the tuft of hair on the scalp of the Indian, with which he held his head under the water, until he supposed him drowned. Relaxing his hold too soon, Poe instantly found his gigantic antagonist on his feet again, and ready for another combat. In this, they were carried into the water beyond their dlepth. In this situation, they were compelled to loose their hold on each other, and swimn for mutual safety. Both sought the shore to seize a gun, and end the contest with bullets. The Indian, being the best swimmer, reached the land first. Poe seeing this, immediately turnedl back into the water to escape, if possible, being shot, by diving. Fortunately, the Indian caught up the rifle with which Poe had killed the other warrior. At this juncture, Adam Poe, missing his brother from the party, and supposing, from the report of the gun which he shot, that lie was either killed or engaged in conflict with the Ildians, hastened to the spot. On seeing him, Andrew called out to him to "kill the big Indian on shore." But Adam's gun, like that of the Indian's, was empty. The contest was now between the white man and the Indiani, who should load and fire first. Very fortunately for Poe, the Indian, in loading, drew the ramrod from the thimbles of the stock of the gun with so much violence, that it slipped out of his hand and fell a little distance from him; he quickly caught it up, and rammed down his bullet. This little delay gave Poe the advantage. He shot the Indian as he was raising his gun, to take aim at him. As soon as Adam had shot the Indian, he jumped into the river to assist his wounded brother to shore; but Andrew, thinking more of the honor of carrying the big Indian homie, as a trophy of victory, than of his own safety, urged Adam to go back, and prevent the struggling savage from rolling himself into the river, and escaping. Adam's solicitude for the life of his brother, prevented him from complying with this request. In the mean time, the Indian, jealous of the honor of his scalp, even in the agonies of death, succeeded in reaching the river and getting into the current, so that his body was never obtained. An unfortunate occurrence took place during this conflict. Just as Adam arrived at the top of the bank, for the relief of his brother, one of the party, who had followed close behind him, seeing Andrew in the river, and mistaking him for a wounded Indian, shot at him and wounded him in the shoulder. He, however, recovered from his wounds. During the contest between Andrew Poe and the Indians, the party had overtaken the remaining six of them. A desperate conflict ensued, in which five of the Indians were killed. Our loss was three men killed, and Adam Poe severely wounded. Thus ended this Spartan conflict, with the loss of three valiant men on our part, and with that of the whole of the Indian party, with the exception of one warrior. Never, on any occasions was there a greater display of desperate bravery, and seldom did a conflict take place, which, in the issue, proved fatal to so great a proportion of those engaged in it. The fatal issue of this little campaign on the side of the Indians, occasioned an universal mourning among the Wyandot nation. The big Indian, with his four brothers, all of whom were killed at the same place, were among the most distinguished chiefs and warriors of their nation. The big Indian was magnanimous, as well as brave. He, more than any other individual, contributed, by his example and influence, to the good character of the Wvandots, for lenity towards their prisoners. He would not suffer them to be killed or ill treated. This mercy to captives, was an honorable distinction in the character of the Wyandots, and was well understood by our first settlers, who, in case of captivity, thought it a fortunate circumstance to fall into their hands. New Lisbon, the county seat, is in the township of Center, 155 mniles NE. of Columbus, 35 from Steubenville, and 56 from Pittsburg. It is on the line of the Sandy and Beaver canal, on the middle fork of Little Beaver, and is surrounded by a populous and well cultivated country. The town is remarkably compact and substantially built; many of its streets are paved, and it has the appearance of a small city. The view was taken from the southeastern part of the 107 COLUMBIANA COUNTY. public square; and shows, on the left, the county buildings, anid on the right, the market. New Lisbon was laid out in 1802, by the Rev. Lewis Kinney, of the Baptist denomination, and proprietor of the soil; a year or two after, it was made the county seat. It contains 1 Friends meeting house, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal and 1 Reformed Methodist, 1 Disciples, 1 Dutch Reformed, and 1 Seceder church, 3 newspaper printing offices, 2 woolen manufactories, 2 founderies, 2 flouring mills, 14 mercantile stores, and about 180S0 inhabitants. Carriage making and tanning are extensively carried on in this village. Public Square, New Lisbon. The Cottage of a German Swiss Emigrant. In travelling through the west, one often meets with scenes that remind him of another land. The foreigner who makes his home 108 COLUMBIANA COUNTY. upon American soil, does not at once assimilate in language, modes of life, and current of thought with that congenial to his adopted country. The German emigrant is peculiar in this respect, and so much attached is he to his fatherland, that years often elapse ere there is any perceptible change. The annexed engraving illustrates these remarks. It shows the mud cottage of a German Swiss emigrant, now standing in the neighborhood of others of like character, in the northwestern part of this county. The frame work is of wood, with the interstices filled with light colored clay, and the whole surmounted by a ponderous shingled roof, of a picturesque form. Beside the tenement, hop vines are clustering around their slender supporters, while hard by stands the abandoned log dwelling of the emigrant-deserted for one more congenial with hi>; eriy predilections. Eastern entrance into Salem. Salem is 10 miles north of New Lisbon, in the midst of a beautiful agricultural country, thickly settled by Friends, who are industrious and wealthy. This flourishing town was laid out about 1806, by Zadock Street, John Strong and Samuel Davis, members of the society of Friends, from Redstone, Pa. Until within a few years, it was an inconsiderable village. It now contains 2 Friends meeting houses, 2 Baptist, 1 Methodist and 1 Presbyterian church, a classical academy, in good repute, under the charge of Rev. Jacob Coon, 24 mercantile stores, 2 woolen factories, 3 founderies, 1 grist mill, 2 engine shops, ana about 1300 inhabitants. There are four newspapers published here, one of which is the American Water Cure Advocate, edited by Dr. John P. Cope, principal of a water cure establishment, in full operation, in this village. The engraving shows the principal street of the town, as it appears on entering it from the east: Street's woolen factory is seen on the left. Wellsville is at the mouth of Yellow creek, on the great bend of 109 COLUMBIANA COUNTY. the Ohio river, where it approximates nearest to Lake Erie, 50 miles below Pittsburg, and 14 from New Lisbon. It was laid out in the autumn of 1824, by William Wells, from whom it derived its name. Until 1828, it contained but a few buildings; it is now an important point for the shipment and transhipment of goods, and does a large ~~~ ___ _______ ENTERTAINMENT.. Wellsvzlle, on tke Unto. business with the surrounding country. The landing is one of the best, in all stages of water, on the river. This flourishing town has 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal Methodist, 1 Reformed Methodist, and 1 Disciples church, 1 newspaper printing office, 1 linseed oil and 1 saw mill, 1 pottery, 1 raw carding machine, 1 foundery, 16 mercantile stores, and, in 1840, had a population of 759, and in 1846, 1066. The view, taken from the Virginia bank of the Ohio, shows but a small part of the town. About a mile below, on the river bank, in a natural grove, are several beautiful private dwellings. The " Cleveland and Pittsburg railroad," 97 miles in length, will commence at Cleveland and terminate at Wellsville, and whenever built, will tend to make Wellsville a place of great business and population. A survey for this work has been recently made, and there is a good prospect of its being constructed. The first paper mill in Ohio, and the second west of the Alleghanies, was erected in 1805-6, on Little Beaver creek, near its mouth, in this county. It was called the Ohio paper mill: its proprietors were John Bever and John Coulter. Liverpool, 4 miles above Wellsville, on the Ohio, has a population of about 600. The manufacture of earthen-ware is carried on there to a considerable extent. Hanover, 10 miles west of New Lisbon, on the Sandy and Beaver canal, is a thriving town, containing 3 churches, 8 stores, and about 600 inhabitants. The following are 110 COSHOCTON COUNTY the names of other towns in the county, with their population in 1840, some of which are smart business places. Columbiana, 273; Gillford, 263; Unity, 204; Georgetown, 219; New Garden, 194; Fairfield, 181; Calcutta, 135; Franklin Square, 151; Washingtonville, 107: Benton, Clarkson, Chambersburg, Dugannon, Damascus, Elkton, Middle Beaver, Palestine, Rochester, Salinesville and Westville are small places. COSHOCTON. COSIIOCTON was organized April 1st, 1811. The name is a Delaware word, and is derived from that of the Indian village Goschachqtenk, which is represented on a map in Loskiel, as having stood north of the mouth of the Tuscarawas river, in the fork formed by its junction with the Walhonding. The surface is mostly rolling; in some parts hilly, with fine broad rallies along the Muskingum and its tributaries. The soil is varied, and abruptly so: here we see the rich alluvion almost overhung by a red-bush hill, while, perhaps, on the very next acclivity, is seen the poplar and sugar tree, indicative of a fertile soil. With regard to sand and clay, the changes are equally sudden. The hills abound in coal and iron ore, and several salt wells have been sunk, and salt manufactured. The principal products are wheat, corn, oats and wool. It was first settled by Virginians and Pennsylvanians. The following is a list of its townships, in 1840, with their population. Adams, 838 Keene, 1043 Perry, 1339 Bedford, 1141 Lafayette, 848 Pike, 1115 Bethlehem, 827 Linton, 1196 Tiverton, 665 Clark, 703 Mill Creek, 907 Tuscarawas, 1144 Crawford, 1134 Monroe, 557 Virginia. 1005 Franklin, 670 New Castle, 905 Washington, 1029 Jackson, 1896 Oxford, 760 White Eyes, 997 Jefferson, 771 The population of the county, in 1820, was 7086; in 1830, 11,162, and in 1840, 21590, or 38 inhabitants to a square mile. Previous to the settlement of the country, there were several military expeditions into this region. The first in importance and in order of time, was that made by Col. Boquet, in October, 1764. The following is extracted from the lecture of CHARLES WHITTLESEY, Esq., delivered at Cleveland, Dec. 17th, 1846. The Indians were very much displeased, when they saw the English taking possession of their country, for they preferred the Frenchmen, who had been their friends and traders more than one hundred years, and had married Indian women. A noted chief of the Ottawa tribe, known by the name of Pontiac, formed the resolution to destroy all the English frontier posts at one assault, in which he was encouraged by the French traders. He succeeded in forming an alliance with the Ottawas, having 900 warriors; the Potowotomies, with 350; Miamies of the lake, 350; Chippewas, 5000; Wyandots, 300; Delawares, 600; Shawnees, 500; Kickapoos, 300; Ouatanons of the Wabash, 400, and the Pinankeshaws, 250; in all, able to muster 8950 warriors. This may be called the" First III COSHOCTON COUNTY. Great Northwestern Confederacy" against the whites The second took place under Brandt, or Thayandanegea, during the revolution, and was continued by Little Turtle; the third, under Tecumseh, in the last war. Pontiac's projects were brought to a focus in the fall of 1763, and the result was nearly equal to the design. The Indians collected at all the northwestern forts, under the pretence of trade and friendly intercourse; and having killed all the English traders who were scattered through their villages, they made a simultaneous attack upon the forts, and were in a great measure successful. The inhabitants of Pennsylvania and Virginia were now subject to great alarm, and frequently robberies and murders were committed upon them by the Indians, and prisoners were captured. General Gage was at this time the commander-in-chief of the British force~ in America, and his head-quarters were at Boston. He ordered an expedition of 3000 men for the relief of Detroit, to move early in the year 1764. It was directed to assemble at Fort Niagara, and proceeded aupLake Erie in boats, commanded by General Bradstreet. The other was the expedition I design principally to notice at this time. It was at first composed of the 42d and 77th regiments, who had been at the siege of Havana, in Cuba, under the command of Col. Henry Boquet. This force left Philadelphia, for the relief of Fort Pitt, in July, 1763, and after defeating the Indians at Bushy Run, in August, drove them across the Ohio. It wintered at Fort Pitt, where some of the houses, built by Col. Boquet, may still be seen, his name cut in stone upon the wall. General Gage directed Col. Boquet to organize a corps of 1500 men, and to enter the country of the Delawares and the Shawnees, at the same time that General Bradstreet was engaged in chastising the Wyandots and Ottawas, of Lake Erie, who were still investing Detroit. As a part of Col. Boquet's force was composed of militia from Pennsylvania and Virginia, it was slow to assemble. On the 5th of August, the Pennsylvania quota rendezvoused at Carlisle, where 300 of them deserted. The Virginia quota arrived at Fort Pitt on the 17th of September, and uniting with the provincial militia, a part of the 42d and 60th regiments, the army moved from Fort Pitt on the 3d of October. General Bradstreet, having dispersed the Indian forces besieging Detroit, passed into the Wyandot country, by way of Sandusky bay. He ascended the bay and river, as far as it was navigable for boats, and there made a camp. A treaty of peace and friendship was signed by the chiefs and head men, who delivered but very few of their prisoners. When Col. Boquet was at Fort Loudon, in Pennsylvania, between Carlisle and Fort Pitt, urging forward the militia levies, he received a despatch from General Bradstreet, notifying him of the peace effected at Sandusky. But the Ohio Indians, particularly the Shawnees of the Scioto river, and the Delawares of the Muskingum, still continued their robberies and murders along the frontier of Pennsylvania; and so Col. Boquet determined to proceed with his division, notwithstanding the peace of General Bradstreet, which did not include the Shawnees and Delawares. In the march from Philadelphia to Fort Pitt, Col. Boquet had shown himself to be a man of decision, courage and military genius. In the engagement at Bushy Run, he displayed that caution in preparing for emergencies, that high personal influence over his troops, and a facility in changing his plans as circumstances changed during the battle, which mark the good commander and the cool-headed officer. He had been with Forbes and Washington, when Fort Pitt was taken from the French. The Indians who were assembled at Fort Pitt, left the siege of that place and advanced to meet the force of Boquet, intending to execute a surprise and destroy the whole command. These savages remembered how easily they had entrapped General Braddock, a few years before, by the same movement, and had no doubt of success against Boquet. But he moved always in a hollow square, with his provision train and his cattle in the centre, impressing his men with the idea that a fire might open upon them at any moment. When the important hour arrived, and they were saluted with the discharge of a thousand rifles, accompanied by the terrific yells of so many savage warriors, arrayed in the livery of demons, the English and provincial troops behaved like veterans, whom nothing could shake. They achieved a complete victory, and drove the allied Indian force beyond the Ohio. From Fort Pitt, Col. Boquet proceeded westward, on the north bank of the Ohio, with such caution, that the Indians were unable to draw him into an ambuscade. At the mouth of Big Beaver, the troops crossed by a ford, and on the 6th of October, reached the Little Beaver, passed up its east branch, and across the highlands to the waters of the Yellow creek, through an open and bushy country. Reaching Sandy creek, they passed down its banks, and crossing the stream by a ford, reached a beautiful plain-where the village 112 COSHOCTON COUNTY. of Bolivar now stands-on which they encamped. By the l(ath of October, Col. Boquet erected a stockade, two miles and forty rods below the ford, at a ravine, and completed his arrangements against a surprise. The Indians being convinced that they could not succeed in any attempt against him, made a treaty of peace, and engaged to restore all the prisoners taken from the whites. On Monday, the 22d, the troops broke up camp, and proceeded down the west bank of the Muskingum towards the Wakatomaka towns, about the mouth of the Whitewoman. The deputations accompanied them as guides. They reached the highland, one mile north of the mouth of the Walhonding or Whitewoman, on Thursday, and made a camp. The distance of this point from the mouth of Big Beaver or Mahoning river, by the route of the army, is 101 miles and 83 rods. Col. Boquet caused a stockade to be built, with four redoubts, and erected cabins and store-houses, determined to wait for the arrival of the prisoners. On the 9th of November, 206 prisoners, including women and children, had been delivered, of whom 32 men and 58 women and children were from Virginia, and 49 males and 67 females from Pennsylvania. On the 18th of November, the army broke up its cantonement at the Whitewoman and returned to Fort Pitt, which they reached on the 28th of the same month. This expedition was conducted with so much skill and prudence, that none of those frightful disasters that often result from Indian wars occurred. The savages, although in great strength, found no opportunity to make an attack. No prisoners were taken, none died of sickness, and every man of the party returned except one, who was killed and scalped by an Indian, when separated from camp. The Pennsylvania troops were under Lieut. Col. Francis, and Lieut. Col. Clayton. Col. Reid was next in command to Col. Boquet. The provincial troops were discharged, and the regulars sent to garrison Fort Loudon, Fort Bedford and Carlisle. Col. Boquet arrived at Philadelphia in January, and received a complimentary address from the legislature, and also from the house of Burgesses of Virginia. Before these resolutions reached England, the king promoted him to be a brigadier general. He was ordered to the command of the post of Mobile, and the next season died there. The scene which took place when the captives were brought in by the Indians, as mentioned in the preceding account, is thus related by Mr. Hutchins. Language indeed can but weakly describe the scene, one to which the poet or painter might have repaired to enrich the highest colorings of the variety of the human passions, the philosopher, to find ample subject for the most serious reflection, and the man to exercise all the tender and sympathetic feelings of the soul. There were to be seen fathers and mothers recognizing and clasping their once lost babes, husbands hanging round the necks of their newly recovered wives, sisters and brothers unexpectedly meeting together, after a long separation, scarcely able to speak the same language, or for some time to be sure that they were the children of the same parents. In all these interviews joy and rapture inexpressible were seen, while feelings of a very different nature were painted in the looks of others, flying from place to place, in eager inquiries after relatives not found; trembling to receive an answer to questions; distracted with doubts, hopes and fears on obtaining no account of those they sought for; or stiffened into living monuments of horror and woe, on learning their unhappy fate. The Indians too, as if wholly forgetting their usual savageness, bore a capital part in heightening this most affecting scene. They delivered up their beloved captives with the utmost reluctance-shed torrents of tears over them-recommending them to the care and protection of the commanding officer. Their regard to them continued all the while they remained in camp. They visited them from day to day, brought them what corn, skins, horses, and other matters had been bestowed upon them while in their families, accompanied with other presents, and all the marks of the most sincere and tender affection. Nay, they didn't stop here, but when the army marched, some of the Indians solicited and obtained permission to accompany their former captives to Fort Pitt, and employed themselves in hunting and bringing provisions for them on the way. A young Mingo carried this still farther, and gave an instance of love which would make a figure even in romance. 15 113 COSHOCTON COUNTY. A young woman of Virginia, was among the captives, to whom he had formed so strong an attachment as to call her his wife. Against all the remonstrances of the imminent danger to which he exposed himself by approaching the frontier, he persisted in following her, at the risk of being killed by the surviving relatives of many unfortunate persons, who had been taken captive or scalped by those of his nation. Among the captives, a woman was brought into camp at Muskingum with a babe about three months old at the breast. One of the Virginia volunteers soon knew her to be his wife! She had been taken by the Indians about six months before. He flew with her to his tent and clothed her and his child with proper apparel. But their joy after the first transports, was soon dampened by the reflection that another dear child about two years old, taken with the mother had been separated from her, and was still missing, although many children had been brought in. A few days afterwards, a number of other persons were brought in, among them was sev eral children. The woman was sent for, and one supposed to be hers was produced to her. At first sight she was not certain, but viewing the child with great earnestness, she soon recol lected its features, and was so overcome with joy, that forgetting her sucking child, she dropt it from her arms, and catching up the new found child, in ecstacy, pressed it to her breast, and bursting into tears, carried it off unable to speak for joy. The father rising up with the babe she had let fall, followed her in no less transport and affection. But it must not be deemed that there were not some, even grown persons who showed an unwillingness to return. The Shawnees were obliged to bind some of their prisoners, and force them along to the camp, and some women who had been delivered up, afterwards found means to escape, and went back to the Indian tribes. Some who could not make their escape, clung to their savage acquaintances at parting, and continued many days in bitter lamentations, even refusing sustenance. Another expedition was undertaken in the summer of 1780, and directed against the Indian villages at the forks of the Muskingum. The narrative of this, usually known as "the Coshocton campaign," we derive from Doddridge's Notes. The place of rendezvous was Wheeling. The number of regulars and militia, about eight hundred. From Wheeling they made a rapid march, by the nearest route, to the place of their destina.ion. When the army reached the river, a little below Salem, the lower Moravian town, Col. Broadhead sent an express to the missionary in that place, the Rev. John Heckewelder, informing him of his arrival in his neighborhood, with his army, requesting a small supply of provisions, and a visit from him in his camp. When the missionary arrived at the camp, the general informed him of the object of the expedition he was engaged in, and inquired of him, whether any of the christian Indians were hunting, or engaged in business in the direction of his march. On being answered in the negative, he stated that nothing would give him greater pain, than to hear that any of the Moravian Indians had been molested by the troops, as these Indians had always, from the commencement of the war, conducted themselves in a manner that did them honor. A part of the militia had resolved on going up the river, to destroy the Moravian villages, but were prevented from executing their project by Gen. Broadhead, and Col. Shepherd, of Wheeling. At White Eyes' Plain, a few miles from Coshocton, an Indian prisoner was taken. Soon afterwards two more Indians were discovered, one of whom was wounded, but he, as well as the other, made their escape. The commander, knowing that these two Indians would make the utmost dispatch in going to the town, to give notice of the approach of the army, ordered a rapid march, in the midst of a heavy fall of rain, to reach the town before them, and take it by surprise. Tne plan succeeded. The army reached the place in three divisions. The right and left wings approached the river a little above and below the town, while the center marched directly upon it. The whole number of the Indians in the village, on the east side of the river, together with ten or twelve from a little village, some distance above, were made prisoners, without firing a single shot. The river having risen to a great height, owing to the recent fall of rain, the army could not cross it. Owing to this, the villages with their inhabitants on the west side of the river, escaped destruction. Among the prisoners, sixteen warriors were pointed out by Pekillon, a friendly Delaware chief, who was with the army of Broadhead. A little after dark, a council of war was held, to determine on the fate of the warriors in custody. They were doomed to death, and by order of the conmmander, they were bound, taken a little distance below the town and dispatched with tomahawks and spears, and scalped. 114 COSIIOCTON COUNTY. Early the next morning, an Indian presented himself on the opposite bank of the river and asked for the big captain. Broadhead presented himself, and asked the Indian what he wanted? To which he replied, "I want peace." " Send over some of your chiefs," said Broadhead. "May be you kill," said the Indian. He was answered, "They shall not be killed." One of the chiefs, a well-looking man, came over the river, and entered into conversation with the commander in the street; but while engaged in conversation, a man of the name of Wetzel came up behind him, with a tomahawk concealed in the bosom of his hunting shirt, and struck him oil the back of his head. He fell and instantly expired. About 11 or 12 o'clock, the army commenced it retreat from Coshocton. Gen. Broadhead committed the care of the prisoners to the militia. They were about twenty in namber. After marching about half a mile, the men commenced killing them. In a short time they were all despatched, except a few women and children, who were spared and taken to Fort Pitt, and after some time, exchanged for an equal number of their prisoners. Public Square, Coshocton. Coshocton, the county seat, is finely situated on the Muskingum, at the junction of the Tuscarawas, with the Walhonding river, 83 miles northeast from Columbus, and 30 from Zanesville. The ground on which it is built, for situation, could scarcely be improved, as it lies in four broad natural terraces, each elevated about nine feet above the other, the last of which, is about one thousand feet wide. The town is much scattered. About sixty rods back from the Muskingum, is the public square, containing four acres, neatly fenced, planted with young trees and covered with a green sward; on it stand the county buildings, represented in the engraving. Coshocton was laid out in April, 1802, by Ebenezer Buckingham and John Matthews, under the name of Tuscarawa, and changed to its present appellation in 1811. The county was first settled only a few years prior to the formation of the town: among the early settlers, were Col. Chas. Williams, Wm. Morrison, Isaac Hoglin, Geo. M'Culloch, Andrew Craig and Wm. Whitten. Coshocton contains 2 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist Episcopal, and 1 Protestant Methodist church, 6 mercantile stores, 2 newspaper printing offices, I woolen factory, 1 flouring mill, and had in 1840, 625 inhabitants. In times of high water, steamboats occasionally run up to Coshocton. "A short distance below Coshocton," says Dr. Hildreth in Silliman's Journal, "on one of those elevated gravelly alluvions, so common on the rivers of the west, has been recently discovered a very singular ancient burying ground. From some remains of wood still [1835] apparent in the earth around the bones, the bodies seem all to have been deposited in coffins; and what is still more curious, is the fact, that the bodies buried here were gen. 115 CRAWFORD COUNTY. erally not more than from three to four and a half feet in length. They are very numerous, and must have been tenants of a considerable city, or their numbers could not have been so great. A large number of graves have been opened, the inmates of which are all of this pigmy race. No metallic articles or utensils have yet been found, to throw any light on the period or nation to which they belonged. Similar burying grounds have been found in Tennessee, and near St. Louis, ill Missouri." We learn orally from another source, that this burying ground covered, in 1830, about 10 acres. The graves were arranged in regular rows, with avenues between, and the heads of all were placed to the west and the feet to the east. In one of them was a skeleton with pieces of oak boards and iron wrought nails. The corpse had evidently been dismembered before burial, as the skull was found among the bones of the pelvis, and other bones were displaced. The skull itself was triangular in shape, much flattened at the sides and back, and in the posterior part having an orifice, evidently made by some weapon of war, or bullet. In 1830, dwarf oaks of many years' growth were over several of the graves. The grave yard has since been plowed over. Nothing was known of its origin by the early settlers. Below the grave yard is a beautiful mound. On the west bank of the Muskingum, opposite to and connected with Coshocton by a bridge, is Roscoe. This town was laid off in 1816, by James Calder, under the name of Caldersburg. An addition was subsequently laid off by Ransom & Swane, which being united with it, the place was called Roscoe, from Wm. Roscoe, the English author. The Walhonding canal, which extends to the village of Rochester, a distance of 25 miles, unites with the Ohio canal at Roscoe. This town is at present a great wheat depot on the canal, and an important place of shipment and transhipment. Its capacities for a large manufacturing town are ample. "The canals bring together the whole water power of the Tuscarawas and Walhonding, the latter standing in the canal at this place, forty feet above the level of the Muskingum, and the canal being comparatively little used, the whole power of the stream, capable of performing almost any thing desired, could be used for manufacturing purposes; and sites for a whole manufacturing village, could be purchased comparatively for a trifle." Roscoe contains 1 Methodist Episcopal church, 5 dry goods and 2 grocery stores, 2 forwarding houses, 1 fulling, 2 saw and 2 flouring mills, and had in 1840, 468 inhabitants. From the hills back of town, a fine prospect is presented up the vallies of the Tuscarawas and Walhonding,, and down that of the Muskingum. The following are the names of small villages in the county, with their population, according to the census of 1840: since then some of them have much increased. East Union, 210; West Carlisle, 213; New Castle, 155; Rochester, 111; West Bedford, 103; and Keene, 100; New Bedford, Evansburg, Birmingham, Chili, Jacobsport, Lewisville, Plainfield, Van Buren and Warsaw, each less than 100. CRAWFORD. CRAWFORD was formed from old Indian Territory, April 1st, 1820. The surface is generally level, and in part slightly rolling: the south 116 CRAWFORD COUNTY. and west part is beautiful prairie land. The plains are usually cov ered with a rich vegetable loam of from 6 to 15 inches deep: the subsoil in most parts of the county is clay, mixed with lime; in many places-particularly the plains-a mixture of marl. Several rich beds of shell marl have already been discovered. The whole county is well adapted to grazing. The principal products are wheat, corn, oats, clover and timothy seeds, grass, wool and horned cattle. There are some fine limestone quarries. The following is a i;st of the townships in 1840, with their population: Antrim, 261 Holmes, 744 Pitt, 423 Bucyrus, 1654 Jackson, 636 Sandusky, 679 Center, 132 Liberty, 1469 Sycamore, 958 Chatfield, 878 Lykens, 742 Tymochtee, 1659 Cranberry, 680 Mifflin, 316 Whetsone, 1124 Crawford, 812 The population of Crawford, in 1830, was 4,788, and in 1840, 13,167. In 1845, the county was much reduced by the formation of Wyandot. This county derived its name from Col. William Crawford, who was born in Virginia, in 1732, the same year with Washington. In 1758, he was a captain in Forbes expedition, which took possession of Fort Duquesne, on the site of Pittsburg. Washington was the friend of Crawford, and often in his visits to the then west, was an inmate of his humble dwelling, in Fayette county. He was a brave and energetic man, and, at the commencement of the revolution, raised a regiment by his own exertions, and received the commission of colonel of continentals. He often led parties against the Indians across the Ohio. In 1782, he reluctantly accepted the command of an expedition against the Ohio Indians. On this occasion he was taken prisoner, and burnt to death amid the most excruciating tortures, on the Tyemochtee, in the former limits of this, but now within the new county of Wyandot. Bucyrus, the county seat, is on the Sandusky river-here a small stream-62 miles N. of Columbus, and 46 firom Sandusky city. The view shows, on the right, the Lutheran church, and on the left, the county buildings and the academy. It contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Lutheran, 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist and 1 Protestant Methodist church; 14 stores, 1 grist, 1 saw and 2 fulling mills, 1 newspaper printing office and a population of about 1,000: in 1840, it had 704 inhabitants. On the land of R. W. Musgrave, in the southeastern part of the town, a gas well has recently been dug. On first reaching the water-a distance of about 18 feet-it flew up about 6 feet with a loud, roaring noise; a pump has been placed over it, and the gas is conducted to the surface by a pipe, which, when a torch is applied, burns with a brilliant flame. Bucyrus was laid out Feb. 11th, 1822, by Samuel Norton and James Kilbourne, proprietors of the soil. The first settler on the site of the town was Samuel Norton, who moved in from Pa. in 1819. He wintered in a small cabin made of poles, which stood just north of his present residence on the bank of the Sandusky. This region of country was not thrown into market until August, 1820, at which time it abounded in bears, wolves, catamounts, foxes and other wild animals. When he came, there were but a few settlers in the 117 CRAWFORD COUNTY. county, principally squatters on the Whetstone, the nearest of whom was on that stream eight miles distant. North and west of Mr. N. there was not a single settler in the county. Others of the early settlers in the town, whose names are recollected, were David and Michael Beedle, Daniel M'Michael, John Kent, Wm. Young, Jacob Shaeffer, Thomas and James Scott, James Steward, David Stein, George Black, John Blowers and Nehemiah Squires. The first frame house was built by Samuel Bailey, and is the small frame building standing next to, and north of F. Margraf's residence. The first brick dwelling is the one nowv owned by Wm. Timanlus, on the public square. The Mfethodists built the first church. View in Bucyrua. On the 13th of August, 1838, part of the skeleton of a mastodon was discovered in wet, marshy land belonging to Abraham Hahn, on the Sandusky plains, near Bucyrus. "This skeleton was particularly interesting and important to science, as the head and skull bones were perfect in all their parts, and furnished the only known specimen from which a correct idea could be obtained respecting the massive and singularly-shaped head of this animal." The horizontal length of the skull was 3 feet 3 inches; perpendicular height, 3 ft. 2- inches; weight of skull and upper jaw, 160 pounds, to which added the weight of the lower jaw, 77 pounds, made 237 pounds. The length of the back molar tooth was 721 inches. Kniseley's or Crawford sulphur spring is 7 miles NE. of Bucyrus, in Sandusky township. The water is highly impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen, tarnishes silver and deposites a sulphurous precipitate a short distance from the spring. One of its most remarkable features is a deposit of a reddish or purple sediment at the bottom, giving to the water a color resembling a tincture of iodine. The water is a gentle cathartic, and is diuretic and diaphoretic in its effects. The place is now improved, a boarding house being there, and it proves a valuable resort for invalids. A few rods from it is a burning spring. The Annapolis sulphur is a beautiful, clear and copious spring, owned by Mr. Sliffer, who has neatly enclosed it with an iron railing. It possesses medicinal virtues. 118 CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Opposite Bucyrus, near the river, is a chalybeate spring of toni(c qualities. There are various beds of peat in the county, the most extensive of which is in a wet prairie, called Cranberry marsh, in Cranberry township, which, as shown on the map, contains nearly 2,000 acres. This marsh formerly annually produced thousands of bushels of cranberries. The peat upon this marsh is estimated at two millions and five hundred thousand cords, by Dr. C. Briggs in the State Geographical report, from which we have derived the principal facts in this paragraph. Galeon, 11 miles SE. of Bucyrus, has 3 stores, 2 or 3 churches and about 375 inhabitants. Leesville, about 10 E. of Bucyrus, has 2 stores, 2 churches and about 250 inhabitants. Near this place is a locality called "the battle ground," where, it is said, Crawford, when on his way to Upper Sandusky, had a skirmish with some Indians. De Kalb, West Liberty, Middletown, New Washington, Annapolis, Benton, Oletangy and Osceola, are small places; at the last named, the Broken Sword creek has a fall of 32 feet within a space of two miles. CUYAHOGA. CUYAHOGA was formed from Geauga county, June 7th, 1807, and organized in May, 1810. The name was derived from the river, and is said to signify, in the Indian language, "crooked," a term significant of the river, which is very winding, and has its sources farther north than its mouth. The surface is level or gently undulating. Near the lake the soil is sandy, elsewhere generally a clayey loam. The vallies of the streams are highly productive in corn and oats; in other parts, the principal crops are wheat, barley and hay. The county produces a great variety and amount of excellent fruit; also, cheese, butter, beef cattle and wool. Bog iron ore is found in the west part, and furnaces are in operation. Excellent grindstone quarries are worked, and grindstones largely exported. The sandstone from these quarries, is beginning to be a prominent article of commerce, being in some cases shipped for building purposes, as far west as Chicago. The following is a list of its townships, in 1840, with their population. Bedford, 2021 Independence, 754 Rockport, 1235 Brecksville, 1124 Mayfield, 852 Royalton, 1051 Brooklyh, 1409 Middleburg, 339 Solon, 774 Cleveland, 7037 Newburg, 1342 Strongville, 1151 Dover, 966 Olmstead, 659 Warrensville, 1085 Euclid, 1774 Parma, 965 Orange, 1114 The population of Cuyahoga, in 1810, was 1495; in 1820, 6328; in 1830, 10,362, and in 1840, 26,512, or 43 inhabitants to a square mile. 119 CUYAIIOGA COUNTY. As early as 1755, there was a French station within the present limits of Cuyahoga. On Lewis Evans' map of the middle Brit't /L. ~ ~R_I~ _ _ =,_ — ish colonies, published that year, there is L. I___~~__ —- marked upon the west bank of the Cuya hoga, the words, "French house," which was doubtless the station of a French trader. The ruins of a house, supposed ,\So~~~ ~ ~ to be those of the one alluded to, have been discovered on Foot's farm, in Brooklyn township, about five miles from the mouth I of the Cuyahoga. The small engraving A annexed, is from the map of Evans, and t}enckhts, ae, ATawas ~'-"~ delineates the geography as in the ori ginal. ",En> OSCITO OM PA Y ArS l my Fjrst fCldr n Lands X f AN; I FTUCK, jT "Plan of the Purchase of the Ohio and Scioto Land Companies." The map is inaccurate in its geography, and fraudulent in its statements. It represents the country as "cleared and inhabited," when it was a wilderness, the only settlement being at Marietta, with perhaps some offshoots from it on the Ohio and Muskingum. The glowing representations made by the agents of th6 company, were well-timed for their enterprise. It was about the beginning of the French revolution, and the "flattering delusion" took strong 179 GALLIA COUNTY. hold The terms to induce emigration, were as follows: the company proposed to take the emigrant to their lands and pay the cost, and the latter bound himself to work three years for the company, for which he was to receive fifty acres, a house and a cow.* Printed deeds, executed at Paris, with all due formality, were given to some of the purchasers, by Playfair and De Saisson. About five hundred Frenchmen left their native country, landed mostly at Alexandria, and mr-a(de tlheiri w t o the promised land. They were persons ill Gallipolis in 1791 fitted for such an enterprise. Among them were not a few carvers and gilders to his majesty, coach and peruke makers, friseurs and other artist,s,s about equally well fitted for a backwoods life, with only ten or twelve farmers and laborers. On the map is shown the "first town," i.e. "Premiere Ville," lying opposite the mouth of the Kanawha. It was laid out by the Ohio company, under the name of Fair Haven; but as the ground there is low and liable to overflow, Gallipolis was located four miles belowv, upon a high bank, ten feet above the flood of 1832.t This location was made just before the arrival of the French. Col. Rufus Putnam sent Major Burnham, with about forty men, for that purpose, who made the clearing and erected block-houses and cabins. Col. Robert Safford, now living near Gallipolis, was of this party, and cut the first tree. From his description, we give the view of the place at that time, the greater part of which stood on the site of the public square. On the public square stood 80 log cabins, 20 in each row. At each of the corners were block-houses, two stories in height. In front of the cabins, close by the river bank, was a small log breastwork, erected for a defence while building the cabins. Above the * J. P. R. Bureau. 180 t Ibid. GALLIA COUNTY. cabins, on the square, were two other parallel rows of catins, which, with a high stockade fence and block-houses at each of the upper corners, formed a sufficient fortification in times of danger. These upper cabins were a story and a half in height, built of hewed logs, and finished in better style than those below, being intended for the richer class. In the upper cabins was a room used for a council chamber and a ball room. The Scioto company contracted with Putnam to erect these build ings and furnish the settlers with provisions; but failed of payment, bT which he lost a large amount. We continue the history of Gallipolis, in the annexed extract from a communication in the Pioneer, by Waldeurard M\Ieulette, one of the colonists. At an early meeting of the colonists, the town was named Gallipolis, (town of the French.) I did not arrive till nearly all the colonists were there. I descended the river in 1791, in flat boats, loaded with troops, commanded by Gen. St. Clair, destined for an expedition against the Indians. Some of my countrymen joined that expedition; among others was Count lealartie, a captain ill the French guard of Louis XVI. General St. Clair made him one of his aid-de-camps in the battle, ill which he was severely wounded. He went back to Philadelphia, from whence he returned to France. The Indians were encouraged to greater depredations and murders, by their success in this expedition, but most especially against the American settlements. From their intercourse with the French in Canada, or some other cause, they seemed less disposed to trouble us. Immediately after St. Clair's defeat, Col. Sproat, commlnandant at Marietta, appointed four spies for Gallipolis-two Americans and two French, of which I was one, and it was not until after the treaty at Greenville, in 1795, that we were released. Notwithstanding the great difficulties, the difference of tempers, education and professions, the inhabitants lived in harmony, and having little or nothing to do, made themselves agreeable and useful to each other. The Americans and hunters, employed by the company, performed the first labors of clearing the township, which was divided into lots. Although the French were willing to work, yet the clearing of an American wilderness and its heavy timber, was far more than they could perform. To migrate from the eastern states to the "far west,' is painful enough now-a-days, but how much more so it must be for a citizen of a large European town! even a farmer of the old countries would find it very hard, if not impossible, to clear land in the wilderness. Those hunters were paid by the colonists to prepare their garden ground, which was to receive the seeds brought from France; few of the colonists knew how to make a garden, but they were guided by a few books on that subject, which they had brought likewise from France. The colony then began to improve in its appearance and comfort. The fresh provisions were supplied by the company's hunters, the others came from their magazines. When, of the expeditions of General St. Clair and Wayne, many of the troops stopped at Gallipolis to take provi6ions, which had been deposited there for that purpose by government; the Indians, who, no doubt, often came there il the night, at last saw the regulars going morning and evening round the town in order to ascertain if there were any Indian traces, and attacked them, killing and wounding several-a soldier, besides other wounds, was tomahawked, but recovered. A French colonist, who had tried to raise corn at some distance from the town, seeing an Indian rising from behind some brushwood against a tree, shot him in the shoulder; the Indian hearing an American patrole, must have thought that the Frenchman made a part of it; and sometime afterward a Frenchman was killed, and a man and woman made prisoners, as they were going to collect ashes to make soap, at some dis tance from town. After this, although the Indians committed depredations on the Americans on both sides of the river, the French had suffered only by the loss of some cattle carried away, until the murder of the man above related. The Scioto company, in the mean time, had nearly fulfilled all their engagements during six months, after which time they ceased their supply of provisions to the colonists, and one of their agents gave as a reason for it, that the company had been cheated by one or two of their agents in France, who, having received the funds in Fran,e for the purchased lands, had kept the money for themselves and run off with it to England, without having purchased or possessing any of the tract which the 181 GALLIA COUNTY. had sold to the deceived colonists. This intelligence exasperated them, and was the more sensibly felt, as a scarcity of provisions added to their disappointment. The winter was uncommonly severe; the creek and the Ohio were frozen; the hunters had no longer any meat to sell; flat boats could not come down with flour to furnish as they had done before. This produced almost a famine in the settlement, and a family of eight persons, father, mother and children, was obliged to subsist for eight or ten days on dry beans, boiled in water, without either salt, grease or bread, and those had never known, before that time, what it was to want for any thing. On the other hand, the dangers from the Indians seemed to augment every day. The colonists were by this time weary of being confined to a few acres of land; their industry and their labor was lost; the money and clothes which they had brought were nearly gone. They knew not to whom they were to apply to get their lands; they hoped that if Wayne's campaign forced the Indians to make a lasting peace, the Scioto company would send immediately, either to recover or to purchase those promised lands; but they soon found out their mistake. After the treaty of Greenville, many Indians passing through Gallipolis, on their way to the seat of government, and several travellers, revealed the whole transaction, from which it was ascertained that the pretended Scioto company was composed of New Englanders, the names of very few only being known to the French, who, being themselves ignorant of the English language, and at such a distance from the place of residence of their defrauders, and without means for prosecuting them, could get no redress. Far in a distant land, separated forever from their friends and relations-with exhausted means, was it surprising that they were disheartened, and that every social tie should have been loosened, nearly broken, and a great portion of the deceived colonists should have become reckless? May the happy of this day, never feel as they did, when all hope was blasted, and they were left so destitute! Many of the colonists went off and settled elsewhere with the means that remained to them, and resumed their trades in more populous parts of the country; others led a half-savage life, as hunters for skins: the greater part, however, resolved, in a general assembly, to make a memorial of their grievances, and send it to congress. The memorial claimed no rights from that body, but it was a detail of their wrongs and sufferings, together with an appeal to the generosity and feelings of congress; and they did not appeal in vain. One of the colonists proposed to carry the petition; he only stipulated that his expenses should be paid by a contribution of the colonists, whether he succeeded or not in their object; but, he added, that if he obtained for himself the quantity of land which he had paid for, and the rest had none, he should be repaid by their gratitude for his efforts.* At Philadelphia, he met with a French lawyer, M. Duponceau, and through his means he obtained from congress a grant of 24,000 acres of land, known by the name of the French grant, opposite to Little Sandy, for the French, who were still resident at Gallipolis. The act annexed the condition of settling on the lands three years before reviewing the deed of gift. The bearer of the petition had his 4000 acres; the rest was divided among the remaining French, amounting to ninety-two persons, married and single. Each inhabitant had thus a lot of 217A acres of land; but before the surveys and other arrangements could be made, some tine was necessary, during which, those x ho had reclaimed the wilderness and improved Gallipolis being reluctant to lose all their labor, and finding that a company, owning the lands of Marietta, and where there was a settlement previous to that of the French colony, had met to divide lands which they had purchased in a common stock, the colonists sent a deputation for the purpose of proposing to the company to sell them the spot where Gallipolis was and is situated, and to be paid in proportion to what was improved, which was accepted. When at last the distribution of the lots of the French grant was achieved, some sold their share, others went to settle on it, or put tenants, and either remained at Gallipolis, or went elsewhere; but how few entered again heartily into a new kind of life, after having lost many of their lives and much of their health, amid hardships, excess of labor, or the indolence which follows discouragement and hopeless efforts! Few of the original settlers remain at Gallipolis: not many at the French grant. Breckenridge, in his Recollectionrs, gives some reminiscences of Gallipolis, related in a style of charnming simplicity and humor. He * Our contributor is not clear here; we presume he meant to say: "But he added, that if he obtained as much, he would expect for himself the quantity of land he had paid for, viz: 4000 acres; and if the rest who had no land got some, he would be repaid by their gratitude for his efforts."-Ed. 182 GALLIA COUNTY. was at Gallipolis in 1795, at which time he was a boy of nine year of age. Behold me once more in port, and domicilated at the house, or the inn, of Monsieur, or rather, Dr. Saugrain, a cheerful, sprightly little Frenchman, four feet six, English measure and a chemist, natural philosopher, and physician, both in the English and French signi fication of the word.... This singular village was settled by people from Paris and Lyons, chiefly artisans and artists, peculiarly unfitted to sit down in the wilderness and clear away forests. I have seen half a dozen at work in taking down a tree, some pulling ropes fastened to the brar.-hes, while others were cutting around it like beavers. Sometimes serious accidents occur:ed in consequence of their awkwardness. Their former employment had been only calculated to administer to the luxury of highly polished and wealthy societies. There were carvers and gilders to the king, coach makers, freizurs and peruke makers, and a variety of others who might have found some employment in our larger towns, but who were entirely out of their place in the wilds of Ohio. Their means by this time had been exhausted, and they were beginning to suffer from the want of the comforts, and even the necessaries of life. The country back from the river was still a wilderness, and the Gallipotians did not pretend to cultivate any thing more than small garden spots, depending for their supply of provisions, on the boats which now began to descend the river; but they had to pay in cash and that was become scarce. They still assembled at the ball-room twice a week; it was evident, however, that they felt disappointment, and were no longer happy. The predilections-of the best among them, being on the side of the Bourbons, the honors of the French revolution, even in their remote situation, mingled with their private misfortunes, which had at this time nearly reachet their acme, in consequence of the discovery that they had no title to their lands, having been cruelly deceived by those from whom they had purchased. It is well known that congress generously made them a grant of twenty thousand acres, from which, however, but few of them ever derived any advantage. As the Ohio was now more frequented, the house was occasionally resorted to, and especially by persons looking out for land to purchase. The doct:)r had a small apartment which contained his chemical apparatus, and I used to sit by him, as often as I could watching the curious operation of his blow-pipe and crucible. I loved the cheerful little man, and he became very fond of me in return. Many of my countrymen used to come and stare at his doings, which they were half inclined to think, had a too near resemblance to the black art. The doctors little phosphoric matches, igniting spontaneously when the glass tube was broken, and from which he derived some emolument, were thought by some, to be rather beyond mere human power. His barometer and thermometer, with the scale neatly painted with the pen, and the frames richly carved, were objects of wonder, and probably some of them are yet extant in the west. But what most astonished some of our visitors, was a large peach in a glass bottle, the neck of which would only admit a common cork; this was accomplished by tying the bottle to the limb of a tree, with the peach when young inserted into it. His swans which swam around basins of water amused me more than any wonders exhibited by the wonderful man. The doctor was a great favorite with the Americans, as well for his vivacity and sweetness of temper, which nothing could sour, as on account of a circumstance which gave him high claim to the esteem of the backwoodsmen. He had shown himself, notwithstanding his small stature and great good nature, a very hero in combat with the Indians. He had descended the Ohio in company with two French philosophers, who were believers in the primitive in nocence and goodness of the children of the forest. They could not be persuaded, that any danger was to be apprehended from the Indians; as they had no intentions to injure that people, they supposed no harm could be meditated on their part. Dr. Saugrain was not altogether so well convinced of their good intentions, and accordingly kept his pistols loaded. Near the mouth of the Sandy, a canoe with a party of warriors approached the boat; the philosophers invited them on board by signs, when they came rather too will ingly. The first thing they did on coming on board of the boat, was to salute the two philosophers with the tomahawk; and they would have treated the doctor in the same way but that he used his pistols with good effect-killed two of the savages, and then leaped into the water, diving like a dipper at the flash of the guns of the others, and succeeded in swimming to the shore with several severe wounds whose scars were conspicuous. The doctor was married to an amiable young woman, but not possessing as much viva city as himself. As Madam Saugrain had no maid to assist her, her brother, a boy of my age, and myself, were her principal helps irinthe kitchen. We brought water and wood, and washed the dishes. I used to go in the morning about two miles for a little milk, 183 i i GALLIA COUNTY. sometimes on the frozen ground, barefooted. I tried a pair of savots, or wooden shoes, but was unable to make any use of them, although they had been made by the carver to the king. Little perquisites, too, sometimes fell to our share from blacking boots and shoes; my companion generally saved his, while mine would have burned a hole in my pocket, if it had remained there. In the spring and summer, a good deal of my time was passed in the garden, weeding the beds. While thus engaged, I formed an acquaintance with a young lady, of eighteen or twenty, on the other side of the palings, who was often similarly occupied. Our friendship, which was purely Platonic, commenced with the story of Blue Beard, recounted by her, and with the novelty and pathos of which I was much interested. This incident may perhaps remind the reader of the story of Pyramus and Thisbe, or perhaps of the hortical ecologue of Dean Swift, "Dermot and Shela" Connected with this lady, is an incident which I feel a pleasure in relating. One day while standing alone on the bank of the river, I saw a man who had gone in to bathe, and who had got beyond his depth, without being able to swim. He had began to struggle for life, and in a few seconds would have sunk to rise no more. I shot down the bank like an arrow, leaped into a canoe, which fortunately happened to be close by, pushed the end to him, and as he rose, perhaps for the last time, he seized it with a deadly convulsive grasp, and held so firmly that the skin afterward came off the parts of his arms which pressed against the wood. I screamed for help; several persons came and took him out, perfectly insensible. He afterwards married the young lady, and raised a numerous and respectable family. One of his daughters married a young lawyer, who now represents that district in congress... Toward the latter part of summer, the inhabitants suffered severely from sickness and want of provisions. Their situation was truly wretched. The swamp in the rear, now exposed by the clearing between it and the river, became the cause of a frightful epidemic, from which few escaped, and many became its victims. I had recovered from the ague, and was among the few exempted from the disease: but our family, as well as the rest, suffered much from absolute hunger, a most painful sensation, as I had before experienced. To show the extremity of our distress, on one occasion the brother of Madam Saugrain and myself pushed a light canoe to an island above town, where we pulled some corn, took it to mill, and excepting some of the raw grains, had nothing to eat from the day before, until we carried home the flour and made some bread, but had neither milk nor meat. I have learned to be thankful when I had a sufficiency of wholesome food, how ever plain, and was blessed with health; and I could put up with humble fare, without a murmur, although accustomed to luxuries, when I have seen those who have never experi enced absolute starvation, turn up their noses at that, which was a very little worse than the best they had ever known. I had been nearly a year at Gallipolis, when Capt. Smith, of the United States army came along in advance of the barge of Gen. Wilkinson, and according to the request of my father, took me into his custody, for the purpose of bringing me once more to my native place. He remained two or three days waiting for the general, and in the meanwhile procured me hat, shoes and clothes befitting a gentleman's son, and then took me on board his boat. Shortly after the general overtook us, I was transferred on board his barge, as a playmate for his son Biddle, a boy of my own age. The general's lady, and several ladies and gentlemen, were on board his boat, which was fitted up in a style of convenience, and even magnificence, scarcely surpassed even by the present steamboats. It was propelled against the stream by twenty five or thirty men, sometimes by the pole, the cordelle, and often by the oar. TI'here was also a band of musicians on board, and the whole had the appearance of a mere party of pleasure. My senses were overpowered-it seemed an Elysium! The splendor of the furniture-the elegance of the dresses-and then, the luxuries of the table, to a half-starved creature like me, produced an effect which can scarce be easily described. Every repast was a royal banquet, and such delicacies were placed before me, as I had never seen before, and in sufficient abundance to satiate my insatiable appetite. I was no more like what I had been, than the cast-off skin of the black snake resembles the new dress in which he glistens in the sunbeam. The general's countenance was continually lighted up with smiles, and he seemed faire le bonheur, of all around him,-it seemed his business to make every one happy about him. His countenance and manners were such as I have rarely seen, and now that I can form a more just estimate of them, were such as better fitted him for a court than a republic. His lady was truly an estimable person, of the mildest and softest manners. She gave her son and myself a reproof one day, which I never forgot. She saw us catching minnows with pin-hooks, made us desist, and then explained in the sweetest manner, the cruelty of taking away life wantonly from the humblest thing in creation. 184 GALLIA COUNTY. In 1807, Breckenridge again saw Gallipolis. As we passed Point Pleasant and the island below it, Gallipolis, which I looked for with anxious feelings, hove in sight. I thought of the French inhabitants-I thought of my friend Saugrain; and I recalled, in the liveliest colors, the incidents of that portion of my life which was passed here. A year is a long time at that period-every day is crowded with new and great and striking events. When the boat landed, I ran up the bank and looked around; but alas! how changed! The Americans had taken the town in hand, and no trace of antiquity, that is, of twelve years ago, remained. I hastened to the spot where I expected to find the abode, the little log house, tavern and labratory of the doctor, but they had vanished like the palace of Aladdin. After some inquiry, I found a little Frenchman, who, like the old woman of Goldsmiith's village, was "the sad historian of the deserted plain,"-that is, deserted by one race, to be peopled by another. He led me to where a few logs might be seen, as the only remains of the once happy tenement which had sheltered me-but all around it was a commoiin; the town had taken a different direction. My heart sickened; the picture which my imagination had drawn-the scenes which my memory loved to cherish, were blotted out aend obliterated. A volume of reminiscences seemed to be annihilated in an instant! I took a hasty glance at the new town, as I returned to the boat. I saw brick houses, painted frames, fanciful enclosures, ornamental trees! Even the pond, which had carried off a thirdrof the French population by its malaria, had disappeared, and a pretty green had usurped its place, with a neat brick court house in the midst of it. This was too much; I hastened my pace, and with sorrow, once more pushed into the stream. Gallipolis, the county seat, is pleasantly situated on the Ohio river, 02 miles southeasterly from Columbus. It contains 1 Presbyterian, I Episcopal and 1 Methodist church, 12 or 14 stores, 2 newspaper printing offices, and by the census of 1840, had 1,221 inhabitants, and now has about 1700. A part of the population is of French descent, but they have in a great measure lost their national characteristics. Some few of the original French settlers are yet living. The engraving of the public square, shows the market and court house near the center of the view, with a glimpse of the Ohio river on the left. The failure of the Gallipolis bank, at this place, a few years since, excited a strong sensation throughout the state. The history of the institution we derive from the communication of one familiar with it. The charter of the bank of Gallipolis, was passed in the year 1818, but the commis 24 18.5 GALLIA COUNTY. sioners named in it, never judged it advisable to open books for subscription, until the spring of 1839, when they were opened at the solicitation of M. B. Sherwood, of Buffalo, he proposing, on behalf of the Erie County bank in that city, to subscribe to a large amount. Mr. Sherwood brought such strong testimonials of integrity of character, and ability to accomplish what he proposed, as to satisfy the commissioners, and he was permitted to subscribe for $200,000 of the stock, paying thereon $20,000, by a certificate of stock deposit in the Erie County bank; this certificate was paid at the time, to show that Mr. Sherwood was in earnest, in organizing the bank in good faith. He stated at the time, that those for whom he acted, were men of wealth-had established two banks in New York, the Staten Island and the Erie County banks, and were anxious to connect their business with a west ern bank, as it would much facilitate the transaction of their business, and prove of mutua advantage and profits to both institutions. When the time came for putting the bank into operation, Mr. Sherwood was presen with about $40,000 in specie and the paper of specie-paying banks; the bank was exam ined by a commissioner, Geo. House, appointed by the governor, Wilson Shannon, and au thorized to do business as a bank, by the governor's proclamation. The president, Mr. Smith, the cashier, Mr. Scovill, and Whiting, chief clerk, were also from Buffalo. The other directors were among the most respectable men of Gallipolis. The bank failed in January, 1841, when it became apparent, that a most stupendous system of fraud had been carried on by means of this bank and others, all under the management of the same band cf swindlers, Sherwood, Cole and others. The manner seems to have been this. The directors of the Gallipolis bank had procured bills to be struck by Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, of New York, engravers, to the amount of $175,000, and this was the entire amount of bills as was supposed by the resident directors; but it turns out that the president and cashier, under the direction of Sherwood, had in some way procured bills to be struck to the amount of some $1,200,000, without the knowledge of the other directors, and while the books and accounts were kept, and the circulation predicated upon bills to the amount of $175,000, Sherwood was scattering broad-cast over the land, this vast fraudulent circulation, unknown to the resident directors, until it was brought to light by the vast over-issue, coming in after the failure. There were other banks with which the same company was connected, to wit, the Manhatten bank, in Lucas county, Ohio, the Circleville bank, at Circleville, Ohio, the West Union bank, at West Union, Ohio, and the Mineral Point bank, in Wisconsin. Sherwood seems to have operated largely in state stocks, paying for them in the paper of these fraudulent banks. When the explosion came, he and these banks were indebted to Illinois, near $100,000; to Indiana, about $600,000, besides an unredeemed circulation of these banks, of not less than from $300,000 to $400,000. Before the failure of the bank in January, 1841, a Mr. Farrington appeared in Gallipolis, in October of 1840, where he remained until January following, when he presented a transfer of the stock belonging to Kinney & Smith, in whose names it stood for the use of the Erie County bank, as wasstated, and became himself president of the bank, under representations, on his part, of his great wealth. During the months of October, November and December, 1840, several strangers, of the names of Hill, Weed and others, appeared in Gallipolis, talked largely of their wealth, proposed entering into business, but never went beyond talking; what their business was, no one knew. After the failure of the bank, it became apparent that these men were the associates of Farrington, and that their business at Gallipolis, had been to fill their pockets with the Gallipolis bank paper, and then to go off and pay it out for whatever they could obtain. They bought up property of every description at exorbitant prices, in order to swindle the community. Farrington, Hill, Weed and some others, the men who had engaged in swindling in the fraudulent bank of Millington, in Maryland, seem to have purchased of Sherwood & Co., the chance of what could be made by means of the Gallipolis bank, before the explosion should take place. Hill, in a letter to Farrington, received after his arrest, states that Sherwood had cheated them, as he, Hill, was satisfied that there was a greater over-issue than had been represented. At the time of the failure of the banik, Farrington was arrested, and, with Scovill, Whiting and some others, indicted, tried, convicted, and sent to the penitentiary for six years. Whiting was arrested at Lowell, in Massachusetts, brought to Gallipolis, and confined to await his trial; but with the aid of certain persons, he escaped, and has never since been retaken. Sherwood was compelled to run for Texas, to protect himself from justice The assets of the bank, at the time of the failure, were applied by the resident directors, to the redemption of its liabilities, as far as they would go, having been handed over to those presenting claims against the bank, as fast as the claims were presented. The cir 186 GEAUGA COUNTY. culation redeemed was very large, but no one can tell the amount. The whole affair was dS stupendous a scheme of swindling, as has Over been carried on in the country, and the whole resting upon the credit of two banks in New York, organized under the free banking law of that state, with stocks, which were probably borrowed of the states of Indiana and Illinois. Gen. Edward W. Tupper, in July, 1812, raised for a six months' duty, a force of 1000 men, principally from this, Lawrence and Jackson counties. Daniel Womeldorf, of this county, commanded a company of cavalry. They marched to the northwest, and had a skirmish with the enemy at the foot of the Maumee rapids, with unimportant results. Gen. Tupper resided in Gallipolis, and died many years since. Capt. Womeldorf, is living in the county. The following are the names of small villages in this county, with their population, in 1840. Patriot 119, Wilkesville 119, Centerville 84, Porter 75, and Vinton 82. (See Addenda.) GEAUGA. GEAUGA was formed from Trumbull, in 1805, since which its original limits have been much reduced. In March, 1840, the county of Lake was mainly formed from its northern part. The name Geauga, or Sheauga, signifies, in the Indian language, raccoon: it was originally applied to Grand river; thus, "Sheauga sepe," i. e. Raccoon river. The surface is rolling and heavily timbered, and the soil generally clay. The principal exports are sheep, cattle, butter and cheese. The following is a list of its townships, in 1840, with their population. Auburn, 1198 Claridon, 879 Newburgh, 1209 Bainbridge, 988 Hampden, 840 Parkman, 1181 Batavia, 771 Hurtsburgh, 911 Russell, 742 Burton, 1022 Montville, 567 Thompson, 1038 Chardon, 1910 Munson, 1263 Troy, 1208 Chester, 962 The population of Geauga, in 1820, was 7791; in 1830, 15,813, and in 1840, 16,299, or 42 inhabitants to a square mile. This county being at the head waters of Chagrin, Cuyahoga and part of Grand rivers, is high ground, and more subject to deep snows than any other part of the Reserve. It was formerly much subject to very high sweeping winds or tornadoes. In August, 1804, John Miner was killed at Chester. He had lately moved from Burton, with part of his family, into a log house which he had built at that place. A furious storm suddenly arose, and the timber commenced falling on all sides, lwhen he directed his tm v children to go under the floor, and stepped to the door to see the falling timber: at that instant, three trees fell across the house and killed him instantly. The children remained in the house until the next morning. whenr 187 GEAUGA COUNTY. the oldest made her way to a neighbor, about two miles distant, and related the sad tidings.* The first settlement in Geauga, was at Burton, in the year 1798, when three families settled there from Connecticut. This settlement was in the interior of the country, at a considerable distance from any other. The hardships and privations of the early settlers of the Reserve, are well described in the annexed article from the pen of one who was familiar with them. The settlement of the Reserve commenced in a manner somewhat peculiar. Instead of beginniing on one side of a county, and progressing gradually into the interior, as had usually been done in similar cases, the proprietors of the Reserve, being governed by dif ferent and separate views, began their improvements wherever their individual interests led them. Hence we find many of the first settlers immured in a dense forest, 15 or 20 miles or more from the abode of any white inhabitants. In consequence of their scattered situation, journeys were some times to be performed of 20 or 50 miles, for the sole purpose of having the staple of an ox-yoke mended, or some other mechanical job, in itself trifling, but absolutely essential for the successful prosecution of business. These journeys had to be performed through the wilderness, at a great expense of time, and, in many cases, the only safe guide to direct their course, were the township lines made by the surveyors. The want of mills to grind the first harvests, was in itself a great evil. Prior to the year 1800, many families used a small hand-mill, properly called a sweat-mill, which took the hard labor of two hours to supply flour enough for one person a single day. About the year 1800, one or two grist-mills, operating by water power, were erected. One of these was at Newburg, now in Cuyahoga county. But the distance of many of the settlements from the mills, and the want of roads, often rendered the expense of grinding a single bushel, equal the value of two or three. The difficulties of procuring subsistence for a family, in such circumstances, must be obvious. Few, however, can now fully realize circumstances then very common. Often would a man leave his family in the wilderness with a stinted supply of food, and with his team or pack horse go perhaps some 20 or 30 miles for provision. The necessary appendages of his journey would be an axe, a pocket compass, fire works, and blanket and bells. He cut and beat his way through the woods with his axe, and forded almost impassable streams. When the day was spent, he stopped where he was, fastened his bells to his beasts, and set them at liberty to provide for themselves. Then he would strike a fire, not only to dissipate, in some degree, the gloom and damps of night, but to annoy the gnats and musketoes, and prevent the approach of wolves, bears and panthers. Thus the night passed, with the trees for his shelter. At early dawn, or perhaps long before, he is listening to catch the sound of bells, to him sweet music, for often many hours of tedious wanderings were consumed, ere he could find his team and resume his journey. If prospered, on reaching his place of destination, in obtaining his expected supply, he follows his lonely way back to his anxious and secluded family, and perhaps has scarce time to refresh and rest himself, ere the same journey and errand had to be repeated. CHIARDON is 170 miles NE. of Columbus, and 28 firom Cleveland. It was laid out about the year 1808, for the county seat, and named from Peter Chardon Brookes, of Boston, then proprietor of the soil. There are but few villages in Ohio, that stand upon such an elevated, commanding ridge as this, and it can be seen in some directions for several miles: although but about 14 miles from Lake Erie, it is computed to be 600 feet above it. The village is scattered and small. In the center is a handsome green, of about eleven acres. on which stands the public buildings, two of which, the court house and Methodist church, are shown in the engraving.' The Baptist church and a classical academy, which are on or face the public * Judge Amzi Atwater. 188 GEAUGA COUNTY. square, are n:,t shown in this view. Chardon has 6 stores, a newspap)er piintin'z office, and in 1S40, had 446 inhabitants. Geau a suffered miue h fi-om the'great drouth," in northern Ohio, in the summer of 1845, the following brief description of which was communicated to Dr. S. P. Hildreth, by Seabury Ford, Esq., of Geauga, and published in Silliman's Journal. The district of country which suffered the most, was about one hundred miles in length, and fifty or sixty in width; extending nearly east and west parallel with the lake, and in some places directly bordering on the shore of this great inland sea. There was no rain from the last of March, or the 1st of April, until the 10th of June, when there fell a little rain for one day, but no more until the 2d of July, when there probably fell half an inch, as it made the roads a little muddy. From this time, no more rain fell until early in September. This long-continued drouth reduced the streams of water to mere rills, and many springs and wells heretofore unfailing became dry, or nearly so. The grass crop entirely failed, and through several counties the pasture grounds in places were so dry, that in walking across them the dust would rise under the feet, as in highways. So dry was the grass in meadows, that fires, when accidentally kindled, would run over them as over a stubble-field, and great caution was required to prevent damage from them. The crop of oats and corn was nearly destroyed. Many fields of wheat so perished that no attempt was made to harvest them. Scions set in the nursery, dried up for lack of sap in the stocks, and many of the forest trees withered, and all shed their leaves much earlier than usual. The health of the inhabitants was not materially affected, although much sickness was anticipated. Grasshoppers were multiplied exceedingly in many places, and destroyed every green thing that the drouth had spared, even to the thistles and elder tops by the road side. The late frosts and cold drying winds of the spring months, cut off nearly all the fruit, and what few apples remained, were defective at the core, and decayed soon after being gathered in the fall. Many of the farmers sowed fields of turnips in August and September, hoping to raise winter food for their cattle, but the seed generally failed to vegetate for lack of moisture. So great was the scarcity of food for the domestic animals, that early in the autumn large droves of cattle were sent into the valley of the;cioto, where the crops were more abundant, to pass the winter, while others were sent eastward into the borders of Pennsylvania. This region of country abounds in grasses, and one of the staple commodities is the produce of the dairy. Many stocks of dairy cows were broken up and dispersed, selling for only four or five dollars a head, as the cost of wintering would be more than their worth in the spring. Such great losses and suffering from the effects of drouth, has not been experienced in Ohio for many years, if at all since the settlement of the country. As the lands become more completely cleared of the forest trees, dry summers will doubtless be more frequent. In a region so near a large body of water, we FicZ in Chardoni. 189 &RLENE COUNTY. should expect more rain than in one at a distance. The sky in that district is, nevertheless, much oftener covered with clouds than in the southern portion of the state, where rains are mnore abundant; but the dividing ridge, or height of land between Lake Erie and the waters of the Ohio, lacks a range of high hills to attract the moisture from the clouds and cause it to descend in showers of rain. Burton, a pleasant village, 8 miles SE. of Chardon, contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist and 1 Disciples church, an academy, and about 175 inhabitants. Parkman, on a branch of Grand river, and named from Robert B. Parkman, is 16 miles SE. of Chardon, and contains an academy, 1 Methodist and 1 Univeisalist church, 1 flouring, 1 saw and 1 fulling mill, and about 30 dwellings. Three dams are thrown across the river at this place, having unitedly about 60 feet fall, and furnishing much power. There are other small places in the county, at which are post-offices: they are Auburn, Bundysburg, East Claridon, Fowler's Mill, Hamden, Huntsburg, Newburg, Thompson, Welshfield and Chester Cross Roads. At Chester, is the Geauga seminary, under the patronage of the Western Reserve Free-Will Baptist society. This flourishing institution has about 200 pupils, Elder Daniel Branch, A. M., principal. GREENE. GREENE was formed from Hamilton and Ross, May 1st, 1803, and named from Gen. Nathaniel Greene, of the revolution. The soil is generally clayey; the surface on the east is flat and well adapted to grazing, the rest of the county is rolling and productive in wheat and corn. Considerable water power is furnished by the streams. There are some fine limestone quarries, and near Xenia, on Cesar's creek, is a quarry of beautifully variegated marble. The principal productions are wheat, corn, rye, grass, grass seed, oats, barley, sheep and swine. The following is a list of the townships, in 1840, with their population. Bath, 1717 Miami, 1230 Sugar Creek, 2379 Beaver Creek, 1762 Ross, 1310 Xenia, 5190 Casar's Creek, 1730 Silver Creek, 2435 The population of Greene, in 1820, was 10,509: in 1830, 15,122; and in 1840, 17,753, or 43 inhabitants to a square mile. The Shawnee town, "Old Chillicothe," was on the Little Miami, in this county, about 3 miles north of the site of Xenia: it was a place of note, and is frequently mentioned in the annals of the early explorations and settlements of the west. In the year 1773, Capt. Thomas Bullit, of Virginia, one of the first settlers of Kentucky, was proceeding down the Ohio river, with a party, to make surveys and a settlement there, when he stopped and left his companions on the river, and passed through the wilderness to Old Chillicothe, to obtain the consent of the Indians to his intended settlement. He entered the town alone, with a flag of truce, before he was discovered. The Indians, astonished at his L90 GREENE COUNTY boldness flocked around him, when the f)llowing dialogue ensued between him and a principal chief. Indian Chief. What news do you bring? are you from the Long Knife? If you are an ambassador, why did you not send a runner? Bullit. I have no bad news. The Long Knife and the Red men are at peace, and I have come among my brothers to have a friendly talk with them about settling on the other side of the Ohio. Indian Chief. Why did you not send a runner? Bullit. I had no runner swifter than myself, and as I was in haste, I could not wait the return of a runner. If you were hungry and had killed a deer, would you send your squaw to town to tell the news, and wait her return before you would eat? This reply of Bullit put the bystanders in high humor; they relaxed from their native gravity and laughed heartily. The Indians conducted Bullit into the principal wigwam of the town, and regaled him with venison, after which, he addressed the chief as follows: Brothers -I am sent with my people, whom I left on the Ohio, to settle the country on the other side of that river, as low down as the falls. We came from Virginia. I only want the country to settle and to cultivate the soil. There will be no objection to your hunting and trapping in it, as heretofore. I hope you will live with us in friendship. To this address, the principal chief made the following reply. Brother:-You have come a hard journey through the woods and the grass. We are pleased to find that your people in settling our country, are not to disturb us in our hunting; for we must hunt to kill meat for our women and children, and to have something to buy powder and lead, and procure blankets and other necessaries. We desire you will be strong in discharging your promises towards us, as we are determined to be strong in advising our young men to be kind, friendly and peaceable towards you. Having finished his mission, Capt. Bullit returned to his men, and with them descended the river to the falls.* Some of this party of Bullit's shortly after laid out the town of Louisville, Kentucky. The celebrated Daniel Boone was taken prisoner, with 27 others, in Kentucky, in February, 1778, in the war of the revolution, and brought to Old Chillicothe. Through the influence of the British Governor, Hamilton, Boone, with 10 others, was taken from thence to Detroit. The governor took an especial fancy to Boone, and offered considerable sums for his release, but to no purpose, for the Indians also had taken their fancy, and so great was it that they took him back to Old Chillicothe, adopted him into a family, and fondly caressed him. He mingled with their sports, shot, fished, hunted and swam with them, and had become deeply ingratiated in their favor, when on the 1st of June, they took him to assist them in making salt in the Scioto valley, at the old salt wells, near, or at, we believe, the present town of Jackson, Jackson county. They remained a few days, and when returned to Old Chillicothe, his heart was agonized by the sight of 450 warriors, armed, painted and equipped in all the paraphanalia of savage splendor, ready to start on an expedition against Boonesborough. To avert the cruel blow that was about to fall upon his friends, he alone, on the morning of the 16th of June, escaped from his Indian companions, and arrived in time to foil the plans of the enemy, and not only saved the borough, which he himself had founded, but probably all the frontier parts of Kentucky, from devastation. Boone told an aged pioneer, yet living,* that when taken prisoner on this occasion, the Indians got out of food, and after having killed and eaten their dogs, were ten days without any other sustenance than that of a decoction made from the oozings of the inner-bark of the white oak, which after drinking, Boone could travel with the best of them. At length, the Indians shot a deer, and boiled its entrails to a jelly, of which they all drank, and it soon acted freely on their bowels. They gave some to Boone, but his stomach refused it. After repeated efforts, they forced him to swallow about half a pint, which he did with wry faces and disagreeable retchings, much to the amusement of the simple savages who laughed heartily. After this medicine had well operated, the Indians told Boone that he might eat; but that if he had done so before, it would have killed him. They then all fell to, and soon made amends for their long fast. At Detroit, he astonished the governor by making gun-powder, he having been shut up in a room with all the materials. t Joseph Wood, Esq., of Marietta. 191 * Notes on Kentucky. GREENE COUNrY. Another early pioneer,* who knew Boone well, says in a communication to us: It is now (1847) 54 years since I first saw Daniel Boone. He was then about 60 years old, of a medium size, say 5 feet 10 inches, not given to corpulency, retired, unobtrusive, and a man of few words. My acquaintance was made with him in the winter season, and well remember his dress was of tow cloth, and not a woollen garment on his body, unless his stockings were of that material. Home-made was the common wear of the people of Kentucky, at that time: sheep were not yet introduced into the country. I slept four nights in the house of one West, with Boone: there were a number of strangers, and he was constantly occupied in answering questions. He had nothing remarkable in his personal appearance. His son, Capt. N. Boone, now an old man, is serving in the 1st regiment United States Dragoons. In July, 1779, the year after Boone escaped from Old Chillicothe, Colonel John Bowman, with 160 Kentuckians, marched against the town. The narrative of this expedition is derived from the "Notes on Kentucky." The party rendezvoused at the mouth of the Licking, and at the end of the second night got in sight of the town undiscovered. It was determnined to await until daylil ht in the morning before they would make the attack; but by the imprudence of some of the men, whose curiosity exceeded their judgment, the party was discovered by the Indians before the officers and men had arrived at the several positions assigned them. As soon as the alarm was given, a fire commenced on both sides, and was kept up, while the women and children were seen running from cabin to cabin, in the greatest confusion, and collecting in the most central and strongest. At clear day-light, it was discovered that Bowman's men were from seventy to one hundred yards from the cabins, in which the Indians had collected, and which they appeared determined to defend. Having no other arms than tomahawks and rifles, it was thought imprudent to attempt to storm strong cabins, well defended by expert warriors. In consequence of the warriors collecting in a few cabins contiguous to each other, the remainder of the town was left unprotected, therefore, while a fire was kept up at the port holes, which engaged the attention of those within, fire was set to 30 or 40 cabins, which were consumed, and a considerable quantity of property, consisting of kettles and blankets, were taken from those cabins. In searching the woods near the town, 133 horses were collected. About 10 o'clock, Bowman and his party commenced their march homeward, after having nine men killed. What loss the Indians sustained, was never known, except Blackfish, their principal chief, who was wounded through the knee and died of the wound.t After receiving the wound, Blackfish proposed to surrender, being confident that his wound was dangerous, and believing that there were among the white people surgeons that could cure him, but that none among his own people could do it. The party had not marched more than eight or ten miles on their return home, before the Indians appeared in considerable force on their rear, and began to press hard upon that quarter. Bowman selected his ground, and formed his men in a square; but the Indians declined a close engagement, only keeping up a scattering fire, it was soon discovered that their object was to retard their march until they could procure reinforcements from the neighboring villages. As soon as a strong position was taken by Col. Bowman, the Indians retired, and he resumed the line of march, when he was again attacked in the rear. He again formed for battle, and again the Indians retired, and the scene was acted over several times. At length, John Bulger, James Harrod and George Michael Bedinger, with about 100 more mounted on horseback, rushed on the Indian ranks and dispersed them in every direction. After which the Indians abandoned the pursuit. Bowman crossed the Ohio at the mouth of the Little Miami, and after crosssing, the men dispersed to their several homes. In the summer after this expedition, Gen. Clark invaded the In * Col. John Johnston. t This is an error. A late publication gives evidence that he was killed in an excursion into Kentucky, by a white woman.-H. H. 192 I 'I I SCENE=AT THE OHIO PENITENTI, The view was taken within the inner inclosure of the Penitentiary, and shom their work. Their shops appear on three sides of the area, while GREENE COUNTY. dian country. On his approach, the Indians reduced Old Chillicothe to ashes. See page 85. The article relating to early times in Greene county, is slightly abridged from a communication by Thomas C. Wright, Esq., the county auditor. First Court House in Greene. After Abdolonymus had been taken from his humble station in life, and made king of Sidonea, it is said he kept a pair of wooden shoes near his throne, to remind him of his former obscurity, and check the pride which power is so apt to engender in the heart of man. The above drawingz is deemed worthy of preservation, not only as a memento of early times, and serving as a contrast to the present advanced state of improvement, but on account of the historical associations it raises in the memory of the first judicial proceedings and organization of Greene county. The house, of which the engraving is a correct representation, is yet standing, 51 miles west of Xenia, near the Dayton road. It was built by Gen. Benj. Whiteman, a short distance south of the log cabin mill of Owen Davis, on Beaver creek. This mill, the first erected in Greene, was finished in 1798. A short distance east, were erected two blockhouses, and it was intended, should danger render it necessary, to connect them by a line of pickets, and include the mill within the stockade. This mill was used by the settlers of "the Dutch Station," some 30 miles distant, in the center of Miami county. On the 10th of May, 1803, the first court for organizing Greene county, was held in this house, then the residence of Peter Borders. Wm. Maxwell, Benj. Whiteman and James Barret were the associate judges, and John Paul, clerk. The first business of the court was to lay off the county into townships, and after transacting some other business, they adjourned "until court in course," having been in session one day. The first court for the trial of causes, was held in the same house, on Tuesday, Aug. 2d, 1803, with the same associate judges, and Francis Dunlavy, presiding judge, and Daniel Simms, prosecuting attorney. " And there came a grand jury, to wit: Wm. J. Stewart, foreman, John Willson, Wm. Buckles, Abrm. Van Eaton, James Snodgrass, John Judy, Evan Morgan, Robt. Marshall, Alex. C. Armstrong, Joseph C. Vance, Joseph Willson, John Buckhannon, Martin Mendenhall and Harry Martin, who were sworn a grand jury of inquest, for the body of Greene county." After receiving the charge, "they retired out of court;" a circumstance not to be wondered at, as there was but one room in the house. Their place of retirement, or jury room, was a little squat-shaped pole hut, shown on the right of the view. And now, while their honors, with becoming gravity, are sitting behind a table ready for business, and the grand jury making solemn inquest of crimes committed, the contrast between the state of the county then and at present, naturally presents itself to the mind. Since then, forty-four years ago —a period within the recollection of many of our citizens 25 193 GREENE COUNTY. and what a change! Then it was almost an entire wilderness-a primeval forest, planted by the hand of nature. The first house in Greene county was built by Daniel Willson, who is now living near Centerville, Montgomery county. It was raised on the 7th day of April, 1796, about 4 miles from where Bellbrook has long since been laid out, in Sugarcreek township. In 1798, Thomas Tounsley settled near the falls of Massie's creek, some 8 miles from Xenia. The same year, James Galloway, sen., settled on the Little Miami, 2 miles north of Oldtown. Isaiah and Wm. Garner Sutton erected the first house in Caesar's creek township, in 1799, about 5 miles south of Xenia, near where the Bullskin road crosses Cesar's creek. Ctsarsville was laid out by T. Carneal, in 1800, and the first house in ft was built the year following. It was expected to become the county seat, but was finally rejected in favor of Xenia. C.esarsville, at the time of this court, contained a few log cabins, and so scattered about, miles apart, the traveller might find one of these primitive dwellings sending up its smoke from a mud and stick chimney among the giants of the forest, each cabin with a little patch of a corn-field, thickly dotted over with girdled trees. A bridle-path, or blazed trees, led the traveller from one to the other. But they were the abodes of contentment, simplicity of manners, whole-hearted hospitality and generosity of souL, which does honor to human nature and gives a charm to existence. We glance at the county as it now appears, teeming with population, in an advanced state of improve ment and cultivation-farm contiguous to farm, with large barns-the hewed log-houses which succeeded log-cabins are mostly gone, and in their stead are commodious brick, stone and frame dwellingsflourishing orchards, numerous excellent mis-the whole county intersected with roads in every direction-a railroad running through it, connecting it with the Queen city, and the same connection will soon be with Lake Erie, affording a speedy transportation to market of the immense quantities of produce raised by the farmers. The change is so great that it brings to mind the wonder-working wand of Prospero, which being waved over a wilderness, had transformed it into a blooming garden. But the magical wand, in this case, was free, white labor, persevering industry and good management. But to return to the court. From a careful examination of the records and other sources of information, I cannot learn there was any business for the grand jury when they retired. But they were not permitted to remain idle long: the spectators in attendance promptly took the matter into consideration. They, doubtless, thought it a great pity to have a learned court and nothing for it to do: so they set to and cut out employment for their honors by engaging in divers hard fights at fisty-cuffs, right on the ground. So it seems our pioneers fought for the benefit of the court. At all events, while their honors were waiting to settle differences according to law, they were making up issues and settling them by trial "by combat"-a process by which they avoided the much complained of" laws delay," and incurred no other damages than black eyes and bloody noses, which were regarded as mere trifles, of course. Among the incidents of the day, characteristic of the times, was this: A Mr. -, from Warren county, was in attendance. Owen Davis, the owner of the mill, who, by the way, was a brave Indian fighter, as well as a kind-hearted, obliging man, charged this Warren county man with speculating in pork, alias stealing his neighbor's hogs. The insult was resented-a combat took place forthwith, in which Davis proved victorious. He then went into court, and planting himself in front of the judges, he observed, addressing himself particularly to one of them, " Well, Ben, I've whipped that d-d hog-thief-what's the damage-what's to pay? and thereupon, suiting the action to the word, he drew out his buckskin purse, containing 8 or 10 dollars, and slammed it down on the table-then shaking his fist at the judge, whom he addressed, he continued, " Yes, Ben, and if you'd steal a hog, d-n you, I'd whip you too." He had, doubtless, come to the conclusion, that, as there was a court, the luxury of fighting could not be indulged in gratis, and he was for paying up as he went. Seventeen witnesses were sworn and sent before the grand jury, and nine bills of indictment were found the same day-all for affrays and assaults and batteries committed after the court was organized. To these indictments the parties all pleaded guilty, and were fined-Davis among the rest, who was fined eight dollars for his share in the transactions of the day. The following is the first entry made on the record after the grand jury retired: "The court then proceeded to examine the several candidates for the surveyor's office, and James Galloway, jun., being well qualified, was appointed surveyor of said county." On the 2d day of the term, Joseph C. Vance (father of ex-Gov. Vance, of Champaign county,) was appointed to make the necessary arrangements for establishing the seat of justice, who, with David Huston and Joseph Willson, his securities, entered into a bond, with a penalty of 1500 dollars, for the faithful performance of his duties. He surveyed and laid out the town of Xenia (which, by the way, is an old French word, signifying a new-year's gift,) the same season, for at the next December term, he was allowed "$49.25 for laying off the town of 194 GREENE COUNTY. Xenia, finding chainmen, making plots and selling lots." On the 3d day of the term, Daniel Symmes was allowed twenty dollars for prosecuting in behalf of the state. The presiding judge then left the court, but it was continued by the associate judges for the transaction of county business. In addition to the duties now pertaining to associate judges, they discharged the duties now performed by the board of county commissioners. Archibald Lowry and Griffith Foos, were each licensed to keep a tavern in the town of Springfield, on the payment of eight dollars for each license. A license was also granted to Peter Borders to keep a tavern at his house, on the payment of four dollars, "together with all legal fees." So our old log-house has the honor of having the first learned court held within its rough walls; and, in addition to that, it was, in fact, the first hotel ever licensed in the county in which hog and hoinmony, and new corn whiskey could be had in abundance. Perhaps the court was a little interested in granting the license. Like old Jack Fallstaff, they might like "to take their own ease in their own inn." James Galloway, sen., was appointed county treasurer. The court then adjourned, having been in session three days. Napoleon said, it was " but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous." Old Faneuil Hall has the proud boast of being the cradle of liberty; and it may be claimed for our old cabin, that it is the cradle of Greene county-in which it was organized-in which was had the first judicial proceedings-whose walls first resounded with the eloquence of those longrobed gentlemen, of whom Martial has satirically said," Iras et verba locant." On the 19th day of the same month, (August,) the associate judges held another court for the transaction of county business. They continued to meet and adjourn from day to day, waiting for the lister of taxable property to return his book, until the 22d, when they made an order, that 50 cents should be paid for each wolf killed within the bounds of the county, and "that the largest block-house should be appropriated to the use of a jail;" and Benjamin Whiteman, Esq., was appointed, in behalf of the county, to contract for repairing it-a decisive mark of civilization-and that the rights of meums and tuum were hereafter to be observed and enforced. Among the allowances, at this term, there was one of 6 dollars to Joseph C. Vance, for carrying the election returns of Sugar creek township to Cincinnati; and a like sum to David Huston, for returning the poll-book of Beaver creek. He afterwards held the office of associate judge 21 years, and twice represented Greene county in the state legislature. He lived the life of an honest man-was beloved and respected by all who knew him. He died in 1843. The clerk and sheriff were allowed 20 dollars each for ex-officio fees, and Jacob Shingledecker, 9 dollars and 50 cents, for preparing the block-house to serve as a jail-a great perversion from the original design of the building, as it was intended, at first, to keep unwelcome visitors out, and ended in keeping unwilling visitors in. It was ordered by the court, that the inhabitants of Mad River township should be exempted from the payment of taxes, or rather, their taxes were reduced two cents on each horse and one cent on each cow. The reason assigned for this favor, was "for erecting public buildings." As we have seen no public buildings yet but the two block-houses, and the one which figures at the head of this communication, the reader would, doubtless, be much surprised that the erection of these should be deemed sufficiently meritorious as, in part, to exempt the inhabitants from the payment of taxes. But these public buildings were situated in Cincinnati. We apprehend that but few of our citizens are aware of the fact, that the first settlers in this county contributed to the erection of public buildings in Cincinnati-the old stone court-house, we suppose, which was burnt down while used as barracks in time of the last war, and the hewed log jail which stood on the north side of the public square. The first supreme court was held in the same house, on the 25th day of October, 1803, by their honors Samuel Huntingdon and Wm. Spriggs, judges; William Maxwell, sheriff, John Paul, clerk, and Arthur St. Clair, Esq., of Cincinnati, prosecuting attorney. Richard Thomas was admitted an attorney and counsellor at law. Nothing more was done, and the court adjourned the same day. At the November term of the court of common pleas, the first thing was to arraign Thomas Davis, a justice of the peace, for misconduct in office. He pleaded guilty, was fined one dollar, and ordered, in the language of the record, " to stand committed until performance." But what the misconduct was for which he was fined, the record sayeth not; neither is it known whether he raised the dollar, or was made familiar with the inside of the block-house. On the first day of this term, the Rev. Robert Armstrong received a license to solemnize the rites of matrimony. He and the Rev. Andrew Fulton were sent, by the general associate synod of Scotland, as missionaries to Kentucky, and arrived at Maysville in 1798; but, not liking the institution of slavery, Mr. Fulton went to the neighborhood where South Hanover now is, Indiana, and Mr. Armstrong came to Greene county, Ohio. lThis was the commencement of the Seceder denomination in this county. From 195 GREENE COUNTY. this small beginning, it has become the most numerous, perhaps, of any other in the county. They form a large portion of an orderly, law-abiding and industrious population-strict in observing the Sabbath and in the discharge of their religious duties, and correct in moral conduct. They are mostly farmers, in independent circumstances. Mr. Armstrong was a small man, of vast learning, with the simplicity, in some things, of a child. An anecdote is told of his being at a log-rolling, assisting to carry a log, and having but a few inches of handspike, the weight of it rested mostly on him. The person with whom he was lifting, seeing his situation, said, "stop, Mr. Armstrong-let me give you more handspike." "No," said the rev. gentleman, "no more stick for me; I have already as much as I can carry." He was universally esteemed and respected. He died in 1818. He brought a very large library of books with him, and was very liberal in lending them. To this circumstance, perhaps, may be attributed:he fact, that more books have been sold and read in this county than in any other of the same population in the state. At this term, in the case of Wm. Orr vs. Peter Borders, leave was given to amend the declaration, on payment of costs-an indication that some attention began to be paid to special pleading. The first civil case that was tried by a jury, was that of Wallingsford vs. Vandolah. A verdict was rendered for the plaintiff of 24 cents, upon which "he paid the jury and constables fees." At the December term of the common pleas, four cases of assault and battery were tried by jury, which took up the first day. The day following, this entry was made: William Chipmall vs. Henry Stortn, "judgment confessed for one cent damages and costs." But such is the imperfect manner in which the records were kept, that it is impossible to ascertain what the subject matter of the controversy was in which such heavy damages were admitted. The court decided, that the fee paid to the states' attorney, at the August term, was illegal, and should be refunded. This was the result of" the sober second thoughts" of the court about that twenty dollar fee, for which the attorney came from Cincinnati, more than 50 miles, through the woods, and drew nine bills of indictment and attended to the cases. At this term, Andrew Read, an early settler near where the beautiful village of Fairfield now is, took his seat on the bench as associate judge, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the election of William Maxwell to the office of sheriff. The first view and survey of a new road route was granted at this term. It was to commence at Springfield, pass the Yellow spring and intersect the Pinkney road near Isaac Morgan's. Wm. Maxwell, Lewis Davis, and Thomas Tounsley were appointed viewers, and James Galloway, jun., surveyor. So our fellow-citizen, Maj. Galloway, was the first county surveyor, surveyed the first road by order of the court, and afterwards made a map of the county, in its present metes and bounds, showing all the surveys and sections of the land, with their divisions and subdivisions into tracts. Tavern licenses were granted to Thomas Fream, William Moore, and James M'Pherson, to keep taverns in their houses for one year, and so ended the term. The June term of 1804, was the last court ever held in the old log house. It was composed of the same judges, clerk and sheriff, with Arthur St. Clair, Esq., of Cincinnati, prosecuting attorney. The writer of this has been informed, he wore a cocked hat and a sword. William M'Farland was foieman of the grand jury. A singular incident took place at the opening of this court. There was a shelf in one corner, consisting of a board on two pins inserted in the wall, containing a few books, among which counsellor St. Clair searched for a bible, on which to swear the jury. At length he took down a volume, and observed, with his peculiar lisp, "Well, gentlemen, here is a book which looks thist like a testament." The foreman of the grand jury was accordingly sworn upon it-but the book, which so much resembled a testament in external appearance, turned out, in fact, to be an odd volume of The Arabian Nights Entertainment!! From this mistake, or some unknown cause, the practice of swearing on the Evangelists, has gone entirely out of use in this county, being substituted by swearing with the uplifted hand, or affirming. The grand jury found several bills of indictment, and were discharged the same day. In proportion as cases of assault and battery begin to decrease, a sprinkling of civil suits make their appearance on the docket. Fourteen cases were called the first day, and all continued, except one, in which judgment was confessed, and stay of execution granted until next term. The entry of continuance was in this form: A. B. vs. C. D. E. F. and G. H. pledges for the defendant in the sum $-. This form was observed in all cases, the amount being more or less, according to the subject matter in controversy. On Wednesday of this term, Joseph Tatman produced his commission as associate judge, and took the oath of office. He afterwards, in 1816, in company with Samuel and Williamni Casad, laid out the town of Fairfield, not far from the site of an old Indian town, named Piqua, at which Gen. George R. Clark defeated the Indians, in 1780. On this day, 22 cases were called: 11 continued, 2 settled, 1 judgment, 5 ruled for plea in 40 days, one in 196 GREENE COUNTY. 10 days, 1 discontinued and 1 abated by death. This was certainly a pretty fair beginning, and quite encouraging to the learned profession. The total amount of taxable property returned by the "listers," was $393.04, and this levy included houses and mills, if any. As to houses, there was but one returned, and that was valued for taxation at one dollar! Considering the sparseness of population, and small amount of property in the county, the proportion of litigation was greater then, than at this time, 1847, when the total amount of taxable property is $6,583,673. So much of a change in 43 years. They fought less and lawed more. In newly settled counties, there appears to be a peculiar fondness amnong the people for lawsuits. After a court has bieen organized in a new county, they still continue to settle their difficulties by combat, until fines become troublesome. The court then becomes the arena in which their contentions and quarrels are carried and finally disposed of. If one cannot afford the fine or imprisonment which would be incurred, by taking personal satisfaction, he can bring a suit, if any cause of action can be found, and no matter how small the amount claimned, or fiivolous the matter, if he can only cast his adversary and throw him in the costs, he is as much gratified as if he had made him halloa "enough-take him off." It is this spirit which gives rise to so many trifling and vexatious law suits. And now we take leave of our primitive dwelling house, court house and tavern. It is still standing, and occupied as a residence. While our drawing was being taken, an oldfashioned long-handled frying-pan was over the fire-its spacious bottom well paved with rashers of ham, sending forth a savory odor, enough to make a hungry persons' mouth water. What scenes it has witnessed-what memoriesit recalls. It has witnessed the organization of the county-the first administration of law and justice-the first exercise of the right of suffrage through the ballot-box, and the first legal punishment of criminals. Near it the first corn was ground into meal for the use of the settlers, and here they rallied to build block-houses to protect them from the hostile attacks of the Indians. As a tavern many a weary traveller, through the tall and lonely forest, has been sheltered and refieshled beneath its humble roof. How many buckeye lads and lasses have been reared within its walls-for "Buirdly chiels and clever hizzies Are bred in sic a way as this is!" How many jovial dances have been had on its puncheon floor. While we may suppose some lame or lazy fellow seated on a stool in a corner, prepared with an awl or Barlow knife, to extract splinters from the heels of the dancers, as fast as the sets were over. How many courtships have been carried on during the long winter nights-the old folks asleep, and the young lovers comfortably toasting their shins over the decaying enmbers-happy in present love, and indulging in bright anticipations of housekeeping in a cabin. Long mayest thou stand, old relic, as a memento of pioneer life, primitive simplicity and good old-fashioned honesty, to remind the rising generation of the hardships and privations our pioneer fathers encountered, in first settling the county, and to show by this humble beginning, compared with the present state of improvement, how much honest labor, pains-taking industry and thrifty management can accomplish. Xenia, the county seat, is on the Little Miami railroad, 64 miles north of Cincinnati, and 61 from Columbus. It is a handsome, flourishing and well-built town, with broad streets, and some fine stores and elegant dwellings. The engraving represents a part of the principal street: the court house, shown on the left, is the most elegant, as yet built, in Ohio. Xenia was laid off in the forest, in the autumn of 1803, by Joseph C. Vance, on the land of John Paul, who gave the ground bounded by Main, Market, Detroit and Greene streets, for the public buildings. The first cabin was erected in April, 1804, by John Marshall, in the southwest corner of the town. The first good hewed log house was erected for the Rev. James Fowler, of the Methodist persuasion, from Petersburg, Va.: it is still standing, and is now the hatter's shop, a short distance west of the old bank. David A. 197 GREENE COUNTY. Sanders built the first fiame house, on the spot occupied by the newv bank: it is yet standing, on Main street, in Gowdy's addition. View in Xenia. . The first supreme court was held Oct. 3d, 1804. The grand jury held their deliberations under a sugar tree, in the rear of the present residence of James Gowdy. The first court of common pleas in Xenia, was on the 15th of November, 1804, and was held by the associate judges. A license was granted to "William A. Beatty, to keep a tavern in the town of Xenia for one year, on the payment of $8.00!" This was the first tavern ever licensed in the place. It was a double hewed log house, two stories high, and was in progress of erection at the same time with Fowler's house. It stood on the south side of Main street, opposite the public square, on the spot where there now is a two story brick house, occupied as a drug store. In the west room, above stairs, the court was held. The first election in the place was held in this house. It continued to be a tavern until after the last war with Great Britain, and, until Mr. James Collier built his brick tavern on Detroit street, was the grand hotel of the place. In a corner of the west room, there was an old-fashioned bar-the upper part enclosed with upright slats of wood, with a little wicket, through which the grog was handed out in half pint glass cruets. In time of the war, the recruiting officers put up at this house; and here might be seen the recruiting sergeant rattling dollars on a drum's head, and calling for half pints, appealing to the patriotism of the bystanders, tempting them with gingling dollars, and adding thereto the potency of whiskey, to enlist recruits for the army. Court continued to be held in this house for the years 1804 and 1805, and until a new court house was built. In 1804, the building of the first jail was let to Amos Darough; it was received from the contractor in October. It stood on ground now covered by the new court house, and was constructed of hewed logs. -It was burnt down the year following; and in April, 1806, a new jail was accepted from William A. 3eatty. It stood on the site of the present market house-was a rough log building; two stories high, with a cabin roof, and was burnt down in time of the war with England. The building of the first court house was let on the 8th day of April, 1806, to William Kendall, who was allowed six dollars for clearing the timber from the public square. The house was built of brick, 40 feet square and 28 feet high, with a cupola in the center of the roof, 10 feet in diameter and 15 feet high. It was finished, and on the 14th day of August, 1809, accepted. On the 6th of April. 1806, "a license was granted to James Gowdy, for retailing merchandise, on his complying with the law!" He opened his goods in a log house, with a mud and stick chimney, which stood on Greene street, at the north end of where Mr. John Ewing's store now is. He was the first merchant in the place. The first punishment for crime was in 1806. The person was convicted for stealing 198 ~~~~~~_ ~ =., I., - - a GREENE COUNTY. leather, to half-sole a pair of shoes. There was a sugar tree on the public square, which served as a whipping-post. He was tied up to the tree, and underwent the sentence of the court, which was to receive one stripe on his bare back, which was inflicted by James Collier. The sugar tree served as a whipping-post for the last time on the 8th of October, 1808. A man was convicted for stealing a shovel-plow and clevis, and the sentence was that he should receive eight lashes on his bare back, "and stand committed until performance." He drank a pint of whiskey jus'. before hugging the tree, though it did not prevent him from halloaing lustily, while receiving the eight stripes.* Xenia contains 1 German Lutheran, 1 Miethodist Episcopal, 1 Methodist Protestant, 1 Seceder, 1 Associate Reformed and 1 Baptist church, beside 2 churches for colored persons- two church edifices are erecting, one by the Presbyterian and the other by the Associate Reformed denomination-17 mercantile stores, 1 foundery, 2 newspaper printing offices, 1 bank, a classical academy in fine repute, and in 1840, had 1414 inhabitants, and in' 1S47, about 2800. JOSIAH HUNT resided in this county in the time of the last war with Great Britain. He was a stout, well-formed, heavy-set man, capable of enduring great hardships and privations, and was then a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. There was a tone of candor and sincerity, as well as modesty, in his manner of relating the thrilling scenes in which he had been an actor, which left no doubt of their truth in the minds of those who heard him. He was one of Wayne's legion, and was in the battle of the Fallen Tim'ilber, on the 20th of August, 1794. At the commencement of the onset, just after entering the fallen timnber, Hunt was rushing on, and about to spring over a fallen tree, when he was fired at by an Indian, concealed behind it. The latter was compelled to fire in such haste that hlie missed his aim. It was, however, a close shave, for the bullet whizzed through the lock of his right temple, causing that ear to ring for an hour after.'I'he Indian's body was entirely naked from the waist up, with a red stripe painted up and down his back. As soon as he fired, he took to his heels. Hunt aimed at the center of the red stripe, the Indian running zig-zag "like the worm of a fence." When he fired the Indian bounded up and fell forward. He had fought his last battle. He was an excellent hunter. In the winter of 1793, while the army lay at Greenville, he was employed to supply the officers with game, and in consequence was exempted from garrison duty. The sentinels had orders to permit him to leave and enter the fort whenever he chose. The Indians made a practice of climbing trees in the vicinity of the fort, the better to watch the garrison. If a person was seen to go out, notice was taken of the direction he went, his path ambushed and his scalp secured. To avoid this danger, Hunt always left the fort in the darkness of night, for said he," when once I had got into the woods without their knowledge, I had as good a chance as they." He was accustomed, on leaving the fort, to proceed some distance in the direction he intended to hunt the next day, and bivauck for the night. To keep fromn freezing to death, it was necessary to have a fire; but to show a light in the enemy's country, was to invite certain destruction. To avoid this danger he dug a hole in the ground with his tomahawk, about the size and depth of a hat crown. Having prepared it properly, he procured some "roth," meaning thick white oak bark, from a dead tree, which will retain a strong heat when covered with its ashes. Kindling a fire from flint and steel at the bottom of his "coal pit," as he termed it, the bark was severed into strips and placed in layers crosswise, until the pit was full. After it was sufficiently ignited, it was covered over with dirt, with the exception of two air holes in the margin, which could be opened or closed at pleasure. Spreading down a layer of bark or brush to keep him off the cold ground, he set down with the " coal pit" between his legs, enveloped himself in his blanket, and slept cat-dozes in an upright position. If his fire became too much smothered, he would freshen it up by blowing into one of the air holes. He declared he could make himself sweat whenever he chose. The snapping of a dry twig was sufficient to awaken him, when uncovering his head, he keenly scrutinized in the darkness and gloom around-his right hand on his trusty rifle " ready for the mischance of the hour." A person now, in full security from danger, enjoying the comforts and refinements of civilized life, can scarcely bring his mind to realize his situation, or do justice to the powers of bodily endurance, firmness of nerve, self-reliance and * From Thomas Coke Wright. 199 GREENE COUNTY. courage, manifested by him that winter. A lone man in a dreary interminable forest, swarming with enemies, blood-thirsty, crafty and of horrid barbarity, without a friend or human being to afford him the least aid, in the depth of winter, the freezing winds moaning through the bare and leafless branches of the tall trees, while the dismal howling of a pack of wolves "Cruel as death, and hungry as the grave Burning for blood, bony, gaunt and grim," might be heard in the distance, mingled with the howlings of the wintry winds, were well calculated to create a lonely sensation about the heart and appal any common spirit. I'There would hlie sit, nodding in his blanket, undistinguishable in the darkness from an oid stulnp, enduring the rigor of winter, keeping himself from freezing, yet showing no fire,-calm, ready and prompt to engage in mortal combat, with whatever enemy miight assail, whether Indian, bear or panther. At day-light he commenced hunting, proceeding slowliy and with extreme caution, looking for game and watching for Indians at the same t iie. When he found a deer, previously to shooting it, he put a bullet in his mouth, ready for reloading his gun with all possible dispatch, which he did before moving from the spot, casting searching glances in every direction for Indians. Cautiously approaching the deer, after he had shot it, hlie dragged it to a tree and commnienced the process of skinning with his back towards the tree, and his rifle leaning against it, in reach of his right hand. And so with his rear protected by the tree, he would skin a short time, then straighten up and scan in every direction, to see if the report of his rifle had brought an Indian in his vicinity, then apply himself to skinning again. If he heard a stick break, or any-the slightest noise indicating the proximity of animal life, he clutched his rifle instantly, and was on the alert prepared for any emergency. Having skinned and cut up the animal, the four-quarters were packed in the hide, which was so arranged as to be slung to his back like a knapsack, with which hlie wended his way to the fort. If the deer was killed far from the garrison, he only brought in the fore-quarters. One day he got within gun-shot of three Indians unperceived by them. He was on a ridge and they in a hollow. He took aim at the foremost one, and waited some time for a chance for two to range against each other, intending, if they got in that position, to shoot two and take his chance with the other in single combat. But they continued marching in Indian file, and though he could have killed either of them, the other two would have made the odds againts him too great, so he let them pass unmolested. Amidst all the danger to which he was constantly exposed, he passed unharmed. Owing to the constant and powerful exercise of the faculties, his ability to hear and discriminate sounds was wonderfully increased, and the perceptive faculties much enlarged. He made $70 that winter by hunting, over and above his pay as a soldier. At the treaty at Greenville, in 1795, the Indians seemed to consider Hunt as the next greatest man to Wayne himiself. They inquired for him, got round him, and were loud and earnlest in their praises and compliments: "Great man, Capt. Hunt-great warrior-good hunting man; Indian no can kill!" They informed him that some of their bravest and most cunning warriors, had often set out expressly to kill him. They knew how he made his secret camp-fires, the ingenuity of which excited their admiration. The parties in quest of him had often seen him-could describe, the dress he wore, and his cap, which was made of a raccoon's skin with the tail hanging down behind, the front turned up and ornamented with three brass rings. The scalp of such a great hunter and warrior they considered to be an invaluable trophy. Yet they never could catch him off his guard-never get within shooting distance, without being discovered and exposed to his death-dealing rifle. LIany years ago he went to Indiana, nor has the writer* of this ever heard from him since, nor is it known among his old friends here, whether he is living. Nine miles north of Xenia, on thle Little Miami river and railroad, are the Yellow Springs. It has been fitted up as a place of fashionable resort. The improvements, consisting of a hotel and numerous cottages, are in a picturesque situation. "The springs are strongly impregnated with sulphur and possess medicinal qualities, deemed equal in utility to any in the United States." The Duke of Saxe Weimer says in his Travels: The spring originates in a limestone rock, the water has a little taste of iron, and de * Thomas Coke Wright. 200 GBEENN COUNTY. posites a great quantity of ochre, from which it takes its name. The spring is said to give 110 gallons of water per minute, which is received in a basin surrounded with cedar trees. The yellow stream which comes fiom the basin, runs a short distance over a bed of limestone and is afterwards precipitated into the valley. These limestone rocks form very singular figures on the edge of this valley; the detached pieces resemble the Devil's Wall of the Ilartz. Clifton is a flourishing manufacturing village, 10 miles north of Xenia, on the Little Miami, and contains 2 churches, 3 stores, 1 cot.on and woollen factory, 1 paper, 1 grist and 1 saw mill, and over 300 .nhabitants. The name originated from the cliffs which bound the river at this place. The -r _-__ - stream commences run =. - _ ning through a deep ra __ ______ - vine at the eastern ex - ______ tremity of the village, and - Ed ____ ____ --- after circling around the ~n ~~ E-~ ~ ~town, leaves it on the southwest. For more than two miles it runs through a deep a nd nar row gor ge, b ou nded by perpendicular and im pending rocks, overhung by evergreens, and pre senting scenery of a wild and picturesque charac ter. In this distance the stream is estimated, in an o rdinary stage of wa te r, to afford sufficientt power f or o ne hundred and five pair of burr stones. The mills and factories above mentioned are upon it, and __________________ --.... the woollen and cotton fac -____________ ____-_ tory is built in the ravine and extends completely across it. The view given, was taken a short distan ce Cascade at Clifton. below this building, and shows a little water-fall on the northern wall of the bounding cliffs, at that point about 50 feet high. Fairfield, 12 miles northwest of Xenia, on the Dayton and Springfield turnpike, is a smart business place, in a rich country. It contains 4 churches, 5 stores and about 400 inhabitants. Bellbrook, 9 southwest of Xenia, has 3 stores, 4 churches and about 350 inhabitants. Jamestown, 11 east of Xenia, on the Dayton, Xenia and Washington turnpike, has 8 stores, 3 churches and 50 dwellings. Spring Valley, 7 southwest of Xenia, is a small manufacturing village, at which is a woollen factory, 1 oil, 1 grist and 1 carding mill. 26 201 GUERNSEY COUNTY. Cedarville, on Massie's creek, 8 miles from Xenia, has 3 stores and churches, and about 300 inhabitants. Burlington and Paintersville are small places. On Massie's creek, 7 miles northeast of Xenia, ia an ancient stone fort and a mound. GUERNSEY. GUERNSEY was organized in March, 1810. The upland is hilly and of various qualities, and the soil clay or clayey loam. There is much excellent land in the bottom of Wills' creek and its branches, which cover about one third of the county. The principal crops are wheat, corn and tobacco. Wool is a staple product of the county, together with beef cattle, horses and swine. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population. Adams, 866 Knox, 538 Richland, 1772 Beaver, 1686 Liberty, 835 Seneca, 1356 Buffalo, 1025 Londonderry, 1629 Spencer, 1669 Cambridge, 2033 Madison, 1569 Washington, 1008 Center, 976 Millwood, 1722 Westland, 1077 Jackson, 1155 Monroe, 1098 Wheeling, 769 Jefferson, 755 Oxford, 2133 Wills, 1887 The population of Guernsey in 1820, was 9,292; in 1830, 18,036; and in 1840, 27,729, or 45 inhabitants to the square mile. Previous to the first settlement of the county, there was a party of whites attacked by Indians on Wills' creek, near the site of Cam bridge. The particulars which follow are from the pen of Col. John M'Donald, author of the Biographical Sketches. In the year 1791 or'92, the Indians having made frequent incursions into the settlements, along the Ohio river, between Wheeling and the Mingo bottom, sometimes killing or capturing whole families; at other times stealing all the horses belonging to a station or fort, a company consisting of seven men, rendezvoused at a place called the Beech bottom, on the Ohio river, a few miles below where Wellsburg has been erected. This company were John Whetzel, William M'Collough, John Hough, Thomas Biggs, Joseph Hedges, Kinzie Dickerson, and a Mr. Linn. Their avowed object was to go to the Indian towns to steal horses. This was then considered a legal, honorable business, as we were then at open war with the Indians. It would only be retaliating upon them in their own way. These seven men were all trained to Indian warfare, and a life in the woods from their youth. Perhaps the western frontier, at no time, could furnish seven men whose souls were better fitted, and whose nerves and sinews were better strung to perform any enterprise which required resolution and firmness. They crossed the Ohio, and proceeded with cautious steps, and vigilant glances on their way through the cheerless, dark, and almost impervious forest, in the Indian country, till they came to an Indian town, near where the head waters of the Sandusky and Muskingum rivers interlock. Here they made a fine haul, and set off homeward with fifteen horses. They travelled rapidly, only making short halts, to let their horses graze, and breathe a short time to recruit their strength and activity. In the evening of the second day of their rapid retreat, they arrived at Wills creek, not far from where the town of Cambridge has been since erected. Here Mr. Linn was taken violently sick, and they must stop their march, or leave him alone, to perish in the dark and lonely woods. Our frontier men, notwithstanding their rough and unpolished manners, had too much of my Uncle To )y's" sympathy for suffering humanity," to forsake a comrade in distress. They halted, and placed sentinels on their back trail, who remained there till late in the night, without seeing any signs of being pursued. The sentinels on the back trail returned 202 GUERNSEY COUNTY. to the camp, Mr. Linn still lying in excruciating pain. All the simple remedies in thei power were administered to the sick man, without producing any effect. Being late in the night, they all lay down to rest, except one who was placed as guard. Their camp was on the bank of a small branch. Just before day-break the guard took a small bucket, and dipped some water out of the stream; on carrying it to the fire he discovered the water to be muddy. The muddy water waked his suspicion that the enemy might be approaching them, and were walking down in the stream, as their footsteps would be noiseless in the ,water. He waked his companions, and communicated his suspicion. They arose, examilied the branch a little distance, and listened attentively for some time; but neither saw nor heard any thing, and then concluded it must have been raccoons, or some other animlals, puddling in the stream. After this conclusion the company all lay down to rest, except the sentinel, who was stationed just outside of the light. Happily for them the fire had burned down, and only a few coals afforded a dim light to point out where they lay. The enemy had come silently down the creek, as the sentinel suspected, to within ten or twelve feet of the place where they lay, and fired several guns over the bank. Mr. Linn, the sick man, was lying with his side towards the bank, and received nearly all the balls which were at first fired. The Indians then, with tremendous yells, mounted the bank with loaded rifles, war-clubs and tomahawks, rushed upon our men, who fled barefooted and without arms. Mr. Linn, Thomas Biggs and Joseph Hedges were killed in and near the camp. William M'Collough had run but a short distance when he was fired at by the enemy. At the instant the fire was given, he jumped into a quagmire and fell; the Indians supposing that they killed him, ran past in pursuit of others. He soon extricated himself out of the mire, and so made his escape. He fell in with John Hough, and came into Wheeling. John Whetzel and Kinzie Dickerson met in their retreat, and returned together. Those who made their escape were without arms, without clothing or provision. Their sufferings were great; but this they bore with stoical indifference, as it was the fortune of war. Whether the Indians who defeated our heroes followed in pursuit from their towns, or were a party of warriors, who accidentally happened to fall in with them, has never been ascertained. From the place they had stolen the horses, they had travelled two nights and almost two entire days, without halting, except just a few minutes at a time, to let the horses graze. From the circumstance of their rapid retreat with the horses, it was supposed that no pursuit could possibly have overtaken them, but that fate had decreed that this party of Indians should meet and defeat them. As soon as the stragglers arrived at Wheeling, Capt. John M'Collough collected a party of men, and went to Wills creek, and buried the unfortunate men who fell in and near the camp. The Indians had mangled the dead bodies at a most barbarous rate. Thus was closed the horse stealing tragedy. Of the four who survived this tragedy, none are now living to tell the story of their suffering. They continued to hunt and to fight as long as the war lased. John Whetzel and Dickerson died in the countpy near Wheeling. John Hough died a few years since, near Columbia, Hamilton county, Ohio. The brave Capt. William M'Collough, fell in 1812, in the battle of Brownstown, in the campaign with Gen. Hull. Cambridge, the county seat; is on the national road, 77 miles east of Columbus and 24 east of Zanesville. It is a flourishing village and contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Seceder, 1 Methodist Episcopal and 1 Reformed Methodist church, an academy, 9 mercantile stores, 2 carding machines, 1 flouring and 2 fulling mills, 1 newspaper printing office and about 1000 inhabitants. The view represents the town as it appears from a hill on the west, about 300 yards north of the national road: the bridge across Wills creek is shown on the right, and the town on the hill in the distance. In 1798, soon after "Zane's trace" was cut through the county, a Mr. Graham made the first settlement on the site of Cambridge. At this time, the only dwelling between Lancaster and Wheeling was at Zanesville. He remained about two years, and was succeeded by George Beymer, from Somerset, Pennsylvania. Both of these persons kept a house of entertainment, and a ferry for travellers on their way to Kentucky and other parts of the west. Mr. Beymner, ir April, 1803, gave up his tavern to Mr J'hn Beatty, who moved in 203 GUERNSEY COUNTY. from Loudon county, Virginia. Mr. Wyatt Hutchinson, who, until recently, kept a tavern in this town, was a member of Beatty's family, which consisted of eleven persons. The Indians then hunted in this Cambridge, from the hill west. vicinity, and often encamped on the creek. In June, 1806, Cam bridge was laid out; and on the day the lots were first offered for sale, several families firom the British isle of Guernsey, near the coast of France, stopped here and purchased lands. These were followed by other families, amounting in all to some fifteen or twenty, from the same island; all of whom settling in the county, gave origin to its present name. Among the heads of these families, are recollected the names of Wm. Ogier, Thos. Naftel, Thos. Lanphesty, James Bishard, Chas. and John Marquand, John Robbins, Daniel Ferbroch, Peter, Thomas and Jol-n Sarchet, and Daniel Hubert. Washington is S miles east of Cambridge, on the national road. It is a very thriving village, and does an extensive business with the surrounding country, which is very fertile. It has 1 Lutheran, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist, 1 Union and 1 Catholic church-the last of which is an elegant and costly gothic edifice; 6 mercantile stores, 1 woollen factory, and a population nearly equal to Cambridge. It was laid out about the year 1805, by Simon Beymer, proprietor of the soil, and a native of Cumberland county, Pennsylvania. There were two companies raised in this county, and which entered into service, in the war with Great Britain-one of which was commanded by Simon Beymer, and the other by Cyrus P. Beatty. The first cannel coal found in this country was discovered several years since, five miles west of Cambridge, near Wills creek. This bituminous coal does not materially differ from the common slaty coal of the country; it contains rather more bituminous and less carbonaceous matter.* * See communication of Hon. Benj. Tappan, in the 28'h, and that of Dr. S. P. Hildreth, in the 29th volume of Silliman's Journal. 204 HAMILTON COUNTY. Middletown, 14 miles east of Cambridge, on the national road, has 4 stores, two or three churches and about 250 inhabitants. On and about the Salt fork in this vicinity, there were twelve or fifteen famrnilies settled about the year 1803: the names recollected are Hite, Burns, Cary, Smith, Masters, Hall, Wilson and Warren. Fairview, 6 miles east of the above, on the national road, is a larger town, containing several churches and stores and about 425 inhabitants. Senecaville, 10 miles southeast of Cambridge, is a flourishing town, containing several churches and stores, and about 300 inhabitants. Cumberland, Claysville, Williamsburg, Mount Ephraim, Liberty, Winchester, Londonderry, Birmingham and Antrim, are villages, the largest of which may contain 70 dwellings. At Antrim is Madison College, which has 40 pupils: at Cambridge is a high school, a female seminary and a printing office. HAMILTON. HA-MILTON was the second county established in the N. W. territory. It was formed Jan. 2d, 1790, by proclamation of Governor St. Clair, and named from Gen. Alex. Hamilton. Its original boundaries were thus defined: "Beginning on the Ohio river, at the confluence of the Little Miami, and down the said Ohio to the mouth of the Big Miami; and up said Miami to the standing stone forks or branch of said river, and thence with a line to be drawn due east to the Little Miami, and down said Little Miami river to the place of beginning." The surface is generally rolling, soil on the uplands, clay, and in the river and creek vallies, deep alluvion, with a sub-stratum of sand. The agricultural productions are more varied than any other county in the state; beside the ordinary farm products of wheat, corn, rye, barley, oats and grass, there is produced a great variety of fruits and vegetables for the Cincinnati market. Much attention has been given of late to the cultivation of vineyards upon the Ohio rivehills, for the manufacture of wine, and it promises to be a business of great extent in the course of a few years. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population. Anderson, 2311 Fulton, 1505 Storrs, 740 Colerain, 2272 Green, 2939 Sycamore, 3207 Columbia, 3022 Miami, 2189 Symmes, 1033 Crosby, 1875 Mill Creek, 6249 Whitewater, 1883 Delphi, 1466 Springfield, 3092 CINCINNATI, (CITY,) 46382 The population of Hamilton, in 1820, was 31,764, in 1830, 52,380, and in 1840, 80,165, or, omitting the city of Cincinnati, 79 persons to the square mile. This county was the second settled in Ohio, and the first within Symmes' purchase. The history of its settlemen; we append from Burnet's Notes. Soon after the settlement was commenced at Marietta, three parties were formed to oc 205 HAMILTON COUNTY. cupy and improve separate portions of Judge Symmes' purchase, between the Miami rivers. The first, led by Major Benjamnin Stites, consisted of eighteen or twenty, who landed in November, 1788, at the mouth of the Little Miami river, within the limits of a tract of ten thousand acres, purchased by Major Stites from Judge Symmes. They constructed a log fort, and laid out the town of Columbia, which soon became a promising village. Among them were Colonel Spencer, Major Gano, Judge Goforth, Francis Dunlavy, Major Kibbey, Rev. John Smith, Judge Foster, Colonel Brown, Mr. Hubbell, Captain Flinn, Jacob White and John Riley. They were all men of energy and enterprise, and were more numerous than either of the parties who commenced their settlements below them on the Ohio. Their village was also more flourishing, and for two or three years contained a larger number of inhabitants than any other in the Miami purchase. This superiority, however, did not continue, as will appear from the sequel. The second party destined for the Miami, was formed at Limestone, under Matthias Denman and Robert Patterson, amounting to twelve or fifteen in number. After much difficulty and danger, caused by floating ice in the river, they landed on the north bank of the Ohio, opposite the mouth of Licking, on the 24th of December, 1788. Their purpose was to establish a station, and lay out a town according to a plan agreed on, before they left Limestone. The name adopted for the proposed town was Losanteville, which had been manufactured by a pedantic foreigner, whose name, fortunately, has been forgotten. It was formed, as he said, from the words Le os ante ville, which he rendered "the village opposite the mouth." Logicians may decide whether the words might not be rendered more correctly, the mouth before the village. Be that as it may, the settlement then formed was immediately designated by the name adopted for the projected town-though the town itself never was laid out, for reasons which will be explained hereafter. Yet, from the facts stated, a very general belief has prevailed that the original name of the town of Cincinnati was Losanteville, and that through the influence of Gov. St. Clair and others, that name was abandoned, and the name of Cincinnati substituted. This impression, though a natural one, under the circumstances of the case, was nevertheless incorrect. It is impossible to say what influence operated on the minds of the proprietors, to induce them to adopt the name of Cincinnati, in preference to the one previously proposed. Judge Symmes, being on the spot, might have advised it; but it is not probable that Gov. St. Clair had agency in it, as he was at the time negotiating a treaty with the north-western Indians, at Marietta, between which place and Cincinnati, there was then but very little intercourse. The truth may be gathered from the facts of the case, which are these. Matthias Denman, of Springfield, New Jersey, had purchased the fraction of land on the bank of the Ohio, and the entire section adjoining it on the north, which, on the survey of Symmes' grant should be found to lie opposite the mouth of Licking river. In the summer of 1788, he came out to the west to see the lands he had purchased, and to ex amine the country. On his return to Limestone, he met among others, Col. Patterson, of Lexington, and a surveyor by the name of Filson. Denman communicated to them his intention of laying out a town on his land, opposite Licking; and, afier some conversation, agreed to take them in as partners, each paying a third of the purchase-money; and, on the further condition, that Col. Patterson should exert his influence to obtain settlers, and that Filson, in the ensuing spring, should survey the town, stake off the lots, and superintend the sale. They also agreed on the plan of the town, and to call it Losanteville. This being done, Patterson and Filson, with a party of settlers, proceeded to the ground, where they arrived late in December. In the course of the winter, before any attempt had been made to lay out the town, Filson went on an exploring expedition with Judge Symmes and others, who had in contemplation to become purchasers and settle in the country. After the party had proceeded some thirty or forty miles into the wilderness, Filson, for some cause not now known, left them, for the purpose of returning to the settlements on the Ohio; and in that attempt was murdered by the Indians. This terminated his contract with Denman, as no part of the consideration had been paid, and his personal services, in surveying the town and superintending the sale of the lots, had become impracticable. Mr. Denman, being yet at Limestone, entered into another contract with Col. Patterson and Israel Ludlow, by which Ludlow was to perform the same services as were to have been rendered by the unfortunate Filson, had he lived to execute his contract. A new plan of a town was then made, differing, in many important respects, from the former,particularly as to the public square, the commons, and the names of the streets. The whimsical name which had been adopted for the town to be laid out under the first conttact, was repudiated, and Cincinnati selected, as the name of the town, to be laid out under the new contract. Late in the succeeding fall, Col. Ludlow commenced a survey of 206 HAMILTON COUNTY. the town which has since become the Queen City of the West. He first laid off the lots, which, by previous agreement, were to be disposed of as donations to volunteer settlers, and completed the survey at his leisure. A misapprehension has prevailed, as appears from some recent publications, in regard to the price paid by the proprietors for the land on which the city stands. The original purchase by Mr. Denman, included a section and a fractional section, containing about eight hundred acres; for which he paid five shillings per acre, in continental certificates, which were then worth, in specie, five shillings on the pound-so that the specie price per acre was fifteen pence. That sum multiplied by the number of acres, will give the original cost of the plat of Cincinnati. The third party of adventurers to the Miami purchase, were under the immediate care and direction of Judge Symmes. They left Limestone on the 29th of January, 1789, and on their passage down the river, were obstructed, delayed, and exposed to imminent danger from floating ice, which covered the river. They, however, reached the Bend, the place of their destination, in safety, early in February. The first object of the Judge was to found a city at that place, which had received the name of North Bend, from the fact that it was the most northern bend in the Ohio river below the mouth of the Great Kanawha. The water-craft used in descending the Ohio, in those primitive times, were flat-boats made of green oak plank, fastened by wooden pins to a frame of timber, and caulked with tow, or any other pliant substance that could be procured. Boats similarly constructed on the northern waters, were then called ar?ks, but on the western rivers, they were denominated Kentucky boats. The materials of which they were composed, were found to be of great utility in the construction of temporary buildings for safety, and for protection from the inclemency of the weather, after they had arrived at their destination. At the earnest solicitation of the Judge, General Harmar sent Captain Kearsey with forty-eight rank and file, to protect the improvements just commencing in the Miami country. This detachment reached Limestone in December, 1788, and in a few days after, Captain Kearsey sent a part of his command in advance, as a guard to protect the pioneers under Major Stites, at the Little Miami, where they arrived soon after. Mr. Symmes and his party, accompanied by Captain Kearsey, landed at Columbia, on their passage down the river, and the detachment previously sent to that place joined their company. They then proceeded to the Bend, and landed about the first or second of February. When they left Limestone, it was the purpose of Captain Kearsey to occupy the fort built at the mouth of the Miami, by a detachment of United States troops, who afterwards descended the river to the falls. That purpose was defeated by the flood in the river, which had spread over the low grounds and rendered it difficult to reach the fort. Captain Kearsey, however, was anxious to make the attempt, but the Judge would not consent to it; he was of course much disappointed, and greatly displeased. When he set out on the expedition, expecting to find a fort ready built to receive him, he did not provide the implements necessary to construct one. TI'hus disappointed and displeased, he resolved that he would not attempt to construct a new work, but w'uld leave the Bend and join the garrison at Louisville. In pursuance of that resolution, he embarked early in March, and descended the river with his command. The Judge immediately wrote to Major Willis, commandant of the garrison at the Falls, complaining of the conduct of Captain Kearsey, representing the exposed situation of the Miami settlement, stating the indications of hostility manifested by the Indians, and requesting a guard to be sent to the Bend. This request was promptly granted, and before the close of the month, Ensign Luce arrived with seventeen or eighteen soldiers, which, for the time, removed the apprehensions of the pioneers at that place. It was not long, however, before the Indians made an attack on them, in which they killed one soldier, and wounded four or fife other persons, including Major J. R. Mills, an emigrant from Elizabethtown, New Jersey, who was a surveyor, and an intelligent and highly respected citizen. Although he recovered from his wounds, he felt their disabling effects to the day of his death. The surface of the ground where the Judge and his party had landed, was above the reach of the water, and sufficiently level to admit of a convenient settlement. He therefore determined, for the immediate accommodation of his party, to lay out a village at that place, and to suspend, for the present, the execution of his purpose, as to the city, of which he had given notice, until satisfactory information could be obtained in regard to the comparative advantages of different places in the vcinity. The determination, however, of laying out such a city, was not abandoned, but was executed in the succeeding year on a magnificent scale. It included the village, and extended from the Ohio across the peninslar to the Miami river. This city, which was certainly a beautiful one, on paper, was 207 HAMILTON COUNTY. called Symmes, and for a time was a subject of conversation and of criticism; but it soon ceased to be remembered-even its name was forgotten, and the settlement continued to be called North Bend. Since then, that village has been distinguished as the residence and the home of the soldier and statesman, William Henry Harrison, whose remains now repose in a humble vault on one of its beautiful hills. In conformity with a stipulation made at Limestone, every individual belonging to the party received a donation lot, which he was required to improve, as the condition of ob taining a title. As the number of these adventurers increased in consequence of the pro tection afforded by the military, the Judge was induced to lay out another village, six or seven miles higher tip the river, which he called South Bend, where he disposed of some donation lots; but that project failed, and in a few years the village was deserted and con verted into a farm. During these transactions, the Judge was visited by a number of Indians from a camp in the neighborhood of Stites' settlement. One of them, a Shawnee chief, had many com plaints to make of frauds practised on them by white traders, who fortunately had no con nection with the pioneers. After several conversations, and some small presents, he pro fessed to be satisfied with the explanation he had received, and gave assurances that the Indians would trade with the white men as friends. Ill one of their interviews, the Judge told him he had been commissioned and sent out to their country, by the thirteen fires, in the spirit of friendship and kindness; and that he was instructed to treat them as firiends and brothers. In proof of this he showed them the flag of the Union, with its stars and stripes, and also his commission, having the great seal of the United States attached to it; exhibiting the American eagle, with the olive branch in one claw, emblematical of peace, and the instrument of war and death in the other. He explained the meaning of those symbols to their satisfaction, though at first the chief seemed to think they were not very striking emblems either of peace or friendship; but before he departed from the Bend, he gave assurances of the most friendly character. Yet, when they left their camp to return to their towns, they carried off a number of horses belonging to the Columbia settlement, to compensate for the injuries done them by wandering traders, who had no part or lot with the pioneers. These depredations havinig been repeated, a party was sent out in pursuit, who followed the trail of the Indians a considerable distance, when they discovered fresh signs, and sent Captain Flinn, one of their party, in advance, to reconnoitre. He had not proceeded far before he was surprised, taken prisoner, and carried to the Indian camp. Not liking the movements he saw going on, which seemed to indicate personal violence, in regard to himself, and having great confidence in his activity and strength, at a favorable moment he sprang from the camp, made his escape, and joined his party. The Indians, fearing an ambuscade, did not pursue. The party possessed themselves of some horses belonging to the Indians, and returned to Columbia. In a few days, the Indians brought in Captain Flinn's rifle, and begged Major Stites to restore their horse —alledging that they were innocent of the depredations laid to their charge. After some further explanations, the matter was amicably settled, and the horses were given up. The three principal settlements of the Miami country were commenced in the manner above described; and although they had one general object, and were threatened by one common danger, yet there existed a strong spirit of rivalry between them-each feeling a pride in the prosperity of the little colony to which he belonged. That spirit produced a strong influence on the feelings of the pioneers of the different villages, and produced an esprit du corps, scarcely to be expected under circumstances so critical and dangerous a& those which threatened them. For some time it was a matter of doubt which of the rivals. Columbia, Cincinnati, or North Bend, would eventually become the chief seat of business. In the beginning, Columbia, the eldest of the three,vtook the lead, both in the number of its inhabitants, and the convenience and appearance of its dwellings. It was a flourishing village, and many believed it would become the great business town of the Miami country. That delusion, however, lasted but a short time. The garrison having been established at Cincinnati, made it the head-quarters, and the depot of the army. In addition to this, as soon as the county courts of the territory were organized, it was made the seat of justice of Hamilton county. These advantages convinced every body that it was destined to become the emporium of the Miami country. At first, North Bend had a decided advantage over it; as the troops detailed by Generat Harmar for the protection of the Miami pioneers were landed there, through the influence of Judge Symmes. That consideration induced many of the first adventurers to plant themselves at the Bend, believing it to be the place of the greatest safety. But, as has been stated, that detachment soon took its departure for Louisville. It appears also that Ensign 208 HAMILTON COUNTY. Luce, the commandant of the party which succeeded it, did not feel bound to erect his fort at any particular place, but was at liberty to select the spot best calculated to afford the most extensive protection to the Miami settlers. Viewing his duty in that light, he put up a small temporary work, sufficient for the security of his troops, regardless of the earnest entreaty of the Judge, to proceed at once to erect a substantial, spacious block-house, sufficient for the protection of the inhabitants of the village. The remonstrances and entreaties of the Judge had but little influence on the mind of this obstinate officer; for, in despite of them all, he left the Bend, and proceeded to Cincinnati with his command, where he immediately commenced the construction of a military work. That important move was followed by very decided resultsit terminated the strife for supremacy, by removing the only motive which had induced former emigrants to pass the settlements above, and proceed to the Bend. As soon as the troops removed from that place to Cincinnati, the settlers of the Bend, who were then the most numerous, feeling the loss of the protection on which they had relied, became uneasy, and began to follow; and ere long the place was almost entirely deserted, and the hope of making it even a respectable town, was abandoned. In the course of the ensuing summer, Major Doughty arrived at Cincinnati, with troops from Fort Harmar, and commenced the construction of Fort Washington, which was the most extensive and important military work in the territory belonging to the United States. About that time there was a rnmior prevailing in the settlement, said to have been endorsed by the Judge himself, which goes far to unravel the mystery, in which the removal of the troops from th B n,id asas involved. It was said and believed, that while the officer in command at that plaice was looking out very leisurely for a suitable site, on which to build the block-house, he formed an acquaintance with a beautiful black-eyed female, who called forth his most assi(duous and tender attentions. She was the wife of one of the settlers at the Bend. Her husband saw the danger to which he would be exposed, if he remained where he was. He therefore resolved at once to remove to Cincinnati, and very promptly executed his resolution. As soon as the gallant commandant discovered that the object of his admniration had changed her residence, he began to think that the Bend was not an advantageous situation for a military work, and communicated that opinion to Judge Symmes, who strenuously opposed it. His reasoning, however, was not as persuasive as the sparkling eyes of the fair dulcinea then at Cincinnati. The result was a determination to visit Cincinnati, and examine its advantages for a military post, which he communicated to the Judge, with an assurance that if, on examination, it did not prove to be the most eligible place, he would return and erect the fort at the Bend. The visit was quickly made, and resulted in a conviction that the Bend could not be compared with Cincinnati as a military position. The troops were accordingly removed to that place, and the building of a block-house commenced. Whether this structure was on the ground on which Fort Washington was erected by Major Doughty, cannot now be decided. That movement, produced by a cause whimsical, and apparently trivial in itself, was attended with results of incalculable importance. It settled the question whether North Bend or Cincinnati was to be the great commercial town of the Miami country. Thus we see what unexpected results are sometimes produced by circumstances apparently trivial. The incomparable beauty of a Spartan dame, produced a ten years' war, which terminated in the destruction of Troy; and the irresistible charms of another female, transferred the commercial emporium of Ohio from the place where it had been commenced, to the place where it now is. If this captivating American Helen had continued at the Bend, the garrision would have been erected there-population, capital and business would have centered there, and there would havebeen the Queen City of the West. e e* * * *.. A large number of the original adventurers to the Miami purchase, had exhausted their means by paying for their land, and removing their families to the country. Others were wholly destitute of property, and came out as volunteers, under the expectation of obtaining, gratuitously, such small tracts of land as might be forfeited by the purchasers, under Judge Symmes, for not making the improvements required by the conditions stipulated in the terms of sale and settlement of Miami lands, published by the Judge, in 1787; which will be more fully explained in a subsequent chapter. The class of adventurers first named was comparatively numerous, and had come out under an expectation of taking immediate possession of their lands, and of commencing the cultivation of them for subsistence. Their situation, therefore, was distressing. To go out into the wilderness to till the soil, appeared to be certain death; to remain in the settlements threatened them 27 209 HAMILTON COUNTY. with starvation. The best provided of the pioneers found it difficult to obtain subsistence; and, of course, the class now spoken of were not far from total destitution. They depended on game, fish, and such products of the earth as could be raised on small patches of ground in the immediate vicinity of the settlements. Occasionally, small lots of provision were brought down the river by emigrants, and sometimes were transported on pack-horses, from Lexington, at a heavy expense, and not without danger. But supplies, thus procured, were beyond the reach of those destitute persons now referred to. Having endured these privations as long as they could be borne, the more resolute of them determined to brave the consequences of moving on to their lands. To accomplish the object with the least exposure, those whose lands were in the same neighborhood, united as one family; and on that principle, a number of associations were formed, amounting to a dozen or more, who went out resolved to maintain their positions. Each party erected a strong block-house, near to which their cabins were put up, and the whole was enclosed by strong log pickets. This being done, they commenced clearing their lands, and preparing for planting their crops. During the day, while they were at work, one person was placed as a sentinel, to warn them of approaching danger. At sunset they retired to the block-house and their cabins, taking every thing of value within the pickets. In this manner they proceeded from day to day, and week to week, till their improvements were sufficiently extensive to support their families. During this time, they depended for subsistence on wild game, obtained at some hazard, more than on the scanty supplies they were able to procure from the settlements on the river. In a short time these stations gave protection and food to a large number of destitute families. After they were established, the Indians became less annoying to the settlements on the Ohio, as part of their time was employed in watching the stations. The former, however, did not escape, but endured their share of the fruits of savage hostility. In fact, no place or situation was exempt from danger. The safety of the pioneer depended on his means of defence, and on perpetual vigilance. The Indians viewed those stations with great jealousy, as they had the appearance of permanent military establishments, intended to retain possession of their country. In that view they were correct; and it was fortunate for the settlers, that the Indians wanted either the skill or the means of demolishing them.. The truth of the matter is, their great error consisted in permitting those works to be constructed at all. They might have prevented it with great ease, but they appeared not to be aware of the serious consequences which were to result, until it was too late to act with effect. Several attacks were, however, made at different times, with an apparent determination to destroy them; but they failed in every instance. The assault made on the station erected by Captain Jacob White, a pioneer of much energy and enterprise, at the third crossing of Mill creek from Cincinnati, on the old Hamilton road, was resolute and daring; but it was gallantly met and successfully repelled. During the attack, which was in the night, Captain White shot and killed a warrior, who fell so near the blockhouse, that his companions could not remove his body. The next morning it was brought in, and judging from his stature, as reported by the inmates, he might have claimed descent from a race of giants. On examining the ground in the vicinity of the block-house, the appearances of blood indicated that the assailants had suffered severely. In the winter of 1790-1, an attack was made, with a strong party, amounting, probably, to four or five hundred, on Dunlap's station, at Colerain. The block-house at that place was occupied by a small number of United States' troops, commanded by Col. Kingsbury, then a subaltern in the army. The fort was furnished with a piece of artillery, which was an object of terror to the Indians; yet that did not deter them from an attempt to effect their purpose. The attack was violent, and for some time the station was in imminent danger. The savages were led by the notorious Simon Girty, and outnumbered the garrison, at least, ten to one. The works were entirely of wood, and the only obstacle between the assailants and the assailed, was a picket of logs, that might have been demolished, with a loss not exceeding, probably, twenty or thirty lives. The garrison displayed unusual gallantry-they frequently exposed their persons above the pickets, to insult and provoke the assailants; and judging from the facts reported, they conducted with as much folly as bravery. Col. John Wallace, of Cincinnati, one of the earliest and bravest of the pioneers, and as amiable as he was brave, was in the fort when the attack was made. Although the works were completely surrounded by the enemy, the colonel volunteered his services to go to Cincinnati for a reinforcement. The fort stood on the east bank of the Big Miami. 210 HAMILTON COUNTY. Late in the night, he was conveyed across the river, in a canoe, and landed on the opposite shore. Having passed down some miles below the fort, he swam the river, and directed his course for Cincinnati. On his way down, the next day, he met a body of men from that place and from Columbia, proceeding to Colerain. They had been informed of the attack, by persons hunting in the neighborhood, who were sufficiently near the fort to hear the firing when it began. He joined the party, and led them to the station by the same route he had travelled from it; but before they arrived, the Indians had taken their departure. It was afterwards ascertained that Mr. Abner Hunt, a respectable citizen of New Jersey, who was on a surveying tour in the nighborhood of Colerain, at the time of the attack, was killed before he could reach the fort. His body was afterwards found, shockingly mangled. O. M. Spencer, in his "Indian Captivity," says: The Indians tied Hunt to a sapling, within sight of the garrison, who distinctly heard his screams, and built a large fire so near as to scorch him, inflicting the most acute pain; then, as his flesh, from the action of the fire and the frequent application of live coals, became less sensible, making deep incisions in his limbs, as if to renew his sensibility of pain; answering his cries for water, to allay the extreme thirst caused by burning, by fresh tortures; and,'finally, when, exhausted and fainting, death seemed approaching to release the wretched prisoner, terminating his sufferings by applying flaming brands to his naked bowels. Soon as the settlers of Cincinnati landed they commenced erecting three or four cabins, the first of which was built on Front, east of and near Main street. The lower table of land was then covered with sycamore and maple trees, and the upper with beech and oak. Through this dense forest the streets were laid out, their corners being marked upon the trees. This survey extended from Eastern row, now Broadway, to Western row. and from the river as far north as to Northern row, now Seventh street. In January, 1790, Gen. Arthur St. Clair, then governor of the N. W. territory, arrived at Cincinnati to organize the county of Hamilton. In the succeeding fall, Gen. Harmar marched from Fort Washington on his expedition against the Indians of the northwest. In the following year, (1791,) the unfortunate army of St. Clair marched from the same place. On his return, St. Clair gave Major Zeigler the command of Fort Washington and repaired to Philadelphia. Soon after, the latter was succeeded by Col. Wilkinson. This year, Cincinnati had little increase in its population. About one half of the inhabitants were attached to the army of St. Clair, and many killed in the defeat. In 1792, about 50 persons were added by emigration to the population of Cincinnati, and a house of worship erected. In the spring following, the troops which had been recruited for Wayne's army landed at Cincinnati and encamped on the bank of the river, between the village of Cincinnati and Mill creek. To that encampment Wayne gave the name of " Hobson's choice," it being the only suitable place for that object. Here he remained several months, constantly drilling his troops, and then moved on to a spot now in Darke county, where he erected Fort Greenville. In the fall, after the army had left, the small-pox broke out in the garrison at Fort Washington, and spread with so much malignity that nearly one third of the soldiers and citizens fell victims. In July, 1794, the army left Fort Greenville, and on the 20th of August, defeated the 211 HAMIILTON COUNTY. enemy at the battle of "the Fallen Timbers," in what is now Lucas county, a few miles above Toledo. Judge Burnet thus describes Cincinnati, at about this period. "Prior to the treaty of Greenville, which established a permanent peace between the United States and the Indians, but few improvements had been made, of any description, and scarcely one of a permanent character. In Cincinnati, Fort Washington was the most remarkable object. That rude, but highly interesting structure, stood between Third and Fourth streets produced, east of Eastern Row, now Broadway, which was then a two-pole alley, and was the eastern boundary of the town, as originally laid out. It was composed of a number of strongly built, hewed-log cabins, a story and a half high, calculated for soldier's barracks. Some of them, more conveniently arranged, and better finished, were intended for officers' quarters. They were so placed as to form a hollow square of about an acre of ground, with a strong block-house at each angle. It was built of large logs, cut from the ground on which it stood, which was a tract of fifteen acres, reserved by Congress in the law of 1792, for the accommodation of the garrison. "The artificers' yard was an appendage to the fort, and stood on the bank of the river, immediately in front. It contained about two acres of ground, enclosed by small contiguous buildings, occupied as work-shops and quarters for laborers. Within the enclosure, there was a large two story frame house, familiarly called the'yellow house,' built for the accommodation of the Quartermaster General, which was the most commodious and best finished edifice in Cincinnati. "On the north side of Fourth street, immediately behind the fort, Colonel Sargent, secretary of the territory, had a convenient frame house, and a spacious garden, cultivated with care and taste. On the east side of the fort, Dr. Allison, the surgeon general of the army, had a plain frame dwelling, in the center of a large lot, cultivated as a garden and fruitery, which was called Peach Grove. "The Presbyterian church, an interesting edifice, stood on Main street, in front of the spacious brick building now occupied by the first Presbyterian congregation. It was a substantial frame building, about 40 feet by 30, enclosed with clapboards, but neither lathed, plastered nor ceiled. The floor was of boat plank, resting on wooden blocks. In that humble edifice, the pioneers and their families assembled, statedly, for public worship; and, during the continuance of the war, they always attended with loaded rifles b) their sides. That building was afterwards neatly finished, and some years subsequently, [1814,] was sold and removed to Vine street where it now remains, the property of Judge Burke. "On the north side of Fourth street, opposite where St. Paul's church now stands, there stood a frame school house, enclosed, but unfinished, in which the children of the village were instructed. On the north side of the public square, there was a strong log building, erected and occupied as a jail. A room in the tavern of George 212 HAM.ILTOiN COUNTY. Avery, near the frog-pond, at the corner of Main and Fifth streets, had been rented for the accommcdation of the courts; and as the penitentiary system had not been adopted, and Cincinnati was a The First Church in Cincinoati. [The engraving represents the first Presbyterian church, as it iappeated in February, 1847. In the following spring, it was taken down, and the materials uled for the construction of several dwellings in the part of Cincinnati called Texas. The greater proportion of the timber was found to be perfectly sound. In 1791, a number of the inhabitants formed themselves into a company, to escort the Rev. James Kemnper from beyond the Kentucky river to Cincinnati; and after his arrival, a subscription was set on foot to build this church, which was erected in 1792. This subscription paper is still in existence, and bears date January 16th, 1792. Among its signers, were Gen. Wilkinson, Captains Ford, Peters and Shaylor, of the regular service, Dr. Allison, surgeon to St. Clair and Wayne, Winthrop Sargeant, Capt. Robert Elliot and others, principally citizens, to the number of 106, not one of whom survive.] seat of justice, it was ornamented with a pillory, stocks and whipping-post, and occasionally with a gallows. These were all the structures of a public character then in the place. Add to these, the cabins and other temporary buildings for the shelter of the inhabitants, and it will complete the schedule of the improvements of Cincinnati, at the time of the treaty of Greenville. The only vestige of them, now remaining, is the church of the pioneers. With that exception, and probably two or three frame buildings which have been repaired, improved and preserved, every edifice in the city has been erected since the ratification of that treaty. The stations of defence scattered through the Miami valley, were all temporary, and have long since gone to decay, or been demolished. "It may assist the reader in forming something like a correct idea of the appearance of Cincinnati, and of what it actually was at that time, to know, that the intersection of Main and Fifth streets, now the center of business and tasteful improvement, there was a pond of water, full of alder bushes, from which the frogs serenaded the neigliborhood during the summer and fall, and which rendered it necessary to construct a causeway of logs, to pass it. That morass remained in its natural state, with its alders and its frogs, several 213 HAMILTON COUNTY. years after Mr. B. became a resident of the place, the population of which, including the garrison and followers of the army, was about six hundred. The fort was then commanded by William H. Harrison, a captain in the army, but afterwards president of the United States. In 1797, General Wilkinson, the commander-in chief of the army, made it his head-quarters for a few months, but did not, apparently, interfere with the command of Captain Harri son, which continued till his resignation in 1798. "During the period now spoken of, the settlements of the territory, including Cincinnati, contained but few individuals, and still fewer families, who had been accustomed to mingle in the circles of polished society. That fact put it in the power of the military to give character to the manners and customs of the people. Such a school, it must be admitted, was by no means calculated to make the most favorable impression on the morals and sobriety of any community, as was abundantly proved by the result. "Idleness, drinking and gambling prevailed in the army to a greater extent than it has done to any subsequent period. This may be attributed to the fact, that they had been several years in the wilderness, cut off from all society but their own, with but few comforts or conveniences at hand, and no amusements but such as their own ingenuity could invent. Libraries were not to be found-men of literarv minds, or polished manners, were rarely met with; and they had long been deprived of the advantage of modest, accomplished female society, which always produces a salutary influence on the feelings and moral habits of men. Thus situated, the officers were urged, by an irresistible impulse, to tax their wits for expedients to fill up the chasms of leisure which were left on their hands, after a full discharge of their military duties; and, as is too frequently the case, in such circumstances, the bottle, the dice-box and the card-table were among the expedients resorted to, because they were the nearest at hand, and the most easily procured. "It is a distressing fact, that a very large proportion of the officers under General Wayne, and subsequently under General Wilkinson, were hard drinkers. Harrison, Clark, Shomberg, Ford, Strong and a few others, were the only exceptions. Such were the habits of the army when they began to associate with the inhabitants of Cincinnati, and of the western settlements generally, and to give tone to public sentiment. "As a natural consequence, the citizens indulged in the same practices, and formed the same habits. As a proof of this, it may be stated, that when Mr. Burnet came to the bar, there were nine resident lawyers engaged in the practice, of whom he is, and has been for many years, the only survivor. They all became confirmed sots, and descended to premature graves, excepting his brother, who was a young man of high promise, but whose life was terminated by a rapid consumption, in the summer of 1801. He expired under the shade of a tree, by the side of the road, on the banks of Paint creek, a few miles from Chillicothe." 214 HAMILTON COUNTY. On the 9th of November, 1793, Wm. Maxwell established, at Cincinnati, "the Centinel of the North-Western Territory," with the motto, "open to all parties-influenced by none." It was on a half sheet, royal quarto size, and was the first newspaper printed north of the Ohio river. In 1796, Edward Freeman became the owner of the paper, which he changed to "Freeman's Journal," which he continued until the beginning of 1800, when he removed to Chillicothe. On the 28th of May, 1799, Joseph Carpenter issued the first number of a weekly paper, entitled the "Western Spy and Hamilton Gazette." On the 11 th of January, 1794, two keel boats sailed from Cincinnati to Pittsburg, each making a trip once in four weeks. Each boat was so covered as to be protected against rifle and musket balls, and had port-holes to fire out at, and was provided with six pieces, carrying pound balls, a number of muskets and ammunition, as a protection against the Indians on the banks of the Ohio. In 1801, the first sea vessel equipped for sea, of 100 tons, built at Marietta, passed down the Ohio, carrying produce; and the banks of the river at Cincinnati were crowded with spectators to witness this novel event. Dec. 19th, 1801, the territorial legislature passed a bill, removing the seat of governmient firom Chillicothe to Cincinnati. January 2d, 1802, the territorial legislature incorporated the town of Cincinnati, and the following officers were appointed: David Zeigler, president; Jacob Burnet, recorder; Wm. Ramsay, David E. Wade, Chas. Avery, John Reily, Wm. Stanley, Samuel Dick and Wm. Ruffner, trustees; Jo. Prince, assessor; Abram Cary, collector, and James Smith, town marshal. In 1795, the town contained 94 cabins, 10 frame houses, and about 500 inhabitants. In 1800, the population was estimated at 750, and in 1810, it was 2,540. We give, on an adjoining page, a view of Cincinnati, taken by J. Cutler, as it appeared about the year 1810. It is from an engraving in "the Topographical Description of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana, by a late officer of the army," and published at Boston, in 1812. That work states, that Cincinnati contains about 400 dwellings, an elegant court-house, jail, 3 market-houses, a land office for the sale of congress lands, 2 printing offices, issuing weekly gazettes, 30 mercantile stores, and the various branches of mechanism are carried on with spirit. Industry of every kind being duly encouraged by the citizens, it is likely to become a considerable manufacturing place. It has a bank, issuing notes under the authority of the state, called the Miami Exporting Company.... A considerable trade is carried on between Cincinnati and New Orleans in keel boats, which return laden with foreign goods. The passage of a boat, of forty tons, down to New Orleans, is computed at about 25, and its return at about 65 days. In 1819, a charter was obtained from the state legislature, by which Cincinnati was incorporated as a city. This, since repeatedly amended and altered, forms the basis of its present municipal authority. CINCINNATI is 116 miles southwest Columbus; 120 southeast Indianapolis, Ia.; 90 north northwest Lexington, Ky.; 270 north northeast Nashville, Tenn.; 455 below Pittsburg, Pa., by the course of the river; 132 above Louisville, Ky.; 494 above the mouth of the 215 HAMILTON COUNTY. Ohio river, and 1447 miles above New Orleans by the Mississippi and Ohio rivers; 518 by post route west of Baltimore; 617 miles west by south of Philadelphia; 9'50 from New York by Lake Erie, Erie canal and Hudson river, and 492 from Washington City. It is in 39 deg. 6 minutes 30 seconds north lat., and 7 deg. 24 minutes 25 seconds west long. It is the largest city of the west, north of New Orleans, and the fifth in population in the United States. It is situated on the north bank of the Ohio river, opposite the mouth of Licking river, which enters the Ohio between Newport and Covington, Ky. The Ohio here has a gradual bend towards the south. This city is near the eastern extremity of a valley, about twelve miles in circumference, surrounded by beautiful hills, which rise to the height of 300 feet by gentle and varying slopes, and mostly covered with native forest trees. The summit of these hills presents a beautiful and picturesque view of the city and valley. The city is built on two table lands, the one elevated from 40 to 60 feet above the other. Low water mark in the river, which is 108 below the upper part of the city, is 432 feet above tide water at Albany, and 133 feet below the level of Lake Erie. The population in 1800, was 750; in 1810, 2540; in 1820, 9602; in 1830, 24,831; in 1840, 46,338, and in 1847, over 90,000. Employed in commerce in 1840, 2,226; in manufactures and trades, 10,866: navigating rivers and canals, 1748; in the learned professions, 377. Covington and Newport opposite, in Ky., and Fulton and the adjacent parts of Mill creek township on the north, are in fact, suburbs of Cincinnati, and if added to the above population would extend it to 105,000. The shores of the Ohio at the landing, is substantially paved to low water mark and is supplied with floating wharves, adapted to the great rise and fall of river, which renders the landing and shipping of goods at all times convenient. Cincinnati seems to have been originally laid out on the model ot Philadelphia, with great regularity. North of Main street, between the north side of Front street and the bank of the river, is the landinrg, an open area of 10 acres, with about 1000 feet front. This area is of great importance to the business of the city, and generally presents a scene of much activity. The corporate limits include about four square miles. The central part is compactly and finely built, with spacious warehouses, large stores and handsome dwellings; but in its outer parts, it is but partially built up and the houses irregularly scattered. Many of them are of stone or brick, but an equal or greater number are of wood, and are generally from two to four stories high. The city contains over 11,000 edifices public and private; and of those recently erected, the number of brick exceeds those of wood, and the style of architecture is constantly improving. Many of the streets are well paved, extensively shaded with trees and the houses ornamented with shrubbery. The climate is more variable than on the Atlantic coast, in the same latitude. Snow rarely falls sufficiently deep, or lies long enough, to furnish sleighing. Few places are more healthy, the average annual mor 216 0~~~~~~~~~~\ 0 t4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1-'' HAMILTON COUNTY. tality being 1 in 40. The inhabitants are from every state in the Union and from various countries in Europe. Besides natives of Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Jersey have furnished the greatest number; but many are from New York, Virginia, Maryland and New England. Nearly one fifth of the adult population are Ger mans. But England, Ireland, Scotland, France and Wales, have furnished considerable numbers. The Ohio river at Cincinati, is 1800 feet, or about one third of a mile wide, and its mean annual range from low to high water, is about 50 feet; the extreme range may be about 10 feet more. The greatest depressions are generally in August, September and Octo ber; and the greatest rise in December, March, May and June. The upward navigation is generally suspended by floating ice for eight or ten weeks in the winter. Its current at its mean height, is about 3 miles an hour; when higher and rising, it is more; and when very low, it does not exceed 2 miles. The quantity of rain and snow which falls annually at Cincinnati, is near 3 feet 9 inches. The wettest month is May, and the driest January. The average number of clear and fair days in a year, is 146; of variable, 114; of cloudy, 105. There have been, since 1840, from thirty to thirty eight steamboats annually built with an average aggregate tonnage of 6500 tons. Among the public buildings of Cincinnati, is the court house on Main street; it is a spacious building. The edifice of the Franklin and Lafayette bank of Cincinnati, on Third street, has a splendid portico of Grecian Doric columns, 4 feet 6 inches in diameter, extending through the entire front, was built after the model of the Parthenon, and is truly classical and beautiful. The first and second Presbyterian churches are beautiful edifices, and the Unitarian church is singularly neat. There are several churches built within the last three years, which possess great beauty, either internally or externally. But the most impressive building is the Catholic Cathedral, which at far less cost, surpasses in beauty and picturesque effect, the metropolitan edifice at Baltimore. There are many fine blocks of stores, on Front, Walnut, Pearl, Main and Fourth streets, and the eye is arrested by many beautiful private habitations. The most showy quarters are Main street, Broadway, Pearl and Fourth street, west of its intersection with Main. There are 76 churches in Cincinnati, viz.: 7 Presbyterian, (4 old and 3 new school;) 2 Congregational; 12 Episcopal Methodist; 2 Methodist Protestant; 2 Wesleyan Methodist; 1 Methodist Episcopal south; 1 Bethel; 1 Associate Reformed; 1 Reformed Presbyterian; 6 Baptist; 5 Disciples; 1 Universalist; 1 Restorationist; 1 Christian; 8 German Lutheran and Reformed; English Lutheran and Reformed 1 each; 1 United Brethren; 1 Welch Calvinistic; 1 Welch Congregational; 1 Unitarian; 2 Friends; 1 New Jerusalem; 8 Catholic, 6 of which are for Germans; 2 Jews Synagogues; 5 Episcopal and 1 Second Advent. There are 5 market houses and 3 theatres, of which 1 is German. 218 hIAMILTON COUNTY. Cincinnati contains many literary and charitable institutions. The Cincinnati college was founded in 1819. The building is in the center of the city, and s the most beautiful edifice of the kind St. Xavier's College. in the state. It is of the Grecian Doric order, with pilaster fionts and facade of Dayton marble, and cost about $35,000. It has 7 professors or other instructors, about 169 pupils, one quarter of whom are in the collegiate department. Woodward college, named from its founder, who gave a valuable block of ground in the north Lane Seminary. part of the city, has a president and five professors, or other instructors, and including its preparatory department, near 200 students. The Catholics have a college called St. Xavier's, which 219 HAMILTON COUNTY. has about 100 students and near 5000 volumes in its libraries. Lane seminary, a theological institution, is at Walnut Hills, 2 miles from the centre of the city. It went into operation in 1833, has near 100 students, and over 10,000 volumes in its libraries. There is no charge for tuition. Rooms are provided and furnished at $5 per annumi, and the students boarded at 90 and 62-1 cents per week. The Medical college was chartered and placed under trustees, in 1825. It has a arge and commodious building, a library of over 2000 volumes, 7 professors and abcut 150 students. The Cincinnati law school is connected with Cincinnati college, has 3 professors and about 30 students. The mechanics' institute, chartered in 1828, has a valuable philosophical and chemical apparatus, a library and a reading room. The common free schools of the city are of a high order, with fine buildings, teachers and apparatus. In the high schools, there are not less than 1500 pupils; in the common and pri vate 5000, and including the students in the collegiate institutions, there are 7000 persons in the various departments of education. In 1831, a college of teachers was established, having for its object the elevation of the profession, and the advancement of the interest of schools in the Mississippi valley, which holds an annual meeting in Cincinnati, in October. The young men's mercantile library association has a fine library and reading rooms. The library con tains over 3800 volumes, and the institution promises to be an honor and a blessing to the commercial community. The apprentices' li brary, founded in 1821, contains 2200 volumes. The charitable institutions of the city are highly respectable. The Cincinnati orphan asylum is in a building, which cost $18,000. Attached is a library and well-organized school, with a provision even for infants; and it is surrounded by ample grounds. It has trained up over 300 children for usefulness. The Catholics have one mnale and female orphan asylum. The commercial hospital and lunatic asylum of Ohio, was incorporated in 1821. The edifice, in the nortlhwest part of the city, will accommodate 250 persons; 1100 have been admitted within a year. A part of the building is used for a poor house; and there are separate apartments for the insane. The city is supplied by water raised from the Ohio river, by a steam engine, of 40 horse power, and forced into two reservoirs, on a hill, 700 feet distant; from whence it is carried in pipes to the intersectiou of Broadway and Third streets, and thence distributed through the principal streets in pipes. These works are now owned by the city. Cincinnati is an extensive manufacturing place. Its natural destitution of water power is extensively compensated at present by steam engines, and by the surplus water of the Miami canal, which affords 3000 cubic feet per minute. But the Cincinnati and White Water canal, which extends 25 miles and connects with the White Water canal of Indiana, half a mile south of Harrison, on the state line, will furnish a great increase of water power, equal to 90 runs of n illsto'ies. The manufactures of the olty, already large, may be 220 HAMILTON COUNTY. expected to greatly increase. By a late enumeration, it appears that the manufactures of Cincinnati of all kinds, employs 10,647 persons, a capital of $14,541,842, and produces articles of over seventeen millions of dollars value. The trade of Cincinnati embraces the country from the Ohio to the lakes, north and south; and from the Scioto to the Wabash, east and west. The Ohio river line, in Kentucky, for 50 miles down, and as far up as the Virginia line, make their purchases here. Its manufactures are sent into the upper and lower Mississippi country. There are six incorporated banks, with aggregate capital of $5,800,000, beside two unincorporated banks. Cincinnati is the greatest pork market in the world. Not far from three millions of dollars worth of pork are annually exported. Cincinnati enjoys great facilities for communication with the surrounding country. The total length of canals, railroads and turnpikes which center here, completed and constructing, is 1125 miles. Those who have made it a matter of investigation predict, that Cincinnati will eventually be a city of a very great population. A writers in Cist's "Cincinnati in 1841," in a long article on this subject, commences with the startling announcement: "Not having before my eyes the fear of men,'who-in the language of Governeur Morris-with too much pride to study and too much wit to think, undervalue what they do not understand, and condemn what they do not comprehend,' I venture the prediction, that within one hundred years from this time, Cincinnati will be the greatest city in America; and by the year of our Lord, 2000, the greatest city in the world." We have not space here to recapitulate the arguments on which this prediction is based. The prediction itself we place on record for future reference.t The few following pages are devoted to incidents which have transpired within the city or county. They are derived mainly from published sources. A Legend of Jacob TVetzel.-The road along the Ohio river, leading to Storrs and Delhi, some four hundred yards below the junction of Front and Fifth streets, crosses what, in early days, was the outlet of a water-course, and notwithstanding the changes made by the lapse of years, and the building improvements adjacent, the spot still possesses many features of its original surtface, although now divested of its forest character. At the period of this adventure-Oct. 7th, 1790-besides the dense forest of maple and beech, its heavy u ndergrowth of spice-wood and grape-vine made it an admirable lurking place for the savage beasts, and more savage still, the red men of the woods. Wetzel had been out on his accustomed pursuit-hunting-and was returning to town, at that time a few cabins and huts collected in the space fronting the river, and extending from Main street to Broadway. Ile had been very successful, and was returning to procure a horse to bear a load too heavy for his own shoulders, and, at the spot alluded to, had sat down on a decaying tree-trunk to rest himself, and wipe the sweat from his brow, which his forcing his way through the brush had started, cool as was the weather, when he heard the rustling of leaves and branches, which betokened that an animal or an enemy was approaching. Silencing the growl of his dog, who sat at his feet, and appeared equally con * J. W. Scott, editor of the Toledo Blade. t The preceding descriptive sketch of Cincinnati is abridged from that in M'Culloch's Gazetteer, by Charles Cist, editor of the Advertiser, with the statistics brought down to 1847. 221 HAMILTON COUNTY. scious of danger, he sprang behind a tree and discovered the dark form of an Indian, half hidden by the body of a large oakl, who had his rifle in his hands, ready for any emergency that might require the use of it-as he, too, appeared to be on his guard, having heard the low growling of the dog. At this instant, the dog also spied the Indian and barked aloud, which told the Indian of the proximity of his enemy. To raise his rifle was but the work of a moment, and the distinct cracks of two weapons were heard almost at the same time. The Indian's fell from his hands, as the ball of the hlunter's had penetrated and broken the elbow of his left arm, while the hunter escaped unhurt. Before the Indian could possibly re load his rifle in his wounded condition, Wetzel had rushed swiftly upon him with his knife, but not before the Indian had drawn his. The first thrust was parried off by the Indian with the greatest skill, and the shock was so great in the effort that the hunter's weapon was thrown some thirty feet from him. Nothing daunted, he threw himself upon the Indian with all his force and seized him around the body; at the same time encircling the right arm, in which the Indian still grasped his knife. The Indian, however, was a very muscu lar fellow, and the conflict now seemed doubtful indeed. The savage was striving with all his might to release his arm, in order to use his knife. In their struggle, their feet became interlocked, and they both fell to the ground, the Indian uppermost, which extricated the Indian's arm fiom the iron grasp of the hunter. He was making his greatest endeavors to use his knife, but could not, from the position in which they were lying, as Wetzel soon forced him over on his right side, and, consequently, he could have no use of his arm. Just at this point of the deadly conflict, the Indian gave an appalling yell, and, with re newed strength, placed his enemy underneath him again, and with a most exulting cry of victory, as he sat upon his body, raised his arm for that fatal plunge. Wetzel saw death before his eyes, and gave himself up for lost, when, just at this most critical juncture, his faithful dog, who had not been an uninterested observer of the scene, sprang forward and seized the Indian with such force by the throat, as caused the weapon to fall harmless from hiq hand. Wetzel, seeing such a sudden change in his fate, made one last and desperate effort for his life, and threw the Indian from him. Before the prostrate savage had time to recover himself, the hunter had seized his knife, and with redoubled energy rushed upon him, and with his foot firmly planted on the Indian's breast, plunged the weapon up to the hilt in his heart. The savage gave one convulsive shudder, and was no more. As soon as Wetzel had possessed himself of his rifle, together with the Indian's weapons, he started immediately on his way. He had gone but a short distance when his ears were assailed by the startling whoop of a number of Indians. He ran eagerly for the river, and, fortunately, finding a canoe on the beach near the water, was soon out of reach, and made his way, without further danger, to the cove at the foot of Sycamore street. The Indians came up to the place of the recent renconter, and discovered the body of a fallen comrade. They gave a most hideous yell when, upon examination, they recognized in the dead Indian the features of one of their bravest chiefs. O. 131. Spencer taken Captive.-In July, 1792, two men, together with Mrs. Colemar and Oliver M. Spencer, then a lad, were returning in a canoe from Cincinnati to Columbia. They were fired upon by two Indians, in ambush on the river bank; one of the men was killed, and the other, a Mr. Light, wounded. Mrs. Coleman jumped from the canoe into the river, and without making any exertions to swim, floated down nearly two miles It is supposed she was borne up by her dress, which, according to the fashion of that time, consisted of a stuffed quilt and other buoyant robes. Spencer was taken and carried captive to the Maumee, where he remained about eight months and was ransomed. A narrative of his captivity, written by himself, has been published by the Methodists. Death of Col. Robt. Elliott.-In 1794, Col. Robert Elliott, contractor for supplying the United States army, while travelling with his servant from Fort Washington to Fort Hamilton, was waylaid and killed by the Indians, at the big hill, south of where Thos. Fleming lived, and near the line of Hamilton and Butler counties. When shot, he fell from his horse. The servant made his escape by putting his horse at full speed, followed by that of Elliott's, into Fort Hamilton. The savage who shot the colonel, in haste to take his scalp, drew his knife, and seized him by the wig which he wore. To his astonishment, the scalp came off at the first touch, when he exclaimed, " dam lie!" In a few minutes, the surprise of the party was over, and they made themselves merry at the expense of their comrade. The next day, a party from the fort, under the guidance of the servant, visited the spot, placed the body in a coffin and proceeded on their way to Fort Washington. About a mile south of Springdale, they were fired upon by Indians, and the servant, who was on the horse of his late master, was shot at the first fire. The party retreated, leaving the body of Elliott 222 HAMTILTON COUNTY. with the savages, who had broken open the coffin, when the former rallied, re-took the body and carried it, with that of the servant, to Cincinnati, and buried them side by side in the Presbyterian cemetery, on Twelfth street. Several years after, a neat monument was erected, with the following inscription. In memory of ROBERT ELLIOTT, SLAIN BY A PARTY OF INDIANS, Near this point, While in the service of his country. Placed by his son, Com. J. D. ELLIOTT, U.S. Navy. 1835. DAMON AND FIDELITY. A TWitch Story.-About the year 1814, one of our most wealthy and respectable farmers on Mill creek, who had taken great pains and expended much money in procuring and propagating a fine breed of horses, was unfortunate in losing a number of them, by a distemper which appeared to be of a novel character. As the disease baffled all his skill, he soon became satisfied that it was the result of witchcraft. Under that impression, he consulted such persons as were reputed to have a knowledge of sorcery, or who pretended to be fortune-tellers. These persons instructed him how to proceed to discover and destroy the witch. One of the experiments he was directed to make, was to boil certain ingredients, herbs, et cetera, over a hot fire, with pins and needles in the cauldron, which, he was told, would produce great mental and bodily distress in the witch or wizzard. He tried that experiment, and while the pot was boiling furiously, placed himself in his door, which overlooked the principal part of his farm, including the field in which his horses were kept. It so happened, that, while standing in the door, he saw his daughter-in-law, who lived in a cabin about 80 rods from his own house, hastening to the spring for a bucket of water. His imagination connected that hurried movement with his incantation so strongly, that he immediately ordered his son to move his family from the farm. From some cause, he had formed an opinion that a Mrs. Garrison, an aged woman, in feeble health, fast sinking to the grave, living some eight or ten miles from his farm, was the principal agent in the destruction of his horses. He had frequently expressed that opinion in the neighborhood. Mrs. Garrison had heard of it, and, as might be expected, her feelings were injured and her spirits much depressed by the slanderous report. One of the charms he had been directed to try, was to shoot a silver bullet at a horse while the witch was evidently in him. This he was told would kill the witch and cure the animal. He accordingly prepared a silver ball, and shot it at a very fine brood mare which was affected by the distemper. The mare, of course, was killed; and as it so happened, that, in a very short time after, poor Mrs. Garrison died, the experiment was declared to be successful, and the experimenter believes to this day that his silver bullet killed the poor old woman. However that may be, his slanderous report had a great effect on her health, and no doubt hastened her death. Explosion of the Moselle.-The new and elegant steamboat, Moselle, Capt. Perkin, left the wharf in Cincinnati, April 26th, 1838, (full of passengers,) for Louisville and St. Louis; and, with the view of taking a family on board at Fulton, about a mile and a half above the quay, proceeded up the river and made fast to a lumber raft for that purpose. Here the family was taken on board; and, during the whole time of their detention, the captain had madly held on to all the steam that he could create, with the intention, not only of showing off to the best advantage the great speed of his boat, as it passed down the river the entire length of the city, but that he mig!it overtake and pass another boat which had left the wharf for Louisville, but a short time previous. As the Moselle was a new brag boat, and had recently made several exceedingly quick trips to and from Cincinnati, it would not do to risk her popularity for speed, by giving to another boat (even though that boat had the advantage of time and distance) the most remote chance of being the first to arrive at the destined port. This insane policy,-this poor ambition of proprietors and 223 IIAMILTON COUNTY. captains, has almost always inevitably tended to the same melancholy results. The Mo selle had but just parted from the lumber raft to which she had been fast,-her wheels had scarcely made their first revolution,-when her boilers burst with an awful and astound ing noise, equal to the most violent clap of thunder. The explosion was destructive and heart-rending in the extreme; heads, limbs and bodies, were seen flying through the air in every direction, attended with the most horrible shrieks and groans from the wounded and dying. The boat, at the time of the accident, was about thirty feet from the shore, and was rendered a perfect wreck. It seemed to be entirely shattered as far back as the gentlemen's cabin; and her hurricane deck, the whole length, was entirely swept away. The boat nimmediately began to sink, and float with a strong current down the river, at the same time receding farther from the shore,-while the passengers, who yet remained unhurt in the gentlemen's and ladies' cabins, became panic-struck, and most of them, with a fatuity which seems unaccountable, jumped into the river. Being above the ordinary business parts of the city, there was no boats at hand, except a few large and unmanageable wood-floats, which were carried to the relief of the sufferers, as soon as possible, by the few persons on the shore. Many were drowned, however, before they could be rescued, and many sunk, who were never seen afterwards. There was one little boy on the shore who was seen wringing his hands in agony, imploring those present to save his father, mother and three sisters,-all of whom were struggling in the water to gain the shore,-but whom the little fellow had the awful misfortune to see perish, one by one, almost within his reach; an infant child, belonging to the family, was picked up alive, floating down the river on one of the frag-ments of the hurricane deck. The boat sunk about fifteen minutes after the explosion, leaving nothing to be seen but her chimneys, and a small portion of her upper works. The Moselle was crowded with passengers from stem to stern, principally Germans, bound to St. Louis. Nearly all on board (with the exception of those in the ladies' cabin) were killed or wounded. Most of the sufferers were among the hands of the boat and the steerage passengers. The captain was thrown by the explosion into the street, and was picked up dead and dreadfully mangled. Another man was forced through the roof of one of the neighboring houses; the pilot was thrown about a hundred feet into the air, whence he fell and found his grave in the river,-and many were the limbs and other fragments of human bodies, which were found scattered about upon the river, and far along the shore. The number destroyed by the explosion, was estimated at over two hundred persons. The Asiatic Cholera.-The cholera made its appearance in Cincinnati, in October, 1832. The reports of the board of health, as published in the city papers, commenced on the 10th of that month, and terminated on the 3d of November. The whole number of deaths, as then published, was 351, which was probably much less than the real number. The greatest number of deaths in any one day, was on Oct. 21st, when 42 persons died. The following articles are derived from the newspapers of Gin cinnati, and relate to events of the few past years. The Great Freshet of February, 1832.-The Ohio river commenced rising at this place about the 9th inst. On the 12th, it began to swell over the banks, and on the 14th, many merchants and others near the river, were compelled to remove their goods to the second story of their houses. It continued to rise rapidly till Saturday morning, Feb. 18th, when it came to a stand, having risen sixty three feet above low water mark. Differences of opinion exists as to its comparative height, with the rises of 1792 and 1815. It is supposed to have been about 5 feet higher than in 1792 or 1815. About noon, on the 18th, it commenced falling very slowly, and yet continues to fall. In the course of two or three days it probably will be confined within its banks. The M was of the lost distressing character. It carried desolation into all the lower part of the city. Hundreds of families were turned houseless upon the community. During the early part of the rise, many in the lower part of the city were awakened at night by the water pouring in upon them, and were obliged to fly; others betook themselves to the upper stories, and were brought away in boats the next morning. Many families continue to reside in the upper part of their dwellings, making use of boats in going from and returning to their stores and houses. We have heard of the death of but two individuals, Mr. John Harding and Mr. William Aulsbrook; the former, a man of family, the latter, a single man. They were in the employ of Mr. William Tift, of this city, and lost their lives in endeavoring to keep the water out of his cellar. While at work the back wall of the building gave way-the cellar filled in an instant, and they were unable to get out. They both were very worthy men. 224 HAMILTON COUNTY. The water extended over about thirty-five squares of the thickly settled part of the city, from John street on the west, to Deer creek on the east, and north to Lower Market and Pearl streets. The distance of about a mile west of John street was likewise submerged This part of the city, however, is but thinly settled. The amount of damage sustained by merchants, owners of improved real estate and others cannot be correctly ascertained. Many houses have floated away, a great num ber have moved from their foundations and turned over; many walls have settled so as to injure the houses materially; and a great quantity of lumber and other property has floated oft. The large bridge over the mouth of Mill creek floated away, and that over Deer creek is much injured. Thousands and tens of thousands of dollars worth of dry goods groceries, &c., have been destroyed or materially injured. Business of almost every description was stopped; money became scarce, and wood and flour enormously high. Active measures were taken by the citizens for the relief of the sufferers. A town meeting was held at the council chamber, on the 15th inst. G. W. Jones was appointed chairman, and Samuel H. Goodin, secretary. On motion, a committee of 15 (3 from a ward) was appointed to take up collections for the relief of the sufferers, consisting of the following persons: E. Hulse, N. G. Pendleton, E. C. Smith, J. W. Gazlay, Jno. Wood, G. W. Jones, W. G. Orr, W. Holmes, A. Owen, P. Britt, J. Resor, O. Lovell and G. C. Miller. A committee of vigilance was also appointed, whose duty it was to remove persons and goods surrounded with water. The following persons composed that committee: J. Pierce, Wm. Phillips, Saml. Fosdick, Wm. Stephenson, Chas. Fox, Henry Tatem, I. A. Butterfield, Jas. M'Iitire, N. M. Whittemore, M. Coffin, Jas. M'Lean, J. Aumack, J. D. Garrard, A. G. Dodd and Fullom Perry. T. D. Carneal, J. M. Mason, J. C. Avery, Chas. Fox and R. Buchanan were appointed a conmmrittee to procure shelter for those whose houses were rendered untenable. On motion, it was resolved that persons who may need assistance, be requested to make application to the council chamber, where members of the committee of vigilance shall rendezvous, and where one or more shall at all times remain for the purpose of affording relief. At a subsequent meeting, 20 were added to the committee of vigilance. It gives us pleasure to state, that the members of the foregoing committees most faithfully discharged their respective duties. A provision house was opened by the committee of vigilance, on Fourth street, where meats, bread, wood, clothes, &c., were liberally given to all who applied. The ladies supported their well-known character for benevolence, by contributing clothing and food to the sufferers. The committee appointed to collect funds, found the citizens liberal in their donations. All who had vacant houses and rooms, cheerfully appropriated them to the use of those made houseless. Public buildings, school houses, and basement stories of churches, were appropriated to this purpose. Mr. Brown of the ampitheatre, Mr. Franks, proprietor of the gallery of paintings, Mr. R. Letton, proprietor of the Museum, appropriated the entire proceeds of their houses, the first, on the night of 17th; the second, on the 18th, and the third, on that of the 20th, for the relief of the sufferers. The Beethoven society of sacred music also gave a concert for the same purpose, in the second Presbyterian church, on Fourth street, on the night of the 24th. Destruction of the Philanthropist newspaper printing office by a mob, July 30th, 1836. -The paper had then been published in Cincinnati about three months, and was edited by James G. Birney. As early as the 14th of July, the press room was broken open and the press and materials defaced and destroyed. July 23d, a meeting of citizens was convened at the Lower Market house" to decide whether they will permit the publication or distribution of abolition papers in this city." This meeting appointed a committee, who opened a correspondence with the conductors of that print-the executive committee of the Ohio antislavery society-requesting them to discontinue its publication. This effort being unsuccessfiul, the committee of citizens published the correspondence, to which they alpended a resolution, in one clause of which they stated, "That in discharging their duties, they have used all the measures of persuasion and conciliation in their power. That their exertions have not been successful, the above correspondence will show. It only remains, then, in pursuance of their instructors, to publish their proceedings and adjourn without day. But ere they do this, they owe it themselves, and those whom they represent, to express their utmost abhorrence of every thing like violence; and earnestly to implore their fellow citizens to abstain therefrom." The sequel is thus given by a city print. On Saturday night, July 30th, very soon after dark a, concourse of citizens assembled at the corner of Main and Seventh streets, in this city, and upon a short consultation, broke open the printing office of the Philanthropist, the abolition paper, scattered the type into the 29 295 HAMILTON COUNTY. streets, tore down the presses and completely dismantled the office. It was owned by A. Pugh, a peaceable and orderly printer, who printed the Philanthropist for the anti-slavery society of Ohio. From the printing office, the crowd went to the house of A. Pugh, where they supposed there were other printing materials, but found none, nor offered any violence. Then to the Messrs. Donaldson's, where only ladies were at home. The residence of Mr. Birney, the editor, was then visited; no person was at home, but a youth, upon whose explanations the house was left undisturbed. A shout was raised for Dr. Colby's; and tha concourse returned to Main street, proposed to pile up the contents of the office in the street and make a bonfire of them. A gentleman mounted the pile, and advised against burning it, lest the houses near might take fire. A portion of the press was then dragged down Main street, broken up and thrown into the river. The Exchange was then visited and refreshments taken. After which, the concourse again went up Main street, to about opposite the Gazette office. Some suggestions were hinted that it should be demolished, but the hint was overruled. An attackl was then made upon the residence of some blacks, in Church alley; two guns were fired upon the assailants and they recoiled. It was supposed that one man was wounded, but that was not the case. It was some time before a rally could again be made, several voices declaring they did not wish to endanger themselves. A second attack was made, the houses found empty and their interior contents destroyed... On the afternoon of Aug. 2d, pursuant to a call, a very large and respectable meeting of citizens met at the court house, and passed a series of resolutions, the first of which was "that this meeting deeply regret the cause of the recent occurrences, and entirely disapprove of mobs, or other unlawful assemblages." The concluding resolution was approbatory of the course of the colonization society, and expressed an opinion that it was" the only method of getting clear of slavery." Riot of September, 1841.-This city has been in a most alarming condition for several days; and from until 8 o'clock on Friday evening, until 3 o'clock yesterday [Sunday] morning, almost entirely at the mercy of a lawless mob, ranging in number from 200 to 1500. On Tuesday evening last, as we are informed, a quarrel took place on the corner of Sixth street and Broadway, between a party of Irishmen and some negroes: some two or three of each party were wounded. On Wednesday night, the quarrel was renewed in some way, and sometime after midnight a party of excited men, armed with clubs, &c., attacked a house occupied as a negro boarding-house on Macalister street, demanding the surrender of a negro, whom they said was secreted in the house, and uttering the most violent threats against the house and the negroes in general. Several of the adjoining houses were occupied by negro families. The violence increased and was resisted by those in or about the houses-an engagement took place, in which several were wounded on each side. On Thursday night, another rencontre took place in the neighborhood of the Lower Market, between some young men and boys and some negroes, in which one or two boys were badly wounded, as was supposed, with knives. On Friday evening, before 8 o'clock, a mob, the principal organization of which, we understand, took place in Kentucky, openly assembled in Fifth street market, unmolested by the police or citizens. They marched from their rendezvous towards Broadway and Sixth street, armed with clubs, stones, &c. Reaching the scene of operations with shouts and blasphemous imprecations, they attacked a negro confectionary in Broadway, next to the synagogue, and demolished the doors and windows. This attracted an immense crowd. About this time, before 9 o'clock, they were addressed by J. W. Piatt, who exorted them to peace and obedience to the law; but his voice was drowned by shouts and throwing of stones. The Mayor also attempted to address them. The savage yell was instantly raised: "down with him! run him off!" were shouted and intermixed with horrid imprecations and exhortations to the mob to move onward. A large portion of the leading disturbers appeared to be strangers-some connected with river navigation and backed by boat hands of the lowest order. They advanced to the attack with stones, &c., and were repeatedly fired upon by the negroes. The mob scattered, but immediately rallied again, and again were in like manner repulsed. Men were wounded on both sides and carried off-and many reported dead. The negroes rallied several times, advanced upon the crowd, and most unjustifiably fired down the street into it, causing a great rush down the street. These things were repeated until past 1 o'clock, when a party procured an iron six pounder from near the river, loaded with boiler punchings, &c., and hauled it to the ground, against the exhortations of the mayor and others. It was posted on Broadway and pointed down Sixth street. The yells continued, 226 HAMILTON COUNTY. but there was a partial cessation of firing. Many of the negroes had fled to the hills. The attack upon the houses was recommenced with the firing of guns upon both sides, which continued during most of the night; and exaggerated rumors of the killed and wounded filled the streets. The cannon was discharged several times. About 2 o'clock, a portion of the military, upon the call of the mayor, proceeded to the scene of disorder and succeeded in keeping the mob at bay. In the morning, and throughout the day, several blocks, including the battle-ground, were surrounded with sentinels and kept under martial law,-keeping within the negroes there, and adding to them such as were brought in during the day for protection. A meeting of citizens was held at the court house on Saturday morning, at which the mayor presided. This meeting was addressed by the mayor and others, and a series of resolutions passed discountenancing mobs-invoking the aid of the civil authorities to stay the violence, repudiating the doctrines of the abolitionists, etc., etc. The city council also heid a special session, to concert measures to vindicate the majesty of the law and restore peace to the city. Intense excitement continued during the day, the mob and their leaders boldly occupying the streets without arrest. The negroes held a meeting in a church, and respectfully assured the mayor and citizens, that they would use every effort to conduct as orderly citizens, to suppress imprudent conduct among their own people, etc., etc. They expressed their readiness to conform to the law of 1807, and give bond, or to leave within a specified time-and tendered their thanks to the mayor, watch, officers and gentlemen Of the city, for the efforts made to save their property, their lives, their wives and children. At 3 P. M., the mayor, sheriff, marshall and a portion of the police, proceeded to the battle-ground, and there, under the protection of the military, though in the presence of the mob, and so far controlled by them, as to prevent the taking away of any negroes upon their complying with the law. Several of the negroes gave bond and obtained permission to go away with their sureties, who were some of our most respectable citizens, but were headed even within the military sentinels, and compelled to return within the ground. It was resolved then to embody the male negroes, and march them to jail for security, under the protection of the civil and military authority. From 250 to 300 were accordingly escorted to that place with difficulty, surrounded by the military and officers, and a dense mass of men, women and boys, confounding all distinction between the orderly and disorderly, accompanied with deafening yells. They were safely lodged, and still remain in prison, separated from their families. The crowd was in that way dispersed. The succeeding night, the military were ordered out, the firemen were out, clothed with authority as a police band. About eighty citizens enrolled themselves as assistants of the marshall. A troop of horse, and several companies of volunteer infantry continued on duty, until near midnight. Some were then permitted to sleep upon their arms; others remained on duty until morning, guarding the jail, &c. As was anticipated, the mob efficiently organized, early commenced operations, dividing their force and making their attacks at different points, thus distracting the attention of the police. The first successful onset was made upon the printing office of the Philanthropist. They succeeded in entering the establishment, breaking up the press, and running with it amid savage yells, down through Main street to the river into which it was thrown. The military appeared in the alley near the office, interrupting the mob for a short time. They escaped through the bye-ways, and when the military retired, returned to their work of destruction in the office, which they completed. Several houses were broken open in different parts of the city, occupied by negroes, and the windows, doors and furniture completely destroyed. Among these was the negro church on Sixth street. One of their last efforts was to fire or otherwise destroy the book establishment of Messrs. Truman & Smith, on Main street. From this they were driven by the police, and soon after, before daylight, dispersed from mere exhaustion. It is impossible to learn either the numnber of killed and wounded on either side, probably several were killed and twenty or thirty variously wounded, though but few dangerously. Several of the citizen-police were hurt with stones, &c.; the authorities succeeded in arresting about forty of the mob, who are now in prison. The mob was in many cases encouraged and led on by persons from Kentucky. About 11 o'clock on Saturday night, a bonfire was lighted on that side of the river, and loud shouts sent up, as if a great triumph had been achieved. In some cases the motions of the mob were directed and managed by mere boys, who suggested the points of attack, put the vote, declared the result and led the way! After all the negro men had been disarmed and committeed to prison for safe keeping, under a solemn pledge that their wives and children should be protected, a band 227 HAMILTON COUNTY. of white men were permitted to renew their brutal attacks upon these females and children. The excitement continued yesterday. The governor, who had arrived in town, issued his proclamation. The citizens rallied with spirit to aid the city authorities. Strong patroles of military and citizens, last night, prevented any further outbreak. Bank Mob, Jan. 11, 1842.-Monday evening, the Miami Exporting Company Bank assigned its effects, and on Tuesday morning, (Jan. 11,) the bank of Cincinnati closed doors. Early in the morning, the crowd, in consequence of their failures, began to collect around the doors of these institutions, and by 11 o'clock, had broken into them, destroying all the movable property and whatever of books or papers could be laid hold of. About this time, ten of the city guards, headed by their brave captain, Mitchell, appeared, drove the rioters away, and, for a time, gallantly maintained their position; but they were called off. On retiring, they were assailed-they fired, and wounded some one or two persons. The mob had, with this exception, undisputed possession of the city, and commenced, first an attack upon Babes' Exchange Bank, and after that, upon Lougee's exchange office, both of which they destroyed, making havock of every thing which was at all destructible. Distressing Fire, Feb. 28th, 1843.-On Saturday morning, about 5 o'clock, a fire broke out in the smoke-house of Messrs. Pugh & Alvord, at the corner of Walnut street and the canal, which, in its consequences, has been one of the most distressing that ever occurred in this city. The smoke-house was in the rear, and somewhat detached from the main build ing, being connected with it only by a wooden door and narrow passage-way, through which the meat was usually wheeled. It was thought the fire could be confined to the former, and for that purpose the pork-house was closed as tight as possible, by shutting all the doors and windows, to exclude a rush of air to feed the flames. In the course of half an hour, the main building was filled with smoke, rarified air and inflammable gas from the smokehouse; and when the flames burst through the wooden door connecting the two buildings, an instantaneous roar of flame was perceived, and in the twinkling of an eye, the whole of this spacious, substantial building was a mass of ruins. The whole roof was lifted in the air and thrown into the streets in large fragments-the second story walls, on the north and south sides, were thrown down, and the whole eastern end of both stories fronting on Walnut street, blown into the streets from its foundation up. The appearance of the explosion was awfully terrific, and its consequences fatal to several of our most estimable citizens. We annex the names of the killed and severely wounded, as far as we can now ascertain them. Killed-Joseph Bonsall, Caleb W. Taylor, H. S. Edmands, J. S. Chamberlain, H. O. Merrill, John Ohe, a German laborer, with two or three other German laborers. IVounded severely-George Shillito, H. Thorpe, T. S. Shaeffer, Mr. Alvord, (of the firm ofPugh & Alvord,) Samuel Schooley, Warren G. Finch, John Blakemore, Lewis Wisby, John M. Vansickle, Joseph Trefts, A. Oppenhermer, Jas. Tryatt, Robt. Rice, William H. Goodloe. A few minutes before the explosion, the smoke settled to the ground around the corner of the building, on the canal and Walnut street fronts, which caused the removal of the masses of people which filled those spaces, unconscious of danger. But for this, the force of the explosion being in that direction, the destruction of life would have been frightfully extensive. On Sunday morning, a special meeting of the city council was called, and in obedience to one of the resolutions passed, the mayor issued a proclamation, requesting the citizens to suspend their business on Monday, the 27th inst., and attend the fiunerals of the deceased. On Monday, the court of common pleas adjourned for this purpose, shops were closed, and the business of the day was set aside. The bells were tolled, and little was done save to aid in performing the last sad rites of the dead. They had fallen in the public service, and the public mind was anxious to testify to their virtues and bespeak the sorrow felt for the common loss. Never, indeed, did we ever observe a deeper solemnity than pervaded the immense masses who attended the funeral services of Chamberlain and Edmands. Close around their biers, pressed the brave firemen who had stood by their side whenever their common services were required; and as the men of God lifted up their voices in prayer, and spoke of the virtues of the dead, their emotion was too strong to be suppressed; and as they stood at the altar and the grave, they gave strorng utterance to their own and the public sorrow. And thus were these useful citizens and worthy men borne to their long home. 228 HAMILTON COUNTY. - The engraving shows the old Baptist church, at Columbia, as it ap- peared in 1830, even to the loose weather-board ing. It was taken down E in 1835, but we have not the date of its erection. The engraving is copied from one in the Ameri- can Pioneer, where it is stated that this was the first house of worship - built in Ofli, which, from some evidence produ ced below, we think is an error. The society which worshipped in it, was constituted in 1790, by Dr. Stephen Gano. We have previously slightly noticed the his tory of the settlement at present, in addition, some late O. M. Spencer, who Columbia, the second in Ohio, and now reminiscences from the narrative of the was there as early as December, 1790. It is, perhaps, unknown to many, that the broad and extensive plain stretching along the Ohio from the Crawfish to the mouth, and for three miles up the Little Miami, and now divided into farms, highly cultivated, was the ancient site of Columbia, a town laid out by Major Benjamin Stites, its original proprietor; and by him and others once expected to become a large city, the great capital of the west. From Crawfish, the small creek forming its northwestern boundary, more than one mile up the Ohio, and extending back about three-fourths of a mile, and half way up the high hill which formed a part of its eastern and northern limits, the ground was laid off into blocks, containing each eight lots of half an acre, bounded by streets intersected at right angles. The residue of the plain was divided into lots of four and five acres, for the accommodation of the town. Over this plain, on our arrival, we found scattered about fifty cabins, flanked by a small stockade nearly half a mile below the mouth of the Miami, together with a few block-houses for the protection of the inhabitants, at suitable distalnces along the bank of the Ohio. Fresh in my remembrance is the rude log-house, the first humble sanctuary of the first settlers of Columbia, standing amidst the tall forest trees, on the beautiful knoll, where now [1834] is a grave-yard, and the ruins of a Baptist meeting-house of later years. There, on the holy Sabbath, we were wont to assemble to hear the word of life; but our fathers met, with their muskets and rifles, prepared for action, and ready to repel any attack of the enemy. And while the watchman on the walls of Zion was uttering his faithful and pathetic warning, the sentinels without, at a few rods distance, with measured step, were now pacing their walks, and now standing and with strained eyes endeavoring to pierce through the distance, carefully scanning every object that seemed to have life or motion. The first clergyman I there heard preach was Mr. Gano, father of the late Gen. Gano, of this city, then a captain, and one of the earliest settlers of Columbia. Never shall I forget that holy and venerable man, with locks white with years, as with a voice tremulous with age, he ably expounded the word of truth. I well recollect, that in 1791, so scarce and dear was flour, that the little that could be afforded in families, was laid by to be used only in sickness, or for the entertainment of 229 Old Baptist Church at Columnbia. HAMILTON COUNTY. friends; and although corn was then abundant, there was but one mill, (Wickerharn's,) a floating mill, on the Little Miami, near where Turpin's now [1834] stands: it was built in a small flat boat tied to the bank, its wheel turning slowly with the natural current running between the flat and a small pirogue anchored in the stream, and on which one end of its shaft rested; and having only one pair of small stones, it was at best barely sufficient to supply meal for the inhabitants of Columbia and the neighboring families; and sometimes, from low water and other unfavorable circumstances, it was of little use, so that we were obliged to supply the deficiency from hand-mills, a most laborious mode of grinding. The winter of 179l-2, was followed by an early and delightful spring; indeed, I have often thought that our first western winters were much milder, our springs earlier, and our autumns longer than they now are. On the last of February, some of the trees were putting forth their foliage; in March, the red bud, the hawthorn and the dog-wood, in full bloom, checkered the hills, displaying their beautiful colors of rose and lily; and in April, the ground was covered with May apple, bloodroot, ginseng, violets, and a great variety of herbs and flowers. Flocks of parroquets were seen, decked in their rich plumage of green and gold. Birds of various species, and of every hue, were flitting from tree to tree, and the beautiful redbird, and the untaught songster of the west, made the woods vocal with their melody. Now might be heard the plaintive wail of the dove, and now the rumbling drum of the partridge, or the loud gobble of the turkey. Here might be seen the clumsy bear, doggedly moving off, or urged by pursuit into a laboring gallop, retreating to his citadel in the top of some lofty tree; or approached suddenly, raising himself erect in the attitude of defence, facing his enemy and waiting his approach; there the timid deer, watchfully resting, or cautiously feedig, or aroused from his thicket, gracefully bounding off, then stopping, erecting his stately head and for a moment gazing around, or snuffing the air to ascertain his enemy, instantly springing off, clearing logs and bushes at a bound, and soon distancing his pursuers. It seemed an earthly paradise; and but for apprehension of the wily copperhead, who lay silently coiled among the leaves, or beneath the plants, waiting to strike his victim; the horrid rattle-snake, who more chivalrous, however, with head erect amidst its ample folds, prepared to dart upon his foe, generously with the loud noise of his rattle, apprised him of danger; and the still more fearful and insidious savage, who, crawling upon the ground, or noiselessly approaching behind trees and thickets, sped the deadly shaft or fatal bullet, you might have fancied you were in the confines of Eden or the borders of Elysium. At this delightful season, the inhabitants of our village went forth to their labor, inclosing their fields, which the spring flood had opened, tilling their ground, and planting their corn for their next year's sustenance. I said, went forth, for their principal corn-field was distant from Columbus about one and a half miles east, and adjoining the extensive plain on which the town stood. That large tract of alluvial ground, still known by the name of Turkey Bottom, and which, lying about fifteen feet below the adjoining plain, and annually overflowed, is yet very fertile, was laid off into lots of five acres each, and owned by the inhabitants of Columbia; some possessing one, and others two or more lots; and to save labor, was enclosed with one fence. Here the men generally worked in companies exchanging labor, or in adjoining fields, with their fire-arms near them, that in case of tm attack they might be ready to unite for their common defence. Here, their usual annual crop of corn from ground very ordinarily cultivated, was eighty bushels per acre; and some lots, well tilled, produced a hundred, and in very favorable seasons, a hundred and ten bushels to the acre. An inhabitant of New England, New Jersey, or some portions of Maryland, would scarcely think it credible, that in hills four feet apart, were four or five stalks, one and a half inches in diameter, and fifteen feet in height, bearing each two or three ears of corn, of which some were so far from the ground, that to pull them an ordinary man was obliged to stand on tiptoe. North Bend is situated 16 miles below Cincinnati, and 4 from the Indiana line, at the northernmost point of a bend in the Ohio river. This place, which was of note in the early settlement of the country, has in later years derived its interest from having been the residence of Gen. Wm. H. Harrison, and the spot where rest his mortal remains. The family mansion stands on a level plat, about 300 yards back from the Ohio, amid scenery of a pleasing and retired character. The eastern half of the mansion, that is, all that part on the reader's right, from the door in the main building, is built of logs; but the 230 HAMILTON. COUNTY. whole of the building being clapboarded and painted white, has the sanie external appearance. The wings were alike: a part of the southern one was destroyed by fire since the decease of its illustrious occupant, a memento of which disaster is shown by the naked Residence of the late President Harrison, at Northh Ben(l. chimney, that rises like a monument over the ruins. Th-e dwelling is respectably, though plainly furnished, and is at present occupied by the widow of the lamented Harrison, long distinguished for the virtues which adorn the female character. About a quarter of a mile south of the family mansion, and perhaps half that distance from the river, is the tomb of Harrison. It Tomb of President Harrison. stands upon the summit of a small oval-shaped hill, rising about 100 feet from the plain, ornamented by a few scattering trees, and commanding a view of great beauty. The tomb is of brick, and is 231 HAMILTON COUNTY. entered by a plain, unpainted door, on its western end. There is no inscription upon it, nor is any required to mark the resting place of Harrison. The annexed sketch of General Harrison, is mainly derived from that published in the National Portrait Gallery, in 1836. WILLIAMI HENRY HARRISON was born at Berkley, the family seat of his father, (i i James river, 25 miles from Richmond, Virginia, in 1773. v lie was the youngest of three sons of Benjamin Harrison, a descendant of the celebrated leader of 7 the same name in the wars of Cromwell. Benjamin Hlarrison occupied a conspicuous part in our own revolutionary struggle, and was one of the _Fac-simile of Harrison's signature. most active of that daritng band who set the ball in motion. He represented Virginia in congress, in 1774,'75, and'76. He was chairman of the committee of the whole house, when the declaration of independence was agreed to, and was one of its signers. He w as elected governor of Virginia, and was one of the most popular officers that ever filled the executive chair. He died in 1791. Wm. Henry Harrison was early placed at Hamnpden Sydney College, which he left at 17 years of age, his mind well imbued with classical literature, and deeply impressed with adiiiration of the principles of republican Greece and Rome. In obedience to the wishes of his father, whose hospitable and liberal conduct through life prevented him from promising wealth to his son, he entered on the study of medicine; and after a short preparatory course, he repaired, in the spring of 1791, to Philadelphia, to prosecute his studies with greater advantage. The death of his father immediately after his arrival, checked his professional aspirations; and the "note of preparation" which was sounding through the country, for a campaign against the Indians of the west, decided his destiny. He resolved to enter into the service of his government, and to create a name for himself worthy of his father. His guardian, the celebrated Robert Morris, opposed his wishes with all the eloquence of his great mind; but it was in vain that he placed the enterprise before the enthusiastic youth in all its hardships and privations. In order to deter him from his project, he painted an Indian war in a remote and untried wilderness in the darkest colors; he spoke of victory, against such foes, as not involving glory; but of defeat, as insuring disgrace. The remonstrances of his friend and guardian were fruitless, and General Washington at length yielded to the importunities of the youth; he presented hin with an ensign's commission. With characteristic ardor he departed for Fort Washington, now Cincinnati; where, however, he arrived too late to participate in the unfortunate campaign. The fatal 4th of November had passed, and he was only in time to learn the earliest intelligence of the death of Butler, and of Oldham, and of the unparalleled massacre of the army of St. Clair. The return of the broken troops had no effect in damping the zeal of young Harrison. He devoted himself ardently to the study of the theory of the higher tactics; his education gave him advantages possessed by few young soldiers of that day; and when, in the succeeding year, the gallant Wayne assumed the command, Ensign Harrison was immediately noticed by this experienced commander, and selected by him for one of his aids. The judicious movemnents of the new army, and the success which crowned the campaign under Wayne, are a brilliant portion of our history. Harrison distinguished himself handsomely in Wayne's victory, and his chief did him the justice to name him specially in the official report of the engagement. After the treaty of Greenville, 1795, Captain Harrison was left in command of Fort Washington; and shoitly after the departure of General Wayne for the Atlantic states, he married the daughter of Judge Symmes, the proprietor of the Miami purchase. The writer of this brief sketch cannot let the opportunity slip, without offering a passing tribute to the virtues of this estimable woman. She is distinguished for her benevolen,ce and her piety; all who know her, view her with esteem and affection; and her whole course through life, in all its relations, has been characterized by those qualifications that complete the character of an accomplished matron. The idleness and dissipation of a garrison life comported neither with the taste nor active temper of Captain Harrison. He resigned his commission, and commenced his civil career, at the age of twenty-four years, as secretary of the north-western territory. His capacity was soon noticed by the leaders in the new territory, and he was elected, in 1799, the first delegate in congress for that extensive region, now comprising the states of Ohio, Indiana, 232 HAMILTON COUNTY. Illinois, and the territory of Michigan. The first and general object of his attention as a representative, was an alteration of the land system of the territory. The law, as it then existed, ordained that not less than four thousand acres (except in particular cases of fractions on the banks of rivers) could be sold at once. The operation of such an ordinance must have been fatal to that class of population, whose industry and labor have since caused the country to advance with such rapid strides to wealth and greatness; it was alone calculated to benefit the speculator and rich monopolist. He was appointed chairman of the committee on lands, (the only instance, it is believed, in the history of our legislation, in which a delegate was so distinguished,) and with the aid of the able men who cooperated with him, he presented the celebrated land report, based on his own previous motion. A bill was framed, and after undergoing some amendments in the senate, was passed into a law, by which one half of the public lands were divided into sections of six hundred and forty acres, and the other into half sections of three hundred and twenty acres. The old system of forfeiture for non-payment was abolished, and payment ordered to be made, one fourth in hand, and the balance at the end of two, three, and four years, allowing still one year, after the expiration of the fourth year, to enable the purchaser to extricate himself, if necessary. This was a point gained, although it was not all the delegate contended for. To this measure is to be imputed the rapid settlement of the country; and if Mr. Harrison had then been called from this world, without rendering any other service to his country, he would richly have merited the title of benefactor of the territory northwest of the Ohio. The reputation acquired by the young delegate from his legislative success, created a pirty in his favor, who intimated a desire that he should supersede the venerable governor of the territory. But Mr. Harrison checked the development of this feeling as soon as it wa-s.iade known to him. He cherished too high a veneration for the pure and patriotic St. Clair; he had too just an estimate of the splendid talents of the governor, and too nmuch isynii)athy tor the war-worn, though sometimes unfortunate hero, to sanction an atteinpt, w hich, whether successful or not, would have inflicted one more pang in the bosom of the veteran. A soldier can best feel for a soldier; he declined the interference of his friends, and the subject was dropped. But when, shortly after, Indiana was erected into a separate territory, he was appointed by Mr. Adams the first governor. Previously, however, to quitting congress, hlie was present at the discussion of the bill for the settlement of Judge Symmes' purchase; and although this gentleman was his father-in-law, he took an active part in favor of those individuals who had purchased from him before he had obtained his patent. It was viewed as a matter of doubt, whether those who had sued the judge in the courts of common law, would be entitled to the remedy in equity against him. He went before the committee in person, and urged them to insert a provision in their favor. Nor did he desist until assured by the attorney general and Mr. Harper, that these persons canme fully under the provisions of the act as it then stood. This was the impulse of stern duty; for at the moment he was thus engaged, he considered himself as jeoparding a large pecuniary interest of his father-in-law. In 1801, Governor Harrison entered upon the duties of his new office, at the old military post of Vincennes. The powers with which he was vested by law have never, since the organization of our government, been conferred upon any other officer,* civil or military; and the arduous character of the duties he had to perform, can only be appreciated by those who are acquainted with the savage and cunning temper of the northwestern Indians; with the genius of the early pioneers, and the nature of a frontier settlement. The dangers of such actions as the battle of Tippecanoe, the defence of Fort Meigs, and the battle of the Thames, are appreciated and feli by all; and the victories which were consequent upon them have crowned the victors with a never fading wreath: but these acts, brilliant as they were, fade when put in comparison with the unremitting labor and exposure to which, for many years after the organization of the first grade of territorial government, the new executive was exposed. The whole territory consisted of three settlements, so widely separated that it was impossible for them to contribute to their mutual defence or encouragement. The first was Clarke's grant at the falls of Ohio; the second, the old French establishment at Vincennes; and the third extended from Kaskaskia to Kahokia, on the Mississippi; the whole comprising a population of about five thousand souls. The territory thus defenceless, presented a frontier, assailable almost at every point, on the northeast, north, and northwest boundaries. Numerous tribes of warlike Indians were thickly scattered throughout the northern portion of the territory, and far beyond its limits, * Among his duties was that of commissioner to treat with the Indians. In this capacity, he concluded fifteen treaties, and purchased their title to upwards of seventy millions of acres of land. 30 233 HAMILTON COUNTY. whose hostile feelings were constantly inflamed by the intrigues of British agents and traders, if not by the immediate influence of the English government itself, and not un frequently by the uncontrollable outrages of the American hunters themselves; a circum stance which it always has been found impossible to prevent, in the early settlement of the west. Governor Harrison applied himself with characteristic energy and skill. It seems truly miraculous to us, when we retrospect into the early history of his government, that he should have been able to keep down Indian invasion in the infant state of the territory, seeing the great capacity the savages displayed for harassing him at a period when his re sources and means had so much increased. The fact proclaims loudly the talents of the chief. Justice tempered by mildness; conciliation and firmness, accompanied by a never slumbering watchfulness; were the means he used. These enabled him to surmount diffi culties, under which an ordinary capacity must have been prostrated. The voluminous cor respondence of Governor Harrison with Mr. Jefferson, from 1802 till 1809, is a recorded testimony of the ability and success of his administration. During the year 1811, however, the intrigues of British agents operating on the passions of the Indians, brought affairs to a crisis which rendered hostilities unavoidable. Tecum seh, and his prophet brother, had been laboring unceasingly, since 1805, to bring about this result. Harrison called upon Colonel Boyd, of the 4th United States regiment, then at Pittsburg, (who immediately joined him,) and embodied a militia force as strong as the emergency would permit. To these were added a small but gallant band of chivalrous volunteers from Kentucky, consisting of about sixty-five individuals. With these he com menced his march towards the prophet's town at Tippecanoe. On the 6th of November he arrived in sight of the Indian village, and in obedience to his orders, made several fruit less attempts to negotiate with the savages. Finding it impossible to bring them to any discussion, he resolved to encamp for the night, under a promise from the chiefs to hold a conference next day. He sent forward Brigade Major Clarkle and Major Waller Taylor, to select a proper position for the encampment. These officers shortly after returned, and reported that they had found a situation well calculated for the purpose, and on examina tion, the commander approved of it. Subsequent examination has proved that the ground was admirably adapted to baffle the success of a sudden attack, the only kind which the great experience of Harrison assured him would be attempted. The men reposed upon the spot which each, individually, should occupy, in case of attack. The event justified the anticipations of the chief. On the morning of the 7th, before daylight, the onset was made with the usual yells and impetuosity. But the army was ready; Harrison had risen some time before, and had roused the officers near him. Our limits do not permit us to enter into a detail of the action; the arrangement of the troops was masterly, and spoke the well educated and experienced soldier. The Indians fought with their usual desperation, and maintained their ground for some time with extraordinary courage. Victory declared in favor of discipline, at the expense, however, of some of the most gallant spirits of the age. Among the slain were Colonels Daveis and Owen, of Kentucky, and Captain Spencer, of Indiana. Governor Harrison received a bullet through his stock, without touching his neck. The legislature of Kentucky, at its next session, while in mourning for her gallant dead, passed the following resolution, viz: "Resolved, That Governor William H. Harrison has behaved like a hero, a patriot and general; and that for his cool, deliberate, skillful and gallant conduct, in the battle of Tippecanoe, he well deserves the thanks of the nation." From this period, until after the declaration of war against England, Governor Harrison was unremittingly engaged in negotiating with the Indians, and preparing to resist a more extended attack from them. In August, 1812, he received the brevet of major general in the Kentucky militia, to enable him to command the forces marching to relieve Detroit. He immediately applied himself to the proper organization of his army on the northwestern frontier. The surrender of Hull changed the face of affairs; he was appointed a major general in the army of the United States, and his duties embraced a larger sphere. Every thing was in confusion, and every thing was to be done; money, arms and men were to be raised. It is under circumstances like these that the talents of a great general are developed more powerfully than in conducting a battle. To do justice to this part of the biography of Harrison, requires a volume of itself. Becoming stronger from reverses, collecting munitions of war, and defending Fort Meigs, were the prominent features of his operations, until we find him in pursuit of Proctor, on the Canadian shore. On the 5th of October, 1813, he brought the British army and their Indian allies, under Proctor and Tecumseh, to action, near the river Thames. The victory achieved by militia over the disciplined troops of England, on this brilliant day, was decisive; and like the battle of the Cowpens, in the war of the revolution, spread joy and animation over the whole union. 234 HAMILTON COUNTY. For this important action, congress presented General Harrison with a gold medal. The success of the day is mainly attributable to the novel expedient of charging through the British lines with mounted infantry. The glory of originating this maneuvre belongs exelusively to General Harrison. The northwestern frontier being relieved, and important aid given to that of Niagara, General Harrison left his troops at Sacket's Harbor, under the command of Colonel Smith, and departed for Washington by the way of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. On the whole route he was received with enthusiasm, and honored with the highest marks of distinction that can be offered to a citizen bv a republican people. Owing to a nmisunderstanding between Mr. Secretary Armstrong and himself, General Harrison resigned his commission in the spring of 1814. Mr. Madison sincerely deplored this step, and assured Governor Shelby, in a letter written immediately after the resignation, "that it would not have been accepted had he been in Washington." It was received and accepted by Secretary Armstrong, while the president was absent at the springs. General hIarrison retired to his farml at North Bend, in Ohio, from which he was successively called by the people, to represent them in the congress of the United States, and in the legislature of the state. In 18245, he was elected to the senate of the United States; and in 1828, he was appointed minister to Columbia, which station he held until hlie was recalled by President Jackson, not for any alledged fault, but in consequence of some difference of views on the Panama question. Geniieral Harrison again returned to the pursuits of agriculture at North Bend. In 1834, on the almost unanimous petition of the citizens of the county, he was appointed prothonotary of the court of Hamilton county. In 184U, General Harrison was called by the people of the United States to preside over the country as its chief magistrate. His election was a triumphant one; of 294 votes for president, he received 234. From the time when he was first nominated for the office until his death, he had been rising in public esteem and confidence; he entered upon the duties of his office with an uncommon degree of popularity, and a high expectation was cherished that his administration would be honorable to himself and advantageous to the country. His death, which took place April 4th, 1841, just a month after his inauguration, caused a deep sensation throughout the country. He was the first president of the United States that had died in office. The members of his cabinet, in their official notification of the event, said: "The people of the United States, overwhelmed like ourselves by an event so unexpected and so melancholy. will derive consolation from knowing that his death was calm and resigned, as his life had been patriotic, useful and distinguished; and that the last utterance of his lips expressed a fervent desire for the perpetuity of the constitution and the preservation of its true principles. In death, as in life, the happiness of his country was uppermost in his thoughts." President Harrison was distinguished by a generosity and liberality of feeling which was exercised beyond what strict justice to himself and family should have permitted. With ample opportuity for amassing immense wealth, he ever disdained to profit by his public situation for private emolument. His theory was too rigidly honest to permit him to engage in speculation, and his chivalry was too sensitive to permit him to use the time belonging to his country, for private benefit. After nearly fifty years devotion to his duties in the highest stations, he left at his death but little more to his family than the inheritance of an unsullied reputation. About 30 rods in a westerly direction from the tomb of Harrison, on an adjacent hill, in a family cemetery, is the grave of Judge Symmes. It is covered by a tablet, laid horizontally upon brick work, slightly raised from the ground. On it is the following inscription: I Here rest the remains of John Cleves Symnies, who, at the foot of these hills, made the first settlement between the Miami rivers. Born on Long Island, state of New York, July 21st, A. D. 1742. Died at Cincinnati, February 26, A.D. 1814. Mr. Symmes was born at Riverhead, on Long Island, and early in life was employed in land surveying, and in teaching school. He served in the war of the revolution, though in what capacity is not known, and was in the battle of Saratoga. Having removed to 235 HAMILTON COUNTY. New Jersey, he became chief justice of the state, and at one time represented it in congress. As early as 1787, and at the same time with the agents of the Ohio company, he made application to congress, in the name of himself and associates, for the purchase of a large tract of land lying between the two Miamies. "The price was 66 cents per acre, to be paid in United States military land Block House, near North Bend. warrants, and certificates of debt due from the United States to individuals. The payments were divided into six annual instalments. His associates were principally composed of the officers of the New Jersey line who had served in the war of the revolution. Among them were General Dayton and Elias Boudinot, D. D. His first contract was for one million of acres, made in October, 1788, but owing to the difficulty of making the payments, and the embarrassments growing out of the Indian war, the first contract was not fulfilled, and a new one was made for two hundred and forty-eight thousand acres, in May, 1794, and a patent issued to him and his associates in September following."* Meanwhile, in the spring of 1789, Judge Symmes had located himself at North Bend, where he laid out "Symmes' city," the fate of which has already been stated. The residence of Judge Symmes stood about a mile northwest of his grave. It was destroyed by fire in March, 1811, and all his valuable papers consumed. It was supposed to have been the act of an individual, out of revenge for his refusal to vote for him as a justice of the peace. At the treaty of Greenville, the Indians told him and others, that in the war, they had frequently brought up their rifles to shoot him, and then recognizing him, refrained from pulling the trigger. This was in consequence of his previous kindness to them, and speaks volumes in praise of his benevolence. On the farm of the late Wm. Henry Harrison, jr., three miles * Dr. S. P. Hildreth, in the American Pioneer. 236 HANCOCK COUNTY. below North Bend, and two from the Indiana line, was a settlement made at the same time with North Bend. It was called the Sugar Camp settlement, and was composed of about thirty houses. The settlers there erected a block house, near the Ohio river, as a protection against the Indians. It is now standing, though in a more dilapidated condition than represented in the engraving. It is built of logs, in the ordinary manner of block houses, the distinguishing feature of which is, that from the height of a man's shoulder, the building, the rest of the way up, projects a foot or two from the lower part, leaving, at the point of junction between the two parts, a cavity, through which to thrust rifles, on the approach of enemies. There are several villages in the county, each containing from 200 to 700 inhabitants. They are Harrison, 20 miles from Cincinnati, on the Indiana line; Mt. Pleasant, on the west turnpike to Hamilton, 10 mtles from C.; Springfield, on the east turnpike to Hamilton, 15 from C.; Montgomery, 13 miles from C., on the Lebanon road; Miami, 14 miles from C., on the road to Brookville, Indiana; Reading 10, and Sharon, 13 from C., each on the Lebanon turnpike; and Newtown, 10 from C., on the Batavia road. Elizabethtown, Cheviot, Cleve, Warsaw, Sharpsburg, Madisonville, Cummingsville, Burlington and Columbia are small places. About six miles north of Cincinnati, in a beautiful situation among the hills, has lately been built the Farmer's Academy, a chartered institution. HANCOCK. HANCOCK was formed, April Ist, 1820, and named from John Hancock, first president of the revolutionary congress. The surface is level; the soil is black loam, mixed with sand, and based on limestone and very fertile. Its settlers are generally of Pennsylvania origin. The principal products are pork, wheat, corn, oats and maple sugar. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population. Amanda, 490 Findlay, 1024. Portage, 675 Big Lick, 431 Jackson, 631 Richland, 332 Blanchard, 629 Liberty, 592 Ridge, 479 Cass, 588 Marion, 707 Union, 637 Delaware, 532 Orange, 314 Van Buren, 432 Eagle, 524 Pleasant, 252 Washington, 830 The population of Hancock in 1830, was 813; and in 1840, 10,099, or 17 inhabitants to a square mile. The central and southern part of this county is watered by Blanchard's fork of the Auglaize and its branches. The Shawnee name of this stream was Sho-po-qua-te-sepe, or Tailor's river. It seems that Blanchard, from whom this stream was named, was a tailor, or one that sewed garments. He was a native of France, and a man of intelligence; but no part of his history could be ob 237 HANCOCK COUNTY. tained from him. He doubtless fled his country for some offense against its laws, intermarried with a Shawnee woman, and after living here thirty years, died in 1802, at or near the site of Fort Findlay. When the Shawnese emigrated to the west, seven of his children were living, one of whom was a chief.* In the war of 1812, a road was cut through this county, over which the troops for the northwest passed. Among these was the army of Hull, which was p)iloted by Isaac Zane, M'Pherson and Robert Armstrong. View in Findlay. Findlay, the county seat, is on Blanchard's fork, 90 miles northeast of Columbus. It contains 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist church, 1 academy, 2 newspaper printing offices, 13 mercantile stores, 1 foundery, 1 clothing, 1 flouring and 1 grist mill, and 112 families. A branch railroad has been surveyed from Cary, on the Mad river railroad, to this place, a distance of 16 miles, which will probably ere long be constructed. Findlay derives its name from Fort Findlay, built in the late war by James Findlay, who was a citizen of Cincinnati, a colonel in the late war, and afterwards a member of congress. This fort stood on the south bank of Blanchard's fork, just west of the present bridge. It was a stockade of about fifty yards square, with block houses at its corners, and a ditch in front. It was used as a depot for military stores and provisions. About 9 o'clock one dark and windy night in the late war, Capt. Wm. Oliver, (now of Cincinnati,) in company with a Kentuckian, left Fort Meigs for Fort Findlay, on an errand of importance, the distance being about 33 miles. They had scarcely started on their dreary and perilous journey, when they unexpectedly came upon an Indian camp, around the fires of which, the Indians were busy cooking their suppers. Disturbed by the noise of their approach, the savages sprang up and ran towards them. At this they reined their horses into the branches of a fallen tree. Fortunately the horses, as if conscious of the danger, stood perfectly still, and the Indians passed around the tree, without making any discovery in the thick darkness. At this juncture, Oliver and his companion put spurs to their horses and dashed forwards into the. woods, through which they passed all the way to their point of destination. They arrived safely, but with their clothes completely torn off by the brambles and bushes, and their bodies bruised all over by contusions against the trees. They had scarcely arrived in the fort, when the Indians in pursuit made their appearance, but too late, for their prey had escaped. * Col. John Johnston. 238 lIARDIN COUNTY. The town of Findlay was first laid out by Ex-Gov. Joseph Vance and Elnathan Corry, in 1821, and in 1829 relaid out, lots sold and a settlement systemiticallv commenced. In the fall of 1821, however, Wilson Vance (brother of the above) moved into Findlay with his family. There wel e then some ten or fifteen Wyandot families in the place, who had made improvements. They were a temperate, fine-looking people, and friendly to the first settlers. There were at this time but six other white families in the county, besides that of Mr. Vance. Mr. V. is now the oldest settler in the county. For the first two or three years, all the grain which he used, he brought in teams from his brothers' mills in Champaign county, about forty miles distant. To this should be excepted some little corn which he bought of the Indians, for which he occasionally paid as high as $1 per bushel, and ground it in a hand-mill. There are some curiosities in the town and county, worthy of note. At the south end of Findlay are two gas wells. From one of them, the gas has been conducted by a pipe into a neighboring dwelling, and used for light. A short distance west of the bridge, on the north bank of Blanchard's fork at Findlay, is a chalybeate spring of excellent medicinal qualities, and from which issues inflammable gas. In the eastern part of the town, is a mineral spring possessing similar qualities. Three miles south of Findlay, is a sycamore of great height, and 34 feet in circumference at its base. Ten miles below Findlay, on the west bank of Blanchard's fork, on the road to Defiance, are two sugar maple trees, 30 feet distant at their base, which, about 60 feet up, unite and form one trunk, and thus continue from thence up, the body of one actually growing into the other, so that each loose their identity and form one entire tree. Mount Blanchard, Williamstown, Canonsburg, Benton, Van Buren and Risdon are small places, the largest of which may contain 30 dwellings. HARDIN. HARDIN was formed from old Indian territory, April 1st, 1820. About half of the county is level, and the remainder undulating: the soil is part gravel y loam and part clayey, and based on limestone. The principal productions are wheat, corn and swine. The following is a list of the townships in 1840, with their population. Blanchara, 241 Jackson, 260 Pleasant, 569 Cissna, 259 Liberty, 170 Round Head, 564 Dudley, 349 Marion, 177 Taylor Creek, 400 Goshen, 549 M'Donald, 285 Washington, 203 Hale, 267 The population of Hardin, in 1840, was 4583, or 9 inhabitants to a square nle. 289 HARDIN COUNTY. Col. JoHN HARDIN, from whom this county was named, was an officer of distinction in the early settlement of the west. He was born of humble parentage, in Fauquier county, Virginia, in 1753. From his very youth, he was initiated into the life of a woodsman, and acquired uncommon skill as a marksman ana a hunter. In the spring of 1774, young Hardin, then not 21 years of age, was appointed an ensign in a militia company, and shortly after, in an action with the Indians, was wounded in the knee. Before he had fully recovered from his wound, he joined the noted expedition of Dunmore. In the war of the revolution, he was a lieutenant in Morgan's celebrated rifle corps. He was high in the esteem of General Morgan, and was often selected for enterprises of peril, requiring discretion and intrepidity. On one of these occasions, while with the northern army, he was sent out on a reconnoitering expedition, with orders to take a prisoner, for the purpose of obtaininig information. Marching silently in advance of his party, he ascended to the top of all abrupt hill, where he met two or three British soldiers and a Mohawk Indian. The moment was critical. Hardin felt no hesitation-his rifle was instantly presented, and they ordered to surrender. The soldiers immediately threw down their arms-the Indian clubbed his gun. They stood, while he continued to advance on them: but none of his men having come up, and thinking he might want some assistance, he turned his head a little and called to them to come on: at this moment, the Indian, observing his eye with irawn from him, reversed his gun with a rapid motion, in order to shoot Hardin; when he, catching in his vision the gleam of light reflected from the polished barrel, with equal rapidity apprehended its meaning, and was prompt to prevent the dire effect. He brings his rifle to a level in his own hands, and fires without raising it to his face-he had not time, the attempt would have given the Indian the first fire, on that depended life and death-he gained it, and gave the Indian a mortal wound; who, also, firing in the succeeding moment, sent his ball through Hardin's hair. The rest of the party made no resstance, but were marched to camp. On this occasion, Hardin received the thanks of General Gates. In 1786, he settled in Washington county, Kentucky, and there was no expedition into the Indian country after he settled in Kentucky, except that of General St. Clair, which he was prevented from joining from an accidental lameness, in which he was not engaged. In these, he generally distinguished himself by his gallantry and success. In Harmar's expedition, however, he was unfortunate, being defeated by the Indians when on a detached command, near Fort Wayne. Colonel Hardin was killed in the 39th year of his age. He wassays Marshall, in his history of Kentucky, from which these facts are derived-a man of unassuming manners, and great gentleness of deportment; yet of singular firmness and inflexibility as to matters of truth and justice. Prior to the news of his death, such was his popularity in Kentucky, that he was appointed general of the first brigade. Colonel Hardin was killed by the Indians, in 1792. He was sent by General Washing ton on a mission of peace to them-and was on his way to the Shawnees' town. He had reached within a few miles of his point of destination, and was within what is now Shelby county, in this state, when he was overtaken by a few Indians, who proposed encamping with him, and to accompany him the next day to the residence of their chiefs. In the night, they basely murdered him, as was alledged, for his horse and equipments, which were attractive and valuable. His companion, a white man, who spoke Indian, and acted as interpreter, was uninjured. When the chiefs heard of Hardin's death, they were sorry, for they desired to hear what the messenger of peace had to communicate. A town was laid out on the spot some years since, on the state road from Piqua through Wapakonetta, and named, at the suggestion of Col. John Johnston, Hardin, to perpetuate the memory and sufferings of this brave and patriotic man. A son of his was lately secretary to the commonwealth of Kentucky. Fort M'Arthur was a fortification built in the late war, on the Scioto river, in this county, and on Hull's road. The site was a low, flat place, in the far woods, and with but little communication with the settlements, as no person could go from one to the other but at the peril of his life, the woods being infested with hostile Indians. The fort was a weak stockade, enclosing about half an acre. There were two block houses; one in the northwest, and the other ill the southeast angle. Seventy or eighty feet of the enclosure was composed of a rvow of log corn cribs, covered with a shed roof, 240 -W HARDIN COUNTY. sloping inside. A part of the pickets were of split timber, and lapped at the edges: others were round logs, set up ei.dways, and touching each other. The rows of huts for the garrison were a few feet from the walls. It was a post of much danger, liable at any moment to be attacked. It was at one time commanded by Captain Robert M'Clelland, who recently died in Greene county. He was brave, and when roused, brave to rashness. While he commanded at Fort M'Arthur, one of his men had gone a short distance from the walls for the purpose of peeling bark-while he was engaged at a tree, he was shot twice through the body, by a couple of Indians in ambush, whose rifles went off so near together that the reports were barely distinguishable. He uttered one piercing scream of agony, and ran with almost superhuman speed, but fell before he reached the fort. An instant alarm was spread through the garrison, as no doubt was entertained but that this was the commencement of a general attack, which had been long expected. Instead of shutting the gates to keep out danger, M'CIelland seized his rifle, and calling on some of his men to follow, of which but few obeyed, he hastened to the place of ambush and made diligent search for the enemy, who, by an instant and rapid retreat, had effected their escape; nor did he return until he had scoured the woods all around in the vicinity of the fort.* Kenton, the county seat, is on the Scioto river and Mad river railroad, 71 miles northwest of Columbus, and 78 from Sandusky City. It was laid out only a few years since, and named from Gen. Simon Kenton, a sketch of whom is under the head of Logan county. The view shown was taken southwest of the town. The railroad is shown in front, with the depot on the left: the Presbyterian church appears near the center of the view. In the center of the town is a neat public square. From the facilities furnished by the railroad, Kenton promises to be an inland town of considerable business and population. It now contains 8 dry goods and 4 grocery stores, 1 newspaper printing office, 1 foundery, 1 grist and 1 saw mill, 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist church, and had in 1840, 300 inhabitants, since which it is estimated to have more than doubled its population. There is a house in this town, the rain flowing from its north ridge finds its way to Lake Erie, and that from its south ridge to the Gulf of Mexico. Patterson, 10 miles north, on the railroad, and Roundhead, 14 southwest of Kenton, are small villages. This Kenton. * Thomas C. Wright. 31 241 HARRISON COUNTY. last was named from Roundhead, a Wyandot chief, who had a village there. Major Galloway, who visited it about the year 1800, says that there were then quite a number of apple trees in the village, and that the Indians raised many swine. Roundhead, whose Indian name was Stiahta, was a fine looking man. He had a brother named John Battise, of great size and personal strength. His nose, which was enormous, resembled, in hue, a blue potatoe, was full of indentations, and when he laughed, it shook like jelly. These Indians joined the British in the late war, and Battise was killed at Fort Meigs. HARRISON. HARRISON was formed Jan. 1st, 1814, from Jefferson and Tuscarawas, and named from Gen. Wm. H. Harrison. It is generally very hilly: these hills are usually beautifully curving and highly cultivated. The soil is clayey, in which coal and limestone abound. It is one of the greatest wool-growing counties in Ohio, having, in 1847, 102,971 sheep. Large quantities of wheat, corn, oats and hay are produced, and a considerable number of horses, cattle and swine exported. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population. Archer, 1009 German, 1349 Nottingham, 1368 Athens, 1435 Green, 1465 Rumley, 1027 Cadiz, 2386 Monroe, 896 Short Creek, 2023 Franklin, 941 Moorefield, 1344 Stock, 826 Freeport, 1294 North, 1090 Washington, 1004 The population, in 1820, was 14,345, in 1830, 20,920, and in 1840, 20,099; or 50 inhabitants to a square mile. In April, 1799, Alex. Henderson and family, from Washington county, Pennsylvania, squatted on the southwest quarter of the section on which Cadiz stands: at this time, Daniel Peterson resided at the forks of Short Creek, with his family, the only one within the present limits of Harrison. In 1800, emigrants, principally from Western Pennsylvania, began to cross the Ohio river; and in the course of five or six years, there had settled within the county the following named persons, with their families, viz.: John Craig, John Taggart, John Jamison, John M'Fadden, John Kernahan, John Huff, John Maholm, John Wallace, John Lyons, Rev. John Rea, Danl. Welch, William Moore, Jas. Black, Saml. Dunlap, James Arnold, J)seph and Samuel M'Fadden, Saml. Gilmore, James Finney, Thos. and Robt. Vincent, Robert Braden, Jas. Wilkin, Samuel and George Kernahan, Thos. Dickerson, Joseph Holmes, James Hanna, Joseph, Wm. and Eleazer Huff, Baldwin Parsons, James Haverfield, Robert Cochran, Samuel Maholm, Hugh Teas, Joseph Clark, Morris West, Jacob Sheplar, Martin Snider, Saml. Osborn, Saml. Smith, and perhaps others, besides those in Cadiz and on Short Creek; Thomas Taylor, John Ross, Thos. Hitchcock, Arthur and Thomas Barrett, Robert and Thos. Maxwell, Absalom Kent, John Pugh, Michael Waxler, Wm. M'Clary, Joseph, Joel and Wm. Johnson, George Layport, William Ingles, Thos. Wilson, and perhaps others on Stillwater; John M'Connell, George Brown, John Love. Wm. and Robt. M'Cullough, Brokaw and others, on Wheeling creek. 242 HARRISON COUNTY. Robt. Maxwell, Wm. and Joseph Huff and Michael Maxler, were great hunters, and the three former had been Indian spies, and had many perilous adventures with the Indians. On one occasion, after peace, an Indian boasted, in the presence of Wm. Huff and others, that he had scalped so many whites. Towards evening, the Indian left for his wigwam, but never reached it. Being, shortly after, found killed, some inquiry was made as to the probable cause of his death, when Huff observed, that he had seen him the last time, sitting on a log, smoking his pipe; that he was looking at him and reflecting what he had said about scalping white people, when suddenly his pipe fell firom his mouth, and he, Huff, turned away, and had not again seen him until found dead. Beside frequent trouble with the Indians, the first settlers were much annoyed by wild animals. On one occasion, two sons of Geo. Layport having trapped a wolf, skinned it alive, turned it loose, and a few days after it was found dead. County Buildings at Cadiz. One mile west of the east boundary line of Harrison county, there was founded, in 1805, a Presbyterian church, called "Beach Spring," of which Rev. John Rea is at present, and for more than 40 years has been, the stated pastor. Their beginning was small; a log cabin, of not more than 20 feet square, was sufficient to contain all the members and all that attended with them. Their log cabin being burned down by accident, a large house, sufficient to contain a thousand worshippers, was raised in its room, and from 50 communing members, they increased in a short time to 3 and 400, and became the largest Presbyterian church in the state. Cadiz, the county seat, is a remarkably well-built and city-like town, 4 miles southeasterly from the center of the county, 11I easterly from Columbus, 24 westerly from Steubenville, and 24 niortherly from Wheeling. It contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Me,hodist Episcopal, 1 Associate, (Seceder,) and 1 Associate Reform i X lurch. It also contains 2 printing presses, 12 dry goods, 7 gro(,:wt nd 2 243 x" HARRISON C RUNTY. drug stores, and had, in 1840, 1028 inhabitants, and is now estimated to contain 1200. Cadiz was laid out in 1803 or'4, by Messrs. Biggs and Beatty. Its site was then like most of the surrounding country, a forest, and its location was induced by the junction there of the road from Pittsburgh, by Steubenville, with the road from Washington, Pa., by Wellsburgh, Va., from where the two united, passed by Cambridge to Zanesville; and pre vious to the construction of the national road through Ohio, was travelled more, perhaps, than any other road northwest of the Ohio river. In April, 1807, it contained the following named persons, with their families: Jacob Arnold, innkeeper; Andrew M'Neeley, hatter, and justice of the peace; Joseph Harris, merchant; John Jamison, tanner; John M'Crea, wheelwright, Robt. Wilkin, brickmaker; Connell Abdill, shoemaker; Jacob Myers, carpenter, John Pritchard, blacksmith; Nathan Adams, tailor; James Simpson, reed-maker; Wm. Tingley, school teacher, and old granny Young, midwife and baker, who was subsequently elected (by the citizens of the township, in a fit of hilarity) to the office of justice of the peace; but females not being eligible to office in Ohio, the old lady was obliged to forego the pleasure of serving her constituents. The first celebration of independence in Cadiz was on the 4th of July, 1806, when the people generally, of the town and country, for miles around, attended and partook of a fine repast of venison, wild turkey, bear meat, and such vegetables as the country afforded; while for a drink, rye whiskey was used. There was much hilarity and good feeling, for at this time, men were supported for office from their fitness, rather than from their political sentiments. About one and a half miles west of Cadiz, on the northern peak of a high sandy ridge, are the remains of what is called the "standing stone," from which a branch of Stillwater derived its name. The owner of the land has quarried off its top some eight feet. It is sandstone, and was originally from 16 to 18 feet high, about 50 feet around its base, and tapered from midway up to a cone-like top, being only about 20 feet around near its summit. It is said to have been a place of great resort by the Indians, and its origin has been a subject of speculation with many persons. It is, however, what geologists term a boulder, and was brought to its present position from, perhaps, a thousand miles north, embedded in a huge mass of ice, in some great convulsion of nature, ages since. The following is a list of the most important villages in the county with their distance and direction from Cadiz, and population in 1840 Harrisville, 9 southeast, 262; New Jefferson, 11 northeast, 155 New Rumley, 11 north, 136; Deersville, 12 west, 202; Freeport, 17 south of west, 255; Moorfield, 12 southwest, 210; Athens, 6 south, 319. At this last, is Franklin college, a respectable institution, founded in 1825, which has at present 65 students and a library of near 2,000 volumes. Quite a number of students have graduated there, and its situation, in regard to retirement, economy and health, is auspicious to its success. At present, Rev. Alex. D. Clark is pre 4 244 HENRY C)UNTY. sident, Rev. Andrew M. Black, prof. of languages, and Rev. Joseph Gorden, prof. of mathematics.* HENRY. HENRY was formed, April 1st, 1820, from old Indian territory, and named from Patrick Henry, the celebrated Virginian orator in the revolutionary era. This county is well supplied with running streams, and the soil naturally rich and productive. The principal products are Indian corn, oats, potatoes and maple sugar. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population. Adams, 188 Fredonia, 105 Richfield, 83 Damascus, 489 Napoleon, 609 Richland, 542 Flatrock, 476 The population of Henry, in 1840, was 2,492, or 5 inhabitants to a square mile. A greater part of this county is covered by the famous "Black Swamp." This tract reaches over an extent of country of one hundred and twenty miles in length, with an average breadth of forty miles, about equalling in area the state of Connecticut. It is at present thinly settled, and has a population of about 50,000; but, probably, in less than a century, when it shall be cleared and drained, it will be the garden of Ohio, and support half a million of people. The surface is generally high and level, and "sustains a dense growth of forest-trees, among which beech, ash, elm, and oak, cotton wood and_ poplar, most abound. The branches and foliage of this magnificent! forest are almost impenetrable to the rays of the sun, and its gloomy silence remained unbroken until disturbed by the restless emigrants of the west." It is an interesting country to travel through. The perfect uniformity of the soil, the level surface of the ground, alike retaining and alike absorbing water, has given to the forest a homogeneous character: the trees are all generally of the same height, so that when viewed at a distance through the haze, the forest appears like an immense blue wall, stretched across the horizon. It is yet the abode of wild animals: flocks of deer are occasionally seen bounding through its labyrinths, flowers and flowering shrubs bloom in its midst, and beautiful birds make it vocal with melody. Throughout the swamp, a mile or two apart, are slight ridges of limestone, from 40 rods to a mile wide, running usually in a westerly direction, and covered with black walnut, butternut, red elm and maple. The top soil of the swamp is about a foot thick, and com. posed of a black, decayed vegetable matter, extremely fertile. Beneath this, and extending several feet, is a rich yellow clay, having large quantities of the fertilizing substances of lime and silex. Lower * The facts embodied under the head of Harrison county, were mainly derived from the communication of a gentleman residing in Cadiz. 245 HENRY COUNTY. still is a stratum of black clay of great depth. The water of the swamp is unpleasant to the taste, from containing a large quantity of sulphur: it is, however, healthy and peculiarly beneficial to persons of a costive habit, or having diseases of the blood. The soil is excellent for grain and almost all productions: garden vegetables and fruit thrive wonderfully. We were shown an orchard of apple trees, some of which had attained the height of 20 feet, and measured at their base 20 inches, which, when first planted, five years since, were mere twigs, but a few feet in height, and no larger than one's finger. The notorious Simon Girty once resided 5 miles above Napoleon, at a place still called "Girty's Point." His cabin was on the bank of the Maumee, a few rods west of the residence of Mr. Elijah Gunn. All traces of his habitation have been obliterated by culture, and a fine farm now surrounds the spot. Simon Girty was from Pennsylvania, to which his father had emigrated from Ireland. The old man was beastly intemperate, and nothing ranked higher in his estimation than a jug of whiskey "Grog was his song, and grog would he have." His sottishness turned his wife's affection. Ready for seduction, she yielded her heart to a neighboring rustic, who, to remove all obstacles to their wishes, knocked Girty on the head and bore off the trophy of his prowess. Four sons of this interesting couple were left, Thomas, Simon, George and James. The three latter were taken prisoners, in Braddock's war, by the Indians. George was adopted by the Delawares, became a ferocious savage, and died in a drunken fit. James was adopted by the Shawnees, and became as depraved as his other brothers. It is said, he often visited Kentucky, at the time of its first settlement, and in flicted most barbarous tortures upon all captive women who came within his reach. Traders, who were acquainted with him, say, so furious was he, that he would not have turned on his heel to save a prisoner from the flames. To this monster are to be attributed many of the cruelties charged upon his brother Simon; yet he was caressed by Proctor and Elliott. Simon was adopted by the Senecas, and became an expert hunter. In Kentucky and Ohio, *he sustained the character of an unrelenting barbarian. Sixty years ago, with his name was associated every thing cruel and fiend-like. To the women and children, in particular, nothing was more terrifying than the name of Simon Girty. At that time, it was believed by many that he had fled from justice and sought refuge among the Indians, determined to do his countrymen all the harm in his power. This impression was an erroneous one. Being adopted by the Indians, he joined them in their wars, and conformed to their usages. This was the education he had received, and their foes were his. Although trained in all his pursuits as an Indian, it is said to be a fact susceptible of proof, that, through his impor tunities, many prisoners were saved from death. His influence was great, and when he chose to be merciful, it was generally in his power to protect the imploring captive. His reputation was that of an honest man, and he fulfilled his engagements to the last cent. It is said, he once sold his horse rather than to incur the odium of violating his promise. He was intemperate, and when intoxicated, ferocious and abusive alike of friends and foes. Although much disabled the last ten years of his life, by rheumatism, he rode to his hunting grounds in pursuit of game. Suffering the most excruciating pains, he often boasted of his warlike spirit. It was his constant wish, one that was gratified, that he might die in battle. He was at Proctor's defeat, and was cut to pieces by Col. Johnson's mounted men. The above we derive from Campbell's sketches. We have, in addition, some anecdotes and facts, which throw doubt over the character of Simon Girty, as there given. In September, 1777, Girty led the attack on Fort Henry, on the site of Wheeling, during which he appeared at the window of a cabin, with a white flag, and demanded the surrender of the fort in tho name of his Britannic majesty. He read the proclamation of Gov. Hamilton, and promised the protection of the crown if they would 246 HENRY COUNTY. lay down their arms and swear allegiance to the king. He warned them to submit peaceably, and admitted his inability to restrain his warriors, when excited in the strife of battle. Col. Shepherd, the commandant, promptly replied, that they would never surrender to him, and that he could only obtain possession of the fort when there remained no longer an American soldier to defend it. Girty renewed his proposition, but it was abruptly ended by a shot from a thoughtless youth, and Girty retired and opened the siege, which proved unsuccessful. Baker's station, in that vicinity, was also attacked, not far from this time, by Girty and his band, but without success. In August, 1782, a powerful body of Indians, led by Girty, appeared before Bryan's station, in Kentucky, about five miles from Lexington. The Kentuckians made such a gallant resistance, that the Indians became disheartened, and were about abandoning the siege; upon this, Girty thinking he might frighten the garrison into a surrender, mounted a stump, within speaking distance, and commenced a parley. He told them who he was, that he looked hourly for reinforcemnents with cannon, and that they had better surrender at once; if they did so, no one should be hurt; otherwise, he feared they would all fall victims. The garrison were intimidated; but one young man, named Reynolds, seeing the effect of this harangue, and believing his story, as it was, to be false, of his own accord, answered him in this wise: "You need not be so particular to tell us your name; we know your name and you too. I've had a villainous untrustworthy cur dog this long while, named Simon Girty, in compliment to you; he's so like you-just as ugly and just as wicked. As to the cannon, let them come on; the country's roused, and the scalps ot your red cut-throats, and your own too, will be drying on our cabins in twenty-four hours; and if, by chance, you or your allies do get into the fort, we've a big store of rods laid in, on purpose to scourge you out again." This method of Reynolds was effectual; the Indians withdrew, and were pursued a few days after, the defenders of the fort being reinforced, to the Blue licks, where the Indians lay in ambush, and defeated the Kentuckians with great slaughter. Girty was also at St. Clair's defeat and led the attack on Colerain. Dr. Knight, in his narrative of his captivity and burning of Col. Crawford, (see Wyandot co.,) speaks of the cruelty of Simon Girty to the colonel and himself. Col. John Johnston corroborates the account of Dr. Knight. In a communication before us he says. "He was notorious for his cruelty to the whites, who fell into the hands of the Indians. His cruelty to the unfortunate Col. Crawford, is well known to myself, and although I did not witness the tragedy, I can vouch for the facts of the case, having had them from eye witnesses. When that brave and unfortunate commander was suffering at the stake by a slow fiAe, in order to lengthen his misery to the longest possible time, he besought Girty to have him shot, to end his torments, when the monster mocked him by firing powder without ball at him. Crawford and Girty had been intimately acquainted in the 247 HENRY COUNTY. early settlement of Penlsylvania; I knew a brother of the latter at Pittsburg, in 1793. When Simon Kenton was taken prisoner, his life was saved through the interposition of Girty. (See a sketch of Kenton in Logan county.) Mr. Daniel M. Workman, now living in Logan county, gave us orally the following respecting the last years of Girty. In 1813, said hle, I went to Malden and put up at a hotel kept by a Frenchman. I noticed in the bar-room, a grey headed and blind old man. The landlady, who was his daughter, a woman of about thirty years of age, inquired of me, "'Do you know who that is'" pointing to the old man. On my replying, "No!" she rejoined, it is Simon Girty! He had then been blind about four years. In 1815, I returned to Malden and ascertained that Girty had died a short time previous. Simon Kenton informed me that Girty left the whites, because he was not promoted to the command of a company or a battallion. I was also so informed by my father-in-law, who was taken prisoner by the Indians. Girty was a man of extraordinary strength, power of endurance, courage and sagacity. He was in height about 5 feet 10 inches and strongly made. Oliver M. Spencer, who was taken prisoner by the Indians while a youth, in 1792, in his narrative of his captivity makes some merntion of the Girtys. While at Defiance, the old Indian priestess, Cooh-coo-cheeh, with whom he lived, took him to a Shawnee village, a short distance below, on a visit. There he saw the celebrated chief; Blue Jacket, and Simon Girty, of whom he speaks as follows: One of the visitors of Blue Jacket, (the Snake,) was a plain, grave chief of sage appearance; the other, Simon Girty, whether it was from prejudice, associating with his look the fact, that he was a renegado, the murderer of his own countrymen, racking his diabolic invention to inflict new and more excruciating tortures, or not, his dark shaggy hair, his low forehead, his brows contracted, and meeting above his short flat nose; his grey sunkeni eyes, averting the ingenious gaze; his lips thin and compressed, and the dark and sinister expression of his countenance, to me, seemed the very picture of a villain. He wore the Indian costume, but without any ornament; and his silk handkerchief, while it supplied the place of a hat, hid an unsightly wound in his forehead. On each side, in his belt, was stuck a silver-mounted pistol, and at his left, hung a short broad dirk, serving occasionally the uses of a knife. He made of me many inquiries; some about my family, and the particulars of my captivity; but more of the strength of the different garrisons; the number of American troops at Fort Washington, and whether the president intended soon to send another army against the Indians. He spoke of the wrongs he had received at the hands of his countrymen, and with fiendish exultation of the revenge he had taken. He boasted of his exploits, of the number of his victories, and of his personal prowess; then raising his handkerchief, and exhibiting the deep wound in his forehead, (which I was afterwards told was inflicted by the tomahawk of the celebrated Indian chief, Brandt, in a drunken frvlic,) said it was a sabre cut, which he received in battle at St. Clair's defeat; adding with an oath, that he had "sent the d-d Yankee officer" that gave it," to h-l." He ended by telling me that I would never see home; but if I should turn out to be a good hunter and a brave warrior, I might one day be a chief." His presence and conversation having rendered my situation painful, I was not a little relieved when, a few hours after, ending our visit, we returned to our quiet lodge on the bank of the Maumee. Just before Spencer was liberated from captivity, he had an interview with Joseph Girty, and not a very pleasant one either, judging from his narration of it. Elliot ordered Joseph to take me over to James Girty's, where he said our breakfast would be provided. Girty's wife soon furnished us with some coffee, wheat bread, and stewed pork and venison, of which (it being so much better than the food to which I had been lately accustomed) I ate with great goat; but I had not more than half breakfasted, when Girty came in, and seating himself opposite me, said, "So, my young Yankee, you're about to start for home." I answered," Yes, sir, I hope so." That, he said, would depend on my master, in whose kitchen he had no doubt I should first serve a few years' apprenticeship as a scullion. Then taking his knife, said,'while sharpening it on a whet 248 HIGHLAND COUNTY. stone,) "I see your ears are whole yet, but I'm d-n-y mistaken if you leave this without the Indian ear mark, that we may know you when we catch you again." I did not wait to prove whether he was in jest, or in downright earnest; but leaving my breakfast half finished, I instantly sprang from the table, leaped out of the door, and in a few seconds took refuge in Mr. Ironside's house. On learning the cause of my flight, Elliot uttered a sardonic laugh, deriding my unfounded childish fears, as he was pleased to term them; but Ironside looked serious, shaking his head, as if he had no doubt that if I had remained, Girty would have executed his threat. We finish this notice of the Girtys by a brief extract from the Mss. of Jonathan Alder, who knew Simon-showing that he Was by no means wholly destitute of kind feelings. I knew Simon Girty to purchase at his own expense, several boys who were prisoners, take them to the British and have them educated. He was certainly a friend to many prisoners. * Napoleon, the county seat, is on the Maumee river and Wabash and Erie canal, 17 miles below Defiance, 40 above Toledo and 154 NW. of Columbus. It is a small village containing about 300 inhabitants. Florida, 8 miles above, on the canal, is also a small town. HIGHLAND. HIGHLAND was formed in May, 1805, from Ross, Adams and Clermont, and so named because on the high land between the Scioto and Little Miami. The surface is part rolling and part level, and the soil various in its quality. As a whole, it is a wealthy and productive county, and the wheat raised here being of a superior quality, commands the highest market price. The principal productions are wheat, Indian corn, oats, maple sugar, wool, swine and cattle. The following is a list of its townships, in 1840, with their population. Brush Creek, 1502 Jackson, 2352 Paint, 2560 Clay, 783 Liberty, 3521 Salem, 1004 Concord, 1014 Madison, 1916 Union, 1089 Dodson, 795 New Market, 1302 White Oak, 887 Fairfield, 3544 The population of Highland in 1820, was 12,308; in 1830, 16,347; in 1840, 22,269, or 40 inhabitants to a square mile. This county was first settled about the year 1801; the principal part of the early settlers were from Virginia and North Carolina, many of whom were Friends. The first settlement was made in the vicinity of New Market, by Oliver Ross, Robert Huston, Geo. W. Barrere and others. Among the settlers of the county, was Bernard Weyer, the discoverer of the noted cave in Virginia, known as" Weyer's cave," who is yet living on the rocky fork of Paint creek. The celebrated pioneer and hunter, Simon Kenton, made a trace through this county, which passed through or near the site of Hillsboro': it is designated in various land titles as" Kenton's Trace." In the southeastern part of the county, near the village of Sinking Spring, is an eminence five hundred feet above Brush creek, which 32 249 HIGHLAND COUNTY. washes its base, called "Fort Hill;" on its summit, is an ancient work of over half a mile in length; a full description and drawing of which, by Dr. John Locke, is in the Geological Reports of Ohio Gorge in Rocky Fork of Paint Oreek. About 13 miles east of Hillsborough, near the county line and road to Chillicothe, the Rocky fork of Paint creek passes for about two miles, previous to its junction with the main stream, through a deep gorge, in some places more than a hundred feet in depth, and forming a series of wild picturesque views, one of which, at a place called "the narrows," is here represented. In the ravine are numerous caves, which are much visited. One or two of them have been explored for a distance of several hundred yards. Hillsborough, the county seat, is on the dividing ridge between the Miami and Scioto, in a remarkably healthy situation, 62 miles southeasterly from Columbus, and 36 westerly from Chillicothe. It was laid out as the seat of justice in 1807, on land of Benjamin Ellicott, of Baltimore, the site being selected by David Hays, the commissioner appointed for that purpose. Prior to this, the seat of justice 250 HIGHLAND COUNTY. was at New Market, although the greater part of the population of Highland, was north and east of Hillsborough. The original town plat comprised 200 acres, 100 of which Mr. Ellicott gave to the View in Hillsborough. county, and sold the remainder at $2 per acre. It contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist and 1 Baptist church, 2 newspaper. printing offices, 14 stores, and had in 1840, 868 inhabitants. It is a neat village, the tone of society elevated, and its inhabitants disposed to foster the literary institutions situated here. The Hillsborough academy was founded in 1827; its first teacher was the Rev. J. M'D. Mathews. A charter was obtained shortly after, and the funds of the institution augmented by two valuable tracts, comprising 2000 acres, given by Maj. Adam Hoops and the late Hon. John Brown, of Kentucky. A handsome brick building has been purchased by its trustees, on a beautiful eminence near the town, which is devoted to the purposes of the institution. It has the nucleus for a fine library, and ere long will possess an excellent philosophical and chemical apparatus. It is now very flourishing, and has a large number of pupils; "the classical and mathematical courses are as thorough and extensive, as at any college in the west;" instruction is also given in other branches usually taught in colleges. Especial attention is given to training young men as teachers. It is under the charge of Isaac Sarns, Esq. The Oakland female seminary, a chartered institution, was commenced in 1839, by the Rev. J. M'D. Mathews, who has still charge of it. It now has over 100 pupils, and is in excellent repute. Diplomas are conferred upon its graduates. The academy is beautifully located in the outskirts of the village, and is well furnished with maps, apparatus, &c., and has a small library. The HoN. WILLIAM A. TRIMBLE was born in Woodford, Ky., April 4th, 1786. His father, Capt. James Trimble, had emigrated with his family from Augusta, Va., to Kentucky. In the year 1804, being deeply impressed with the evils of slavery, he was about to remove into Highland, when he was taken unwell and died. His son William graduated at Transylvania university, after which he returned to Ohio, spent some time in the office of his brother Allen, since Gov. Trimble, later studied law at Litchfield, Conn., and returned to Highland and commenced the practice of his profession. At the breaking out of the war of 1812, he was chosen major in the Ohio vwlunteers, 251 HOCKING COUNTY. was at Hull's surrender and was liberated on his patrole. Some time in the following winter he was regularly exchanged, and in March was commissioned major in the 26th regiment. In the defence of and sortie from Fort Erie, he acted with signal bravery, and received a severe wound, which was the prominent cause of his death, years after. He continued in the army until 1819, with the rank of brevet lieutenant colonel, at which time he was elected to the national senate, to succeed Mr. Morrow, whose time of ser vice had expired. In December, 1819, he took his seat, and soon gave promise of much future usefulness. He progressed for two sessions of congress in advancing the public interest, and storing his mind with useful knowledge, when nature yielded to the recurring shocks of disease, and he died, Dec. 13th, 1821, aged 35 years. Greenfield, in the northeast corner of the county, 19 miles from Hillsborough and 21 west of Chillicothe, on Paint creek, in a beautiful and highly cultivated co.intry, is a flourishing town, containing 4 churches, a printing office, an academy, a large number of stores which do an extensive business, and a population nearly equal to the county seat. Large quantities of corn are raised in that section, on the bottom lands of the various streams. Near the town are excellent limestone quarries, and one of a fine-grained sandstone. The following is a list of towns in the county, with their distances and directions from Hillsborough and population, in 1840; Leesburgh, 11 north, 298; Lexington, 11 west of north, 151; Lynchburg, 10 west, 102; Marshall, 9 south of east, 126; New Market, 6 south, 212; Petersburg, 10 north of east, 278; Rainsborough, 10 east, 115, and Sinking Spring, 16 southeast, 223; Belfast, Buford, Danville, Monroe, Mourytown, Dodsonville, Allensburgh and New Boston, are small places. HOCKING. HocKING was formed March 1st, 1818, from Ross, Athens and Fairfield. The land is generally hilly and broken, but along the streams, level and fertile. The principal products are Indian corn, wheat, tobacco and maple sugar. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population. Benton, 448 Jackson, 472 Starr, 622 Falls, 1625 Laurel, 836 Swan, 759 Good Hope, 469 Marion, 1370 Washington, 1124 Greene, 1189 Salt Creek, 821 The population of Hocking, in 1820, was 2080; in 1830, 4008, and in 1840, 9735, or 22 inhabitants to a square mile. The name of this county is a contraction of that of the river Hockhocking, which flows through it. Hock-hock-ing, in the language of the Delaware Indians, signifies a bottle: the Shawnees have it, TVea-tha-kagh-qua sepe, i. e. bottle river. Jno. White, in the American Pioneer, says: "about six or seven miles northwest of Lancaster, there is a fall in the Hockhocking, of about twenty feet: above the fall, for a short distance, the creek is very narrow and straight, forming a neck, while at the falls it suddenly widens on 252 HOCKING COUNTY. each side and swells into the appearance of the body of a bottle. The whole, when seen from above, appears exactly in the shape of a bottle, and from this fact, the Indians called the creek Hockhocking." Dr. S. P. Hildreth, in a late publication, has incidentally given a description of the wild scenery of the southwestern part of Hocking. One of the favorite descents of the Indians was down the waters of Queer creek, a tributary of Salt creek, and opened a direct course to their town of old Chillicothe. It is a wild, romantic ravine, in which the stream has cut a passage, for several miles in extent, through the solid rock, forming mural cliffs, now more than one hundred and twenty feet in height. They are also full of caverns and grottoes, clothed with dark evergreens of the hemlock and cedar. Near the outlet of this rocky and narrow valley, there stood, a few years since, a large beech tree, on which was engraven, in legible characters, " This is the road to hell, 1782." These words were probably traced by some unfortunate prisoner then on his way to the old Indian town of Chillicothe. This whole region is full of interesting scenery, and affords some of the most wild and picturesque views of any other of equal extent in the state of Ohio. It was one of the best hunting grounds for the bear; as its numerous grottoes and caverns afforded them the finest retreats for their winter quarters. These caverns were also valuable on another account, as furnishing vast beds of nitrous earth, from which the old hunters, in time of peace, extracted large quantities of saltpetre for the manufacture of gunpowder, at which art some of them were great proficients. One of these grottoes, well known to the inhabitants of the vicinity, by the name of the "Ash cave," contains a large heap of ashes piled up by the side of the rock which forms one of its boundaries. It has been estimated, by different persons, to contain several thousand bushels. The writer visited this grotto in 1837, and should say there was at that time not less than three or four hundred bushels of clean ashes, as dry and free from moisture as they were on the day they were burned. Whether they are the refuse of the old saltpetre makers, or were piled up there in the course of ages, by some of the aborigines who made these caverns their dwelling places, remains as yet a subject for conjecture. These ravines and grottoes have all been formed in the out-cropping edges of the sandstone and conglomerate rocks, which underlie the coal fields of Ohio, by the wasting action of the weather, and attrition of running water. The process is yet going on in several streams on the southwest side of Hocking county, where the water has a descent of thirty, forty or even fifty feet at a single pitch, and a fall of eighty or a hundred in a few rods. The falls of the Cuyahoga and the Hockhocking, are cut in the same geological formation. The water, in some of these branches, is of sufficient volume to turn the machinery of a a grist or sawmill, and being lined and overhung with the graceful foliage of the evergreen hemlock, furnishes some of the wildest and most beautiful scenery. This is especially so at the "Cedar falls," and "the falls of Black Jack." The country is at present but partially settled, but when good roads are opened and convenient inns established, no portion of Ohio can afford a richer treat for the lovers of wild and picturesque views. There is a tradition among the credulous settlers of this retired spot, that lead ore was found here and worked by the Indians; and many a weary day has been spent in its fruitless search among the cliffs and grottoes which line all the streams of this region. They often find ashes and heaps of cinders; and the "pot holes" in a bench of the sand rock in the "Ash cave," evidently worn by the water at a remote period, when the stream ran here, although it is now eighty or one hundred feet lower, and ten or twelve rods farther north, they imagine, were in some way used for smelting the lead. This tract of country once belonged to the Wyandots, and a con siderable town of that tribe, situated at the confluence of a small stream with the river, one mile below Logan, gives the name Oldtown to the creek. The abundance of bears, deer, elks, and occasionally buffaloes, with which the hills and vallies were stored, together with the river fishing, must have made this a desirable residence. About five miles southeast of Logan, are two mounds, of the usual conical form, about sixty feet in diameter at the base, erected entirely from stones, evidently brought from a great distance to their present location. 253 HOCKING COUNTY. For the annexed historical sketch of the county, we are indebted to a resident. Early in the spring of 1798, several families from different places, passing through the territory of the Ohio company, settled at various points on the river, some of whom reniained, while others again started in pursuit of "the far west." The first actual settler in the county was Christian Westenhaver, from near Hagerstown, Md., of German extraction, a good practical farmer and an honest man, who died in 1829, full of years, and leaving a numerous race of descendants. In the same spring came the Brians, the Pences and the Francisco's, from western Virginia, men renowned for feats of daring prowess in hunting the bear, an animal at that time extremely numerous. As an example of the View in Logan. privations of pioneer life, when Mr. Westenhaver ascended the river with his family, a sack of corn-meal constituted no mean part of his treasures. By the accidental upsetting of his canoe, this unfortunately became wet, and consequently blue and mouldy. Nevertheless it was kept, and only on special occasions served out with their bountiful supply of bear's meat, venison and turkeys, until the approaching autumn yielded them potatoes and roasting ears, which they enjoyed with a gusto that epicures might well envy. And when fall gave the settlers a rich harvest of Indian corn, in order to reduce it to meal they had to choose between the hommony mortar, or a toilsome journey of near thirty miles over an Indian trace to the mill. Notwithstanding these drawbacks, there is but little doubt that for many years there was more enjoyment of real life than ordinarily falls to a more artificial state of society. True, though generally united, disputes would sometimes arise, and when other modes of settlement were unavailing, the last resort, a duel, decided all. But in this, no "Colt's revolver" was put in requisition, but the pugilistic ring was effectual. Here the victor's wounded honor was fuilly satisfied, and a treat of" old Monongahela" (rye whiskey) by the vanquished, restored perfect good feelings among all parties. As to deciding disputes by law, it was almost unthought of. It is true, there were some few men'ycelped justices of the peace, generally selected for strong natural sense, who admirably answered all the purposes of their election. One, a very worthy old gentleman, being present at what he considered an unlawful demonstration, commanded the peace, which command not being heeded, he immediately threw off his "warmus,"* rolled up his * The "warmus" is a working garment, similar in appearance to a "roundabout;' but more full, and being usually made of red flannel, is elastic and easy to the wearer. It is an article generally unknown in New England, New York, and the extreme northern or southern part of our country, but is more peculiar to the Germans of Pennsylvania. If any traveller, in passing through Ohio, should chance to see a large number of "lobster back" people on the farms, or about the village taverns, he may at once know, without any inquiry, that he is among the descendants of the worthy settlers of the "key-stone state." 254 HOLMES COUNTY. sleeves, and shouted, "Boys! I'll be if you shan't keep the peace," which awful display of magisterial power instantly dispersed the terror-stricken multitude. This state of things continued with slow, but almost imperceptible alterations, until 1818, when the number of inhabitants, and their advance in civilization, obtained the organization of the county. Logan, the county seat, is on the Hockhocking river and canal, one mile below the great fall of the Hockhocking river, 47 miles SE. of Columbus, 18 below Lancaster, and 38 miles E. of Chillicothe. It was laid out about the year 1816, and contains 4 stores, 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist church, and about 600 inhabitants. The view, taken near the American hotel, shows in the center the court house, an expensive and substantial structure, and on the extreme right, the printing office. There are no other villages in the county of any note. HOLMES. HOLMES was formed January 20th, 1824, from Coshocton, Tuscarawas and Wayne, and organized the succeeding year. The southwestern part is broken and very hilly, and the soil thin; the remainder of the county is hilly and uneven, but produces excellent wheat. Along Killbuck's creek, coal of a superior quality abounds. The principal products are wheat, Indian corn, oats, potatoes, maple sugar, swine, sheep and neat cattle. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population. Berlin, 1151 Mechanic, 1400 Ripley, 1279 German, 1281 Monroe, 898 Salt Creeek. 1730 Hardy, 1985 Paint, 1361 Walnut Creek, 1000 Killbuck, 906 Prairie, 1347 Washington, 1457 Knox, 1178 Richland, 1088 The population of Holmes, in 1830, was 9123, and in 1840, 18,061, or 45 inhabitants to a square mile. This county was named from Major Holmes, a gallant young officer of the war of 1812, who was killed in the unsuccessful attack upon Mackinac, under Colonel Croghan, August 4th, 1814. Its settlers principally originated from Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia: among them are also some Swiss Germans. It was first settled about 1810, by Thomas Butler, who settled about 7 miles north of Millersburg, on the Wooster road, and Peter Casey, who built a cabin half a mile west of the county seat. About this time, William and Samuel Morrison and George Carpenter settled on Doughty's fork, 8 miles south of the court house. In the late war, there was a block house erected, called "Morgan's block house," just over the northern line of the county, on the road to Wooster. There were 24000 acres of choice land scattered about the county of the Connecticut Western Reserve school land, which, not being in market until 1831, operated disadvantageously to the dense settle 255 HOLMES COUNTY. ment of the country. Since then, Holmes has more than doubled its population. Nearly 2 miles south of Millersburg, on land belonging to the Rev. Alexander Campbell, of Bethany, is a strongly impregnated chalybeate spring. In the northwest corner of Holmes, is "Odell's lake," a beautiful sheet of water, about three miles long, half a mile broad, and abounding in fish of various kinds. F ew zn ir ers urg. Millersburg, the county seat, is situated on elevated ground, surrounded by lofty hills, on Killbuck creek, 87 miles northeast of Columbus, and about 70 south of Cleveland. It was laid out in 1824, by Charles Miller and Adam Johnson, and public lots sold on the 4th of June, of that year. There had been previously, a quarter of a mile north, a town of the same name, laid out about the year 1816. The names recollected of the first settlers in the village, are Seth Hunt, Colonel Wm. Painter, Samuel S. Henry, George Stout, Samuel C. M'Dowell, R. K. Enos, Jonathan Korn, John Smurr, John Glasgow, Thomas Hoskins, James Withrow, James M'Kennan -the first lawyer in Holmes-and James S. Irvine, the first physician in the same. A short time previous to the sale, three houses were erected: the first was a frame, on the NE. corner of Jackson and Washington streets; the second, a frame, on the NE. corner of Washington and Adams streets; and the last, a log, on the site of S. C. Bever's residence. The Seceder church, the first built, was erected in 1830, and the Methodist Episcopal, in 1833. The village was laid out in the forest, and in 1830, the population reached to 320. About fourteen years since, on a Sunday afternoon, a fire broke out in the frame house on the corner of Washington and Adams streets, and destroyed a large part of the village. Among the buildings burnt, was the court house and jail, which were of log, the first standing on the NE. corner of the public square, and the other a few rods south of it. Millersburg contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal Methodist, 1 Lutheran and 1 Seceder church, 2 newspaper printing offices, 10 dry goods and 3 grocery stores, 1 foundery, 1 grist mill, and had, in 1846, 673 inhabitants. 256 v AI MARKET STREET, STEUBENVILLE. ., - HUTON COUNTY. In the eastern part of Holmes, is an extensive settlement of Dunkards, who originated from eastern Pennsylvania, and speak the German language. They are excellent farmers, and life in a good substantial style. The men wear long beards and shad-bellied coats, and use hooks and eyes instead of buttons;. The females are attired in petticoats and short gowns, caps without frills, and when doing out-door labor, instead of bonnets, wear broad-brimmed hats. Berlin, 7 miles E. of Millersburg, on the Dover road, has 2 churches, 5 stores, 1 foundery, 1 machine shop, and is a thriving business place, with a population of near 400. Nashville, 11 w. of M., has 3 churches, 3 stores, and something less than 300 inhabitants. Benton, Middletown, Lafayette, Oxford, Napoleon, Farmersville and New Carlisle are small villages. HURON. HURON was formed, February 7th, 1809, and organized in 1815. It originally constituted the whole of "the fire-lands." The name, Heron, was given by the French to the Wyandot tribe: its signification is probably unknown. The surface is mostly level, some parts slightly undulating; soil mostly sandy mixed with clay, forming a loam. In the northwest part are some prairies, and in the northern part are the sand ridges which run on the southern side of Lake Erie, and vary in width from a few rods to more than a mile. Huron was miuch reduced in 1838, in population and area, by the formation of Erie county. Its principal productions are hay and grass, wheat, corn, oats, barley, buckwheat, flaxseed, potatoes, butter, cheese, wool and swine. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population. Bronson, 1t291 Lyme, 1318 Ridgefield, 1599 Clarksfield, 1473 New Haven, 1270 Ripley, 804 Fairfield, 1067 NewLondon, 1218 Ruggles, 1244 Fitchville, 1294 Norwich, 676 Sherman, 692 Greenfield, 1460 Norwalk, 2613 Townsend, 868 Greenwich, 1067 Peru, 1998 Wakeman, 702 Hartland, 925 Richmond, 306 The population of Huron in 1820, was 6,677; in 1830, 13,340, and in 1840, 23,934, or 52 inhabitants to a square mile. Norwalk, the county seat, named from Norwalk, Ct., is 110 miles N. of Columbus and 16 from Sandusky City. It lies principally on a single street, extending nearly 2 miles and beautifully shaded by maple trees. Much taste is evinced in the private dwellings and churches, and in adorning the grounds around them with shrubbery. As a whole, the town is one of the most neat and pleasant in Ohio. The view given represents a small portion of the principal street: on the right is shown the court-house and jail, with a part of the public square, and in the distance is seen the tower of the Norwalk *~~~~ ~33 *1I 257 I I HURON COUNTY. institute. Norwalk contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist and 1 Catholic church, 9 dry goods, 1 book and 4 gro _ _. -.: - -. -:-. View in Norwalk. cery stores, 1 bank, 2 newspaper printing offices, 1 flouring mill, 2 foundries, and about 1800 inhabitants. The Norwalk institute is an incorporated academy, under the patronage of the Baptists: a large and substantial brick building, three stories in height, is devoted to its purposes; the institution is flourishing and numbers over 100 pupils, including both sexes. A female seminary has recently been commenced under auspicious circumstances, and a handsome building erected in the form of a Grecian temple. About a mile west of the village are some ancient fortifications. The site of Norwalk was first visited with a view to the founding of a town, by the Hon. Elisha Whittlesey, Platt Benedict, and one or two others, in October, 1815. The place was then in the wilderness, and there were but a few settlers in the county. The examination being satisfactory, the town plat was laid out in the spring following, by Almon Ruggles, and lots offered for sale at from $60 to $100 each. In the fall of 1817, Platt Benedict built a log house, with the intention of removing his family, but in his absence it was destroyed by fire. He reconstructed his dwelling shortly after, and thus commenced the foundation of the village. In the May after, Norwalk was made the county seat, and the public buildings subsequently erected. The year after, a census was taken, and the population had reached 109. In the first few years of the settlement, the different denominations appearing to have forgotten their peculiar doctrines, were accustomed to meet at the old court house for sacred worsl,ip, at the second blowing of the horn. In 1820, the Methodists organized a class, and in 1821, the Episcopal society was constituted. From that time to the present, the village has grown with the progressive increase of the country. In 1819, two Indians were tried and executed at Norwalk, for murder. Their names were Ne-go-sheck and Ne-gon-a-ba, the last of which is said to signify "one who walksfar." The circumstances of their crime and execution we take from the Mss. history of the "fire-lands," by the late C. B. Squier, Esq.* * For some facts respecting the history of the " fire-ii.ads;' see Erie county and the sketch of the Western Reserve in this volume. 258 JACKSON COUNTY. In the spring of 1816, John Wood of Venice, and George Bishop bf Danbury, were trapping for muskrats on the west side of Danbury, in the vicinity of the " two harbors," so called; and having collected a few skins, had lain down for the night in their temporary hat. Three straggling Ottawa Indians came, in the course of the night, upon their camp and discovered them sleeping. To obtain their little pittance of furs, &c., they were induced to plan their destruction. Aftercompleting their arrangements, the two eldest armed themselves with clubs, singled out their victims, and each, with a well-directed blow upon their heads, dispatched them in an instant. They then forced their youngest companion, Negasow, who had been until then merely a spectator, to beat the bodies with a club, that he might be made to feel that he was a participator in the murder, and so refrain from exposing their crime. After securing whatever was then in the camp that they desired, they took up their line of march for the Maumee, avoiding, as far as possible, the Indian settlements on their course. Wood left a wife to mourn his untimely fate, but Bishop was a single man. Their bodies were found in a day or two by the whites, under such circumstances, that evinced that they had been murdered by Indians, and a pursuit was forthwith commenced. The Indians living about the mouth of Portage river, had seen these straggling Indians passing eastward, now suspected them of the crime, and joined the whites in the pursuit. They were overtaken in the neighborhood of the Maumee river, brought back and examined before a magistrate. They confessed their crime and were committed to jail. At the trial the two principals were sentenced to be hung in June, 1819: the younger one was discharged. The county of Huron had at this time no secure jail, and they were closely watched by an armed guard. They nevertheless escaped one dark night. The guard fired and wounded one of them severely in the body, but he continued to run for several miles, till tired and faint with the loss of blood, he laid down, telling his companion he should die, and urging him to continue on. The wounded man was found after the lapse of two or three days, somewhere in Penn township in a dangerous condition, but he soon recovered. The other was recaptured near the Maumee by the Indians, and brought to Norwalk, where they were both hanged according to sentence. In this transaction, the various Indian tribes evinced a commendable willingness that the laws of the whites should be carried out. Many of them attended the execution, and only requested that the bodies of their comrades should not be disturbed in their graves. There are several large and thriving villages in this county, containing each several churches and stores, and doing considerable business. Bellevue, 13 miles w. of Norwalk, on the county line and Mad river railroad, has a population of nearly 700. Paris, or Plymouth, is 20 miles ssw., on the county line, and the Sandusky City and Mansfield railroad, New Haven 17 ssw. of N., on the same railroad, and Monroeville, 5 w. of N., have each about 500 inhabitants. Maxville, or Peru, 6 ssw. of N., Steamburg, 10 s., and Fitchville, 12 SE., are of less note, though villages of importance. JACKSON. JACKSON was organized in March, 1816, and named from President Jackson. The surface is hilly, but in many parts produces excellent wheat. The county is rich in minerals, and abounds in coal and iron ore: and mining will be extensively prosecuted whenever communication is had with navigable waters by railroads. The early settlers were many of them western Virginians; and a considerable portion of its present inhabitants are from Wales and Pennsylvania, who are developing its agricultural resources. The exports are 259 I'A JACKSON COI'NTY. cattle, horses, wool, swine, mill-stones, lumber, tobacco and iron. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population. Bloomfield, 721 Jackson, 410 Milton, 912 Clinton, 824 Jefferson, 752 Richland, 548 Franklin, 1055 Liberty, 474 Scioto, 931 Hamilton, 415 Lick, 822 Washington, 481 Harrison, 378 Madison, 724 The population of Jackson, in 1820, was 3,842, in 1830, 5,941, and in 1840, 9,744; or 20 inhabitants to the square mile. Mr. Samuel Davis, who is now residing in Franklin county, near Columbus, was taken prisoner by the Indians, and made his escape while within the present limits of this county. He was born in New England, moved to the west, and was employed by the governor of Kentucky as a spy against the Indians on the Ohio. The circumstances of his captivity and escape are from his biography, by Col. John M'Donald. In the fall of 1792, when the spies were discharged, Davis concluded he would make a winter's hunt up the Big Sandy river. He and a Mr. William Campbell prepared them selves with a light canoe, with traps and ammunition, for a fall hunt. They set off from Massie's station, (Manchester,) up the Ohio; thence up Big Sandy some distance, hunting and trapping as they went along. Their success in hunting and trapping was equal to their expectation. Beaver and otter were plenty. Although they saw no Indian sign, they were very circumspect in concealing their canoe, either by sinking it in deep water, or conceal ing it in thick willow brush. They generally slept out in the hills, without fire. This con stant vigilance and care was habitual to the frontier men of that day. They hunted and trapped till the winter began to set in. They now began to think of returning, before the rivers would freeze up. They accordingly commenced a retrograde move down the river, trapping as they leisurely went down. They had been several days going down the riverthey landed on a small island covered with willows. Here they observed signs of beaver. They set their traps, dragged their canoe among the willows, and remained quiet till late in the night. They now concluded that any persons, white, red, or black, that might happen to be in the neighborhood, would be in their camp. They then made a small fire among the willows, cooked and eat their supper, and lay down to sleep without putting out their fire. They concluded that the light of their small fire could not penetrate through the thick willows. They therefore lay down in perfect self-security. Sometime before day, as they lay fast asleep, they were awakened by some fellows calling in broken English, " Come, come-get up, get up." Davis awoke from sleep, looked up, and, to his astonishment, found himself and companion surrounded by a number of Indians, and two standing over him with uplifted tomahawks. To resist, in such a case, would be to throw away their lives in hopeless struggle. They surrendered themselves prisoners. The party of Indians, consisting of upwards of thirty warriors, had crossed the Ohio about the mouth of Guyandotte river, and passed through Virginia to a station near the head of Big Sandy. They attacked the station and were repulsed, after continuing their attack two days and nights. Several Indians were killed during the siege, and several wounded. They had taken one white man prisoner from the station, by the name of Daniels, and taken all the horses belonging to the station. The Indians had taken, or made, some canoes, in which they placed their wounded and baggage, and were descending the river in their canoes. As they were moving down in the night, they discovered a glimpse of Davis's fire through the willows. They cautiously landed on the island, found Davis and Campbell fast asleep, and awakened them in the manner above related. Davis and Campbell were securely fastened with tugs, and placed in their own canoe. Their rifles, traps, and the proceeds of their successful hunt, all fell into the hands of the Indians. The Indians made no delay, but immediately set off down the river in their canoes with their prisoners, while their main force went by land, keeping along the river bottoms with the horses they had taken from the station-keeping near the canoes, so as to be able to support each other in case of pursuit or attack. Early the next day, they reached the Ohio. The wounded and prisoners were first taken across the Ohio, and placed under 260 : JACKSON COUNTY. a guard. They returned with the canoes, (leaving their arms stacked against a tree,) to assist in getting the horses across the river. It was very cold, and as soon as the horses would find themselves swimming, they would turn round and land on the same shore. The Indians had a great deal of trouble before they got the horses across the Ohio. The guard who watched Davis and his companions, were anxious, impatient spectators of the restive disposition of the horses to take the water. Upon one occasion, the guard left the prisoners twenty or thirty yards, to have a better view of the difficulty with the horses. Davis and his fellow-prisoners were as near to where the arms were stacked as were the Indian guard. D)avis, who possessed courage and presence of mind in an eminent degree, urged his fellowprisoners to embrace the auspicious moment, seize the arms, and kill the guard. His companions faltered-they thought the attempt too perilous-should they fail of success, nothing but instant death would be the consequence. While tha prisoners were hesitating to adopt the bold plan of Davis, their guard returned to their arms, to the chagrin of Davis. This opportunity of escape was permitted to pass by without being used. Davis ever after affirmed, that if the opportunity which then presented itself for their escape had been boldly seized, their escape was certain. He frequently averred to the writer of this narrative, that if Duncan M'Arthur, Nat Beasly, or Sam. M'Dowel, had been with him upon this occasion, similarly situated, that he had no doubt they would not only have made their escape, but killed the guard and the wounded Indians, and carried off or destroyed the Indians' arms. He said, if it had not been for the pusillanimity of his fellow-prisoners, they might have promptly and boldly snatched themselves from captivity, and done something worth talking about. The opportunity, once let slip, could not again be recalled. The Indians, after a great deal of exertion, at length got the horses across the Ohio, and hastily fixed litters to carry their wounded They destroyed their canoes, and went ahead for their own country. This body of Indians was commanded by a Shawnee chief, who called himself Captain Charles Wilkey. After Wayne's treaty, in 1795, when peace blessed our frontiers, the writer of this sketch became well acquainted with this Captain Wilky. He was a short, thick, strong, active man, with a very agreeable and intelligent countenance. He was communicative and social in his manners. The first three or four years after Chillicothe was settled, this Indian mixed freely with the whites, and upon no occasion did he show a disposition to be troublesome. He was admitted by the other Indians who spoke of him, to be a warrior of the first order-fertile in expedients, and bold to carry his plans into execution. Davis always spoke of him as being kind and-humane to him. The Indians left the Ohio, and pushed across the country in the direction of Sandusky; and as they were encumbered with several wounded, and a good deal of baggage, without road or path, they travelled very slow, not more than ten or twelve miles a day. As many of the prisoners, taken by the Indians, were burned with slow fires, or otherwise tortured to death, Davis brooded over his captivity in sullen silence, and determined to effect his escape the first opportunity that would offer, that would not look like madness to embrace. At all events, he determined to effect his escape or die a fighting. The Indians moved on till they came to Salt Creek, in what is now Jackson county, O., and there camped for the night. Their manner of securing their prisoners for the night, was as follows: They took a strong tug, made from the raw hide of the buffalo or elk. This tug they tied tight around the prisoner's waist. Each end of the tug was fastened around an Indian's waist. Thus, with the same tug fastened to two Indians, he could not turn to the one side or the other, without drawing an Indian with him. In this uncomfortable manner, the prisoner had to lay on his back till the Indians thought proper to rise. If the Indians discovered the prisoner making the least stir, they would quiet him with a few blows. In this painful situation, the prisoners must lay till light in the morning, when they would be unconfined. As the company of Indians was numerous, the prisoners were unconfined in daylight, but were told that instant death would be the consequence of any movement to leave the line of march, upon any occasion whatever, unless accompanied by an Indian. One morning, just before day began to appear, as Davis lay in his uncomfortable situation, he hunched one of the Indians, to whom he was fastened, and requested to be untied. The Indian raised up his head and looked round, and found it was still dark, and no Indians up about the fires He gave Davis a severe dig with his fist, and bid him lay still. Davis's mind was now in a state of desperation. Fire and faggot, sleeping or awake, were constantly floating before his mind's eye. This torturing suspense w)uld chill his soul with horror. After sometime, a number of Indians rose - and made their fires. [t was growing light, but not light enough to draw a bead. Davis again jogged one of the Indians to whom he was fastened, and said the tug hurt his middle, and again requested the Indian to untie him. The Indian raised up his head and looked round, and saw it was getting light, and a number of Indians about the fires, he untied him. Davis rose to his feet, and was k 261 JACKSON COUNTY. determined, as soon as he could look round and see the most probable direction of making his escape, to make the attempt, at all hazards. He " screwed his courage to the sticking point." It was a most desperate undertaking. Should he fail to effect his escape, death, instant, cruel death, was his certain doom. As he rose up to his feet, with this determined intention, his heart fluttered with tremors-his sight grew dim at the thought of the perilous plunge he was about to make. He rose up to his feet-stood a minute between the two Indians to whom he had been fastened, and took a quick glance at the Indians who were standing around him. In the evening, the Indians had cut two forks, which were stuck into the ground; a pole was laid across these forks, and all their rifles were leaned against the pole. If he made his start back from the Indian camp, the rifles of the Indians, who were standing round the fires, and who, he knew, would pursue him, would be before them; and as they started after him, they would have nothing to do but pick up a rifle as they ran. On the contrary, if he made his plunge through the midst of them, they would have to run back for their guns, and by that time, as it was only twilight in the morning, he could be so far from them that their aim would be very uncertain. All this passed through his mind in a moment. As he determined to'make his dash through the midst of the Indians who were standing around the fires, he prepared his mind and body for the dreadful attempt. The success of his daring enterprise depended on the swiftness of his heels. He knew his bottom was good. A large, active Indian was standing between Davis and the fire. He drew back his fist and struck that Indian with all his force, and dropped him into the fire; and with the agility of a buck, he sprang over his body, and took to the woods with all the speed that was in his power. The Indians pursued, yelling and screaming like demons; but, as Davis anticipated, not a gun was fired at him. Several Indians pursued him for some distance, and for some time it was a doubtful race. The foremost Indian was so close to him, that he sometimes fancied that he felt his clutch. However, at length Davis began to gain ground upon his pursuers-the breaking and rustling of brush was still farther and farther off. He took up a long, sloping ridge; when he reached the top, he, for the first time, looked back, and, to his infinite pleasure, saw no person in pursuit. He now slackened his pace, and went a mile or two further, when he began to find his feet gashed and bruised by the sharp stones over which he had run, without picking his way, in his rapid flight. He now stopped, pulled off his waistcoat, tore it in two pieces, and wrapped them around his feet, instead of moccasons. He now pushed his way for the Ohio. He crossed the Scioto river, not far from where Piketon, in Pike county, now stands. He then marched over the rugged hills of Sunfish, Camp creek, Scioto Brush creek, and Turkey creek, and struck the Ohio river eight or ten miles below the mouth of Scioto. It was about the first of January. He was nearly three days and two nights without food, fire, or covering, exposed to the winter storms. Hardy as he undoubtedly was, these exposures and privations were almost too severe for human nature to sustain. But as Davis was an unwavering believer in that All-seeing eye, whose providence prepares means to guard and protect those who put their trust in him, his confidence and courage never forsook him for a moment, during this trying and fatiguing march. When he arrived at the Ohio, he began to look about for some dry logs to make a kind of raft, on which to float down the stream. Before he began to make his raft, he looked up the Ohio, and to his infinite gratification, he saw a Kentucky boat come floating down the stream. He now thought his deliverance sure. Our fondest hopes are frequently blasted in disappointment. As soon as the boat floated opposite to him, he called to the people in the boat-told them of his lamentable captivity, and fortunate escape. The boatmen heard his tale of distress with suspicion. Many boats, about this time, had been decoyed to shore by similar tales of woe; and as soon as landed, their inmates cruelly massacred. The boatmen heard his story, but refused to land. They said they had heard too much about such prisoners, and escapes, to be deceived in his case. As the Ohio was low, he kept pace with the boat as it slowly glided along. The more pitiably he described his forlorn situation, the more determined were the boat crew not to land for him. He at length requested them to row the boat a little nearer the shore, and he would swim to them. To this proposition the boatmen consented. They commenced rowing the boat towards the shore, when Davis plunged into the freezing water and swam for the boat. The boatmen, seeing ltim swimming towards them, their suspicions gave way, and they rowed the boat with all their force to meet him. He was at length lifted into the boat, almost exhausted. (Our old boatmen, though they had rough exteriors, had Samaritan hearts.) The boatmen were not to blame for their suspicion. They now administered to his relief and comfort every thing that was in their power. That night, or the next morning, he was landed at Massie's station, (Manchester,) among his former friends and associates, where he soon recovered hi asual health and activity. 262 JACKSON COUNTY. Jackson, the county seat, was laid out in 1817, and is 73 miles SE. of Columbus, and 28 from Chillicothe. It contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, 1 Episcopal Methodist and 1 Protestant Methodist church, 6 or 8 stores, 1 newspaper printing office, and, in 1840, had 297 inhabitants; since which, the town has rapidly improved, and is now judged to contain a population of 500. In this vicinity are several valuable mineral springs, and also remains of ancient fortifications. The famous "old Scioto salt-works" are in this region, on the banks of Salt creek, a tributary of the Scioto. The wells were sunk to the depth of about 30 feet, but the water was very weak, requiring ten or fifteen gallons to make a pound of salt. It was first made by the whites about the year 1798, and transferred from the kettles to pack-horses of the salt purchasers, who carried it to the various settlements, and sold it to the inhabitants for three or four dollars per bushel, as late as 1808. This saline was thought to be so important to the country, that, when Ohio was formed into a state, a tract of six miles square was set apart by Congress, for the use of the state, embracing this saline. In 1804, an act was passed by the legislature, regulating its management, and appointing an agent to rent out small lots on the borders of the creek, where the salt water was most abundant to the manufacturers.* As better and more accessible saline springs have been discovered, these are now abandoned. The expression, very common in this region," shooting one with a pack-saddle'," is said to have originated, in early days, in this way. A person, who had come on horseback, from some distance, to the salt-works to purchase salt, had his pack-saddle stolen by the boilers, who were a rough, coarse set, thrown into the salt filimace, and destroyed. He made little or no complaint, but determined to have revenge for the trick played upon him. On the next errand of this nature, he partly filled his pack-saddle with gunpowder, and gave the boilers another opportunity to steal and burn it, which they embraced-when, lo! much to their consternation, a terrific explosion ensued, and they narrowly escaped serious injury. These old salt-works were among the first worked by the whites in Ohio. They had long been known, and have been indicated on maps, published as early as 1755. The Indians, prior to the settlement of the country, used to come from long distances to make salt at this place; and it was not uncommon for them to be accompanied by whites, whom they had taken captive and adopted. Daniel Boone, when a prisoner, spent some time at these works. Jonathan Alder, a sketch of whom is under the head of Madison county, was taken prisoner, when a boy, by the Indians, in 1782, in Virginia, and adopted into one of their families, near the head waters of Mad river. He had been with them about a year, when they took him with them to the salt-works, where he met a Mrs. Martin, likewise a prisoner. The meeting between them was affecting. We give the particulars in his own simple and artless language. It was now better than a year after I was taken prisoner, when the Indians started off to the Scioto salt-springs, near Chillicothe, to iake salt, and took me alongwith them. Here I got to see Mrs. Martin, that was taken prisoner at the same time I was, and this was the first time that I had seen her since we were separated, at the council-house. When she * Dr. Hildreth on the" Saliferous Rock formation in the valley of the Ohio;" Silliman's Journal, Vol. XXIV, N4. 1, pp. 48, 49. "k. 263 JEFFERSON COUNTY. saw me, she came smiling and asked me if it was me. I told her it was. She asked me how I had been. I told her I had been very unwell, for I had had the fever and ague for a long time. So she took me off to a log, and there we sat down; and she combed my head, and asked me a great many questions about how I lived, and if I didn't want to see my mother and little brothers. I told her that I should be glad to see them, but never expected to again. She then pulled out some pieces of her daughter's scalp, that she said were some trimmings they had trimmed off the night after she was killed, and that she meant to keep them as long as she lived. She then talked and cried about her family, that was all destroyed and gone, except the remaining bits of her daughter's scalp. We staid here a considerable time, and, meanwhile, took many a cry together; and when we parted again, took our last and final farewell, for I never saw her again. There was found in this county, about ten years since, the remains of a mastodon, described in the public prints of the time. Near the southern line of the county, is the iron furnace of Ellison, Tewksbury & Co., called "the Jackson Furnace." Allensville, Middleton, Oak Hill and Charleston, are small post villages. JEFFERSON. JEFFERSON, named from President Jefferson, was the fifth county established in Ohio: it was created by proclamation of Gov. St. Clair, July 29th, 1797: its original limits included the country west of Pennsylvania and Ohio; and east and north of a line from the mouth of the Cuyahoga; southwardly to the Muskingum, and east to the Ohio: within those boundaries is Cleveland, Canton, Steubenville, Warren and many other large towns and populous counties. The surface is hilly and the soil fertile. It is one of the greatest manufacturing counties in the state, and abounds in excellent coal. The principal crops are wheat, Indian corn and oats. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population. Brush Creek, 757 Ross, 927 Steubenville, 5203 Cross Creek, 1702 Salem, 2044 Warren, 1945 Island Creek, 1867 Saline, 963 Wayne, 1746 Knox, 1529 Smithfield, 2095 Wells, 1492 Mount Pleasant, 1676 Springfield, 1077 The population of Jefferson, in 1820, was 18,531; in 1830,22,489, and in 1840, 25,031, or 62 inhabitants to a square mile. The old Mingo town, three miles below Steubenville, now the site of the farms of Jeremiah H. Hallock, Esq. and Mr. Daniel Potter, was a place of note prior to the settlement of the country. It was the point where the troops of Col. Williamson rendezvoused in the infamous Moravian campaign, and those of Col. Crawford, in his unfortunate expedition against the Sandusky Indians. It was also, at one time, the residence of Logan, the celebrated Mingo chief, whose form was striking and manly, and whose magnanimity and eloquence has seldom been equalled. He was a son of the Cayuga chief Skikellimus, who dwelt at Shamokin, Pa., in 1742, and was converted to Christianity, under the preaching of the Moravian missionaries. Skikellimus highly esteemed James Logan, the secre 264 JEFFERSON COUNTY. tary of the province, named his son from him, and probably had him baptized by the missionaries. In early life, Logan for a while dwelt in Pennsylvania: and in Day's Historical Collections of that state, is a view in Mifflin county, of Logan's spring, which will long remain a memorial of this distinguished chief. The letter below, gives an incident which occurred there, that speaks in praise of Logan. It was written by the Hon. R. P. Maclay, a member of the state senate, and son of the gentleman alluded to in the anecdote, and published in the Pitts burg Daily American. Senate Chamber, March 21, 1842. DEAR SIR-Allow me to correct a few inaccuracies as to place and names, in the anecdote of Logan, the celebrated Mingo chief, as published in the Pittsburg Daily American of March 17th, 1842, to which you callcd my attention. The person surprised at the spring now called the Big spring, and about six [four] miles west of Logan's spring, was William Brown-the first actual settler in a Kishacoquillas valley, and one of the associate judges in Mifflin county, from its organization till his death, at the age of ninety-one or two-and not Samuel Maclay, as stated by Dr. Hudreth. I will give you the anecdote as I heard it related by Judge Brown himself, while on a visit to my brother, who then owned and occupied the Big Spring farm.* "The first time I ever saw that spring," said the old gentleman, "my brother, James Reed and myself, had wandered out of the valley in search of land, and finding it very good, we were looking about for springs. About a mile from this we started a bear, and separated to get a shot at him. I was travelling along, looking about on the rising ground for the bear, when I came suddenly upon the spring; and being dry, and more rejoiced to find so fine a spring than to have killed a dozen bears, I set my rifle against a bush and rushed down the bank and laid down to drink. Upon putting my head down, I'saw reflected in the water, on the opposite side, the shadow of a tall Indian. I sprang to my rifle, when the Indian gave a yell, whether for peace or war I was not just then sufficiently master of my faculties to determine; but upon my seizing my rifle, and facing him, he knocked up the pan of his gun, threw out the priming, and extended his open palm toward me in token of friendship. After putting down our guns, we again met at the spring, and shook hands. This was Logan-the best specimen of humanity I ever met with, either white or red. He could speak a little English, and told me there was another white hunter a little way down the stream, and offered to guide me to his camp. There I first met your father. We remained together in the valley a week, looking for springs and selecting lands, and laid the foundation of a friendship which never has had the slightest inter We visited Logan at his camp, at Logan's spring, and your father and he shot at a mark for a dollar a shot. Logan lost four or five rounds, and acknowledged himself beaten. When we were about to leave him, he went into his hut, and brought out as many deer skins as he had lost dollars, and handed them to Mr. Maclay-who refused to take them, alledging that we had been his guests, and did not come to rob him-that the shooting had been only a trial of skill, and the bet merely nominal. Logan drew himself op with great dignity, and said,' Me bet to make you shoot your best-me gentleman, and me take your dollar if me beat.' So he was obliged to take the skins, or affront our friend, whose nice sense of honor would not permit him to receive even a horn of powder in return. "The next year;' said the old gentleman, "I brought my wife up and camped under a big walnut tree, on the bank of Tea creek, until I had built a cabin near where the mill now stands, and have lived in the valley ever since. Poor Logan" (and the big tears Yours, R. P. MACLAY. Mrs. Norris, who lives near the site of Logan's spring, is a daughter of Judge Brown: she confirmed the above, and gave Mr. Day * This spring is a few rods south of the Huntington road, in the rear of a blacksmith's shop, four miles west of Reedville. 34 265 JEFFERSON COUNTY. the following additional incidents, highly characteristic of the be nevolent chief which we take firom that gentleman's work. Logan supported his family by killing deer, dressing the skins, and selling them to the whites. He had sold quite a parcel to one De Yong, a tailor, who lived in Ferguson's valley, below the gap. Tailors in those days dealt extensively in buckskin breeches. Logan received his pay, according to stipulation, in wheat. The wheat, on being taken to the mill, was found so worthless that the miller refused to grind it. Logan was much cha grined, and attempted in vain to obtain redress from the tailor. He then took the matter before his friend Brown, then a magistrate; and on the judge's questioning him as to the character of the wheat, and what was in it, Logan sought in vain to find words to express the precise nature of the article with which the wheat was adulterated, but said that it resembled in appearance the wheat itself, "It must have been cheat," said the judge. "Yoh!" said Logan, "that very good name for him." A decision was awarded in Logan's favor, and a writ given to Logan to hand to the constable, which, he was told, would bring him the money for his skins. But the untutored Indian-too uncivilized to be dishonestcould not comprehend by what magic this little paper would force the tailor, against his will, to pay for the skins. The judge took down his own commission, with the arms of the king upon it, and explained to him the first principles and operations of civil law. " Law good," said Logan; "make rogues pay." But how much more simple and efficient was the law which the Great Spirit had impressed upon his heart-to do as he would be done by! When a sister of Mrs. Norris (afterwards Mrs. Gen. Potter) was just beginning to learn to walk, her mother happened to express her regret that she could not get a pair of shoes to give more firmness to her little step. Logan stood by, but said nothing. He soon after asked Mrs. Brown to let the little girl go up and spend the day at his cabin. The cautious heart of the mother was alarmed at such a proposition; but she knew the delicacy of an Indian's feelingsand she knew Logan, too-and with secret reluctance, but apparent cheerfulness, she complied with his request. The hours of the day wore very slowly away, and it was nearly night, when her little one had not returned. But just as the sun was going down, the trusty chief was seen coming down the path with his charge; and in a moment more the little one trotted into her mother's arms, proudly exhibiting a beautiful pair of moccasons on her little feet-the product of Logan's skill. Logan took no part in the old French war, which ended in 1760, except that of a peace maker, and was always the friend of the white people until the base murder of his family, to which has been attributed the origin of Dunmore's war. This event took place near the mouth of Yellow creek, in this county, about 17 miles above Steubenville. The circumstances have been variously related. We annex them as given by Henry Jolly, Esq., who was for a number of years an associate judge on the bench of Washington county, in this state. The facts are very valuable, as coming from the pen of one who saw the party the day after the murder; was personally acquainted with some of the individuals, and familiar with that spot and the surrounding region.* He says: I was about sixteen years of age, but I very well recollect what I then saw, and the information that I have since obtained, was derived from (I believe) good authority. In the spring of the year 1774, a party of Indians encamped on the northwest of the Ohio near the mouth of the Yellow creek. A party of whites, called "Greathouse's party,' lay on the opposite side of the river. The Indians came over to the white party, consisting, I think, of five men and one woman, with an infant. The whites gave them rum, which three of them drank, and in a short time they became very drunk The other two men and the woman refused to drink. The sober Indians were challenged to shoot at a mark, to which they agreed; and as soon as they had emptied their guns, the whites shot them down. The woman attempted to escape by flight, but was also shot down; she lived long enough, however, to beg mercy for her babe, telling them that it was a kin to themselves. The whites had a man in the cabin, pre * This statement was written for Dr. S. P. Hildreth, by Mr. Jolly, and published in Silli. man's Journal, for 1836. 266 JEFFERSON COUNTY. pared with a tomahawk for the purpose of killing the three drunken Indians, which was immediately done. The party of men then moved off for the interior settlements, and came to "Catfish camp" on the evening of the next day, where they tarried until the day following. I very well recollect my mother feeding and dressing the babe; chirruping to the little innocent, and its smiling. However, they took it away, and talked of sending it to its supposed father, Col. George Gibson, of Carlisle, Pa., "who was then, and had been for many years a trader among the Indians." The remainder of the party at the mouth of Yellow creek, finding that their friends on the opposite side of the river were massacred, attempted to escape by descending the Ohio; and in order to prevent being discovered by the whites, passed on the west side of Wheeling island, and landed at Pipe creek, a small stream that empties into the Ohio a few miles below Grave creek, where they were overtaken by Cresap, with a party of men from Wheeling.* They took one Indian scalp, and had one white man (Big Tarrenler) badly wounded. They, I believe, carried him in a litter from Wheeling to Redstone. I saw the party on their return from their victorious campaign. The Indians had for some time before these events, thought themselves intruded upon by the " Long Knife," as they at that time called the Virginians, and many of them were for war. However, they called a council, in which Logan acted a conspicuous part. He admitted their grounds of complaint, but at the same time reminded them of some aggressions on the part of the Indians, and that by a war they could but harrass and distress the frontier settlements for a short time; that "the Long Knife" would come like the trees in the woods, and that ultimately they should be driven from the good lands which they now possessed. He therefore strongly recommended peace. To him they all agreed; grounded the hatchet, and every thing wore a tranquil appearance; when behold, the fiugitives arrived from Yellow creek; and reported that Logan's father, brother and sister, were murdered! Three of the nearest and dearest relations of Logan, had been massacred by white men. The consequence was, that this same Logan, who a few days before was so pacific, raised the hatchet, with a declaration that he would not ground it until he had taken ten for one; which I believe he completely fulfilled, by taking thirty scalps and prisoners in the summer of 1774. The above has often been related to me by several persons who were at the Indian towns at the time of the council alluded to, and also when the remains of the party came in from Yellow creek. Thomas Nicholson in particular, has told me the above and much more. Another person (whose name I cannot recollect) in formed me that he was at the towns when the Yellow creek Indians came in, and that there was great lamentation by all the Indians of that place. Some friendly Indian advised him to leave the Indian settlements, which he did. Could any rational person believe for a moment, that the Indians came to Yellow creek with hostile intentions, or that they had any suspicion of similar intentions on the part of the whites, against them? Would five men have crossed the river, three of them become in a short time dead drunk, while the other two discharged their guns, and thus put themselves entirely at the mercy of the whites; or would they have brought over a squaw with an infant pappoos, if they had not reposed the utmost confidence in the friendship of the whites? Every person who is at all acquainted with Indians knows better; and it was the belief of the inhabitants who were capable of reasoning on the subject, that all the depredations committed on the frontiers, by Logan and his party, in 1774, were as a retaliation for the murder of Logan's friends at Yellow creek. It was well known that _lichael Cresap had no hand in the massacre at Yellow creek.t During the war which followed, Logan frequently showed his magnanimity towards prisoners who fell into his hands. Among them was Maj. Wm. Robinson, of Clarksburg, Va., from whose de claration, given in Jefferson's Notes, and information orally commu * Cresap did not live at Wheeling, but happened to be there at that time with a party of men, who had, with himself, just returned from an exploring expedition down the Ohio, for the purpose of selecting and appropriating lands (called in the west, locating lands) along the river in choice situations; a practice at that early day very common, when Virginia claimed both sides of the stream, including what is now the state of Ohio.-S. P. H. f A brother of Capt. Daniel Greathouse, said to have been present at the massacre, was killed by the Indians the 24th March, 1791, between the mouth of the Scioto and Limestone, while emigrating to Kentucky in a flat boat, with his family. He seems to have made little or no resistance to the Indians, who attacked him in canoes. They probably knew who he was, and remembered the slaughter of Logan's family, as he was taken on shore, tied to a tree, and whipped to death with rods.-S. P. H. 267 I JEFFERSON COUNTY. niotated by his son, Col. Jamnes Robinson, now living near Coshoctoii, these facts are derived. On the 12th of July, 1774, Major Robinson, then a resident on the west fork of Monongahela river, was in the field with Mr. Colburn B3rown and Mr. Helen, pulling flax, when they were surprised and fired upon by a party of eight Indians, led by Logan. lMr. Brown was killed and the other two made prisoners. On the first alarm, Mr. Robinson started and ran. When he had got about 50 yards, Logan called out in English, "Stop, I won't hurt you!" "Yes, you will," replied Robinson, in tones of fear. "No, I won't," rejoined Logan, "but if you don't stop, by - I'll shoot you." Robinson still continued his race, but stumbling over a log, fell and was made cap tive by a fleet savage in pursuit. Logan immediately made himself known to Mr. Robinson and manifested a friendly disposition to him, told him that he must be of good heart and go with him to his town, where he would probably be adopted in some of their families. When near the Indian village, on the site of Dresden, Muskingum county, Logan informed him that he must run the gauntlet, and gave him such directions, that he reached the council-house without the slightest harm. He was then tied to a stake for the purpose of being burnt, when Logan arose and addressed the assembled council of chiefs, in his behalf. He spoke long and with great energy, until the saliva foamed from the sides of his mouth. This was followed by other chiefs in opposition, and rejoinders from Logan. Three separate times was he tied to the stake to be burnt, the councils of the hostile chiefs prevailing, and as often untied by Logan and a belt of wampum placed around him as a mark of adoption. His life appeared to hang on a balance; but the eloquence of Logan prevailed, and when the belt of wampum was at last put on him by Logan, he introduced a young Indian to him, saying, "this is your cousin, you are to go home with him and he will take care of you." From this place, Mr. Robinson accompanied the Indians up the Muskingum, through two or three Indian villages, until they arrived at one of their towns on the site of New Comerstown, in Tuscarawas county. About the 21st of July, Logan came to Robinson and brought a piece of paper, saying that he must write a letter for him, which he meant to carry and leave in some house, which he should attack. Mr. Robinson wrote a note with ink, which he manufactured from gun-powder. He made three separate attempts before he could get the language, which Logan dictated, sufficiently strong to satisfy that chief. This note was addressed to Col. Cresap, whom Logan supposed was the murderer of his family. It was afterwards found, tied to a war club, in the cabin of a settler who lived on or near the north fork of Holston river.* It was doubtless left by Logan after murdering the family. A copy of it is given below, which on comparison with his celebrated speech, shows a striking similarity of style. * See letter of Judge Innes, in the Pioneer, Vol. I, p. 14. 268 JEFFERSON COUNTY. CAPTAIN CRESAP: What did you kill my people on Yellow creek for? The white people killed my kin, at Conestoga, a great while ago; and I thought nothing of that. But you killed my kin again on Yellow creek and took my cousin prisoner. Then I thought I must kill too; and I have been three times to war since; but the Indians are not angry; only'myself. July 21st, 1774. CAPTAIN JOHN LOGAN. Major Robinson, after remaining with the Indians about four months, returned to his home in Virginia. In 1801, he removed to Coshocton county, and settled on a section of military land, on the Muskingum, a few miles below Coshocton, where he died in 1815, aged 72 years. His son resides on the same farm. Dunmore's war was of short duration. It was terminated in November of the same year, within the present limits of Pickaway county, in this state, under which head will be found a copy of the speech which has rendered immortal the name of Logan. The heroic adventure of the two Johnson boys, who killed two Indians in this county, has often and erroneously been published. One of these, Henry, the youngest is yet living in Monroe county, in this state, where we made his acquaintance in the spring of 1846. He is a fine specimen of the fast vanishing race of Indian hunters, tall and erect, with the bearing of a genuine backwoodsman. His narrative, recently published in a Woodsfield paper, here follows: I was born in Westmoreland county, Pa., on the 4th day of February, 1777. When I was about eight years old, my father having a large family to provide for, sold his farm with the expectation of acquiring larger possessions farther west. Thus he was stimulated to encounter the perils of a pioneer life. He crossed the Ohio river and bought some improvements on what was called Beach Bottom flats, two and a half miles from the river, and three or four miles above the mouth of Short creek. Soon after he came there, the Indians became troublesome. They stole horses and various other things, and killed a number of persons in our neighborhood. When I was between eleven and twelve years old, I think it was the fall of 1788, I was taken prisoner with my brother John, who was about eighteen months older than I. The circumstances are as follows: On Saturday evening we were out with an older brother, and came home late in the evening; one of us had lost a hat, and John and I went back the next day to look for it. We found the hat, and sat down on a log and were cracking nuts. After a short time, we saw two men coming down from the direction of the house; from their dress we took them to be two of our neighbors, James Perdue and J. Russell. We paid but little attention to them till they came quite near us. To escape by flight was now impossible, had we been disposed to try it. We sat still until they came up to us. One of them said," how do brodder-;" my brother then asked them if they were Indians, and they answered in the affirmative, and said we must go with them. One of them had a blue buckskin, which he gave my brother to carry, and without further ceremony, we took up the line of march for the wilderness; not knowing whether we should ever return to the cheerful home we had left; and not having much love for our commanding officers, of course we obeyed martial orders rather tardily. One of the Indians walked about ten steps before, and the other about the same distance behind us. After travelling some distance we halted in a deep hollow and sat down. They took out their knives and whet them, and talked some time in the Indian tongue, which we could not understand. I told my brother that I thought they were going to kill us, and I believe he thought so too; for he began to talk to them, and told them that his father was cross to him and made him work hard, and that he did not like hard work, that he would rather be a hunter and live in the woods. This seemed to please them, for they put up their knives and talked more lively and pleasantly to us. We returned the same familiarity, and many questions passed between us; all parties were very inquisitive. They asked my brother which way home was, and he told them the contrary way every time they would ask him, although he knew the way very well: this would make them laugh; they thought we were lost and that we knew no better. They conducted us over Short creek hills in search of horses, but found none; so we 269 JEFFERSON COUNTY. continued on foot. Night carve on, and we halted in a low hollow, about 3 miles from Carpenter's fort, and about 4 from the place where they first took us. Our route being somewhat circuitous and full of zigzags, we made headway but slowly. As night began to close in around us, I became fretful; my brother encouraged me, by whispering to me that we would kill the Indians that night. After they had selected the place of encampment, one of them scouted round the camp, while the other struck fire, which was done by stopping the touch-hole of the gun an(i flashing powder in the pan. After the Indian got the fire kindled, he re-primed the gun and went to an old stump to get some dry tinder wood for fire; and while he was thus employed, my brother John took the gun, cocked it, and was about to shoot the Indian; but I was alarmed fearing the other might be close by, and be able to overpower us; so I remonstrated against his shooting and took hold of the gun and prevented the shot. I, at the same time, begged him to wait till night and I would help him to kill them both. The Indian that had taken the scout came back about dark. We took our suppers, talked some time and went to bed on the naked ground to try to rest, and study out the best mode of attack. They put us between them, that they might be the better able to guard us. After a while one of the Indians, supposing we were asleep; got up and stretched himself down on the other side of the fire, and soon began to snore John, who had been watching every motion, found they were sound asleep, and whispered to me to get up. We got up as carefully as possible. John took the gun which the Indian struck fire with, cocked it and placed it in the direction of the head of one the Indians; he then took a tomahawk and drew it over the head of the other; I pulled the trigger and he struck at the same instant; the blow, falling too far back on the neck, only stunned the Indian; he attempted to spring to his feet, uttering most hideous yells. Although my brother repeated the blows with some effect, the conflict became terrible and somewhat doubtful. The Indian, however, was forced to yield to the blows he received upon his head, and, in a short time, he lay quiet and still at our feet. After we were satisfied that they were both dead, and fearing there were others close by, we hurried off, and took nothing with us but the gun I shot with. We took our course towards the river, and in about three quarters of a mile we found a path which led to Carpenter's fort. My brother here hung up his hat, that we might know on our return where to turn off to find our camp. We got to the fort a little before daybreak. We related our adventure, and a small party went back with my brother and found the Indian that was tomahawked; the other had crawled away a short distance with the gun. A skeleton and a gun were found, some time after, near the place where we had encamped. The last blood shed in battle between the whites and Indians in this part of the Ohio country, was in Jefferson county, in August, 1793. This action, known as "Buskirk's battle," took place on the farm of Mr. John Adams, on what was then known as Indian Cross creek now as Battle-Ground run. The incidents given below were published in a Steubenville paper, a few years since. A party of twenty eight Indians having committed depredations on this side of the river, a force of thirty eight Virginians, all of them veteran Indian fighters, under Capt. Buskirk, crossed the river to give them battle. And although they knew they were in the vicinity of the enemy, they marched into an ambuscade, and but for a most singular circumstance, would have been mowed down like pigeons. The whites marched in Indian file with their captain, Buskirk, at their head. The ambush quartered on their flank, and they were totally unsuspicious of it. The plan of the Indians was to permit the whites to advance in numbers along the line before firing upon them. This was done, but instead of each selecting his man, every gun was directed at the captain, who fell with thirteen bullet holes in his body. The whites and Indians instantly treed, and the contest lasted more than an hour. The Indians, however, were defeated, and retreated towards the Muskingum with the loss of several killed, while the Virginians, with the exception of their captain, had none killed and but three wounded. STEUBENVILLE is on the Ohio river, 22 miles above Wheeling, 35 below Pittsburg and 147 E. by N. from Columbus. It derives its name from a fort, called Fort Steuben, erected on its site as early as 1789. It stood on High street, near the site of the female seminary. It was built of block-houses connected by palisade fences, 270 JEFFERSON COUNTY. and was dismantled at the time of Wayne's victory, previous to which it had been garrisoned by U. S. infantry, under the command of Col. Beatty, father of the Rev. Dr. Beatty, of Steubenville. On the opp)osite side of the river then stood a block-house. ,,,._.. Steubenville Female Seminary. The town was laid out in 1798, by Bezaleel Wells and the IHon. James Ross of Pennsylvania, from whom Ross county, in this state, derived its name. Mr. Ross, who has attained high honor, is yet living; but Mr. Wells died poor, after having been at one time considered the most wealthy person in eastern Ohio. On the 14th of February, 1805, the town was incorporated and the following officers appointed: David Hull, president; John Ward, recorder; David Hog, Zacheus A. Beatty, Benj. Hough, Thos. Vincents, John England, Martin Andrews and Abm. Cazier, trustees; Samuel Hunter, treasurer; Matthew Adams, assessor; Charles Maxwell, collector, and Anthony Beck, town marshall. Steubenville is situated upon a handsome and elevated plain, in the midst of beautiful scenery. The country adjacent is rich and highly cultivated, affording the finest soil for wheat and sheep. Messrs. Bezaleel Wells and Dickerson introduced the merino sheep at an early day, and established in the town, in 1814, a woolen nanufactory, which laid the foundation for the extensive manufac 271 f KNOX COUNTY. tures of the place. Steubenville contains about 30 mercantile stores, 2 printing offices, (1 daily newspaper,) 1 Episcopal, 2 Presbyterian, 3 Methodist, 1 Catholic, 1 Baptist, 1 Associate Reformed, 1 New Jerusalem and 1 church for persons of color, 1 bank, 5 woolen, 1 paper, 1 cotton and 2 glass manufactories, 1 iron foundery and nu merous other manufacturing and mechanical establishments. In the vicinity are 7 copperas manufactories. From 800 to 1000 hands are employed in these various establishments, and over a million bush els of coal annually consumed, which is obtained from inexhaustible coal beds in the vicinity, at 3 cents per bushel. The town is very thriving and rapidly increasing. Its population in 1810, was 800; in 1820, 2,479; in 1830, 2,964; in 1840, 4,247, and in 1847, about 7,000. Much attention is given to the cause of education in Steubenville. There are 5 public and 4 select schools; a male academy and a female seminary. The male institution, called "Grove academy," is flourishing. It is under the charge of the Rev. John W. Scott, has 3 teachers and 80 scholars. The female seminary is pleasantly situated on the bank of the Ohio, commanding an extensive view of the river and the surrounding hills. It is under the charge of the Rev. Charles C. Beatty, D. D., superintendent, and Mrs. Hetty E. Beatty, principal. It was first established in the spring of 1829, and now receives only scholars over twelve years of age. It is in a very high degree flourishing, having a widely extended reputation. The establishment cost nearly $40,000, employs from 10 to 12 teachers and usually has 150 pupils, the full number which it can accommodate. Mount Pleasant, 21 miles sw. of Steubenville, is a large and flourishing village, containing 4 churches, beside 2 Friends meeting houses, 8 or 10 stores, a female seminary, and by the census of 1840, had 666 inhabitants; and now has about 1000. Richmond, 11 NW. of S., has 5 stores, a classical academy for males, 2 churches, 1 Friends meeting house and about 500 inhabitants. Smithfield, 14 sw. of S., has about the same number of stores, churches and inhabitants, as Richmond. The following are names of villages in Jefferson, with their population in 1840: Warren 209, Knoxville 166, Springfield 138, Tiltonville 137, Portland 113, Wintersville 107, New Trenton 103, New Somerset 98, New Amsterdam 85, Newburgh 75, York 54 and Monroesville 49. KNOX. KNox was named from General Henry Knox, a native of Boston, general in the war of the revolution, and secretary of war in Washington's administration. It was formed from Fairfield, March 1st, 1808. The north and east part is hilly-the central west and south part, undulating or level. The bottom lands of the streams are very 272 II g 18 III 88*88II88 5111511 WIll 1111111 III I III NATI, FROM THE OHIO. KNOX COUNTY, rich, particularly those of Vernon river, which stream affords abundance of water power. The principal productions are wheat, Indian corn, oats, tobacco, maple sugar, potatoes and wool. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population. Berlin, 1100 Harrison, 833 Miller, 977 Bloomfield, 1252 Hillier, 1012 Monroe, 1258 Brown, 1204 Howard, 999 Morgan, 912 Butler, 647 Jackson, 994 Morris, 1077 Chester, 1297 Jefferson, 994 Pike, 1216 Clay, 1304 Liberty, 1205 Pleasant, 888 Clinton, 920 Middlebury, 1002 Union, 1098 Franklin, 1343 Milford, 1157 Berlnkin, 11 arsn 343 Millerd, 9177 The population of Knox, in 1820, was 8,326, in 1830, 17,125, and in 1840, 29,584; or 48 inhabitants to a square mile. The early settlers of the county were mainly from the middle states, with some of New England origin. In 1805, Mount Vernon was laid out, and named by the proprietors of the soil, who were Joseph Walker, Thos. B. Paterson and Benj. Butler, from the seat of Washington. At this time, the county was thinly settled. Two years after, the principal settlers were, as far as their names are recollected, the Rileys, Darlings, Shriplins, Butlers, Kritchfields, Welkers, Dials, Logues, and De Witts, on Vernon river. In other parts of the county, the Hurds, Beams, Hunts and Dimick, Kerr, Ayres, Dalrymple, Houck, Hilliard, the Youngs, Mitchells, Bryants, Knights and Walkers. In the spring of 1807, there were only three families living on the plat of Mount Vernon, viz.: Benjamin Butler, tavern-keeper, from Penn., Peter Coyle, and James Craig. The early settlers of the village were, beside those named, Joseph and James Walker, Michael Click, David and Wm. Petigrue, Samuel Kratzer, Gilman Bryant, and Rev. James Smith, who came in 1808, and was the first Methodist clergyman. When the settlers first came, there were two wells, only a few rods apart, on the south bank of Vernon river, on the edge of the town, the origin of which remains unknown. They were built of neatly hammered stone, laid in regular masonry, and had the appearance of being overgrown with moss. Near by, was a salt lick, at which the Indians had been accustomed to encamp. Almost immediately after the first settlement, all traces of the wells were obliterated, as was supposed, by the Indians. A similar well was later brought to light, a mile and a half distant, by the plow of Philip Cosner, while plowing in a newly cleared piece of forest land. It was covered with poles and earth, and was about 30 feet deep. In the spring of 1807, Gilman Bryant opened the first store in Mt Vernon, in a small sycamore cabin, in the western part of the town. A hewed log and shingle-roofed building stood on the northeast corner of Wood and Main streets: it was the first tavern, and was kept by Benj. Butler. The first frame building was put up in 1809, and is now standing on lot 138 Main street. The old court-house9 erected about 1810, opposite the present court-house, on the public square, 35 273 KNOX COUNTY. was the first brick building: it was two stories high, and thirty-six feet square. The first brick building was erected in the spring of 1815, by Gilman Bryant, now standing next to and south of his pre sent residence. The first church, the old school Presbyterian, (now down,) was built about 1817. It was of brick, 40 feet square, and one story high: the first pastor was the Rev. James Scott. The first licensed preacher in the county was the Rev. WnVm. Thrift, a Baptist, from Loudon county, Va., who came in 1807, and travelled about from house to house. The first crops raised in the county were corn and potatoes. They were grown on the bottom lands, which were the first cleared: those lands were too rich for wheat, making "sick wheat," so termed, because when made into bread, it had the effect of an emetic, and produced feelings similar to sea-sickness. At an early day, the Indians, in great numbers, came to Mount Vernon to trade. They encamped on the river bank, and brought large quantities of furs and cranberries to dispose of for goods. The whites of the present day might take some beneficial hints from their method of trading at the store in this place. They walked in deliberately and seated themselves, upon which the merchant presented each with a small piece of tobacco. Having lighted their pipes, they returned the residue to their pouches. These were made of a whole mink skin, dressed with the hair on, with a slit cut in the throat, as an opening. In it, they kept, also, some kinnickinnick bark, or sumach, which they always smoked with their tobacco, in the proportion of about three of the former to one of the latter. After smoking and talking awhile together, one only at a time arose, went to the counter, and, taking up a yard stick, pointed to the first article he desired, and inquired the price. The questions were in this manner: "how many buckskins for a shirt pattern?" or "cloth for leggings?" &c. According to their skin currency, A muskrat skin was equal to a quarter of a dollar; a raccoon skin, a third of a dollar; a doe skinrt, half a dollar, and a buck skin, "the almighty dollar." The Indian, learning the price of an article, payed for it by picking out and handing over the skins, before proceeding to purchase the second, when he repeated the process, and so on through the whole, paying for every thing as he went on, and never waiting for that purpose until he had finished. While the first Indian was trading, the others looked uninterruptedly on, and when he was through, another took his place, and so on, in rotation, until all had traded. No one desired to trade before his turn, and all observed a proper decorum, and never attempted to "beat down," but, if dissatisfied with the price, passed on to the next article. They were cautious not to trade while intoxicated; but usually preserved some of their skins to buy liquor, and end their visit with a frolic. The early settlers in the town all felt as one family. If one got a piece of fresh meat, he shared it with his neighbors, and when a person was sick, all sympathized. At night, they met in each other's cabins, to talk, dance, and take a social glass. There was no distinction of party, for it was a social democracy. At their weddings, a puncheon table, formed like a bench, without a cloth, was covered with refreshments. These were plain and simple: wild turkeys, that had been gobbling about in the woods, were stewed and eaten with a relish; corn, that had grown on the river flats, made into "pone," served as wedding cake; while metheglin and whiskey, the only articles probably laot indigenous, were the beverages that washed them down. Their plates were either of wood or pewter, perhaps both, and no two alike; their knives, frequently butcher knives, and their forks often of wood. A dance was the finale of their festivities. They made merry on the puncheon floor to the music of the fiddle. Cotillions were inknown, while jigs, four-handed reels, the double shuffle and break down " were all the rage." -274 KNOX COUNTY After Mount Vernon was laid out, the settlers from thi region round about were accus,)med to come into town on Saturdays, to clear the stumps out of the streets. Early in ihe afternoon they quitted work, and grew jolly over a large kettle of "stew." This was made as follows: First, a huge kettle, of gallons' capacity, was placed upon the ground, resting upon three stones, and a fire kindled under it. In it was put two or three buckets of water, a few pounds of maple sugar, a few ounces of allspice, which had been pounded in a rag, a pound of butter, and, finally, two or three gallons of whiskey. When boiled, the stew was taken off, a circle was formed around, and the men helped themselves liberally, with tin cups, to the liquor, told hunting stories, wrestled, ran, hopped and jumped, engaged in foot races, shot at mark for goods or tobacco purchased at the store, and occasionally enlivened the scene by a fight. Upon the organization of the county, there was a spirit of rivalry as to which should be the county seat, Mount Vernon or Clinton, a town laid out a mile and a half north, by Samuel Smith-then a place of the most population, now among the " things that were." The commissioners appointed to locate the seat of justice, first entered Mount Vernon, and were received with the best cheer, at the log tavern of Mr. Butler. To impress them with an idea of the public spirit of the place, the people were very busy at the moment of their entrance and during their stay, at work, all with their coats off, grubbing the streets. As they left for Clinton, all quitted their labor, not " of love;" and some rowdies, who dwelt in cabins scattered round about in the woods, away from the town, left "the crowd," and stealing ahead of the commissioners, arrived at Clinton first. On the arrival of the others at that place, these fellows pretended to be in a state not comformable to temperance principles, ran against the commissioners, and by their rude and boisterous conduct, so disgusted the worthy officials as to the apparent morals of the inhabitants of Clinton, that they returned and made known their determination that Mount Vernon should be the favored spot. That night, there were great rejoicings in town. Bonfires were kindled, stew made and drank, and live trees split with gunpowder. The first settler north of Mount Vernon, was Nathaniel M. Young, from Pa., who, in 1803, built a cabin on the south fork of Vernon river, three miles west of Fredericktown. Mr. Young and his neighbors being much troubled with wolves, got together and made a written agreement to give nine bushels of corn for every wolf's scalp. In the winter of 1805-6, Mr. Young, John Lewis and James Bryant caught forty-one wolves, in steel traps and pens. Wolf pens were about 6 feet long, 4 wide and 3 high, formed like a huge square box, of small logs, and floored with puncheons. The lid, also of puncheons, was very heavy, and moved by an axle at one end, made of a small, round stick. The trap was set by a figure four, with any kind of meat except that of wolf's, the animals being fonder of any other than their own. On gnawing the meat, the lid fell and enclosed the unamiable native. Often, to have sport for the dogs, they pulled out the legs of a wolf through the crevices of the logs, hamstrung, and then let him loose, upon which the dogs sprang upon him, while he, crippled by the operation, made but an ineffectual resistance. In the adjoining county of Delaware, a man, somewhat advanced in years, went into a wolf-trap to render the adjustment of the spring more delicate, when the trap sprung upon him, and, knocking him flat on his face, securely caught him as was ever any of the wolf species. He was unable to lift up the lid, and several miles from any house. There he lay all one day and night, and would have perished had not a passing hunter heard his groans and relieved him from his peril. Mount Vernon, the county seat, is 45 miles NE. of Columbus. It is beautifully situated on ground slightly ascending from Vernon river. The town is compactly and substantially built, and some of the dwellings elegant. Main, the principal business street, is about a mile in length, on which are many brick blocks, three stories in neight. The view was taken in this street, at the southern extremity of the public square, looking north: on the left is shown the market and court-house, on the right, the Episcopal church, an elegant stone edifice, and in the centre, the tower of the old school Presbyterian church and the jail. This flourishing town contains 2 Presbyterian, 2 Methodist, 1 Baptist, 1 Lutheran, 1 Catholic and 1 Episcopal church, 20 dry goods, 6 grocery, 2 hardware, 3 apothecary and 2 book stores; 1 fulling, 4 grist and 5 saw mills, 3 newspaper printing offices, 275 KNOX COUNTY. and had, in 1840, 2,363 inhabitants, and has now over 3,000. The railroad, constructing from Sandusky City to Columbus, will connect this place with those. ______'ii Public Square, Mount Vernon. Five miles east of Mount Vernon, on a beautiful, healthy and elevated ridge, encompassed on three sides by the Vernon river, is the village of Gambier, so named from lord Gambier, and widely known as the seat of Kenyon college. This town, exclusive of the college, contains about 200 inhabitants. It was laid out under the auspices of the venerable Bishop Chase, in July, 1826, in the center of a 4,000 acre tract, belonging to Kenyon college. This institution was then founded, with funds obtained by Bishop Chase in England, and named after lord Kenyon, one of its principal benefactors. It was first chartered as a theological seminary. It is richly endowed, having 8,000 acres of land, and its property is valued at $100,000. The college proper has about 50 students; the theological seminary about 20; the senior grammar school about 20, and Milnor Hall, an institute for boys, about 25. In the various libraries are near 10,000 volumes. The main college building is romantically situated. You enter a gate into a large area: in the foreground is a large grassy, cleared plat of several acres, on the right of which stands Rosse chapel, an elegant Grecian structure; on the left and below, is the beautiful Vernon valley, bounded by forest-clad hills, over which the eye passes in the perspective for miles and miles, until the blue of distant hills and sky meet and blend in one. Through the centre of the grassy plat passes a footpath, which, at the distance of 200 yards, continues its straight line in a narrow opening through a forest, and terminates at the college, about one third of a mile distant, the spire of which rises darkly above the green foliage, like that of an ancient abbey, while the main building is mostly concealed. The 276 KNOX COUNTY. whole scene, the graceful, cheerful architecture of the chapel, on the right, the valley on the left, the pleasant, grassy green in front, the forest beyond, with the sombre, half-concealed building in the dis tance, give an ever-enduring impression. Standing at the gate, with the back to the college, the scene changes: a broad avenue terminates at the distance of half a mile, at the head of which, in a commanding position, faces Bexley Hall, a building appropriated to the theological seminary. It is a large, elegant, and highly ornamented Gothic structure, of a light color, with battlements and turrets, standing boldly relieved against the blue sky, except its lower portion, where it is concealed by the shrubbery of a spacious yard in front. To the left, and near the Hall, an imposing residence, late occupied by Bishop M'Ilvaine, faces the avenue. Away off to the right, among the trees, is Milnor Hall, and scattered about in various directions, near and far, private dwellings, offices and various structures, some plain and others adorned, some in full view and others partly hid by the undulations of the ground, trees and shrubbery. Fredericktown is a flourishing and well-built village, 7 miles NW. of Mount Vernon, which was laid out in 1807, by John Kerr. Vernon river, on which it is situated, furnishes considerable water power: on the middle branch of that stream, near the village, are some ancient fortifications and mounds. The town contains 2 Presbyterian, 2 Methodist and 1 Universalist church; 8 dry goods and 1 grocery store, 2 grist, 2 saw, 2 carding and 2 fulling mills, and had, in 1840, 444 inhabitants-since which, it has increased. Chesterville, 12 miles NW. from Mount Vernon, on Vernon river, has 2 churches, 5 stores, 2 flouring mills, and atout 400 inhabitants. Martinsburgh, 12 SE. of the county seat, on the Zanesville road, has 4 stores, 2 churches, an excellent academy, and about 400 inhabitants. Millwood, Bladensburgh, Amity, Danville, Centerburg, Mt. Liberty, Sparta, Palmyra and Mount Holly, are villages, the largest of which may contain 300 inhabitants. Kenyon College. 277 LAKE COUNTY. LAKE. LAKE was formed March 6th, 1840, from Geauga and Cuyahoga, and so named from its bordering on Lake Erie. The surface is more rolling than level; the soil is good, and generally clayey loam, inter spersed with ridges of sand and gravel. The principal crops are wheat, corn, oats, barley, buckwheat, hay and potatoes. Dairy products, beef cattle and wool are also among the staples. This county is peculiar for the quality and quantity of its fruit, as apples, pears, peaches, plums, grapes, &c. Many thousand dollars' worth are annually exported, and many of its inhabitants leave every spring, to engage in the business of grafting at the south and west. The situation of this county is very favorable to the preservation of the fruit from the early frosts, the warm lake winds often preventing its destruction, while that some twenty miles inland, is cut off. Bog iron ore is found in large quantities in Perry and Madison, and there are several furnaces in the county. The following is a list of its townships in 1840, with their population: Concord, 1136 Madison, 2801 Perry, 1337 Kirtland, 1777 Mentor, 1245 Willoughby, 1943 Leroy, 898 Painesville, 2580 Population of Lake, in 1840, 13,717, or 65 inhabitants to the square mile. Mentor was the first place settled in this county. In the summer of 1799, two families were there.* Among the earliest settlers of Lake, was the Hon. John Walworth, who was born at New London, Ct., in 1765. When a young man, he spent five years at sea and in Demarara, South America. About the year 1792, he removed, with his family, to the then new country east of Cayuga lake, New York. In 1799, he visited Cleveland, and after his return, in the fall of that year, journeyed to Connecticut, purchased over two thousand acres of land in the present township of Painesville, with the design of making a settlement. On the 20th of February, 1800, he commenced the removal of his family and effects. They were brought on as far as Buffalo, in sleighs. At that place, after some little detention, the party being enlarged by the addition of some others, drove in two sleighs on to the ice of the lake, and proceeded until abreast of Cattaraugus creek, at which point they were about ten miles from land. At dusk, leaving their sleighs and horses some 50 or 60 rods from shore, they made their camp under some hemlock trees, where all, men, women and children passed an agreeable night, its earlier hours being enlivened by good cheer and social converse. The next afternoon, they arrived at Presque isle, (now Erie, Pa.,) where, leaving his family, Mr. Walworth went back to Buffalo, for his goods. On his return to Erie, he, with his hired man and two horses and a yoke of oxen, followed the lake shore, and arrived in safety at his new purchase. His nearest neighbors east, were at Harpersfield, 15 miles distant. On the west, a few miles distant, within or near the present limits of Mentor, was what was then called the Marsh settlement, where was then living Judge Jesse Phelps, Jared Wood, Ebenezer Merry, Charles Parker and Moses Parks. Mr. Walworth soon returned to Erie, on foot, and brought out his family and effects in a flat boat, all arriving safe at the new home on the 7th of April. The first fortnight they lived in a tent, during which period the sun was not seen. About the expiration of this time, Gen. Edward Paine-the first delegate to the legislature from the Lake county, in the winter of 1801-2-arrived with seven or eight hired men, and settled about a mile distant. Mutually assisting each other, cabins were soon erected for shelter, and gradually the conveniences of civilization clustered around them. * Mrs. Tappan, in the MSS. of the Ashtabula Historical Society. 278 I LAKE COUNTY. Shortly after the formation of the state government, Mr. Walworth, Solomon Griswold, of Windsor, and Calvin Austin, of Warren, were appointed associate judges of Trumbull county. In 1805, Judge Walworth was appointed collector of customs for the district of Erie. In August, he opened the collector's office at Cleveland, and in the March ensuing, removed his family thither. He held various offices until his decease, Sept. 10th, 1812, and was an extensive land agent. Judge Walworth was small in stature, and of weakly constitution. Prior to his removal to the west, it was supposed he had the consumption; but to the hardships and fatigue he endured, and change of climate, his physicians attributed the prolongation of his life many years. He was a fearless man, and possessed of that indomitable perseverance and strength of will, especially important in overcoming the obstacles in the path of the pioneer.* View in Painesville. Painesville, the county seat, and the largest village between Cleveland and Erie, Pa., is 31 miles E. of Cleveland, and 170 NE. of Columbus. The Grand river skirts the village on the east, in a deep and picturesque valley. Painesville is one of the most beautiful villages in the west: it is somewhat scattered, leaving ample room for the cultivation of gardens, ornamental trees and shrubbery. A handsome public square of several acres, adorned with young trees, is laid out near the center of the town, on which face some public buildings and private mansions. The view represents the principal public buildings in the place. The first on the left, is the Methodist church; the building next, without a spire, tower or cupola, is the Disciple church; the one beyond, the Presbyterian church, and that most distant, the court house: these two last front the west side of the public square. Painesville is a flourishing town, containing 1 Episcopal, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Disciples and 1 Methodist church, 14 mercantile stores, 1 flouring mill, 1 bank, 1 newspaper printing oflice, and has increased since 1840, when it had 1014 inhabitants. The Painesville academy is a classical institution for both sexes, and in fine repute: a large brick building is appropriated for its uses. Near the town is the Geauga furnace, which employs a heavy capital. * From the Barr Mss. 279 LAKE COUNTY. Painesville was laid out about the year 1805, by Henry Champion, and originally named Champion: it was afterwards changed to that of the township which derived its name from Gen. Ed. Paine, a native of Connecticut, an officer of the revolution, and an early settler: he died only a few years since, at an advanced age, leaving the reputation of a warm hearted and excellent man. Among the aborigines familiarly known to the early settlers at Painesville, was a fine specimen of manhood, called by the whites, Seneca; by the Indians, Stigwanish, which, being rendered in English, signifies the Standing Stone. Says an old pioneer, in the Barr Mss: Whoever once saw him, and could not at once perceive the dignity of a Roman senator, the honesty of Aristides and the philanthropy of William Penn, must be unacquainted with physiognomy. He was never known to ask a donation, but would accept one exactly as he ought, when offered. But it was not suffered to rest there; an appropriate return was sure to be made, and he would frequently be in advance. He drank cider or Malaga wine moderately, but was so much of a teetotaller, as to have abjured ardent spirits since the time when, in a drunken frenzy, he aimed a blow with his tomahawk at his wife, which split the head of the papoose on her back. He seldom wanted credit in his trading transactions, and when he did, there was no difficulty in obtaining it, as he was sure to make punctual payment in specie. Once, when himself and wife dined with us at Painesville, he took much trouble to instruct her in the use of the knife and fork. Vain attempt! his usual politeness forsook him, and bursts of immoderate laughter succeeded, in which we were all compelled to join. The last time I saw Seneca-the fine old fellow-was at Judge Walworth's, in Cleveland, a short time before hostilities commenced with Great Britain. He expressed to me a fear that war was inevitable, and that the Indians, instigated by the British, would overwhelm our weak settlements; but gave the strongest assurances that if it should be possible, he would give us seasonable notice. If he was not prevented by age or infirmities from redeeming his pledge, he was probably killed by his own people, while endeavoring to leave their lines, or by some of ours, through a mistake of his character. The Hon. Samuel Huntington, who was governor of the state from 1808 to 1810, resided at Painesville, in the latter part of his life, and died there in 1817. Prior to his removal to Painesville, he resided at Cleveland. One evening, while travelling towards Cleveland from the east, he was attacked, about two miles from the town, by a pack of wolves, and such was their ferocity, that he broke his tumbrella to pieces in keeping them off, to which, and the fleetness of his horse, he owed the preservation of his life. Three miles below Painesville, at the mouth of Grand river, is Fairport, laid out in 1812, by Samuel Huntington, Abraham Skinner, Seymour and Calvin Austin, and Simon Perkins. The first warehouse in this region, and perhaps on the lake, was built about 1803, on the river, two miles above, by Abraham Skinner, near which, in the dwelling of Mr. Skinner, the first court in the old county of Geauga, was held. Fairport has one of the best harbors on the lake, and so well defended from winds, and easy of access, that vessels run in when they cannot easily make other ports. The water is deep enough for any lake craft, and about $60,000 has been expended in improving the harbor, by the general government. Lake steamers stop here, and considerable commerce is carried on. Fairport contains 8 forwarding houses, several groceries, from 20 280 LAKE COUNTY. to 40 dwellings, and a light house, and a beacon to guide the mariner on the fresh water sea. Richmond, one mile above Fairport, on the opposite and west side of the river, was laid out about ten years ago, in the era of speculation. A large village was built, a steamboat was owned there, and great things promised. Not having the natural elements of prosperity, it soon waned, some of its dwellings were removed to Painesville, while many others, deserted and decaying, are left to mark the spot. ~ueaica university, etc., wtllougnoy. The neat and pleasant village of Willoughby, is on Chagrin river, 21 miles from its mouth, 19 miles from Cleveland, and 11 s. w. of Painesville. The village and township were originally called Chagrin, and changed, in 1834, to the present name, in honor of Prof. Willoughby, of Herkimer county, N. Y. It was settled about the year 1799, by David Abbot, (see page 156,) Peter French, Jacob West, Ebenezer Smith, Elisha Graham and others. Abbot built the first grist mill on the site of the Willoughby mills: Smith was the first man who received a regular deed of his land from the Connecticut land company. In 1796, Charles Parker, one of the surveyors, built a house at the mouth of the river, and a number of huts for the use of the land company: the house was the first erected in the township, and probably the first in the county. Parker became a settler in 1802; in 1803 and 1$04, John Miller, Christopher Colson, James Lewis and Jacob West settled in Willoughby. Dr. Henderson, the first regular physician, came in 1813, and the first organized town meeting was held April 3d, 1815. A bloody battle, says tradition, was fought at an early day between the Indians, on the spot where the medical college stands: human bones have been discovered, supposed to be of those who fell in that action. The village of Willoughby contains 4 stores, 2 churches, 18 mechanic shops, 1 fulling mill, and in 1840, had 390 inhabitants. The engraving shows, on the right, the Presbyterian church, on the left, the Methodist church, and in the centre, on a pleasant green, the Medical University, a spacious brick edifice. This flourishing and well conducted institution, was founded in 1834: its number of pupils has 36 281 LAKE COUNTY. been gradually increasing, and in 1846, its annual circular showed 174 students in attendance. The moderate expenses of the institute, the low price of board-from $1.25 to $1.50 per weekl-give it ad vantages to those of moderate means. Its president is Amasa Trow bridge, who, with seven other professors, and an anatomical demon strator, form an ample corps of instructors.* Kirtland is 9 miles southwest from Painesville, in a fine country, on an elevation on the southern side of a branch of Chagrin rivers which here runs in a deep and romantic valley, interspersed with dwellings, cultivated farms and woodland. The village, at this time, contains about 250 inhabitants. The Western Reserve Teacher's Seminary, situated here, has 216 pupils of both sexes, is under the charge of Asa D. Lord, with several assistants, and is exerting a beneficial influence upon the cause of education in this region. This village is widely known, from having formerly been the head quarters of the Mormons. While here, in the height of their prosperity, they numbered nearly 3000 persons. On their abandoning it, most of the dwellings went to decay, and it now has somewhat the appearance of a depopulated and broken down place. The view taken, shows the most prominent buildings in the village. In the center, is seen the Mormon Temple; on the right, the Teacher's Seminary, and on the left, on a line with the front of the temple, the old banking house of the Mormons. The temple, the main point of attraction, is 60 by 80 feet, and measures from its base to the top of the spire, 142 feet. It is of rough stone, plastered over, colored blue, and marked to imitate regular courses of masonry. It cost about $40,000. In front, over the large window, is a tablet, bearing the inscription:" House of the Lord, built by the church of the Latter Day Saints, A. D. 1834." The first and second stories are divided into two "grand rooms" for public worship. The attic is partitioned off into about a dozen small apartments. The lower grand room is fitted up with seats as an ordinary church, with canvas curtains hanging from the ceiling, which, on the occasion of prayer meetings, are let down to the tops of the slips, dividing the room into several different apartments, for the use of the separate collections of worshipers. At each end of the room is a set of pulpits, four in number, rising behind each other. Each pulpit is calculated for three persons, so that when they are full, twelve persons occupy each set, or twenty-four persons the two sets. These pulpits were for the officers of the priesthood. The set at the farther end of the room, are for the Melchisedek priesthood, or those who minister in spiritual concerns. The set opposite, near the entrance to the room, are for the Aaronic priesthood, whose duty it is to simply attend to the temporal affairs of the society. These pulpits all bear initials, signifying the rank of their occupants. On the Melchisedek side, are the initials P. E., i e. President of the Elders; M. P. H., President of the High Priests; P. M. H., Pres. of the High Council, and M. P. C., Pres. of the Full Church. On the Aaronic pulpits, are the initials P. D., i. e. President of Dea * Removod to Columbus. 282 cons; P. T. A., President of the Teachers; P. A. P., Pres. of the Aaronic Priesthood, and B. P. A., Bishop of the Aaronic Priesthood. The Aaronic priesthood were rarely allowed to preach, that being the especial duty of the higher order, the Melchisedek. 3Iormon Temple, at Kiutland. We have received a communication from a resident of Kirtland, dated in the autumn of 1846. It contains some facts of value, and is of interest as coming firom an honest man, who has been a subject of the Mormon delusion, but whose faith, we are of opinion, is of late somewhat shaken. The Mormons derive their name from their belief in the book of Mormon, which is said to have been translated from gold plates found in a hill, in Palmyra, N. Y. They came to this place in 1832, and commenced building their temple, which they finished in 1835. When they commenced building the temple, they were few in number, but before they had finished it, they had increased to two thousand. There are in the church two Priesthoods-the Melchisedek and the Aaronic, including the Levitical, from which they derive their officers. This place, which they hold to be a stake of Zion, was laid off in half acres for a space of one square mile. When it was mostly sold, they bought a number of farms in this vicinity, at a very high price, and were deeply in debt for goods in New York, which were the causes of their eventually leaving for Missouri. They established a bank at Kirtland, from which they issued a number of thousand more dollars than they had specie, which gave their enemies power over them, and those bills became useless. 283 LAKE COUNTY. LAKE COUNTY. They adhered to their prophet, Smith, in all things, and left here in 1837, seven hun dred in one day. They still hold this place to be a stake of Zion, to be eventually a place of gathering. There is a president with his two counsellors, to preside over this stake. The president is the highest officer; next is the high priest, below whom are the elders, all of the Melchisedek priesthood. The lesser priesthood are composed of priests, teachers and deacons. They have twelve apostles, whose duty it is to travel and preach the gospel. There are seventy elders or seventies, a number of whom are travelling preachers: seven of the seventies preside'over them. There were two seventies organi zed in Kirtland. They ordain most of the male members to some office. They have a bishop with two counsellors, to conduct the affairs of the church in temporal things, and set in jadgment upon difficulties which may arise between members; but there is a higher court to which they can appeal, called the high council, which consists of twelve high priests. The president and his council set as judges over either of these courts. There are, how ever, three presidents who preside over the whole in all the world-o termed. The method of conducting worship among the Mormons is similar to other denomina tions. Tie first ordinance is baptism for the remission of sins; they lay on hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, and to heal the sick; anoint with oil; administer the sacrament; take little children and bless them; they hold to all the gifts of the Apostolic church, be lieving there is no true church without them, and have the gift of speaking in different tongues; they sometimes interpret for themselves, but commonly there is some one to inter pret for them. A prophet has lately risen among the Mormons, viz.: James J. Strang, of Wisconsin, who claims to be the successor of Joseph Smith. He has been with them only about two years, and was a young lawyer of western New York. He claims to have received com munications from Heaven, at the very hour of Smith's death, commissioning him to lead the people. He has established a stake in Walworth county, Wisconsin, called the city of Voree, by interpretation, signifying" Garden of Peace;' to which they are gathering, from Nauvoo and other places. He has lately visited Kirtland and re-established it as a stake of Zion, and organized the church with all its officers. There are now here about 100 members, who are daily increasing, and it is thought the place will be built up. Strang is said to have found plates of brass or some other metal. He was directed by an angel, who gave him a stone to look through, by which he made the discovery. They were found three feet under ground, beneath an oak of a foot in diameter. These he has translated: they give an account of a race who once inhabited that land, and became a fallen people. Strang preaches pure bible doctrine, and receives only those who walk humbly before their God. The Mormons still use the temple at Kirtland. This sect is now divided into three factions, viz.: the Rigdonites, the Twelveites, and the Strangites. The Rigdonites are the followers of Sidney Rigdon, and are but a few in number. The Twelveites-so named after their twelve apostles-are very fanatical, and hold to the spiritual wife system and the plurality of Gods. The Strangites maintain the original doctrines of Mormonism, and are located at this place and Voree. We derive, from a published source, a brief historical sketch of Mormonism. Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, was born in Sharon, Vermont, Dec. 23d, 1805, and removed to Manchester, Ontario county, N. Y., about the year 1815, at an early age, with his parents, who were in quite humble circumstances. He was occasionally employed in Palmyra as a laborer, and bore the reputation of a lazy and ignorant young man. According to the testimony of respectable individuals in that place, Smith and his father were persons of doubtful moral character, addicted to disreputable habits, and moreover, extremely superstitious, believing in the existence of witchcraft. They at one time procured a mineral rod, and dug in various places for money. Smith testified that when digging he had seen the pot or chest containing the treasure, but never was fortunate enough to get it into his hands. He placed a singular looking stone in his hat, and pretended by the light of it to make many wonderful discoveries of gold, silver and other treasures, deposited in the earth. He commenced his career as the founder of the new sect, when about the age of 18 or 19, and appointed a number of meetings in Palmyra, for the purpose of declaring the divine revelations which he said were made to him. He was, however, unable to pro 284 LAKE COUNTY. duce any excitement in the village; but very few had curiosity sufficient to listen to him. Not having means to print his revelations he applied to Mr. Crane, of the society of Friends, declaring that he was moved by the Spirit to call upon him for assistance. This gentleman bid him go to work, or the state-prison would end his career. Smith had better success with Martin Harris, an industrious and thrifty farmer of Palmyra, who was worth about $10,000, and who became one of his leading disciples. By his assistance, 5,000 copies of the Mormon bible (so called) were published, at an expense of about $3,000. It is possible that Harris might have made the advances with the expectation of a profitable speculation, as a great sale was anticipated. This work is a duodecimo volume containing 590 pages, and is, perhaps, one of the weakest productions ever attempted to be palmed off as a divine revelation. It is mostly a blind mass of words, interwoven with scriptural language and quotations, without much of a leading plan or design. Soon after the publication of the Mormon bible, one Parley B. Pratt, a resident of Lorrain county, Ohio, happening to pass through Palmyra, on the canal, and hearing of the new religion, called on the prophet, and was soon converted. Pratt was intimate with Sidney Rigdon, a very popular preacher of the denomination called" Reformers," or " Disciples." About the time of the arrival of Pratt at Manchester, the Smiths were fitting out an expedition for the western country, under the command of Cowdery, in order to convert the Indians, or Lamanites, as they termed them. In October, 1830, this mission, consisting of Cowdery, Pratt, Peterson and Whitmer, arrived at Mentor, Ohio, the residence of Rigdon, well supplied with the new bibles. Near this place, in Kirtland, there were a few families belonging to Rigdon's congregation, who, having become extremely fanatical, were daily looking for some wonderful event to take place in the world: 17 of these persons readily believed in Mormonism, and were all re-immersed in one night by Cowdery. By the conversion of Rigdon soon after, Mormonism received a powerful impetus, and more than 100 converts were speedily added. Rigdon visited Smith at Palmyra, where he tarried about two months, receiving revelations, preaching, &c. Hp then returned to Kirtland, Ohio, and was followed a few days after by the prophet, Smith, and his connexions. Thus, from a state of almost beggary, the family of Smith were furnished with the "fat of the land" by their disciples, many of whom were wealthy. A Mormon temple was erected at Kirtland, at an expense of about $40,000. In this building there was a sacred apartment, a kind of holy of holies, in which none but the priests were allowed to enter. An unsuccessful application was made to the legislature for the charter of a bank. Upon the refusal, they established an unchartered institution, commenced their banking operations, issued theirnotes, and made extensive~loans. The society now rapidly increased in wealth and numbers, of whom many were doubtless drawn thither by mercenary motives. But the bubble at last burst. The bank being an unchartered institution, the debts due were not legally collectable. With the failure of this institution, the society rapidly declined, and Smith was obliged to leave the state to avoid the sheriff. Most of the sect, with their leader, removed to Missouri, where many outrages were perpetrated against them. The Mormons raised an armed force to "drive off the infidels," but were finally obliged to leave ihe state. The last stand taken by the Mormons was at Nauvoo, Ill., a beautiful location on the Mississippi river. Here they erected a splendid temple, 120 feet in length by 80 in width, around which they built their city, which at one time contained about 10,000 inhabitants. Being determined to have their own laws and regulations, the difficulties which attended their sojourn in other places followed them here, and there was constant collision between them and the surrounding inhabitants. By some process of law, Joseph Smith (the prophet) and his brother Hyram were confined in the debtor's apartment in the jail at Carthage, in the vicinity of Nauvoo, and a guard of 8 or 10 men were stationed at the jail for their protection. While here, it appears a mob of about 60 men, in disguise, broke through the guard, and firing into the prison, killed both Joseph Smith and brother, Hyram, June 27th, 1844. Their difficulties still continued, and they determined to remove once more. In 1840, a work was published at Painesville, by E. D. Howe, called a "History of Mormonism," which gives almost conclusive evidence that the historical part of the book of Mormons was written by one Solomon Spalding. From this work we derive the fol. lowing facts. Mr. Spalding was born in Connecticut, in 1761, graduated at Dartmouth, and having failed in mercantile business, removed in 1809 to Conneaut, in the adjoining county of Ashtabula. About the year 285 1LAKE COUNTY. 1812, his brother, John, visited him at that place. He gives the following testimony: He then told me he had been writing a book, which he intended to have printed, the avails of which he thought would enable him to pay all his debts. The book was entitled the " Manuscript Found," of which he read to me many passages. It was an historical romance of the first settlers of America, endeavoring to show that the American Indians are the descendants of the Jews, or the lost tribes. It gave a detailed account of their journey from Jerusalem, by land and sea, till they arrived in America, under the command of NEPIII and LEHI. They afterwards had quarrels and contentions, and separated into two distinct nations, one of which he denominated Nephites, and the other Lamanites. Cruel and bloody wars ensued, in which great multitudes were slain. They buried their dead in large heaps, which caused the mounds so common in this country. Their arts, sciences and civilization were brought into view, in order to account for all the curious antiquities found in various parts of North and South America. I have recently read the Book of Mormon, and to my great surprise, I find nearly the same historical matter, names, &c., as they were in my brother's writings. I well remember that he wrote in the old style, and commenced about every sentence with "and it came to pass," or "now it came to pass," the same as in the Book of Mormon, and according to the best of my recollection and belief, it is the same as my brother Solomon wrote, with the exception of the religious matter. By what means it has fallen into the hands of Joseph Smith, jr., I am unable to determine. JOHN SPALDING. Mr. Henry Lake, of Conneaut, also states: I left the state of New York, late in the year, 1810, and arrived at this place the 1st of January following. Soon after my arrival, I formed a co-partnership with Solomon Spalding, for the purpose of rebuilding a forge which he had commenced a year or two before. He very frequently read to me from a manuscript which he was writing, which he entitled the "Manuscript Found," and which he represented as being found in this town. I spent many hours in hearing him read said writings, and became well acquainted with its contents. He wished me to assist him in getting his production printed, alledging that a book of that kind would meet with a rapid sale. I designed doing so, but the forge not meeting our anticipations, we failed in business, when I deciined having any thing to do with the publication of the book. This book represented the American Indians as the descendants of the lost tribes, gave an account of their leaving Jerusalem, their contentions and wars, which were many and great. One time, when he was reading to me the tragic account of Laban, I pointed out to him what I considered an inconsistency, which he promised to correct; but by referring to the Book of Mormon, I find to my surprise that it stands there just as he read it to me then. Some months ago I borrowed the Golden Bible, put it into my pocket, carried it home, and thought no more of it. About a week after, my wife found the book in my coat pocket, as it hung up, and commenced reading it aloud as I lay upon the bed. She had not read twenty minutes till I was astonished to find the same passages in it that Spalding had read to me more'than twenty years before, from his" Manuscript Found." Since that, I have more fully examined the said Golden Bible, and have no hesitation in saying that the historical part of it is principally, if not wholly taken from the "Manuscript Found." I well recollect telling Mr. Spalding, that the so frequent use of the words "And it came to pass," " Now it came to pass," rendered it ridiculous. Spalding left here in 1812, and I furnished him means to carry him to Pittsburgh, where he said he would get the book printed, and pay me. But I never heard any more from him or his writings, till I saw them in the Book of Mormon. HENRY LAKE. The testimony of six other witnesses is produced in the work of Mr. Howe, all confirming the main facts as above given. As Mr. Spalding was vain of his writings, and was constantly showing them to his neighbors, reliable testimony to the same general facts might have been greatly multiplied. The disposition Spalding made of his manuscripts is not known. From Conneaut, Spalding removed to Pittsburgh, about the year 1813, remained there a year or two, and from thence went to Amity, in the same state, where he died in 1816. His widow stated that while they resided at Pittsburgh; she thinks that the "Manuscript 286 LAKE COUNTY. Found" was once taken to the printing office of Patterson & Laiiibdin, but did not know whether it was ever returned. We again quote verbatim from the work of Mr. Howe. Having established the fact, therefore, that most of the names and leading incidents contained in the Mormon bible, originated with Solomon Spalding, it is not very material, as we conceive, to show the way and manner by which they fell into the hands of the Smith family. To do this, however, we have made some inquiries. It was inferred at once that some light might be shed upon the subject, and the mystery revealed, by applying to Patterson & Lambdin, in Pittsburgh. But here again death had interposed a barrier. That establishment was dissolved and broken up many years since, and Lambdin died about eight years ago. Mr. Patterson says he has no recollection of any such manuscript being brought there for publication, neither would he have been likely to have seen it, as the business of printing was conducted wholly by Lambdin at that time. He says, however, that many MS. books and pamphlets were brought to the office about that time, which remained upon their shelves for years, without being printed or even examined. Now, as Spalding's book can no where be found, or any thing heard of it after being carried to this establishment, there is the strongest presumption that it remained there in seclusion, till about the year 1823 or'24, at which time Sidney PRigdon located himself in that city. We have been credibly informed that he was on terms of intimacy with Lambdill, being seen frequently in his shop. Rigdon resided in Pittsburgh about three years, and during the whole of that time, as he has since frequently asserted, abandoned preaching and all other employment, for the purpose of studying the bible. He left there, and came into the county where he now resides, about the time Lambdin died, and commenced preaching some new points of doctrine, which were afterwards found to be inculcated in the Mormon bible. He resided in this vicinity about four years previous to the appearance of the book, during which time he made several long visits to Pittsburgh, and perhaps to the Susquehannah, where Smith was then digging for money, or pretending to be translating plates. It may be observed, also, that about the time Rigdon left Pittsburgh, the Smith family began to tell about finding a book that would contain a history of the first inhabitants of America, and that two years elapsed before they finally got possession of it. We are, then, irresistibly led to this conclusion:-that Lambdin, after having failed in business, had recourse to the old manuscripts then in his possession, in order to raise the wind, by a book speculation, and placed the "Manuscript Found;' of Solomon Spalding, in the hands of Rigdon, to be embellished, altered, and added to, as he might think expedient; and three years' study of the bible we should deem little time enough to garble it, as it is transferred to the Mormon book. The former dying, left the latter the sole proprietor, who was obliged to resort to his wits, and in a miraculous way to bring it before the world; for in no other manner could such a book be published without great sacrifice. And where could a more suitable character be found than Jo Smith, whose necromantic fame of arts and of deception, had already extended to a considerable distance? That Lambdin was a person every way qualified and fitted for such an enterprise, we have the testimony of his partner in business, and others of his acquaintance. Add to all these circumstances, the facts, that Rigdon had prepared the minds in a great measure, of nearly a hundred of those who had attended his ministration, to be in readiness to embrace the first mysterious ism that should be presented-the appearance of Cowdery at his residence as soon as the book was printed-his sudden conversion, after many pretensions to disbelieve it-his immediately repairing to the residence of Smith, 300 miles distant, where he was forthwith appointed an elder, high priest, and a scribe to the prophet-the pretended vision that his residence in Ohio was the "promised land,"-the immediate removal of the whole Smith family thither, where they were soon raised from a state of poverty to comparative affluence. We, therefore, must hold out Sidney Rigdon to the world, as being the original "author and proprietor" of the whole Mormon conspiracy, until further light is elicited upon the lost writings of Solomon Spalding. Seven miles southerly from Painesville, is a small and abrupt eminence, of about 200 feet in height, called "Little Mountain." A hotel is kept on the summit, and it commands a beautiful prospect of the adjacent country and Lake Erie, distant 10 miles. It is much visited, and is a favorite resort from the heats of summer. A cool breeze generally blows from the lake, to brace the nerves of the visitor, while around and below, the earth is clothed in beauty. Center 287 LAWRENCE COUNTY. ville, 12 miles east of the county seat, has 3 stores, 2 churches, and about 80 dwellings, scattered along the road for about a mile. Two and a half miles E. of the above, on the line of Ashtabula, is Unionville, which contains 4 stores, 2 churches, and about 100 dwellings, scattered along the road. LAWRENCE. LAWRENCE was organized March 1st, 1816, and named from Capt. James Lawrence, a native of Burlington, N.J., and a gallant naval officer of the war of 1812. Most of the county consists of high, abrupt hills, in which large quantities of sand or free stone exist: soil mostly clay. It is thinly settled, only about half the county having been, as yet, purchased of the general government. There is some rich land on the creek bottoms, and on that of the Ohio river, on which, and at the iron furnaces, are the principal settlements. This county is rich in minerals, and is the greatest iron manufacturing county in Ohio. Coal abounds in the western part, while clay, suitable for stone ware, is found under the ore, in the whole of the iron region. The agricultural products, which are small in quantity, are wheat, corn, oats, potatoes, hay and apples. The following is a list of the townships in 1840, with their population: Aid, 610 Lawrence, 425 Symmes, 472 Decatur, 594 Mason, 695 Union, 1036 Elizabeth, 1534 Perry, 663 Upper, 1181 Fayette, 841 Rome, 879 Windsor, 815 The population of Lawrence, in 1820, was 3,499; in 1830, 6,366; and in 1840, 9,745, or 23 inhabitants to the square mile. In the Indian war, prior to the treaty of Greenville, many boats, descending the Ohio, were attacked by the Indians, and the whites in them cruelly massacred. After the war had closed, wrecks of boats were frequently seen on the shore, to remind the traveller of the unhappy fate of those who had fallen a prey to the rifle, tomahawk and scalping-knife. Among the unpublished incidents of this nature, is one that belongs to the history of this county, obtained orally from one acquainted with the circumstances. Among the early settlers of Mason County, Ky., was Mr. James Kelly, who emigrated from Westmoreland, Pa. Shortly after his arrival, the Indians carried on their murderous incursions with so much energy, as to seriously threaten the annihilation of the infant settlemients. His father, alarmed for his safety, sent another son, William, to Kentucky, to bring his brother and family back to Pennsylvania. They embarked at Maysville, in a large canoe, with two men as passengers, who were to assist in navigating the boat. When about a mile below the mouth of the Big Guyandotte, and near the Virginia shore, they were suddenly fired upon by a party of Indians, secreted behind the trees on that bank of the river. William, who had risen up in the boat, was shot through the body, when James sprang up to save him from falling into the river, and receiving a death wound, fell forwards in the boat. The two men, as yet unharmed, steered for the Ohio shore. The instant the boat touched land, one of them, panic-stricken, sprang ashore, and running into the recesses of the forest, was never heard of more. The other passenger, however, was a 288 LAWRENCE COUNTY. man of undaunted courage. He determined to protect Mrs. Kelly and her litt'e children, consisting of James, a boy of about 5 years of age, and an infant named Jane. They landed, and turned their course for Gallipolis, about 30 miles distant. In their haste, they had forgotten to get any provisions from the boat, and the prospect of reaching there, through a wilderness swarming with Indians, was gloomy. To add to the horrors of their situation, they had gone but a few miles, when Mrs. Kelly was bitten in the foot by a copper-head, and was unable to make farther progress. As the only resort, her companion told her that he must leave her alone in the woods, and travel to Gallipolis, procure a boat and a party, and come for her. Having secreted them among some pawpaws, he started on his solitary and perilous journey. The Indians were soon on his track, in hot pursuit; and taking inland to avoid them, three or four days elapsed ere he arrived at the point of destination. He there obtained a keel boat, and a party of thirty men, and started down the Ohio, with but a faint hope of finding Mrs. Kelly and her little ones alive. During his absence, Mrs. Kelly had been accustomed, daily, to send her little son to the river's edge, to hail any boats that might pass. Fearing a decoy from the Indians, several went by without paying any attention to his cries. An hour or two before the arrival of the aid from Gallipolis, another boat, from farther up the river, passed down. At first, but little attention was given to the hailing of little James; but feelings of humanity prevailed over their fears, and reflecting also upon the improbability of the Indians sending such a mere child as a decoy, they took courage, turned to the shore, and took the sufferers aboard. They were then in a starving and deplorable condition; but food was soon given them by the kind-hearted boatmen, and their perils were over. Soon the Gallipolis boat hove in sight, and they were taken on board, and eventually to Pennsylvania. Mrs. Kelly, in the course of a few years, married again. The infant Jane grew up to womanhood, and was remarkable for her beauty. The little boy James finally emigrated to the Muskingum country. From him and his mother our informant derived these facts. Lawrence was settled about 1797, by people from Pennsylvania and Virginia, who were principally of Dutch and Irish descent. When the iron works were first established, only about one eighth of the land was entered, since which, the workmen have accumulated means to purchase more. At that day, the inhabitants were principally hunters, and for months together, our informant says, he did not see one wear a coat or shoes; hunting shirts and moccasons being the substitutes. The iron region is about eight miles wide. It extends through the east part of Scioto, and the west part of this county, and enters Jackson county on the north, and Greenup county, Ky., on the south. Most of the iron in Lawrence is made into pig metal, which stands high for castings, and is equal to Scotch pig for foundery furnaces: it is also excellent for bar iron. The principal markets are Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. The four counties of Jackson, Lawrence, Scioto, and Greenup, Ky., make about 37,450 tons annually, which, at $30 per ton, the current market price, amounts to $1,123,500. There are 21 furnaces in the iron region, of which the following are in Lawrence, viz., Union, Pine Grove, Lawrence, Center, Mount Vernon, Buckhorn, Etna, Vesuvius, La Grange, Hecla, and Olive. The oldest of these, in this county, is Union, a view of which is given, showing on the left, the furnace, in the middle ground, the log huts of the workmen, with the store of the proprietors, while around is wild, hilly scenery, amid which these furnaces are usually embosomed. Each of the 21 furnaces employs, on an average, 70 yoke of oxen, "100 hands, sustain 500 persons, consume 560 barrels of flour, 1000 bushels of corn meal, 10,000 bushels of corn, 50,000 pounds of ba con, 20,000 pounds of beef, 1500 bushels of potatoes, beside other provisions, and tea, sugar and coffee in proportion." From this it 37 289 LAWRENCE COUNTY. will be seen, that their existence is highly important to the agriculturist. In the winter season, about 500 men come from abroad, to cut wood for the furnaces in Lawrence; some of whom walk distances of hundreds of miles from their cabin homes among the mountains of Virginia and Kentucky. Union Furnace. Burlington, the county seat, is on the southernmost point of the Ohio river in the state, 133 miles southeasterly from Columbus. It is a small village, containing 4 stores, an academy, 1 or 2 churches, a newspaper printing office, and from 40 to 60 dwellings. When Lawrence was first organized, the commissioners neglected to lay a tax, and the expenses of the countv were carried on by orders, which so depreciated that the clerk had to pay $6, in orders, for a quire of paper. The county was finally sued on an order, and judgment obtained for the plaintiff, but as the public property could not be levied upon, not any thing was then recovered. Eventually, the legislature passed laws compelling the commissioners to lay a tax, by which the orders were paid in full, with interest. The annexed report of a case, that came before the court of common pleas in this county, is from the pen of a legal gentleman of high standing. It shows that in our day, the belief in witchcraft has not entirely vanished. ) Lawrence Common Pleas. Term 1828. Action on the case, for rs. a false warranty in the sale of a horse. Plea, general issue. ENocH H. FLEECE. The plaintiff having proved the sale and warranty, called a witness to prove the defendant's knowledge of the unsoundness of the horse at the time of sale. This witness testified, that both he and defendant lived at Union Furnace, in Lawrence county, and that the latter was by trade a tanner; that he, witness, knew the horse previous to the sale to the plaintiff, and before he was owned by defendant, and was then, and at the time defendant purchased him, in bad health. He saw him daily employed in defendalit's bark mill, and was fast declining, and when unemployed, drooping in his appearance, and so continued until sold to the plaintiff. Having been present at the sale, and hearing the warranty, the witness afterwards inquired of the defendant why he had done so, knowmig the horse to be unsound. He answered by insisting that the horse was in no way diseased, or in unsound health, but that the drooping appearance arose from his being bewitch. 290 LAWRENCE COUNTY. ed, which he did not call unsoundness, and so soon as they could be got out of the horse, he would then be as well as ever. The defendant further stated, that the same witches which were in that horse, had been in one or two persons, and some cows, in the same settlement, and could only be driven out by a witch doctor, living on the head waters of the Little Scioto, in Pike county, or by burning the animal in which they were found; that this doctor had some time before been sent for to see a young woman who was in a bad way, and on examnination found her bewitched. He soon expelled them, and also succeeded in ascertaining that an old woman not far off was the witch going about in that way, and she could be got rid of only by killing her. At some subsequent time, when defendant was from home, his wife sent for witness and others, to see and find out what was the matter with her cow, in a lot near the house. They found it frantic, running, and pitching at every thing which came near. It was their opinion, after observing it considerably, that it had the canine madness. The defendant, however, returned before the witness and others left the lot; he inspected the cow with much attention, and gave it as his opinion that they were mistaken as to the true cause of her conduct,-she was not mad, but bewitched; the same which had been in the horse, had transferred itself to the cow. By this time the animal, from exhaustion or other cause, had lain down. The defendant then went into the lot, and requested the persons present to assist in putting a rope about her hlorns, and then make the other end fast to a tree, where he could burn her. They laughed at the man's notion, but finally assisted him, seeing she remained quiet-still having no belief that he really intended burning her. This being done, the defendant piled up logs, brush and other things around, and finally over the poor cow, and then set fire to them. The defendant continued to add fuel, until she was entirely consumed, and afterwards told the witness he had never seen any creature so hard to die; that she continued to moan after most of the flesh had fallen from her bones, and he felt a pity for her, but die she must; that nothing but the witches in her kept her alive so long, and it was his belief they would be so burnt before getting out, that they never would come back. Night having set in before the burning was finished, tht defendant and his family set up to ascertain if the witches could be seen about the pile of embers. Late at night, some one of the family called the defendant to the window-the house being near the place-and pointed to two witches, hopping around, over and across the pile of embers, and now and then seizing a brand and throwing it into the air, and in a short while disappeared. The next morning, on examination, the defendant saw their tracks through the embers in all directions. At a subsequent time, he told the same witness and others, that from that time the witches had wholly disappeared from the neighborhood, and would never return-and to burn the animal alive, in which they were found, was the only way to get clear of them: he had been very fearful they would torment his family. The writer found, after the above trial, from a conversation with the defendant, that he had a settled belief in such things, and in the truth of the above statement. Hanging Rock, 17 miles below the county seat, on the Ohio river, contains 1 church, 4 stores, a forge, a rolling mill, and a foundery where excellent bar iron is made-and about 150 inhabitants. It is the great iron emporium of the county, and nearly all the iron is shipped there. It is contemplated to build a railroad from this place, of about 15 miles in length, to the iron region, connecting it with the various furnaces. The village is named from a noted cliff of sandstone, about 400 feet in height, called the " Hanging Rock," the upper portion of which projects over, like the cornice of a house. Some years since, a wealthy iron master was buried at Hanging Rock, in compliance with his request, above ground, in an iron coffin. It was raised about two feet from the ground, supported by iron pil lars, resting on a flat stone. Over all, was placed an octagonal build ing of wood, about 12 feet diameter and 15 high, painted white, with a cupola-like roof, surmounted by a ball. It was in fact a tomb, but of so novel a description as to attract crowds of strangers, to the no small annoyance of the friends of the deceased, who, in consequence, remo,red the building, and sunk the coffin into a grave near the spot. 291 LICKING COUNTY LICKING. LICKING was erected from Fairfield, March 1st, 1808, and named from its principal stream, called by the whites Licking-by the Indians, Pataskala. The surface is slightly hilly on the east, the western part is level, and the soil generally yellow clay: the vallies are rich alluvion, inclining many of them to gravel. Coal is in the eastern part, and iron ore of a good quality. The soil is generally very fertile, and it is a wealthy agricultural county. The principal crops are wheat, corn, oats and grass. Wool and dairy productions are also important staples. The following is a list of the townships in 1840, with their population. Bennington, Bowling Green, Burlington, Eden, Etna, Fallsbury, Franklin, Granville, Hanover, The population of Licking, in 1820, was 11,861, in 1830, 20,864, and in 1840, 35,096; or 53 inhabitants to the square mile. This county contains a mixed population: its inhabitants originated from Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Jersey, New England, Wales and Germany. Among the early settlers were John Channel, Isaac Stadden, John Van Buskirk, Benjamin Green, Samuel Parr, Samuel Elliott, John and Washington Evans, Geo. Archer, John Jones, and many Welsh. It was first settled, shortly after Wayne's treaty of 1795, by John Ratliff and Ellis Hughes, in some old Indian cornfields, about five miles below Newark, on the Licking. These men were from western Virginia. They lived mainly by hunting, raising, however, a little corn, the cultivation of which was left, in a great measure, to their wives. Hughes had been bred in the hot-bed of Indian warfare. The Indians having, at an early day, murdered a young woman to whom he was attached, and subsequently his father, the return of peace did not mitigate his hatred of the race. One night, in April, 1800, two Indians sto4e the horses of Hughes and Ratliff from a little enclosure near their cabins. Missing them in the morning, they started off, well-armed, in pursuit, accompanied by a man named Bland. They followed their trail in a northern direction all day, and at night camped in the woods. At the grey of the morning, they came upon the Indians, who were asleep and unconscious of danger. Concealing themselves behind the trees, they waited until the Indians had awakened, and were commencing preparations for their journey. They drew up their rifles to shoot, and just at that moment one of the Indians discovered them, and instinctively clapping his hand on his breast, as if to ward off the fatal ball, exclaimed in tones of affright, "me bad Indian!-me no do so more!" The appeal was in vain, the smoke curled from the glistening barrels, the report rang in the morning air, and the poor Indians fell dead. They returned to their cabins with the horses and "plunder" taken from the Indians, and swore mutual secrecy for this violation of law. One evening, some time after, Hughes was quietly sitting in his cabin, when he was startled by the entrance of two powerful and well-armined savages. Concealing his emo 292 Harrison, Hartford, Hopewell, Jersey, Liberty, Licking, Lima, Madison, 1049 1355 1150 932 1115 1215 . 739 1119 Mary Anne, M'Keane, Newark, Newton, Perry, St. Albans, Union Washington, 866 1424 4138 1247 994 1515 2219 1348 1244 1464 1423 853 1076 910 1131 2255 943 LICKING COUNTY. tions, he gave them a welcome and offered them seats. His wife, a muscular, squaw-like looking female, stepped aside and privately sent for Ratliff, whose cabin was near. Presently, Ratliff, who had made a detour, entered, with his rifle, from an opposite direction, as if he had been out hunting. He found Hughes talking with the Indians about the murder. Hughes had his tomahawk and scalping-knife, as was his custolm, in a belt around his person, but his rifle hung from the cabin wall, which he deemed it imprudent to attempt to obtain. There all the long night sat the parties, mutually fearing each other, and neither summoning sufficient courage to stir. When morning dawned, the Indians left, shaking hands and bidding farewell, but, in their retreat, were very cautious not to be shot in ambush by the hardy borderers. Hughes died near Utica, in this county, in March, 1845, at an advanced age, in the hope of a happy future. His early life had been one of much adventure: he was, it is supposed, the last survivor of the bloody battle of Point Pleasant. He was buried with military honors and other demonstrations of respect. Newark, the county seat, is 37 miles, by the mail route, easterly from Columbus, at the confluence of the three principal branches of the Licking. It is on the line of the Ohio canal, and of the railroad now constructing firom Sandusky City to Columbus, a branch from which, of about 24 miles in length, will probably diverge from this place to Zanesville. Newark is a beautiful and well-butilt town, on a level site, and has the most spacious and elegant public square in the state. It was laid out, with broad streets, in 1801, on the plan of Newark, N. J., by Gen. Wm. C. Schenk, Geo. W. Burnet, Esq., and John M. Cummings, who owned this military section, comprising 4,000 acres. The first hewed log-houses were built in 1802, on the public square, by Samuel Elliott and Samuel Parr. The first tavern, a hewed log structure, with a stone chimney, was opened on the site of the Franklin house, by James Black. In 1804, there were about 15 or 20 families, mostly young married people. Among the early settlers were Morris A. Newman, Adam Hatfield, Jas. Black, John Johnson, Patrick Cunningham, William Claypole, Abraham Miller, Samuel H. Smith, Annaniah Pugh, Jas. Petticord, John and Aquila Belt, Dr. John J. Brice, and widow Pegg. About the year 1808, a log building was erected on or near the site of the court-house, which was used as a court-house and a church, common for all denominations. The Presbyterians built the first regular church, about 1817, just west of the court-house, on the public square. The first sermon delivered in Newark, by a Presbyterian, and probably the first by any denomination in the county, was preached under peculiar circumstances. In 1803, Rev. John Wright, missionary of the Western Missionary Society at Pittsburg, arrived on a Saturday afternoon at Newark, which then contained five or six log-cabins and Black's log tavern, at which he put up. On inquiring of the landlady, he found there was but one Presbyterian in the place, and as he was very poor, he concluded to remain at the tavern rather than intrude upon his hospitality. The town was filled with people attending a horse-race, which, not proving satisfactory, they determined to try over the next day. Mr. Wright retired to rest at an early hour, but was intruded upon by the horse racers, who swore that he must either join and drink with them, or be ducked under a pump, which last operation was coolly performed upon one of the company in his presence. About midnight, he sought and obtained admittance in the house of the Presbyterian, where he rested on the floor, not without strenuous urging from the worthy couple to occupy their bed. The next morning, which was Sunday, when the guests ascertained he was a clergyman, they sent an apology for their conduct, and requested him to postpone preaching until afternoon, when the race was over. The apology was accepted, but he preached in the morning to a few persons, and in the afternoon to a large congregation. The sermon, 293 LICKING COUNTY. which was upon the sanctification of the Sabbath, was practical and pungent. When he concluded, a person arose and addressed the congregation, telling them that the preacher had told the truth; and although he was at the horse-race, it was wrong, and that they must take up a contribution for Mr. Wright. Over seven dollars were collected. In 1804, Mr. Wright settled in Lancaster, and after great difficulty, as the population was much addicted to vice, succeeded, in about 1807, through the aid of Mr. David Moore, in organizing the first Presbyterian church in Newark. Newark contains 2 Prebyterian, 1 Baptist, 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist, 1 Welsh Methodist, 1 German Lutheran, 1 Welsh Presbyterian and 1 Catholic church; 3 newspaper printing offices, 2 grist mills 1 foundery, 1 woolen factory, 6 forwarding houses, 10 groceries, 1 book, 2 hardware and 18 dry goods stores: in 1830, it had 999 inhabitants, and in 1840, 2,705, in 1847, 3,406. Southwest of Newark, in the forks formed by a branch of Licking river and Raccoon creek, are numerous ancient works, which extend over a space of several miles in length and breadth. On the 18th of May, 1825, occurred one of the most violent tornadoes ever known in Ohio. It has been commonly designated as "the Burlington storm," because in Burlington township, in this county, its effects were more severely felt than in any other part of its track. This event is told in the language of a correspondent. It commenced between the hours of one and two, P. M., in the southeast part of Delaware county. After passing for a few miles upon the surface of the ground, in an easterly direc tion, it appeared to rise so high from the earth that the tallest trees were not affected by it, and then again descended to the surface, and with greatly increased violence and force proceeded through the townships of Bennington and Burlington, in Licking county, and then passed into Knox county, and thence to Coshocton county. Its general course was a little north of east. For force and violence of wind, this storm has rarely been surpassed in any country in the same latitude. Forests and orchards were completely uprooted and levelled, buildings blown down, and their parts scattered in every direction and carried by the force of the wind many miles distant. Cattle were taken from the ground and carried one hundred rods or more. The creek, which had been swollen by recent rains, had but little water in its bed after the storm had passed. The roads and fields recently plowed, were quite muddy from previous rains; but after the storm had passed by, both roads and fields were clean and dry. Its track through Licking county was from one-third to three-fifths of a mile wide, but became wider as it advanced farther to the eastward. Those who were so fortunate as to be witnesses of its progress, without being victims of its fury, represent the appearance of the fragments of trees, buildings, &c., high in the air, to resemble large numbers of birds, such as buzzards, or ravens. The ground, also, seemed to tremble, as it is asserted by many credible persons, who were, at the time, a mile from the tornado itself. The roar of the wind, the trembling of the ground, and the crash of the falling timber and buildings, is represented by all who were witnesses as being peculiarly dreadful. Colonel Wright and others, who witnessed its progress, think it advanced at the rate of a mile per minute, and did not last more than a minute and a half or two minutes. The cloud was exceedingly black, and sometimes bore hard upon the ground, and at others, seemed to rise a little above the surface. One peculiarity was, that the fallen timber lay in every direction, so that the course of the storm could not be determined from the position of the fallen trees. Many incidents are related by the inhabitants, calculated to illustrate the power, as well as the terror, of the storm, among which are the following. A chain from three to four feet long, and of the size of a common plow-chain, was taken from the ground near the house of John M'Clintock, and carried about half a mile, and lodged in the top of a sugar-tree stub, about 25 feet from the ground. An ox, belonging to Col. Wait Wright, was carried about 80 rods and left unhurt, although surrounded by the fallen timber, so that it required several hours chopping to release him. A cow, also, was taken from the same field and carried about 40 rods, and lodged in the top of a tree, which was blown down, and when found was dead, and about 8 feet from the ground. Whether the cow was blown against the treetop before it was blown down, or was lodged in it after it fell, cannot be determined. A 294 LICKING COUNTY. heavy ox cart was taken from the yard of Col. Wright, and carried about 40 rods, and struck the ground with such force as to break the axle and entirely to demolish one wheel. A son of Col. Wright, upwards of fourteen years of age, was standing ill the house holding the door. The house, which was built of logs, was torn in pieces, and the lad was thrown with such violence across the room as to kill him instantly. A coat, which was hanging in the same room, was found, in the following November, in Coshocton county, more than forty miles distant, and was afterwards brought to Burlington, and was identified by Col. Wright's family. Other articles, such as shingles, pieces of timber and of furniture, were carried twenty, and even thirty miles. Miss Sarah Robb, about twelve years of age, was taken from her father's house and carried some distance, she could not tell how far; but when consciousness returned, found herself about forty rods firom the house, and walking towards it. She was much bruised, but not essentially injured. The family of a Mr. Vance, on seeing the storm approach, fled from the house to the orchard adjoining. The upper part of the house was blown off and through the orchard; the lower part of the house remained. Two sons of Mr. Vance were killed-one immediately, and the other died in a day or two from his wounds. These, and the son of Col. Wright, above mentioned, were all the lives known to be lost by the storm. A house, built of large logs, in which was a family, and which a number of workmen had entered for shelter from the storm, was raised up on one side and rolled off the place on which it stood, without injuring any one. A yoke of oxen, belonging to XVm. H. Cooley, were standing in the yoke in the field, and after the storm, were found completely enclosed and covered with fallen timber, so that they were not released till the next day, but were not essentially injured. A black walnut tree, two and half feet in diameter, which had lain on the ground for many years, and had become embedded in the earth to nearly one half its size, was taken from its bed and carried across the creek, and left as many as 30 rods from its former location. A crockery crate, in which several fowls were confined, was carried by the wind several miles, and, with its contents, set down without injury. Presbyterian Female Seminary. Episcopal Female Seminary. IEI.U1 'I;i I I 5111 III II plate caaemy. Granvlle (Bapizst) Cz llege. Literary Institutions at Granville. The village of Granville is six miles west of Newark, and is con nected with the Ohio canal by a side cut of six miles in length. It is a neat, well-built town, noted for the morality and intelligence of its inhabitants and its flourishing and well-conducted literary institutions. It contains 6 churches, 6 stores, 3 academies-(beside a large 6 295 4 LICKING COUNTY. brick building, which accommodates in each of its stories a distinct school,-and had in 1840, 727 inhabitants. The Granville college belongs to the Baptists, and was chartered in 1832. It is on a corn manding site, one mile southwest of the village: its faculty consist of a president, two professors and two tutors. The four institutions at Granville, have, unitedly, firom 15 to 20 instructors, and enjoy a generous patronage from all parts of the state. When all the schools and institutions are in operation, there are, within a mile, usually from 400 to 600 scholars. The annexed historical sketch of Granville township, is from the published sketches of the Rev. Jacob Little. In 1804, a company was formed at Granville, Mass., with the intention of making a settlement in Ohio. This, called "the Scioto company," was the third of that name which effected settlements in Ohio. (See pp. 169, 178.) The project met with great favor, and much enthusiasm was elicited; in illutstration of which, a song was composed and sung to he tune of "Pleasant Ohio," by the young people in the house and at labor in the field. We annex two stanzas, which are more curious than poetical. When rambling o'er these mountains And rocks, where ivies grow Thick as the hairs upon your head, 'Mongst which you cannot go; Great storms of snow, cold winds that blow, We scarce can undergo; Says I, my boys, we'll leave this place For the pleasant Ohio. The Scioto company consisted of 114 proprietors, who made a purchase of 28,000 acres. In the autumn of 1805, 234 persons, mostly fiom East Granville, Mass., came on to the purchase. Although they had been forty-two days on the road, their first business, on their arrival, having organized a church before they left the east, was to hear a sermon. The first tree cut was that by which public worship was held, which stood just front of the site of the Presbyterian church. On the first Sabbath, November 16th, although only about a dozen trees had been cut, they held divine worship, both forenoon and afternoon, at that spot. The novelty of worshiping in the woods, the forest extending hundreds of miles every way, the hardships of the journey, the winter setting in, the fresh thoughts of home, with all the friends and privileges left behind, and the impression that such must be the accommodation of a new country, all rushed on their nerves and made this a day of varied interest. When they began to sing, the echo of their voices among the trees was so dif ferent from what it was in the beautiful meeting house they had left, that they could no longer restrain their tears. They wept when they remnembered Zion. The voices of part of the choir were for a season suppressed with emotion. An incident occurred, which some Mrs. Sigourney should put into a poetical dress. Deacon Theophilus Reese, a Welsh Baptist, had two or three years before built a cabin a mile and a half north, and lived all this time without public worship. He had lost his cows, and hearing a lowing of the oxen belonging to the company, set out towards them. As he ascended the lhills overlooking the town-plot, he heard the singing of the choir. The reverberation of the sound from hill-tops and trees, threw the good man into a serious dilemma. The music at first seemed to be behind, then in the tops of the trees or the clouds. He stopped, till by accurate listening, he caught the direction of the sound, and went on, till passing the brow of the hill, when he saw the audience sitting on the level below. He went home and told his wife that "the promise of God is a bond;" a Welsh phrase, signifying that we have security, equal to a bond that religion will prevail every where. He said "these must be good people. I am not afraid to go among them." Though he could not understand English, he constantly attended the reading meeting. Hearing the music on that occasion, made such an impression on his mind, that when he became old and met the first settlers, he would always tell over this story. The first cabin built, was that in which they worshiped succeeding Sabbaths, and before the close of winter they had a school and school house. That church, in forty years, has been favored with ten revivals, and received about one thousand persons. The first Baptist sermon was preached in the log church by Elder Jones, in 1806. The 296 Our precious friends that stay behind, We're sorry now to leave; But if they'll stay and break their shins, For them we'll never grieve; Adieu, my friei-ids! come on my dears, This Journey we'll forego, And settle Licking creek, III Yonder Ohio. LICKING COUNTY. Welsh Baptist church was organized in the cabin of David Thomas, September 4, 1808. "The Baptist church in Christ and St. Albans," was organized June 6th, 1819. On the 21st of April, 1827, the Granville memlbers were organized into "the Granville church," and the corner-stone of their church was laid September 21, 1829. In the fall, the first Methodist sermon was preached under a black walnut; the first class organized in 1810, and first church erected in 1824. An Episcopal church was organized May 9th, 1827, and a church consecrated in 1838. More recently, the Welsh Congregationalists and Calvinistic Methodists have built houses of worship, making seven congregations, of whom three worship in the Welsh language. There are, in the township, 405 families, of which 214 sustain family worship; 1431 persons over 14 years of age, of whom nearly 800 belong to these several churches. The town has 150 families, of which 80 have family worship. Twenty years ago, the township furnished 40 school teachers, and in 1846, 70, of whom 62 prayed in school. In 1846, the township took 621 periodical papers, beside three small monthlies. The first temperance society west of the mountains, was organized July 15th, 1828, and in 1831, thile Congregational church adopted a by-law, to accept no member who trafficked in or used ardent spirits. There are but six men nlow living who came on with fanmilies the first fall, viz: Hugh Kelley, Roswcll Graves, Elias Gillman, William Gavit, Levi and Hiram Rose. Other males, who arrived in 1805, then mostly children, and still surviving, are Elkaivnah Linnel, Spencer, Thomas and Timothy Spelman, Dennis Kelley, William Jones, Franklin and Ezekiel Gavit, Cotton, Alexander and William Thrall, Augustine Munson, Amos Carpenter, Timothy, Samuel, Heland, Lemuel, C. C. and Hiram P. Rose, Justin and Truman Hillyer, Silvanus, Gideon, Isaac and Archibald Cornel, Simeon and Alfred Avery, Frederick More, Worthy Pratt, Ezekiel, Samuel and Truman Wells, Albert, Mitchell, Joshua, Knowles and Benjamin Linnel, Lester and Hiram Case, Harry and Lewis Clemens, Leverett, Harry and Charles Butler, and Titus Knox: which, added to the others, make fortyone persons. When Granville was first settled, it was supposed that Worthington would be the capital of Ohio, between which and Zanesville, this would make a great half-way town. At this tinme, snakes, wolves and Indians abounded in this region. On the pleasant spring mornings, large numbers of snakes were found running on the flat stones. Upon prying up the stones, there was found a singular fact respecting the social nature of serpents. Dens were found containing very discordant materials, twenty or thirty rattle-snakes, blacksnakes and copper-heads, all coiled up together. Their liberal terms of admission only seemed to require evidence of snakeship. Besides various turnouts to kill them, the inhabitants had one general hunt. Elias Gllnlman and Justin Hillyer were the captains, who chose sides, and the party beaten were to pay three gallons of whiskey. Tradition is divided as to the number killed that day. Some say 300. They killed that year between 700 and 800 rattle-snakes and copper-heads, keeping no account of the black and other harmless serpents. The young men would seize them by the neck and thrash them against the trees, before they had time to bite or curl round their arms. The copper-head, though smaller, was much more feared. The rattle-snake was larger, sooner seen, and a true southerner, always living up to the laws of honor. He would not bite without provocation, and by his rattles gave the challenge in an honorable way. Instead of this well-bred warfare, the copper-head is a wrathy little felon, whose ire is always up, and he will make at the hand or the foot in the leaves or grass, before he is seen, and his bite is as poisonous as that of his brother of the larger fang. The young men tested his temper, and found that in his wrath hlie would bite a red hot coal. Very few were bitten by the rattle-snake, and all speak well of his good disposition and gentlemanly manners; but so many were bitten in consequence of the fractious temper of the copper-head, that he has left no one behind him to sound a note in his praise. The limb bitten became immediately swollen, turned the color of the snake, and the patient was soon unable to walk. In some cases the poison broke out annually, and in others, the limb for years was exposed to frequent swellings. After all that was suffered from poisonous reptiles, it was proved to a demonstration, that no animal is so poisonous as man. Carrying more poison in his mouth than any other creature, he can poison a venomous serpent to death, quicker than the serpent can him. Martin Root and two other young men, chopping together, saw a rattle-snake, set a fork over his neck, and put in his mouth a new quid from one of their mouths. They raised the fork, and the poor creature did not crawl more than his length before he convulsed, swelled up and died, poisoned to death by virus from the mouth of one of the lords of creation. Deacon Hayes and Worthy Pratt tried the same experiment upon copper-heads, with the same results. Many others 38 297 LOGAN COUNTY. killed venomous reptiles in the same way, and one man pretended that by the moderate use, he had taught a copper-head to take tobacco without injury. About three miles northwest of the ancient works in the vicinity of Newark, and near the road between that place and Granville, are numerous mounds and other ancient works. The most curious object is the figure, shaped like and called "the Alligator," on the top of a high hill. Its dimensions are as follows, in feet: length of the head and neck, 32; do. of the body, 73; do. tail, 105; width from the ends of the fore feet over the shoulders, 100; do. hind feet over the hips, 92; do. between the legs across the body, 32; do. tail close to the body, 18; height at the highest point, 7; whole length, 210; do. head, neck and body, 105. It appears to be mainly composed of clay, and is overgrown with grass. Visitors have made a path from the nose along the back to where the tail begins to curl, at which point stands a large black walnut. The noted "Narrows of Licking," are in the eastern part of the county. "This is a very picturesque spot; cliffs of sandstone rock, 50 feet in height, line the sides of the canal, especially on the left bank of the stream. In some places, they hang over in a semi-circular form, the upper portion projecting and defending the lower from the rains and weather. In one of these spots, the aborigines chose to display their ingenuity at pictorial writing, by figuring on the smooth face of the cliff, at an elevation of eight or ten feet above the water, the outlines of wild animals, and among the rest, the figure of a huge black human hand. From this circumstance, the spot is known to all the old hunters and inhabitants of this vicinity, by the name of'the black hand narrows.' It is the scene of many an ancient legend and wild hunting story." The following are names of villages in this county, with their population in 1840: some of them have much increased since, and are smart business places, containing several stores, churches, mills, &c. The six first named are on the national road. Brownsville 313, Hebron 473, Jacksontown 215, Kirkersville 179, Luray 109, Gratiot 147, Alexandria 200, Chatham 173, Etna 219, Fredonia 107, Hartford 106, Havana 54, Homer 201, Linnville 101, Lockport 125, and Utica 355. Johnstown, omitted in the census of 1840, is a village of note, in the northwest part of the county. LOGAN. LOGAN derived its name from Gen. Benj. Logan: it was formed March 1st, 1817, and the courts ordered "to be holden at the house of Edwin Matthews, or some other convenient place in the town of Bellville, until a permanent seat of justice should be established." The soil, which is various, is generally good: the surface broken around the head waters of Mad river, elsewhere rolling or level; in the western part are eight small lakes, covering each from two to 298 LOGAN COUNTY. seventy acres of land. The principal productions are wheat, corn, rye, oats and clover, flax and timothy seed. The following is a list of the townships in 1840, with their population: Bloomfield, 565 Libertvy, 807 Rush Creek, 1077 Rakes Creek, 222 M'Arthur, 1673 Stokes, 299 Harrison, 658 Miami, 1423 Union, 832 Jefferson, 1527 Monroe, 1203 Washington, 517 Lake, 1175 Perry, 1014 Zane, 1021 The population of Logan in 1820, was 3181; in 1830, 6432, and in 1840, 14,013, or 33 inhabitants to the square mile. The territory comprised within the limits of this county, was a favorite abode of the Shawanoe Indians, who had several villages on Mad river, called the Mack-a-chack towns, the names and position of three of which are given to us by an old settler. The first, called Mack-a-chack, stood near West Liberty, on the farm of Judge Benj. Piatt; the second, Pigeon Town, was about three miles northwest, on the farm of George F. Dunn, and the third, Wappatomica, was just below Zanesfield. The Mack-a-chack towns were destroyed in 1786, by a body of Kentuckians, under Gen. Benj. Logan. The narrative of this expedition is from the pen of Gen. William Lytle, (see page 98,) who was an actor in the scenes he describes. It was in the autumn of this year, that Gen. Clarke raised the forces of the Wabash expedition. They constituted a numerous corps. Col. Logan was detached from the army at the falls of the Ohio, to raise a considerable force, with which to proceed against the Indian villages on the head waters of Mad river and the Great Miami. I was then aged 16, and too young to come within the legal requisition; but I offered myself as a volunteer. Col. Logan went on to his destination, and would have surprised the Indian towns against which he had marched, had not one of his men deserted to the enemy, not long before they reached the town, who gave notice of their approach. As it was, he burned eight large towns, and destroyed many fields of corn. He took 70 or 80 prisoners, and killed 20 warriors, and among them the head chief of the nation. This last act caused deep regret, humiliation and shame to the commander in chief and his troops. We came in view of the two first towns, one of which stood on the west bank of Mad river, and the other on the northeast of it. They were separated by a prairie, half a mile in extent. The town on the northeast was situated on a high, commanding point of land, that projected a small distance into the prairie, at the foot of which eminence broke out several fine springs, This was the residence of the famous chief of the nation. His flag was flying at the time, from the top of a pole 60 feet high. We had advanced in three lines, the commander with some of the horsemen marching at the head of the center line, and the footmen in their rear. Col. Robert Patterson commanded the left, and I think Col. Thomas Kennedy the right. When we came in sight of the towns, the spies of the front guard made a halt, and sent a man back to inform the commander of the situation of the two towns. He ordered Col. Patterson to attack the towns on the left bank of Mad river. Col. Kennedy was also charged to incline a little to the right of the town on the east side of the prairie. He determined himself to charge, with the center division, immediately on the upper town. I heard the commander give his orders, and caution the colonels against allowing their men to kill any among the enemy, that they might suppose to be prisoners. He then ordered them to advance, and as soon as they should discover the enemy, to charge upon them. I had my doubts touching the propriety of some of the arrangements. I was willing, however, to view the affair with the diffidence of youth and inexperience. At any rate, I was determined to be at hand, to see all that was going on, and to be as near the head of the line as my colonel would permit. I was extremely solicitous to try myself in battle. The commander of the center line waved his sword over his head, as a signal for the troops to advance. Col. Daniel Boone, and Major, since Gen. Kenton, commanded the advance, and Col. Trotter the rear. As we approached within half a mile of the town on the left, and 299 LOGAN COUNTY. about three fourths from that on the right, we saw the savages retreating in all directions, making for the thickets, swamps, and high prairie grass, to secure them from their enemy. I was animated with the energy with which the commander conducted the head of his line. He waved his sword, and in a voice of thunder exclaimed, "Charge from right to left!" The horses appeared as impatient for the onset as their riders. As we came up with the flying savages, I was disappointed, discovering that we should have little to do. I heard but one savage, with the exception of the chief, cry for quarter. They fought with despeia tion, as long as they could raise knife, gun or tomahawk, after they found they could not screen themselves. We dispatched all the warriors that we overtook, and sent the women and children prisoners to the rear. We pushed ahead, still hoping to overtake a larger body, where we might have something like a general engagement. I was mounted on a very fleet grey horse. Fifty of my companions followed me. I had not advanced more than a mile, before I discovered some of the enemy, running along the edge of a thicket of hazle and plumi bushes. I made signs to the men in my rear, to come on. At the same time, pointing to the flying enemy, I obliqued across the plain, so as to get in advance of them. When I arrived within 50 yards of them, I dismounted and raised my gun. I dis covered, at this moment, some men of the right wing coming up on the left. The warrior I was about to shoot, held up his hand in token of surrender, and I heard him order the other Indians to stop. By this time, the men behind had arrived, and were in the act of firing uponi the Indians. I called to them not to fire, for the enemy had surrendered. The warrior that had surrendered to me, came walking towards me, calling his women and children to follow him. I advanced to meet him, with my right hand extended; but before I could reach him, the men of the right wing of our force had surrounded him. I rushed in among their horses. While he was giving me his hand, several of our men wished to tomahawk him. I informed them that they would have to tomahawk me first. We led him back to the place where his flag had been. We had taken thirteen prisoners. Among them were the chief, his three wives-one of them a young and handsome woman, another of them the famous grenadier squaw, upwards of six feet high-and two or three fine young lads. The rest were children. One of these lads was a remarkably interesting youth, about my own age and size. He clung closely to me, and appeared keenly to notice every thing that was going on. When we arrived at the town, a crowd of our men pressed around to see the chief. I stepped aside to fasten my horse, and my prisoner lad clung close to my side. A young man by the name of Curner had been to one of the springs to drink. He discovered the young savage by my side, and came running towards me. The young Indian supposed he was advancing to kill him. As I turned around, in the twinkling of an eye, he let fly an arrow at Curner, for he was armed with a bow. I had just time to catch his arm, as he discharged the arrow. It passed through Curner's dress, and grazed his side. The jerk I gave his arm undoubtedly prevented his killing Curner on the spot. I took away his arrows, and sternly reprimanded him. I then led him back to the crowd which surrounded the prisoners. At the same moment, Col. M'Gary, the same man who had caused the disaster at the Blue Licks, some years before, coming up, Gen. Logan's eye caught that of M'Gary. "Col. M'Gary," said he, " you must not molest these prisoners." " I will see to that," said M'Gary in reply. I forced my way through the crowd to the chief, with my young charge by the hand. M'Gary ordered the crowd to open and let him in. He came up to the chief, and the first salutation was in the question, "Were you at the defeat of the Blue Licks?" The Indian, not knowing the meaning of the words, or not understanding the purport of the question, answered, "Yes." M'Gary instantly seized an axe from the hands of the grenadier squaw, and raised it to make a blow at the chief. I threw up my arm, to ward off the blow. The handle of the axe struck me across the left wrist, and came near breaking it. The axe sank in the head of the chief to the eyes, and he fell dead at my feet. Provoked beyond measure at this wanton barbarity, I drew my knife, for the purpose of avenging his cruelty by dispatching him. My. arm was arrested by one of our men, which prevented me inflicting the thrust. M'Gary escaped from the crowd. A detachment was then ordered off to two other towns, distant six or eight miles. The men and prisoners were ordered to march down to the lower town and encamp. As we marched out of the upper town, we fired it, collecting a large pile of corn for our horses, and beans, pumpkins, &c., for our own use. I told Capt. Stucker, who messed with me, that I had seen several hogs running about the town, which appeared to be in good order, and I thought that a piece of fresh pork would relish well with our stock of vegetables. He readily assenting to it, we went in pursuit of them; but as orders had been given not to shoot unless at an enemy, after finding the hogs we had to run them down on foot, until we got near enough to tomahawk them. Being engaged at this for some time before we killed 1. 300 i4 LOGAN COUNTY. one, while Capt. S. was in the act of striking the hog, I cast my eye along the edge of the woods that skirted the prairie, and saw an Indian coming along with a deer on his back. The fellow happened to raise his head at that moment, and looking across the prairie to the upper town, saw it all in flames. At the same moment, I spake to Stucker in a low voice, that here was an Indian coming. In the act of turning my head round to speak to Stucker, I discovered Hugh Ross, brother-in-law to Col. Kennedy, at the distance of about 60 or 70 yards, approaching us. I made a motion with my hand to Ross to squat down; then taking a tree between me and the Indian, I slipped somewhat nearer, to get a fairer shot, when at the instant I raised my gun past the tree, the Indian being about 100 yards distant, Ross's ball whistled by me, so close that I felt the wind of it, and struck the Indian on the calf of one of his legs. The Indian that moment dropped his deer, and sprang into the high grass of the prairie. All this occurred so quickly, that I had not time to draw a sight on him, before he was hid by the grass. I was provoked at Ross for shooting when I was near enough to have killed him, and now the consequence would be, that probably some of our men would lose their lives, as a wounded Indian only would give up with his life. Capt. Irwin rode up that moment, with his troop of horse, and asked me where the Indian was. I pointed as nearly as I could to the spot where I last saw him in the grass, cautioning the captain, if he missed him the first charge, to pass on out of his reach before he wheeled to re-charge, or the Indian would kill some of his men in the act of wheeling. Whether the captain heard me, I cannot say; at any rate, the warning was not attended to, for after passing the Indian a few steps, Captain Irwin ordered his men to wheel and re-charge across the woods, and in the act of executing the movement, the Indian raised up and shot the captain dead on the spot-still keeping below the level of the grass, to deprive us of any opportunity of putting a bullet through him. The troop charged again; but the Indian was so active, that he had darted into the grass, some rods from where he had fired at Irwin, and they again missed him. By this time several footmen had got up. Capt. Stucker and myself had each of us taken a tree that stood out in the edge of the prairie, among the grass, when a Mr. Stafford came up, and put his head first past one side and then the other of the tree I was behind. I told him not to expose himself that way, or he would get shot in a moment. I had hardly expressed the last word, when the Indian again.raised up out of the grass. His gun, Stucker's, and my own, with four or five behind us, all cracked at the same instant. Stafford fell at my side, while we rushed on the wounded Indian with our tomahawks. Before we had got him dispatched, he had made ready the powder in his gun, and a ball in his mouth, preparing for a third fire, with bullet holes in his breast that might all have been covered with a man's open hand. We found with him Capt. Beasley's rifle-the captain having been killed at the Lower Blue Licks, a few days before the army passed through that place on their way to the towns. Next morning, Gen. Logan ordered another detachment to attack a town that lay seven or eight miles to the north or northwest of where we then were. This town was also burnt, together with a large blockhouse that the English had built there, of a huge size and thickness; and the detachment returned that evening to the main body. Mr. Isaac Zane was at that time living at this last village, he being married to a squaw, and having at the place his wife and several children at the time. The name of the Indian chief killed by M'Gary, was Moluntha, the great sachem of the Shawnees. The grenadier squaw was the sister to Cornstalk, who fell [basely murdered] at Point Pleasant. Jonathan Alder (see Madison county) was at this time living with the Indians. From his narrative, it appears that the news of the approach of the Kentuckians was communicated to the Indians by a Frenchman, a deserter from the former. Nevertheless, as the whites arrived sooner than they expected, the surprise was complete. Most of the Indians were at the time absent hunting, and the towns became an easy conquest to the whites. Early one morning, an Indian runner came into the village in which Alder lived, and gave the information that Mack-a-chack had been destroyed, and that the whites were approaching. Alder, with the people of the village, who were principally squaws and children, retreated for two days, until they arrived somewhere near the head waters of the Scioto, where they suffered 301 LOGAN COUNTY. much for want of food. There was not a man among them capable of hunting, and they were compelled to subsist on paw-paws, muscles and craw-fish. In about eight days, they returned to Zane's town, tarried a short time, and friom thence removed to Hog creek, where they wintered: their principal living, at that place, was "raccoons, and that with little or no salt, without a single bite of bread, hommony, or sweet corn." In the spring they moved back to the site of their vil lage, where nothing remained but the ashes of the dwellings and their corn burnt to charcoal. They remained during the sugar season, and then removed to Blanchard's fork, where, beingc obliged to clear the land, they were enabled to raise but a scanty crop of corn. While this was growing, they fared hard, and managed to eke out a bare subsistence by eating a "kind of wild potato" and poor rac coons, that had been suckled down so pool that dogs would hardly eat them: "for fear of losing a little, they threw them on the fire, singed the hair off,; and ate skin and all." The Indian lad to whom General Lytle alludes, was taken, with others of the prisoners, into Kentucky. The commander of the expedition was so miuch pleased with him, that he made him a member of his own family, in which he resided some years, and was at length permitted to return. He was ever afterwards known by the name of Logan, to which the prefix of captain was eventually attached. His Indian name was Spemica Lawtba, i.e. "the High Horn." He subsequently rose to the rank of a civil chief, on account of his many estimable intellectual and moral qualities. His personal appearance was commanding, being six feet in height, and weighing near two hundred pounds. He from that time continued the unwavering friend of the Americans, and fought on their side with great constancy. He lost his life in the fall of 1812, under melancholy circumstances, which evinced that he was a man of the keenest sense of honor. The facts follow, from Drake's Tecumseh. In November of 1812, General Harrison directed Logan to take a small party of his tribe, and reconnoitre the country in the direction of the rapids of the Maumee. When near this point, they were met by a body of the enemy, superior to their own in number, and compelled to retreat. Logan, captain Johnny [see p. 165] and Bright-horn, who composed the party, effected their escape to the left wing of the army, then under the command of Gen. Winchester, who was duly informed of the circumstances of their adventure. An officer of the Kentucky t-oops, General P., the second in command, without the slightest ground for such a charge, accused Logan of infidelity to our cause, and of giving intelligence to the enemy. Indignant at this foul accusation, the noble chief at once resolved to meet it in a manner that would leave no doubt as to his faithfulness to the United States. He called on his friend Oliver, [now Major Wm. Oliver, of Cincinnati,] and having told him of the imputation that had been cast upon his reputation, said that he would start from the camp next morning, and either leave his body bleaching in the woods, or return with such trophies from the enemy, as would relieve his character from the suspicion that had been wantonly east upon it by an American officer. Accordingly, on the morning of the 22d, he started down the Maumee, attended by his two faithful companions, captain Johnny and Bright-horn. About noon, Having stopped for the purpose of taking rest, they were suddenly surprised by a party of seven of the enemy, among whom were young Elliott, a half-breed, holding a commission in the British service, and the celebrated Potawatamie chief, Winnemac. Logan made no resistance, but, with great presence of mind, extending his hand to Winnemac, who was an old acquaintance, proceeded to inform him, that he and his two companions, tired of the American service, were just leaving Gea. Winchester's army, for the purpose of joining the British. Winnemac, 302 LOGAN COUNTY. being familiar with Indian strategy, was not satisfied with this declaration, but proceeded to disarm Logan and his comrades, and placing his party around them, so as prevent their escape, started for the British camp at the foot of the rapids. In the course of the afternoon, Logan's address was such as to inspire confidence in his sincerity, and induce Winnemac to restore to him and his companions their arms. Logan now formed the plan of attacking his captors on the first favorable opportunity; and while marching along, succeeded in communicating the substance of it to captain Johnny and Bright-horn. Their guns being already loaded, they had little further preparation to make than to put bullets into their mouths, to facilitate the re-loading of their arms. In carrying on this process, captain Johnny, as he afterwards related, fearing that the man marching by his side had observed the operation, adroitly did away the impress.on by remarking, " me chaw heap tobac." The evening being now at hand, the British Indians determined to encamp on the bank of Turkeyfoot creek, about twenty miles from Fort Winchester. Confiding in the idea that Logan had really deserted the American service, a part of his captors rambled around the place of their encampment in search of blackhaws. They were no sooner out of sight than Logan gave the signal of attack upon those who remained behind; they fired, and two of the enemy fell dead-the third, being only wounded, required a second shot to dispatch him; and in the mean time, the remainder of the party, who were near by, returned the fire, and all of them " treed." There being four of the enemy, and only'three of Logan's party, the latter could not watch all the movements of their antagonists. Thus circumstanced, and during an active fight, the fourth man of the enemy passed round until Logan was uncovered by his tree, and shot him through the body. By this time, Logan's party had wounded two of the surviving four, which caused them to fall back. Taking advantage of this state of things, captain Johnny mounted Logan, now suffering the pain of a mortal wound, and Bright-horn, also wounded, on two of the enemy's horses, and started them for Winchester's camp, which they reached about midnight. Captain Johnny, having already secured the scalp of Winnemac, followed immediately on foot, and gained the same point early on the following morning. It was subsequently ascertained that the two Indians of the British party, who were last wounded, died of their wounds, making in all five out of the seven who were slain by Logan and his companions. When the news of this gallant affair had spread through the camp, and, especially, after it was known that Logan was mortally wounded, it created a deep and mournful sensation. No one, it is believed, more deeply regretted the fatal catastrophe than the author of the charge upon Logan's integrity, which had led to this unhappy result. Logan's popularity was very great; indeed, he was almost universally esteemed in the army for his fidelity to our cause, his unquestioned bravery, and the nobleness of his nature. He lived two or three days after reaching the camp, but in extreme bodily agony; he was buried by the officers of the army at Fort Winchester, with the honors of war. Previous to his death, he related the particulars of this fatal enterprize to his friend Oliver, declaring to him that he prized his honor more than life; and having now vindicated his reputation from the imputation cast upon it, he died satisfied. In the course of this interview, and while writhing with pain, he was observed to smile; upon being questioned as to the cause, he replied, that when he recalled to his mind the manner in which captain Johnny took off the scalp of Winnemac, while at the same time dexterously watching the movements of the enemy, he could not refrain from laughing-an incident in savage life, which shows the " ruling passion strong in death." It would, perhaps, be difficult, in the history of savage warfare, to point out an enterprize, the execution of which reflects higher credit upon the address and daring conduct of its authors, than this does upon Logan and his two companions. Indeed, a spirit even less indomitable, a sense of honor less acute, and a patriotic devotion to a good cause less active, than were manifested by this gallant chieftain of the woods, might, under other circumstances, have well conferred immortality upon his name. Col. John Johnston, in speaking of Logan, in a communication to us, says: Logan left a dying request to myself, that his two sons should be sent to Kentucky, and there educated and brought up under the care of Major Hardin. As soon as peace and tranquility was restored among the Indians, I made application to the chiefs to fulfill the wish of their dead friend to deliver up the boys, that I might have them conveyed to Frankford, the residence of Major Hardin. The chiefs were embarrassed, and manifested an unwilhlingness to comply, and in this they were warmly supported by the mother of the children. On no account would they consent to send them so far away as Kentucky, but agreed that I should take and have them schooled at Piqua; it being the best that I could do, in compliance with the dying words of Logan, they were brought i I had them put to 8chool, 303 LOGAN COUNTY. and boarded in a religious, respectable family. The mother of the boys, who was a bad woman, thwarted all my plans for their improvement, frequently taking them off for weeks, giving them bad advice, and even, on one or two occasions, brought whiskey to the schoolhouse and made them drunk. In this way she continued to annoy me, and finally took them altogether to raise with herself among the Shawanoese, at Wapaghkonetta. I made several other attempts, during my connection with the Indians, to educate and train up to civilized life many of their youth, without any encouraging results-all of them proved failures. The children of Logan, with their mother, emigrated to the west twenty years ago, and have there became some ofthe wildest of their race. Logan county continued to be a favorite place of residence with the Indians for years after the destruction of these towns. Major Galloway, who was here about the year 1800, gives the following, from memory, respecting the localities and names of their towns at that time. Zane's town, now Zanesfield, was a Wyandot village; Wapatomica, three miles below, on Mad river, was then deserted; M'Kee's town, on MAI'Kee's creek, about 4 miles south of Bellefontaine, so named from the infamous M'Kee, and was at that time a trading station; Read's town, in the vicinity of Bellefontaine, which then had a few cabins; Lewis town, on the Great Miami, and Soloman's town, at which then lived the WVyandot chief, Tarhe, "the Crane." From an old settler we learn, also, that on the site of Bellefontaine, was Blue Jacket's town, and 3 miles north, the town of Buckongehelas. Blue Jacket, or Weyapiersensaw, and Buckongehelas were noted chiefs, and were at the treaty of Greenville: the first was a Shawnee, and the last a Delaware. At Wayne's victory, Blue Jacket had the chief control, and, in opposition to Little Turtle, advocated giving the whites battle with so much force as to overpower the better councils of the other. BYv the treaty of Sept. 29th, 1817, at the foot of the Maumee rapids, the Seneca and Shawnees had a reservation around Lewistown, in this county; by a treaty, ratified April 6th, 1832, the Indians vacated their lands and removed to the far west. On this last occasion, Jas. B. Gardiner was commissioner, John M'Elvain, agent, and David Robb, sub-agent. The village of Lewistown derived its name from Captain John Lewis, a noted Shawnee chief. When the county was first settled, there was living with him, to do his drudgery, an aged white woman, named Polly Keyser. She was taken prisoner in early life, near Lexington, Ky., and adopted by the Indians. She had an Indian husband and two half-breed daughters. There were several other whites living in the county, who had been adopted by the Indians. We give below sketches of two of them: the first is from N. Z. M'Cullocli, Esq., a grandson of Isaac Zane-the last from Col. John Johnston. ISAAc ZANE was born about the year 1753, on the south branch of the Potomac, in Virginia, and at the age of about nine years, was taken prisoner by the Wyandots and carried to Detroit. He remained with his captors until the age of manhood, when, like most prisoners taken in youth, he refused to return to his home and friends. He married a Wyandot woman, from Canada, of half French blood, and took no part in the war of the revolution. After the treaty of Greenville, in 1795, he bought a tract of 1800 acres, on the site of Zanesfield, where he lived until his death, in 1816. JAMES M'PHERsoN, or,qua-la-ka-ke, "the red-faced man," was a native of Carlisle, 304 LOGAN COUNTY. Cumberland county, Pa. He was taken prisoner by the Indians on the Ohio, at or near the mouth of the Big Miami, in Loughry's defeat; was for many years engaged ill the British Indian department, under Elliott and M'Kee, married a fellow-prisoner, came into our service after Wayne's treaty of 1795, and continued in charge of the Shawanoese and Senecas of Lewistown until his removal from office, in 1830, since which he has died. Logan county was first settled about the year 1806: the names of the early settlers recollected, are Robt. and Wm. Moore, Benj. and John Schuyler, Philip and Andrew Mathews, John Makimsom, John and Levi Garwood, Abisha Warner, Joshua Sharp and brother, Samuel, David and Robert Marmon, Samuel and Thomas Newell, and Benjamin Joseph Cox. In the late war, the settlements in this .uvc o&q.uare,.Dle onatzne. county were on the verge of civilization, and the troops destined for the northwest passed through here. There were several block-house stations in the county: namely, Manary's, M'Pherson's, Vance's, and Zane's. Manary's, built by Capt. Jas. Manary, of Ross county, was three miles north of Bellefontaine, on the farm of John Laney; M'Pherson's stood three-fourths of a mile NW., and was built by Capt. Maltby, of Green county; Vance's, built by ex-Gov. Vance, then captain of a rifle company, stood on a high bluff on the margin of a prairie about a mile east of Logansville; Zane's block-house was at Zanesfield. At the breaking out of the war, many hundred of friendly Indians were collected and stationed at Zane's and M'Pherson's block-houses, under the protection of the government, who for a short time kept a guard of soldiers over them. It was at first feared that they would take up arms against the Americans, but subsequent events dissipating these apprehensions, they were allowed to disperse. Bellefontaine, the county seat, is on the line of the Cincinnati and Sandusky City railroad, 50 miles NW. of Columbus. It was laid out March 18th, 1820, on the land of John Tulles and Wm. Powell, and named from the fine springs abounding in the vicinity. The first of the above lived at the time in a cabin on the town plot, yet standing in the south part of Bellefontaine. After the town was laid out, Joseph Gordon built a cabin, now standing, on the corner opposite Slicer's hotel. Anthony Ballard erected the first frame dwelling; 39 305 LOGAN COUNTY. Wm. Scott kept the first tavern, where J. C. Scarff's drug store now is. Slicer's tavern was built for a temporary court-house. Joseph Gordon, Nathaniel Dodge, Anthony Ballard, Wm. Gutridge, Thos. Haynes and John Rhodes were among the first settlers of the town, the last of whom was the first merchant. The Methodists built the first church, a brick structure, destroyed by fire, which stood on the site of their present church. Bellefontaine contains 2 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal Methodist and 1 Lutheran church; 1 newspaper printing office, 11 dry goods stores, and had, in October, 1846, 610 inhabitants. About 5 miles NE. of Bellefontaine, on the head waters of Mad river, is the grave of Gen. Simon Kenton. He resided for the last few years of his life in the small log-house shown on the right of the engraving, where he breathed his last. He was buried on a small grassy knoll, beside the grave of a Mr. Solomon Praetor, shown on the left. Around his grave is a rude and now dilapidated picketing, and over it, a small slab bearing the following inscription. Grave of Simon Kenton. In memory of Gen. SIMON KENTON, who was born April 3d, 1755, in Culpepper county, Va., and died April 29th, 1836, aged 81 years and 26 days. His fellowcitizens of the West will long remember him as the skillful pioneer of early times, the brave soldier and the honest man. Simon Kenton first came out to Kentucky in the year 1771, at which time he was a youth of sixteen. He was almost constantly engaged in conflicts with the Indians from that time until the treaty of Greenville. He was probably in more expeditions against the Indians, encountered greater peril, and had more narrow escapes from death, than any man of his time. The many incidents of his romantic and eventful life are well detailed by his friend and biographer, Colonel John M'Donald, from whose work we extract the 306 LOGAN COUNTY. thrilling narrative of his captivity and hair-breadth escapes from a cruel and lingering death. Kenton lay about Boon's and Logan's stations till ease became irksome to him. About the first of September of this same year, 1778, we find him preparing for another Indian expedition. Alexander Montgomery and George Clarl joined him, and they set off from Boon's station, for the avowed purpose of obtaining horses from the Indians. They crossed the Ohio, and proceeded cautiously to Chillicothe, (now Oldtown, Ross county.) They arrived at the town without meeting any adventure. In the night they fell in with a drove of horses that were feeding in the rich prairies. They were prepared with salt and halters. They had much difficulty to catch the horses; however, at length they succeeded, and as soon as the horses were haltered, they dashed off with seven-a pretty good haul. They travelled with all the speed they could to the Ohio. They came to the Ohio near the mouth of Eagle creek, now in Brown county. When they came to the river, the wind blew almost a hurricane. The waves ran so high that the horses were frightened, and could not be induced to take the water. It was late in the evening. They then rode back into the hills some distance from the river, hobbled and turned their horses loose to graze; while they turned back some distance, and watched the trail they had come, to discover whether or no they were pursued. Here they remained till the following day, when the wind subsided. As soon as the wind fell they caught their horses, and went again to the river; but their horses were so frightened with the waves the day before, that all their efforts could not induce them to take the water. This was a sore disappointment to our adventurers. They were satisfied that they were pursued by the enemy; they therefore determined to lose no more time in useless efforts to cross the Ohio; they concluded to select three of the best horses, and make their way to the fitllis of the Ohio, where Gen. Clark had left some men stationed. Each made choice of a horse, and the other horses were turned loose to shift for themselves. After the spare horses had been loosed, and permitted to ramble off, avarice whispered to them, and why not take all the horses. The loose horses had by this time scattered and straggled out of sight. Our party now separated to hunt up the horses they had turned loose. Kenton went towards the river, and had not gone far before he heard a whoop ih the direction of where they had heen trying to force the horses into the water. He got off his horse and tied him, and then crept with the stealthy tread of a cat, to make observations in the direction he heard the whoop. Just as he reached the high bank of the river, he met the Indians on horseback. Being unperceived by them, but so nigh that it was impossible for him to retreat without being discovered, he concluded the boldest course to be the safest, and very deliberately took aim at the foremost Indian. His gun flashed in the pan. Ile then retreated. The Indians pursued on horseback. In his retreat, he passed through a piece of land where a storm had torn up a great part of the timber. The fallen trees afforded him some advantage of the Indians in the race, as they were on horseback and he on foot. The Indian force divided; some rode on one side of the fallen timber, and some on the other. Just as he emerged from the fallen timber, at the foot of the hill, one of the Indians met him on horseback, and boldly rode up to him, jumped off his horse and rushed at him with his tomahawk. Kenton concluding a gun-barrel as good a weapon of defence as a tomahawk, drew back his gun to strike the Indian before him. At that instant another Indian, who unperceived by Kenton had slipped up behind him, clasped him in his arms. Being now overpowered by numbers, further resisttance was useless-he surrendered. While the Indians were binding Kenton with tugs, Montgomery came in view, and fired at the Indians, but missed his mark. Montgomery fled on foot. Some of the Indians pursued, shot at, and missed him; a second fire was made, and Montgomery fell. The Indians soon returned to Kenton, shaking at him Mont gomery's bloody scalp. George Clark, Kenton's other companion, made his escape, crossed the Ohio, and arrived safe at Logan's station. The Indians encamped that night on the bank of the Ohio. The next morning they prepared their horses for a return to their towns, with the unfortunate and unhappy pris oner. Nothing but death in the most appalling form presented itself to his view. When they were ready to set off, they caught the wildest horse in the company, and placed Ken ton on his back. The horse being very restif it took several of them to hold him, while the others lashed the prisoner on the horse. They first took a tug, or rope, and fastened his legs and feet together under the horse. They took another and fastened his arms. They took another and tied around his neck, and fastened one end of it around the horse's neck; the other end of the same rope was fastened to the horse's tail, to answer in place of a crupper. They had a great deal of amusement to themselves, as they were preparing Ken ton and his horse for fun and frolic. They would yelp and scream around him, and ask him if he wished to steal more horses. Another rope was fastened around his thighs, and 307 .. -4.. LOGAN COUNTY. lashed around the body of his horse; a pair of moccasons was drawn over his hands, to pre. vent him from defending his face from the brush. Thus accoutered and fastened, the horse was turned loose to the woods. He reared and plunged, ran through the woods for some time, to the infinite amusement of the Indians. After the horse had run about, plunging, rearing, and kicking for some tine, and found that he could not shake off, nor kick off his ri der, he very quietly submitted himself to his situation, and followed the cavalcade as quiet and peaceable as his rider. The Indians moved towards Chillicothe, and in three days reached the town. At night they confined their prisoner in the following manner: He was laid on his back, his legs extended, drawn apart, and fastened to two saplings or stakes driven in the ground. His arms were extended, a pole laid across his breast, and his arms lashed to the pole with cords. A rope was tied around his neck, and stretched back just tight enough not to choke him, and fastened to a tree or stake near his head. In this painful and un comfortable situation, he spent three miserable nights, exposed to gnats, and musketoes, and weather. 0, poor human nature, what miserable wretches we are, thus to punish and harrass each other. (The frontier whites of that day, were but little behind the Indians, in wiles, in cruelty, and revenge.) When the Indians came within about a mile of the Chillicothe town, they halted and camped for the night, and fastened the poor unfortunate prisoner in the usual uncomfortable manner. The Indians, young and old, came from the town to welcome the return of their successful warriors, and to visit their prisoner. The Indian party, young and old, consisting of about 150, commenced dancing, singing and yelling around Kenton, stopping occasionally and kicking and beating him for amusement. In this manner they tormented him for about three hours, when the cavalcade returned to town, and he was left for the rest of the night, exhausted and forlorn, to the tender mercies of the gnats and musketoes. As soon as it was light in the morning, the Indians began to collect from the town, and preparations were made for fim and frolic at the ex pense of Kenton, as he was now doomed to run the gauntlet. The Indians were formed in two lines, about six feet apart, with each a hickory in his hands, and Kenton placed between the two lines, so that each Indian could beat him as much as he thought proper, as he ran through the lines. He had not ran far before he discovered an Indian with his knife drawn to plunge it into him; as soon as Kenton reached that part of the line where the Indian stood who had the knife drawn, he broke through the lines, and made with all speed for the town. Kenton had been previously informed by a negro named CEesar, who lived with the Indians and knew their customs, that if he could break through the Indians' lines, and arrive at the council-house in the town before he was overtaken, that they would not force him a second time to run the gauntlet. When he broke through their lines, he ran at the top of his speed for the council-house, pursued by two or three hundred Indians, screaming like infernal fuiries. Just as he had entered the town, he was met by an Indian leisurely walking towards the scene of amusement, wrapped in a blanket. The Indian threw off his blanket; and as he was fresh, and Kenton nearly exhuasted, the Indian soon caught him, threw him down. In a moment the whole party who were in pursuit came up, and fell to cuffing and kicking him at a most fearful rate. They tore off his clothes, and left him naked and exhausted. After he had laid till he had in some degree recovered from his exhausted state, they brought him some water and something to eat. As soon as his strength was sufficiently recovered, they took him to the council-house, to determine upon his fate. Their manner of deciding his fate was as follows: Their warriors were placed in a circle in the council house; an old chief was placed in the cefiter of the circle, with a knife and a piece of wood in his hands. A number of speeches were made. Kenton, although he did not understand their language, soon discovered by their animated gestures, and fierce looks at him, that a majority of their speakers were contending for his destruction. He could perceive that those who plead for mercy, were received coolly; but few grunts of approbation were uttered when the orators closed their speeches. After the orators ceased speaking, the old chief who sat in the midst of the circle, raised up and h]landed a war-club to the man who sat next the door. They proceeded to take the decision of their court. All who were for the death of the prisoner, struck the war-club with violence against the ground; those who voted to save the prisoner's life, passed the club to his next neighbor without striking the ground. Kenton, from their expressive gestures, could easily distinguish the object of their vote. The old chief who stood to witness and record the number that voted for death or mercy, as one struck the ground with a war-club he made a mark on one side of his piece of wood; and when the club was passed without striking, he made a mark on the other. Kenton discovered that a large majority were for death. Sentence of death being now passed upon the prisoner, they made the welkin ring with shouts of joy. The sentence of death being passed, there was another question of conside 308 LOGAN COUNTY. rable difficulty now presented itself to the consideration of the council; that was, the time and place, when and where, he should be burnt. The orators again made speeches on the subject, less animated indeed than on the trial; but some appeared to be quite vehement for instant execution, while others appeared to wish to make his death a solemn national sacrifice. After a long debate, the vote was taken, when it was resolved that the place of his execution should be Wapatomika, (now Zanesfield, Logan county.) The next morning he was hurried away to the place destined for his execution. From Chillicothe to Wapatomika, they had to pass through two otb'. indian towns, to wit: Pickaway and Machecheek. At both towns he was compeller to run the gauntlet; and severely was he whipped through the course. While he 1P) at Machecheek, being carelessly guarded, he made an attempt to escape. Nothing -,orse than death could follow, and here he made a bold push for life and freedom Being unconfined, he broke and run, and soon cleared himself out of sight of his pursuers. While he distanced his pursuers, and got about two miles from the town, he accidentally met some Indians on horseback. They instantly pursued and soon came up with him, and drove him back again to town. He now, for the first time, gave up his case as hopeless. Nothing but death stared him in the face. Fate, it appeared to him, had sealed his doom; and in sullen despair, he determined to await that doom, that it was impossible for him to shun. How inscrutable are the ways of Providence, and how little can man control his destiny! When the Indians returned with Kenton to the town, there was a general rejoicing. HIe was pinioned, and given over to the young Indians, who dragged him into the creek, tumbled him in the water, and rolled him in the mud, till he was nearly suffocated with mud and water. In this way they amused themselves with him till he was nearly drowned. He now thought himself forsaken by God. Shortly after this his tormenters moved with him to Wapatomika. As soon as he arrived at this place, the Indians, young and old, male and female, crowded around the prisoner. Among others who came to see him, was the celebrated and notorious Simon Girty. It will be recollected that Kenton and Girty were bosom companions at Fort Pitt, and on the campaign with Lord Dunmore. As it was the custom of the Indians to black such prisoners as were intended to be put to death, Girty did not immediately recognize Kenton in his black disguise. Girty came forward and inquired of Kenton where he had lived. Was answered Kentucky. He next inquired how many men there were in Kentucky. He answered, he did not know; but would give him the names and rank of the officers, and he, Girty, could judge of the probable number of men. Kenton then named a great many officers, and their rank, many of whom had honorary titles, without any command. At length Girty asked the prisoner his name. When he was answered, Simon Butler. (It will be recollected, that he changed his name when he fled from his parents and home.) Girty eyed him for a moment, and immediately recognized the active and bold youth, who had been his companion in arms about Fort Pitt, and on the campaign with Lord Dunmore. Girty threw himself into Kenton's arms, embraced and wept aloud over him-calling him his dear and esteemed friend. This hardened wretch, who had been the cause of the death of hundreds, had some of the sparks of humanity remaining in him, and wept like a child at the tragical fate which hung over his friend. " Well," said he to Kenton," you are condemned to die, but I will use every means in my power to save your life. Girty immediately had a council convened, and made a long speech to the Indians, to save the life of the prisoner: As Girty was proceeding through his speech, he became very animated; and under his powerful eloquence, Kenton could plainly discover the grim visages of his savage judges relent. When Girty concluded his powerful and animated speech, the Indians rose with one simultaneous grunt of approbation, saved the prisoner's life, and placed him under the care and protection of his old companion, Girty. The British had a trading establishment then at Wapatomika. Girty took Kenton with him to the store, and dressed him from head to foot, as well as he could wish: he was also provided with a horse and saddle. Kenton was now free, and roamed about through the country, from Indian town to town, in company with his benefactor. How uncertain is the fate of nations as well as that of individuals! How sudden the changes from adversity to prosperity, and from prosperity to adversity! Kenton being a strong, robust man, with an iron frame, with a resolution that never winced at danger, and fortitude to bear pain with the composure of a stoic, he soon recovered from his scourges and bruises, and the other severe treatment he had received. It is thought probable, that if the Indians had continued to treat him with kindness and respect, he would eventually have become one of them. He had but few inducements to return again to the whites. He was then a fugitive from justice, had changed his name, and he thought it his interest to keep as far from his former acquaintances as possible. After Kenton and his ben factor had been roaming about for some time, a war party of Indians, who had been on an expedition to the neigh k 309 LOGAN COUNTY. borhood of Wheeling, returned; they had been defeated by the whites, some vf their men were killed, and others wounded. When this defeated party returned they were sullen, chagrined, and full of revenge, and determined to kill any of the whites who came within their grasp. Kenton was the only white man upon whom they could satiate their revenge. Kenton and Girty were then at Solomon's town, a small distance from Wapatomika. A message was immediately sent to Girty to return, and bring Kenton with him. The two firiends met the messenger on their way. The messenger shook hands with Girty, but re fused the hand of Kenton. Girty, after talking aside with the messenger some time, said to Kenton, they have sent for us to attend a grand council at Wapatomika. They hurried to the town; and when they arrived there the counlcil-house was crowded. When Girty went into the house, the Indians all rose up and shook hands with him; but when Kenton offered his hand, it was refused with a scowl of contempt. This alarmed him; he began to admit the idea that this sudden convention of the council, and their refusing his hand, boded him some evil. After the members of the council were seated in their usual man ner, the war chief of the defeated party rose up and made a most vehement speech, frequently turning his fiery and revengeful eyes on Kenton during his speech. Girty was the next to rise and address the council. He told them that he had lived with them several years; that he had risked his life in that time more firequently than any of them; that they all knew that he had never spared the life of one of the hated Americans; that they well knew that he had never asked for a division of the spoils; that he fought alone for the destruction of their enemies; and he now requested them to spare the life of this young man on his account. The young man, he said, was his early friend, for whom he felt the tenderness of a parent for a son, and he hoped, after the many evidences that he had given of his attachment to the Indian cause, they would not hesitate to grant his request. If they would indulge him. in granting his request to spare the life of this young man, he would pledge himself never to ask themi again to spare the life of a hated American. Several chiefs spoke in succession on this important subject; and with the most appa rent deliberation, the council decided, by an overwhelming majority, for death. After the decision of this grand court was announced, Girty went to Kenton, and embracing him very tenderly,-said that he very sincerely sympathized with him in his forlorn and unfortunate situation; that he had used all the efforts he was master of to save his life, but it was now decreed that he must die-that he could do no more for him. Awful doom! It will be recollected, that this was in 1778, in the midst of the American revolution. Upper Sandusky was then the place where the British paid their western Indian allies their annuities; and as time might effect what his eloquence could not, Girty, as a last resort, persuaded the Indians to convey their prisoner to Sandusky, as there would meet vast numbers to receive their presents; that the assembled tribes could there witness the solemn scene of the death of the prisoner. To this proposition the council agreed; and the pris oner was placed in the care of five Indians, who forthwith set off for Upper Sandusky. What windings, and twistings, and turnings, were seen in the fate of our hero. As the Indians passed from Wapatomika to Upper Sandusky, they went through a small village on the river Scioto, where then resided the celebrated chief, Logan, of Jefferson memory. Logan, unlike the rest of his tribe, was humane as he was brave. At his wigwam the party who had the care of the prisoner, staid over night. During the evening, Logan entered into conversation with the prisoner. The next morning he told Kenton that he would detain the party that day-that he had sent two of his young men off the night before to Upper Sandusky, to speak a good word for himn. Logan was great and good-the friend of all men. In the course of the following evening his young men returned, and early the next morning the guard set off with the prisoner for Upper Sandusky. When Kenton's party set off from Logan's, Logan shook hands with the prisoner, but gave no intimation of what might probably be his fate. The party went on with Kenton till they came in view of the Upper Sandusky town. The Indians, young and old, came out to meet and welcome the warriors, and view the prisoner. Here he was not compelled to run the gauntlet. A grand council was immediately convened to determine upon the fate of Kenton. This was the fourth council which was held to dispose of the life of the prisoner. As soon as this grand court was organized and ready to proceed to business, a Canadian Frenchman, by the name of Peter Druyer, who was a captain in the British service, and dressed in the gaudy appendages of the British uniform, made his appearance in the council. This Druyer was born and raised in Detroit-he was connected with the British Indian agent department-was their principal interpreter in settling Indian affairs; this made him a man of great consequence among the Indians. It was to this influential man, that the good chief Logan, the friend of all the human family, sent his young men to intercede for the life of Kenton. His judgment and address were only equalled by his humanity. 310 LOGAN COUNTY. His foresight in selecting the agent who it was most probable could save the life of the prisoner, proves his judgment and his knowledge of the human heart. As soon as the grand council was organized, Capt. Druyer requested permission to address the council. This permission was instantly granted. He began his speech by stating, "that it was wellknown that it was the wish and interest of the English that not an American should be left alive. That the Americanis were the cause of the present bloody and distressing warthat neither peace nor safety could be expected, so long as these intruders were permitted to live upon the earth." This part of his speech received repeated grunts of approbation. Ile then explained to the Indians, "that the war to be carried on successfully, required cunning as well as bravery-that the intelligence which might be extorted from a prisoner, would be of more advantage, in conducting the future operations of the war, than would be the life of twenty prisoners. That he had no doubt but the commanding officer at Detroit could procure information from the prisoner now before them, that would be of incalculable advantage to them in the progress of the present war. Under these circumstances, he hoped they would defer the death of the prisoner till he was taken to Detroit, and examined by the commanding general. After which he could be brought back, and if thought advisable, upon further consideration, he might be put to death in any manner they thought proper." He next noticed," that they had already a great deal of trouble and fatigue with the prisoner without being revenged upon him; but that they had got back all the horses the prisoner had stolen from them, and killed one of his comrades; and to insure them something for their fatigue and trouble, he himself would give $100 in ruin and tobacco, or any other articles they would choose, if they would let him take the prisoner to Detroit, to be examined by the British general." The Indians, without hesitation, agreed to Captain Druyer's proposition, and hlie paid down the ransomr. As soon as these arrangements were concluded, Druyer and a principal chief set off with the prisoner for Lower Sandusky. From this place they proceeded by water to Detroit, where they arrived in a few days. Here the prisoner was handed over to the comrmanding officer, and lodged in the fort as a prisoner of war. He was now out of danger from the Indians, and was treated with the usual attention of prisoners of war in civilized countries. The British commander gave the Indians some additional remuneration for the life of the prisoner, and they returned satisfied to join their countrymen at Wapatomika. As soon as Kenton's mind was out of suspense, his robust constitution and iron frame in a few days recovered from the severe treatment they had undergone. Kenton remained at Detroit until the June following, when he, with other prisoners, escaped, and after enduring great privations, rejoined their friends. About the year 1802, he settled in Urbana, where he remained some years, and was elected brigadier-general of militia. In the war of 1812, he joined the army of Gen. Harrison, and was at the battle of the Moravian town, where he displayed his usual intrepidity. About the year 1820, he moved to the head of Mad river. A few years after, through the exertions of Judge Burnet and General Vance, a pension of $20 per month was granted to him, which secured his declining age from want. He died in 1836, at which time he had been a member of the Methodist church about 18 years. The frosts of more than eighty winters had fallen on his head without entirely whitening his locks. His biographer thus describes his personal appearance and character. General Kenton was of fair complexion, six feet one inch in height. He stood and walked very erect; and, in the prime of life, weighed about one hundred and ninety pounds. He never was inclined to be corpulent, although of sufficient fullness to form a graceful person. He had a soft, tremulous voice, very pleasing to the hearer. He had laughing, grey eyes, which appeared to fascinate the beholder. He was a pleasant, good-humored and obliging companion. When excited, or provoked to anger, (which was seldom the case,) the fiery glance of his eye would almost curdle the blood of those with whom he came in contact. His rage, when roused, was a tornado. In his dealing, he was perfectly honest; his confidence in man, and htis credulity, were such, that the same man might cheat him twenty times; and if he professed friendship, he might cheat him still. 311 LORAIN COUNTY. West Liberty is 8 miles south of Bellefontaine, on the Cincinnati and Sandusky City railroad. This is a thriving, compact, businesslike town, and in a beautiful country. It lies upon Mad river, one of the best mill streams in the state, the valley of which is here two or three miles wide. The Miami feeder, which enters the main trunk at Lockport, and now extends as far as Port Jefferson, in Shelby county, will probably be continued to the Mad river at this place, an act of the legislature having been passed to that effect. West Liberty contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist and 1 Christian church, 9 stores, 1 flouring, 1 saw, 1 carding and fulling mill, and a population but little less than the county seat. Zanesfield, 41 miles east of Bellefontaine, on Mad river, has 5 stores, 1 grist and 3 saw mills; 1 Methodist church, 1 Friends' meeting-house, and about 230 inhabitants. Cherokee, 6 miles north of Bellefontaine, Logansville, 10 west, Middleburgh, 11 southeast, and Quincy, 13 southwest, are places about the size and importance of Zanesfield. East Liberty, Rushsylvania and Richland are also small villages. LORAIN. LORAIN was formed December 26th, 1822, from Huron, Cuyahoga and Medina. The surface is level, and the soil fertile and generally clayey. Parallel with the lake shore, are three sand ridges, which vary from 40 to 150 rods in width: they are respectively about 3, 7 and 9 miles from the lake, and are fertile. The agriculture of Lorain is rapidly improving. The principal crops are grass, wheat, corn, oats, rye and potatoes. Dairy products, wool and beef cattle are also staple products, and madder and oil of peppermint are also produced. Bog iron ore is found in quantities. The following is a list of the townships in 1840, with their population: Eaton, Elyria, Grafton, Henrietta, Huntington, Lagrange, Pennfield, Pittsfield, The population of Lorain, in 1830, was 5,696, and in 1840, 18,451, or 33 inhabitants to the square mnile. There was found in this county, a few years since, a curious ancient relic, which is thus described in the Lorain Republican, of June 7, 1843. "In connection with our friend Mr. L. M. Parsons, we have procured two views or sketches of the engravings upon a stone column 312 Amherst, A %, on Blackriver, Brighton, Brownhelm, Camden, Carlisle, Columbia, Ridgeville, Rochester, Russia, Sheffield, Sullivan, Troy Wellington, 1186 1211 668 999 934 504 1094 876 764 1636 713 743 743 991 405 704 818 487 1302 521 782 289 781 LORAIN COUNTY. or idol, found upon the farm of IMr. Alfred Lamb, in Brighton, in this county, in 1838. The fol lowing is a side view of the pil lar or column. "It was found about three fourths of a mile from Mr. Lamb's house, covered with a thick coat of moss. Upon three i__\9~~~ ~different places are engraved the figures 1533. The horns represented are now broken off, but their place is easily defined. A fiat stone, 8 inches in diam eter and 1 inches thick, was found beneath this column, on removing it from its erect po sition, upon which the figures 1533 were discovered, also engraved. Another stone was found about 10 feet distant, of like quality. It was about 6 inches long and 3 in diameter, (6 sided,) support ed by 3 pillars about 3 inches long, of pyramidal form. No marks of tools were upon it. Upon the top part of the first mentioned pillars, above shown, was an engraving of a vessel under full sail, in form, as near as now can be ascertained, as follows. The engraving was most unfortunately nearly ob literated by the boys cracking hickory nuts upon it. These are about all the facts con nected with these curious rel ics, which have come to our knowledge." In connection with the above editorial, Mr. Parsons, in his communication, says: "I believe there can be a good deal of evidence collected in this section of country, which will go to prove that it was once inhabited by a race who emigrated either from South America or the southern portion of North America, or at least had commercial relations with that country. I will refer to one circumstance, which, doubtless, antiquarians will regard as worthy of record. In the township of Perry, Lake county, about the year 1820, in digging into an Indian burying field, a clab of nicaraugua was found in connection with the bones of a man. The club was sound, but the bones were considerably decayed, and bore the same evidence of the effect of time as those usually found in our ancient burying grounds. The 40 313 LORAIN COUNTY. women are more utilitarians than antiquarians, for on calling for the club a few days after, I found they had cut it up to color with, and they said it was as good as any they ever got at stores." Elyria, the county seat, is 7 miles from Lake Erie, 24 west of Cleveland, and 130 northeast of Columbus. The first settler in the town and township, was Mr. Heman Ely, from West Springfield, Public Square, Elyria. Mass., who came out here in March, 1817, and built a cabin about 12 rods southeast of his present residence. He brought with him some hired men, to make improvements on his land, a large tract of which he had purchased at this place and vicinity. The village was soon laid out, and some time in the succeeding year, Mr. Ely moved into his present residence, the first fiame house erected in the township. The name Elyria, was formed from the surname of Mr. Ely and the last syllable of the given name of his wife, Ma-ria. Upon the organization of the county, the old court house was built, which was used as a church by the Presbyterians, until they built a house of worship, the first erected in the village. Elyria is a beautiful and thriving village; in its center is a handsome public square, shown in the engraving: the large building in front is the court house, beyond, on the right, is the public square, on which are seen, facing "Beebe's block," "the Mansion House" and "the brick block." The Gothic structure on the left, is the Presbyterian church, designed by R. A. Sheldon, of New York, and erected in 1846-7, by H. J. & S. C. Brooks, of Elyria; it is one of the most elegant churches in Ohio, built of sandstone, and finished throughout in a tasteful and substantial manner, at an expense of about $8000. The village stands on a peninsula, formed by the forks of Black river, on which, near the town, are two beautiful falls, of 40 feet perpendicular descent, highly valuable for manufacturing purposes. At the falls on the west fork, the scenery is wild and picturesque; the rocks are lofty, and overhang the valley for perhaps son., 30 feet. At that point is a large cavern, of a semi-circular form, about 75 314 LORAIN COUNTY. feet deep, 100 broad at the entrance, with a level floor, and wall from 5 to 9 feet high, forming a cool and romantic retreat from the heats of summer. The sandstone bounding the valley, is of an excellent quality, and is much used for building purposes. Elyria (contains 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist, 1 Baptist, 1 Disciples and 1 or 2 Congregational churches, 1 classical academy, 6 dry goods, 3 grocery and 3 drug stores, 1 newspaper printing office, 1 woollen, 1 axe, and 1csih and blind factory, 1 furnace, 1 machine shop, 3 flouring mills alnd about 1500 inhabitants. Collegiate Buildings, Oberlin. Eight miles southwest of Elyria, is the village of Oberlin, so named from Rev. John Frederic Oberlin, pastor of Waldbach, Switzerland, who was remarkable for his go eat benevolence of character: he was born in Strasbourg, in 1740, and died( at Waldbach, in 1826. The town is situated on a beautiful and level plain, girted around by the original forest in its primitive majesty. The dwellings at Oberlin are usually two stories in height, built of wood, and painted white, after the manner of the villages of New England, to which this has a striking resemblance. Oberlin contains 3 dry goods and 1 book store, a Presbyterian church, the collegiate buildings, and about 150 dwellings. The Oberlin Evangelist, which has a circulacion of 5000, and the Oberlin Quarterly Review, are published here. The engraving shows, on the right, the Presbyterian church, a substantial brick building, neatly finished externally and internally, and capable of holding a congregation of 3000 persons; beyond it, on a green of about 12 acres, stands Tappan Hall; and facing the green, commencing on the left, are seen Oberlin Hall, Ladies' Hall and Colonial Hall, all of which buildings belong to the Institute. By the annual catalogue of 1846-7, there were at Oberlin 492 pupils, viz: in the theological department, 25; college, 106; teachers department, 16; shorter course, 4; male preparatory, 174; young ladies' course, 140; and ladies' preparatory, 28. Of these, there were males 314, and females 178. The annexed sketch of Oberlin was 315 LORAIN COUNTY. written by J. A. Harris, editor of the Cleveland Herald, and pub lished in that print, in 1845. The Oberlin Collegiate Institute is emphatically the people's college, and although some of its leading characteristics are peculiar to the institution, and are at variance with the general public opinion and prejudices, the college exerts a wide and healthful influence. It places a useful and thoroughly practical education within the reach of indigent and indus trious young men and women, as well as those in affluent circumstances; and many in all ranks of life avail themselves of the rare advantages enjoyed at Oberlin. The average number of students the last five years is 528, and this, too, be it remembered, in an institu tion that has sprung up in what was a dense wilderness but a dozen years ago! To re move all incredulity, we will give a concise history of its origin and progress. The Rev. John J. Shipherd was a prominent founder of Oberlin. His enterprising spirit led ill the devising and incipient steps. Without any fund in the start, in August, 1832, he rode over the ground, for inspection, where the village of Oberlin now stands. It was then a dense, heavy, unbroken forest, the land level and wet, almost inaccessible by roads, and the prospects for a settlement forbidding in the extreme. In November, 1832, Mr. Ship herd, in company with a few others, selected the site. Five hundred acres of land were conditionally pledged by Messrs. Street and Hughes, of New Haven, Conn., on which the college buildings now stand. A voluntary board of trustees held their first meeting in the winter of 1832, in a small Indian opening on the site. The legislature of 1833-4, granted a charter with university privileges. Improvements were commenced, a log house or two were erected, people began to locate in the colony, and in 1834, the board of trustees re solved to open the school for the reception of colored persons of both sexes, to be regarded as on an equality with others. In January, 1835, Messrs. Mahan, Finney and Morgan were appointed as teachers, and in May of that year, Mr. Mahan commenced house-keep ing in a small log dwelling. Such was the beginning-and the present result is a striking exemplification of what obstacles can be overcome, and what good can be accomplished under our free institutions, by the indomitable energy, earnest zeal, and unfaltering perse verance of a few men, when they engage heart and soul in a great philanthropic enterprise. Oberlin is now a pleasant, thriving village, of about two thousand souls, with necessar: stores and mechanics' shops, the largest church in the state, and a good temperance h,r,. It is a community of tetotallers, from the highest to the lowest, the sale of ardent spirit never having been permitted within its borders. The college buildings number seven cofn.modious edifices. Rev. A. Mahan, is president of the Collegiate Institute, assisted by fifteen able professors and teachers. Endowmentseight professorships are supported in part by pledges; 500 acres of land at Oberlin, and 10,000 acres in western Virginia. OBJECTS OF THE INSTITUTION. 1. To educate,youths of both sexes, so as to secure the development of a strong mind in a sound body, connected with a permanent, vigorous, progressive piety-all to be aided by a judicious system of manual labor. 2. To beget and to confirm in the process of education the habit of self-denial, patient endurance, a chastened moral courage,and a devout consecration of the whole being to God, in seeking the best good of man. 3. To establish universal liberty by the abolition of every form of sin. 4. To avoid the debasing association of the heathen classics, and make the bible a textbook in all the departments of education. 5. To raise up a church and ministers who shall be known and read of all men in deep sympathy with Christ, in holy living, and in efficient action against all which God forbids. 6. To furnish a seminary, affording thorough instruction in all the branches of an education for both sexes, and in which colored persons, of both sexes, shall be freely admitted, and on the terms of equality and brotherhood. We confess that much of our prejudice against the Oberlin College has been removed by a visit to the institution. The course of training and studies pursued there, appear admirably calculated to rear up a class of healthy, useful, self-educated and self-relying men and women-a class which the poor man's son and daughter may enter on equal terms with others, with an opportunity to outstrip in the race, as they often do. It is the only college in the United States where females enjoy the privileges of males in acquiring an education, and where degrees are conferred on ladies; and this peculiar feature of the instruction has proved highly useful. By combining manual labor with study, the physical system keeps pace with the mind in strength and development, and the result in most cases is "sound minds in healthy bodies." Labor and attention to household duties are made familiar and honorable, and pleased as we were to note the intelligent and healthful coun 316 LUCAS COUNTY. tenances of the young ladies seated at the boarding ho ise dinner table, the gratification was heightened shortly after by observing the same graceful fcrms clad in tidy long aprons, and busily engaged in putting the dining hall in order. And the literary exercises of the same ladies, proved that the labor of the hands in the institution had been no hindrance in the acquisition of knowledge. Young in years as is Oberlin, the institution has sent abroad many well qualified and diligent laborers in the great moral field of the world. Her graduates may be found in nearly every missionary clime, and her scholars are active co-workers in many of the philanthropic movements that distinguish the age. It is the people's college, and long may i prove an increasing blessing to the people. Black River, at the mouth of Black River, 8 miles from Elyria has a good harbor, capable of much improvement. It is the principal port of the county: it has a beacon, several forwarding houses and stores, and about 50 dwellings. La Porte, 3 miles SE. of E., on the Wooster and Akron road, has 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist and 1 Universalist church, 2 stores and about 50 dwellings. There are other small villages, among which may be named Corwinville, Fli,'n Creek, Wellington Center and Grafton Center. LUCAS. LUCAS, named from the Hon. Robert Lucas, governor of Ohio from 1832 to 1836, has been created within a few years. The surface is level, a portion of it covered by the black swamp, and the northern part a sandy soil. The principal productions are Indian corn, wheat, potatoes and oats. The following is a list of the townships in 1840, with their population: Amboy, 452 Port Lawrence, 2335 Sylvania, 426 Chesterfield, 301 Providence, 160 Waterville, 755 Clinton, 353 Richfield, 204 Waynesfield, 1290 German, 452 Royalton, 401 Wing, 145 Gorham, 352 Springfield, 443 York, 435 Oregon, 264 Swan Creek, 494 The population of Lucas, in 1840, was 9392, or about 5 inhab itants to the square mile. This region of country-the Maumee valley-has been the theater of important historical incidents. The greatest event, Wayne's victory, or "the battle of Fallen Timbers," was fought August 20th, 1794, within the limits of this county. On the 28th of July, Wayne having been joined by General Scott, with 1600 mounted Kentuckians, moved forward to the Maumee. By the 8th of August, the army had arrived near the junction of the Auglaize with that stream, and commenced the erection of Fort Defiance, at that point. The Indians, having learned from a deserter of the approach of Wayne's army, hastily abandoned their head quarters at Auglaize, and thus defeated the plan of Wayne to surprise them, for which object he had cut two roads, intending to march by neither. At Fort Defiance, Wayne received full information of 317 ,LUCAS COUNTY. the Indians, and the assistance they were to derive from the volun teers at Detroit and vicinity. On the 13th of August, true to the spirit of peace advised by Washington, he sent Christian Miller, who had been naturalized among the Shawanese, as a special messenger to offer terms of friendship. Impatient of delay, he moved forward, and on the 16th, met Miller on his return with the message, that if the Americans would wait ten days at Grand Glaize, [Fort Defiance,] they-the Indians-would decide for peace or war. On the 18th, llhe armv arrived at Roche de Beuf, just south of the site of Water ville, where they erected some light works as a place of deposite for their heavy baggage, which was namedl Fort Deposite. During the 19th, the army labored at their works, and about 8 o'clock on the morning of the 20th, moved forward to attack the Indians, who were encamped on the bank of the Maumee, at and around a hill called "Presque Isle," about two miles south of the site of Maumee City, and four south of the British Fort Miami. From Wayne's re port of the battle, we make the following extract: The legion was on the right, its flank covered by the Maumee: one brigade of mounted volunteers on the left, under Brig. Gen. Todd, and the other in the rear, under Brig. Gen. Barbee. A select battalion of mounted volunteers moved in front of the legion, commanded by Major Price, who was directed to keep sufficiently advanced, so as to give timely notice for the troops to form in case of action, it being yet undetermined whether the Indians would decide for peace or war. After advancing about five miles, Major Price's corps received so severe a fire from the enemy, who were secreted in the woods and high grass, as to compel them to retreat. The legion was immediately formed in two lines, principally in a close thick wood, which extended for miles on our left, and for a very considerable distance in front; the ground being, covered with old fallen timber, probably occasioned by a tornado, which rendered it impracticable for the cavalry to act with effect, and afforded the enemy the most favorable covert for their mode of warfare. The savages were formed in three lines, within supporting distance of each other, and extending for near two miles at right angles with the river. I soon discovered, from the weight of the fire and extent of their lines, that the enemy were in full force in front, in possession of their favorite ground, and endeavoring to turn our left flank. I therefore gave orders for the second line to advance and support the first; and directed Major General Scott to gain and turn the right flank of the savages, with the whole force of the mounted volunteers, by a circuitous route; at the same time I ordered the front line to advance and charge with trailed arms, and rouse the Indians from their coverts at the point of the bayonet, and when up, to deliver a close and well-directed fire on their backs, followed by a brisk charge, so as not to give them time to load again. I also ordered Captain Mis Campbell, who commanded the legionary cavalry, to turn the left flank of the enemy next the river, and which afforded a favorable field for that corps to act in. All these orders were obeyed with spirit and promptitude; but such was the impetuosity of the charge by the first line of infantry, that the Indians and Canadian militia and volunteers were drove from all their coverts in so short a time, that although every possible exertion was used by the officers of the second line of the legion, and by Generals Scott, Todd and Barbee, of the mounted volunteers, to gain their proper positions, but part of each could get up in season to participate in the action; the enemy being drove, in the course of one hour, more than two miles through the thick woods already mentioned, by less than one half their numbers. From every account the enemy amounted to two thousand combatants. The troops actually engaged against them were short of nine hundred. This horde of savages, with their allies, abandoned themselves to flight, and dispersed with terror aind dismay, leaving our victorious army in full and quiet possession of the field of battle, which terminated under the influence of the guns of the British garrison. * * The bravery and conduct of every officer belonging to the army, from the generals down to the ensigns, merit my highest approbation. There were, however, some whose rank and situation placed their conduct in a very conspicuous point of view, and which I observed with pleasure, and the most lively gratitude. Among whom, I must beg leave to 318 "I/ P4 "7!111~s,.11 En I'"-.. I P4'1. g4 TRATING THE BATTLES OF THE MAUMEE.1 PLANILLUTRATING THE BATTLES OF THE MAUMEE. Explanations.-The map shows about 8 miles of the country along, each side of the Maumee, including the towns of Perrysburgh, Maumee City and Waterville. Just previous to the battle of the Fallen Timbers, in August, 1794, Wayne's army was encamped at a locality called Roche de Beuf, a short distance above the present site of Waterville. The battle commenced at the Presque Isle hill. The routed Indians were pursued to even under the guns of the British Fort Miami. Fort Meigs, memorable from having sustained two sieges in the year 1813, is shown on the east side of the Maumee, with the British batteries on both sides of the river, and above the British fort, the position of Proctor's encampment. For a more full delineation of this last, see Wood county. I ,lilll 1 1111111!11f111111 11~II /' 44 q4 1' - k l ',a-...k.R esee - If LUCAS COUNTY. mention Brigadier General Wilkinson and Colonel Hamtramcx, the commandants of the right and left wings of the legion, whose brave example inspired the troops. To those I must add the names of my faithful and gallant aids-de-camp, Captains De Butt and T. Lewis, and Lieutenant Harrison, who, with the Adjutant General, Major Mlills, rendered the most essential service by communicating my orders in every direction, and by their conduct and bravery exciting the troops to press for victory. * * * The loss of the enemy was more than that of the federal army. The woods were strewed for a considerable distance with the dead bodies of Indians and their white auxiliaries, the latter armed with British muskets and bayonets. We remained three days and nights on the banks of the Maumee, in front of the field of battle, during which time all the houses and corn-fields were consumed and destroyed for a considerable distance, both above and below Fort Miami, as well as within pistol-shot of the garrison, who were compelled to remain tacit spectators to this general devastation and conflagration, among which were the houses, stores and property of Colonel M'Kee, the British Indian agent and principal stimulator of the war now existing between the United States and the savages. The loss of the Americans in this battle, was 33 killed and 100 wounded, including 5 officers among the killed, and 19 wounded. One of the Canadians taken in the action, estimated the force of the Indians at about 1400. He also stated that about 70 Canadians were with them, and that Col. M'Kee, Capt. Elliott and Simon Girty were in the field, but at a respectful distance, and near the river. When the broken remains of the Indian army were pursued under the British fort, the soldiers could scarce be restrained from storming it. This, independent of its results in bringing on a war with Great Britain, would have been a desperate measure, as the fort mounted 10 pieces of artillery, and was garrisoned by 450 men, while Wayne had no armament proper to attack such a strongly fortified place. While the troops remained in the vicinity, there did not appear to be any communication between the garrison and the savages. The gates were shut against them, and their rout and slaughter witnessed with apparent unconcern by the British. That the Indians were astonished at the lukewarmness of their real allies, and regarded the fort, in case of defeat, as a place of refuge, is evident from various circumstances, not the least of which was the well known reproach of Tecumseh, in his celebrated speech to Proctor, after Perry's victory. The near approach of the troops drew forth a letter of remonstrance from Major Campbell, the British commandant, to General Wayne. A sharp correspondence ensued, but without any especial results. The morning before the army left, General Wayne, after arranging his force in such a manner as to show that they were all on the alert, advanced with his numerous staff and a small body of cavalry, to the glacis of the British fort, reconnoitering it with great deliberation, while the garrison were seen with lighted matches, prepared for any emergency. It is said that Wayne's party overheard one of the British subordinate officers appeal to Major Campbell, for permission to fire upon the cavalcade, and avenge such an insulting parade under his majesty's guns; but that officer chided him with the abrupt exclamation, "be a gentleman! be a gentleman!" On the 27th, Wayne's army returned to Fort Defiance, by easy marches, laying waste the villages and corn fields of the Indians, for about 50 miles on each side of the Mau 320 LUCAS COUNTY. mee: this was done with the hope that the fear of famine would prove a powerful auxiliary in producing peace. Jonathan Alder, who was at this time living with the Indians, has given, in his Mss. autobiogrraphy, the Indian account of the battle of Fallen Timbers. He says, after describing the attack on Fort Recovery and the retreat to Defiance: We remained here defiance] about two weeks, until we heard of the approach of Wayne, when we packed up our goods and started for the old English fort at the Maumee rapids. Here we prepared ourselves for battle, and sent the women and children down about three miles below the fort; and as I did not wish to fight, they sent me to Sandusky, to inform some Wyandots there of the great battle that was about to take place. I remained at Sandusky until the battle was over. The Indians did not wait more than three or four days, before Wayne made his appearance at the head of a long prairie on the river, where he halted, and waited for an opportunity to suit himself. Now the Indians are very curious about fighting; for when they know they are going into a battle, they will not eat any thing just previous. They say that if a man is shot in the body when he is entirely empty, there is not half as much danger of the ball passing through his bowels, as when they are full. So they started the first morning without eating any thing, and moving up to the end of the prairie, ranged themselves in order of battle at the edge of the timber There they waited all day without any food, and at night returned and partook of their suppers. The second morning they again placed themselves in the same position, and again returned at night and supped. By this time they had begun to get weak from eating only once a day, and concluded they would eat breakfast before they again started. So the next morning they began to cook and eat. Some were eating, and others, who had finished, had moved forward to their stations, when Wayne's army was seen approaching. Soon as they were within gunshot, the Indians began firing upon them; but Wayne, making no halt, rushed on upon them. Only a small part of the Indians being on the ground, they were obliged to give back, and finding Wayne too strong for them, attempted to retreat. Those who were on the way heard the noise, and sprang to their assistance. So some were running from, and others to the battle, which created great confusion. In the mean time, the light-horse had gone entirely around, and came in upon their rear, blowing their horns and closing in upon them. The Indians now found that they were completely surrounded, and all that could, made their escape, and the balance were all.killed, which was no small number. Among these last, with one or two exceptions, were all the Wyandots that lived at Sandusky at the time I went to inform them of the expected battle. The main body of the Indians were back nearly two miles from the battle-ground, and Wayne had taken them by surprise, and made such a slaughter among them that they were entirely discouraged, and made the best of their way to their respective homes. We insert below some anecdotes of the battle, the first three of which are derived firom a published source, and the last, second-hand from Gen. Harrison. At the time Capt. Campbell was endeavoring to turn the left flank of the enemy, three Indians, being hemmed in by the cavalry and infantry, plunged into the river, and endeavored to swim to the opposite side. Two negroes of the army, on the opposite bank, concealed themselves behind a log to intercept them. When within shooting distance, one of them shot the foremost through the head. The other two took hold of him to drag him to shore, when the second negro fired and killed another. The remaining Indian being now in shoal water, endeavored to tow the dead bodies to the bank. In the mean time the first negro had re-loaded, and firing upon the survivor, mortally wounded him. On approaching them, the negroes judged from their striking resemblance and devotion, that they were brothers. After scalping them, they let their bodies float down stream. Another circumstance goes to show with what obstinacy the conflict was maintained, by individuals in both armies. A soldier who had got detached a short distance from the army, met a single Indian in the woods, when they attacked each other-the soldier with his bayo net, the Indian with his tomahawk. Two days after, they were found dead; the soldier with his bayonet in the body of the Indian-the Indian with his tomahawk in the head of the soldier. Several months after the battle of Fallen Timbers, a number of Potawatamie Indians ar rived at Fort Wayne, where they expressed a desire to see "The Wind" as they called Gen. Wayne. On being asked for an explanation of the name, they replied, that at the bat 41 321 LUCAS COUNTY. tie of the 20th of August, he was exactly like a hurricane, which drives and tears every thing before it. Gen. Wayne was a man of most ardent impulses, and in the heat of action apt to forget that he was the general-not the soldier. When the attack on the Indians who were concealed behind the fallen timbers, was commencing by ordering the regulars up, the late Gen. Harrison, then aid to Wayne, being lieutenant with the title of major, addressed his superior-" Gen. Wayne, I am afraid you will get into the fight yourself, and forget to give me the necessary field orders." "Perhaps I may," replied Wayne, "and if I do, recollect the standing order for the day is, charge the d d rascals with the bayonets." That this Indian war was in a great measure sustained by British influence, admits of ample proof. That they lent their aid in this campaign and battle, is fully confirmed in the extract given from a letter from Gen. Harrison to Hon. Thomas Chilton, dated North Bend, Feb. 17th, 1834. That the northwestern and Indian war was a continuation of the revolutionary contest, is susceptible of proof. The Indians in that quarter had been engaged in the first seven years of the war, as the allies of Great Britain, and they had no inclination to continue it after the peace of 1783. It is to British influence that their subsequent hostilities are to be attributed. The agents of that government never ceased to stimulate their enmity against the government of the United States, and to represent the peace which had been made as a temporary truce, at the expiration of which, "their great fathers would unite with them in the war, and drive the long knives from the land which they had so unjustly usurped from his red children." This was the cause of the detention of the posts of Detroit, Mackinaw, and Niagara, so long after the treaty of 1783. The reasons assigned for so doing, deceived nobody, after the failure of the negotiation attempted by Gen. Lincoln, Gov. Randolph and Col. Pickering, under British mediation voluntarily tendered. The bare suggestion of a wish by the British authorities, would have been sufficient to induce the Indians to accept the terms proposed by the American commissioners. But at any rate, the withholding the supplies with which the Indians had been previously furnished, would have left no other alternative but to make peace. From that period, however, the war was no longer carried on " in disguise." Acts of open hostility were committed. In June, 1794, the Indians assembled at the Miami of the Lake, and were completely equipped out of the King's store, from the fort (a large-and regularly fortified work) which had been built there in the preceding spring, for the purpose of supporting the operations of the Indians against the army of Gen. Wayne. Nor was the assistance limited to the supply of provisions and munitions of war. On the advance of the Indians, they were attended by a captain of the British army, a serjeant, and six matrosses, provided with fixed ammunition, suited to the caliber of two field pieces, which had been taken from Gen. St. Clair, and deposited in a creek near the scene of his defeat in 1791. Thus attended, they appeared before Fort Recovery, (the advanced post of our army,) on the 4th of July, 1794, and having defeated a large detachment of our troops, encamped under its walls, would probably have succeeded in taking the fort, if the guns which they expected to find had not been previously discovered and removed. In this action, Capt. Hartshorn, of the 1st sub-legion, was wounded by the Indians, and afterwards killed in a struggle with Capt. M'Kee of the British army.* Upon the advance of the American army in the following month, the British fort at the Rapids was again the point of rendezvous for the Indians. There the deficiencies in arms, ammunition and equipments, were again supplied; and there they were fed with regular rations from the King's stores, consisting of flour and Irish beef, until the arrival of Gen. Wayne with his army, on the 20th of August. In the general action of that day, there were two militia companies from Amherstburg and Detroit. The captain of the cutter (who was also the clerk of the court at that place) was found among the killed, and one of his privates taken prisoner. These unequivocal acts of hostility on the part of Great Britain, did not pass unnoticed by our government, and although anxious to avoid a general war, the President determined that the aggression on our territory, by the erection of a fortress so far within our acknowledged limits, required some decisive measure. * It is proper to state, that Capt. M'Kee asserted that he interfered to save Hartshorn, but that he refised quarter and attempted to kill him, (M'Kee,) and would have succeeded, if he had not been anticipated by his (M'Kee's) servant. 32!2 LUCAS COUNTY. Authority was therefore given to Gen. Wayne, to dispossess the intruders, if, in his opinion, it was necessary to the success of his operations against the Indians. Although the qualification of this order, in its literal sense, might be opposed to its execution after the entire defeat of the Indians-the daring violation of neutrality which was professed, by the supply of food, arms and ammunition to the enemy on the very morning of the action, afforded, in the opinion of Gen. Wayne, a sufficient justification for its being carried into effect. An accurate examination, however, of the defenses of the fort, made by the general at great personal hazard, showed but too clearly that our small howitzers, which had been transported on the backs of horses, our only artillery, could make no impression upon its massive earthen parapet, while the deep fosse and frasing by which it was surrounded, afforded no prospect of the success of an escalade, but at an expense of valuable lives, which the occasion did not seem to call for. From my situation as aid-de-camp to the general in chief, I mention these things from personal knowledge. If, then, the relation I have given is correct, it must be admitted that the war of the revolution continued in the western country until the peace of Greenville, in 1795. There were some individuals on both sides, who took an active part, either in the battle or its connecting events, who demand more than a passing notice. Among these, were the faithful spies of Wayne, whose exploits M'Donald in his sketches thus describes. Gen. Wayne, having a bold, vigilant and dexterous enemy to contend with, found it indispensably necessary to use the utmost caution in his movements to guard against surprise. To secure his army against the possibility of being ambuscaded, he employed a number of the best woodsmen the frontier afforded to act as spies. Capt. Ephraim Kibby, one of the first settlers at Columbia, who had distinguished himself as a bold and intrepid soldier, commanded the principal part of this corps. A very effective division of the spies was commanded by Capt. William Wells.* At * WM. WELLS, while a child, was captured by the Indians, and became the adopted son of Little Turtle, the most eminent forest-warrior and statesman of his time. In the defeats of Harmar and St. Clair, he took a distinguished part, commanding in the latter action 300 young Indian warriors, who were posted immediately in front of the artillery, and caused such carnage among those who served it. He arranged his party behind logs and trees, immediately under the knoll on which the guns were, and thence, almost uninjured, picked off the artillerists, until, it is said, their bodies were heaped up almost to the height of their pieces. After this sanguinary affair, his forecast enabled him to anticipate the final ascendancy of the whites, who would be aroused by their reverses to such exertions as must be successful with their preponderance of power, and he resolved to abandon the savages. His mode of announcing this determination, was in accordance with the simple and sententious habits of a forest life. He was traversing the woods in the morning, with his adopted father, the Little Turtle, when pointing to the heavens, he said, "when the sun reaches the meridian, I leave you for the whites; and whenever you meet me in battle, you must kill me as I shall endeavor to do by you." The bonds of affection and respect which had bound these two singular and highly gifted men together, were not severed or weakened by this abrupt dereliction. Capt. Wells soon after joined Wayne's army, and by his intimacy with the wilderness, and his perfect knowledge of the Indian haunts, habits and modes of Indian warfare, became an invaluable auxiliary to the Americans. He served faithfillly and fought bravely through the campaign, and at the close, when peace had restored amity between the Indians and the whites, rejoined his foster-father, the Little Turtle; and their friendship and connexion was broken only by the death of the latter. When his body was found among the slain at Chicago, in August, 1812, the Indians are said to have drank his blood, from a superstitious belief that they should thus imbibe his warlike endowments, which had been considered by them as pre-eminent. The above paragraph respecting Wells, is copied from the discourse of Henry Whiting, Esq., before the Historical Society of Michigan; that below, relating to his death, is from the Mss. of Col. John Johnston. William Wells, interpreter for the Miamies, and whose wife was of that nation, hitnself uncle to Mrs. Heald, the lady of the commandant at Fort Dearborn, Chicago, went from Fort Wayne with a party of 12 or 15 Miamies to that place, with a view of favoring the escape of the garrison to Fort Wayne. Nothing could have been more unfortunate than this, for Wells was peculiarly obnoxious to the Putawatimies, and especially to the chief, 323 LUCAS COUNTY. tached to Wells's command were the following men. Robert M'Clellan, one of the most active men on foot that ever lived. Next to him was Henry Miller, who deserves here a passing notice. He and a younger brother, named Christopher, had been made captives by the Indians while quite young, and adopted into an Indian family. He lived with them until about 24 years of age, when, although he had adopted all their customs, he began to think of returning to his relatives among the whites. His resolution continually gaining strength by reflection, he determined to make the attempt, and endeavored to induce his brother to accompany him in his flight, but to no purpose. Christopher was young when captured, he was now a good hunter, an expert woodsman and a free and independent Indian. Henry Miller, however, escaped through the woods, and arrived safe among his friends in Kentucky. Capt. Wells was familiar with Miller during his captivity, and knew that he possesed that firm intrepidity which would render him a valuable companion in time of need. To these were added, Hickman, May and Thorp, all men of tried worth in Indian warfare. Capt. Wells and his four companions were confidential and privileged gentleman in camp, who were only called upon to do duty upon very particular and interesting occasions. They were permitted a carte blanche among the horses of the dragoons, and when on duty always went well mounted; while the spies, commanded by Capt. Kibby, went on foot, and were kept constantly on the alert, scouring the country in every direction. In June, 1794, while the head quarters of the army was at Greenville, Wayne dis patched Wells, with his corps, with orders to bring an Indian into the camp as prisoner. Accordingly he proceeded cautiously with his party through the Indian country. They crossed the St. Mary's and thence to the Auglaize, without meeting with any straggling party of Indians. In passing up the latter, they discovered a smoke, dismounted, tied their horses and cautiously reconnoitered. They found three Indians encamped on a high, open piece of ground, clear of brush or any undergrowth, rendering it difficult to approach them without being discovered. While reconnoitering, they saw not very distant from the camp, a fallen tree. They returned and went round, so as to get it between them and the Indians. The tree top being full of leaves would serve to screen them from observation. They crept forward on their hands and knees with the caution of the cat, until they reached it, when they were within 70 or 80 yards of the camp. The Indians were sitting or standing about the fire, roasting their venison, laughing and making merry antics, little dreaming that death was about stealing a march upon them. Arrived at the fallen tree, their plans were settled. M'Clellan, who was almost as swift of foot as a deer, was to catch the center Indian, while Wells and Miller were to kill the other two, one shooting to the right and the other to the left. Resting the muzzles of their rifles onil a log of the fallen tree, they aimed for the Indians hearts. Whiz went the balls, and both Indians fell. Before the smoke had risen two feet, M'Clellan was running with uplifted tomahawk for the remaining Indian, who bounded down the river, but finding himself likely to be headed if he continued in that direction, he turned and made for the river, which at that place had a bluff bank about 20 feet high. On reaching it, he sprang off into the stream and sunk to " the Black Bird," who was the leading warrior on the occasion. The Putawatimies were alone in arms against us, at the time, in that part of the country. The presence of Wells was fatal to the safety of the troops; the chief Blackbird had often spoken to myself in very bitter terms against him. On the 14th of August, 1812, a council was held between the officers and the chiefs, at which it was agreed, that the whole garrison with their arms, ammunition sufficient for the journey and clothing, should retire unmolested to Fort Wayne, and that the garrison, with all that it contained, should be delivered up to the Indians. In the night preceding the evacuation, all the powder and whiskey in the fort was thrown into a canal, communicating from the garrison to the Chicago river. The powder floated out and discovered the deception to the Indians; this greatly exasperated them and no doubt brought matters to a crisis. On the morning of the 15th of August, the troops marched out to commence their journey, and had proceeded but a short distance, when they were attacked by the Indians. Wells seeing that all was lost, and not wishing to fall into their hands, as he well knew that in that case, a cruel and lingering death awaited him, wetted powder and blacked his face, as a token of defiance, mounted his horse and commenced addressing the Indians with all the approbrious and insulting language he could think of. His purpose evidently was to induce them to dispatch him forthwith. His object was accomplished. They beeame so enraged at last with his taunts and jeers, that one of them shot him cff his horse, and immediately pouncing upon him, cut his body open, took out his heart and eat it. The troops were massacred, the commanding officer and wife were saved... Chicago means in Putawatimie," the place of the pole cat." 324 LUCAS COUNTY. his middle in the soft mud gt its'ottom. M'Clellan came afteraiiindinstiyantly a g upon him, as he was wallowg and endeavoring to extricate himself from the mi. The Indian drew his knife: the other raised his tomahawk and bade him throw down his knife or he would kill him instantly. He did so, and surrendered without farther opposition. By this time, Wells and his companion came to the bank, and discovered the two quietly sticking in the mud. Their prisoner being secure, they selected a place where the bank was less precipitous, went down, dragged the captive out and tied him. He was sulky and refused to speak either Indian or English. Some of the party went back for their horses, while the others washed the mud and paint from the prisoner. When cleaned, he turned out to be a white man, but still refused to speak, or give any account of himself. The party scalped the two Indians whom they had shot, and then set off for head quarters. Henry Miller having some suspicions that their prisoner might possibly be his brother Christopher, whom lhe had left with the Indians, years previous, rode up along side of him, and called him by his Indian name. At the sound, he started, stared around, and eagerly inquired how he came to know his name? The mystery was soon explained. Their prisoner was indeed Christopher Miller! A mysterious providence appeared to have placed him in a situation in the camp, by which his life was preserved. Had he been standing either to the right or to the left, he would inevitably have been killed, and an even chance too, if not by his own brother. But that fate which appears to have doomed the Indian race to extinction, permitted the white man to live. When they arrived at Greenville, their prisoner was placed in the guard house. Wayne often interrogated him as to what he knew of the future intentions of the Indians. Capt. Wells and his brother Henry, were almost constantly with him, urging him to abandon the idea of ever again joiniing the Indians, and to unite with the whites. For some time he was reserved and sulky, but at length became more cheerful, and agreed that if they would release him from his confinement, he would remain among them. Capt. Wells and Henry Miller urged Wayne to release him, who did so, with the observation, that should he deceive them and return to the enemy, they would be one the stronger. He appeared pleased with his change of situation, and was mounted on a fine horse, and otherwise equipped for war. He joined the company of Wells, and continued through the war a brave and intrepid soldier. As soon as Wells and his company had rested themselves, they were anxious for another bout with the red men. Time without action was irksome to such stirring spirits. Accordingly in July, they left Greenville, their number strengthened by the addition of Christopher Miller, with orders to bring in prisoners. When on these excursions, they were always mounted on elegant horses and dressed and painted in Indian style. They arrived in the country near the Auglaize, when they met a single Indian, and called upon him to surrender. Notwithstanding there were six against him, he refused, levelled his rifle, and as they approached him on horseback, fired, missed his mark and then ran. The thick underbrush enabling him to gain upon them, Christopher Miller and M'Clellan dismounted and pursued, and the latter soon overtook hitn. Upon this he turned and made a blow at MlClellan with his rifle, which was parried. As it was M'Clellan's intention not to kill, he kept him at bay until Christopher came up, when they closed in, and made him prisoner without receiving injury. They then turned about and arrived with him at Greenville. He was reported to be a Pottawatamie chief of scarcely equalled courage and prowess. As Christopher Miller had performed his part on this occasion, to the entire satisfaction of the brave spirits with whom he acted, he had, as he merited, their entire confidence. On one of Captain Wells's peregrinations through the Indian country, as he came to the bank of the St. Mary's, he discovered a family of Indians coming up the river in a canoe. Hle dismounted from his horse and concealed his men, while he went to the bank of the river, in open view, and called to the Indians to come over. As he was dressed in Indian costume and spoke in that language, they crossed to him, unsuspicious of danger. The moment the canoe struck the shore, Wells heard the nicking of the cocks of his comrades' rifles, as they prepared to shoot the Indians; but who should be in the canoe but his Indian father and mother, with their children! The others were now coming forward with their rifles cocked and ready to pour in a deadly fire upon this family. Wells shouted to them to desist, informing them who the Indians were, solemnly declaring that the first man who attempted to injure one of them should receive a ball in his head. "That family," said he to his men, " had fed him when hungry, clothed him when naked, and nursed him when sick, and had treated him as affectionately as their own children." This short speech moved the sympathetic hearts of his leather-hunting-shirt comrades, who entered at once into his feelings and approved of his lenity. Dropping their tomahawks and rifles, they went to the canoe and shook hands with the trembling Indians in the most friendly manner. 325 LUCAS COUNTY. Wells assured them they had nothing to fear; and after talking with them some time, to dispel their anxiety, he told them " that Gen. Wayne was approaching with an overwhelm ing force; that the best thing the Indians could do was to make peace, and that the whites did not wish to continue the war. He urged his Indian father to keep for the future out of danger:" he then bade them farewell. They appeared grateful for his clemency, pushed off their canoe, and paddled with their utmost rapidity down stream. Capt. Wells and his comrades, though perfect desperadoes in fight, upon this occasion proved that they largely possessed that gratitude and benevolence which does honor to human kind. While Wayne's army lay at the Indian village at the confluence of the Auglaize and Maumee, building Fort Defiance, the general, wishing to be informed of the intentions of the enemy, dispatched Capt. Wells's party to bring in another prisoner. They consisted of Wells, M'Clellan, the Millers, May and Maliaffy. They proceeded cautiously down the Maumee until opposite the site of Fort Meigs, where was (a Indian village. This was on the 11th of August, nine days before the battle. Wells and his party boldly rode into this town, as if they had come from the British fort, and occasionally stopped and talked with the Indians in their language. The savages believed them to be Indians from a distance, who had come to take a part in the expected battle. After passing through the village, they met, some distance from it, an Indian man and woman on horseback, who were returning to town from hunting. They made them captives without resistance, and set off for Defiance. A little after dark, they came near a large encampment of Indians, merrily amusing themselves around their camp fires. Ordering their prisoners to be silent, under pain of instant death, they went around the camp until they got about half a mile above it. They then held a consultation, tied and gagged their prisoners, and rode into the Indian camp with their rifles lying across the pummels of their saddles. They inquired when they had heard last of Gen. Wayne and the movements of his army, and how soon and where the expected battle would be fought? The Indians standing about Wells and his party were very com. municative, and answered the questions without any suspicions of deceit in their visitors. At length an Indian, who was sitting at some distance, said in an under-tone, in another tongue, to some who were near him, that he suspected these strangers had some mischief in their heads. Wells overheard it, gave the preconcerted signal, and each fired his rifle into the body of an Indian, at not more than six feet distance. The moment the Indian had made the remark, he and his companions rose up with their rifles in hand, but not before each of the others had shot their man. The moment after Wells and party had fired, they put spurs to their horses, lying with their breasts on their animals' necks, so as to lessen the mark to fire at, and before they had got out of the light of the camp fires, the Indians had fired upon them. As M'Clellan lay in this position, a ball entered beneath his shoulder blade and came out at the top of his shoulder; Wells's arm was broken by a ball, and his rifle dropped to the ground; May was chased to the smooth rock in the Maumee, where, his horse falling, he was taken prisoner. The rest of the party escaped without injury and rode full speed to where their prisoners were confined, and mounting them upon horses continued their route. Wells and M'Clellan being severely wounded, and their march slow and painful to Defiance, a distance of about 30 miles, ere they could receive surgical aid, a messenger was dispatched to hasten to that post for a surgeon and a guard. As soon as he arrived with the tidings of the wounds and perilous situation of these heroic and faithful spies, very great sympathy was manifested. Wayne's feeling for the suffering soldier was at all times quick and sensitive. We can, then, imagine the intensity of his solicitude when informed of the sufferings and perils of his confidential and chosen band. He instantly dispatched a surgeon and a company of the swiftest dragoons to meet, assist and guard these brave fellows to head-quarters, where they arrived safe, and the wounded in due time recovered. May, who was taken prisoner, having formerly lived and ran away from the Indians, was recognized. They told him, the second day before the battle, "We know you-you speak Indian language-you not content to live with us: to-morrow we take you to that treepointing to a very large burr oak at the edge of the clearing near the British fort-we will tie you up and make a mark on your breast, and we will try what Indian can shoot nearest it." Accordingly, the next day he was tied to that tree, a mark made on his breast, and his body riddled with at least fifty bullets. Thus ended poor May! This little band of spies, during the campaign, performed more real service than any other corps of equal number belonging to the army. They brought in, at different times, not less than 20 prisoners, and killed more than an equal number. As they had no rivals in the army, they aimed in each excursion to outdo their former exploits. What confidence! what self-possession was displayed by these men in their terrific encounters! To ride 326 LUCAS COUNTY. boldly into the enemy's camp, in full view of their blazing camp-fires, and enter into conversation with them without betraying the least appearance of trepidation or confusion, and openly commence the work of death, proves how well their souls were steeled against fear. They had come off unscathed in so many desperate conflicts, that they became callous to danger. In the battle, Wayne's army took a white man prisoner, by the name of Lasselle, Col. John Johnston says respecting him: ANTOINE LASSELLE I well knew: this man, a Canadian, was taken prisoner at Wayne's battle, painted, dressed and disguised as an Indian. He was tried by court-martial, at Roche de Bceuf, and sentenced to be hung. A gallows was erected and the execution ordered, when Col. John F. Hamtranck-a native of Canada, who joined the American standard under Montgomery, in the revolutionary war, and was, in 1794, colonel of the 1st regiment of infantry, under Wayne-interposed and begged the life of the prisoner. Gen. Wayne afterwards granted to Lasselle license to trade at Fort Wayne, and he was there as such many years during my agency at the post. He was a man of wit and drollery. and would often clasp his neck with both hands, to show how near he had been to hanging by order of mad Anthony. Col. Johnston also says, respecting Col. M'Kee and Capt. Elliott, who were both alledged to have been in the action, and were notorious enemies of the Americans in the wars in the northwest: M'KEE and ELLIOTT were Pennsylvanians, and the latter, I think, of Irish birth. They resided at the commencement of the revolutionary war in Path valley, Pa. A brother and a brother-in-law of mine lived in the same neighborhood; I therefore have undoubted authority for the facts. A number of tories resided in the township, M'Kee and Elliot being leaders. A large proportion of the inhabitants being whigs, the place became too warm to hold them. They fled to the enemy, and leagued with the Shawanese Indians in committing depredations on the frontier settlers. Both of these incendiaries had Indian wives and children, and finally their influence became so great among the savages, that they were appointed agents for Indian affairs by the British government, and continued as such until their death. Matthew Elliott was an uncle, by his father's side, to the late Commodore Elliott, and had a son killed in the late war, by the Indians under Logan. [See p. 302.] On the death of M'Kee, his son, a half-breed, was a deputy agent in Upper Canada. He was a splendid looking man, and marlied an accomplished white lady. He had too much of the Indian nature, and the marriage turned out somewhat unhappily. In August, 1814, several letters were published in the National Intelligencer, from Col. M'Kee to Col. England, the British commandant at Detroit during the campaign of Wayne, the originals of which, the editor stated, were then in his possession. M'Kee was at this time superintendent of the Indians under his majesty. Some brief extracts below pile up the evidence already adduced of his hostility, and that of the English to the Americans. Rapids, July 5th, 1794. SIR,-I send this by a party of Saginas, who returned yesterday from Fort Recovery, where the whole body of the Indians, except the Delawares, who bad gone another route, imprudently attacked the fort on Monday, the 30th of last month. ........ Every thing had been settled prior to their leavung the fallen timber, and it had been agreed upon to confine therrselyes to taking convoys and attacking at a distance from the forts, if they should have the address to entice the enemy out........ Rapids, Aug. 13th, 1794. SIR,-I was honored last night with your letter of the 11th, and am extremely glad to find you making such exertions to supply the Indian- with provisions......Scouts are sent up to view the situation of the army, [Wayne's,] and WE now muster 1000 Indians. All the lake Indians, from Sagina downwards, should not lose one moment in joining their brethren, as. every accession of strength is an addition to their pirits. Maumee city, the county seat, is 124 miles NW. of Columbus, and 8 s. of Toledo. It was laid out under the name of Maumee in 1817, by Maj. Wm. Oliver and others, within what had been the reservation 327 LUCAS COUNTY. of 12 miles square, at the foot of the rapids of the Maumee, granted to the Indians at the treaty of Greenville, in 1795. The town is situated at the head of navigation on the Maumee, and on the Wabash and Erie canal, opposite Perrysburg and Fort Meigs. Maumee City, from Fort 3Ieigs. The river banks upon which Maumee city and its neighbor, Perrysburg stand, are elevated near 100 feet above the water level. Both banks, at this point, curve gracefully inward, while the river above and below is somewhat contracted, thus forming a vast amphitheatre of about two nmiles in length and nearly one in breadth, while a beautiful cultivated island of 200 acres, and several small islets embosomed in its centre, enhance a scene rich in picturesque effect. From a very early day, this was a favorite point with the Indians. As early as 1680, the French had a trading station just below the town, where, later in the spring of 1794, was built the British fort Miami, the ruins of which are still conspicuous. Part of Wayne's battle was within the limits of the town-the action commenced two or three miles south. At that point, by the road side, is a noted rock, of several tons weight, near the foot of Presque Isle hill, where it is said an Indian chief, named Turkey Foot, rallied a few of his men and stood upon it fighting until his strength becoming exhausted from loss of blood, he fell and breathed his last. Upon it have been carved by the Indians, representations of turkey's feet, now plainly to be seen, and it is said "the early settlers of and travellers through the MIaumee valley, usually found many small pieces of tobacco deposited on this rock, which had been placed there by the Indians as devotional acts, by way of sacrifice, to appease the indignant spirit of the departed hero." During the siege of Fort Meigs, in the late war, the British encamped below the town, and erected several batteries within it, which played upon the American fort. These 328 LUCAS COUNTY. having been stormed and taken by Col. Dudley, on the 5th of May, 1813, that officer pushed his victory too far, and was, in turn, attacked by the enemy, who had been reinforced from below, and defeated w-itht great slaughter on the site of the town. (See Wood county.) The view of Maumee city, taken from the site of Fort Meigs, shows, in front, Maumee river and the bridge; beyond, on the left, the canal, and on the summit of the hill, a small portion of the town, vwhich is much scattered. On the right is seen the Presbyterian church, on the left, the Methodist, and between, the Catholic; the Episcopal church does not appear in this view. Maumee city is a thriving town, and has an extensive water power, which, if fully improved, would be sufficient for 250 runs of stone: it now contains 16 dry goods, S grocery and 3 drug stores; 1 or 2 newspaper printing offices, 4 flouring, 1 oil and 2 saw mills; 1 pail factory, 1 tannery, a wool-carding and cloth-dressing establishment, and had in 1840, 840 inhabitants, since which it has much increased. A number of vessels, steamboats, propellers and canal boats have been built here. A spirit of rivalry exists between the towns at the foot of the rapids, MIaumee city and Perrysburg, with Toledo. While the latter has outstripped them in prosperity, there is, perhaps, but little question that if the navigation of the river was improved, Maumee city and PerryNsburg would draw to themselves a vast. accession of business, and be important points for the shipment and transhipment of freight. The Maumee is navigable, in its present condition, for steamboats and schooners drawing seven feet of water; but, since the construction of boats of a heavier draught, it is necessary that an improvenienat, by excavating the channel along what is called "the rock bar," should be made. This bar, which is of blue limestone, commences about a mile and a half below Perrysburg. At a common stage, the water upon it is about six and half feet deep. To open a clear and unobstructed channel upon it for the largest lake boats, it has been estimated, would cost about $30,000. Government has frequently, but ineffectually, been petitioned to make this improvement. TOLEDO is on the left bank of the Maumee river, and on the Wabash and'Erie canal, 134 miles NW. of Columbus, 246 by canal N. of Cincinnati, about 50 s. of Detroit, about 100 w. of Cleveland, and 33 miles from Adrian, Michigan, where a railroad from Toledo intersects with the southern Michigan railroad. Toledo stretches along the river bank for more than a mile, and has two points at which business concentrates, called respectively the upper and lower landing. It was originally two distinct settlements-the upper, Port Lawrence, the lower, Yistula. Between these two points Toledo is thinly settled; but at them, and particularly at the upper, the stores, warehouses and dwellings are densely packed together. The view of the harbor from the upper landing is very fine: the eye takes in a distance of several miles of the river, bounded by well-defined pro jecting headlands, and often showing a large number of sails, pre senting not only a scene of beauty, but evidence of the extensive commerce, of which this place is the center. 42 329 LUCAS COUNTY. Toledo covers the site of a stockade fort, called Fort Industry erected about the year 1800, near what is now Summit street. A treaty was held in this fort with the Indians July 4th, 1805, by which the Indian title to the "fire-lands" was extinguished. Chas. Jouett was United States commissioner, and the Ottawa, Chippewa, Pot tawatimie, Wyandot, Shawanee, Munsee and Delaware tribes, re presented by their respective chiefs. The insignificant settlements of Port Lawrence and Vistula were later formed, and have now lost their identity in Toledo, the history, present condition and prospects of which we annex, in a communication from a gentleman of the place. In the summer of 1832, Vistula, under the impetus given it by Captain Samuel Allen, from Lockport, N. Y., and Major Stickney, made quite a noise as a promising place for a town. People from various quarters were met by the writer, in June of that year, at the residence of Major Stickney. All seemed sanguine of a sudden and large growth for the new town, and many made purchases in and about it. At the same time, arrangements were being made by Major Oliver and Micajah T. Williams, of Cincinnati, with Daniel O. Comstock and Stephen B. Comstock, brothers, from Lockport, for the resuscitation of Port Lawrence, at the mouth of Swan creek. The Comstocks took an interest, and be came the agents for the Port Lawrence property, now known as Upper Toledo. No sales of any importance were made before 1833. In Vistula, the first store was started by Mr. E. Briggs; W. J. Daniels, now a leading man, was his clerk. Soon after, Flagg & Bissell opened a more extensive store of goods-probably the first good assortment for the use of white people. In 1833, not much progress was made towards building a town in Vistula or Port Lawrence. In the latter, the first Toledo steamer was built, and called the Detroit. She was of 120 tons, and commanded by Captain Baldwin, son of a sea captain of that name, who was one of the earliest settlers of Port Lawrence. The best lots in Port Law rence, 60 feet front by 120 deep, were offered by Stephen B. Comstock, for $50, coupled with a condition to make some little improvements. Four of these lots, if they were now not built upon, would sell for $5,000 each. Three of them are nearly covered by 3 story brick buildings, and form the center of business of Toledo. They are corners, on Monroe and Summit streets. In 1834, speculation in lots began, and with slight intermission continued until the spring of 1837. Mr. Edward Bissell, from Lockport, a man of enterprise and activity, became a part owner, and gave a great impetus to the growth of Vistula. Through him and the Port Lawrence owners, many men of influence became interested in the new towns. Among these, Judge Mason, from Livingston county, N. Y., deserves mention, as he became agent of Bissell and the other chief owners, and made Vistula his residence. In 1836, the Wabash and Erie canal was located, having three terminations, one at Maumee, one at Toledo, and one at Manhattan. Great exertions were made to induce the commissioners to terminate it at the foot of the Rapids; and also to have it continued below, on the high bank. All the points were accommodated, and the state has had a heavy bill to foot as the consequence. In 1837, the canal was let, and the contractors entered vigorously on its construction. The commissioners held out the opinion, that it would be completed in two years. Under the expectation of its early completion, many of the inhabitants of Toledo, who had been brought there by the speculations of 1835 and 1836, and the business it gave, held on in order to participate in the business it was expected to furnish. The seasons of 1838 and 1839 were uncommonly sickly, not only at Toledo, but along the entire line of the canal. This kept back the work on the canal, and it was not completed, so as to make its business sensiby felt, before the season of 1845. The Miami and Erie canal was opened through, from river to lake, the same season, and for a time had a great rush of business through it. But it was so imperfect, that great prejudice was excited against it as a channel of commerce. During the season of 1846, it was kept in good order, and recovered a portion of its lost popularity. The productions of the south and southwest, that reached Toledo by these two canals, during the season of 1846, exceeded three millions of dollars in value, and more than doubled the receipts of the preceding year. The value sent up from Toledo can scarcely have been less than five million dollars. The aggregate of breadstuffs exported, exceeded three millions of bushels, being greater than any other port around the lakes, except Cleveland, that shipped by lake. It is expected that the business of these canals this year, will 330 LUCAS COUNTY. nearly double that of the season of 1846. The Wabash and Erie canal will then be ex tended 49 miles further down the Wabash; and the country on the lines of both canals being new, is being opened to cultivation, and having the roads that bring trade to the canals every year extended farther from their borders, and made better. By position and the aid of these canals, Toledo is evidently destined to be one of the greatest of the gath ering points of agricultural productions in the country. Its situation is equally favorable for the distribution, over the lakes, of southern productionssugar, tobacco, &c. The Miami and Erie canal is the best channel for the goods destined from the eastern cities to the great river valley below Cincinnati. + The Wabash and Erie canal, when completed to Evansville, on the Ohio, will be 460 miles in length, and control most of the external trade of Indiana and eastern Illinois. The Miami and Erie canal, connecting Toledo and Cincinnati, is 247 miles long. This, it is believed, will one day become one of the most important canals in the world. Within the last two years, Toledo has expended near one hundred thousand dollars in grading and other permanent improvements that tend to give facility to commercial opera tions. Like all the other towns on Lake Erie, it has suffered, during the early years of its life, from sickness; and perhaps it has suffered still more, in its growth and prospects, from the exaggerations which public rumor has spread over the country, respecting its insalubrity. And yet it would be difficult to find a healthier looking or a more vigorous set of men, than are the first settlers of Toledo and other places on the harbor. Toledo has had sickness, but not more than Cleveland and Sandusky and Monroe, at the same period of their growth. The excavations for the canal and the grades, have undoubtedly contributed to the preva lence of intermittents, which is the chief cause of complaint. Every year will witness an improvement in this respect, until, like Cleveland, it will be forgotten as a place especially fruitful of malaria, and be spoken of chiefly for the activity and extent of its commerce, and the rapidity of its progress towards the high destiny which reflecting men have long antici pated for it. Toledo was incorporated as a city in 1836, and has 1 Presbyterian, 1 Catholic, 1 Methodist, 1 Episcopal and 1 Lutheran church, 37 mercantile establishments-including 3 drug and 2 book stores -9 forwarding and commission houses, 2 banks, and its population is estimated at 2400; in 1840, it had 1322 inhabitants. A daily steamboat line connects Toledo with Buffalo, and another with Detroit. A railroad has been chartered and surveyed between Toledo and the west line of Indiana, in the direction of the falls of Illinois, or towards Chicago. Toledo was the center of the military operations in "the Ohio and Michigan war," so called, which at the time threatened serious results, but was accompanied with so much of the ludicrous, as to be usually adverted to with emotions of merriment. In the language of "an actor in the scenes which he depicts," the narration below is given. The dispute of Ohio and Michigan, about the line of division between them, originated in this wise. The ordinance of 1787, provided for the division of the North Western territory into not less than three nor more than five states; and if into five, then the three southern were to be divided from the two northern, by a line drawn east and west through the southern point of Lake Michigan, extending eastward to the territorial line in Lake Erie. The constitution of Ohio contained a provision, that if the said line should not go so far north as the north cape of the Maumee bay, then the northern boundary of Ohio should be a line drawn from the s9utherly part of Lake Michigan to the north cape of the Maumee bay. With this constitution, Ohio was admitted into the union. The line of the ordinance was an impossible line, inasmuch as it would never touch the territorial line by extending it eastward, but would, on the contrary, leave north of it a considerable portion of that part of Ohio known as the Western Reserve. When Michigan became a territory, the people living between the two line-that claimed by Michigan, known as the Fulton line, and that claimed by Ohio, as the Harris line-found it more convenient to be attached to Michigan, and agreeably to their wish, the territorial laws were extended over the disputed territory. In 1833, it appeared im 831 LUCAS COUNTY. portant that the boundary should be settled, and at the suggestion of J. W. Scott, Esq., of Toledo, Senator Tilden, of Norwalk, Ohio, brought the matter before the legislature, which passed a resolution asking congress to act uponi the subject, for the purpose of quieting the claim of Ohio. In 1835, the matter came before congress, and J. Q. Adams made an elaborate report against the claim of Ohio. Through tihe exertions of A. Palmer, S. B. Comstock, W. P. Daniels and others, the former was immediately dispatched to Columbus, with a petition from most of the inhabitants, to the legislature of Ohio, then in session, asking the exten sionI of the laws of Ohio over the disputed territory. An act was soon after passed for that purpose, and the disputed territory was attached to the counties of Wood, Henry and' Williams. This occasioned a counteraction on the part of Michigan. A double set of officers were created at the spring election, and war became inevitable. The inhabitants were mostly for the Ohio claim, but enough sided with Michigan to fill all the offices. These soon needed the aid of their neighbors of Monroe county, who were organized, and made some inroads under the sheriff's posse, and carried off to Monroe, some of the would be citizens of Ohio. Thereupon, Ohio levied troops, and Governor Lucas came on at their head, early in the spring of 1835. In the mean time, Governor Mason mustered troops from Michigan; and while Governor Lucas was encamped at old Fort Miami, 8 miles above Toledo and 4 miles above the disputed territory, Mason marched into Toledo, overrun all the water-melon patches, made fowls very scarce, and demolished utterly the ice house of Major Stickney, burst in the front door of his residence, and triumphantly carried him off a prisoner of war to IMonroe.* About this time appeared from the court of Washington, two ambassadors, with full powers to negotiate with the belligerants, for an amicable settlement of difficulties. These were Richard Rush, of Pennsylvania, and Colonel Howard, of Maryland. They were successful in their mission, chiefly because Michigan was satisfied with thile laurels won, and Ohio was willing to stand on her dignity-8 miles from the ground in dispute. At the court next holden in Wood county, the prosecuting attorney presented bills of indictment against Governor Mason and divers others, in like manner offending; but the bills ,were thrown out by the grand jury. Thus was Ohio defeated in her resort to law, as she had before been in her passage at arms. At the next session of congress, the matter was taken up, and able arguments in favor of Ohio were made in the house, by Samuel F. Vinton, and in the senate, by Thomas Ewing. Here Ohio carried the day. Michigan, instead of the narrow strip, averaging about 8 miles wide, on her southern border, received as an equivalent the large peninsula between Lakes Huron, Michigan and Superior, now so well known for its rich deposit of copper and other minerals. The chief value to Ohio, of the territory in dispute, was the harbor at Toledo, formed by the mouth of the Maumee, essential, as her public men believed, to enable her to reap the benefit of the commerce made by her canals to Cincinnati and Indiana. The result has shown that they judged correctly. Toledo has proved to be the true point for the meeting of lake and canal commerce. Manhattan, 3 miles below Toledo, was laid out a few years since, and much enterprise exhibited on the part of its founders: it is, however, a small place, containing in 1840, 282 inhabitants. Waterville, about 5 miles above Maumee City, is a neat village, containing about 300 inhabitants. Providence, near the line of Henry county, on the river, had in 1840, 130 inhabitants; in 1846, it was seriously injured by fire. There are other small towns in the county, but none of note. * Many amusing incidents are related of the actors in this war. Dr. Russ, of New York, was with the forces of Mason, on their march from Monroe to Toledo, and gave to the writer a vivid description of the mixture of frolic and fear among the new soldiers. Reports were constantly being circulated of the great number of sharp-shooting Buckeyes who were ready, with poised rifles, to greet their arrival at Toledo; and so terrorstricken were the warriors by these stories of the wags, that nearly half of those who marched boldly from Monroe, availed themselves of the bushes, by the road-side, to with draw from the dangerous enterprise. 332 MADISON COUNTY. MADISON. MADIsoN was organized in March, 1810, and named from James Madison, the fourth President of the U. States. The soil is clayey, and the surface level. Almost one-third of the surface is prairie land. Wool-growing has become an object of considerable business. It is principally a stock-raising county. The productions are grass, corn and oats, and beef cattle. Wool and pork are the principal staples. The following is a list of the townships in 1840, with their population. Canaan, 607 Monroe, 385 Range, 820 Darby, 466 Pike, 529 Somerford, 761 Deer Creek, 545 Pleasant, 936 Stokes, 770 Fairfield, 505 Union, 1350 The population of Madison, in 1820, was 4799; in 1830, 6191; and in 1840, 9025, or 20 inhabitants to the square mile. In the course of this work, we have made several extracts from the Mss. of Jonathan Alder, who was taken captive when a boy, and passed many years among the Indians. These Mss. contain about a hundred pages, and comprise a sketch of his life while with the Indians, together with a relation of many of their customs, and incidents that came under his observation. Mr. Alder is now living on Darby creek, in this county. We give a sketch of him, derived from the above-mentioned source. JONATHAN ALDER was born in New Jersey, about 8 miles from Philadelphia, Sept. 17th, 1773. When at about the age of seven years, his parents removed to Wythe county, Va., and his father soon after died. In the succeeding March, (1782,) while out with his brother David, hunting for a mare and her colt, he was taken prisoner by a small party of Indians. His brother, on the first alarm, ran, and was pursued by some of the party. "At length," says Alder, "I saw them returning, leading my brother, while one was holding the handle of a spear, that he had thrown at him and run into his body. As they approached, one of them stepped up and grasped him around the body, while another pulled out the spear. I observed some flesh on the end of it, which looked white, which I supposed came from his entrails. I moved to him, and inquired if he was hurt, and he replied that he was. These were the last words that passed between us. At that moment he turned pale and began to sink, and I was hurried on, and shortly after saw one of the barbarous wretches coming up with the scalp of my brother in his hand, shaking off the blood." The Indians having also taken prisoner a Mrs. Martin, a neighbor to the Alders, with her young child, aged about four or five years, retreated towards their towns. Their route lay through the woods to the Big Sandy, down that stream to the Ohio, which they crossed, and from thence went overland to the Scioto, near Chillicothe, and so on to a Mingo village on Mad river. Finding the child of Mrs. Martin burdensome, they soon killed and scalped it. The last member of her family was now destroyed, and she screamed in agony of grief. Upon this, one of the Indians caught her by her hair, and drawing the edge of his knife across her forehead, cried " sculp! sculp!" with the hope of stilling her cries. But, indifferent to life, she continued her screams, when they procured some switches, and whipped her until she was silent. The next day, young Alder having not risen, through fatigue, from eating, at the moment the word was given, saw, as his face was to the north, the shadow of a man's arm with an uplifted tomahawk. He turned, and theita stood ar Indian, ready for the fatal blow. Upon this he let down his arm, and commenced feeling of his head. He afterwards told Alder it had been his intention to have killed him; but as he turned he looked so smiling and pleasant, that he could not strike, and on feeling of his head and noticing that his 333 MADISON COUNTY. hair was very black, the thought struck him, that if he could only get him to his tribe he would make a good Indian; but that all that saved his life was the color of his hair. After they crossed the Ohio, they killed a bear, and remained four days to dry the meat for packing, and to fry out the oil, which last they put in the intestines, having first turned and cleaned them. The village to which Alder was taken, belonged to the Mingo tribe, and was on the north side of Mad river, which we should judge was somewhere within or near the limits of what is now Logan county. As he entered, he was obliged to run the gauntlet, formed by young children armed with switches. Ile passed through this ordeal with little or no injury, and was adopted into an Indian family. His Indian mother thoroughly washed him with soap and warm water with herbs in it, previous to dressing him in the Indian costume, consisting of a calico shirt, breech clout, leggins and moccasons. The family having thus converted him into an Indian, were much pleased with their new member. But Jonathan was at first very homesick, thinking of his mother and brothers. Every thing was strange about him; he was unable to speak a word of their language; their food disagreed with him; and, childlike, he used to go out daily for more than a month, and sit under a large walnut tree near the village, and cry for hours at a time over his deplorable situation. His Indian father was a chief of the Mingo tribe, named Succohanos; his Indian mother was named Whinecheoh, and their daughters respectively answered to the good old English names of Mary, Hannah and Sally. Succohanos and Whinecheoh were old people, and had lost a son, in whose place they had adopted Jonathan. They took pity on the little fellow, and did their best to comfort him, telling him that he would one day be restored to his mother and brothers. He says of them, " they could not have used their own son better, for which they shall always be held in most grateful remembrance by me." His Indian sister Sally, however, treated him " like a slave," and when out of humor, applied to him, in the Indian tongue, the unlady-like epithet of" onorary, [mean,] lousy prisoner!" Jonathan for a time lived with Mary, who had become the wife of the chief, Col. Lewis, (see p. 304.) " In the fall of the year," says he, "the Indians would generally collect at our camp, evenings, to talk over their hunting expeditions. I would sit up to listen to their stories, and frequently fell asleep just where I was sitting. After they left, Mary would fix my bed, and with Col. Lewis, would carefully take me up and carry me to it. On these occasions they would often say-supposing me to be asleep-' poor fellow! we have sat up too long for him, and he has fallen asleep on the cold ground;' and then how softly would they lay me down and cover me up. Oh! never have I, nor can I, express the affection I had for these two persons." Jonathan, with other boys, went into Mad river to bathe, and on one occasion came near drowning. He was taken out senseless, and some time elapsed ere he recovered. He says, "I remember, after I got over my strangle, I became very sleepy, and thought I could draw my breath as well as ever. Being overcome with drowsiness, I laid down to sleep, which was the last I remember. The act of drowning is nothing, but the coming to life is distressing. The boys, after they had brought me too, gave me a silver buckle, as an inducement not to tell the old folks of the occurrence, for fear they would not let me come with them again; and so the affair was kept secret." When Alder had learned to speak the Indian language, he became more contented. He says, "1 I would have lived very happy, if I could have had health; but for three or four years I was subject to very severe attacks of fever and ague. Their diet went very hard with me for a long time. Their chief living was meat and hommony; but we rarely had bread, and very little salt, which was extremely scarce and dear, as well as milk and butter. Honey and sugar were plentiful, and used a great deal in their cooking, as well as on their food." When he was old enough, he was given an old English musket, and told that he must go out and learn to hunt. So he used to follow along the water courses, where mud turtles were plenty, and commenced his first essay upon them. He generally aimed under them, as they lay basking on the rocks; and when he struck the stone, they flew sometimes several feet in the air, which afforded great sport for the youthful marksman. Occasionally he killed a wild turkey, or a raccoon; and when he returned to the village with his game, generally received high praise for his skill-the Indians telling him he would make "a great hunter one of these days." We cannot, within our assigned Jimits, give many of the incidents arid anecdotes related by Alder, or any thing like a connected history of his life among the Indians. In the June after he was taken, occurred Crawford's defeat. He describes the anxiety of the squaws while the men were gone to the battle, and their joy on their return 334 MADISON COUNTY. mng with scalps and other trophies of the victory. He defends Simon Girty from the charge of being the instigator of the burning of Crawford, and states that he could not have saved his life, because he had no influence in the Delaware tribe, whose prisoner Crawford was. Alder was dwelling it the Mackachack towns (see p. 299) when they were destroyed by Logan, in 1786; was in the attack on Fort Recovery, in 1794, (see p. 140,) and went on an expedition into "Kaintucky to steal horses" from the settlers. Alder remained with the Indians until after Wayne's treaty, in 1795. He was urged by them to be present on the occasion, to obtain a reservation of land, which was to be given to each of the prisoners; but, ignorant of its importance, he neglected going, and lost the land. Peace having been restored, Alder says, "I could now lie down without fear, and rise up and shake hands with both the Indian and the white man." The summer after the treaty, while living on Big Darby, Lucas Sullivant (see p. 168) made his appearance in that region, surveying land, and soon became on terins of intimacy with Alder, who related to him a history of his life, and generously gave him the piece of land on which he dwelt; but there being some little difficulty about the title, Alder did not contest, and so lost it. When the settlers first made their appearance on Darby, Alder could scarcely speak a word of English. He was then about 24 years of age, 15 of which had been passed with the Indians. Two of the settlers kindly taught him to converse in English. He had taken up with a squaw for a wife some time previous, and now began to farm like the whites. He kept hogs, cows and horses, sold milk and butter to the Indians, horses and pork to the whites, and accumulated property. He soon was able to hire white laborers, and being dissatisfied with his squaw-a cross, peevish woman-wished to put her aside, get a wife from among the settlers, and live like them. Thoughts too, of his mother and brothers, began to obtrude, and the more he reflected, his desire strengthened to know if they were living, and to see them once more. He made inquiries for them, but was at a loss to know how to begin, being ignorant of the name of even the state in which they were. When talking one day with John Moore, a companion of his, the latter questioned him where he was from. Alder replied that he was taken prisoner somewhere near a place called Greenbriar, and that his people lived by a lead mine, to which he used frequently to go to see the hands dig ore. Moore then asked him if he could recollect the names of any of his neighbors. After a little reflection, he replied, " Yes! a family of Gulions that lived close by us." Upon this, Moore dropped his head, as if lost in thought, and muttered to himself, "Gulion! Gulion!" and then raising up, replied, "My father and myself were out in that country, and we stopped at their house over one night, and if your people are living, I can find them." Mr. Moore after this went to Wythe county, and inquired for the family of Alder; but without success, as they had removed from their former residence. He put up advertisements in various places, stating the facts, and where Alder was to be found, and then returned Alder now abandoned all hopes of finding his family, supposing them to be dead. Some time after, he and Moore were at Franklinton, when he was informed there was a letter for him in the post office. It was from his brother Paul, stating that one of the advertisements was put up within six miles of him, and that he got it the next day. It contained the joyful news, that his mother and brothers were alive. Alder, in making preparations to start for Virginia, agreed to separate from his Indian wife, divide the property equally, and take and leave her with her.own people at Sandusky. But some difficulty occurred in satisfying her. He gave her all the cows, 14 in number, worth $20 each, 7 horses, and much other property, reserving to himself only 2 horses and the swine. Besides these, was a small box, about 6 inches long, 4 wide and 4 deep, filled with silver, amounting probably to about $200, which he intended to take, to make an equal division. But to this she objected, saying the box was hers before marriage, and she would not only have it, but all it contained. Alder says, "I saw I could not get it without making a fuss, and probably having a fight, and told her tkat if she would promise never to trouble nor come back to me, she might have it; to whicl she agreed." Moore accompanied him to his brother's house, as he was unaccustomed to travel among the whites. They arrived there on norseback, at noon, the Sunday after new years. They walked up to the house and requested to have their horses fed, and pretending they were entire strangers, inquired who lived there. "I had concluded;' says Alder, " not to make heyself known for some time, and eyed my brother very close, but did not recollect his fea 335 MADISON COUNTY. tures. I had always thought I should have recognized my mother, by a mole on her face. In the corner sat an old lady, who I supposed was her, although I could not tell, for when I was taken by the Indians her head was as black as a crow, and now it was almost perfectly white. Two young women were present, who eyed me very close, and I heard one of them whisper to the other, "he looks very much like Mark," (my brother.) I saw they were about to discover me, and accordingly turned my chair around to my brother, and said, " You say your name is Alder?" " Yes;' he replied, "my name is Paul Alder." "Well,";' I rejoined, "my name is Alder too." Now it is hardly necessary to describe our feelings at that time; but they were very different from those I had when I was taken prisoner, and saw the Indian coming with my brothers scalp in his hand, shaking off the blood. "When I told my brother that my name was Alder, he rose to shakle hands with me, so overjoyed that he could scarcely utter a word, and my old mother ran, threw her arms around me, while tears rolled down her cheeks. The first words she spclke, after she grasped me in her arms, were, "How you have grown!" and then she told me of a dream she had. Says she, "I dreamed that you had come to see me, and that you was a l.ttle onorary [mean] looking fellow, and I would not own you for my son; but now I find I was mistaken, that it is entirely the reverse, and I am proud to own you for my son." I told her I could remind her of a few circumstances that she would recollect, that took place before I was made captive. I then related various things,, among which was that the negroes, on passing our house on Saturday evenings, to spend Sundays with their wives, would beg pumpkins of her, and get her to roast them for them against their return on Monday morning. She recollected these circumstances, and said she had now no doubt of my being her son. We passed the balance of the day in agreeable conversation, and I related to them the history of my captivity, my fears and doubts, of my grief and misery the first year after I was taken. My brothers at this time were all married, and Mark and John had moved from there. They were sent for, and came to see me; but my half brother John had moved so far, that I never got to see him at all." This county was first settled by the whites in 1796. In the fall of 1795, Benjamin Springer came from Kentucky, selected some land about a mile north of Amity, on the west bank of Big Darby, which stream was named by the Indians, from a Wyandot chief named Darby, who for a long time resided upon it, near the line of this and Union counties. Springer having made a clearing and built a cabin, moved his family to the place in the spring of 1796. The next year, William Lapin, Joshua and James Ewing settled in the same neighborhood. The last named is now living. Springer settled near Alder, and taught him the English language, which much endeared the latter to him. He reciprocated this benefit, by not only supplying him with meat, but others of the early settlers, who, had it not been for him, would have been in danger of starvation. He also, on different occasions, saved some of the settlers from being killed by the Indians. In 1800, Mr. Joshua Ewing brought four sheep to his place, which were strange animals to the Indians. One day an Indian was passing by, when the dog of the latter caught one of the sheep, and Ewing shot him. The Indian would have shot Ewing in retaliation, had not Alder, who was present, with much difficulty prevailed upon him to refrain. On the outbreak of hostilities, in 1812, the Indian chiefs held a council, and sent a deputation to Alder, to learn which side to espouse, saying that the British wished them to go and fight for them, holding out the promise that in such case they would support their families. He advised them to remain at first neutral, and told them they need not be afraid of the Americans harming their women and 336 MAHONING COUNTY. children. They followed the advice, for a while remained neutral, and eventually became warm friends of the Americans. Deer Creek, in this county, was so called by the Indians, because of the many deer that used to frequent it to eat the moss that grew plentifully upon its banks. It was considered by the Indians the best hunting ground for deer in this whole region of country. The first courIt in this county was held in a cabin, Judge Thompson, of Chillicothe, presiding. The grand jury retired to deliberate to an oak and hazle thicket that stood neat. The principal business, for the first year or two, was to try men for fighting. Vzew in London. London, the county seat, is 25 miles westerly from Columbus. It was laid off in 1810 or'11, as seat of justice, by Patrick M'Lene, by order of the commissioners; and by the autumn of 1812 had six or eight families. The view shows on the left the court house, and in the distance the academy. London contains 1 Presbyterian and 1 Methodist church, a classical academy, 1 newspaper printing office, 8 stores, and about 400 inhabitants. By the census of 1840, its poputlatioli was 297. West Jefferson, on the national road, 14 miles w. of Columbus, and 10 from London, has a Baptist church, an academy, 3 stores, and about 45 dwellings. At an early day, a fort or block house was built on the east bank of the Little Darby, about 20 rods south of where the national road crosses the creek, near the village. Lafayette, 7 miles w. of Jefferson, on the national road, has about 30 dwellings. Mount Sterling, Midway, Solon and Summerford, are small places. MAHONING. MAHONING was formed from Trumbull and Columbiana, March 1st, 1846. It derived its name from Mahoning river. The name Mahoning is, according to Heckwelder, derived from either the Indian word Mahoni, signifying "a lick," or Mahonink,,at the lick." 43 337 MAHONING COUNTY. The surface is rolling and the soil finely adapted to wheat and corn Large quantities of the finer qualities of wool are raised. The valley of the Malioning abounds in excellent bituminous coal, which is well adapted to the smelting of iron ore. Excellent iron ore is obtained in the Mahoning valley, and it is believed to be abundant. There are fifteen townships in the county; the five southernmost, viz: Smith, Goshen, Greene, Beaver and Springfield, originally formed part of Columbiana, and the others, the southern part of Trumbull, the last of which are within the Western Reserve. The following is a list of the townships, with their population, in 1840. Austintown, 1245 Coitsville, 1016 Milton, 1277 Beaver, 1973 Ellsworth, 988 Poland, 1561 Berlin, 1284 Goshen, 1397 Smith, 2029 Boardman, 933 Green, 3212 Springfield, 1994 Canfield, 1280 Jackson, 1124 Youngstown, 999 Total population in 1840, within the present limits of Mahoning, 21,712, or 51 inhabitants to the square mile. The following sketch from a resident of the county, not only describes interesting incidents in the life of one of the first settlers on the Reserve, but gives facts of importance connected with the history of this region. COL. JAMEs HILLMAN, of Youngstown, was one of the pioneers of the west, and rendered essential service to the early settlers of the Western Reserve. He is still living, and at the age of 84 enjoys good health and spirits, and walks with as much elasticity of step as most men 30 years younger. He was born in Northampton, Pa., and in 1784, was a soldier under Gen. Harmar, and was discharged at Fort M'Intosh, at Beaver town, on the Ohio, in August, 1785, after the treaty with the Indians. His acquaintance with the country, now known as the Western Reserve, commenced in the spring of 1786, at which time he entered into the service of Duncan & Wilson, of Pittsburgh. They were engaged in forwarding goods and provisions, upon pack-horses, across the country to the mouth of the Cuyahoga, (now Cleveland,) thence to be shipped on the schooner Mackinaw, to Detroit. During the summer of 1786, he made six trips,the caravan consisting of ten men and ninety horses. They usually crossed the Big Beaver, 4 miles below the mouth of the Shenango, thence up the left bank of the Mahoning, crossing it about three miles above the village of Youngstown, thence by way of the Salt Springs, in the township of Weathersfield, through Milton and Ravenna, crossing the Cuyahoga at the mouth of Breakneck, and again at the mouth of Tinker's creek, in Bedford, and thence down the river to its mouth, where they erected a log hut for the safe keeping of their goods, which was the first house built in Cleveland. At the mouth of Tinker's creek were a few houses built by the Moravian missionaries. They were then vacant, the Indians having occupied them one year only, previous to their removal to the Tuscarawas river. These, and three or four cabins at the Salt Springs, were the only buildings erected by the whites between the Ohio river and Lake Erie. Those at the Salt Spiings were erected for the accommodation of persons sent there to make salt, and the tenants were dispossessed during the sumnmer of 1785, by order of Gen. Hannrmar. During this year, 1786, Kribs, who was left in one of the cabins to take care of goods belonging to Duncan & Wilson, was murdered by the Indians, and his body was found by Hillman's party, shockingly mangled by the wolves. During the same season, James Morrow and Sam Simerson, returning from Sandusky, were killed by the Indians, at Eagle creek, west of Cleveland. Mr. Hillman was married in 1786-and in 1788, settled at Beaver town, where Duncan & Wilson had a store for the purpose of trading with the Indians. From 1788 to 1796, Mr. Hillman resided in Pittsburgh, and traded with the Indians in Ohio, principally on the Reserve, bringing his goods in canoes up the Mahoning. His intercourse with the Indians during these eight years and before, afforded him the opportunity of acquiring a knowledge of their language, and gaining their confidence, both of which he obtained, and by means of which, he was enabled afterwards to be of great ser vice to the early settlers of the Reserve. Of 338 MAHONING COUNTY. In 1796, when returning from one of his trading expeditions, alone in his canoe, down the Mahoning river, he discovered a smoke on the bank, near the present site of the village of Youngstown, and on proceeding to the spot, he found Mr. Young, (the proprietor of the township,) who, with Mr. Wolcott, had just arrived to make a survey of his lands. The cargo of Mr. Hillman was not entirely disposed of, there remaining among other things some whiskey, the price of which was to the Indians, $1,00 a quart, in the currency of the country, a deer skin being a legal tender for one dollar, and a doe skin half a dollar. Mr. Young proposed purchasing a quart, and having a frolic on its contents during the evening, and insisted upon paying Hillman his customary price for it. Hillman urged that inasmuch as they were strangers in the country, and just arrived upon his territory, civility required him to furnish the means of the entertainment. He however yielded to Mr. Young, who immediately took the deer skin he had spread for his bed, (the only one he had,) and paid for his quart of whiskey. His descendants in the state of New York, in relating the hardships of their ancestors, have not forgotten that Judge Youlig exchanged his bed for a quart of whiskey. Mr. Hillman remained with them a few days, when they accompanied him to Beaver town, to celebrate the 4th of July, and Mr. H. was induced to return and commence the settlement of the town, by building a house. This was about the first settlement made on the Western Reserve. In the fall of 1797, Mr. Brown and another person came on. It was during this season that Uriah Holmes, of Litchfield county, Ct., and Titus Hayes, arrived in Youngstown the same day, both having started from Connecticut on the same day, the one taking the route through the state of New York, via Buffalo, and the other through Pennsylvania. The settlement of the country proceeded prosperously until the murder of the two Indians, Capt. George and Spotted John, at the Salt Springs, by M'Mahon and Story. This affair had nearly proved fatal to the settlements, and probably would but for the efforts of Mr. Hillman. The next day after the murder, for such it undoubtedly was, Col. Hillman, with Mr. Young and the late Judge Pease, of Warren, who had just arrived, went to the Salt Springs, with a view of pacifying the Indians; but they had gone, not however without having buried the bodies of their murdered companions. Col. Hillman and others expected trouble, and in order to show the Indians that the whites did not sanction the act, judged it advisable to take M'Mahon and Story prisoners; which they accordingly did the same day, at Warren. Col. H. had M'Mahon in custody, but Story, who was guarded by John Lane, escaped during the night. On the next day, M'Mahon was brought to Youngstown, the settlers resolving to send him to Pittsburgh, to be kept in confinement until he could be tried. The affairs of the settlement, were at that time in a critical and alarming state, so much so, that all of the inhabitants, both of Youngstown and Warren, packed up their goods, and were upon the point of removing from the country, as they had every reason to apprehend that the Indians would take speedy vengeance. It was at this juncture, that the firmness and good sense of Col. Hillman was the means of saving the infant settlement from destruction. He advised sending a deputation to the Indians then encamped on the Mahoning, near where Judge Price's mills now stand, and endeavor to avert the threatened danger. It was an undertaking imminently hazardous. Few men would have dared to go, and it is quite certain no other man in the settlement would have had any chance of success. He was acquainted with their language, and knew their principal men, and was aware that in his trading intercourse with them, he had acquired their confidence, and therefore felt no fear. Although urged to do so, he would not take any weapon of defence, but accompanied with one Randall, started very early the next morning, on his hazardous enterprize, and came in sight of the Indians before sunrise. The Indians, seventeen in number, were asleep, each with his gun and powder horn resting uponi a forked stick at his head. Being in advance of Randall, he came within three rods of them before he was discovered. A squaw was the only one awake; she immediately gave the alarm, which started every warrior to his feet with gun in hand. But seeing Col. H. and his companion riding into their encampment without arms, and unsuspicious of treachery or harm, they dropped their guns and immediately gathered around their visitors. Onondaga George, the principal man or chief, knew Hillman, and the late murder became the subject of a very earnest conversation; the chief exhibiting much feeling while talking about it. Hillman told him frankly the object of his visit, and talked freely of the affair, condemning M'Mahon, and assured him that M'Mahon was then on his way to Pittsburg, and should stand a trial for the murder he had committed. Nothing could be done, however, until Capt. Peters should arrive with his braves. They were then encamped farther up the river, near the present site of Deerfield, and were expected to arrive that day, a message having been sent for that purpose. 339 MAHONING COUNTY. In the course of the day they came, the countenance of Capt. Peters, as soon as hlie saw a white man present, scowled with hatred, revenge and defiance. Hiliman endeavored to pacify him, but with little effect. During the interview, a conversation was had between Captains George and Peters, in the Seneca language, in which Capt. George endeavored to persuade the other, that they ought to kill Hillman and Randall, and before the whites could unite in defence, dispatch them in detail. But Capt. George would not agree to it, unwilling that Hillman, to whom he had conceived a liking, should be killed. It was not known to either that Hillman was acquainted with the Seneca language, in which this conversation was held; he was, however-and it may be conceived with what interest he listened to it. Hillman succeeded, after several attempts, in drawing Capt. Peters aside, and offered him a considerable sum, if he would go to Cuyahoga on some business for the whites. This bribe, it seems, had its desired effect. The Indians retired a short distance and held a consultation, during which Randall became so much alarmed, that he proposed that each should take his horse and endeavor to make his escape. Hillman would not go, but observing that the Indians had left their guns leaning upon two trees near by, told Randall to station himself, and if on their return, one of their number should be painted black, (which Hillman knew was their custom when one was to be killed,) then each should seize upon the guns, and sell his life as dearly as possible. After a long time, however, they returned, Capt. Peters holding up a wampum belt with three strings, and saying that they had agreed to hold a council with the whites, on condition that three things should be done, as their wampum indicated. 1st. That George Foulk should act as interpreter; 2d, that the council should be held within six days; and 3d, that M'Mahon should be kept until the council. These things being agreed to, Hillman and Randall returned the same day to Youngstown, where they found all the inlhabitants assembled, waiting in anxious suspense to learn the result of the expedition, and every preparation made for a sudden flight, in case it should have proved unsuccessful. Great was their joy on seeing Hillman and his companion arrive in safety, and telling what had been done. The inhabitants immediately set themselves about making the necessary preparations for the council. On the day appointed, two Indians made their appearance, and were conducted by Mr. Hillman to the place prepared to hold their council. After the ceremony of smoking, commenced the speeches, and it was generally conceded that Captain Peters had the best of the argument, and throughout the whole of the consultation, showed a decided superiority over the whites opposed to him, in adroitness and force of argument, although our people had appointed three of their best men for that purpose, (the late Judge Pease, of Warren, and Gov. Huntington being of the number,) all of whom had prepared themselves for this encounter with Indian shrewdness. The result of the council was satisfactory to both parties; that M'Mahon should be tried by a jury of his own color, according to the laws of his own country. There were about three hundred people present at the council, among whom was Mr. Hudson, of Portage county, and Mr. Ely, of Deerfield. Thus was tranquillity restored mainly through the instrunmentality of Mr. Hillman, a service which was so highly appreciated by Ephraim Root, the agent of the Connecticut Land Company, that he agreed on the part of the company, that he would give him 100 acres of land; the promise however was never redeemed. Soon after, M'Mahon was sent out by order of Gov. St. Clair, under a strong guard, to abide his trial at a special court ordered for that purpose, to be held in Youngstown by the Judges, Return J. Meigs and Benjamin Ives. Gilman, Backus & Tod were attornies for the people; and Mr. Simple, John S. Edwards and Benjamin Tappan for the prisoner. The court was attended by persons from a great distance, and it was generally believed, that many had come with a determination to rescue M'Mahon, in case he should be found guilty. He was, however, acquitted, principally upon the testimony of one Knox, who swore that M'Mahon retreated a step or two before he fired, which probably was not true, and was not believed by those who visited the spot on the day after the affair. Capt. Peters was upon the bench during the whole trial, and was satisfied that he had received a fair trial, and should, according to the laws of the whites, have been acquitted. As soon as Knox swore that M'Mahon retreated before he fired, Capt. Peters gave a characteristic ugh," and whispered to Judge Meigs that the jury would acquit the prisoner. Thus terminated this critical affair, after which the settlement increased with great rapidity, and Col. Hillman from that time has enjoyed the confidence and respect of his fellow citizens, twice expressed in electing him sheriff, under the territorial government, and in various other ways, and still lives respected and beloved by all. Canfield, the county seat, is 166 miles NE. of Columbus and 16 s. 340 MAHONING COUNTY. of Warren. It is on the main stage road from Cleveland to Pittsburgh, on a gentle elevation. It is a neat, pleasant village, embowered in trees and shrubbery, amnong which the Lombardy poplar stands conspicuous. It contained in 1846, 3 stores, a newspaper printing office, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Epis. 1 Met. 1 Congregational and 1 Lutheran church, and about 300 people. Since then the county buildings have been erected, and from being made the county seat, it will probably, by the time this reaches the eye of the reader, have nearly doubled in population and business importance. Youngstown. Youngstown is the largest and most flourishing town in Mahoning county, beautifully situated on the north bank of the Mahonin(, river, 65 miles from Pittsburgh, Penn., 9 miles from Canfield, the seat of justice, for the county of Mahoning, 14 from Warren, the county seat of Trumbull county, 30 from Ravenna, Portage county, and 27 from New Lisbon, Columbiana county. It contains about 1200 inhabitants, has 12 mercantile stores, 3 warehouses for receiving and forwarding goods and produce on the canal, 4 churches, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Episcopal Methodist, 1 Protestant Methodist and 1 Disciples. The Pennsylvania and Ohio canal passes through the village, and the products of the surrounding country are sent here for shipment. Few places in Ohio are more beautifully situated; few have greater facilities for manufacturing, or bid fairer to become places of wealth and importance. Bituminous coal and iron ore abound in the immediate vicinity of the village, and along the line of the canal, adequate, it is believed, to the wants of a large manufacturing place. Several of the coal banks are already opened and successfully and profitably worked. The mines of the Hon. David Tod, furnish about one hundred tons of coal per day, and those of Crawford, Camp & Co., about sixty; all of which have hitherto found a ready market at Cleveland for steamboat fuel. It has recently been ascertained that the coal in the valley of the 341 I MAHONING COUNTY. Mahoning, is well adapted, in its raw state, to the smelting cf iron ore, and three furnaces similar to the English and Scotch furnaces, each capable of producing from sixty to one hundred tons of pig metal per week, have been erected in the township, and near to the village. A large rolling mill has been erected in the village, at which is made the various sizes of bar, rod and hoop iron, also sheet iron, nails and spikes. The "Youngstown Iron Company," and the "Eagle Iron and Steel Company," contemplate the erection of ma. chinery for the purpose of making the T and H rails; and it is more than probable that the various rail roads now projected in Ohio and the adjoining states, will be supplied with rails from this point. In addition to the above, there is quite a number of small manufacturing establishments for making tin-ware, cloth, axes, wagons, buggies, &c., &c. The amount of capital invested in the manufacturing of iron, is probably $200,000. The view given was taken from the southeast, a few hundred yards to the left of the road leading to Pittsburgh, and near the residence of Mr. Homer Hine, shown on the right. In front appears the canal and Mahoning river: on the left the rolling mill of the Youngstown iron company. In the distance a part of the town is shown: the spires seen are respectively, commencing on the right, those of the Presbyterian, Disciples and Episcopal Methodist churches; near, on the left of the last named, appears the Protestant Methodist church. Poland is 8 miles from Canfield, on Yellow creek, a branch of the Mahoning. It is one of the neatest villages in the state. The dwellings are usually painted white, and have an air of comfort. Considerable business centers here from the surrounding country, which is fertile. In the vicinity is coal and iron ore of an excellent quality. Limestone of a superior kind abounds in the township: it is burnt and largely, exported for building purposes and manure. Poland contains 5 stores, 1 Presbyterian atnd 1 Methodist church, an academy, an iron foundery, 1 grist, 1 saw, 1 oil and I clothing mill, and about 100 dwellings. In a tamarack and cranberry swamp in this vicinity, "are found large numbers of a small black, or very dark brown, rattle-snake, about 12 or 14 inches in length, and of a proportionate thickness. They have usually three or four rattles. This species seem to be confined to the tamarack swamps, and are found no where else but in their vicinities, wandering in the summer months a short distance only from their borders. When lying basking in the sun, they resemble a short, dirty, broken stick or twig, being generally discolored with mud, over which they are frequently moving. Their bite is not very venomous, yet they are much dreaded by the neighboring people. Their habitations are retired and unfrequented, so that few persons are ever bitten. The Indian name for this snake is Massasauga." At Lowell, 4 miles E. from Poland, on the canal and Mahoning river, is the extensive furnace of Wilkinson, Wilkes & Co.; 2 miles northerly, on the same stream, is a furnace of the Great Western Iron Company. Ellsworth, 5 miles w. of Canfield, has 2 stores, 2 churches, about 35 dwellings and an excellent academy, under the supervision of the Methodists. Austintown and Fredericksburg are small places in the northern part of the county. The following are 342 MARION COUNTY. villages formerly withir. Columbiana county. To some of them is attached their population, as in the census of 1840: Petersburg 187, Lima 129, N. Middletown 118, Green Village 351, Lewistown 79, N. Springfield 89, New Albany 52, Birmingham and Princeton. MARION. MARION was organized March 1st, 1824, and named from General Francis Marion, of South Carolina, a partisan officer of the revolution. The surface is level, except on the extreme east. The Sandusky plains, which is prairie land, covers that part of the county north of Marion and west of the Whetstone, and is well adapted to grazing: the remaining part, comprising about two-thirds of the surface, is best adapted to wheat. The soil is fertile. The principal farm-crops are corn, wheat and grass, a large proportion of the prairie land being appropriated to grazing: much live stock and wool is produced in the county: some of the flocks of sheep contain about 5000 head. The following is a list of the townships in 1840, with their population. Big Island, 554 Grand Prairie, 716 Richland, 1138 Bowling Green, 324 Green Camp, 361 Salt Creek. 607 Canaan, 1027 Marion, 1638 Scott, 854 Claridon, 1084 Montgomery, 552 Tully, 870 Gilead, 1150 Morven, 976 Washington, 880 Grand, 605 Pleasant, 1414 The population of Marion, in 1880, was 6558, and in 1840, 18,352, or 35 inhabitants to the square mile. By the treaty concluded at the foot of the Maumee rapids, Sept. 29th, 1817, Lewis Cass and Duncan M'Arthur being commissioners on the part of the United States, there was granted to the Delaware Indians a reservation of three miles square, on or near the northern boundarv of this county, and adjoining the Wyandot reservation of twelve miles square. This reservation was to be equally divided among the following persons: Captain Pipe, Zeshauau or James Armstrong, Mahautoo or John Armstrong, Sanoudoyeasquaw or Silas Armstrong, Teorow or Black Raccoon, Hawdorouwatistie or Billy Montour, Buck Wheat, William Dondee, Thomas Lyons, Johnny Cake, Captain Wolf, Isaac and John Hill, Tishatahoones or widow Armstrong, Ayenucere, Hoomaurou or John Ming, and Youdorast. Some of these Indians had lived at Jeromeville, in Ashland, and Greentown, in Richland county, which last village was burnt by the whites early in the late war. By the treaty concluded at Little Sandusky, August 3d, 1829, John M'Elvain being United States commissioner, the Delawares ceded this reservation to the United States for $3000, and removed west of the Mississippi. Marion, the county seat, is 44 miles north of Columbus. It was 343 MEDINA COUNTY. laid out in 1821, by Eber Baker and Alexander Holmes, who were proprietors of the soil. It is compactly built; the view, taken in front of the Marion hotel, shows one of the principal streets: the court-house appears on the left, the Mirror office on the right, and I_____. __ ffiffi~~ ___ II View in 2larion. Berry's hill in the distance. General HIarrison passed through this region in the late war, and encamped with his troops just south of the site of the village, on the edge of the prairie, at a place known as "Jacob's well." The town is improving steadily, and has some fine brick buildings: it contains 1 Presbyterian, 1 Methodist and 1 German church, an academy, 2 newspaper printing offices, 15 dry goods, 1 drug and 5 grocery stores, 1 saw, 1 fulling, oil and carding mill, and about 800 inhabitants: in 1840 it had a population of 570. Mount Gilead, 18 miles SE. of Marion, is a flourishing village, containing 2 churches, several stores, 2 or 3 mills, and about 400 inhabitants. Iberia, Caledonia, Cardington, Le Timbreville, Denmark, Big Island, Claridon and Holmesville, are small villages. MEDINA. MEDINA was formed February 18th, 1812, "from that part of the Reserve west of the 11th range, south of the numbers 5, and east of the 20th range, and attached to Portage county, until organized." It was organized in April, 1818. The county was settled principally firom Connecticut, though within the last few years there has been a considerable accession of Germans. The surface is generally rolling, with much bottom land of easy tillage: the soil is principally clay and gravelly loam-the clayey portion scantily watered, the gravelly abundantly. The soil is better adapted to grass than grain. The principal productions are wheat, hay, wool, corn, oats, 344 MEDINA COUNTY. barley, butter and cheese. The following is a list of the townships in 1840, with their population. Brunswick, 1110 Homrer, 660 Sharon, ] 314 Chatham, 555 Lafayette, 938 Spencer, 551 Granger, 954 Litchfield, 787 Wadsworth, 148' Guilford, 1402 Liverpool, 1502 Westfield, 1031 Harrisville, 1256 Medina, 1435 York, 782 Hinckley, 1287 Montville, 915 The population of Medina, in 1820, was 3090; in 1830, 7560, and in 1840, 18,360, or 43 inhabitants to the square mile. The first regular settlement in the county, was made at Harrisville, on the 14th of February, 1811, by Joseph Harris, Esq., who removed from Randolph, Portage county, with his family, consisting of his wife and one child. The nearest white people were at Woos ter, 17 miles distant. The first trail made through the county north, toward the lake, was from Wooster, a short time after the declaration of war with Great Britain. The party consisted of George Poe, (son of Adam, see page 106,) Joseph H. Larwill and Roswell M. Mason. They carried their provision in packs, and laid out the first night on their blankets, in the open air, on the south side of " the big swamp." It was amusing, as they lay, to listen to the howling of the wolves, and hear the raccoons catch frogs and devour them, making, in their mastication, a peculiar and inimitable noise, which sounded loud in the stillness of the night. In the course of the evening, they heard bells of cattle north of them, and in the morning, discovered the settlement of Mr. Harris. From thence they proceeded down to the falls of Black river, at what is now Elyria, and at the mouth of the stream found a settler, named Read, whose habitation, excepting that of Mr. Harris, was the only one between there and Wooster. in the June following Mr. Harris's arrival, he was joined by Russel Burr and George Burr and faimily, direct froni Litchfield, Conn. In the summer after, on the breaking out of the war, Messrs. Harris and Burr removed their families, for a few months, to Portage county, from fear of the Indians, and returned themselves in October, to Harrisville. The following winter, provision was carried from the Middlebury mills, by the residence of Judge Harris, to Fort Stephenson, his cabin being the last on the route. The season is adverted to by the old settlers as "the cold winter." Snow lay to the depth of 18 inches, from the 1st of January to the 27th of February, during which the air was so cold that it did not diminish an inch in depth, during the whole time. An Indian trail from Sandusky to the Tuscarawas, passed by the residence of Mr. Harris. It was a narrow, hard-trodden bridle path. In the fall, the Indians came upon it from the west, to this region, remained through the winter to hunt, and returned in the spring, their horses laden with firs, jerked venison and bear's oil, .he last an extensive article of trade. The horses were loose, and followed each other in single file. It was not uncommon to see a 44 345 MEDINA COUNTY. single hunter returning with as many as twenty horses laden with his winter's work, and usually accompanied by his squaw and pappooses, all mounted. The Indians often built their wigwams in this vicinity, near water, frequently a dozen within a few rods. They were usually made of split logs or poles, covered with bark. Some of the chiefs had theirs made of flags, which they rolled up and carried with them. The Indians were generally very friendly with the settlers, and it was rare to find one deficient in mental acuteness. In the fall of the same year that Mr. Harris settled at Harrisville, William Litey, a native of Ireland, with his family, settled in Bath township, on or near the border of Portage county. In the winter of 1815, after the close of the war, the settlements began to increase. Among the early settlers, are recollected the names of Esquire Van Heinen, Zenas Hamilton, Rufus Ferris, James Moore, the Ingersoll's, Jones's, Sibley's, Frieze's, Root's, Deming's, Warner, Hoyt, Dean and Durham. It was not uncommon for the early settlers on the Reserve, to collect firom several townships, in numbers from two to five hundred, and engage in "a grand hunt." But so many accidents happened -ne man being killed and others wounded, by shooting across the corners-arising from the want of discipline, and the difficulty of restraining the men in their eagerness-that the custom fell into dis repute. We annex a description of the method of conducting these hunts, from a sketch of Tallmadge, by Charles Whittlesey, Esq. A large tract of wild land, the half or fourth of a township, was surrounded by lines of men, with such intervals that each person could see or hear those next him, right and left. The whole acted under the command of a captain, and at least four subordinates, who were generally mounted. At a signal of tin horns or trumpets, every man advanced in line towards the center, preserving an equal distance from those on either hand, and making as much noise as practicable. From the middle of each side of the exterior line, a blazed line of trees was previously marked to the center as a guide, and one of the sub-officers pro ceeded along each as the march progressed. About a half or three-fourths of a mile from the central point, a ring of blazed trees was made, and a similar one at the ground of meeting, with a diameter at least equal to the greatest rifle range. On arriving at the first ring, the advancing lines halted till the commandant made a circuit, and saw the men equally distributed and all gaps closed. By this time, a herd of deer might be occasionally seen driving in affright from one line to another. At the signal, the ranks move forward to the second ring, which is drawn around the foot of an eminence, or the margin of an open swamp or lake. Here, if the drive has been a successful one, great numbers of turkeys may be seen flying among the trees away from the spot. Deer, in flocks, sweeping around the ring, under an incessant' fire, panti-ng and exhausted. When thus pressed, it is difficult to detain them long in the ring. They become desperate, and make for the line at tll speed. If the men are too numerous and resolute to give way, they leap over their heads, and all the sticks, pitch-forks and guns raised to oppose them. By a concert of the regular hunters, gaps are sometimes made purposely to allow them to escape. The wolf is now seen skulking through the bushes, hoping to escape observation by concealment. If Dears are driven in, they dash through the brush in a rage from one part of the field to another, regardless of the shower of bullets playing upon them. After the game appears to be mostly killed, a few good marksmen and dogs scour the ground within the circle, to stir up what may be concealed or wounded. This over, they advance again to the center with a shout, dragging along the carcasses which have fallen, for the purpose of making a count. It was at the hunt in Portage, that the bears were either exterminated or driven away from this vicinity. It embraced the "Perkins' Swamp" and several smaller ones, rendered passable by ice. At the close of this "drive," twenty-six were brought to the center ground, and others reported. 340 MEDINA COUNTY. Medina, the county seat, is on the stage road from Cleveland to Columbus, 28 miles from the first and 117 from the latter. It was originally called Mecca-and is so marked on the early maps of Ohio-from the Arabian citv famous as the birth-place of Mahomet. Ti Public Square, Medina. I was a~ftirewa4ds 4clhang1