STATISTICAL VIEW OF THE UNITED STATES, EMBRACING ITS TERRITORY, POPULATION-WHITE, FREE COLORED, AND SLAVE-MORAL AND SOCIAL CONDITION, INDUSTRY, PROPERTY, AND REVENUE; THE DETAILED STATISTICS OF CITIES, TOWNS AND COUNTIES; BEING A COMIPENDIUM OF THE SEVENTH CENSUS, TO WHICH ARE ADDED THE RESULTS OF EVERY PREVIOUS CENSUS, BEGINNING WITH 1790, IN COMPARATIVE TABLES, WITH EXPLANATORY AND ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES, BASED UPON THE SCHEDULES AND OTHER OFFICIAL SOURCES OF INFORMATION. BY J. D. B. DEBOW, SUPERINTENDENT OF THE UNITED STATES CENSUS. WASHINGTON: A. O. P. NICHOLSON, PUBLIC PRINTER. 1854. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, JANUARY 12, 1854. Resolved, That there be printed, for the use of the House of Representatives, by the Publi Printer of the House, one hundred thousand copies of a compendium of the Seventh Census to be arranged by the Superintendent of tile Census, embracing the population by towns ant counties; the ratio tables of population; tables of nativities, births, marriages and deaths of the deaf, dumb, blind, insane and idiotic; of schools and colleges; of aggregates of occa pations; of churches; of newspapers and libraries, and of agricultural products, with illus trative notes and comparative tables: Provided, The said compendium shall be printed ii royal octavo form, and not exceed four hundred pages. CENSUS OFFICE, Washington, Sept. 1, 1854. TO THE HON. R. MOCCLELLAND, Secretary of the Interior. In the volume which is now handed you-though restricted in size by the order of Congress-will be found a very full compendium of the Census Statistics of the United States from the earliest period, together with all of the tables embraced in the quarto publication of 1850, with the few exceptions noted below. To these have been added a large amount of information collected for the first time from the returns and from other official sources, with illustrative notes and ratio and comparative tables. In lieu of the classification of ages by counties and their subdivisions, the births, marriages and deaths, the church and school statistics by counties, and the occupations by States, I have inserted as of wider interest, county tables in the following particulars-of population, white, free colored and slave, native and foreign, male and female, in 1850, with the aggregate in 1840, and the changes of county organization within that time; of college, private school and public school scholars, with the revenues appropriated to each; the total educational income; the illiterate; the number of persons within the school age, and the actual average of scholars in the year; of the number of farms; and the capital, product and amount of labor in manufactures, mining and the mechanic arts. The occupations and the number of births, marriages and deaths are given in States and in great sections of the Union, and the specific ages and nativities in. all the leading cities. The tables embraced in the volume have been examined and revised, involving in most cases a re-examination of the returns, during which care was taken to exhaust, by way of illustration, for certain cities, counties, or States, every source of information embodied in them. This would have been done for the whole Union had time and the means at my disposition admitted. As it was, however, the time and labor actually expended will, I trust, be amply repaid in the results. Never before has so large a part of the census material, collected by such expensive machinery, been made available by the government, for popular use, in compact and systematic form. The statistics of manufactures and of mortality, which alone remain of the census, will be ready for publication by the meeting of Congress, and can be included if desired in a volume of the size of the present. For other suggestions in relation to the experiences of this office and the history of the census system of the United States, I beg to refer you in particular to the Introductory Chapter. Your obedient servant, J. D. B. DEBOW. I ~ ~~ ~ Super,,~~~~~~~~ C A 1q A D)8 7 i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J~~~~~~~~~~~~~i NBAKANSAS. su c. 6~~~~~~F7~~~~~ r ~. RITOR Y. AV1 iF~ - ~t-: -~t r4 T V O Trihutarless~i~Pr C CAKASAS t M ISSISS~M SSppi V ALLa i S15SIPPi and its aiedb waters en2. PA&CIFIC SLOPE, Dr thn A by tering into th uAlfan- 3. 3,GULF SLOPE? tic,.Pacific and Gulfexlsv of the Ms 4. ATLANTIC SLOP sis ipiA River. INDEX.,. CADEMIES-Statlstics of, and other schools, 142; 136; accommodation of to square mile, 137; per cent. annual income of, 142; number of scholars in, 142. of accommodation to population in Great Britain, AGES-White, per cent. of, to total population, 51; 137; number of in Prussia and proportion of sects, comparative male and female, 55; difference of 137; number in Switzerland and Austria, 137; white male and female, 57; average of whites, free denominations of, condensed from annual publicacolored and slave, 103; preponderance in favor of tions in the United States, 137; value and ac-.crtain ages accounted for, 104. commodation of, to the area of the United States, AGRICULTURE-Ratio of, in the States in 1850, 170; 138; ratio of accommodations and values, 139; productions of, in States and Territories in 1840-'50, value and accommodation of, for the several great 170 to 174; live stock of, in States and Territories in sections, 139; preponderance of denominations of, 1840-'50, 170; products of, in the United States ag- in various sections, 140; property and value of, in gregated for 1840-'50, 174; ratio of farm land to area, several large cities, 140; ratio of leading sects and crops to population in the several sections of the to whole church accommodations, 140; number United States, 1850-'40, 175; value of products of, of regular clergymen in the United States, 132; in the United Statss, 1850, 176. (See Crops.) property of, amount in the United States, 132-134; ARKANSAS-Average mortality of, in 1850, 106; live religious denominations, 133; property of, comparison stock and agricultural products of, 1840-'50, 170-174; by sects, 136; what are considered minor sects, 13'2. statistics of counties in detail, 194. CITY CENSUS AND STATISTICS, 29. ALABAMA-Live stock and agricultural products of, CITIES, TOWNS, &c.-American and foreign, com1840 and'50, 170-174; county statistics in detail, 194. parative distances, 35; in the United States, 339; AREA-Of North America, 3L; of each slope, and ages of population 395-399; nativity of city popularatio to total United States, 33; proportion of slave- tion 395-399; comparative population of largest, holding to non-slaveholding States, 36; ratio of farm 192; comparative population of others-1840 and land to whole area in the several sections of the'50, 193. United States 1850-'40, 175. COLLEGES-Number of scholars in, 142; annual inASSESSMENTS-Of property in States and cities, come of, 141; number of theological, medical and 23-28. law, 145. AUSTRIA-Number of churches in, and proportion COLUMBIA, DISTRICT OF-170-174; statistics of of sects, 137; school system of, 147. in detail, 200. BASINS-Of the Old World, compared with those CONNECTICUT-Proportion of families to dwellings drained into the Gulf of Mexico, 33. in, 100; live stock and agricultural products of, BALTIMORE-Total nuimber of deaths in 1850, 108. 1840 and'50, 170-174; county statistics of, 206. BIELGIUM-Proportion of deaf and dumb in, 111. CONVICTS-Number of, in penitentiaries in several BIRTHS-Difficulty of ascertaining, 57; male and fe- States, 1850, 165; white and free colored, ages and male, proportion of each in various countries, 101; nativities of, 165; proportion of, in jails, houses proportion of, in Massachusetts, 104; proportion of, of correction, &c., to total population, 167; clasin Great Britailn France, Russia, &c. 104; propor- sified by sex and color in States named for 1840, tion of, in the United States, 104; white and free 167; proportion of white to whole white population, colored and ratio to total population, 1850, 111; na- 167; proportion of colored to whole colored populative and foreign in Boston, 122; native and foreign tion, 167; description of, in France, 1852, 168. in the UJ. States compared 122; table of, in England COMMERCE-Estimated home and foreign of United and Wales, 107. States in 1850, 183; estimated western river, 183; of BLACKS-Sex of, 68. principal colonies prior to the revolution 1700-'76, BLIND-lAges of, in 10 States, 59; number of in U. 184; of United States, 1789-1854, 185; Imports of States in 1830,'40 and'50, 60; aggregate by census principal States, from 1821 to 1853, 186; Exports of of 1850, 111; proportions of, in Prussia, France, principal commercial States from 1791 to 1854, 187'; &c., 111; ratio of white and colored to total white imports of leading articles into the United States and colored, 113; of slave population, 93; (see free from 1821 to 1853, 187; Exports of certain leading colored.) articles from the U. States, 1821-1853, 188; of the BOSTON-Number of families and dwellings in, 100; United States with several foreign nations, 090 to marriages and births in, of native and foreign, 122. 1853, 188; ratio of, to population of United States, BRITISH CENSUS SYSTEM, 21. 1790-1853, 188; of lakes in 1852, 191. BUREAU OF STATISTICS-Proposed, 18; system COMPENDIUM OF THE CENSUS-Its plan, 30. in Europe, 20. CORRECTION-Persons in houses of, classified, 165. CALIFORNIA-Proportion of families to dwellings COTTON-Average prices of, in various years, 191. in, 100; estimate of population 122; live stock and COUNTIES-Statistics of all the counties in United agricultural products of 1840 and'50, 170-174; coun- States, 194-338. ty statistics of, 200; State census, 394. CRIME-Materials of the census respecting, 165; CANADA-Emigrants to, and route taken, 125. amount of, in England, Wales and Ireland, 168. CARLISLE TABLE-A useful reference, 120; prin- CRIMINALS-Statistics of, 165; whole number of, ciple of calculation, 119. convicted within the year, 165; number in prison, CENSUS-Its advantages and accuracy, 10; United June 1, 1850, 165. States system from 1790 to 1850, 11; schedules and CROPS-Ratio of, to population, 175; proportion of history of, 1850, 12-13; schedules which were pro- certain to each person, 1850, in the geographical diposed in Congress, 14; future proposed schedules, visions, 175; land cultivated in the several, of United 15-17; defects in the enumeration system of, 17; in States, 1849-50, 176; actual, per acre on the average the office organization, 18; system of Europe, 20; as returned bv the marshals, 1849-50, 178. of the several States and Cities of the Union, 23-28; DEAF AND DUMB-Ages in 1830 and'40, 59; num cost of each, since 1790 and rate of compensation, ber in United States in 1830,'40 and'50, 60; aggre29; machinery of census office, 29; compendium of gate by the census of 1850, 111; ratio of white and census of 1850, 30; California State of, 1852, 394. colored to total white and colored, 113; of slave CENSUS-British as compared with American, 61. population, 93; (see free colored,) proportion of, in CHARITIES-In Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Belgium, G. Britain, Italy and Europe generally, 111. Jersey, Georgia and South Carolina, 161; private DEATHS-Difficulty of ascertaining, 58; ratio of, to expended in Charleston, 161; amount of, from be- 100 families, 99; total of, in each State and ratio to nevolent private sources, 162; amount of, expended population, 105; annual proportion to whole populain various cities, 162; amount expended in England, tion in certain European countries, 107; proportion Wales, &c., 162; statistics of Order of I. O. 0. Fel- to 100 persons by Dr. Simonds and Dr. Barton, 110; lows, 163. white and free colored and ratio to total population CHARITY HOSPITAL, N. O.-Reports for twelve in 1850, 111; proportion of native to foreign and reyears, 110. marks thereon, 121; table of, in England and Tales, CHARLESTON, S. C.-Slave importations in 1804, 107; number of, in Philadelphia and Baltimore in'05,'06 and'07, 83; total number of deaths in 1850, 1850, 108; ages of persons dying in 1850, 400. 108; ages of persons dying in 1850, 108. DEBT-Of each State in the United States, 190. CHURCHES-Buildings used as, in the United DELAWARE-Live stock and agricultural products St.itc, 132; accommiodations of in United States, of 1840 and'50, 170-174; county statistics of in de136; Lumber of by comparison of sects to populatior, tail, 210. INDEX. DISTILLERIES AND BREWERIES-Statistics of, GREAT BRITAIN-Proportion of families to dwellin 1850, 182. ings in, 100; system ot registration of, 105; proporDWELLINGS-How enumerated, 99; what are so tion of deaf and dumb in, 111; emigration froml, 124; considered, 99; ratio to 100 inhabitants, 99; propor- occupations of population in 1841 130; future popution of families to, in the U. States, Rhode Island, lation of, from past ratios, 132; per cent. of church California, Utah, Oregon, Louisiana, Connecticut, accommodations in, 13.7; denominations in, 137; Massachusetts, Great Britain and Ireland, 100; ratio total at schools in 1851, 148; number of schools in of persons to, in European States, 100; number 1851, 149. of, in Ireland, Boston, Paris, London and Liver- HAVANA-Average mortality of, in 1842, 106. pool, 100. IDIOTIC-Ages of in 10 States, 59;Jnumber of, in EDUCATION-Objections to census statistics of, United States in 1830,'40 and'50, 60; aggregate by 140-1; lands appropriated by government for edu- census of 1850, 111; ratio of white and colored to cational purposes to 1st January, 1854, 146; condi- total white and colored, 113; of slave population, tion of, in England, France, Wales, &c., 149; statis- 93. (See F. Colored.) tics of, in 1840, white and free colored, 150-1; age ILLITERATE-Ratio of, in the great geographical of population for purposes of comparison with, 151; sections, 152; ratio of native, foreign and colored. free colored, mulatto and black in four States, 154. 153; proportion of native to foreign white, of 5 and (See colleges, academies and schools.) under 15 in the great geographical divisions, 153; ELECTORAL VOTE, 50. foreign and native, white and free colored, 152, EMANCIPATION-Progress of, in the States, since proportion of foreign and native, white and free 1790, 82. colored, 152. EMIGRATION-Tables of, from Great Britain, 124; ILL1NOIS-Live stock and agricultural products of, not yet checked by wars in Europe, 124; amount of 1840,'50, 170-174; county statistics of, 218- 229. through Canada to the United States, 124. IMMIGRANTS-Descendants of, since 1790 living ENGLAND-Wales, tables of births, marriages and in United States in 1850, 120; productive ratio of, deaths in, 107. 122. EUROPEAN STATES-Ratio of persons to dwell- IMPRISONMENT-Ratio of, condensed from State ings and families, 100; proportion of deaf and dumb Reports, 167. in. 111; school system of, 147-8. INDIANA-Live stock and agricultural products of. EXPENDITURES-Of each State in U. States, 190. 1840 and'50, 170-174; county statistics of, 225-235. FAMILIES-How enumerated, 99; ratio of, to 100 INDIANS-Unrepresented and untaxed, in June,1850 dwellings, 99; ratio of dwellings to, in great geo- 41; number of, in territory of United States, and graphical divisions, 100; proportion of dwellings to, number of some of largest tribes of, 191. in United States, Rhode Island, California, Utah, INSANE-Ages of, in 10 States, 59; number of in U. Oregon, Louisiana, Connecticut, Massachusetts, G. States in 1830,'40,'50, 60; aggregate by census of Britain and Ireland, 100; ratio of persons to, in 1850, 111; ratio of white and colored to total white European States, 100; number of, in Boston, Paris, and colored, 113; proportion of slave population, London and Liverpool, 100. 93; (See F. C.) FARMS-Number, value, &c., of, in States and Ter- INSTITUTIONS-Scholars and income of Educaritories in 1850, 169. tional, 141. FISHERIES-Statistics of the United States, 183. I. O.. F.-Charities of, and ratio between States, FLORIDA-Live stock and agricultural products of 163. 1840 and'50, 170-174; county statistics of, 210. IOWA-Live Stock and agricultural products of, FOREIGN-Vote of in the United States, 50. Pro- 1840 and'50,170-1.74; county statistics of 231-241. portion of, in various sections, 122. IRELAND-Proportion of families to dwellings in, FOREIGNERS-Proportion in slave and non-slave- 100; number of dwellings in, 100. holding States, 115; nativities of, in the U. States, ITALY-Proportion of deaf and dumb in, ]11. 119; those having native children in various coun- KENTUCKY-Live stock and agricultural products ties, 119; mortality of, compared with native, 119; of, 1840 and'50, 170-174; county statistics, 237-247. estimates of, and their descendants in 1840 and'48, LANDS-Appropriations by government to the dif120; arrivals of, in the United States each year from ferent States and summary of the samne, 146; farm1790 to 1854, 122; in United States not naturalized, ing and improvements in, in 1850, 169; average in123.; disproportion of non-naturalized to naturalized provement in various sections to 100 acres, 169. in Boston, 1.845, 123; amount remitted by, to England holders of, in certain counties of several States, in four years, 123; proportion of, that reside in cities 175; crops cultivated on, in United States, 176; as enumerated, 123. cultivated, uncultivated, &c., in England, Scotland FRANCE-Future population of, from past ratios, 132; and Ireland, &c, 177. school system of, 147. LIBRARIES-Other than private, in the U. States, FREE COLORED-Families and dwellings of, 67; 159; number and volumes of, by Prof. Jewett, 159proportion of males to females 67; male and female chief universities in Europe, in 1848 ranked, 160; at every census, 67; increase of males and females, date of foundation of some, in Europe, 160; whole 68; proportion of 100 males to females, 68; ages of, number of volumes in public, of some principal 69; classification of ages and sex, 70; proportion of cities in Europe in 1848, 160; European, in 1848, different ages to total, 73; proportion of males to and number of printed and manuscript vols., 160. females in 1840 and'50, 73; ages of, separating blacks LIFE TABLE-Principle of calculation of, 119. and mulattoes, 74; ratio per cent., in 1850, 75; LIVERPOOL-Number of houses and families in, births, deaths and marriages, 75; deaf and dumb, 100. blind, 75; deaf and dumb and blind, &c.,in 1850, 77; LONDON-Number of houses and persons in, 100. ages of deaf and dumb, blind, &c., in 1850, 77; ages LOUISIANA-Proportion of families to dwellings of idiotic and insane, 78; nativities of, in U. States, in, 100; average mortality of, in 1850, 106; live 67; ratio per cent. of, to total born in State, 79; na- stock and agricultural products of, 1840 and'50, tivities of, in Connecticut, Louisiana, New York and 170-174; county statistics of, in detail, 243-253. New Orleans. 79; occupations of, in Connecticut, MAINE-Live stock and agricultural products of, Louisiana, New York and New Orleans, 80; number 1840 and'50, 170-4; county statistics of, 249-253. and increase of, 87; deaf and dumb, blind, insane and MANUFACTURES-Persons employed in, each idiotic in 1830,'40 and'50, 93; nativities of deaf and State in 1820,'40 and'50, 129; produets of 1850, 179; dumb, &c., in 1850,112. statistics of cotton and woollen, in 1850, 180; staFREE PERSONS-Relation of those born in, to those tistics of pig iron and iron casting, in 1850, 180, born out of each section of the U. States, 115. statistics of wrought iron, 182; statistics of salt, in GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIQNS —-Per centage of each, United States for year ending 1st June 1850, 183. 38; population and density of, and other divisions, MARRIAGES-Difficulty of ascertaining, 58; ratio 42; ratio of dwellings to families in, 100; proportion of, in several States, 104; white and free colored of certain crops to each person in, in 1850, 175. and ratio to total population, 1850, 111; white perGEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS-Of the several sons, ages and nativities of, 111; native and fo.States, 93-28. ein compared. 122; native and foreign in Boston, GEORGIA-Amount of charities in. 161; live stock 123; of slaves not noted in census, 92; table of, and agricultural products of, 1840,'50, 170-174; in England and Wales, 107. commerce of, prior to the revolution 1700-'76,184; MARYLAND-Average mortality of, in 1850, 106. live county statistics of in detail, 210-217. stock and agricultural products of 1840 and'50, 17 ) GERMANS-Destination of, from Hamburg and Bre- 174; county statistics of, 249-253. men, 123.. MASSAC HUSETTS-Proportion of families to dwe: GERMANY-School laws in, 147. lings in, 100; registration reports of, 105; amour INDEX. of charities in, 161; live stock and agricultural pro- PENNSYLVANIA-Live stock and agricultural products of, 1840 and'50, 170-174; county statistics of, ducts of. 1840 and'50, 170-174; commerce of, prior 2.55-259. to the revolution, 1700-'76. 184; county statistics, 297. MECHANIC ARTS-Products of, in 1850, 177. PHIILADELPHIA —Total number of deaths in 1850, MEXICO-Average mortality of city in 1839, 106. 108. MICH IGAN-Legislative provision respecting schools PLANTATIONS-Number of cotton, sugar, rice, toin, 147; live stock and agricultural products of 1840 bacco and hemp, in several States, 178. and'50, 170-174; county statistics of, 255-259. POPULATION-Colonial increase per centum, 39; MILITIA-Enrolled, 50. of United States by each census from 1790 to 1850, MINING-Products of, in 1850, 177. 39; estimated amount of, in United States, in 1854 MINNESOTA-Live stock and agricultural products 39; remarks on, and classification of, in U. States, of, 1840 and'50, 170-174; county statistics, 333-337. 39; influence of government upon, 39; aggregate MISSISSIPPI-Average mortality of, in 1850, 106; population and density of States and Territories, live stock and agricultural products of, 1840 and'50, 40; density of, to square mile in United States, 41; 170-1.74; county statistics, in detail, 261-265. number of whites, free colored and slaves in June, MISSOURI-Live stock and agricultural products of 1850, 41; population by geographical divisions, 41; 1840 and'50, 170-174; county statistics of, 261-277. population of geographical and other divisions, 42; MOBILE-Mortality of, 109. density of, by geographical and other divisions, 42; MORTALITY-Comparative, in various cities and density of, in various European States, 42; populaStates, 106; average in New Orleans, Mexico, Ha- tion to square mile of various American and Eurovanna, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, pean countries, 42; in United States only exceeded and Maryland, 106; statistics of, proposed form by, 44; United States compared with population of for the census, 110; ages of persons dying in 1850, European States, 44; whites of United States from 400. 1790 to 1850, 45; increase of white, in sections from MULATTOES-See 68; ratio of, to slave popula- 1800 to 1850, 45; white population-relative rank of tion, 82; proportion to blacks, 82. States and Territories in, 46; proportion of white, NATIVITIES-Of white population, 61; by sex, 62; to total of each State, 46; progress and increase white and free colored, foreign and native, 114; of white in the United States, from 1790 to 1850, 47; Great Britain, Ireland, &c., according to census of sex of whites in United States, 48; ratio of white 1841, 115; of slave population, 94. (See free col'd.) females to 100 males at each census, 49; increase NATURALIZED- Foreigners, 50. of white males and females, 49; proportion of white NEW ENGLAND-Commerce of, prior to the revo- male to white female in different sections, 49; oclution 1700-'76, 184. cupations of, omitted in forming proportions, 49; NEW HAMPSHIRE-Live stock and agricultural White, ages and ratio 51; proportion of white products of 1840 and'50, 170-174; county statistics male to female, 56; free colored, 62; increase of, 273-277. and decrease of free colored, 63; increase and NEW JERSEY-Amount of charities in, 161; live decrease per centum of free colored, 64; instock and agricultural products of, 1840 and'50, crease of free colored in slaveholding and non170-174; county statistics of, 273-277. slaveholding States, 65; proportion of free colored to NEW MEXICO —Live stock and agricultural pro- total, 65; sex of free colored at different periods, 66; ducts of, 1840 and'50, 170-174; county statistics, ratio of mulattoes and blacks, 83; ratio of slave and 333-337. colored to total, 85; relative rank of slave, in States NEW ORLEANS-Average mortality of, 1842, 106; and Territories, 85; mortality of slave, 93; aggreages of persons dying, in, including Lafayette, 109. gate, 95; relative rank of States and Territories in NEWSPAPERS-Origin and brief history of, 154; reference to, 97; ratio of total population of each number of, in several States in 1775, 154; propor- State to total population United States, 97; decennial tion of, to inhabitants in Great Britain, Scotland, increase per cent. of States since 1790, 98: ratio of Ireland, &c., 154; number and circulation of, in increase in great geographical divisions, 98; farni1810,'28 and'40, 155; number in United States in lies, dwellings, &c., of white and free colored, 99; 1850 classified, 155-6; character of, 157; number of, aggregate number in United States of all classes at annually printed, 157; number and circulation of each age in 1850, 102; ages of the whole, 103; proeach class of, 157; circulation of, to total population, portion of whites, slaves and free colored, 103; mor158; annual circulation of, to white population, tality per cent. to, 106; ratio United States to total 158; ratio of, to geographical divisions, 158; number native by geographical divisions, 115; place of of Whig and Democratic in the Urited States in birth of white and free colored in United States, 1850, 191. in 1850, 116; occupation of, free and slave of both NEW YORK-Ratio of disease to total mortality in sexes and of all ages in United States in 1840, 125; each decade, 108; live stocks and agricultural pro- occupations of male white and free colored over ducts of, 1840 and'50, 170-4; commerce of, prior to 15 years of'age in United States, 126; employment the revolution 1700-'76, 184; county statistics of, of free male over 15 years of age in United States, 273-283. 128; mode of classifying employments, 129; estiNORTH CAROLINA-Live stock and agricultural mated population from 1850 to 1900, 130; supposed products of 1840 and'50, 170-4. (See S. Carolina.) amount of slave, in 1920, 130; total native and forCounty statistics of, in detail, 279-289. eign white, and proportion of each between 5 and OCCUPATION-(See slave and free colored)-Of 15, 150; age of, for educational comparison, native male white and free colored over fifteen years of and foreign, white and free colored, 151; foreign. age in the United States in 1840, 126; deficiencies and native illiterate, white and free colored, 152; of the census in enumeration of, and reasons there- proportion of native and foreign illiterate white and for, 126; proportion of, in the several geographical free colored, 152; ratio of crops to, in thie several divisions to each 1,000 of population in 1820,'40 and sections of IUnited States, 1850,'40, 175; ratio per'50, 129; of free colored in Connecticut, Louisiana, cent. of, and certain products in the States to the New York and New Orleans, 80; of slaves, 94; of total of the'United States, 177. population of Great Britain in 1841, 130. PRESS-The periodical and newspaper, in the United OHIO —Live stock and agricultural products of 1840 States in 1850, classified, 155; character of the periodiand'50-170-174; county statistics, 285-295. cal, 157; number of periodicals printed annually, 157. OREGON-Proportion of families to dwellings, 100; PRISONS-Number of State, in United States and lolive stock and agricultural products of, 1840 and'50, cation, 166; persons confined in, in France, 1850, 168. 170-174; county statistics, 333-337. PROPERTY HOLDERS-In various States, native PARIS-Number of houses and families in, 100. and foreign and proportions of, 191. PASSENGERS-Nativities of, arriving in U. States, PRUSSIA-Number of churches in, 137; number of 122; arrivals of, in the several States, 1'23; age and religious denominations in, 137; number of churches sex of, arrivinrs in the United States, 124. in and proportion of sects to, 137; school system of, PATENT OFFICE-Statistics of, 191. 147. PAUPERISM-Extent of, in the United States, 163. PUBLICATIONS —The circulation of, in principal PAUPERS-Whole number of, in United States 1st cities, 158: annual circulation of, to each white inJune, 1850, 163; number of, supported in whole or in habitant, 158; extent of, in the United States, 159. part in 1850, 163; number of, in poor houses 1st June, PUBLIC DOMAIN-Lands sold and granted from 1850, 164; in several States white and free colored, opening of office to June 1853, 191. ame and nativity, 164. RAIL ROADS-In the United States in 1854, 189; PENITENTIARIES-Number of State, in U. States British and French, 189. and location of, 166; statistics of, 166. REAL ESTATE-In United States, 190; holders, 191. INDEX. REGISTRATION-System of, in various States, 105; TEXAS-Average mortality of, in 1850, 106; live stock accuracy of English system, 105. and agricultural products of, 1840 and'50, 170-174; REVENUE-Of each State in U. States, 190; amount county statistics, 309-17. of, collected at ports in United States to 30th June, TONNAGE-American and Foreign in 1821,'31,'41, 18.54, 191. and'51, 186; amount of at several periods, 191. RHODE ISLAND-Proportion of families to dwellings UNITED STATES-Area of each slope and ratio in, 100; amount of charities in, 161; live stock and to total area of, 33; shore line of, in statute miles, agricultural products of, 1840 and'50, 170-174; coun- 33; measurement of coast andi shore line of, in ty statistics, 297, 301. statute miles, 34; total area of states and TerritoSCHEDULES-For 1850, 13-17. ries of, 35; river navigation and shore line of, 36; SCHOOLS-Public, in States and Territories, 142; and of the several great divisions of, and proportion number of to every 100 square miles of the area, 14; to total area of, 35; first enumeration of the people annual income of public, 142; number of scholars in of, 37; new classification of States and Territories public, 142; comparative expense of, in different of, 38; sex of the white population of, 48; proporsections, 144; number attending in 1850 as returned tion of families to dwellings in, 100; specific ages by families, 144; statistics of expenditures of, 146; of the people of, 104; actual proportion of marparticulars of in States, 146; teachers, pupils, &c. in riages in, 104; aggregate of deaf and dumb, blind, several cities, 147; system of in various European insane, and idiotic, in 1850,112; reflections on future States, 147-8; total in Great Britain in 1851, 148; growth of population, 130; future progress of, 131; scholars in Great Britain, 149; proportion of scholars future progress of, by geographical divisions, 131; at, in various States, 149; native and foreign whites progress of, as compared with certain European and proportion at, 150; legislative provision respect- States, 131; annual increase of, as compared with ing, in Michigan, 147; law regulating, in Germany, 147. certain Europeau States, 131; religious denominaSCfHOLARS- Number of, in colleges, academies and tious in, 138; persons in, over 20, who cannot read public schools, 142; estimated educational income to and write, 145; pauperism in, 163; number of Iieach, 143; proportion of, at schools anid colleges to braries other than private, in, 159; convicts in pentwhole population, 148; proportion of, at school in tentiaries in, 166; value of agricultural products of, various States, 149; number of, in several cities, 147; 1850, 176; land actually cultivated in the several ratio of, in the great geographical sections, 152. crops of United States, 1849-50, 176; ratio per cent. SEA COAST-Comrparative amount of Southern and of population, and certain products in the States, to Northern, 34. the total of, 177; estimated home and foreign comSEX-Ratio of, to total population, 101; increase in merce of, in 1850, 183; estimated western river each period of tein years, 101. commerce in'50, 183; population of, by each census SLAVE-IIOLnDERS-Classific~ation of, 95. from 1790 to 1850, 39; aggregate population and SLAVERY-Abolition of, in States, 84. density of States and Territories of, 40; density and SLAVES-Manumitted and fugitive, 64; fugitive in population to square mile of, 41; population of the 1849 and'50, 65; population of in United States, 82; several geographical divisions of, 41; population and importation of, 83; early history of the trade, 83: in- density of geographical and other divisions of, 42; crease and decrease of population at each census, representation in the Congress of, 43; white popula84; whole number imported, 84; act of Congress tion of, 45; increase of white population of, under prohibiting importations, 84; importation of prohib- each census. from 1790 to 1850, 47; ratio of females. ited by England in 1807, 84; importation of prohibited to 100 males at each census of, 49; increase of white by Denmark 1804, 84; abolition of trade by Congress male and female population in, 49; proportion of of Vienna 1815, 84; average exportation of from white males to white females of, in different secAfrica from 1835 to'48, 84; male and female from tions at the several census periods, 49; popular vote 1820 to 1850, 86; dwellings and families of, 86; ratio cast at several Presidential elections in, compared of females to 100 males from 1820, 87; number with the total male whites, twenty-one years of age, and increase of, 87; proportion of males to females 50; per cent. of the several ages of the white popin different sections, 88; excess of females in New ulation in, to the total whites, 1850, 51; ages and England in 1830, 88; ages of population of, 88; ratio to the white population of, 51; ages of the ratio of ages in 1850, 89; comparative ages of white population of, by the census of 1830,'40 and male and female in 1830,'40 and'50, 90; proportion'50, 52-53; proportion of the different ages to total to total population, 91; ratio of, in 1830,'40 and'50, white population of, 54; comparative ages of male 91.; proportion of male to female in 1850, 91; pro- and female whites in 1830, 40 and p50, 55; proporportion of male to female in 1820 and'30, 92; pro- tion of white males to females in, for 1850, 56; portion of male to female in 1840 and'50, 92; mar- white males and fenales of, at different ages in riages of not noted in census, 92; per cent. of deaths 1800,'10,'20,'30,'40 and'50, 57; ages of deaf and to whole slave population, 93; deaf and dumb, blind, dumb, blind, insane and idiotic whites in, in 1830, insane and idiotic in 1850, 93; remarks on the nativ-'40 and'50, 60; nativities of the white population ities of, 94; occupations of, 94; total number of famn- of, 61; free colored population of, 63; increase and ilies holding, 94. decrease per cent., of firee colored population in the SLOPES-Proportion of the several, 33. geographical divisions of, 63. SOUTH CAROLINA-Rank as regards slave popula- UNITED STATES MINT-Coinage at, in various tion, 85; amount of charities in, 161; live stock and periods, 191. agricultural products of, 1840 and'50, 170-174; corn- UTAH-Proportion of families to dwellings in, 100; merce of, including N. C. prior. to'the revolution, live stock and agricultural products of, 1840,'50, 1700-'76, 184; county statistics in detail, 303, 307. 170-174; county statistics of population, agriculSTATES-Population of, at various periods, 37; sug- ture, manufactures, education, religion, &c., 333gestions on the classifications of, 37; formation of arnd 337; county statistics in detail, 337. representation in Congress, including Territories, 43; VERMONT-Live stock and agricultural products of, territorial governments and States formed out of, 44; 1840 and'50, 170-174; county statistics, 315-17. relative rank in free colored, 65; growth of, in ten VIRGINIA —Rank as regards slave population, 85; live years, 98-9; southwestern, comparison of, to Mexico, stock and agricultural products of, 1840 and 1850, Havana, &c. in relation to certain classes of disease, 170-174; commerce of, prior to the revolution 107. 1700-'76, 184, (includes Maryland.) County statisSTATISTICAL BUREAU-proposed, 18. tics, 321. STATISTICS-Origin of, 9; European, 20. VITAL STATISTICS-Report of Mr. Shattuck, of SUFFRAGE-Persons exercising right of, in United Massachusetts, on, 106. States, 50. WAGES-Average of, in 1850, 164; uniformity of, in SWITZERLAND-Number of churches and propor- agricultural districts, 164; of factory hands in Mantion of' sects, 137. chester, England, 164; on the continent of Europe, TAXES-Annual, of various States, 190. 164. TEACHERS-Number of, in States and Territories, WHITE —Ages of, by census of 1830,'40 and'50, 51; 142; number of, in several cities, 147. ratio of ages of, 54; nativities of deaf and drimb, &c. TENNESSEE-Live stock and agricultural products in 1850, 112; classification of age and nativity of, atof, 1640 and'50, 170-174; county statistics, 303, 313. tending school for several counties in 7 States, 154; TERRITORIES-Relative rank in free colored, 65; increase of, in slaveholding and non-slaveholding live stock and agricultural products of, in 1840 and States from 1800 to 1850, 45.'50, 170-174. WISCONSIN-Live stock and agricultural products TERRITORY-Of the United States and European of, 1840 and'50, 170-174; county statistics, 327, 337. and American States, 31-32. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. ORIGIN-HISTORY AND USES OF STATISTICAL INVESTIGATIONS-ADVANTAGES OF THE CENSUS-THE UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN CENSUS AND STATISTICAL SYSTEMSSYSTEMS IN THE SEVERAL STATES AND LARGE CITIES OF THE UNION-STATISTICAL BUREAUS-CENSUS EXPERIENCE AND PROPOSED SCHEDULES FOR FUTURE ENUMERATIONS-CENSUS LEGISLATION AND EXPENDITURE AT EACH PERIOD-MACHINERY OF THE CENSUS OFFICE-FUTURE IMPROVEMENT-MODE OF PUBLISHING THE RESULTS. IN every country, and almost at all periods, the exigencies of revenue or of military service must have rendered occasionally necessary some sort of estimation of the numbers of the people. Among the Greeks and Romans inquiries in regard to population were often pressed to a considerable extent, yet the science of statistics, as now understood, may be said to belong altogether to the present age. Achenwall, of Prussia, who lived about the middle of the last century, has the credit of having given form and name to this important branch of knowledge, and is said to have left the full development of its principles to be carried out by his pupil, Schlozer. Other writers followed each other in rapid succession, until Sir John Sinclair at last introduced the term into Britain, and the Society of Universal Statistics was founded in 1829, in France. The transactions of this Society, arranged under the several divisions, give a better idea of the scope of the science of statistics than could be otherwise expressed. They include1st. Physical and Descriptive Statistics-embracing topography, hydrography, meteorology, population, man physically, hygiene, and the sanitary state. 2d. Positive and Applied Statistics-embracing animal and vegetable productions, agriculture, industry, commerce, navigation, state of the science, general institutions, literature, language and the fine arts. 3d. MIoral and Philosophical Statistics-including the forms of religious worship, legislative and judicial powers, public administration, finance, the marine, military and diplomacy. The importance of correct information regarding the age, sex, condition, occupation and numbers of a people, their moral and social state, their education and industry, is now universally recognized among the enlightened of all civilized nations. Where this information can be had for periods running back very far, and for many countries, it furnishes the material for contrasts and comparisons the most instructive, and for deducing the soundest rules in the administration of Government, or in promoting the general welfare of society. Statistics are far from being the barren array of figures ingeniously and laboriously combined into columns and tables, which many persons are apt to suppose them. They constitute rather the ledger of a nation, in which, like the merchant in his books, the citizen can read, at one view, all of the results of a year or of a period of years, as compared with other periods, and deduce the profit or the loss which has been made, in morals, education, wealth or power. 9 10 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. Are the results objected to upon the score of being imperfect, or in some respects unreliable? Let the objection be admitted, and is it necessary to grope in absolute darkness because it is impossible to have absolute truth? H the censlus of a people, for example, cannot be received implicitly, does it become proper and right to have no data whatever? Are men acting upon this principle in other matters? Is not a large and valuable mass of human knowledge derived entirely from approximations? If there cannot be faith in the results of a census, can there be in those of imports and of exports, returned at the custom-houses, or by the registries of the several ports, or in the returns of the popular elections? Without doubt the degree of accuracy of a census may be very great or very smalldependent upon the pains which has been bestowed, the qualifications of the parties employed in taking, or afterwards combining it, and the intelligence of the masses of the people. The chances of error are countless at almost every step. In Europe, where the system is thought to be comparatively perfect, and where the best talent is always employed, the chances of error will be as great, perhaps from the want of general intelligence in the people and in their fear of taxation, as in the United States, where the people are generally informed, but the census system is bad, and the enumerators are worse. Hence there is little practical difference in the results in either case. Moreover, the imperfections of the census are believed to be exaggerated. All intention to deceive must of course be excluded, and a faithless performance of duties can be easily detected by the exposure to the public view, of the returns in the several neighborhoods where they are made, which is invariably required. There is, besides, an equal chance that errors will compensate or balance each other, and those that remain will not greatly impair the result. Admitting the latter to be the ease, and that it is a question, what proportion the children of a State, under one year of age, bear to the whole population of that State? Let the population be 1,000,000, and the children 25,000, or two and a half per cent. If the marshal has entered 500 of these children erroneously-which would be a great amount of error certainly-the ratio will only be affected to the extent of the one twentieth of one per cent.; a very trifling fraction. However deficient the census system of the United States has been, any one who will take the trouble to compare the results upon certain points, will perceive how strikingly and truly the several enumerations harmonize-a confirmation, at least, of their general accuracy, whatever the particular errors which may be pointed out.* An enlightened people will not object to the apparent exposure of their affairs, involved in a census, (that exposure, after all, amounting to very little, since the Government is pledged against the use of the material, except in the aggregate, and merging all individuality,) when satisfied that the great object is the promotion of the public welfare, and is disconnected from any plans of legislative spoliation. This is evidenced in the fact that every census has descended into -more particulars than the last, and found the people more willing to respond. The publication and general comprehension of the results increase the public zest for more. This will be seen hereafter in referring to the State and city census, and other local reports, becoming every where so frequent and so full. Satisfied that there is a great purpose to be subserved, the people always acquiesce. Though seemingly impertinent, at first sight, to be interrogated in regard to their age, their place of birth, their occupation, and degree of education, if they are married or single, if there is a deaf or a dumb person in their family, if they own real estate, if they cultivate land, and how much of it, what crops they are producing, if any of their household have been born or have died within the year, yet, when twenty millions of people have responded to these questions, and their answers have been digested into tables, and made public, the idea of impertinence falls at once to the ground. By questions, such as these, they perceive, can be ascertained * The remarkable uniformity in the proportions of the sexes as shown in the table on page 49 is an illustration in point. For every 100 males in 1790, there were 96.4 females; in 1800, 95.3; 181.0, 96.2; 1820, 96.8; 1830, 96.4; 1840, 95.6; and in 1850, 95; the results of immigration, composed as it is largely of males, being exactly indicated. INTRODUCTORY REMIARKS. 11 for cities and States, the proportion of the sexes to each other, indicating the ca pacity for industry or development; the productive power, duration of life, degree of health or mortality, the migration of population and its homogeneous or heterogeneous elements, the occupations which yield the greatest and the least results, or are more favorable to longevity, the extent of education imparted, or to which it is neglected, how the soil is parcelled out, in what cultivated and how much is the distributive share of wealth to each individual, in the several localities. The examples are few out of a multitude presenting themselves. Who will then deny its great importance to information of this character, or, refuse his cheerful co-operation in obtaining it? The extensive publication given to the results of the present census-320,000 bound volumes having been already ordered at different times, to say nothing of countless other abstracts-will take a copy into almost every family, where it must become, to some extent, the subject of conversation and discussion. It is not easy to estimate the effect which this will have in diffusing true notions of the nature and character of the census, and in inciting the people and the enumerators to greater alacrity and more accuracy in their future reports. In the United States a general census has been taken every tenth year, beginning with 1790, the leading results of which are digested in the present volume. The first of this series included but five particulars-the white males over and under 16, the white females, the slaves, and all other free persons, "except Indians, not taxed." The second-1800-retained the same divisions of class, and distinguished the white males and females into ages, under 10, between 10 and 16, 16 and 26, 26 and 45, and of 45 and over. The third-1810-was identical with the second, but a schedule of manufactures was ordered to be added, showing the capital, labor, material used in manufactures, and the kind and value of the product. The fourth-1820-divided the whites as the second had done, but added a column for the white males between 16 and 18, and another for foreigners not naturalized, with blanks for those of the population employed in agriculture, in commerce, or in manufactures. This census regarded also, for the, first time, the ages of the free colored and slaves, male and female; under 14, between 14 and 26, between 26 and 45, and 45 and upwards. A schedule of manufactures, similar to, but an improvement on, that of 1810, was appended. By an oversight the column for "all other persons," by which was previously meant the "free colored," was retained, although this class was specifically mentioned, and the error has given rise to subsequent difficulties. The fifth census-1830-divided the white males and females into ages quinquennially until 20, and decennially afterwards to 100, &c.; divided the colored and slaves, male and female, into those under 10, between 10 and 24, 24 and 36, 36 and 55, 55 and 100, 100 and upwards; added columns, for the first time, of white and colored deaf and dumb, under 14 years of age, between 14 and 25, of 25 and upwards, and for the blind in the aggregate; also a column for aliens not naturalized. No returns of manufactures wer6 embraced. The sixth census-1840-followed the divisions of age, sex and color in the fifth, and the divisions for the deaf, dumb and blind, but added columns for the. insane and idiotic, at public or private charge, the universities and colleges, academies and schools, students and scholars, scholars at public charge, and adult whites: who cannot read and write. It also embraced, as a part of the general schedule,. more full particulars of industry than had been previously obtained. These enumerations were published, within one, two, or three years, severally,. from the time when they were made, but in such a manner as unfitted them for: general use, understanding, or reference, and with very little tabular system and accuracy. A complete set of them does not exist in the public departments at Washington, and one or two are nearly, if not entirely, out of print. A new edi-. tion of these decennial reports, uniform with the quarto volume of 1850, considering the heavy outlay they required, and that they are the only existing records of the facts, especially recommends itself. The whole could be embraced in a, small type, and by condensation, into a single volume. 12 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. The Seventh census-or that of 1850-began a new era, by adopting six instead of one or two schedules. The first related to the Free Inhabitants, embracing the number of dwellings and families, and introduces the principle of recording the name and sur-name of every free person, old or young, in the Union, with their sex, and exact age, from one month upwards; their color, as white, black, or mulatto; their nativity, as born in the State or in some other State or country, at home or abroad; their condition, as married or single; their education, as attending school in the year, or over 20 years of age and unable to read and'write. The deaf and diumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper or convict, and the owners of real estate were also noted. The second schedule, Slaves, included the names of slaveholders, the sex, color, and specific age of the slave, the fugitive, and manumitted, the deaf and dumb, blind, insane, and idiotic. The third, Mortality, gave the names of such persons as had died within the previous year, their age, sex, color, (white, black or mulatto,) whether free or slave, married or widowed, their specific place of birth, at home or abroad, the month of their decease, the occupation of the person, the duration of the sickness, and the cause of death. Remarks upon topography, &c., accompany these schedules, and were made by the enumerators. The fourth, Agriculture, embraced the name of every farmer or planter, and all of the particulars included in the agricultural tables of this volume. The fifth, Manufacturing Industry, with the name and location of every person or establishment producing over $500 annually; the quantity, kind, and value of raw material used; the motive power, ani labor employed, male and female, the rate and amount of wages, the quantity, kind, and value of productions, leaving the marshals to enter them in detail. The sixth, Social statistics, included real and personal estate in each county or town; the several kinds and amounts of taxes levied; the schools, libraries, newspapers; religious, criminal, pauper, and wages statistics as they are now published; and the facts-if the crops were average or not? which of them if any were short, and to what extent, and the average annual crop? These schedules as well as those of every previous decade may be consulted with the instructions that accompanied them, by reference to the introduction of the Quarto Census, where they are collected and published; nearly all the points of instruction have however, been referred to in their proper places in the present volume. Objections were raised in 1840 to the searching nature of the industrial investigations, and several counties in Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana, as there was no penalty attached, refused peremptorily to answer them. It was asked by a leading journal "Is this federal prying into the domestic economy of the people a precursor to direct taxes? Is nothing to escape its inquisitors or i-ts tax gatherers? Is it worthy of the dignity and high functions of the federal government to pursue such petty investigations? Such objections were rarely raised in 1850, and in but two or three cases was it necessary to call in the services of the district attorney to enforce the requisitions of the law. The schedule of the census of 1840 originated in Congress, and was earried through without opposition, upon a suggestion of the President in his annual message, that " the decennial enumerations might be extended so as to embrace authentic statistical returns of the great interests especially entrusted to or necessarily affected by the legislation of Congress." As the time for taking the last census approached, the whole subject began to be agitated again in Congress. It was proposed at the session of 1848 to revive the schedules of 1840, omitting only the minute, and as it was thought, objectionable inquiries. Against such a course protests were made by statisticians in and out of Congress, and N. Capen of Massachusetts, suggested the appointment of commissioners for taking the census, and in a letter to a senator fiom:l iassachnsetts published among the official dccuments, recommended that a board of mino31iv INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 13 be appointed to examine and report upon the particulars which should properly be embraced, sketching himself some of the leading outlines. The act of 3d March, 1849, establishing the Census Board was the result. Mr. Shattuck, of Boston, made, also, a similar suggestion to the board when- constituted. In his own language:,a,: ~ - "A Central Board of three persons, as Commissioners, should be organized at Washington. It might be denominated the Central Statistical Department, or Bureau, or Commission, or any other appropriate name. These men should be appointed not for their political opinions, but for their scientific attainments and knowledge of the matters they are to investigate. They should have the whole management of planning and carrying into execution all matters relating to the Census. Similar Commissions, should be appointed by this Central Board, with the consent of the governors of each state, of three competent persons in each state; and this state commission should appoint district commissions in their state, and see that all the facts sought should be obtained in their respective states and districts. By this machinery a more perfect collection of facts could be obtained than in any other way. The National, State, and District Statistical Bureaus, acting in concert with each other, would act intelligently and cheaply, and would accomplish far more and with greater accuracy than by any plan heretofore adopted." The Census Board consisted of the Secretary of State, the officer previously entrusted exclusively with the census, the Postmaster General, as it was conceived possible the machinery of the Post Office Department might prove adequate to the requisitions of the census, or at least greatly auxiliary, and the Attorney General whose legal advice would at times be necessary. There was then no Department of the Interior, to which when created the whole charge of the work was entrusted. A secretary was appointed, who remained in charge of the census over three years, preparing several reports, of which large editions were published. At the ensuing session of Congress a special committee upon the census was raised in the Senate which went to work assiduously in preparing the schedules, unassisted as they alleged by any suggestions from the board, but with some unofr ficial ones from its secretary. Pending the discussion upon the plan which the committee proposed, another was submitted by the board, very full in its details and embracing some of the same points, which was adopted. Mr. Shattuck, who was invited to visit Washington near the close of the year 1849, gave the benefit of his great experience and statistical knowledge in the preparation of the plan, (being afterwards assisted in the same labors by Archibald Russell of New York.) The general act for taking the census was passed substantially as it was drawn up by him, except as to the rate of compensation and the ratio of representation. The instructions to marshals, prepared by him, were also adopted, but with a few modifications. The feature of recording the name and description of every person enumerated, was proposed by this gentleman, and was first adopted in the Boston census of 1845. Neither the blanks for "real estate owned," nor for married within the year, were his. He drew up the mortality schedule, by request, though against his own advice,* and also furnished the schedule of social statistics and that in part of slaves. * See Shattuck's Report on the State Census of Massachusetts, 1850-also Sanitary report of Massachusetts, 1850, pp. 126-133, appendix 375. A more limited census had been originally recommended by this gentleman, Dr. Jarvis, and others in a memorial to Congress. The Census Board reported to Congress, March 19, 1850, as follows: " At the request of the secretary of the board, during the autumn we invited the assistance of two other persons, who had bestowed much attention on the subject, to an examination of the work and its arrangement previous to its final adoption; and after a full consideration of all their suggestions, we then agreed upon a full set of schedules, and ordered them to be delivered to the printer we had employed for the purpose of printing them. "After thus terminating our labors, in obedience to the law, we requested the persons we had employed to assist us, in connexion with the secretary of the board, to submit for our approval a set of instructions to the marshals, necessary to carry into effect the objects we had in view in making the schedules." The plan of the Senate committee was very extended, embracing ten schedules and a multitude of particulars. Some reference to it may be of future value. SCHEDULE 1. Those engaged in gri-iculture-embracing the head of the family's name, his place of birth, if out of the state; his male and female apprentices, those in his house who cannot read and write, and those of all of the usual ages, under 5, of 5 and 10, &c., male and female, and the ages of the male and female slaves: Heads of families of the free colored, their ages and sex as of the white: Aliens in the family, name of the head, male aliens under and over 21 years of age, female aliens under and over 18 years of age. SCI-EDULE 2. Those in Mechanic Arts-the same particulars as in agriculture, except that the name of the business was added, the number of journeymen, the yearly wages paid to them, the number of laborers engaged in the shop or business, the stone, brick or wood houses wholly or partially built. 14 INTRODUCTORY REM{ARKS. In regard to the six schedules which were at last adopted, though they are conceded to be a great improvement upon any previous ones, several particulars were omitted, which ought to have been included, at the expense of others much less important. The adoption of so many schedules, whatever merits they individually have, was calculated to make the work unnecessarily cumbersome and expensive, without securing by any means greater or more certain results. On the contrary, it precluded the possibility of some very valuable comparisons, and made unattainable information easily secured by another arrangement. For example: if a slave existed in a non-slaveholding State, he would not by the schedules be returned, nor can any of the facts relating to slaveholders now be ascertained-such as, their nativity, age, occupation, education, &c.; nor can the deaths of individuals be associated with families, and with the remainder living in families, without almost impracticable labor. The schedules are otherwise admirable. It will not be out of place to suggest, as the result of experience acquired during eighteen months familiarity with the returns, an outline for the next decennial census, which may possibly afford some aid also to those who are engaged in framing the forms for State and city enumerations, now becoming almost annual. It is suggested that there be but two schedules hereafter-one of POPULATION, and the other of PRODUCTION. These, with proper instructions to the enumerators, will include all of the information embraced at present in six, and a great deal besides, in a form much more compact and less expensive. SCHEDULE 3. Those engaged in Commerce-the same particulars as the last, including clerks and the wages paid to them. SCHEDULE 4. Those not engaged in dcriculture, Jirts, or Commerce-treated as those in agriculture. SCHEDULE 5. The Idiots, Lunatics, Deaf and Dumb, Blind and Paupers-male or female, their ages, and the age when lunacy was discovered, and the occupation of the party: The sex, age and occupation of Deaf and Dumb and Blind and Idiots. The same for slaves arid free colored, and whether the party were supported by public charity, or by friends or by his own means. Paupers, foreign or native not affected as above at public charge in the last year. SCHEDULE 6. JIgricidtural Statistics-name of the farmer, his improved and unimproved land, his laborers over 15 years old employed in tillage. The other particulars of crops, &c., as in the present volume, except that turnips, indigo, fodder, number of hogs and sheep slaughtered, houses built, were added to the list of products. SCHEDULE 7. Manufactures lwen other power is tsed than that of the man himself-name of the owner, prcsident or superintendent; grist mills-number of pairs of stones; saw mills-number of saws employed, quantity of lumber, planks, &c., in feet made per annum; cotton gins; wool carding machines; cotton mills-number of spindles employed, number of bales of cotton annually consumed, quantity of yards made per annuim, quantity of cotton goods or number of yards made per annum; mills for the manufacture of wool, pounds of wool of domestic growth annually consumed, pounds of wool of foreign growth annually consumed, quantity of cloth, cassimneres, &c., in yards, made per annum; forges and rolling mills-quantity of blooms made per annum, quantity of bar iron made per annum, quantity of railroad iron, quantity of boiler iron, quantity of other description of iron; anthracite furnaces; charcoal furnaces-quantity of castings and pig metal made per annum; silk manufactories-quantity of goods produced annually; hemp and flax manufactories-quantity of goods produced annually; founderies, and what articles engaged in manufacturing-quantity of articles and value made per annum; glass works-quantities and kinds and value of glass manufactured per annun, capital invested in the manufactory, dividends declared, number of males employed under 18 years of age, number of males employed over 18 years of age, number of females employed under 15 years of age, number of females employed over 15 years of age, average wages paid to men per annum, average wages paid to boys per annum, average wages paid to women per annum, average wages paid to girls per annum; water, principal agent in propelling machinery, horses ditto, number of horses, mules or oxen employed; locomotive manufactories; machine shops and hands employed and value of aninual productions. SCHEDULE 8. Mining Interests-owner, superintendent or manager's name; gold mines-number of laborers employed, quantity of ounces raised preceding year; silver mines-number of laborers employed, quantity of ounces raised; lead mines-number of laborers employed, number of pounds smelted during preceding year, value of the lead per pound at the furnace; copper mines-number of laborers employed, number of pounds made during preceding year, price per pound at the mines; copperas mines-number of laborers employed, number of pounds made during preceding year; salt springs or wells, or furnaces to evaporate sea waternumber of hands employed, number of bushels made during preceding year, value per bushel at the furnace; coal mines, (anthracite;) coal mines, (bituminous;) coal mines, (cannel)-cost of machinery in working mines, number of tons raised during preceding year, value per ton at the mine, number of laborers employed. SCHEDULE 9. Colleges, S-c.-this schedule adds to the one which was adopted the name of the pastor and the number of male and female communicants of churches, the number of historical societies and of lunatic asylums. SCHEDULE 10. Internal Improvements, Railroad, Canals, 4"c.-name of improvement, miles finished, cost, locks in line, lift of locks, income from passengers, persons employed, wages paid, dividends, fare per mile, freight per mile. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 15 SCHEDULE I.-POPULATION. 1. Dwelling Houses in the order of visitation. 2. Families in the order of visitation. 3 Name of every person whose usual place of abode on the first day of June was in this family, or who has died in it in the year preceding such date. 4. Age of the person. 5. Sex. 6. Color-White, Black, Mulatto, or Domesticated Indian. Free or Slave. 7. Occupation-if a male over 15 years of age. 8. Relation to tho head of the family, as wife, child, apprentice or servant. 9. Married, unmarried, or widowed. 10. Married within the year. 11. Born within the year. 12. Number of children now living away from the parents. 13. Number of months attending school or college in the year. 14:. Over 20 years of age and unable to read and write.. Place of birth, in the town, county or State, or in what other State or country, (in the United States or abroad.) 16. Years resident of present locality-if a foreigner, also the year of imnigration to the United States. 17. If a native voter or naturalized foreigner. 18. If confined to bed or room by illness, and how long. 19. Disease, if died within the year. If Deaf and Dumb, Deaf alone, Blind, Insane or Idiotic, or Pauper, or partially receiving public relief, Pensioner or Convict. 21. If a Fugitive or Manumitted Slave. 22. If an owner of real estate and the amount owned. 23. If the person has built a house during the year, of stone, brick or wood, and its cost. This schedule condenses three into one: that of Free, of Slaves, and of Deaths. The number of columns and the expense of paper, printing and copying will be reduced one-half or two-thirds, whilst every fact, except only the month of decease, and that may be embraced if necessary, will be included, with a number of additional ones. Every untenanted or unfinished house should be noted upon 16 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. the margin of the returns, and also such as are used for boarding houses, hotels, asylums, colleges, jails, barracks, etc. Column 3. There will be no greater difficulty in separating the living and the dead upon the returns than is now experienced in separating the deaf and dumb, &c. 4. The ages under one year should be given in months; those between 1 and 3 years in quarters of a year, as recommended by Quetelet; those of 3 years and over in years. 6. The introduction of Slaves and of Indians domesticated does not at all complicate this column. Domesticated Indians are reckoned by the New York census. 8. The omission of this head from the present schedule was a cardinal defect, and closed the door upon a multitude of valuable facts. It is included in the British and Boston census. 9. This column is equally important, and is a new one. 11. Another proposed column, though these facts may be deduced, with some pains, from the column of ages. 12. New, also, and essential to any correct reasonings upon the extent of families, the number of children to each, etc. 14. Perhaps it would be better to indicate every person over 10 years of age who cannot read and write, and then those over 20 can be deduced for comparison with previous returns. 15. Changed from the present so as to denote whether the party was born in the town, city or county of his residence, or in another part of the same State, etc. (embraced in Boston and English census.) 17. Valuable for statistical purposes, and especially so in vital statistics. 17, 18. The United States census of 1820 and 1830 included naturalized foreigners. 18. It might be well to know the number of persons actually confined from illness, as an important element in the sanitary statistics. This column, in case of deceased persons, will show the number of days or months they have been sick. 19. Perhaps it would be better to say died within one month, as it is next to impossible for persons to report from memory facts for a whole year. In this case a separate column for month of decease is obviated. 20. The deaf ought to be taken as well as the deaf and dumb, as explained in this volume. Insane and idiotic should not be separated, as they are popularly confounded; and persons receiving partial relief ought to be distin guished from paupers. Pensioners of the United States, if included as was once or twice done, would put an end to many of the frauds so frequent upon the Government. 23 refers to houses owned by the party. SCHEDULE II.-PRODUCTION. I m.5 1 Iaw material used, m Average num- Average wages The scheu farming stock. 8 employed. without board. c=a - 0c9 o0 cc C 0 0. 5. il II Cl I ~ c0 c -cZ r; c0 01 C C'~s ee d c$ cs 1. 8. 3. 4. 5. 6.. 8 The schedule of Industry for 1850, with slight alterations, will answer perfectly for all mechanical, manufacturing, mining, agricultural and commercial interests. The directions should be printed at the top. If the interest be agricultural, under division 3 would be included the acres cultivated, the acres occupied, the new INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 17 land taken into cultivation, the acres in each of the crops and in pastures, the value of the farm and of its implements and machinery. Under division 4 the number of each description of live stock. Column 5 will show any mills in use on the farm. Column 6, all persons over 12 years of age actually employed on the farm. Column 7, blank on a slave interest. 8 to include bushels, pounds, &c. of each of the following articles, or any others, (dispensing with hhds., tons and bales, which lead to confusion and incompleteness, as experience has shown,) wheat, rye, corn, oats, rice, tobacco, cotton, wool, peas and beans, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, barley, buckwheat, fruit, wine, market gardens, butter, cheese, hay, clover, other grass seed, hops, hemp-dew and water-rotted, flax, flax-seed, silk cocoons, sugar-cane or maple, molasses, beeswax and honey, home-made manufactures, &c. There is no greater propriety in ruling out separate columns for each agricultural product or article of live stock, than in having such columns for the articles of raw material used, or of annual products in the manufacturing schedule. There were no such columns in that schedule, and aggregates from the returns are as simple and as easily comprehended without them. All that is necessary is to print at the head of the schedules a list of such articles as the enumerators will be instructed to call over. A great many columns will increase the space to be occupied, and increase also the chances of error by making it more probable that facts will fall out of their proper division. Not one man in fifty will furnish an entry for half of the blanks in the present agricultural schedule.* These schedules include all that at present require six, excepting only the valuation of real and personal estate, the amount of taxes, the cost of pauperism, and the average crop per acre; facts which an intelligent superintendent could procure easily from the State reports or from correspondence with the county officers, as. has been done before with but little expense. The schools, colleges, &c., and their means of support, can all be obtained when the schoolmaster is called upon for enumeration, or when the school or college is visited. The entries may be made upon the back of the returns. If a private teacher, and not a school teacher, the fact should be stated. Facts for churches can be obtained when the clergyman is called upon, as also for Sunday school scholars and libraries. Those for newspapers and periodicals, together with a copy of the paper, on calling upon, the editor: from librarians obtain the number of volumes. Particulars'are thus oh — tained for the British census and the difficulties which present themselves, (such as a clergyman with several churches or a church with several clergymen, &c.,) can be easily obviated by careful and well digested instructions. " Publib paupers" and "criminals," are all in schedule 1, and arranged much better. The "cost of labor" " Seasons," etc., are in schedule 2. But however perfect may be the schedules of a census, if a corresponding perfection is not found in the machinery for taking it in the field, and for aggregating and combining it, and deducing the results in the office, little advantage will be gained upon the score of accuracy or of sound science. These two subjects, therefore-the, enumerators and collators, will receive a moment's attention. THE ENUMERATORS. The persons who have been entrusted with the work in the United States at every census, have been. in general, found (so low was the rate of compensation,) among those who were willing to undertake it, rather than among those who would have been selected for their especial fitness. Political service has also entered into the element of qualification. That the latter should have great weight, is not surprising, considering how the appointments are provided for, but so ample was the remuneration in 1850 that capacity might well have been, secured. An examination of the returns and the correspondence of the office -ilik * Americans resident abroad should be ascertained through the State Department. Circumstances givingr a; temporary enlargement to the population of a neighborhood, such as the construction of a rail road, canal, etc. ought also to be noted. In many of the old and thickly settled States, the English plan of enumeration in:;, single day, and by means of householder's schedules, left in advance to be filled up by heads of families, on the day preceding the census is practicable, and recommends itself for accuracy and perhaps for economy. Thetime is very far off, it is feared, when it can be applied with any advantage for the general census throughout all the States and Territories of the Union. 2 18 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. show that capacity was as often the exception as the rule. It would be better to entrust the work to the regular officers of each county, employed by them for assessments and taxation purposes, or in general, for taking the census as will be seen hereafter, provided for by local authority. There are no counties without such officers, and it may be safely assumed that if not always among the most educated, they will at least have the advantage of some previous familiarity with the business upon which they are employed and recognize an accountability that may affect their future positions. If the fact however explained, that these persons are a part of the recognized tax machinery, might be supposed to interfere with their receiving correct returns, the recourse must then be had to a better system of appointments requiring proof of education and experience and some general knowledge of statistical investigations. In Great Britain the census has been entrusted to the overseers of the poor, the parochial school masters, or to the office of the Registrar-General and his subordinates, all of them permanent. THE OFFICE. Unless there is machinery in advance at the seat of Government no census can ever be properly taken and published. There is a peculiar education required for these labors which neither comes from zeal or genius, but is the result only of experience. They are the most irksome and trying imaginable, requiring inexhaustible patience and endurance, and baffling almost every effort after accuracy. Long familiarity can alone secure system, economy and certainty of result. This office machinery exists in all European countries where statistics are the most reliable, but there has been none of it in the United States. Each census has taken care of itself. Every ten years some one at Washington will enter the hall of a department, appoint fifty or a hundred persons under him, who, perhaps, have never compiled a table before, and are incapable of combining a column of figures correctly. Hundreds of thousands of pages of returns are placed in the hands of such persons to be digested. If any are qualified it is no merit of the system. In 1840 returns were given out by the job to whoever would take them. In 1850, such was the pressure of work, that almost any one could at times have had a desk. Contrast this With the English system and reflect that one individual, as hereafter remarked, presided over the census of 1801,'11,'21 and'31. In Washington, as soon as an office acquires familiarity with statistics, and is educated to accuracy and activity, it is disbanded, and even the best qualified employee is suffered to depart. The government may rely upon paying heavily for the experience which is being acquired. Even the head of the office, whatever his previous training, must expect, if faithful, to learn daily; and it is not going too far to say that a matter of one 1oI two hundred thousand dollars is the difference between the expense which a census would cost, conducted by an office which has had the experience of a previous one, (even if partly or entirely in new hands, which might often be desirable, since the machinery, as in other offices, would be kept up,) and an office without such experience. This can be demonstrated if required. Half of that amount would sustain an office of several persons from census to census and defray all of the expenses of an annual or biennial report after the closing of the regular one, which itself would be executed with despatch, with greatly less force, and with a more economical and wiser application of labor. The permanent force would have no othex interest than the prompt execution of the work. The establishment of a regular statistical Office is therefore suggested, as a matter of economy, and essential to the proper execution of the census. In ii would be collected-and they could be obtained without expense by exchangeofficial statistical reports, upon any subject whatever, published by every city, town, county, or State in the Union, or in any other part of the world. The absence of such documents in Washington was severely felt during the whole progress of the present census, although the former Superintendent obtained many by a visit to Europe, and others were subsequently sent by Mr. Vattemare, of Paris, and Mr. Hiibner, of Berlin, and by the several states and cities which politely furnished such as were especially asked. All of this created labor and delay. The office ought also to be provided with a complete statistical library, and INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 19 with all the leading statistical journals in the world, together with maps, charts, &c. The returns of immigration and of foreign consuls could be sent to it, especially such as are in answer to circulars that were lately prepared in obedience to a call of Congress. A digest of such material, published annually or semi-annually, in a small and compact volume, would keep up the results of the general census to date, and shed no little light upon the industry and general and comparative wealth of the country. It would have charge of the manuscript volumes of every census, and respond to calls made by Congress in regard to them, or upon other kindred matters. Duties somewhat similar to these were performed by Mr. Porter for the English Government, and a Bureau of Statistics, as will be seen herQafter, exists in most of the European governments.. Such a bureau is recommended, also, in each of the States; and it would be the means of corresponding with the Central office, furnishing very much of the material to be aggregated by it. It has been proposed in South Carolina,' Rhode Island, Virginia, and Illinois, and was actually established in Louisiana,t but failed for the want of adequate legislation, after reports had been published upon about half of the parishes. The city of New York has such a bureau. In every State there are the materials for one with but little expense, if properly organized. The various local census, assessments of property and production, reports on *A special committee of the legislature of South Carolina, in the session of 1848, after having ably shown in a variety of instances how little information existed in regard to the resources of that State, declare: "There are facts and considerations which, properly exhibited, would prove the necessity of providing some such organization as would lead to a correct understanding of these important matters; and the insufficiency of the matters here presented only serves to show conclusively that we have been heretofore neglectful of those means of information which are calculated to elicit correct apprehensions of our advantages and duties. The establishment of an efficient bureau of statistics will be the means of collecting and disseminating statistical information touching all the interests of the State, of the most valuable kind." The Governor, in his annual message to the legislature of the same State, says, " I recommend the careful collection of statistical information on all the branches of industry. By the possession of facts and materials, lucidly arranged and methodized, we shall be furnished with complete data as to the present state of the population, white and colored, their agriculture, commerce, navigation, manufactures, trade, finance, health, and indeed of whatever may be interesting or instructive." t The following Circular was prepared by the author of this Report and issued from the Bureau of Statistics of the State of Louisiana: with some modifications it wvill be applicable to any of the States. T. Time of settlement of your parish or town; dates of oldest land grants; number and condition of first settlers; whence emigrating; other facts relating to settlements and history. II. Indian names in your vicinity; what tribes originally; what relicts or monuments of them; if Indians still in what condition? III. Biography, anecdotes, &c., of individuals distinguished in your vicinity in the past for ingenuity, enterprise, literature, talents, civil or military, &c. IV. Topographical description of your parish, mountains, rivers, ponds, animals, quadrupeds,.birds, fishes, reptiles, insects, &c., vegetable growths, rocks, minerals, sand clays, chalk, flint, marble, pit coals, figments, medicinal and poisonous substances, elevation above the sea, nature of surface, forests, or undergrowth, what wells and quality of well water, nature of coasts, does the water make inroads, mineral springs, caves. &c. V. SAgricultural description of parish; former and present state of cultivation; changes taking place; introduction of cotton, sugar, rice, indigo, tobacco, grains, fruits, wines, &c., &c.; present [products; lands occupied and unoccupied, and character of soil; value of lands; state of improvements; value of agricultural products; horses, cattle, mules, hogs, and whence supplied; profits of agriculture, prices of products; new estates opening; improvements suggested in cultivation and new growths; improvements in communication, roads, bridges, canals, &c.; kind and quantity of timber; fuel, &c.; state of the roads, summer and winter; kind of enclosures, and of what timber; manures; natural and artificial pastures; agricultural implements used; fruit trees, vines and orchards; modes of transportation; extent of internal navigation; levees, &c.; modes of cultivating and manufacturing sugar in use. VI. Instances of longevity and fecundity observations on diseases in your section; localities, healthful or otherwise; statistics of diseases; deaths; summer seats, &c. VII. Population of your parish; increase and progress, distinguishing white and black; Spanish, French, American or German origin; foreigners, classes of population; number in towns; growth of towns and villages, &c.; condition, employment, ages; comparative value of free and slave labor; comparative tables of increase'; marriages, births, &c.; meteorological tables of temperature, weather, rains, &c. VIII. Education and Religion.-Advantages of schools, colleges, libraries enjoyed; proportion educated at home and abroad; expense of education; school returns; churches or chapels in parish, when and by whom erected; how supplied with clergy; how supported and attended, oldest interments; church vaults, &c. IX. Products in Manufactures and the A.rts.-Kinds of manufactures in parish; persons employed; kind of power; capital; wages; per centum profit; raw material; sugar and cotton; machinery and improvements; kind and value; manufacturing sites, &c. X. Commercial Statistics.-Value of the imports and exports of the State with each of the other States of the Union, as far as any approximation may be made, or data given; growth and condition of towns; increase in towns, &c. XI. General Statistics.-Embracing banking, rail roads, insurances, navigation, intercommunication; learned and scientific societies; crime, pauperism, charities, public and benevolent institutions; militia, newspapers, &c.; application of parish taxes; expenses of roads, levees, &c.; number of suits decided in different courts; expenses and perfection of justice; number of parish officers, lawyers, physicians, &c. XII. Date, extent, consequences, and other circumstances of droughts, freshets, whirlwinds, storms, lightnings, hurricanes, or other remarkable physical events, in your section, from remote periods; other meteorological phenomena; changes in climate, &c., &c. XIII. Literary productions emanating from your neighborhood; your associations, if any; what mauuscripts, public or private records, letters, journals, &c., or rare old books, interesting in their relation to the history of the State, are possessed by individuals within your knowledge. XIV. Add any other matters of interest. 20 INTRODUCTORY RElMARKS. chools, asylums, penitentiaries, boards of health and commerce, furnishs abundant details. Hundreds of other facts could be ascertained when the local assessrents are made, with little if any more cost. The State and city census should be made' to correspond, as far as possible, with the national, and be provided for at some intervening period. At present they are often taken in the same year, thlus, entailing a great waste of labor. The time is at hand when the several State governments should look to this matter; and as it was deemled important for' European statisticians to meet in convention in order to bring about unifornity in their several systems, the States should also secure uniformity. A meeting of persons properly appointed by each, and fitted for the duties, would be the means of maturing some practical plan of co-operation. In 1845 the subject of a statistical bureau was befwre Congress, and two very able and elaborate reports were made in its advocacy. A bill was introduced providing for the collection of material relating to all the great Industrial interests of the country to be published in an annual report by the Secretary of the Treas-: ury, who was authorized to constitute an office of several persons for the purpose. The Secretary himself recommended that authority be given him to appoint a chief of the bureau with an appropriate salary, two assistants, and one clerk. " A statistical bureau," he says,''properly organized and supported, will be able to respond promptly and correctly to all calls by Congress for information on statistical subjects, save great waste of time and money, and' furnish information highly interesting and, useful to the great body of' the people.'" The result of the movement, however, was a fail'ure, in consequence of a single clerk only,, vith a small salay, being detached for the service. What the agricultural department of the Patent Office is doing for agriculture, it is proposed -that this office shall do for the great Industrial interests;- gathering and combining their results, and developing them in connexion with the movement of population, and the' growth or decline of cities and states. Before closing these remarks, it will be proper to show what is now aeeomplished by the several foreign and State- governments, as well as by the larger cities, inr regard to statistical investigations. The information will be valuable, and has been obtained from official reports; and for our country, fiom.replies made to circular letters directed to the Secretaries of State and leading geologists and statisticians in every part of the Union. The decennial system of enumeration adopted in- the United States has been, imitated by Great Britain, beginning with the census of 1801. In Den,,mark a statistical central commission exists, which published eighteen large volumies of sta tistics between 1835 and 1849; subsequently ten volumes have been published by a central bureau. In _Bavaria there is a statistical bureau. In- AIstria one was, established in 1828, and besides the yearly statistics, there have been published. in the last four years monthly and quarterly reports of foreign' s-tti-stics, including, the report of consuls. In France every ministry publishes its own statistics, though some have special bureaus. Those of Finance and Conmmerce have published thirteen volumes on finance, population, industry, &c. Indi'vidual effort iscombined with official by establishing in every district statistical commissionswhich fill up the blanks, &c. To the commissions are assigned the reports on: population, foundlings, beggars, &c. A census has been published every five years' beginning with 1841. In Saxony a statistical bureau exists which has published three volumes. In Spain the census is rarely taken; M. Madoz prepared a Statistical and Geographical Dictionary of Spain in sixteen volumes by sending coinmissions into every part of the country. There are frequent statistical reports in' relation to CGtba. In Sardinia, in 1820, a commission to collect. statistics wos' established, with which thirty-seven juntas, of six members each, corresponded; four large volumes have been published. In Hollana a statistical bureau was established in 1826, which published several volumes' A census was published in 1840; there is now no general bureau. In Wsrtemburg a bureau has published thirty-three volumes. In Switzerland detailed reports have been received INTRODICTORY REMARKS. 21 Tnee 1830 from nearly all the cantors. Zurich has a census of population made two hundred and twenty years ago. In Portugal there was a census in 1838, 1843, 1849, and 1851. In Russia there is a system of registration of births, &c., and occasionally a census has been ordered. In,Swe&en a board of table commission digests the returns of population supplied by the clergy. The census considers the people as having subsistence, or less or more than subsistence. In Norway there is a census by the magistrates in the towns, and rectors in the country; and inquiries extend to productions, occupations, deaf and dumb, &c. The Prussian census'is taken every three years; that of 1849 gives ages, sex, faith, occupation, deaf and dumb, &c., education, schools, churches, asylums, dwellings, and families. There -are lists of population in Prussia running back to 1748. In 1805 a statistical bureau was established, and eleven volumes have been published by it, as, also, every fortnight a statistical journal. In Belgiumn the town and country population are distinguished; the sex, ages, married, widowed, occupation, faith, language, number of floors or parts of the house, gardens, protection against fire, degree of instruction, &c. The early population of England was in much dispute until Mr. Rickman, in 1836, addressed a letter to the clergy and obtained their returns as far back as 1570. The census of 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831, were each superintended by Mr. Rickman, clerk of the House of Commons, and the. business of the enumeration was conducted by the overseers of the poor in England and Wales, and the parochial schoolmasters in Scotland. In 1841 and 1851 the duty devolved upon the Registrar-General and his subordinates. The census was taken in one day, and in 1851 employed 38,740 persons as enumerators. The first census of Grlat Britain included the sex, but not the age; also the number of houses and the occupations; the second made some improvements in the mode of recording the occupations; the third carried out the plan, but distinguished the ages quinquennially and decennially; the fourth effected important changes in the mode of ascertaining occupations, (a subject full of difficulty at all times,) calculated areas, &c.; the fifth embraced the general features of the sixth and last, which is worthy of minute consideration. Of the sixth census of Great Britain, 1851, four bulky quarto volumes have been published by the Registrar-General, Major Graham, assisted by Dr. Earr and Horace Mann. Each of the fourteen divisions of the empire is prepared separately, and is illustrated by handsome district and county maps and other drawings, indexes, &c. The volumes include the number of the people, distinguishing male and female; the number of houses occupied, unoccupied, and building; the statistics of public worship, with a condensation of every previous census. In other volumes the ages of the population will be given, their birth-place,.condition as regards marriage and occupation, the returns of schools, colleges, and other institutions; the number of blind, deaf and dumb, etc. "The inquiries undertaken at the census of 1851 were of a far more extensive character than those pursued at any previous enumeration, for it was resolved to exhibit not only the statistics of parishes, and of parliamentary and municipal boroughs, but also of such other large towns in England and Scotland as appeared sufficiently important for separate mention, and the statistics of all the ecclesiastical districts and new ecclesiastical parishes which, during the last forty years, had been created in England and Wales. In addition, also, to the inquiry concerning the occupation,,ge, and birth-place of the population. it was determined to ascertain various relationships, such as husband, wife, son, daughter,-the civil condition, as married, unmarried, widower or widow,-and the number of blind, or deaf and dumb. Moreover, the design was formed of collecting statistics as to the accommodation afforded by the various churches and other places of public worship throughout the country, and the number of persons generally frequenting them; also as to existing educational establishments, and the actual number of scholars under instruction. The local machinery by which the objects thus contemplated were to be obtained, differed considerably in England and Scotland. In England and Wales the registration districts, which, for the most part, are conterminous with the unions, were made available for enumerating the population. Of these districts there were 624, each having a superintendent registrar; and these were divided into 2,190 sub-districts, each having a local registrar of births and deaths. Under the supervision of their 624 superintendents, the 2,190 registrars were directed to form their sub-districts into enumeration districts, according to certain instructions. 22 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. The number of such enumeration districts in England and Wales was 30,610, each district being the portion assigned to one enumerator, who was required to complete his enumeration in one day. In Scotland, which is, unfortunately, without any system of registration, the census was taken through the agency of the sheriffs of counties, and the provosts, or other chief magistrates of royal and parliamentary burghs. The sheriffs generally assigned their functions to the sheriff's substitute, who appointed a fit person, generally the parochial schoolmaster, in each parish, to divide it into enumeration districts, and to superintend the proceedings of the census therein. The same course was adopted by the provosts of burghs within their respective jurisdictions, which, for the occasion included the parliamentary limits of the burgh in cases where that boundary extended beyond the royalty. The number of parishes in Scotland including those in royal and parliamentary burghs, were 1,010, and that number of dividers, or superintendents were appointed. The number of enumeration districts formed by them throughout Scotland was 7,873. In the Islands of the British seas dividers of parishes were appointed, in like manner, by the respective Lieutenant-Governors, and 251 enumeration districts were similarly formed. Public institutions, such as work-houses, prisons, asylums, hospitals, and the like, were treated as districts of themselves, provided they contained upwards of 200 inmates. In this manner the whole surface of Great Britain and of the small adjacent islands was divided into suitable districts, and an equal number of enumerators appointed. Thus provision was made for obtaining an account of all persons residing on land within the above named territory, on the night of the 30th March. The first step taken by the enumerators was to deliver to every occupier of a house or tenement a householder's schedule. Upon this schedule inquiry was made as to the name, relation to head of family, condition, sex, age, occupation and birth-place of every person in Great Britain, and also as to how many of them were blind, or deaf and dumb. For the use of the poorer native population of Wales, a certain number of forms were printed in the language of that country. The total number of schedules forwarded from the Census Office was 7,000,000, weighing some 40 tons, or if the blank enumeration books and other forms are included, upwards of 52 tons. The schedule was to be filled up on the night named. No one present on that night was to be omitted, and no person absent was to be included, except miners, potters, and other work people usually engaged at their labor during the night, and regularly returning home in the morning; or policemen and others on night duty. Persons travelling were enumerated at the hotels or houses at which they arrived on the following morning. At the same time that these schedules were distributed, the enumerators delivered forms for collecting information respecting places of worship, scholastic establishments, and miscellaneous institutions, but it was optional with the respective parties to decline making these returns if they thought proper. When a house was uninhabited, or in progress of building, the enumerators made a note of such a case upon the schedule last collected, by which means the unoccupied houses and houses in course of erection, were enumerated. The number of inhabited houses were indicated by the number of householder's schedules filled up. Having collected all the schedules, filling up those which the parties neglected or were unable to fill, and copied them into books prepared on an uniform plan, the enumerators summed the various totals in their respective districts. The totals thus obtained expressed the number of persons who were inmates of duelling-houses on the night of the census, with the special addition of certain classes on night duty; but several classes had yet to be enumerated, viz, the persons, who, on the night named, slept or abode in barges, or boats remaining stationary on canals or small streams; in barns, sheds, and the like; and in tents or in the open air. The number of these in each district were estimated by the respective enumerators; the estimate, however, was not to include people in coasting or other sea-going vessels, as they would be dealt with by other means yet to be described. Where, for some extraordinary reason, a large number of persons belonging to a neighborhood were absent from it, or a large number of strangers were present, the enumerator was required to note the fact on the return. The enumerators were allowed one week for the transcription of the contents of the householder's schedules into the enumeration book, and for the completion of the various summaries and estimates. The schedules and book, together with the returns relating to schools and places of worship, were then forwarded to the respective registrars, and the duties of the 38,740 enumerators terminated. The census returns were now in the hands of 3,220 registrars, or dividers of districts. The registrars immediately commenced a careful and systematic examination and revision of the documents described, directing their attention, according to instructions, to nine spe cially defined points in respect to them. They then prepared a summary of the statements of the enumerators in their respective districts, and transmitted them, together with the enumeration books, to the superintendent-registrar, for a further revision by that officer, forwarding the householders' schedules and returns for places of worship and schools direct to the census office. With the completion of these duties, for which a fortnight was allowed, the functions of the 3,220 registrars, or dividers of districts, ceased. The summaries and enumeration books (as far as England and Wales were concerned) were now in the hands of 624 superintendent-registrars. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 23 The chief duties of the superintendant-registrars were to expedite the investigation, but they had also further to revise the summaries and enumeration books, and to transmit them to the Census Office, there to undergo a still further revision before the commencement of the abstracts. A complete enumeration was thus effected of all persons resident upon the land of Great Britain, and on canals and small streams; but, as before mentioned, an important portion of the population remained yet to be reached, viz., persons on board vessels in harbors and navigable rivers, and those at sea in ships belonging either to the royal navy or to the merchant service. As, however, only a certain portion of the persons on board vessels can be properly described as residents in the country, those only who slept on board vessels actually lying in harbor, or in the navigable rivers of the interior, on the night of the 30th of March, were ineluded in the population of Great Britain; but the numbers of those at sea in vessels engaged in the home trade; those absent in ships bound to foreign parts; and those in the royal navy, were recorded as valuable collateral information. Considerable arrangements were requisite to enemerate these, The enumeration of persons on board vessels in harbors, and in the navigable rivers of the interior, was accomplished by the officers of the customs. The officers of the respective ports left a schedule on board every ship in port or in dock in Great Britain and Ireland, on the night of the census, and on the following morning collected the returns, filled up by the respective masters. Ships engaged in the home trade, and being at sea on the night of the census, were supplied with forms either before their departure or on their return, which were collected as they arrived in British ports. The ports on the coasts of the United Kingdom are 122 in number, and are subdivided into 253 sub-ports. The seamen abroad on the night of the 30th of March, in vessels belonging to the British merchant service, were traced to all parts of the world by means of the registry of merchant seamen, and enumerated from the lists under the superintendence of the Registrar of merchant seamen. The seamen in the royal navy and the royal marines were returned by the officers in command, in conformity with instructions issued by the Lords of the Admiralty. By the machinery explained, all that was necessary in regard to the census of Great Britain was accomplished; but further valuable returns were obtained, presenting a view, in a collective form, of certain important classes of the community already enumerated among the general population; as, for instance, the army at home and in the colonies, or on board ship in transitu; half-pay officers and pensioners; the civil service; the civilians and European troops In the East India Company's service, and British subjects of European origin not in the Company's service, the latest returns ~f the population of the colonies; and through the intervention of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the number of British subjects in the several States of Belgium, France, Greece, Russia, Sardinia, Saxony, Turkey, the two Sicilies, China, Persia, Egypt and Mexico. In two months from the taking of the census, the householders' schedules, amounting to about 4,300,000 distinct returns, and the enumeration books, nearly 39,000 in number were received at the census office; and the result of the enumeration being obtainable from the summaries forwarded with the books, a rough statement of the total population and number of houses was transmitted on the 7th of June, ten weeks from the night of the census, to the Secretary of State, and at once made public. With the view to secure accuracy in the census, it was considered an indispensable process to examine every total and summary throughout the enumerators' returns; accordingly a minute revision of the whole was undertaken, involving the examination and totaling of more than 20 millions of entries, contained on upwards of 1,250,000 pages of the enumerators' books; and thus the figures forming the groundwork of the abstracts to be prepared of the numbers of the people, their occupations, birth-places, and condition as regards marriage, were finally settled and determined." [See Compendium of British Census.] Having taken a rapid survey of the United States and European census and statistical system, some remarks will be appropriate upon that of the several States and cities of the Union. Alabama. —There is a census every six years, the last being in 1850, which cost $9,594, and was taken by persons appointed by the court of each county. Assessments are made every year. Reports on penitentiary and other subjects annual. Explorations have been made by Mr. Tuomey and Mr. Bromby, upon the inexhaustable coal fields of the State, and others by Mr. Hale, of Mobile. Traces of copper, sulphurate of lead and antimony were discovered. Arkansas.-A census every four years; last in 1854, and embraced population divided into sex and certain ages; acres in cotton and grain, production of cotton, wheat, corn and oats. Cost of census $10,000. Assessments annual by sheriffs. Partial geological explorations have been made. Connecticut.-There is no regular census. Assessments annual by a board of assessors, acting upon the reports of parties; includes real and personal property taxable, annual reports upon banks, deaf and dumb and insane, schools, rail roads, 24 INTRODUCTORY REMAREKS. &c. with great minuteness. Reports upon the geology of the State were made by Professor Percival, and also by Professor Shepard. California.-A State census was taken, with many particulars, in 1852. Cost $80,000. Another is provided for by law in 1855. The assessment of property annual. Regular reports of hospitals, &c. Geological report of J. B. Trask, published by the Legislature in 1853. Florida.-Census in every ten years-last 1845; expense $2,237.59; taken by assessors and collectors of counties; includes all classes of population. Assessments annual by regular assessors, and children between five and eighteen ascertained at the same time. Regular reports upon the State lands from State engineer and geologist. Georgia.-Census every seven years-last in 1852; cost $25,000; embraced white males between six and sixteen, females six and fifteen, total male and female, total colored and slave, families, deaf, dumb, blind, lunatics, &c. Population returned 935,000, exclusive of three counties. Assessments annual through tax receivers. Biennial reports by the governor on State institutions. Education reports annual.. Census takers appointed by county courts. An appropriation was made many years ago for a geological survey under Dr. Cotting, which was, however, not carried through. A partial report was printed, but not circulated. It is said a granite vein penetrates and in some places passes through the gneiss, mica and talcose slates in Columbia county about six miles above Richmond, and from this point to the south-eastward gneiss, mica slate, talcose slate and chloride slate formations exist. On these rest beds of clay, underlaid with beds of gravel. Animal remains occur lower in the valley. Fine particles of gold have been found in the gravel beds. Iron and manganese are the predominating colorings in the sand and gravel. The slate contains veins of arroganite, beds of spidote and small beds of limestone with specimens of sulphuret of iron and sulphuretted copper. Iowa.-Census every two years by the constitution-latest in 1852 and 185.4; expense paid by counties; taken by township assessors, who assess property every year. Annual reports upon education, &c. Last census embraced males and females, voters, militia, foreigners not naturalized, deaf, dumb, blind, &c. Each town and village to be separated. For the geology of Iowa, see Owen's report on the Northwest. llitnois.-Census every ten years-last in 1845. Cost $9,738; taken by commissioners appointed by county courts. Assessments of personal property annual, of real, biennial. Regular reports upon education, &c. A geological survey is now in progress, with an appropriation of $10,000, under Dr. J. G. Norwood, and has extended over a considerable portion of the State. The work of Dr. Owen may also be consulted. A survey of Northern Illinois some years ago was published in Silliman's Journal. Indiana.-Census every six years-last in 1853; cost about $4,000. Taken by townships. Assessors include white males over 21. Assessment every year of personal, and every five years of real property. Regular reports from State board of agriculture, and annual returns of farm and mechanical products, also of education, deaf and dumb, blind, insane, &c. The governor has frequently recommended a statistical bureau. Kentucky.-There is no regular census. Regular reports are made on internal improvements, public institutions, deaf and dumb, blind and lunatic asylums, &c. A geological survey of Kentucky has recently been commenced by Dr. D. D. Owen, the State geologist. Operations were begun in the south-western part of the State, and between the mouth of Tradewater and Anvil Rock, a distance of about eight miles, eleven beds of coal, thick enough to be worked to advantage, have been found. These beds vary from two to five feet. Eleven others have been discovered, varying from four inches to two feet, and Dr. 0. thinks, from indications he has seen, that there are probably six other beds from two and a half to five feet thick, lying above the part of the coal measures he has examined. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 25 Louisiana.-A regular census taken-latest in 1853; embracing white, free colored and slave, number of electors, white males between 18 and 45. The State reports of education and of public institutions, banks, internal improvements, hospitals, asylums, annually, are very complete. A bureau of statistics was established a few years ago, as previously adverted to. A geological, botanical and natural history survey of the State was partially made a few years ago at large expense, but the reports were not published and are lost. Maryland.-There is no stated time for a census. Assessments every ten years provided for by counties and cities. Surveys have been made by Ducatel and Alexander, which were published by the State. There are other reports by Dr. Higgins, State chemist. In regard to the geology of Maryland it is stated that the Eastern Shore is free from mountain chains or elevated table lands, the highest elevation being less than 100 feet above tidewater level, and the entire region almost wholly unexplored. Shell marl abounds everywhere, containing innumerable varieties of fossil shells, tombs of the Molusco of a former world. (Consult Lyell's map of United States.) Near the estuaries of the Chesapeake are extensive banks of oyster shells. The Eastern Shore is devoid of coal and iron formations and limited in water power, consequently it must remain agricultural. Tradition and observation maintain that the land is being gradually elevated. Maine.-No census. Assessments at least every ten years by. mayors, selectmen and assessors, who note also the males over twenty. Reports upon prisons, reform schools, asylums, &c. The third annual report of the geology of Maine was published in 1839. Massachusetts.-This State is in advance of every other in the extent and accuracy with which it presses statistical investigations, and is worthy of all praise. Nothing is too minute to escape attention, and among her citizens are the first statisticians of America. Census every ten years, 1840, 1850, &c.; very full; taken by assessors of towns. Assessment every ten years, or as often as the Legislature requires. The last in 1850. Very complete reports are published occasionally upon industry, manufactures, public health, &c., and annually of births, marriages and deaths, hospitals, crime, reform schools, prisons, the poor, children under fourteen supported by towns, agriculture, education, banks, insurance, rail roads, &c. These works are handsomely issued, and are doing much for the advancement of statistical knowledge. An invaluable sanitary survey of the State has been issued. Michigan.-Census every ten years; last in 1854, taken by marshals appointed by the Executive in each county. Annual assessments by persons properly elected. A manuscript report of survey, by Dr. Houghton, unpublished, is in possession of Prof. Douglass, of the medical college of Ann Arbor. Missouri.-A census every four years; the last in 1852; cost $7,000. Taken by sheriffs. Annual assessments by regularly elected officers. Regular reports of deaf and dumb, blind and insane, asylums incorporated, internal improvement companies, schools, &c. A geological survey has been ordered but no progress made. Mississippi.-Census generally every six or eight years; last in 1853. Cost three cents per head. Embraced whites, males and females. Total returned 288,718. Assessment every four years. Number of slaves taxable in 1853, 303,000. Regular reports from universities, penitentiary, &c. The census taken by assessors of counties, includes whole free white. Personal property assessed annually. A geological survey is in progress by Prof. Wailes, State Geologist, and a report will probably be -published soon. Minnesota.-Returns of population and militia regularly made by the assessors of taxes. This is general in the Territories, and a census is usual before the formation of a State government. New Hampshire.-No regular census; last in 1783, embracing inhabitants, houses, barns and acres of land. School, agricultural and similar reports regularly. See transactions of the State Agricultural Society. 26 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. Newt Jersey.-No State census in this century. No State taxes assessed. County and township taxes assessed by township assessors. Reports on education, asylums, &c. Report by H. D. Rogers, State Geologist in 1840. New York.-A census every ten years; latest in 1845. Taken by a marshal in each election district, which is not to exceed 500 voters. Blanks are furnished by the State. Expenses met by the counties. Particulars embraced very minute, and more than a hundred in number, to wit: nativities, voters, aliens, foreigners, naturalized, unmarried or married, births, deaths, paupers, militia, education, religion, manufactures, agriculture, crops and land in cultivation, deaf, dumb, blind, &c., occupations, &c. This is the most complete census of any State. The assessments of property are annual, and annual reports are made on canals and their trade, asylums, railroads, schools, colleges and academies. Geological surveys of the State have been partially made, and their results published by the State Agricultural Society. The legislature has made liberal appropriations for general surveys of the State; scientific men have been engaged to explore tie field as well as the mine. The State and county agricultural societies, with their annual productions, are exciting a happy and noble influence in promoting scientific and practical agriculture, in the increase of crops, the breeding of stock, the drainage of wet lands, the reclamation of barren patches, the general improvement of farms, and the development of the mineral resources of the State.* North Carolina.-No census taken; assessments once in ten years of the real estate only; the last nearly ten years ago. A geological report has been published by the State. Ohio.-Census every fourth year; last in 1851, and includes white males above twenty-one and white and colored children between five and twenty-one; annual assessments of personal property; every six years for real; assessors elected in districts, and ascertain yearly the acres in wheat and corn and their yield; regular reports upon benevolent institutions, schools, penitentiaries, &e. The whole State, with few exceptions, lies on a substratum of secondary limestone, considerable alluvion, lime, sand stone, and much iron. Clays mixed with protoxide of iron, potash, and soda, valuable for vegetable productions. The State contains great quantities of vegetable mould, and an abundance of limestone. Pennsylvania.-No census ever authorized; assessments triennially for ieal and annually for personal property. The first partial survey of Pennsylvania was made in 1836 by Professor Henry D. Rodgers; in 1851 the legislature passed an act for the publication of his survey. Some few counties have had surveys macd independently of the State action. Professor Rodgers' survey was conducted for a period of six years, but little progress has been made in the publication of the results. Rhode Island.-No census; no county taxes; the rateable property of the State was last estimated in 1849 by a committee of eleven persons. There are regular reports upon prisons, schools, banks, railroads, public health, births, marriages, and deaths. An effort was made to establish a bureau of statistics. A report upon the geology of the State was made by Dr. Charles T. Jackson. See also the report of a committee on the Cumberland coal mines. South Carolina.-Census every ten years; latest in 1849; number of the white inhabitants and the deaf and dumb only taken. Cost, $8,989 for 280,000 people. Assessment of personal estate annual, of real, fixed by the legislature and remains permanent, the party only determining whether his land be of the first, second, or third quality. In regard to geology, an act of the legislature was passed in 1842, authorizing the Governor to appoint a person to survey the State. Mr. Ruffin, of Virginia, was selected, who commenced the work. His attention was principally directed to the extensive marl beds and calcareous deposits abounding in the lower portions of the State, and which could be made available for agri* The Industrial Exhibition of New York employed itself in making a collection, under the superintendence of Professor Silliman, the leading object of which was to present a geological view of the mineralogical and mining wealth of the country, and at the same time to illustrate its geology. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 27 cultural purposes. His report was made in 1843. He resigned, and Professor Tuomey was selected to continue the work, his report being published in 1844, and a final report in 1848. Nothing of consequence has been done since, excepting the labors of Professor F. S. Holmes in exploring bays, islands, &c. of the coast. Fossils collected were to have been published in figure, but were omitted. These fossils have since been presented to the Charleston. Cabinet of Natural History. The valuable Transactions of the State Agricultural Society have been published by the legislature. Texas.-Census by constitution every eight years, embracing all free inhabitants, and the number of qualified electors; expense two cents for each white inhabitant, and one cent for each slave and free person of color. The latest census in 1850, when taken, embraced white males of eighteen and under forty-five, children under eighteen and over twelve, over six and under twelve, under six; slaves, colored. Census taken by the regular collectors and assessors of taxes; assessments of taxable property annual; annual reports on penitentiary, schools, railroads, the attorney general's office, &c. The last legislature established a school system, and $2,000,000 United States bonds, together with one-tenth of the whole taxation, were set apart for it. Tennessee.-Census decennially, qualified voters enumerated; the latest in 1851, taken by Commissioners elected for each county. Expense $4,500 for 150,000 voters; assessments annually by similar commissioners. Reports are made on the penitentiary, lunatic and other asylums, internal improvements, geology, banks, &c. every two years. Surveys were made by Dr. Troost, who submitted eight or ten partial reports to the legislature. Before his death his report was presented to Professors Aggasiz and Hall for revision, and will be published by the Smithsonian Institution. [Consult Silusian Basin of Middle Tennessee, 1851.] Virginia.-Census every fifth year after the national census by the late constitution. Provision not yet carried into effect. It is to include population and such statistics as may be prescribed by law; assessments irregularly for real, and by special act for personal property annually; a permanent rate is fixed for real estate; regular reports upon public institutions, internal improvements, and education. A bill is now pending in the legislature for a statistical bureau. Professor Rodgers was engaged several years since to survey the State. IIe submitted annual reports (1836 to 1841) which are published in the journal of the House of Delegates; he has not issued his final report, the legislature not having made an appropriation for its publication. The mineralogy of Virginia is receiving some attention from a number of miners, who are examining different localities for economic purposes. Vermont.-No regular census provided for; the last was taken in 1771, and was but partial. Real estate is appraised every five years by regular appraisers, personal every year, including everything but household furniture, fuel, and provisions necessary for life. Annual reports are made on banks, railroads, asylums, prisons, and schools; the latter suspended during the last two years. Thompson's Natural History of the State contains a sketch of its geology. Four annual reports have been made by Professor Adams, State geologist. Roofing and writing slate, granite, marble, limestone for quick lime, soapstone, manganese, &c., are abundant and of fine quality in the State. Wisconsin.-Census every ten years from and after 1855; the last was taken in 1848; annual assessments, and reports upon deaf and dumb, blind, insane, &c., the penitentiary, public schools, &c. For geology of the State, see Owens' Report, 1839, 1849, 1853, of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, published by order of Congress, and also Lapham's Wisconsin. An appropriation for a geological survey was made by the legislature in 1852, and Mr. Daniels was appointed to conduct it.* * For other data upon the geology of the States, see American Journal of Sciences, (Silliman's,) for proceedings of the meetings of American Geologists, Nos. 39, 41, 43, 45, 47; American Geology, No. 35; Geological Surveys No. 40; Geology of Massachusetts, Nos. 1, 32, 36; N. American Review, 42, 46; Geology of New York, (Silliman) Nos. 31, 36, 40, 42, 46, 48; -d Series, 1 and 3; Geology of Northern States, N. A. Review, No. 11; of Western States, (Silliman,) No. 42. The successful investigation of American Geology was begun 28 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. In a volume little larger than the quarto, and in the same type with this compendium, it was possible to have embraced the whole material of the census, that which has been published, and that which is still buried in the returns together with two hundred pages of comparative and illustrative notes. Without such notes the tables of a census cannot be understood, or at least, without great labor and will often lead even the most careful examiner astray.t in 1807 by Mr. McClure. In 1814 De Witt Clinton urged in New York a geological, mineralogical botanical, zoological and agricultural survey, the results of which were published in a magnificent series of volumes, at the expense of half a million of dollars. North Carolina has the merit of having sent the first geologist into the field, Prof. Olmstead, whose report was prepared in 1825. The subject is now introduced into many of the leading colleges, together with that of agricultural chemistry. In addition to the State and Federal Census, the larger cities obtain annual or periodical statistics of their population and wealth. In New Orleans there is a census of voters every five years, the last being in 1852, which embraced 13,401 names at an expense of $2,600. The State assessments' of real estate are adopted for municipal purposes. Annual reports from the Board of Health, from schools, and commercial statistics are very complete. Indianapolis: Census every year by assessors. Assessments also annual and reports of common schools. Cleveland, latest census in 1853-cost $76.00. Total population 31,214. Assessment of personal property annual, real every six years. dtugusta, Georgia, latest census 1852, cost $200, total population 15,000, particulars embraced, white, colored and slave, male and female; whites between 6 and 15 and 16. Richmond, Va., assessment of real estate every four years, none of personal. Wilmington, Del., last census 1853, population 16,163, embraced also statistics of manufactures. Chicago, census nearly every year, last 1853, taken by special commissioners and embraced dwellings, families, schools, churches, native and foreign, white and colored. Total population 60,652, cost $1,000. Charleston, S. C., latest census, 1848, two regular assessors; a board in 1854 raised the valuation of real estate to $23,000,000. Statistics of health complete. In 1848 an elaborate statistical volume was published by the city. Lowell, Mass., a census is taken once or twice in ten years, latest in 1850, cost.$150, and included the number of families, children between 5 and 15 and foreigners. There are regular reports of births, marriages, &c., and of manufactures. Portland, Maine, latest census 1854. New Haven, lasttcensus,1845, total population 17,674. New Haven, Fair Haven and Westville, make up the town of New Haven. Detroit, assessments annual, reports on education, etc. Milwaukie, Wis.-the board of trade in 1853 published an extended report of commerce and manufactures. Providence, R. I.-Assessment annual, last census 1845. St. Louis.-Census every two years, last in 1852, taken by regular assessors and included color, sex, age and school children; cost $1,000. Assessment annual, and full commercial statistics published annually. Baltimore, no city census is taken.; regular reports are published upon health and public schools, etc. Cincinnati, no city census except of children. Real estate assessed every six years, personal every year. Board of health and other statistical and commercial reports annual. Memphis, Tennessee, assessment annual, value of real and personal estate 1854, 87,116,500. Last census 1854, total population 12,687 persons. Annual reports on education, etc. The above are all the replies that were received to a circular from the office. Of the larger cities omitted it may be asserted that their statistics are equally full. In Boston the statistical reports are frequent and thorough and the census descends into numerous and important details. That of 1850 was especially complete. The census of Boston, published in 1846 by Mr. Shattuck, by public authority, was an invaluable statistical document. In New York a statistical bureau has been established; and reports upon population, health, industry, education, etc., are issued, which are worthy of imitation every where. The city of Philadelphia has lately provided for a report upon its manufactures. Its health reports are annual. f A plan, something like the following, would have presented the greatest advantages, though a great deal of discretion must necessarily be allowed to the head of the office. I. Sub-Divisions of Counties./lphabetically-Population, white, free colored and slave, (disregarding age or sex,) of every place whatever, found in the schedules. II. Counties alphabetically-The total population of each county at every census from 1790 with the date of formation. III. Counties-Statistics of every county in 1850 precisely as published in this Compendium, adding the deaf and dumb, &c., births, marriages, deaths, and real and personal estate. IV. Counties-Detailed population of counties in 1850. i White. Divided into males and Total Blacks. ] Divided into males and Slave ages as now classified. Native born agop aes as now classified. Total. " Foreign' V. Towns and Cities.dlphabetically-Of over 2,000 population, each arranged as the counties in No, IV. VI. Cities-Of over 10,000 with occupations, specific nativities, houses with one family; one to two, two to five families, &c. VII. Cities-Of over 10,000 by every census, white, colored and slave, male and female. VIII. States-Population of States and Territories at each census, white, colored and slave, male and female. IX. States-Population of States and Territories between certain ages, as under 15; 15 and 30; 30 and 45; 45 and 60; and over 60. X. States-Considered as in Table IV. XI. States-Occupations in each State. XII. States-Specific nativities of the population of each State. XIII. States-Statistics of each with more full particulars of education, newspapers, libraries, real estate holders, persons occupying under five acres, 5 to 20; 20 to 50; 50 to 100, &c.; producing under and over certain quantities of leading crops; natives and foreigners, white, blacks and mulattoes, holding real estate, &c. XIV. TUnited States-Specific ages of the population of the United States in the aggregate, as of 1 year, two years, &c., to the highest ages. They should be taken from the returns, in this manner. XV. United States-Aggregate Statistics of the United States combined as in this compendium, with Statistics of States and Sections and Cities, upon such points as have not yet been aggregated from the returns, except in a few particular cases. Ratio tables. Appendix I.-Manufacturing Statistics of each county and large town, as they are prepared in the office. lppendix II.-Mortality tables, condensed upon the plan of the Massachusetts Reports by Counties and towns. The States should be printed as in the Compendium, alphabetically, though prepared in the order of Sections, each Section being added and the results appended at the foot of the Table. Thus, New England, etc., slaveholding States, non-slaveholding, etc. The Tables can then be cut up and pasted in the alphabetical order. The work should be illustrated by diagrams. GENERAL NOTES.-The U. S. marshals, the governors of territories and assistants under them have always been employed. The district of each enumerator in the last census was not to exceed,when practicable, 20,000 persons. The marshals have always received a fixed compensation, varying from $100 to $2,500 or $3,000, and the assistants from 1 to 2 cents for each inhabitant enumerated, with an increase in the way of mileage in sparsely INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 29 settled neighborhoods. The mileage by the last census was fixed at 10 cents per mile, to be ascertained by multiplying the square root of the number of houses visited by the square root of the number of miles in the district. For each inhabitant 2 cents were allowed, for each death 2 cents, each farm 10 cents, each manuficturing establishment 15 cents. For social statistics 2 per cent, on the earnings for population. For copies 8 cents per page. An addition of 100 per cent. Was allowed California. The mileage rule in 1850 came as near expressing the number of miles travelled as any which could be devised. If the district embraced 100 square miles and the number of dwellings was 10,000 the result would be expressed by 10iX 100=1,000. In other words it was assumed that the district would have been traversed ten times in order to call at every house, which would be very nearly the fact. The clerical duties previous to 1850 were for the most part performined by marshals and their assistants. Accuracy has in general been secured by the oaths of these officers and by the penalties affixed, Parties were also compelled to answer under penalty. The returns are required to be exposed for inspection and the originals in 1850 were to be deposited in the county court, one copy to be sent to the Secretary of State at home, and one to the Secretary of the Interior. It is now provided that future census enumerations shall follow that of 1850 if no other law be passed, and a permanent system of representative numbers has been adopted, as will be seen in another place. The Secretary is also authorized to order a new census hereafter in any instance where there is a failure of returns. Comparative Expense of the National Census 1840 and 1850, to each State and individual. Enumerating Whites, Free Col'd. & Slaves. To Marshals and assistants for all statistics, States and Territories. Aggregate, Each individual. 1840. 1850. 1840. 1850. 1840. 1850. Ao gegate.. Pr. head Aggregate. Prhead Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Alabama............. 15,481.54 $22,564.00 2.62 2.92 $19,532.50 3.31 ]30,209.90 3.92 Arkansas............ 7,854.90 8, 427.00 8,05 4,01 9,910.44 10.16 11.,372.80 5.42 California............... 6,927.00........ 7.48..................... 7,597.45 f8.120 Columbia, Dist. of................. 1,530.00....... 2.96.................... 1,862.25 3.60 Connecticut.......... 8.569.09 9,612.00 2.76 2.59 10,811.35 3.49 14,389.30 3.88 Delaware............. 2,449.54 2,834.00 3.14 3.10 3,090.43 3.96 4.000.65 4.37 Florida.............. 3,278.71 4,676.00 6.02 5.35 4,136.61 7.59 5,497.45 6.29 Georgia.............. 24, 706.30 27,210.00 3.57 3.00 31,171.15 4.51 36,537.05 4.03 Illinois............... 21,505.53 26,6734.00 4.56 3.14 27,133.57 5.70 39,541.60 4.64 Indiana............. 17,536.58 28,687.00 2.56 2.90 22,125.32 3.23 44.455.20 4.50 Iowa................. 2,530.19 7,245.00 5.87 3.77 3,192.34 7.40 9,839.30 5.17 Kentucky.......... 28,261.93 28,904.00'3.62 2.94 35,656.63 4.57 41,831.35 4.26 Louisiana............ 13,499.55 15,167.00 3.83 2.93 17,031.93 4.83 18,722.55 3.62 Maine............ 13,590.73 16,906.00 2.71 2.90 17,146.70 3.42 25,474.55 4.37 Maryland......... 10,925.05.15,461.00 2.32 2.65 13,783.97 2.93 20,998.20 3.60 Massachusetts........ 14,576.39 24,345.00 1.95 2.45 18,390.47 2.49 34,193.85 3.44 Michigan............. 8,630.80 13,022.00 4.07 3.27 10,889.24 5.13 19.029.45 4.79 Mississippi......... 19;651.03 17;817.00 5.23 2.94 24,793.04 6.60 23,891.55 3.94 Missouri.............. 17,161.30 21,786.00 4.47 3.19 21,651.82 5.64 31,322, 35 4.59 New Hampshire....... 10,390.91 8,992.00 3.65 2.83 13,109.60 4.61 14,237.65 4.48 New Jersey........ 9,229.74 12844.00 2.47 2.62 11,644.28 3.12 18,4'22.20I 3.76 New York............ 57,865.56 77,525.00 2.38 2.50 73,006.30 3.01 114,474.95 3.70 North Carolina........ 17,775.17 26,419.00 2.36 3.04 22,422.21 2.98 36,487.60 4.20 Ohio.................. 35,347.26 52,711.00 2.33 2.66 44,596.17 2.93 78,700.30 3.97 Pennsylvania'........ 50,405.43 60,453.00 2.92 2.61 63,613.33 3,69 88,829.75 3..84 hode Island........ 2,389.60 3,969.00 2.19 2.69 3,014.86 2.77 5.384.95 3.65 South Carolina........ 28,321.89 17,941.00 4.76 2.68 35,732.61 6.01 23,747.65 3.5-5 Tennessee............ 28,479.71 29,923.00 3.43 2.98 35,931.79 4.33 42,61.9.15 4.25 Texas................. 1144............ 1144.00.... 5.38.......... 13,756.35 6.47 Vermont............ 7,843.16 8,938.00 2.69 2.85 9,894.97 3.39 13,998.35 4.46 Virginia........... 604.46 42,149.00 2.95 2.96 46,182.01 3.72 56,876.15 4.00 Wisconsin....... 2810.88 10.273.00 9.08 3.36 3,545.70 11.46 14,001.30 4.58 i Minnesota.................... 1,516.00........ 24.95............... 1,569.75 |65.83 New Mexico.................. 5,525.00..... 8.98.................... 6.405.45 10.47 Oregon........................ 3419.00 25.72........... 3,620.80 7.24 Utah............. 1,283.00...... 11.27.................... 1,458.10 12.1. Extra pay to California marshals and assistants.......8...... 8424.00 19. 10 Total............... 517,672.93 675,16.00.00 3.03 2.91 653,141.34 383 963,781.25 4.1 Remarks. -The census of 1790 cost $44,377.28 or ets. 1.13 to each head enumerated or cts. 9.6 to each sq. mile. " 1800 " 66,109.04 " 1.25 c " " 1.3 " 4, " 1810 C" 178,444.67 " 2.46 ~ " " 22.22 " " " 1820 c" 208,525.99 " 2.16 " " " 23.0 " " " 1830 " 378,545.13 " 2.94 " " " 39"2 "C " " 1840 " 833,370.95 " 4.88 "' " 77.8." " " 1850 " 1,362,500.00 " 5.87 " " " 59.4 " n. The preceding table, will show the expense incurred upon each national census in the aggregate and to the individual. It has reference to the whole amount expended, inclusive of printing and bindisg, except for the census of 1850. The cost of printing and binding in 1840 reached $184,629. It is not yet ascertained for the present census. The amounts in the large table are exclusively of office work, which in 1840 cost but about * 40,000 and in 1850 over $300,000. In the foormer instance the marshals performed the most of such labors which was taken into consideration in their pay, and in the latter instance they performed very little. The cost to each individual may be compared with that incurred by the States and cities for their own enumerations as showx when upon those subjects. The schedules of the United States census, 1850, embraced about 640,000 medium pages, and will make 800 or 1,000 volumes. Those of' 1840 are bound in 350 volumes; those of 1830 in 150 volunres. The earlier schedules are unbound. Three thousand reams of blanks were sent out by express in 1850, and returned by mail between the 29th August, 1850, and 17th February, 1852. The weight in tons was one hundred. They were uninjured, except a few in California destroyed by fire. In 18410 a million of blanks were distributed. The number of marshals in 1850 was 45, assistants 3,231. In 1840 marshals and assistants 2,087. Whenever the schedules were incomplete the assistants were written to and part of their pay retained until thie correction Were made if important. The principle should be more stringently adhered to hereafter.:i * Per head in 1850, exclusive of the extra pay to California marshals and assistants, 4.12. t Per head in 1850 in California, including the extra pay, as above, 17.30. STATISTICAL VIEW OF THE UNITED STATES, BASED UPON THE SEVERAL OFFICIAL RETURNS, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD, AND EMBRACING A COMPENDIUM OF THE CENSUS OF 1850. THE subjects to be illustrated and discussed in the present volume admit of the following convenient distribution: I. TERRITORY. II. POPULATION. III. MORAL AND SOCIAL CONDITION. IV. INDUSTRY. V. PROPERTY, REVENUE, TAXATION, etc. VI. STATISTICAL DETAIL OF CITIES, TOWNS AND COUNTIES. I. TERRITORY, embracing a comparison of States with each other and with the Union, the area of the United States at the several Census periods, the geographical distribution of areas, etc. II. POPULATION, considered as WHITE. FREE COLORED. SLAVE, AGGREGATE. The facts for the several subdivisions or 6hapters of population, whether considered as native or foreign born, will be treated in the following order, combined in each particular with appropriate ratio and comparative tables. 1. Aggregrate Number. 5. Births, Marriages and Deaths. 2. Families and Dwellings. 6. Deaf and Dumb, Blind, Insane, &c. 3. Sex. 7. Occupations. 4. Age. 8. Nativities. The free colored and slaves, wherever practicable, will be separated into 1st, BLACK; and 2d, Mixed or MULATTO; and a table of Indian population at several periods, will be added. III, V, VI. These heads sufficiently explain themselves. IV. INDUSTRY, including 1. Agriculture. 2. Manufactures. 3. Commerce. 4. Internal Improvements. The separate consideration of each of the classes which make up the population of the United States, is indispensable to any correct statistical reasonings in regard to it, and should be as far as possible secured in the tables of every Census. No set of truths can be applicable alike to classes so differently situated and of such distinct organization. How these classes compare with reference to the family relation and to the occupancy of dwellings, with reference to the predominance of the male or the female, with reference to age or to vital and industrial power, what are the ratios of births to marriages and deaths, how the people are employed, are they of native or foreign extraction, are they born in the State of residence or in some other of the States,-these are all questions of vital importance to the socialist who would reform abuses-to the moralist who would trace the sources of vice; to the economist who would develop those of wealth and power, to the physician laboring in the cause of science, and to the statesman legislating soundly for the present and the future. 30 PART I. TERRI T ORY. THE territorial limits of the United States include that portion of the continent of North America, extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean, which is bounded by- the British possessions on the North, and by the Gulf of Mexico and the Mexican Republic on the South. The superficial area of the Union, according to a computation made by the Topographical Bureau at the close of 1853, and subsequently reviewed and amended, amounted on the first of January, 1854, to two millions nine hundred and thirty-six thousand, one hundred and sixty-six square miles, being somewhat more than one-third of the area of the continent of INorth America. The treaty of 1854 with Mexico settles the boundaries of the two republics as follows. "Retaining the same dividing line between the two Californias as already defined and establisled according to the 5th article of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the limils between the two Republics shall be as follows: Beginning in the Gulf of Mexico, three leagues from land, opposite the mouth of the Rio Grande, as provided in the 5th article of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo; thence, as defined in the said article up the middle of that river to the point where the parallel of 31 deg. 47 min, north latitude crosses the same; thence due west one hundred miles; thence south to the parallel of 31 deg. 20 min. north latitude; thence along the said parallel of 31 deg. 20 min. to the 111th meridian of longitude west of Greenwich; thence in a straight line to a point on the Colorado river, twenty English miles below the junction of the Gila and Colorado rivers; thence up the middle of the said river Colorado, until it intersects the present line between the United States and Mexico." TABLE I.-Area of North America, exclusive of the West Indies. Territory. Sq. miles. Sq. miles. United States, as ascertained by the Topographical Bureau......................... 2,936,166 (Newv Britaint................................................. 2,5 I 8837 British America, Upper and Lowei Canadat................................ 346, 860 Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Cape Breton, &c.............. 104,701 1 3,050 398 M exico................................................................................ 8, 34 Central America............................ 235...................51 Russian America II.1................................................... 91,000 Danish Amrerica, (Greenland,)............................................................. 380. 000 Total square miles.............................................................. **8 002,949 f According to Balbi's estimate of the area of North America. Anothar estimate gives New Britain but 1,800,000 square miles. t McCulloch. The late Canadian census gives 242,482 square miles as the area over which jurisdiction is actually extended. 1 Guibert gives 962,500 kilometres carres, or 371,611 square miles. Greenland from present information would appear to be a trilateral island, 1,500 miles long and 600 miles in its greatest breadth. Its area, therefore, cannot be greater than we state above. Guibert gives tle area of Dan ish America 3,861 square miles, and McCulloch only 170, meaning only that portion which has been explored. ** The area of the continent of North America is variously estimated by geographers at from five to seven millions of square miles. Guyot (" Earth and Man ") estimates it at 5,472,000, and that of Europe at 2,688,00, exclusively of islands. The following tables have been carefully compiled from the latest official sources. Where these were wanting recourse has been had to Guibert ("Dictionnaire Geographlique,") and the Gotha "qlnzmanach." In the quarto volume of the Census the figures for Europe were entirely adopted from McCulloch, and differ in several particulars as well as in the aggregate from those which are now given. It is needless to say that exactness cannot be expected in such calculations, but only the best approximation. TABLE II.- Territorial Extent of European and South American States, &c. STATES. Area in sq.ST Area in sq. miles. miles. Russia (in Europe)..................... 2,120397 Hesse Darmstadt......................... 3,230 Austria.............................. 257,368 Mecklenberg Schwerin.................. 5, 907 France.................................. 207,145 Oldenburg............................. 2,422 Great Britain............................ 121,912 Nassau................................ 1,785 Prussia....1........................... 1079 21 Other German States.................... 10,166 Spain................................... 182,270 Naples and Sicilv..................... 44,401 Turkey..2........................... 210585 Sardinia and Piedmont................ 29.276 Sweden and Norway.................... 293,313 Papal States........................... 15,892 Belgium................................. 11390 Tuscany................................ 8,511 Portugal................................. 36.510 Parma and Lucca....................... 2,380 Holland............................ 12,601 Modena............................ 2,316 Denmark.................2......... 2, 533 Andorre................................ 191 Bavaria............................... 9,637 San M arino..............................2 Hanover................................. 14,734 Swiss Confederation.................... 14.950 W urtemberg............................ 7,522 Greece................................ 17,900 Saxony................................. 5,750 Ionian Islands...........99...........9.. 9 Baden................................... 5918 Hesse Cassel............................ 740 3,811,594 31 32 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE II.-Continued. ST..TES..Area in sq Area in sq. ~~~milSTATESes ST. miles. WEST INDIES. SOUTH AMERICA, San Domingo........................... 29,000 Venezuela............................. 417,60. Spanish Cuba.......................... 42,383 New Grenada..................... 381, 543 Porto Rico..................... 3, 885 Ecuador.............................. 318,750 fTrinidad............................ 2,020 Bolivia................................ 374,480 Jamnaica 6............................. - 6250 Pru. 580,550 Leeward Islands.............. 864 Chil............................... 130,115'Windward Island................... 778 Argentine Confederation............... 641;958 Baham as............................ 3,982 Uruguay............................... 164, 125 Turks Island and Caicos............. 434 Paraguay.............................. 76,500 French Guadaloupe................... 631 Brazil................................. 2,762,500 re c Martinique.................... 382 Guiana, British....................... 96.000 Dutch West Indies....................... 600 Guiana, Dutch......................... 38,500 l)anish W est Indies...................... 192 Guiana, French....................... 27,560 Swedish West Indies.................... 25 Patagonia.............................. 300 000 91,401 6 310 184 The limits of the United States when their independence was achieved (1783) did not exceed 820,680 square miles. Louisiana, purchased from France in 1803, and Florida from Spain in 1819, added respectively an extent of 899,579 and 66,900 square miles. In 1842 and 1846 the Northern boundary was settled by treaties with Great Britain, confirming the rights of the United States to 308,052 square miles, included in the Territory of Oregon, &c. In 1846 Texas was annexed, with an area of 318,000 square miles, and by a treaty soon afterwards with Mexico an area of 522,955 additional square miles was incorporated. Thus did the territory of the United States double itself in the first twenty years of its existence, and thus has it increased over three-fold in less than sixty years. The figures are given upon the authority of a statement prepared at the Topographical Bureau for the Census office, and annexed. The new treaty with Mexico, if ratified by the Senate, will add a fraction more and swell the aggregate to about 3,000,000 square miles.'TABLE III.-Territorial increase of the United States. Territory. Sq. Miles. Area of the United States at the peace of 1783.................................... 820,680 The of Louisiana added (about)....................................................... 99 579 (The limits were indefinite; those here assumed are the boundaries of the treaty of 1819, with the exception of Florida and parts of Mississippi and Alabama.) The acquisition of Florida, (treaty of 1819,) added........................................ 66,900 Admission of Texas, (Emory's map of 1844,).......................................... 318,000 Oregon treaty.................................................................................. 308 05 Treaty with Mexicot................................................................... 52...955 Total.........................................................936, 166 The territorial extent of the Republic is, therefore, nearly ten times as large as that of Great Britain and France combined; three times as large as the whole of France, Britain, Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Holland, and Denmark, together; one-and-a-half times as large as the Russian empire in Europe; one-sixth less only than the area covered by the fiftynine or sixty empires, states, and Republics of Europe; of equal extent with the Roman empire, or that of Alexander, neither of which is said to have exceeded 3,000,000 square miles. Considered in lesser divisions, the calculations of the Topographical Bureau show the existence of an interior valley drained by the waters of the Mississippi and its tributaries, nearly as large as the slopes of the Pacific and Atlantic proper together, and one-third larger than the whole domain of the Republic upon the adoption of the present Constitution, (1789.) * The treaty has been ratified but with a reduction of the contemplated area to 27,500 square miles, making the total area of the Union July 1st, 1854, 2,963,663 square miles. t These estimates are lower than those usually made. Morse, in his Gazetteer estimates the area of the Union in 1783 at 1,000,000 square miles, and Major Stoddard, who took possession of Louisiana under the tireaty and prepared a very valuable history of it, considers the area to be 1,307,260. These, of course, were but vague estimates, subject to after correction. Again, Oregon has generally been estimated at 341,463, Texas 402,907, California 448,691. De Bole's Industrial Resources, Fol. 3, drt. U. S. t The Mesilla Valley is included in the computation. i Voltaire, " Histoire de Russie," Chap. 1. SHORE LINE OF THE UNITED STATES. 33 TABLE IV.-Area of each slope and ratio to the total area of the U. States. Area in sq- Ratio of area of Territory. miles. each slope to tomonles. tal area of U. S. Pacific slope................................................................. 766, 002 26.09 Atlantic slope proper..................................................514,416 17.52 Northern Lake region................................................. 112, 649 3.83 Gulf region,.........................................................25,537 11.09 Atlantic, Lake and Gulf east and west of the Mississippi....................... 952,602 32.44 Mississippi valley, drained by the Mississippi and its tributaries............... 1,217,562 41.47 Atlantic, including Northern Lake................................... 627,065 1.35 Mississippi valley and Gulf or Middle region.......................... 1,543,099 52.55 Total.9...................................................... 2,936,166 Thus, over two-fifths of the national territory is drained by the Mississippi and its tributaries, and more than one-half is embraced in what may be called its Middle Region. Onefourth of this total area belongs to the Pacifie, one-sixth to the Atlantic proper, one-twentysixth to the Lakes, one-ninth to the Gulf, or one-third to the Atlantic, including the Lakes and the Gulf.0 A calculation made at the office of the Coast Survey in 1853, gives for the total main shore line of the United States, (exclusively of bays, sounds, islands, &c..) 12,609 statute miles. If all of these be followed, and the rivers entered to the head of tide water, the total shore line will be swelled to 33,069 miles. TABLE V.-Shore Line of the United States in Statute Miles. o' 0 0 0 0-' r. COASTS. *.j i a. 30 ne 0 U Miles. Per cent. Miles. Pr. ct. Miles. Pr. ct. iles. Pr. ct. Miles. Miles. Miles. Atlantic coast. 6,861 54.41 6,328 68.44 6,655 59.35i19,844 60.01 2,059 907 1,256 Pacific coast.. 2,281 18.09 702 7.59 712 6.35 3,695 11.17 1,405................... Gulf coast.... 3,467 27.50 2,817 20.97 3,846 34.30 9,550 28.82 1,643.......... 1,764 Total...... 12,609 100.00 9,247100.00 11,213100.0033.069100.00 5,107 907 3,020 * From the charts prepared some years ago by Col. Gilpin, of Missouri, it will be perceived that a circle described from the forks of the Kansas river, west of Missouri, will touch New Orleans and Galveston, or the Gulf frontier, and the 49th parallel of latitude, our northern boundary, making these points equidistant from the centre. On a larger circle, with the same centre, the points of equidistance will be San Francisco, in California, Fort Vancouver on the Columbia, in Oregon, Quebec and Boston upon the Atlantic, Hudson's Bay on the extreme north, and Havana, Vera Cruz and the city of Mexico on the extreme south. The various great basins, declivities and table lands on the continent he estimates as follows: Mississippi basin 1,123,100 square miles; St. Lawrence 475,400; Hudson's Bay 1,077,200; Mackenzie basin 898,500; Pacific declivity 420,000; Atlantic declivity 270,700 square miles. Mr. Darby, in his "Geographical Dictionary," gives the following aggregates: Valley of the Ohio 200,000 square miles; Valley of the Mississippi proper 180,000; Valley of the Missouri 500,000; and the Valley of the Lower Mississippi 330,000: total 1,210,000 square miles. Lieut. Maury compares the basins of the Old World with these which are drained into the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean seas. Mediterranean in Europe.................. 1,160,000 Basin of Mississippi....................... 982,000 Nile...................................... 520,000 Basins in Florida and Texas............ 529, 009 Euphrates................................ 196,000 Mexico and Central America.............. 300,000 Indus.................................... 3192,000 Amazon................................. 1,796,000 Ganges................................... 432,000 Orinoco and all others of the Caribbean sea, 700,000 Irrawaddy............................. 331,000 Others of India........................... 173, 000 Tetal of Gulf and Caribbean sea......... 4,298,000 Of Western Europe, Rhine, &c............ 730,000 3, 854,000 Total of Mediterranean India and W. Europe 3, 854, 000 Difference in square miles.............. 444, 000 Lieut. Maury remarks "the area of all the valleys which are drained by the rivers of Europe which empty into the Atlantic, all the valleys that are drained by the rivers of Asia which empty into the Indian ocean, and of all the valleys that are drained by the rivers of Africa and Europe which empty into the Mediterranean, does not cover an extent of territory as great as that included in the valleys drained by the American rivers alone, which discharge themselves into one central sea." Dr. Patterson, of Philadelphia, made the centre of representative population of the Union in 1840 in the sorthwestern extremity of Virginia, and states that it had travelled westward since 1790, when it was in Baltimore county, Md., 182 miles in very nearly the same parallel of latitude. 3 34 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. The main shore line of the Atlantic including Bays, &c., is twice that of the Gulf, three times that of the Pacific and more than equal to that of the Pacific and Gulf combined. The Southern States have three times as much sea coast as the Northern. The extent of shore line is an important element in determining the commercial character of a nation. In this regard Europe is more favored than any other portion of the earth, and North America next; the former having, according to Guyot (" Earth and Man") only 156 miles, and the latter 228 miles of surface to onre mile of coast (the United States having 241) whilst South America has 376, Africa 623 and Asia 459 miles. The table which follows furnishes three measurements, viz: 1st. The Coast Line, i. e. sea coast, bays, islands, &c., " as if an adometer wheel were passed over the high water line," and the results are for the Atlantic coast......................................... 12,359 miles. The rivers to head of tide have not been measured, but from a former table the length total is both shores................................................................................. 6,655 " For the Gulf of Mexico, the coast line is................................................ 5,744 " Length of rivers to head of tide, from same table....................................... 3,846 " 2d. Coast line, exclusive of islands and rivers to head of tide. For the Atlantic...................................................................... 6017 " G ulf.......................................................................... 3,551 " 3d. Coast line, exclusive of bays, islarns, &c., &c., except Massachusetts bay-Atlantic......... 2,163 Do. do. do. Gulf............. 1764 " These results are somewhat greater than those of Table V., and are believed to be nearer the truth by the amount of the difference. TABLE VI.- The results of measurements of Coast and Shore line of the United States as required by the Superintendent of the Census Bureau from the Coast Survey of July 12, 1854, are as follows, in statute miles:.... "g 1.....C STATES. bu M' a.-. REMARKS. Measurements taken on best maps of the Coast Survey Ar chives: Maine............. 2,486 784 278 Measured on Greenleaf's map of Maine, as correct as possible, but the great irregularities of coast prevent a correct result. New Hampshire.... 49 41 18 Measured on Garrigain's map of N. H., generally correct and compared with Smith's map. Massachusetts...... 886 622 286 Measured on Borden's map of Mass., generally correct as compared with Smith's map. Rhode Island....... 320 245 45 Measured on Smith's and Mitchell's maps. Connecticut........ 262 240 104 Measured on Coast Survey off shore charts. New York.......... 980 50 none do. do. do. do. New Jersey......... 540 300 120 do. do. do. do. Delaware........... 118 106 23 Measured on F. Lucas' map of Md., Ches. Bay and C. S. Sketches and Charts. Maryland.......... 509 411 33 Measured on F. Lucas' map of Md., Ches. Bay and C. S. Sketches and Charts. Northern Atlantic. 6,150 2,799 907 From N. E. boundary to State line between Md. & Va. Virginia............ 654 348 116 Measured on F. Lucas' map of Md. & C. S. maps. North Carolina.... 1,641 1,089 320 Measured on Brazier's map of N. C., and compared with Smith's. South Carolina...... 756 267 220 Measured on Smith's map and compared with Mitchell's. Georgia............. 684 480 128 do. do. do. do. Florida East Coast.. 2,474 1,034 472 Measured on map of Topographical Engineers. Southern Atlantic. 6,209 3,218 1,256 From State line between Md. and Va. to S. extremity of Florida. Total Atlantic..... 12,359 6,017 2,163 Florida West Coast. 1,562 883 674 Measured on map of Topographical Engineers. Alabama....... 315 247 58 Measured on Smith's map and compared with Mitchell's. Mississippi......... 287 225 88 do. do. do. do. Louisiana........ 2,250 1,256 552 Measured on Gerdes' Reconnoissances and Smith's map. Texas.............. 1330 940 392 Measured on Blunt's and Smith's map. Total Gulf........ 5,744 3,551 1,764 Total South Atlantie and Gulf......... 11,953 6,769 3,020 Total Pacific, from boundary of San Diego to the mouth Frazer's river*.... 3,251 2,533 1,343 Measured on Alden's Reconnoissances. * Or 1,343 miles of shore line of contingent coast on the Pacific; 483 miles of shore line of bays; 707 miles of shore line from Cape Flattery to Frazer's river; 414 miles of shore line of islands in the Pacific, and 304 miles of shore line of islands from Cape Flattery to Frazer's river. The Atlantic and Gulf States were measured also on Burr's maps and Blunt's coast charts, COMPARATIVE DISTANCES. 35 The following table will show the distances between some of the leading points of the United States by the. nearest mail routes. That a better judgment may be formed of the extent of the country, they are compared with nearly equidistant foreign cities. TABLE VII.-Comparative Distances-Amcrican and Foreign Cities. American Cities. Distance Nearly equidistant American and Foreign Distance in miles. Cities. in miles. Pittsburg to Boston....................... 616 Paris to Vienna..6.....5............ 625 New York to Mobile...................... 1,476 Paris to St. Petersburg.................... 1,510 Philadelphia to Pensacola................ 1,443 St. Petersburg to Constantinople.......... 1,450 Boston to Nashville.................... 1,590 London to Constantinople, (land route)... 1,499 Albany to Richmond...................... 506 Paris to Berlin........................... 540 New York to Charleston.................. 790 London to Vienna....................... 760 New York to Cleveland, (Ohio)............ 671 Paris to Rome.......................... 700 Boston to Galveston, (Texas)............. 2,256 Stockholm (Sweden) to Madrid*.......... 2160 New York to Astoria, (land route)...3... 523 London to Ispahan Persia*.............. 3,580 New York to Astoria, (via Cape Horn)... 17,500 Liverpool to Canton, (via Cape of Good New York to Astoria, (via Panama)...... 6260 Hope).............................., 18,000 New York to San Diego, Cal. (land route). 3,732 London to Delhi (Hindostan)*........... 5,337 Charleston to Hartford.................... 900 Newv York to Bremen, (across Atlantic). 3,800 New York to New Orleans................ 1,640 London to Rome........................ 91.0 Falls of St. Anthony to mouths of Missis- London to Constantinople, (by land)*.... 1.490 sippi river............................ 2,200 Stockholm (Sweden) to Tunis (Africa)*. 2,200 Sources of Mississippi to mouths of Mis- St. Petersburg to Thebes (Egypt)....... 2 80 sissippi............................. 2,986 St. Petersburg to Madrid*.............. 2, 100 Pittsburg to New Orleans via river......... 2,175 The citizen of the United States arriving at New Orleans from New York has passed over a distance more than equal to that separating London from Constantinople, or Paris from St. Petersburg. If he has taken the land route to Astoria his travel will be nearly as great as from New York to Bremen; if the water route, he will have made a voyage nearly equal to one from London to Canton. The United States consist at the present time (1st July 1854,) of thirty-one independent States and nine Territories, including the District of Columbia, whose areas will be found in the table annexed, prepared at the Topographical Bureau. It is the only official statement. There were, in 1850, sixteen hundred and twenty county divisions included within the organized States and Territories, but it is impossible to give any satisfactory statement of their areas. By reference to the statistical tables of these counties at the end of the volume, it will be found how liable they are to changes, and also what changes were actually effected between 1840 and 1850. * Estimated. NoTE.-The following statement of the river navigation and shore line of the United States was prepared by Colonel Abert, of the Topographical Engineers, at the request of the Treasury Department, December 7th, 1845. It has since been completed to date. The head of tide-water is assumed as the limit of steam navigation, as impeding falls or rapids are encountered at that point, above which many rivers are adapted to steam navigation, but to what extent is not sufficiently known. The shore line of rivers to head of tide-water from Maine to Texas is,.......................................................... 10,501 miles. Rivers of Texas.......................................................................... 1 210 Lower Mississippi, islands and bayous.................................................... 8,372 Upper Mississippi and tributaries.................................................... 2,736 Big Black, Yazoo and bayous......................................................... 1,190 Red river and tributaries.................................................................. 4,924 Arkansas river and tributaries............................................................ 3,250 M issouri river and tributaries.............................................................. 7,830 Ohio river and tributaries................................................................ 7,342 Total............................................................................. 47 355 Add rivers on the Pacific-Sacramento................................................ 600 San Joaquin................................................ 600 Oregon..................................................... 460 Um pqua.................................................... 50 - 1,710 Total river shore line in the United States in 1854, including both banks..........49,065 miles. Frontier line of United States on British Possessions....................................... 3,303 " Do. do Mexico (1848).............................................. 1,456 " Shore line of northern lakes, including bays, sounds, and islands (American)............... 3,620 " Shore line of northern lakes, including bays sounds, and islands (British).................. 2,629 a E $o 1790........ *1840 663,258 665.345 100.31 1800............. * out er tStates. 1850 781,560 785,492 100.50 1810........ * New England... 1820 55 90 163.63 1790................ * 1830 11 37 336.36 1800.............. * 1840 9 14 155.56 1810., 1850....................1556 Suth-ten 1820 115763 io9i78 9 4.78 1830 222,689 216,286 97.12 1790.............. * 1840 413,488 406,701!:8.36 1800.............. * 1850 623,780 618.471 t9.15 1810............ * Middle States... 1820 71,096 65,044 91.49 f 1790.............. * 1830 59,344 55,793 94.02 1800............... * 1840 49,835 47,943 96.20 North-western 1810............... * 1850 48,636 47,945 98.58 States. 1820 69,901 68, 160 97.51 1830 95,118 95,974 100.90 1790................. J * 1840 119,927 120,935 100.84 1800................ * 1850 148,547 149,856 100.88 Southern States. 1810................ * 1820 531,165 507,046 95.46 California and 185 1 1667 1830 635,661 628,130 98.82 Territories. When slavery existed in New England the females were largely in excess. In 1830 there were over three to one male. In the Middle States the males are always in excess. In the Southern States, since 1830, the male and female have been equal, or nearly so, and the same is true of the North-western States. In the South-west, since 1830, there is a small excess of males; in the Territories, a large excess of females. TABLE LXXXI.-Ages of the Slave Population of the United States, 1850. Under 1. 1 and under 5. 5 and under 10. 10 and under 15. 15 and under 20. States & Territories. Males. Fem's. Males. Fem's. Males. Fem's. Males. Fem's. Males. Fem's. Alabama........ 3,992 4,118 25,471 25,687 25,724 25,671 23,190 22,260 18,989 19,871 Arkansas........ 540 619 3,475 3, 573 3,480 3,546 3,389 3, 179 2,745 2,765 Columbia, Dist. of.. 30 41 165 184 208 287 239 341 207 319 Delaware........ 27 32 155 148 223 178 205 194 219 151 Florida............ 463 451 2,840 2,918 2,889 2,874 2,507 2,442 1,974 2,087 Georgia... 7....... 4730 4,889 27,984 28,070 28,941 28,711 26,834 26,749 21,865 23,072 Kentucky.......... 3,023 3245 14,952 15,311 16,761 16,828 15,602 15.203 12.370 12,695 Louisiana.......... 2,349 2,591 14,260 14,814 14,874 15,009 13,865 13,410 11.151 11,799 Maryland........... 1,243 1,203 5,961 5,931 6,902 6, 712 6,963 400 5,643 5,466 Mississippi........ 3,611 3, 788 22,705 23,417 23,240 23,106 20,666 19,812 16,611 17,087 Missouri........... 1,365 1,334 6,420 6,684 7,090 6,845 6,492 6,358 5, 395 -5,400 New Jersey...................................... 1 2 2 2 North Carolina...... 4,022 4,064 21,891 22,043 23,400 23,536 20,711 19,860 15,710 15,800 South Carolina..... 4,450 4,744 27019 28,229 27,069 28,131 24,890 24,825 20,521 21,875 Tennessee.......... 3,452 3,609 17,620 18,075 18,647 19,087 17,889 17,252 14,004 14,621 Texas............. 705 724 4,406 4,366 4,356 4, 504 4 152 4.091 3,175 3442 Virginia............ 5,341 5,814 32,419 32,687 35356 34,897 33,883 32,331 25,584 24,659 Utah Territory............ 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 Total............ 39343 41266 227,745' 232,140 239,163 239,925 221,4801 214,712 176,169 181,113 * Sex not designated. AGES OF THE SLAVE POPULATION. 89 TABLE LXXXI.-Ages of the Slave Population-Continued. 20 and under 30. 30 and under 40. 40 and under 50. 50 and under 60. 60 and under 70. States & Territories. Males. Femrn's. Males. Femrn's. Males. Femrn's. Males. Femrn's. Males. Fem's. Alabama.......... 31,658 31,208 19,636 19,514 11,433 11,779 6,368 6,030 3,774 3,451 Arkansas........ 4,930 4,684 2,58 12,612 1,415 1,421 653 580 371 339 Columbia, Dist. of..'239 425 127 245 91 182 55 129 44 70 Delaware.......... 212 243 67 84 31 43 0 22 8 11 Florida............. 3,878 3681 2,277 2,312 1,344 1,340 895 798 474 397 Georgia............ 33,959 34,590 19,146 20,427 12,100 13,006 6,584 6,560 4,585 4,544 Kentucky.......... 19,031 17,627 10,325 10,422 6,520 7,156 3,744 3,985 1,819 2,123 Louisiana.......... 26,047 23,971 20,250 18,415 19,690 10,550 5,955 4,864 3,032 2,388 Maryland.......... 8,092 7,443 4,269 4,500 2,953 2. 931 1,926 1, 850 1187 1175 Mississippi.......... 29,915 30,021 18,565 18 986 9,996 9,933 4,854 4,390 3 139 2, 839 Missouri........... 8,623 7,988 390 4, 300 2278 2,779 1, 136 1, 291 535 632 New Jersey........ 10 1 9 21 38 27 42 North Carolina...... 23,969 23.536 13.687 3,927 8,444 8,631 6,814 6,327 3,637 3,606 South Carolina..... 31,745 33,472 200 583 022.938 13.138 14,518 8,771 8, 750 5,426 5,502 Tennessee......... 21,709 21,064 11370 11,984 6,550 7,115 4421 4468 2050,137 Texas.......5..... 5.585 5,683 3,131 3,449 1,750 1, 878 898 829 373 332 Virginia............ 39,991 36,974 25, 435 24240 18, 416 17,514 12,138 10,850 7,614 6,981 Utah Territory...... 4 2......... 1....... 1 1................ Total............ 289,595 282,615 175,300 178,355 109,152 110,780 65,254 61,762 38,102 36,569 70 and under 80. 80 and under 90. 90 and under 100. 100 and upwards. Age unknown. States & Territories. -------- -- --- ----- ---- Males. Fem's. Males. Fem's. Males. Femrn's. Males. Fern's. Males. Femrn's. Alabama............ 1,06P 959 338 338 97 93 65 61 1........ Arkansas......... 75 88 30 24 11 6 9 5........ Columbia, Dist. of... 12 29 4 8 1 3........ 2........ Delaware.......... 6 7........ 2............... 1..... Florida............. 141 126 45 45 22 21 15 14 40...... Georgia............. 1.399 1,430 480 519 142 162 81 79 27 17 Kentucky.......... 621 913 198 255 61 94 28 53 8 8 Louisiana.......... 937 771 319 225 81 59 57 66 7 3 Maryland.......... 549 510 190 196 41 74 24 31 1 2 Mississippi.......... 825 727 288 243 85 85 47 73 127 119 Missouri........... 141 220 63 65 25 25 8 9 11 8 New Jersey..... 17 31 9 7 0 51........................ 1 North Carolina...... 1,520 1,665 570 658 132 202 66 98 8 14' South Carolina..... 2,008 2,022 613 638 154 200 81 86 1,288 1, 303 Tennessee......... 719 833 233 287 82 98 31 47 3 2 Texas.............. 100 93 40 34 12 12 6 10 11 14 Virginia............ 3,028 3,264 958 1,196 263 334 87 184 49 41 U tah Territory................................................................................ Total............ 13,166 13,688 4,378 4,740 1,211 1,473 606 8191 *1,581 1,533 TABLE LXXXII.-Ratio of Ages of the Slaves in 1850. -a i ^ i ~. ~ S..; -. States and Territo- ok C ries. I J I |8 ai | a 2 C" = 0 nO Alabama.......... 8,110 2.36 51,158 14.92 51,395 14.99 45.450 13.26 38,860 11.33 Arkansas........... 1,159 2,46 7,048 14.96 7,026 14.92 6,568 13.95 5,510 11.70 Columbia, District of 71 1.93 349 9.47 495 13.43 580 15.73 526 14.27 Delaware.......... 59 2.58 303 13.23 401 17,51 399 17.42 370 16.16 Florida............. 914 2.32 5,758 14.65 5,763 14.66 4,949 12.59 4,061 10.33 Georgia............ 9,619 2.52 56,054 14.69 57.652 15.11 53,583 14.04 44.937 11.77 Kentucky.......... 6,268 2.97 30,263 14.34 33,589 15.92 30,805 14.60 25,065 11.88 Louisiana........ 4,940 2.02 29,074 11.88 29,883 12.22 27,275 11.14 22;950 9.37 Maryland.......... 2,446 2.71 11,892 13.16 13,614 15.07 13,363 14.79 11,109 12.29 Mississippi........ 7,399 2.39 46,122 14.88 46.346 14.96 40,478 13.06 33,698 10.87 Missouri.......... 2,699 3.09 13,104 14.99 13,935 15.94 12,850 14.70 10,795 12.35 New Jersey.................................. 3 1.27 4 1.69 7 2.97 North Carolina..... 8086 2.80 43,.934 15.23 46,936 16.27 40,571 14.06 31,510 10.92 South Carolina..... 9,194 2.39 55,248 14.35 55,200 14.34 49,715 12.91 42,396 11.01 Tennessee......... 7,061 2.95 35:695 14.91 37,734 15.76 35,141 14.67 28,625 11.95 Texas.............. 1.429 2:46 8,772 15.08 8,860 15.23 8,243 14.17 6,617 11.38 Virginia............ 11,155 2.36 65,106 13.78 70,253 14.87 66,214 14.01 50,243 10.63 Utah Territory...................... 5 19.23 3 11.54 4 15.38 3 11.54 Total.......... 80,609 2.52 459,885 14.35 479,088 14.95 436,192 13.61 357,282 11.15 * 578 age unknown-sex not given in Mississippi. 90 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLB LXXXII.- Continued. |I j* | oI i ~. |o I States and Territo- 4.e. to t M c d Alabama........... 62,866 18.34 39,150 11.42 23,212 6.77 12,398 3.62 7,225 2.11 Arkansas........... 9,614 20.41 5,140 10.91 2,836 6.02 1,233 2.62 717 I 1.52 Columbia, District of 664 18.01 372 10.09 273 7.40 184 4.99 114 3.09 Delaware.... 455 19.87 151 6.59 74 3.23 42 1.83 19.83 Florida............. 7,559 19.23 4,589 11.67 2,684 6.83 1,693 4.31 871 2.22 Georgia........... 68,549 17.96 39,573 10.37 25,106 6.58 13,144 3.44 9,129 2.39 Kentucky....... 36,658 17.28 20,747, 9.83 13;676 6.48 7,729 3.66:;,942 1.87 Louisiana.......... 50,018 20.43 38,665 15.79 23,240 9.49 10,819 4.42 5,420 2.21 Maryland........ 15,535 17.19 8;769 9.70 5,884 6.51 3,776 4.18 2,362 2.61 Mississippi....... 59,936 19.34 37.551 12.12 19,929 6.43 9,244 2.98 5,978 1.93 Missouri........ 16,611 19.00 8,202 9.38 5,057 5.78 2,427 2.78 1,167 1.33 New Jersey........ 11 4.66... 11 4.66 59 25.00 69 29.24 North Carolina 47,505 16.46 27,614 9.57 17,075 5.92 13,141 4.55 7,243 2.51 South Carolina..... 65,217 16.94 43,521 11.31 27,651 7.18 17,521 4.55 10,928 2.84 Tennessee......... 42,773 17.86 23,354 9.75 13,665 5.71 8,889 3.71 4,187 1.75 Texas.............. 11,268 19.38 6,580 11.31 3,628 6.24 1,727 2.97 705 1.21 Virginia..... 76,965 16.29 49,675 10.51 35,930 7.60 22,988 4.861 14,595 3.09 Utah Territory..... 6 23.08 2 7.69 1 3.85 2 7.6..... Total.......... 572,210 17.86 353,655 11.04 219,932.6.86 127,016 3.96 74,671 2.33 States and Territo- -o I ~. I o I|: g p ries. C) Cd I d cI 1 C0 o d Alabama........... 2.027.59 676.20 190.05 126.04 1...... 342,844 Arkansas........... 163.35 54.11 17.04 14.03 1...... 47,100 Columbia, District of 41 1.11 12.32 4.11 2.05............. 3,687 Delaware.......... 13.57 2.09.......... 2.09.... 2,290 Florida............. 267.68 90.23 43.1 1 29.07 40.10 39,310 Georgia............ 2,829.74 999.26 304.08 160.04 44.01 381,682 Kentucky.......... 1.534.73 453.22 155.07 81.04 16. 01 210,981 Louisiana.......... 1,708.70 544.22 140.06 123.05 10..... 244,809 Maryland.......... 1,059 1.17 386.43 1]15.13 55.06 3...... 90,368 Mississippi....... 1,552.50 531.17 170.06 120 84.27 309,878 Missouri........... 361.41 128.15 50.06 17.02 19.02 87,422 New Jersey........ 48 20.34 16 6.78 7 2.97.............. 1.42 236 North Carolina..... 3,185 1.10 1,228.42 334.12 164.06 22.01 288,548 South Carolina..... 4,030 1.05 1,251.32 354.09 167.04 2,591.68 384,984 Tennesssee........ 1,552.65 520.22 180.08 78.03 5...... 239;459 Texas.............. 193.33 74.13.04 16.03 25.04 58,161 Virginia............ 6,292 1.33 2,154.46 597.13 271.06 90.02 472,528 Utah Territory................................ ~............26 Total.......... 26,854.84 9,118.28 268 08 1,425.05 3,692.12 3,204,313 TABLE LXXXIII.-Comparative Ages of dale and Female Slaves in 1830, 1840 and 1850. 1830. 1840. AGE. 00 Males. Females. Total. d Males. Females. Total. d Under 10 years of age 353,498 347,665 701,163 34.90 422,584 421,465 844,049 33.93 10 and under 24 " " 312.567 308,770 621,337 30.93 391,206 390,117 781.323 31.41 24 " 36 " " 185,585 185,786 371,371 18.48 235,386 239,825 475,211 1.9.11 36 " 55 " " 118,880 111,887 230,767 11.49 145,260 139,204 284,464 11.44 55 " 100 ( " 41,545 41,436 82,981 4.13 51,331 49,746 101,077 4.06 100 and upwards........... 748 676 1,424.07 750 581 1,331.05 Total................... 012,823 996220 2,009,043 00 1,246.517 1,240,938 2,487,455 100.00 I_________________I PROPORTIONS OF THE SLAVE POPULATION. 91 TABLE LXXXIII- Continued. 1850. k AGE. Males. Females. Total.: Under 5 years of age.................................... 267,088 273, 406 540,494 16.87 5and under 10 years of age........................... 239,163 239,925 479 088 14.95 ]0 " 15 " ".................... 221, 480 214.712 436 192 13.61 15 C 20............... 176,169 181,113 357 282 11.15 20 " 30.......................... 289,595 282,615 572,210 17.86 30 " 40........... 175.300 178,355 353,655 11.04 40 " 50 " "....109, 152 110,780 219, 932 6.86 50 C 60 "............................ 65,254 61,762 127,016 3.96 60 70....................... 38102 36569 74671 2.33 70 " 80.......................... 13166 13,688. 26854.84 80 90............................ 4,378 4,740 9, 18.28 90 ( 100.............211 1,473 2684.08 100 and upwards................................ 606 819 1,425.05 Age unknown.......................................... 1,581 1,533 3,114.10 In Mississippi 578 slaves are returned without distinction of sex or age........... 578.02 Total........................................................................ 20 3 100.00 TABLE LXXXIV. — Ratio of Slaves, 1830, 1840, 1850. 1830. 1840. 1850. AGE. Number. Ratio. Number. Ratio. Number. Ratio. Under 10 years of age.......... 701163 34.90 844,069 33.93 1,019,582 31.82 10 and under 24................. 621337 30.93 781.206 31.41 24 " " 36.......................... 371,371 18.48 475,160 19.11 [2180192 68 0 36 " "C 55.......................... 230,767 11.49 284,465 11.44 10 19.8. 55 " C 100.......................... 82,981 4.13 100,980 4.06 100 and upwards........................... 1,424.07 1,333.05 1,425.04 Un.known........................................................... 3,114.10 Total........................ 2,009,043' 100.00 2,487,213 100.00 3,204,313 300.00 TABLE LXXXV.-Proportion of Male Slaves to Female, for 1850. For every hundred Males there are in the different States, of the ages mentioned, the following number of Females: STATES, &C. Z b < n w = X |. & C: ~O CO CO CO C | O C O0 tCO C. Gd O O STITES, &c/. - " I'' I -- - - -.. I. / ~I ____________ __ ^s F: T-I cj c^ _TF t t o oo q a Alabama....... 101.1 99.7 95.9 104.6 98.5 99.3 100 94.6 91.4 89.7 100.0 95.8 93.8.. Arkansas...... 1 101.9 93.8 100.7 95.0 103.3 104.S0 88.7 89.6 117.3 80.0 54.5 55.5... Columbia, Dis.of 115.3 137.9 142.6 154.1 177.8 192.9 200.0 232.7 159.0 241.6 200.01 300.0.......... Delaware... 98. 9 79.8 94.6 68.9 114.6 125.3 138. 110.0 137.5 116.6.......1.. 100.0. Florida......... 102.0 99.4 97.4 105.7 94.9 101.5 99.7 89.1 83.7 3 89. 100.0 1 95.4 93.3..... Georgia........ 100.7 99.2 99.6 105.5 101.8 106.6 107.4 99.6 01.8 106.6 107.4 99 991 102.2 112.2 114.0 97.5 62.9 Kentucky.... 103.2 100.4 97.4 102.6 92.1 100.9 109.7 166.4 116.7 147.0 128.7 152.4 189 2100.0 Louisiana..... 104.7 100.9 96.7 105.8 92.0 90.9 83.11 81.6 78.7 82.2 70.5 72.7 115.7/ 42.8 Maryland........ 99.0 97...... 91.9 96.8 91.9 105.4 99.21 96.0 98.9 92.9 103.1 180.4 129.1200.0 Missssippi... 103.3 99.4 95.8 102.8 100.3 102.2 99.3 90.4 90.7 88.1 84.3 100.0 155.3 97.6 Missouri....... 102.9 96.5 97.9 100.0 92.6 110.2 121.9 113.6 118.1 156.0 103.1 100.0 112.5 72.7 New Jersey........ 200.0 100.0 40.0 10.0....... 450.0 180.9 155.5 182.3 77.7 250.0........... North Carolina.. 100.7 100.5 95.8 100.5 98.1 101.7 102.2 92.8 99.1 109.5 115.4 153.0 148.4 175.0 South Carolina. 104.7 103.9 99.7 106.6 105.4 111.4 110.4 99.7 101.4 100.7 104.0 129.8 106.1 101.1 Tennessee...... 102.9 102.9 96.4 104.4 97.0 105.4 108.6 101.0 104.2 115.8 123.1 119.5 151.6 66.6 Texas......... 99.5 103.4 98.51 108.4 101.7 110.1 107.3 92.3 89.0 93,0 85.0 100.0 166.6 127.2 Virginia......... 101.9 98.71 95.41 96.3; 92.4 95.3 95.1 89.3 91.6 107.7 124.8 127.0 211.4 83.6 Utah Territory.. 1150.0 50.0 300.0 200.0200.0..................................... 92 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. [In infancy, and between 5 and 10, and 15 and 20, the females are generally in excess, the reverse of the case with the whites: for the two first periods between 10 and 15, the males are in excess of whites and slaves. To this there are some singular exceptions. For periods above 70, the females are generally in excess-strikingly so among the very aged. By another table the proportion of males and females at the different ages since 1820, is also shown. In 1850, the preponderance of aged females is worthy of note.] TABLE LXXXVI. —Ratio of Ages and Sex of the Slave Population. 1. Proportion of Slave Males and Females, 1820 and 1830. 1820. 1830. AGES. A: e AGES. Males, Females, = 3, Males, Females, - per cent. per cent.: ~ w per cent. per cent. m Under 14...... 43.63 43.24 94.33 Under 10.... 34.90 34.90 98.35 14 and under 26...... 25.77 26.98 99.63 10 and under 24.... 30.86 30.99 98.79 26 " 45...... 20.78 20.36 93.26 24 " 36.... 18.32 18.65 100.11 45 and upwards...... 9.82 9.42 91.3 36 " 55.... 11.74 11.23 94.12 55 " 100.... 4.10 4.16 99.76 100 and upwards.....08.07 9038 100.00 100.00 95.18 100.00 100.00 98.4 2. Proportion of Slave Males and Females, 1840 and 1850. 1840. 1850. AGES. AGES. ~ Males, Females, Males, Females, percent percent. per cent. per ent. er. Se e 1 Under 10..... 33.90 33.96 99.73 Under 5. 1.6.67 10 and under 24.. 31.39 31.44 99.72 5 and under 10.... 14.92 14.98 100.32 24 " 36..... 18.88 19.33 101.88 10 " 15.... 13.82 13.40 96.94 36 " 55..... 11.66 11.22 95.83 15 " 20.... 10.99 11.31 102.8 55 " 100 4.11 4.00 96.91 20 " 30.... 18.07 17.64 97.59 100 and upwards......06 05 77.47 30 " 40.... 10.94 11.14 101.74 40 " 50.. 6.81 6.92 101.49 50 " 60.... 4.07 3.86 94.65 60 " 70.... 2.38 2.28 95.98 70 " 80..82.85 103.96 80 " 90.27.30 108.27 90 100... 08.09 121.63 100 and upwards...04.05 135.15 Unknown........12.11 97.33 100.00 100.00 99.55 100.00 100.00 99.95 5. Births, Marriages and Deaths.-The tables of Births in the Census, as previously explained, are nothing more than those of the several classes of population under one year of age. There are slave children of that age, in Alabama, 8,110; in Arkansas, 1,159; in the District of Columbia, 71; in Delaware, 59; in Florida, 914; in Georgia, 9,619; in Kentucky, 6,268; in Louisiana, 4,940; in Maryland, 2,446; in Mississippi, 7,399; in Missouri, 2,699.; in North Carolina, 8,086; in South Carolina, 9,194; in Tennessee, 7,061; in Texas, 1,429; and in Virginia, 11,155. The Marriages of slaves are not noted in the Census. They take place, upon the average, much earlier than those of the whites or free colored, and are probably more productive than either. But no exact information on an extended scale exists upon this point. The number of deaths of slaves reported in 1849-1850, was 52,566, or 1.64 per cent. of the whole slave population. This number is certainly too small, though from the facility of reporting them, it approximates, perhaps, nearer to the truth than is the case with the free population. SLAVE POPULATION-DEAF AND DUMB, &c. 93 TABLE LXXXVII.-Mortality of the Slave Population. States, &c. States, &c. H Alabama......................... 4,692 1.369 Missouri......................... 1,355 1.550 Arkansas......................... 861 1.828 New Jersey...................... 11 4.661 Columbia, District of............. 57 1.546 North Carolina................... 4,329 1.5 Delaware......................... 21.917 South Carolina................... 5,167 1.342 Florida............................ 440 1.119 Tennessee........................ 4, 049 1.691 Georgia........................... 5,331 1.397 Texas............................ 877 1.568 Kentucky......................... 4,193 1.987 Virginia......................... 8,451 1.788 Louisiana......................... 5.873 2399 M aryland......................... 1, 51 1.673 Mississippi........................ 5,347 1.726 Total....................... 52,566 1.640 6. Deaf and Dumb, Blind, Insane, and Idiotic.-The slaves were not separated in these particulars from the free colored either in 1830 or 1840. In 1850 the statistics were as follows: TABLE LXXXVIII.-Deaf and Dumb, Blind, Insane, and Idiotic Slaves, 1850. States, &c. a. a | States, &c,, Sae, ac. C ~ d C,.i~w Cd ~ s t d8 Ne ire ~. a a t Alabama........ 58 138 30 133 359.105 Mississippi. 27 93 24 84 228!.074 Arkansas........ 4 13 3 10 30.064 Missouri....... 19 38 11 32 100.114 Columbia, Dist. of.... I1 1.054 North Carolina.. 75 155 33 151 414.143 Delaware................. 4 6.262 South Carolina.. 29 134 21 94 278.072 Florida.. 1........ 1 I 2 8 35.01 9 Tennessee... 41 82 22 85 230.096 Georgia......... 57 12 28 148 362.095 Texas..... 1..... 111.... 32.055 Kentucky....... 51 113 23 91 278.132 Virginia........ 89 299 59 201 6481 137 Louisiana....... 32 122 45 62 261.107 -- --- - -- -- -- Maryland........ 26 45 25 68 164.181 Total.......... 531 1,387 327 1,182 3,427.107 TABLE LXXXIX.-Deaf and Dumb, Blind, &c. Free Colored and Slave, 1830, 1840 and 1850. Deaf and Dumb. Blind. Insane. Idiotic. I Insane and ____ ____~_________ ______ _______ Idiotic. States &c [Free Colored and [ Free Colored and [ 1850. 1850. [rj a [ ~ - -~ iV *and Slave. 1830. 1840. 1850. 1850 1830. 1840. 1850. 1850. | | Alabama.............. 23 53 59 58 48 96 140 138 2 30... 133 125 165 Arkansas.............. 4 2 4 4 2 8 14 13.... 3 2 10 21 15 C alifornia................................................................................. Columbia, District of... 2 4 2.... 9 9 1 9 1.... 7 13 Connecticut........... 6 8 6.... 7 13 12...... 6... 4...... 44 10 Delaware.............. 9 8 6 2 11 18 14...... 20.... 14 4 28 38 Florida................ 6 2 11 11 16 IO) 15 14.... 2.... 8 12 10 Georgia................ 59 64 58 57 123 151 133 129 2 28 1 148 134 179 Illinois..................... 24 2.... 4 10 5...... 2... 2...... 79 4 Indiana............... 3 15 4.... 2 19 12...... 7.... 13...... 75 20 Iow a........................ 4.........3...... 3.......................... Kentucky............. 46 77 56 51 83 141 133 113 2 23 20 91 18 136 Louisiana............. 21 17 35 32 77 36 142 122 11 45 6 62 45 124 Maine................ 5 13 1.... 1 1 0.......... 5 2 94 7 Maryland.............. 96 66 64 26 124 91 108 45 44 25 48 68 141 185 Massachusetts......... 9 17 2.... 5 22 6...... 19... 5...... 63 24 Michigan.............. 2 1......... 4.......... 1.... 3...... 26 4 Mississippi............ 12 28 28 27 31 69 93 93.... 24 2 84 82 110 Missouri............... 8 27 1919 11 42 41 38 2 11 32 68 45 New Hampshire... 9 9............... 3 2.............. 19 1 New Jersey........... 15 15 5.... 22 26 29.... 13...... 73 22 New York............. 43 68 7.... 82 91 44...... 34... 21 1 394 55 94 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE LXXXIX.-Conttnued. Deaf and Dumb. Blind. Insane. Idiotic. Insane and Idiotic. States, &c. Free Colored and Free Colored and 1850. 1850. Slave. Slave. Free Colored ____________._ _ Q ~ ~y - and Slave. 1830. 1840. 1850. 1850 1830. 1840. 1850. 1850. 40 185 4~, F46 1840. 1850. North Carolina........ 83 74 82 75 161 167 182 155 10 33 28 151 221 222 Ohio.................. 9 33 10... 6 33 12..... 14... 17... 165 31 Pennsylvania.......... 3 51 15... 28 96 28..... 49... 35.... 187 84 Rhode Island.......... 4 3.... 8 1 6..... 7.... 4 13 11 South Carolina........ 69 78 31 29 136 156 148 134 4 21 5 94 137 124 Tennessee............. 28 67 43 41 37 99 91 82 5 22 5 85 152 117 Texas......................... 10 10.......... 12 11... 11...... 111 Vermont............. 5 2 1...... 2 1......... 2. 13 2 Virginia.............. 130 150 102 89 438 466 384 299 47 59 90 201 384 397 Wisconsin......................................................3 2 Total............... 743 981 667 531 1,470 1,892 1,816 1,387 311 327 348 1,182 2,789 2,168'. Nativities.-It is almost impossible to distinguish between the native born and foreign born slaves, and no facts were collected upon this subject, except under the schedules of mortality. From these it appears that slaves, except to some extent Africans, were very generally considered of the nativity of the place of decease. As few slaves have been introduced into the country since 1808, and these chiefly into Florida, previously to 1819, under the Spanish rule, and into Louisiana, it will be necessary to look into the class over 60 years of age for the survivors of the original Africans. The whole number of slaves in 1850 over 60 years of age, was 114,752. Of these, no one familiar with the South would admit that more than 8,000 or 10,000 were Africans. In Louisiana, in 1849-1850, 110 African slaves are reported to have died, out of a total of 6,083 deaths of slaves of all ages. In Virginia, few or no African deaths are mentioned. The ages of deceased Africans on the schedules generally range higher than sixty, often more than seventy, and in South Carolina as high as eighty, ninety, one hundred, and one hundred and ten. 8. Occupations.-In no Census have the occupations of slaves been recorded. How many are employed as mechanics, how many as laborers, how many as house servants, cannot be known; nor, more than approximately, how many on the different agricultural crops of the South. Deducting the slaves who are known to be residents of towns, and approximating for those towns that are unknown, it might be safe to say that 400,000 slaves are urban, and 2,804,313 rural, and that of the latter class at least as many slaves will be employed as domestics as there are slave properties, which would leave about 2,500,000 slaves' to he directly employed in agriculture, including males and females, and persons of all ages. Slaves under ten and over sixty are seldom employed industrially. The total number of families holding slaves, by thecensus of 1850, was 347,525.t -On the average of 5.7 to a family there are about 2,000,000 persons in the relation of slave-owners, or about one-third of the whole white population of the slave States; in South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, excluding the largest cities, one half of the whole population. * These are distributed between the several great staples of the South, in something like the following proportions as near as can be judged, after a careful consideration of the subject, bearing in mind that large quantities of bread stuffs are produced in additiou. Hemp................. 60,000.................... 2.4 per cent. Rice,................ 125,000.................... 5.0 " ~ Sugar,................ 150,000.................... 6.0 " ~ Tobacco............. 350,000.................... 14.0 " Cotton, etc............ 1,815,000................. 72.6 " 2,500,000 100. f The number includes slave-hirers, but is exclusive of those who are interested conjointly with others in slave property. The two will about balance each other, for the whole South, and leave the slave owners as stated. AGGREGATE POPULATION. 95 TABLE XC.-Classification of Slave Holders in the United States. W W Z3 l 0 S 0 0a o 0a = 0 m States,&c. ],-i,i a =| j | j.p [. Be ~ a | C) 5 0 Alabama.............. 5,204 7,737 6,572 5,067 3,524 957 216 16 2.......... 29, 295 Arkansas.............. 1, 383 1,951 1,365 788 382 109 19 2............... 5,999 Columbia, District of.... 760 539 136 39 2............................ 1,477 Delaware............... 320 352 117 20............................. 809 Florida.................. 699 991 759 588 349 104 29. 1.......... 3,520 Georgia................. 6,554 11,716 7,701 6,490 5,056 764 147 22 4 2... 38,456 Kentucky.............. 9,244 13,284 9,579 5.022 1.198 53 5............... 38,385 Louisiana.............. 4,797 6,072 4,327 2;652 1,774 728 274 36 6...... 20,670 Maryland.............. 4,825 5,331 3,327 1,822 655 7.. 1..... 16,040 Mississippi.............. 3,640 628 5,143 4,015 2,964 910 189 8 1..... 23116 Missouri............... 5,762 6,878 4,370 1,810 345 19 1.............. 19,185 North Carolina....... 1204 9,668 8,129 5,898 2,828 485 76 12..... 28,303 South Carolina.......... 3,492 6,164 6,311 4,955 3,200 990 382 69 29 2 2 5,596 Tennessee............. 7,616 10,582 8,314 4,852 2,202 276 19 2 1........ 33,864 Texas.................. 1,935 2, 640 1585 1,121 374 82 9 1............... 7,747 Virginia................ 11, 385 15, 550 13,030 9,456 4,880 646 107 8 1........... 55,063 Total................. 68,820 105,68380,76554,59529,733 6,196 1,479 187 56 9 2 347,325 Where the party owns slaves in different counties or in different States, he will be entered more than once. This will disturb the calculation very little, being only the case among the larger properties, and it will account for the fact that a smaller number of such properties are reported in some of the States than are known to exist, particularly in South Carolina, Virginia and Louisiana. By the table it would seem that one-fifth of the properties are in a single slave, and nearly one-half in less than five slaves.* _. CHAPTER VI. AGGREGATE POPULATION. HAVING given in Chapter Second the Aggregate Population of the United States at all of the Census periods, the formation and relation of States and Territories, the density of popu lation, &c., and, in subsequent Chapters, the White, Free Colored and Slave Population in detail, it will be in order now to include such remarks and tables as were not conveniently reducible under either of the several Chapters. According to the ratio of increase from Census to Census, divided for the particular years so as to represent correctly the per centages for the lesser and greater population which is increasing, a table has been prepared showing the population of the United States at each year since 1790. The ratio of increase from 1840 to 1850 is assumed for the next decade.t * The occupation and nativities of slave-holders were not taken off. An experiment in one southern town, gave accounlants, barbers, bakers, blacksmiths, builders, butchers, carpenters, draymen, grocers, painters, plasterers, saddlers, tailors, tinners, etc., 32 out of a total of 250 holders, and 115 natives of free States (at home and abroad, 49 being foreign,) out of the same total of 250. t For an explanation of the principle upon which such a table may be constructed, see Prof. Tucker, " Progress of the United States," p. 107. By starting with the population of 1790 as a basis, which was 3,99,827, and adding three per cent. for every year, making 4,047,721 for 1791; 4,169,152 for 1792, and so on for every year until 1850, Mr. Darby, the well known geographer, arrived at results, which when compared with the particular census years, showed as follows: Years. Estimated. Census. 1800................. 5281,468 5,305,925 1810. 7,095,964 7, 939814 1820.............................. 9535,18 9638131 1830............... 12 811 118 12, 866,020 1840.......................... 17. 217,706 17,069,453 1850.............................. 23,138 004 23,191,876 96 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE XCI. —Aggreate Population of the United States for each year from 1790 to 1860. CZ IV. ZZ VI * w l! 5 e )35 5 Sn. a i - W 1790 3,929,827 1802 5,646,176 1814 8,117,710 1826 11,46,2088 1838 16131,087 1850 23,191,876 1791 4;049 600 1803 5,824,398 1815 8,353,338 1827 11,798,013 1839 16,593,630 1851 23,873,717 1792 4,173 024 1804 6,008,246 1816 8,595,8061 1828 12,!43,783 1840 17,069,453 1852 24 575,604 1793 4,300.210 1805 6'197,897 1817 8 845,312 1829 12,499,687 1841 17'600,752 18.53 25,298,126 1794 4.431,'27 1806 6,393,534 1818 9,102,060 1830 12 866,020 1842 18,148,5891 1854 26,041,890 1795 4,566,329 1807 6,595,346 181.9 9,366,261 1831 13,234,931 1813 18,713,479 1855 26,807,521 1796 4,705,504 1808 6,803,528 1820 9,638,131 1832 13,614,420 1844 19,295,971 1856 27,595,662 1797 4,848 919 1809 7,018,282 1821 9,920,600 1833 14,004,789 1845 19.896,5741 J57 28,406,974 1798 4,996,705 1810 7,239,814 1822 10, 21,348 1834 14,406,350 1846 20,515 871 1858 29,242.139 1799 5,148,994 1811 7.449,960 1823 10,510,618 1835 14,819,425 1847 21,154,444 1859 30,101,857 1800 5,305 925 1812 7,666,206 1824 10,818,659 1836 15,244,344 1848 21,812,893 1860 30,986,851 1801 5,473,407 1813 7,888,729 1825 11,135,727 1837 15,681,447 1849 22,491,305 A similar table was commenced for each of the States, but at too late an hour to be completed in this volume, involving, as it does, laborious calculations. As far as prepared it is given. TABLE XCIT. States and Terri- 1795. 1805 1815. 1825. 1835. 1842. 1845. 1848. 1852. 1854. tories. Alabama.................... 198,975 427,611 623,169 675,153 731,474 813,960 858,020 Arkansas............................ 21,816 54,449 113,729 143,109 180.077 244,646 285,148 ColumbiaDist. of....... 18397 28,170 36,278 41,728 45, 202 47,529 49,979 53,448 55,268 Connecticut...... 244,481 256, 459 268.545 286216 303,762! 321,285 339,023 357,741 377,298 383,918 Delaware....... 59,096 68,321 72,709 74,721 77,414 80,605 84,540 88,666 92,703 93 889 Florida............................ 43,496 59,884 68,9902 79,357 96,082 105,574 Georgia.......... 115,689 202,289 293,390 419,793 597,773 729,728 791,355 858,927 956;540 1,009,680 Illinois................................. 93,232 273,811 534,958 636.839 757,773 956404 1,074,271 Indiana......................... 60.074 224,717 485,053 737.951 823,410 918.766 1 063,322 1,143,905 ow................................... 58136 91,035 142,552 259 196 349,520 Kentucky...... 127070 299658 478,963 623,059 732,435 816,690 875,273 938,056 1,028,839 1,077,468 TABLE XCIII.-Increase of the whole Population of the United States at each Census, per cent. Divisions. 1800. 1810. 1820. 1830. 1840. 1850. Present Slaveholding States....................... 33.65 32.79 I28.82 30.46 25.41 31.73 Present Non-Slaveholding States and Territories....... 36.38 40.02 37.11 36.13 38.73 38.98 Aggregate....0..0........... 35.0 36.45 33.13 33.49 32.67 35.87 The ratio of increase of the S!aveholding States has gained more largely upon the increase of 1840 than that of the non-slaveholding, and the increase of both together is larger than in any other decade except 1810. The calculation in the note on the last page followed out to 1901, gave these results: 1851 23.832,144 1861 32,028,400 1871 41,836 239 1881 56,224,399 1891 75.573,639 1852 24,547,107 1862 32,989,252 1872 43,091 532 188-2 57,911,130 1892 77,840,848 1853 25,283,520 1863 33,978.928 1.873 44,384,064 1883 59,648,463 1893 80,176.063 1854 26,042 025 1864 34.998,825 1874 45,715,585 1884 61.447,916 1894 82,581,344 1855 26.823,285 1865 35,038,231 1875 47,087,052 1885 63,291,353 1895 85,058,784 1856 27, 627 983 1866 36,089,377 1876 48,499.663 1886 65, 190192 1896 87 610,547 1857 28, 456, 822 1867 37,170,958 1877 49,954,652 1887 67,145.917 1897 90,2 28,863 1858 29,310,526 1868 38,286,086 1878 51,453,291 1888 69,160,294 1898 92,935,728 1859 30,189,841 1869 39,434,668 1879 52,996.889 1889 71 235 122 1899 95,723,799 1860 31,095;535 1870 40,617,708 1880 54,586;795 1890 73,382,185 1900- 98,595,512 1901 101,553,377 AGGREGATE POPULATION. 97 TABLE XCIV.-Relative Rank of the States and Territories with reference to total Population. C; Clao C o States andTcrritories States and Territories. = g States and Territories a. Alabama........................ 19 15 11 12 Missouri...... 22 23 21 16 13 Arkansas........................ 26 28 25 26 New Hampshire.... 10 11 15 15 18 22 22 California 29 New Jersey........ 9 10 12 13 14 18 19 Columbia, District of..... 18 25 25 28 33 New York.......... 5 3 2 1 1 1 Connecticut......... 8 8 9 14 16 20 21 North Carolina. 4 5 5 4 5 7 10 Delaware...... 15 16 18 22 24 26 30 Ohio.............. 17 13 5 4 3 3 Florida............... 2 27 31 Pennsylvania....... 3 3 2 2 2 Georgia............ 12 11 11 10 9 9 Rhode Island....... 14 15 16 20 23 24 28 Illinois...................... 23 24 20 14 11 South Carolina..... 7 6 6 8 9 12 14 Indiana.......... 20 20 18 13 10 7 Tennessee......... 16 14 10 9 7 5 5 owa........................... 29 27 Texas.... 25 Kentucky.......... 13 9 7 6 6 6 8 Vermont........... 11 13 14 1617 23 Louisiana................... 17 19 19 18 Virginia............1 1 1 2 3 4 4 Maine............ 12 12 13 16 Wisconsin................ 30 24 Maryland..'6 7 8 10 11 15 17 { Minnesota........................... 36 Massachusetts....... 2 4 4 7 8 8 6 | 4J New Mexico.............32 Michigan.................... 24 27 27 23 20 Oreon....................... 34 Mississsppi........... 1 19 21 22 17 15 E- [Utah........... 35 Connecticut, which in 1'790 was the eighth State in rank, is now the twenty-first; South Carolina has descended from the seventh to the fourteenth place; Virginia from the first to the fourth, whilst New York from the fifth place has in the last four decades maintained her rank at the head of the list. TABLE XCV. —Ratio of total Population of each State to total Population of the United States. States and Territories. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1820. 1830. 1840. 1 1850. Alabama.......................................... 1.33 2.41 3.47 3.33 Arkansas........................................... California.....................................................................40 Columbia, District of......................' Connecticut..................... 6.06 4.73 3.62 2.86 2.31 1.82 1.6 Delaware...................... 1.5 1.21 Florida.............................. I.............27.32.38 Georgia........................ 2.1 3.06 3.49 3.54 4.02 4.06 3.91 Illinois..............................................17.57 1.22 2.79 3.67 Indian a.34 1.53 2.67 4.03 4.26 Iow a.............................................................................25.83 Kentucky...................... 1.86 4.16 5.61 5.85 5.35 4.58 4.24 Louisiana.......................................... 1.06 1.59 1.68 2.06 2.23 Maine.2.4 2.86................ 2.45 2.86 3.16 3.1 3.11 2.94 2.51 Maryland...................... 8.14 6.44 5.26 4.23 3.48 2.75 2.51 Massachusetts.................. 9.64 7.98 6.52 5.43 4.75 4.32 4.29 Michigan......................................06.09.25 1.24 1.71 Mississippi................................17.56.78 1.06 2.21 2.6.1 Missouri..................................29.69 1.09 2.25 { 2.94 New Hampshire................ 3.61 3.46 2.96 2.53 2.09 1.67 1.37 New Jersey.................... 4.69 4.00 3.39 2.88 2.49 2.19 2,11 New York...................... 8.65 11.05 13.25 14.24 14.91 14.23 13.36 North Carolina................ 10.02 9.01 7.67 6.63 5.74 4.41 3.75 Ohio.....................................86 3.19 6.03 7.29 8.90 8.54 Pennsylvania................... 11.05 11.35 11.19 10.89 10.48 10.1 9.97 Rhode Island................... 1.76 1.3 South Carolina................. 6.34 6.51 5.73 5.22 4.52 3.48 2.88 Tennessee.................91 1.99 3.61 4.39 5.30 4.85 4.32 T exas........2.........................................................................92 Vermont....................... 2.17 2.91 3.01 2.45 2.18 1.71 1.35 Virginia........................ 19,04 16.59 13.46 11.05 9.42 7.26 6.13 W isconsin.............................................. 18 1.32 ( Minnesota { i....................03 J New Mexico................................................ 27 Ore on.........................................................................06 Utah.r................................................................................05 Thus New York has about one-eighth of the population of the Union, Pennsylvania about one-tenth, and Delaware one-two-hundred-and-sixty-third 1 7 9S STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE XCVI.-Decennial Increase per cent. of the total Population of each State since 1790. STATES, &c. 1800. 1810. 1820. 1830. 1840. 1850. Alabama................................................................... 142.01 90.86 30.62 Arkansas..................................................................... 11.2.91 21.09 115.12 Columbia, District of.......................................... 70.46 37.53 20.57 9.74 18.24 Connecticut.......................................... 5.40 4.40 5.02 8.17 4.13 19 62 Delaware............................... 8.76 13.07.10 5.5 1.74 17.22 Florida............................................................................ 56.86 60.52 Georgia............................................. 96.37 55.73 35.08 51.57 33.78 31.07 Illinois............................................................... 349.53 185.17 202.44 78.81 Indiana....................................................... 402.97 500.24 133.07 99.94 44.11 Iowa...................................................................... 345.8 Kentucky............................................ 202.36 83.98 38.82 9 36 25.98 Louisiana..........................100.39 40.63 63.35 46.92 Maine............................................ 57.16 50.74 30.45 33.89 25.62 16.2 Maryland....................................... 6.82 11.42 7.04 9.74 5.14 24.04 Massachusetts....................................... 11.76 11.53 10.86 16.65 20.85 34.81 Michigan................................................... 86.81 255.65 570.9 87.34 Mississippi............................................... 355.95 86.97 81.08 174.96 61.46 M issouri............................................................... 219.43 110.94 173 1. 8 77.75 New Hampshire...................................... 29.50 16.65 13.90 10.31 5.66 11.74 New Jersey......................................... 15.10 15.86 13.04 15.58 16.36 31.14 New York............................................. 72.51 63.45 43.14 39.76 26.60 27.52 North Carolina..............................1....... 21.42 16.19 15.00 15.52 2.09 15.35 Ohio................................................... 408.67 151.96 61.31 62.01 30.33 Pennsylvania......................................... 38.67 34.49 29.55 28.47 27.87 34.09 Rhode Island..........................................02 11.44 7.83 17.02 11.97 35.57 South Carolina........................................ 38.75 20.12 21.11 15.6 2.27 12.47 Tennessee............................................. 195.05 147.84 61.55 61.28 21.6 20.92 Vermont.............................................. 80.84 40.95 8.29 19.04 4.02 7.59 Virginia............................................... 17.63 10.73 9.31 13.71 2.34 14.67 W isconsin..................................................................................... 886.88 isconsin......886.88 TABLE XCVII.-Ratio of Increase of Population in the great Geographical Divisions. ^| ... CENSUS PERIODS. p p 1 as ed^s 1790-Population.................. 1,009.823 1,337,456 1,473,680 35,791 73,077........ 3.9292 1800-Population.................. 1.233,315 1,8'20,984 1,865,995 114, 452 271.195........ 5305,925 Percent. of increase........ 22.13 36.15 26.62 219.78 071.11........' 35.02 1810-Population.................. 1,471,891 2,491,938 197,670 378,635 699,680........ 7.239,814 " Per cent. of increase........ 19.34 36.85 17.77 030.82 158.00..36.45 1820-Population.................. 1,659,808 3,212,983 2,547,936 793,842 1,42 3,....... 9,638.131 " Per cent. of increase........ 12.77 28.941 15.94 109.66 103.47 33.13 1830-Population.................. 1,954.717 4,151, 28 3,082,130 1,374,179 2, 298, 390........12,866,020 " Per cent. of increase........ 17.77 29.20 20.96 73.10 61.45 33:49 1840-Population.................. 2,2341,822 5,118,076 3,333,483 2,245,602 4,131,370........ 17,069,453 " Per cent. of increase.. 14.33 23.29 8.16 63.41 79.75 32.67 180-Population..................,728.116 6,624,988 3,952,837 3,321,117 6,379,923 184.89523,191,876 " Per cent. of increase........ 22.07 29:44 18.58 47.89 54.43...... 87 From the following table it will be seen that whilst Vermont in the last ten years gained but 7.59 per cent., Wisconsin increased 886.88 per cent. Delaware in sixty years gained 54.89 per cent., whilst Tennessee, during the same period, gained 2,701.58 per cent. TABLE XCVIII.-Growth of States. EXHIBITING THE LEAST GROWTH IN 10 YEARS. EXHIBITING THE MOST RAPID GROWTHI IN 10 YEARS. Population. Population. d States. - o States. - 1840. 1850. = d 1840. 1850. ~. Vermont........ 291,948 314,120 22,172 7.59 Illinois.......... 476.183 851,470 375,287 78.81 New Hampshire 284,574 317,976 33,402 11.74 Michigan....... 212,267 397.65 185,387 87.34 North Carolina.. 753,419 869,039 115,620 15.35 Arkansas....... 97,574 209,897 110,323 115.12 South Carolina 594,398 668,507 74,100 12.47 Iowa........... 43,112 192,214 149,102 345.85. Virginia........ 1,239,797 1,421,661 181,864 14.671 Wisconsin...... 30,945 305,391 274,4-46 886.88 AGGREGATE POPULATION. 99 TABLE XCVIIU.-Continued. EXHIBITING THE LEAST GROWTH IN 60 YEARS. EXHIBITING THE MOST RAPID GROWTH IN 60 YEARS. Population, a Population. States. ----- ----- 00 ooStates. 1790. 1850. | 1790. 1850. | d Delaware...., 59,096 91. 532 32,436 54.89 Maine........ 96,540 583,169 486,629 504.07 Maryland....... 319,728 583,034 263,306 82.35 New York.... 340,120 3,097,3942,757,274 810.68 Virginia........ 748.308 1,421.661 673,353 89.98 Georgia...... 82,548 906,185 823,637 997.77 Rhode Island... 69,110 147,545 78,4351113.49 1Tennessee.... 35,791 1,002.717 966,922,701.58 Connecticut.... 238,14 370,792 132,651 55.70 Kentucky..... 73,077 982,405 909,281,244.34 2. Families and Dwellings.-Afamily in the Census, is either one person living separately in a house or part of a house, and providing for him or herself, or several persons living together in a house upon one common means of support, and distinct from others in similar circumstances. A widow living alone, and separately providing for herself, or two hundred individuals living together and provided for by a common head, constitute a family. So of the inmates of a hotel, jail, hospital, &c. There were 3,598,195 such families among the white and free colored population in 1850. A Dwelling, in the Census, embraces separate inhabited tenements, containing one or more families under one roof. Where several tenements are in one block, with walls either of brick or wood to divide them, they are considered as separate houses. Without such divisions they are one house. If the house be partly used for a store or shop, it is a dwelling, though not if so used wholly. Jails, hotels, penitentiaries, &c., are "Dwellings." The total number of Dwellings in the States is given below. (See Table XCIX.) The number of houses, including stores, shops, &c., untenanted or unfinished buildings cannot be stated, nor have the dwellings been ascertained for any earlier census, though the returns were sufficient for the purpose. TABLE XCIX.-Fanmilies, Dwellings, etc. of White and Free Colored Population. |, a 0 0 unz rb I~r FI ~O. O m;z STATES AND TERRITORIES.' o'' 8 *5a3 Ss "O. * -o 0 6 o I oe Alabama................................. 73,070 17.04 73,786 17.21 100.98 5.97 Arkansas................................... 52 17.36 28,416 17.45 100.58 7.60 California............................ 23,742 25.64 24,567 26.53 103.47 3.68 Columbia, District of................. 7.917 16.49 8,343 17.38 105.38 9.45 Connecticut.................................. 64.013 17.26 73,448 19.81 114.73 7.87 Delaware................................... 15.290 17.13 15,439 17.30 100.97 7.69 Florida.................................. 9022 18.74 9,107 18.92 100,94 5.39 Georgia........................... 91,206 17.39 91,666 17.48 100.50 5.00 Illinois............................ 146,544 17.21 149,153 17.52 Indiana. j 170,178 17.22 171,564 17.36 100.81 7.46 Indiana....................................... 170,178 17.2-2 171,564 17.[ 6 100.81 7.46 Iowa.................................... 2,962 17.15 33,517 17.44 101.68 6.09 Kentucky........... 130,769 16.95 132,920 17.23 101.64 8.15 Louisiana............................... 49.101 17.99 54,112 19.82 110.20 11.24 — Maine................................... 95.80 16.43 103333 17.72 107.86 7.33 Maryland.............................. 81,708 16.58 87,384 17.74 106.94 9.27 Massachusetts......371...0............. 152,835 15.37 192,675 19.37 126.06 10.07 Michigan..................................... 71,616 18.01 72,611 18.26 101.38 6.21 Mississippi................................... 51,681 17.42 52,107 17.57 100.82 6.47 Missouri...................................... 96,849 16.29 100,890 16.97 104.17 1'2.01 New Hampshire.............................. 57,339 18.03 62,287 19.59 108.62 6.79 New Jersey.............................. 81,064 16.57 89,080 18.20 109.88 7.24 New York.................................... 473,936 15.30 566,869 18.30 119.60 8.04 North Carolina................................ 104, 96 18.09 105,451 18.16 100.43 5.71 Ohio................................3.......... 36,098 16.97 348,514 17.60 103.69 8.30 Pennsylvania.................................. 386,216 16.71 408,497 17.67 105.76 6.98 Rhode Island.............................. 22, 379 15,17 28,216 19.12 126.08 7.94 South Carolina............................... 52.642 18.57 52, 937 18.67 100.56 5.43 Tennessee................................ 129,419 16.96 130,004 17.03 100.45 6.01 Texas............................. 27,988 18.12 28,377 18.37 101.38 7.81 Vermont...................................... 56,421 17.96 58.573 18.65 103.81 5.34 Virginia...................................... 165,815 17.47 167,530 17.65 101.03 6.34'Wisconsin................................... 56,316 18.44 57,608 18.86 102.29 5.03 (Minnesota.............................. 1,002 16.49 1,016 16.72 101.39 2.91. New Mexico............................ 13,453 21.86 13,502 21.94 100.36 8.56 Oregon................................. 2,374 17.86 2,374 17.86 100.00 1.97 Utah................................... 2,322 20.45 2,322 20.45 100.00 10.29 Total.3,362,3 16.......................... 3362,337 16.82 3598,195 18.00 107.01 7.56 100 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. By reference to table XCIX, it will be perceived that there are eighteen families to every hundred white and free colored persons in the Union, or two families to every eleven, the ratio between the States varying from 17.21 families to a hundred persons in Alabama, to 26.5 in California. Comparing the different sections with each other, we have TABLE C.-Ratio of Dwellings to Families in the great Geographical Divisions, cc. in0 0..c Geographical Divisions,.| - o New England....................... 448,789 86.55 518,532 19.01 115.54 8.17 Middle States................... 1, 046,131 88.98 1, 175,612 18.01 112.38 7.71 Southern States.................... 423,681 99.30 426, 691 17.88 100.71 5.76 Southwestern States.................. 359,511 98.00 366 802 17.65 102.04 7.11 Northwestern States................. 1,041,332 97.61 1,066,777 17.54 102.44 8.04 California and Territories........... 42,893 97.97 43,781 23.68 102.07 5.43 Total......................... 3,362,337 93.44 3,598,195 18.00 107.01 7.56 Upon the average for the Union, there are 16.82 houses for every 100 white and free colored persons, or a little less than one house to every six persons, the ratio between the States varying from 15.17 dwellings to every 100 persons in Rhode Island to 25.6 in California. The proportion of families to dwellings in the Union is as 107.01 to 100. In Utah and Oregon there is one dwelling to every family; in Louisiana 100 to every 110; in Connecticut 100 to 114; in Massachusetts and Rhode Island 100 to 126, &c. &c. There were 2,260,802 families in Great Britain exclusively of Ireland, in 1801, or 1 family to every 4.64 persons; in 1851 4,312,388, or 1 family to every 4.83 persons. In the interval 2,051,586 new families were started. The average number of persons to a family was as follows in the following countries. TABIE CI.-Ratio of Persons to Dwellings and Families in certain Etropaea States. Number of per- Number of per- Number of famisons to each sons to each lies to each dwelling. family. dwelling. Countries. 1801. 1851. 1801. 1851. 1801. 1851. Scotland....................... 5.46 7.80 4.42 4.81 1I 1..620 England and Wales......................... 5.64 5.47 4.69 4.83 ].204 1.132 Great Britain.............................. 5.1 5.61 71 4.64 4.83 1.209 1.182 France................................... 4.85........ 3.97....2..'22 Austria................................................... 6.89........ 4.44. 1.551 Prussia........................................ 8.13........ 5.13........ 1.585 The average number of persons to each dwelling in Ireland, in 1851, was 6.35; and in Belgium in 1846, 5.42. The number of dwellings in Ireland in 1851 is stated at 1,047,735, making the total for the British empire, including the islands, 4,717,172. Adding the dwellings of the slave population, at least, on the average, as good as those of the operative classes of Europe, and estimating one dwelling for six slaves, the total dwellings in the United States will be 4,197,914. By comparison, one dwelling to every 5.82 persons in Great Britain, and one to every 5.52 persons in the United States.* in Boston, according to the State Census of 1845, there were 19,175 families to 10,812 houses. Of these, 3,361 were owned by the occupant, and 7,451 not owned by the occupant; 6,268 of these houses were occupied by one family each; 2,771 by two families; 902 by three; 419 by four; 174 by five; 105 by six, and the remainder by more than six families. The average for the city was one house to 1.77 families, and one family t%5.09 persons. The number of vacant houses at the same time, was 518, and the number building 559. 5Paris, in 1835 contained 50,476 houses, and 1,106,891 persons, or 22 persons and four or five families to a house. In London, in 1851, there were 2,362,236 persons, and 305,933 houses, or 17 families to 10 houses. In Liverpool in 1851 there were 47,271 families and 35,293 houses. In 1847,.in the same city, 30,000 persons dwelt in cellars, but since that period police regulations have greatly reduced the number. In Manchester, in 1851, there were 44,621 families, and 36,701 houses. The 1 house" in England includes all dwellings isolated AGGREGATE POPULATION. 101 3. Sex.-The'number of males and females of the total population will be seen in Table CII, as well as their increase in each period of ten years. TABLE CII.-Ratio of Sex at each Census of the Total Population.* Increase in Increase per YearMales. Females. Excess of Aggregate each 10 and cent. in each.Year. mlisales. number. in 60 years. 10, and also I in 60 years. 1790..............................................2................ 3 9 9 8 7.......... 1800................................................ 5305,25 1 376,098 35.0168 1810........................................................... 7.239.814 1,933,889 36.4477 1820.......................... 4,898,127 4,740,004 158,123 9,638,131 2,398,317 33.1268 1830......................... 6,529,696 6,336,324 193,372 112,866,020 3,227.889 33.4908 1840.......................... 8,688532 8380,921 307,611 17,069,453 4.203,433 32.6708 1850................ 11837,661 11,354215 483,446 23,191,876 6,122,423 35.8677 Total increase of all classes in' 60 years............................................19,262049 490.1500 4. Age.-The table on page 102 will exhibit the total number of persons of each age in the United States in 1850. and separated by party walls, and in which the occupant has the exclusive use of the entrance hall and stairs. In Scotland, the flats containing as many habitations as stories, entered by common stairs, have generally, until 1851 been considered as separate houses. In that year the English rule was applied to them. In Great Britain the family includes those who use the same kitchen and board together. A lodger who does not board in the house in which he lived, is considered a family. In 1851 " occupier" was substituted for "a family," defined to be, 1st, a resident owner, or 2nd, a person who had paid rent, whether (3d) as a lodger for any distinct apartment, or floor, or the whole house. The rule, however, was not adhered to, and family in that census corresponds with the previous one. Of 67,609 families in England in 1837, taken in order, 41,916 were under the head of " husband and wife," 10,854 under" widow or widower," 14,399 under "bachelor or spinster." Of 42,203 having at head "husband and wife," 11,947 had no children, 8,750 one child each, 7,376 two children, 5,611 three children, 4,027 four children, 2,348 five children, 1,276 six children, 573 seven children, 210 eight, 66 nine, 14 ten, 5 eleven, and 1 twelve children. In 2,017 public institutions or families, there were 295,856 persons, to wit: barracks, 53,933; workhouses, 131,581; prisons, males 24,593, females 6,366, total, 30,959; lunatic asylums, 21,004; hospitals, 11,647; asylums and other charitable institutions, 46,731. * A writer in the American Journal of the Medical Sciences for July, 1854, remarks that nine nlonths after the prevalence of cholera in Philadelphia there was a remarkable diminution in the proportion of male births, and that subsequent investigations lead to the conclusion that disease, exhausting labor, meagre diet, impure air, intemperance, and other social evils exert depressing influences upon the number of msale births. He adds his belief that all measures tending to promote the health and welfare of a population, whilst serving immediatelv to increase its capacities for profitable labor, tend also to promote the multiplication of the male'sex. Thus in England, the excess of male births, is but 5 per cent.; in France and Prussia, 6 per cent.; in Philadelphia, 7 per cent.; and in Kentucky, by its Registration report, 12 1-2 per cent.; in Massachusetts in the cities and towns, it is but 6 per cent., though reaching 9 per cent. among the agricultural population. Proissor Tucker suggests as a query whether the preponderance of male births be an original provision, or whether the greater vitality of that sex is not the cause of a less number being still-born or perishing in delivery. TABLE CIII. —Aggregate NuVmber in the United States of all Classes at each Age, 1850. STATES AND Under I I and 5 and 10 and 15 and 20 and 30 and 40 and 50 and 60 and 70 and 80 and 90 and 100, and Un- AAggregate TERRITORIES. year. under 5. under10. under 15. under20. under30. under 40. under 50. under 60. under 70. under 80. under 90. under 100. upwards. known. population California 273 1,68 2,100 1,978 5,532 46,770 22,714 8,103 2,247 46 85 23 8...673 92 597 Columbia, Dist.. 1319 5,428 6,731 6,110 5,606 9,965 6, 944 4,56 2,844 1,433 531 186 30 7 18 51,687 H Conncticut. 7,646 32,808 39,190 38,715 38,771 71,831 50,413 36:848 25,787 16,694 8,602 2,889 323 10 2G 370 792 Delaware.... 2,554 10,899 13,071 11,700 10,14 15,94 11,208 7,488 4,491 2,484 1,101 279 54 9 58 (1,5I52 Florida....... 2,236 12,371 13, 380 104,955 8,891 16,186 10,609 56,24 3,815 1,834 598 - 181 62 36 45 87,445 Georgia........ 24858 129939.141835 126715 103837 1.57429 93,479 61532 34,321 20,950 7684 2,547 95 221 243 06185 Illinois......... 26,681 115,479 130,652 113,515 93,275 151,128 103,058 62,486 34,123 14,548 4,638 958 118 181 795 851,470 Indiana... 32,296 135,416 157,714 134,275 111,9 169018 108,419 67,994 42,602 19,531 6,872 1,699 289 32 334 988,416 Iowa......6... 28,191 31,016 20,1 32420 24,105 1778 7, 1.5 2,88 834 16 24 1 54 92,: 2145 Louisiana:...... 12,232 61,202 65,458 57,328 47,770 108,224 8544 46,251 1,188 9,745 3145 941 55 171.1 /,72 Maine.......... 13.995 61,781 74,453 71,743 67,025 99,995 69,731 51,355 35,194 20, 782 10,495 3,455 332 7 13 8290 583 19890 Maryland....... 16482 69,162 78,29 72,37 61,748 10, 25 74,531 458,893 29,581 16,45 6959 2,057 447 1314 18.83, 0391 Massachusetts. 23,192 90,853 102, 797. 98,024 105, 741 210, 997 143,931 9,216 60254 33 17936 5,820 61 19 1.24 994 Michigan.... 10898 49143 59,576 49,786 42,663 69,201 51,55-2 34,443 18,186 8,631 2,816 560 67 9 1 397 654 H Missisippi 1608 88.975 94355 81 780 65784 110890 70,927 40159 20,717 11,121 3,40 994 238 140 4 60 525 Missouri....... 22331 93,947 105176 92344 75,537 125,334 80,372 47,054 24,702 1(,705 3,369 831 142 45 1 682. 014 New Hanmpshire 6,111 52,952 34,264 34,314 35,781 57.265 39.847 3-2,334 23,72 15,3 8,480 3,0067 406 12 52 317,976 New Jersey.... 13.5 56 54 828 63, 761 58049 52, 424 89475 62,096 42 578 7,21 5, 874 6.982,189 252 175,55 New York..... 76337 327093 377,605 342 651 333,329 627;044 421,505 278,311 187,259 91,369 39,834 11,8571 1,399 88 1713 3097,1 94 North Carolina. 24,734 117,384 131,341 117,592 96,505 147, 929 91,.531 61,1(08 41,849 23,518 10,812 3,610 727 249 150 o869,039 Z Ohio........... 56884 253,442 291,286 254 921 221060 351,931 230,597 152,213 89,974 51 20,222 511 606 58 626 1 0 9 Pennsylvania... 64:331 281,0568 318,2286 277,91 246,628 426,633 284, 383 lt2:. 0 19 9 117,531 65,572 27,711 7,651 823 7,5 15 2 2,31 1, 786 Rhode slnd... 61.0 14106 15,591 15086 15316 30,576 21,122 14,027 8, 923 5,574 2.651 849 94 3 1 147.545 South Carolina. 15,801 91,417 97,184 87,976 73,548 113.942 75,437 49,46 31,663 18,652 7,522 2,434 586 206 2673 668,507 Tennessee..... 30151 140117 157,608 3.42,257 118,260 17 351 101250 65,579 40,48 21,255 9483 2,976 572 14 24 1,002 717 Texas..........,6194 30,594 32,549 28,089 22,568 40107 26,096 14,969 7,319 2,791 793 2921 49 3 214!212,592 Vermont....... 6,594 31,055 38153 36168 34326 53,253 39,117 31142 21,12 13.383 7,093 2,400 259 10 38 314,120 Virginia........ 36308 184163 208,260 190, 96 153,511 241,473 157164 111,077 70,597 41693 18,535 5.981 1,29 389 385 1,41,661 Wisconsin.... 10 424 40,948 42,279 34,008 28,793 58,425 44,856 24,816 13,229 5,550 1,543 307 192 19 305,391 - rMinnesota 168 7.51 721 56 462 73 979 425 182 62 2052 5....6,077.. J N. Mexico 1,233 7,56 8,727 7,027 7,021 12604 7.250 4,392,872 1,694 57 319 87 40 143 61,547 C Oregon... 310 1,778 1873 429 1,223 30 1,91 886 428 148 21 3 2.......... 65 13,294 e Utahu.... 432,744 1,369 1,374 1,333 2,165 1,364 919 53...........,380 Total........ 629,446 2,868,327 3,241,268,890,29 2,529 792 277318 2,825,8191,8,66,109,40 609,926 57,234 77,3 11,695 2,55 14,2823,191,876 AGGREGATE POPULATION. 103 By Table CIII, the number in infancy, youth, maturity, old age, and extreme old age, will be seen. Those over 100 years of age being only one in about ten thousand of the total population. TABLE CIV.-Ages of the Whole Population. Age. Number. Ratio. Age. Number. Ratio. nder year old............. 69,446 2.71 80 and under 100............. 89,077.39 1 and under 5............. *2,868,327 12.37 100 and over................... 2,555.01 5 20............ 8,661,689 37.35 Age unknown................ 14,285.06 20 " 50.......... 8949,797 38.59 50 " 80.......... 1,976,700 8.52 Aggregate population........23,191;876 100.00 Whilst the slaves have much more than their ratio of the dependent class of 15 and under, and more than their proportion of the whole supported class, including those below 15 and above 60, their ratio of the effective class is less than that either of the whites or free colored. The presumption here is that those in the several conditions under 15 who are industrially engaged, are about equal. The proportion is no doubt much larger among the slaves. The proportion of free colored above 60 is greater than that of the whites or slaves or total. TABLE CV. Whites. Free Colored. Slaves. Aggregate. Age. --- - --- - - - -- --- - - Nuzber. Ratio Number. Ratio Number. Ratio Number. Ratio N_ Nu er. Number..... per et. per et. per ci. per ct. 15 years and under.... 8,002,715 40.93 171,181 39.40 1,455,774 45.43 9,629,670 41.52 Over l5and under 60.. 10,720,175 54.83 238,859 54.97 1,630,095 50.87 12,589,129 54.28 60 and over.......... 819,871 4.19 24,169 5.56 114,752 3.58 958,792 4.14 Unknown ages........ 10307.05 286.07 3,692.12 14,285.06 Totals............. 19,553,068 100.00 434,495 100.00 3,204,313 100.00 23,191,876 100.00 60 and over........... t74,585 0.381 3,820 0.887 13,227 0.413 91,632 0.395 100 and over........ 787 0.004 343 0.079 1,425 0.044 2,555 0.011 The average age of the different classes of population in 1850, and the age which divides the whole number of each about equally are given below. The results are sufficiently curious. In 1790 and 1800 the age of 16 nearly divided the whites. The average age of the slaves shows most favorably and that of the free colored least. TABLE CVI. —Average Age of Whites, Free Colored and Slaves, 1850. Classes. Average age. Age eqally dividing population. Whites...................... 23.10 19.15 Free Colored............... 24.54 20.27 Slaves..................... 21.35 17.02 Slaves ~.... O o e e.21.35 17.02 Aggregate................. 22.89 18.87 * Under 10, 1830, 4,224,870; 32.84 per cent.; 1840, 5,440,470, 31.87 per cent.; 1850, 6,739,041, 29.06 per cent.; 100 and over, 1830, 2,618,.02 per cent.; 1840, 2,773,.02 per cent.; 1850, 2.555,.01 per cent. t The number of persons living in the United States who were here when the Declaration of Independence was signed, cannot much exceed 20,000. It must consist of those now over 75 years of age, less the number of persons who have come into the country since 1775 and have now reached that age. By the tables of survivorship a nearer approximation may be obtained. 104 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE CVII.-Specific Ages of the People of the United States. ta ~i 12 ai3. - 2 Under Y4 124 110,985 24 544 431,164 51.... 142 92,183 78....... 33 14,717 Y" ) 193 172,681 25 578 458,115 52.... 179 116,186 79....... 28 12,495 %4 232 207,550 26 490 388.383 53.... 152 98,665 80....... 41 17,957 1 155 138,701 27 435 344,808 54.... 131 85,042 81....... 39 17,087 1.... 839 711,470 28 503 398,682 55.... 173 112,295 82....... 16 7,026 2.. 876 742,851 29 352 279,037 56.... 183 118,778 83....... 15 6,588 3.'....... 856 725,891 30 630 487,053 57.... 122 79,225 84....... 21 9,211 4... 812 688,588 31 280 216,533 58..., 122 79,205 85....... 14 6,158 5...... 853 680.831 32 392 303,095 59.... 109 70.767 86....... 9 3,965 6.. 816 650,833 33 359 277,597 60.... 237 135,893 87....... 13 5,719 7........ 807 643,911 34 313 242,039 61.... 70 40,162 88....... 2 912 8.... 849 677,755 35 424 328,217 62. 98 56,207 89 7 3,109 9.... 738 588.533 36 310 240,110 63.... 116 66,529 90....... 8 2,873 10........ 826 662,676 37 292 226,196 64.... 102 58,507 91....... 2 743 11........ 673 539,958 38 359 277,984 65.... 131 75.129 92....... 7 2,519 12...Age. 742 595299 39 297 30058 Age66. 75 43032 93. 5 80 13..nder 641 514,296 40.... 44 431164 51 2, 67.... 74 4,455 94. 2 743 14........ 722 579264 41 45189 138,019 68. 87 49,908 95....... 3 1,098 15....... 63 07 496,246 42 49250 182400 6953.... 74 42,455 96....... 1 389 16........ 680 53,915 43 224 163,485 70.... 1312 54, 0330 97....... 2 74 08 17.. 619 486,035 44 206 150,387 71.... 51 22.733 98. 16.3089 18........ 691 542,549 45.... 357 26079253 72.... 7180 3 1186 99 83...... 2 743 19........ 81601 471,910 4631.... 28015 16,9 533 73.... 75 33,415 100& over...... 1555 20........ 665 527,054 47 18... 135,103 095 74.... 58 95,848 21........ 582 461,28 48 202 147,479 75.... 53 7 1325 Totalpopu lation. 23191,876 22........ 609 482,683 49 213 155,479 76... 45 20,064 23........ 7640 507,242 50299 397 257,634 77. 43 19,171 80 5. Births, Marriages and Deaths.-The ratio of Births, in the table on anoter page, shows 2.2 74 in the Union to every 100 free persons, or one birth to every thirty-six persons, or very nearly the same number that is given in the Massachusetts Registry reports for that State on the average of the years 1849-51, yet the Census shows for Massachusetts but one birth to every 42 persons in 1850. In Great Britain for the five years 1839-43, the average was one birth to 1 persons, in France one in 35 in Russia one in 36, in Prussia and Austria one in 26, in Boston one in 27. Correctin the number of births, by reference as explained before to the mortality tables, &c., the averathse for the United States would be about one birth to ev on another pons, a number intermediate oetween that of France and Great Britain, whilst without doubt it should' be greater than either. The ratio of Marriages is very nearly one person maor one birt ed to every two hundred persons, varying between the States from one to 316 as in Delaware, one to 150 as in New Mexico, or one to 192 as in Massachusetts, a sufficient proof of the incompleteness of the returns. The Massachusetts Registry for 1849-51 gives one in 102 for the State, and in Boston one in 64. In England there is one marriage to every 130 inhabitants, in France and Austria one in 1n o23, in Prussia one in 110. The actual proportion in the United Sttes cannot differ much from that of Massachusetts, and is no doubt larger. The number returned as married is twice the number of marriages less those who have married and diedf or removed in the year, not taken into account. It will be seen by the table which follows, that there is but one death reported eve r33 pe a n ery seventy-two persons in the Union, and that for the States the ratio varies from onet in 283 as in Oreton, to one in 102, as in California or one in 44 as in Louisiana. The M exiassachu setts reports show for 1849-50-51 one in fifty-three against one in fifty-one in the censusa near approximation. * The ages which were returned in the census "unknown," are disposed of in something like the following manner. One-tenth to the class under 10 years; one-tenth to those between 10 and 20; one-tenth to those between 20 and on; five and a half-tents to those between 35 and 50, as in this class they are f r more apt tom that of ssane-tenth between 50 and 80is; one-twentieth to those between 80 and 100. In the 30,131 ascertaine cases, thnumberre 283 mulattoes, of whom only five excemarried 61 years of age, or 1removed in 56. Out of 974 blacks, 34 exceeded that age, or 1 in 28. Of 28,874 whites, 1,475 or 1 in 19 exceeded the same age. No white exceeaked 100,into and only 23 exceeded 90. No mulatto exceeded 77, though two blacks were 78; four 80; two 85 one 88; one 91; one 120. The proportion of mulattoes and blacks under 10 was very nearly if not quite equal, being about 30 per cent., and the whites about 27 per cent. of the whole. The preponderance of those at the ages 10, 15,, 25, 30, &c. is notable; evidencing that approximations assume round numbers, in 102 a disposition exists with persons also to assume them in returning their ages. The same will be found in the French Census of 1851, which gave a total of 35,783,170, of whom 29,634 were unknown. Under 1 year, 655,271; of 4 years, 642,381; 5 years, 653,830; 6 years, 673,74; on10 years, 661,359; 19 years, 578,956; 20 years, 618,230; 21, 555,893; 29, 495,711; 30, 690,638; 31, 467,219; 39, 420 327; 40, 665,939; 41between 20 and 356,354; 50,five and a half-tenths to those between51, 357,216; 59,237,137; 60, 403,655; 61, 219,118 70 cla21ss they954; 80, 62,794; 90 525occur7; 95, 1,228 100,180; over 100,102. 90, 5~57; 95, 1,228; 100, 180; over 100, 102. AGGREGATE POPULATION. 105 TABLE CVIII.-Total Deaths in each State and Ratio to Population. DEATHS. DEATHS. STATES AND TERRITORIES. STATES AND TERRITORIES. Number. Ratio. Number. Ratio. Alabama....................... 9,103 1.18 New Hampshire................. 4,231 1.33 Arkansas.................. 3, 021 1.44 New Jersey...................... 6,465 1.32 California...................... 905.98 New York....................... 45,584 1.47 Columbia, District of.......... 846 1.63 North Carolina.................. 10,357 1.19 Connecticut..................... 5,781 1.56 Ohio..................... 28,949 1.46 Delaware....................... 1,209 1.32 Pennsylvania............ 28,551 1.24 Florida......................... 931 1.06 Rhode Island................... 2,241 1.52 Georgia......................... 09 South Carolina.................. 8,046 1.20 Illinois......................... 11,619 1.36 Tennessee.....11,874 1.18 Indiana.................. 12,808 1.30 Texas.................. 3,096 1.46 Iowa........................ 2,044 1.06 Vermont....................... 3,129 1.00 Kentucky..................... 15,033 1.53 Virginia........................ 19,059 1.34 Louisiana.................... 11,956 2.31 Wisconsin.................... 2903.95 Maine........................... 7,582 1.30 f Minnesota........ 3 49 Maryland...................... 9621 1.65 New Mexico............... 1,157 1.88 Massachusetts................... 19,404 1.95 Oregon...................... 47.35 M ichigan........................ 4,515 1.14 E Utah....................... 239 2.10 Mississippi...................... 8, 721.44. Missouri....................... 12,292 1.80 Total.................... 323, 272 1.39 The true number of Deaths in the Union for 1850, considering it a sickly year, could not have fallen short of one in every fifty persons for all classes, which would swell the total deaths of the census from 323,272 to 463,839. The Registration Reports of Massachusetts have been published annually for twelve years, and now assume this form: Births. Marriages. Deaths. Counties X l| Sex. Parentage.. Nativity. Sex. a Age. E M. F. U. | Amer. For. U. c M.' F. U.. Age- A - Other tables show the months of Births, Marriages and Deaths, distinguishing plural births and still-born, the native and the foreign, and whether the marriage'was the first for both parties,-the first for one, the male,-the second or subsequent for the female, the second for the male, and the first for the female, the subsequent for both parties, &c. The deaths are shown by counties, male and female, and by months and also by ages and by sex. number. Ages. Ur U, >h or n i Saex s t ibrent i h f seasre s c-sfirst ol c M 0 aO a 00 F -- ------ -- ---------------- Males...... Females... In 1851 the still-born, not included in the detail, numbered 52(. The deaths are published by counties in twelve classes, and the results for twelve years compared. The average ages of the different professions dying, are also classified; as for example, agriculturists, laborers, mechanics, merchants, paupers, professional men, public men, seamen, females, &c. The English system of registration was established in 1836, and annual reports have been regularly published. They are considered to be so accurate that it is said " the marriage returns point out periods of prosperity little less distinctly than the funds measure the hopes and fears of the money market." In Massachusetts the system was organized in 1842, in New York in 184Z, the first report being published in 1848; in New Jersey, 1848-51; in Connecticut in 1848, and three reports are published; in New Hampshire in 1849-51; in Pennsylvania and Kentucky in 1852. The reports of most of these States have been compared, andes they resemble generally those of Massachusetts, which are especially admirable. It 106 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. would be well if the tables for the several States followed one uniform standard. Those which are named are the only States, it is believed, that have registry systems in operation, although others are preparing to follow. In Louisiana an unsuccessful experiment was made. The matter is now before the legislature of South Carolina. The National Medical Convention has frequently and earnestly recommended registration systems to all of the States. In many of the large cities there are annual reports of diseases and deaths made up by the Boards of Health, which embody a vast amount of valuable statistical matter. Those for Charleston, Savannah, New Orleans, Mobile, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, have been collected in the office.' Dr. E. H. Barton, of New Orleans. in a report to the American Medical Association in 1852, has analyzed with great care the mortality returns of the Census for the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas and Texas, illustrating them with many most interesting sanitary charts and maps. He has subsequently been pursuing the subject, associated with Dr. Axson and others, with characteristic zeal, at the instance of the municipal authorities of the city. Dr. Barton admits the imperfections of the returns, but thinks them valuable, notwithstanding, for reference, and that they are much nearer correct in the country than in the cities. Ilis totals of deaths differ slightly from those in the Census which were afterwards corrected. TABLE CIX.-Comparative Mortality. DISEASES. ~' _ " c|,. e g 2 e,/ Population....................... 81,347 180,000 188,198 3,208 517,739 209,651 592,853 187,403 583 034 Mortality per cent. to population..4.19 31.24 28.11 64.21 21.49 14.34 14.62 15.2 16.85 A. Zymotic...................... 13.18 5.18 7.12 11.53 10.17 6.01 6.04 6.28 5.65 B. Sporadic...................... 20.,5 21.10 20.20 38.96 6.45 5.29 5.25 4.18 6.47 C. External..................... 2.45 1.08.76 1.37 1.68.78 1.34 1.7.74 I. Epidemic............ 11.82 4.67 6.62 11.53 7.33 4.96 4.80 5.96 4.19. Endemic............. II. Monoxysmal........... 1.40 IV. Variable............... 2.81 3.00 3.66 1.01.76 9.53 V. Nervous.................. 4.42 3.. 11.53 1.6 0.3. 80.98.95 1.55 VI. Respiratory.............. 6.09 5.83 9.41 14.33 1.31 1.88 1.63 1.83 2.29 VII. Circulatory............... VIII. Digestive............... 3.49 7.11 6.64 4.39.60 1.90 IX. Urinary.................. 07.. 03.0 XIII. Integumentary...........01.09.12.......01.........03.02..01 XIV. Old age................... XV. Stillborn................ 1.58.17...... XVI. Casualties................ XVII. Exopathic................36.66.57 XVIII. Esopathic.................19......... XIX. Treatment................01............................................. * Mr. Shattuck who prepared the Report in 1850 of the Commissioners appointed by the legislature of Massachusetts, under a resolution relating to a sanitary survey of that State, introduces twelve considerations upon the subject of vital statistics, too valuable and instructive to be omitied in this place. " The following principles may be considered as settled; though we have not space in this connection to illustrate them fully. They should govern all those who make sanitary surveys of different places or populations. " 1st. That a uniform law of mortality exists, which destroys more persons at one age than at another, in all other circumstances exactly similar, and that this is modified in its operation in a healthy and in an unhealthy locality, only by its being less stringently regarded in the one than in the other. "2nd. That the generative power and ability to produce a healthy child at marriage, and the number of married persons living in the procreative ages, combined with other personal circumstances; and hence arises the sanitary importance of ascertaining in a census, as a characteristic of the population, the number of the married at different ages, and of recording each marriage and the age at marriage. " 3d. That when the number of births is great, the number of deaths is proportionally great, and the average age at death proportionally low; and that an excessive production of life is one of the causes, not consequences of great mortality; and hence the number of births is a necessary element in estimating the sanitary condition of a population. "4th. That the average age at death, as well as the aggregate number of a population out of the whole of which one dies annually, though interesting as a characteristic of the population, is a fallacious test of its sanitary condition; and cannot be employed alone, for that purpose, without leading to serious errors. It can be applied as an accurate test only when the ages of the living inhabitants compared, are alike. "5th. That selecting a class of the population, such as the professional men, the tradesmen, the laborers, the rich or the poor, and giving their average age, or the average number of years of life that either live, less than the others, or that either lose more than the others, as a test of the sanitary condition of the class, may mislead the inquirer, and cannot be relied upon-as an accurate test. " 6th. That the information concerning the rate of mortality supposed to have prevailed in past ages, when the calculations have been made upon the erroneous basis mentioned in the last two conclusions, cannot be taken as an exact test for comparison with the present age, without some -allowance of error. Few observations concerning the living or the dead were made with accuracy in the olden times. "7th. That the only accurate tests of measurement for one place, are those founded on a joint comparison of the number of persons living at each age, with the number of deaths at the same age; or for different places, AGGREGATE POPULATION. 107 TABLE CX. —Comparison of South- Western States with Mexico, Havana, Four Rural Districts of Cuba, and Aliaryland, in relation to certain Classes of Disease. io o vl' I.o,, 0 0 0.E N o. o s^ ) o o 7; 2-. " > -. i, > ~ = Louisiana................. 2,999 25.10 685 5.73 987 8.26 1,861 15.57 1,633 13.66 11,948 517,739 Mississippi............... 576 6.60 320 3.67 1,248 14.21 1.060 12.16 586 6.72 8.7111606,555 Arkansas........... 232 7.61 129 4.261 267 8.83 540 17.86 169 5.59 3,02 209, 639 Texas.................... 286 9.24 108 3.49 237 7.66 626 20.22 179 5.78 3,096212.592 Mexico............................... 296 5.26 757 13.46 826 14.68 659 11.71 5,6241180,000 Havana............................. 1,357 28.61 415 7.83 1,076 20.46 942 17.82 5,297[188,198 Four Rural Districts of Cuba........... 238 12.14 174 8.88 130 6.63 475 24.28 1,959 78,195 M aryland..................................................... 905 9.23 9,804 583,034 New Orleands in..................: 321 9.51 174 5 15 594 17.60 350 10.37 3375 8137 New Orleans in 184'.......37 a comparison of the same facts regarding the population of the same ages in both places; or the same population in two places, supposing it to be removed from one place to the other. "8th. That in estimating the effects of immigration on the sanitary condition of a population, the difference both between the ages of those who come in and those who go out, and the ages of the pernanent population must always be considered. Other circumstances being equal, a difference in this respect will produce a different rate of the whole mortality. " 9th. The same joint comparison should be made separately of the ages of the living and the ages at death of all who die, by each disease; in each season of the year; of each sex; of each occupation; and of those characterized by other circumstances. The number as influenced by either of these circumstances, will be increased or diminished in proportion as more or less are found of one age more than of another. For this purpose a variety of tables might be constructed to exhibit the facts in condensed forms. i" 10. That an accurate enumeration of the number, ages, &c., birth, every marriage, and every death, with all the information desired relating to each, are absolutely essential as the foundation of every estimation of the sanitary condition of a population; and a sanitary survey, where this is wanting, can be of little value. "11 th. That for all practical purposes, as means of comparison, the living and the dead may be divided as to the ages, into decennial periods, or periods of ten years each, for those over twenty; into quinquennial periods, or periods of five years each, for those under twenty, and into each year of life for those under five (years. This admirable division has been adopted in England. For special purposes three divisions should be made: of those under 15, of those between 15 and 60, and of those over 60, as the dependent the productive, and the aged classes. The division sometimes made between those under 20, and over 20, as "boys and girls," and "men and women;" or as "children and adults," is indefinite, unmeaning, and useless; as are also the ages 4, 8, 14, 16, 21 and 45, which have been sometimes used as dividing points. i "12th. That to secure such uniformity at different places and at different times, in the abstracts of the facts concerning the living inhabitants, and the dead, that each may be accurately compared together, both should be made under the superintendence of one agency, and that agency should be the General Board of Health." 5 Table of Births, Marr'ies and Deaths in England and Wales. PERSONS. MALES. FEMALES. YEARS. - Marriages. Births. Deaths. Births. Deaths. Births. Deaths. 1841.............. 512 158 343,847 262,714 174,198 249,444 169,649 122.496 1842............ 517,739 349,519 265,204 176,594 252,535 172,925 118,825 1843............. 527,325 346,445 270,577 175 721 256,748 170,724 123.818 1844.............. 540 763 356,933 277,436 181,126 263,327 175,807 1.32,249 1845............. 543,521 349 366 278,418 177 529 265 103 171,837 143,743 1846.............. 572.625 390,315 293.146 198 325 279,479 191,990 145,664 1847............. 539 965 423,304 275,658 214,375 264,307 208,929 335.845 1848.............. 563 059 399,833 288 346 202, 949 274,713 196,851 138,230 1849.............. 578,159 440,853 295,158 221,801 283,001 219,052 141,599 1850.............. 593,422 368,986 302 834 186,459 290,588 182, 527............ Number and centesimal proportions of deaths at different ages that occurred in England in the; seven years from 1838 to 1844. Under 5 years, 964,807, 39.66 per cent.; 5 years and under 10 years, 121,562, 4.99 per cent.; 10 years and under 15 years, 63,690, 2.62 per cent.; 15 years and under 25 years, 179,985, 7.40 per cent.; 25 years and under 35 years, 169,670, 6.97 per cent.; 35 years and under 45 years, 154,524, 6.35 per cent.; 45 years and under 55 years, 147,727, 6.07 per cent.; 55years and under 65 years, 171,814, 7.06 per cent.; 65 years and under 75 years, 210,565, 8.66 per cent.; 75 years and under 85 years, 182,941, 7.52 per cent.; 85 years and under 95 years, 60,664, 2.50 per cent.; 95 years and upwards, 4,839, 0.20 per cent.; ages unknown, 3,860. Total, 2,436,648, 100.00 per cent The estimated proportions of deaths in the course of the preceding century, were: in 1700, one in 39 4-5; 1710, one in 361-10; 1720, one in 35*; 1730, one in 311-10; 1740, one in 351-5; 1750, one in 40 2-5; 1760, one in 414-5; 1770, one in 41 1-5; 1780, one in 41i; 1785, one in 414; 1790, one in 451-5; 1795, one in 471-5; RO9, one in 47*. The following exhibits the proportion of annual deaths to the whole population of certain European countries: Norway, one in 54; Sweden, one in 41J; Russia, one in 25 92-100; Denmark, one in 40; Mecklenburg, one 108 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. Should the mortality statistics of the Census be printed, (and they have been asked for by medical men, societies and associations in every part of the Union,) some very useful deductions could be made from them. The returns are sufficient to frame tables similar in 46%; Saxony, one in 341; Wurtemburg, one in 31,; North Holland, one in 30 6-10; Belgium, one in 43; France, one in 396-10; Azores, one in 48; Genoa, one in 28 4-7. Number and centesimal proportions of deaths of different ages that occurred in Ireland during 10 years, between June 6th, 1831, and June 6th, 1841. Births to 1 year, 269,199, 23.38 per cent.; 2 to 5 years, 165,918, 14.41 per cent.; 6 to 10 years, 58,272, 5.06 per cent.; 11 to 20 years, 83,259, 7.23 per cent.; 21 to 30 years, 101,518, 8.82 per cent.; 31 to 40 years, 86.585, 7.52 per cent.; 41 to 50 years, 82,537, 7.17 per cent.; 51 to 60 years, 108,518, 9.43 per cent.; 61 to 70 years, 89,507, 7.77 per cent.; 71 to 80 years, 69,997, 6.08 per cent.; 81 to 90 years, 27,579, 2.40 per cent.; 91 to 100 years, 8,365, 0.73 per cent.; ages not specified, 36,120. Total, 1,187,374, 100.00 per cent. In connection with the mortality statistics of this report, and with a view to their comparison more fully with those prepared and published annually in the several large cities, the following statistics are appended. In Boston, according to the report of the Sanitary Commission, the number of deaths of persons under five years of age during a period of nine years, was 11,705, being nine per cent. annually of the total population of that age; of persons aged from five to ten years, 1,312 or 1.28 per cent.; from ten to 15 years, 633, or 0.72 per cent.; from fifteen to twenty, 738, or 0.74 per cent.; from twenty to thirty, 3,303, or 1.24 per cent.; from thirty to forty, 2,917, or 1.62 per cent.; from forty to fifty, 1,948, or 2.15 per cent.; from fifty to sixty, 1,273, or 2.97 per cent.; from sixty to seventy, 1,057, or 4.75 per cent.; from seventy to eighty, 787, or 9.78 per cent.; from eighty to ninety, 379, or 19.04 per cent.; over ninety, 75, or 29.64 per cent.; those of all ages, 26,127, or 2.53 per cent.. In Newe York, according to the annual report of the City Inspector, there were in 1853, 22,702 deaths, of which 12,230 were males, and 10,472 females. Those of foreign birth were 7,104. Of the age of one year and under, there were 7,724 deaths; of one to two years, 2,942; of two to five, 2,297; of five to ten, 771; of ten to twenty, 854; of twenty to thirty, 2,441; of thirty to forty, 2,037; of forty to fifty, 1,413; of fifty to sixty, 866; of sixty to seventy, 671; of seventy to eighty, 439; of eighty to ninety, 140; of ninety to one hundred, 34; of one hundred and over, 2'; ages unknown, 51. Ratio of Deaths to the Total Mortality in each Decade of Life in New York. AGE. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. Birth to 10.................... 1 to 1.601 to 1.451 to 1.571 to 1.551 to 1.671 to 3.861 to 1.65 10 " 20.................... " 24.43 " 24.54 " 22.04 " 27.00 " 25.50 " 26.93 " 26.58 20 " 30.................... 8.10 "c 8.16 " 8.16 " 9.59 " 8.70 " 9.89 " 9.30 30, 40.................. " 8.61 " 8.60 " 7.79 " 10.61 " 10.50 " 10.78 " 11.14 40 " 50.................... " 12.34 " 12.00 " 10.96 " 15.43 " 16.54 " 15.79 " 16.07 50 " 60.................... " 21.16 " 19.32 "' 19.15 " 22.64 ( 23.70 " 24.54 " 25.62 60 ".................... " 26.72 " 28.20 " 25.89 " 31.41 " 35.00 I" 34.34 " 33.83 70 " 80................... " 45.23 " 37.12 " 48.02 " 56.59'" 60.00 ("55.38 " 51.71 80 " 90.................... 103.18 " 74.65 I 105.19 " 94.30 " 123.25 "120.05 "162.16 90 " 100 and upwards....... "451.00 " 469.60 " 552.861 "943.00 (< 710.00 "600.00 "667.71 Unkown................. " 74.16 " 111.25 " 74.00 " 99.25 " 203.75 " 175.61 " 445.13 In Phtiladelphia, according to the Report of the Board of Health for 1850, the total number of deaths during the year was 8,509, of whom 2,557 were under one year of age; 1,055 between one and two years; 930 between two and five; 419 between five and ten; 145 between ten and fifteen; 212 between fifteen and twenty; 1,649 males, and 1,542 females, of twenty and upwards; 460 over seventy. In Baltimore, by the Report of the Board of Health, there were in 1850, 4,576 deaths, of which 411 were still-born; 995 of persons under one year of age; 500 between one and two years; 414 between two and five; 174 between five and ten; 93 between ten and fifteen; 144 between fifteen and twenty; 435 between twenty and thirty; 433 between thirty and forty; 336 between forty and fifty; 195 between fifty and sixty; 207 between sixty and seventy; 152 between seventy and eighty; 59 between eighty and ninety; twenty one between ninety and one hundred, and 7 above one hundred. In Charleston, according to the report of the Board of Health in 1850, there were 216 deaths of white males; of white females, 158; total-white, 374; black males, 225; black females, 257; total black, 482; total deaths, 856. (This was a sickly year.) Of these, 702 were native born; 125 foreign; 29 were born in other States of the Union. The ages were as follows: Ages of Persons Dying in Charleston, 1850. WHITES. BLACKS AND COLORED. AGE. AGE. Males. Females. Males. Females. Under 1.................. 20 23 Under 1.................. 55 63 1 to 5................. 25 30 1 to 5.................. 34 49 5 " 10...............7 510 7...5 10............... 12 9 10 20................. 7 5 10 20................ 18 18 20 " 30......... 31 17 20" 30.................. 16 22 30 " 40............... 36 19 30 40.................. 20 21 40 " 50.................. 34 16 40 50.................. 15 14 50 " 60.................. 19 6 50 60.................. 15 50" 60 19 6 50" 60 18 15 60 70.................. 13 11 60 70................. 18 15 70 " 80.................. 7 14 70" 80............. 12 8 80 (90.................. 3 8 80" 90........ 7 16 90 100................... 1 90 100.............................. 6 100 and over...................... 1 100 and over........................ 1 Total........................... 374 Total........ 482 AGGREGATE POPULATION. 109 to those of Massachusetts, which assimilate to the English. The following arrangement has been adopted for a few of the States, being a combination of such as are in use in different countries. It is unfortunate that, upon the schedules, neither the nativities of the dead nor Mobile.-The following table from Fenner's " Southern Medical Reports" gives the deaths in Mobile during the years 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847 and 1848. fMortality of Mobile. WHITE MALES. WHITE FEMALES. - d ^ M ^ 85 c t' 5 I~ TEARS. 6'* r-, i 1844... 43 15 17 8 44 97 25 8 7 194......... 31310 2 2.. 30 1845. 43 17 7 3-2 37 19113.......2 197 2 21 32 53016 4 7 1 2 1 1 122 1846..... 13 39 22 13 46 41 33 7 4 3.99 22... 0 1861410 5 3 1 1 81 1847..... 29 46 22 10 49 64 3719 5 29.. 1.. 8419 31 25 9241910 6 4.... 1.. 148 " X84 8... S~t~ ~ ~is c. 3] 4591 oooo ~ ^. [oo o |So o o1~ ^ Total of all 1844..... 8 15 2 2 5 5...... 39 7.. 5.2 1 3 2 3.. 23 86 1845..... 326 6 212910 392 1 3.. 3 71 1 14 7 5 9 6 1 3 1.... 49 439 1846..... 12819 6 8 7 486.. 29.. 89 23 3 6 210 24 3 5 1 2.. 61 456 1847..... 121718 8 9 911 6 5 4 1 2.. 102 126 11 7 3 4 6 92 2.... 64 598 1848... 232041 14 9 5 8 4 2 1 1 21 2 9 512 88 1.... 98 832 Total.. 47 96 78 59 45 45 29 2011 5 8 1 470 38685125928272 11910 422.. 295 2611 In New Orleans the Board of Health reported for the year preceding June, 1850, 7,265 deaths against 3,641 reported in the census. The following table will show the ages and color of those dying in 1849 and 1850 at New Orleans. Lafayette has since been incorporated with the city. The deaths in 1850 were regularly returned only in part. About 1,000 were mentioned by the marshal without any particulars, and were not therefore included in the mortality table. Ages of Persons Dying in New Orlenas and Lafayette. 1849. 1850. 1849 and 1850. TAGE. Toal Total. Total. Total. Whites. Colored. Males. Females. Under I month................. 618 530 1,148 899 249 702 446 1 month and uinder 1 year...... 614 803 1,417 1,081 336 769 648 1 year 5 years..... 903 917 1,820 1,427 593 954 866 15 cc < 20 IC 509 ( 2 20 " " 30 "...... 1,991 1,342 3,333 2,990 343 2,345 988 30 " "C 40 "...... 1,603 1, 19 2,795 2,529 266 2,035 760 40 " " 50 "...... 833 615 1,448 1,958 190 1,054 [ 394 50" ".... 60 "...... 38 21 391 703 561 149 462 241 60 "c " 70...... 192 191 383 283 100 238 145 70 " " 80 "..... 101 100 201 135 66 91 11n.o 80 " " 90 "...... 48 44 1 92 42 50 35 57 90'" " 100" 9 0...... 20 1 9 3 9 S 0 8 31 Over 100........................ 3 1 4.......... 4 1 3 Age unknown-children & adults *2,481 *1, 358 ----—...... -----. —----- Ae- unon-ch en & adl —t —2 — * Including those of whom the sex and color is also Total......................... 10,661 8,086 unknown. A large part of the mortality of New Orleans is among those who are born in other States or in foreign, countries. This may be seen, in some measure, by the report of the Charity hospital, which shows in 1850, the admission of only 264 Louisianians out of a total of 18,476 admissions! 395 were from New York, 110 from Massachusetts, and among the others, every State in the Union is represented. The total born in the United.States was but 1,774; in foreign countries, 16,596. Of the foreigners, 11,132 were Irish; about 2,500 ] 10 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. of the living population are separated into those born in the county or town of their residence or decease and those born in other parts of the State. Proposed Tabular Form for Publishing the Mortality Statistics of the Censns. Whites. [Free Colored Slaves. Married. Plae f Occupa- Period of | Birth. tion. Sickneos. C Native divided as For- B Mu- B k Mu- t M- Free o' t c ^ d t males and females. eion. latck l atto. l'eCold^S-. *Sc ~i o [5.2~~r.. ^=. | ^ ^I S' S -"'3 a a ~.0 a) = I,.4:. C S CS a, C 525. r.i g. 5 a3 0 5505 3 0 se c. of those who have died, are all very important considerations in the vie of vital statt of t e asc d wh s e C su return t no amt was mae to do so w n te p lain r ls w e bing a a iin t h is1 ggga I I I I |SS a| g g 5&ggC Mg 61 | guishing black from mulatto, the ages, &c opersons married, male and female t aes and sex, &c. of those who have died, are all very important considerations in the view of vital statisticians. Most of these could be ascertained with some labor, from the Census returns, but no attempt was made to do so when the population results were being aggregated in the Germans, and 852 French. The reports of the hospital since 1839 show the following figures. It will be seen that in 1848 11,650 out of 11,945, were persons who had not been three years in New Orleans. The table was prepared by Dr. Simonds. Abstract of the Annual Reports of the Ch7arity Hospital of New Orleans, for the years 1839 to 1850, inclusive. YEARS. d M Go." E _- I ~'I.. 1839............................ 4,833 52 660 3,611 955 4,566 20.90 1840............................ 5041...... 1,231 4 370 619 4,989 12.40 184............................ 4,380 82 1 01 8 3,093 1.156 4,249 27.20 1842............................ 4,404 70 791 3,516'761 4.277 17.80 1843............................ 5013 78 1,146 3,672 1,041 4713 22.00 1.844............................ 5,846 54 966 5,059 713 5.772 12.30 1845...................6......... 6.13 144 1,192 5,446 563 6'009 9.30 1846............................ 8044 110 2,034 7,074 855 7,929 10.80 1847............................ 11890 91 843 9,369 2,037 11;406 17.80 1848.................... 11.945 15 295 10.010 1897 11,907 15.90 1849............................ 15,558 71.......... 12, 133 2 745 14.878 18.40 1850............................ 18,476 53.......... 15,989 1884 17,873 9.98 12 years........................ 101,566............. 83342 15,226 98,58 | 15.44 Dr. Simonds makes the following calculation of the proportion of deaths to 100 persons. In Boston, for 39 ears, from 181.1 to 1849, 2.457 per cent.; in Lowell, for 13 years, from 1836 to 1848, 2.119 per cent.; in New York. for 33 years, from 1807 to 1840, 2.551 per cent.; in Baltimore, for 14 years, from 1836 to 1849, 2.491 per cent.; in Charleston, for 27 years, from 1822 to 1848, 2.482 per cent. for the whites, 2.645 per cent. for the blacks, and 2.579 for all classes; in Savannah, for 8 years, from 1840. to 1847, 4.161 per cent.; in New Orleans, for four and one-half years, from 1.846 to 1850, 8.101 per cent.; in Massachusetts, in 1847 and 1848, 1.59 per cent.; in twelve counties of England, 1.93 per cent.; in twenty-six cities of England, 2.72 per cent.; in London the mean rate is 2.53 per cent.; in Liverpool the mean rate is 3.34 per cent., and in 1850 it was 2.73 per cent.; in Manchester, the mean rate is 3.48 per cent. The estimate for Savannah is calculated upon a small number of year, and must be too high. The same may be said of New Orleans, but deducting cholera, it would be 5.719. Dr. Barton, in Fenner's <" Southern Medical Statistics," Vol. I. p. 85, shows that the proportion dying from all pulmonary diseases is, in Philadelphia, 28.57 per cent.; in New York, 28.08 per cent.; in Havana, 25.07 per cent.; in Boston, 23.97 per cent.; in Baltimore, 23.33 per cent.; in Charleston, 22.73 per cent.; in the city of Mexico, 16.76 per cent.; in Norfolk, Va., 12.78 per cent.; and in New Orleans, 1.3.87 per cent. Another calculation has lately been made of the mortality of the several cities named, from reports running back five to thirty years, showing the following resilts. The figures for New Orleans are too high, as they include years of large mortality. Exclusively of the transient and foreign population, New Orleans will compare favorably with any Western city. In Charleston, the deaths are estimated as one to 48; in Boston, as one to 46; in Philadelphia, one to 45; in Baltimore, one to 43; in Cincinnati, one to 35; in New York, one to 34; in New Orleans one to 19. In Memphis in 1851, there were 717 deaths; in 1852, 705; in 1853, 412. The population in 1853 was 12,000. AGGREGATE POPULATION. 1I1 early history of the office, and it would now be a work of great labor and expense. If the mortality tables are published hereafter, many results of this kind will be incorporated in them. TABLE CXI.-Births, Marriages and Deaths of the White and Free Colored, and their Ratios to the total Populatio-n in 1850. States, &c. g O States, &e. a, A Alabama.........12,265 2.86 3,9400.92 4,411 1.03 New Jersey..... 3,5562.77 3,7190.76 6,454 1.32 Aransas........ 5,4833.36 2,1121.30 2,16011.331 New York....... 76,337 2.46 31.465 102 45.584 1.47 California....... 273 0.29........ 905 0.981 North Carolina.. 16,6482. 87 5,2750.91 6.028 1.04 Columbia, Dist. of 1,2482.60 373 0.78 7891.64 Ohio............ 56,884 2.87 22,328 1.13 28,949 1.46 Connecticut...... 7.64 2.06 3,213 0.87 5,781 1.56 Pennsylvania.... 64,3312. 8 19, 580.86 28.55111.23 Delaware....... 2495 2.80 5640.63 1,188 1.33 Rhode Island... 3,610 2.45 1,327 0.83 2,241 1.52 Florida........... 1322 2.75 4310.89 49111.02 South Carolina.. 6,6072.33 2,0050 71 2,8791.01 Georgia........ 15, 2392.90 4.977 0.95 4.592 0.88 Tennessee...... 23,0903.02 7,872103 7.8251.03 Illinois........... 26,681 3.13 9.183 1.08 11,619 1.36 Texas........... 4,653.09 2.2321.45 2.29 1.44 Indiana....... 32,2963.2712,4231.26 12,8081.29 Vermont...... 6.5942. 10 2,653 0.84 3.129!1.00 Iowa........... 6,099 3.17 1,824 0.95 2,044 1.06 Virginia......... 25,1532.65 8,163 0.86 10,608 1.12 Kentucky....... 23,805 3.09 8,091 11.0510, 840 1.40 Wisconsin...... 10,424 3.41 3,015 0.99 2,903 0.95 Louisiana........ 7,292.67 2,89011.06 6,08312.23 ( Minnesota. 168 2.7 390.64 30 0.49 Maine....... 13,9952.40 4,8860.84 7,582 1.30 J U IN. Mexico. 1.2332.00 9161.4 1,157 1.88 Maryland...... 14, 03 75 81091.65 regon.. 310.2 S* 1681.26 470.35 Massachusetts.... 23192 2.33 10,347 1.04J19,404 1.95 EH Utah...... 4323.80 4043.56 239.11 Michigan........ 10.898 2.74 4 2571.07 4,5151.14 Mississippi....... 8,6872.93 2,7740.93 3,374 1.14 -- - --- __ Missouri......... 19632 3.30 6,989 1.1710.937 1.60 New Hampshire.. 6,111 1.92 2,6130.82 42311.33 Total.......... 548, 8372.75 1970290.99 270,706 1.35 As an evidence of the extraordinary number of marriages of natives of different States, which are shown by the census, it may be stated that in one town in Mississippi, taken at random, out of 548 families the male and female of 225 were from different States, domestic or foreign, 61 were natives of non-slaveholding States intermarried with those of slaveholding, and 58 of natives with foreigners. TABLE CXII.-Marriages of White Persons-Ayes and Nativity of the Parties. Under20. 20 and under 30 and 40 and 60 and up- Totals. 30. under 40. under 60. wards. States. Counties.. --- - * Ma. Agan, B, c a o a a ao 0 C CS Oo Or o Jo ^ 0o o a w t M. 1. F.F5..FF..M - IF F 15. F M. M. F. F. M. M. F. F. M.M. FF.. M. M-F.FA. M. F. F.' A. M. F. |F. Kentucky...Frankin 171 16.. 3Fr n.. I.1 1.. 311 281 61 Louisiana.... PCoupee, Ouachita, Rapides, Plaquemine, E. Feliciana...... 4 1 19 1 ]2413 171 21'4 1 6.10 4 31... 52.19.. 4 10 Michigan..... Allegan, Barry, Branch,Benrien.... 63 5 11920 8711427116 7 513.. 7 1 159 36 16425 384 Ohio......... Erie. I. 29 4 5319 41251211 2.. 50 2 1 1. 2 116321 7332 253 Pennsylvania. Potter and Pike. 3.. 29.. 51 3 28 3 6 1 6 2.. 1 62 4 64 3 133 Rhode Island. Kent, Bristol, & Washington... 5.. 46 6 11416 9713 14..11.18 19 2..1. 15117 16321 352 S. Carolina... Abbeville, Anderson, Barnwell, Beaufort, Charleston, Ma- rion, Marlboro'18.. 146 3 27317 189020371020..;21 2 5 129 1765 I_ _,__II I I I___ IIII I I I I I_____ I_ _ 6. Deaf and Dumb, Blind, Insane and Idiotic.-The aggregate number of persons embraced within all of these classes, by the Census of 1850, was 50,994, being one for every 460 persons, or one deaf and dumb for every 2,365, and one blind for every 2,368. Some years ago, M. Quetelet computed the proportion of deaf and dumb for Belgium, at one in 2,226; in Great Britain, at one in 1,539; in Italy at one in 1,539; and in Europe generally at one in 1,474. For the blind, his proportions were, in Belgium. one in 998; in Prussia, one in 800; in France, one in 1,600; in Saxony, one in 1,666; and in Europe generally, one in 1,000. * In Belgilm, in 1835, there were 1,746 deaf and dumb, of whom 963 were males, and 783 females. There were 3,892 Blind, of whom 2,462 were males, and 1,430 females. The proportion of Deaf and Dumb, to the total population was as 1 to 2,226. The proportion of Blind to the total population was as 1 to 998. Of the 1,746 Deaf and Dumb, 1,376 were afflicted from birth, and 370 by disease or accident; 373 were inhabitants of cities, and 1,373 of rural districts. Of the number of 3,892 Blind, 256 had been blind from birth, 908 were military men, afflicted with an opthalmia peculiar to their profession, and 2,728 blind from other causes. 1,196 were from cities, and 2,696 from rural districts. 112 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE CXIII.-Aggregates of Deaf and Deumb, Blind, Insane and Idiotic, 1850.': -a it STATES AND TERRI-. C Z 3 STATES AND TERRI- d R, TORIES.. ~0 a TORIES. C cc Alabama.. 210 296 233 476 1,215 New Hampshire.... 162 134 378 351 1.025 Arkansas.. 84 92 63 11.5 354 New Jersey........ 189 207 379 419 1.1.94 California.......... 7 1 2 7 17 New York.......... 1,263 1,181 2,521 1,665 6.630 Columbia, District of 19 24 23 13 79 North Carolina..... 471 561 510 794 2.336 Connecticut........404 186 470 287 1,347 Ohio............... 915 642 1,317 1,361 4,235 Delaware.......... 54 39 68 92 253 Pennsylvania....... 1,145 969 1,914 1,467 5.495 Florida........ 24 30 11 36 101 RhodeIsland..... 65 67 217 114'463 Georgia............. 256 37 324 664,611 South Carolina...... 165 298 249 348 1,060 Illinois.............. 356 264 238 363 1,221 Tennessee........... 377 474 407 846 2,104 Indiana............ 537 33 563 938 2,391 Texas............... 59 73 37 104 273 Iowa............... 59 50 42 94 245 Vermont.... 148 140 560 299 1,147 Kentucky.......... 563 552 527 907 2,549 Virginia............ 642 881 970 1,182 3,675 Louisiana...1..... 117 214 200 174 705 Wisconsin........... 69 63 54 94 280 Maine............. 266 198 561 577 1,602 rfMinnesota............ 1 1 2 Maryland........... 261 323 546 391 1,521 5t J; New Mexico.. 34 98 11 44 187 Massachusetts...... 358 463 1,680 791 3,22 Oregon........ 5 4 9 Michigan........... 125 125 133 189 572 - LqUtah..... f........ 2 5 1 8 Mississippi.......... 107 205 129 222 663 - - Missouri............ 282 232 262 357 1,133 Total............. 9,8039,79415,61015,78750,994 By the annexed table, the nativities of the deaf and dumb will be seen, showing that the foreign born, who constitute less than an eighth of the white and free colored, furnish less than one-eleventh of the whole number. Such persons are not likely to be found among the immigrating class. TABLE CXIV. — Natiiti es of Deaf and Dumb, Blind, Insane and Idiotic White and Free Colored, 1850. tDeaf and Dumb.f Blind.t Insane. Idiotic. tStates and Terri- ~ 1 ~ 2 C ~ CI tories.. U M a a.,c S.a a a -.3 a..a 3 CQ I0R~ rt h d c0 aI I0 1 a Alabama.......... 79 69 4 35 119 56 132 6 9 161 169 6 7 856 Arkansas......... 25 54.... 12 63 3 11 45 1 3 30 72.... 3 324 California....... 2 3 2 1...... 1.......... 5 1 1.... 17 Columbia, Dist. of. 10 8 1 7 14 2 9 9 3 1 6 6 1.... 77 Connecticut...... 196 188 18 149 27 4 392 56 19 3 258 15 4 10 1,347 Delaware........ 46 3 3 39..... 51 8 3 6 72 2 4 10'247 Florida........... 7 6.... 1 12 3 7.......... 13 13 2.... 66 Oeorgia.......... 165 4 2 113 108 7 176 107 9 4 395 120 1... 1,249 Illinois.. 15....... 14 19 42 16 39 34 169 29 6 129 208 23 3 1,221 Indiana.......... 313 204 14 8.7 235 25 1 354 43 15 443 439 39 17 2,391 Iowa............ 9 44 5 4 38 8...... 37 5.... 10 77 7.... 245 Kentucky...... 395 113 4 181 242 14 345 127 30 2 640 168 4 4 2,271 Louisiana....... 62 15 8 53 18 20 59 28 61 7 55 35 21 1 444 Maine............ 253 6 6 158 28 1 1 473 52 26 1 o 535 26 12 4 1,602 Maryland......... 208 14 11 238 9 31 366 65 59 31 290 18 10 5 1357 Massachusetts... 279 47 28 361 58 43 1,147 149 321 63 704 47 32 8 3,292 Michigan........ 34 78 11 16 96 12 10 97 22 4 48 119 17 5 572 Mississippi..... 37 42 1 26.85 1 24 75 2 4 59 76 2 1 435 Missouri........ 127 107 23 43 118 29 44 160 44 3 129 177 17 2] 1,033 * Dr. Peet, in the Report of the New York Deaf and Dumb Asylum, argues that the number returned by the census is short of the fact from the unwillingness often of families to confess. Idiots are frequently in popular use called dumb. Many reported deaf, he thinks, are also dumb, and such of them as are under 20 yearts.of age, would in general be subjects for an asylum. The State Census of Alabama for 1850, gives 557 insane of the whites, showing that the idiotic are confounded with them. In fact the distinction in the United States Census between the two classes cannot be considered reliable, and it would be better to class them together as in 1840. The State Census of 1853 of Illinois, gives the names of 500 mutes. t Of the Deaf and Dumb, there were returned as " nativity unknown," one person in each of the States of Arkansas, Iowa, Maine, South Carolina and Wisconsin; two persons in each of the States of Connecticut, Maryland, Michigan and Tennessee; four persons in Massachusetts; five persons in New York; six persons each in Indiana, Missouri and Ohio, and eighty persons in the State of Illinois. t Of the Blind, the nativity was unknown of one person in each of the States of Arkansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and Wisconsin; of two persons each in Kentucky, North Carolina and Virginia; of three persons in Vermont; of four persons each in Alabama, Mis — souri, Ohio and Tennessee; of six persons each in Connecticut and Indiana; of eight in New York and twenty-two in Illinois. AGGREGATE POPULATION. 113 TABLE CXIV.-Continued. Deaf and Dumb. Blind. Insane. Idiotic. States and Terri- ~ G 8 ~ Ohi.....0. 6 3 -0 i h 6 0 5 3 0 84 0 4,3 Pennsylvani. 94 11 8;I' 75 1,8 8 9 459 0 tlo t 0 New Hampshire.. 134 26 2 108 19 7 324 42 11 1 332 18 1.... I 1,025 New Jersey...... 170 12 7 167 24 16 322 23 32 2 382 24 13.... 1,194 New York..... 1,002 120 136 666 296 2fl 1,388 390 642 101 1,328 164 161 12 6.630 North Carolina... 383 9 4 367 27 10 451 16 7 3 617 23 2 1 1,922 Ohio............. 587 263 59 222 344 72 489 568 218 42 853 407 84 17 4,235 Pennsylvania 946 111 88 667 160 141 1,317 227 355 15 1,288 84 91 4 5,495 Rhode Island 54 6 5 55 8 4 189 20 7 1 110 3 1.... 463 South Carolina.... 128 5 2 122 22 19 179 32 17.... 247 5 2.... 782 Tennessee........ 264 69 1 168 217 3 219 154 2 10 559 196 2 4 1,874 Texas........... 14 33 2 17 39 5 4 28 4 1 16 72 4 1 241 Vermont......... 114 2 7 81 45 11 271 260 28 1 246 46 5 2 1,147 Virginia.......... 527 23 3 518 49 13 841 50 20.... 915 59 7... 3;027 Wisconsin....... 7 40 21 4 30 28 30 21 1 3 6 22.... 80 rMinnesota...............1........... 1........I 1.......... 2 N. Mexico.... 34.98...... 11...... 4........ 187 Oregon........................................... 1....3 1 9 I L Utah..................................... 1.... Total.......... 6,726 1,929 497 4,826 2,713 792 9,358 3,521 2,049 3 4910,923 2,961 600 121 47,567 TABLE CXV.-Ratio of ite and Colored Deaf and Dumb, Blind, Idiotic and Insane to total White and Colored Popdlation. Ra-tio of White Deaf Ratio of Colored Ratio of Ratio of co- Mean of 1830, Ratio of White Deaf Deaf and Dumb and white insane lored insane 1840 and 1850. and Dumb and Bind * Blind to total Co- and idiotic to and idiotic to - States and Territo- to totalWhite. red total white. total colored. | 2 ries. 2___ 1830. 1840. 1850. 1830. 1840. 1850. 1840. 1850. 1 840. 1850. 1 4 0 1 ~ 2 as I to as I to as I to as I to as I to as I to as 1 to as I to as I to as I to as I to as I to Alabama............. 1,212 1,171 1,1 1,387 1,678 1715 1,734 1 45 784 2,045 2,091 1,200 1,853 Arkansas............ 1426 1169 1,026 786 2,040 2,650 1,715 995 971 3,180 1,266 1,925 California....................... 11,454................. 1 0,182............ 10 818........ Columbia, District of.. 1,198 2,190 1,186 1,227 1,004 1,250 2,189 1,649 1,865 1,057 1,682 1,281 Connecticut.......... 600 667 635 620 388 427 606 486 185 767 599 477 Delaware........... 1,086 944 975 957 750 1,018 1,126 583 697 536 943 792 Florida.............. 2,298 1,214 1,686 743 2,211 1,548 2,794 1,976 2,211 4,024 1,854 2,148 Georgia.............. 1,006 1,239 1,207 1,319 1,319 2,014 1,387 645 2,117 2,149 1,097 1,760 Illinois............... 1,535 1,959 1,380 596 115 777 2,217 1,417 49 1,359 1,702 580 Indiana.............. 1,501 1,571 1,118 726 210 704 1,394 659 96 563 1,249 460 Iowa.........301 1,760...... 27... 6,132 1.410 47...... 3,151 37 Kentucky............ 1,097 928 822 1,319 869 1,169 742'588 1,053 1,625 835 1,207 Louisiana............ 1,052 2,005 1,659 1,288 3,659 1,482 2,881 1,022 4,310 2,115 1,723 2,57t Maine................ 1,175 1,244 1,256 199 58 1,356 932 514 14 195 1,025 364 Maryland............. 1,032 928 1,014 708 965 959 822 555 1,077 892 869 920 Massachusetts........ 1,272 1,254 1,212 503 223 1,133 605 403 137 378 949 474 Michigan............. 1,567 3,777 1,586...... 117 2,583 5,425 1,242 27 646 2,720 843 Mississippi.......... 1,304 1,673 1,304 1,539 2,026 2,568 1,544 1,27 2,397 2,825 1,459 2,271 Missouri............. 2,125 1,557 1.084 1,425 866 1,500 1,603 1,031 879 2,001 1,524 1,354 New Hampshire...... 1,119 850 1,080 67 44 260 584 436 28 520 814 184 New Jersey.......... 728 1,212 1,286 555 529 707 953 599 297 1,093 956 636 New York............ 1,263 1,242 1,274 360 314 962 1,108 738 258 892 1,124 557 North Carolina....... 1,043 962 720 1,086 1,114 1,196 836 511 1,215 1,423 814 1,207 Ohio................. 1,410 1,613 1,274 638 262 1,149 1,257 738 105 815 1,259 594 Pennsylvania......... 1,062 1,268 1,090 572 326 1,247 860 685 256 638 993 608 Rhode Island....... 836 770 1, 169 298 810 408 520 449 249 334 749 420 South Carolina..... 934 949 967 1,577 1,433 2,200 689 580 2,447 3,177 824 2,167 Tennessee........... 1,539 1,173 1,056 2,248 1,136 1,835 916 666 1,241 2,102 1,070 1,713 Texas............................ 1,400............ 2,662...... 1,185.... 5,324 1,2192 3,993 Vermont.............1,371 1,233 1.095 176 182 359 732 366 58 359 959 226 Virginia.............. 897 842'863 910 809 1,084 706 509 1,299 1,327 763 1,085 Wisconsin.................2,196 2,308.................. 3,844' 2,087 65 317 2,609 191. rMinnesota............ { 3,019............ 3.019.........~ J N. Mexico...... 6....1......742.... 1.8.. I Oregon.1,454...... 1....... Utah............ 5,665.....1,888............ 3,776........ Non Slavehold'g States 1,149 1,30 1,208 452 287 919 982 672 163 709 1,062 506 Slaveholding States... 1,092 1,0 1,012 1,1551 1,187 1,517 944 663 1,555 1,8 21 957 1,446 114 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. The proportions in the several States and Territories, have been calculated in table CXYV For all classes the mean of the last three Census' shows one affected person to every 957 whites in the slaveholding States, and one to 1,060 in the other States; one to every 1,444 colored in the slaveholding States, and one to 503 colored in the non-slaveholding.* 7. Naiitiities.-As before remarked, 2,240,535 white and 4,067 free colored persons are given by the census of 1850 as of foreign birth, and 17,279,875 whites and 428,424 free colored as of native birth. Of the native population, 13,103,650 still reside in, and 4,176,225 reside out of the States in which they were born. The English census is more complete, and separates even those residing in or out of their native counties. Connecticut, South Carolina and Vermont have more than half as many native born residing in other States, as remain at home. North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia, have nearly one-half; Massachusetts, Maryland and New Jersey, about one-third. The largest proportion of foreigners is in Wisconsin and Minnesota being about one-third of the total population. The least proportion is in North Carolina, being one to 229 native born; in South Carolina one to 32; Arkansas one to 98; and in Mississippi, one to 62. TABLE CXVI.-Nativities of the White and Free Colowed Populatinm. 3 a a ~W I I E l i.!s 1. 0 0 States and Terri- S' 1 V ltories.; I I o e l i^;3 ~ 11 t e e I Tat'. - I - I'/- - - -. ~.- cc.. Alabama......... 237,542 83,388 320,930 99,102........ ]82,490 420,032 427,670 428,779 Arkansas....... 63, 206 10,916 74.122 86, 223........ 97,139 160,345 161,973 162,797 California........ 6,602 96 6,698 62,912........ 63 008 69,610 91968 92,597 Columbia, Dist of 24,967 7,269 32,236 10,720........ 17,989 42.956 47,923 48,000 Connecticut..... 292,653 154,891 447,544........ 115,019 39 872 332.525 369,998 370,792 Delaware........ 72,351 31,965 104,316....... 20,348 11,617 83,968 89,179 89,242 Florida.......... 20,563 4,734 25,297 20,023..... 24,757 45,320 48,077 48,135 Georgia.......... 402, 666 122,954 525,620....... 7,541 115,413 518, 079 523,986 524,503 Illinois.......... 343,618 45,889 389,507 347,424........ 393,313 736,931 847,524 851,470 Indiana......... 541,079 92,038 633,117 298,275.......390.313 931,392 985,818 988,416 Iowa............ 50,380 6,358 56;738 113,882........120240 170,620 191,85 192,214 Kentucky........ 601,764 257,643 859.407...... 118,526 139,117 740,881 770.070 771, 424 Louisiana........ 145,474 14,779 160,253 45,668..... 60,447 205,921 272,334 272,53 Maine........... 517,117 67,193 584,310........ 33,181 34,012 551,129 582,585 583,169 Maryland........ 400,594 127,799 528,393...... 89,477 38,322 438,916 492,204 492, 666 Massachusetts... 695,236 199,582 894,818........ 64,752 134,830 830,066 990,975 9q4 514 Michigan. 10..... 140,648 12,409 153,057 188534.. 200,943 341591 396,44 397654 Mississippi...... 140,885 31,588 172,473 118,641..... 150229 291, 14 296,07 296,648 Missouri......... 277,604 37, 824 315,428 205,398........243,22 520826 593,3001 594,622 New Hampshire.. 261,591 109,878 371,469........ 67,242 42,636 304 227 317,798' 317,976 New Jersey...... 385,429 133,381 518,810........ 88369 45,012 430,441 488.805 489,319 New York....... 2,151,196 547,218 2,698,414...... 259,118 288,100 2,439,296 3,091,097 3,097,394 North Carolina... 556, 248 283,077 839,325........ 261,575 21,502 577,750 580, 274 580491 Ohio............ 1,219,432 295,453 1514,885 242,671........ 538,124 1,757,556 1,976,068 1,980,329 Pennsylvania.... 1,844,672 422,055 2,266,727...... 252,108 169,947 2,014,619 2,309,490 2,311,786 Rhode Island.... 102,641 43,300 145,941........ 21,642 21,658 124,299 147,410 147,545 South Carolina.. 262,160 186,479 448,639........ 173,826 12.653 274,813 283,475 283,523 Tennessee....... 585,084 241,606 826,690........ 71,035 170,571 755,655 761,395 763,258 Texas........... 49,160 2,481 51,641 85,412 87,893 137,053 153,827 154,431 Vermont......... 232,086 145,655 377,741..... 96,775 48,880 280,966 313,797 314,120 Virginia....... 872,923 388,059 1,260,982........334,828 53,231 926 154 948,548 949133 Wisconsin....... 63,015 3,775 66,790 131,122........ 134,897 197,912 304,607 305 391 6 M xinnesota. 1,334 1 2 673 4,007 6,055 6 077 *U 2j N. Mexico 58 421 I 14 ~ q^840 59,2 61 4 61,32 547 Oregon. 3,1751 94......1. 8,817 11,992 13,151 13,294 tUtah.....,381J 7,974 9,355 11,34 11,354 The total number of those residing in the States of their birth is 13,624,897; of those residing out of the States of their birth 4,112,681, and the total of those born and resident in the United States is 17,737,578. The total native and foreign population is 19,948,417; the total unknown 39,146; and the total including unknown 19,981,563, excluding slaves. Entering more into detail and giving the specific places of birth for each of the above classes of population, some most interesting facts will be obtained. The tables which are adopted, do not in this case separate the white and free colored, and they are the results of a first examination. If the ages of persons born in and those born out of the State of residence were ascertained, some useful facts bearing upon the value and probability of life would result * Of persons that are at the same time deaf, dumb and blind, there is one each in Massachusetts, Georgia, Florida and Tennessee; two in Ohio, and four in Virginia. Of those deaf and blind there is one each in.South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee; two each in Massachusetts, North Carolina and Florida, and six in Virginia. Of those deaf and idiotic there is one in Virginia and two in Maryland. Of those deaf, dumb and AGGREGATE POPULATION. 115 TABLE CXVII.-Ratio to Total Native.Population of the United States........ _ / I., - SECTIONS. 9 ~ a g y Eastern........ 2,101,32410.51 2,367,932 11.85 241,596 1.21 6, 845.03 9,376.05 196,074.98 Middle......... 4879, 20924.41 48,781.24 5,155,698 25.79 40,857.20 27,146.13 876,414 4.39 Southern....... 2,114,5010.58 2,954.02 31,101.162, 266,088 11.34 425,3352.13 374,385 1.87 South-Western. 1,221,351 6.11 718 2 542.01 19, 086.10 1, 441,2220 7.21 142,543.71 North-Western and Territories 3,308,453 16.55 2,827.01 19,259.10 9,240.05 67,043.343,962,51819.83 i9.0 5 I7,043.34',962 51t 19.83 TABLE CXVIII.-Nativities of the Population of Great Britain, Ireland and the Islands in the British Seas, according to the Census enumeration of 1841. England. Wales. Scotland. Ireland. Islands NATIVITIES. 0 e,.2 -, |51 - o X o. P E —i;:: PI Pc P I. Ca W C a In the native counties........ 12,091,394 80.7 774,393 84.9 1,988,024 75.9 7,735,151 94.6 78.0 Out of native counties........ 2,370,556 15.9 126 328 13.9 451,245 17.2 405,365 5.0.2 English and Welsh born...... 14 461,950 96.6 900 721 9.8 37, 796 1.4 21,552.2 14.5 Scottish born................. 102,065.6 1,173.1 2,439,269 93.2 8.585..9 Irish born.................... 284,128 1.9 5,276.6 126,321 4.8 8,140,516 99.6 2.9 Born in British Colonies1, 17......... 12...... 272.......................... Foreign's & British born abroad 38,628.02 616.1 2,776.1 4,471 1.0 2.2 Not specified................. 107 291.07 3,805.4 13 750 5............ 1.2 Total.................. 14,995,138 911,603 2,620,184 8,175,124 TABLE CXIX.-Free Persons born in to those born out of each Section of the United States. Born and re- Ratio r an Ratio Total SECTIONS residing..... SECTION~S. siding in pr. cent. out of prr cent bo Eastern.......................................... 2,367,932 83.91 453,891 16.09 2,821,823 Middle......................................... 5155,698 83.85 993,198 16.15 6,148,896 Southern...................... 2 266,088 73.10 833,775 26.90 3,099,863 Southwestern..................................... 1,441,220 89.73 164,889 10.27 1,606,109 Northwestern and Territories..................... 3,962,518 97.58 98,369 2.42 4, 060,887 Whilst more than one quarter of the free persons born in the Southern States have left those States for other sections, only one-sixth have left the Eastern or Middle States, only one tenth the Southwestern, and only one-fortieth the Northwestern and the Territories. There are now 726,450 persons living in slaveholding States who are natives of non-slaveholding States, and 232,112 persons living in non-slaveholding States who are natives of slaveholding States. There are 1,866,397 persons of foreign birth in the non-slaveholding States and 378,205 in the slaveholding. idiotic there is one each in North Carolina and South Carolina; two each in Massachusetts, Georgia and Wisconsin; three each in Tennessee, Illinois and Ohio, and seven in Virginia. There is one deaf, dumb, blind and insane person in Virginia. Of those deaf, dumb, blind and idiotic, there is one each in South Carolina and Virginia, and two in North Carolina. Of those deaf, dumb, blind, and insane there is one each in Massachusetts, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Illinois and Ohio, and two in Tennessee. Of those deaf and insane, there is one each in Georgia Tennessee and Illinois, and two in Virginia. Of those dumb and blind, there are four in Ohio; three in Virginia; two in Florida, and one in Tennessee. Of those dumb and idiotic, there are fourteen in Virginia; nine in Georgia; seven in North Carolina; five in Tennessee; four in Illinois; three in Ohio; two in Florida; and one each in Massachusetts and South Carolina. Of those dumb and insane, there are three in South Carolina; two each in Illinois and Ohio, and one each in Virginia and North Carolina. Of those blind and insane there are four in Virginia; three in Tennessee; two each in Massachusetts, Maryland, and Ohio, and one in North Carolina. Of those blind and idiotic, there are eight in Virginia; six in Tennessee; five each in Georgia and Ohio; two each in Massachusetts and Maryland, and one each in North Carolina, Florida and Illinois. There is one person in Ohio blind, deaf and insane. There are five persons in Massachusetts and one in Ohio, who are insane and idiotic. In Massachusetts there is one person idiotic, blind and dumb. TABLE CXX.-Place of Birth of the White and Free Colored Populati ofthe United States, 1850." States and Ter-CZ; d V t ritories. C;) 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 ^ ^ 5 5^ S (S ^ 5 5 ^5oS~ 5) 5) 5 -------- _ _ --- --- --- --- _ _ — ---- --- ---- --- --- ---- _ _- -- _ _- --- ---- ---- ---- ------ O Alabama.......237,542 91 66 612 73 1,060 58,997 114 93 7 2,694 628 215 757 654 3 2,852 158 151 271 H Arkansas... 11,25063,203 6 49 191 51 38 6,367 3,276 2,128 106 7,428 1,096 80 326 174 17 4,463 5,328 49 117 H California 631 350 6,602 86 1,317 305 54 876 9,799 2,077 341 4,690 999 9,700 1,164 4,760 284 772 5,890 904 1,022 r ColumbiaDis. of 45 4... 24,967 135 99 96 67 24 29 1 90 58 87 9,245 331 28 55 28 84 163 53 Connecticut 74............ 50 92,653 58 46 217 80 47 18 41 64 670 265 11,366 89 23 28 795 1,174 H-3 Delaware 4............ 28 50 72,351 4 14 5 19...... 16 4 24 4,360 113 12 6 8 31 1,186 - Florida. 9 2,340 5...... 33 179 920,563 11,316 8 14 87 146 140 194 235 7 92 7 61 83 0 Georgia.... 3,154 25...... 72 712 117 1,103 409,666 41 50 1 458 42 178 703 594 3 184 60 122 331 ~ Illinois. 1,3135 727 3 226 6,899 1,397 23 1,341 343,618 30,953 1,511 49,588 480 3,693 6,898 9,230 2,158 490 7,928 4,288 6,848 Indiana..395 151.. 27 2485 2,737 21 761 4 173541,079 40768,651 391 976 10,177 2,678 1,817 287 1,006 886 7,837 0 Iowa.... 180 163 3 70 1,090 439 51 119 7,247 19,92550,380 8,994 133 713 1,888 1,251 521 138 3,807 580 1,199 ^ Kentucky 792 971.. 176 448 507 30 899 1,649 5,898 59 601,764 671 227 6,470 665 59 657 1,467 2295 1,249 Louisiana. 7,346 803 1 156 469 117 372 5,917 401 414 28 2,968 145,474 816 1,440 1,620 68 10,913 909 247 498 H Maine.......... 6 6 2 28 460 36 24 24 38 5 1 14 21 517,117 113 16,535 19 16 11 13,509 134 Maryland....... 51 14 1 1,940 484 4,373 37 74 54 65 5 131 181 456 400,594 1,421 16 143 86 260 1,321 Massachusetts 71 10 7 196 15,602 90 32 237 165 60 12 75 179 29,507 744 695,236 12 34 58 39,592 778 Michigan....... 19 25 3 45 6,751 368 12 68 496 9,003 59 402 30 1,117 537 8,167 140,648 34 9292,744 5,572 Mississippi.. 34,047 456 1 73 242 67 629 17,506 311 413 7 3,948 2,557 139 791 339 10 140,885 303 100 921 Missouri........ 2,067 2,120 4 938 74-2 518 67 1,254 10,917 12,759 1,366 69,694 746 311 4,953 1,103 995 638 977,604 304 885 Z New Hampshire 13 8 1 14 1,105 10 1 16 31 20 4 11 9 9,635 34 18,495 48 9 1P2261,591 49 New Jersey..... 36 9 3 829 2,105 1,384 17 87 61 61 7 64 83 287 1,400 1,494 66 43 28 301 385,429 g New York 184 20 7 538 66,101 899 135 510 605 417 70 369 563 4,509 3.953 55,773 1,921 164 173 14,519 35,319 North Carolina.. 131 1...... 28 972 96 54 844 23 -==67 3 141 14 68'635 261 2 57 33 26 174 Ohio........ 209 141...... 598 22,855 4,715 17 447 1,415 7,377 378 13,829 648 3,314 36,698 18,763 2,238 422 656 4,891 23,532 Pennsylvania.. 87 10 3 767 9,266 1,552 21 176 333 399 70 497 187 1,157 21,013 7,330 224 101 220 1,775 29,117 ug Rhode Island... 13............ 64 3,976 50 29 68 15 11 9 19 21 768 365 11,888 29 8 13 716 193 H South Carolina.. 225 9 1 30 228 14 55 1,504 6 11...... 73 30 68 320 407 2 60 3 39 182 Tennessee..... 6398 496...... 101 261 95 869 4,863 872 769 30 19,609 961 97 1,554 331 7 9,137 920 64 948 H-3 Texas..........12,040 4,693...... 35 369 61 365 7,639 2,855 1,799 109 5,478 4,472 2926 521 414 125 6,545 5,139 97 905 Vermont........ 11 2...... 5 4,551 1 6 18 34 15 5 7 12 835 23 15,059 86 5 10 19,609 171 Virginia..... 92 150 4 1,184 556 542 26 193 126 988 37 9,029 93 271 10,328 1,193 33 78 923 239 11,447 Wisconsin...... 49 67 33 4,125 141 4 495 5,292 9,773 445 1,499 78 3,295 469 6,285 1,900 35 1,019 2,520 1,566 6fMinnesota 6 11 1 3 48 3..... 4 168 35 81 71 4 365 31 92 41........ 90 47 115 -4 N. Mexico 5 17 6 12 10 6 5 9 924 11 3 62 4 12 37 24 8........ 93 6 9 v9 Oregon... 20 61 25 15 72 18 4 22 1,023 739 452 730 6 129 73 187 37 8 2,206 44 69 E-i [Utah..... 62 7 14 1 193 17 4 12 1,285 303 726 256 8 151 27 350 121 119 519 123 96 Total......320,930174,122 6,69832,236. 447,544 104,31625,297 525,620 389,507 633,11756,7381 859,407 160,253 584,310| 528,393 894,818 153,057 172,473 315,428371,469 518,810 TABLE CXX.-Continued. Sta ^ e. I |. I; 1 s I I.J | | H || | 1| | | States and Ter- ot Ct CC -t ritories. i r- C I Q) if3 P-e mo~~~~~~~~P6 U E - E, P m Alabama...... 1443. 28, 521 276 876 74 48,663 2,541 55 155 10,387 041 584 67 3,639 5,31 45 1,068 33 1 oArkan..s.. 537 8,772 1,051 702 36 4,57 33, 807 336 82 4, 737 13 9 196 71 11 514 77 5 6 4 5160 6 20 California..... 10,160 1,07 5,500 4,506 861 519 3, 145 250 14194 3,407 48 317 30,50 881 180 0,45 6,567 158 2,06 87 63 Columbia, Dis. of 817 100 123 1,14 23 100 58 7 43 4, 950 0 3 680 142 00 0,373 3,017 11 1,404 3 4 Connecticut.. 14,416 95 400 1,055 6,890 116 13 00 1,508 008 03 3 5,091 1,916 111 06,689 33,807 40 1,671 00 19 Delaware..... 218 18 54 5,067 24 13 4 1 1 139 1 95 155 17 3,553 4,637 08 3431.... 5 Florida......... 614 3,537 53 66 4470 11 8 55 643 3.... 300 182 11 878 1,371 17 307 8 8 Georgia.. 1,203 37,500 46 640 138 5154 8,11 08 186 7,331.... 679 367 13 3,200 4,61 25 947 13 11 Illinois.F1":: 67,180 13,851 64,019 37,9 1,051 4,160 30,303 63 11,381 0 4,697 1,095 16 18,68 4,661 5717,7136 51663 6 086 38,160 65 000 n Indiana......... 024,310 33,175 100, 193 44, 24 438 4,069 10,734 44 3,183 41, 81.9 99 11 5,550 1,341 169 12,787 19, 847 740 08,584 17 43 Iowa.8...3... 4 813 20,589 30, 713 14, 74 256 676 4,274 10 1,645 7,861 690 135 3,785 710 352 4, 885 9,734 88 7,150 13 1,108 M ES^.JNI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 3J 1I3i11%4 3, 13,]S^ W^^ ^^ J^^siaa:::|| \ 1'4 1,% 51 ^'^ ^^3 1,7 2,9 23 4, ^| r,5 S^ W 28 786 7 I Kentucky 02,881 14,279 9,985 7,491 206 3,164 03,62 71 077 54,694 11 3 0,805 683 171 9,466 13,105 198 13,607 1 38 Louisiana 5.....,10 093 1,473 2,493 039 4,583 3,352 864 0.83 3216 7 31 3,55 1,196 48 0,66 09,060 380 17,507 156 11 S e~~~e01":1-:~~~5~1,09 7^ 2,49 55 10 1% 4;3t" - 0 37 1:4 360 1716 10 57 Maine.......... 973 217 68 001 410 31 6 9 1,177 94 1 4 1949 532 60 13,871 16,41 27 90 3 1 Maryland,646 45 535 16,076 009 158 39 24 026 7,030 4 1 3,467 1,093 60 19,557 214,377 188 26,936 16 1.06 Masachuetts 1483 196 593 1831 11,414 04 05 10 17,6146 796 30 9 16,685 4,469 014 115,917 137,185 98 4, 319 10 138 rMn~ncuetso.. ~1488 96 24 27 3 4 ^. 10 5 0 ^ 84 27^ 3^ 10,5 7 221 16 Michigan....... 133,756 312 14,677 945 1,031 81 101 4 11,113 1,504 330 36 10,60,361 17 13430 6538 190 10070 1 54 Mississippi...... 950 21.,487 594 981 60 27,908 27,439 1-39 141 8,357 4 5 593 317 10 1,928 2,848 71. 1,064 16 8 Missouri....... 5,040 17, 009 12,737 8,0291 104 2,919 40,970 048 630 40,777 103 80 5,379 1,049 176 14,734 21,338 697 44,350 71 189 C New Hlampshire 1,171 10 66 148 364 1 3 2 11,266 48 10 0 1,469 467 11 8811 10,758 147 1 1 New Jersey 00,561 98 370 15,014 264 1.41 21. 6 080 608 15 1 11,377 2,063 166 31,000 44,898 57 10,686 00 357 New York 0,151,196 673 3,743 06,350 13,109 935 116 46 50,599 3,347 360 53 84,80 23,418 7,580 343,111 458,931 2,211 118,398 168 0,917 North Carolino.. 468 556,248 48 665 59 4,400 2,037 6 07 10,838 4.... 394 1,01 7 567 1,980 19 344 0 4 Ohio......,. 83,979 4,807 1,019,430 000,634 1,959 1.468 1,873 09 14,300 85, 760 196 04 05,660 5,230 5,849 51,560 88,303 765 111, 257 09 348 Petusylv.u......, 58,835 409 7,7091 1,844,2670 14,946 53 158 17 4,530 10,410 45 0 38,048 7,090 8,90 151,703 205,983 413 78,5925 49 57 Rhode Islane.l.. 0,055 76 98 407 100,641 57 4 4 459 191 6 40 4,490 988 12 15,944 21,434 5 030 1 10 Soh 9in a 8 6,173 3 62 160 188 1 37 1, 21.......... 921 651 10 4,051 53 44 0,180 11 9 Tennessee...... 1 019 72,027 740 2, 146 3 15,197 585,084 100 179 46,631 8 0 706 307 17 0,640 3,690 3) 1,168 10 57 Texas........ 1,589 5,155 947 1005 56 4,480 17,69049,160 144 3,580 40 14 1,000 261 17 1,403 20683 75 8,191 11 14 Vermont........ 7.0218 7 165 158 801 5 6 1 230,086 01 30 1 1,546 1,045 57 15,377 18 025 218.... 2 Virgnia....... 0934 7,343 5,006 6,33 100 381 1,560 7 031 870,003 11 3 998 947 173 11,64 15,761 36 5,511 15 65 WiCionsSn...... 68,595 300 1 1,400 9,571. 690 107 449 4 10,157 1,611 63,015 06 18,950 3,527 4,319 21,043 47,841 3,545 34,519 61 1,157 Mi Minnesota- 488 6 041 007 3 4 21...... 100 59 301 *7 84 39 0 07 396 5 141 1 16. Al4exico.. 101 13 34 97 1 18 25 46 8 77 1 56 C43 09 1 365 14 215.... Oregon.... 618 001 653 337 00 34 402 1 111 469 10 *7 207 106 9 196 518 1 155 1 Utah.. 1,430 90 694 553 01 53 094 6 030 99 30 76 1,056 232 105 106 1,519 6 50 3. Total........ 20698,4141 839,305 1,514,885 0,?'5, 727 145,941 448,639 806,690 51,6411 377,74111,60,980166,790 949 078,675 70,550 09,868 961 71 1,340,810 10,549 573,005 946 9,848 ITliese are ine persons boris out of the parlicilar Territory in which they live, buf in the other Territories. There were also in Minnesota 1,334 born in that Territory; in New Mexico 58,421 - born in New Mexico; in Oregon 3,175 born in Oregon, and in Utah 1,351 born in Utah. TAnBLE CXX.-Continued. c* gk *a sQa *'5 . 3 U s rE i.1 OutS Alabama......... 16,630 68,635 7,683.... 807 2,610 3,638 325 42 97 100,467 Arkansas........ 4,296 28,942 5,684 33 106 911 676 110 27 40,785 California.. 69,007 2,059 3,771 140 617 876 198 130 710 77,631 Columbia, Dist of 6,128 421 2535 91 186 330 436 559 507 16 11,209 Connecticut...... 38;653 31,881 16,813... 4,801 1,614 2,162 189 220 677 97,010 Delaware......... 5,633 7,884 6, 6631...... 743 251 581 12-4 69 113 22,061 Florida........,, 380 5,977 2,666 423 708 357 302 268 12 13,135 202 4'715 8173 13 3135 Georgia.......... 20715 83 11505 1 8 82 2815 3,942 416 15 173 193243 Illinois........... 36,232 141,099 29,778...... 1,644 3,307 2,071 701 376 151 21559 Indiana........... 45,318 163,2 29 29, 8.54...... 1,725 4,.29 3,031 677 184 449 248,696 Iowa............. 9,255 32,779 5,392 71 163 1,077 425 103 10 40 49;,315 Kentucky........ 36,598 115,017 28,413 204 1,0927 3,811 4,420 902 212 471 191,075 Louisiana........ 32,879 18,639 15,264 45 4,263 1,827 2,444 811 508 488 77168 Maine............ 38,247 77,082 26,833 1141 15,649 2,212 1,727 419 232 19 162,711 Maryland......... 47.616 28,588 32,102 67 9,740 2059 2442 963 1,021.78 124876 Massachusetts.... 146,002 55,699 57,942 73 19,598 4,702 5,371 1,566 1,375 2,972 295,300 Michigan.........'122,375 65,815 15,662 143 1,220 2 007 1,092 337 220 167 108978 Mississippi.........12,053 50,984 6067 92 2329 3,380 377 69 231 75,082 Missouri.......... 30098 65,561 20,326 305 2,471 2,893 3.147 767 1458 1149 New Hampshire.. 27 905 -47,440 14,953 38 778 1,642 1,449 305 47 31 94,564 New Jersey...... 6,544 32,834 38,383...... 4,351 1,731 2457 373 404 1,663 128,740 New York.. 312,697 313,980 196,613 1,462 23,24314,258 11,104 4,985 6,324 3,8 888,294 North Carolina.... 20,613 81,982 28,560...... 1.659 2,263 3,447 570 46 247 139,37 Ohio.............. 142,687 270,362 92,766.. 4109 9001 8263 1,218 1167 1.219 530,I92 Pennsylvania..... 266,927 207,495 163,628 101 9,064 9,954 10 830 3,719 4,431 4,495 680,644 Rhode Island...... 21.004 8,482 9 296...... 2 033 556 881 176 774 269 43,471 South Carolina... 13,205 41.302 6,151.. 346 1,829 3,161 372 149 34 68,549 Tennessee........ 23,432 118 979 17,559 258 3,363 3589 705 10 345 168240 Texa...s...... 7:,327 25;299 6,194 584 321 1,368 996 677...... 901 42, 85 Vermont......... t17,063 48,327 22 997 159 1,827 1,563 129 34i 27 92,226 Virginia.......... 52,675 108,364 48,338 274 3,263 4,791 5,622 1,491 79 1.978 226,875 Wisconsin........ 20,526 40,980 13,196 77 561 1,4 800 185 191 146 78,139 f Minnesota.. 656 563 751 163 4 68 37 59 15 20 2336 NewMexico 1,054 7,956 6,209 655 2 45 58 206 1,292 1 17,478 ~'~, 1 Oregon..... 11,704 511[ 289 130 99 48 40 40 6 3,874 i Utah........ 828 1,581 622 18 48 0. 1........ 35 Total......... 1,596,265 2,400,5831 993,6201 5,370 116,341 94,515195,81424, 96612,243,15 5,371,876 Ratio p. ct. to total employed. 2.72 44.691 18.501.10 2.171 1.76 1.781.461.41 41....... em~)loyed.....I 99.7-2 44ou i.wj...~ AGGREGATE POPULATION. 129 The preceding table is an attempt to reduce the employments in the previous one under certain classes similar to those hitherto adopted in this country and in the English and Massachusetts returns. It must be considered very imperfect, but at the same time it is the best arrangement of the figures that could be devised, however arbitrary. The laborers are classed separately, and considered not to be agricultural, yet without doubt a large part of them are farm laborers, and manybelong to the class of manufacturers, miners, &c. " Other occupations" should perhaps be added to " Trade Manufactures," &c., to which they mostly belong. The note will explain the rest of the method.?TABLE CXXXI.-Proportion of the leading Occupations in the Several Geographical Divisions to each thousand of the Poptulation of the United States, 1820, 1840, and 1850. Agrcul Commerc~n avigt Learned Agriculture. Com- Comerce, Ma Navigationprofes- All Occupations. meree. factures and Mining.! Iio5. Geographlical sions. divisions. o.. c o GS1$ * G s ss w as as i z _ Cc cc c I'ol c" 1cc -c cc cc cc a ) / r New England..... 29.50 24.26 22.712.511.04 11.01 12.06 28.202.58 4.20.641.0 40.57 39.55 75.19 Middle States..... 54.21 47.24 52.212.474.67 19.06 22.90 66.981.60 4.62 1.432.79 73.27 73.18177.69 Southern States... 50.43 55.99 6.88 6.10 1.17 81.43 62.91 54.69 Southwest........ 22.01 38.11 2.50 3.08 24.51 41.77 48.31 Northwest........ 34.50 52.19 84.29.48 1.31 4.33 10.01 40.61.47 1.34.722.82 38.84 63.571158.46 Free States....... 93.41 101.64 148.424.64 4.69 29.69 40.67 123.49 4.30 8.78 2.6315.9313.11149.25365.64 Slave States...... 97.31 116.16 14.08 13.48 32.46.92 2.581.183.30135513174487 Total........ 190.7 217.801280.206.96.88 43.77 54.15155.95522 11.363.819.23258 6280.99514.36 In 1820 and 1830 the occupations of both sexes and all classes, including slaves, were returned indiscriminately. Consequently the proportions given are for those years, to each thousand of the aggregate population. In 1850 they are given to each thousand of the free, males, except for agriculture, where they are compared with the total free male and three-fifths of the slaves male. Had the proportion in 1850 been made to the total population, as before the ratio of those employed in every thousand would not have been so much greater. Though the employments profess to be of both males and females in 1820 and 1840, they were, of course, mainly of the males. The materials of the census are, however, insufficient for any very reliable comparison. TABLE CXXXII.-Persons employed in Manufacturing Establishments in each State in 1820 and 1840, and also in 1850, in those producing over $500. States and Territories. 1820. 1840. 1850. States and Territories. 1820. 1840. 1850. Alabama.................. 1,412 7,195 4,936 New H-lampshire......... 8.699 17,826 27,092 Arkansas.................. 79 1,173 903 New Jersey.............. 15,941 27,004 37,311 California................................ 3,964 New York............... 60,038 173,193 199,349 Columbia, District of.... 02,184 2,278 2,176 North Carolina........... 11,844 14,322 12,444 Connecticut............... 17,541 27,932 47770 Ohio...................... 18 956 66,265 51,489 Delaare................. 2,821 4060 3,888 Pennsylvania............ 60 215 105,883 146,766 Florida.................... 1,177 991 Rhode Island............. 6,091 21,271 20,881 Georgia.................. 3557 7.984 8,378 South Carolina.......... 6,488 10,325 7,009 Illinois.................... 007 1 185 12065 Tennessee............... 7,860 17,815 12,032 Indiana................... 3,229 20,590 14.342 Texas................................ 1066 Iowa...................... 629 1,2 07 Vermont................. 8484 13,174 8,445 Kentucky................. 11,779 23.217 24,385 Virginia.................. 32,336 54,1471 29.109 Louisiana.............. 6,041 7,565 6,437 Wisconsin....................... 1.814 6,089 M aine.................... 7.643 21,879 28.078, Minnesota.......................... 63 Maryland................. 18,640 21,325 30,124.- J MNew i Mexico................. 81 Massachusetts........... 33,464 85, 176 165.938 g - c Oreon..................... 317 Michigan................. 196 6,890 9.290 i [Utah............... 51 Mississsppi............... 650 4,151 3 173 - - ___Missouri.................. 1.952 11,100 16,850 Total................... 349,247 791,545 944,991 * Farmers, gardeners, and florists, nurserymen and planters, hunters, trappers, herdsmen, &c., are put under the head of Agriculture; carriers, carters, chimney-sweeps, colliers, drivers, drovers, firemen', furnacemen, gatekeepers, laborers, lumbermen, ostlers, packers, porters, railroad men, sawyers, scavengers, stevedores, teamsters, wood-corders, wood-cutters, and muleteers, under Labor not R./gricultural; cadets and soldiers'my; baymen, boatmen, canalmen, fishermen, mariners, oystermen, pilots, sailing-masters, whalemen, under Sea asid River Navigation; dentists, oculists, surgeons, and veterinarians, under Medical Professions; actors, architects, artists, authors, civil engineers, commissioners, teachers, draughtsmen, editors, engineers, musicians, music teachers, professions, reporters, sculptors, showmen, students, surveyors, &c., under Pursuits Requiring Education; city, county, aund town officers, judges, watchmen, United States and State officers, under Government Civil Service. The other occupations, except those under that specific head, are all condensed under the head of Commnerce, Trade, Manufactures, and Mining; it being difficult to separate them in any reliable and satisfactory manner. 9 130 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. The occupation tables of passengers arriving in the United States combine citizens with foreigners, and cannot be separated. It is difficult, therefore, to determine what improvements take place in the immigrant class. If certain employments be assumed as comprising mostly foreigners, there were, in 1845, of mantua-makers 96; in 1847, 183. In 1845 there were 28 miners; in 1847, 13; in 1852, 1,179. In 1845, 1,659 servants; in 1847, 3,198; in 1852, 942. In 1845, 18,656 laborers; in 1847, 37,571; in 1852, 82,571. In 1845, 10,154 mechanics.; in 18471 25,047; in 1852, 24,514. In 1845, 66 weavers; in 1841, 89; in 1852, 49. In 1845, 24,016 farmers; in 1847, 50,036; and in 1852, 63,628. TABLE CXXXIII.-Occupations of the Population of Great Britain in 1841. MALES. FEMALES. TOTAL. 0CCUPATIONS. Total pop- Per Totalop- Per Total popu- Per ulation. cent. ulation. cent. lation. cent. Persons engaged in commerce, trade and manufactures 2,415,127 26.24 677,660 7.12 3,092,78716.52 Agriculture........................... 1410,509 15.33 80,276.84 490785 7.96 Labor not agricultural................................ 643,531 6.99 114,964 1.21 758,495 4.05 Army at home and abroad, including those on half pay and in the East India Company's service: At home........................................ 41,394.45............... 41.394.22 Abroad and in Ireland............................ 89,230.97.............. 89230.48 Navy and merchant seamen afloat and ashore, including navy half-pay and marines, fishermen, watermen, &c.: Athome......................................... 11955 1.30................ 119,552.65 Afloat........................................... 96 799 1.05................ 96,799.52 Professions-clerical................................ 23, 406.25............ 23.406.13 legal................................... 17,340.19................ 17,340.09 medical................................. 0,585.22 1,419.02 22,004.12 Other pursuits requiring education.................... 107,684 1.17 34,293.36 141,977.76 Government civil service............................. 16,231.18 634...... 16,865.09 Municipal and parochial officers, &c.................. 23,239.25 1,971.02 25,210.13 Domestic servants................................. 255,296 2.78 902,402 9.48 1,157,698 6.18 Persons of independent means....................... 135,446 1.47 368,818 3.88 504,264 2.69 Alms people, pensioners, paupers, lunatics and prisoners 102,011 1.11 95,885j 1.01 197,896 1.06 Total returned as occupied, &c........................ 5,517,380 59.95 2,278 32 23.94 7,795,702 41.65 Remainder of population, including women and children 3,685,735 40.05 7236,433 76.06 10,92,168 58.35 Total......................................... 9,203,115...... 9,514,755......*18717,870 Some reflections upon the future growth of the population of the Union, will not be improper in this place. The facts embraced in the volume show a regular diminution in the ratio of total as well as of natural increase from decade to decade, up to 1840, making corrections for the admission of new territory, and the shorter period than ten years included between the census of 1820 and 1830. From the declining per cent. of females and young children, Prof. Tucker argues that the natural increase of the population is inversely as its density in all of the States, and that the increase for the whole population, for the decades after 1840, would be 32; 31.3; 30.5; 29.6; 28.6; 21.5 per cent. Should emigration, however, remain as it was then, or be but slightly increased from year to year, the series, he supposed, would be 31.8; 30 9; 30; 29; 27.9; 26.8 per cent. The results upon either series will be here shown,t but upon both they fall greatly short of the fact for 1850. The ratio from 1840 to 1850 increased over three per cent., instead of declining as before from the previous decade, a result not to be accounted for by the admission of California, New Mexico, &c. Years. Population Population on first series. on second series. 1850........................ 22,400 000 22,000,000 1860.......................... 29,400,000 28,800,000 1870.......................... 38,300000 36,500,000 1880......................... 49,600,000 46,500,000 1890.......................... 63 000,000 59800000 1890. 63,000,000 59,800,800 1900.......................... 80,000,000 74,000,000 The following table has been carefully prepared upon eight distinct and more or less probable assumptions of future increase. The reader can choose between them. In 1950 the population of the United States would be, in round numbers, 50,000,000, if the increase were no greater than that of Delaware since 1790, which has increased by far the least of all the * This does not include 1,016 persons, officers and prisoners on board convict hulks; nor 1,408 persons, passengers aboard Her Majesty's ships; together 2,424 persons; making the total population 18,720,394. tThe slave population in 1920, it is supposed by Prof. Tucker, cannot exceed 31,000,000. See his arguent, page 115. AGGREGATE POPULATION. 131 States. With the increase of the Union for the last ten years, excluding all the foreigners who arrived in that time, the number in 1950 would be 252,000,000. With its average increase since 1O90, it would be 450,000,000, but with the increase from 1840 to 1850, nearly 500,000,000. All of these, however, are very improbable, if not to say impossible assumptions. The figures in column 6 will no doubt more nearly express the truth than any other for 1900, and for subsequent periods a mean between columns 7 and 8 would seem preferable. TABLE CXXXIV.-Future Progress of the United States. S'i 4fi & I0 0 0 1^ 1^ I O O 1 ~^ 5). a ~, I.. "1.3 4 5 7 8~ 1860... 31,510,802 31,178,998 299,442,086 24,973,012 28,530,645 31,510,802 29,442,086............ 1870. 42,813,726 41,915,486 37,376,72826,890,939 35,098,400 42,813,726....................... 1880.. 58,171,009 56,349,083 47,449,756 28,956,163 43,178,052 58,171,009....................... 890. 79036,950 7575,890 6023746531,279,996 53117640 79,036950............ 1900... 107,387,504 101,838,397 76,471,46233,681,300 65,345,320 100,337,408 64,863,702 70,667 582 1910... 145,907.400 136,906,449 97,080,521 36,268,024 80,387,813 127,378,339 69,845,234 82,903,673 1920... 198,244,384 184 050 184 123,243,721 39,053,408 98,893,088 161,706,801 75,209,347 97,258,443 1930... 269,354 644 247,427,865 156,457,904 42,052,710 121,658,277 205.286,783 80,985,424 114,098,742 1940... 365,972,154 332,629'650 198,623,309 45,282,358 149,664,012 260,611,571 87,'205.104 133,854,939 1950... 497,246,365 447,159,670 252,152,290 48; 760,043 184,116,667 330,846,389 93, 902 456 157,031921 Admitting these figures, and making an estimate for each great section of the Union for 1900 and 1950, the facts might stand as follows: Geographical Divisions. 1900. 1950. Atlantic sl(pe................................................... 20,000,000 28,000,000 Mississippi valley............................................... 32,000000 64000,000 Pacific slope................................... 11,000000. 21, 000,000 Gulf slope..................................................... 7,000,000 12,000,000 Total United States........................................ 70000,000 125,000,000 These calculations are all based upon the assumption that the territories of the Union will not be increased during the period from any quarter, which, considering the past, may be taken with some hesitation. A few remarks upon the future growth of the great cities will have place under the appropriate head. As compared with the other leading powers, the increase in the United States has been as follows: TABLE CXXXIV.-Comparative Progress of the Population of the United States and of certain European States. lgC Xfir m Ratio of'COUNTRIES. sY Year. PoPopulation.'ar. P lat, S Actual gain. pncrease annum. United States........................... 1790 3,929,827 1850 23,191,876 60 19,262,049 8.17 Prussia............................ 1786 6,000, 000 1849 16,331, 187 63 10,331,187 2.73 Turkey (European)..................... 1801 8,500,000 1844 15,500,000 43 7000,000 1 92 Russia... 1783 27,4000000 1850 62 088,000 67 34,688,000 1.89 Great Britain 1801 15,800,000 1851 27,475,271 50 11,675,271 1.48 Austria.......................... 1792 23,500 000 1851 36,514,397 59 13,014397.94 France.............................. 1762 21,769,000 1851 35,783,170 89 14,014,170.72 Spain...........,.... 1723 7,625,000 1834 12,232 194 111 5,607,194.66 The annual increase of the United States has been nearly three times as great as that of Prussia, notwithstanding the large population that was added to her by the partition of Poland; more than four times as much as Russia; six times as much as Great Britain; nine times as much as Austria; ten times as much as France. Upon the basis of past increase the future of Great Britain and France may be thus estimated: 132 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE CXXXVI.-Future Population of Great Britain and France, computed upon their past Ratios of increase. Years. Great Britain. Ratio of France. Ratio of Increase. Increase. 1851......................................................... 27.. 35 83170 1801 15,800,000 7 27,349,003 3 1851;......... 27,475,271 73.89 35,783 170 S 30.8 1901......................................... 4777674818700.......... 1951........................................... 83 078,987. 61,257,587... PART III. MORAL AND SOCIAL CONDITION. THE subject so far as the materials of the Census admit, may be thus considered: I. RELIGIOUS WORSHIP. II. EDUCATION. III. THE PRESS. IV. LIBRARIES. V. CHARITIES. VI. WAGES OF LABOR. VII. CRIME. I. RELIGIOUS WORSHIP.-In the United States there is no established system, but freedom of religious faith and worship is guaranteed by the Constitution. The statistics of the Census are as complete as they can be obtained from the schedules. It will be observed that they do not undertake, as they are often quoted, to give the number of members of each religious donomination, or even the number of actual attendants upon churches, but simply the capacity of the churches to accommodate. In an early publication of the office, places returned as churches, but without the extent of accommodation, or the value of church property, were not included in the tables, upon the ground that they were not probably exclusively set apart for religious worship. If the object were simply to ascertain the number of church buildings, their value, etc.; this would have answered, but as it is evident that conclusions will be drawn from the results favorable or adverse to the religious character of the several communities, it must be exceptionable. In the rural districts, thousands of buildings are used both for school houses, and for places of religious worship: rude sheds or log houses in which denominations meet with regularity, and in which prayer is as fervently offered as in the Cathedrals of the cities. There would be no propriety in excluding these. Where several sects worship in the same building, as the best that could be done, its accommodation and value are divided between them if named otherwise they are placed under the head of Free. Under the head of " Minor Sects," such denominations in the States are included as were so few in number as to be deemed unworthy of special notice. Had they all been mentioned, the aggregate of the several denominations would have been somewhat increased. The minor sects will therefore be divided between the denominations mentioned by name, and the following, a.nd perhaps a few others not specifically referred to in the tables. Albright, Associate Reformed, Covenanters, Campbellites, Church of Brotherly Love, Church of God, Disciples, Dissenters, Emanuels, Evangelicals, New Jerusalem, Public Reformers, Second Advent, United Brethren, New Lights, Whitfield, Winebrnnarian, Independent Welch, Grace, Central, Seceders, &c. There are 38,183 buildings returned as used for purposes of religious worship in the United States in 1850, belonging to denominations having accommodations for 14,270,139 persons, and of a total value including other church possessions, of $87,446,371. The occupation sheets show 26,842 regular clergymen, to which if those performing, occasional clerical duties be added, the number will be swelled to about 30,000. TABLE CXXXVII.-NuImber of Churches in the United States, 1850. o 0S.5g& 0 |i ii 0 5) I Io.. | 0., | o 0 0 o t____o_0I I I' I i t i I 1_ -Z i Alabama.579 18............ 17 5......1................ 577.......... 162 5..... 4 1 3 3 1,375 Arkansas...... 114.................... 2 1............................ 168... 52 * - 7.. 5............ 13 362 California.. 1..............1...........................5..3 18........ 28 Columbia,'Districtof'..... 6.................. 8... 1..... 2...... 16... 6 6.......... 46 6 Connecticut.............. 114 4 252...... 101 1 5...... 2.............. 185.......... 17 12........ 4 5 22 10 734 - Delaware................ 12.... 21 9... 106.......... 26 3.......2 180 Florida.56.... 10 1.............................. 87.......... 16 5.............. 2 177 Georgia................. 879 5 1...... 20 6 2.......... 8...... 809 1.... 97 8........ 16...... 3 7 1,862 Illinois...... 282 69 46 2 27 2 6 3.... 42...... 405 2 P, 206 59 2 4 30 4 7 25 1,223 Indiana..430 187 2 5 24 10 89 5.... 63...... 779 57.... 282 63.... 5 5 1 15 13 2,035 C Iowa.................. 23 1 14...... 5...... 5 4 5...... 76 3.... 38 18..... 3.... 1 1 207 Kentucky..798 120.............. 19 34............ 5...... 530.......... 224 48.... 1 30 1 7 31 1,849 g Louisiana 77 3......... 15 3 1 1.............. 125.......... 18 55. 6...... 1 2 307 Maine...... 326 12 180...... 9 22 2S........................ 199.......... 7 12 2 73 15 60 2 945 Z Maryland...45.......... 133 6 26 22.... 40...... 479.......... 56 65.................... 37 909 0 Massachusetts............ 266 30 448... 54 7 40...... I 1...... 262.......... 16 41 6.... 6 163 123 13 1,477; Michigan............ 66 2 29 10 25 1 7. 12 119 1 72 44.... 3 7 1 399 Mississippi............... 385 8.............. 13 3.............................. 454.......... 143 9..1.....1............. 1016 Z Missouri......... 304 57........ 11 13............ 2 24 1 263 3.... 128 68........ 11 2 1 21 909 New Hampshire.......... 193 24 176 11 2 15..................... 103.......... 13 2........ 32 13 38 4 626 New Janersey.... 8 8 66 5 7 52... 312.......... 149 23.... 2 5 2 3 10 814 New York............ 781 65 215 233 279 15 133 1 14 81 4 1,231 3.... 700 176 2 75 22 114 25 4,169 North Carolina.......... 604 29........ 51 54 31 16.... 49...... 786 7.... 151 4.... 1 4.............. 1787 Ohio............ 551 90 100 5 79 13 94 71 3 260 to 1,531 160.... 663 130 2 15 48 1 53 60 3,939 Pennsylvania...... 321 21........ 7 136 28 142 212 8 498 91 907 86 10 778 140 3 15 78 4 22 89 3,596 Rhode Island............. 106 8 21...... 26 2 18...... 1.......... 23......... 7 2... 4 4 4 5 231 SouthCarolina........... 413 1 72 5 1 41 484.. 136 14.............. 1 3 8 1,182 Tennessee.... 648 63 30 4....... 867.. 363 4.... 1 15.........3 2,027 Texas..70 5...5 7......7....... 6....... 328 Vermont................. 102 9 175...... 26 1 7.............140.......... 11 8...... 76 2 38 4 599 Virinia 650 16.............. 173 108 15 9 1 50 6 1,025 8.... 241 17 1 8 5 1 5 2,386 W isconsin............... 49 4 37 2 19 2................20. 110.......... 40 64........ 1...... 6 11 365 o M innesota.................................................................................. 1...................................... 3.aNew Mexico.............................................................. 73 olua Oiret 1..... 1... I.. 1 5............. 94 Uta onnccut-................. 9.............7 Tetaw......................................1.......17 3 1,2........ 13,3 8 3.........)48..........1 3 24. 3......3 Totass~~ls~'',...7...... 9 8 44 37 1,221 112 3338 31 10 4863 1 7 20 52 590 24.2. 532 -422 38,183 7 TABLE CXXXVIII.- Total Value of Church Property in the United States, 1850. STATES AND TERRITORIES. d d ce ~ a I. Alabama.2 fi7, 497,61 65..76,.300 300.0.H.......... Alabama............ 27,497 $6,165.2........................... 76,300 V2, 300................50.......... A rkansas........................... 21,870....4,250 200.............................................................. C alif rnia.......................... 5.......................................................................................................5000 Columbia, District of. 29,30.......57500......,000...15,000.......... Connecticut..........406,634 5,200 1,657,185........... 773,875 800 7,150................... Delaw are........................... 16,800 78........................................ 78 900............ 24,900......................................... Florida............................ 25,640.................................... 37,800................................... Georgia.390,801..12,050 4..............0109910 2,650400........................ 3 Illinois.......................... 204095 950 89250 2,700 78,350 6,400 2,340 310............ 40120 1.~ 735 89 790 3 0....~........ 425 Indiana...........212,735 8990 8000 1,800 74000 5,700 6055 3,500.......... 37,425.......... Iowa..19550 6,300 21550.. 5000............ 6,300 800 6950 Kentucky........................... 549,955 184,945........................... 112,150 13,600...................... 13,000 21,300.......... Louisiana......................... 30,470 61000............................ 57,900 10,430........4,000 20000... Manme.............................. 436,732 14,626 529,970... 52,600 28,150 15,680................................................ Maryland....................... 10,..... 610,87 6,100 114,050 197,800...... 247950.......... Massachusetts.............. 1,460,350 84,450 3,279,089............. 697,250 12,650 108,600.......... 11,193 Michigan....... 84,050 1,000 59,550 6,250 82,800 3,000........................ 12,625.......... M ississippi......................... 186,192 9,950........................... 66,800 1,850........................ Missouri............................ 154480 43,210..............144600 4400.......................... 7000 34560 420 New Hamlpshire..............322,956 30,350 527340.............. 41,100 00 4 00 15,00............................... New Jersey. 334,600 10,400 37,700 460,430 525,409 7,500 207,100............ 28, 512........ New York.......................... 2,253,050 79;650 779,304 3,542,850 4,110,824 28,700 309,380 15000 211000 252,200 2,050 North Carolina...................... 05 090 10575.........................40 16,860075 17,500............ 25.......... 29, Ohio................................ 621,730 56,155 207,880 2,600 367,425 9,550 82,175 71,860 29,000 259,975 1,925 Pennsylvania....................... 811,395 24,400............. 79500 1,483,700 15,450 662,287 648,110 45,700 1,642,656 82,400 Rhode Island....................... 367800 24300 48,500,000 57,800........... 1,000............... M;Peun~l~~:sae~kolin e..........67429,97603..... 760 83 700 19 5,0...... South Carolina.....................90 1700 5........ 83,700,00...... Ten essee...........3,......................................... 6.... 85,300 6,665 1,300............ 2,600 Texas............... 23,090 150.............15100 7,100.................................... Vermont........159475 12350 454,66.............. 81500 300 5,500.................... Virginia............................ 688818 7,595..... 5290 61.............00 8,825 6,00 40......00....52,445 5,550 Wisconsin..........................52,500 1,200 61260 750 45750 250........ 14650.......... o f M innesota............................................................ ew Hampshire........,......................... 3,. q)5Oregon..............2,4....0 000....... ah..................................... o... Total.......................... 11,001,127 867,056 7970195 4096,880 11,384,210 263605 1,713,767 975,080 415,600 2,854,286 92,345 TABLE CXXXVHI-Continued. STATES AND TERRITORIES..| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U M I I ^ t~~~~~i l l~ II I __.. o.. I. 4S.,~~~~~~~C........ Alaba~~~~~~~~~~~~ s~toa................ c6,7......[..... Alabama................. 276,279:............... $222,775 300,000.................... $1,650 6,000 400 $12,000 1,131,616 Arkansas.......................... 27,070................... 28,275 6,650... 1,000...89'315 California......................... 18,300.......... 11000 233 500......... 100 2, 5 267 800 Columbia, District of................ 71,900.......... 7000 3,000.............................. 10 000........................ c Connecticut........................ 351,550.................... 88,700 97,500 0..2...... 28,400 42,000 90200 6,000 3,555,194 Delaware........... 127,845.................... 75,500 15,000..... 1,000.............. 400 340,345 Florida.55............... 55,260.................... 31,500 13,600....................................................... 1,200 165,400 Q Georgia...943 25..........218,805 79,500.................... 21,100.............. 1000 1,625 1,269,359 Illinois............................. 327;640 350.......... 395,130 220,400 $5,800 $2,250 30,550 8,700 13,300 11,550 1,482,185 Indiana.492560..........326,520 67,725..........3.......100 2,350 600 17,800 4,025 1,529,585 o Iowa.......................... 43,475 2,200.28,350 28,250..........7.......... 7,100.............. 1,600............ 177,425 Kentucky."" *...............z460,755................... 491,303 336,910.......... 200 17,000 15,000 11,650 24,150 2,251,918 Louisiana............... 236500................149,300 1,045,650.................... 8220.............. 100,000 59,000 1,782,470 Lo saina.......................... 2 6 5 0....]..68716........... 149, 0 0 I Maine.268,716.......32,000 20 700 8000......2... 93,670 103,000 121,601 400 1,725,845 Maryland.......'.. 837665................... 376,300 1,161,532............................................... 264,900 3,947,884 M1assachusetts............ 934,380................... 82,500 477,500 66,000......... 9,550 2,320,147 643,875 17,450 10,206,184 Masschusett......................... 934oo8............. I~o I Ioo/ ~ ~ 18 Michigan......................... 142,850 500.......... 142,850 159,775................ 1,400.............. 7,100 15,000 723,600 Mississippi......2............... 240,265..........183,085 67,000.................... 400...................................... 755,542 3 6 Missouri.281745 20.299,270 497575.................... 6,200 70,000 500 43,430 1,587,410 New Ha pshire..... 175,590.................... 71,000 20,000.................... 39,350 72,800 83,100 3,000 1, 405, 786 New Jersey................... 688,350....................,225,250 133,385....... 1,800 6,500 1,500 6,800 5,700 3,680, 936 New York................. 2,886,043 36,000.......... 4,356,606 1,569,875 1,400........... 110,300 292,075 327,400 55,500 21,29, 207 North Carolina..................... 292...... 100 650......... 29,70. 755............ 905753 ~~Ohio..... * 1,545,831 93,072.......... 1,389,699 763307 15,800 9,975 37,900 15,000 100,590 111,650 5,793099 O~e hasire.................... [.......... 1 6r 1920 9 t Pennsylvania................... 1,726,038 221,350 $17,250 2,585,250 1,084,204 11,700 11,700 77,925 28,000 86,800 240,500 11,586,315 I Rhode Island...................... 102,900....................7....500 4400. 20040 127,000 55,5000 4,650 1,4,400 58 South Carolina.................... 341,168..............483,175 78, 315. 30,000 6,000 57,375.,172,246 Tennessee 381811..............367081 45000.......... 800.2,150 1216201 Texas...............58,195.........,700......... 5,05 7..........55............ 3,000 206,930 Vermont.................227783.........17,23 2.00......... 017, 5,0,00 00................... 107,950 32800 1,216,125 Virginia...................... 725,003 2,550...... 571165 126,100 500 8,2 00 24,025.............. 5,000 13,550 2,860,876 Ohr ineot.........80 10.0 W isconsin......................... 645130.............. 35,800 66685................... 800.............. 3,)000 7,125 353,900 6 oM innesota....................... 100..........[........................................'................ 900 o tN ew M exico..................9....1008....................... 94,100....9.....................................................,100 Oregon.22,000.5,00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10 41,320.6,5201 O regon.........:.'...!P4 0.......... 59:..........[...1320.......0..00........................5................I............/ 3,0 00 / 70i,530 ~er mont l........................................................[............................I...........1............ 17950 32000 I 7 4~00/800,1 ~ 2 Vir(Utah................... 7251,,0 4 2 7550....571,6 9'26, 100 600 3 8, 600 34,0251. 5,0 00 3 Total.n. 14,826,148 411,667 37,250.14,557,089 9,256.758113,600 37,625 644,315 3,173,822 1,756,816 1,017,130 87,446,371]. ____ _ __ _~ ~, ~4~ I........... __oo,_______......... _ ~ ____ _- ~._ __ - _ ______ __ _____________..... 136 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. Thus the Methodist and Baptist together have more than one-half of all the churches, and the Episcopal and Roman Catholic are about equal in number. The Methodist and Presbyterian have a larger amount of church property than any other denomination, the two being very nearly equal in amount. The Baptist and Episcopal are next, and are also about equal. The Catholics, though they have but one-eleventh as many churches as the Methodists, have much more than half the church property. TABLE CXXXIX.-Church Accommodations of the United States in 1850:.. r. H C States and Territories. a ~ | *^. l a a 5e H U U - o I 0! Alabama. 189,980 4,350........... 6,92 1800........ 20 Arkansas.................. 189-00 18.600......................... A rkansas................. 18, 600......................................... California.400... Columbia, District of 3,460....6,400... 200. 1,000 Connecticut.......... 44,434 950 127,320.. 45, 150 325 1,025........'Delaware................ 2,975..7,650.. 3,636... Florida.................... 11,9085................ 3,810........40................ Georgia......321,668 1,710 50........ 9,325 1730 500........ 2,825 Illinois.. 94,130 30,864 15,626 875 14,000 750 1,550 280 16.640 Indiana...,..... 138,783 65,341 400 1,275 7,300 2,750 44,915 1,150 19;050 Iowa...................... 3,993 2, 810 4,725. 730........ 1,550'375 1.030 Kentucky................. 88,455 50,640... 7.050 9,37................ 2850 Louisiana........ 16, 660 1,500.............. 5210 675........ 500?~aine................ 101,389 4,030 70,623........ 4,137 7,442 7,725.............. Maryland................. 15,950....60,105 1,350 7,760 14,800 24,700 Massachusetts............. 114,680 11,020 239142........ 24,195 1,850 14,423........ 450 Michigan................. 17,865 350 10500 1,975 8,425 700 1,400.. 3,205 Mississippi........... 113,675 2,350......... 4,550 700. Missouri.................. 74,725 195 5............... 4,500 2,350....8,160 New Hampshire........... 64,671 7240 80,831........ 4,425 750 4,700. New Jersey................ 43,425 2,835 3,500 39,146 19,647 92,400 25,545........ 2,900 New York................ 335,374 20,300 102,430 131,025 140,195 4,600 49,314 600 38,270 North Carolina............ 201,797 11,600................ 15,245 14,870 13,220 5,725 19,750 Ohio. 185,673 30,190 41,920 1,150 31,975 5,100 30,866 26,315 90,448 Pennsylvania............. 128 458 6,900....... 4,640 67,574 7,950 61,274 105,79 261,502 Rhode Island.............. 42,105 3,000 11,703........ 11,606 611 6,370.. South Carolina. 165,805........i 2,000........28,940 1,550 500........ 14750 Tennessee'. 197,315 18,350................ 7,810 7,250 1,600.. 3,400 Texas................... 10,020 100.............. 1,025 1600........ Vermont................. 35,627 2,770 78,302. 10,525 100 2.550... Virginia................ 247,589 4,900................ 80,684 36,025 6;450 3,800 18,750 Wisconsin............ 16;814 875 11,063 550 5,140 275.....53..... 5,300 [ Minnesota................................................... New Mexico........................... Oseg.on.....5,0 O regon................................................................. iq [U tah.......................................................................... I [U:is..... Total...................... 3,248,580 304,630 801,835 180,636 644,598 115,480 287,073 159,338 535,180 TABLE CXXXIX —Cotinued. States and Territories.. -. a 5c~ ~ "A'~'a *~, I Pc F8 Alabama........... 169,025.. 58,805 5,200 1125 1,000 750 1,000 440,155 Arkansas. 2545.. 10,731......... 1600 1,800 60,26 California............... 600 700 7.500..... 10, 00 Columbia, District of 1060.. 5, 7... 100 500............... 34,120 Connecticut............ 57,775.. 7,500 9015 1.850 1,750 8,905 1300 37,299 Delaware.29,300.. 10,100 130 200.............. 250 55,741 Florida................. 20,015........ 5,900 1,850........ 1,000{ 44,960 Georgia.......... 240,638 75 40,596 4,250 7,250........ 900 1,275 632,992 Illinois................. 178,452 400 83,129 29,100 8,625 1,050 2,000 7,740 486,576 Indiana............ 266,372 18,50 105,582 25,115 1,50 50 5,050 2,822{ 709,655 Iowa................... 14,609 560 7,855 4,490 502 200 100 43,529 Kentucky............... 169,060.. 99,106 4,40 10, 700,2 8,150 673,528 Louisiana...33,180........ 9,510 37,780 1.350. 1,000 1,650 109,615 Maine.................. 59,421........ 4,086 6,650 23,537 10,144 21,043 300 321,167 Maryland 181715.. 2,635............. 8,7........ 19,350 379,465 Massachusetts.......... 94,601....... 8,1900 32,165 1,810 92,938 51,089 4,430 692,828 Michigan............... 33, 88516, 800........ 1360 800 120,117 RELIGIOUS WORSHIP. 137 TABLE CXXXIX-Continued..? ^..* i * States and Territories. 0 i _ Mississippi............... 121,083........ 48,316 3, 250 180...................... 294,104 Missouri................. 62,844 12 45,570 33,950 2,350 2,100 250 7 850 264, 979 New Hampshire......... 32,640........ 6,500 1,450 1.0,450 8,380 14,280 1,100 237,417 New Jersey............ 109,350...... 81,650 9,485 1,450 450 1,000 2,150 345,733 New York.............. 481,270 1,500 370,189 126,288 27,529 10,225. 55,570 9,350 1,915,179 North Carolina.......... 222.687 3,000 64,230 1.400 1,200....................... 574,924 Ohio......... 543,490 51,105 272,274 76,215 18,646 650 20,765 21,332 1,457,769 Pennsylvania............ 341,858 33,015 360,000 89,501 27,700 1,630 9,783 30.837 1,576,245 Rhode Island.......... 9,310.................. 7,300 2450 2,50 0 2,230 1,780 102,040 South Carolina......... 165,740....... 67,765 6,030....... 00 950 3,320 460,450 Tennessee............. 249,853........ 135,517 1,400 3,900................ 1,600 628,495 Texas............. 34,085...... 8, 520 6,760 350................ 1,695 64,155 Vermont............... 48,560........ 4,160 4,305 31,010 1,000 14,775 850 234,534 Virginia................. 323,708 1,500 104,125 7,930 13,250........ 200 1,825 858,086 Wisconsin.............. 21,270........ 8,533 24,967 400........ 665 1,921 97,773 6 Minnesota.......................... 100.................. 100 * J INew M exico................................................................. 28,650, o J New Mexico....28,650...28,650 D. Oregon........... 500........ 200 1,833............................. 3,133 h Utah.............. 4200 Total............. 4354,101 109,617 2,079,504 675,721 201,864 136,417 214,965 141, 17714,270,139 Jewish 19,588, included in aggregate, viz: Kentucky 600, Louisiana 600, Massachusetts 200, Missouri 463, New York 9,700, Ohio 1,300, Pennsylvania 3,425, Rhode Island 300, South Carolina 2,400, and Virginia 600. ffennonite 28,860, included in aggregate, viz: Missouri 200, New York 1,000, Ohio 1,830, Pennsylvania 23,580, Virginia 2,250. Orthodox Congregational 3,100, included in aggregate, viz: Pennsylvania 3,100. Swedenborgian 5,475, included in aggregate, viz: Illinois 140, Maine 640, Massachusetts 1,645, New York 450, Ohio 700, Pennsylvania 1,4T5, Rhode Island 325, Virginia 100. Tun7cers 22,400, included in aggregate, viz: Illinois 1,225, Indiana 3,000, Kentucky 200, New Jersey 800, North Carolina 200, Ohio 5,825, Pennsylvania 6,250, Tennessee 500 and Virginia 4,400. In capacity to accommodate worshippers at one time, the Methodists are placed highest upon the list; next in order are the Baptists, then the Presbyterians. The Catholics occupy the fourth place, though in point of fact, they have no doubt more actual worshippers than they can accommodate at one sitting in their churches.'' After filling out by averages, the blanks which were left by the marshals in the value and accommodation of many churches, the following figures result, which may bo considered as expressing more nearly the facts. Three columns are added, showing the population and church accommodation and churches to the square mile. The average being about four churches to every 300 square miles, or one church to about seventy-five. In Massachusetts * In Great Britain the churches are adequate to the accommodation of 57 per cent. of the population. There are 14,078 churches attached to the established religion, and among the dissenters the Catholics have 570 congregations, Congregationalists 3,244: Baptists 2,489; Friends 381; Unitarians 229; Methodists 11,007; Calvanistic Methodists, 800. Of the total population of Canada in 1851, 1,842,265 persons: 914,561 were-of the Church of Rome; 268,592 Church of England. The remainder were of other creeds, including 42,261 unknown. In Prussia there were in 1849, 8,164 parochial churches, and 837 houses of worship, with 10,016,798 Protestants; 5,320 churches and 2,008 chapels, with 6,079,613 Roman Catholics; 3 churches with 1,269 of the Greek Catholic faith; 30 houses of worship with 14 508 Mennonites and 901 Synagogues, with 218,998 Jews. In Switzerland in 1850, there were 80,038 Catholics; 153,491 Protestants; and 599 Jews; total 234,128. In JAustria in 1851, there were 22,099,044 Roman Catholics, with 14,412 places of worship; 3,492,114 Greek Catholics, with 4,285 places of worship; 2,742,055 of the Independent Greek Church, with 3,198 places of worship, and 2,986,362 Protestants, with 3,175 places of worship. There were also 46,020 Unitarians, 835,196 Jews; other sects, 9,695. From the annual publications of the several religious denominations in the United States, the following facts are condensed. Being made up from sources of information peculiar to each, they may be compared to advantage with the statistics of the census: Congregationalists, 1854, 1,595 churches. Reformed Protestant Dutch, 1853, 322 churches, 332 ministers. Unitarian, 1850, 248 churches. Lutheran, 1854, 3,000 congregations; 900 ministers, 25,000 communicants. CGtholics, 1,245 churches; 585 stations; 1,203 clergy; 28 institutions of Ecclesiastical education; 322 students; 223 educational institutions; 108 charitable institutions; 1,334,500 Catholic population. Baptists, 1851, 578 associations; 10,441 churches; 7,464 clergy; 754,652 members. Universalists, 1853, one general convention, one historical society, one reform convention, 20 State and Territorial conventions, 14 State societies for missionary, education, and other purposes, 83 ecclesiastical associations, 10 societies connected with associations for missionary and other purposes, 16 periodicals beside 3 annuals, 12 books published within the year, 19 schools of an academic character, 1,076 churches or societies, 821 meeting-houses, and 635 ministers. 138 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. there are nearly 19 churches to every 100 square miles, whilst in Texas the number is only about 1 in every 700, and in Arkansas 1 in 175 square miles. TABLE CXL.- Corrected Value and Accommodations of Churches, with their proportion to the area of the United States. Value of Accommoda- Popula- Accom- ChurchStates and Territories. Churches. tions of tion to sq. totsqare e v t10o Churches. mile. to square ry 10s. mile. sq. ms. Alabama....................................... 1,244,741 443,708 15.21 8.75 2.71 Arkansas...................................... 149,685 67,914 4.02 1.34.69 California...................................... 288,400 10,984.59.07.02 Columbia, District of........................... 363,000 34,129 861.45 568.67 76.67 Connecticut............... 3,599,330 309,409 79.33 66.20 15.70 Delaware............................ 340,345 55,741 43.18 26.25 8.49 Florida........................................ 192,600 44,960 Georgia...................................... 1327,112 640,560 15.62 11.04 3.21 Illinois........................................ 1,532,305 488,172 15.37 8.81 2.21 Indiana................................. 1,568,906 718,490 29.24 21.25 6.02 Iowa.......................................... 235,412 44,604 Kentucky...................................... 2,295,353 676,456 26.07 17.95 4.91 Louisiana...................................... 1.940,495 111,063 12.55 2.69.74 Maine..........................1,794, 209 325, 997 18.36 10.26 2.97 Maryland................................ 3,974,116 379,465 52.41 34.11 8.17 Massachusetts................................. 10, 504,888 695,183 127.50 89.13 18.94 Michigan...................................... 793,180 128,838 7.07 2.29.71 Mississippi..................................... 832,622 294,104 12.86 6.24 2.15 Missouri....................................... 1,730,135 270, 028 10.12 4.01 1.35 New Hampshire................................ 1,433,266 239, 325 34.26 25.79 6.75 -New Jersey.................................... 3,712,863 350,474 58.84 42.12 9.78. New York..................................... 21,539,561 1,917,479 65.90 40.80 8.87 North Carolina................................. 907,785 577,185 17.14 11.38 3.52 Ohio....................................... 5,860,059 1,457,769 49.55 35.48 9.86 Pennsylvania................................ 11,853,291 1,581,085 50.26 34.38 7.82 Rhode Island................................... 1,293,600 103,384 112.97 79.16 17.69 South Carolina................................. 2,181,476 460,450 22.75 15.67 4.02 Tennessee..................................... 1.246,951 632,551 21.99 13.87 4.45 Texas..........................................'408.944 74,325.89.31.14 Vermont....................................... 1,251,655 237,544 30.76 23.26 5.87 Virginia....................................... 2,902,220 858,806 23.17 14.00 3.89 Wisconsin.................................... 512,552 97,773 5.66 1.81.68 [ fM innesota............................... 1,350 300.04................. \New Mexico............................. 94,100 28,650.30.14.04 ~5 Oregon.................................. 76,520 3,133.07.02........ [ Utah...............t.................................................04.................. Total.................................... 89,983,028 14,360,038 7.90 4.89 1.30 The average value of churches in the United States, would therefore seem to be $2,357; their average capacity of accommodation 376 persons. There are about five churches to Presbyterians, 1850, Synods 23; Presbyteries 127, 2,160 clergy, 2,595 churches, communicants 207,254; religious contributions for religious purposes, $390,630. These are the Old School. The census includes all Presbyterians, and irregular as well as regular churches, which may account for the difference. A statement taken from the Baptist Almanac of 1850, with corrections for Cumberland Presbyterians, gives the following for all denominations. Religious Denominations in the United States. Names. ~ P Names.. M._______Q o 66 ________ 5 18___ Methodist Episcopal........ 3,716 629,660 Presbyterians, Old School,.. 2,512 1,860 200,830 Do. do. South,...... 1,500 465,553 Do. New School.. 1,555 1,453 139,047 Do. Protestant............. 740 64,313 Do. Cumberland,. 1,250 900 100,000 Do. Wesleyan,....... 500 20,00 Do. Associate, &c. 530 290 45,500 Baptists, (Regular).......... 8,406 5,14 686,807 Dutch Reformed........ 276 289 32840 Do. Anti-Mission,.... 2,035 907 67,845 German Reformed........... 261 273 69,750 Do. Seventh Day.... 52 43 6,243 Lutherans................. 1,604 663 163,000 Do. Six Principle,... 21 25 3586 United Brethren,............ 800 500 15,000 Do. Free Will.... 1,25 1,08 56,452 Evangelical, (German)...... 600 250 16,000 Do. Church of God,. 97 128 10,102 Moravians,................. 22 24 6,000 Do. Campbellites,.... 189 848 118,618 Mennonites,................. 400 250 58,000 Do. Christian (Uni.). 607 498 33, 040 Swedenborgians,............ 42 30 3000 Coregationalists (Orth.)... 1971 1,687 197,196 Universalists,........... 918 7 60,000 Do. Unitarian. 244 25 30,000 Mormons..................... 1800 20 000 Protestant Episcopal,........ 1,192 1,497 67,550 Roman Catholic,..........864 1,173700 The British Census of 1851, included religious statistics, but the returns are not yet published. In many European countries these statistics are carefully collected. RELIGIOUS WORSHIP. 139 every 3;000 of the total population, and every 2,600 of the white and free colored. The average value of churches to each person, excluding slaves, is $4.50. Six hundred and nineteen persons in every 1,000 of the whole population of the United States, and 72 in every 100 of the whites and free colored, can be accommodated at one sitting in the churches. The Methodists have 1 church for every 1,739 of the total population, the Baptists 1 in 2,478, the Presbyterians 1 in 4,769, Episcopal 1 in 15,874, Catholic 1 in 18,901, other sects 1 in 2,923. For the several States the particulars of the table are curious and instructive. TABLE CXLI. —Ratio of Churches, Accommodations and Values. S s 6 S _ In the total population there is one church f > 3o ~ ri S-. o 73 = to the number of persons given. I oI 1|^ ^ P ~ -__ -— a __- - -- - States and Territories. V 5) s d ___'d z i~ I [ ) Alabama............ $905 323 1.78 3.21 $2.90 5751.03 1,337 1,333 4,763 45,390 154,32522,046 Arkansas,......... 413 188 1.72 2.22.92 324.42 1,249 1,841 4,036 104,948 29,98511,047 California............10,30 39.3.309 3.11 119.1218,51992,59730,865 92,597 5,144...... Columbia, District of. 7,891 742.89.91 7.56 660.71 3,230 8,614 8,614 6,461 8,614 12,922 Connecticut......... 4,904 422 1.98 1.98 9.71 834.83 2,004 3,25221,811 3,671 30,899 1,216 Delaware............ 1,891 310 1.97 2.092 3.81 609.61 864 7,628 3,520 4,359 30,511 7,628 Florida.............. 1,088 254 2.021 3.68 4.00 514..93 1,005 1,562 5,465 8,744 17,48929,148 Georgia............. 713 344 2.05 3.551 2.53 707 1.21 1,120 1,031 9,342 45,309 113,27318,494 Illinois.............. 1,253 399 1.44 1.44 1.80 573.57 2,102 3,019 4,133 31,536 14,432 3,490 Indiana............. 771 353 2.06 2.06 1.59 727.73 1,269 2,299 3,505 41,184 15,689 2,163 Iowa................ 1,137 215 1.08 1.08 1.22 232.23 2,529 8,357 5.058 38,443 10,679 4,090 Kentucky........... 1,241 366 1.88 2.40 2.98 689.88 1,854 1,231 4,386 51,706 20,467 4,271 Louisiana.......... 6,321 362 59 1.12 7.19 214.41 4,142 6,724 28,765 34,517 9,414130,457 Maine............... 1,899 345 1.62 1.62 3.08 559.56 2,930 1,789 83,310 64,797 48,597 1,488 Maryland............ 4,372 417 1.56 1.85 8.06 651.77 1,21712,95610,411 4,384 8,970 4,451 Massachusetts....... 7,112 471 1.49 1.49 10.56 699.70 3,796 3,73962,157 18,417 24,256 1,187 Michigan.......... 1988 323 1.03 1.03 3 99 324.32 3,342 6 025 5,523 15,906 9,038 5.447 Mississippi......... 820 289 1.68 3.42 2.81 485.99 1.336 1,575 4,241 46,656 67,392 50,544 Missouri...........1,903 297 1.33 1.53 2.91 396.45 2,593 2,244 5,328 62,004 140,030 5.052 New Hampshire..... 2,290 382 1.97 1.97 4.51 753.75 3,087 1,648 24,460 28,907 158,988 1,046 New Jersey......... 4,561 431 1.66 1.66 7.59 716.72 1,569 4,533 3,286 9,415 21.285 2,880 New York........... 5,167 460 1.35 1.35 6.95 619.62 2,516 3,966 4,425 11,102 17,599 3,091 North Carolina....... 508 323 2.06 3.08 1.56 664.99 1,106 1,439 5,755 1 7,041 217,260 4,550 Ohio................ 1,488 370 1.99 1.99 2.96 736.74 1,293 3,594 2,987 25,067 15,233 2,010 Pennsylvania........ 3,296 140 1.56 1.56 5.13 684.68 2,549 7,202 2,971 16,998 16,513 1,759 Rhode Island........ 5,600 448 1.57..1.57 8.77 701.70 6,415 1,392...... 5,675 21,078 2,138 South Carolina....... 1,846 390 1.77 4.17 7.69 6891.62 1,381 1,619 4,915 9,285 47,750 10,611 Tennessee........... 615 312 2.02 2.66 1.63 631.83 1,157 1,547 2,762 58,983 250,679 7,834 Texas............... 1,247 226 1.54 1.80 2.24 35 41 1,229 3, 037 4,523 42,518 16,35310,630 Vermont............ 2,090 430 1.91 1.91 3.98 756.76 2.244 3.08028.556 12,082 39,265 2,120 Virginia............. 1,216 360 1.68 2.51 3.06 604.90 1,387 2,1871 5;899 8,218 83,627 5,077 Wisconsin........ 1.. 1.68 320.32 2,776 6,242 7,635 16,073 4,772 3,680 Minnesota..... 450 49.05 6,077...... 6,077........ 6,077...... New Mexico... 1,289 392 1.19 1.19 1.53 466.47.................... 843......!S Oregon.......8,52 348.68.68 5.76 236.2413,294 13,294.13,294........ 2,65913,294 - Utah.................................................................................. 1,264 Total............ 2,357 376 1.65 1.91 4.5 619.72 1,739 2,478 4,769 15,874 18,901 2,923 According to the returns of the marshals without correction in the office, the church statistics for the great sections of the Union, show that the New England and Middle States and the Territories and California, have nearly the same average value to their churches, which is nearly four times that of other sections. The average accommodation of churches differs much less. The South accommodates as much of its population as the Middle States, and only a little less than New England. TABLE CXLII.-Church Value and Accommodation for the several great Sections. co^ a? ~. ti- Geographical Divisions. o0.I', - 1 ~ A New England........................ 4,612 $19,363,534 4,198 1,895,285 411 69.47 2,728,116 Middle States........................ 9,714 41,137,687 4,235 4,306,483 443 65.00 6,624,988 Southern States.................... 7,394 7,373,634 997 2,571,412 348 65.05 3,952,837 Southwestern States................. 5,415 5,182, 074 957 1,596,750 295 48.08 3,321,117 Northwestern States................. 10,926 13,899,122 1,272 3,853.926 353 60.41 6,379,92 California and Territories.......... 122 490, 320 4,019 46,283 379 25.03 184,895 140 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. The annexed.tables show the ratio of the whole church accommodation possessed by each of the leading denominations in the several sections. In New England the Congregational preponderates; in all others except the territories, the Methodist; in the Territories and California, the Catholic. The Baptists are second in rank every where except in the Middle States and California. The churches of Charleston accommodate a larger portion of the whole population than do those of Boston, and their average property and value to each person is about equal. If the slaves be excluded, the average value to each person is twice as large in Charleston as in Boston, &c. TABLE CXLIII.-Church Statistics of several large Cities. 0 00 Cities. States.. - Albany......... New York.... 29 35,800 $448,900 70.52 1,234 1,750 $15,479 50,763 50,763 $8.84 Baltimore...... Maryland.... 99 80,455 2,410,300 47.59 813 1,708 24,346 169,054 166,108 14.51 Boston.......... Massachusetts 94 77015 3,152,393 56.26 8].9 1,456 33,536 136,881 136,881 23.03' Charleston.....S. Carolina... 31 29,050 1 037,700 67.58 937 1,386 33,474 42,985 23,453 44.25 Chicago........ Illinois...... 29 2 2,100 273,200 73.76 762 1,033 9,421 29,963 29,963 9.12 Cincinnati...... Ohio......... 73 53,837 1,427,200 46.63 737 1,581 19,551 115,435 115,435 12.36 Louisville...... Kentucky.... 35 24,590 487,350 56.92 703 1234 13,924 43,194 37,762 12.91 Mobile......... Alabama..... 14 13,000 419,000 63.37 929 1465 29, 929 20,513 13.710 30.56 New Orleans.... Louisiana.... 30 27,350 1153,50 23.50 912 3,879 38,450 116,375 99,364 11.61 New York......New York...214 219,098 9098,700 41.53 1023 2,409 42,517 515,547 515,547 17.65 Philadelphia.... Pennsylvania. 246 186,814 4,779,050 45.70 759 1,662 19,427 408,762 408,762 11.69 St. Louis...... Missouri..... 50 34,425 1,043,900 42.74 689 1,557 20,878 77,860 75,204 13.88 TABLE CXLIV.-Ratio of the Leading Sects to the Whole Church Accomnmodation. New England States. Middle States. Southern States. Denominaton. R at Seats. Denomination. Rati Seats. Denomination. Rati Seats. pr. ct. pr. ct. pr. ct. Congregational.... 32.07 607,921 Methodist........ 26.80 1,153953Methodist........ 37.79 971,788 Baptist.......... 21.26 402 906 Presbyterian...... 19.73 849574 Baptist....... 36.51 948 844 Methodist...... 15.95 302,307 Baptist........... 12.30 529,642 Presbyterian...... 10.99 282616 Unitarian........ 6.18 117,162 Lutheran......... 7.62 328,372 Episcopalian..... 5.37 138,004 Universalist....... 5.92 112, 322 Episcopalian...... 7.00 301,571 Lutheran......... 2.18 56,075 Episcopalian...... 5.28 100,034 Roman Catholic....1 65,104 ee............. 2.12 54,575 South Western States. North Western States. California and Territories. Denomination. Rati Seats. Denomination. Rat. Seats. Denomination. Rati Seats. pr. et. pr. c. pr. ct. Methodist........ 39.64 632.971 Methodist......... 33.50 1,290,982 Roman Catholic... 82.28 38,083 Baptist............ 34.21 546250 Baptist............. 21.29 820,438 Methodist...... 4.54 25,100 Presbyterian...... 17.00 271,399 Presbyterian...... 16.73 644,579 Presbyterian...... 1.94 900 Roman Catholic... 3.50 55,990 Roman Catholic... 6.08 234,199 Baptist............ 1.08 500 Christian..........1.67 2650 hristian.......... 5.47 200,725 Congregational.... 1.08 500 Episcopalian..... 1.62 25,865 Lutheran..... 3.80 146683 2. EDUCATIoN.-The objections that were taken to the statistics of Insanity in the Census of 1840, were also taken to those of Education, and were replied to in the report of the office, noticed under the chapter of Free Colored Population. Under Universities or Colleges in that census were included all institutions that were not academies, primary or common schools, and thus it was thought that their number was made too large. The distinction of "scholars at public charge," and not at public charge, was also objected to, since in some of the States common schools are supported by a public tax or by funds provided by the public for the education of all the children, and therefore none of them it was said could be considered as educated otherwise than at public charge. The distinction was no doubt one of difficult application, and by no means as satisfactory as that which was adopted in 1850, though at neither census was it true that all of the children at common schools in any of the States are educated at the public expense. Where a portion of the expense is voluntarily raised or contributed by parents, their children can hardly be considered as at public charge. EDUCATION. 141 Instead of the distribution of institutions into "universities and colleges," "academies and grammar schools," and "primary schools," adopted in 1840, in 1850 they were classed as 1st. " Colleges," or institutions empowered to grant degrees, as well for male or female, including law, medical and theological institutions. 2d. " Academies and other schools," or all such as are not embraced under 3d, "Public schools," receiving their support in whole or in part from taxation or public funds. In framing the tables, however, it was found that female colleges, law institutions, etc., had been sometimes classed'improperly with academies. In many of the States, particularly at the South, there is no general public school systemh, some counties, etc., supporting schools by taxes levied within their own limits, and in other cases the State contributing a proportion towards the support of private schools. Such schools are considered always as public in the census. Many academies also receive a limited support from public funds. The marshals were instructed to specify whether the institution be a college, academy, female seminary, public school, military, theological, or other school, and state the number of teachers, and the average number of scholars in regular attendance. They were also instructed to give the annual revenue from any permanently invested fund or endowment-the amount received by each institution from taxes assessed for educational purposes, and if this cannot be ascertained, then the gross amount of taxes assessed in the district for school purposes'-the amount received from State or district appropriations or public funds, exclusively of the taxes above mentioned-the amount otherwise received, including every other kind of revenue. There is no doubt that they did not always distinguish very carefully between the different sources of revenue and that the statistics upon the whole are imperfect, though the best that can be obtained. TABLE CXLY.-Educational Institutions-Scholars and Income, 1850. 1. Colleges. Annual Income. STATES AND TERRITORIES,: ed'*& Endow- Taxation. Public Other T. ment. axaon funds. sources. lot Alabama.............. 5 55 567 $5,900.......... 305 $35,050.41,255 Arkansas............... 3 14 150........3,100 3,100 California.............. I. ~ ~~~ ~~I ~~ ~~~~~ ~~./....I... Columbia, Dist. of..... 2 36 218 1200.... 22,5800 24.000 Connecticut........... 4 56 738 24;060 5.................. 29,579 53,639 Delaware.............. 2 16 144 1,200................... 16,000 17,200 Florida...................................... I..................... Georgia................ 13 84 - 1,.535 21,720........ 500 83,210 105,430) Illinois................. 6 35 442 4,500.......... 700 8,100 13,300 Indiana................ 11 61 1,069 14,000.......... 300 29050 43,350 owa................... 2 4 100 200..........1,800 2,000 Kentucky.............. 15 100 1,773 45,608 ~15,447....... 70,406 131,461 Louisiana.............. 6 41 629 19,100......... 25,000 [ 41,650 85,750 Maine.................. 3 21 282 1,500.......... 6,000 6,500 14,000 Maryland............... 13 98 1,1.27.................... 1,700 112,014 113,714 Massachusetts......... 6 85 1,043 52,223...... 5000 50,678 107.901 M ichigian............... 3 22 308.............................. 14, 000 14,000 Mississippi............. 11It 45 862 10,600..............31,800 42,400 Missouri.............. 9 65 1,009.23,000.................... 56,528 7952 8 New Hampshire....... 1 18 273 4,000.................... 7,000 11,000 New Jersey............ 4 49 470 6,000...73700 79,700 New York........... 18 174 2,673 29,567.......... 12,855 105,836 148,258 North Carolina......... 5 29 513 11,300 9.................... 9,400 40,700 Ohio................... 26 180 3,621 25,136.................... 100,656 125.;92 Pennsylvania........... 252 134 3,520 97,900 38 7 188,860 286.805 Rhode Island........... 1 12 283 13,300.9,700............ 23,000 South Carolina......... 8 43 720 9,650.......... 700 53, 440 104,790 Tennessee............. 18 83 1,705 9,300.......... 482 55,525 65,307 Texas.................. 2 7 165.............................. 1,000 1, 000 Vermont............... 5 30 464 4,700.................... 16,858 21,558 Virginia.............. 12 73 1,343 30,550.......... 90,000 39,240 159,790 Wisconsin............. 2 8 75 400............ 4, 300 4, 700 ( Minnesota.......................................... * / N. Mexico............................................. Oregon........................................... - Utah........................................... 1,2818... 1........... Total....I........... 239 1,678 27,821 466,614/ 15, 485 194,249 1,288, 080 1,964,42.8 142 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE CXLV.-Continued. 2. Public Schools. Annual Income. STATES AND TERRITORIES j.S ^ * Endow- Public Other CZ n Taxation. PTotal. O3 n ment. funds. sources. Alabama............... 1,152 1,195 28,380 $2,916 $800 $56,367 $255,519 $315,602 Arkansas............... 353 355 8,493 1,720 250 8,959 32,834 43,763 California.............. 2 2 49 3,600.............................. 3,600 Columbia, District of.... 22 34 2,169 1,100 7090 5,550 492 14, 232 Connecticut............ 1656 1,787 71,29 5,674 39,476 154701 31,369 231,220 Delaware.............. 194 214 8,970.......... 14,22 27,753 1,686 43,861 Florida................. 69 73 1,878.................... 250 22,136 22,386 Georgia................ 1251 1,265 32,705 500 21,520 16,959 143,252 182, 231 Illinois................. 4052 4,248 125,725 20,526 100,694 129,906 98,586 349,712 Indiana................ 4,822 4,860 161,500 10,630 76,746 134,078 95,501 316,955 Iowa................... 740 828 29,556.......... 16,549 19,078 15,865 51,492 Kentucky.............. 2,234 2,306 71,429.......... 41,276 46,376 124,200 211,852 Louisiana.............. 664 822 25,045 3,200 194,984 93,428 58,067 349,679 Maine.................. 4,042 5,540 192,815 2,695 269,603 31,110 12,028 315,436 Maryland............... 898 986 33,111 1,559 86,663 67,097 63,517 218,836 Massachusetts......... 3,679 4,443 176,475 16,906 935,141 37,341 17,407 1,006,795 Michigan............... 2,714 3,231 110,455.......... 88,879 54,279 24,648 167,806 Mississippi............. 782 826 18,746 3,820 33,626 32,492 184,221 254;159 Missouri............... 1,570 1,620 51,754 7,178 3,024 74,807 75,761 160,770 New Hampshire........ 2,381 3,013 75,643 2,523 141,016 14,990 8,415 166,944 New Jersey............ 1,473 1,574 77,930 2,573 76,003 66,092 72,004 216,672 New York............. 11,580 13,965 675,221 20,426 756,693 564,104 131,434 1],472,657 North Carolina......... 2,657 2,730 104,095 1,535 42,936 97,378 16,715 158,564 Ohio................... 11,661 12,886 484,153 20,159 285,266 329,671 107,978 743,074 Pennsylvania. 9 061 10,024 413,706 21,425 1,119,871 184,167 22,786 1,348,249 Rhode Island........... 416 518 23,130 660 62,296 31,434 6,091 100,481 South Carolina......... 724 739 17,838 3,000 1,200 35,973 160,427 200,600 Tennessee............. 2,680 2,819 104,117 8,912 4,500 98,548 86,558 198,518 Texas.................. 349 360 7,946........................... 44,088 44,088 Vermont............... 2,731 4,173 93,457 6,737 91,984 56,693 20,697 176,111" Virginia................ 2,930 2,997 67,353 12,235 43,470 60,828 198,092 314, 0.' Wisconsin........ 1,423 1529 58,817 385 86,391 21.,993 4,364 113, 13 (M irinesota...................................................................................... a N. M exico........................................................................, Oregon........... 3 4 80.......... 2,527.......... 1400 3,927 E — [Utah................ 13............................ 8200.......... 3,312 11512 Total................ 80,978 91,966 3,354,011 182,1594 4,653,096 2,552,402 2,141,450 9,529,542 3. Academies and Private Schools and Total in all Schools, d'c. Annual Income.,A: k k _________________ ___'_c_ o' STATES AND TERRITORIES S a T * _ c- - 3d 0.0 Endow- Taxa- Public Other Toa o | a 0 ~ ~ment. tion. funds, sources. Alabama................ 166 380 8,290 $1,100.. $4,949 $158,116 $164,165 2.61 37,237 Arkansas............... 90 126 2,407..................... 27, 27,937.85 11,050 California............... 6 5 170 3,000...... 70 11,200 14,270...... 219 Columbia, District of.... 47 126 2,333...................... 84,040 84,040 118.33 4, 720 Connecticut............ 202 329 6,996 3,385 $1,729 25 140828 145,967 39.84 79,003 Delaware.............. 65 94 2,011 225...... 1 47;606 47,832 12.31 11,125 Florida................. 34 49 1,251 1,900............ 11,189 13,089.17 3,129 Georgia.............. 211 318 9,059 7,397..... 200 101,386 108,983 2.56 43,299 Illinois................. 83 160 4,244 1,985..... 806 37,697 40,488 7.47 130,411 Indiana................ 131 233 6,185 710..... 80 62,730 63,520 14.68 168,754 Iowa................... 33 46 1,111 2,500............. 5480 7,980 1.52 30,767 Kentucky............. 330 600 12,712 5,445...... 5,534 241,638 252,617 6.84 85,914 Louisiana.............. 143 354 5,328 52,200...... 2,985 137,892 193,077 1.97 31,003 Maine.................. 131 232 6,648 8,376 120 6,986 35,705 51,187 13.15 199,745 Maryland.............. 223 503 10,787 14,995...... 8,141 209,205 232,341 10.19 45,025 Massachusetts.......... 403 521 13,436 19,470 100 48 290,559 310,177 52.41 190,924 Michigan............... 37 71 1,619 7,960............. 16,987 24,947 4.90 112,382 Mississippi............. 171 297 6,628 100 50 5,743 67,824 73,717 2.04 26,236 Missouri............... 204 368 8,829.............. 870 142,301 143,171 2.65 61,592 New Hampshire........ 107 183 5,321 6,136 775 157 36,134 43,202 26.82 81,237 New Jersey............. 225 453 9,844 1,800 146 1,8005 146 225,517 227,588 20.46 88,24 New York.............. 887 3,136 49,328 23,185 4,812 46,465 735,870 810,332J 26.56 727,222 North Carolina.......... 272 403 7,8 15,987........... 171,661 187,648 5.79 112,430 Ohio................... 206 474 15,052 5,690...... 16,26 127, 442 149,392[ 29.76 502, 826 Pennsylvania............ 524 914 23,751 73,459 375 552 390,457 467,843j 20.88 440,977 EDUCATION. 143 TABLE CXLV-Continued. 3. Academies and Private Schools and Total in all Schools, Sc. Annual Income. o. uv 0lz, 2 ________________________^ ____.S STATES AND TERRITORIES " 0'5 8. o Endow- Taxa- Public Other.W'rr ment. tion. funds. sources. otal. Rhode Island...... 46 75 1,601 $6,500....... $26,248 $32,748 35.45 25,014 South Carolina.......... 202 333 7,467 8.700...... 226 196,563 205,489 3.18 26,025 Tennessee.............. 264 404 9,98 6183 $230 10,008 139,481 155,902 6.50 115,750 Texas................... 97 137 3,389...................... 39,384 39,384 0.19 11,500 Vermont... 118 257 6,864 3, 727 5, 865 1,989 37,354 48,935 27.95 100,785 Virinia............... 317 547 9,068 6, 740...... 504 227,128 234,372 5.31 77,764 Wisconsin. 58 86 2,723...................... 18,796 18,796 2.75 61,615. NewMexico 1 1 40...... 0'= Minnesota........ n1 1 1............. 140 140...... 12 S-2 Oregon........... 29 44 842...................... 20,888 20,888.02 922 EI Utah............. 13...................... 2,050 2,050.01......... Total................. 6,085112,260 263,096 288,855114,202 115,724 4,225,433 4,644,214 2.97 3,644,928 TABLE CXLVI.-Corrected and estimated ]Educational Income to each Pupil, 1850. To each aca- To each P. S. e, To all demy scholar s scholar. 0 white o a. States and Territo-.. - [ 0 ]g'. ries. i 8 " 5 || 1 30 5 ~I L * 0 " 1) w 3 - a b ) ) 4 ) 52 P.'A 42 4) 3. Maine.4 0..................... 4 66 86 8477 3.385 164,477 60,.21 3.241 New Hampshire................ 9 433 68 5,799 2,127 83,63 9 7,715'945, Vermont...................... 3 233 46 4,113, 40,2 82,817 14,701 2,270 Masachusetts................. 4 769 2951 16,746 3362 160,257 158,351 4,448 Rhode Island2....:............. 2 324 5 2 3,664 434 17,3.55 10,749 1,614 Connecticut.................... 4 832 127 4,865 1,619 65,739 10o,912 526 New England States............ 19 i,857 630 43,664 13,39 574,277 262 9,6409 13041 * The foreign born children between five and fifteen years of age in four counties of Iowa, four of Michigan, three of Tennessee, three of Rhode Island, five of Louisiana, and one ward of New York, were exactly ascertained from the returns, and constituted 13.5 per cent. of the whole foreign born there. The proportion of those who arrived in the country between five and fifteen years of age in 1845,'47, and'52, was about 15 per cent. A mean between the two was taken, or 14 per cent. The foreign born over twenty years of age were obtained fiom the returns of immigration for the same years, which showed an average of about 60 per cent. EDUCATION. 151 TABLE CLIII.-Continued. STATES. 0 0..... Ne w MY oM 2 C ncrka 12 10 533o New York...................... 12 19,285 505 34,715 10,593 502,367 27,075 44,452 New Jersey..................... 3 443 66 3,027 1,207 52,583 7,128 6,385 Pennsylvania................... 20 2,034 290 15,970 4,968 179.989 73,908 33,940 Delaware....................... 1 23 20 764 152 6;924 1,571 4,832 thCarolina.................. 1 17 4,326 566 12,520 3,524 20615 Georgia......................... 11 622 176 7,878 601 15,561 1,33 30,717 Florida....................721....1 72 ___ _.. 15925_ 14 1,303 Southern States........... 27 245 834 28,417 3,411 79,274 14,786 168,031 Alabama.....2 152 114 5,0178 -639. 16,243 3,13 22,592 Mississippi..................... 454 71 2,553 382 8,236 107 8, Louisiana...................... 12 989 52 1,995 179 3,573 1,190 4,861 Arkansas,.................................... 8 300 113 2,614.......... 6,567 Tennessee....4 158 141 4, 39 983 251,09037 612,907 58,53609 Southwestern States............ 29 2,087 397 15,405 2,296 55,756 11417 100911 Missouri....................... 6 495 47 1,926 64 1650 788 5264 19,6157 Kentucky...................... 10 1,419 116 4,906 952 24,641 429 40,018 Ohi............................ 18 1,76 17 73 4,310 5,186 218,6091 51,812 350,71394 IndFlorida......................... 4 322 54 2,946 1,521 48 189 6,929 38 100 Illinois. tates................. 45 311 4 2 1,967 1,241 34,876 1,683 27,502 Michigan...................... 5 158 12 485 975 29,701 998 2,173 Wisconsin.................................... 1 65 77 1,937 315 1,701 Iowa............................. 1 25 63 1,500.......... 1,118 Northwestern States.......... 48 4,422 347 16,692 165,463 Total....................... 173 16,233 3,242 164,159 47,209 1845,244 468264 549,693 TABLE CLIY.-Age of Population for purposes of Educational Comparison, 1850. kUnder 20 lo4,1 foreian n1ative StatesandTerritories.fee co — white and white wi an Alabama.................... 248,097 178,417 1,083 179,500 4,498 4,505 174,995 152 54 7 5 097 880 8~ 64,15 Arkansas................... 97402 64,787 310 65, 097 880 882 64,215 California.................... 1.37 80257 829 81,6 12,937 13.081 68,005 Columbia, District of.......... 18,400 19,541 5,277 24.818 2,977 2,950 21,868 Connecticut.................. 153,862 209,237 4,425 213.662 23,024 23,110 185,552 Delaware.................. 3687 34,296 8,112 4240 3,145 3,151 39,277 Florida.e.................... 25,898 21,30 442 21,747 1,644 1,661 20,086 Georgia............... 303,798 217,774 1,390 219,164 3 871 3,81 2 215,272 Illinois........................ 476,823 369213 2,657 371,868 67,116 67,135 304,53 Indiana...................... 565,179 411,975 4,815 416,790 33,322 33,343 38:3,4417 Ioiwa.......................... 110,608 81, 273 159 81,432 12,608 12,609 68,823 Kentucky..................... 429,043 332,370 5,478 337,848 18,840 18,852 318,996 Loui;iana..................... 121,458 134,033 9,052 143,085 40,385 40,939 102,146 Maine........................ 288.396 293,417 755 294,172 19,017 19,095 275,077 Maryland.................... 208.084 209,859 37,194 247,053 30,606 30,725 216.328 Massachusetts............. 416,917 568,533 5,374 573,907 98,158 98,414 475,493 Michigan.................... 210,831 184,240 1,348 185,588 32755 32,821 152,76 Mississippi................... 172,496 123,222 489 125,711 2,869 2,872 120,839 Missouri..................... 334,936 25706 1,602 258,670 45,942 45,955 212715 New Hampshire............... 137,224 180,232 322 180,554 8,554 8,559 171,995 New Jersey.................. 230,849 234,660 12,055 246,715 35882 35,968 210,747 New York.... 1.............. 36,11 17, 4172 28,1673 1,640,379 39,13 4 393,557 1,246,822 North Carolina................ 301,106 25192 12,050 263.972 8801,539 1,548 262,424 Ohio....................... 1,064,21 890,387 1,898 902, 1 93786 1308915 771,821005 Pennsylvaniast....... 1,162,874 1095,286 28,3377 23623 188 1977 250 91,86573 Rhode Island..............62,270 81,605 2,231 83.836 14,300 14.341 69,495 South Carolina................ 149.322 125,241 4,109 129,350 5,105 5,224 124,126 TConnectcu t.................... 153440, 8627 231609 2,237 4 4912 319,121 3 082 3,391 315,730 Texas..................8... 35,869 68,165 193 68,358 10,5,210,608 57,750 Vermont................... 145,989 167,413 411 2167,824 20,212 20,29 147,59506 Virginia...................... 0481372 413,428 25,538 438,9661 3,772 13,791 4215,175 Wisconsin............156175 148,581 358 148939 66,282 66,286 82,653 Minnesota.............. 656 179 3 4 3821197 5 3,407 1186 1,186 2,221 Io New Mexico............ 1,572 29,953 20273 15 29,973 1291 1291 628,682 Oregon................. 6,499 6,588 93 6,681 575 61 3 1 8 6,06 o Utah.................... 6,1223 5,107 10 5,11743, 1,22685 401,22639 1302,1896 152 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. The annexed table will show the ratio of whites and colored, native and foreign, who cannot read and write, over 20 years of age, when compared with the whole number of cach of these classes, and also when compared with the actual number of and over 20 years of age. The population at 20 was necessarily included, the ages being only classified in periods of 5 and 10 years. As to foreigners over 20 see note on page 150. TABLE CLV.-Foreign and Native lliterate. ) M u c -<' z STATES AND TERRITORIES. 3. 5 0.0.0 MI.0.0 5..0 C'.s. Z C Z Z Z Z C 4.S Mississippi.................................... 4 *245,440................ 46 1.507. 014 Missouri.................... 5 3,380,400 4 *273,000................ 45 2 406,560 New Hampshire....................................................... 35 3,538,152 New Jersey.................. 6 2,175.350................... 4 1,900.288 New York................. 51 63,928,685 776,100 13 3,116,360 308 39,205.920 North Carolina.................................. 5 *414,310.40 1,530,204 Ohio......................... 26 14,285,633 10 *1,047,930......201 13334,204 Pennsylvania...24 50,416,788 2 78,000 6,400 261 27359,384 Rhode Island................. 5 1, 768, 450............. 2 25200 12 963,300 South Carolina............... 7 5,070,600 5 *549,250......... 27 1,413, 880 Tennessee................... 8 4,407,666 2 *266,240.. 36 2,139,644 Texas.......................................... 5 *525.400................. 29 771,524 Vermont..................... 2 172,150.................. 1 228800 30 2,14 71 Viginia...................... 15 4,992, 350 12,416,550.................. 55 2,518.568 Wisconsin. 6 1053,245 4 98,250.................. 50 1395 992 * J New Mexico.......................... 1 ~ o 1 Oregon...................................................................... 58 968 Utah....................................................................................... Total.2.............24 235,119, 966 115 11,811,140 31 5,565,176 1,902 153,120,708 Semi-monthly. Monthly. Quarterly. Aggregate. STATES AND TERRITORIES. _ 0 C 0 0[ 0 Alabama........ 18000.................. 60 66741 Arkansas...................................9.377, 000 California...................7. 761,200 Columbia, District of.............................................................. 18 11, 27,236 Connecticut..................................... 1 6,000 2 8,800 46 4,267? 932 Delaware...................................................... 10 421,200 Florida............................................................................ 10 319,800 Georgia....................... 6 228,600.................... 4070.866 Ilinois...................... 3 43,200 7 147200 1 107 5,102,27 Indiana...................... 107 4 316.828 Iowa..12,600..................29 1 512,800 Kentucky..160950................ 6 6,58,838 Louisiana.................... 1 146,4................... 55 12,416, 24 Maine.................. 1 30,000.... 49 4,203,064 Maryland..................... 4800 3........ 9... 68 19, 612,724 Massachusetts................ 3 61,800 29 1,357,200 7 24,000 209 64,80564 Michigan.3 134,400 3 123,600.................. 58 3,247,736 Miississippi........................... 50 1,752,504 Missouri.....................135,600......61 6, 195,560 Nsw Hampshire..5600 13,800............ 38 3.067.552 New Jersey................... 2 23,040............................ 51 4098:678 New York.................... 9 1,704,000 36 6,9,808 3 24,600 428 115,385.473 North Carolina................ 6 *76,050.................... 51,020,5 Ohio.......................... 23 *1,781,640.................. 1 24000 261 30,473,407 Pennsylvania................ 19 6,972,000... 2 7,600 310 84,898672 Rhode Island....................................9 75656,950 South Carolina............... 5 *102,600 2 600 46 7,45 Tennessee.................................. 4 12700.................. 50 6940,750 Texas............................................................................ 34 1,29,924 Vermont.. 2 24000............. 35 2,567.662 Virginia...................... 267, 600 1 24,000 1 400 87 9, 23, 068 W isconsin...................................... 1 18,000.................. 46 2,665,487 o rM innesota................................................................................ New Mexico............ 1 18000............ 38,80 Oregon.................2 558,968 E U tah...................................................................................... ~~Utah...... Total.................... 95 11,703,480 100 8,887,808 19 103,500 2,525 426,409,978 * Papers " tri-weekly and semi-weekly," arranged under the head of "(tri-weekly;" those "semi-monthly and monthly" under the head of " semi-monthly." The following journals, though included in the aggregates of the States, are not classified under any of the heads: Massachusetts, four bi-monthly, 42,000 circulation per annum; three annuals, aggregate circulation of 45,000. Connecticut, one bi-monthly, circulation 7,200 per annum; one published three times a year, 1,500 annual circulation. Pennsylvania, one annual, 2,500 circulation. THE PRESS.157 TABLE OLXIII.-O7aracter of the Newspapecr and Periodical Press. 1.. Number of Copies Printed Annually. States and Territo- Literary and Netral and olitical li S ti cep n Political. Religious. Scientific. Aogregate. ries. M9liscellaneous Independent. Alabama..........'265,200 313,000 1,889,109 158,400 36,972 2,662,741 Arkansas...... 171,600..205,400...............377,000 California......... 135,200 626, 000.......................................... 761,200 Columbia, Dist. of.. 81,900 54,600 10,990,736................11,127,236 Connecticut........ 489, 900 3.............. 42,432 223,200 7,200 *4,267,932 Delaware.......... 46,800................................ 421.200 Florida................................... 202,800 117,000.............. 319,800 Georgia........... 1,411,976 747,340 1,491,350 239,200' 181,000 4,070,86g Illinois............ 721,700 403,770 3,384,162 499, 044 93,600 5,102,276 Indiana............ 647,504......... 3,569,324 100.000....4,316,828 Iowa.............. 36,000 187,200 1,281,800 7,800.......... 1,512.800 Kentucky........ 650,800 250,400 5,245,888 429,450 6,300 6,582, 838 Louisiana....... 657,300 3.335,100 8,356,224 52,000 15,600 12,416,224 Maine............. 987,216.............. 2,501,680 438,568 275,600 4,203,064 Maryland.......... 14,654,000 8,400 4,196,924 669,400 84,000 19,612,724 Massachusetts..... 11,794,304 13,591,000 32,996,800 4,405,200 2,033,260 64,820,564 Michigan.......... 456,500 26,000 2,556,836 134,400 74,000 3,247.736 Mississippi......... 233,480.............. 1,519,024.......................... 1,752,504 Missouri........... 608,800.............. 5.496,280 90,480............. 6.1 ]95560 New Hampshire... 579,480.............. 1,673,672 778,000 36,400 3,06,7. 552 New Jersey..... 181,640 93,900 3,823,138............................ 4,098;678 New York......... 18,449,016 37,317,010 45,463,015 12.438,432 1,718,000 115,385.473 North Carolina.... 266.200 113.750 1,457,664 182,950.............. 2,020,564 Ohio............... 3.865:880 4,220,805 18.865,282 3,334.240 187,200 30,473,407 Pennsylvania.. 18,515,028 21 908,548 37,808,960 6,588,136 78,000 84,898,672 hode Island....... 280.800 782,500 1,693,650................ 2.756,950 South Carolina... 474,800 2,140,400 4,310,930 195,000 24,800 7,145,930 Tennessee......... 206,200 503,930 5,138,580 1,092,040.............. 6,940,750 Texas............. 350.324 148,400 660,400 137,800.......... 1,296. 924 Vermont.......... 208,600....... 2,025,430 333,632.............. 2,567,662 Virginia............ 247, 880 1,251,900 6,698,176 1,001,112 24,000 9,223,1068 Wisconsin......... 130,000.............. 2,517,487.............. 18,000 2,665,487 & M innesota....................................................................................... * New M exico. 38,800....................................................... 38,800 Oregon...... 32,448.............. 26,520.....................58,968 E-q [U tah........................................................................................ Uotah... [......4497 Total.......... 77,877,276 88,023,953 221,844,133 33,645,484 4,893,932 426,409,978 2. Number of Papers and the Circulation of each Class. Literary and Neutral Miscellrandeo, and Inde- Political. Religious. Scientific. Aggregate. Miscellaneous. pendent. States and Territories.g.a ~a.0 -t Z u0 u Z o Z 0 Alabama........... 11 5,100 1 1,000 45 24.336 3,450 1 711 60 34,597 Arkansas........... 3 3,00 6 3,950.......... 9 7,2.50 California........... 3 2,6004 2,000................................... 7 4,600 Columbia, Dist. of... 2 1,575 1 350 15 99,437............./...18 101,362 Connecticut........ 12 11,200.. 28 34,916 4 5,400 1 1,200 46 53,116 Delaware.......... 2 900..........6,600..................... 0 7.500 Florida..............7 3,500 3 2,250........ 10 5, 750 Georgia.18 29,638 6 3,046 20 20,900 3 4,600 4 9,300 51 67,484 Illinois............ 22 17,725 1 1,290 73 51,11.1 8 12,097 3 6,400 107 88,623 Indiana..... 21 12,452........ 84 47,900 2 3,00.......... 107 63,352 Iowa............... 2 1,000 1 1,200 25 20,150 1 650.......... 29 23000 Kentucky... 12 14.900 2 800 42 55,936 5 12,525 1 525 62 84,686 Louisiana.. 13 22,025 6 12,000 34. 45, 522 1 1,000 1 300 55 80,847 Maine.............. 15 20,458....... 29 29,695 4 8,434 1 5,300 49 63,887 Maryland........... 20 71,000 1 700 39 31,637 6 13,950 2 7,000 68 124,287 Massachusetts...... 80 283,027 9 50,700 82 171,387 24 117,650j14 94,205 209 716,969 Michigan.......... 13 1.3,625 1 00 3 28,793 3 5,600 2 4,500 58 52.718 Miisssssppi 10 4 490.. 40 26 380..........50 30870 Missouri............ 17 19, 400........ 42 48,340 2 2,740.......... 61 70:480 New Hampshire.... 10 11790......... 22 32,186 5 15,500 1 700 38 60,176 New Jersey........ 6 40101 300 44 40,144....................51 44,454 New York......... 101 528,90815 127,370 399,755 37 507,4612 59,500 428 122.779 North Carolina..... 8 5, 675j 875 351 24,564 6 5,725.......... 51 36839 * Including one paper-character not defined-400 circulation and 125,000 printed annually. 1]58 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE CLXIII-UContinued. Literary and Neutral MiscelTlaneonus, and Jnde- Political. Religious. Scientific. Aggregate. pendent. States and Territories a Ohio............... 37 111790 6 13,485 19 1893 0 0 5 0400 261 415.109 South Carolina..... 10 12,700 5 8300 4 28 15 5 4.6 0 46 55,715a Tennessee 5 103502 1,610 36 33147 7 2770.......... 50 6787 Texas.17 6,737 1 1,400 14 8,350 2 2:630......... 34 19,137 Vermont..... 5 5,550.......... 27 33,990 3 6,416.......... 35 45,956 Virginia............ 10 5,690 5 4200 62 51;,988 9 25,256 1 2,000 87 89,134 Wisconsin......... 3 2,500.......... 42 29,236.............. 1 1,500 46 33,236 M innesota.............................................................................,. rn New Mexico. 900........................................... 2 900 g Oregon. 1 624.......... 1.510..................... 2 1134 s Utah.................................._.................. Total............. 568 1,692,403183 303,722 1,630 1,907,794 191 1,071,65753 207,041 2,526 5,183,017 TABLE CLXIV.-Circulation of Newspapers &c., to White Populattion. Total white Numberof Proportion to Annual circu- Number ____ Year3_s. >Population. Papers. every 100,000 lation. to each persons. person. 1810................................:: 5,862,004 359 6.1 22,321,700 3.81 1828................................ *11,5010,000 852 7.4 68,117,796 5.92 1840..................................... 14,195,695 1,631 11.0 k195,838,673 13.80 1850..................................... 19,553,068 2,526 12.9 426,409,978 21.81 TABLE CLXVY.-Annual Circulation of Papers to White Population-1850. Literary. Political. Religious. Geographical Divisions. Ratio to Ratio to Ratio to Number. each Number, each Number. each person, person,. person. New England...... 14,340,300 5.30 44,313,664 16.38 6,178.600 2.23 Middle States...:::::::...... 51,928,384 8.24 102,657,173 16.30 19,695, 968 3.13 Southern States............... 2,400,856 1.05 14,160,920 6.18 1,735,262.76 Southwestern................. 1884,104.92 17,768,797 8.66 1,440,240.70 Northwestern and Territories.. 7,323,632 1.18 42,943,579 6.92 4,595,414.74 Total..................... 77,877,276 3.98 221,844,133 11.35 33,645,484 1.72 TABLE CLXVI.-Publications and their Circulation in the Principal Cities —[850..U. 3. Isoa 3 0 Cities. States..2 a a =a Albany..........................New York.................. 8 16,050,460 2,006 307 321 Baltimore.....................Maryland................... 31 20,711,100 668,100 147 Boston.......................... Massachusetts.............. 113 54,482,644 482,147 404 Charleston...................... South Carolina.............. t12 5,675,800 472 983 284 Chicago....................... Illinois.................... fl7 1,886,952 110 997 64 Cincinnati................... Ohio..................... 39 8,753,200 224,441 78 Louisville....................... Kentucky.................. 23 3,186,638 138, 550 88 Mobile.......................... lAlabama................... 4 1,002,000 250. 500 77 New Orleans............... Louisiana.................. 18 11,260,860 625,603 |1126 New York............... New York.................. 104 78,747.600 757, 188 157 Saint Louis..M........ Missouri.................... 18 4,890,030 271,668 66 Philadelphia............... Pennsylvania................ 01 1 48,457,240 * Estimated. R The weekly and tri-weekly issues not returned for Charleston as in other cities, and one paper (weekly) has a circulation of 10,000 instead of 1,000 as returned. In addition to seventeen entered there arelthree weekly and one daily left blank, circulation uncertain. New Orleans Price Current circulation returned uncertain. LIBRARIES. 159 Averaging the subscription of each newspaper and periodical published in the United States, the daily at two cents, tri-weekly, &c., at three, weekly at five, semi-monthly at seven, monthly at twelve, and quarterly at fifty cents, there would be a total of $15,000,000 expended upon that department of the press, if actually collected. The whole issue for one year, estimateed upon the basis of an ordinary country paper, would cover a surface of one hundred square miles, or constitute a belt of thirty feet wide around the earth, and weigh nearly 70,000,000 pounds. The very heavy circulation of the Northern cities is accounted for from the fact that these cities supply every section of the country, and more especially the Southern and South-western States, which show such a small proportion of native papers. Unless the proper deductions are made, the newspaper statistics will not be a fair criterion in judging of the several sections, but no data exists in the office for such corrections. 4. PUBLIc LIBRaRIES.-Great attention is bestowed in every part of the United States in the establishment of libraries for the use of institutions and the public. The number of such libraries and their statistics, as returned by the census of 1850, are given in the table. Private libraries containing over 1000 volumes were also returned, but not generally, and they will not therefore be published. TABLE CLXVII.-Libraries, other than private, in the United States. PUBLIC. SCHOOL. SUNDAY COLLEGE. CHURCH. TOTAL. SCHOOL, States, &c., 3 -a s -o s ^ aEfi~ss1 aa Aaa.. 8... D o 0 0o 013 i 3 0 o Alabama....... 4 3,848 321 3,500 15 775 5 7, 500.......... 56 20,623 Arkansas...... 1 250................ 2 170..................... 3 420 California*................................................................................... Columbia, lDis.of 7 66, 100....................... 2.... 9 98,60 Connecticut..... 42 38,609 4 5,039 107 38,445 8 82.600 3 625 164 165,318 Delaware...... 4 10I,250............... 12 2,700 1 5,000.......... 17 17,950 Florida......... 1 1,000 2 800 4 860...........7..... 7 7 2,660 Georgia......... 3 6,500 1 15 1,988 9 21,500... 38 31,788 Illinois.......... 33 35,982 2 5,875 86 12,829 4 7,800........ 152 62,486 Indiana......... 58 46,238 3 1,800 85 11,265 4 8,700 1 400 151 68 403 Iowa.......4.. 4 2,650 160 24 2,980...........3...... 32 5,3790 Kentucky..... 47 40,424.............. 18 4,617 11 33,225 41,200 80 79.466 Louisiana..... 5 9,800 12,000.............. 3 5,000....... 10 26.800 Maine......... 77 51,439 11 2,225 131 26,988 8 39,625 9 1,69-2 236 121,969 Maryland...... 17 54,750 8 6,335 84 28,315 10 33,792 5 1,850 124 125,042 Massachusetts.. 177 257,737 79'2 104,645 433 165,476 18 141,400 42 14,757[ 1,462 684,015 Michigan....... 280 65,116 119 31,427 15 3,500 3 7, 900......... 417 107,943 Mississippi..... 4 7, 264 103 3,65 6'730 4 10, 093......... 117 21,737 Missouri........ 13 23,106 13 17,150 66 14,500 4 19,700 1 600 97 75. 056 New Ilampshire 47 42,017 3 1,200 70 20,117 3 19,975 6 2,450 129 85;759 New Jersey..... 77 43,903 10 4,080 35 8,564 4 24,000 2 338 128 80, 885 New York...... 43 197,22910,802 1,388,729 137 33,294 25 138,870 6 2,698 11,013 1,760,820 North Carolina. 4 2500 1 1,500 19 2,352 5 21,593 9 1,647 38 29,592 Ohio........... 65 65,703 13 9,665 248 53,910 22 56,573 4 975 352 186,826 Pennsylvania.... 90 184,666 30 17.161 226 58,071 21 77,050 2626,452 393 363,400 Rhode Island... 26 42,007 12 5,814 50 23,765 1 31,000 7 1,756 96 104,342 South Carolina. 16 73,758 3 2,750........ 7 30,964.......... 26 107,472 Tennessee...... 9 5373 2 5,100 18 2,498 5 9, 925.. 34 22.896 Texas.......... 3 2,100 3 430 5 1,600 1 100.......... 12 4230 Vermont....... 3 21,061 16 9,700 38 10,020 9 23,280 3 580 96 64,641 Virginia........ 21 32,595 6 2,706 1,975 14 50,856 2 330 54 88,462 Wisconsin.... 9 12,040 33 2163 28 5,01 2 1800...... 72 21,02 Total........ 217 1,446,01512,067 1,647,404 1,98 542,21 213 942,321 13058,35015,615 4,636,411 In a volume on Public Libraries, published by the Smithsonian Institution, and prepared by Professor Jewett, the following statistics appear, obtained for a large part from replies to circulars, and therefore less full than those of the Census. Libraries. No. Volumes. State Libraries.......................... 39 288 937 Social Libraries......................... 126 61L,334 College Libraries....................... 126 586.912 Students' Libraries..................... 142 254, 639 Seminaries and Professional Libraries... 227 320.909 Scientific and Historical Societies, do.... 34 138,901 * None returned. 160 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. Whole number of libraries exclusive of Public School; libraries having 1,SOO volumes asnd upwards, 423; having 1,000 and less than 5,000, 198; having 5,000 and less than 10,000, 175; having 10,000 and less than 20,000, 43; having 20,000 and less than 50,000, 11; having 50,000 and over, 5, viz: Harvard University 84,200, Philadelphia Library 60,000; Yale College 50,481; Library of Congress 50,000; Boston Athenaeum 50,000. The number of volumes in the libraries of cities will be found in the appropriate chapter. The following statistics of Europeualibraries are taken from the work of Edward Edwards, published in London, in 1849. TABLE CLXVIII.- The chief University LTbraries of Europe in 1848 ranked as follows. Libraries. Vols. Libraries Vol Libraries. Vols. * Gottingen University.. 360,000 t Cambridge, Public....... 166,724 * f Turin University....... 110,000 Breslau University........ 250,000 Bologna University....... 150,000 Louvain do...... 105.000 t Oxford, Bodleian........ 220,000 t Prague do........ 130,000 t Dublin, Trinity College.. 104.239 Tubingen University...... 200,000 Vienna do........ 115,000 * Upsal University........ 10000)0 Munich do...... 200,000 Leipsic do....... 112000 Erlangen do...... 100,.000 Heidelberg do. 200 000 Copenhagen do....... 110,000 Edinburgh do......... 90.854 The date of the foundation of some of the libraries is as follows: Turin 1436, Cambridge 1484, Leipsic 1544, Edinburgh 1582, the Bodleian 1597. The library of the University of Salamanca (24,000 volumes) is said to have been founded in 1215. TABLE CLXIX.- Whole number of Printed Volumes in the Public Libraries f some of the principal Cities of Europe in 1848. Libraries. Volumes. Libraries. Volumes. Libraries. Volumes. Libraries. Volumes, Aberdeen...... 46,000 Cologne....... 109,300 Leipsic........ 192000 Paris.......... 1,474,000 Amsterdam.... 16,000 Copenhagen... 557,000 Lisbon........ 98,000 Prague....... 198,000 Antwerp...... 15,000 Dresden....... 340,500 London....... 490,500 Rome........ 465,000 Barcelona...... 45, 000 Dublin........ 143,654 Lyons........ 82,000 Seville....... 58,000 Berlin......... 460, 000 Edinburgh..... 288,854 Milan......... 250,000 Stockholm.... 82,000 Bologna........ 233 000 Florence..... 299,000 Moscow....... 66,000 St. Petersburg.. 595, 900 Bremen..... 36,000 Genoa......... 120,000 Munich........ 800,000 Stutgard...... 197, 000 Breslau........ 370,000 Glasgow...... 80, 096 Naples........ 290,000 Venice........ 137,000 Brussels........ 143,500 Gottingen..... 350,000 Oxford........ 273,000 Vienna........ 453,000 Buda-Pesth.... 68 000 Halle........ 121,000 Padua......... 177,000 Weimar....... 110,000 Cambridge...... 261724 Hamburg..... 2200,367 TABLE CLXX.-Libraries of Europe, 1848.. Volumes | Volumes 3 States. g of printed 3 5 a States. 5 of printed r 5 books. 0 books s. Anhalt..................... 2 25,700........ Mecklenburg-Strelitz........ 1 50,000 Austrian States.............. 49 2,408,000 41,103 Modena.................... 1 90,000 3,000 Baden....................... 5 404,300 3,170 Naples and Sicily........... 413,000 3,000 Bavaria................... 18 1,268,500 30.156 Nassau..................... 1 50,000........ Belgium.................... 14 509,100 20,728 Oldenburg................. 1 60,000 Bremen..................... 2 36,000........ Papal States............... 16 957,000 331495 Bmnnswick.................. 6 223,000 4,580 Parma...................... 3 146,000.... Cracow.................... 2 52,000 210 Portugal....................7 276000 7,5 Denmark.................... 5 647000 3,200 Prussian States............. 53 2,040450 15,417 France................ 86 5510295 119119 Reuss...................... 5,000... Frankfort-on-the-Maine...... 1 62,000 550 Rudolstadt.................. 1 46, 000 Great Britain and Ireland.. 34 1,771,493 62,149 Russian Empire............ 12 852,090 21,60(4 Hamburgt.................. 6 200,367 5,000 Sardinia and Piedmont...... 11 297,000 45(00 Hanover..................... 5 492,000 5,743 Saxe-Coburg-Gotha........ 5 247,000 5.00) Hesse....................... 5 273,200 400 Saxe-Meininger........... 1 32,000..... Hesse-Darmstadt............ 3 282,600 5,268 Saxe-Weimar...........2.. 2 80,000 2.00) Hildburghausen.............. 1 12,000........ Saxony.................... 9 570,500 7 950 Holland.................... 7 228,310 12,000 Spain...................... 27 711,050 8,t26 Lippe-Detmold........... 1. 1 21, 500 100 Sweden and Norway........ 8 353.000 9.300 Lubec...................... 2 52,000 400 Switzerland................ 13 480.300 12,7:3 Lucca 1 25,000........Tuca................ 5000 10 401,000 30,000 Luxemburg......1....... 1 19,600 162 Waldeck Pyrmont......... 1 30,000....... Mecklenburg................ 3 85,400...... Wurtemburg............... 6 433,000 5,00 * These are leading libraries. f These are legally entitled to copies of all works published in the states to which they respectively belong. In these States the enumeration embraces libraries of less extent than 10,000 volumes. CHARITIES. IG 1 TABLE (LXXI.-Great Libraries of Europe in 1848. Libraries. Vols. Libraries. Vols. Libraries. Vols. * Paris National.......... 824,000 Madrid National......... 200.000 * Naples Royal........ 150,000 Munich Royal.......... 600,000 Wolfenbuttel Ducal.... 200,000 * Brussels Royal...... 133,500 Petersburg Imperial....... 446,000 Stutgard Royal... 187,000 Rome Casanate. 120,000 * London British Museum. 4350.000 Paris Arsenal.............180,000 * Hague Royal........... 100,000i * Cpfelagen Royal...... 412, 000 * Milan Breza............ 170,000 Paris Mazarin........... 100, 00 * Berlin Royal............ 410,000 Paris St. Genevieve...;. 150,000 Rome Vatican........... 100.000 * Vienna Imperial........ 313-000 Darmstadt Grand Ducal.. 150,000 * Parma Ducal.......... 100000 *Dresden Royal.......... 300,000 *Florence Magliabechian 150, These marked thus (*) are entitled by law to a copy of every book published within the States to which they respectively belong.. i'C- ARITMIE-Pauperism being one of the evils of old and densely settled communities, coudld not prevail in the United States to any considerable extent, even were the system of government and laws prevailing not an additional guarantee against its existence. An examination of the returns of public hospitals, poor houses, &c., will show that the foreign immigrants furnish a large part of their material. It is also found as in other countries, that in communities purely agricultural pauperism is much less recognized than in those that are commercial and manufacturing*. The census returns the number of paupers supported in each county in the United States, in whole or in part at public expense within the year preceding, and the actual number on the 1st June, 1850, native and foreign, with other particulars. As no account is taken in it of those supported or relieved by individual charities, the statistics, it has been thought, would not represent the whole of the facts, and if absolutely relied upon as a test of condition would be unjust towards those sections in which nearly the whole of the relief is public. Perieiving the weight of the objection the superintendent issued a circular in March, 1854, to: the proper officers of several States in: different sections, in order, if possible, to make some estimatesof the private charities, benevolent associations, etc., but although many interesting returns ere received, they were not as numerous as were desired. The following, however, from Massachusetts and IRhode Island, New Jersey, Georgia and South Carolina will show that private relief by societies and associations, is administered to a large extent in States whiere the poor laws are most perfect, and reasoning for the whole from a part taken from sections indiscriminately, it may not be unfair to assume that the proportion relieved by other than public means does not differ much in the several States.TABLE CLXXII.- C7ia ities. Number. relieved. Town. County. State. Remarks Patterson...... Passaic.... NJ.. 22,569 30 12........................................ Chahnond................Mass. 1000 15 10 $I500 Estimated. Reportsays, "From 10 to 15;paui, Bristol........Bristol... R. I.. 4616... 73 10 pers supported wholly or in part." bi rthington.. Hampshire. Mass. 1,134.... 2.0 500................... Bresster..... Barnstable. " 1,525.. 55 490....................... Northborough. Worcester.. " 1,535. 1 25......................................... Truro........ Barnstable.. " 2,051.... 16 30................................... Suritbury.... Middlesex.. " 1,578 55...... 50 Estimated-being the income from legacies. Northnpton.. Hampshire. " 5,278 3 16 633 Of the 38 wholly relieved, 17 were by the Mae sons and Odd-Fellows. Harwih'......Barnstable. 3258.... 20 52 Relieved by Congregationait,Baptist; and Meth-.' [ [ | | | | | odist sewing circles. Colerain..... Franklin... 1,785.. 10 25 One Odd-Fellows' Lodge in tie town. Bangor..... Penobscot.. Me... 14,432 1 218 1,638 By Fuel Society, City Mission, Female Orphan?. | ].{[ | |Society, and OldLadies' Society. Tsbury..... Dukes...... Mass. 1800................ No charitable societies; poor supported by private charity. Fa'lmouth B... Barnstable.. " 2,621.... 24 80 Ladies' Sewing,-Widows and Orphans', and the church, individuals. Roxbury...... Norfolk.... Ic 18,364. 800 5,500 Thirteen charitable societies. * Mr. Porter in his " Progress of the Nation," page 98, however states that the burthen, Of the poor rate in proportion to population in England, was found to press generally greatest in the most agricultural counties. -':The northern population and returns are of the towns which are named, and the southern of the counties, including:slaves, except in the case of Macon, which is for the town only, and the aggregates of each are nearly equal; yet the north expends one-third more and relieves more than four times the number of persons. Comparied withtlh white population, she would still relieve as much or more. fThe annual'sum expended in relief by the several societies in Charleston, is- estimated in its census at about $25,000, which is exclusive of clothing, food, medicine, &c., and private relief. Of 410 persons admitted to the poor house of Charleston in 1848, only 63 were born in the city, and 258 were foreigners. In the five 11 I162 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE CLXXII-Continued. Number- relieved. Town. County. State. c ^ Remarks. 6. Rockport...... Essex...... Mass. 3,274.... 13 168 1.. 0. F. $8, Rechabites $75, Masons $25, and Sons of Temperance $60. Gloucester..... " " 7,786.... 150 680 Religious Societies 120, Fern. Char. Ass. 114, I. 0. O. F. $233, Sons of T. $55, and Daughters of T. $158. Medfield...... Norfolk.... " 966.... 9 80 Four charitable societies. West Boylston. Worcester.. " 1,749.... 25 151 Five charitable societies in the town. New Shoreham Newport.... R. I.. 1,262 8 4 400 A charitable society. Wellfleet...... Barnstable.. Mass. 2,411.... 21 577 Marine Benevolent So. $177, Sons of T. 400. Marblehead... Essex...... 6,167 3 67 1,666 Six charitable associations. Franklin...... Norfolk.... " 1,818.... 2 20 Ladies' sewing circle. West Norbury. Essex...... " 1,746.... 22 80 Hill Fund. Total northern................... 110,725 161 1,588 14,475................ Scriven.... Geo.. 6.847......... 250 Assessed by Superior Court. Lincolnton. ncon....Lincoln.... " 5,998........ 106............... Palmyra....... Lee.. 6,660.. 15 150.................................. Bennetsville... Marlboro'.. S. C.. 10,789 0 27...... 253 Sons of Temperance. Watterboro'... Colleton.... " 39,505.... 1 20 Masonic Lodge, in addition to $40 sent away..................... 311........................................ Lancaster...Lancaster..S. C.. 376... 7 70 Four societies, Masons $30, and S. of T. $40. Cassville...... Cass....... Geo.. 13,300.... 4 150 Three Masonic Lodges, two 1. O. O. F., and two Knights of Jericho. Franklin...... Heard...... 6,923.... 20 100 Four Masonic Iodges. Spring Place... Murray..... 14,433.... 25 100 Estimated. One Masonic Lodge, one Republicans, one S. T., and one Knights of Jericho. Macon...... Bibb....... " 5,720 5 259 9,249 County court, $2,200, Hibernian Society, $15, Masonic Lodge $44, Presbyterian church $165, Methodist $154, Baptist $63, Episcopal $60, Ladies' Benevolent Society $474, Odd-Fellows' Lodges $603, Annual Conference of the - - --- Methodist Church South in Dec., 1853, for inTotal southern................. 10,551 54 331 10,759 digent preachers, &c., $5,470. The following table will show the number of public paupers and the amount expended in their support during the year preceding June 1, 1850, as returned in the schedules of social statistics. These schedules did not separate the color of either criminals or paupers as indicated in the act of Congress. For such distinction the schedules of population must be consulted. The number of paupers on the 1st of June the marshals were required to obtain from the population returns and the other facts from parish or county records. years ending 1848, the cost of pauperism in Charleston averaged less than $7,000 per annum, of which the city, deducting the value of labor, did not pay much more than $1,000. In a pamphlet upon the charities of Boston, published in the North American Review, the donations by individuals for charitable institutions and charitable purposes in that city in 30 years, are given, and average about $40,000 per annum. A more complete statement in the Boston census gives the total contributions up to 1845, to institutions for charitable purposes, $2,272,990. An average of 2,076 paupers, by the same volume, received out door support in the years 1841 to 1845, 1,402, in door, 3,478 total. In the year 1837-'40 of 8,671 paupers of Massachusetts; 2,567 only were.American. In 1845 the cost of pauperism in Boston was paid by the city, $23,944, and by the State. 26,894. The local report of New York shows number admitted to Blackwell Island alms house, last six months of 1849, 1,672, of whom 411 were natives, and 1,006 Irish. At Belleview 3,114 admitted, 618 being native anid 2,052 Irish. Colored in the Colored Home of New York, 1849, 713. New York city, January to July 1849, 1st District sent to State Prison 28 white and 4 colored; to Blackwell Island 783 white, 94 colored; remaining in prison, 253 white and 27 colored; 2d District, whole year 1849, committed 1,908 whites, 21 colored. As the amount of mortality has much to do with the physical well being of a people, and will be dependent in some measure upon pauperism, some remarks may be appended here which were too late for the sections of mortality. According to Dr. Emerson, the proportion of black deaths to the total black population, in Philadelphia, for the ten years from 1821 to 1830, was about one in every 21; in the ten years ending in 1840, 1 in every 31; the ratio for the whites in the latter period being 1 in every 43. In the report of the Prison Discipline Association at Philadelphia in 1845, it is said, out of 1,000 of each color residing in the city, 196 blacks die for every 100 whites, and in the Penitentiary 316 blacks for every 100 whites. In the Wethersfield (Conn.) Penitentiary, the average rate of deaths from 1841 to 1844 was, white 2.82; colored 10.96. In the Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania, during the three years ending with 1843, the average rate of deaths was 1.85 white deaths and 6.63 black. In the Philadelphia Prison during a period of ten years the proportion of deaths among the whites was one in 46, among the blacks, one in 12. The admissions into the Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania from October 29th, 1845 until December 1845, were 2,054 whites, 692 blacks. The city inspector of New York, in his report for 1853. says that the deaths among the colored population averaged 604 each year from 1847 to 1853, and that" while the general population is rapidly swelling, and the deaths bearing their proportional increase, the colored mortal record exhibits its significant declination. Public expenditure in England and Wales for the poor-1840, ~4,576,965, population 15,710,270; 1843, ~5,2908027, population 16,314,671; 1848, ~6,180,764, population 17,521,956. The average from 1825 to 1835,was much larger to a smaller population. Number relieved in England and Wales-1840, in door 169,232, out door 1,030,297, total 1,199,529; 1843, in door 238,550, out door 1,300,930: total 1,539,490; 1848, in door 265,140, out door 1,361,061: total 1,626,201. Before completing the tables of charities, the following statistics of the Order of Odd Fellows which has been doing so much in this field, may be properly inserted. They are aggregated for ten years, from 1843 to CHARITIES. 1G3 TABLE CLXXIIL-PaVperism in the United States, 1850. Whole number of Paupers supported in whole or part Whole number of Panwithin the year ending pers on June 1. States. June l Native. Foreign. Total. Native. Foreign. Total. C Alabama................................ 352 11. 363 306 9 315 17,559 Arkansas................................ 97 8 105 67.67 6 California..................................... Connecticut.............................. 18 465 2,337 1,463 281 95, 6-24 Delaware................................. 569 128 697 240 33 273 17, 10 Florida.................................. 64 12 76 58 4 62- 9137 Georgia................................... 978 58 1,036 825 29 854 27,820 Illinois.................................... 386 411 797 279 155 434 45,113 Indiana................................... 860 322 1,182 446 137] 583 57,560 Iowa.......1.......................100. 35 135 27 1 44 5,358 Kentucky................................ 971 155 1,126 690 87 777 57.513 Louisiana................................ 133 290 423 76 30 106 39, 806 Maine.................................... 4,553 950 5503 3,209 326 3,535 151.664 Maryland................................ 2,591 1,903 4,494 1,681 320 2,001 71.668 Massachusetts...............6,530 9,247 15,777 4,059 1,490 5549 392715 Michigan................................. 649 541 1,190 248 181 429 27.556 Mississippi................................ 248 12 260 245 12 257 18.132 Mississippi. 24 12 260' 245 1 257 18.132 Missouri..............1,248 1,729 2.977 251 254 505 53 243 New Hampshire 2.853 747 3,600 1 998 186 2,184 157. 351 New Jersey............................... 816 576 2, 1339 239 1,578 93,110 New York................................ 19,275 40,580 59,855 5.755 7,078 12,833| 817. 336 North Carolina........................... 91 1, 8 1 9311 1567 13 1,580 60i085 Ohio..................................... 1,904 609 2,513 1,254 419 1.673 95.:250 Pennsylvania............................. 5898 5,653 11,551 2,654 1,157 3811 232,138 Rhode Island............................ 1,115 1,445 2,560 492 204 696 45,837 South Carolina.......................... 1,313 329 1,642 1,113 180 1,293 48,337 Tennessee................................ 994 11 1,005 577 14 591 30,981 T exas............................ 7 4........ 4 438 Veermont................. 72,043 1,611 3,654 1,565 314 1,879 10,462 Virginia..,933 185 5,118 4,356 102 4,458 151,722 Wisconsin................................. 169 497 666 72 166 238 14,743 Totalh.6,3 6858 33i9.................... 664341 68,538 134,972 36,916 3,437 50,35 2,954,806 1853, and extending as they do over the whole Union, furnish interesting material for comparison with the returns of the census relating to sickness and death. The ratios between the States are striking. Pennsylvan i..............l...A...... 1 C55 C State Grand c.e C e ~. C.. Lodges.;z. C es 0 sC C Alabama.......12048 16.34 $1.61 119 62 7,652 64 106 $19,685 2.63 Columbia, Dist. of.. 25,779 10.48 2.48 77 135 7,358 95 70 32,844 3.15 Connecticut.......... 83,533 14.28 2.21 273 138 12,454 46 33 98080 2.60 Delaware............ 11,272 11.16 1.52 61 120 3,005 49 40 14,739 199 Georgia.19,187 13.67 1.63 134 87 9,200 68 98 28,647 2.43 Ilinois............... 16,782 10.40 1.21 162 85 7,015 43 50 25,391 1.7 Indiana.............. 38,551 13.77 2.14 203 88 12,625 62 70 53152 2.96 iowa.2...7.......... 277 6.65 96 36 78 1,466 40 51 5,586 1.97 Kentucky...... 35,239 16.02 2.00 243 72 17,895 73 101 60,711 3.45 Louisiana............ 29,732 26.78 2.80 211 45 17,664 83 185 49,287 5.013 Maine................ 55,047 15.53 1.66 271 122 9672 35 29 68,282 2.00 Maryland... 135,939 10.43 2.30 641 92 133,891 208 226 277,439 4.69 Massachusetts. 188,647 19.07 2.39 659 118 48,439 73 61 246,884 3.13 Michigan............. 22,265 10.71 1.62 111 129 5,322 48 37 26,862 1.87 Mississippi........... 11,85 14.52 1.43 89 92 6,980 78 84 20,188 2.44 Missouri 2..3...... 23,5290 16.10 2.18 187 53 22,037 117 221 45,146 4.10'New Hampshire...... 33,830 18.66 2.27 120 120 5.810 48 40 34,721 2.40 New Jersey........ 90,1324 12.92 2.11 322 132 2021.5 62 47 115:643 2.71 New York, South..... 483,452 16.77. 2.98 1,733 93 136,061 78 84 621, 02 1.84 New York, North. 188,367 12.84 2.02 653 145 34,551 53 37 222,397 2.38 North Carolina........ 6,758 10.16 1.06 59 107 3,695 62 58 10,372 1.06 Ohio................ 142,495 14.291 2.38 639 93 31,979 50 53 168,423 2.82 Pennsylvania........ 443,563 11.9 2.16 1, 829 11 125,174 68 62 568,195 2.77 Rhode Island...... 23,782 15.40 2.47 78 122 5,957 76 61 30,071- 3.12 South Carolina........ 37,798 18.32 2.01 128 107 21,053 172 151 48.3050 3.49 Tennessee............ 16,527 19.21 1.44 93 123 5,959 64 52 23,063 1.93 Texas................. 2136 16.37 1.86 34 33 1,752 51 152 2,943 2.56 Vermont.............. 6,603 13.48 1.63 27 149 1,297 48 32 8.669 2.14 Virginia........51,192 10.61 1.64 33 92 33.934 100 109 84,953 2.73 isconsin........... 9,172 13.05 1.23 58 106 2367 40 31 11246 1.82 Total 10 years........ 2,247,93 101 2.1 9,58 1 303 752,479 78 74 3,023,2231 3.02 164 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE CLXXIV.-Paupers in Poor,Houses 1st June, 1850. Free Colored Age. Nativities. Whites. States Black. Muat- o [ -- I 1. ______ __ __ _ 1 " I_ M. F.' M F M F- |0 1 J11 0 ~^ IJ 5.'/ Massachusetts.. 1,947 1,676 3 62332 38 70 11 8 19 3712 800 36 2,547 2488 218 803 13 17317 Maryland....... 432 397 829 6983 1522 5 7 988 123 75 790 661 69 128 88 275 Virinia........ 546 807 1,3536360 123283563 1,539 377 111 1,051 1,438 52 30 5 5 9 Mississippi...... 11'4.. 1 11.. 1 16 1 2 13 2 9 1.... 31 Missouri........ 165 110 275. 1... 276 74 35 167 62 61 77 43 311 2 Indiana....... 209 203 412 5 9 14.. 1 1 427 72 64 291 144 177 49 16 18 North Carolina. 315 482 797 12 17 2913017 47 873 164 87 61 816 43 21 4 6 The above table was compiled in the office from the population schedules, and gives the number in poor houses. Time did not admit of an examination of other States. The table differs from the previous one which includes paupers in or out of poor houses, but receiving public support on the same day. 6. WAGEa.-The marshals were instructed to report the rates of wages prevailing in the several sections, from which the following was aggregated. TABLE CLXXV.-Average Wages, 1850.:^,,&Sz....:5~' 2, -'''"0 -B atatege ages,- a States andTerri- States and Ter- 2 tories. ct. ~ j | ~o md ritories. Z.| Cs j g E; 1 B |i EB| g Y?| oo 3| Alabama..... $, 9.621 49 70 1.76 1.41 $1.89 Missouri....... $11.81 $ 55. 75 $.48.17$1.31 Arkansas....... 10.63 54 75 1.77 1.67 1.61 New Hampshire 12.12 63 89 1.31 1.27 1.63 California...... 60.00 4.00 5.00 7.60 13.0011.00 New Jersey..... 10.18 65 88 1.28 97 1.89 Coluibia,Dis.of 10.00 63 98 1.50 1.31 2.37 New York...... 11.50 67 90 1.38 1.05 1.78 Connecticut.... 12.72 76 98 1.30 1.36 1.95 North Carolina. 7.21 42 54 1.22 87 1.33 Delaware....... 8.79 51 78 1.23 84 1.83 Ohio........... 11.10 56 78 1.7 96 1.45 Florida......... 10.00 68 1.03 2.1.5 1.83 2.64 Pennsylvania... 10.82 51 80 1.23 80 1.72 Georgia...... 9.03 50 72 1.66 1.52 1.82J Rhode Island... 13.52 72 95 1.23 1.42 2.06 Illinois......... 12.55 62 85 1.47 1.14 1.47 South Carolina. 7.72 49, 66 1.40 1.42 1.73 Indiana......... 10.50 55 78 1.30 90 1.43 Tennessee...... 8.67 43 58 1.3.00 1.32 Iowa........... 11.80 61 83 1.50 1.07 1.58 Texas......... 12.00 7 1.00..00 2.00 2.00 Kentucky...... 10.00 50 69 1.34 1.09 1.41 Vermont....... 13.00 72 97 1.44 1.19 1.95 Louisiana..... 12.80 73 1.04 2.36 2.57 2.70 Virginia........ 8.43 47 65 1.22 96 1.49 Maine......... 13.12 76 1.00 1.40 1.09 1.72i Wisconsin..... 12.69 71 1.00 1.54 1.27 1.88 Maryland...... 7.88 49 69 1.25 89 1.751 Minnesota 17.00 86 1.37 2.25 2.25, 3.50 Massachusetts.. 13.55 841 1.0 1.45 1.481 2.12 J N, Nexico 6.00 33 53 5.18 781 2.00 Michigan..... 12.00 661 88 1.40 1.10 1.59I 1 Oregon... 75.00 4.00 5.00 1000 10.00 7.00 Mississippi..... 11.00 69 95 1.94 1.51 2. 00E Utah.... 2200 1.322.00 3.14 1.46 4.14 The Commissioner of Patents in 1848 sent out a circular to all of the States, in order to ascertain the rates of wages paid by the agricultural interest. Answers were received from most of the States, which showed a remarkable uniformity. The average wages to field.laborers with board, ranged from 10 to 15 dollars for the whites, and from 5 to 12 for the slaves, the average for female domestics with board, ranged from 4 to 6 dollars for the whites and 3 to 5 for slaves. The average wages of mechanics from 75 cents to $1.50 per day, reaching in Texas as high as $3. Upon the whole the rates seemed to be lowest in the Northwest, and highest in the Southwest for white labor-the South and the North differing5 very little.t The money Since the preparation of table CLXXII, Glynn county, Georgia, reports no persons relieved by private societims, but that all of its schools are free schools supported from a county fund. Quincy, Mass., 112 persons relieved, cost $159.55; Newburyport 280 relieved, cost $2,496; Salem 195 relieved wholly, 1,302 in part cost,1.1,675.29; Florida, Alachua county, 69 in part, 28 wholly, cost $;31.00. t The weekly net earnings of factory hands at Manehester, England, in full employment, in 1849:-Card Poom, males 12s.: females 8s. 6d.; spinners 12s.; Power Loom Weavers 9s. 5d.; helpers 4s. 8d.; Mechanics 1s. 3d. The wages of other workmen were as follows: Colliers at iron works in Staffordshire, average weekly, 16s. 3d.; miners 13s. 11d.; masons, smiths and carpenters, 10s. 6d. From the replies addressed by British Consuls to the home government in 1833, it appears that wages ranged upon the continent for agricultural laborers,viz: Ploughmen in France 100 to 160 shillings per annum with board, laborers in France, 5 to 15d. per day, in the latter case without board or dwelling furnished; in GeriRany 4d. to 7d., with lodging, but without board; in the Netherlands 3d. to 4d. with board and lodging, 5d. to 136. without either; in ltaly at Genoa, 60 shillings to 100 shillings per annum; in Tuscany 40 shilling per,nnum, in both cases with board and lodging. These are for farm servants. Farm laborers are returned at 6?. per day, without board or lodging. The replies to the Poor Law Commissioners gave for 6 or 801) parishes in England an average earning to a family consisting of man, wife and four children, ages 14, 11,8 and 5, the eldest a b-h, ~41 17s. 8d. In 71 parishes tlis amount was stated to be insufficient for support without relief, and in 337 barely sufficient or sufficient without meat. CRIME. 165 price of wages unless the prices of other articles be known, gives but an unsatisfactory idea of the condition of the laboring population at different periods and in different countries. 7. CRIME.-Upon this subject the material of the Census is very full. TABLE CLXXVI.-Statistics of Criminals. Whole number of Whole number of r criminals convicted In prison on criminals convicted In pson on within the year. June 1, 1850. within the year. June 1, te8e. States and Terri- ------ States and Tertories. ritories. Cs is a C' 55 a o o ad a Alabama........ 117 5 122 69 1 70 New Hampshire. 66 24 90 28 5 33 Arkansas....... 24 1 25 17..... 17 New Jersey..... 346 257 603 198 92 2990 California....... 1...... I1 35 27 62 New York..... 3,962 6,317 10.279 649 639 1.288 Columbia, Dist........... 132.......... 46 North Carolina.. 634 13 647 43 1 44 Connecticut.... 545 305 850 244 66 310 Ohio............ 689 154 843 102 31 133 Delaware....... 22...... 22 14 14.... Pennsylvania... 564 293 857 296 115 411 Florida.......... 33 6 39 9 2 11 Rhode Island.... 309 287 596 58 45 103 Georgia........ 72 8 80 36 7 43 South Carolina.. 32 14 46 21 15 36 Illinois......... 127 189 316 164 88 252 Tennessee...... 73 8 81 276 12 288 Indiana......... 1501 25 175 41 18 59 Texas........... 15 4 19 5 10 15 Iowa........... 2 1 3 5..... 5 Vermont....... 34 45 79 64 41 105 Kentucky....... 126 34 160 41 11 52 Virginia...... 98 9 107 291 22 313 Louisiana...... 197 100 297 240 183 423 Wisconsin..... 105 16 267 26 35 61 Maine....... 284 460 744 66 34 100 f Minnesota.. 1 1 2 1 1 Maryland....... 183 24 207 3251- 72 397 New Mexico 104 4 108 37 1 38 Massachusetts.. 3,366 3,884 7,250 653 583 1,236 3 Oregon...... 5...... 5 5... 5 Michigan....... 273 386 659 139 102 41 [Utah....... 6 3 9 6 3 9 Mississippi...... 49 2 51 45 1 46 — M issouri........ 2421 666 908 55 125 180 Total.......................................... The following tables were made up in the office from the population returns, whilst the preceding is from the schedules of social statistics returned by the marshals. Time admitted only of the examination of a few States. TABLE CLXXVII.-Convicts in Penitentiaries, 1850. Free Colored. Ages. Nativities. Whites.- _-_ -- _- - States. Black. Mulatto... | S & 5 -- a. MA.. Total. t.. F. M i d 2 u -... ~~___________________ ~~____ _ _ __~ ~ H E~ H< &~ ^ ~ u~ _ ~__ ___ Massachusetts.... 389. 389 34.... 34 8 8 431.. 165 266 170 130 74 3 53 1 Maryland......... 110 5 115 77 19 96 22 24 235 2 102 131 163 37 5 25 5. Virginia.......... 130 2 132 44 448 23 23 203 2 21 180 160 32 5 3 3., Mississippi....... 85.. 85 1.... 1..... 86.. 18 68 5 76 3 2. Missouri......... 164.. 164 1.... 1.. 1 166.. 55 111 4 103 29 12 171 Indiana.......... 146.. 146............146.. 40 106 16 105 8 9 TABLE CLXXVIII.-Persons in Jails and Houses of Correction. Free Colored. Ages. Nativities. Whites.. ~States. rBlack. Mulatto..4 ~ ~S~~tatesa-~ ~ ~~~ ~,..2 48 6 7 0'70 H. F. Total. x. F. 5 M.F.5 w It C Vlaryland......'.`... 86 3 89 16 1 [ Massachusetts.... 906 212 1,118 60 17 77 12 8 20 1,215 140 458 617 410 224 443 7 104 99 Maryland......... 86 3 9 16 1 17 9 615 121 2 42 77 67 21 14 5...... 14 Virginia.. 84 1 95 9 7 16 538 119 6 29 84 96 15.... 2 15 Mississippi....... 20 23 2 1.... i 1 1. 2 1 7 17.... 24.................. VMissouri.......... 243 13 26 6 4 10 314 270.... 17 253 2 188 35 29 15 1 Indiana.......... 45 2........ 47.... 641 5 31 4 1 1 5 North Carolina.... 31.... 31 1.... 1 2 2 34... 28 26 2........ 1 5 166 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE CLXXIX.-State Prisons and Penitentiaries, 1850. Colored, in- o ~ o~ i C Whites. eluding rC e_ S slaves., -,-~ Place where sae B a States,&c. located. | * | R i I. t: -. Cs Z~3 n a Alabama........ Wetumpka... 116 1 117 21 96 2.. 2 119.502128.034 2.743.057 Arkansas......... Little Rock... 37... 37 37..... 1.... 38 2.312....... 2.281.209 Columbia, Dist. of. Washington.. 25 2 27 17 10 18 10 28.. 55 5.152 20.354 7.116 20.363 Connecticut...... Wethersfield.. 136 10 146 117 29 27 3 30 2 176 3.610 7.554 4.02038.996 Delaware......... County jails.. I... 1 1..... 4 1 5.. 6.151........140 2.455 Florida........... County jails.. 12... 12 12.....1............ 12 2.699....... 2.754...... Georgia.......... MIilledgeville.. 88 1 89 85 4............. 89 1.651 6.199 1.514...... Illinois........... Alton........ 127... 127 85 49 8 1 136 1.162 3.754 1.38216.556 Indiana........... Jeffersonville.. 131... 131 106 25 15.. 1.. 146 1.044 4.501 1,340 13.319 IowaC......C...... ounty jails.. 2... 2 2.....9.....I....... 2.117...104. Kentucky........ Prankfort..... 147... 147 126 21 1 5.. 1 163 1.729 6.687 1.91.678 Louisiana........ Baton Rouge.. 191 4 195 89 106 59 12 71.. 266 4.745 15.633 7.632 2.707 Main e............ Thomaston... 79... 79 62 17.... 79 1.127 5.3 1.357...... Maryland......... Baltimore.... 110 5 115 81 34 9921 120 1 235 2.209 6.665 2.751 7.268 Massachusetts.... Charlestown 389... 389 64 15 42.. 42 5 431 3.223 7.640 3.94746.337 Michigan........ Jackson......... 111 73 38 16.. 16 127 2.151 6.9617 2.809 61.943 Mississippi akso.....Jackson. 85... 85 80 5 Ii.. 1 86 2.754 10.455 2.874.032 Missouri....... Jefferson City. 165... 165 107 58 1.. 1 166 2.079 7.574.785.111 New Hampshire.. Concord...... 89 2 91 77 14.. 9 2.540 9.81 2.866...... Auburn....... 609... 609 438 171 69.. 69 678....................... New York. JSing Sin.:... 583 70 653 315 338 15521 176 4 829....................... Clinton county 118... 118 82 36 6> 6 124............. Total......... 1,31.0 701,380 835 545 301 251 6 1,631 3.495 8.192 4.5271.130 New Jersey....... Trenton...... 117 6 123 86 37 48 1 49.. 172 2.121 6.186 2.64220.377 North Carolina.... County jails.. 11 1 12 12....... 14.238........216.063 Ohio............. Columbus.... 359 3 362 291 71 41 44.. 406 1.679 3.255 1.851 17.405 (Philadelphia.. 227 5 232 153 79 77 8 85 4 317.............1........... Pennsylvania... Allegheny city 95 1 96 52 44 17 1 18 9 114......................... Total......... 32 6 328 205 13 94 103 6 431 1.49 4.05 1.452 19.207 Rhode Island.....Providene... 35... 35 21 14 3.. 3 38 1.750 5.874 2.432 8.174 South Carolina.... District jails.. 31 1 32 19 13....... 32.714 15.79 1.165...... Tennessee........ Nashville..... 188 1 189 180 9 61 7 196 2.401 15.962 2.497.284 Texas............ County jails.. 5... 5 2 3 1... 6.147 1.702..324.170 Virginia.......... Richmond.... 128 2 130 119 11 65 69.. 199 1.365 4.792j 1.452 1.309 Vermont......... Windsor...... 69 39 3.... 69 1.395 8.905 2.201. Wisconsin......Coutyjails... 2... 27 8 19 3 3.. 30.413 1.719.885 7.245 SIaveholding States.............. 1,340 11,358 988 370 7449 323 1 1,681 1.673 11.641 2.182*.938 Non-Slaveholding States......... 3,303 9713,400 2,271 1,129 52738 55521 3,965 1.991 5.868 2.551 28.743 Total.....................4,6431154,7583,591,499 801 87 88822 5646 1.88 6.690 2.43.440 The above table includes the statistics of the institutions named in the several States as they are reported in the schedules of population, and also the proportion of white and colored, native and foreign, in each of the States, at the South and at the North. TABLE CLXXX.-Statistics of 20. Penitentiaries. [From Prison Society Report.] d0 Se M'l n.... 4 I 9 1 20C I 23 In 1 7 Penitentiaries 1850. || C. a | a a Maine............... 67 86 76 19.... 19 16 3...... 3, 462 8.562 5,100 New Hampshire.......... 77 82 80 5.... 17 9 2 1 4,735 5,631 895 Vermont.........5..2...... 52 62 57 10.... 34 13 6 4 6,713 3.659 3,060 Massachusetts............ 281 349 315 68.... 190 104 16 3 34,972 36,;400 1,428 Rhode Island............. 4 8.... 16 4 4 2 1,192 3,613 2,421 Connecticut....... 157 175 166 18 1... 61 35 4 4 14,148 12,315........ Auburn, N. Y...,........ 473 645 559 172.... 312 116 15 7 54,762 49,316........ Sing Sing, (Male)......... 611 679 641 61.... 246 133 11 19 81,850 66,376........ Sing, (Female)....... 80.... 2,5 99 3 9373 910411 8,038 Clinton County, N. Y. 163 124 148.... 39 65 33 4 4 9,10 50.197 40,917 New Jersey.............. 17 185 180 9.... 108 79 17 3 16,798 10,557.... Philadelphia.............. 293 299 296 6.... 128 81 34 6 11,990 16,632 4,864 Pittsburg, Pa1.............. 115 193 119 8.... 84 54 15 7 9,184 8,560...... Baltimore, Md............ 258 229 243.... 29 78 75 11 21 15,381 39,504 16,1.23 District of Columbia...... 40 4 43 6.... 25 1 4... 1,772 1.482........ Virginia................. 200 199 200.... 1 56 32 11 14 11.442 10,521........ Georgia............ 91 95.... 7 3...... 34 3....................... Kentucky............... 161 141 151.... 20 23 4............... Ohio.................. 5 336 381.... 89 156 58 63 121 37.883 29,616........ Michigan................. 128 110 119.... 18 31 30 16 1 8,148 20,835 12687 Total................... 3,878 4,060 3,973, 3901 2081 1,7391 961 9294 9224 326,015 377,110' 95,533 * Excluding slaves about 13 in ten thousand. CRIME. 167 The tables below are taken from a report made in 1845 by the Secretary of State upon the census, now in manuscript in the office. The facts were obtained from answers to a special circular. TABLE CLXXX.-Proportion of Convicts, Persons in Jails, Houses of Correction and Refuge, and Almnshouses, to the Total Population. Cities and Counties. Colored. White. Boston (Suffolk county).......................................... as one to 16.17 34.27 New York (county).................................................................. 24.3 45.8 Philadelphia (county)............................................................ 29.8 78. Richmond, (county) including lowest class of misdemeanors......................... 45.9 112.6 Charleston (district) for four years.................................................... 63.48 48. TABLE CLXXXI.-Number of Convicts, Male and Female, White and Colored, in the States named, for the year 1840. Convicts in 1840. t' Prisons in each of the States named. Whites. Colored. o c Males. Females Males. Females!':.3 c...__ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ ___.__ _S _ t;1 M aine....................................... 63 1 4 0 1 to 7,819 1 to 338 New Hampshire.............................. 77 0 1 0 1 to 3,688 1 to 538 Massachusetts*................................ 289 0 33 0 1 to 2,52 1 to 262 Rhode Island........................................... 13 0 4 1 to8,22 1 to 648 Connecticut.................................. 122 3 40 4 to 2,414 1 to 185 Vermont...................................... 84 0 2 1 to 3,466 1 to 243 New York................................... 1,122 35 319 32 1 to 2.056 1 to 142 New Jersey................................... 97 2 49 4 1 to 3,551 to o 409 Pennsylvania.................................. 376 19 157 27 1 to 4,243 1 to 260 Maryland...................................... 180 6 116 27 1 to 1,708 1to 1,059 Virginia t...................................... 134 1 38 5 1 to 5570 1 to 11,600 Kentucky..................................... 149 1 11 1 I to 3,930 to 15,797 Tennessee..................................... 115 0 4 0 1to 4,242 1 to 47,145 Georgia....................................... 153 2 0 0 1to 2,8f64 none. Louisiana..................................... 141 1 25 7 1to 1,115 I to 6,061 The figures below were prepared for a report to the legislature of Virginia by a citizen of that State. TABLE CLXXXII.-Ratio of Imprisonment. Ratio of Free wvhite to States. Whites. Colored. old as I1 to Virginia —Ratio for 10 years ending 1850 of convicts in penitentiaries to the average population as 1 to....................... 23,0 3 003 3001 7.18 Massachusetts-in the same period 7......................................... 7,587 727 9.58 Do. year ending 30th September, 1852, according to the population of 1850 6,527 488 13.37 Maryland, according to the population of 1850..................................... 9,285 1,452 6.39 Pennsylvania, two penitentiaries, year ending 31st December, 1852.......... 11,406 2,158 5.28 New York, three penitentiaries, year ending 1st December, 1851............. 304 722 8.86 Ratio of Convicts remnaining in Prison. 7.71 Virginia penitentiary, 1st February 1853................................... 5,813 625 9.30 Massachusetts do. 30th September, 1851.................................... 2,335 175 13.00 Maryland do. 30th November, 1852.................................... 2.584 500 5.16 Pennsylvania, two penitentiaries, 31st December, 1.852............................ 7,811 750 10.41 New York, three penitentiaries, 1st December, 1851...............................1,713 225 7.62 Average of the five States.............................................................. 7.49 New Jersey penitentiary, 1st January, 1850........................................ 3554 453 7.84 Connecticut do. do. do....................................... 2,838 159 17.85 Indiana........ do. 30th September, 1849.......................... 8,427 719 11.72 t Average.......................... 12.47 Average for eight States.......................................... 9.11 * Female felons, of whom there are a large number, are not sent to the State prison of Massachusetts. t In the tabular statement for 1840, made by the superintendent of the Penitentiary at Richmond, the precise numbers of the different conditions of convicts do not appear. The numbers set down are the just proportional average for forty-four years. /The following is condensed from the several State reports: The J.labama Penitentiary for 1850, embraced only four colored persons-total confined 129. Ohio-convicts in Penitentiary during 1853, 237; permanent number Nov., 1852, 508. Pennsylvania-prisoners from July 1826 168 STATISTICS OF TIIE UNITED STATES. to January 1853, in Western Penitentiary, 1387 whites and 261 colored; Eastern, 241 whites and 52 colored on the 1st January, 1853. House of lRefuge, admitted since 1828, 3,238 whites and 329 colored; remaining 31st December, 1851, 198 whites and 124colored. Owing to the crowded state of the colored department, the Board declined to receive any longer males of 14 years and over. Rhode Island, committed 1852, 307 whites and 10 colored to State prison. Connecticut-convicts in State prison, 31st March, 1853, 142 whites and 39 colored. Massachusetts-the report of the keeper of jails 1852, shows, whole number of prisoners in the State, 7,281, of which 273 colored, in Boston alone, 4,779 whites and 186 colored; in the House of Correction, Boston, 50 colored and 1,006 whites; of the whites 738 foreign; in the State, whole whites 3,028, whole colored 159, of which, foreigners 1,942. Out of a total of 9,353 criminal offences, for which persons were imprisoned, 3,941 were for intemperance, and 1,363 for debt. In 1852 the whole number of paupers supported or relieved in the State was 27,737, of whom 11,321 were foreigners: 12,337 were relieved in alms houses-the average in such houses being 5,010; total expense of paupers $476,674. In Boston alone, 9,464 paupers, of whom 5,913 were foreign. Average in alms houses 1,295; 3,098 children under 14 supported at public expense. The average of 5 years, 1841 to 1845, shows 2,653 commitments to jail, 2,855 cases in police courts, 708 in city court, 426 convictions, 33 sent to State prison, and 637 to house of correction-40 per cent. in the house of correction were females, 8.63 per cent. were colored, 25 per cent. were citizens of Massachusetts, and 51.98 per cent. foreigners. England and Wales. Committals. Year. ___________ormitas ConvicYear. Males. Females. Total. ti 1840........................................................... 21,975 5,'212 27 187 19,927 1843.................................................... 24 521 5, 340 29, 591 21,092 1849......................................22,415 5,401 27, 816 21,001 Mr. Porter, in review of the above result finds nothing Mhateverhe saysto support the assertion so often hazarded, that vice and crime are fostered by bringing men together in large masses, while innocence is preserved by rural pursuits. For each million of inhabitants there were charged with ofiences in 20 more agricultural counties in 1841, 1,723, and in 20 less agricultural, 1,842. He adds-if we class together those who can neither read nor write, and those who have acquired only an imperfect acquaintance with those elementary branches of knowledge, in 13 years, out of a total of 335,429 persons colmmitted, and whose degree of instruction was ascertained, the great proportion of 304,772, or more than 90 in 100, were uninstructed, while only 1,333 persons had enjoyed the benefit of instruction beyond the elementary degree, and only 29,324 had mastered without advancing beyond the art of reading and writing. In England and Wales in 1841, the commitments were 1 in every 573 persons, and in Scotland 1 in 738. Ireland. Committals. Year. *Year.. ______ ConivicMales. Females. Total. tions. 1840..................................... 17,835 5,998 23 833 11,197 1843.................. 15,250 43.876 20,126 8,620 1849............................................. 31;340 10,649 41,989 21,202 The total number of persons confined in the various State prisons in France on the 31 st )ecember, 1852, was 19,720 of which 15,873 were males and 3,847 females. The following interesting statistics are given in the official report for that year: Description of Convicts. Males Fem's Description of Convicts. Males iFem's From IFural districts..................... 5,801 1,317 Condemned to hard lahor for 5 to 10 years 488 From towns............................ 0,072 2,530 Do. do. do. 10 to20 " 560 Unmarried or widowed without children. 10,285 1,942 Do. do. do. life......... 327 Married, with children................. 3,887 846 Condemned to solitary confinement for 5 Married, without children.............. 1,125 354 to 7 years............................ 3,017 Widowed, with children................ 549 423 Ditto, from 7 to 10 years.................. 1,551 Having recognised natural children..... 27 282 Condemned to correctional imprisonmentl I Ags -from 16 to 20....................1579 257 for to 2 years 5277 20 to 30................... 5610 1,434 Ditto, for 2 to 3 years................. 2;962 i 30to40................... 413 1049 3to 4................. 1970' O 40 to 50.................64 1738 50 to 60.................... 1286 327 5 to 10 "........... 1,830 60 and upwards............ 590 114 Condemned after having before suffered Catholics............................. 15,165 3,774 punishment from hard labor.......... 478 Protestants............................. 547 51 Ditto, after solitary confinement........ 937 Israelites............................. 118 12 Ditto, after correctional imprisonment... 4,656 Mahometans.......................... 44 9 Havingbefore imprisonment an educationl Farm laborers and servants........... 3,635 622 superior to that of primary schools..... 523 36 Artificers in wood, iron, &c............. 3,21 267 Ditto, knowing how to read and write... 6,028 736 Bakers, Ibutchers, and provision venders.. 655 9 Ditto, knowing how to read and not write. 1,680 718 Tailors, shoemakers, barbers, &c....... 1,265 677 Ditto, entirely illiterate................ 7 642 2,357 Enrlraged in commerce.................. 1082 241 After imprisonment, having learned to Engaged in transportation............... 2,259 580 read................................. 2,667 535 Innkeepers, boarding-house keepers, and - After do.,having learned to read and write 4,654 576 city servants......................... 606 697 After do., having received primary inLiberal professions and of independent struction................... 1.9 176 means............................ 662 80 Deaths by disease...................... 1,005 227 Without any occupation................ 2,454 701 Total product of manual labor 1,497,349 Confined for offences against the person. 3,331 1,81 francs; average daily labor per hand, Do. do. do. property... 12,356 2,662 (centimes)........................... 42 28 Do. political offences........ 204 4 PART IV. IND U S T R Y. 1. AGRICULTUR. —-The following table will show the relative number of farms, and quantity of acres in each in the several States and Territories, as well as the value of farms and implements. The unimproved land embraces such as is in occupancy and necessary to the enjoyment of the improved, though not itself reclaimed. Meadow lands in all of the States are therefore regarded improved. The returns do not, however, distinguish always very clearly the improved from the unimproved. TABLE CLXXXIII.-Farnming Lands and Improvements, 1850. i S i. 9i'' 1 States and Ter-'. W =~ 5! = j 1. ritories. CJ s'- O ~ S C. g ct to" C _ _I I I_ _ |__ |_ _ I_ _: I 5 Alabama... 41964 4,435,614 7,702.067 289 I$4,323,24 $5,125,663 $1.53; 122 1.655 Akansas...... 17758 781,530 1816,684 146 15,265,245 1,601,296 860 90 950 California...... 872 32,454 3,861,531 4,466! 3,874.041 103,483 4,443 118 4,561 Coluambia,Dis. of 267 16,267 11,187 103 1,730,460 40,2'20 6.481 151 6,63m2 Connecticut... 22,445 1,768,178 615,701 106 72,726.422 1,892,541 3,240 84 3.324 Delaware 60... 63 580,862 375,282 158 18,880,031 510,279 3,114 84 3.198 Florida........' 4 384 349, 049 1,246,240 371 6,323, 109 658,7951 9,4 153 1,622 Georia........ 51759 6,378,479 16,442,900 441 95,753,445 5,894,150 1.8.50 114 1.964 Illinois..... 76,208 5,039,545 6,997,867 158 96,133,290 6,405,5611 1,261 84 1.345 Indiana....... 93 896 5,046,543 7,746,879 136 136.385,173 6,704.444 1,453 71 1,524 Iowa.......... 14 805 824, 682 1,91,382 185 16,657,567 1,172.869 1,125 79 1,204 Kentucky...... 74,777 5,968,270 10,981,478 227 155,0921,262 5,169,037 2,073 69 2,142 Louisiana...... 13,422 1,590,025 3,399,018 372 75,814,398 11,576,938 5,648 863 6,511 Maine.......... 46,760 2,039,596 2,515,797 97 54,861,748 2,284,557 1,173 49 1,222 Maryland......;. 21860 2,797,905 1,836,445 212 87,178,545 2,463,443 3,988 113 4,101 Massachusetts.. 34,069 2,133,436 1,222,576 99 109,076,347 3,2095844 3,296 Michigan....... 34,089 1,929,110 2,454,780 129 51,872,446 2,891,371 1.521 85 1,606 Mississippi...... 33,960 3,444,358 7,046,061 309 54;738,634J 5,762,927 1,61J2 ~170 1,782 Missouri....-.... 54,458 2,938,425 6.794,245 179 63,225,543 3,981,525 1,161 73 1,234 New Hampshire 29,:29 2,251.488 1,140,926 116 55.245,997 2,314,125 1,890 79 1,969 New Jersey..... 23,905 1767,991 984,955 115 120:237,511 4,425,503 5,030 185 5.215 New York...... 170 621 12,408.964 6,710,120 113 554,546,642 22,084,926 3,250 129 3:379 North Carolina.. 56,963 5,453,975 15,543,008 369 67,891,766 3.931,5392 1,192 69 1,261 Ohio........... 143,807 9,851,493 8,146,000 125 358,758,603 12;750,585 2,495 88 2.583 Pennsylvania... 127, 577 8,623,619 6,294,728 117 407.876,099 14,722,541 3,197 115 3,312 Rhode Island.. 5,385 356,487 197,451 103 17,070,802 497,201 3,170 92 3,269 South Carolina.. 29.967 4,072,551 12,145,049 541 82,431,684 4,13.354 2,751 138 2,889 Tennessee...... 72,735 5, 175,173 13,808,849 261 97,851,212 5,360,210 1,345 74 1,419 Texas.......... 12,198 643,976 10.859,363 942 16,550,008 2,151,704 1,357 176 1,533 Vermont........ 29.763 2,601;409 1:524,413 139 63:367,227 2,739,282 2,129 92 2,221 Virginia........ 77,013 10,350,135 15,792,176 340 216,401,543 7,021,772 2,810 91 2,901 Wisconsin...... 20,177 1,045,499 1,931,159 148 28,528,563 1,641,568 1.414 81 1,495 fMinnesota 157 5,035 23,846 184 161,948 15,981 1,031 102 1,133 gv; IN. Mexico 3,750 166,20 1 124,370 77 1,6. 53,922 77.960 441 21 462. Oregon... 1,164 132 857 299,951 37l2 2,849,170 183, 422,448 157 2,605' LUtahY..... 926 16,333 30,516 51 311, 799 84,288 337 91 428 Total....... 1,449,075 113,03,614 180,528,000 203 3,271,575,4 15,587,638 2,258 105 2,362 The average number of acres embraced in each farm in the United States is 203, valued at $2,258, and upon each farm there is an average of $105 in implements and machinery. In Louisiana, so complicated is the sugar process, the average machinery is $863 to the farm. By another table prepared by sections, it would seem that only about one-thirteenth of the whole area of thle organized States and Territories is improved, and about one-eighth more is occupied and not improved. In New England about 26 acres in the 100 are improved, in the South 16 acres, in the Northwest 12, and in the Southwest 5. In the South the number of acres to the farm is largest, but the value per acre is most in the Middle States. The average value per acre for the Union, improved and unimproved, is $11.14. The whole number of acres occupied is 293,560,614, or nearly one-sixth part of the national domain. 169 170 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE CLXXXIV.-.Agricultural Ratio Tables of the States,1850.'roportion of Land in use. land il use _ to area. Number _. ^ a a Whole area'' _ c. inacres. 0 T i s 2 Ee s | in Farms,. |gZ M c d S f c: Es g; &* a,,:e o >. _ ________________ ___ ^i P _),5 (a- ^ <; P E <'e ~d New England......... 41,624,320 11,150594 7,216,864 26.79 17.34 167,651 77.17109.55 20.27 Middle States....... 73359,360 26,200,608 16,212,717 35.72 22.10 350,293 126.31 121.08 28.07 Southern States...... 165,573,760 26,614,289 61,169,373 16.07 36.94 220,008 98.37399.0.5.34 Southwestern States* 151,635,840 15,46, 730 33772,679 10.17 22.27 179,839 163.63273.57 6.26 Northwestern States..25300460 32,643,567 46,963,790 12.90 18.56 512,217 79.49155.41 11.39 California & organized territories.......... 629,255,680 352,880 4,340,214.06.69 6,869 67.71 683.23 1.89 Texas......... 152,002,560 643,946 10,852,363.42 7.14 12,198 176.40942.47 1.44 Total....... 1,466,455,680 113,032,614 180,528,000 7.71 12.311,449,075 104.61202.591 11.14 The annexed table embraces the returns of agricultural products and live stock by the Census of 1840 and 1850. The quantity of wheat in 1850 is believed to be understated, and the crop was also short. Rough rice is returned for 1850, and clean rice for 1840.'Corrections have been made in the cotton and sugar returns since the publication of the Quarto Census, pounds having been intended by the enumerators in many cases, where they returned bales or hogsheads. It is impossible to reconcile the hemp and flax returns of 1840 and 1850. No doubt in both cases tons and pounds have often been confounded. In a few of the States, such as Indiana and Illinois, the returns of 1850 were rejected altogether for insufficiency. Letters from Kentucky entitled to high credit, state the water-rotted hemp for that year to be not a third as much as the census gives, and the dew-rotted to be about 22,000 tons. In this case the whole hemp crop of 1850 may have reached 35 or 40,000 tons, and that of 1840, 25 to 30,000 tons.TABLE CLXXXV.-Live Stock upon Farms and Agricultural Productions of the States and Territories. 1840 and 1850. 1850. 1850. -- es....?3. t? - States and Ter-' | - 10 S heep. ritories. ^._ ~ I e 1840. g | 1840. 1850. 1840. Alabama...... 128,001159,895187,896 143,147 227,791 66,961 433.263 728,015 668.018 371,880 163,243 Arkansas...... 60,19711,559 71,756 51,472 93,151 34,239 165,320 292,710 188,786 91,2o56 42,151 California...... 21,719 1,666 23,385....... 4,280 4,7801253,599 262,659......... 17,574........ Columbia, Dis. o. 824 57 881 2,145 813 104 123 1,040 3, 274 150 706 Connecticut.... 26,879 49 26,928 34,650 85,461 46,988 80,226 212,675 238,650 174,181 403,462 Delaware..... 13,852 791 14,643 14,421 19,248 9,797 24,166 53,211 53,883 27.503 39,247 Florida......... 10,848 5,002 15,850 12.043 72,876 5,794182,415 261,085 118,081 23,311 7,198 Georgia........151,33157,379 208,710157 540334,223 73,2861690,019 1,097, 528 884,414 560,435 267,107 Illinois...... 267, 653 10, 573 278,2 26199,235 294,671 76,156 541,209 912,036 626.274 894,043 395,672 Indiana........ 314,299 6,599 320 898241,036284,554 40,221 389,891 714,666 619 98011,122,493 675:982 Iowa........... 38,536 754 39,290 10,794 45,704 21,892 69,025 136,621 38.049 149,960 15,354 Kentucky...... 315,682 65, 609 381,291 395,853 247.475 62,274 442,763 752,512 787, 098 1,102.091 1,008,240 Louisiana...... 89,514 44849134 36399,8881105,576 54.9681414,798 575,342 381,248 1104,33 98.073 Maine.......... 41,7'21 55 41,776 59,20-8133,556 838931125,890 343,339 327,255 451,577 64264 Maryland....... 75,684 5,644 81,328 92,220 86,856 34,135 98,595 219,586 225,714 177, 0. 0;0 0 C0 0 7'-B uS o' o 0,..0. 0 - 0.. 100 O l. 0 " o 3." S.d 1. C F: t00 I i- i | Geographical Divisions. 05' k g ~'g *' 05 3.| 0 a New England.............. 26.79 44.13 1.39 3.73 Middle States.............. 35.72 57.8 8.07 1.6 8.40 9.12 Southern States............. 16.07 53.02 5.34 25.29.99 2.49 4.19 28.22 5.39 1.12 1.79 Southwestern States*....... 10.17 32.44 3.13.77 39.45 5.49.89 9.6 Northwestern States......... 12.90 31.47 11; 3.18 7.80 44.02 2.82.08 1.45 California and Territories.....06.75 1.90 2.46 2.97 Non-slaveholding States..... 14.792 28.56 1.80 7.31 18.06 4\.39.11 1.39 Slaveholding States......... 10.09 33.17 6.09 36.27.95 2.84 3.11 36.12 4.64.79 1.93 United States, 1850.f........ 7.71 20.02 2.25 5.551 25.53 4.49.40 1.19 United States, 1840.................. 9..........25.88 2.67 6.73 22.12 6. 34. 1.70 TABLE CLXXXVYII.-Proportion of certain Crops to each Person-1850. Divisions Rice, Tobacco, Cotton, | Wool, Hemp, Cane Sng-ar, pounds. pounds. pounds. pounds. pounds. pounds. Non-Slaveholding States................... 1.10.00 Slaveholding "S.............28 19.14 101. 3 1.16 7.17..5.62 There would have been little difficulty in framing a table like the following for all of the States, had time admitted, with other similar ones for cotton, sugar, rice, &c., showing the producers of under five bales, hogsheads, &c., between 5 and 10, 10 and 100, 100 and 500. The counties here selected have been taken at random, and represent New England, the South and the West, to wit: Franklin in Kentucky; Point Coupee, Ouachita, Rapides, Plaquemines and East Feliciana in Louisiana; A]legan, Barry, Branch and Berrien, in Michigan; Erie in Ohio; Potter and Pike in Pennsylvania; Bristol, Kent and Washington in Rhode Island; Abbeville, Anderson, Barnwell, Beaufort, Charleston, Marlboro', and Marion, in South Carolina. TABLE CLXXXIX.-Landholders occupying in certain Counties. Less 5 and 10 and 50 and 100 and 500 and 1,000 and 10,000 of Kentucky............ 70 40 230 9 205 365 29 4..... 943 Ohio...........................491 164 381 491 6 3 055 Pennsylvania.................... 58 344 625 10 7 1,044 Rhode Island........ 43 41 400 574 1,176 16.... 2,250 South Carolina...... 60 106 1,392 773 4,351 1,472 1,230 16 9,400 Of the cultivators embraced, one in 9 in Kentucly, in in 22 in Louisiana, 27 in Rhode Island, one in 56 in South Carolina, and one in 198 in Michian, cultivate less than tesn acres. Of the larger cultivators, South Carolina and Louisiana show an excess. The latest returns of agriculture are for the crop of 1849. Consulting the Prices Current at the points of production and consumption, and forming the mean, a table of valuation hWas been prepared. The approximation is as near as can be arrived at. * Exclusive of Texas-area 237,504 miles; improved land 643,976 acres; unimproved 10,852,363 acres; v lue of facus 16,550,008; ioplemaents and machinery $2,151,704. Exclu sive of unorganized Territories. 176 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE. CXC.- Value of the Agricultural Products of the United States, 1850 Products. Value. Products. Value. Indian Corn..................... $...,035,552 Live stock, over 1 year old-annual Wheat........................ 100,485,944 product.......................... $175,000,000 Cotton............................ 98,603,720 Animals slaughtered.............. 55,000.000 Hay........................ 96,870,494 Poultry on the basis of 1840......... 13,0 00000 Oats.................... 43,975o,253 Feathers.......................... 2,000,000 Butter........................... 50,135,248 Milk, (not included in butter and Home made manufactures.......... 27,493,644 cheese)...................7..... 7,000,000 Potatoes-Irish.................... 26,319,158 Eggs.............................. 5,000,000 Potatoes-sweet................... 19,134,074 Cord wood on the basis of 1840...... 20,000,000 Wool............................ 15,755,087 Home made manufactures-one-half Tobacco......................... 13, 982,686 for agricultural part. —Tucker...... 13,746;82 Cane sugar......................... 12,378,850 Small crops-basis of Rhode Island Rye............................. 7,803,847 for onions, carrots, &c............ 5,000,000 Orchard products.................. 7,723,186 Residuum of crops, not consumed by Buckwheat......................... 6,969,838 stock, corn fodder, cotton, seed, Peas and Beans................... 5,762,436 straw, riceflour, and manure, (PaMarket garden products............ 5,280, 030 tent Reports.).................... 100000,000 Cheese............................. 5,276795 Cattle, sheep and pigs, under one Hemp........................... 5,247,430 year old.......5 0................ 50000000 Rice............................ 4 00000 --— 00 Barley............................. 3616,910 1,311,691,326 Molasses.......................... 2,540,179 Add for orchard and garden products Beeswax and Honey............... 2376,606 of cities, not included in aboveClover seed............. 2,344890 milk, butter, poultry, horses, cows, Maple sugar...................... 1,712,671 &c., in cities and towns. 15,000,000 Hops............................ 1,223,960 Flaxseed.......................... 843,468 Total agricultural products-1849-50 *$1 326,691, 326 Grass seeds (other than clover)..... 833,662 To which add for increase since 1850, Flax............................... 770,967 and for the greater value of agriWine............................. 442498 cultural products would give total Silk cocnoos................ 5,421 for 1854...................1....... 1600,000,000 By a special resolution of the Senate, the Census office was requested to furnish a statement showing the quantity of land cultivated in each of the agricultural staples of the country. The time was not sufficient for the collection of material necessary to prepare such a statement fully for the present volume, as an extensive correspondence would be required. By an examination of the marshals' returns, showing the average product to the. acre in every county for a good crop, and the actual product in the year of the census, approximate data were obtained from which the following table was compiled. It is the best that can be offered, and is the only table of the kind ever published. TABLE CXCI. —Land actually cultivated in the several Crops of the United States, 1849-50. Ii C............. _ Products. Acres. Products. Acres. Indian Corn......................... 31000000 Tobacco..... 400000 Meadow or pasture lands-that propor- Sugar........................... 400,000:ion which is regarded improved, and Barley............................... 300, 000 exclusive of Hay crop.............. 000,000 Rice............................... 175,000 Hay................................ 13, 000,000 Hemp..................11........... 0, 000 Wheat.............................. 11,000,000 Flax.............................. 100,000 Oats.............................. 7,500000 Orchards............................. 500000 Cotton............................ 000000 Gardens.. 500,000 Rye................................ 1,200,000 Vineyards............................ 250,000 PeasandBeans....................... 1,000,000 Other products....................... 1 000, 000 Irish Potatoes....................... 1000,000 Improved but not in actual cultivation 17,247614 Sweat Potatoes..................... 750,000 Buckwheat........................... 600,000 Total improved lands........... 113,032,614 It would thus appear that the actual crops do not account for -17,247,614 acres, which are returned as being improved. It is possible the total reported as improved is exaggerated by a part of this difference, say 9,000,000 acres, which would leave about. 8,000,000 for waste, yet improved lands.t * Professor Tucker estimated the crop of 1840 at $654,387,597. It was no doubt nearer $800,000,000. The New York State census of 1845 reports 11,757,276 acres improved land, a near approximation to the United States census of 1850. Of this amount only 3,851,594 were cultivated in barley, peas, beans, buckwheat, turnips, potatoes, flax, wheat, corn rye and oats, leaving nearly eight millions for meadows, hay, gardens, orchards, etc., and unaccounted for. The State reports of Ohio for 1851 show 1,677,253 acres in wheat, and 1,664,429 acres in corn. If the occupied land sustained tho same relation to the whole population in 1840 AGRICULTUiE. 177 TABLE CXCII. — ]:atio per cent. of Population and certaifn Products in the States to the total of the United States. STATES AND TERRITORIES. oua Wheat. Indian Rice. T ac Cotton. Weol. Hemp. Suar. ion. corn. CO. Alabama..................... 3.33.29 4.86 1.07.08 23.08 1.25.........04 Arkansas.....................91.20 C alifornia...................4.02................................01............... Columbia, District ot.... 22.02.01........................ Connecticut................ Delaw are....................39.48.53.........................11............... Florida....................... 34. 5.5 1.85........ 1.16 Georgia..................... 3.48 1.08 5.08 18.09.21 20.41 1.88.........31 Illinois.................... 3.07 9.37 9.73....... 42....... 4.10 Indiana...................... 4.26 6.18 8.95....... 4.97 Iowa.......................83 1.52 1,46............71 Kentucky.................... 4.24 2.13 9.91........ 27.78.03 4.37 51.01....... Louisiana.................... 2.23........ 1.73. 2.05.01 7.31.1...... 95.31 Maine....................... 2.51.29 3....... 2.6........ Maryland.............. 2.9 4.47 1.86........ 107i2.....i...91.18........ Massachusetts...............4,9.03.40........ 1....... Michigan..'................. 1.71 4.90.95........ Mississippi.......66....... 2.92 0.14 3.79 1.26 0.02 19.80 1.07 0.0....... Missouri..................... 2.94 2.97 6.12........ 8.57. 3.10 45.96........ New Hampshire............. 1.37 0.18 0.27............ 2.1........ New Jersey................. 2.11 1.60 1.48................... 71........ New York......1............ 13.36 13.06 3.02...04..... 19.18 0.01........ North Carolina........... 3.75 2.12 4.72 2.54 6.0 2.07 1.8 0.11........ Ohio........................ 8.54 14.42 9.97..... 5.23........ 19.41 0.43........ Pennsylvania....... 9..... 9.97 15.29 3.35... 0.46........ 853 0.13..... Rhode Island................. 0.64....... 0.09........................ 0.25............... South Carolina............... 2.88 1.06 2.75 74.28 0.04 12.30 0.93.........03 Tennessee................... 4.32 1.61 8.83 0.16 10.09 7.95 2.60 1.7....... Texas....................... 0.92 0.04 1.02 0.04 0.03 2.37 0.25........ 3.10 Vermont.................... 1.35 0.53 0.34........... 6.47...... Virginia..................... 6.13 11.16 5 95. 8.44 0.16 5.45 *0.4.... Wiscoasin................. 1.32 4.26 0.34........0.48 M innesota............... 0.03........................ New Mexico............. 0.27 0.19 Oregon.................. 0.06 0.21..............0.05................ s kUtah.0.05 0.10................ 0.02... The table which follows is very incomplete, but nothing better can be raimed from the returns, which in general were very carelessly made or entirely neglected. and 1800 as in 1850, it would seem that 77,000,000 acres have been taken up or brought into use in the last ten years, and 226,000,000 acres in the last fifty years. In the same period 4,129,777 acres were brought into use in England. The following table was prepared for the English House of Commons in 1827 in statute acres. Divisions. Cultivated. Uncultivated. Unprofitable. Summary. England.............................. 25,632,000 3,454,000 3,256,400 3,346,400 Wales.................................. 3,117,000 530,000 1,105,000 4,752000Scotland................................ 5,265,000 5.950,000 8,523,930 19,738 930 Ireland............................ 12,125,280 4, 900,000 2, 416, 664 19, 441. 944 British Islands.......................... 383,690 166,000 569,469 1,119,159 Total.............................. 46, 522,970 15,000,000 15,871,463 77, 394,333 Of this total, 19,135,990 acres were in arable lands and gardens, 27,386,980 in meadows, pastures and marshes, 15,000,000 wastes, capable of improvement, 15,871,463 wastes, incapable of. improvement. In France there are 86,790,702 acres improved land, in Prussia 39,478,704, in Austria 138,808,366. Unimproved in France, 38,238,616, in Austria 25,812,517, in Prussia 28,741,156. By the census of 1849-50 for Austria and Prussia, it appears that the former had 3,229,884 horses, 112,820 asses and mules, 5,910,886 milch cows, 3,239,365 working oxen, 13,583,254, other cattle, and the latter, 1,575,417 horses, 7,475 asses and mules, 3,078,126 cows, 676,395 oxen 1,617,123 other cattle, 16,296,928 sheep, 2,466,316 swine, and produced 15,998,450 bushels corn, 96,803,080 of rye, 114,503,300 of oats, 21,583,320 lbs. tobacco, 21,581,890 lbs. wool, 423,555,000 bushels Irish potatoes, 29,143,000 bushels barley, and 6,670,670 gallons wine. * Crop underrated. In 1852, Virginia reports gave 3,450 tons dew-rotted hemp and 14149 tons water-rotted. 12 178 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE CXCIII.-A-ctual Crops per acre on, the average as returned by the JMarshals for 1849-50. / I re: 0 c In 0 T. States. { ^ 0 0 { l H S a0 ~o ^ U.0 o ^^ cr "?; i) r-,-3 _________ __ __ __.a28.! Alabama............... 5.... 15 12........... 525 12 60 200...................... Arkansas............... 10.... 2 18............ 700.........................100. Connecticut..................... 40 21.... 85........ 20......... D elaw are............... 11.... 20 20.................................... 10................. Florida. 15 1 81 250 175 1)0 Florida................. 1 850 250.... 175................. 50 Georgia............... 5 7 16 18............ 500 5 125 400.......................... Illinois.................. 11 14 33 29.... 115.. 40 15 1 Indiana............... 12 18 33 20....... 100 2 25n 1. Iow a................... 14.... 32 36...................... 100..................... Kentucky............. 8 11 24 18...... 575.. 130 65........ 1... Louisiana......... 16.... 1,400...... 550.......... 175.................... 1,000 Maine..................10 27 20.... 120. 20........ Maryland............... 13 18 23 21...... 650......... 75...........1 Massachusetts.. 16 13 31 26.... 170 21....... 1 Michig an.............. 10.... 32 26...................... 140........ 14........ M ississippi................. 18 12............ 650 1 105.......... Missouri............ 11.... 34 26...... 775.......... 110............ 775. New Hampshire........ 11 14 30 30...................... 220.' 2.................. New Jersey. 11 8 33 26...75.. 18 16.................. New York.............. 12 17 27 25............I.......... 100.... 25 22 50... North Carolina.......... 7 15 17 10.................... 65.................... Ohio................... 12 25 36 21 730.... 75s 30 20 I5.............. Pennsylvania.. 15 14 20 22................... 75.......... 1.......... R~hode Island............... 16.... 30...................... 100.... 18...................... South Carolina......... 11 12 1,750...... 18 70............. Tennessee.............. 7 7 1 1..... 300....7 300 120 i.................. Texas................. 15.... 20.......... 750.... 50 45................ Vermont............... 13 20 32 26............. 20 178........ 25 1.............. Virginia........... 7 5 18 13...... 6 0.......... 75........ 7 1........ Wisconsin............. 14.... 30 35...................... 15.... 18 TABLE CXCIV.-VNumber of Cotton, Sugar, Rice, Tobacco and Hemp Plantations. I. |: I.||. o~ I.i i I.: 1! IE * " y m.= -'~oI E~ I IS Clbm;=.... C... STATES. H 1 1 | STATES. 14 1 oa 1 a 2c 03(6S 1 3c- oct Arkansas........... 175........................ North Carolina..... 2,8 7....... Florida...... 990 958.................. South Carolina...... 116522.... 4..... aG e gia a.C! c 0 i 0, Georgia............ 14,578...... 80............ Tennessee......... 4,043..2,215 Kentucky............ 5987 3,5 20. T exas......2.........5 a.... Louisiana...... 4 0......4, 1, 558................. Virginia............'198............ 5,817....... a........... 00.................. 76...... ArkanMississipp. 2,175.................... 15.......................681 551 15 Georgia. 14,578 80 I ~ I / I 4 There are in the Southern States 4, 031 cotton plantations, including all producers of more than five bales, 2,681 sugar planters including the smallest; 551 estates making more than 20,000 pounds of rough rice each; 15,745 tobacco estates of 3,000 pounds each and over in Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia; 8,32( hemp planters in Kentucky and Missouri. Only such States are taken as are considered crop States. 2. MANUFACTURES.-The complete statistics of manufactures in the United States are being now aggregated from the returns of the census of 1850. They are no doubt quite as full and reliable as those of the census of 1810, 1820 or 1840, and perhaps more complete.' It will be very long before any country can expect entire accuracy in such reports, although by their means close and valuable approximations may be made. The heavy expense at which these statistics were obtained and the extensive ground which they cover entitle them to publication, and -al chances of material error can be guarded against by appending to them notes of comparison with the local reports of the several States, cities, associations, etc. * For example5 in 1840, 6 or 8 importing merchants were given to Abbeville, S. C. where there was not in fact one, and in Boston 02,442,309 was given as the capital invested and $4,016,573 the product, though the Stato census of manufactures in 1839 reported'5,830,572 capital and $11,071,576 product in the same articles. The whole manufacturing product of the United States in 1810 was estimated at 172,000,000 and in 18410 about.%00,000,00,00. MANUFACTURES. 179 The following tables have undergone a few revisions since their first preparation and are proper to be placed in the present volume. There are 121,855 establishments of every description reported, producing each of any kind of manufactured article the amount annually of five hundred dollars. The capital invested in real and personal estate is $527,209,193; the value of raw material used, including fuel, $554,655,038; the amount paid for labor, $229,736;3177 and the gross annual value produced $'1,013,336,463, making 43 per cent. profit upon the whole investment. The ratio of profits in the several States is also given, presenting some anomalies which cannot at present be reconciled. Those who will examine the manufacturing returns of 1840 and 1820 will find still greater ones. The figures giving the numbtner of hands employed and the value of annual product are no doubt entirely correct, the chances of error being mainly in the returns of the cost of raw material and the amount of capital Invested. An average profit of 43 per cent. would not be too high for the whole industrial operations of the country. The number of hands employed of all ages was 119,419 males and 225,512 females; total, 944,991. The County tables of this volume will show the amount of capital invested, the hands employed and the total product of every county in the United States. The motive power, as steam, horse, water, etc. was ascertained fbr each establishment requiring such, but has not been prepared in tabular form. As the examination of the Industrial schedules progresses it is probable many of the figures in the tables will be modified and corrected. TABLE CXCY.-Product of Mlneumfactures, MJining and the f Mechanic Arts, 1850.'Hands employed. States and Territories.. Ra Cmapitale. - Annal Anne. pin Male. Female. Alabama............. 1,026 83,450,606 $2,224,960 4,399 539 $1,106,11.2 4,528.878i 34.71 Arkansas,............ 272 324,065 268,564 873 30 169 356 607,4361 5. 31 California..... 1...... 1,003 1,006,197 1,201,154 3 964........ 3,485,820 128625 812.52 Columbia, District of.. 395 888. 965 1339,146 1,678 498 616.152 2,493,008 C 49 Connecticut.......... 3,482 23,890,348 23,589,397 31,287 16.483 11,695,236 45,110,102 4..13 Delaware......... 531 2.978.945 2,864,607 3,237'651'936924 4649,296 246 Florida............... 103 547,060 220,611 876 115 199,452 668,335 45.38 Georgia............ 1,527 5,460,483 3,404,917 6,660 1,718 1,712,304 7,086.525 3.()6 Illinois.....34......... 364 6385,387 8915,173 11,632 433 3,286,249 17,236,073 78.85 Indiana............. 4,288 7941,602 10,214,337 13,677 665 2,809.116 18,922,6511 7428 Iowa................. 522 1,292,875 2,356,881 1,687 20'473,016 3,551,7 55.83 Kentucky........... 3,609 12350734 12,170,225 22,445 1,94 4764096 24,588,483 61.97 Louisiana........... 1.017 5318,074 2,958988 5581 85 2,086,212 7,30.948 2.79 Maine............... 6 135 724.52 Maine............... 3,977 14,700,452 13,555,806 21,856 6,222 7,502,916 24 664,135 24. 52 Maryland............ 3.708 14753143 17326734 2264 7,483 7374672 477 52.7 Massachusetts........ 8;259 831357.642 85,856,771 96,261 69,677 39,784.116 151,137,145 30.59 Michigan............. 1963 6,534,250 6 105 561 8,930 360 2,387,928 10,976,894 38.01 Mississippi........... 877 1,833,420 1,290,271 3,065 108 775,128 2,972,038 49.45 Missouri............ 3,029 9,079,695 12,446,738 15,977 873 3,184,764 23,749,265 89.41 New Hampshire...... 3,211 18,242,114 12,745,466 14,103 12,989 6,123,876 23,164,503 23.55 New Jersey.......... 4108 22,184,730 21,992,186 28,549 8,762 9,202,788 39.713,586 38.40 New York..... 23,553 99904,405 134.655,674 147,737 51,612 49,131,000 237,597,249 5:3.83 North Carolina....... 2,604 7,252,225 4,805,463 10,693 1,751 1,796,748 9,111,245 34.60 Ohio........... 10,622 29,019,538 34,677,937 47,054 4,435 13,467,660 62,647,259 49.97 Pennsylvania......... 21605 94473,810 87,206,377 124,688 22,078 37163232 155,044,910 32.47 Rhode Island......... 853 12,923,176 13,183,889 12,837 8,044 5,008,656 22,093,258 30.18 South Carolina....... 1,431 6,056,865 2,809.534 5,935 1,074 1,128,432 7,063,513 51.60 Tennessee........... 2,861 6,975,279 4,900;952 11,154 878 2,277,228 9,728,438 36.56 Texas................ 309 539,290 394,642 1,042 24 322,368 1,165,538 83.17 Vermont............. 1,849 5,001,377 4,172,552 6,894 1.551 2,202.348 8,570,920 4391 Virginia.............. 4,741 18,109,993 18,103,433 25.789 3.320 5,413,764 29,705,387 34.17 Wisconsin........... 1262 3,382,148 5,414,931 5798'291,712,496 9293068 Minnesota....... 5' 90004,000 24000 63........ 21,420 57,500 1.2.85 J New Mexico.... 23 68,3001 110,.220 81........ 20, 772 249.01017.2.79 {5{Oregon..... 52 843.600 809 560 285 32 388,620 2,236:640123.10 Utah........... 14 44,400 337 381 51........ 5,400 291,2201 Total.............. 121,855 527,209,193 554,655,038 719,479 225,51 229,736,377 1,013,336,463 43.43 New England States.. 21,631 158,115,109 153,103,881 183,238 114,966 72,317,148 274,740.031 31.19 Middle ".. 53,900 235,183,998 265,384,724 328.530 91,084 104,424,768 471,975751] 43.44 Southern "". 10,406 37,426,626 29,343,958 49,953 7,278 10,250.700 53,635.005 37.51 Southwest ( 6,332 18,440,734 12,038,377 26,114 2,435 6,736,404 26,323:276! 40.P3 Northwest " 29,556 78,042,726 94,784,098 131,644 9,049 36.007,357 186,662,368i 71.59 Non-slaveholdg ": 93.815 431,290,351 467,125,253 577,434 203.654 195,872,665 845,430.428i 51.57 Slaveholding " 28,040 95,918,842 87,529,785 142,045 21858 33,863,712 167,906,03 48.49 * Exclusive of those in families. f A loss of 116.13 per cent. 180 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE CXCVI. —Cotton Manufactures, 1850.* Raw Material used. Hands employed. verageotes States, &c. ons of Value of Products.t Q ~ 1Bales of Tons ofMale. Female. Male. Female. a g cotton. coal. material. Alabama...... 12 651,900 5,208........ 237,081 346 369 11.71 7.98 382,260 Arkansas.... 3 16,500 170........ 8,975 13 18 14.61 5.88 16,637 Coiumbia, Dis.of 1 85, 000 960..... 67,000 41 103 14.02 8,00 100, 000 Connecticut.... 128 4.219,100 39,483 2,8866 2,500,062 2,708 3,478 19.08 11.80 4,257,522 ie laware...... 12 460.100 4 730 1,920 312,068 413 425 15.31 11.58 538,439 Florida......... 80,000 600....... 30,000 28 67 32,14 5.00 49,920 Georgia....... 35 1,736.156 205,230 1,000 900,419 873 1,399 14.57 7.39 2,135,044 Indiana........ 2 43:000 675 300 28,220 38 57 13.02 6.77 44,200 Kentucky..... 8 239, 000 3, 760 720 180,907 181 221 14.95 9.36 273,439 Mtaiine........ 12 3,329,700 31,531 2,921 1,573,110 780 2,959 29,35 12.15 2,596,356 M;,rvland v...... 24 2,236,000 23,325 2,212 1,165,579 1,008 2,014 15.42 9.48 2.120,504 Mas'achusetts.. 21328,455,630 223,601 46,545 11,289,309 9,293 19,437 22.90 13.60 19,7182,461 Mississippi 2 38,000 430........ 1,500 19 17 14.21 5.94 30,500 Missouri........ 2 102,000 2,160 1,658 86,446 75 80 10.93 10.00 142.900 New Hampshire 44 10,950,500 83,026 7,679 4,839,429 2,911 9,211 26.00 13.47 8.830,619 New Jersey.... 21 1,483.500 14,437 4,467 666,645 616 1,096 17.98 9.56 1,109,524 New York...... 86 4,176,920 37,778 1,539 1.985,973 2,632 3,688 18,32 9.68 3,591,989 North Carolina. 28 1,058,800 13,617........ 531,903'442 1,177 11.65 6.13 831.342 Ohio........... 8 297.000, 4,'270 2,152 237,060 132 269 16.59 9.421 394,700 Pennsylvania... 208 4,528,925 44,162 24,189 3,152,530 3,564 4,099 17.85 9.91 5,322.262 Rhode Island. 158 6,675,000 50,713 13,116 3,484,579 4,959 5,916 18.60 12.95j 6,447,120 South Carolina. 18 857.200 9,9'291........ 295,971 399 620 13.94 8.30 748,338 Tennessee..... 33 659,600 6,411 3,010 297,500 310 581 10.94 6.42 510.624 Vermont....... 9 202,500 2,243........ 114,415 94 147 15.53 12.65 196,100 Virinia........ 27 1,903,900 17,785 4,805 828,375 1,275 1,688 10.18 6.98 1,486,384 Total......... 1,094 7450031 641,240 1,099 34,835056 33150 59,136........ 61869184 TABLE CXCVII.- Woollen Manufactures, 1850. Hands Average Raw material used. wages per employed. month. States &c. Products.t ~ Pounds of ['(ns W Vlu of'. wool of raw Male. Fem. Male. Fem. ~ d Coal. matital. Columbia, Dist. of....... 1 $700 5,000...... 1,630 2...... 30.00...... 2,400 Gonnecticut............... 149 3,773,950 9,414,100 7,912 3,325,709 2,907 2,581 24.12 12.86 6,465,216 Delaware................ 8 148,500 393,000 45 204,172 122 18 18.79 17.33 251,000 Georgia................. 3 68,000 153,816...... 30,392 40 38 27.47 14.10 88,750 Illinois.................. 16 154,500 396, 964 987 115, 367 124 54 22.00 12.52 206.572 Indiana................. 33 171,545 413,350 90 120,486 189 57 21.81 11.05 205,802 Iowa.................... 1 10, 000 14.500...... 3,500 7...... 11.14...... 13, 000 Kentucky............... 25 249, 820 673, 900...... 205,287 256 62 15.30 11.11 318,819 Maine................... 36 467,600 1,438.434...... 495,940 310 314 22.57 11.77 753,300 Maryland................ 38 244, 000 430 300 100 165,568 262 100 18.60 11.89' 295,140 Massachusetts.......... 119 9,089,34222,239,952115,400 8,671,671 6,167 4,963 22.95 14.22 12,770,565 Michigan................ 15 94,000 162;,250...... 43,402 78 51 21.65 11.47 90,242 Missouri................. 20,000 80.000 1,071 16,000 15 10 32.00 6.50 56,000 New Hampshire.......... 61 2.437,700 3,604,103 3600 1,267,329 926 1,201 22.86 14.53 2,127,745 New Jersey..............'494.274 1,510,289 1:889 548,367 411 487 25.22 8.60 1,164,446 New York............... 2491 4,459,370112,538,786.. 3,838,292 4,262 2,412 19.97 11.76 7,030,604 North Carolina........... 1. 18,000 30,000 13,950 15 15 18.00 7.00 23,750 Ohio..................... 130 870,220 1,657,726 2,110 578,423 903 8 20.14 10.90 1,111027 Pennsylvania........... I 380 3,005,064 7,560.379110,777 3.282,718 3,490 2,236 19.23 10.41 5,321,866 Rhode Island.............: 45 1.013,000 4,103:370 2,032 1;463,900 987 771 20.70 15.18 2,381,8:25 Tennessee............... 4' 10,900 6200...... 1,675 15 2 17.66 6.00 6,310 Texas................... 1 8,000 30,000...... 10;000 4 4 20.00 20.00 15,000 Vermont................. 72 886,300 2,.328,100...... 830,684 683 710 24.46 11.81 1,579,161 Virginia................ 121 392,640 1,554,110 357 488,899 478 190 18.17 9.91 841,013 Wisconsin................ 9 331,.2 5 134,200...... 32,630 25...... 22.48...... 87,992 Total................ 1,552811865070,862,82946370 25,755,99122678 16,574............ 43,207,545 *'In these tables, the States which report no product will be omitted. 763,678,407 yards sheeting, &c., were produced, and nearly 30,000,000 lbs. yarn and batting. 4 82,206,652 yards cloth were manufactured, 4,294,336 lbs. of yarn, besides blankets and hats. MANUFACTURES. 181 TABLE CXCVIII.-Manufactures of Pig Iron, 1850. ~ Raw materiat -sed. Hands cm. rcrg Annual product. i ______ _ v r!_ployed. " "SIarg e States. Capital. m t. 3Tons of Value. Tons of Other ] Z ore. M. F. M. F. pig iron. products o Alabama........... 3 $11,000 1, 838 $0,770 40.... $17.60 52.2 5, 000 $22,500 Connecticut........ 13 225,600 35,450 289,225 148....6.80.... 13, 420 20,000 415 600 Georgia............ 3 26.000 5,189 25,840 135 3 17.44]5.90 90 28,000 57;300 Illinois............. 2 65,000 5,500 15,500 150.... 2.031.... 2,700........ 70,200 Indiana..........2... 72,000 5,200 24, 400 88.... 26.00.... 1,850....... 58. 000 Kentucky........... 21 924,700 72,010 260,152 1,845 10 20. 234.70 24,245 10,000 604 0;37 Maine............. 1 214,000 2,907 14,939 71........ 184........ 360616 Maryland........... 18 1,420,000 99,866 560,725 1,370.... 20.14.. 43,41 96,000 1,056,400 Massachusetts...... 6 469,000 27,909 185,741 263.... 27.52.... 12,287....... 295,123 Michigan........... 1 15, 000 2,700 14,000 25.... 35.00[.... 60 6 000 21,000 Missouri........... 5 619,000 37,000 97,367 334.... 24.28.... 19,250.314,600 New Haimpshire... 1 2,000 500 4,900 101.... 18.00.... 200........ 6,00 New Jersey........ 10 967,000 51,266 332,707 600.... 21.20.... 24,031........ 560,544 New York.......... 18 605,000 46,385 321,027 505 2.... 25.00.... 23,022 12,800 597,920 North Carolina...... 2'25,000 900 27,900 26 5 800 4.40 400....... 12,500 Ohio............... 35 1,503,0001 140,610 630,037 2,415.... 24.48... 52,658........1,255,850 Pennsylvania....... 180, 8,570,425 877.283 3,732,427 9,25 9 21.65 5.11 *285, 702, 40,000 6,071,513 Tennessee......... 23 1,021,400 88,810 254,900 1,713 10 12.815. 11 30.420 41,900 676,100 Vermont........... 3 62,500 7,676 40,175'100.... 22.08.... 3,200........ 68,000 Virginia............ 29 513,800 67,319 158,3071 1,15 14 12.6.86 22 163........ 521,924 Wisconsin.......... 1 15, 000 3,000 8, 250 60.... 30.00.... 1,000........ 27,000 Total............. 377 17,346,425 1,579,318f 7.005,289 20,298 10.......... 563,755 259,700 12,748,727 TABLE CXCIX. —Mtnujfactures of Iron Casting, 1850. Hlands em-] Raw material used. wages per ployed. wage per month. States, &c.- Pronucts. Tons Value ofraw ^, Tonspig old Tons aerial, Male. Fem. MIale. Fem. Iron. ore. Inrttctrinmn a Iron. metal. ore. fuel, &c. Alabama......... 10 $216,625 2,348............. 102. 085 21...... 30.05..... 271,126 California... 1 5,000 75............ 8530 3.. 23.33.... 20,740 Columbia, Dist. of 2 14,000 545..18100 27...... 27.05...... 41,696 Connecticut...... 60 580,800. 11,396 337...... 351,369 942 7 27.02 $8.00 981.400 Delaware......... 13 373,500 4440...... 15385 250...... 23.36...... 267462 Georgia.......... 4 35,000'440............ 11.950 39...... 27.43...... 46,200 Illinois............ 29 260,400' 4,818 50...... 17. 330 332...... 28.50...... 441,185 Indiana.......... 14 82,900 1,968 5..... 66,918 143...... 25.74...... 149,430 Iowa............ 3 5,500 81......1...... 2,524 17...... 32.35...... 8,500 Kentucky...... 20 502,200 9,731..... 295,533 558 20 24.89 4.15 744,316 Louisiana......... 8 255,000 1.660..:::.....:::: 75,300 347..... 35.60..... 312.500 Maine............ 25 150,100 3,591 245...... 112,570 243 1 29.00 5.00 265,000 Maryland........ 16 359, 100 7,220....... 259. 190 761.. 27.50 685,000Massachusetts... 68 1,499,050 31,134 3,361...... 1,057,904 1,596...... 30.90...... 2,235,635 Michigan......... 63 195,450 2,494............ 91,865 337...... 28.68 279,697 Mississippi........ 8 100,000 1,197.. 50,370 112...... 37.91...... 7,400 IMfissouri......... 6 187.000 5,100 200 133,114 297...... 19.63...... 336,495 New Hampshire 26 232,700 5.673 500...... 177.060 374...... 33.05.... 371.710 New Jersey...... 45 593,250 10,666 350...... 301.048 803...... 24.00...... 686.430 New York........ 3234,622.482 108,945 3,212...... 2,393,768 5,925.. 7.49.....4..... 5,921,98 North Carolina.... 5 11500'192............ 8341' 15'...... 23.461...... 12 867 Ohio............. 1832,063,50 37,555 1,843 2,000 1,199,700 2,758...... 27.32...... 3,069,350 Pennsylvania..... 320 3,4220,924 69,501 819...... 2,372,467 4,782j 1 27.55 6.00 5,3.54,81 Rhode Island..... 20 428,800 8,918...... 258,267 800......29.63...... 728705 South Carolina... 185,700 169...... 2800 29,128 153 2 13.59 4.00 87,683 Tennessee........ 16 139,500 1,680..... 5,050 90,035 261 8 17.96 4.50 2641, 335 Texas.......... 2 16, 000 250........ 8,400 351...... 43.43..... 55.000 Vermont......... 26 290,720 5,279 274 160,603 381...... 28.27...... 460,8313 Virginia.......... 54. 471,160 7,114 205 297,14 810 9 19.91 9.44 674.416 Wisconsin........ 15 116,350 1,371 15...... 86.930 228...... 26.73...... 216,195 Total........ 1,39117,416,31 34,55311,416 9,850 10,34,26523541 48........... 253108155 ~ The production of pig or cast iron in Pennsylvania was estimated by the local reports in 1850 at 564,575 tons. The product of Great Britain is about 2,700,000 tons of iron annually; of France, 600,000; of Russia, 150,000; Belgium, 230,000; Sweden, 157,000. f 645,241 tons of mineral coal used and 54,165,233 bushels charcoal. t Tons of mineral coal used, 190,891; bushels coke and charcoal, 2,413,750; tons of casting made, 322,745. 182 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE CC.-iManzufactures of Wrought Iron, 1850..i em Average;I ~ lHands cm- wages per States. mnth. Annual pro-'~ ^ - -! 3Qduct. S 5j. Sc Male. Femn. Male. Fern. Alabama............................. 3 $7,000 ~ 3.355 34....... 15.929 7,500 Connecticut................... 20 601,000 517,554 394...... 31.59...... 847,196 Delaware..................... 3 75,000 35,410 4...... 25.53 38,200 Georgia............................... 3 9,200 4,136 1 11.35 5.00 12,384 Indiana............................... 4 17,000 4,425 222 27.45 4.00 11,760 Kentucky............................ 4 176,000 180,800 183...... 32.06...... 299,700 Maryland............................. 17 412, 050 386,216 468..... 24.31...... 771, 431 Massachusetts....................... 58 2,561,100 2,430,533 2,472 52 29.46 12.79 -3,908,952 Missouri............................. 2 42,100 24,509 101...... 30.00...... 68, 700 New Hampshire...................... 3 7,000 11,575 9...... 31.34...... 20.400 New Jersey........................... 64 1,300,393 566,865 932 3 27.31 13.34 1,079,576 New York.............81 1,871,650 2,305.441 2,130 28.91...... 3758,547 North Carolina........................ 30 170,609 50,089'262 18 10.43 4.78'331,914 Ohio........................ 6 1644,800 193.148 276...... 29.58...... 127,849 Pennsylvania......................... 162 7,828,916 5,698,563 6,591 7 28.31 6.57 9,224,256 Rhode Island......................... 2 209,400 112,123 221...... 57.85 223, 650 Tennessee........................... 42 755,050 385,616 731 55 15.20 5.00O 670,618 Vermont............................. 10 77,200 83,094 79...... 32.08 127,886 Virginia............................... 38 747,811 531,325 1,131...... 25.41...... 1,098,252 Total.......................... 552 17,033,279 13,524,77 16,110 138............ 22,629,271 TABLE CCI.-Distilleries and Breweries, 1.850. a: Raw Material Used..2 Quantities Produced. States and Territo- T~~~e~.~'~ ~Gallons ollons of 4.t= ~d ~~ ~~~~whiskey & o | 5. barley. corn. rye, of'ale, &c. rum. I a C &cb high wines _____. 0___ ___ ___ H ___ __ ___ Alabama........... 1 500.............................. 2.............. 3,000 California.......... 1 4,000..........2 800.... Columbia, Dist. of... 1 12, 000 5,000.................... 5 1,350. Connecticut........ 8 19,600.......... 20,000 20,000 27......... 130,000 1,200 Georgia............ 8 9,230....... 20, 150 2,500 27.......... 60,450.......... Illinois............. 52 303,400 98,000 703,500 48,700 274 27,925 2,315,000. Indiana............. 59 359,450 118,150 1,417,900 48,700 333 11,114 4,472,074.......... Iowa............... 4 13,500......... 51,150. 7,200 16 37,600. Kentucky.......... 81 201,335 65,650 551,350 30,520 320 25,000,366,895.......... Louisiana.......... 3 47,000 10, 000..........2.......... 2 2,500 45,000.......... M aine.............. 2 17,400.............................. 7 400.......... 220,000 Maryland.......... 34 247,100 76,900 166,100 54, 300 131 26,380 787,400......... Massachusetts...... 27 584,700 80.000 19,400 26 600 166 25, 800 120, 000 3,786,00 Michigan............ 29 126, 625 32, 030 212,300 19,150 98 2,382 873, 920........ Missouri...;....... 22 298,900 124,.440 309,200 24,900 179 48,350 939,400.......... New Jersey......... 68 409.655 103,700 254,000 58,400 265 34,750 1,250,530......... New York....... 189 2,585,900 2,062,250 1,647,266 909,067 1,676 644,700 9,231,700 2,4888,10 North Carolina..... 47'21,930... 64,650 4,700 72.......... 153, 030......... Ohio............. 58 1,262,974 330,950 3,588,140 281,750 1,033 96,943 11,865,150......... Pennsylvania 371 1,719,960 550,105 1,483,555 517,180 1,092 189,581 6,548,810 1,500 Rhode Island....... 2 17,000 12,500.10 3,900. South Carolina..... 18 3,475.......... 18.......... 35.......... 43900 Tennessee.......... 30 25,025 3,000 258,400 5,480 795.......... 174,925 Vermont........... 1 7,000 2,500 2 500.................... Virginia............ 60 100,915 20,000 250,700 62,680 131 5,500 879,440.......... Wisconsin.......... 33 98,700 91,020 29,900 9,200 112 31,320 127, 000.......... I N. Nexico...... 7 7,300......... 2,000 12,900 21.......... 42,000. Utah........... 1 3.000 1,000.................... 300................... Total............. 1,217 8,507,574 3,787,19511,067,76112143,927 6,140 1,179,49541,364,224 6,500,500 * Nail factories, spike and tack included. t Also 56,607 bushels of oats, 526, 840 bushels of apples, 1,294 tons of hops and 61,675 hogshead of molasses. MANUFACTURES. 183 TABLE CCI. —Fisheries of the United States.:3 Entire wages - Hands employed. En r~ ~ ~~ ~per month. States. Capital. Opr Annu product. Male. Female. Male. Female. Connecticut....................... 252 1,986,300 19,574 2,96]........ 61,729........ $1,734,483 Florida............1............... 15 13, 975 1280 93 5 1,35 42 18,676 Maine............................. 63 496,910 19,137 2,78........ 53,210....... 56976 Massachusetts...................... 593 5,52,65........ 11,523........ 180,88....... 6,606,849 Michigan........................... 69 30 806........ 244... 5474....... 72,775 New YHaopshire.................. 36 43,700 6,3 300........ 3000........ 59, 281 New York....................... 26 48, 100 583 118........ 1162..... 484,345 North Carolina...................... 76 235,115.. 1,843 424 44,578 4,993 250,025 Ohio.............................. 16 11,184 4,979 85.., 621........ 27,565 Rhode Islat. d....................... 11 32 500 12, 096 109.. 3,708........ 64 430 Virginia.......................... 15 40,564 32. 944 133.... 2, 887....88 95,002 Wisconsin.......................... 2 10, 240 2,835 47.... 1,010........ 16, 875 Total.........................O. 1,384 8,966,044 99,681 20,704 429 371,599 5,035 10,000,182 SuLntries.-Connecticut-36,946,000 white fish, 243,448 shad, 825 barrels other fishl. 70,357 barrels whale oil, 3,240 barrels sperm oil, 271 tons bone. Florida-2,000 quintals fish, 85,000 pounds turtle, 483 oarrels mullet fish. Maine-173,094 quintals codfish, 29,685 boxes herring, 12,681 barreis mackerel, 2,156 barrels oil. Massachusetts —-15,170 quintals codfish, 236,468 barrels mackerel, 1,250 barrels herring, 187,157 barrels oil and bone. Michigan-15,451 barrels white fish. New Hampshire-2,471,056 pounds dry codfish, 1,096 barrels mackerel, 8,958 gallons oil. New York-25,283,000 fish, 16,475 barrels oil, 169,570 pounds bone. North Carolina-56,482 barrels shad and herring. Ohio-389,150 pounds fish 3,630 barrels fish. Rhode Island-187,000 barrels mneuhadeu fish, 1,000 barrels sperm oil. Virginia-177,930 bushels oysters, 75 barrels fish. Wisconsin-3,335 barrels white fish. Vessels employed, 547. TABLE CCIII.-Statistics of the Salt iaynufactures in the United States for the year ending June 1, 1850. [ IHands employed. Average yearly. Es wages paid. Annual States.. Capital. g produit, Value. E 3 bushels.:=s ceC Male. Female. Male. Female. Connecticut........... 1 4, 0001 4,00 1 1 360 144 40,000 $5,600 Florida....1 1............ 6 2 1,440 288.......... 6,000 Illinois................ 1 2,500 2000 3 72...... 720000 6,000 Kentucky...... 2 12 121450 17.050 153 9 16,896 432 246, 500 57,825 Maine................ 3, 100 7,225 4...... 1,080................. 9,700 Massachusetts...... 9 40,400 60000 28 7 8,088 1,092.. 93,850 New York.......... 191 819,950 631,955 873...... 299376........ 4,500, 000 998, 315 Ohio..3............. 32 188,750 35.633 167........ 42,03........ 550,350 13-, 293 Pennsylvania........ 47 168,360 57,189 21 9........ 55 020........ 919100 206,796 Texas............. 3,475 1,750 15 1 2,280 72 8,000 5,900 Virginia............... 40 1,269,900 234 623 1230 67 317,136 7,764 3,479,890 700,466 Total.............. 340 2,640,885 1,051,425 2,699 87 744,432 97 9792 9,763,8410 2,222,745 I~ — 3. CoaEsRtCE.-The statistics of the various branches of commerce in the several States, though ascertained by the census of 1840, were omitted among the items of that of 1850, except as to the number of persons employed and the nature of the business employing them. There were in 1850 100,752 merchants proper, and 14,917 traders, if reliance can be placed on the figures, which is doubtful. Prof. Tucker from the returns, estimated the annual product from commerce in 1840 at $97,721,086; $40,680,081, or more than half being for the Middle States, $13,528; 410 for the New England, $11,967,281 for the South, $14,255,964 for the South-west, and $17,289,020 for the North-west. Without tfoubt the figures are low. It would be fair to estimate the home and foreign commerce of the United States in 1850 at $1,500,000,000,: paying a profit of 20 per cent, or $300,000,000, or more than the profits of manufactures. However these are but mere hypotheses. The following statistics are presented as a proper and necessary appendage to the Industrial Report of the census. They have been carefully collected in the office from official sources, or such as are regarded official, as Seybert, Pitkins, Hazard, &c., and will give in a condensed form all that can be desired here in relation to the early and growing commerce of the Colonies, States, * The WTestern River commnerce has been estimated at,339,502,744: Lake and River commerce toqgether, $653,976,202. (Cortcin's Report on Steam Marine of the Interior.) If half the agricultural products and all of the manufacturing were subjects of commerce, the whole commercial movement might be estimated at betweenl 1,500,000,000 and.2,000,000,000. Mr. Walker, in his Treasury Report of 1847, estimated the vwhole products of the country at 33,000,000,000 annually. $300,000,000 proft in commerce would be less than,3,00' to each of the 100,752 merchants reported in 1.850 184 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. and Union, the countries with which the commerce was conducted, the nature of the commodities bartered, the extent of revenues, expenditures, debt, tonnage, with instructive ratio tables. A digest has never before been published of these matters, so complete. TABLE CCIV.-Conmmnerce of -Principal Colonies pmior to the Revolution, 1700-76 New England. New York. Pennsylvania. Virginia and Carolina. Georgia. Maryland. Exports Imports. Exports Imports. Exports Imports. Exports Imports. Exports Imports Exports Imports 1700 ~41,486 ~91,918 ~17,567 ~49,410 ~4,608 ~18,529 317,302 173.481 ~14,058 ~11,003............... 1701 32,656 86,32- 18,547 31,910 5,220 12,003 235;,738 199,683 16,973 13,908................ 1702 37, 026 64,625 7,965 29,991 4,145 9,342 274,782 72,391 11,870 10,46$0.............. 1703 33,539 59,608 7,471 17,562 5,160 9,89 144,928 196,713 13,197 12,428................ 1704 30,823 74,896 10,540 22,294 2,430 11,819 264,112 60,458 14,067 6,621................ 1705 22,793 62,504 7.393 27.902 1,309 706 116,768 174,322 2,698 19,788................ 1706 22,210 57,050 2,849 31;558 4,210 11,037 149,152 58,015 8,652 4,001................ 1707 38,793 120.631 14,283 29,855 786 14,365 207,625 237,901 23,311 10 492................ 1708 49,635 115,505 10,847 26,899 2,120 6,723 213,493 79,061 10,340 11,996................ 1709 29,559 120,349 12,259 34,577 617 5,881 261,668 80,268 20;431 28521................ 1710 31,112 106,338 8,203 31,475 1,277 8,594 188,429 127,639 20,793 19,613................ 1711 26,415 137,421 12,193 28,855 38 19408 273,181 91,535 12,871 20,406............ 1712 24,699 128,105 12,466 18,524 1,471 8,46 297,941 134,583 29,394 20,015.......... 1713 49;904 120,778 14,428 46,470 178 17,037 206,263 76,304 32,449 23, 967................ 1714 51,541 121,288 29,810 44,643 2,663 14,927 280,470 128,873 31,290 23712................ 1715 66,555 164,650 21,316 54,629 5,461 17,182 174,756 199,274 29,158 16,631.............. 1716 69.595 121,156 21,971 52,173 5,193 21,842 281,343 179,595 46,287 27,272.... 1717 58;898 132.001 24,534 44,140 4,499 22,505 296,884 215,962 41,2755 25,058........ 1718 61,591 131;885 27,331 62,966 5,588 22,716 316,576 191,925 46.385 15,841............... 1719 54,452 125,31 19,596 56,355 6,564 27,06 332,069 164,630 50.373 19.630............... 1720 49,206 128,769 16,836 37397 7928 24,531 331,482 110,717 62, 736 18,290................ 1721 50483 114,524 15,681 50,754 8,037 21,54 357,812 127,376 61,858 17,703................ 1722 47,955 133,722 20,118 57,478 6,8802 26,391 283,091 172,754 79,650 34 374................ 1723 59,339 176,486 27,992 53,013 8,332 15,992 287,997 123,833 78,103 42,246............... 1724 69,585 168,507 21,191 63,020 4,057 30,324 277,344 161,894 90,504 37,83................ 1725 72,021 201,768 24,976 70,650 11,981 42,209 214,730 195,884 91,942 39,182............... 1726 63,816 200,882 38,307 84,866 5,960 57,634 324,767 185,981 93,453 43,934................ 1727 75,052 187,277 31,617 67,452 12,823 31,979 421,588 192,965 96,055 23,254................ 1728 64,680 194;590 21;142 81,634 15,230 37,478 413,089 171,092 91,175 33,057................ 1729 52,512 161,102 15,833 64,760 7,434 29,799 386,174 108,931 113,329 58,366................ 1730 54,701 208,196 8,740 64,356 10,582 48,592 346,823 150,931 151,739 64,785.............. 1731 49,048 183,467 20,756 66,116 12,786 44,260 408,502 171,278 159,77 71,145........ 1732 64,095 216,600 9,411 65,540 8,524 41,698 310,799 148,289 126,207 58,298........ 82 1733 61,983 184,570 11,626 65,417 14,776 40,565 403,198 186,177 177,845 70,466 ~ 203 1,695 1734 82,252 146,460 15,307 81,758 20,217 54,392 373,090 172,086 120,4566 99658 18 1,21 1735 72,899 189,125 14,155 80,405 21,919 48,804 394,995 220,381 145,348 117,837 3,010 12,112 1736 66,788 222,158 17,944 86,000 20,786 61,513 380,163 204,794 214,083 101,147.. 2,012 1737 63,347 223,923 16,833 125,833 15,198 56,690 492,246 211,301 187,758 58,98........ 5,701 1738 59,116 203,233 16,228 133,438 11,918 61,450 391,814 258,860 141,119'87793 17 6,496 1739 46,604 220,378 18,459 106,070 8,1341 54,452 444,654 217,200 236,192 94,445'233 3,324 1740 72,389 171.081 21,498 118,777 15,048 56,751 341,997 281,428) 265,560 181, 21 34 3;524 1741 60,052 198,147 21,142 140,430 17,158 91,010 577,109 248,582 236,830 224,270 2,553 1742 53,166 148,899 13,536 167,591 8,527 75,295 427,769 264,186 154,607 127,063,622 17,018 1743 63,185 172,461 15,067 134,487 9,596 79,340 557,821 3'28,195 235,136 111,499 1 2,291 1744 50,248 143,982 14,527 119,920 7,446 62,214 402,709 234,855 192,594 79,141........ 769 1745 38,948 140,463 14,083 54.957 10,130 54,280 399,423 196,799 91,847 86,8151........ 939 1746 38,612 209,177 8,841 86,712 15,779 73,699 419,371 282,545 76,897 102,809........ 984 1747 41,771 210,640 14,992 137,984 2.832 82,404 492,619 200,088 107,500 95:529........ 24 1748. 29,748 197,682 12,358 143,311 12,363 75,330 494,852 252.624 167,305 160;17.2........ 1,314 1749 39,999 238,286 23,413 265,773 14,944 238,637 434.618 323,600 120,499 164 085 51I 5 1750 48,455 343,659 35,632 267,130 28,191 217,713 508;939 349,419 191,607 134,037 1,942. 2,125 1751 63,287 305;974 42;363 248,941 23,8701190,917 460,085 247,027 245,491 138,244 355 2,065 1752 74,313 273,340 40,648 194,030 29,978 201,666 569,453 325,151 288,264 1.50,777 1,526 3, 163 1753 83,395 345,523 40,553 277,864 38.527 245,644 632,575 3565776 164,634 213,009 3,057 14,128 1754 66,538 329,433 26,663 127,497 30,649 244,647 573,435 323 513 307,238 149,215 3,236| 1,974 1755 59,533 341,796 28,055 151,071 32,336 144,456 489,668 285,157 325,525 189.887 4,437 2,630 1756 47,359 384,371 24,073 250,425 20,091 200,16. 337,759 334,897 222,915/ 181; 780 7,155 536 1757 27,556 363,404 19,168 353,311 14,190 168,426 418,881 426,687 130,889213,949... 2,571 1758 30,204 465,694 14,260 356,555 21,383 260,953 454,362 454, 38,471 150,511 181,002....... 10,212 1759 25,985 527,067 21,684 630,785 22,404 498,161 357,228 459,007 206,534 215,255 6,074 15,178 1760 37,802 599,647 21,125 490,106 22,754 707,998 504,451 605,882 162,769 218,131 12,198. 1761 46,225 334,225 48,648 289.570 39,170 204,067 455,083 545,350 253,002 254,587 5,764 24.279 1762 41,733 247,385 58,882 288;046 38,091 200,199 415,709 418,599 181,595 194,170 6;522 23;761 1763 74,815 258,854 52,998| 238,560 38,228 284.152 642,294 555,391 282,366 250,132 14,469 44.908 1764 88,157 459,765 53,697 515,416 36,258 436,191 559,508 515,192 341,7-27 305,808 313 25 18:338 1765 145;819 451,299 54,959 382,349 25.148 363;368 505,671 383,224 385,918 334,709 34,183 29,165 1766 141,733 409,642 67,020 330,8-29 26,851 327,314 461,693 372,548 293,587 296,7321 53,074 67,268 1767 128 207 406,081 61,422 417,957 37,641 371,830 437,9-26 437,628 395,027 244,093 35,856 23,334 1768 148,375 419,797 87,115 482,939 59,404 432,107 406,048 475,984 508,108 89,893 42,402 56.562 1769 129.353 207.992 73,466 74,918 26,111 199,906 361,892g 488,362 587,114 306,600 8.2,270 58;340 1770 148:011 394,451 69,882 475,991 28,109 1.34,881 435,094 717,782 278,907 146,273 55,532 56,193 1771 150,3811,420,119 95,875 653,621 31,615 728,744 577,848 920;326 420,311 409,169 63,810 70,493 1772 1.26,265 824,830 82,707 343,9701 29133 507,909 528,404 793,910 425,923 449.610 66,083 92,406 1773 124;624 527,055 76,246 289,214 36'652 426,448 589,803 328,904 456,513 344;859 85,391 62,932 17741 112,248 562,476 80,008 437,937 69,611 625,652 612,030 528,738 432,302 378,116 67,647 57.518 1775 116,588 71,625 187,018 1228175, 962 1,366 758,356 1,921 579,349 6,245 103,477 113;777 1.776 702 55,050 2 318....... 421 365 73, 226. 13,668. 12,569...... COMMERCE. 185 TABLE COY.-Commerce, Tonnage, Debt, Revenues, etc., of the United States, 1789-1853.* Years. Tonnage. Imports. Exports. Debt. Revenue. tures. Population. 1789-91.........'... 50'2,146 929,200,000 $19,012,041 $75,463,476 /f4,418,913 t$ 1,718,129 4,049,600 1792............... 54,437 31,500,000 20,753,098 77,227,924 3,661,932 1,766,077 4,173,024 1793............... 491,780 31,100,000 26,109,572 80,352,634 4,614,423 1,707,348 4,300,210 1794............... 628,817 34,600,000 33,026,233 78,427,405 5,128,432 3,500,348 4,431,272 1795............... 747,964 69,756,268 47,989,472 80,747,587 5,954,534 4,350,596 4,516.329 1796............... 831,900 81,436,164 67,064,097 83,762,172 7,137,529 2,531,930 4,705,504 1797............... 876;913 75,379,406 56,850,200 82,064,479 8,303,560 2,833,590 4,848,919 1798............... 898,328 68,551,700 61,527,097 79,228,529 7,820,575 4,623,223 4,906,705 1799............... 946,408 79,069,148 78,665,522 78,408,670 7,475,773 6,480,166 5,148,994 1800............... 97.2,492 91,252,768 70,971,780 82,976,294 10,777,709 7,411,369 5,305, 925 1801.............. 1,033,219 111,363,511 94,115,925 83,038,051 12,846,530 4,981,669 5,473,407 1802............... 892,101 76,333,333 72,483,160 80,712,632 13,668,233 3,737,079 5,646,176 1803............... 949,147 64,666,666 55,800,033 77,054,686 11,064,097 4,002,824 5,824,398 1804............... 1.042, 404 85,000,000 77,699,074 86,427,121 11,826,307 4,452,858 6,008,246 1805.............. 1,1401369 120,600,000 95,566,021 82,312,150 13,560,693 6,357,234 6,197,897 1806.............. 1,208,735 129,410,000 101,536,963 75,7'23,271 15,559,931 6,080,209 6,393,534 1807............... 1,268,548 138,500,000 108,343,150 69,218,399 16,398,019 4,984,572 6,595,346 1808............... 1,242,595 56,990,000 22,430,960 65,196,318 17,060,661 6,504,338 6,803,528 1809.............. 1,350,281 59,400,000 52,203,233 57,023,192 7,773,473 7,414,672 7,018,282 1810............... 1,424,783 85,400,000 66,757,970 53,173,217 9,384,214 5,311,082 7,239,814 1811............... 1,232, 502 53.400,000 61,316,833 48,005,588 14,423,529 5,592,604 7,449,960 1812............... 1,269,997 77,030,000 38,527,236 45,209,738 9,801,132 17,829,498 7,666,206 1813............... 1,666,628 22,005,000 27,855,997 55,962,828 14,340,409 28,082,396 7,888,729 1814.............. 1,159,209 12,965,000 6,927,441 81,487,846 11,181,625 30,127,686 8,117,710' 1815............... 1,368,127 113,041,274 52,557,753 99,833,660 15,411,634 26,953,571 8,353,338 1816............... 1,372,218 147,103,000 81,920,452] 127,334,934 47,403,204 23,373,432 8,595,806 1817............... 1,399,912 99,250,000 87,671,569 123,491,965 32,786,862 15,454,610 8,845,312 1.818........... 1,225,1084 121,750,000 93,281,133 103,466,634 21,002,563 13,808,674 9,102,060 1819............... 1,260,751 87,125,000 70,142,521 95,529,648 23,871,276 16,300,273 9,366,261 1820............... 1,280,166 74,450,000 69,691,669 91,015,566 16,779,331 13,134,530 9,638,131 1821............... 1,298,958 62,585,724 64,974,382 89,987,.428 14,315,790 10,723,479 9,920,600 1822............... 1,324,969 83,241,511 72,160,281 93,546,677 19,481,961 9,827,642 10,211,348 1823............... 1,336,566 77,579,267 74,699,030 90,875,877 20,049,536 9,784,155 10,510,618 1824............... 1,389,163 80,549,007 75,986,657 90,269,778 18,903,609 15,330,145 10,818,659 8'25............... 1,423112 96,340,075 99,535,388 83,788,433 21,342,906 11,490,459 11,135,727 1826............... 1,534,191 84,974,477 77,595,322' 81,054,060 24,763,345 13,062,316 11,462,088 1827............... 1,620,608 79,484,068 8-2,324,827 73,987,357 21,230,641 12,254,397 11,798,013 1828...............,741,392 88,509, 824 72,264,686 67,475,044 24,243,504 12,506,041 12, 143,783 1829............... 1,260,798 74,492,527 72,358,671 58,421,414 24,224,979 12,651,489 12,499,687 1830.............. 1,1.91,776 70,876,920 73,849,508 48;565,406 24,280,588 13,220,534 12;866,020 1831............ 1,267,847 103,191,124 81,310,583 39,123,192 27,452,697 13,863,768 13,234,931 1832............... 1,439,450 101,029,266 87,176,943 24,322,235 31,107,040 16,514,088 13,614,420 1833............... 1,606,151 108,118,311 90,140,433. 7,001,699 33,003,344 22,049,298 14,004,789 1834............... 1,758,907 126,521,332 104,336,973 4,760,082 21,076.774 18,420,466 14,406,350.1835............... 1,824,940 149,895,742 121,693,577 37,733 34,163,635 17,005,419 14,819.4'25 1836............... 1,882,103 189,980,035 128,663,040 37,513 48,288,219 29,655,244 15,244,344 1837............... 1,896,686 140,989,217 117,419,376 1,878,224 18, 032,846 31,793,587 15,681,447 1838............... 1,994,640 113,717,404 108,486,616 4,857,660 19,372,984 31,578,785 16,131,087 1839............... 2,096,380 162,092,132; 121,028 416 11,983,738 30,399,043 25,488,547 16,593,630 1840............... 2,180,764 107,141,519' 132,085,946 5,125,078 16,993,8583,858 23,327,772 17,069,453 1841............... 2,130,744 127,946,177 121,851,803 6,737,398 15,957,512 26 196,840 17,600,752 1842............... 2,09 2,391 100,162,087 104,691,534 15,028,486 19,643,967 24,361,337 18,148,589 1843............... 2,158,603 t64,753,799 $84,346,480 96,898,953 t8,065,326 1110,698,391 18,713,479 1844.............. 2,280,095 108,435,035 111,200,046 26,143,996 28,504,519 19,960,055 19,295;971 1845............... 2,417,002 117,254,564 114,646,606 16,801,647 29,769,134 21,370,049 19,896,574 1846............... 2,562,085 121,691,797 113,488,516 24:256,495 29,499,247 26,813,290 20,515,871 1847............... 2,839,046 146,545,638 158,648,622 45,659,659 26,346,790 55,929,093 21,154,444 1848.............. 3,154,042 154,998,928 154,032,131 65,804,450 35,436,750 42,811,970 21,812,893 1849............... 3,334,015 147,857,439 145,755,820 64,704,693 31,074,347 57,631,667 22,491,305 1850............... 3,535,454 178,138,318 151,898,720 64,228,238 43,375,798 43,002,168 23,191,876 1851............... 3,772,439 220,779,355 218,388,011 62,560,395 52 312,979 48,005,879 23,873,717 1852............... 4,138,441 212,613,282 209,641,625 65,131,692 49,728.386 46,007,896 24,575,604 1853............... 4,407,010 267,978,647 230,452,250 56,336,157 61,337,574 54,026,818 25,298,126 * "During the war of the Revolution, our commerce was suspended; after the peace in 1783, our trade continued to languish; it had to contend with domestic and foreign obstacles; foreign nations entertained a jealousy concerning these States; at home a rivalship was prevalent amongst the several members of the confederacy, and checked the prosperity ot the nation. Each of'the thirteen independent sovereignties contemplated its own immediate interests; some of the States declared the commercial intercourse with them to be equally free to all nations, and they cautiously avoided to lay duties on such merchandize as was subject' to them, when imported into other States." From the records of the English custom house: Exports from America to Great Braitain 1784, ~749,345; imports to America from Great Britain, ~3,679,467; 1785, exports ~893,594, imports ~2,308,023; 1786, exports ~443,119, imports ~1,603,465; 1787, exports ~893,637, imports ~2,009,111; 1788, exports ~1,023,784, imports ~1,886,142; 1789, exports ~1,050,198, imports ~2,525,298; 1790, exports ~1,191,071, imports ~3,431,778. t From March 4, 1789, to Dec. 31, 1791. t 9 months of 1843. 11 6 months of 1843. 186 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE CCVI.-Comparative employment of American and Foreign Ton.~nage, as shown in the imports of the Untited States, in 1821,'31,'41 all'51. 1821.* 1831. 1841. 1851. States, &c. In In n In In In In in American Foreign American Foreign American Foreign American Foreign vessels, vessels, vessels, vessels. vessels, vessels. vessels, vessels.. Alabama............................... 143,320 81,115 410,358 120,461 43,76 359,710 Calibfornia......... 4, 462,700.......... Columbia, District of 3'898,984. 12,982....3..... 23,400 80,527 286 Connecticut........ 312,090.......... 405,066....... 293,221 2,768 320,858 22,136 Delaware........... 80997.......... 21,656.......... 1188 2088.......... Florida.......... 11.830 1,440 110,196 5,514 116,712 28,469 38,875 56,122 Georgia.... 757,622 245,062 236,298 163,642 299,977 149,030 404,477 317,070 Illinois.......................3,609 1048 Indiana...........................................1,754......... Kentucky.................................................. 213,576 Loui;iana........... 2,697049 682,668 5969622 3797071 8141088 2,115,262 10,134,465 2,393995 Maine.............. 972,795 7.499 832,303 109,104 574,664 126,297 968,061 208,529 Maryland........... 3,982,914 87,928 4,513897 312,680 5,348,866 752447 5662066 988579 Massachusetts...... 14,647,778 178,954 13,982768 286,288 18,835,492 1,482,511 23,117,834 9,597,493 Michigan......... 15132 13,944 27,299.......... 137,608 192 1.82, 146. Mississippi......................................... 845.......... M issouri................................................... 33, 875.......... 622,039.......... New Hampshire. 350021.......... 146205.. 61585 12116 44,682 13346 New Jersey........ 17,606............................. 1,919 396...... 1,111 New York. 21,926,635 1,702,61153,617,033 3,460,384 66,688,750 9,024,6761.06,568,63534.977,903 North Carolina...... 200,673.......... 186,802 9,554 214, 731 5,629 125,978 80; 953 Ohio.......... J 12.......... 153 464 9,563 1,755 586,460 99,871 Pennsylvania...... 7,873,092 285.83011,623,584 500499 9,840354 506,344 11,541,212 2,627,549 Rhode Island..... 1030.195 2;773 562161.......... 333,929 5663 295,209 15,421 South Carolina..... 1,787,590 1,219,523 853,171 384,992 1,217,955 339,476 1,646,915 434; 397 Tennessee......................................... 7 523.64 761.......... Texas.......................................... 4....5........... 62,745 31,970 Vermont.......... 166.206.......... 46739.... 691268.......... Virginia........... 946,904 131,586 383 797 104,725 351,917 25,320 227,339 325,594 Oregon Territory.......................................... 103 500.......... Total.......... 58,025,906 1, 559,818193,962,110 9,229,014113,221,877 14,724,300168,216,27252,563,083 TABLE CCVIII.- Commerce of the principal States from 1821 to 1853. — Imports.t setes. New York. l^ Maryland. Virginia. Carolina Alabama. Louisiana. setts. nia. Caoi 1821 14,826,732 23,629,246 8,158,922 4,070,842 1,078,490 3,007,113 1,002,684.. 3,379,717 1822 18,337,320 35,445,628 11,874,170 4,792;486 864,162 2,283,586 989,591 36,421 3,817,238 1823 17,607,160 29,421,349 13,696,770 4,946,179 681,810 2,419,101 670,705 125,770 4,283,125 1824 15,378,758 36,113,723 11,865,531 4,551,442 639,787 2,166,185 551,888 91,604 4,539,769 1825 15 848 141 49,639,174 15,041,797 4,751,815 553,562 1,892,297 343,356 113,411 4,290,034 1826 17,063 482 38,115,630 13,551,779 4,928,569 635,438 1,534,483 330,998 179,554 4,167,521 1827 13,370,564 38,719,644 11,212,935 4,405,708 431,765 1,434,106 312,609 201,909 4,531,645 1828 15,070,444 41,927,792 12,884,408 5,629,694 375,238 1.242,048 308,669 171,909 6.2!7.881 1829 12:520,744 34,743.307 10.100,152 4,804,135 395,352 1;139,618 380,293 233,720 6:857,209 1830 10 453,544 35,624,070 8,702,122 4,523,866 405,739 1,054,619 282,346 144,823 7,599,083 1831 14.269 056 57, 077.417 12,124,083 4,826,577 488,522 1,238,163 399,940 224,435 9.766.693 1832 18,118,900 53,214,402 10,678,358 4,629,303 553,639 1,213,725 253,417 107 787 8 871,653 1833 19.940 911 55,918,449 10,451,259 5,437,057 690,391 1,517.705 318,990 265.918 9.590.505 1834 17,672'129 73,188,594 10,479,268 4,647,483 837,325 1,787,267 546,802 395, 361 13,781,809 1835 19,800,373 88,191,305 12.389,937 5,647,153 691,255 1,891,805 393,049 525,955 17:519,814 1836 25,681.462 118,253.416 15;068,233 7,131,867 1,106,814 2;801,361 573,22'2 651.618 15J-17.549 1837 19,975:667 79. 301,722 11,680,111 7,857,033 813,823 2,510,860 774,349 609;385 14,020,012 1838 13,300,925 68,453,206 9,360,371 5.701.869 577,142 2,318,791 776.068 524.548 9,496,80? 1839 19,385,223 99.882,4381 15,050,715 6,995:285 913,462 3,086,077 413;987 895,201 12,054;,942 1840 16,513 858 60,440,750 8,469,88.2 4,910,746 545;085 2;058,870 491,428 574,651 10,673,690 1841 20 318.003 75,713,426 10,346,698 6:101,313 377,237 1,557,431 449,007 530,819 10:256,350 18412 17, 96, 433 55,875, 04 7 385.758 4;417.078 316,705 1.359.465 341,764 363,871 8: 033 590 1843 16.789,452 31,356,540 2,760,630 2,479,132 187,062 1,294,-769 207,432 360,655 8.170,015 1844 20.296.087 65 079.510 7,217,267 3,917,750 267,654 1,131,515 305.634 442,818 7 826.789 1845 22,781:024 70,909,085 8,159,227 3,741,804 230,470 1,143,158 206,301 473,491 9,354.397 1845 24, 190 963 74;254,283 7,989,396 4,042,915 209,004 902,536 205,495 259,605 7. O23,0C 1847 341 477,008 84.167,352 9,587,516 4,432,314 386,127 2,580;658 207.180 390,161 9:222;969 1848 28,647,707 94,525,141 12,147,584 5,343,643 215,081 1,485,299 217,114 419,396 9,380,439 1849 24,745,917 92,567,369 10,645,500 4,976,731 241,935 1.475,695 371,024 657,147 10.050,697 1850 30 374.684 111.123.524 12,066,154 6.124,201 426,599 1;933,785 636,964 8S5.366 10 760.419 1851 32,715,327 141:546:538 14,168,761 6,650,645 552,933 2:081,312 721,547 413,446 12,.528,460 15 33504 789 139:329,306 14,785917 6,719,986 735,858 2,175,614 47492 588.38,057,724 1853 41.367,956 178,270,999 18,834,4101 6,33,078 399,00411,808,51 508;261 809,558 13,6530686 * Previous to 18I2 the value of Merchandise imported was not required in the retirns made to the Treasury. Cannot be seperated for earlier periods. COMMERCE. 187 TABLE CCVIII.-Commerce of the principal Commercial Statesfrom 1791 to 1853. Exports. Massachu -ew Yor, Pennsyl- South Carears. setts New York vania. Maryland. Virginia. outhnar- Georgia. Alabama. Louisiana. 1791....... $2,519,651 $2,505,465 $3,436,093 2,239,691 3,130,65.2,69326 491,25.................... 1792....... 2,888,104 ~,535,790 3,820,662 2,623,808 3,5,52,825 2,428 250 459,10.................... 1793....... 3,755,347 2,932,370 6,958,836 3,665,056 2,987,098. 3,191867 520,955!.................... 1794....... 5,292,441 5,442,183 6,643,092 5,686,191 3,321,636 3,867,908 263,832.......... 1795..... 7,117,907 10,304.581111,518,260 5,811,380 3,490,041 5,998,492 695,986.................. 1799.......[ 9,949,34511'2,208,027117,513,866 9,201.,315 5,268665 7,620,049 950, 158.................... 1797....... 7,502,04713,308,064 11446,291 9,811,799 4,908,713 6,505,118 644,3071................. 1798....... 8,639, 2521.4,300,892 8,915,463 12,746,190 6,113,451 6,994,179 961848.......... 1799...... 11,421,591 18,719, 527112,431,967 16,299,609 6,292,986 8.7 29,015 1 396,759.................... 1800...... 11,35, 876114, 045, 079 11,949, 679 12,264,331 4,4:30 689 10,663,510 2,74,268.................... 1801...... 14,870,556 19,851,136 17,438,193 12,767,530 5,655,574 1304041,55,939................... 18102.......]13,492,632113,792,276 12.677,475 7,914,225 3,978,36310,639,36 1,854,951.......... 1833....... 8,768,566 10,818,387 7,525,710 5,078,062 6,100,708 7,811,108 2,370,875.......... 1804....... 116,894,37816,081,28111,030,157 9,151,939 5,790,001 7,451,616 2,077,572.......... 1,600,362 1805....... 19,435,65723, 482, 943 13, 762,252 10, 859,480 5,606,620 9,066,65 2,394,846.......... 3.371,545 1806....... 21,199. 243 21, 762,845 17,574,702 14.580,905 5,055396 9.743,782 8 64.......... 3887,323 1807....... 20,119212526,357963 16.864,744 14,298,984 4,761,2341.0,912,564 3,744,845.......... 4,320,555 1808.......5,18,322 5,606,058 4,013,330 2,721,106 526,473 1.664,445 24,626.......... 1,261;101 1809....... 12,142,29312,581,562 9;049,241 6,627,326 2,894,125 3247,341 1,082,108.......... 541,924 1810....... 13, 013,048 17,24-233010.993,398 6,489,018 4,823,611 5,290,614 2,238,686.......... 1,890,592 1811....... 11,235,465 12,266,215 9,560,117 6,833,987 4,822,307 4,861,279; 2,568.866.......... 2.650,050 1812....... 6,583,338 8,961,922 5,973,750 5,885,979 3,011,112 2,036,195 1,066,703......... 1,060,471 1813.......1,807,923 8,185,494 3,577,17 3,787,865 1,819,722 2,968484 1,094,595 1,045.153 1814....... 1,133,799 209;670.......... 248,434 17,581 737,899 2,183,121.......... 387,191 1815....... 5,280,083$10,675,373 4,593,919 5,036,601 6,676,976 6,675,1294,172,319.......... 5,10t.610 1816....... 10,136,439119.690,031 7,196,246 7,338,767 8,212,86010,849,409 7,511,929.......... 5,6029948 1817.......11,927,997 18;707,433 8,735,592 8,933,930 5,621.42 10.372,613 8.790,714.......... 9,024:812 1818.......11,998,15617.872,261 8,759,402 7,570,734 7,016,246i11,440.962 11,13'2,096 96,857 1129241309 1819....... 11,399,91313,587,378 6;293,788 5,926,216 4,392,391 8.250,790 6,310,434 50.906 9,768.753 1820....... 11,008,92213,163,244 5,743,549 6,609,364 4,557,957 8,882, 940 6,594,623 96,636 7,596:157 1821....... 12,484,691-13,162,917 7,391,767 3,850,394 3,079,209 7,200,511. 6,014,310 108,960 2,27'2172 1822....... 12,598,525 17,100,482 9,047,802 4,536,796 3,217,389 7,260,320 5,484.870 209,748 7,978,645 1823....... 13,683,23919,038,990 9,617,19-2 5,030,228 4,006,788 6;898,814 4,293,666 200,387 7,779,072 1824...... 10,434,32822,897,134 9,364,893 4,863,233 3,277,564 8,034082 4,623,982 460,727 7.928:820 1825...... 11432,987135,259,261 11,269,981 4,501,304 4,129,520 11,056,742 4,222,833 692,635 12.582,924 1826......110,098.86221,947,79 1 8,331,7221 4,010.748 4,596 7321 7,554, 0334,368,504 1,527,112 10,284; 380 1827.......10, 424,38323.834,137i 7,575,833 4,516,406 4,657,938 8.322,561 4,261,555 1,376,364 11,728,197 1828....... 9, 025785 22, 777,649 6,051,480, 4.334, 422 3,340,185 6,550,712 3,104,425 1,182,559 11,947.400 1829....... 8,254,93720,119,011O 4,089,935 4;804,465 3,787,431 8,175,586 4981,376 1,693,958 12 386;060 1830....... 7,213,194[19,697,983 4,291,793 3,791482 4,791,644 7,627.031 5:336,626 2,294,59415,488,692 1831....... 7,733.763'25,535,144 5,513,713 4,308.647 4,150,475 6,575;201 3,959:813 2,413,894116,761,989 1832......11,993,76826,000,945 3,516,066 4,499,918 4,510,650 7,752.731 5,515,883 2,736,387 16,530,930 1833....... 9,683,12225,395,117 4,078,951 4,062,467 4,467,587 8,434,325 6,270,040 4,527,961 18,941,373 1834....... 10,148,820 25, 512, 014 3,989,746 4,168,245 5,483,098 11,207. 778 7,567,327 5,670,797]26.557,524 1835.......[10,043,790 30;345,264 3,739,275 3,925,234 6,064,063 11,338,016 8 890,6741 7,574,69236.270,823 1831......110,384.34628, 920,438 3,971,555 3,675,475 6,192,040 13,684,376 10,722,200 11,184,166137,179,828 1837....... 9,7728190 27,338,419 3,841,599 3,789,917 3,702,714 11,220,161 8,935,041 9.671.40135,328,697 1838....... 9,104,862 200 3,008, 477,151 4,54,575 3,986,228 11,042,070 8,803.839 9,688,44 31,502,248 1839...... 9,276,085 33,28,099 5,255,415 4,756,561 5,187,196 10,385, 426 5,970 443 10,338.15933, 181.167 1840.......10,186,261134,214,080 6,820,145 5,768;768 4,778,220 10,036,769 6,862 956 12,854,690 34,236,936 1841.......11,487,343 33,139,833 5,152,501 4,947,166 5,630,2816 8,043,289 3,696 513 10.981. 271 34,387,483 184....... 9,807,11627,576,778 3,776,727 4,904,766 3,750,386 7,525,723 4,300,257 9965;,675528;404,149 1843...... 4,431,681 1.3,443,234 2,071,945 2,820,214 1,954,510 7,754 152 4,522,401 1, 115, 46026 653, 927 1844....... 9,096,286 32,861,540 3,535,256 5,133,169 2,942,279 7,433,282 4,283,805. 9,907,654 30 498.307 1845..... 10, 351:030 36.175,298 3,574,363 5,221.977 2,104,581 8,890,648 4,557,43510,538,228 27.157495 1846....... 10,313: 118 36, 935, 413 4,751,005 6, 869,0555 3, 59,299 6 848,4772; 708. 003 5,260,317 31,275 704 1847......1. 1,248; 462149, 844,368 8,544,391 9,76,244 5,658,374 10,431,517 5,712, 149 9.054.580 42051,633 1848....... 13,419,699153,351,157 5,732,333 7,129,782 3,681, 412 8,081,917 3,670[ 415411 92L 749140. 971,361 1849....... 10,264.862 45,963,100 5,343,421 8,000,660 3,373,738 9 701 176 6,857 806 12;823; 725 37: 611,667 1850 10, 681, 763 5'2, 712, 789 4,501,606 6,917.353 3,415,646 11447, 800 7,5510943 10. 544.858 38.105:350 1851....... 112,352,682 86,007,019 5,356,036 5,635;786 3,090,068 15,316,578 9,159,989 18:528 24j54.413.963 18523....... 16.546,499187,484,456 5,828,571 6,667,861 2,724,65711.670,021 4,999,090 17 38.5704 49 5 058:,85 1853.......1:i16,895 304 66,030,355 6,255,299 7,768,24 3,302;58115,400,4081 7,371, 88316,786,913 67, 768 724 TABLE CCIX.-Imports of several leading articles into the U. States, 1821-1853. Cotton Linen Silk mand I Iron and Years. manufac- Woolens. manufac- uaCoffee. Sugar. Tea. ~ l. and r amtures. tures. ufactures. bulliontes ufstee s an1821....... $7,589,711 $7,437,737 $2,564.159.$4,486, 924 $4,489,970 $3,553,895 $1,322,636 $8,064, 890.1,868,529 1825....... 12,509,516 11,392,264 3,887,787 10,299,743 5,250,828 4,232,662 3,728,935 6,150,765 3,706,416 1830..... 7,862,326 5,766,396 3,011.,280 5,932,242 4,227,021 4,630,925 2,425,018 8,155,964 3,655,848 1.335...... 15,367,585 17,834.424 6,472,021 16,677,547 10,715,466 6,806,425 4,522,80613,131,447 5,351,616 1840 6,504,484 9,071,184 4,614,466 9,835,757 8,546,222 5,581,428 5,427,010 8.882,813 3.184,900 1845....... 13,863,282 10,666,176 4,923,109 9.928,411 6,243.53'2 4,780,720 5,761. 788 4 4,070,24 5,077,788 1850....... 20,108.719 17,151,509 8,134,674 19,596,858 11, 34,835 7,558,554 4,719 232 4,628,972 7,078,603 1851....... 22,164,442 19,507,309 8,795,742 28,026,26812,851,070 13,845,940 4,798,005 5,453.592 8.182,438 1852....... 19,689,496 17,573,694 8,515,70923,609,279 14,474,900 14,718,359 7,285,817 5,505,044 8,048,618 1853....... 27,731,313 27,621,911 10,236,037 33,048,542 15,564,590 14,993,003 8,224,853 4,201:3852 7,838,791 188 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE CCX. —Exports of certain leading articles from the U. States, 1821-1853. Beef and Years. Cotton. Tobacco. Specie. Rice. Flour. Fish. Manufac- Lumber. pork, cattures. tie & hogs. 1821....!'20,157, 484 $5,648,962 $10,478, 059 $1,494, 307 $4,298,043 $973,591 $2,584,916 $1.822,077 $2,052,439 1825..... 36 846.649 6,115,623 8,797,0551 1,925,245 4,212,127 1,078,773 5,417,978 1,988,220 2,763,144 1830... 29,674883 5,586,365 2,178,773, 1,986,824 6,085,953 756,677 5,320 980 2,056,289 2 032,928 1835..... 64 961,302 8,250,577 6,477,775 2,210,331 4,394,777 1,008,534 7,294,073 3,402,934 92415,493 1840.... 63 870 307 9,883,957 8,417,014I 1,942,076 10 143.615 720,164 9,873,462 2.926,846 2,518,267 1845.... 51 739,643 7,469,819 8,606,495 2,160,456 5,398,593 1,012,007 10,329,701 3,099,455 4,918,093 1850....1 71,984,616 9,951,023 7,522,994 2,631,557 7,098,570 456,794 9,992,444 4,493,658 9,155,895 1851....11,31315,317 9,219,251 29,472,752 2,170.927 10,524,331 481,66121,296,498 4,630,206 6,057,973 185.... 87,96573 10,031,283 42,674,135 2,470,029 11 869,143 453.010 19,978,430 4,991,184 5,265,899 1853.... 109,456404 11,319 319 27,486,875 1,657,658 14,783, 394 461016 22,721660 4,996,014 8,416,878 TABLE C0 XI.-Conmmerce of the U. States with several Foreign NaTtions, 1790-1853. Great Britain and de- France and depen- West Indies Netherlands and Hanse Towns. pendencies. dencies. generally. dependencies. Years. Imports. Eports. Exports. ImIports. Exports. Imps. Exports. Imports. Exports. mports. Exports. 1790............ 9,246 562... 668901.......................... 47,240... 478,050 1795., 30,972,215 9,218,540 20,288,017 1, 653.635'85, 1861,543.348 3,699.615 2, 884817 1,663,433 9 655.524 1800.. 42,577,590 27.310,289 9,644,323 5.163,83326,937 115,63117,132,627 5,669,016 4,998,97580:12 846 1805..............25,047,386....... 21,072, 47...... 3,496,947,........ 17,835,216..........,232,508 18210 1810............ 16,555,488.......... 137,630...... 360,931..... 174,078.......... 1 126. 382 1821.. 29.277,9.38 26,522,272 5.900,581 6,4-74,718 3,727 560.5132.934,272 7,688,36 990 165 2,591.275 1830.. 26,804,984 31,647 881 8,240,885 11,806,238 7.386 247,121 1356,765 4,562,437 1,873,278 2 274.880 1840..1 39,130;921 70,42'0,846 17.908,127 22.349,154..............2326896 4.546.085 2',521,493 4 198,159 1850.. 85,117,477 88,388;675 127;636,265 20,183,094 9,417 67.934'2,73 2,560 3,571.607 87 87,874 5, 206,522 1853.. 143,219,260 145,553,624 33,525,999 27,044,479...... 98,12552,549,619 2,979,332 13 843 455 8,020,053 a * rs.1.,,Colombia, C. Aier~RussmCin~a..Spain and dependen- e. Russial. China. a in a depenen exico. ica, Brazil, ArLenYears. l_____ l_____ *_ __ l __: tine ConIf and Chili. Imports. Exports. Imports. Exports. Imports. Exports. Imports. Exports. Imports. Exports. 1790...........-. —1 - - —! —-1 1...............- - -........ 1,989, 421..................................... 1795.. 1,168 715 66,2211 1,144,1031,023242 3942,445 4714864..................................... 1800.. 1,524,995......... 4613,463 1,047 3851607191815660606..................................... 1805......... 1 7..... 3 12672768..................................... 1810......... 3,975'6981.. 319,4791.......149 41, 942... 1821.. 1,852,199 628,894 3,111,951 4,29(05601 9,653,728 7;218,265.......................... 1830.. 1,621,899 416,575 3,878,141 742,193 8,373,681 6.049,051 5,235,24114,837,458 5,528,856 4,756,347 1840.. 2;572,427 1,169,481 6,640,829 1,009,966114,019,647 7,617.347 4. 175,00112,515,341 9,093,688 5,891,478 1850.. 1,511,572'864 9411 6 593,462 1,605,21715, 864,748 9,931,2402,135,366 2,012,827116,553,499 8,125.825 1853. 1,278,501 2,456,653 10,573, 710 3,736,992126,030,320 11,847,101 2,167,985 13,558,824 23,280,07918,577, 131 TABLE CCXII.-Ratio of Commerce, Debt, Revenues, Expendittures, etc., to the Population of the United States, 1790-1853. EXPORTS., o | 5 Years. 0 ______________. ~ os 5.- Domestic. Foreign. 1 i I U I. | o.-, - ~9 O 0o 00 o 1790........ $:2,460,844 $19,660,000 $539,156 $5.721 5.00 $19.21 $0.71 $0.3812.78........... 1795........., 61,266 796 39,500,000 8.489,472 13.42 8.65 17.68 1.29 0.95 16.38.......... 1800......... 52,121,891 31,840,903 39,130,877 9.82 6.00 15.64 2.00 1.39 1 8.33...... 1805......... 67,4190,981 42,387,002 53,179,019 10.87 6.84 13.28 2.18 1.03 18.40....... 1810........ 61,008,705 42,366,679 24,391,295 8.43 5.84 7.34 1.30 0.73 19.68........... 1890......... 5,441,971 51,683,640 18,008,029 5.86 5.36 9.44 1.74 1.36 13.28........... 1830......... 56,489,441 59,462,029 14,387,479 4.39 4.62 3.77 1.89 1.03 9.26........... 1840.. 8.... 8,951,207 113,895,634 18,190,312 5.21 6.67 0.30 1.00 1.37 12.77............ 1850......... 163,186,510 134,900,233 14,951,808 7.04 5.82 2.77 1.87 1.85 15.24$78.40. 1853......250944,0941 213,417,697 17,034,553 9.92 8.44 2.23 2.43 2.13 17.42 71.53 67.04 4. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS.-The following will show the number of miles of rail roads existing in the United States in each year since the period of their first introduction: In 1828, 3 miles, 1829. 28; 1830, 41; i831, 54; 1832, 131; 1833, 576; 1834, 762; 1835, 918; 1836, 1,102; 1837, 1,421: 1838, 1,843; 1839, 1,920; 1840, 2,167; 1841, 3,319; 1842, 3,877; 1843, 4,174; 1844, 4,311; 1845, 4,511; 1846, 4,870; 1847, 5,336; 1848, 5,682; 1849, 6,350; 1850, 7,355; 1851, 9.090 1852, 11,631; 1853, 13,329; 18542 17,317. PROPERTY, REVENUES, TAXATION, &c. 189 The following will show the present results of rail roads and canals in the United States. The funded debt of rail roads, in 1853 was $130,000,000, and their gross earnings $38,356,632. A report of 2,356 miles of canals, shows a total cost of $54,6l6,936. There were in 1853, 89 telegraphic lines having 23,261 miles of wire. At present the miles of Wire may be estimated at over 30,000. TABLE CCXIII. — ail Roads and Canals, 1854. RAIL ROADS. RAIL ROADS. States. States. -S. Cost. Cost. Alabama.......51 21 659 3,636,208 New Hampshire 11 15 512 24 16,185,254 Connecticut.... 61 15 669 83 20,857,357 New Jersey.... 147 11 408 29 11,536,505 Delaware...... 14 2 16 43 600000 New York...... 989 32 2,345 564 94,523,785 Florida............ 2 54... 250,000 e North Carolina. 13 3 249 223 4,106,000 Georgia........ 2 15 884 445 16,084,872 Ohio........... 921 46 2,367 1,578 44, 927 058 Illinois......... 100 21, 945 25,420,000 Pennsylvania... 936 64 1,464 987 58,494,675 Indiana........ 367 18 1,127 74 22,400,000 Rhode Island........ 1 50 2,614,484 Iowa........ 2.... 480............ South Carolina.. 50 9 575 374 11. 287,093 Kentucky...... 486 9 233 452 4, 909,990 Tennessee........... 9 388 695 7,800,000 Louisiana...... 101 7 117 9 1,131,000 Texas................72.............. Maine.......... 50 1 417 90 12,662,645 Vermont........... 8 422 59 14116,195 Maryland....... 184 3 597 30 26,024,620 Virginia........ 189 21 673 1,180 12,720 421 Massachusetts.. 100 43 1,283 48 55,602,687 Visconsin...... 4 178 200 3,800,000 Michigan........ 4 601.... 13,842, 279 -- ---- --- Iississippi..... 4 155 436 3070,000 Total......... 4,798 396 17,317 12,526 489,603,128 Missouri.......... 6 50 963 1,000,000 In Great Britain 7,686 miles of railway in 1853 were open to traffic, and charters existed for 2,164 miles more; in 1850, 625 miles were opened, in 1853, 350 miles. Total capital invested 1852, ~264,165,680., Total passengers conveyed, 102,28,.660. Total receipts friom all sources, ~18,635,879. In France, 1853, there/were 4,070 kilometres (3 of a mile, 1,093 yards) of railroad in operation, 1890 under construction, and 3,665 proposed. Dr. Lardner estimated the railroads opened in the world in 1845, 18,656, and in construction 7,829, with a total capital of about ~500,00,000. A late French authority, 1854, states the miles of railroad in Europe to be 52,011 kilom. of which 45,589 were opened. The relation of the governments to each other with regard to railroads and in proportion to territory, is expressed in the figures. France 0.77, Prussia 1.06, smaller German States 1.30, Belgium 3.06, Great Britain 3:91. The numnber of miles of railway now in operation upon the surface of the globe is 35,480, of which 16,890 are in the Eastern Hemisphere, and 18,590 are in the Western; and which are distributed as follows: In the United States 17,317 miles, British Provinces 823, Island of Cuba 359, Panama 31, South America 60, Great Britain 7,686, Germany 5,340, France 2,480, Belgium 532, Russia 422, Sweden 75, Italy 170, Spain 60, Africa 25, India 100. PART V. PROPERTY, REVENUE, TAXATION, &c. THE value of real and personal estate in the United States in 1850 was $7,066,562,966. Supposing this to be correct, and estimating the increase since that time to have averaged as much as in Kentucky, which in 1853 was Q366,957,487, the total in 1854 would be upwards of $7,500,000,000 for the official and $9,000,000,000 for the real. This is but an approximation, as the taxable property is only included, which in all of the States is greatly less than the whole. The real estate in farms alone, as was seen in another place, amounted in value to $3,271,575,426 in 1850. From the official report of States and cities, collected independently of the census: Taxable property of Texas, 1850, 551,814,615; 1853, $99,155,114; Pennsylvania, 1852, $531,370,454; Californiai, 1852,,64,388,175; Ohio, 1.850,,430,839,885; Virginia, 1850, $274,680,226 for lands alone; Arkansas, 1852, $43,569,458; illinois, 1851, real $86,512,537, real and personal $119,868,336; Iowa, 1852, $38,427,370; Louisiana, 1850, $220,165,172; 1851, $270,000,000; New York, 1852, real $94,,467,907, personal $221,802,950; Tennessee, 1850, $159,558,183; Maryland, 1851, $191,888,088; Georgia, 1853, lands $116,437,117, city property included $19,314,347; Mississippi, taxable land valued at $76,201,031; Indiana, 1853, assessed value of property 266,097,614; Baltimore, real and personal, 1850, $80,237,960; Mobile, 1850,. $11,985,960; 1851, $17,670,295; New York city, real $227,015,855, real and personal $320,110,866; 1853, 413,686,932; Savannah, 1848, $3,600,000 real estate; New Orleans, 1853, $66,350,260 for real, and for real and personal $83,588,055; Boston, 1850, real $105,093,400, personal $74,907,100, total $180,000,000; Charleston, 1852, $11,942,886; 1854, $23,000,000 by a new assessment of real estate. The total debt of the United States July 1, 1854, as reported by the Secretary of the Treasury, was $47,180,506.05; the amount of bonds and stocks outstanding on June 30, 1853, of the General and State governments, cities, counties, rail roads, banks, insurance companies is estimated by the Secretary at $1,178,567,882, of which those held by foreigners are between $184,184,714 and $222,225,315 or between one-fifth and one-sixth. The property owned by State governments exclusively of lots, buildings, &c. devoted to government uses he estimates at $171,889,889. Receipts into the Treasury, 1852: revenues from customs $47,339,326, for public lands $2,043,239, total receipts $49,728,386. Expenditure: civil list $3,422,939, foreign intercourse $4,13-2,671, including $3,180,000 to Mexico, miscellaneous $5,198,828, War Department $8,225,246, navy $8,928,236, public debt $6,275,815, total expenditure $46,007,896. Revenue of Great Britain, 1853, ~50,468,193, of which ~21,622,493 from imposts. Relative annual expenditure of Britain $256,000,000, debt $33,822.000,000; of France 285,600,000; debt $943,000 000; of Russia, $77,650,000, debt $550,000,000; of Spain $51,000,000, debt,700,C00,000. 190 STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. TABLE CCXIT.-Real and Personal Estate, 1850- Taxation anJ Debt, 1852, States and Territo- Pernal True vala- Revenue. Expendi- Debt ties. estate. tion. ture. Alabamina,t a...... $78,870,718 162,463,705.241,334,423 2128,204,332 4658,976 $513,559 $3,983,616 Arkansas,t........ 17,372,524 19,056,151 36,428,675 39,841,025 68,412 74,076 1,506.562 California,........ 16,347,442 5,575,731 021923,173 22,161.872 366.825 925,625 2,159,403 Columbia, Dist. of.. 14,409,413 1,774,342 16,183,755 16,723,619................. Connecticut, a..... 96,412,947 22,675,725 119088,672 155,707,980 150,189 137,326 8,000 Delaware, a....... 14,486,595 1,410, 275 15,896,870 18,855,863.......... 30000 Florida, a......... 7,924,588 15,274,146 23,198,734 23,198,734 60,619 55,234 2 800 Georgia, a......... 121,619,739 213,490,486 335.110,225 335,425,714 1,142,405 597.882 2,801,972 Illinois, a......... 81,524,835 33,257,810 114,782,645 156,265,006 736,030 192,940 17.500,000 Indiana, a......... 112.947,740 39,922,659 152,870,399 202,650,264 1,283,064 1,061,605 6:7108 80 Iowa, a........... 15,672, 332 6,018,310 21,690,642 23,714,638 139,681 131,631 81:795 Kentucky,Ila...... 177,013,407 114,374,147 291,387,554 301,628,456 779,293 674.697i 5,726 307 Louisiana,~........ 176.623,654 49,832,464 26,456,118 233,998,764 1,146,568 1,098,9l 11 11,492.566 Maine, a.......... 64,336,119 32,463,434 96,799,553 12,777,571 744,879 624,101 471;500 Maryland.......... 139,026,610 69,536,956 208,563,566 219,217,364 1,279,953 1,360,458 15,260,607 Massachusetts,?Ta.. 349,129,932 201,976,892 551.106,824 573,342,286 598;170 674,6202 6,0259,930 Michigan, a....... 25,580.371 5, 296,852 30, 877, 59,787,7,2255 548.326 431.918 2307 850 Mississippi........ 65,171,438 143.250,729 208,422,167 228,951,130 221;200 23,637 7,271,707 Missouri, a........ 66,802,223 31,793,240 98,595,463 137,247,707 326.579 207,656 857,000 New Hampshire, a; 67,839, 108 27,412,488 95,251,596 103,652,835 141,686 1.49,890 74,319 New Jersey, a... 153,151,619 not returned. 153, 151,619 1 51,619 139,166 180,614 71,346 New York......... 564,649,649 150,719,379 715,369 0281,080,309,216 2,698.310 2,520,932 202,623.838 North Carolina.... 71;702,740 140,368,673 212,071,413 226,800,472 219,000 208,173'977,0001 Ohio, a............ 337,521,075 96,351,557 433,872,632 504,726,120 3,016,403 2,736,060 15,520;768 Pennsylvania a.... 427,865,660 702,410,191 500,275,851 729,144,998 7,716,552 6,876,480 41,524,875 Rhode Island,**a 54,358,231 23,400,743 77,758,974 80,508794 124,944 115,835........... South Carolina,tt., 105,737,49 178,130, 217 283,867,709 288,257,694 532,152 463,021 3,144,931 Tennessee, a.... 107,981,793 87,299,565 195,281,358 207,454,704 502,126 623,625 3,776.856 Texas, a........... 28,149,671 25,414,000 53.563,671 55,362,340 140,688 156,622 5,725,671 Vermont, a........ 57,320,369 15,660,114 72,980, 483 92,205,049 185,830 183,058 48.433 Virginia, a......... 252,105.824 130,198,429 382,304,253 391,646,438 1.265,744 1,272,382 13,5733553 Wisconsin........ 22,458, 442 4.257, 083 26, 715, 525 42,056,595 135;,155 136,096 12. 892 f Minnesota.... 97,363 164 725 2 62, 088. New Mexico. 2,679,486 2, 494,985 5,174,471 5,274,867[......................... Oregon...... 3,997,332 1,066,142 5,063,474 5,063,474....................... Utah........ 337, 866 648, 217 986,083 986,083...................... Total........... 3,899,226,347 2,125,44056 7,066,5626,04,666,9097,066,56966 27068,95 4,628,666 191,508, An attempt was made by the Census to ascertain the amount paid for Taxes in the U. States, but the returns are veryincomplete. The following is the best that can be digested from the returns and embraces but a part of the States. The total of taxation in these States appears to be,25,055,129. Estimating the same proportion in the other States, the total would be swelled to about $43,000,000, or including federal taxes about e83,000,000, an average of $4.24 to each white person or $3.58 to each inhabitant. In 1832 the Secretary of State collected material upon this subject, which was embodied not long after in a full report. Upon averaging a few States fully returned, he estimated the amonnt paid by each individual for clergy, road building, militia, poor rates, town, expenses, schools, county, state and federal expenses together at $2.55; excluding clergy, road and miltia, ~2.15. TABLE CCXV.-Annual Taxes. ANNUAL TAXES. States. State. County. School. Poor. Road. iAll others. Total. Alabama...................... 428,690 $ 202,960 7,519 2,904 3,000 12,029 663.4,1i Connecticut.................. 67.947 1,101 48,669 80,444 80, 117 288,065 566. 3: Florida....................... 58;616 23,690 105.................... 2.876 85.287 Georgia........................ 292,707 156,061 15,728 14.027 1,388 42;571 520,482 Indiana....................... 552,463 449,616 96 736 54 838 171.554 58,153 1,383. 3GO Maine........................ 381,911 141,705 234,842 102,747 563.887 327,94.5 1,753,0237 Mississippi.................... 779,163 436,993 31, 106 7,461 4;698 80,979 1,340,400 New Hampshire............... 77, 313 84,854 144,178 150,745 250,913 200,993 908. 9S6 New Jersey............................ 190,685 62,706 54,591 119,614 171,808 599:404 New York..................................................................... 7 160 55 North Carolina................ 114,086 144,189 42340 66,162 660 87,905 455.343 Pennsylvania................. 1,533,662 1,689,212 840,066 358.757 816, 867 847,891 6.089, 455 Rhode Island.................. 16,951.......... 56,937 45, 587 29,077 198.559 347,111 South Carolina................ 373.421.................... 49,143 20,817 188,781 632, 162 Texas......................... 74,936 35,055.............................. 01,332 131.313 Vermont...................... 138.533 3,578 88, 930 90.8091 247,801 149,763 719:414 Virginia....................... 368,649 229,285 45,697 110,077 20,309 352,835 1,126,;852 Wisconsin.................... 93,982 151;835 75, 980 9,194 72,103 167,375 570,469 Total.... 05,055................................. $25,055,129 ~ Including bonds to banks, &c. $8,500,000. f Average of two years, 1 1853. 11 Exclusive of sinking fuind account, the revenue from which ~373,537 in 1850 and expenditures from same for same year $341,011. ~ Put a small part of this is the State debt proper, viz. 92,154,319. ff Including bonds to rail road companies. ** No debt except what has been used of the United States revenue fund-exact amount not stated. f The valuation used for purposes of taxation is explained on page 26. ft 1851. NoTE.-The amount of $30,000 set down as the debt of Delaware was a sum borrowed from the Farmers' Bank to meet extraordinary expenses of the Commonwealth for 1852; it is only a temporary loan, being principal and interest. Of a grand total of bonds outstanding June 30, 1853, by the States, amounting to $190,718,221, $110,972,108 is estimated by the Secretary of the Treasury as held by foreigners. For all marked thus (d) the revenue, expenditure and debt are taken from official replies to inquiries-all others are from the American Almanac, 1853. In several States the personal property is estimated from partial returns. MISCELLANEOUS. 191 The total number of real estate holders in the U. States, upon a rough estimate from the returns of two or three States whsich were examined, cannot fall short of 1,500,000, or one to 3.19 of the free males over 21 years of age. In the counties of the following States, which are named upon page 153, the real estate holders are thus classified: In Connecticut $215,535 in real estate were owned by free blacks, and $88,000 by mulattoes, total $303,535; in Louisiana $311,465 by free blacks, and $3,958,830 by free mulattoes, total $4,270,295; New York city, owned by mulattoes $44,000, by blacks $65,310; New Orleans, including Lafayette, mulattoes $1,991.00, blacks $222-970; in Barnwell, Beaufort, and Charleston, S. C., 58 free colored owned under $1,000 each in real estate, 10 between $1,000 and $5,000 each, 2 between $5,000 and $10,000, etc. Persons Between 5,000 and 10,000 & 50,000 & 100,000 500,000 Aggregate. Counties in the owning un- 1,000 and 10,000 50M00 B) 000 and and States of der $1,000. 5,00010000. 500,000. 1,000,000 | e Nat. For. Nat. For. Nat. For. Nat. For. Nat. For. Nat. For. Nat. For. 9 v 5 Kentucky............ 394 19 333 9 85 4... 2.- 1.. 64......... 879 28 907 Michigan......... 3,139 460 1,634 147 82 8 28 1................. 4,884 615 5.499 Pennsylvania........ 798 91 645 27 65 18 18......................... 1,526 136 1,662 Rhode Island........ 1,017 8 1.523 19 216.... 49... 1................ 2,757 76 2,833 South Carolina...... 3 (006 44 3,438 148 802 76 759 96 69 8 17 31 1.... 8,092 375 8.467 Louisiana........... 426 103 626 96 290 20 348 20 73 5 21 2.... 1,784 246 2.030 Ohio................ 463 363 821 119 102 13 43 3................ 1,429 498 1,927 INDIANS.-The number of Indians within the territory of the United States was stated by General Knox, Secretary of War, to be 76,000 in 1789. In consequence of annexation of new territory, notwithstanding the extinction of tribes, the whole number in 1825 reported by the Indian Department, was 129,366, exclusive of those in the Missouri valley, &c. In 1853 the present commissioner of Indian Affairs estimated the total number at 400,764, of which 271,930 were in California, Oregon, Texas, &c., and therefore not embraced in 1828. This would show a decline of 532 upon the number then existing. The names of tribes and past and present locations will be seen on page 94, quarto census. The following are the numbers of some of the largest tribes in 1853: Creeks of Indian country, 25,000; Cherokees of Indian country, 19,130; Choctaws of Indian country, 17,000; Sioux of Minnesota, 8,000; Chippewas of Minnesota, 8,000; California Indians, 100,000; Oregon and Washington Indians, 23,000; Utah Indians, 11,500; New Mexico Indians, 45,000; Texas Indians, 29,000; Missouri Valley Indians, 43,430; Arkansas River Indians, 20,000. MISCELLANEOUS.-1850, 855 Whig and 742 Democratic papers published in the United States as shown by the returns. In 1800, exclusive of the army and navy, there were 3,806 persons in the employment of the federal government; in 1854 the number is 35,456, a nine-fold increase, the population having increased about five-fold. The coinage of the United States Mint and branches was in 1800, $317,760 gold, $224,296 silver, $29,279 copper, total $571,335; in 1820, $1,319,030 gold, $501,680 silver, $44,075 copper, total $1,864,786; 1852, $56,205,638 gold, $847,310 silver, $51,620 copper, total $57.104,569. The steam marine of the United States, by report of the Secretary of the Treasury in 1852, consisted of ocean steamers 96, ordinary 382, propellers 67, ferry boats 80; total 625 of 212,500 tonnage. High pressure 213, low pressure 412, officers and crew 11,700, passengers 33,342,846, of which 24,009,550 were on ferry boats. The inland steam marine consists of 767 steamers of 204,723 tonnage, carrying 5,860,950 passengers, of which 2,481,915 by ferry boats. That of Great Britain was but 1,184 boats of 142,080 tonnage. The following will show the number of vessels built in the United States: In 1815 136 ships, 224 brigs, 680 schooners, 274 sloops and canal boats, total 1,314, tons 154,624. In 1829 44 ships, 68 brigs, 485 schooners, 145 sloops and canal boats, 43 steamers, total 785, tons 77,098. In 1852 255 ships, 79 brigs, 584 schooners, 267 sloops and canal boats, 259 steamers, 1,444 total, 351,493 tons. The amount of tonnage at several periods will here be seen: In 1820 619,047 registered, 661,118 enrolled, total 1,280,166, in whale fishery 35,391, coasting trade 539,080. In 1840 899,764 registered 1.280,999 enrolled, total 2,180,764, in whale fishery, 136,929, coasting trade, 1176,694. In 1852 1,899,448 registered', 2,238,992 enrolled, total 4,138,440, in whale fishing 193,797, incoasting trade 2,008,021. Tonnage entered 1851, Great Britain, native 4,388,245, foreign 2,599,988; France, native 866,145, foreign 1,312,411; U. States, native 3,054,349, foreign 1,939,091. The commerce of the Lakes in 1852 was thus estimated: Owned steam, 77,061 tons, owned sail, 138,914 tons; American entered steam, 1,434,779, American entered sail, 464,822 tons; foreign entered steam, 397,587, foreign sail, 174,619 tons; American cleared steam, 1,482,548, American cleared sail, 438,862 tons; foreign cleared steam, 898.702, foreign cleared sail, 166,010 tons. Exports, $132,017,470 coasting; imports, $182,455,988 coasting; exports, $8,207,750, imports, $3,912,147 Canadian and foreign; value coasting trade $314,473,458; value foreign trade, $12,119,877. J.ndrew's Report. Revenues collected at ports in the U. States for the year ending 30th June, 1853: New York, $38,289,341.58, Boston $7,203,048.52, Philadelphia $4,537,046.16, Baltimore $836,437.99, New Orleans $2,628,421.32, San Francisco $1,794,140.68, Charleston $432,299.19, Portland $350,349.22, Savannah $125,755.86, St. Louis $294,790.78, Cincinnati $251,649.90, Newv Haven $125,173.40, Mobile $102,981.47, Louisville, $48,307.67, Oswego $128.667.27, Richmond $73,992.98, Norfolk $31,255.51, all other districts $1,678,206.04. New Orleans.-Receipts by river, 1854, $115,836,798; 1850, $106,924,083; 1853, $134,233,735; received at the Hudson River by canals, 1852, $66,839,10-2; 1853, $74,443,06. Puobic Domain. —Lands sold from opening of land office to 30th June, 1852, 102,113,861 acres, grantedTor schools &c., 40,588,978 deaf and dumb asylums, 44,971, for internal improvements, 10,007,677; military service, 18,709,219; reserved for Indians, 3,400,725; swamp-lands granted to States, 28,156,670; lands unsold, 1,387,534,001 acres. Patent Office.-In 1841, 847 applications, 312 caveats, 495 patents issued; 1847, 1531 applications, 533 caveats, 572 patents issued; 1852, 2,839 applications, 996 caveats, 1,020 patents issued. Upon the subject of agriculture the following notes are given in regard to sugar and cotton. Similar ones upon other crops are excluded for want of space, but will be found admirably digested in the report of the Patent Office for the present year. Sugar crop of Louisiana, 1823, 30,000 hhds.. 1839-40 119,947, 1844-5 204,913 hhds., 1846, planters producing over 1,000 hhds. 8, 900 3, 800 8, 700 20, 600 20, 500 48, 400 45, 300 99, 200 104, under 200 407, or 160 planters produced half of the crop. The largest crops to a planter were 2,035 and 2,324 hhds. 1852, sugar-houses in Louisiana 1,474, of which by steam power 914, horse 560, product 236,922 hhds.; product of molasses 70 gallons to the hogshead. Product 1854 449,324 hhds., 3,100,000 gals. molasses. The whole consumption of sugar in the United States in 1851 is estimated at 568,406,575 lbs; now largely increased. Cotton crop 17901,500,000 lbs. 1800 35,000,000,1810 85,000,000, 1820160,000,000, 1827 757,000 bales, 1833 1,070,000, 1838 1,801,000, 1840 2,178,000, 1843 2,379,000, 1847 1,779,000, 1849 2,727,000, 1851 2,355,000, 1852 3,015,029, 1853 3,262.882, 1854 2,930,027. American Consumption north of Virginia, 1844 407,000 bales, 1848 623,000, 1850 597.000, 1854 610,571, to which add about 100,000 bales in the south and west. Continental consumption, 1846 452.000, 1848 623,000, 1851 504,000, 1852 603,029. Great Britain, 1852, all kinds consumed, 1,650,000 bales. France, American cotton, 300,000. The receipts of cotton in England other than from the United States in 1852 was 450,000 bales. Average prices of cotton, 1821 16.2, 1825 20.9, 1835, 16.8, 1836 16.8 1840 8.6, 1841, 10.2, 1842 8.1, 1843 6, 1844 8.1, 1845 6, 1846 7.9, 1847 10.1, 1848 7.6, 1849 6.5. Average price from 1825 to 1830 12.8, 1830 to 1835 10.9, 1835 to 1840 14.4, 1840 to 1845 8.1, 1845 to 1850 7.3 cents. PART VI. CITIES, TOWNS, COUNTIES, &c. Timn Census does not furnish material for separating the urban and rural populalion of the United States, so as to admit of a statement showing the extent of either. Such a table to each of the States would be very valuable, and it is much to be regretted that it can be deduced from none of the census publications. So imperfect is the Census of 1850 in this respect that hundreds of important towns and cities in all parts of the country, and especially in the South and West, are not even distinguished on the returns from the body of the counties in which they are situated, and therefore their population cannot be ascertained at all. Again, slaves are often included in the towns, simply because their owners reside there. But what is of more importance and the greatest cause of embarrassment is the fact that in New England and the Northern States, what are returned as cities, and towns, often include whole rural districts. If the information in regard to town and city population is ever to be correctly ascertained, there must be explicit instructions to separate upon the returns, distinctly, all places having an aggregation of over fifty or a hundred persons, with a store, tavern, blacksmith shop or school house and post office, or some or all of these, and to include within such village, town or city, no person not resident within its limits proper. It would not be difficult to frame suitable instructions upon this point. TABLE CCXVI.- Comiparative Population of the largest Cities of thze U. States. Cities. State. Settled. Years. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1820. 1830. 1840. 1845o. 1850. Portland........ Me.................... 3,677 7,169 8, 581 15218..... 20815 Portsmouth..... N. H...................... 4,720 5,339 6,934 7,327 8082 7,887....... 9,738 M anchester... N. H......................................................... 3,235... 13,932 B oston......... Mass5......... 1 -10715650 j 18,038 24,937 33,250 43,298 61,3921f93,3835114,356 136,881 Lowell......... Mass... 6,474 20796 28,841 33,383 Springfield. ass..............................,767 3,914 6,784 10,985...... 11,766 Sal-em.......... Mass......... 427 7,921 9,457 12,613 12,731 13,895 15,082 16,762 20,264 Providence.. R.I.... 1635....... 6,380 7,614 10,071 11,767 16,832 23,171....... 41,513 New Haven..... Conn.. 1638............ 4,049 5,772 7,147 10,180 12,9601...... 20,345 Hartford.... on... 1635.......................... 3,955 4,726 7,076 9,468... 13.55 1656.. 1,000 New York.... Y..... 1612 1731.. 8,628 33,131 60,489 96373 123,706 202,589312,710371,223 515547 Brooklyn...... N. Y..... 3,298 4,402 7,175 15,396 36,233 59,566 96,838 Albany......... N. Y...................... 3,498 5.289 9.356 12,630 24,238 33,721 41,139 50,763 Buffalo......... Y.............. 508 2,095 653 18,213 29773 42,261 Rochester...... N. Y........ 1812.. 15.................. 1,502 9,269 20,191 25,265 36,403 Syracuse........ N. Y.......................................... 6,500....... 2,271 Txoy......... N. Y.... 3,895 5,264 11,405 19,334 21,709 28,785 Utica......... N.Y......................2,972 8,323 12,782..... 17,565 Newark........ N. J...................................... 6,507 10,953 17,290 34,140 38,894 Philadelphia.... Penn... 1682 1683.. 60 42,520 69,40391,874112,772161,410220,423.......340045 Pittsburg...... Penn....................... 1,565 4,768 7,248 12,568 21,115....... 46,601 Baltimore....... Md.... 1729..............13,50326,114 35,583 62,738 80,625102,313....... 169,054 Washington.... D. C........ 3,210 8,208 13,247 18,827 23,364.. 40,001 Richmond...... Va 1742......3,761 5,737 9,735 12,067 16,060 20,153...... 27,570 Norfolk.......... 1705... 8,478 9,814 10,920.. 14326 Petersburg...... Va............. 3,521 5668 6,690 8,322 11,136....... 14.010 W ilmington.... N. C....................................... 3,000 4.744...... 7,264 Charleston........ 167... 16,35920,47324,711 24,780 30,289 29,261...... 42,985 Savannah...... Ga...... 1732.................... 5,166 1,21 7,523 7,776 11,214.. 15312 Mobile......... Ala............,41,500 3194 12672...... 0,515 Nashville....... Tenn........................................ 5,566 6,929....... 10,478 Louisville...... Ky...... 1788..359 1,357 4,012 10,341 21,210..... 43.194 Cincinnati...... Ohio............................... 750 2,540 9,642 24,831 46,338....... 115,436 Columbus...... Ohio 1812........6,048 17,882 Cleveland...... Ohio 1796.............. 6,071 17.034 Detroit........ Mich................ 2,222 9,102....... 21,019 Chicago........ 111...... 1831..................................... 4,853....... 29 963......1769.. *891 St. Louis........ Mo..... 1764 1785.. *897........ 1,600 4,598[ 5,852 16,469 63,491 77,8503 1788. *14,19780 1769.. 3,1901 New Orleans... 1717 ]|1........17,242 27,176 46,310 102,193. 116,375 San Francisco... Cal....................................................... 34,776 Mfilwaukie. Wis........... 1846.. 9,655.:::::.::::::.......... 7000,061 NOTE.-The year 1845 and the periods earlier than 1790 are taken from State enumerations, and from other sources of information. * Population of the settlement. f State census of 1852. t Errors were made in Boston and New Orleans in 1840, underestimating the population in the first city, as proved by Mr. Shattuck, to the extent of about 8,000; and overestimating it in New Orleans, as proved by Dr. Barton, by at least 10 or 15,000. 192 CITIES, TOWNS, COUNTIES, &c. 19S TABLE CCXYII. — Comparative Population of other large Cities, 1840 antd 1850. City or Town. State. 1840. 1850. City or Town. State. 1840. 1850. Augusta.............. Maine........ 5,314 8,295 West Troy.......... New York.... 5,000 7,564 8,627 14,432 W 5.156 6.810 5,141 8,020 5,824 10.232 5,042 6,486 Paterson............ New Jersey... 7.596 11.334 Thonmaston......... do...... *6.227. 723 Harriburg........... Pennsylvania. 5,986 7,834 Dover.............. N. Hampshire. 6.458 8,196 8,417 12.369 *6;054 5.820 8.410 15,743 Burlington........... Vermont..... 4,271 6,110 Allegheny,089 1,61 Andover............. Massachusetts 5,207 6.945 Wilmington........ Delaware..... 8,367 13,979 8,409 15,215 Fredericktown...... Maryland..... 5,182 6,028 5.020 8,109 Georgetown........ of Columbia 7,312 8.366 Fall River................. do...... 6.738 11,524 Alexandria.......... Virginia...... 8459 8,7;4 6,350 7,786 60395 8,071 9.367 14,257 6,477 8.122 M 5.575 6.167 W 7,885 11,435 5,085 5,336 Newbern........... North Carolina 3,690 4,681,..... 9,012 8,452 4,285 4,646 7,161 9.572 2,244 4,518 50,281 6,024 Columbia........... South Carolina 4,340 6,060 9.089 18,364 Augusta............Georgia....... 6,403 11,753 7,645 10.441 3,114 5,942 7,497 17,049 Vicksburg........... Mississippi... 3,678 Newport............. Rhode Island. 8,333 9,563 4,434 9,534 11,500 Galveston.......... Texas................ 4,177 New London........ Connecticut... 5,519 8,991 Memphis........... Tennessee.... 8,839 Auburn............. New York.... 5.626 9,548 Lexington........... Kentucky.... 6,997 19,180 5,652 6,143 Chilicothe.......... Ohio......... 3,977 7,100 5,672 6,286 5,203 6,140 5,650 6.909 6,067 10,977 5,409 6,131 Zanesville.......... do...... 10,355 10,006 13,944 Ann Arbor..... Michigan..... 4,,868 6,784 8.921 Indianapolis........ Indiana....... 2,692 8.034 6,000 11,415 Burlington.......... Iowa................. 4,082 Lockport................. do...... 6,500 192,323 _____ ____________ In Richmond the number of persons to a dwelling in 1850 averaged 5.2, Charleston 5.6, Mobile 5.8, New Orleans 6.5, Philadelphia 6.6, Baltimore 6.9, St. Louis 7.7, Cincinnati 8.2, Boston 8.9, New York 13.6. In the whole embraced within the corporate limits of Mobile there are 1.6 persons to the acre, in Washington 7.2, St. Louis 26.3, Cincinnati 30.0, New York, 42.2, Boston 53.9; in the portions of these cities actually and fully settled, the number to the acre awas as follows: Mobile 13.8, New Orleans 45.4, Cincinnati 45.0, St. Louis 47.4, Philadelphia 80.0, Boston 82.7, New York 135.6. In 30 years Charleston in 1850 had increased 73 per cent., Savannah 103, Baltimore 169, Philadelphia 198, Boston 221, Providence 252, New York 316, New Orleans 328, Louisville 976, Cincinnati 1097; in 20 years the increase of Richmond was 71, Nashville 82, Mobile 542, Chicago 570, Milwaukie 1071, St. Louis 1464. In an average period of about 30 years the increase of European cities in 1852 had been as follows: Amsterdam 15 per cent., Copenhagen 22, Naples 23, St. Petersburg 42, Madrid 43, Paris 41, Brussels 69, Vienna and London 91,'Berlin 134. The population of 17,150 places was ascertained by the British census of 1851-10,929 by the U. S. census 1850. 815 towns in Great Britain contained 10,556,228 persons, or one-half nearly of the whole population. In the United States it may be assumed that the village, town and city populaioun includes about one-fourth of the whole. There were, in 1850,. 2,500,000 persons resident of cities exceeding 20,000 each, and the aggregate of tables CCXVI and CCXVII is about 3,000,000. The rural population might be ascertained by multiplying the number of farms into the average persons existing upon each. Other statistics of cities will! be found in previous chapters and in the appendix. NOTES ON THE COUNTY TABLES WHICH FOLLOW. The table of counties which follows will show for 1850 the whites, free colored and slave, and the total in. 1840, (the male and female of the colored can be ascertained by deducting those of the whites from the total' males and females there given,) the nativities of the white and free colored born out of the State and in the, United States or in foreign countries, the dwellings and the families of the free population, the pupils, white and colored, and income of public schools and of all other schools and colleges as returned by institutions, andi also of whites as returned by families, the whites between 5 and 20 years of age, the whites over 20 unable to' read and write, the number of persons for whom there are church accommodation, the number of farms, tIhe quantity and value of lands and implements, the stock and agricultural products, the manufactures produced' in families, with the capital, hands employed and annual product of establishments as contradistinguished from families, including all mechanical pursuits, &c. in shops where the annual value of product at the place of nimanufacture exceeds 8500. The blanks indicate that nothing has been returned by the marshals, whether from its non-existence, from the impossibility of ascertaining the facts, or from neglect or oversight. The remarks upon counties denote such changes as have taken place between 1840 and 1850 in their organization or boundaries, so as to estimate the true increase. The aggregates of the columns will be found in the tables by States in the former part of the volume, and could not be inserted here without widening the columns, and increasing unnecessarily the extent of the work. Out of 1,626 counties in the United States in 1850, 480 had been created or altered in the previous ten years-' in 54 the females greatly preponderated, 155 the slaves and in 7 the foreign born. In 441 counties there were few or no foreigners; in 20 counties the native and foreign were about equal. In 1,093 counties there were slaves; in 192 there were no free colored. * Population of township, since sub-divided. \ Population in 1852. { Estimated population in 1852. 194 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES. -Female --- -. --. Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 1 Autauga............ 3.231 3,043 6 4 19 830 7,590 7,433 15,023 14,342 2 Baldwin........... 1,161 939 2. 100 96 2,218 2, 419 1,995 4,414 2,951 3 Barour............ 6603 6,239 12,842 10 10780 11,872 11,760 23,632 12,024 4 Benton............. 6.834 6,563 13,397 3 3,763 8,710 8,453 17,163 14,'260 5 Bibb................ 3,642 3,455 7.097 11 2,861 5, 095 4,874 9,969 8,284 6 Blount....... 3...... 3,520 3,42[1 6 941........ 426 3,719 3,648 7,367 5,570 7 Butler............. 3,606 3,556 7.162 35 3,639 5,424 5,412 10,836 8,685 8 Chambers.......... 6,569 6,215 12;784 18 11,158 12,173 11,787 23,960 17,333 9 Cherokee........... 6,180 5,990 12,170 23 1,691 7,007 6,877:13,884 8,773 10 Choctaw........ 2, 451 2,169 4620........ 3,769 4,407 3,982 8389 11 Clarke.............. 2,565 2,336 4901 9 4,876 5,021 4,765 9,786 8,640 12 Coffee.............. 2;787 2,593 5380 3 557 3,046 2,894 5,940.... 13 Conecuh............ 2,481 2444 4925 3 4,394 4,630 4,692 9,322 8,197 14 Coosa.............. 5,358 5,056 10,414 9 4,120 7,389 7,154 14,543 6,995 15 Covington.......... 1511 1,566 3,077 88 480 1,781 1,864 3,645 2,435 16 Dale................ 2, 927 2,695 5,622 3 757 3,301 3,081 6,382 7,397 17 Dallas.............. 3845 3616 7,461 8 22 258 15,098 14,629 29,727 25,199 18 DeKalb............ 3871 3,859 7,730 9 506 4,118 4,127 8,245 5,929 19 Fayette............ 4,359 4,092 8,451 9 1,221 4,954 4,727 9,681 6,942 20 Franklin............ 5,874 5 524 11,398 15 8,197 10,051 9,559 19,610 14,270 21 Greene............. 4740 4,525 9,265 49 22,127 15,960 15,481 31,441 24,024 22 Hancock.......... 739 741 1,48062 774 768 1 54.......... 23 Ileny.............. 3,549 3,227 6,776 1 2,242 4,707 4,312 9i019 5,787 4 Jackson............ 5,931 5,823 11754 42 2,92 7,106 6,982 14,088 15,715 25 Jefferson............ 3,452 3, 262 6,714 8 2,267 4,531 4,458 8,989 7,131 26 Lauderdalc......... 5,618 5,479 11,097 60 6,015 8,689 8,483 17,172 14,485 27 Lawrenco.......... 4, 290 4, 052 8,342 64 6,852 7,580 7,678 15,258 13,313 28 Limnestone.......4... 4208 4,191 8,399 21 8,063 8,201 8,282 16,483 14,374 29 Lowndes........ 3 814 3,444 7,258 8 14, 649 11,177 10,738 21,915 19,539;o, Macon.............. 5.913 5,373 11,286 16 15,596 13,657 13,241 26,898 11,247: 1 Madison............ 6,061 5,876 11,937 164 14,326 13,245 13,182 26,427 25,706 32 Marengo........... 3829 3,272 7,101 37 20,693 14,537 13,294 27,831 17,264 33 Marion............. 3,510 3,412 6,922 3 908 3,954 3,879 7,833 5,847] 34 Marshall............ 4018 3,934 7,952 26 868 4,453 4,393 8,846 7553 35 Mobile..... 9,479 7,824 17303 941 9,356 14,494 13,106 27,600 18:7411 36 M onroe............. 2,934 2,714 5,648 40 6,325 6,074 5,939 12,013 10,680 37 Montgomery........ 5,448 4,721 10,169 115 19,427 15,312 14,399 29,711 24,574 38 Morgan............. 3,:3191 3,318 6.637 51 3,437 5,071 5,054 10,125 9,841 39 Perry...... 4,260 4,082 8342 26 13,917 11,388 10,897 22,285 19,086 40,Pickens............. 5,634 5,338 10,972 6 10,534 10,961 10,551 21,512 17,118 41 Pike................ 6,181 5,921 12,102 24 3,794 8,075 7,845 15,920 10,108 42 Randolph........... 5 447 5,169 10,616 29 936 5,905 5,676 11,581 4,973 43 Russell....4......... 424 3,981 8,405 32 11,111 10,015 9,533 19,548 13,513 44 St. Clair............ 2829 2,672 5,501 7 1,321 3,486 3,343 6, 829 5,638 45 Shelby............. 3,681 3,472 7,153 7 2,376 4,870 4,666 9,536 6,112 46 Sumter............ 3,890 3,479 7,369 50 14,831 11,402 10,848 22,250 29,937 47 Talladega......... 5,901 5,716 11,617 36 6,971 9,291 9,333 18,624 12.587 48 Tallapoosa........ 5,864 5,647 11,511........ 4,073 7,862 -7,722 15,584 6,444 49 Tuscaloosa........ 5164 5,407 10,571 8 7;477 8 924 9132 18,056 16,583 50 Walker........... 2,490 2.367 4,857 1 266 2,622 2,502 5 124 4,032 51 Washington........ 616'579 1,195 22 1,496 1,399 1,314 2,713 5,300 52 Wilcox.............. 2.875 2,642 5,517........ 11,8351 8,816 8,536 17,352 15.278 STATISTICS OF i Arkansas... 918 776 1,694 13 1,538 1,752 1,493 3,245 1,346 2 Asliley............. 1 628 140 5 644 1,105 953 2,058.... 3 Benton........ 1,777 1,731 3,508 1 201 1,882 1,828 3,710 2,228 4 Bradley.......... 1393 1,208 2;601 2 1,226 1,999 1,830 3,829.......... 5 Carroll.............. 1 269 2,122 4,391 10 213 2,375 2,239 4,614 2,844 6 Chicot............ 630 492 1,122 9 3,984 2,636 2,479 5,115 3,806 7 Clark... 1,663 1,450 3,113 7 950 2,132 1938 4,070 2,309 8 Conway..1....... 728 1,611 3.339 4 240 1842 1.741 3,583 2 892 9 Crawford.3,607 3,328 6,935 92 933 4,093 3,867 7,960 4,266 10 Crittenden........ 1.017 825 1.842 5 801 1,451 1,197 2,6.48 1,561 11 Dallas.............2.. 349 1,984 4333 2 2,542 3,682 3,195 6,877.......... 12 Desha,............ 952 733 1.685 57 1,169 1,593 1,318 2,911 1,598 13 Drew............. 1,271 1,090 2361........ 915 1,717 1,559 3,276.......... 14 Franklin..1....... 805 1,692 3,497 3 472 2,037 1,935 3,972 2665 15 Fulton....... 913 85 1,768 1 50 939 880 1,819. 16 Greene.........,346 1,184 2.530 101 53 1,375 1,218 2,593 1,586 17 Hempstead........... 78139 9 5,180 32, 460 4,007 3,66 7,672 4.921 18 Hot Springs......... 771 146'2 3.371 11 361 1,954 1,655 3,609 907 19 Independence....... 3,556 371 6 9 12 828 3,974 3,793 7,767 3669 STATISTICS OF A L ABAMA. 195 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Born out of State. I Collges, acad- Schools. - vate schools.'=_ - C.....r__ __ _.,._ y ~ 2,245 57 1,114 1,133 61...... 649 15,564 15,564 1,11 2,578 504 19,110 1 4 397 397 11 200 88 675 1875 747 100 590 2,9245/ 57 I]4 1,133 61 $......'649 ^15,564. 15,2564 1,112 2,578 594 1 7,195 120 2,306 240 5,8 50 435 4,783 10,633 1,221 5,25 629 9,900 3 7,798 36 2,188 2,192 206 167 1,633 97865. 10,032 1768 5,77 660 10,400 4 2,138 30 1,153 1,153.............. 400 816 816 1,127 3,037 1,157 13,200 5 2,095 5 1127 1132.............. 435,85 3,852 712,9961,257 1575 6 9,152 26 1,210 1,210 144 2658 91,075 3,733 916 3,019 663 1,600 7 8,26363 3 2,138 2138 521 7,000 1,045 19003 26,003 2,088 5,483 737 16,350 8 7,523 28 039 2,039 30 2001,29 2,878 3,078 2,304 5,1481,213 3150 9 1,611 37 760 760.............. 420 142 142 501 1,916 389 6,000 10 1,250 49 873 873 100 1,500 566 5,349 6,849 682 1,985 598 4,995 11 2,503 9 893 893.............. 290 3,480 3,480 712 2,312 665 4,375 12 1,381 31 847 847 80 1,700 400 6,701 8,401 810, 296 6,10 13 5,469 87 1,725 1,725 150 3,200 381 4,742 7,942 1,696 4,337 766 12.625 14 1,121 7 503 503.............. 144 875 875 298 1,314 610 1.'450 15 2,959 6 928 928.............. 190................ 762,386 1,092 9,;80016 2,847 63 1,375 1,575 724 23,000 1,039 39,049 690049 1,603 2,953 97 17,175 17 4,088 6 1,251 1251 55 650 510 3,240 3890 1,347 3,422 173 4,050 18 3,266 18 1,408 1,408........ 689 8,832 8,832 1, 266 3,6811,100 5,720 19 4,106 77 1,955 1,955 340 10,950 716 9,014 19,964 1,194 4.8 772 10,200 20 3,600 139 1,730 1,730 31 10,630 715 12,710 23,340 1,923 3,663 518 12,575 21 351........ 51 251.............. 74................ 155 677 276.......... 2 3,234 10 1,142 1,162 115........ 411 3,280 3280 788 2,934 854 4,675 23 4,114 10 2,000 2,000 40 500 453 2,725 3,925 1,649 5,034 2030 8,250 24 2,174 2 1,140 1,141.......... 350 1,089 1,008 1,043 2, 996 741 6,750 25 4,542 106 1,868 1892 83........ 909 562 56 1,739 4,650 798 11,455 26 2,671 26 1,469 1471 41........ 728 7,747 7,747 1,271 3,550 824 10,220 27 3,235 10 1,4 1,429 90 5,870 665 5,589 11,459 1,474 3 516 573 6,600 28 2,989 52 1,3 1,354 150........ 466 2,850,850 1,012 2,980 120 11,335 29 6,756 41 1,849 1,857 784........ 568 14,914 14,914 1,698 4,967 57 11,91, 30 3,932 90 2,046 2,047 130........ 800 26,270 26,270 2,261 4,898 1,037 22.300 31 2,711 132 1,353 1,353 212 4,000 376 16,000 20,000 1,110 2,816 40 12.820 32 2,706 6 1,108 1,130............... 63 315 315 940 2,985 948.......... 33 3,192 24 1,301 1,336.............. 9 3,358 3358 1,39 3,422 955 1,600 34 5,444 4,93 3,027 3 318 893 59,7501,774 19,593 79,343 9,247 5 435 17 14,900 35 1,596 54 1,005 1,005 90 1,400 167 4777 6177 827 2,50 966 8,400 3,4 4,567 367 1.881 1,934 264 9,26 366 7,765 17,025 1 648 3,877 608 7,100 37 2,238 29 1;03 1,104 30 320 172 574 894 710 2.920 176 4,000 38 3,064 104 1,332 1,352 663 30,015 714 7,900 37,915 1 542 3422 229 8,700 19 4,737 94 1,896 1,949 336 6,655 718 8,706 15 361 2,024 4,596 699 13,570 40 5,5625 19 1019 732 1795 4390 498 5746 10,136 1.831 5,170 1674 25,475 41 576 19 1,904 1904..............1,829................ 1794 4624 762 8,000 2 9,148 241,411 1,411 163........ 600 2,349 2,349 828 3,608 75 3,870 43 23148 2 944 944........ 120 3,172 3,172 686,349 8971 5,850 44 2,271 6 1,170 1,173.............. 992 795 795 1,093 3,123 377.......... 45 3,026 95 1,342 1,373 160........ 433 3,968 3,968 1179 2,967 151 8,500 46 5,836 47 1,861 1,907 370 7,605 715 6,819 14,424 2,081 5,016 592 14,650 47 7,684 9 2,037 2,037 135 950 140 1,900 2,150 1 210 4,323 1,441 10.000 48 3,807 100,914 1,914 240 7,000 404 3,894 10,894 1,506 3967 1133 9500 49 1,409 1 799 799.............. 45........... 222,070 134 2,175 50 407 1 258 262......9....... 120................ 85 468 114 1,100 -51 1,666__ 49 983 983 2991........ 153........ 500 2,118 3 2.450 52 ARKANSAS. 47 26 328 328.............. 95 1.914 1,914 185 692 168 685 1 1,121 8 269 269........ 150 2500 2500 158 562 46 1,500 2 2,077 20 572 572 55........ 146................ 651 1,558 55 400 3 1,932 12 440 440......... 140 176 176 268 1.001 954 1,700 4 2,567 686 686........ 460 100 100 883 1,;973 470.......... 5 750 44 22 226.............. 75 1,400 1,400 166 387 59 200 6 1,740 15 537 537 196 87.............. 872 283 1,242 184 700 7 1,835 25 595 595.................................... 134 1424 281.......... 8 3,953 289 1,247 1,248 3SO 3,410 75 1,150 4,560 1,232 2,8601,018 1.850 9 1,161 1,7 360 360............. 55 600 600 109 710 89 550 10 3.434 7 740 740 124........ 194................ 351 1,810 306 2.650 11 1,031 55 350 350.............. 40 1,007 1,007 81 591 114.......... 1 -1,806 12 430 430 45 800 145 1,813 2;613 9284 973 230 1,40 13 1,957 43 617 617............ 180 9501 950 5601 1,488! 437 1,750 14 1,106 3 8 288............................ 79 740 321.......... 15 1.528 4 436 468..... 120 925 925 307 1,088 516 80 16 2,;974 10 855 855 130 4.650 166 2,580 7,30 1,442,133 373 2,000 17 92.6. 8 5791 608 273 2,000 31 1611 2.1611 691 1;319 526 2.386 18 32, 2 15 1,159 1,163 85....... 310............ 938 892 78 4; 100! 19 196 CENSUS OF 1 850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK. COUNTIES. *^ < K ^ ^ 02 1 Autauga.................108,172 7304 $1,477,805 3,578 14,020 5,047 3044 I Baldwiln.21j 6,093 40,254 1,039 944 13,900 4,196 5,983 Barbour............1,35 147,124 29 149 2,110,347 4, 769 0,301 9,280 54,95U 4 Benton............. 1,227 74,991 131,603 1,416,900 3,728 12,085 7,560 34, 551 5 Bibb................ 654 53411 129.44 678,41 2,633 11,977 6,730 5,566 6 Blount1............. 753 27, 915 43, 255 272, 768 1 687 6,987 4, 792 24, 784 7 Butler.............. 553 46,551 102. 731 446, 514 1,986 16, 454 6,913 27. 543 8 Chambers.......... 1,342 171,290 225,261 2,444,420 5,740 17,459 12,954 50:509 9 Cherokee........... 1,126 55158 126,277 1263,508 3,574 11,441 6,635 35,4123 10 Choctaw........... 445 43,367 128 318 703, 147 9,106 12, 867 3,793 2, 890 11 Clarke.............. 45 47 927 163 126 745, 319 2,653 16,823 5,961 32,352 12 Coffee............. 604 24820 36,433 262,043 1,166 16,664 2,744 20268 14 30,433 96043 1,166 16,064 9,744 90.96 13 Conecu........... 498 55, 076 94,615 482,746 1, 93 17,865 5,815 23853 14 Coosa.............. 1130 67,081 161,822 900,710 2,898 15,325 8,101 31,301 15 Covington.......... 138 9, 201 17,901 109,597 824 10,617 1,306 18,272 16 Dale................ 697 33,565 68,344 339,062 1,447 10, 181 3,057 26, 320} 17 Dallas.............. 7.49 205,616 371,973 4,272,524 7,889 18,374 12,0244 64,660' 18 DeKalb............. 616 31,972 47,034 495,91 2, 331 8,588 3,750 24,910 19 Fayette............. 1,065 46,641 99,781 470,354 2,385 12,480 7,068 9,790 20 Franklin 913 105,461 296,370,354,617 5,184 14,825 10, 176 50.075 21 Greene.............1310 239367 287,360 3,975,699 8,383 22;014 12,962 65,111 92 Hancock........... 44 6,829 5,258 44,884 426 2,065 949 8.159 3 Henry.............. 671 52,919 85,004 677,789 2,047 14,420 5,699 34,776 24 Jackso............ 856 73,333 158,696 1,021,281 4,537 15,204 10,483 54,788 25 Jefferson........... 752 51,921 85,438 636,329 2,4299 10,475 4,414 2',265 26 Lauderdale.........1, 180 98,646 141, 602 1,741,823 4,973 1.0,886 11,849 43,405 27 Lawrence..........'930 125,525 153.286 1,728,117 5,179 11,376 8,247 46.778 28 Limestone.......... 649 103,001 127,215 2,125,177 4,641 10,031 8,625 48,5 29 Lownides.874 157,560 244,447 1,961,658 6,083 20,949 10,210 60,497 30 Macon 1........... 1, 03 186,01.4 292, 729 2 659; 645 6, 07 25,91 10, 22 56,74 31 Madison............ 1,080 165,024 163,982 3,429,792 7,082 15,984 1.1,463 63,086 32 Marengo............ 818 174,097 246;556 3,782.963 6,837 17,183 7,7529 59,741 33 Mlarion.......... 573 30,018 84,149 304; 131 2,120 10,471 4,424 24,304 34 Marshall............ 586{ 27,826 34,1:39 454,928 1,860 6,792 2, 919 229,462 35 Mobile............. 249 5,152 3',544 519,190 1,263 9,389 97C 5,141. 33 Monroe............. 692 67, 188 191,5923 920,195 2,805 16,662 7,988 35,290 37 I Mont'gomsery. 962 203,045 281, 804 3, 076; 817 7,030 1, 578 12,203'69,948 38 Morgan............. 584 64,1 23 102,821 957,771 3,330 10,951 5,964 31,839 39 Perry.............. 1,006 159,822 207,448 2,818,178 5,910 14,641 9,014 46,02' 40 Pickens........... 1,438 147,014 235, 883 1,936.000 5,606 19,090 12,439 50,478 41 Pike 1............... 1.533 93,431 165,234 1,079,353 3,760 17,716 7,945 50,657 42 Randolph...........'9691 41.477 111,572 659,850 2,491 12,923 7,078 33 380 43 i Russell............ 1,049 148,947 293,857 1,876,472 4,555 21, 813 7,174 43ff0 44 St. Clair........ 573 31,841 71,879 422,081 2,089 7,184 4.556 23,854 45 Shellbv.............. 69 51,402 107,147 713,574 9,878 11,318 5,188 31 46 i Sunter........ 6681 154,85 187816 1,917,577 5;366 1.8,430 9,497 49;506 47 Talladega........... 998 96.999 182,645 1, 720,964 4,125 15,427 9,445 42, 496 48 1,9270 76'207 194,950 1,103,993 3,380 14,886 9,367 35, 298 49 T tuscaloosa........ 1115 97,833 241,605 1,223,769 4,246 17,418 10,25 38.849 59 Walker.............. 609 19,831 44,905 270,063 1,9257 6.191 3,351 23: 1a26 51a Washington........ 141 12,001 45,110 191,577'898 13, 174 2,92144 11,247 52 ilcox............. 663 111,004 265,610 2,118, 1741 4,730 15,850 91831 49 846j STATISTICS OF 1 Arkansas........... 153 12.193 38,416 580,117 925 7,640 365 14,049 Ashley.............. 173 7526 13613 172,481 536 1,225 227 9.04 3 i Benton............. 2995 12.67 2372 231,79 1,427 3 7 539 2,3 9371 4 Bradley............ 303 1557 35,237 324569 936 4.764 971 16,504 5 Catroll.............. 541 13387 12849 198,668 2, 059 6,574 3.910 17,174 6 Chicot............. 914 299,886/ 103.362 1,403,284 1.854 7,747 2,007 14,915 Clark............... 36 14,351 33;745 312:805 1:138 5,974 1.151 23:037 8 Conwav............. 387 11885 33.216 166:459 1,365 7,455 2,175 17.196 9 Crawford........... 499 18,273 34:363 425,206 2, 9,025 2: 8. 10 Crittenden......... 192 8 475 78775 506,050 793 7,078'287 10,437 1.1 Dallas......... 399 4,065 4,6 573,969 1,514 5,913 714 17.8 12 Desha.............. 118 9;207 33,659 415,053 634 4.656 934 1011 13 Drew............... 77 11,854 3,770 170,417 949 4506 728 14277 14 ranklin............ 454 15.50' 2 6,5261 32, 876 1,755 6,15 92, 575 23 196 15 Iulton............. 222 6,0551 5,578 81,995 999 3,849 1,306 7,261 16 Greene............. 345 9, 118 4,03 84,102 1066 4,451 3,111j 13.501 17 Hempstead.......... 550.6181 56,904 673,496 2.3792 9.058 3157 35.975 18 Hot Springs......... I 320l 481 19,679 21,454 1085 4, 6501 592 12;017 19' Independence...... 6941 23, 6 01 06 557,898. 2.848 8, 1191 3,443J 25,334i STATISTICS OF ALABAMA. 197 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. JoI| ^i |'?i.~0 C,,00g, 3,101 56,615 492,381 137,592 418C2 23...... 101712 2,440.................. 6 543 74, 13 5,076 813........... 14,280 1 755.................4 0. 2 9,820 81.391 749,132 224 257 57,065............ 61, 2'25.................... 3 11,168 69,516 580,356 98,830 14,873 81 28 110255 28 7 56 3 219 19,708 343,455 80.690 3,296 5 3 50.788 1 35......5...... 5 4,473 21, 13 267,025 31,91 3,193 8................. 6 5, 085 17,146 305.272 814,911 910 15...... 1,602.......................... 7 20,'28 119,201 876 038 168,387 24,780 156...... 11,712......36...... [ I 36 15,708 68,870 546, 96 88,191 14,204[ 10 21 114.31 8 13 65 40 9'470 15,385 269,560 108,697 21,281.......... 2',967......................... 1I 159 21,0431 329 061 109,121 9,872............ 52,921 9.1............ 1,731 6.036 136,610 51447 9,251 20...... 25,459........................... 2 031 26,408 300,210 91, 772 13,721............ 36,995........................... 13 1,700 38,824 418, 991 126,593 18,062........... 113,190 2,160.................. 14 178 1,920 80205 38, 842 2,982........... 18, 495.......................... 15 3,917 12,05 182396 70 112 17,416... 26,874....................,12 107,370 1,267,011 2,970 63,847 80 11,368 6................... 17 3,830 75,698 363,225 40,439 5,487...... 1 74,485 45...... 391 18 92473 24,930 306,844 67,405 8,990...... 753....... 19 260 1,938 39,624 8,060 2 2581 2...... 12,433.1.3. 2,08 7 36, 763 2 77,356 93; 340 10,1374.......3................... 2,33521 72,01 7962001 57,065 8,335........... 106273 16......0.....1 242 2040 2 960 342,743 46,176 3, 085 15...... 2............... 25 16,3( 82260 785,145 69,293 15,462 5 165 105:495 1 474......44....3.. 26 4820 89, 004 815,114 82,070 34,923 660...... 169,011 1.734...... 2...... 27 3,243 86,275 861,664 73 214 26,092 5 21 3,96,51 3324 9 52...... 28 3,880 96,107 933 87 168,835 10,525 13...... 74 777........ 5............ 9 13,009 187,72 98,867 298,563 15,136........... 145,53 3........ 7,723 163,655 1,195,037 101,331 36,355 44 27 140,645 4,942 45 234 10 31 215 94;605 1,24,460 261080 1,410.131.....460............ 3 3,761 20,5 91,495 40,642 2,280........... 9,476.......................... 961 30,404 357201 38,322 3387............ 50'665 7 30. 34.......... 269 34500 58 9 2457............ 28475 606'7...... 3 1. 753 20,511 409,506 143,380 14141 5...... 50,214 35 2236 1,795 192,4901 1,265,645 300,884 39,622........... 130,546 11................ 37 1,533 60,961 464,440 4 47,762 13511 231 60 76 409 470...... 38 7,375 68,211 934116 185,214 28,202 205..... 108,454 3908.......... 39 10,613 54,212 868,705 159,023 12, 012............ 118 1.3.. 40 5986 41,443 531.192 153,841 13, 40.... 3,733...... 63, 41 18,212 35,473 319,183 64,916 5,682 98 3 10793 20.......... 42 16,425 98,008 683,164 185,680 49,138 28 10 73,06..... 43 424 2, 921 283,377 41021 8 500 8...... 64,675.......................... 44 12,44 52,191 384,389 73, 300 18, 998 3 5 131968 21....... 45 716 62:896 926,826 186,894 6,73 6. 9675 2/............... 46 7,277 114,685 715,584 119,922' -,78 5...... 117.471......................... 47 17,800 60:615 462,276 106,411 22,738 154 94099.......48 3,70 50,553 626,452 117,095 27,729 16...... 8479 1,90.... 49 831 07,073 20,476 28,567 5,87........ 48875................. 50 502',97 101,483 6,667313,077...1...... 9 9.4. 51 35 49 951 673, 446 134075 205.................. 5 ARKANSAS. 40 724 116,535 1,l 3 4204.............. i......... 1 535 1,097 65,87 16,936 2,487......2......13.330.... 2 12,405 2 6;773 144.385 5,782.... 276............ 3 155 7,784 145865 38,973 12,615 3.............. 9,0.5 4 1189.5 18:304 264:060 18,191 156...... 33 35 208 16...... 1 13 4 50 1:9901.222,595 34,410 12,868.....3....... 3 910 210 43.......... 6 1,204 3 98 12 860 19,99 2,154 16.052 16............... 7 3:464 5:27 6 164,19 11.617 248..... 24.'585....................... 8 3,:71 41:046 240,567 37,407 5...... 15 78:121 86...................... 1.050 163,970 11,643 10......6...... 6843 62...... 5i...... 10 731 46 209940 4805728,797............ 3.879 11.......95 355 8,678 495............60............... 12 107 1 1 76 120,731 3419 6,937 3...... 3,251.............. 1 2 13 2.357 03936 213.980 12,127 2,064 10 40 141.................. 14 328 7 758 111,5 523 7,200 441....22819 441.......... 1....28 15 3.8091 9.623 106,560! 8:.271 1,107{...... 41770 7!............ 16 4284, 23951 27881.8 42.33 2 407....... 71.001 1.21 6.......... 1 17 1,08 5. 73 565 1594 4.411......... 6.871 5; 12.... 10, 1141 29 368 388395 24:8271...... 975 3 19 10,141!294l 36 8 240 38 8' 7, 93 1 1591..........,,'5.....I...... 198 CENSUS OT 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. COUNTIES... I 0 5 53 2 m B B o un............. C 5[ " ~P fD 3 c..'... c; ^: |, 1, ~ F-i a ~ Oip^ E3 i I 1 Autauga..............1........1..................0 9..........75,647'12,792...... 2 BClh mwin...................2........................4 5.. 8 2. 0944...... 3 Barbour 1160...........80.. 837.8.. 8315,00 3.,. 201573 18843...... 4 Benton............. 10 7,802 17,0085,995 1.3,295...... 5 Clrbb....................................1,1841 31 4,6438 11,76...... 61 Coffe.............................. 3... 953.... 33 4,071 248 8,784......i 7 Butler................4 790.... 4,094 10,851].. 8 Chambers........... 453, 37,4421 2 0.037.... 9 Cherokee.......... 837.160...... 8,96 23, 582 717 1053...... 11 Clarke..............3................. 2,0005 31,117 801 4,881 8,954...... 12 Coffe 3 6935..............i.............. I 3 9 5,,863 785 1,408 4,10...... 14 Coosa............................................... 137 30 5 4 13 131...... 15 Covington... 1 ne..................................... 859 37,798 170 416,540.37 1 a c...................... 8,950 505,158 6,512...... 17 Dallasr...05 1........... 31275 31 493...... 18 DeKab. 0 1 41 11 1,0 6458.............. 219 Faette 8 6............3..... 16,001 5,10 2,90 15 9...... 0 Franklin.... 755 245 10.9........... 65104 0 01. Greene........ 1,170 34.803 7705 0,6806 6,937...... 3 ncock.......................... 70............ 3,391 26 1 594...... 23 iHenry e..................,. 13 3 63191 155.4.8 1 11379 1 5 24 i Jackson.................................. 513301..436' 13,555 382 01,7698...... 5 37 Jefferson...............................................,640 10.31.. 08 Limestone.108.................,199 15,5141809 900 3 29 iLowdes..........................4161,155 1,45023,8 1 98...... 311 Madison.......... 200...... 53...7,710 17,54820,888 21,018 3 32 Marengo..............1.7...5...... 14,550.....0.,295 15,908. 33 M arion....................................... 15 7,825 2,821 1,552 9.222...... 34 Marshall........ 100...... 20............ 2,681 8,462 1,966 5,818...... 35 M obile................................................. 90,402................ 864...... 36 M onroe..................................... 0 1.880 100,031 1,670 6,977 12,115....... 37 Montgomery................................'161 156,539. 05,306 06,043. 38 Morgan.............1....... 1960 3,25 4,777 9,67...... 300 160.. 2454 17,994. 45 Shelby.68 3,6333,73 7 10, 837 39 aPerry.............3,31.87.8........ 0 24416,75. 40 Pickens..................... 32614 64212,305 1 98...... 42 RaT dolph8, 7...........80........... 3 185 3 16 009. 43 Russll... 119,15 70 521,088 10,71...... 45 e...........................Sh...... 638 36333737 10,837...... 46 Sumter............. 40................13,340 10014,066 14,741...... 38 B tpentodIn.0I0 775 68 1 3,9.....,5 15.. 4 Tuscaloosa........ 7...... 4,70 801,45 16 31 69 Chicot...1,...... 0....,39 Walker............3 06....... 135 80 Conway...... 499 4.038-245o9 691. 52 Wilcoxrd....... 4.................... 6418,709 7243......1 13 DrewTATIST 1436 1,516 1,C60SIOF 15 Ashley.........3,580 42130 6897 2 97...... 16 Greeneton. 50 15 3. 5.......... 17 HempstBr adley............ 370 80 425 1.916 1 5 Carrollt Spings.............. 375 7839...... 711005 5 8 on depende.c.. 8..1..................9140[.. 9 Crawford..................................... 200 986 4,711...... 13 Drew............... 50............................ 67 1.436.71,[516 7,4608 16 Greene............. 20 405..... 10........ 5.123 15 3,526...... 17 Hempstead..........,........ I.......... 1:15 2,552 7:633...... 18 Hot Springs........................130 1:005 S 19 Independen................................. 4. i STATISTICS OF ALABAMA. 199 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. 1 i to 0 i Establishments. -;rm: 1^~ ~~0 0 S 6 - REMARKS.?i ~ s, o, I g 18.685 101,928 496 748...... 239,025 330 9298,652 98,348.........1 1,355 23,030 3,325.............. 567236 3 540 1,744.. 34,295 134,907........ 330...... 30,720 123 12,75 31,83...................... 3 17,971 107,011 107 6...... 60,600 118 88,251 65,308. 4 17,273 54,897..129,400 120 73,968 22,431................ 9,802 32,539 25 11.700 23 17,075 21,480................ 25 57,035...................... 37,800 52 21,650 16,85...................... 7 51,865 162,962........ 250...... 59,335 136 172,079 40,714...................... 8 12,487 94,818 1141... 35,110 45 31,755 76, 111.................. 9 6,752 62,418................................................ 13,461 Formed in 1848 from 10 37,1 12 66,391...................... 38,870 84 42,858 28,301 Sumter & Washingt'n I1 19,394 49,083...... 4,165 70 10,970 18 8,268 26,406 Formed in 1842 from 12 14,356 70,070..................... 175 43 23,620 2181 Dale 13 29,657 79,256..51,900 83 34,700 98,118...................... 14 7.449 281111. 5,700 30 9,050 14,890...................... 5 19,187 65,771............................ 26,045 Divided in 18442 to form 16 18,634 195,746 10 20... 154,780 159 194,420 24;799 Coffee. 17 7,606 42,470........ 20.. 4,250 21 10, 470 27,573................... 18 27,030 64691...................... 3,800 49 37.840 80,687............... 19 910 122,561........ 470...... 66,900 111 105,200 42,333...................... 20 40559 240289 100 615 7 146,185 199 137,715 66,016.................... 21 1,815 9,689 25.......................... 9,03 Formed in 1850 from 22 12,947 90, 051.... 43' 178 Wtalker 23 16,059 83,018 10 6....7,010 30 18,140 42,600......................24 2,346 56 9........ 7...... 6,000 38 9,728 37692.25 9,972 97,393 0... 195,175 277 224,050 47,844......................26 13,729 106,185......... 22,580 61 41,859 58,970...................... 27 12,457 94774........35,175 98 61,105 44,905...................... 28 27074 126154............... 8,00 25 32,700 20,041...................... 29 35,990 176,180........ 50...... 89,300 130 106,090 35,962........ 30 12,39 124,125 836 553...... 239,350 372 307,925 43,449...................... 31 1,420 167,105 100 50.. 6,700 26 17,706 25,115...................... 32 11,729 52391........ 121.... 4,600 2 16,800 38,084...................... 33 10022 36,930........ 140...... 15,250 41 23,680 22,655...................... 3 6210 181,322 67,579 3,360 85 522,800 540 1,261,450 240...................... 3.5 31,516 96,903 20 42...... 37,425 70 33,550 48,513......................3 37,59 197,008 8,620 297 1 111,100 12 1 157,200 31869......................37 4,;759 56.085 80 237... 303 25 15.550 28569...................... 38 19,379 116353 20 33750 96 43530 20,211...................... 39 11,761 144,107................. 40,70 100 62,230 51,743...................... 40 49,465 135.131...................... 8,250 13 12,360 52,300..................... 41 18,299 97;834........ 552 7 7,350 83 30,339 61.225...................... 42.................. 450 580 50 7,400 14 9,000 25 000.43 18 991 50,482............................................ 48 651...................... 44 28,184 85,726....... 10...... 19,000 2 29,800 63091...................... 45 17,634 156,400................. 26,325 51 39,500 24,524 Divided in 1848 to form 46 7,663 120,766...................... 37,290 92 75,039 42,489 Choctaw. 47 41,007 93, 401 450 35...... 66,850 143 3, 925 46 739...................... 48 19.,453 96.449 30.............. 176,550 264 183,810 23,947. [Hancock. 49 5,087 35,977 1,447 2,680 9,135 43 22,799 27,532 Divided in 1850 to form 50 3,45.17,6........................ 3,208 Divided in 1848 to form 51 2,057 74,987...... 8,050 150 20,002 Choctaw. 652 ARKANSAS. 8.457 16,656...... 10........3......95....e.... 395 [Drew. I 5261........ 20................................ 2,428 Formed in 1848 from 2 100 11,243. 3, 242..... 700 5 2 1200 9,608 [Dallas. 3 787 28, 770....... 77...... 1,200 3 1,600 6,632 Divided in 1844 to form 4 1,775 16,992 20 867...... 500 1 1,000 19,983 Divided in 1842 to form 5 4,395 30.978 815 12................................ 23 Newton. 6 8,446 28,132 70 1,294...... 1200 3 2,400 12,253 Divided in 1844 to form 7...... 19,294.......3,000 16 4,000 20,361 Dallas....... 83 467 32558 755 2,020...... 16.040 36 38,123 1988540...................... 39 1,240 13,275.... 250 130...................... 10 210 32,24 4,96 135...... 4.025 23 11,000 5,980 Formed in 1844 from 11 942 15760........ 70....... 2,200 4 1,860 30 Clark and Bradley. 12 1,5992 1,477 281 2,698'...... 2,480 15 4,900 5,243 Formed'46fromChicot; 13 10,352 27,603.... 76...... 1 350 9 6,105 16,848 div.'48 to form Ashley.1 14 1,571 8.011 321 503...................... 8332Formed in 1842 fro 15 13,468 21,389......... 41515 Izard. 16 9,467 51,596 40 84 2519,50 34 16 3 114 1,97...................... 87 21;187| 98 45.. 57001 161 9,450 7,198 Divided in 1842 to form 18 1.432 43,297...... 315... 9,900 26 20,100 25,7291 Montgomery. 1 200 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES. M1ale. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1849. 20 Izard............... 1,548 1,469 3,017........ 196 1,650 1,563 3,213 2.24 21 Jackson............. 1,356 1,161 517 6 563 1,636 1,450 3,086 1540 eferson........... 1,694 1503 3,19 1 2,621 3,047 2,787 5,34 2,566 23 Johnson............ 2387 210 4,489 7' 731 2, 741 2,486 5,227 3,433 24 Lafayette....... 1, 011 88 1,900..... 3,320 2,760 2,460 5,220 2,200 25 Lawrence........... 2,575 2,307 4,832 4 388 2,763 2 511 5,274 2,835 25Madison........... 2,395 2,264........ 164 2,473 2,350 4, 823 2, 775 27 Marion........... 1,074 2,053 129 126.2 1,096 2,308 1,321 28 Mississippi...... 824 672 1,496 7 865 1,261 1,107 2,368 1,41! 29 Monroe............. 851 800 1,651 3 395 1,047 1,002 2,049 936 30 Montgomery 984 907 1 66 1,016 942 1.958...... 31 Newton.......... 871 33 1,704 7 47 1,7581......... 32 Ouachita.3,331 2954 6,285 2 3, 304 5,018 4,573 9,591.......... 33 Perry............... 501 456 957 6 15 509 469 91.......... 34 Phillips........ 2,374 1,96 4,341 3 2591 3,681 3,254 6,935 3,547 35 Pike........... 925 826........'110 973 888 1.861 969 36 Poinsett............. 1,086 940 2,0 3 279 1,2:11 1,077 2,308 1,320 37 Polk.626 570 1196........ 67 659 604 1,263....... 38 Pope................ 2,22 2, 0 4,........ 479 2,464 2,246 4,710 2,850 39 Prairie............... 974 838 1,812 273 1,109 988 2,097.......... 40 Pulaski.............. 2,404,1 4,506 3 1,19 2.938 2,719 5,657 5,350 41 Randolph........... 1,596 1,3 3 029 3 243 1,710 1,565 3,275 2,196 42 St. Francis.......... 2,042 728 3,770 2 707 2,403 2,076( 4,479 2,499 43 Saline............... 1,833 1 561 3,3 6 503 2,089 1,814 3,903 2061 44 Scott............... 1,541 0 1 16 146 1,621 1,462 3,083 1,694 45 Searcy............. 1,027 923 9........ 29 1,039 940 1,979 936 46 Sevier..............51 1, 2.83 31 1.372 2,208 2.032 4,240 2,810 47 1nion.. 2; 9 b'l~ "''^~''s'''~'7 3,8-889a 47Union.............. 2;970 2,556,526 5 476 5,387 4,911 10,298 48Van Buren....... 1,460 1301 761........ 103 1,500 1,364 2,864 1,518 49 Washington......... 4,552 4,05 8,57 14 1,199 5,119 4,851 9,97( 7,148 50 White.............. 1,211 108 2 309 2 308 1,349 1,270 2,61 929 51 Yell................ 1,578 1,324 2,902 15 424 1792 1,549 3,341. STATISTICS OF 1 Butte............. 3,441 100 3,541 33........ 3,473 101 3,574....... 2 Calaveras.......... 16,537 265 16,802 82. 16,617 267 16884 3 Colusi.............. 77 38 115.........77 38 115...... 4 Contra Costa........................ El Dorado......... 19,231 677 19908 14........19,373 684 20. 05.......... 6 Los Angeles. 2,006 1,512 3,518 12........ 2,011 1,519 3530.......... 7 Marin.............. 232 89 321 2........ 234 89 33.. 8 Mariposa.4,104 80 4,184 195....... 4,271 108 4,379.......... 9 Mendocino........ 40 15 55.. 40 15 55. 10 Monterey..... 121 33 1,85 8.......,135 737 1,872.......... 11 Napa............... 242 163 4055........ 12 Sacramento........ 8,277 598 8,875 212........ 8,472 615 9,087 13 Santa Barbara....... 61 564 1,81 4........ 620 565 1,185.......... 14 Santa Clara.. 15 Santa Cruz......... 411 23 643.............. 411 232 64. 16 San Diego........ 552 238 790 8........ 558 240 798 17 San Francisco............... i..... 18 San Joaquin....... 3,402 214 3,616 31. 3,429 218 3,647 19 San Luis Obispo.. 193 142 335 1..... 194 42 336.. 20 Shasta.............. 371 7 378........371 7 378 21 Solano............... 449 94 543 3.... 482 98 580. 22 Sonoma............. 355 204 559 1........ 356 204......... 23 Sutter............. 3,300 124 3,424 2( 3,20 1.24 3,444 24 Trinity..... 1,534 83 1,617 18........ 1.552 83 1,635.......... 25 Tuolumne.......... 7,871 4171 8,28 63........,930 421 351. 26 Y...olo.......... 953 123T,1,076 10........ 960 126 1,0861.......... 27 Yuba.............. 9,392 2151 9607 66........ 9,452 221 9,673.......... STATISTICS OF 1Washington........18,494 19,447 37,941 10,059j 3,6871 24,164 27,5923 51,687 33,745 STATISTICS OF ARKANSAS. 201 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Born out of State. C I e, nd ic Scho ols. cinies, and pri-'. ~ o vate schools. - m C ~ Ic 1, rr;1 - w 5 1,768 5 496 498.............. 195 $1.900 $1,900 611 1,322 448 2, 500 20 80 447.............. 125 1,200 1,200 12 1,042 214.......... ~1 2,~127 35 595 60)5 25 $550 234 4,.345 4,895 415 1264 311 2.525 22!2,66[1 1 777 796 280 1,320............ 1,320 684 1 900 548 500 23 1,368 349 349.........'125 2,500 2,500 207 706 214 1 050 24 2,773 12 800 800.............. 366 716 716 7822 140 759.......... 25 2,610 I- 843 843.............. 410 3,478 3,478 637 2,026 606 3,550.26 1,179 4 361 362......... 150 1,490 1,490 154 870 356.......... 7 1. 0)73 13 284 284.............. 55 189 189 157 538 148.......... 28 1.093 1, 310 323................... 150 150 225 669 231 150 2-9 1.1 319 32.......... 100 600 600 260 805 264 950 30 972..... 8 288......... 130.....91 751 373 700 31 4,68 0 112 1122 90... 90 2436 2,436 859 2,586 76.......... 32 475 17 154 158.............. 45 210 210 69 413 149.......... 30 2,951 98 809 809 95 85.............. 85 462 1,639 367 1 "2.50 34 1015........ 306 306... 214... 201 718 95 550 35 1,314 5 350 350'... 22........23 866 9 9 36 670 5 189 189 28........ 89 200 200 205 512 20.......... 37 2,558 1.3 695 695... 326 3,892 3,892 1.104 1,790 538 2,"195 38 1,160 63 328 328 20........ 100............. 166 1 45 143 6-35 39 2,523 337 808 817 195 4,600 247 1,581 6,18.1 626 1,709 477 1,500 40 1,738 18 538 538......... 157... 47 1,286 557 375 41 2,490 16 643 643 45....... 5 200 200 460 1,633 381 775 42 2,1203 7 621 640........ 500........... 1,057 1,453 80 6,200 43 1,363 12 514 514........... 4250 250 250 501 1,0260 456 1.00 44 1,090 1 322 330......... 120 450 450 247 767 354- 1.5045 1,7439 3 500 500......... 264 700 700 265 127 1 550 4 4,231 21 964 964 275 6,700..... 8,700 891 2,202 282 4200 47 1,776 4 448 448..............414 1,20 1............. 48 4.508 37 1,430 1430 236 4050 915........ 4050 1,991 3,890 713 3700 49 1,604 17 455 465.................................... 250 937 222.......... 50 1,625 13 473 473........ 00 00 2000 547 1,235 316 1,100 51 CALIFORNIA.* 2,673 662 850 850.......................................... 235............ 1 10,857 5,855 5,588 5,588.................................... 67 905 1,839.......... 2 90 13 21 22.............1........... L 3 16,007 3,683 6207 6,913.................................... 554 1, 857 985 300 5 308 807 518 518.................................... 51,392 1,096 1,500 6 133 67 55 58............................... 3 8 21 2 300 7 3,732 633 885 885............................................ 183........... 8 45 3 9 10............. 00 00................ 1 6 1.......... 9 201 394 311 322................................ 110 624 238 600 10 3359 5 159 159 75 4,000........... 4,000 53 1451..... 11 7,296 1,4662,4182,487 45 6,000.............. 6,000 21 749 44 2,4002 19 92 149 171...... 1,470 12 3,600 5,070 71 536 299 3,800 13 32 60 101 101...............81 194 59 200 15 297 172 115 115............................................ 216 108.......... 16 2,088 1,360 868 868 35 2,800.. 2,800.. 353...... 600 18 22 9 53 60.................................... 13 139................ 1 4 243 48 104 104...... 48...................................... 19... 20 390 95 178 178 15.............................. 5 86 12.......... 21 347 83 119 119.............. 37................ 5 192 1 500 22 2,331 557 1,150 1, 50............................................ 14................ 23 1.160 40 558 563......117............ 24 3.25 4340 1456 145......664 408............. 5 93 120 317 317.......................................165 6.... 26 1 553.............................................. 8,90 755 1,553 1,5378 THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 18,661 4,918 7,917 8,343 2,551 108,040 2,169 14,232 122,272 6,1031 13,357 1,457 34,120 1 For tie results of the State census for the year 1852, see the 0end of the volume. 67~ I~nC P CLU11BA 18'~ 8~ n ~rlesa ij:oi!elo i 5 2,'2,u 4 8 o h eut fteStt essfrteya 85~ e h nIo h oue 202 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMS. COUNTIES. "U 0 - I.. =, |, 0 0 ^ a Z 02 02 30 Izard............... 2 9467 9,115 158, 221 1,373 5,530 9,327 13,339 21 Jackson............. 32 10,319 23,328 264, 812 1,020 4,973 384 14, 224 22 Jefferson. 317 22,245 6'2,167 882,'259 2,009 8,816 1.391 16,075 23 Johnson.... 526 17,742 36,017 346,826 1,880 7,347 3:283 20,765 4 Lafayette............ 177 27,476 56,802 512.434 1,392 5,515 498 14,919 25 Lawrence........... 601 20,188 34623 296227 2718 7,463 3,678 22030 26 M-adison...... 660 19,319 27, 029 285,718 2,353 8,241 5,851 21, 787 27 Marion............. 255 7,776 17,477 151,510 1492 4,531 1,773 9,582 28 Mississippi.......... 170 8,111 50,544 344,556 739 3,693 100 8 622 29 Monroe............. 183 4501 28,725 103,952 583 2,766 341 13.753 30 Montgomery........ 15 3,239 112,586 740 4,381 970 10,601 31 Newton............. 30 5555 7814 70.845 833 2,823 1,601 9.143 32 Ouachita........... 697 43,908 71,150 350.806 2,36 7,407 1 494 30,242 33 Perry................ 75 095 2,851 28 151 312 2,916 382 4,563 4 Phillips............. 409 27 92,236 1, 086 775 1974 8,084 686 24, 047 35 Pike............... 207 5531 8,337 91,803 492 2,710 866 7,357 36 Poinsett............. 264 8046 51,354 11624 730 3,619 678 16,283 37 Polk................ 1551 4237 1652 57, 852 441 2384 726 55924 38 Pope............... 534 15,502 2,260 291,338 1,62 7,593 2,717 19,129 39 Prairie.............. 155 6,615 52,194 196,995 680 3,318 504 7,508 40 Pulaski.............. 306 12,939 49,299 457,363 1,348 7,064 1,152 13,784 41 Randolph.......... 396 14:377 23,240 189,367 1;561 5,376 2,47:' 14,977 42 St. Francis.......... 348 14:442 50,219 301.655 1,380 5,663 845 18,822 43 Saline.............. 405 17,871 28,710 253; 076 1,338 5,749 1 329 15.112 44 Scott............... 365 10.104 7,685 115,048 1,393 4,424 1691 1.691 15995 45 Searcy.............. 246 7440 1,812 96.276 805 3,072 1;927 12;887 46 Sevier.......... 326 18 21 37,567 263,544 1,377 8976 2,045 25,579 47 Tnion..... 679 56,841 9735 758,872 2,383 8,976 2,161 36,234 48 Van Buren.......... 380 1109 9,403 145,644 1,154 4 829 1,849 11 557 49 WVashington........ 850 38,847 108,130 807,873 4,531 192, 82 10,916 33,257 50 I White............... 307 8,515 5,584 1 21 78 3718 698 9967 51 Yell................ 330 11,693 17896 232,203 1,289 6,057 1,510 19,361 STATISTICS OF 1 Butte............... 2 Calaveras.....................i 1 275 1i9.1 i'18 I 3 Colusi...... 3 128 34,420 60,100 65 306 6 4 4 Contra Costa.................................................... 5. ElDorado............................................................. 6 Los Angeles......... 134 648 1,034,550 685,450 5,838 89,977 6541 17 7 Marin..............8 93,330 125,650 862 7,079 500 269 8 M ariposa...................................................... 9 Mendocino.. 16.......... 13,320 6,250 66 161.......... Ill 10 Monterey....:.... 115 13,713 690,610 900,399 912 37,348 1,780 73 11 Napa......... 51 1,140 23,570 184,440 783 12,008.......... 212 12 Sacramento......... 19 9,044 78,992 229,050 811 6.944 1,510 5:I 13 Santa Barbara....... 76 9,234 1,265,568 755 037 5,24 62.594 4,807 142 14 Santa Clara................................... 15 Santa Cruz......... 130 2,045 287,500 417,800 794 15,901 725 62 16 San Diego............ 17 San Francisco............................................................................... 18 San Joaquin................................................................... 19 San Luis Obispo..................... 20 Shasta......................... 21 Solano.............. 23 68 74,563 132,265 498 3,312 26 450 22 Sonoma............ 90 897 243,766 225,760 3596 17, 777 1.071 974 Suter.............. 41 00 1,000 110,000 1285 1865 500 90 24 Trinity.................................. 25 Tuolumne.................. 26 Yolo.............. 55 279 5,463 53,770 1,353 5,306........ 287 27 Y uba............................................................................................ STATISTICS OF 1 Washinton......... 64 16,67 11,187 1,770,680 881 1,040 15 1,635 STATISTICS OF ARKANSAS. 203 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. I G o i 17347 9 1,8... C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 _ 21 7,054 12,273 173,479 8,589 1872 110......47...7......7 20 415 1,635 108,615 12,024 8........... 41,450........I I21......... 81 1,494 191,829 21,531 7,944 25 26,378 224........6...... 2 6,812 35,257'251,070 20,023 1,353.... 49 2... 2 2412...... 23 [- 270 16...... 2....... 23 /86 3,995 160,090 24,609 19,576............... 24 11,802 23,172 283,457 17,750 653..........71, 981 15 1 6 10 25 23,422 36,628 342,764 16,980 341...... 7 77,119 188...... 2 255 26 5,358 12,741 144,302 8,345 108............ 41, 215 10.... 27 50 200.250 6785 390............ 21,273 340. 2..8.... 225 2,455 70,321 8,063 433........ 15,681 28. i..... 29 5,287 3,4585 85280 8,439 1,518...... 3 41,875 2..... 30 2;835 6,584 94,125 6,458 1,345............1....00 31 1,194 9,299 290.696 81,327 56,988............ 42,221........32...... 1 32 259 1,530 31,770 3 980.............. 6,833 4............ 33.......... 1839 281,889 23 684.............. 40 20,340 17............ 34 [ I I i......]34 1,474 2,942 58;826 5,600 541.. 7.330............. 35 2,079 4990 98746 9,246 479............ 23294 3.................. 36 1,892 4,163 43,405 6,273 4635...... 2 7.967 14 16...... 37 4,59 9,770 202,830 18.918 505...... 16 162393 15 30 7...... 38 474 2,820 54,905 7:-269 340............ 18, 962 108.................. 39 543 6643 191,085 21,118 347...... 10 50,137 385 60 11 I 40 6,792 17.976 176.669 10,998 943...... 5 37,802 4 51 2...... 41 336 516 181442 23 5 2,019 4...... 3.... 42 3,922 9,015 186;305 17,658 2,361............ 29,635 486...... 21 2 43 1756 18297 128460 14,094 756...... 17 34520.....................44 4878 14,801 123,618 5,572 78.................. 45 1,637 8,078 142030 23.494 5,806............ 49,655 1.................. 46 662 15,753 341,406 99,305 65,208......... 33,861..... 47 3,181 12,758 154,565 7,263 290...... 2 13,661........... 48 34 472 136,833 557,757 35,725 431 1.2..... 105941 847...... 83.. 49 1291 5,676 110,935 6305 593, 20. 14335........................ 5,208 13,238 127,335 12,812 1,860 20 69,365 2,............ 51 C A L I F 0 11 N IA......[...................................................................................... 4............................................................................................ 4 1,100............ 250.........................................3.......................... 3.................................................................... 45 46 5,926.......... 8,391.. 380... 9. 0 8......0....4..................... 6..................................................................................... 10 1.............................. 96518908........... 258......1........ 7,500.................... 9005........ 3050......1..... 80....3... 12 2,602.......... 3,065 454 858 1,432 0................. 13............. ~............................................................................ 1 9.............................................................................................:....................:.. 1.................... 5,707.. 900 5022....200.......... 250 1,200 50....... 23'25.2 16 17 THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 17,370 13,643 65230 31,789 7,754 75 378 16,372 2,279 151...... 204 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. COUNTIES. a 2 8 a p 8 I N I I - 0. 0 N 11 m N~.3 " U.0 20 lzard............... 520............................ 215 8,205 78 4,756...... 21 Jackson......................................................... 100 870 1602...... 22 Jefferson............................................. 375 150 4,273 3,16...... 23 Johnson............ 60............................ 280 6,947 813 6,392...... 24 Lafayette...........16......1................... 5.......... 1,977 1,316...... 25 Lawrence........... 257...20 16,366 65 8,991 26 Madison............. 5112...... 7550.............. 5845 3 11045...... 27 7 Marion............. 25......3........................ 5,071 1,100 2.777...... 28 M ississippi................................................................ 455 247...... 29 Monroe.......... 5.................................... 375 587 873...... 30 Montgomery140...............650 39 2,652...... 31 Newton.........280... 317...... 5... 4,856...... 2,974...... 32 Ouachita................................................ 4250 910 3,302 2,732...... 33 Perry........................................................... 1,100...... 766...... 34 Phillips......................................................... 4,500 5,165 861...... 35 Pike................ 200................558 1,385 301 1603...... 36 Poinsett......................................................... 380 270 1,435...... 37 Polk................. 55............................ 920 1,910 22 1,562...... 38 Popee.......... 25............ 12 3780 1056 5,580...... 39 Prairie..................................................................... 246 643...... 40 Pulaski.......................................... 50 590 478 2,624...... 41 Rlanidolph.470.2 5. 1122 73 5501....................202 2285 3 1 4,844...... 42 St. Francis............................................. 313 1,380 1,540 1,894...... 43 Saline.............. 704 15...................... 10 2,240 1,287 2,300...... 44 Scott................................................... 1,441 2,522 368 3,430...... 45 Searcy........................... 8g................... 7,839...... 5, 308...... 46 Sevier.................................................. 12 745 2,254 7,275...... 47 Union................................................. 1 377.......... 7,037 2,713..... 48 Van Buren....................... 108. 7 7...... 100 975 27 1 49 Washingtonroe 1,585..................19,987 1 20,613 22 0 White....................................... 1,920 262 727...... 51 Y ell..................................................................... 755 3,429 STATISTICS OF 1 B utte................................................................................. 2 Calaverawton............................................................................. 3 C olusi............................................. 5............. 4 Contra............ 5 E l D orado....................................................................................... 6 Los Angeles................................................... 1,000...... 730...... 7 M arin......................................................................................... 8 M ariposa....................................................................................... 9 M endocino.............................................................. 12 Sacram ento..................................................................................... 13 Santa Barbara.................................................................. 4,790...... 14 Santa Clara.......................................................... 15 Santa Cruz..................................................................... 16 San D iego...................................................................................... 17 San Francisco................................................................................... 18 San Joaquin........................................................................ 19 San Luis Obispo........................................................................... 20. ShEta.................. 21 Solano................................................................... 41 Soano. 22 Sonom a..................................................................................... 23 Suttler............................................................................... 24 T rinity...................................................................................... 25 T uolum ne................................................................................... 6 ol.................................. STATISTICS OF W ashington.................................................... 7 00...... 52..... S Colusi. ~ ~ ~ 70 4 Contra ~ Costrt,. 1~~~~~~~~~~ i:- I~ ~ STATISTICS OF ARKANSAS. 205 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. 0 S Establishments..rr.3 Is ~C'~ ^ -----------------------— * REMARKS. USE -E o" <. N d EU U. U Z H > Q a ___ ___ 7,741 25.184........ 26,715 7P 39,096 15,28 8,99, 25,555...... 3 17(1... 600 3 1.700 10 t.4 4,417 24,05 13 638........................ 50,3291.............. 25 9,980 34,545 3,597 5,193 10 18,100 30 3 35,500 28,041...................... 6 405 11654........ 1,340...... 450 4 1,500 9,824...................... 27 8.305 18;1'25 80 595...... 400 5 2,23 1,384 ['44 to form Polk. 28 3,590 15,635 15 26............................... 1,982 [Springs, divided in 29 1.143 11,639 30 340...... 6,600 21 20, 150 7,117 Formed in'42 from Hot 30 1:825 12,477 348 571...............1.............. 12,972 Formed'43f in Carroll. 31 3,398 51;230...................... 3,500 10 5,400 15,697 Formed'42 f'm Union. 32 270 5.305........ 285...... 3,500 6 1,680 2,014......................33 2,040 37631 265 1,010...... 17,100 42 36,150 4,168......................34 2,041 9,652........ 114...... 4,2001 6 2,900 4,820...................... 35 11 286 16,758...................... 1 000 2 1,100 8,695...................... 36,685 6,433...................... 600 2 3,700 7,515 1Formed in'44 from Se- 37 1,347 20.729 312 714......,600 3 36,90 14.352 vier and Montgomery 39 1333 3 540 Foried'46 fm 1ulaski c9........ 10: 333 2.210......................... 3.540Jrormed'46 fn Pasld. 39 3,866 19:401 2229 3,368...... 27,450 99 53,500 5,614 Divided in 1846 to form 40 591 19 583............. 121,40 0 1 4,133 Prairie. 41 7.015 30,895 70 646....................... 5,916...................... 42 397 25,339........ 1,244...... 6,500 22 12,250 12 705...................... 43 361 20913........ 782...... 18900 30 31,060 12,46................. 44 2,373 9 750........ 182................................ 22,330 [Polk. 45 9,276 23,465 756...... 1,600 9 5.200 14.463 Divided in 1.844 to for 4.... 66,05........................................... 15,456 Divided in 1842 to for. 47 1,485 8,422........ 125.......................... 18,024 Ouachita. 48 16,487 46708....... 99...... 26,350 81 86610 52,411...................... 49 608 14 081...................... 1,550 5 2,800 5,684.................. 50 4,650 4 64...................... 9 115 49 49,650 11, 05.................. 51 CALIFORNIA......................................All the present couities 1.................................................................... except Trinity w ere 2............................................................................ form ed Feb. 18, 1850. 3............................................................................ Returns lost on their 4.....................117,865 274 884,184.......... way to this office. 5... 42101 6 0 1,84057,355 1.000 2 8, 560 7,000...................... 6....................... 1,200...... 10 000 18 69,885................................ 7.73d0,l2 3,343 8, 894,160................................. 8......................................................................................... 11........41000. 112950 274,86973..................... 12...:015 30:~...~~895 3..........s their 14............................ 27,000 36 100,000.. way to this office. 15............................................................................................... 16........................................................................ Returns destroyed by 17................................. fire. 18.............................19....... 11,450 27,72 3,000 7 00 17 36,000.................................5? O~'i 15,4561Divided in 1842 to for~l6127............:::............................... 23.............................................. i i j i i............... THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 550f 9,08j 67,222 1.4,843 863 -888, 93| 2,17f 2,493,008 2,07..................... 1 206 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classe. Total population. COUNTIES. Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 1 Fairfield............28185 30,134 58,319 1,456........28,888 30,887 59,775 49,917 2 Hartford........... 33.882 34825 68707 1,260........ 34,478 35,489 69, 967 55,629 3 Litchfield.......... 22,270 21,952 44,222 1031....... 22, 82122,432 45,253 40,448 4 Middlesex.......... 13,322 13,605 26,927 289........13, 469 13, 747 27,216 24,87S 5 New Haven...... 31881 32,278 64,159 1,49...... 32,552 33,036 65,588 48,619 6 New London. 25,373 24,940 50,313 1508........26,181 25640 51,821 44,463 7 Tolland...8....... 9,887 1005 19946 145..... 9,962 10,129 20,091 17,980 8 Windham......... 15,084 15422 30,506 575. 15,353 15,728 31,081 28,080 STATISTICS OF 1 Kent............... 8,202 7,882 16,084 6,385 347 11,593 11,223 22816 19872 2 New Castle....... 17,248 17,517 34,765 7;621 394 21,263 21,517 42,780 33,120 3 Sussex...... 10.296 10,024 20,320 4,067 1,549 13,099 12,837 25,936 259 STATISTICS OF I Alachua...888 729 1,6171 1 906 1,343 1,181 2,524 2,2821 2 Benton............. 360 244 604..... 322 526 400 926.......... 3 Calhoun...486 400 8861 38 453 741 636 1,377 1,142 4 Columbia....... 1,886 1.655 3,541 1 1,266 2,536 2,272 4,808 2, 102 5 Dade............. 118 29 147! 1 11 123 36 159 446 6 Duval............. 1,227 1,111 2,3381 95 2,106 2,339 2,200 4,539 4,156 7 Escambia.......... 1,538 1.106 2,644 375 1332 2,358 1,993 4,351 3,993 8 Franklin............ 711 473 1 184....... 377 913 648 1,561 1,030 9 Gadsden............ 2,027 870 3,897 7 4880 4,400 4,384 5,992 10 Hamilton....... 962 855 1,817 9 685 1,294 1217 2,511 1,4 4 11 Hillsborough.. 1,114 592 1,706 11 660 1,491 886 2,377 452 12 i Holmes............. 536 501 1,037j 163 6115 590 1,205. 13 Jackson............ 1,627 1,448 3,075 30 3,534 3,437 3,202 6,639 4,681! 14 Jefferson............ 1,419 1,356 2,775 5 4,938 3,75 3,843 7,718 5,713 15 Leon................ 1,695 1.488 3,183 56 8203 5,830 5612 11,442 10,713! 16 Levy............... 150 170 320........ 145 221 244 465.......... 17 Madison............ 1,482 1,320 2,802........ 2,688 2,922 2,568 5,490 2,64 18 Marion............ 1,147 921 2,068 1 1269 1,781 1,557 3,338....... 19 Monroe............. 1,351 737 2088 126 431 1,644 1001 2,645 688 20 Nassau............. 524 537 1;061 26 1,077 1,059 1,105 2,164 1 21 Orange............. 139 991 238 2 226 260 206 466 73 22 Putnam............ 271 202 473 10 204 391 296 687. 23 St. Johns.......... 678 7391 1,417 115 993 1,175 1,350 2525 694 24 St. Lucie........... 90 21 111 1 27 107 32 139. 025 Santa Rosa......... 1,131 964 2,095 4 784 585 1,298 2.883...... 26 Wakulla............ 616 548 1,164 1 790 1008 947 1,955. 27 Walton............. 774 7071 1,481.... 336 946 871 1,817 1,461 28 Washington........ 7581 676 1,434 12 504 1,007 943 1,950 8591 STATISTICS OF 1 Appling.......... 1, 71 1,249 2,520 25 404 1,4901 1,458 2,949 2.052 2 Baker............. 2,310 2,041 4,351 4 3,765 4,214 3,906 8,120 4;226 3 Baldwin........... 1,885 1,634 3,519 27 4602 4180 3,968 8,148 7,250 4 Bibb... 3.....,619 3.390 7,009 53 5,637 6.271 6:428 12699 9,802 5 Bryan............... 604 560 1,164 15 2451 1702 1, 722 3,424 3182 6 Bullock.......1,435 1,405 2,840........ 1,460 2,163 2.137 4,300 3.102 7 Burke.............. 2.759 2, 359 5118 150 1.0,832 8,350 7750 16,100 13,176 8 Butts............1888 1,792 3,680 3! 2,805 3. 282 3,206 6,488 5,308 9 Camden........... 1.028 1,041i 2,069 4| 4:246 3,030 3289 6319 6,075 10 Campbell.......... 2,893 2,825 5,718 7 1,507 3,622' 33610 7 232 5.370 11 Carroll............. 4,174 4,078 8,252 4 1,101 4,711 4,646 9,357 5252 12 Cass.............. 5.333 4,938 10,271 21 3,008 6,8681 6,432 13,30( 9,390 13 Chatham........... 4794 4,358 9,152 7311 14,018 11.726 12,;1.75 23,901 18,801 14 Chattooga........... 2.628 2, 503! 5,131 4 1.680 3461 3,354 6, 81.5 3,438 15 Cherokee........... 5:921 5,709! 11,630 13 1:157. 6470 6.330 12,800 5,895 16 Clark............... 2710 2,803 5,513 17 5,589 5,478 5641 11.,119 10.522 17 Clinch.............. 282 224 506 1'29 344 293 637' 18 Cobb.............. 5.872 5,696 11,568 3 2,272 6.952 6,891 13,8431 7 539 19 Columbia............ 1838 1.7791 3;617t 72J 8;272j 6,018 5,943 11;9611 11,3561 STATISTICS OF CONNECTICUT. 207 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Colleges acad P b - Born out of State. ene Publ-ic Schools. emies, and pri- S o ~ vate schools. _____ I s. a ~ ~~, &1 I ~" a a ~ — a| 6,561 5,499 10,81712,114 1.614 $47, 321 9,051 $39,101 86,422 13.073 18,943 99 5,630 1 7,594 10,07211,31813.284 1,529 28,924!15,392 49.773 78,697 15,846 21,307 1,013 55,99C 2 4.968 3,244 8,721 9.247 611 11,516 8,828 24,678 36,194 10,417 13,961 405 3.4,6 3 782 9,995 4,726 5,324 725 15,700 5,916 16.328 32, 028 5,979 8,309 39 27,800 4 6,577 9,288 10,860113,167 1,582 76,35210,781 42,662 119,014 13,122 19766 864 54,965 5 6,709 4,774 8,336 10,071 1,215 14,915'10,073 30,953 45:868 11,610 15,766 970 40,126 6 9,456 989 3,741 4,081 35 113; 4,381 11,64 11,755 4,839 6,328 150 1597 7 5,929 1,664 5,494 6,152 423 4,765 6,847 16083 20, 848 7547 9,884 306 3,84 8 DELAWARE. 1,623 1.84 3,873 3,883 175 1,551 2,403 11,395 12,946 3, 726 6,267 1,546 12.50(0 1 8,800 5,031 7,098 7,234 1,900 6,31 3,22 20,456 82,777 6,870 12,440 907 29:,616 2 1,032 38 4,319 4,322 80 1,160 3,340 12,010 13,170 3,620 7,909 2,083, 13,625 3 FLORIDA. FI I R IA 854 9 4 274............... 30............... 79 64 272 635 I 325 10 113 117.............. 60 960 960 93 223 65 875 2 598 1.2 165 165.............. 44................ 105 377 95 200 3 1,830 8 569 569......... 162 2356 2,356 278 1,471 363 2,700 4 36 85 23.................................. 31 15.......... 5 936 69 451 455... 64..... 159 850 165 3,050 6 1,337 469 563 563 25 $420 269 5,280 5,700 415 873 197 500 7 528 273 261 61 100 2.900 30 350 3,250 15 315 100 500 8 2,153 95 684 684 180 3,600 300 3,600 7,200 454 1,588 49 7,300 9 02,1........ 301 302........................... 97 763 201 1,350 10 801 283 253 57 60 1,000 120 1,400 2,400 250 485 132 660 11 684 9 185 187.............. 53 442 168 230 12 2,177 18 560 577 40 1,000............. 1,000 221 1,233 437 950 13 1,562 39 520 520 47........ 172 4,300 4,300 426 1,173 980 3,900 14 1,828 78 737 737 349..................... 400 1,195 166 4,850 15 146 10 64 64............................... 9 2. 127 15.......... 16 1,902 11 498 48 100........ 140 54......... 185 1,153 29 6,200 17 1,358 16 394 394.............. 60 600 600 128 810 59 1,800 18 479, 1082 40 443 7 1300 85 1,150 2,450 241 592 154 1,200 19 387 9 188 188...................... 104 421 133.......... 20 63 6 55 55.............. 33 300 300 53 99 20.......... 21 379 7 108 108................................ 25 1..86 95......... 292 184 631 321 *346 160 1,450 50 100 1,550 375 552 100 1,700 23 49 50 2 22.....................5 17 2....... 24 1,347 56 526 527 60 1,000 100 1,750 2,750 939 815 178 1,600 25 724 23 227 229 22 419 20 240 659 86 450 114 1,250 26 827 37 67 267 35...... 20......... 50 639 69.275 27 13 20 273 75............ 45.......71 575 186 23528 GEORGIA. 396 3 410 410....... 2922 805 806 218 1,066 379 2,550 1 970 35 755 755 100........ 250 413 413 489 1,724 608 19,000 2 3-26 139 647 647 189 8,150 85 3,794 11,944 310 1,340 8 500 3 1,503 373 1,234 1,280 425 18,300 390 4,780 23,080 1,191 2,657 161 5,690 4 48'212'212............. 100 300 300 155 487 39 1,450 5 123 477 487............ 53 3. 150 3,150 347 1,201 250 2,150 6 367 210 1,017 1.017 127 3,200 150 31866 7,066 654 1,846 684 7,250 7 65 5 17' 642 642 85........ 211 374 374 546 1,506 13 4,897 8 283 42 400 400 45 450 70 1,150 1,600 188 830 95 8.870 9 1,3 20 4 920 920.......... 450 276 276 1,214 2,494 138 5.010 10 1,924 1,3791 1.379 140[........ 700 700 700 1,383 3,565 1,135'550 11 4,971 11 1712 1,750 80........ 620 375 375 1:245 4,371 912 7,900 12 1,856 2,276 1:915 1,979 191 5,700 340 6.954 19,654 1,180 2,719 9227 9:?02)5 13 2,028 3 869 869 20 400 330'260 660 782 9098 359 5:300 14 4,855 25 1,970 1,994 93 1,600 650 775 2,375 1,703 4,894 1,826 8850 15 860 66 1,024 1,02 357 19,700 482 5,003 24,703 605 2,76 94 7,500 16 76 1 76 76......13 243 66.. 17 3,246 56 1,918 1918 130........ 210...1,275 5,088 3971 5.500 18 212 38 751 7511 230i 3,600 260J 3,600 7,200 474 1400 23 10000 19 208 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMS. COUNTIES. 2 a U I U 0 1 Fairficld............ 3,155 -206,525 58,367 $13,2592,92 3.921 31,245 12.055 12, 886 2 Harto!brd............ 3,850 280,317 84,845 14,004,683 5,280 30,687 22;487 12,175 3 Litclfield........... 3,621 346,697 119,288 12,828,479 4,973 46.869 47,900 15.470 4 Middlesex.......... 2,018 130,494 32,667 4,724,958 1,483 14,881 10.323 3,869 5 New Haven........,794 206,3025 75,378 104413,662 3.476 25, 429 153'27 8,763 6 New London....... 2,619 21,997 103,168 8,506,985 2 1 4,635 29,40 959 7 Tolland............ 1,943 163,677 55, 478 3, 895,150 2. 31 16, 123 18,935 4,623 8 Windham.......... 2,445 212,146 86,510 6992,754 2,783 22,806 17752 9, 027 STATISTICS OF 1 Kent............... 1,655 174,784 107,945 4,099,945 4,282 14,808 7,793 16,092 2 New Castle......... 1,662 168,076 50,872 11,748,815 6,036 20,229 5,908 10,918 3 Sussex.2,746 238, 002 216,465 3,541,550 4,325 18,174 13,802 29,251 STATISTICS OF 1 Alachua............ 233 9,270 46,234 189,419 718 17,627 502 11,710 2 Benton............. 82 2,657 10,996 85,839 215 10,083 38 2,61I 3 Calhoun............ 63 2,2 i0; 373 162,401 164 2.852 129 3, 9C 4 Columbia........... 475 18,467 28,012 274,585 1,12 29,090 955 24,65 5 Dade............... 6 51 36 2,300 1.................... 13 6 Duval.............. 167 12,056 73,568 316,508 667 13,778 539 8,1.54 7 Escambia........... 34 1,172 6,431. 35,485 134 5,074 366 2. 043 8 Franklin.................... 472,000 no returns. 66 791. 893 9 Gadsden............. 482 50.574 107,454 1,004,946 1,794 17,571 3,171 19.570 10 Hamilton........... 05 10,733 16,251 136 52' 519 8,762 457 8. 994 11 Hillsborough........ 120 3,984 19,2151 247,657 278 19710 114 5,141 12 Holmes............. 103 3833 821 22, 879 218 5.397 506 5,356 13 Jackson............ 287 33,287 55,515 442,433 1,303 13, 251, 380 17,402 14 Jefferson............. 377 49,403 104.956 597, 065 1,947 11,889 2,8"7 18554 15 Leon............... 356 80, 952 97,625 1,840537 2,739 14,398 6,742 23,341 16 Levy...................... 1,069 4,802 34,015 118 4342..........,842 17 Madison............ 26 25,580 42,955 548,595 1,206 19,881 3,18 13.482 18 Marion........... 329 11,451 44,168 378,580 695 21,251 346 1007 19 Monroe.......... 6 39 155 4.453 2 157....... 13 20 Nassau............. 137 8,370 28,776 108, 706 382 8,763 735 6, 825 21 Orange............. 19 963 4,03 74, 095 70 3,058..799 22 Putnam............ 20 693 2,755 35245 7 2,570.......... 1.1109 23 St. Johns........... 34 2,486 12,050 174295 1.94 2,637 65 717 24 St. L ucie...................................................................................... 25 Santa Rosa......... 91 1,815 37,971 63,414 264 8,715 61.1 4,901 26 Wakulla............ 100 7,018 5,932 70.800 305 3,624 175 5,016 27 Walton............. 161 4,446 5,485 47,582 302 9,273 1143 4,796 28 I Washington....... 55 6,378 7,621 83,825 344 6683 431 5,972 STATISTICS OF 31 Applingo............ 313 9,957 343,701 152,536 671 17,736 2,3228 2085835 2 Baker.............. 444 56,954 215,043 1,607,214 2,096 28,481 3,985 28,365 3 Baldwin............ 240 71,449 157 999 695,557 1,785 8 156 4,398 15.049 4 Bibb..........3..... 338 44,919 90,321 958,472 1,481 6,804 2,630 15 470 5 Bryan.............. 209 21,577 148,823 326,514 590 9, 816 1,721 7,573 6 Bullock.............. 412 26,760 473,233 364,965 1,309 16, 521 6.844 18.677 7 Burke.............. 712 190,910 334.028 2,41.6,997 4,879 15 040 7,778 40, 53. 8 Butts............... 391 50,369 63,505 710,140 1,650 4 0-7 3,064 15,238 9 Camden............ 235 25,222 1.81,675 932, 058 712 1 6, 524 1,649 8, 767 10 Campbell........... 694 40,118 104,300 907,367 1,854 5,355 3,532 18,5441 11 Carroll............. 782 38,522 178,649 723,818 2,202 1.0,778 4,812 25.8271 12 Cass............... 601 52.575 15,591 1,569,446 2,470 8,158 5,873 24,149I 13 Chatham............ 132 31888 110,403 2,217,491 811 51,707 2,807 3 0t7 14 Chattooga.......... 419 29.325 78,186 826,318 1,790 6,582 4, 242 18 789 15 Cherokee............ 1,000 50,; 535 128,501. 969, 231 2,054 8,460 8. S939 27.973 16 Clark............... 400 91,148 107.105 1,124,465 2,062 7,564 4.693 17.1074 17 Clinch............. 58 3,118 42,893 60,668 191 5,570'23 3 40191 18 Cobb............. 9321 52, 697 155,557 800 179 2,669 9. 8015 29..965. 19 Columbia......... 49J 1471684 162,6933 1,606;2321 3 1761 12783 7632 29, 619 STATISTICS OF CONNECTICUT. 209 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. CI I I 0 I40591 0,18 4 305 01 1'0., o 00P, a.0 21,962 1373,640 350,603 381,158 8] 42038,238 1,210.088 72,010 2 441 323 1 5,260 5560,985 381,744 490,413 2,303 1,53337,888 1,440,084 80,817 105 316 2 2 6+364 390,707 279,138 293.511 980 2,386 66,447 4,077,051 109.238 48'1,084 362 3 4,591 79,059 95 118 223733 162 1,348 4,864 533,418 38579 10 87...... 4 2,819 220.586 225,881 445,125 1,157 4,84225,326 1.401.736 67,176 153 142. 5 189 128,317 234,412 354,397 5.645 3,35911,197 1,137,079 53,181 53 1065...... 6 148 189,394 240,2761 297,115 5994 3,32928,090 1,416,077 56,138 10525,506 7 8 DELAWARE. 119,774 111,403 899,079 89,295 1,503 15 3,599 180,091 4,109 143...... 616 1 319,012 484,594 1, 066,377 125.954 68 1 21,947 76915 24,417 205 3,926 14 2 3,725 16,587 1,180,086 90806 1,936'20 6 108;489 1,633.... 2 274 3 FL ORIDA. 77 465 64,724 28,115 2,668.2...... 1.......... 1 42 23 515 12,295 1,614............ 12,176 35............ 2: 300 29495 10,589 251......1,310.................. 169 3,112 112,090 52;,657 12,,806 31,610 62.............. 4 3~~~~~l~~~ 1100 10......................... 1 10: 0 1................... 5 51,788 28,504 1,645............ 175 53................. 6.......... 160 4950 4457 190..2,520...................... 7................................................................. 8 106 13,822 292,850 143,000 21,295............ 60,561........................... 9' 151 883 56,705 22,298 7.460 8......,259...... 1...... 10 30 50 16,263 26,746 2,235............ 21,860 147......... 11...... 560 23. 880 7.776 431. 00..............118 227, 582 43,770 3,221.......... 038................... 13 10 14,709 407,976 120,553 28,174............ 21127 63.................. 15.................... 6,310 7,425.................... 5,260...........16 469 16,015 119,640 43,181 27,181............ 114,274........... 17...... 100 96,19 41 550 2..... 120..... 18............ 1,150 40.................19 8................ 22,343 2,523............ 259 299;.............. 20... 4,865 2,980 443. 2 150.......................... 21 4,610 4,365 890............ 2,879..... 22..;......6...... 1356995 5.... 23.................. 6,390 i 3 6 5 71'303............ 9.....'............. 25 2..45.., 13,945 303 5... 5 2231.................. 5 6 560 40,216 14,482 1,491............ 7651........26....... 28,920 12,375 110 2'..............25 27.... 54,231 16,507 1,161.......... 24. 28 GE O G IA. 800 2,055 53,794 35,282 3,750... 24 283................... 86 11,923 284,595 81,034 28,151 2,780 46,96 5.......... 2 7,496 21,483 255,910 47,795 2,459 203 24,484 1,37.................. 3 3581 30,40 255,275 82,303 11,002 57 12 34,985'......... 4 10 1,778 54,927 38, 163 9,519...... 13,686 1,000............ 766 2,262 91,612 60,710 6,80...... 24,398.............. 6 3,471 29,149 643,608 113,024 36,075........ 4936 15.................. 7 7,216 24,76 224,930 52,39 4,457 52 2 31.649........... 8 12 6347 52,5 7,67714......,7......726........... 9 i,485 27,268 271,500 45,857 7,730 6...... 47,606.............. 20...... 10 21,071 40,878 316,871 79,795 5,811........ 95,125................... 11 9,153 55.573 497,769 70,091 6,483........... 60134 7.................. 12 4650 57.427 4040 9415..... 10,158 II............ 13 15,891 36,481 301,180 55.948 7,808 1 3 54,471 52 41 20 14 2,21 62,225 444,984 82,320 3330 100 66 168......168.................. 15 14.229 C6,177 289.575 53,124 25,172 210 6 91,209 44..... 1 16 1 200 17,350 5,385 3,446.......... 2,165.......................... 17 34936 52,890 318.78 59,437 8,6991,005 86,980...... 18 15,326 94,641 434,777 80,493 25,72....6..,......6 19 14 210 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. COUNTIES. C:l, 4 C U t C U S. a'' c3 o f. o' I Fairfield............ 9,816...... 4...................................... 30.027...... 5 New Haven.......................... 45 986...... 6 New London....... 52...... 20............................. 80 110...... 8 Windham.... 110...... 2,37...... 27j... 1...................... 5559 221 STATISTICS OF 1 Kent. 732......5........ 958...... 50 2 New Castle......... 160.............. 372...... 3 Sussex...... 3,282................. 23,814....... STATISTICS OF 1 Alaclhua.................................. 68 5.558 17,935 140 561 590...... 2 Benton.................................. 86 3 910 5 150 8,620 8 4...... 3 Calhoun........... 912340 00 20,570 30, 252 137 532. 4 Columbia..........................2........ 1795,162 138,180 383 802 1,809. 5 D ade................................................................................... 6 Duval.................................... 39121.531 27,040.......... 216 44...... 7 Escam bia............................................ 10 150................ 175..... 8 Franklin........................................................ 9 Gadsesden............................ 12065403 108.370 776,177 5,609 4,30.. 10 Hamilton. 47 2,763 14455 40 560 614...... 11 IHillsborough.............................. 624,250 5,575 100 18 35...... 12 Holmes................................... 9 1,050 7070 130 114 611.... 13 Jackson............2. 3................... 92336,309 50,490 14,202 4,744 1,030...... 14 Jefferson..................... 116 22,682 56,205 3,000 9,468 5,400 6 15 Leon........1............... 17831,792 83,232 37, 78016, 107 2.725.. 16 L evy..................................... 63 3,250.................... 59.... 17 Madison.................................. 22646,320 63630 100 5,024 3,194...... 8 M arion................................... 50831,625 21,425 109,000 701................ 19 Monroe... 20 Nassau..444,964 40405......... 279 123...... 21 Oran e............................. 27 12,690 100 3,500 34............ 2 Putnam.................................. 7,030..... 500 32.. 23 St. Johns................................. 290 6,325 426....... 24 St. Lu cie........................................................................ 25 Santa Rosa.. 50.................... 4676.......... 26 W akulla.................................. 2.) 3,171 18,68 10,890 480 307......i 27 Walton........... 2 438 600...... 60 120.. 28 Washington........ 6 2,330 16,820 3800 107 25'. STATISTICS OF I Appling.......................... 17 4,505 30,800 240 63 3,9 5...... 2 Baker.o 1............................ 7310,47 15, 225 100 8,820 9,633.. 3 Baldwin.............................................. 100.......... 4 483 7,160. 4 Bibb 3,394 41.16 100 5 Bryan.................................... 4 2 996 2,409,387 150 536 2,773...... 6 Bullock................................. 30 1:122 112, 475.......... 594 12,687...... 7 Burke........................3,105. 3,380 28019175 18,238...... 8 Butts....................... 540 265 4,110 4 761...... 9 Camden.................................. 45 7,502 6,400,940.......... 858 2,680...... 10 Campbell....................... 4,975 2,489 3,040 6,769...... 11 Carroll............................................. 430 7,201 1,243 9,5.50...... 12 Cass........................................................... 5,735 2,385 7 165...... 13 Chatha........................................ 246 19,453 75.......... 580 2 99.... 14 Chattooga.43 7,360 1.668 6,963 15 Cherokee............................................. 142 27.050'272 13,489 16 Clark..................... 2,475 1,772 4, 7 7.576. 17 Clinch........... 108 584 Cobb............................................... 29531 2,176 2,401 12,7..... 19 Columbia................................ 11336 1871 STATISTICS OF CONNECTICUT. 211 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. | | I I, Establishments.'r=!'i. l^ E, co _ - -- - _ REMARKS. 0 2 co.|-s o Sc ^ |''U o^ ^ a a.l n 2 ct c 3. U 4,04E $293,32'27 21,018 $12,571 426 $2,222,785 7,770,$5,667,320 $984......................... 1 19,609 393,2 76 123,535 58,295 281 6,126,26011,716 10,888,780 25,156........................ 2 24,613 389, 028 644 9,438 132 2,434,855 3475 4,068,228 18,819. 3 1,587 139, 875 18,046 6,294......1,406,950 2,641 2,109,560 54,152......................... 4 6,54] 344,495 20,364 43,483 2,474 5,076,331 9,933 11,283,816 73,43. 5 5,107 224, 553 5,63-21 6,686 25 2,667,900 5,379 5,624,978 1,780......... 9,059 1.44, 767 1,181 10,036 195 1357,25 2,476 2,697,042 5,200..................... 7 22,740 267,945 6,449 28,315 731 2,598,042 4,405 2,770,378 12,722....................... 8 DELAWARE. 10.545 109,878 3,961 9,897 35 184,840 424 424,906 8,443 1 2,303 124,965 8,753 29,659 50 2,593,830 3,235 3,945,399 50........................ 2 28, 397 147,82........ 7,018 60 200,275 229 278,991 29,628......................... 3 FLORIDA. 25,875................ 5,198 Div. several times since'40? 1 9,966 564 130................ 244 Formed'43 from Alachua. 2 384 6,412 38 20...... 6,500 8 1,860 1,253 In'45 part of Jackson ad- 3 2,481 51,617 56 143...... 4,000 8 8,400 9,624 ded. 4............. 1.375..6,000 29 28,800.............................. 5 2 19,954 100............. 49,000 64 114,500 7,995......................... 6 100 2, 905 565...... 59,500 84 32,400 595 Divided in 1845 to form 7 500......St. Rosa......... 500................................................ St. R osa. 8........ 67,390.......................................................... 9 475 21,711........ 1.58................................ 4 483 [Levy. 10...... 3,355 1,242 144...... 4,00..... Divided in 1845 to form 11 105 8,914................................................ 1,947'47 fin Walton & Calhoin. 12 39,421 20...................................... 2,125 In 1845 part added to Cal- 13 5,634 38,887........ 70...... 13,800 16 14,775 10,652 houn. 14 3.123 65,683 285.. 10 40,950 113 62,129 3,995 Div.'43 to form Wakulla. 15....... 4,145............................................... 795 Formed in 1845 from Ala- 16 3....... 53331.............. 9,750 16 18,000 9,405 chua and Hillsboro'. 17 28,687........................................ 2,699 Formed in 1844 from Ala- 18........ 2,300 50...... 20,000 10 6,700... chua, Hillsboro', and 39 10,751..................... 68,100 76 36,780 6,071 Mosquito. 20........ 475.......... 138 Formed in'45 fm Mosquito 21..,15. 12.15 In'48 fin Orange, Alachua, 22...... 175 2,311.............. 6,310 26 16,450....... Marion, and St. Johns. 23...................................................................... Formed'44 from M osquito. 24 9,180 130......... 236,950 489 290,720 1,217 Formed 42 frm Escambia. 25 3,860 2,644 300.......... 2,800 7 8,121 1,735 Formed 1843 from Leon. 26 12060............................................... 2,998 [ton and Jackson. - 27 1,"807 14,492 19,400 36 23,30 2,298 Formed 1846 from Wal- 28 O,0..........10,7851 4,878 29,902........| 345...................... 10, 85......................... 1 2,578 69737........ 533 30,350 43 24,239 14,051...........................'195! 43.117........ 211... 92.200 132 85,422 947........................ 3 7.930 51,402 4 812? 432.... 138,920 453 533,200 7,456......................... 4 431 16,875.. 4......... 311....... 4. 3 ~... 5 180 36,530.. 616.........,150 7 2,500 8441...6 10,391 111,100...................... 62,033 128 60,651 5,673......................... 7 13301 43130........ 3 87,145 100 84,040 9,715........... 8 645 22:319........ 101...... 70,000 102 43,000................................ 9 12968 53,596........ 150.... 66,595 107 78,442 16570........................ 10........ 57,137.................... 54,300 101 49,045 27 316......................... 11 4.389 68, 846 12.,............. 32,800 168 82,205 19,070 Divided in 1849 to form 12....... 2,703 1629 40..... 130,550 215 256,250 1,217 Gordon. 13 3,769 47,950...... 5 3 30,025 70 47670 17872......................... 14 13 315 63366.. 18,300 42 22,050 20,120......................... 15 6,550 67,291 6520350 50 498 345,220 13,621.16 30 6,063............................. 1,412 In'49fr. Lowndes &Ware 17 3,891 106,664 4,194{i 1,47 50 154,900 211 187,700 55,438 part taken fr. Lowndes 18...... 1 803,241J.................... 89,300 115 94,500 11,293 only returned separately. 19 212 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES. Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 20 Coweta............. 4,223 3,979 8,202 18 5,415 6,887 6,748 13,635 10,364 21 Crawford........... 2,253 2,089 4,342 13 4,629 4,662 4,322 8,984 7,981 22 Dade................ 1,246 1,286 2,532....... 148 1,313 1,367 0,680 1,364 03 Decatur.............,391 2,227 4,618 5 3,639 4,220 4,042 8,262 5,872 24 DeKalb............. 5,702 5,670 11,372 32 2,924 7,093 7,235 14,328 10,467 05 Dooly............... 2,844 2;736 5,580 6 2,775 4,165 4,196 8,361 4,427 96 Early.............. 1,909 1,807 3,716 1 3,529 3,622 3,624 7,246 5,444 7 Effingham.......... 1, 027 980 2,007 9 1,848 2,026 1,838 3,86 3,075 8 Elbert.............. 3,374 3.302 6,676 16 6,267 6,545 6,414 10 959 11,125 09 Emanuel........... 1,846 1;745 3,591 24 962 2,325 2,252 4,577 3,129 30 Fayette............. 3,451 3,290 6,741 3 1,965 4,427 4,282 8,709 6.191 31 Floyd.............. 2, 781 2,421 5,202 4 2,999 4,232 3,973 8,205 4, 441 32 Forsyth............. 3,950 3.860 7,812 It 1,027 4,476 4,374 8,850 5,619 3 Franklin............ 4519 4557 9076 55 2,382 5,689 5,824 11,513 9,886 34 Gilmer............... 4,242 3,994 8,236 4 200 4,339 4,101 8,440 2,536 35 Glynn............ 355 341 696 5 4,232 2,336 2,597 4, 933 5,30 36 Gordon............. 2, 646,510 5,156........ 828 3,050 2.934 5,984.......... 37 Greene............. 2,420 4,744 58 8,266 6,63 6,43 13,068 11,690 38 Gwinnett........... 4,498 4454 8952 11 2,294 5,644 5,613 11,257 10,804 39 Habersham......... 3,962 3,1 77675 2 1,218 4,565 4,330 8,895 7,961 40 Hall................ 3, 639 3,731 7,370 7 1,336 4,313 4,400 8,713 7,875 41 Hancock............ 2,133 2,077 4,210 62 7,306 5,908 5,670 11,578 9,659 42 Harris............. 3,391 3,318 6,709 30 7,98 7,414 7,307 14,721 13,933 43 Heard.............. 2,295 2.225 4,520 3 2,400 3,457 3,466 6,923 5,329 44 Henry............... 497 4,764 9,742 15 4 969 7,354 7, 372 14,726 11, 756 Her 4'3 97 18 450 9 811 45 Houston............ 3,358 3,15 6,510 16 9,924 8332 8,118 16,450 9,711 46 Irwin.............. 1, 404 2.883 1 450 1,699 1,635 3,334 2,038 47 Jackson........... 3, 3,436 6,808 19 2,941 4,777 4,991 9,768 8,5221 48 Jasper.............. 2,9 2092 4,321 31 7,134 5,836 5,650 11,486 11,111. 49 Jefferson.......... 1,885 1,8832 3,717 47 5,367 4,612 4,519 9,131 7,254 50 Jones................ 1, 972 1,97 3,899 46 6,279 5,108 5,116 10,224 10,065 51 Laurens............. 1,740 1719 3,459 9 2,974 3,318 3,124 6,442 5,585 52 Lee............ 577 1,448 3,025 8 3,627 3,398 3,262 6,660 4,520 53 Liberty............ 1,021 981 2,002 16 5,908 3,902 4,024 7,926 7;41 54 Lincoln............ 1,109 1,078 2,187 31 3780 3,045,953 5,953 5,998 5,895 55 Lowndes.......... 2,716,623 5,339 20,355 3,88 83 7,714 5,574 56 Lumpkin.......... 3,973 402 7,9951 21 939 4,477 4,478 8,955 5,671 57 Macon..............,09 1997 4,088 3 2,961 3,502 3.550 7,052 5,045 58 Madison........... 1,846 1917 3,763 7 1,933 02,779 2;924 5,703 4,510 59 Mcntos......... 690 636 1.326 7 4, 629 3,0622,965 6,027 5,360 60 Marion............. 3,369 3,298 6,667 9 3,604 5,160 5,120 10,280 4,81 61 Meriwether......... 4269 4212 8,481 2 7,993 8,258 8,218 16,476 14; 13 62 Monroe............. 3,472 3,338 6,810 5 10,170 8,536 8,449 1.6,985 16,275 63 Montgomery........ 819 722 1,541...... 613 1,105 1,049 0,154 1,616 64 Morgan...1,861 1,773 3,634 16 7,094 5,44 5320 10,744 9,121. 65 Murray.............. 6,604 5888 12,49 11 1,930 7,570 6,863 14.433 4,695 66 Muscogee....... 5,77 5,078 10,35 67 8,156 9,244 9,334 18578 11,699 67 Newton............ 4,110 3.967 8,077 32 5,187 6,742 6,554 13,296 11,628 68 Oglethorpe.......... 2228 215 4.38 3 7,874 5,973 6,286 12; 259 10,868 69 Pauldig............ 873 687 5,560 0 1,477 3,59 3,447 7,039 2,556 70 Pike............... 4,477 4,209 8,686 62 5,558 7,205 7,101 14,306 9,176 71 Pulaski............ 1.896 1.888 3,784 39 2,804 3,323 3,304 6,627 5.389 72 Putnam.... 1:681 1619 3,3 26 7,468 5,51 5,276 10794 10260 73 Rabun............. 1,10 1, 2.338........ 110 1,263 1,185 2,448 1,912 74 Randolph........... 4,067 390 7857 3 5,08 6,502 6,366 12,868 8,276 75 Richmond.......... 4,140 4013 8,153 281 7,812 8,053 8,193 16,246 11,932 76 Scriven........... 1,625 1,548 3 173 1 3,67 3,532 3, 315 6,847 4,794 77 Stewart............. 4.480 4169 8,649 5 773 8,126 7,901 16027 1,933 78 Sumter.... 346 3,123 6.469 18 3:835 5,278 5,044 10, 32 5,759 79 Talbot... 4,00.3 3,7.70 7:793 18 872 8,353 8,181 16,534 15,627 80 Taliaferro......... 1,082 969 2, 051 51 3,044 2,638 2508 5,146 5,190 81 Tatnall............. 121 1,157 237 18 831 1660 1,567 3,27 2,724 8.2 Telfair...............062,09 6........1 930 1,539 1,487 2,026 2, 73 83 Thomas........... 76 2367 4,943 4 5,156 5,030 5,073 10,10:3 6,766 84 Troup...... 3,890 3.901 7,791 40 9,048 8,297 8,58 16,879 15,733 85 Twiggs........... 1,795 172 3517 42 4,620 4,212 3, 967 8,179 8, 422 86 Union............. 3,536 3419 6,955 1 278 3,677 3,557 7,234 3,152, 87 Upson............. 2,34 2,373 4,72........ 4,704 4,769 4;655 9.424 9,408 88 Walker......... 5:803 5, 605 11,408 37 1,664 6,616 6,493 13,109 6,572 89 Walton........ 3;531 3 6,895 17 3,909 5,441 5,380 10,821 10,209 90 Ware.......'....... 184 77 3597 3 88 1,962 1,926 3,888 2,323 91 Warren............ 3,066 3,0 6,158 159 6,108 6,244 6,181 12,4025 9,789 92 Washington......... 3,008 2983 5,991 37 5,738 5,990 5,774 11,766 10,565 93 Wayne......549 539 1088 5 406 740 759 1.499 1,258 94 Wilkes............. 1,883,92 3,805 21 8,281 5,958 6,149 12;107 10,148 95 Wilkinson.......... 849 2702 5,551........ 2,745 4,173 4,123 8,296 6,842 STATISTICS OF GEORGIA. 213 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Born out of State. Public Schools.] 7 ~C |o emies, and pri- Puc c - vate schools.: 9 i 4o Ct Ca 1''eC - - d9 1)9 9'C m o' Jd ~ *P I | - Co= i ~I i" o P ri 3 fl fl fl o i^S= "e ^ 1,935 73 1382 1,382 454 $6,755 346 $3,965 10,720 1,580 3,410 805 12,350 20 744 16 754 754.............. 367 413 413 788 1,809 220 6,000 21 1,596 4 421 4921 60......2.. 250............... 355 1,057 375 1,160 22 971 30 898 898 100........ 150 5,638 5, 638 351 1,851 322 2,430 23 2,854 169 1987 1,989 140 1,370 728 7,829 9,199 1,646 4,650 697 11,390 24 1,008 20 962 962......2.. 25 1,523 1,523 822 2,337 861 5,950 25 824 24 656 656 85 2,500 109........ 2,500 280 1,416 292 3,600 26 63 9 355 355 50 1,200 158 2,501 3,701 288 784 38 5,050 07 797 27 1,177 1,177... 1,202 890 8 90 890 1,255 2.706 841 9,000 28 209 3 605 605.......... 202 606 606 299 1,524 735 2,725 29 1,210 20 1,196 1,206 47 503 253 2,006 2,509 924 2,854 313 4645 30 1,782 75 866 866 392.. 17................ 442 2,214 85 525 31 2;477 7 1,334 1,334 35........ 370 1,912 1,912 1,468 3,309 1,451 8,300 32 2,178 8 1,546 1,546 200 2,560 500 4,099 6,659 1,668 3,746 182 7,825 33 4,551 7 1,396 1,396 30........ 205 617 617 1,309 3,519 1,510,025 34 228 28 145 145 147 3,534 29 400 3,934 151 244 32 1,090 35 2,109 16 861 868........ 300 130 130 684 2,207 330......... 36 618 79 854 854 250 11.000 333 726 11,726 1,078 1,969 381 13,000 37 2,176 24 1,610 1,610 85 2;700 800 556 3,256 1,186 3,645 869 10,050 38 2,218 17 1,338 1,338......... 20 550 550 1,022 3,144 458 15,700 39 1,921 23 1,300 1,300 67 700 209 752 1,452 1,252 2,978 1,457 6160 40 588 18 761 785 132........ 207 623 623 673 1,629 114 6,100 41 886 11 11751,242 193 3,925 206 2,907 6,832 1,282 2,920 9232 13,800 42 948 1 724 741.............. 403 240 240 565 1,997 341 7,700 43 1,949 39 1680 1,680 80....... 350 500 500 1,898 4,266 662 15,100 44 1,338 24 1,138 1,138 160 4,253 456 5,532 9,785 1,257 2,9710 807 11,800 45 337 12 448 448... 176 192 192 326 1,285 508 2,250 46 1,075 12 1,200 1,200 50 700 217 2,267 2,967 695 2,751 561 4,800 47 542 4 81 8128 210........ 213 370 370 667 1,690 272 10,000 48 22424 4 765 765 35 700 196 3,080 3,780 446 1443 142 6,500 49 582 17 739 739 63........ 350 1,244 1,244 700 1,556 508 6,100 50 318 6 634 634 120........ 200 472 472 402 1,405 710..........51 554 20 550 550 23 350 136 1,967 2,317 469 1,192 345 2,550 52 201 7 360 362 95 300 151 77 377 321 796 169 12,276 53 231 6 378 378 75........ 78 2,138 2.138 330 879 177 5,550 54 1,034 25 856 856.509 3,129 3,129 375 2,334 456 5,640 55 3,051 11,381 1,381 75 500 1,170 635 1,135 1,153 3,416 1,033 7,100 56 931 10 679 679............ 350 848 848 384 1,686 79 2,325 57 429 1 692 692 40 125 191 182 307 381 1,468 245 2,600 58 157 27 283 283 38 1,000 82 686 1,686 198 487 82 3,350 59 1,364 8 1101 1,101 130........ 466 316 316 975 2,876 776 6,700 60 1,580 22 1,428 1,428 132.. 360......1,306 3,643 375 7,450 61 1,006 45 1,194 1,194 215 1,000 750 737 1,737 1,147 2,834 109 16,600 62 257 19 236 236... 200 360 360 213 646 123 1,605 63 423 33 621 621 752 29,820.............. 29,820 643 1,503 44 9,500 64 6,304 217 2,047 2,047.............. 400 1100 1,100 1.088 5,068 850 8,650 65 2,296 293 1,884 1,981 255 463............. 463 14911 4,232 251 13,000 66 1,608 42 1 374 1,374 291 8,598 393 4,213 12,811 1,353 3,394 337 10 810 67 397 23 819 820 212 5,500 350 561 6,061 779 85 13,250 68 1,350 8 1,059 1,059.............. 324 350 350 948 2,384 803 5,050 69 1,375 28 1,474 1,474 184........ 354 966 966 1,699 3,736 315 IT,750 70 725 8 701 701............. 127 331 331 259 1,585 729 3,440 71 616 47 609 609 134........ 197 600 600 698 1,352 300 5,850 72 611 2 385 385 65........ 644 377 377 699 995 64 1,850 73 1,626 20 1,408 1,408 80 1,000 635 7,937 8,937 924 3,290 724 9,150 74 370 23 567 567 60... 20 132 132 281 1,319 69 2900 76 1,3811 31 1,432 1,445 138 1,750 660 7,883 9,633 1,399 3686 549 11,375 77 1,203 16 1109 I109 30........ 265 581 581 890 2,580 557 5,850 78 1,174 36 1,324 1,324 195........ 492 250 250 1,451 3,252 387 10,000 79 232 54 40 4 408180 2 20 368 787 214 275 80 288 3 434 434.............. 130 12-20 1,220 102 945 198 2425 81 355 17 340 340 16........ 243 150 150 231 870 136 1,400 82 597 12 838 838 160........26....... 836 2,145 148 5,750 83 1,306 17 1,295 1,333 548 36 20 1,440 15,055 51,375 1,777 3,472 129 12050 84 449 12 696 696.210 450 450 309 1429 15 4800 85 3,966 3 1,141 1,141............... 275 2,700 2,700 1,102 2,947 1,205 6,300 86 635 14 795 795 125........ 650 575 575 55 2,011 268 10,000 87 5,499 25 1,867 1,867.............. 984 9,840 9,840 1,700 4,817 692 6,705 88 737 11 1,191 1,191 160 167 680 315 482 166 2,812 271 11 325 *89 428 13 561 561.......... 95 247 247 135 1,615 785 1,500 90 470 41 1,135 1,135 121 1,2920 470 6,737 8, 657 1,058 2,437 662 10 201 91 698 16 1,077 1.077 115. 4 663450 663 836 2,379 811 7,750 92 156 2 182'182 13:. 42 64.47....64 471 92 821 93 295 23 709 79 125 326 8,407 8,407 556 1, 567 40 7,400 94 480 67 983 983.....::::::: 460 3,124 3,124 988 2,239 471 5,000 95 214 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMS. COUNTIES. 0 I^ I I S ~ 3 a a 5I fa02~i i ~ a ^ 02 0 90 Coweta......... 911 88,088 160,500 $1,951,348 3,263 9,024 6,265 29.878 21 Crawford........ / 444 72,857 134,073 1,181,994 2,156 8,294 5,5529 2. 8.29 29 Dade............... 235 11,245 36,614 246,663 757 2,496 1,478 9,036 93 Decatur............. 441 45,478 199,971 781,194 9,041 94,751 7,377 2 95,639 94 De Kalb............ 1,019 67,992 153,739 1,184,550 2,896 7,819 5,468 24;449 25 Dooly............... 663 59,859 308,583 498,316 2,116 28,034 6,621 8,283j 26 Early............... 367 44,742 135,632 759,0992 1,596 26, 168 5,198 29,252 27 Effingham.......... 308 21,784 210,972 327,171 905 11,122 6,779 19,6601 98 Elbert.............. 804 84,069 229,375 1,656,762 3,285 10,724 7,452 25,092 29 Emanuel............ 511 35,092 502,609 600,304 1,515 21,351 8,872 22,63.5 30 Fayette............. 818 56,104 156,094 1,037,516 2,391 8,100 5,088 91, 941 31 Floyd.............. 397 32,358 96,195 1,125,962 1,637 5,427 5,165 19,258 32 Forsyth............ 765 43,140 107,379 758, 7 1,880 5,583 6, 213 19,848 33 Franklin............ 1,305 69,416 330,811 1,152,405 3,210 11,045 11,472 24,924 34 Gilmer.............. 577 23,900 121.876 508,386 1,231 5,561 5,0692 18,949 35 Glynn.............. 92 20,472 85,777 793.402 1,227 6,102 826,597 36 Gordon.......... 419 95,915 83,519 611,605 1.641 4,807 4,098 15,529 37 Greene............. 512 104,658 148,985 1,845,442 3,367 10,696 9,041 30.323 38 Gwinnett.......... 1,036 85,881 197,210 1,030,570 3,014 9,475 6,829 26,494 39 Habersham...... 73 44,798 275,541 496,709, 120 8,522 8,019 19.410 40 Hall........697 38,824 201558 630,410 1,930 5,770 6,502 18419 41 Hancock...444 125,691 162,644 1,405,638 3,204 12,976 8,433 30,919 42 Harris............. 873 135,29 150,911 1,732,573 3,804 12,343 6,999 36,958 43 Heard............ 51 49,691 96409 779,640 1,776 6,653 4, 042 18101 44 Henry.............. 1,003 104,199 215,952 1,835,415 3,730 9811 7,90 24, 812 45 Houston............ 750 145,386 184000 2,842,679 3,899 14,151 9,516 40.969 46 Irwin............... 414 14,325 320,433 107,247 955 22,859 3,315 26,496 47 Jackson....... 547 70,741 128.608 785,001 1,919 6,301 4,571 16,773 48 Jasper.......... 588 139,48 9,875 1,533684 3,508 8,424 6,493 31,289 49 Jefferson.. 538 79,715 217,600 1,450,623 2.780 10,123 8,958 28,384 50 Jones............. 405 138,9792 99,617 1,310,319 2,680 9,586 8,490 26,34 51 Laurens............ 328 62,249 282,158 439,929 1,767 19,852 8 027 24,038i 52 Lee.............. 87 56,074 112,242 1,103,881 1,914 13,716 4,715 23,542 53 Liberty.............244 38,563 30,518 809,518 1,100 15,450 4,609 10.0018 54 Lincoln.......... 73 48,320 101,668 676,077 1,662 6,491 4,245 14,20 55 Lowndes........... 91 40,897 429,462 89,823 2,042 38,98 11,' 85.000 56 Lumpkin...598 31,962 94,899 650,114 1,732 6,190 6,190 485 23,657 57 Macon...... 41.... 419 51,588 134,548 1,127,344- 1,726 9,467 5,311 21,493 58 Madison............. 404 45,708 100,901 613,803 1,551 5,086 4,459 12,257 59 Mclntosh........... 117 19,482 83,090 792.654 425 8,444 1,554 4,761 60 Marion............. 63 61,938 119,311 1,215,044 2,070 9,821 5,743.21 61 Meriwetheiwether....... 24 12, 838 180,223 2,179,14 3,933 9,694 7,784 3,912 629 Monroe............. 746 157,797 158,338 2,576.933 4,439 13,556 9.10 9,880 63 Montgomery........ 168 10,022 177,244 126 827 667 13806 4,41 12464 64 Morgan.. 336 138,163 78,969 1,436,056 2,99 8,996 5,070 27,638 65 Murray..............1,034 51,102 163,470 1,680,905 3,152 10,930 6,910 29.864 66 Muscogee....... 581 78,015 131,361 1,714,32 2,77 11,849 4,430 26.881 67 Newton........... 812 91,993 125,993 1,288,267 3,117 7,903 6,189 5,116 68 Oglethorpe.......... 555 219712 78,553 1,966,011 3,327 12,193 8,998 27,75 69 Pauldin........ 2 28,295 62,685 764,455 1,656 6,827 3,055 20,80 70 Pike............ 07 82,563 154,268 1,746,28 2,807 9,361 5, 3'i 26,898 71 Pulaski........ 371 98,964 138,657 760,179 1,639 14,573 5,974 21.819 72 Putnam...... 351 134,829 7,66 1,182,240 2,727 9.010 5,558.2580 73 Rabun............. 282 12,741 120,634 167,334 643 3,325 2,498 9,09 74 Randolph........... 930 93,11 239,605 1,417,181 3,148 16,141 9,445 36,548 75 Richmond.......... 72 37,644 111,592 1,216.397 1.63 6,065 2,291 5,00 76 Scriven............. 498 56,008 454,748 652;,517 2;070 27,758 11,311 23.915 77 Stewart............. 990 145, 821 233,130 2,353,997 4, 397 15,90 8,105 43560 78 Sumter.......... 768 68,165 157,748 1,3-24,577 1,853 10,198 6,452 29, 4231 79 Talbot.............. 928 136,933 159,251 2,216,851 4,0 14,730 8,336 40086 80 Taliaferro........... 94 39,184 89,823 651,512 1,473 5,853 3,151 13,331 81 Tatnall............ 3927 14,9244 379,369 243,284 810 16,463 5,2298 15,496 82 Telfair..............280 15,360 183,235 180,426 742 18,649 6,627 19,237 83 Thomas............ 534 63,931 383,453 1,212,281 2,493 23,255 11,851 20,4101 84 Troup............... 789 128,190 130,900 2,112,758 4519 10,576 7,03 41.60 85 Twiggs..3........ 367 101,619 142,171 817,499 2,275 7,937 4,133 23 651 86 Union..9............. 11 31,316 147.967 501,806 1,844 6,878 8,202 23,410 87 Upson........ 436 73,512 89 79 1,057,795 2,1'23 6,631 4,768 23 315 88 Waler............ 600 36,191 72,917 83,315 2,189 6,976 6,249 24.50 94 Wilkes............... 468 97,545 190,547 1,48,336 3,67 12,323 7,27 28,17 95 Wilkinson...........I 645 75,721 239,951 981,456 2,349 12.484 6,633 30 0701 STATISTICS OF GEORGIA. 215 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS.' 3 U. C D.f C II.1 0 fFaII ~' = "; = I i 11,4 93196 516,910 95,1 2 407/ 12...... 96,2....... 0.0.0 2,982 2,403 121,874 49,588 8,425.725......../.........../... 19 23 206 73246 339954 85,698 884 3 3 7 7089 1.................. 2 008 5,90 2,....30 1 24130 82, 55467 80554,895 483412 56...... 742,576........ 1 l 11,402 93,195 516,910 9518 1407 12 96,89.......................... 20 1,0089 3 481 33954,96 94,359 6,1611 1032 1........ 1. 4 6 3 12,1098 186,180 1477 849 15,533 115........882 2 36 42 2 131 8,0 827 275, 4097 106,736 8,7841...... 28451........................ 4 2,118 80 153 432435 74244 3999 47...... 779..............4...... 4 1018 9,366 2689,378 94 95 13611 20...... 22,108..........................4 2,36 0 2 85 90 5 2354,86 613,7 78...... 1. 1..................44........ 391 294 87,,1 794260 370,584 113046... 1 478 21 2.... 27 31,070 66,479 614,966 70,06 3,589 36 5 12 946........................ 2,198 2 2,403 21,874 49,58 8,425.....28,725........................ 1330 34,509 318,7113 57, 363 617526.....1 77............. 16 179 15,439 254,7 3 58 3854 815...... 4.................. 31 23 06 73,246 339954 85,698 81843 3 7 0819 1.................. 346,800 104,997 4372,050 122,757 192,4686................. 33 3805 28256 4,7193 4551 584...... 44 54743 5 5....... 57 34 1,857 1612/480 49, 1,39 55401 7,90............ 39,959........ 15.................. 19, 8 1 91 20,908 285,360 321690,7 0 21 1... 9379... 10............ 36...... 13,882 970 56 4801 326 89,3 31 3845 16608,...... 7................ 37 29296 102,155 4362217 80590 2983 7 94821 3.... 3 101082 52,190 2468,5695 63,567 2 4758..... 6.....4219 310 12 16 2 3 12,160 73,441 4405,699 123 2 39411 223...... 75,26 2134........... 41 24130 82,780 554,8951 1145,248 20274 5...... 5 72,............ 42...... 12047 35,151 265,242 41434 182 10 42108......43 4 106 47167 66244,600 191,280 5340... 4 655......4........45.......... 13, 25 89256,01900 4,51658 8,221... 542,7.... 46 23,0 631,4827 309,272 51878 8438............23............ 18,730 63, 202 460,680 81,985 1,5, 524 270 51... 9 08.......................... 48 6,282 535248 54,8336 61,990 40,7036267........................... 4 57 134,0 2 5,47620 408 0 5743,27 3 750.... 1,599...........0...... 75 9,546 64,585 204.594 33,5783 1,433 34...... 35,142.......................... 1,837 11461 2332569 80,806 25,486.29,295.......................... 6,630 43,2905 242,717 48,266 1,385 100 2551,908..... 5 1624 28,948 258,3,2,0325 22,478 151..... 79............ 10 27 165,25 28859 195,421 32,61 2315 10...... 61,801.................... 58 127 158 34715 5319 4895.., 150 509.......... 9,857 16,128 333,904 8139 6........6.... 25 1,49 4 9,83 91 8 5 641............ 31,045.............'1....... 61 3,014 9 8981 594,601 121,702 19,155 0...... 64737 3............... 40,003 10,4281 724,6709 175420 1896 8 0...... 86697................... 1241 1,605 553656 28,7700 2,551............ 13166....................... 63 19,145 87,129 411,857 69,474 3022 490...... 63: 048.....................64 19,596 56,750 518,745 79,467 1,538...... 6 76,264 340.. 113 65 1,547 34,860 39941136 83,425 27, 774 4 14...... 48 460.............. 66 16,224 60,416 463,130 104,560 1,180 31...... 40,327 2,167 1............ 67 14,257 100,482 445;575 79,628 12,201 77.... 133,362 4,519.................. 68 8634 24107 256,019 46,771 5798 5 25 42219 77 31... 69 12,204 46677 418,990 86,457 8,674 22 67,709......................... 2 1058 6,087 229,815 61,310 14,495.....20,967......71 17,785 45,618 392,821 65, 139 4,307 421. 49634..... 72 1256 32,966 64,699 13,957 3,23'2 5 65 29,769 104 24 2/28 45 73 3,713 57,483 454,533 151,360 40 084 / 82,23..... 74 4, 064] 28,463 297,780 53,278 19,693 260 33511 1,599..... 40......75 3,50 7,113 264,860 14140 473......9,25 90 3......6 12,152 70,947 684,499 173.687 33,596 453.. 70729......7,258 3408 34 842 1228 235,477 11 0 46,100................... 78 28, 349 89,354 655.802 163;251 7.........4 4 7368....... 79 8,89 28,75 193; 327 29939 2, 825 163 1 30 669...... 80 3,781 71,740 462 94...... 16 005 81. 1,047 4965 77,805 44,251 6,376.... 6,902....82 249 16,598 353,920 146,029.... 24 001 83 17.644 120,640 687,205 145,613 18,819 151... 9697 3,41......... 6 84 5 892 9,323 379. 537 77, 9283 11 447 9J......2 22,110.......................... 85 176 53,470 274 345 35285 82 20 54.657 102............ 53 86 19,701 2 48,420 3431017 7119,8 11,768 68. 38,702..... 87 11, 13 5, 227 371;760 44131 586............ 17,927 53...... 7 2- 88 21,7494 92,873 426.516 106,529 18,851 48...... 78,473 3.................. 89 388 2,854 68,;270 44,530 4,033 5 14,732......................... 19,155 45,091 4-8,364 126,981 61,49 88...... 80,244........ 91 11,550 13,156 446.730 113,005 18,067 17...... 41 534.......................... 8760 82 21 545 24,433 457... 10540 5......3 12,649 133,376 418;176 59,640 7,29 4....6 71 381...94 1, 49 19,8091 323976 106,0631. 41,337 18 41107............ 1% I I70 9 --...................729 7 216 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 5~ I [ [ [ COUNTIES..g o'0 0 ~. 0 10 0 o,, 0 20 Coweta.............................................. 6,365 605 10 369 11,527...... 21 Crawford........................................ 1,457 21,020 157 7,477 7,578 4 Dade................ 7 0.......................... 63 4 773 15 826...... 23 Decatur................................... 6530,701 55,303 157.937 5,308 14,385 35 4 De Kalb.............................................. 1,275 1 930 2,397 8,820...... 25 Dooly................ 812,265 10,825 255,962 16,988 1 26 Early..................................... 1610,158 48,790.......... 4,354 9,995...... 27 Effingham................................. 22 3,580 257,901.......... 15 15,639...... 258 Elbert................................................ 2,509 3 58, 565 12,981...... 9 Emanuel.................................. 21 5,564 8,824 746 559 25,787 5 30 Fayette............................................... 420 545 4 1253 7,494...... 31 Floyd................................................ 53 450 1 976 4,429...... 32 Forsyth................................../............. 5,135 59,548 472 11,196 14 Franklin..........................oweta................. 6,365 60510, 369 11,527...... 23 Dad16.70. 3 4 773 15 23 Decatur..........30, 0 55,805 157937 5..... 385 35 36 Gordoe Ka............ 1,275 1,30 2,1847,837...... 3827 EfGwinnetha t........... 120..............0............ 108 590 12531 10,85 8......639 3928 ElHabersha......... 85....................... 42,509 3, 8 5 16,438...... 40 Hall................ 7.......................... 19,366 22,767 205 11,207...... 29 Emanuel.. 21 5,584 8,824 746 559 25,787 5 30 Fayetteno k........................................................ 5 45 3 7 12,171...... 31Heard........Floyd...... 53 450 1,976,38 429...... 2 Forsyth...................5,135.... 5..9,548 47881 112,857...... 34 Gilmer............. 1,973........... 167 71 0.......... 19,36214,75..8,609...... 35 Glynn............................. 377,521 25,126 489 112 7,...... 36 Gordon.100 1,130 184 6,837. 47 Jackson.......................... 738 3,395 1,202 8,427 14 37Greene..................... 9.............. 00...... 40......[ 38 Gwinnettns........ 120...................108, 5,901 2,531 4 10,849. 39 Habershame............ 85............................ 441 12,010 6508 3 16,438. 53 Liberty................................... 2411,640 1,892,462..........,1883 8,865...... 40 all es.............. 7..............767...........20...... 41 Hncock.70 11, 374 12,171...... 42 Ilarris..8103 35011l,935 11,767 11 43 Heard.............................. 5............ 16,037 5401 14 11843...... 44 Heny.Madiso 50......8........'............. 1,220 008,000 505 45 Houston................................... 8,1647 1,720.......... 1 9, 7147,5098...... IriMontgomery............................126 489 11 7, 652...... 47 J ackson.............. 10........................... 5,200 73 3,395 1,59 11 8,427..... 14 48 Jasper..........3,420 467 9, 10,... 6749 Jeffewton...................................... 44 100 6938.7,490...... 6850 Jones orpe...................................................... 950 12,249 12,5962...... 6951 Lauldirens............ 1............................ 8885 2 145 3 14;849...... 70 Pike................. 20.......................... 2 620 815 8,002 8,862...... 7152 Leeaski......................................... 1700 9...... 72 JPutnam............................................................ 8,621 8,395....... 53 Rabun.............. 1268.................... 2.......... 6 787...... 6,6032,462 886...... 54 Rainc olph................................. 4 493 7 25 75,44 7,92085...... 5 Low ondes................ 198 9,397...... 9,413.......... 1,087 5,578.. 22,42... 76 Scriven.......................................... 4 585 510,550.......... 3,936 37,760...... 56 LumpkinStewart............. 16,390 701 165 11,190 5 78 Sumter............................ 50................... 71,535 9,241...... 57 Macon.2,180 24, 890. 5, 773 9,7 7958 Madison............................. 1, 4 2,21 811,360 50 60 Taliaf o..........rion........ 3,547.......................... 43 60,170 743...... 81 MeriTatnall...her............. 20 1426 47,800.......... 321 9,933...... 82 Telfair.................................... 4 5,319 41,670........../ 572 11,585...... 83LThomas...................... 109 9,312 102,480 2,204 7,667 26,990...... 8462 Monroup............... 400.................... 120 3952 1,1590154481 16,624. 1 85 Montgoerygs............5,20.......................... 5,770 557 689 1 0,923...... 86 union............ 1,174.................................... 11,827 5 14 9...... | 8764 Upson................................................,..........Morgan 11,541 9,11...... 8867 Newtalkeron.......................... 4903 9795,5854 89 W alton.............................. 9068 O ethoWa re..............950 249 12622...........................,7 40....... 69 Warren...........ding................. 94 5210 664 9994 362. 71 Pulaski.1,700 5.5,501 10,24.. 2 PuW ashington................tnam.6...............1 8...... 85 4,395...... 93 Richmond........................ 570 410 [...... 90 WTaiaferro...............................1.......... 12,024 1,061...... 9582 Telfairnson................. 5.............5 13, 380 7 9 10,077...... 84 Troup. 400.170 3,952 1 1 11,441 10 86 Union.. 1,.174.11,827.16, 87 Upson..7..4 7,494. 89 Walton........, 7, 280 2,100[ 5,509 8,980 90 Wa~re.2,799[ 40,895 394 1,727. 92 Washington.85 4,05 37 7,445 20,968. 94 Wilkes.r..2 950112 024 12, 061. 795 Wilkinson....... 8014,920 10,077 STATISTICS OF GEORGIA. 217 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. C a Establishments. C|.1,' 1 REMARKS. C1: I:i IE 51.. 0...) ) - >- C.S C. C3 Cr 21,141 $98, 588.... $79,190 127 157,37 $25,477................... 20 16,554 83,641.. $5 6 11,255 20 12,880 19,729......................21 4,510 16,231 4 5...... 10,100 15 15.425 14,761.................... 22 1,445 63,045. 19,425 19 18075 13,720...................... 3 10,013 72,170....... 270...... 68,895 182 126,592 32,284..................... 24 1,318 76,985........ 55 13,725 26 14,195 33,502..................... 25 9,370 48,175................. 19,000 39 33,575................................26 808 26,462........ 3,553......................27 15,128 83,075........ 19,403...... 63,850 102 67,900 27,062.....................28 925 48,570 566...............21, 436.................... 29 15,353 81,236........ 3,100 9 7275 30,367..................... 30.317 42, 601........ 1,800 56 28,925 8093 Divided in 1849 to form 31 10,113 60,121 197 65...... 14,300 25 13,000 57,162 Gordon32 20,259 99,634 18,082 65 11, 762 8 4,927 105,066................ 33 3,641 40,677 39........... 3,400 12 7,520 19, 997.................... 34 1,804 11,189........25 50,550 74 22,000 1032........35 2,705 45,019 150 20................................ 16,452 Formed in 1.849 from 36 8,060 91,925................. 160,699 298 183,897 15,712 Cass and Floyd. 37 8,373 75,852 100 592...... 47,200 82 113 350 27,374..38 1,79 55,61 10 1,314 1100 29 9,790 3127.........39 10,536 49,301 10 16,089 31556..40 7,832 96,004 600 80 126,185 115 76,064 17809................... 41 36,627 135,999........ 5,073 86,965 194 175,925 25,901................... 42 150 50,319................. 19,500 23 19,980 34,734......................43 29,585 105,265.................... 16,800 24 22,150 70,944......................44 11,289 148,740........ 25..... 108,200 114 78,403 23,439......................45 1,475 37,010 3........................ 12,134...46 8,104 52,009 27 120...... 20,550 23 60,054 27,145......................47 13,899 89,427........ 7,102 20 25,925 31 42,045 17,322......................48 159 66,665................. 86,800 91 116,450 12,782.....................49 9,561 86,398........ 731 155 55,625 95 109,664 16455.................... 50 434 50,877........ 100...... 22,750 25 30,414 12,168......................51 540 71,421............ 25,500 30 22,790 32,962..52 3,048 28,557................. 4,950 24 7042......................53 6,642 47,496...................... 19,625 36 22,423 8,064......................54........ 66,703...................... 2,800 4 1,550 21,721 Divided in 1849 to form 55 2,026 65,446 292 356........................ 21,050 Clinch. 56 8,212 63,085................................................. 57 4,107 43,011............... 2,850 7 2,700 21,276........58 125 13.928...140,150 156 172,268.............59 10 68,193...................... 1,660 6 7080 13,637......................60 30,105 114,756............................................. 26,571 61 35, 999 139,516........ 378...... 36,200 46 27,0 35,556......................62........ 8,282................ 6.......................... 6,293..................... 63 340 93,655................. 106 198 169,075 5,625.....................64..... 90,400........ 50 38,900 81 52,400 47,556......................65 20 66,641... 54K... 713,217 719 738,580 9,441......................66 8,778 71,62........ 40...... 86,050 138 70,866 15,615.67 1,466 95,444........ 25. 31,100 67 58,700 18,963 68 3,517 43,084 155.. 750 16 10,400 16,247......................69 18,692 86,268..................... 66,525 120 97,200 41,934.....................70 556 65140........ 16...... 4500 4 2,318 7263 71 274 77,551... 1,006...... 121,010 182 129978 9,469.72 10,355 18.060 3,479 10,818.... 19,363......................73 34,676 139,523............... 40 71,350 97 55,600 31,270......................74 2,474 81,573 21,587 6,875 320 775,600 995 1,020,651 2,351......................75 53 1610 583......................2,762.76 46396 111,249..... 44,75 113 83,887 15247......................77 11,671 84,798 26 250 10 41,180 81 43,094 20,855......................78 26,028 122,385........ 105....... 71,545 125 147,745 29,698......................79 3,688 36,480........ 45...... 16.560 29 15,864 7,819........80 165 29106..................... 9300 13 21,070 6,283......................81 31,502.................... 7,800......................82 75,576........ 23,400 24 26,332 23,561................ 83 30,545 128,774 4,910 92 62,340 23702.84 766 86,731................................................ 15,256.85 1,949 46,316 6,483 20! 2,700 6 3,544 24,665................. 86 12278 63,416 70 195 5 174,200 268 194,195 10477....87 573 49310................!...... 3,000 25 10,000 11,513......................88 15,620 84635........ 150 3 45,735 124 124,002 5981......................89 9,680 3-1 107 1,499..................... 9, 526 Divided by act of 1849 to 90 11,473 1130 481....... 67,236 109 57,280 3,818 form Clinch, but the 91 6,647 106,249........ 13,605 21 13, 770 24 116 returns have not been 992 1,320 11, 47................................. 2.336 separated 93 23 9r16. sd 6.. 00 23 78,216........1............. 28025 55 39,800 164...................... 4 1,762 105,171 8,206.............. 2,500 17 11,000 19,87,5...................... 218 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES. Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. I Adams........... 13,679 12,690 26,369 139........ 13,734 12,774 26,508 14,476 2 Alexander..1...... 1330 1134 2,464 20........ 1, 339 1,145 2,484 3,313 3 Bond............. 3,215 2,921 6,136 8........ 3,20 2,924 6144 5,060 4 Boone...........4... 002 3616 7,618 6........ 4,005 3,619 7624 1,705 5 Brown............ 380 3,380 7182 16. 3,807 3,391 7,198 4,183 6 Bureau.............. 4,663 4,168 8,831 10. 4,667 4,174 8,841 3,067 7 Calhoun............ 1396 3230 1,835 1396 3,231 1,741 8 Carroll.............. 2,496 2087 4,583 3........ 496 2, 4090 4,586 1,023 9 Cass............... 3,865 3383 7248 5........ 3,870 383 253 981 10 Champaign........ 1 396 1,251 2,647 2........ 1398 1,251 2,649 1,475 11 Christian...1.... 669 1534 3 3.. 1,669 1,534 3,203 1,878 12 Clark. 4, 873 4,621 9,494 38. 4,892 4,640 9,532 7,453 13 Clay.. 2......... 265 2,003 4,268 21. 2,276 2,013 4,289 3,228 14 Clinton............ 2,703 2,299 5,002 137........ 2,778 2,361 5,139 3718 15 Coles.............. 44 752 4547 9299 36........ 4,771 4, 564 9,335 9,616 16 Cook... 23,485 19,522 43,007 378........23,694 19,691 43,385 10,201 17 Crawford.......... 3660 3,458 7,118 17........ 3, 670 3,465 7,135 4422 18 Cumberland........ 1,899 1819 3, 718 1,899 1,819 3,718. 19 DeKalb............ 3,958 3,581 7,539 1.3,959 3,581 7,540 1,697 20 De Witt........... 2,554 2,447 5001 554 2,448 5002 3,247 21 Du Page..... 4,940 4,347 9,287 3.... 4,943 4,347 9,290 3,535 22 Edgar.... 5,504 5,136 10,640 52........ 5,534 5,158 10692 825 E3 dwards..1...... 842 1,648 3 490 34........ 1,858 1,666 3,524 3.070 24 Effingham......... 1,978 1, 814 3,792 7........ 1,981 1, 818 3,799 1,675 25 Fayette........... 4,109 3, 918 8,027 48........ 4132 3,943 8,075 6328 26 Franklin............ 2,906 2, 740 5,646 35........ 2,922 2, 759 5,681 3,682 27 Fulton.............. 11,592 10,900 22,492 16........11,601 10,907 22,508 13,142 28 Gallatin....... 2,618 2,477 5 095 353........ 2,771 2,677 5,44 10760 29 Greene............. 6,492 5877 12,369 60........ 6,526 5,903 12,429 11,951 30 Grundy............ 645 4376..3,1 21,647 1,376 3023.......... 31 Hamilton......... 3,271 3,039 6,310 52........ 3,303 3,059 6,362 3,945 32 Hancock............ 7,723 6,910 14.633 19.... 7,734 6,918 14,652 9,946 33 Hardin.............. 1,441 1,367 2,808 79..... 478 1,409 2,887 1,378 34 Henderson......... 2,452 2,158 4610 2........ 2,454 2,158 4612 35 Henry.. 1, 934 1873 3,807.......... 1,934 1873 3,807 1,260 36 Iroquois............. 2152 1,918 4,070 79........ 2,193 1,956 4149 1,695 37 Jaekson............ 3,037 2,792 5, 829 33........ 3,054 2,808 5,862 3,566 38 Jasper..... 1,725 1481 3,206 14........ 1,732 1,488 3,220 1,472 39 Jefferson............ 4,151 3932 8.083 26........ 4,162 3,947 8,109 5,762 40 Jesey.............. 3,941 3,359 7,300 54........ 3,970 3,384 7,354 4,535 41 Joe Daviess. 9,905 8,481 18, 386 218........ 10,026 8,578 -18604 6,180 42 Johnson............ 2,107 1, 097 17.998 4,114 3,6-26 43 Kane................ 8,658 8,039 16,697 6........ 8,662 8,041 16,703 6,501 44 Kendall............. 4,116 3,608 7724..... 6... 4,120 3,610 7,730 45 Knox............... 6,874 6, 323 13,197 82........ 6,909 6,370 13,279 7,060 46 Lake................ 7533 6,654 14, 187 39........ 7,553 6,673 14,226 2,634 47 Lasalle...9,512 8,287 17, 799 16........ 9, 52 8293 7,815 9,348 48 Lawrence...... 3....,005 2.838 5,843 278........ 3, 149 2, 972 6,121 7,092 49 Lee........... 2,804 2,484 5288 4........ 2, 806 2 486 5292 2,035 50 Livinston.......... 827 725 1 552................ 827 725 1,552 759 51 Logan............ 2,709 2,419 5,128............... 709 2,419 512 2333 52 McDonough......... 4,047 3,564 7,611 45....... 4,049 3,567 7,616 5,30 53 McHenry.......... 7 927 7,048 14, 975 3..... 7,927 7,051 14,978 2,578 54 McLean............. 5,252 4,869 10,121 42........ 5,276 4,887 10,163 6565 55 Macon.............. 2,089 1,896 3 985 3........ 2,091 1897 3.988 3039 56 Macoupin.. 6,433 5839 12.272 83..... 6,479 5; 876 12,355 7.826 57 Madison............10,947 9,045 19,992 449. 11,166,275 20,441 14,433 58 Marion......... 3 467 3, 249 6,716 4.... 3,469 3.251 6,720 4, 742 59 Marshall..... 2,717 2,461 5,178 2........ 2,718 2,462 5180 184 60 Mason............... 3,161 2,737 5,898 23.... 3,167 2,754 5,921.......... 61 Massac............. 2,113 1, 957 4 070 22........ 2,129 1,963 4,0 1. 62 Menard............. 3,97 3,031 6,328 21...... 3,310 3,039 6,349,431 63 Mercer......... 796 2448 5.244........ 2, 797 2,.449 5, 2,352 64 Monroe............. 4166 3,467 7633 46. 4,191 3,488 7679 4,481 65 Montgomery........ 3 180 3078 6,258 19....... 3,190 3,087 6,277 4490 66 Morgan............. 8,337 760 15,939 125........ 8,404 7660 16,064 19,547 67 Moultrie............ 1680 1,545 3.225 9........ 1,687 1,547 3,234. 68 Ogle.......... 5,360 4,630 9 990 30........ 5, 379 4,641 109 69 Peoria.......... 9.... 360 8,101 17,461 86........ 9,409 8138 17547 6,153 70 Perry............... 2,813. 2,454 5,267 1.1....... 2, 819 2,459 5,278,222 71 Piatt................ 863 743 1606............. 863 743 1,606.. 72 Pike............. 9,670 9,106 18776 43........ 9,692 9,127 18,81 11,728 73 Pope............... 2,049 182 44........,102 1,873 3,975 4,094 74 Pulaski.. 1........... 81 1076 2,257 8........ 1,185 1, 080 2,265.......... 75 Putnam..... 2,063 1,857 3,920 4........ 2,065 1,859 3,924 2,131 76 Randolph........... 5,709 4,987 10,696 383........ 5, 901 5,178 11,079 7,944 STATISTICS OF ILLINOIS. 219 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Born out of State. C a Public Schools. d emies, and pri- u c vate sclhools. I m ~ _ _li I. = 5tI o 0.1) I:: t C 0 a 1/9'.7 12,373 4,294 4,459 4,731 250 $4,360 4,000 7,353 $11,713 5,440 10,176 790 8,285 1 1,280 96 455 455..........,,. 228 843 843 328 954 469 550 2 2.613 167 1,076 1,100 60 720 1,500 13 715 14,435 1,531 2,645 34 5,050 3 4,617 1,4021 1,352 1,405 90........1,843 2,504 2,504 2,034 2,905 75 1,900 4 3,655 340 1,353 1 356......1..... 662 1756 1,756 1,640 2,997 748 2,220 5 5, 177 903 1,464 1,566.......... 1,473 3687 3,687 2,272 3,400 87 3726 6 1,352 425 600 602............ 196...292 1,200 456 350 7 2,988 437 814 835... 1.135 1,954 1,954 1,116 1,725 44 250 8 2,560 1,161 1,169 1,245.............. 1,000................ 1,650 884 150 3,725 9 1.607 49 480 480................................ 820 1,08 25 1.000 10 1,609 51 555 568.............. 592 7,200 7,200 686 1,300 290 3,200 11 5,113 282' 1,621 1,6211........[. 2,816 5,098 5,098 2,158 4,099 141 1,765 12 2,441 27 715 7j20............. 480 375 375 862 1,819 661 1,200 13 1,493 948 47 954.............. 375 1,400 1,400 743 1, 921 361 6,200 14 5,205 70 70571 1.592 50........1,290 1,39 1,390 1,456 4,027 443 3,750 15 1,872 21 863 7,674 7;755 477 4,000 3,910 16,396 20,396 5,228 13,993 681 25,975 16 2,490 34 1,192 1,19........ 620 776 776 1691 2,92 938 2,950 17 2,250 26 634 634.............. 425 250 250 786 1,598 209 450 18 4,986 822 1,303 1,356 100........ 1,865 2,497 2,497 2,096 2,925 237 6001 19 2,758 47 881 8986............ 941 787 787 1,433 2,065 56 2,514 20 4.286 2, 664 1,568 1,598 130 1,535 850 3,646 5,181 2 468 3,412 251. 3,540 21 5,762 140 1,702 1 713 165 1,667 690 5,950 7,617 2, 910 4,399 1,025 11.150 22 906 622 595 6021........ 1,054 915 915 736 1,555 204 3,600 23 1,670 601 712 713........[ 526 188 188 491 1,458 140 1,180 24 3,788 159 1,431 1,443........ 900 2,170 2,170 1,277 3423 171 1,300 25 2,236 23 971 1.003 60 610 350 2,650 3,260 1,065 2,441 589 3,000 26 13,229 766 3,811 3978 95 612 3,525 5,3-24 5,936 6,388 9,172 454 9,575 27 2,073 227 1,000 1,001............ 555 2,835 2,835 896 2,041 563 2,050 28 5,103 461 2, 024 2,037........ 1,700 2,750 2,750 2,301 5,199 289 5,800' 29 1,593 775 543'547........... 350 450 450'608 1,073 216 1501 30 2,605 145 1,058 1,058........... 1,468 3,205 3,205 1,046 2,672 1,079 2,700 31 8,169 1,386 2,585 2,594..............2,630 5,448 54448 3,745 5,908 173 4,950 32 1,277 13 485 485.......... 375 1,775 1,775 253 1,167 98 2,400 33 2,969 210 805 820................ 2,243 2,243 1,146 1,816 68 1,950( 34 1,841 811 772 /772.. 728 2,431 2,431 882 1,480.............. 35 2.783 231 718 718.......... 3621 362 1,145 1,727 301. 200 36 2,150 164 1,038 1060....... 1,050 1,138 1,138 1,203 2,461 1,03.2 3,170 37 2,010 261 5881 5881........ 180 200 200 177 1,318 194 1,500 38 3,638 321,368 1368............2,274 3,405 3405 1,702 3,475 1,260 27,800 39 3.236 439 1,22 1,226.............. 963 2,362 2, 362 1,823 2,839 388 2060 40 6,080,38 3,431 3,43 246 2,904 2,480 55,362 58,266 3,287 6,586 603 3,880 41 2,194 8 7 718 7183,435 8 3,436 2,194/ 7 718 718.............. 524 591 591 661 1,700 656 2,200 42 9,160 3,629 2,828 3,087 295 1,175 3,965 6,579 7,7541 3,961 6,285 323 4.535 43 4,515 1,334 1,258 1,258... 3,556 2,08 2,082 2,019 3,004 54 3.800 44 8,06 6892,193 244 337 4,000 2,508 7,148 1.1,148 4,177 5,534 217 4,800 45 7,239 3,587 2,455'500 60........2,450 2,552 2,552 4,166 5,234 497 1,850 46 8,214 4,8353,074 363 85........ 1,405 3671 3,671 3,798 6,528 566 8,300 47 2,859 150 1,0571,057...... 1,000 1,441 1,441 1,396 2,426 264 4,300 48 3,173 863 905 920 40 300 1,518 653 953 1,220 2,066 243 2,900 49 967 59 261 267.............. 200 883 83 189 614 15 3001 50 2,491 246 835 844................................. 1,393 2,169 167..........1 51 4,181 206 1,262 1,263...... 1,879 671 671 1,903 3,291 57 3645 52 9,112 2,445 2,650 2.689.............. 93 5,782 5,782 4, 245 5785 238 2.500 53 5, 641 216 1,851 89 100 2,100 800 1,795 3,895 2,406 4,090 100 21,800 54 2,219....... 693'693.......... 600 800 800 1,010 1,692 159 1,500 55 5,652 725 2,037 2,072 45... 1,958 6,034 6,034 3,356 5,054 627 5,575 56 6,678 5,155 3,4903,498 254 1,1003,654 6282 7,382 3,975 7,516 836 24,200 57 3,124 23 1,13 1,663... 668 2,336 2,336 1,838 2,838 936 2,800 58 2,976 506 910'910.......... 800............ 656 2,024 212 3,800 59 2,991 456 1,041 1.041......... 440 1.800 1,800 660 2,311 423 4001 60 2,642 74 704'704.............. 143'164 164 618 1.654 56 4101 61 2,732 249 1,035 1,046 65....... 655 1,00 1,300 1.689 2700 120 3,100 62 3,294 333 892 892..196 1,045 1,045 1;061 2,166 81 1,75063 1,631 2,707 1.421 1.444............. 759 17172 1 1,307 2,953 726 2.830 64 2,806 44 1051 1078 60........1,66 2,803 2,803 1,472 2 682 153 4900 65 6,745 1477 2,661 2,724 381 10,500 1,613 32060 42,560 3503 6401 102 13,250 66 1,589 85 554'554................ 380 1,254 1,254 75 1,383 264 2,100 67 6,458 1,2371 6781.725 70 1,2002,065 552 3,752 2.507 3,845 80 2,025 68 9,610 2,633 3,036 2,400 360 5,304 7,704 3627 6,531 337 4,795 69 2,143 256 967'973............. 340 695 695 808 2,188 102 750 70 1,049 29 157 163............. 300 250 250 377 633 69 900 71 10,036 798 3,152 3,2191 30 245 3,241 11,449 11,694 4,683 7,663 412 4,640 72 1,912 59 747 47............. 570 2,825 2,825 216 1,593 55 10,600 73 1, 002 53 418 425.............. 149 481 481 324 929 347 2,178 74 2,177 398 636 713........ 880 2,427 2,427 1,098 1,469 62 3,830 75 3,132 1,9871 2,046 2,0561.............. 1,414'2 15 215 1,474 4,214 336 28,400 76 220 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMS. COUNTIES. a 0 ~iBureau.............. O. 5E - ci 7 CAdamslhoun............. 2, 294 147, 2795 168,872 363,95 7,580 23,821 25,329 65, 712 8 CAlexander................. 202 5,333 16,882 101,483 558404 1,752 570 11 106 3 Bond.......... 665 48,038 85,214 610,539 3,200 10,400 9,156 18,610 4 Boone.............. 897 50763 76,711 1,129,243 1,775 8,032 9,005 6,001 5Brown............... 818 34,846 73,458 921,534 2,374 6,454 8,785 19,389 6 Bureau............. 741 62,470 74,325 1,345,442 3,392 10,095 9,232 12,367 7Calhoun............. 205 7,295 29,076 194,385 745 2,923 688 6,^0 8Carroll.............. 482 32,776 54,760 652,733 1,404 5,270 4,311 6,786 9 Cass................ 606 54.578 46 732 1,281.418 2,834 10,375 7,233 27,885 10 Champaign......... 273 22.873 35,300 477,850 1,174 4,752 3,625 8,687 ]. Christian........... 434 27,654 43,412 530,212 1,682 6,208 3,650 17,968! 12 Clark................ 636 35,899 67,120 615,384 1,884 5,672 7,984 18.262 13 Clay................. 237 18 354 29, 996 257, 762 821 3, 608 3,331 11;086 14 Clinton.............. 628 40,410 66,532 554,386 2,456 8,432 4,.321 18,68 15 Coles............... 996 77,544 123,669 1, 322,326 4,059 16,097 14,637 28,70 16 Cook............ 1,857 154,090 109,844 2,694,523 3,586 22,072 13,496 9,398 17 Crawford...... 542 34,697 65,041 569,932 22,164 5,034 6752 20,738 18 Cumberland....... 26 16,001 49,602 304,434 999 3,739 3,070 6,953 19 De Kalb........... 812 63,749 81,293 993,218 1,999 7,093 5,666 7,593 20 De Witt............ 482 36,945 48,402 831,287 1,835 6,290 7,402 10.364 21 Du Page............. 960 86,200 59,231 1,800,078 2,266 10,020 12,617 5,080 22 Edgar............... 1,175 91,532 106.503 1,782,4.25 5,812 16,759 20,103 37,448 23 Edwards........... 329 20,216 37,212 283,8601 1,339 3.597 5,650 13,548 24 Effingham........... 391 14,457 43,259 257,902 1,06 5,117 3,441 12,171 25 Fayette............. 826 38258 100,529 693,039 3,319 10,792 9,066 26,829 26 Franklin........ 77 29,003 50,304 299,; 059 2,193 6,231 5,228 21,299 27 Fulton............. 1,942 124,817 148,203 3,007,713 6,465 18,818 32,919 52,724 28 Gallatin............. 570 19,956 52,026 347 788 1,760 3,366 2,074 22,514 29 Greene............. 1,155 87257 113574 1,872,492 5,770 17,415 20,923 48,236 30 Grundv.............. 327 15,916 35,7:1 380,954 803 3,501 1,194 2776 31 Hamilton............ 417 19102 37475 379,385 1483 3,955 4,543 14948 32 Hancock........... 1167 80,16 93,769 1,480,884 3,478 13,258 10,557 28547 33 Hardin.............. 326 10,531 34,283 209.298 839 2,704 2,337 9,579 34 Henderson....... 420 35,796 48879 804578 1,539 6,513 4,489 11.823 35 Henry............... 281 22,983 24,276 331,498 1,370 5,484 3,465 7,104 36 Iroquois............ 387 30,118 36,812 555,640 1;475 5,711 10,311 10,45;1 37 Jackson........... 604 22778 40,657 315,061 2,502 6,606 3,746 22,00 38 Jasper............... 283 10,948 38.774 208 686 765 2,477 2,339 5,831 39 Jefferson.....4...... 470 29660 19727 284791 2,370 7,834 6,98 15,670 40 Jersey............... 645 56491 66,858 1,655,565 3,214 8.758 4792 22,543 41 JoeDaviess........ 1,370 60,311 137,839 1,43048 2,768 10918 5,217 13, 912 42 Johnson........... 301 9,658 18,961 119088 849 1,855 1,424 9,54 43 Kane...............1,015 83,738 102,256 2,039,036 2,567 11,139 18,079 6,610 44 Kendall............. 659 79,257 70,885 1,430,486 3,72 10,293 7,079 12,570 45 Knox............... 619 103,267 77,48 1,872 416 5,592 15,271 22,773 40,414 46 Lake................ 1,595 88,929 127,914 2, 035,954 2,234 16,226 18,580 7,178 47 Lasalle.............. 1,336 93,00 118546 1,917,641 4521 15,323 11,646 13,98 48 Lawrence'.......... 636 34,684 56968 646,437 2,570 5,800 5,045 21,5 49 Lee............... 478 38,678 46,484 730,114 1408 5,055 4,386 5,679 50 Livingston.......... 185 13.334 18,499 181,125 676 2,602 2637 4,812 51 Logan.............. 476 46,694 67,95 981 192 2,236 8,047 8973 15,689 52 McDkonough......... 843 51,541 82,072 1,175,019 3,24 11,635 11,945 25,985 53 McHenry............ 1, 950 125,010 159,204 2,246,413 3,808 18,193 21,652 12885 541 McLean........... 0916 92,540 91,730 1,65,436 4,48 20511 19;676 29;863 55 Macon.............487 33,330 69,901 836,505 2,117 7,696 7536 16,981 56 Macoupin............ 1, 183 97,897 113,892 1,7922,242 5,962 17,229 13,397 44,9543 57 Madison............1,367 93.251 165,67 2,577,611 7,062 21,210 9,085 407.233 58 Marion............ 827 43,916 65,250 464,614 2,888 9, 227 10,409 19 938 59 Marshall.............. 464 36,301 58,192 870,721 2,119 6,290 6,021 9,878 60 Mason............. 727 46,223 42.201 773,739 2,018 6,18 4,216 9,855 61 Massac............. 385 10571 31691 188,273 979 2,327 1,7 13,750 642 Menards............. 706 55,785 55,704 1,181,991 3,520 10,67 12 160 25.194 63 Mercer............. 517 34,929 47,434 625,353 2,068 5,871 6,576 148393 64 Monroe............ 874 39687 74,186 780,148 2860 8,21 1,488 16078 65 Montgomery...... 811 49,206 86,829 714,675 3, 912 9,681 8465 21, 184 66 Morgan........... 1,574 142,272 97,662 3,018,828 6,796 23,581 20032 61,372 67 Moultrie.... 304 23,132 41,839 383,115 1,354 4,157 6,748 9, 06 68 Ogle............ 1,058 77,208 146,848 1,877,532 3,29 10,855 12,925 15,513 69 Peoria.............. 1,191 83718 100,790 2,213933 4,305 12,2 16,837 2352 70 Perry............... 63 32,333 58,544 412,639 3,295 8,560 7,509 15,58-2 71 Piatt.............. 163 23,0 5022, 28,010 813 3,778 2,167 8,373 72 Pike.............. 1, 87,95 105,455 1,63,336 5,342 14505 16516 41,871 73 Pope............... 504 15,629 30,898 20033 1,214 3 073 2,594 12,301 74 Pulaski............ 6 7,332 22,809 140,394 1565 76:3 7.84 75 Putnam............. 317 28,105 27, 965 697,495 1,644 3,665 3,576 7064 76 Randolph............ 1,100 50,655 108,246 972,539 4,037 14325 7,808 22,587 STATISTICS OF ILLINOIS. 221 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. M. I I~~~~hsI~,.. 1698 3 435,920 4 356 88............ 19810 44.................. 2 7,655 86,556 460,985 9,091,292 715 122,938 3,529..... 5...... 3 248 107 143,227 159; 114 40,641 [836 1190 6,681 2 02321 12,676 32 108 119 4 76658 51816 513118 16 826 131 20 119 73150 3000 1 55 482 5 171402 119278 2,54092, 823 40,489 79 679756 2,2745 28 360,380 1,878 100 411 4 1 171,409 119,278 542,893 49,462 309 656 2,298 172,471 9,428 18 4 6 3;370 9,125 146,205 5,626 20........... 20,027 163..... 4..... 7 136,301 74,803 218,061 24,608 158 3,277 1,947 113,268 6,625 5 109...... 8 131,136 151,533 1,417,750 9 871 5 25 438 99,10 3,385...... 49...... 9 7,023 538.890 441,060 3,688........ 10 96 54,440 1 406...... 8 15 10 17295 51080 594,475 7,162 996.... 673 67,879 1],008...... 65 493 11 18,350 81,296 431,490 17,789 529 126 4,123 89,295 1,720 80 327 318 12 2,244 38,681 245, 755 3,841 181...... 298 28,190 320 111 77 95 13 i9,682 72,038 414,898 9,814 143 106 467 99,577 930.................. 14 21,338 136,716 1,012.735 16,302 3...... 1,715 169,523 4,125...... 133 142 15 238, 952 406,098 429,513 205.039 531 6,068 14,565 734,752 48,449 10 60 375 16 16,943 61,853 453,955 15,871 1,128...... 3,144 110509 1,411 13 138 391 17 5,122 34,411 217,015 8,620 10...... 3,353 52,421 863...... 85 91 18 2'21,796 138,903 215,733 41,531 259 685 3,969 160.390 21,1931...... 121 191 19 22,401 46,357 704,600 8,420 19 15 1,136 65,650 2,083 12 253 20 259,283 230,512 198,363 53,068 245 5,745 3,282 217 975 23 617...... 187 162 21 49.424 139, 981 1,250,278 22,481 1,00 810 2,173 189,068 6,153 74 449 382 22 4,001 37682 227,035 8,690 47 100 138 24,727 1,50 205 797 2 23 5, 169 36,699 227, 0-25 9, 626 154...... 2167 43, 044 341...... 42 133 24 18,277 89,5231 398,765 15,883 6061...... 1,624 148,031 1,657 50 81 130 25 3,008 24,902 268,690 9,811 7,298 5 19 49,567 383...... 52 73 26 274,479 179,660 1,430,717 42,278 851 4,077 6,316 325,478 9,931 3 1,538...... 27 1, 777 26,177 436,125 12,603 212............ 47,017 286 66...... 28 168,822 105,468 1,346.973 23,984 1,217 137 1669 2920,786 5,611...... 319...... 29 46 875 32 851 143,778 16,147 103 3329 806 64,925 7,329....... 75.. 30 2,948 28,841 242,955 10 421 1,732 43 10 48,921 264...... 74 359 31 189,436 139, 166 689,110 22,375 302 2,511 2,575 2-26,278 6,076 226 254 60 32 9613 6,420 164,400 14,694 721...... 42 6,664 9...... 75 2 33 121,775 53,416 352,840 10.278 80 45 353 98,899 2,813 50 36...... 34 61:108 44,574 203.820 3226 50 1,915 587 76,055 15.................. 35 27,125 70,035 311,115 14.730 379 180 2,131 78,198 1,496.... 37 109 36 2,354 30.155 273.050 14;712 836 15 956 45,974 40 28 34 37 3,540 19;691 132,585 3,033 8.... 554 35,635 379.... 3 150 38 3,965 38,883 302,944 7,459 2,7421...... 46 74,457 647 200 44 39 39 154,127 97,316 759,530 31,182 155 50 1,531 115,530 2,883...... 28.... 40 207288 251,044 2-20.615 78,731 610 2,408 3,232 196,839 20,029 329 176 4 41 6 887 10,709 133 295 8,358 3031...... 10 19,066 34 37 47 31 42 316,493 206,364 337,593 63,472 152 7,162 10,992 274,411 23,244 21 681 72 43 13,660 139,098 410,986 38,428 1,079 4,751 5,512 207,492 14,700 50 2,004...... 44 201:481 229,391 1,570,361 29,5388 214 801 1,343 251,704 13,164 10 1,372 267 45 320,071 250,897 168,915 89,619 905 4,761 5,888 482,440 35,506 74 425 19 46 253,598 200,145 637,483 61,579 359 627 3,939 180,651 25.179 7 303...... 47 15,582 59,727 427,850 15,966 576...... 1,530 95,s76 1,926......| 165 571 48 97,538 99,631 232,010 31,001 454 2,021 4,749 102,632 8,661..... 147 13 49 15,517 25,409 129,785 4,361........ 90 100 15, 329 298...... 71... 50 26,598 36,650 839, 638 8,197 58 65 551. 61,723 2,093...... 88 42 51 00, 1.07 76,789 5.0 768 6,643 262...... 377 131,014 3,286 6 156 111 52 562,269 270,560 301.248 89,706 744110,0221 7,949 390,343 27,678 11 417......53 63,893 126,199 1,226533 16;871 25 148 1,510 220,661 5,450...... 23 1,204 54 29,216 91,468 698,220 12,569 204 25 284 101,585 1,451...... 52......55 77,092. 258,130 1,598,829 24,637 2,955...... 1,550 407,752 3,411 22 139 13 56 88,893 202,670 1,153,183 276,936 1,669 220 839 265,960 6,499 56 85 49 57 5,81.3 72082 413,335 12,974 239 2 234 114,662 1,553...... 95 184 58 104 469 47,390 392,317 21 833 29 30 255 73,681 4,967...... 64...... 59 143.474 70,580 555,610 11 441.............. 30 66,377 1,825......'............60 4, 179 12,608 146,700 31,473 151 20 1 30,760 30 11 14 192 61 69,106 1.29,107 1,280.206 8,745 2...... 389 129, 974 3, 447...... 102 4 62 103. 479 60,544 430,991 10,034 18 76 1,407 87,685 1,029 12 121 4 63 89.856 58,561 399,250 26,581 68 942 74 73,657 267 1............ 64 21 455 98, 700 452,88.5 14,273 3, 878 45 1,536 96,452 3,048 64 90 65 91.4531 171:'107 2,693,021 26,259 21 1,556 676 396,640 9,723..... 49 3 66 61 148 6.0,3; 373,630 4,419 3...... 190 44,806 995 2..... 25 9 67 289.'323 199,9 480 758 49 476 292 2,248 4,025 226,108 13,019 16 307 3 68 185,157 138,800 1,013,289 39,013 291 886 2,537 110,391 12,553 2 298 20 69 6,605 65,363 363,300 8,389 11,439 20 396 133,979 157...... 15 73 70 5,7691 29,115 430,6551 2 813.............. 460 39,080. 158............ 71 194,051 130,989 1,37045 28,290 3 370 5,771 126,5 4,491 13 441..... 72 2,352; 10, 958.223,59 2 14908 477............ 13 932 14.................. 73 4,3051 16.326 87,145 11,19 644...... 20 25,695 118 22 9. 52 74 88, 771J 29 671 279, 26 25,656 30 390 5006 56,185 3732...... 27......75 60,914] 125,2051 443 4911 29194 127 163 649 105,138 1, 296...... 126 309 76 222 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS.: i::l - ~c C( COUNTIES. C| C. C C. o ~ +, 0^ BC i ~ I~~l ~ I' I I~I.^ | 8 o'C " g I m o c I Adams............. 1,290...... 3,750...... 24 270 59, 541...... 2 Alexander....................................711...... 3 Bond.....27 27.. 1......098 6 4 Boone.............. 30...... 3,160...... 43 150...... 26,282...... 5 Brown.............. 1,...... 7,183.. 307............21,649 6 Bureau............. 230......................25,698 7 Caihoun..................................................................... 1,662. 8 Carroll..... 92................................... 20..... 9,900...... 9 Cass...... 120.................................................... 19,651...... 10 Champaign......... 87..... 1,875 17........................ 9,098. II Christian.320 3......80...... 30........ 2,000...... 12 Clark............... 7,384 21,070 801........................ 17,598 2 13 Clay................ 3,570...... 2,053...... 78........ 1,580...... 8,289. 14 Clinton............. 100.......................................10,006...... 15 Coles............... 3,102...... 5,122..... 121 100... 34,087.... 16 Cook........... 100. 1,750...27,954. 17 Crawford............ 34,545 7,601...... 263........ 16, 350..... 13,789...... 18 Cumberland..990...... 10990 214................ 6,...... 19 DeKalb............ 239...... 4,905...........14,200 20 De W itt............ 2,415.............4,950.. 18.833...... 1 DuPage............ 481...... 1,665.................... 590... 3... 03... 22 Edgar............ 6,610 4, 1............ 241........ 3870 43739...... 23 Edwards............ 2.175...... 290...... 9........ 1,75 12, 898...... 24 Effingham 5073...... 4070.................... 2,699...... 7,10 25 Fayette.. 5,179 9509 9 14720 2035 26 Franklin............ 1,773.................................... 18,565 9...... 506...... 27 Fulton.............. 2,457...... 3,335...... 85........................ 83 791...... 28 Gallatin............ 1,120...... 150 200 4,55...... 29 Greene........... 25................................ 43682 30 Grundy....................................................................... 3 80 31 Hamilton............ 33... 1........ 7,24..... 8,295 6 3 Hancock.......... 750...... 1, 28 14...... 6.74...... 33 Hardin.............. 200...... 30.................... 5 560...... 2, 718...... 34 Henderson....... 250 2.... 2..5 360...... 219,57......1 35 H enry......................................10,762 36 Iroquois............ 2,540.. 3,166 162.................... 18,763 10 37 Jackson............. 1656 5 685 1........... 580......7,371 13 38 Jasper.............. 2 501...... 4,010...... 6........................ 69 39 Jefferson............. 1,136...... 1,368...... 28........ 3,120...... 14, 0 7...... 40 Jersey.......................................................................... 11,631...... 41 Joe Daviess......... 935......1............................. 120.... 12, 060 42 Johnson............ 300...... 3,360...... 113 1 96...... 2,913 i 43 Kane............... 75...... 660 308 2000 43803. 44 Kendall.................. 560 3........ 212...... 15,738...... 45 Knox............... 986 3,568 150........ 110...... 67,849 5 46 Lake.......... 469 45 895...... 47 Lasalle..............33,...... 48 Lawrence.... 10,528 2,370...... 79........ 7,29...... 12,617 3 49 Lee................ 75...... 1,000...... 10........ 180...... 1 125...... 50 Livingston...................................................................... 6,815...... 51 LoFan.............. 118013.................... 16023,527. 52 McDonough......... 283...... 540...... 24........ 25... 28,481...... 53 M cHenry............ 320.................................... 77..... 45,094...... 54 McLean. 4,135...... 3.......... 49,883...... 55 M acon....................................................18............883 56 M aco pin........... 560.................................... 00..... 3 851.... 57 M adison............. 110................................ 100. 19.878. 58 Marion..... 1,060..... 116.0..... 3.5.. 8,48..... 22,16...... 59 M arshall........................... 60.................................... 8,586...... 60.Mason....... 10,284..... 61 Massac....135.......... 16,520...... 2,904...... 62- M enard............. 1,315...... 500.................... 250...... 31 752...... 63 MA ercer............. 470.... 200............................... 19 493... 64 Monroe.........2...........50....... 3 500... 600........ 2543...... 65 M ontgomnery........ 375.................................................... 18.858...... 66 M organ............. 40...... 28.................... 2,600...... 54,643...... 6 M ou ltrie............ 2,'190.................................................... 15,318...... 68 Ogle................ 600...... 1,245...... 16........................ 34,194...... 69 Peoria.............. 1750. 90.4025...... 70 Perry.4..0.......... 40.................................................... 15988...... 71 Piatt............................................................................ 5 769 7. Pike............ 38,450 73 Pope............... 60...... 100................... 4,290..... 2,937. 74 Pulaski............ 381 23...... 25...... 19...69.5 1,8474.. 75 Putnam............. 5,3254..... 10,774 76 Randolph........... 70::...................17,751..... STATISTICS OF ILLINOIS. 223 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. IU U * I3 Establishments. wS~ * *P,m~ ^ ------— | REMARKS. cJ 11 I' I, I tI 1,717 $257,247 4 1,896 $19,775 150 9260,200 632 $981.787 34,749...................... I 269 11,655...................... 19,250 34 34;681 1,614 Divided in 1842 to form 2 1,255 53, 489........ 3,224...... 19,600 34 34,400 11,169 Pulaski. 3 4,090 35,427 796 1,070...... 42,175 55 136,350 6,691............... 4 9,235 65,238 580 16,566...... 85,655 160 156,216 28,198...................... 5 11,847 63,098 333 3,405 4 29,200 48 99,758 6 4,440 15,359500.......................................934..............7........ 2,952 27,120 4,343 918 5 73,350 50 171,601 3,194...................... 8 987 68,928 295 5,802...... 84,800 263 370,937 6,068............... 9 1,418 20,638 20 2,080................................ 3,439......................10 5,850 19,596....... 2,365...... 17,800 37 37,600 8,407................ 11 11,424 38,426 3,204 2,401 10 10,565 35 62,405 13,050..................... I 2 10,903 24,364........ 16...... 4,950 14 9,000 7,794 D ivided in 1844 to form 13 13,316 30,988 50 4,30...... 10,550 22 20,215 4,50 Richland. 14 0,780 70,338........ 8,143................................ 28,558 Divided in 1841 to form 15 19.138 49,550 3,080 5,930 35 1.068,025 2,081 2,562,583 4,131 Cumberland. 16 16,387 42,851 25 1,383............................. 17,406................ 17 10,777 14. 87 170............................ 9,655 Formed 41 from Coles. 1 4.873 33.259 559...... 5,000 9 8,717 2,683............... 19 9, 128 17441........ 4.340 17,700 45 19,462 12.956 Divided in 1841 to form 20 5,030 41,442 3 755...... 30,780 45 58,070 2,568 Piatt. 21 10,998 108,713 195 11,176 277 53,310 123 88,010 28,217......................22 6.144 2 3.713................ 35 17,020 2; 16,078 7,549...................... 23 7:131 1 529 427 943................ 24 15,419 4 4 771,634 2 7,150 20 9470 22,164...................... 25 13,7891 27,945 131........ 26 51,016 15,100 333 17,015...... 255,915 349 790976 35,587...................... 27 1,659 38,064....... 4,645...... 32,300 60 60,150 6,398 Di-ided in 1847 to form 28 1,949 51,101 108 17,378...... 38,270 78 80,918 21,163 Saline. 29 4, 222 19,920 1,342 510...... 7,200 28 11,300 185 Formed in 1841 from 30 5854 9,454 10 830 16..... 18,080 La Salle. 31 15,8586 749 1 00 K 18,869 79,425 680 10,420 60 43,993 119 143,372 16,451...................... 32 1751 8,756 10 155...... 111,050 187 96,150 5,044......................:33 6,188 43,395 170 3,468 49,560 75 57,800 13,597 Formed in 1841 from 34 1108....Warn.. 13.474 17.000....... 1.665.............................. 3,686...................... 36 2,889 26,569 1,404 3;186 5 21,450 65 48,851 11,537...................... 37 5,349 10,391....... 711................................ 6,656................ 38 129885 21,146 10 561...... 4,570 7 17,530 18,648...................... 39 745 92,938 30 7,501 115 93,925 71 58,010 5,450............... 40 13,885 44,957 31,690 4,305...... 287,636 669 1,897,464 4,542 [Massac. 41 1,877 17801 566 357...... 4,900 14 4,925 9,996 Divided in 1842 to form 42 1,661 58: 48 1,113 1,354...... 252, 993 325 684,025 4,180 Div.'41 to form Kendall. 43 3,358 63;679 4,431 3,171 10........................ 3,019 Formed in 1841 from 44 12,799 166,560 9,994 8,749 29 75,175 141 185,560 18,745 La Salle and Kane. 45 5,772 50,254 344 792...... 76,515 206 145,673 3.383 [Grundy and Kendall. 46 6,515 95,587 1,243 3,104 104 160,950 220 293.057 1, 792 Divided in 1841 to form 47 1.2,356 53,787....... 261..... 35,175 71 108,855 12,974 Divided in 1844 to form 48 6,086 28,16 341 487 7 24,350 23 56.035 2,785 Richland. 49 5,196 6,688....... 12............................... 200 Divided in 1841 to form 50 9397 1,961........ 4,670...... 17,300 37 12,94 11,372 Woodiord. 51 4,8 &37 76,333..... 5,310...... 34,610 64 73,700 25,279...................... 52 10,248 71783 100 107...... 74,350 42 153,160 5,741 [Woodford. 53 58,055 45.454 160 8,073 10 27,000 44 85,037 15,363 Divided in 1841 to form 54 5,110 1 48827 148 397 10,200 24,360 9,914 Divided in'41 and'42 to 55 12,193 65,951 4,565 10,143...... 29,175 76 48,811 57,665 form Piatt and Moul- 56 11,006 115,680 2,269 17,411 923 332,045 931 1,418,371 8,960 trie. 57 299776 34,448 6,141 880 10 10,275 20 45,990 17,636...................... 58 1.,217 509209 158 4,324 9.800 41 26,800 732 [Menard & Tazewell. 59........ 29.147.................. 4,600 8 27,000 3,086 Formed in 1841 from 60 1.991 17378................ 5 6,100 29 19.893 4,681 In'42 f. Pope & Johns'n 61 4818 43,383 200 9,608...... 53,961 132 176.196 15,758 Divided in 1841 to fornm 62 4,927 46,105 0 1895 65........................ 7,723 Mason. 63 2,110 28.90 170 2.9236 50 65,88 11.9 222.94 1,595..................... 64 2,765 47:899..... 2,490...... 11400 37 16,600 10,868...................... 65 894 136;692 210 16,306 1 98,450 380 313.230 30,155...................... 66 8.29 20,464....... 2.504 1,200 39 11,300 8,601 Formed in 1.842 fiom 67 7,6312 61.747 5,136 1,953 40 67,500 99 167,080 6,856 Macon and Shelby. 68 6,823 103,911 10-29 9,241 25 419,730 577 722,957 8,603...................... 69 7,800 41,025........ 92...... 6,050 11 10,150 16,878...................... 70 13,870 7,3........ 1,33................... 3,352 Formed in 1841 from 71 4,666 155.892 168 11,194 5 86,013 146 137,385 18,748 Macon and De Witt. 72 5 14936.....72................................ 6,409 Div.'42 to form Massac. 73 2,737 12450 56 1,273...... 11,095 42 0.649 3,308 Formed in 1842 from 74 8,0.5 3096 149 3.44 6 17,380 44 364 083 Alexander. 75 4 7,095. 5,809).46137 105,50 148 37,143 1,16 7 3.5 37095..... 5 809]...... 105250] 148 237,143 1167. 76 224 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. I All classes. Total population. COUNTIES. -- " ----- --- Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 77 Richland........... 2,095 1,907 4,002 10........ 2,101 1,911 4, 012.......... 78 Rock Island......... 3,706 3,229 6,935 2........ 3,707 3,230 6,937 2,610 79 St. Clair....... 10480 9,119 19,599 581. 10,786 9,394 20,180 13631 80 Saline........ 2,811 2,684 5,495 93........ 2,861 2, 727 5,588. 81 Sangamon.... 9,911 9,064 18,975 253........ 10,0233 9,205 19,228 14,716 82 Schuyler.. 5,514 5,033 10,547 26........ 5,526 5,047 10,573 6, 972 83 Scott............... 4,044 3858 7,902 12........ 4,048 3,866 7,914 6,215 84 Shelby............. 4,025 373 7,762 45........ 4,051 3,756 7,807 6,659 85 Stark.......... 40 1770 3,710.......... 1,940 1,770 3,710 1,573 86 Stephenson... 6,267 5,391 11,658 8........ 6,271 5,395 11,666 2,800 87 Tazewell...... 6,381 5,635 12,016 36..... 6,394 5,658 12,052 7,221 88 Union........ 3,852 3,18 7,570 45........ 3,873 3,742 7,615 5,524 89 Vermillion.... 5,904 5,577 11,481 11........ 5,909 5.583 11,492 9,303 90 Wabash. 2,338 2,302 4,640 50........ 2,362 2,328 4,690 4, 240 91 Warren........ 4,339 3823 8,162 14........ 4,346 3,830 8,176 6,7391 92 Washington........ 611 3318 6,929 24. 3,623 3,330 6,953 4,810 93 Wayne........... 3,473 3,349 6,822 3. 3,475 3,350 6,825 5,133 94 White.............. 4578 4238 8,816 109........ 4,336 4,289 8,925 7,919 95 Whitesides.... 2,861 2,498 5,359 2........ 2,863 2,498 5,361 2,514 96 Will.............. 8850 7,820 16,670 33........ 8,871 7,832 16,703 10,167 97 Williamson......... 3,668 3,481 7,149 67........ 3,704 3,512 7,216 4,457 98 Winnebago......... 6,329 5,432 11,761 12........ 6,338 5,435 11,773 4,609 99 Woodford...........22,287 2,128 4,415.. 2,28 2........ 4,415 STATISTICS OF 1 Adams............. 3,040 2,749 5,789 8.. 3,044 2,753 5,797 2,264 2 Alen............... 8, 836 7,981 16,817 102..... 8,884 8,035 16,919 5,942 3 Bartholomew....... 6,445 5,901 12,346 82....... 6,483 5,945 12,428 10,042 4 Benton.............. 620 524 1,144................ 620 524 1,144. 5 Blackford........... 1,463 1,386 2,849 1........ 1,468 1,392 2,860 1,226 6 Boone.............. 5,897 5,714 11,611 20........ 5,905 5,726 11,631 8,121 7 Brown.............. 2,498 2,329 4,827 19.... 2,510 2,336 4,846 2,364 8 Carroll............. 5,672 5.310 10,982 33.. 5,687 5,328 11,015 7,819] 9 Cass...... 5,790 5,170 10,960 61..... 5,815 5,206 11,021 5,4801 10 Clark............... 7,856 7,390 15,246 582..... 8,143 7,685 15,828 14,595 11 Clay................ 4,094 3,832 7,926 18........ 4,102 3,842 7,944 5,567 12 Clinton............. 6,065 5780 11,845 24..... 6,075 5,794 11,869 7,508. 13 Crawford.... 3,366 3,157 6,523 1........ 3,367 3,157 6, 524 5, 282 14 Daviess..... 5,504 4804 10,308 44....... 5,527 4,825 10,352 6,720 15 Dearborn........ 10,491 9528 20,019 147........ 10,571 9,595 20,166 19,27{ 16 Decatur............ 7,514 7,437 14,951 156....... 7,588 7,519 15,107 12,1711 17 De Kalb............ 4,342 3,899 8,241 10... 4,346 3,905 8,251 1,968] 18 Delaware........... 5,555 5,284 10,839 4........ 5,557 5,286 10,843 8,8431 19 Dubois.............. 3,234 3,066 6,300 21. 3,244, 3,077 6,321 3,632 20 Elkhart............. 6,615 6,059 12,674 16.. 6,622 6,068 12,690 6,660 21 Fayette............ 5,162 4,983 10,145 72....... 5,197 5,020 10,217 9,837 22 Floyd.............. 7,445 6,856 14,301 574..... 7,716 7,159 14,875 9,454 23 Fountain....... 6,975 6,2267 13,201 52. 7,000 6,253 13,253 11,218 24 Franklin......... 9,093 8,666 17,759 209.... 9,197 8,771 17,968 13349 25 Fulton............. 3,15 2.828 5,980 2. 3,153 2, 829 5,982 1,993 26 Gibson............ 5,480 5,074 10,554 217....... 5,582 5,189 10,771 8,977 27 Grant............. 5,724 5,221 10,945 147....... 5,799 5,293 11,092 4,875 28 Greene............. 6,302 5,936 12,238 75..6.. 338 5,975 12,313 8,321 29 Hamilton........... 6,381 6,121 12,502 18.. 6,474 6,210 12,684 9,855 30 Hancock........... 4,871 4,723 9,594 104..... 4, 925 4,773 9,698 7,535 31 Harrison............ 7,701 7,494 15,195 91.. 7,748 7,538 15,286 12,459 32 Hendricks........... 7,263 6,784 14,047 36....... 7,282 6,801 14,083 11,264 33 Henry.............. 8, 722 8,596 17,318 287.... 8,870 8, 735 17,605 15, 128 34 Howard........... 3,490 3,062 6,552 105..... 3,558 3,099 6,657.......... 35 Huntington......... 4,166 3,681 7,847 3.. 4,168 3,682 7,850 1,579 36 Jackson........... 5,533 5,300 10,833 214....... 5,649 5,398 11,047 8,961 37 Jasper............. 1,871 1,668 3,539 1........ 1,872 1,668 3,540 1,267 38 Jav................ 3,602 3,415 7,017 30. 3,618 3,429 7,047 3,863 39 Jefferson........... 12,195 11,153 23,348 568..... 12,468 11,448 23,916 16,614 40 Jennings............ 6,181 5, 592 11,773 323... 6, 3.32 5.764 12, 096 8,829 41 Johnson............ 6,245 5,841 12,086 15.... 6,252 5,849 12,101 9,352 42 Knox.. 5,483 5.071 10,554 530. 5, 753 5,331 11084 10657 43 Kosciusko.......... 5,342 4,900 10,242 1. 5,342 4,901 10,243 4;170 44 La Grange......... 4,374 3,995 8,369 18. 4,384 4,003 8,387 3 664 45 Lake........... 2,227 1.763 3,990 1.... 2, 227 1,764 3,991 1,468 46 Laporte..... 6,338 5,729 12,067 78........ 6.377 5,768 12,.45 8.184 47 Lawrence......... 6,252J 5,751 12,003 94..... 6;301 5,796 12,097 11,782J STATISTICS OF ILLINOIS. 225 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, i&C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Colleges~acad- I Born out of State. Colleges Public Schools. emies, and pri- o s r _________ vate schools. - --.. DI tm In C a Z ~ I 1c - 5 -- ~ s I 3~ 1 1o S5 j 5. a^ g| 1,963 191 704 705............. 360 337 337 927 1657 568 1,800 77 3,974 925 1,246 1,246 165 $1,900 180 984 2,884 1,378 2,642 54 1,050 78 3,604 7,170 3,727 3,728 79 3,100.............. 3,100 2,666 7,529 686 11,200 79 2,255 24 96 961............ 410 2,210 2,210 942 2,364 735 175 80 9,120 1,243 3,17 3.196 80 2,400 3,220 2,250 4,650 4,172 7,504 1,966 28,150 81 5,253 423 1,783 1 85500,.......00.... 1,300 2,273 4,377 808 4,00082 3,279 531 1,300 1,335 67 760 1.844 4,264 5.024 1,848 3,175 771 5,10 83 3,725 82 1,411 1,411..............'869 1,71 1710 1,182 3,381 969 12600 84 2,298 242 594 621......4....6... 483 1,1668 1,521 77 300 85 7,009 1,782 1,950 2.052 100 1,000 1,800 6,023 7,023 2,774 4,517 302 900 86 6,414 1,379 1 991 1;991......2........,941 0915,091 5091 2114 4,695 72 5,100 87 3,286 67 1,289 1,289............. 1,300 1929 1. 1306 3,2361,318 10,38 88 6,305 174 1,985 1, 28 500 70 1, 000 1500 230 4,791 372 7,700 89 1,655 323 808 816. 750 1,268 1,268 1233 1,935 8 7,40090 4,868 241 1,401 1,401.............. 409 2,864 2,864 2,552 3,338 115 4,650 91 2.302 999 1,288 1,288.............. 1,000 500 500 1424 2,841 814 3,660 92 2,664 86 1;209 1,226.................... 561 561 850 2,910 863 4.200 93 2,977 209 1,537 1,537.............. 1,000 10,000 10.000 1,536 3,811 847 505094 3,344 436 923 9-23.............. 1,364 3,147 3:147 1,314 1,985 13 1,30095 6,621 4,957 2,796 2.833 200 2,150 3,742 10,400 12,550 3,664 6,4771,173 6,10 96 3,470 52 1195 1208 60........ 360 906 906 1,101 3,106 1,115 5,20097 6,776 2,273 1,979 2,126.............. 2,385 2,63.2,639 2,705 4,350 9 3,80098 2,052 660 747 74 50 1,250 750 1,875 3,125 1,126 1,821 7 1,850 99 INDIANA. 3,206 847 1,0 1002.............. 555 2,117 2,117 1,119 2,345 157 950 1 7,581 3,753 3.097 3.109 580 8,800 2,500 5,434 14,234 3,838 6,436 616 5,0 2 5,400 405 2,149 2,160 95 730 2,558 3,168 3,898 3,008 5,214 1,153 7,400 3 521 57 180 180.............. 180 272 272 326 451 95.......... 4 1,699 6 514 514... 20 510 510 594 1,171 166 1,600 5 4,943 50 1,914 1936 75........ 2,708 2, 2,009 2,613 5,064 954 11,630 6 1,995 57 790'805............................... 834 2, 065 825 800 7 5,611 266 1,909 1,909......9...... 1,250 3,447 3,447 2,860 4,415 978 6,000 8 5,678 532 100........ 1,881 1,795 2,788 2,788 2.284 4,468 172 3,800 9 5,016 1,29 2,757 2,807 259 4,762 1700 850 113,262 2,934 6,082 795 16,980 10 3,130 140 1,326 1,326.............11................ 1,114 3,467 532 1,500 11 5,562 125 2,001 2,001.............. 4710 4,750 4,750 2,581 5,1401 1,057 5,000 12 1,865 49 1 027 1,027 100 3501,418,744 3,094 1,50 2,862 945 2,400 13 2,987 962 1,803 1,803................. 124 1,680 1680 1,157 4,170 1,214 7,600 14 5,648 4,077 3,549 3,602 195 2,500 7,461 5,762 8,262 4,993 7,569 697 16,300 15. 5,889 339 266-2 2,683 65 367 3,721 1204 1,571 3,988 6,006 1,301 13,850 16 5,903 222 1.421 1424.................. 2,362 2,362 1,915 3,336 614 750 17 5,051 129 1;874 1,874.............. 1,894 1,625 1,625 2,887 4,611 1,089 5,000 18 1,141 1,618 1,146 1,146 135 350 138 537 887 515 2,544 430 3,500 19 7,775 484 2,254 2,316 20........ 1,800 3,201 3,201 3,175 5,175 1,055 5,7100 20 3,753 306 1,818 1,835 200 200 2,346 7,456 7.656 2,881 3,915 626 11,030 21 4,532 2,384 2,448 2,677 184 8,000 2;011 11,267 19,267 2,597 5,415 902 10,750 22 5,786 346 2,251 2,301 40 100 3,622 6,537 6,637 3,865 5,289 1,444 9200 23 5,967 2,152 3,286 3,2 86 60 700 52,315 8,841 9,541 4,333 7, 065 646 17,891 24 3,249 197 1,085 1,085............. 1,200 866 866 1,40 2,430 482 2,975 25 3,145 530 1,833 1,834............ 2,060 6.277 6,277 2,538 4,335 1,128 5,700 26 5,780 88 1,884 1,901.............. 1,250 3,535 3535 2,991 4,620 1,069 6,975 27 4,473 448 2,089 2,094............... 2,346 2,367 2,367 2,332 5,224 1,503 6,350 28 5,302 189 2159 2,161............. 456 1,428 1,428 2,718 5,303 1,272 3,600 29 3,815 44 1,685 1,685 40 200 605 946 1,146 2,413 4,089 624 3,850 30 3,900 1,178 2,645 2,645.............. /2,322 1,917 1917 1,951 6,375 89 16,300 31 5,937 377 2,390 2,412 60 300 3,176 16,500 16,800 3,365 5,903 1,302 14,220 32 7,652 147 3,064 3,066 130 1,143 3,846 4,963 6,106 4,655 7,237 918 14,335 33 2,905 42 1,190 1,190.... 1,273 1,273 1,158 2,640 143 2,600 34 4,623 458 1,356 1,356............ 1,500 1,194 1,194 1,254 3,040 571 2,200 35 2,898 699 1,956 1,9651........ 154 2,820 2,820 2,073 4,523 1,368 9,450 36 1,793 73 592 592....... 238................ 964 1,492 202 110 37 4,404 134 1,179 1,185 80 400 810 1,876 2,276 2,026 2,959 410 1,425 38 8,234 3,113 4,092 4,204 201 5,000 4 055 11,413 16,413 5,577 9,140 1,432 31,9029 39 3,995 991. 2,064 2,064......1........ I1857 2,750 2,750 2,587 4,854 437 12.850 40 4,923 129 2,067 2,067 134 2,000 4 708 6,636 8,636 2,725 5,163 470 22; 646 41 2,459 877 1,969.1,969 135 4,100 1,600 4,000 8,100 2,151 4,259 670 8,100 42 6,371 178 783 1,795......... 2451 2,098 2.098 2,428 4332 1,092 2,450 43 5,790 327 1,479 1,486 97 1,000 2,234 1,590 2,590 2,133 3,408 103 1,150 44! 30 1,479. 1,486 4;2340, 4 1,954 863 715 715 40 375 375 380 755 1,063 1,572 131 1,500; 45 6,743 770 2,124 2,150 105 8,875 5,700 4,036 12,911 3760 4,788 593 8,050 46 3,673 347 2,012 2,012.............. 4,974 6801,680 1680 1,441 4,973[ 1,104 9,750 47; 15 226 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK IJUPON FARMS. COUNTIES. I) 0 77 Richland........... 204 13,255 25, 460 194, 296 723 2,660 1,792 7,499 78 Rock Island......... 585 24,803 47512 568,599 1,288 5632 3,374 7,489 79 St Clair............ 196 113.101 161 001 2,773,545 916 19447 8.75 33309 80 Saline.............. 678 19,568 39138 23293 1,861 3809 3,; 856 25,1871 81 Sangamon.......... 1,578 176,895 146377 3,490,364 9,090 7267 46,900 64,839 82 Schuyler......... 624 37,776 60,313 868,266 2,262 6,461 9,111 16,060 83 Scott.............. 712 48,216 54,216 1,180,379 3,327 9,642 10,135 26,213 84 Shelby........... 834 51,454 109,520 1065,403 3,369 11, 752 11,676 29403 85 Stark............... 343 24,552 28,480 492,049 1,710 4,315 5,643 10,227 86 Stephenson....... 1179 76,343 122319 1,997,170 2729 9,115 7,734 t5,275 87 Tazewell......... 1,110 72,882 92,077 1,686,92 4,556 L0,912 8,651 21,203 88 Union.............. 810 30,448 65505 380,6 2,416 6,426 4,869 21,315 89 Vermillion......... 1,269 11,759 135,623 2,210,652 6,064 22,263 23,586 30, 90 Wabash............ 533 24,369 39648 443,90 1,863 4,281 4, 427 16,915 91 Warren............. 956 75,334 61,267 1,277,538 4359 13,003 16,017 33,452 92 Washington......... 829 47,557 68,276 555,717 3947 12,262 8,775 2.1,672 93 Wayne............. 492 23,938 45,957 308,02 1,774 5607 5,765 21,850 94 White............. J1,101 48,548 88,996 571,282 3,314 6. 825 7,523 42,069 95 Whitesides........ 404 35, 92 55, 184 767,552 1,460 6,791 5,372 3,642 96 Will................ 1,200 102,578 82,789 2,053,750 3,490 16,667 21,703 8,650 97 Williamson.......... 752 27,149 31,586 284,901 9,116 5.552 7,525 37,084 98 Winnebago........ 919 64,929 94,325 1,638,015,623!9 337 12,330 9,570 99 Woodford........... 506 36,651 57,842 749,715 1,982 6,948 5,818 10,809 STATISTICS OF 1 Adams........... 574 22,760 50,850 639,154 1,779 4,716 3,882 9,417 2 Alien............ 1,300 50,481 103,624 1,722,980,497 10508 5,905 1391 3 Bartholomew........ 1,249 70,203 96,534 2,403,755 4.314 9,336 i4,531 44,869 4 Benton......... 149 12,100 1,092 288,928 644 3,132 1,524 3,991 5 Blackford........... 308 11,740 38,647 373.946 1,200 2,717 2,305 5,170 6 Boone.............. 1,393 54,593 109,841 1,560,981 5,093 8,067 16,456 27, 760 7 Brown........... 535 16.984 48,586 362,308 1,347 2,755 5,60 9,977 8 Carroll.............. 1,129 54,876 104,830 2181.795 4,049 7,977 10,701 23,995 9 Cass............ 1,134 44,990 107,321 1,711,262 3,563 7,569 7,087 17,720 10 Clark............... 1,048 65.631 84,356 2,195,843 3,996 7,777 11,005 32,730 11 Clay............... 829 38811 71 213 744,179,439 6,254 10,176 19,942 12 Clinton:............ 1,411 66.553 99,204 1,516,123 4761 8,488 15,198 28;350 13 Crawford.......... 540 24,918 5577.5 463,584 1, 767 3,768 6,299 14,082 14 Daviess............. 1,21 54,593 93.706 876,042 3,531 7,885 13, 293 33,508 15 Dearborn............ 1,520 85,335 69 9209 3,748,735 5,060 8,440 9,765 29,454 16 Decatur........... 1,377 86,449 90,895 2,584364 5,160 11,532 21,084 44,600 17 De Kalb............ 831 31,981. 85 327 1019.370 1.439 7,382 6,066 8,041 18 Delaware........... 1084 51,757 99, 559 1,663, 227 3,277 7,157 15, 895 24,241 19 Dubois.......... 794 27,543 52. 13 357,608 1.875 4,701 5,709 22,026 20 Elkhart.......... 1,226 67,557 93.782 1.951,353 3156 9,532 16,601 12,792 21 Fayette......... 956 71,516 60,075 3,151399 4,333 8,491 13,521 32,400 22 Floyd............... 48 24,742 33,174 992,973 2,035 3,364 4,020 7,414 23 Fountain............ 1,357 72,347 109,952 1,976,029 5,980 10,652 17,810 29,310 24 Franklin........ 1,739 90,073 142,866 4,30,838 5,713 9,915 13,129 37,685 25 Fulton......... 777 31,843 101. 454 823716 1,959 5.623 6,474 9,509 26 Gibson.......... 220 63,343 103,873 1.371,798 4,545 8,391 11095 56,054 27 Grant..... 900 37,942 69,752 1,054,246 2. 460 5489 8,502 12,989 28 Greene............. 1,27 56,54 131,371 1,095.024 4.!305 9,350 14,939 35,287 29 Hamilton......... 1,261 54,250 95.954 1,716,855 4.330 7,809 14,929 27,354 30 Hancock...........1,176 48,600 87,469 1,483, 745 3,594 6,606 12.456 33,782 31 IHarrison............ 1,650 90.278 163.667 1,800,900 5,454 11,390 17,966 36,465 32 Itenaricks.......... 1,444 93,072 131:042 92,770, 324 6,844 13,789 26,813 41,150 33 Henry.............. 1,666 89, 23-2 107,244 3,116,917 5,45 10,355 24,716 39,387'34 Howard......... 746 15, 551 68,734 778, 356 1.503 3,095 3,05 10,718 35 Huntington......... 78 26,703 66,507 956,682, 969 4,769 4,316 1l,289 36 Jackson............1,173 59,503 108, 582 1,047,660 4,954 8,565 11,519 42, 106 37 Jasper.............. 343 24,161 44077 428,838 1,155 5,682 4,261 8,099 38 Jay............ 876 29,576 74,972 847,701 2,623 4,945 6,529 12,971 39 Jefferson............ 1,396 76,449 94,558 2,163,497 5,389 10,060 16,741 21,411 40 Jennings........., 1208 55,220 103 644 1,155,747 3,552 9,962 14,490 23,667 41 Johnson............. 1,153 71,230 94,026 2, 025,808 4, 605 8,848 19,335 36,055 42 Knox............. 961 50,434 89,609 875,027 3,931 9,107 11,089 33, 69 43 Kosciusko.......... 1,127 46,679 110, 040 1360,923 3.216 9, 781 10,458 16, 32 44 La Grange..........1,062 53,003 85,415 1,358,444 2,253 8,436 13,284 8,01 45 Lake.....4........423 25,171 34,148 424,808 1,151 6,007 4,534 5,671 46 Laporte......... 1,11.6 75,259 58,647 -1,889,003 3,910 1,0751 18 306 13, 27. 47 Lawrence.......... 031 116,228 98,318 1,728039 4,271 10,0741 1858 47,389 STATISTICS OF ILLINOIS. 227 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. ^ I Iril Iil l 5,836 26,455 113,205 4,936 1...... 36- 23,895 809 10 85 J1 77 83,076 31.380 215 255 14,265 636 2,692 1.009 81. 735 7,443 16 30......70 2'24,049 264,903 1,102,563 81,801 106 21,222 9471 248,915 3,596 75 40......79 4,799 23,966 341,900 15,558 3,125 10...... 29,696 185...... 24 75 80 104,126i 346,347 3,318,304 31,040 675 753 2.3671 400.660 9,200 30 6351,572 81 79,930 56,590 398,160 11,524 56...... 1.177 142 59.3 /3307.... o 84:232 45,313 762,950 11859 300 700 116669 3823... 15. 21 998 9,404 757,382 12,001 21 8 574 126.521 2646......60 0 84 54,327 50,703 312,475 11,627 126 223 1,981.81300 5,630... 50 4 85 228,267 228.817 303,285 43,063 379 4,444 3.911 321.847 16.023 1,230 83119 86 144;241 147.3221,114,640 20,547 20 17,350'761 199;642 9,986 12 981 55 87 31902 42,287 314,705 21,08 132...... 17 34,58'209 8 12 51 88 12,438! 45,225 320,000 10,646 2,492 16 934 61474 2,222 149 290 1130 90 832,64576 1,566 1,021,5425 19,872 67 624 404 219,920 78,293 516 138...... 91 12,080 133,394 467,690 16,591 11,998...... 580 159,615 1,69...... 15 171 92 6.342 04 29,08590 301,935 10,49601 1,072 16 453 64.460 45896 75 40......7 319 93 15293 56,247 708,8900 1521,55839 2,319 6 331 147234 747696 185 233 143 4 149,66126 370,654 211,027 35,64 635,2651 1.685 4158,917 98,950 6 206 1572 81 2 930,885 334,490 527,903 64,7821 1,09 1,795 8,136 374,789 32,043 4 488 30 96 6376 433,3331 235.729 18,936 2,19....... 6300 59,361 242.....19 51 316,586 90,13404 7528145 1240,95 27 657 5,477 168,086 52 14,444...... 27 3 98 5427 51,590 404244 14,157 126 5,545 981 86,114 4,553...... 130 4 99 INDIANA. 189,509 59,038 281,339 48,360 119 363 5,981 137,856 5,919 30 337 159 2 102,53167 60,038 1,173.902 0.722 64 1 1,410 603 181,937 3,558 750 1 9 2,6142,554141 147 40 1,1140 2095 547 20 10 460 14,581 948 1 5 3 487 18,262 49,705 67,060 5,783 364....... 462 58,533 1,25409 1 51 46, 301 169,403) 1,475,195 17409 178:i60 41.3 187,040 51,545 25 51 29 9 16, 438 45 6225 320 000 10, 646 1492 934 61,4]4 222 149 290 130 90 645 176,3566 1583,045 19,215 2,336 6 1,0084 2195,67320 4,259 841 1194......362 6 14,154080 13319, 019 1 179,304 75 14.. 40 49,343[ 6421 6...... 166 534 7 133,371 53,2497 70549,88215 21 0,548 280,319 6 316 180 194,094 4,397 253 1,078 324 8 107, 078 40,118 397915 23307'64 4645 1,240 19058 579 83,092 391 85 418 9 62.067 120.837 567 964 53,229 43 26 226 193,695 4,600 80 68 87 10 33,039 39,58833 357,832 15;354 193 7806 5361 242...... 893164 219 11 316 95,839 0134,207 710,973 4013,6195 7 651,974 1,9 168,0815 5,444.... 533 217 3 1 20.009 37614 183.930244 12,439 737.., 34 36,304 918 169 83 5781 13 30200 3,48720 643,688 14,635,313 4190 41...... 563 12329035 3,938 34 243 89 1 70,506 98,0382938 491 459,662 955 5543 4,272 280,230 13,88919,962 717'339 15 88,4931 49000 1,050,21 7 8472055 641 1 10 603 181 95,537 3 1,400558 323 365 16 5,995612 134,812 13998600 128.044 579 184 3,022 1347841 4,660 8 71 3 8 17 18 262 940 67 060 5783 364...... 462 584533 17254 Ill 1 51 5 5.078 46,2 667 42909 14 039215 111 359 1,024 145,736 4,957 401 194 337 2 18 14,154 19,019 179 304 7'51 17...... 8 493 642.. 534 7 133371 5340,648 587.905 16,989 280 678 380 58 4494 1,242 35 1078 324 19 174716 10639 39 370973 153,544 2656,697 200009 8,2803...... 16505 219 11 00093,469 450601 945614 18,836 144 55 1,394 1847 361530 4,691 721 1,006 578113 21 302,700 6487 6431 43;875 10 563 173, 750 3 24198...... 22 60,0316 953,975032 927, 478 17,341 214 90 2008 191,808 137,554 2717 233 87 23 1242893 103,814 1,050,21497 39,019 724 1,5783 6,01 5 9,87 6,39217,578 871 24 24 0,757 33,264 221761 20.567 34 513 3,820 85,063 4,637 27 39 169 3 25 5543078 677 833 947,590 007 120 2059 560 152,536 1,693 28 258 108 26 909613 40,973 64 361,31887.905 11,813 3 785 10027449 13,27342..... 3365 120 27 32, 091 64,871539 37615,050,973 1,786 430 27 1,159 122,129 2,306 40 25 5 1,65 0 28 64872 59:697 663,9031 17,87036 98 20 7521 155,526 5,131 40 31191 29 58230 706 6149, 85413.89134 11. 47431875 165,1 8 6 3 317 3,51 0. 108,819 155,515 549,276 63893 371 299 109 152,759 2,450...... 90 891 31 80 814 5375,338 775,539 20,815 231. 468 223033 4,934 971,757 449 32 124,289 103,81 1,002,149 3MI9 72 11578 [ 5 915?8 6r3N 7 7 8 3 24 1.29;303 91,481 940,042 12,765 107 545 1.078 201:949 7,334 101 9461,994 33 27,930 6,157 238,853 ~12,151 564 347'219 57, 458 569 44 35 179 34 76,750i 27597 216,173 21,934 567 781 57 655 69,638 2,707 100 298 101 35 38,488 76,289 949,174 20, 007 9 359 6 101, 536 1 693.299 36 90,961 402973 36138 9,051 27,731 250,895 8108 16 18 1,592 78.670 3,822 207306 16 37 47,290 40.259,697 663870 98170,455 15,756 319.. 15544 903 4,266 254 680 922 38 58,2659 49,152 549,471 60,7526 1422 1,189 323 16253,328 8,944 916 2631 120 3 62,843 7841 5 516053 33224 80 01..... 805 239380 5,701 600 87 93 40 99,038 348025 993,375 015,4...909 75 774 14066833 4,082 174 541 228 41 27,187 52,023 720,7 15,204 94 103 99 32,288 2,7834...... 6 53 117,918 79,656 341,556 33619 420 57 3,705 186,186 4,338 193 370 205 43 127 905 76,91 216,2111 61514 6781 2,759 6.9775 161,539 7,203..... 56 0 3 4389 92529 138,040 123,69463 574 771 9725 1 02,8981 28.949...... 4102 2 45 206016 177,62315 66.949 58.260 24 1,764 8,98110.250 2390,552380 5213221 39 92 93 46 43,953 5004659 138,040 2390 57 7138. 2 1032, 898 82,746...... 102 870 4 43,9531 150;06 838!2381 14;3901 138'......I' 201 13~2;79.1 2,746............ 870 47 228 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 1. ~ I I. IVo.jF 1 ot~m F: ^4 0 80 i;~i~;;;;;;;; 0 0 4)+:.0 U0 0 77 Richland............ 2,915...... 4,408...... 305........ 810...... 4,658...... 78 Rock Island......... 150...... 500.................................... 8,865...... 79 St. Clair.......................................... 20,895...... 80 Saline..4,45........ 412.. 113,65...... 7,558...... 81t Sangamon.......... 112...... 120.................... 2 00...... 120,88. 82 Schuyler............ 1,283..... 4,316...... 135... 1,050..... 22,295...... 83 Scott........................24,89 84 Shelby.............. 90 3,55100.... 27208. 85 Stark............... 130...... 60...... 2.................. 16,047.. 86 Stephenson......... 1,537...... 19, 984...... 123........ 1,000...... 18,40. 87 Tazewell................657...... 74..................20 81...... 88'Union.............. 825..... 6,241...... 57 8........ 2,28......820...... 89 Vermillion.......... 2, 396...... 23 990. 656 100 59938. 90 Wabash. 4687 2,250 191 4...... 00........ 100230...... 91 Warren....3480. 60..51......... 92 Washington....... 19563...... 93 Wayne........... 4, 734.... 100........ 2,051... 11347... 94 W hite.............. 12,762...... 80 59........ 28,129...... 19,364 1 95 Whitesides 750.........51........ 50514,445...... 96 Will............... 57...... 9,617...... 167. 2,760...... 50,237...... 97 Williamson......... 1,359...... 299...... 8. 536,268...... 14,030...... 98 Winnebago.160.............................. 30,170...... 99 W oodford.....6.....033...1.......................... 16, 99 601......I....,..290......_ STATISTICS OF 1 Adams516......... 17317 748................9,532...... 2 Alen............... 510...... 4,256...... 331................14,240.... 3 Bartholomew...... 2,484... 6,653...... 309........ 4,800 32,014 30 4 Benton............. 70...... 250...... 5........................ 4,846 5 Blackford........... 1,898 2...... 22,095 1,077........................ 5,865...... 6 Boone.............. 9,026...... 87,661..... 6,010..... 39,380. 7 Brown.............. 11,807...... 22,412...... 1,092....... 9,504... 10,029 8 Carroll............ 11,852...... 53,470. 3,371...... 558...... 27,487...... 1 Adars........................ 9Cass. 1,639 47. 4411.... 17,510 ]3 10 Clark. 2,850 6,987 978 235 22,77 i 11 Clay................ 5,591.. 12,908...... 379........ 1,280...... 18, 584...... 12 Clinton............. 1,381...... 48,374.. 1,765... 4,400...... 33,722...... 13 Crawford........... 30,507...... 4,776...... 400....... 10,530..... 11,686 2 14 Daviess............. 71,165...... 6,185 25....... 19,900...... 28,495 69 15 Dearborn............ 2557..... 1,598 557 1......27,380 12 16 Decatur............. 13,872..... 19,621...... 2,022........ 700...... 47,029..... 17 De Kalb............ 1,468..... 115,230......2975..........15,79...... 18 Delaware........... 3,642...... 39,033. 1,518......22...... 36,797...... 19 Dubois.............. 6,141...... 3,501...... 102........ 2,654...... 12,269...... 20 Elkhart.. 155671. 5,10..41,1...... 21 Fayette............. 741 17,074.. 2,828........ 500...... 34689...... 28 Floyd............. 635...... 21..... 71........ 1,500...... 7,581...... 23 Fountain........... 4,163..... 53,817...... 3,608........ 2,670...... 49,203...... 24 Franklin............ 1,445..... 2,467 1,193..........34,587 150 25 Fulton.............. 1.205.. 34,278 1...... 393 190 11,795...... 26 Gibson............. 6,341..... 3,960 367........ 14,25 25,434...... 27 Grant......... 2,735...... 50,070...... 2,166........ 4,428...... 22842...... 28 Greene...26....777.... 16 887...... 591........ 190,476 31,502 29 Hamilton............ 1475.. 62, 490...... 4603............38,864. 30 Hancock........... 4926 3...... 8,213...... 2,2.. 6,040...... 30,704 3 31 Harrison. 10,864... 90....24.. 32,956...... 32 Hendricks....... 5344...... 67,02...... 4,981 1,292...... 64,117...... 33Henry........... 58671,005 58,671....... 1,800...... 57,336...... 34 Howard............ 4085.... 59,279.. 3,269........ 6,6536,896.. 35 Huntington.. 2,072... 43,931 2,289....... 78 9,675...... 36 Jackson............ 3,844 6,648.. 4452,442 24,323...... 37 Jasper..................................................... 5...... 10,811...... 38 Jay................. 2,686...... 45,917...... 2,339........ 50...... 16,925 14 39 Jefferson...... 3200...... 2,184...... 379........ 5,540...... 38,160 5 40 Jennings............ 11,070...... 8,013...... 396........ 710.... 28,874...... 41 Johnson............ 5,139...... 25,705 1659. 11.538 41602. 42 Knox.............. 952...... 6,285 137.2,0122 21,941...... 43. Kosciuso.......... 4,062 93,521...... 3,436........ 355 28,540..... 44 La Grange.......... 240 84,287...... 2,471........................ 36,346. 45 Lake............... 160................................... 126...... 11,526.... 46 Laporte........... 65... 40,893...... 1451 23........ 578916...... 57891 33 47 Lawrence'.......... 8,023...... 21,350.... 1,720........ 7,800... 36 7..... STATISTICS OF ILLINOIS. 229 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. Zt | d rh 1Establishments. ^ il H-~ I 1REMARKS. i~, IU0 11 Cs c.0 8,911 $12,245........ 485...... $3,200 8 $13,200 $4,576 Formed in 1844 from Law- 77 8,915 27,956 $141 1,982 45,365 128 126,390 3,999 rence and Clay. 78 17,260 95,445 3,360 25,509 425 231,890 288 678,318 10,242.........................79 2,710 43,372... 5,058...... 9,800 23 16,470 14,752 Formed in 1847 from Gal- 80 3,507 79,662 23,110 28,819 325 196,750 429 511,767 33,143 latin. 81 6,430 56,17 55 6,994...... 8,480 155 103,443 8,346.........................82 4,887 92,775 75 9, 731...... 78,340 138 209,226 16,829........................ 83 1,476 44,705........ 1,531 135 14,480.26 18,435 25,827 1842 to form 84 5,220 39,487........ 1,140 8 21505 28 42,465 5,249 Moultrie. 8 24,193 72,807 2,005 2,402. 115,700 207 296,600 6.313.........................86 586 84,413..... 8,693 10 120.625 28 351,525 6 561 Divided in 1841 to form 87........ 26,783.... 1,615 20,100 47 43,345' 12,698 Mason and Woodward. 88 21,439 81,358 30 19428 10 36,680 61 50,313 21,461......................... 89 8,148 33,655........ 910...... 33.900 37 47,885 8,5990 4,030 111,536........ 4,20 30 37,400 52 139,002 23,278 Divided in 1841 to form 91 33,412 33.585... 199 7..... 375 14 16,100 14,234 Henderson. 92 19,019 19,571 79 1,405...... 11,600 14 6,700 18,318.........................93 6, 867 76,355 6,675 3,826 25 27,800 56 55.860 26,558.........................94 9,256 27614........ 1, 035...... 119,020 77 114,829. 4,715........................ 95 15,175 62,576 718 4,437 10 213,200 271 460,718 4, 742........................96 2,778 31, 805........ 145 8,383 24 14,900 31,563.........................97 4,333 51,733........ 981 15 109,005 164 236 3,651 [Tazewell and McLean. 98 7,255 43,458 325 2,218...... 32,010 34 63740 7,765 F'd 1841 from Livingston, 99 INDIANA. 5,270 15,356........ 182.... 3.586 19 12,900, 5,628......................... 1 18,986 41,025 527 5,293 155 298'850 491. 701,300 6,341......................... 2 6,244 104,663 35 1,284..... 116,780 168 244083 28,675......................... 3 2,010 9,783 517........ 1,959 Formed in 1840 from Jas- 4 7,41 8,748 20 376...... 6,100 8 4,900 4,675 per. 5 20,280 46,505 134 9,249 14 43,200 75 97,514 30,566.........6 2,946 17,269........ 153... 11,482 18 14,500 7,993.. 7 15,230 68,032 265 16,030 229 112,500 209 234,135 18,848........................ 8 12,431 48,426 853 3,056 400 149220 323 466846 11,433.................... 9 5,513 110,255 4,560 208 5,611 195, 125 335 566,208 14,713................. 10 6;784 42,267 25 1,136..... 13.200 22 24,500 15,239..........11 5,050 64,735 115 33885 43 76,484 19,446.........................12 1,134 20,668.. 2,488...... 17,431 75 55,813 9251.........................13 6,943 79 854........ 8501 15 6,398 33 15,100 30274.........................14 3,514 96,071 520 3,8481 2,931 342,670 538 1,432.501 13.605 Divided in 1844 to form 15 18,311 50,823 135 1145..... 41,775 115 126,'225 32,;076 Ohio. 16 5,789 21,387........ 8771...... 17,150 24 41.505 7,942................. 17 2,986 30,73-2 36 8,349 14 64,950 8- 99,108 20,291.........................18 401 35907....... 75 16 10,100 19 7,750 7,125.............19 165 44,205.. 2338........ 132,800 161 297,543 12563...............20 7,898 169,432 1,669 1,856 75 280,510 355 366,052 10,428..21 1,660 18,811 14,005 1,530 780 465, 550 793 922,911 4178.........................22 17,301 141,95 418 14,150 24 118971 245 83,838 25,450......................... 23 4,555 116,464 262 3,434 674 261,448 343 533,317 17,540........................ 24 19,497 27,465 687 4,303..... 22,200 31 21,080 7,764........................ 25 5,829 126,232 1,041 1,275 5 35 850 79 52.438 24, 039................. 26 7,609 33,962..... 3,300...... 60:980 89 133,509 16,105..27 14,065 59,852 178 697...... 51,638 91 73,941 30,725........................ 28 14,894 43,004 17 14,069 34 34.075 40 57,155 16,734.........................29 11,297 39,596 4,538 15 31,145 75 66.341 18,586................. 30 249 63,903......... 40 45500 49 76.950 23,375.................. 31 8,294 66,128 60 11,775...... 77,306 193 59:400 45,695.........................32 15,506 99,053 41 1,160 5 167,175 280 385;194 28,905.................. 33 9,180 19,637 136 67...... 41,725 48 54,270 6,044 Formed in 1844 from Mi- 34 9,331 30,147 3,796 373...... 57,215 90 80,660 6.562 ami Reservation. 35 7,211 95,289 20 335 110 21,400 30 61,450 13,389................. 36 13,404 12,983....... 682...... 7.600 10 7,537 5,891 Divided in 1840 to form 37 9,56 30,432 1,848 5,272 100 9,350 22 11,900 16.529 Benton. 38 8,491,08,384 9,412 4,010 1 544539 072 1930976 20,590..............39 17,459 66, 375........ 245 166 77,350 215 195,592 26,078................. 40 5,054 77,080........ 5,745 50 56,756 83 137,604 29,824.. 41 2,481 74,045 17 139...... 137,400 116 173,546 8,048................. 42 22,401 34,184 5 7,8071...... 53,425 55 51,360 14,186.................. 43 11,491 44,155........,7...... 95,325 112 120554 10,252.........................44 7,87 18,2 746 19300 12 40,550 1,450........................45 16.30 610,06j2 9221 10,028 35 191,380 331 343,505 11,796.................. 46 6,590 120,642 450, 8491...... 42170 67 95,599 25,975.................... 47 230 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. Al classes. Total population. COUNTIES.Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 48 Madison....... 6,414 5,947 12,361 14........ 6,421 5,954 12375 8,874 49 Marion..... 12,123 11,330 23,453 650........12,439 11,664 24,103 16,080 50 Marshall............ 2,783 2,563 5,346 2........ 2,784 2,564 5,348 1,651 51 Martin.............. 2,984 2,861 5,845 96........ 3,039 2,902 5,941 3,875 532I Miami.....5,823 5,470 11,293 11....... 5,828 5,476 11,304 3,048 53 Monroe............ 5,75 5,514 11,259 27........ 5,761 5,525 11,286 10,143 54 Montgomery......... 9,248 8,693 17,941 143........ 9,323 8,761 18,084 14,438 55 Morgan............. 7,496 7,005 14,501 75........ 7,532[ 7,044 14,576 10,741 56 Noble............... 4,131 3,809 7,940 6.... 4,135 3,811 7,946 2,702 57 Ohio............... 2,704 2,567 5,271 37.... 2,722 2,586 5,308. 58 Orange.............. 5.359 5,199 10,558 251........ 5, 4 5,317 10,809 9,602 59 Owen.............. 6,050 5,900 11,950 156........ 6,132 5,974 12,106 8,359 60 Parke.............. 7,607 7,133 14,740 228........ 7,713 7,255 14,968 13,499 61 Perry............... 3, 738 3,521 7,259 9........ 3,743 3525 7,268 4,655 62 Pike.4,272 3,438 7,710 1........ 4,277 3,443 7,720 4,769 63 Porter.............. 2, 782 2, 447 5, 229 5.. 2,786 2,448 5,234 2,162 64 Posey............... 6,436 6,015 12,451 98....... 6,485 6,064 12,549 9,683 65 Pulaski............. 1,385 1,210 2,595........1,385 1,210 2,595 561 66 Putnam............ 9,520 9,061 18,581 34........ 9,537 9,078 18,615 16,843 67 Randolph. 7,200 6.863 14,063 662.. 7,571 7,154 14,725 10,684 68 Ripley.............. 7,540 7,184 14,724 9.7583 7,237 14,820 10,392 69 Rush................ 8,201 7,817 16,018 427.. 8,401 8,044 16,445 16,456 70 St. Joseph.......... 5,652 5,273 10,925 29.... 668 5,286 10,954 6,425 71 Scott.....3,033 2,837 5,870 15.... 3,039 2,846 5,885 4,242 72 Shelby.............. 7,975 7,508 15,483 19........ 7,988 7,514 15,502 12,005 73 Spencer............ 4,469 4,133 8,602 14.. 4,477 4139 8,616 6305 74 Stark.............. 298 259 557.298 259 557 149 75 Steuben............ 3,145 2,957 6,102 2.... 3,146 2,958 6,104 2,578 76 Sullivan............ 5,249 4,854 10,103 38. 5,271 4,870 10,141 8,315 77 Switzerland. 6,675 6.191 12,866 66. 6,709 6,23 12,932 9,920 78 Tippecanoe......... 10,349 8 867 19,216 161. 10,439 8, 938 19, 377 13,724 79 Tipton.............. 11821 1,704.3,525 7........ 1,823 1,709 3,532......... 80 Union.. 3,516 3,390 6,906 38. 3,534 3,410 6,944 8017 81 Vanderburg......... 5.864 55,323 11,187 97........ 989 5,425 11,414 6,2%50 82 Vermillion.. 4,431 4,212 8,643 18. 4,438 4,223 8,661 8,274 83 Vigo.....7,517 7,024 14,541 748. 7,903 7,386 15,289 12,076 84 Wabash.6,380 5,744 12,124 14........ 6,38 5,751 12,138 2,756 85 Warren........... 3, 926 3,452 7,378 9........ 3,929 3458 7,387 5,656 86 Warrick........... 4,518 4,264 8,782 29........ 4,529 4282 8,811 6,321 87 Washington........ 8,643 8,145 16,788 252........ 8,769 8,271 17,040 15.269 88 Wayne............. 12,363 11,921 24,284 1036........ 12,921 12,399 25,320 23,290 89 Wells.............. 3,185 2,956 6,141 11... 3,189 2,963 6152 1,822 90 White.............. 2,482 2,270 4,752 9. 2,487 2,274 4,761 1,832 91 Whitley......... 2,679 2,416 5,095 95........ 2,731 2,459 5,190 1,-237 STATISTICS OF 1 Allamakee........... 421 356 777................ 421 356 777........ 2 Appanoose..1........,655 1,469 3,124 7........ 1,659 1,472. 3,131....... 3 Benton............. 345 327 672................ 345 327 672.......... 4 Black Hawk......... 75 60 135................ 75 60 135.......... 5 Boone............. 422 313 735............. 422 313 735.......... 6 Buchanan..266 251 517................ 266 251 517.......... 7 Cedar.............. 2,140 1,799 3,939 2....... 2,141 1,800 3,941 1,25 8 Clark............... 41 38 9............... 41 38 79..... 9 Clayton........... 2,147 1,724 3,871 2... 2,148 1,725 3,873 1,10 10 Clinton............. 1,474 1,328 2,802 20... 1,484 1,338 2,822 821 It Dallas.............. 473 381 854......4........ 473 381 854.......... 12 Davis............... 3,817 3,440 7,257 7...... 3,819 3,445 7,264.......... 13 Decatur............ 526 438 964 1........ 527 438 965.......... 14 Delaware........... 938 821 1,759................ 938 821 1,759 168 15 Des Moines......... 6,925 6,038 12,3 25........ 6,93 6,050 12,988 5,577 16 Du Buque.......... 5,782 5,031 10,813 28........ 5,799 5,042 10,841 3,059 17 Fayette............ 450 375 825.......... 18 Fremont......... 6571.............. 657 587 1,244......... 19 Henry............ 4,545 4,150 8,695 12.. 4,550 4,157 8,707 3772 23 Iowa............... 409 41 821 1........ 409 413 822.......... 21tJackson............ 3,&55 3,346 7.201 9....... 3,857 3,353 7,210 1,411 920 Jasper.............. 659 621 1,280........... 659 621 1,280.......... 23 Jefterson........ 4,984 4,919 9,0 1....... 4,98 4,91 9,904 2773 24 Johnson............ 2, 249 2,201 4,450 22.. 2,259 2,21 4,472 1,491 25 Jones............ 1,627 1,37 3, 1.. 1,27 1,3 3,007 471 6 Keokuk........... 2,502 2,320 4,2................ 2,50 2,320 4,......... STATISTICS OF INDIANA. 231 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Born out of State. olleges, acad- Public Schools. emies, and pri- P C c h C~s vate schools. 1- 2, C iBi t i. S CE~u C3 5.h?. 5,175 118 2,159 2,160.............. 2,752 $936 936 2,754 5,219 815 5,600 48 9,444 1,927 3,984 4,003 581 $8,005 5,156 14,850 22,855 4,405 9,451 850 35,625 49 2,777 268 928 98........ 360 1,324 1,324 1,025 2,321 468 800 50 1,802 70 1,025 1,027.............. 320 1,760 1,760 1,665 2,430 1,564 1,050 51 6,530 063 1,944 1,975 170 425 2,500 3,196 3,621 2,620 4,548 1,073 2,400 52 4,148 154 1,892 1,892 285 5,650 2,439 2,464 8,114 2,493 4,856 1,035 10,500 53 8 314 207 2,971 3,009 250 4,075 1,770 6,589 10,664 5,155 7,589 1,137 20,450 54 5,450 270 2,401 2,401 118........ 1,972 2.700 2,700 3,399 6.122 902 19,710 55 5,458 228 1,395 1,402.............. 1,844 1,688 1,688 1,893 3;284 365 2,460 56 1, 732 305 946 962 100........ 2,022 1,800 1,800 979 2,044 37 5,000 57 3,037 50 1,841 1,846 40... 1,300 1,200 1,200 2,046 4,377 1,396 7,000 58 4,709 148'2,000 2,002.............. 1,153 1,450 1,450 2,648 5,165 1,117 7,00 59 6,039 138 2,468 2,472 45........ 1,650 3300 3,300 1 943 6,122 316 6,300 60 2,292 63'2 1,231 1,250........... 476 1,335 1,335 969 2,852 1,108 1,700 61 2,012 755 1,261 1,261............. 375 458 458 900 2,961 1,083 3,600 62 3,041 393 885 885.............. 1,418 775 775 1,424 2,133 259 1,000 63 3,608 1,1931 2,260 2,278 50 600 1,000 3,300 3,900 2,835 4,847 1,496 7,500 64 1,516 110 454 454............. 161 310 310 444 1,052 172 40 65 7,464 318 3,088 3,094 200 3,500 4,311 3,449 6,949 4,928 8,037 2,021 2,275 66 6,911 162 2.513 2,539............................... 3,556 6,009 1,030 8,200 67 4,818 1,916 2,667 2.689 40 300 3,572 5,155 5.455 3,396 5,874 1,029 11,500 68 6,486 154 2,824 2,839 153 1,700 1,355 1,618 3318 4,568 6,616 1514 22,300 69 5,729 817 1,885 1,885 60 7,000 1,353 3,788 10,788 3,002 4,267 245 4,175 70 1,799 127 1,040 1,047.............. 1,665 8 8 54 1.562 2,446 898 4,550 71 5,832 414 2,721 2,764 60 158 538 3,897 4,055 3;916 6,356 1,641 8,864 72 2,923 969 1,485 1,488 2 80 2,341 2,941 1,464 3, 526 945 3,550 73 349 8 100 101.............. 15 30 30 48 238 81.......... 74 4,449 225 1,109 1,109 60 4801 1,6 1,638 2,118 1,639 2,515 61 800 75 2,862 62 1,675 1,678...........;.. 2,047 1,500 1,500 1,238 4,337 743 7,450 76 3,973 509 2,254 2,254.............................. 3,540 5,152 112 10,360 77 8,754 1,786 3,227 3,2'-27 429 5,190 2,102 4,133 9,123 4,375 7,339 1,549 10,750 78 1,483 21 627 627............. 334 427 427 577 1,416 480 200 79 2,594 154 1,220 1229 130 1,300 1,678 3,568 4,868 1,824 2,709 87 8,800 80 2.369 4,059 2,059 2,104 220 4,400 980 7,068 11,468 1,728 4,214 97 4,950 81 3,594 93 1,509 1,522.............. 550 4,450 4,450 2,163 3,535 690 5,100 6,125 743 2,645 2,725 308 4,780 1,256 3,660 8,440 3,365 5,7 1,431 11,800 83 6,857 420 2,079 2,121........... 1,916 2,355 2,355 3,076 4,867 816 2,625 84 3,747 93 1,273 1,295.............. 1,700 3,060 3,060 2,055 3,102 328 5,500 8 2,972 394 1,513 1.513 40 50 985 2,339 2,389 2,081 3,718 371 6,200 86 4,602 449 2,897 2,954 90........ 2,575 25,150 255,150 3,220 6,882 1,222 14,800 87 10,478 960 4515 4,529 415 8,405 3,467 5,524 13,929 5,608 9,554 1,091 35,545 88 3,893 295 1,021 1021.............. 1,510 1,34 1349 1,491 2,509 562 3,800 89 2,560 64 821 825......1........ 1 1,600 515 515 1179 1,994 401 2,550 0 3,362 241 913 941.................... 89 12,2, 895 12,472 2,040 326 1,580 91 IOWA. 508 140 152 158..........................................18 267 26.......... 2,535 28 521 52 1 52.............. 329 333 333 271 1,303 334.. 2 526 18 121 1.............. 60 106 106 74 59 39.......... 3 114 3 26 261.............................4 51 9.......... 4 565 68 119 121............................. 51 265 92......... 5 434 20 74 74.............. 40 45 45' 117 223 18.......... 6 2,754 274 686 686.............. 509 604 604 991 1,552 266 875 7 58 4 14 14.....30............... 8 2,388 834 7288 728.......474 1,320 99.......... 9 1,795 525 499 508.............. 893 1797 1,797' 735 1,088 154 33510 746 12 156 157............................... 12 343 96......... 11 5,726 71 1,180 1,186............. 1,159 2,110 2,110 1,350 3,093 773 250 12 787 31 145 145 95 145.............. 145 107 429 88......... 13 1,221 200 338 343.............. 304 521 521 2 669 17 1,700 14 7,781 1,955 1,919 2,061.............. 562 1 1,114 1 2,895 4,965 345 2,425 15 3,933 4,301 1,952 2,002 30 2,500 1,547 3,355 5, 855 1,500 4,030 469 3,900 16 600 46 153 154.............................. 29 306 1.......... 17 1,0221 45 22 2............... 214 516 97.......... 18 6,156 347 1,545 15451130 1,240 3,540 1,941 3,181 2,075 3,645 4,900 19 592 67 143 143..... 45 165 165 100 311 85 97 20 4,253 1,304 1,277 1,2771 50 600'1,1 5, 6001, 1366 25,965 343 1,260 21 1,044 25 214 214...................... 109 499 114.......... 22 5,983 526 1,649 1684 100 1,000 4154 3,559 4,559 1,842 4,120 651 2,100 23 2.893 522 799 799.......... 534 8907 890 814 1,729 157 2,25 24 1,964 342 559 559'............ 5761 587 587 599 1,198 216...... 25 3 564 189, 820, 857 60........ 955, 2,640, 2, 640j 949 2,025 474, 2,249, 6 232~ CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMS. COUNTIES.' m i C - a l. l=i o/ I *I. 48 Madison............ 1,494 61,925 116,833' 1,952,147 4,943 8,926 17,107 39,999 49 Marion........... 1,581 82,525 108,648 3,576,254 5,669 10,470 22,748 38,606 50 Marshall............ 570 20,070 65,018 601,011 1,268 5,161 3,751 7,766 51 Martin............. 633 23,982 47,337 379,991 1,615 3,540 7,851 15,986 52 Miami.............. 1,184 43,403 106,286 92,115,179 3,024 7,853 7807 19,256 53 Monroe............. 1,230 81,976 94,139 1,454,665 4,818 8,415 17,248 37,478 54 Montgomery.... 1,880 130,657 12.2,290 3,567,387 8,399 17,445 34,069 48.948 55 Morgan....... 1,392 83,196 119,945 1,495,499 4,715 9,378 19,732 50,461 56 Noble.............. 772 32,206 74,754 1,060,945 1,837 7,552 9,071 11,807 57 Ohio.......... 386 24, 056 27,159 1,237,706 1,206 2,145 3,172 6,682 58 Orange...... 1,118 69,133 97,089 1,063, 826 4,000 6,662 16,097 34,094 59 Owen............... 1.142 63, 072 127,120 1,462,843 4,069 8,697 20,494 41,980 60 Parke.............. 1,390 85,288 137,181 2,431,581 6,206 11,532 26,588 53,317 61 Perry.......... 540 19,748 43,350 452,922 1,470 3,244 5;333 13,963 62 Pike................ 909 33,663 57,634 421.675 2,584 6,367 8,727 27,190 63 Porter.............. 467 36, 882 45,855 599,169 1,486 5,288 8,068 6,900 64 Posey.............. 1,270 52,889 74,729 1,133.774 3,758 6.872 8258 35,294 65 Pulaski.......... 86 14,620 34,271 317288 723 2,666 1,650 4,421 66 Putnam............. 1,696 111,934 138,579 3,156,911 6,396 15,023 36,367 58,118 67 Randolph..... 1,477 67,037 104,984 2,037,585 4,820 9,429 18,250 25.521 68 Ripley........ 1,495 65.792 100,854 1,669,394 4.339 9,091 14,.072 20,38 69 Rush................ 1,809 126,449 115,576 4,474,637 7782 13,280 27,200 64,294 70 St. Joseph....... 847 56,081 87,474 1,546,574 2,915 8,027 11,747 12,646 71 Scott..719 32.083 56,849 694,764 2;434 4,891 8,506 15;,367 72 Shelby.. 1,620 86,101 121,587 2,799,023 6,507 10,386 20,440 51,887 73 Spencer........ 988 38,310 74,164 853,671 2,850 5,170 7,377 29,135 74 Stark............... 53 2092 6,929 36,769 99 530 237 956 75 Steuben............ 586 3125 63,189 772,514 1,11 5,815 8,575 4,442 76 Sullivan.......... 1,215 57,471 87,617 794,371 4,701 11,057 15.725 33. 744 77 Switzerland........ 1,270 64,356 83,120 1,920,631 3,520 6.084 20,178 15,081 78 Tippecanoe......... 1, 377 136,856 132,144 4,035,327 6,173 19,106 20,779 31.789 79 Tipton.......... 339 10,588 57,044 429,021 1,095 2,456 2.380 9,058 80 Union.............. 606 52,820 40,522 2,012,816 2,722 5,999 8,237 26,577 81 Vanderburg....... 743 27,754 54,923 937,546 2.114 4,595 3,261 15.342 82 Vermillion.......... 733 54,294 72,535 1,397, 447 3,200 8269 14.046 18,237 83 Vigo............... 1,113 67,759 110,962 2,136,649 6,098 9,721 14,510 38,185 84 Wabash.... 1,068 44,252 111,124 2,051,001 3,208 7,478 6,675 17,932 85 Warren.......... 782 87,007 65,670 1,529,609 3, 921 14,163 12,316 18,374 86 Warrick........... 994 39.463 84,239 850,782 2,724 5,165 9,224 23,423 87 Washington........ 1,718 117,450 138, 070 2, 039, 016 5, 806 11,672 23, 551 41,922 88 Wayne. 1,934 135,352 122,115 6,039,002 8,312 16,838 27.468 55,442 89 Wells........ 640 23,901 68,545 904221 1,692 4,083 2,736 8,651 90 White.............. 458 41,058 52,697 754,152 1,491 7,653 5, 723 7,298 91 Whitley............. 522 20,353 50,085 611,487 1,344 4,149 3,858 7,746 STATISTICS OF 1 Allamakee.......... 2 210 420 458' 4 33.......... 2 Appanoose.......... 153 4,724 1Q. 346 83 305 257 81,609 3 Benton............. 67 2,967 9,237 48, 434 128402 4 Black Hawk........ 9 289 2,015 5,555 15 108 40 182 5 Boone....................................................................... 6 Buchanan.......... 45 1,888 6, 893 3, 080 66 314 282 462 7 Cedar.............. 358 24,241 46,830 496,611 1,232 3,486 3,860 8,260 9 Clayton.......... 00 10934 3671.6 258,680 481 559 884 2,7 10 Clinton............. 306 19,008 28,934 275,680 779 3,459 1,795 3505 11 Dallas............................................................... 12 Davis...613 31,224 90171 564,354 1,939 4,717 6,691 19,226 13 Decatur............ 46 2.131 7,980 19,077 158 660 521 2,098 14 Delaware........... 141 7,866 21,234 164,973 376 1,664 1,289 28048 15 Des Moines......... 883 56,254 95.359 1,423,679 2,646 9,62 10,838 25,768 16 Du Buque........ 755 37,625 122,899 858,412 1,561 6,2 2,856 7,417 17 Fayette..8 585 984 10,940 18 76 60 109 18 Fremont........... 105 4,436 1,949 47,648 288 2,055 1,145 2,942 19 Henry.............. 947 50,241 80,651 1,195,001 2,342 8,275 9,529 20,533 20 Iowa............. 70 3,494 6,163 130,693 93 351 279 1,379 21 Jackson.. 703 34, 857 115,158 763,396 1,616 6925 4,812 10,939 22 Jasper............ 150 6,173 24,347 132583 397 1,057 9 3,715 23 Jefferson...... 1,067 54,499 106,577 1,162,830 2,05 8,915 13,851 25,332 24 Johnson............ 377 25,356 55, 179 500,504 988 3, 5 4,247 7,464 2 Jones.............. 225! 13,739i 25,700 8259 81 524 1,810 2,238 3653 26 Keokuk........... 26, 21,075, 62,283, 494,335 1044 3,463 4428 11,730 STATISTICS OF INDIANA. 233 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. I I I 107 483 48327 895 817 19473 45 76...... 147,178 4353...... 59 270 48 110,334 89,757 1.123.860 23,756 867 720 1,431 241.047 7,485 63 656 238 49 51,435 30i454'168,080 22,391 416 5 1,886 84.095 3;998 51 120 105 50 81,423 33, 959 251700 8, 662 951... 213 57524 839...... 20 870 51 114,454 29;569 548,338 21,392 8 233 770 60374 3,701... 74 170 52 61,416 93,882 710,463 17,648 402 15 162 154984 3,073 111 570 1,502 121,988 99,130 1,392,404 29,411 13 1,420 2.934 300,293 10,714 19 1,318 447 54 93,850 93.199 1,213,153 24,196 566.'482 159.844 2,689 71 556 752 55 69.802 57;027 206,295 35,201 80 896 4,704 154,535 2,487...... 160 7 56 45,479 10,099 269,085 57,256 78 1,055 43 61,806 2,023...... 75 3 57 46941 96849 484165 13,998 314 15 24 134,661 2.298 6 58 741 5 60,327 60,958 764,029 21,091 812 78 553 147.097 2,176 317 298 1,575 59 101,720 81.154 1,195,656 26,531 485 511 188 191;340 5,548 5 240 382 60 3,848 33,539 232,835 12,526 184...... 45 58,897 999............ 329 61 15,128 27,668 407, 231 8,452 120..... 15 52,896 733...... 38 64 62 70,252 76330 205,655 20,983 590 345 6,337 79,842 5.896 30 167 55 63 21,245 30,280 895,794 16,270 26 509 332 104,176 846...... 251.... 64 27,593 15,165 95915 10,739 6.... 2,111 37,109 2.276...... 1 57 65 82,965 84773 1,313,209 24,714 192 310 247,416 5,115 84 1,509 383 66 67,048 75,486 526.197 15,414 189 3 1,561 217,906 7,362 60 749 3,560 67 39,587 94.569 464,904 34,688 1,657 768 1,770 217,537 10,306 44,011 107 372 68 133,473 66;188 1,685994 10.334 26 300 518 240,500 6,520...... 469 159 69 161, 956 110,969 346,841 48164 396 85 5,061 221,902 5;904 65 383 12 70 20,417 66,059 251375 15,866 517 25 339 186,379 2,452 1,068 97 423 71 118,820 54,965 1,231,884 23,891 335 606 2,000 220.12 3,892 21 566 396 72 19,777 37,494 598, 135 40.380 1,588 191 271 85,544 1,697 128 36 295 73 3,153 1,509 11,170 2, 9031 2... 572 7,460 698...... 6...... 74 73,141 40,087 101,190 31,666 492 4,390 77,437 5,389 22 166 19 775 56,725 80,048 742,136 29,267 671 3 948 196.592 3,751 10 326 2,049 76 78, 169195 45 1,182 166,894 9,769 2 241 63 77 68,259 95,178 1,833,311 24,665 404 1,556 5,531 228,858 6,872 48 159....... 78 8,487 7,775 151,961 4,467 75...... 227 44,059 913 9 34 101. 79 58,862 53,687 631,515 9.622 33 925 1,303 204,269 3,665...... 438 495 80 19,079 3,863 408075 20,678 23 1513 384 51,818 2337...... 57...... 81 45,144 91,145 701770 10,537 54 282 1, 189 93,817 2,829 850 70 35 82 58, 598 92,862 996,481 38,884 740 644 1,895 199,533 3,978 27 382 146 83 117,803 28,392 434,96 30,727 115 70 699 170,102 4107 730 294 136 84 21,068 95,551 1,024,386 9,368 167 25 1,948 117,605 5.900...... 2 105 85 38,479 40,342 415,061 19,683 1080 5 50 88374 2074 7 175 133 86 103,262 216548 756 001 26,785 1,891 17 125 278,727 6,131 2 841 863 87 163,667 208,112 1,398,455 39,165 179 2,069 2,128 387.438 11,377 156 1,252 4,103 88. 50287 21,083 148,565 16,060 213...... 749 9605 2,757..... 251 107 89 32 930 36,408 373,013 11,803 92 169 2,638 70 88 3,917 9,5 91 180 90 46,669 20,910 126,049 13,902 316 264 1,181 69174 2,51 143 342 100 91 IOWA. 650 1,100 600 220................. 800 60...... 15...... 1 1,21 7,913 80.930 1,025 127...... 400 16,196 39 2 3 69 2 8,013 2,483 19370 653 55 351 183 10,350 678...... 2 5 3 160 100 2150 348 3...... 75 1,840 235........... 4 4 i6:................ S1"i:........' 36,860 25:773 4604 12473 73 3 557'3,22.. 60... 9 61,945 31329 94,100 11,168 39 1,056 1,210 73,443 5,144 24 64.. 10. 0)4,93 A6 594 431,207 5.119 185 200 1 491 82 6 76.5 49 151 12, 067 4130 3420 626 29...... 349 8596 14...... 2 12 13 22,150 14,085 48,515 6,978 17 199 159 2.5,440 2,504 5000 42... 14 11635 126,290 579332 2693 7 163 2,437 175,5922, 693...... 15 102,038 87,647 164,045 64 014 95 2,6941 1,174 115,004 2 11 1 3,004 81.... 16 485 485 5000 22...... 115 1,510 183..... 2...... 17 10589 3450 47 240 1,267 7...... 276 13,739 5841 2....... 18 81,675 136311 642,910 7,558 1,43 2,515 149,898 3,3121 31...... 1 9 5,535 1,755 31,145 963 3...... 276 7,549 680..................20 132,024 65,952 202; 791 6.082 692 2,190 2,777 108,684 7,594...... 28...... 21 4,494 4;414 62.635 2,179 146....... 234 15904 541...... 36 22 59,539 134,154 705296 8,647 108 809 4,050 134 791 2,796 5 73 42 23 54,081 33.943 225: 105 9,392 4 411 1,218 80.225 4,615.......... 16 24 38 523 I' 3,3711 1 33 11415 38,523 22 025 99,070 5,403 70 291 677 38.990 3,37 33 14 24,990 58,891 346,650 4,657 683 10 1, 208 5877 509..... 86 168) 26 234 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 0....' I. II COUNTIES. gS P r| C.I| * C I i C."I o o 0U | | B a 0 U _4 _ 51 Martin.............. 12,268..... 13,088 595.... 36,700. 14,569...... 52 Miami. 2,017.. 78,80 3,787........ 300...... 17,511...... 53 Monroe. 2,609 48,210 3,705....... 13,719...... 40,371 54Montgomery. 17.. 1143.. 10.... 522 8,106.. 3,785,233 55Morgan...... 12M31o 35,400. 3,376.2,175. 44,595. 56 Noble.470 85.910...... 1,526.100. 21,625. 57 Ohio............... 1001...0... 0l. 63..5,801. Orange.11,187,928.......... 199. 26,635 33,761...... 59 Owen.... 48142... 64,533..... 4, 583. 49,810. 39541. 60 Parke............ 441...... 52905. 3,749........ 800...... 60,743...... 1 Perr.............. 5,806...... 5,355........ 35,535...... 10,581...... 62 Pike............, 7...... 3,147 40,778..... 5,575 1 16991. 63 Porter.............. 30...... 11, 083............. 100...... 0,842...... 64 Posey.i............... 1........ 00...... 17, 667...... 65 Pulaski.....:9.... 69............................3,8397. 66 Putnam............. 11,70...... 100,942...... 7,362 4,550 85, 837 11 67 Randolph....... 1,430...... 80.697.....5,400.170. 50,125. 68 Ripley............. 5,273.... 13,573. 1,26........ 11,855. 34,322...... 69 ORush............. 1,672...... 59,011. 3 5,58........9, 070...... 69,531...... 70 St. Joseph........... 55...... 65.491... 1,........ 63...... 31,167...... 71.................. Scott,0107,335.17,407...... 72 Shelby.............. 3,681...... 18,09 1,79 12,740...... 48,333 73 Spencer.9 20,215;...... 561...... 14........ 84,192 4 16,638...... 74 Stark......... 20....................... 616...... 75 Steuben....41........... 4254.19,530. 76 Sullivan............... 14........ 59301...... 31,452..... 77 Switzerland.............. 880...... 5503.................... 100...... 2,913 6 78 Tippecanoe.............. 155..... 7501661,969.54,458. 795 Pulaski...... 3,876.............. 838... 80 Union............. 165...... 9,046....... 85837 11 81 anderbr.lph75........... 1430...... 500 170...... 57,200,71...... 82 Vermillion.............. 3,430...... 1 573...... 1 63 11855...... 32,776...... 839 RVi................ 12,6852.... 18,557..... 72........ 1,050...... 32,707...... 84WabaSt. Joseph........... 55.... 2,725. 791 868.. 4,574........ 63...... 317,137...... 85 Warren............... 33 3630............... 3 3, 384...... 86 WarrickShelby............ 16.. 666 360..17.... 309,099...... 0,077 3 3 87 Washingtoner......... 20, 334...... 646...... 14....... 84 100,907 48,454...... 88 Wanek............. 1,794 44393 4843.....1,030...... 71,6 4 89 W ellsben.............,315...... 38 152...... 1,99........................ 90 W hite............ 108...... 59301...... 634 15........ 1040...... 16......1 91 Whitley............. 1,973...... 38,604...... 1,915........ 165i...... 10,269... STATISTICS OF 17 Swlam akeend......... 880.......... 550.................................... 22.9131 6 2 Tippanoose.......... 155...... 501...... 969......................., 5,33758...... 3 Tenton.................... 38576...... 785601.............. 440...... 71,0683...... 4 Black Hawk.......... 046...... 657..................... 8820 1 5 Boonerburg......... 75.................................. 5719...... 6 Vermillion.......... 10730...... 12 500...... 16........................ 32 705...... 73 Vidar................ 1,623...... 810557.............. 050...... 311,14..... 84 dWabark............. ~,7'25...... 7 9 ~868...... 4.574......................... 17137....... 9 Claybton............ 21 5,79 293........ 13. 10 Clinton.......650...... 233...... 30...... 168........................ 500335,384...... 11 WDallas............ 16.666...... 360...... 17........ 809.099...... 20. 077 1 WDavisinton.............. 764306...... 81162........ 100 07...... 17,48454!...... 13 W ayne........Decatr................. 4843........ 030...... 1,41659 14 Delaware.......1,132......427..,769. 15 Des Moines... 5..... 00....... 1998....................... 6 0......60 16 Dn Bque..... 200. 2.525 58. 6,118. 17 Favete....... 1,950.3..... 300...... 1...... 9..... 19 18 rem uy...................... 65...... 6502,489...... 19I Henry............ 1., 301......... 190........o...... 20Iowa....... 60... 1,039. 21 Jackson1,...... 90,661.. 39...... 1.... 2....... 9,939 2 BentJaser........... 1,682 3701...... 1485. 989......2,0776...... 234 Bl ack Hawk........ 3...... 3 3'.......................3...... 1726...... 24Johnson.........................................,36...... 258 Clark Jones...............:............... I...................... 6 oino............. 6 0.................................... 11,93...... STATISTICS OF INDIANA. 235 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. ~'' c C Establishments. CZS~~~ Q~1'|'~ ~"c:Z~ u ---- ~ - --— REMARKS. =I Id ri at -s.1 i.... t - It a- w0d I a ~aEIP( EC a I,. g. g IJ g I _ ___ __ 13,257 ^ 46,687 $37 $555 $61,825 111 114,360 29,573......................... 48 13,272 110,650 5, 725 15,247 20 320,410 1,961 892,133 22,060......................... 49 15,208 16,605 2,760 1,948...... 15,100 30 37,555 8,400......................... 50 2,308 35,780 13 24...... 15,700 37 37,000 13,221......................... 51 10, 342 58.525........ 2, 127...... 57,850 101 147,991 13,482......................... 52 8,717 62,523 10 2,360 165 60,600 196 169,425 46,379......................... 53 21,959 102,500 151 16,637 71 124,890 239 345,655 43,378......................... 54 28,017 78.602 30 7,227 600 34,577 33 88,029 34,565................. 55 10,096 25,617........ 1,969 30 22,750 42 48 530 11,563......................... 56 40 30,719 250 240...... 67,050 109 232,101 4,875 Formed in 1844 from Dear- 57 3,248 74264........ 569...... 6,270 25 15,167 25,540 born. 58 7,888 130, 170 190 3,766 80 25,003 70 80 466 32,523..........................9 10,297 147,569 360 20,319...... 123,100 170 217,755 29,858......................... 60,983 26,167..27............ 27800 81 44,350 4,880.......... 61 24 38,442 94 56...... 3,500 11 8,500 12,952 62 578 20,258 200 1,142...... 6,825 27 15.500 6,652........... 63 284 75.884 5 734...... 41,000 93 136,301 12,605......................... 5,861 9932 18 992...................... 2,102......................... 18,218 57,984 141 15,751 100 55,600 116 80,445 46,740........................66 12,173 57,347 2,973 6,117 12 9,435 34 26,935 23,013....................... 67 10,376 56,129 60 1,049 304 65.750 127 110,459 26,706........................ 68 7,571 64.288.. 87...... 103,530 170 175,554 31,215..69 10,962 49,502 80 970 36 223,575 258 331,182 9,884......................... 70 5,729 41,127 12 572...... 14, 080 45 27,600 27.504................. 71 14,897 63247....... 3,362 24 85,260 156 142,151 24,246..72 9,591 48,136 110 1,185...... 25,153 56 40,896 47,931......................... 73 2,265 1,340 313 53................................ 371......................... 74 6,713 16,633 40 1,789...... 37,480 61 85.284 5,161.................. 75 2,675 74,399 1,412 1,311...... 25,675 94 62,200 27,454.................. 76 3,138 55,420 47 1,073 438 52,775 171 139.380 22,112......................... 77 12,575 114,941 3,046 10,012...... 355,205 759 1.216,246 12,273......................... 78 6,056 11,898 17 695 29..........5,42 Formed in 1844 from Mi- 79 3,220 45,954 28 335 5.......................... 15,549 ami Reservation. 80 59 32,205 1,052 227 69 16,920 341 362,481 2,986......................... 81 2,347 70,915........5,313 5 60,380 119 150 0 15,926.. 82 7,509 349,893 7,044 4.915 55 194,075 462 824,404 16,498.. 83 20,023 46,390 5 2,879 5 84675 111 204,100 10572......................... 84 7,910 67,366.. 4,914...... 28,725 46 40,800 15,317........................ 85 6,037 65,916 808 846 95 26,025 58 116.512 20,347......................... 86 9,678 110,623 30 1, 051 1.19,625 249 236;180 52.384......................... 87 12,266 232,435 3,394 9,362 160 415,969 688 739,773 30,490.. 88 147,788 25,619 12 1,474... 30,200 58 45,450 8,653........................ 89 11,247 27,543....... 2,476 108 11,170 24 54,905 6,868...................... 90 8,118 16,078 15 1,553 12 16,430 19 22592 5,958.91 IOWA. 290 146....................................................... Org.'49 fr. Clayt'n & Fay. 1 4,229 5,333 562.......... 3,000 6 18,950 1,602 <'49. 2 26 1,583......................................... 1,195 "'45. 3 640 250................... 5,000 4 2.000 76 Est.'43, not organized'50. 4............................................................... 1846, organized 1.850. 5 2,274 1,390 5. 5,000 6 17,5000,or. 18460 6 6,619 27,791 199 89...... 9,500 12 62,730 5,'46, not organized'50. 8 9,788 10,406 8....... 56,575 28 39.646 414 Divided in'49 to form Alla- 9 4,860 14,681 381 70...... 23300 21 30,075 4,734 makee and Winneshiek. 10...................... / 8,475 27 34,912....... Est. 1846, organized 1847. 11 23,12 31,615 198 117................................ 16,162 "'43, "'44. 12 5,381 2,182 269........................................ 1207 "'46, "'50. 13 2,372 9,169 7.............. 5,700 7 32,300 1,371......................... 14 8,346 57,378 931 1,475 350 63,500 86 350.900 7,098......................... 15 4,690 33,205 292 281 60 180,695 170 337;850 2,178 [lamakee &Winneshiek. 16 1, 238. 240..........rg........ 49; div. 149toform Al 17 4,905 5,410...... 1,585 Est. 1846, organized 1849. 18 690311 36 631...... 70,500 71 171,150 14,978................ 19 3,620 4,563 20.......... 1.000 2 1,500: 1,108 Est. 1843, organized 1845. 20 15,957 41,206 117 5 63,650 46 105,600; 4,942............... 21 6,772 6,323.... 161..............................! 1.900 Est. 1846, organized 1846. 82 11,754 47,349 1....... 43 35,070 107 183,745 2263................... 23 10,407 27,974' 360...24,00 48 44,459. 5,762.................... 24 4,657 12,954...... 17,000 17 53.20: 2.783. 25....................... 16,598 12,811] 65, 304!...... 18,200 28 78,690, 9,221jEst. 1843; organized 1844. 236 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES.. -- Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 27 Lee.....9........, 9 889 8,920 18,809 52. 9,911 8,950 18,861 6,093 28 Linn................ 912 2,529 5,441 3........ 2,914 2,530 5444 1373 29 Louisa.............. 617 2,306 4923 16........ 2,624 2,315 4,939 1,927 30 Lucas.............. 258 213 471........258 213 471. 31 Madison...... 620 559 1,179..... 6-20 559 1,179.......... 32 Mahaska........... 3,154 2834 5, 988 1........ 3,154 2,835 5,989.......... 33 Marion.............. 2,860 2,593 5453 29........ 2,875 2,607 5, 482.......... 34 Marshall............ 174 164 338 174 164 338. 35 Monroe........ 1,502 1.382 2,884.1,502 1,382 884......... 36 Muscatine........... 032 2,630 5,662 69........ 3,068 2,663 5731 1942 37 Page................ 290 261 551........290 261 551. 38 Polk................ 2430 4,132,430 22083 4,513........... 39 Pottawatomie....... 3,933 3895 7,828 39333, 895 7,)828......... 40 Poweshiek.......... 316 299 615................ 316 299 615.......... 41 Scott................ 3,159 2,813 5,972 14........ 3,169 2,817 5,986 2,140 42 Tama5 3 8................ 5 3 8.......... 43 Taylor............... 106 98 204................ 106 98 204.......... 44 Van Buren.......... 6,287 5978 12265 5........ 6,289 5.981 12,270 6, 146 45 Wapello............. 4393 4073 8,466 5........ 4,396 4,075 8,471.......... 46 Warren........ 505 456 961................ 505 456 961..... 47 Washington........ 567 2, 390 4,957..2........ 2567 2, 390 4957 1594 48 Wayne.............195 145 340.......... 49 Winneshiek........ 300 246 546................ 300 246 546.......... STATISTICS OF 1 Adair.............. 4,090 3,993 8,083 108 1,707 4,963 4,935 9,898 8.466 2 Allen.......... 3,741 3,644 7,385 43 1.314 4,406 4,332 8,742 7,329 3 Anderson........... 2,533 2,415 4,948 30 1,282 3,203 3,057 6,260 5,452 4 Ballard............. 2,434 2,194 4,628 26 842 2,856 2,640 5,496.. 5 Barren............. 7,855 7,688 15,543 113 4,584 10,18-2 10,058 20,240 17,288 6 -Bath.......... 4,809 4,655 9,464 116 2,535 6,082 6,033 12,115 9,763 7 Boone.............. 4,774 4,270 9,044 37 2,104 5,819 5, 366 1185 10,034 8 Bourbon.......... 3,760 3,395 7,155 245 7,066 7.501 6,965 14,466 14,478 9 Boyle............ 2,777 2,598 5,375 317 3 424 4,663 4453 9116.. 10 Bracken............ 4,155 3794 7949 114 840 4,628 4,275 8 903 7,053 11 Breathitt. 1,880 1,723 3,603 12 170 1,97 1,814 3,785 2,195 12 Breckenridge....... 4,462 4154 8,616 11 1,966 5,424 5,169 10,593 8,944 13 Bullitt.......... 2,857 2,535 5,39-2 27 1 355 3,555 3, 219 6774 6,334 14 Butler............... 2,573 2,482 5055 19 681 2,922 2,833 5,755 3,898. 15 Caldwell........... 5.032 4770 9,802 139 3,107 6,855 6,193 13,048 10,365 16 Callaway.....,568 3520 7,088 16 992 4,053 4,043 8, 096 9,794 17 Campbell........... 6,797 6,074 12,871 79 177 6,896 6,231 13,127 5,214 18 Carroll............. 2364 2185 4, 549 28 949 2,847 2,679 5,526 3966 19 Carter....... 3,122 2,838 5,960 24 257 3,264 2,977 6,241 2,905 20 Casey.............. 2,952 2,911 5,863 59 634 3,287 3,269 6,556 4,939 21 Christian........... 5,898 5,392 11,290 150 8,140 9,959 9,621 19,580 5,587 22 Clark............. 3,986 3,723 7,709 134 4,840 6,476 6,201 12,683 10,802 23 Clay............... 2,410 2,324 4734 172 515 2,788 2,633 5,421 4,607 24 Clinton... 2,379 2,210 4,589 38 262 2,513 2,376 4,889 3,863 25 Crittenden........ 2,766 2,707 5,473 30 848 3,225 3,126 6351.......... 26 Cumberland........ 2,778 2,698 5,476 44 1,485 3,534 3,471 7,005 6.090 27 Daviess............ 4,952 4,467 9,419 54 2,889 6,368 5,994 12,362 8,331 28 Edmonson......... 1, 898 1,850 3,748 15 325 2,059 2,029 4,088 2,914 29 Estill..2......... 2909 2,659 5,568 6 411 3,108 2,877 5,985 5,535 30 Fayette............ 5,747 5,431 11,178 668 10,889 11,786 10,949 22,735 92,194 31 Fleming....... 5, 916 5,701 11,617 158 2,139 7,011 6,903 13,914 13,268 33 Floyd.............. 2826 2,677 5,503 62'149 2,930 2,784 5,714 6,302 33 Franklin............ 4,770 3970 8740 357 3365 6538 5,924 12462 9,420 34 Fulton.............. 1,806 1,693 3,499 4 943 2,281 2,165 4,446.. 35 Gallatin......... 2,333 2,066 4,399 34 704 2,685 2,452 5,137 4,003 36 Garrard......... 3,607 3,422 7,029 32 3, 176 5,242 4,995 10,237 10,480 37 Grant......... 3.086 2,907 5,993 6 532 3,344 3,187 6,531 4,192 38 Graves.............. 5063 4887 9,950 8 1,439 5,745 5,652 11,397 7,465 39 Grayson........... 3,267 3,240 6,507 10 320 3.440 3 397' 6837 4,461 40 Greene............. 3,23 3,1-2 6,335 117 2,608 4.583 4,477 9,060 14,21 41 Greenup............ 4,76 4,230 8992 56 606 5,083 4571 9,654 6,297 41 Hancock............ 1675 1, 541 3,216 15 622 1, 88 1,865 3,853 2,581 43 Hardin............. 6,074 5949 12,023 43 2,'459 7,235 7,290 14,525 16,357 44 arlan............ 2,006 2,102 4,108 37 123 2.085 2,18 4,268 3, 015 45 Harrison........ 4.914 4,819 9,733 146 3,185 6,608 6.456 13,064 12,472 46 Hart............. 938 3,801 7,739 53 1,301. 4,622 4471 9,09 7,031 47 Henderson......... 3,981 3,670 7,651 123 4,397 6,299 5,872 1217 9548..... I 4 I 3I 7 699 5 I 71~11 ~58 STATISTICS OF IOWA. 237 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUOATION AND RELIGION, Colleges, acad- Q) A6 Born out of State. Public Schools.' a emies, and pri-, 0 vate schools. - GB —--- a *-s a) >I. 11,458 2287 3,252 3,258 266 $2,570 2,308 $3.150 $5,720 4.042 7,367 611 5,275 27 3,877 250 991 1,011 80........ 612 1,893 1,893 2;070 2,110 5 5,10 28 3,430 251 842 850.............. 674 1,747 1,747 1,200 1,938 69 1,550 29 415 8 92 1 92.......... 8 178 12.......... 30 1,034 6 180 192 25 25 56 76 101 64 522 56.......... 31 4,754 103 91 1,012........ 805 1,827 1,827 1,144 2,498 89 400 32 3,541 1,003 930 1,000 240...... 792 1495 1,495 745 2,151 220 350 3 274.... 6 62...... 3.. 14035.......... 34 2,374 61 515 515............... 296 884 884 382 1,175 75 700 35 3,86 868 999 1,009............. 590 1400 1400 1,192 2,173 47 1,515 36 467 3 94 94...................... 74 215 72.......... 37 3,774 114 7 82.............. 346 1,194 1,194 542 1,838 477 150 38 523 4 8 210 4 27..........40 3,167 1.520i 99 1,045 135 1,900 2,041 2,401 4,301 963 2,253 2 2,950 41 7.... " I................ 4................ 42 147 1 38 38.............................. 12 78 43.......... 43 9,227 555 2,069,079........... 2,000 4,237 4,237 2,519 5,099 661 1,550 44 6,746 216 1416 1,416..............293 1 2,293 293 655 3,505 166 400 45 832 4 152 166......... 115 268 268 26 377 45.......... 46 3,939 1191| 856 856......................... 962 2,895 2,895 842 2,061 243 1,246 47 266 31 57 57.................................... 24 138 38.......... 48.................................. 383 148 100 100.............19 49 KENTUCKY. 1.292 6 1.513 1,513 2 100 2,774 1,618 1,718 1,989 3,379 804 11,300 1 1,826 9 1,249 1,261.............. 931 1,421 1,421 1,867 3.0781,81 7,550 518 15 883 883 50 750 332 1,359 2,109 983 1,986 400 10,250 3 1,317 14 775 775.............. 480 463 463 1,138 1,971 574 2,600 4 3,102 24 2,667 2,735 225 1,790 1,067 4,011 5,801 2.862 6,303 807 14,250 5 1,030 29 1,595 1,595 160...... 898, 274 2,274 2;121 3,805 1,001 5,800 6 2,039 267 1,615 1.615 70 150 650 1,600 1,750 1,824 3,528 472 9,650 7 789 343 1348 1,355 175 8,500 281 4,960 13,460 1,230 2,618 193 19,600 8 696 73 927 988 399 17,662 658 878 18,540 1,244 2,150 146 6,625 9 1,201 158 1, 437 1,437............ 500 1,04 1042 853 3,170 206 5,000 10 556 3 625 625............... 80 300 300 79 1,538 85 750 11 1,176 63 1,452 1,453 70........ 600 1,359 1,359 1,307 3,558 499 6,650 12 457 69 970 970 150.507 2,095 580 1,100 13 1,206 14 897 897.............. 818 1,245 1245 1,068 2,041 735 3,646 14 2,493 91 1,746 1,746 240 3,406 670 2,508 5.914 1.337 3,894 988 8.810 15 218 15 883 1,275 8,300 16 4,019 3,414 2,319 3,355 351 20 725 8.01 8, 303 1,800 4,595 62 7250 17 747 104 766 791 22 264 501) 2,840 3,104 72 1,765 140 3,310 18 1,487 40 94 944.............. 696 1,734 2 2,734944 1580 19 747 3' 1,005 1 1,005.1 1,156[ 1,442 1,442 1,485 2,493 814 6400 20 3,591 77 5 2 0 00 1 15,910 2,043 4,457 01 1,375 21 175 8 782'782............. 300 60 6 0301 015 1,180 2,000 23 1,119 4 774 77..............7 1,563 1,169 1,169 1,175 1,895 891 1.90024 1,751 98 978 978 40 600 600 3,362 3,962 1,200 2,148 73 5,900 25 1,097 5 942 942............ 1,552 2,0 36 25 2238 605 3152 269 592 9 934.............. 215 206 206 855 2,386 8 2,150 29 1,730 574 209 14 1,031 11,698 794 1,996 13,694 2,054 4,001 513 15,540 30 1,355 196 1,9832031 44 4,500 1,062 7817 12,31 1,710 4,497 1,276 9,055 31'947 31 862 862......... 302 1411 411 188 2,374 971 240 32 1,26 708 4 1 556 6,389 23,964 1,283 3,221 942 9820 33 1,604 14 586 588 153 2,160 125 1,145 3.305 729 1,455 508 2,600 34 6299 80 747 747 30........ 380 258 258 793 1,803 481 2.200 35 550 22 1,285 1,6373 115 15........2,808 133 5 50036 729 83 1031 1.03.............. 450 305 3 05 872 2,289 590 6,8001 37 3,984 58 1,694 1,694...,150 4,855 4.855 2,850 4,195 914 9,945 38 768 12 1,065 1,065... 52i2 1,199 1,199 913 2,7261 964 1.900 39 866 6 1,105 1,105 190 1,540 649 635 2175 1,014 2,66 298 3900 40 3,555 313 1,529 1,540 40 480 55-4 2.635 3,115 1,105 3,596 1,009 3.790 41 579 29 551 569......275 305 305 594 1,246 406 2,300 42 1,284 84 2,005 2,005 386 9,100 2,024 1.749 10,849 2,631 5,063 796 9,500 43 1,047...... 687 6871.............. 330 505 505 65 1,746 814 450 44 1,093 43 1,753 1,759 120.... 1,201 4,750 4,750 1, 3 5 3,791 360 8,700 45 1,111 8 1,212 25 0 23.. 6301 385 385 1,372 3,2521,198 4,500 46 1,860 164 1,337 1,350 125........ 511 885 885 1,269 3,185 444 4,35 47 238 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMS. COUNTIES.0 4, 1 C 4 CC, s.. 27 Lee................. 1,350 87,186 148, 328 1,714,093 3,334 12,801 13,095 25,059 28 Linn.............. 526 37,216 74,549 765,748 1,644 4, 264 5,138 11,960 29 Louisa............ 388 29,490 51,098 506,566 1,100 4,463 3'918 9,519 30 Lucas.............. 32 1,079 5,750 22. 705 66 287 214 568 31 Madison........... 53 1,980 11,919 44 908 159 43-2 584 1,638 32 Mahaska.......... 480 25,046 74,512 617,387 1, 346 4,177 6,150 12 697 33 Marion.............. 342 13,619 59,942 321,109 778 3,135 2,748 11;296 34 Marshall............ 34 953 2,420 18,252 65 293 291 1,146 35 Monroe............. 337 13399 43066 287,481 670 2382 2,855 5,925 36 Muscatine........... 460 25,201 49,388 596,048 1,432 5.503 3,215 10,26 37 Page............... 61 1,864......... 20,505'159 871 960 1.958 38 Polk................ 321 15,958 60,2'23 429, 492 784 2,806 3,442 7, 637 39 Pottawatomie....... 82 2,835.......... 25, 360 108 932 313 795 40 Poweshiek.......... 71 2, 906 12,120 65,454 183 508 476 1,706 41 Scott............... 384 19993 50,404 563,700 1,009 3,637 2,621 5,183 42 T alna........................................................................................ 43 Taylor........... 27 631.......... 5.207 37 285 364 644 44 Van Buren.......... 998 60,185 128,682 1,481,292 2,843 9,273 16,765 19,506 45 Wapello............ 828 43513 98,699 841389 2,717 5,61.0 9 486 20258 46 Warren............. 47 1,815 11,684 49546 106 490 196 1,335 47 Washinon...... 28 24871 59,260 505,354 1.209 4.545 5,190 11.516 48 Wayne............. 3....... 126 333 9,672 84 212 206 719 49 W innesliiek................................................... STATISTICSOF 1 Adair............. 1,010 63,746 145,395 700.937 4,161 9,082 15,968 41,886 2 Alen.............. 740 46.188 105,913 611973 3,414 6,151 10,633 29,823 3 Anderson........... 420 43,208 35,333 883973 2,904 3,395 9,026 17,070 4 Ballard............. 483 20,876 87,976 392,991 1,836 4,491 2015 20,439 5 Barren............. 1,833 117,604 204,564 1,412195 7,883 14,500 23,923 65.710 6 Bath.............. 1,018 108,170 54,783 2.801,.051 6.108 10,333 16,928 35,058 7 Boone.............. 982 92,910 65,369 4132,512 4,751 9,865 5,294 49.446 8 Bourbon............ 34 168,891 1,111 7,901,450 11,902 17,396 25,288 39492 9 Boyle............. 443 53,717 43,151 2,410,229 5,864 558 1352 22,499 10 Bracken......... 728 41,196 48,436 1,134,938 5642 3,571 16.65 15.969 11 Breathitt............ 433 13, 17 274,043 279,674 885 4,452 5,565 12, 657 12 Breckendge........ 889 67 822 181,745 935.739 3.588 7,556 14,526 34583 13 Bullitt.............. 562 50,144 111,734 1,096569 2,876 4,917 61619 27,341 14 Butler............ 629 26,272 112. 896 359,485 2,236 5,670 4,.357 23,797 15 Caldwell........ 889 69,713 182549 1,110.001 5,356 9,173 10,:767 48,868 16 Callaway............. 933 48,164 184,409 573,521 3,458 6.349 7,924 21,814 17 Campbell........... 730 27,009 33,.111 1,599,036 1.776 2,3758 3,241 10,588 18 Carroll.............. 376 30,663 36,601 1,023,027 1707 4,140 6,352 13,628 19 Carter............. 654 28,234 218,63 461,691,,776 4.824 7,918 11,754 20 Casey............ 758 49:594 140,339 723,.365 2,845 5,476 12,215 29;588 21 Christian........... 1,190 105670 171.260 2,543,76 050 11.793 19,584 61,961 22 Clark.............. 792 153096 17056 4.563.412 8:287 16.170 19,760 30.494 23 Clay.............. 511 19, 186 137,006'320102 1485 6 617 8,60145 137413 24 Clinton............ 499 29,771 55 767 318,266 1,619 4,719 5,887 18,495 25 Crittenden.......... 662 34,016 103.958 474,082 2,355 5,301 6,485 25,406 26 Cumberland.. 607 40,066 108,351 661.479 2,646 7,067 9,861 29,730 27 Daviess............ 1,057 67408 312,489 1,965057 4,474 9,603 11.620 45,138 28 Edmonson.......... 507 20,027 75,294 290,555 1,494 3,902 4,955 17,907 29 Estill.......... 604 26,839 84,619 493,554 1741 4.41 7,447 12,968 30 Fayette............. 799 173,818 1,404 9,698,184 11 906 18416 20,855 42,790 31 Fleming............ 1,211 102879 102,879 00,906 2 687486 5,919 10,648 17,818 32.142 32 Floyd............... 365 16,700 94,897 301877 1153 5,21 5,421 8.105 33 Franklin.......... 850 61,895 52,969 1,804,288 3,981 5,811 8,685 25,424 34 Fulton..............361. 17,672 44,948 408:463 1,400 3,526 2,700 13,113 35 Gallatin............ 414 25,976 32,497 839, 5012 1,606 3,515 4.602 14,782 36 Garrard........... 666 92,140 47,989 2.502,599 6,479 10158 14,843 36,265 37 Grant............ 730 40544 74839 1, 241,498 2,441 3 880 6,285 20,43 38 Graves.......... 1,279 56,868 228,342 834,596 4,724 10,804 10,319 32.363 39 Grayson........... 824 36,612 115.857 351280 2.324 6269 7.678 24784 40 Greene............. 791 61,323 114.576 832.095 3,529 7,941 12,; 825 29,571 41 Greenup............. 453 30,008 18411,396 765206 1,538 4,351 5,466 10.921 42 Hancock........... 319 17,775 14,274 483,833 1,185 3451 4,892 13371 43 Hlardin.............. 1,406 108,282 257.081. 1,680,684 6,257 12 71 20,588 55,691 44 Harlan............. 535 19,05 288,717 303,404 1,371 6,539 5,368 13,510 41 Greeatinup............4453976 30,008 1,3 4976 8.523016 1, 4,925 3519 5466[ 1.4 3423 45 Harrison.... 1,130 137, 883 63.238 3,530,611 8,92 11,51 22,390 40,343 46 Hart............... 29 47,659 13558 668,458 3.026 7,928 10807 27127 47 Henderson............ 1,037 70,432 160,711 2,091,0.22 4,938 10,003 9,235 46,734 STATISTICS OF IOWA. 239 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. Im' PI 1 U U 4917131 4 0 39 4 4 3 9 } 5051 300 119 1511 16'......, 78] 100.................., 30 149,414 168,554 754,138 14.169 758 2,727 4,895 247,132 2,601 74 898 146 27 85,633 37,187 306,390 11,218 80 90 1,066 77,314 6,144...... 27 8 28 49,713 40,171 379,449 3,253 53 251 1188 93,12i 873 12 42 63 29 505 300 1, 925 151 16...... 32 2,78] 100................. 842 387 26.250 726.............. 257 6,005 211................31 40,092 30,826 341,150 6.33 110 140 549 41,491 1,170...... 131 17 32 17,094 13,003 219,565 8.5622 379 1,621 54,583 1,780 10...... 26 33 213 210 12,410 319 52...... 38 4,230 185..................34 17, 792 20, 708 200,463 2,584 73 75 1921 55,209 236 5 23 34 35 68,246 42,615 341,465 13,679 296 2,975 3,129 39,785 5,433...... 65...... 36 1,998 1,936 28,270 593................... 6.861 197................. 37 13,455 11,274 211,677 7,514 176...... 1,888 42,351 2,091 68 36 64 38 9,117 360 31,955 938 50...... 511 10,160......39 3,011 o1,875 26,455 448 20 20 119 7,072 595........... 40 120,034 2634 153,915 13037...... 3,734 1,495 88579 6,034...... 23...... 41...t""i""l...."i~ ~......................... 3...... 42 437 785 10 10,10 55.............,215 97........ 43 88,591 172,121 595,082 6,280....... 2,128 9.97 186,447 4,168 7 194 187{ 44 53,169 73, 302 589,395 6,238 179 140 1,973 117,748 1,245 14 160 488 45 633 540 23,920 463.............. 269 5,630 300.................. 46 30.767 37, 774 277,205 4,217 87...... 427 59359 530...... 12...... 47 732 3,151 14,415 27 11...... 18 3,040 17............ 48......49 KENTUCKY. 15,938 80,958 537,945 42,803 2,191............ 168,189 607...... 392200 1 9,563 65,412 411,655 23,444 333...... 4 74,426 115 2 28 383 2 13,258 72,233 338,595 7,619 846 300 160 56,624 724 25 180 563 3 9,141 25,470 272, 550 18 565 1,120............ 43,368 72 70 2 133 4 37,097 210,244 1,007,560 58,243 1.119...... 13 200,279 761....... 2075 5 22,043 100,049 1,033,990 21,211 4,582 88 51 119,409 1,606.16 24 577 6 71,749 77,071 1056,650 33,405 2,840 578 247 170,240 2,943 24 81 271 7 78,133 190,497 1,705,599 25,465' 3,675 540 58 200,091 2,905 136 231 406i 8 23,907 114,190 689,780 20,404 2,801 133 1,173 90,257 2,062 30 2.25 593 9 27,410 59,259 370,025 12,102 6 746 273 102,186 1,420..... 16 187 10 32 2,083 155, 840 8,'239 3,683 10...... 37,535 38.;....... 65 11 12,387 139,612 521,766 16,657 1,668 99 80,734 1,309 8 4 1,803 12 16, 974 82,769 418, 530 11.689 36 170 25 53.295 1,82921 35 23 448 1]3 4,058 40,905 289,774 16,432 1,637...... 63,20 354 33 4 1,201 14 8,5741 89,762 767,725 34.517 559...... 3 108; 717 502 14 52 50 15 8.414 64,664 405,785 28,542 962 100 39 85,247 97 25 35 263 16 9,988 39;606 301,125 45,074 9 515 22 72415 1,179.. 9 10 17 13,253 20,774 354.510 23,877 874 170 93 59,042 1,920 45 248 62 18 2; 416 36, 867 279,777 13,588 4.9271...... 45 77,586 1,062 41 17 701 19 9,041 36,427 511,416 29,942 6,145...... 252 95,610 911 10 379 2,838 20 45 678 332.020 1.235, 290 64.773 6,446...... 66 190, 560 672 454 147 720 21 25, 162 84,682 1,213,007 22,820 3,408 27 154 157, 065 1,634 63 118 656 22 952 15,744 214,659 11.877 2,348 27 39 944 298............ 28 23 7,910 29,124 239,601 15,748'319............ 46,433 24..... 28 518 24 5,759 45,898 386,705 23,632 2,7151...... 13 68,448 76 89 42 206 25 7, 850 30,503 434,340 33.855 4 975...... 27 88,612 358 23 154 225 26 21.953 82,521 739,860 17,776 663............ 52769 1,872 48 378 27 4,32 34,578 193,095 16,033 130......... 63,204 159.................. 28 1.786 18.679 291,728 1-2,630 174...... 43,043 388...... 10 147 29 73,074 197,351 1,579,598 63,047 8.500 30 1,888 262;349 3,894 589 13,937 273 30 52.283 111,181 926,708 25,011 2, 411 7,998 1,386 203,44 3,233 6 295 547 31 1,795 17,636 208, 325 10,353 724...... 86 23,325 451............ 32 25,335 101;727 549,723 32,847 1,046 227 135 157,455 1,415 97 206 117 33 4.879 25,743 236,315 20,442 333...... 1 45,313 364 16 63 519 34 27 38. 18,727 402,150 12,033 427 10 90 40.345 796 2 70 71.3 35 34,920 180,295 973,875 27,913 414 180 84 159,930 1,705 2.202 1,178 36 13,415 34,86 54,955 9,349 848.. 66 76343 1,188 2 196 163 37 15,036 116.327 653,838 48,391 2,657 2 36 160,277 77 15 91 169 38 8,089 78755 314,2 14,742 2158...... 57 79,20 700 5 244 2,416 39 19,870 114,611 50.5. 757 29 904 276....... 2 97,341 814 50 10 1,669 40 5,513. 39,841 323488 11,394 528...... 48 51,338 1,849 42 8 32 41 4.599 18,464 010.730 10;419 685...... 47 44,212 1,128 24 15 272 42 46,596I 261,018 835:520 32,128 3,809 6 75 191,786 2,726 42 103 3,920 43 948 21,23 1'81,013 15,933 2,118...... 50,838 46...... 2 135 44 44,3.30 134,910 1,400,281 23,719 1,784 942 169 203187 3,208 2 216 543 45 14,763 90,631 434,613 24,345 1,181............ 84,361 275...... 46 10,571 73,650j 926,865 45,675 1,582 1...... 02,910 1,620.......i34 47 240 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 5'n o aa.OUNTIES. | | | 1 ~ o. I ______S __ g Q g I 27 Lee................. 1,12'...... 3,440...... 61........ 500...... 29,885 240 28 Linn............... 1,117...... 4,375..................................... 13,881...... 20 Louisa............. 395...... 1,360...... 32........................ 11,681...... 30 Lucas.......................................................... 200...... 442..... 31 M adison............ 117...... 7,855...... 273........1.............. 1,410...... 32 M ahaska........... 15.................................... 12, 006...... 33 Marion............. 1,124..... 80...... 3....... 1,982...... 6,064..... 34 Marshall........... 300...... 990...... 5....... 30...... 601...... 35 M onroe............. 4,295.................................................... 7,394...... )6 M useatine.......... ~2 090..................................... 300...... 7 078.. 37 Page............................................................................ 2 190..... 38 Polk................ 5,067...... 11,173...... 52-7...................... 9,054...... 39 Pottawatomie............................................................. 45...... 40 Poweshiek......... 340...... 50.......{.............. 20...1... 1,253...... 41 Scott....................................................................... 7 365...... 42 T am a.............................................................................. 43 Taylor.......................................................... 1,008..... 44 Van Buren.......... 5,558...... 4,008...... 36........................ 40,858 6 45 Wapello............ 4,214...... 350...... 14........................ 24388...... 46 Warren............ 796...... 130...... 12...... 1.............. 1,242...... 47 W ashington.........................................................12 977.... 48 Wayne.............. 50............................................. 537...... 49 W inneshiek............................................................ STATISTICS OF 1 Adair..............28,069...... 7,756...... 341....... 509,003 163 24,307...... 2 Allen.............. 8,974...... 6,304...... 214 451 760,806...... 14,945 12 3 Anderson........... 13,798 55 1,600...... 567........ 14,875...... 18,864.. 4 Ballard............. 7,351...................................... 152,700...... 3,680...... Barren.............40,936...... 8,795 4 410........ 2,155,551..... 40,626 24 6 Bath............... 11,830 142 7,824...... 72........ 9003...... 39,574. 7 Boone..............19,074 2 898...... 314....... 298,152...... 35,027 8 Bourbon............ 7,148 1202 200...... 72........................ 78,621 2 9 Boyle............... 17,341 307,560...... 489........ 1,600...... 29,931 38 10 Bracken............ 1,675 5 547...... 20....... 2129,370..... 13,550 40 11 Breathitt.......... 1,536...... 5,923...... 17........................ 8,916.... 12 Breckenridge...... 20,813 3 3,775...... 306........ 2,288,334...... 24,280 14 13 Bullitt.............. 7,605...... 3848...... 785... 2,990...... 13,146... 14 Butler.............. 10,811...... 6,761...... 969........ 207,819...... 7,375. 15 Caldwell............ 5,322...... 1,880...... 25......30 1,435,479 1 20,649 2 16 Callaway........... 6,082...... 475...... 5 520 957,381 2 13,637 3 17 Campbell........... 170....... 2............................. 3,108...... 6,571... 18 Carroll.............. 3,256...... 1,138...... 275........ 232612...... 12,753...... 19 Carter.............. 37,957...... ]12,197...... 666........ 9,320...... 15.674... 20 Casey.............. 27,197 3 8,242....... 334........ 74,600...... 24,422 134 21 Christian............24,661...... 5,577...... 215........ 6,312076...... 37,8 2. 22 Clark............... 18,663 409 5,960 5 634........ 66,335...... 53,164 10 23 Clay................. 4,516 5........................... 10 419. 4 Clinton............. 12,210...... 2,526...... 65 70 32,509..... 11012..... 5 Crittenden.......... 7,232...... 3,440...... 164........ 505,637...... 12,545 4 26 Cumberland........ 8880...... 1161...... 22 1087 1,238,802...... 14,140 6 27 Daviess............. 14,217 26 285...... 37........ 3,426,633...... 20,319. 28 Edmonson.......... 12891...... 882............... 86,980..... 7,940 29 Estill............... 5,'I... 9,335...... 463........ 24,150..... 13098..... 30 Fayette............ 6,47 2.967 2,458...... 1,207....................... 75062... 31 Fleming.............10.207'461 14,630...... 1,780....... 81,175...... 45,001 5 32) Floyd...............13,541...... 2, 44..... 25. 2.... 900...... 9422... 33 Franklin........... 6,814 270 2,175...... 343....... 37.125..... 23,598...... 34 Fulton............. 6,390...................... 5........ 222,;482 4,209 6 35 Gallatin............. 1,143 351 560................... 198,095..... 10,755 45 36 Garrard............ 12,660 84 2,067..... 312........ 50.150..... 30,255. 37 Grant.............. 4,493 2 4,948...... 281........ 104,303...... 16,031 17 38 Graves............. 10,982 15 35..... 4 1,602 1,090,545..... 17,657...... 39 Grayson............ 53,225 930 25,752...... 541........ 248,227...... 15,096. 40 Greene..............118,132...... 2,470...... 77...... 1,267971...... 20 934 41 Greenup............ 1,509..... 1,745...... 133........ 540...... 10,491 10 42 Hancock............20172 1 619...... 31........ 398,843.... 8 768.. 43 Hardin..... 134,188 2,055..... 67 1035 285028 56 39,512 34 44 Harlan............. 7,989...... 6356...... 2 10 3136..... 9051...... 45 Harrison............14,170 247 27,926...... 1,534.. 93.927..... 48,028.. 46 Hart...............14,301 20 8835.................. 814444..... 19,692.. 47 Henderson.......... 2,875................................... 4,92 960..... 16259...... ST.ATISTICS OF IOWA. 241 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. 0 Establishments.' 0,_ _ 1 51;: - REMARKS. C',, a 18 4 4 8,8;a d. C145 1~.. >!> oa3i "6 9. 554 74,41 7 855 $1,632....... 252,360 426 $417,065 $12,941.................. 27 16,831 45,677 100 1,148...... 11,180 53 28,780 6,720......................... 29 121~15 455................................................ 302 Organized in 1849. 30 32,251. 1,805............................ 055 1850. 31 2,22] 1,85.... 1, " " 1850 31 6,964 2,614 100.35,450 57 48,300 7,818 "1844. 38 16,089 1. 772 15.............. 18,970 53 38,355 5,252 " "1845. 33 480 563....................................... 419 " 1850.. 34 8,833 I.9 3................................................ 6,062 " " 1845. 35 599 1099 772...... 87250 114 436425 3,400......................... 3 4,52 2,465......................................... 1,181 Est.'47, not organized'50. 37 19, 71 17 885 510.............. 19,100 46 190,000 4,994 Organized in 1846. 38 3,010 2,088...................... 87001 17 23,100 444 " ".1848. 39 2,575 1,856................................................ 943 1848. 40 3,254 18.723 2,616 608...... 73,000 82 283,130 1,417................... 41..................................................................... E... Est.'43, not organized'50. 42 2,1 880................................ I................ 93 47, C'50. 43 32,897 49,798.927 10 142,10o 97 402,875 23, 589......................... 44 22,064 43,019 28 58...... 16,400 21 28327 19,519 Organized in 1844. 45 2,435 1,6924................... 849 " 189. 46 31 34,407...................... 00 4 5,179 7,676.................. 47 1,309'91 88..... 395 Est. 46, not organized'50. 48...............................................''47 fr. Clayton & Fay- 49 _________ ______ ______ __ _____________ _______ ____ette, not org. in 1850. KENTUCKY. 6,070 44,844 12,425 51 17,650 26844................ 1 10, 950 43,855 91.... 20,695 36 25,830 432......................... 2 10,108 38,876 170 90 36 68,745 127 73,981 12,879......................... 3 7,061 31,100 25 11,200 22 16,200 8;510 Formed in 1842 from Hick- 4 17,036 91,786 65 49,835 97 46.315 56,349 man and McCracken. 5 18,398 67,523 2,355 761. 38,530 109 90;584 34,565... 6 15,760 72,994 726 12,894 221 47,300 78 132,000 22,855... 7 26,328 105,300 618..104) 725 173 188,272 27,597........................ 17346 62,558 1,650 27 22 88,645 206 179,260 22,449 Formed in 1842 from Mer- 9 1,357 55,339 309 685 79,000 88 87,060 14,711 cer and Lincoln. 10 74,305 24,261 1,182 1,500..... 10,350 52 16,772 9,176 Divided in 1843 to form 11 3,566 64,123........ 538 5 82250 83 164,730 20,786 Owsley. 12 3,035 54.849 94...... 101,800 125 162,950 7,120...................... 13 6,090 23,059.... 12,680 16 13,645 28,890......................... 14 5,670 89,723 20 20 523,240 728 510,180 25.029....15 6,798 45,738 9 10. 7.415 24 14,812 29,633 Divided in 1842 to form 16 685 30,594 12,910 1,192 2,471 212,150 224 403,815 1,560 Marshall. 17 6,582 36,605 148 1,663...... 48,690 82 133,663 8,504............ 18 8,235 37,459 1,438 742...... 118,000 211 60,127 19,933..........19 27,641 61,923 7,699 17,153...... 13,800 24 22,750 45,069......................... 20 6,039 182,850 295 5,906..... 127,987 289 318,099 51;412................. 21 24,581 80.843 10 600...... 39,100 86 50,114 28,440......................... 22 1,770 28,734 150.. 156,650 146 65,125 10,492 Divided in 1843 to form 23 7,288 21,77........ 20...... 6,400 6 3,170 16,440 Owsley. 24 5,140 44,277 26 165 64,850 189 66 635 30,265 Formed in 1842 from Liv- 25 11,805 50,023........ 75 5 8,90 27 13,285 37,640 ingston. 26 7,674 83,390 97 95 2 221,400 112 130,800 14.350.........................27 5,084 19,547................. 1,300 8 6,775 15:084.................... 28 8,653 30,663 55........ 150,000 131 78,500 13,153 Divided in 1843 to form 29 28308 204,413 41,119 2,20-2 44 888,404 1,414 1,338.216 38.296 Owsley. 30 21,460 95,171 8 26.. 119,210 22 296488 30454........................ 1,754 20,474 287 1,525...... 17.700 31 11,700 10,317 Divided in 1843 to form 39 10,851 60,869 5,083 285...... 110, 920 495 423,025 17,958 Johnson. 33 9,165 27,074 1,355 254...... 56,950 64 69,505 8,197 Formed in 1845 from Hick- 34 5,059 54,111 20 1, 135 30 19,200 40 43,500 7,805 man. 35 17,643 49,542....38,450 80 74,305 30,611......................... 36 6,972 59569 15 140...... 15,450 2 19476 13,770......................... 37 16,549 83,215 49 256 62 23,500 89 51,961 59,824.................. 38 5,013 32.841........ 125..... 38,700. 38 29,820 3560......................... 39 12;371 62,231 70 1,380 62 20,596 50 61,612 26,985 Divided in 1848 to form 40 4,146 40,857 805 59,730 958 299,992 6,232 Taylor. 41 3,094 27,564 100 635 17,500 49 47,380 9,644 [La Rue. 42 791 139.626 25 18 6 95,745 153 169,385 47,463 Divided in 1843 to form 43 9,574 18,187 10 91............................... 12,846 Divided in 1842 to form 44 16,61 84,703 5 84....... 82, 04,164 134,-810 33,680 Letcher. 45 9,148 60, 80.......... 13,900,64 24,750 21,656......................... 46 13,555 92,805 680 880...... 63,5501 174 85,400 19,930......................... 47 16 242 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES.' - -............. Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 48 Henry........ 43..... 4 371 4,004 8,375 54 3-013 5,887 5,555 11.442 10, 015 49 Hickman............ 2024 1,908 3,932 18 841 2,450 2,341 4,791 8,968 50 Hopkins............ 5,262 4,937 10,199 50 2,192 6,332 6,109 12,441 9,171 51 Jefferson............ 25,328 21,955 47,283 1,637 10,911 31,426 28,405 59,831 30,346 52 Jessamine.......... 3,214 3,042 6,256 168 3,825 5,286 4,963 10,249 9,396 53 Johnson............. 1945 1898 3,843........ 30 1,959 1,914 3, 873.......... 54 Kenton............. 8,263 7,854 16,117 91 830 8,664 8,374 17,038 7,816 55 Knox................ 3,157 3,081 6,238 200 612 3554 3,496 7,050 5,72 56 La Rue............. 2,598 2,579 5,177 10 672 2,953 2,906 5,859. 57 Laurel..............,02 1,885 3,947 6 192 2,139 2,006 4,145 3,079 58 Lawrence.......... 3,158 2,984 6,14 137 3,217 3,064 6,281 4730 59 Letcher............. 1,218 1,222 2,440 10 6 1,251 1,261 2,512.......... 60 Lewis.............. 3,626 3,246 6,872 8 3'2-2 3,774 3,428 7,202 6306 61 Lincoln............. 3,386 3,248 6,634 104 3,355 5,140 4,953 10,093 10,187 62 Livingston.......... 2,883 2,518 5.401 59 1,118 3,504 3;074 6,578 9; 025 63 Logan..5......... 5,405 5,345 10,750 364 5,467 8,212 8,369 16,581 13,615 64 McCracken......... 2,810 2 427 5,237 22 808 3,193 2,874 6,067 4,745 65 Madison........... 5,194 5,075 10,269 65 5,393 7,862 7865 15,727 16,355 66 Marion.......... 4,264 4.334 8,598 81 3.086 5,826 5,939 11,765 11,032 67 Marshall............. 2,555 2, 445 5,000 20 249 2,672 2597 5,269.......... 68 Mason............... 7,090 6,584 13,674 386 4,284 9,304 9040 18,344 15,719 69 Meade.......... 3,008 2,791 5,799 21 1,573 3,804 3,589 7,393 5,780 70 Mercer.............. 5,363 5,108 10.471 336 3,260 7,161 6,906 14,067 18,720 71 Monroe.............. 3,421 3481 6902 23 831 3,829 3,927 7755 6,526 72 Montgomery........ 3,421 3.245 6,666 164 3,073 5,034 4,869 9,903 9.332 73 Morgan............. 3,857 3 73 95395 38 187 397 3,644 7,620 4603 74 Muhlenburg......... 4,264 3,986 8,.250 37 1,522 5,000 4,809 9,809 6,964 75 Nelson............. 4,830 4,713 9,543 116 5.130 7,359 7,430 14,789 13,637 76 Nicholas............. 4,524 4,158 8,682 166 1,513 5291 5,070 10,361 8,745 77 Ohio................ 4,399 4,169 8568 49 1,132 5,007 4,742 9,749 6,52 78 Oldham............ 2,770 2,386 5,156 49 2,424 4,000 3629 7,629 7.380 79 Owen............. 4,636 4,246 8,882 48 1514 5,431 5,013 10,444 8232 80 Owsley............. 1,946 1,670 3,616 22 136 2,041 1,733 3,774.......... 81 Pendleton........... 3,228 3,002 6,230 35 509 3,494 3,280 6,774 4,455 82 Perry............... 1,578 1,394 2,972 3 117 1,635 1,457 3,092 3,089 83 Pike............... 2,706 2,544 5,250 17 98 2,763 2,602 5,365 3,567 84 Pulaski............. 6,523 6,338 12861 27 1,307 7,210 6,985 14,195 9,620 85 Rock Castle......... 2,187 2,102 4,289 33 375 2377 2,320 4697 3, 409 86 Russell............. 2,500 2,401 4,901 13 435 2,701 2,648 5:349 4,238 87 Scott................ 4,654 4,237 8,891 219 5,836 7,666 7,280 14,946 13,668 88 Shelby.............. 5,337 4952 10,289 189 6,617 8,865 8,230 17,095 17,768 Shelby.33 5333 7 47962 89 Simpson............ 2,893 2,863 5,756 42 1,935 3833 3,9 7,733 6, 517 90 Spencer............ 2,422 2,237 4,659 32 2,151 3, 515 3, 27 6 842 6,581 91 Taylor............... 2,713 2,749 5,462 148 1.640 3,565 3,685 7,250.......... 92 Todd............... 3,718 3,643 7,361 97 4,810 6,165 6,103 12,268 9.991 93 Trigg............... 3,761 3,491 7,252 80 2,797 5,218 4,911 10,1.29 7,716 94 Trimble............ 2,587 2,406 4,993 29 941 3;049 2.914 5,963 4,480 95 Union............... 3, 451 3,253 6,704 16 2,292 4,589 4423 9,012 6,673 46 Warren............. 5,438 5,159 10,597 209 4,317 7,715 7,408 15,123 15,446 97 Washington........ 4,633 4453 9,086 63 3,045 6162 6,032 12,194 1.0,596i 98 Wayne........... 3,914 3,941 7855 7 830 4, 29 4.363 8,692 7,399 99 Whitley.......... 3,800 3,422 7,222 24 01 3,901 3546 7,447 4,673 100 Woodford........... 3,004 2,874 5,878 169 6,376 6,528 5,895 12,423 11,740 STATISTICS OF 1 Ascension.......... 1,725 1,615 3,340 146 7,266 5,513 5,239 10,752 6,951 Assumption........ 2,698 2472 5,170 27 5 341 5, 704 4, 834 10,538 7,141 3 Avoyelles......... 2,158 1,901 4,059 106 5;161 4,847 4,479 9,326 6,616 4 Baton Rouge E..... 2,916 2,431 5,347 279 6,351 6.320 5,657 11,977 8.138 5 Baton Rouge, W 9... 979 836 1,815 105 4.350 3.340 2,930 6,270 4;638 6 Bienville............ 1,961 1,662 3,623 21 1,895 2,905 2,634 5539......... 7 Bossier.............. 1,395 1.,112 2,507........ 4.455 3,665 3297 6,962.......... 8 Caddo.............. 2,084 1,550 3,634 42 5,208 4,749 4135 8,884 5282 9 Calcasieu.......... 1,426 1,292 2,718 239 957 2009 1,905 3,914 10 Caldwell............ 843 741 1,584....... 1,231 1,426 1,389 2,815 2,017 11 Carroll............. 1,311 1,025 2,336 10 6,443 4,622 4,167 8789 4,237 12 Catahoula..........,929 1,6566,58 19 3,528 3, 75 3,367 7,132 4,955 13 Claibome.......... 2,660 2,289 4,949........ 2,52 3,880 3,591 7,471 6185 14 Concordia......... 47 344 823 1 6,934 4,051 3,707 7,758 9,414 15 De Soto............ 1,990 1,559 3,549 24 4,450 4,280 3,74 8,023.......... 16 Feliciana, E....... 2,196 1,864 4, 060 24 9,514 6,83 6,761 13,598 11893 17 Feliciana, W........ 38 1,091 2,473 106 10,666 6,639 6,606 13245 10, 910 STATISTICS OF KENTUCKY. 243 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. (.'11l out of State. o s, a Public Schools. emies, and pri- c vate schools. ____.I-s -: 1 ~S I" i ia -t 18S 4& g a I -1 C - - 1 0 C, D I; 722 100 1,438 1,442 120 $3,560 885 $1,890 $5,450 1,602 3,396 332 11,275 48 1,412) 37 656 682 165........ 410 397 397 896 1,636 492 3,000 49 2.343 38 1,738 1.738.............. 2,310 3,326 3.326 1,360 4,191 1,007 7,300 50 14,3992 15,782 7,690 8,821 2,055 94,039 2,789 10,294 104,333 7,603 15,530 2,010 35,350 51 658 30 1,093 1,093 85 1,760 601 6,420 8,180 1,194 2,436 487 7,800 52 1.005 608 608.305 627 627 583 1,640 484.......... 53 4,376 3,364 2,854 2,888 310 8,000 1,418 12,319 20,319 2,394 5,745 932 10900 54 1,755 7 1,060 1,087. 975 1,390 1,390 1,304 2,557 1303 3,550 55 578 30 845 845 70........ 500 734 734 1,104 2,038 576 4,500 56 956 15 671 671.............. 180 425 425 756 1,741 146 700 57 1,817 52 989 1,008.............. 687 1,597 1,597 1109 2 067 1,875 58 567........ 416 416.............. 298 451 451 351 1,026 59 2,150 59 1.414 111 1.223 12 27............. 513 245 245 938 2,772 712 4,700 60 922 22 1,145 1,145 175 0 600 960 3,260 77 2610 116 5,500 61 1,587 198 915'915 40 560 447 213 773 640 2,141 433 4,600 62 3.0.32 51 1,917 1,923 99 1,950 746 1,447 3,397 1,814 4,343 61 13,455 63 2, 132 380 835 867 187 750 458 1,939 2,689 1,109 2,095 518 4,800 64 886 51 1.847 1,852 195 4,125 1,762 1,160 5,285 1;775 4,036 1,268 20,200 65 837 71 1;428 1,428 173 15,050 1,400 5,000 20,050 1,173 3,545 1,003 7,350 66 1,726 11 865 869.......... 720 943 943 1257 2,092 874 4,55067 2:504 1 034 2,423 2,450 417 14,350 542 5,563 19,913 2,548 5,028 646 14870 68 1,019 57 947 949 391 2,461 333 3250 69 1,147 96 1.762 1,762 77 10,770 1,523 2,773 13,543 1,802 4,136 637 12,250 70 2,206 2 1,190 1'241...... 879 919 919 1,481 2,736 891 5200 71 933 67 1,103 1103 1 1,800 1,020 12,298 14,098 1,512 2,681 372 7,300 72 1,598 1201 1201.............. 558 1,146 1,146 741 3,106 679 2,380 73 1,615 40 1, 451 1,451 117 1.09..........,109 1,471 3,252 801 10,600 74 1,22 196 1,613 1i613 522 52,100 118 791 52,891 1 718 3,841 844 6,550 75 912 131 1497 1501 160........ 1,068 504 504 1.690 3470 764 4,300 76 1,224 24 1,42.5 1425.............. 899 2,009 2,009 1:806 3,523 622 7,200 77 751 158 856 889 97 3, 000 380 5,095 8,095 591 2,035 16 7,250 78 735 79 1,623 1,623 390........ 585 266 66 1558 3,705 870 5,900 79 779 17 588 588 200......................... 269,471 1 1,050 80 1,011 2121 1,057 1,057 70 100 380 205 305 865 2,510 80 5,500 81 508....... 471 500.........................132 1314 687 1,800 82 1,475 5 905 905.............. 180 138 138 276 2207 1351 1,995 8 2,020 39 2,263 2,263.............. 1,220 2,340 2,340 2,646 5:321 435 12,550 84 6;23........ 746'746.............. 425 640 640 504 1770 453 2800 85 690 4 840 840............. 863 1,208 1.208 1,154 2,009 976 3250 86 899 186 1,566 1,566 915 18,105 30 360 18;465 1,865 3533 691 10,470 87 1,367 307 1,803 1,823 529 28,700 813 8,336 37,036 1,438 4,084 454 17180 88 1,587 16'963 964 98 1,470 833 1,772 3;242 1,156 2,381 419 5,850 89 443 48 810 810 107........ 437....686 1,878 219 5,200 90 807 3 971 975 65 1,000 461 835 1.835 975 2,203 719 6,400 S 52,25 26 1,316 1.32'2 115 2,700 409 89 599 1,237 2,980 351 9,700 92 2,447 17 181 1282 135........ 631.......... 1,272 2,922 651 6,325 93 993 94 865 865........... 320 272 272 760 1,984 176 5,450 94 1,222 167 1,140 1,140 71 4.050 1,284 8,036 12,086 1,148 2,730 475 4,300 95 1,984 55 1,798 1,798 140 2.220 1,100 1,613 3,833 2,201 4,357 789 7,650 96 850 84 1,517 1,517 170 9,200 1,325 400 9,600 1,832 3,671 1183 6,900 97 1,515 1 1,359 1,369.......1....... 1 676 1,676 1,300 3,202 1,242 3,925 98 1580 3 1,214 1214..............1,197 2,089 2,089 1642 3170 1353 1565099 719 273 1,053 1,081 362 8,945 327 3,975 12,920 1 158 9,000100 LOUISIANA. 253 375 755 755 43 5,000 300 7,800 12,800 629 1,250 83 3,000 1 106 210 926 926 10....... 693 7,036 7036 695 2,098 1,396 1,000 2 380 128 792 792 10 3,331 566 4,198 7,529 421 1,639 705 2,100 3 1,243 699 1,044 1,044 20 600 5001 3,600 4,200 744 1,834 268 1,370 4 149 140 392 438 50 1.500 250 2,500 4,000 354 703 155 700 5 2,389 12 571 571 85 1443 756 2,452 3,895 683 1562 307 2,675 6 1:715 27 478 47......... 460 2,210 2,210 49 1040 72 750 7 543 214 742 747............................. 528 1,263 75 1500 8 233 35 548 626......... 150 520 520 389 1,145 413..... 9 797 16 300.. 426 1,801 1,801 266 676 116 1,250 10 1,413 132 582 582.... 0 2,000 2,000 281 778 49 950 1,539 70 655 679 40 1,500 508 4,442 5,942 445 1,447 1,400 12 3,208 120 842 842 70 460 1,250 4,070 4,530 913 2,080 367 2,400 1 478 35 219 21.............. 150 791 5,791 18 244 300 14 e2,269 57 685 692 190........ 260 2,500 2,500 676 1,377 3,200 15 1,161 293 712 712 335 16,500 160 5,760 22,260 804 1,61 26 1,700 lo 785 261 599 6171 30171 3,440 3,440 475 816 85 2,400 17 244 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UION FARMS. COUNTIES.p 0 i 48 Henry.............. 1,0-29 118,714 44,496 2,763,052 4,993 9,609 18,309 49,132 49 Hickman............ 546 21,874 62,939 401,110 1,789 4,312 3, 194 16,28t 50 Hopkins......1..... 1,354 70,065 204,441 1,031,262 3722 10,017 16,131 53,314 51 Jefferson............ 877 90,720 65,928 5,522,543 5,50 7,987 10,798 39O573 52 Jessamine........... 651 65,485 42,304 3,356,476 6,218 8,139 12,941 24,994 53 Johnson............ 504 15,094 110, 382 261,284 944 3,800 5,961 12,259 54 Kenton............. 656 41,616 36,915 2,468, 370 9,088 3,998 5914 17,149 5,5 Knox............... 657 32,595 127,548 439, 739 1,771 5,978 7,640 19,315 56 LaRue............. 420 32,961 75;335 546,668 2,273 4,203 7,883 19,031 57 Laurel.............. 284 22, 759 152, 864 277 569 1,56 4,088 7,372 11,941 58 Lawrence......... 655 26,665 173,411 458,811 1,543 6,292 8,740 17,397 59 Letcher............. 343 11,261 89,328 158,188 808 3,483 4,093 8,538 60 Lewis............ 651 34,662 86,054 859,251 2,176 4,676 7,279 13,843 61 Lincoln............. 614 90,094 77,288 2,334,941 5,469 14,623 17,211 30,013 62 Livingston.......... 485 26,902 96758 515,535 2,018 4,880 4.208 19730 63 Logan............. 1 130 105,036 167, 760 1,971, 767 6,938 10, 744 19, 353 55,858 64 McCracken......... 348 16,477 46,399 331,222 1,253 2,954 1,825 10,461 65 Madison.............1,185 149,164 102, 331 4,785,130 8,635 18,456 28,015 57 495 66Marion............. 963 86,959 125,741 2,629,279 6,966 9,176 17,490 49,032 67 Marshall............ 415 18,5'21 67,930 219 960 1,405 3,437 3,093 11,115 68 Mason.............. 888 93,559 56,884 4,919,502 6, 027 9,960 14,584 27.584 69 Meade.............. 489 40,366 80,573 672,080 2,191 4,775 6,831 18,179 70 Mercer.............. 881 97,281 48,454 3,113,262 7,105 8,246 19,757 40,252 71 Monroe............. 746 43,662 91,922 480,670 3,035 5,214 8,248 30,567 7 Montgomery......... 856 99,296 121,970 3,059,514 6,977 12,642 15,908 29,457 73 Morgan............. 615 31,742 260,193 539,774 1,675 5,992 8,700 13,467 74 Muhlenburg..... 921 50,935 202,285 765,077 3,448 7,864 11,630 37,862 75 Nelson............. 844 112,574 96.702 2,979,035 5,524 10,292 17,810 54;100 76 Nicholas............ 711 57,09 49,908 2,171,987 5,223 6,591 13,478 25,949 77 Ohio............... 122 55196 165,500 879,204 3,598 10,058 12,094 44,292 78 Oldham............ 414 59,490 30,406 1,632.961 2,750 5,065 8,209 24,666 79 Owen.............. 917 64,755r 95,840 1,801,676 3,661 6,181 13,556 31,420 80 Owsley............. 484 14,887 226,241 369,148 967 3,944 4,849 9,825 81 Pendleton........... 696 39, 977 86,779 1, 044,975 2,475 4,840 9 866 18, 105 82 Perry............... 396 14,145 279,673 233.26 900 5,316 5,536 12,519 83 Pike................. 448 18,474 178,006 378,783 1,114 6,319 7,025 14.003 84 Pulaski............. 1,528 75,529 247,002 1,148,712 4,415 12,922 2,092 44,021 85 Rock Castle......... 441 25, 938 73,463 292, 554 1,422 3,002 6,032 9,733 86 Russell............. 665 42,342 87,997 376,040 1,913 4,420 5,669 24.560 87 Scott................ 758 126,756 27, 684 4. 978,575 7,547 10420 15,728 30,043 88 Shelby.............. 1202 147170 76, 556 6,094, 014 8,727 16, 819 23,829 76,393 89 Simpson............ 686 45,296 72, 419 754,749 3,767 5,283 8,668 26,521 90 Spencer............ 578 77,496 39,319 1,986,668 3,455 4,804 10,362 40,887 91 Taylor............... 648 45,888 70,833 558,138 2,685 5,707 8,887 23,653 92 Todd............... 930 78,511 108,805 1,496,140 4,941 8,385 14,596 4.4;569 93 Trigg.............. 843 50, 143 14,816 744,594 3,627 6,275 7,755 31,303 94 Trimble............. 469 37,287 38,002 996,046 1;922 3,675 6,561 13,454 95 Union............. 681 52,453 141,403 1,204.589 4,144 9,306 8,914 38,177 96 Warren.............. 1,145 91,507 155,325 1,844, 251 6, 86 14,114 18,842 54135 97 Washington......... 867 102,441 83.802 2,252,914 7,104 7,665 18,615 46,513 98 Wayne............. 929 69,532 190,897 920,515 3,759 12,316 14,043 42,450 99 Whitley............ 980 38,863 214,207 531,473 2,394 10,045 8,034 41.886 100 Woodford........... 580 108,828 7,347 4,445,026 6,587 8,529 15,166 26:150 STATISTICS OF 1 Ascension.......... 157 28,346 65, 138 7,121,695 2,346 4,077 1, 627 5,649 2 Assumption....... 520 31, 361 91, 525 6,000,325 3,197 4,968 990 5,242 3 Avoyelles........... 393 33,898 99,449 1,409,:239 2,777 11 884 4,090 18,910 4 Baton Rouge, E..... 87 37,535 115.247 2,458,886 2,595 13,406 3,874 25.045 5 Baton Rouge, W.... 138 25,775 41988 2291,125 2,016 2,688 1,034 1,257 6 Bienville............ 271 18,015 42,559 301,238 995 4,619 523 14749 7 Bossier.............. 333 40, 284 114 086 808, 483 1,890 8,026 1,006 19 788 8 Caddo.............. 305 44,174 136,621 1,009,921 2,029 15,198 1,383 17 055 9 Calcasieu........... 239 18,542 20,943 157,323 8,512 83,387 2,126 8969 10 Caldwell............ 185 12,081 16,736 252,586 745 4,195 1,127 12. 098 11 Carroll.............. 38 47,701 98,943 2,919,629 2,870 10, 960 1,687 18 318 12 Catahoula.......... 358 26,077 83,265 832,776 1,943 13,516 2,089 30, 765 13 Claiborne....... 554 31,971 85,039 460,573 1,820 8,827 1,913 28,510 14 Concordia.......... 148 50,059 109,854 2,790, 30 2,692 5,379 1,91 9054 15 DeSoto............ 427 37,520 110,566 773770 1,888 8,622 847 23,679 16 Feliciana, E........ 361 82,936 125,057 1,727798 3,1 13,126 6,800 23,004 17 Feliciana, W.... 234 76, 311 109, 060 3, 420,665 3897 12,553 5,051 11,005 STATISTICS OF KENTUCKY. 245 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 0a0. Iciis 1. I~l I I i I IJl I~ I iTZ It:$: 0^ ^ U. 5 A m C 0. c U Ud a) ~.o In U 38,844 117,688 964,372 24,884 581 120 46 138,119 2082...... 18 377 48 14,471 32. 339 317, 691 24,230 1,620 30...... 46, 386 72...... 1 628 49 14,325 61,928 741,032 29,291 2,375... 138,144 436..... 3 29 50 92,809 130,822 983,429 114,861 2,327 6,110 110 194,264 4,944 11 211 83 51 35,880 149,981 725,891 21,063 532...... 215 123,050 1,131 30 21 429 52 1,736 22,174 185,120 12,819 544...... 80 43,523 587...... 26 463 53 28,208 39,324 473; 545 20,403 11 5 312 123,935 2,044............ 5 54 2,526 48,916 290,965 22,867 6,150... 111 69,618 761 95 31 701 55 18,578 74,408 335,275 12,505 1,143...... 70 100,105 536 13 617 926 56 1,156 17,788 54.927 2,714 603 1 165 5,812 525 10 5 270 57 939 30,933 278,317 18,910 1,311 30 276 38,324 645 15 16 720 58 2,054 8.225 86,718 9,174 3, 296...... 228 40,461 133...... 1 426 59 7,213 54.693 398,686 12,785 1,190 1,538 80 85,686 1,698 11 104 290 60 23,686 95,263 740,499 17,606 258 2 112 116,122 1,333 3.. 3,282 61 2,308 925841 331,436 22,888 384...... 10 43,798 212 20 3 30 62 50,316i 243,043 1,103,186 45,395 1,864 3 67 164,824 1,027 111 175 644 63 5, 535 18,524 174 976 19,180 172... 30,060 21 3 64 32962 193,387 1,424,856 39,264 8,865...... 19 270,426 2,265 71 463 2,973 65 22,930 228,561 1,001,919 32, 422 498...... 129 155,969 1,670 40 806 2,878 66 2.991 27,686 192,835 12,666 143 44,199 38.... 24 6 67 52, 486 63,448 978,470 29,506 2,63871,667 503 214,721 3,904 406 72 83 68 11,216 126, 321 373,145 12,010 730 93...... 51.337 659 2 433 69 68;690 185,234 1,098,395 30,169 5,366 26 1,742 202;213 3,904 110 671 1,170 70 12,443 77,532 384,705 29,249 4,125...... 110 65,636 164 10 51,940 71 18,673 111,651 914,863 21,012 496...... 84 150,867 1,848...... 125 550 72 2,427 29,179 267,275 15,664 2,240...... 101 68,548 1,082...... 906 73 13,916 74,125 495,328 23,078 1,840...... 67 84,453 1,070 1 80 2,526 74 63,864 235,276 1.070,066 32,828 212...... 151 167,111 2,791 2 297 2,693 75 31,285 74,370 733,750 11,403 401 1,170 47 112,098 949 11 113'113 76 10,607 18,930 521,128 22,361 2,418... 120,725 1,720 10 1,691 77 45,067 75,512 510,960 22,261 75...... 46 84,317 1,548..... 731 430 78 12,794 49,284 632,870 15,136 677...... 77 2,902 8 3 89 233 79 796 8,910 164,021 13,549 373 5 21 25,310 2...... 5 195 80 12,262 51,747 429,855 13,040 3,747 140 1039 74,168 1113 60 191 136 81 786 4,788 124,296 9,290 3,321 7 43,445 39...... 6 146 82 2,454 18,569 198,764 16,714 2,389...... 196 66,246 480 15 33 277 83 13,385 126,099 558,862 52,382 8,805 48 171 206,374 526...... 141 3,460 84 3.715 28.981 177,974 8,365 375...... 11 41,297 169...... 136 276 85 4,707 51,699 316,165 21,769 2,180 16 3 78,621 117 12 24 718 86 49,677 161,928 1,089,109 27,136 2,342 160 768 150,290 2,952...... 10 57 87 83,931 210,005 1,731,740 35,216 2,166 8 521 211,310 4,056 198 458 1,519 88 19,914 146,178 516,158 30. 572 892...... 35 75,909 208 22 54 473 89 55,614 118,754 775,878 12837 1,331 190 142 120,775 1,369...... 48 1,260 90 10,087 91,811 3655085 22,512 3,326 38 77,289 258...... 6 1,594 91 40,485 203,0 27 803,941 48,988 31............ 773 279...... 6 31 92 11,149 87.144 604,515 32,105 1,318...... 30 81; 115 776..... 8 41 93 1916 33:328 286,795 12,856 32 5 54 72,975 858 4 183 2,294 94 1 94 4 51.577 680,640 23 387 613 15 81 92,370 1,001 5 12 99 95 33.473 199704 1,031,545 44,898 3,772.. 72 184,530 668 855 98 783 96 28,653 138,567 824,925 14,908 169 146 343 37,060 1,479...... 451 2,033 97 14,276 104,977 495,409 38,90 6,416...... 14 131,875 131 66 1,005 98 3,609 53,214 312,918 36,120 8,027...... 179 136,940 448.. 210 871 99 51,250' 122,845 812,490 25,903 899 1,006 304 126,359 1,606 80 54 165100 LOUISIANA. 368,500 10,671 1.325.......... 250 25 75........... 1. 564,302 25,51................... 7,538 2,443............. 2 "260 310,985 33,265 5,339............ 22,639 580.... 3 30 226,942 33,896 3,851............. 1,392....... 4 151,750 13,676 1,327...................... 1,051.......... 5 84 3,364 122,530 35,817 15,624............ 16,896........ 6 6 2.650 225,122 34,572 9,6988...... 23,470... 7.22;095 265,945 71,565 19,249....... 27,851..... 44,3110 32,117......................................9 3....... 693 71,418 1-4,258 1,415......691 44.................. 10 630 237.364 33.872 850...... 41,957 367...... 54. 11 54 115 181736 33,055f 2,136...... 3 16,376 15 10.......... 12 108,230 2349470 59,420 6,231...... 23,899........................ 13......25 239,670 21,909 7,479...... 25,755 242.... 14 5,253 240,080 69,446 5,589...... 45,572............ 15 15,375 391,789 111,187 5,583...... 53,464...... 2........... 4, 825 360,585 58,362 6,157......... 61,254 486 14............ 17 246 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. A 5 C I,|. 4 COUNTIES. g U 0 P..m. U 5 U. I 5m. Cd F. 0 4 Henry............... 17,933 4.............................. 1,057,273........ 39,963...... 4 Hickman... 18 838 378,580.6,339...... 50 Hopkins............ 42,011 180......5 2180,699.......... 23,654. 51 Jefferson............ 2,976 120 1,025.. 92.............. 9,500. 21,540...... 5 Jessamine.......... 24,005 1,563 328. 472.......... 4,800..... 37,153...... 53 Johnson............ 6,380...... 4,737..... 184.......... 9,250........ 11,173 2 54 Kenton............. 5........................,440..... 13561. 5 Knox.......... 9,334..... 7,416...... 190 213 16,869 1 18,776 2 56 La Rue.......... 17,682... 4,018...... 241.......... 131,950. 13,348...... 57 Laurel........... 12,546...... 145..... 12 28 2,122 10 11,688. Lawrence........ 8,193 30 7,108...... 279.......... 8,891........ 15,561 1 59 Letcher......... 8,856...... 7,982...... 259 20 3,122....... 8,370 60 60 Lewis....... 7,515 15,675...... 1,360......... 36,820........ 14,604 119 61 Lincoln............. 38,718 4 603...... 51.......... 2,000....... 40,655...... 6 Livingston... 415...... 135...... 145 20 41,200........ 5,888...... 63 Logan.............. 20,452 36,374..... 159 64 2,684,767.. 38,001 42 64 McCracken......... 330......... 84,196 4 2,743...... 65 Madison........... 130,173 612,742..... 1626.......... 60,511........55,409 1 66 Marion............. 195,857...... 12291...... 1,079 50 16,450........ 38,568...... 67 Marshall......... 1,748.. 1,554.............. 80 122,883.. 6,519 6 68 Mason............... 1,763 1,853 45...... 139......... 2492,622........ 47,140. 69 Meade............... 8,954 3 136....................... 210,427. 13,095. 70 Mercer.......... 64,440 470 7,831...... 938.......... 12,420 47,850 60 71 Monroe.............. 15,231.. 6,576...... 341 111 392,762........ 15,118 4 72 Montgomery......... 9,094 106 9,045...... 823.......... 4,410. 35,302...... 73 Morgan............. 10,811.16,988. 74 Muhlenburg......... 29,294 1 3 997...... 189 172 685,050.. 20,250 20 75 Nelson............. 38,721 54 17,306... 1,477........................... 37,328 110 76 Nicholas......... 5,468 161 4,025...... 190......... 100,280........ 32,263...... 77 Ohio.............. 37,878.. 3,435...... 105......... 1543,692........ 22,545. 78 Oldham....... 6,214 75........ 107.36,620........ 18,905. 79 Owen.............. 11449 2 5,524..... 542 50 746,871........ 28373 150 80 Owsley............. 5,504...... 5,145 209 45 3.130........ 8,002...... 81 Pendleton........... 10,735 5 7,419.... 630.......... 253, 827........ 20,166. 82 Perry............... 6,222.2... 4,333 1 50.......... 2,669........ 11,288. 83 Pike................. 7,964 13,438...... 16.......... 4,401........ 12,058. 84 Pulaski.......... 44,461...... 9005...... 494 23 6,883........ 34,876 125 85 Rock Castle.......... 6,003... 6,058.... 346....... 5,543........ 10,226 86 Russell.............. 9,915...... 3,448...... 40,757........ 12,133 3 87 Scott................ 7,559 1,612 5,064. 732.......... 200........ 44,539...... Shelby........... 40,827 1,0'22 1,373 316........ 221,122........ 60,176 13 8 Simpson......... 67,430...... 303.... 18........ 1,2'21,314 521 14,883 3 90 Spencer.......... 30,547 17 7,011...... 605.......... 15,660........22,326...... 91 Taylor............... 34,278 4,651...... 143......... 592,106........ 15,960. 92 Todd............... 10,396... 8,440...... 32.......... 3,739,685........ 27,750. 93 Trigg............... 7047... 1519...... 104.......... 1,653 485........ 15,309. 94 Trimble.. 9,350.. 1,184 188.......... 454,722........ 13, 331 61 95 Union......... 8,466...... 108....................... 494.4784........ 17; 864. 96 Warren............. 61,542 2 1,567...... 104........ 1,401,751..... 32,336 10 97 Washington......... 5, 935 212 5,893...... 161.......... 12,500... 34,639...... 98 Wayne.............. 19,535...... 10,065...... 385.......... 14,230........ 24,501. 99 Whitley...... 48,889 4,309........................ 11,674..... 13,916...... 100 Woodford........... 4,400 2,958 150...... 36.......... 2,600........ 45,586...... STATISTICS OF 1 Ascension.............................. 13,438 554,975 33,500.......... 406 150...... 2 Assumption....................... 17,160 930,185 99,770.......... 130..... 3 Avoyelles..........4,481 248,720 291,350 1,085 3,538 4,363 Baton Rouge, E.............074 407,358 4,009.......... 1346 5,55 5 Baton Rouge, W.................... 7,920 518,870 900..........'262 270!.... Bienville.............................................. 6,688 10 1,648 1,362. 7 Bossier............... 145........... 4,181 1,285 Caddo...................... 10.......... 4,819 2, 652...... 9 Calcasieu.............................. 460 18,160 1,176.......... 122........ 10 Caldwell..............................2,820.. 50 2.......... 1,57 061 1 Carroll.................................................................... 15,544 3 490 12 Catahoula........................ 36 903 40 6,648 2027...... 13 Claiborne........... 60.......... 2, 483 3.'40... 14 Concordia............................... 33 41 100........ 18297 37..... 15 De Soto................................ 2 580 33,4001 200 2995'565'...... 16 Feliciana,E....................... 1,105 71,200 42,675| 8.001 9,907 1.3,366...... 17 Feliciana, V............................ 4,767 395,6121 8,000.......... 18,291 10,993..... STATISTICS OF KENTUCKY. 247 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES..6; Establishments. C = ] t 0 8, 25...... = - _ REMARKS. ~ [; o 1.b',8' 9 900 $86,250 $25........ 140 $-54,500 173 $135,090 19,608.48 120,295 6,829........ $6,316...... 9,800 5 9,090 17,462 Divided in 184 to form 49 12 81,770 50 30...... 9,500 31 14,635 35;822 Ballard, and in 1845 to 50 3,3562 107,052 63,5236 604 2,109 4,115,582 8,86511,002,103 8,806 form Fulton. 51 15,581 95101 170............. 109,900 421 251,570 24,188......................... 52 6,316 04,286 170 143...... 4,025 9 7,053 15,310 Formed in1843 from Floyd. 53 4,425 80,277 5,939 8,883 968 464,850 752 866,961 11,025 Lawrence and Morgan. 54 20,822 3a8,652........ 10...... 8,630 15 10015 20,676......................... 55 2,374 44.975............... 13,1150 30 16,225 12,750 Formed in 1843 from Har- 56 14,2920 28098 05 5,891 30 24,465 2-2 8,200 10,899 din. 57 5,323 31 421 4, 5 110...... 27,400 73 49,700 15, 004 Div.'43 to form Johnson. 58 8,847 19,251 16 61.............................. 15,812 Formed in 1842 from Perry 59 7,425 44029 285 820...... 50,45 91 99,880 12,55 and Harlan. 60 423 70 654 210............. 149,098 149 247,605 22,987 Divided'42 to form Boyle. 61 2,179 37,688 6,437 0235...... 129,300 131 83,995 10.962 Divided in 1842 to form 62 5,958 140,448 11314.............. 46,700 1-20 97,363 35,646 Crittenden. 63,694 23,365 2,115 50 10 73,750 090 652,740 5,618 Divided in 1842 to form 64 28, 393 97,638 609 1,079 76 64,565 133 104,077 44,670 Ballard. 65:35,241 173,126........ 5...... 85,075 143 96,445 46,981......................... 66 3,823 24.372 171 1,45...... 6,150 23 7,660 24,623 Formed in 1842 from Cal- 67 11,79 135,673 3,48 1,170 80 6,300 1,80 1,061746 4,973 laway. 68 2,631 47,66........ 195 5 67,000 99 519,400 8,405......................... 69 28,396 82,433 4,995 8339 7 151,700 356 348,583 51.852 Divided in 1842 to form 70 6,121 36.797........ 156..... 6,000 17 8,680 7,522 Boyle. 71 19,557 61796 70 150 4 63,550 132 70,205 33,145......................... 72 11,435 30,416................................. 18,790 Divided in 1843 to form 73 6,201 56,662 184 8...... 54,725 120 56.286 03,640 Johnson. 74 10,817 114,310 85 3,623...... 77,270 223 207813 31,735......................... 75 19,993 49 016 54 3...... 31,650 85 44,470 22,468......................... 76 9,608 51751 25...... 26,155 60 40,933 41,937......................... 77 9,0251 50,890........ 80 19,100 25 57,600 8,180........................ 78 14,751 67,09 107,211 96 40 38,600 49 35,004 31,086......................... 7 4,555 24,758'57 80...... 9,000 114 45,150 11,132 Formed in 1843 from Clay, 80 4,493 46,151 5,89 0 15 58 17,00 30 0190 18,711 Estill and Breathitt. 81 5,90 24,104........ 145.......................... 17.16: Divided in 1840 to form 8'2 24,692 26,338. 3,229 15,700 17 8,355 16.531 Letcher. 83 14,901 99110 557 1,046 10,100 68 57300 50,91......................... 84 5,533,079........ 48...... 14,500 20 18,000 11,910......................... 85 11,238 07,6027 9 38 9,7025 30 13.568 30, 8.........................86,535 91,610 845........ 3 153,270 228 1 044......................... 31,011 2, 21 1571........ 191 190,675 487 381,578 42, 09......................... 8 3,203 46,084................ 2,25 104 36,218 33.468.........................99 12,663 67,118...................... 54,340 67 44,681 19,775......................... 90 9,881 39,643........ 156 0 13.875 47 60,524 30,621 Formed 1848 from Greene. 91 1, 460 94,810........ 10...... 11300 75 36,300 30,489......................... 92 5,631 68698. 178.95 356 175, 893 28,233......................... 9 5.315 41.455 355 455 350 43:700 73 199,770 11,62......................... 94 19,530 80;765 364 917 7 59,800 147 62,970 22,212......................... 95 13,462 159997 109.............. 65,727 128 80,625 10776........................ 96 24,715 82,640 162........ 334 34,400 58 24,000 27,319......................... 97 15,053 53,591 1,805 141...... 1,110 48 17357 38766......................... 98 11,511 82,841 1,50 07...... 267,345 643 551,534 15,637......................... 100 LOUISIANA. 17,500 3,680 1,500........................................ 19,300......................... 1........ 17,009.............................. 0........................... 5,318. 2 34,565 39,418,500 37 19,300 8,522......................... 3 1,180 475,840 100......50................... 2,966 23,965................ 3,220 5,500 2,738 Formed'48 fr. Claibome. 6 325 32723 500........................................ 345 Formed'43 fr. Claibome. 7 50 40,536.. 1,735...... l3Div.'43 to form De Soto. 8...... 0.26,930. 150................................ 4,943......................... 9,708 12,911.1000 91 08.....................103.......... 10 2.217 3,461 500....... 44,815 59 028,600 5,318.........................1 2 1360 09,206 4............. 18,000 18 19,000 25 Div.'43 to form Franklin. 12 720 41,487.............. 7,200 16 13,500 3,416 Divided. See Nos. 6,7 & 20 13 391........................ Divided43 to form Tensas. 14 48,477.3965 3,200 / 9, 300 8~~'2.......................... 2,965 48,477.9,300 39 23,095 1,120 Formed in 1843 from Nat- 15 1.584 47.395 450........ 68,850 142 86845 51343 hitoches and Caddo. 16 343, 013 1058 30...... 419715 804 78,08 995......................... 17 248 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES.* - Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Fe ma le. 1850. 1840. 18 Franklin............ 99 765 1,664 14 1.573 1,655 1,596 3,251.......... 19 Iberville............ 1,998 1,570 3,568 104 8,606 6.671 5.607 1,278t 8,495 20 Jackson............ 1,789 1,617 3,406 2 2,158 2,899 2737 5,566.......... 21 Jefferson........... 9,533 8,513,3046 851 6196 47 11,746 25 093 10,470 22 Lafayette........... 1,774 1,616 3,390 160 3,170 3,486 3234 6,720 7,841 23 Lafourche....... 2,70-2 2,440 5,142 4,368 512 4,410 9,532 7,303 24 Livingston.......... 1,391 1,33 2,524 19 842 1,836 1,549 3.385 2315 25 Madison............ 826 590 1,416 4 7,353 4; 650 4,123 8; 773 5142 26 Morehouse.......... 1,065 812 1,877 30,006 2,034 1,879 3,913. 27 Natchitoches........ 2,965 2,501 5,466 881 7881 7,349 6,879 14,2928 14,350 28 Orleans.............. 52,878 38,55 91.43 9,961 64,229 55,231 119.4601 102.193 29 Ouachita........... 1,231 1,061 2,29 8 2,708 2,543 2,465 5,008 4640 30 Plaquemines........ 1,328 893 2221 390 4,779 4.097 3,293 7390 5.060 31 Point Coupee........ 1,657 1,31,968 560 7,811 6038 5.301 1,339 7898 32 Rapides............. 2,809 2,228 5,037 184,340 8,763 7798 16,561 14.139 33 Sabine.............. 1,809 1,538 3,347........ 1,168 2,392 2,123 4515. 34 St. Bernard.......... 814 592 1406 73 2,323 2,41 1,384 3.802 3,237 35 St. Charles......... 463 404 867 121 4,132 2,919 2,201 5120 4,700 36 St. Helena.......... 1,237 1,11 2,35 11 2,196 231 2,248 4,561 3,525| 37 St. James........... 1,696 1589 3,285 62 751 6,100 4,998 11,098 8.548 38 St. John Baptist..... 1,302 1,284 586 191 4,540 3,911 3,326 7,317 5,776 39 St. Landry........... 5,222 4,918 10,140 1,242 10,871 11.423 10,830 22.253 15,233 40 St. Martin's.......... 2,577 2,166 4743 529,489 621 554 11,761 8,671 41 St. Mary's........... 1,930 1493 3,423 424 9,850 7,583 6,114 13,697 8,950 42 St. Tammany...... 1,940 1,702 3,64 359 2,363 3;430 2,934 6,364 4,598 43 Tensas............. 528 372 900 2 8,38 4,712 4;328 9.040.......... 44 Terre Bonne........ 1,840 1465 3305 91 4,328 4336 3,388 7,724 4,410 45 Union.............. 2,482 2,296 4,778........ 3,425 4,082 4,121 8,3 1,838 46 Vermillion.......... 1,200 1,128 2,328 14 1,067 1,744 1,665 3,409. 47 Washington....... 1,226 1,141 2,367 4 1,037 1,731 1,677 308 2,649 STATISTICS OF 1 Aroostook........ 6,725 5,798 12,523 6..... 6,.728 5,801 12, 529 9,413 2 Cumberland........ 39,207 39, 732 78, 939 599....... 39, 152 40, 026 79,538 68, 658 3 Franklin............. 10,231 9,777 20008 1.9....... 10,243 9,784 20, 027 20,801 4 Hancock...........17,773 16,570 34,343 29.... 17,789 16,583 34,372 28,605 5 Kennebeck........ 31,378 31,004 62,382 139... 31,455 31066 62,521 55,823 6 Lincoln............. 38,540 36,063 74,603 272..... 38,686 36,189 74,875 63,517 7 Oxford.......... 20,44 19,214 39,758 5........20,547 19,216 39,763 38,351 8 Penobscot......... 32, 862 30,160 63,022 67.... 32901 30,188 63,089 45705 9 Piscataquis......... 7,798 6,34 14,732 3. 7,800 6935 14735 13,138 10 Somerset........... 18,471 17,096 35,567 14. 18,479 17.102 35,581 33,912 11 Waldo..............24,147 23,044 47,191 39. 24,170 23;060 47,230 41,509 12 Washington........ 19,912 18,771 38,683 128........19,984 18,827 38,811 327 13 Yorkl................ 29, 157 30,905 60, 062 36 29,177 30,921 60,098 54,03-1 STATISTICS OF 1 Alleghany........... 11,545 10,088 21,633 412 724 12,042 10,727 22,769 15,690 2 Anne Arundel....... 8,314 8,228 16,542 4,602 11,249 16,591 15,802 32,393 29,532 3 Baltimore......8....8 8,112 86,741 174,53 29,075 6,718 103,609 107,037 210,646 134,379 4 Calvert............. 1,867 1,763 3,630 1530 4,486 4,837 4,809 9,646 9,2299 5 Caroline......3..... 3,027 3, 069 6,096 2; 788 808 4,821 4.87] 6,6921 7.806 6 Carroll.............. 9434 9,233 18,667 974 975 10,409 10:907 20,616 17,241 7 Cecil.... 7, 951 7, 521 15,472 2,623 844 9,736 9;203 18.939 17. 232 8 Charles............. 2,8'29 2,836 5,665 913 9,584 8.293 7,869 16,162 16,023 9 Dorchester....... 5,433 5,314 10,747 3,848 4,282 9,461 9.416 18,877 18,843 10 Frederick......... 16,529 16,785 33.314 3,760 3,913 20,336 20.651 40,987 36;,405 11 Harford........ 84 7.029 14.41.3 2,777 2,166 9,871 9,485 19,356 17,120 12 Kent............... 2, 930 2,686 5616 3:143 2,6271 5,914 5,472 11,386 10,8421 13 Montgomery..... 4, 758 4,677 9,435 1;311 5,114 8,022 7,.3' 1 60 15,860 15,456 14 Prince George....... 4,457 4,444 8,901 1,138 11,51.0 1.0,940 10,09 21,519 19.539 15 Queen Anne........ 3,579 3,357 936 3,278 4,270 7,406 7,078 14,484 12;,633 16 St. Mary's...........1 3,100 3,123 6,23 1,633 5, 6,899 6.799 13698 13224 17 Somerset........... 6,655 6,730 13,385 3,483 5,588 11,326 11,130 22,456 19,508 18 Talbot.............. 3,577 3,507 7084 2,593 4.134 7,000 6,811 13,811 12,090 19 Washington........ 13468 13,462 26,930 1,828 2,090 15,289 15,559 30,848 28,8501 20 Worcester...........,238 6,163 12,401 3,014 3,444 9,521 9338 18,859 18,3771 * In Louisiana —Parishes. STATISTICS OF LOUISIANA. 249 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Born out of State. Colleges, acad- Public Schools. emies, and pri- z vate schools. -c-9 o*I1 I IC C C, lii III I r- Q in, (a) 3 39.E. C 754 1.6 346 346... 140 $2,054,054 230 592 178 200 18 41.0 443 638 640 63..... 168 9,577 9,577 257 1,148 152 2,465 19 2,414 5 622 632.............. 560 4,446 4,446 377 1,325 90 2,900 20 2.446 9.216! 3.825 3.961 324........ 2,049 33,574 33.574 2,733 5,592 937 9,540 21 78 126'630 630 43....... 242 10,333 10,333 210333 16 1,428 749 300 22 2132 250 938 938 156'q00 50 5,362 5,962 419 2,220 528 4,500 23 567 118 480 480 46 276 400 2,461 2,737 377 949 317 560 24 985 32 448 44 8 25 600 98 1,400 2,000 174 453 42 500 25 1.319 22 37-2 393 97 3,575 103 1,612 5.187 333 719 75 300 26 1,705 275 1,432 1,4321.............. 35 3210 320 705 2.035 1,180 2,925 27 17,298 51.22715,62119,765 3,138 181,802 5,946 103,0841 284,886 10,606 22;394 5,462 27350 28 1,114 54 442 449 15.. 604 2,485 2,485 302 855 184 300 29 371. 562 6151 615 83 2,310 280 6,265 8,575 160 689 271 500 30 449 248 760 760 84 1,600 160 6,029 7,629 229 1,041 333 450 31 1,474 267 1,032 1032 70....... 980 14,500 14.500 519 1,870 96 3,500 32 1,412 25 632 636......... 05 7,172 1,05 1 7,1 783 1,377 506 2,550 33 44 330 283 283.......... 150 2,400 2,400 182 463 314 90 34 31 31 191 191.............. 55 3,865 3,865 162 336 1 1,000 35 621 66 390 390... 55 3,280 3.280 553 936 311 3,770 36 79 250 591 591 148 20,00 62,800 26,800 403 1,205 304 1000 37 17 89 530 530 530......... 45..... 4,700 4,700 297 1,009 6 2,000 38 44'2 321 2.421 2.910 254 35,930 900 8,600 44,530 1,308 4141 1,692 2,400 39 129 219'940'952 28........ 350 5,517 5,517 576 1,876 828 800 40 562 326 746 752 15........ 98 5459,545 9545 174 1,210 254 2,800 41 883 643 786 786 170........ 500 2,222 2,222 456 1,332 426 5,520 42 597 24 244 244.............. 55 637 6.23 100 246 12 100 43 196 88 550 550............ 270 7100 7100 25 1,449 64 700 44 662 31 942 942 125 1,800 514 8,12 9,926 652 1,918 19 1 800 45 134 72 406 406........ 314 5,493 5,493 138 981 582 100 46 8S ZI 33 406 406.500 5,000 5,000 355 977 316 900 47 MAINE. 376 4 075 2042 2,049 1329 969 2,021 8,294 9,263 2,223 4,947 775 5,600 1 48 5,02012,762 14,683 1,384 21,684 22426 42,676 64,362 23,296 26,656 1,2-28 50,783 2., 959 123 3,487 3,690 125 360 6,789 9,798 10,158 7,624 7,577 64 12,455 3 1.063 1,0785,550 5,850 100 1,150112,258 17.066 18,216 11,209 13,494 165 14,565 4 4; 715 2,16710,16e2)11,226 1,000 12,055 20,648 33.287 45.342 19,611 22,161 620 47,266 5 2735 3,2212,17513,220 508 4,42725,757 3708 41,515 22,329 26,257 756 41,65 6 4,154 935 6.713 7,148 928 4,953 313,051 18,937 23,890 13,696 14,468 313 18.417 7 4.849 4,498 10,37410,850 646 10.611 21,107 41,109 51, 720 19,923 23.540 77 0 28.727 8 0 3-21 2,590 2,635 303 900 4,061 5,426 6,326 5,541 5.741 34 5938 9 3:96 735 5,917 6,209 522 3,635 12,086 18,062 21,697 13,393 13,657 218 10997 10 48 704 7 631 8,272 214 1,300 19, 922 24,995 22695 17,263 18 6843 84 20,242 11 1,0283 769 5,8355 6,404 466 2,160 12,590 22,698 24,858 12,208 15,005 574 17425 12 4,196 1,248 10,564 11, 097 605 983 20;099 35,998 36,981 17,625 20,995 446 47,000 13 MARYLAND. 3,273 5,095 3,850 3,902 105 2050 2480 6,480 8530 41,65 7,677 1,039 13,900 1 644 837 3,712-3,745 295 11,250 1,283 10,016 21,266 -2,473 6,343 570 41,875 2 21,969 39,503 30,065 34925 7,661 178,695 9,096 69,696 248,391 23,519 57,272 6,486 96,740 3 22 19 1,006 1006 42 518 375 4,31 4,830 580 1,399 358 7.400 4 435 10 1,526 1,526......9.... 518 6,074 6.074 887 2,396 403 8,870 5 1,609 765 3,476 3,59 1,020 13,305... 13,305 2,700 6,805 129 20,300 6 2,990 702 3,056 3,114 18 2,372 1,331 12,760 15,132 2,555 5,686 157 10,020 7 92 21 1,335 1,335 50'200 784 4,173 4,373 825 2,15 399 5,850 8 22 19 2,705 2,709 180 2,070 758 10.566 12,636 1,631 4;,128 3665 13,075 9 2,174 1,370 6.397 6,614 1,076 90,811 5.182 16090 106,901 6,583 12,569 1,504 36,600 10 1,243 991 297 2,985 135 650 657 4,150 4,800 2,213 5,128'207 9,550 11 667 85 1584 1584 209 4,600 700 5,553 10.153 1,042 2,123 204 9,300 12 715 273 1,923 1,960 99 5,190 811 9,542 14,732 1,266 3,393,152 8450 13 427 265 1,875 1,875 149,000 815 10,450 11, 450 1, 343 3,373 404 8,750 14 261 47 1,864 1,864.............. 729 8,423 8,423 1,045 2,682 731 4,900 15 127 421,512 1,646 170 2,200 494 2,372 4,572 1,782 2,509 1,855 5,850 16 434 11 3158 3,158 65 800 1,026 4,799 5,599 904 4,994 673 24,015 17 245 73 1,751 1,776 78 7200 985 11,429 18,629 1,114 2,496 309 11,720 18 3,207 1,074 5,052 5,182 207 20,264 3,522 16,790 37,054 4 958 10,092 892 28,200 19 957 7 2,884 2,885 200 2,880 1,56 5161 8,041 2,070 4,499 1,678 14,100 20 250 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMS. a I COUNTIES, 0 a, a s mo C 18 Franklin............ 283 14,473 41,817? 375,9921 1,114 6,901 1,059'21,460 19 Iberville............ 219 46, 050 84, 755 5, 128, 400 3, 417 6,563 4,221 2,468' 2O Jackson............ 290 18, 621 47,381 336, 361 1,028 4, 824 648 16856 21 Jefferson............ 81 22,430 35,003 1,821,928 2,369 2,938 845 309 22 Lafayette........... 441 24,448 57,676 413, 430 11,501 36,199 7,028 5,895 23 Lafourche.......... 235 40,268 40, 031 2, 479,374 2,024 1,709 114 1,841 24 Livingston.......... 219 9, 163 64, 699 246808 834 8,934 1,292 21,171 25 Madison............ 218 56,619 126,032 2, 924, 599 2,743 7, 989 1708 14,36 26 Morehouse......... 260 15,895 26,108 368,705 1,015 6,102 1,105 14,541 27 Natchitoches........ 842 70,784 144, 939 1689,635 4,456 15,928 4, 094 33, 103 28 Orleans............. 51 4,844 3, 435 579,200 3,142 1,630 60 193 29 Ouachita........... 242 20, 373 38,539 695,285 1,250 5,672 1,376 14,274 30 Plaquemines........ 205 39,774 96, 259 5669,150 2,226 6,252 1,261 834 31 Point Coupee....... 248 43,010 124,962 2,547,777 2,827 5,576 3,720 3,395 32 Rapides............. 187 69,653 124,767 3,202,235 4,068 13182 6,548 18739 33 Sabine.............. 522 18,254 62,429 62,923 1,287 9,475 1,043 30,372 34 St. Bernard......... 34 11,435 12,273 1,211,043 730 1,140 36.......... 35 St. Charles.......... 70 20,596 66,746 2, 362,000 1,858 2,546 841 529 36 St. Helena.......... 273 21,913 130180 310,69 1,287 7,586 3,598 17,854 37 St. Jamnes........... 145 41,905 49,164 3,096,155 3,053 3,452 911 785 38 St. John Baptist..... 162 22,285 33,412 2,367,300 1980 2,710 797 913 39 St.Landry.......... 775 87,584 193.622 2,184,748 12,755 96,687 12,457 27,935 40 St. Martin's......... 420 35,971 150,119 1,635,127 4,857 20,167 6,936 5,625 41 St. Mary's.......... 198 43, 051 166,780 4,710, 920 4, 882 11937 1448 3125 42 St. Tammany....... 90 5,824 73,076 157.889 593 9,689 1,370 5,195 43 Tensas............. 165 59,391 158539 2,683,517 3,430 6742 2,856 1240 44 Terre Bonne........ 224 18,706 101,937 2,397, 939 1,671 2, 623 1,078 2.116 45 Union.............. 7t7 45.135 73,544 522.312 2,152 8730 535 32,059 46 Vermillion.......... 5913 56,195 144978 3,554 26,087 1,672 3,439 47 Washington......... 13071 88, 23 127975 827 9,941 1,5901 2,404 STATISTICS OF 1 Aroostook.......... 1,228 55,097 140,523 861,343 1,275 8,593 11,411 2,086 2 Cumberland......... 5,352 250.607 202,676 8 562.568 4,993 36,680 33,693 6,845 3 Franklin............. 2,521 154,568 143.944 2,445,332 2,751 23,400 48,018 3,174 4 Hancock........... 2,271 74,046 140,232 1, 944, 177 986 13,946 25,420 1,846 5 Kennebeck.......... 5,256 248;637 201,511 7,409,823 5,756 39, 622 48, 448 6,146 6 Lincoln............. 4,975 188,466 224, 712 6, 58,937 3,78 34 637 41, 525 5113 7 Oxford............. 4,288 216,081 290,458 4.687,522 4,441 41,316 49,755 6,764 8 Penobscot.......... 3,983 158,611 250,575 4,201,150 3,438 22, 649 27,228 4581 9 Piscataquis.......... 1,779 75,191 126,872 1,401,290 1536 11,303 17,856 2,254 10 Somerset....3...... 3,813 163,438 235,754 3, 972,349 4,138 33,162 60,024 3646 11 Waldo.............. 4,415 178;,264 193,688 4,692,257 3,453 29,080 44 522 3,802 12 Washington......... 1,875 63,590 141367 1,821,914 1041 10,345 1364 1,444 13 York................ 5,004 213,000 223,485 8587,643 4186 38,606 30,035 6,897 STATISTICS OF 1 Alleghany........... 892 2,577 144,695 2,580,226 2,911 10,553 12,439 7,877 2 Anne Arundel...... 1,295 222,228 126,955 6,936,358 6,479 14,037 14,075 29.989 3 Baltimore........... 1,655 173,106 119,551 10,558,21 6380 12,976 9,922 21,677 4 Calvert............. 434 65,980 45,611 1,568,988 1,947 5,365 5,297 9,350 5 Caroline........... 730 117,300 54,801 1,138,227 2,061 5,874 3,570 9,218 6 Carroll.............. 1,387 153,519 65,252 5,540,580 5,061 9,585 6,557 19, 227 7 Cecil................ 1,208 115,866 63,821 5;331,740 3,334 10,645 4,705 9,767 8 Charles.............. 709 126,232 115,120 2,530,064 3,442 11,782 10,116 16,815 9 Dorchester........... 1,049 112,521 113,650 2,767,439 2,452 12,946 7,498 16,442o 10 Frederick........... 1,983 252,129 94,379 10, 905,735 9,008 18,488 12,483 38,606 11 Harford..'........... 1,278 123,094 86,509 4,333,161 3,886 10,631 8,424 14,342 12 Kent............... 667 125,310 41,103 3,140,011. 3,191 7,355 6,826 11,756 13 Montgomery....... 1051 162,815 111,122 3,'218,540 4211 8,766 9.780 16,332 14 Prince George 885 191,553 92,178 5,691,407 4,812 11101 650 20,193 15 Queen Anne........ 936 156,926 48,603 2,897,258 4,048 9,187 8,168 11,6191 16 St. Mary's.......... 813 100,216 107,652 2,352,461 2,901 9,973 7,399 14,690 17 Somerset........... 1,485 127,626 146,434 3,205,693 2,705 14,715 10,477 25,2041 18 Talbot.............. 793 114,109 55,312 3,857.946 3517 9,563 7,869 15,551' 19 Washington........ 1,292 159, 851 60,878 8,601,942 6,170 13, 071 9,736 24,345 20 Worcester........... 1,318 124,947 1421819 2,485,981 2,812 12975 10,911 19,9ll'C~~irashin~rrton I:, 159 8Fil 60,t378 8,601,942 6,1 13, Orl 9,736 24,34 STATISTICS OF LOUISIANA. 251 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS.'' 2 2... 2. C.......... 647 1035 795 18747 4,487............ 436 13...... 3...... 18.................. 371,065 13, 890......................800....................... 19 136,404 5 0846 14,362............ 15,344......................... 20............. 197,849 34,064...................... 4... 3,662.................. 21.............. 2881358 9,829 75............ 200.......................... 22................ 227,015 5 789 230............ 3.................................... 23. 0 47506 20 114 4 152 5..... 26...... 7 0............ 24 680 214 365 8, 486 4,474............ 42380 780.................. 25 104 1,427 119,3 527,989 3............ 27185 6 6............ 16.......... 3225 394 011 40793 65............ 30,59. 4.................. 27.................... 32, 80 200 300............ 385......................... 28 5 4 3 035 3 2.......... 695 128,000 0.324 1,538............ 19,914 12 3........... 89..........3.......... 149,090 19,8456 390............ 19,205 2242... 40...... 30.......... 5,730 3576,480 37035 3,660............ 35175 50.......... 32........ 3 460 89 514 46 1 8 11,670............ 22 584.......................... 33.........2.......... 81,756 16,032 359...................... 1 783.................. 34. 680 178,9801 1,787.............................. 1 302.................. 35 13 4,6,60852109,751 4 45251 2.745.............................. 36........... 334; 480 2,060.............................. 5 044................. 37......2......... 188 390 1,781.............................. 1 886................. 38.................. 372,180 69,361.............................. 1 691.................. 39................ 51 401 6,943 699............ 920....................... 40................. 305,290 50,545........................................................ 41.......... 701 17, 849 22, 652 450............ 21,570' 178.................. 42.......... 250 338725 36606 3191......... 28635 147.................. 43................... 187,420 17 914 200................................................ 44................... 292,095 105 820.................... 39,926.......................... 45................. 46,061 4,641.................................'........ 46 925 69 790 23 610 3 6272....4........ 47 MAINE. 8,880 144,507 233,870 266,586 10,28 2,501 306 1,384,552 94,535 41 121 6 2 47,860 124,793 84,879 210;942 11,281 5,676 194 673,954 49,717 2,805 6,643 33 3 3,934 49,378 24,749 75,163 7,448 15,824 55 488,965 31,523.................. 4 31462 306,049 296,108 380,014[ 27,41518,214 2,429 1,563,977 97,946 3,164 502 89 5 7,815 92,217 154 4 52 239,492 18,853 1497 915 1,054,036 86805 38 36 1 65 40.225 175631 2 27,439 488,168 15,573 1,765 8,367 1,28'2616 69,309 31.417 1,620 167 7 28;819 316,788 119,584 2'21,248 24,680(14,457 974 900,683 51,758 800 4,327 26 8 14,646 4724578 48,925 147,034 116892 8,599 557 419,870 21,746 762 1,361 13 9 56,595 35,775 183,780 327,556 247046 13000 1,236 972,779 66183...... 1789 158 10 38,191 250,029 130,899 232 340 22471 20,2 1,205 540 1 048, 500 69.5521 960 118...... 11 1,461 36,777 4,579 144,183 4,151 120702,1 53 4084,818 20;942 49........... 12 5,696 70 415 227,046, 511,773 1 1 275,560 78,559 22 53 5 13 MARYLAND. 73,525 193,130 101,773 2,1920 67 100 19,887 231,918 10,896...... 7 5 1 360,98 158,702 925,448 52,128 1,2021...... 4.498 170,677 5,580 376 826 132 2 234,187 295,524 755,224 141,119 825 205126,2996 3551,71 0 69,91 7...... 16 6 3 67,489 316,81316351890 4,398 2130............ 96787 112.................. 4 4,2879 31.1307 355.520 17.5 41,84...13. 59 265,007 250,557 343,;008 48,436 176...... 5,765 445,909 7,771 6 2721 394 6 168,112 208612 410,060 46,8239 83 6215,673 280,303 9,288 39 5,977 11 7 149.533 29,991 458,348 15, 383 86851 50 13 43,215 235 3 5...... 8 137,470 10,7961 597.2,52 38,261 766...... 46 84,816 40 10 38 88 9 731,684 230,800 782, 603 53,933 573 40 1,169 723,564 23,838 609 3476 125 10 1486421 22'2,022 516,537 56,515 118 76 34,180 236,8255 12,837 20 2717 15 11 194,860 131 406 556,7310 1... 4,3382...... 12 164 108 173,397 396947 49.50 589 56 6,083 245,297 8,588 170 1,085 701 13 231.687 85,777 693,020 51:503 1,004 43 1,646 101,100 5,557 25 70...... 14 173, 003 -69,499 697,159 24,741 540 77 646 97,183 652 134 21 61 15 156,369 341076 378,461 26,837 450...... 79 71,950 441 255...... 76 16 58.1248 72,116 718, 073 45,433 5 380............ 99, 473 7,082............ 3817 272,963 15,8299 621,980 48,917 835 10 717 97,585 663 169 1 61 18 809,093 135,809 368,056 22,508..... 82 239 341,798 14,860 29 2,667 3 19 17,119 87,856 721,768 61,804 1,590...... 36 68,039 13,800............ 89620 252 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. ~! COUNTIES..'O 0 5 2 o Cl -3 U I o O 0 > c.2 o 18 Franklin................................................. 76.......... 3,044 1,759...... 19 Iberville................................ 23,208 1, 310,750.................... 64 250 29 20 Jackson................................................ 5,070.......... 1,394 68...... 21 Jefferson................................ 8,897 430580 122,000..... 22 Lafayette................................. 2,699 95,164 2,168 262 2,560..... 23 Lafourche......................... 510,055 345,126 231,980...... 25 M adison................................................ 150........771 5.434...... 251 Morehouse.25..............................3................... 3,303 2,302...... 27 Natchitoches....... 25....... 250 4 1,650 14375 4467 15,574 5,382...... 28 Orleans...... 1,495 52,505 40000.............................. 29 Ouachita....................................'420 7,200 3,486 2,986...... 30 Plaquemines............................ 16,835 589,130 1,536,740 500 60.............. 31 Point Coupee.......................... 8,560 321,546 16 840.......... 1,622 130...... 32 Rapides................................ 4,613 438,170 4,500.......... 4,222 14,190...... 33 Sabine..................................' 531 21.130 1,170 1,107 1594...... 34 St. Bernard.............................. 4,367 173,000.............................. 35 St. Charles.............................. 10,206 531,300 619,000.............................. 36 St. Helena...................................... 54,868.......... 1,284 6,408...... 37 St. Jamnes............................... 21670 926,438 68,500 9,370.................... 38 St. John Baptist......................... 11,935 638,230 314,200.............................. 39 St. Landry............................ 5,951 317,970 6,144 1,200 3,920............. 40 St. Martin's.........4........188 237,160 3,700.......... 4,073...... 41 St. M ary's.............................. 4765 897,660 140.......... 84.............. 42 St. Tammany.......................... 20 600 97,793......... 41 1458...... 43 Tensas................................................. 3,000 50 21665 6 210...... 44 Terre Bonne........................ 171 435 290 466,900............................. 45 Union................................................................. 5.213 1 125...... 46 Vermillion.............................. 871 31,7220 1,664.......... 45 2 330...... 47 W ashington................................... 120 159,750.......... 693 2, 134...... STATISTICS OF 1 Aroostook.......... 70 25737...... 43............ I 30317 2 Cumberland......... 362.. 820...... 85.......... 97,399 1 3Franklin.......... 1,178...... 17,481 1,636.......................... 163,609 151 4 Hancock..................... 61........................64.968.... 5 Kennebeck......... 9,600...... 2,573...... 440............. 149617 1 6 Lincoln............. 338.. 413.............................11541...... 7 Oxford............. 790.....23238...... 16............. 156,353 124 8 Penobscot........... 342...... 3,182..... 91.......................... 105,977 5 9 Piscataquis......... 657...... 4,883 396........................ 54,334 10 Somerset...........,888......8,750...... 399....... 180,30 11 Waldo.. 330 2,963 61..................... 134,920 12, W ashington......... 55...... 340:.......................... 35252...... 13 York................ 471...... 3,101............................... 75,571...... 1 Allehany.......... 1,517...... 47,740...... 1,430................... 25,244...... 2 Anne Arundel....... 635..................................... 4,523,340...... 22 685...... 3 Baltimore. 20. 19. 745. 4 Calvert... 3,109,258...... 4773..................................... 9,29 7...... 5 Caroline.45.... 9097. 6 Carroll............. 3696 30165,332...... 4,711 1 7 Cecil................ 155 3..........................17,373 2 8 Charles....2,62300...... 20,928...... 9 Dorchester......... 2,110...................................... 125...... 20 11...... 10 Fredeick........... 2,673........................ 175,394..... 32,3 2 11 I arford.262.....1...... 0......0..........0......................... 21I072...... 12 K ent............... 6 5............................................... 21 312..... 13 M ontgomery......... 5,510...................................... 426,995...... 28.961 21 14 Prince George.............. 8,380,851...... 43409...... 15 Queen Anne........ 610.......... 28: 7 11 16 St. Mary's........ 1,849..................................... 1,763,882 19 774...... 17 Som erset.......... 790 25............................................... 8,928...... 18 Talbot.............. 140...................................................... 27,416...... 19 Washington.................... 35,601...... 20 W orcester.......... 15,688................................... 25,134 2 STATISTICS OF LOUISIANA. 253 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. a C, I, C, S, k Establishments. 1 I |1 I g REMARKS. ^1 ~t 51 ~? a. "'g ^ S cs I - a C5 W > >i?>!> U ffi CC 889:18,835........ 25.............................. 366 Formed'43 fr. Catahoula, 18.................................... 9,700 40 35,450....... Ouachita and Madison. 19........ 24,460... 4,780 14 5,113 33,148 Formed'45 from Ouachita, 20 337,000 81,200 3,100...... 796,900 707 1014,20....... Union and Claibone 21 1600; 77...................................... 12,586 Div. 44 to form Vermillion. 22..................................... 22,500 19 7,625........23 18 16,764...................... 79,495 121 41,762 954. 24 3,8 36,665 2,051 40...... 116,350 124 78,069 554 Div.'43 to form Franklin. 25 545 28, 265... 8,800 17 16,300 4,020 Formed'44 from Ouachita. 26 7,799 51,218 950 640...... 17,200 59 21,800 6,089 Divided since 1840 to form 27............. 37,050 1,00...... 2,969.60 3,134 4,470,454....... De Soto and Sabine. 28 3,399 19,552.... 11,750 8 10,872 5,505 Divided since 1840 to form 29 570 42,605 1,00 1...................... 50 Franklin, Jackson and 30 1,170 39,635 350................................. 1,950 Morehouse. 31 41,730 1,800......./ 42,000 51 41,500 6,795.32 10,160 29,183........ 754...... 5,800 11 9,500 4,380 Formed 1843 from Natchi- 33................. 5 550............................................... toches. 34.......5................................ 5.000 21 15,875................................ 35........ 19,140...................... 17,575 27 95,819 5,335......................... 36........ 8,700...................... 57,900 57 37,400................ 37 31,200 96 77,450................ 38........ 90.725 500.54,500 71 80,252 11,280......................... 39 700............................................................................... 40 17,160................................................................................ 41...... 6,654..429,944 637 210,035 229....................... 42 20 30,03.. 14,100 26 12,200 933 Formed in 1843 fron Con- 43...................... 7000 2 1 00....... cordia. 44 25 63,024...................... 1,000 2 2,000- 5,794 Div.'45 to form Jackson. 45 8,800......3,521 Formed'44 from Lafayette. 46 400 1,740................................................................................ 47 M A I N E. 956 55,840 7,736 981...... 282,650 849 430,895 21,734...................... 1 8,373 189,284 5,954 17346...... 1,896,365 5,064 4,243,978 52,22......................... 2 2278 88,155 392 23,450 10 133,898 282 281,586 51,205......................... 3 3,042 50,515 7,227'3,742...... 634,912 1,705 1.185241 18,780......................... 4 43,968 194,847 18,572 71.224 37 1,637,158 3,075 2,967,729 37907.. 5 10,204 181,862 16938 37139 11 1,760,848 3,295 3,057,133 50,843......................... 6 25,151 153,725 2,955 35,345 343,782 583 601,22 31,037......................... 7 13,399 130,236 7,570 26,379 5 1,385,625 3,535 4,075,310 36,991................... 8 8.421 63,605 3,071 15,174...... 357,940 227 205,248 16,335......................... 9 28,945 153,319 3,543 31,034 125 304,710 643 784,688 6-4,276......................... 10 29,978 149,107 19,860 39,463 75 697,718 1,947 1,432,635 75,042......................... 11 157 71705 18,584 1639 306 1,085611 2,167 1,621105 31,287...........12 1,238 164,573 9,985 39,949 155 4,179,235 4,706 3,777,295 25,940.......................- 13 MARY LAND. 6,451 57,587 475 6,714 65 750,100 403 491,391 9,397......................... 1 5,379 62,266 57,774 32437 465 402,570 968 937,260 2,885......................... 2 2,8555 108,808 115690 8,045 56 9, 19,33203, 86324,540,041 10. 3 46864.92........................ 5,941......................... 4 40,367.... 5807 593. 5 1,900 86246........ 11,166 99 246800 352, 3.303......................... 6 1.113 77 868 125 5,837.... 529,990 893 776,85 634 7 1,243 71,481 1.20-2 591 13,408........ 8 81 84,878 513 6,341...... 7.250 46,500 3,287. 9 4,315 239594 420 17,02 198 815:581 880 1,600,967 2384. 10 4,286 100,560 336 9,507 56 428,655 324 545,676 5,051........................ 11 1,495 60118 1,240 20,715...... 45,700 82 111,750 400.12 4,334 99,393 4.470 8,513 75 137, 810 242 331,167 9,802............... 33 250 103,351 13,281 8.20 10 428,370 5 708 414,859 3,331.. 14 4,765 75,909 197 3,428 20 42.060 128 122,226 1,820..................... 15 3,994 86,107 50 626 39 38500 31. 68,312 14,005................... 16 16,533 112,490 634 1,713...... 109;600 200 155,350 11,115...... 17 6,448 97,956 555 4,922 343 54,600 180 119,050 2,154........................ 18 141,736 100 8.217 5 726,375 730 1,859,993................... 19 9,416j 101,2212 25 2,877...... 69,850 89 65 1 22,218........................ 20 254 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES. -.... Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 1 Barnstable...... 17,803 17,350 35,153 123........17,868 17,408 35,276 32,548 2 Berkshire.......... 23,958 24,300 48,258 1,333........24,629 24,962 49,591 41,745 3 Bristol.............. 36,641 38018 74.659 1,533. 37,342 38,850 76,192 60,164 4 Dukes............. 2.306 2,181 4487 53........ 2,328 2,212 4,540 3,958 5 Essex.63,862 66,820 130,2 618........64148 67152 131,300 94,987 6 Franklin............ 15,407 15,372 30,779 91... 15,455 15,415 30,870 28,812 7 Hampden..........24,943 25,837 50,780 50........25,171 26,112 51,283 37,366 8 Hampshire. 17,392 18,011 35,403 329........17,550 18,182 35,732 30,897 9 Middlesex........ 76,918 83,758 160.676 707.... 77,286 84.097 161,383 106,611 10 Nantucket. 4,119 3,939 8,058 394........ 4,391 4,061 8,452 9,012 11 Norfolk..............38,562 40,081 78,643 249........ 38,679 40,213 78 892 53,140 12 Plymouth...........27,720 27,521 55,241 456....... 27,948 27,749 55,697 47,373 13 Suffolk.68,62 73,857 142,479 2,038. 69,557 74,960 144,517 95,773 14 Worcester... 65,840 64,312 130,152 637........66,165 64,624 130,789 95,313 STATISTICS OF Allegan.............. 2,734 2,386 5,120 5....... 2,735 2,390 5,125 1, 783 2 Barry... 2,742 2,291 5,033 39....... 2.777 2,295 5.072 1,078 3 Berrien............. 5,872 5,306 11,178 239.... 5,991 5,426 11, 417 5,0!1l 4 Branch.............. 6,484 5.972 12,456 16. 6,492 5980 12,472 5715 5 Calhoun............. 9,833 9,122 18,955 207. 9,945 9,217 19,162 10,599 6 Cass............... 5,494 5,024 10,518 389..... 5,712 5,195 10,907 5.710 7 Chippewa.......... 509 381 890 8.... 514 384 898'534 8 Clinton............. 2,701 2,399 5,100 2.... 2.703 2,399 5,102 1,614 9 Eaton.......... 3,671 3,384 7,055 3.... 3,673 3,385 7,058 2,379] 10 Genesee........... 6,3313 28. 6,342 5,689 12,031,4,26S 11 Hillsdale........... 545 7,608 16,153 6........ 8;548 7,611 16,159 7.240 12 Houghton........... 515 192 707 1.... 516 192 708.. 13 Huron.............. 132 78 210................ 132 78 210.......... 14 Ingham............. 4,539 4,067 8,606 25....... 4,551 4,080 8,631 2,49 15 Ionia......... 4,007 3,582 7,589 8. 4.012 3,585 7,597 1,923 1.6 Jackson............ 10,164 9,182 19,346 85........10,212 9,219 19,431 13, i301 17 Kalamazoo.......... 6,890 6,190 13,080 99..... 6,942 6,237 13,179 7,3801 18 Kent......... 6,351 5,631 11,982 34........ 6,371 5,645 12,016 2,587 19 Lapeer......... 3,688 3,319 7,007 22.... 3,697 3,332 7,029 4.265 20 Lenawee.......... 13.58.5 12,695 26,280 92. 13,636 12,736 6,372 17,889 21 Livingston.... 7,12 6,35 13,48 4. 7,126 6,359 13,485 7.430 22 Macomb...... 8,080 7,421 15,501 29.. 8,098 7,432 1550 9,716 23 Marquette.......... 105 31 136................ 105 31.136.......... 24 Mason............... 74 19 93............. 74 19 93........ Michillimackinac, and 21 unorganized counties........ 2,265 1,96 3,561 37....... 2,287 1. 3,598 9 26Midi 3nd........28 64 1...... 37 28 65. 27 Monroe............. 7,571 7,071 14,642 56........ 7,599 7,099 14,698 9,92 28 Montcalmn......... 479 412 891................ 479 412 891 29 Newagoo............ 325 184 509. 1........ 325 185 510 30 Oakland............16,285 14,921 31,206 64........16,327 14,943 31,270 23,646 31 Oceana............ 195 86 281 19.207 93 300 496 32 Ontonogon.......... 302 81 383 6...... 306 83 389.......... 33 Ottowa.............,196 2,32 5,548 39........ 3,225 2,362 5,587 208 34 Saginaw.......... 1,466 1,143 2,609..1,46 1,143 2,609 892 35 St. Clair............ 5,539 4,857 10,396 24....... 5,550 4,870 10,420 4,606 36 St. Joseph......... 6,709 5, 990 12,699 26. 6,725 6,000 12,725 7,068 37 Sanilac.............,175 937 2,112............... 1,175 937 2112.......... 38 Schoolcraft..... 11 5 16................ 11 5 16 39 Shiawassee......... 2,805 2, 425 5,230............... 2,805 2,425 5,230 2103 40Tuscol............. 168 123 291..168 123 291.......... 41 Van Buren.......... 3,061 2,72 5,76 14........ 3,069 2,731 5,800 1,910 42 Washtenaw.........14,781 13,555 28,336 231.... 14,908 13,659 28,567 23,571 43 Wayne........21,92 20104 42,032 2422, 32 20,433 42756 24 STATISTICS OF MASSACHUSETTS. 255 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. 9 471s 1,047[ 4 ad 3 1 1,489 6 13 1 8 Born out of State. olleges, acad- ublic Schools. 0 4 4 emies, and pri- 5 U __________vate schools. _ _ U U j..T) "O) tsb in. a.; ~ U * w UbO a. 5 ^ c3 3 U0 O a - 496 953 6,532 7,255 1,082 10,435 7,682 V24,876 $35,311 10,049 12,014 59 26,802 1 10,583 5,819 8638 9,460 881 26,028 752 23795 49,823 10.513 15,699 949 40705 2 9,278 10,40112,13415,240 1,118 7, 75913,378 73,540 81,290 16,818 23,893 2,718 55,765 3 302 89 771 908......... 897 636 2636 1.104 1,361 7 3,820 4 18,440 16,684 18,87826,945 2,634 54,65825,158 122,923 177:581 29,582 40,613 2,320 92,489 5 31088 1,397 5832: 6,230 269 3310 7,36 21,963 25,273 8,734 9,909 237 24,850 6 10,406 8,034 9,083 9750 560 7,783 8,666 39,986 47,769 11,916 15,723 1,311 36,065 7 3,859 3,286 5,905 6,694 791 27,721 7,677 26,660 54.381 9,205 11,533 391 30,935 8 32252 31,129 2345030,241 1,978 97,246 26,728 183,390 280,636 34525 48,906 5,318 105,891 9 766 465 1,285 1,670 356 3,836 1,232 9,278 13114 1 792 2,446 74 5.021 10 8,346 15,65012,54515,690 1,350 23,07014,086 87,149 110,219 16922 23,460 3,101 51,125 11 2,935 3,243 9,506 11,557 468 10,692 10781 50,170 60,862 13,72 17,342 439 43,075 12 23,162 49,63216,56725416 1,800 133,00017230 248,356 381.356 24,304 40,945 7,443 78,025 13 18 193 17,24921,70925,619 1,192 12,54928,077 92,073 104,622 31,595 40056 3,172 98,260 14 MICHIGAN 2,573 947 997 1,047.............. 1196 4,431 4,431 1,489 1,846 133 1,180 1 3,345 248 1,037 1. 056.............. 1,189 3,816 3,816 1,226 1,881 98.......... 2 6,937 952 2,126 2156 30 2,500 4,032 5,2 8,472 3,038 4,333 49 4/850 3 8,201 525 2300 2,367.............. 4,123 7,367 7,367 3,216 4,842 129 1,400 4 12,059 1187 3,433 3,510 345 8,550 5,864 13,586 22,136 5524 7,115 102 5,70 5 6,836 324 1,914 1,932.............. 3,396 2,900 2,900 2,854 4,149 217 2,850 6 206 343 187 187......................127 281 177......... 7 2,833 363 946 950................ 1,017 2,373 373 161 2,373004 93 400 8 4,464 289 1,328 1,355.......... 2,297 2,716 2,716,258 2,790 158 750 9 6,989 997 2,257 2,271... 3,876 5,087 5,087 3,710 4.671 104 1,500 10 10188 1,298 2965 3,030........... 5628 4,88 4,828 5,093 619 298.600 11 93 502 116 116.................................... 36 124 126.......... 12 86 72 52 52......5........................... 5 60 8...........13 4,911 508 1,583 1,592 25........ 2,936 2,602 2,602 2,782 3,389 160 600 14 4,347 750 1,367 1,386............. 2,610 3.552 355 2,331 2,930 106 1,100 15 11,795 1,102 31540 3,578 95 1,600 4,276 10,562 12,162 6,144 7,524 161 5,140 16 8;021 1,025 2,387 2,402 235 3,173 4,184 5 343 8 516 1,322 5,065 10 3,300 17 6135 2,303 2,251 2,251 60....... 3,513 6,370 6370 2,920 4,389 88 2,575 18 363 568 1,286 1,295 90....... 2,315 2,205 2.205 2,163 2746 217 2,565 19 15,173 1,879 4,892 4,909.............. 8,059 61,675 6,675 8,885 10,184 357 12,540 20 7,262 1,389 2,368 2.372.......... 4,465 2,186 2,186 4,22 5,319 229 3,550 21 6,440 2,058 2,666 2;7171............ 4,427 5:334 5,334 3,740 6,151 387 5,650 22 70 37 18.................................... 2 27 16......... 23 57 31 12 12.................................... 4 14................ 24 1,187 1,199 584 609 180 1,300 378 7,854 9,154 327 1,070 529 2,-90 25 38........ 10 10......................... 20 24 9......... 26 4,839 2,438 2,544 2,2 264 5,794 3,317 6,882 12,676 3,835 6,016 1,182 4,000 27 542 54 164 166............................ 229 334 6.......... 28 237 116 92 92................................76 155 3.......... 29 16,063 2,977 5,699 5,768 50........ 10,451 6,701 6,701 9,025 12,567 169 8,610 30 131 115 58 58 7 79 5......... 31 104 248 46 46.....................45 49.......... 32 1,858 2,(37 1,129 1,29......515 2,686 2686 667 1,799 74 400 33 1,332 407 473 488.................................... 431 869 45 550 34 3,188 3,258 1,816 1,816 95 450 3,062 9,495 9,945 2,425 3,812 98 2,850 35 7,700 725 2,301 2,315............. 4,338 6,041 6,041 3,610 4,907 131 4,550 36 600 1,009 372 372....... 414 710 710 289 801 28 300 37 14 2 5 5................................... 4 4................ 38 3,047 309 972 972........... 1,562 3, 100,100 1,703 2,050 14 350 39 177 28 65 65.............. 63............... 63 105............... 40 3,814 261 1,053 1,075.............. 1,567 2,007 2,007 1300 2,150 4 700 41 12,850 4,723 5,142 5,142 37 14,500 8,302 9,208 23,708 7,765 11100 225 16,405 42 12,524 14,507 7,063 7,367 80i 1,080 7,088 15,217 16,297 9,418 15,376 1,918 22,162 43 256 CENSUS OF 18510. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMS. COUNTIES.' 0:' ka E kCC a (I) Cs 7; A M 1 Barnstable.......... 789 27,786 40,556 1,278,828 934 3,836 1.566 1,283 2 Berkshire..........,897 272,489 174,956 9,577,926 5,310 32,608 79,333 7,587 3 Bristol.............. 2,547 105,522 98, 140 7,101,586 2,546 13, 090 5,717 6. 451 4 Dukes.............. 265 21,92 11,794 686, 620 233 1,739 9,64:3 750 5 Essex.............. 2.708 145.921 54, 204 9,582, 992 29, 768 17,823,113 6,761 6 Franklin............. 2,537 197,239 93,753 6,333,281 3,3792 23,464 23,829 4,731 7 Hampden........... 2,615 198,153 96,843 7,420,793 3.709 21,755 14,973 6,403 8 Hampshire.......... 2,955 211,219 86,983 7,554,456 3,986 22,748 3,835 6.7-25 9 Middlesex......... 4,293 220,203 128,111 19,417,796 5,237 30,80 1,844 10,765 10 Nantucket.......... 58 3,792 4,265 149,605 89 597 977 153 11 Norfolk............ 2,637 107,884 67,444 13,748,505 3,311 12,656 580 8,209 12 Plynouth........... 2447 101,135 114,254 6 048, 442 2,458 11,855 5,384 4,574 13 Suffolk............. 76 3,542 190 671,245 96 470 2'18 14 Worcester........... 7,45 516,632 251,083 22,713,930 8,201 66,373 9,865 16,50~1 STATISTICS OF 1 Ailegan....... 270 19,380 24,965 428,500 320 2,391 4,445 1,500 2 Barry............... 733 25,024 64,388 667,157 598 4,822 8,644 4,298 3 Berrien............. 690 34,606 58.100 1,108,324 1,612 5, 126 11,279 7,239 4 Branch.............. 1,442 65, 324 89,119 1,714,181 1,738 9,767 22,441[ 7,001 5 Calhoun............. I 72 118,963 139, 722 3,162.180 3,343 16,590 49,579 11,728 6 Cass.950 59,786 80,217 1,602,081 2 013 6,670 18932 9,008 7 Chippewa.......... 17...................... 8 Clinton............. 614 29,015 50,441 590,160 - 532 4.321' 5079 4'782 9 Eaton.............. 746 27,538 55,039 762,.924 713 5,627 8,757 4,194 10 Gnese............ 1,255 58,8223 95,754 1.676,665 1,699/ 10,641 25,895 6,299 1 HI illsdale.... 1,411 78,582 85,618 2;168,954 2090 10885 28,818 706 12 H oughton........... 18................................................................ 13 Huron............. 18........... 13.H.................................................. 14 Ingham.............. 991 391,453 8110 78 10,545 4, 13.9 15 Ionia............... 601 30 120 48,261 754, 127 7111 5,226/ 8,598 3,371 16 Jackson............ 2,50 147,859 167,322 3,679;,401 3,480 16,851 48,694 11,702 17 Kalamazoo....... 1,098 73,200 81,78 2,198,474 2.389 9,301 38,331 9.967 18 Kent............... 849 35,560 72,456 1.080.32'803 6,376 7;945 4;910 19 Lapeer......... 628 34,510 39,153'794405 940 5,420 14,723 3.660 20 Lenawee.......... 2.470 138, 499 137,962 4, 366,430 4, 865 20,606 66,198 12;61 1 Livinston......... 1,644 104,189 124,604 2,414 161 2,235 11,776 32, 25 8,185 22 Macomb........... 1,277 74,905 87,694 2:,317,805 2,543 11,362 34,147 7;748 23 M arquette............................................................................. 24 M ason.......................................................................................... Miehiljhnackinace 25 and 21 unorganized counties.......... 13 1,518 14,125 80,624 117 3 11 166 98 Midland. 4 207 1,281 14,100 9 41 37 40 97 Monroe..............,277 55,993] 81,207 1,700,817 2,839 11.299 20,195 11,133 28 Montcamn........... 26 1,711 3,414 36.520 49'201 469 158 9 Newago................. 746 6 8925 7 80 3 130 30 Oakland......... 234,005 208,75 6,845,928 6,584 28,662 106,24 17, 31 Oceana..................................... 3 Ontonogan.......... 33 Ottawa............. 278 4,904 19.054 200,843 90 1702 439 1 57 34 Saginaw............ 72 2,930 7.881 109,740 145 821 783 35 St. Clair............ 492 21,273 49;816 689,728 821 4,551 6,569 1,569, 38 Sj~oolcra............. 43 Waynei........... 6 1 13104 3 10 73551 4 539 13, 990 33 441 9,643 STATISTICS OF MASSACHUSETTS. 257 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. I Ii IC C. lI 9 7, 0 o'!' I ~ I co'' 546 22,561 52,639 34, 756 2,529 2,714 63 113,083 9.142...... 4...... 1 7,802 386,655 240,899 369,642 4,127 12,74643,347 3,635,952 92,460 1,121 486 53 2 189 73,505 164,064 250,488 2,492 4,130 313 420.31] 28,552...... 2,072...... 3 45 5,608 12,395 9,899 35 774...... 27.677 2,015................. 4 1,435 59,261 158,:64 339,423 5,12 122,222 463 717, 346 57,968 63 268...... 5 3,948 145450 223,3359 185,114 1,485 8,189 5,485 1.218,685 52,76613,090 207 11 6 3,076 215, 986 252,213 305,637 3,350 1,082130.649 1.226,756 48,749j 172 738 7 7 4,867 177.5951 272,370 92,734 1,419 5,78211,287 1,334.541 59,064 1,743 139 1 8 1,098 125,987 269,908 586,804 9,646 9,735 3,836 1,033588 81.992 65,6361 686...... 9 55 1,278 3,206 5,997 47 -928...... 21,271 1439 5.......... 10 356 32,362 112,132 253,158 3.952 5,462 454 437,249 41.588 81 381.... 11 251 43,952 105,243 208,402'871 3,267 239 505,294' 28,532 12 1521...... 12. 1383 2,691 10,069 297 505...... 1,690I 2,446...... 6..... 13 7,543 354;584 476,107 733,261 8,247 44,849 9,759 4,466,068 145,094,39,672 928t.... 14 M I C HI G A N. 8823 73,668 224,36 59519 282 360 3,239 140,986 6,165...... 193...... 3 385,959 170777 327544 154,310 8361376421594 400177 18779 451 119...... 5 160,59 120,412 418,360 68,020 23 1,145 4,947 213,790 3,902 20 4101...... 6 53.554 1"39,354 61,255 40,612 578 161 8,350 140,111 5,16o.25 245 1 8, 50860 44.929, 730,2412 49,811 0 1,3160 6.089 162,948 7,207 13 6501 2 9 134.021 85,636 128,326 52,117 2,381 1,63115,637 326, 021 1664 555 1,522...... 1 216,12 134 7694 247 520 108110 2,229 1,780 20,889 405, 329 12,557 72 1182 4 88,577 63.854 94,721 601652 1,03227713,937 155,281 8,837 296 561 4 14 77,833 45,900 76,05 53,555 905 1.213 7,376 136,817 5,598...... 5266 1 15 486:616 183,570 270.112 168,521 935 4,0772,980 298,588 28,464 26 790 6 16 225.855 100101 566,578 106, 923 1,167 6,054 6,344 222,642 11,736 2,20 595 2 17 69:8275 66:565 96.584 77.964 965 2,165 11,953 195,170 8,770 141. 447 1 18 84;521 55.0035 66:967 44532 1.205 456 7.886 192,816 6,875 41 871 7 19 31 5210 179:980 1999676,482 2018 2,14338,323 651,30 25,643 1,437 3.366 20 i 5,121 19190~ 59'27 304,588 103128 174022 101,292 1799 2,02245,380 341,585 22,183...... 1,156 27 21 129,803 160,393 107,5296 61,897 4,058 2,21021,025 309,499 18,582 500 566 6 22.......... 1,910 230 19,760 35...... 20 1,200 814.......f...... 25 00 200 1,650 750.................... 600 50. 26 44, 9~2fi/ 73, 668 21o 306 59. 51 ~ 78 248 575 27 114,600 112,306 198,818 78,248 1,357 2,75320,801 322,194 18.191 1,225 8 120 27 3:681 3.005 4.570 3,590 13..... 1,075 5,560 199................ 8 1 3217 380 7,52600 2,230 52;3.1. 883 1,3825 1622......,5.... 10 586,346 308,996 488,813 207,527 32,908 16 71,097 1,045,212 153206 1 397 8 0 1~.2,557[.~~ 1................................................................................ 2 3,814 5,361 23,995 25,152 100 55 571 32,415 1,502. 33: 77420833 4331 1300 935 6,635 546 30,101376 13633817 5 1,084................... 34 4460616 83,570J 70.1]2 1 68,521 935 4;077196, 980 f9, 588 28 464 268 90] 16 20.391 62,800 42;742 26,143 5,091 1,067 5,014 137,10 8,068 3 12 30 35 265,011 118,989 431,327 99,550 767 3,27116,440 297,056 12,678 185 915 1 36 7,627 7,926 6,369 5,286 1,823 25 523 19,735 1,214 3 66 1 37 *71,337' 33,837 "57,065 26,917,884 290 6 9,55 130525,7 1 1 439 17 2.602 21 8,11,06 9, 389 181 17,48 1751 0,7042:48, 6961} 2,2, ]4 0,3 1,9370 5,061 25 42 258 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. COUNTIES... i C C CCr 3 ^ P C ^1 I I ~^4.... _________J j_ Q E t E 1 Barnstable................................................ 4.124...... 2 Berkshire............ 520 68...... 316,288. 958.256.289...... 3 Bristol............................ 14,390...... 4 D ukes.......................................................................... 22,430...... 5 Essex.......................................................................... 5,956...... 6 Franklin........... 40...... 268,607...... 2,392........ 14,590...... 8,690...... 7 Hampden........... 190.. 52,626...... 91........ 68,156 41,529: 7 8 Hampshire..... 15..... 152,777...... 911.. 55,300. 108540. 9 Middlesex.......... 17.............. 20054........75 200....... 10 N antucket..................................................................... 2, 970.... 11 Norfolk...................................... 87..........9 87..... 8 12 Plym outh....................................................................... 13,643.... 13 Suffolk............... 3 0.................................. 9..... 14 W orcester........................ 5,227...... 341.................. 30,212 STATISTICS OF I A llegan.......................... 92,610............. I........................ 13,188..... 2 Baryn.................... 9458...... 4053185......1..00...... 3 Berrien............. 30. 51,250. 1,196...283........... 4 Branch.............. 468 212,429 2.788........................ 57,.007.... 5 Calhoun... 40,444 1.93 1... 5 Calhoun...... 1,593........ 40,44...... 1501,979...... 6 Cass........................ 107,4001.............................. 50.19...... 7 Chippew a.............................................................................. 8 Clinton..... 200...... 12 479...... 3................... 4,724 9 Eaton.............. 556..... 210,167 2. 990.......23 769.... 10 Gencsee. 139,418..................... 73,804...... 11 Hillsdale............ 241...... 169556...... 80.................. 82,095..... 12 Houghton................................ 13 H uron................................................ 14 In ham............ 380..... 166,304...... 1.991..28,447. 15 lonia................ 178 115.578...... 25...................... 2,963. 16 Jackson............ 140..400.................................... 143,876 17 Kalamazoo......... 40 80,980...... 300................9...... 94,75 18 Kent................ 18 0 9304........ 30....................... 94 72...9 18 Kent. 18 93: 145 3021,97 19 Lapeer.179 63343 231........................ 33798 20 Lenawee............ 547 152,939...... 723....... 30...... 187570 21 Livingston.......... 880. 15,690.... 89,991 22 M aco b...... 65...... 0.......................... 101, 034...... 23 M arquette...................................................................... ( Michillimackinac, 25 and 21 unorganized counties........ 23 050.............................. 26 M idland.....................................................i. 27 Monroe......... 160... 28166.................... 56613 98 M ontealin.......... 40......... 40......../.................. 90...... 29 N w ago............ 40................................................ 9 31 O ceana........................................................................................ 31 Oceana... 32 Ontonogon................................................... 33 Ottawa............. 15. 43,................64 34 Saginaw............. 96465......... 2,406'. 35 St. Clair..100...... 1...........1...................... 17 36 St.Joseph......... 180...... 21,08...... 337..............68,137 37 anilac............. 50 10,515...... 32........483 38 Schoolcraft....................................................... 39 Shiawassee......... 610.... 65966...... 6........................ 967 40 T uscola.............................................................. 41 Van Buren........ 28........................,912 10 W ashtenaw......... 712...... 61.007...... 689.............,775......... 5 7 43 Wayne..... 605 5,12............ 334........ 95.058..... sniawse....'....6,6...a1.............'~ STATISTICS OF MASSACHUSETTS. 259 A3RICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. Establishments. 0.8-.. c..'t sat.2'P,. - --- - 5 REMARKS. 3 a 5 k 5)' U, 3 5 176,132 5031 7 1 $ 198,241 51 587,390 765 817,031906 953........................ 1 17,761 208635 4966 10604.. 3,177 795 3872 4,267,706 8,557......................... 3,72 193,1 7, 1,678 156,8546159,53612595,695 6990......................... 16,470....986. 0......................... 9,114 174,468 13,4 31 65,7 511895,64735,67,906805 14,58......................... 7,661 3164,676 740 6 5123, 696... 896,7.5200 1,94 1,6 002:584 56,929.........................6.,283 180.2 16,994 13,137 547 6,55543.590 7,14136 6,653,548 1148......................... 5,961 05 845 2,631 19,094 1086 004748 13 3453 89 410,745 6,6971....................... 8 3,529 310,917 220,9 134,640 2,623 0,47388 02935626548,932 17,90.........................9 30 5,4992,994 160'..... 617, 900 1 1,077448........................ 10 047 229809 136,796........ 55,45 915,43330015,6813,23,589 25735.........................11 3,35 176,10 13,50 1905 21 2,397305 8,04 6713,906 953............... 12 136 4,6 10020 473 2010,887,6905,29632,013,86................................ 13 8,911 577,889 95,664 91,596 1,05910,518,33024,769218,940,211 31,0001........................I 14 5,47 16.773 50...... 113,900 131 156.980,515.............................. 9:503 23,025 310.474.. 37 0755 63 57,700 5,63646'.o.. e 2 10,561 31.516 50 6512'...... 145500 190 326,00 535 18........................ 1 3 15:683 56,826........ 5,186 5 313350 289 479.075 7,47.......... 5 1495 49379... 5,485 110 41,100 43 68765 7,492.. 4,1359 929,627 93 4701 45 176.6 003 218 55,135 47,718............................ 4,204 920,490 3..3 61,57033 574650 84 115589 7,357.......................... 3,175 44,676 30 2,783.. 11,895 137 184,772 93404..................... 10 1,688 56,93788.. 6,457 174 122:,720 120 190,825 17,645 Peninsuln. 11........6,288 6:4571: Formed in 1848 frorm 1 per 1')........................... 17.400.................Formed since 1840 fr omm`14........5 13 1660 Formed ince 140 om..................... 13 16,964 28,680 1,073 3329 53:200 52 64:895 9,626 Saginaw. 14 11 94,747' 40 841!.... 927:,300 60 55:830 7,26 Divided in 1850 to form 15 11,889 78,268 50 2377 51,375 383 527,750 19,978 Montcalm. 16 6,130 5,313.0 4070...... 415 176600 21 36.014 4,34....................... 17 7,61 36,231................... 149........350 346...72..... 8,637 iviFormed since 1840 to orm 116,700 9,457 326.. 8,413..99 10 151600 1 2151695 11,503 NeS aginaw. 1 1,.... 95,64 353 6,533................ 72 473650 577 814685 23. Formed in 150 fro547 20 26,623 52,478 165 2,145 90,850 96 193:935 21.677 021 12,129 56,937 300 9257 105 163,235 49 447,155 35:487. [Upper Peninshl:. 20'................. Formed since 1840 fhoin *;3........I 1'245...................... 4 15,000 20 17,400 20Formed since 1840 from "4 Ottawa.....1,9........ 1....... 5 345 1,240 621485..................................... 307.........................................:.......... Formed since 1840 fion 2 14,519 48,36 9,60 8,199 10 151,600 146 901.95 9,915 Saginaw.c 27 1....... 326.... 7,000 80 35,000 253 Formed in 1850 from Ionmi. 34 l?, 372 50, 139 116,21 51II- 13i.... 316, -50 5 -7 4615,0001., 86[Div.150toform Sanfie. i5 1.9245.:.:9..... 9 24,100 67 32.750 50 Formed since 1840 fron St.,' 37,015 141:806 311 94,426 646 395,015 339 747:294 30,988 Kent. 301........11,600 38 15,500................Formed since 1840 f........................ 6. 9...' " Not orga9144 Upper Peninszedula 1840. 39 964 6,884 45 919,...... 150,300 387 396,350 1,256 Div. since'40 to fin Mnmon 3 500 5,407.93;. 75.665 113 75,250 418 Div.'40frmlnr. &Midl'nd 34 3,372 20,139 1,631 2,113. 316:950 517 465,000 1,986 Div.'50 to form Sanmln. 3j) 6,443 58.383. 3,719. 970655 991 447.892 9,568 [divided to form 1nscola. 35 350 4,709 70.59,750 102 63,075 1,050 For. since'40 fin t. C]oiir 37 12.025 13 12.660...... Formed since 1840 fiomni 3.......................1............. 05 13 1660. Formed since 1840 from 40 5,000 18,497 18 2,950...... 43,500 85 70701 8.950 Sanilac. 41 26,266 11.5482 488 14,746 71 452220 570 988:8101 25,960......................... 42 17,833 70576 4,268 11,04 1,066,255 1975 l,950983 15,345.................... 4 17,833 70,5116 4,268 11, ~~~~43 260 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whitos. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES. Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. I Adams............. 1,986 1,962 3,948 258 14,395 9,341 9,260 18,601 19,434 2 Amit............. 1,848 1,793 3,641 3 6,050 4,933 4,761 9,94 9,511 3 Attala............... 4,031 3,540 7,571 8 3,419 5,723 5,268 10,991 4,303 4 Bolivar.............. 234 161 395 2 2,180 1,377 1,200 2,577 1.356 5 Carroll.............. 4,568 4,085 8,653 26 9,812 9,479 9,012 18, 491 10;481 6 Chickasaw......... 5,252 4,635 9,887 2 6,480 8,530 7,839 16,369 2,955 7 Choctaw........... 4, 430 3,990 8,420 4 2,978 5.856 5,546 11,402 6,010 8 Claiborne........... 1,906 1,543 3,449 42 11,450 7;738 7,203 14,941 13,078 9 Cark.............. 2,039 1,784 3,823 6 1,648 2,832 2,645 5,47 2,986 10 Coahoma........... 787 600 1,387 2 1,391 1,526 1,254 2,780 1,290 11 Copiah............. 3,324 2,979 6,303 11 5,480 5,984 5,810 11,794 8,954 19 Covington......... 1.199 1,023 2,222 2 1,114 1,748 1,590 3,338 2,717 13 De Soto............. 5,083 4,404 9,487 2 9, 553 9,98&2 9,060 19, 042 7,002 14 Franklin........... 1,383 1, 157 2,540 14 3,350 3,030 2,874 5904 4,775 15 Greene............. 751 628 1,379 1 6 11,054 964 2,018 1,636 16 Hancock........... 1, 1,155 2,444 12 1,216 1,934 1,738 3,672 3,367 17 Harrison............ 1,903 1,475 3,378 56 1,441 2,715 2,160 4,875........ 18 Hinds.............. 4,76 3,923 8,690 25 16,625 13,313 1.2,027 25,340 19,098 19 olmes............. 2931,616 5,547 4 8,377 7,161 6.767 13,928 9,452 20 Issaquena........... 219 147 366 7 4,105 2,360 2,118 4,478.......... 21 Itawamba.......... 5,879' 5,516 11,395 6 2,127 6,851 6,677 13.528 5,375 2 Jackson............ 1,235 1031 2,266 10 25 1,726 1,470 3,196 1,5 21i Jasper.............. 2,271 2,022 4,293 41 1,887 3,156 3, 028 6,184 3,958 24 Jefferson............ 1,409 1,225 2,634 66 10,493 6,689 6,504 13,193 11,650 25 Jones............... 961 926 1,887 3 1 274 1,091 1,073 2,164 1,258 o Kemper............ 3,731 3,407 7,138 1 5,378 6,390 6,127 12,51.7 7,663 9 Lawrence.......... 1,888 1,661 3,549........ 2, 929 3340 3138 6.478 5,92 a Leake........... 2,051 1,931 3,982 2 1,549 2,800 2,733 5,533 2,162 31 Lwndcs........... 3,436 3.436 087 6,523 28 12,993 9,98i 9,563 19.544 14,513: -Madison............ 2,351 1,977 4,328 2 13,843 9,222 8,951 18.173 15,530 32 Marion.............. 1,178 1,037 2 2141........ 2,195 2,344 2,066 4410 3,830 3-1 Marshall............. 7,573 6,698 14,271 1 15,417 15,3,8 14,361 29,689 17.526 5 Monroe.............. 4,958 4,460 9,418 37 11,717 10,861 10,311 21,172 9.250 3 Neshoa.......... 1,768 1, 625 3,393........ 1,335 2,397 2,331 4,728 92,437 Newton1............ 810 1622 3,432 1 1,032 2,289 2,176 4,465 2,527 38 Noxubee............ 2,571 2,405 4,976........ 11,33 8,417 7,882 16299 9,975 39 Oktibbeha.......... 2,303 2,006 4,309 18 4,844 4,690 4,481 9,171 4,276 40 Panola...............,697 2,3'24 5,021 3 6,420 5,893 5,551 11,444 4,657 41 Perrv............... 861 818 1,679 10 749 1,250 1,188 2,438 1,889 4)5 Pike................. 2,191 2,034 4,225 33 3,102 3,747 3,613 7,360 6,151 43 Pontotoc............ 6,369 5,767 12,133 8 4.958 8,869 8,243 17,112 4,491 44 Rankin............... 2,072 1,868 3,940 11 3,276 3,662 3,565 7,227 4,631 45 Scott............ 1,436 1,340 2,778 1 1.180 1,993 1,968 3,961 1,653 46 Simpson............ 1,668 1,522 3,190 3 1,541 2,42 2.312 4,734 3.380 47 Smith.............. 1,580 1,493 3,073........ 998 2,052 2,019 4,071 1,961 4, Sunflower........... 206 142 348........ 754 599 503 1,102.......... 4' Tallahatchee........ 1,122 974 2,096........ 2,547 2,421 2,22 4,643 -2,985 5 Tippah.... 8,143 7,664 15,807 6 4,928 10,553 10 1188 20,741 9,444 51 Tishemin go...' 7,031 6,497 13,528 1 1,961 7,943 7,547 15,490 6,681 52) Tunica.............. 241 155 396 1 917 754 560 1,314 821 53 Warren............. 3,288 2,708 5,996 28 12,096 9,221 8,899 18,120 15,820 54 Washington....... 339 207 546 7 7.836 4,402 3,987 8,389 7,287 55 Wave............. 767 732 1,499........ 1,393 1,437 1,455 2,892 2,120 56 Wilkinson 19.......... 1,23 1,701 3,624 30 13.260 8,440 8 174 6,914 14,193 57 Winston............. 2,656 2,5221 5,178 10 2,768 4,018 3,938 7,956 4,650 58 Yalobusha.......... 4,527 4,125 8,652 9 8,597 8,764 8,494 17,258 12,248 59 Yazoo.............. 2,300 1769 4,069........ 10,349 7,461 6,957 14,418 10,480 STATISTICS OF I dair................ 1,191 1,092 2,28 8 51 1,216 1,126 2,342.......... 2 Andrew.............. 4,489 4,268 8,757 14 662 4,800 4,633 9,433......... 3 Atehison............ 887 754 1,641 7 30 903 775 1,68......... 4 Anudrian...... 1,580 1,468 3,048 1 457 1813 1,693 3,506 1,94 5 B-arry............... 1,741 1,576 3,317........ 150 1,805 1,662 3,467 4795 6 Bates............... 1,832 1,688 3,520 8 141 1,919 1,750 3,669. Bnton............. 2,281 2,266 4,5 47 8 460 2,501 2,514 5,015 42 8 Boone........... 5,809 5,491 11,300 13 3,666 7,660 7,319 14,979 13,561 9 Buchanan..........1 6,427 5,645 12,070 1 902 6,853[ 6.122 12,975 6,337 10 Butler............... 812'751 1,563........ 53 83 781 1,616.......... 11 C............ 1,112 1,06 2,176 4 133 1,182 1,134 2;316 1,4587 STATISTICS OF MISSISSIPPI. 261 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Born out of State. ollees, ca- Public chools. vate schools. -.,' 1,35 6427 900 900 195........ 820 J9,500 e9,500 808 1367 I 857 34 660 660 30........ 685 1,134 1.134 693 1,505 44 5, o 3,849 31,4h 1463 150 ^1,653 440 2,160 3,813 1,439 3,230 441 2.401' 3 205 6 955......321336 450 4 423, 60 1,441 9530 365 300 623 1,35 35 1,8761 3,571 3030 4 10, 240 15 4,839 41 105 106.............. 406 4730 430 1,490 3.534 89 0 4,65 61 71 983 156 659 659 239 10 0 09 11,400 21, 684 4522 1,198 68 6900 8 1,731 21 631 633 30........ 145 1,540 1,540 4251 1,561 79 1600 9 52,830 41 447 447.............. 132 2940 2,940 4081 979, 210873 3,85 4 8913 11. 49 8750 8750 1860 481 161.770 10 3 66 13 217 217 1 2........ 000 91 581 142 1.450 15 76 283 4092 503 97 925 7 19 7 3,1 4,098 344 935 204 1050 16 1.184 77 7827......5........ 100 2,550 50 599 1.207 165 109 0 l7 3,1547 300 1,6 56 54 3.000 767 5,4 00 8 1,840 173 3,300 159 10, 0 t 441 65 995 995 215 5,000 736 3,494 8,494 1,069 252 109 1,6 50 9 19 6 110 110.................................... 31 114 6.......... 20 6883 19 1,855 1,762............. 661 2,085 2,08 1,768 4,921409 12425 21 707 109 440 440.............. 114 703 70 401 468 154 1267 1.671 35 674 7052 115 1,600 339 3,91 5,517 752 6,701 93081 13375 23 4 104 14 514.............. 490 181 4,08 4,085 394 903 35 5,150 24 545 4 319 319.............. 76 14 2 246 153 800 292WI 1,45 5 4,455 41 1,24 1.249.............. 297 5, 902 5,902 581 3,24 171 7,400 i2 50292 31 1.3821..382 218 15,1775 469 9340 5,115 1,838 3,519 239 8.91; 273 8. 2492 3 142 7365 713 P164 1,2 1 10 3,350 34 1,008 1,024..1.... 521 6,585 6 1,585 722 2,611 494 5 8 896 35 613 1613 160........ 200 500 500 474 1,405 241 4,300 229 2,6112 13 635 700 40 600 342 3,100 3,700 748 1,714 1 5:350f 30 31,757 8" 1,168 1.168 6071........ 50-3 7,639 71639 1500 2, 3 650 942 9250 31 5,029 1509,373 2,107 3,7198 93 250 2,181 32 767 7- 183 5,460 413 10,634 16,09 1,037 1,718 46 5.~00 3 476 18 377 382 1............... 132 1............... 249 898 240 2900?3 9,712 24 2,3061 2,30i 470 28,264 304 2, 180 30,444 3,139 5.865 65911130 5,560 87 1.576 1,611 453 9,170 600 5,434 14,604 1,695 3. 876 616 7,1G51i 35 2,1180 1 495 575 73 2,100 109 2,225 4 93 25 3 1, 438 69 2,,50 1,332 67 584 5,6......1 657.3 180........4........ 493 1,440 22759 7 3,06 957 957 594 10,000 894 13,290 23,280 1,333 2, 023 51 6,6501 38 2,831 37 744 744.............. 511 6,584 6584 19 1,808 76 5680 39 3,367 25 891 891.............. 439 9,702 9,702 66 2,00 081 1816 154:50 43 44 11 265 265.................................. 64 708 634 1,300 41 875 213 698 699.............. 458 6.910 6,910 671 1,71 354 6 600 412 8,580 46 2,0015 25,001 90........ 578 17,58 152 1,5 1114 5,135 49 14,0315 43 1, 505 51 698 698 414.............................. 594 1., 647 5-7 1.5001 4-4 1,138 13 422 422 25........ 157 2, 000 2,000 373 1,193 121 3,1,-) 45 909 14 526 526 60 532 220 3:468 4,000 527 1,304 369 3. 300i 46 1,194 13 515 515 75 750 174 1,90 2,670 4158 1, 320 30 2.000 47 167 5 75 75............................................. 0 1.48 1,199 16 368 3682 1........,1 5 2. 00 700 700 421 817 1 920 15 9 10,597 35 2.655 2,655 257 6,964 202 2, 9,388 2, 925 6,761 960 10:100 50 9,449 436 2,201 2,201.............. 490 6,831 6,831 1,315 5,913 8G- 13.618J 51 279 7 73 73.............. 41................ 45 146 028 1001 2 2,5 394 71 1,230 1,262 65 3, 500 708 8623 12, 123 956 1,991 127 3,50 53 3 8 21'126 126.................................... 53 131 1 300 54 568 8 281 281.................................... 193 627. 170 1,300j 55 824 1402 736 741 169........ 400 12, 227 15 2,27 621 1,3145 11031,50, 5 3,087 27 86) 6 875 559 3,820 310 3,165 6,985 973 2,205 292 4.30 57 5 1501 321 49 1,491 1,137................1,390 3,646 96 9150 58 1,615 151 935 970 84 1,520 543 7,825 9,344563661,48 6 3,750 59 1S I S S 2 U s' 1. 1,21 1-8 383 383L....I........ 2-60 2,120 2,190 302 924 229.......... 1 5,2~22 1 1,3 77 1.3-77...... 1,600 2,335 2,335 2,106 3,719 933 2,950 2 841 1.24 291'293 175 -'840 80 370 630 250.......... 3 1,367 18 498 523 60 650 400 1,556 -,206 495 1.272 21 1,570 4 72,35 544 541.............. 148 657 1.390 489 450 5 1.772 31 626 626.............. 285 209 209 493 1, 518 230 I,350 6 2,3553 297 7 89 9, 557 1,9230 152 1,1550 7 4,509 97 1,92 100 1 00 2460 27, 000 41.800 2.003 836 59 14,075 8 6,717 8 2030 2045.............. 625 1:641 1641 1795 4818 637 1450 9 896....... O265 271...... 191 203 206 215 677 96 460010 5 358 358 1,350 1.;350 485.110 5,1..140 43 262 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMS. 0-. Z COUNTIES. 0..g0 Adams.............. 136 77,675 93,766 2,427.212 4,155 10 547 7,929 10,274 Amit6............... 510 63585 149.544 500, 452 2.821 13;717 7,706 32 426 3 Attala. 1,336 62,796 159.136 885,005 3,252 17,409 7,810 39,741 4 Bolivar............. 57 16,973 31,117 808,526 741 3,894 903. 3,911 5 Carroll.............. 986 105,886 206,111 1,725,588 4,660 17,261 7,672 43,844 6 Chickasaw......... 1,167 89,550 223,615 1, 462,048 4,937 15,995 5,499 47,847 7 Choctaw........... 1,13 58006 167,104 584.757 3,156 13,623 6,434 34,198 8 Claiborne........... 310 96896 152,398 2,225,146 4,786 17,981 11,692 27,843 9 Clark............... 500 22,919 51,092 346,662 1,331. 13,253 3,939 18, 891 10 Coahoma.......... 161 11,478 32,415 419,059 856 4,358 192 9,315 11 Copiah............. 951 69,943 180.205 986,050 3,512 16,610 9,753 39,899 12 Covington....... 272 16,765 27; 011 156,029 956 6,900 2.496 13,163 13 De Soto......... 1,257 116, 044 168,291 2,072394 5,567 18,788 7,690 50,548 14 Franklin............. 330 39,944 77,013 552,691 1,632 8,102 2,677 18,357 15 Greene............. 93 5,316 33,272 61,645 498 9.275 982 8, 80 16 Hancock........... 77 3646 33,629 92,415 303 7772 656 4,967 17 Harrison............. 84 1,890 5,437 81,865 206 7,079 1,582 3,623 18 Hinds.............. 852 164,457 276,966 2,416,4166 6,636 23,805 12,283 58,471 19 Holmes......... 640 89,395 159,434 1,447,136 3,954 14,955 4,734 38,146 20 ssaquena....... 76 27631 66,559 1, 072,088 1,408 4683 620 6,249 21 Itawamba......... 1,499 67,90 281,979 970,385 4.011 16.074 8.866 40,636 22 Jackson....... 212 4,047 69,257 277;792 652 13,728 2,595 9,659 23 Jasper.............. 540 31103 66,878 298,583 1805 11,050 4, 988 23, 811 24 Jefferson......... 239 93,817 135,868 1,827,048 5,090 16,799 9,606 26,660 25 Jones.............. 274 867 11,171 62,763 650 7,261 1,6941 12.686 26 Kemper............ 730 77.385 135,175 796,137 3,3371 19,048 4,257 33;852 27 Lafayette........... 1,044 83,326 591,626 1,343,336 3,913 13.61.3 6.157 57 097 28 Lauderdale.......... 922 51,386 86,714 426,689 2,498 13,114 6191 28,481 29 Lawrence.......... 458 37, 017 88,392 439,180 1,949 10125 5,066 23,105 30 Lake.............. 437 24,428 106,841 239,219 1,350 8,475 2,358 15,281 31 Lowndes............ 725 126,998 166, 312 2,348, 960 5, 093 13, 084 587 40,100 32 I Madison............ 552 164.121 225,111 2,058,193 5,575 17, 759 10, 740 43, 249 33 Marion............. 3 20,393 57,461 241,139 1,237 13,853 2,790 18, 977 34 Marshall......... 1,611 180,980 269,581 3,694,393 8,316 22,332 12.630 62, 797 35 onroe............ 848 123,353 210,366 2,607,689 5,660 15,814 8223 47. 241 36 Neshoba...... 426 21,637 113,587 277,405 1,296 10,347 3,29 14672 37 Newton............ 350 20,987 66,218 234,555 1,331 9, 4 3,859 20,325 38 Noxubee............ 676 123,394 176,741 1,816,236 5.215 17,045 6,338 49,255 39 Oktibbeha.......... 560 58,453 88,548 762,027 3. 057 10,341 2,733 27,205 40 Panola.............. 61 73, 713 124, 221 1,312. 725 3661 12, 07.5 4,831 28, 77 41 Perry...............6131 6.768 32,690 95,236 946 13,468 1,808 14,052 42 Pike............... 558 43,286 70,650 448,714 2,326 11,730 6,084 25. 810 43 Pontotoc............1,248 77,078 163,484 1,226,064 4,346 15,199 4,783 44, 337 44 Rankin............. 420 37,199 101,305 619.323 1,916 11,034 4,16 23,054 45 Scott............... 257 14,656 32,855 165,348 804 4,663 2, 293 11,064 46 Simpson............ 451 23,152 52,147 261,315 1,454 7,652 3,405 18,123 47 Smith.............. 425 13,348 36,105 137,284 1,262 8,865 2,925 19,317 48 Sunflower.......... 43 5,966 22,322 215,099 335 1,764 41 5, 10 49 Tallahatchee........ 282 27,372 48,462 514,589 1, 292 6,277 968 13,550 50 Tippah.............. 1,890 102,770 282,543 1,522,735 5,730 19,854 11,020 -53,448 51 Tishemoingo......... 1,247 59450 263,274 915,46 4,011 13,669 8,730 38367 5 Tunica.............. 41 6,015 24,374 282, 767 429 2, 505 126 3.247 53 Warren............ 435 78472 134 82 2,242,047 4,5 17,522 6,136 23 712 54 Washington........ 109 59.126 97,780 3,593,705 2,809 9,744 2,957 12,451 55 Wavne.............. 162 12.359 30,898 142,734 63 7, 295 1,427 7,948 56 Wilkinson......... 404 96,630 149,611 1,902,992 4,792 16,902 10,552 22990 57 Winston............. 551 40,627 120,045 503,824 2,22 10,936 4,842 2,768 58 Yalobusha.......... 872 98, 606 248,669 1,376,948 4,600 19,598 8,670 56,435 59 Yazoo.4641 107,298 167,860 1,977,731 4,486 17,83 7,655 33,095 STATISTICS OF 1 Adair............. 326 12.273 31,808 150,931 983 3,602 3,747 11,76-2 2 Andrew........ 873 40,447 114,951 1,398,332 2,717 9,314 12,080 20,461 3 Atchison......... 188 6,477 30,204 176,811 628 3,366 1,694 8,159 4 Audrian.......... 417 31,731 52, 767 370, 704 2,143 6,708 7,180 11,367 5 Barry.............. 89 11.563 14,910 172,997 1,345 4,462 3,368 5,930 6 Bates.............. 472 20,828 27,660 202,584 1,990 11,095 4,1.35 16,500 7 Benton............ 510 18,940 54,823 276,950 2,589 8.344 7,313 9,905 8~ Boone.............. 1.376 104,163 182,459 1,834,701 8,893 17,703 24,416 32,1 9 Buchanan..........1,258 56,897 133,359 2,606,581 4,022 14,667 15,054 30,323 10 Butler.............. 143 4,950 12,094 44,765 674 1,608 594 5,90 11 Caldwell............ 232 14, 707 36,837 253, 076 1,190 4,006 4, 931 8149 STATISTICS OF MISSISSIPPI. 263 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. a | 1.1. I i i [ I! 1' il i I ^ i I 5o~.10. i i ~ I ]I.......... 6,660 334,353 39,600 12,847............ 22,753 500...... 3...... I.......... 5,326 380,917 111,335 24, 485........... 2,,.3, 90' 86. i1109 15,307 22503 1 184489993 8953 3 3.......... 60 107,075 31,108 806....... 15.732......................... 4 744 82430 727340 18275365315...... 139,96 836 5 43...... 5 7, 802 25,805 771452 115611 12,789............ 140,042...................... 6 Ca) F 18,6080 8,082 36,953 404244 90,069 18,479 3...... 94.836.......................... 7.......... 13924 488.003 94,190 65,217............ 83013 1,170................. 8 15 2,710 74,235 75 4............ 50476................... 9....... 255 134, 815 25, 4581 2, 430............ 35,150 3......... 10..........9 4,81791 4,8345 1164 52,208....90 150 736,728 130 90 5 11 104 9,503 108,920 52,892 14,897 15.. 23. 6420 399................. 12 4,482 68.385 741,519 154,01638231............ 191165 7 7 66...... 13.......... 4,99 189,195 45,247 18,999............ 3197 123.................. 14.......... 115 41,275 17,36 780............ 10 71.......................... 1 331 75 788 80 49.......... 305 22 825 34,55 1 1070............ 3 405 20................. 16.......... 3.......... 24 19, 1830 7358...... 6....; 50 5...... 1...... 1 7.......... 61,77 853.30 59146 79,001............ 114,327 2,336............... 18 1, 814 4 78 31 55 1355 11 53,8596...... 8 131,968 5...... 9...... 19.......... 1,045 143130 204241,24............ 235 33.................. 2 4 430, 711 533;507 108,824 0,166...... 161.......................... 21.................. 9848......10,51.......... 22 194 14,988 209, 69] 79470 1,482 15:60 43............. 12......... 14,035 417,745. 875 764 46,079......8 874 230.................. 24,339 4 1 4366701 118,668 73,46 130,020.4 1 3,416 60988 32.699 4,660....... 7,8959.......................... 25 238 40,555 504,685 175,960 4,444.1..... 187.175.................. 26 4,749 58817 56.530 113,320 31,566 34 430 006 15 07...... 27, 808 1,880 324459 115,2091 15411 0 150 69922 10 20 5 1 28 2,820O[ 14,302 22o9.129 67,552 12,413...... 6 34: 463 2........... *..... 29 21 9, 180637 47,43 3,957........... 33373 1................. 30 1 166 41.120 871,864 199, 432 6,439......21..... 145.347 2.... 31 331 77,582 785.4851 85,0361 45,957 10 887 111:381 502 8 40...... 32 0 5,8361 30 504 62465 229,3401....... 16 05.......................... 9,326 149,4431 536,006 238,1538 2,458 21 65 278540 153 12 338 3 7,485 63310 4901,136 175,34148896 3...... 10...... 3 1,703 9,455 153235 56.730 1185 2.. 42. 050 16...... 26...... 36 305 12,866 365.186 5................................. 37 85, 52,765 895,71 1012734,345............ 171,500 117 38 2,1 094,24, 64:389; 796 68,7512 5,214..7...... 3 66.658 18 15 5...... 39 4,801 45,4 21 451,909 81,516 29,108, 1........ 40 15,577 10,097 149,3.8781 5.4 30 9......5 3 1,448 7 186 11,141........ 6,000........ 0....41;13,1~6 93.483 194,5950 9,6838, 317.... 98,896 54 4 9.......... 27,41 245 751 64,166 6846......9.................. 42 330,1 659 1667,0123 118,68 5 6 4. 1,000........4. 1..... 43 IfZ, 165,1 58,,4 6 61.......... 54,0.,, 3 8. 118217:673 69,673 67.................. 44.......... 3. 865 95. 500 34; 402, 808............ 14,008 1.................. 415 11l 3 6.201 165,099 40,951,5 89 5...... 26,143 1............ 46! 212 8354 128,641 47,110 12 4372. 4.................... 33,390 9 410.................... 5,655.......................... 48 203 10,974 190,930[ 14,8 9703 4...... 2';. 39 2... 49 03'io ~7 190 930 418''...1. "49 22,01J 83, 91,5 865,131 133,1590 9, 44............ 216.464............ 50 8, 55" 51.06 5-!6. 7f!: 83.556 8,578 48...... 132.900 1...... 8 351...... 730 94; 735 10, 03F 368......8,855.................. 52........ 7,790 451,875 92.00' 23,- 319........... W 320 81., f"i 53........... 1,400 424,600 32, 375 13,433........... 17. 710 15 25............ 54.. 84.280 37,60................... 7,510.......................... 55.......... 19,450 504,795 34.460 13,06.......... 10,965 150.................. 56 6,235 34, 490 326, 40 89.38, 8,90................... 0................. 57 3,313 59,6.'ll, -649, 77.{ 140,687 65. -'.......... 17%,901.......................... 58........ 30, 30r 5 56,50.' 138,28 41,140.......... 59,63 42.................. 59 MISSOURI. 5,801 11,687 141,370 3,815 13...... 548 33,425 231............ 6 3 109,547 59,683 518,795 15,286 25 1,742 250 121,930 2,478...... 115 104 2 15,577 10,09 149,387 1,594......... 45 350 24............ 5 3 11,448 76,022 285,18 11,141 61,044 1,092.................. 4 13,3166 23.483 194,525 9,683 317...... 28,896 154...... 4 9 5 8,614 49,051 120,340 8,219 346 17 60 50,257 859...... 3 72 6 11,072 39,415 154,965 6,444 69 14 247 69,843 597...... 43 53 7 70,16: 85,484 1,001,983 21.863 1,676 67 477 154,178 4,812 17 419 64 8 121,682 56,8491,935,713 16:717 407 35 245183,461 1075...... 106...... 9 2;3371 3,068 55, 2;3731 2, 337 3,068 1 800 2,373 87... 10,563 7............ 12734J 45, 740 16,13 3,569 16...... 55 17,365 1, 015.......... 110 1~ 264 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. COUNTIES., C II I N J N H a Z _ H_ o_ _ __ _ I Adams................. 480.................. 17,473 11,627...... 2 Amit6........................ 1 51,603 550 7 847 14,993...... 3 Attala...... 50................. 27,015 450 5,631 4 Bolivar............... 4.7 i 23 1.948...... 6 Chickasaw.................................. 7,540 2,897 9,644 11,752...... 7 Choctaw............................................... 23,59 1,377 4,458 13,276...... 8 Claiborne........................................... 0... 20,795,336...... 9 Clark.................................................. 6,690.......... 1,817 2,352. 1'0 Coahoma.................................. 6,727 500 2,430 510...... 11 Copiah..................1 1,110 941,685 100 9,318 19,884. 52 Covingrton.................. 115 41,235.......... 1,164 6,226...... 1.3 D e Soto........................................ 10,275 1,330 20,978 14,836...... 14 Franklin............................................... 83,220.......... 4,347 5,618...... 15 Greene.................................................. 30,810.......... 81 2,928...... 16 Hancock......................................... 750 129,420.......... 70 1,913...... 17 H arrison......................................... 81,380.................. 2,371...... 18 Hinds.............n........................ 1 1,680 105,650 350 19,829 126,962...... 19 lo nes................................................ 72,550....... 12,635 8.491...... 20 Issaouena.................................................... 600 8,461 1495...... 21 Itawamba.............................................. 473 375 5,519 13,965...... 22 Jackson................................................ 113,975.................. 4,818...... 23 Jasper................................................. 39,110.......... 1,422 6,186...... 24 Jefferson................................................................. 16,193 1,160...... 95- Jones.............7..........5........................ 4555 90 250 2.971...... 26 Kepinper........................................................ 5 115 11009...... 27 Lafayette.............................................. 45,985 10,548 10,387 11,813...... 28 Lauclerdale......... 200............................ 102,203 1,529 4,195 10.590...... 9 Lawrence.................................. 2 5,999 76,103 1,253 3304 11,235...... 30 Leake...................................... 140 70,040 331 1.644 4.306...... 31 Lowndes............ 200...............5............ 5,850 100 15,127 7953...... 32 M alison.............................................. 54,821 1,301 14,863 21,386...... 33 M arion...................................... 4 5,945 134,540.......... 1,411 4,492...... 34 Marshall........... 20................8......... 82,683 5,308 329,775 20,979...... 35 M onroe................................................ 4,436 1,218 17,814 14,171.. 36 Neshoba.................................5............ 14,050 1,42295243 2 37 Newton................................................ 32,330.......... 1,474 7,424...... 38 Noxbee.................... 2.......19........... 123 470 12,555 10,773...... 39 Oktibbeha......................................... 7,189 485 5,479 6,024...... 40 Panola............................................... 15,889 1,550 8,918 8,874...... 41 Perryam.s 88,090 1................................ 30 88000 100 388? 799...... 4 Pike............................................. 914 290,550 183 4,128 12,440...... 43 Pontotoc................................................ 3,131 2 761 9017 9,70...... 44 IRankin................................................. 66,105.......... 2,676 3,390...... 45 Scott....................................,590....... 881 4,470...... 46 Simpson..................................... 25 83,207 373 1,851 6,228...... 47 Sinith............................................ 508 36.195 596 1,111 4.898...... 48 Sunflower........................................... 1,300 1,900.............. 49 Tallahatchee...............9........8................... 28 520 4,977 1,526...... 50 Tipah................ 100............................ 3,.333 7,593 12,098 1.11... 51 Tishemingo. 10........ 95 5............ 10600 5-9 Tunica..........50........................... 450....3 1,410. 53 W arren................................................. 580 900 18,513 18 385...... 54 W ashin ton........5............................... 500 26 178 9664...... 55 Wavne....................................... 54 217.............. 53 W ilkinson.............................................. 17,690....,381 1559...... 7 Wisto..........44,394 598 3,091 10,305...... 58 Yalobuoesha.200 5,13....14.......... 16,131...... 59 Yazo.................................................. 16210......... 205 13,27...... STATISTICS OF 1 Adair............. 7,303...... 126...... 1,7 7. 2Andrew........... 42 475 4,76.................. 443 5,969 40 3 Atchison........ 862 5................................ 4 6,424...... 43 Audran...... 3,......................... 144380........ 14 084...... Barry.... 2,33. 1,019.............. 5007,63. Bates............... 2,8000............... 4,590..... 12,836.... 7 Benton........,554......................50 1,..... 8 Bone.. 21,695 51. 914.........584949. 55725 11 9 Buchanan......... 620 1,894 385.... 60 300........ 30,073...... 10 itler.............. 440........ 82... 81 00........ 1,558...... 4 JCaIdwell............ 2,000, 20............... 3 9 1..... 13, 616 STATISTICS OF MISSISSIPPI. 265 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. U I I.a |v Establishments. U. - E a1 i 5 | C i.a a U I 886 $8,054 $4,050 1,590 4 97,550 131 207.850 "6,945......................... 215 51.991....................... 500 2 5,200 10,588......................... 11,040 107,201........ 20...... 99,175 129 121'043 28,80......................... 3 690 12.064 200 100................................ 150 Divided since 1840 to form 4 21.076 130,479........ 6050 67,230 156 114,686 22,558 Sunflower. 5 9.758 113,450...................... 14,770 63 37,471 37,892......................... 6 17062 79.628..............58,455 84 81,00 44,546......................... 7 1,973 60,723..... 200. 36,400 74 66919 103,030........................ 8 300 39,535........ 7,850 19 6,900 18.720......................... 9 5.156 21,346 2..... 67... 6.........................6 10 1,983 100,234 29,650 4 28,120 27..1... 10... 2,5 47 2,2 3.............. 1 3,769 29,921........ 621...... 5,900 12 11,137 29,124......................... 12 32:907 128,713........ 692...... 41,165 102 100.060 35,496......................... 13 1,715 31.779................ 14,000 16 11445 6,6961......................... 14........ 14,460............................ 1,5811..15 100 7359 350 560...... 106.000 118 97,688 1,441 ~........................ 16 107 3:685 1,215 1,862 100 170,050 286 181,800 370 Formed since 1840. 17 16,682 122,812 9,115 4,100 30 3,000 6 8,000 14,018......................... 18 21,440 101,339 5 248...... 27,525 78 60,900 11,949..................... 19 1,480 15,105...............::................. Foned since 1840 fro.m 20 6,074 87,380...................... 17,283.35 34,090 48,424 Washington. 21 025 15,807 1788 2, 326...... 37. 69 46,100 2,474......................... 3,885 38,847.....1065 2 20,110 20,382......................... 23 616 59,312 225 400 25 20,300 30 46,910 5,589......................... 24 560 18,472................................".............70.............. 25...99 9213.......6 5,00 11 18,700 41,648......................... 1, 22,288 102270 80 13,085 81,550 124 125,365 129,944......................... 27 20,344 69,933........ 5 24900 59 82,246 28,234......................... 28 2,416 45,814 50 1,147...... 15.:700 33 41,785 21,217......................... 29 3,471 34 528...................... 41, 165 1 4 540 10 976......................... 30 3,442 120.736...................... 110,685 268 208,797 28,342......................... 31 15,274 137,751 830 24...... 23,450 32 23,569 11,560........32 31,704........500 15 5,500 10,402............... 3 19.775 170606 639 3,115 69286 169 183,542 42,435......................... 34 2,584 140,201 5 350.. 36,300 51 40,370 31.329..................... 35 8,735 27,583.............................................. 10 631....................... 36 770 37,467................................................ 20,686........................ 37,699 117,065 35.............. 235 87 43,050 1658.... 38 6,944 58,386........ 3000. 1; 300 38 21.438 14,234...........39 447 86,273................................. 80............ 40 12,1 0 24,423..................................... 41 12,110 3...16,595.....4 5,567 58868 3.. 9,700 45 91,580 21375.........................42 8,484 72,126............... 27,15 9 61,205 32,362......................... 43 12,893 50,5281...... 23,150 19 18,100 14,742......................... 44 3,555 20,071I........................... 7,988......................... 45 6,56 39.119........ 400...... 37,650 29 40.515 38,063............. 46 10,618 9,693........ 25 30. 1 1,386 1 11,880 21,63........................ 47....... 12,443............................................... Formed since 1840 from 48 4,528 30,523 325 1945................................ 4637 Bolivar. 49 2,793 111,736...................... 29500 81 5,497 53648........................ 50 7,504 76,018...................... 20,200 61 67,250 39,703. 51 950 9,835............................................. 1,055..................... 52 10,665 55,288 25,778 13,289 193,700 184 0,550 2787..................... 53.... 41,634................................................. Divided since 1840 to form 54.... 16,950.................................................... Issaq ena 55 425 41,374 50 50...... 12,300 48 33600 1081......................... 56 18,49 54,273...................... 14,260 50 3200 21,698......................... 57 3,320 131,337........ 985 8 27,670 93 65750 49,966......................... 58 5,548 87,244 1510 1730...... 66,700 86 96,880 6,763......................... 59 MISSOURI. 11879 9,131...... 30 1 7,200 12 7,365 9,120Formed in 1841. 1 29,893 50,635 942 1,436...... 49,269 98 417,752 27,439'Formned hi 1841. 2 j2, 2,675 100, 1 1,500 14, 1,44......................... 5 16,863 2,937 282 1,184 10.......................... 14,080 Formed in 1841. 6 1151,598585 170 20,235 83 107,950 36,7288.......................... 32,300 75212 2,012 165... 126,810 256 748,237 38,923................. 9 406 0,458 3................................,862 Fored in 1849 19 09,886 51,307 3. 1016 23,80 6 1,8.. 1 3:44.2 1 3..,.4.1.................. I 31,,4... 266 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES. Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 12 Callaway........... 5,148 4,747 9,895 25 3.907 7,057 6,770 13,827 11,765 13 Camden............. 1,130 1,078 2,208........ 130 1,1931,1 45 2,338.......... 14 Cape Girardeau..... 6212 5,991 12,203 3 1.674 7,059 6,853 13,912 9,359 15 Carroll.............. 2,578 2,234 4,812 8 621 2,894 2,547 5,441 2,423 16 Cass............... 2,933 2,677 5.610 2 478 3,166 2,924 6,090 4,693 17 Cedar............... 1,677 1,601 3,278 82 1,714 1,647 3,361.......... 18 Chariton............. 2,940 2,745 5,685 51 1,778 3,864 3,650 7514 4746 19 Clark............... 2,677 2,336 5,013 10 504 2,943 2,584 5,527 2,846 23 Clay................ 4,048 3,537 7,585 5 2,742 5,469 4,863 10,332 8,282 21 Clinton. 1,747 1,599 3,346 1 439 1,971 1,815 3,786 2,7 24 22 Cole........... 3,050 2,649 5,699 18 979 3,544 3,152 6,696 9,286 23 Cooper......... 5,065 4,772 9,837 22 3,091 6, 53 6.411 12,950 10,484 4 Crawford............ 3,189 2, 923 6,112.... 85 3,333 3,064 6,397 3,561 25 Dade............... 2,086 1,885 3,971 6 269 2,206 2,040 4,246.......... 26 Dallas. 1,830 1,722 3,552 8 88 1,877 1,771 3,648.......... 27 Daviess............ 2,706 2,350 5,056 1 241 2,811 2,487 5,298 2,736 8 DeKalb............ 1,036 974 2,010....... 65 1,071 1,004 2,075.......... 29 Dodge.......... 195 178 373........195 180 375. 30 Dunklin............ 600 605 1,205 11i 113 611 618 1,29....... 31 Franklin...... 4,949 4,593 9,542 20 1,459 5,717 5,304 11,021 7,515 32 Gasconade......... 2,596 2,288 4 884....... 112 2.648 2,348 4,996 5,330 33 Gentry.............. 2,131 2,0641 4,195 50 2,156 2,092 4,248....... 34 Greene............. 5,844 5,704 11,548 7 1,230 6,454 6,331 12,785 5372 35 Grundy............ 1,485 1;371. 2,856 1 149 1,559 1,447 3,006....... 36 Harrison............ 1,265 1,169 2,434..13 1,274 1,1731 2,447....... 37 Henry.............. 1,710 1,667 3,377 3 67 2,035 2,017 4,052 4,7 38 Hickory..... 1,130 1,013 2,143 1 185 1,220 1,109 2,329....... 39 Holt............... 2.011 1,816 3,827 127 2,071 1,886 3,957.......... 40 Howard........... 4,539 4,500 9,039 4 4,890 7,123 6,846 13,69 13,108 41 Jackson........... 5.797 5,193 10,990 41 2,969 7,280 6,720 14, 000 7,612 42 Jasper............. 2,088 1,921 4,009 1 213 2,184 2,039 4,223.......... 43 Jefferson............ 3,389 3,018 6,407 9 512 3,659 3,269 6,928 4,296 44 Johnson............ 3,397 3, 171; 6,573 12 879 3, 636 7,464 4,471 45 Knox............... 1.371 1,255 2,626 266 1,520 1,374 2,894....... 46 Laclede............ 1,231 1,126 2,357 1 140 1,302 1,196 2,498........ 47 Lafayette........... 4,732 4,273 9,005 70 4,615 7,172 6,518 13,690 6,815 48 Lawrence.2,323 2,285 4,608 3 248 2,446 2,413 4,859....... 49 Lewis.............. 3,665 2,692 5,357 15 1,206 3,226 3,352 6,578 6,040 50 Lincoln....... 3,782 3,607 7, 89 5 2,027 4,822 4,599 9,421 7,44 51 Linn.1,913 1,766 3,679 2 377 2,092 1,966 4,058 2,245 52 Livingston.......... 2,012 1,921 3,933 6 308 2,151 2,096 4,247 4,325 53 McDonald.1,109 1,023 2,13. 21 83 1,151 1,085 2,236....... 54 Macon............. 3,224 3,038 6,262... 303 3,359 3,206 6,565 6,034 55 Madison............ 2,802 2,476 5,278 29 696 3,174 2.,829 6,003 3,395 56 Marion.............. 4,866 4,456 9,322 76 2,832 6,251 5.979 19,230 9;623 57 Mercer.............. 1,355 1,316 2,671 6 14 1,367 1,324 2,691....... 58 Miller.............. 1,913 1,732 3,645 189 1,996 1,838 3834 2,282 59 Mississippi.......... 1,278 1,095 2,373 4 746 1.670 1,453 3123.......... 60 Moniteau........... 2,779 2,655 5,434 4 566 3060 2,944.6,004........ 61 Monroe.. 4,377 4,084 8,461 32 2,048 5,403 5,138 10,541 9,505 60 Montgomery.... 2, 21 2,188 4,449 3 1,037 2,764 2,725 5,489 4,371 63 Morgan... 2,156 2,036 4,192 5 453 2,368 2.282 4,650 4,407 64 New Madrid........ 2,217 1,836 4,053 7 1,481 2,991 2,550 5,541 4,554 65 Newton........... 2,092 1,920 4,012 15 241 2,209 2.059 4,268 3,790 66 Nodaway.......... 1,0481,00004848......4 70 1,081 1,037 2,118.......... 67 Oregon........ 710 682 1,392 22 18 73-2 700 1,432.......... 68 Osage.............. 3,371 3,063 6434........ 270 3,478 3,226 6,704.......... 69 Ozark............. 1,17 1,106 2279........ 15 1,179 1,115 2,294.......... 70 Perry............... 3,375 3, 020 6,395 26 794 3,781 3,434 7,215 5.760 71 Pettis............. 2,223 2, 03 4,261 5 884 2,642 2,508 5,150 2,930 72 Pike................ 5,300 4,999 10,299 35 3,275 6936 6,673 13,609 10,646 73 Piatte.. 7,496 6,500 13,996 51 2,798 8,919 7,926 16,845 8,913 74 Polk............... 2,928 2,876 5,804 1 369 3,102 3,084 6,186 8,449 75 Pulaski............. 2,012 1,873 3,885........ 113 2,061 1,937 3,998 6,529 76 Putnam............ 830 787 1,617........ 19 835 801 1,636.......... 77 Rails.............. 2.454 2,321 4,775 8 1,368 3,146 3,005 6,151 5670 78 Randolph......... 3,746 3,516 7,262 21 2,156 4,814 4,625 9,439 7,198 79 Ray............... 4,606 4,227 8,833 26 1,514 5,364 5,009 10,373 6,553 80 Reynolds.......... 908 916 1,824 2.5 920 929 1,849.......... 81 Ripley............. 1,418 1,313 2,731 13 86 1,464 1.366 2,830 2.856 82 St. Charles....... 5,073 4,41 9492 13 1,949 6,084 5,370 11,454 7,911 83 St. Clair............ 1,626 1,481 3,107 1 448 1,840 1,716 3,556.......... 84 St. Francois........ 2,167 2,066 4.233 51 680 2,567 92,397 4,964 3,211 85 St. Genevieve...... 2,483 2,153 4636 61 616 2,805,508 5,313 3,148.' 41 519...541 40 5, 6766 9 2,805 5, 31 3, 1 86,St. Louis......... 56,022 41,519 97,541 1,470 5,967 59,769 45,209 104,978 35,979 87 Saline........... 31792,92 6,105 19 2, 719 4, 56 4, 2811 8,843 5,58 STATISTICS OF MISSOURI. 267 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Born out of State. lleges,nd Public Schools. I I I < |' emies, and pri- a a C vate schools. _. o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~':,e C *- S a~3......a a a.C 933/ 180 90 4,287 100 1,61 1612.............. 1,717 5,320 0 1,84 4,228 331 9,450 12 1,154 5 360 360...... 0 921 266.......... 13 3,720 1,357 2,108 2,110 260 $19,800 54 310 20.110 1, 794 5,043 1,046 2,950 14 2.390 118 770 770 43........ 321 695 695 751 2,003 484 1,850 15 2.855 29 933 943 180 900 748 1,992 2,892 1,109,496 273 3,600 16,650 7 561 561.............. 320 280 280 654 1,442 269 880 17 2,461 202 1,096 1,096 500. 1,000 936 935 714 2,250 158 3,250 18 3,148 243 805 834.............. 1,246 1.6 1.635 1, 250 2,043 188 1,750! 19 3.566 185 1,352 1,352 170...... 780 2,043 2,043 1,848 3,163 169 1,450 20 1,761 11 560 560.............4...............1,382..........21 1.84 1,185 984 996............. 725 2,542 2,54 756 2,205 116 4,900 22 3.861 635 1,717 1,717 268 3,830 460 2,777 6,607 2,085 4,090 318 2,550 23 2,871. 35 994 994 40........ 280 791 791 941 2,723 390 1,400 24 2,381 1 659 670............. 223 1,966 1,966 674 1,681 287 501 25 2,102 3 597 6031.............. 375........5...... 50 1,1 572.......... 26 2,823 30 784 792.............. 420 2,310 2,310 812 2,184 414 350 27 1,014 5 338 338.....26 8...38.20.......... 267 838 204.......... 28 236 2 57 61............ 40 48 48 34 159 20......... 29 749 10 215 215.............. 80 86 86 115 514 230 150 30 2,488 2,152 1,925 1,92.5 7 75........ 461 1160 1,16( 8171 3,583 338 3,750 31 1,052 1,877 950 951 72 1,980 73 219 2,199 632 1,830 236 1,800 32 2,412 24 708 708.561 1,818 577.......... 33 7,408 16 2,046 2,046 182 57 352 334 391 2,274 5,012 524 3,700 34 1,6.5 15 477 477.............. 325 761 761 594 1,218 273.......... 31 1,443 6 387 415 297....... 81 1 156 373 1,037 333 175 36 1.503 29 561 571.............. 332 1,400 1,400 661 1,479 90 300 37 1,096 4 3614 3651........... 186 766 766 376 889 157 800 38 1,8128 120 614 614.............. 330 775 775 575 1,637 85 245 39 3,462 150 1,635 1,637.............. 2,058 2,074 2,074 2,050 3761 107 7,400 40 5,649 360 1.719 1,719 216........ 1,195 708 708 2268 4,582 58 3,280 41 2,243 16 664 664.............. 369 2,371 2,371 602 1.669 501 2,260 42 1,468 737 1,119 1,1240............ 281 2,5 16 2.516 93, 52,668 405 800 43 3,207 43 1,030 1,039 203 790 1,151 2,115 2,905 1,763 2,838 623 2,600 44 1,481 68 4~7 429.............. 124 276 276 597 1.114 153 200 45 1,468 8 385 3 85................................... 315 974 454........ 46 4,841 536 1,459 1,459 513 3,500 962 2,247 5,747 2,018 3,513 145 2,500 47 2,775 7 743 748 75 200 600 1,200 1.400 331 1,986 211 3,000 48 2,995 157 905 907 45 225 1,178 3,349 3,574 1,900 2,232 44 3,500 49 3,129 161 1,239 1,239 40 500 1,564 2, 064 2.564 1.652 3,038 170 2,450 50 1,714 22 625 625.............. 100 588 588 411 1,556 260.......... 51 2,104 29 658 658 30 400 205 983 1,383 580 1,694 187 950 52 1,306 1 371 371 218 1,828.............. 1,828 374 839 63 850 53 3,046 11 1,079 1, 091.............. 588 1,491 1, 491 1224 2,675 614 1,29054 1.896 206 878 878 120 12,000.............. 12,000 927 2,186 714 85055 4,751 464 1,595 1,46 277 4.650 1,436 5,291 9,941 2,490 3,821 211 10,750 56 1,559 3 412 412............. 100 370 370 232 1,101 273 800 57 1,810 4 5921 5921.................................... 633 1,543 446..........58 1,454 40 443 443............ 190.....2 9........ 299 959 130 1,040 59 2059 245 901 901........8..... 780 970 970 698 2,408 602 200 60 4,180 421 1,296 1,296.............. 1,954 5,219 5,219 2,386 3,676 514 15,100 61 1,879 200 754 7.54 51 " 4 597 1,656 2,115 981 1,844 185 2,370 62 1,813 285 754 754.............. 280 300 300 772 1,715 398 1,950 63 1,790 56 752 752 1601..... M 332........ 484 1,596 393 2,900 64 2, 4552 6 653 653.............. 278 1,204 1,204 689 1,686 6 619 65 1,174 18 32 333.................................... 95 909 272 100 66 725........ 2 252.............. 86 292 292 172 563 66 1100 67 2,18 1,167 1,08-2 1,082.............. 208 666 666 547 2,728 666 1,250 68 1,257 1 361 361.................................... 157 1,005 5V25.......... 69 1,406 1,177 1,111 1,111 95 5,800 360 1,618 7,418 1,146 2;600 21 4,600 70 1, 850 158 714 714.............. 700 2,600 2,600 808 1,770 47 950 71 4,476 133 1,671 1.700 110 2,500 2,730 4,490 6,990 2,655 4,211 422 11,800 72 7,432 6161 2,490 2,490 200 3,000 1,784 2,500 5,500 2,777 5,657 185 7,820 73 7, 616 5 490'490 37 3, 39 3,398 3 91 907.............. 864 1,366 1,366 1,921 2,507 719 2,800 74 1,998 4 6 642.............. 75 50 50 337 1,685 758....... 75 810 5 277..... 2........ 200 252 252 244 713 136......... 76 2,28 38 777 782........... 1,428 4,123 4,123 259 2,077 119 3,7501 77 3,383 19 1,157 1,157 24 250 607 3,562 3,812 1,481 3,181 192 5,050 78 4 323 102 1,457 1,457 123 1,317 500 6,000 7,317 2,031 3.766 1,034 1,650 79 929....... 293 293............ 465 270 270 283 794 412 200 80 1,807 6 445 449 75 92 20 60 152 249 1,159 521 101 81 1,969 2,972 1,633 1,720 261 3,000 788 2,996 5,996 1,723 3,660 284 6,800 82 1,66.8 25 531 531 80 800 120 2,025 2,825 450 1,361 193 800 8.3 1,819 135 704 717.............. 277 469 469 604 1,693 533 1,800 84 1,077 667 814 833 145 4,610 260 1,550 6,160 536 1,854 623 1,450 85 18.648 5, 969 13,430 16,959 4,243 129561 3,607 14,334 143,895 8,593 28,381 1,708 52, 093 86 2,853 150 950 955 60 2,500 1,057 4,064 6,5641,480 2,453 142 3,525 87 258 CENSUS OF 1850 LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FAR1IS. ~ 1a COUNTIES. 0 f"" S I) 12 Callaway............1,169 92,616 220,494 1,655,294 7,951 19,726 27,963 33,018 13 Calmden............ 214 20, 305 34, 440 265,666 2, 962 10,066 9,549 17, 804 14 Cape Girardeau...... 1,019 5.3,356 119,2)2 952,430 4,779 10,827 10,300 34.463 15 Carroll.............. 232,,7 68,299 461,223 1,995 8,186 5,551 18.:9502 16 Cass........729 34 80 85,898 557,804 3,234 9,895 7,964 14,006 17 Cedar.............. 347 13,176 22,563 178,858 1,443 5,844 5,054 8,911 18 Chariton........ 659 34,; 651 94,054 749,834 3,037 6,106 6,952 31,056 19 Clark........... 425 30.450 78,135 765, 940 1,852 5,925 6,878 15,370 20 Clay................ 944 71,905 142,661 2,034,259 5,648 14,701 17,688 25,532 1 Clinton............ 334 26,244 85,21 834,808,066 7,41 6,44 13,419 2. Cole.......... 638 26,450 70,204 547,469 2,87 6,817 8,557 14.19 23 Cooper.......... 1,064 73,880 153,888 1,521,071 7,646 17,309 21.358 37, 770 24 Cra-wford............ 715 26,912 39,564 316,667 3,2961 10,051 8,368 21,231 25 1ade................ 57 21,463 36; 850 252,094 2,084 7,259 6,104 11 825 26 Dallas............... 361 16,414 17,589 171,726 1.354 5,069 4,250 5,691 27 Daviess........... 342 17,919 64,422 346,666 1 771 5,842 5,378 12 120 28 De KaIb.......... 29 8,852 36,04 210;706 974 3,294 3,1;55 6,613 29 Dodge...4...... 49 4,106 22.547 74,655 485 1,384 2,196 7,358 30 Dunklin....... 76 3,062 3 9751 44,455 519 2,883 528 7.801 3 FPanklin.......... 1096 42,674 171, 1,074,030 4,113 13,799 10,077 31,959 3, 4i[ I 32 Gasconade.......... 533 14,114 37,013 230, 423 1,617 5,780 3.892 12, 0441 33 Gentry....... 444 14, 246 35,354 229,277 968 4,316 4,366 7, 5i9 34 Greene.............. 1,283 61,124 109,61 812,51 6,916 22,160 20,698 38;987 35 Grundy............. 255 13, 639 46,295 200.258 1, 135 3,981 5.300 10 413 36 Harrison.........141. 6,447 16,999 106;560 497 1,780 2;234 5,1.56 37 Henry............... 385 24,657 67,739 323,969 1,889 8,750 6.645 10,266 38 Hickory........... 190 6.827 21,030 111.341 925 3,253 3086 4.01b 39 Holt..... 305 16,640 65, 693 238<554 1,321/ 7,129 5, 17 9, 373 40 icoward 1,105 110,880 305,O10 3,669 923 8,747 18,441 23,757 42 e210 41 Jackson............ 986 49,619 129.688 1,808,980 5,913 14,670 14,784 28 831[ 42 Jasper.............. 408 22,612 43; 838 325',234 2,333 8,693 5,20;5 13, 272 43 Jefferson............ 704 24,160 94.924 603,437 2,640 8,701 4,523 18 712 44 Johnson.......... 750 41,000 105,915 805,995 4, 3-2 11.649 13,281 19,806 45 Knox.............. 303 18,845,118 381, 429 1,349 6,785 4,283 15.387 46 Laclede.......... 233 10 312 12, 927 155,098 1.319 4, 026 3,561 9, 295 47 Lafayette........... 895 77,504 177,241 2, 654, 282 5 459 12, 331 14,773 27, 373 48 Lawrence......... 410 18,0 9 33,;072 224, 079 2; 245 6,737 6,t50 9,49 49 Lewis............. 448 37,071 73,483 777,384 2,220 7,445 8,307 18,.350 0 Lincoln........... 84 48,444 142,.854 1,011,904 4,890 11,814 15,175 28.254 51 Linn............... 429 18,851 66,70 275,762 199 7,165 5,758 16411 52 Livingston........ 457 23,488 63,054 368,449 1,924 6,313 6,111 15,889 53 McDonald......... 326 9,711 23,234 145,944 883 3,165[ 1,912 408 54 Macon.............. 711 33,329 79,287 397,411 2,789 8,679 9,738 31,773 55 Madison.... 51 19.955 35,089 399,454 2.197 5.581 4,933 17,703 56 Marion............. 81 62;145 122;248 1,741,833 4;318 12; 793 17,883 32,547 57 Mercer............ 2 10,141 18, 87 13-056[ 772 3,125 3,528 9, 74' 58.Miller............. 369 13,434 26,30 183,641 1,845 6,074 6,20-2 10 58 59. Mississippi......... 271 14,817 37,724 256,067 1,457 3,845 666 18:3o)3 60 Moniteau.......... 761 33,80 86,187 499 8'25 3,390 11.0-23 12,912 16, 787 1 Monroe........2.... 6 74, 792 159,247 1,2.36,424 5.,116 15,626 19,277[ 23.290 62 Montgomery........ 607 9,390 97,869 230.614 2,965 8.357 9,181 -15' 38 63 Morgan............. 455 22,6-22 54,79 319,891 2,854 9,383 9,693 11 751 64 New Madrid........ 40 28,246 57,977 580 973 2,422 6,581 1,190,22 3~ 65 Newton. 23 14,355 19,460 188,0389 1,537 4,682 2,949 7,890 66 Nodaway... 9241 9, 576 35,639 246,528 700 3, 056 3,194 6 775 67 Oregon............. 130 3.905 1,522 43,251 510 1,609 952 4 465 0( Osage.............. 711 23,304 50,232 354,286 3,258 8,81 7,010 16,0~6 69 Ozark............... 95 7,191 1,284 82,328 1,.093 4,033 1,690 7,340 70 Perry.....7......... 74 3,, 806 92, 910 520,280 2,067 6,848 5,718 18,851 71 Pettis............... 500 49,112 91,545 731,930 3043 8,934 11,710 16,915. 72 Pike................ 989 72,672 139,549 1,483,664 6,448 14,791 21,4171 99.369 73 Platte.............. 1,651 944 124.752 3,927507 7,248 20,408 20,234 45133 7 04 Pl......43 28M,55 59,367 384,662 3,.430 9,021 8,099 12,251 75 Pulaski............. 471 15,500 18,98 296,676; 2305 6,574 5,034 15,030 76 Putnam............ 222 2,005 8,724 27,794 199 784 1,054 2, 925 77 alls.............. 541 40,420 8.3, 947 783, 8i85 2,987 8,696 13,275 21.173 78 Randolph........ - 993 6-24-3 134,212 1,055,201 5,048 11,767 17,087 99;639 79 Ray................ 833 46,704 127,398 1,156,413 3, 955 12,646 12,876 28,482 80 Reynolds........... 145 4,916 3,440 78,804 888 2,188 2,130 8, I9 81 Ripley.............. 2.58 8,310 2,785 91,336 1154 8450 11496 10,519 82 St. Charles......... 1,035 56,371 122,558 1,709,316 4,772 14,914 10,425 30,957 -83 1St. Clair........... 327 15;,791 51,047 20r2,188 1,633 7,610 4,977 8.015 84 1St. Francois........ 43 19, 18 50,779 399,203 2,1 66 4,91 4,153 14,872 85 St. Genevieve....... 425 18,42 59,020 311,504 1,692 5,099 1,893 11,591 86 St. Louis.......... 1,294 70,983 120,774 6,143, 241 5,200 14,7 6,309 28, 839 87 Saline............. 587 47, 033 139, 916 1,234, 344 4,026 15,50 10,414 25,838 STATISTICS OF MISSOURI. 269 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 11i U U -I i U U U 52U 640 65,843 510,730 5356 642 44 265U123322 608 10 18 54 14 13524 65,142 300976 9,450 318............ 62,645 610 1 53 59 16 14.592 34,447 377,397 1 671 696 75 139 7,149 730 3 58 37 18 48.936l 53,235 320,970 ] 7,042 14 221 1401 109,011 2l/.023 8 1941'02 19 50,890 1,045 814,830 26,874 2714 10 491 22,17 2,959...... 48 381 20 22,3631 4,7031 299,070 7274 43...... 5254,686 1,5 85.... 50 21 95,666140 6 4 5997,870 25,351 6 62 171 173,49 63,800 960 1 437 35 23 26,4852 842 297,13315,501 812 23 25070,643 597...... 10 67 4 13,5711 05,188 35,958 13,576 4 51..... 87 71,2064 5 641 0 995 25 8,858 65,866 187,5 80 8,71668............ 47,013 155...... 16 63 26 19,1684 46,40967 12,536 4,51 6 9 23 7 301 76 2,652 742...... 31 71 7 14,7318 35471 03,235 3, 387 7 10 1 18 1621 32,168 1 08............ 251 28,778 1 742 75,2083 1,692 21...... 321 6,6380 871......4 1 1 261 29 51.9206,103 521,38020 2 5,014187 31 1,55067...... 15154 21 20,2 471 69351 2u,913 12,473,671 5 24 2934 58,2401334 6 34. 228 6 96 173,496 3,0 437 5 23,4160, 523 4,435,...... 01 982 2 2 5 7,386 1,19 1 43 59. 10 5 7 3 2 61,306 891545 1,010,98 7 44,98 6 6467 31 23316,472 9006 104...... 7,6 1 4 2 34 10, 90 57 15,770 2,83 6 6758.....199001 01.................. 35 4,17 4582121 9,212 3,5::67......... 27,969 52...... 6.... 16 3 55185312.3784 938 5 309 24, 575 3 85 90 141,507'798...... 80 276 41 2616 63360 275,11 67 8,140 59 135...... 100 8, 449 231...... 2615 15 42 17322 35,6 289,1 16 7,64551 130067 01,4497 51 31 62645 160 1 53 59 1643,930 895,784 1475,22895 81,392 49 42 16 58,86 202 21.47...... 1640 1744 20,9 27,445 216,0275,85 390 7 02 14 1 1,065 4 7,710 4 1l 378.3 8 1 1 4 S9 9,6014 182,701 13 -,8291 8,475 204............3 1,61 53...... 7 37 46 83,037 194,946045 788,67530 256874 2,714 10 49 12255,973 2, 93581..... 4 141 5971 2047 619.488 48,703 293, 5649 11,18 1,0 31 3..... 2 16...... 31 0, 21463 10,96j2 2243951 22017 14,671 5.620.94 78,600 1 374......5 6 3? 685276 1,264 336,73000 99 7,762 870 45 1,0259 5,811 2,224 62 171 175496 33500 960 437 2,683741 105, 325, 958 13,9576 345. 14.. 87 713,306 588 64 30 99 9 4,52731 1370,98 0 567,47 12, 103 3 10 18 162,168 10............ 2 50 15.57048 241,53 240,307 7,03 412 43 46.935 870 66 51 114,0 5 998092 75,208 5,119 7 1......1 32 16,638 87...... 16 29 015,796 775,360 5586 1 40......51...... 27 1 8 25..012 5............. 30 1.9 3,60 521,6 2,6 45 01 187 311 099 68 10 1,067...... 15 154 20,4 256,4694 6,0 913 12 3 73 924 1,2963 584, 244,334 41 58 32 9,601 1 86,701'4 3,829 8.19,55 04 53 72 37 46 17.045 23,924 160,52 2 4245 110 41 57,386 12191 4 41 57 33 61,304 289,545010,987 44 986 6 46731 316,476 900 10.... 1482 10,902 28,257 152,70,62............ 19, 900 201................. 35 64,5120 70,90 80 980 1 981 74 4 137 1,057 461,.. 11 27 36,54 53,989437 184,650 6,11329... 4, 44,5716 972.......... 114 3752,87,2870 1 452,265912 3,581 4101.......... 2716 5 54............ 9 53 19,1 31 77,96 1 420,723 14,60 0 2,222 20 537 102761 6 954 8 95. 16 54 8,355 11,538 0 1327 3,001 12........ 43 46,0935 870...... 666 2 114 39 3 99,580 93966,690 1455,71 1,04 317 4...... 6,101 5401 9 09 11 185 40 105,8 1243,916 66938,309 24,5788 5 3 1,263 146,1 4,507 58 127 141 551 56 16,3911 63,543 49,515 3,65 1 4 1 16 34,2 0546 3 751 5......4 42 172 3459 199 645 3 167 51 4, 449 751 31 14 30 543 24,540 89,617 343,914 11,114 3 126...... 20 63,780 6324...... 6 2 27 44 105, 238,44, 216,07 5 5 8. 397 314 5 1,06 47,704 1,5378...... 41 69 472 439,66901 1,6 7 1,36,145 18,475 2044 4..... 403 13 6,65 4 4,29 8 47 164 5...... 7 37 46 19,48 6881 293,564 11 798 0319............. 3012 63 3 308.................. 48 1 1, 52 67, 4 336,730 7 78 20 4 105 95811 2.224 6 7 35 497 680 215?1,208 498 0...... 9 4 7 61,552 70,50 567,4372 12,84 7 4 1635 114,170 1,0091 877 2 220 62 15,570 24,42 219, 72801 31...... 77746 48,27 70.543 572 8 384 63 2,8233 39,989 270,9270 6,117.... 0 442510,9.......... 52 839 7,870 145,65 3,098 140................ 2 8 2............ 19,131 1577,961 42,0012 3 14,977 32 20 37 5102 2, 761 95 9 95 216 82 18,416439 39,34756 1926,10 7, 1 87 30.... 9 46,01 54066...... 1 1856 65 10,3108.50 167,113 3,001:.. 27 34,01 64375..... 19 6657 1424 34.759 1;6 44 69,2014 7 4,65 16...... 51 3,26 1. 92 67 5 5,0907 2488 115.670 5,64 9.24..... 2....... 361 69 654,39540, 615 349 0 1114 41 20 1 73,845 230...... 1 12 70 200001,0705, 519,4341 11,48 641...... 735 114,1705 1,244 46. 74 71 18,416 31,341 198.54,210 19,557 66 572 1,39, 05 3,695 20 134 16 6 2.146 65,644 69,201 4,652 1062...... 100,4750 9....1 5 9 67 14,: 0 1043,604 308000 1,17486 3......12 665 80 3 30891 2 1 68 1135' 090 6,488 21544 40 1 56744 146. 1.28......... 36 697 680 2,265 40940 985 19 10,089 4 2 76 61,427 496031 495.4351 9,081 106...... 4641 80,225 12 91...... 1419 200 77 35.483 25 668,195 19,906 1 440 20 404 142. 443 2 578 81.. 94641 78 4800311 1381 1 6,500 188321 3 40 218835 73'04 759'2 F 4,14 1 105 20 12 10,900 541..... 2. 41 80 2,808 8,68: 115,241 5,695 253.. 24,8 2908 5... 8... 2,902 115,054 658,061 31,977 3931 1,031 3.52 155,382 2, 369 97 52 82 13.208 56 3368 120,615 5,387 1401...... 59,527 638 15 96 83 14 7411 2'243 922.759 13,6 79 41. 10 47,543 1,114..... 25 102 84 30,183[ 34667 195.214 12,830' 432 330 54 35,578 453 28 44 26 85 98,430 141;34 i 668,210 80,74. 764 1,881 7151 205,677 14,169 8971 58 88 4.146J 6 447 539, 030 14, 620J 129J...... 10J 100, 450] 2,595] 1 42 8 87 270 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. ~g ^ ~ ~. d~0 8 a COUNTIES. j.0 U 9' ~ I 5' I =" ~ O = 12 Callaway........... 25,035 45 9.O215...... 456......... 886,800........ 56,019...... o p 30 13 Camden...... 6,980 3 24......11,800 11,253 14 Cape Girardeau..... 61,693..1, 25..3.. 1. 54.. 32,055........20.081. 15 Carroll............. 1779 300.................... 80 289,869....... 13,668 30 16 Cass................ 2,048 1............................ 5,353.. 18,475...... 17 Cedar.......... 4,277............................... 3,080........ 9,456 18 Chariton............ 3,213 170............2,667,908 15,779.. 19 Clark.............. 5,903 29 955...... 26.......... 700 15,839 26 20 Clay.............. 8,497 1,288 3.900..... 119........ 20,050 41,461 4 21 Clinton....... 6,'276 193'930..... 40.. 6,850. 14,672 5 22 Cole........... 5,129 11.............................. 43 150...... 14 126.. 23 Cooper.............. 835 39 300..................... 127, 800........ 42,292.. 24 Crawford............ 3.165 2,49...... 250........ 44,847. 15.212.. 25 Dade............... 2 862 125 100........................ 10,607........ 12,335.. 26 Dallas............... 12340...... 435.............. 2,050........ 8,903.. 27 Daviess............. 2 962 12.............................. 1,775........ 14.015...... 28 DeKalb.. 1,204 13.............................. 1,000... 9,178.. 29 Dodge............... 1,343..... 7,880 92.......... 1,388.... 4, 092...... 30 D unklin......................................................................... 917...... 31 Franklin.......... 7.249...... 530...... 5..6...... 56,821........19,514.. 32 Gasconade.......... 1,710 60........................ 2,000........ 5,081.. 3;3 Gentry.............. 5,866 6 50........................ 8,117........ 11, 582.. 34 Greene..... 6,385.. 300....................... 63,830........39,216.. 35 Grundy............. 435..... 1,330...... 88...... 26935....11,828.. 36 Harrison........... 896...... 5,5109...... 80........ 900....... 5.466.. 37 Henry.......... 6.981.................................... 30........ 13,689.. 38 Hickory......... 7,385..................... 6,048.. 39 Holt... 94................... 11.607... 40 Howard............ 16,948 904 6,230...... 287. 3,188,12.. 48,590 24 41 Jackson......... 1,44 361....................38,920.. 30,027. 42 Jasper.............. 5 373...... 258........................ 6,163.. 11,775. 43 Jefferson......... 1.185...... 1,519...... 50.......... 800........ 7,503.. 44 Johnson............ 7,670 65.............................. 900........31,589.. 45 Knox. 4,317 7.............................. 200........ 11,076...... 46 Laclede........... 1.192...... 60........................ 7,391.. 6,420 47 Lafayette...6...... 6,807 2,462 50........................ 75,035........32.9925.. 48 Lawrence................................... 1,040....... 11,169.. 49 Lewis.......... 13.535 20 670.................. 15,350........ 19,983.. 50 Lincoln............ 1495 5 5,987...... 391.......... 695,758....... 29,434.. 51 Linn............... 5.621 14 55............... 344,665.. 14,634.. 52 Livingston....... 70 3 9(............... 52.900.. 13,558...... 53 McDonald.......... 1245........................ 4,841 5 54 Macon............ 33,169 2............... 845,110........20.976. 55 Madison............ 7,673 10 9,030 315.......... 2,740....... 10 102...... 56 Marion.......... 18,855 500 4,669... 172.......... 86.190.. 39088...... 57 Mercer............. 5,069...... 2,925..... 100.......... 18. 400....... 8.575...... 58 Miller.......... 5,600 3 160............... 12, 900.. 11.304.. 59 M ississippi................................. 1,050...... 59 Mississippi........1,050. 60 Moniteau........... 7,621 11 2,965 39,550........21,674...... 61 Monroe............ 3.570 10 5,659...... 195 629,412...... 41,102.. 62 Montgomery......... 72] 8 5018........................ 353,865....... 20,696.. 63 Morgan............ 6,099.....'350........................ 850....... 18,343...... 64 New Madrrd........ 2,419. 65 Newton............ 2650 524....................... 14,690....... 7,0691.. 66 Nodaway........... 1,612 5.............................. 2 200........ 7.487.. 67 Oregon............. 50............................................ 01...... 68 Osage............ 1,755 16............................. 99535........13.244. 69 Ozark.............. 84...... 595........................ 6 151........ 4.218...... 70 Perry............... 16...... 1,905 3, 700........ 11,731...... 71 Pettis.............. 2,784 52..1.......................... 1.,300........ 25 516...... 72 Pike.. 10,032 145 4, 950........848.830.. 44,405. 73 Platte......4....... 420 4.355 250...................... 66,000........ 59,786...... 74 Polk.......... 3,68...... 240........................ 1.087.. 17,173.. 75 Pulaski............. 7,545...... 535...... 23.......... 4.780.. 11.894. 76 Putnam............. 865...... 4,261...... 86.......... 2.750........ 2.203. 77 Rails............... 3,370 66 3,195...... 47.......... 18.350........ 29,388. 78 Randolph......... 17368 23 4,171...... 136......... 2,262.796........38.309 1 79 Ray................ 6,802 431 7,640...... 35.......... 516,906.. 27,277 1 80 Reynolds........ 1,305...... 200........................ 1,100.. 2.793.. 81 Ripley.............. 10 833........4,870... 3000. 82 St. Charles........ 2,518 34 40...... 15.......... 210,712..2..... 1,028. 83 St. Clair............ 4,031 1 300...... 5.............. 84 St. Francois........ 4,380 4 2,020...... 145.......... 6.613........ 8,953 85 St. Genevieve.......,525 200 204.43,600.. 4...... 86 St. Louis..... 1,690 116 100 20.......... 10300.. 13.245 1 87 Saline......... 160 1,559..............287533 20583 STATISTICS OF MISSOURI. 271 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES.? -~ I t. SEstablishments.? v^ pU S A P U- - a - ^ 3,037 8,691 372 530 258.807 49,746...... 44,460 71 4...... - 27 12,722 33,122 759,373 195,81710,............15,06............ 628 40,735 102,508 349,320 27,679 1,151...... 41 90,449 5 1369 40...... 1,289 29 21,898 57;289 398,031 90,255 25,030............ 42,867 2560.................. 30 51,762 56,645 329,377 28,909 7,674 1, 112...... 104, 153 5,625............ 2 31 4,204 6,344 310,138 125,160 47,588............ 14,8361 1,562..........| 161 32 84,613 16,245 551,365 79,703 9,381...... 19 101,139 2,716 97 201 448 33 7,042 11,073 268,370 78,418 49,387............ 11,185....................... 34 121,.379 19,041 884,286 40,081 499 40...... 126,675 6,217............ 681 35 15.051 41,688 879,040 108,388 64,774............ 47,915 1,117.................. 36 12,704 46,956 278,2211 13,819 1,657..... 1,190 55.520 558...... 170 387 37 559 42,7161 163,186 16,586 94...... 24 50,478 426...... 104 20 38 2,481 7,606 288.805 106,3'22 37.022............ 14,891 1,083......... 37 39 14,867 12,879:332,525 27,738 4,856... 735 1............ 8240 53.111 138;747 506,491 46,797 8.274 267 34 92,453 4,933...... 5 942 41 5,354 42,818 451,528 201,946 58,698............ 49,874 3,179 15 137 42 2,101 10, 954 235,362 67.629 19,208............ 13,288 1, 183.................. 43 6,718 9,860 322,584 96,389 47,637............ 21,693.................... 50 44 36,256 52,370 274,331 25;680 2,802 52 30 66,751 4,623 130 3 217 45 5,600 36,940 255,262 24,877 2,710...... 23 48,078 232 2 10 467 46 3,687 74,826 225,397 23.014 39...... 106 71,175 721............ 47 2,860 4,215 267,477 125,529 38,307............ 12,06.......................... 48 56,375 91,792 549,162 34,017 10,149 115 10 116,967 2,145...... 5 10 49 22,336 25,892 192,191 29,326 3,695......33,723 194 2 30 150 50 27,828 34, 137 223,476 49.806 8,7 65.......... 41.593 63............ 13]51,028 30,525 324,146 119579 2 6,224............ 30807 2,515 27...... 52 37 2,135 215,488 166,045 54,140............ 1,730 22 8,000............ 53 19.294 23,910 657,951 97,379 67,167... 3322................. 54 523 4,969 233,283 139,870 40,503............ 14,226 1.263 5...... 55 83,338 108,101 459,088 44,423 5,094............ 106,883 1,845 80......1,245 56 19,436 22.2946 624,575 41,511 6752.......... 23,957.............. 230 5,035 57 45,943 12.388 418.355 46,734 10,965............ 23,437 1,565...... 34 517 58 49,802 84;979 259;072 30,401 1.851 30...... 63;593'25 29 444 290.59 9,697 12.188 458,478 174,096 80.477............ 28,375 37 10...... 33 60 83,634 88806 440 086 42 189 2,110 42 216 85,865 3, 971 2 1 1 081 61 14,808 16;511 225,017 59,715 27;658......9...... 136 1,006. 62 1,562 7.870 327,257 140,748 32805............ 42 388 8.............. 63 44.156 105;262 377.604 31,103 1;082............ 78,122 380............ 6821 64 86613 142.365 5406371 29.063 9,535 138 78 92,586 6,837 0..... 239 29,384 81,310 472,335 62 366 7, 568 8 2 94 168 5,058 3i...... 172! 66 2,167 8,467 426,805 242,796 53693.418 2.....,4............ 67 31,267 23,582 203281 23,636 5,366......... 28,388 1,245 16 25 18268 16.004 -48,642 223,000 27,416[ 4,249 4..2..... 47, 800............ 8971 69 25:4121 163,516 552,454 62,612 1,088 13 640 117,355 1,869 4. 3 6591 70 7,952 1,829 149.385 24,430 12,718......7......977 1 21...... 261 1 5~ Y,041 ~884,286 40,0e1 4-99 40I....... 538................. 2 59,856 34,511 39,875, 41,860 5,645......... 65,444 538.......... 72 54.126 80,133 681,391( 180,960 49.436........... 109 142 5,096 5...... 10673 34 474 89,000 349,502 54.086 8563........... 50.304 2245 13....... 74 15,352 2,703 218, 468 55337 3107027........... 23746 1,103 70...... 347 75 1,427 59,427 69,211 2904 1,044...... 3.327 56709 2774...... 21 591 76 13,498 25,733 480,240 162,7292 93,045...........8........... 1628... 17, 77 14,440 85,194 408,150 51,620 11,268...... 178 113,652 593............. 2,806 78 OHIO. 128,904 115,812 767,798 22,783 165 15,050 467 225,033 3,495 8 1,144 85 1 140,580 62,668 288,450 40,273 329 340 1,377 201,861 8,636 320 1,906 248 2 338,718 279,155 446,838 65,310 585 428 11,876 390,794 23,826 1,649 5,469 1,332 3 40,167 195,741 267,209 131,271 1,858 13326 6325 6,195.,868 56.618 5 978 869 361 4 72,146 74.650 443,546 36,775 662 10 7 095 315 472 12,188 3 604 348 5 77,501 72 118 289.544 28,255 471 127, 1959 196,668 8,669 141 857 122 6 3590399 365 359 854:771 57 3 159 9,917 637.487 16 397 8 398 2,508 347 7 92.06 3 183, 1209,485 44413, 1,686273091 0 245 351647 7:220 168 462 371 8 291, 78 3 48930 2737734 92,845 620 57,896 4,771 70 352 10.494 51 874 825 9 163,7550 238, 81 220 7931 44,161........ 13:18,440 312,545 115,71.1 1,301 759 10 225,868 19734, 0 964,609 0 35535 194 1.047, 3,067 432, 548 17,870 1,{ 1,422 4,-382 11 195, 514 124,75 839.576 40,582 541 1457 2,251 403,609 19.09 3907 561 3,725 188,169 261858 1,2 2,511 119:402 2,138 2,2571 5,831 49 3,0 1 13171 64 947 93, 13 110,5 130,475 1,224,517 29.667 385 30 3,487 462,5401 1,945 31 799 755 1.4 311.507 358,549 393804 95,375 286 559112 056 6 638 30 99 592 4172 1,440 15 416;918 205,0 743 897,016 9,605 628 2673 17 495 5 3021 4240 1 74, 1.651 665 16 132, 15 1 35,49201 275,653 26,242 180~ 507 8 5 266 8,9765 16,00 17 5 5;003J 1609 17;, 17O 288 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS..0 U. COUNTIES. f0 ~ 3 * 0 30 10 5 ________ ^ a S oa S f5 E oW 27 Duplin.............. 150 12...... 50 101,302 532 461 16.85... 28 Edgecomb.......... 865.......................... 10, 5 404 3097 16.392 29 Forsv ti............ 14 715.................................... 49,880...... 9,596'...... 30 Franklin......................................................... 300,268 880 7,774;..... 31 Gaston............. 37.......... 7 95 11,238.. 32 Gates.............. 3,179..................... 610.......... 28.847...... 33 Granville............ 10795................... 19 3,420884. 7 22134 20 34 Green.............. 530.... 12,580.. 178 48311.... 35 Guilford............ 16798.............................. 1, 900 600 25,138. 36 Halifax....................................... 1,113 34,885 1,740 16,186...... 37 IHaywood.......... 5,944...... 10.. 1.......... 8,550...... 14, 324 38 Henderson....... 588.............. 15 450...... 11304...... 39 Hertford............ 1,487..................... 427......... 270 10.251...... 40 Hyde..... 1,463.......................... 46,145.......... 3 4,802.... 41 Iredell.. 24,942....................... 40 34,875 1112 17,047...... 42 Johnson............ 1,194....... 9,000 125 753 15,786 3 43 Jone....... 20....., 4......70 70 98 8,355...... 44 Lenoir.. 40.... 94, 130. 185 73831..... 45 Lincoln............. 2,589 2...... 248 1,103 506 8.079..... 46 McDowell.. 7103.......... 1,4801 4,977 1 81051.... 47 Macon.. 85.......... 1.......... 34,710...... 11944...... 48 Martin........2............... 2 365........ 89 10.647...... 49 Mecklenburgh.. 1,520 5.......... 4,219 13213,...... 50 Montgomery........ 3,670......................... 175 6,990 1,456 6, 854...... 51 Moore...................... 6,303 3,500 555 15474:...... 52Nash............. 1,399.................. 4,181 5,338 345 12,85...... 53New Hanover.................. 1,413, 525.......... 3 2, 40...... 54 Northampton........................................ 450 27,100 1,378 8.717...... 55 Onslow.... 1751.......................... 22,505.......... 53 8980...... 56 Orange.............. 14,541................................... 194,275 305 14,90.... 57 Pasquotank......... 35,174.................................................. 5,952 51 58 Perquinmans........ 23,402.............................................. 2 10.089.. 59 Person.............. 4,018.......................... 18 1562,119 18 11776 1 60 Pitt................ 845....71,431 10 171 11,497...... 61 Randolph.. 13,903.... 400 1,915 38 19 609...... 62 Richmond............................................ 10,857 500 3,81 10 89...... 63 Robeson.............................................. 68,280.. 2,299 17,705...... 64 Rockinghamn....... 7,461............................ 908,729... 10,241...... 65 Roan.. 893........40 854..... 10,731 4 66Rutherford........ 2,612 2.............. 4,298 8,162 188 15371...... 67 Sampson............................................ 68,300 100 313 16,63...... 68 Stanley............. 2,624..................... 250 4,609 701 5.541 2 69 Stokes.. 7,779.393106 6364. 70 rr..32,212............43,953 5 71 Tyrrel.............. 4,333......................... 9,056...34............. 1.,. 72 Union...........17......80 641 2,264 18005. 73 W ake.............. 2,625......6................. 6890 14, 820 2,059 18.343 20 74 Warren. 65..................10 2,430,730 165 12273...... 75 W ashington........ 6,019......................... 9,408........ 15 5,423...... 76Watauga........... 10,327...... 10,446 22.. 1,044... 10,197. 77 W a ne............. 600.......................... 36,780 110 335 12.076...... 78 W ikes............. 38,772............................. 5,210 1 19.608..... 79 Yancey............,204.. 6,641 190.... 12,245...... 19,829...... STATISTICS OF 1 Adams....... 1,784...... 11,996...... 817.......... 29,500...... 45546 2 2 Alien............... 845.. 43,860 2,193...............32,87 3 3 Ashland...163,472 4,779............... 205,566 7 4 Ashtbula.......... 3,42...... 260517.. 64........ 31,910...... 135 12 5 Athens........ 7,68 4 28,665. 2,052.. 58,356... 92990. 6 Aulaize........... 45 17 36,746. 1,559.......................... 26,127 41 7 Belmont............ 9,234...... 10,506...... 1,445........ 1,652,598...... 387,666 3 8 Brown............. 3,412 22 6,280........ 1,279,510...... 45,796. 9 Butler............... 405 25 7.592...... 4,035.......... 2,500...... 34,689.. 10 Carroll.......... 13,560 1.......... 8 198,558...... 11 Champaign.......... 515...... 4566...... 1,704 1...... 126 206 47 12 Clark 70......... 603................. 13 Cler ont...... 1,869 3 1,02...... 1 6.......... 184508...... 4714...... 14 Clinton 665... 69,551. 4,906.. 1,460...... 112,897 3 15 Columbiana......... 1......... 49,567...... 4.32.............. 32.5 6 16 Coshocton........... 7,857.. 2269.......................... 174,919...... 17 1 Crawford........... 089..... 41,623 1,916.......................... 108 74] STATISTICS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 289 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MiANUFACTURES.' T - I Establishments. G. -1 ~' - *j=!..^ ^" Ij. ^ ---------------------— * ^ REMARKS. C c~ C Ck C)O,C 10 a 019] 1,593 138397........ 5... 163,980 169 79,193 36. 35......................... 27............ 130...... 40, 440 62 71 83 17.839......................... 30 1.455 67.... 120...... 194,300 208 135,79627.989 Formed 46 from Lincoln. 31 539 87,28........ 87..... 24,400 116 35,990 12,045......................... 9,504 121,201........ 102 18 56,727 138 129 668 28,213...................... 13 5,518 63.729...... 4...... 11000 101 2962514,......................... 65 134,851 363 110...... 89,625 159 154,127 53,94........................ 5 720 131601.....15,000 26 6,270 18,206......................... 2,248 37,953........ 730.................. 30,027......................... 30 32018........7.000 l 2,300 17,941............. 38 2,589 63,445........ 5040...... 25,100 68 41,055 17,67................... 39 5,381 32,77 6........ 194...... 4.775 49 12,5 7 3.734..................... 40 9,817 91.661 70 151...... 53875 116 58,020 55,43 Div.'47 to ormnAlexander. 41 1.05. 108 602..87.955 290 598,380 61 465................. 42 3,040 44, 918 5 30...... 29,285 42 12, 825 8 058............... 1,072 6844........ 825...... 8,500 60 31,2312 14 979 [tawba and Gaston. 41 5033 45629 20 155 44 231,180 327 1754718,062Div.'42 and 46 to form Ca 4 9,804 41,870 574 5 88.275 184 37, 792 15,476 Formed in'42 from Burke 46 46,474 250 270.. 8,710 45 19,120 33,18 and Rnutherford. 17 3,528 665......... 26450 03 41,125 14,005......................... 8 7,316 82 022 47 857 45,950 121 80,750 17, 624 Div.'42 to form Union. 49 5,;835 33,854 53 23...... 49,250 134 59,025 15,741 Divided since 1840 to form 50 2,195 48 970................ 100 4,750 9 12795 20,956 Stanley. 51 1,086 87,579 14,100....... 17,075 57 87,11.2 30,244........................ 5 1,000 6273 1,335................ 593250 922 1,409,568 137...................... 5 5,569 114,76251...... 1,7 4900 51 9,448 14,183.........................54 6,681 71,557 100 10 45 166,400 186 238,750 11,264......................... 5 2,084 86467........ 20...... 37,400 5 63,645 44,202 Div. 49 to form Alaiane. 56 2,023 52,640.... 35... 41,500 96 64,900 10,715......................... 57 635 55308................... 15,835 29 19.650 12,617......................... 58 3,423 61 490 5 124 43,355 74 53,040 24,30......................... 59 6,621 109.164 150 87 613 46.755 125 64,563 33,454..................... 60 7,26 83.584 62 32...... 279,395 38 274,576 27,366......................... 61 2, 766 63408......6 O 108 60,000 60 37.000 16,048......................... 62 1,450 101, 505................ 40 14,800 117 32,523.37,348..................... 63 33 64,598...................... 120,663 407 194,569 23,24................. 6 595 83 277 57 210 8.190,535 496 339.349 37.658................. 65 15,083 78,31 8 5 6,113.. 65, 000 121 63 044 33.486 Div. 42 to forn McDowell. 66 205 3790. 10 89,300 163 52 980 26.925 [llontgomnerv. 67 13,549 89 44............. 26,227 26 13,079 21510 Forme since 1840 fo' 6 25607 44,213...................... 56310 168 60.520 16 2261Div.'49 to form Forsytlh 9 31,356 91,668 3,585 70...... 123,455 168 99979 40 0371......................... 70 16.613 24 526........ 12 480 34:900 266 68915 6, 381.................. 1,918 69,16........ 5139. 19,470 74 33 073 729, 05' Formed i42 from Merklen- 72 231 163 803 27 55...... 161,350 265 02,903 57.218 burgh and Anon. 73 5,244 90:562...55,229 86 108,2992792.5 12,641 51,220 50 1992 6,110 83,295 200 78,630 21 129 [Yarcey and Caldwell 75 13,031 22,078... 2,408..... 10000 16 4,50017392 For. i49 frmi Ashe,Wilkes, 75 4,380 148,183 20 106 50 75,300 234 168.629 26,893 [exandemr anid Wataua. 77 48,837 73564 7 85...... 3.150 12 8515 9.148 Div.'47 and 49 to form Al- ]? 15,740 48938 12,055 5,508...... 5,800 20 9455 64,279 Div 49 to form Wata. 79 OHIO. 7,039 94262 40 582...... 55.104 11.8 132,532 30097....... 1 4,039 36.356 91 2,266 38 56,430 115 152, 1.3514,703 Div. 1848 to form Auglaize. 2 6,034 93`,804 146 8,565 76 68:600 194 198,300 23.974 Formed'46 from.Richland, 3 31.076 110.669 139 11:341 4 314,575 619 622,587 2784 Wayne, Huron &Lorain.1 4 9,983 75.551 5,029 6, 99....... 185,350 214 170,6171 283251Div. 1850 to form Vinton. 5 3,58 4 41 4i7 10 15973 3152.22 1' 8.977 Formed'48 from Allenand 6 21 94 179,445 7 6102 1:452 4 1 0 250,726 543 714,510 25,482 Mercer. 7 6:558 1767 2.018 3:318 1.420 188. 045 283 394469 28 531......................... 8 4,795 380,255 3,8661 16 070 2,689 48469t 928 1,057.780 15.320..... 9 5315 69.874....... 4975...... 52,650 97 95,950 12:441......................... 10 1.578 10 16. 2 3 7251 8 240.9501 294 397834 192......................... 111 237 06 1,09 11141 371,033 577 810:714.........................12 10393 197.654 983 13 28 3,298 359.178 735 1.0128692300..................... 13 15241 18699 6 10: 01 60 130 233 210,16720,913.........................14 8,518 121693 3.6721 16,021 74 41,739 693 1,059. 7721 14, 914 iv'46 to form Mahoninm.. 15 22,49 110,99 280 18401 6 23.5 92 84490943,251................. 16 8265 4. 7,211....... 3239 2 12,9001 191 16 700 16, 187 Div.'45 to form WyaMd ott. 17 19 290 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. CODNTIES. - --- ---- ---- --; - ---- - --- Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 18 Cuyahoga...........24, 358 23,38 47,740 359....... 24,538 23561 48,099 26,50 19 Darke............. 10,310 9,718 20,028 248........ 10,440 9,836 20,276 13,28 20 Defiance............ 3,629 3,318 6,947 19........ 3,640 3.326 6,966.......... 21 Delaware.......... 11,163 10,519 21,682 135........ 11,232 10,585 21,817 22,060! Eric............... 9,573 8.793 18,366 202........ 9,687 8,881 18,568 1,599 23 Fairfield........... 15,254 14730 9,984 280........ 15,387 14,877 30,264 3,924 24 Fayette............ 6,388 6,047 12,435 291........ 6,536 6,190 12,726 10,984 25 Franklin....~......... 1,860 19.442 41,302 1607........22,671 20,238 42,909 25,049 26 Fulto............... 4,103 3677 7,780 1........ 4,104 3,677 7,781......... 27 Gallia.............. 8.155 7,710 1.5,865 1,198........ 8,786 8,277 17,063 13,444 28 Geauga............ 9;040 8.780 17,820 7........ 9.044 8783 17,827 16,297 29 Greene........... 10,873 10419 21292 654........ 11194 10,752 21,946 1.7,5 30 Guernsey........... 15.248 15,022 30,270 168........ 15.325 15113 30,438 27,7748 31 HIamilton............ 80,912 72,3322 153,244 3,600........ 82643 74,201 156,844 80,1451 32 Hancock.......... 8549,176 16,725 26........ 8,564 8,187 16,75 9 986 33 Hardin............ 4, 303 3,934 8,237 14....... 4,311 3,940 8,251 4.598 34 Ha-rison.......... 10 114 9,756 19.870 287....... 10,64 9 893 20,157 20,09 35 Henry............. 1,867 1,567 3,434................ 1,867 67 3,434 2503 36 Highland............ 12,605 1280 24.885 896........ 13,063 12,718 25,781 22,269 37 Hocking............ 7,121. 6,881 14,002 117........ 7.192 6,927 14,119 91741i:38 Iolmes.......... 10,420 10,027 20,447 5........ 10,424 10,028 20,452 18,088| 39 Huron.............. 13 638 12,526 26,164 39........ 13,660 12.543 26,203 23,933 40 Jackson............ 6322 6,006 12, 328 391........ 6,515 6'204 12,719 9,744! 41 Jefferson.......... 1421 2 14.256 28468 665....... 14.525 14,608 29,133 25,0301 42 Knox............. 14 27 14,083 28,810 62....... 14,759 14,113.28,872 29,579j 43 Lake............... 7,414 7202 14.616 3........ 7,439 7,215 14,654 13,7191 44 Lawrence.......... 7.805 7115 14,20 326............. 7,961 7,285 15,246 9,73 45 Licking.............19,621 19.097 38,718 128........19,691 19,155 38,846 35.096 46 Logan.............. 9,711 8915 18,626 536....... 9,983 9,179 19,162 14;015 47 Lorain............. 13,508 12314 25822 264...... 13,641 12.445 26,086 18,467i 48 Lucas............ 6:491 5.727 12,224 139........ 6,578 5;785 12,363 9,382i 49 Madison........... 5,087 4,850 9,937 78.... 5,128 4.887 10015 9,25. 50 Mahoning........... 12.05 11,594 23,645 90........ 12,105 11,630 23,735......... 51 Marion.............. 6,396 6.201 12,597 21........ 6,409 6,209 12,618 14,7651 5 Medina............. 12:607 11;799 24,406 35........ 12,625 11816 24,441. 18352 53 Meigs.............. 9,104 8.815 17,919 52........ 9131 8,840 17,971 131,4521 54Mercer........... 3,807 3506 7,313 399........ 4,014 3,698 7,712 8,277 55 Miami............. 12.481 11,916 24,397 602...... 12,795 12,:204 24,999 19,688 56 Monroe........... 14393 13,889 8,282 69........ 14,433 13,918 28,351 18',521 57 Montgomery...... 19,458 18,511 37,969 249........ 19,564 18,654 38,218 31,938! 58 Morgan.......... 14.571 13.924 28,495 90........ 14,615 13,970 28,585 20,852! 59 Morrow............. 10.278 9984 20,262 18........ 10,286 9,994 20,280.. 60 Muskingu......... 2058 2,360 44,418 631........22,363 22.686 45,049 38,749 61 Ottawa............. 1,803 1504 3,307 1........ 1,804 1,504 3,308 2,248 62 Paulding......... 961 804 1,765 1........ 962 804 1,766 1, 0341 63 Penrry............. 10;375 10,371 20,746 29........ 10,392 10.383 20,775 19,344 64 Pickaway.......... 10.521 10,073 20,594 412....... 10,736 10,270 21,006 19.725 65 Pike.......... 5:33 4,997 10,335 618....... 5,672 5,281 10,953 7,626 66 Portage............ 12,426 11,935 24,361 58...... 12,459 11960 24419 2,9,65 67 Preble.............. 11094 10,565 21,659 77.... 11,136 10, 21,736 19,482 68 Putnam............. 3,; 810 3.400 7,210 11........ 3,817 3,404 7,221 5.189 69 Richland........... 15 1740 15. 072 30,812 67........ 15,773 15,106 30,879 44532 70 oss............... 263 14,905 30168 1 906.... 1620 15,872 32, 074 27,460 71 Sandusky......... 7,413 6845 14,258 47....... 7,440 6,865 14. 305 10.1821 72 Scioto...............590 18,217 ~ 211......... 9,737 8,691 18.428 11, 192i 73 Seneca.............. 1400 12,948 269.53 151..... 14,068 13.036 27,104 18 1281 74 Shelby............... 7,029 6522 13.551 407... 7,248 6710 13,958 12,154 75 Stark............... 20.334 19385 39,719 159........ 20,402 1.9,476 39, 34603 76 Summit............. 14. 117 13,247 27,364 121........14,171 13,314 27485 2,560 77 Trumbull.............381 15,044 30425 65.. 15,414 15.076 30490 38.107 78 Tuscarawas...... 16.205 15,467 31.672 89........16 256 15.505 31761 25 631 79 Union............... 6,854 12, 07 28........:283 5921 12,2 84 422 80 Van Wert......... 2,456 2,290 4746........ 2,481 2,312 4,793 157 81 Vinton..... 4:730 4,516 9.246 107........ 4,778 4,575 9, 153.... 82 Warren 61,796 12162 24.954 602....... 13,082 12,478 25,560 23141 3 Washlinton.........14,931 14,219 29,150 390........15,124 14,416 29,540 20,821I 84 Wavne............ 16,8731 080........16,00 32,953 216890 16,091 32,981 35808! 85 Williams......... 4.287 3731 8:018.............. 4, 287 3,731 8,018 4 465 86 Wood............. 4737 4402 9139 18.... 4.748 4,409 9,157 5,357! 87 Wyandott........... 5,756 5,389 11451 49. 5,784 5,410 11,194.......... STATISTICS OF OHIO. 291 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUC&TION AND RELIGION..Born out of State. Colleges, ca- Public Schools.. emies, and pri- Z --------. vate schools. O t 0 t0 lr)0 S-) (*l Q fo ^ <; PLM 4 921:811 46 690 178 1.331 105,003 5123..... 56 1 72 474:73-7 2,38,8176 632. 879 102 480 518 1430 3.194 96 32 2 5,580 15I 6,471 37 73 89 109 1 284 439798 20,5.36 4 555 26569...... 670 6,06574 590.594 430283 578, 171 1 2452 215 13, 06110279 121 893 41746 58 5.293 2.107 75 325:664112 237:.533 365,762 100 391' 2,846 3,013Jo. 136 1927.51 37793 26, 812 I. 628 76 11068 21553 302906 137 995 541 280i24, 960 5.563 055n 64. 116 221' 9131 7873 77 350 773 295.1788 40, 761 27 502 21 2,044115:552'507: 948 18'52'3 40' 3,2591:464 78.26:;563 92,106 624 898 30936 437'467 8. 26 457747 16 69 1,70'269'16 79 319)0 16, 130 67 175 9 433 4 25 686 83,406 2371...... 330 51 80 27097 45:440.249:99 17, 347 729...... 2 926 14,703 6357 4c 152 36181 251:606 261:812 1.886, 836 73,15: 94623,415 6:100 622,614 14,201 1 9,9 11 827913' 79615 133.559'474,464 119 550 2,901 107|14,238 3S2 167 12.045 4 752'37i 83 571.377 439 91.6 627 460 110,590 238 1 887115,449 1,040,398 41,7,22 1]32C 8,801 1,732 84 84:322 37,782 105,922 15.882 276 38 1,559 91,443 4,431 32 35o0 485 36 933 56,971 171,285 37,86 13 6713,67 160962 8,982...... 2051...... 75,447 67,3928 349,094 29,34 439 363 6803 20798 10,165 136 1,60 174 87 294 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 0 C1 COUNTIES. C 0 18 Cuyahoga........... 370....... 70,116.......396........ I'....... 2,915 1 Daerke............ 489 47,756 4791 7132...... 61,132 20 Defiance......... 4...... 14 658...... 583........................ 5 311...... c Delaware........... 180.... 106,062...... 2.320.......3.......... 064 22 Erie................ 190...... 7,067......'122......................... 156,536...... 23 airfield............ 5,009...... 41,557..... 3,220........ 118,328...... 113596...... 24 Fayette.............. 1,004...... 657 93........ 5...... 98,358 25Franklin.. 1..........,329 16 26,763..1,08.....90 587...... I I 1 0 90,.587... 26 Fulton.. 31............ 315 41,531...... 705........................ 27,578...... 7 Gallia.............. 6,060...... 6,853334........................ 40 576 50 28 Geauga............. 330...... 349314...... 2,090........ 200...... 184,719. 29 Greene......... 178...... 53,622....... 3,245........................ 112,063..... 0Guernsey........... 20,775 20 8,279......1.187... 1,738,131......178,267 2 31 lHamilton.......................... 1,015......'604................ 18.619...... 3-2 Hancock............ 4,374...... 106,33...... 5.373........9................ 53,404..... Hardincock........7...50..4404 3...... 33 64ardin.......... 19,726. 4 Harrison......... 10,764...... 14,550......2,369......... 306,16...... 35 Henry............... 484..... 20,537.......2,769...... 3 Highland........... 3,108 20 7,608......2.458........ 1,13083.92 5 37 Hocking.......... 17310...... 1,588........ 2,887...... 37 Holmes............ 8,555 5 48,502...... 240.... 138,633 17 39 uron..............628 2 104.659. 459........ 137...... 255,134...... 40 Jackson...... 3,681..... 6,226. 266...... 640..... 40,416...... 41 Jefferson............ 46505,016...... 1,206...........334,030...... 42 Knox.............. 3410...... 117,058...... 4,738........ 65 00...... 231,318 210,3 Lake............... 884...... 79,345...... 1,491.................. 142,779...... 44 Lawrence.......... 303...... 250...... 18........7,405...... 45 378, 5. Licking 64,76..... 2,246............... 338,245 1 46 Logan........... 6... 162, 9......6.643........................ 88,258...... 47 Lorain........ 58 1 142,899.'889........................ 262,500...... 48 Lucas.40..... 4 0i5,375.... 24........................ 20,321...... 49 Madison... 0.......3 670...... 320....... 96...... 12,696...... 50 M ahoning........... 42,551...... 72,709...... 5,958........................ 288,010...... 51 M arion.......... 1,845.... 37 166...... 2,037........................ 126,595 14 52 Medina.......... 32,150 5 238,641......2.156........................ 306,602...... 53 M eigs.............. 5,880...... 11464...... 405........ 190...... 44,142 54 M ercer............. 2881268488...... 12.684...... 729........................ 11,656 55 Miami........ 2268...... 34,806. 6,033.....22500 71,430 215 53 Monroe.............. 19,593...... 24682......1,660. 3681,705...... 70,696...... 57 Montgomery......... 11.... 67,234... 64519... 53813.... 59 Morrow......... 1,611...... 111,501......3,339....................... 134,995. 60 Muskingu n.. 6,535...... 5.661...... 1,214........ 5,000...... 194.866 5 61 Ottaw a............. 100...... 5,040...... 115........................ 19,326 62 Pauldin............ 50...... 157360............... 31721 4 63 Perry............ 7430.... 38,747..... 3,225.......526 64 P askg r........... 690...... 673 64 awa......690.............................. 73,983 65 Pike................ 5,768...... 14,593...... 501........................ 23,47 1'.. 60 Portage.5,883. 176...... 550......295,069. 67 Preble.............. 989...... 23558...... 3,286........ 50...... 72,151 165 68 Putnam.............. 785...... 31,19...... 1,046........................ 15,23 69 Richland............ 4 97...... 132,239...... 6.869.194,573 8 70 Rioss................ 960...... 35 1701...... 4................ 61.964 15 71 Sandusky..... 212...... 38,609...... 1,01.................. 67061 72 Scioto....50.. 16903..0.23,516......... 23,5169. 73 Seneca.............. 904 4 68,317...... 2,197....................... 202,181. 74 Shelby.............. 453...... 10,781 387......1.. 8747.534 72 75 Stark...............10.890.,18...... 1 23.3006.. 275,664. 76 Summit............ 65,173...... 58,647. 175.00 268. 971 77 Trumbull........... 17,746 6 145,955...... 4,873........ 33...... 208,055 13 780 Tuscarawas......... 500...... 30,614......2,144........ 68,096...... 176,200 47 79 Union............ 1275...... 193,842...... 1 89........................ 62,233. O Van We...........5..... 0.....35,0......5 81 Vinton.....6.... 22......1 05 10......0 1,052..... 33,788.6. 82 Warren........ 310...... 81,06.... 8 10......7233... 23516006...... 7865 120 83 Washington.........9, 9 09 8 7...... 19,072. 597. 540,392. 95,066 2 84 Wayne.............. 5,240.... 159,41 016......7.. -85 W illiSar s...... 44,077.2551..... 7....... 5.......7........ 5 4 768 /i!!i755. 606.12,154. 86 W ood............... 175........7.....18..,54 4........... 189544.3 87 Wyandott........,500...... 2101......96,173 80~~~~~ ~ ~ ~.~ 1t,45 10 9 34 ~ STATISTICS OF OHIO. 295 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. S? ^ ~~. "Establishments. *,=!*..5^ ^^ - ------ a REMARKS. c o s o 9,29 3 l~ 4i1,. 9. 9,219 $ 141,209 23 967 $ 12. 473 346 0 542,960 876 883.924 12,279......................... 18S 10035 8,385 155 4,000 233......................."... 42,577 [liams, Henry & Paulding. 19 4,860 15, 026 42 2047 49 55,405 79 102, 154 2,305 Formed in 1845 from Wil- 20 3,73 72.954 1.56 1376...... 31,550 311 233,285 21.895 Divided in 1848 to form 21 10,174 66,997 2,430 9,334 500 327,390 393 550,540 4,600 Morrow. 22 11 069 114.879 661 10,257...... 293,075 458 714,667 30,352......................... 23 1,122 f52 071 135 3, 052...... 34,950 80 63.790 18,594......................... 24 6,002 145,151 6,928 10,726 96 985,470 1,886l 1,739,774 28,943 [Henry and Williams. 25 15,648 28, 164........ 3,585...... 38,765 61 60,305 9,133 Formed in'50 from Lucas, 26 23,694 54,833 121 232 32 166,500 159 158,000 19,512Divided in 1850 to form 27 9,737 62,815........ 3,177 5 49,175 95 87.322 9,556 Vinton. 28 9,420 121.352 689 25,314 15 418,693 501 769 606 10;973......................... 29 17,530 101,029 53 922,024 6 98,687 187 251,175 37.659......................... 30 5,943 194.6402 91,186 26,245 35,284 7,426,716 15,638120,790,743 30,994 [Wyandott. 31 8,679 55,457 10 4,088 5 58,875 91 144,847 28,970 Divided in 1845 to form 32 15,2 32,379........ 7,710...... 42,50 84 67,900 10,815 Divided in 1845 to form 33 16,728 85,188........ 18,204...... 88.660 181 156,712 20,23 Wyandott. 34 3.950 13.088 64 706...... 28,885 53 4,535 2,209 Div.'45 48,'50 to form De- 35 1293 106,301........ 3, 722...... 174,161 36 370,642 33,726 fiance, Morrow & Fulton. 36 1,930 41,468........ 2.23...... 27.505 45 31,555 22,717 Div. 1850 to form Vinton. 37 9,`522 84,690 445 9,258 1131 102.895 2 54 918,794 35,9.........................38 24,431 104,149 418 10,928 104 472,025 805 1011,561 28,864 Div.'46 to form Ashland. 39,038 38,037 101 837 40 201,400 394 30,549 20,289 Div. 1850 to form Vinton. 40 15,828 143,279 6.255 16,867 51 704,120 1.525 1,996704 16,693......................... 41 8,77 90,567 27 8.115 451150 793126 15,151....................... 42 14845 78,57 5,853 7313 60 367,535 701 603,074 35,648......................... 43 2015 17996........ 650...... 835,900 1,251 716,988 4,786.............. 44 7, 459 155.567 4,466 5.285 266 458,982 1,158 981,665 35,659.........................45 4,382 91;654 82 4449 20 156,950 194 399,700 25,990.......................... 46 17,409 92.231 37 8.614 2 129,300 199 225,086 11,764 Div.'46 to form Ashland. 47 10,213 25,432 80, 2,610 36 271,700 497 771,175 2,715 1Div. 1850 to form Fulton. 48 10213 41278 5 4.507...... 31,256 113 65,225 12,171 [and Columbiana. 49 lo~s! rl~ars.5 1.507....... 1,261 JI 65;3-13 49 4,399 109,705 5 3,872...... 379,046 579 536,400 19,587 Formed'46 from Trumbull 50 13,821 37,127 30 4,165 84 24,750 63 46,855 10,869 Divided in'45 &'48 to form 51 15,144 93,699 37 14.,84 6 108,382 270 247.936 26,699 Wyandott and Morrow. 52 5, 026 49,966 280 12; 59...... 22,540 567 446,770 21,046.......................... 53 2,549 95, 300 140 813...... 13,850 19 20,2920 4,620 Divided in 1848 to form 54 4,627 113,464 2,158 6, 773 5 708,865 643 934,446 15,934 Auglaize. 55 20391 80,978 20 6,637 283 49,867 86 93,611 33,759.................... 56 2,308 127836 448 10813 665 1,049,139 1,477 2,002,076 2,146......................... 57 16,626 82,775'207 10,4871...... 359,349 350 618,002 36,838......................... 58 7,485 52,275 10 1,769...... 80,830 108 141,290 21,690 Formed in 1848 from Ma- 59 21,815 143,489 9.983 29,483...... 976,6521,826 1,887,386 49,229 rion, Delaware, Henry 60 4,630 10,951 50 183...... 28,200 58 42,175 2,611 andRicland 61 10 4,65 25 363...... 8,500 14 7,850 596 Divided in 1845 to form 62 8, 325 51,091 6 4,919 3 44,625 53 111,205 2-2,771 Defiance. 63 5,693 83,515 10 6673...... 102,215 304 272,352 18,568......................... 64 4,191 37,109 323 2,751 94 77,000 130 247,488 14,824......................... 65 15,046 82, 873 249 15.6791...... 208,925 376 470,350 15,101......................... 66 5,003 04,588 50 11679...... 221,150 98 465,1731 26,9831....................-..... 67 1,445 2,870........ 974...... 17,875 38 43,450 8,602 [Ashland and Morrow. 68 9, 01 104, 262 888 8.700 9 255,642 384 418,540 29,221 Divided'46 and'48 to form, 69 19,236 89,892 4,841 6;229 300 814,317 759 1,211,769 22,994 Divided in 1850 to form 70 7,098 56,241 2,874 1,865 60 90,580 150 158,785 15,866 Vinton. 71 4,445 49,365 5.011 1,470 170 728,800 1,117 907,858 15,424......................... 72 5,504 130,461 3,605 7,861 9 250,520 630 703,461 41,7111......................... 73........ 60,529.. 2,478 181 55,975 91 80,200 3,741......................... 74 5,833 156,805 465 14,703 5 401,8591,01 1,207,914 13,107......................... 75 14,943 111,663 1.586 17,548 48 839.8961 1,99 1,833,206 15,977......................... 76 12,448 142,839 284 8,558 10 257,153 535 489,766 23,669 Divided in 1846 to form 77 12,163 88,617 111 10,312 646 559,108 522 740,1522 26,910 Mahoning. 78 5,359 37,360........ 2886 5...... 26,385 47 44,405 20,378......................... 79 1,940 9,773 38...... 21,50 30 52:300 2,928......................... 80 3,429 26,712 25 1,26..... 34,945 49 62,308 19,969 Formed in'50 from Athens. 81 7,455 301,160 3.810 18.587 165 508,930 671 1,044,812 33';415 Gallia, Hocking,Jackson 82 9,60 85; 522 1,309 6 258 93 236,688 483 492,368 34,960 and Ross. 83 5,219 158, 291 108 37.707 44 384,670 994 906,434 25,025 Div.'46 to form Ashland. 84 559 25551........ 278 8 46,635 68 08 7,226 Div.'45 and'50 to form 85 9 355 33,885 5 4,560 3 11.900 49 24,820 5,779 Defiance and Fulton. 86 10,898 -267 32 2,193. 46:965 8 77,930 10,130 For.'45 from Crawford,Ma- 87 rion, lHardin & Hancock. 296 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES, MTale. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. i Adam........... 12,581 12,845 25, 46 555..... 12,841 13140 25,981 23.044 2 Allegheny....... 68,9086 65,873 134,859 3,431.... 70, 637 67.65 3 138.90 81.235 3 Arnstrong.... 15.117 14,314 29 431 129.... 155.180 14.380) 29.560 28;365 4 Beaver.............13,383 13061 26,444 245 6....... 13,50593,184 29,36 Bedford............ 11617 11,020 22.637 415........ 11825 27 29 35 6 Berks............ 38.425 38,154 76579 550........ 16 38413 77 129 64,569 7-Blair.............. 11,059 10,458 21,517 60.... 11.181 10 596 21,777.......... Bradford............ 22, 140 20,494 42,634 197........2,242 20,589 42.831 32,7691 9 Bucks............ 27,559 26810 54,369 1 2........28,400 27 691 55,5091 48,1_07 j0 Butler.............. 15,49 14.833 3026 84........15,476 14870 30, 34 22, 378 1I Cambria........... 9 2 8 359 17 645 128........ 9.348 8, 4 17, 773 11256 12 Carbon............ 8669 6:987 15:65 3........ 884 7.802 1568.... 13 Centre..............11784 11,328 23 243........ 11906 11449 23355 20,42 14 Chester.............307631 30,452 61215 5,223..... 33,414 33 024 66 438 57,515 15 Clarion.............. 12,5 11,193 23,448 11........ 314 11251 23 5.......... 16 Cleariield........... 6,709 5,773 1,482 104........ 6,758, 828 1-2586 7, 8:34 17 Clinton.............. 5,740 5, 15 11,055 15...... 5 825 5 382 1107 8, 323 18 Columbia............. 8,977 8630 17.607 1039........ 026 8684 17,10 24,267 19 Crawford.. 19,353 18 397 37750 99........19403 18,446 849 31,724 20 Cumberland.........16,502 16,868 33 370 957 6:966 17,361 34.3-7 30, 953 21 Dauphin......... 1.7,473 17 003 34 476 1,278 18,077 17,67 35, 54 30,118 22 Delaware........... 11548 11 574 23,122 1557 12,328 12.351 24,679 19, 91 23 Elk................ 1,888 1,641 3 529........ 1,890 1,641 3531.......... 24 Erie............. 9.693 18900 38, 593 149........19,773 18.969 38 42 31 344 25 Fayette.............. 18 1872 18,721 37.443 1,669..... 19,560 19 552 39 112 33,574 26 Franklin........... 18,876 19,080 37 956 1,948........19800 20, 104 39,904 37,793 27 Fulton.............. 839 3635 7,47 93.... 3 874 3,693 56 28 Greene.............. 11,028 10:63 21 660 476........ 1,270 0,86 2,136 19,147 29 Huntingdon..... 12,685 11766 24.451 335........12,857 1129 24,786 35.484 30 Indiana........... 13,467 13,449 26916 54........ 13607 13: 563 27,10 20782 31 Jefferson........... 7,029 6,395 13,42.4 94........ 7 079 6439 13518 7253 32 Juniata.......... 6, 472 6,426 12,898 131. 6.6,537 6: 492 3:0209 11,080 33 Lancaster.. 47, 89 47,,471 95330 3,614........49,700 49,244 98944 84,203 34 Lawrence.......... 0.667 10280 20947 132........ 10,749 10 30 21,079.......... 35 Lebanon........... 13118 12,867 25. 985 86.... 13:165 1290 26071 21,872 36 Lehigh............ 16,468 15.963 32 431 48. 16:49 17598 32, 49 25, 787 37 Luzerne..........29,465 26 34 55.699........29,669 26,403 56.072 44006 38 Lveoming.......... 13154 1 736 25, 90 367 1..... 3,338 1919 26,257 22,649 39 McKean........... 2,772 2,446 5,218........ 2,789 246 5.254 2,975 40 Mrcer............. 16,719 16162 32,881 291........ 16,875 16,97 33,172 3873 41 Mifflin.............. 7425 7145 14,570 410........ 7,6312 7,348 14,980 13,092 42 Monroe............. 68 6,28 13 170 100.... 6,90 6.32 13,270 9, 87)9 43 lMo~teo~ery......29: 286 28. 148 57 434 857........29,703 28,588 58 291 47,241 44 Montour............ 6, 689 6.466 131 84........ 6727 6,512 13,239.......... 45 Northnampton.......20, 61 1 19: 738 40: 099 136........20,428 19, 807 40,9 35 40,996 46 Northumberland.....11,499 11681 23: 180........11,549 11,72,272 20, 07 47 Perry............... 169 9:784 19 95 3510, 84 08 17096 48 Philadelphia...... 187, 956 201045 389.001 19........196 391 21:371 408 72) 258, 037 49 Pike............ 3,098 2,5 94 5692 189........ 3,192 689, 3832 50 Potter............. 3,5 2,86 6,042 6'........ 3,179 869 04 30,371 51 chuylkill......... 31351 28 954 6030 408........31 560 29 15, 6, 13 29, 053 52 Somerset............12,313 1 2,004 24: 317 99........12,372 12, 044 24, 41 6 19, 650 53 Sullivan............. 81 1,80 3, 83 11........,1, 81.0 13.694.......... 54 Susquehanna...... 14, 764 13 764 28 28 160........14,848 13: 8 28. 688 21195 55 Tioga.......12,443 11.446 23: 889 98........12,494 11493 23 987 15,498 56 Union....13, 078 12, 904 25: 982 101. 13 131 1 2. 952 26 083 2787 57 Venandgo.... 9,506 8, 764 18 270 40........ 9,526 8 i 310 17,900 58 Warren.........41 1393....6.... 48 13,671 9278 59 Washington.....21,746 21 634 43. 380 1. 559........ 22,520 22,419 44 9039 41.279 60 Wayne............. 11758 1008 21841 49........,787 10,103 21.89'0 11,848 61 Westorland......26867 24413 51280 446........27,099 24627 51726 42,69 62 Wyomingr.......... 648 002 10650 5...... 653 500 10,655.......... 63 York............... 28,379 27,946 56,325c 1,125.. 28,925 28,525 57,450 47,010 STATISTICS OF ristol........... 4,086 4.117 8,203 311........ 4,257 4,257 8,514 6,47 29 Kent............ 7,222 7617 14,839....... 7, 327 7, 741 15, 08 13,08 5'2 Someriseto 69J 10 O007 161874 3 Newport.......... 9,309 9,916 19225 782697 10,3 20,007 1687 Providence.........41 811 43,897 85,708 1,818........4631 44.895 87952 58,07 5 Washington......... 7,92 7,988 15.900 530....... 8,166 8, 16,430 14,32 STATISTICS OF PENNSYLVANIA. 297 NATIVITIES, DWVELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Born out of State. Colleges, Pad-ublic Scools. clulec, antid11 Public Schoolsi ____ vate schools. — c': I Ig ~ -=1 iI I tQ I 1| 1, 170 7"31 4.385 4.600 249.10.000j 6, 49 $13, 658 423,658 6,0'27 9. 71 1,066 18, 850 1 7.494 3..44i,22,551 245 278 3.623 40 749,19664 105,841 146,590 24.04091 46. 971 3,824 97,822 2 4 3:00 5,052 5.124'135 901 6,477 13.586 14.506 6.379 11.375/'974 21.541 3 1 965 3101 4 56 4 4.687 32 3,78 8199 13,783 17.581 7084 9 954 3 23618 4 7'1' 589 3,896 3.987 52 500 5.227 10.414 10,914 5: 33-2 8. 9366 5 65 15025/ 5 56 6,9 93 13,932 1,295 4 13 66 42 47(.399 15.423 28,6942164,27933 6 617 1.7734 3,1 8461 190 2,500 69249 12,684 15.184 4877 8. 32 1 05 7 20,8007 81.91 2 800 7,)9! 7.516 250 2,310 333 13.078 15,388 11.437 16.300 9 17,750 8 2,648 3.'291 975710,299 383 4502 9,278 365421 41,044 12998 19026 984 44, 60 9 419 3820 5.2054 5. 323 113........ 6.395 13572 1357 851 11.65 606 74 0 4)26 3.264 28 098 3.073 30 67 4,070 10.403 10,40 3695 6,718,034 13.00 11 403 4,514 2 541 2,650 150 7501 2,200 8:987 9,737 498 1 5154 1,11 14:1951 12 250 7 3,936 4,000 57 3651 3.353 9 808 10,173 5,800 9194 1,173 2 02800 13 3279 4.10011.58011,859 1,34 04711 360 45,768 127815 15647 21.998 1.,453 58:045 14 414 3.827 4:008 4,082............ 3,267 4 650 4,650 5,5 05 8:951. 594 1802 15 427 1,002 2 157 29160 50 630 21810 6:371 7:0001 2 0:59 4, 69 90 8:180 16 427 566/ 1,930 1 936.............. 1,724 7,491 7:492 2 42.5 4:30 205 4: 00 17 491. 3739 2:924 3,091 0 960 6O 4.558 7,743 8 703 4.816 68890 1 8 9. 49 2.186 6:592 6.682 707 11,99ii 91796 15,700 027:691 10:023 14,858' 26 6495 1]9 665 878 6:0021 6:239 264 10,6401 8,888 21:612 3 255 2 8:59 7 12383 1,241,10 20 7541 1,830 6: 033 6:463 76 7:200 6,23 22:088 29:'88 8483 12. 8541 1,631 365 21 1,820) 4384438 118 4.-20651 303 25;555 9,995 17,640 43,195 5: 142 8:3'20 68 18,? 22 400 177'641 3'652.........'415 1,584 1.584 634 1195 195 700 23 12,950 4.652 6.825 7,078!" 375 3.357 9,393 21,586 21:.943 11. 435 14:613 716 94. 750 24 3,792 1,2130 6.597 6,629 168 18 950 8:741 19,239 38189 8.574 14 581 1169 34610 5 2,961 1 558 6,690 6.989 5 3744 8579 19 64 2513 9206 14':331 I'989- 2':215 26 403 271 1,333 1374....... 560 708 2,708 1 86 870163 2, 000 127 1,745t 180 3,777 3 782' 148 1,923 4,257 10, 10 1-2,6:33 5:079 8,;596 1,102 8 905 975 4,298 4:386 136 1.860 59025 1:247 16,107 5276 9,131 57 2065029 437 1. 435 4,644 4 656 57 300 5:271 11,265 11.565 5,975 10,612 42C6 2:3001 30 969 996 2,253 2,307 80 300 2:837/ 8,616 8.916 2,5735 5; 234 373 7:COOi 31 64 18 2,168 2,198 60 3,000 2:000 4,100 7,100 3,708 5,170 11 6 32 104 7,o o o o o:,,10 2,333 6,16 17.13818057 968 6,09516.511 64.2-140 90,335 1 91;106 34,764 1, 10 7547 33 1,4711 1583 368 3 701.............. 3640 10,791 10,791 5932 8,159 169 16:5 1 34 109 58l 44 4:19 174 1,640 5738 18,0370 19,710 65294 9,690 365 220 —5 35 -55 1,196 5,589 5 964 151 530 7,888 17,630 1, 160 7,65.1 11.812 88 31,065 36 6,98 7 1 2:567 8 9:671 2 445 1,240 681.5 102964 11,504 11.156 19.91.1 9.228 13.300 37 747 1;:5 4,:6 4:608 130 1550 5,179 13.765 15,315 -4940 10.094 125 15: 815 38 2,618 265 953'953[ 5~2 500 90 4,000 4,500 1,490 1,906 9 939 3,48 2,798 5.402 5.548 75 910 8,615 12,168 13,078 10.48.5 12,939 42 45 40 214 684 Q.591 2,670 6(1........... 60 10. 961 10,961 4,072 5.593 176 15 100 41 538 431l 29,155 I2,91.55.80 9600 3,199 5,784 6,744 3.9211 5.2963 659.,175! 42 1,05 198110,022 10.366 1.159 97,930 9,1663 32,135 60.065 16.26 20:61 715 4071 43 410 109 23 2 89, 352' 60 933 3.715 8,0640 89971 3,492 4959 77 15300 44 1. 3581 2:377[ 6:836i 7:5307 1,4492 30,145 7,339 17,648 47.793 8008 14773 1,134 28502 45'24' 4:062 9'27 3:806/ 3:900 8, 68 12:074 54721 9: 1 25 1.41.4 1.710 416 410 432 3;41 3. 550'1 25.'300 163732 ] 0,542 10 84 5884 7 957'531 17:356 47 43 2641 117 891 61.2779, 3929 7,375 372,981 40,896 341 47.8 714,459 61 950 1925 65611,688 86 814 48 1:276'9('964'983.............. 955 1 909 1,909 1.142 2. 016 399 3,:30 49 3,0 2230 1,135 1, 137 2 2,435 1,020 4:814 7.2149 16741 23503 35 450 50 59 18,37 10.67.1 10.927 701 4.519 8,993'40,616 45:1315 10 979 22,031 5,833 44,9 51 711 1:0753i 3,960 4,1281| 105 9250 3.345 11176 11,4265 696 9,7386 6 23.8. 52 250 64 660 660..............'899 1:,00 1823 882 1.406 1 900 53 35 561 520 5, 5. 5337 310 1,000 8.901 10: 24 11224 8. 186 10. 27 377 16.450 4 10:539 116 4,389 )) 422 322'2 18 760 5,749 8,684 9 4447[ 0 7 25 0 9 1 7 750'18 204- 445;5 4.556 397 11,100 7,469 191. 24017 6291 10311. 461 800 56 14 8511 3065 3,107.............. 464 6 5 6505 464 7,460 267 12, 0 57 5.005 1, 201 2,489 2,491 40 20 4,008 5,682 5 92 2 3:.637 5040 9125 6100 58 63'2;,307 8045 8.120 694 11,600 9,181 28.319 39.919 10 46 16.219 572 37620 59 5,157 5:833 3,719 3 86.5 378 4802 3,709 7; 14 12016) 4 502 7 522 413 1 3:150o 60 837j 41.5 8;429 181 1,200113,112 22,169 23,69 152337 18.728 301 31,430 61 1.352 91. 1 834 1.34 1890...... 2,440 3343 3.343 2. 392 4: 037 3 I94! 2150 62 1,618 2,78 9,927110,16| 3105 2,010,282297239 31,82 3 12,495 219841,1311 41,225 63 RHQDE ISLAN D. 1,52 9 099 1,,09 1 16, 586 456 3,436 1,057 6.193t 9.629 1,709 2,481 134 6,420 1 981 1,.306 2,6251 2,903 258........ 2,475 5,537 5,537 5 2,658 4,956 265 13.039 2 2.8926 2.434 2,936 3,589 58........ 2,951 129 159 12.159 4.327 6,056 524 15 956 3 15'56~9 18 476 129760 16,959 1,112 52,312 13:370 68,125 120,437 15,645 26,212 2,160 52,370 4 1;396 589, 2891 3 179........ 3,277 8,467 8467 4,020 5,25,38 157 14,55 5 298 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMIS. COUNTIES. 9 a I Adams.............. 1,902 183,009 72,106 6,618,811 6,432 15,370 7,723 0,571 2 Allegheny......3... 3,729 236,292 147,709 18,309,368 11,006[ 25,756 82,133 35,175 3 Armstrong....... 612 138,601 191,196 3,832,430 7,982 20,582 41,231 19,361 4 Beaver............. 1,841 124,743 97,251 5,508,531 5,5100 13,131 81,911 18,560 5 Bedford............. 1,875 148,299 199,262 4,130,267 6,333 15,335 19,027 16,15. 6 Berks............... 4,780 320,190 92,211 22,163,500 14,417 37,927 9,524 43,311 7 Blair............ 826 80033 55,150 3,989,983 3,601 9,665 10,227 9712 8 Bradford......... 5,096 234,029 278,250 8,685,909 7,244 43,706 60,403 17,739 9 Bucks.............. 4,707 293,631 34,810 19413,985 13,254 35,488 14,579 29,104 10 Butler...... 2,945 179,642 188,322. 5,314,757 7,961 30,473 82,695 25, 46 11 Cambria.......... 1089 51,021 107,749 1,429,079 3,108 10,583 13,267 5,946 12 Carbon............ 246 14,439 23,578 517,151 600 1,547 841 2,041 13 Centre........... 1,043 114,215 113,510 5,189,737 5,132 17,006 16,76 20,174 14 Chester............. 4,835 333,572 89,713 26,235,320 11,906 55,076 13,364 36,591 15 Clarion........... 1,726 107,317 111,504 2,940,191 4,173 14,448 26,860 13,150 16 Clearfield...... 2, 317 61,115 117,468 1,813,158 2,633 8,245 12,23 7,265 17 Clinton............. 63 44,982 38,229 2,102,165 1,797 5,708 6,16 5,877 18 Columbia.......... 1,179 90,185 61,293 3,329,762 3,603 6,760 8,392 12783 19 Crawford.....4..,070 187,481 205609 5,328,090 7, 489 45,763 86,705 18,199 20 Cumberland......... 1,842 187,934 51,067 9,051,109 7,388 18,322 10,238 27,155 21 Dauphin............ 1956 150,492 71,285 7,391,213 6,217 15,744 5,682 21,6)02 22 Delaware........... 1,376 8,796 16,773 9,067,082 3,723 17,630 7,424 11,287 23 Elk........... 254 9,730 37,870 300,863 333 1,891 1,536 676 24 Erie.............. 3,334 179,089 146,790 6,077,584 7,032 41,940 66,705 15,417 25 Fayette............. 2139'178 397 153,143 7,618,919 8,108 23,495 38,278 22,912 26 Franklin........... 247 248,557 98,583 12,267,0121 8,875 21,626 13,375 34,532 27 Fulton............ 531 50,613 63,267 1,192,685 1,487 4,962 4,896 5,61 28 Greene.............. 1,789 161,612 143,862 4,573,713 6,112 17,783 54,978 21,376 29 Huntingdon........ 1,445 146,863 156,2 26 5,313,854 5,390 15,596 19,636 15,262 30 Indiana........ 2,496 157,655 189,246 3,314,652 8,289 25,116 46,345 19,315 31 Jefferson............ 1170 56,850 122,900 1,390,881 2,278 9,695 13,999 7,208 32 Juniata............ 832 73412 42,790 2,707,270 3,054 9,135 6,309 10,15 33 Lancaster......... 5629 402,480 116,053 36,393,678 19,075 55,035 19,876 57,535 34 Lawrence.......... 1 606 108,836 68,899 4,093,555 5,004 15,239 76,654 15,504 35 Lebanon........... 1,449 119,846 46,258 7,283,415 5,873 14,991 2,974 14,875 3 Lehigh.............2 074 141,935 37,099 10,318,256 6,580 15,029 5,297 18,318 37 Luzerne............ 1936 134580 1 47,889 6,336,358 4,966 18,797 18,496 16,364 38 Lycoming......... 561 113,264 90,997 4,274,845 4,070 11,443 14,230 14,197 39 McKean......... 246 9,217 21,167 294, 672 301 2,433 3,726 390 40 Mercer.............2,989 171792 162.399 5,041,177 8,050 31,951 80,652 23,580 41 Mifflin..... 787 79,109 47,725 4,300,099 3,362 7,541 7,471 11,332 42 Monroe............. 904 60,355 75,397 2,080.875 2,198 6,677 5,995 7,913 43 Montgomery........ 4.456 239,251 42,315 21,054,257 11,509 36,134'10,98b2 24,678 44 Montour............ 738 67,132 38,002 2.737,157 2,361 5,273 6,233 9,239 45 Northampton........ 2,102 30,059 7,123 2,617,942 1,643 3,400 1,501 5,483 46 Northumberland..... 1,748 135,086 62,682 6,009,210 5, 026 10,587 9,980 17,748 47 Perry............. 1,456 111,292 104,969 3,447,968 4,133 11,174 10,154 13,515 48 Philadelphia........ 1,530 60,706 4,970 13,937,929 4,488 10,506 989 9,278 49 Pike................ 370 19,079 47,503 990,736 564 3,144 1,560 2-,261 50 Potter............... 668 23 732 56,281 777,295 671 5,316 8,394 1,512 51 Schuylkill.......... 1,247 81,599 82,909 3,267,272 3,189 8,730 5,87 10,877 52 Somerset........... 1,613 165,824 210,442 4,056, 208 6854 26,972 28,306 11,365 53 Sullivan........ 4.25 17,044 47,465 336,600 511 4,105 4,713 2,953 54 Susquehanna....... 3,909 195,798 183,287 5,613,545 5,257 36,456 42;971 11,345 55 Tioga...............2,183 106,799 147,939 3,575,029 3,250 20,812 32,750 7,757 56 Union........... 1,597 132,049 74,881 5,984,805 5,295 11,889 9,931 15,911 57 Venango............ 1.730 98,362 187,191 2,330,819 3,851 16,757 41,639 13, 616 58 Warren.......1.., 1.207 49,258 92,780 1,684,079 1,733 11,740 22,026 3,189 59 Washington..... 3,572 344,046 170,165 15,284,954 12,077 26,162 370,944 44,470 60 Wayne............. 1,331 59, 569 90,369 2,291,212 1,605 12,578 10,963 3,535 61 Westmoreland..... 4,013 364,203 145,524 13,128,696 14,249 39,998 61,344 42,233 62 Wyoming........ 895 46,709 54,386 1,694,670 1,394 8,254 8,809 5,104 63 York................ 3,734 306,812 110,940 14,242,2961 11,051 29,319 13,531 34,603 STATISTICS OF 1 Bristol...200 10,9991 2,110 7771,115 316 1,287 1,548 1,116 2 Kent............. 68 51,974 31,095 9151,111 731 4,459 3,184 2,429 3 Newport..... 1... 27 57,833 152,44 3,941, 1,145 7,226 16,148 5,019 4 Providence........ 2,162 115,837 97,474 7,660,356 2,585 12,957 4,189 6,918 5 Washington........ 1,308 119,844 54,349 3,243,757 1,392 10,33 19,227 4,027 STATISTICS OF PENNSYLVANIA. 299 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS.'U.. ],-....'. ^: ^> ^.2d r0 526,856 963,519 438,966 264,400 1,46010,525 22,302 975,078 35,836 4031'783 55 2 197,697 557,176 195,501 55,520 451 3,044 56.189 490,442 16,047 76 999 1,436 3 244 112 365,810 22,6. 253 77,408 376 5,082 35,231 501,53-2 17, 915 2,636 2,168 499 4 248.302 329,085 206,344 34,695.... 1,204 18,00 347l59, 18.094 6 779 2 5 577;668 1,320,309 811,947 246,477 1,113 944 32,372 1,877,221 83,257 1,153 6,330 2,192 6 267.349 223,842 145,851 25 196...... 3,636 5,226 204,846 13.637 80 1,437 71 7 301,675 565,025 371,143 322,341 4,476 3,975 128,031 1,698,667 74.028 22 1,979 463 8 403.909 1,398,359 1.157,781 246.781 2,850 440 55.429 2,342,525 95,842 2,587 19,881 6,290 9 231,595 707,465 237,339 104,287 439 5,034 133;806 723,60 31,695 1,157 2,660 1,950 10 42,898 210,029 58,947 20,784 230 3,622 21,653 293,078 10,326...... 290 226 11 7.325 44,520 21,852 20,808 29...... 10,511 31,390 3,041 63 138 5412 433;612 295,255 316,110 55,568 3411,263 6.919 415,065 18.530 6 9...... 6,19 13 547,498 1,198,129 1,339,466 175,910 372 1,913 12,558 2,125,031 96.315 2,36417,897 13114 165,060 391,297 111,534 42,936 106 1,017 56575 422,309 17,086 703 1,606 16715 80,588 189,910 55.943 25,925 490 180 35,159 169,715 10,556 18 486 7 16 191,065 102,794 115,760 35,707 20 814 10;960 140,581 6.696 232 1,311 54 17 153,760 262.567 199,530 86,580 83......38.956 368,055 102884 79 2,140 905 18 142,414 461,546 387,556 165.662 7311 1,175 92,339 2,078,020 70,784 54 544 810 19 487,182 512,083 361,166 48,821 45 7.620 2.129 785.104 31,788 833 3,054 288 20 308,879 487,633 340,755 118,643 1,801 339 9;216 575,782 27,814 91 3.299 311 21 121096 171,663 294,209 108539 188 170 593 1,349,453 27,932 161 1,600 5 2 4,789:30,305 10,776 16,708 199 117 5,653 32,065 26,661...... 113 1 23 147,8025 443,968 433,6925 172,005 3,14142,352 27,2727 1,007,295 69,422 1,260 2,973 860 24 304,102 526,342 696,092 49,299 52 142 21,668 573,105 22,096 108 2,308 363 25 837,062 470;549 539,976 52,088 1,637 2,568 3,800 675.037 33.591 247 9,962 221 26 83,758 76,855 50,835 8,876............ 6,416 100,420 4;752 724 70 27 189,149 306,286 556684 18,350 1 18 19,450 479,955 1 5,086 4 1,056 704 28 365,278 309,542 221.392 41,581 170 2,033 21,015 334,724 17.842 524 2,967 448 29 209,763 591,947 213,636 49,304 591 316 67,238 474.535 18;189 27 1,631 2,92830 76,999 186,571 53,877 28.746 374 308 30,897 150;166 9,116 40'496 181 31 187,187 134,931 138,633 23728 40 1,395 8,167 262,035 12,233......2, 30 14 32 1,365,111 1,729,388 1,803,312 2.22,117 459 7,377 6,684 1,921,1,86 96,134 470 13,466 564 33 168,246 325,033 205,620 61.177 556 7.589 64.171 433,475 22,025 403 1,22 1,644 34 274,095 447,664 241,939 45;773...'360 371 417,174 25.602 8 2,190 169 35 261,301 617,174 397,048 181,482 60 1.516 28,265 838,816 30,332 91 3,573 2,340 -36 165,328 413,401 290,122 183,047 831'291 116,173 649,781 31:601 114 1,234 29237 285,925 261,582 262,456 86.318 5 1.309 52,609 300,521 15,035 27 1,307 196 38 1.962 30.559 10,172 17604 676' 92 3,689 74,056 5.356...... 44 7 39 206,729 436;871 263,710 101,916 365 1,885 114,425 840,503 41;579 860 1,258 2,310 40 305,994 217.688 218,896 34,330 11 2,057 4,406 267,180 13,196 5 3,832 341 14.620 170,829 101,829 67,471 190 20 77,366 174,204 10,253 293 627 251 42 309,255 963,116 878,244 238,873 604 1,785 15,641 3,058,751 98,701 484 8,860 3,014 43 126'217 154.186 138,279 47,224 107 42 16,379'277,031 10,429 22 2,489 447 44 105,147 117:526 136,668 47,330...... 660 1,194 205,839 7,126...... 375 25645 289,5221 315;030 282:087 121,706 8 82 34,427 501,626 20,310 279 4,170 757 46 190,697 235,240 155,271 49,102 20 1 51 19,872 302,576 16,690 470 2,623 398 47 121,204 135,992 294,891 385,402 994 848 7,205 671,694 28,288 73 1,055......48 3,546 56:739 38,608 52,059............29,615 100,387 4,479............ 22 49 13,359 81,198 18,562 43,780 2,817 348 15,997 181,931 8,717...... 391 4250 64,928 243,557 165,556 136,380 70......42,334 324,173 16,644 160 1,134 342 51 92,136 565,238 31,166 34,387 28 93 33,618 777,445 29,620 83 737 1,456 52 11,959 38;155 21,437 27,349 350......17,802 90,735 4,719 21 1 168 12 53 83,783 399,591 237,343 171,088 1,977 447 80,377 1,141,597 50,105...... 877 48 54 141,896 306,629 147,140 163,415116,140 6,383 50,954 781,671 37,614 90 1,311 193 55 353,095 310,636 180,563 73.701 2 260 12,782 377,190 20,811 53 2,466 440 56 98,189 304,331 109,042 48;603 31 70 100,378 323,878 15,663 28 784 183 57 33,756 162,094 83,398 97,237 2,080 1,893 23,868 365,275 20,990 10 3-5 35 58 558.182 882,817 804,540 51,225 262 14,368 12,68 881,368 41.,269 974 3,566 328 59 6;177 123.379 50,577 135,672 3,446 140 60,786 414,720 25,380 66 104......60 668,476 1,244,011 839,711 104,547 7 1,246 2,824 47,295 1,744,069 480524 1,535 6,205 2, 9261 62 128. 116,3465,82178 11650 52,803 232,355 9,788 4 239 3262 231,59~ 771, ~23T 339 4;91 5:03]1 086;611 50'7'60 3041 7,0 1,15 9 63 578,828 774503 707151 133,915 124 1,368 50,982 1,086611 50,760 304 7,016 1,15963 RHODE ISLAND. 13,063 5,451 24,898 109 1,392 8 36,172 3,062...... 733......1 9,795 57.401 85,052 1,388 525 40 149,525 8,734 24 409......2 15 138,211 156698 78,688 976 9,695 70 308,691 13,77...... 1,379..... 3 24 19,095 157,070 308,379 2,881 4204 975 565,2.97 33,205 243 1, 443......4 10 61,477 140,581 154,01.2 1,49 3,0,591 1521 252,493 16,041 10 1,072......5 300 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. COUNTIES,. U. C.o 2. Q C Cs k Z -" O O o sO o O Adams............. 7,556........................ 23,697...... 2 Allegheny........... 1,305...... 1, 587.. 511. 72 215,302...... 3 Armstrong.......... 11 446...... 3 103..... 208................ 90973...... 4 Beeaver.......... 9.917...... 3.390...... 429........ 1,680......[ 211,878 10 5 Bedford.............. 12,96...... 221...................... 37,791...... 6 Berks...l........... 200373 2 100........ 200...... 19,576 1 Blair............... 39..0. 2,6550...7........... 9 Bucks........... 495 4......33 1,2 9 B ackcs.............. 104.235...... [ 78.................................... 33,280...... 10 Butler.............. 2973 4 7,354...... 560...................... 187,280 8 II. Cambria............ 2C 547i 9, 055 4 508........................ 29,609.... 120 C arbon.................................................... 1,76...... 13 Carntre............................... 36,52801...... 14 Cheste............, 94......... 22,78...... 14 Chester............ 15 Clarion.............. 2, 19 3 1,52430...... 30........................ 67 730...... 16 Ceafield 100........... 1 5,577.. 5971..31,498...... 17 Clinton.............. 2635...... 10301...... 134............. 15589.... 18 Colubia........... 15,127..... 14, 310 517........................ 3,394...... 19 Crawford............ 9 10...... 219992...... 2.016.................... 208: 0o58 30 20 Cumberland 3........,086 10.......................... 200 [...... 260363 5 321 Dauphin 4461................................ 50,200...... 14. 932 1 22 D elaw are................................. 3,406...... 2 Delahware 28..2,400 23 Elk.........................39...... 4,514...... 24 Erie............. 1329...... 333,748... 8,00...... 179 103...... 25 Fayette............ 7,651.... 86,630...... 3 967............... 102, 604...... 26 Franklin......... 12798......7 17............. 444 19......1 27 Fulton 1...... 078...................................... 13,094...... 28 reene............. 400.... 67431 2,8....... 2,... 13 53..... 29 0 Huntingdon........ 844...... 6, 356...... 783. 7.000...... 51384...... 30 Indiana............ 36305...... 16,293..... 1,180......:.......... 105:436...... 31 Jeffe'son....... 33,570...... 2,265....................... 33, 7 32 Juniata............................. 14 686. 33 Lancaster r.......... 7,313..1........................................... 29,03 34 Lawrene.. 5. 1.. 20 21........ 160, 1,554... 378,050..... 19145 2 35 Lebanon........... 2: 816...........................713 22 36 Lehigh.............. 13,312 21................................................ 1...... 37 Luzerne............ 4,748L 2 9 1958.... 143. 1000...... 49 372 10'26!or;.. 8 1, 48/....../ 35L8o/...... 38 Li, lil. 13.39 2130 39 M cKean............ 350...... 45,674.................... 9 657...... 40 M e(rcer.............2 41501 64242 3 856....................... 13:359 1 41 flin......................... 42 Monroe............ 4.548 5 879................... 14.616...... 43 Montgo ery........ 29,160................ 150........ 100.. 14807 40 44 Montou............ 5,367 25...... 8............. 14...... 4L5 Northampton....... 3.453 45 Northapto...............................7 46 Northumberland..... 8 708 230...... 62........ 23.552...... 2,670 7 47 Pter V............... 3,181...... 1.51...... 6....................... 24 46 2 48 Philadelphia............................................ 3 500...... 1,579...... 49 Pike.................4......4..........:3,519 49.................... 50 Potter.............. 1,313 134, 887...... 2,106........................ 2 048 -..... 51 S huv! kiil.......... 3,183.......................... 15,255 59 Somerset........... 13,580 2 373.798...... 7,0667................. 66,503...... 53 Sulliva............ 55,000...... 1,589........................ 2.066. 21 54 Su queh ianna........ 2.648...... 157, 181...... 47...................... 91,450...... 55 Tioga............... 2 65...... 202,851...... 299............... 86,-21-....... 56 Union............... 3:133 2, 065. 5............ 514 57 Venango........... 1, 144. 14:678 436 300...... 80,114 9 58 W arren............. 1.003..... 83,705...... 456 2...... 54,493 59 Washinton..... 30 9...... 3540................ 933 2 60' yne............ 4..... 27398...... 819...................... 28.98..... 61 Westmoreland..... 23 40...... 3140...... 3.261.... 17,970...... 161351 5 62 W yo9 ingk........,................1 33...... 63 York..................................... 418,55533,193 29 STATISTICS OF 1 B ri stol.......................................................................... 8,997...... 2P K ent................ 15......................................059...... 3 Newport............................ 48,565...... 4 Providence......... 70............................. 18, 700...... 5 W ashiigton.................................................. 47,371. STATISTICS OF PENNSYLVANIA. 301 AGRICULTURAL PR 34......ODUCTS. M,17 ANUFCTURES. 9 11,d E~~stablishments n 3941P6 c.64 REMARKS. 4,189 43.913......... 356512 7361 347, 455 9. 289 and Monroe. 20 105:8837 4 375 4, 9949 8. 9 I 1,1869 365.47 06.on and B or. 13 10,815 4 159412 34074 3130689 8 38 9 [strong6....................... 77,981 44 99741 83 8259...... 837,310 17031.,8 1755 16 Formed in'40 to m Arm-io 3 5192 960, 954........169 4 13,j 25 52 8 9r 4..... 14 317 Divided'4 to form Elkw ne. 1 6468 4 4 417........ 4633 3 275,6039.1 7 356,9 4059 0598.........................r d lton 6 28. 1,76 06 0 1.5-32 3 1.34 85.,5,1 16.37 Foimedd'46 from lonornth 7 904 230 9794 316 57,8177 6 209850 1.010 1,805,3969 1480 oiv.'50 to for Montour. 8 49, 7 85752...... 2 3'710'6781 8182. 51 8 37,83 0......................31. 10 1,6 43 9807551 43501 3,717 1655 339 347,668.........................11 7 17498 40 88...... 130.600715 2,21 1,275,41 13 1Formed in'43 fronm Jeffersonor- 2, 150,571 88 3375 34,9 195,74 89 16,034864, 584 linptoni and M7onroe 13 13,515080 4 6919093,457.39,689235 86 1,43 3,949 5 4409, 19 4 01.3 stroii. and Venango.. 14 77,981 99. 11 83 9591 1 207; - 03 1,860 1,939,755: 16,73 Formed in'40 from Arm- 15 5,201 3035........ 515 9 200 290 297091 701 Divided43 to form Elk. 1.6,3427 74,3071 4 804. 4 3 26 0...... 16 40 200 216 27......................... 97 20, 534 3 -29,5163 6 7386 1 8)01, 1,,026 14.2008 Div. 50 to formin Montour. 18 4325873 103,81 71 251,137 3...... 130, 1 20 24 1 8 32 31,802.......19.................. 9 1 3235 1505414 4330 1,559 51 1,01.....,3 1,0 1,2 4,901 5......................... 20 1,1 3 157 838 9,066 178,457 5 1,813.505 1,247 1,30,47 7,2133;', 1,3......................... 21 1,69.1 2803 755 4, 350 13,71-7 28 2;165,2952 3,'19 2, 347t68i 2,6...22 561, 3719 40 288...... 130 667'699.68 11 2,5 10621 Formed in'43 from Beaveron, 23 2P3 839 1571 571 8,833 17,307 129 665,725 1,167 1,o064,1.9 2I98581. Clearfield, and MeKean. 24 13 94 135 8807 4 692 3 927...... 78946,7205 1,433 867134 374 and Mercer.25 1,31 19676 2,4561 34,319 95 1, 94.9 15 8 113,116 4 45......................... 6 2560 21 30,236 81 9 8,335...... 12.078005,8 Formed'50 from edford. 27 157,8037 7,531 5 4804 9752,60449 1 Div.'47 to for16 6927340i.,0941 1,469 76.......9,159......1,335, 1,218 107,529860 1,0 Divi'46 to form E aik. 29 2, 73 103 2........812 154 1,137 130 20 241,23 31 2......................... 30 8274, 54,380......3 30 1,04007 99992 87 4914,068 5,126 Div. in 1843 to form Elkbo 31 70 73 360 40 6.401 309,300 188 4. 7371550.............................. 32 7 406 517879 14,035 30,151 1,047 3,9271,349 4. 88 5,633,656 14,056..33 8120 61 371 273 7,185 90 396,514 667 699681,50 Formed in50'49from Coumbiavr 3 294 135, 88i. 94 2477 520 946, 791 89) 867,34 3,267 and Mercer 35 3,926 16. 999 1,456 9,155 995 1,984,9955 1,078 1616,387 9,316.186 25.....1 13926 8 19200 8,5335......7307890 2,141 1,99746 17,883 Div'42to fonn Womin. 37 7,803 97160531 5,481 5.5829 25 314.46 50 8 8403 9 11 8, 0. to for 31094 31,469...... 1i 0591..... 34 3100 98 107, 50 1759 Div'43 to form Elk. 39 04, 1-28 13.8 1364 461 6.787 20 429, 010 603 764, 915 19,712 Div. 49 to form Lawrence. 40 2390 27,183........ 907 1 401 19,235 300 310,45 749,......................... 41 24 5 80.....317 186...... 1903588745 0009,3 187 492, 58086,9 7...Div. in.........43 to form Carbon. 42 175 472,33 13,162 19,2100 3 3178,66 3 86 4737241946 688......................... 43 5,678 6333 4379 6.... 700 20 789 924 877 918,063 8, 107 Formed'4750 from Colmbia 4 2, o99 13 170 6 9. 508;100 7031 1,08'2. 97I 422 O 14200 3,532...1,730,490 2,141 3,118,867 251 Div. in'43 to form Clarbon. 45 14,37 107 60 1472 7 27 314146 501 840,211 8, 28.................. 46 9-296 798 9 1,603 9,997 5 336,992 609 845,360 11,518.47 1 919 901, 853i 436;813 13;43 2999 31,406, 404 57,903 61,869,871. 156. 48 38,679 168:31 9014,318 59,3......................... 9 1,16 23,86.94,900 198 115,609 175.49. 13,056 07, 1811. 1467. 240, 698 1891 134,'513 9,829.50 9,984 9,49 14,317 420 3588,745 9,3 5,494,808,976............51 4, 778'72 531 89 109 69 789,2100 365 42,946 56,887 52 30, 369 15 39........,83.. 31,750 59 42;32 5,754 6, WFormed'47 frm Lycoming. 53 92,3998 116360 170 6,002 9...... 508,100 703 1,089,972 39,084......................... 54 31458 2 5, 9 16 56......................... 15 40 1051 316 3645 5 964,565 6892 907,214 1.3,.55 3440 941 193 231 8045 553,684 595 633,53 4,36......................... 56 27449 79, 193 400 629 443,680 483 408,797 14,045 Div. 1840 to form Clarion. 57 12917 45, 36 50 5, 6...... 591,251 651 501,2,392 10,758........................ 58 38,679 169 31 17,318 59,377.. 467,170 95 1,07786 72.........................4 59 12, 272 2. 372 3,519 3, 059 58 458,116 801 1,097,865 10,051.60 92,967 250 836 29,460 15,706 129 898,859 1540 1810 5,61661 7,8o5 54 0051.......,533. 79. 65 108 189,970 6, 025Formed'42 from Luzerne. 69 24,394 230,316 1,085 29,833 180 1,233;673 1,929, 710,097 71,463 63 405 58,488 5,716 4,959 845 1,695,075 520 2,620,788 2,465........................2 545 123,635 13,553 13,425 132 638,975 1,212 1,630,060 5,100.........................3 3,996 348,166 46;452 38,861 35 8,870,089 14,46315, 219,326 1,245. 4 1,366 111,299 5,903 4,811 1 989,600 1,655 1,770,586 6,629 5 30 ~ C2 E N~SCENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES.* Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 1 Abbeville............ 6,384 6,315 19,699 35 1962 15,968 16,350 32,318 99,351 2 Anderson......... 6,782 7,085 13,857 94 7,514 10,4922 11,053 921,475 18,493 3 Barnwell........... 6,201 6,088 192,289 311 14,008 13,322 13,286 926,608 21,471 4 Beaufort............. 3.012 2,935 5,947 579 32,279 18,946 19,859 38,805 35,794 5 Charleston.... 12 92.5 12,2831 5,208 3,861 54,775 40,158 43686 83, 844 82,661 6 Chester........... 3, 997 4,006 8,003 148 9,887 8, 940 9,098 18,038 17,747 7 Chesterfield....... 3,317. 3,361 6,678 218 3,894 5,380 5,410 10,790 8,574 8 Colleton............ 3.470 3,305 6,775 319 21.372 13877 14,589 28,466 925,548 9 Darlington........ 3,531 3,16 6,747 42 10,041 8,524 8,306 16,830 14,822 10 Edgefield..81... 911 8,131 16,2592 285 22.75 19,617 19,645 39,262 32,852 1-1 Fairfield............ 3,679 3, 389 7,068 90 14,246 10,792 10,612 21,404 20,165 12 Georgetown......... 1,158 1,035 2.9193 01 18,253 9,998 10,649 20,647 18,274 13 Greenville.......... 6,648 6,722 13370 95 6,691 9,934 10,222 20,156 17.839 14 Horry............ 2.807 2, 715 5522 49 2,075 3,880 3,766 7,646 5,755 15 Kershaw........... 2321 2,360 4,681 2 14 9,578 7,225 7,248 14,473 12,81 16 Lancaster........... 2,888 2.969 5857 117 5014 5,463 5,55 10,988 9,907 17 Laurens............ 5,563 5,807 1.1370 84 11,953 11,615 11,79 23407 21,584 18 Lexington.......... 3.658 3,692 7,350 23 5, 557 6,395 6,535 12,930 12,1111 19 Marion............. 4,829 4,952 9 781 106 7.520 8,474 8,933 17,407 13,932 0 Marborough........,504 529 5033 156 5,600 5,351 5,438 10,789 8,408 21Newberry........... 3,630' 3,612 7,24 13 12,688 10,013 10,130 20,143 18,350 922 Orangeburgh..... 4,080 4,040 8,120 78 15,384 11,607 11,975 23,582 18,519 23 Pickens........... 6,495 6,6 105 120 3, 679 8,333 8,571 16,904 14.356 24 Richland............ 3,541 3,223 6,764 501 1,978 10,205 10,038 90,243 16,397 25 Spartanburgh........ 9,118 9,193 18,311 50 8, 039 13,160 13,240 26,400 23,669 26 Sumter............. 4,883 4,930 9,813 34 23,065 16,395 16,825 33,9220 27,892 7 Union.........4..... 630 4,687 9,317 143 10,39 9, 759 10.093 19, 852 18,936 28 Williamsburgh..... 1,982 1,920 3,902 37 8,508 6,158 6289 12,447 10,327 29 York............ 593 5,706 11,299 127 8,007 9723 9710 19433 18,38 STATISTICS OF 1 Anderson........... 3.147 3.244 6,391 41 506 3,404 3,534 6,938 5,658 2 Bedford............. 7,920 8,017 15,937 72 5,502 10,645 10,866 21,511 90,546 3 Benton............. 92,953 9.978 5,931 21 363 3,135 3,180 6,315 4,772 4 Bledsoe............. 2450 2,586 5,036 96 827 92.941 3,018 5,959 5,676 5 Blount............ 5,556 5657 1113 12 1,084 6,142 6282 12,424 11,745 6 Bradley............. 5,865 5,613 11,478 37 744 6,243 6,016 12,9259 7, 385 7 Campbell........... 2,850 2 801 5,651 99 318 3,049 3,019 6,068 6,149 8 Cannon............. 4,053 4.062 8,115 24 843 4,455 4,527 8,982 7,193 9 Carroll............ 6,500 6,315 12,81.5 17 3,135 7,995 7,972 15,967 12,3629 10 Carter........ 9.. 2,987 2:924 5,911 3 353 3,166 3,130 6,296 3,372 11 Claiborne.......... 4,349 4,261 8,610 99 660 4,739 4,630 9,369 9.474 12 Cocke.............. 3,712 3,789 7,501 80 719 4,128 4,172 8,300 6, 992 13 Coffee.............. 3,592 3,482 7,074 10 1,267 4,208 4,143 8,351 8,184 14 Davidson............12.643 11,210 23.8 854 14,175 20,276 18.606 38;882 30:509 15 Decatur............. 9,597 9,666 5,263 17 723 2,983 3,020 6 0031.... 16 De Kalb...3........ 3,694 3,637 7,331 17 668 4,009 4,007 8,016 5,868 17 Dickson............ 3,115 3,170 6. 285 1 2,118 4,242 4,162 8,404 7,074 18 Dyer.........5..... 2.568 2,316 4,884 9 1,468 3,304 3,057 6.361 4,484 19 Fayette............. 5,969 5,447 11.416 39 15,264 13,570 13,149 96,719 21,501 20 Fentress........... 2,05 2,100 4,305 1 148 92,280 2 9,174 4,454 3,5501 21 Franklin....... 5,168 4,917 10,085 60 3,63 7,033 6,735 13,768 12,033 22 Gibson.............. 7,718 7,568 15,286 68 4,194 9,746 9,802 19,548 13,6891 23 Giles................ 8,390 8,128 16,518 73 9,358 12,980 12,969 25,949 91,494 24 Graingeer............. 5,531 5,639 11,170 165 1,035 6,161 6,209 12,370 10,579 25 Greene............. 8,204 8,322 16,526 205 1,093 8,847 8977 17,824 16,076 26 Grundy............ 1.325 1,197 9,522 15 236 1,448 1,325 2,773.......... 27 Hamilton........... 4647 4,569 9,216 187 6729 5,055 5,20 10,075 8,175 28 Hancock........... 2,727 2,720 5,447 11 902 842,818 5,660.......... 29 Hardeman......... 5,352 4,956 10,308 40 7,108 8,930 8,526 17.456 14.513 30 Hardin.......... 4,579 4, 461 9,040 31 1,257 5,233 5,095 10,328 82945 31 Hawkins......... 5,780 5.787 11.567 113 1,690 6,654 6,716 13,370 15,035 32 Haywood......... 4.518 4;193 8,711 50 8,498 8,80 8,457 17,259 13,870 33 Henderson......... 5;,336 5,234 10.570 2 2,592 6,580 6,584 13,164 11,875 34 Henry.............. 6.844 6,543 13,387 25 4,821 9,202 9.031 18,233 14,906 35 Hickman......... 3701 3,858 7,559 22 1,816 4.645 4;752 9,397 8,618 36 IHumphreys;........ 610 2,694 5,304 921 1,097 3132 3,290 6,4229 195 37 Jackson............. 7,037 6,963 14,000 115 1,558 7,916 7,757 15,673 12,872 38 Jefferson........... 5, 726 5,732 11,458 118 1, 628 6.562 6,64 13,904 12,076 39 Johnson......... 1,739 1,746 3,485 14 9206 1,853 1,852 3,705 2,658 40 Knox.............. 8,081 8304 16,385 22 9193 9,85 9,522 18,807 15,485 41Lauderdale......... 1,740 1,657 3,397 6 1,766 2,621 2,548 5,169 3435 * In South Carolina —Distrtcts. STATISTICS OF SOUTH CAROLINE. 303 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Born out of State. Colleges, Public Schools. emies, arid pri- 0 vate schools. ________. a|o ~ 5. I G1 540 2612391 92,391 599 $18,105 1,179[ 16,245 34.350 2,917 5.075 1091 7,500 1 768 9 2,440 2.445 395 8746 826 6,480 15,o26 2.550 5,629 979 22.885 2 60 642 460 2,460.............. 450 5,160 5,160 1,530 4,965 701 19450 3 190 122 1,385 1.385 302 9,320 598 1.800 11,- 1o20 1.270 2.301 906 18,640 4 1.890 5,954 5.350 5:541 3,082 139875 1,196 19,549 159,424 44:342 8.:578 184 40, 770 5 332 21.6 1,541 1541 1.3 1,588 413 4,512 -6.100 1',248 3,'033 214 8,250 6 734 85 1. 263 1:263 36 1,500 355 4,540 60401 789 2.653 1,181 8,975 7 40 55 1,37 1:378 230 7,6 64 760 6:456 930 2,714 727 10,920 8 351 28 1,313 1:313 46 1,380 620 7.320 8;700 854,740 67 9,000 9 720 216 3.019 3:027 283 7,484 1,093 13398 20,88 2,453 546 536 26400 10 210 235 1,282 12i83 417 16.650 700 13 200 2985) 1,059,663 154 10,075 11 130 2281 575 7,000 170 1,800 8,800 455 772 12 9,900 12 838 108 2,351 2,351 150 6.0000 15,800 1.,960 5,501 1,821 15,100 13 405 9 980 980.............. 488 1,675 1,675 473 2,294 189 8,250 14 196 892 9 928 928 75 9 2, 340 5,800 8, 47 417 1,859 98 9,050 15 67 35 1,096 1.0961.............. 569 3,520 3,520 905 2,375 305 10.860 16 191 82 2.9 132 2 132 225 3.,066 863 8,630 11,696 1,438 4,500 4261 28,000 17 68 69 1:312 1 312 93 2,160 700 8,400 10,56 971 2,923 633 10,800 18 180 5 1,856 1 863 50 92,000 350 3,700 5.700 1,331 4,034 774 11,050 19 562 39'929'929.............. 524 6,634 6,634 923 1,990 748 9,850 20 93 54 1.494 1,494.............. 1,181 14,17-2 14,172 1,148 2,777 92 16,825 21 81 35 1,513 1.515.............. 1,120 8,33 8,833 982 3,93 575 16,440 29 1.116 52 2,332 2,383.............. 370 2,883 2.883 2,051 5,415 2,161 23,970 93 644 463 1,588 1,61 895 54, 650 185 1,600 56,250 874 2,396 33 9,270 24 331 39 3185 3,18;1 175 7,200 1,000 11,500 18,700 1,353 7,532 35 26.550 2-5 354 74 1:908 1,908 304 7:660'504 9,311 16.971 1,364 3,811 942 24,2501 26 387 601 734 1.734 159 3,402 474 4,817 8,219 1,689 3,598 876 14,4901 27 1001 15 17 717......378........ 3,150 3,150 570 1.530 279 5,100 28 1,137 150 2,190 2 190 260 2,125 168 1411 3.536 1,447 4316 509 7,830 29 TENNESSEE. 825 3 1,091 1,099 105 825 1,347 1,459,84 1,477,641,203 2,950 1 3,~429 52 29754 21754 910 4,130 2,056 9,543 13.673 2,633 6,654 855 13,740 2 1,166 8 984'984 60 240 600 950 1,190 1,238 2,559 881 5,650 3'0-26 3 54854 4 40 5529 650 1,250 1,802 895 2,093 861 5,550 4 1,44 6 1,99921 1,9992 80 428 1,253 1,587 2,015 1,488 4,604 370 6,600 5 1,606 19 1,955 1.955.............. 2;486 2,486 1,276 4,817 215 8,605 6 931 3 916'916 25 420 650 1,100 1,520 1,207 2,471 1,208 5,700 7 1,343 1,326 1,3926 245 1,255 990 1,092 2347 2,375 3,437 771 6,900 8 4,274 28 2,105 2,105 96 3,000 671 2,233 5,933 2,786 5,432 966 12,700 9 1,030 1.002 1,002 55 555 720 1,062 1618 1,201 2,398 1,007 11,600 10 1:790 26 1:425 1,425 75 1,025 815 1,240 2, 265 1,507 3,718 1,424 4,800 11 1,57 171,'295 1,95 55 475 1,94 1,174 1,649 1,375 3,139 1,605 7,000 12 1. 378 42 1,179 1'195 60 390 900 1,308 1,698 1,564 3,003 1,066 5,400 13 6,3 32 1,384 4,257 4,391 1,337 36,690 1,208 9,412 42;167 4,070 9,161 1,584 31,595 14 1,220 9 9 941 941 70 360 1,058 2,164 2,54 1.037 2.194'884 1500 15 1,352 1 1,247 1,24I 70 1,700 1,91 1.078 2,778 1,87 2954 1,451 3,750 16 1,097 22 1,080 1,080 40 240 1,755 934 1,174 1,083 2,544 1,013 5,150 17 1,508 824 894...... 700 656 656 1,139 039 638 2,400 8 4,671 47 1.951 1,951 505 7,665 816 3,827 11,492 2.275 4, 820 113 12,900 19 756 3 707 707 174 586 480 516 1,102 524 1,834 556 2,950 20 2154 197 1,638 1,638 235 2,800 3,340 1,760 4,560 2,178 4,220 36 9.500 21 3,910 10 2,529 2,529 47 240 1,150 1,500 1,740 2,380 6,437 1.500 12;700 22 3846 21 2830 2.830 197........ 1,123 3,000 3,000 3,650 6,955 1',53 20319 23 1,793 6 1,894 1,979 73 668 1,636 2,801 3,469 2,633 4.867 2,429 10,190 24 2,715 46 92,938 2,938 104 5,065.516 2,010 7,075 3,320 6,636 2,974 13,980 25 451........ 435 439 25 246 400 390 636 576 1,053 547 1,460 296 1,656 299 1,590 1.590 35 441 1,355 92,931 3.372 1,252 3,908 501 2,2001 27 1 186 3 939 939.............. 787 857 1.072 2,295 1,205 7,600 28 3,814 401 1,735 1,736 264 3.872 961 9,655 13.5-27 2,756 4,368 624 11950o 29 2.427 34 1,503 1:513 30 " 320 1,410,442 1,762 1,526 3,779 1,514 1,200 30 1,370 10,019 2019 140........ 4,442 1812 1,812 790 4,835 442 8,300 31 3,145 5 1,454 1,454 195 4,363 270 4,900 9,263 1,596 3,659 430 6.700 39 3,083 18 1,798 1;798 125'240 800 1,692 1,932 1,792 4,440 950 2,250 33 4,238 25 2, 245 29271. 190 260 1,500 2,048 2,308 2,942 5,647 414 20,900 34 1,4'25 1 1,296 1L296 30 540...... 1,55 1,795 1,915 3, 216 822 5,250 35'837 18 919'919 60 717 1.92 2,035 2,752 1,073 2,177 882 6,000 36 2,590 4 2.324 2.3-24 100 350 6.377 3,462 3,81 2,345 5,973 1,864 9,200 37 1 879 17 1975 2.040 396 662 3:000 3,606 4,268 2,298 4,760 1,469 9,900 38 1,063 2 565 588 40 230'600 514 744 673 1401 758 1,850 39 2,985 206 2,804 92,823 355 7,500o 2500 2,472 9.972 3,258 66652,408 12,581 40 1, 238 11 56 568 80 1.391 180 1,108 2,499 578 1,427 81 3,350; 41 30:4 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMS. COUNTIES. 1 Abbeville.......... 1,814 12, 628 425,031 5:006610 8,918 25 959 16,364 66,548 2 Anderson......... 1,986 178 455 2828,495[ 2, 59,483 5,7961 19, 215 13.135 43242 3 Barnwell............ 1 558 197.676 957, 393 2,877,754 6;528 34,678 13.:106 68,303 4 Beaufort............ 84 239.289 687,469 5,601,350 5,026 48,338 16,8921 37,8.555 5 Charleston.......... 682 183.236 636,495 5,903,220 5, 023 41,903 13 415 3(1, 47 6 Chester............ 8441 192,801 143, 138 3,171,782 5.139 13,5661 7 514 29,579 7 Chesterfield......... 548 52,511 241,317 903,477 I,890 9,08 4. 21,67 8 Colleton............ 888 121.475 632.458 3,627,534 4,221 43.312 15) 1150 37,062 9 Darlington.......... 857 123,162 540:408 2, 935, 880 3, 980 13,717 6 191 36,650 10 Edj-efied............2.030 263,379 688,0412 5,654,033 10.255 38,001 18:538 73742[ 11 Fai'ield.......... 675 121, 593 237,268 3,289.563 4;678 13,797 7;12: 23 (.080 12 Georgetown......... 550 49 609 318:514 5,704: 920 1.403 12,908 4, 336 9:311 13 Greenville.......... 1,068 1307 239 730 2, 102 038 4 312 14,047 9, 2553 36 5.555 14 11orry........ 731 33 664 472.971 385 840 907 14,814 1 298 29, 83 15 Kersha33............. 383 61,10[ 2296096 1 443,868 2, 674 11,690 6,183 21,04 16 Lancaster........... 580 100 728 196, 937 1568576 2 945 10,955 630 20997 17 Laurcns.............1,603 182,525 282 957 4 060 899 7:286 2, 848 11583 55288 18 Lexinton.......... 837 70,730 437,841 1075318318 3 14,609 5,961 25.182 19 Marion. 1......... 374 124 306 656, 342 2, 680. 544 3164 2'2,617 113,442 46, 620 20 Marloron........ 621 85,395 204,505 1,987613 2,483 8,750 4 419 22,2 60 21 Newb o rr......... 1,045 182,95 169,703 3,703458 5.942 18 952 8,838 38,033 22 Oranaeburil........ 1,206 1-81,39.3 732,- 681 3,176,806 4:931 26,315 32.797 41680 23. Picke-is..............1,231 93,206 474 61,708, 63 4134 16.0 56 6,124 37,786 4 ichland.......... 5433 89,46 235,695 2. 075052.991 11575 4,603 19,163 25 Spartanburgh........ 1,55 207, 666 354281.'92, 626 353 23,84 14026 53921 26 Sunter............. 1,343 26,274 651,935 3,749,065 6,154 198,949 13.931 50,742 27 Union.......... 869 162, 787 235,363 3, 161,665 5,364 13,277 7,360 31262 28 Wiiansbu...... 454 70,360 432,440 861,538 1,974 18,337 4,397 24,577 29 York................1,250 133,596 283,924 2,798,890 5,352 15,153 11,313 35,797 STATISTICS OF 1 Anderson.......... 698 40,291 129,879 504,621 2,292 5,164 5,360 21,259 2 B edford......... 986 101,650 123.312 2, 369,660 8,163l 13,224 291.651 62,607 3 Benton............. 706 33,796 201,151'367,163 1,917 5,099 5,199 22,587 4 Bledoe............. 315 35,076 92,218 568,906 2,009 8,21 4,54-2 26,375 5 Blont.............. 976 90,987 761,786 1,205,065 4,514 10,10,054 1 31,203 6 Bradlev............. 886 57,824 109, 881 1,0619, 521 2,843 6 254 7,657 25.5 546 7 Campbell............ 521 29,420 141, 506 402,198 1,823 6,343 4.81.2 18,990 8 Cannon..............877 40,328 117,9-91 707,367 3, 859 7 5'26 11, 797 26, 762 9 Carroll.............. 1,404 76,341 202,875 1039, 832 5,012 10,543 10,397 47,560 10 Carter............... 565 93,645 74,533 439,290 1,724 4,49 5,857 12,914 11 Claiborne........... 944 56,170 167.640 718 850 2,608 8,397 9,467 928 021 1-2 Cocke.............. 836 48,554 119,2993 755,917 2, 43'1 6,88 6,7' 24,516 13 Coffee.............. 485 37, 368 89; 445 566;997 2.638 5 63 6 40 24371 14 Davidson............ 1,348 117,029 214,276 6,619,199 10,853 16 683 21,34'2 7i-9209 15 Decatur............ 443 22.367 109.218 320,804 1,716 3 831 3,631 14,846 16 D.e Kalb............ 717 299200 111381 503,894 2,369 478 7,935 29,089 17 Dickson......... 467 31.09 1 6.2,0249 463,399 2,361 5,419 5 422 20, 184 1.8 Dyer.............. 515 23,1201 156,3651 718,245 2,280 6,375 2621l 32,;713 19 Fayette....... 1,172 159, 430 197,793 3,509,50 6,285 18, 564 8,38 52,3108 20 Fentress............ 499 921,561 100.654 230,989 1,215 5,368 4,364 17, 259 21 Franklin......... 1,015 70,606 165,122 1,461;322 5,000 12,453 10.904 53,787 22 Gibson.....2....... - 2,160 88. 861 229,892 2, 22,522 7.230 16,840 11 505 69,881 23 Giles............... 92,075 150,905 234,737 4,604,153 10 684 21 0928 222 201 116.834 24 Grainner............ 723 58:251 15,6 628 844,104 3,054 5 827 7611 28 900 25 Greene............. 1,346 124445 186,560 1,707,302 6388 11986 20 16 42,679 26 GrundN............. 263 13,939 131,775 189,137 1,074 2,393 1:748 13,487 27 Hamilton............ 633 38,611 14.2,028 95'2,216 2; 861 8110 5,49- 28,568 28 Hancock........... 787 34,892 98,769 437,170 1,702 5,955 7.618 19,670 20 Hardeman........... 1.027 107,022 98,178 1,791,708 5.159 15. 130 9 819 45, 823 30 Iardin............. 690 34,466 164,43-2 586,153 2,;439 6:911 6:663 24.618 31 Hawkins............ 735 93,023 20,086 1,400,797 4,859 11,065 16 997 42 030 32 Havwood.......... 967 93,619 197,997 1,817,87] 4,541 12,928 6574 44 509 33 Henderson......... 973 65,559 197,708 761,548 3, 695 11,247 9:103 33666 34 Henry.............. 1,478 91,188 181,675 1,260,383 5,727 11.816 13,352 4971.5 35 IIickman........... 778 44.667 197, 376 804 968 4,169 7,870 8,144 34, 234 36 Humphreys.......... 679 28; 076 144,336 396675 2, 533 5,765 6,226 25, 082 37 Jackson.......... 1,211 66,653 239,448 881,52-2 4,575 11,870 16,602 62, 638 38 Jefferson............ 904 80,196 140,698 1,3.84,594 4,008 6,743 10,074 32,881. 39 Johnson............ 325 16,578 80,881 333,285 917 3,432 4617 7 266 40 Knox........... 1,403 107.598 213,552 1,977,168 5,822 9,593 129 219[ 38,005 41 Lauderdal........ 287 17,971 64, 991 473, 020 1,307 5,002 1,7051 18,511 STATISTICS OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 305 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. C0 1 460 4,7..1 12d i MC. ll 99,101 282,278 1,054,233 130,843 15,014 1,173...... 2)9,646 6,509 6............ ] 120; 382 209,695 820,54 146,061 25,414 173 20 240,277 2,326............ 10 2 10,866 15,533 839,629 169,869 98,038............ 26,425 5............ 3 2,465 29,913 492,671 485,219 76,353...... 25 88,421 17.................. 4 235 40,664 417,627 669,350 77,813...... 200 83,101 2,440 2 376...... 5 55,864 74,476 573,070 43,342 3,743 50...... 128,420 483.................. 6 12,954 41,706 257,651 59,484 21,588............ 48,210 2,286 5............ 7 2, 443 34, 671 382,044 241, 269 69,819. 10,198 59...... 8 12,092 73,955 471,357 119,458 9'2,135............ 37,114............ 9 62,810 287,088 1,155,489 180,115 60.558 281...... 226,325 16.................. 10 30,233 48.914 529,461 72,546 9,537 60...... 115,940 387.................. 11 245 21,891 136,312 209, 800 7,210.........112 60,682 111,074 637,784 88,516 19,863 1]5 116,903 22... 13 494 481 127,100 138,013 8,155.... 6 21,755 563.................. 14 6,621 23,9822 362,165 55, 205 25,688........ 36,170 66.................. 15 21,644 66,337 352,218 40,60513,403...... 90,828............ 16 129,694 193,721 895.291 112,004 11,428 1,15...... 165,286 2...7... 36,942 34,530 382;518 62,042 19,625...... 25 41,834 234 3............ 18 2,9868 26,281 476,718 153,657 43,842........... 50,888 6....... i9 11,038 59,922 351,670 96,586 27,219...39224...............20 79,515 100494 664,058 85,690 24,643 1,081 105,075............ 21 13,465 8,225 614,418 195,320 76.611............ 39,016 47........... 22 42,052 127,821 634.011 113,077 14,760 5 13 172,893 460............ 5 23 6,538 34,688 433,998 95,328 49,098............ 50,841 2,469.................. 24 102, 93 154509 873.654 92,880 16,654............055 55.. 39 25 7,410 45,334 750;520 376,815 87,984............ 65,897 575 10............ 23 681286 100441 655078 49,354 2, 582 231...... 135,012 16...... 30.... 27 1, 47 2 0 7,630 239,713 143,314 22,035........... 27.450....... 1 28 64,75 109,691 690,447 48,201 6,088 199...... t219,7741 1, 55........... TENNESSEE. 8,19 53041 317,724 23,780 457...... 22 62917 714 58 86 502 1 18,54 2791941,521867576 43...... 1 148,865 53.. 11 100 14 2 4, 87 2 2,540 305 6,490 26 179 7201......................... 2,020 84261 407,025 22,902 013 29 44572 264 16 179 112 4 3107 175,500 621 981 36,230 5,235 4 84 77,896 2,068...... 446 511 5 34.662 151 11 574698 39121 1,800...... 30 843.......8 25...... 87 48 6 5,973 44,385 277,395 19,433 386 1 56 49,408 210 10 102 429 7 17,881 67,515 554497 35,832 6,311 27...... 70,452...... 07 194 8 25,038 108954 801175 57354 4080 9,00 4...... 109003 10 34 9 19,307 4,759 178541 10,284 1,105 4 3,793 78,181 1,129....... 131 560 10 10,414 90,1 441061 26,010 163...... 178 17,844 337...... 56 400 11 15,168 12 95 17 544.516 30,083 550...... 84 83.205 604...... 7 435 12 5,112 782,558 433,215 26908 8- 7647, 327 75 46 54 13 17,522 164,660 1,598,463 168,125 5.918 385 10 262,746 7,845 15 1,365 -1 14 3539 43,555 261,790 22,159 1,291... 25 52,271 43...... 4. 15 11420 23,1 0 1 1 113,045877.......14,...... 59760 03 15 15 8 18 18.940 113,834 963,45 123519 34,746............ 143,814 130...... 27...... 19 3243 26,475 8654 9 20,001 84 61 23 37,218 56.......... 324 20 8,492 140,803 788,380 62 0216401 35 33 143261 135...... 39 5 21 47,097 93,84,3 1,107,730 97,30{ 31607........... 247,433 185 8 150 2 29,452 143,02 488,98 30 447 684...... 104 67243 472...... 197 1035 24 99,970 24,897 784.381 48 915 132...... 2,995 209,363 4,306 14 640 2,113 25 1,359 21,13958,007o6 9 870o/..1.1......... 17404 31...... 8 28 11,389 69,606 520,542 47 742 3. 20 64, 750 113...... 61 18 27 7,425 49,580 20;070 16,27 137...... 167 79172 241...... 66 448 28 18,015 114,170 98,545 109 5685003. 124,417 213 92 79...... 29 7,88, 449,328 2717 48............ 62429 132...... 80...... 30 43.381 141,488 550,136 3066 4611...... 492 132,766 2,432 16 579 1,973 31 20,967 68514 754,510 79,823 7,962.......... 121,475 3 50 50...... 3 1 19,453 70,711 562,280 52,003 005 35...... 67,245 28 22 17 50 33 45,606 141,202 893328 6944 3 44...... 125,816...... 73...... 34 5,336 82,606 635,2541 487 1,291........... 94,930 410.... 132 8 35 4,0,41, 419,387 31963 3018.....91,328 14.. 199.....9 136 13,429 58,409 805,737 58,436 2,92.. 33R179,400 653........... 168 37 40,4260 192,852 6591871 8 3,8- 790 30 528 108854, 42.. 43 346 13 6,925 59,139 87,801 3624 40...... 2, 171 4579 1138'...... 89 365 39 39611 257,502 861703 45, 3301 4 888 95 423 185,256 2943 271 596 827 40 4,915 13,580 21, 69 3, 351 7, 1,159.. 83 31,264 10 199 211 1, 41 1460 1 5,4 306 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. COUNTIES. o g ^ S| |~ ~ |A 2a S ~ m II _ _ _ _ _ _ I gI I o.,o 0 2 2Anderson............... 956,940 18,540'6,670 22,372 100 3 BarnwelU......................... 200 55 7,440.......... 10,138 15,996... 4Beaufort......... 20 6,62147,230,082.......... 12,672 24,730 5Charleston........... 16,906,273 12 7,80718,634 6 Chester.............1............................ 1110 800 17,810 8,705...... 7 Chesterfield.............................. 42748 100 3,194 8,269. 8 Colleton.................................. 33 8,52044,102,990.......... 3,006 25,789...... 10 Edgefield......................... 25 12,304 1,190 25,88034735...... 11 Fairfield............................................ 4,316 18, 122 8,562...... 12 Georgetown............................... 2...... 46,765,040.......... 81 22,171. 13 Greenville.................. 15,782 12,505 2,452 15,760...... 14 Horry...................... 1 483 484,970 2,379 1516672...... 15 Kershaw..7475......9,015 7,102...... 16 Lancaster..................... 27,900........... 8 661 10,536...... 17 Laurens.......................................... 128 1,519 15,842 19,699...... 18 Lexington.0 55........4........................ 29 25 4608 133...... 19 Marion.............. 20 513,825 817 8,680 18,401...... 20 Marlborough...... 2.............. 20,854.......... 9,501 9439...... 24 ichland............................... 87,970....... 1,365 6,868...... 25 Spartanburgh. 15. 601 1,526 6,67122,348 3 18 Lexinbreo ni.............................00....../31 6 Sumter..................................... 833,651.......... 18,799 24,809...... 237 Union............................. 14, 156 12;497...... 028 Williamsburgh20... 35......4. 20.... 54,543.......100 4,298 8,928 20 29 York................. 12....9..8..........6 69 150 9986 20,5451...... STATISTICS OF 1 Anderson.......... 15,248... 5,442 2...... 40 8,196........10,191...... 2 Bedford............. 165 59 330............ 1.815 57,240 40436,87...... 4 Bledsoe............. 3,101..... 1,029... 45 75 10,147........ 7,868 5 5 Blont.............. 4197 15 25.. 46 236 7572 616549 21 6SBradleyr.1..................... 771 9,755 1600 10653 1 7 Campbell........8702...... 16 336 9,57 1 8,167 7 8 Cannon............. 5,944 4,599...... 150 440 21,301 7 20,99.. 9 Carroll............. 500...... 6............ 4 817,145 2,362 14,850... 10 Carter............... 11,158...... 8,616...... 387.......... 2,718........ 17,141.... 11 Claiborn.......... 18,542...... 7,925...... 45 1.615 12,270....... 9,595 4 12 Coeke.............. 7381..... 4,072...... 41 1,175.......... 9,957...... 13 Coffee.............. 1,699 14 718...... 18 388 8,620 44 12,120...... 14 Davidson............ 20 3 227...... 90.......... 102,70 1,277 38,322...... 15 Decatur............. 490........................ 100 66,180 123 5,955...... 16 DeKalb............ 1,798...... 2,390...... 14 120 57,361........14,507...... 17 Dickso.............................................. 60 25,350 19 10,148...... 18 Dyer........... 205...... 42............ 1,681 548,81 386 4,618...... 19 Fayette............................................... 5,300 300 28,302 14,893...... 20 Fentress............ 17.975.... 3268...... 4.......... 6,34 1 7,09 120 21 Franklin......... 1486.... 267...... 35 2,724 30,895 637 18,519 36 22 Gibson............ 339.............6,615 466,390 4,918 18,807?.... 23 Giles................ 435...... 600 14 1,860 10,693 10,301 35,963 10 24 Grainger............. 8,508 5 10,704 164.......... 15,1 1 13, 810...... 25 Greene.............. 26,289...... 17,764...... 548.......... 2,071........33,315 22 2 Grund............. 782...... 1,683. 15 297 3,178 24 3,787 25 27 Hamilton.....................2 10,251.... 28 Hancock............ 34,601 6,91.7.6...... 516 270 4,722 2I 11,832 10 29 Hardenan 4.....51,335 12,683 15,06516,811. 30 Hiardin.............. 5 50 01 551330 6,098 686 12,,836...... 31 Hawkins........... 21,700...... 2,545.. 78.......... 3,021. 21,826... 32 aywood.................................. 6 30 2,800 15,967 10,079...... 133 Hendeon..,650 65,720 5,212 14,297...... 3r tenderson.............................. 1724129......[ 31 Henry............... 1,515.................................... 2,029,132 685 28,256...... 35 Hickman........... 630.......... 34,136 26 1720...... 36 Hmphreys......... 420...... 3,852............ 1, 870 11,045 2 12,088..... 37 Jackson............ 4,119 3 2,466...... 16 76 432,114........28,421.... 38 Jefferson............ 5,704...... 3,911...... 15 10 4,745........18,509 43.39 Johnson............ 6,280...... 6,679...... 228 1801........ 9,6715 5 40 KnCox.............. 149 4,430. 1,12 1,188 20,231........2223 11 41 Lauderdale..........'30(8................. 157,440 1,,1 1 8604 2,624 5i STATISTICS OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 307 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. | |' I~- 1 Establishments. E Sr if 1| Ig ~ -------------------— * I REMARKS. R O. C ) 7 2c9 75] 1 1o a20 0;>;> a 36,042 $267,864............. $268,920 403 $257,183 71,774......................... 1 20,842 163,485........ 66 3,000 134,445 233 289,105 86,795......................... 2 280 148,717...................... 179,900 348 226,250 14,643.............. 3 7,975 121,317 $200 2,185 300 63,800 75 50,030 10,690......................... 4 1,034 78,086 26,940 4,751...... 1,487,800 1,413 2,749,961 17,799......................... 5 6,770 119,304...... 7,847 20 104.370 162 101,360 2-2,405......................... 6 4,790 67,910 25 495...... 65,775 213 83,434 45,080......................... 7 5,166 117,157 1351......... 35,700 58 17,150 19,240......................... 8 1........ 25,739 705.............. 76,400 126 71,670 12.070......................... 9 32.015 306,325 1,115 2.196...... 724,435 1,064 635,096 94,468...................0...... 736 122,360 17,0713 15,029 350 19,400 70 44,200 16,60........................ 11. 21,425 90.............. 43,500 74 68,519................................ 12 5,724 104,677 20 220 176,850 290 213,510 28,625.13........ 75,545...................... 59,200 109 130,129 24,555......................... 14 1,120 44,698 340 170...... 100,200 185 127,825 7,686........................ 15 246 74,092........ 475...... 36,400 35 46,100 19,590......................... 16 15,890 174,337........ 568 10 184,475 250 419,715 54,670......................... 17 11,420 72,379................. 249,663 21 176,343 17,458.........................18 148,404............................................. 40.624......................... 19 480 78,810...................... 56,405 79 68,600 32,674......................... 2'0 4,872 149,701........ 100...... 71,810 116 151,145 35,343.........................21........ 130,446..................... 58,450 96 67,130 27,597.........................22 17,769 123,070 43 46.... 27.923 59 41,192 68,599......................... 23 1,636 32,082 600 750 2,200 157,920 324 349,954 4,442......................... 24 6,644 158,706.................... 265,350 363 173,820 39,078......................... 25...... ~ 176,807 210...... 104,650 180 227,394 24,248......................... 26 15,023 135,432...286518 227 194,793 41,897.........27................ 46 62,818............................................... 12. 825......................... 28 19,761 100,944......................1,016,606 136 81,905 18,290.29 TENNESSEE. 13,471 39,605...... 480...... 11,350 26 25,520 24,285 Divided'49 to form Scott. 1 20,492 98,516 50..19,821 66 33,990 59,070......................... 7,510 32,1691........ 10 1,800 11 3,000 16,964......................... 3 6,431 25,373 34 89..... 1,000 3 2,000 18,508......................... 4 5.504 83,504.... 260 59,477 122 93,375 38,416........................ 5 214 76,599 30........ 23,605 59 84,765 27,309................6 10,078 50,822 521 324 16,450 64 83,981 20,637 Divided'49 to form Scott. 7 35,9 24 72.047........ 201 8,150 15 15,300 51,516........................ 8 10,417 90,374............... 22,868 61 38,349 76,756......................... 9 28, 536 33,922 23,324 19,320...... 47,015 108 74750 53,350.......... 10 13526 57,103........ 106...... 25830 69 34,101 28692 Divided in 1844 to form 11 7.754 45,543 150 37 27, 257 128 116,077 28,120 Hancock. 12 7,173 31,047 100......... 13;700 46 23,122 21,529 Divided in 1844 to form 13 6.143 628.036 36,719 2,603 855,015 1,219 1075,287 40,695 Grundy. 14 4,822 26,246...........71.850 151 98,475 18,616 Formed in 1845 from Perry. 15 19,911 32,180 54 203...... 16,344 60 29,686 31,214................. 16 4,242 37,219......157,987 318 212,750 19,098......................... 17 5,110 62,568.... 24 19,000 31 34,400 13,563......................... 18 10,340 125,829 70 510 30,175 101 67,190 35,785 6................... 19 5.683 0.889 65...... 3,0 150 10 5,733 14,073 Divided'49 to form Scott. 20 9,637 81612 13 8...... 98,116 301 201,526 45,009......................... 21 11,661 132,306 15 65 2 104,935 155 86,075/113,345......................... 22 55.353 201,216 520 38. 164,425 342 200321 77,977.23 18;702 63574 100.51,710 74 88,104 32,310....................... 24 27, 055 96,637........ 5 32, 835 106 56,857 60,035....................:.... 25 4.456 15,562 65 103.... 912 5 1,200 11,296 Formed in 1844 from War- 26 1,583 60,344....... 13,100 37 12,975 21,964 ren and Coffee. 27 15,570 33,684.. 301045 30 30,466 32.968 Formed in 1.844 from Clai- 28 \ 1,440 107,119 799 8..... 135,475 204 126062 36,023 borne and Hawkins. 29 15,068 51,628... 1,772. 66,740 165 63,625 27,037.......... 30 5,175 59,083 35 10 72,700 90 77,820 35,603 Divided in 1844 to form 31 13,690 97, 690 95.... 13,100 53 32,200 26,565 Hancock. 32 10,084 81,366 967 17,090 50 29,629 63,186....................... 33 5,0 99,9 99 97-2 50 52... 125,310 238 505,400 36,347.........................34 8,994 54,073.....53,775 166 209,745 57,233 Divided in 1843 to form 35 8,724 43,475...............15,535 51 35,324 31,976 Lewis. 36 38851 58, 364.... 4.000 10 10,300 98,012......................... 37 8,916 67003 80...... 65:397 135 98,626 31,825........................ 8 6 978 19.392....,202 40720 100 59,219 15,814......................... 39 17 963 103 325 198 1,535 30 168,980 275 182,772 58,203........................ 40 5,431 3.2013.. 9 9...... 7909460 4 6,768 15,233................ 41 308 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES. - cl asses. [ Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 42 Lawrence.......... 4,114 3,980 8,094 24 1 162 4,701 4,579 97280 7,121 43 Lewis.... 11804 1,890 3,694 8 736 2,144 2,294 4,438.......... 44 Lincoln............ 8,863 8,939 17,802 69 5,621 11,660 11832 23492 1,493 45 McMinn............ 6,200 6,086 12,286 52 1,568 6,949 6,957 13,906 12,719 46 McNairy.. 5840 5,607 11,447 24 1,393 6,518 6,346 12,864 9,385 47 Macon.. 3, 0925 3,097 6,122 60 766 3,416 3,53 6948.......... 48 Madison............ 6,634 6,223 12,857 61 8,552 10,819 10,651 21.470 16.530 49 Marion.......... 2,893 2, 825 5,718 45 551 3,194 3,120 6,314 6,070 50 Marshall............. 5.929 5986 11,915 67 3,634 7,716 7,900 15, 616 14,555[ 51 Maury.............. 8,505 8,254 16,759 91 12,670 14,730 14790 29,520 28,186 52 Meigs.............. 282 2, 198 4,480 4 395 2,474 2, 405 4 879 4, 794 53 Monroe......... 5, 217 5,406 10,623 63 1,188 5,819 6, 055 11,874 12,056 54 Montgomery......... 6,151 5,749 11,900 74 9,071 10,923 10,122 21,045 16, 927 55. Morgan.............. 1,708 1,593 3,301 28 101 1,772 1,658 3,430 9,660 56 Obion............. 3,394 3,178 6,57 4 1,057 3918 3,715 7,633 4,814 57 Overton........... 4,946 5,142 10,08 5 1,065 5,478 5,733 11,211 9,279 58 Penrry............. 747 2,756 5,503 5 313 2,898 2,923 5,1 7,419 59 Polk................ 2,995 2,889 5,884 54 400 3, 214 3, 124 6,338 3570 60 Rhea............... 2006 1,945 3,951 28 436 2,226 2,189 4,415 3;985 61 Roane.............. 5,206 5,319 10,525 116 1,544 6,029 6, 156 192,185 10,948 62 Robertson........... 5, 808 5,695 11,503 26 4,616 8 097 8, 048 16 145 13, 801 63 Rutherford.......... 8,599 8,311 16,910 234 11,978 14,548 14,574 29,122 24.280 64 Scott............... 983 885 1868........ 37 1,000 905 1,905.......... 65 Sevier.............. 3,17 3,172 78 6.450 67 403 3,389 3,531 6,90 6,442 66 Shelby.............. 8,867 7,71 16,579 21 14,360 16.177 14,980 31,157 14,721 67 Smith.............. 6,933 6,776 13,709 18 4,517 9,274 9,138 18,412 91,179 68 Stewart............. 3,568 3,449 7,017 127,575 5197 4,522 9.719 8587 69 Sullivan.... 5,243 5,30 1060 135 1,004 5,828 5,914 1174 10,736 70 Sumner....... 7,359 7,128 14,487 224 8,006 11,440 11,277 22,717 2445 71 Tipton.............. 417 256 4673 22 4,19 4,551 4,336 8,887 6,800 7 Van Buren.......... 1,253 1, 28 2481 8 175 1,34 1 2,6 674.......... 73 arren............. 4,216 4,170 8,386 83 1,710 5,087 5,09 10,179 10803 74 Washington.. 6,247 6,424 12,671 260 930 6,833 7,028 13,861 11,751 75 Wayne.............. 3,572 3,660 7,32 8 930 4,057 4,113 8,170 7,705 76 Weakly........... 5,929 5596 11,525 13 3,070 7,448 7,160 14,608.9,870 77 White............. 5,005 5,096 10101 129 1,214 5653 5701 11,444 10,747 78 Williamson......... 7,166 7,100 14,266 71 12,864 13,554 13,647 27,201 27,006 79 Wilson................ 9,961 9,95 19,913 403 7,1297 13, 612 13, 831 27, 443 24,460 STATISTICS OF Anderson........ 1,174 1,110 84. 600 1,46 1,422,884.......... 2 Angelina........... 490 455 945 24 196 600 565 1,165......... 3 Austin.......... 1,286 1,OOC 2,286 6 1,549 2,092 1,749 3,841.......... 4 Bastrop............. 1,211 96 2,180........ 919 1,653 1,446 3,099......... 5 Bexar.............. 3,41 2,220 5,633 30 389 3,6 2,444 6,05.......... 6 Bowie.............. 715 556 1,271....... 1,641 1,503 1,409 2,912......... 7 Brazoria............ 822 507 1.329 3,507 2,611 2230 4,841......... 8 Brazos.............. 253 13 466148 325 289 614......... 9 Burleson....66 551 1,213 500 925 788 1,713.......... 10 Caldwell............ 621 433 1,054 1 274 751 578 1,329......... 11 Calhoun............ 469 398 867 9 234 596 514 1,110......... 12 Cameron, includ.Star 5,013 3,456 8,469 19 53 5,045 3,496 8,541. 13 Cass...[and Webb 1,715 1,374 3,089........ 1,90 2670 2,321 4991......... 14 Cherokee........... 2,933 2,456 5,389 1 1,28 3,532 3,141 6,673. 15 Collin.............. 978 838 1,816 134 1,044 06 1,950.......... 16 Colorado............. 854 680 1,534 793........ 723 1203 1054 2,257......... 17 Comal............. 925 737 1,6........ 61 957 766 1,723.......... 18 Cook............... 116 103 219........ 1 117 13 220.......... 19 Dallas............... 1,357 1,179 2,536.207 1,450 1,293 2,743......... 20 Denton......... 332 99 631........ 10 337 304 641. 21 De Witt............ 636 512 1,148 568 918 798 1,716. 22 llis....77 425 902 10 77 522 467 989......... 23 Fannin.............. 1,783 1477 3,260........ 528 2,032 1,756 3.788.......... 24 F ayettc.... 1,507 1,233 2,740........ 1,016 1,991 1,765 3,756.......... 5 FortBend....... 564 410 974 5 1,554 1,343 1,190 2,533.......... 26 Galveston........... 2,000 1,785 3,785 30 714 2,342 2,187 529......... 27 Gaudalupe.......... 650 521 1,171 5 335 823 688 1,511......... 28 Gillespie............. 725 510 1,235........ 5 727 513 1,240.......... 29 Goliad.............. 276 159 43..... 213 385 26 648.......... 30 Gonzales........... 490 401 891 777.....601 1..... 31 Grayson..9861 836 1,22... 86 1,078 9301 008......... 32 Grimes.1,274 1,052,326 1,68 2,128 1880 4,008......... STATISTICS OF TENNESSEE. 309 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. ~Born o~ o4f State. Colleges, acad- C tz Born ot of State. se d Public Schools. z. I = vate sehools. -- *g 0 o0 o, aB o Co< Eg C50 i. ~ __ in __ f a 0 u 1,925 43 1,34 1.364 70 $ 0 1,200 T2,546 2,776 1,893 3,475 567 4,790 42 726 2'599'599 0 228 1,400 580 808 939 1,599 575 3,550 43 4,221 39,010 3,010 125 3,615 1,914 4,727 8,342 4,051 7,411 1,834 8.940 44 2,880 13 2,040 2,041 145 1,881 3,851 3,020 4,901 2,845 5,074 1,532 6,140 45,664 18 1,8 1,899..............2,500 2913 2,913 2,915 4,632 1,489 11,250 46 1,140 4 1,044 1,045 20 333 680 875 1,208 890 2,474 910 5,650 47 4,454 58 2,82 2,282 2.74 18,730 1,308 17.199 35,929 2,704 5,228 346 19,360 48 972 19 957 958 60 201 1,060 1,270 1,471 65 2,483 409 4,625 49 2,894 10 2,061 2,061 251 1,325 2,971 2.735 4,060 2,999 4,804 1,121 11,375 50 4,012 84 2,961 2,961 1,443 55,010 9.30 1,197 56,207 4,328 6,953 959 16,520 51 681 3 819 819..............2,145 968 968 916 1,885 950 5,700 52 2,445 20 1,816 1,816 90 115 2,029 2,556 2,671 2,701 4,473 1,956 9,300 53 3, 279 95 2,086 2,086 378 6.325 90 193 6,518 586 4,808 50 8,495 54 630 317 581 581 30 250 650 123 1,2 483 660 1,371 267 500 5.5 1,901 49 1,131 1,131 129 1,576 50 405 1.981 896 2,785 863 1,350 56 1,927 6 1,673 1,674...... 1,723 2,112 2,112 1,962 4,9227 1,553 6,95 57 811 156 927 927............. 685 869 869 1,232 9,406 943 4,200 58 2,016 30 1,012 1,021 65 480 700 2,108 2,588 1,027 2,473 677 5,300 59 726 2 681 681 90 974 40 900 1,874 442 1,600 404 1,800 60 1,762 98 1,82[ 1872 60 1,286 4,182 41,500 5,786 2,305 4,367 2,128 7,450 61 2,344 28 1,995 1995............................... 2,248 4,738 11741........ 62 3,612 68 2,895;895 629 7,896 1,673 5,130 13,026 3,287 6,990 1,163 16,730 63 266........ 296 298........................................ 819 14 900 64 639 13 1,071 1,071 60 2533 1,000 1,065 1,298 1,416 2,693 1,005 2,550 65 7,448 1,629 2926 2,965.............. 1,810 6,386 6386 3,048 6.006 586 13,495 66 2,909 16 2,422 2,422 80 866 1,718 4,508 5.374 3,025 5,675 1,819 14,855 67 734 35 1,25 1,225 20 232 248 1,017 1,249 1,036 2.827 324 7,000 68,504 16 1,8061 1,826 24 458 825 2,716 3,174 1,357 4,277 771 12,100 69 2, 276 56 2,555 2555............./ 1,542'400 400 2,155 6.063 89 11,350 70 1.771 44 813 813.............. 295 6.930 6,930 738 1,959 170 4,900 71 342 5 404 404 108 1,798 505'703 2,501 732 1,083 271. 1,3 72 1,634 9 1,387 1,387 238 6,320 780 1,554 7,874 1,998 3,432 1457 4 88 73 2,675 14 2,155 2,208 280 4,870 1,625 11,650 16,520 2,493 5,163 1703 10450 74 1,368 8 1,216 1,243 65 240 825 1,300 1,540 1,276 3,172 892 3,8 75 3,6 11 1,948 1,948 4.470 83 318 788 1,805 4,966 1,677 4,600 76 2,150 26 1,706 1.708 58 240 2,500 1,550 1,790 2,664 4,199 1,599 5,525 77 1,264 32 2,534 2534 475 4,360 309 1,870 6,230 2,745 5,938 875 18,900 78 3,998 3,8 3411 3, 411 223 10,225 3,4521 2,194 12,419 4,126 8,379 626 17,800i 79 TEXAS. 1,591 3 375 375 38.. 58...280 931 172.......... 1 595 8 166 166............ 62 675 675 86 392 144 190 2 865 810 432 432 20........ 122 3,600 3,60 208 787 50 800 3 1,412 188 377 397.................................... 384 84 62 1,150 4 1,270 2,086 1,204 1,204 98 2,130 16 180 2,310 402 1,727 1,172 1,000 5 850 17 250 250.................................... 183 527 52.......... 6 773 173 296 96.............118 380 15.......... 7 251 26 81 81.............. 75 1,115 111 98 201 38......... 8 768 19 224 224.............. 115 1,853 1,853 192 509 98 1,050 9 733 30 174 174.......... 164................ 190 42 68.......... 10 345 342 182 182......... 126........304 1............. 11 642 3,100 1,554 1,776 296........ 119................ 908 2,951 2,528 900 12 2,386 43 558 576 340........ 500................ 611 1,224 58.......... 13 4,309 24 891 891.......... 340 2,149 2,149 983 2.166 331 6,000 14 1,415 4 311 311........................ 260 6 171...... 15 549 585 283 295.............. 165................ 160 583...... 1,100 16 93 1,30 367 367............. 130 550 550 257 532 13 900 17 175 5 38 39.............. 40................ 40 94 18 60 18 2,017 21 435 450......1........ 170........ 438 1.032 285 350 19 541 17 109 110.............. 104................ 70'286 47 1,200 20 566 228 231 231................................ 73 458................ 21 See Na varro. 155 155..............38. 22........... 113 389 38...... 22 2,500 17 548 548.............. 573.............. 561 1,347 291 2,915 93 1,452 465 494 494 150 120........ 1.......3 1,023 42 3,150 24 524 50 199 199 40........ 120............... 263 331 6 1,500 25 1,178 1,729 727 741 398 8,200 45 900 9,100 468 1,219 22 6,200 26 437 419 216 216................................... 80 386 39 1,500 27 154 913 274 274.............. 137 210 21 216 390...... 1,550 28 91 54 88 88...... 28.......... 16 126 2..........29 556 17 188 188 70 1,800 75 1,500 3,300 83 309 6 900 1,446 11 295 95. 2475..2.......... 24.... 808 200 1,520 31 1,356 143 405 431 67........ 123 4,000 4,000 380 884 164 300 32 310 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMS. COUNTIES. 0 C.0 42~^io L38 394 19526 63367 414553 11789 309 6,63 15653 44 Lincoln............. 1 926 134,768 194;113 3 476,59 10,996 18,961 16,118 101,875 45 McMinn............1,688 97, 306 203,41 1,366,882 5,027 10;619 10,326 47640 46!McNairy............ 1,379 64,173 285, 474 822, 832 4,456 15, 094 10,317 37,335 47 Macon.............. 782 30,771 309, 854 438,297, 183 4,688 6,475 16.9191 48 Madison............ 1,408 115 872 199, 4052 332,262 9; 120 17,213 14 564 56981 9 Marion.............. 724 39985 20253 680,600 2,509 9,102 3 969 31496 50 Marshall............. 1,032 79,951 119,73 2,096,281 8,419 12,978 19531 71,133 51 Maury.............. 1,501 143,730 144,43 4358,771 13,634 0,507 25,883 10, 538 52 Meigs......... 598 38 2 1 136 558 134,766 1,789 4,899 4,43 2225 40 Monroe y..., 918 83,610 257,124 343, 956 4,147 7,149 8,502 33,45 43 Monroe............. 78 83,1 61.0 954 4 7,1 67 1 54 Montomery......... 1, 27 101, 25 03,252 1359836 7,258 13, 958 16, 732 68,3068 55 Morgan............ 430 14,807 521,283 333.970 995 4,112 2,'278 13,338 5G Obion............ 653 26,027 114,5 667, 437 2, 481 6,2 3,079 35,878 57 Overton............ 9129 60,537 246,179 711.340 4,127 12,704 13,9885 3,297 58 Perry............... 458 2215 174,4128 433962 1,974 6047 5,975 26,564 59 Polk................ 561 29, 568 145235 606,98 1,4 3, 637 4,447 14,98 60 Rhea.......... 305 21.694 56,712 379, 467 1,24 4,439 3209 13,043 61 Roane......... 842 66,440 174,443 1.061, 936 3622 10,060 107,346 35, 917 62 Robertson........... 1,063 98,700 167,676 1,392,692 5,772 9,434 13, 817 50,785 63 Rutherford.......... 1 507 149,563 170,994 4, 522,394 12,222 18,321 25604 88,794 64 Scott................ 90 8,587 126,845 100,691 672 2,195 3,108 14,881 65 Sevier.............. 531 39, 830 167,936 501,539 2.561 6,083 6,663 20,433 66 Shelby.............. 1,115 121,889 184,792 3,423.456 5;894 15,427 6,269 56,233 67 Smith.............. 1,310' 90,548 144, 908 1;280 423 7,195 14,566 22,040 73,216 68 Stewart............ 936 39,118 184,722 374,789 3, 745 9,715 10,477 32, 91 69 Sullivan........ 816 95; 034 121,371 1,403,556 4,098 9,562 15,998 22,285 70 Sumner............ 1,335 118,391 155.017 2,833, 346 9,149 16,071 25,785 76,001 71 Tipton.............. 631 48,176 132 622 1,108, 049 2,837 9,670 3,222 31,014 72 Van Buren......... 217 12,115 164,851 148,123 869 2,796 2,268 10,716 73 Warren............ 645 52,100 131,547 731,629 2,806 7,310 8,974 26,519 74 Washington........ 922 86,794 116,150 1,801,927 4,981 9,394 14.606 27,312 75 Wayne.. 0....... 689 33,230 284, 77 564,900 3,066 8, 404 7639 32, 394 76 Weakly............ 1,467 61,933 192,445 872,167 4,389 11,423 8,826 42, 928 77 White............. 1,341 79,174 219,678 796 079 4,559 11,733 12, 283 44, 150 78 Williamson... 1,355 169, 792 164, 840 5, 382, 713 12,536 17,462 24,26 92, 33 79 Wilson........... 1,988 140,784 186,299 2,881,325 11,683 17,574 32,109 83,951 STATISTICS OF 1 Anderson.......... 6 9,844 103,264 236,891 943 7,621 720 14,925 2 Angelina.. 88......3,004 33.375 143,265 558 6 371 95 4,812 3 Austin.............. 230 12,381 107922 433,268 2,715 22,55 2,104 12,871 4 Bastrop............. 19 9,672 78, 991 316,257 1,912 18,610 883 11,699 5 Bexar.............. 117 5,06 135,182 24,32 704 9,289 7,007 2,715 6 Bowie.............. 157 19,045 335,398 210,801 1,349 8,184 592 12, 10 7 Brazoria............. 134 2,251 1,023706 1,117,469 2,454 50,192 235 13,940 8 Brazos.............. 47 1.28 174,210 68,986 448 6,309 444 6872 9 Burleson............ 115 5,182 316,531 156,585 973 12,766 376 13, 07 10 Caldwell........ 51 1,991 18, 131 71,582 218 4 042 306 3,:34 11 Calhoun............ 2 1,085 38,570 76,529 410 8,278 480 84 12 Cameron,includ.Star 11 574 215, 230 104,730 942 4,319 9,670 110 13 Cass.....[and Webb. 365 24,06 263,295 534,140 1,340 8,157 772 16,7 14 Cherokee........... 454 19,13 169,750 584,500 1,618 9,583 971 17,970 15 Collin.............. 218 6,697 130,141 175,362 977 4,813 630 4,8358 16 Colorado............ 116 13,744 285,654 199,589 3,107 22,26 4,720 12,297 17 Comal.............. 55 1,704 8768 81,165 119 1,283 356 418 18 Cook............. 25 433 34,922 6,395 68 503 96 1,46 19 Dallas...............178 7305 96, 232 175,502 756 3,643 567 6,089 20 Denton............. 81 2131 60 027 21,493 249 1,754 215 2, 2c 21. De Witt............ 10 5,493 93,884 196,943 2.635 1.7,954 391 8097 22 Ellis............... 75 2,600 57,048 65,223 327 2,858 259 2,8 21 Fannin............. 331 14,118 127, 462 300,107 1,877 10,192 2,607 12, 3682 24 Fayette............ 209 9,023 78,852 312,639 1722 14,085 1,921 8,390 25 Fort Bend......... 109 10,892 92,260 366,009 1,835 29,223 521 9,792 2 Galveston........... 33 478 19,659 35,200 391 13,328 175 8361 27 Gaudalupe....... 101 4,433 89,449 211,754 1,389 11,563 2,120 4,4201 28 Gillspie........ 40 2,217 8.407 26,388 86 788 85 70 29 Goliad...............1,470 27680 55,623 432 7,731 2,555 1,749 30 Gonzales......... 123 6,504 362,193 524,558 2,319 29,.726 565 14, 328 31 Urayson............. 171 5,891 99,252 173,795 873 5,111 67 5,890 32 Grhine............. 171 15,627 108,667 293, 932 1,570 22,324 4 101 13,6431 STATISTICS OF TENNESSEE. 311 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 4 626 50670 34,123 36,944 1957............ 83,146 1,824 3 79 1 4' 4 119 19,143 293, 610 17,161 2,251 15 5 39, 834 729 13 230 11 43 18.612 241.947 1,873,321 88,274 2,22...... 146 263,490 2,088 10 156 354 44 32, 132 216,154 939,116 80,060 13,385...... 35 114,928 1,637 40 271 273 45 21,577 55,511 571,080 53,475 2,846............ 141, 168 174...... 17...... 46 8.798 44,651 302,505 23,538 1,221...... 2 49,234 38...... 24 301 47: 32,707 2,914 1,045,424 105, 871 21,329............ 187,089 55...... 57..... 48' 3,019 57,147 468,294 38,567 2,670 50.... 79,507 95...... 12 193 49 28,324 165.042 1,291,675 66,691 6,283...... 6 151,988 468 25 305 93 50 33.140 196,782 2,016,600 114,833 5,654 38 15 242,690 2,507 80 2,163 37 51 6;502 72 471 432,875 25,931 929...... 60,629 135...... 39 108 51 42,499 177,921 671,167 49, 647 2,487...... 63 73,696 1,518...... 85 36 53 43,807 13,942 1.077,304 72,013 2,784...... 50 155,809 816 30 304 6 54 651 19425'103,522 19,658 1,682...... 92 35,288 634............ 110 55 9.413 15,829 445,420 28,187 615........ 54,429 258...... 159 12 56 16,656 64,946 6252,485 55,756 950 7 149 106,320 109 4 66 1,008 57 2,650 23,503 395,535 24,979 4,718........ 41,948................. 58 14,727 529,21( 299,917 27,601 2,489...... 56 47,586 37 15 2 35 59 3,129 42,072 231,1254 182,254 1,273........ 36,482 683 4 161 63 60 20,026 138,459 595,296 53.486 2,744...... 58 138,356 2,090...... 160 349 61 36.837 116,556 858,615 47,799 957 33...... 112,383 135 8 79 539 62 28,684 182,696 1,667,320 106,835 2,258 10 2 186,011 408 13 54 3 63 1,298 7,317 66,421 7,634 3,355 748 134 29,768 367 11 372 403 64 11,845 64,549 375,940 32,421 1,987...... 365 64.741 803...... 402 225 65 5,452 76,198 837,837 128,693 24,541............ 163; 042 3,905 50 3...... 66 527,210 99,785 1,066,410 64,422 6,754........ 125,583 1,159 10 59 41 67 3,.880 43,427 584,050 35,297 3,229 112 50 94,290 119............ 70 68 69,937 164,249 373.698 19,027 451 43 2,834 106,330 3,560 1 466 1,421 69 38,874 2i1,664 1,375,590 66,682 2,390 25 15 201,535 509...... 265 12 70 17,308 35,476 439,785 52,896 17,718............ 84,756 492.................. 71 1,752 12,456 131,890 12,781 71............ 24,786 4............ 6 72 11,908 90,277 474,705 34,188 1.324............ 81,432 441...... 16...... 73 96,967 202,603 395,742 19,384 88...... 4,160 161,174 4,265 67 566 1,329 74 3,386 41,239 458.148 32,702 945 60... 48.548 11............ 1 75 27; 713 77,575 7353,930 59,560 1,853...... 50 85,594 204 25 144 34 76 14,679 62,652 599; 015 56,103 2,857 5 220 122,691 363 35 163 583 77 43,854 229,104 1,697,570 109,954 16,093 291 3 157. 035 2,127...... 401 52 78 5,774 2113971,543,869 91,261 2,646 200 2 53,694 1,125...... 282 4 79 TEXAS. 907 1,397 87,506 19,167 26............ 39,574.......................... 1 6 1,117 22,005 11116 448...... 14,113 20............. 23 120 1,474 149,230 40.852 929............ 98............... 3 15 6,577 148,360 22313 2,520...... 4 96,573 98.................. 4 120 2.365 82,975 2,162 262...... 5 19,6-26 740...... 568 6;5 938 1 19,110 7 547 545 4 300...... 40,28........................ 100 213,25 88,250 226............ 56455 394 5............ 7 21 39 15,934 810 156............ 8,246.......................... 8 54 533 70,000 4,169 169.....18,270 76.................. 9 199.......... 29,885 5,245 1,760............ 13,380 4 1............ 10 199......... 7.660 2,300........................................................ 11 8............ 8,700 1200............................................. 12 360 13.417 167,50 48061 21,855.......... 55,38 54.13 4661 5,6772 660 55 477 435652........... 124,106 17.................. 14 2.433 3,7941 88195 4,878 55............ 61,440 465............ 1 15 2.865 19 780.................... 9645.16 10 70 37575 1,740 119.......... 1221 414.................. 17 100 5,170 439 44............ 5429 27........... 2,983 3,993 94.870 5,969 28 1 4018............ 3 19 850..........66,545 1,050............. 21 9415 1,360 28744 2617 93 3...... 17,220 57.................. 2 4,89 8,045 124 634 11,906 321 5 5 101,858 24............ 12 23 30 1630 116,030 21,916 1 859..........,805 36.................. 24.................... 135205 55,666 1,555......4,414.......................... 25.................... 5,720 5,450.................... 750 30.................. 26 294 635 89,330 3,554 91............ 36,480 179............ 7 80.......... 15;540 729 169............ 5,140 117.................. 28................ 521,735.......................................... 29 25 975 97,375 10,518............... 78,425.......................... 301 1, 8 1,4786 59, 015 5,795 1231...... 57,17 21......31 4 2,67432,01 138405 2,011 1,940............ 57,840 47.................. 3 312 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUOTS. COUNTIES.. o 0. - M. Z it 1 0~ s 5s 7 10 IC P. _____ a_ a U.8 o.8 0 42 Lawrence 434............. 2 3,054 16,765 125 11,486 3 43 Leis.. 19.................... 587 8 260 153 8,421 5 44 Lincoln............. 5,121 3 536...... 24 1,928 13,285 2,576 47,492... 45 MMin.......... 6,033 21 440...... 16 300 10.720. 187 24 46 MeNairy............................................... 4,330 9,180 2.821 14,437...... 47 Macon......... 5,917...... 2,S11 1 48........ 941,268 1...... 0677...... 48 Madiison............................................... 66,955 34,34015,823 20,058. 49 Marion.............. 2,263 20 306.............. 2,657 6.53824,413 7,358..... 50 Marshall............ 2,163 2 1,419...... 16 887 60757 1.054 34,544...... 51 Maury............... 1,153 28 961........ 44,862 167.517 9,972 47437...... 52 Meigs............... 881 1 65...... 2 1,704 17,6687 8.874 10 53, Monroe............. 5,263....................... 4,640 14,064...... 15661 113.54 Montgomery........ 650 30.............. 160 3,45, 745...... 30,114. 55 Morgan............. 2,560 1.................... 6,735....... 56 Obion.............. 1,953 330...139305 55 3,547. 57 Overton........... 14,65 9,904 309 465 63,752...... 24,436 70 58 Perry............................. 430...... 100........ 940 53 9.691. 59 Polk............... 1,106 5.............. 439 29266 29 8072...... 60 Rhea............... 4,408 76i.............. 245 3755......,572. 61 Roane.......... 7,468 2 466...... 6 3,235 15121 12 17,257..... 62 Robertson.... 867.. 717...... 37 80 1,445,670 7 26,299 88 63 Rutnherford.... 1,401...... 400...... 173 490 169,047 14,070 39,064. 64 Scott............... 4, 796 39 2,425..... 193 646 5.492 4...... 4735 86 65Sevier........... 6,51...... 4,927...... 627 4.417 8,324...... 10,655. 66 Shelby............................................ 741 9,933..... 67 Smith............... 1,655...... 1602...... 25 468 2,377394 22 30,881 1 68 Stewart............ 696......'5201...... 87 265 290,3'20 40 14,534. 69 Sullivan............ 15,403...... 10,398 460 450 2,610...... 16,122. 70 Sumner........... 780 550................... 809,517 153 44,934...... 71 Tipton.310 6,611 5, 609. 71 Tipton................................................./ 1. 72 Van Buren.......... 1,700...... 1,655...... 24.................. 4,634. 73 W arren.................................... 200..... 16,454. 74 Washington........ 16,833..... 4,208...... 989 300 3,238..... 24,046...... 75 W ayne............. 231...... 99...................... 3 646 303 11,649...... 76 W eakly............ 572............................ 900 2,228.990 93 13,489. 77 White.............. 13,09...... 4.734...... 181 1,126 20,779 2..... 23537 3 78 Williamsos,........ 704 63'100...... 15 203 1,302,209 5,314 30,399 2 79 Wilson.............. 100.................................. 1,237305 63 51,813...... STATISTICS OF 1 Anderson.....................3.'..... 734 1,681. 2 Angelina.... 3975 1,190 174 171...... 3 Austin......................60 4,195. 9663 3,205 2,317. 4 Bastrop...................................................... 1,47.626. 5 Bexar............................................ 230 5,25 5 6 Bowie................................................... 1.113.......... 7 Brazoria............................. 4,811 314,164........ 3,200 3,531 870 8 Brazos................... 9 20 142 1,000. 9 Burleson....................... 10 00 50 784 1,10 559...... 10 Caldwell...................1...................................... 22 624. 11 Calhoun.....................................109................ 12 Cameron, includ.Star.................................................... 2,000. 13 Cass..... [and W ebb.................................. 55 335,573 1,938...... 14 Cherokee.................................. 4,250 1,295 1,083 2,492. 15 Collin.........20.................................. 200 1 1 920. 16 Colorado............................................. 13,500 4,771 10,660. 17 Comal............... 1,595 10 621 4 18 Cook........................................................... 130...... 349 19 Dallas..105.50 44 2,144. 20 D enton............. 135...................................................457. 21 D e W itt.................................................................. 520. 22 Ellis.............. 30............................ 287 200...783...... 23 Fannin........... 570..................................... 193 374 7,813...... 24 Fayette........................................................ 4,830 1,194 820...... 25Fort Bend................................ 100 420........ 20 2,465 3,000...... 6 Galveston............. 27 Gaudalupe.......... 8.................................... 1,540 182 4,28...... 28 Gillespie........................................................ 20...... 120...... 29 Goliad...................................................... 30 Gonzales................................................................. 1 27 720...... 31 Grayson........... 5................................... 75 5 1,532.... 32 Grimes......1.... 7...... 14 700........ 3702,8 5,404..... STATISTICS OF TENNESSEE. 313 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. I) | ~ U'S Establishments. R < U ~ o U U 1 d I " 40. U 5.) 0R C U U, U'o u R r ^ U i-.. U. U'U __ > __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 __ ______ 6,733 $53, 237 $67..... $156,635 218 $136,155 $36,473 Div. in'43 to form Lewis. 42 6,993 20,687 26 25..... 43.140 80 47,681 13,761 Formed in'43 from Hick- 43 61,455 196,256...78190 212 156,843111,174 man, Lawrence, Maurv 44 1,756 141,756 6,517 562...... 120,290 219 219,860 50,906 and Wayne. 45 14,206 77,784...................... 23.800 63 35, 900 49, 821......................... 46 15,633 29,833........ 13..... 4,700 8 3,714 16,261 Divided in 1842 from Sum- 47 6,986 12 37 95.250 41,727 ner and Smith. 48 11.817 41,532...................... 5,250 17 9.600 496................. 49 54,051 122,895 121 6,579...... 34,075 93 63,024 74,549................. 50 31,639 185.386 700 25..... 133,595 433 242,560 69,982 Divided in 1843 to form 51 1,326 40,741 662 400 25,000 21 10:080 23,343 Lewis. 52 814 72,866 81 20...... 102, 840 184 134;599 36,437................. 53 2,215 158,588 395 15..... 1072,000 1,368 1,376.300 49,299......................... 54 5,2.56 16,8........ 256..... 3,210 14 2.762 10,826 Divided in 1849 to form 55 8,800 47,375.. 1,442..... 14,250 26 33,500 13, 999 Scott. 56 18,455 51,890........ 3,981...... 5,350 24 10,900 41,733......................... 57 5,762 44,083....................... 48,137 128 42;,737 28; 014 Divided in 1845 to form 58 2, 339 43,521 2 25...... 16,000 26 31,166 23,456 Decatur. 59 6,954 20.878...... 35...... 200 1 1,200 12,791......................... 60 9,923 98,588 28 365.... 154,650 133 55,106 48.259......................... 61 32() 97,853:.................... 39,375 161 100,405 69,592......................... 62 12,857 173,026........ 1,000...... 35,015 115 61,035 75,257................... 63 10,485 22,094 2,070 3,568............................... 13,192 Formed in 1849 from An- 64 8,221 28,7........ 148.............................. 43,806 derson, Campbell, Mor- 65 25. 007 110.759 19375 2,185...... 424,130 789 840,789 24,503 gan and Fentress. 66 51.827 108,394. 57...... 74,158 86 90, 385 63,646 Div. in'42 to form Macon. 67 7,898 66,208 112.............. 695,650 771 481,705 30,711......................... 68 20,855 54.616........ 15...... 45,050 109 43,058 36,537......................... 69 9,155 167,706............... 167,900 286 331,150 83,130 Div. in'42 to form Macon. 70 12,030 54,438....................... 9,100 44 24,900 18,252 [and Warren. 71 3,920 9,115...................... 500 14 4,905 12,669 Formed in'40 from White 72 4 483 47,081.2...... 90,850 32 24,880 27,998 Div. in'40 and'44 to form 73 27,698 86.823 3,422 435.... 131,800 216 243,832 56,792 Van Buren and Grundy. 74 2,966 48,735...................... 116,945 122 69,050 28,902 Div. in'43 to form Lewis. 75 7.914 81,313...................... 34,800 39 68,600 31,273......................... 76 18;213 83,591 173 135...... 100,840 65 40,046 42,734 Divided in 1840 to form 77 12,280 190,945 495 145 50 103,270 238 159,280 81,831 Van Buren. 78 13,621 150,098...................... 171,550 281 168,616 77,501.........................79 TEXAS. 5,364 14.263........ 35................4,340 Formed in 1846. 1 1,366 6,.925....... 212...................... 1,930 Formed in 1846. 2 10005 21,667....................................... 710 Exist'g prior to annexation 3 16,272 25,258'9............... 56,900 67 82,100 812 " 4 4,085 9, 551 910 10 24,600 57 95.830....... " " 5 23,443................ 3,600 14 12,100....... " " 6 63,101 1,380 312....................... 7 1,340 3675........ 1,360.... 100 8 637 10,373.... 3, 317i....... 427 Formed in 1846. 9 1,342 4,773 120 1 0...... 9,534 Formed in 1848. 10.... Formed in 1848. 12 649 27705............ 13,860 2099Formed in 1846. 13 29,157..... 3 10,000 23 32,050 12,936 Formed in 1846. 14 22,682' 8, 578!.6516 FormedinI14. 15..... 25.070........'............. 5,750 9 8,960..... Exist'g prior to annexation 16 520 4615........12,900 28 46,800 379 Formed in 1846. 17 700 946...........854 Formed in 1848. 18 8,096 12.112....I...... 200 1,000 3,058 Formed in 1846. 19 1599 3375................................... 2,493 Formedin 1846. 20..... 6,702................ 1,300 7 3,300 100 Formed in 1846. 21 3,97 4,028 92 50................................ 1,711 Formed in 1849. 22 49,78 15,254...................... 7 500 8 3,800 11,464 Exist'g prior to annexation 23 4,96( 17,761................. 7 150 18 9,775 2,516 "C " " 24 240 23,786...................................... " " " 25.. 356 7,975.............. 46,450 131 207,100....... 26 s665 9,179....... 25...... 2,300 8 7,800 1i10Formed in 1846. 27 9,179........ ] 251..... 27 100 1,459...5,075 13 17,326 30 Formed in 1848. 28 2, 122....................................................... xist'g prior to annexation 29 1564..............:::::::......... 10553 " 30 20,599 8,640..... 5,260 Formed in 1846. 31 11,890 25,255....................................... 5,848 Formed in 1846. 3 314 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES. - _ -- _.. ~ Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 33 Harris............... 051 1,705 3,756 7 905 2.454 2,214 4,668.......... 34 Harrison............. 3,045 02,559 5,604 5 6,213 6,039 5,783 1822. 35 Hays................ 148 111 259........ 28 09 178 387.......... 36 Henderson.......... 628 527J 1,155 1 81 671 566 1,237.......... 37 Hopkins........ 1,306 163 2,469........ 154 1,370 1,253 2,623.......... 38 Houston.. 1,082 954 2,036 12 673 1,419 1,302 2,721. 39 Hunt.............. 782 695 1,477 2 41 802 718 1,520. 40 Jackson............ 356 271 627 30 339 551 445 996.......... 41 Jasper.............. 661 565 1,226........ 541 929 838 1,767.......... 42 Jefierson........... 821 683 1,504 63 269 988 848 1,836. 43 Kaufman..... 525... 525 457 982.... 65 557 490,047. 44 Lamar......... 1,516 1377 2,893........ ]085 2,065 1,913 3,978.......... 45 Lavacca........... 620 519 1,139........ 432 821 750 1,571.. 46 Leon............... 730 595 1,325....... 621 1,055 891 946.......... 47 Liberty..... 884 739 1,623 8 1,326 1,196 2,52.......... 48 Limestone......... 1,108 882 1,990.. 618 1,393 1,215,608 49 Matagorda........... 499 414 913 3 1,208 1,154 970 2,124. 50 Medina............ 580 301 881. 28 597 312 909. 51 Milam.............. 1,428 1,041 2,469 2 436 1,640 1,267 2,907......... 52 Montgomery....... 786 653 1439 945 1,272 1112 384.......... 53 Nacogdoches.... 2,036 1,722 3,758 1404 2,733 2460 193.......... 54 Navarro........ 1,112 831 1,943 1 246 1,237 953 2 190.......... 55 Newton............ 663 592 1,255 8 426 879 810 1,689.......... 56 Nueces............. 430 220 650 1 47 449] 249 698......... 57 Panola.............. 1,4281 1,248 2,676 2 1,193 2,009 1,862 3,871.......... 58 olk................ 843 699 1542 1 805 1,206 1,142 2,348.. 59 ir.1,2 1,201 2.493 7 1406 1,999 1,907 3,906. 60 Refugio............ 126 19 149 139 288.......... 61 Robertson......... 366 304 670........ 264 502 432 934. 62 Rusk............... 3,352 2,660 6 012 2,1.36 4.454 3,694 8,148......... 63 Sabine.............. 93 763 1,556 942 1.273 1 64 San Augustine... 1,146 941 087... 1561 90 1, 741 3 648.......... 65 San Patricio... 112 85 197. 3 113 87 200. 66 Shelby.......... 1,741 1,537 3,278. 961 2,204, 035 4,239.. 67 Smith...1,940 1,635 3,575....... 717 2,275 2,017 4,292.... 68 Star, (see Cameron.)............... 69 Tarrant............ 355 244 599 65273.....664 70 Titus.1,645 1,523 3,168 1 467 1,872 1,764 3,636.. 1 Travis.......... 1,309 1,027 2,336 11 791 1,718 1,420 3,138....... 72 Tyler...........1.476. 418 980 914 1,894 73 Upshur.............. 1,439 1,273 2712........ 682 1,769 1,625 3394. 74 Van Zandt........... 685 623 1, 308........ 40 704 644 1348 75 Victoria............ 756 640 1,396 52 571 1,103 916 2019. 76 Walker........ 1,445 1,218 2,663....... 301 2.089 1,875 3,964 77 Washington.. 1 1,430 3,166....... 2,817 3,152 2831 5 983.. 78 Webb (see Caeron)............................ 79 Wharton............ 293 217 510....... 1,242 925 827 1,752. 80 Williamson......... 762 648 1,410 3 155 829 739 1,568....... STATISTICS OF 3 Addison............. 13,398 13,043 26,441 108 13,452 13,097 26,549 23583 Bennington.......... 9,434 9,077 18,511 78 478 9,111 18,589 16872 3 Caledonia......... 12,344 11,240 23, 5840 11,245 23595 21,891 4 Chittenden........ 14620 14,307 28,927 114679 14,357 29 036 22 977 5 Essex.............. 2401 2,246 4,647 3........ 403 2,247 4,650 4,226 6 Franklin.......... 14,596 13,904 28,500 86....... 14,641 13945{28, 24,531 7 GrandIsle.... 2176 1966 414 2,176 1,966 4,145 31883 8 Lamoille... 5,583 5286 10,869 3..... 5,585 5,287 10,872 10,475 9 Orange............. 13,617 13,66 2 7.... 13.624 13,672 27,296 27,873 10 Orleans............ 7,999 7,695 15 694 13........ 8, 006 7, 701 15,707 13,634 11 Rutland........... 16,957 15,981 32,938 121. 17,024 16,035 33,059 30,699 12 Washington.... 12,462 12,178 24,640 14........ 12,467 12,187 24,654 23,506 13 Windham.......... 14,818 14,207 29,025 37. 14,838 14224 29,062 27,44 14 Windsor............. 19,253 18954 38,207 113... 19,310 19,010 38,320 40,356 STATISTICS OF TEXAS. 315 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Born out of State. Colleges, acad- Public Schools. CI. D ON I emies, and pri- ~, U~__ __vate schools. ____ _. I 3 D C. ) - U1 - ) w 1,40 1,009 834 834 276 5,838.............. 5,838 379 1,300 124 1,900 33 4,550 91 977 69....... 496 1,040 1.040 867 92,262 132 3,500 34 167 10 41 41... 40 480 480 89 111 16 200 35 916 38 19 193........... 121....168 524 109.......... 36 1,870 5 435 4354.......... 1,0271................ 37 1,257 20 357 357 50..........80 20..........38 1,164 5 268 282 30........ 20 65 631 177.......... 39 349 83 114 114.............. 20 400 400 135 212 2.......... 40 756 15 1921 193.............. 140 2,082 2,082 946 593 85 100 41 930 641 259 259............. 90....... 177 594 113.......... 42 813 5 170 170.............. 129................ 204 414 115.......... 43 1,984 19 497 497... 180..38 1,249 11.......... 44 672 49 203 203 12 216........ 216 79 446 70 160 45 871 291 231 231... 93 1,500 1,500 180 490 55.......... 46 879 109 312 312......... 100 1,000 1,000 103 605 27 150 47 1,422 24 380 380 30 500 75 1,500 2,000 174 741 80 550 48 450 186 176 177 80 1820 155 995 14 800 49 123 62'2 177 177.. 37 225 225 46 927 39 500 50 1,691 115 414 421 41 400 134 1,467 1,867 164 962 9215 180 51 870 59 260 276 75.............................. 194 553 63 200 52 2,433 75 631 631 69 1700 260 346506 1,491 416 7885 53 *2,650 *166 336 336......11 3130 3,130 323 757 231......... 54 863 5 219 220.............. 83 1 1,436 9247 531 1929 620 55 229 358 151 151.............. I................ 17 168 149.......... 56 1,923 10 456 456.............. 79................ 275 1,097 62..........57 1,0922 5 9 29 2 l 300................ 06 626 11-2.......... 58 2,009 42 420 420 957 12,530...... 5301,068 157 1,000 59 79 104 56 56.............. 18................ 104...... 500 60 446 23 132 132 40 400 45 800 1,00 48 960 2 950 61 4,877 37 1,045 1,045 80 1,200 117 1,170 2,370 671 2,419 45 1,400 62 954 21 88 288......... 92........ 149 606 37 1,000 63 1,225 25 350 350 80 198 3,960 5,460 300 8481 59 1,350 64 41 106 3838.............. 30.............. 96 68 24.......... 65 9,166 33 560 560 30 450 181 9,615 3,065 338 1,318 126 1,495 66 3,07 10 603 605 95 400 105 1,175 1,575 450 1,460 208 2,400 67...........................................,.................... 68....68 See Navarro 85 85................. 103 21 55.......... 69 2,422 12 548 548 198 1,300 50 300 1,600 204 1.399 49 525 70 1,570 163 423 423 83........ 183................ 444'883 84 200 71 1,005 27 267 9267 295........ 35................ 721 575............... 72 2,094 6 484 484.............. 131................ 267 1,088 233 315 73 1,018 60 246 246.................................... 95 536 197 610 74 511 641 327 327 71.............................. 64 506 15.......... 75 1,678 60 478 478 91........ 181........1........ 451 1,055 171 500 76 1,987 117 600 600 365........ 115................ 501 1,238 1 1,000 77.;678 319 15 11 112.................................... 10 176................ 79 1,038 21 9 230 242.............. 80 730 730 190 578 170.......... 80 VERMONT. 3,676 3,794 4,679 4,830 501 6,355 7,884 14,353 20,708 6,838 9,034 664 21,022 1 3,415 1,103 3,404 3,541 205 1,600 5,946 12,318 13,918 5,071 6,471 146 11;900 2 4,593 9,118 4,395 4,467 638 6,683 7,361 11,987 18,670 7,471 8,254 391 18,475 3 3,218 6,726 4,805 5,099 896 11,373 7,177 16,918 28,291 6,495 9,979 1 306 16,355 4 1,264 977 846 846 74 173 1,666 3,376 3,549 1,701 1,682 16 2,850 5 9,438 6,318 4,827 4,977 279 1,125 7,537 9,520 10,645 7683 10,367 1,511 19,405 6 348 1,043 691 692 33 1,200 1,364 2,640 3,840 1,516 382 9,600 7 1,898 46 2,0 229,101 933 3,305 3,9269 5,190 8,425 3,5 3,906 30 8,100 8 5,170 861 5,192 5,380 806 5,461 9;212 18,661 24,122 9,042 9,334 153 25,095 9 2,923 1,864 29780 2,811 195 1,939 4,722 8,267 10,206 5,9255 5,919 154 7,019 10 4,747 4,394 5,661 6,155 1,190 16,433 9,395 15,886 32,319 9,658 10,997 720 94,908 11 3,756 1,823'4,442 4,452 281 1,500 7,456 19,566 14,066 8,586 8,689 176 18,725 12 5,603 1,880 5,374 5,636 666 3,776 8,773 16,250 90,026 8,654 9,531 410 24,480 13 8,135 1,052 7,373 7,586 631 9,57011,695 28,249 37819 11,238 12,757 130 33,670 14 * Includes Ellis and Tarrant. 316 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMS. COUNTIES. a > d Harris............... 197 53,411 137,937 1,718 29,103 930 6,685 34 Harrison............ 521 56,277 220,498 1,1'23, 528 2,940 124,76 35 Hays................ 22 725 17,498 58,748 216 1,733 998 1,32 36 Henderson.......... 106 2,46 357 64,214 264 3,392 222 9,343 37 Hopkins............ 21 5,447 99,503 114,340 850 8,963 2,63 13784 38 Houston............ 192 9402 81,617 185, 893 1,028 13,016 483 15,664 39 Hunt............... 93 131 33306 39 201 361 3,480 772 6,463 40 Jackson............ 73 3,034 121,926 176,473 1,074 20,792 864 4,002 41 Jasper.............. 123 5,676 330.823 320,341 437 5.800 215 7,081 42 Jefferson........... 9 1.832 42,690 52 916 1.927 29:159 56 4.384 43 Kaufinman........... 94 2,702 323 88, 072 303 2,865 647 6,585 44 Lamar.............. 407 16031 237313 504,488 1,988 14,483 3,174 2400 45 Lavacca........... 13 4,859 93,143 169,134 1,456 12,590 1431 8,418 46 Leon............... 151 6,485 109,592 206,972 1.202 14,089 600 12,746 47 Liberty............. 149 7,084 118,574 249,290 2451 456709,478 48 Limestone......... 279 8,638 326,374 125,858 1,248 13,294 585 14155 49 Matagorda.......... 39 8475 50,412 503015 1,078 35,009 2,11 6,022 50 Medino............. 40 1,424 8,371 2t602 90 797 17 346 51 M~ansilamn.......... 1521 3,146 80, 923 175,920 1,151 10630 397 560 52 Montgomery......... 180 8;642 58,198 204,449 1,016 11777 934 6926 53 Nacogdoches........ 287 16,546 114,866 296,818 1,486 9,879 1,287 16,994 54 Navarro............ 1 5,904 55271 131,326 896 9265 844 9,586 55 Newton............. 141 4,749 154,365 170,459 331 4,940 126 7,092 56 Nueces............. 8 995 93,988 110,;393 677 10,075 5,600 15 57 Panola............. 209 1,110 103,212 225,506 1,116 6719 885 11,334 58 Polk............... 17 7,856 456,182 505,618 1,058 15,436 504 9,972 59 Red River...... 6.. 1 14,711 211,790 347,756 1,343 9,182 2,255 13,590 60 Refugio............. 21 458 22,780 20,515 407 10,124 190 323 61 Robertson........ 18 4, 249 241,519 61,190 710 11,634 1,040 9,086 2 us............. 567 27,500 204, 717 68, 096 2,480 12,423 1,859 20,221 63 Sabine............. 171 12.759 419,704 417.439 784 7,293 461 12,044 64 San Augustine...... 158 17,903 91,810 258535 1,048 9063 1,189 11645 65 San Patricio....... 10 210 40,255 24,233 47 1,692 150 220 66 Shelby.............. 380 19,40 251.055 446,823 1,353 10,985 1,296 2128 67 Smith.............. 248 8,9:6 82,434 287,177 980 6,133 706 11,699 68 Star, (see Cam eron.)..................................................................... 6 Tarrant............. 51 1,726 2680 22,755 159 1,549 23 2,279 70 Titus.......... 269 9,743 89,919 182,348 953 6,838 1,014 12315 71 Travis............. 146 6,941 66,380 310,923 1,511 11.953 2,346 5,874 72 Tyler............ 137 5.244 97 705 145, 553 547 4938 172 9,469 73 Upshur............ 240 9 564[ 120,; 082 266,089 996 5,473 1,005 11,537 74 Van Zandt.......... 138 3,127 45,463 78,945 623 4,097 641 10,429 75 Victoria............ 84 4,072 130,545 213,735 1,838 13,288 190 2,832 76 Walker............ 234 11,976 433,885 443,422 1.818 23,923 916 15,267 77 Washington........ 306 19,535 244,382 692,961 2552 21,873 4,052 15,671 78 W ebb (see Cam eron)............................................................................. 79 Wharton........... 55 7.242 76,305 319,99 1, 1.73 15,668 524 6,596 80 Williamson......... 107 4506 122,105 278,708 2,23 21,060 2,937 13,646 STATISTICS OF Addison.......... 2,292 243,312 115,287 8,055,527 5,922 26,754 188,154 5,828 2 Bennington........ 1,397 138,065 85,760 3,469,950 3,344 16,052 71,294 5,162 3 Caledonia........... 2,630 210,474 151,607 5,071,168 5,716 28,845 30.252 2.864 4 Cbittenden.......... 1,908 177,707 104,454 5,841.782 4,914 24,973 57,184 6,49 5 Essex... 602 42,993 52,310 828,281 1, 025 7,'252 7,519 86 Franklin........... 2,172 180,843 127,002 4.499,488 5,490 34, 414 58,509 5,413 7 Grand Isle........ 339 33,171 15,113 1,228,675 1,300 3,059 18,949 91 8 Lamnoille............ 1,082 76,083 76.070 1,958,976 2, 071 13,860 15,193 2,476 9 Orange.............. 2, 677 226,257 120,142 5,087,429 5,585 29,479 71,551 7,337 10 Orleans............ 2,055 119,377 127,520 2,642,204 3,730 21,324 27,422 3,825 ii Rutland............. 2,668 290,392 154,524 8,227,420 6,151 33,414 186,319 5.034 12 Washington......... 2,104 165,654 120,239 4,130,564 4,155 26,619 32,355 5,5.07 13 ~Windham........... 3363 319,558 99,674 6,550,374 5,055 37,804 58,553 6,005 14 Windsor............ 4, 274 377,523 174,711 8,514,671 6,817 44,999 190,86 8,600 STATISTICS OF TEXAS. 317 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 160. 800 9I ^~~ 1....... 1C 463 890 31~ 350[ 4453.................... +, 2, 0 60 8 [ - 0 Cci s ^ f ^ 160 049,6604................... 30,880........................ 0. 166 8,996.044 0498 136,36474 1 5,51......47.....6................. 1 4 75 800 19,000 525 1,5 5 100...... 20 9,450 198............. 42 1,463 890 31,350 4,453.................................................. 3 1,708 30,215 8 5 4853 8,556 281.................... 5..... 50 1,324 71,495 21,707 1,967......4...... 48.004....4.................. 46 1,725 572 19,520 4,128 35.......... 10,370 60.................. 47 40 6 30.590 9,660.... 27,040 43........... 4........,040 44,498 16,364 1,495............,550......................... 4.......... 6,545 9,874 4......8,554 9........... 4,04 2,239 30.685 2,954...................................... 43 4,824 23,1 16,465 2,482.... 104,601.1,343..' 3 300188 50,86 100 9 1.,500 07.................. 45 209 993,483 66,545 19,715 5,760............ 37,595 4........ 46 16. 56 354,310 21,021 25............ 16,590 132.................. 47 1,053 1,550 99,800 9,995 2,786 200...... 35,047 2 48........ 1103,360 41,270 300... 2......... 22,930.. 49..226,1068 274/ 631...,........,9 3.... 50 515 330 38,539 0,070 60........................ 51 350 1,888 80,441 19,058 295...,50 2.......... 52 1249 9,079 139.110 39,743 1,050... 40.... 53 657 1,629 73040 12,366 1,049 1 54,304 29...... 54 16 586 4,135 0,108 3,459.. 10548.......................... 55 612 667 108,870 35,625 7,1973.......... 24,369....... 574. 0..........60,065 14,80.......... 0....... 58............. 5 3,0928 16,090 95,510 9,298 5....... 57,550 62... 6.. 59.....6.............. 6 240............................................................ 60 99 1,725 41,395 7,3851 5768.... 0.................................. 200 2,510 61,619 21,225 3,287 8...... 18,029.......................... 73 265 12,581 115,284 33,737 6,338.... 90, 209... 64!92 9,840 299,518 40,784 19 0... 6...4,40............ 6 665 3,36 1,565 31,344 7, 076 5 1 30,600 15.67.. 6019,510] 6] 384 405 17,50 2,193 2............ 11,600 6............. 1,0599 8,170 66 400.....3.3 364,......95 65.... 70 656 2,156 149,365 9,290 1,068... 43,442 339. 71 4 388 35,099 12,539 833...4............................ 72 91 1,457 90,000 22,883 4,78 200 5 28,139 8......7......3. 73 620 30,920 8,683 4 1,67... 17,393 4..... 1...... 1 4 369491 8 0, 318128 1183,' 171 0 9 54,11 83 3900 6| 1, 0......../ 6 6 475. 5. 42,565 102,475 17.610 328.. 1 7...... 18,50.. 6 753 120 57,015 2,899 0... 6..... 89 21.1.......... 80 103,434 21,481 175,478 318,421 26,355 14915,659 1,6937,90 88,793 5,962 1,594 53 9 6,973 194, 150,30 4200,013 3,150 3,00392,797 1,061,280 54,600 193 67 1.3 2 62,551 220 8 04 9. 31 565,341 6,419 3,65814,380 1,397.874 59,449 1,42 3,170 11 8,896 4697 21,931 94,124 2,506 1,21 15,400 414936 149728,250 96 11084 5 55,488 154.978 13,896258,757 10,255 815110,095 2,596,115 78,619 1,610 1,0;0 33 6 31,394 85,013 23.245 31,793 10,409 739|12,142 190,018 6,9803.....7 14,46 97,097 66,017278,959 4,351 69910,37 650,15 96,97315,657 596 41 8 5,82 215197 6,86 599 25 5,658 1,86128,942 1,97918 754923,87 815 158 9 58,515 174940 70,306407,132 3,723 8,97415,305 713,252 45,28877,605 1,837 140 10 25874 2 4,304258,831 416.000 4,0 6271,051 3,0 50 162 774 22 11...... 30580 219,12 133,47 446,551 4,954 86510,135 1,407,844 54,959 12,125 804 31 19 8,749 178,16950 10,141 38,295 2,27914,124 7,531 1,614,381 84,74941,510 468 10 13 39,862 250,760 312,581 613,297 9,20 4,80325,006 2,408,333 118865 79,700 2,083 163 14 36,491 210,38 198?5 38311 107 68211,003 2,501,33 57:407 6 10 13 318 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. COUNTIES. Cg 0 * 1 > S!? o 1 It._ - I o I o I 35 Hays....................(......1.........l......... 50 2 1,091. 3 Henderon...................................... 5, 000 31...... 37 Hopkins............. 190 6,769...... 38 I ouston................................. 82 340.. 750 1,471. 9 Hunt. 20................5,050 C 40 Jckson................................... 1 290 5 5 H1 J nisper........................... 27 2 3,565 3,750 359 350 10 42 Jeffrson.................................. 41,51 18, 900....2 1,100 43 Kaitufmanftn~........... I..... / 1 1~ 1 hi.......................... 213 6 jH45 ndroLavacca.5........,000 2.. 54331,. 463L3 Ha in..s.....9...... 7.............. 1,380 91 1320...... 47 Hiberty.................. 1............... 115 4,80........ 6 4 253 830....... 5241 Jasper ry................................ 2 1,430 1,56510 56750 1,109 35......0 10 42 Jeffacogdoersonches.................................9005 110 835 544...... 54N3 au a n.................................................. 2Ka6 u a98n2...... 445 ewton..............Lmr105...1...1.... 23,570 390088 1052 6692084...... 49 MatagordaNueces..................... 3, 5 M edin a............................................. 58 Polkiberty.........]....................... 20........ 582................ 51 Miam................... 5'79. 48 g'i;" i...... 52 Montgomery.1,43........:2120240 680 1109 835,...... 53 N a c o..............................................,.... 835..544...... 54 Navarro............ 50....................... 6 0 1,982...... 5.5S Newton..........................5..........70 300 152 661.. 6 Nueces.................................................. 7 Panola......7........ 5..... 8.. 8 Polk........................2.................2................ 59 Red River........... 579 889...... 60 Refugio............ 250...... 61 ettor..... 55429 3,061 Roberts on................................................. 1 1 673...... 7i. Rusk................................. 101 1 1715 2,659 4,632. 63 Sabinet...........13 4,178 11,815......... 702 14 057 64 San A ugustine............................... 23 2 60 6,78 475 1,020,785...... 65 San Patici............................................................ 66 Shelby......................................... 500.10................, 9 1770...... 67 Smith................ 100 450 555 415 1,495 68 Star, (see Cameron.)....................................... 69 Ta rn t........................::.:..............::...... 69 Tarrant................ 70 Taitus........................................................ 3, 0 71 Travis................. 2234 4,99 72 Tyler........33 287 5260 560 184 221. 73 Upsur..............................15 1 061 673 1,245. 74 Van Zandt........69... 785 57 1646...... 75 Victoria 120 6,700............ 270 0..... 76 Walker...6 540................. 8. 77 WVashington......................... 9.............. 200 4, 008 1,045 78 Webb (see Cameron). 79 Wharton............ 317 11490..................2,82 60 80 Williamson....3.......... 3499 STATISTICS OF I Addison........... 1,252...... 205,263.. 650.622,594 76 2 Bennington......... 2,522... 120,009. 165... 21, 679. 3 Caledonia........... 2,365. 854, 820. 364.. 136, 790. 4 Chittenden...... 968 2428... 70.18,215 4 5 Essex........ 855...145,041 129.. 29.614. Franklin.1,052.. 684,511..... 36.... 209 350. 7 Gratnd Isle. 331 32, 665 71, 291 30 8 Lamoille............ 1,293. 427,918.... 23. 49,053 9 Orange.............. 3, 752 532,156. 674..... 248,715 15 10 Orleans............. 660 656, 883........ 81 947. 11 Rutland........... 492,664 623,199 12 Washington..... 2,7 765,429. 407. 153 843. 13 Vindham.......... 51 470,934 1.,360.. 179,12 1 14 Windsor. 1,538. 618,22 119 89305 14 STATISTICS OF TEXAS. 319 AGRICULTURAL PRODUC S.. MANUFACTURES. nZ Establishments. 1UN l II D 0 I- I -~REMARIKS. | 01 0, 0 I...... 9 1c cc 1........ 11,065 1135.............. 56,100 136 ~204,200... Exist'gpriorto annexation. 33 57,658 100.. 59,o700 90 61,;200o 2,610 " c.. 3 1,150 4245.......... 4,450 7 17,100 40 Fonned in 1848. 35..... 8, 543 9,788 Formed in 1846. 36 1,800 17,101. 6,7741Formed in 1846. 37 4,269 1,717 Exist'g prior to annexation. 38 1,620 5,266................................ 2,485 Formed in 1846. 39,794 10,635................. 16,600 3 8,250 241 " " " 41 639 9,975 6 65.... 13,810 25 28,552 1,984 " c c 42 4,930...................................... 7,62 Formed in 1848. 43 114860 23,9895 175 50...... 9,600 17 22,700 21,698 Exist'g prior to annexation. 44 14 10,9.................. 11,260 Formed in 1846. 45 7,4451 13,14 1846. 46 4,70 17,79........ 265... 500 1,600 40 Existgpriortoannexation. 47 4,558 12,360 20................................. 1,714 Formed in 1846. 48 1.300 18...................................................... Exist'g prior to annexation. 49 3015 1494................... Formed in 1848. 50 3,070 9,975............00 2 1,150 698 Exist'gprior to annexation. 51 6,485 13.640 10 1,785 8 6.550 21 11,400 1,130 "c' " 52 5.338 6,34......5 27.515 22 31390 6,194 53 4,949 11,072................ 8,30 30 26,000 3,211 Formed in 1846. 54 1.750 9,525................ 6 14000 19 7,000 2,730 Formed in 1846. 55........................................ 200 2 1,050.....Formed in 1846. 56 970 0,413........ 640............................. 6.096 Formed in 1846. 57. 8,921'..............3... Formed in 1846. 58 15 13,714........ 20........ 4,800 6,566 Exist'g prior to annexalion. 59 805.................................................... 60,95 7, 504:.....387..... 61 3,37 36.21.............. 24,650 56 74,00 7643 6 1,519 18,746..10,400 31 20,380 2,646 " " " 63 1,480 23165;........ 70 13,895 35 21,275 3,061 " " " 64 212................................................ C 65 85 27,6771..................... 10,765 12 6,350 7,929 " " " 68 4.589 13,548........ 305...... 1,000 8 4,500 4,112 Formed in 1846.. 67........................................................................ Form ed in 1848. 68 690 2,756..................... 1,11 Formed in 1849. 69 3,480 178941900 8 3,500 6,507 Formed in 1846. 70 20 19,574...................... 4000 1 3,000 140 Exist'g prior to annexation. 71 978 10,695 25.............. 8,775 15 5770 1,046 Formed in 1846. 72 4,96 16,871 356 1,041...... 3,700 14 4,800 2,840 Formed in 1846. 73 102 8,946...................... 9950 18 5,700 2,872 Formed In 1848. 74 4,608.................... 4230 16 17,900.. Existgpriorto annexation. 75,020 15,67....................................................... Formed in 1846. 76 8,445 60,007 1 150..ixistg i77......................................................... Formed in 1848. 78 408 17,808j1................ 601............. 200. Formed in 1846. 79 11,690 2,757...500 1,500 3,186 Formed in 1848. 80 VERMONT. 40,654 176,856........ 41,696 114 289,375 597 659,838 9,648...................... 1 14,814 86,1923 1,558 16,629 7 468,050 769 880,216 6450..................... 2 22,863 135,537 355 26,094 47 444,180 816 799,053 40343......................... 3 18,319 134,536 10,913 33,841 303 771,610 1,216 1,30,730 13,359.................... 4 3.855 37,020....... 4,523 31,250 55 48,794 22,044......................... 5 20,536 141,682 107 19,429...... 147,710 394 285,697 26,247......................... 6 4,866 19,967 12 11,23...... 13,100 47 15,600 3,449......................... 7 11,501 80,9296... 9,095 94 110,300 146 175,861 6,584......................... 8 12,438 160,430 270 23,980...... 171,045 253 219.165 27,346......................... 9 6,461 86,672.. 5,920...... 64450 125 119,036 16, 492......................... 10 37,370 184,251 537 38,457 19 88,975 1379 1,284,756 12......................... 11 17,299 155,477 1475 20,..... 231 337 1449 525236 17,29......................... 12 55 189,095 58 19139....5 476,720 92 831209 13,321...........13 31,191 273,394 3,045 44.609 0 953,275 1,277 1405,729 52,608............... 14 330 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES. - _ —- ----------- "_ _ Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 1 Accomac............ 4,775 4,833 9,608 3,295 4,987 8,842 9,048 17,890 17, 096 2 Albemarle........... 6,206 5,669 11,875 587 13,338 13,416 12,384 25800 2,924 3 Alexandria.......... 3,397 3,80 7,217 1,409 1382 4,545 5,463 10008.......... 4 Alleghany.......... 1,383 1,380 2763 58 694 1,792 1,723 3,515 2,749 5 Amelia.............. 1,375 1,410 2785 166 6, 819 4,919 4,858 9:770 10.3 20 6 Amherst............ 3,256 3,096 6352 394 5,953 6,438 6,261 12699 12:576 7 Appomattox........ 2089 2,120 4,209 185 4,799 4,601 4,592 9,193.... 8 Augusta........... 678 9,305 18,983 574 5,053 12,631 11,979 24610 19,628 9 Barbour............ 4,380 4,290 8,670 292 113 4,550 4,455 9005.......... 10 Bath................ 154 1,180 9,434 45 947 1,785 1,641 3,4 4300 1! Bedford............. 7,003 6,553 13,556 463 10,06 12,522 11,558 24,080 20203 12 Berkeley............ 4,974 4,592 9566 249 1,956 6,075 5,696 11,771 10;97 13 Boone.............. 1,603 1,451 3054........ 183 1,702 1,535 3237.......... 14 Botetourt............ 5,587 5,159 10,746 426 3,736 7,827 7,081 14;908 11,679 15 Braxton............. 111 012 4,123........ 89 2,152 2,060 4,212 2,575 16 Brooke............. 2490 433 4,923 100 31 2,556 2,498 5,054 7.948 17 Brunswick........... 2,387 498 4, 885 553 8,456 6,908 6,986 13,894 14,346 18 Buckingham........ 684 74 5,426 250 8,161 6,962 6 875 13,837 18,786 19 Cabell.............. 974 2,928 5; 90 8 389 3,171 3,128 6.299 8,163 20 Campbell......... 6,012 5,51 11,533 846 10,866 132,022 11;23 23,245 21,030 21 Caroline............. 3,311 3,580 6,891 904 10,661 8775 9,681 18456 17,813 22 Carrol............ 874 2,852 5,726 29 154 2, 954 2,955 5,909.......... 23 Charles City........ 840 824 1.664 772.764 2,71 2,488 5,00 4,774 24 Charlotte............ 231 2,384 4,615 352 8,988 7,014 6,941 13,955 14,595 2.5 Chesterfield........ 4, 218 4188 8,406- 467 8,616 9,137 8352 17,489 17,148 29 Clarke.............. 1,856 1,758 3,614 124 3,614 3,809 3,543 7,35 6,353 27 Culpeper........... 2,457 2,655 5,119 487 6 6,683 6,143 6,139 12282 11,393 98 Cumberland......... 1,538 1,54 082 340 6,329 4,985 4,766 9,751 10,399 29 Dinwiddie......... 5 299 5,643 10942 3, 296 10880 12,366 129752 25,118 2,558 30 Doddridge.......... 1396 1,322 2.718 1 31 1,414 1,336 2,750.......... 31 Elizabeth City....... 1,183 1,158 341 97 2,148 2,306 2,280 4,586 3,706 32 Essex............... 1,457 1,578 3035 409 6762 5,147 5,059 10,06 11,309 33 Fairfax.............. 3,531 3,304 6,835 597 3,250 5,440 5, 249 10,682 9,370 34 Fauquier........... 4,863 5,01 9,875 643 10,350 10.287 10,581 20,868 21,897 35 Fayette............ 1,923 1,857 3,780 19 156 2,007 1,948 3,955 3.924 36 Floyd.......9....... 2,955 3,046 6,001 14 443 3,166 3,29 6,458 4,453 37 Fluvanna........ 2,59.. 2,280 4,539 211 4,737 4,833 4,654 9,487 8,81 38 Franklin........... 5,821 5,817 11,638 66 5, 726 8,604 8, 826 17,430 15,832 39 Frederick.......... 1,384 6,385 12769 91 2 294 7,920 8,055 15,97 1,242 40 Giles............... 934 2,924 5,858 55 657 3.289 3,81 6570 5,307 41 Gilmer.............. 1,776 1,627 3,403........ 72 1,815 1,660 3,475.......... 2 Gloucester..........,173 2,117 4,290 680 5,557 5,302 5,225 10,527 10,715 43 Goochland.......... 1,849 2,014 3,863 644 5845 5,53 5,099 10,352 9,760 44 Grayson............ 3,066 3,076 6,142 36 499 3,337 3,340 6,677 9,087 45 Greenbrier.......... 4,315 4,34 8,549 156 1,317 5,037 4,985 10,029 8.695 46 Greene............,319 1,348 2,667 34 1.699 2.,164 2,236 4,400 4,2:2 47 Greenville...874 857 1,731 123 3, 785 2,837 2,802 5,639 6, 366 48 Halifax........... 5,427 5,549 10,976 534 14,452 13,111 12,851 25,996 25,9:36 49 Hampshire.......... 6,521 5858 12;379 224 1,433 7,347 6,689 14,036 2,95 50 Hancock............ 2,124 1,916 4,040 7 3 2.127 1, 923 4,050......... 51 Hanover........... 3,168 3,371 6,539 9221 8,393 7 518 7, 635 15,3 14,968 529 Hardy....... 4,085 3,842 7, 927 356 1.260 4 918 4,625 9,43 7,622 53 Harrison........... 5,674 5,539 1113 7 488 5,916 5,812 11,78 17.669 54 enrico............ 12,015 11,811 23,826 3.637 16,109 22,183 921,389 43,572 33,076 55 Henry.............. 2,639 2,685 5.324 208 3,340 4:37 4.502 8872 7,335 56 Highland........... 1,960 1,877 3,837 26 364 2, 163 2,064 4227.......... 57 Isle of Wight........ 2,274 2,436 4,710 1,248 3,395 4,581 4,772 9 353 9.97-2 58 Jackson............ 3,405 3075 6,480 11 53 3, 433 3,11 6,544 4890 59 James City.......... 786 703 1,489 663 1,868 92,016 2,004 4.020 3,779 60 Jefferson............ 5,453 5,023 10,476 540 4.341 7,94 7415 15,.57 14,082 61 Kanawha............ 6278 5,72 12,001 212 3 140 8,298 7055 15.353 13,567 60 King and Queen..... 1,947 2.147 4,094 461 5,764 4,941 5,378 10;319 10.862 63 King George....... 1,105 1,196 2301 67 3403 2,981 2,990 5.971 5927 64 King WVilliam........ 1,3224 1. 377 2,701 347 5,731 4,266 4,513; 8.779 9,258 65 Lancaster.......... 907 895 1,802 266 2,640 2,300 2,408 4,708 4,628 66 Lee.......4,690 4,750 9,440 40 787 5,086 5.181 10, 67 8,441 67 Lewis......... 4,852 4,768 620 43 368 5.050 4,981 10.031 8,151 68- -Logan............. 1,866 1,667 3,533........ 87 1,911 1.709 3.6920 4.309 6 London............ 7,477 7,604 15081 1.357 5,641 10932 11,147 22, 079 20,431 70 Louisa............. 3,226 3.197 6.431 404 9,864 8,307 8,384 16,691 15,433 71 Lunenburg.......... 9,141 2173 4,314 191 7.187 5,831 5,861 11,692 11,055 72 Madison............ 7 2,59 4,456 151 4724 4,660 4,671 9,331 8,4107 73 Marin............. 5,200 5,239 10,439 19 94 5,249 5, 303 10 55.... 74 Marshall............ 5,087 4,963 10,050 39 49 5,133 5,005 1013 6,37 7.5 Mason...............,569 3,79 6,841 51 647 3,900 3,639 7 539 6,777 76 Matthews........... 1,91 9 642j 1491,923 3,209 3,505 6,714, 7,442 STATISTICS OF VIRGINIA.321 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Born out of State. Coleges, - Public Schools. | emies, and pri- c 3 c' vate schools... I31 ] -—,0 *.~ 337 8 2,540 2,540 40 4,000 1,260. 3,676 7,676 1,267 3,454 1,310 6,400 1 213 353 2,0292 02, 465 34,500 550 12,000 46,500 1.110 4,545 722 14,100 2 1,581 477 1,484 1,540 304........ 619 1,624 1,624 1,364 2,584 689 8,050 3 61 25 4654 465 30........ 153................ 414 1123 227 2,345 4 30 51 558 568 45 1,900 161 2,565 4,465 358 988 142 4,000 5 35 101 1,127 1,130.............. 380 1,000 1,000 129 2,493 217 5,825 6 22 10'785 785 202 450 339 4,550 5,000 665 1,660 332 6,575 7 429 5291 3,207 3,208 226 210 745'1, 423 1,633 939 7,126 505 14,150 8 215 14 1,467 1,467.............. 546 570 570 1,441 3,717 1,172 5,400 9 14 35 410 410 85 1,020 70 969 1,989 286 970 4 1,250 10 105 4-931 2.,396 2,477 72 800 638 2.540 3,340 1,614 5,108 1,266 8,075 11 1,214 650 1668 1,703 102 7,364 550'827 8,191 1,040 3,387 380 7595 12 99 13 495 495.............. 171 585 586 184 1,284 551 855 13 355 454 1,03: 1,803 62 830 428 3,685[ 4,515 1,073 4.080 825 7,975 14 50 35, 679'679................................. 348 1,734 316 600 15 1,615 332 839 839 2'03 8,470 60............. 8,470 1,056 1,854 216 3,350 16 59 12 1,051 1,051 86 1,066 186 436 1,502 595 1,915 167 8175 17 42 29 1,9062 1,062 96 16,100 194 2,029 18,129 853 2,095 495 9,400 18 524 140 976 976 20 300 374 2.020 2,320 810 2,427 643 3,750 19 228 556[ 2,203 2?.2071.............. 994 6, 198 6,198 1,366 4,178 316 13,6401 20 45 43 41,451,453 115 16,820 516 6,366 23,186 721 2,646 493 12,350.^21 672 3'996 996......... 900 2,600 2,600 785 2,351 952 2,350122 54 48 486 486 92 1,400.............. 1,400 118 593 189 8,6151 23 46 14 903 903.............. 436 6,108 6.1081 480 1,7671 245 11,000 24 11 576 1.757 1,792.............. 567 2,7533 2753 643 3,095 1,008 15,175 25 152 95'636'636 77 2,962 98 1.273 3535 598 1,335 117 4,300 26 107 311,034 1.034 105 1,950 488 3,829 5779 739 1,777 328 8,450 27 413 20'640 640 3075................ 505 1,164 77 4,600 28 4121 3071 2,74' 1 2,955 547 18,147 535 6,9286 25,075 1,285 3,955 1,189 13,926 29 250 39 2 5 553.115 160 160 350 1,107 299 200 30 211 156 456 462 110 2,100 139 185 2,285 406 818 207 4,000 31 26 7 7-25 725 1151........ 101........... 430 1,107 376 5,750 32 1,329 274 1.380 1,380 195 15,880 60 418 16,298 727 2.465 387 7,400 33 212 73 1,839 1,842 350 7,626 554 6,853 14,479 1,462 3,643 526 12,850 34 56 15 593 593.............. 96 569 569 226 1,568 369 1,700 35 56'3 987 987 102...8..... 8 356 356 961 2,458 1,086 2600 36 38 74 878 881 63........ 3 445 445 673 1,684 323 4,600 37 28........ 2,024 2,024.............. 700 950 950 896 4,852 806 7,550 38 726 186 2,325 2,357 305 260 360 1,200 1,460 1431 4,758 134 8,750 39 22 61 919 925.............. 820 459 459 775 2,321 618 5,400 40 127 41 571 571............. 159 954 954 430 1,355 327 1,200 41 75 10 1,000 1,006 95 1,975 253 1,790 3,765 517 1,634 833 5,700 42 33 23 876 878.............. 320 4,146 4,146 576 1,402 321 4,950 43 349 7 1,001 1,001.............. 217 425 425 482 2,646 131 3030 44 11 4 71 1,419 1,419 30 600 900 729 1,329 910 3,283 859 8,800 45 4....... 94 494.........5.... 2 1,244 1,244 36 982 492 2,07546 84 4 385 385 30 1,000 95 1,130 2,130 246 628 184 2,225 47 35 29 2,1520 2,155........... 288 3,445 3,445 620 4,275 561 27,700 48 896 6961 2,035 2,035 145 3,230 1,500 5,500 830 1,507 4,696 1,191 10,800 49 1,503 200 6S0 690 25 400 360 1,000 1,400 865 1,655 183 2,800 50 40 46 1,3327 1,327 63 1,240 345 4,020 5,260 588 2,409 439 8,100 51 303 200 1.,327 1,340 57 38 622 550 588 1070 3,025 1,010 4,400 52 819 78 1,866 1,866 60 900 330 80 1,720 576 4,569 306 4,600 53 1,628 2,536 5317 5,701 1,233 39,668 901 9,539 49,207 2,907 8,113 1,175 30,510 54 212 14 936 936.............. 1,391 4,085 4,085 920 2,175 812 4,050 55 15 14 651 651............. 135 48 428 680.,513 53 2,125 56 23 9 1.200 1,200 56 1,225 149 1.086 2,311 479 1,713 914 6,650 57 1,108 123 1.034 1040..............1,350 250 250 92 2,716 857 800 58 47 18'39'39 6 150 7,045 165........ 7,045 197 540 52 6,900 59 1,574 598 1,960 2,000 1651........ 1,000 7,628 7,628 1,535 3,756 444 10,650 60 630 225 2. 110 2,160 162 3,823 1,500 3,933 7,756 1,269 4,854 1592 10,450 61 16 6 892 89 110 2,800 281 2.250 5050 507 1,592 408 10,500 33 13 526 27.............. 200 2,41 21 12 288 941 245 3, 00 63 14 1 625.............. 238......402 1,044 207 4,400 64 34 5 426 427 46 800 282 2,80 3,680 30 723 131 3,500 65 1,199 10 1,536' 1,57........... 550 4884 4884 1,193 4,119 1,758 8,650 66 374 203 1,533 1,533........... 1,602 500 500 1,58 3,937 1,083 6,300 67 129 12 57 572.............. 175 640 640 204 1,503 677 170 68 667 180 2,34 2,834 85........1,703................ 2,353 5,588 580 14,750i 69 59 61 1 1254 19,254.............. 452 605 605 900 2,386 461 9,850 70 14 14 89-) 820.............. 450 413 413 460 1,674 145 8,400 71 60 11 827 827.386 4,763 4763 646 1,652 284 12,5001 72 1,037 72 1.786 1,791.............. 720 740 740 1,503 4,292 1,175 8,500 73 2,612. 317 1,668 1.678 60 1,080 700 1,180 2,260 2,073 4,137 1,031 4,850 74 216 1,151 1,173........... 150 527 52 1123 2,820 994 3,600 75 87 1 711 716...... 400 4,000 4,000 390 1,38 426 4,40 76 21 322 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMS. COUNTIES.B~ 0o ~ ~..' 1 Accomac............ 1,007 112, 942 110791 3.846,270 2,803 13,266 8,582 25.365 2 Albemarle.......... 935 220467 169,154 5490031 5,002 14,067 20,52 34,662 3 Alexandria....... 94 6;092 6,021 425,665 265 614 17 86 4 Alleghany.......... 216 20, 184 68.464 535; 389 741 11,560 4,108 4,216 5 Amelia............. 354 109, 109 83, 878 1,465.823 1,729 6,395 9,216 12, 119 6 Amherst............ 728 110,150 116. 486 1,890,838 2,429 8,627 6.165 19,255 7 Appomattox........ 502 198.016 79, 775 1,051,773 1,829 5,473 6603 10012 8 Augusta............ 1,264 178695 155.981 7,263,407 7,513 19,875 16,316 25.975 9 Barbour... 1,07 5, 731 138, 469 1,788,833 3,477 11,054 17, 881 11805 10 Bath................ 61 28879 105, 615 712.852 1,189 5,810 5,629 3,540 11 Bedford...1,64 219,172 219,666 3,333;75 5,170 15,748 14, 370 33,846 12 Berkeley........ 570 96,594 44.587 3,715,615 3,568 7, 849 11,246 15,174 13 Boone............ 361 11,673 127 822 263,323 723 4,123 3,808 7,11 14 Botetourt........... 712 83,443 121.559 1,875,218 3,176 10,508 10,064 18,305 15 Braxton............ 408 16,111 904,332 1,315,312 1,130 5,005 7,357 12,162 16 Brooke........... 284 33,811 18,630 1,316,591 1,278 2,789 59,426 5,984 17 Brunswick......... 655 177,196 11777 1,097,948 2,609 11,798 9,751 25.546 18 Buckingham...... 616 141,536 166,341 2,063,151 2,575 8,144 11,395 15,146 19 Cabel............. 498 27 326 83 31 76450 1,234 5,613 6 806 11,007 20 Campbell........... 758 122,9 158,27 2,452,604 2, 722 9.303 10,574 17,201 21 Caroline............ 715 187 64 127.547 2, 786,447 2,750 9,163 8,436 15,712 22 Carroll............. 615 39: 161 135292 515, 761 1,343 7,170 9.666 12, 423 23 Charles City....... 199 33 124 4996 914,676 827 2:316 1518 5,034 24 Charlotte........... 563 155,613 142: 2 2.551,788 3,035 10:284 15,039 18,710 25 Chesterfield........ 564 87.180 103,933 1,562,986 2441 56.55 6,20 14,81 26 Clarke.............. 271 60,275 23.946 3,191,934 2:505 5.767 10,920 10772 27 Culpeper........ 504 135366 78374 3001,497 3,078 11,548 16,308 17,744 28 Cumberland........ 398 941.53 83,630 1, 556. 528 1.882 5,916 9,374 9,611 29 Dinwiddie......... 703 102,517 1; 9 5 1,505059 2,363 9,194 7.096 18:161 30 Doddride.......... 240 10,343 60,606 281 613 608,392 3678 2794 31 Elizabeth City...... 173 16,909 15,067 676, 84 558 2,562 883 4,661 32 Essex.............. 328 93,223 59, 97 1,941, 868 1,341 5.621 4,731 8,23 33 Fairfax............. 610 82,694 936 650 2 345.319 2,288 7,635 8 637 11,588 34 Fauquier........ 889 247, 97 130206 6 148,795 5,733 25,247 20,741 3,96 35 Fayette......... 428 19912 116293 505.990 1,004 4;560 6,5-29 36 Floyd............... 444 34:398 94,494 6053207 1,251 5,428 7.248 9,500 37 Fluvanna........ 454 61,304 80223 1431.056 1645 4.852 5366 8,991 38; Franklin............ 1,299 16.69 25 598 1 705 25 3,649 13,538 9,4L1 26,8053 39 Frederick........... 1055 1 972 111 965 3, 903.207 4,976 8 12 372 15',716 40 Giles................ 539 45935 167842 88018 2,134 8;147 10,762 11,589 41 Gilmer.............. 325 10746 75,440 309, 889 771 3,160 4,33 7, 380 42 Gloucester.......... 573 64.515 60,111 1,579.394 1,257 7,027 4,10 14:213 43 Goochiand.......... 405 76,971 83747 2, 094, 871 1,850 6,198 4.897 10; 09 44 Grayson........ 604 42,200 136 301 604, 527 2,150 9.287 13,322 12843 45 Greenbrier.......... 603 97. 917 250,631 2,401,454 4,198 15,713 20,971 13: 161 46 Greene........ 301 37, 998 39385 719, 894 931 2,579 2806 7,217 47 Greenville.......... 242 74,906 82 066 427173 1,079 4,481 3,713 14,862 48 Halifax.. 1., 309 24'. 758 201,291 3, 420:990 5,0001 16,790 20,506 4, 480 49 Hampshire.......... 1,063 13688 294, 871 3, 099,66 4,360 15.818 0,731 14 856 50 Hancock......... 06 26,877 2286 1.181,511 1,01.9 2495 24, 58 2, 695 51 Hanover... 603 188,064 99:998 2:090,420 2,449 5,948 7,939 14,845 52 Hardy,......... 723 100 81 245:588 2,8,460 3,277 12,102 1,368 11184 53 Harrison............ 1093 87,3 143613 2237, 941 3,31. 17,096 1620 1098 54 Henrico............ 454 53,617 53, 804 2,673.988 2,047 3,607 1778 7,35 55 Henry........ 528 61.539 96,409 820:070 1,560 4,812 4'330 12,897 56 Highland........... 389 43,699 163,473 1J,257.138 1,951 10,998 12,592 4,483 57 Isle of Wight....... 629 i65, 925 92901 982,739 1,234 5,780 4484 23,928 58 Jackson.......... 6802 28,384 2 55.539 866,25 57 1,708 5,967 11,062 17,905 59 James City......... 129 21 51 44,132 561,931 534 2.365 1,217 4,009 60 Jefferson............ 447 81,087 29,716 5,392,671 3, 512 5969 11, 086 16,940 61 Kanawha........... 777 2, 771 266, 317 1,069,927 1,897 7,941 90,10 18.68'9 62 Kin, and Queen.... 502 93,589 89,917 1,319,593 1,340 6:664 4.442 11,045 63 King George...... 279 59,385 39,927 1,117,196 1,210 3,933 3, 401 3,762 64 King William...... 388 84, 639 66,803 1,497, 835 1555 5,231 3,481 9,077 65 Lancaster........... 99 30,037 31,436 701,999 660 3,446 1.780 5: 926 66 Lee............ 595 54,844 206.030 1, 133,428 2,900 10,611 12 181 25:114 67 Lewis............. 878 48.152 126,827 1,166,743 2,744 10,616 1.3933 14977 68 Logan.............. 469 12;887 112,853 282,965 983 8,631 4;793 11,186 69 Loudon........... 1,256 208, 454 86, 221 8.545:,165 6,779 22,388 20,727 25,697 70 Louisa......... 838 185,649 108,645 2628,630 3,128 8,638 9,54.5 17,844I 71 Lunenburg.......... 5481 114,862 123,778 1,062.582. 1,901 7,375, 9 270 1343 72 Madison............ 53 13 11,181,870 2,170,838 2, 305 8.128 8,057 18,80 73 Marion............. 9041 60,641 88,265 1,646,779 2.753 9,532 17 459 8,429 74 Marshall............ 847 53,478 79,711 1:695,383 2,730 6395 17,524,314 75 Mason.............. 563 40,055 118,803 1,311,061 1,992 6,684 10.428 15 373 76;Matthews........... 293 24,521 18,573 638,726 550 3,18 1,909 5,91 STATISTICS OF VIRGINIA. 323 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. C's t 13,267 4419,535 761,6163 164,843 8,081 119 6 94, 268.... 2,659 1 8 278,575 192, 074 798 354 35, 332 3,788.............. 164882 4, 328..... 51 6,38 8,050 28, 380 10, 130 0 75 111 13,770 912................... 3 16,937 44,714 88, 426 3 891 344 4 1,139 30564 1,211 121 82 199 4 109,960 70,074 250,251t 16; 932 3,810............ 56,790 1 2 1,00 618 5 122,088 97, 151 358, 183 6,73 2, 10 33 486 85; 018 2 1. 7 93 1 6 76,345 92,14 16,855 20,236 1,532...... 129 83, 299 824...... 55 71 7 419,00 2-8, 130 505, 800 24,389 171 1.396 2,461 2875771 15,285 112 5,388 81 8 38,110 54,1 209,673 9, 723 5,237 49 3,965 156)293 9916 2 1,5 17,,502 47, 588 73,671 4,745.............. 591 36,460 3853...... 10 178,990 297, 1.90 602:262 57,325 12656 57 796 241.384 3,950 264 931 1,575 11 356,234 53,825 171,66 5, 35....... 60...... 160151 6,6671...... 953...... 1 3,215 19,356 134,040 11,18 2,863 119 34056 110...... 5 13 121,694 159,870 368,141 16,115 69 10 1,913 145:2 47 5,5...... 1,;972 650 1 4 9,052 28 334 13720 7,862 2 1 509 74, 059 96 5 61 597 15 65,516 52,227 150,571 9,898....... 2, 546 20 91,394 4,755...... 8......I 16 79,287 98,841 394,200 44.952 4, 099............ 0,089 2,889 13 15 17 133,819 117, 341 304 711 30533 4,143...... 83,480 5253 12332 88 522 8 11,559 45,036 281 826 15;403 1 8021...... 172 45 616 912 26 19 100,500 16709 339 267 40, 744 7,915...... 30 94.559 2, 168 5 980...... 173,353 44,037 629: 994 35,181 7, 548...... 52 71,70 231 90 16...... 11,578 89 278 132,189 4,470 4089 3991 4,973 61,707 2,715 28 95 2 2 81,229 26,536 178,940 5:522 1,16...... 2 24065 1,04 45............ 23 85,653 171872 372 867 9,366 5,831...... 10 89671 1,043 143 2743 5 2 95,875 116,965 333,938 8 2, 113 3,646 50 81 73044'2, 892J 96 608 1 25 306,210 37,415 166 897 7,523 61 450 35 77.609 2,236 71 66. 26 191,395 64,931 359 670 15,874 1,690...... 26 96804 3 472 44 346 917 7 118,616 69,870 220,535 021611 5,21............ 60,884 67... 2 8 28 60275 97,517 304556 7 89 4;233...... 253 80, 941 56 304 5..... 29 2,757 13.722 59:423 3.95 667...... 970 36,189 1,860 166 89 135 30 22,188 17,784 87,295 45:601 1..... 1 18 971 704 7 13...... 31 104,840 8,960 391. 895 12:210 11-777............ 57, 747 782 10 56,155 82,658 207: 531 281.81'503 442 5,153 144: 873 4, 40 21 181...... 386,3241 127, 509 562,959,580 1,087...... 1,110 300,570 8,523 6 244 57:34 8,414 57,755 111,064 4,044 22...... 1,417 56 669 950...... 272 648 35 23,992 101,170 104,630: 693 1,219...... 7 963 64483 3 326 430 8 1 31 31 92.657 62,137 200,1)74 14,556 251...... 15 45, 9 420 5 211 1346 37 76& 831 192,079 431,408 35,733 1,893 33 865 16, 643 1,260 150 339 2.6671 38 311,060 55,958 199,242 13,9642 168 179 2,0 5 198. 876 6,433 117 1,202 109 39 38,565 76,269 204,7-20 4.908 238...... 4883 88744 1,960 55 561 1. 49 5,96 52 22, 35 117,990 4,318 515...... 1,034 341107 1,023 32 117 295 41 651 551 37, 126 3, 63 30,663 7,57 795...... 63588 4, 095 354............ 42 141,969 104,241 276,338 23, 172 5087...... 31 53533 1,032 299 4 1 3 17,127 129,041 177:266 2,124 392 2421 8,506 86 604 3, 522...... 164 l,6" 44 47;778 133239 182,119 7458 87 437 2,293 1236,741 6359 17 433'518 42,416 28,498 137,293 7,287 458...... 467 30910 521 150 69 533 46 17,619 16.606 211,537 24,919 8,837............ 17,319 1,244....... 47 146,769 365,649 649.896 95058 13,913...... 105 140 928 304 169 550 415 8 177, 343 107,459 292252 1.9,391 10 26 9676 58. 401 8,996..... 64 48; 49 52:413 57,640 52,392 10.643 65 4, 166 4,900 75: 9)6 2, 859...... 277 125 50 157,1388 4,206 377,616 46,838 4, 8.4...... 45 78,316 1,616 21 197...... 51 85, 225 38,111 3 27,846 13 285 18 3 3 3288 2, 785 6,362 206 423 538 52 47:662 90, 113 277585 12;,1) 8)75 86 1361 182,598 8 928 13 403 808 53 113,044 84,982 266, 011 34,720 2; 909...... 18 66,615 2,196 100 206...... 54 09,7'04 62,587 32;311 22,848 1, 428...... 6 38890 19 810 60 47 55 22,456 42 385 54241 4,059'903...... 6,214 87,971 6,354 53 52 387 56 C3, 799 12 818 315,699 100,643 31 319....... 33.334 29 128...... 57 16,630 44,39 57, 24 15,640 71 -46 3,181 98 561 1.954............ 10 58 25,476 22, 00 1(2,430 519 300.......... 17, 785'24............ 59 472,008 28,938 287,395 13,81 127 90 563 130.228 5,558 60 783... 25,074 59239 352.995 i7, 733 15.... 394 49,563 2.014 29 36 3 61 6,755 13 168 36986 16,53 7,187............ 48 8833 5............ 62 76,07 10,181 41 900 5.8 4111...... 40090 57.......... 63 108,819 20.970 353,685 13,5 5,892...... 55 32,580 4............. 64 24:424 96 76 120. 530 14,709 958............ 17 335 8........ 243 110,029 485: 625 20,275 3 309. 508 100,380 1,407...... 170 1,189 66 031 56 50 660 2.35:675 9:946........... 1,652 10881.9 9,190 60 147 779 67 1:588 202 )I 154,943 13:081 545'" 84 31,615 129...... 9 68 68 56: 30 15 68 71749.4838 21.850 920 79 5 3751 434.141 11,990 26 520 268 69 199 591 100,659 37788 30:895 4 719............ 89445 1,604............... 70 49. 689 14 545 24065 19746 3,888......29 5 10 4 71 49, 9,60 106,945 230 19,7465348883.8 8 5 l1ll 461 4 I 1366844 33:'0451 3111 448 17 916 1438...... 241 81.184 1,667 148 4061 954 72' 48 469 95:6 L.0)' 769'2 741 55',029. 150,439 6.125 69 246 8S 73 74.976 1 IS,'324 20 I2:10 17.725 95 148!11,693 1 3380 2,040 10 30 1i; 7-1 205451 46 966 399 080 27 6691 742. [.. 1: 826 83, 2,264 20 48! 154;57 6401 19418 4940 18,421 7... 14,741 1,288.................. 34341 4......874[~8 324 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. COUNTIES.... iiU. U... ath ) U: U 0 = C)O~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1,7.... Acconac......... 9,159................................... 140...... 20,029 1 2 Albemnarle........... 9,215................................. 1,456,300...... 50,407...... 3 Alexandria....... Alleffhany........... 3,434.... 8 933. 359........ 19,216..... 7,07 12 5 Amelia............. 1386.................... 1,786,788 15 19,790. 6 Amherst............ 3 507 5..................... 948,261...... 9,550...... 7 Appomattox......... 14,031................................ 964,100 36 14,652...... 8 Augusta........ 11,771...... 380...... 28...................... 42,004...... arbour...33,063..... 70,454...... 2,536..400 33,264 19 Bath............... 4,130...... 6,188...... 6........................ 12,271...... 11 Bedford. 2924................................. 1,955,436 27,614 52 2 B3 erkeley............................................................. 34,517...... 13 Boone............. 16,299...... 4,227...... 195........ 8,019...... 6,619...... 14Botetourt....... 42,521 5 140......156,183. 22,081. 15 Braxton....... 7,699...... 17,721 654.. 3,743.. 13,479 41 16 Brooke............. 2,153 684.123,572...... 17 Brunswick... 180.......... 2,155,017 108 17,2531 5 Buckingham........ 9,434........ 2,342,987 2 24,0771. Cabell.............. 2833...... 5,464 374. 8,947......,2 0Campbell... 13,063........... 2,534,730 6 20,275...... 21 Caroline. 23 663,155 89 18,312..... 22Carroll........ 15,8571...... 9. 5,526 15,357. 23 Charles City............................ 2 5,144...... 24 Charlotte... 16,.......... 3,868,040............5,755 8 5 Chesterfied85.................................... 218,562 212 10,880 -26 Clarke.............. 40.................................................... 42;595 Clarke. 40........... 27 Culpeper......... 13,577.....2,562.....45,444...... 28 Cumberland. 12,13...... 2,476,135.....610 Dinwiddie........... 3.... 1,782,521 4 11,235. 30 Doddridge4, 9.1 9,912...... 50.... 1,690 7,192.......352 Essex.'5.............. ~ 7. 999 191...... i F airfax........................................................................ 16,302...... 34Faiquier........... 9,07..............2,565......825 35 Fayette............ 3.392 1 4,705...... 45 170 10,862 36 Floyd............... 16,348...... 34............ 14,624.... 1.3,015 37 Fluvanna........... 465.................................... 1,054,974...... 11,075. 3 Franklin.......... 22,625 5..........45... 1,125,404...... 13,952...... 39 Frederick........ 786...... 360...... 27............. 38,040...... 40 Giles..... 19,997...... 10,298...... 549 1,022 23,591...... 41 Gilmer............... 8,152...... 19,185...... 601........ 4,9 1...... 7,277...... 42 Gloucester......................................... 575 62 11934...... 43 Goochland........... 32 924,208 1 12014.... 44 Grayson............ 20,980... 28,169. 45 Greenbrier.......... 10,931 6 93,313...... 2,842........................ 42,574 2 46 Greene.............. 4,471. 6..... 200.714...... 6,783...... 47 Greenville................ 138,000 715 5,667..... 48 Haliax.............,521.......... 6,485,762 26 32,708...... 49 Hampshlire.......... 10,870...... 15,346...... 712................45,34...... 50 Hancock....... 590. 553 85.... 63,666 51 H anover........................................................ 404,550 0 15,993...... 52 Hardv............ 6,6 3 52, 659..... 2,246... 1 197 32, 176...... 53 Harrison........... 14,128...... 31.839...... 1,431..... 4, 473... 31,974 3 54 Henrico...........................400 338 3,615. 55 Henr7,683.......683............ 1,013,079 1 7,349 56 Highland........... 16,845 3 56,221..... 1,910 164......,662.... 57 Isle of Wight....... 1,276 30....205 4....4 9 7,904...... 58 Jackson............ 13,617...... 18,826...... 45........ 7,832...... 31,028 196 59 Jam es City.................................................................... 197.. 60 Jefferson........................................................................ 47, 456...... 611 Kanawba.......... 9,445 1 5188.................... 5,627.... 15171 1 62 King and ueen............................................. 7,600 26 11,034..... 63 King George............... 64 King William............... 42 10,271...... 65 Lancaster.............................................5. 3...... 66 Lee................ 8,501...... 17,760...... 394 -........ 131..... 21257...... 67 Lewis.............. 17069...... 38.341...... 1,180........ 8,800 4...... 238. 68 Loan............... 2,936 3,677..... 42.8,353 8,2...... 69 London..... 1,213.................................................... 60,2 8 70 Louisa........1..7...... 71 Lunenburg.......... 9. 2.928.................. 2284668 4 15,689 16 Madison........... 6,871 1 90..........51,300 17,391. 3 Marion........... 17,548..... 45,304.. 2,117...096...34916...... 74 Marshall............ 4,600 6,792...... 61.............. 3'3, 14...... 75Mason........ 9,705... 546 9705........ 100...... 23,607 76 Mnatt. hews....................4 91................ 4, STATISTICS OF VIRGINIA. 325 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MI ANUFACTURES. C < ~ Establishments.. - C U 8,231159;5......97,090359402,985 33,200.. 100 4.669 16,120 1,165. 403,025791603,910. Belonged to Diot. of Co3,44 65.5 00 561.....1498 [P. Edd, Charlotte, &c 1038 35,055 100.....,11 Fd'43fr. Harrison Lewis, 9 4,779 21.442... 97 23 23,800 40143.136 10,360 Div.'471to form ligha r..,l() 18,971 1079 28 987 1,7931 14 0 100 1149,87 -23,712 1......................... 5 1 15966................97090 359 492,9851 33,00.................. 45,763 3 76.20 40 647 17,500 57 651,300 13,754 Felonged'47 from KanawDiat. of Co- 34,72 83082....... 556 68 550 179 632,859 61586 lumbliain 40. R 1etroces2, 6 8 56,164 49.56 17,100 1 44 80 1 856 sion accepted in 1847. 4,3442 6591 2,959 5441...... 00 34.......... 1498 P.Edwd,C harlotte, &c. 2,854 1530,2501 96 3,5 165 1, 6 492 530,961 1,3149 Div. 14'48 to form hncock. 3,6078 35,449........ 100...13 9,700 35,241 Fd 43 f. Harrison Lewis, 4,21779 28.637 550..... 15, 800 31 24. 050 21,559 Div.'45 to fm Apponaitox. 18 318 3 41040 1092 1,893 103 457, 900 77 76,400 11 55,45083 Div........ 184 4. 1 5~0.068132,5~89 735 1.2900...816,7001,7171,839,307 215~2 Div. 14,47 anon appted 201818 6,097 806, 4...................... 3 00 26 1 1 512......................... 1 10,854 29,731 540 700. 14,270 519 1,706 18,389 754Formed 47 from Knom Grayon 4.725 18,9180........ 516 5 2700.3...... 6 1870 bell 10,7735 89,688......... 2 4030 19 8,150 40,463_ Div.'45 to fi Appoiattox. 24 4,348 21,911 2,5409 2........,00 341851 4,946 0 1, 60................ 5 8,228 63,570 23 3,740 0 10,56 129 211,664 2,36. 5,4146 88951.................. 90,895 1 7, 21......................... 17 270 55.036....... 1... 51,00 1 68 93,5 5 20,955 Div..................f A ox. 2,65 79.239 5,753 77 5440,030 783 702,537 25,000...... 29'2, 3 04 1,34........1 5'9.... 7,500 400 114,4 083 Formed n 1 847 from 1-ni8. i 3 I72 280.3...149.001 4 318,690.. rison, Tyer, itchie and 31 387 53,3 4 6,4...... 39 600 1717 189,715 15,541 Lewis. Appo tto 2,5917 80944,45 3,168 3. 47 6 4,80097,279,0......................... 7055~6 221,5657.. 46.. 600 2 15,332 34,705 Div. 1850 to5 form Graleso. 36 7,901 28,499 6 1,194 11530400933 3873 13085.........3....... 38.92 245 70... 191 9451 277 185,750 10,851.. 13,327.. 35,91 8 21........21,5~..................... 6,649 4 812,427.............,8o001 1 4,000 8877 FDiv.'45 tof nAppfrom att ow 41 2,708 47.289 2 20 10137,045 29 231,717 15,164....... 07,212 36,429 15 2,662................. 920,324 Divided in 1842 to. form 9,345 65,384 0 1309 5 7... 22,526 Carroll.6 45 1,750 26,770 140 1,100 18, 575 51 38,80664 8,033......................... 6 20814 68 5...............8.. 98,0 00 18 1 0,000 7,641......................... 278,005 157,8........ 5 1013,700 149 182,75 20104,95546....................... 21,705 8509.09 95 77 5 783 860 170 00,20 75 31,839 32,27 15, 47 145 1,47...... 104665 130 113,245 1,294 For'md in 1848 from Brasok. 5 0 53,345........ 6548 39,600 20 59,715 15,54-1 Lewis. 3%) 7,901 28|499 6.4 11 30,0400 3......3,5 0 9. 8: 905 73 6 9,290 3..........77 116,8 23750 1 5,675........................ 3 15,90 5,13...8 88 1,477 89 51 745 94 30,163 4......................... 49 558 10710 5......0 20676 221 90 49 1 49,880 27,243Divided. (See C.. 3 750127 35,911 66 1, 5 2 1 81 5114,377 6,080,960 1,463......................... 4, 649 2, 42 5,373 1.267 5 13500 10 21, 000 12,049 Formed in 1847 from Pen 56 3,680 81517 6. 5 2;293, 1,00 102 49,550 8.88 d9,104eton and Balh. 5 1,6 029501 54'. 12.. 60,150 756 130,2667 17:1600 Divided in 1848 to form 3. 9, 4 65,84 9 36 53.........................44 W iCarroll. 5 2,750 1 88365 75 20 30 584,150 915,267 5468,033.......................... 40 1,849 51,214........ 1....... 000 14 5,600 14,541 numbered 13,41 and 150 ) r3 16.3735..... 2,005 15.... 100 25 2865 54........4.... 47 2,00199:18........0 103150 149 18307 501100,71......................... 643 15. 3 2........ 5 4. 3 29 1 2.,85 16 1 4,350 3 9........................ 965 16,1 51,358.............. 104,60065 130 10,3245 1,2948,00 [bered 9, 30,41 and 1848 fro 11.) 65 6 05 3,736 9 290. 347 9.. 28,3,60 60 331683 1,6700........................nm. 67 13,98. 1788"..,.13,301 Divided in 1847 and 1850to (8 159 0 90. 683..0.. 1.. 5 1045.265 94162 10430 093........................ 70 72157 1........5 40 1 10 5,149703D 4 18,347 [1844 to form Taiorh. 71, 4 86460....559 79720 79,6200 1 90 142141 180 mDivided. (arrison. Dividedin 73 79,1332 4,0052 537963. 2173 5 1497500 10 188000 12 043,95Foid in42 from oonnmlia 736, 48 261 2,295 3,353 30 35. 71.........................54474 1977|,45 75 1,335.. 14:600 28 20435 794,733 12,67136 Divided in 1848 to forme 75 1 84 3 069 5,014 2,04 000 14 5,600 18 14541 numbered 13, 41 nd 106.) 6I 115 29l,7........ 9 322...... 21800} 16 41350 3001. 8o i..8.. 65 16,19708 5135............. 60 10,315 2 bered 9,30,41a ].1 C) 6, o41 20/ 1 011.................. 28,36 68 33J68 P.7001)iv. (See Counties num- 67 1' 6 1 7; 2..........................]..........l 9. 3013Divide d in 184 2 and 1850 to 6n4 97 034[ 165 59 749....11458..,210 349 59898. 4.171.form Boone 5 Carollmn. 69 90. [.......................... 8 158........,014 21, 870 31 59764 18.347 [844 to form Taylor. 71 98, -5, 596 00.....3751.0.5. 1497150.. 136 118'9502, 23,53 Fol`142 fro9m..ono...ali 13 111 59, 545 1751 1,33 4. 14,6006581 113,9451 11o, Divided in 1848 to form e -I5 10~ ~"9! ~, ~fi'2[ 5,373[ 1. ~67/ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r 326 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES. Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 7- Mecklenburg........ 3,611 3.645 7,9356 91 12,462 10,480 10,150 20,630 20,724 78 Merer.............. 2 051 1,967 4,018 27 177 2,158 2,064 4,222 2,233 79 Middlesex.......... 968 935 1903 149 2,342 2,259 2,135 4,394 4, 92 80 Monongalia......... 5,987 6,105 12,092 119 176 6,131 6,256 12,387 17,368 81 Monroe............ 4,585 4,477 9,062 81 1,061 5.175 5, 0291 0,204 8,42 8 Montgomery........ 3,451 371 6, 822 66 1,471 4, 201 4,158 8359 7,405 83 Morgan.............. 1,75:31 1,678 3,431 3 123 1 811 1,746 3,557 4,253 84 Nansemond........ 2,664 2,760 5.424 2,144 4,715 6,151 6,132 12 83 10,795 85 Nelson............. 3,9274 3 204 6 478 138 6,142 6,417 6,341 12,758 12,287 86 New Kent........... 1,114 1, 108 2222 43 3,410 3,016 3,048 6,064 6,230 87 Nicholas..... 1,974 1915 3,889 1 73 2,010 1.953 3,963 2,51 88 Norfolk............ 10,169 10;160 2039 2,:307 10.400 16,012 17.0924 33,036 27,569 8s9 Northampton....... 1,534 1,571 3,105 745 3648 3,689 3,809 7,498 7,715 90 Northumberland..... 1,530 1,542 3,072 519 3;755 3,17296 3,6620 7,346 7,924 91 Nottoway............ 1,144 1090 2:234 153 6,050 4.278 4,159 8,437 9,719 9 Ohio................ 8,981 8631 17 612 230 164 9.149 8,857 18.006 13,357 93 Orange.......... 1,27 2035 3 962 184 5,921 5 088 4,979 10.067 9,125 94 Page.............. 3,186 3.146 6, 33 311 957 3,845 3,755 7,;600 6,194 95 Patrick............. 3,627 3560 7187 98 2.324 4,779 4830 9.609 8,03 95 Pendleton......... 2,771 267 5:443 3 0'3 2. 2959 2836 5795 6,940 97 Pittsylvania..... 7.510 7,753 15,263 735 12,798 14,426 14,370 28,796 26,398 98 Pocahlontas.......... 1675 1.68 3.303 28 267 1,816 1,782 3,598 2,922 99 Powhatan......... 1.229 1,284 2, 513 383 5,282 4,197 3,981 8,178 7, 924 100 Preston............. 6943 4,619 11,56 59 87 7019 4,689 11,08 6,866 101 Prince Edward..... 2,065 2,112 4,177 488 7,192 6090 5,767 11857 14,069 10_2 Prince George....... 1,3111 1,359 2,670 51 4,408 3,884 3,; 712 7596 7,175 103 Prince William 2.... 2,489 2,590 5,079 552 2.498 3,991 4,138 8, 129 8,144 104 Princess Anne..... 2.208 9,072 4.280 259 3,130 4,016 3,653 7,669 7,285 105 Pulaski.......... 90 1,83 3 34 1,471 2,630 2,488 5,118 3739 106 Putnam............. 2,408 2,285 4,693 10 63 2,70 2633 5,335.......... 107 Raleigh........... 8....9 830 1,729 1 23 91.6 849 1,765......... 108 Randolph........... 2,561 2,44 5,003 39 201 2,677 2,566 24 6208 109 Rappahannock...... 2.810 2,832 5,642 296 3,8441 885 4,897 9,78 9,257 110 Richmond.......... 72 1,741 3,463 708 2,277 3188 3,260 6,4481 5:965 111 Ritchie.............. 1,983 1.903 3,886....... 6 1:987 1,9155 3,902......... 112 Roanoke............ 2,935 2.877 5,812 155 2,510 4,329 4,148 8,477 5,499 113 Rockbridge... 5.795 5,'689 11,484 364 4,197 8, 320 7.725 16,045 14,284 114 Rockingham.. 8.8703 8.793 17,496 467 2,331 10:145 10,149 20:294 17,344 115 Russell.............. 5:538 5328 10866 71 982 6:054 5,865 1191.9 7,878 116 Scott................ 4,617 4,705 -9,3 34 473 4,865 4,964 9,829 7,303 117 Shenandoah........ 6.203 6,36 12,5 29 911 6.829 6,939 13,768 11,618 118 Smyth.............. 3,411 3,487 6,898 200 1,064 4,058 4,104 8,162 6,59 119 Southampton... 2. 807 3,133 5,940 1,826 5,755 6,667 6, 854 13,521 14525 120 Spottsylvania..... 3,271,623 6,894 536 7,481 7, 137 7,774 14,911 15,161 121 Stafford............ 2,114.301 4,415 318 3.311 3958 4,086 8,044 8,454 122 Surry................ 1.085 113 2,15 985 2:479 2:915 2:764 5679 6:480 123 Sussex... 1,486 1,600 3,086 749 5.992 4,981 4,839 9:820 11,290'24 fTaylor........,! 2, 697 2,433 5,130 69'168 2.813 2,554 5,367....... 125 Tazewell........... 4,497 4.310 8.807 75 1,060 5.064 4,:878 9.9421 6,2901 126 Tyler............. 2778 2,67 5,456 4 38 2,794 2.704 5498 6,95 127 Warren............. 2,288 2,05 4,493 366 1,74 3353,254 6,6 5,627 198 Warwick........... 313 286 599 42 905 894 722 1,5461 1,45 129 Washington... 6,204 6.165 12,369 112 2,131 7.353 7,59 14,61 13,001 130 Wavne............ 2,:450 2:114 4,564 7 189 2,532 2, 28 4,760.......... 131 Westmoreland..... 1,714 1:662 3,376 1,147 3,557 3,997 4,083 8,080{ 8,019 139 Wetzel........... 2,183 2078 4261 6 17 2,191 2,093 4284.......... 133 Wirt........... 1,695 12624 3,319 32 1,710 1,643 3,353 134 Wood............... 4,664 4344 9,008 69 373 4.876 4.574 9,4501 7 83 135 Wyoming.......... 811 772 1,583 1 61'8412'803 1,645......... 136 Wythe........... 4,82 4,79 9,618 21 2,185 6,105 5,919 12,0244 9,375 137 York................ 910 915 1,8 454 2,181 2,253 2,207 4,460j 47 STATISTICS OF Adams,............ 1292 65 187................ 122 65 187.......... I Brown.............. 3,580 2,590 6,170 45........ 3.603 2,612 6.215 2,107 Calumet........... 840 780 1,620.... 91 831 1,743 75 Chippewa.......... 487 127'614 1........ 488 127 615.......... 5 Colunmbia...... 5200 4,347 9,547 18. 5,212 4,353 9,564.......... 6 Crawford............ 1:434 1 047 2,481 17. 1,438 1,060 2,498 1502 7 Dane.............. 8.83 7.777 16,613 26' 8,85'7,787 16,639 14 Dode....i-..... 1034 8,792 19,1........10,341 8,797 19,138 67 9 Foad-du-lac........ 7,789 6.18 1.507 3....,790 6,720 4,510 13 STATISTICS OF VIRGINIA. 327 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Born out of State. Coees blic Schools 4 emies, and pri o vate schools. * r3 a ___________ __ 6" 1r. 1 *. i f | I I li t P 9 |Er 1. 1 II 188 24 1,50 1500 2399 2.625 574,2,662 $5,287 809 2,773 506 10,405 77 72 13 655 655.............. 400 800 800 639 1,675 578 1,100 78 33 4 401 401 74 908 152 805 1,713 27x3 674 117 3,600 79 2,231 18 2,124 2,127 109 3.334 907,139 5,473 2,317 4,79 1,204 12,310 80 114 73 1,576 1,576 75'888 498 3,452 4,340 1684 3,576 880 8,575 81 1.14 17 1,121 1, 14 20 1,000 350 3,250 4,250 693 9,729 436 4,700 82 407 147 60 0 6 45 411 411 646 1,399 436 2.150 83 261 4 1,523 1 523 174 3,700 298 4,439 8,139 562 2,036 1,004 5,250 84 51 132 1.2 1,217 30........ 347 1.322 1.2 892 9,333 502 6,670 85 9...... 535 535............. 300'47'247 333 833 190 2,300 86 72 47 60' 6 602............. 189 230 30 402 1,611 5 2,650 87 57 693 693..... 5 622 4,815 5,340 620 1,163 252 4,700 89 22........ 659 639 319........ 79 9,4920;2,420 304 1,274 408 2,880 90 11 8 492 492 16 400 60 3,760 4,160 228 810 63 5,350 91 5, 0035 4,0515 3,097 3,178 4001 5,265 3,529 24,247 29,512, 292 6,316 145 9,150 92 42 28 76 764...... 2.......'29531 3,13 3 21 586 1439 299 3,200 93 84! 59 1.089 1.089 35 250 463 2,252 2,502 943 2,402 993 4,200 94 2-15 6 1.248 1,301.............. 82 4,710 4;710 734 2;957 884 3,5001 95 1 16 891 801......225........007 2109 1,131,30 96 201 20 2,804 2.804 142 793 667 3,527 4,320 743 5,965 776 14.950 97 42 53 557 40 200................ 524 1,315 100 700 98 20 512 5175:3 5 40 0 517 517...... 305................ 175 935...... 4,850 99 I,81c 2,628 1,641 1,664 70 60 840 6875 1.275 1,399 3,858 846 4;500100.... 805 80 237 15,340 406 387 15,727 764 1,595 9 10,25001 5"4 30 651 661 3 02 175 2,032 2,234 328 1,391 381 4,200 102 374 5 1 998 98.......... 316 675 675 777 1,916 784 4,650 103 267 893 9065.............1 819 6,977 6,977 816 1,537 970 5,000 104 25 14 585. 60....... 292......... 584 1,399 492 7, 200 i05 168 20 7881 819...... 1600 115 1,090 2,690 531 1,837 838 3,90010 26 96................................17 711 102.......... 107 1 4 8441 844.............. 380 750 750 378 9,017 601 2,450 108 58 3S 9 890 990 30 600 437 4,305 4,905 763 2,176 498 3450 109 12 15 805 85....... 20 972 972 205 1,325 573 3,100 110 416 51 649 649.... 376 96 196 410 1,539 307 1,200111 96 38 9253 932~.5 137 5,278 185 1,467 6,745 507 2.351 299 3,900 112 34 8 345 1.908. 1,972 309 96,010 430 6,681 102,691 1,479 4316 236 8.800113 419 94 3,0474 3064.. 1,970 1,496 1,496 1,678 6,724 2,580 9500 114 1,301 7 786 1,786 40 318 557 1,290 1,608 1,329 4,581 1,728 4,3501115 1:287 10 1,523 1,.52.1,000 652 652 1,270 3,956 860 6,075116 266 1809 2, 14312 1 3..7......... 130 1.033 1,03 1,487 4,61 79 5,700117 705 55 1,146 1,157............ 600 5. 584 5,584 1,313 2,803 4629,400 118 195 61,572 1,572 68 9,810 288 4580 7,390 627 2,188 1,085 10,100119 7.5 107, 1,416 1,416 1 19,475 300 46580 17'055 773 2,538 113 12,45020 5 13 2 92.............. 245'424 424 219 1,604 210 4,200 121 3 6 650 650 30 1,000 150 256 1,956 29 769 262 5,3001122 23 9 751 751 99........ 150................ 415 1,114 284 7,300123 926 278 818 823 100 500.............. 500 702 2,084 107 4.350 124 597 19 1,449 1,449........... 654 546 546 694 3,708 1,506 3,000 125 1,276 104'949 949........... 145 381 381 747 9,902 578 3,000 126 118 88 82S 919............... 484 385 385 530 1,670 435 3,500 127 5........ 1 1.............. 58 445 445 84 229 50 350128 510 3 2,137 2137 324 7,300 1,512 7,71 15, 01 53 5,070 393 7,000129 849 12 49 90............. 203 472 472 740 1,895 493 300130 96 4 8 869.............. 300 6,000 6,000 367 1,330 398 311501131 1,192 25 716 716.............. 78 0 20 780 1,755 633.......... 132 253 24 528 528.............. 600 1,074 1,074 416 1,419 65 2,050133 2,167 186 1 554i 1,554 1301 10 293 82 9-2 1,333 3,554 251 6,275134 19....... 24 248......53 672 77 60135 76 "'115 1,6531! 1,631......6.494'6,565 6,565 1,051 3,911 1,673 15,6001136 38 4 40 52 73 108 8700137 WISCONSIN. 115 65 40 40............ 400 1,007 1.007 3 49 2 1,800 1 9, 142 2,344 1.003 1,062 130 2,180 360 1,780 3,;960 529 1,963 234 1050 931 320 38 383.....173 735 73 60 561 23 3-3 3 342 160 94 94.................................... 1 01 7........ 4 4,971 3,328 1,853 1,853............ 1,951 5,36 5,362 1375 3,288 12 1,4655 5 1,221 573 571 571......9..... 226 451 451 98 805 74 1,00 6 7,9451 5,835 3,203 3,217 187 2.094 707 4784 6,87 3,095 5,794 64 1,694 7 9, 476 6,677 3:600| 3,69.5.' 3,243 3,378 3;378 3,137 6,719 684 9,650 8 7:244 5,366 2,7211 2,7411.2 784 4,984 4,984 2,59j 5,332...... 3,730. 9 328 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMS. COUNTIES., 0 I=SI 5) 5) 5) c, 5 1. 8.Z 1 77 Mecklenburg........ 666 215,646 179,183 2,535,628 3,727 13,260 15.535 28,955 78 Mercer............. 472 20,552 137,333 400,474 1,127 5,587 6,210 9,138 7 Middlesex.......... 280 34,828 37,645 905,408 580 3,576 2,281 5,696 80 Monongalia..... 727 58,536 68,047 1.620,331 2,730 8,516 1015 8121 81 Monroe.. 910 94,311 174,890 2,100,334 3.398 14181 2i,789 14 307 82 Montgomery......... 546 59 734 107,!06 1, 601,335 29240 8 647 10,426 15,100 83 Morgan......... 300 29)628 66,156 468,906 931 3,174 331 3,835 84 Nanseod........ 731 62, 308 117 1,717,090 1,38 7,710 4 845 26,822 85 Nelson........... 638 109,855 120,652 1,963,71 2,634 8,613 9 296 20 199 86 New Kent.......... 313 45,067 63,077 761,596 914 3.187 2,53 8,366 87 Nicholas............ 418 19,335 132.349 374,575 945 5,213 7,501 7368 88 Norfolk........6.... 648 39,014 75, 866 1,252,031 1,712 7,690 2,54 17747 891 Nortllampton........ S`376 53, 709 39;840 240,691 1,428 45439 3,68 12,141 90 Nortlumberland... 492 48, 325 45,177 960,506 1,006 6,860 4 67 10,869 91 Nottoway........... 342 93,401 93, 511 1,159,324 1,507 5,38 5756 966 92Ohio............... 376 44,311 15,473 2,025, 951 1,531 3,26,7 46,847 6753 93Orange.............. 335 95,196 67.031 1,914,084 1,805 5,702 7,564 1143 94 Page................ 526 52,182 103713 1,820,449 2,194 5,472 5,783 9,946 95 Patrick.............. 748 38,192 184,03 734,771 1,689 7,188 4,699 20 987 96 Pendleton........... 693 5.2,141 170, 040 1,076.111 2,561 11,109 14,9013 7,324 97 Pittsvlvania........1.524 210,580 300,095 2, 850,908 4,776 16.409 14,954 34.38 98Pocahontas......... 353 40,239 466,159 946,632 1,889 7,85 1 16 4,597 99Powattan........... 312 810451,0456971 1,437833 1717 4,891 7201 9,964 100~ Preston............. 1, 019 63.948 172,477 1,163,806 2,816 10,585 21,781 10,714 101 Prince Edward..... 421 147,328 57,491 1,609,315 1,758 6,429 7,168 10,119 102 Prince George....... 336 57,603 175,313 1,175,024 1,274 3.515 1,78 8,39 103 Prince William...... 579 104,424 72,343 1,499,886 1,801 6, 624 8,215 9,431 104 Princess Anne.. 71. 2 50,064 63,175 1,110,673 1,653 10,522 6,233 21,943 105 Pulaski............ 301 50,974 70,605 1,182,650 1,470 7,423 9,159 10,384 106 Putnam............. 455 20,239 31.52 506,086 1,136 4,187 6,159 9,868 107 Raleigh............ 216 7,325 43178 157,854 445 018 2,845 4,416 108 Randolph........... 379 35,054 291,098 873,753 1,44 8,910 8,667 4,642 109 Rappahannock...... 472 96,068 69,727 2,123,631 2,53- 9,774 9,130 15,180 110 Richmond..... 336 49.607 46.901 585.537 806 5,131 2.491 8,397 111 itchie............. 385 17993 80032 464;434 906 3,461 7,622 5,231 112 IRoanoke............ 405 52,877 71,469 1,775,651 2,245 6,767 6,646 12, 973 113 Rockbridge........ 666 104,638 155,233 3,306,376 3,760 10,809 1,262 20,937 114 Rockingham...... 1,213 203, 530 119,234 6,062, 655 5, 732 19, 521 17,612 33 356 115 Russell............ 942 28,150 175, 419 1,124,904 3,638 19. 969 21 442 24,645 116 Scott............... 614 44,911 104,374 727,813 2.283 9,215 12,187 18,697 117 Shenandoah........ 554 74,294 83,464 3,151,492 2,695 7,493 5,894 8,006 118Smyth.......... 460 54,735 95,271 1,628,473 2,940 10,296 13, 207 11,792 119 Southampton....... 722 159,668 176,023 1,068,103 2,233 9 767 7865 49, 816 120 Spottslvania....... 429 88,324 99,072 1,291,505 1,816 6.603 6,055 1,270 121 Stafford.......... 360 57,799 72,756 1,122,949 1,308 4,755 4,593 7,31@ 122 Smry............. 301 44,298 65,466 562,052 929 3,844 2,654 11,908 123 Sussex............. 472 91,408 98.677 600,096 1,612 6,513' 5, 729 2,633 124 Taylor............... 519 38,372 54101 940,874 1,504 6,045 10,617 5,076 125 Tazewell.......... 726 60,757 153 325 1,222.790 3,740 16,625 17 372 27,291 126 Tler............... 17 24,413 94, 762 620;740 1,130 4,260 7,944 5, 976 127 Warren............. 397 53,992 52,615 1,545,191 1,916 4,907 5,852 7,308 128Warwick.......... 91 10,929 19,180 258, 107 286 1,688 788 3,720 129 Washington............. 1,148 100,362 136,123 2,017,708 5,02.2 15,424 22,170 26,248 130 Wayne.............. 478 21,594 140,291 628,383 1,154 5,190 6, 129 12.517 131 Westmoreland...... 443 68,627 61,450 1,132,197 1,101 6,225 3,676 8,237 132 Wetzel............ 423 15,955 61,797 509,073 904 2; 045 6, 019 6847 18 Wirt............... 309 14,217 83,499 411,166 738 2,855 5,109 4,709 1341 Wood............... 640 39,206 106,534 1,352,404 1,729 5, 529 12,785 8,304 1351 Wyoming.......' 188 5,930 22,080 120, 820 427 3,206 1,789 4,092 1361 Veythe e............. 668[ 91,001 206,347 2,180,709 3,784 15,439 20.164 16,409 137 York.......161 20817 25,683 717,882 590 3,641 1148 5,437 STATISTICS OF 1 Adams............. 245 10,795 33,415 295,847 339 2,949 2, 176 2,251 2 Brown.............. 190 5,936 45,027 319,310 586 2,355 39 963 3 Calumet............ 125 4,063 28,969 197,937 117 5,486 229 1,286 4 Chippewa.......... See Crawford........ 5 Columbia........... 833 41, 520 98,89 1,095,090 939 6152 3,040 6,215 6 Crawford............ 80 4,068 10, 630 70,000 233'7471 62 945 7 Dane............... 1,501 73,067 139,251 1,709,447 2,056 14,493 8,12~ 13,585.8 Dodge.............. 2,132 82,6221 183,6131 2,204,099 1,3-27 12, 075 5,912 12,940 9 Fond-du-lac........ 921 43,712 116,268, 1, 302,288 943 8,072 4,583 7948 STATISTICS OF VIRGINIA. 329 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. ^ ^ ^ A ^ pa c^ ~ ffi0 c1 o 30, 762 8,861 134,53 1,213 948 77 11 79 59 3701 6 52,370 14,173 184,379 11,015 392.... 2,964 155.962 6,013 179 536 615 80 51,436 104,341 250,456 9,662 1,010 209 6 131 1.83,856 6,073 12 956 1,458 81 51.87 110903 266,616 8,865......... 4,060 90,369 4,453.... 1,967 891 840 58o4 24,434 46,247 6.739 93 5 2,538 37,121 1,443 60 254 95 83 2,976 26,396 352,849 199,366 49,851 205 2 36,390 3,338 4 43 84 122:2I30 992,182 3534 23,185 2.467...... 244 82,493 1,322 56 63 64 8 4,315 37,83 178, 813 19.161 1,420...... 0....... 8. 6,209 34.695 83,273 3,897 896...... 1,501 44,483 2,001 81 11 253 87 303 21,303 307,245 111,140 17,576 2.371...... 27,564 1,822............ 88 795 184,099 364,967 48,854 2360.......... 15,455...... 58..... 3 89 53,902 10 101 221,587 24,024 1,310 4 68 29,773.... 90 71 827 55,721 216,991 12,580 4,384 2 21 55,570 34 142 62...... 91 57.709 77,617 214,020 19,214 158 970 451 105.062 4,111 27 193;.( 92 121.825 31,534 267,140 15,534 1,396 100 116 54,814 1881 161 458 L 93 128,430 30,443 137,602 9,963 385 50 1,078 55,849 2,,253 238 366 98: 94 12, 755 95,604 248,868 31,017 1,163 28 863 69,202 347...... 51 3501 95 44,137 41322 109,838 6,990 2,79.....4,711 72. 611 7,664.... 28 10 93 123,934 217, 528 653,815 49.132 3,701 200 211 138,147 357 289 137 550 97 11,806 65,610 51,949 2,;796 30...... 3,685 79,161 5,911 6...... 6 172 115437 89,189 215.155 13,542 1,775 10 65 45,076 360 66 18 21 99 36,769 173,998 144,276 12,828 564 85528,283 183,923 7,765 99 312 123100 75,762 87,229 214,350 20,154 3,153...... 20 47.932 487 5 467'351 101 81,042 23.851 261,510 19,508 1,684...... 230 32;998 208 36 10......102 57,728 59,549 161,48 10,374 974......1,426 96,679 2,309 95 110 126 103 2,529 60,111 347,141 55,012 16,036 15...... 37,062 1,593 10..... 1,039 104 35, 284 67,104 175,510 4,949 88...... 1,519 64,711 2639..... 1,477 1,052 105 14 373 50,274 249,040 13,508 3,109 20 174 60, 022 1; 078 66 30 1871 106 2,893 0,820, 49,511 1,149 198......1,590 31,289 279...... 26 37 107 11,740 46,481 87,468 3,242..............2,983 59,853 6,480..... 213 303j108 157,699 66,590 281,216 17,994 1,578..... 2.322 95,580 3,273 213 413 719 109 42.404 5,176 185,800 12,013 1,073........... 26,390 124 54.... 5;989 24,919 101,884 5,142 113......2,067 42, 063 2,503 110 3021l1 104,134 105,709 235,760 9,429 198 40 668 68,891 3,410...... 1,850 4271112 198.553 172,769 372,705 15,206 10 2, 345 2,019 195,435 7,626 147 2,856 6571113 608350 17898 448,585 23,744 1.627 3,593 2,141 266,594 16,067 150 4,316 9131114 25,604 158,281 378,919 15,411 4,004... 1,896 172,708 2,528 20 1344 1,926 115 15,722 107,344 319,240 17,866 3140..... 683 76,481. 924 25 151 904'116 196,338 39,668 167, 025 5,439 502 50 151 79,756 4,641 186 1,336 232il17 34:742 140,551 201,222 2,0111........ 677 3,942 111,490 3,9[...... 1,507 56118 4,066 15,033 564,183 250,398 125,218............ 36,383 3,311 34............119 102,953 47,745 265; 753 13,447 578...... 206 52,056 1,279............ 120 58,923 41,057 178,651 13,107 1,139 100 462,088 2,018 30 21.1'21 14,098 15,016 204,975 32,113 5,714..........2.. 3,004 1,486...... 14......122 35,133 48 091 356,171 65,093 14,809......]..... 36,615 2,108 75 27...... 123 23,995 43,134 101,118 4,780 511 20 1.793 91,062 4 051 4 205 5781124 21,337 128,620 235,126 4,793....... 40 3;540 143,553 72..... 2,643'958 125 15,100 28,058 130,014 8,875........ 28 22, 51,486 1,737 73 1.02126 145, 354 30,647 128,875 8,291 18 106 519 70,619 2,19 10 739 179 127 10,25 8,490 61,340 125,822 618............ 10,150' 625.................128 69264 250,383 438,900 3,394 15 665,179 162,556 4, 238...... 316 63129 82,:742~155/ 47,789 269 115 11 14ti 1,3501,.,.,,1 4 064 28,437 5~!8 ~~~~~ ~I~~~~1 j 0 2,155 27,789 226,800 8,005 775...... 371 36555 558 30 1751130 82,774 8,399 269,115 11,146 1,350...... 4,064 28,437 32 129........... 131 12, 16 223,562 124,198 6,102 766..... 69 46,557 1,440...... 22 1961132 3,424 23,038 98,-291 5,109 239...... 2,769 25,499 1,097 11 48 1631 33 18,790 60,197 251,715 16,858 1541...... 59-2 74,668 3,1668...... 2 2.9 74134 1, 552 9,322 47,506 5,315 535...... 4,957 17,665 286...... 126 277 35 72,738 166,875 280,652 10,821........ 654... 225,085 7,193 40 2,40 1,754 133 27,650 25,951 14833510....... 14,113......137 WISCONSIN. 30,533 47,055 23,149 18,272 284 2,522 115 37,633 3,051.................. 1 6,212 19,127 11,46 25262 1,987 255 870 17,774 2,486 2 7,827 8,541 10,532 9;116 80 887 2 24,965 846 27 6... 3.................................................................. 4 169,369 120,3117 77,380 51,369 827 2,836 1,197 180,615 13.497...... 40...... 5 9,522 16.9'29 9,655 8,688 136'535 1,142 6,650 1:302............ 347, 250 243,786 122,22)0 106,387 90719,089 1.464 294,938 21:705 191 352 27 7 37,93 1209,723' 127.672 158,228 1,087 13,7792 3,977 374,239 25,384 8 142 1 8 166 718 103 504 74;361 85,748 3, 4811 5,414 5,769 144,786 14],051 45 282 401 9 330 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS.......'0 530. U COUNTIES. 3 O U. i'0 0 0 Co C I { -P 9o1/.1.0I.... - m U0'.... C. 77 Mecklenburg.omr.. 4,790......4, 88...... 44 3 20,6...... 78 Moercer............. 1 610 4.129. 80 Monongalia.. 12,23. 12.29. 50,710.... 2,403.. 3,750...... 29,1.... 851 Non.e..... 11,547 0 992....../2,030....... 4,0171...... 2 5 82 Montgomery 1, 2 1,2....4,100. 21, 83 Morgan..'i 1,240 57........ 12 " Nanseond..........3.. 2,364..10 8 85 Nelson. 2,0...........1,433,73 1,06. 86 New Kent..................33 89 Northampton........ 7..... 756,. 90 Northumberland............ 3. 91 Noowa.70. 7................... 2,109,314 46 10,621.. 8)2 Ohio.......... 100.. 375. 368. 98,590. 3 Orange.3,26 6..... 174,700 1. 21,509...... 894 PageWro.,1... 14..0. 1 2. 95 Patrick. 13,261. 55. 429, 699 8,593. 96 Pendleton.. 11,145. 59,109. 1,931.26,107... 97 Pittsylvania......... 6 9.................................... 4,700,757 61 23,8 654...... 98 Pocahontas....4..... 556 64,760 1,46.......... 24,2...... 99 Pow ettan.......... 56..............5.................... 1,000,490...... 14,671...... 100 Preston.......... 25,450 21,768...... 1,548 80...... 43,907 20 101 Prince Edward........... 3,715............ 2, 571,850 41 16,18 102 Prince Geore....... 4,314........... 6, 0 103 Prince William 2,857................... 795...... 25,978 104 Princess Anne 19 389.15 12,115 105 Pulaski 14,141 19. 28..5. 1.02 461 106 Putnamon......... 7011.. 3,721 29. 37,12 10,468 1 107 Raleigh........................... 4,99...... 108 Randolphee 5,0...... 62,773...... 939... 1,844.. 18.395. 109 Rappisahannock.i 8.070.................. 2,785... 24,948. 110 Richmond.................. 3741 27 6, 458 5 111 itchie 6873...... 11,522.... 739........ 4.295.... 15.20..... 112 Roaoke............ 5,476 15 2,24 70 3 68... 13 113 Rockbridge.. 8, 95 2 1,78. 01. 78,29.. 30,469...... 114 Rockinghamrn...... 12,92 325.... 143........ 800 46013 115 Russell..... 50...... 6 944...... 1.34........ 57...... 43911. 116 Scott............ 20,5...... 2,433...... 411........ 4,440. 19,35...... 117 Shen ndoah..... 1,45.................................... 16,009.. 118 Smyth... 3849. 24,.... 26,882. 119 Southamptone....... 14,584 971 69 1173...... 120 Spottslvania....... 21 12.............. 90,034.. 121 Staord...... 5........... 122 Surry.lvna...................:' 10 50 32 4.565..... 123 Suse.............. 56,392 780 10,97.. 124 Taylor............ 11, 361.... 25,4370.. 1,43.5.1,....... 125 PTzewell........... 23,1.. 61,569...... 360........ 300......1. 33,6051. 126 Tylr........... 3621 11,236.. 448....... 14,20 14,661...... 1'27 Wri ell............ 2,853.1,512..... 17,371...... 128 W arwic k................................................ 2,218...... 129 Washington..............23,197 25,861........935...... 130 W ayne............. 2,.930..... 10......1............215..... 12,571. 131 WestInoreland............ 1346 7 8..603.. 1302 Wetzel............ 8,1 1 15,675... 502......... 3,000...... 12,369...... 133 Woirt.6,176 8,...........34 2,122... 9, 75 21 134 Wood. 6k 16. 4........ 464 53, 170.. 23,854...... 135 Wyoming............. 417.................. 2, 441...... 3, 156.... 136 Wythe. 22,210 1 20,367...... 579......43,766 5 137 York............................ 4,658. STATTSTICS OF 1 Adamnsok 4A4.. 1 866 250...... 3, 414.... 2 rown............. 50. 290. 52....... 20 i3 i RCablunmet................. 142,761...... 1 553.....68...5............... 4 Chipnpewa', (see Craw ford)...... 5 Coloums bia........... 75 100...... 4,670...... 6 Cra fordtt............... 2,000. 1590.................... 7 Dane........ 967i. 145,92...... 4,160.................. 1 630.......8.udge.42. 3.'................... 456...... 9 FonWd-du-lac 100..... 4,23...... STATISTICS OF VIRGINIA. 331 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. t |E:~~ ts (r:~~ ~Establishments. 0~.. S4 i? 1 REMARKS.. 1. H~ 5 0,153 $106,797 $40........ $53,400 2491 $191.231 $35,423................... 77 6,800 19,916...................... 1,70 4 3000 14,20....... 78 880 32.458........ $95...... 37,950 1l 39 655 7.092................ 79 8,118 35116 198 301...... 31,730 185' 358,634 17:946 Div. in 42 to form Marion 80 10 889 872........ 2,26 73 51.595 69 64.130 33408......................... 81 4,990 53,764.........19 2, 827 112 46,250 13,871........................ 8'851 20,60 368 6,119...... 29000 19 30,200 2226......................... 83 6:038 92,913........ 13,090 1682 340,040 362 152,810 15,941......................... 84 40 81133 235 1101 1,6 1 71,650 14 9,110 13,981......................... 85 173 25889 1,625 9...... 23000 14 53,552 6330...................... 83. 4,955 18676........ 953...... 1,000 1 500 11,533................................. 72,745 53512 385...... 619,140 1,541 1409, 757 2,837......................... 83 3,6157 5,21 40 1.898 *1 50 7,150 43 30 480 13 067{......................... 89 61.7 53,1 40 188 7; 1........ 43,735 113 2,4461 60 2. 500 10 4,300 7,802 9......................... 90 2.425 44 118 10 28 44,250 31 61,906 10,005................. 91 5,3931 26,037 6,167 2.18......1,184,111 2,493-2,401,434 1,190......................... 92 4,067 58,896........ 110...... 57,645 131 114,770 12,766......................... 93 4,248 48,847........ 3,769...... 92,30 75 175472 1300.................... 94 29,440 5',297 30 1,091...... 81,250 247 119:370 20,802........................ 95 19.328 31531....... 1:387...... 44,535 8:; 9,992 17,598 Div.'47 to form Highland.| 93 29,084 124610 231 6:514...... 168,810 977 827,409 51,251......................... 97 8, 722 22:2378 95 50.... 6,660 9 6,439 17,941.................. 98 1,376 49,312 75 338 10......................... 8,065........................ 99 18445 4891 463 204...... 12,600 15 1 700 2.813......................... 100 3:02 44,815........ 20 54 184,350 458 301,'920 3:'794 Div.'45 to fm Appomattox. 101 2;026, 31,93 3,336....... 10 1,500 86 292,276 5 067......................... 10 6,11 40,140........ 379 30 144,880 96 142,2961 5.213.........................1.03 5585 87771 159 1,59120...... 9,475 25 23,350 9,987.................. 104 7:322 42,463........ 240... 39,980 54 30,962 17,021 [Cabell and Mason. 105 2,755 42,284 79 2,714..... 32,775 79 54,11 2 12 649 Formed'48 fimn Kanawha, 106 6,117 9. 077............................................. 5008 Formed 50 from Fayette. 107 10,773 18, 362...... 614................................ 13,872 Divided in 1843 to form 108 8.78 831........ 2,420 151 843,965 70 123.664 16,890 Barbour. 109 2: 082 37,375........ 825 25 7,300 27 13:315 6,688................... 110 1:253 14,841........ 69...... 4,000 7 8:315 8,056 Formed in 1843 from Itar- 11.1 2,475 55 000........ 67...... 31.000 37 74,000 10,451. rison, Lewis, and Wood; 112 6,'298 9' 525 153 8.51 257 195,540 432 307,849 22,018 divided in 1845 to form 113 8,426 15267........ 459 142 31,595 382 690.795 26,584 Doddridge. 114 9. 905 59,019........ 927...... 20. 325 31 92: 906 37,676........................ 115 11,297 36081...... 148.... 18034 32 36, 1.36 20,115......................... 116 963 47,817 30 815 12, 300 256 422,500 7,689.................. 117 8,238 40,046........ 1,304......'83,895 159 74:355 21,029.........................118 7377 163,858........ 747 12 6,845 24 14,275 22.25......................... 119'2: 019 44,473 175 1,150...... 238,000 134 231,000 12,204........................ 29845 27,9231 552 1,465 25 117,900 120 379,160 7,081.............. 121 2,530 36482........ 411...... 46,452 40 14,300 5,048......................... 1`2 759 65,544... 609 184 30,850 39 64,330 15,803.........................123 6,632 28,967............ 17,200 46 27,850 15,910 Formed'44 from Harrison, 124 20,095 48,87...................... 12,850 33 18,500 32,969 Barbour, and Marion. 15 2,530 18,287...... 635 30 27,900 99 65.573 8.866 Divided in'45 &'46 toform 126 13,222 44,78 20 1,300 63 216,350 169, 281,670 7,895 Doddridge and Wetzel. 127 350 13,392........................... 1,032......................... 128 9,534 75,315........ 864.. 348,190 264 211.87i 31,545......................... 199 4,6924 31,369.. 129...... 10,000 29 17,290 15,565 Formed in'42 from Cabell. 130 3,700 41,740 26 512 2 3,300{ 19 16,300 7,843.................. 131 4,730 18,675........ 910..... 1,825 25 10.250 10,937 Formed in'46 from Tyler. 132 2, 285 13,724..... 1 976...... 18, 400 36 23,900 6,952'48 fm Wood and Jackson.! 133 2,972 38,08 765 1,309...... 62,160 108 70,314 13,077 Divided in'43 and'48. 134 11,272 8,10........ 1,200................................ 6,320 Formed in'50 from Logan.135 10,019 77,10....... 460...... 207,510 322 145,25 8,8.804........................ 1........ 2, 000.....................................................981 137 WISCONSIN. 175 5,873 897.........' 117,150 377 250460 100.... 1,351 10,337 239 22 15 7,200 14 31,220 423 [not returned in 1840. 3.................................. 5.2,000 190 63,000....... For. in'35 from Crawford; 4 185 34,580 60 3...... 5,100 54 160,260 1 163 Formed'46 from Portage. 5........ 3,483................. 46,700 65 46,130.. Divided in 1835 and 1845 6 5.476 64,370 5,907 105...... 8,475 261 89,576 4.479 to form Chippewa and La; 7 10,491 66,701 160....... 119,450 134 234,810 243 Pointe. 8 10,633 36.536 135J........j...... 5500 56 219,950 339......................... 9 1 32 CENSUS OF 1850. POPULATION. Whites. Colored. All classes. Total population. COUNTIES. Male. Female. Total. Free. Slave. Male. Female. 1850. 1840. 10 Grant.............. 8,851 7,288 16,139 30...... 8,865 7,304 16,169 3, 026 11 Greene.............. 4,557 4,009 8,566... 4,557 4,009 8.566 12 Iowa................ 5,086 4,410 9,496 29. 5, 104 4,421 9, 52 3.978 13 Jefferson............ 8,084 7,230 15314 3.. 8,086 7,231 15.317 914 14 Kenosha............ 5,586 5,130 10,716 18........ 5,600 5,134 10,734.......... 15 Lafayette........... 6,241 5,276 11,517 14... 6,247 5,284 11,531.......... 16 La Pointe........... 258 225 483 6.. 262 227 489....... 17 Manitoowoc..... 2,157 1,545 3, 702I...... 2,157 1,545 3, 702 35 18 Marathon........... 416 92 508........ 416 92 508.......... 19 Marquette.......... 4,811 3,823 8,634 7. 4,816 3,825 8,641 18 0 Milwaukee........ 16 345 14,621 30,966 111.... 16,410 14,667 31.077 5. 605 21 Porte............. 28 421 1,249 1.... 828 422 1,250 1, 62 2 acine...,81.......... 1 4,907 66. 7,85 7,114 14 14.973 3,475 23 Richland............ 511 391 902 1........ 512 391'903.......... 24 Rock............... 11,234 9,493. 20,727 23........ 11,251 9,499 20,75( 1.701 25 St. Croix.......... 433 186 619 5...... 434 190 624 8009 26 Sauk....... 2,338 2,032 4,370 1.. 2,339 2,0322 4,37.1 102 27 Siboygan.......... 4, 475 3,897 8,372 7........ 4476 3,903 8.379 133 98 Wlworth.......... 9,400 8,459 17,859 3........ 9,402 8,460 17,860 2,611 29 Washinton......... 10,380 9,05 19,485...............10,380 9,105 19,485'343 30 Wlankesha..........10,296 8,917 19,213 45........ 10,322 8,936 19,28.... 31 Winnebago.. 4.......52 10,147 20. 5,635 4,532 10,167 135 STATISTICS OF 1 Benton.............. 272 144 416 2........ 274 144 418 2 Dakotah....... 385 197 582 2........ 387 197 584. 3 Itasca............. 55 4 97........... 55 42 97....... 4 Mankahta.......... 130 1.... 13 28 158......... 5 Peinbina............ 578 556 1134 578 556 1,134.......... 6 ney............ 1,337 86 2,197 30. 1,350 877 2,27...... 7 Wabashaw......... 139 103 24 1.... 140 103 243.......... 8 Wahnahta.......... 113 47 160.... 113 47 160. 9 Washington..... 68 366 1,05 4.... 689 367 1,056... STATISTICS OF 1 Bernalillo............ 3,960 3,789 7,749 2........ 3,9621 3,789 7,751.......... 2 Rio Arribo........... 5278 5,389 10,667 1. 5,279 5,389 10,668.......... S Santa Anna.44 4,64 1,443 2,202 4,644 1...... 4 Santa F........... 4,119 3580 7.699 14. 4,129 3,584 7.713. 5 San Miguel........ 3,719 3,351 7,070 4... 372 3,72 352 7,074.......... 6 Taos...... 4.814 4,693 9,507 4814 493 950........ 7 Valencia........ 7,393 6,796 14,189.............. 7,393 6,796 14,189.... STATISTICS OF 1 Benton......456 354 810 4........ 457 357 814......... 2 Clackamus....... 41,106 730 1,836 23. 1,122 737 1,859...... 3 Clark............... 495 97 592 51........ 533 110 643.......... 4 Clatsop............. 33 123 458 4........ 339 123 46..... 5 Lewis.............. 344 113 457 101.. 393 165 55 6 Linn................ 55 437 94...... 557 437 994........ 8 Polk................ 575 471. 1,046 5..... 576 475 1,051.......... 9 Washington......1... 843 2 643 9 1, 806 846 2,652.......... 10 Yam Hil 86............ 7 644 1,511 1........ 67 645 1, 51.......... STATISTICS OF 1 Davis............... 599 535 1,134 599 535 1,134.......... 2 Iron............... 190 69 359 1.191 169 360......... 3 SaltLake........... 3,11 3,07 614 15 312 3031 6,157.......... 4 San Pete........... 197197 168 365. 5 Tooele............ 86 66 152 86 66 15.......... Utah.......1,12 870 1,99 8 1,136 890 2,02.......... 7 W eber...711 475 1,186................ 711 475 1,186.......... *En route for California. STATISTICS OF WISCONSIN. 333 NATIVITIES, DWELLINGS, &C. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. Born out of State. Collees, acadPublic Schools. 1 0 emies, and pri-'1 - vate schools. _ — _ _! _ c _ _ a C C. i-< *S2 M-3 It 01 1c1 13 c 3,165 4,500 1,846 1,846 35........ 2;969 5,901 5,901 1,393[3242 66 2,942 12 7, 858 4.48591 2,934 2,984 60 250 3,111 5,957 6,207 3,441 5,395 203 4,050 13 5.I324 3;362 1,812 1,874 80 1,160 2,980 6,374 7,534 2,602 3,707 353 5,150 1- - 03, O 6 85 1 4 0 4, 047 4,554 2,076 2,086......1........ 3,20 3 3,688 3 10,215 3,437 5,771 57 4,50 10 3-2 36 74 84.............. 30 500 500 36 180 104 450 16 825 2,396 715 726.............. 18 1,252 1,252 301 1,073 128.......... 17 220 182 76 76.........................1 49 16..... 18 5,850 1.707 1778 1,778..... 298 1069 1,069 1,083 2,927 81 100 19 7,294 18,622 5,630 6,035 1,506 7,557 4,857 11,213 18,770 5,284 10,107 1,162 17,326 20 723 278 204 204.................................... 81 72 67..... 21 6,178 6.079 2,578 2,715 205 325 3,756 7,885 8,210 3,296 5,164 53 6,385 22 683 53 178 178........ 85 150 150 79 324 8.......... 23 13,380 4,197 3,618 3,757 249 3,800 4,286 6,178 9,978 4,841 7,305 282 14,393 24 402 117 181 181...... 19................ 28 135 37......... 25 2,661 1,082 844 844...... See Adams......... 778 1,527 17 see Adams 20 3,1739 3,546 1,783 1,785...........4 2,227 2,227 1,28 2,77 1 2,000 27 11,682 2,799 3,112 3,187........ 5,140 11,930 11,930 5,138 6,428 243 5,780 28: 3.574 12 119 3,770 3,799........ 2,894 3,929 3,929 2,143 6,741 163 4,325 29 8,0-255 7476 3,408 3,480 156 1,530 5,435 8.929 10,459 4,116 6.780 75,4,410 30 6,049 2,663 1,889 1,906........ 1,798 4,065 4,065 1,731 3,206 364 5,380 31 MINNESOTA TERRITORY. 183 84 71 71 12 140.............. 140 12 114.......... 1 147 189 78 83......1............................. 12 147 86.......... 42 48 7 23 23................................................ 3 77 67 16 16....................................... 11 8.. 4 26 729 188 1881..........*..... l.............. 2 490 379.. 5 1,?215 564 384 384.................................. 96 621 107.... 102 34 55 55..................................... 19 66 52 100 7 113 33 26 28............2.......6................11 7 43 16........ 8 600 270 161 1681.................................391 213............... 9 NEW MEXICO TERRITORY. 82 172 1,684 1,684.................................... 12,919 3,163 4,500 1 15 6 2,413 2,413............................................ 4,279 4.317 4,100 2 13........ 973 973...... 15.............................. 12 1 2,099 3,500 8 314 538 1,561 1,561.............................. 165 2,623 3.027 8,950 4 57 53 1,731 1, 731........................2,573 2,763 6,400 5 66 34 2,214 2,214.................................... 24 3,602 3,695 400 6 225 1,348l 2,877 2,96 40...143 5,187 6021 800 7 OREGON TERRITORY. 707 12 149 149 40 1,560....1,560 144 330...1 1,414 147 368 368 133 4,000 80 3,927 7,927 321 61 3 1,700 2 327 223 95 95 11.............................. 11 98...... 500 3 3300 53 91 9f 77, 500...500 74 107 3 200 4 218 134 146 146113 500.............. 500 23 91 6.......... 5 844 14 172 172 55 1,5001,500 108 381............ 6 1,577 226 502 502 113.............................. 37 1,07 145 733 7 892 13 190 190 134 4,548......... 4,548 234 402... 8 2,138 147 418 418 128 4,020.............. 4,020 276 787................ 9 1,224 53 243 243 138 4,260.............. 4260 306 576....... 10 877 153 215 215...... 600............. 600 184 423 8.......... 1 243 57 86 86 150......... 150 75 115 8.......... 2 4,125 1,352 1,288 1,288.................... 11,200 11,200 1,009 2,185 64.......... 3 277 43 62 62..312 312 147 142 2.. 4 98 41 33 33................................... 28 55................ 5 1,574 234 414 414. 800....... 800 434 724 54......... 6 943 154 227 227...... 500 500 158 413 17..... 7 334 CENSUS OF 1850. LAND OCCUPIED OR IMPROVED. LIVE STOCK UPON FARMS. COUNTIES. 0 6 a 10 Grant............... 704 39,86 7 681 82 93 2,695 7, 722 4,517 14,190 11 Greene............. 763 47, 307 87 774 1, 113,388 1 782 5 963 5,764 8.02 12 Iowa............... 470 17.195 48,537 385,961 983 5,359 705 5,592 13 Jefferson............ 982 43,198 91,382 1,288,253 927 8,942 5,264 5,325 14 Kenosha............. 914 50 87 79,86 2, 087,066 1,7 8,968 12,767 5.445 15 Lafayette........... 399 28.64 50,732 642.039 1,173 4,107 2,475 6,034 16 La Pointe........... 5 110.......... 3,765 5 3,701.......... 10 17 Manuitoowoc........ 35 1,122 6,927 53,120 22 2,116.......... 187 18 M arathon........... 7 226.......5... 5245 33.......... 19 Marquette......... 327 15,935 40, 513 471,795 741 3,654 2,027 3539 20 Milwaukee......... 935 35,589 03,945 1,918, 151 1500 4 60 4,70 6,702 01 Portage............. 5 370 150 5,510 4 3 389........ 13 2 Racine............. 971 63,338 80.947 1,901,591 1.671 7,005 10,093 5,007 03 Richland............ 58,106 20,664 92, 934 155 5,583 183 887 04 Rock................ 1,965 143,235 137, 111 3,323,276 3. 415 11,020 13,456 14, 455 25 St. Croix............ 4 178 480 3,296 3 5556.......... 9 6 Sauk................ See A dam s.......................................... 27 Sheboygan........... 328 13,419 62,418 653.484 1262 2,035 308 0,49-i 28 Walwoth......... 1.884 116,750 149,905 3,197;7056 33152 14 189 22,744 10,984 29 WashinOton........ 1,353 42,963 108,335 140,39 400 1192 153 10 ~30 Wa~~iVilkea~sh.... ~1.7503 105,0269 128,4185 3;,059,69014 2. 3) 9,970 12,415 10,098 31 Whimeba o.......... 338 11,915 4,239 475,649' 618 5,230 1,860 2,121 STATISTICS OF 1 iBenton............. 20 405 4,5-40 36,745 59 6.......... 421 30 Itaksa............... 3 100...... 5 Pembina...... 17 77 2.068 4.815 518 4102 2 1 6 Ralnsey............. 19 458 2,83 33. 993 20 163 45 99 7 Wabashaw.......... 8 439 560 9,775 107 064 26 227 8 W ahnahta.......... 9 64-2 500 6,49 4 40 87.......... 9 Washington......... 48 2,914 13,346 8,5,90i 1301 728 7 4 35, STATISTICS OF 1. Bernalilo........... 164 13 3 80 153. 1 2,55 4,349 153,048 880 2 Rio Arribo.......... 47-2 30 417 2,644 4) 9. 9 2.739 4,645 54,998 1 3 Santa Anna......... 194......952 1562 2 47 075 3 4 Santa Fl........... 713 19,0E 06 81 88 1,504. 3,155 23,.770 3)290 Pebin\a............ 17t195 48,5 37 9 481 5 San Miguel......... 177 45 88.......... 0 84 7, 1,115 4104 26,72 6 Taos............... 651 10.4691 11.608 197.3 25, 909 3,975 23,755,'37 Vaencia........... 1379 46 21 2106 431 2,099 10,002 62,99 1482 STATISTICS OF 1 Blenton....... 11 5,589.......... 91 110 701 3.547 629 3,516 2 Clackamu....... 0 1 82388 682)5 579 3.079 59 2. 60:1 l3 ark 3 0 5 1 1...............15480 50 1816 1,15 4 CaItop............. 340 190,257 17)5,42 5'Y 761 49 88 L wis.............. 55 13 441t 3 84 287. 8345 66 5.577 10,208 97 6 n............... 13 6,041..........613.870 4-6 9 38 4.32 7 aron............. 23 30 184 1,7 7, 1 1,021 6 09 8 P 1 4ol k4.............. 2 9.3411.......... 81,44 4,277 555 5,4I19 9 W ashington........ 1.......... 176,80 16 5171 417 83,3 0, 10 Yaam Hill........... 4.14. 14,41....... 13036 1,327 5,631 914 3, 1 28 STATISTICS OF 1 Davis.........1... 130 2.117 5,639 56,509 413 1.52 756 210 2 Iron............. 54 325 1,766 43,85.156 639 1 28 3 Salt Lake........... 505 7,801 07 1,304 5,55 1,663 50 4 San Pete............ 51 592 712 9,187 124 443 45 8 5 Tooele.............. 7 352 197 200 1 18.......... 4 6 Wetahe............... 144 2 28 10,591 62 38, 444 8 C W ebera............,80 3,0184 2.0 C. B alatsop.............' 164 13, 43 30 K 34 01 1 42 fiS,( y~TSnlllitn.,....?6 1) 9 7, ~- 5 7 1 10 Yal II1I 1 ~ 13;361"r l;j 5631 14 l STATISTICS OF WISCONSIN. 335 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. 7 5 3 1i 8 11 / a 0 0 | 811S 9 6 ~ 0 |. I4 8.. Cs t | Is ~ I I I i I P C) d 0 P rt o 6 C. 148, 997 153 027 133,595 16,634 152 4,365 987 12'2284 10,588 131 287 30 11 183,545 120,512 81,079 60934 257 7.260 2,397 224.620 14,296 1)800 105 10 ~ 3 318 051 231,038 100,046 68,817 1,047 10,020 7,125 342,064 24,229 34 62:2 14 63,283 176,238 91,491 18'829 792 4,161 320 77 881 9,196 34 99 21 15.......... 233 250 950........ 5...... 550 45.....16 214 5,444 287 7297 85 96...... 5,000 460........................ 1,510 2 075 5...................... 45.................. 8 85,614 66,197 43,052 36,724 738 1.488 1,083 71,364 5,495 15 76 1 1.9 61,147 136,095 39,299 71,950 3,083 3,102 3,985 162,706 11,246 196 504 7 20 100 3,400 75 1.300.............. 130.......... 2.......... 218,140 176,543 78,847 58,279 1,158 6,322 8,649-2 53,006 14,551 133 491 214 22 1,683 2,515 1, 095 956 47 1956 47 100 300 9,445 1,132...... 6 1 23 784,278 488,740 300,143 102,1395 659 16,432 5.543 450,215 23,122 3 466 23 24 115 700 1,100 1,350 95 750 130 100 3............2...... 25 20,437 42,506 7,331 37 206 172 2,141 559 55,010 1,757 91...... 7 655,704 378,549 215242 100,437 1,41731,59915,826 386,432 27,13 2793 608 5 128 123,806 145,048 34Z52 193.352 727 10,078 3, 406 172.,122 3,261 147 8 23 312,68 2'J53.173 77. 097 119 275 49852, 369 9,686 343,394 22, 552 13, 119 62 30 57,072 30;087 34 722 33,788 595 1,739 3,085 92,175 7,164 90 119 10 31 MINNESOTA TERRITORY.. 60 160 3,650....................... 1 121.................. 23.10.......... 90 1,050 10......4............... 3............. 3 39o0,6. 260 1,615 200 9,585 20........100........ 151)84,~~~~.. 191... 0.......... 2 209 1,100 1,855 7,105 9,50.. 0................. o............... 7 150............................ 8 551 23,287 11,830 9,34 157 1,196 190........ 1,100. 755................ 9 17,701.......... 39.303 3 23 100 50.......................... 1 31,163.......... 56,483.......... 4,001........... 3,170.......... 2 9,740 24.73.. 728. 547......... 24373...... 3 11,490 5 26.9062.......... 544............ 2,172)...... 4 11,381.......... 33.86.............................................. 72,049.. 26........................ 42 983 1,795.. 81 25 - 7 14,913 193 40 1,402 231.......... 53,145.............. 6...... 1 16,281 6,970 216 18.893 630.......... 3810 353.................. 2 1.050 900.... 5,1550.................... 290................... I..... 3 1,89 1 694 165 3,3 6..... 7.65.......................... 6 16,373 1 605............ 39 590......................... 8 22,452 5,988 44 1,624 136............ 44,2901........ 10 8,948 1,188 663 2,530 5 198. 5,020 312............ 5 2 58,492 5 066 5,220 25,919 102 1,123 143 47.025 2,2051...... 2...... 3,210 62 47 967 38 164 43 523 439............... 4 730 3 36 3...19 740 o........ 5 142 1376 1,460 5,882 111 5 3 2,910 1127............. 86,1505 58034,17 395 1413 2 10 429 8,146, 6.... 7 336 CENSUS OF 1850. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. COUNTIES. 1 CZ.. 1 Ga 4 o - | - 10 Grant............... 475....... 19140..... 457.................... 7,411. 11 Greene............. 1,993............................... 14 858. 12 Iow a................... 8 316 45...................... 656...... 13 Jefferson........ 70.................... 11,818 14 Kenosha............. 42............................ 33,429 Knosha 4............. 15 Lafayette............ 1,000.................................... 4,367.. 16 La Point......................... 46 006....a................... 17 Manitoow oc...................... 80.................................................... 18' M arathon........................................................................................ 19 Marquette........... 3...... 60 100...... 3,206 0 M lwaukee.......... 117...... 7,3 5...... 195........................ 1,637 21 Por intage...........................0...................................... aitoc.............. 155...... 2,556...... 160........................ 16,155. 23 Richlnd................... 60...... 740......479.... 24 rque tte................ 45:::........307..i.......... 30, 6 25 t.Milw Coiaukeex.....................11637 56 Sauk..................................... 27 bov a..........1......... 1........................ 8 W aiwot 58 1,050.................... 58 9...... 29 W ashington......... 578...... I16,637...... 375.........1....,824 30 W auk esha......... 57,950...... 37709...... 443........ 5 49. 23 Richland...............6............479 31 W inneba o....................... 5,555...... 149........................ 3,829; STATISTICS OF 1 Benton.................... 9 Dakotah..................: 3 Itasca....................................... 5 Pemb.................. 6 R am sey....................................................... 7 Wabashaw................ 75 8 W a nahortta..................................... 99 W ashingto......................... 9V Washintton..... [. ] 637]:... STATISTICS OF Bernalillo.............................. 8500 4 SantaF............414........ 1,128...... 6,506. 5 San M igu........................................................... 7 Valencia.......... 428...................... STATISTICS OF 1 Benton.............. 100....................................85 Cla ka.. 00.................... 24........ 25... 150 3 C ark....................................................................................... 4 Clatseop............. 5 Lewisa........... 18,50 6 Linn..........76 7 Marion..................... 3,093 8 Polk................ 59......1.............................................. 1,218. 9 W ashington..............1....................., 1,]56. 10 Yam Hill............ 40...................... 3,301. STATISTICS OF 1 Davis..................1,818. 88... 2 Iron 00.............. 2.. 508 3 Salt Lake......................................... 58........ 70...... 5,378.. 4 San Pete.................................................... 5 Tooele.............................................. ~6 U tah......................................207. 67 WeberUtah....................... STATISTICS OF WISCONSIN. 337 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURES. HU 4 ^ "1iv Establishments. ~r -U 5- REMARKS. 17,134 42,310 1,231 $ 1,1163 30 134,474 208 4 4,783 4,635......................... I0 11.585 34,288 40 484...... 71,450 80 111,742 9,039......................... 140 13:38 360 57 64,620 121 600. 804 119 Div. in'42 and'46 to fcrm;I 12 6,832 41.430...................... 209,400 252[ 403 117 20,522 1ichbland and Lafayette. 13 5,260 36.440 78 115...... 145.400 279 477 678 2,542 Formedin'50 from Racine. 14 7,464 17;746 552 1,819 68 58,675 90 411 309 2.962 I,'oormed in 1846from! -owa. 15 5.917 20...................... 80 2 1,0 0 938 Formed'45 from C1rawford. 1 2,853 1,946...................... 134,687 171 1112. 13 894......................... 17....... 16 100............ 101, 000 125 98 900.......Formed in'50 from Portage' 18........ 17,746 110........ 51,700 24 145,500......................19 183.331 8644 7...... 587,175 1,583 1,871,661....... Div.'46 to form kevuk 0sha 7,7 273...................... 58,400 117 80,320 1,240 Div. see counties I, 5& 18. 21 7,327 1,904[ 1,090 29...... 276.950 584 898,479. 75 Div. in'50 to for Kenosha 22 3,214 73,83 5.............. 5,100 17 9,650 9,281 Formed in 1842 from Iowa. 23................ 11,190 281 93,35 45 839.840................................ 24........ 7...................... 63,000 63 58,000................................ 5..........................6, 50 19 13,8401................................ 100 7.570 2301.............. 87,790 17 384................................. 27 5,565 84,838 125 164...... 155, 342 25 412,905i 5,09............... 176 29,69051000 38 116978'................................ i 29 17,647 61,503 287 144...... 192,950 240 389 756 1,947 Formed'46 fr. Milwaukee. 30 860 1-1,710 150.............. 119,175 193 282 393 343.................. 31 MI NN ESOTA TERRITORY. 7,000 12 10,000................................ 1................................ 3.................................. 75...........::::::' 5 11,7u 3.9 1,0..... 8700 1 4........................ 9 NEW 3MIEXICO TERRITORY..11,78I 9 5,864j 7,841 390.......................... 1 267......................... 1.. 14. 73................................................ 4,095......................... 2........ 6.592 600 10.............................' 23......................... 3 2 14 0 40 125...... 30,700 24 52,610 648......................... 1941................................................................................ 5 13,198...................... 27,600 43 156,400............................... 6........ 2163 175 9551,973 10,000 14 40,000........ 7 OREGON TERRITORY. 15.045 5,987 16... 2,500 2 43,200................................ 8,62 9,5 350... 465,000 92 681,500............................................. 500............. 110,000 40 251.500................................. 11,965 27,494............. 50.000 28 26000................................ 4 8,000 13,100........ 80,0000 29 71,200.... 5-.... 455 5,300 75...... 11,400 18 189;440................................ 6 56........ 630...... 48,000 4 285.000.... 7 21055 9405............ 14,200 7 118,800................................ 8 23,575 10,045............ 46,000 17 202.900................................ 9 26,558 8,545 200......,500 10 133,; 100................................ 10 UTAH TERRITORY. 10,146 1,830 2,000 6 1,500 429........................ 1.'....... 5,122 1,94................................................................. 2 10 3,39-0 15,487.............. 34,800 17 257,520- 963........................ 3 452 780........................................................... 4. 10,756 3,744.......... 5,200 21 24,400......................... 6...~.... 3,827............. 2,400 7 7 00....... 7 22 POPULATION OF SUCH CITIES, TOWNS, TOWNiSHIPS, HUNDREDS, &c., IN THE UNITED STATES, AS HAVE BEEN ASCERTAINED AT THE CENSUS OTFICE. THE letter T affixed to a place designates the town in the township, &c. of the same name in the same county. "Bor." is an abbreviation of borough, The asterisk (;) is placed wherever the slave population cannot be defined, and is therefore not included; and the obelisk (t) wherever there is probability that slaves owned in, but not residents of, the town, are included, Towns, the population of which is ascertained from other sources than the census schedules, are put in italics, and the figures are generally for 1853 or 1854, Total Total Cities, towns, County, district, or State. T op l Cities, towns, County, district, or Tta. lowuships, &c. parish. State. Pon. townships, &c. parish. State t tion. tiol. -.tbeville.......... Henry............ Ala.... 300 Albany-......... Carroll........... H.. 455 Abbeville......... AbbevMlle......... C... 1,252 Albany......... A any........... N. Y... — 50,763 Abbott............ Piscataquis........ Me. 747 Albany............ Berks............. Pa.... 1,40 Aberdeen......... Brown...... Ohio 808 Albany.......... Bradford...... Pa.... 1043 berdeen.........d Monroe........ Miss 5,000 Albanvy......... Orleans. Vt..... 1,052 Abingdon......... uzerne......... Pa.... 2,886 Albany........... Greene........... Wis.... 546 di/ngdon.......... Washington...... Va..... 1,000 Albany........... Marquette........ Wis.... 494 Abington......... Knox............. Ill.... 210 i............. Monroe..........Iowa.. 500 Abington....... Wayne........... nd. 1,04 Albion........... Edwards......... il..... 365 Abington, T.. Wane............ Ind. 2065 Albion............ Kennebeck.......Me..... 1 04 Abington......... Plymouth........Mass 5 269 Albion............ Calhoun.......... Mich.. 1.65 Abington........ Montgomery....... Pa. 1 836 Albion, T......... Calhoun..........Mich.. b$81 Aboite........... Allen........ d.. 539 Albion............ Orleans........... Y.. c2, 51 Acton............ York.............. Me. 1, 359 Albion............ Oswego.......... N. Y.. 2, 010 Acton............ Middlesex........ ass.. 1605 Albion............ Dane............Wis.... 817 Jicworth.......... Cobb.............. Ga.... 118.Albion............ Erie................. 300 Acvorth........... Sullivan...... N. H.. 1,251 Albion Gore...... Kennebeck....... Me..... 110 Ada............... Kent.............. Miic..'593 Alburg.......... Grand Isle... Vt... 1 568 Adams............ Lasalle........... Ill.. 547 Alden............ McHIenry.......... 780 Adanmss............ A lien............. Ind.. 0112 Alden............ Erie.............. N.Y... 2, 520 Adams............ Carroll............ Ind... 671 Aleppo............ Greene P............ 1.176 Adams........... Cass.............. Ind.... 474 Alexander........ Washington....... Me 544 Adams........... Decatur.......... Ind.... 1,257 Alexander........ enton.......... Mo.... *630 Adams........... Hamilton.........nd.. 861 Alexander...... Genesee.......... N. Y... 1,97 Adams........... Madison......... Ind.... 1.309 Alexander........ Athens........... Ohio.. 1. 735 Adams........... Morgan.......... Ind.... 1, 411 Alexander........ Montgomery...... Ohio.. 246 Adams........... Parke............Indd.... 879 Jtlexandia........ Cam pbell.. K.... 1,000 Adams........... Ripley........... Ind.... 1,524 Alexandria....... Grafton........... N I'. 1,273 Adams........... Keokuk.......... Iowa.. 29 Alexandria....... Rapides.........La 672 Adams........... Berkshire........ Mass.. 6,172 Alexandria....... HIunterdon.......N. J.. 3,811 Adams........... Hillsdale.......... Mich.. 1.1-29 Alexandria........ Jefferson......... N.Y... 3178 Adams........... Jefferson........ N. Y... 3. 106 Alexandria....... Licking......... Ohio.. 349 Adams........... Champaign........Ohio.. 1, 123 Alexandria........ Iuntingdon...... Pa 601 Adams........... Clinton...........Ohtio.. 869 Alexandria........ De Kalb...:...... Tenn 343 Adams...........Coshocton........Ohio.. 1419 Alexandria........ AlexaAlexandria....... Va.... 8,734 Adams.......... Darke............ Ohio.. 1,416 Alford............ Berkshire......... Mass.. 502 Adams........... Defiance..........Ohio.; 4 Alfred............ York......... Me... 1319 Adams....G...... Gnernsey.........Ohio.. Alfred............ Alleghany.........N. Y... 2,679 Adams........... Monroe.......... Ohio.. 1,182 Algansee.......... Branch........ ich. 609 Adams........... Muskingum..... Ohio.. 998 Algoma...........Kent............. Mich.. 233 Adams........... Seneca........... Ohio.. 1,416 Algoma........... Winnebago....... is 702 Adams........... Washington...... Ohio.. 1,293 Algodones....... Sant Ann a..... N. M.. 517 Adams........... Greene............ Wis.... 275 Algonquin....... cHenry.... 1455 Adams........... Sauk............. Wis.... 482 Allegan........... Allegan........... Mich 752 Adamsburg.....Wesoreland.... Pa.... 26 Allegheny......... Allegheny. Pa 21,262 Addison........ n ge..... D P..... Il... 818 Alleghen......... Armstron........ P.... 2506 Addison........... Shelb........... d.... 1,917 Allegheny......... Blair....... Pa 235 Addison........... Washilngton. Me 1..,152 Allegheny........ Cambria........... Pa... 488 Addion........... Oakland..... M... Mich.. 924 Alleghemny.... Potter............ Pa. 381 Addison........... Stenbcdn.. N... 3,721 Allegheny........ Somerset......... Pa... 948 Addison........... Gallia............ Oio... 9-4 Allegheny......... Venango........ Pa.... 1174 Addison......... Somerset........ Pa 1,665 Allegheny......... Westmorland.... Pa.... 3,329 Addison........... Addson.......... Vt..... 1,279.Alen.... Nole............ n... 933 Addison........... Was ington...... Wis.... 1,144 Allen............. Hillsdale........ Mieh.. 1.033 Adelphi........... Ross........ lOhio... 412 Allen............. Gentry........... Mo..... "502 Adrian............ Lenawe...........Mic.. 3006 Allen........ Alleghany.......N. Y.. 955 Aid........... Lawrenc........ Ohio 884.. Ohio.. en........... Akron........... Summit.......... Ohio... a3, 266 Alen............ Hancock.... Ohio.. 869 Alabama......... nesee......... 2054 Allen............. Union..........tOhio... 979 Alaiedon.......... Ingham.........I. Mch.. 377 Allen.Northampton...... Pa.... 1,156 Alamo Kalamazoo.........ich.. 420 Allendale........ Ottawa........... Mich.. 168 ibany.. Baker.......... Ga.. 000 lentown...... Merrimack........N... 526 Albad.ny s........ xfo......... 747 dlemo......... Monmouth........... 600 In 1853, 4,500. bIn 183, 1,200. c In 1853, 3500. Aid...........Lawene...... Gho.. 83841Aln.......ak......O:" POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 339 Allentown............ a3. 770 Archer............ Harrison.......... Ohio 875 Aligator.......... C........ la. 13 rchibl........Luerne... Pa... 1,500 Allison...........Clinton........... Pa.... 411 1A enra............ Iowa............. W is.... 402 Al 4Arenavi.......... n Bur...- l 4anezville..................... 15........0 Almond.......... Alleg any........N. Y.. 1.914 Argrentine.......... Genesee.......... Mih. 43 Altnnt............ La er............ Mich.. 1452. Aryle........... P enscot....... Me... 38 Alna...... Me.... 916 Argyle........... VVashington. Y.....74 Alpine. Me........................ 618 AA rgIl...... Latlette........ 4is.... 1 Alsace...........5e....... 6:;eriiai;.......... Pa.....697Ariana........... Als2rI........... 10 Alstead........... Cheshire.......... N. H..0 1 425 Arkadelphia....... Clark............. Ark48 Altod d............. on d Lac.... Wis... 608 kanas... Arkansas... Alton........... adison..........Ii..... 3 585 Arkwri ght........ Chautiauque...i N. Y..... 1,83 Alton............. Penobscot e.........Arlington......... Van Buren........ Iic.. 4 Allton............. f tklnap......... N. H.. I1795 /]A rlington......... Bennington........ Vt..... 1. 54 /ltoona........a... ltIs-.s.i........ Pa.... 2,500 Armr da.......... Macomb...... Mich....14 Amanda......... l.. O en............. Ohio.... 607 iArmagh........... Indiana........... Pa..... Amanda.......... Fairfield.......... 1io.. 1, 788 Armagh.......... Mhifflin.......... n.P...., 142 Amnanda, T....... Fairfield.......... Ohio.. 181 Amenia.......... radford.......... Pa.... 310 Amanda.......... Hancock......... Ohio 1, 162 Armstrong.. nde.... V.nderbhrg....... d.... 849 Amboy.......... Lee...............~ 11 540 Arnmstrong......... Indiana.... Pa.......18 Ambov........... Hillsdale......... Mic....2 1 Armstrong'......... Lycoming........ Pa...., 428 Ambot......... Osweno.....1..... NT.. 1,132 Arnhci......... i nrowNn........... O 61 Ambov........... F lton.h........... io... 460 Arrietta.......... Iarmilton........ N Y.... 108 Ameniae.......... Dntchess............ Y..,29 Arrowsick........ Lincoln.......... Me..... 311.reanicd... iSnter........... Ga.... 600 hoe......... Moroe. Mich.. 1,2 Ames............ Atens............ Ohio 1,482 Asby........... lesex....... ass... 1,208 Amesbrrg........ Washirston.......126 Ashoro....... Randolph..t... N. C... Amesbuhor..........ass... M 34,143 tArnhatWorcestern........ Mass... Ma 8 1,85 Arnher........... tiancock.........3M e.... Ash C k........ Oktibbe... ktss0 Arnherst.......... hnimpsh ire........ JMacs... 3,0517 Ashfield.......... Franklin M.......i. Mass.. 1, 04 Amihert........... illsborough....... N. H L.. 1,613 Allitlbrd......... Wiind arnm........ Conn... Aniherst.......... Erie.............. IN.. 4,153 Asiford.......... Cattarausiu s...... N. (l 8 Amhenl st........... orin Ohio... 1,39 for....... Fo d ac....... is.. 628 Ain itd e...........256 ~Asllnsi..t..... SchAsvler...... 111..4 Amnitov........... Aleh.yh:iny2........N. Y. 1 2792 Ashland........ Middiesex......... Mass.. 1 04 Amito............a 1,566 1 3.hlAndh....... Greene............ N.... 1,90.Amiv n^..... J......' }A la...... j.....A..shland......... ho..l.4 Amstyrdam........ tont tineivN....... N. Y... 4,128 Ashley...I.... Pike.............. Mo..... I 3 Amsterdam......F Montoinery..... Y... 2,000 Ashley........... Delaware.... i...... Oio... 50 Amsterdam........... 16 Ashta la........ Ashtaul........ Ohio... 2 7 AmweI.t......t... ent.erdon N....... jN. J... 2 505 Ashtablnua, T...... AMhtaburla........ Ohio... Amwel.......... Saliton......i. iPa. 1, 754 Aslhville... combe........ B N.1c02... Ancrami........ Colum ia......... N. Y... 1,569 AssIti)ppan....... Dode........ Wis 1,017 Anderso n......... Cark........ Ark... 201 Assyria......... arry............. Mih.., 336 Andersonburg..I i~tdn.........Wahnto.... dsho...... elndoware........ Pa..... Ia. 17 6 Anderson, T...... Madison.......... Ind....' 3.3l Astoria,.......... Fulton.s..... 1.21:3 Anderson......... Perry........... t. Ind.... 825 Astoria...........Clatop. Oren. 5 Anderson.......... I;Taish i........... hiTnd.... 1, 45 Asylum.......... Bradford 0......... a... Anterson........ W arrick,.d...... Ahnd.... 392 Athens........... Limestone........ Ala...,I Andersoni......... Hamilton........ IOhio... 3048 Athens........... Clatt........ Ga.... 661 An desl.ares.......... No... e.,e 19t]enNI46.........Me.. 0 Andover..........i Toand.........Conn 500 Athliens.... Calhoun.......... Mich... 533 Andover.......... xord e.... 710 Athens......... Gentry.M....... Mo... 1, 428 Andover.......... Tcsex M......... Mass.. 6 945 Athens.......... Greene............ N. Y... 2, 986 Andover.......... Merrim ack........ N. H... 1,220 Athens............ Athens............ Ohio.... 360 Andover.......... Allehay........ N. Y.... 1,476 Athens, T........ Athensh............ Ohio... 898 Andover......... A ta la........ io 963 Athens............ arrison.......... Ohio 1,41 Andover.......... Wilor........ Vt 725 Athens, Bor...... Bradfortl........... Pa..... 706 Andrew.......... T okson........!.. a.Iw 168 Athens............ Bradford.......... Pa..... 1 Angelica......... Alleghany.....'... N Y... 1,592 Athens........... Crawford 0......... a..... 9-28 Ango!ad............ rSt be.......d.... 2 Athens............ W indham........ Vt.....:359 Annapolis........!Ann0e rundel Md.........3, 01 Atnstown.. Gentry............ 16Mo.... Annapoliste.........Tefferson........ Ohio.. i 8 Athol............. W orester........ M ss.. 2 034 Antn Arbor t......,ttenaw...... Mi.. 4,868 Athol............. W arren........... 159 Annsvi One.e...Ihd1 da.'N 2686 Atkinsont.......... Piscataquis.......Me 89 Anson.............. Somerset......... Me..... 848 in s....... ockin a...... N. 60... 60 Antalaway........ s.... 04 Atlan ta................. e a......... 2, 572 Antes........ P45 Atlantic.......... Monmou th..........J.... 1,498 Antheony......... jlvco ring...... PA 0.... 1,076 Atlas........... Genesee.......... Mich..i 127 Anthrony........ fon.or Pt..... 96. A'Itticn..... Foutain..................... 1,00 Andtioch T...........i ke. 1..... 1,192 Attica............. L4 er............... Antioch... onirn1oe........... Chio. 107 Attica............. Wyoming........ N. Y.. 2.363 Antoite. Clark............. Ark... 271 Attleborouslh...... Bristol............ Mass 4,9200 Antoine r.......... PikAr......91........ BuArklcks l.... ks............. Pa 1, 00 Antrim........... hiwasee....... ch... 282 Atwater.......... Portage........O. ti..... 1,119 Antrim........... Hillsbor-ounh H.. 114 Aubbeewawlbee.... Fulton..nd.... 3.4.... Antrimn........... Giernse. to hi-o.... 252 ulm......... lc....,a....... 0 Antrim........... vandott........ Oion... 757 Anburn o..... C.... Aark......... 111504 Andtrisom:ankln................ 3,005....Au n a.2 Antwerpl.......... Van Bureon. Mich 61.4 Auburn......... Cumberland.....2,840 Antwerp.......... Jffrsn......... N. Y... 3665 Auburn... Worcester........M. a 87.. 89 Apolacon IS......... sqel Pta48. Ait.... 748Aurn. ockingham N.... 810 Apollo Arm ron........... An n......... nyPa A........... N. Y... e9,,08 Appanoose........ Ianeock....... 1...... A384 Auburnm........... Crawford......... Ohio.. 951 Appleton.......... WadoMe 1 2 Atibur......... 626 Appleton......... Liki.......... Ohio 66 uurn..... Geaga...........Ohio... 1,84 Appoquinira ink Newcastie........ D.. 3,126 1Auburn..:a..... rawat s...... Ohio1... 2948 Aqnuadenockr Passac.......... N. u... 94 Athn................ hio... 1..437 Arcadia........... A ane. 5,145i Auburn... Fond i La...2....48.. Iat I.1853, 60X5 i..n....... n 1..i3,1.,.. AtdIn 183, 4..;0. eIn 18.53,10,500. 340 CENSUS OF 1850. Auburn & vicinity Sutter......... al.... 1,30 Barnstead.......Belknap.........N. H.. 1.84 Auglaize........ Alen............. hio.. 344 Barr.............. Davics........... Ind....1,)-2 Auelaize......... Paulding..... Ohio'304 Barre............. Worcester........ Mas.. 97 Augustar Richmonil.......... Rhod....... Augusta......tichiond.....Ga.... 175 Barre......... e.. Orleans........... N. Y.. 4. 16 Ausu.ta.......... Des' Moines....... Iowa.. 496 arre............ Huntingdon....... Pa..., Auusta.......... Bracken...... Ky.... *588 Barre............Washington...... Vt. Auu'sIta.......... Kennekeck.....Me.... 18 5 Barren........... Independence.... Ark... Au'ulsta...... Washtenaw...... Mich.. 808 Barrintou........ Cook............. 111 6..... 6 Augusta......... Oneida............ 2,271 Barrington...... Strfford..........N. Auust.......... Carroll............ Ohio.. 1297 Barriton........ Yates............N.Y 1,550 Aurelius.......... ngham........... Mich. 501 Barrington........ Bristol........... I.... 95 Aurnelius....... Cayuga........... N1. Y. 2,31 Barry............ Pike.............. 400 Aurelius.......... Washington..... Ohio.. arrv............ arr............ Mich Aurora........... Kane........ Ill. 1,895 Barry............ Sc uylkill........ Pa.... Aurora............ Dcarborn..........,954 Bart............. Lancaster......... Pa.. 23s37 Aurora............ Hancock....... iMe.... O21 Barthtolomnew................ Ark... 185.Jlwqmora, T..........N. C.......600 Bartholomew... Drew............. Ark... Aurora............ Erie..............N. Y... 3, 4351 Bartlet..... Coos.............. N. II.. 81.'Iora, T.... Erie............. N.Y... 2,000 Barton............ Gibsoon........... nd. 491 Aurora............ Portage........... Ohio.. 8 Baton............ Tioga............. Y.. 2 Ausable........... Clinton........... N.. 4,492 Barton.. Orleans........... Vt....'987 Austerlitz........ Columbia......... yN. Y. 1,873 Basil............ Fairfield.......... Ohio 0 Austin........... Travis............ }Texas.. 629 Batavia.......... Kane................ 92 Austilburg.... Ashtabula....... Ohio 1,2 851 Batavia.......... Branch...........Mich.. 4 Austintown....... Mahoning........ Ohio 1,174 Batavia.......... Genesee..........N. Y 4,41 Auxsable.........Grundy................ 70Batavia......... Clermont...... Ohio.. 2,:91 Ava.............. Oneida........... N. 1,037 ates............. Crawford......... Ark.. 2 Averill........... Essex............ Vt..... tcsville........ i ependence.... Ark Avery's Gore.... Chittenden....... Vt..... 1 Bath............. Mason............ 11.... Avery's Gore..... ranlin..... Vt..... 48 Bath............. Franklin.......... Ind.... Avoca............ Steuben.......... N. Y.. 1,574 Bath..............Lincoln.......... Me..... 8 020 Avon............. Hartford..........Conn.. 995 Bath.............. Cito........... Mich.. b 2 Avon............. Lake..... Ill............. 01 Bath.............. Grafton............ N H...I 574 Avon.............Frkli...... e.. 778 Bath.............. Steubcn.......... N. Y, Avon............. Oaklandt.......... Mich.. 1,456 Bath len............. Ohio.. 2,,6 Avon............. Livingston....N..N. 2,809 Bath.............. Grce........... Ohio 2.079 Avon:.......... Lorain............ Ohio 1,78'2 Bath.............. Summit.......... Ohio.. 00 Avon........... ockWis... 579 Batton Rouge..... E. B aton Rouge... La..... Ayr..............ulton. Pa 105 attle Creek...... C u........ oich. 897 Aztalan.......... Jefferson. Wis... 5971 Battle Creek VilBaileyville........ Washington......Me.... e.. 431 lage..... Calhoun.......... Mich.. 1 G4 Bainbridge........ Schuyler......... 1, 1591 Baughman........ ne........... Ohio Bainbridge...... Clienango......N. Y. 3,338 Bay.............. Ottawa........... Ohio.. 3; Bainbridge........ Geauga........... Ohio.. 1,014 Bavot............ Jackson........... Ark B:inbridge.... Ross............Ohio. 626 Bayou BaitholoBnhridge........ Pa..... 503 mew............ Jefferson..... Ark. 147 Blaker............ Martin............ Ind... 670 Bayoun Mason..... Chicot........... Ar. 404 aker............ Morgan........... Ind.... 335 Bayou Metre..... Pulaski.......... Ark. 34'2 lBakersfield....... Franklin.......... Vt.... 1,53 Bayou Stara. W. Flieiana....... La.t.... 53 Ba ldEagle........ Cin ton.. Pa.........Pa. 63 Bazetta........... Trumbu!l......... Oio. 1302 Baldwin.......... Cumberland e.... 1,10 Beall............. uiiat Pa.... Baldwin......,... Allegheny......... Pa..... 610 Bealsville........ Monroe.......... Oio 276 Bal'dnvii e...... Onondga. IN. Y.. 1.200 Beatl's Bar & Deasd Ball.............. Benton......... Ark.... 4.... 2 lMan Bar...... tter........... Cal.. 42 Ballston...... Saratoga.......... N. Y... 2,269 Beas Bar, ForkBallston Spa..... Saratoga.......... Y... 2,000 ville............ Sutter............ Cal.... 378 Ballsville......... Sandusk......... Ohio.. 1,556 Bean ossom..... onroe........... d 9 Ballumn........ St. Louis................. Bear Creek....... Senrcy............ Ark... 14 Batimore........ Henry... nd...... C....... in.......... il.......... Baltimore........ Baltimore........ Md.... e169,054 Bear Creek 1nd. Tnl 7 Baltimore........ Barry i........ Beardown.............. Ill..3.. Baltimnore. F fier d... Ohio'B re......... rr.............. Baltimore........ W indsor......... Vt..... 124 Beatie............ Bcton........... rk0.. - Baltimoretiundred Sussex............ Del.... 2,910 Beafort.......... Crteret.......... IN. C... h661 Bancroft.........Aroostook........ Me' 15 Beaufort.......... Beanfort.......... I. C... 879 Bango.... Elkart..........d 5813 eaii ston. St. Genevieve....I Mo. *7'4 Bangor..........Penobscot. M 14 B eaver........... asper....... nd.... Banor. Franklin.......... 2159 Beaer............ Pulaski. 16 Banister... Halifax........... a... 1,00 Beaver........... er y. Oio - 1 Banks............ Carbon........... Pa... 1 15Beaver........... g Plahonig....... Ohio.. 1 Baraboo.......... Sak............. Wis 707 Beaver.........r. Pikey......... Ohio.,509 Baraboo T... Sak 255B eaver........... Beaver............. Barattaria...... Jefferson........... 1,1 Clarion........... Pa.. 8)4 Barboursville..... Knox............. Ky.... 184 Beaver.......... Columbia... Pa Bardstotbni. Nelson..........000 Beae............ Crawfr......... Pa.... Baresville......... Monroe. Oio.. 10 Beaver...... Jefferson.......... Pa.... 66 Baring. Wash. i sts ington......M.e.... 5 S5J Beaver..... ion.... o Pa....,5 Batrker......... IBroome.......... N... 1,456 Beaver Creek..... Greene........... Ohio..2, 03 Barkhiaisted..... itchfield.......Con.. 1,524 ear am.... dge..W..... Wis... 1.499'Barkley.......... asp....erIn.... 59 Becaia.. Clearfield.......Pa.... 87 Barlow.... ashington.........hio.. O 1, 06 Becket........... Berkshire........ Mass,2 Bdralard..... I1Piscataquis.......e.. 18 Beckmantow.... linton........... N.Y... 3,384 Bansuarad.........Windsor....... 1.64W Bciford.. Lawrence........ Ind.... 962 Barnesville........Belmont.. Ohio........ Trimble........... eKy.... 25oid. Bareiegat.......Ocan.........6....... 650 edford........ Middlesex.....'.. Mass.. 975 Barnet.......... eferson............ 579 Bedfd.......... Calhoun......... ich.. 747 Barnet..........Caledonia........ Vt..... 521 Bedford.... e............ Mich.. 88 Barnstable.... BJar.stable........ Mass. 49011 Bedford........... afillsorough...... N. H 1905 a In 185312.000. b In 1853, 9,500, c In 1853, 2,500. d In 1853, 3,000. e In 1853, 195,0. f'In 1853,1,600. g In 1853, 4500. h In 1853 2,000. POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &'c. 341 Bedford.......... est Chester.... N.Y. 3,207 Benton...... Hocking.......... Ohio 933 Bedford.......... Coshocton........Ohio.. 1, 2!1 lenton........... O tawa........... Ohio 54.Bedford..... Cuyahoga........ Ohio 1. 853 Benton..... aulding.......... Ohio 61 Bedford.......... Meigs........... Ohio.. 90 Bel ton........... Luzerne.......... Pa.... 849 Bedfrd. or...... Bedford.........Pa.... 1.203 B nton........... Lafayette......... W is... 2,227 B eor.........Bedford. Pa....1 831 Bentonville'....... Adams. Ohio. 378 Bedington......... W ashington...... Me.... 147 Benzinger. Elk............ 268 Bcdimnster.......Somerset.........IN. J. 1. 826 Bergn........... Hudson...........N. J... 2,758 Bed mn........ Bucks............ a.. 1,91 Bergen............ Genesee.......... 1,897 Bee Brach...... C'hariton.......... o...40 er t. N iagara........... N. Y. 2,000 Be ach Creek. Ah-ley............ Ark'.. 211 B rkley.......... Bristol............ Mas.. 908 Bce Cr k..... Greene...........Ind.... 1,181 Berkshire........ ga... o.............1,049 Beechc Creek.....Clinton..........Pa... 683 1 erkshire......... Delaware......... Ohio.. 1,557 Be inal......... uhes........... N 1,3s Berkshire..e F in............ Vt..... 1,955 Bel Air........... arord.......... Md 255 Berli............ Hartford.......... Conn.. 1,869 Poelchertown in. Hamhire Mais 2 680 Pn Bureau.. 011...... 1 439 Bela:-t........... aldo........... Me.... 5 51 Berlin............. W orcester....... Md800 BeAiSt..... llehany. V 1 69 erlin.........h.. Worcester........ Mass.. 86 B lfat............ Fulton............ Pa.... 64 Berlin.. onia.......3... TMich.. 391 Beleini.......... W ashington.....Wis i......... St. Clair.......... Mich.. 533 Belritde.......... Kennebeck....... e....... 1, 272 Berlin.......... Coos............. H 173 B elin........... alencia......... N. M.. 510 Berli ensser. N. Ys. 2,005 Bsinsi di. los Chau- Berlin......... Delaware......... Ohio 1.151 sel.............. Valencia......... N. M.. 402 Berin. Erie.............. Ohio 1..,582 Bein. de los Gaba- B erlin.......... Holmes.......... Ohio 1,452 lores l...........Valencia......... N. Mc. 36 Berlin............ Knox.......... Ohio.. 1, 56 Belin de los Ja- erl......... hoin........ Ohio 1,376 raKles............ Valencia.n........N. M. 29 erlinSo erset. Pa 665 Belin de los Pub-.e'iiiii ao/e. 6.03 ito............ Valencia......... 267 Berlin...........e l W ashington...... Vt... 1 507 Bell.............. Clearfield......... Pa..... 489 Berlin............ Marquette......... is... 1,061 Bell Brook........ Greene...........Ohio 50 Bernadotte... Fulton........... T..... 787 Bell entre...... Loan............ Ohio 153 Bern rds.. o erse t..... N. J... 267 i ta e...... Lo............ Ohio,222 Bernardstown.... Franklin......... Mass.. 937 Brli o te........ Centre............ Pa..... 1, 179 Berne.. ll bany....... N Y.. 3,441 BelIoeics........ Calhouna.......... I36 Berne............. Athens........... Ohio 819 BP c vies w....... Jack son.......... Iowa. 1,78 Berne.......... Fai fieldOho.......... Ohio.. 2,656 Beleview, T...... Jackson......... Iowa 3.. Bene e.... i..a 1. 34 Bell "evisw........ Washinaton....... Mo... 1,838 Boem sn oerriesn,....... Micnh.. 00 Bellville......... St. Clair.......... ill.... 62, 941 I err.......... Dane.......... W is... 234 B' Il1......... Hendricks........ 2d.... 01 Be iCk.......... York......... Me.... 2 121 ZBe evieI........ LEssex............c i N. J.. 3514Ber ick....... Adan s......... Pa.. 811 rBelcl ile, T....... EsSex............ N. J... 1 800 Berwick.. Colu bia....... Pa.... 486 Scllvellv....... R ilhmonri........ Ohio.. 900i IBethany.......... New Halven...... Conn.. 914 Beclleville.......... Austin............ Texas. 93 i ethan.y... Genesee........... N. Y.. 1;904 Be.......... Bosier........... La..... 146 ethn Butler. Ohio 95 l e.......... Eaton............ ich 769 ethny.. W yne............ 95 Belinkham o l... Mass. 1,281|lBethel f....Posey. Ind. 382 Blinot.......... Wado 1........,48 Bethel Oxford.. M.. 2,53 Belmot......... ranklin......... 60 Bethel..... Branch..... Mich 679 Brellront o..........ilillot Ohio 5.......... hio 1 t l hel...........Mo. 476 Bellnrit......... Lafaytre. 5is 1... 325Bethel.. Sullivan.......... N. Y. 87 B olit............ ock............. W is... c2,732 1Bethel............ Clark............ Ohio 2 46 el... Washington...... Ohio..,622Bethel.......... Miami.... Ohio 1,656 Belvidertc.. on 9eo.......... 40 I Bethel.......... Monroe.. hio 1,028 elviderc, T...... Boone.... 1... 003 B thel............. Pa.. 1,871 Belvidere...... i arren....... J.... 1 3Bethel............ Delaware........ e are....Pa. 426 Blelviudlr............ Vt.... 256,Bethel............ Fulton....... Pa.... 1137 Belbr ide........ Dubois........... Ind.. I,491{Bethel........... ebanon....... a.... I 4 Benedict........ Ar too..... e.... 25Bethel........... W indsor........ Vt. 1 30 Benrsez ei.1....Pa.... Elk'............ 240 i oBethlehem... itc.. fiodiseld 15 Ben l.......... Citon..... ich. 143Bethee m.... C............ 664 B nicia Cit' Soao0 e.....thlehem....... Cl k..... 72.nctts Baou....... Fulton........... 3 le m Gafton N. 11. 950 Beninrthonio........ Ohiso.asFse e Mich 6001Bethlehem.......CHiNterdon N...... 2 4 Be ie Bao u. ro... 3541i Bethlehem....... Al.. n N...........I. I. 4,102 Be'rimstoll......... i.o...l2,406 Bethlehem.... Coshoctoni........ i.. elonnosfcon s....... Lickings Ohio. 1,211 Bethlehem.... ut............. Ohio.2 39 Bcern ing.ton.......M..... Ohio 1 l265;1Bethlehem, ptn......... Pa 1... 95 P. nnin on...... Benn ton Vt.....3.. 9231 Bethlehem...... INorthm on....., 2. 104 Bcnsalem......... Bucks.4........'.... 239 Beverly.......... Adais........ 111....914 Beslon.......... utland.... Vt...... Vt. 1,305'Beverly......F-se...a,. E xi -37 Be lo t......Blon t.......... i Ark.... 59501Bethelr...rlin.......e erl........... (o....10 Benton......... Fuiton.......... Ark..r 227 Biddeford......... York............. Ic.... 6,095 Behnto orc03 Bos tee.......... Pavc........ i:... Be te... Pa.... 2 Beonto............ iake.............. I.. 730 B ig 7Beaver........ Lawsresee....... P. 658 Benton......Oi.... Be ury tl......... 1..... 333::Bia Creek........ Cra frd...... irko. 395 Bentn..................... 1,28 i Cre e........Greenre........... Ark.... 683 Beuhlv'ids I erery 111. B 1oonei Crek....... iton..... onro. nd... 62 Bi Creek.... P llips.......... jArk.... 677 Bentonl..... ii.. k vs M oine....... aow4.. 650.Bi Creek...... s...Ka.............495 Benton........... Keokuk......... Iowa.. 432 Bir Creek........ l.......... o.. 63 Bentonh......'.., ieaton............. Mich.. 344. Big Crek.......' IT.,Ci........... Mo..... 317 Betonno........... Ne ox.......... o.... *G JL.........i......... |IN... 1709 Benton........... Neweon...........!............ Groves......... d. t..... 7nI 1,i 3 B en Ia-)II..o.1. i i' Grove Kdnil-I1 1 21, BPenton To. nes.. I v............... o.... 118 i rove........ IJolnsond.......... 1oiwa.. 32 Benton...... C oH 4' s tlion.. o......... s.. 478Bi Islnd........ io............ 00 Bienton ioPateo...........a.... 3,46.Bi Lake........Mississippi... jArk.... 133 Beniton........... Brown........... Ohio.. 3 Bi O io... 1,0 aIn 153,2,000. & In 1853,5,000. c In 1853,3,300. d In 1853,2,000. e In 1853, 800. 342 CENSUS OF 1850. Big North Fork.. Fulton........... Ark.... 450 OBlos.............. Tioga..Pa.... 85]0 Big Rock Pulaski........... Ark.... 97-2 Blue............. Jackson........... Mo.... 6,458 Big Spring........ Seneca........... Ohio.. 1,9 Bluc Ball........ Lancaster........ Pa.... 2,009 Billerica........ Middlesex......... Mass.. 1, 46HBlue Bayou....... Sevier.......... Ark... 555 kiloi........... Harrison.......... Miss.. 1, 00'Blue Creek....... Adams.. od....... 4425 Bin4fam.......... Somerset......... Me..... 752!Blue Hill......... Hancock.......... Me... 1,939 Binghamo.......... Clinton........... Mich.. 185 isBlue Mound...... i)ane............. Wis... 334 Binham.......... Potter............ Pa.... 584 (Blue Mountain... Izard............ Ark.... 337 Binghampton...... Broom............ N. Y.. 5,000 Blue River........ Hancock.......... Ind.... 941 Bird.............. Jackson.......... Ark... 286 iBlue River........ Henry............ Ind.... 868 Birdsall...........Alleghany......... N. Y... 597 Blue River........ Johnson.......... Ind.... 964 Biringham......New Haven...... Conn... 1,800 Blue Rock........ Muskingum....... Ohio.. 1,476 Birmingham...Van Buren....... Iowa.. 231!Bluffton.......... Wells............ Ind.... 477 Birmingham...... Guernsey........ Ohio 174 Blythe............ Marion........... Ark....i 273 Birming ham......Alleghlieny........ Pa.... 332 Blythe............ Caldwell......... Mo.... *69 Birmiingham. Pa... 3,7323} lyth e u.......Pa.., 778 Birina...... Chester........... Pa.... 38 Blythe............ Schuylkill........ Pa.... 3778 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Birmingham....... Delaware........ Pa.... 566 Bolsnrg......... Centre........... Pa.... 400 Birmingham...... Huntingdon....... Pa.... 266 Boardman........ Clayton.......... Iowa.. 377 Black............. Posey............ Ind 2,376 Boardman........ Mahonin........ Ohio 1,025 Blackberry........ Kane............. III..... 725 Bodean........... Hempstead........ Ark.... 548 Black Brook...... Clinton........... V. Y.. 2525 Board........... Daviess.......... d.... 598 Black Creek...... Mercer........... Ohio 490 Bog Grove........ Kendall.......... III..... 1,343 Black Creek...... Luzerne.........Pa.... 425 Bogs............ Centre........... Pa.... 1,923 Black Fish....... Crittenden........ Ark.... 300 Boggs............ Clearfield......... Pa.... 464 Blackhawk....... Jefferson......... Iowa.. 322 Bois Brule........ Perry............ Mo.... *599 Blacklick......... Indiana..........Pa....,043 Bois d'Arc........ empstead........ Ark.... 351 Black River.......Independence.... Ark.... 742 Boke's Creek.....Logan............ Ohio.. 583 Black River....... Lawrence........ Ark 63 Jefferson Ark.... 686 Black River.......Lorain........... Ohio.. 659 Bolivar........... Poinsett.......... Ark.... 648 Black Rock....... Erie................ Y.. 7,508 Bolivar........... Polk.............. Mo..... 500 Blackstone........ Worcester........ Mass.. 4,391 Bolivar........... Alleghany......... N.Y... 708 BlackwaterVillage Johnson...........Mo.... 31 Bolivar........... Tuscarawas...... Ohio.. 302 Bladensburg....... Prince George.... Md.... 500 Bolivar........... tardeman........ Tenn.. aG Blair............. Blair.............. Pa.... 991 Bolivar........... Jefferson.... Va..... 1,054 Blair. ~~Blair.Pa...9911 Bolivar....Jefferson. V 1, 054 Blairstown........ Warren.......... N. J... 14051 Bolton........... Tolland.......... Conn.. 600 Blairsville........ Indiana........... Pa.... 1,135 Bolton........... Worcester........ Mass.. 1,253 Blakeley.......... Luzerne.......... Pa.... 1,703 Bolton........... Warren......... N. Y.. 1.147 Blanchard........Piscataquis....... Me... 1921 Bolton........... Chittenden....... Vt.....'602 Blanchard........ Hancock.......... Ohio.. 1,l05lJBombay.......... Franklinii.......... N. Y.. 1963 Blanchard........ Hardin............ Ohio.. 952i Bonaparte........ Van Buren....... Iowa.. 306 Blanebard........ Putnam.......... Ohio 1.. 1,395; Bonham..........Fannin........... Texas.. 211 Blandville........ Ballard... K.....*... *210 Bonne Homme... St. Louis......... Mo.... 1.842 Banford......Hampden........ Mass 1,418 Bono............. Lawrence........ Td.... 1,001 Rleeker......... Fulton...............'510 Bonus........... Boone............III..... 874 Blendon.......... Franklin.......... Ohio 1,303 Boone............. Scott............. Ark... 725 Blenheim......... Sehoharie... N... 1,314 Boone............. Union............ Ark.... 643 Blissfield......... Lenawee....... Mich.. 94 Boone............. Boone............ Ti..... 834 Blockly.. Piladelphia......Pa.... 5,916 Boone............. Cass............. ind.... 594 Bloom............ Cook............. I..'785 Boone............. Crawford......... Ind.... 406 Bloom............ Fairfield........... Ohio.. 289.~Boone............. Madison........... ind.... 9 110Bloom............Morgan.......... Ohio L346 Boone............. Porter............ Ind.... 5 01 Blioom............ Scioto............ Ohio.. 648 Boone............. Warrick....... d.... d. 405 Bloom............ Seneca...........Ohio.. 1;742 Boone............. Greene........... Mo.... *974 Bloom............ Wood............ Ohio.. 158 Booneville........ War Id.... W.196 Bloom...... Columbia......... Pa.... 312 Booneviile Coopr............ Mo.... Bloomfield........ Hartford.......... Conn.. 1,; 412 Booneville........ Oneida.......... N.Y... 3,308 Bloomfield........ Greene........... Ind.... 0234 BoonevilleT...... Oneida............Y... 700 Bloomfield........ La Gran-e..I.dInd. 934 Brazos............ Texas.. 70 Bloomfield. La Grange... Id....I Booneville Br...' Bloomfield........ Clinton.......... Iowa.. 449f Boonsborough.... Washington...... Md.... 943 Bl~~~~~~~~~~...... o o m fiel......... /..,M Bloomfield........ Davis........... Iowa 1,081 Booth Bay........ Lincoln..........Me.... 2 4 Bloomfield, T..... Davis........... Iowa.. 87 ordenton urligton........ N.-.... 2, 7 Blonfieg........ Nelson...........Ky.... 500 Boscawen........ Merrimack....... N. H.. 2,053 Bloomfield........ Somerset......... Me.... 1,301 Boston.......... Franklin.......... Ark... 338 loimfield......... Oakland........ Mich.. 1, 603 1iBoston........... Wayne........... nd.... 959 Bloomfield Essex............ N.J.... 3. 385 Boston........... Suffolk........... Mass... 136,81 Bloomield, T..... Essex............N.J..., O Boston........... lia.Mich... 424 Bloomfield........ Jackson.......... Ohio 1,402 ston........... Erie............... N.Y... 182 Bloomfield............ Ohio.. 184 oston........... Belmonti.......... Oio... 7 Bloomfield Logan.... aOhi 671 Boston.......... Surimmit.......... Ohio 1 180 Bloomfield..... Trumbull........Ohio.. 789 Boston Corner.... Berkshire......... Mass... 73 Bloomfield.. Crawford........ Pa.... 838 Boulware......... Gasconade........ Mo... 1. 0 Bloomfield.........Perry............. Pa.... 581 Bourbonair........ Will.............. 11 719 Bloomfield......... PEssex............ Vt..... 244 Bovina...........Delaware N 1315 Bloomfield....... Walworth........... W is. 879 Bow............. Merrimack.......N 1,055 Bloomingdale.......Pl.. l....... O... 896 Bowdoin......... Lincoln.......Me.. 18... 1, 7 Bloomingdale..... Van Buren....... Mich.. 160 Bowdoinham..... Lincoln........... Me.... 2, 32 Bloomingdale..... Winnebago....... Wis 909 Bower Bank...... Piscataquis........ Me... 173 Blooming Grove.. Franklin.......... Ind.... 1,276 Bowling Green.... Yuba.............. Ca.... 1 Blooming Grove..Oraiige....... N. 184 Bowlin Green.... o Clay.............. Ind 318 Blooming Grove.. RiEchland......... o.. 1430 Bolin Green.... lWarren... Ky...... 500 Blooming G-rove.. Dane........ Wis... 091 Bowlin Green.... Pike..........M..... Mo.. 319 Bloominglon...... McLean.......... I.....,560 Bowlin g Green.............. LickiOi 1,5 Bloomington (city) McLean.. Il 1o.....594 Bo ing Green.........Marion........... Oio 418 Bloomington...... Monroe........... 2,532 Boxborough......Middlesex..... Mass 395 BloominonT g T... Monroe B......s I....05 Boxfo.... Essex. ass... 82 Bloomington....e. Muscatine.......Iowa.. 199 Boyle............ Gentry........... Mo..... * Bloomington. Buchanan.. M o *195 oylstoan.......... Worcester........ Mass 918 L nBloomingrove... Ricln......... MOo.... 194 Boylston......... Osweo.......... N Y.. 51 Bloomingville..... Hocking........... Ohio 57Bozra.......... Nw London...... Con.. 7 a In 1853, 1,200. POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 343 Braceville........ Grundv...........I.. 3 Bristol............ Morgan... Ohio.. 1,724 Braceville....... TruOhio 95 Bristol.rumb ll.......... Oio 1,124 Bradford Lee..................... 1.58 Bristol, Bor....... Bucks............ Pa 2.. 570 Braford.......... Penobscot......... Me.... 1.296 Bristol. Bucks........... Pa.. 1:810 Bradford........ Essex............Mass... 1,328 Bristol. IPhiladelphia......!Pa 2, o230 Bradford... Merrinack......N. H... 1341 Britol. ristol.R. 4.,616 Bradfrd.......... Steben.. N Y... 2........ 10 Bristol.Addion..........Vt..... 1344 Brad: ord.......... Clearfield.......... Pa..... 92 Bristol............ Dane............. Wis... 467 Bradford.......... McKean.......... Pa.... 976 Bristol............ Kenosha......... Wis... 1,125 Bradford.......... Orange..........Vt..... 1,723 Broadalbin........ Fulton........... N. Y. 2,476 Bradford.......... Rock............. Wis 699 Broadkill Hundred Sussex............ Del.... 3,617 Bradley........... Penobscot...... Me.... 796 Broadtop.......... Bedford.......... Pa.... 632 Bradleysvale...... Caledonia....... Vt..... 107 1Brockport... Monroe.........N. Y.. 1,500 Bradshaw........Greene.......... Ark... 298 Brockville........ Steuben.......... nd.... 86 Brady.............. Kalamazoo....... Mich.. 578 Brockwav........ St. Clair.......... Mich.. 731 Brady............ Williams......... Ohio.. 1,128 Broken Straw.... Warren.......... Pa.... 634 Brady............ Clearfield......... Pa..... 1,083 Bronson.......... Branch........... Mich 713 Brady............ Huntingdon....... Pa.... 1,020 Bronson.......... Huron...... Ohio.. 1,220 Bradvy's Bend..... Armstrong........ Pa..... 2325 Brookfield........ Fairfield.......... Conn.. 1,359 Braintree...... Norlk a........96 Brookfield.. Lasalle......... 11..... 252 Braintree......... Orange........... Vt..... 1,228 Brookfield........ Worcester....... Mass.. 1,674 Braintrem........ yoming......... Pa..... 836 Brookfield........ Baton............. /Mich.. 255 Branch........... Branch........... Mich... 1.260 Brookfield........ Carroll N. H.. 552 Branch........... Schuylkill......... Pa..... 2,653 Brookfield........ Madison. N... 3,585 Branchburg....... Somerset......... N.J.... 1,143 Brookfield........ Morgan....... Ohio 1, 482 Branden.......... Jackson........... Iowa.. 374 Brookfield..... Stark............. Ohio 500 sasdwcnig.......!Meade............ Ky.... 700 Brookfield........ Trumbull......... Ohio 1,451 Brandon..........Oakland.......... Mich.. 893 Brookfild.. Tioga............Pa 741 Brandon&i.......... Ranrkin........... Miss... 3800 Brookfield........ Orange.....:... Vt..... 1,672 EBr.don.......... Franklin.......... N. Y... 590 Brookfield........ Waukesha. Wis... 1,938 Brandon.......... Ritland.......... Vt... 2,835 Brookhaven...... Suffolk........... N.... 8,595 Brand........... Eri.............. N.Y. 1,028 Brooklin..... Ogle.............. 522 Brandywine ancock......... Icond... 837 Brooklin..... ancock........ Me... 1,002 Brandywine...... helby............ Ind 1.759 Brooklin.......... illsborough.... N. H.. 718 Branrd......... New aven....... Conn.. 1,423 Brookliune......... Norfolk........... ass.. 2,516 Brashear......... St. Lawrence...... N. Y.. 2,582 B rookline......... Windham.......Vt..... 285 Brattelborough Windham........ Vt..... 3,816 Brooklyn...... indham....,... Conin 1,514 Brawly........... Bureau........... i 101 Brooklyn.......... Lee..............I. 354 Brazeau........... erry............. o... 2,718 Brooklyn......... McHenry.. ll. 1,006 Breckenrige..... ackson.......... Ark.... 15 Brooklyn......... Schuyler..... ll.... 644 Brecknock. erks.............Pa..... 876 Brooin...... Campbell...... y.. 500 Brecknock Lancaster........ Pa..... 1,366 roo......... Jackson Mich 500 Bremen.......... ook............. Ill..... 250 Brooklyn......... Kings............ N...a96,838 Bremen.......... Iincoln......... Me.... 891 Brooklyn.. Cuyahoga......... Ohio 6.. 375 Brenham......... asbington...... Texas 500 Brooklyn......... Ssquehanna..... Pa.;.... 1082 Brentwood....... Rockingham...... N...n.. Geene is 531 Breton........... Washigton.. Mo.... 1,35 Brooklyn........ arquette........ Wis... 505 Brewer......... ke.............. Ark... 583 Brooklyn.........Sa..... Wis... 429 Brewier..i........ Peoicot........ Meo.... 2,8 Rrookst........... MWaldo.Me.... 1,021 Brewster e..Ma..... Barnstble........ Mass 1.525 Brook's Grle.... McLean................ 135 Brick............. Ocean.J......i. 5..5.I. 1578Brookville Ogle.Ill.. Ol....479 Bricksville........ uv 1.........116 Brookville......... Ind 3,466 Bridesburgh....... Philadelphia...... Pa..... 915 Brookville, T..... Franklin......... Iehd. 1,177 Bridgeprt........ Fairficld......... Conn.. 7,560 Brookville........ Hancock........ 1,333 Bridgeport. Jacksoa.......... Iowa 42 Brookville. Jefferson. Pa.... 763 ridgeport....... Sain... aMich 374 B.rooksvie.. BrackenKy 5110 Bridgeport........ Fayette a 1,292 Broom............ Schoarie....... NY. 2,68 Bridgeport........ Montomery...... Pa..... 572 Brother's Valley.. Soinerset......... Pa 1,430 Bridgeto......... umberland.......... 2,71 Brown........... Madion........ Ark 648 Bridgeto-n. Ci.umberland...... N. J... 2,446 Brown... Union.... Ark... 65 Bridgeville........ Mukinnum....... Ohio 22 Brown........... Hancock..........d.... 878 Briewater.....Plymouth. s......2,790 Brown........... endricks... I....... 1,469 Bridgewater Wa lhtena. Mic.. 1,147 Brown. Martin.......... Ind.. 631 Bridnewater.. Grafton............ 667 Brown........... ontonery...... Ind.. 1,957 Bridgewater So.........set..... N. J 4.070 Brown........... Morgan........... Ind 1.... 217 Bridgewater...... Oneida......... N.Y. 1,315 Brown........... Ripley............ Ind. 1,987 Bridgewater...... Williams Ohio 493 Brown........... Washingtomn...... Ind.. 1,636 Bridgewater. S usqehanna.. Pa 1,548 ron............ Athens............ Ohio 2,360 Bridewater...... Windsor.......... Vt..... 1.311 Brown........... Carroll........... O a... 2,099 Bridport......... Addison.......... Vt..... 1,393 Brown........... Darke Ohio 684 Brier Creek Col....... Pa.... 1, 09] Brown........... Deaware... Ohio.. 1,176 Brighton..... Somerset.... Me.. 748 Brown........... Franklin.......... Ohio 681 Brighton.. Middlesex.. M...a-. Brownnox............. Ohio 1535 Brighton.......... Livingston........ Mi.. 1,015 Brown........... Mianmi.i.... Ohio 1,397 Briighton,'. Livinston........ 500 Brown...aulding. Ohio.. 368 Brighton Monroe..........N. Y.. 3,117 Brown........... Lcoming. Pa.... 552 Bridghton.. Lorain.........Ohio.. 669 Brown.... Miin....... Pa... 1,015 Brighlton.......... Beaver Pa.... 1...111 Brownfield. Oxford........... 1,320 Brigton, T. Beaver Pa.... 900 Brownhelm....... Lorain........... Oio 1,080 Brighton Essex...... 193 Brownin......... Schuyler......... 111.. 873 Brighto.......... Kenosha..........880 B rownington.....Orleans... Vt... 613 Brinfield......... Peoria........... 3ll... 350 Brownsbur......endricks........ Ind... 132 Brimfieldl......Mass.. 1,420 Brownston...... kson. Ind... 1,732 Brimfield.........Portage hio.. 1,015 Browntown...... Wayne. Mich... 1,025 Bristol............ Hartford........ Conn.. 2,884 Brownsville...... Union............ In... 1,443 Bristol............. Kendall.............. 794 Brow ville,... Union.... nd... 293 Britol............ inol.......... Me.... 931 Brownville...... Jefferson..2.9...:N. Y.. 4,28 ristol............ Grafton....... H... 1.103 Brownsville......Brown.... O..38 Bristol O...,... Ontario...........Brownsville............. Browns... Licking...... Ohio 1 480 a In 1853, 125,000. 344 CENSUS OF 1850. Brownsville...... Ross. Ohio 218 Burritt........... Winnebago.... ll.. 59 Brownsville.....Fayette...........Pa.... a2; 369 Burr Oak......... St. Joseph.......Mich.. 658 Brownsville......iavwood..... 9....Tenn 71 Burton............ Adams............ Ill....,2 Brou sville....... Cameron......... Texas. 4,500 Burton............ Cattaraugus...... N. Y.. 1037 Brownville..... Piscataquis......... 77 Burton.. Geauga..........Ohio.. 1,063 Bruc.. Laalle............. a.... 1 378 Burton. Pike.............. Ohio.. 639 Bruce............ Macomb..........Mich.. 1;55 Bushkill.......... Northampton.....Pa 1 839 Brunersburg...... Defiance.........Ohio 169 ell ontal.. Mich 6 Brunswick....... Cumberland...... 4,977 Busnhwick........ Kings.........3,39 Brunswick....... Chariton..........Mo. 21 ti C!mutauque....... V....1,910 Brunswick, T.... Chariton.........Mo 363 Butle. inebago....... 614 Brunswick....... ensseae........ N. Y. 3, 146 Butlr............ De Kalb.......... nd.... 651 Brunswick....... Medina...........Ohio 1,417 putl r............ Frankli.......... Ind... 1,037 Brunswick..... Essex........... Vt...... 119 Butler............ Miami............ nd. 840 Brush Creek...... Washington..... Ark.... 589 Butler............ Jackson........... Iowa. 418 Brush Creek...... Hiahland.......... Ohio. 1, 5151 Butler........... Branch........... Mich 611 Brush Creek...... Jefferson.........Ohio 1,121 Butler............ ane........... N. Y.. 2,272 Brush Creek..... Muskingum....... Ohio 1, 32I Butler....... Columbiana...... Ohio.. 1,692 Brush Creek...... Scioto............ Ohio.65 Butler.... Darke......... io 446 Brush Creek...... Fulton............ Pa.. 3 i75 Butler............ Knox............. Ohio..; 763 Brush Run,....... Iowa............. Iowaa 113 Butler........... Mercer........... Ohio.. 20 Brush Valley.... Indiana........... Pa.... 1,481 Butler........... Monitgomery......Ohio 1975 Brutus.......... Cayuga............ 3,046 But ler....lad........... Ohio 1,1' 9 Buck............ ardln......... Ohio.. 46 Butler........... Adms........... Pa..1,269 Buck............ Tuscarawas...... Ohio.. 1,32,6Iutlcr............ Butler............ Pa.... 1,148 Buck........... Luzerne.......... Pa... 59 Butler............ Luzerne.......... Pa.... 725 Buck Creek...... Hancock.......... Irid.... 420 Butler............ Schuylkill........ Pa... 400 Buckeye......... Stephenson....... I 11.... 1,271 utlerville........ Warren.......... Olio.. 208 Buckhart.. Fulton................ 1,115 Butternuts. O.........tsego... N. Y.. 198 Buckingham...... Bucks............ Pa.... 2,76 B xt on........... ork............. e.... 95 Buckingham.. Wayne........... Pa.... 592 Bberry Philadelphia. P 1130 Buickland............ Franklin............Mass...... Ohio..35 Buckle's Grove... McLean............ 755 B3yrm..n Sussex.. N.. 1,340 Bucksfield...... Oxford........... Me.... 1657 Byrd............. Brown............ Ohio. 2,642 Bu kskin........ Ross.............. Ohio 2,104 B ron............ MH enry.............. 763 BuC sport......... Hancockr.......... e 3,381 yron le............. T 644 Bucyrus.......... Crawford......... Ohio.. 2,31, Byron. Oxford............ e.... 296 Buen Vista Ma o........... G0............ K.... ich Buena Vista...... Scehuyler......... Il 848 Byron............ Gencsee.........N.. 1,566 Buena Vista....Sainw 25 ron..........Fod d 835 Burena Vista...... Fayette.......... Ohio 107 Cabot........... Caledonia........ Vt... 1,356 Buflalo O......... le l.... 134 Cael clkson.. k. 231 Buffllo........... Morgan. o 3 C I oro........... fo............ 1Ar.... 5A26 Buffalo. Pike............. 3,163 Cace....... Francis........ Ark. 287 Buffa Io........... Erie............... N. V.. 20 261 Cache Creek..... olo.....a........ Cal." 275 Bufflo........... Guerney Ohion O 1,053 Caddo............ C rk.1B0. Ark.... 042 Buiffa lo. Butler............ P.t 2. C ddo........... Montomery...... Ark.. 286 Buffalo. Perry............ Pa.... 782 Cadizr........a.... rrison.......... Ohio 2,453 Buffalo...... Union............ Pa.... 1346 Cadli, T......... Harrison.......... Ohio.. el 144 Bue a l o........... W ashing ton.. 1,10 Ca.diz..... e.......... Wis 459 Buffalo............ P tn.......... Va.... 400 Cadro n......... C.......... Ark.... BufiloI......... derson.. Texas. 45 Cadron Van Buren..Ark.. 345 B I fllMo........ W...i...rnette.. 565 Caernarvon...... ere s.......... Pa.... 977 Buffalo ick....... hariton.......... ko r. 856 Caernarvon.... ancaster.. Pa.... 1,551 Buffalo Fork...... Marion..........Ark. 214 Caesar Creek.. Dearborn... d.. 497 Bullskin........ Faette... Pa.. 1,428 Caesar Creek.....Greene....... Ohio 1, 870 Bunombe........ Independence. i... 92,11 Cain....... Fountain.........Tnd. 1008 Buinker Hill....... Maco pin........ I166 Cairo............. Greene............ r. 2,83 Buker Hill.......374 Cairo City..... Alexander........ 242 Burboise.......... Gasconde........ M... 504 Calais........... Wasington...... Me 4,749 Burau........... urea u........... i.... 167 CaIlais e n......... nop. Ohio 96 Burke Fanklin..V......... n n. P.,477 Calais........... ashington... Vt.. 1,410 Burke............ Caledonia........ Vt.... 103 Calainmus......... odo-ge1. V4 W is. 413 Burkesville....... Cumberland....... Ky.. 369 Cald l.......... Appanonoe.. Tnwa 303 Bureli.n.ton.. Irtord Con 1,161 a ell.......... Conn.. 161 N. 2377 Bursineton........ ane....... T664.......... W arren........A. N. VY.. 5 Burlington........ Caroll............ Tnd 6 Caledonia....... Bone......... 1P.... Burlin ton,..... Carrol........... nd 164 C ledonia........Psi T11..... 84 Burlingrpton (city).'Des Moines.. owa.. 4,082 Caledonia........ Kent........... ic 99,219 Caledonia........ awassee.Mc. id.500 Burlington....... Boone.......... K.... 252 C ledonia............ to.. 1 04 Bunrlic mton. P...... PeInOescot.......'ie 481 C eledoiin.......... Ri jT..s 110 Burlington........ Middles....545 Calf Creek............ Arki 169 Biurington........ Calhoun........... Mich.. 811 Cal........... Gordon......'.... 400 Burlington (city).. Burli neo n........... 4,51 C lifrni......... tar............ Ti d....9 Burulingon........ Burlington....... N. J... 863. Calfornia....... P ranch.. Mi i.. 473 F ralin go.......... N. VY.. 8 alicoon......... Sullivan1,8 li..... N. V... 1,981 Bnurlinton........ Likin.......... O 389Ca m.........Pi38 Ce....i........ I.... is.. 3 9 Bu rlngton........ Bradfosrd.......... Pa.... 1.927 CaIumet.......... Fond du Lac.. Jjii... 1 764 Burkhivtono......Cittenen... Vt.... 6110 Calovin............. ns............. Iwa..... 624 Burliniton, T.. Chittenden.......Vt.... 1,475 Camanoche........ Clinto........... Tow 454 Buminson........ Raciene...Wi...Y...... e..........2 Cr dle.......... i. 716 Burno.t totd........ 1... DodgV........ lNi5.-'/6..........N...... 1 366 Brinslonha......... rol................ 784 Cambrn uli a.......... Pa.... 1.400 Bur........ Shiawaqe....s.. Mii-ld.. 7171 Canslenrid'ls..le........'..... 1.217 B urlins.......9.... JAIl bany........ N.. 94 C mbd........ rset......... Mict..... 487 Blnurnsode......... Cleareld......... Pa... 1,04 Cambridge M dd.......... a.. Mas -15,215 Burrillville oidene........M. 3, odeambride....... enawee...........Lewee Mich 973 a In 1853, 4,500. b In 1853, 60,000.c In 1854, 7,000. d In 1853, 1,500. e In 1853, 1,500 POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &o. 345 Cambridge........ Coos.............N.H... 33 Cape Cinque HornCambridge........ ashington...... N... 9,593 me.............Perry............. *2927 Cambridge........ GuerOhio.. 2,488 Cape Elizabeth.... Cumberland..... e.... 2, 083 Cambride, T G... Guernsey..,Ohio.. 1,041 Cape Island...... Cape May. N. J.. 60 Ca ige........ Lamoille......... Vt..... 849 Cape Mafy C. H... Cape May........ N. J... 500 Cambridge......... Dane.............Wis... 300 Cape Vincent.... Jefferson........N. Y. 3,044 Camde.a en..........t.............el.... 400 Carbondale, Bor.. Luzerne......... a.... 4,94 iZden.......... Wilcox......... Ala 800 Carbondale....... Luzerne........ Pa. 459 Caden.......... Ouachita......... Ark. 894 Cardinsto........ Morrow.......... Ohio 1,398 Camden.......... Schuyler......... 11l.... 426 Cardington, T... Morrow......... Ohio c292 Ca n Carroll.......... nd 16 Carey........... Will............. I214. n.......... Jay............... Ind 300 Carlisle........... Clinton.......... i.. 289 C len.......... ay............. o.. 500 Carlisle........ Nicholas.........y 500 Camden.......... Waldo...........Me.... 4,005 Carlisle........... Middlesex....... Mass.. 632 Carnden.......... Hillsdale......... Mich.. 594 Carlisle........... Schohar........ N. Y. 1,817 Casmden (city) Camden......... J.. 9,9479 Carlisle........... Brown........... Ohio 114 GCitden............ Madison.......... Miss.. 215 Carlisle........... Lorai........... Ohio 1,512 Camden..........Oneida........... N. Y.. 2,820 Carlisle........... Monroe.......... Ohio 114 Camdn.......... Lorain........... Ohio.. 1,025 Carlisle........... Cumberland...... Pa.... 4, 581 Camden......... Kershaw........ S. C 1,133 Carlinville........ acoupin........ II1.. 433 Camden......... Benton.......... Tenn 176 Carlton..... Barry............Mich.. 272 Cameron......... Steuben......... Y. 1,701 Carlton........... Orleans....... N. Y.. 2,809 Camillusa......... N. Y. 3,105 Carmel........... Penobscot........ Me.... 1,225 Campbell......... arcy.......... Ark... 684 Carmel........... Eaton...........Mich.. 567 Campbell........ Jennings.......... Ind 731 Carmel........... Putnam.......... N. Y. 2,442 Campbell......... WVarrick.........nd 1, 1571 Caroline.......... Prairie.......... Ark... 581 Campbell......... Greene......... Mo. 1,820 Caroline.......... Tompkins....... N. Y. 2,537 Campbell......... Tney............ o... 252 Carondelet........ St. Louis.......... M 3,354 Campbell......... Steuben N. Y.. 1,175 Carondelet, T..... St. Louis.......... o..... 1,201 Canipb lsille.... Taylor............ Kv.... 43 Carothers.........Clay.............. Ind.... 296 Campbeilsville.. Giles.............Tenn 135 Carr.............. Jackson..... Ind 1,001 Caplellon.......Campbell....... 146 Carroll........... Ouachita........Ark... 373 Camp Creek...... Pike.............. Ohio 9 Carroll Carroll........... i11.... 546 Camp Point. Adams............. 8 Carroll........... Penobscot. Me 401 Ca mpton.......... Kane 8............1 875 Carroll...... Platte.Mo..... 2,216 Canaan........... omerset.........696 Carroll........... Ottawa........... Ohio. 403 Canaan........... Gasconade. Mo 6661 Carroll...... Cambria.......... Pa... 1, 129 Ca........ rafon arroll........... Perry rroll............. Pa..... 1,169 Canaan........... Columnbia........ N. Y. 1 941 Carroll........... Washington...... Pa.... 1,469 Canaan..........Athens........... Ohio.. 1,142 Carroll.........York... Pa 8.... 07 Canaan........... Madison......... Ohio 685 Carrollton........Pickens........... l d34 Canaan........... Morrow.......... Ohio 1, 22.3 Carrollton.........Carroll........... Ark.... 923 Canaan........... ayne.......... Ohio 1,922 C....... Carroll........... Ga.... 50 Can aan........... Wayne. Pa.... 1 Carrollton Greene............ e87 Canaan........... ssex............ Vt.. 471. Carrollton....... Carroll........... nd 6 Canadian......... Mississippi........ Ark... 353 Carrollton......... Jefferson. La. 1,470 Canadice......... Ontario.............. 1,07 Carrolltol. Carroll........ Cai..........50 Canaloharie....... Mongoery...... N... 4 097 Carrollton........ Carroll........... Ky. 1,o Can'ajohrie, T.... Montgomery...... N. Y.. 2,000 Carrollton. Cattaraugus....... 515 Canal Venan..................... 870 Carrollton........ Montgomery.... Ohio.. Canal inchester. Fairfield......... Ohio.. 350 Carrollville. Tishnemingo....... Miss... 15 Canardaiu a......Ontario... N. Y.. 6,14 Carryall...... Paulding...........Ohi... 471 Canaiua, T. Ontario..........N. Y.. 3,500 Carter.. Ashley......... Ark.... 82 Cahdtlia a Soc... 1,48 arter....... cer........... Id.... 928 Candor T.......... N. 343 Crtha.........ncock.....ll.... 400 Canastoa......... Madison......... N. Y. 1,000 Carthage....... Franklin. Me... 20 Caneade......... Alleghany........ N. Y.. 1,477 Carthage......... Athens.... Ohio... 1,087 Canne Crek GallItin. ll........... LeakeMiss... 965 Cane Tii i......... Washington......Ark... 1,082 Carver..... Plmouth. a... 1, 186 Caierle.......... Cane....... Ill.... 592 Casa Cabaroda.... Valencia......... N... 553 Can d.......... Malonine........ Ohio.. 1,43 Cascade.entt..................... h Canield, T......... ahoning Ohio.. 527 Cascade.......... Lcoin.......... 419 Canisto.......... Steuben......... N. 20.. 30 Cascade.......... Sheboyas. Wis.. 400? I C~~500 Cas`046 Can to......... Perr............nd............ C erland...... e. 1,046 Cannon........ ent.. Mih.. 696 Casco............ St. Clair.......... i134 Cannon Crek.... El Dorado. Cal C... 252 Casey. De Kalb.........Ga. 797 Cano............ Indian. Pa.... 888 Cass............. Fulton...... 1... I643 Canonal brg...... Washinton....... Pa.... 627 Cass............. Clay m...... Ind 466 Canterbury........ Conn 1,669 Cass............. Greene........ d.... 794 Ganterbury....... Mcerriiack....... N... 1,614 Cass............. a Porte.......... Ind... 337 Canto.aon t aro...f..... Conn.. 1,986 Cass........... Pulaski........ Ind... Canton........... Fulton........... I.. 1,011 Cass............. Greene........... Mo.... *959 Canton........... Jackon.......... Iowa.. 168 Cas............. Taney............. Mo 294 Canton........... Oxford........... Me.... 9 Cass............. H ncock......... Ohio.. 621 Canton............ Norfolk.......... Mass.. 2,598 Cass Ricland.......... Ohio.. 1,431 Canito........... Wayne.......... ich.. 1,333 Cane.............tindon. Pa.... 714 Canton........... ewi................. 389CassShullPa.... 4,115 Canto)........... St. Lawrence.... N. Y.. 4,685 Cassopolis........ Cass Mi 379 Canton, T........ St. Lawrence.... N. Y.. 1,000 Casstown.........M iami............hio.. 395 Canton........... Stark............ Ohio.. 4,3122 Cassville..........Barry............. Mo.... 400 Canton, T........ Stark............ Ohio.. 2,603 Castalia.......... Erie............. Ohlio.. 500 Canto...........Bradford.........Pa.... 1.....746 Caileo....... N..... 2,246 Calton1..........Waeshington......, Pa.... 1,29811 Castine...... han..l7a.coc 1a.......... 260 Canto Cit...... Fulton..... 11... 1,568 Catleton......... rr.... M2 Cantwels Brid.e Castleton....... aRichmod....... Y...5389 Hunndred.... Ne.... w Caatle...... Del... 501 Castletoutla............ 3016 Canuse........... emptead...Ar........St... Cas...................2,084 a I 1853 3000. In 1853 7000. In 13, 500. dIn 1853, 600. C In 1853 1500. f In 1853, 500. 346 CENSUS OF 1850. Castroville........ Medina. Texas.. 366 Chalk Bluff....... Greene........... Ark... 81 Cataouqua........ Lee.............. Pa.....I 1,500 Chambersburg..... Montgomery...... Ohio.. 134 Catawissa......... Columbia......... Pa.... 1,143 Chanmbersburg.... Franklin......... Pa... a3,335 Catharine....Chemung........ N. Y... 3,096 Champagne....... Dallas........... Ark.. 168 Catharine........ Blair............ Pa.... 889 Champagnolle.... Ouachita.......!Ark.. 345 Catlitin........... Chemung........ INY.. 1 474 Champion........ Jefferson......... iN. Y.. 2,085 Cato............. Cayua..........N. Y... 2,247 Champion........ Trumbull........Ohio 1,070 Caton............. Steuben......... N. Y... 1,214 Champlain....... Clinton..........N. Y.. 5,067 Catkill.......... Greene...........N.Y.. 5,454 Chanceford....... York............. Pa.... 1,614 Cnttarangtns....... Cattaraugus...... N. Y.. 1,633 Chandlersville.... Muskingoum...... Ohio.. 203 Cavendis h........ Windsor.......... Vt..... 1,576 Charmnahon....... Will............. 117.. 617 Cave Springs...... Floyd............ Ga..... 300 Chapel Hill....... Washington...... Texas 600 Cavetown......... ashington....... Md..... 167 Chaplin.......... Windham........ Conn 796 Cayuga.......... Hinds............ Miss.. 161 Chapman......... Clinton.......... Pa.... 542 Caynta........... Cheinung........ 1,035 Chapman......... Union........... Pa.... 1,501 Cazenovia........ Madison.......... N.Y.. 4,812 Chardon..........Geauga........... Ohio.. 1.621 Cecil............. Washington....... Pa..... 1,008 Chardon T........ Geauga.......... Ohio.. 546 Cedar............. Clark............. Ark.... 218 Chariton.......... Appamnoose........Iowa.. 212 Cedar............. Allen............. Ind.... 814 Chariton.......... Chariton......... Mo... 566 Cedar............. Lake............. Ind.... 501 Chariton.......... Randolph........ Mo... *924 Cedar............. Jefferson......... Iowa 630 Charlemont.......Franklin......... Mass.. 1,173 Cedar............. Johnson.......... Iowa 145 Charleston....... Coles.............. 2,262 Cedar............. Muscatine........ Iowa. 291 Charleston T..... Coles........ 1 849 Cedar............. Van Buren....... Iowa 608 Charleston........ Clark............ Ind.... 3, 902 Cedarburg........ Washington....... Wis... 1,226 Charleston......... Lee.............. Iowa.. 500 Cedar Creek...... Madison.......... Ark... 206 Charleston........ Penobscot....... Me.... 1,283 Cedar Creek Hund Sussex........... Del.... 2,326 Charleston........ Kalamazoo....... Mich.. 846 Celina........... Mercer........... Ohio. 2922 Charleston....... Montgomery..... Y.. 2,216 Center........... Melenry.........Ill 1.. 1,139 Charleston........ Tioga............ Pa.... 1,470 Central Village.... Windham........ Conn.. 1,800 Charleston........ Washington...... R. I.. 1994 Centre....................... Ark... 296 Charleston City... Charleston... S. C..42,985 Centre............ Cherokee......... Ala.... 250 Charleston........ Orleans.......... Vt.... 1,008 Centre........... Bureau...........Ill..... 383 Charleston........ Kanawha........ Va.... 1, 050 Centre......... Fulton...........Ill 1.....,025 Charlestown-...... Middlesex....Ma.. ss.. 17, 216 Centre..... Dearborn......... Ind... 662 Charlestown...... Sullivan.......... N. H.. 1,644 Centre........... Delaware......... Ind... 541 Charlestown...... Portage.......... Ohio..'809 Centre........... Grant............ Ind. 1,991 Charlestown...... Chester.......... Pa.... 979 Centre........... Greene........... Ind... 1,314 Charlestown...... Jefferson......... Va.... 1,507 Centre'........... Hancoek......... Ind... 815 Charlotte......... Washington...... Me.... 718 Centre......... Hendricks........ Ind... 1,452 Charlotte.........Mecklenburg.....N. C 2..,500 Centre........... Howard........... Ind... 954 Charlotte......... Chiautauque...... N. Y.. 1,718 Centre........... Lake............. Ind... 966 Charlotte......... Chittenden....... Vt.... 634 Centr IT,.... 63 Centre........... La Porte......... Ind... 853 Charlottesville.... Albemarle........ Va.... cfl,890 Centre........... Marion........... Ind... 9,774 Charlton........ Worcester........ Mass.. 2,015 Centre........... Porter............ Ind... 1,014 Charlton......... Saratoga......... N. Y.. 1,902 Centre........... Rush............. nd... 1,252 Chartiers......... Washington...... Pa.... 1,677 Centre........... St. Joseph........ Ind 4... 77 Chateaugay....... Franklin......... N. Y 3,728 Centre........... Stark............. Ind... 62 Chatfield......... Crawford......... Ohio " 1,351 Centre........... Union............ Ind 1... 1,674 Chatham......... Middlesex...... Con.. 1,525 Centr............ Vandcrburg....... Ind.. 998 Chatham......... Barnstable....... Mass.. 2, 439 Centre........... Wayne........... Ind... 8282 CChatham......... Carroll........... N. H.. 516 Centre, No. 1.... Appanoose........ iowa.. 473 Chatham......... Morris........... N. J... 2,469 Centre, No. 2..... Appanoose.......Iowa.. 183 Chatham......... Columbia........N. 3.839 Centre, No. 3.....Appanoose....... Iowa.. 416 Chatham......... Licking.......... Ohio.. 208 Centre, No. 4..... Appanoose....... Iowa.. 65 Chatham......... Medina.......... Ohio..1,167 Centre........... Cedar........... Iowa.. 1,233 Chatham......... Tioga............Pa 1,208 Centre...........n. Iowa.. 837 Chattanooga...... Hamilton.........Tenn.. 3,500 Centre........... Buchanan........ Mo.. 1,092 Chautauque....... Chautauque...... N. Y.. 2,622 Centre........... Knox............ Mo.'736 Chazy........... Clinton........... N.Y 4,324 Centre.......... St. Louis..........Mo 1,133 Cheektowaga..... Erie..............N. Y.. 3,042 Centre...........' Carroll........... Ohio 1,190 Chelmsford..... Middlesex........ Mass.. 2,097 Centre.......... Columlnbiana.....Ohio.. 2,818 Chelsea.......... Suffolk........... Mass.. 6,701 Centre........... Guernsey........: Ohio.. 1,066 Chelsea..........Orange........... Vt.... 1,958 Centre........... Mercer...........Ohio..'491 Cheltenham....... Montigomery...... Pa.... 1,292 Centre.......... Monroe.......... |Ohio.. 2, 943 Chemnung........ McHenry......... Ill... " 928 Centre........... Morgan..........Ohio 1,439 Chemung........Chemungr........ N. Y.. 2,673 Centre........... Williams.........{Ohio 881 Chenango........ Broom........... N. Y.. 8,734 Centre........... Wood............ iOhio.. 357 Cheney's Grove.. McLain.......... Ill.... 251 Centre........... P.erks............ Pa.... 1,346 Chepacket........ Providence....... R. I... 900 Centre..........Butler............Pa.. 1.495 Chequest.........Van Buren....... Iowa.. 708 Centre........... Columbia...... a..... 1,019 Chera...............Chesterfield...... S. C... 900 Centre........... Greene........... Pa 1.. 1,733 Cherry........... Butler............ Pa.... 970 Centre........... Indiana.......... Pa.. 1,193 Cherry........... Sullivan.......... Pa.... 1,605 Centre......Perry:............Pa..'944 Cherry Creek..... Chatautaque...... N.Y.. 1.311 Centre........... Union............ Pa.... 2,171 Cherryfield....... Washington...... Me.... 1,648 Centre...........Lafayette.......IWis.. 601 Cherry Grove..... Carroll........... Ill.... 261 Centre...........Rock........ Wis 625 Cherry Grove..... Warren.......... Pa.... 63 Centre Harbor.... Belknap..........iN. H. 543 Cherry Ridge..... Wayne........... Pa.... 614 Centreville.......Wayne...........ind.. 920 Cherry Tree...... Venango......... Pa.... 930 Centreville.......Washington......M. 178 Cherry Valley.... Otsego...........N. Y.. 4,186 Centreville....... Alleghany........!N. Y.. 1,441 Cherry Valley.... Ashtabula........ Ohio.. 839 Centreville....... Butler............ Pa... 278 Chesapeake City.. Cecil............. Md. 423 Centreville.......Manitoowoc.. Wis... 215 Cheshire......... New Haven...... Conn.. 1,626 Centreville and vi- Cheshire......... Berkshire........ 1Mass.. 1298 cinity...........El Dorado........ Cal 84 Cheshire......... Gallia............ Ohio.. 1,410 Ceres............ McKean.........!Pa 668 Chesnut Hill.....Monroe..........Pa.... 1,029 Ceresco.......... Fond du Lac.....Wis... 356 Chest............ Clearfield........ Pa.... 397 Cessna........... Hardin........... Ohio.. 303 Chester.......... Desha............Ark... 189 Chagrin Falls..... Cuyahoga........'Ohio.. 1,250 Chester.......... Middlesex........ Conn. 99~ a In 1853, 4,500. In 1853, 1,000. c In 1853, 2,600. POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &o. 347 Chester. Randolph......... III... 985 Clark.... Perry......... Ind.. 673 Chester.......... Wabash.......... ind... 1,541 Clark....C....... Chariton.. o.........Mo.... 717 Chester.......... Wells........... nd... 510 Clark............ Brown........... Ohio.. 1,450 Chester.......... Penobscot........ Me.... 340 Clark............ Clinton........... Ohio.. 1,654 Chester.......... lampden........ Mass.. 1,521 Clark............ Coshocton......Ohio..'833 Chester.......... Eaton............ Mich..'380 Clarksburgh...... Berkshire........ Mass.. 384 Chester.......... Ottawa........... Mich.. 16 Clrksbrg....... Harrison..... Va.... 1,200 Chester.......... Rockingham...... N. H.. 1,301 Clarksfield....... Huron............ Ohio.. 1,454 Chester.......... Burlington........ N. J... 3,601 Clarkson......... Monroe...... N. Y.. 4,555 Chester.......... Morris........... N. J... 1,334 Carkstown...... ockland........ N.Y.. 3111 Chester..........Orange........... N. Y.. 1,641 Clarksville...... Johnson..........Ark.... 398 Chester.......... Warren.......... N. Y.. 1 850 Clarksville....... Habersham....... Ga.... 502 Chester.......... Clinton.......... Ohio.. 1 600 Crksville....... Pike............. Mo.... 00 Chester.......... Geauga.......... Ohio.. 1103 Clarksville....... Coos.............. N. H... 187 Chester.......... Meigs............ Ohio.. 1,58 Clarksville....... Alleghany.... N... 668 Chester, T....... Meigs............ Ohio. 189 Clarksville........ Montgominery...... Tenn 3, 000 Chester.......... Morrow.......... Ohio.. 1, 60 Clarks-ville........Mecklenburg..Va.... Va 1,000 Chester~~~~~~~~~~~~~2....... Clayn............ /rde Chester.......... WayneOhio.. 35Clay............. Bradey.......... Ark... 452. Chester, Bor...... Delaware........ Pa.... 1-667 Clay............. Bartholomew.... Ind.... 612 Chester.......... Delaware........ Pa.... 1, 553 Clay............. Carroll...........ind.... 618 Chester........... Chester..........S. C... 98 ay............. Cass............. Ind.... 642 Chester.......... WVindsor......... Vt.... 2,001 Clay.............Dearborn... ind.... 1,275 Chester.......... Dodge............ Wis... 829 Clay............. Decatur......... ind.... 11,838 Chesterfield...... Macoupin........ Ill.... 37 Clay............. Hamilton... Id.... 1,106 Chesterfield...... Hampshire....... Mass.. 1,014 Clay............. Hendricks........ nd.... 910 Chesterfield......Macocib......... Mich.. 1,002 ay............. Howard......... Ind.... 413 Chesterfield......Cheshire......... N. H.. 1,680 Clay............. Kosciusko....... Ind... 975 Chesterfield...... Burlington....... N. J... 1,789 Clay............. La Grange.... Ind.... 464 Chesterfield...... Essex............ N. Y.. 4, 171 Clay............. Miami........... Ind.... 588 Chesterfield......Fulton........... Ohio.. 539 Clay............. Morgan........... Ind 1,2 13 Chesterville...... Franklin......... Me.... 1, 142 Clay............. Owen............ nd... 1,065 Che;terville..... Morrow.......... Ohio.. 407 Clay............ Pike.............. Ind.... 672 Chicago.......... Cook............. Ill...'b29,963 Clay........... St. Joseph..d...... 659 Chichester....... Merrimack....... N. H.. 997 Clay............ Wayne........... Ind....I 1052 Chickalah........ Yell............. Ark... 165 Clay............. Jones............. Iowa.. 445 Chicikasawba.....Mississippi........ Ark... 189 Clay............ St. Clair......... Mich.. 822 Chiclktawaga...... Erie............. N. Y.. 3,042 Clay............ Dunklin.......... Mo... 510 Chicopee......... Hampden........ Mass.. 8,291 Clay............ Lafayette......... Mo.. 1, 1732 Chili............. Monroe.......... N. Y.. 2,247 Clay............. Onondaga..........N. 3, 402 Chillicothe....... Peoria.......... Ill.... 600 Clay............ Auglaize......... Ohio.. 840 Chillicothe....... Ross............. Ohio 7.,100 Clay............ Gallia............ Ohio.. 949 Chillisquaque.... Northumberland.. Pa 1.... 1,344 Cla?.............Highland......... Ohio.. 1 108 Chilmark........ Dukes........... Mass.. 747 Clay.............Knox............. Ohio.. 1,240 China........... Lee..............Ill.. I688 Clay.............Montgomery.. Ohio.. 1,905 China........... Kennebeck....... Me.... 2.769 Clay............. Muskingum.. Ohio.. 653 China............ St. Clair......... Mich.. 1,037 Clay............. Ottawa........... Ohio.. 93 China............ Wyoming........ N. Y.. 1,961 Clay............. Scioto.......... Ohio 8.. 2 Chippewa........Wavne........... Ohio.. 2,637 Clay.............Tuscarawas..... 1,60 Chippewa........ Beaver........... Pa.... 908 Clay............. Huntingdon.......1Pa.... 695 Ciittcango....... Madison.......... N. Y.. 1.200 Clavsville........ Guernsey......... Ohio.. 205 Chittenden........ Rutlad......... Vt... 675 Claysville........Washington......Pa.... 2 75 Chittenham....... Montgomery...... P 1,292 Clayton.......... Barbour.. Al 400 Chocts. City...... Washington...... Ala... 100 Clayton.......... Adams.... Ill... 781 Choctaw Corner... Clm'ke........... Ala... 250 Clayton.......... Genesee...........Midi.. 418 Choconut......... Susquehanna..... Pa.... 709 Clayton. Jefferson.. N Y.. 4,191 I 30|Clyon2.....Jff2o....,.... N.Yli.. 76~ 9 Christ-Church.... Charleston....... S.C... 3,322 Clayton..........Miami...........Ohio.. 76 Christian........ Independence.... Ark.. 582 Clavton.......... Perry............ I Ohio.. 1594 Christiana........ Dane............. Wis... 1,054 Claton. Winnebago... is.... 402 Christiana Hund'd New Castle...... Del 4831 Claverack........ Columbia... N. Y.. 3208. De....I 4~3ClaeraCrek....... Christi ansburg.... Montgomery V a.... t532 Clear Creek......Sevier...........Ark... 2 33 Cibolletta......... Valencia......... M.,'605 Clear Creek......Washington..... Ark.. 677 Cicero............ Tipton........... Id.... 890 Clear Creek...... Clark............Ill.... 720 Cicero........... Onondaga........ N. Y.. 2,989 Clear Creek...... Cumberland...... 111..... 278 Cincinnati........Hamilton........ Ohio. 15,435 Clear Creek...i...........946 Cincinnati and vi- Clear Creek...... Johnson.......... Iowa.. 166 cinity........... El Dorado........ Cal..... 168 Clear Creek...... Keokuk.......... Iowa.. 242 Cincinnatus...... Cortlandt........ N. Y.. 1.2,06 Clear Creek...... Ashland.......... Ohio.. 1,205 Circleville........ Pickaway....... Ohio... 3,842 Clear Creek...... Fairfield......... Ohio.. 1,739 Circevllevi, T..... Pickaway........ Ohio..d3,411 Clear Creek...... Warren..........Ohio.. 2, 770 Citronclle........ Mobile........... Ala.... 250 Clearfield......... Butler............ a.... 1924 Claiborne........ Union............ Ohio - 919 Clearfield......... Cambria..........Pa.... 802 Clamo........... Greene........... Wis.. 715 Clearfield.........Clearfield.......Pa.... 503 Clara............ Potter............ Pa..... 89 Clear Lake...... Steuben.......... Ind... 191 Claremont........ Sullivan.......... N. H... 3,606 Clear Spring......Hot Springs.......Ark.... *588 Clarence........ Calhoun.......... Mich. 485 Clear Spring......La Grange........ Ind... 674 Clarence......... Erie............. N. Y... 2,727 Cleaveland....... Elkhart.......... Ind... 419 Clarendon........ Calhoun.......... Mich. 669 Clermont......... Columlbia........ 1,130 Clarendon........ Orleans.......... N. Y.. 1,809 Cleveland........ Cuyahoga........ Ohio.. f17,034 Clarendon........Rutland.......... Vt..... 1,477 Cleveland......... Bradlev.......... Tenn.. 500 Claridon........ Geauga........... Ohio 1,009 Cleves........... Hamilton.........Ohio.. 251 Claridon.......... Marion........... Ohio.. 1,343 Clifford........... Susquehanna..... Pa.... 1,648 Clarington........Monroe.......... Ohio.. 341 Clifton...........Penobseot........ Me... 306 Clarion.......... Bureau.......... I1..... 537 Clifton.......... Greene.i... 258 Clarion, Bor....:. Clarion.......... Pa.... e719 Clifton Park...... Saratoga... N. Y. 2,868 Clarion.......... Clarion.......... Pa.... 1,798 Clifty............ Bartholomew.....Ind.. 945 Clark............Johnson.......... Ark 574 Climax........... Kalamazoo.......Micl.. 504 Clark............Lahfayette......... Ark... 918 Clinton.......... Middlesex......I. Conn.. 1,344 Clark............Johnson......... Ind... 1,018 Clinton De Kalb..........Ill.... 350 Clark............Montgomery..... Ind... 1,301 ClintonI..........De itt. Il... 367 a In 1853, 1,500. b In 1853, 60,000. c In 1853,160,186. dIn 1853, 4,500. e In 1853, 1,000. f In 1853, 41,196 including Ohio city, with 9,992 inhabitants. 348 CENSUS OF 1850. Clinton.......... Cass............. Ind.. 666 Columbia........ Washington...... Me... 1.140 Clinton.......... Decatur.......... Ind.. 80(0 Columbia....... Jackson.......... Mich 1.142 Clinton.......... Elkhart.......... Ind... 804 Columbia........ Van Buren........Michi..'265 Clinton.......... La Porte......... Ind.. 698 Columbia........ Boone............Mo.. 888 Clinton.......... Putnam.......... Ind.. 1.231 Columbia........ Coos............ N. H1.. 762 Clinton.......... Verminilion....... ind... 1, 509 Columbia........ Herkiner........!N. Y.., 000 Clinton, T........ d.. 321 Columbia........ Hamilton.........Ohio. 2:413 Clinton........... Hickman......... Ky.... 300 Colhmbia........ Melis............ Ohio.. 897 Csinton........... E. Feliciana...... La..... 1,800 Coluinbia 1'.... B4radord.......... Pa.... 1,383 Clinton.......... KeKnnebck....... Me 1... 1,743 Columbia........ Lanca............ Pa.... a,4.140 Clinton.......... Worcester....... Mass. 3,113 Columbia........ Richland......... S.C... 6,0( Clinton........... Lenawee......... Mich.. 500 Columbia........ Maurv............ Tenn.. 2,9 i7 Clinton......... Macomb......... Mich..,130 Colhi,:,iana...... Columbiana...... Ohio 650 Clinton.......... Essex............ N. J... 2 508 Columbus........ Mu.couee........ Ga.... 5 942 Clinton.......... Hunterdon....... N. J... 2 3069 Columbus........ Adams...........Ill..... 866 Clinton, T....... Hunterdon.......N. J... 800 Columbus........ Bartholomew..... Ind... -2,397 Clinton......... Clinton.......... N. Y.. 1436 Columbus, T..... Bartholomew..... Ind.... cl;, (08 Clinton.......... Dutchess......... N. Y.. 1,795 Columbus........ St. Clair.......... Mich.. 377 Clinton.......... Franklin......... Ohio.. 1, 186 Columbus........ Lowndes......... Miss...dI,i Clinton.......... Fulton........... Ohio.. 708 Columnbus........ Chenango........ N. Y.. 1.381 Clinton.......... Knox............ Ohio.. 4513 Columnbus........ Franklin......... Ohio. IS17,8S2 Clinton.......... Seneca...........Ohio 4 398 Columbus........ Lorain...........Ohio.. 1236 Clinton.......... Shelby........... Ohio.. 2,066 Columbus........ Warren.......... Pa..... 1,278 Clinton.......... Vinton........... Ohio.. 88 Colubus........ Columbia........ Wis... Clinton.......... Wayne........... Ohio.. 1 121 Columbus, T..... Columbia........ Wis.. 288 Clinton.......... Lycoming........ Pa.... 851 Columbus, (city).. Louisa........... Iowa 1,183 Clinton......... x.W ay ne............ Pa.... 840 Colunbus Grove.. Putnam.......... Ohio. 118 Clinton.......... Wyoming........Pa.... 544 Columnbus Village. Johnon......... Mo.... 81 Clinton........... De itt.......... Texas. 50 Coalton Conal........... Texas.. 286 CZ' ito ~~~~~~~~~501 Comairown....Co Clinton.......... Ohio............. Vs.... 313 Commerce....... Oakland.........Mich.. 1,428 Clinton.......... Rock............. Wis. 1l214 Comstock........ Kalamnazoo....... Mich.. 1,202 Clinton Gore... Kennebeck....... Me.... 195 Concord.......... Greene........... Ark.... 50 Clover........... Jefferson......... Pa.... 737 Concord.......... Adams........... Ill.... 764 Cloverdale.......Putnam.......... hnd... 1, 304 Concord.......... Burean........... Ill.... 364 Cloverdale,T..... Putnam. d......... ind... 148 Concord.......... De Kalb.......... lnd... 1 086 reekenridge K..... 700 oncord.......... Elhart. I 1,0 Clyde............ St. Clair.......... Mich.. 691 Concord.......... Somerset......... tMe.... 550 Clyde............ fowa............. Wis... 138 Concord.......... Middlesex.... ass.. s 2,249 Clydean.......... Dodge............ Wis... 735 Concord.......... Jackson.......... Miich.. 983 Clymer.......... Chautauque...... N. Y.. 1127 Concord.......... Washington......Mo.... 815 Coal............. Northumberland.. Pa.... 1,4) Concord.......... Merrimack....... N. H... 8 576 Coal Creek....... Montgomery...... Ind... 1.517 Concord.......... Erie............. 3242 Cobleskill........ Schoharie...N. Y.. 2 229 Concord....... Chanpaign...... Ohio.. 1010 Cohecton........ Sullivan......... N. Y.. 1 671 Concord.......... Delaware......... Ohio.. 1 3369 Cocosans........ Albany........... N. Y.. 3 050 Concord.......... Favette....... Ohio..'23 Cofeevil'e......... Yallabusha....... Miss.. 700 Concord.......... Tighland........Ohio..1,01 Coanhoue...... Lveoming........ Pa.... 116 Concord.......... Lake............. O o 1.031 Cohassett........ Norfolk.......... Mas.. 1, 77 5 Concord.......... Miamin............[Ohio.. 09 Cohansey........ Cumberlaind...... N. J... 1034 Concord......... Ross............. Ohio.. 2, 672 Cohocton......... Steuben.......... N. Y.. 1,; 993 Concord.......... Delaware......... Pa 1.049 Cohoes.......... Albany........... N. Y.. 4 229 Concord........... Pa.... 82 Coitsville........ Mahoning........Ohio 982 Concord......... Esex...... Vt 1,53 Cokesbury..... Abbeville.....S. C 987 Concord....... 725 Colbath......... Clark............ Ark.... 300 Condemned Bar.. Sutter........... Cal... 42 Colchester....... New London.....Conn..i 0,48 Conemauhli, Bor.. Cambria 8...... Pa 854 Colchester....... Dlaware........ N. Y.. 2,184 CConemaul Ca......Cnmia b'... Pa 3.027 Colchester....... Chittenden...... Vt.. 2,575 Coneman'ugh....... Indiana...... Pa.... 1,748 Colden...... Erie............. NY. 1.344 Conemaugh......Somerset..... Pa.... 1,434 Cold Spring...... Cattaraugus...... N. Y. 591 Concestog'........ Lancaster...... Pa.... 3,616 Cold Sring Putain.......... N.Y. 00 Co Se......... Livingston........ N.. 1,418 Cold Spring....... Jefferson......... Wis... 568 Conesville....... ol N... 1,8-2 Cold Water... Branch.......... Mich.. 2 1366 Conewango...... Cattaraugus......N. Y... 1,408 Cole............. Benton.... M o...' 459 Conewango...... Warren...... 884 Colebrook....... Litchfield........ Conn.. 1,3117 Coney...........Lancaster..... Pa.. 1,035 Colebrook...... Coos............ N. H.. 908 Congress.........Morrow.......... Ohio.. 1,651 Colebrook... Ashtabula....... Ohio.. 688 Congress......... Wavne........... Ohio.. 2,:,36 Colebrook....... Clinton........... Pa.... 326 Conklin.......... Broome..... N. Y.. 2232 Colebrookdale.... Berk............Pa... 1,102 Conneaut........ AitauIl........ Ohio.. 695 Colerain......... Franklin....... Mas.. 1,785 Conneaut, T...... Ahtabunla........ Ohio.. -18Colerain......... lBelhont.......... Ohio.. 1,366 Conneaut....... Crawford......... Pa..... 1.807 Colerain......... Hamilton......... Ohio.. 3,l5 Conineaut........ Erie.............. Pa... 1. 142 Colerain......... Ross.............. Ohio.. 1,398 Conneautville....Crawford..... Pa.... 787 Coleraine......... Bedford.......... Pa.... 1,281 Conl ellsville..... Fayette........... Pa.... 1 3 Coleraine......... Lancaster........ Pa.... 1,602 Conners ville...... Pavette........... Ind.... 61 Colesville......... Broome.......... N.Y... 3,061 Co6nner ville, T... Fayette........... Ind.... 1.396 College.......... Knox............ Ohio.. 52 Connewsago...... damis........... Pa'.... 775 Colliersville...... Shelby............ Tenn.. 23 3Connewago...... Dauphin.......... Pa.... 76'2 Collins Erie.. N.......4. oErierk............. a 270 Collins... Allegeny...Pa... 1,324 Co0iso............. Mi.. 1 Colon............ St. Joseph.......Mich.. 84 Conquest... Cauga....... Y.. 1.3 Coltons St Lawrence.... N. Y.. 506 Consohocken.... Montgom y...... a 727 Columbias........... olland. Conn.. 876 Conistable........ Franklin......... N. V...447 Columbia sonroe......... 378 Constantia.......Oswgo.......... N. Y.. 2, 6495 Columbia......... Dubois Joe........ i.. d 752 Constantine...... S. Joseph......... ic.. 1. 43 Columbia........ Favette............. ild... 889 Constantine, T... St. Joseph........ MeO.. i760 Coltbi GsonInd 1 Co niies......El Dorado...... Cal..092 Col(ImSia........ Jennings........ 947 Consumnes River. Sacramento...t..... 335 Columbia........Martin........... iond... 642j Conway.......... Franklin.......Mass.. 1 831 a ho 853, 5,000 bIn 1853, 7,000. c In 1853, 1,500. d In 1853, 3,000. C In 1053, 05, f Ie 1853, 1,500. gIn 184, 1,000. islas1853,41000. i In' 1853, 1,2000 POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &o. 349 Conway.. Livingston.......i Mich 460 Iis...rog.... w Y.. 1,135 Conwa..........Carroll..........N.. 767 Cromwell......... Huntingdon..... 1.97 Cookstown....... Fayctte.......... jP 9792 Crooked Creek... Carroll...... Ark.... 539 Cool0baugh........ MonCre..4..rook..l Creek. Ja;sper............ ll.... 658 Cool Spring...... Laporte..........nd. 94 Crosby........... amilton........ Ohio..,488 Cool Spring...... rer...........Pa.... 760 Cross Creek.. Jefferon.........Ohio 1,9 Cooper...........lWashington......'e.... 562j Cross Creek...... Washington.....a, 921 Cooer.... Kalazo....... ic 733 Cross Plains...... Daneis............. 324 Cooper........... Montour..... Pa... 2-2 on Poit.....Lake............. Ind... 400 Cooperstown...... Otego........... N. Y. 1,600 Crown Point...... Essex............N. Y.. 2,378 Coo son Manitoowc...... Wis... 91 Croydon.......... Sullivan.......... N. H.. Copley........... Summit..........Ohio 1,541 Crozierie....... Daware........ Pa 800 Copake........... Columbia........ N. Y.. 1,652 Cuba............. Lake............. 11..... 333 Coral............McHenry........ Ill.. 9801OCuba............Allehany......... Y.. 2,43 Corinna..........enosot........Me 1.., 550 Cubiero.......... Valencia........N. A.'393 Corinth.......... PenobsCot........ Me... 1,600 Cuivre........... Pike.............:o... 92,785 Corinth.......... N. Y. 1,501 Culloma.......... El Dorado........ Cal... e588 Corinth.......... Orange...........Vt 1,906{Culloma vicinity.. El Dorado........ Cal. 42 Corning.......... Steuben. N... 2, 000 Cully............. Sullivan.......... Pa 175 Cornish......... York......... Me 1,144 Cumberland...... Clark.......... Ill 334 Cornish.......... Sullivan..........N. H.. 1,606 Cumberland...... Marion........... Ind... 123 Cornplanter..... Venango......... Pa.... 693 Cumberland...... Cumberland...... Me... 1656 Cornville......... So set....... 1,601 Cumberland...... Alleghany Id....6,073 Cornwall......... Litclhfeld........ Conn 2, 041 Cumberland...... Guernsey........ Ohio 431 Cornwall.......... Orange........... N. Y. 4,471 Cumberlan Adams.......... 1,4 Cornwall......... Addion. Vt 1,155 Cmberlan...... Greene........... Pa. 143 Corpus Christi.... Nueces.......... Texas. 5331 Cumberland...... Providence......I. IR. 6,661 Corrinna.......... Union............IArk l3G6jCuminberlendValley Bedford.......... Pa.... 1,114 Cortland......... Kent............. Mich.. 40. COrmming......... Forsyth......... Ga.... 458 Cortlandt........ tceter..... 7,7581 Cunsmning. Lycoming. Pa 505 Cortlandville..... Cortlandt..... N. Y.. 4,03Cmmiington.... Macoupin.......ll.... 59 Cortsville....... Clark............ Ohio 48 Cummington.....Hamphie....... Mass.. 17 Corunn.a........ Shiawasee....... Mich.. 5001 Cumru........... erks............ Pa. 853 Corydon.......... Harrisond... 462 Curran........... Saline............... 061 Corydon......... McKean......... Pa.... 80 Curry Sullivan........ Ind. 772 Corvdon......... Warren.......... Pa.... 981 Cushing.......... Lincoln. Me.... 07 Coshocton....... Coshocton........ Ohio.. 850 Cussawaga....... Crawford.........Pa 1,540 Cottage Grove.... Dane............. W.. 785f Cutler............. Washington.....Me.. 9820 Cotton........... Switzerland...... Ind... 1,872 Cynthiana........ Pike............. Ohio 134 Cottonwood..... Cumberland......Ill 664 Cynthiana........ Shelby........... Ohio 797 Cottreville....... St. Clair.......... Mich.. 913 Dasborough HunCouncil.......... Crittenden....... Ark 1741 dred............ Sussex........... Del. 9,668 Council Bhuffs..... Potawatomie..... owa.. 3,000 Dahlonega........ Lumpkin.........Ga.... 735 Cove Creek..... Washington...... Ark 411Dallas............ Clinton........... ich 185 Coventry........ Tolland..........Conn.. 1,984l Dallas............Greene.......... o.. 670 Coventry........ Chenango........ N. 1Y. 677 Dallas............ Crawford......... Ohio.. 406 Coventry......... Sumit. Ohio 1.299 Dallas............Luzerne.........Pa 04 Coventry......... Kent............. R. I... 3,620 Dallas............ Iowa............. Wis... 500 Coventry......... Orleans.......... Vt.... 867 Dalton............ Whitefield.... Ga.... 2,000 Covert Senec......... N...3 Dalton..........Wayne........... Ind... 855 Covington. Fountain.........Ind al, 176 Dalton........... Berkshire......... Mass.. 00 Covinton. Kenton........9,408 Dalton.........Coos..... 751 Covington i........ ng........N. 1Y.. 85 Dalton........... Wayne...........Ohio.. 800 Covington.......Miami... Ohio 451 Damascuenry............ Ohio 233 Covington........ Clearfield........Pa 448 Damascus........ Wayne.......... Pa.... 1,602 Covington........ Luzerne......... Pa.. 6650 Damariscotta..... Lincoln........Me. 1,328 Covington........ Tioira........ Pa. 1,063 Dana,............. Woreester........ass.. 84 Covington........ Ti pton.. Tenn. 3751 Danbury......... Failfield Con.. 5,964 Coviton........ Aleghany. Va.... 500Danbury....... Graon.. N. 934 Coashanoc.... Armstrong.... Pa 1,318.........Ottawa501 Cowderport...... Potter...... 3....M... Tonia............. Mic 26 Coxsackie........ Greene........... N. Y 3,741 Danb........... Topkins........ N. Y 2,411 Cosacie, T Green................. 1000 Danb. Rutland.......... Vt.. 1,535 Crab d......incoln....... Ky.. 500 Dan ge........ Jefferson......... Ten 378 Craftsbury........ Orleans... Vt ne.... Dane....... Wis Craig.............Van ren.... Ark 51 anfoth......... Washington. e 188 Crai g.w..... Switzerland...... Ind 1,849 Dansille......... Livingston....... N Y.. 2, 500 Cranee........ iddlesex.......N. J... 600 Dansville.........Steuben.......... N. Y.. 545 Cranberry........ uter............ Pa.... 2,256 Danube.......... Herkimer.............1, 730 Cranberry........ Venango.........Pa.. 1,3171 Danvers.......... Esex........... Mass.. 8,109 Cranberry Isle.... Hancock... Me.... 283 Danville.......... Vermillion.. Ill..... 736 Cranbury........Crawford......... Ohio 1,042 Danville. Hendrick........d.. 386 Crane............ Paulding......... Ohio 87 Danville.......... Des Moines....... owa.. 1,087 Crane............ Wyandott........ Ohio.. 1,544 Danville.......... Boyle............ K 9...., 650 Crawford. Washigton...... Me.... 324 Danville...... ockingham.... 14 Crawford.......... 96chan ville......... Knox............ Ohio.. 160 Crawford.g........ Osage.....M........ *1,025 Danville M....... Montour.......... Pa.... 3.309 Crawford......... Oran ge. N..... 19121 Danville......... Caledonia........ Vt.... 2,577 Crawford......... Coshocton........ Ohio.. 1,552 Danville......... Pittsylvania...... Va... 1,.4 Crawford......... Wyandott........ Olio.. 1,306 Darby.......... Madison.......... Ohio.. 551 Crawford........ Clinton......... Pa...... 97 Darby. ickawy........ Ohio.. 1,66 CrawfordEville.... Taliaerro........ Ga..... 400 Darby............ Union............ Ohio.. 881 Crawfordsville.... Montgomery.....t Ind... cl,513 Darby............ Delaware........,Pa.... 1310 Crete............ Will............. Ill 731 Dardanelle....... Yell.............Ark........ 477 Crittenden............ Ky... 2.....50 Darien........... Fail-field......... Con.. 1, 44 Crockery......... Ottawa.......... Mich. 247 Darien........... Mcintosh......... Ga... 550 Crockett.......... Arkansas......... Ark 30 Darien..2Clark..........l Mi....... T 1,343 Crockett.......... Houston.......... Texas. d150 Darien....... Genesee.......... N,.., 084 a In 1853,1,500. b In 1853,13,000. c In 1853,,500. d In 1853, 400. e In 1853, 2,000. 350 CENSUS OF 1850. Darien........... Walworth........ Wis... 1,013 Delaware........ Pike............. Pa..... 754 Darlington....... Beaver........... Pa... 1,160 Delaware City... New Castle...... Del... 80 Dartmouth....... Bristol........... Mass.. 3.868 Delhi............ Ingham...........Mich.. 402 Du r-n........... Clark............ Ill.... 500 D)elhi............ Delaware......... N. Y.. 2,909 Darysaw.........Jefferson.........Ark... 399 Delhi............ Hamilton......... Ohio.. 1,942 Dauphin........Dauphin......... Pa..... 650 Delhnar.......... Tioga............ Pa. 1-529 Davenport........ Scott............. Iowa.. al,848 Delphi........... Carroll........... Ind....138i Davenport........ Delaware........ Y. 2,305 Delphos......... Allen............. Ohio.' 374 Davidson......... Sullivan.......... Pa.... 536 Democrat........ Carroll........... Ind... 0 681 Davies.. Caldwell Mo... *378 Demopolis........ Marengo.......... Ala.... 81 Davis......Fountain........ Ind... 568 Denison.......... Luzerne.......... Pa..... 1,517 Davis............ Lafayette Mo... 754 Denmark......... Oxford........... Me....203 Davison.......... Genesee......... Mieh...367 Denmark......... Lewis........... Y 824 Day............. Saratoga......... N. Y.. 1.045 Denmark......... Ashtabula........ Ohio..'241 Dayton........... Lasalle.......... Ill....'630 Dennin.......... Ulster............ N.Y... 447 Dayton, T........ Lasalle..........I. 168i Dennis...........Barnstable....... Mass.. 3,57 Dayton...... T....Tppecanoe...... Ind... 500j Dennis........... Cape May........ N. J...,604 Dayton........... Aroostook.....Me..... 49i Dennysville...... Washhgton...... Me.... 48 Dayton........... Cattaraugus......N.Y. 1. 448 Depere........... Brown........... Wis... d799 Dayton (city)..... Montgomery...... Ohio.. b10977 De Peyster....... St. Lawrence..... N. Y.. 906 Dearborn......... Wayne............. Mich.. 1,385 Deptford......... Gloucester......... N.J... 3355 De Bastrop....... Ashley........... Ark... 164 Derby...........New Haven...... Coon. 3.824 Decatur.......... Morgan.......... Ala... 606 Derby............ Orleans.......... Vt.. 1.50 Decatur.......... De Kalb.......... Ga 744 Derry............Rockingham...... N. H.. 1850 Decatur. Macon. l 1,01...[Derry. Dapi. P Decatur.. Macon........... 1,000 Derry............. Dauphin......... Pa.... 1, 843 Decatur..........Adams........... Ind... 231 Derry............. Miflin......... Pa... 13 Decatur.......... Marion.......... Ind. I1,008 Derry............' Montour......... Pa.... 853 Decatur..........Van Buren...... Mich..1386 Derrv............ Westmoreland.... Pa... 5. 467 Decatur.......... Otsego........... N. Y.. 927 De Ruyter........ Madison......... N. Y.. 1,931 Decatur......... Brown........... Ohio.. 171 Des Arc..........White........... Ark... 272 Decatur.......... Lawrence....... Ohio.. 1,052 Des Moines...... Jefferson......... iowa.. 986 Decatur.......... Washington...... Ohio.. 807 Des Moines...... Van Buren....... Iowa.. 683 Decatur.......... Clearfield........ Pa.... 445 Detroit........... Somerset......... Me... 517 Decatur.......... Mifflin........... Pa.... 990 Detroit City...... Wayne.......... Mich..e21,019 Decatur.......... Greene..... Wis... 558 De Witt.. Clinton.......... 459 Decaturville...Decatur......... Tenn.. 181 De Witt.......... Clinton.......... Mich.. 06 Deckertown....... Sussex.......... N. J... 600 De Witt.......... Onondaga........ N. Y.. 3302 Deihain..........Hancock........ Me... 546 Dexter......... Penobscot........ Me.. 1,948 Dedai....... Hncok.......Me... 546 Dedham.......... Norfolk.......... Mass.. 4,447 Dexter... Washtenaw...... Mich.. 850 Deep Creek...... Clinton.......... Iowa.. 132 Diamond Grove... McLean......... Ill.... 42 Deep Water.....1enry.......Mo.... *393 Diamond Springs.. El Dorado........ Cal.... 420 Deer Creek....... Yuba... Cal... 78 Diana............. Lewis............ N.Y... 970 Deer Creek....... Carroll.... Ind.... 2, 162 Dickinson......... Franklin.......... N.Y... 1,119 Deer Creek...... Cass............. Ind.... 664 Dick Johnson.... Clay d.... 669 Deer Creek...... Miami........... Ind.... 612 Dickson.......... Lee.. il... Il. 1073 Deer Creek....... Perry............ Ind.... 710 Digto... Bristol....... Mass... 1,641 Deer Creek....... Madison..........Ohio.. 583 Dillsburg......... York............. Pa.... 70 Deer Creek....... Pickaway........Ohio.. 1,354 Dimmick......... La Salle.......... 111. 378 Deerfield......... Fulton........... Ill.... 494 Diroock......... Susqaehanna..... Pa.... 1,055 Deerfield.... Lake.. ll.... 811 Digmte........... IPike.Pa..... i638 Deerfield...... Randolph. n...... 121 Dinmore G... Shelbyan......... i.. Ohio.; 701 Deerfield......... Franklin......... Mass.. 2,421 District......... Berks............ Pa.... 842 Deerfield......... Livingston....... Mich.. 882 District No 2... St. Clair......... Ill.... 588 Deerfield......... Bockingham. N. H.. 2,022 District No. 3..... St. Clair......... Ill.... 1.008 Deerfield........Cmberland N. Jub a......... 927 District No. 4.....St. Clair....... Ill.... 79...... 9 Deerfield......... Morgan..........Ohio 1,325 District No.....St. FClair.......... Ill 1.],764 Deerfield..... Portage.........Ohio.. 1,371 District No. 0Deerfeld...Ohio...315 American BotDeerfielda............ Ohicr to............ St. Clair.......... Ill.... 2,394 Deerfield, T...... Warren..........Ohio.. / 95 District No. 7Deerfield........ Tiora............ Pa..... 721 Turkey Hill..... St. Clair...........Ill.... 8 Deerfield........ Warren......... Pa... 1,022 District No. 8Deerfield........Dane............ Wis... 639 12 Mile Prairie.. St. Clair...... ill.... 882 Deering........... Hillborough...... N. H.. 890 District No. 9, High Deer Isle........ Hancock.....M.... 3037 Prairie........St. Clair.......... Ill.... 1,202P Deer Park Lasalle........... Ill 294 District No. 10Deer Parkng....n....Nd... 4O03 Bel'villne......... St. Clair..... 3,613 Deersfield Oneida.......... N. 2,287 District No. 11Deerville........ Harrison......... Ohio.. 289 Centreville..... St. Clair.......... Ill.... 2,646 Defiance......... Defiance......... Ohio 1,281 Dix.............. Chemung........ N. Y.. 2.953 Defiance, T...... Defiance......... Ohio.. 890 Dixfield.......... Oxford........... Me...,180 De Kalb.......... De Kalb. ii..... n 486 Dixmont o.......... Penobscot........ Me... 1.605 De Kalb St. Lawrence.. Y.... 2,389 Dixon............ Preble........... Ohio.. 1.192 De Korra........ Columbia........ Wis... 661 Dodgeville....... Iowa............. Wis... 2,117 De Korra, T...... Columbia........ Wis.. 81 Dodson......... Highland........ Ohio.. 1.217 Delafield......... Waukesha....... Wis... 1,134 Doton's Bar and Delavan....... Walwort. Wis... 1,260 Long's Bar..... Sutter. l............ Cal.. 84 Dlaware........Delaware........ Ind... 934 Donaldson....S. C li. Pa.... 1,477 Delaware........ Hamilton......... nd.. 867 Don Anna........ Valencia....... N. M.. 498 Delaware........ Ripley............ Ind. 1,274 Donegal. Butler........ Pa.... 1,177 Delaware. Camden N. J...,57....7 Donegal.......... Washington...... Pa.... 1,679 Delaware........ Iunterdon....... N. J... 2,554 Donegal.......... Westmoreland.... Pa.... 2,527 Delaware........ Defiance.........Ohio.. 445 Donnelsville...... Clark............ Ohio.. 196 Delaware........ Delaware........Ohio.. 3,323 Dorchester....... Norfolk........... Mass.. 7,969 Delaware, T...... Delaware........Ohio.. 2,074 Dorchester....... Grafton...........IN. H. 711 Delaware. Hancock........ Ohio.. 1035 Doro............. Allegan........... Mich.. 124 Delaware. Junia...... a..... 1126 Dorrance......... Luzerne.....Pa 420 Delaware........ DMercer........... Dorset. Ashtabula........ Ohio.. 236 Delaware...... Northumberland.. Pare...... 1,908t Dorset........... Bennin t..... 1,700 c In M53, 4,500. b In. 3,16,563. In 1833,.. InI, e In 1853, 34,436. POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 351 Douglass......... Arkansas.......Ark 1,095 Duxbury...... Plymouth.......Mass 2679 Douglass......... Worcester.......Mass 1, 878i Duxbury.......... Washington..... Vt..... 845 Douglass......... Berks............ Pa.... 1,018 Dyberry.......... Wayne..........Pa.... 0 Douglass.........Montgomery... Pa... 1,265 Eagle............ Pulaski......... rk.. 891 Dover.........ureau.............. Gallatin......... Ill.... 580 Dover, T....Bureau..... III.... 103 Eagle... Lasalle..........11.... 3 Dover............ Mason....... Ky.... 600 agle.. Monroe. I 1,331 Dover............ Piscataquis... Me.... Me 1,97 Eagl e............. I623 Dover...........Norfolk........... Mass.. 6311 Eagle... Clinton 2.......... M i. 521 Dover......... Lenawee......... Mich 1,22 agle............ Wyoming........ N. Y..,381 Dover............ Lafayette... Mo... 1,05 Eagle.. Brown........... Ohio 1,279 Dover............ Strafford.......... N. H 8,196 Eagle............ Hancock......... Ohio Dover....... Ocean............ N. J. 2,38Eagle............ Vinton........... Ohio.. 4'6 Dover...........N. Y.. 2,146; Eagle............Sank............ Wis... 33 Dover............ Athens.......Oh... io,232 Eagle............ Waukesa........ Wis... 1816 Dover............ Cuyahoga........ hio 1,2 Eagle Creek..... Lake............. Ind... 315 Dover............ Fulton........... Ohio.. 3811 agle Harbor..... Houghton........ Mich 126 Dover............ Tuscarawas...... Ohio. 3,248 Eagle Harlbor..... Orleans.........N. V.. 500 Dover T.......... Tu.scarawas...... Ohio 1,370 agle Pass....... Bexar............ Texas.. 383 Dover....... Union..........Ohio.. 700 Earl. Lasal.. I819 Dover............ ork........ Pa..... 2.64 3rl............ Berks............ Pa.... 1,047 Dover............ Stewart.......... Tenn.. 530 Ear............ Lancaster.. Pa.... 2,702 Dover............ Windham........Vt... 709 East.......... Carroll.......... Ohio 987 Dover...... Racine........... Wis... 839 East Allen........ Northampton..... Pa... 1,475 Dover............ alworth......Wis... 1,28 East Allentown... ehigh........... Pa.... 564 Dover Hundred... Kent............. Del.... 4,207 East Bethlehem... Wa. shington...Pa.... 2,266 Done........... Cumberland...... N. J.. 2,341 East Birmingham. Allegheny........ Pa.... 1,624 Downinsgtown..... Chester........... Pa.... 600 East Bloomfield... Ontario.......... N. Y.. 2,262 Doieville.......Sierra............ Cal. 810 East radford..... Chester..........Pa.... Downer's Grove.. Du Page...... 95,7 East Brandywine. Chester.... Pa 1,115 Dovlestown, Bor.. ucks............ Pa.... 1,006 East Bridgewater. Plymouth........ Mass.. 2,545 Doylestown.. ucks. Pa 1,307 Eastbrook.... Hancock.........Me... 212 Dracut.......... Middlesex........ Mass 3,5 03 East Brunswick.. Schuylkill........ Pa.... 1337 Drakesville.....Davis............ Iowa.. 8 st Buffalo...... Union........... Pa.... 970 Dresden.......... Lincoln..... Me... 1,419 ast Cain......... Chester........... Pa.... 2,2 Dresden.......... Washington...... N. Y. 6741 ast Canon...... El Dorado........ Cal.... 42 Dresden.......... Muskingum....... Ohio 1,448 East Chester. West Chester...... 679 Dresden.......... Weakly........... Tenn.. f633 Iast Cleveland... Cuyahoga........ Ohio 2,343 Driftwood........ Jackson.......... Ind. 6028 East Cocalico.... Lancaster..... Pa.... 2,117 Drumore.......... Lancaster. Pa.... 2....... 82 East Conn'equenesDry Creek........ El Dorado........Cal 210 s............. Butler... Pa.... 1,142 Dryden........... Lapeer.... Mich.. 1,131 East Coventry.... Chester...... Pa 1,288 Dryden........... Tompkins.......N... 5,122 ast Deer... Allegheny....... Pa. 2,021 Dry Grove. McLean. Ill... 294 East Donegal. Lancaster........ Pa.... 1.997 Duane............ Franklin......... N. Y.. 22 East Fallowfeld Chester........... Pa....1,289 Duanesburg....... Schenectady.. N. Y. 3,4641 East Fallowfield Crawford.....Pa 739 Dublin........... Wayne........... Ind. 713 East Finly........ Washington...... Pa.... 1281 Dublin........... Cheshire......... N H 108i East Fishkill....Dutebess..... N. Y.. 610 Dublin. Franklin......... Ohio 274 Eastford.......... Windham........ Con.. 1,127 Dublin........... Mercer...........Ohio 914 East Genesee..... Genesee..........Mih.. 844 Dublin........... Fulton........... Pa.... 686 East Goshen. Chester.......... Pa 768 Dublin........... Huntingdon....... Pa.... 908 East Greenfield... L Grange.....Ind... 400 Dubuqne......... Dubuque.......... Towa... 3, 108 East Greenwich... Kent..... 2..358 Duchouquet...... Auglaize......... Ohio 1,408 East Haddam..... Middlesex........ Conn.. 2610 Duchess Creek... Yell.. Ark.. 2011 EasthamBastable....... Mass 845 Duck Creek. Stoddard........Mo 716 East Hampton.... Hampshire...... ass..,342 Duck Creek Hun- East Hampton.... Suffolk... N. Y.. 2,122 dred............ Kent.... Del. 468 East Hanover.... Lebanon..... Pa.... 115 Dudley........... Henry............ Ind 1... 279 East Hanover.... Dauphin... a...... 1,658 Dudley........... Worcester..... Mass.. 1443 East Hartford..... Hartford......... Conn.. 497 Dudley........... Hardin........... Ohio.. 529 East Haven......New Haven...... Conn.. 1670 Due West Abbeville.. S. C... 58 East Haven......Essex...... Vt..... 94 Dummer.......... Coos............. N. H.. 171 East Hempfield.. Lancaster........ Pa.. 2,266 Dummerston...... Widham..... 1,64..5... E1,6 east untingdon Westmoreland.... Pa.... 1,873 Dunbar........... Fayette........... Pa.... 2,156 East Indian.. Penobscot........e 193 Dunbarton errimack.......... 915 East Kingston.. ockingham. N... 532 Duncan's Falls... Muskingum.. Ohio.. 96 East LackawanDundee... KaneIll..... 1,3741 nock............ Mercer........... Pa... 22 Dundee.......... onroe........... Mich.. 1,39 East Lampeter.... Lancaster........ Pa.... 1,980 Dunee........... Yates. N. Y.. 1,400 East Liberty...... ogan........... Ohio 177 Dirnkard......... Greene. Pa.... 1,395 East Li...... LGrange........ Ind. 82 Dunkinsville...... Adams........... Ohio.. 911 East Livermore... Kennebec.... Me.... 801 Duncsir.......... Chatauque..... N. Y.. 3,0004 East Liverpool.... Columbiana...... Pa....Pa 835 Dunkirk Dane............ Wis. 782 1East Lyme.......New London.... Conn.. 1,382 Dunmore......... Luzerne.... Pa.... 1,600 East Machias..... Washington...... Me.... 1,905 Dunn.... ane.......... Wis. 330 East ahoning.....Indiana.... Pa.... 69 Dunstable........ Middlesex........ Mass.. 590 East Marlboro'.... Chester....... -Pa.... 1,425 Dunstable........ Clinton.......... Pa.... 356 East Maysville.... Mason......... Ky... 416 Du Page.......... Du Page...........Ill.... 1,133 East Montpelier.. Washington...... Vt 1..., 447 Du Page.... ill............. Ill.... 620 East Nantmeal... Chester.......... Pa.... 921 Duplain.......... Clinton.......... Mich.. 419 East Norwegian... Schuylkill........ Pa.... 1,031 Duquesne......... Allegheny........ Pa.... 870 East Nottingham.. Chester.. Pa 2,412 Durell............ Bradford......... Pa.... 1,202 Easton.......... Fairfield.........Conn.. 1,432 Durham.......... Middlesex........ Conn.- 1,026 Easton........... Talbot....d...... Md.. 1,413 Durham.......... Cumberland...,. Me,,.. 1,886 Easton....... Bristol.......... Mass.. 2, 337 Durham.......... Strafford. 1,497......... N. H.. 1.497 Easton........... onia............. Mich.. 397 Dyrhsam.......... Greene........... N Y.. 2,600 Easton........... Washington...... N. Y... 3, 225 Durham. D ks..... Pa.... 948 Easton........... Northampton..... Pa.... 7,250 Dutch Creek... El Dorado........Cal.. 504 East Penn........ Carbon........... Pa 688 a In 1853, 7,500. 352 CENSUS OF 1850. Eaf tPe nn boroui a h C... inberland.... P IEI li Jollita Valencia......... N... 188 Ea-;t tPiko+..d.., lCtester.......... Pa.... j Monroe...........Ohio.. 955 East Pike -un.... VIashinmton......', inton........... Oio ].. 1,65 Ea-tpoirt i o........... a nto...... M e... 4 I Elk.............. Clarion........... a.... 4 4 East Providence.. ftrd........... Pa 991 Eik.............. iW arren.......... Pa... 41 4 East Sa ginaw`..;4aoainaw.....ich.......... Creeknii...... Pa...., East Town....... Chester..........Pa.... 71 Elk Grov........Co ok.............I..... East Troy........ Walworth........Wis... 1318 Elk Grove........La...r.-tt..... 4Wi... East Union....... W ilamuns.........iOhio.. 1,940 Elkhaart..........Elkhar.......... nd... East Van Buren.. La Grmge........!Tnd... 29, 1lkllart.......... Noble.1...........nd... 621 East Vincent.....Cheter..........Pa.... 1,505 Elkhorn......... Walworth........Wis. 42 East iVhiteland. Cheste r........... iPa... 1194 Elkhor Grove.... Carroll................ East minrds Iror.... Hartford........ Conn.. 26:3 lkins........... Clark............ Ark... Eat Windsar..... rcerer.......... N. J.. Elkland.......... Sullivan..........Pa....4 Eaton...........E....... [)a.... i Eaton.... Eatoa......... i. Ti39 iElland.......... Tioga............. Pa.... 962 Eaton............ Carroll..........N. II.. 1743 Elk Lick.......... Somerset......... a.... 1091 Eaton..o............ adi on.......... N. Y. 3,944 Elk River........ Clinton.......... owa.. 4 Eaton............ Lorain..........Ohio 1,111 Elk Run.......... Columbiana...... Ohio.. 1,,"'V8 Eaton............ Preble........... Olo a.. 3461 E kt on........... Cecil............. M ld.... I O Eaton... Tyoing........ Pa.... 914 Ellery............ Chautauque..... Y 2 104 Eaton Ranpids..... Eaton............ Mich.. 1, 5-5Eiet-vile........ Monroe............. 74 Ebensburg...... Cmnbria.........Pa.... 600 llenbur/........ Clinton........... N. Y.. 1. Eckord.......... Caloun.........ich 715 Elicott. hatauqe....... N. Y.. 33 Ecof r......... O aci ita......... Ark... E liolt' s ills Howard.......... Md.... 7 E.aconomy........ W ayn.......... Ind.... 158i Elicottsville Cattaraugs....... N. Y. 1, EconoyRmV........ ePa.... 1, 390 E1ilinton.......... Tolland........... Conn.. 1: Eddini to........ PIenobscot........ e...'696 Ellington......... Adams........... [1.. 1,451 ddvill......... Cnaldiwell i..... l..00 in ton......... \'. Y. 2.01 Edelln Ial...........t..alle....... 504 Ellisbnrg......... Jefferso......... N. Y.. 5.5241 Eden............chuyler.. l.... 80i3 FElliott............ York. 1,Me.... 83 Ed'en............. La Gran4e....... Ind.... 6-4 lEliottsvile....... Pieataquis....... M e.... Eden............. ancok........ Me.... 1,127 Elliworth........ Hancock......... Me....,009 Eden...........i................ N. Y.. 2 494i Ellsworth........ Grafton.......... N. 3. Eden............. T ckin.......... Ohio 1 013 Ellswortli........ Maiioning........ Ohio. 954 Eden.......... nec........... Ohio..1584 a............. 8,1 Eden............. W y;midott..O...... O io 646i Elinore......... Daviess........... iT d... 708 den............. L noille.............. E or........... Lamoille......... Vt. Eden............. Foind La.... i. 80 El Pu.eblo de Sn8 Edenton............ N. y......I60 Tl nso......... l,6Santa Fe......... N. M.. 139 Edgartown Dukes... as.1,990 El Pueblo de NamEdecombe......Lincoln... Me 1,231 o......... Santa Fe.........N... 111 Edefleld......P... Da... V a...... Tenn.. 1,6'! El Pueblo de PaEdgemont........ elanware........ Pa.. 23 6 oaqne....... Santa Fe........N.. MI..: Edlia r no....... o 163 El Pueblo de Te-.Edinborouh..... Erie....... -a.... 24 suque.......... Santa Fe......... N... 119 Edeie urdr......... Portane.......... Ohio 1, 101 lsenborough..... Salem. N. J.. 655 Edlimburen ot........ 913 Elvria......... Lorain............ Ohio 92.6 58 Edinburh........a rano......... 1 361 yria,. Lorai............ Ohio 1,482 Edinr.......... amer........ Te. 50 mbden.......... omerset........ e..671 Edmesto..tseo.... 1,8. Emmettsville. Randolph......... Tnd. 37 ~EdmWndsi...i 93 myia............4 lon........... M Ihi. 1, 58 EdLwaardw............ Lawrence........ Y. 1,023 En t. Dodr............ i... 1,217 Edwardri, brg..... Ca ms o............. ich Emnitsbr..... Frederick........ d.... 1 Eel, (Loganport). Cs............ Tnd 2.1 mpire Canon....El Dorado....... Cal 84 Eel River... L MAllen............. Tnd. 655 Encorce.... Wane...........Mic.. 653 Eel River......... Green........... 6Tnd.. 5 E rtford......... Conn. 4,460 Eel River......... I-enricks...... 1,346 Dnfelor.. Penobdcot........ Ie. E nham..... C rr......... 1..,25 Enfield.......... ampsh ire......Ma... Harbo.. Atlantic.. N.J... 2,688 n ld.......... Grafton........... N... 1742 Eeypt... Tomkins.......,1 Eerenimont...... erkshlire..t... Ias. 1.013 -Enzelish RIiver..... Keokuk.......... owa.. 90 Eta.. Lte............. 9T11 6. 98 Tiilih River.... Towa............. ow lba............ ee.......... Mich 55 Enoch...... Monroe............ o 1,439 Eba.............. Anesco.. N. Y 1,7 Enon............ Clark............. Ohio.. 294 Ela............e............ W is 727 Enosur......... Franklin......... t..... 009 Etlbrid.e......... onda.. 39 Eptraah...lton. N...............097 El Dorado.. Uione.... Ark.. 1, 925 Ephratatl......... Lancaster. a.... 1 979 El D1orado. P.. Fondi du 504 Epping........... Rockinham.....N. T. H. 1663 Elr.....ed.. eflroo........... t. 4921 Epsom........... Merrimack.......1, a6 Eldred H ar........ cKean..... Pa..... 527 Equalit.......... Gallatin.......... T1.. 794 Eldred.. rren.. Pa.......... 194 Erie............ Mansa........... Tnd. 420 Elin............. lt-kne........ l 2,159 Erie............. Monro.......... Mich.. 1,144 Elida............. Vinnebt go.. ll..... 499 Erie............. Ottava......... Ohio.. 292 Eliunton.......... erown....64 Erie............. Erie............. Pa... 5,858 Elizabeth......... Essex............ N.J.. 5,583 Erin............ Stetphenson....... Tl..... 886 Elizabeth.. [...... Lawrenc.........Ohio.. 9 rn............. io.. 974 Elizabeth...... iam......... Oio.. 1,433 Erin............. Washington.. Wi.. 840 Elizabeth, Bor.... All h........ a.... 1,120 Erin.............. Chemunag. N1........ 1.33 Elizabeth..l...... Allegheny......Pa 3, 9701 Errol............. Coos............. I 138 Elizabeth............ Lancaster........ Pa.... 309 Ervir...anklin..... 449 Elizath City.... Pasquotank......N. C 2824 Erwin..... Steuben.......... N. 1,435 Elizabetlhtown.... Essex.......N... Eerance........ Schoarie........ Y.48 Elizahethtown.... Guernsey........ hio 0. 131 E-otuse............... ulter............ 2,900 Elizabethtown....Licking.... Ohio 170 Esex.............iddlesex........ Co.... c950 Elizrbethtow.... L. Lancaster........ Pa 600 EEsex............ Porter............ Tnd 173 FhElza.cthtoeni.....ssex............ N. J... 4,000 Essex............ Eex............ 1,55 Elizabethtown.......... TICenn.. 371 Essex............ Clinton.......... Nich.. 410 Elizavilne...... 6.. nremin.......... K[Y1..Il............. Essex............. Y.. 9,351 Eliza.......... IEssex 4........... a In 1853, 21,60. In1c.3, 2,00. cn 1853, 1,00. POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 353 Etna............ Huntington......nd.... 105 Falls............. Bucks........ Pa.. 1,788 Etna............. Penobscot........ Me 802 Falls............. Wyoming........ Pa.... 798 Etna.Licking..... Ohio 1,307 Fallsburg......... Sullivan.......... N. Y.. 2,626 Etna, T........ Licking........Ohio 293 Fallsburg......... Licking.......... Ohio.. 1,206 Euclid........... Cuyahoga. Ohio.. 1,447 Fallsington....... Bucks............Pa.... 249 Eufaula.......... Barbour Ala... 3, 000 Fallston.......... Beaver........... Pa.... 571 Eugene........ Vermillion........ Ind 1,105 Fannet.. Franklin......... Pa.... 1,970 Eugene, T....... Vermillion........ Ind.... 478 Farmer........... Defiance......... Ohio.. 894 Eulalie.......... Potter............Pa. 288 Farmers.......... Fulton.........../II..... 830 Euphemia........ Preble........... Ohio. 81 Farmersburg...... Clayton.......... Iowa.. 241 Eureka..........Trinity...........Ctl 55 Farmer's Creek.. Jackson.......... Iowa.. 462 Eureka. Montcalm....... Mich.. 461 Farmerville....... Union............La.... 299 Eutaw............ Greene.... A a2....... 2A 000 Farmersville...... Cattaraugus...... N.V Y 1,554 Evans............ Erie............. N Y. 2,18 Farmersville......Dane............ Wis.. 206 Evansport......... Defiance......... Ohio.. 165 Farmville........ Prince Edwards. Va.... 1,500 Evansville....... Vanderburg....... nd.... 3,235 Farmington...... Hartford.......... Conn. 2,630 Evesham....... Burlington......N. J... 3,067 Farmington...... Fulton........... 1,420 Ewing............ Mercer...... J... 1,480 Farmington......Van Buren....... Iowa.. 2,074 Exeter........... Penobscot.. Me... 1.853 Farmington, T.... Van Buren....... Iowa.. 585 Exeter........... Monroe......... Mich..'458 Farmington...... Franklin......... Me 2.725 Exeter........... Rockingham..... H. 3,329 Farmington...... Oakland......... Mich. 1,844 Exeter........... Otsego........... 1,526. Farmingiton...... Strafford........N. H 1,699 Exeter........... Berks......... Pa 2,074 Farmington...... Ontario..........N. Y.. 1,876 Exeter........... Luzerne.........Pa 833 Farmington...... Belmont.......... Ohio.. 45 Exeter........... Wyoming......Pa.... 187 Farmington......Trumbull........ Ohio... 1,283 Exeter........... Washington...... I 1,634 Farmington...... Clarion...........Pa.... 1,124 Exeter........... Greene........... Wis. 450 Farmington...... Tioga............ Pa.....903 Extra........... Ashley..... Ark... 125 Farmington. Jef'erson......... Wis... 736 Fabius........... Dvi.......... owa.. 27 Farmington. Washington......Wis... 504 Fabius..........St. Joseph........ Mich.. 497 Farm Ridge. Lasalle...........Ill..... 378 Fabius........... Knox........M.... o... 782 Favn.York. Pa 1,043 Fabius........... Marion...... M 9...2. o,739 Fawn River...... Saint Joseph..... Mich.. 472 Fabius...........Onondaga.. N. Y.. 2,410Fayette........ Vigo.............Ind.... 1,340 Fairbank...... Sullivan..........nd.... 958 Fayette....... Kennebeck....... Me.... 1,085 Fairfax........ Culpepper...... Va.... 1.000 Fayette.......... Hillsdale......... Mich.. 895 Fairfax........... Franklin......... Vt.... 2 111 Fayette........... Jefferson. Miss... 1,200 Fairfield. Fairfield....... Conn 3, 614 Fayette.......... Seneca.........N. Y.. 3,786 Fairfield......... Bureau.......... Ill 205 Fayette.......... Lawrence.'...... Ohio.. 1,111 Fairfield......... Wavne..... Ill.... 195 Fayette.......... Juniata.......... Pa..... 550 Fairfield......... De Kalb.......... Ind.... 576 Fayette......... Lafayette....... Wis... 753 Fairfield........ Franklin......... Ind.... 910 Fayetteville...... Washington..... Ark....'598 Fairfield.........Tippecanoe...... nd.... 1,313 Fayetteville...... Cumberland...... N. C... 4,646 Fairfield....... Jackson....... Iowa 210 Fayetteville...... Brown.......... Ohio.. 317 Fairfield......... Jefferson......... Iowa 1,899 Fayston. Washington. Vt..... 684 Fairfild T,.......Jefferson......... Iowa b909 Fearing.......... Washington....Ohio.. 1,254 Fairfield......... Somerset..... Me.... 2,452 Feesburg......... Brown. Ohio.. 187 Fairfield......... Lenawee....... ich 1,327 Fell............. Huntindon. Pa.... 983 Fairfield........ Cumberland...... N. J... 2,133 Fell............. Luzerne......... Pa.... 356 Fairfield......... Herkimer..... N. Y.. 1,646 Fenner........... Madison......... N. Y 1,690 Fairfield......... Butler........... Ohio 5,978 Fennimore....... Grant............ Wis.. 325 Fairfield.... Columbiana... Ohio 2385 Fenton. Hot Springs...... Ark... 630 Fairfield...... Highland......... Ohio.. 3174 Fenton........... Gnesee.......... Mich.. 873 Fairfield......... Huron............ Ohio.. 1,594 Ferdinand... Dubois........... Ind.... 546 Fairfield......... Madison. Ohio 623 Ferguson.. Centre........... 1,601 Fairfield......... Tuscarawas...... Ohio.. 87 1 Ferguson.......Ceared............ 3372 Fairfield......... Crawford......... Pa.... 1,224 Fmanah Juniata........... [Pa 887 Fairfield......... Lycoming........ Pa 1,318 Ferrisburgh....... Addison....... 2,075 Fairfield........ Westmoreland.. Pa.... 3,352 Fillmore......... egan. Mich.. 527 Fairfield......... Franklin. Vt.... 2,591 Fincastle......... Brown........... Ohio.. 145 Fairfieid......... Dodge. Wis 1,143 Findley. Hancock......... Ohio.. 2,0 Fairhaven........ New Haven. Conn cl,317 Findley, T........ Hancock......... Ohio g256 Fairhaven........ Bristol............ Mass 4,304 Findley.......... Allegheny........ Pa.... 1,318 Fairhaven.. Rutland... Vt 902 Findley.......... Mercer........... Pa.... 1066 Fairlee........... Orange. Vt.... 575 Fine............. St. Lawrence.... N.Y... 293 Fairmount........ Marion. Va d683 Finley.......... Greene Mo... *1640 Fairmount....... Ltzerne.......... Pa.... 958 Fishing Creek... Coliumbia. Pa.... 1,110 Fair Plain........ Montcalm........ Mich.. 229 Fishing River..... Clay............. Mo 1,987 Fairplay.......... GreeneInd 447Fiski... Dutchess.. NY 9,240 Fairview.......... Fulton............... 047 Fitchurg........ Worcester....... Mass 5,120 Fairview........ Randolph......... Ind.... 91 Fitchville........ Huron........... Ohio.. 1,178 Fairvied....... Jones............. Iowa.. 21 Fitzwilliam...... Cheshires...V....... H.. 1,482 Fairview, T..... Jones.....I....... Iowa.. 251 Filat....... Taney........... Mo.... 462 Fairview. Guernsey........Ohio 444 Flatbush......... Kinas............ N. Y.. 3,177 Fairview......... Butler........... Pa... 1,078 Flatlands......... Kings............ N. Y..' 1,55 Fairview.... E... rie....... Pa.1,760 Flat Rock........ Bartholoew.... Ind.... 725 Fairview......... York.... Pa... 2,164 Flat Rock........ Henry........... Ohio.. 406 Falmouth....... iCumberland Me...... 2,157Flemig. Cayga............ a.... 1, 19 Falmouth.........Barnstable........ Mass. 2,621 Flemingsburg.... Flening.......... Ky.... 759' Fall Creek........ Adams........... tIl..... 948 lesaington........ Hunterdon. L.... n.... 1,000' Fall Creek....... Hamilton......... Ind.... 1,240 Fletcher......... Miami........... Ohio.. 246' Fall Creek...... Henry............ Ind.. 1,242 Fletcher.......... Franklin......... Vt..... 1,084 Fall Creek....... Madison.......... Ind. 2 1.28 Flinn............ Lawrence........ Ind.... 1,165 Fallowfield....... Washington...... Pa.... 1,132 Flint............. Genesee.......Mich.. 3,304 Fall River........ Bristol.......... Mass.. 11,524 Flint, T......,. es.... 1ich. 1,670 Fall River....... Columbia.......iVWis.. 126 Flint River. Des Moines.... Iowa.... i" 987 Falls........H....ocking........Ohio 2,501Flora Sauk............ Wis.., 239 Falls........... uskingum....Ohio 2,123 Florence...... orauderdale....... Ala.. h802' a In 1853, 8,000. 1 In 1853, 1,500. c In 1853, 3,000. dIn 1853, 1,200. e In 1853, 1,200. fin 1853, 7,000O g In 1853, 2,500. h In 1853, 1,500. 23 354 CENSUS OF 1850. Florence......... Stephenson...... Ill..... 445 Franklin..........Kociusko........ Ind.... 1,.20i Florence *......'Louisa.......... Iowa. 776 Franklin......... Mari on...........Ind... 1,506 Florence....... oone..... a*252 Frankli... ontgoery..... Ind...I 187 Florence..........St. Joseph........Mich.. 73 Franklin Owen............Ind 1, 153 Florence.........'Oneida........... N... 2575 Franklin.....i.... pley............ In 1815 Florence.........'Erie............. Ohio.., 491 Franklin......... Washington......In 3 03 Florence......... Wiliams......... Ohio.. 669 Franklin......... ~Wane........... Ind... 1,362 Florence Village.. Washington......... PaP.....318 Franklin utam 218 Florida........... erkshire.. Mass.. 561 Franklin.........Des Moines......Iowa' 11106 Florida...........'Montgomery.....N.. 3,571 Frranklin......... Simpson......... Ky.. 400 Flowerfield...... Saint Joseph...... Mich.. 564 Franklin.........St. Mary's........ h891 Flovd............ Putnam.......... Ind.... 1,386 Franklin.........Hancock............ 736 Floyd....................... N. Y.. 1,495 Franklin......... Oxford........... 188 Flushing........ Genesee.......... Mich.. 708 Franklin......... Norfolk.......... - 1,818 Flushing.........IQueens.......... N.,376 Franklin......... Lenawee......... Nih 1,231 Flushing.......... Belmont.... Ohio.. 1,811 Franklin......... Holnes.......... Miss 80 Flushing, T....113elmont......... Ohio.. 25 Franklin......... Merrimack........ N. H 1,295 Fond du Lac.....Fond du Lac.... Wis... b2,014 Franklin......... Bergen........... N. J. 1,7 1 Forest............ Genesee.......... Mich..n 178 Franklin.........Gloucester....... N.... 948 Forest............Fon du Lac......Wis... 1,25 Franklin........ Hunterdon........ 1 454 Forestburgh...... Sullivan.......... N. Y.. 715 Franklin. Somerset........ 3N 0J 6 Forest Lake...... S quhanna...Pa.. 80 Franklin Warren.......... N. J....5 Forks............ Northampton...... Pa.... 2, 321 Franklin........ Delaware....... N. Y 3'.087 Forks............ Sullivan..........Pa.... 343 Franklin......... Franklin......... N. Y 794 Forkstown........ Wyoming......... Pa.... 694 Franklin......... Adams...........hio 1,3 Forsyth........... Monroe.......... Ga.... 657 Franklin.........Brown........... Ohio 1,169 Fort Atkinson.... Jefferson.......... Wis... 334 Franklin.........Clermont.........Ohio 3.061 Fort Ann.........Washington...N. Y.. 3,383 Franklin.........Columbiana...... Ohio.. 164 Fort Covington... Franklin......... N. Y.. 2,641 Franklin......... Cohocton Ohio 96 Fort Des Moines.. Polk........... Iowa.. 502 Frainklin......... Darke ho........... Fort Edward....Wainton N. Y 21 328 Fankli.F.... n ranklin......... Ohio 1,851 Fort Gaines. Mankahta. 143 Frankn......... Fulton Ohio 720 Fort Madison..... Lee............... owa.. cl,509 Franklin......... Harrison O.........Ohio.. 1,350 Fort Osge....... Jackson.......... Mo.... 1, 134 Frankin, T arrison.........Ohio 151 Fort Platn........ Montgonmery...... N. Y 1,500 Franklin......... Jackson........ Ohio.. 295 Fort Smith....... Crawford......... Ark d964 Franklin.........Licking........... Ohio.. 3 059 Fort alley.......Houston..........Ga.... 1,0090 Franklin......... Mercer...........Ohio.. 57 Fort Wayne..... Al............. Tnd.... e4,282 Franklin......... Monroe. Ohio.. 1588 Fort Winnebago.. Columbia......... Wis... 1,674 Franklin Morrow.......... Ohio 1,456 Fort Winnebago, T Columbia........ Wis... 1175 Franklin......... Portage........ hio.. 74 Footer.......... Providence...... I.I 1,93 Franklin......... Richland......... Ohio.. 1.257 Fountain......... Monroe........... Ill.. 1,049 Franklin......... Ros............. Ohio.. 642 Fountain Prairie.. Columbia........ Wis. 40 Franklin......... Shelby...........Ohio.. 788 Fourche......... Pulaki..........Ark...1 Frnklin......... Summit.........Ohio 1,674 Fowler........... St. Lawrence...N. NY.. 1 813 Franklin......... Warren.......... 2Ohio 2544 Fowler........... Trumbull....... Ohio 1,089 Fran..liarren.. Ohio 979 Fox..... Kendall.......... 846 Franklin......... Wayne........... Ohio 1,450 Fox. ivis............ Towa.. 677 Franklin......... Adams..........Pa 1,806 Fox.............. Carroll........... Ohio 1,452 Franklin......... Allegheny......... Pa 1,327 Fox............. Clemrfield. Pa 50 Franklin......... Armstrong....... Pa.... 2,410 Fox.................. Pa.. 764 Franklin......... Beaver...........Pa.... 625 Fox.............. Sullivan.......... Pa.... 233 Franklin......... Bradford......... Pa.... 767 Foxborough......Norfolk..........Mass.. 1,880 Franklin.........Butler............Pa 1.... 119 Foxcroft.......... Piscataquis........ e 1,045 Franklin......... Erie............. Pa.... 87 Fox Lake......... Dodge............ Wis... 500Frnkl Fayette.......... Pa 1,432 Fraley........... Schylill. Pa... 9 Franklin.........Greene........... Pa 1,591 Framingham...... Middlesex. ass. 4'52 Franklin......... Huntingdon....... a 1,401 Francistown. Hillsborough...... N. H 1,114 Franklin........ Luzerne.......... Pa 642 Franconia........ Grafton.......... N. H 584 Franklin......... Lycoming........ Pa 1,059 Franconia........ Montgomery...... a.... 1,270 Franklin......... Montour.......... Pa 738 Frankford....... Sus:ex..........N. J... 1941 Franklin. Susquehanna..... Pa 703 Frankford........ Cumberland. Pa.... 1,241 Franklin......... Venango......... Pa i936 Frankford...... Philadelphia. Pa... 5, 346 Franklin.........Westmnioreland....Pa.... 2,560 Frankfort......... Will........... 11.... 844 Franklin......... York............. Pa.... 897 Frankfort......... Clinton........... Ind... f82 Franklhi......... Williamson....... Tennr *891 Frankfort......... Franklin.......... gt3, 308 F n n....... Franklranklin......... Vtli....... 646 Frankfort....... Waldo........... Me.... 4,233 Franklin......... Milwaukie...... is... 1,76 Frankfort-....... Herkimer......... N. Y.. 3,023 Franklin Mills.... Prte............ Ohio 1600 Frankfort......... Ros.............. Ohio.. 553 nklinton....... Franklin......... N. C... 300 Franklin. Chicot............ Ark 561 Franklinton......Erie..... Ohio 596 Franklin.......... Desha......... Ark. 292 Franklinville..... Cattaraugus......N... 170 Franklin Fulto............... SArk.. 212 [Franks... St. Francis....... Ark... 849 Franklin.......... Izard.............Ark... 618 Frankstown...... lir............. Pa 1,5482 Franklin.......... Ouachita......... Ark... 288 Freco............ Ouacita..... Ark.. 436 Franklin.......... Sevier........... Ark..'. 402 Fredeick.......Schyler.............. 309 Franklin......... nion............ Ark... 1394 Frederick........ Kox............. Ohio.. 712 Franklin.......... New London..... Conn.. 895 Fredeick........ Montomerv...... Pa.... 1431 Frankli He..........Heard.Ga......65 rerickurg.... Wane.......... Oio 573 Franklin.......... Crawford.a r.. 504 Frederickburg..Gilespi.........Texas 754 Franklin.......... De Kalb.......... Il..... 16 Frederickbur... Spottylvania..... Va... 4,061 Franklin.......... Kendll.........I.. 357 Fredericktown... Frederick........ Md.... 6,028 Franklin.. De Kalb........900 Fredonia......... Louisa........... owa.. 369 Franklin... Flod.d.... Fedona......... Calhoun Mich.. 623 Franklin.......... Henry.... Id.... 1,295 Fredonia... Licking.......... 141 Franklin.......... Hendricks...... Ind.. 889 Fredonia........Washington...... Wis. 671 Franklin....... ohnon......... Ind.... 3,166 Freebourne.... pDunkin.......... Mo.... 272 Franklin T........Johnson.......... Ind.... 882 Freedom......... JPolk............. Ark... 175 an 1853,400. bIn 1853,4,000. c In 1853,3,000. d In 1853,1,500. Fort Smith is now in Sebastiancounty. -ln 1853,6,500. fIn 1853, 700. g In 1853, 5,000. h In 1853,1,400. i In 1853, 1,200. j In 1853,1,000. POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 355 Freedom......... Carroll........... ill..... 332 Garoga........... Fulton........... N. Y.. 589 Freedom......... Lasalle........... 111..... 908 Garrettsville...... Portage...........Ohio.. 600 Freedom........ Waldo.......... Me.... 948 Gaskill........... Jefferson......... Pa... 603 Fredom........ Washtenaw...... Mich.. 1,215 Gaspar.......... Preble............ Ohio.. 908 reedom.........Lafayette........Mo. 1, 305 Gaston............ Northampton...... N. C.. 274 Freedom......... Carroll............ N.H.. 910 Gates............. Monroe.......... N. Y.. 2,005 Freedom......... Cattaraugus...N. Y.. 1, 6592 Gayport.......... Blair............ Pa.... 590 Freedom......... Henry............ Ohio.. 83 Geddes........... Onondaga........N. Y.. 2,011 Freedom......... Portage.......... Ohio 996 Geesecreek....... Crawford......... Ark... 572 Freedom........ WVood............ Ohio.. 454 Genesee..........Alleghany........ N... 672 Freedom....... Adams........... Pa 473 Genesee.......... Livingston........ N. Y.. 2,958 Freedom......... Beaver.......... Pa.... 524 Genesee.......... Potter............ Pa.... 301 Freehold......... Monmouth..... N. J... 2,6429 Genesee.......... Waukesha........ Wis.... 1,289 Freehold......... Warren.......... Pa.... 1,162 Genesee Falls.... Wyoming.......N. Y.. 1,322 Freeman.........Franklin.......... Me..... 762 Geneva.......... Ontario........... N. Y.. 6,000 Freeport........., 436 Geneva.......... Kane..............'Ill.. 911 Freeport......... Cumberland......Me.... 2,629 Geneva...... Jennings.......... Ind... 1770 Freeport......... Harrison......... Ohio... 1,220 Geneva.......... Ashtabula........ Ohio 1,358 Freeport, T....... Harrison......... Ohio... 288 Geneva........... Walworth........ Wis. 1,557 Freeport......... Armstrong........ Pa..... 1,073 Genoa........... De Kalb..........ll..... 605 Freetown........ Bristol.......... Mass.. 1,615 Genoa........... Livingston........Mich.. 754 Freetown........ Cortlandt........ N. Y.. 1,035 Genoa........... Cayuga........... N. Y.. 2,503 Frelinghuysen... Warren... J... 1, 277 Genoa. Delaware......... Ohio 1,369 Fremont........ Lake............. tl.. 776 Gentryville..... GentryMo *126 Fremont......... Steuben............... 539 Georges......... Fayette... Pa.... 2,536 Fremont......... Hancock......... Me 1,425 Georgetown....... Sussex........... Del.... 1,26 Fremont......... Sandusky......... Ohio 1,464 Georgetown...... Washington...... D. C... 8,366 Fremont Town... Yolo........... Cal.... 130 Georgetown...... Floyd............ nd. 1,198 French.A.......... Adams-........... hnd 344 Georgetown....... Scott.......... Ky... 2,000 French Canon.... El Dorado........ Cal.. 168 Georgetown...... Lincoln......... Me.. 1,121 French Creek.... Chatauque...... Y.. 725 Georgetown....... Essex............ ass.. 2,052 French Creek.... Mercer........... Pa.... 691 Georgetown Ottawa........... Mich.. 196 French Creek... Venango.......... Pa.... 962 Georgetown...... Madison.......... N. Y.. 1,411 French Lick. Orange............... 1,943 Georgetown..... rown........... Ohio.. e618 Frenchtown.......Moroe.... { Mich 1,24 Georgetown. arrison............. Ohio.. 160 Frenchtown....... Huntingdon....... J... 800 Georgetown...... Georgetown...... S. C. 11628 Friendship........ Lincoln........ IMe..... 691 Georgetown & vi Friendship........ Allegheny......... N. Y.. 1.675 cinity.......... El Dorado........ Cal.... 462 Friendship........ Fond d Lac.....Wis 41 Georgia........... Franklin........ Vt.... 686 Friendshipville Susquehanna.... Pa.... 185 German.......... Bartholomew.... nd.... 947 Fristo............ Benton........... Mo.. 681 German.......... Saint Joseph...... Ind.. 614 Front Royal...... Warren..........Va..... 504 German.......... Vanderberg....... d.... 1,084 Fryeburg......... Oxford........... Me 1,523 German.......... Allen...........Ohio 1,008 Fugit...........Decatur.......... Ind 1.763 German.......... Auglaize......... Ohio..,4 Fulton........... Polk German.......... hio 912 Fulton........... Fountain...... Ind... 1,009 German.......... Darke............ Ohio 1,501 Fultonr........... Itawamba........ Miss th275 German Flton............ Ohio.. 98 Fulton........... Oswego......... N. Y.. 2,344 German.......... Harrison......... Oh-io... 1,357 Futton, T......... Oswego N. Y.. 2,000 German.......... Holmes.......... Ohio. 1,517 Fulton........... Schoharie........ N. Y.. 2,566 German. Montgomery...... Ohio... 2789 Fulton........... Fulton........... Ohio.. 625 German.......... Fayette.......... Pa.... 1,894 Fulton........... Hamilton......... Ohio 3,924 German Flats.... Herlier......... N. Y... 3578 Fulton........... Lancaster. Pa.... 1,797 Gemantown.....Wayne........... nd... 462 Fulton........... io............. Va.... 9266 Germantown Bracken..........Ky f... 145 Fulto........... Rock........ Wis.... 828 Germantown...Chenano...... Y.... 903 Funk's Grove..... McLean.......... Ill 210 Germantow.....Columbia. N. Y... 1,023 Funkstown....... Washington...... Md.. 947 Germantown, Bor. Philadelphia...... Pa..... g6209 Fukstown........ Franklin..-...... Pa.... 400 Germantown Philadelphia......Pa..... 2,127 Gaines........... enesee........... Mich.. 86 Germantown..... Shelby............ enn.. 245 Gaines........... Kent.............. Mich.. 319 Germantown Wahrington.. Wis.. 1,714 Gaines........... Orleans........... N. Y.. 2722 Germany Adams......... Pa.. 720 Pa 1rry Chauqe N.................1, 332 FGui-nsvllteo........ Sumnter........... Ala.... 1,500 Gettsburgh...... Adams. Pa.... i2, 180 Gainesville........ Hancock.. Miss 9.23 Ghent.. Colombia. N... 293.. Gainesvillet...... Wyoming. N..I 1760 Gibson........... Washington...... Ind... 1,095 Galen........... ayne......... 4,609 Gibson........... Merce.........Ohio.. io... Galena........... Jo Daviess........Ill.... 6,004 Gibson........... Elk.............. Pa.... 332 Galena........... Laporte.......... ind... 51 Gibson........... Susquhanna..... Pa.... 1,459 Galesburg........ Knox............. Ill c882. Gileboa......... Sch.oharie.... N. Y.. 3,024 Gallaher. Clinton........... Pa.... 10 Gilboa............ Putnam.......... Ohio... 378 Gallatin......... Copiah........... Miss 203 Gilead............ Calhoun.......... Ill 553 Gallatin.......... Clay.............. Mo.. 3,011 Gilead............ Oxford........... Me 359 Gallatin........c.. Columbia........N.. 1,586 Gilead.Branch.... Mich.. 503 Gallatin..........Sumter. Tenn 1200 G'le. aMorro. Ohio........1,680 Galliopolis Galli....... Ohio 2,218 Giles............ Van Buren....... Ark... 415 Gallioplis, T...... Gallia............ Ohio 1,686 Gilrd......... elknap.......... NH 2,425 Galloway........ Atlantic.......... N. J... 2,307 Gill............. Sullivan".......... nd.... 1,241 Gally Rock...... Yell.............. Ark... 117 Gill.............. Franklin.......... Mass 754 Galveston........ Galveston....... Texa 177 G a........... Jasper....... nd. 453 Galway........... Saratoga.......... N. Y 2,158 Gilman........... Hamilton......... N. Y. 101 Gambia........... Knox............ Ohio.. 280 Gilmanton....... N Belknap. N. N IT.. 3,282 Ganges........... Alle;an........... Mich.. 246 Gilmer.......... Upshur........... Texas.. 600 Gap.............. Montgomerv....... Ark.... 476 Gilmer......... Adams.......... Ill... 1,051 Gardiner.......... Kennebeck....... Me.... 6,486 Gilsum............ Cheshire......... HN.. 668 Gardner.......... Worcester....... Mass.. 1,533 Girard..........Russell........... la... 748 Garland.......... Penobscot......... Me.... 1,247 Girard........... Branch.......... Mich.. 934 Garnaville........Clayton......... Iowa.. 714 Girard............. Clearfield......... P.... 286 a In 1853,,000. b In 1853,8,000. c In 1853,1,000. d In 1853, 7,000. e In 1853, 800. f In 1853, 500. g In 1853, 7,000. h In 1853, 400. i In 1853, 3,000. 356 CENSUS OF 1850. Girard, Bor. Erie............. Pa... 400 Granville, T...... Licking.......... Ohio 771 Girard......Erie. Pa... 2,443 Granville......... Mercer........... Ohio.. 564 Glade...........Warre..n. Pa.... 420 Granville......... Mifflin..........Pa..... 1,052 Glasgow........ Barren............ Ky.... 933 Granville......... Addison...... Vt..... 603 Glasgow.......... Howard.......... Mo... 1,200 Granville......... Milwaukiee....... Wis... 1,713 Glassborough...... Gloucester........ N. J.. 1,300 Granville......... Bradford.......... Pa.... 1,033 Glastenbury...... Hartford.......... Conn 3,390 Grass............. Spencer.......... Ind.... 946 Glastonbury...... Bennington......Vt..... 52 Grass Lake....... Jackson........... Mich.. 1,281 Glen.............Montgomery...... N. Y... 3,043 Grass Point....... Wayne........... Mich.. 1,392 Glenburn......... Penobscot........Me.. 905 Grass Valley...... Yuba.............Cal.... 454 Glonn's Falls..... Warren.......... N.Y... 2,717 Grassy Fork..... Jackson........... ind.... 789 Glenville.......... Barbour........ Ala.... 900 Gratiot........... Lafayette......... Wis.... 504 Glenville......... Schenectady...N.Y... 3,409 Gratiot........... Muskingum...... Ohio.. 1,444 Gloucester........ Essex............ Mass.. 7,786 Gratis............. Preble............ Ohio.. 2,107 Gloucester....... Camden.......... J... 2,371 Grattan........... Kent............. Mich.. 648 Gloucoster....... Providence....... R.I... 2,8792 Grave Creek......Marshall..........Va.... 1,200 Gloucester City... Camden.......... N. J... 2,188 Gravesend....... Kings............ N. Y.. 1,064 Glover. Orleans......Vt.. 1,137 Gray........Pulaski..........Ark.. 332 Goffstown...... Hillsborough...... N. H.. 2, 270 Gray............. White............ Ark.... 529 Gold............ Bureau.......... Ill.... 19 Gray............. Cumberland......Me.... 1,788 Goldon. Ridge..... Aroostook........ Me.... 194 Grayville.......... White............... d334 Goldsborough..... Wayne.......... N. C... 1,500 Greasy Creek..... Coles............ 453 Goodale.......... Lake............ Ill.... 423 Great Barrington.. Berkshire......... Mass 3,264 Goodfarm........ Grundy.......... I1.... 101 Great Bend....... Sosquehanna.. Pa.... 1,150 Goodhope........ Hocking.......... Ohio.. 635 Great Egg Harbor. Atlantic....... N. J... 2,689 Gorham.......... Cumberland. Me.... 3,088 Great Falls....... Strafford.......... N. H.. 3,000 Gorham.......... Coos............N. H.. 224 Great Valley...... Cattaraugus. N. Y.. 1,638 Gorham.......... Ontario........... N. 2.. 4,219 Gorham.......... Fulton........... Ohio.. 906 Green............ Howard........ tnd... 807 Goshen........... Litchfield......... Conn.. 1,457 Green............ Jay.............. Ind.... 362 Goshen........... Elkhart........... Ind.... a780 Green............ Morgan.......... nd.,330 Goshen;.......... Hampshire....... Mass.. 512 Green.......... Noble........... Ind.... 372 Goshen........... Sullivan........ N. H.. 659 Green............ Randolph......... Ind... 707 Goshen........... Orange.......... N. Y.. 3,149 Green......... St.Joseph........ Ind 3 556 Goshen........... Auglaize......... Ohio.. 336 Green....... Iowa............. owa.. 181 Goshen......Belmont......... Ohio.. 2,017 Green............ Kennebeck........ 1,348 Goshen........... Champaign....... Ohio.. 1,943 Green............ Adams..........Ohio.. 1,520 Goshen........... Clermont......... Ohio 1,937 Green............ Ashland....... Ohio 1,902 Goshen........... Hardin............ Ohio.. 590 Green....... ro..... Brown........ Ohio 669 Goshen........... Mahoning........ Ohio.. 1,720 Green. Clinton........... Ohio 2,026 Goshen........... Tuscarawas...... Ohio.. 3,067 Green.Fayette........... Ohio 1,058 Goshen.......... Clearfield.........Pa.... 160 Green............ Gallia....... Ohio 1,276 Goshen........... Addison.......... Vt.. 486 Green............ Hamilton...... Ohio 3,948 Goshen........... Caledonia........ Vt.... 215 Green............ Harrison.......... Ohio 1,527 Gosport.......... Clarke....... Ala.... 500 Green....... Hocking.......... Ohio 1,290 Gosport........... Owen........ Ind... 548 Green....... Mahoning. Ohio 1,764 Gosport.......... Rockingham...... N.H... 102 Green........... Monroe............. 1,226 Gosport. (Navy Green............ Ross. Ohio.. 1994 Yard).......... Norfolk........... Va.... 504 Green............ Scioto............ Ohio 2,345 Gouldsboro....... Hancock......... Me..... 1,400 Green............ Summit.......... Ohio 1,028 Gouverneur....... St. Lawrence..... N.Y... 2,783 Green............ Clinton.......... Pa.... 987 Grafton.......... Jersey............ 1..... 222 Green............ Erie.............. Pa.... 1,542 Grafton.......... McHenry........... 446 Green............ Pike............. Pa.... 357 Grafton.......... Worcester....... Mass. 3,904 Green............ Gentry.............. 168 Grafton Grafton......... N. H.. 1,259 Green Bay........ Brown.......... Wi el, 923 Grafton.......... Rensselaer........ N. Y.. 2,033 Greenbriar........ Independence..... Ark 6... 0 Grafton.......... Loraine........ Ohio 947 Greenburgh....... West Chester..... N. Y.. 4,291 Grafton.......... Windham........ Vt..... 1,241 Greenbusi....... Penobscot........ Me.... 457 Grafton.......... Washington....... Wis... 710 Green Bush...... Clinton.............Mich.. 318 Graham......... Jefferson......... nd... 1,574 Greenbush........ Rensselaer........ N. Y.. 4,945 Granada......... Yallobusha. i...... iss 1,590 Green Camp...... Marion........... Ohio... 3183 Granby.......... Hartford.......... Conn.. 2,498 Green Castle...... Putnam........8. Ind.... 2,589 Granby........... Hampshire....... Mass.. 1.104 Greencastle, T.... Putnam.......... Ind 1,382. Granby. Oswego.......... N. Y... 3,368 Greencastle...... Franklin......... Pa.... 1,125 Granby.......... Essex.......... V.. 27 Green Creek...... Sandusky........ Ohio.. 1,289 Grand........... Marion........... Ohio.. 353 Greene........... Grant............ Ind.. 373 Grand Blanc...... Genesee.......... Mich.. 1,165 Greene........... Hancock......... Ind.... 1,019 Grandchute....... Brown........... Wis... 619 Greene.......... Madison.......... Ind.... 754 Grand deTour.... Ogle........... 378 Green.......:.. Parke............ Ind.... 1,478 Grand Gulf....... Claiborne......... Miss. 613 Green........... Wayne........... Ind 1.532 Grand Isle........ Grand Isle........ Vt.... 666 Greene........... Lawrence....... Mo.... *419 Grand Prairie. Marion........... Ohio.. 474 Green.......... Platte....2......o.... 2594 Grand Rapids..... Lasalle........... Ill..... 336 Greene........... Sussex............ N. J... 823 Grand Rapids..... Kent............. Mich.. c3,147 Greene........... Chenango........ 3,763 Grand Rapids, T.. Kent.............. Mich.. 2,686 Greene........... Clark............. Ohio.. 1,278 Grand Rapids..... Wis..... 341 Green........... Shelby............Ohio.. 1,078 Grand River....... Caldwell.........Mo... *293 Green........... Trumbull........ Ohio.. 958 Grand River...... Henry.......... Mo. *647 Green........... Wayne......... Ohio.. 2,060 Grand View... Louisa. Iowa.. 1,028 Green.Bever........ Pa 1,.923 Grandview....... Washington...... Ohio.. 1,154 Green......Franklin. Pa.... 3...... i.. 1540 Grandview & Em-.Green......... Greene.... Pa......... n..... 667 barrassr.........Edgar......... 1,337 Green.I.... ndiana. Pa........ Pa.. 2,281 Granger. Alleghany......... N. Y.. 1,309 Greene........... Mercer. Pa 933 Granger.......... Medina.......... Ohio.. 1,317 Greenfield........ Poinsett.......... Ark... 706 Granite Creek.... El Dorado........Cal.... 1... Greenfield....... Greene.......... I.. 237 Grantham........ Sullivan.......... N. H.. 784 Greenfield........ Grundy............i.. 97 Granville........ Hampden......... Mass.. 1,305 Greenfield range...........m.... 795 Granville......... Washigton...... n.. Y. 3,434 Greenfield........t Jones.......... owa.. 168 Granville......... Licking......... Ohio.. 2,116 Greenfield........Hancock Me.... H305 a In 1853, 1,000. b In, 1853, 800. c In 1853, 5,000. d In 1853, 600. e In 1853, 2,500. POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 357 Greenfield........ Franklin........Mass 580 Guilford..............834 Greenfield....... Wayne...........Mich 1,674 Guilford... Chenango........N. Y.. 2,600 Greenfield........ Hillsborough......N, H.. 716 Guilford.. Medina...... Ohio.. 1,800 Grednfield Saratoga......... 2,890 Guilford.......... Franklin...........Pa.. 3,471 Greenfield........ Fairfield.......... Ohio 2,113 Guilford.......... Windham...... iVt..... 1,389 Greenfleld........ Gallia....... Ohio 952 Gull Lake........ Mankahta........ Minn.. 15 Greenfield........ Highland.........Ohio.. 1,011 Gun Plains...... Allegan.......... ich.. 587 Greenfield...... Huron...........Ohio 1, 332 Gustavus........ Trumbull. iOhio.. 1,226 Greenfield........ Erie..............Pa.... 731 Guyan........... Gallia........ Ohio 560 Greenfield........ Luzerne......... 8Pa 0 86 undotte....... Cabell IVa.... 1,000 Greenfield........ Washington. Pa...... 380 Gwynedd....... Montgomery... Pa.... 1,571 Greenfield........ Dane.............Wis... 598 Hackensack...... Bergen............. J.. 3,506 Greenfield......... Milwaukie.......Wis... 1,995 Hackettstown...... Warren.......... N. J... 1,00 Greenfeld........ Blair................. 1,032 Haddam..........Middlesex........Conn. 2,279 Greetford. Mahoning.......Ohio. 450 laddenfield. Camden..........N. J... 844 Green Lake.. Marquette........Wis.... 725 Haddon....... Sullivan.........nd... 3,108 Greenland........ Rockingham...... N.H. 730 ladley....... Ha.mpshire.......iMass.. 1,986 Green Oak....... Livingston....... Mich.. 941 IHadley. Lapeer...........'Mich.. 847 Greenport........ Columbia. N. Y.. 1,300 Hadley. Saratoga......... N. Y.. 1003 Greenport...... Suffolk...........N. Y.. 800 Hagerstown....... Wayned...........e606 Green River...... Bureau...... ll. 75 Hagerstown...... Washington.. Md... 3,879 Greensiorough.... Greene.. Ala.... 2,500 Hague............ Warren..........N... 717 Greentown.......Stark............ hio.. 261 Haines and Penn.. Centre..... a.... 2,454 Greenup......... Cumberland..... Ill 946 Halbert.......... Martin. ind.... 405 Greenville. Clark. Ark 300 Hale.Hardin............Ohio 428 Greenville...... Bond.............Ill 378 Half Moon...... Saratoga.... N...... 2,788 Greenville........ Bureau........244 Half Moon... Centre..........Pa.... 714 Greenville...... Floyd.d...........1,809 Halifax........... Plymouth. Mass. 784 Greenville........ Piscataquis.. Me.. 326 Halifax, or. auphin. Pa... 436 Greenville........ Greene.......... N. Y.. 242 Halifax...... Dauphin........ Pa 1,295 Greenville........ Pitt.......... N. C... 1,150 Halifax........... Windham.......Vt... 1,133 Greenville........ Darke........... Ohio 3,417 Hall............. Dubois........... Ind 1,032 Greenville, T..... Darke..... Ohio 1,045 Hallowell........ Kennebeck.......Me... 4,769 Greenville........ Somerset.......... Pa 723 Hamblin......... Brown. Ind.... 1,364 Greenville........ Greenville........ S. C 1,305 Hamburg........ Perry............ Ala.... 92 Greenville........ Grene.......... Tenn 660 Hamburg......... Calhoun.. Ill.........374 Greenville.... Augusta..... Va... 300 Hamburg..... Livingston........ ich.. 895 Greenville.. Brown........... Wis. 98 Hamburg......... Erie........ N..... 5,219 Greenwich........ Fairfield.......... Conn.. 5,036 Hamburg......... Berks............. Pa.... 1,035 Greenwich....... Hampshire.......Mass.. 838 Hamburg......... Edgefield......... S. C.. 1,070 Greenwich.......Cumberland. J... 1,158 Hamden.. New Haven..... Conn. 2,164 Greenwich.......Gloucester N. J... 3,067 Hamden.......... Delaware.......N. 1,919 Greenwich....... Warren......... ]N.J... 3,726 Hamer........... Highland....... Ohio.. 942 Greenwich....... Washington...... N. Y.. 3,803 Hamersville...... Brown........... Ohio... 131 Greenwich..... Huron...... Ohio. 1,050 Hamlton......... Harris............ Ga.... 500 Greenwich....... Berks............a 1,842Hamilton......... Boone. Ky.... 00 Greenwood....... McHenry............ 844 Hamilton......... Prairie.. Ark.... 249 Greenwood....... Oxford........... Me..... 1,118 Hamilton. Lee.Ill..... 316 Greenwood....... Steuben.......... 1,185 Hamilton......... Delaware...... Ind. 462 Greenwood....... Columbia........ Pa.... 1,260 Hamilton Jackon.......... nd.... 1,151 Greenwood....... Crawford..... Pa 1,127 Hamilton......... Sullivan.......... Ind.... 1,610 Greenwood....... Juniata........... Pa.... 1,651 Hamilton......... Essex.. Mass 889 Greenwood....... Perry............ Pa.... 995 Hamilton. Van Bren.......Mich.. 376 Greenwood....... Abbeville..........C... 1941 Hamilton......... Mercer.......... N. J.. 2,807 Greenwood Valley El Dorado... Cal.... 3361 Hamilton......... Madison.......... N... 3,599 Greensboro'...... Henryv............ nd... 1,190 Hamilton......... Butler............ Ohio..g3,210 Greensborough... Orleans........... Vt.... 1,008 Hamilton......... Franklin....... Ohio 1,485 Greensburg....... Decatur..........,202 Hamilton...... Jackson..... Ohio 665 Greensburg....... Putnam.. Ohio 634 Hamilton. Warren... Ohio 2,068 Greensburgh...... Westmoreland.... Pa.... bl,051 Hamilton......... Adams............ Pa 1,166 Green's Fork..... ndolph........ nd 1,704 Hamilton, Bor....Adams......... Pa... 1,530 Gregg............ Morgan...... t. nd 686 Hamilton.... Franklin......... Pa.. 1,924 Gregg........... Centre.. Pa.... 1,473 Hamilton..... McKean..........a.. 103 Gregs. Van Buren. Ark 259 Hamilton... Monroe..... Pa.... 1,984 Greig............ Lewis. N. Y.. 1,074 Hamlin.......... McKean.......... Pa.... 118 Gretna........ Jefferson La.... 717 ammond........ Spencer.......... Ind... 912 Griffin........... Conway... Ark... 480 Hammond........ St. Lawrence.... N. Y. 1,819 Griffin........... Pike......... Ga c2,320 Hmmnodsport.... Steuben... N. VY. 800 Griggsville...... Pike.............. Ill... 585 Hammonton...... Atlantic.. N........,015 Griswold. New London..... Conn.. 2,065 Hampden....... Penobscot. Me.. 3,195 Groton........... New London. Conn.. 3,74 Hampden....... Geaug..........Ohio.. 919 Groton...........Middlesex. Mas 2,515 Hampden.......Cumberland. Pa.... 1,27,3 Groton........... fton.......... N. H. 776 Hampden........Columbia......... Wis... 489 Groton... Tompins........... 3,342 Hampshire....... Kane............ 759 Groton...........Erie.... Ohio.. 884 ampsonville.... Knox............. III.. 84 Groton......... 95Hamps d....... ockingh.....amleton.........aN. H.. 789 Grove.............. Iowa.. 456 Hampton........ Monroe.......... Ark.... 342 Grove............Alleghany......... Y. 1,154 Hampton......... Windham........ Conn.. 946 Grove Clinton............. H ampton......... Saginaw.......... Mich.. 546 Groveland........ Essex............ Mass. 1,286 Hampton......... Roekingham...... IN. H.. 1,192 Groveland..... Oakland....... Mich.. 988 ampton......... Oneida........... N. Y. 500 Groveland....... Livingston....... N. V.. 1,724 Hampton......... Elizabeth City... Va... 1,400 Groveport. Franklin......... Ohio.. 483 Hampton......... Washingtn...... N. 899 Guilderland......Albany........ N. Y. 3,279 Hamptonburg..... Orange........... N. Y. 1,343 Guildhall.........lEssex...V...... Vt..... 501 Hampton Falls.... Rockingham,..... N H... 640 Guilford......... New Haven...... Conn.. 2,653 Hamtramck...... Wayne........... Mich.. 1,628 Guilford.......... Winnebago......... 17 Hancock...... Aroostook...........I.Me.... 592 Guilford...... Hendricks........ Ind... 1,355 Hancock........... ancock. Me.. Me.. 960 a In 1853, 1,600. b In 1853, 1,500. In 1853, 3,500. d In 1853, 800. e In 1853, 900. f In 1853, 600. gin 1853, 5,000. 358 CENSUS OF 1850. Hancock.......... Berkshire......... Mass.. 789 Harrison......... Henry.........Ind... 1,425 Hancock... Huillsborough...... H 1,012 Harrison......... Howard..........Ind. 912 Hancock. Delaware........ N Y.. 1,798 Harrison........Kosciusko........ nd.... 780 Hancock.......... Addison..... Vt..... 430 Harrison......... Miami............ Ind... 546 Handy...........Livin.. Mich 484 arrison......... Morgan......... Ind.... 433 Hanging Rock..... Lawrence........ Ohio.. 800 Harrison Owen............. 375 Hannibal... Oswego.......... N. Y 2,857 Harrison......... Pulaski.......... Ind... 294 Hannibal City.....M......arion......... Spencer... Ind.... 1,192 anno. Lee.......... 11 475 Harrison......... Union... Ind.... 834 Hanover........... Cook............ I...Ill 67..Harrison....... Vigo............. nd.... 4,90 Hanover......... Jefferson......... Ind... 647 Harrison......... Wayne........... Ind.... 766 Hanover.......... Shelby........... Ind... 1,061 Harrison. Wells............ nd 1,460 Hanover.......... Oxford........... Me.. 266 Harrison. Cumberland. Me 1,416 Hanover.......... Plymouth......... Mass.. 1,592 Harrison.........Macomb.............. ch.. ich 483 Hanover.......... Jackson........ Mich.. 930 Harrison......... Scotland......... Mo... 419 Hanover.......... Grafton...N..... H. 22,350 Harrison......... Gloucester... N. J... 1,984 Hano ver.......... Burlington........ I. J'" 1 2,245 Harrison......... ludson.......... J... 1,345 Hanover.......... Morris............ N. J... 3,614 Harrison. Westchester. N. Y. 1,262 Hanover... Chautauque...... Y.. 5,144 Harrison......... Carroll........... Ohio 1,268 Hanover.......... Ashlnd.......... Ohio 1,902 Harrison. Champain.. Ohio 968 Hanover.......... IBtler............ Ohio 1,493 Harrison......... Darke............ Ohio 1.705 Hanover.......... Columbiana...... Ohio.. 2, 85Harrison......... Gallia............ Ohio.. 1,008 Hanover......... Licking.. Ohio.. 1,18 Harrisn Hamilton......... Ohio 940 Hanover.......... Beaver...........Pa.... 1,7320 Harrison......... Henry............ Ohio 516 Hanover.......... lehigh........... 2,2375 Harrison..... Knox.... Ohio 751 Hanover.......... uzerne.......... Pa... 1,506 Harrison......... Licking....... Ohio.... 1,447 Hanover.......... Northampton. Pa.... 428 Harrison.........Logan............ Ohio.. 987 Hanover....... Washington. Pa.... 1,803 Haarrison......... Montomery...... Ohio.. 2,059 Hanover.......... York............. Pa... 1,210 Harrison........Muskingum....Ohio 1,533 HansoIn. Ply...... Plymouth. Mass. 1,217 Harrison......... Paulding.........Ohio.. 62 Harbor.Creek..... Erie.............. Pa.... 2, 08 arrison...... Perry...............hio 1,078 Hardin....... Conway.... Ark.. 18 Harrison........Pickaway..... Ohio.. 1,176 Hardin.. alhoun.......... 596 Harrison.........Preble............Ohio.. 2,100 Hardi srg...... Breckenridge......... 1,000 Harrison......... oss..............Ohio 878 Hardisten.........Sussex............. 1,344 Harrison......... Scioto...........Ohio " 1,102 Hardwick........ Worcester....... Mass.. 1,631 Harrison........ Van Wert........ Ohio.. 513 Hardwick........ Warren....... J... 727 Harrison......... Vinton....... Ohio.. 580 Hardwick........ Caledonia........ Vt.... 1,402 Harrison.. Bedford................ 11,384 Hardy.. Holmes.......... MOhios.. 2,1424 Harrison........Potter.. Pa... 718 Harford........... Cortlandt.......N... 949 Harrison.......... Hamilton......... Tenn.. 500 Harford. Susquehanna....Pa.... 1,258 Harrison........ Grant........... Wis.. 764 Harlemarroll..................... 392 Harrisonburg.....Catahoula La....... t326 Harlem........... VWinnebago....... I.. 783 Harrisonburg. ockingham...... Va.... 1,300 Harlem........... Delaware......... Ohio.. 1,182 Harrisonville Monroe........... 462 Harley's Grove... McLean. Ill.... 42 Harrisonville Medina......... Ohio.. 1,477 Harmar........... Vashington. Ohio... cl.010 Harrisville....... utler.Pa.... 235 Harmony......... Posey............ nd... 1,886 Harrisville....... Harrison.......... Ohio.. 300 Harmony......... Union............ Ind. 848 Harrodsburg...... Mercer........... y.... el,481 Harmony....... Somerset........ Me.... 1,107 Harrodsburg Vilarmony.........Washington. Mo... 700 lag............ Johnson.......... 25 Harmony......... Warren......... N. J... 1,565 Hart....... Warrick......... Ind... 1,434 Harmony......... Chatauque..... N. Y.. 3,749 Hartford artford........ Conn.. h3,555 Harmony......... Clark........... Ohio.. 1,804 Hartford Adams............ Ind 2... 5 Harmony......... lrrow......... Ohio.. 1,041 Hartford......... Blackford......... 2... 50 Harmony......... Butler............ Pa.... 441 Hartford......... Oxford........... Me.... 1,293 Harmony......... Susquehanna..... Pa.... 1578 Hartford......... Van....... Mic.. 296 Harmony......... Rock........ Wi...... 840 Hartford. Pike.............. 789 Harper's Ferry....Jefferson....... Va.. 1, 747 Hartford......... Washington...... Y. 2,051 Harpersfield......Delaware......... Y.. 1,613 Hartford. Guernsey......... Ohio 113 Harpersfield Ashtabla........ Ohio 1,278Hartford Licking. Oio 1.426 Harpswell........ Cumberland... Me....... 1,534 Hartford, T... Licking..... Oho 251 Harrietstown... Franklin.. N. Y.....181 Hartford... Trumbull. Ohio 1,258 Harrinton....... Washington...... Me.... 963 Hartford. 2Wiidsor. Vt 1 259 Harrington.. Bergen..... J... 1,195 Hartford. Washington....... Wis.... 1.050 Harris........... Saint Joseph...... Ind.... 437 Hartland. Hartford. Conn.. 848 Harris............ Ottawa........... Ohio.. 407 Hartland......... McHenry. Ill.... 968 Harris................ Centre... 1954 Hartlnd...... omerset......... Me 960 Harris........... Caledonia......... Vt.... 8 Hartland......... Livingston....... Mich.. 996 Harrisburg........ Van Buren....... Iowa.. 886 Hartland......... Niagara.......... N. Y. 3,028 Harrisburg.. Lewis........... N... 1,367 Hartland......... Huron........... Ohio.. 1,I024 Harrisburgh....... Franklin.......... Ohio.. 109 Hartland......... Windsor.......... Vt.... 2,063 Harrisburgbh..... Dauphin......... Pa.... d7,834 Hartley........... Union........... Pa.... 2,142 Harrison........ Ouachita.......... oArkset 534 Hartsrove...... Ashtbula........ Ohio.. 650 Harrison.......... Union............ Ark... 804 Hartsville........ Steuben.......... N... 854 Harrison.......... White.... r..... Ark... 430 Hartwick Otsego........... N. 2,352 Harrison.......... Oele............. Ill.. 497 Hartzog's......... Van Buren..... Ark... 252 Harrison......... Winnebago....... Ill.... 449 Harvard.......... Worcester...... Mass.. 1,630 Harrison Bartholomew....... nd. 607 Harveysburg...... Warren.......... Ohio 29 Harrison......... Blackford........ Tnd. 746 Harwich...B,. Barnstable....... Mass.. 3 258 Harrison. Cass.....d.... 773 Harwinton....... Litchfield........ Conn.. 1,175 Harrison...Clay....... Ind.... 684 Hastings......B.. Barry..........i.. Mich.. 554 Harison. Dav.......ark........... 692 Hastings......... Oswego.......... N. Y.. 2,920 Harrison. Dear... rborn......... nd.... 962 Hatfield.......... Haipsbire....... Mass.. 1,073 Harrison......Delaware........ I.......98 Hatfield.......... Montgomery..... Pa... 1135 Harrison......... Dubois.......... nd.... 935 Havannah......... Mason.. I g462 Harrison......... Elkhart........... nd.... 840 Haverford........ Delaware........ Pa. 1,399 Harrison......... Fayette.......... nd.... 1,544 Haverhill.....iEssex........... Mass.. 5,877 Harrison......... lancock..... Ind....G 500 Haverhi, T...... Essex......... Mass.. Mass 3,500 a In 1853, 3,500. b In 1853, 1,500. c In 1853, 1,500. d In 1853, 8,500. e In 1853, 3,000. f In 1853, 16,000. g In 1853, 1,000. POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 359 Haverhill......... Grafton.......... N.H... 2,405 Hillsboro......... Scott............. Miss... t18 Haverstraw..... RIockland........ Y.. 5,885 Hillsboro......... Highland......... Ohio.. 1392 Havre-de-Grace.. Ilarford Md.... al 335Hillsborough..... Hillsborough.... N. H 1,;685 Haw............. Bartholomew.m...]Ind.. 1,572 iHillsborough.....Somerset........N. 3,409 Hiaw Creek....... Morgan........... Mo. *293 Hillsdale.........Hillsdale......... Mich.. 1,067 Hawley.......... Franklin.......... Mass.. 881 Hillsdale......... Columbia..... 2.123 Hawley........... Wayne........... Pa.... 3,000 Hillstown.........Bucks............ Pa.... 2,301 Haycock......... Bucks............ Pa 1,135 Hinckley.........Medina...........Ohio 1..,416 Hayfield.......... Crawford......... Pa.... 1,723 Hinesburgh....... Chittenden....... Vt..... 1,834 Hasyneville........ Lowndes......... Ala... 800 Hingham.... P.... Plymouth......... Mass. 3,980 Haynesville...... Aroostook Me... 96 Hinsdale........ Berkshire........ Mass 1,253 Hays-vite......... Ashland.......... Ohio.. 441 Hinsdale......... Cheshire........N. H.. 1,903 Hazel............ Luzerne........ Pa.... 2,080 Hinsdale......... Cattaraugus...... N 1,3(02 Hazel Green...... Grant. Wis... 1,840 Hiram............ Oxford............ Me... 1,210 Hazleton......... Shiawassee....... Mich.. 26 Hiram........... Portage........... Ohio 1.. 106 Heath............. Franklin.......... Mass.. 803 Hitesville........ Coles............. Ill.. 909 Heath............. Jefferson........Pa.... 203 Hoadlin.......... Van Wert....... Ohio 125 Hebron............ Tolland.... o....... Conn 1,345 Hobert........... Lake......... Ind.... 240 Hebron.......... McHenry..... 11.. 731 Hoboken.........Hudson......... N. J... b2,668 H ro. Ofod. s 839 Hocking.........Fairfield. Ohio 5,309 Rebron........... Oxford........... Me.. 839 ocking Faifield.......... Ohio 5,309 Hebron.......... Grafton........... N.H. 565 Hodgdon.. Aroostook........ Me. 862 Hebron.......... Washington. N. Y. 2,548 Hodgensville......La Rue....... Ky... 246 Hebron........... Licking........... Ohio. 649 Hohokus......... Bergen........... 2,74 Hebron,.......... Potter..... Pa.. 337 Holden........... Worceser......... Iass 1,933 Hebron........... Jefferson......... Vis... 640 Holderness....... Grafton..........N. H... 1,744 Hector........... Tompkins.... N. Y.. 6,052 Holland.......... Hampden.........Mass.. 449 Hector......... Potter............ Pa... 313 Holland.......... Ottawa........... Mich.. 1,829 Heidleburg........ Lebanon.......... Pa.. 2,085 Holland.......... Erie.............. N.. 1,315 Heidleburg........ Lehigh........... Pa 1.... 386 Holland.. Orleans........... Vt 069 Heidleburg York............ Pa.... 1,616 Hollenbach....... Luzerne.......... Pa.... 742 Helen............ Clarion.......... Pa.. 648 Hollidaysburg.... Blair........... Pa 2...,430 Helena........... Phillips.......... Ark.. 614 Hollis........... York............. Me....,683 Hellam........... York... Pa.... 128 Hollis........... Hillsborough...... N. H.. 1.93 Helts............. Verinillion........Ind.... 2,121 Holliston......... Middlesex........ Mass.. 2,428 Hemlock......... Columbia......... Pa.... 1,0.87 Holly............. Oakland......... Mich. 941 Hempfield......... Westmoreland.,.. Pa.... 5,935 Holly Springs..... Marshall......... Miss... 3,500 Hempstead... Queens..........N. Y 8,811 Holmes.......... Crawford........ Ohio... 1,238 Hemlerson....... Houston.......... Ga.. 1,429 Holmesville...... Appling........... Ga..... 19 Henderson..... Henderson........ Ky.... 1,175 Holyoke.......... Hampden......... Mass. 3,245 Henderson....... Jefferson.......... N Y 2,339 Homer............ Champaign......Ill..... 120 Henderson......... Huntingdon. Pa.... 819 Homer............ Will.............Ill..... 811 Hendersonville... Knox.............. Ill 378 Homer............ Claiborne......... La..... 418 Hendricks........ Shelby............ Ind... 1, 272 Homer........... Calhoun.......... Mich.. 929 Hennepin........ Putnam.......... Ill.... 430 Homer............ Cortlandt........N.. 3 836 Henniker......... Merrimack... N. H.. 1, 688 Homer........... Licking.......... Ohio 226 Henrietta......... Jackson.... Mich.. 830 Homer.......... Medina.......... Ohio 1.. 102 Henrietta......... Monroe.......... N. Y. 2,13 Homer............ Morgan...........Ohio.. 1,590 Henrietta......... Lorain.......... Ohio.. 1,04 Homer.......... Potter...........Pa 140 Henry............ Marshall........ Ill.... 400 Honesdale........Wayne........... Pa....,263 Henry............ Fulton........... Ind 952 Honey Brook.....Chester..........Pa.... 1,937.en.y. Henry............. nd 1,936 Honey Creek..... Adams.......l... 111 891 Henry............ Wood. Ohio.. 321 Honey Creek..... Vigo Ind... 1,529 Henrv Clay....... Faette........ Pa.. 1,117 Honey Creek..... Clinton....... Ind... 05 Hensley...... Johnson......... Ind 1,260 Honey Creek..... Sank........ Wis... 349 Hepburn.......... Lycoming. Pa... 1,428 Hoodsville.. Jefferson......... Ark... 178 Hereford.......... Berks............ Pa... 1,244 Hooksett.........Merrimack. N. H.. 1,503 Herkimer........ Herkimer........ N.Y.. 2,601 Hoosick......... Rensselaer.... N. Y. 3,724 Herman.......... Penobscot........ Me.... 1,374 Hope.......L... a Salle.......... Ill.... 376 Herman..........Gasconade.... Mo... 943 Hope... Waldo...........Me.... 1,108 Herman.......... Dodge...........Wis 918 Hope...........Barry............ Mich.. 99 Hermon.......... St. Lawrence..... N. Y.. 1,69 Hope............. arren.......... N.... 1,755 Hernando......... De Soto.......... Miss.. 950 Hope............. Hamilton......... N... 789 Herrick........... Bradford.......... Pa.... 818 Hopewell........ Cumberland......N. J... 1,480 Herrick........... Susquehanna..... Pa.. 824 Hopewell........ Mercer.......... N. 3J... 698 Hertford.......... Perquinans.... N. C... f369 Hopewell......... Ontario......... N. Y.. 1,923 Hester.. Jackson Ark 170 Hopewell.........Licking. Ohio.. 1,227 Hickman......... Scott.............Ark.. 787 Hopewell......... Mercer........... Ohio 290 Hickman.... Fulton......... Ky... 401 Hopewell.........Muskingum. Ohio 2,378 Hickory.......... Fulton...... Ill..... 764 Hopewell, T......Muskingum Ohio 110 Hickory..........Schuyler........ 11..... 445 Hopewell......... Perry... Ohio..1,387 Hickorv. Mercer........... Pa.... 2,089 Hopewell.. Seneca...........Ohio.. 1288 Hicksville........Defiance Ohio.. 507 Hopewell...... Beaver... Pa 1,025 Higginsport....... Brown...........Ohio. 535 Hopewell B ord.......... Pa 840 Hiahgate......... Franklin.......... Vt.... 2,653 Hopewell...... Cuberland...... Pa 1,053 Highland:......... Grundy......... 67 Hopewell......... untingdon.. Pa 788 Hiehland......... Madison......... Ill.... 704 Hopewell......... Washington...... Pa 1,748 Highland......... Franklin.......... Ind... 1,625 5Hopewell......... York......... Pa 242,432 Highland......... Greene........... Ind.... 847 Hopkinton........ Middlesex........ Mass.. 2,801 HijOhland......... Vermillion........ Ind.... 1,505 Hopkinton........ Merrimack.......N. H.. 2, 169 Highland......... Oakland......... Mich.. 851 Hopkinton........ Washington..... R.I... 2,477 Highland......... Defiance......... Ohio.. 365 Hopkinton........ St. Lawrence.... N. Y.. 1476 Highland........ Muskingum....... Ohio.. 956 Hopkinsville...... Christian.......... Ky.... 3,500 Highland......... Elk............... Pa.... 33 Horicon.......... Warren.........N. Y.. 1,152 Hiegland......... Grant............. Wis.. 597 Hornby........... Steuben.......... N. Y.. 1.314 Highland......... Iowa............. Wis... 1,84 Hornellsvllle.... Steuben..... N... Y 2,637 High Spire........ Dauphin.......... Pa. 291 Horsehaun........ Montgomery..... Pa.... 1,336 Hilburn........... Madison.......... Ark... 551 Horsehead....... Johnson.......... Ark.... 1134 Hill.............. Grafton.......... N. H.. 954 Horseshoe Bar.... Sutter........... Cal..... 125 Hilliar.......... Knox............ Ohio.. 1,141 1Horton........... Brown.Wis.. 192 a In 1853, 1,800. b In 1853, 5,527. 360 CENSUS OF 1850. Hortontown...... Comal............ Texas 139 Independence.... Cuyahoga........ Ohio 1,485 Hot Spring....... Hot Springs....... Ark... *966 Independence.... Washington...... Ohio 728 Houghton........ Houghton........ Mich 456 Independence.... Beaver........... Pa.... 799 Houlton.......... Aroostook........ Me... 1,453 Indianapolis..... Marion..........Ind... d8,091 Houndsfield...... Jefferson......... N. Y. 4,136 Indian Creek.... Lawrence....... Ind... 1,227 Houston.......... Adams........... Ill.. 478 Indian Creek.....Monroe........... Ind 1,202 Houston.......... Clearfield........ Pa.. 230 Indian Creek..... Pulaski.......... Ind 420 Houston.......... Harris............Texas 2,396 Indian Creek..... Pike.............. Mo... 588 Howard..........Winnebago....... 916 Indian Grove..... Livingston....... III 252 Howard.......... Howard.......... Ind.... 636 Indian Lake SetHowa d.i n Howard id. 6361 Indian Lake SetHoward..........Cass............. Mich 766 tlement........ Hamilton......... N. Y.. 46 Howard.......... Gentry........... Mo.. *336 Indian Lands... Marquette........ Wis... 2,864 Howard.......... Steuben..........N. YY 3,244 Indiana.......... Aieghany........Pa.... 2,448 Howard.......... Knox......... Ohio.. 1,002 Indiana......... iana..Pa.... 963 Howard..........Centre...........Pa. 1,29.2 1ndianola........ Calhoun Texas. 379 Howard.......... Brown............ Wis 567 Indian River HunHoward. Brown, Wis 567[Indian River HunHowell........... Livingston....... Mich. 1,155 dred........... Sussex........... Del.... 1,63 Howell, T. Livingston...... Mich** 473 Indian Town. Bureau...........II.... 459 Howell........... Momouth.......N. J... 4,058 Industry.......... Franklin Me.... 1,041 Howland........Penobscot........ Me.... 214 Ingham... Ingham.......... Micl.. 744 Howland......... Trumbull........ Ohio 919 Ionia........ onia............. Mich.. 774 Hubbard......... Trumbull........ Ohio 1, 272 Iowa........... Cedar............. Iowa.. 546 Hubbard.........Dodge............ is... 874 Iowa City........ Johnson.... "owa.. 1, 52 Hubbardton..... ester......Mass.. 1,825 Iowa City, T..... Johnson......... owa.. el,250 Hubbardton...... Rutland.......... Vt.... 701 Ipswich...... Essex............ Mass.. 3349 Hudson.......... McLean.......... Ill.... 336 Ira............... St. Clair......... Mich.. 596 Hudson.......... Laporte..........Ind... 415 Ira.............. Cayuga..... Y 2,110 Hudson..........Lenawee......... Mich.. 1,544 Ira............. Rutland..........Vt... 400 Hudson.......... Hillsborough....N H.. 1,312 Irasburgh........ Orleans......... Vt..... 1034 Hudson.......... Columbia........N. Y.. 6,286 Irish Creek... El Dorado........ Cal.. 252 Hudson.......... Summit..........Ohio.. 1,457 Ironton........... Lawrence........ Ohio 1,;600 Hudson.......... Walworth........ Wis... 1,189 rondequoit...... Monroe.........N. V. 2,397 Hull............. Spencer.......... Jasper............ Ind. 374 Hull. Spencerd 922.[ Iroquois. Jasper. nd.. 374 Hull............. Plymouth........ Mass.. 253 Irvin.. Howard........... nd.. 847 Hume............ Alleghany. N. Y.. 2,159 Irvin...........Venango.........Pa..... 1,504 Hummelstown.... Dauphin...... Pa.. 619 Irvin.. arry...........Mich 214 Humphrey...... Cattaraugus......N. Y.. 824 Isabella..........Fulton........... ill..... 539 Hunter........... Greene...........N. Y.. 1,849 Island............ Desha............ Ark.. 177 Huntersville...... Miami.......... Ohio.. 225 Island Creek..... Jefferson......... Ohio.. 1,981 Huntingdon...... Adams...........Pa.... 1,408 Island Grove......Jasper..........ll..... 252 Huntingdon...... Huntingdon.. Pa.... 470sleboro.......... Waldo..984 Huntingdon...... Luzerne.......... Pa.... 1, 747 Isle La Motte..... Grand Isle.... Vt.... 476 Huntingdon...... Carroll........... Tenn.. 383 Isle of Shoals..... York............. Me.. 29 Huntington....... Fairfield..........Conn.. 1,301 Islip............. Suffolk............ Y. 2,602 Huntington.......Huntington....... Ind. 1594 Israel........... Preble............ Ohio.. 1,641 Huntington....... Suffolk........... N. Y. 7,481 Italy............. Yates............. N. 1,627 Huntington.......Brown........... Ohio.. 2,684 Ithica........... Tompkins........N... 6,909 Huntington........ Gallia............. Ohio 1,308 Ixonia......... Jefferson......... is. 1,109 HIuntington........ Lorain...........Ohio.. 1,173 Jacinto.......... Tishamingo....... Miss... 360 Huntington.... Ross..............Ohio 1,658 Jacksborough...... Campbell........ Tenn.. 117 Huntington....... Chittenden....... Vt..... 885 Jackson.......... Crittenden....... Ark 312 Huntsburg........ Geauga.......... Ohio.. 1,007 Jackson.......... Dallas............ Ark 910 Huntsville........ Madison.......... Ala.... c2, 863 Jackson.......... Monroe.......... ArIk 339 Huntsville........ Madison......... Ark.... 255 Jackson.......... Newton.......... Ark 484 Huntsville........ Schuyler. i........... 513 Jackson.......... Sevier.......... 85 Huntsville........ Madison.......... nd.... 11Jackson.......... Union....... Ark... 790 Huntsville........ Randolph......... Ind.... 135 Jackson....... Calaveras........ Cal... 1,200 Huntsville.. Loga............. Ohio 214 Jackson... Will.............. 111 Huntsville........Walker......... Texas 1,200 Jackson.......... Bartholomew.... Ind 343 urley......... Ulster........ N. Y. 2,003 Jackson.......... Blackford........ Ind... 419 Huron.......D. es Moines. I Iowa.. 597 Jackson......... Brown..........Ind 1,098 Huron........... Wayne............ Mich.. 504 Jackson..........Carroll........... Ind 895 Huron. W e... Wayne........... N. Y.. 1,966 Jackson......... Cass............ Ind... 488 Huron........... Erie............. Ohio. 1,397 Jackson..........Clay............ Ind... 735 Hurricane... Bradley......... Ark... 202 Jackson.......... Clinton........... Tnd 2,060 Hurricane........ umberland...... 539 Jackson...Dearborn.......... Ind 916 Hustiford........ Dodge......... W dis... 635 Jackson...D............... Ind,349 Huston........... Blair......... Pa.... 1,174 Jackson.......... De Kalb.......... Ind 726 Huston...... Centre......... Pa.... 375 Jackson... Elkhart.......... Ind 991 Hyde Park.... Dutchess......... N. Y.. 2,425 Jackson..........Fayette........... Ind... 1,284 yde Perk.. Luzerne......... Pa.... 1,300 Jackson....... Fountain......... nd 1170 Hyde Park...... Lamoille.......... Vt.... 1,107 Jackson.......... Greene........... Ind.. 1,146 Iberia......... Morrow......... Ohio.. 208 Jackson.......... Hamilton.......Tn... 1,800 Idatown.......... Monroe.......... ich. 345 Jackson.......... Hancock.......... Ind... 677 Illinois........... Washington..... Ark.. 714 Jackson.......... Howard......... Tnd 584 Illinois........... Calhoun...0 Jackson........ IJackson.......... nd... 65 Illinois Canon.... El Dorado. C 84.JcCalk... 84 Jackson.......... Jasper............ 9nd... 312 rnley............ Lapeer......M.... Mich. 183 Jackson....... Jay............... d,... 575 Independence.... Phillips.... Ark... 436 Jackson.......... Kosciusko........ Ind... 851 Independence.... Van Buren....... Ark.... 282 Jackson.......... Madison.......... Ind.... 950 Indepeenence.... Coles.. Ill.. 905 Jackson.......... Miami............ Ind... 546 Independence.... Warren.............248 Jackson........ Morgan...... Ind 1,.n.... 1138 Independence.... Appanoose. Iowa..177 Jackson....... Orange............Tnd.... 687 Independence.... Kenton.......... Ky.... *182 Jackson.......... Owen...... sInd..7.. 778 Independence.... Oakland......... Mich.. 1,279 Jackson......... Parke........... Ind... 959 Independence.... Dunklin.........Mo... 447 Jackson.......... Putnam.......... Ind 1,218 Inependrence...... Iackson......... 2,500 Jackson.......... Randolph........ Ind... 911 Independence.... Warren... J... 2, 621 Jackson.......... Ripley............ Ind... 8817 Intdependence.... Aleghany........N. Y.. 1,701 Jackson......... Rush............. Ind... 6887 a In 1853, 1,800. b In 1813, 1,00. c In 1853, 4,000. d In 1853, 12,000. eIn 1853, 4,000. POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 361 Jackson.......... Shelby. Ind 1310 Jacksonville... Morgan............... 2,745 Jackson..........Spencer..........nd.... 744 acobburg...... elmont..........hio 156 Jackson.......... Steuben.......... Ind.... 594 acobsport........ Coshocton........ Ohio 217 Jackson.......... Sullivan.......... Ind.. 1,056 Jaffrey.......... Cheshire........N..H.. 1,497 Jackson.......... Tippecanoe......Ind.... 966 Jamaica.......... Queens........... N. Y. 4,247 Jackson.......... Washington...... nd 2,807 Jamaica.. Windham.. Vt..... 1 606 Jackson.......... Wayne........... nd 3,466 James...... Taney.. Mo.... 252 Jackson.......... Wells...........nd.. 633 Jamestown....... Steuben......... Ind... 415 Jackson......... Henry............ Iowa.. 555 Jamestown....... Campbell........ Ky. 1,000 Jackson..........Jackson..........Iowa.. 210 Jamestown........ Ottawa.......... Mich.. 72 Jackson........K. eokuk.......... Iowa.. 602 Jamestown........ Chautauque......N.Y.. 2,200 Jackson.......... Van Buren.......Iowa. 604 Jamestown....... Greene........... Ohio 3.. 37 *Jackson.......... East Feliciana.... La.. 1000 Jamestown. onroe........... Ohio.. 90 Jackson......... Waldo........... IMe.. 833 Jamestown....... Newport.......... I.... 358 Jackson......... Jackson.......... Mich... 4147 Jamestown.. Grant........... is.. 666 Jackson, T.......Jackson..:....... Mich 2,363 Janesville, east of Jackson.......... Hinds...........Miss. a*l, 881 Rock river...... Rock..............Vis 1,487 Jackson.......... Adair............Mo.... 1,461 Janesville west of Jackson.......... Buchanan........ 584 Rock river...... ock........ Wis... 1,964 Jackson.......... Gentry...........6 asper. rawford...... Ark 696 Jackson.......... Greene............. *7 Jasper............ Crittenden....... Ark... 420 Jackson.......... Johnson. Mo 2,25 Jsp............ Dubois........... Ind.... 700 Jackson.......... Osge............ o 943.... asper........... aney........... Mo... 84 Jackson.......... St. Genevieve......... 546 Jasper.......... Steuben......... NY... 1,749 Jackson.......... Coos............. H... 589 Jasper........... Fayette........... Ohio 1,193 Jackson Ocean J 1,333 asper............ Pike.............. Ohio 75 Jackson.......... Washington......N.Y.. 2, 129 Jasper............ Marion.............. 300 Jackson...... Nothapton.....N.... Jasper............ asper............ Texas.. 150 Jackson..........Alen............. Ohio.. 1175 Java............. Wyoming.......... Y.. 2,245 Jackson.......... Ashlnd.......... hio 153 Jay............... Franklin..... Me.... 1,733 Jackson.... Brown...... Ohio 1,262 Jay............... Essex............ NY... 2,688 Jackson.......C...hampaign.. Ohio 1.. 735 Jay..............Elk.............. 327 Jackson......... Clermont......... Ohio 1,241 Jefferson......... Carroll........... Ark... 782 Jackson. Coocton... Ohio 2,037 Jefferson......... ndependence.... Ark.... 553 Jackson.......... Crawford......... Ohio 1711 Jeffrson......... Jackson........ Ark.... 465 Jackson.......... Darke............ Ohio I565 Jefferson... Ouachita.........Ark.... 720 Jackson.......... Franklin.........Ohio 1,550 Jefferson......... Sevier............ Ark... 489 Jackson. Guernsey....... Ohio 1,192 Jeffrson.......... Jackson.......... Ga 380 Jackson.......... Hancock.......... Ohio 830 Jefferson.........Cook............. 744 Jackson.......... Hardin.... Ohio 530 Jefferson... dams. In297 Jackson.......... Highland......... Ohio 1, 449 Jefferson......... Allen............. nd.... 563 Jackson.......... Jackson........... Ohio 71.. Jefferson......... Carroll............nd.. 713 Jackson.......... Jackson........... Ohio 480 Jefferson.. Cass............. nd.... 734 Jackson.......... Knox............ io.. 1,080 Jefferson......... Clinton........... Ind.... 254 Jackson.. Licking........ Ohio 256 Jefferson......... Elkhart.... In...... nd 07 Jackson.......... Mahoning........ Ohio 142 Jefferson. Grant............ 1,09 Jackson.......... Monroe.......... Ohio 1,163 Jefferson.... Greene.......... Ind 470 Jackson.......... Montgomery Ohio 01 Jefferson. Hen............ nd.... 816 Jackson........... Morgan........... Ohio 249 Jefferson Jay............. d... 17 Jackson.......... Muskingum..... Ohio.. 1233 Jefferson........ Kosciusko........ Ind 169 Jackson........... Muskingum Ohio 45 Jefferson.........Miami........... Ind.... 1,138 Jackson........... Paulding.......... Ohio 58 Jefferson Mprgan. Ind 874 Jackson........... Perry............ Ohio 74 Jefferson......... oble........... Ind 722 Jackson. Pckway Ohio 1,42 Jefferson. Owen............ Ind 1,191 Jackson......... Pike.............. Ohio 1,465 Jefferson. Pike........ Ind 1,638 Jackson............ Prbble............ OhIo 1,406 Jefferson........ Putnam.......... Ind 1,046 Jackson.......... Putnam.......... Ohio 221 Jefferson. Switzerlasond...... nd.... 3,082 Jackson.......... Richland........Ohio 1.,4093 Jefferson......... Tipton........... Ind... 787 Jackson.......... Sandusky......... Ohio.. 1092 Jefferson.. W....... Ind... 1,723 Jackson.. Seneca. Ohio... 995.... Jefferson....nd... lsIn 796 Jackson.......... Shelby........... Ohio.. 705 Jefferso Clayton.......... Iowa.. 546 Jackson..Stark.Ohio.. 1,517 Jefferson.... Henry........... Iowa., 758 Jackson.... Union..... Ohio.. 436 Jefferson.......Louisa........... Iowa.. 646 Jackson.......... Vinton........... Ohio.. 35 Jefferson......... Lincoln........ Me.. 2,225 Jackson.......... Wood............ Ohio. 74 Jefferson......... Frederick........ Md... 37 Jackson.......... Wyandott........ Ohio 395 Jefferson.... Cass............. Mich.. 887 Jackson.......... Cambria.......... Pa.... 832 Jefferson.........Hillsdale........Mich.. 763 Jackson......... Columbia........ Pa.... 374 Jefferson. Adair.Mo... 1,502 Jackson.......... Dauphin.......... Pa.... 92 Jefferson.... Johnson..... Mo.... 1,003 Jackson.......... Greene........... Pa.... 1, 252 Jefferson......... Osage............ Mo.... *492 Jackson......... uninon...... Pa.... 1,431 Jefferson........ Scotlnd......... Mo.. 1,024 Jackson... Lebanon..Pa..... Pa.... 2,857 Jefferson..................62 Jackson.......... Luzerne.......... Pa..... 59 2l Jefferson........ orris.....Mor......ri. J 1... 358 Jackson Lyconing... Pa.... 407 Jeffersogn........ hemung......... N. Y 1... 1,500 Jackson.......... Monroe.......... Pa.... 692 Jefferson......... Schoharie........ N Y.. 1,748 Jackson....... Northumberland.. Pa.... 1,935 Jefferson......... Adams......Ohio.. 1,530 Jackson.......... Perry............ Pa..... 85 Jefferson......... Ashtabula.......... Ohio 1,064 Jackson........... Potter........... Pa...... 51 Jefferson, T...... Ashtabula........ Ohio.. 439 Jackson........... Susquehanna. Pa.... 978 Jefferson......... Clinton........... Ohio... 810 Jackson........... Tioga............. Pa....,419 Jefferson......... Coshocton........ Ohio 929 Jackson.......... Venango......... Pa..... 985 Jefferson........ Fayette... Ohio 1,872 Jackson........... Madison......... Tenn.. 1,673 Jefferson........'Franklin.......... Ohio 41,236 Jackson.......... Washington...... Wis... 1,038 Jefferson......... uernsey.. Ohio. 857 Jacksonborough... Butler.......... Ohio 185 Jefferson........ ackson.......... Ohio.. 1,036 Jacksonville....... Benton........... Ala.. 716 Jefferson.......Knox.......... Ohio.. 1,484 Jacksonville....... Tuolumne....... al... 1,000 Jefferson... Logan............ Ohio... 2,042 Jacksonville....... Duval........... Fla... 1,045 Jefferson......... Madison......... Ohio.. 1070 Jacksonville. Telfair..... 1191 Jefferson.........Mercer.......... Ohio 4.. 93 a In 1853, 3,500. b In 1853, 5,000, including Janesville, east of Rock River. 362 CENSUS OF 1850. Jefferson......... Montgomery.....Ohio 1,808 Kaskaskia........Randolpbh.......... 11... 513 Jefferson......... Muskingum......Ohio 2,822 Kahtahdin Iron Jefferson......... Preble............Ohio 2,2581 Works......... Piscataquis....... Me.... 158 Jefferson......... Richland......... Ohio 2.564 4Kating............ Clinton.......... Pa..... 225 Jefferson......... Ross.............. Ohio 845 /Keating.......... McKean..........Pa 1,181 Jefferson......... Scioto. Ohio 840 Keeler........... Van Buren....... Mich.. 485 Jefferson......... Tuscarawas...... Ohio 1,063 Keene........... Adams...........Ill..... 652 Jefferson......... Williams.........Ohio 1.. 015 Keene............ Ionia........... Mich.. 737 Jefferson. Allegheny........ Pa.... 1 138 lKeene............ Cheshire......... H. 3,392 Jeflbrson......... Dauphin.......... Pa.... 710liKeene............ Essex...........N. N. 756 Jefferson......... Fayette......... Pa.... 1.435iKeene............ Coshocton........ Ohio 1,078 Jefferson........'Greene........... Pa 1.... l378|{Keithsburg........ Mercer........... Ill 252 Jefferson......... Luzerne.........Pa... 4141iKellyvs Island.... Erie........... Ohio 186 Jefferson......... Somerset. Pa.... 775Kelly............. Union...........834 Jefferson. Cass............. Texas.. 1,500iKelsey's vicinity.. El Dorado.. Cal 714 Jefferson......... Green............ Wis... 69'2'Kelso............ Dearborn. Ind... 1,594 Jefferson......... Jeffersof......... Wis.. 1, 6101Kendall.......... Kendall..........Ill..... 797 Jefferson, T......Jefferson... Wis... 550 endall.. Orleans.......... N. Y.. 2,289 Jefferson Barracks St. Louis......... Mo..... 924 Kendall..........Lafayette.. Wis.. 333 Jefferson City Cole............Mo.... 3,000iKennebunk....... York Me... 2,650 Jeffersonville Clark........... Ind... 3,847 Kennebunkport... York.......... Me... 2,706 Jeffersonville, T. Clrk. ark.. d 2,122 Kennett.. Chester.......... Pa.... 1,706 Jenks............ Jefferson. Pa.. 88.iKenosha City.... Kenosha... Wis... c3, 455 Jenner........... Somerset......... Pa.... 15535iKensington....... Rockingham......N. H.. 700 Jennings......... Crawford........ Ind 1,412 I:Kensington...... Philadelphia..... Pa.... 46,744 Jennings......... Fayette.......... Ind 893 iKent............ Litchfield.. Conn..,848 Jennings......... Owen........... Ind... 4581 Kent.............. Jefferson......... Ind... 133 Jennings......... Scott............. Tnd... 1922kiKent............ Putnam.......... Y.. 1,557 Jennings......... Putnam......... Ohio.. 336 Kenton......... Hardin............ Ohio 1,055 Jennings......... Van Wert........Ohio 201' Keokuk.......... Lee.............. Iowa.. d2, 478 Jericho........... Chittenden........ Vt..... l,837Keosauqua...... Van Buren....... Iowa.. 705 Jermai........... Keokuk.......... Iowa.. 239'. erton........... Fulton............. Ill..... 308 Jerome..........Union.. Ohio.. 249 iKeytsville.. Chariton.......... Mo.. 1,427 Jerry............ Jackson........... Iowa.. 42||Key West........ Monroe Fla.... 1,943 Jersey............ Licking...........Ohio.. 1,230 Kidder........... Carbon........... 536 Jersey City....... Hudson...... N. 1J.. b6,856i Kilbuck.......... olmes........... Ohio.. 1,244 Jersey Shore...... Lycoming....... Pa.... 632 Killingly......... Windham......... Conn. 4543 Jerseyville........ ersey........... I11..... 760 Killingworth...... Middlesex...... Conn... 1,107 Jerusalem........ Yates............ N.Y. 2,912i Kilmarnock......Piscataquis....... Me.. 3.22 Jessup........... Susquehanna.... Pa..... 840piKinderhook...... Branch Mich.. 356 Jewett........... Greene..........N. Y. 1,452; Kinderhook...... Columbia......... N. Y... 3,970 Johnsburgh.......Warren.........N. YN. 1,503 1Kingsbury........ Piscataquis........ Me.... 181 Johnson......... St. Francis... Ark 783'Kingsbury........ Washington......N. Y... 3,032 Johnson.......... Union............ Ark.... 1.625Kingsessing...... Philadelphia..... Pa 1,778 Johnson.......... Clark............ 11..... 672 Kingsfield....... Franklin........ Me.... 662 Johnson.......... Brown........... Ind.... 418liKingsport........ Sullivan.......... Tenn. t320 Johnson........ T Johnson.......... IClinton.......... Ind.... 777! King's River...... Madison........... Ark.... 606 Johnson.......... Gibson........... Ind 1,568!j Kingston........ Autauga.......... Ala.... 186 Johnson.......... Lagrange........ Ind.... 878 Kingston......... De Kalb.............. 601 Johnson.......... Porter............ nd.... 402 Kingston......... Plymouth........Mass.. 1,591 Jehnson......... Ripley............,nd. 141 Kingston. Rockinghan. N. H..,192 Johnson......... Scotland..... Mo.... 538 Kingston......... Ulster.......... N. Y.. 10,232 Johnson......... Washington...... Mo.... 462 Kingston.....'.... Lenoir............ C... f455 Johnson.......... Champaign....... Ohio.. 1,573 Kingston......... Delaware........Ohio 761 Johnson...... Trumbull......... Ohio 1,099 Kingston......... Ross............. io 336 Johnson.......... Lamoille........ Vt..... 1,381 Kingston......... Luzerne.......... Pa.... 2, 454 Johnston........ Providence....... I. 2,937 Kingston.........Roane............ Te... 386 Johnstown...... Barry........... Mich.. 451 Kingston.........Marquette.. Wis... 536 Johnstown.. Fulton...... Y.. 6,31 Kingston........ auk..... Wis... 435 Johnstown....... Cambria......... Pa... 12691 Kingsville........ Ashtabula........ Ohio.. 1494 Johnstown...... Rock............. Wis 1,271 Kingwood... Hunterdon.... N J 1,799 Johnsville........ Morrow.......... Ohio 135 Kinsman......... Trumbull......... Ohio.. 1,005 Joliet............. Will.............. 2,659 Kinzua........... arren............. 232 Jolly............. Washington...... Ohio.. 1,014!Kirby.......... Caledonia........ 509 Jones............ Hancock.... d... 670Kirkland......... Adams.. Ind 190 Jones. Elk. Pa... 235Kirkland..... Penobcot... Me... 717 Jonesboro........ Washington... Me... 466I Kirkland........ neda....... 3421 Jonesborough.... Union........... 11... 584 jKirklin........... Clinton......... Ind. 740 Jonesport........ Washington..... 826! Kirklin, T. Clinton........... Tn.... 59 Jonesville....... Hillsdale......... ich. 565iKirkwood........ Belmont.......... Ohio 2,208 Jordan...........Jasper.......... Ind.. 262'Kirtland..........Lake........ Ohio 1,598 Jordan Warren....... Ind... 348 Kiskiminetas..... Armstrong.......... 2,430 Jordan...........Clearfield.... 612X Kittaning, Bor.... Armstrong..'a 1,561 Jordan........... Green............ Wis... 391 Kittaning......... Armstrong....... Pa.... 1,175 Josco.........:... Livingston........ Mich.. 645 Kitterv........... York........ Me.... 2,706 Joshua........... Fulton........... III.... 87919Kniht........... Vanderburg....... Ind.. 650 J. Q. Adams...... Warren.......... Ind. 539 Knightstown...... Henry..... ind... Tid 1,600 Juniata....... Blair............ BlaiPa.... 1, 7521 Knowlton........ Warren..........IN- J... 1, 366 Juniata.......... Perry............ Pa... 435 iKnox........... Jay............. Ind.. 71 Junius............ Seneca........Y....... Waldo........... Me... 1.02 Kalamazoo ala... Kalamazoo....... Mich... 3,284. Knox.... Albany...... N. Y.. 2,021 Kalamazoo, T.... Kalamazoo......... Mich... 2,50olumbiana......Ohio. 2,15 Kalamo.......... Eaton............. Mich.. 429 Knox............ Guernsey........Ohio. 755 Kalida........... Putnam.......... Ohio.. 216 Knox........... Holmes.......... Ohio. 1.210 Kan..............ackson......... Mo.... 2,529 Knox....... 1,902 Kanesville...... Kane.. 1......... 59211 Knoxville.... nox............ ll.... 98 Kankakee....... Laplrte.ns....S Ind... 899; Knoxville........ Jefferson. Ohio 168 Kankanin....... Brown........... Wis... 704'Knoxville........ Knox...4.......iTnn.. f2,076 Karthaus Clearfield......... Pa..... 316 Kortwright....... Delaware........... N. Y 2181 a In 1853, 1,000. bIn1853 18,56. e In 1853, 5,00. d In 1853, 5000. e In 1853, 1,200. fIn 1853, 4,000. POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 363 Koscinsko...... Attala. iss... 412Lanie.........Preble. Ohio 1,694 Koskonong.... Jefferson........ Wis... 1,143lLansng....... Ingliam.. Mich.. 1,29 Kossuth.......... Auglaize........ Ohio.. 76 Lansing......... Tompkins........IN. Y.. 3,318 Kossuth.......... Columbia........ Wis... 394 lLansing.......... Brown.Wis.. 209 Kutztown........ Berks........ Pa.... 640lLansingburgh.... Rensselaer........N. Y.. 5, 75 Lack........... Juniata.......... Pa.... 1146Laona........... Winnebago...... Ill.... 498 Lackawanna..... Luzerne......... Pa.... 3189Lapeer...........Lapeer........... Mich.. 1,468 Lackawaxcn.... Pike............. Pa.... 419Lapeer...........Cortlandt......... N. Y.. 822 Lacon........... Marshall.........963 Lapile........... Union............Ark... 542 La Cuesta........ San Miguel... M.. 2,196 Laporte Laported.......1,824 Lacy's Bar and vi- Laporte.... Sullivan...... Pa.... 300 cinity, antd Man- a Prairie........Rock............. Wis... 335 hattan Bar...... Sutter............ Cal.. 420Lasalle........... La Salle.............. 3,201 Latavor.......... Scott........ Ark... 175 La Salle.....M..... onroe...... Mich.. 1,100 Lafayette........ Crawford......... Ark... 555 Las Vegas.. San Miguel.......IN. M.. 1.550 Lafayette........ Ouachita.. Ark... 1,11!Lathrop.......... Susquehanna..... Pa.... 510 Lafayette........ Scott...........Ark.... Lattimore........ Adams........... Pa.... 1,138 Lafayette......... Walker. Ga 503 Laihery.... Dearborn.d..... 1,092 Lafayette........ Fulton........... 11'965 lLaughery..... Ripley......... nd.... 1nd68 Lafayette........Allen.......... Id.... 5124j Lauramie......... Tippecanoe....... nd... 1,611 Lafayette........ Floyd............ nd.... 1,215IL|aurel Sussex......D....el... 1,000 Lafayette........ Madison...... nd.... 694 Laurel Franklin........ Ind... 1,845 Lafayette.... Owen....;Id... 754 Laurel H... ocking........... Ohio.. 1,126 Lafayette........ Jefferson......... L.a.... 4190 Laurel Factory.... Prince George.... Md... 1,000 Lafayette.......Van uren Mi......... 1,143 Laurens. Otsego.... N...... Y. 2,168 Lafayette........ Jefferson........ iss... *210 Lausanne Carbon... Pa.... 1,382 Lafayette........Sussex........... N. J... 928Lavacca......... Calhoun.. Texas.. 315 Lafayette........ Onondaga.......N..,533Lawrence.......... arion d.... 1,986 Lafayette........ Coshocton....... Ohio.. 1,040 Lawrence........ Essex............ ass.. 8'282 Lafayette........ Madison. Ohio.. Lawrence..... Van Buren....... ich 510 Lafayette..... Medina.......... Ohio 1,330 1Lawrence........ Mercer..........N. J. 1,138 Lafayette........ McKean......... Pa 1I.... 13 |Lawrence Lawrence.......Ohio 534 Lafayette.... Macon Ten 20......... Lawrence St.......... Ohio 2,287 Lafayette........ Walwoth.... is.. 1,048 lLawrence Tuscarawas Ohio......46 Lafayette city.... Tippecanoe...... Ind.. b6,129 Lawence..... Washington...... Ohio 814 Lafayette & Flagg. Ogle............. Ill.... 616 Lawrence....... Clearfield.. Pa..... 173 La Grange. Lafayette........ Ark... 1,005 Lawrence........ Tiogaa.... 1,029 La Grangee....... Philips....... Ark.... 4621 Lawrence....... Brown.......... Wis 256 La Grange.... Troupe........... Ga... 1,523 Lawrenceburg.... Dearborn.........Ind...36 La Grange....... Brown........... Ill... 102 LawrencebrgCity Dearborn......... nd h2,651 La Grange....... Penobscot........ Me.... 482 Lau-renceport.... Larence..nd 400 Lagrange........Cass............. Mich.. 1,327 Lawrenceville.... Lawrence........ ll...... 19 La Grange....... LewisMo.........439 Lawrnceville..Lawrence.....N. ren.....2,214 La Grange....... Dutchess......... N. Y.. 1,941 Lawrenceville.... Allegheny......... Pa.... 1,746 La Grange....... Jefferson........ Ohio 363 Lawrenceville.... Tioga............ a.... 94 La Grange....... Lorain...... Ohio.. 1,402 Lerencevi1e... Brunswick........ Va..... 400 La Grange........ Fayette........ Tenn. 1,200 LeafRiver........ Ole....... 111..... 405 La Grange. Walworth........ Wis...,05 Leawscville........ Rockingham...... N. C 300 Lagro........ Wabash.......... Ind 2,515 Leasburg.......... Caswell........ N. C.. 300 Lagro, T......... Wabash.......... Ind... 293 Lebanon.... Lawrence. Ak a....... 82 Lake.Cook....... Ill.... 349 Lebanon New London.. Conn.. 1901 Lake............ Allen............. Ind 578 Lebanon....... St. Ctaii..........II.. 507 Lake............. Buchanan........ Mo 378... 37........ York............. Me...,208 Lake............. Ashland... Ohio 880 Lebanon. Clinton. Mich.. 192 Lake............. Logan............ Ohio 1,767 Lebanon......... Grafton........... A. H.. 2,136 Lake............. Stark..... Ohio. 29,228 Lebanon......... Hunterdon......... J.... 128 Lake....... Wood...........Ohio 1523 Lebanon.... Madison......... Y... 1,709 Lake....... Luzerne........ Pa.... 383 Lebanon........ Meigs............ Ohio 1,008 Lake............. Milwaukee........ Wis.... 1,474 Lebanon Wrarren.........9 Ohio 2,088 Lake Mills....... Jefferson......... Wis... 82 Lebanon.... Le.. banon.. Pa.. 2,184 Lake Pleasant.... Hamilton......... N. Y.. 305 Lebanon Wayne........... Pa.. 426 Lamar...... Marshall.......... Miss... 224 Leban'on Wilson........... Tenn.fl,554 Lamar. Clinton.......... Pa... 1,182 Leanon.... Dodge............ Wis 1... 030 Lamasco. Vanderburg....... Ind... 1,441 Lehouf.......... Erie............... Pa.... 990 Lambertsville..... Hunterdon....... N. J... d1,417 Ledyard.......... New London..... Conn. 1,558 Lamartine...... Fond du Lac..... Wis... 588 Ledyard.......... Cayuga.......... N. Y. 2,043 Lamoille......... Bureau........... Ill.... 462 Lee............... Fulton...........Ill 333 Lancaster........ Stephenson...... 835 Lee......... Penobscot........ Me.:: 917 Lancaster....... Jefferson......... 1,381 Lee............... Berkshire........ Mass.. 3,a20 Lancaster Wells........ n....... 795 Lee..... Bee Calhoun s........ Mich.. 381 Lancaster eokk.......... Iowa.. 444 Lee....... Platte............. Mo.... 1,794 Lancter, T. eokuk..........Towa....95 Lee........ Strafford.......... N. H.. 862 Lancaster........ Worcester........ Mas.. 1,688 Lee.............. Oneida........... N. Y.. 3,033 Lancaster........ Coos............N. H.. 1,559 Lee............... Athens........... Ohio 961 Lancaster........ Erie............. N. Y.. 3,794 Lee.......... Carroll........... Ohio 1,20 Lancaster (city).. Lancaster........ Pa..... -12,369 Lee Centre... ee..Ill.. 111.. 292 Lancaster er........M Paas6..... 8...... 11 Leedsenneec....... ene.9... 652 Lancaster. Lancaster S. C 376 Leesburg......... Kosciusko........ Ind.... 217 Lancaster (corpo- Leesburg.......... Highland.......... Ohio 500 ration)......... Fairfield.......... Ohio.. f3,483 Leesburg......... Union............Ohio.. 701 Lance.. Horton............ Mich.. 126 Leesbrg......... Loudon.......... Va... 1,691 Landaff.......... Grafton.......... N. H.. 948 Lehigh........... Northampton... Pa.... 2,343 Landgrove........ Bennington....... Vt 337 Lehman......... Luzerne......... Pa.... 558 Landisbnrgh...... Perry.. Pa.... 416 Lehman......... Pike.............. Pa'... 869 Lanesborough.... Berkshire... Mass.. 1,919 Leicester......... Worcester........ Mass... 2,269 Langdon......... Sullivan.......... H.. 575 Leicester......... Livingston............... 149 L'Anguelle....... St. Francis... 33.. Oo. ]. 39 Leicester......... Addison.......... Vt..... 596 Lanier............Macon............iGa.... 9217 Leidy........... Clinton...... 263 a: Now called Scrl.ton; population in 1853, 3,000. b In 1853, 8,000. c In 1853, 600. d In 1853, 2,000. eln 1853,14,000. f In 1853, 5,000. g In 1853,12,000. h In 1853, 4,500. 364 CENSUS OF 1850. Leighton......... Allegan....... Mich.. 1121 Liberty.......... Jefferson......... Iowa.. 1,209 Leitersburg........ Washington......Md.... 298 Liberty........... Johnson.......... Iowa.. 382 Lemington........Essex..... Vt..... 187 Liberty.......... Keokuk........Iowa.. 5 Letmon.......... Butler........... Ohio 3, 021 Liberty.......... Waldo........... Me.... 1,116 Lemon Wyoming Pa..... 284 Liberty......... Jackson..... Mich... 891 Lemont. Cook............ Ill... 210 Liberty.........Clay............ Mo.... 827 Lempster.........Sullivan......... N. H... 906 Liberty....... Clay............Mo... 2, 730 Lena............. Miani............ Ohio 105 Liberty.. Marion........... Mo. 1,064 Lenoir............ Caldwell.........N. C.. 300 Liberty...... Stoddard......... Mo.. 4924 Lenox............ Berkshire......... Mass.. 1, 599 Liberty.......... Washington...... Mo... 1,044 Lenox............ Macomb......... Mich.. 652 Liberty.......... Sullivan........ N.. 2,612 Lenox............Madison.......... N. Y.. 7,507 Liberty..........Adams.......... Ohio 1,498 Lenox........... Ashtabula........ Ohio 731 Liberty.......... Butler............ Ohio. 1,501 Lenox............ Susquehanna..... Pa... 1,443 Liberty.......... Clinton..... Ohio... 1,232 Leominster..... Worcester........ Mass.. 3, 121 Liberty.......... Crawford........ Ohio.. 1,782 Leon............ Cattaraugus...... N. Y.. 1,340 Liberty.......... Delaware..... Ohio.... 1,051 Leoni............ Jackson...........Mieh.. 1,290 Liberty.......... Fairfield.......... Ohio.. 2, 901 Leonidas......... St. Joseph. Mich.. 857 Liberty.. Guernsey.......... Ohio.... 1,001 Leopold.......... Perry........... Ind... 485 Liberty.......... Guernsey.......... Ohio.. 175 Le Ray........... Jefferson..... N. 3Y,654 Liberty.. Hancock......... Ohio. 874 Le Roy.......... oone............Ill..... 919 Liberty.......... Hardin........... Ohio.. 422 Le Roy..........McLean..........Ill..... 210 Liberty.......... Henry............ Ohio... 399 Leroy............ Calhoun......... Mich.. 878 Libe;ty......... Highland......... Ohio.... 4,075 Le Roy...........luTngham........... Mich.. 254 Liberty.........Jackson........... Ohio 1,017 Le Roy........... Genesee......... N. Y... 3,473 Liberty......... Knox............ Ohio... 1, 320 Le Roy..........Lake............ Ohio 1,128 Liberty.........Licking.......... Ohio.... 1,190 Le Roy..... Bradford.......... Pa.... 916 Liberty......... Logan............ Ohio.. 1,269 Leroy............Dodge............ Wis... 397 Liberty..........Mercer........... Ohio 182 Leslie............ Ingham. Mich.. 673 Liberty.. Putnam.......... Ohio 3322 Letart............ Meigs............ Ohio.. 966Liberty.......... Ross............. Ohio 1,126 Letterkenny...... Franklin.......... Pa... 2, 048 Liberty.......... Seneca........... Ohio 1,400 Levana......... Brown........... Ohio.. 175 Liberty..........Trumbull........ Ohio.. 1,329 Levant........... Penobscot........ Me.... 1,841 Liberty..........Union............Ohio 257 Leverett.......... Franklin.......... Mass... 948 Liberty......... Van Wert........ Ohio.. 424 Lewes and Reho-'Liberty.......... Washington.... Ohio.. 1,2 both Hundred.. Sussex............ Del... 1,855 Liberty......... Wood.......... Ohio.. 236 Lewis............ Clay.............. Ind..." 574 Liberty...... Adams........... Pa.... 722 Lewis............ Essex.......... Y... 2,058 Liberty......... Bedford.......... Pa... 522 Lewis............Brown.......... Ohio.. 2,720 Liberty.......... Centre........... Pa... 387 Le wis............ lycomnin........ Pa.... 596 Liberty.......... McKean......... Pa.... 612 Lewis............ iNorthumberland.. Pa 1,475 Liberty.......... Montour......... Pa.... 1,233 Lewisberry....... York............ Pa..... 245 Liberty......... Susquehanna..... Pa.... 833 Lewisborough.... Westchester.....N. Y... 1,608 Liberty Tioga.Pa.... 1,472 Lewisburg........ Champaign........Ohio. 302 Libertyville......Lake....... Ill.... 756 Lewisburgh....... Preble............Ohio 355 Lick............. Jackson........... Ohio 1,501 Lewisburgh....... Union............ Pa.... a2,012 Lick Creek.......Davis........... owa 547 Lewiston......... Fulton............ 11.... 1,515 Lick Creek...... Van Buren......Iowa.. 830 Lewiston......... Lincoln.......... Me..... 3,584 Licking.......... Blackford........ nd.... 1,225 Lewiston........ Niagara.......... N.' Y'.. 2,924 Licking Licking.......... Ohio 1,371 Lewistown...... Mifflin.......... Pa.... 2,733 Licking.......... Muskingum....... Ohio.. 1,434 Lewisville...... Henry............ Ind 193 Licking Creek.... Fulton. Pa.... 953 Lewisville........ Monroe....... Ohio 96 Lick Mountain. Conway.......... Akk.... 29 Lexington........ Oglethorpe....... Ga.... 650 Ligonier, Bor..... Westmoreland... Pa...... 378 Lexington........ Scott........... Ind. 2,20-2 Ligonier..... Westmoreland.... Pa.... 2, 582 Lexington, T..... Scott............. ind... 273 Lima............ Adams...........ll 920 Lexington....... Fayette........... Ky. -42,000 Lima........... Crroll........... ll.... 198 Lexington... Som'erset....... Me.... 538 Lima........... Washtenaw...... Mich... 912 Lexington........ Middlesex........ Mass 1,893 Lina Livingston. N. Y. 2,433 Lexington....... Sanilac........... Mich.. 1,176 Lima............. Allen............ Ohio'.. c757 Lexington........ Holmes.......... Miss. f656 Lima............ Licking.......... Ohio.. 973 Lexington.... Lafayette....... Mo... 2,194 Lima.. Grt.........Wis 580 Lexington...... Greene........... N. Y 2,263 Lima.. Rock.............Wis... 839 Lexington.. Stark. Ohio 1,996 Limerick........ York.............Me.. 1473 Lexington........ Rockbridge....... Va 1,743 Limerick......... Montgomery...... Pa.... 265 Lexington city;... Lafayette....... Mo.... 2,698 Limestone.. Clarion........... Pa.... 1,461 Leyden.......... Cook............. Ill. 756 Limestone.... Lycoming...... Pa..... 983 Leyden.......... Franklin.......... Mass.. 716 Limestone..Montour......... Pa.... 763 Leyden.......... Lewis............ N. Y. 2,253 Limestone.. Union... Pa. 807 tLiberty........ Ouachita......... Ark 824 Limestone..... Warren.......... Pa.... 248 Lifberty........ St. Francis........ Ark... 150 Limington.... York............ Me. 2, 116 Liberty.......... White.......... Ark... 26Limitar.......... Valencia........N. M.. 420 Liberty.........Adams........... Ill.. 1,077 Lincoln.......... Penobscot........ Me.... 1,356 Liberty.......... Crawford......... lnd, 545 Lincoln.......... Middlesex....... Mass... 719 Liberty......... Delaware....... Ind... 171 Lincoln.......... Grafton......... IN. H.. 57 Liberty........ Fulton.......... Ind... 657 Lincoln.......... Morrow. Ohio 891 Liberty........ Grant.......... Ind... 797 Lincoln.......... Addison.......... Vt.... 1,057 Liberty. Hendricks....... Ind... 1,955 Lincolnville......Waldo........... Me... 2,174 Liberty........Henry............ Ind 1,766 Lincolnton........!Lincoln........ Ga.... 166 Liberty.. Par....... Ind.. 1,2341Linden........... Washtenaw..... Mich.. 900 Liberty......... Porter. Ind 210 Linden.......... Perry............ Tenn.. 500 Liberty.......... St. Joseph........ Ind 655 Linden...... Iowa............. Wis.... 951 Liberty....... Shelby........ Ind.1,113 Lindley.......... Steuben......N.Y... 686 Liberty...... Tipton........... Ind...144 Lindsey.......... Benton........... Mo....,17 Liberty........ Union........ Ind.. 420 Linklean......... Chenango........ Y. 1,196 Liberty... 9 Union... d 979 Li............. Cedar............Iowa 414 Liberty......... Wabash.......... Ind... 1,425 Linn........M h no.......1, 176 Liberty.... Warren.d 900 in..... Taney............ Mo..... 504 Liberty...... Wells........ Ind... 269 Linn........ Walwort........ Wi... 630 Liberty.......... Clinton.........I. owa.. 215 Linn City......... Washington...... Oregon 125 a In 1853, 2,500. b In 1853, 4,OQO. c In 1853, 1,000. POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 365 Linneus.......... Aroostook........ Me.... 561 Londonderry.... Windham........ Vt..... 1,274 Linnville......... Licking'......... Ohio... 189 London Grove.... Chester.......... Pa.... 1425 Linton........... Vigo............. Ind.... 972 Long Creek...... Carroll............ Ark.... 294 Linton........... Coshocton....... Ohio... 1,592 Long Lake....... Hamilton........... 11 Lisbn........... New London..... Conn.. 938 Long Meadow.... Hampden....... Mass 1.. 252 Lisbon........... Kendall.............. 519 Long Point....... Cumberland...... Ill.... 512 Lisbon...........Lincoln..........Me... 1,495 Long Prairie...... Wahnalita....... Minn.. 160 Lisbon........... Grafton.......... N. H.. 1,881 Long Swamp..... Berks............Pa... 1.868 Lisbon........... St. Lawrence.... N. Y.. 5,295 Loramie......... Shelby........... Ohio I1,039 Lisbon........... Waukesha....... Wis... 1,036 Lordstown........ Trumbull........ Ohio.. 1,329 Lisle............Broome N. 1..........1,680 Loretto.......... Cambria. Pa.... 193........ Litchfield........ Con 3953 Lorion........... Valencia... N. M.. 242 Litchfield........ Kennebeck....... Me.... 2,100 Lorraine......... Jefferson......... N.Y. 1,511 Litchfield........ Hillsdale......... Mich.. 1,362 Los Angeles City.. Los Angeles...... Cal.... 1,610 Litchfield.......Hillsborough...... H... 447 Los Cruces....... Valencia......... N. M.. 414 Litchfield........ Herkimer......... N. Y.. 1,676 Los-en-Lames.... Valencia.........N. M.. 180 Litchfield........ Medina........... Ohio,.. 1,312 Los Lopis........ Valencia......... N.M.. 191 Litchfield........ Bradford..32LsLm................. N. M.. 26 Lithopolis........Fairfield......... Ohio... 386 Lost Creek....... Vigo............. Ind.... 1,232 Little Beaver..... Lawrence........ Pa.... 960 Lost Creek....... Newton........ 7.... *676 Little Britain. Lancaster........ Pa..... 1,794 Lost Creek... Miami....'..... Ohio.. 1,459 Little Canada Pre- London.......... Merrimack........ H 1,552 cinct...'........ Ramsey...'..... Minn.. 194 London.......... CarrOll........... Ohio.. 840 Little Co~~~Rmstn. 8.4.. Little Compton... Newport.........R. I... 1,462 London.......... Seneca........... Ohio 1,781 Little Creek Hun- Louisville........ Jefferson.......... Ky.. z43,194 dred............ Kent............. Del.. 2,315 Louisville......... Blount............ Tenn.. 430 Little Egg Harbor. Burlington....... N. J... 2,020 Louisville........ St. Lawrence.... N. Y.. 2,054 Little Falls....... Herkimer.........N. Y.. 4.855 Louisville and viLittle Mahoney... Northmnberland.. Pa.... 326 cinity........... El Dorado........ Cal.... 420 Little Rock....... Pulaski........... Ark.... 2,167 Loundesville...... Abbeville......... SC... f259 Little Rock....... Kendall.......... Ill.... 906 Louisiana......... Chicot........... Ark.... 1,613 Littleton......... Middlesex........ Mass... 987 Louisiana City.... Pike.............. Mo..... 912 Littleton.........Grafton........... N. H... 2, 008 Lovell...........Oxford........... Me.... 1,193 Littlestown....... Adams............ Pa..... 394 Lowell........... Jackson..........Iowa.. 84 Little Valley...... Cattaraugus...... N.Y. 1,383 Lowell........... Penobscot.......Me.... 378 Livermore.'.......Oxford...........Me....,764 Lowell........... Middlesex....... Mass..&33 &'83 Liverpool........ Fulton........... Ill.... 674 Lowell.......... Kent............ Mich.. 214 Liverpool........Columbiana...... Ohio.. 1.581 Lowell........... Orleans.......... Vt.... 637 Liverpool........ Medina.......... Ohio.. 2;203 Lowell........... Dodge............ Wis... 8344 Liverpool, Bor.... Perry............ Pa.... 606 Lower...........Franklin......... Ark... 389 Liverpool........ Perry............ Pa.... 956 Lower...........Cape May........ N. J... 1,604 Livingston.......Clark............ Ill..... 672 Lower Allen...... Cumberland...... Pa.... 1,134 Livingston....... Essex............ N. J... 1,151 Lwer Alloways Livingston.......Columbia........ N. Y... 2,020 Creek.....-..... Salem............ N. J... 1,423 Livonia.......... Wayne........... Mich.. 1.375 Lower All Saints.. Georgetown...... S. C... 6,690 Livonia.........Livingston........ N. Y.... 2,627 Lower Augusta... Northumberland.. Pa.... 2,019 Lloyd............. Ulster.............N. Y.. 2,035 [Lower Chanceford York............ Pa.... 1,637 Lock............. Elkhart........... Ind.... 171 Lower Chichester. Delaware........Pa.... 422 Lockbourne...... Franklin........... Ohio... 218 Lower Dickenson. Cumberland...... Pa.... 825 Locke............ Ingham.......... Mich.. 321] Lower Dublin.... Philadelphia......Pa 4.. 4,294 Locke............Cayuga........... N. Y..,478 Lower Fourche... Yell.............. Ark... 351 Lock Haven...... Clinton.......... Pa..... 830 Lower Heidelburg. Berks........... Pa.... 9,144 Lockport, T......Will............. Ill.... 2,000 Lower Leacock....... Lancaster Pa. 1,948 Lockport........ Carroll.......... Tnd.... 1526 Lower Macungie. Lehigh........... Pa.... 2,353 Lockport......... St. Joseph........ Mich. 1,142 Lower Mahanoy.. Northumberland.. Pa.... 1,474 Lockport......... Niagara.. Y.......... 2,32 Lower MahantanLockport......... Licking.......... Ohio.. 164 go............. Schuylkill........ Pa.... 1,505 Lockport........ Tuscarawas. Ohio.. 178 Lower Makefield. Bucks............. Pa.... 1,741 Lockrid e........ Jefferson......... Iowa.. 981 Lower Merion.... Montgomery...... Pa..... 3,517 Locust Bayou.... Ouachita......... Ark.... 545 Lower Mt. Bethel. Northampton.... Pa 3,117 Locust Grove.... Jefferson......... Iowa.. 904 Lower Nazareth.. Northampton..... Pa 1,297 Lodi............. Washtenaw...... Mich.. 1. 34 Lower Okaw..... Coles............ 440 Lodi............. Bergen........... 1 4 Lower.Oxford.... Chester...........Pa.... 1,341 Lodi............. Seneca...........N. Y.. 2.269 Lower Paxton.... Dauphin......... Pa... 1,573 Lodi.............Athens........... Ohio... 1.336 Low. Penn's Neck Salem............ N. J,- 1,429 Lodi.............Columbia......... Wis.... 317 Lower Providence Montgomery..... Pa... 1,961 Lodomillo.....Iowa 273 Low Sagiw... Saginaw.......... Mich... 1,000 Logan............ Dearborn......... Ind.... 753 Lower Salford.... Montgomery..... Pa.... 1,207 Logan............Fountain........ Ind.... 1,717 Lower St. Clair... Alleghenyj....... Pa.... 5,930 Logan........... Pike.............. Tnd.... 820 Lower Smnitlfield.. Monroe.......... Pa.... 1,283 Logan............ Auglaize........ Ohio.. 335 Lower Swatara... Dauphin........ Pa.... 759 Logan............ T-Hocking.........Ohio.. 826 Lower TowamenLogan, T.........Hocking......... Ohio.. 1,000 sing............ Carbon.......... Pa..... 1,197 Logan............ Clinton........... Pa 712 Lower Turkeyfoot Somerset......... Pa.... 666 Logamsport....... Cass.............. Ind.... 3,500 Lower Windsor... York............. Pa.... 193 Logansville.......Logan............ Ohio 8 Low Hill......... Lehigh...........Pa.... 1,021 Logtown& vicinity Eldorado.. Cal 420 Lotdsrogh.... Lowdes........ Ala 500 Lomnira.......... Dodge............ Wis... 653 Lowville......... Lewis............. N. Y.. 2,377 London.......... Monroe........... Mich.. 626 Lowville......... Columbiit......... Wis... 3 London..........Madison......... Ohio.. 513 Loyalhanna...... Westmoreland.... Pa..... 1,258 London Britain... Chester.......... Pa.... 680 Loyalsock........ Lycoming........ Pa.. 1,581 Londonderry...... Rockingham...... N. H.. 1,731 Lubec........... Washington....... Me... 2,814 Londonderry..... Cuernsey......... Ohio 1,548 Lucas............ Crittenden......Ark 25'2 Londonderry, T.. Guernsey........ Ohio.. 93 Luce............. Spencer... nd 1,042 Londonderry..... Ross............. Ohio.. 159 Ludlow.......... Hampden........ Mass.. 1,186 Londonderry..... Bedford.......... Pa.... 823 Ludlow.......... Washington...... Ohio... 1,051 Londonderry..... Chester........... Pa.... 643 Ludlow..........Windsor......... Vt.... 1,619 Londonderry..... Dauphin.......... Pa.... 1,587 Luray............ Licking..........Ohio 88 Londonderry...Lebanon......... Pa.... 1,849 Lumber..........Clinton.......... Pa..... 138 a In 1853,51,726. b In 1353, 37,000. 366 CENSUS OF 1850. Lumberland...... Sullivan...... Y....'N. Y... 2,635 Madison.... Franklin......... Ohio..,480 Lunenburgh......Worcester.......Mass 1,249 Madison........ Guerisey.........Ohio.. 1,519 Lunenburgh...... Essex............ Vt..... 1, 123 Madison.......... Hancock.......... Ohio.. 667 Lurgan........... Franklin.........Pa..... 1,228 Madison.......... Highland.........Ohio.. 2, 74 Luzerne......... Warren..........N. Y.. 1,300 Madison.......... Jackson........... Ohio.. 1,515 Luzerne......... Fayette........... Pa..... 1,869 Madison......L....ake............. Ohio.. 2, 986 Lycoming.... Lycoming........ Pa.... 1,275 Madison......i.... cking.......... Ohio.. 1,027 Lykens......... raword.........Ohio.. 1,185 Madison.......... Montgomery.. Ohio.. 1, 668 Lykens.......... Dauphin......... Pa.... 1, 371 Madison.......... Muskingum.......Ohio 1,047 Lyman........... York............. Me..... 1,376 Madison.......... Perry............. Ohio 988 Lyman.......... Grafton..........N. H. 1,442;Madison.......... Pickaway........ Ohio 885 Lyme............ New London..... Conn.. 2,668 Madison.......... Richland......... Ohio.. 5135 Lyme............ Grafton.......... N. H.. 1,617; Madison.......... Sandusky........ Ohio.. 389 Lyme............ Jefferson........N. Y. 2,919 9Madison Scioto.. Ohio 1367 Lyme............ Huron........... Ohio 1.. 859.Madison.......... Williams......... Ohio.. 227 Lynchburg....... Campbell........Va.... a8,071 Madison. Armstrong. Pa.... 1,151 Lyndeborough.... Hillsborough..... N. H... 968 Madison..........Clarion...........Pa.... 1,365 Lyndon......... Washtenaw....Mich 901Madison.......... Columbia....P....Pa.... 12 Lyidon.......... Cattaraugus.....N.. l,092iMadison.......... Luzerne.......... Pa.... 9 Lyndon.......... Caledonia......V. t.... 1, 752 Madison.......... Montour.........Pa 2.... 155 Lynn............ Posey.......... Ind 1,227 Madison......... Perry... Pa.... 292 Lynn............ Essex.. Mass.. 14257i Madison; C. H....Madison.......... Va 800 Lynn........... St. Clair.........Mich.. 55 Madison.......... Dane............. Wis... 1,871. Lynn........... Lehigh......... Pa..... 1,997; Madison, T....... Dane............. Wis t,525 Lynnfield...... Essex............ Mass.. 1,723, Madrid........... Franklin.......... Me.. 404 Lynnville........ Ogle..............Ill.... 168; Madrid........... St. Lawrence...N Y.. 4,b856 Lyon............ O1,akland.......iver.. Champaign. Ohio.. 908 Lyons............ Cook............. 1.. i965j Mad River........ Clark........ Ohio 1,90 Lyons............ Clinton owa.. 453Mad River..... ontgomery...... Ohio Lyons............ Ionia............. Mich 8501 [Magazine......Yell.............. Ark.... 571 Lyons........... yne..4,925| Magnolia. Rock. Wis... 63 Lyons............ auk.Wis... 68Mahoning........ Carbon........... Pa. 1,50 Lysander......... Winnebago....... ll.. 559, Mahoning........ Lawrence........ Pa. 1,841 Lysander.........Onondaga.... N.... 5,833 Mahoning........ Montour... a....867 McArthur........ Logan......... Ohio 1,376 Maiden Creek.... Berks.. Pa 1,284 McAry hrstown.. Vinton........ Ohio.. 24' Maidstone........Esse...... Vt... 37 McCanorin...... Martin........... nd... 5205 Maine............ Cook..........Il...l..'54 McConnelsburg... Fulton.. Pa 477 Broom.......... Y. 1,843 McConnelsville... Morgan.......... hio 1,643, Maine............ Columbia...... a..... 581. McDonald........ Hardin Ohio..82 Malaga......... Monroe........... hio 1,844 MDonough...... Chenano......... Y.. 1,522 Malaga, T........ Monroe O........... hio 138 McHenry........ McLHenry........ll..1176 MalryClayton.......... Iowa 3.. 32 McKean......... icking........ Ohio 1,3781 Maiden........ Middlesex......... Mass 3,52 McKea....... Erie............. Pa 1,916 M ne........... Frankli.......... N. Y.. 4,550 McKeesport....... Allegheny... Pa.... l,392 Malta.... Saratoga.... N.... 1,349 McKiey. Colli............ Texas 192 Malta........ Morgan........... Ohio.. 1,830 McLean.......... Shelby......... Ohio 77 Malta,T......... Morgan........... Ohio 528 MeLeansboro.... Hamilton........ 1 Ill... 221 Maakating......Sullivan.......... N... 4,107 McVeytown...... Milin........... Pa... c58O Mamaroneck..... Westchester...... N. Y. 98 Macedon......... Wayne.......... N. Y.. 2,384 Manalapan....... Monmouth. N. J... 1,910 Maci.... Valencia......... N. M.. 688 Manchester Dallas............ Ark.... 877 Machias.......... Washington...... Me 1,590 Manchlester Hatfrd........... Conn. 2, 5(16 Machias.......... Cattaraugus...... Y... 1,342 Manchester...... Boone.11.... Machiasport...... Washington...... Me.... 1,266 Manchester...... Dearborn...........nd.... 2,7148 Maekford....... Marquette........ Wis... 520 Manchester...... Carroll........... Md.... 517 Mackinaw......c.. Mich. 1,200' Manchester. Essex........... Mass.. 1,638 Mackintire.. Lycoming........ Pa.. 252 Manchester...... Washtenaw...... Mich.. g,275 Macob McDonough...... Ill.... 756 Manchester...... St Louis.......... Mo 210 Macomb.................... Mich 757 Manchester...... Hillsborough..... N. H... 13,9 Macomb......... St. Lawrence..... N.Y.. 1,197 Manchester...... Passaic....... N. J... 2,788 Macon...........Bibb............. Ga....d5, 720 Manchester...... Ontario........... Y 2,940 Macon........... Bureau............ 74 Manchester...... Adams......... Ohio.. 434 Macon........... Lenawee......... Mich.. 1,030 Manchester...... Morgan.......... Ohio 1,337 Madawaska...... Aroostook........ Me.... 1276 Manchester. Allegheny. Pa 1,755 Madbury. Strafford........ H.. 483 Manchester...... Wane.. Pa.... 749 Madison.......... Sevier........... Ark 350 Manchester...... York............2 Pa.,7603 Madison....... New Haven......Conn.. 1,837 Manchester....... Chesterfield...... Va.... 1,800 Madison.......... Moran........... Ga.... 3,516 Manchester. Bennington.. Vt..... 1,782 Madison........Allen............ tnd... 561 Manchester. Sank............. Wis... 94 Madison......... Carroll........... Ind... 558 Manhatten....... Lucas............ Ohio.. 541 Madison.......... Clinton.......... Ind 694 Manhein........ Herkimer........ N. Y. 1,902 Madison.........Daviess..... 111.... Ind 919 Maheim........Lancaster........ Pa.... 2,087 Madison.......... Jay............... mnd 645 Manheim, Bor.... Lancaster........ Pa.... 778 Madison (city).... Jefferson......... Ind...e8,0121 Manheim........ York............. Pa.... 1,806 Madison.......... Montgomery..... nd 651 Manilla.......... Rush............. Ind.... 199 Madion.......... Morgan.......... nd 884 Manitoowoc..... Manitoowoc...... Wis... i756 Madison....... Putnam.......... nd... 1,199 Manitoowoc rap'ds Manitoowoc...... Wis. 969 Madison......... St. Joseph........ Ind.... 422 Manlius.......... Lasalle........ Ill.... 630 Madison.........Tipon........... Id... 778 Manlius.......... Allegan.......... Mich.. 82 Madison.......... Somerset......... Me... 1,769 Manlius.......... Onondaga........ N. Y. 6,298 Madison.......... Lenawee....... Mich.. 2,404 Mannington..... Salem............ N. J... 2,187 Madison.......... Johnson........... Mo.... 668 Manor........... Armstrong........ Pa.... 775 Madison.... Madison..... VN. Y.. 2,405 Manor. Lancaster........ Pa.... 3,329 Madison.... Bter......,... Ohio 2,42 Mansana Valencia......... N. M.. 403 Madison... Clark............. Ohio 1,409 Mansfield...........Tolland.......... Conn 2,517 Madison.......... Columbiana..... Ohio 11.. 406 Mansfield....... Bristol......... Mass.. 1,789 Madisoni.......... Fairfield. Ohio. 1,164 Mansfield....... Burlington........ 2953 Madison...... Fayette.... hio.. 863 Manfield........ Warren......... J. 1,615 a In 1853, 10,.000. In 1853, 2,500. c In 1853, 800. dIn 1853, 7,000. e In 1853, 12,000. f In 1853, 3,500. g In 1853,1,275. lIn 1853,20,000. i In 1853,2,500. POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 367 Mansfield........ Cattarangus...... N. Y.. 1,057 Marshall........ Calhoun Mich.. 2,8-22 Mlansfield........ Richland......... Ohio 3557 11iarshall, T.... Calhoun Mich.. dl. 972 Mantua.......... Portage.......... Ohio 1 169 Marsiall Platte.Mo.... 2,243 Manyunk........ Philadelphia...... Pa 6, shall.......... Oneida....2........ 115.Maple Grove..... I Barry............. Michi.. 15j ars-hall......... Highland........ Ohio 1,187 Maq io.......... Kiiox... [I!.... 1 84 jMarshall........ Harrison......... Texas.. 189 MaratGhon.e...... BLaeery..............Mih..ld205 Marslitld....... Waslington...... M... 294 Marathon........ Cortlaidt........ N. Y. 1 149 Marshfield..... Plymouth... 1,837 MarhleiKadt....... E x............ Mass 167 M arshfield....... W ashington...... Vt.... 1,102 MarIbletoiwn................ N. Y 39 Mrs Hill....... lWashington......I Ark.... 660 I ardellonn. ICrLa t.........Couibi. 41468 li.. Marein........ Alea......... 1329 Marcelis........ Oondaga........ N. Y...2,759 Martinsurg...... Washington...... d... 166 Marcus Hook.....i lwre............nshi.. Lewis. N. Y. 2,677 Marcy. (i a.......... M ti........... l'ayette.......... O io.. 133 MareMeell........ II............. 1,030 iMartinsbusl.... Blair................. 442 Marenig......... Iowa........6 M. lartinsburg...... Bierkeley......... Va. 2,190 Mareio, T....... owa............. Iowa.. rti nsvi lie..... Clark................,132 Mareiigo.......... Calhoun......... Miclh 1,014 M rtnisville....... Morgan.......... nd.. 1,000 Mararetta....... Erie............ Ohio... 1,537 Man ritisrile....... Belnont.......... Ohio.. 500 Mariana.......... Jacksoii.......i. la 377 Mary Ann. icking........... Ohio.. 999 Mariaville........ i- Haincok......... Me.... 374 Maryland..... Otsego N. Y.. 2,152 Mariettas........ Fulton............ 442I Maryi...... Yes.......... 68,000 Marietta.......... Washington. Ohio... 5,254 Marvsville........ Union. Ohio.. 605 Marietta,....... W aslhington....... Ohio... a3.175 Marysville....... Blount........... 1enn.. *388 Marietta......... Lancaster.1......2099 Mascota.. St. lair.......... 11.. 378 Mamrine e-ttleent Madiso Ill.... 840 Masoii. Oxford.t....... Me 93 Mai-ine Town.....Madison............ 126 Mason............5ass............. Mi. 570 Marion........... Crittei ene........ Ark.... 95 Mason............ Itnghai.......... Mii.. 600 Marnion...... erry....... 1,544.Masoin........... Marion........... 2,557 Marion........... Crawford. Ark 623 Mason........... Hillsborough........ H 1,626 Mario........... Drew............. Ark... 951 Mason........... Lawrence..... Oio.. 1,132 Marion......... Ouachita......... Ark... 859 M soiin........... W arren.......... Ohio.. 431 Marion........... W hite............ Ark... 404 Masonville...... Delaware......... N. Y.. 1,550 Marion........... Ogle.............. 1L 595 Massena......... St. Lawreince..... N. Y.. 2,870 MIario........... Alie.l...i...... Iln... 1,095 Iassillon.......... Stark............. Ohio l4,1009 Marion........... Decatur.......... i... 1,595 Mastic....... La caster........ 3,099 Marioni. Grait.......... Iil.... 703 GtrA-da........ Matagorda........ Texas 1,200 Marion. t-..edrieks........ In 120 Mtaoras.... Dauin.... 123 Mario........... Jasper............... Ind...83 M thinis.... El Dorado........ 672 Marion........... Jenn-s.......... Tid... 1,260 Mattawiscoitis... Penobscot......... Me.. 54 Marietta. LawhinL e g..t... iatti on.......... ra Mic.. 475 Marioim. Monroe 2. 2 Maucri Chonk.... Carbon........... Pa.. 3,727 Marion..O.. weii... 9........... 989lMasc Chuik, Bor Carbon........... Pa.... 2,557 Marion......... itian. I........... 1 21d..M............ d93 Marion.... Shelv. Iowa7.. 786 Mamnee....... Lucas Ohio 1,465 Mariniii DTvis........... Iowa.. 446 Mauiiile. Puaski Ark 389 Mario........... Heny...... Iowa.. 494 Maurice iver.... Cuaiiberan...... N. J. 2,245 M rion........... W ashington...... Me 207 IMaxatawny....... Berks............ Pa 1,740 Matrio. Livingston.. Mic.. 883 Maxtield......... Penobscot........ Me 186 Marion........ Washington..... Mi.. 114 Mayfield.......... De Kalb.564 IMarioin.............ii i... Mo.... 798 Mayfielld......... Somieret........ Me... 133 Mario.......... Nwton.......... Mo.. 2Mafeld......... Fulto.. N. Y.. 2,429 Marion........... Tanev........... Mo.... 294 jMayfied......... Cuyahoga Ohio.. 1,117 Marion........... W ayn........ Y. 1,839 Ma ile..... )o.... rr.......... Wis.. 600 Marioii..All. eOhio..........1,046 Maysville........ Maso...... Ky... e4,256 Marion........... Clinton.......... Ohio.. 95 Maytow........ Lancaster..... a.... 634 Marion.. Faett.................i...Ohio 841 Mayw siaketa....... Jackson.. Iowa 504 Marion.. Hanicock. Ohio... 904 Mavwaketa,.... Jacksoii Iowa 168 Marion......... Hardin........... Ohio 452 M zoti........... Grundy.......... 469 Ma r O ion.....77 Mead............. Craword........ Pa.... 1,810 N iio........ Hocki.......... Ohio.. 1 746 Mead............. W arren..... Pa 162 Mar Ohio...........291 Meade............ Belmont.......... Ohio.. 1,62 Marion, T........ arion........... Ohio.. l,31 ll ead Springs anid Marion........... er. O...... io. 1,48 vicinity... El Dorado....... Cal. 462 Marion........... or 1,764 Meadville........ Crawford........ 2,57 Mariio.......... Olio.. 900 Maeadville........ Halifax......... Va... 500 Marion.......... r. Ilaw44e....u....ll............. Ohio 872 Marion..................... Pa.... 1,530 Mechaanic......... Hol es.......... Ohio 1,647 Marion........... Ceitre........... Pa.. Me i nic1urg. n ll.... 201 Marion, (Waynes- Mechaniesbur... Ciampaigne.....Ohio.. f6 Mariio........... Greene........ Pa.... 52Mechanicsburg... Cumberland...... Pa.... 882 Marloro.......... Hartford.......... Conn 32 Mechaics' Village JeffersoLa.... La 210 Marlt oro.......... Midltesex........ Mass. 2.941 Medfiel.......... Norfolk........... Mass.. 966 Marlboro.......... sir....... 887 Medford........ Middlesex....... Mass.. 3,749 Mario i............... lster.. N.Y... 0. I. 1.......... Deawtlare........ Pa.... 285 Marllio.r..Delaware. Ohion. 587j Id.... Warren.......... l.. 602 Marlor....... Sta..... *Ohio. 2, 133 [Medina.......... Lenawee......... Mich. 1600 Marlboro.......... Moitio3mIerv. Ia I. 1,f1 7i4'Medua, T........ Orlealns........ N. V.. 2,500 Marloro.......... i a.... Vt....i....... Medina.........Ohio.. 2,11 Marilow.......... Cheshire........... 708Medina, T........ Medina....... Ohio.. gl,00 Marple............ Delaware a.......... 876Medina...... Dae............ Wis. 495 Marlmmuette........Marqitmette........ Wi 246 Med6vay.............Norfolk........... Mass 2,778 Marriett...... BrWii... 243... 23e Meay.i.........Clark............. Oio 69 Mars............. iosen..y.......... Ind... 1,319 Medvbemnps.... Washingto.......e 87 aWyandotte......... Ohio.. 5:38 Meema.e.......... 199 Marshall.......... lark............... Ill....,1 341 Meord..........iInd.... 291 a lI 1853, 4,000 b In 1853,2,500. cIn1853, 1,600. dIn 1853, 2,500. e In 1853, 6,500, f hi 1853,1,200 g Ia 1t53, 1,400. 368~ CENSUS OF 1850. Mehoopany...... Wyoming.. Pa......767 Middleton......... Coumbiana...... Ohio 1,570 Meigs......... Adams..........Ohio.. 1,438 Middleton......... Wood............ Ohio. 331 Meigs............ Muskingum....... Ohio 1,680 Middleton......... Dane. Wis 3.. 20 Meigsville........ Morgan.......... Ohio. 1, 51l2 Middletown...... Middlesex........ Conn.. 4,230 Melmore......... Seneca......... Ohio 249 Middlcetown (city). Middlesex........ Conn 4,211 Melrose.......... Adams.......... II...... 1,541 Middletown...... Newcastle... el. 368 Melrose.......... Clark............ ll 672 Middletown...... Henry............ nd 188 Melrose.......... Middlesex........ Mass.. 1,260 Middletown..... Monmouth....... N. J.. 3,251 2Melrose........... Nacogdoches.. Texas. 94 Middletown...... Delaware.......N. N... 3,005 Memphis......... Pickens.......... Ala... 156 Middletown...... Butler............ Ohio.. 1,087 Memphis......... Scotland......... Mo *183 Middletown...... Guernsey.........Ohio'267 Memphis........ Shelby. Tenn a8,841 Middletown..... Bucks........... Pa.... 2,223 Menallen......... Adams........... Pa..... 1,654 Middletown...... Dauphin..........Pa.... 900 Menallen......... Fayette........... Pa 1,411 Middletown...... Delaware......... Pa.... 1,972 Menasha......... Winnebago....... 1,200 Middletown...... Susquehanna..... Pa.... 1,140 Menden....... Lasalle......:ll........ 378 Middletown...... Marquette........ Wis. 359 Mendhan..... Morris........... N. J 1,723 Middletown..... Newport........ I... 830, Mendon.......... Clayton......... Iowa.. 355 Middletown...... Rutland......... Vt.. 875 Mendon.......... Worcester........ Mass 1,300 Middle Woodbury Bedford..........Pa.... 1,709 Mendon.......... Monroe........... Y. 3.353 Mifflin........... Ashland.......... Ohio.. 891 Mendon.......... Rutland.......... Vt....'504 Mifflin........... Franklin..........Ohio 1,095 Menno.......... Mifflin........... Pa.... 1,020 Mifflin............ Pike............. Ohio 546 Menomonee.......Waukesha....... Wis... 1,340 Mifflin............ Richland......... Ohio.. 1,106 Mentor.......... Lake............. Ohio.. 1,571 Mifflin...........Wyandott......... Ohio.. 570 Mentz. Cayuga.......... N. Y.. 5,239 Mifflin.......... Allegheny........ Pa.... 2,693 Mequon..........Washington....... Wis... 2,100 Mifflin........... Columbia........ Pa.. 1,024 Mercer........... Somerset..... Me..... 1,186 Mifflin........... Cumberland...... Pa.... 1,574 Mercer........... Butler............ Pa.... 1,296 Mifflin.......... Dauphin......... Paa. 1,302 Mercer... Merer........... Pa. 1,004 Mifflin........L...ycoming........ Pa 1,186 Mercersburg...... Franklin.. Pa. 1,179 Mifflin........ Iowa............. Wis... 640 Meredith......... Belknap.........N. H. 3,521 Mifflinsburg...... Union............ Pa 783 Meredith......... ela re.... N..Y.. 1,634 Mi.fflintown... Juniata.......... Pa 485 Meriden.......... New Haven...... Conn.. 3,559 Milan............ Allen............. tInd 361 Meridian......... ngham......... Mich.. 367 Milan.......... Monroe.......... Mich.. 642 Merion...........Montgaomery..... Pa 3,6477 Milan...................Coos.. 493 Merrimack....... St. Louis......... Mo 1, 921~ lMilan............ Dutchess......... N. Y. 1,764 Merrimack....... Hillsborough..N. H.. 1,9,50'Milan............ Erie............. Ohio.. 2,697 Merton........... Waukesha....... Wis... 966 Milan, T. Erie............. Ohio. 2,9000 Mesopotamia. Trumbull........ Ohio.. 959 Miles............ Centre.......... Pa.... 1,306 Metal........... Franklin......... Pa 1,221 Milesburg....... Centre........... Pa.... 478 Metamora........Franklin......... nd. 865 Milford........... New Haven...... Conn.. 2,465 Metamora.. Lapeer........... Mich.. 821 Milford.......... La Grange.......[ nd.... 806 Methuen Essex............ IMass... 2,538 Milfordo. Penobscot........ Me... 687 Metomen.. Fond duLac...... Wis.. 720 Milford.......... Worcester....... Mass.. 4,819 Metropolis'. city... Massac...... ll.... 427 Milford........... Oakland......... Mich.. 1,470 Mexico Oxford Me.......82 ilforl, T.... Oakland.......... Mich 800 Mexico.......... Oswego..........N. Y. 4,221 Milford......... Hillsborough...... N. H. 2159 Miami...........Cass............. nd... 669 Milford........... Otsego........... N... 2227 Miami........... Clermont.........Ohio.. 690 Milford.......... Butler............ Ohio 2,068 Miami...........Greene...........Ohio 1, 86511 Milford.......... Defiance......... Ohio.. 645 Miami.......... Hamilton......... Ohio.. 1, 556 Milford........... Knox............ Ohio 1,349 Miami........... Logan........... Ohio 1,148 Milford..........ucks............Pa 2,527 Miiami.......... Montgomery...... Ohio.. 3,457 Milford...........uniata.......... Pa.. 1,373 Miamisburg...... Montgomery..... Ohio 1,095 Milford........... Pike............. Pa.... 830 Miami Town.....Hamilton....... o 223 Milford........... Jefferson......... Wis 728 Micheltree........ Martin........... Ind... 953 Milford Centre.... Union............Ohio 211 Michigan.... Clintn.......... Ind... 992i Milfo:d and MisMichigan, T..... Clinton.......... nd 148 pillion Hundreds Kent........... Del 5,.895 Michigan........ Laporte.......... nd... 162 Mill....... Grant............. Ind... 1,537 Michigan city.... Laporte.......... Ind 999 Mill.. Tuscarawas...... Ohio 1,510 Middle.......... Franklin......... Ark.. 03 Millbridge........ Washington......Me 1,170 Middle.......... Hendricks........ nd 1.. 999 Millbur. Worcester. Mass 3;081 Middle........... Cape May.......N.. 1,884 Mill Creek....... Ashlev........... Ark... 542 Middleborough Plymout............ Mass.. 5,336 Mill Creek....... Franklin......... Ark.... 86 Middleburg....... Shiawassee...... Mich.. 132 Mill Creek...... Clark............ ll.... 378 Middleburg....... Schoharie...... N. Y.. 2,967 Mill Creek...... Morgan........... Mo 637 Middleburg...... Cuyahoga........ Ohio 1,490 Mill Creek...... Coshocton........ Ohio.. 872 Middleburg...... Knox............ Ohio 1,092 Mill Creek,.. amilton. Ohio 6,287 Middlebury....... New Haven......Conn. 763 Mill Creek....... Union............ Ohio 726 Middlebury....... Elkhart...... Tnd 1,135 Mill Creek....... Williams......... Ohio. 408 Middlebury...... Wyoming... N. Y. 1,799 Mill Creek....... Erie............ P, 064 Middlebury....... Logan.......... Ohio.. 214 Mill Creek....... Lebanon.........Pa.... 1,292 Middlebury....... Tioea............ Pa.... 1,096 Mill CreekHundr'd Newcastle........ Del... 3,317 Middleburv....... Addison.. Vt.... 3.517 Mill Creek........ Mercer........... Pa.... 840 Middle Creek.... Union............ Pa.... 614 Milledgeville..... Baldwin.......... Ga.... 2, 216 Middlefield....... Hampshire... Mass.. 737 Miller........... Dearborn........ Ind.... 1,122 Middlefield....... Otseo........... N. Y.. 3,131 Miller........ entry......... Mo... 1,924 Middlefield....... Geauga.......... Ohio 918 Miller............ Marion........... Mo..... 1,298 Middle Fork of'Miller............ Scotland......... Mo *666 American river. El Dorado........ Cal... 1, 72 Miller............ Knox............ Ohio 1,064 Mijddle Paxton..... Duphin P 1,204 Millersburg....... ercer........... Il..... 100 3Mliddeport........ Troquois. Ill.... 800 Millersburg....... Bourbon............ h 214 Middlesex........ Yates........ N. Y..-. 1.,385 Millersburg........ Holmes.......... Ohio.. 837 Middlesex........ Butler.......... Pa.... 2,262 Millersport....... Fairfield........ Ohio.. 149 Middlesex........ Washington......Vt.... 1,365 Millerstown...... Lebanon......... Pa.... 798 Middle Smithfield. Monroe........ Pa.... 1,478 Milerstown. Perry............ Pa.... 389 Middleton........ Essex........... Mass. 832 Millersville....... Marion.......... Ind.... 145 Middleton......... Lafayette........ Mo. 8.. 89 Millersville...... Lancaster... Pa... 498 Mtiddleton....... Strafford... N H.. 476 Milford....... Somerset....... Pa.... 2,070 a In 1853, 12,000. POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 369 Mill Grove........ Steuben.. Ind.... 523 Monroe....... Grant............ Ind... 77 Mill Hall......... Clinton.... Pa.... 4921 Monroe..........Howard.......... Ind 9,32 NMillsborough..... Washington...... Pa.... 333 Monroe..........Jefferson......... ind... 1, 090 Millstone......... Monmouth........ N.J... 1,676 Monroe..........Madison.......... Ind 1.246 Millville........ Clayton.........Iowa. 293 Monroe......... Morgan..........nd... 1496 Millville.......... Cunmberland...... N. J.. 2, 3321 Monroe.......... Pike.............. Ind. Millwood........ Guernsey......... Olhio 1,624 Monroe........ Pulaski........... Ind.... 545 Millwood, T..... Guernsey.. Ohio 216 Monroe..........Putnam..........Ind.... 1,'255 Millwood......... nox............ Ohio 2401 Monroe.......... lRandolph........ Ind... 735 Milo.............. Piscataquis......Me.... 932 Monroe.......... Washington...... Ind... 1, 476 Milo.............. Yates............ Y. 4,791 Monroe.... Johnson..........Iowa.. 4 Milton........... Du Page.......... Ill.... 999 IMonroe.... Ouach.ita. La.... 435 Milton........... Jefferson......... nd.... 1,544! Monroe.......... Waldo........... Me.... 1,606 Milton........... Wayne........... Ind.... 765 Monroe.......... Franklin......... Mass.. 254 Milton.......... Oxford........... Me... 166 Monroe.......... Monroe.......... Mich.. -837 Milton........... Norfolk........... Mass.. 2,241 Monroe (city).... Monroe.......... Mich.. h2,813 Milton........... Cass........... Mich.. 611 Monroe.......... Middlesex......... N. J... 3001 iton............Caswell...N.... C 1,200 Monroe.... Orange..... N. Y.. 4,280 Milton....... Strafford... N. H.. 1,629 Monroe..........Adas........... Ohio.., 191 Milton........... Saratoga......... N. Y. 4,220 Monroe.......... Allen............. Ohio.. 924 Milton.......... Ashland.......... Ohio 1,432 Monroe.........Ashtabula........ Ohio 1..,587 Milton.......... Jackson. Ohio.. 1, 472 Monroe.......... Butler............ Ohio.. 198 Milton. Mahoning........ Ohio.. 1,123 Monroe.......... Carroll........... Ohio 1,117 Milton.......... Miami........... Ohio 398 Monroe.......... Clermont...... Ohio.. 1,897 Milton.......... Wayne.......... Ohio 1,360 Monroe.......... Coshocton........ Ohio'760 Milton.......... Wood.......... Ohio 244 Monroe........ are hio 918 Milton........... Northumberland.. Pa L.... l,649 Monroe......... Guernsey......... Ohlio.. 1,076 Milton........... Chittendon....... Vt..... 2,451 Monroe.......... Harrison......... Ohio. 1,154 Milton........... Rock............. Wis... 1,032 Monroe.......... Holmes........... Ohio.. 966 Milton City....... Washington...... Oreg'n 692 Monroe..........Knox.............Ohio 1.. 324 Miltonsburg...... Monroe........... Ohio 1451 Monroe.......... Licking........... Ohio.. 1,386 Miltonville....... Butler............Ohio 24 Monroe..........Loan.Ohio.. 135 Milwaukie....... Milwaukie....... Wis.. 1,351 Monroe.......... Madion......... Ohio 403 Milwaukie City... Milwaukie....... Wis... 620,061 Monroe.......... Miami............ Ohio 2,035 Mina............. Chautauque.... Y.. 996 Monroe.......... Muskingham...... Ohio 977 Minden.......... Claiborne........ La.... c53 Monroe.......... Perry'.............. Ohio 1,429 Minden.......... St. Joseph........ Mich.. 862 Monroe......... Pickaway........ Ohio. 1,637 Minden.......... Montgomery... N. Y.. 4,623 Monroe......... Preble............ Ohio.. 1:343 Mine Creek...... Hempstead........ Ark... 1185 Monroe.......... Richland........ Ohio 1.719 Miieral.......... Bureau........... 142 Monroe.......... Bedford........ Pa.... 1190 Mineral Point.... Iowa............. Wis... d2,84 Monroe.......... Bradford......... Pa.... 1.436 Minersville...... Schuylkill........Pa.... c 2, 951 Monroe......... Clarion........... Pa.... 1,295 Minerva.......... Essex............ N. Y.. 58 Monroe.......... Cumberland...... Pa.... 1,772 Minisink......... Orange........... N. Y..,972 Monroe...... yoming........ Pa.... 602 Minot.......... Cunberland...... Me.... 1734 Monroe.......... Greene.......... Wis... 1,146 Minster.......... Auglaize......... hio.. 428 Monroeville...... Jefferson........ Wis... 101 Mishlawaka....... St Joseph........ f1,412 Monrovia........ Morgan......... d... 196 Mission.......... Lasalle...........i 8I140 Monson.......... Pisc ataquis.. e.... 654 Mississinewa..... Darke............Ohio.. 378 Monson.......... Hampden........ Mass.. 2,831 Mississinevwa..... Westmnoreland... Pa.... 86 Montairue........ Franklin......... Mass.. 1518 Mississippi....... Desha............ Ark... 683 Montague........ Sussex........... N. J.. 1010 Mississippi Pike.............. Mo.... 135 Montc'alin Montealm........ Mich.. 135 Mississippi Bar... Sacramento...... Cal... 168 Monterey, (city).. Monterey........ Cal..... 1.092 Missouri.......... Clark............. Ark... 47 Monterey........ Berkshire........ Mass 761 Missouri.......... Hemnpstead....... Ark... 513 Monterey...... Allegan........... Micl 238 Missouri.......... Ouachita.........Ark 7... 30 Monterey........ Putnam.... Ohio 85 Missouri.......... Pike............. Ark... 434 Montgomery...... Montgomery...... Ala... i4,935 Missouri Canon... El Dorado........ Cal.... 84 Montgomery....... Desha............ Ark.... 69 Mitchell.......... Poinsett..........Ark. 954 Montgonery.. Monroe......... Ark.. 317 Mitchell.......... Monroe.......... 111. 545 Montomery... Gion.. Ind... 2,248 Mobile........... Moile........... Ala... 2051 Montgomery...... Jennings.......... Ind... 1,556 Moilawk...... ontgon ry. N. Y 3, Mo..... ery. Owen............ Ind. 987 Mohican........ Ashland........ Ohio 1.7741 Montgomery...... Hampen......... Mass.. 393 Moir............ Franklin........ Y.. 1,34 Montgo m erset......... 767 Moluncus...... Aroostook........ Me.... 199 Montomery. Orange........... N. Y. 3.933 Moilience........ ll.......... i.. 571 Montgomnery...... Ashlanl.......... Oio 3, 192 Monahan....... York........... P..... 997 Montonery.... Franklin......... O o 1,331 Monday Creek.... Perry............ Oio 1,124 Mo me r... Mrion........... Ohio 643 Money Creek..... McLean............ 377.. Montgomery.....ood.......O.... io.. 922 Monkton........ Addison........... Vt..... 1,246 Montgomerv..... Franklin...... Pa.. 3 2135 Monmoth.......Warren.......... 11..... 797Montgomer...... Indiana..... Pa. 751 Monmouths....... Jackson.......... Iowa.. 29 Mont oner...... ontg ery...... Pa.... 971 Monmouth....... Kennebek...... e....,92 Mont yy...... FranklinMont ry.......... Vt..... 1,001 Monoma......... Claton.......... Iow.. 332 iMonticello....... Jefferon......... Fla.... 329 Monongahla..... Greene........... Pa 1,153,Monticello ones............. Iowa.. 252 Monongahela City Waslington....Pa g.... 977u Monticello........Aroostook........ Me.... 227 Monroe.......... afaette......... Ark... 714, Monticello m e y. Lewis.......Le... wi.... Monro.............. s pi Ar...k 52, Monticeyllo,. Iulivan.........Y.. 2...'00 Monroe. evier............ Ark... 335 Monticello....... Lafayette Wi... Monroe.......... Fairfield......... ono.. 1,442 Montour......... Columbia...... Pa.... 409 roe.......... Walton.......... Ga...m 500 Montoursville..... Lvcoiung........ iPa.... 228 Monroe.......... Ogle............ tl.... 413Montpelier Msc.......'atine Io.. 378 Monroe. aline......... Montpelier Wasington...... t. 2,310 Monroe......... Adams........... 34Motose Lee......... iwa.. 1,723 Monroe.......... Allen............ Ind... 414 Montrose, T...... Lee.............. Iowa.. j484 Monroe.......... Carroll.......... d. 5881 Montrose......... Genesee.......... Mich.. 52 Monroe.......... Clark.............. Ind.. 1,561l Montrose......... Susquehanna.... Pa k917 Monroe........... Delaware...... I...nd.... 720. Montrose.... Da... Dane....... Wis 372 a 1n 1853 2,000. h In 1853, 25,000. c In 1853i 1000. d In 1853, 3,000. e In 1853, 4,000. fIn 1853, 2,000. a In 1853,1,50. h In 1853,3,500. iIn 1853,7,0&0. j In 1853, 800. k In 1853,1,50. 24 370 CENSUS OF 1850. Montville........ New London..... Conn.. 1,848 Mount Morris.... Ogle.............. II..... 1,092 Montville........ Waldo........... Me.... 1,881 Mount Morris.... Livingston......N. V.. 4,531 Montvills........ Geauga.......... Ohio.. 709 Mount Mori, T..Livingston...... N. Y.. 1,600 Montville........ Medina.......... Ohio.. 1,077 Mount Pleasant. Delaware........ [nrid... 924 Monynagon....... Vayne........... Mich.. 984 Mount Pleasant.. Henry............ Iowa.. 758 MIoon.......Allegheny. Pa.......1,383 Mount Pleasant.. Lawrence........o... *474 Moon....... Beaver........... Pa.... 916 Mount Pleasant.. Scotland.. Mo.......801 Mooney........ Philips........... Ark... 335 Mount Pleasant. Westchester...... N. Y.. 3,323 Moore............ Northampton. Pa s. 2,615 Mount Pleasant.. Jefferson......... Ohio.. 1,847 Moorefield....... B lark...........4.. Ohio.. 164 Mount Pleasant,T. Jefferson......... o.. 755 Moorefield........ Harrison......... Ohio.. 1,265 Mount Pleasant.. Adams........... Pa.... 1,614 Moorefield T..... Harrison.......... Ohio.. 244 Mount Pleasant. Columbia....... Pa.... 708 Moores........... Clinton.... N... 3,365 Mount Pleasant.. W hington...... 1,254 Moore's Hill...... Dearborn......... d.... O 206 Mount Pleasant Wayne.......... Pa 1.. 1551 Moorestown....... Burlington....... N. J... 1,000 Mount Pleasant Westmoreland.... Pa.... 2,576 Mooresville....... Morgan........ id.... 550 Mount Pleasant, Moquina......... Valencia......... NM.. 199 Bor............ Westmoreland... Pa.... 534 Moral............ Shelby........... d....... 1,192 Mount Pleasant... Charleston...... C.. 657 Moravia.......... Cayuga.......... N. Y.. 1,876 Mount Pleasant Maury.. Ten...367 Moreau....... Daor Mo.... *1,134 Mount Pleasant Greene...........Wis... ] s579 Moreau........... Saratoga.......... N. Y.. 1,834 Mount Pleasant.. Racine........... Wis... 1,086.Moredock........ Monrioe...........' 630 Mount Pulaski.... Logan.I.... I 360 Morehouse.... Hamilton......... N. Y.. 242 Mount Sterling... Brown........... I.. 556 Moreland. Lyconing...... Pa.... 714 Mount Sterlin... Montgomery......o.... d743 Moreland........ Montgomery......Pa.... 12,348 Mount Sterling... Madison....... Ohio.. 118 Moreland........ Philadelphia...... Pa.... 492 Mount Sterling... Muskiguin....... Ohio.. 228 Moretown..... Washington VtI.... 1,335 Mount Taber. Rutland.. a...... Vt..... 308 Morgan.................... Ind 951 Mount Tabor:.... Monroe........... nd 85 Morgan..........Porter............ Ind.... 373 Mount Vernon... Jefferson......... I.. 443 Morgaii.......... Asetabula........ Ohio.. 888 Mount Vernon... Posey............ Ind...el, 120 Morgan.......... Butler........... Ohio.. 1,706 Mount Vrnon... Kennebeck....... Me.... 1,479 Morgan.......... Gallia............ Ohio 1,128 Mount Vernon... Lawrence.... Mo...*1,579 Morgan.......... Knox............ Ohio 23 Mount Vernon... Hlillsborough...N.H.. l.. 722 Morgai.. Morgan.......... Ohio 308 Mount Vernon Knox...... Ohio.. 3,711 Morgan.......... Scioto........... Ohio. 280 MTountWashington Berkshire........ Mass.. 351 Morgan........ Greene........... Pa.... 1157 Moyamensing.... Philadelphia....Pa..... 26,979 Morgan.......... Orleans.......... Vt..... 486 Muddy........... Coles........ 772 Morgantown Burke......... 558 Muddy........... Jasper....l........ 168 I Margeutoac. Monougalia.. Va. 1000 Muddy Bayou.... Conw y.......... Ark... 210 Mbr-,av~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{ton.......{oo-la... a.. l Moriah..we.......... Essex. N... 3,065 Muddy Creek..... Butler........... Pa... 1,142 Mormon Bar..... Sutter............ Cal.. 42 Muhlenburg. Pickaway...... Ohio..... 585 Mormono Island S... Sacramen3nto..Cal Mukworao...... Waukesa... i. 1... 094 Moro............. Bradley........... Ark... 95 Mulberry......... Franklin........ Ark.... 534 Moro g......Dla... usrk. 415 Mulber.Oryh... 415Mohunseron... Ark... 339 Morrisn...........Gelidy. i.......1 627 Mulberry Grove..Bond......o... Ill.. 84 Morris........... Morris........... N. J... 4,992 Mullica.......... Atlantic.... N'J... 918 Morris........... Otsego.......... N... 2,155 Muncie Centre.... Delaware... d.... 666 Morris.......... Knox...... Ohio.. 1,028 Muncy V ro.. n.........Lyc.... oi. 978 Morris........... aril Pa.... 639 Muncy, Bor...... Lycoming 9........ Pa.... 01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......... io..........oo.... Morris........... Greene Pa.... 1,250 Muncy Creek..... Lycomiing Pa.... 1 250 Morrisn........... Hultindon....... Pa.... 787 Mundy........... Genesee.......... Mich.. 786 Morris a.... 278 Munson.......... Geauga........... Ohio 1,193 Morris............shington Pa.... 51,688 Murder Kill HunMforristown..... Moi...... N.J..... 3,300 dred............ Kent..........D... Del 5717 Morristown...... St. Lawrence..... N. Y.. 2,274 Murfreesborough..Rutherford....... Tenn.. 1917 Morristown...... Belmont......... Ohio.. 456 Murray........... Orleans.......... N. Y.. 2,1520 Morristown...... LaSinoille......... Vt.. 1.441 Muscatine........ Muscatine........ Iowa.. 2,540 Morrisville Bucks Pa.... 565 Muskeegan....... Ottawa........... Mich.. 484 Morrow.......... Warren. Ohioa. 459 Muskeego........ Waukesha........ Wis... 1,111 Moscow..........u cate.......ToA.. 56 Muskigu.......auskingm............. Ohio 1,509 Moscow.......... Somerset.............. Meyat............ Lawreince........ Ark... 357 Moscow.......... Hlisdal......... Mich.. 942 Myerstow o. Lebanon... P...a.......7... 7 Mosquito Canoni.. El Doado........ Cal 116 Naasay.......... Kendall... Ill 9.... 59 Moss Lafaytte........Ar.......... Naodoces... Nacogdohes..... Texas. 468 Mottville.......... St Joseph........ Mich.. 611 Nankin........... WayneMich.. 1,617 Moultonri.........ul Ohio 40 Nanticoke. Broome............ 576 Kno............Oi. ue......Lemn 7 Moultonborouigh.... Carroll.......... N. H. 1I 748 Nanticoke HunMound id 811 sired....... Sssex. el 1586 Mou... W rris........... Waeen e... a........... Del... 1,50 Mountain........ Craword Ark...o566 Nantucket........ Nantucket....... Mass 8,452 Mountain......ontgomem~.... A 436 Napa..N..G. Napa............. Cal.... 159 Mountain..o...... Scott..........Ark 304 Naperville.....Du Pae............ Oi 1, 618 Mountai. Wasb to k......90 Napier. Bedford.... Pao...... a 2,051 Mount Auburn.... Shelby........... [rid.... 129 Naples........'... Cumberland...... Me 1,025'Mount Carmn.l.... Wabash......I.... 935 Nples... Ontario.............. 2,376 Mount Canrmel.... Fleming.......... Ky.... 142 Napoleon......... Desha............ Ark.... 9239 Mount Carmel.... Oovington... iss... 108 Napoleon. Ripley............ nd.... 500 Mount Carroll....i arrol!........ Ill.... 462 Napoleon Jackson..... 1208 Mount Clemens... acomb Micli.. b. 302 Napoleon........ enry........... Ohio.. 66 Mount Desert....Hancok Me.... 782 Napoi............ Cattaraugus...... N. Y 1,233 Mount Ephraim.. Guernsey.... Ohio 121 Nashua....... O............. Ill.... 703 Mount Giead..... Morrow...........Ohio.. c646 Nashua........... Hillsborough...... 1. H.. 5 820 Mounwt Holly......Burlit.......V. J... 2000 Nashving......Hillsborough...... N. I.. 3,12 MountHolly......Ru..... Vt..... 1.534 Nashville......... Davidson......... Tenn.. 10,165 Mount Hope.. Orante........... 1512 Nashville, South.... Davidson...Ten.. 1,353 Mount Joy.........daPa.... 1...098 N ie....... shi. Milan.........P.. exas. h40 Mount Joy...... Lancaster........Pa........2,63 Nassau.'. ensselaer...N.... 3,261 Mount Leba.non... Bienville...... La.... 360.. Natchez..........Adams.......... Mi 4,434 a oIn 153, 700. b tIn1853, 2,500. c In 1853, 1O,. d Ino 1853, 1,500. e In. 1853, 1,500. f In 1853, 4,500. gIn 1853, 5,000. hA In 1853, 1,000. i In 1853,2,500. In 1853,15,000. 5 POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 371 Natchitoches......Nachitoches......La... 1.61 NewCastle....... Lawrence.......Pa.. kl,614 Natick........... Middlesex........Mass.. 20744 New Castle....... Schuylkill........ Pa.... 2,140 Naiatuck...... New Haven...... Conn.. 1.:20 New Castle HunNauvoo.......... Hancock...... [11... I a1 13,1 dred........... New Castle....... Del.... 1,8 Nazareth......... Northampton.. a.... 408 Newcombe....... Essex............N. Y.. 27 Neve............ jDarke............ Ohio.. 88 Newcomerstown. Tuscarawas...... Ohio.. 4`1 Needlamin........ Norfolk.......... Mass.. 1.944 New Concord.....Muskingumi...... Ohio.. 334 Neenah........... Winnebago....... Wis.... 1,413 New Cumberland. Tuscarawas...... Ohio 2.3 Negro Bar........ Sacramento...... al.... 336 New Cumberland. Cumberland...... Pa.... 35 Nckarna..........!inamebago....... Wis... 910 New Design...... iMIonroe........... II]..... 1.442 Nelson........... Cheshire......... N. I.. 750 New Diggings.....Lavette........ Wis I... 1742 Nelson........... Madison.......... N. Y. 1, 965 New Durhamn..... Laporte.......... tnd.... C4 Nelson........... Portage..........Ohio.. 1383 New Durham.... Straord.......... N H... 1 04 Neosho.......... Newton.......... 1o.... 980 New Enuland, &c.Sutter.......... Cal.... 42 Neosho, TI...... Newton..........Mo... *221 New Fairfield....Fairfield....... Conn.. 027 Nepcuskiun....... Vinnebago.......Wis... 403 Newfane......... Niagara.......... N. Y.. 37 Nescopeck....... Luzerne.......... Pa.... 20N ewfaul......... Windha........ Vt..... 1304 Ncshannock...... Lawrence........ Pa..... 3,045 Newfield......... York............. Me.... 1418 Nether Providence Delaware........ a....,494 Newfield......... Tompkins........ N. Y. 3813 Nettle Creek...... Grundy........... Ill.... 318 New Frankfort.... lecott............. Ind.... 223 Nettle Creek...... Randolph... I..... Ind.... 1,112 New Garden...... iWayne.......... Ind... 1 J-609 Nevada City...... Yuba............. Cal.... 2,683 New Garden...... Chester........ Pa... 1,301 Nevans.......... Vigo.............. Ind... 826 New GernantownrPerrv............. Pa.... 69 Neversink........ Sullivan.......... N. Y. 2,2 81 New Glarus.......}Greene.......... Wis... 311 New Albany..... Coles............11.... 765 New Gloucester..Cumberland...... Me.... 1,8- 8 New Albany.....loy....... Ind 9895 New Gottengen... Guernsey....:.... Ohio..'54 New Albany...... Franklin.......... Ohio.. 168 New Hampton....jBelknap..........iN. H.. 1.612 New Albany..... Mahoning........ Ohio.. 168 New Hanover.... iBurlintton...o N... 9..245 New Albany City Floyd............ Ind.. 8,181 New Hanover.... Montgomery.....ia.... 1,625 New Albion...... Cattaraugus...... N. Y.. 1,633 New Harmony.... 4Po.ev g. nd 40 New Alexandria. Jefferson........ Ohio.. 198 New Hartford.... Litchfiel.........Conn..1 2. 643 Newark........ Alleg,'.......... cldi.. 246 New Hartford.... 10neida.......... IN. Y.. 4.s47 Newark........... Wavyne........... N. Y.. 1,400 New Haven......New Ha ven......Ne Hve Conn.. 120.345 Newark.......... Tioga............ N. Y.. 1,983 New Haven......IGallatin.......... Ill....' 1 Newark......... Licking........... Ohio.. 5050 New Haven...... Shiawassee...... Mich.. 150 Newark, T. Licking.......... Ohio.. 3,654 New Haven....... Oswego.......... N. Y.. 205 Newark.......... Caledonia........ Vt.... 434 New Haven...... Hamilton.........Ohio.. 141 Newark.......... Rock............. i 855 New Haven.......Huron............Ohio..1.39 Newark City...... Essex............ N. J... c38 894 New Haven...... Addiso.......... 663 New Ashford.... Berkshire......... Mss. 186 New Hope........ Brown........... wOhio.. 103 New Athens...... Harrison......... Ohio. 331 New Hope........ Bucks............ IPa.... 1,144 New Baltimore... Grene...........N. Y.. 2,381 New Hudson.....Alleghany........N. Y... 1,43 New Baltimore,. tiarailion.~~~~~~~I........:Ni.Y... 1 New Baltiimore.. Hamilton......... Ohio 104 New Iberia....... St. Martin's...... La.... 3(3 New Barbadoes... Bergen............... 2 265 Newington....... Rockingham......;N. H 472: New Biedford..... Bristol.......... Mass.. 116,443 New Ipswich..... Hillsborough.....N.H.. 1.187 New Berlin....... Chenango........ N.Y. 2;562 New Lebanon.... Columbia..........N. Y. 2300 New Berlin....... Starke........... Ohio.. 21 New Lenox...... IWill.................. 617 New Berlin....... Union............ Pa.... e741 New Lexington... Perrvy............. Ohio.. 406 New Berlin....... Waukesba........ Wis.... 1,293 New Liberty.....IOw en........... 5Ky Newbern..........Craven........... N. C... 4,681 New Limerick.... Aroostook........ Me.... 160 Newberry. L....... LaGrange........ d.... 503 Newlin...........}Chester...........Pa.... 738 Newberry........ Merrimack....... N. H.. 738 New Lisbon...... Otsego........... IN. Y... 1773 Newberry........ Miami............ Ohio.. 2,217 New Lisbon....... Columbiana...... Ohio... 500 Newberry........ York............. Pa.... 2,191 New London..... New London..... Corn...8,991 New Boston...... Mrcer..... f'. 229 New London..... Henryv............ Towa.. 138 New Boston...... Hillsborough...... N. N.H.. 1,477 New London..... Merrimack........ N. H.. 95 New Braintree... Woreester........ Mass.. 852 New London....uron..........uOhio.. 1 New Braumfels.. Comal........... Texas. 1,298 New London.....Chester.......... Pa.... 02 New Bremen.....,ewis............. Y.. l,510 New Lymne.......Ashtabula....... Ohio.. 6!8 New Bremen.... Auglaize......... Ohio.. 344 Newminanstown... Lebanon......... Pa.... 23 New Brighton..... Beaver........... 443 New Market..... Rockingham...... N. H.. 1,9 3 New Britain...... Hartford......... Conn.. 3,029 New Market..... Highland......... Ohio.. 1, 5_2 New Britain...... Bucks........... Pa.... 1 313 New Marlborough Berkshire........ Mass.. 1.84.7 New Brunswick.. Middlesex....... N.J... 10,019 New Martinsville. Wetzell.......... Va.... 228 New Buffalo...... Sauk.............Wis.. 224 New Milford...... Litchfield......... Conn.. 4, 58 Newburg......... Warwick........ Ind.... 526 New Milford..... Winnehago. I....... 5.9 Newburg......... Penobscot. Me.... l399 New Milford..... Susquehanna..... Pa.... 1,4330 Newbur......... Cass.............. Mich.. 388 New Orleans..... Orleans........... La..... nl16,375 Newburg........ Orange........... N. Y... 11,415 New Paltz........ IUlster............ N.Y... 2,729 Newbur......... Cuyalhoga........ Ohio.. 1,542 New Philadelphia. Tusearawas...... Ohio.. ol,413 Newbirgh........ Lewis............Tenn.. *79 Newport.......... Wakulla......... Fla.... 300 Newbury Essex............ Mas.. 4,26 Newport......... Lake............ Il..... 964 Newbury......... Geauga..........Ohio.. 1,253 Newport..........Vermillion........ind.... 328 Newbury......... Orange........... Vt..... 2, 98-1 Newport......... Johnson.......... Towa..,301 Newburvport..... Essex............ Mass.. h9.572 Newport......... Campbell......... Ky.... p5, 895 New Califorrnia... Madison.......... Ohio 413 Newport......... Penobscot........Me.... 1.210 New Canaan..... Fairfield.......... Conn.. 2600 Newport......... Sullivan.......... N. H.. 2,020 New Carlisle..... Clark.............Ohio.. i634 Newport......... Herkimer........ N. Y... 2, 125 New Castle...... New Castle....... Del.....2092 Newport.........;Washington......Ohio.. 1,425 New Castle....... Henry............ Ky.... 1 0001 Newport......... Luzerne.........Pa.... 868,New Castle....... Fulton.......... Ind.... 657 Newport.........Perryv............. Pa.... 517 New Castle....... Henry........... Ind.... 66 Newport......... Newport....... 9I... 9,563 New Castle.......Lincoln.......... Me.... 2 012 Newport......... Cocke......... Tenn.. 151 New Castle.......Rockingham......N. H. 891 Newport.........Orleans.. Vt.... 748 NewCastle....... Westchester...... N. Y.. 1,800 New Portland.... Somerset..........Me..... 1,460 NewCastle....... Coshocton........ Ohio.. 1 229 New Providence..'Essex............... 1,216 a In 1853, 2,000. b In 1853, 14,000. c In 1853, 45,500. d In 1853, 17,500. e In 1853, 1,000. fIn 1853, 600. T In 1853. 2,000. h In 1853, 11,000. i In -1853, 11,000. j In 1853,1,200. k In 1853,1.800. 1 In 1853, 23f,000. m In &5 3,10,000. n In 1853 145,449 o In 1853,2,000.. p In 1853, 8,500 a In 1853, 10,000. 372 C EN'SUS OF 1850. ANew Richmond.... Clermont..O....... Ohio 2,s 500 Northampton..... Summit.........Ohio.. 1,147 New Rochelle....Westcheter...... N. Y.. 2,458 Northampton.. Bucks.........Pa 1,843 Newry...........xfrd........... Me... 459 Northampton..... Lehigh........... Pa.... 33 New Salem.......Franklin..........Mass 1,6531North Anson......Somerset.........Me 1,168 New Salem......!Fairfield.......... Ohio.. 17 North Anville..... Lebanon. Pa.....119 New Scotland....Albany........... N.Y 3,4 3459 North Beaver.....Lawrence........Pa.... 2,404 New Sewickly...Beaver........... Pa 2,131 North Bend..... Stark............ nd. 141 New Sharon.....'Franklin......... Me.... 1,73 North Bend..... hington.... Wis 672 New Shoreham...Newport. I... 1,2626 North Bergen..... Hudson......... N. J 3, 578 Newstead.... iErie. N. Y.. 2,899 North Berwick... York... Me 1.... 1593 Newton........!Jasper............. 1,134 North Bloomfield. Morrow. Ohio.. 1,443 Newton'..........Jasper............ Ind.... 435 Northborough.... Worcester....... Mass. 1,535 Newton..........Middlesex...... Mass.. 5,258 North Branford... New Have Conn. 998 Newton..........Calhdun.......... Mich'.. 569 Northbridge....... Worcester....... Mass.. 1230 Newton....... Taney Mo a.. 652 North BridzewaterPlymouth. Mass n3 939.Newton..........Rockigham......N. H.. 685 North Brookfield.. lWSorcester....... Mass.. 1,939 Newton.......... Camden.......... N. J... 1,576 North Brown..... Vinton........... Ohio 439 Newton. Sussex N. J... 3,279 North Buffalo.... Armstrong........Pa.... 916 Newton Licking.......... Ohio.. 1,364 North Butler. Butler............ Pa.... 1,433 Newton..........Miami......... Ohio.. 1,447 North Castle..... estchester...... N. Y... 2, 189 Newton. uskingum......Ohio.. 2,696 North Chelsea.... Suffolk...........Mass.. 935 Newton Pike............. Ohio.. 461 North Codorus.... York.............a 126 Newton..........Trubull......... Ohio 1,678 North Coventry... Chester.......... Pa.... 985 Newton.......... Cumberland...... Pa.... 1,666 North Dansvilfe... Livingston..... N. Y.. 4,377 Newton..........Luzerne......... Pa.... 819 North East....... Adams........... I..... 499 Newton.......... Manitoowoc..... Wis... 545 North East....... Orange...........Ind... 1,206 Newtoiia......... Wilkinson........Miss. 113 North East......Cecil.............1.... 338 Newton Hamilton. Mifflin...........Pa.... 353 North East.......Dutchcess.........N. Y. 1,555 Newtown..... Yuba............. Cal... 336 North East Bor... Eri............. Pa 387 Newtown........ Fairfield......... Conn.. 3,338 North East.......Erie.............. Pa.... Newtown........ Queens.......... N. Y 7,208 North Elba....... Essex............ N. Y.. 210 Newtown, Bor.... Bucks............ Pa.... 580 Northern Liberties Philadelphia...... Pa 47,223 Newtown........Bucks............ Pa.... 842 North Favette.... Allegheny........ Pa.... 1,430 Newtown...... Delaware.. Pa.... 823 Nortfield....... Cook.............111 1013 Newtrier......... Cook.............Ill.... 473 Northfield....... Washington......Me.... 246 New Utrecht..... Kigs............ N. Y 2,129 Northfield.. Franklin..... Mass 1,772 Newville De Kalb.......... ind. 3.... Northfield. Iashtenaw......Mich.. 1,116 Newville. Cumberland...... Pa.... a715 Northfield........Merrimack.....N. 1H.. 332 New Vineyard.... Franklin.......... Me.... 635 Northfield........Richmond. N. Y.. 4,020 Nw Widsor.... Orange. N. Y Y.,457 Nortlhfield........Summit.......... Ohio 1,474 New York........ New York..... N. Y.. 515,547Northfield........Washington...... Vt... 2,9 iagara Falls.... Niara.... N.. 2.200 North Fork....... Tzard............ Ark 378 Nicholas......... Tioa............ N.Y... 1,a905 North Fork....... Marion...... Ark... 277 iolasvile.....Jessamine........ Ky.. 1,000 North Fork.. Gallatin 504 Nicholson. Fayette.......... Pa.... 1,353 North Fork....... Jasper............ 11 588 Nicholson. vo.nin. Pa. 727 North Ham.pton.. ockin han.... N. H. 8.. 2 Nile.,Scioto............ Ohio 1,004 North Haven..... New Haven.... on 1,35 Niles....... CookI............. l 408 North Haven..... Waldo.....'...IMe... 806 Niles............. Delaware.......ind. 924 North Hnven..... Van Buren..... Mtic 20 iles............. Berrien. Mich 2,500 North Heidelurh Berks............. 844 Niles.......... Ca N.. 2 053 North Hemp.tead. Queens. N. Y.. 4, 291 Ninbillen...... Stark............. Ohio 2,587 North Hero....... Grand Isle....... 730 Nineveh..........Bartholomew..... Tnid... 720 North Hudson.... Essex........... N. Y.. 561 Nineveh.......... Johnson.......... nd; 1,649 North Huntingdon Westmoreland... Pa...... 570 Ninpl nose L.ycoming.........Pa. 351 North Kingston Washington...... I... 2,971 Niskayna....... Schenectady..... N... 783 North Lebanon... Lehanon.......... Pa..... 2408 Noble............ Cass............ Ind 743 Noth Madison Jefferson......... 1992 Noble. Jay.............nd... 745 North Mahnig.. Indiana......... Pa..... 840 Noble La Porte......... nd... 944 North Manhein... Schuylkill..... Pa.... 3.006 Noble Nobe............ Ind... 595 North Midleton.. Cumberland... a.... 235 NToble............ Rush............. I Wd......1,386 North Norwich... Chenano...... N Y.. I 1,17 Noble............ Shelbv........... Ind... 1,313 North Penn Philadelphia...... Pa.... 2,687 Noble............ Wabash.......... Ind 3,489 North Plains o.............292 Noble............ Branch........ Mic.. 45451 Nortport.......... Waldo........... Me... 1 Noble....... Ailaize......... Ohio.. 309 North Providence. Providence........ R. I.,680 Noble.......... Defiane......... Ohio.. 558 North Salem..... Westchester......N.Y.. 1 335 Nole....... Morgan...... Ohio.. 1,70 North Sewickly... Beaver. Pa.... 1,018 Noleorouh.... Lincoln.......... Me 1,408 North Chenango.. Craford.........a.... Noblesville....... Hamilton......... Ind....308 North Slippery Noblesville,T.... Hamilton......... Ind... 664 Rock........... Lawrence........ Pa.... 2,254 Nockamixon.....icks............ Pa 2,445 North Stonington. New London.... Conn. 1936 Nodaway........ Adair............ Mo...677 North Strabane... Washington.. Pa...,210 Nodway City....... Mo 139 Northumberland.. Coos............. N. H. 4 Norfolk.......... Litchfield........ Conn.. 1,643 Northumherland.. Saratoga.......... N. Y. 1775 Norfolk.......... St. Lawrence.....N. Y.. 1,753 Northumberland.. Northumberland.. Pa.... 1,041 orfol.......... Norfolkk.......... Va.... e14,326 Northumberland.. Wyonming....... Pa.... 766 Norman.......... Grundy.......... Tl..... 56 Northville........ Lasalle....... I... 951 Norridgewock.....Somesy........ Ie e... 1,848 North West..... Oranae........... Ind... 14 Norristown, Bor..'Montaomery.......... 6, 024 North West...... Williams........ Ohio.. 343 Norristown....... Montgomery...... Pa.... 1,594 North Whitehall.. L....ei. Pa.... 2,955 North............ Lake............ Ind... Northwood... ockinham...... N.... 1n......308 North............ Harrison.......... Ohio.. 1,123 North Woodbtury.. Blair............. Pa.. 1,836 Noth dams, T... Berkshire........ Mass.. 3,000 North Yarmouth.. Cumberland..... Me.. 121 Northampton..... Hampshire...... Mass.. 56278 Norton........... Bristol..........Mass.. 1, 966 Northampton..... Sagin....... Mich.. 1452 Norton........... Summit.......... Ohio.. 1,346 Northampton..... ockinglam...... H. 8h o. Norwalk......... Fairfield.......... Conn.. 4,651 Noertampton..... Burlinton........ N. J... 3,031 Norwalk....... Huron............ 1io.. 3,159 Noithamlpton...... FulY.ton...701 Norwalk, T. H...Huron.............. 1,437 Northampton..... Clark............ Ohio. 147 Norway.......... Oxford.. Me..... Me... 1,963 a 1853, 90. In 1853, 1,500. c In153, 16,00 POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 373 Norway. Herkimer.......N. Y.. 1,05' Orane............................N. H 451 Norway..... Rcine.......... Wis.. 751 Orange........... Essex............ N.J. 4385 No'rwegian Pa.. 2,642 Orane........... Rockland........ N.Y... 4,769 Norwich......... New London.... Conn.. 610,265 Oranae........... Steuben.......... N.Y... 2,05 Norwich......... Hampshire....... Mass.. 756 Orae...... Ashland........ 1,822 Norwich. Chenango......... Y 3615 Orange, T........ Ashland......... Ohio 266 Norich, T....... Chenango........ N. Y.. 2,000 Orange........... Carroll...........iOhio 1, 577 Norwich F......... ranklin......... Ohio..,053 Orange........... Cuyahoga........hio 1,063 Norwich......... Huron........... Ohio.. 1,021 O range......... Deiaware........ Ohio 1150 Norwich......... uskngum.... Ohio.. 34 Orangc........... Hancock...... Oo 04 Norwich......... MeKean............. 265 Orang e........... Meis Ohio 948 Norwich......... Windsor......... Vt..... 1,978 Orange........... Shlelby........... Ohio 92 Nottaway........ St. Joseph........ Mich.. 1,165 Orange.......... Columbia........ Pa.... 1.077 Nottingham..... Wells............. d.... 523 Orange Orange.. Vt.... 1.007 Nottinghan..... Rockinghamn...... 1H.. 68 Orangeville....... Barr..... Mich.. 364 Nottingham Mercer........... N. J.. 4,495 Orangeville. Wyoming N.... 1,438 Nottingham...... Harrison......... Ohio.. 1,236 Oregon........... Ogle. Ill.... 540 Nottingham...... Washington...... Pa.... 1008 Oregon........... Schuyler......... 11.... 747 Novi............ Oakland.......... Mich.. 1428 Oregon........... tark............. Ind.... 108 Nuiinda........ Liviangston......... Y.. 3,128 Oreon........... Lapeer........... Mich 2.. 05 Nack............ Rockland....... N. Y.. 4, 766 Oreon........... Lucas........... Ohio 436 Oak Creek....... Milwaukie...... is... 1,259 Oregon............ Seneca.... Ohio 400 Oakfield.......... Kent.............Miich.. 645 Oreon........... Wayne..........a.... 361 Oakfield.......... Genesee.......... N. Y... 145711 Oregon........... Dane............. Wis... 638 Oakfield......... Fond du Lac..... Wis... 769 11regon Bar and Oak Grove........ Dodge............ Wis... 1,143 Rock Spring.... Sutter........... Cal. 42 Oakham..........Worcester....... Mass. 1 137 Oregon Canon.. El Dorado..... C.. al 126 Oakland......... Steuben. nd.... 14 regon City......Clackaius....... Oregon d6<97 Oakland. Oakland.......... ich.. 97 Orien............ Fulton............ll..... Oakland......... Venango......... Pa.... 837 rient...... Aroostook........Me... 205 Oakland........ Jefferson......... Wis. 806 Orion............. Oakland.......... Mich.. 1,119 Ocala............ arion... Fla... 243 Orland........... Cook.................. 504 Occoq'an......... Prince William... Va.... 400 Orland............ Hancock.........Me.. 579 Ocean........ Monmouth...... N. J.. 3,768j Orleans.......... Orange......... id.... 402 Oconoinowock. Vaukeska.... Wis... 1,216 Orleans........... Barnstable........ Mass.. 1,848 Oden............. Chicot........... Ark 1, 173 Orleans........... Tonia........... Mich.. 491 Odessa........... onia............. Mi 121 Orleans........... Jefferson......... N. Y... 3,265 Ogden............Lenawee......... Miich.. 5 Orneville....... Piscataquis........ Me.. 424 O(den.!Monroe.......... Y. 2,598 Orono........... Penobscot........ Me..., 85 Ogdensburg....... St. Lawrence..... N. Y. 6. 500 Orrinton Penobscot.. Me.... 1 85 Oglethlorpe..... MaconGa 13GsGwc. NV 1.106 Oglethorpe.......iGacon........ b*t13 Orwell........... Oswego.......... N. Y.. Ohio............Boone............ 672 Orell........... Ashtabla.. Ohio.. 8 Ohio............. Bureau.... 183 Orwell........... Bradforl.......... P.... 1,41 Ohio........... rthol ew. Tn.....93 Or ll........... A ison.......... Vt...... 470 Ohio..........'Crawford......... n 779 Orwisbur....... Schuylkill......... Pa.... 909 Ohio............. nen er. Tnd 1,930 Osa............ Carroll........... Ark 719 Ohio............. wick......... nd... 448 Osage............ d Newton.......... Ark.. 141 Ohio.............HerkiNr.......r. Yhe.. 1051 Ose.............. Mornll........... Mo Ohio Clennt.............Ohio 4,47age...Mo.. Ohio............. Gallia Ohio.. 504 Osage, includins Ohio.............Monroe..........Ohio.. 1.664 Bentonville Benon........... Ark *.. 454 Ohio.............Alleicny......... Pai... 12.329 Osola.......... ivingston.. Mich...... 960 Ohio............. Beaver........ a 1660 Osoai............N. Y. 412 Oibolita..........Valencia........... 42 sks.......... Winnebago...... Wis... 50 " Oil............... Perrv............ 1 Tnd 53 shtemo... 533 OsKalamazoo...... Miich.. 587 Oil Creek........ Crawfordi......... Pa.... 811 Oskaloosa........ Mahaska......... towa. e625 Old River..... Arns.....rk... 514 ta............ Ohio 2,225 Old River........ Cihicot..........Ark... 867 Osolo... Elkhart..........Tnd.... 471 Oldtown......... Penobscot Me 3.08 Oian........... lcghany......... N. Y. 1283 Olean............ Cattaranus N. Y.. 899 Ossinin.......... Westchester...... N. Y. 4,939 Oleana........... Hcnderson.......I 4..... 47 Ossipee.......... Carroll.......... N. H.. 21 Oley............ Berks........... Pa.... 1,799 Os a o P.......... otter............ Pa 244 Olive........khrtnd Os th. Lawrence.... N.Y... 775i Olivet. Joseph Tnd... 851 Osw..........Kendall... ll Olive............ Clinton.......... 6owa. 85 GOsiegao, T........ Kendall. i...... ll 1.000 Olive...... inton... Osweo.......... Koscisko.......nd 137 Olive............N. Vlesa.......N. 71s............ N. Y. Olive....... Meis............ Ohio.. 92 Oswego City Oswego.......... N. Y. 12-25 Olive.............. Moran.......... Ohio.. 2.013 Oteo............ Otseo........... N. Y. 1 Oliver........ Mifflin...... P... Pa 1.... Otis........ 1.............. Oliver............ Perrv........ 870 Otis erkhire............Mass 1.. 24 Orlmstead......... Cuvahoa.......Ohio 31,216 Otico............ Tonia............. Mich 1.018 Oneco Stephenson....... T88 Oic......... Onnd........ N. Y. 104 Oneida. Eaton Mich.. 492 Otisfield.......... Cumiberland.. Me.... 1,171 Oneonta.........Otergo........... 1902 Otseo... Steuben..........tnd 541 Onondaga........ ngham...........Mic 819 Otsego....... legan...... Michdi. 818 Onondaga. Onondaga........ N. V. 5.694 tseo. tsego.. N. Y. 3,901 Ontario.. Wane 2........... 246 Otsepo......... ColiOnlbia...... W..... Ontwa........... Cass............. Mich.. tseli........... Chenango... N Y. 1,800 Opeloaisas......... St. Landry....... Ta..... 1,21 Ottawa.... Ottawa.. Mich. 430 Ophir............ Lasalle........... Tl.... 210 Ottawa,........ Putnam....... Ohio.. 1,166 Oppenheim...... Fulton........... NV Y.. 2.31i Ottawa, T........ Pitnam.......... Ohio.. 104 Oqawka........ Henderson....1... Ill. c553 Ottawa Waukesha........ Wis... 793 Orange.......... New Haven...... Conn.. 1,476 Ottawa and South Orange.......F.... m.t..d... 129 111.... 3,219 OGrangel........ Noble........... Tnd.. 607 Otter Creek...... iley....... Ind41 Orange........... Rush.......... nd 67 Otter Creek.......Vio............ 789 Orane........... Franklin......... Mass.. 1, 7011 Otter Creek....... Jackson.... I..owa... 242 Oramng........... onia............ 8Mich.. 37 Otto.............. Cattarugus...... N. Y 2,267 a In 1853,11,500. b In 1853, 2,500. c In 1853,1,000. d In185 900, eIn1853, 1,500. 374 CENSUS OF 1850. Ouachita.......... Bradley.......... Ark.... 334 Paris........... Kent............. Mich.. 521 Ovid.............. Branch........... Mich.. 710 Paris............. Oneida...........N. VY. 4,281 Ovid.............. Clinton.......... Mich.. 172 Paris............. Portage........... Ohio.. 1,018 Ovid.............Seneca........... N. Y.. 2,248 Paris............. Stark............ Ohio. 2,740 Owasco.......... Cayuga..... NY..... NY 1,254 Paris............. Union............ Ohio 1,587 Owasso..........Shiawassee........Mich.. 392 Paris............. Grant............ Wis... 391 Owego......Tioga.......... N. Y... 7,159 Paris............. Kenosha.......... Wis... 956 Oweo, T......... Tioga............ N. Y.. 4,000 Parish............ Oswego.......... N. Y 1,799 Owen............. Dallas............ Ark... 366 Parishville........ St. Lawrence.... N. Y.. 2,132 Owen............ Winnebago....... Ill..... 512 Parkeminan........ Piscataquis....... Me.... 1,243 Owen............ Clark............ Ind... 680 Parkeman........ Geauga.......... Ohio.. 1,383 Owen........... Clinton........... Ind... 634 Parker........... Butler............ Pa.... 769 Owen............ Jackson.......... Ind.... 1,257 Parkersuro....... Chester........... Pa 400 Owen............ Warwick......... Ind... 728 Parkersburg...... Wood............ Va..... i1,218 Owenshoro........ Daviess...........,215 Parks............ Scott............. Ark.... 277 Owensville...... Gibson........... Ind... b235 Parks............ St. Joseph........ Mich.. 825 Oxford.......... New Haven...... Con.' 1,564 Parkville.......... Platte............ Mo.... 309 Oxford........... Lafayette........ Miss... 1,200 Parma............Monroe.......... N. 2,947 Oxford........ d........... Me..... 1,233 Parma............ Cuyahoga........ Ohio 1,329 Oxford........... Worcester........ Mass.' 2,380 Parmer.......... Jackson.......... Mich.. 1,081 Oxford........... Oakland.......... Mich.. 1,019 Parsonsfield......York............. Me.... 2,322 Oxford........... Grafton........ N. H. 1,406 Passadunkeag.... Penobscot........ Me.... 295 Oxford........... Warren......... N. J... 1,.718 Pass Christian.... Harrison.......... Miss... 790 Oxford........... Chenango........ N. Y.. 3227 Passyunk........ Philadelphia...... Pa.... 1,607 Oxford........... Granville.........N. C.. C, 978 Paterson......... Passaic.......... N.J... j11,334 Oxford........... Butler........... Ohio.. 3,139 Patoca........... Crawford......... Ind... 937 Oxford, T......... Butler............ Ohio..dl. 11l Patoka........... Dubois........... Ind.. 1,565 Oxford.......... Coshocton........Ohio 1,112 Patoka........... Gibson........... Ind... 3,385 Oxford........... Delaware........ Ohio.. 829 Patoka, T........ Gibson.......... d. 99 Oxford.......... Erie............. Ohio 984 Patoka, Madison, Oxford........... Guernsey......... Ohio,. 2,209 and Washington Pike.............. Ind.... 3,305 Oxford........... Tuscarawas...... Ohio 1,436 Patricktown. me.....Lincoln.......... Me 552 Oxford.......... Adams........... Pa.... 931 Pattenville........ Grant............ Wis... 2, 171 Oxford........... Chester........... Pa 186 Patterson......... Putnam.......... N. Y.. 1,371 Oxford.......... Philadelphia......Pa 1,787 Patterson......... Darke............ Ohio.. 319 Oster Bay. ueens........ NY.. 6.900 Patteion........Beaver...........Pa.. 251 Oy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{. ~..1 Ozan............Hempstead....... Ark.... 1,547 Patterson.......... Passaic.......... N.J. 17,615 Ozark............ Franklin......... Ark... 84 Patterson......... Juniata..........Pa.... 400 Ozark............ Greene........... Mo..... *569 Patte'soi......... Schuylkill........ Pa.... 500 Ozark............ Lawrence........ Mo.... *613 Pattersonville..... St. Mary's........ La.... 600 Packer........... Carbon........... Pa... 291 Patton........... Penobscot....... Me.... 470 Paducah...........McCracken...... Ky.... 82,428 Patton............ Allegheny........ Pa.... 81 {~~~~~~~~Pa 453. Pahaquary........ Warren.......... N. J... 460 Patton........... Centre........... Pa.... 453 Painesville....... Lake............. Ohio 3,128 Paulding......... Jasper........... Miss M335 Paint............. Favette........... Ohio 1253 Pavillion......... Kalamazoo....... Mich.. 495 Paint............. Highland......Ohio.. 2,678 Pavillion......... Genesee. N. Y.. 1,640 Paint.......... Holmest1........... 1618 Pawlet.......... Vt..... 1,843 Paiit............. Ross.............. Ohio.. 1,749 Pawling.......... Dutcheiss.. N. Y.. 1720 Paint...... Wayne........... o 1,627 PawP........De Kalb.......Ic....... 653 Paint............. Clarion........... Pa.... 610 Papaw.......... Van Buren....... lich..i 1,500 Paint............. Somerset...... Pa. 878 Pawtucket il......... Bristol.......... Mass. 3,753 Painted Post......Steuben....... N.Y.... 4,372 Pawtxet......... Kent......... I... 1800 Palatine.......... Cook............ 1..... 617 Paxton....VWorcester........ Mass... 820 Palatine......... ontgomery....... N. Y. 2,856 Paxton..... Ro... ss.............. Ohio 930 Palermo.......... Waldo........... Me... 1,659 Payon.......... Adams........... Ill..... 1,494 Pa lermo.......... Oswego........N. Y.. 2,053 Peachai.........'Caledonia. Vt. 1,377 Palestine......... Bradley....... Ark.. 1.54. Peach Bottomr.... York............. a....,409 Palestine......... Anderson..... a...Texas. f212 Pearlnton...... Hancock......... Miss 110 Palmer.......... Hampden........ Mass. 3,974 Pease............emont......... Ohio 3,515 Palmyra. Lee... Ga... 16 Pe............ Mississippi........Ark.... 267 Palinmyra......... Lee............. I... 588 Peebles.......... Allegheny. Pa.... 2,168 Palmyra... Somerset.........Me... 1,625 Peeskill.......... Westchester...... N. Y.. 2,500t Paivra. Lenawee......... Mich.. 1,098 Peepee..........Pike.............. Ohio.. 1,321 Palmyra...... Marion.......... Mo.... gl,284 Pekin citv........ Taswell..678 Palmyra....... Wayne........... N. Y.. 3,893 Pelham n..... H psr...... HaI ie Mass.. 983 Palmyra.......... Portage.......... Ohio.. 1,093 Pelham.......... [Jillsborough. N. H.. 1,071 Palmyra.......... Lebanon......... Pa.... 286 Pelhamn.......... Westchester... N. Y.. 577 Palmyra.......... Pike.............. Pa.... 447 Pella...a.......... Marion...5.. 500 Palmyra.......... Wayne......... Pa.. 2,015 Pemberton....... Burlington...... 2866 Palmyra..........Jefferson......... Wis... 982 Pembroke........ Washington...... Me 1.712........s............!Cook.............P....IR Palns. Cook..ll 336 Penbroke. Plymouth.....Mass l Pamelia.......... Jefferson......... N. Y.. 2,528 Pembroke. Merrimack....... N. H. 1.733 Pampas....... deKalb...... I. T s1,038 Pembroke........ Gnesee.......... V 2.. 279 Panola........... Panola...... Miss 500 Pencada Hundred. Newcastle........ Del... 2,614 Panton........... Addison....... Vt...,. 559 Pendleton.......... Id.... 389 PaolioOa........... hd 2..ras 1,0243 Pendleton........ Niagarat....... V.. 2,165 Paol, Tr.......... Orange........... nd... 461 Pendleton........ Putnam.......... Ohio.. 180 Paraclifta......... Seier........... Ark... 144 Pendleton......... Anderson........S C... 634 Paradise.........Lancaster......... e.... 1,828 Penfield.......... Monroe........... N.Y.. 3,185 Paradis.........Monroe.........M.. Pa 428 Penfield......... Lorain........... Ohio.. 672 Paradise. York............ Pa 2,354 Penn............. Jay.............. Ind 810 Pardeeville Comi........ Wiso.... 81 Penn.... St..Joseph........d.... 3...,034 Parida.......... Valencia.......N'.. 168 Penn............. Jefferson......... sIowa.. 869 Paris............. Emanuel......... a..... 57 Penn............. Johnson.......... Iowa.. 366 Paris............. Edar 697 Penn............. Cass H.. 698 Paris............. Bourbon.Ky. 384 Penn........... Morgan........... Oio 1,370 Paris.............Oxford....... M.... 2,882, Penn....... Morrow.......... Ohio 876 aIn 1853, 1,600. b In 1853, 400. e Ini 185r3, 2,500. d In 1853, 2,200. e In 1853. 3,000. In 1853, 1,000. g In 1853 2,000. A In 1853, 2,500. i In 1853, 3,500. j In 1853, 13,000. k In 1853, 2,000. POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 375 Penn............ Berks.Pa.... 1,476 Perryville......... Vermillion....... nd.... 1,505 Penn...:...:.....Chester..........Pa.... 738 Perryville........ Perry........... Mo... 221 Penn............. Clearfield........ Pa.... 528 Perrysile........Decatur.......... Tenn.. 50 Penn............. huntingdon.....Pa.... 839 Persia............ Cattaraugus...... N. Y.. 1,955 Penn............. Lancaster........ Pa.... 1,909:erth............ Fulton........... N.Y.. 1,140 Penn............. Lycoming........Pa.... 578 Perth Amboy..... Middlesex........N. J... 1,865 Penn............. Perry....... Pa.... 1,109 Peru............. Miami........... Ind.... 1,980 Penn District..... Philadelphia......Pa.... 8,939 Peru, T..........[Miami........... nd.... cl,166 Pennfield......... Calhoun.......... Mich.. 598 Peru............. Oxford........... Me.... 1,109 Penn Forest...... Carbon........... Pa.... 415 Peru............. Berkshire........ Mass.. 519 Pennington....... Bradley.......... Ark... 1,216 Peru............. Clinton.........N. Y. 3,640 Penns............ Union............ Pa.. 2,736 PeruT...........Clinton........... N.Y.. 900 Pennsbury....... Chester..........Pa.... 761 Peru............. Lasalle........... I5.... 4,500 Penn Yan........ Yates............ N. Y.. 3,000 Peru............. Huron........... Ohio 1.. 1,632 Peno.............Pike............. Mo... 1,431 Peru............. Bennington....... Vt.... 567 Penobscot........ Hancoc...... Me... e 1,556 Peru and vicinity. El Dorado........ Cal. 168 Pensacola........ Escambia. F....... la 2,164 Peterborough..... Hillsborough...... H. 2,22 Peoria city....... Peoria........... Ill.....a5,095 Peters............ Franklin.......... Pa.... 2,310 Pepperell........ Middlesex........ Mass.. 1,754 Peters............ Washington...... Pa.... 924 Pequannock...... Morris...........N... 4, 16 6Petersburg........ Menard..........Ill.... 714 Peralto.......... Valencia......... N. M.. 588 Petersburg........ Perry............ lnd.... 386 Periquati........ Valencia.........N. M.. 36 Petersburg........ Huntingdon....... Pa.... 264 Perkins..........Lincoln..........Me.... 84 Petersburg........ Dinwiddie....... Va....., d13,950 Perkins..........Erie............. Ohio.. 1,207 Petersburg........ Pike............. Ind.... 500 Perkinsville...... Madison......... nd.... 115 Petersburgh...... Boone............ Ky..... *4 Perkiomen.......Montgomery......Pa.... 1,622 Petersburgh...... Rensselaer........ N. Y.. 1,908 Perrin........... Union............ Pa.... 2,736 Petersburgh...... Adams............Pa.... 3.56 Perrinton......... Monroe........... N. Y.. 2,891 P'etersburgh...... Perry............ Pa.... 680 Perry............ Johnson.......... Ark.. 603 Petersburg, T..... Perry............ Pa.... 1,000 Perry............ Houston.......... Ga.. 1,200 Petersham....... Worcester........ Mass.. 1,527 Perry............ Pike............. I1.... 402 Pettis............ Platte............M e.... 2,953 Perry............ Allen............ ind.... 842 Pewankee....... Waukesha....... Wis... 1,106 Perry............ 691 Pharsalia......... Chenango........ Y.. 1,185 Perry~~~~~~,ino.......... -tro.......s. N. Y..5 Perry............ CIn d.... 893 Phelps........... Ontario..........N Y 5,542 Perry............ Delaware........ ind.... 1,091 Phelpstown...... [ngham.........ich.. 393 Perry............ Lawrence........ind... 1.457 Philadelphia...... Jefferson......... N. Y 1,915 -Perry aeo n............M io.... n 1,802 Philadelphia prop'r Philadelphia......Pa... 21,376 Perry............ Martin........... nd.... 1,517 Philadelphia,inclu Perry............ Miami........... [nd... 1,176 d(ling Kensington, Perry............ Monroe.......... [Ind... 1,008 Northern LiberPerry............ Noble............ ind.... 1,104 ties, Spring Gar Perry............ Tippecanoe..d.... nd. 1,036 den, Southwark, Perry........... Vanderburg...... Ind... 693 & Moyamensing Phlladelphlia......Pa... -340,045 P~ ~ ~ ~~verr...........I M.( ~..I Perry............. Wayne..... d.... 868 Philips............Franklin......... Me. 1,673 Perry............ Davis............ [Iowa.. 676 Philipsburg....... Beaver........... Pa 43.... Perry............. lackson.......... Iowa.. 420 Philipston........ Worcester....... Mass.. 809 Perry............ Wasthington...... e.... 1,324 Philipstown..... Putnam.......... Y.. 5,063 Perry h............ hiawassee......Mich.. 313 Phdlipsville, T..... Allcghany......... N. Y.. 800 Perry............ Wyomning........ N. Y.. 2,832 Phippsburg....... Lincoln.......... Me.... 1,805 PerryT.......... Wyoming........ N. Y.. 1500 Phnix......... Oswego.......... N. Y 872 Perry.............len............ Ohio 923 1Phenixville h...... ester..........Pa.... 2,670 Perry.............. Oio. 788 ickawy........ Pickaway....... Ohio.1,425 Perry....... Brown...........Ohio, 2. 781 Pickensville...... Pickens.......... Ala.... 276 Perry........... Carroll.......... Ohio.. 1 277 Pickerington..... Fairfield.......... Ohio.. 157 Perry............ Columbiana...... Ohio.. 2,371 Piermont......... Rockland........ N.Y.. 1.200 Perry............Cohocton........ Ohio 1..,340 eront....... raft.......... N. H.. 948 Perry............ Fayette.......... Ohio 1. 088 Pierpont.......... St. Lawrence.... N. Y 1,459 Perry............ Franklin.......... Ohio.. 4,169 Pierpont.......... Ashtabula........ Ohio.. 999 Perry............ Gallia............Ohio.. 1,208 Pierson.......... Vigo............. Ind.... 642 Perry............ oki........Ohio.. 1,217 igeon. Vanderburg...... d 5315 Pery.. Lake. Ohio.. 1,131 Pigeos... arrick.bsd...... Id.... 715 Perry s......... s a eeking........ Ohio.. 924 Pigeon Roost..... Prai...... Ak 307 n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In" Perry............ Lakeig............. Ohio.. 1,131254 Pikeo...... a......... Ind.... 786 Perry............ Lawrence........ Ohio.. 1,407 Pigeo Roost.... PrMarie on........... 1....,07 Perry............ Mcinoe.......... Ohio.. 11254 Pike............. arren.......... Tnd.... 55 Perry........... Logn tomery....... Ohio.. 1,9116 Pike.............M catine........... Iowa.... 265 Perry........... Moroe.......... Ohio.. 50 Pike............. Weyoning.......... 2003 Perry n............ M ngme...... Ohio.. 1.038 Pike............. Brown........ Ohio.. 1022 Perry............ rkaway........ Ohio.. 1,120 Pike............. Clark.W D........Ohio N 1.462 Perry Pk............ M.Ohio. 6307 Pike io........... Coshocton........ Ohio 081 Perry............ c Ptans........ Ohio...262 Pike............. Frlton............ Ohio.. 485 Perry............ Piela......... Ohio...924 Pike............. Knoxshctn........ Ocio e 1.720 Perry............ ulb.......... Ohio...6899 Pike............. Madison.......... Ohio.. 423 Perry............ M ktgar......... Ohio.. 4.667 Pike............. Perry............ Ohio 2147 Perry............ Shyscaraa t...... Ohio.. 1390 Pike....... Msadin........a. Ohio 1 447 Perry............ Wood......... Ohio.. 888 Pike............ Berky........ Pa. 03 Perry.... rusekrn......' c1o.. A g799 Pike............ Bradford.......... Ohi.. 1 47 Perry............Bikes............ Ohio.. 1,320 Pike............ Clearfields......... Pa... P0 Perry............ArtonPa.... 9...... io1,394 Pike............ Potter.............. 4 Perry............icFayette........ O oa.a.... 1,272 9 Pike............. Kenosha..........Wis.... 680 Perry............ Greeb...........Pa.... 1,090 Piketon. Pike.Ohio 690 Perry............ Jefferson.......... Pa i... 1,7389 Pike............ Bledsoe......... 4 en... 13 Perry. aee. P.... 528 Pile'......G........ oPae............. 26 Perry............ Gscrawae..........o. Pa..} 1109 3. Piketo............ Piake..............Ohio..! 6.940 Perry............ Union............ Pa.... 1,341 Pilot Hill and viPerry............ iane............. Wis.. 12 cinity.......... El Dorado........ Cal.... 40 Perry burg.......Cattaraugus...... N. Y.. 1,861 Pinckney.......... Livingston........ Mich... 500 Perrysburg Wood............ Ohio 1779 Pine.Warren... Id....942 Perrysburg, T.....ClWood............ Ohio 1,199 Pine.............PAllegheny....... Pa. 2.... 2109 ae In 1853, 8,000. b In 1853, 1,600. c In 18.53,1,700. d In 1853, 15,000. e Philadelphia, as now consolidated, eontained in 180O a population of-408,7i62. 376 CENSUS OF 1850. Pine......... Crion Pa..... 910 Pleasant..... Brown... Ohio.. 2,074 Pine A......... lst.... 2,2881!Pleasant...........rClak........Ohio.. 1,349 Pine............. Crawford......... Pa.... 702 Pleasant.......... Fairfield......... Ohio.. 2,011 Pine I............. ndiana........... Pa...... 367Peasant.......... Franklin.......... Ohio... 1,071 Pine............. Jefferson......... Pa...... 778 Pleasant....n..... Hancock......... Ohio.. 522 Pine Bluff........ Jefferson......... Ark.... 400' Plcasant......... Hardin............ Ohio.. 2,124 Phine Creek....... Ogle............ 924i Pleasant.......... Henry............ Ohio 338 Pine Creek....... Clinton........... Pa.. 7740 Pleasant......... Knox..............Ohio 909 Pine Grove. IsL......Sierra............ l... 504 Pleasant........... Logan............. Ohio. 806 Pine Grove Van Buren........ Mich6... 2.Pleasant.......... Madison.......... Ohio.. 1,184 Pine Grove, Bor.. Schuvlkill........ Pa.... 646; Pleasant.......... Marion...........Ohio 1,198 Pine Grove.....Iculkill........ P.... 1.967jPlcasant......... Putnam.......... Ohio.. 714 Pine Grove....... Venango. Pa.... "690 Pleasant......... Seneca........... Ohio 1,592 Pine Grove....... Warren.......... Pa..... 27isaVan Wert....... Ohio 619 Pine Plains....... Allesan........... M'h.. 341Pleasant......... Warren.......... Pa.... 240 Pine Plains....... Dutchess......... N. Y... 1,416, |Pleasant Grove... Des Moines....... Iowa.. 802 Piney.... Jonson e........ Ark.... 290: Pleasant Hill or Piney Fork....... Lawrene...... Ark.... 438! Shakertown.... Mercer...........Ky... 342 Pinkney.......... Lewis,........ N. 1208 Pleasant Hill and Pioneer.........Cedar........ Iowa.. 419 vicinity........ El Dorado........ Cal.... 38 Pipe............. Stoddart.......... o.... 1,053 Pleasant Mills.... Adans........... Ind 71 Pipe Creek.... Madisond......... Ind 1,512 PIeasantMount... Wayne......... Pa.... 186 Pipe Creek. Mii............. tid.... 504 lesant Prairie.... Kenosha....... Wis... 959 Piqua....... I. N iami............ Ohio.. 3,277jPleasant Ron..... Lawrence........ Ind.... 134) Piscataway....... Middlesex........ N. J.... 2,975 Pleasant Spring... Dane............ Wis.. 732 Piteairn....St.oLawrence.... N. V.... 1503 Pleasant Valley... Johnson.......... I owa.. 287 Pitcher. Cieang....1 Pleasant Valley... DutC.ess N.... TN. Y 2,2 Pitt.Wyadott........Ohio 861 les Valley.... Pleasant Madison.......... Ohio 168 Pitt.............. Allegheny........ Pa.... 2,035J Pleasant Valley... Potter............ Pa.... 73 Pittsburg......... Johnson......... Ak Pleasnt Valley... Marquette........ Wis.. 66 Pittsburg......... Carroll........... tnd...3 Plover............ Porstage........... Wis... 451 Pittsburg......... Coos..... N. 425 Plum............. Alle.heny........ Pa 1,241 Pittsburg. Allegheny........ Pa.... -46,601 Plum............. Venango......... Pa.... 8345 Pittsfield.....Pike.............. hi.... 637.Plum Bayou...... Jefferson...... As.... 76 Pittsfield....... omerset... Me..... 1..I. 166 Plum Creek...... Arinstron Pa 2.. 21220 Pittsfield......... Berkshire........ NMass.... 58732 Pletnstead...... Ocean............ N J.. 1613 Pittsfield.......... Washteseaw...... Mich 1,2321 Plinstead........ B scks............ Pa.... 2,300 Pittsfield......... Merrimack....... N. H... 1,88 Plunkett Creek... Lycoi.... 189 Pittsfield......... Otsego........... N. Y.. 1,501 Plunket's Creek.. Sullivan......l. Pa 199 Pittsfield........ Lorain........... Ohio.. 1,088 Plymouth........ Litc hfieldis......... Conn.. 2,568 Pittsfield......... Warren.......... a.... 756 Plymouth.........Marshall............ 700 Pittsfield........ Rutland........ Vt..... 51 Plymouth........ Penobcot........ e.... n925 Pittsfield. r...v..... Jono......... Vis... 198P Plsnouth...Mut........ ass.. 6,024 Pittsford.......... illd. 1 223!1 Plymouth.......... Wayne.......... Mih.. 2,431 Pittsford. Monroe............. N. Y.. 2061 Plyouth........ Grafton.......... N. H 1,290 Pittsford......... Rutland.......... Vt..... 2,016 Plymm1th........ Chenango........N.Y.. 1,5 1 Pitts Grove....... Salem............. N. J 1.... 1 Plyouth...... Weshi on.......N. C. 51 Pittston........... Luzerne............. 41049 Plymouth........ Ashtabusa........ Ohio 7,53 Pittston, T........ Luzerne........ Ma..... 2,000 Plymouth........ Richland.......... Ohio 1,663 Pittstown. Kenneec.......Me.... 2,.... 8 23 Plymouth.......e. Luerne.......... Pa... 473 Pittstown........ Rensselaer........ N... 3,732 Plymouth...Montgmeoinir...... Pa.... 1383 Plerittsfield....../tsg....... -.. I 1;51[ Vtnkt Cek.Sulvn....... Pa 2.. Placervihle antId r vi-.08 Plymouth........ Windsor.......... 1,26 cinity.......... Dorado..... Cal 5,6231 Plymouth........ Roc s............. is... 581 Pl.'ainl......... St. Francis132 t...y.. Pl on Plymouth.........Ms. as. 927 Plain............. Koscisko........ Nd... 868 Poasttown........ Butler.........s.. Oio 126 Plains............ Franklin......... Ohio 1,561 Pocahontas....... Bond............. id.... 126 Plain............. Stark............. Ohio 52,211 Pocono........... Mercer........... Pa.... 925 Plain............. Wayne........... Ohio 2,375 Pocopsin......... Cester........... 5a3.... 52 Plain............. Wood............ Ohio. 492 Poestenkill....... Rensselaer....... N. 2.. 092 Plainfield......... Windhasn......... Conn.. 2732 Point............. Calhoun.......... II.... 812 Plainfield... Will.................. 1,093 Point............. Pose........... Ind.. 479 Plainfield......... Hendricks........ nd.... 251 Point............. Northumberland ";I.... 876 Plainfield......... Hampshire........lass 81.1 Point Pleasant.... Guernsey......... Ohio 106 Plainfield......... Kent..tistm. 65~ Point Remove.... Qonway.......... Ark 294 Plainfield........ Sllivan. N. Ii.. 1,332 Pokagon.......... Cass.............. ich.. 94 Plainsfield.....E... Esex.N.... 2.447 Poland........... Cumberland...... 6.... 60 Plaifield.t.Otsfego...N. V 1,450 Poland........... Chautauque...... N. Y.. 114 Plainfieltlad....... ~ tser.....{, 06Iymth Cea/o....... 1. -7455 Plainsfield............. Northampton...... Pa.... 1,753 Poland........... alioning........ hio 2,12 Plainfield......... sWasington....... Vt...... 80 Polk........... Arkansas.........rk... 32 2 Plaistow......... Rockingham...... N. H.. 0748 Polk............ Dallas............ Ark.... 4290 Planters.......... Chicotn e........y...., P lI....A k.... Pomel.......A k...... 01e4)3 Planters..........Philips........... Ark... 687 Polk............. Newton......... A. A 137 Plato........... Kane.i..... 813 Polk........ s.insor 31...... 1i PIatte............ Adair.o..... 2,1.90 Polk............. Jefferson......... owa 61 Platte......... Buchanan........ o.... *881 Polk............. Greene........... Mo.... *732 Platte............ Clay..........,76 Polk....... Craord Ohio.. 1,318 Platte C1ity Pt........ Platte..... 4 Polk............. Monroe.......... Pa.... 712. Plattekill......... Jllster...........N. Y... 1.998 PolI............. Washington...... Wis. 1.230 Platteville......... Grant............ Wi-.. 2.171 Polkton.......... Ottawa........... Mich.. 258 PlattsbiUrg InAOR...VY 5 61o Poseoy...... Meigs........... Oio. 1,638 Pleasaint.......... Fulton........... I.....' 964 Pofet........... Windhan......... o.{. 1,848 Pleasant..........!Allens............. Nd 65S8 Posfriet.......... Chatauque....... N. Y.. 4.483 Pleasant t.........Gr.... d.., 5 1, 082 Po fret.......... Windsor..........Vt....',46 Pleasant.........Johnson.......... (nl.... 1,270 Popey.......... Onodago........ N. 4,006 (leasant........jLaporte.......... In-I. 63-iPosnpton......... Passaic............ N. J... 1,70 Pleasant.... Porter............. 31 Pontiac........Livissloa........ 7.. 07 Pleasant........ Steuben.......... In I 734t1 Pontiac........... aln........2.. 0 Pleasant......... Switzerlend......!..... 2,911Pontiac,T.. Oakland.......... ih cl,681 rleasant......... Wabash..........tlu.... 1,312,Popla Plains...F..lemn...... y.... 209 aS In 1853, 6,500. In 1853, 4,000. c In 1853, 2,500. POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, &c. 377 Poplin............ Rockingham..... N. H.. 509 Prairie........... Kosciusko........ nd.... 987 Portage....... Porter... d...6.... [n8d.66 tPrairie Tipton........... nd... 7'22 Portage.......... Saint Joseph...... Ind.... 2,073 Prairie........... Davis............ (owa.. 69 Portage.......... Kalamazoo.......Mi c j'rairic........... Chariton..........Mo... 936 Portage.......... Livingston. N...... 2,478 Prairie...........'Randolph......... Mo... 1,764 Portae.......... Hancock......... Ohio 61 Prairie........... Taney........... o 202 Portagew.......... Ottawahio 6262 Pirie rklOhio.. 1,043 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Portaire Portage.......... Summit.......... Ohio 4 426 Prairie / ho... Holmes.......... Ohio 1,451 Wood 4........... Ohio 403 rairie Creek..... Vio..... nd 875 Portage.......... Potter............ Ohio 34 Prairie du Long... Monroe........... [I..... 6 Portage City...... Columbia........ Wis...,000 Prairie du Sauk... Sank............ is... 79 Portage Prairie... Columbia......... Wis... 603 Prairie du Sauk T. Sauk............. Wis... 168 Port Byron....... Cayuga.......... N. Y. 1,400 Prairie Springs.... Jackson.......... owa.. 2