THIRTEENTH STATE CENSUS. THE CENSUS OF IOWA, AS RETURNED IN. THE YEAAR 1875, SHOWING IN DETAIL THE POPULATION, AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS, DOMESTIC AND GENERAL MANUFACTURES, AND OTHER IT.EMS OF INTEREST. PUBLISHED UNDER DIRECTION OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. CYRUS C. CARPENTER, GOVERNOR. JOSIAH T. YOUNG, SECRETARY OF STATE. BUREN R. SHIERMAN, AUDITOR OF STATE. WILLIAM CHRISTY, TREASURER OF STATE. DES MOINES: R. P. CLARKSON, STATE PRINTER. Nov. 1, 1875. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Number of Dwellings, number of Families; and the Population with the various classifications thereof in the several counties in the State, by Townships........................................................................................................................ 1-69 Acres of improved and unimproved land, with number of acres in cultivation in 1874; rods of fence; number of acres and number of bushels harvested of Spring Wheat, Winter Wheat, Corn, Rye, Oats, Barley, and Buckwheat in the several counties in the State, by Townships.......................................... 70-128 Statistics concerning Flax, Sorghum, Wild and Tame Grasses, Irish Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Onions, Turnips, Beets, Peas, and Beans in the several counties in the State, by Townships.................................................................. 129-187 Number of acres of natural and planted Timber; rods of Hedge; and statistics of the Orchard and Vine in the several counties in the State, by Townships.......................................................................... 188-247 Number of Horses of all ages, with number sold for export; number of Mules and Asses, with number sold for export; number of Milch Cows; pounds of Butter made; pounds of Cheese made not at factory; gallons of Milk sold; Work Oxen; all other cattle; Cattle slaughtered or sold for slaughter in 1874; thorough-bred Short-Horns; Hogs on hand, Berkshires, Poland China, and number slaughtered or sold for slaughter in 1874; Sheep on hand, pounds of Wool sheared and sheep slaughtered or sold for slaughter in 1874; with number same killed by dogs, and number of dogs in the several counties in the State, by Townships.................................................... 248-308 Number of Stands of Bees, pounds of Honey and Beeswax; value of Farm Produce, value of Market Garden Produce, value of Products of the Orchard, value of Small Fruit, value of Products of the Herd, value of Products of the Dairy, and value of Products of the Forest, in the several counties in the State, by Townships...................................................................................... 309-346 Number of Dwellings, Families, Population and the various classifications thereof; showing also Nativity of Inhabitants, Foreign Parentage, and number Persons between Five and Twenty-One, in the several counties in the State...........................7-350............................................................................... 347-350 Number of Illiterate Persons, Deaf and Dumb not in State Institution, Blind not in College for the Blind, Insane not in Hospitals, Births and Deaths in 1874, Voters and where Born, Foreigners, and Militia, in the several counties in the State.............................................................................................351-35 Number of Acres of Improved and Unimproved Land, Rods of Fence, Acres in Cultivation in 1874, Acres and Bushels Harvested of Spring Wheat, Winter Wheat, Corn, Rye, Oats, Barley, and Buckwheat, in the several counties in the State.............................................................................. 355-358 Number of Acres and Bushels of Flax Seed; acres of Sorghum and Gallons of Syrup from same; gallons of Maple Syrup, pounds of Maple Sugar; Acres of Blue Grass, of Tame Grass and tons of Hay from same; tons of Hay from Wild Grass, bushels of Grass Seed, of Clover Seed; Acres of Hungarian Grass, tons of Hay and bushels of Seed from same; statistics of Hops, Tobacco, Broom Corn and Potatoes, in the several counties in the State....................................................................................................-3.................. 359-362 iv CONTENTS. PAGE. Number of acres and bushels of Sweet Potatoes, Onions, bushels of Turnips, Beets, Peas and Beans; acres of Natural Timber, of Planted Timber; rods of Hedge; number of Trees in bearing and bushels gathered in 1874 of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, and Cherries, and other Fruit Trees in bearjing and number not in bearing; acres of Grapes in Vineyard, pounds of Orapes gathered, gallons of Wine made; number of Vines, pounds gathered and gallons of Wine made of Grapes not in Vineyard, in the several counties i the State............................................................................................. 364-369 Number of Horses ofall agaes, same sold for export; Mules and Asses, same sold export; Mileh Cows, pounds of Butter made, pounds of Cheese made not at factory, gallons of Milk sold; Work Oxen; all other Cattle; Cattle slaughtered or sold for slaughter in 1874; Thoroughbred Short-Horns, Devons, Herefords, Ayrshires, Jerseys, Holderness, other improved breeds; Hogs: Berkshires, Poland-China, Chester-White, Magee, Essex, other improved breeds; hogs slaughtered or sold for slaughter in 1874, in the several counties in the State.................................................................................... 370-373 Number Sheep on hand, Merino, Cotswold, Leicester, South-down, other improved breeds; pounds of Wool; Sheep slaughtered or sold for slaughter, and number killed by Dogs in 1874; Dogs; stands of Bees; pounds of Honey and Beeswax; value of Farm Produce, Market Garden Produce, Products of the Orchard, Small Fruit, Products of the Herd, Products of the Dairy, and Products of the Forest, in the several counties in the State................. 374-377 Average yield, per acre, in bushels, of Spring Wheat, Winter Wheat, Corn, Rye, Oats, Barley, Buckwheat, Irish Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, and Onions, tons of Tame Grass, and in gallons, of Sorghum; also, average number of pounds of wool per Sheep, in the several counties in the State.................... 378-379 Number and character of Manufacturing Establishments, kinds of goods made, kinds of power used, average number of hands employed; tons Pig and Scrap Iron, cubic feet of Wood, pounds of Wool, pounds of Leather, bushels of Flax Seed, WTheat, Corn, and Barley consumed in manufactures in 1874, and value of goods made, in the several counties in the State..... 380-383 Statistics of Mines and Quarries for 1874, as returned by assessors, in the several counties in the State......................................................................................... 384-385 Number and character of Colleges, Academies, Universities, and other Private Schools, with their location; Male and Female Instructors, Studnets, Volumes in Libraries, and amount of income.........,........................................... 386-390 Number of acres of Land Assessed, the average value per acre, and aggregate valuation after Equalization; also, the aggregate value of Town Property, Railroad Property, and Personal Property, and total valuation of Taxable Property, and State Tax thereon, in each county for the year 1875................. 391-394 Number of Acres of Land Assessed, Reported Value per Acre, Equalized Value per Acre, Reported Value of Lands, Reported Value of Town Lots, Reported Value of Lands and Town Lots, and Equalized Value of Lands and Town Lots, Value of Personalty, Reported Total Valuation, Equalized Total Valuation, and State Tax thereon at two mills, in each County in the State, for the Years 1865 and 1875.............................................. 395-400 Exhibit of aggregates of certain items in the preceding Tables, comparing them with Census of 1865....................................................................................... 401-403 Population of the Incorporated Cities and Towns of Iowa, for the Years 1870, 1873, and 1S75................................... 404-406 Population of the several Counties in the State at each enumeration since the Organization of the Territory of Wisconsin................................................... 407-410 The several Railroads in the State, January 1, 1875, their Length, Assessed Valuation per Mile, and Aggregate Assessed Value, as fixed by the Executive Council, M arch 1, 1875..................................................................... 411 CONTENTS. v PACE':. Statement of the Gross Earnings, Aggregate Gross Earnings, and Gross Earnings per Mile of the several Railroads in the State, in the Years 1873 and 1874........................................................4................................................. 412-413 Statistics of School Districts, Schools, Teachers and their Compensation, Scholars and their Attendance, School-Houses and their Value, Apparatus, Libraries, Expenditures, and Private Schools in the several Counties of the State........................................................................................................................ 414-417 Senators and Representatives from Iowa in the XLIVTH Congress...................... 418 List of Federal Officers in Iowa, together with Time and Place of holding United States Circuit and District Courts......................................................... 419 Official Register for the Year 1876, giving Names of all State Officers and their Deputies; the Judges of the Supreme, District, and Circuit Courts; the District-Attorneys, and Short-Hand Reporters.............................. 420-422 Public Institutions of the State, their Location, Names of Officers and Trustees, 423-428 List of Newspapers and Periodicals Published in the State, November 1st, 1875... 429-439 Alphabetical List of Post-Offices in the State, November 1st, 1875......................... 440-449 List of County Auditors, Clerks of District and Circuit Courts, Treasurers, Recorders, and Sheriffs for 1876......................................................................... 450-453 List of Superintendents of Common Schools, County Surveyors, Coroners, and Members of Boards of Supervisors for 1876.............................................. 454-456 Times of holding the District and Circuit Courts in the several Counties of the State for the Years 1876 and 1877................................................457-460 Abstract of Votes Cast at the General Election, October 12th, 1875, for the Offices of Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, by Counties and Townships........... 461-499 Abstract of Votes Cast at the General Election, October 12th, 1875, for the Offices of Judge of the Supreme Court and Superintendent of Public Instruction, by Congressional Districts and Counties................................................. 500-503 List of Members of the Sixteenth General Assembly.............................................. 504-506 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. The census of 1875, the returns of which appear in the following pages, was the thirteenth taken under State authority, and the twenty-first enumeration of the inhabitants of what is now the State of Iowa, by whatever authority made. In 1836, under the provisions of the act of Congress organizing the territory of Wisconsin, Gov. Henry Dodge caused a census of the new territory to be taken. It showed a population of 10,531, found in the counties of " Demoine " and Dubuque, creations of the territorial legislature of Michigan, and comprising all the organized territory north of the northern line of the State of Missouri, from the Mississippi to the Pacific ocean. In 1838, the organic act for Iowa territory provided for an enumeration thereof. This also was taken under the direction of the Governor of the territory, Hon. Robert Lucas. The number of inhabitants ascertained was 22,859, more than double the previous census. The number of counties, by the erection, out of those formerly existing and additional territory, of Cedar, Clayton, Clinton, Henry, Jackson, Johnson, Jones, Lee, Linn, Louisa, Muscatine, Scott, Slaughter (now Washington), and Van Buren, had been increased to sixteen. From this period, the growth of the territory was a. steady one, but not marked by the giant strides that characterized the first decade of the State, the annual increase ranging from 6,000 to about 11,000. The federal census of 1840 showed a population of 43,114 in eighteen counties, Delaware and Jefferson reporting for the first time. Four years later, 75,152 people were found in twenty-one counties: Davis, Kishkekosh (now Monroe), and Wapello appearing in the returns. In 1846, another enumeration was taken preparatory to admission into the Union; showing a population of 97,588. The number of counties reported was now twenty-seven, Appanoose, Benton, Buchanan, Mahaska, Marion, and Polk being added to the list. On the 28th of December following, Iowa entered the Union. From this time forward, its growth, as if stimulated by the change in political relation, was for a dozen years rapid and even prodigious, until, in 1856, 519,055, and in 1859, 638,775, people were found within its borders; while settlement had penetrated into all but seven counties of the State. The constitution of 1846 provided that within one year after its ratification, snd within every subsequent term of two years for eight years, an enumeration of all the white inhabitants should be made. In accordance with this requirement, the First General Assembly provided for a census in each of the years 1847, 1849, and 1851, which were accordingly taken. Up to this time, there seems to have been no effort to gather statistics as to the details of viii CENSUS RETURNS. population, or the productions and resources of the State, except for the federal census. A mere counting of the whole number of the people, and except in 1846 only the white people, was all that was attempted. In the Code of 1851 a step further was taken. This provided for a census in 1852, 1854, 1856, and every tenth year thereafter, and required that the return should show, the total number of males, of females, of voters, of militia, and of unnaturalized foreigners. It also created the Census Board to supervise the enumeration, and authorized it to provide for ascertaining and collecting any facts that might be deemed expedient. The census of 185(6 was based upon the plan of that of the United States of 1850. A complete nominal list of all the inhabitants, showing social condition, nativity, occupation, and color, and of the whites the sex, in addition to what the law required, besides an immense mass of information in regard to the productions of the State, were obtained. The law of the Code rendered it more practicable to secure this information, a duplicate of the assessors' blanks being returned to the office of the Secretary of State. This permitted a compilation under one supervision in the same manner as the federal census is collected. The General Assembly, in 1858, saw fit to change this mode, and establish that now in use, which provides that abstracts of the returns shall be prepared by the county auditors respectively and forwarded to the Secretary of State. The act making this change also enlarged the scope of the census, adding several other items to be inquired into, and lodging with the Census Board the same discretionary power as before. This law is the one in force at present. The constitution of 11857 (the present) provided for an enumeration of -all the white inhabitants of the State in 1859, 1863, 1865, 1867, 1869, 1875, and every tenth year thereafter. One of the amendments adopted in 1868 extended the requirement so as to include all inhabitants, regardless of color. The Fourteenth General Assembly provided for an additional census, to be taken in 1873. At each successive enumeration, except the last named, the Census Board has enlarged the field of inquiry until, in 1869, the items about which inquiry was made numbered seventy-six, and in that reported in these pages one hundred and eighty-nine. The growth which had marked the first ten years of the State was not sustained during the next decade, notably the latter half of it. The financial catastrophe, followed by a failure of crops unparalleled in Iowa, had stopped the flood of immigration into the State; and, the war coming on, the population of the State increased very slowly until 1865, when it reached 754,699, or only 79,214 more than in 1860, a gain of less than 16,000 per annum. The decade closing with this year, in its first half, witnessed a rapidity of growth surpassed only by that of the years from 1854 to 1858; immigration pouring into the State in vast numbers, and soon occupying all the government lands, and hundreds of thousands of other unimproved acres. The federal census of 1870 showed a population of 1,194,020, indicating an average annual increase, since 1865, greater than the entire growth during the preceding five years; if indeed, the large figures of the census of 1870 are to be relied INTRODUCTION. ix upon, of which there is some question. Taking the ten years together, there has been an average annual augmentation of population, to the amount of 59,584.5. The present'population of the State, as shown in the following pages, is 1,350,544, an increase, over that of 1873, of 99,211, and over the reported figures of 1870 of 156,524. The population of the State, at each successive enumeration, is presented in full by counties, on pages 407-410 of this book. The following table shows the varying rate of growth as given by the several enumerations taken under territorial and State authority. - i4 ~ Year of Census. Q W Cd Doc.O = Q ~ 1836...................0531............................ 1844............................................................... 75152 52293 8715 38.56 1846............................................................... 97588 22436 11218 18.56 1847............................................................... 16651 19063 19063 19.53 849.............................................................. 152988 36337 18168 15.58 1851.................................................. 204774 51786 25893 16.93 1852............................................................... 230713 25939 25939 12.67 1854............................................................... 326013 95300 47650 20.69 1856.............................................................. 519055 193042 96521 29.61 1859.......................................................... 638775 119720 39907 7.69 1863......................................................... 701732 62957 15739 2.46 1865........................................................... 754699 52967 26483 3.77 1867............................................................... 902040 147341 73670 9.76 1869.............................................................. 1040819 138779 69389 7.69 1873............................................................... 1251333 210514 52628 5.06 1875............................................................... 1350544 99211 49605 396 Dividing the space of time embraced in the foregoing figures into four periods, we have the following showing: A.verage annual increase during the territorial decade, 8706 or 82.67 per cent. Average annual increase during first decade of the, State............................................................. 42147 or 43.19 per cent. Average annual increase during period of nine years, 1856-1865............................................................26183 or 5.04 per cent. Average annual increase during decade 1865-1875....... 59584 or 7.89 per cent. ii x CENSUS RETURNS. The federal enumerations show as follows: fI D Year. v3 1840.43114]. 1860...............2........................................................... 274913 4827, [25.11 1870......................................................................... 11940201 519111 7.96 In preparing the schedules for this census, the Executive Council was deeply impressed with the desirability and importance, in this last enumeration prior to the centennial of American independence, of obtaining such information as to the population, productions, and resources of the State, as would approximate the most' closely practicable to absolute accuracy. It was at once seen that this could best be obtained by some plan of operations similar to that of the federal enumeration, and to the State enumeration of 1856. It was suggested to the Council that, while the law contemplated abstracts being prepared of each county's statistics by its auditor, yet this might be complied with in its intent if the assessors' returns were made in duplicate, and one copy sent up by the county auditor in lieu of an abstract. This would permit of the compilation of all the returns under one supervision, which is almost a necessity to the highest accuracy. The Council decided that, however desirable this mode of making the returns evidently was, there was not a sufficient appropriation at its'disposal to warrant that body in procuring the clerical force necessary for the labor of arranging and collating the facts contained in the returns from some fifteen hundred townships, towns, and cities, spread over some forty thousand blanks. It was then determined to'make the inquiry as thorough as seemed at all likely to be practicable, under the system heretofore prevalent. To this end schedules were prepared embracing — 1. Statistics of Population, with 44 items. 2. Statistics of the Farm, with 48 items. 3. Statistics of Forest and Hedge, with 3 items. 4. Statistics of the Orchard and Vine, with 18 items. 5. Statistics of the Herd, including the Dairy, with 25 items. 6. Miscellaneous statistics, with 3 items. 7. Statistics of Value of Products in 1874, with 7 items. 8. Statistics of Manufactures, with 18 items. 9. Statistics of Mines and Quarries, 9 items. 10. Statistics of Colleges, Seminaries, and other Private Schools, 14 items. *These figures differ from those appearing in the body of this book, which were taken from first reports of the federal enumeration. The revised report of the census of 1870, which contains also a revision of the former enumerations, gives the footings as above. The error in the census of 1870 in the first report consisted of representi ng Linn county as having a population of 28,552, (as appears on page 409 of this book,) whereas the number actually ascertained was 31,080. INTRODUCTION. xi The Council was fully aware that these schedules presented a formidable array of inquiries to be answered, and largely added to the work of the assessors, already sufficiently great by reason of the duties more closely pertaining to their office in the assessment of property, this being the year for valuation of real estate; but the Council believed it to be imperative that an attempt should be made to get information no less exhaustive than complete answers to all the queries would convey; hence the blanks were prepared as indicated. These schedules contain most of the items included in those of the United States census of 1870; and many, notably in reference to agriculture, not to be found in those schedules. No attempt was made to gather statistics of individual wealth, as was done in the federal census. The officer taking the enumeration was also to assess property; and it was believed to be unwise to try to obtain any data for the census that might seem capable of being used for purposes of assessment. There is frequently much difficulty in getting information for a census for fear such use will be made of it; this difficulty is much greater where the~ assessor is the enumerating officer. Special care on the part of that officer is therefore necessary to prevent the two classes of information being confounded in the m-inds of persons visited; while the queries were themselves dissociated, as much as possible, from the idea of data for taxation. Before another census of the State-is taken, the Council believes it to be wise to provide that the enumeration should be made by some person other than the assessor, to be selected with a view to his adaptability to the work. The plan of township, town, and city enumerators, however, should be adhered to. There are none too many, now, for expeditious work; and the value of a census is hightened by every day saved in completing it. The enumeration of Great Britain is taken in one day. Such rapidity, although actually more desirable here than there because of the more frequent changes of residence in a new country and hence greater danger of omissions and duplications, is doubtless impracticable with us; but there would seem to be no reason why the enumeration of inhabitants could not be completed in a week. The data in regard to agriculture, manufactures, mines, private schools, &c., could be obtained at more leisure. Protraction here will not affect reliability. It is believed that with an enumerator in each township and town, two or three in each city of the second class, and one for each ward in a city of the first class, and an additional one for every considerable nationality in any neighborhood speaking a foreign tongue, the number of inhabitants and all the statistics of population could be obtained in so short a time as to insure a degree of accuracy far greater than can be hoped for under a census the taking of which is protracted through several months. While considering the subject of future enumerations, a few more suggestions are deemed pertinent. The census of the United States is taken as of the first of June; that of this State is taken during the winter and spring months, and as of no particular date. Uniformity in the time of year in which these enumerations are taken is important to their statistical value. There is no perceptible advantage in taking our census in the early months xii CENSUS RETURNS. of the year, except that derived in the matter of apparent economy from putting the work in the hands of the assessors, and having it done at the same time as the assessment of property. This saving, whatever it may be, is, as has already been intimated, at the expense of correctness. The amount of work required of the assessor in the odd-numbered years when real as well as personal property is to be valued, a list of the militia prepared, and in the larger cities a register of votes made, is enough for one person to do with any likelihood of accuracy. The conflicting character of the work of the assessor and that of the census-taker, before referred to, enhances the danger of inaccuracy. If the suggestion herein made; that the enumeration be taken by a person specially selected for the work, be adopted, the census can then be taken at the same time of year as that of the United States; which would have a tendency, the time being different from that of the assessment, to keep the queries used for the census from being confounded with those designed to obtain data for taxation. A further improvement in future enumerations, it is believed, would be found in going back to the plan of duplicate returns made direct to the Secretary of State as in the first enumerations of the State. Compilation could then be under one supervision, which, intelligently collecting and grouping the facts direct from the enumerators' findings, could present results much more satisfactorily, and with far less liability to error, than when the officer making such computation has before him only abstracts of the returns, prepared by ninety-nine officers, whose ordinary duties are sufficient, in most of the counties, to occupy their whole time. Central supervision would materially facilitate the correction of errors appearing on the face of returns, because the enumerators could be reached, and explanations obtained, doubtless, in most cases. Most of the efforts of the Secretary of State to correct evident errors in the returns appearing in this book he has been compelled to abandon, because of being met with the answer, "It is just as the assessor re"turned it." Further the Secretary could not go; and in some cases the county auditors had already tried and failed to get the matter set right. In one county, 910 acres of natural and 10 of planted timber are reported as within the limits of the town containing the county-seat. This density of forest within an incorporated town naturally excited curiosity, which of course was not at all allayed by the discovery that the corporation contained less than three hundred acres, all told! A letter to the county auditor elicited the information that the town assessor had taken it upon himself to include the entire independent district of which the town formed a part, and the smaller territorially, within the field of his labors. Whether the township assessor took the census for his own entire jurisdiction, regardless of the action of the town officer, as it was right he should, does not appear. If he did, the population of the county is of course reported too large; if he did not, the enumerations of the town and township, except as showing the aggregates in both, are worthless. Such evils as this, it is believed, could be reached and remedied under central supervision, invested with proper authority for the purpose, even to requiring new enumerations when apparently needed in any locality. INTRODUCTION. xiii The attempt to obtain the nativity of the population was not so successful as could be desired; while that to procure a statement of the places of birth of the voters was measurably a failure. It was expected that there would be many whose nativities could not or would not be ascertained, and hence would not be reported. The deficient number would in that case appear in these pages as "Unknown." But, while these deficiencies are much greater than was looked for, there is, in the returns of a large number of the assessors, an actual surplus in the columns of nativities over the whole number of inhabitants; in other words, the number of persons whose birthplaces are reported exceeds that of the whole number of people. This is especially true in the statistics of voters, of which more presently. Only fourteen counties reported all of whose columns of nativities just balanced the aggregates of population and voters; and this is true of the returns of nativities of every township, town, and ward in those counties. These were: Appanoose, Bremer, Cerro Gordo, Clinton, Dallas, Decatur, Jasper, Madison, Mills, Monona, O'Brien, Polk, Shelby, and Wapello. Besides, Cedar, Floyd, Grundy, Lucas, Page, Ringgold, Story, Webster, and Worth send returns whose columns of nativities of population balance, while those in regard to voters are more or less incorrect. In addition to these, the following counties have returns whose statistics of voters appear entirely correct, but whose nativities of population show either surplus or deficiency, viz.: Adair, surplus of one in Jackson township; Black Hawk, deficiency of three in second ward of Cedar Falls; Davis, 3 surplus in town of Bloomfield and 2 in Perry tp., while the nativities of 100 in Lick Creek tp., and 2 in Union tp., are unreported;' Emmet, 7 surplus in High Lake, and 8 deficiency in Center and 3 in Peterson townships; Johnson, surplus of 648 in Iowa City, and 100 in Lucas tp., and deficiencies of 89 in Cedar, Hardin, Oxford, Penn, and Sharon tps.; Linn, 102 surplus in Buffalo township and town of LIsbon, and 2 deficiency in Grant township; Marshall, 1 surplus in first ward of Marshalltown, and 85 deficiency in Minerva, Eden, and Vienna townships; and Sioux, with deficiencies, in every township but Rock, Settler, and Sheridan, amounting in all to 276. The township of Union, Carroll county, made no return of nativities of population. Otherwise, the county is correct. The following counties report deficiencies, with no excess in any township: Calhoun, Mahaska, Muscatine (1 in Orono township), and Taylor (300 in Dallas township). Dubuque, Davenport, Des Moines, Keokuk, and Council Bluffs, in short all the larger cities except Burlington, are in this respect correctly returned, the nativities of all the inhabitants being fully reported. Accuracy in these respects, it is needless to say, is indicative of painstaking care by the assessor in the entire enumeration. In the nativities of voters, some of the assessors seem to have included those of all the population. The column of surplus or deficiency, on pages 351-354 of this book, indicates this. Clayton county, it will be seen, with 5,272 voters, in all, reports nativities for 11,940; Winneshiek, with 4,117 voters, reports nativities for 10,652; Jackson, with 4,901, has birthplaces for 9,787; Boone reports nativities for 4058 more than its entire number of voters; etc. xiv CENSUS RETURNS. The only explanation for this large surplus is the one, above suggested, that these figures in some of the townships really embrace the entire population. These errors make the returns of nativities of voters therefore almost worthless; while those of population are comparatively unreliable. A nominal list of inhabitants offers the only trustworthy plan of obtaining this class of information correctly. The general statistics of population and agriculture are believed to approximate correctness as closely as could be expected. They afford gratifying evidence of the growth of our State and the steady development of its resources. The returns of manufactures and mines are less satisfactory than could be desired: one would suppose that these statistics ought to be obtained with more ease than any other. Experience, both in our own and the federal census, fails to sustain this view. The Council has heard of more refusals to impart information on these topics than on all the others upon which the assessors sought it. Unfortunately, there is no authority under the law to compel unwilling persons to give such information. Hence it cannot be obtained, unless those best informed and most interested co-operate with the census-taker in preparing the data. The majority of the Executive Council avail themselves of this opportunity to say that the work of supervising the taking of the census, compiling the immense mass of returns, arranging them in the perspicuous order in which they appear in the book, and preparing them for publication, has been done entirely under the personal supervision of the Secretary of State, who has been solicitous to make the published report, so far as the data at hand would permit, a complete mirror of the facts, concerning the State's population, wealth, and resources; and has spared no pains to this end. He has also caused to be prepared the very valuable lists and tables, not belonging to the Census, it is true, but of such great utility as fully to justify him in following and enlarging upon the practice which for years has assigned them a place in the Census heport. C. C. CARPENTER, JOSIAH T. YOUNG, BUREN R. SHERMAN, WILLIAM CHRISTY, Executive Council. NoTIE —Since the Errata was printed, some errors have been discovered in Table XIX: " School Statistics;" as follows: —The value of school-houses in Floyd county, on page 517, is given at $999,825, when it should have been $99,982.50. Hamilton county's school-houses, on same page, are valued at $401,135, instead of $40,135, the correct amount. On page 417, the blank line is placed opposite the counties of Muscatine, Osceola, Poweshiek, Ringgold, Story, Taylor, Union, and Van Buren respectively, when it should have been placed in each case one line below. This error makes the statistics on this page, of every county between Montgomery and Wapello in the alphabetical arrangement, appear to be opposite those of the county next below in each case. Bearing this in mind, the statistics in question will be readily traced. 00 -4 CEN~SUS REITURNSB. L 3' Showingb the Population of the several Cournties of Iowa for the Year 1 875, by Townships, Towns, rand Cities. ADAIR COUNTY. WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POULTIN. POP'ULATITON OF INHABITANTS. [ 21 YEARS OLD. 3 o.~ P.,~ ~ I. 3ISo NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 32 0 3 3. AND CITIES..,3, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 6n _ PI''e' P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~-';~ 4 ~. -,: o ~~o~ 3-4'.3 Let. S - > H d....3.3. H -H~ O 3 5 I~ 3 3.3 3~ ~ I3~H ~ Q 33 3 Z., Z ~ HZ Z Zn Z Z Z Z Z 03Eureka......................... 24 24o 55 48 103...... 8......4 29...... 0 416 Fontanelle, town of.................. 96 94 216 200 416................. 139 268 9 21 79 18 22 4 107 1 81 347 Grand River...6................ 66 180 167 3471................. 157 156 34........ 24 101 24 10 2 65...... 46 480 Greenfield, C. H.............. 95 95 249 231 480.................. 126 335 19........ 32 105 30 22 8 125...... 1o07 273 Grove................................ 50 50 139 134 273......2............ 297 152 24........ 16 82 9 13 6 56 2 44 590 Harrison............................... 98 100 306 284 590......2............ 249 321 20........ 32 158 47 20 11 125 1 95 505 Jackson............................ 83 87 291 214 505................216 246 44 1 30 132 47 32 8 110 5 83 682 Jefferson...........................'....... 129 129 378 304 6821.................. 217 397 68........ 23 158 78 19 1 165 5 100 977 Lincoln...................................... 178 184 537 440 977.................. 26 663 88........ 44 225 64 33 10 231 6 197 215 Orient...............'.................... 39 39 118 97 215............ 51 161 3........ 12 44 26 7 3 59...... 48 222 Prussia.................'.................... 41 41 112 110 222.................. 65 113 44........ 11 65 17 8 2 46 8 33 454 Richland......................... 85 85 245 209 454.................. 168 245 41........ 27 106 41 24 10 109...... 65 282 Summerset................................ 65 65 159 123 282.................. 99 148 35........ 13 57 9 13 3 75...... 57 186 Summit....................... 37 37 91 95 186............... 31 118 37........ 11 44 14 5 3 43 41 290 Union................................... 60 60 153 137 290.................. 120 143 27........ 24 51 30 7 10 58 1 38 307 Walnut.......................62 62 163 144 307............ 79 199 29........ 17 85 32 14 6 60 1 53 716 Washinton................................ 127 127 379 337 716.267 412 37....... 36 173 67 34 7 153 2 136 7-045 Total...................................... 1335 1351 3771 3274 7045......1........ 2332 4146 568 1 3771 1683 567 287 94 1616 32 1244 ADAMS COUNTY. WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POPULATION. OF INqHABITANTS. 21 YEA RS OLD. 2 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, -,0, ~.,-' ANDCITIES. 0 U 24 28 218C) 5) - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 00 - C11..2. 0 Q)S a5)Q 0 0.) 3 0 02 0 0 0 02 0 5341 Carl........................ 98 98'74 260 534..1... I...... 22;3 288 18..... 32 161 411 10 3 110.... 93 333Colony.68 69 182 148 330 2 1 3108 181 40-4 8 67 3218 1 78 62 1055 Corning, town of, C. H.232 232 434 517 1011 17 27 44 314 682 82 23 36 223 84 35 8 234...... 173 Go 824 Douglas........................................ 134 150 445 379 824.294 409 112 9 31 186 45 44 12 193 29 148 c AND CITIES. d F1D dca~~~ O m v231 4 2 3 377 Grant................................... 77 77 207 170 377...... 142 225 15 5 10 80 21 18 2 83 1 52 722 Jasper......................................... 144 144 384 338 7221.... 274 395 51-2 28 184 49 30 7 149 1 113 470 Lincoln..................... 84 84 243 227 4701........ 140 256 71 - 3 18 116 36 12 6 109 4 871 304 Mercer.60 60 170 134 3041 7....9 32 -21 2 76 65 8 347 Mercoln.........................................,:.... 1 1 25 13 6716 22 1 2 7:... F~~~~~ ~~~4 84 24 2271, 470 [][[[['C c 806 Nodaway..................................... 143 143 405 392 7971 6 3 9 297 55 1 43 199 86 39.7 170 5 133 482 Prescott................................. 88 88 266216482........ 134 359 86 97 16 88 37 27 4 125 8 93 552 Quincy, exc. of towns................. 97 97 273 279 552.195 317 12- 28 23 99 16 21 11 100...... 77 P2 265,Quincy, town of.......................... 8 177 6 7 52 20 8 3 60 1 20 7 360 Union........................................... 62 63 201 159 3601.10 235 6 1 19 83 33 18 5 77 6 60 GO 748 Washington................................ 154 154 379 369 7481............3i 23 405 20 19 176 48 29 7 163 1 107 7832 Total....................................... 15121 15301 39901 37261 77761 251 311 56 27'21 45731 666.. 3031 17811 5701 3191 78 1727 56 1283 F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6[~ 11Err ALLAMAKEE COUNTY. 1184 Center.......................................... 198 198 616 568 11841.... 525 69 293 -297 72 332 116 46 15 194 54 137 492 Fairview......................... 94 94 255 237 492..... 221. 133 114 - 24 91 7...... 2113 71 846 Franklin........................... 162 162 2 442 04 846.....418 331 92 - 5 28 20 98 26 14 174 3 119 751 French Creek.............................. 118 118 398 353 751.... 32 215 - 49 12 230 101 28 11 127 18 63 531 Hanover.....................96 96 287 244 531................... 2322 28 181 58 146 41 9 5 88 10 5 a~g Nodaway 14 143 405 392'9 6i l3l 58 146 45 1 43 19 88 9 4 1 10[ 551 683 Iowa......................... 132 132 356 327 683........ 221 277 179......- 6 22 153 52 31 14 157 13 103 971 Jefferson.. 0 9 1...................................... 0 493 293 163 - 22 1 31 88 34 5 193 1 101 1821 Loafaete................................... 11j1313Y 76 58 5 1 62`1471~ g~..~~ 30 1/I/1 7039 8 77 5 12 Lafayette..................................... 21. 6 216 668 582 12501........ 1 213. 4421 20 0 31' 118 471 2 15 221 22 1 81 86-1 Lansing, exe. of city............. 145 145 4661 398 8641......I........... 4321 139 293 67 36 761 331 141 158 19 105 786 Linton..........................................I 139 139 4001 3861 786......f............ 378l 292 2311 55 401 247} 921 171 148] 21l 86 1015Ludlow......................................:..l 177[!'771 6291 4801 10151......[...... ~] 4321 301 272[ — 10 391 2,'361 21 181 1611 321 180 1004 Makee exc town of Waukon... 160} 160} 5411 4621 10031 1...... 4551 179 8701 — 6 511 297] 1041 41 1901 141 73 1120 Paint r~reek................................[ 192[ 192[ 601[ 5191 1120l......]...... 27..... 5251 126 472] 3 331 3'30[ 1311 151 1971 44[ 149 819 Post, ext. town of Postville....... 357[ 403 90t 31 291 204[ 10![ 31 182t 1t 106 [ 156 1551 399[ 4201 819........... 16 712 Postville town of.......................I 1551 1551 3421 870[ 7121..,......... 20 2941 311 1071........ 311 1271 47[ 6[ 166] 91 96 932 Taylor....'......................................[ 164[ 164[ 4451 4871 932I......I...... 11 4731 148 2071 —1c,4 331 3021 1211 41 1891 31 87 405 Unio~ City...................................I 71{ 71/ 214t 1911 405......[...... 2201 54 1281 — 3 18[ 851 25] 21] 3] 721......]:9 854 Union Pra.~rie..............................1 1421 142] 457t 397t 8541......[...... 4101 180 226] — 38 45[ 2641 1121 191 4[ 163[ 3] 78 860 ~;ater]oo......................................' 149 149/ 4421 410] 852[ 4[ 4 3581 80.........] —422 38[ 1631 531 411 14[ 111]......[ 105 Waukon town of c >I 167 403 406 1671 8091 1 I I / [ s09'.................. __~l [~.~.... 2931 43~ 77- 6 ~ ~66 72 ~ ~2 197 1 ~2 16888 Total.......,.................................. 3002 3002 8770 8109 16879 5 4 7797 4062 41,52 8601 45401601 544 193 3201 268 2026 I [ ---...... I I J I L / [ Lansing city of — [ [ I I / 377 58 42 48 "'First Ward.................... 60 60] 187 1891 376[ 1[...... 131 120 126.....,. 15 16 6 62 21 685 " Second Ward........;...... 98 98[ 354 3311 685[......]...... 2391 196{ 249] —1] 30[ 1181 48[ 16] 9[ 148[ 21[ 122 936 " Third Ward.................. 138 138[ 471 465 931~[......]...... 3741 245[ 3251 8] 34] 1971 77[ 341 6[ 198[ 151 133 282 " Fourth Ward............... 41 411 147 1~ [ 282[......I......[...... 113[ 62[ 107[..,.....] 22 491 14[ 8[ 1 441 41 37 2280 Total of city....................... 337 837 1159 1120 2279 I -— 1 857 623' 807 101 422 181 74 22 452 61 340 19168 Total of county... ~ -- —' — ---- "'~ — 3'~1~' 0229 1 —~' —'6[ —-4[ —~........ --—' —..................... 8~54 4685[ 4959 961 4962 1782[ 6181 215[ 3653] 8291 2366 ~ APPANOOSE COUNTY. 70s t~ellair..........................................[......... 1801 8~6t 341 7071 11...... II 309 15 311 185[.....m 85 1220 Center, ext. town of Centervillel......... 219 6391 574 12131....~i....3;) 587 ~2 47 260] ~ 145 1~.6 Centerville, town of, c. ~...........[......... 229[ 603] 613 12161 686 47 240/ 201 885 Charitoh....................................... ~ 134 }......... 170[ 885[............ 445 540 ]Douglas........................................ ~11....... 102[ 274 [...... 231 24~6 540[ 142 81 851 Franklin............................................... 438 418 851 4242..... }7~1 285]....] 124 0 }~ s 960 Independence...................... 256 / 916 Johns.......:................................... 165t 4861 429 9151 iiii 472 33 257/ 169 596 IAncoln....................................... 94 3211 275 596[ 800 31 181[.... 753 Moulton, town of. 387 365 752['"'1 i]]i]] 451 47 ~ 96................ 23 163/ 141 1093 Pleasant,....................................... 215 555 538............ liii!11!ii 3 1093[ 543 41.................................................. 30 182[ 97 9~ Taylor.......................................... 1771 492 4601 9521 442 16 49 257/....'1 101 Udel 1.................................. 163 462 4521 914 [ 388 11 31 244 / 103 619 Union.......................................... 118 ~ 319 300 i:111i:i::ii.... 619] 279......... 28 169/ 79 77~ Wain ut.................................................. 1341 397 375 772[ 38f 5 39 183 ]....3 118 APPANOOSE COUNTY.-CONTINUED. WHITE. COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP'LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARSOLD. 0 o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 9 Id tz I r~ I F r NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, - 0 AND CITIES..02'0 ~ 0 0'0..ow~,~ o''0 5. 3.......0 - 4 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'0~~~00" co'd 0 4 - d O o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 dC d;.4a d d " u r ______,.~D~ o ~........_. Zo Z ~1 H...... 0 ol O 0c 0 00 30 a c E] 6' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i z 14 O 1k 1257 Washington, ex. town of Mol- ton..........................................220 637 620 1257... 650 578 29 50 358 124 50 21 240 2 192 1061 Wells.......... 1059 2 2 488 562 11 40 262 91 47 22 237 4 172 17405! Total................186.867.841.17377.135..... 9- 8510 3461. 710 4479 16921 650 304 3679- 26 2576 AUDUBON COUNTY. 251 Audubon..................................... 49 128 123 251.................. 107 128 8[- 8 621 65 141 161 4 54...... 46 Z 961Douglas....................................... 18 53 43 96................. 59 52.9 24 13 22 10 4..... 17...... 13 697 Exira, C.H.................................. 142 391 306 697.................. 294 351 50 -- 2 33 177 55 19 15 171...... 125 1415 Greeley.............................................. 3 8 7 14........... 5 10 1 2 9 36 6 3 I 35...... 3 l4S~~~~~reeley.~~~~~351 681 771 145[...........521 104[ 10J 21] 9[ 36[ 6 3 1 53 oF1 Fro ha~ h61 7[ 259 Hamlin................................. 45 141 118 259.................. 115 125 32 13 13 77 20 7 3 58 4 46 1511Leroy........................................... 30 78 73 151.................. 53 97 11 10 8 28 15 11 8 35 2 24 62[Melville..................8....................... 13 33 29 62............ 19 38 5I....... 2 17 6 6 1 11 1 10 491 Oakfeld.100 256 235 491............... 7 301 17 66 64 27 17 9 96 62 36 a'~~~~~~~~~~~9 96[ 62, ~j a 218Viola. 48............... 82 93 3.... 14 50 23 2370 Total....T.................................... 475 1268 1102 2370.......... 9 3 1...1.12 94100 174..1 217 5351 167 92 391 527 69 354 BENTON COUNTY. 1645 Belle Plain, town of........... 302 3021 786! 856! 1642 2! 1 3 513 784! 274!- 74! 98! 313! 1081 451 7! 338!... 291 P 679tBenton..123 9 2....... 3.4, 309... 1.- 5 333 2038 73231 19231 11 5...... 141' 9 768 Big Grove50 150 414 354 768...... 261 402 1..04- 1. 24 166 73 29 13 183...... 14 697iE~~~~~i r~[ 1 C. W........~~~~.~...~..L... ~ 9 0 9,,~.I...1..~ 9 51 ~o~ 50_- 2 33 1i ~1 5 11,,. 2 1451 Greley~~.~~~~.~..................,,,.,,..,........ 1661 7l 14l..,.,...,,.2 14 1 1 9 6 6 3 1 2591Halin,...,..................................... 45 141 11 259,,.,.,.,,..... 15 12~32 13 3 77 0 7 3 81831 714 Blairstown, town of.....1..5......... 10 1 3150 1 353 714. i.... 218 430 37 - 20 32 15 47 19 12 191 127 I." 651 Bruce......................... 122 122 343 308 ~651,..... 252 254 75 — 70 38 147 74 22 11 146 8 120 978 Canton, exe of Shellsburg........ 186 186 512 466 978,........ 465 450 521- 11 47 239 801 38 2 216 9 143 1109 Cedar.......................................... 200 200 580 528 1108.... 1 463 559 87.... 40 288 93 37 10 259 7 172 782Eden............................................. 153 153 419 363 782... " 360 102- 9 33 196 61 30 6 176 2 148 846 Eldorado...................................... 158 158 456 390 846............ 293 262 285 -- 6 15 180 79 37 1 141...... 97 1161 Florence..................................... 208 208 616 545 1161....... 446 282 340 - 93 63 304 114 46 14 210...... 150 751 Fremont....................................... 129 129 397 354 751.............. 44 154 2221- 31 78 166 63 27 8 100 19 94 540 Harrison.................. 101 101 291 249 540.............. 250 280 10....... 10 151 65 16 8 128...... 97 728Hoomer....................13........... 134 134 387 340 727 1...... 248 256 2201- 4 40 192 38 27 7 119 37 68 1152 Iowa, exc. of Belle Plaine.......... 217 217 590 562 1152............... 505 429 219 1 43 324 102 41 10 225 17 195 988 Jackson........................................ i99 532 456 988............ 396 3 58 9 32 238 91 41 7 219 12 117 836 Kane....................................... 48 148 43 393 836.......... 269 257 288{- 22 43 202....... 26 17 150 54 92 1082 Leroy, exc. of Blairstown.......... 198 198 580 502 1082................ 437 416 229...... 30 302 100 38 16 202 20 163 732 Monroe......................................... 124 393 339 732......... 278 379 71- 4 141 203 75 10 11 1441 7 104 1279 Polk.............................................. 269 269 625 654 1279............ 668 645 86 120 65 362 141 45 11 299 10 212 554 Shellsburg, town of.................... 115 115 287 267 554............... 228 296 37 13 22 148 37 13 12 137...... 98 8171St. Clair..................................... 133 133 442 375 817............ 334 269 204 - 10 37 232 71 36 9 149 29 79 797 Taylor, exo. of Vinton153 153 417 380 797........ 307 431 32 - 27 36 158 84 32 7 171 114 829Union........................................... 140 1 468 361 829.............215 229 262-123 56 227 57 26 5 144 6 82 20418 Total...................................... 3812 3812 10698 9715 20413 4 1 5 8049 8576 3311 1056 5096 1726 704 219 4191 238 2998 i Vinton, city of, c. Hif............. 738' First Ward..................... 150 150 357 372 729 4 5 9 222 400 17-99 15 166 48 19 7 180 1 125 635 " Second Ward................ 131 131 304 32 630 4 1 5 231 373 39 8 40 105 4321 4 160 4 93 525 " Third Ward.................... 98 98 269 256 525................ 145 356 24........ 15 120 33 18 5 131...... 71 L 491 " Fourth Ward................. 104 104 27 25 491.............. 195 284 12........ 11 111 50 14 8 108 1 68 ci,.I......11951 2841 12t...~~~~~~~.....] 1 2389 Total of city.. 483 483 1167 1208 2375 8 6 14 793 1413 92 81 502 174 72 21 579 6 357 4 22807 Total of county...........,.........,.$ 4295 4295 11866 10928 22788 12 7 19 8842 9989 3403 1137 5598 1900 776 243 4770 244 335535 287Total of couty....................... 49. 42a-,-,'BLACK HAWK COUNTY. -~~~~~~~~~~~~- -6 - 763 Barclay........................................ 140 140 403 360 763................. 301 3Z3 142 8....... 1 197 78 22 7 157 13 124 788 Bennington................................. 121 121 409 3026 735............... 256 34 145........ 29 215 47 34 8 131 15 111 693 Big Creek, exc. town of La Porte........................................ 125 125 385 308 693................. 227 367 99....... 16 171 75 22 11 168 5 99 763 Black Hawk.....................1....... 0 140 413 350 763........ 258 353 152....... 33 190 72 29 5 166 11 123 65 Cedar....................................... 102 102 339 296 635................ 269 242 124..... 21 143 79 24 6 119 14 97 1224 Oedar Falls, exc. city of Cedar Falls...................................... 192 192 639 84 1223 1..... 1 477 590 157....... 43 457 100 24 8 206 17 127 639 Eagle.......................................... 108 108 330 309 639........... 223 239 177...... 28 142 51 33 3 116 24 87 883 East Waterloo, ex. city of Waterloo................................. 163 169 476 4("7 883................. 289 483 111....... 27 222 98 19 10 190 16 140 8309ox............................................ 140 140 418 412 830........ 3111 304 215.... 27 237 60 26 4 1512 5 78 1 BLACK HAWK COUNTY.-CONTINUED. WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND - m POPULATION. POP'LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 EAS OLD. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 4 U 4U.'a 0 0 5 U, - AND CITIES. -,. gk w 4- r: 09 co 4- 5 o ~3a, o QaFO r.~ a. o'U ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 6~~~~~~~~~~e' 4 11 J.4,, -B -~ -o ~..0 I.t U ": I U o I = U o I U o 0 td Q 0 0'C co 05 00 0 e 0a c H Z Z ~~~~~~~~~ h H ~~~~~~~h H Z Z~~~~~ Z Z Z Z ZZ ZZ; Z,715 La Porte, town of....................... 172 17Z 374 311 715......2........... 223 421 71........ 35 158 50- 18 6 154 112 917 Lester.......................................... 163 163 501 446 947.... 388 400....1... 50 279 80 33 6 192 17 96 569 Lincoln........................ 110 110 3331 235 568 1..... 1 163 300 106........ 14 128 37 32 6 116 17 90 910 Mt. Vernon............................... 16 162 472 438 910...................381 369 160....... 38 214 61 13 1199 6 121 7168 138 4317 353 784...22 3 9......9 38 164 74 32 16 1759 115 784 Orange.......................................'8 38 431J 353I 78............... 292 453....... 38 l~4 74 32 16 I15 10431 Poyner..........................................J185 185 531 512 1043................. 365 519 159....... 51 285 97 36 11 203 15 113 680 Spring Creek......................... 125 125 359 321 680................. 340 310 30........ 28 202 68 17 7 146..... 61 431 Union....................................... 90 90 205 222 427 3 1 4 165 227 39........ 25 83 26 9 3 90...... 65 415 Washington............................... 95 95 239 206 445............ 156 253 36...... 16 113 46 13 3 118 1 81 446 Waterloo, exc. City of Waterloo............................................. 79 79 222 224 446.................. 185 201 57....... 15 110 50 12 6 100 6 55 14135 Total................................... 2550 2556 7479 6650 14129 5 1 6 5269 6688 2178 552 3730 1849 448 130 2908 186 1895 2$ Cedar Falls, city of-....... 720 First Ward............................. 140 140 354 366 720.... 199 323 198 31 129 59 321 2 43 44 103 823 Second Ward................... 160 160 387 4361 822...... 11 1 298 342 180 - 3 35 215 69 28 8 172 171 113 8177. Third Ward.......................... 155 155 419 428 847.................. 271 415 141.. 46 210 61 28 3 183 13 119 880 Fourth Ward......................... 168 168 417 460 877 2 1 3 284 454 142 48 2051 100 35 10 182 8 108 3270 Total of City........................ 6231 623 1,577 1689 3266 2 2 4 1052 154 661 160 759 289 123 23 680 82 443 Waterloo, city of, C. H. 1303 First Ward..245 245 640 658 1298 4 1 5 440 681 182 61 295 115 37 20 291 12 1561208 Second Ward............;............ 230 230 609 599 1208.................. 199 659 150........ 41 295 17 49 281 275 14 173 1721 Third Ward.......I.................. 324 324 900 821 1721.................. 489 897 U35........ 61 389 162 74 19 431 25 156 12761 Fourth Ward........................ 254 251 604 671 1275 1..... 1 419 672 185........ 35 256 119 70 20 292 10 87 / 16~$ 5508 Total of city................... 10531 1053 2753 2749 5502 5 1 6 1747 2909 852 1981 1235 523 230 87 12891 61 572 o 22913 Total of county................... 4226 4282 11809 11088 22897 12 4 16 8068 111.51 691, 910 5724 2061 801 240 4877 3291 291( -213_ _ _ __..................... 2 BOONE COUJNTYS. 461A u...................................... 9 2 23. 2 48..,.......,,.........1-21 1 10) 3 i5 1 I~i 6 8 1951Beaver.......................................... 341 3~1 I03 92t 1951...... I......I......I 03 15 ~o 321 ~.i 9 ~... 41...i 15.32 Boonsboro, town of, c. I{............ 3181 3181 743 i 7851 15281 22. 4 6131 817 1691 6'7 711 351 129] 73 2 31 2 21 808, Cass,...,.......................................... 721 72[ 439[ 369[ 808l......... 40,5 3L8[ 41] — 34l 8il 198 81[ 31 117 2 I, 560 1Colfax.......................:..........,.... 961 9 9 6 6..,.,,I,.,..,.,.. 6 4 ~5 I 2 1 8 1 8 1 ~1380IDes Moines, exc. of Boone and IBoonsboro,..,,..,,,......................... 2611 261 1 6 18 3 0 8.,,-: 4 2 5 5 3 4 120~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~1]664( 1380]..............I......l545 0 38l........I..,,, 3 3 63145 191101 24[ 509 61-6 7 32 8 1 1 5 01 6 ii... 81201Dodge 8........,............................... 7 6 4 6 9...~.~ 342~~ 81!~37 32i 5 4 5207 4 5 1 671 Gar~en.,,,,,,,,..,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 13 2 361 30 671o 591 2 6.....(.......]...... 523 1 5091 168]- 6/ fi 1 4 71 31 14 25 16 891]Doglas.......................................... 167 16]45 l 46J 1891 ]........ I2, 91 2 2 441 Karrison,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~......],,, 39 711 32i 1 242] ]4 2018 741- 0 "i5 14 02 j[2 ~ 799 Jackson.,,.,,,,.. 1 3 4 3 6 1 37} 71............}.......{.. 3 2361 4 32 f71 1 192 51 I6{ {7 3 t1 14 162 10:3 215 ac.............................................7 37 16 9923 78 71 61 2 8 0 129 81392- 6 4431]IIario n e.............,,,,,....................... 97 97 79{ 214 434 207[ 41............. 171 186{ 7-10 15] 31 29{ 18{ 5 12 5 79 6799{$acks oun........................,,,.....,,, 138/ 138. 47{ 321 679 9.......... 77{ 51{9 92 12-1{ 36{ 1 70 188 26 89 18 1 9 2i35M Urcy........................................... 3 9 7 97 1 146l 9891 2135 1.,..............,./ 731 27 114/ 66{-2{ 01 5001 4 172 9 48 26 10 493 (Peopl e s...................... 914 97' 2 "7912414.,......,,.....I,...... 262 3318 5: 18,,,. 2 15 6 301 15955 271 1 7 263 691P11Ylot Mound..................................., 22 2 9 5 1 ~~~ ~~ ~~~ f ~0 4 6 1 7 5 194t 445]UniTon......................................... 2791 279] 7824711 1"$1 45 ].......... 1571 27il 181-.,2 1~~~~~ 8 34/ 1 10') 3 1881 49 O O 73j~ort h........................... 140 1 4 0 361373........... 3559 318 160]........I 21 185/ 6631 8 "'37' 125 r-3 1541 ell...............,......................... 211 2i55 5/151......I...I 150 144/ 1156 26791 48 1 7995'315/ Totalo ct...,...........'.........:.'[ 91 48170P5 35 5 2 7 231~ 7.........[7 83 0 6 ~ 5 173511~~__ Toa fcut..............,j3713719118~ 74 6921Dou~~~~~~~rln8- --..............,,,...... 4 3 31 9 1 8 1 5 3 0 2 5402 49 5 7 ria..................,... 6 8 3i 21 4014 20 6 ~~~~ 7 17 4 1 5 s 3 4 F21 rso t wr..............................I 101] 147 40 38 81 51 24 2 0 1 5923 110,,,,, 21 1 02 371 17 i3 I5 65 758] " Sckondwr.................. ] 7115 713:]78.......I......I......, 192 9 ~ 5610 469 97. 3 5 6.......! 211 10 25 1 6 2 141 23 1 7 6 ~ 8674 " Thirdwar.....................[.... 152[,, 152 316 1 344 3 67..........] 19 i......, 18 8 0[2 231 39 39 8 6 21 12..'6 745 La Fa~~~~iette.,]..................... 87,,, 1347 64 —100[ 11, 745,..,,,,, 1 6 8.,, 2( 1 4 4, 28 4 04:332[ Totl Rofiy....-.....'...............],..../]....I-I............9 10 3(31f 2, 3 10 4a 3 7 ~ Tiafotl o out....,,,,,..........i....... i 12 12 ~9I 10 y113I 2....... 36 $ 11G * BREMER COUNTY-CONTINUED. 00 a ~WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP' LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. ~~~ ~a id~ dc NAMES OFTOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, AND CITIES. *Q)~~~ 0~~Cd. I0 I0 0 I C 0 0 0 TbB~ ~ ~ ~ ~''~I ~, I~ a~' ~ ~2 o 0 Ca 0 2 Z Z hH Z Z Z Z z.ZZZZ Z 1172 Polk............................................. 230} 2331 612 557 1169 2 1 3 381 738 53........ 47 2961 82 37 10 285 6162 704 Sumner........................................ 1331 1331 388 16 704.......234 350 120........ 18 157 67 22 4 16 1 95 1002 Warren......................................... 170 170 516 486 1002......20..... 320 364 318........ 39 313 96 31 16 148 38 91 848 Washington ex. of Waverly... 153 153 435 413 848.... 315 455 78 24 236 85 29 11 193...... 10815 Total..................... 2047 2053 5661 5143 10804 7 4 11 3933 490 2292.... 520 2768 849 404 116 2109 353 1305 Waverly, city of, C. H. 448 First ward.................. 88 88 229 219 44 135 233 80 16 97 48 14 2 95 7 39[ 452 " Second ward............... 104 104 225 227 452...... 157 255 40........ 11 110 29 6 4 108 2 34 C 569', Fourth ward............... 1i0 110 287 282....... 167 316{ 865 14..14.8 56 Z ~051 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {t! —-4 /nc I 3461 " Fifth ward.................. 62 62 165 171 336 31 7 10 115 18 42 29 1u2 31 6 1 68 3 9 — ~- k —-~ —3 — ~ 2405 Total of City.492 492 1192 1203 2395 3 7 10 754 1368 283 95 558 215 48 10 547 17 166 54 Fi ia> II Z /1 Zi 132201 Total of county..................... 2539 2545 6853 6346 13199 101 21 4687! 59581 2575........ 615;3326 1064 4521 126 2656 370 1471 BUCHANAN COUNTY. 602 Buffalo......................................... 17 117315 286 601 1 1 199 320 83 31 140 59 20 4 128 14 78 9961 Byron.......................................... 221 221 593 402 995 1...... 1 389 553 121 39 288 96 37 11 244 6 142 576 Cono............................ 111 320 256 576... 235 268 71- 2 46 147 46 18 3 123 74 1075......................n 139 139 570 505 1075..... 484 464 149 22 59 280 99 225 10[9 228 124 641 Fremont.............1..... 17 117 332 309 641... 22..70.......... 69 10 34 155.. 51 6 138 9 100 r 898~~~~~~~ ~~~1M~sigo, ee f~~el.. 17 117{ 88/ 809[ 6411.......... I..._i / 212{:W0{..... 2 26 8 9 1l ~_/ls 901 Hazleton...................................... 19 149 9 474 427 90I1....... 395 409 97 85 70 60 18 7 208 118 775Homer......... 9..........................285...... 36 158 84 38 9 168..... 102 994 Jefferson.194 194.523......................398 462 1 16 2 49 25117 56 32 15 228 11 142 1217Libert.................................234 627 590 12171........... 1524 164 83-446........ 431 297 111 291 9 280 7 1 59...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i ii::: 1217{libert~y...................................... 234[j 23411 627 1 5901 12171......}......{......j 5241 164{1 83{ —-446 1 43{ 2971i 1111 291 9{ 28301 7{ 159.<: 61211Vfadison....................................... 1221 1221 3181 2941 612[......I......[......[ 253[ 283} 601 — 16[ 16l 151[ 78l 6{ 51 1311 1] 68 6951Middlefield................................... 103J 102 379 3161 6951...,.J......]......l 2621 298t 138[' 31 23l 184l 78[ 27[ 91 155['61 115 909LNewton......................................... 1541 154 454 455[ 909............[......[ 4911 264{ 1581. 4] 47[ 2741 113l 331 141 1701 51 106 15251Perry.'........................................... 296 297 757' 767 1524 I...... 1 5001 8L2 209 -- 4[ 461 3741 114L 49] 16t 3451 24[ 245' "' 562 Sumner........................................ 105 105 2841 2781 562t......I......I......I 189j 6I — 64i 3031 34j 881 601 31 101.... ~-~ 11 Washington, exc. of IndepenI......... 1218 dence......................................... 231 228 647[ 571 1218I............J...... 478[ 516 224....... 44[ 3271 1361 341 7 J 2551....] 108....................................... / i / l l t t Inclependence, city of, c. H. i t 1060 i First ward......... 2181 2181 530/ 522[ 1052/ 5[ 3/ 81 380/ 512J 1691 11 107/ 1351 441 43[ 8[ 262{ 181 163 597 " Second ward...... 1221 1221 298{ 299{ 597[......]......{......[ 182{ 2~9[ 126[.......[ 35( 124[ 41] 21{ 4[ 149[ 21 94 666 " Third ward......... 1291 129J 331/ 335] 666]......]...... /......I 181/ 431] 541.......[ 137[ 541........./ 231 7[ 169[....{ 88 757 " Fourth ward...... 70/ 70] 161~ 183] 344{......[......E......] 104t 195[ 45[.......] 20l 621 30[ 121 2l 85]....I 1651 165[ 359[ 398[ 757[......!....../......1 2611 393[ 1031.......I 60[ 138[ 49[ 24[ 5l 194[....I 93 344 50 " Fifth ward......... - t lv [ 3424 Total of city.........................-:l 17-~ Total of county..................... _ 323 [ 3231 89891 8315[ 17304 8 3J 111 6597] 8017 22641....... [ 1058[ 38091 14561 535[ 55[ 3890[ 1081 2217 rD BUENA VISTA COUNTY.r 16] 13] 33' 351 68[............' [...... 17' 37' 14[ ] 4'........ I9{ 6, 4] ][ 15[ [12...... 561 561 117i 122[ 239[............[......I 701 1361 33].........] 10[ 671 251 71 11 551......[ 34 55 55[ 148[ 117[ 2651............l......[ 921 116 57[........ 131 61 16 171 1 52[ 291 45 22~36i [ ~E~iO~rS 91] Fairfield....................................... 22] 24[ 50{ 41l 91[............ [......[ 22[ 20[ 49[........[ 1[ 16[ 6{ 5[......[ 24{ 3[ 19 rD 1151 Grant...........................,................ 27] 27{ 631 52[ 115{............ I..... ] 36[ 55{ 24]........[ 4[ 29[ 4] 4{ 1[ 271 2] 7 2751Lee —Sioux l~pids, c. ~............ 56[ 561 1491 1261 275[............ I......] 82l 142[ 51[......[ 9/ 571 251 5l 11 731......l 57 90[Lincoln........................................ 16[ 16[ 51[ 39{ 90[............ I...... 24l 46[ 201........[ 4i 23, 10[ 5[......, 201......| 9 233 Maple Valley:..............................,.,... 1 3 34 I 53[ 531 1261 107[ 233[.............83 103 47 6 432 Newell............................................... 3 62 { 96[ 931 230[ 432[............1114 244 74::::::i] 32[ 95 212[ 202[ 99 14 410Nokomis.....................................( 911 911 2211 ~it 4101..................[ 96 147 1 91 20[ 82...... 20...... 5 54 72'85 83 Poland...............[..........................I 191 191 481 83...... I....../ 15[ 601.......I 1 22 9 211 1[ 27 27 85...... 2 19 169 Providence............ J 33[ 2I,...................... [ 301 30[ 51 {...../ 481 931....... 10 105 Scott............................................. 1~i 18 ~.... 1051...... [....../ 39[ 551 11...... 2:Z:: 3 36 [......[ 681 1371....... 16 50......i'0[ 11] I ~.......... /................... 17 7 101 479 Storm Lake, town of.................. -- — 1 —~ -~561]..-~... -— ~t-~/ -5;5 1-~-~: -~ ~6~ Tot~....................................... ~ ~ -~~-~ -i~1 I.~...~1~, —~ BUTLER COUNTY. WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP' LATION OF INHIABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. 2 o ~b ~' NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 2S 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 4,1 0- 0 2 I0 AND CITIES., 2 e 22 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - +4~~~~~~~~~~ U2,6 I ~ Cd 0 H 2 0 6 6 ko Z 02 0 2 00 6 0 6 08 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 _ 5 H- E3H Z z ZZ Z Z Z Z Z Z 1014 Albion...................... 203 209 533 481 1(I14............ 350 546 118' 34 2538 79 26 6 2,35 12 142 1017 Beaver...................... 189 189 519 498 1017............ 484 416 117 151 246 102 28 9 224 14 156 30' Bennezeftt................... 58 55 167 135 302............ 98 156 46-7 2 12 81 31 10 8 68.... 44 Z 807 Butler, exc. of Clarksville...... 152 152 423 384 807............ 301 4129 74 - 3 211 221 85 231 8 191.... 128 699 Clarksvrille, town of........... 137 137 341 358 699............ 252 404 43, ~ 47 16 1C1 7611 980 COl d Water................... 196 205 531 449 980............ 362 552 100 34 17 1,33 65 36 16 247... 179 513 Dayton...................... 98 96 21 262 513............ 165 269 39- 49 28 127 40 17 6 109 11 84 723 Fremont.................... 139 139 398 325 723......... 247 338 136~- 2 37 179 57 26 5 119 12 105 17 591 Jackson..................... 1141 114 3311 255 5861.51 3 8 1911 364 3~l- 6 241 1133 50 22 8 1451 31 109 H677 Jefferson, Butler Center C. H... V,3 123 350 321 677............ 231 2,55 167 - 24 45 ~209 10 15 11 149 5 91 Cl 401lMadison..................... 72 721 220 181 401.... I.......... 116 1441 141.....1 13 881 33 201 2 57 35 46 692 Monroe..................... 131 131 364 328 692......... 207 354 128 - 3 58 155 62 2.5 6 140 7 114 528 Pittsford.................... 101 101 286 242 528............221 270 33 - 4 23 133 48 26 6 119 2 75 377 Ripley...................... 63 64 203 174 377..........163'102 52..... 16 107 21 3 75 6 40 1408 Shell H-ock...................'301 301 7?40 660 1400... 8 441. 907 60..... 67 342 123 35 14. 358.... 243486 Wahntn99 99 262 224 486............ 118 180 1-75 - 13 16 1013 44 19 8 92 80 63 516 West Point................... 89 87 289 227 516............ 195 232 93 4 29 130 47 21 8 95 31 77 11734 Total.....................2285 2276 6214 5504 117181 9 7 16 4142 59691 155.... 536 2787 948 373 128- 25981 17"8 1810 CALHOUN COUNTY. 247 Butler....................... 56 561 136 Ill 2-87........... 77 124 39'- 7 9 56 20 9.... 59.... 44 828 C itihoun, Lake City, C. H....... 123 123 456 372 828...........246 536 46..... 34 188 47 25;... 1199.... 173 174'Center.................... 3', 34 85 89 174.3........ 08 113 3 -- 20 9 53 1.6 30... 33 20 20 Z 236 Greenfield................... 39 39 128 108 236.......I... 85 83 19 - 49 10 61 21 14.... 40 2 29? 690 Jackson..................... 118 116 385 325) 690...........257 363 651- 5 36i 184 55 26.... 138 6j 116. 465 Lincoln..................... 90 90 249 216 465.......... 142 2291 64K1 30 161 75 29 16....I 115 21 64 P 410 Sherman..............................................2...... 621 185 Williams........................................ 32 32 5 7 3.................. 44 76 4 - 11" 9 2f2 9 7......_ 32 1...... 21;c 3185 Total........................................ 559 59 1691 —494 —...-............-.. 1156 717 207 1...... 681 61 488 CARROLL COUNTY. 511 Arcadia......................'. 109 107] 289 222] 51.................. 120: 218..... 21[ 104 2 25 12 9, 9 73 3155 Total... ~~~........;...................,....., 5 5 196 Carroll, exc. of town.................... 44 50 11 385 196.................. 48 95 53........ 13 40 10 1.... 2 4 35 812 Carroll town of, c. H.................... 157 158 420 390 810...... 2 2 193 477 142...... 346 14 203 ]72 Eden............................................... 33 33 90 82 172.................. 34 104 340........ 14 32....... 5 i 42 3 40 525 Glidden.......................................... 199 100 300 225i 525.................. 150 321 5........ 54 106 47 5 6 122..... 90 16 Grant............... 0 5 39 92 77 169................. 48 41 80........ 8 41 14 10 3 80.... 27 244 Jasper........................................... 44 44 118 126 244.................. 77 162 5........ 3 74 12 8 6 46..... 32 643 IKniest.............................i.............. Ill Ill 354 289 643.................. 225 132 286,...... 41 166 44 27 13 116 27 72 4421 Newton..................~....................... 105 105 239 203 44L2..................~~~~ 176 249 17..,......t 13'98 55 24 11 100 27 84 211 Pleasant Valley............................ 43 43 116 95 2118.................. 66 72 7-0....... 18 42 22 9 1 35o...... 45 1291 Richland......................~................. 27 25 75 54 129......,........,.... 49 76 4........ 6 31 8 3 3 35...... 27 fall 32! Roselle.................~.......................... 62 67 181 143 324...,...I............ 85 127 112....... 12 90 30 18 7 64...... 20 U 511i Sheridan........................................ 102 102 266 245 5111...l.,.......1 161 236 114........ 27 101 211 32 8 103...... 62 C ~ew~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~ ~~~~~~~~~~~........... 13/ 9 3311 Union............................................ 79 79 136 195 331i. 25 120 32 4 93 60 165 Wairmshington..................................... 34 34 93 72 165........ 27 74 64........ 3 25 121 12 4 29 11 38 3752 heatland..................................... 78 78 207 168 375.................. 87 62 2269........ 67 33 26 11 42 71 2 5760 Totaln........................................... 1262 1175 3087 2671 5758 2 1546 2446 143.. 304 1264 398 257 104 1197 193 935 li CASS COUNTY.Y ~z 860 Atlantic, exe. of town......... 1551 155 442 4 8 860........ 335 1 459 67 1 1 42 210 641 30 71 196 51 93 1832/ Atlant~ic, town of, C. H................. 300 351 954 872 1826 z 6 171 869 254 -538 4 194 126 57 12 498 1 718 5001Bear Grove. 93 93 258 241.99 1...... 1 144 292 53 -- 11 17 Ill 27 17 3 117 1 91 502 Benton......;......,...........;.................... 88 88 270 232 502................... 175 285 42........ 27 126 65 26 12 108I...... 77 617 Brighton....................................I ll Ill 331 282 613 3 1 4 185 311 121 4....... 32 141 63 26 6 1.19 31 95 10081 Cass................................................ 186 186 55,1 454 1008.................. 307 651 156 106 37 262 90 35 13 241 5 16 433 hEdna................................................ 76 76 219' 214 433.................. 137 2,376 405 — 19 31 126 40 23 5 90 6 70 626 F Eranklin...................................~.... 124 124 328 298 626 I...... I...... 1...... 195 336 6 30 35 19 3.5 17 4 151 1...... 102 526~ Grant.~.~.......................................... 108 108O 268,8 526...,..............,.. 148 313 49 -- 16 6 103 25 19 1I 104 1 99 310 TLincoln....................................... 95 95 166 144 310...... -........... 104 181 26 1 10 76 20 13 3 71 5..... 60 184 MassaS ena.~....~~.........,..................... 40 42 89 95 1841.... I..... 52 12.3 9........ 5 321 101 11...... 49...... 31 563 Nolble.........~~.................................... 96 96 313 250 563..,..... 141 319 106 3 26 82 52 27 7 120 24 121 549 PleAantic, e.............................. 106 106 273 276, 549.................. 225 249 52 23 16 142 35 29 4 108 19 87 774 Pymosa.137 137 416 358 774............ 311 368 87 8 33 191 60 51, 9 161...... 154 2845Union............................................1 56 561 147 1361 283 11...... 11 96 1831 17 12 13 651 13 161 5 711 3 52 98 93 2.41.99 1441 111 117 91~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Il CASS COUNTY-CONTINUED. WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP'LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. 0 0''1-n~.5.~~ I S. 0 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, C.1 04 014_0...... AN DCITIES. 4 0 C0 - 0 0 o a a a 0 885 Victoria.64 64 217168t 385....49 27 8 4 2 7 3 34 7~ 5 599 Washington.104.104.328.271.599. 202.295.91...110421 18 56 11 5 40 10552 Total.1939.. 1992 5573 4967 10540 9 8 12 2977 5688 482 2095 817 421 100242 — 9 -6 21 81 C5~ ~ ~~~ 4 - -I.-;..-~ ~~8~~q5~- 8 CEDAR COUNTY. 595 Cass.111 111 317 278 595 376 211 8 16; 136 70 19 10 143 17 102 38 V ct ri....................................... 64 4 21 18 35.............. 49 217 5 - 4 2 7 36 1 5...... 5 p I 1~, c~0~ ~ W 1542 Center, exc. of Tipton24 243.803 735.153... 4. 77 8 85 54i 31 14l9 16 34 2 1 664 Clarence, town of................................. 4 4 3 13.................. 195 238 83- 1 15 108 4 13 17...... 1 5 110 715 Dayton, exc. of Clarence. 137 137.378.337 17185. 1. 5 24 209 5 1 69 16 8 370 Durant, town of......................... 7 192 178 370. 113 180 775 7 5 5 84 2 52 702 TotFairfield..................................... 1939 192 5573 1050 9 12 2977 5688 1320.... 482 209 817 21 100 9 11 M ci 5951 Cass.......................................... IIlI III1 317 278 595.................. 376 211 81........ 16 136 701 19 10i 1431 17 102 ~ d 1542) Center, exe. of Tipton................. 243 243 803 7385 1538 2 2 4 772 685 85........ 51 391 148 39 16 354 2 219 664 Claren ce, town of....,........... 140 140 330 -3341 664.....,.........I 195 386 83........ 15 108 49 13 2 177 11 110 U 715 Dayton, exe. of Clare ce......... 137. 137 378 337 715......,......I...... 320 369 26......,.. 44 209 54 21 6 144 16 8 370 Durant, town of......................... 79 79 192 178 370.......,.......... 113 180 77,........ 15 77 35 10 4 84 26 52 7021 Fairfield.........................-........... 137 137 371 331 702...........,. 1...... 308 234 160.....,... 48 177 58 22 3 146 19 117 757 Farmington, exc. of Durant..... 134 134 398 359 757........... 296 258 203...... 28 187 49 29 5 132 39 106 1065 Fremont..................... 200 203 548 517.1065............ 445 493 127.. 74 265 101 33 9 236 6 151 888 Gower........................................ 152 152 458 430 888...... 425 353 110 5 47 225 76 34 11 188.... 115 882 Inland........................................ 155 155 477 405 882.......... 432 393 57..... 35 220 69 32 5 179 1 102 1050 Iowa................................ 21 220 531 515 1046 2 2 4 476 520 54.. 36 279 96 29 5 247 4 168 438 Linn........................................... 70 72 244 194 438..................221 189 28..... 19 102 39 13 2 05 1 75 439 Louden, town of......................... 101 101 228 211 439.................. 172 143 124.. 10 97 42 13 2 73 28 42 826 MasSillon.166 166 441 385 826 8................. 345 334 147........ 50 155 64 13 10 190 IS 157 598 Mechanicsville, town of............ 140 140 289 301 593. 5 236 313 49..... 7 151 42 6 1 131..... 9 t 876 Pioneer, exc. of Mechanicsville 170 170 451 425 876................. 398 455 23..... 55 232 111 38 13 201 2 126 496 Red Oak...................................... 93 93 253 243 496.239 189 68........ 20 111 51 6 4 102 12 70 726 Rochester................................... 136 136 387 336 723 1 2 3 377 314 35........ 24 206 83 13 7 151 5 97 1481 Springdale.304 304 727 731 1461 1 101...20 581 822 78...... 43 318 132 33 12 351 5 227 909 Springfield, exc. of Louden 1........69 469 440 909..... 427 289 193 1 28 233 98 26 11 153 38 88 90 6171Suga~r Creek................................... 1 1 3 0 6 7 7 66...... 0 8 37 1 8 1243 ITipton, town orf, c. ~.................... 25 51 577 4 20 1 3 1 5 9..., 6 2 0 1 J 448 i Clear Lake, exe. of town... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I......I.. 8 2 0 4..., I..... I,, 1375 1 1761,,,, 5 9 3 13 5 9 6~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~22 la ae tw f,.,,.... 1 1 3 3 60 31 101,, 23 5111 365311 7 1......, 611 129] 47] 201 8 13719 11 141 Daghet~...........,.,,,.,,,,,,,,, 24 24 84 7 11..,,.I...,421 265t 161.211 801 25....I,,,, 3 178791 Tot~ e....................................... 2 1 3,,,,, I.../~-g ~-?~ ~TS0-~l l-~l8 ~.W....-. 8 9 4 1''5sI - 1-~~- 98 4 205 2600' 448I ran.iest Lake exc. of town......................... g,, I,,,,,50 02581.,,., 4 4 2 1 5 4 3 3622Cla Lake'~, town of....~................ 127 301 6201....2....2 139 366 1,, 17 31 135 22i.,,, 467 2 101 4 1421] I)~ughe rty.......,........................ 8 0 23 2 421....., 24,,,1,,, 10 8 11,,,, 1 9 4 4 7 17 ~~~~~~~~~24(r 5 icl...,,,,,,,......... 7 4 22 17 14091] 55,, I,,,I... 2 70 16.,,,, 1 11 2 37 5 4 1469 C 83F1'18 asn ex. Ms C........... 3 4 02 47...............,,......... 1i....... 161 391 3 820...'..."3 i 2 210 Gr3.on Ctyt C............ 4 5 8 3'0,, 6 9 2,,.... 11 ~6 2 0 9 46 2 4 300 1~ ~~~~', O e.~~~~~~~.~.........,..,.,,, 6.86 14 301....,,I....,,I..., 40 1091 101 2101,,, 50 028 341 206 4 49 33 3161Le..tln......................................, 5 8 1 8 9117 23 61,,.... 1528 6 1 6 4 C 462[ Lir a eCre.................................... 86 955 34/ 07 2 3161 [ 268 4 i19 3 62[/ 1(i/... 402 2138 41 12 9 9 I 446 87 07 73 40(3 Linoln...........,,.............................. 7 4 74 22[197 409 134 2289'47... 217 112 37 98 5 13 69 -: lmhrs..o~...,~oo.o. ci~............ 85 88 ~51 60 1? 71,,,,I,,, 1,3, 260 51 618 2 0 ~l ~s 17031 Cason city o town........ o~6 5 43 311,,, c... I...... s 0 8 1 9~1 1...... 6g 841 1 Cherokee, t3 o5 868 83 17021........,, 16 6 3 4 268 963 10S 43710 6 2 113.~86 06 1 300]DiaOwn..........'........................,..., 6 25 66l 349 11 1 7 6 28 12 2 ~I~~Ircs........,,................ 11: 14 8 6 41,,,30 0 8 0 179 41 4 9 4,,,,..., 3261Pifche~...........................,,,.,.,, _ 85 213 184 397i,,,,I,,,,I,,, 107 223 67 1 5 90 44 1 3 68 96 j ~ orin 27 30 51 45 96 1,,,,,,,,,, i..,,, 2591 — s 11 1 13 1 1~ 81 44 1397Potlaend............... 1 3 3 0 6 131..,...... I.., 4 5,,,, 3 1 3 6-~1 TVlotwl...........i...................i........ 1 3 —5134 350 13 2 16,,,,1,,, I[- -9 — 8 1 9 —~ 1-369 19 -9 ~ —-~ 25 2] 98[ 1 3311eda Ttl............................................ 6 9 72 1861 1%1 331,,,,I,,,...... 6 4 72...... 94[ 25] 7 513]2 192 15[: 16[1 5] 77[.... 3011Cherkee, exc of tow.........,... 67 66 18] 143]301[...........83 203 8] 13[ 8 ~t 1413t 81[.....t 6 CHICKASAW COUNTY. WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP' LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. o I.~ I I I.-, 0~~~~~~~~~~.3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'-.~~~~~~~~ *~~~~~~3c a)Wd 51I NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, d. 4- 5 1 110 AND CITIES. - 3 F5. 5 5. a3 O~ O, -R P,~~~~~~~~ 0n a5 a, k~IP~F ~i S i o 0 0c 14 0 O.~ 0 C0 0 ) 054 0) 0~- 0 0 0 0 o d B a p od F1 o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-4la I' ~ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~02 z ~ 4 F! 1 — Pl Pr I E ~ 41 T;2;;i 4 - z z 1077 Bradford, exc. of Nashua... 214 214 540 537 1077...... 400 565 112..... 38 239 103 19 9 241 2 110 1197 Chickasaw w........................... 229 229 639 558 1197................ 474 601 122...... 59 294 105 38 23 2(0 7 187 624 Dayton......................................... 106 106 332 291 623 1...... 1 251 344 139 110 37 177 59 20 7 100 9 102 710 Deerfield..................................... 133 133 378 332 710........ 276 288, 146 33 189 68 17 4 155 14 110 461 Dresden....................................... 100 100 243 218 4611..................26 — 2 19 125 5 3 100 3 42 18..... 26 21 191 1251 54 3.... 10 4 642 Fredericksburgh.................. 129 129 330 312 642...................212 3.. 15 - 34 35 148 66 20 4 157 70 1039 Jacksonville............................... 186 186 532 507 1039.412 290 34' 3 42 26 95 45 5 195 23 120 852 Nashua, town of......................... 186 186 421 431 852.258 506 88.... 30 170 62 2) 3 220 5...... 70 614 New Hampton, exe. of town..... 110 110 316 298 61-1.197 246 168- 3 24 166 56 24 21 115 14 89 H3 623 New Hampton, town of, c. H..... 1421 142 305 318 623.................. 187 355 63 - IS 37 123 36 5...... 164 2 128 639 Richland.......... 115 115 341 298 639................. 214 370 74 19 68 184 65 18 8 127 3 90 1139 Stapleton........................... 191 191 605 534 1139......I............ 419 494 265 39 110 259 125 49 26 266 7 201 1001 Utica.172 172 530 471 1001............. 418 198 368 - 17 47 26 125 42 12 145 49 63 782 Washington................................ 136 136 415 367 782.364 228 20 10 46 199 72 30 14 147...... 199 368 ~ —11712612 11400 Total................................... 2149 2149 5927 5472 11399 1 1 4267 5114 2126........ 625 2565 1091 850 136 2392 133 1581 CLARKE COUNTY. 716 D oyle, exe. of Hopeville.................... 1 96 365 351 716....... I......1 279 423 118- 3. 1521 581 361 51 163...... 82 663 Franklin..........................................12( 333 330 663.....23 371 3 - 6 33 181 67 24 9 114...... 116 572 Frernont......................... 13 98 272 570 1 1 2 22 298 12........ 25 145 64 1 8 129...... 86 630 Green ay.. 1 113 324 306 030............. 2...... 257 3(6 15 - 52 17 170 76 27 17 143 1 107 Wn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 14 7............. 332 Hopeville town of.51 177 155 3 50 43 139 -100 11 80 42 15 2 69............... 917 Jackson....172 464 453 917......-............ 391 473 5 4 58 239 64 35 11 187 5 147 851 Kno..................................................... 149 449 402 851................ 376 451 24....... 27 227 112 41 11 170 1 140 925 ibert.................................. 149 420 505 9374 547 17 13 22 220 71 37 17 186 130 581 Madison.108 293 288 581................ 253 278 43- 7 18 129 50 20 16 107 4 399 446 Osceola, exe. of tow..............I......... 1401 234 203 4371 4 5 9 2571 291 11 113 21 118 501 21 9. 122.... 10 6 1701 OsceolIa, town of, c. H........................... 300 842 831 1673 17 11 28 690 924 52 — 35 70 341 98 39 28 383...... 227 -. 6261Troy........................................................ 131 331 295 626.................... 216 310 331- 67 18 140 49 9 4 151 1 129 ca 4w7...................................................... 6 239 228 16917- 40 12 123 50 13 3 101 2 85 691 Wa8shington8........................................... 12 358 333 691.................. 365 320 61........ 25 162 6 26 13 158...... 112 Total.......................... 1855 5127 4952 10079 22 17 391 42251 5276I 4711..242. 918 361 1531 2213 14 152 CLAYgl COUNTY.TZ~ 3961 Brid-ewaYter~...................,......... 8 84 1 208 1881 396............ I...... 113 206 52 - 5 19 797 19 J2 11 (98......,,1 62 5981 Clay.............................,.................. 1900 130 310 288 598......,,......... 178 320 83 - 1'7 37 134 34 31 16 1 A,3 4 1055 387 Douglas;,..,.,..........i 78 78S 205 182 887................. 140~ 1883 66 7 16 85 26 1.5 1 84 43 220 Gill tt's Grov...........1.......... 116 104 220 3................. 82 126 112 9 43 25 14 3 54...... 49 1461/ Herdlan d......................,............. 31 31 81 65 146............. 44 99 3.... 7 42 12 8 3 36...... 27 358 incoln.......................................... 80 80 185 173 358................. 150 171 1 036 1 71 7 23 2 78 2 66 2810 Riverton............................... 70 70 147 133 280.................. 84 157 271 12 10 44 7 11 4 77...... 53 906 Spencer, C. H................................. 187 187 4993 407 9061...... 1............, 2461 5651 931 — 2 34 195 75 32 7 2.31...... 1'70 278 Summit...............I.................. 66 66 1-3 135 2781 62 146 7.. 13 5 3 22.. 67 2 52i 0-3569 Total......................................... 97751 7751 18941 16751 35 1 4 — 1 CLAYTON COUNTY. 1709 Boa~rdmazn, Elkader, c. H........... 313 313 89'0 819 1709 1................ 774 485 489 39 99 842 189 62 33 867 21 246 285 Buena Vista................................: 63 63 153 132 285.......]............ 114 46 28- 97 - 72 24 6 7 64 8 40 1175 Cass................................................ 242 242 610 565 1175................ 501 951 123 3 36 2 4 119 34 18 266 6 147 ]1018 Clayton.......................................... 185 185 530 488 1018..,.....,.... 4.27 283 310 2 62 252 11.5 48 3 180 15 124..:: 525 189 308~ ii....... 4 7 I 4 1 9 2 8 1022 o................ 188 1.88 557 465 1022...... I'........i 10491 Elk................................................ 196 196 545 5j04 1049.......... 1 0 123..,...... 44 271 91 37 19 236 4 1'73 1194 1 Farmersburg..,.......................... 213 213 629 561 1190 2 2 4 545 i249 400........ 50 284 88 60 24 196 196 102 11821 Garnanvillo............................;.......... 215 221 6121 570 1182.. 563 148 471....... 44 2 6 104 47 18 207 61 134 1261 Girard....................................... 212 212 647 614 12615 850 Grarid. Meadow............................. 143 143 447 4026 50.............. 32 6 95 0 79 36 7 1 1 58 84 1046 iiGuttenberg, town ofd................ 221 221 529 516 1045................... 485 113 423 - 24 25 264 84 41 13 224 15 99'' faIi~iffhlan d......,.,,.,,,.,..,,.......;,...... 132 1 46 375 780.................. 860 IFO 244 4 84 216 93 21 1 154 11 117 78s,01 High n d......................................... 405 6 595 3 108 5 21 55 4 16 1206 Jeffers. on, exe. of Gui3......... 2503 227 656 550 1206.................. 621 c~...... 177 2P 119 265 1 2 41 4 14 1115 Lodomilto.,................................... 241 241 588 1115.........51 522 83 121 11 t 41 7 6 11490 M al Iory.................... 210 210 60 529 11L49.......... 579 490 74 - 6 89 267 76 38 I 1 258 6 191 0149 149 601 521 1122........... 512 62 577 2942 259 122 49 17 120 97 69 118111Mendo-n exclusiveof McGregor 9and North Mc~ regor............. 244 244 602 579 1181.................... 453 387 321.- 20 31 3,34 94 29 3 222 13 128 278 ummillvillet.......................... 139 139 391 366 75 402 236 136 17 71 1771 5 22 9 144 12 92 56129Tononal.......................................... 24 245 712 700 1412.. 507 455 93 357 84 356 126 19 6 304 4 163 CLAYTON COUNTY-CoNTINUED. WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP' LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. o ~ ~ ~ o ~ / 10401:re a d ~ ~ ~ ~~~........................ 971 0~ 69 7D 0 W~ 0- 0-4 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)00 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, -- AND CITIES. 4- a2 160[ 58 t3( ( Wo e d mm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ) 0 -.-, 0 In co 0 o 3 E)k ZZZ I Z Z IZ ZZ ZZ i 478lNorth McGregor, town of......I.... 1041 243 2351 4781............ 1521 2041 132 Ill 91 96 32 18171 941 7 84 1040 Read........................ 183 183 538 502 1040...........474 103 403..... 41 266 71 33 20 160 58 99 1119 Sperry.......................................... 226 226 626 573 1199.................. 565 428 206........ 56 296 140 38 17 260 17 171 1214 Volga............................................ 237 2:W7 635 579 1214.................. 616 142 130 -326 64 282 120 27 18 213 7 123 889 Wagner....................................... 159 159 455 434 889.331 137 214 -207 45 188 86 34 9 145 21 114 25332 Total..... 4579 463 12210, 12118 25328 2 2 4 11541 6332 65431........ 1316 6249 2454 844 319 4861 819 3006 McGregor, town ofCc 133 - 3 52 1 ~4 2 9 —--- 596 First ward....................... 112 291 303 594 1 1 2 196 264 133 - 3 13 122 52 14 2 141 29 93 651 " Second ward..................... 134 312 339 651......... 238 286 127........ 13 139 44 17 4 152 6 114 368 Third ward........... 71 190 178 368.................. 152 127 90 1 14 94 33 8 5 74 6 52 237 ".....Fourth ward..................... 43 129 108 237...... 106 93 38.......71 19 3. 44 24 1852 Total of town............................... 360 922 928 1850 1 1 2 692 770 388 51 426 148 42 11 411 41 283 2718 —~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —-4 1 — I-~ 27184 Total of county..................... 45791 5053 14132 13046 27178 3 3 6112233 710 631........ 1367 66752 2602 886 3930 5272 860 3289 CLINTON COUNTY. 740 B1er lin.8 87 41.33.............0....3....18 284............ 54242 18 64 36 5 104 49 66 1364 Blooomfield.................. 2 3 1............... 270 720 643 1363 1 1 607 552 205l........ 231 366 113 43 27 27 158 994 Brookfield....................172 172 526 468 994.................. 492 336........ 658 270 81 18 2 191 18 132 495 Camanche, ex. of lown............ 95 95a 257 238 495.................. 222 192 81........ 18 100 49 13 4 105 10 59 758 Cam anche, town o.................... 1. 16 169 395 363 7581.... 285 319 1........ 187 76 17 9 187 11 103 1226 Center........................................ 210 210 650 576 122...... 34 16 523........ 126 278 105 42 9 191 65 120 1346 Clinton, exc. of city................... 277 277 684 64 1331 5 10 1 419 509 418........ 60 303 114 54 29 236 56 155 7028 Clinton, city Of, C............ 1497 1524 3366 3563 6929 47 52 99 2120 2998 1910........ 149 1397 369 1459 56 13631 181 7165 7028; Clinton, city of, c. H................... 2171 20[1 2984 64i 13 0 1910 5 48........1 10339 361 4 9 1363[ 181 716 7028 C~inonj cityof, c. D1497[ 15241 3366 3563 6929 4 9 1 28 1 149 19 6 4 6 16 987 Deep Creek~................................... 15 15 58 49 972 70 91.... 41 29 4 2 7 16 57 7 1289 DeWitt, exc. of town................... 230 20 694[ 594 1288..... 58 468 26.... 5 3471 130 3 16 2761 241- 171 — o0 1754 D~eWitt, town of........................... 320 320 8591 876 1735 "' 8 1 1961 806 29I.... 5 310 128 3 5 466[ 361 189 CA 946 Eden.............................................. 143 148 518[ 428 946.............39 278 2912 99 8 5 185[ 281 127 - 1271 Elk River...................................... 205 205 716[ 555 1271..........52 229 40.... 1 278 113 3 1 236I 87[ 121 963 Hlampshire.................................... 169 19 54 49 63.......... 451 0 1.... 33 2 8 3 1 6 6 9 825 Liberty........................... 15 15 42 33 85..,............. 36 20 29..... 34 20i7 1 1 1541......I 8 363 Lincoln......................... 6 4 13 10 33................. 174 119 170...... 20197 52 8 3 761 4t 4 382 Lyons, ext. of city....................... 75 75 196l 186 382.......... 14 104 104.... 5 55 48 9 4 85[ 11 2 3784 Lyons, city of................................ 752 752 18451 1925 3770..3'"i' 161 1182 92I.... 8 855 357 99 7 6661 1051 348 1481 Olive............................................... 268 268 785/ 696 14-81..........69 405 47.... 63 372 120 5 0 2721 193[ 90 931 Orange........................................... 14 14 84 47 91..........43 30 17..... 29 4 4 7 1 75 1 0 1199 Sharon..........:..............;................... 188 188 630/ 569 1199..........57 358 28.... 46 292 II171 1 38 7 139 804 Spring lRock, exe. of Wheatland 147 147 405/ 399 804 36 -0 3........44..232 63 28 6 1171 361 64 956 Washington.......,............. 137 137 488[ 468 956...49 155 35.... 51 263 92 28 9 1741 31 116 828 Waterford.............................,...... 137 137 424/ 404 828..........43 169 16.... 59 261 102 3 1 1891 217 120 865 Welton................... 162 157 463~ 402 865...48 288 16 1 236 89 2 5 1511 32[ 116 716 Wheatland, tono..169 169 362f 352 714' 2'1 27 18......'. 277 162 55 13 29 9 8 CRAWFORD COUNTY. C' 224 Boyer............................................ 38 3 12 98 24... -..... 7 10 42 3 1 60 7 9 1 41 6 5 63]Charter Oak.............................. 1 12 3 30 6........;.- 2 6 3-2 5 1 7...... 1 1123[Denison, Denison, c 21 1 53 50.13.............. 24531 323] 556 245 ] 1[ 57[ 2461 75 52 2 58 20 06 c 355lEast Boyer..................................... 62 62 200 15 355[......... 1211 153t 76[ — 5[ 151 80 32 15 3 4 2,8 Goodrich........................................ 45 45 14211 258 5 169 39 5 16 63 20~ 3 6 00 36 HaInover.................................I........ 8 8 20[ 1 3 17 31 16......... I 51 7 3.... 9... 7 315 HI-ays...................I..,.............,......... 63 63 173 12 315[......... 96 77 1371 — 5[ 19[ 70[ 13 14 8 6 46' 2231Iowa............. 7 7 13 10 23........................... 77 2123 102 74[ 52 5[ 6[ 771 30 9 7 1 20 264/Jack son.8 5 4 13 24..............................5 8 11[ 2 4 971 127 [ 50[ 10 / 12[ 54 27[ 2 70 48 643! Milford........... 17 17 36 27 63........................... 2 2 4[63 2521 351/ 15 — 25/ 46/ 155/ 46 22' 144 3 8 9Mogn..............22 2 47 4 91.............................20 6 1 6 1 98 Nishnabotany............................... 19 19 44 98 29l 47[ 26[ 4[ 6[ 27[ 7................... 2 1944 5 9829 4 26 4 2 98 Nishnbotan'~........................................6 5.... 1 101 Soldier............................................ 20 20 54 47 101[......... 45[ 44 7[ — 5[ 7 23[ 10[ 4 2 1... 834 Stockholm..................................... 60 60 0 54 3134.......... 78[ 69 169[- 18[ 18 471 71 IS 8 1 23 443 Union..............................................104 120 251. 9 44:3/........ 148] 232[ 45 - 18/ 17[ 84 24:[ 14 6 14 5 66 629 West Side...................................... 1-126, 126 3221 307 629[......... 16;]/ 2811 185....... 26[ 191/ 331 29 127 34 9 ~,~ow~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11"~................. 77 W llo.................................... 16 16 3 7 7... 1 2 2 II......!71... 1 60319 Total.......................................... 124 124 26 21~ 01 7 1 810 -7 3-,.... 30,9 2,25 8 24 4 5 DALLAS COUNTY. WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POPLATN OF INHABITANTS. 21 YFAS /OLD. 9~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~ I.~ cd bb d: hI " "::,'0 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS,,- - - ci AND CITIES. 4-3 0 Q 0 b. il ~~W P rr O Od OF * g.n.n o N P4 Cd C 4 rI0 -I~ o e r o 15 0delcito)n o00..............150 40 15..... 03 19 68 6 6 o oi...14 H-' Z-ZO a H, I: IZZ -Z 966 Adams..............................1........... 74 174 4 469 966 451 496 19........ 26 26 114 28 4 2161 155 1204 Adel, exe. of town....................... 211 211 639 565 1204.... 489 588 127........ 44 283 103 42 9 274...... 210 815 Adel, town of, C. H...... 165 165 405 401 806 5 4 9 320 480 15........ 42 191 68 35 10 1941..... 148 76 75 216 211 427.................. 176 250 1 55 62 18 4271 Beaver...........r......,.,.................... 76 75 216 427 62 18 21 7 84...... 69 836 Boone.......................................... 138 143 447 389 836............ 346 407 83........ 25 224 69 27 4 185 19 125 666 Colfax................1......................... 128 128 351 315 66.............. 205 414 47........ 22 169 52 16 12 150 1 115i A484 Dallas................................... 92 92 266. 218 484 165 289 30........ 20 133 26 23 2 108...... 85 744 Des Moines.................................. 133 132 396 347 743 1 1 320 368 56........ 30 178 88 21 10 162 4 112 660 Dexter, town of......................... 183 190 337 323 660.............. 203 392 65........ 14 77 49 19 7 141...... 81 H 5291 Grant.......................................... 92 92 273 256 529.................. 210 229 90....... 29 130 40 26 6 113 5 90 467 Lincoln....................................... 86 86 243 224 467............ 125 311 31........ 20 119 42 14 1 101 1 84 50 833 Linn..................................... 138 138 440 392 832 1...... 1 339 467 27. 47 196 93 33 12 198...... 139 z 1142 Spring Valley.............................. 237 237 630 512 1142............. 424'6 62........ 64 244 90 40 11 262 5 183 670 Sugar Grove................................. 137 137 338 325 663 2 5 7 250 336 84........ 53 179 46 21 11 131 30 68 1180 Union, exe. of Dexter............. 118 118 601 579 1180.................. 479 680 21........ 39 335 132 37 19 255i 4 190 1510 Van Meter............................ 290 296 744 748 1492 10 8 18 677 803 30........ 65 349 114 46 13 31 13 247 705 Walnut.................................... 132 132 389 316 706.......... 238 44 33...... 45 186 39 15 4 157 6 95 548 Washington........................... 98 98 296 251 547...... I 1 202 300 46........ 20 150 0 26 11 121 5 89 14386 Total....................._............. 2_628 26" 75081 6841i 143491 19 18{ 37j 1'561 91 790 W ~~ 867. 660j i32311 12331 4901 153j 31701 931 2285 DAVIS COUNTY. 1570 Bloomfield, exc. of town........... 300 3001 786 772 1558 5 7 12 753 759 58........ 641 382 159 61 21 436...... 180 969 Bloomfield, town of, c. H........... 199 199 458 484 942 16 11 27 379 520 73 3 9 136 68 4...... 267...... 200!21 287 Drakeville, exe. of town............ 63 63 150 137 2871................. 143 131 13....... 12 63 44 10 6 79...... 44 280 Drakeville, town of.................... 58 58 138 142 280..............106 160 14........ 13 61 28 10 9 74...... 46 10641 Fabius.................................. 19 196 552 12 10641...... 566 48 13........ 37 3091 1011 40 151 182...... 18 1101 Grove...............L~.......................... 196 "i...... 505 517 79........ 280 oo 1444 Lick Creek..................................... 101].......... 546 341 ~ 12~'"i'2 162 -.~ 720 724 ~ 959 Marion...... 277 36 19] 194 126 "'.:............................... 172 172 474 485 959]............I 500 431...... 2~1 ~ 168 36 15 148 107 646 Prairle............................................ 131 131 331 3t51 646t............J 317 40......... 629 Roscoe.................,........ 104 104 321 308[ 629~...... i....../ 352 214 63........ 204 25 1.................. 31 102 55 947 Salt Creek.................................... ~.. 179 179 489 458/ 947/............. 630 301 16........ 249 50 14 203 146 991 Soap Creek..................................... 183 183 525 466 991...... I......J 579 537 40 -- 2 40 265 I 226 "i7 163 0.............. ~ i............................. 259 184 1039 ~Vest Grove................................... 181 181 520 519, 039............{.... 549 479 11t.............~(~ ~ 74 17 199 151 1280Wyacondah 273 273 543 7371.................................. 280/...... ~o ~ ~2 17~ t ~5757 Tot~......................................... -5~- ~5; 7~1-~Z 7~/-5::: m ~0 7...... DECATURCOUNTY. C~ 367 Bloomington................................ 701 70 18.4, 179 363 Ii 170 180t 24,........ 1053Burren............................................ 17[ j 891 51.,...I 761 1...... 201 201 553 520 17........ 66 SOS 96 43'19 211...... 935 Center, exc. of Leon...................... I 1~ 158] 158 484 311 1053........ 516 ~ 985 464 464 7........ 123[ 290 104 9 9 189......1119 1124 Decatur..........................................I 2081 208 591 1124 514 590[ 20[........ I 451 295[ 97[ 551 2~[ 247l 21 209 574 560] 24)[........ 47, 8831 29t 17[ 112] 219] 1108 Eden.............................................. l 209l 53~1 3 528 1105 871 Fayette..........................................., 64~ 64 206 165 371 206 22........ 181 102 32 18 8 81 2 605 Franklin....................................... 1[ ~9~1 I 107t 107 302 ~ 3131 XSl......../ 251 162l 72I 24t 81 1251 5I................................ loo4 6o7[ 89/......../ 45[ 2831 sst 891 71 253/ 31 506 Grand River.................................. ~c8 I 941 94 268 231 499 241./ 36}......../ 381 124l 26l 171 10/ 109l iI 788 I-Iamilton......................................i 146l 146 396 387 788 ~/........ /~1~1 ~[ ~1 ~/ ~1 796 YIigh Point.....................................I 146] 146 390 397 787 395l 7]........ 32 229 73 32 11 171 I 128 889 Leon, town 05 c. ~....................... ~t 137 I 190l 190 444 425 869 745 Long Creek.................................... 398] 4[........[ 37] 156[ 57[ 25[ 9[ 161[......] 126 I 139] 139 375 357 732 6 516] 9]......../ 27l 172[ 73[ 30[ 8[ 234]....../ 169 ~ ~4~ 519 Morgan...........................................I 100[ 100 249 270 519 230 2891.........[........[ 251 134[ 41[ 19[ 6[ 111[......] 80 516 ~ew Buda......................................I 98/ 98 276 240 516 271~ 8[........ ]13[ 94[ 122} 13[ 9[ 105...... 945 Rich!and...**,.................................] 165[ 165 510 435 110[ [ 4~ 493 23........[ 45 251 86 35 14 210...... 165 428 1~24-' —9 Total.........'..............................., —~2~ ~ ~7-~- ~ x-~ ~ -~-6-~1-~1-... —..i}1~1 x~8~l~l-iF61-~l~ ~1~ DELAWARE COUNTY. 644lAdams....~...................................... I......... 167[ 4] 161 1961 ~[ 12{ 1211? 75 838]Bremen.......................................... I......... 130~1 343t 301{ 644[ i!!1111i[,t,. 305].......... 176[ 192[ ~ —154[ ~40t 209{'70 77[ ~{ [ 41 91...................................... tiiiiiit 458[ 954[ 492~2] 68] 1121 —6] 224 102 20 13 102 197 1~6410olony...........,................................[......... 235 37 252 36 152 ~.a 1152 { Delaware, exc. of Manchester..~l...,..... 1~07~[ 648{ 616 1264] 613f 248{ — 65'1 1201 597] 555 1152] 4071 63~28] 125]........I 381 293 107l 39 12] 275 15 165 e~ 130t DELAWARE COUNTY. —CoNTINJED. C> tal WHITE ~ COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP'LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. 4 F1 738!Hazel Green...... 129 391 3~ 731 3 1 251 15'~ 20 -~0 8 194 1 18148 6 4445 P31[ 4)~ O 03 437 9.5 Id I 5 c... 0 o 6 ~ o~ 4 ooso 666 os _ ___ Z I I H JZZ __ 1176- Delhi, Delhi, C. H....... 232 615 55 1172 3 1 4 485 537 154 41 266 119 17 6 288 38 189 1008 Elk........................................I...... 37.. 198 531 477 1008....465 385 118 - 40 42 261 76 30 11 215 141 738 Hazel Green..129 399 337 738............. 310 256 125 -- 47 31 200 78 19 5 143 8 111 -931 Honey Creek....................... 189 486 445 931........... 403 437 91..... 25 246 71 23 9 223 23 175 C 661 Hopkinton, town of................ 138 331! 330 661........... 259 356 47 1 27 159 48 26 7 166 2 113 Y 1566 Manchester, town of................ 312 766 796 1562 3 1 4 482 892 172 - 20 54 320 155 36 23 404 4 274 719 Milo......I....................... 137 373 346 719............ 284 342 88 - 5 27 174 88 19 7 166 1 119 tt 824 North Fork............................ 155 415 409 824.... 382 167 260 - 9 36 240 86 31 14 144 26 93 1368 Oneida........................................271 680 688 1368.... 509 635 234 10 46 297 138 34 8 282 22 166 509 Prairie.......................................... 92 277 235 509.... 180 226 85 -- 18 29 121 49 20 2 116 12 89 744 Richland.......................... 141 389 355! 744............I 320 25 149.. 24 173 78 24 3 146 24 58 ~0 1113 South Fork, exc. of Hopkinton......... 202 572 1112 1...... 1 489 1057 13 6 44 277 86 32 14 243 145 -684 Union.............................. 137 362 322 684............... 379!1- 88 -217 23 202! 75 28 11 151! 7 95 168931 Total.3134 871 8164 16884. 7590 2644..... 602 4093 1623 499 183 3662 279. 2353 DES MOINES COUNTY..537 Augusta..................... 107 108 287 250 537........... 266 171 90 — 10 20 141 48 18 12 114 5 80 1303 Benton.233 244 679 623 1302 1 697 323 29 6 38 37 112 46 14 253 3 94 2809 Burlington.................. 531 534 1416 1376 2792 11 6 17 1304 614 8415 - 46 113 665 212 90 130 473 4 330 1543 Danville..................... 280 280 799 741 1540 2 1 3 808 619 96 - 20 354 323 162 36 24 354 19 2,50 1342 Flint River.249 243 699 627 1326 10 6 16 769 299 236 - 38 27 319 159 41 5 282 7 173 1448 Franklin......................... 246 242 726 722 1448........ 822 391 286 51 40 375 151 36 11 289 202 861 Huron.................................... 165 165 464 397 861........ 398- 290 148 - 25 27 185 94 23 10 -176 12 90 48Jackson...................................... 64 148........... 64 61 16 — 7 7 29 13 2 3 35 1 35. FlF~~~~~~~~~32[...I 3 2 3 94ed k I ~a 531 141 1376 2792 111 1a a,( 1047 Pleasant Grove..............2............ 0209 209 538 508 1046 1 601 283 163 39 261 117 43 15 214 29 152 1456 1Union......................................... 271 271 751 697 1448 5 3 8 698 348 339 — 71 53 271 102 54 21 280 40 177,~,~ 165 12~ 464 op~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8. 1o~ 3 1~]"]'2 1408[Jgcksn.......................................... 9 3 7 08...,.... 6 8 11-4 2 21 7 35 O125... 4 Z g~l(Hone Creek...............................56. [ 1486 44 3.....,.[....... 4 3 9..... 26 ~t7 3 9 2 2 7 15661Manchester fo~~~~~~lz of........,,, 0 4 6l..,,.... 3 7i 9 5 4 8 12 0 ~ 0 115 3 3 0 74 71047[Pleasn Grove............................... [ 0l 13........ 17 33 3624 32 81 7 14 8 9 7 16 1 19~ 11456[SUthFree fHyrnion......... 0 7 4 1 1..,.... 1 49 15 13 66 4 271l 10 21 1 4... 177 13031Benton ~............................/..... 271/ 2711 675 6971 1448] 5.. 1 698] 23 25 3 48137 12 4 1 5 3 28091 Brlingtn.............................. 531 531 1416 1376 272 11 6 17 130 614 s~1 — 46 113 6~5 212 214' 4 1 52' 1543 Danvlle................................ 280 20 79 741 540 1 3 08 613 96- 20 54 33 162 36 2 354 9 21 13~f~llilzt iver............................ 24 243 69 627 326 10 6 16 69 299 2361- 8 27 39 159 1 52801 1 " 999[I Washing~ton.~~~.................,.......... 182[ 182 1 536 462]i 9981 1 I......[ i 536 85] —6 381 2611 11 28 21 2081I 8l 161 1626 Yellow ~Jprings.............. 336 335t 798 S~8'0~...... __..tI...86 2 1 71456 1 6 8 26 15119 Total.............................,.......... — ~23 77 2510229 1 773 - -~3 - -~1 -~..... -]3:50- - ~54313 0 2000 ff-a Burlington, city of, c. a. 5644 ~~First ward..............[ 808[ 885] 2688 29005 5593 25 26] 51 2316 1680 1688 1491 1189]4 [ 187 721 799[ 134] 440 2173 " c Second ward...........i 274,- 321 1!~~ 998] 2125] 29 191 4 8 7 798 478.... 43] 402[ 185/ 43 i 473] 32 317 3712 " c Third ward. ]..... 496] 540] 1867 1735] 3602i 60 50] 110 1276 1486 950~.... 90] 69'7 390[ 75 32 633/ 93] 462 2375 " c Fourth ward...........[ 315[ 349] 1183 1163[ 2346[ 11 18] 293 825 1024 526 5 3] 480] 5 221[ 48 49 308[ 59[ 9 "751 c Fifth ward........,.... 217[ 244] 858 876 1734[ 13 18 31 605 833 317""'10 33] 278] 142] 34 16 418l 15] 333 2240 " c Sixth ward.............[ 469[ 482] 1097 1131[ 2228[ 41 8 12 968 809 563 100 1 5 2 0 3 4 374 2078 " ( Seventh ward:........[ 418]1 434] 1026 10325 O 9 19 941 746 491 100 80 493 160 103 35 495 6 1908 Tota, o, ~of.n~...........,....... 29 2594 8116712183071 75 03......[ I —~,-"~ 1 —-;~ ~ ~ ~ 59-i- ~ — ~5 5 DICK~INSON COUNTY. 543] C enter Grove, Spirit Lake, c. It. 109 1091 23~I 28 543......... I.... 7 3 61 1 2 3 6 5 I 103 r// 69 Dimod Lke................., 15 15 3 69.... I......... 21 39 11 2 2 9 5] 2[......I 15 1... 2~ 96 Excelsior.............,............. 2 3 5 2 41...... I...... I.....,. 29[3 11 5 2 23]i.... 1 LakevRiclle......,........................ 1 4.... I... I.... 20 201 21 ~8 3 2.. 96 1~92 Diamond Lake...................... 3...... I...... 1 0 1........ 8 2 0..... 67~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 21 61eir.................... 1 9 3 31 6 2 28 5 7 41 11 25... 14 1338 L loyd.............................,..... 6 5 9 8 1~ 02 0 61.......... 11 ~~ 0 ~'__5 " 5711 ~ 1629 Milford.............................,........ 361 8 7 16 1094 10 5[2[ 1 3 1030~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ 8ocr 8 8 3 4613 1 719 5 2 11131 26] 11 3 16310koboji.................................. 11 11 41 34 85......1...... j... 4 2 6 13 -1 9 0 8~ 0 48 4 9 842 Iowa~~~~~~~~7 163 4 3 s 1 2'i 19 27-1 9 22 32 18,-1 42 176 [ Pdchlan d..................................... n0 n 41 76' 158:::I:::::: 0 3 ~ 8 4211 51i 1721 8 3 21 2 591Silver ake............................... 1 598 13 301 16. 20[21...... 1011 271Sp0Jirit Laex o uuu 2 2 0 4 30..............................7 35 2 3 14328 2 0 0 9 DUBUQUE COUNTY.-CONTINUED. WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP'LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. /'f ~ ~~~~ 1r21* FS *: 3 3. 0 C d r( u.T2[,MES OF TOTWNSHIPS, TOWNS, q). AND CITIES. 3 0 * 3 W 0 0 o0) 0) 5~ - 5 F4 k Fl kr ~~~~~~~~~~~~Wh)o 5 a 40 a) 3.3 0e~ C Q 0 ~ Id 0 Ca a0 6 o 03 66 0 H Z Z-e Fi ~ Hk ~4 h H r, Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ~~~~............ 50 2 4.... 6 5 4 3 4 11 2 0 924 Liberty......................................... 148 148 493 431 924... 550 25 349..... 64 256 943514 171 2 09 667 Mosalem.120 120 360 807 667. 304 40 323........ 17 106 62 16 6 156 20 126 667 Mosalem,........,,.....,......................... 120 120 360 307 667............34 1264 New Wine, exe. of D.)yersville... 206 206 6991 565 1264.6271 106 53 5 43 286 128 49 21 221 35 172 960 Peru........................................... 178 178 510 450 960.................. 533 64 352 - 11 40 266 98 41 18 187 5 135 998 Prairie Creek....................... 150 150 548 450 -998................. 550 146 301 - 1 41 275 136 19 14 224 5 146 1453 Table Mound............................... 210 210 744 708 1452 1..1... 1 883 114 456........ 85 458 122 22 3 294 18 149 1833 Taylor....................................... 340 340 959 874 1833.................. 803 671 359....... 96 449 159 52 30 423 10 275 1265 Vernon.........................191 191 703 562 1265.................. 657 260 286 - 62 44 331 97 45 14 313 20 176 H 929 WVashin-ton........................ 161 161 484 445 929.................. 480 235 1581 — 56 42 222 120 30 5 188 3 103 1067 Whtewater.,245 245 546 520 1066 1...... 1 538 199 279 - 51 51 110 36 7 216 16 129 1067 W~hitewater.................................. 6 10 3 1 16 129J 20240 Total................................. 3531 3533 10666 9572 20238 2 2 10690 3189 60..... 91 5179 202. 640 244 4205 312 2790 D/ubuque, city of, C. H. 5204' First ward.................. 850 895 2605 2583 5188 7 9 16 2501 1267 1436...... 375 1095 316 212 212 1090 42 786 2278 " Second ward.............. 238 271 1299 939 22:38 20 20 40 882 542 854.....] 85 449 122 77 27 451 119 358 4829 " Third ward................. 771 937 2292 2469 4761 37 31 68 2181 1046 1602........ 372 995 235 231 48 979 115 693 5951 " Fourth ward............... 984 1085 2829 3096 5925 12 14 26 2714 2008 1229........ 222 1463 500 178 69 1194 73 793 53431 Fifth ward.................. 934 972 2672 2668 5340 2 1 3 2635 57.5 2133........ 236 1591 390 269 59 840 245 403 23605 Totalof city.................... 3769 4160 11697 11755 23452 78 75 153 10913 5438 72551........ 1290 5591 1553 967 2581 4554 592 3033 43845 TotaL of county.....................7300 7693 22363 21327 436-01 80 75 155 21603 8627 13281 22051 107701 35881607 502 8759 904 5823 43 22 11607. 502 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~904.52 EMMET COUNTY. z 192 Armstrong Grove.............. 381 38 113 79 192.....I........... 46 7.. 8 53 171 401 30 115 Centre..................... 20 20 60 551 115.................. 39 49- 8, 11 30 5 1 24 1 15 62 I Ellsworth.....................................] 17| 17f 341 281 621 ] ] ]17I.................. 38] 71........I 5] 46I 15164...... 173]Emmet..........................................I 32T 32] 981 751 1731 ~........ 1['"'4t i 183[ 751........l 281 3811E~therville —Estherville, c. ~r..... 89 27 2 4 67 cn [ 85| 85t 1911 1861 3771 11 33..~ ~5lI-Itgh Lake......................................I m[ all 113I 921 206l lo 20,:-.-, 55 1 11 I: 19I i 14 451~o~ L~ke..................................... I 151 4 9t 91 291 ~6/ 6~I s61 7/ =============================== ~t...... "'.... II/- 1.......... 1o,........................ 47 Swan Lake 11 11 27 20 47 -- /....................... 12[ 10,........... / /.................. 12......................................... 1436 Total.............[........................ —-~ ~ -— ~ ~ — ~ ~ -— ~ — 4 2 539 451.....'.-/ 102 3~9 111 — ~ / 299 214 FAYETTE COUNTY. 110ff Auburn......................................... 201 201I g56[ 547 11031......f......]...... 460]. 548] 1031 8[ 42 211t 1571 228...... 136 277 Banks.......................................... 55 1531 124 277......1............ 92/ 121t 631 — 11 11 711 29] 65 51 551 484 Bethel............................................ 00 100 272 22 4s4l......]......I...... 2s0/ 2s21 xof 881 ~ 1191 a3, 110 76 560 Center........................................... 310 17 117/ 2~b 5601......]......]...... 181| 336l 40l — 3{ 13 96l 25! 127 107 1566 Clermont....................................... 93 787] 779 15661......[...... 293/ I...... 660/ 4961 403] — 7] 66 413'] 153 318! 166 1406 Dover.........................................:... 53 253 7131 693 1406]......t-.-' —{...... 711| 361/ 364/ 301 58 392] 116 220"'56 120 1119 Eden............................................... 12 212 6231 496 11191......]......].......4521 506] 150/ — 111 44 2761 104 253 15 188 r/~ 1253 Fairfield......................................... 50 250/ 6461 607 1253......]......{......I 520 503/ 62] —168 521 325 73 289 122 868 Fayette, town of.................. 145......... 74 206 419[ 449 862......[......[......[ 258[ 556[ 59[ 5 22] 203 68 234 6 5751 Fremont.............................,.......... 05 105] 278 575...... 297/ I......]:.....I 2371 249[ 93[ 4 26 146 61 lg5 89 560[i-Iarlan........................................... 145 1 15 115l 294 266 56C......]......[......] 163] 298/ 57[ — 421 281 122 4 "~6 10101Illyria............................................ 1~ 192[ 520 482 100~ 41 4/ 81 461/ 405] 132/ — 12[ 37[ 295 22i 144 ~J ~ 914 Jefferson...............................,....... 197l 490[ 424 914......[......[......[ 336[ 343[ 131] —104t 39t 202 67 207 114 776lOtart...............................................[ ]148 148l 402 374[ 77(......I......l......t 314J 347l 102[ — 13t 351 199 84 156 115 1704PleasantValley...........................1 ~;2C 320 905 789.1 1694 5] 51 101 758] 613t 351118{ 77/ 418 37 470 3 235 737 Putnam........................................./ ]4~ 1491 382l 355l 73~......]......I......[ 257l 3601 126[ 6] 22/ ~9s 73 146 96 430[scott............................................... 81 I 7~ 781 2141 216] 43(......,,,141,............ 1891 99[- 1[ 11[ 102 52 89 65 ~2 7691Smithfield.....................................I 141 106/ 4021 364] 76( 11 l[ 2[ 244[ 4561 741 51 21] 197 95 189 95' 1054,Westfield, exc. of Fayette............I 19~ 196[ 549] 499[ 10i~ 5] 1[ 61 4211 506] 100[ — 27f 16[ 268 232 1083IWest Union, exc. of town...........I 220l 542{ 541l 10St....../......t."...I 537l 534 124 112[ 44[ 307 ~1~ 146 1388[ West Union, town of, C. ~r...........[ ~' ~2~ 167 244l 670l 718/ 138~....../......I....../ 4711 668L 1321 —117] 49/ 220'.... 193'"if![ ~1~~~~........................................./~1 ~/ ~/ ~......1......,......I~l ~ ~1-~1 ~, ~ ~ ~0~ ~, 1~ ~t:205181' Total.................................. -' — — / —I~ ~ — t — ~,,...../ —~l —~/1 —~1 —~1-~'~49'.15 11 26 8312 9100 2871......i. 763 5034 1 —~ 4-'~ 2781 FLOYD COUNTY............................ TM 1::........ ii!tiiiii 1i 6a7 20s 2841 "i'~ 177 94........................ 112411 1~g51 Floyd........... 3571 6741 61.................................. 253 1261 41 1 57 26 5 158] 769,Niles.............................................. 94 171l ~'81 3~6] 742'......:i 199, 4481 19~ 22] 143, 19t 111 7421Nora Springs, town of...............,.. 143[ 7691...... 2691 3061 1271 52 I 1871 129 5811Pleasant Grove............................. 1081 1081 ~ 268] 5811............ 154[ 3081 ~ ~351 3~1 t~ FLOYD COUNTY.-CONTINUED. WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP:LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. 2 3 - 3.3 3 bcj 1 F 0, ) Id * - hiD a o.~ o ~ ~d. 0 NAMDES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS,..' O O c 44, 0O AND CITIES. 1-4 0 06 4;4 Z 0 - c.'3 rd a) aS a) 3 rR3; oI3l CJ rS 925River0 on.. 9a) [........ 3 P., 1.4 0 OQ >O~ w ID a) - ) -' Ca d a a, E:.,,~,0~..... o 0 3 0 ~ ~ 0 0.3 Oo ~3 02 0 2 02 6 6 6 onO0 Hi - Zr Z- t4 h HfX ZZ Z o Z ZZ ZZ Z 925 Riverton.................................. 164 164 464 461 925.................. 331 489 105........ 36 219 72 20 8 188 15 128 1058 Rockford..................................... 202 207 541 517 1058.................. 300 701 57........ 38 234 100 27 9 264 15 189 713 Rock Grove, exe. Nora Springs 128 128 380 333 713...... 280 359 74........ 35 174 68 29 15 159 9 101 590 Rudd........................... 118 118 301 289 590...1..... 190 285 115.... 43 102 84 30 2 127. 5 99 c 357 Scott............................................ 66 66 189 168 357................. 121 206 30........ 18 92 29 14 5 81...... 63 1490 St. Charles, exc. of City.............. 270 274 783 706 1489 1...... 1 463 654 373........ 73 299 99 41 22 303... 2 54 727 Ulster........................................... 159 159 399 328 727................... 207 306 214........ 37 170 42 37 6 131 32 99 1258 Union.................................. 230 238 652 606 1258.................. 463 635 160........ 81 332 94 45 8 253 15 202 10831 Total....................................... 1930 1952 5644 5135 10829 2...... 2 3528 5605 1699........ 557 2472 908 376 129 2377 150 1728 ci Charles City, C. H. ~~~~~~~~~661 560 First Ward............ 101 109 277 283 560.................. 146 320 94........ 15 133 51 17 5 130 40 90 567 Second Ward........ 112 121 286 281 567................. 162 323 82........ 15 133 47 11 1 - 136 20 91 539 Third Ward........... 112 116 2,50 289 539................. 154 282 1.03........ 19 112 43 21 8 124 21 78 603 Fourth Ward........ 121 126 304 299 603.................. 188 290 125....... 14 161 54 20 3 117 51 79 560 l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............ 2269 Total of city........................ 446 472 1117 1152 2 269................. 650 1215 404........ 63 539 195 69 17 507 132 338 13100 Total of county.................. 2376 2424 6761 6337 13098 2...... 2 4178 6819 2103........ 620 3011 1103 445 146 2884 282 2066 FRANKLIN COUNTY. 552 Clinton........11 17................ 107 107 302 250 552.......... 2144 271 109- 28 24 118 8 15 1 135 14 73 669 G eneva.............................. 132 122 356 313 669........... 89 320 131 -129 30 230 61 25 9 126 21 95 7 273 G Frant.......................................... 55 163 110 273............ 90 164 24 5 28 64 25 9 1 62...... 43 183 Hami o.................................... 36 97 86 183............ 68 69 42 —- 4 34 46 17 8 5 39 1 31 11)48 Hampton, town of, c. ~............. 224 224: 5221 526 1048...... I............277 468 100 — 203 35 202 100 43 13 262] 11l 218 ~-' 456 Ingham........................................ 81 81 249 207 456.................. 134 301l 21 19 121 36 14 2 105.....[ 74 oc 206 Lee................................................ 43[ 43/ 1101 96[ 206t...... I...... I...... I 47l 138 21 i::i:i:iI 5 51/ 19[ 8/ 31 48t...i..1 38 129 Marion.......................................... 27[ 27[ 68] 611 129]...... ]...... I...... f 301 68f 31[........f 9[ 51] 131 8{ 1[ 29[ 8/ 17 2_~ 339 Morgan......................................... 64] 64] 186I 153/ 339]...... l...... }...... [ 102] 144 92] — 1[ 17[ 86] 27] 14} 5] 62] gS] 41 4~O~klana....................................... 77/ 771 204l 225/ 4291...... t...... /...... ] 1261 218, 851........I 211 103/ all 19/ a/ 68/ 26/ ~0 657 Osceola......................................... 132/ 1321 330[ 327[ 657/...... /...... /...... ] 214/ 2:t71 75] 9] 33/ 172} 64] 18] 10] 102] 9i 588Reeve............................................ 1181 118} 311] 277] 5881...... ]...... }...... I 211 3451 38} — 61 25 137[ 58] 20] 10/ 125l......} 76 148l I~ichland...................................... 27 27[ 71[ 77l 148/...... /...... ]...... [ ~%3[ 761 25l — 6[ 101 341 21] 51......I 241 3[ 26 5361Washington, ext. of Hampton.. 95 61 61i 1821 163 345...... l...... [......]. 93 203 55 -- 6 14 88 26 6 1 78 5 57 98] 98] 277I 259[ 5361......I......]......I 135 226f 151 24 24 411 311 23] 111 109 5] 345]West Fork................................... 000 __ FREMONT COUNTY. 106[Bartlett town of,......................... 22 22 51 - ~5 —-~[_._.~.~ — ~- --- ~-3U1~ 809 Benton,' exc. of towns of East t " —~" — ~ Port and Percival..................... 21~ -2 —-~ 159,! 159f 419 3861 805 2 2 tl 263 4951 511 I 30 186] i] 11] 1} 19~ 138 O~~ 134[East Port,, town of...................... 27 27 73 611 134....../......I / 60[ 64 10........I 6 23' 2/ 1[ 27...... 17 103[ ~arragut, town of........................ 241 2t/ 58 45[ 103!...... [......[ [ 38/ 62[ 3[......../ 10 12['[ 8/ 3['29...... 22 893[Fisher, exc. of Farragut............ 152 152 485 408t 893......[......] [ 3.t7/ 520/ 96[ 70[ 40 143,;1 32/ 1] 188 7 129 750/Franklin exo. of~amb~rg....... 139 139 379 3711 750....../......! / 352/ 309/ 891......../ 41 1601, 34/ 8/ 148 1~ 189[Fremont'City town of............... 1~ 36] 36} 101 ~8 189....../......] I 90/ 97[ 2t......../ 12 40:' 7} 5/ 39...... 2058/I-Iamburg, cit~of........................ 374[ 3741 10621 984] 2046/ 7/ 5~',/ 673/ 12-t2] 1-i3/......../ 06 296 11~ 55/ 35/ 437 25 366 389]Locust Grove............................... 79/ 791 2101 176I 389/...... [......I / 120/ 242/ 27[........[ 12! 69[::, 27/ 8/ 94 4 1026/Madison....................................... 171/ 1711 555] 470/ 10251 11......I / 455/ 536} 851......../ 51 223[! ] 381 7/ 214 2 1~72 9[McPaul, town of........................... 2 2 5! 4 9............. 3 3 3........ 1................ 1...... 2............................................................/ 5')' 11 11 30 25 55........... 25 ~ 7 31 15' 55 ]Prairie.......................................... / 98.....'....... [ 5 117...... 738]giverton, exc. of town................:l 3 1 12...... 62] 62 168 1301 298.....i]...... ] 98] 188[ 12111111111] 45 95] 4 i, 18] 2~ 63 iiiiii 98 456/~iverton town of........................ 92l 921 2301 2261 4561....../......I ] 1501 2(03[ 13l.. [ 2t 70; ~ 121 10] 101.. 89 1068/P~ossexeJofTabor...................... 203/ 203 ~7 511 1068......]....../ / 491 641/ 36}:..:::::] 95 27,5 t 15 16/ 248"'1 171 1232 Scott, ext. or towns of McPaul, I Bartlett, and Fremont City..... 239 239[ 611 621 1232......t......l. 5381 668/ 26........ 68 331 1: I 50 17 248 4 156 131018idney, exc, of town................. 231 231] 701 609t 1310f............[. } 585 708 17]........] 87 352 1~ I 43 15 206 8221Sidney, town of, c. >r................ 279 iii! 151I 151[ 4301 390[ 8201...... 2 t 318/ 491] 13........ 45 203: [ 311 2] 198 130 298} Tabor, town of............................. 42 c~ 65/ 197 157~:~64............1.! 116 2~5 3........ 36t s81 ~ I 7! 6/ s6 66 56} 56f 147} 148} 295 21 1/ } 1021 1811 i5/........I 5I 611 ~ I 4t 61 52 354 Walnut......................................... ~ ~ — ~ 13 —~1 Total....................................... GREENE COUNTY. m WBT~~WHTE: CO~LORED NATIVITY:BE~TWEEN 5 AND, POPULATION. POP'LA-TION? OF INIZABI~TANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. NAMYES OF TOWNSHIIPS, TOWNS, - -..... "I ~~AND CITIES. 0 k 0~~~~~ d~ kmm ~ r 6>Q) d k 4, k Cd 0.d Zs 0 0 o O~~ ~ ~~~~~ O O), P Pc~ ]"C ~ E-4~~,~Z. I, Z-/ ~ I- I'i' ~ 514 Bristol.......................................... 101 10tl 2781 236l 514.............. 24 280 21.-....~ 40 12 2 -8'9t-18-...... — 94 369[Cedar.............................................[ 69 69'189[ 180] 39......... 3 142[ 90........ 17 [ 96[ 381 15[ 14 [ 75[...... 67 t O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6i 31/IDawson......................................... 6 4 1 1......... 18 13................. 2 4 41 4...... 8...... ~1 ~4 E ~ F X ~4 r[ 61 61 14 1~ 31 395] Franklin...................................... 70 0 1 1 5.........l...... 127 105 30 -1-33 17 14 18 10 4 811 2 5 479[Grand Junction, town of.......... 9 9 1 227 478..2. 065 4~(0rad Juntiontown f........[ 93[, 93t 251 2 4 1[1 144 257[ 78........ 20[ 98'[ 26] 15[ 5[ 125t 6[8 U 208 Greenbrier.................................... 47 47 108 100 208.................. 39 153 16........ 13 60 11 io 1 47 11 31 293 Hardin................................. 63 63 152 141 293.................. 82 154 52 - 5 19 65 4 8 3 63 5 48 122/Highland.........................I...'.. 211 21 66 56/ 122....... 27 53 42........ 6 32 7 5 2/ 22/ 6 22 4891Jackson................................. 95 95 253 236 4 8.. 193 296................. 22 101 27 21/ 9 116/...... 85 802/Jefferson, exc. of town............... 148 148 424 387 802.................. 310 429 26 -- 37 22 223 61 27 9 172 8 166 d 895[Jefferson, town of, c. a............... 186 186 446 449 895 j................. 291 547 57........ 42 233 75 22 14 237...... 156 ~ d 469[Junction, exc. of Grand JunC- tZl tion............................................ 90 90 247 122 469.................. 142 260 70 3 3.5 99 3 12 1 100 2 65 C 608[Kendrick...................................... 119 119 307 301 608............ i...... 256 346 6........ 3,? 151 56 18 11 137 1 91 218 Scranton, exc. of town............... 40 40 120 98 218.................. 5l 128 39........ 11 51 2D? 4 1 481 4 42 234/Scranton, town of...................... 43 43 126 108 234.................. 60 142 32........ 8 49 11 7 4 68...... 55 775 Washington................................. 140 140 417 758 5.. 323 389 63........ 22 212 56 18 6 198...... 143 12~ Willow.......................................... 28 28 68 59. 74 26 3 t9 7 5 1 33 8 28 — ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 7028, Total....................................... 1359, 1359 3677 325-9 -7027 1 - 244-1 37681 647 332 1619 456 209 94 1622, 5. 1244 GRUNDY COUNTY. 5031Beaver.......................................... 95 95 260 243 503. 148 245 110[........ 19.37 20 7 90 20 68 557( Blackrhawk.................................. 83' 83 314 241 555 2... 60 23 11....... 23 116 44 24 5 122 2 101 Z 492/Clay............................................... 91 91 258 234 492...... 121122 42 22 8 122 8 98 o 522 Colf ax................................. 102 102 281 241 522............ 116 198 208 33 117 33 17 4 74 14 91 7401 Fairfield....................................... 139 1481 401 3391 740....... 2801 271 189.. 291 190 621 23 61 1331 36 122 652[Felix................................................ 1271 1271 3511 301] 6521......I............. 2481 3921 12........ 3 16 49 27 10137' 930 Germ~~~h...................................... 188] 188[ 4791 451[ 9301......I......]......] 3631 226[ 3~11........ 2164 49 276 1 0 3!131 578 Grant~~~..................................... 100[ 100 321] 257] 578]............[......l 156l 223] 199]........] 1 1411 46] 26l 4[ 96l 5l 68' 352Linol.............................. 70] 70l 191] 1611 352[......{....../......l 74{ 159t 119l........1 18 591 31/ 11{ 1t 71/ 9l 72 5971~[elrose............................ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 60........ 2016115 151 15[ 137 11 119 597~~~~~~~~~~ M loe........................... 113/ 113/ 314t 283] 597/....../......I......t 183] 354 3]..;. 2011 5 962/Palermo, Grundy Center, c. H... 16 16 55 47,92......... 250 59 13.... 0 1 80 34/ 18/ 23~1 301 191 698[Pleasant Valley..................,.... 3 3 8 1 9............... 1 20 4... 25 49 40 1 18 0 7i 6 55~~~~~~~~~~~132io/....................... 102 / 3 83102 29985l55....../......t......I 1577 1749 2004 18 110 5. 1 712 8 3617 8 158 1 I-32 35. 83 2..... 21 20 00 344, 1525 551 S hiotloh........................................ 22 -39 1051.... 271/90 37127 15 521 ear rove............................. 7 97 281 43 24............... 98 22 1 - 2 1t 1..3.13.I113...... 6 539 B eaver......................................... 11 0 278 260 [][[:11 539............ 8 3 2 3 12 35 4 8 9 1 1..... 8 95 — t Center..................................[......|- ~' - - /- [- 1-2...-.. 193 —3241 35909 0 7 1........ —-8 1977 66 41 2~ 1-19-.... 15 204, od-e................................................. 4 12 9 031 9 0 5 6 2 5 2 4...... 3 222 Beaver............................................. 459............... 7 181 333 -- 23 112[57 1731 1 1 44 3179 Hihas s................... 61 61anor159 31................. 132 171 16 4 l 278 O rang e...........................2. 4760]47 13 2781.......... 12.3 14 - -3 9 8 23 2'6.... 8 526Paora twnofc.H.............. 04 104 26 26156 3....6....2 93 31567- 2 21 119 3117 12........ 9 1531 Pente.......................... 30 88...........,.......... 29393600129[ 547 ]1 14 -29 6 24 12 72 0 46 9 359 473 Rchlad................................. 193 8 20 23 43............. 0 1 7 4 2 2 8 1 2 0 75 T ompo...................................... 131 17 99 56 55.............. 32 31 5.... 5 7 1 2 6 1 228 Urnio.............................................. 7 47 118 132 2862....... ——'....... 110 12 1 1 2 - -6 16 3 38 1 3 65 57 1 578 Vaiglley........................................... 601/ 6 1 315 3177 ]7............}...... 124 3171 19 8 7 0 18 1 23 7 125... 4 5879 Vicksory........................................ 10 06 37 280 57......... 23 27 4 -5 2 6 2 2 2 15... 1 9638, Total ~~~~~.:.....19.11 3 t 11...............................12.121585,519 5 1 1 3,3657 45951 491.... 321 22 1 72 13 362 128 239 5 1 453 Oaranuge....................... 3 28 53.................. 24,71- 47 2 1 19 3 4 931 478.............. 2 4 538 Cass ~~~~~~~................................... 9 98 26 62 3.. 418 Ellsworth............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................. 71 7 1 0 1 2 301 220 97 8 2 13 5 4 2 2 786 arin........................................ 14I4 0 8 8 9 1 3 7 5 6 5 3 7 128 33 57 17 R s 5 25 Thompson7.............................. 2137 3 9.8.......... 3 8 4......... 116 252 14 104:8 Hampton, town of, c.............. 224 224 521 526 1048..... I............ 77 468 100 — 203 35 202 100 43 13 262 11 218 0C 456 Ingham.................................. 81 81 249 207 456...... 134 301 21........ 19 121 3C 14 2 105 7...... 4 1 206 Lee.:" "................................ 43 43 110 90 206........ 47 138 21 5 51 19 8 3 48...... 38 V1 129 Marion.......................................... 27 27 68 61 129.................. 30 68 31........ 9 51 13 8 1 29 8 17 339 Morgan......................................... 64 64 186 153 339.................. 102 14 92 - 1 17 86 27 14 5 62 5 41 429 Oakland....................................... 77 77 204 225 429...... 126 218 85........ 21 103 31 19 3 68 26 50 657 Osceola.....................13.......... 182 132 330 327 657................. 214 247 75 9 33 172 64 18 10 102 9 85 588 Reeve.............118 118 311 277 588...... 211 38 — 6 25 137 58 20 10 125 76 148Richlan-.27 27 71 77 148.................. 53 76 25 6 10 34 211 5...... 2 3 26 98~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~0 98~ 277 259 56.............15t 5 2413 536 Washington, exe. of Hampton.. 98 98 277 259 536.135 22 24 1 41 31 23 11 109 5 95 345 West Fork................................... 61 182 13 345.93 203 55 — 6 14 88 26 6 1 78 5 57 5581 Total....................................... 721 12721 34 3130 6558............ 1813 3258 1000....... 328 154 587 235 75 1374 158 1019 FREMONT COUNTY. 106 Bartlett, town of......................... 22 22 51 5 106.................. 26 78 2........ 2 18 113 1 33 23::i2 2 4: 263 495 5131 33...... 30 16 4 1 I 12 3S 809 Benton, exe. of towns of East Port and Percival..................... 152 152 419 386 805 2 2 4 263 495 51 30 186 45 11 1 192 138 134EastPort, townof..................... 27 73 61 134.... 60 6 1.... 6 28 7 2 1 27...... 17 103'arragut, town of........................ 24 58 45 103.... 38 62 3........ 10 12 7 8 3 29...... 22 893 Fisher, ex. of Farragut............ 152 152 485 408 893................. 347 520 96 70 40 143 66 32 1 188 7 129 750 Franklin, exe. of Hamburg....... 139 139 379 371 750..................352 309 89........ 41 160 51 34 8 148 12 115 189 Fremont City, town of............... 36 36 101 88 189.... 90 97 2 12 40 17 7 5 39 25 2058 Hambur, city of........................ 374 374 1062 984 2046 7 5 12 673 124 143 106 296 150 55 35 437 25 366 389 Locust Grove............................... 79 79 210 176 389............ 120 242 Z......... 12 09 22 27 8 94 4 47 C 1026 Madison.................................... 171 171 555 470 1025 1...... 1 455 536 -35........ 51 228 97 38 7 214 2 162 a 9 McPaul,town of.......................... 2 2 5 4 9....3 3 3...........1...... 2...... 2 810 Monroe........................................ 150 453 356 809 1...... 1 273 493 4........ 3 199 54 25 191...... 142 Percval,town of........................ 11 30 25 55..........3 3 3 1 12.... 8 550Prairie................................. 98 98 286 26- 550.... 214 27 9........ 39 31 5 4 117...... 89 298 Riverton, exe. of town................ 62 62 168 130 298............ 98 188 12........ 45 95 2 18 2 63 98 456 Riverton, town of....................... 92 92 20 226 456......... 150 293 13 2......... 50 12 10 101 89 1068 Ross, exe. of Tabor...................... 203 203 557 511 1068................491 A 36 95 275 88 15 16 248 1 171 1232 Scott, exe. of towns of MePaul, Bartlett, and Fremont City..... 239 239 611 621 1232.... 58 668 26 8 33 113 50 17 248 4 156 1310 Sidney, exc, of town................. 231 231 701 609 1310............ 585 708 i7........ 87 352 131 43 15 279 2 200 822 Sidney, town of, C. H................ 151 151 430 390! 820 2 2 318 491 13........ 45 203 73 31 2 198 1 130 416 191...... 4 298 Tabor, town of............................56 147 148 295 2 1 3 102 181 15........ 5 61 3 4 2...... 42 354 Walnut..................................5 197 1571 354116 235 3........ 36 88 507 6 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~2t 327 419- 1 17 2998. 58924 298 P~~~~~~~~~iverton, xc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. o on.................1810 9 8 13719 Total....................................... 243 2436 7208 6488 13096 13 10! 23 5371 77961 556 794 263 1133 55 299 58 2243 311 1494]Eldora, town of, c. I~....................]......... 313[ 754 757[ 1491] 2 I 511 817 166...:~...] 56 326] 114[ 4~ 11[......... 3661 21[ 103J 252] 498] 172 196] 43[ — 87] 16[ 133] 401 1] 110] 7~88 ~o ~5~ Ellis........................................................ 274 34 54] 1451 129[ i 164f 89J 21[........[ 10] 83t 12{ 14 3 471 "' 92~1~ Grant.............................................. 259 Hardin, exc. of Iowa Falls......... 452......... 194] 466] 9181 "'10 155 5581 601 —421 301 2261 761 2~ 17t 214/ 10741Iowa Falls, town of......................]......... 2451 509] 548 i 1057[ 6[ 2611 191 264 719 63 -- 28] 50 2301 951 1 ~ 866]Jackson...........'.............................[......... 160] 444[ 422] 866] I 327I 459 80........[ 42 227 73[ 29 14[ 179[ 126 1100[Pleasant........................................1......... 152 646[ 4391 10851'"..... 405 ~ 411{ ~ 82[ —202].....50[ 220] 87[ 25 12l 199/ 7/ 144 1186]Providence......................................... 181 268/ I.........1 231[~ 609[ 577[ 1186[ 215 15018herman.........................................{.........[ 28 83.... 67 41 7 21 464[Tipton............................................] 881 89] 2381 226] 150[ 58] 48[.......... 4 32[ 15[ 3] 28[ 46~1 193 281 38. 2 21 126 44 19 81 102/' 73 36 168............................... 1...... 1.50291 Total.........................................l —-~l~ l~ l 72681 4-~1 121 I —~ l;7479.i611I........6581 85~.1 10[ — ~'~ — ~ 1'~[ i12~ i:i:~...... ilARRISON COUNTY' c~ 90Allen.................................,..........,. 23 47 3~[..,... 80 60.........,........ 20 6741Boyer.....,............. 12[ $1[... [ 4{ ] ~9l.......,......................... 130'........... 278l 3001 581 —34 391 1C~1 I 111 101 i 108 $65 Calhoun...........................,............. 69 79~ ~681...... 162 1631 37- 3 111 80l [ 7l 2] 57 ~C~ 2561C00ss................................................. 51 131]...... 108 130 16 —2 13l 52[ ] 12l 3]...... l~Sl 272i 2141 295] 28[ 19 22 91 18[ 61 641[Clay................................................ 114 825 316l...... 275 3491 17l........ 361 1751 ] 23l 71 1221 67 305]Douglas.......................................... 64 162 1431..... 103] 1411 571 — 4 22] 54] [ 11l 31 40 128 241 4 52 1~] 3751I-Iarrison, exc. of Dunlap.........,.. 70 195 180]...... 113 100[ 16[ 146 65 329 Jackson......................................... 60 150 179]......[ 150] 159] 20[........ 31 75.....,,..... 56 50 37] 851 535 2361 [ 45 15] 251 1038 Jeftbrson........................................ 1 r/~ 206 5031.,.... 3951 591[ 52.,...... 175 331[Lagr~nge........................................ 69 1481...... 127 106[ 28- 70 12 77 I 8 11 1~ ~ ~ 123 Lincoln.......................................... ~..... 311 70 19 — 3 30 22 78[ 41 28 I 8 21 g 3~ 441 1931 /341 t2l 179 780 Little Sioux........... 391 453] 87 — 8 391 248l I 221 81 204 n;':l{........H:............ 416 I~6 333[ 4171 32[2 989 Magnolia, Mag o'a, c.............. }~ 601 4~...... 9481Missouri ~alley, town el............. 207 504......] 257[ 590[ 1021 I 521 1601 ] 231 71 267l 182 682]Morgan.......................................... 129 374 3081...... 263 367[ 41[ — 11 221 1591 i 311 101 151] 37511%aglan........................................... 1~1 66 202 1731...... 176 164 34 — 1 10] 87] I 10] 1[ 288] 202 1210 St. John.........................................[ 201 643 5671 1...... 542 618 63 13 571 383[ [ 46] 20] 668]Taylor.........................................;..{ 78 365 303]...... 321 277 55 —15 40] 1661 {211 10[ 1331 118 371 Union.............................................I " 202 1691............ 152 171 25[ — 23 21[ 86l ] 13[ 41 55 82/ 164Washington................................. 34 26 31 I 83 81...... 90 581 11l- 5 14[ 37] 81 2] 11-~1 Total.........................................iI 22 —— ~ - 6-~ -~ 11.. —~...'4~ -'~'-~l.-. —~... ~2 — 2790 —-~'~ -~1 —2-~'' 1914 HETnRY COUNTY. WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATIOl. POP'LATIOlT OF IN7IABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. S ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Iq BTIT. IAXES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, s-4 Id f 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND CITIES. to..1. 4;.4 Q) 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 0~~~~~~~ ~ la aj; O P`0~ 337 1 5241 615.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~20 41 2201 35 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~989 Cneex. oI M. P esn.9..; 278 26 0"10 9i 19 6616 4 5;4 1z 0A W 4 z P z P 1172JBaltimore.............................. 223 223 575 562 1137 19 16 35 594 528 53 3 53 337 135 38 5 244 6 157 928,Canaan........................................ 163 163 485 443 928............ 458 388 72 9 240 79 41 12 202 2 135 1989 Center, exe. of Mt. Pleasant...... 278 263 1020 950 1971 10 9 19 ass 6s 168 -500 40 341 44 69 346 19 241 1149 Jackson....................................... 207 207 566 548 1114 21 14 5 623 455 71........ 34 339 19 248 4 155 1267 1 JefrersoD....................................... 260 259 660 605 1265 2...... 2 647 75 308 107 36 18 255 33 210 1264 Marion........................................ 223 223i 609 642 1251 5 8 13 618 51-5 202 28 20 278 6 170 1254 New London, exe. ol town........ 286 236 633 608 1241 7 6 13 675 527 330 32 10 287 2/ 215 553 New London, town of.............. 129 129 268 282 550 1 3 255 278 7- 362 14 6 136...... 8 364 Rome, 1own of.92 92 176 188 364...................172 128.. 78 0 24 10 74 11 43 f262 Salem, exe. of town.................. 239 239 659 593 1252 5 10, 69. 5.5.. 6 2 3102 136 31 170 342 1 216 479 Salem, town of........................... 112 112 233 246 479.............. 240 216 23 101 56 14 11 1121............... 11 cott........................................ 205 205 569 553 1122 475 575 103 29 11 253 2 154 14~ ~ ~~~~~~~5 07 Tipec9n 555 787.I.... 47 422 138 32""3 277 103 19[ 25W/1 14071 Tipperu, hoe, exc. ol Rciame......... 259 264 708 659] 1867 40 787 1352 422 138 32 23 277 10 193 1457 Trenton...... 291 296 735 689 1424 20 13 33 865 499 63 —30 52 362 129 51 %35 304 6 207 1364 Wayne........................I........... 263 263 740 624 1364... 575 531 25 27 49 320 96 33 24 377 34 246 17031 Total....................................... 11780 31741 86861 8192 i 8 110 931 203 83461 72?_7 1027...... 5-77 89531 167o0482 20a635 136 2427 Mt. Pleassant, city of, c. H. 1715 First ward............ 350 350 754 7941 1548 87 80 167 669 866 1643 1180 Second waro......... 200 245 526 566 1092 43 88 485 624 6 281 95 0 21 244 5 105 836 Third ward.......... 175 175 423 405 828[ 3 5 8 199 4171 81[ —139 37 192] 82 10 9 188 4 56 832 Fourth wara........ 175 1751 398 429 827] 4 334 4691 891 30 219 88 17 2 179 8 42 4563 Total of city........................... 9001. 9451 21011 2194 4295] 16 1382 268 16871 23161 368........1 182.1 1083 4141 94 591 1006 441- 459 Total of county.....................[-4080[ -]1~ 21594 Total of counfy,.......,..,,....... / 4080141191 167371 1023 61:211231 2461 25472105 1 573 1. 13951........ 1 7591 50361 2084 576, 3491 4641 1801 2886,.. 103861 z —~]'~l —' ——' — HOWARD COUJNTY. O 620[Albion..........................................{ 118[ 118{ 347{ 273 620.................. 205 307 108[12 5 7 1........19 8 0 661 Alton........................................... 116[ 116[ 362[ 299 661.......... 293 316 52 50 16 49 2 12 1491 14[ 115 391Cese.., 7 0 20 9 9.................. 13 24 46........ 1 7 6 21 6 92...... 7 381 Howard~~~~~.......,.......... 7 0 9 69 2017 174 381 137 14 0 20 104 32 15 6 75 4 0 3891Jamesotown.............. 74 71 23 7 8............... 1 8 89....... 10 8 9 9... 0 2 4 1941 Sareatoga......................,........ 3 34 17 2 19.............,5 7 43..... 5 183 1833 439262 1463 1461 4199 647 7846 18 11496 276281157..... 621165 6 95364 1712 4 3781/IITotard.......................................J18 69BLD COUNTY. 399 Humbolttown of............................. 0 20 19 39............ 1135 2 9 91 2462 11 1 80 2663 eOrutland..........................................8017 12 26........... 8 14 31- 6 541 1477. 3.... 4 341 Vernon....... 70 18 1~60941... 27 176 48 9 20 89 2734 0..... 597 165 O akoutale...29 8 84 15.......: 8 5. 45..........7 3 2 7................. ~22 961 Weavri............................................ 6......'........ 3111 569....2....2 2 4 251 4 6 11 1 22..... 1 1795 Tortoal............................................ 67 87 14~35.......11 1.55 74..... 15 89 288 1043 9 42 741~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......~'i 94T ougas..................................... 1 146 141 419 9 347 7 946'- -:736 35"8 91 -.15 4712 6032j 67...... —-~ 16 IDA COUNTY.-CONTINUED. 0~ ~ WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP' LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. 0 0, 1, 2 o, ~, 0 0o~~,~................................ ~o~,.0......0....' d 363 Saplver re............................... 1 8 6 5 15................ 6956 6....... 2... 2 ~~~~1~~ car a~h ~ I rdo~ ~' 3... 363Male.......................... 5 5 14 19 36............. 76 174 45-66 6 1 61 27 1 1 5 4 24 * 0 02 o ao. AND CITIES..2.. 7 6[ 105~~ ~ ~ Sive Cre. 1180415.....35992364..2..3 794 Total.......................................240 24-0 383 411 794...-... 237 406 86.. 31 159 65 30 4 17213 141 IOWA COUNTY. 1624 Amana........................208 1 827 797 1624................. 303 161 1160 57 274 69 41 5 313.231...... 234 Cono.41 41 123 111 234............1.......03 38. 2 9 8 51 21 10 2 33 41 1065 Dayton.21................................. 20 210 578 487 1065.533 436 85 - 11 42 319 93 43 23 212 10 165 1596 English........................................ 309 309 820 776 1596.... 816 685 115 20 68 431 158 39 18 330 1 224 1073 Fillmore..................................... 148 183 548 525 1073.... 510 401 167 5 41 295 123 31 21 212 2 116 920 Green.... 168 164 484 436 920....470 351 93 - 6 43 259 85 34 18 183 1 108 dk 8 (H P ~~~( r~ o od od ~~~=10 Ra, h~~, ho259 12 10 825 Hartfbrd, exc. of Victor. 170 170 423 402 825............ 2 409 60 72 28 203. 79 29 14 184 5 118 749 Hilton.......................139 139 384 365 749.... 309 180 221 - 36 36 159 43 29 6 108 9 46 977 Honey Creek.194 195 533 444 977............ 413 531 48 15 46 198 107 32 13 229 2 179 531, 4 8 890 Iowa.195................................5 175 451 439 890.... 351 169 364 - 6 42 204 43 11 177 20 123 504 Lenox............................. 91 92 256 248 5041.... 37 117 147 - 3 1 122 62 16 16 104 14 70 550 Lincoln......... 98 98 285 265 550.......241 187 116 - 6 22 126 1 37 30 2 110 19 81 669 Marengo, exc. of town130 130 356 313 669... 288 307 118 44 35 116 74 23 9 146 1 115 1650 Marengotown of, c. H............... 373 360 807 836 1643 "5 2 7 676 833 165 24 88 359 130 52 23 387 8 224 720 Pilot..............;........................... 13 133 397 720 27 152 16 97 785 Sumner.................. 152 152 410 375 785.... 315 246 113 -111 37 33 32 19 8 143 107 939 Troy................. 163 163 486 450 936 2 1 3 400 314 222- 3 67 229 106 29 19 188 5 91 496 Victor.98 98 250 246 496.141 319 58 22 16 118 29 16 10 119...... 85, 579 Washington.104 102 309 270 579.....154 201 45 -179 27 115 51 33 2 116 7 50 611....................................... 112 112 330 281 611.... 254 217 140........ 169 61 13 12 130 1 79 174561 o............................................ 3027 9057 8389 17446 7 3 10 7163 6374 3569. 791 39601455 5971 261 3576 368 2119 174561 T mota.........,............,..................,. —. 9105 —-— ~ --- 67-1 — ~ 7 2 - 3-~ - -~ 21 JACKSON COUNTY. ~":~ 264 Andrew, town of................................. 571 145 1191 264 124 20 59 29......[..... 574 44 107 334 11 1623 Bellevue City........................................ 3011 789 83211621'"'2..........2 741 48 I ~ 90 — 0 92 3701 133171J 29 356 41 256 961 Bellevue, exc. of town........~............... 143t 503 458[ 961...... 582 73[ 275 -- 31[ 82 3611 70[ 25[ 5 155[ 71 90 1101Brandon................................................ 217 589 51211101 625 4071 10 —591 42 2821 105143/ 19 265[......I 174 817Butler.................................................... 153 435 382J 817 508 23[ 22,6 —40] 40 1571 138[ 20{ 16 2001 111 128 794 Fairfield.............................,..........~....... 144 432 3621794 3726661101 —7 73403t 149140/4 216 82 206......., 44 195 64 35 5 162 41 361141 1640 Farmer's Creek.... 2O5,.........,..................... 313 867 7731 1640 866 1163 Iowa...................................................... 228 585 578[ 1163 505 2571 390 —11/ 35 247/ 87{ 22/ 13 228[ 48 143 945 Jackson................................................ 164 459 486[ 945 506 2181 274 53] 24 179[ 44[ 45[ 4 182[......I......... 1069 Maquoketa............................................ 431 108 ~ 221 44 275 97 41 16 2211............... 189' 567 502, 1069 I 508 4601248 62 340/ 106169J 23 213[ 91207 1415 Monmouth............................................ 284 724 691[ 1415 708 886 Otter Creek.......................................... 1301 441 445[ 886 459 191[ 183 -- 53 27 2371 95[ 24[ 4 169.............. 847Perry, exc. of Andrew..............,......... 154i 473 374[ 847 412 317[ 111 —7' 33 207[ 74[ 23[ 10 183[...... 1045Prairie Spring....................................... 170 543 501[ 1044....1 608 73] 364.....,. 70 310 79 33[ 25 207[ 24....1'20 876Richland.............................................. 140'463 413 876 482 209/ 185m....... 30 253: 82[ 20[ 11 1801...... C~ 1003 Sabula, town of......,.............................I 222 5401 462 1002....1....1 364 398[ 241[........ 39 216 58[ 37[ 7 226...... ~J ~ 925 South Fork, ext. of Maquoketa.........[ 187[ 498[ 427[ 925 406 450[ 60/ — 9 33 189. 89[ 17[ 5 263...... ""1~ ~ 979 Tete Des Morts.....................................] 1701 522[ 457[ 979 516 37[ 428 -- 2 33 236, 98[ 28[ 14 148[ 69 206 Union, exc. of Sabula..........................] 39 108 98J 206 68 73 36] — 29 24 38~: 22]' 8..... 44 5 19 C~ 1325 Van Buren...........................................[ 243[ 696] 623] 1319....~{....'6559 437] 327] —2 61 280 105142] 7 271J 93 179 r~ 1064 Washington................................ 514 83......... 1190157548911064 226310 —14 52279 931351517335 %950 Tot~,......... 1-'~}-~1-~ — 8 — ~ ~33 -~1-~71..~.?. -- )~J 5~; 181'7~-~1 ~-~:3-~1-~ — ~ tx~,................................ -~l-~J i Ilml ------ IMaquoketa City, c. x~. C~ 685t " First ward..:........... 146] 332 353 685..'............... 241 356 88.......' 31 133 5816 l il Ill 21 167 5 93 599[ "' Second ward...........[ 125[ 298[ 301 599 213 256[ 130[........{ 24[ 1381 57[ 10[ 61 158[ 1 87 390} " Third ward.............. 1, 861195119589O......[...... I...... 59/........I 111 791 30115[ 51 9111 65 ~ I.,........ / 1~ 1....................I...... 2112/ 1164 1671 Total of city..............................~[ 4581::::!!4!] —~ 2~...... I.....I......'~21 Total of county.............................. 1711~8 — ~ -~ "-~"'~" —-~l —~ -~ — ~ — ~ ~ ~ 314 I~ -- 14296[ 1199511105523050 ~ -— 4 — ~ -- ~'...... JASPER COUNTY. 1024 Buena Vista..................................................... 21 201......[ 181 10981 Clear Creek................................... 202 574 524 1098 549 514 35 I 1496 /)es Moines, exc. of Prairie ]City....................,..................... 149~ 6661777] 8733~ 119] i 212761 181 1689 Fairview, exc. of Monroe......... 52 3661 286 868[ 821 1689 70l 8001 ~(i 2791774/ 4451 195/ 1 487!I-Iickory Grove......... 86 2641 223 487...... 581 l......iii~ 157[ 3261 1091 11/ 30 274 1001 ~ ~. ~ 71 JASPER COITNTY.-CoNTINIUETI. co WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP'LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. S rj m ~ ~ ~ rA-~" -d 1 ~d o ~~~~~~d c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c~~~~~~~~~~~~d C ~-l "";w ci ohr 3 5 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 0 0 O -O O AND CITIES. 1. -. * o~~~~~~ ~~~~I~~ I I ci 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ g.0 0-4 989~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I dpnece............. 197 21 i4 4 c~0 0 0 0. 0 -Q 0S 0S 05 0 0 0 0 0 989 Independence.......... 177 177. 520 469 989.............. 423 457 109........ 47 266 77 36 11 197 23 144 i 500 Jasper City, town;or................ 119 119 256 244 500.. 166 214 120........ 20 90 238 2 11 103 3 79 827 Kellogg, exc. of Jasper City 160 160 436 391 827.............8352 433 42 43 240 68 19 22 170 3 129 1281 Lynn Grove................................. 244 244 670 611................. 596 655 30 60 331 95 48 12 286...... 134 1026 Malaka........... 178..178 557 469 1026............ 4391 483 104......... 69 297 111 38 7 212 2 150 571 Mariposa............................ 105 104 298 273 571......I............185 258 128 116 179 41 16 7 107 75 1328 Monroe, town of.............................. 274 274 664 663 1327 11...... 1 455 817 56. 5104 276 113 361 9......30 180 789 MoundPrairie.151 151 405 384 789.................. 292 450 47 35 209 66 26 6 164 3 133 646 Newton, exc. of city.124 124 341 301 642 1 3 4 257 332 57......... 26 167 58 2.0 6 143 9 88 2354 Newton, city of, c.H H.......... 496 496 1116 1175 2291 31 32 63 890 1384 80..... 77 564 233 23 7 543 6 356 H1274 Palo Alto..... 218 218 674 598 1272 1 1 2 459 617 198..... 66 294 68 49 18 268 10 145 C1 1121 Poweshieki.'....:..217 216 590 531 1121. 469 612 40..... 35 262 99 40 22 250 2 124 781 Prairie City, town of.201 201 385 394 779 228 542 11.24 142 49 28 4 188..... 144 95 ihad178 185 502 430 952.378 524 50 50 23 83 32 21 220 6 145 952 Richland..............0... 576 Rock Creekai............................. 107 109 314 262 5761............ 37 307...... 29 150 47. 35 4 128 2 84 997 Sherman.................... 191 191 543 454 997.415 536 46... 34 250 93 44. 10 249 2 182 955 Ngton,..ity.o.,....................... Washi n191 191 522 433 955.324 590 41........ 40 214 71 45 16 226... 184 146171 46111 12485 11 1 2 381 371 751 9760! 12748! 16201....... 1203 5987 2034 805 280! 523 071 3554 757 Cea.150 392 364 2 75 44 46 25 9 2 210 4 56 1157...o A....to9.,.............. 644 443 76 6.7..5............ 35 11 25 757 Ces dier.............................................. 9 6 72...... 4 620.. 5 262 98 0 2 1 24 12102 Des Moines.................. 2.......295::. 11.4 28 60 15 0 43 127 281 1 1497 1544Fairiel7d, ex. of............ 1......4.... 1756 157 3 4 91672 741 100 - 31 41 383 1 346 1 236 2 14 24.57~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~91 Mrrps......... ~~~~~~~ 195 1 1 529 23 43 1 9 85 5F~ 1.......... 1 Ii 6 0...... 590 U 955 Washngotown o....................~~~~ 24 24 64 63 12...... 1 45 87 5........ 0 5 1 3,,, 8 -~12 — Toth Pa~l...............,...~~~~~ 5 1 0 8 9................... -6 —~-611-~ 1- 22-1 -— ]-'~ ~i74-...-....' 1"15' 2" ~ 5239~ 1 07 13554 wn xcof ct...........~~ 2 2 4 0 ~21342732 5............... 16751......9 8 9 88/etonlackt I-~a k...........................6 49 1611 192] 3591 1 1114 9............. 1~851 1:::~/'i 0 3 23 41 8 350 127 I~lo lt...........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18 18 74 98 127 1......... " 2551 177 1 28 1 14 C 12157/Buchanan................. ~~~~ 2 1 5 3 11.............. 4 6 0........ 765 3f2 9 07/ 20 120/~ 7811Prairie Cityitownof~ ~ ~~~~I.......... ~~~ 0 0 8 9 7 2 4 4 2 8 8... 4 952 Richland 178 18~~~235~59 5 62 $8 1157.................. 88 54 5.... 0 23 8 2 2 757/~ckCredar................. ~~~- ~~~~~ 0 9 3 2 56......1.......... 27 37 3........ 29 10 14/ 7 23 1 7 1561 26 1 7 9~~7 15herman. ~ ~ ~ ~.......;.... ~~~~~~~~..~~ 15 0 32 361/ 5 2 454 97.......~..~~ 4/ 5 53 416 24 50 98q: 0 29 9551Washington191 191 522 43 9.......,..21 6359|20/....:...[... 54 5 4...|......|0 6214 7 r ~....~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~514 15 28 295~ 1 1 81 3512021Des Moine o........................... 50 ~"6 224 0 51 1544,Fairlilec fct,................./.....'....~ 3 0 41~~~~~~ 7 8 1/.756 1537 312 41 7 621 7 411. 1 0 - 1 418 2 3 831 1 64 [ 1 3 2356.. 10711 IAib erty..................... 201] 558 513 1071 568 4,97 21 227 79....7.. 244...... 18s 4 1675 Lockridgclg e,...................... 822 86s) 801 1670 2 3 i 826j 278.1 557 —14 661 412 164 J3 18 277 786192 192 1112[ Locust Grove exc. ol B atavia............ 204 562 550 1112 603 683 83 57 67 289 131 48 15 246....... 166 CA 16781Penn.......................................... [........... 826 874 803 1677 124 - 4 450 1,54 40 25 822 14 255 1096 Polk........................... 239 7 17 196..................62 494 4.0........ 47 259 98......[...... 6 209 1047 Rou......................................... 214 522 526 1047.................. 42 834 191 8 391 285 73 32 20 214 371'158 1076,Walnut...............................,.................. 184525 10769 8 39 284 113 7 15 228...... 145 147841 Ttal........................................... 2854 766 7179 4....... 3699 133 422 14 31311 161 224 5470 Firstward............................ 118 2.58 271 529 8 8 11 219 292 29 20 118 49 17 4 145...... 91 676 eco d Wad.................. 16 843 880 73 1 2 3 96 30 4 25 134 63 211 121 178 1 129 608Thrd ar...............8 306 0 l 1..... 19 128 3 8 26 11 150 2 125 519FourthWard.......................53 264 517 2...... 2 222 270 27.. 201 125 57 18 4 117...... 91 Totalofocity................................. 1139 1171 210 16 17 3 986 1231 126....... 505 27 82 31 590 3 436 8691 6843., 6Z 1420i - I660~ 504 215 3721 219, 88 e I-~[ 1"~ 1 —~~24"" [ 72-7~ ~ 1 5 1......1'- 2680",' ]~[ 1:-24.................. 3, MI 016 9 329~~~~~~~~~~~~~u JOHNSONb COUNTY., c 1311 Big Grove..................,..,............. 234 1 i 0 61 13if ii~dl~~iii 661 984 2665,5 8,2 1,28 40 8 2% I 220 939 Gedar..................................... 167 167459 939 I'll........ 468 222. 239 4 1 258 75 40 17 189 32 137 754 Clear Creek................................. 125 125 M 4...... 6 2..[2 95 4& 121 74 20 4 148 9 94 297 Coralville, town of..................... 73 73 ibF 46~ 297.,,...,,....,,,,, 118 140 44 11 61 16 12 4 672...... 21 1 889 Fliremolnt ~~~~~~~~~~.......................... p.. 137 137 450 499 889....... 4i~ 62 99 9 2 109 73- 1 1 8 197 8 132~ z 880 I Graham....................................... 154 154 442~7 439 8'79 1,_ 1. i 424 286 971...11... 26 111 25 8 191 16 135 764 Hardi n...............,.......................... 130 130 406 9f% 16~4..........,... 8631 23 161 - %1 69 22,7 62. 18 10 175 1 129 862 Jefterson..................,................. 158 158 443 419 862...... I.;.6......... 952 178 882....... 3 8 234 58 48 10, It 1 3 117 614 1TLiberty...........................97 97 338 276 6141 20 19 85 3 6 77 ~~~~~~~~ - - -'-~-~-' ]-'1171~g] 986131,-~:....-. ~ —r-~}~~ —[-[5681 incoln....................................... 103 103 295 273 l'-~ -..[....-'.- o... 216 4- - ". 2 142041= 18 8 i 12i5 8 86 1429 Lucas, exe. of Iowa City and addition, and Coralville.......... 2601 260 723'7017 12.....669 487 979 100 80 3 148 39 8 307 11 187 (93 Madison........................................ 114 114 364 329 693 &O 2 70:;,,,. 43 b 89..,. 49 169 84 2.9 4 140 12 105 8991 Monroe.................................. 158 158 445 454 899 0...0 160 331 4 264 73 29 128 263 102 7461 Newport.................................... 132 132 379 367'746................... 41gi 11 220.......~. 699 227 125 20 5 136 6 74 1009 Oxford...................................... 2 182 182 516 493 1009................ 44a l- 49 7 286 277 26 9 215 38 99 694 CPenn............................................. 130 359 335 694...... 929 271 79 - 18 29 164 69 33 6 151 9 105 579 Pleasant Valley9.......................... Ill Ill 311 268 579............. 7 55 19 140 23 15 4 128...... 118 754 SCott.......ree................................. 154 154 443 409 852 2...... 361 W2 191... 83 196 87 21 7 196 2 129 1196 STharion......0.................................... 2015201 764 5 96 4005410 170 - 10 98 3362 117 42 19 2 167 713 U ron.......................................... 121 122 368 323i 709 303 214 196 31 220 3 66 0 13 140 13 6 8091 Washington................................. 163 163 430 379 809...........440 341 28.. 6 200 89 85 5 169...... 103 L'7499 Total....7317 3, J[5...444................. 3105 3105 96 5 2 7 81941 5771 3544....... 8091 1749 Freontal'................................... 137 1737 5501 161 M8M 497 1 243 10q7 JOHNSON COUNTY.- CONTINUED. C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W3WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN AND 4 POPULATION. POP'LATION. OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. 3 0~~~~~ ~~~ ~0 O.,.- ~ 0~~~~~~~~~ d he ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 e~~~~~~~~~)C d Ca:. 1P. O 0' NAM~IIES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 0 0 F: m,C AND CITIES. ) o I. S ~~~ N A M E S~~~~~~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ci -. 4i. 1209 " Secondward............. 210 2101 5531 6431 1196] 51 81 13I 507I 254 178i 2701 58.2361 1281 34P 69 ~~~~c 1?mcI c Q,,o r t~.,..... aj k Q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oc )';''W 4 168 " Fut ad22 22 83 84 13 6.,15 21 61 733 307 67 37 0 216 45 16 382 19 387 E-8 43 E-1 1r Iowa City, C. H.~Q)co Co 631 Toa o cirty1 1 12.........8 320 3l 6 147 2 2 89 3 03 69 1 4 2 35 C/ 74AdtotoIowa City. 17 170 375 36 4 51 434 14 363 0 42 2 181 3 14/8 "~'~~~~'~"y...........,...... 6 5 8 ~ 45 2 1 356 67 23 1 1 43 212 Q 46~ 5 1209 T oSecond ty.440210 210 553 643 1196 5 8 13 507 254 178 270 51. 1178 62124 34 6 297 9 226 U 226 a Third ward............... 385 W 1041 973 2014 4 8 12 9 423 372 371 388 144 524 151 97 12 412 43 267 1658 Fourth ward-............... 282 28 823 814 1637 6 15 21 618 733 307 67 370 216 45 16 382 19 387 6371 Total of city..................... 1128 1128 3205 3117 6322 17 32 49 2614 2056 1089...... 330 1533 696 196 44 1527 -94 1235' ~ —~1~ ~1 ~ —~1~-~l-~-~l-~/-~l-~lh~~~~~~~~l —~l-~l- l-.; ~l~ -l~,v ~ ~ JONES COUNTY. 775 Cass.....................,................................. 166 394 8.78 772 3...... 3 364 4481 511 88'74 214 86 32 10 190i... 86 707 Castle Grove........................................ 126 375 332 707.............. 308 202 1311 - 66 16 130 54 19 4 147 14 84 962 Clay....................................... 169 543 419 962.................. 564 288 121 11 25 250 100 28 20 199 3 122 1173 Fairview, exc. of Anamosa................ 220 594 579 1173....554 528 104 13 40 309 119 43 7 258 2 160 1091 Greenfield...................................... 178 604 487 1091............502 543 63 17 31 324 130 26 11 235 18 183 988 Hale........................................... 187 528 460 988..............503 456 31 2 48 288 102 30 8 201...... 145 800 Jack son.................................... 150 415 385 800... 408 369 43 20 148 238 81 37 5 179 108 997 Mladison...................................... 167 510 487 997.. 475 339 83 -100 24 219 58 22 9 153 3 94 eoe c o w....................... 9091 Monticello, exc. of town...159 474 485 909....409 344 146- 10 30 244 94 24 9 188 16 78 1587 Mon:ticello, town of.............. 332 760 825 1585 2 2 580 779 243 15 87 307 116 39 24 390 18.182 975 Oxford.................................................. 201 506 468 974 1.... 1 417 305 253........ 35 231 723314 20623 125 740 Richand.................................... 134 387 353 740..... 367 166 178 - 29 32 196 97 20 20 160 2 80 p 128o1 Rome.........~~.............................. 254 651 629 120 1. 1 537 711 34 1 65 306 94 24 14 316 4 199 821 Scotch Grove.................................. 137 421 400 821.............. 388 289' 135 - 9 40 216 79 20...... 166 14 72,,,,,....,?,,,....,,,,,........ 1301Strawberry Hill, town ot.............].......,.i 30 59 661 1251 11 4l 51 381 91 91 81 81 3ll 6l..... 1 31'...... I. L [...... 7871Washington................. ~O.................[.........] 140[ 422] 365{ 787]......I..... I......I 4431 421J 227] 804[ 54[ 1135 Wayne............................ 2211 115{'_ 21..... I 173 16[....'~................1.........[ 210[ 5811 554{ 1135l.,....]......I..,..,[ 487] 434] 212[ —2[ 351 3001 86l 36~ 131 225' 34/ 10141 Wyoming exc. of town............... I 95 ffa 689 Wyoming', town of.................... 1 181[ 504J 510[ 1014/...... I......I......[ 477J 459t 851 7] 541 3251 137[ 191 10/ 2101 51 113....... / 98 l 7j o*"J......J.......P......r'l'"l....... Ojl.... o J-l r /......,.....,..................,......... q5 [ 2241 " First ward..................[.......J 57/ 1011 116[ ~ 217/ 4J 31 7/ 70/ 1141 33/ — 7] 8/ 59[ 151 51 4/ 6.3...../ 5821 " Second ward............../......./ 124/ 312/ 2701 582/...... /......I....../ 2381 3051 861 — 4/ 32/ 151/ 64/ 11I.... / 14il......I 467,....... l 105/ 240[ 227{ 467[......]......1......] 173/ 2501 331 — 11] 20/ 105[ 39l 91'4] "Third ward................. 121 4I I 70/ 161 171/ 332 3321................. 136 16422 — 6 9 83' 26 12 70l " Fourth ward...... 58 1-~1 t....... Total of county.......................~]...... t 3654J 9873J 9274/ 19147] 121 7[ 19[ 86891 8371[ 23291........[ 9361 4890[-~1-~i-~1-~1-~! ~-~ KEOKUK,:~COUN'PY. m 949lAdams...............................i.......".. 149 1491 4991 4501 949l l...... I......I 394t 5231 321.....,..~ 1199, Benton.......................................... 220 606[ 593[ 11091 [ 1 10821........... 4681 49[,........ 32~061 g5 28 lC 1011 129 116 42 21 252 2 185 r/~ 12701C~ear Creek................................... 190 669[ 601]'1270[ [......]...... 592[ 411] 267]........[ 290/ 40 42 14 242 14 143 191 [~ 12601English l~iver.............,................. ff28 654[ 606[ 1260]............ ]567 664 29........ 272 124 36 15 262 22~1...[d [xJ 171 14671Jackson......................................... 269 275 7701 6971 14671 J......]...... 8271 626] 141........ J 394[ 123 50 22 145~[Lancaster...................................... 289...[~i ~ 260 748[ 7061 1454[ [............ 810[ 579[ 65[........l 361[ 137 59 19 281 11161La Fayette, exe. of Keota........... ffi4 587J 529J 11161 j......J......J 499J 443J 174[........J 101 27 18 220 16 171 [~ 6461Keota town of............................. 124 1241 3381 3081 6461 1~62J......J..... 237j I 375J I ~J iiiii! 1080 t Liberty......................................~.... 190 60 31 18 170 128 926 t Prairie.......................... 484[ 442 9261............ 388 527 11 -~ 64 28 5 189 147,................ 158 1~/ 5821 4981.1080J............ 478 558 44........ 338 85 48 22 228 154 o 105011~iehland, exc. of town...,............ 194 547/ 5031 10501............ 575 458 17..~21111 t3i 37 25 238 185 492/Richland town of......................... 98. 227 261 948/Steady 1%tln................................... - 4 118/ 190 1998[ 239/ 258] 492/ 444:22222::1...... 9 i0 119 72 469J 4791 9481 2~22~ ~[~. 474 193/ 195 3 I 203 168 34[........ 113 73318igourney, exc. of town..............[ 1401 ~4{ 80 1377]Sigourney town of, c. H..............I 260{ 0861 6881 18741............ 370 297 66[........ 10361VanBure~,....................................I 1071 1671 5141 5221 1036l /......[......I 540I 888l 108l........ I ~51 120 32[ 101 8111 20o 1221 151 31 1991 1' 92 707/Warren..........................................[ 1441 ~41 1246[Washington...........................~; [..... 2541 362l 3451 7071............. 397] 305 5........ I 581 191 51 1351...... 102,era, 6o2, ~o1. [....../......[ 588, o~/ ~......,..I dos ~3o, ~1 ~, ~4, ~ ~l KOSSUTH COUNTY. Oo WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP' LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. 14~ ~~~~~.~- 0i "23 M. 2'23'2'2 a] cc c c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.2~~ ~i rss ii 2 2 2 ~~~~~1 k C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C C 5 0 NAMESOF TOWNSHIPSTOWNS,.0'- 4. 5 A ND CITIES.' x 2. 32 S ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ 0 - -Q ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 W';4c; t0 0 02 S= q.14 - A 0'm z -2' n'2~d. 0 5 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~- +Z0 - 2-4 2.2.. 520 Cresco...................... 261 259 520...... 192 19) 139! 1 24 103 41 27 4 99 171 82 145l Fenton...................................................... 4 7 4......... 4' 7 4 - 1 4 4 0...... 3 2 c l45Fenton.. ~~~~~~~~~~741 711 145.............40 70 34-1 — 41 421 101........30 21 22 ~l~ ~ E F~~......P E 33 Greenwood................................... 173 160 333.....86 103 142 - 2 17 76 28 17 3 43 27 19 460Irvington.. 234 225 459 1 1 8j 213 61 - 1 12 141 28 3 3 90 5 58 186 Lolts Creek............. 97 89! 186............6 43 104 7 - 32 6 47 20 7 3 39..... 29 469 Portland............................... 251 216 467 1.. 2 139! 260 36- 34 22 77 33 6 5 93 5 56 246~~U Wele 33 44~~ 2,46 Wesley.......................................... 127 119 246............I...... 63 1331 41- 9! 8 431 13 11 2 54 3 44 3765! Total..............1930 1832 3762! 2 1! 3 - 119 11151..15-7I896!2916 9 7!611 LEE COUNTY. 843 Cedar............................................ 78 178 401 438 839 2' 2 4 566 344 53 120 44 238 76 29 10 208 2 148 1162 (harleston.................................... 2 225 593 560 1153 5 4 9 586 398 178 46 307 123 22 6 264 3 114 942 Denmark.................... 179 188 444 456 900 21 21 42 435 415 57 - 35 29 232 121. 18 8 207 2 136 1046 Des Moines................................... 201 210 504 470 974 40 32 72 505 391 150 53 250 88 33 4 236 20 152 1747 Franklin...................................... 305 312 892 848 1740 2 5 7 953 241 511 - 12 74 479 187 56 26 362 10 206 O d> ca ~~~~ c~ p P~~~ e39t ] 22 a crdpa o c 1017 Harrisou..................... 160 188 515 476 991 16.10 26 524 367 112 - 14 41 223 123 34 16 236 13 188 1052 Jackson, exe. of Keokuna....... 180 190 487 459 946 60 46 106 435 416 201..... 41. 300 89 34 17 220 43 100 981 Jefferson...................................... 184 190 509 461 970 4.7 11 572 74 131 - 4 35 229 94 27 11 240 1 177 122 Madlson.3e6s 36 15 1 213..............................0 21 200 45 1250........ 251 8 27 21 2 6 2 41 4 165 1298 Marin.......................................... 2 2 691 605 1296.2 9 2 1 1 1 9 2 - 1 7 9 18 06 43 20 294 6 202 3151 Montrosey, exe........... of tow........n........... 7 10 6 29 55 61 6 504 387 1 77 313 140 492 19 277 60 166 9 782 Montrose, town of...........1 1 38...........168 409 777 2 3 5 374 326 22.- 60 8 179 53 9 61 181 54 891 Pleasant Ridge.7 17..... 4.......42 876 9 1 1 457 342 92 20........ 85 19 17 201 14 145 9861Jeffrson..,........................................... 9901~ 76212 1 117 90 5.... 7 86 9 1 2 73 a 0 843~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ea...........,...,.., 7 7 09t 461 { 8~ 27456 34 13 11- - 41 23 29, 9420 271 11621 ~:hnrleston.,........................... 22o 2~ 504 113 5 4 9 56 38 18..I. 6 37 13 2 6129 a rion Ba.................................... 0 9 5 8 31......I.. 247... 247691 651296 25 30'"' 41 3 1 8 1 4310 981 1 Jefft~~rssn 184 190 509 461 970 4.7 1 ~1957 277 631 a 3 2 4 2 1 20 1 6?7 72Montrose, t~own of.......................I 166 163 3651 409 777 374 326 22 -- 60 38 1791 5 9 181t...... 54 81Pleasant; Iidge..............,.,.............. 170 175 447l 429 876 15 45j7 3t2 9... 2 231 1 19 2011 141: 145? 90w19a IJrY..........,,.................,... 16j 4 ~ 0~1 ll8;f) fl 2 $jd1~% CY 9 3 1 )[ 279 197 1 137 9271Washington, exe. Ft, Madison, l 1-82l 1871 4651 71 14 ~if 0 1........ 2 If 3 8 1062 ~est Point, exc. of town..........] 1781 189i 544]6816..,,..,J,,,60 14 20 8 5 8 1 92 214] 3 95?n z- ~ Viert Poit,...... o.,.,,.......,.,. 2 1 3 5 7,........,.........Il~'-~{1 1,~ $7 26 5 -]6 7~ 25 7;;8 [Fort Madison, city of, c. ~, t —!:[,~ 9011 -- I~i wr.,.,,, 10 18 51 32 211 839 22 30....,.., 5513 1 19 1 6. 1068 cc Th~irst ward.........] 8 9 9 41 1410 118] 2 541 8 11 28! 11 802 1 9 232;160 2721~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~55 33 8e~n cad.,,...~. 47 19 29211 2616 1 41~ 299244 6,0 61..,. 2 5 8 1 37 51.. 1 2017~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~]]~ " hr ad....,,.,. 6 6 9 547 1041 5 43 285:~0 2808 802t3... 94i 49 234 79] 2 2... 106 430.51 Total of city....;................... 713 7448 2314 59 19 42 -- ~ ~ 45 54 — ~8..., -']b' t/- [-' — ~1 - - ~ 3' ~3... 26 " r'irsotward oct,....,.:.............. 3001 6321: 42.42l 1684 5 324C 4 8' 942 159~ 1011781 46 32 1 1[ 5144...... 14221 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8017 " hr ar.......... 6]084 36 80 921888717574/90/33 7 1491 214[ 79 1422... ~'; 1747 " Fifth wrd........,................I.... 3620 326 475 777172 8 71...,.,,.., 2 8 38 3 175 36 31 2 0 55 ~fl~~.......~.~......... 9 2 31 28 5f~ ~.~I~.~1~~20 291 98 170 2 1 6 2 8 "12 Sir xth ward........,.,................I 292 01 3 9 509 6812.....,,,,4669 ~ 213..,,. 51 7 01 74 5 997 1 Franklin emrc, of towns of ~~~~~~~~~~~t, 18it/ ~~50 95 0 389 68 44 1.,. 32 5 2 1 9 3 V....o.n....on.......~........ "8 8~9141 Torat al of~~ couty.,...~...............o,... / ~60811 6354 16 2........ 38 44,8- 73 8 130 8 152 8 965 1Ja~kS1P ~~.....~......6u5/...6t 741:*.~~ 5-j 1/ 0 —6~j........I 1 ~~~)86] ~~8308 ~11-b'~ 41 27 281 1 4221 m 824 Berral....:......:....................~...,....... 9 1561 47 ~7 824......,.,,........... 424 53........ 31 2101 81 26 19 4'76 166 893IL~bn tw Bofld er.,.............~..... 2' 8 5.....~......,..., 2 3 1 6 3...... 88 132j Browin.....................................,.....0 27 668, 64 35 I..,I......~2 69 274...,. 5 2 1 6004 345 2 5959 Bufalon e, ct......,..........i.. 91 9110 ~i 94......,..,...... 8 9........ 5 5 9 6 7 48.... 195 8157 FPonyete....................~............,... 2 I 02 6 8 10......., 77 244 291610 45 13 26 1 C V'9IMon ernon) a ond Lisboon~.............1 84r 502] 495 997 500i 12 0 4i! 61 2 57 11 2i??~ 196 1(35 LINN COUNTY.-CONTINUED. WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP' LATION OF INHABITANTS. 1 YEARS OLD.'O~~~~~~~~~ CIc +OS S S 4 1 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS,...... 6 10..184...5 351 9 8..,..... 23184 0 1 23 8 W esterAND CITIES. S 55 8 W... 1 11 7.. I CJ rd d'd~~~~~~~~~~~~~.4; ~,P4 ~.... o. d cC 0 Ca 14 d ]~ l~ l__LIi C 1~-2C5-~ - 0a 5 Q 0 0. 0 00 00 03 0 EH Z Z z H Z I Z;rZ ZIZ Z Z F 798 Otter Creek................... 138 138 408 390 798............ 394 286 118..... 28 258 61 28 5 156 5 77 79 Putnam....................................... 138 140 427 371 798 1 370 163 266 40 221 72 39 10 148 35 99 1332 Rapids, exO. of Cedar Rapids 247 259 688 644 1332.569 543 220 53 306 140 44 14 305 9 207 ] - - - -__- - 1 -- --- 1 Firstward.............5136 5 968 8 8841856 149 11 25 52 03 443........ 3 3 2 3 16 14 1487 Washinton.............................. 285 285 71 696 1487................ 765 684 38...... 873 384491 54 293517......16 5 1330 Wes" Secon d ward........2.00 266. 6191 6881 1307 1 4 9 28 447 661 222 4 9........ 29 5 1 6 1 23 2231 " Third ward.......... 460 4604 10911 11299 22205 7 4 11 766 6699 7968........ 89 5237 1521 1498 367 4402 829 325 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........ Cedr Rpis, it of C 1031 Fourth ward 214 214 515 509 1024 3 4 7 371 516 144 39 226 93 55 14 22 14 175 706 " Fifth ward......... 146 146 341 359 700 2 4 6 228 298 180 27 150 59 38 13 152 17 122 7179 Total of city.......................... 4451451 3534 3573 7107 401 32 72 2341 3053 1785 240 1478 696 372 90 1701 174 1286 Marion,City Of, C. H.,- - -_ _ 5M Firstward........ 106 108 241 279 520 9 6 15 297 31. 15 11 47 13 2 119. 66 411 Secondward.82 83 207 19940623 5126 277 8........ 16 82 35 61 1001...... 51 588 " Third ward.119 119 280 307 587...... 1 1 194 365 29.... 15 110 31 8 2 142.... 6.7 513 Fourthward................. 8 98 227 286 513.................. 2 278 53........ 25 121 28 1. 52 63 )1/99( Punam...,.......,..,..,.........,.. 138 140 27 31 798..... 1 ~ 3'7 163 266...... 41 2277 8..,.....99 132,pd, exe, ~~dr~ Rpd... 4 5 8 4 3.........,., 5 4 2........ 3 1 4 0 2 a 927 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 spin C~ —2~i'~............... 6 6 8 4 9......,.. 4 9... 3 5 3 1 1 C 2047 Total of city.......................... 405 408 955 1071 2026 11 10 21 709 1217 121....4..4 141 27 6 463...... 247 31815 Total of county..................... 6266 6292 16226 15483 31709 58 48 106 1 02 181 4184........ 1 7652 2955 1073 335 7274 466 4916 "88 (ro Frt f rd........... 6 6 6 8 5 1 1 2 9 3........ 4 3 2 91 4 1 49~ 103~~~~~~ ~~1 19. c orh~sad.. 14 211 515 28 01 3 02 71 587{ 14...... 19 26 9 5182{14 17 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 706 6( Fithwad....,. 53 1........ 535 " First war~~.,.........,......... ~ 101 1 18121 29 2 21 14127127 3...... 5 1 4 3 9i.. 6 31815~ Total of county..................,... 6266] 6292! 221-/ 1'54831 31709) 58 —'~) 1-~-1251108 8.... 143 ~2 295 08J-5 m 6641 418~/.. —~...I-~]- -/ —~ -~l~ — ~/-~] 4 LOUISA COUNTY. ~'oo qzx o 14161Columbus City, exc. of Colurn- 260 260I 7161 7001 1416.................. ] bus City and Col. Junction..... J 712 548J 161 5J 67J 3431 142 46[ 25J 312 141 173 605JColumbus City, town of.............. 138J 138J 3111 291J 602 2 i 3J 260J 322j 23........[ 37J 139J 53 10J 7J 150...... 93 5J 205J 284J 26 16] 11J 145...... 122 517JColumbusJunction, town of.... -- 21 ~1 s51 42 O5J 95J 278J 234J ~1 3 2[.... 637IConcord, exc. of Fredonia......... 106J 106J 330J 307....... 353 214 33 -- 37] 29l 172 62/ 191 7 137j 4J 90 398~Eliot............................................. 71 71j 214] 184 398 i~11~']............ 219 145J 35 11 11t 97] 31t 20J 2J 73] 11 56 694JE1m Grove...............................,... 122 122 373J 320 693] lJ......J 1 225 331] 28 —110J 27J 206J 90{ 16j 4J 153j 4 117 123 Fredol~ia, town of....................... 27J 27J 61J 62 1231......... 1372l J 61[ 51]......... -- 11 6J 341 8[ 3[ 2J 26[ 5/...... 1385 Grandview.................................. 267[ 267J 704[ 668 13l 739J 5681 78........ 37J 374{ 129[ 35l 18J 319[....2 1~/ 712 ~ Jefferson....................................... 148[ 148J 376J 316 692[ 13[ 7J 20[ 348 301[ 63........{ 31[ 187J 56l 25[ 12[ 163[ 16[ 120 781[ Marshall....................................... 153 153 3921 389! 781l....]......J...... 405 357[ 22 3 59| 171[ 78[ 21[ 8J 194[...... 120 730 Morning Sun, exc. oftown......... 136[ 1361 386[ 3441 730J....J......J......] 393[ 316J 11 -- 10 351 182[ 60[ 22 6 168[......, 111 785[Morning Sun, town o~................ 152[ 152[ 372J 413 785J....J....../......J 350] 402 33........ 176[ 61[.........[......! 7[ 181[....i.J 141 552[Oakland....................................... 96[ 96[ 289[ 263 552.......... 301{ 235 23 721Port Louisa................................. 136J 136J 378J 343 720[ 1/..........'1] 399[ 236 29[ 161[ 55] 17 5[ 131t 2[ 92 70 7 -- 16 27J 164J 49J 20 151 174J......'[ 124 581JlJnion.......................................... 76J 76l 310l 271'.....[ 304 266[ 11 959j..........'....... ] 20l 130[ 651 959J Wapello, exc. of town................. I ~t 1~1 ~0 ~'....'............ 36 13'224 l J 136 528.366 65........ 30 251/ 105] 16 3l 142J...... 157 ~"[........................ ] ~ot~............... — 4-~ ~ "' —'"' -— 6~ — ~ 1'-~51 -~ 1 —~1~ —21'-~ - 18-~ /-~l-~l-~:~ ~-~/~-; -~ ~] ~66.~.J..-~... 246' First ward..:............... 319 " Second ward............... 70[ 70[ 172] 146 318[ 11...... 1] 156 118 45 8 77 29 3[ 53:= =......] 1751 127[ 34"""2] 181 35[ 29/ 11 4[ 78[............... -~-~-~-~ ~.......... / / ~1 "~ 933 -~, ~ Total of town...................... 70 70 177t 161 8 1l 72 6 49 ~] ~0~-:-~-~ —~ LUCAS COUSITY. 703 Benton............. 387........ 83 23 48,.....................................J 379] 324J............ 281 [ 180[ 151 J 7551 Cedar.............................. 107,.....................I 388[ 367] 755 348[ 398 172] 76 26 48 163] 115 973 CharItoh, exc. of city...........................J 173] 487] 486] 973 389J 119[ 238] 112 36 186[ -24 131 833 English.................................................. 465[ 1511 4221 4111 833 3711 397 2421 1071 34 17 124 162[ 1'3 598 Sackson................................................ 108 ~ 3081 2901 598 2561 2971 159] 25] 16 111................................................. 710 Otter Creek........................................... 132[ 363[ 347 710 324j 371] 15 187j 56 20 155] 115 ~0~,.e~n~................................................ ~0~1 40~ ~0~ ~1 ~7 ~1 ~ l~J l~l ~.~o.......................................... 23 193J 81] 30 17..........1~ ~ ] j ~ ~, ~ ~..:::: ~0 957JWarren.... ~l,....................................j......... 173 ~506t 957...... 411J 507t 39 2571 100l 42 11 1871 147 h~ LUCAS COUNTY.-CONTINUED. WHITE. COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND CI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POPULATION. POP' LASTIO OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. S.NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, ce,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~. ~ 4 1001 Washington..................[175 5071 4941 1001........I4051 542 54.....441 262[ 91 41321 8 666 White Breast.118...337325..662..2..2.4. 252 337i 77 32 16. 5. 9551 Total.1699 4011 4636 57 2 441 411 24 823 7 19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9110 Charitohcityof,c.H., - -- 1293 First~~~~~~ wr..........647 632 1279[ 8[ 6 14[ 490. 716, 87..... 62] 232[6 32 884 0 881 " CSe-cond ward.............. 69l 53 27 88 4 — 2 nd.452 423 875 4 2 6 304 53 42 38 179 65 40 19 238 9 154 20174 Ttlo iy19 05 25 12 8 20 794 125 129.. iv 41 13 I34d 25 5 5 LYON COUNTY. 292 Wale.75g7........................................... 175 15 13 29. 80. 208 154.....7 9 1 Chariton' city of, C. H., 191oon.44...................5.........5........... 40 190 6 4 90 7.......2 881 Second ward~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~...............: ~~-0................i 5~'387 0 35 23 7 5 0 1 3 5 LYON COUNTY.] 126 Grant............................................ 27 27 64 62 126..... 41 70 15........ 11 29........27 25 97 Larchwood................................. 25 47 50 97............f...... 12t 38 45/- 2 2 20 6 4 16 5 21 350 Lyon............................................ 76 76 183 167 30 131 4 124 -- 41 17 70 23 29 10 63 36 69 a 1671RmR i 350......... 12c pPr d~363 [... ~ 69 197 Rock, Rock Rapids, c.............. 4 4 123 74 197.............. 1 96 18-22 24 25 4...... 44 1232 Total........................................ 297 297 673 1 7 555 1 1232; -37-0 4 51i j 24i 75 8" "1 9 5 6 4 3............. 23 2~~~~ 95 51~ Total........................................I —— ~l —— ~ 1 4673! - 954 - -2! 2 4 15 484i 5...~......l 0 t l... 4 ~ —-~ / —— ~ -- ~!" ~ 1~ 2 42 1232 Totl. 297i. 6473 SS9 1232. 3790 Sli 247 S8. 199 432 4 3 17 287 41 240 881 " Scon wad......................... 42 43 85 4 2 6 304 5351 4...... 8 19 6 40 19 231 ~9 14 0 MADISON COUNTY. ~'.O0 -.j qjx 863 Crawford.................................... 355........I 381 211] 691 28 b 9] 183 21 111 174] 174] 4341 428 862] 1...... 1'422] aa 91 972 I)ouglas......................................................... ~7 ~........j ~01 ~L ~j ~ ~j ~......~ ~ 176] 1761 972] 509 266 Earlham, town of............................... i 6! 66...... 55 765 Grand River.............. 1511 4051 359 7641 i..,... i 341 410 14,.......... ]~::~ 1~1 542~1 448 670 Jackson................................ 1271 1271 3441 325 669 I...... 1 274 372 24........I 321 1521 54[ 30112[ 135......I 9i 828 Jefferson...................................... 1561 156] 4381 390 8281.................. 414 367 47........[ 34[ 206[ 69[ 33[ 151 185 41 104 ~e~............................................... ~l ~o~k ~ ~.................. ~ ~ ~........' ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ ~l ~ 962 Linc.'~ln....................................... h~t 4i3 962..........,....... 3981 518 46........I 331 261 85 391 161 221 31 166 774 Madison, ext. of Earlham......... 148[ 148] 395 379 7741............ ~.. 300 421 53........[ 29[ 1931 95{ 191 41 172 ~[ 116 619 Monroe....................................... 112{ 1121 330 619J............'...... 287 3081 24........ I 33[ 1301 491 301 81 130......I 109 852 Ohio............................................. 1461 146] 4~61 406 852.................. 452[ 3891 11...I 421 263 86135 S[ 29_4...... 150..................... 365 769 Penn........................ 1321132] 7681 11...... i 2631 4801 26....'.. [ g5 179 53122[ 7] 177 aa[ 120 1131 Scott...................................... 2o8 208l 1131l......I............ 5611 564[ 6........ [ 67[ 287[ 106[ 47t 27[ 246...{ 132 1081 South............................................. 1731173] 587544 506'1081]......f.....I...... 520/ 548] 13 "'Y'.,] 511 292 1111 41 121 224 ".~..I 150............ 514 1098......I......]...... 530 533] 35...... I.551 3061 921 40 1 141 243 " i I 179............................... 390......]......I......] 432 4371 6........I 411 2561 9 I 23 [ 81 179 I 143 1098 Union............................... 2891 875 W~lnut.......... 5~ 875 241711 i~il 6251Webster....................................... 328] 29716251..................1 306 291 28 ~ i~1 301 50 291 11 131 ~i~ 86 1801 13~I Total........................................ I I I...... 625 5.371 1242 510 190 —~'1 —~1 —~ ------....... 11281 " First ward...............-'~]~~ —~ 1 —~ —-4..-~... —-4-~5 —~ —~........I...... 3341 334 623 5721 11'281...... 50 232 3[ 5] 458 716 41 1~~0 ~o~ o~o~,y..................... ~., ~-~ ~i~ ~0.~-~-~-~i ~-~l-~l-~l —I-~-~l~l~~~ ~ ~ MAHASKA COUNTY. 889 Adams.......................................... 160] 1601 3411 8891 ~........... 6so~~o.,tow~of......:.............:...... ml ml 38457] 43~, I I ~,1 4~1 ~....... 2081 9~ 3~ 3.0, l- ~01 s~ ~.0~I ~, 38 42 96 97 ~0~~o~.................................... ~, ~,~ ~0~ ~ ~0~'"'~','"il.... I I ~ ~ ~1 ~] F] 46 13 14 243 231 176 108........................ 565 578 ] 1174 Cedar.................... 30/ — 11 47 329 1071 36 22 2601 176 ~1 2~1 580, 1171] 1 21 3] 209] —-136, 25 12951De~Moines........... 5911............ 58 57 25 11 228 684 611{ 1295 6t 13] 588 580 126/ —11 332/ 1231 2881 1249!I-Iarrison...................................... 640 5961 1236 7 5961 5551 46 335/ 1091 50 13 281/ 1~ ~.................. 31........ 3.3 263/ 122/ 39 28 183 1033 Jefferson. 505[ 497{ 228[ 189[ 188 555[ 478{ 1033..... 902 Madison....................................... 5 8 8........ 27 2i9l 121] 30 14 201} 1 155 161/ 1491 476] 4181 894 ""~ 457/ 437]..................................... I ~0.... 71I I...... m 1279 Monroe......... 2401 661/ i...~.... 198 25 ~ ~s01::;::::: ~0 ~ ~/ ~ 603 New Sharon, town of.................. 143 296/ 618/ 1279 65'2/ 6i 246510skaloosa, exc. of Oskaloosa! ~1 and Beacon............................... 452 452! 1061. 1281 1051 —18 81 624, 288 681 271 575t 16 396 51 16 906 Pleasant Gro~~.................. 1591 1293] 1156] 2~9 11......... 162:1 4701 4801 9001.... I 468'1 4121 261........I 401 2021 73t 391 91 1911 130................5 MA-HASKA COUNTY.-CONTINUED. $" ~WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP'LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. 0..S. I IA 8'0 I0. ~ b r INAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 1-2 0 0 9 4.4;- - ANDOCITIES.'4) O. 0 - rR ~~~ > d' o"'4) 4)co rl ~~ Q) B 0 S5 4 4.0 CO'4) -0 O 0 266 3 8 r o 0 " 60 00 00 0 5 (0 08 C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Z 1 _ _ _ _ z I Z Z 4 IZ I Z Z Z Z Z 1110 Prairie, exe. of New Sharon...... 212 227 5811 529 11101...... 4581 567 85.... 40 306 100 37 11 234 8 172 1381]Richland........................................ 26 6 702 679 1381............ 877 566 138........ 72 367 1007 46 13 271 201 224 1381 i~iclaland.. 266 702[ 679[ 1381.....[677 566 138.....721 367 107 46 13 271 20 224 Z 10061 Scott.......................................... 196 196 498 5081 1006............. 483 479 44.... 381 252 88 34 16 226 4 176 11861 Union................................... 194 194 618 562 1180 4 2 6 579 526 174 - 7 61 286 93 23 14 222 7 142 c 1241 White Oak................................... 198 198 627 612 1239 2... 2 663 564 7 - 7 72 340 1361 42 17 274 2 200 1 19455 Total.................................. 3577 3581 10048 9346 19394 33 28 61 9034 8997 1344 832 5027 1871 684 2701 4232 156 3142 Oskaloosa, city of, C. H., 1629 First ward............... 335 335 734 741 1475 78 76 154 591 949 89..... 44 405 146 41 14 4151 3 308 940 " Second ward........... 196 196 445 495 940........ 364 498 78 23 2.5 90 24 6 2201...... 164 940',', 1eod ad24..... 30 374 1054 Third ward.............. 215 215 498 526 1024 16 14 30 374 62 52.. 21 232 112 30 10 271 1 190 640 " Fourth ward........... 131 131 287 337 624 6 10.16 233 387 20... 12 129 56 22 6 149.... 106 4263 Total of city..................... 877 877 1964 2099 4063 100 100 200 1562 2462 239 100 1001 404 117 36 1055 4 768 23718 Total of county.....................4454 4458 12012 11445 23457 133 128 261 10596 11459 1583 932 6028 2275 801 306 5287 160 3910 MARION COUNTY. 1197 Clay....................................... 200 200 618' 579 1197............ 635 540 221.. 49 322 168 41 11 262 192 1036 Dallas...................................... 158 158 530 506 1036............ 449 468 119.. 44 259 119 39 18 237 7 173 879 Franklin.......................... 158 158 480 399 879.................. 370 461 48.. 46 218 82 36 16 197.. 169 1303 1Ildns......,..;............,...,...... 24 24, 6 0~ i. 655 1i... ~ 1303 Indiana.......... 240 626 655 1281 14 8 22.696 599 9 1 68 348 108 47' 28 315 212 24831 Knoxville, exe. of town.......... 475 475 1384 1099 2483........ 1519 1041 12 79 29 288 354 5 18 499 2 4211 2673 Lake Prairie, exc. of Pella........ 475 484 1407 1266 2673.140 288 955 200 1321 719 225 134 22 441 10 350 ,574 Liber,! I l l I I I I I I t I I........................................ I 275 275 804 770 1574............I......] 8121 7121 lX] — 891 781 399 191 491 271...... 225 antville..................................... 220 220 598 563 1161...... t 3371Pleasantville, town of..,......................, 136 196 5.2..... 20 Perry..,........................................ ~ 941 941 248/ 243f 4911......I......{......I 236I 238f 171........] 27/ 119 40 221 91 491/ 76f'- 761 169t 1681 397[......t 73 28 111 3 879 Polk.........................,.................... 1661 1661 475/ 4041 8791......]......t....../ 4621 338t 59J — 201. 45[ 235 45 111 10[ ~J4 1445RedRock........................................: 730685 30........ 81 382 140 56} 18 i 250'1 2501 7411 704114451....../....::1]]:]:]{8011 576! 341 — 51 77/ 286] 2861 424 191 76 271 161.6 Summit........ 8321 7841 16161......I:..................,............ 156 1561 425i'4081 8831...... 1~ 883 Swan............................................ /.....I......I 445/ 3931 101 — 35/ 66/ 256 71 201 101 129' 700Union.......................................... 136 136t 371[ 3291 700I......I...".l....,.{ 320/ 369 11.......I 26/ 116 29 25{ 41 116 ~~~on................................. ~1 ", ~ ~, ~, ~, ~I ~I~] ~ ~0......./ ~40......~ ~1~I ~ ~/...................................... Knoxville, town of, c. tt. I [ 718 " First ward................[ 151] 151/ 3551 368] 718]......I............ 300 403 15]......., 153 71 15 6 99 250 "Secorid ward........... 331 153 53 1261124 250 1031 1391 66 137 21 1~ 731 " Third ward...............]146] 146/ 857 374/ 731 ] ]]]]::1:]]]:: ]]]]:] 3421 878 10' ~.... 88 176 54203 t I / I I.... I......i.... 1699 Total of town.....................'.. — ~0' 838 W-~ — ~..-~............... 745 920 88........ 77 395 138 42 11 -~ Pe]la, cityof. 140] 1401347 368 7151'1]]2801............ 186] 81. 11 91] 581 271 1741 561 191 11] 715' First ward......... ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 16 ~ 598 1341 134 1307. Second ward..... 291 I I.... 5981 iiiiZll'../......I 3151'901 931_:.....l 191 1291.421 181 61 763 " Third ward.......................I 1491 1491 3771 386/ 7631 I.. I 384] 641 315....... 25 193 53 18 8 "Fourthward......................I 87] 87! 2441 216i 4601 4601:]]::]l:..:::t]]][]]f 1991 160i 551 461 191 1111 17'~6 -~ Total of city............'........... 5101 510 1259] 1277 2536...... __...... __ —. 24'~1 Total of county.................... l —~l-'~ 1-'~111~t61~1-'~'...... "" —~ ~ 12 28 12136t 9534 2360........11341 5S33l 2326 757 308 ~ —~ 421 13t 121 MARSHALLCOUNTY. 508[Albion, town of...........................~ 8441Bangor........................................ 1561.....ill 440 401 841 2 I 347 474 23 ]]~]]]] 236 181] 2 124!6 693 Eden............................................. 239!5 126[" 379 31~ 692 ~...... 13 390l 39 54[ —10] 173 5159]...... 100 1153 Green Castle.............,.................. 210!~]~]]~[ 622 52~ 1147...... 369 604[ 80[........I 51 279 t I 460 Iowa, exc. of Albion.................. 245] 111 90t.........' 233 227 460 212 239/ 20 125 759 Jefferson...................................... 91 145[......... 95...... 52 410 ~Zlii.11 34 i9/ 1~ 34~ 759 267 ~ 70 153/ 3 389[ 03 194 oo........ ~ 4o~ ~!~l "/ 1597 LeGrand..................................... 300].........I 815 782 1597 575 722/ 312~ 52 273 756 Liberty...............:................. 134!.........I 399 357 756 327 381] 28 160 51 12....... 48....... 172 / I 119 299 289 588....3....2 232 162 62 593 Liscomb, exc. of town............. 340/ 21 22 I1[ 10[ 135]...... 109:.. 118......... 372 Liscomb, town of........................ t 203 169 372 120 245J 82i......... 7::::::::] 85 23.... 433 Logan........................................... 6 85]9 88 88......... 233 199 432....1:::::: 137 216] 80....,.. 2d 98 32:83] I 97] 4 64 916 1VIarietta........................................ 184......... 495 421 916 {.:::{ 343 47.7] 50 221 ~ 67;41 10[ 19012 128 14~ 860 Marion......................................... 155 459 401 329 510] 77........ 212 76:0] 16[ 202] 4 126 860 ]~ 475 Marshall, exc. ot Marshalltown 021::::::::~ ~ ~:i:::]' 28 94 1081 2 74 238 281 469 1581 40 4 2151...... MARSHALL COUNTY.-CONTINUED.,(~ 0$ ~ WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND )POPULATION. POP' LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. ai~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ul hi)~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~- 0)o0 o *0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bo o 00 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS,;',. - ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 0 0 -. 40 AND CITIES. a. 9.. 93 0 br,~~~ $::= 0 ct 0 0 * 0 U 4 0 o a c1. 0.. 9.. 0 09 1 487 Taylor.......................................... 0 0 0::.' 0) 0 0 1'..0...... 2 2 4'"30 1 77, U 1. 8 1 1 0. E-1 ES z F00.000 CD 00)00 0f 66 o 696 iMin erva............... 1161.::::: 378 318 696..........2621 246 1211- 671 41j 173 57 28 9 117j 17 76 533 State Center, exc. 01 town..1. 1021 297 236 533...........178 803 52..... 23 139 41 19 6 115.... 93 796 State Center, town of.......... 151...... 413~ 383! 796.1...85 486 125!.... 29 155 59 29 14! 203 13 155 Z 487 Taylor.................. 911...... 247 220 467 13 7 20. 6 1177 299 11.... 18 113 51....... 106... 72 725 Timber Creek...................... 133......... 373 348 721 4 4 263 399 63........ 30 197 60 14 5 163 5 100 744 VienDa............ 1581........ 408 336 744............ 244 448 44 — 8 83 142 48 27 3 185...... 145 _ 845 Washington....... 156.......... 455 390 845........... I. 251 448 146........ 43 215 77 40 15 185 23 145 d 15245! 2932. 8033 7161 15194 31 20 5115391 8158 1611........ 742 3687 1289 513 154 3346 248 2413 Marshalltown, city of, c.H., H 95 6 ~ i t:d"P s~ c~c 956 First ward......... 177 194 43 6 949 3 4 7 247 525 185 1 29 173 65 25 13 224 50 173 46~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 901 Second ward...... 163 185 439 460 899 1 1 2 285 504........ 22 174 77 33 10 219 42 151 1384 " Third ward. 257 278 707 673 1380 2 2 4 367 734 283 4 5........5 116 49 24 328 139 247 1143 " Fourth ard 180 200 583 560 1143...... 327 630 186 24 199 94 33 14 328 58 250. 20 487 16................ 19 9 4384 Total of city....................... 777 857 2202 2169 4371 6 7 13 26 2393 766....... 115 801 352 140 61 1099 289 821 19629 Toal of conty. I 309~ 857 102351 93301 19565137! 227 64, 6617, 10551, 2377!.... 857, 4488, 1616325 445573_ 19629, Total of county..,...................... 37 1641, 653 215, 444.., 44 44 41 8 83 14 4 2 3 15 537 32344MILLS COUNTY. 8451 M~~~~~~~~~~ashington~~~~~~~~~~......,.....~....... i....i. 5..... 5 9ii!1..,,1 448 16 1..,. ~ 1 1 0 1 8 3 15~ 842 Anderson.................................... 145 150 455 3871 842.... 29 448 65.. 36 216 70 39 15 193 4 160 6981 Deer Creek........... 1175 1204 376 322 698...210 428 60 28 141 93 33 4 154 4 140 117Emerson, town of............ 123 15 63 54! 117...... I43 64 o: 6 25 2 3 3 25 1 24.4 957 11.......... 1 394 521 441........ 431 2371 97 45 17 218 1 4 959 Glenwood, exc. of c i5ty..... 1 10 23 434 954 51.4 3 2 5 1 3 149 Hastings, town of....................... 30 30 74 75 149 6......6 3 8 6 1 35.... 29 I~ ~ ~ ~~~..,I... 30 430 74 75 149.....,., 34[ 310915124 39] L 3.;..,.? ii i~~~t ......~~~~~!9...........,,, 1 86!ttillsdale, town of................,.....'6 S... 4. I......,. 5 91 4 39 4t 22]..... 1 505 I ndilan Cr'eek, exc. of Emerson I I l' and Hastings........................... ~0 10,8 I2 501....,....,... 2 n 31..~.. 16.~l 23 161 012 ~1 c 5041 Ingraham....................................... i{::::::258 W3 I.... i{1 8 268 511........;0[ 1181 85 ~s 5 1071 11 84 796 Lyons.~~~~,.............,]............. 147} 1471 444 351j 95 1/.....]~~ 1]35 410 11........'~1 2021 75 87] 18 1791...... 160 493 Malvern, town of....................... ~0 0 4 6 9,, 1 2 5,... 14 3 511 30 9 9 88 a.........................~................ 147/ 150l 498 38 8881...... I......[ [ 8 219] 281{........ kq 227[ 601 88 15 1781 40l 180 7391 Platteville.....,,....................,,, 4 4 8 5 3.,......... 2721......:81 1 7 01,, 43 I 701 271 18 5 1[9 8191 Rawles,........ 147t 1471 887 852 89...........::"~:46 43 1 ~~, 9 44 1,,, 48 23 3518 2041~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: S Mr......I............... "[ 34 14[ 1 01... 8 7........ 4 5 819JlMa lves............................. 15 15 90 41 81...... 32 44 5....... 41 8 221 7 1 54.18 4, 27 9244'I~~otal.............885...............'3 1 9/041 281 5 1 839/ 475 78...., 4129 14 150273 7 109 204} S t. Mhr ary.............. 3..,., 1 4 3......,................::::: I8 1......t.::::::[ 9 3 87[ 251 131 Tta o cty.......,........./ ~101 90j 44 66j 30 34[.,. 34 51718 73 9.... 1;5 10 4 2 9,. 3 10655 Total of county~~~~~~~~~~~........,...[.....[. 91 91 352] 438 046 94207 500 4......,4] 2251 754 491[ 178 26 10 0 78 U and1B~l Malver............................~... 13 13 34 24 58......... 11 38 7....~ 7~ 6 9 2 15891....... 9 93 1Cear..............,............. 5 19 04 40155 155 420 411;31321 1 3 20 743217 19 7 2 r 49j oula..,.......................1. 105 105 334 2862 40 1I...,...]'., 34 29 111 1 2 54] 31 6 y 6251J Whibete l.......,............................ 55 5 1[9 13............. 1 5 1 6 1 3 -'5:s~,ee ftw.......... 61 6 6 5 1......... 9 212 1 4 2 9 28 6 4 72 1 58 tcyil............. - -- - i —I.....,,, 0 0 0 7 8......... 5 5'3 1 6 15 4 21 2 4 8 5781Unio...,.............................,,,,1931 ~1 267 291 5......... 241.. 1650 38 2 7 141 2 1 ~2 3 79 "2' First ward...............[. 8 01.........].... 2371 250 16 4872...,.,.... 18 12 7 1 01 0 1 4 511 12 " eon d ward........ ] 97].........J.... 244]1 26651 04 f72 1 ]51 2......]1 2 301 4] 8 27 9 181........ 59 255( 90-81j/ 1 228 6 4/17/ 1 1 108.... 8 MONONA COUNTY. 00 WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP'LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. [ 0 On AND CITIES. 0 "~~~~~; I " ~~Ci c3 F: F: d 3 *- CC) k 5 ce~~~' -4 0.:: " 4 ~ ~ 0~c(~ c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~~~~ 0 0. c l 0 0aNo ~. -,.. j,.3 129lAshton.......................................... 241 24l 63 66l 129............'.-.-.. 44 6 7........ 8 3 3 5 1 2.... 2 l29Ashton.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?- 343 -~.4 —3.17.~81 36I 13I 51 1~28.... 245 e48er..48 48 133 112 245.94 111 40........ 6 59 32 11 4 45......31 2740Centere.49 49 151 123 274......1......4........6 125 3 13 71 21 17 6 58. 55 404 Fa.r..ew.75 75 208 196 404............ 116 124 164........ 22 97 30 15 11 72 1 60 560 Franklin, exc. of Onawa............ 107 107 313 247 560.190 273 97 23 134 39 28 14 128 23 75 316 Grant......................... 65 65 1661 150 316...........125 166 25..... 15 85 20 9 4 70.... 42 170 Jordan...................... 34 34 69 64 133 16 211 37 74 87 9..... 7 31 61 11 4 42.... 23 445 Kennebec.................... 81 84 241 204 445...........201 212 32..... 14 104 37'16 7 104.... 67 199 Lake............................................. 35 35 109 90 199. 67 120 12........ 14 53 31............ 47 2.. 35 6 l......................................... 165 165 367 320 687442 43 42 140 55 22 8 166 1 157 o12 132 306 325 631....... 296 309 26 30 165 41 31 10 129 59 719 Onawa, town of, C.H. 144 144 381 3381 719......... 247 371 101 30 159 49 30 12 159 5 146 325 Sbernman..................... 65 65 169 151 3201 3 2 5 116 168 41..... 12 91 24 13.... 72.... 4 189 Soldier...................... 36 361 91 98 189............ 61 77 51..... 7 36 19 71 3 -34 6 31 300 Spring Valley................ 52 52 159, 141 300............121 134 45.... 14 70 25 15 7 6 4 5 191 St. Clair..................... 34 34 92~ 99 191.............. 0 84 2.... 1.7 44. 13 105 34.. 29 89 West Fork................... 18 18 55 34 89.....1......29 50 10.... 12 13 8 3.. 25. 22 94Willow...................... 16 16 53 41 94............ 30 31..... 4 33 6 3.. 13..6 13 596, otl.......................... 18O0 1183 31261 2799 521 191 23 421 2267 2951 749.... 290 1421, 469, 246 96 1292 63 967 MONROE COUNTY. 1993 AlIbia, city of; -C. H............ 3651 371.926 901 1827 30 36 661 513I 1003 314 -1631 88 469 126 20 24l 4801... 306 i 906 Bluff Creek...................163 163 494 412 906............ 4421 432, 32..... 38 241 93 22 13 188 1 149 Z 734 Cedar....................... 138 139 398 336 734..1........3881368 26 48 77 160 65 25 8153 41106. 681 Franklin..................... 117 117 3491 332 681.... I..... 3341 259 81 - 7 37 192 79 18 9 149.... 100 769 Guilford.135 1351 404 365 769......I....... 293 22 19 3 7645Kennebed...................................... 2021111 81 233 210 711}...........8 ii( iiid k r o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 74 o2..... 2 199~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lak....... 35} 3519 0 91.I... 11~d a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33:...... D J~U1U19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... re~~~~~~~~~ 30l ]65 4 31 / i0|k 12e r Aho.......................,,,~ ~ 2 6 1.........,._ 4 6 7....... 3 146 8,,,, 2 404~~~ ~ ~ Fariw 1'~ 12........ 13 71 2 ~6 5... 5 56o)Iiran n.................................. 10 1(' 31' *' 56'......'......',....... 316 G~~~~~rant 190 273 97~~~~~~~ 7........ 1 3 4 2 7 170~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~2 521rda 1259 1411 300..........}1 5 20 9 4 7......, 31 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 3 91 St. Cir.: 1 1 7 3 4....................... 300Spin Valey be.......................~~~ ~~ 1 8 4 0 4......,._.~ ~21 221 0 7 1 0,,, 199 1 Lake ~~~~~~~~~34[ 34] 192 99 191[.....[.,.......... 7 10 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:.......[ 14[ 70 25 16514 71 891 W~pesFok..........................~,~~~~~~12 12 36 35 61...... ~,....... I9 ]57l 44 3 0l5 4...., 7191onawa~~~~~~~, tw f,H......... 18} 18l ~1 341 879l....../...:.l:",.......4 5 30OI~~~~pring Ba~~~~~~llpv 52 52 159 141 300~~~~~ ~~~~~~....6/...,~~ 2 31 ~,~,~ ~t. o ~ Cli 4 3 2 9.................... 8906e [BllTorek................................,. 163 13 494 341 896.......4 2 |32|2[...,..... 38 24193 94, rinln..................................... 1, ~1 58 31 ~o~..i~o......,,~~ 321 76951Guia il for c...................................... 1351 1351 40 3 65 7 69 I 231 202l 1911 —16 831 $3 9 1 210]2 8,,, 0 681 1 Fran k lin 117 117 349 332 681............1t 111 131 1 98 8431 Jackson......................... 5 4 2 1 3,,,,, 3521 329 162........l 46 232. 83 131 4T 1541 71 77., 774 Nonroe~~............................i... 154 1541 4281 415 74 36 3...,.. 1 2 6 2 r 1057 ( Tr'oy, exe. of Albia.,.......~~..,..~.....~ 63 0 59149 7 1484 0 40 55 11-2 5 29 8 4 6 23... 1208 Mantua...............................,.........22 49 53 1551 680 4 41 355t- 49 1 9 3 451 25 260 25 1Fj 71741Monroe...................................... 133 131 408 12 36 74.......... i,,,,......l 381[ 360 - 310.....7 22 17] 8 6 22 171 1 6 5 1301 P~easant.........;........................... 546 157 31 33 64,.,,I,,.,...... 456 283[ 3 14 1732 36 1 321...- 1057[Toy exc'Iora~~ lbia ~~.............,......... 40. 17[-232[1 35[ 65468 261 6 5119[ 583[ 44[ 16 23......[.57 361650136173 314 6561~~~~ ~~~~~~ Du 208 52 31295 5 1 498 102 5 1084Ianifon............................... 0 1 2 4 5...... I......[ 20 202..1 549[ 52I 35 1084 580[ 45115 [-392 9 13471 231 249 2 160 8517 Urbana..............,....................,,, I...... I.[.... 1 46 4 8146 11... 405 453 3 198 [,, 4 147[ 38 1 193 50~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~261ot 239 96315 140 17 3 4 13 8 19 7 3 966 684 Sherman 129 386 298 68~ ~~~~~~~~~~4 28 6 7[2 1135 6 7 7 83;1 Villisca town of'...................... 164 172 483 403 836.....l......i..... 236 538 i2 i i....... 40 183 37 38 ]241...... C ~~~~~~35 — 1 0 17 2227 10544 3 228 0 192 12711t Total......................................! I 3623562407 112 6 111 I 5 —3 32....... 4 577 3269 12401 &6]17-~- 1848 MONTGOMNER COUNTY. 6561)~gas........~.............................. 2 5 1 4 1. a..r...1 19 6 2..., 0[1 3 124 361 295 Fr1 eanfrt,................,....................... 6 101 101 287 240., 116j Fulon.................,............ 19 (39 62 58 16254 315656............18 43 8 98168 18 12~351 Goshen 221 221 6~~~~~~~~~~~24 3 12i 5 6 114 34 16C 1 5 14 3512 1188 8 52 Grantptle.......,....,,..,............... 19 19 37 30 g7t~ 3 9l::::....."...............1 12 2 1 2 1 9 ~~Fi37 Muscntine, city of, c.405 851....1., 2405 4149 46i $3 707 1 6 10 148 21 717 81 ~ 186 9 101,J,, 789 Jakon, 7 8 5 51 0::: ex.,,, of Villisca.......... "'....3 186 65 9 284 4 00 " 6 1 4 017.... 126 ~ 238 1 4 9 1 4 6..... 19 61 00 44 114 7 4 P 84jPilo oe.............,....,.,.......,,.....,... 128( 35 3185 4677 23940 MUITSCATINE COUNTY.-CONTINnUED. WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP'LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21YEARSOLD. ~~~fl m c3 rd rd r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) d el c o1 YE ARS O. 4 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, bfl -I - cd- ho 0. o " o d = AND CITIES.. - - 1.4 0 9 cd 0 cd +z IC ~ S'5 0 6 ~~~~~.~~ ~.~~8 ~~.0'5 ~00 0 +;, CIO 0 Q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B O d ~I H E-i Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 849lSeventy.Six................................. 1471 147 431 418 8491.................. 573 258 18.. 26 221 86 2515 177 7 96 M 1415 Sweetland................................ 262 262 723 692 1415.................661 534 220................. 353 135 42 14 295 126......... 987 Wapsinonoc, exc. of West Lib- I erty........................... 173 173 501 470 971 8 8 1612......... 35 253 97 22 7 211 3 131 937 West Liberty, town of............... 202 202 453 480 933 1 3 4 373 503 61 38 210 73 11 2098 6 130 1047 Wilton, ex. of town.................. 179 1971 538 508 1046 1 1 456 358 233 45 248 130 50 9 199 11 149 1351 Wilton, town of................ 272 2721 683 661 1344 2 5 7 503 635 213 43 246 110 29 24 336 30 216 21623 Total.4024 4107 10959 105031 21462 801 81 1611 99521 7824 38461.. 507 33821 13811 625 194 65881 421 1770 104oitonaxc fw............................. 1W18 I~~~~~~~~ O'BRIEN COUNTY. 199 Baker.......................................... 51 51 112 87 199..... 65 115 19........ 9 41 17 13 2 49 6 36 176 Carroll.......................................... 60 60 94 82 176..50 113 13........ 5 15 5 4 51...... 36 391 Center......................................... 90 196 195 391107 274 10 22 73 13 24 3 108 6 399 Floyd.......................................... 0 80 209 190 399. 114 260 25........ 18 84 16 195 114..... 80 401 Grant.......................................... 88 89 206 177 383 9 9... 18 143 228 30 29 76 241151 8 92 60 299 1 Highland...................................... 75 75 162 137 299.115 144 40 24 64 23 22 5 67 2 43 II~~~ 18 114 260 2_:.......I _8 8 6 19 5 14 8 282 Liberty................................. 70 71 147 135 2821.106 162 141....... 17 39 19 9 31 71 52 741 Summit,-Primghar c. H......... 14 IS1 39 35 741. I. 30 42 2 - 6 14.. 6 15 9 128 aterman................................... 31 3 65 63 12844 784 10 13 6 4 2......8 19 -I I- - - _______________________________________549_____I_-___ - I — -1 2 -1 26____5951____-8 400________ 2349 Total...................9 5612........ 56 1230 1101 2331 9.9 18 7741 1412 163........ 30 411 123 116 26 595 400 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~511 0 P osCEOLA COUNTY. oo 63] Fairview,......................................[ 171 17] 291 34[ 631............ ~'...... ~18 30 15]........ 5 7 4 3 I 19] I 10 227 ~ilman..........................................l 71! 71! 1261 101 2271......1 571 1471 28 51 14] 391 71 19....31 711...... 57 3901~oewey........,.................................I 1081 10/[ 214, 181r 395[...... --— I 84[ 247] 35 — 291 41/ 921 17] 191 61 113 96 3381I-Ioln)an Sibiey c. ~.................. 1.231 12'e/ 2781 260 538! ~ i[i......I 1301 3321 75- iI 18f 87f 30] 33f 5J 154a 97 89/Hort. on..'............:...........................I 201 2(~] 441 451 ~;9............I 301 48l 41 — 10.........] 16J 31 3...... 191 18 1751Ocheyedan....................................[ 431 43[ 98] 771 ~75............[ 53[ 1041 181........[ 10[ 30[ 13 6]......[ 47[ ~60{Wota............................................{ 63{ 6s{ 79 71 i5~{ c5....... 2} 5{ 25{ 3 5J. 44[ 39 1411 Wilson.......................................................! 42[ 86r 10. — 3[ 61 38l 10[ 4['~ "' 31{ 13 l 29 29[ 661 75/ 1411...... I 421 92i 14 ] -~/ ~o~,........................................l~,-~I-~J-~t~ —..~...-~;l-~-~ —-'....'.................. o~l ~l ~-~-~-~l-:t-~ PAGECOUNTY. i152Amity.......]................................... 217 217 585 )l 201 }I 376[ 6821 ~0~ ~ ~.......... 2831 59i l~ 161 24S1...,..I 179........................... ~ ~ ~ ~'~ ] ~o~, t: ~,o~1 ~,~ ~,~,......,,~ ~l 1100 Clarinda, town of c. ~................ 2~ 469 907 548,'"]~i i 3921 659 ~ 236[ 85[ i 18l 270 2{ ~t~ 52"7 1075 29~ 519 Collax...................~........................ 276 237 513'.] 3;] 153] 316I )] 96[ 51[:] 3[ 115[ 2[ 838 Douglas......................................... 199~ 147 147 445 393 838......[ 295] 372[ 1; 202[ 66] ~t 121 177[ 40[ 112 r/~ 909 East lqiver.................................... 170 170 500 409 909 {...... ] 396[ 501[ )[ 252[ 1151 ~[ 26] 231[ 11 191 775Fremont...,.................................... 140 140 407 368 775......[ / 193 2351 3; 173[ 53];/ 131 118] 66[ 96 540 Grant exc. of Shenanaoah......,.. 100 100 288 252 540......[ ] 141[ 364[;' 121[ 351;[ 7]'1211 4] 114 I —] 936 I-Iarlah.......................................... 174 174 486 427 913 ] 8t',/ 387[ 469l: [ 232[ 73[,[ 5l 190[ 7[ 138 745 Lincoln.......................................... 105 105 416 334 744 [......[ [ 250] 435[,'l 230[ 62i )[ 6l 162l 12[ 132 [:~ 382 Morton............. 82 82 203 179 382 [......[ / 65[ 317[......;[ 63/ 44'[ 3[ 93[..:... I 60 699~ebraska....................................... 136 136 345 335 680 [ 10]'[ 254/ 434[ i;[ 189[ 46;[ 91 1601......[ 113 1274 I~odaway, exc. of Clarinda......... 232 232 654 592 1246 [ 12[;] 464[ 777[;;[ 347[ 103[;[ 17[ 2831 151 202 - 750Pierce............................................. 176 176 394 356 750 l....../ [ 286[ 4261; [ 1651 331 I[ 19[ 184] 6/ 138 711 Shenandoah, town of................. 150 150 368 340 708 [ lJ;[ 152/ 523[: [ 119/ 45[,[ 13[ 210....../ 164 688Tarkio.............................. 133 133 375 313 688 /......[. [ 162[ 495/: [ 155/ 72];/ 91 1651......[ 140 836~alley..~;~i~............ 144 144 435 401 [...... 836i l. ~ 283[ 503[ ~ [ 214[ 90[ I 18[ 188[......] 1.51 518 Wl~shington...................... 101 101 275 238 513 /....../, / 157/ 327!: 46[ ] 21 941 SJ 82 ~ —~ ~o~1....... / 1491,................................ -~-~ ~ ~,-~ /-~l~t~i-;~-~,-~1-~ l~t-~l~l-~ PALO ALTO COUNTY. lO61 402' Em metsburg Emmetsburgc. i-i ] 79 735 16~1 ~0~, ~l ~l 4021 ~'~'~ ~''~ i 36 ~ 28 75/........I 1 ~ 85 52 921 Fairfield....... 4O'.,........................~ I..... ~1 ~1 ~] 60[ 1921 8261 ~0l 15t —21 1 17 1211Fern Valley.................................[ 1701ii!i!!............ 361 101 5...... 12 ~ 27 iii~ 19 ~_~ PALO ALTO COUNTY.-CONTINUED. rAI I ( WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP' LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. 0 -0'::': do ~ h C -~~~ 0 pO F~'0'0'0 a NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 4 0 0 0 9 9 - 0 0 ~,05.4'"3 0.. 0 A-ND CITIES. A1: - - 8 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~439 120) 27[................. 1900.0.... 3~~90191 47edo.9 595 13 9 3 3 14 02 216 27l~~reat~ak.391 39151 120~~~ 271. 71119, 90 9 503 8115 47, Ca7Hi and.6 46 13 10 217....48 92 81 4 5 49;18 10 1 35. 3 E-4 I z z I z z P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ InE c~ b 1201os HIghland..................................... 4 46 130 104 27............... 48]92 81 51 4 17 0 1 31.... 3 2LostIsland.30 30 66 541............ 24 40 48-8 5 25 7 8 21 17 24Nevada..18 18 64 66 124................................ 232..16 163 Bush Lake.3................. 4 34 78 85 163........... 57 751 32 1 7 47 14....... 31 2....i 172 Silver Lake.................. 35 35 91 81 172........... 38 72 41 -21 8 38 17 6 40 2 2 147 V ern o n. 2 1 4.52.6...........29..10 48.7 1.262.1....... 27757 1 7...........: 1 1:: 17 G83 Walnut................................8.... 3 3 8 85 183....... 64 51 57-11 211 44 9 9 1 375 14 2171 ighlsd........................... l6 4 1 0 52l 7'.,,,,.,I...... 4 2 8i 9 1 1 3... 3 246 West Bend................................... 46 46 137 109 24691 177 14 36 15 65 21 6 2 58 26 13i3 Hush Labe 34 78 85 163 I:::::: 1:::::: j:::::: / 522 32 8 7 09 6......4 7 I~~~~~~~~~~ 640 351 2728 Total.............................. 526 5261 1448 1281 2722 3 3 6 829 1268 627.. 728 2....... 1 1 0 3 PLYMOUTH COUNTY. 12207Am eric'Lo r s c'-..................,..,.,., 7 2 5 7 1235Americta, Le Mars, C............. 244 244.621 614 1235.................. 318 712 83 -122 86 224 69 48 18 297 3 253 27Eigin............................................ 54 54 119 88 207.38 113 47- 9 7 44 13 14 5 52 5 33 278 Fredonia........... 65 65 148 130 278...... 80 91 87- 20 19 63........ 23 13 4 59..... 276 Grant.................... 68 68 140 136 276... 72 96 93-17 19 51 8 16 1 58 14 43 410 Johnsonn......19 25............ 77. 2.....5 185 410 1...1..41 -.......5 17 118 27 27 21 77 17 64 177119 8 225 185,,,...... i...... 138 1 9 1 41. 53 1 5 712 Lincoln.......... 132 132 368 344 712240 286 183 - 3 31 155 59 26 3 165 12.. 1 178Marion................................ 38 38 91 87 178.54 41 331- 50 8 42 7 27 21 42 36 5 erry........................................... 133 133 305 260 565 157 157 23 128 44 25 15 100 84 8 57t 157 371 —180 2 2 4 2 275 Plymouth.58 58 148 127 275..................... 89 94 81 -11 22 73 14 13 6 51 6 35 249 Portland............................... 57 57 140 109 249.................. 69 116 75 11 7 53 17 12 6 50 8 55 246 Sioux.................................... 4 45 125 1211 246.87 151 28 20 9 71 18 12 43 31 31 275Stanton....................... 62 621 140, 1351 2975.......... 73 1071 86 - 9 10 49 181 14 6 71... 89 27.5 Stanton........................................$ 71 89 1451Union............................................ 31 31 80 65 145............. 48 62 39 4 5 41 1O 1 2 7 1 j~ 10 241- 4.......1 4........... 37 92[-5 1 -4 231]Washingtonu................................ 58 58 127 04 21...... I............ 6CA37 2250 1071~~~~~............18 55 136 6 5282 Total............................. 1122 1122 2777 2505'5282.................. — 339::- 109 -91 L —' POCAHONTAS COUNTY. 282 Bellville........................ 59 59 155 IZ 282.................. 73 46 158 - 5 9 65 19 12...... 43... 2905Cedar............................................ 62 62 151 139 290 1... 95 145 41 - 9 12 54 21 11 7 70!i 0 100 Center............................................ 19 19 54 46 100................ 29 8 31- 32 24 32 8 6 4 9...... 53 116 1 Clinton.................................. 27 27 67 49 116... 60 25 13 5 27 7 6 1 29 7.........30 240 Colfax....................................... 256 56 119 121 240 44 91 755 - 30 19 61 13 7 2 43 2 13 2650Des Moines, Rolfe, C. H................. 56 56 141 124 265................. 50 3711 9 56 12 8 2 65 18 21 139-1 Dover...................... 301 25 68 139 50 72 2 5 21 II 27..... 7t..... 34 116 Cinton................................ 11 9 71 53 114 Grant....................................... 26 26 6 53 116....... 21 48 45..... 31 9 5 23..... 23 186 Jackson........................ 38 97 89 186 38 149 28 29 4 2 41 17 0 85 Linolfe, c. H....................... 17 17 43 42 85..... 23 34 225_ 6 9 5 6... 14...... 18 M 496 Lizard...................... 88 89 257 239 496.............. 174 141 145 - 36 25. 27 47 16 9 90 361 Swan Lake.................. 7 7 21 15 36.................. 9 114................2.....3....... 8 7 58 ~ 2249~ Total................................. 485 485 1134 1115 2249.................. 650 858 482........ 131 556 174 84 29 464 67 278 1 POLK COUNTY..630 JAlcsn....................~.................... 121 121 328 302 630..9 310 31........ 28 144 68 219 -6 140 2 106!4 1692Beaver................................... 329 329 915 771 1686 573 1021 98........ 62 400 140 65 21 407 15 319 PD 13091 Bloomfield.................................. 217 217 674 618 1292 9 8 17 481 662 166........ 50'"344 119 38 6 232...... 11 1366 Camp.....................................~~.... 255 2,55 703 663 1366......... 746 597 23.,...... 50 344 118 631 23 305 3 218 10556 Crocke.............................. 176 176 558 497 1055 487 542 26........ 43 315 96 25 11 208 9 141 10127Delaware...................... 180 180 538 470 1008 2 2 4 411 545 56....... 39 224 72 25 11 235 2 139 680 Douglas....................................... 124 371 309 680 290 330 60...... 30 192 67 24 9 166 12 120 776 IElkhart,...................................... 145 145 408 368 776 4 7 11 358 296 122....... 36 162 46 29 7 138 21 84 449 gFour Mile................,..............~~~~ 93 93 244 205 449 131 166 80....,.... 16 88 21 15 9 1091...... 66 7371 Franklin.........................~.....::'.. 134 134 387 339 726 4 1 304 397 36........'21 196 69 35 10 168 4 130 4100 BeGran............................................ 68 68 203 197 400 180 i7........ 17 104 35 14 7 91 4 75 903 Jefferson.............................~....~~~~ 161 161 470 425 895 Al... 428 440 25........ 51 219 47 42 10 177 8 Mm 1031o Lincoln d............................... 168 168 581 522 1103............. 439 245 419........ 54 343 84 50 14 138 54 33 1631 Madison........................... 303 303 857 777 1631........... 803 789 39........ 91 435 129 55 12 339 1 265 691 CSaylor..................................... 119 119 3501 328 78 6 7 13 325 330 36....... 36 180 76 25 3 1521...... 107 884 Vallev........................................ 150 17 456 4281 884.................I 3751 431 78........ 37 230 106 32 6 19 4 160 C*~ POLK COUNTY.-CONTINUED. rj5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P a~i'WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP'LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. ct b.;. 0 o bD WNAIES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 4 0 0 - AND CITIES. P4 4-(~~~~.. p4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- +5- f E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z z oEoZ I IZ 1008 Walnut........................................ 177 177 536 467 1003 5[...... 5 440 464 104........ 84 248 96 29 121 218 3 170 789 Washington............................. 150 150 406 383 789.. 416 261 112 191 71 33 8 165 4 114 17095 Total.3070 3070 8985 8066 17050 31 33 64 7581 8006 1528........ 779 4359 1460 620 185 3579 146 2596 Des Moines, city of, C. H.,.. 1484 44 First ward..257 283 791 671 14621 11 11 22 496 568 420] 54 345 108 42 19 351 41 309 0 PI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 OF 76 9 151 5 9 ~ 2 5 8 2267 " Second ward......:": 398 418 1107 1103 22101 46 11 57 556 1332 379........ 17 451 76 39 15 596 25 388 2934 " Third ward............ 5091 577 1358 1536! 2894! 18 22 40 849 1740 34 118 6191 213 73 25 694 14 464 - 2073.... 76 12073 " Want.......Fourth ward.......... 397 416 1003 1068 2071...... 2 2 768 952 53........ 78 487 174 47 3 432 42 331 2207 Fifth ward.456 475 1068 1061 2129 35! 43 78 788 951 468........ 66 523! 141! 129 30 453 66 350 1737 " Sixth ward......... 296 338 866 856 1722 7 8 15 552 942 243........ 49 315 72 49 20 422 33 268 1741 " Seventh ward........ 343 370 854 790 1644 48 49 97 595 652 4941........ 18 389 49 31 17 315 88! 210 __ _ — 144 4 3 1.........-.-..I..... -. —--------- --- __ - ________ Total of city.2728341 12 363 09 30 144431 T l C................... 2656 2877 70471 7085 14132 165 146 311 4604! 7137 20.. 400 3129 3 -3 41 129 3 0 2320 --- — _ 1 —_32 1_ ---- I — ---- - --- _ -- 496 31558S Total of county.5726 5947 16032 15151 31183 196 179 375 121851 15143........ 1179 7488 22931030 31 4684 4 54916 NOTE BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE. —An enumeration of the inhabitants of the city of Des Moines was taken by order of the city council on the 14th of September, 1875, the result of which is hereto annexed. 1575 First ward...................................... 878 672 1550 12! 13 251 540 610! 425........! 5! 375 118 52 25!........ 2542 Second Ward.1321.............. 13 1159 2480 60 9 69 641 1475 430. 27 491 83 43 18........ 3660 Third ward........................ 1 1877 3623 17 20 37 1030 2088 542. 128 680 253 91 30........ 2111 Fourth ward................................. 1012 1098 2110...... I 1 783 970 358....... 85 507 182 49 4...... 2348 Fifth a................................... 1 1126 2275 37 36 73 853 1024 774. 74 548 148 138 33. 2011 Sixth ward...................................101 930 1991 14 6 20 660 1072 279 53 360 85 55 25.. 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5:751 111 521 25ii~~_~!!.!i!i wr......... 1876 Seventh ward............................ Seet w. 921 832 1753 67 56 123 651 712 509 271 429! 51 34 19......... 21- -1 Tt l- 0................................................... 1 76 12120 14133 9 304........ 8542 46................ 17537 67 56[14 3 51 ______ POTTAWA~V~TTAMIE COUNTY~~. oo 846 Avoca, town of........................... 2 4 1 8 1 217[ 401 146] — 82 23 116 49t 39] 51 071 321 180 188 Belknap........................ ~~ ~~~ 8 3 1~ 8.8......1..,... a 10 6........ 4 5 01 21...... 3 557 Boomer............................. 0 1332 8 8 5... r 1 17 0 6~ 4 0:.. 9 836~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ 0 85te.......106!.......... ~~~~~~~~~ 14 5210 135 45 t21 8......1 1 ~ 8- 35 2 7 1 0 3............... 89 ~ ~57...": ~ 2 186 u-101 3527 6.13 ~ 16 al,1 ~3...... 49 836 Crienter..................................~~~~~~~ 455 310 836....316 4 8-3 3 51t 74 0[ ] 7/6 57 rv..........................~~ ~~~~~~~ 2 2 4 0 1 6 4 1 6 12 5 5 3 191............ 507Hze Groe......................................... 1 26 126 4 24030 50 211] 269 441 17.36i9 ]3 19 54 3 ] 59...... 250 Ylardin..................~.. ~~~~~ 3 1 9...... I...... I....... 629 61 3 1 53 iii 71... 4...... 3 1340j~nox exe. ofAvoca................ 2Aj 45 1 0 8 [ 1 137 815 3401 63 11 —25 53 3 110 567 18[ 7 2[ 5 7 8 6036 Ylazel oe.........................~.......~....~ 2 0 120.~59 64 035....'....1 88t. 320 9 15 1 191- 2,3 20 49[ 54 84 11 [ 28/ 6 815 4193 Jlcesoi...........~...............~...~~~ 9 6 21 20 41........ [.......~!j 8 4 0 16 4L 19 6 16 6 9 3~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~59 Nzl.......~.... ~~~~~~~~~ 1 6 99 16393..... ~ I 71...... 9 3 161 7 18 —13 7 74 1 1 751 217 /3 2891 Noralk..............~... ~~~~~~~~~~~ 54 54 158 S1 2830............1...1P 14 6 2 1 8 2 6 6 5 8 5 9112 Kae x.ocfCou nci Blffs.....,...~. ~~~~~~ 1874 460515 43 1 2..1 482 42372 54 36 89 27[ 69 38 0~ 12 17 154 2386 Kleg Creek............................. 4 3 2............j.... 25 138 5 34 86....2 4 21134 Kahngox,.... ex c.....~. of.~ 2kv oc0 t...... I...... I..... 2~ 491693 141 —... 15 3 4] 21 56 3] 15 2 8 272 81 025 4 - 123 841 19 10 3] I 44/: 2/ 32 1003Lyton........,......................~~~~~~ ~ 3 5 6 8...... I......9 19 559. 003 321 5~194-2 3 11 3 11 3 7 5 41MacedTonia.,................................... 9e5 933668 51 9 1200 1 19 62 25C9 l13.... s4e 203 06] 4 4 197 6] 4 06[ 6, 93 Council~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~41 i!!iiii!!ii t!!!iiiii U 395 9 Neolas............................ 619 61 -109~ 160 3 59 1 6 77 108 lC2 27 74t0 29 13.. 1175] 4 121 6313 9~8 2 2sg9Seonwrwd...................... 54 5 158319 82 8~ 1 137 104 3 72 ~... 14 6s/3 22 08 x~ 6! 5,~ 1s~ 5 48~~~~~~~~~~~14 Pesn................... 282 2 5 22 1 5 ~ 9 c18 - - i6 19~ 49 9] 34. 1 4 4 10] 19 891 20 9117 l Tokf ord c.............:................ Q4 9174 14 34 761i 4352 19161 416 43] 5 [- 3 31 20| 791 37 617 99| 3] 1349 2587 Ii'ourth war 1 4 9 7 ~1'..... 60 38 4-93451484 S ilvear Creek, ex. Bok... 2 1i 6 365............................ 402 8............j 2 1 48 61 1 21016 Washing, ton.............................. 33 3 35 2130 86 ] 5 2 168 7I I38 119 21....... 13 67 18 68 4 1 7 373 1 W23 veland................. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 07 28 22 21......1...... I...... Ii:. 9 86 984 244 22....1 49 16 5 165......10 182gDepPie...,................................ 9 6 186 18 2] 5i 79 70~ "'Ili1I~ II/ 41 621 461..... 4 8 151 1 21 5 11 912 6 i 0 3 2 Yo3/rknel 3u.o on.......,ili 7 6 2j 553a6 ~91 $ 3 2 8j 5 9 POWESHIEK COUNTY. —CONTINUED. WHWIIITE COLORED I NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP'LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. I NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 4.,io o or I~AmTA~TS. / mWARSLD. [ AND CITIES. 0 ";~4 e 4a d FC = _ / 1 I. -. o od c.:1480 G~rinnell, town of:....................... 295, 295] 719, 7361 1455 15 10 25 362[ 1002 86 — 30 4 6 1 51 519 28 b fl~~~14 2511 356 ~278 1049 Jackson, exc. of Montezuma...... 203[ 203J 557 487[ 1044 4 1 5 441J 603 7 2 53 230j 119i 30l 14l 24-3...... 167 t 836 Jefferson....................................... 150J 150[ 443 393l 836................. 352j 456 60J 32 152 165[ 63l 39l 22l 178 6 148 811 [Lincoln......................................... 11 11 44 37 8..........30 35 7-3 38 235[ 64 39J 13 153 16 117 C 837JMadison..................................... 156 156{ 439 398J 837.................. 302[ 445j 82[ — 8 43 214j 98J 231 9J 183'10 116 722JMalcom, exc. of town................ 99J 99J 475J 245J 7201 2...... 2J 124 290J 97J —211J 26J 119J 41J 10J......J 115 2 2 353 M/alcom'. town of.......................... 15 899 80480 181J 172[ 3531.................. 119i 2001 32J — 21 211 68J 241 11 7] 91 23 5 460 Motezuma townof, C.H......... 94 4 2,34 226 460............I...... 177 258 -.... -25 3 29/ 115 4l 41 116 1 7 ~695 JPleasant.......:.................................. 127 127, 363{ 317J 680 101 51 15 2,54 3?5 10 - 2 36 1771 611 26 10 157 1 1 63 Sct.............................................. 124 124t,T33 300 6331......I............ 2041 3a91 92 2 21 45 8 14 4 24 5 5 C 6791Sheridan...................................... 1261 126 3631 316l 679..................I 227 3211 130l — 11 2 1671 48[ 34[ 11l 139 22 107 785JUnion..............,...........................j 153J 153~ 3951 389 784[ 1...... 1 406 358 15'6 31 206[ 86[ 42J 13[ 160.... 115 Q 1092[Warren........................................ 191J 191 5-75 517[ 1092.................. 447[ 536[ 64 —45 53 252[ 110J 46[ 9J 229.... 152' 740 Washington.................................J 133 133J 3841 356J 740.....,......... 328 344 67 - 1 2 201[ 72 25 8[ 157..8 119 1........ 02 7711 56 16 "4 49 RINGGOLD COUNTY. 395 Liberty.....................~~~~~~............ 1 7 20 19 39........... 32 2.101.... 1 4 [10 36 0.... 7 4921Athncol.................................... 86 87 23 29 42............ 20 63 25.... 17 37 4 5 4 9? 8 4 200 18 381....... ~P,...~t~. 159[ 20 0 $" 431J~~~en ton ~...r......................... 41......... 112 9J6 e35 2 26..699 1469 Clinnl town................................ 9 29 1 3 45 0 8 ~~~~11~"5 3i 00 80 69[.... 2~ 22211 20 I4I1 4 35 2187 5 470 Grant l...................................... 72~ 74 41 37 1 0J 5......J3 2~8 235 6 9 13 53 4 8 117 5921 Jeffeson....................................... 107 10743 307J 85J 32.5 J 14J 8244 2 1$ 18 3 59'10 16 Ur 492JMlicolfon........................... 8 0 11 12 33......1....,....1 8 7 9 4211111 24 2 3J 1 2172[~ ~ 13/ 7 4492 84 59 -~ 6952]LoaattCre.....................:............... 108 11 63 35~ 2 98 652...... 275J 335 1 4 26 30 17 6 1 50 10 142 95 18?3 510] Middle Fork~................,...,....,......... 831 831 251129 510]1......[......]....., 6 6.[,.. 2 1 28 20 93761C 383[ Moniroe.........................,............ 68] 68 184] 199] 383...... I......]......] 129 236 i~' 1.... 11 t 4 1067 3 5 952]Mount Ayr, Mount Ayr, c. ~....I 1681 169t 480] 469[ 949[ 2[ 1[ 3[ 396 512] 4 35 229 81 22 6] 193[II l 422/1~ice.............................,...~.............] 80] 801 2181 204] 422]j......I'.....I.(...,..[ 174t 2101 38 1........ 15 114 39 29[ 13l 85 52 1 o 0 Tingley...,.....................,............. [ 35[ 35i 107[ 96[ 203l......]......1I......I 73{ 1301........... 2 3 a Union~.........,.,.................,.............. 41] 40[ 108] 92l 2001 5 4[ 9 91[ 112 66 3 7 3 2 4... -6J5W.shngon............................. 14 14 35 30 6jI... I....... 2 2 32 6 4 30 10[ 122 2 9 7546 Total 18281 1339 -- I — I ~1 1~ 1~~~~~~~~~~~32 13 8 33 5 1 15 3210 2 8 03 95 2 1919 214 SAC COUNTY. 234[ ]3oyer Valley................................ 48] 50 127t 107 234 1....1...1... 56 167 14 3! 6 531 6 91.... 621... 52 ~8551 Clinton...................................... 2 7 5.. I..... 8 1........ 8 4 3 3 2 3 Dr)uglas..............................,........... 78[ 78 194/ 1921 386[ 1.../......1031 198 61 -- 24 14 59[ 6 11 82...... 4 1731 Eden................................... 3 6 9 4 131............ j ~.. 7 9 11 2 9 4 03 8 Jackson, Sac City, c. ~r............... 17 49 32811...... I.. 2651 5111 45]........I 411 173[ 66 2 212 5 2 Levey 5 7 2................................0 ss........ 14 6 ~[o553.7 n.......;.....,........................... 89 91 245J 228 473 1...i...I 6...15 26 9 2 18 2 52 0 s c 344[ W;all Lake.......................... 6 2 19 15 341...... I...... I...... 10 ~[218 8 95 62i 2873 Total 575 5~~~~~~6 10 s 2]7 4 1641 35 12 61 219]j3 571 SCOTT COUNTY. ~~~~~I Y 6831i BfAlleton' rove........................... 8 2 3 5I 1I..... 2 8 3I 1 1 5 892 ~~~~~ ~~17Bte....................... 155 17 7335~] 63~506842............ 338[., 14 7 ] 185 3r...: -- l~1 1 34 96 0 B71 luerass....................................... 4 3 9 7 0 13.....,I... 4 6 48... 4 97 6981 3 0 13628[ Buffe~aloe, exe. of town................ 19 19 34 30 741..... I.......35 33 14-f 1 14 9 9 4 171 1 319 11211Le~~~laire, tow211 211 60] 1223....1.....1. W 59 8 2 1 417 43 94[ 5 203- 29~ 8 2........ 1 20 6 1043~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6~ 17brt....................... 9 9 4 9 0 4 2 85- 3 6 1... 8 99 Lncln..................................... 8 6 3 5 9 0 1 9- 4 6 3 8 0 7 892/Buasat Vtler.................... 246 4l 7 6 735 34... 1 343 65 5.... 0 15 1 70 9 02 6831~~~~~ Prneoee ftw............... 12 15 37 36 631...... I....... 1 5 152 0 93487 1405 87 92 428 38 6 870] icleton, tono....................... 13 12 23 22 451.........~......... 1 2 4 1 1 136 101 136 201 6 318Rokighm.. 5 5 18 10 181-1 43 12431 49174 870.... 3 1211 Sheridan 215 2~~~~18 264157 1 5 ~ 614487... 350 2 28 0 151 02 16 SCOTT COUNTY.-CONTINUED. C Go WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP' LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. rC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ca m~~~~~~~~~~~ci CE b 0D 7 -Q, U U UI NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS,...,i AND CITIES. 4 p4,~'. c 4 o O 0 0 ceC);-q Z 0 U cu s P OF: ha> cn 0~~' "'d oo.(W O Davenport,~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cit of C. H. c Winfield...................................... 163 52 128 460 980...... 8 1 460 122 138 64 51 116 28 10 1 5 39 185021 Total....................................... 3301 329 9759 8725 184 1 8392 4128 5795........ 677 428 28 7 59 ci Davenport, city of, C. H m 63`17 61 First'ward............... 1162 1373 3163 3152 6315 1 1 2 2672 431 3214........ 155 1531 187 241 116 9031 411 51 t 2938 itc Second ward.........,.. 465 626 1511 1426 2937 1...... I 1 1242 253 14,43........ 102 692 164S 115i 24 410 8081 200 a 2~551 46 Third ward....... ~~.. 446 524 1284 1251 2535 81 81 16 951 562 1038........ 64 57/1 184 851 71 473 115 337 3321 i Fourth ward........... 626 620 1561 1693'3254 27 ~40 671 10)90 1507 724 173 587 2:35 58 28 475 6 599 ~-3 3218 "9 Fifth ward.............. 609 659 1496 1663 3159 25 34 59 1150 1420 648........ 151 603 263 62 23 693 78 551 c 2889 Sixth ward............. 596 578 1399 1456 2855 18 16 34 11481 1054 687........ 112 5401 211 66 11 6071 45 362 d 21234 Total of city......................... 3904 4380 10414 10641 21055 79 100 179 8253 5227 7754........ 757! 4527 1244 627 2i4! 3831 1463! 2560 U 39736 Total of county.....................I 7205! 7676. 20173 19366! 395391 88 109! 197 16645 9455! 13549 1434 8755! 2770 1230 365 7109 3500 4819 SHELBY COUNTY. 116 iass..................................... 20 20 53 58 116.................. 44 58 14........ 4 36 10 5 1 22 2 15 287 Clay..................................... 57 57 146 141 287................. 85 179 23........ 5 54 16 15 9 50 14 25 319 Douglas...................................... 57 57 109 146 315 3 1 4 116 194 9........ 15 76 30 13 4 49 1 48 740 Fairview..................................... 160 160 390 350 740..................294 275 171........ 24 149 46 33 16 144 24 135 653 Grove................................... 110 110 338 310 648 1 4 5 298 292 63........ 29 176 66 18 7 123 41 90 77 Greeley........................................ 15 15 43 34 77.................. 17 60.3 22 7 2 2 14 7...... 17 - 927 Harlan, Harlan, C. H............ 171 171 509, 418 927 -...... 224, 569 34 33 191 61 28 20 221!...... 187 z 271 Jackson....................................... 52 52 141 130 271.................. 115 87 69........ 11 55 171 16 7 3 27 32 114 Jefferson..20 20 64 50 114 29 81 4 4 32 9 7 3 27... 19 343 Lincoln...................... 82 82 179 16 3431.. 131 169 43 16 57 22 23 4 82 2 79 660 Monro e........................ 138 138 353 307 660.................. 188 247 225 43 15 25 28 6 72.............. 181 Polk.............................................~~~ 32 32 92 89 181................~~.. 80 94 2........ 10 53 14 3...... 34...... 8 0 390Shelby............................................ — 8 I7 i 90r Shelby.................,......................... 75 81 239 151t 390......i............ 174 189 27........ 12 78 17[ 16 4j 102 2 97 CA 183 Union.................................... 32 32 102 811 183......I............ 61 93 29....... 7 7 43 17I 14 2 37[ 6 34 - 196Washington................................ 35 35 103 93 196 80 105 11........ 4 51 19 6 1 46 1 207 Westphalia.................................................... 108 209 85 207 1T~~etpha ia...,........................ 31 37 1091 98 207.............. 31. 45i 131....... 11 55 17 16 7 2~1 89 241 56-64 Total of county....... 2620'.............. ] —. 1087] 10991 3035 26 056551 1 —-5 9 — 2 27-7 — 5.... —.... 231 —22/3-62 43 —~3-1 —[- 108-29 5 SIOUX COUNTY. 201 Buncombe................................... 47 47 106 201...... 66 114 18 i10 40 16 1I N6 Floyd............................................ 51 51I 106 19 20 1......;111.......... 66 14 8..... 0 40 6 1 5 3 246 1 Flo~d~~~.51 138 226................ 77 21 63........ 9 51 18 13 5 38 21 42 226 1 Grant............................................ 55 55 116 110 2 6......,........... 87 100........'9 27 11 12 3 53...... 48 1021 Htolland, Orange City, c. -r....... 187 187 5401 481 1021................ 410 109 399........ 59 268 92 57 12 159 69 128 227..Lincoln............ 59 59 123 104 227......[........... 66 127 30........ 31 43 16 9 2 54 4 53 568 NPassau.................................... 125 125 360 208 56j8.................. 198 114 187........ 28 114 3 3 7 lS 3 3~ 2881 Reading.................. 37 34 16 33 8E)8 Rock ding................................. 60 27 163 123'286........./ 85 152 48........ 16 80 16 6 2 60...... 43 } 88 IROC~I~..~~.~...~~ ~~.~... ~~~~~~~~~.........~..~..~.. 27 27 49 39 88.................. 51 14........ 1 18 8 3................ 186j 119{Settler......................................... 230.... 23 33 28 67 52 119.................. 42 45 32........ 3 25 11 8 3 23 11 11 238 8heridan..................................... 56 56 120 118 - 238................ 45 56! 56t 120[ 118 238......{ 901 90/ 58 1 4} 44 8{ 14~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~90 58..... 41 4 8 1 3 5 322 Total..................................... 700 ~698~ 1782 1438 32201......,............ 1144~ 923 877........ 180 1 710, 233 166 83 6371 151 514 ~ 34 STORY COUNTY. 820 Ames, town of............................. 210 210 413 407 820......... 233 517 70....... 33 145 50 29 8 211 6 156 754 Collins........................................ 139 139 3,9 357 751....,....... 335 392 27........ 9 1 9 30 6 151 2 117' 959 Franklin.......................................... 35 2621 44 4 12 13 140 ~ Fr ki.............. 172 172 482 477 959......[............ 399 481 79....... 30 261 81 44 14 182 534 Grant..................................... 102 102 288 246 5311......[......... 172 312 50....... 27 117 3 1 19 17 119...... 71 1143 Howard............................... 198 198 581 562 1143............ 1...... 426 177 540 43 317 79 41...... 129 79 49 1022 Indian Creek....................... 184 184 520 502 1022.................. -439 531 49 149 266 144 25} 17 211 2 147 7431 Laf'ayettte......,............................ 137 137 401 339 743.................. 231 5 6... 3 9 8 9 6 2923Lincolnt...................................... 1 7 4 0l3 9 152....., 30 192t 6 381 13t 89] 67[ 66 2921 Lincoln.........~~~............................ 52 52 157 135 292.................. 85 165 42........ 14 83 34 12 5/ 60 15 30 636 Milford......................................... 104 104 340 296 636....../............ 255 280 101........ 22 153 57 18 8 127 8 95 786 Nevada, exc. of town.................. 135 135 405 381 786......{............ 348 404 34........ 31 204 68 33 7 168.......{ 121 1105 Nevada, town of, c. la................. 216 219 528 577 1105......[............ 355 577 173........ 42 267 74 35 13 243 17 153 827 New Albany.............................. 172 172 413 414 827............... 248 494. 85........ 35 189 74 31 1 179 5 132 898 Palestine................................ 162 162 459 4 897 1...... 1 365 206 327........ 44 234 106 35 22 122 37 67 453 Richland.............................. 75 75 236 217 45/.................. 160 262 29....... 10 112 6 261 S erma......................................!60!ili4 5 1119Uenion.................. 48 47 142 119 26.................... 62 140 59........ 8 65 26 9 7 59 4 49 111SI'Union......................,.........., 207 207 582 537 1119................... 477 505 137........ 40 307 84 49 14 219 1C 182 132 W arren................ 27.. 73 59 132.......... 39 56 37........ 8 29 1 2 7 2 19 9 16 ~~~~~82 W sigo,xe........ 4 1[ 6 8 827 Ti~ashington, exe. of A~es........ t 150 150 419 408 827.....h.......n..... 263 462 102........ 35 167 44 22 2 192...... 113 15419 Total.............. 3 1 6 xamn1 Totatl ~~~~.~.~~~~~,..................................... -z-i5 29 6 Tai 133101-'71..7,'1 4 -' ~ 61..-......_. 6 —6 33-29- 11871 487 159i1 25741 282 1759 (:: TAMaA COUNTY. WHITE COLORED N 4TiVITY BETWEEN 5 AND 1 POPULATION. POP' LkTION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. 2 gNAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, e F -I a " AND CITIES. 0. 2 0 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~ -~I ~ i~ Zj ]'~ PI.;I Z 0I w.0 4~~~~~~~~~~2 00~ d 1 4 0 0 a0 Q C) 2T4 T E- *oI 0. W o'0 0 0.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0O' ~~i -" -F 0* 02 023 00. 03. a 5~~Q 0~ 0 I.2.2 +;) ca o' OP ~dO.3 6o 02 02 ~ d o a o 668 Buckingham............................... 114 114 349 319 668.................. 227 825 116..... 37 154 40 24 8 150 21 90 844 Carlton........................................ 148 148 456 388 844.................. 212 338 19 10 26 137 46 11 2 176 14 135 575 Carroll.................................. 98 98 318 257 575.................. 227 202 146....... 17 161 69 17 9 103 26 86 711 Clark........................................... 130 130 389 322 711.................. 233 379 129 11 12 178 63 39 9 137 77 96 C! 776 Columbia.................................... 144 146 388 388 776............2...... 289 344 103 - 40 25 181 70 39 9 153 13 94 616 Crystal..........................7..... 0...... 1071 342 274 616.................. 206 235 175....... 47 139 45 24 5 120 35 143 5691 Geneseo....................................... 1021 102 316 2531 569............... 212 338 191........I 261 137 46 11 2 1221...... 148 343 Grant............................................ 64 64 181 162 343.................. 121 97 139 14 20 87 20 11..... 50 32 31 593 Highland..................................... 112 1121 314 279 5931.................. 180 351 61 - 1 25 144 40 22 6 127 27 96 902 Howard....................................... 167 167 473 429 902...........371 477 54.... 29 230 814 35 2 196 5 144 10,59 Indian Village, exc. of Montour 197 197 553 506 1059......... 453 545 3 - 8 4 2641 110 35 10 188...... 150 389 Lincoln...................8.................... 86 210 179 389......10........7 107 178 3 23 61 21 10 3 59 47 33 514 Montour, town of...................... 110 112 268 245 513 1...... 1 157 229 27 — 101 20 114 27 16 10 123 11 89 790 Oneida.............................. 139 139 440 350 790.................. 258 306 230 4 30 195 63 36 12 143 52 18/ 1043 Otter Creek.................................. 187 178 578 465 1043............... 428 3301 275 - 10 56 244 80 50 9 190 42 113 778 Perry, exc. of Traer.................... 148 148 416 362 778.....2....... 273 360 1161 - 29 26 190 61 31 7 171 16 89 870 Richland...................................... 168 168 462 408 870.386 437 86 39 29 224 88 30 191 7 140 I 6816 62 48 7t.............. 386 4371 8 3 29[ 22418 3o 15 191] 7] 140 1062 Salt Creek.................................... 197 197 546 516 1062.......... 412 402 161 - 87 39 269 90 43 9 220 2 122 713 Spring Creek.............................. 140 140 388 324 712 1...... 1 257 280 1671 — 9 36 158 39 33 11 179 7 141 222 Tama, exc. ofTama City........... 41 41 122 100 222............. 86 106 11 - 19 8 64 1I 2 1 41 2 27 1197 Tama City, town of.................... 246 246 600 597 1197.................. 443 661 111 18 42 250 83 32 10 280 3 183 655 Toledo, exc. of town.................... 132 132 332 316 648 5 2 7 286 340 29........ 41 180 62 23 6 141 4 74 1022,Toledo, town of, C. H.................. 216 216 466 523 989 14 19 33 356 574 92........ 33 210 106 34 18 255 4 151 740 Traer, town of............................. 148 148 413 327 740............199 414 123 - 4 30 202 34 34 4 214 9 147 5' "' "' 21 6938 85051 3138........ 795 4523 1528 706 192 3911 507 290 11201 York..*........,.......,o 196 196 60~5181 11210 "' 418 223 479 " 54t 273 883 51 13 18 51 200 18771 Total........................................ 3537 332 9922 8807 18729 21 21 42 693 9 z ~[~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c P [196 196 602 120............[~~ TAYLOR COUNTY Ia q;n 861 Bedford, town of, c. }r............... 1 0 0 2 2 5 0 294 539'28 1........ 741 169'~ 52 14 5 c215 1 184 659 Benton,~ exc. of town...........,....... 4 0 3 1 6 I 2381 4171 41.... 641 1i61 571 12 3 1431.~.... 102 97Dla624 Clayton.......................,............... 113] 113] 324J 300 621...I......... 23~1 371J 191.... 261 1631 39 32 6 131] 1 110 927I1 ala;.....::::::::::I:::::::.:: 4 L9 45 49 97i................-.............4919[8 t43 94 393[ 229t 5["'300 51 260 711 331 22 183...... 5 ~~~~~~~7 2 11 15 361...... i...................0 81...............12 7 1...... 155 371]qlrant................,....................... 69] 69 205] 166 371...i......1 105] 254J 12.... 15 76 43 15 i 78L1...... 57 2121 Grove.........,................................ 531 531 1131 99 212 1....I..... 581 1411 13 1.... 13 29 14 7 4 62...... 49 796 Holt........................................... 142 142] 405] 380 785 zili?! 8 45 8....... 2 5 1 6 421. Jac~kson....................................... 74t 74i 2101 2ll 421 1.......2001 2181 31....i 141 1t41 37 19 9 81...... 5 639 1Jefferson.................................... 119J 119] 336] 302] 638 1...1 2561 383]1......... I... 53] 172 391 24[ 12l 12,51...... 100 710 1Mason....................................... 124] 14 3j0] 350 480 243] 444] 231 711 149l 511 20[ 71 147 1...... 111 4851 ~trsh11~~~~~~~~~~~...~~~~~~.~~~.. 13 103 251 29 480 2 3 5 178{ 286{ 211 18 104{ 29 23{ 101 107 2 85 6131Nod awmay...........,........,......,.......... 110] 110{ 327{ 286 613]1......... 221] 3581 34{.. 27{ 185 41{ 161 5} 134 2 87 665 1Platte........................................... 130t 130{ 3f61 2991 665{!...I....I.. 210 401{ 541..... 331155 55 25 7 176 1 146 893 ]Polk............,................................ 168{ 168] 470] 423 893{ _ 3741 514{ 51 43] 2321 74: 30]. 181 200]...... 1 C 626 I Ross...,......................................... 117 17 38 38 6628 38 1 8 03 2 16953 j 570[ Wafshington................................ 10 10 29 7 7 1 4 1....1 41 ~ 3 s 0 i 10418] Total................................... -— ~ -- -- — ~ 13 29 3909~~ 5899136 2610 8314 3791 1441 2282 16 —~7 C I!.11i. i!!l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ij UNION COUNTY. 1123 Alton, town of, c. H.................... 1751 1751 562]1 561 11231... 3911 653] 2 - 5' 461 212 781 37 11 268...... 206 ~ 1819 ICreston, town of.......................... 2 4 1035] 778 18131 2..i.. 707 941] I8,: 81 65 1671 13 8 40'i 3 299 Dodge...................................... 6 4 5 4 9...... I.... [.... 2 81....- 5 3 45 14.... 55 Fj~GI ougl~s, xe. f Crston......... 12 128 317,/ 269 5861... 138 384: t 35] 115] 40 6 1 i 3 I 2 202 Grant...'........................................ 0 5 4 1 6 100 154,I..... 16/ 611 18 8 ii 9.... 5 563 IHighland................................, 0 0 9 6 6 5 0 0 2 9 5 12 $ 8...' I 321 1 n7 ew Hope 56 58 ~~~~~143 15 11 25 19 27..... 628 91 4..,....1 6 541 1 Pleasant iiii':'::i'i..................... 16 16 21 20 5124 23 5 ] n 11 4 1 5 10... 7 402 ~ancl C-reek............... 2 9 5 1 268 563....... 9 6 9 152 309'3, 17 19/ 15 4 21 2 01 1 8 1 9 8 iii6 77 880 Joaldng es,....,.................. 3 9 11 10 3...... I............ 17.15...... 14715 4 60 419 251 41 53..:1 120 61 nion, ex. At..............,... 14 14 35 22"1................. 20 31 3i... I..( 21 16 51111 2 3jals 521..... ]~~ 121 179l { 6 741 2961 13/'5 7 4 iii!6 8873~ Potlat.....':; 9 4'~! 417 801 12 2' 8612131,.............................. I 1 691 36 735..... 1321 402 I / 45/ 2011 801 21 8] 145...... 9 VAN BUREN COUNTY. a Fs WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP'LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. do 5s 0 B ~sc O d B O fj Q a, a a a a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C C tNAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND CITIES.. 80 1 15 3.. 595Briga,.own o.........~ 29 9 3~ 50.... 08 PC;; aS 45;- d,~ k 0 k 917[d~ Ce ~dar 1..: S r.a ).. 52 o 0 5 -.4 ~ 0 40. c2 01 7 0 o 0 E-4 E E(:4) 0 0 pn z z z 1- 3 1Z z., 0 6 3 1 5 85.... 4 338 CBentonsport, town of...5.............. 80 80 159 175 334 4 4 131 176 31 6 36 13 5 852 1 41 595 Birmingham, town of.130 130 296. 291 587 1 7 8 279 293 23 25 172 58 19 14 120 1 69 - 13491: Bonaparte.................................... 270 270 668 671 1339 3 7 10 687 529 133........ 37 271 128 32 7 309 32 213 Z 187 Cantril, town of.......................... 50 50 94 93 187.... 72 104 11........ 9 41 10... 50 38 917 Cedar.......................................... 173 173 490 427 917.................. 529 373 15........ 331 265 90 28 7 200 147 ci 996 Chequest................................. 198 198 516 480 996.502 455 39........ 30 254 94 38 14 222 14 148 C 1063 Des Moines........................... 207 207 561 502 1063.549 468 46........ 40 272 92 37 7 245 1 200 0 842 Farmington, exc. of town. 170 425 413 838 2 2 460 296 86 26 213 106 26 10 180 9 100 679 Farmington, town of................. 179 179 345 331 676 2 1 3 301 297 81... 24 150 61 12 2 149 2 84 955 Harrisburg....................... 179 179 482 473 955............... 525 97 33 38 198 81 49 8 228 1 119 639, kl en ~ y~~~~~~~~~~~~V......... ci ~ 639 HNeeny.................................1..... 34 134 310 329 639........ 371 5 23.... 19 146 60 25 5 161 1 106 1633 Jackson, exe. of Cantril...... 324 324 845 787 1632....... 1 797 814 22.... 37 361 135 46 20 403... 262 788 Keosauqua, town of, c............. 177 177 341 374 715 41 32 73 400 350 38....... 33 191 73 20 17 172, 2 110 W 954 Lick Creek.................................... 188 188 503 450 953 1.... 1 566 370 18........ 29 257 118 26 15 225...... 156 892 Union exc. of Birmingham...... 172 172 459 423 882 5 5 10 482 379 31 1 36 238 95 27 26 214.... 156 1431 Van Buren, exc. of Keosauqu.. 264 264 726 702 1428 1 2 3! 756 605 70....... 55 355 149 37 30 316...... 218 8221 Vernon......:......... 188 188 432 390 822.......... I... 413 361 48........ 30 170 90 36 10 1941 7 154 1444 Village.........................280 280 734 705 1439 4 1 5 834 553 57 63 333 122 51 16 323...... 218 456 W ashington, cxc. Bentonsport... 90 90 2421 214 456.. 261 181 14 18 84 27 211 2 97...... 74 16980! Total L. 34531 34531 86281 82301 168581 60162 122 89091 72461 819 1 5921 4047! 1625 543 215 3893 70 2613 41698 Toalh n tn e. 13no so..... WAPELLO COUNTY. 1321 Adams......................................... I224 225 696 625 1321................. 734 543 44 55 368 148 511 5 260 13 172.. 564 Agency, exc. of town....... 117 117 287 263 550 7 7 14 300 236 28 28 134 63 24 6 1.12.... 83 o 658 Agency City, town of................. 148 148 330 327 657 1 1 299 338 21.... 25 161 40 19 7 157.. 107 787 Cass...1................................ 131 131 386 401 787.... 386 297 104!...... 32 191 77 40 16 185 16 71'-. 2970 Center, exc.- of Ottumwa............ 68.568 1486 1446] 2932 24 14 381 908 Columbia, exc. of Eddyville..... 163 163 429 068............ 4..76 367 65 25/ 255 53 271 1 1 189 20 140 -.................. 9,29 Comp~etine............ 173~ 173 467 462 929.................. 440 458 31........ 214 5 45 11 201 1 142.. 589 Dahlonega........................... 118 118 295 290 585 1 3 4 2.71 308 10......... 21 148 6 14 6 128. 95 "' 427 Eldon, towil of............................ 98 98 217 209 426 1......I1 178 192 57....... 24 77 23 1215 Green......................................... 219 219 633 580 1213 1 1 2 512{ 65....... 45 3 3 127 48 1 25 16 17 9131 Highland.....................................~ 1693 169 492 421- 913........,.......,.... 439 442 32....... 36 257 94 35 11 194 1 156 577r Keokuk....................................... 104 104 309 266 575 1 1 2 300 244 33....... 26 121 99 21 7 166...... 77 11241 Pleasant.................................~...... 209 216 571 553 1124.................. 593 508 23........ 54 243 121 45 21 257 1..... 170 9981Polkg........................................... 192 192 524 474 998.................. 489 279 230...... 36 27 95 20 13 193 26 125 14111 Richland...................................... 23 273 721 676 1397 7 7 14 655 7 1........ 91 362 126 20 2 321 2 208 8985Washington, exe. of Eldon....... 163 163 452 446 898.................. 510 377 11............... 171 30 19 178 1...... 86 16289 Totan.................................. 3069 3069 8345 7868 16213 43 33 76 8009 7118 1162........ 693 747 1650 562 103 3440 155 2357 717 First ward............... 150 150 354 863 717 1..... 1.......... 311 347 59 998~~~~2....,........... 5331 Second ward... 110 110 270 255 525 3 5 8 202 301 30. 7 130 43 16 2 116 15 91 1250 Total of town............... 618 1242 3 5 8 513 648 84 16 2 281 15 103 Ottu8wa, city of, c. d., 2538 First ward.................. 393 393 1389 1037 2426 50 62 112 915 1144 479 607,,,... 4t79 205 93 30 678] 8 616 1020 Second ward.............. 182 182 484 48'7 971 23 26 49 401 469 150 47.... 192 86G 43 15 240 5 202 MRZ 140 Thrd ard............ 19 19 71 61 1362 17 24 41 492 677 234 1,... 55 227 99 42 8 312 10 272 1.3 7 7 ] 111 ~ 1403'I37 4511 27................. 140 59 251882 1- i6 23865 Ttalof ounty...................... 332482 71 23547 151 167 31 58 10868 10710 1 238 377319 16 2 3 29 5 2 869 Allen.............................. 158 161 447 418 65 2 2 4 43 39 16 42 1 3 254 75 33 10 200 3 13 1145 21fct............. 1 08 2028 589 55286 1.15.............458 645 42.....~1...... 44 274 94 38 6 254 2 166.. 139Geedd nfield town of,......................... 246........ 52 840 155 65 14 304 6 1884 I dianla, towD O, C. H............ 91. 891 90 0948 1857 101 167 2187 741 010 85 52 - 6 0 6 422 1581 70 30 427 12 221' -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ 82....................................... 142 12 41 401 832.0 38 1 179 -2 0 4237 1468./ 92 930 Jefferson,,....................................... 170 I'd 0 483 447 980................ 423 506 12 13 54 224 82 36 1 7... 1 1031 Liberty........................................ 191 191 535 4096 10311...... I......I...... 473 542 161........ 46B 303 89 4 7 25j 205 1/ 128 1250 Toa oef terown......................... 1 1C 8 4 3,. I..... 2 0 6 5 2 2'7 3 958 Linn.............,.....,.....,................... 1'76.176 524 434 958............40 453 69 4 48 286 109 32 111 198 31 152 90391 Otter..,........................................... 154 154 489 414 903 5 1 6 409 483 16 - 1 83 2401) 106 36 12 195 4 142 11181 Palmyra............................., 218 218 565 5531 1118........... 21 2 — 130 55 3 7 10-2 2...... 227:..... 649 550 121 Richl and....................... 29 29 69 61 11....... 7 27 8 64120... 8 WARREN COUNTY.-CONTINUED. WHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP' LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21YEAS OLD. o~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ 21m YEAS OLD. o E).. o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ d O k a a a a r(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d d ce 0 NAMESOFTOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, o, S s ~~~~~~~~ AND CITIES. 2143[W ashingon, ex. on 9. I 0 7 50 3. *- - 0 3 P P P ~ Efri I U n 1FI.d cC ~02 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c 6 a o 0 04 C C)~ 0 Z 0o oe3 0 6 6 0i C0 F4 E-( ~~ES;4 Pr, I? i a) 14 R 14 1T4 764 Squaw........................................ 151 151 389 375 764................. 347 407 10 32 194 57 40 10 166e..... 104 695 Uniou...................13..................... 7 133 357 333 695........... 375 294 3 - 23 36 213 68 18 7 149...... 104 913 Virginia................................ 124 124 575 338 913.................. 268 436 16 -193 44 185 58 35 15 155 2 118 Z1 2143 Washington, exc. of Indianola 386 386 1145 996 2141 2...... 2 887 1201 65 10 74 504 203 81 34 512...... 383 W 1069 White Breast.............................. 188 188 532 529 1069.......... 407 462 611 —139 52 297 82 38 15 202 5 150 c 672 White Oak................................... 121 121 352 320 672.............. 277 384 17 6 28 191 64 29 13 142 1 123.................................. 1 61~ i~ 407[. 268 18541 Total...' 3419 3418 9655 8819 18487 30 24 54 81951 9337 651 769 4755 1724 717 358 3923 41 2684 WAYNE COUNTY. uZ 0r2 571 Allenton, town of...................... 1 119 119 307 264 571............ 164 338 13 - 56 27 93 30 24 14 154...... 129 892 Benton...................................... 151 151 460 431 891 1 1 436 446 10........ 30 274 89 25 14 176 96 634 Clay1 26................................ 126 327 307 634................307 297 36 6 43 167 41 31 7 115...... 94 679 Clinton..................................... 116 116 350 329 679.......... 240 248 6 -185 37 195 66 28 19 140...... 122 762 Corydon, exc. of town.............. 121 121 405 356 761 1...... 1 306 406 48 - 2 27 220 87 31 8 152 2 115 672 Corydon, town of, c. H....................... 135 342 330 672............ 238 396 32 - 6 23 149 59 23 15 172 1 116 611 Grand River, exc. of Lineville 121 121 305 306 611.................. 339 232 131- 27 361 164 75 27 3 106 168 626 Howard....................................... 109 109 330 295 65 1...... 1 211 402 13 35 185 48 18 8 130 5 88 490 Jackson................................... 96 96 258 232 490.... 206 2701......... - 14 28 123 37 121 31 114...... 73 745 Jefferson..................................... 141 141 387 358 745.... 311 421 13........ 32 186 33 35 16 149..... 107 465 Lineville, town of....................... 89 89 225 240 4651......... 174 288 13 10 23 124 54 17 19 97...... 61 640 Monroe.................................. 110 110 325 315 640.................. 345 284 1 —10 25 181 71 27 21 127...... 102 545 Richman..................................... 109 109 289 256 545............ 165 365 10- 5 28 139 42 24 7 1251...... 82 408 Seymour,town of............. 91 91 209 195 404 2 2 4 139 256 15 2 14 83 24 19 18 122........ 810 South Fork........................ 156 156 440 369 809 1 1 365 443 12 10 49 193 52 43 21 167 120 1101 Union................................. 9199 199 551 549 1100 1...... 1 495 601 5........ 41 314 119 48 18 217...... 1614 7821 Walut, exc. of Seymour......... 1451' 1451 397 385 7821......I...... I...... 1 309 427 46........ 30 248 791 24 16 164..... 107 arrenexcofA11erton............................. 8 181 8 3210,15 802[ Was h i n gton................................ 143 [ 1441 394[ 408 802.......... 311 287.. ]...... 18 f 69 122 351 121 196 196 559 530 1089............ 437 623 1951 41 313 105 25[ 17[ 168I...... 225[ 166? 10891W~ight..........................................'~ 471 li WASHINGTON COUNTY. 596 Brighton, exc. oftown................ 110 ~ 110[ 809 287 5961......I......[......[ 3211 264[ 11[........] 2C 1611 65[ 17 41 123]......] 86 634 Brighton, town of....................... 145 1451317 315 6321 2.......I 21 325 17I — 31 16 126r 72/ 11 2891 81 84 883 Cedar............................................ 162 162[ 449 434 883:.................. 414 431 3[- 35 37 187 99 7 2 191...... 142 690 Clay. 1581 11 134 134[ 360 323 683 2 5 7[ 343[ 333[ 141........] 13 ~ 157] 79/ fi 24[ 1721 1] 106 1241Crawford.....................~................ 248 248] 641 600..................] 610[ 581] 75[ 25[ 53 298[ 109[ 47 13[ 282] 13[ 168 1185 Dutch Creek........................ 211 2121 617 567 ~ 1241 184....... I 1/ 571/ 4'841 761 — 54[- 41 324/ 113/ 28 151 264/ 4t 171 1431 English RiYer.............................. 246 2461 718 71;5 1431......./............] 740J 429] 2521 — 10[ 57 431/ 133[ 52 7[ 2981 5/' 187 741 Franklin..................................... 128 128/ 390 351 741.......]............[ 360] 358] 13] — 10[ 79 183/ 64/ 4 2/ 162/,...../ 96 787 YIighland.....................-................. 146 146[ 396 391 787'1......[...,..I....../ 353[ 357/ 81[ 4[ 67 182/ 40[ 21 7J 143l~ 43/ 113 ~zj 1422Iowa.............................................. 254 25i[ 733 689 1422[.......[...... /....../ 760] 430] 255/ 23/ 87 368/ 120/ 56 17[ 294J 19[ 139 971 Jackson..............,......................... 161 161] 486 481 967' 4/ I 4t 403/ 415/ 1531 / 32 259 109 19 121 196 2 124 ryz 1383Lime Creek................................. 248 2481 681 702;...... /i~i~11/......17831 525/ 125/....50/ 48 366 133 49 14 2741 19 131 1082 Marion............;............................ 185 lg5] 571 511 ]383 082......[....../...... 580~ 374 851 — 431 32 3181 1121 34 51 222] 161 173 1309 Oregon......................................... 273 273[ 661 6t8 1309,......[..,...]......J 624/ 631 54/.'......l 58 3251 108 31 13[ 2791 3[ 192 914 Seventy-Six......:.......................... 159] 159l 492 t22 914.......[......[......I 373] 495 56[ 10] 39 274[ 651 47 12] 207] 6] 156 / /.. —I I / 1811 Washington, exc. of city, 3t8 348 90t 883 787 / — 3-~ -~ ~-~ ~ ~ 11 17 7 24 842'84~ 23/........I 66 397/ 224 32 491 409[ 3[ 270 170~ Total....................................... ~21 3158 3159 8725 8317 1 9-~ — ~ -'~'-~ 8 —~ — 1 ~ ~. ~ — ~ -~2-~ Washington, city of, c. x-r., 573 First ward........,... 125 125 25'2 321 573.....']............ 229 306 36 -- 2 33 136 45 21 6 133...... C/~ 4t6 " Second ward........ 921 103] 214[ 228[ t42[ 21 2[ 4/ 162/ 236 58[ 10] 18/ 911 24 / 201 81 1171 71' 507 ~ " Third ward........... 103[ 104[ 2351 2671 21 31 5 213 260 34 28 123 45 5021 3/ 85 3I l / 181 2189 Total of city........................ / F I J i I -~/-~/ —-~/ —~J 21-~ -~ -~ -~ -~ — ~ —.'.~... —~.... — ~ — ~ -~ r -~l —~ -— ~ -~ -~ 19269 Total of county..................... 362 —~J 36 —— ~' 971 —— 9[ 947 —— 4 -19 —~/ —~I-~ — ~J-~3[-~ ~ ~J... —~-...] —~/-~/ —~l-~ -~ — ~[-~{ ~-~ WEBSTEa COUNTY. 479 Badger.......................................... 76! 781 274[ 205[ 479............ 14 150357.. ~I 21 156 Clay.............................................. 17 30 82 704 156 51[ 71 I 40...~ 1] 61 20 3O 179 [Colfax........................................... 31 31.............. 211 2 24 179 621 261 I 7............ 2,~1 702 581 1283........ 1283/I)ay ton......................................... 377 328 578J 311 107 65 ~J 91[ 53] 11i 35[ 7~[...... 249 3011I)eer Creek.................................... 162 189 301 121 100 80~ [ 57 19 70 11 7 61 35 liiii!il 162I 138 179........ WEBSTER COUNITY. —CONTIU vED. wfl FIWHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND B o B~~~~~~~~~~:!, POPULATION. POP'LATION OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD.. C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 1 NAMES'~OF TOWNSHIPSTOWI.S,/ o 1o 0 - - o AND CITIES. C o 4 l) C- bp. 0 d w. a * C.0 ~~~ C ~~ 0 0 0 a" T~ cac ~ " l 0) 0 oc u 4 03 03 00 0 0 00 0, __ ____ Z Z PT _. - Z Z Z IX Z Z Z- Z ZZ.Z 510 Douglas........................ 98 98 268 242 510..........180 251 79..... 15 123 38 4 3 128 5 72 ( 441 Elkhorn....................................... 79 79 229 212 441..... 281 101 59........ 19 118 19 19 4 71 13 32 208 Fulton........................................ 36 36 107 101 208.. 30 80 98........ 4 53 22 8 1 35 11 41 Z 157Gowrie..................................... 34 36 77 80 157.. 52 79 26 14 29 6... 37 2 396 Hardin.................... 75 75 213 183 396...... 145 38 213......... 17 67 40 12 4 50 38 33! 438 Jackson................................... 70 70 250 188 438...... 223 1t9 106........ 76 73 28 14 4 75 2 43 r 435 J ohnson.......74 74 235 200 435....... 173 194 68t........ 20 121 38 25 4 90 1 60 315 Lost,....64 64 177 1383 315...... 68 61 186........ 9 77 19 13 7 43 35 56 116 Newark........................................ 23 23 63 5&3 116........ 47 48 21........ 4 22 16 7 1 20 14 4790tho.....................................85........ 85 244 235 479...... 172 238 69........ 22 97 35 9 12 113 95 882 Pleasant Valley........................... 146 146 489 393 882..... 266 311 305........ 57 186 67 37 13 228 15 199 730 Sumner........................127 127 396 334 70.303 340 87........ 44 178 51 28 8 159 3 128 414 Wahkonsa, exc. of Fort Dodge 70 70 195 219 414.. 196 145 73 44 131 58 1 1 75 2 56 813 Washington............................... 161 161 424 389 813.. 321 367 125........ 53 213 81 16 3 158, 4 90 Fort Dodge, city of, C. H., --- ~ ~ ~ -k 14 F tr ~ ~l ~4~;m ~ rr 7 842 W First ward.............. 147 157 432 410 842.................. 253 310 279........ 18 232 45 35 12 178 517 113 75901 Second wa.d..........1... 43 150 363 396 5........224 418 117 22 182 38 23 2 170 5 120 772 Third......... 143 152 379 393 772.......219 435 118....... 1 97 46 25 5 172 4 117 1164 Fourth ward............230 603 561 1164.................. 308 58 2.88........ 17 212 65 43 4 319 17 241 636 802.......... 95 77......... - 22 19-4 i~'~ J~} 3537 Total of city........... 689 1777 17605 3537.........4.. 13 80 72 82 93 18 2 1839 43 591 13114" Total of county w........2.......... 1 2438 6910 6204 13114......5...... 25 3........ 665 3170 27 10 z 759__ " eond_ wa__ld..................... 00 10[ 3139 6 759 5...,. [, [. 224 48[ 17........ 2[ 182 38 23 2 1 70 511 0 9772" Thid ard ~~~.......~.............. 1743 17 52133 AA 57........ 3791 35226.... 931238 767 38 8 682]0.. 862 " ~Fourth ward...........,., 143 ~ /3 / 308 58t2...8/....... 23 30 1....I 17/ 212 a15 43 12 4 19 17/ 411 759 cc Second wal~~~d........... 1 5 31 9 9......,.,, t2 1 1... 2 8 8 2 7 772 cc Third ward..............~.[ j 4 5 7 9 7......,.. 219J 435l.18J........[ 15J 197 46[ 251 5J 172[ 4] 117 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13-1 Tota1 o, cou=~.....................- - - - 231 ~:690 60 314...,....]', 59:131- ~l~,~....-..l- ~l-~-~l~[ ~ t-~ l 277,17~ 0t-~ 2 WINNEBAGO COUNTY OO Cj~ g —d 6521 Center............................................]121[ 353{ 299] 652[ l.................. 5901Forest, Forest City, c. ~..................... J 2101 1181 178t —146{ 30, 107] 28] 29] 6, 85] ~7~t 105 [ 118[ 316 590..................t 1701 253f 167]........[ 39 139] 361 211 8] 1011 71 832]Iowa..................................................... 2741 I 1491 436 396 832.............]......] 2221 1801 425i — 5i 171 2251 55] 201 33] 91] 27 391[~Torway.............,....................................[ 801 203t 189{ 3911......]......t..... ] 1111 93[ 257[ 70[ 13[ 103[ 30[ 181 10[ 39] 9 ~1~~"~.......................' ~' ~ ~' ~........................ ~"'' I~l..................'~"........~ ~t ~0~t ~01 ~1 ~1 ~, ~o~ ~.......................................-~....t-~t-~l-~l-~.. —/..~i..~,-~,-~,-~l...~l-~-~,-~,~,-~ ~~ WINNESHIEK COUNTY. 1188 Bloomfield.................................... 2101 220 628 560[ 11881......{......l......I 417} 5231 128: —1201 52{ 305{ 7311 23{ 1821 2591 141 163 870 Bluffton...........................,............ 161[ 161 468 t021 8701 ] I I 3911.................. 2451 256 221 ]33] 258] 946 Burr Oak....................................... 1131 191 1t I Lx'J 1841 184] 492 946/......]......]......]295] 436] 171 —t41 301 2410~] 82] 35] 12 212] ~ C~ ].760 C:~lmar,..........................,.............. 3381 340] 886 ~7~] I78~I 11......I 11 7481 2161 838 ~21 93] 272 5/ 166 215] 92/ 883 Canoe........................................... 1631...~1 1581 1~s 457 i261' ~.....[......I......I 360] 2491 274........] 331 226{ 141 43] 151 87t 44] 17il 1521 Decorah, exc. ofcitv................... 260 275] 890 ~31{ 15211......[......1...,..I 5591 4811 471 —10] 50/ 291/ 118t 321 20 2381 126/ 120 2596 of, c. ~.........,'....... 4721 570 1303 291 25941 i i 2 9461 9371 713........ 109/ 515[ 173......I.. 564] ~o 952 Frankville.................................... 1801 181 518 434 952..................[ 4121 300} 227 —13 37t 232] 1121 221 196~i]~]]]1'....'30 692 Fremont....................................... 1211 122 362 330 692......I......I......, 274} 2651 155 2, 221 1751 701 19 86 129 19~I 1253...... I......I......I 5221 711 660.........I 441 316/ 140/ 301 157' 76 L'z'J Glenwood..................................... 211I 211 641 612 1253 1025 I-Iesper.......................................... 188 525 500 1025'...... 14~[ 1......I......I 3761 3501 294 — 51 321 237/ 102/ 28 ]98 178 852 141 446 406 852..~...l......1......13551 761 412 —9] 27/ 232/ 102[ 34 181 102 I-Iighland..................................... ~ 820 Jackson........................................ 140[ 141 42(] 400 820i........,.........I 2941 1451 381....... 381 262| 75 38] 103 1107 Lincoln................. 2041 220 593 514 11071..................[ 400t 1521 494[ —61 45/ 218/ 100} 48] 11 69........................ 18 154 67 89 968.Viaalison............................ 1511 160 53~ 433 968......[......[......[ 343[ 901 5271 — 8 24/ 219| 1041 42 20 126 145 175? 1539 77] Military....................................... 275 1231 681 364 317 681.............[....[261] 261] 160[ I 34[ 1671 651 21 12 146 ~[ 89 Orleans........................................ 273 794 744 1538 1[......Ii/' 674[ 267[ 5881 —10 531 3901 140163 12 269 15fi 1026 Pleasant....................................... 160 545 484 1026, J, 495,.................. 99/ 407] —25 48[ 1231 2~53{ 1281 45 15 139 84 1123 771 Springfield................................... 170[ 170i 592[ 531 1123......[......[...... 5041 58[ 5811 20[ 28{ 1161 33 141 51 85........................1.... 1661 TM 4841 465t 949 116 3 132 14~2......... 1371 64 3~ 292 949 Sumner.........,............ 1671 257i 1482 772/ ];.... ]~;... 631] 311/ 640 83] 221 Washington................................. 257[ 7101...... 1 24~3 ~ot~....................................... 42~ —-~1-~i-i5~ ~-~ 2-~ -51 —~-5 -~-~ -~l-Z::l-7~i so0~j ~-~ -~ ~ -~ ~1: ~e WOODBURY COUNTY. / 277F Arlingt~n................................................... I...... ""891....1701......~6]'""'5 ~! [ii::iil ~1 ~[15....41 111.... 16 Concord........................................ 48 i I 36 Floyd.'..:..................,..................... 15t 41t 2~...... ~[ ~0/ ~ 4 181 -q Grant............................................ 68 181] 154J 3351 191J 1251 58 WOODBURY COUNTY.-CONTINUED. OO rWHITE COLORED NATIVITY BETWEEN 5 AND POPULATION. POP'LATION. OF INHABITANTS. 21 YEARS OLD. 9.9 *..,, c~~~~ d NAMES OFTOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 3 o ~~ *~.. ~o 0...~ AND CITIES.,' 0. m -. 94.0(." k"-~.0.0Q.4 F4 B o ~~~~~~,, ~~~~3~ G a q ~ 0 _________ z0) 00 00OQ Q0 9 09 0 0 00 _________ Z Z _ Z f Z OdZ Z Z IZ_1z z b 262 Kedron............ 57 133 129 262............ 111 140...... 11 59 293 Lakeport............. 50 150 143 293 60 186 62-15 27 45 29 7 3 6420 50 374Liberty........................................ 65 217 157 374...... 116 193 65 13 71 7 10 4 97 3 77 p, m " r Fa cC 1 Rm R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 7'C~~~~~~~ P ~~~~~~,... 1 0 aE 142 Liston.........................................32 84 58 142 10 13 17-102 9 1 3...... 9 2 4 576 Little Sioux....109 310 266 576j.218 307 47- 41 140 30 13 9 144 1 104. 41 Moville11 22 19 41...... 0 13 17-....... 9 3...... 9 2 4 84 ock.23 41 43 84. 31 42! 11....2. 17 5 3 17 1 15'oS P~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ P......3T 75 Rutland....................................................... 39 26 10.....2 21 10 3 1..... 4 271 Sioux City, ex. of c ity....................... 62 138 13 2.................. 92 112 67 20 8 55 11 14. 81 444 Union...............92........................ 92...... 65 238 206 444......1............ 122 10 105......[ 700 326 WestFork.................................. 63 166...... 1............ 64 167 13-82 23 65 21 18 1 71 47 287 WolfCreek4............6 141 287.............. 149 127 10- 1 11 85 26 6 6 31......49 351 Woodury......................... 22 149 351............ 94 196 63 2 13 55 21 13 7 9 13 72 4278 Total............................................... 857 2286 1992 4278..................1458 2107 446........ 225 931 285 157 60 969 43 731 Sioux City, city of, C. H., 885 First ward........................ 200 443 442 885.................. 345 212 212 -116 46 152. 40 21 149 10 92 1141 Second ward.................... 175 657 462f 11191.3 9 22. 120 433 1841-315 36 102 27 26 9 190 2 113 1092 Third wardr....................... 530 537 1067 16 9 25 234 529 285 - 44 34 147 26 47 11 188...... 96 1172! Fourth ward W okr........................558 611 1169 1 2 3 301 584 195 - 47 40 183 40 44 14 230. 13 72 42790 Total of city................................ 8 2 2 240 30 20 50 1089 1758 876...... 156 574 93 157 55 807 12 473 Sioux City, city of, c. 1., 88 ( Frtwr....,.,..... 20 43142 885....,........ 345[ 2121 212 1 —1 6 152....l.. 40l 211 149{ 10[ 92 8568 Total of county............... 1661 4474 4044 8518 30 20 50 2547 3865 1322 381 1505 378 314 115 1776 55 1204 z 0 1141....... 36~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WORTH COUNTY. q~, 1 0,........................................... ll,.............. l............. 83j ~;0J 236J 212 448J......J......J 140J 9iJ 214J........J.29J 108J 6J 18j 20J 46J 33J' 72 ~9~9jBrookfield......................... Danville......................................... 36J 36J 110J 85 195J 2j 4J 47J 110] 42J........J 4] 44J 15] 14[ 2] 30] 19J 37 ~ 342J Deer Creek..................................... 68J 67[ 1681 174 3421......l......J 119 47 497 176J 199J........I 17J 108J 32J 24J 6J 56J 43J 40 ~q~ 77J 146J........J 10J 63J 14l 18J......Jl 48J 17J I-Iartland........................................ 104J 1041 311 320[ 631J......]::::::t::::::J 104J 290J........J 31J 182[ 40J 17J 10J 80J 12J 66,..................... 93] 98J 246J 251] 497J......J Kensett.......................................... 54J 54J 160] 132] 292J...... 1~ Fertile..................... J[[[[[[J....~J 111J 79]........] 29] 93] 8J 4] 2] 45J 15] 31 ~2J Northwood, Northwood, c. H..... 452J 251........ 37 213 77 J 55J 19 226 37 215 190J 193] 527J 472 9991 1] j............ 100 4631Si~rT,~k~..........,........................! Sl] S21 ~l m 3~6J......[ 149 137........J 15[ 63 19 24 2J 85 8 71...... 1..... [ WRIGHT COUNTY. c~ 399J~Belmond........................................ 73] 73[ 215 1~4 398...... I 128J 224] 46 — 16 95 41 11 1 90j. 61 178J Boone.............................................:.......... j 30J 30 94 178 76] 96] 5 10 18 18.... ~J ~ ~ 261[ 123 261 85] 158[ 18 12'"12 18 Eagle GroYe.................................. 10....~[ 51 J 49[ 49J 153 98J 129[ 52 73 19 563[ 2~ Clarion, Clarion, c.:!3[.................... ~ I 54j 54] 138 126[ 279 Iowa...............................................J 56[ 56[ 157 131J 288 92 166 30 16 304[ Liberty.............. 43;...............................J 67[ 67[ 152 152J 304 89[ 202] 18 11 ~J 2] 11 ~ ~[ ~] 2~ 446[ Pleasant.........................................J 87[ 88[ 233 213[ 446 168] 241 J 37 32 104' 62 406[ Troy............................................... [6666[.221 185[406 14821642 ~ ] / 237 Vernon...........................................[ 43 43] 133 48J 132[ 57 11 ~ 46[ 6[ 230 ~Vall L~ke......................................[ 51J 113[ 237 51J 23O 117 69, 119J 41 18 24 45...... 3~33 r_~ ~~oo~oc~.................................... 1 ~l ~J ~1~ ~l ~ ~ ~1~, ~ ~ ~, ~, ~ ~. 237!.... ELAN`DS AN FIELD CIROPS. ADAIR COUNTY. rSPRING WINTER INDIAN BUCKRYE. OATS. ARLEY. AT. I WHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. WHEAT.'. ) CC).C) *C ~ C C* C ~ 4 NAMES OFTOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 0 0 C) 3 C 0 3 ) 3 C 3 C) 3 w w 0 1 a Ca d Ca In AND CITIES. Ca 0 4 0 0 0 0. C 0 ~. 0 o a) 0 Oa 0 0a 0 0 0 0 0'~:'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~44'4 4 ~,. / o I o~ /~ ~' 4.4lllI~EEJO~ TOWNS~EIIPSTO~lrNS, 1~ o0 10 0 AND CITIB;S. m md O m 9 03 s p P~~~~~~0Cd C Ca Ca 0 d _____________ _ __ _~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ __ _ z z z z. z z 3. Eureka........................ 426 141 18388 1303 627 8672663 7820................. 128 5155 46810797 1 17 Fontanelle, towni........... 1105 1254 4687 992 393 8168. 450 19415... 61 3959 10 250.,rand River...... 3101 2761 15744 2767 827 12983.................. 431 53735... 225 6814 5 150..5...... Greenfield.........3591 3179 3005 3933 1452 20904...1862 69430 4 65 277 9559 89 1185 60 Grove...................... 2491 17573462738 1208 17766...........1194~ 89570 11 225131 4711 61 1449 6 55 Harrison...................... 7182 3722 23495 6144 2699 48587 70 3500 2856 123993 6 105 337 11250 70 2334 4 46 Jackson....................... 4949 3144 13270 3964 1512 23470............2013 82515........... 301 9896 22 616 1 Jefferson.......13413 4113 5648 10258 4741 81835.............436- 200,580 10 150 450 17551 45 902...... Lincoln....'14325 1902 28760 11709 4664 76245............4484 219071........... 498 17821 88 2920 2 2 Orient....3179 14600 2000 3015 974 5796.. 159 190720...330 12842 42 882 1 14 Prussia....................... 902 3112 5.36 574 805 11015............ 655j 12110 11 8 95 3545 26 704........ Richand.5163 3900 7620 4193 1768 30636..................445 94964.428 16280 89 1803....k O B El Ej k Ej B P ~~~~95o1 9.uaP Summerset.7912 2483 3035 2631 1081 18214.................. 187 49015..... 213 80531 30 698. Summit...........1225 414 260 429 63.................. 871 15540.. 64 2360. Uniaon................................. 36051 2139 77 3174 1008 14702.................. 1511 56475... 308 9507 75 2410 1 Walnut.2988 ~~~~1823 1726 21074958 15869 2230 6 10 499587 Fonfanlle, own o...................,. 110~ 25~.268 99 1 9 ~8587 7....,.., 0 39~50 105...... 31375 1 250/ 2 3341...., 4 283 182 17264 2107 958 14588.........,.. 13 33......... 69 2 830 6 60 4 8 587........................... Washington.................................... 4949 3836144 1327551 5857 2404 470............. 0 124645.....460 14958 93 2062 1 24 Jefferson......,,......,....,......,................ 13413 43 5648 10258{ 4741{ 11835.................. ~>00~0......10..1'~ 450.7551 9....,., incolntal.8318...................5.0 1...4 351................... 1 350 3086 1402428 38 713 44551159739 174163 29162 23 2714 Orient.........,. 498 178290 2{...,..,::,f.....,...,....................,.......... 3179 10 2000 3()15{ 974{ 5796.........,.,...... 19 0 7 0 3 0:82 Prussia...,.......,...,.....,.................. 902 3112 5~36 574{ 805{:1015..:....... i.........,65 12110 1[ 8 34 26 7041............. lI~ichlnd.....................,..................... 36516 23900 7620 4193J 1768{ 1406.........,.,.,. 5 64........,, 0 94964!61280 89 1803 Summersetf.........,..........,......... 28 83 12 17 98 158.........,.. 9 23 16081 L821~,1.........,......... 49015.,..... Summhint.............,.,..........,.. 63 8 25 57 0 56.........,........ i 145....,., 6 98 ~ 0 2 Toalnt....................................... 1 38 58 (6~ 6~ 753 451 0 30106 4228 8 73 45198311~ 96 5 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5857__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 8 _ _ _ _ 1458......I..........6...:60 49547.... ADAMS COUNTY. X C,' Carl.. 4299 26221 19491 36465 143f 21311.............. 1772 74640.............273 8568 34 951 2 20 Colony... 3037 3290 1290 2981 986' 15439............. 1456 58080............. 287 9284 75 1563.................. Douglas3..........6464.. 5670835597 599 024..3...... 022........... 3258 1132301 10 220 445 14605 99 2227 6 38 Grant.................................. 5414 3351 42300 4046 1190 20664...1847 7-73;V3..... 277 10545 3 56.............. Jasper........................... 8845 3009 30200 5916 1628 26351...... 2480 82431 30 470 574 21197 173 3441 2 12 Lincoln.7597 2185 24720 5520 2082 3310............... 1992 86160 13 390 244 8255 190 4458 1 8 Mercer.4528.............. 42 3409 198061 3928 1151 20318.1647 63125........... 2471 9179 86 2294 4 - 52 Nodaway.7393 6004 4756 6666 1870 31660 7 174 3604 12.3126 4 35 579 23213 9 210 2 22 Prescott.3842 25............................... 345 3243! 99016 152691692 61600 3 61 174 5473 56 822 10 130 Quincy, exc. of town............. 4075 4586 27701 3211 1302 19739...1985 70030 6 60 256 10316 88 1831 10 91 Quincytownof................. 4.. 94 22 10 148.... 8. 8 200.. 3 55............................... Union........3507 2527 17950 3280 1020 15961 1366 58960............. 198 8023 65 1469.............. Washington.645......... 67 22.59 31162...2... 2367 100790........... 394 1 104 2052 1 19 376 71 741 254741 969 66 1 126 395111412931 982 213741 38 392 ALLAMAKEE COUNTY. Center........ 8816 11405 78330 7486 5219 84882 20 185 1034 34385 4 107 767 26268 175 5 100 Fairview...................... 2.305 6930 24520 1580 596. 8799 8 52 699 22.530 2 17 130 3740 31 45....E.. Franklin...................... 5743 7729 495090 3771 1574 23177 2.5 410 1267 45465........... 440 13707 5 121 32 70 i French Creek.................. 6968 10205 49K3.8 5406 3412 57067 2 29 132'7 43770 4 70 6-37 19213 19 625 2 26 Hanover...................... 4247 9712 32975 4247 2853 20206.:......... 1159 40040........... 505 16645 10 350............ Iowa.......................... 2414 5338 17821 2869 992 13189.......... 887 37860 56 853 110 3129........... 13 117 Jefferson......................10244 812.3 65920 6149 3842 60138.5 100 1713 59227........... 1122 39492 109 2443 21 398 Lafayette...................... 9361 13300 74222 9194 4750 36 182.3 62022......636 20800 14 340 3 45 Lansing....................... 6771 9586 45982 5748 35.82 63693 -8 120 115.3 50094 17 7 690' 24795 18'570 1 44 Linton................... 4602 7420 4.3700 4491 1425 22024 35 682 1020 3676.5 31 495 430 1.3333 4 60 13 311 Ludlow................14783 5319 71208 14578~ 6.375 & 515........... 2416 90792........... 1827 6,571 318 7072 4 53 Makee...........9320 7268 39285 901 5078 8.5475. I144 54-300........... 1016 36457 83 2283 18 228 Paint Creek.............. 9670 12903 71700 7733 4,540 697,56 2. 45 50186 23 2.38 -1031 35728 41 1237 8 135 Post..........................10184 7022 65141 7600 2899 44922 2 201. 118004 7459,.......... 761 27823 37 9811 17 285 Postville, town of.............. 29 15 140 29 9 180. I......... 26 870............. Taylor........................ 6911 12537 55080 6-758 3646 52112 S50. 133 432 7 350 614 21335 7 130 10 100 Union City.................... 4734 6867 33690 4545 2929 3.........I. 1::": 1185 5.5490........... 347 11948........... 3 30 Union Prairie..................107,44 7227 63440 8430 4704 74420............. 1743 56380........... 1159 39904 117 4141 4 75 Waterloo...................... 6921 7915 49281 273 3955 62824. 917 46286......... 564 21927 80 1742..... 4 Waukon........................ 206 120 680 80~ 52 1100. 19 700...... 10 3W......................... Total....................... 124973 1569411 932563,1094681 61932_ 938734, 1811 1961 243141 906620 1611 23001 1278614431291 8761 22315. 1541 2605 APPANOOSE COUNTY.' " I ) SPRING WINTER INDIAN BUCKSPIGwHEAT.( O 0. __WHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. RYE. OATS. BALE. W -. 0 NARES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, ~ C 0 C 0 C.) 0 C 0 ~ 0 0, 0 C&n S 0 e.0 do.o t.o S 0. 5 AND CITIES. W i0,'C 7.~0,0 ~ - 0 h 0 o o o o o 0 o S6'.4 aQ) 1- )a V a) Q ) a ) ) a )4 6.2 O O~ 00 S / 2 i 2 2~ 2 2 S o- 0-4 0 0 o. 0 10.5 0 0.0 P' 0 0.0 0 >. 10 In > 0 0. ______ _____ _ z z z zz z z z z z z z z Bellair................ 88921 5442 4&574 8560 402 3371......... 3877 150255 14 144 815 25487 15 242 Caldwell................. 8217 17249 72982 6589 392 2284 128 1030 4301 133555 129 1214 768 18943 25 10 47 674 Center, exe. of Centerville.. 70408 91731 38190 6634 469 3166 30 475 3195 114205 27 319 733 23253...24 356 Centerville, town of.........62........................................................ Ohariton................. 10847 8044 55976 8896 960 9673 15 631 4150 177585 22 321 930 28538.... Douglas............ 6560 6968 39257 4903 400 3236 48 437 2787 95530 20 161 652 15640... 6 73 Franklin................ 11206 10488 49646 10485 451 3143 3 62 4731 163200 82 1024 927 29765... 13 211 Independence..................12189 10266 56920 9113 999 9773 18 120 43891 182890 13 133 875 26530........... 8 111~ _ Johns........................15648 1379 55175 12085 1095 8598 3 12 5962 233790 23198 1417418271.............. 32 295 C1 Lincoln....................... 8449 6603 40497 7279 448 3409 25 75 3380 133669 6 48 620 19480........... 10 141 Moulton, town of.............. 194! 160 22,59 197 26 185..... 13 218 7240 8 80 64 1800............... Pleasant...................... 8817 15201 62537 7836 385 2061 48 390 4175 129935 53 354 763 21651........... 1 3 Sharon........................ 6858 8382 41096! 5012 263 2027 58 564 2375 85574 28 210 461 11845........... 13 117 Taylor...:11665 6696 56792 6397 1056 9715 34 226 3710 133630 3.5 358 1226, 28820........... 36 466 Udell.......... 7318 10006 4848 4988 551 4204 124 1163 3128 118185 44 277 6171 17905............ 20 210 Union........................ 4305 118-53 29887 3132 203 1543 96 852 1821 60550 51 436 330 5466 12......... 140 Walnut..1.................... 7383 7981 41139 6216 650 5076 34 237 3671 155230 31. 312 757 21669 3 25 7 98 Washington, exc. of Moulton....12465 10979~ 78526 8834 609 4501 98 1066 5399 196860 22 171 1251 34289........... 20 299 Wells..12936 9113 62933 8032 247 193.3 8 83 30 113360 58 551 5550 14438........... 8 7 Total.1.....................61I059 ~161083~ 83223~4112518~8 ~9606~ 77798 1049! 108381 6.4871 23852431 6681 6311 13756 3873461 281 351 23 3861 AUDUBON COUNTY. Audubon......................20,51 1523 9140 1619 699 9710............ 698 31265 6 100 94! 3052 32' 715 3 29 Z Douglas....................... 808 490....... 667 181 2,563 10 97 361 17200.......... 381 1260...... 6........ Greeley.......................1116 4462 392 783 501 6828........... 546 20378........... 301 1024....................: ~~Hamlin ~-................. I 3319 1743 104131 19061 590 9245..................1186 51645....... 1 25 Leroy............................. 1130 721 3444 1013 386 5575......635 26443......... 51 1984 4 88. Melville........................ 817 480 686 817 379 3853.......... 363 10850....26 697.... Oakfeld....................... 3993 3848 11379 2507 1720 23888............... 2010 89610...... Viola.......................... 2727 3025 830 2727 1075 5889.................. 1076 41744.......14 23 3.~~~~~~3 4_44...... Tt........................... 21046 23819 63876 15986 6876 89235 10 97 9225 394655 6 100 788 33233 84 1751 4 54 NOTE.-Non-resident lands not returned by townships, 233549 acres. BENTON COUNTY.................... 60 37............................................................................................ Benton....................................... 4063 4128 28565 3244 777 9090........... 1560 57345 4 Big Grove...................... 18615 1482 68712 12507 5298 73663........... 4639 190852... 875 28040 698 13444...... ~~~Bruce~.............. 12224 4637 41636 12827 6343 99760...3375 132720871 27768 254 6036. Canton, burg.......... 18689 2237 84867 13109 3574 38246... 5489 223525 788 20982 145 2601 15 1679 Cedar.......................... 21945 1061 56060 14463 6228 85616... 5583 229885 108 2027 1195 34331 239 6185 47 703 Eden.................... 17413 1194 60720 14853 5422 65740........... 5196 179085 3 47 803 21464 979 18713 5 75 Eldorado....................... 16508 3496 45872 15511 7326 97552........... 3993 146570... 976 23180 125 24034 1. Florence....................... 16887 3802 71177 12751 4802 70300........... 5959 254990... 857 25601 173 3399 2 20 Fremont......................... 16212 190 42177 23056 4254 68719.... 4933 205895 1 16 734 22577 357 6925 2 20 Harrison....................... 8646 2662 34503 4253 1410 18219.......... 2614 88046..624 16542... 5 Homer................... 16137 120 23501 14067 7641 92682........... 3244 1303... 815 25738 1465 4 36 Iowa, exc. of Belle Plaine............ 11186 4745 42756 11186 4457 610861.................. 3973 166497 10! 120 677 17652' 861 8976 11 122 Jackson.......................19108 1055 67007 12447 6609 807191 7 230 5198 204174 20 200 635 24691 93 2131 5 79 Leroy.........................1523 1885 60520 12059 6045 88340........... 3741 15658~5 6 123 675 15663 676 1355.3..3 407 Monroe.................... 13733 2513 38180 13445 5949 86967........... 3639 152380!........ I 596 21136 286 5954.....Z.... Polk..........................18977 4049 87970 12390 4117 51668........... 5529 223107 40 30 1256 35-531 112 1911 10 10 Shellsburg, town of.............. 240............ 150 82 680........... 120 3100 27 600..... 120 5 50.......... St. Clair....................... 14731 5881 5598-4. 9974 4589 67036........... 4295 178335 251 328 606 17206 240 5614.5 7 Taylor........................ 7715 2648 28771 5568 1892 23926........... 25611 128630.. 522 16043 76 1435 13 88 Union.......................... 12,356! 2637 45587 13674 5767 742371........... 3952 146800!......I...... 700 156371 1479 28480 3! 32 Total......................297518 53911 1025865 239408 99406 1343666 7 280 852443291 283 4134 15490j1 445070 11169 213871 2.291 2913 BLACK HAWK COUNTY. Barclay........................195721 3306 531081 11890 5790! 68122!. I..... I.... 3436' 119805...... I..... 1091! 32676 22 371 3! 44 Bennington.~~~~~~~~~~9280 13425 40865 10134 4853 55609...........3071 122785 25 355 13 46 0 04 4 4 Big Creec ftw fLaporte........................11319i 1262 31325 9276 588 73858...........28 97195 10 142 755 25687 88 1195 35 481 Black Hawk...................146761 7502! 33072 12375! 7792 106630...........3055!1110750............1466 53847 227! 4604! 8 146 BLACK HAWK COUNTY. —CONTINUED. SPRING WINTER INDIAN BUCKRYE. OATS. BARLEY.BUK -- WHEAT. -__WHEAT. CORN. RYE OATS. BARLEY. WHEAT. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS,4 3 4 3-43 0 ~.3 AND CITIES. 0.. o ~~~~...~~ 0 Cu Cu0 0 0 a) Cu 0 0 0 00 a 0 0 0 4-i 0 S> S -S ___________~~~~~~~~~1 __ I__ zlz IzI Zl'Z IZ zi z__;? Z z z z Cedar....11008 75531 28820 10,329 5881 77314.......... 334 108270........... 821 26110 80 1330 14 164 C ed a r -Falls, e-.x.c... o.f.. c-it y.'o f. C e-.d-.a-r. I Falls........................14235 8192 43689 13651 5436 61083........... 4087 155078 44 177 1247 44134 146 2863 14 303 Eagle..........11937 11687 13090 11825 7028 91406........... 3512 109165........... 1030 31517 379 8548 1 27 East Wtroec ofcity of Waterloo....................17106 4465 48761 10,544 5265 50137..... 4550 1 118030 65 648 939 21456 136 1962 28 167 Fox........................... 8989 12169 37934 9792 5626 61690.......3762 120231 14 170 916 31057 43 849.25 290 Lester........................13348 9621 49989 7755 3325 46749...........2463 99040........... 968 31508 25 521 14 173 Lincoln........................11348 11666 10687 11924 6200 77742...........3275 12340 2 35 1005 36443 348 7169........... Mt. Vernon....................12976 9668i 65471 11265 5889 67475...........4011 1371971 32 296 983 31681 16 260 61 88 Orange.................:.......18214 42481 60161 129531 7550 103717. I..........40581 139695 401 660 1582 54,308 42 754 11.- 110 Poyner.......................14441 18468 61742 18817 5636 79906...........4047 136099 41 411 991 30856 49 737 14 147 Spring Creek...................9196 8748 41790 7265 2531 29376..........2470 83485!.......... 625 182.31......... 9 127 Unio.n.........................3700 7614 1,588:5 2737 1025 12392...........1410 49600 12 326 396 11100.6 74 25 235 Washington...................5395 59981 31250 4680 20161 23769........... 1952 577720 174 2434 345 86831 21! 444 10' 82 Waterloo, ex c. of city of Waterloo 6062 5177! 30424 3823 1674 20989...........1476 48.115 10 127 504 1425&5 18 395 10 105. Cedar Falls, city of.223........... 112 3745 223~ 6 60.......... 73 3700........... 6 180.................... Total.213025 150881 ~~~~~~~701808 181256! 89361 1108024.......... 56592. 1939690 469, 5781. 16804.538196 1747. 341301 268, 2835 BO0ONE COUNTY. Amaqa......................10520 285 28063 13275 3721 35995...........2282 64305 7 130 743 115724 484 9734.......... Beaver........................3346 1637 11120 3000 1135 14562...........1312 39350 5 - 48 320 9423 67 1500... 1 Boonsboro, town of............. 240 116 1195 179 176 850........... 78 320........... 33 1405 10 200...:.... Cass..........................7662 4722 24188 9420 1267 18614.......... 3854 1019090 24 418 581 20374........... 8, 120 0 C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o/lfax 20886....o...a........5438 4281 31260 5848 1476 22851 80825...... 7 24968 101 2850 10 163 Des Moines, exc. of Boone'and - Boonsboro.........7662 6717 56558 6942 1785 25669.......... 3954 138560...... 809 26570 129 2950 10 67.Dodge............15881 4033 65640 11255 4096 45285.... 5162 200180 4 74 805 25002 10 350......... Douglas.............................5822 5459 34966 2868 621 8199........... 1049 8015 14 151 330 10142 24 360 1 37 Garden........ 8086 1627 133816 6723 1696 2498.5........... 3318 109030 16 351 722 2173 34 493 10 120 Grant........4243 2868 18474 3928 2162 15095............ 1229 37002... 45 209 7244 75 4118......... Harrison................................. 5781 3. 30637 4482 1377 20128............ 2111 66295............... 618 16993 98 2578...... 8 Jackson........10942 53 3401 6928 1820 21687............ 251 111625.......:....... 876 25631 28 1692 2 48 Marcy...... 6855 8298 26862 6321 1974 28315 7 60 3004 107125.................. 751 23562 43 997 5 58 Peoples......7888 66 32795 6948 1972 266081............ 3346 93960 4 70 8501 27322 22 373 2 63 Pilot Mound............... 4506 3834. 22590 4400 2081 28649............. 1766 58285 8 97 268 9115 122 2980....... Union... 5221 5436 54215 4629 1215 37047 4 24 2484 95105 30 496 428 15855 10 245....... 3 Worth.......9530 7605 43584 5680 123 10016............. 3544 134300.............. 668 24734 12 327 5 104 Yell........ 7694 4882 37529 5816 2638 37667........... 2306 75050............. 605 18383 312 6987 1 43 Tota1156987 71810 687752 108642 32505 429257 84 46151 1595752 112 1880 10401 4046201 15811 38734 55 839 BREMER COUNTY. z Dayton.6517...3950..35....0.6172...2768..392.....5........... 1208 3.5470.............. 908 29476 46 913 1 9 Douglas.............. 87.59 5403 37036 7740 3800 51336..2184 7300........1180 45066 120 2300 5 59 ~~~~~~~~Franklin........~..................... 1963 7372365 48081 8297 4242 55225..1963 73725 9 43 998 42023 62 1239 3 55 Frederika..................73545 2820 23200 2104 770 12594...776 2670....... 352 13223 2 76 9 70 a FrIemont......................14103 4127 51342 8683 3821 50545............2204 72170............1702 60564 91 1598 3 35 H Jackson................. 9-192 2539 49120 6520 2689 33930...........294 103815 38 4i60 664 19734 7 62 29 203 ci Jefferson................ 10581......4442-3 5671 2664 34733.........1842 81205 7 801 690 26696 70 1602.......... La Fayette................... 8842 47-25 478101 8344 4184 51528......... 3010 89570 -i.........11166 38573, 28 482 14 176 t4 Le Roy....................... 3293 3027 246861 2744 10901 15731. I..........1167 349301 2 361 548 21405 24 513 1 8 Mi Maxfield......................17348 1708 642771 8898 50715 64871............1651 80876 3 79 1275 43828 172 3789 8 191 Polk........I.................. 16323 11721 68679 104561 4631 614501....... I... 3269 96410............11001 37796 43 838 Sj 54 Sumner................7914 4842 47089 7543 3454 52163.. 1474 53905 4 24 1351 50275 56 1102 4 36 Warren................ 11340 9101 678,59 10771 5085 60001.. 2508 109615...........6 1464 58243 124, 2601 13 72 Washington, exe. of Waverly....13166 1103 53,385 9463 3718 49701............2212.83535 29 295 680 23196 29 585..... 15 Waverly, city of............... 2142 118 10750 1404 907 11695......I..... 311 11845 10 200 90 3500 14 300.......... Total.145967 47000 6729371104810 48898 644795 ~~~~~~........28753 1026641 102 1217 14259151 838 18000 951 983 BUCHANAN COUNTY. Buffalo......................... 9726 7418 47175 9730 3549 42425...........2972 88906........... 1420 43888 50 740 8 99 Byron........................ 12,389 3865 62116 23571 6018 74316...........3228 119830 6. 150 1194 41728 41 945, 9, 182 Cono......................... 5475 5298 32823 6805 2821 23065...........2655 96435.. 854 22288.......... 22 225 Fairbank......................14595 2570 61880 7812 41091 66961...........2891 111070 6 100 810 37297.3 7 4 5 BUCHANAN COUNTY.- CONTINUED. e) 2 F SPRING WINTER INDIAN BUCK-4 ~W WHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. RYE. T. o O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O _ _ _ _ 0 3 O -................... 5................. 2100 87125 3 50...................... 90881 10041 54317 8550 3792 52869......28321 911171................................ 8,5 71 35 40 3 4391 800 5 36 52 46785..... 3184,. 175*................... 11975 l i:..............1 2620 6989 53820 1 1589 47.5 5 61450.... 41041 1431581 2 4 8-50.3406 57690 6048 3149 42169.2906 1078063 AMESFTOWNSHIP,.................. 1 265 508 50 883 7 4406 3 8468 3134 97990........... 1590 9 55089 10589 5164 62888.. 11 5605......AND CITIES. 1 653 14.7.... 119.4...... Id _q 0 00 0 0 CC0 o) 0 C 0 CC 0 0 0 C, C C) 000 ~~~~~~C-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IC5 k 03 0 s 0o.0.04 0.0f.0.0f. z 4 ~ z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Fremont......................140231 2503 46332 11520 4394 50759........... 2400 87125 3 50 979 30591 45 965 9 125 Hazleton...................... 90881 10041 54317 8550 3792 52869........... 2832 91117........... 1252 32598 73 15 56 8 49 Homer.8..................... 571 3540 34391 8005 3652 46785.......3184 119715........... 906 27749 68 971 9 108 Z Jefferson......................12620 6989 53820 11589 47-55 61450........... 4104 143158 25 340 1211 37771......... 5 60 C Liberty...................... 8450 3406 57690 608 3149 42169........... 2906 107806 3 31 769 26301 18 315 16 225 Madison.12565.................. a 27,50 50850 8837 4406 38468........... 3134 97990........... 1578 45477 40 733 13 146 Middlefiteld........I...........15909 265 55089 10589 5164 62888........... 2435 115605........... 11,35 38786 61 987 11 171 Newton......................16985 1649 65136 10545 4976 592388....... 3907 119998........... 1172 31118 69 1513 6 81 Perry.........................14249 4745 61068 10398 4270 54038....... 8594 128945 17 240 1030 32211 61 544 19 280 H Sumner....................... 5438 3318 24820 4718 2216 29363........... 28382 8005........... 828 24980 12 155 1 25 C Washington'......17008 4057 70750 10811 4320 58299....... 3327 113025..... 1117 40626 57 408 18 184 Westburg.......13460 9000 46010 7711 3700 49269......... 286 916.. 176480. 94.3.1 Total.190551 71414 824267 157239 64291 812342. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~48830 1811250 60 911 174411 556209 59 104 181 2285 BUENA VISTA COUNTY. Barnes........................ 22!51 39741 2960 20,691 13751 13880..... I........386 137001..... 401 243 73811 66 9861 1 6 Brookes...................... 1091 1846 170 1000 460 6326........... 151 4700.. 107 3118 5 135 1 14 Coon.......................... 2253 3438........2099 908 6488........... 570 15411......... 19 3323. Elk........................... 4577 29,40 40 2820 1906 24-549....... 1038 33455......... 27-7 9498.i12 24 5 59 Fairfield....................... 1010 2459....... 660 347 3073....::.161 4174 3 506 104 1970 15 254 1 6 Grant......................... 1129 1501 402 1105 620 3985............ 404 12290 2 14 99 1860 12 184 2 15 Maple Valley................... 3898 2786 4723 3081 1659 22251........... 857 26048........... 201 5143 1 60 Newell.................. 1835 2157 5-30 1462 895 4528........... 610 15957........... 242 3956 3..... Nokomis...........5689..3488.280.4152 27,53 356421...... I..... 9251 28072 271 205 334 10661...................... Poland.1038 1995...798 290 2989.......27 6490........ 2611 4 60...... Providence.............................. 1209 1359....-.-. 1157 712 4176....... 451 12360 5137 1845 Scott......................... 1342 1382.......1279 4911 4259. I............. 396 99801 2 16 99 20451...... I.... 8 11 CA' Storm Lak e, e xe. of town........ 2551 2259~ 821 2537 1438 16992........... 987 27209............ 182 3826 28 2 7 66 L~ Storm Lake, town of........... 68......I............ 68 865........... 5 150....................................... Total...................... 331181 370341 15655~ 27010 15513 162737.......... 7887 228231 39 3581 2789 67069 307 3518 44 306 BUTLER COUNTY. Albion..... 12951 1796 33568 7496 3126 37454 20 70) 28621 95240 10 70 889 25618 101 1765 35 340 Beaver........................... 9093 6606 43594 8960 3088 40706... 4247 137970 71 949 1045 25227 71 2245 61 692 Bennezett......... 5090 2868 10710 3625 2011 27663... 1099 33705 3 26 522 16098 105 1549 2 22 Buterec.-ofClarkvile................15855 3055 57374 12906 556 64754....1168 34159 89 2143 17 197 Butler, ex. oflrsil.............56645 43841 139555 N51 625[ 18 45 9 13 1 9 Clarksville, town of...................... 40. 2200........................................................................ Cold Water.8889 4052 14755 6633 3966 56351.......................... 32............ Dayton............................................ 9899 4972 15725 8250 4954 70418... 2133 66010......... 766 23009 28 366 4 0 23 Fremont..................... 13244 4070 29710 12045 7186 104212 2538 71054 3 60 1233 38570 111 2294 3/ 49 Jackson.......................................... 7749 3999 24785 7376 3366 39009... 2790 84940 351 536 1242 27018 137 28021 4 58 c Jefferson......................................... 12595 4573 31950 12108 3598 45455... 2861 105000 311 573 1004 31575 118 2790 30 284 Madison.563.51 3313] 19421 6152'387I 49277j..... 963 4665'71.235.25..7 Mds.......................................... 535 33 14 12 381427.............. 9631 46665'............ 716 24358 295 6870.........]......... Monroe................................ 9222 4967 15555 7244 3454 46267.2127 76760851 30270 410 8497 1 Pittsford......................................... 81621 4686 25770 59951 2190 26161.................. 2366 71453 19 248 657 185981 154 3511 17 156 Ripley........................................... 3375 3070 8025 4844 2288 28749.................. 1489 46276.595 18254 119 2618 1 24 H Shell Rock...................................... 15355 1477 14320 10217 5349 65175................... 3579 1254151 100 1189 1218 35344 114 2009 13 225 Washington.................................... 6726 2457 11220 6411 3044 45334.................. 1972 65690.................. 662 351.37 509 11412 6 115 West Point...................................... 5658 2944 13293 4615 1444 32182.1493 43445.544 17114 96 1603 5 85 Z Total.......................................... 149498 58905 352296 124877 57907 779167 20 700 38685 12-70878 3 4712 13827 421719 2489 532 212 2454 CALHOUN COUNTY. Butler........................2221 485 2171 628 3877......... 838 24010..253 5240. Calhoun.5658. 2560 5399 2730 27722.........5...........3 86935 8 60 607 8863 10 2604 7'84 Center............................................. 1340.......... 13. 1340 589 4983.................. 348 8885.156 3634 5 75. Greentleld.2050.........]2243 1659 745 6826... 650 15095 22 210 206 6874 11 177..... Jackson...... 7561......... 18006 7702 3439 462661... 2955 122695 18 262 693 22120 271 545 Lincoln.......................................... 4721... 1146 4318 1587 9499.................. 1710 47755 18 273 515 15605 77 7636.. Sherman.................209............... 883 928 8103 10] 150 1323 4 4 393 7807 63 1 8. Williams.1136. 80 1146 ~~~~~~~~ ~~394 2355..........479 10770. 1033 413 Total..........................................26996 24520 2618 11040 10656 351120 70809299373182 217 3251 13 167 CARROLL COUNTY. SPRING WINTER INDIAN BC -A. WHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. WHEAT. C) - I i Q C.a ) M NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, ( C) 6 ) 6 C ) S C ) S C ~=' 6 S O C) I 6 Cl 6 C)n * C) 6. C. ). ~AND CITIES. O 4- 4O 4,. 4- M C 4.M 0 ~o o~ or0 o oP C) oE 0 C)P 0 0 0 0 6. C-~~~~ Cl C) CA) C) C)C) C) C)C~~~~~~~~~) a)C)) C) C0 C )C ) CC 0 6 S.6 5. 5. 5 56 5;CI6 5 5. _Z z z zz z z _ z z z z.. z Arcadia............. -5558 17742 400 375623 241... 1068 31715................ 257 6000 5 70 221......... 3342 18413.......... 2251 1395 17098.......... 667 207,50................ 138 4415 9 180. Caroll, town of......... 1025 4318 2220 850 275 4327............. 90 3750............... 8 400. Eden................. 2567 44031 330 2.530 1467 18640......... 831 30216............... 110 3732 1 409.. ~~~~Glidden......... 2480 20718 7500 2390 1334 18000........... 15.00 50500................ 125 7297 Grant........................ 2124 19250 1280 1617 1027 9805......... 502 12185 1.........3 15 7 36055. JaspeIr................. 2413 20389 5466 2205 750 9286......... 1410 47618 3 20 116 351110 Kniest..................... 7285 1,679 6662 1616 4134 48892......... 1882 57470................ 594 194203 Newton..................... 3757 19658 9385 35 1768 22347.1340 54885.190 6391 5 204.....[. Pleasant Valley....2666 19018 2312 1666 1419 18574.. 80 31550.155 4748 17 412 40 Richland......................................... 2526 19911 2793 1842 813 10577................. 721 23875.................. 115 3133.... Roselle.~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~4792 18029.......2888 2095 31879.888...43.231...9440 43 805......... Sheridan..................... 582.8 16603 1675 4715 2&35 27315 3 2.0 1,566 54320........... 451 13596 71 1349.......... Union....................... 3612 1965 4884 2123 1520 19384.1545....... 48067........... 236 8424 8 563..........'Washington.2762.1.4 340 1747 132 208467 15440 5 60 150 5255 57 1642.......... Wheatland.................... 533 16368 525 613 2670 347681::::........... 717 24070.......... 207 8274 25 670.......... Total...................... 5806~51309744 45772 39159 26756 3406161 31 20 16014 550041 9 80 32381075771 414 9315~ 7. 71 CASS COUNTY. Atlantic, exc. of town........... 9623j 2761 40144f 6941 31)60 494851...........4140 220r780.............45,6 2.3468 61 340..... AtlantiC, 20 451.......1024. 17 60260......0..600.170......I..6700...... Bear Grove.................... 7378 1991 21280 6160 2915 491161~.e.....!....2823 127965........... 207 9239 37 900....... Benton......... 5814 3268 25790 5177 200 341241............2193 104335........... 192 7310 140 4342 4Z1! Brighton...................... 9011 2780 18375, 9-83 3110 50780'. I30031 1425~50.3 38 6 42 Ca Ss.1157j 2621 378 57592.:::::.....:3899 191747...... 351, 14247j 62 IW........ Edna...........3691 21767 1573 73501681. 1531 4817.68 Franklin........................................ 6388l 2396] 34765l 56861 2803] 58455......... 2669.1 127960I.........l.........1.2811 120521 141 370~.................. ~ Grant.............................................40741 1573l 4238, 3061, 16441 25764 1399] 58970,.........,.........I 168] 5019/ 15] oo Lincoln....................,..................... 4784t 19081 12770l 40421 1853'1 30497 12601 66315t.........{.........I, 199t 6565t 77t 1891 cn Massena..,....................................... 2555] 1670 3255] 2598J 9521 13955 915J 42240].........[.........] 1101 4095[.........].........'......2......'~ "' ~oble..........................,,................... 1 S099t 49651 20390] 72781 20991 53720 24121 1115361.........l.........i 280] 98431 48/ 133 Pleasant........................................... ] 7576] 9_386 23412l 57171 3110] 56504 3240] 136600l........./.........{ 350/ 12766[ 2501 6529....................................... 0 4601 ~t ~ 48730I 43521 2309791...,...../ —.......I 50611 21389i 911 2665 2 Union.........:................................... J 3298J 2487J / t 24531 1242] 54154[.........[..'......[134[ 75831 3[ 110 Victoria.............,................:.......... J 4479J 3~q0J 1053J 48590J.........J.........J 349J 70891 37J 825 Washington............................................ / 449l 17420J 65/ 1718 3 I 9806t 3313J_ 3385j 18161 28631 ~I ~l ~o 8697~0t 2706] 1501[ /.. CEDAR~ COUNTY. Cass,............................................... 97i7 1184 46978 6470 1297J 3474J 134915j 49] 697J 19934!..... 1132J 39570~......... 2.. o,..o.... Center. exc. of Tipton................. 24228 9967 18094 15096 2675J 40084 8136J 294265J 2J 40j 2210J 77833 ""29'4 6622 26.................. 26 401 Dayto,:, exc. o! Clarence............ 62641 ~23871 201 2001 12951 42421 1053 266241 6 113,.. 19594 79496 12054 3315j l~airfield......................................... 5852J 234860.........J.........J 1208[ 42278 ~49 23064J 6 83 16874....528 60287 11339 2064J 55899 Farmington. exc. of Durant....... 13288 251 46980 11603 4061j 67340 4814J 163675j 63] 425J ]3611 49393 57105J 5 75 lYremont....,.................................. 498011:]]~111j......... i 18974 77742 11131 1868J 43110 Gow er............................:............... 13614 13~ 11458.70384 3700l 121220]' 51 75l 892 27581i 658J 5 50 30508.........!:':':!!i Inland............. 32316I 3 p:J ~.......................,.,.... 16109 ~035 10875 ~3721 58128 39951 176840'.........].........113491 47666 Iowa 11~~ 15088 91329 13350 1514] 22680....li0 4526] 1466371 202] 2940J 17571 58963 2276...................o.'20 149~i Linn..........,................................... 8158 4.2935 5325 1321l 8935 3232j 120830J.........l.........[ 9231 28689..................[......... Louden, townor........................... 244 1200 100...~ {.... iO0 406~........., Massilion........................................::::::::::::::::::::::: "'i 16642....88'() 61526 10681 p:j Pioneer. exc. of Mechanicsv~l]e. 15051 ~484 6~i9 1O454 3O131 446O41.........l.........I 45~ 152756j i...."~'0~"'i'~ "~76i'~i]~gi]....2i'2'"'~/7i ~ " 187675J 14 157J 1211 39185 560j 2 57....................................... ~241 ~I Red Oak... 9929 55442!i9 7481 1296J 18461J 7J 113j 3118 140221J 14 265J 776.256861!52] C/~ Rochester...................................... ~ 8245 3780 6044 1043l 25949J.........J..........I ~571 91535J 28 339l 649:21193 ~p~n~,~.e..... ~o ~o ~, ~.~........,......... ~o ~ Springfield, exc, of Louden......... ~o~, ~o. ~ ] ~:l "~' ~ ~ 17890 2191 59386 4003J 48494J.........J 12J 4585 146695[ 4 120J 1188 33228 18406[ 8J Sugar Creek................................... ~a 2821......... J 822 31208 11388 4694 48980 3451J 7J Total,......................................... 1058~_J........ 24'-~ 4~ 121o5311166485'~-~7t~~j~t~l 7 —~J28459211 481 ~SJ 2'~ 67 —~1 —~J201037l 837l 2384 CERROGORDO COUNTY................ iiiiit!!iii!i 40!ij 0....................................... 90 0 i!J 0 14............... Falls................................................ 7822j 16497 81300 7142 24785~03 74935 1184 33302........::;:;: 1063 40447] 51J 14301. Geneseo.......................................... 37299 729 5140J36944 6880 4851 1195 26180................. 20232J 49J 1145]~. Grant............................................... 1443J21254 9140 1251 11006 137 9170J.,....... 259 7377l......... Lake................................................!iii........ j~ j.... ~ -~ 32231 25822 12590 3011 1766 25.566 460 118851......... 490 15136J 1101 e~ CERRO GORDO COUNTY.-CONTINUED. oo SPRING WINTER INDIAN BUCK~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~RYE. OATS. BARLEY.BUK WHEAT. WHEAT. CORN WHEAT. rj) ro ~ r) NAMESOFTOWNSHIPS,TOWNS, o. c C0 CC AND CITIES. 0,'tt' 4 --,"T~4 4. %- 4.C 4.4 C C~ ~~,~~~~ ~~~ 0 0 0~~~~~~~D0 OQ 0 01) 0 Q) 0 0e 0 0 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 03 o 0 o C.CCC Cll ___________ z z z z z z z~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~I z z 1 6! Z ZZ Z! Lime..Creek.62651 16412 247901 6003 3367! 53792................ 1110 318051 18i 284 838 19220 1381 2861 15 143 Lime~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~60 C8r73k......,6 252 520.................. 1~ ~l........... Lincoln......................................460 18473 201401 4456. 252 35220.955 26663 679 18156 102....2 Mason, exc. of Mason City............ 7313 66504 21643 6977 3624 51240......... 1445 40303.111056 34058 228 47281.1 2 Owen.~~~~~~~~~~5347 23312 102 430 61 39606......803 18545 I. 5891 215801 961 1818j...... Portland..............................6615 16093 21036 5962 3667 47185.985 33640.855 31766 149 3394 3 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~415...,..........49 791207 12 30 6 8 Total...............52980 3098951 178135 486481 28199 415463!.........95121 265443 30 49 791289 07 378 4 8 CHEROKEE COUNTY. c1 Afton...................................... 8522 14218! 1681 74561 4760! 53939.........I 2053 567461....... 5361 182201 53 1099.................. Amherst.................................. 2292 20748.......... 21351 1224! 13478...~ 397 4020 2 3 1561 2661 4 60. Cedar........................................... 5191 17849 520 5010 3538 38653.......... 954 26565 3 386! 11374 14! 594. Cherokee, exC. of town..........4803 18237 2.770 4335 2954 41882!........... 859 33060 7 95 356 12973 73 1479............. Cherokee, town of......................... 1555 21485 1092 868 540 7354.................. 183 5260......... 74 2221......... 400..................... Diamond........................................ 1785 21255 110 1774 1380 10299.........292 7410.......... 2 92 116 3857 12 335..................... Liberty.......................2531 20509.......2150 1539 19004............ 364 10740........... 160 5410..................... Marcus. 620 21498............ 2588 35 250......... 102 230.7..........43 2..................... Pilot........... 6548 16492 3120 3934 3970 51171.................. 484 46283.................. 383 12627.... 6 S n..........2 149 8.........33.................. 5 01 20 412 270.................. 345 2152.........2.. 123. Sileridn.3.................... 4281 19612 100 3236 1751 215644.......... 5127 124152........... 1290 15892 3 567................... Spring........................1207 21833 950 722 560 9771........... 252 8310........... 67 2101 15 445..5 0 Tillen.........................3138 19902 6667 2369 15730 20807.....I.....5352 17910.......... 210 7220 2 9 29............. 0 Total......................54638 289740 14987 45412 31693 401507.......... 9459 315215 12 185 355 115595 342 6930 15 106 CHICKASAW COUNTY. Brickadfr..........c..... ofN........... 10197 7467 48759 4587 4661 62306......... 2116 53450 15 370 1085 39076 75 1764 15 208.................. 9348 11899 54937 5251 2805 43045........ 1649 45185 8 116 863 31131 27 484 23 7 Dayton.................................. 7643 5889 35830 5342 2349 35809................. 1180 35200 13 296 727 28930 149 3038 3 37 Deerfield.................................. 8293 8751 46565 6467 4293 69810................ 1640 56350.................. 1162 46148 96 2790 4 110 Dresden................. 5556 4612 33944 4647 1727 27589[.................. 1197 37934 9 122 878 30596 69 1502 17 189 Fredricksburg......................... 6377 3508 32771 5178 1206 36732... 1280 41005 5 80 815 3346 69 1859 42 448 Jacksonville........................ 12972 7040 46940 8237 4661 69177....... 1437 43627................... 1211 46541 73 2021 1. Nashua, town of............................. 657. 254 3270 657......... 195 5250... 46 2050 12 280 6 60 New Hampton, exc. of town.........s4060 4804 22845 3336 2021 3264... 866 24417 4 100 663 24248 42 1014 5 36 N m t........... 227 1 770 221 28 640.................. 4 350 4 100.......... Richland... 5638 537 39535 5137 2123 33491... 1381.44040 11 99 1008 36601 20 518 3 Stapleton......................9082 10065 54542 9014 5618 90152... 1311 40165 1 32 1195 4625 45 1167 3 35 Utica........................9421 13212 56875 8997 4904 79053........... 1297 34286 2 30 -1070 40348 73 1690 8 122 Washington..7033 9733 52792 7033 3766 63070....... 1272 53370...1017 42230 65 1562 6 222 Total.96504 94772 530375 74104.40162 643519 3 63 16821 514279 68 125 11744 4,46300 819 19789.156 1998 CLARKE COUNTY... Doyle, exc. of Hopeville.... 7291 3952.42609 5443 3900 435491 7 55 3281 10840 52 895 921 28513 4 151 47.......i 4 036 Franklin............................... 9431 4524 44016 6787 704 78551.3790 156195 29 422 1117 33170 8 602... Fremont....................... 6392~ 6247 29984 5287 1253 165171......3177 118791'...... 47 6 15685 1 46 9...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............. 2194i -i 261 93623 2464755 8978 9 Green Bay.....................................10504 3707 38537 7590 1239 129595 12634810 1111 11 4270 Hopeville, town of. 1952 576 12803 1317 293 3405...... 954 34045.............. 308 10767............. 2 14 Z Jackson............................. 78295' 4933 25702 8316 1658 19407.. 3604 107505 7 136 1051 27095 28 860 1 35 Ktiox.......................... 11408 3772 46985 793 1662 20758........3975 161082 47 700 1684 54996 243 5904 6 63 Liberty........................................... 9704 3349 420051 6667 1616 21313.......... 3602 128293 5 64 707 19570 51 860 5 81 Madison................................... 5328 3255 28594 4936 1035 12563... 2716 114220 10 162 643 18352 17 342 3 54 Osceola, exe. of town........ 4567 2037 20030 4400 1227 14928... 2061 118699 4 36 684 23243 70 1432- 5 Osceola, town of............. 4154 2092 17103 3594 944 106001.......... 14101 47568 1 10 7051 20217 52 1022 3 41 Troy......................... 4505 2671 26169'5250 776 102916........25181 118740 501 696 1107 26128 44 1595...... 44 Ward............................ 7596 4196 30938 1 5151 661 9705.............. 2661 112380 4 76 812 29314 62 1163 2 75 Washington................... 7565 5175 26598 6131 999 13235............. 82 12-7987 5 37 859 24350 22 525............. Total..................... 98694 50486 432073 78803 17968 217090 7 55 3906S5 1580260 314 4345 12336 367643 626 14387 27 546 CLAY COUNTY. Bridgewater.3665.470.10'.3361.174.1307.890............... 3 - 7 376 141 1631711 1179 1........................ 476 [ 1 5 6 1 5. la.7070 781 501 165 381 467213j 3017 44.......... 9 13 I17 2960 4.....................1 73 079 Clay ~~~~~............. 70708 3782 4950794. 1662 440240715 383 395160171 4 7 [ 20901 1 6 471 5499 CLAY CONTY-CONTINUED. WINTER INDIAN BUCKW HEAT. C O RN.____ __ ~WHEAT. CORN. RYE. OATS. BARLEY. WEAT. 0 WHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. ~~~~~~~~WHEAT. o. j~. a... 4C. 0~~~~ 1O O w a.0sOw S,;-4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~D NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 0 4 -..04 z~~~~~~~~~~~6 147, I 11~;;zinzE;......................... 14295 I 580 17253 1 AND CITIES. d 04- 40..- 0 -. 4..0. 0..............6614-5I296161 8 4 %2............ 819 16620 30 2140 801 21... 0. o_ 4z 0 0 o0 0 0 4 00 0 ~zz zzzzzzzz z z z z z zz Douglas........................ 4268 4186 4222 3620 2002 234241.............. 945 276951.......I..... 5801 17253 63 1477 *1 11 Gillett's Grove....................................... 2677 3213 630 2449 992'81811.........-696 164951............I......... 2891 6715 15 182 2 14 1 erton............................................ 3268 7 23....3... 5..... 3.........422 10547 23................. I. ~~~~Spencer.~~.....6871 7337 320 6208 2953 11.362..............31289.......... 87 1. 872 13560 40 393 Summit.... 4261 4555............. 3 2193 16039.............. 821 14385 3 8 322 6878 16 234.. Total............................370591 39919j 103991 333751 174811 1531491......I...... I 87971 1801201 771 715, 44361 98766 232 3816 18 127 CLAYTON COUNTY. Boardman.....................11196 6037 41561 10036 6072 90855.. 2027 78075 4 40 1286 37207 99 2338 2 10 iDuena Vista................... 1681 2625 10223 1265 669 15459............. 358 11340............ 127 2854 2 46 3 40 Cass.......................... 8683 6560 40763 5316 2159 26837.. 1823 61020.............1076 27724 44 903 10 203 Clayton...................... 4628 7685 30602 38 6 1 1778 26481 16 350 9(-2 39726 10 149 505 16752 58 1355 22 374 Cox Creek..................... 9393 10897 74446 80201 4521 45620.............2100 52595 8 59 9531 18138 71 1695 19 76 Elk...................... 4554 6396 50055 3417 1348 15689 247 I3984 1455 61584 16 157 231 5877 4 85 321 36.8 Farmersburg......19766 22521 708401 23838 6906 111723........... 2685 116985............1573 58948 360 8891......... Garniavil1o...................12214 10059 70150 8789 5079 78341................ 2176 101830 9 6 19 44816 63 Girard........................ 8366 1824 61624 6637 42,58 58102....... 1825 78948...... 1..... 1160 45544 67 1643 3 50 Grand Meadow................17750 1723 67573" 10491 6646 107&-1............ 2230 87730.............1403 51581 164 3400 11 245 Highland......................10669 7835 55913 9440 5151 84662.............1853 54350..... 1007 34772 21 700 5.130 Z Jefferson, exc. of Guttenberg.....121721 14866 101370 12103 6834 925C9 64 832 2673 99570 30 3-95- 1288 39619 58 1558 3 48 0 Lodomillo..................... 88701 6227 731261 4093 1941 22727 23 304 1945 74570............ 646 26225 17 430 53 754 Mallory....................... 67751 9312 726051 5373 1 63 2 195791 898 13848 1854 54078 18 168. 4930 12675 16- 299 27 659 ,),) C), ~,), 0~ 0 0 0~ 5;45 ___________ z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; z z 4 z z z4 z z z z z z1. zz Riverton.....................17548 1447 107644 11150 5388 82105...........2637 78165 18 130 16161 56299 267 5297 7 68 Rockford....................14363 3421 44855 9106 5240 81487...........2349 59355........... 1284 38295 142 2562 7 92 fl Rock Grove, exc. Nora Springs.. 11098 3816 42145 6691 43-50 75-999...........1228 3946t5............ 863 34522 137 2766 13 130 Rudd...........10403 1330 32608 6565 3860 62129...........1029 30490........... 94.5 24975 183 3496 Scott.................... 5916 2639 14555 5100 3117 41957.................. 1628 40170.830 25141 158 2926. St. Charles, exc. of city.20170 12833 113356 19326 10067 139251..7174 112630 2 607 1938 105095 159 3 13 122 Ulster.. 8264 5601 34571 7911 4617 68316......... 1514 3862. 1030 34935 174 33842 7 30 Union.13422 4410 55326 1182i 6870 88159.2637 68825.48 1364 368.28 1651 3484 25 260 Total............ 147098 52130 642062 110708 62067, 911439. 2662 -24 1069 15461 487729 1929 39217 123 1292 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Clinton....................... 6510 2,550 20130 69031 3140 45710...........2129 85815...........11.58 41263 164 3163 2 24 Geneva........................................... 8278 3079 14472 7857, 3737 54303.. 2506 77450....... 1011 37991 320 8055 3 42 Grant............................................... 3193 2236 1980 29761 1679 23013.957 218281iiii....i]......... 329 10462. IHamilton..2543 2440 7813 2969 12511 18136.. 876 22600...512 13792 6i 100 66 Hampton, town of.............. 83 24 900 133 1 8!1 144........... 65 2155........... 28 10401..... I................ Inghiam........................ 6585 5024 15484 5304 23921 32101.... 3......0049 85-240........... 620 21596 1191 2286 17 Lee............................ 1346 1542 4970 1863 950 13295........... 728 112401......I...... 374 11865 4 70 4 30 Marion........................ 1293 12982 1.1251 11277 606 7553.......... 292 7125............ 168 4393 26 676 16 86 Morgan........................ 3476 27981 111901 2608 1057 15067.......... 794 26130....I 4431 16177 42 760........ Oakland...................... 3682 4266 8840 3136 1317 22275............... 109 325 517 19206 19 610 2 Osceola..:... 1215 43041 24539 10392 5455 89003...... 37111 13,5690..... 1022 42391 448 8986 9 113. Reeve................................................ 7775 5408 1 25844 7119 36.58 47504.. 26791 9.5950.................. 1074 35772 107 2210 19 48. Richland...................... 2394 19481 7735 2349 849 14089L.-:..- 71(j 22320........... 4891 1422222 3 120.......... Washington, exc. of I-Iampton..... 6532[ 3600] 21665] 8563 52974 36045 West Fork............ 3654J 2545 54971 2281 20730[ 484 168531 45] 943[ 7] o~........ t1172 4~61 ~21 56161 211, ~,~JI 15421.................................,..........-m..............-. FREMONTCOUNTY. Benton, exc. oftowns.................... 6806! 16885] 32158 6169] 393 5819 721 851 51561 170585 21] 350] 1411 5423 195[ 3590.................. Fisher, exc uf Farragut................. 11700 121321 25716 05101 1546 195341 2871 5729 63141 121840 30] 451[ 690]:0946 210[ 2862]......... I Franklin, exc. ofI-Iamburg.......... 12960 18974] 35391 65281 816 122171 341 370 91381 143101 12]'1651 317] 8474 8111 4534]......... t Locust Grove................................. 5184 14417[ 18745 6443] 595 96451 321 604 2885[ 52431 8[ 102[ 3141 8896 112[ 27601.........[ Madison.......................................... 15474 8776] 58100 0415 1329 21259[ 131] 2146 93681 2.35385 1831 1090] 754] ~5932 3091 91021.........[......16 Monroe........................ 10285 274661 31213 8894[ 2350 366221.....'../ 62501 130726 131 1761 8071'5712 332[.0582] 21...... Prairie............................................. 6535 129001 20590 6075] 850 15759 22]....11'~ 3604[ 104160.........].........I 2881 9250 501].3813] 51 Riverton, exc. oftown.................. 6597 116191 25179 5847 788 15367 165] 3251 37061 93275 45t 506[ 235] 8546 148t 5109[ 31 l~oss, exc. of Tabor........................ 11661 177871 534011 19259 1458 23778[ 8210] 2101701.........[.........] 9611 33157 2171 5283]................... ~zJ Scott, exc. of towns........................ 10074 155451 51421[ 6619[ 771 13284[......60 "30~ 6296[ 177354] 650[ 196[ 266 9794 6[ 60]........ Sidney, exc. of town...................... 12655 31557 618431 118321 1727 274881 14 196 8241[ 193360[ 44[ 195I 4421 18630J 317[ 6915[......... 0o...............................'~5'~i'~' I 6 i........................... 569 Tabor, town of................................ 475 2890] 321] 24 753~/ "'120 225[ 7155[ 8]......... 23.... 4371 93143::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ Walnut............................................ 181 1137 2 5292 2449 240__l~"............. 4265 72 898~] Total.......................................... 115907 198832 443023 103030[ 13229 2 —-~[ 1-~ 738451 1703985 1014 3231 — ~ 17 —~l-~l 7 —~[ —-~ 112 ~xJ cl GREENE COUNTY. ~ ]3ristol.................................. 69t3 3813 27012] 5606 1898 30682 1] 29 1661[ 94730 89 452 14006 54 13951 15[ 180 Cedar............................................... 5333 3077 25270[ 3.406 1372 17875............ 5] 1733[ 65250 285 7196 32 558......... I)awson I.......... 377 22~a ~701 34~ ~OS XOS2...........,........... ~56 52a9.......... fl........~51 33 70X......:..... Franklin......................................... i~//i:ifilifil::Z i 3984 3238 16090 3692 1352 15001 1] 15 1868 665,55 I......... 3~ 9832 75 Grand Junction, town of............... 1228 4308 4200[ 900 146 1671...........[.......... 166] 5390........................ 895......... Greenbrier...................................... 1835 2916 15201 1479 870 10727.........].......... 774[ 18985 132 4071 13.... 176] i~i~I....... 14911 41 63 I-Iardin........................................... 52395 5100 3138 14834 4481 1910 20273.......... t..........'.......4~l......509] 316 7339 162 3727 2114:[-Iighland........................,................ 1619 902 ~516 1461 592 6686..................... 534t 19465 10[ 100] 134[ 33031 1l 2251.........[......... Jackson............................................ 5133 3432 18350 3604 198~ 23800.................... 2051] 66547........1'3........ 317[ 7789 29 Jefferson, ext. of town................. 60 1491 5[ 47 6652 6167 40526 6135 1962 21457..........I.......... 3109[ 107690 588[ [7015] 82 2183 4 14 Jefferson, town of........................... 350[ 275 1520 290 149 2008.......... 180[ 5930 Junction, exc. of Grand Junction t............ 600......... 3905[ 3625 5985 4923 8,53 24299]....................... 1886] 61158........47...... 101 84]'[ 471 t4711[ 991'"4732[.......4[.....'50 26601 84290 1 16[ ~J Kendrick.......................................... 7931[ 4170 37560 5920 226t 30853..........[............t 439[ ~1772[ 20J 491[ 6[ 103 Scranton, exc. of town...................... 4341 1813 5391 1724 766 9945...... I.. 59~1 18350 11 3563l 21[ Scranton, town of.................................. 1001 60 300 100 70 5!5[ i 10161....~.[::111][]]][[..:: 18 4401.........l.... ~][~ ~11~i,,m GREENE COUNTY-CONTINUED. SPRING WINTER INDIAN RY. OT. BRE.BUCKo ~~~~~~~~~~~WHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. _________ ____ WHEAT. NAMES OF TOWNS HIPS, TOWNS,.. 1 S 0 15 AND CITIES. |. 0.0 5 0 5 IC.0. 5 |.0| Wasinto................... 73455081 37932 7117 2521 284...........I 3181] 1032351 2 47 500 165971 0 11 11 WVillow............................ 8'188351457711..............264 780303918|7 95|- 3~ 1 1 44 4.4574-4 2987444..... +... _~~~~~~~~ 26 I7810l ~ s~ ~ O~ 0 0~ 0 0 ~ 300 0 1 8 0.. Total.......................................... 59940 4 — 243561 52323 19391| 25-2 44 22313 783037 120 1775 422712 — -- 1-0| a) - - Cd,, Q) "I a) (V W a) a OC) C) OC Ca~) W Q) a) a) C) I GRUNDY COUNTY. P -~0. 0 0.C-. 0. or. 0-. 0.. - k ]Beaver......................... 70401 34091 9318' 63261 36801 462771......... 2242j 774751 181 145i 7201 230031 3891 68101 311 389 Black Hawk...; l10149l 3871t 5290J 96011 46641 74256.. 19521 696001 151 6167 43115|160 f5 ___________ z z z z 2 0 5630zZ Z 5Z Washington.7134 5508 37932 7117 2521 29874.3181 103235 2 47 500 16597 50 1161 3 15 Willow.......1882 1183 385 1144 574 7511........... 264 7810 3 30 39 1118 7 95 Total... 59940 49838 243l561 5232305 19391 3 2 0577610 2 44 22313 78 23037 10 1775 4227 120948 655 18550 39 429 GRUNDY COUNTY. Beaver....................... 7040 3409 9318? 6326 3680' 462-77...........2242 7747Sf 18 145 720 230031 389' 6810 31 389 Black Hawk.10149 3871 5290 9601 4664 74256......1952 69600 15 265 6 24035 1057 15630 4 50 Clay......................... 11295 3523 16956 10310 4231 63492............ 3085 123530 2 44 798 267311 250 6307 12 142 Z Colfax.................. 7159 2191 3060 7139 3509 60549. 2476 83770........................ 527 22936 646 16787....................... Fairfield.......................................... 15851 640 23705 15705 4580 61146.. 3411 123455.................. 1047 34432 297 5226 10 124 Felix................................ 11003 3616 20239 9756 5210 72674.......... 3655 134920 32 444 654 225941 265 53111 4 53 German.12334................. 123 34 5217 19777 11209 5786 86701........I.I3162 107590 15 1501 1070 39550 9521 20982............ I.. Grant.............:...........10260 4349 3610 10288 6315 78877.. 2622 99682.............. 964 37542 368 7707 4.60 Lincoln....................... 6071.1835 1935 4388 3164 45802.. 1901 72835............... 701 229921 477 85081............... Melrose.......................12287 1505 20262 9870 5235 69532............4051 161110 135 1930 1047 34908 376 8041 18.13 Palermo.......................19013 7346 22163 19668 8690 129690............. 5336 193516...............1814 59070 539 10373 13 127 Pleasant Valley................13739 3.356 7530 10884 6356 9245.............2578 89290.............. 9331 30740 1207 23104 2 24. Total.146089 47926 160530 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~135108 673841 976607.......... 401751 148258S2 217 29781 117861401948 7845 152162 98 1108 0 GUTHRIE COUNTY. An Bear Grove........ 6759 3171 24665 4590 1354 18951 -20 350 2321 91280............. 247 7747 4 127. 13 ~~Beaver.6669 2561 24806 5962 2494 41077....... 26 3318 194540 4 81 219 8764 9 200......... Cass, exc. of Panora.. 12599 7933 46816 12200 851 52444 2 10 5721 229710 19 277 336 26251 99 2312 13 197 Center..................... 6923 3504 26681 6657 2361 30373............ 3349 141440363 11640 54 1468.......... Dodge................................ 2266 1711 5950 1901 749 112.864 32315 2 22 148 5292 56 1680........ Grant........2746 1858 7850 2916 1640 20275.................. 1172 39375.... 155 4465 9 261 7 ~Highland. -. 2986 2840 11690 288..... 1316705........... 62 16................. 2 36 Jackson..7662 6791 46236 7277 2536 35851... 3902 177644............. 345 11847 6 150 6 136 Orange,................. 3092 1149 13250 3416 1098 173701373 48440...........5....... I869.................... 7 anora, town of............................. 927 359 44 872 133 1................ 178 5335......... 18 371.............................. n..5223 3476 24220 5318 iO 31821...2837 133480........... 315 10582 25 781 6 Richiand................................. 6196 4306 12600 5019 1243 17204..... 2600 92185 11 162 456 15108 1119 2437 2 17 Thompson..5776 2029 10880 3178 1621 25298................ 2057 83705 12 260 311 10710 20 560 1 2 nion......... 4156 2591 45800 3647 1106 15322......... 12 2 71................. 194 7314 4 70..... 6 Valley.6649.382841 31760 55 193407.....8......3 1 Victory..... 6630 2250 27914 575 2070 28393.2580 1058....95............ 399 11820 81 1458 2. Total.................... 87259 47220 331162 76892 28 3 7 22 360 38902 1669134 48 802 4145 153505 498 11804 32 488 HAMILTON COUNTY. - ~ 12t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t Basbrg2835 3560 2320 3463 1519 20536.............. 1310 41325 32 412. 481 14598 62 1290 4 25 76 Boone... 12597 4290 42038 8702 3241 52371................ 3294 111996 8 133 892 33682 158 1668 52 3100 Cass....8966 1367 30998 5752 2404 35418...........2244 72055 4 65 626 19363 71 1377 4 34 Z Clear Lake.2895 2094 9410 2162 1200 16574. 802 241560................... 241 7839 49 1063. 81....... Ellsworth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........................ Ellsworth.~~~~~~~~~~~3557 3303 14826 2147 931 1.3264...........1045 37750............ 236 7728 27 557 1 1 Fremont......................3999 3243 14200 704 1888 26606...........1595 57270.......435 14984 1.5 358 1 20 Hamilton..................... 5192 394:2 32310 4592 1868 26648...........1668 -65845....... 472 14050 46 885 8 102 Lyon..13..................... 912 1556 8.110 3697 1070 16121...........12.78 41065.:....... 359 9977 73 1477 4 40 Marion....................... 6535 7336 40390 6500. 2,512 34376...........3065 107445 7.. 14'0 399 14464 93 2053... Rose Grove...................1850 3246 2130 1595 317 3828....... 733 22070...163 4544 16 420... Scott......................... 5989 703 1994-5 7666 1485 13682...........1400'245. 296 10898 50 678.......... Webster.......................5639 5295 33129 5070 2241 85258...........2007 65000 1 41 508 16135 42 966 5 65 Total......................63966 39935, 250006 52050, 206761 294682...........20441, 6701731 52 791 51081168262~ 702 12792, 79 609 HANCOCK COUNTY. Amsterdam.............. 13171 72552 67601 1254 6621 8536.:: 1 3151 83001...:..... 2351 86871 371 434j 21 29 Avery...................64 1013171 44497 81151 1047 68 291. 429 i 12642.....I.... 235 84141 il1 18j 2j 17 HANCOCK COUNTY.-CONTINUED. SPRING WINTER INDIAN RYE! OATS. BARLEYI WHEAT.,~~~~~~~~~~~~~c ~.. O~ ~~ = \o1 =; =,=.o WHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. RYE. OAT. BL W.; 1 5 4........I57.... ~NA~ES OF TOWNSHIPS, ~TOWNS.......... 9 40 145.. 1 0 41 1 11 1........ A~D CITIES. U)3 Caa.4 el). 4- 4~.d 4O.4. 4-.0.. C4....... 0 1 0 0.. 0..:.:... 6530 19347........... 430 0463 C)4 -4 3 C) a) C).......... 0 6215.........C. 4........I.. Britt........................................ 41 - 2000 140 2571 180 22481. - 40 1450-..... 13 5I 421 11571 24. 2 18 Concord................................. 1625 47166 1450 1557 612 7686. 219 5945... 1631 5457 22 539 3 60 Crystal........................ 734 367921 3055 621 301 2514........... 191 4000........... 68 13011I 10 110........ Ellin gton..................... 3939 45711 27208 3421 1995 30455........ 653 19347.. 4301 19030 22 4631 1. 116 Taiotal.-.................... 515,9 6 4 -5 67.......... 2206 65789 I........ 13531 48816 92.... 1564... 24.... 240... Total..............1046213416151 46888 90051 4889 700061.........I..... HARDIN COUNTY.z Alden........................ 6653 3442 21880 4419 2084 304261............. 1648:1 43586'.......... 707 26978 71 1296 11 10 Buckeye...................... 2263 2235 8632 2278 661 811'...... 1045 281550........... 501 13619 34 562 3 28 Clay......................... 10605 2429 38180 90372 3665 502681i.......... 3558 1339161. 4 80 766 27975 461 7346 4 31 Concord........................... 1139 734 80 933 484 5315,...... 334 9.... 62 1365 33 420.... Eldora, exc. of town..11368 4728 45001 7286 3496 3908.... 3793 1420601 37.702 780 24786 97 1261 Eldora, town of................ 1105 519 5700 892 32.7 4069'......... 351 130. 115 3561 20 500. Ellis......................... 7541 469 25983 42,59 1780 24102;.. 1823 444 2 30 704 19060 128 2622 131 186'Etna, exc. of Ackley............ 12935 2841 35240 9789 4148 44028!.'.-'"":... 3054 94612!.. 1011 40047 256 3776 1 22 Grant......................... 2668 1701 3546 2534 1362 16286'i..... 1171 29400 2 15 269 7550 21 224 9 100 Hardin, exc. of Iowa Falls....... 12272 1211 50345 7474 3214 4 8889.. -!.....1. 3373 114185 25 461 1127 38887 131 2208 7 98 Jackson...................... 14118 1303 50840 8863 2706 3382691......... I....... 3657 130795 3 40 1319 43117 198 3397 9 159 Pleasant...................... 13790 4026 63360 9861 3168 41058 I.........!......4060 123386 9 1801 1084 32693 111 2141 4 63 Providence.................... 14858 4240 65474 13007 4929 69278. 6334 235570 20 255 1071 36337 29 387 2 30 Sherman...................... 1779 1276 1172 1836 863, 9195....... 567 13270...... 275 5991 18 320 1 8 o Tipton........................ 4378 3571 25925 4284 1467 17 698.....I....i.. 1769 464601 24 4061 517 13290 125 1999 341 802. Union, exc. of town............ 11267 5182 57234 10574 4077 55087...... I.......4758 1756751 21 276 674 22629 52 1187 14 137 Uniontownof........................ 91 3 1701 104o 1 fo........ 0....... 50................................ Total................ 8831 03 500262i b977651 38454i 497251................. 413041i 13'79961 141, 24451 1092bb945j 175 9646 104 1689 HARRISON COUNTY. Allen................................... 532 22532 1 464 239 3463.................. 340 99501..... 15 526....... I.. 11 ~ ~................. Boyer........4552 19198 28957 3167 953 5945 30 1000 233 112230... 94 2548...0....... Calhoun..........3.978 8443 18341 2420 1027 3275............. 1879 751851..... 121 13071... 9 110 Cass...........2444 20595 13910 1737 518 38761............. 905 343851 5 5 200 5685 16 500 1. Cincinnati.............. 3937 16264 20370 24421 1322 13438.'.......12724 102955 146 45101. 1 12 7 70 Clay.......... 2925 14592 16585 2057 542 8517 201 200 1579 555041:::::.. 72 1943......................... 17235 3282 1010 6399......... I......... 1565 47367 10 28 178 3377 46 1 Harrison.........4496 225 25971 4680 2077 12343............ 1875 66405 6 120 219 5407 10 50. Jackson..........3995 16736 17955 2249 682 3118 30........ 1339 39325......... 49 1079...... Jes......10855 15713 60124 9602 3816 2120..... 5815 136290 37 825 7. 5.0 473 La Grange..... 3511 17842 23417 2813 1035 4307 4... 2103 813401. 35 4769 108 9 47 Lincoln........... 1476 19860 6210 1393 454 4701'704 31550i.................. 291 Little Sioux.................... 5203 16684 27367 3681 1 1 57 6656.......... 72281 72985 4 63 156. 3262'1 9 Magnolia....... 6899 23429 41605 6202 1254 10426....... 3290 163385........ 5 217 3618 421...... Morgan.............5648 6978 20927 4007 933 8602............... 2336 86095 20 185 105 18981...... Raglan.......................423506 2621 601 6294.......2082 86121 2 29 66 2049....... St. John.12269 12173 57632 8975 1841 12229.. 5294. R226830( 10 200 274 6922 08 Taylor.942146.39051 86 896. 85 270 2 25 180 5834 4 160'.! Union.~~~~~~~~~~~~~4032 21145 16871 3077 2024 5824............1902. 46875....... 281 68821...':::.......... Washington.............. 1193 24107 3898 1105 603 3472........... 539 21755,.::::....... 80 1760,......... Total.......................94848 387,37 11 4731011 72287' 23948 1437011 84! 1200! 44-7201 1620192 — 961 7421 3462! 691401 801 1056 109! 1649 Z HENRY COUNTY. Baltimore............... 10754 6447 38142 5917 131 782 1065 12926 2166 84020 20 250 357 7060........... 12 1.53 Canaan,................. 15509 2,545 57080 2406 2184 30562 106 1630 72-28 316-560 136 1655 1248 43732 39 970 20 505 Center, exc. of Mt. Pleasant......17224 3088 119602 6712 963 10015 853 11855 4655 179070 213 2383 832 25464..11 209 Jackson....................I..11611 8345 103688 8120 873 6452 1154 15785 4317 172325 148 1310 7430 21122 8 6 27 498 J e:ffers on......................17653 5030 56473 10498 1205 12432 1204 12124 4196 135063 8 43 891' 26496 28 458 11 98 Marion........................17801 1811 73144 12915 1283 16413 608 7941 5551 204787 57 773 889 30308...... 817 19 356 Mt. Pleasant, city of............ 853......18539 60 19 165 20 310 19 2334.-.. 33 50.................... New London, exc. ol town.......19869 2033 104868 18676 2074 23298 463 5443 6945 2.89059 89 1294 1794 59005.......... 9 INpw London, town of.................................. 19 138....... 29 1625 4 35 23 760................ Rome, town of. 397 472 1890 367.........442 275 10940 28 120 29 429.................. Salem, exc. of ton12299 4120 726,54 6634 889 694 47 3879 4219 157 120 115 12101 860 224,50.......... 3 Scott..........................13929 2265 64603 8.704 1935 28958 56 834 6056 2072701 P 16871 2998 344 3 14281 38 5,53 HENRY COUNTY.-CONTINUED. SPRING WINTER INDIAN BITCHRYE. OATS. BARLEY. UK WHEAT. WHEAT. COlRN. WHEAT. 0 ~ ~ _ _ _ _ *_____ ~~~~~~~~~~ 0t 0 We ri Wt b t. W We. 2~ ~ ~~ o* o0.0o. 0t.Q.Otoo NA1ES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS,'0. 00~ 00 0 00 0 O 0 oV 0v 00 CD.00 /D( a 00 0 0 0Q S S S S S S | Fz Tippecanoe, ex. of Rome. 105227778 92499 7397 435 6534 1048 13561 3187 125584 127 1678 626 14554.........8 227 Trenton.1... 3682 6040 94097 9022 286 2449 1967 25942 6280 1109618 50 582 - 819 21821 * 10 139 8 217 Wayne.19977 275 93841 13403 2713 35127 60 558 7549 3602951 54 715 1351 496251 29 6401 22 250 Total182080 50249 992030 110831 15026 180229 90411113203 62672 2415670 -1184 13735 133931358221 177 -4528 214 3664 HO WARD, COUNTY. C Albion........................11026 7676 38930 9745 5324 95984...........1058 37476........... 959 33670 93 2119 18 371 Afton................... 15376 18,575 39765 6718 3905 66777...........2490 -56482........... 1444 48614 105 8701.......... Chester.................8717 10117 11540 2942 1643 26200........... 421 14850....... 589 18521 84 1508 20 217 Forest City....................12228 5763 26800 7181 4751 71560........... 658 24455 4 10 965 33543 170 3795 6 95 Howard,.5209 28637 20355 3688 2205 35688........... 532 186911........... 583 22407 8 151 2 10 Howard";Center....:........... 8683 12920 2275 48041 3190 43878.......... 688 24730........... 907 26722 133 21281 10 164 Jamestown.........6797 15,8331 13698 3251 1781 29803........ 483 17860......6801 25642 289 7988. New Oregon...................18060 157491 43510 8185 3972 62102............1517 37820... 125...... 1 44093 119 3592 11 4 Oak Dale...................... 6071 12525' 15264 2785J 1804 27753. 337 10238....... 448 18270 39 737 15 23 Paris.......................... 9019, 13471 24000 5363) 3303 54569........... 762 29065............ 1028 27976 86 1641 4 42 Saratoga...................... 56181 16310 8697 1846 934 13920........... 2081 7180............ 328 12834 48 1032 1 15 Vernon Springs, exc. of Cresco.. 90191 13471 24000 5363 3303 54569........... 7621 29065............ 1028 27976 31 655 5 54 Total......................15 17082-78844 61871 36115 582803.......... 9916 307912 4 100 10210 340268 1205 34047 92 1251 0 HUMBOLDT COUNTY. ~~Avery............................... 1961 2500 1127 1838 784 1628................. 787 21690 4 27 226 3652. ~Dakota............................. 2574 2231 6045 2355 1010 13404......... 742 23751 2 35 258 7486 6 Deano............................... 2805 3252 250 2691 1439 7954.................. 838 2347.335 Grove.............................. 38 8 4752 7585 3779 1447.. 12017.......... 588 14925 13 280. u boldt....................................... 3463 4955 7460 3036 1568 9295.17........ 1074 25 374. Humboldt, town of..................... 632 469 296 465 322 1698........... 371 122698......Lake....... 765 1015 940 725 274 2807......... 264 7300 I. 125 2620 Norway................................ 735 3348........... 1559 729 14744......... 2861 8300121 4202 6. R....................... 2585 2478 1274 23071 939 34616......... 922 27845 10 393 5630 23 323 76 466'.Springvale.........2665 3619 10590 2494 1161 5723........ 957 28770 2 18 4261 7144 21 58 Vernon............................... 4579 4842 4614 3688 1588 11873................. 1223 3210. Wac............................. 1231....... 2159 1360 1188..349..653 1896 Weaver............................... 1241 1286 887 436 391625............... 358 12710. Total.............................. 29114 36906 41541 27012 12046 120902....... 998 297381 18 160 3974 90944 220 2911 82 512 - IDA COUNTY. Corwin.21.................. 2196 3221 320 1610 812 14944.................. 5651 5 1725. Douglas....................... 1139 1510 1033 1090 515 6331........... 4101 11415 50 1369 2 20 1 5 Mable............. 3101 3017 18661 3101 1384 21133..........1036 71600 213 4975 44 1039 12 25 S il v er -Cree.................... 856 1746.........1713 397 64071........... 90 8200 29 1016 13 155............. Total........................ 22 3219 6514____ 3108 488151...........2301 108465j __ __ 455 14060 83, 17251 13, 30 IOWA COUNTY. Ama~na..................... 4883 13619 30430 3070 647 12400.......615 29525 138 3890 737 26900 415 118901.......... Cono......................... 2926 1487 13209 5237 680 9499....... 1271 63800........... 185 5234....... 150 1 12 Dayton.......................13671 9,345 61373 926Sf 2714 -35428...... I.... 4588 215276 21 210 887 26421 316 6016 31 362 English.......................10530 8865 66349, 8234 1866 23414 2 20 4405 185915 47 473 838 ~25850........... 381 713 Fillmore,.......................12371 5667 64441 10511 2653 374391........... 4226 158397 20 344 705 18280 85 1894 14 170Greene.......................14232.1712 58S37 10239 1686 32657........... 5118 201350 43 2901 751 21610 116 2074 32 442 Hartford, exc. of Victor......... 11818 3582 49491 11198 4,376 35354............ 4900 2112681 2 18 733 14360 237 3707 ~6 53 Hilton....-................14552 1886 48760 10088 4098 65732........... 3302 176222.. 519 156621 510 10587......... Honey Cr eek. -I..........14923 8981 48925 12758 4945 53133........... 49061 16,5705 12. 147 906 18167 201 3538.. 26 iowat......................... 1141-0 4943 51516 9784 31183 56493 7 60 2,513 158697 47 937 889 21694 199 6932 10 161 Len ox....................... 71931 5768 379140 57.19 2'50:37729........... 2545 1017301 141 1S0 501 131775 88 20.31 4 49 Lincoln.....................8J951-)2 21.39 32720 48241 J)81 23177 9........... 2698 110970 5 45 440 90694 191 21931 4 48 t. Marengo, exc. of town".1.. 0112 492 537514 23 44579........... 3779 171410 8 68, 706 17643 109 3418 12 184 -4 IOWA COUNTY.-CONTINUED. I SPRING WINTER INDIAN RYE. OATS. BARLEY. - W-EAT. WHEAT. CORN. WHEAT. NAXES OFTOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 0 0 r C6. C. a o 6 A 0. d o. 6C AND CITIES. 4 i d,I; 0) o.0ro ~ ~r. 6. 0 A 0) 0 09 0) 0 )04 0) )0) o 0 0 00 0)0 ___________ z z ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~Z z Z I ZZ VAZIz z zI i _ z z Marengo, town of,.............. 120 701 470 1121 151 6601 27 10001 57 8450..... 4 45 101 100........... Pilot................................................ 10076 4079 41095 8613 2855 40013 3540 146990 1 123 787 20737 296 4655 17 238 Sumner........................................... 11726 2596 49588 14790 3275 502061 3568 150415 30 333 619 19465 520 11693 19 2881 Troy......................... 13214 4142 51549 12977 3204 47981..... 208380... 706 19371 52 1434 3 35 0 Victor, town of............................. 395 305 1860 395 130 1535.................. 168 54501.34 770..14.. Washington................... 5477 3903 32476 4227 2293 25549...........2207 1000001 4 8 7 09 3 86 1 162 York................................................12460 1335 42022 9312 2385 36067. 3359 145880 38 452 533 12697 72 1466 6 721 Total.......................1910411 89357 8351671158488 484101 670247 361 1080~ 62518~ 2713830 439 7697 11756 3190711 34501 753321 217 3018 JACKSON COUNTY.z A ndtre, tow n of........................... 8...... 19]3051................. 18601................ 6 168..........................770.... Bellevue, exc. of town..........9221 12663 94530 8941 3238 42850...2361 91145 5 95 1629 35484 6 85.. 110 Brandon................................... 5401 12326 60334 4839 715 7985 2667 1542 51645 28 207 514 10333... 54 733 Butler.........................10323 8987 72755 6663 1587 22230......3482 87195........... 1718 30233 3 62.......... Fairfield..........................................16825 2007 72132 7133 3276 45946 6 100 3726 111655 4 65 1432 28757 110 2569 65 1009 Farmer's Creek................10730 12000 101266 7453 1613 21779 181 3016 3271 86610 54 621 854 18850 3 50 46 484' Iowa...................14044 7728 91637 10264 3313 50670...4588 175084 1 1.5 1505 42994 242 5604 63 828 York ~~~~~~~~.......................................36772 Jackson......................11100 7585 68737 10062 3861 33433........... 4138 87095 2 15 1899 39092.......... 49 557 MaqUOketa, exc. of city.........10399 6995 62932 10899 2231 29796 55 936 3177 97627 56 796 894 20853J.58 1257 38 554 Maquoketa, city of....................... 977 446 7368 726 63 701 25 600 241 9115............ 28 775.......17.... 142 Monmouth....... 13062 4683 73050 6384 1841 21721... 3231 95110 31 372 1099 23831.69.871 20 261 Otter Creek.15116 6799 85067 7401 2342 28358 4 63 2381 897 0 1677 32285 18 292 1 42 r1 Ttl..................................... 1908[ 9-18576715 84~ 0 67202 Perry, exc. of Andrew.9129 9141 75984 5565 1850 26502 11 231 3013 108725 22 264 1279 32608.4 116 115 1918 Prairie Spring.12507.10121.6............7235 9408 4607 49843... 29.......0..... 911.5 1975 35921 122 1820 2 30 0 Richland.........1.32.......... 13124 7043 69654 13124 2955 1 35985'......3398 86480.1863 41325 94 1450 6 98 73 Sabula, tow 7 15 200 7..................................................... South Fork, exe. of' Maquoketa... 7807 16621 613331 4203 i974!i 10806 1 1991 59t78306 111 136t 727'i 177641 351f,6j 2 8 Tete Des Morts........ i............ 9276' 105A1I 81717t 8079 365311 45067..........2084 803800 41 49 1813501725 0 vion, exc. ot 55~.....11 331 11 3 un, Sabla............... 9 2591 20600t Los: 10149.......... 729 2425 0 50 1163 1 30 5 Il Van Buren,................................ 1 948069 1 267 50 354..........456150........ 6371 44968j 202] 3684{ 27 330 f-a Washington ~~.:....................... 134 54710669 220924 8 8691 12730 2,560 63754 498964 1899054 8............. BeaVsa................................ l~7 09 710 14641 92 729,51 663 7 9 3825949 20541 4 19 Clear Creek ~~.............................. 147 844 603 922 6~ 78 068 1 137 722,51 2 9 0 Des Moines, exc. of Prairie City... 20501 10219 78479 1941S 6959 821881.................. 8018 378030 81 685 1226 48962.182.3090.14.24 Elk ree............................ 174 713 066 131 43 4991........ 69-3 1~413322109 ~~55 411 762 95 -1 3 268 9~~5]~/q5 275 — T-;5 Hickory Grov..............L.................... 8697 1_49 1000 l08 95476 4920 57561 2 982..... 715172653 17 5 408 173 96 2591 01 45047........9.......1......... -14 6 104i79 3843 79........... Jasear Citeowek72.................. 5 601 00................ 844t95192420]348 7 8 068 9 5[72 75[2 ]74 K~ellogge, exc. of Jaspr ie...... 2951 18449 37979[ 191 5 9[ 8218! [77 201195 70...... 68 744 12426 6 489.... 12'21.2......090.... Elkn Groee.................................... I17909 58318 51465 14931[ 3244 44977 968 2195...... 7....1.328 Fairview, exc. of Monroe............[23347 10338[ 121735[ 17626[ 6460[ 95455.............. [624912894 636611297 987232385 02 132 12215 Hicakory Gr.............................[ 2835291000 061185 16428398 5715 869..........6112982] 6.......... 101787 439 42108 5 Independenc..........:...........................12042 100441549303 930 382~ 401 762' 432[..........21 167502............. 78227 42 018 13 is Monroe, town of. 47~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~75 58 306 7 651' 0898............ 1310..........17......31 5 Jasper City, town of.....................' ~ ~ ~ 55~ 725l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....~5........................ b Kewtogg, ext. of JaprCity................79 93 352 61 - 274~ ~ ~~~I50 48265'............... 1445.44194 15 2240 3.. Palo Alto........... 1325~3051 4018 914 54137 ~1101171 oo95 444 6226.....~ 5194.'~820........k5...2,0 66254 6 39........ 1 LynneGrove.................. 134 993 682 017 54 4641...................... 645 278 9 60 91 97 8 64 1 5 Roclk Cee...................................... 95 30 36 8123 59!............ 99 1805 1 8 02156 5 10 1 Sherman ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I2031900 115 628 75[8&9.......................]45 612562 565 13016725 603'9........[...... 56[270, 1 150762[ 210391 2 172 1923 27 45 Washipgosn....................................... 12828 l10082 140311 107 38 742 325 605 2101677750................ 7018 286187 8 4 2] 2 1008 1~~~16949,-:7026~~~~~~~~~ 18~1 Monroe,......................................... 4~8 8 I7[ 210 8320 [7 45258 [...... 17001...........[............[ 1 50.................'..'....... BouchndPairi........................................... 167 5504] 21106465 126 133 46 56 54 8041 589 61 1 7040 88 531201 29 5........ l~j[...... Cedarn...... o.................................... 78103 103981 73630 4915[ 2755[ 74 9 41801 293 8 85 17 1967 7845............... 204 13742 Desloines.............................. 14697 90401 165487 901712 8096 228257 10 158 718795 19 214 57 82004 41{ 640 9095- ~ ~ 63 2084......... Fairfesldex............................... 183913567 105034 10584 102171 519122 46 91 301 59 623 3045356... 3401 298 6305 Lichland............................................ 116501 609161 47909 8421 4975 2 149854 I 316 31951 4046147 2124 160 9351 30030........C RockCreeke........................................... 124730797 1 123 5 70443361 81 29907 780.61 f4[73 170 36 828 99290i... 5 0 9[.... 172 4092' JEFFERSON COUNTY —CONTINUED. o g X SPRING WINTER INDIAN E AT BA BCKWHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. WHEAT. 4 S a _ _ _;_ _ 5O OC CS I. Q 0 e.r O a) 0 K Y~~~~~ *). C).H C). C). C). C). C) Q.. 61 9 74 4 8 2579. -0. 10 0i 0 0 47 035 935 0 > 0 d. 0 0+ S 5.0 _4 ___________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 z z - z I z z z z z z Locust Grove............ 11991 7184 113345 10874 1185 12226 177 20081 44011 1575651 93 939 944 30138...15.243 Penn................... 15397 4008 105022 12179 1628 18070 1118 97 333 1326611 47 435 935 27520 5 64 3 2543 Polk..................................... 16091 3003 75333 14997 1968 20815 10 164 5762 204626 142 1178 1401 4Z5412 9 203 11 189 Round Prairie................................ 9716 7784 80363 10296 1058 8393 538 6457 4058 136996 313 3906 844 24292 10 264 23 553 Walnut, cxc.. of Batavia 10337 94201 99513 81311 1099 9716 13141 15000 3876 93565 212 1935 741 19384 11 208 32 571 1 I~ — 1 —~ ~-:'- 1 —--- 1-'-l 1-' -o Io,1o I7 I -~ - II-I —-- Tt.........167389 66979 1130.584.1125590 16237 164904 6192 66739 55061 1695510 2160 27332 14005 446128 80 1551 343 6121 Total......... _ _16738 66979._ 67_. _ Additions to Iowa City.......... 181 13 4314 32 7 110........... 24 1040 b 60 6) 165................... Big Grove..................i..15155 1762 69862 7380 1994 29522 21 279 4072 155105 56 690 1303 37251 11 210 13 19 Cedar........................143150 2648 87973 9363 2.354 33608 15 58 4879 175388 72 2117 963 31931 10 41 42 328 Clear Creek...................10062 4618 47702 70454 1470 29692........... 3677 153471 11 118 500 16565. 5 100 2 31 Coralville, town of............. 248..... 960 40....................... 10! 800 2 120 Fremont......................13564 8131 41902 12125 3067 48776........... 5126 2.01030 217 2085)1...12'9"8 r'33.... 6'8"1 14"30"0......7.....1'7"3 Graham......................15392 1770 84657 13527 2221 36047.............4311 171212 21 274 914 29849 75 1459 7 174 Hardin.144677 2822 47258 10199 2334 364911 10 175 4138 187295 47 410 597 16815 8 200 4 73 Jefferson.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8375 3157 40333 6819 3183 392.. 58 966 14 1818 607 13266.............. 2 19 Liberty....................... 9964 3248 44911 7592 2132 27348............ 3766 119315 92 907 947, 22940 183 3736 4 80 Lincoln......................11392 2283 42329 120413 220 36880............ 2606 139635 122 1412 848 27664 810 17468 8 124 Lucas, exe. of Iowa City and additions, and Coralville.........12893 7387 82839 6709 1442 23176 8 100 3759 145515 97 1268 869 27221 24 550 3 50 Madison......................11501 10618 477600 1432.7 2150 31760 3 55 3853 183250 83 1801 804 2,3827 ~7 14.5 1 24 Monroe.......................10765 2228 61326 8144 4016 35765.. 3489 140660 94 1309 714 19386 38 1093 2 23 Z4 Ne wport....................... 3585 2717 39465 292.3 801 12270............ 1309 51706 44 620 400 9637 3 100........ 115 P Oxford........................12889 7.741 65418 12415 3724 618,53............. 5022 197683 38 619 887 23021 431 871 4 116 - Penn......................I... 6207 1143 39043 6167 129 14,352............. 2296 103561 30 166 623 18377......I........ 9 85 p Pleasant Valley........10730 934 40294 6832. 949 14885... 3240 1516621 50 589 10411 29347 93 1916 2 21 Scott.......................15289 4334 81400 13725 2568 35500.5178 217915 44 567 1443 39079 227 4862 11 118 ~ Sharon.....15421 5955 105997 15481 2899 43369 29 450 5034 206019 154 1924 1192 40266 213 5029 4 65 Ca union...........14699 2861 76608 7173 2407 37913....... 4485 171530 17 136 815 26599 129 3270 1 10 Washi......13892 3887 65560 12958 2079 38790....157 4360 193720 561 737 984 315921 63 1330 22 315 Total..........................................2~41021 71257, 1217751j1-93019 ~45306!1 666779 10000 1274 77142! 3158178 1.5061 19747 17760 522197 26231 56680 148! 2139 JONES COUNTY. Cass..14914 3264 62872 9857 30625 42739 20 241 4348 110103 4 39 1183 25982 44 885 22 237 Catl9Gov7146287 70077 2.....5 2..... 3341 98995............ 1478.. 37184 42 757........... Clay........ 9734 5642 6833 5716 1041 14299......... 3353 100020 11 141 82 21965 6 142 2. 38 Fairview.................. 8999 2452 62902 5013 722 10408 1 18 3300 116025......... 812 21933........................ 19 172 Greenfield.19351..25........6 2632 37051........... 6120 241360 29 526 1463 45366 1 12 13 240 Hale....................15350 3900 58302 10173 3013 99....5256 155335 15 133 1125 30090 252 5661 36 432 Jackson............................... 12489 3260 47825 9312 2660 31381............ 46 131966. 1133 26496 25 628 661 167 0 Madison....... 12316 1642 43327 6585 1797 2.8514...... 3546 115900 7 116 759 22943 100 2682 12 183 ~..Monticello, exc. of town......... 11801 5209986 75964 7392 19401 213108... 3788 89986 10 117 1308 27069 8 117 4 56 ~Monticello, town of ~....... 116 25 109...0 191 237 2520... 60 1650..........41 1141 10 260............ Oxford.......... 13668 4882 63059 8935 3033 33622. I.......... 4733 111130 24 303 945 23040! 82 1740 16. 210 Richand........ 8973 7491 67437 858 1495 21040.................. 2881 81855......... 1079 27038 4 100............... Rome.........13808 2933 50547 9436 1913 27031.... 4659 173560 21 390 1131 28772 96 2130 19 362 Scotch Grove...............................14962 4148 82864 7780 1951 23192 10 150 4203 20833 4 40 1281 37510 24 274 10 118 Washington................... 11332 9011 67390 11131 1731 2,0299. 4480 131920. 1267 24933...................... Wayne.. 17937 3831 89677 10352 4413" 63151...........4716 112251 9 214 1396 41717 46 709. 8.2Y6 Wymn...........I......... 6696 4502 71611 6831 128 17156........... 3993 116645 13 183 1007 21645 57 1139 94 53 Total.208907.......63298....110608961140684! 36090 462478 31 496431054 17 2202 18260 464824 797! 17236 321 2961 Z KEOKUK COUNTY. Adams........................12727 2855 55967 8322 2400 35134........ 4955 220375 25 260 10332,393 23 492 0 28 Benton........................15876 6107 67137 4677 1926 19710 2 16 5747 248070 143 1315 123 34509 10 300 10 195 Clear Creek....................12974 8476 63871 12555 2331 25126.............. 5114 182980 94 944 1054 30119 67 1518 8 190 English River..................10680 5105 58286 7326'1571! 17835 2 20 4064 164400 35 530 1083 3t413 31 438 29 509 German.......................17535 11265 99953 10800 3631 25144... 6374 257 375 118 1349 18143 34104 101 1555 14 319 Ja ckson.......................12120 2363 56730 8345! 1744 16550 401 402 4555 325820 105 1273 957 17624 17 140 20 420 Lafayette, exc. of Keota. ~~~16078 6251 41806 165 283 3799 1 152 5860 2669621 5 8 1194 43103 466 9060..33 Lancaster.........20280 5849 88605 12667 2537 2-7843 161 113 5646 260390 111 1015 1165 31795 22 167 31 704 Liberty................. 14997 3989 60535 10674 3435 44222................4943 219888 31 309 9.1 30618 35 1351 33 400 I-A Prairie.........................131661 8286 348191 10585 22976 28602.......4715 218392 50 582 10301 29957 154 2884 25 306 Richland, exc. of town...... 92391 6788, 779261 6999 1268 14363 64 559- 3848 132880 48 555 6601 20116 13! 257 6 83 ~ KEOKUK COUNTY.-CONTINUED. o ~~~~~~~~SPRING WINTER INDIAN BUCK~ ~. ____WHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. RYE. OATS. BARLEY. WHEAT. 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. AMES OF T0OWNSHoIPS, TOWNS, 0. 0 0 0' 0 AND CITIES. m ni 4-. 40. 4-4 4.0 4-4 4S -d t1-4 4-,O'C$?+q +.. 4.0 4 4 04;_ 0 o 4 0 0 W 0 00 0 o 0 0 o) 0 o0 C)c 5.,QQ ~ - 5) ~ 0 5)5) 5) 5),,.) 5,. 0 I 0I. 0 cd T,;0;.;4;~~~.j /m 1 I P 1 Coy. ofo.~....0.0 0 0 a.:0 1.................., )8C a.01.~4'64.0 n l0. S0.S S. 00 0 o3 0 0..0 0 00. 00 0 0. ___________ z~~~~~~~~z z Z z _ z zz z z z z z z z z z z Richiand, town of..1187 712 14681 995 -148 1635 2 14 492 18125....... 1 94 3009........... 1 7 Sigouru~ey, exc. of to..w~n'.......... 7105 2950 41810 4967 830 7046........... 1784 85915 22.. i 315w 432 10714 1 27 7 128 Z~ Steady Run.................................... 14039 6196 45547 13155 1500 16912 5 66 4584 193510 44 424 1175 33822 72 1113 6 142 m Van Buren...................................... 9239 7491 52211 7858 1478 12776.............3919 176330 2 297 860 22397 44 570 6 96 c Warren......................................... 8430 11547 38525 5891 1536 15364 3 21 4577 180420 44 573 477 18733.12 165 o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~47178.........I.........I x....xg2417 Washington.12415 7769 51685 7758 1828 20467..................4512 174970 77 720 777 4 115 Total.......................................... 208125 98999 950234 149672: 332781 368528 148 13631 75697 3327282 1024 111451 15582 447603 1380 254741 246 4398 KOSSUTH COUNTY. Algona, exe of town.4779 7803 8510 4347 2030J 785.......... 1355J 14126... - 1033 4863 - 33 401 Algona, town of............ 3479 9439 5476 2397 973 355 140 856 10785....... 450 1311 85.......... 52 566 Cresco............................................. 5474 5447 4510 5789 2742 4871..1684 261 20 13 881 8110 11.......... 361 Fenton.................................. 1167 1477 260 1097 469......... 606 1502.....220 3 7 10 Greenwood.................................... 1878 5394 816 1633 565.715 5416.300 653. 23 127 Irvington................................ 5288 7663 12310 3990 2288 5234. 1837 33610 5 25 7,38 58221 14 10 78 Lotts Creek.. 1866 1330 730 1452 498 217.. 653 5022... 476 1237 30 14 24 212 Portland......................................... 5771 7637 9517 6490 464 502.1559 15451.826 3 10 75. W e l y........................................... 2 0, 3 0 1 3 6 1 8........... 516:: 77 5.......... 1 1 1.................... Total...........3150 487931 425091 238341 10796 131381 140... 9701 119777 251 38 51411 27857 158. 89 176 1745 0 ~Vesley ~1~ ~7~ ~5~1::~~~~~~~~~~~ LEE COUNTY. Cedar................. 18161 1788 56557 16344 1345 11.536( 720 15231 6642 265265 1151 2043 1332! 38337 77 873 131 Charleston.............. 9468 7765 64928 8464 666 3122 1172 14252 35571 115038 452 4794 985 21742 80 1179 6 75 Denmark............... 6973 4710 17012 5333 390 2780 776 10968 2056 81692 26 453 407 10522 20 400 8 159 De M ins........:...................14499 6689 75843 8961 938I Des. M.14499 6689 75843 89681 93 488 550 8304 4040 129885 309 2712 799 10674... 2 299 Franklin.............. 14639 1214 23720 11917 1300 8334 1985 27027 48191 166600 453 5743 1281 30590 422 6717 2 37 Green Bay............. 7197 6532 49915 6953 471 4068 678 11226 3308 156490 1.55 2124 386 9551... 11 126 Harrison.............. 19088 4187 76075 12222 937 5775 591 9165 4441 157007 288 3767 940 25237 94 390 34 632 Jackson, ex. of Keokuk.5682 5402 29452 3865 41 100 602 6967 2605 91075 206 1479 31 4682... 8 142 Jefferson........ 11061 5659 59102 9779 537 2319 2070 20954 4260 135419 542 4947 484 7668 8 76 20 337...Keokuk, city of.....431 177 2180 161 20.. 10 83 124 4290 7 70 48 1430 Madison, exc. of Fort Madison... 1652 392 11875 1540 84 574 214 3204 619 22090 60 550 29 401... 9 174 Marion................ 17042 4183 63191 9047 1672 14441 697 7883 5893' 307035 158 1522 1013 32555 56 1010 9 165 Montrose, exc. oft..... 12842 4859 59937 9472 598 1500 1479 16272 3629- 112390 137 1804 579 9682 17 7 41 9 Pleasant Ridge...... 14934 4860 38220 7562 1053 7964 1005 13678 4258 141410 64 750 1046 32038 25 490 18 271 VanBue................ B8469 4164 4635.5 4590 208 907 456 5094 2509 75000 272 2950 604 14593... 32 497 Washington........... 13212 9319 91014 7452 618 3743 1209 14572 3966 139640 207 2120 857 18268 2 20 25 320 West Point, ex. of town. 84821 6750 6385 9877 821 4813 1186 15527 3101 89450 454 4522 682 10999 42 336 32 434 Westl~~~oint —townof..-1 42....41 16.... 6 331 630 31 50 4100. I I. _ _~~~~~~~~~-I I - I I Total.................................. 1838321 78692 829231 133580 10854 72624 15400 200407 59863 2190306 3908 42400 11817 279069 843 12628 305 3 LINN COUNTY. Bertram................... 6636 6832 49646 4256 1096 13562........ 2894 94658 38 321 437 9026........... 1020 88 Z Boulder.................... 15749 2,381 64449 11033 3928 48232........... 4211 121843 3 32 1294 32153 174 3104 20 210 Brown........................16107 2761 81382 11658 1261 14642........... 4408 192205 22 8 2021 38345 18 336 221 268 Bnffalo.4577 1152 42838 4214 170 16263....2358 80085 1 10 425 9000 28 625 9 93 Cedar Rapids, city of...... Clinton...................15766 1393 68447 10360 3978 5 3... 7272 202795 4 42 1127 23717 91 1 I 1.. College, exc. of Western.........15034 457 79992 11049 4495 60394........... 4889 192980 94 11221 1173 32014 1031 19381 31 33 Fairfax................20482 866 79067 10664'4401 63042........... 6363 270059 87 55 1.0 83 4 2 44.... -........... 7.7 55 15 83 4 Fayette....................... 9627 632 36603 6739 2089 25306........... 3841 130635 2 20 454 11750 91 1301 251 234 Franklin, exc. of towns of MountI Vernon and Lisbon..........15114 3912 87869 7770 1995 29037 9 131 4511 163.565 109 115 1147 34516 16 200 9 161 Grant.........................14377 602 57105 8749 3343 41069........... 3714 123678 37 522 1174 26168 122 2460 44 495 Jackson.......................11873 793 636321 7073 I20331 2At80........... 3593 203895....... 1193 37189 6 140 22 222 Linn.........................18082 4693 902811 85191 17381 22568........... 5202 2132-80 54 553 1338 37375....... 6 79 Maine.........................20,352 5525 87727 10924 2864 36388.......... 6002 211055...........1803 48196 168 3047 22.39 Marion, exc. of city............32659 1471 176889 19166 4735 61736...........1140911 430408...........2556 61023 215 4735 351 545 Marion, city of..1.-' 59 25 380 40.22 1150. 1 8' Monroe......................................... 10538 4.5741 59655 5406 1495 17826.................. 3383 12.5605 4 30 540 13103 1 8~ 61 98 Mount Vernon, town of......... 753 190 5435 426! 88 1325........... 213 85903 7 70 603 1155 20 600, 1 18 LINN COUNTY.-CONTINUED. w~AT.]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPRING WINTER INDIAN BUCKWHEAT.>CORN, RYE. OATS. B. RLEY. o4-~WHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. _ _ WEAT. 0 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 0 4~ -. Q C. 0~~~~~~~ W |11 _M * CD. R * | ANDOCITIES. ID0 S 0 c. 4 e.- 4 S. ~. c 0 c- 4;.U,0 O..- 0 o. 0 ~ O o 00 0 Cd 4_4 C).1-4 4) C) Q). 0 0 00 i 0 0 / o 0 ~ce;L4 ~ d Io I' ~,~ ~ ~~ 0 C5 0,Q 0 9.0 0 9 90 9 9.3 9 9. I 9.3 0 9. _z z z z z I Zz z.Z z z z~~~~ ~ t~ I~ i I I I~ ~, Otter Creek................................... 10732 5524 70436 9994 3140 42176.................. 4584 172283 29 437 1009 82262 84 1873 21 341 Putnam.10829..6858.54803.7220.2 2......... 38 4 43 2983 2109850 86 100 0 1117 29210 7 117 5 69 Z Rapids, ex. of Cedar Rapids. 8303 5956 62984 4779 742 8440 3 25 2651 106865 72 1238 674 16860.................. 36 447 M Spring Grove............. 10619 1300 36370 7640 3150 32976.................. 3273 111105......... 851 23360 104 1702 10 94 Washington.........11276 4049 53306 6703 1605 19658.......... 3808 149605 49 1038 795 22020 5 112 39 631 M Western, town of......... 1414 584 8976 1238 269 3752.......... 559 21370 5 60 121 3302 2 20 8 Total.......................21118 62649 1419383 175655 521781 656597 12 160 91773 3439923 7031 8213 22670 5856481 1182 228831 ~358~ 4612 LOUISA COUNTY.z Columbus City, exc. of Columbus I City and Columbus Junction.... 1 22627 1584 116779 11610 24931 23147 241 199 7609 276585 391 293 16,51 37300 3 35 15 336 Columbus City, town of......... 275 58 900 2 5 37 249...........173 6925........... 57 1270.................... Columbus Junction, town of.....100 170 1090 97 4185.................84....... Concord, exc. of Fredonia.......10569 2115 58831 6120 1146 11996..........3744 131023 35 2952 325 7816............14 Eliot......................... 4783 2214 14-743 2303 258 2 2 706 250 3242 2036 87735 6 67 154 3259........... 6 35 Elm Grove.............12087 1580 21605 6560 667 20179 4 785 230675........... 654 19819 27 683 10 122 Fredonia, town of.............. 771 108 36.35 615 77 690......386 11760 62 920 7 HO0............... Grandview....................16011 6017 87774 12671 1882 21847 72 41 4674 179606 41 420 514 13284.......... Jefferson...5449 16697 33540 5141 599 8289 565 7778 2999 128785... 243 6026.....5 65 Marshall...12149 449 58236 6215 17 20137........... 3129 1795 4 42 58 195.75 4 23 Morning Sun, exc. of town.......13244 4279 63570 11349 1892 25350 35 325 5557 253555 17 255 850 26555 13 375 29 343 Oak land...................... 9184 2521 27602 6580 1364 14098........... 4228 141635 513 4851- 397 7079........... 8 111I Port Louisa................... 7636 5884 38766 57,56 697 11794 261 2457 29413 107795 243 2.330 296 7939.......... 41 505 9 Union........................11089 32231 495171 9844 1351 11596 6 30 3613 122285 65 450 531 11562 3 3 46 171 Wapello, exc. of town...........23483 5799J 974421 12820, 1533 165991 175 1811 6833" 308658 71 626 4841 14651........... 19, 264 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~Wapello, town of ~~~~~~~~~~..................I 1550 223 64081 16491 * —-1 1921 2 0.. 170 881.9......................... I......... Total.151007...52921...680508..100065...19704711801 16267 49641 2184658 14661 14580 6792 175755 60 1411 2091 2469 LUCAS COUNTY. Benton.8673....4551...41435...72039.. 8.8....... 4860 188200 28 334 1370 34881.............. 22 529 Cedar...................7921 4482 46861 6778 921 7697 3 20 3310 156563 46 362 1276 32123 8 140 21 276 Chariton, ex. of city.13335 2920 48190 7971 1020 12418.......... 4141 160230 46 934 1092 27711 47 450 18 289 English....12447 3957 44987 10865 2057 20803................. 4768 190480 10 92 954 21975 22 240 8 114 57 27472 4140 819 11436........ 2251 91170 9 123 515 14801 5 125 2 58 Liberty............ 15963 4389 3847 0 5574 11151 110651.................. 1 3185 119775........... 635 18652 86 1342 7 167 Otter ree7205 3183 36259 5610 1887 2207.............. 3460 123930 14 137 783 22125 8 75 3 45 5917 4812 45223 5691 1 13762 11 3003 120370......... 484 11011 25 715 21 387 Union.. 9559 5533 94262 8348 865 8972 12 140 3533 138315 85 1218 1536 44007 21 465 3 72 Warren........................ 14885 4907 55870 10314 1398 14455 5 86 6606 286083 107 1193 1567 51353 13 215 16 255 Washington....... 8275 12552 37660 8276 78 10977.................. 4532 188659 34 520 1304 38923........... 20 307 White Breast................310400 4214 4653 8087 953 10055............. 3373 138755 19 219 858 24602........... 9 175 Total......................3108952 557 56327 88857 139544 153587 31 329 47022 1902530 398 5132 12374 342164 235 3767 150 2674 LYON COUNTY. Dale...........83533 47814........... 3021 1830 14337............... 3746 1523. 187 2151 15 287 2 1 35 Doon...... 2789 77793 890 2150 1092 11008. 54. I. & 846 3422. 21,93 349 72 1370 2.. Grant.. 1060 51121..1060 628 4669~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~....I 23 9.4!2 8 0 Larchwood.....................1050 50397 200 787 5171 6094........... 118 886........... 114 2891 6 180.......... Lyon............ 5440 45703 24-20 3880 3030 30234......602 2269........... 939 7392 19 329 3.... Rock............... 2000 46013 40 1868 1035 1085010 0 1.93 50..543 3 21006... Ttl11872 318841 355011266 8132 6742 54 2645 103961. 3477 1311 150 2666 6 35 Total ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~50....................................... ZO126 832 7.......... MADISON COUNTY. Crawford......................6986 14364 640651 7520 21009 59525..... I.... 4449f 181695........... 462 14506 8 200 6 103 Donglas............................................12925 9519 60106 11812 3357 53187................5870 260660..... 664 24415 32 800 3 24 Grand River....................7883 9248 46229 6350 1983 29702........... 3465 150790 16 292 519 18084 23 561 1 9' Jackson...........................................410383 10907 34127 8740 3364 4-4994... 4089 181730... 489 16952 197 5080 1 21 Jefferson...15543 7172 60197 106301 3431 62159,.... 4973 225376 9 146 563 19658 8 2365 4 49 Lee...........................73551 137371 35882 64501 22931j 34905.....3433 112660.. 249 73761 22 620 2 39 C) Lincoln....I................... 124131 102851 575551 103041 22371 338851 2..... 301 4650 2103701...:: - -I6461 21419...... 71 75 ZA MADISON COUNTY.-CONTINUED. SPRI~d WINTER INDIAN UK SPR WINTER INDIAN RYE OATS. BARLEY UCEWHT C.WHEAT.. WHEAT. CORN 1"AXESOF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 10- 4 -4 3 0........... 185a 10 1 2 8 9 la 1 1 Ql ~~AND ~CITIES. 0 CaO 5.0 5.. 0.. 5.. 5.. 5.... c3 Z.Z..... 4 -.4....- 4: Id ~ 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 00 C) ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ 0 rsv al s sk4;-;-4;- W;S;-;m;- sv4 rn It~~~~~~~ ~ ~ - 4-;- a) a) W a) Q) W C) W a) W ) CD Q s 3468 14287.0 50 1001 22024 0 4-i;3 ~. 5 50.0 8 8. 534. z z zz z z z z z z z iz z z z z z iz Madison, exc. of Eariham............13566 8965 -53306 10724 3119 56596................... 5409) 249471............ 606 18589 101 2891 1 11 Monroe......................65)5 16389 37482 6299 1496 23413................. 4 368 142870 2 21 550 15651................................ Ohio.9058 12650 45355, 6755 159 25335 7 100 3704 149050 20 414 693 22324 105 2423 16 173-' Penn.14761..6948...43177.15385..3182.766................. 6476 263243 78 1728 591 24341 288 9301 3 30 Scott.11561 11367 68117 9999 2537 39312 10 176 5484 253818.......... 674 22586 5 150 4 33 South................................. 7356 14014 52190 6430 1483 181343451 141180- 539 15646.................. 1 16 Union...9290 13532 667401 8783 2092 27951 6 178 4707 187465 9 137 567 18054 6 84 8 148 Walnut............9..732... 32 13296 29157 5560 163 15852............ 17397.. 05 10179 13 244 2 43 Webster......6546 16316 28950 6173 1785 26521...........2390 124957 8 156 416 14898 631 1232 1 12 H Tota_................................._ 1 11 88709 7834051 137979 -3755-3 ~6283~14 ~125 -484 ~6949~41 933 142 2894 8743 285103 946 25951 60 786 MAHASKA COUNTY. Adam........................13546 8708 119270 9743 2958 38552........... 5698'255250 13 155 963 30834 1 10 9 135 Beacon, town of............... 88 61 890 10 5 46........... 38 1385..... 7 155.................... Black Oak.....................14208 8307 46516 10003 214-8 26807 1 3 5844 272910 15.. 167 1676 41994 3 48 19.301 Cedar.........................15288 7596 69972 14931 2197 2,5194........... 6130 266935 7 147 1454 40668 3 57 15 260 Des Moines....................128-74 8895 63228 6992 1438 14140 8 62 4535 204461 33) 442 788 18806 16 290 16 302 Harrison......................17130 5162 88840 8120 1929 26195....... 5610 258010........1076 27750 32 480 22 388' Jefferson......................20464 5539 87790 15489 2810 25321 16 75 6547 295490 64 720 1112 24495..8 108 Madison......................13130 9300 64755 10971 1592 19680 8 46 5790 242685 48 648 1078 35103 14 260 2 53 Monroe.......................14019 9021 75625 10955 1979 24400........... 5177 235565 27 322 1139 326041 20 270 18 295 Oskaloosa, exc. of Oskaloosa and Beacon......................332,571 8856 176819 13957 2848 31263 71 1228 8930 400627 75 1029 1969 56465 10 222 20 351 P Oskaoaloosa,............... 15 y city5....................of.55. 55.8..........................400.......... Pleasant Grove.................10211 180 383 6074. 2098 24407............ 3635 1497745 32 416,.576 17507- 151 2585~ 22 253? ~r~r~ee~o~~ ~ro~........ 1~0~ ~ ~.~ ~01 ~ ~......i~I.... ~ ~i ~1~ ~ ~1, ~01 l~ichland.................... ~[ ~0 ~~ ~] ~..................... 14008 8872[ 77974 2423 5468 248705[ 381 7961 9811 2~42l.........[ 86 — a Scott.............,.................................. 14642 30804 ao 44771 716.96 "1~331 15001 17735 221 2~00[ 4201 188737[ 15[ 169[ 1072164327 7['61 e.a l~l 207 Vnion.............................................{13860 8927 56140 116961 33521 31498 17[ 5092 2047361 13] 193[ 8741o~3127 2t 15] 4001 188 "' White Oak..................................... 10097 7365[ 1646 59 J 12[ 129 ~10948 m~2 73: ~67~1 861 3341 752w 79596 30 8~1 77476 5079 Total.......................................... [ 123 —~ 12 —~[ 1180727 --- MARIONCOUNTY. Clay.................................................. 10907] 4431[ 76443] 10727[ 3118] 34797 6l 75 53891 242947[ 29 465 659] 171271 19 271 11{ 171 Dallas.............................................. 18029] 3484I 57724 10~311 2551[ 30917 19 92 5172 1858151 26 313 8961 26928[ 161 3380 9[ 197 Franklin......................................... 11861[ 4984[ 50180 89751 3131{ 47798l 5310 273575[ 35 6601 22182[ 119 11j 144 Indiana........................................... 11[ 126 15850{ 70261 79318 107631 2'2141 23920......i'7....:~ 5233 2332481 834 10071 27~591 Knoxville, exc. of town....... 116 3~ 499 ~....... 28600[ 9456J 107-i69 18665] 7053{ 92519......... 1812 6199141 ~ 606 15481 54320] 10 Knoxville, town of........................ 1255[ 83l 9266 7601 137{ 241 2131 i!ii~i1 2~ 2334 18640] 53 721 25941 1776 ~...... Lake Prairie exc. of Pella........... 5469151 590 20971 562201'"ibY5......i'll....Y'd6 c~ 217471 154001 87490 19885 52231 84495 "'i 4049 1551941 ~ 50 Liberty......... 12'................................... 7821[ 6559[ 68946 7451 17011 20003 25[ 397 1094 7371 137651 [-x-j Perry....._...:_2_..~....... 118] 3.284 2641l 25131 23210 2499 8601 11877 1471 638201 13 of'Pleas'an Pleasant urov~,.xc. t-142341 3074f.3~[ 54 78615 9231 g349 365241......... 5808 30.3500 31 ville....................................................... 69 2941 11011 [ 7801 Polk................................................. I 73881 1572[ 33977 6064 1765 20794[......... 3127! 139310 ~. 7 75 5.D 30 2171 6914{ l~eaRock........................................ 112922[ 5752[ 71243[ 9353 29~7 475921 6 "'"73 88871 162725 1~ 278 3231 99881...... 10 "'1'93[ Summit....... l,................................... I 150171 57821 881271 14581 3.548 544481......... 68821 283220.................. 923{ 317561 14 249{......~11.....~31 Swan............................................... {7166[ 4906[ 3542 5327 2388 311271 2'2....533 28131 160610 50l 212[ 60691 86 878[ 11 36 [103251 8736] 80347] 8 3871[ 199000 85 4991 3181 119891.............................................. /,.ot I...... Washington.................................... 68206. 11895 2605......... 33 390 861 22040 ~ 1209 1l 2.5 c~ Total............... [ 71,...........................I19-~1 8-~1 948780'1532141 45136{ 5986631 —-~ — ~ 846301 8835063 — ~ —~l 1 —~13-~1 —~ 1-~l —~l-~ ~o MARSHALL COUNTY. Xlbion, town of.............................. 184 522 183] 70 798.................. 491...................... gi'~'~~'~6~......... i 6 ]3angor............................................ 7590 2766 40001 67961 2201 28960 116619]...... 28:3 3130] ]'"i~~ 704 Eden................ ~ 23195 89,................................ 9886 40161 31030 92931 3375 49870 8741! 1526301.... 20,00, 36'9 "'74i'0 2.................................... Iowa, ext. of Albion..................... 8561 1404[ 43018 44211 1731 22992......... 2209 960901.................. 401[ 12538 Jefferson........................................ 4070 2584/ 28695 132551 5851 88082......... 4174 1617121 10871 34730....2~ "*~g3............,i i Le Grand.........................................6980 3125 63110 114~6/ 5839 93845 4916 187120 8431 32578 4735 193[...........................'i'8......... Liberty.................3463 1141 39812 12995[ 3613 484i3 4990 1723~ 42 161.................................... 20'5 720126086 ~1 1090 1130....... [ 609{ 20978 1425 8 61 Liscomb, town of........................... 401 46 2260 116 219 10580::::::: 83 300 500 Logan.............................................. 9887 3657 870[ 1958 13652 89811 4031 60852......10......~ 3161 133000 412/'......1......~,'"'8,9 594 22574 9718 4914:::i! t' Marietta.................................. 208785 572 985I 30492 96~ 1784 O,~...... 17010 22981 55~4-3 108661 4~78 65iZ5..,....... ]~I, arion............................................ 13376 334.7 52231 11959[ 6196 89898 4097 162455.................. 7231 25257 119 2373 27 429 -q MARSHALL COUNTY.- CONTINUED. C> SPRING WINTER INDIAN RYE. OATS. BARLEY BUCKWHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. _- __ __ _-WHEAT. 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~, W ~ ri2 r., u ~AMES OF'TOWNSHIPSTOWNS, 0 *' Q Q Q Q (V 9 C ~ p c In. In d n ~.0a..,............... 25411689 9 363 31[ 1385371 05 1 19 0 0 10620......... 0......... k~~~~1 0 37. 19815 583 22715.3 2 6 C0 )...... 80 0 S.5 41 2 8o1 54 9 98 o 5.............. 40 0 16105. 4 0 0 1 0 0 ___________ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z~~11-4 Z z Z Z Z4 IZ Marshall, exc. of city........... 4864 1474 16173 3563 *1260 214,38........... 1471! 61890 19 363 432! 13851 371 905 1! 29 Marshalltown, city of..'2360 1985 9571. 1826 428 5845..'259 10620........... 61 1870.................... Minerva.....................11951 3411 41695! 10150 3809 56197 1-0 10 4317 198155.......... 583 22715 39 662.6 6 Z State Center, exc. of town.......10475 2527 29953 10388 3207 43964...........4351 183955 9 80 705 25414 281 5432 9 98 State Center, town of............ 9..... 2192 263 459 5813........... 400 16105........... 43 1591 32 800 10 80 C Taylor... 8918 362 36760 7485 3218 46079 1 20 2864 122925.......... 655 18961 26 452 9 150 Timber Creek...........12994 1806 41431 9671 4154 67943.353 131390 12 210 904 28988 133 3030 5 73 Vienna................17770 350 27335 11930... 87278...4161 157070 2 35 1055 37959 421 7748 16 319 Washington...................167671 1824 42042 12988 5867! 88830...........4496 200960 27 3004 918 32245 488 9325 22 107 H Total.223735..47552..6..230..177303.69895..112582 21 200 67699 2808256 ~203~ 32081 ~13611, 4~65245! 3194 ~67151! 187, 2.561 MILLS COUNTY. Anderson......................14970 8239 50485 12348 4263 60764........62-34 175308 28 560 544 16509 602 11618 31 2.5 Deer Creek.13267 2810 26346 8779 2779 3240756.....5010 80630 10...... 473 13929 63 1789.......... Deerson, townk of.45...............................I`67 10 1330 84 2..12 o25 Glenwood, exc. of town...............12329 5243 44671 7114 1051 14136...5771 141879 36 433 601 12631 15 350... Hasingsde, town of.40.40......... 5 41 21 8 40 1200....... 5 20................... 10 400......... Indian Creek, exc. of Emerson and Hastings.................12729 8438 39022 10104 3318 43588 21 30 5755 139095............ 413 55008 561 11298.......... Ingraham..................... 9809 2536 41072 7609 2151 28763........... 4075 111470 10 200 526 15756 551 11111.. 8 Lyons................... 5378 6426 42353 4138 450 7333 2 40 5057 161126 5 100 174 4940...... i............ Malvern, town o............... 260...... 560......................3 120..........................!............. Oak..........................14192 8135 64446 12659 3108 41359.......::: 3847 157875 52 761 1122 34065 840 17404.:::-:.... Platteville..................... 1830 2367 15430 2677 158 2654......2356 763,55 2 15 205 4430 10 8..... Rawles........................14462 1812 613491 9952 1803 27667 2 13 6118 135220 10 61 786 23550. 11 230!.......... 0 St. Mary.19171 1748 11470 1917 369 6968. 1...1096 27975 5.50 152 4288 46 1733 2.36 Silver Creek, exc. of Hillsdale and l 1 I Malvern............. 27736 736 57006 11651 3015 36388 10 170 7528 193293 3 12 888 24382 139 2985 6. White Cloud.11421 4869 34702 9710 1553 27944 290 6316 127530........ 622 22901. White Cloud........ 1 0 10.................29]61 Total.141512 53604 493482 99837 24385 342961 39 543 59543 1533976 161 2192 6528 232639 2968 62938 13 79 MITCHELL COUNTY. Burr Oa k................. 8749 28361 23842..- 4394 71912........... 1116 37921............ 993 41445 150 4270..... 30 Ceda.............................11033 5735 49097 9072 5648 103705 1 1327 47519.. 1346 51035 160 4597 1 20 Douglas.......................... 7999 2822 23470 4704 2920 48255.. 517 20575... 693 28310 83 2074.................. Jenkins............................... ~ 9248 5522 330,55 5093 3825 61765.. 9;0 408201119 42705 247 6636.......20 Jenkins.......................................... 1192 14270 1347 6367............... Liberty............................... 3727 2014 14430 3115 2184 36443..348 14845... 392 18347 134 3578. Lincoln.................................. 11826 5141 25141 8151 4342 7246.......1153 44650 2 6 829 25798 294 8103 Mitchell.......................................... 9443 2468 30184 7624 4804 75176.. 1110 40210 2.......... 1157 43906 230 7815 27 265 Newburg......................................... 9221 4117 31270 8510 5642 98536..420 15030 7 128 1148 44680 123 3045 5 25 ~z Osage, exc. of town......... 3173 1713 20251 2735 1471 21407.544 19690 2 16 412 16895 93 3226 46 402 Z Osage, town of............................... 515 68 953 416 527 5984..199 7905......... 6 348 5265 46 821.................. Otranto.................................... 9311 5876 40235 7611 5490 94950.407 14131 4 96 944 33133 99 2028.................. Rock.10833 2114 24760 86.0 6587 100068. 649 22415........ 1066 44193 349 8459 2 22 St. Ansgar....................................... 12510 5008 46090 11982 5901 113620..997 28530.................... 289 62154 323 8320. Stacyville....... 3939 15564 13323 2832 1986 33266. 280 11390........ 473 18044 83 2153. Union.........10909 2957 32694 9723 6595 109668.847 32780.................. 1218 39480 388 9221 8 Wayne............................................. 3945 6221 20895 3915 3218 376101..430 13550................. 651 27272 169 3778 1 21 Total................................ 16 7 429690 9 6 1083811........ 12 11274 411961 17 252 14078 542662 2971 78124 85 813 MONONA COUNTY. Ashton....................................06 12930 1612 38 47981116 55260 10 200 138 5888 965~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~13 966088........ Belvidere............................. 20841 2165 9660 1643 440 1575. 1108 3440..80 353....... Center.............. 2778 1628 13253 2189 968 9986.. 10481 50610.::.... 146 4495.4 27 Fairview.................................... 3650 3260 27616 3100 1576 16172.. 1282 29923.206 6944.0.................... Franklin, exc. of Onawa............... 6962 2606 20468 4756 1345 15771.. 3106 127090.236 6973 2 601. Grant............................................. 2807 5388 16275 2693 1117 16270.. 1393 60170.114 2394 5 150.......... Jordan.............................................. 630 850 1940 619 181 3017 402 13565.21 582. Kennebec........................................ 5884 5255 22668 3138 990 7163.......... 1982 73630.141 2755 6 180. Lake...................................... 1848 2723 11840 1788 639 9482......... 1068 35000.67 2436.................. Lincoln............................................ 3969 11604 28175 3334 636 10285.. 2477 97180.185 6813. Maple.................................5874 6363 20950 5168 2957 351461674 5500.........45.08...... 4 Onawa, town of.10 200 10....10 950... Sherman................................ 2789 4118 17442 2336 902 10209....1.......... 1301 44605.103.::::...... 03"2216. Soldier.................................. 1819 1003 5290 1639 9211 10544'......... 5341 19430. 6 130 106 3956 61 1547..... MONONA COUNTY- CONTINUED. o SPRIN WINTEiR INDIAN BUCKRYE. OATS. BARLEY. WHEAT. CORN. WHEAT. 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ ~ ~, ~ ~ WHAT AT. CR.,;.~ ~. KS KS KS I) z z Xt x S 4-i 43~~ni ~ n W~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~NAMESOFTOWNS~19i T.O TOWNSI......... 10 02901 4 35 5 — ANDOCITIES. 52 1.. 4..6 15 4 94.o............................ 1 4............. 60 75.................................. _245". ~. 020......0........ 6 x90,al.00.0......../ r5690......... Cr S 5.0 5 P.5" 5 51 504 55 31 ZZI ZIZZ- I Z Z Z Z. ZZIIZZ Z Z Spring Valley.................. 5179 2025 18169 2489 1029 14846....... 1291 54600. 130 3801 10 2901 4 35 t4 St Car....................... 1360 14 3534 1280 6821 8790.522 11455..60 1528 4 94......z.... West Fork.................... 1845 4980674511384 284 5308.....08 42800.. 60 2,575................... Willow....................... 748 796 2750 666 -3391 4950., 1.2145 12020.......... 56 1980 13 200.......... Total......................522421 5712,781 2399051 398441 15334 1838111......... 21577 8183881 16 33o0 23041 6647511271 3125 21 173 MONROE COUNTY. Bluff Creek....................14276 3544 69397 13813 1701 19012 12 73 5861 229215 16 1961 1348 36853~ 88 503 Cedar......................... 6263 4732 37934 5885 1429 8712 12 33 4111, 161665 31 3051 705 143261....4.78 Franklin...................... 57211 6190 42160 5626 777 64341...i... k 5240 101160 2 21 537 12681..... 22 139 G uilford...................... 67 68! 10876 51181 6118 689 68,58 11 37 3233 148270 67 556 748 20109..... 3 86 Jackson..................... 6955 5345 35415 5668 695 7822..........3691 153650 3 32 840 21785........... 97 270 Mantua...................... 8832 8139 84752 10862 854 6243 59 3447 3567 133880 151 1015 766 5962............ 48 545 Monroe.......................10795 5828 61723 6150 866 8534 21 305 3806 150105 32 321 1443 32443........... 17 241 Pleasant.......................10079 7706 48310 10371 1237 11574 4.. 4042 142585........... 878 18093 15 130 3f 69 Troy, exo. of Albia............. 9129 5113 355691 8720 748 6968 56.56 3336 1416851 11 166 902 24347........... 21 360 Union........................ 8223 7998 71284 8571 1423 9845 38 410 3872 1661151 11 130 1877 28132,............ 8 221 Urbana....................... 10783 68141 62510 6599 639 4419 44 613 2962 1043001 731 694 683 16103'..... 19 308'Wayne....................... 4391 59211 28106 3346 580 4942...I..... 18-53 106286 121 100 784 I0 5 60..15 252..... 02151 46&o0 626331 9121 116381 101413 263 5814574J 17389161 4091 35361 11511 2410811 il1 30 35 37 Total.102'.............554 5 0 5 02 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. o Douglas.................... 775........7877 6657 1640927 115895 2131 36168. 3092 115812 30 400 385 12340 50 1250......... 12 Frankfort.................7962 2878 28588 7124 2452 42099.2814 100170................. 329 12675 25 799......... Grant... 11645 4788 32240 10876 3536 83605.........3820 154530 5 131 565 20650 24 660 15 Jackson, ex. of Villisca.5312 5312 36980 6497 1658 24881 2 46 3688 120400 18 304 387 13789............................ Lincoln...............................6 10753 3805 16288 7392 3209 54128 6 120 2682 83540 6 162 355 11544 51 1701.................. Pilot Grove..10118 3932 30757 8758 3164 53200............... 3546 133005 2 40 565 19854 25 834......... RedOak, exc.. of n7903 3374 26509 7956 2855 37403......... 4535 166710 3 30 456 15722 5 175 13......... Scott.. 4286 2025 11521 38313 1416 24741.................. 1747 51955........ 230 7276 9 300......... Sherman..........8150 3616 33055 7444 2647 51270......... 2794 155340 12 120 442 17705........................... ~~~~~Villisca, town of..................... ~~ 2 /o...................2.. 0........ 12.. 270........................... Wlnut..1 89.. 2240 0 3982 692564.................. 4112 156625.......... 510 19756 33 1195. 86 Waln~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "i~9t[...'........1813 Washington.. 4684 4819 25750....145 242001......... 2652 99130 2 3 2 45 8 27149 82 712....... 74 West.11122.................................... I 5812 22232 8679 28511 502801............... 3549 97850 9 170 628 22905 206 5510. 14 303567 86026 31381 551539 8 166 39251! 1441467 87 1389 53221201635 510 13136. 214 MUSCATINE COUNTY. Bloomington, exc. of Muscatne 19294 1271 79443 10111 1799 23131 121 80 4F61 1161541 481 56671 7641 22215 2981 940 1161 1358 Cedar......... 5002 5867 30525 2242 445 42519....... 1692 432801 45 412 212 13292........... 3 25 H Fulton....16757 2283 85067 1 9 672 5097 75681. I. 39 822! 3 35 52 872 Goshen......................23700 3176 86457 16574 2520 35858 1 11 6221 214101 168 2499 2401 76360 45.. 98...45 31... 562 Lake..........................16318 1289 68258 7951 2526 23867 2 39 3205 129895 161 1706 681 16083 16 288 7 180.Moscow....................... 8635 4663 44958 7362 2604 31602.......... 2944 75970 314 3708 749 20070 36 11020 6 93 Z Montpelier.................... 7486 4550 4854 78861 2187'32133 51 25 2401 69815 12 194 608 16045 347 11020 2 40 Muscatine, city of.............. 1760 12-50 6100 2400...........870 7900... 5 200.... Orono......................... 8110 735 31161 6092 1060 12461 8:..9. 021 108775 553 5546 334 9292 11I 280 5 93. Pike.10338 7298 90655 12852 2930 40907 27!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 350 4.988 -166420 534 5462 1048 25365 32 52 30 486 Seventy-Six................... 9860 6003 50066 8663 1498 16359 8 40 4009 116870 70 721 883 18751........... 4 64 Sweetland.....................13776 6294 55182 8532 2461 36098 I.......4725 119248 88 1409 983 30782 290 5939 8 168 Wapsinonoc, exc. of West Liherty 16872 2646 65664 8172 2288 34447 2.28 5141 20125 18 160 1333 4535 306 6833 5 104 Wilton, exc. of town............20129 1315 58144 11475 3248 46448 6 56 5789 150655 69 1547 1604 49208 676 14110 13,. 222 Wilton, town of................ 908 192 2516 215 2262 3220....... 1.... 4951 14245 5 70 155 3837 10 200 2 50 Total............. 17894 488321 ~75905~01~129699~1 38514641 631 6291 546117159773 251 29455! 1328714055621 2358! 591271 232! 3445 O'BRIEN COUNTY. Baker..................... 129571428001...... 2419! 1509! 14513! 341! 3860!... I... 170! 3128! 48! 715!...... Carroll....................... 3993! 1890,5! 40.1 3481 1164! 19932! 647! 7564!.......... 283! 4265! 148! 20431......... O'BRIEN COUNTY. —CONTINUED. ~" 2 SPRING WINTER INDIAN RYE. OATS. BARLEY.BUK ~> WHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. WHEAT. A -~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~. ~. C.e. 0~~~~~~~~~.3.8(23(2 1 1 221(2 ~ / NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS,~ 4' 3 c. 33 4e aa AND CITIES. t/'2 c c~.3 I CI4-. -'l t4- 4- -i 4 4-t - 1 ii.-4 1- Q 0~ 0 0~ 0~ 0 0~ 0 0 Q 0 0- 4-4 Q) 3 3. 3 3. 30 3. 3 Q. Floyd...............................................Co _____- ~~~~~ ~~~~~~z z z z z z ziz z z z z z4 z z z ~Z z Center........................ 3840 41874J 100 2111j 1970 13741. I.......... 764! 7600 20 31... 94 71132 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~135 31 945278 4136oo11o2.............oo....... Floyd................................... 4127 41663 120 2823 1931 19917......... 532 6299.. 273 4038 21 336......... Grant ——........................... 4699 63502 1020 4027 2210 21277......... 1126 22039 481 535 303 7350 36 624 66 W iHighland........................................ 4770 41343 537 3937 2211 26613...... 902 23060 29 291 343 11353 51 1004 6 98 98 Liberty................................... 4390 41383 116 2963 1827 26448..765 23310 8 140 272 8367 48 928 24. Summit.......................... 452 22344 116 376 220 2625......... 900................... 49 1139 16 338 6 Waterman...................................... 4398 1825 1201 4297 18621 12460......... 1212 117201.1113 4446 5 38. Toa..........................................33626[332070 2 7 0 6 7 Total.336261332070 2175T26434.14904.157526!I6379 106052 105! 1281! 3107 539311 451l 73881 361 200 OSCEOLA COUNTY. Fairview..................~............. 485. 3181 407 1429.................. 48 206.................. 68 1641 1 20........ Gilman............................................ 3517 3946.. 39381 2224 21208............. 298 2995.................. 209 3235 13 138 24 59 Goewey............................................ 5275 8855. 3491 2404 24532.................. 730 63561......... 335 9160...... Holman......................................... 4110 8812 14 2982 1700 12423......... 6 760 3366.......... 292 5435 1 20"..... Horton.................... 558 2401........... 326 163 1410.................. 71 740.................. 44 881.................................... Ocheyedan...................................... 1224 135...........11000 534 3728.................. 147 1666.................. 194 3040 6 51.................. Viola................................................ 2275 4459........... 1669 1009 7653......... 3151 940.169 2265......... Wilson.... 1046 2798.......... 927 328 2374......... 20 1411 101079 1172................ Total.......................................... 18490 31406 14 14651 8769 74757........ 26 2510 17279..-..............-1390 26829 21 229 25 60 0 PAGE COUNTY ~"oo qjx o Amity............................................. 9932 9068 57170 8782 1320[ ]9065 65 160~ 4101 136215 6i 1111 657 28544 116[ 3556,......... Buchanan........................................ 10110 9453 72744 9000 843[ 11601 118 1711 4739 26i005 107 1473 7431 23105 71 2122].....'29 Clarinda, town of........................... 4206....................................... Colf~x..............................................'"62ff4'Y2958 313~ 5446 1073 i4~i)o.....'5'6 ""~/d'"iYffi....2i~6......ff~'~....~6'4'Y~ff3';/ifil....... Douglas.......................................... 12478 6422 4'0557 9357 2454 33031 60.56 233400 36 433 850 28000 36641 3 1~ East River....................................... 200 667 22147 155~5 4159 48800 6623 1139 14761......73....838 5254 142863 16 923......... Fremont......................................... 13268 9594 29590 7952 2510 47876 3767 123440 45 317 12012 I........... 1 7 I-Iarlan............................ 10504 9188 62616 8966 1437 200.26 165 3091 6114 147335............... 3116 9551 3i178 13511 1 37 Lincoln.................................. 9313 9880 40061 8026 1418 22223 85 1132 4895 109100 100 1595 8241 33214 3421t 5 1VIorton........................... 6882 12207 115401 44071 1308 23829 112 2217 2795 60740 48 1177 360[ 14036 2336 iiii............. ii..... Nebraska......................................... 3726 6.552 21569[ 2472/ 484 5744 13 ]68 2194 64890 4~ 944 i~i 2731 7779....... Nodaway, exc. of Clarinda........... 32.40 12321 39796 14434 20781 545351 120911 1666 25255 202 3147 7754 250571 211'"361~ Pierce.............................................. 7533 15303 193371 5129] 1242 23242......... 2385 73740 50 243 19559 1375 20 Shenandoah, town of.................... 72 3201 691 69 2370 (~ Tarkio............................................. 10557'12'382 25622[ 6220[ 1576 25652""152 "~471'"~2i'1 "]'13'358......i'1 ""148....632['2~,2.26"....36 "'78'5.................. ~J Valley.....,........................................ 9178 13260 333501 809-1[ 1578 21276 10 50[ 5154 184880 290 678 19898 34~ 7591.......8.....'~;0 ~;~ ~ ~ [ 244[ ~55 I ~rashington..........,........................ 6580 12821 12930 4866 1004 16316 16 78984 5i9 396 14509 1698 "~ PALOALTO COUNTY. c~ 00.................................. 6/2 1......................................... Emmetsburg.................................. 2351 2984 4772 1792 628i 1515i......... 6481:3195].................. 3051 35901 4] ~el~......................................... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~00 ~ ~0 ~4~.................. ~0~ ~......... Fern Valley.................................... 922 182i 926 817 284[ 7131......... 4191 80801.................. 130.[ 10041.........! Freedom.........................................] 2023 2:i87 1050 1388 6801 10301......... 6561 00601.....,............ 355 4009......... I.....'42 iii!ii ~.... Great Oak...................................... 1853 3577 2630 1739 514] 44831......... 6151 78901.................. 2811 65901.........I......... ~1~......................................... ~20 ~l...........~0 ~4 ~......... ~ ~............... ~ ~ ~ i!l:~il......... L')st Island.................................... 784 1970 420[ 820 2871 17151......... 209/ 2373/.................. 102 18001 31 l~evada.............i............;................. 926 3009 5020/ 906 2181 614......... 391/ 10165!.................. 215{ 4882[ 2[ I~ushLake.......................................[ 1187[ 1880.........../ 1187 3091 24741......... 488t i12251.................. 192t 3068[...~.....[...... ~r~.....................................~~ ~ ~ ~ ~......... ~ 7~o.................~'~ ~r~o~.......................................... ~o~ ii!!] ~!i.... I~l ~l ~l ~l ~, ~,........ ~, ~oo..................I~1 ~Valnut............................................ [1063[ 3023[ 1740[ 11241 3141[ 632 3191......... ~o1:::::::::'11:: 1312 28630 9......... [..........[2901[ 271[ 2, ~,, ~o~, ~, ~, ~o~l~ ~o ~......... ~1................. [ ~1 "71 ~Vest Bend....................... ~ ]]11111[[[][[[[1 1 —~ 1 3-~ 1 —21-~71 ~-~il ot~.......................... 16 —— ~J 8606] 23208, 325 ~-a, -~ ~-q~-~ ~, ~-~,~, 4~1-~] — ~[ ~s PLYMOUTH COUNTY. SPRING WINTER INDIAN BUCKRYE. OATS. BALY "O.; WHEAT WHEAT. CORN. WHEAT. 0 15 w w NAMESOFTOWNSHIPSTOWNS,, 0 0 AND CITIES. 0 1~~.0. c 0. 5 04 0, 0c 0;. AND CITIES. w uO ~~~~~~~Id 00 0 ~ 0 0'w 0 0.- 0 0 0 0 c 4-4 C) r 5. C) C e C) Co o0 0.0. 0. 01. 0,4 0 ~. 0 ~.. d S A 0 Ca 0-4 0~ 0 p0. 0 0.0 0..... ___________ z z ~~~~~~~~~~ z z z ~ z z America.......................... j......... j 5072 3463 300 1569 3443 45270'1... I 508 9705'.....331 8816 30 541. Elgin.......... 3011 1349 1000 2747 1949 28705'........... 439 10312 1.. 191 4875 74 1795.. Fredonia......... 4777 3879. 4004 3004 408881......... 601 12660...283 6180 31 593. Grant.............................*.-.- 4f594 34951 540 3582 2422 290721......, 596 17901 5 51 281 6237 5 100 10 Johnson.......... 6301 5869.1. 5044 2322 43036!.... | 1096 5357.. 58 11884 60 1682 Lincoln..................................... 7234 7822 10875 7484 4712. 59545.. 1892 39207' 1 729 26294. Marion.......... 2511 2292 160 2288 1726 25382'i...., 343 8030... 147 3701 28 56.. Perry...... 694771 591 5175 5963 3944 465191. 1516 209241.......4 564 140157 Washington........................ 293 8159.. 3 3 5183 241 1.5. 4 8......... 4844.19 266 el le..................................... 2607 41 03. 225 221 0240'.................. 901 190.. 4................ Cer ndar......................................... 26 49 30........2 6.. 21 8 7 80.10 3105..... 2 2.............. Center......................... 5872 19712 9 1120 3 289 1525''.1 1 1001 2385........... 46 1457 2......... 2 1 Clinton.................................. 40 3940 475 590 232 29002.................. 35. 53 19775930 30 51 1.. Union......................r.......... 1 151 0 10 0 5.......... 439 85920.... 164 25.................p8.....4 Wasingon............................. 32934 7822"~ 78:125545...........236 16 264........ 4892 56281.........1......... 7251 44 9] 26294...... Grant.. 1032 115~~~......268516 79451 339~ 40 261'2' I 3C0701 70' 17771 6 5 461' 59 1201 168 Cedarc................s................n..... 1 2474 511 io 16 288 288 317. 756 2575'. 1... 25. 4415'.5........ Centr.................................... 58719,1 "1.Q..... ~7 R]9 ~~, 1 2q ] 5...... R10 46Q9 15 2t 2q, A Lizard........,........................................... [57441 6210 4406 52141 21411 -6546 112 26001.........t.........{......... ~w~n~.................... i..................!......... ~'.................... I.~t ~1,........... ~o~, ~l ~l ~ ~ ~o ~! ~t ~ Total......................................... 1219281 36672[ 161811==192191~ 1' —~ 1.........f.........~ I —~9~1~ —-~ 25i~1 ao-7~l ~oo ssx ss m POLK COUNTY. Beaver............................................. 19619[ 4528 78353 13407 5036 762201........ 7495 309290' 145 884 34485 3 8695{ 161 204 Bloomfield...................................... 131721 1429 61572 8734 3392 49328:]]]]]i..5.. i!iiiii!i 5686 281650 176 554 21001 1: 13[ 155 Camp.............................................. 17954I 7125 86926 12995 4176 54396......86 6667 289990 1! ~9 759 2288'7 1169'.........i......... Crocker........................................... 14179[ 2390 60181 9683 1769 26518 4986 169530 2!0 177 462.03 50 10371 2[ 20 De~w~....................................... ~, ~ ~I~ ~~;~ ~ ~......... ~ ~o8~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~o Des Moines, city of........................ ~~~l ~l 140 ] 1754[' 222 10 120:]:::::] 27 5165..........11 200 2221 Douglas.............................. 5i[ [........... 15300 373 51340 9490 1451 23392 4982 199800 640 2,5935'.....1'3.......:............................. is....... r. lknart............................................ 7726/ 2272 26242 6478 800 14280 2O98 116115....]Y~i 644 17320...... Four Mile........................................ 2068[ 1882 17670 8472 1099 18719......]:] i 1710 69080 174 6069 175[ 2[ 80 Franklin........................................ 11491 2518 56160 8089 2407 88085[::::::............i 4001 1854.10 471 18098 15791 41 100 Grant............................................... i6~! 46141 66,5 22677 3376 701 19828...... 1917 83780.........[ iI I2 Jeffmson...... ~ 10740, 3253 292A3 7967 1756 26798 4868 I ~()'51,~ ~69 222 6915 i.~..................... 868 80192...."6'0 2994.................. Lincoln.................................. ~ 26 i;......... 124091 1168 48473 6836 1876 28152 8352 127030 500! 896 31183 628...............,.. Madison.......................................... 126641 4908 56644 7941 1700 25123 t......... 4270 160690 ~5 2451 000 29745.......{ 7 51 Taylor.............................................. 537413002266174865 848 13901S::::::[:] 3.'...73156960 183263l 830t 718 30215 "400212 V'~lley................... 6057t 1889 34.836 4263 782 12940 10[....2(]3 2215 99925[ 286 355 10415.........[ 3[ 45........................'......~i~ 4~80 s 99 Walnut..................................... 19089i 4379 64593 1.1687 314.9 51413 7416 350890 400 314 43093 Washington................................... 782t 120601 2599 44840 94.61 2610 426861:]]]::]]][......... 3973, 154125 47!. 862 4461 17642 52 1079[ 4[ 50 Total......................................... 20-'5-~ 56821 842180 140450137680'-~3~: 211 894 7,74971 32720401' 33-'~ 56101 121884318411 1'305! 308211 651 856 POTTAWATTAMIE COIYNTY................................ oi.........' m......... Belknap.......................................,.. 2358 56051 81....g{~9........................... 5571 1026.... i3'O 2767 126870 5531 1950[ boomer.............. 10 3651... 3944 84761 238101 3578......~.~ 2332 62960......... 87 156i"'"'i2 Center...................................................... 15362[ 159 9754 7190t 2065[ 8813 639 67826 Council Blul~,.~, city of................... 726 29115......... ~[,~oo 1353 718[ 76771 1004 20[ 200............. t:::iil Crescent.......................................... ~ 84500 431 1705....~061 2178 8329[ 171531 2155 401[ 3966 I 1882......... Grove............................................. 7866 61321 36790 501 317( 53939 26'74 90247,.................. 220[ 8691~ ] 194]..................................................... 0 0 7.................. 00 6i Hazel Dell.......................... 6179 3445/ 32732[ 4321 7741 6115 2524 8~800.....'3'4....3~J 97 48k]9[ 51 6~0.......6 392 James.............................................. 1957 25 ~-a 1.2022 1298} 4815] 1781 10381 13322:::::::2:1122::::]: 803 34950...... 1...... 28' 134 i[8"'"~6 786 206681 246 4264.................. Kane, exc. of Council Bluffs.......... 5216 186835 0559 142401 652801 9953 22661 26590......... Keg Creek....................................... I......... 283[ 89051 1671 4183......... 397234451 805051 8039 1548] 23862 ~ 1783 95550 qJl POTTAWATTAMIE (]OUNTY.-C(ONTINTUED.' SPRING WINTER INDIAN BUK RYE. OATS. BARLEY.BUK.~ WH-EAT. WHEAT. CORN. WHEAT._ NAMrES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 0 AND CITIES. ot~ ~~~~~~~~0 44 4- - - - ~'. 44I. -d t0' 0' ) 0 0 0 0 $:~~~~~~ 0 ~~ 0541...... 3 0 8395.......... 51 041956 30 0 434....'... Knyox, e.ofA ca....................147 780 500 181 03 954....... 30 855.................. 0324514 1926520 433......78.... Layon.................................1032 354 2250 678 32371 788091............... 2450 109880.................. 431 17345, 225 585....36 Macedonia...................................... 481 19 154 38 12 Z85.......... 24 9340..........*......... 210 5159 3. 40............. Neoa................................. 1749 2179 8882 1564 527 71261............ 834 324251.........I......... 95 2979 1 50......... c Nforwalk......................................... 3068 1130 13770 3440 1324] 8145 1......i5 50 1431 501501 2[ 10 152 42001 87 4168] 1[..... Pleasant..............;............................ 5423 5763 5580 2910 24'70 39269...........[... 1399 54400[.........[......... 196 6830 16............. ]Rockford........................................ 1530602 15 93 18 14............... 375 126 1 57 24 ~8 7 89 9 i ) Wasinto........................ 5380425 31595 4736 1397 41974 95............. 22675 182........... 5117 2 720 12 3580.........6. SilverlCree........193 859...................21 879....... 36.... ~~3627 5207 2096 5016 233 7524 4........ 11 9425.....1...2 14029....8... Wright~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............IIP. 6638 3507 19225 5410......... 47698 9 0 9 5 91143096 218453............... Wahigork........................................ 77625 6109 818 242 8697 6159...... 9950 82359.........]......... 198 2160 54 42.......... Toaelan......................................... 1263019494695 520679 333696 58891 6330 4754258 1703.....973 18059.........08.......-250487 9 52060 B rook yn,tow f......................... 36........................................................... 4090..................................1............ Deep Rier................................. 1443 1601 5544 950 3229 4789........2....... 5207.22.50 63....... 2 30274 116191061 I:2 GrnnlY ownko..................... -... ~~.....i8 45...............,... 77261 1824 618..........9 355............................ Tinotln.........160 584 526166 351 807.................. 47 085................. 528- 1,71 —7 45 7 12..........~6-~59-~ 3- -~8............... — 5 7031 93 77 5893 12878 37-4 6 —4 69 Madiso...... 14169 1387 50913 10240 36841 57542.................. 5069 1903-67]:~....... earlCreek exc. of tookln............. I270 41318 352719613711 2505253........... 25061 25970........671 420052 1 691 152.......... 0 Malcom, town of...........................4........ 21 7150......... 25 440................. Pleasant..............14356 691 86997 11307 4122 52640.5294 242340 4 60 560 16802 377 8710 6 111 Scott........10356 710 28565 10042 3009 45500.4494 199800......... 505 17703 207 868......... Sheridan................14616 1839 41264 11941 4189 63342.............. 4617 193285 5 20 686 21579 940 176415 2.. 94 Suar Creek........9897 6773 51421 8342 2891 29404...4:302 206360........... 773 21453 12 208 31 595 union................ 6381 4674 4828 5161 1438 16586..... 2590 119360 8 116 466 10405 17 346 16 137 Warren....... 11744 4086 46277 10369 4177 53128.... 4306 184520......... 597 14329 198 3305 35 502 Washington...........11165 6268 53646 10221 3773 52284.4126 192595 4 0 795 23472 291 6173 9 115 Total......................208989 48697 78363 171 57312 762826.86748 3571105 163 2006 11416 333565 6611,109139 237 2332 RINGGOLD COUNTY. Athens..3339 2164 19900 97 292 2668 2 30 1932 55175 48 632 391 14858.......... 5 57 Benton..4775 5197 25785 1649 493 6594............ 3242 142750 19 244 532 21188 3 81 3 47 Clinton....4075 2778 24000 003 307 3427 26 456 1771 48655 67 928 412 15751.......................... ~Grant.........................5900 1814 2648619 4390 6209 125 530 18906 29 460.. i Jefferson.. 5638 4555 29363 5023 686 9249................ 3179 131145 43 560 766 27190.........2 40 Liberty.......3076 3809 23162 298 264 3151 7 78 2095 77060 32 250 473 16137.......... 3 36 Lincoln.................4793 3380 28656 3870 953 2......... 2435 8......... 438 13530........ 3 22 Lotts Creek... 4176 4641 33992 3539 307 2610 20.426 2096 34428 41 831 552 17091......... 2 12 Middle Fork..450 320 25329 3568 297 3057 7 132 2472 67900 17 167 462 158571....................... Monroe.......... 4242 2398 18926 3769 305 3886 8 100 1988 68330 40 384 353 11839 4 Il 10 119 Mount Ayr.................7680 6902 48510 5951 453 4130 25 107 3964 116521 46 797 831 25122 1 32 8 81 Rice...................2708 57 41 15460 238&5 204 2572........... 1626 41985 10 155 182 5182..... 1 28 Riley.......................... 3463 2884 19190 388 192 164 4 15 298 1422 23800 36 529 313 11804........... 4 44'Union...................e..... 1789 2670 11600 1617 290 3378 13 115 1136 42190 21 543 1915 7670 14 321 3 28 z Washington................... 6156 4566. 34402 5061 5032 68371 2 20 2744 92115 90 1018 651 20912 4 40 3 22 Total.18400 58829. 395534 50873 10926 78851 ~~~~~~~~~125 1762 35613 1497 519 7163 9118 255007 55 1045 48 572 SAC, COUNTY. Clinton....................... 1571 3960 260 393 263 3074............ 158 4450........... 16 466 10 125 5L 58i Douglas.......................................... 4587 6515 2040 3847 1506 13951...1.......33. 1199 36406 6.....3.........'582 11729 32 680 2 23 Eden......................... 3142 4702 871 2179 1181 12941............. 650 18640........... 279 7083 60 1318 5 155 Jackson...................... 7798 11418 8037 6712 2918 16387..... 10 2519 76580 20 190 934 14867 48 200 14 78 Levey........................ 3875 9269~ 1910 2318 1083 15531........... 843 33735 1 25 180 6012 8 123 10 56. Sac........................... 2 84 737 3587 1557 18777........... 1494 58880........... 451 11516, 22 485 4 36 Wall Lake..................... 2899 27241 2573 2440 1098 12668........... 1088 39745 7 70 2381 6845.................... Tota................................. 132306601 1230 2417979 11056 1009110094.. 1..662.27716 28.105 0866296 279716'4 30 28 SCOTT COUNTY. 0o! SPRING WINTER INDIAN'BUCK~RYE' OATS. BARLEY. BUgWHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. RI'~ OATS. BARLEY. WHEAT.`S.00 E) NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, o 4-4 Q 0 C) AND CITIES. C,.. 5 c0. 4S'. 5..' 0 5'... ~ ~ 4',4 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 S) 0 0 0' 0 G............ 4] 9 0 4.4 a) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~a ) aa 06 0 0. In o.0..0.0 0,1 0.C..0..'0 0~-.0.04 05 + S 53 5 53 - 53 5 53 5,. Z z z z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Allen's Grove...............................10696 2540 35116 10434 2065 32196..... 3040 117753 16 175 896 31706 1334 29647 4 90 Blue Grass....................................... 22448.. 68567 16078 5178 85107... 5161 197895... 15101 53870 4019 92795 3 46 Buffalo, exc. of town......... 7078 4049 51343 5242 1444 23453... 2399 80770 3 45 501 13674 251 5691......... Butler............................................ 16603 4680 51959 12215 3915 58574... 5516 166830 34 325 1398 36368 2123 45386 2.. Cleona............................................ 20446.. 42000 15000 4589 78020... 4184 137610.................. 1253 45750 4287 97110 1 24 _ Davenport, exc.'of city................. 23450 110 61280 1 3504 2979 48075.5277 201475.1155 38740 2703 59890........ Davenport, city of.177 6 2216 700 33 600.31 1459.8 400. Hickory Grove.............................. 21932... 44435 16163 4063 69360... 5243 220590... 1502 592 4400 99290......... Le Claire, exc. of town.................. 11974 2986 50085 7993 2493 35728 8 150 3757 147740......... Liberty............................................ 15757 1706 46247 10302 3645 54741.4467 144505.86.269.3....1673.. 194 H:......I13131 42158 2274 513731 8 124 Lincoln.......................................... 19263.. 73100 19263 4784 78989 4646 189275.................. 1237 46885 2906 67308................... Pleasant Valley.............................. 8679 2230 39822 5533 1099 167881...... 450 2865 107725.609 19440 431 9173...5. Princeton, exo. of town.................13356 90 49072 8~54 2583 37328 2 18 4167 149960 6 60 947 27802 438 8988.......... Rockingham................... 3969 312 19455 15&50 264 3340................. 592 16510 4 45 189 5025 224 4205.7 Sheridan........................................ 22449 49 60039 22402 4839 81586.4843 204805................. 1453 52103 3500 73786.......... Winfeld...........................................17238 365 60156 20809 3725 58430......2853 141416 8 76 1084 33576 1724 408791 Total..........................................25515 191231 754912185742 47698 762315 40 618 59071 22 46 71 726 15915 528868 30903692655 34 667 SHELBY COUNTY. Cass............................................ 865 16001 2729 725 172 315......... 477 3554.. 38 260 9 161.................. Clay............................... 2.370 2458 5611 2159 1091 15644.......... 864 36180... 127 4669 26 680......... Douglas............................................ 3734 2086 9035 2960 1430 22533.1268 57524.........I......... 141 4495 20 200 1 25 Fairview......................................... 10902 8055 33294 9137 3453 63464..2833 126600. 430 14738 346 7708.................. Greeley.71 23............... 706 443 1 11201 6231 2.5..347. 29.100..53.165.............. P Grove~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~65......... 570.........................2,31..........1.... 15:::~~.:::::~ Grove................................ 46561 4884 338551 46101 21411.2186 55780.. 5 1570 35. Harlan............................................. 6328 3097 25074 5754J 27421 43401.2257 116417.. 321 12967......... 321j 129...7.? Jackson..... 2434 909 7710 2227 8931 11962............ 917 38700 5 80 98 2831. er.........1084 3980 210 840 435 6021......... 3151 1089 5 1. ~~~Lincoln~~...4026 1642 1940 2671 793 26365.................. 1415 5510 - Monroe.............. 6496 2980 8852 5320 3784 41827......... 1207 48131 1........... Polk.................. 1709 616 3410 1610 849 11187.........33 1638.............. if~~~~~~~~~~ifil!!!!~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 18 64 9o3 77148 19....................270 Shelby................. 5090 2227 8775 4387 2042 31030.......... 1597 64465 1 2012 Union....................... 1200 7461 1860 1895 776 12453......... 518 20770...... 103 2990 1 105 ~~Washington.............. 1840 870 4195 1562 694 53571.......734 1692031 550... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 60................o........];~.........,~ ~;Westphalia.................................. 1740 2733 767 750 479 67881................... 198 5665.20.670 Total................................ 55180 39326 148137 47230 22029 317944 - 1 176741 689556 17 89 SIOUX COUNTY. Buncombe........ 28391 575841........... 2186 1311 15628. -- 533 1200.....46 2287 35 405 Floyd...................................... 1640 28743............ 1586.. 1416 1 18955. 312 2302..198 3023..... Grant........................ 2734 23957....... 1662 900 12504 543 42201466 2861 19 351 4. Holland.................. 11563 43108 100 9371 69577 76050. 1823 9280 871 10715 5 87.. Lincoln..................... 2790 26331...........2436 1609 10431........ 624 275.325 3820 21 374. ~~~Nasgsau................. 7498 48406.. 7451 5133 59661.. 1135 9373 28 186 584 6645 42 692.............. 4089 33149....' 3476 2332 2735.. 7421 1862]..... 4 ~Rock.~.1.......... 1503 31408..... 1358 827 7061.........2..........33 530.185 2867.... Settler............................ 122033 49923 840 1664 11451 11854... 286 2612......... 284 585 3 30 Sheridan...................... 2965 21785....... 2825 1369 11787........... 549 384............ 309 3043 36 560.. 7 Total......................3982 367394 940 33515 22996 251286.......... 6780 32038 33 195 ___________________ STORY COUNTY. Ames, town of.................. 193 12-3 4781 119 43 494.....I...... 241 2)535............. 43 1095............ 5 34 Collins........................ 8961 6045 36501 7486 2778 38094....... 3364 124325 19 286 632 23. 36 552 3 25 Franklin......10769.3440.48530 7326 1450 18213.......4223 14t5333 35 497 1072 31718 32 470 12 148 Grant.........8568 1849 14041 5730 1124 14858........... 2586 93380 6 60 637 1897O 26 432 10 89 Howard....................... 141634 51755 7734 2232 28371.....-..... 4723 131335 838 25274 29 434..... Indian Creek...................142141 2. 785 60846 9492 2338 32248........... 4878 180000. 96l 1117 1026 29913 20 70 2.. LaFayette..................... 6761 28379 24272 4003 1121 15857........... 2247 69955........... 473j 13511 43 1490 7 54 Lincoln........................ 4163 2421 12694 3866 1519 21485......... 1323 43845........... 35 10418 40 498 4 30 Milford........................10752 2152 34998 6.516[ 1385 172-37j 8 20 3724 1520,55............ 883 24770 22j 485 24 319 Nevada, exc. of town.............12412 2258 480681 7375 1661 19004........... 3426 1221 5-5..... 731 22866 23 417 18 312 Nevada, town of............. 3641 319 5,511 262 4-5 566...... I.... 150 5505............ 39 1403............ 2 20 New Albany.. ~~~~~~~~~~~109641 1355 23705 7070 2049 23611.......2889 97520 17 178~ 802 24490 61 1110 7 135 Palestine.......................10092 5053 35875 5034 15351 12627........ 3449~ 121.150 101 156 7 111 8 6 1 1 Richland...................... 4708 5513 22690 5949 1283 1311....I... 2486 73280 71 93 790 185821 8~ 1781 71 54 Sherman...................... 33094 2870 113401 2751 134 156901.........1. 10741 338332 101 1601 301, 99651 301 I 26~ 6 52 STORY COUNTY.- CONTINUED.. SPRING WINTER INDIAN RYE. OATSBUCK O 5 __ WHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. WHEAT. C4 0K..t a.1~ X 2.jY 2. 8 |;. 3. O T..~~~ W ct5 ri OM o o t t o o t.; 0 0 0 5 0 ai a 0 w a 0 a:3- S a: NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS5, 0 ANDOCITIES. ri. 10 8 15 8 4 4... 35 d.... 8 192 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........ 4-., 1 486 %4 9 4384 1 5 423 937 6513087 0 1711847721 80 1714 0 55 ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~n ~~~~~ ~~~,.S 4.! 0;-4~~~~ 0 5 Z 4 0;z4: 4 00 0 00 -0 -z.F ~ ~ ~. S 5 5 5 S~.S ~ ~ SS ___________ z z z~~~~~~~~~~~ zl z z z ~ z z z z z zzz Union.......................... 134101 2949 659351 99011 2124 3202946921 2086 2230 90 30837 68 Warren.1.......................... 11107 11048 1560 8141 430 4879.3331 86.... 87 1929 131.. ~~Washington, exe. of A e....s..... 11.... 83 857 51131 79591 16471 2272310..65 1608 21541 1010 358 201 2 6476 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~47[............... 178 179 305 949526 750.371160 ||*vv 74 20' Tota.................... 148649 43874 57 658 330897 8 20 51273 1783477 231 2890 11273 3432651 461..8870 1381 2024... TAMA COUNTfY. Buckingham.................... 12 9807 361 0 13200 4501 76399.. 4266 163855... 736 16372 194 4314 4 92o Caton....................19 51 20 9 399 1.. 1092 3 3 704 2 42 677 22133- 257 5118 6 112 Carroll. 7880 4659 22380 6237 3787 58234.2571 99725 5 85 413 10468 206 4423 2 32 Clark..............12210 11010 20260 10123 5280 70768.3078 104660... 652 17504 603 8795 6 90 Columbia.14839 4722 41832 9907 4833 71967.3806 156214 1 20 557 13582 376 6798 18 170 Crystal ~.....1.3 179310591157 580. 21160. 4 2205769100 Crstl................................ R,3 1729 317 941 527 75580........-......-.- 321 160.......... 4 24 69100......... Geneseo....................................... 13984 3507 15590 11352 7105 86231.3584 126480.... 684 15601 40 904 Grant.............8242 14798 45306 6799 2983 45105.2387 278940.. 1 479 12451 430 76901 4 Highland..................... 95151 1573 24340 9427 4336 64899............ 3630 123315 8 56 516 10419 147 2416.......... Howard..174031 5586 503601 11759 5807 7500.4758 173775.993 29925 265 4780. 9128 6212 57552 9013 3580 49269.3602 120.01 10 50.6052 17233 59 1. 134 Li ncoln..............7593 1835 1510 8352 2932 58269...................391 9720.663 23527 1182, 25459. Montour, town of.70.6..................... 70 1.2. 610 56 8 80.5 150..1 650......... A 220 Oneida.............................. 15002 1818 22730 12609 5580 90560 2.4016 156870... 725 213630 81 1 Otter Creek......17508 268 5855 11297 5858 91327........4431 159756 9 115 615 1388 172 3021 3 42,Perry, exe. of Traer.............15811 2671 43656 12788 5215 80978........... 4427 157784........... 683 22965 115 21401 2 45. _ Richand...................................... 11718 2965 51355 11230 455 64303.4042 157990 5 63 573 15741 124 2322 2 45 Salt Creek............... 19117 6376 41820 17261 3568 55320.3375 129830... 419 10731 11 22 11 146 Spring Creek.................................. 10587 3727 19730 10204 5829 88456.3271 116515 1 12 1170 36632 1161 25612 27 384 Tama, exc. of Tamna City..........21201 1925 11141- 1631- 7477 105881........... 727 2-3130 8 200_ 106. 2948 7 1251.. o~t~ to~o~....................... ~ 165 7~ ~9 ~ l~......... ~r..... ~I....~ ~ 2~.... Toledo, exc. oftown...................... ~....~t....~ 84241 35821 41723 51321 2142] 26149 21441 70506......... -.q Toledo, town of.............................. 6725[ 86531 20713 5676[ 2~091 36337 200t] 45250.........t........./ 472[ 12643 4465 3 50 c~ l iiiiiiiill 156 ~70....... Traer town or................................. 900 ~ — 315] 40[ 760 2551 551 440 125[ 4050..... York:..............................................~....86'0 7~8 17390....'i56'"281'6.......9......96 12~3] 50051 46394 11507 6654[ 103304 ]......... 1381991 I 3757[ TAYLOR COUNTY. ]Jenton, ext. of Bedford................ 5214 4192 334741 5193 1256] 14222] 37[ 330 3963 81020 325 608 20414 17 310[ 5[ 45 Clayton........................................... ~5 6499 5095 39444 4676 11281[ 19[ 296 3885 80112 389 760 25586 46 935] 2[ 21 ])silas......................... 178~..................... 9436 3894~ 34454] 6947 14784[......... 4646 14~5300 48 631 576 15899 154 1470 8 71 Gay.................................................. 3990 4746 18884] 3.558 413] 5701......... 2267 62370 52 92 492 17869 1] 38 Grant............................................... 4743 19881 13277] 4222 579] 101251.................. 2329 61610 39 728 487 19325.....'74 "'i6~81 2 5O Grove............................................. 3045 1894i 3140[ 2670 804I 10977[......... 1220 358~5 180 183 51.37 118 29661 2 50 Ix] Holt................................................. 9508 5307I 36055 7882 1818] 30351I......... 3027 102215 15 310 453 16911 150 3027 4 70 ~;~ Jackson.......................................... 4052 4676[ 20894: 3801 3~5] 4459I 22....{~'8 2230 73670 26 437 517 14636 34 618 7I 88 C/~ Jefferson............................. 6598 23690 46 693 1113 21140............ 5223! 4246 327 3478[ 17 345 3298 10~133 1[ 24 Marshall.......................................... 596 4374 18492 8724[......... 2048 375 13759....li4 "'2002 5I 43 C/2 3641] 3934 52280.......... Mason 10205 376't5 1418 211321 13....21'8 4062 115635 "7'9 640 19727 15............................................. 4568 6577 3~1I 2 19 ~Todaw~,y.. 5506 50...................................... 6067 30320 4672 1319 18672] 50 680 3198 94950 481 464, 13827 1016 16] 312 Platte............................................... ~ ~ 5247 3788I 17747 4005 675 10240......... 2572 92800 21 270 2~3 9431 26 62~ 38 446 Polk........................... 10274 5087I 44436 7186 1297 175021 73....77'6 4358 ~134465 I 1.266'653 22061 12 2J 28 l~oss................................................ 6966] 4049[ 22286 4784 968 11008 13 75 3171 96350 ~ 5] 10 ~rashington............................... 630 586 17641 4_~ 1210 6643 3164 29628 5089 1056 14162.........: 2986 86925 13 147 568 1629~ 81 966 1] 15 Total......................,................... 10-~ 2-T~ 4~6 7 —~ 1-"~:06818 — ~ 4 —~ -Tii9~ — ~ — ~ -~ 26 —~ 1-~3? lqoT~,. —~Ion-resident lands not reported by townships, 168,742 acres. UNION COUNTY. I I 1653[ 61250[ lil 1301 3011 7~20I Dodge........................................... 3901.ii/ 3~5 3124 1882 16102 2744 454 7341....... ~......~.~ 1582 646~0] 1 Douglas, exc. of Creston.............. 33 9201 3981 1786 140~8 3117 1508 12620 265[ 223[ 8501...... Gr,~nt.............................................. 3233 1249 13745 2246 3211 4775.................. 1291[ 53770[ 40[ 257/ 7816I 22 385{......i0 ~~....................................... ~~,~00 ~0~ ~ ~0~...... ~ ~~ 2~[ ~~ ~~I ~ Jones............................... 6841 2702 41200 3922 1062/ 1456t'15i 2581I 108520 547 638[:0794] Lincoln. l~~~' ~1 ~ 4299 686 15450 2493 1086J 14500......... 1924 38115 3971 101 1451................................................. 444] 50311 115 2590.............................................. Platte.............................................. 6528 5177 43002 6528 1553 23069 2720 129685... 641]:0426l 46 920 45 I-a Pleasant......................................... isl 2~9 ~6 ls.,s6o......~:~'~'01 45~ ~s71 ~7 xs~ 4882 4552 32870 4499 1069 12018 l Sand Creek............................ 4666 3082 20016 3507 6101 9111 10 2~0 1654 66280 49 59~] 424 142441 ~ 6 43 58 42 ~.a UNION COUNTY.-CoNTINUED. C) g > SPRING WINTER INDIAN BUCKRYE. OATS. BARLEY. WHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. OTS. BARLEY. WHIEAT. 0 0).. 5... 5. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, ~. C C. 5. $. o ANDICITIES. I 0 o |. $ |. C.0 | O 4. O |O|..,~o.~ 0 0 0 00 C);. *. I 4-4 0,~0 0 -.. ~~~~~~~~0 Ca c 0o 0 8 C. C )C ) )C. Spaulding...........................8.......... 295 2053 2000 2794 875 12790.. 1387 59280 9 171 270 9154 33 451 1 12 Union, exc. of Afton.5451 4990 23403 5386 894 12240 10 300 2724 109102 68 515 1438 31686 60 1172 5 78 Total.........................0 3.....................3........ 57005 3216 266401 45826 16586 141187 53 960 24063 1130930 249 3087 6127 187748 564 12275 36 464 VAN 13UREN COUNTY. Bentonsport, town of................. 248' 26 15204 137 6 9 4 45 40 2080 8 70 13 330... 15 76 Birmingham, town of................. 4 100 141. 40 447 10 126 173 64201 16 155 431 938 5 100 3 50 ~~~Bonaparte.. - v-v-4687|. 5710 39546' 2579 252 1488 512 7130 1535 58555 103 855 339 8112..12 241 Cantril, town of.............................. 57 7 1 - 1......... 1 1 Cedar........................... 15776 4474 280742 11457 1176 10884 181 1673 4973 197750 101 672 1632 48240 4 38 5.3 834 Chequest........................................ 8380 9539 695521 7628 389 2391 1195 12331 2661 118635 125 1106 564 12415................. 35 563 Des Moines................................... 14231 11638 1158471 8072 340 1357 917 8166 4854 181132 154 919 1338 3398 8 39 59 1079 Farmington, exc. of town............ 5833 8136 60312 3754 112 679 905 11030 1855 70560 115 761 3471 6931 2 47 19 236 Harrisburg....................... 149181 565 68881 8411 1254 11501 315 3023 5181 197851 192 1646 1411 42447 2 35 46 948 Henry I...3430 4585 49131 3387 179 594 739 8404 2196 88690 31 275 1492 13807......... 12 145 Jackson, exc. of Cantril.........17940 9158 107185 17381 57 0 2461 492 4588 6951 2.53540 109 511 2062 48368 32 164 73" 1022 Keosauqua, town of............ 550 433 7078 372 7 27 92 11641 251 7500............ 44 9401.................... Lick Creek....................10744 10034 103612 10515 555 5-333 1091 1 3 523 1 28451 105000 195 21891 -690 16273............ 33 624 Union, exc. of Birmningham......17187 4799 83339 14118 1062 10265 296 47241 50231 183162 100 9.12, 6-21 46484........... 39 846 Van Buren, exc. of Keosauquan.. 12891 9653 12680 715- 439 3024 2071 23310 3823 15 5043 73 732 1096 24087.......... 43' 748 Vernon....................... 9974 8997 74831 6792 120 650'706 7303 3269 120255 91 141.3 892 24917 1 8 13 340 Village........................ 8320 7547 79078 8499 605 5 060j 11.28 12260 2859 108619 72.938 535 12720 1 261 26 485) Washington, exc. of Bentonsport 6551 4134 53800 2.506 349 2638 274 30541 1722 68830 24 309 456 13391........... 16 281 o Total........................153674'.99528 1321855 113263 7455 58808 10928,1218511 50211 1923622 1509, 13466, 12596.3536981 5 4571 487, 8518 0 WAPELLO COUNTY. Adams....... 11272 8351 98820 11892 1211 92972 146 1905 4763 161745 180 1116 1263 24105 6 52 23 345 Agency, exc. of town.. 5490 1920 30996 6000 426 4173 22 198 2181 74678 29 177 311 7932 2 59 13 186 ~~~~Agency City, ~town ~of.....81...8..55..... i...6...... 5...... 2100 1 12 2 30.........1 16 Cass................3.1 18 3492 405 3270 132 12 16 15 35 62145 33 348 220 3 13......... 3 56 Center, exc. of Ottumwa. 12994 4891 92-3 1148 1002 864 161 1724 4800 18862 148 1698 726 1525......... 28 294 Columbia, exe. of Eddyville......11951 5000 77400 9045 1175 12045 105 1310 3925 167360 74 975 655 16225 23 450 18 336 Competine..16904 3126 54111 12882 1721 22715 10 152 5205 260160 51 711 1223 40335 92 1855 21 588 Dahonega...................... 8798 1680 39943 9306 2700 8193 22 213 2927 116688 13 154 522 15314............. 7 98 Eddyville, town of....................... -900............ 2531 975.......................................... Greene................111321 6940 87925 7395 576 3969 3 3 4 36 114212 301 3180 706 11671.................. 34 643 Highland..13367 3895 56176 12815 1751 21315 14 174 6523 276065 23 191 1511 47619 39 752 18 359 eokuk..4255 3328 33079 2369 267 1805 204 1697 1199 65695 104 1024 183 3239............ 9 130 Pleasant..13308 6220 7863 15271 175 20847 57 818 5903 194905 68 920 1343 39548 31 795 30 689 Polk.....9065 6358 65612 8150 1037 6974 211 1686 353 136017 211 2328 894 15061............ 13 144 Richland.................14073 4876.3758.4 268 509 6520 191704 43 456 1325 3600 57 622 5 136 WashingLon, ex. of Eldon.. 13736 4297 75086 9892 1176 10163 92 1090 433 121900 117 840 621 16643 4 116 13 264 Total.150209 63491 876972135173 17368 157535 1617 16159 57035 2143791 1396 14130 11570 2935J0 251 4701 236 4284 WARREN COUNTY. Allen.........................7299 3673 45072 5341 1517 24434 22 346 3032 141240 32 484 335 12489 1 50 1 27 Brefelmon.....................18980 3943 51939 1465 4505 60678.........6616 310020 10 84 611 18766 429 9532 7 1121 Grenfel...................21588 4489 91737 140-34 4745 69212........... 7385 342250 9 102 760 2652.5 15 3931 3 76 z Indianola, twn of............. 162 610 1640 99 20 335........... 23 1150 7 200............... Jackson........7424 15512 31330 7581 28-55 40146........... 4121 1566-35.......370 13150 198 4194 3....... 5'9 Jefferson.1096.199645437 813) 3020 44063.......... 4674 187929....... 482 25517 9.38, 9 117 Liberty....................11610 11293 32301 9647 2611 37513 2 6,4246 208283) 72 1087 647 22303 203 4728 18 210 Linn.........................18417 4760 78678 12940 4021 5.5330 2 44 6774 304735.. 503 22960 20 4401 2 18 Otter.........................9789 13208 5.5340 8751 2032 26812 4 40 4660 225180 18 180 543 16653 30 5001 4 74 Palmyra......................93-54 7059 52390, 9303 2481 383-38....4470 216950 16 380 404 12792 10 285 1 16 Richland......................8171 8712 493681 8171 1744 245597 23 3~64 3371. 13.1483 14 200 3151 10032 8 100...... 8 Squaw.6949 15833 42586 6855 1980 ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~25198... 035 171760....... 526 12062 49 1251 71 12P# Union.........................86S61 9532 48121 73481 29461 36811.. 40591 194078.....216 5997..7 116 Yirini.642 649.4053 5517 1841 25200 8 90 3371 170 13 45 2413922....7.0 1'I159 9 88 Washington, exc. of Indianola.. 30077 12497 1235109 24116 5899 835310..... 10624 487180 65 92.5 1133 35319 113 3137 17 270 White Breast............ 10376 1.26478 47235 8882 2 45 —3 31020......4248 169335 13 149 624 18258 508 10505 19 241 White Oak........................800.5 14920 460 17 73581 24.57 30822....45411 186690 25 200 498 14735 341 1360 3 32 Total.....................1i9426511671781 885186,1587371 4-71571 6546791 611 9101 802801 3561365 294 41361 ~839112~815101 1782 1 ~408181 111 59 WASINGTON COUNTY. SPRING WINTER INDIAN RYE OATS. BARLEY. BUCK- WHEAT. WHEAT. CORN. WHEAT. 3.. c ~. e. c. NAMES OFTOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 0 7.~ 4C -C n 0 ~ 5 C.. C.. ce.. 5.. 5.. 5.. 5. AND CITIES. d M oo 4-,4 4-, 4-C T$ 4,U. 0o o 0 oo O o o )0 0 o2;_4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _#Q 4- 4-z5 Q 5 HC O sQ Q n 14 24-5 27425 12 156 41 895 ~~~~ ~~~.........0 193 161.2:4 712 2 2.. 3 1588 202 84185 93 755 439 0792......... 5 111 182 1863 00 2686 15 136 1077 4174...' 383 29 422 ___________ z_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~z z zzz zz A z1 ZA z z z z z Brighton, exc. of town.......... 7122 62371 46935 54861 1383 111561 17 1451 2427 78265 64 574 -441 -7646...... -.... 14 236 Brighton, town of.............. 819 550 4550 513 102 822 14 245 259 7425 12 156 41 895...................... Cedar.........................13274 974 42442 10700 2773 15045.. 5684 234010 13 161 1,328 848411 7 182 2 24 Clay.......................... 867t 4915 57205 5936 1000 9789 31 158 2502 84185 93 755 439 10792.......... 5 111 Crawford......................17029 122 77509 7885 2456 27543 182 1863 8040 226865 15 136 1077 34174 24 383 29 422 c DutCh Creek.15822 6278 58847 15228 3188 35328 22 293 5662 165874 182 1830 1291;3323 26 610 31 506 English River.17728 4570 98267 11985 3151 4053 162 2381 4700 202350 165 2189 1074 32906 57 1017 7 62 Franklin.......................................... 14865. 1840 49398 13686 2302 28610................ 5076 193850 33 554 1015 31235.........7 1 12 2 Highland......................14049 1588 41329 8106 3147 32497.......... 4737 181715 51 668 940 22228 27 359 SI 40 Iowa..........................17237 4596 82555 9572 3314 38850..........: 4875 1648 70 12.9 2614 1119 381215 154 3727 10 237 ci Jackson................ 17284 1208 56658 14914 3288 42121..... 5897 230233, 40 452 1327 43963 128 22991 7 285 Lime Creek.13346.....4007 58060 9761 3208 40582 -6 80 4969 177117 53 58 96226 15 348 17 284 Marion........................11133 6657 64246 7999 1401 12822 67-4 7274 3770 137205 10 45 944 25496 21 478 17 238 W Oregon.......................15795 3266 53854 10266 2722 38966 4 41 5015 208813 35 322 1095 31513 54 1186 20 250 Seventy-Six....................17151 1597 57858 12663 4739 58859........... 6185 250964 721 899 1199 37818 35 804 24 446 Washington, exc. of city.........21291 3518 128542 12464 3371 35101 28 2,39 7449 281500 142 20&5 1439 45364 82 1546 49 648 Washington, city of............2560 3739 9146 720 101 1245 16 44 1018 7300 13 400 161 635................... Total.~~~~~~~~~~~2251761 55652 9874011157884 466 469868 14391 14193 732651 2832241 1122 _14388 _15701 452,320 6301 12939~ 2441 3901 WAYNE COUNTY. Allerton, town of...............I................... I...........................................I............ 81 108 40 491 Benton........................ 9983 5938 53480 7040 765 5353........... 5177 i81315 iS 257 946 25830........... 6 197 Clay.......................... 9679 6050 3783 8266 734 6314 5 76 4182 144965 75 941 604 21182........... 2~3 303S Clinton....................... 2621 2701 30708 4914 186.1749 8 4 6 2696 75235 123 970 505 10462.......... 27 367 Corydon, exc. of town........... 8163 4626 33473 6475 386 23391I 20 86 3201 132728 491 3-99 773 29272 23 224 13 159 P Corydon, town of............... 12.30 663 5776.10921 31 141........... 536 19880 5 130 70 1589.............. Grand River, exc. of Lineville.... 95391 5386 440531 11599 487 24431 61 41 302 57 14 2571 1023 172091........14.249 I Howard.8256 2376 29188 4257 286 1327 5 100 2430 68760 53 536 493 13191. 6 1 139.4752 3182 16318 4350 3. 2684..............893 96095 2119 412 15269......... 1 2 Jefferson...................... 5357 7372 44060 5151 360 2400 14 194 3510 100180 167 1629 571 12357.14.269... Monroe................................................. 5891 3548 27355 4756 403 2874 8 86 2469 82765 20 167 499 15676................. 2 129 cm.10334 4552 31647 7860 770 8309..................3906 149596 14 221 1044 35759 47 891 2 37 Semorton f.....................-.......x~~l......... - - - ~~ - - ~........l —~-7 l~................. i3 60.............................. South Fork..............8 508. 25319 259551.........0.....03.,022... 5951 1 40.. 4526 1762551 1 20 805 199.5 15 320.... UnIon............................................ 14628 3228 45391 10842 934 9162........ 5654 212650 38 500 1182 36172.................. 9 2 64 Walnut, exc. of Seymour........12411 3896 48240 11025 965 8398 9 76 5719 237183 701 627 991 31711 61 80 16 243 Warren, exc. of Allerton........10709 415 44341 540 602 4196 14. 121 4318 147748 49 582 818 22877 8 108 40 491 Washington..9820 3175 33948 28820 1266 7868....... 275132 8 80 1106 27773.........1.........7 Wriblit............1.2742 4589 31630 10106 858 677......... 27 23 190 1399 40092.................. 0 172 Wright ~~~~~~~..............1.7 3 ]406291052757581.........]............. 461 6737......'............ 5876 33217 895:.. Total.............147766 66795 548855117689 10375 76346 143 1236 65625 2405187 2874 7701 13242 367396 99 1623 255 3496 WEBSTER COUNTY. Badger............. 4701 4855 30255 4882 22784 28531.................. 295 434 2 321 453 14060 14 500. Clay.......~~~................................ 51621 168 466 8932 34 55 61702618.........[......... 1279 83405.................. 948 12730 161 2905..................... Colfax............................................. 10841 2361 1235 1041 528 6913.........2.........[74 7208134 3906 6 0................... Dayton.17923.4703.6029510952.47.76584. 610.173725. 876............ 3 7 9 162 25 654.24 3726[.......... 33322 28 736.................... Deer Creek.4099............................... 4099 2184 9978 4574 1222 6460.. 1069 2 34460.. 451 5945 Douglas............................. 9560 5773 39269 5955 2284 25780...........2798 93932 6 10 610 15064 711 7941 29 523 Elkh~orn. 5172 1916 18932 3047 1770 21261...........1245 33460............318 10260 61 1905.1........... c Fulton.1058 1412. 973 454 6026.......466 13170........... 58 1672 6 100........... Gowrie......................... 3791 1626 2580 644 424 3826........... 173 3350........... 87 1231......I............... Hardin........................ 2676' 2973 27890 2672 866 15819.. 1244 42395 21 391 147 2793 551 16681.......... Jackson........................................ 4357 3952 15888 4354 1574 10011.............. 1849 36540.................. 490 10578 31 290 3 30 Johnson....................................... 5677 4912 11.060 3996 1695 15072.................. 1961 50960 14 261 660 11679 33 359.................... Lost Grove............................. 35931 2231 10882 2942 1679 23343............... 1125 35220...... I 190 4677 14 430......... Newark........................................ 1016 1974 2405 950 468 7015.................. 221 7899... 1161 4466 7 175 1. 1 Otho.33861 3212 17313 2R973 1211 16160.. 1345 40150...3661 11839 25 659 9 9 147 Pleasant Valley...........1591 1559 9904 1.575 641 8535 5...... 747 24-595 8 71 138 4384 2 25.......... Sumner.............................13472 1719 8728 4160 1341 31255...........1635 57-422........... 418 131751 55 1106 2 9 Walikonsa, exc. of Ft. Dodge...... 4107 3505 169,96 3727 13041 13319...........1534 46650 40 380 597 15992 21 345 4 Washington........................ 3342 3849 25389 4825 2341 34117.. 2162 6 0,27'0 11 130 698 21630 11 331 8.... 111I Webster............................5439 4350 30049 3286 1025 16343...........1616 62815 5 83 330 11536 27 621 12 116 Total........................97238 61744 367537 70910 3055 3910511 5..... 287131 917911 110 12,53 7491 207493( 525~ 11I274~ 641 950 CA WINNEBAGO COUNTY.' * S I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPRING WINTER B~DIAN W1- INTER iNIARYE. OATS. BAPLEY. 0 I WHEAT.' WHEAT.W CORN. WHEAT. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, ~0 C 3 C S C 3 C S C AND CITIES. w ).4 4 T.-4. 4 4-,. 4- 4.0. C1..0.C 4 o. 0 5 5-5- -, 02 0 J 00 0 02 02 000 V... l I I 00 0A 00 0 0 0 0 I~~ ~~.. 0 ~. ~ ~. ~. ~ ~. ~ Center........................................... 3864 07326620 3202 2186 34.................. 1268 9 2 502 2 30 Forest.....................................2201 7112 13638 1447 931 14080.........214 10400................. 225 7135 38 646 9 127 Iowa............................................... 4331 7169 28895 3421 2787 60335..248 113351.327 12503 4 123 Norway........................................... 2430 5894 8325 1930 1484 27018 1I 270 139 45091.231 7150 13 243 Pleasant......................................... 4763 5377 19861 24-21 1550 2644........... 24'8 86061................. 276 9010 11 241. Total........................................ 1 1628........ j4501 8i17 Total....... 75891 396251 973391 12421 8938 162281 11l 270 1378! 524251- 5]'6613271451091 881 1755J 121 173 WINNESHIEK COUNTY. Bloomfield...................................... 21251 7120 108219 86287 5796 86287.................. 1974 82145 1 24 181 49754 158 2951......... 6 Bluffton.............................. 7600 8174 48091 7564 3893 63719.. 1870 577021............... 1057 36907 85 1397 6 120 Burr Oak......................................... 11172 3639 47914 9683 5457 95308..1202 40910 2 54 1.348 36394 265 7218 7 45 Calmar.................9............2... 945 7265 43231 8460 6326 92640..818 6740 8 128 976 32925 15 451.............. Canoe...................................7852 7507 55040 7095 3466 1471 49165. 766 26803 80 3 15 8 78...352 7807 3110705346 5498 41 495..... Decorah, exc. of city.......... 7339 5019 52325 387..........7 1058 42923.. 860 26777 2985 4 50 Frakkville...................................... 19676 2502 8166 11128 6687' 98658!........................ 202 8,31.169 66157 422 8248......... Fremont.................................... 849 0 5270 39815 7027 4564 732751............. 1156 40425...1..... 1146 38672 22(5......... Glenwood....................................... 6825 9555 53654 6603 4*55 74212........... 1148 42225 1 0i 1027 24072 98 32531......... IHesper........................10225 7372 69314 8488 5374 2-6078..............1408 56345 4 30 952 3O8711 134 2648.12.24 Highland...................... 9380 8405 60100 7627 5157 79250............1088 44710 7 107 1020 8866' 221 4998.......... jac~cso.......................12398 7322 42039 8121 5322 20361............1138 36612........... 996 33245 71 1456'.... Lincoln.......................11466 5544' 45311 742.5 56135 90195............. 869 54060........ 974 33472 22 626... Madison......................16919 2716 60925 9277 7057 113284........ 1229 46262........... 1255! 45164 121 27760 1 7 Military......................16423 6038 87390 13032 8100 13271 5...... I..... 2600 76800............. 1688 55848 166 3674.......... Orleans. 18023 1850: 61583 11766 7332 115596.......1491 61220k............18771 64670. 864~ 8279 36 463 le an.I 97071 10311............. 59053 7725 44721 88838.....8....... 31 33180' 2 20 1605 32138 1471 3484 1 4 Rpringfield................. 107681 8693 68326 10713 777571 127601............ 1044 379001 16 219 1383 50182 981 1694. Sum~ner.................... 108271 10648 541391 10224 54551 166460............ 12031 385891 43 599 1417 46672 701 1478............ p Washingt n................................ l 205541 62201 62238! 34 63571 95 —75!... 1 785' 40530!.................. 1316' 39881021 41 67 00 __ 134771 95675!.~.,..~ _____ 83 971, 7 Total.................................... 2461401 1316701120057512594691 112175 181346512 9 773161119.......... 2714'....1 2430718265081 251 7401 9731 138 WOODBURY COUNTY. Alington................... 673 602 40 701 464 5156........... 2201 51201..98 1032......... ~~~Concord................... 2216 2181 6950 2150 126 12543.............. 646 12592..1 25971........I.467 8511 940 419 125 1432. 187 7500..........42 1165. Grant...................... 3364 5644 16174 2866 1:97 18905........ 1375 47244 2 50 276 7345'........ Kedron..................2105 2723 6550 1939 746 10837 1....... 846 28910.214.55231........... Lak~edort............... 2116 600. 12130 1593 789 8852....... 1080 346]5.....2. Liberty...................... 6102 2433 32736 4033 1873 42711...... 1595 66315.279 11582 2 50... ~~~~Liston.................1283 1393 4037 1030 821 13602.......... 323 15300 1..... Little Sioux.................. 3832 7809 27090 2786 1434 22744......... 1851 78195.........I... 4 1 Movile..................... 368 710 1620 171 177 23671.. I.. 110 2.. 34 988 17............ Rock..................... 775 544 2450 774 369 3801......... 253 7130'..... 51 1675... Rutland..................... 735 870 440 711 414 3274.................. 320 8425......... Sioux City, ex. of city.............. 1751 3490 10941 1741 743 95121.. 668 1315025 355'.... Sioux City, city of..... 80........ 500 50 10 145 1......... 20 500'......... ~~Union................ 4979 5064 5476 45231 1898 25494.......... 1617 53100. 205 493 16371......... West Fork........ 8311 4193 9014 1895 827 10563'...1... 1012 27350......... 130 2.730 14 200 8 26 Woodbury.................... 3446~ 2875! 18973 24.52 799 11618!........1191 42085,. 5 2651 73761..........I........... Total.......................419 79 606 3.097! 15243! 21875..........14667! 407 1 6 01871967 31101 11 2 WORTH COUNTY. Bristol........................ 8221 4923 25976 4686 2596 40449'.::....... 678 24894'.......... 613 21306 56 1352........... Brookfield.................... 3806 6342 17449 3092 2415 33761........ 282 8167....3.. 95 12464 37 538!........... Danville...................... 2639 1220 7910 1977 1319 19262'........ 261 9485........... 2778 12112 29 649 2 3 Deer Creek.................... 4899 3517 15130 2785 2182 37520.......... 153 6920........348 14858 82 2192 3 35 Fertile........................ 2809 4,146 12865 2142 1571 26775......... 290 9l-654'.......346 12931 7 204 *2 55 H~~rtland.5175 6884 2.4285 2909 2699 32696 I 315 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11533.. 387 12359 9 195 2 12 Kensett.............. 3081 3365 4060 2789 2076 37601......... 291 9920~~.............. 358 12110 43 1129.......... Northwood............. 6050 8734 30809 5181 33407 60428......... 508.141......... 77.278.38 64010 Silver Lake.................... 6605 83333 24373 2765 1998 351984.....!1.... 191 5745.......... 316 9970 20 403..... Union.5642 3493 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8225 4831 3429 862111...... 561 18522!. I.......... 647 26667 108 2324!.... 1:... Total.489271 45957! 171082! ~~~~~~~-3317 230921 410487!..... I..... 3,5301 122291!.....I..... 444511615571 429! 9626! 141 240 to WRIGHT COUNTY. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~UK ____ ____ P ____ - ~ SPRING WINTER INDIAN RYE OATS. BARLEY. B HEAT WHEAT, WHEAT. CORN. E _T ~~~~~......... 106 8 116 5 749.5 3 62...... 408 107 148 0......... 21661 I 117 5 178 792 1 64 - - 75 4:No o ~ 5 7 9 36 F 2. F. 2 F.56 10F NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS,1TOWNS, 0 C)fl fl t Ot W0 0e' O 0e O 101 O' 90e 90 1 00 -.. I d O 0 0 0.. 0 0 0 We O P 9 900;. >q.;4 or;-;-;-4 P-;; 05 0 0 Ce L 0O 4 0 0+A S O.5 5 8.0 5 $0. 5 0.5 5 55 5 5 5 5. 5 zzz z z z z z~zz z z z~z z z z z Belmond............................... 6188 16901 201941 4829 2123 335851.............. 1303 36355; 5 83 667 20203 177 3071 1 13 Boone............. 1068 1186 6745 749 573 62501.............. 408 10576.............. 148 3085. Clro.......................... 2166 3704 1175 1788 792 11697............... 664 -10735 1.............. 242 7525 Eacrle Grove........................... 2363 3058 15908 1851 797 13536........... 643 25080......... 256 10556 11 386 2 21 iow'a.................................. 4352 3147 15560 2540 1156 14359............... 923 30010............. 474 16279 124 2366 3 11 Liberty............................. 2496 3474 14474 1925 975 9766........... 818 27301 5 35 305 8515 42 510 2 30 Pleasant................................ 2817 2342 13370 2605 1031 15926.............. 994 28505............ 410 12871 18 373 3 25 Troy.........................4764 4472 24167 4567 2072 28082...........1955 556501 29 324. 563 20490 14 302 2 65 Vernon....................... 2840 3883 10500 2663 1252 20149............ 777 22920f........... 443 13387 12 357 ii 10 Woolstock..................... 28621 1345 9810 26561 1606 20562. I.......... 765 10669..........i 2811 9685 121 3601 3 28 Total.............35516 328 393297169 196166 10089~ 2818211 39 442 4134 135176 445 8431 22 222 Z Total............. 3387 136903 28957 1362 FLAX, SORGHUM, GRASSES, POTATOES, TURNIPS, ONIONS, PEAS AND BEANS. ADAIR COUNTY. FL &X. SORGHUM. O H H IEUNGARI- TATOES SWEET ONIONS. ________ _ORG_-__~. C A:1 AN GRASS' P POTATOES. _ 0 0 c~~~~~~~~ 12 TOWNSANDCITIES.~~~~~~1 8 0 1.........8..... c,~~~~~~~~~9.0~.0~ ~.0..0.0,*.3................. 4a - 00 WS 30333 3 3 3 3. ~ Eureka~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.g.. 1 8........ 785.. 120{ 80, 7:] Fontanelle, town of.82 24.1010.3.19.....165.25.. Greentleid~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0101..5 1642.21 45 10.3....: 79 21 2125. Grove.2 3 310. 20 25 581.14 1100. 8. 39 279 15.~~;4 0 rr Harrison. 2 10 284 293 1 2...41 371 67.824'94.7 JeGrsondier.... 634..313. 126... 209 80...6'51.....[.54.58 7...71""2 127] 29 Orient. 41~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ " 27....313 16420102411..... 520 Prussia........ 509....12 545 40 5237 " 50.43.1 Tu WNmeSe, excD ofT S Fon-. l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4i tanvele.......................11 735[13.22..796....30 136 181 9 234 2346 Summit.10. 160(.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z4 33. 1. 0. 8.4-# 4 Union....... 2 295 1 29 583 18 31 21 1932 2. 2 40".16 7 Wuealnut.16.... 7........................ 2 18 1 785 30..5 49 416 20 9 asnt on. 2 27............7................ 1 01.......... 1........5 11 5 131 5 Totald'R.20.................. 12 1274 44 4775 131 1648 1231 15038 219.... 1 23 3 40 143377........ 3 1 14 38 12 29 1 7 Grove~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~................................. 2 31...... 620 25511................ 1 1146..... 9,29 15 30 Harsn........................... 1 2 29 0 37 24 63 3......... 1 37......... 3..............4, 94 7 Janck oln......................................... I 78 2 38 5 19............ 25 2319.........: 2..:.....:.~ 68~ 3 [ 146 74 Jefrsont..................,....... 1564......... 313 2 207 0 5 498......... 54.... 8 72 17 9 Lincon.......................... 5 9 53 5 254 200 254..........:6 41...576 95..........16.36621416 Orie t......................... 41 2 0....................... 31 18 472............[ 401 100[ 24 21 1......................... 50[ 250 Prussia...................,...........,.............................. 509................................. 12 5 54 3 1 Richland.......................... 44 417 8 406 52 1303 50........... 4o57,......... 7,.... 6 7 4 9 Suinmerset,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ec of....... tanelle...........................,.................... 1 73......... 13 22 796............ 3 1 63..... 1..... 9 2 4 23 6 Sum m it.....................................30[.........{ 16 1..........,............ 4 3 01.......... 8[.......... 4 U nion................................................. 2 29 1 2 8..........]8 3 1 19 2.......... 2 0 1 4 7 W a nion.............................. 1 84.................3..... 2 5 67 1 2 18 305 43 1 Washngto...................... 8 0 1......... 30 23 27[97 7.............. 4 406..... 1 5 18 52 13 95 Total............................. 22 17 4 47 3 68 13 53 1 0 3 3 731= ~ -, 1~~40 48 23 1 ADAMS COUNTY. FA.SOEGI{ HINGA.T POTATOES.NIOSWEET 4s FLAX. SORGHUM. 1 4 AN GRASS. POTATOES. ONIONS. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 4-. ____- -. a) 40a) 0a 52 a0a a) 5 ) a r 3. ~~~ Ia).~~~~~~~~a Q a) r a S NA1ES OF TOWNSHIPS, 0 Z. + j.Z Q I Q 0.0.0.In TOWNS, AND.CITIES.. P....4..4.........'0.... 01. ~~~~~~~~5 a~i.... 28.....'~ l... ~ Il ~ a)7 12 -41 0 C. 1s 2071 a) 4 5 1, al a a...... -+.0 S S S-4S~S Carl..2~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~9 212 2239 1 2 5....102. I...I. Colon... 851...160...... 35.187 12 1412 35 183 207...... 1714 45.. 9 12 4 35 21...... 6 Grantr............. 3.74 2.4.11....912....::::111 9 70I 5 Jasper.. ~~~~~4871 40831 2 263I......122 108 1611....8....7....21 45. 2462.....37.....1039 Lincoln. 433 3800 71 510 14..'... 14 20....26.'8.......I. 0 Merer. 32 2977 7290 34 27 845' 13 38 22815..I... 0... Carl.....................~~~~~............... 29 21 2 39.....o 5 5~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~11 53..............5 16 1248::::.............................. Codlway............................. 1 54 4 9 81.5.......... 16i........ Dodglawa........241 80 10 11321 24 258 25.0 161 51 229 46 73 45315.. 15 88 120 5 4 Prescott............................ 23... 251 8l 4201 2 67 18.1322 63.......51 771 63 381 Quincy, exc. oftowns 88 631 26 11261 16 16 7 20...... 65 1......... 31 165 9 53 401 73 Jasper~~~~~~................ 487 481 2 63 12 18 111 267 1152246......... 373- 10 316 702 2 Union....................8 20 8 9.................... 5831 81 24 8 ~10ao 2 2O.........I9 1 80 95...... 2Y Washington................... 25 180 18 882... 101 186 1009 9 25 108 29 2452 1 811 571 331 501 29 Total. 1563 12935 102 8604 43 1018 1165114619 82 122 284 9 253781 1 5521 SI. 8501 12031 4061 255 Total~..........................l 1563 =~ - l~ - - - ~ m - 2l4-l~- i - o o~ o ALLAMAKEE COUNTY. Fairvi486....409'....................:486 409. 59 6977............................................................... French Creek.8 745 588 34......... 66 5699................................ 00.... Fairview ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~:!':::::.......... 14 91 7........................... 401 51................................................. Howard.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4~40 91 72.4 4540.. Howard.......116194.15...........1..........137I Jefferson............... 19.................... 1976 1212 35 61........... 70 75901................. 33 1502 142 278' Lafayette...... 9 890......... 729 706 240........................... 92 8723........................... 14 3918 19 46.. Lansing, exc........... 23 872 869 70 4 7 76 8202... 181 3835 33 47 9 Linton......................101 674647 1503 9 13 2 3 1294 I......... 22 1816 19 34 Ludlo..............................1271 922 1051 1087.11 417 3 3 79 7293.................. 29 13081 191 132 Makee, ext. of Waukon....I................1 31 237..,...... 1879 1725[ ~ 7ii 148[.............................. 41 7871 5651 1253 1077'1 4621 281....'3 ~ 93'641................. k-, 10604].. 79~'"i~i[....igal ~ oo 1616 ca 7271[... Paint Creek...................~.... } 389[ 2326 436] 56[...'q 31......!!!!i!! ~ Post, exc. of Postville.2.... 106 1544 145 3.................. 40.. 2142 g.a..,.....171 Postville, townof..............:::::::::::::::::::::.....'4'2t....562....7i'21 2211 22[... 8797[...'.........350.................. Union City.........................'"i 721............ 9539]...'"'10'0....700/....146[.......3 989 77s~.... 494 495.....~i'~ ~ 49281 52 631 Union Prairie.................... 11 401 91] 7061...... 1..6./...... Waterloo.............................30 Waukon, town of.............................I 50} 44 811..........:............ __ -_.___ __.......'~. I 601............I _ i:,, __ ~ot~l.....................................!iil I......... 57t:56o2 4s751 ~568 ~o794 4-~1~692i' r sol 1326 r~4m], -'qo —! 7**t 25835i 959i lo~ APPANOOSE COUNTY. o12o{:::2: 1 i o...................... ~,,,....... 295 60........,.~,.....' 45 Center, exc. Centerville... 961.[ 292 1589 1368 8221 805 889 ~ 58191...... 3071[ ~.~ 22 305 23 86 Chariron............................ lo6 727[ 30421 530 1776[ 1163 158 10481 291 578 I)ouglas.............................. 28 Franklin..................... 2436] 906 806 118 283 186 474[ 18 1698, 2631 i.................. 7[ 3681 16{ 77 02...... 41~ 793.... 1813] 1470 1488 803 57 661.........I 31 30[./.......I 31 cl Independence........... 1 590] 8121 3401 16871 1~08 1588 216 81411 1......... 1036 745 ~,1 4165......... 87!.........] 741 4911 221 105 02 374 i Johns................................. 4572i 156[.........[ 7i[ 163177'[ 142 1099 326[ 82821 2183 436 2191 514 788'........... 1338'2~I I,~co~..................... 1 1001 51 66[ 165[ 71[ 52 ~ ~'21 ~79 m l ~5~5 ~o8 ~0~0 ~50 6 255 2758[............'~....:~ 242 48241 ~ 1748 2351 2228 105 8811 48' PIeasant............................. 303[..........55[ 764/ 39[ 51 3029 941 3~2~ Sharon............................... 733 226 259 309 ] 57 4637[ 116 [ 4] 130[ 171 [ 43 [ 129 C~ 2036 ~yo~........ 41'i'~....,'~'~ ~n ~o n~ ~o ~n~ ~ ~ ~1.........;....., n 3148 1044.~.~/ ~o~......... ~:~...................................'1412 12521'S f} 133 179] 10 34~0] ]...... ~s ~ol ~,o~ / ~.......... ~ 7 ~ Union................................. 9 72 r_/2 W~lnut................................ ~[:::::::::!:.:....:. 1542 1007 1302 10601 22'758 351 577 1536[ 30[.........[ 18[ 185[ 4/ 72' 340/ 21 11471 6861 431 102::::::::i......... / / Wells........................................ 2891 298 1522 14~51 672 143 339 428 57 45351 144t 4 585[ 447 6 122 I ~ om~............................... I~ ~1 ~0~1 ~s —-~ ~s~ ~s~ ~s~ s~osol ~,0 ~2~41 ~,24~,s~l 7~ 7s~1 ~i ~ —~l-~l-~ —~l 5s~s AUDUBON COUNTY..................................... i 20:.........,I......... Audubon.., 24 31b[.........I I 8 74'.........[........ i 12 1328' Douglas 2901......... 502......... 432 51..........[ 10, 3.~.........................................,.................::::......;,~:::~.~ 101 1411 6~ 16 r~,~ 2224; ~ s~s~......... "'"'b.....~6 I ~..... "'"............................... 3471 sl 68/ 71 4 Greeley...................... o,,oo..... ~0....... 112'.......... [ 692................ ~ l I i ~ml~..................................... 81 959] 2 217......:::: 57 371] 671 20 ~.........' 5 4-i......... ~3!......... 1 268'......... [ ~t lO Melville.................................... ]......... t.........'......1....10'4i::::::2:::......... 188;.........l......... t...........:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::......... 51 501.........I ~.a A-UDUBON -COUNTY.-CONTINUED. 6 FLAX. SORGHUM 0 I ~ JNGARIt SWEET H9.UN I P OATES FLX. SGAN POAOE.POTATOES ONIONS. 0 AN GRASS. P OTATOES., - 0 i 0.... a).4., -. 35 6 ra~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~..... O[.......... [~ 1 1 1 1 5.............. C... ril W.0 co~~~~a a. U ~~~~ H ~~~~~~~~~~5 ~~~~~~~~ 0 H~~~~~~~~ Q )Ci a) ) TOWNSAEDCITIES. ~~~.o ~ b c5 0. S ~ NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS,.0.jD l'Q Q 0 0 4-4 0 ~ ~ ~ * 0 C. 0.00 0..0 0 0 0 ____________ z. z z ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i 3~~~~I) 0~~~~ S~~ 05) 0+)C Viola... 1 120...... 14 1151.... 39 686 46.. 24 13 I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 4-4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~3 BENT-ON COUNTY.H Benton........................... 28 2821' 147 335 386 598 37 2 A6 67 6108 38... &...... 100 286 68 103, Po Big Grove.............. 333 2817'4 42,5 241- 1512.610 1416 106............ 44 4070 46 -39 141 77 41 Bruce.................. 90 654 3 145 1 828 410 1470 258 5 8 128 5779 15 1... 83 645 218 282 Canton, exc. of Shellsburg................. 86 677 19 1735 740 1610 1673 877 50........... 71 6179..... 12..14 6 23 Cedar.................. 63 495 3 1779 30 1919 1305 2160 662 5 12 4 8426..... 60 34 949 1550 270 Eden.................. 532 6566 8 531 18.5 1794 635 7861 321........... 100 5736 2 57 1 47 432 8 13 ItiIdorado.............. 187 1488 5 393 16 345 166 1714 145............ 78 6630..... 6 1 42 74 9 29 Florence................ 10 110 5 357 41 3156 1404 1560 1430............ 89 7430..... 4 1 53 126 112 40 Fremont............... 41 336 10 1036......1567 775 1519 25.......... 81 9023..... 12...... 40 79 100 74 Harrison................ 5 25 21 15.68 405 360 33-7 1013 3 14 34- 35 3185 1 126 33 71 51 69 Homer................. 157 1353..... 35 220 208 110 1530 36 3 6 60 60-601..... 7........ 69... Iowa, exc. ofBelle Flane............ 4 374 12 1504 649 1189 13 1 2 69 6288 14............ 4 ~k.... Jackson............... 74 455 5 251 26 1550 -816 1490 54 1 1 25 6594..... 37...... 27 466 226 50.. Kane.....................................I... 1027 122 1261 72........... 75 7902......I 10............ 25.......... Leroy, exc.. of Blairs- I Z town............................ 121 1391..... 744 491 1509 217............ 74 6952..... 55! 2 801 87 381 39 P Monroe................ 274 2899...... 253302941877.......I 6...... 73 7241..145.............. Polk................... 23 3544 321980 649 4,34 30421 201 91 2 83 89341..5.. -- 107 14,08 1171 199 2 St. Clar. a............... 561......1402 02 621455 1005 3 5 705454 54........ 1 200 250.9.... Taylor, ex of Vinton..9 1064 1008 686 317................. 152 4014 4...... 9 l 317 1 74 562......... 2......... X Union.1...................... 5 5 2. 122......... 596 7873....... 10..... 2 98 22 3. _~..... Total.........1997 18656 183 13804 4422 22659 8389 35811 4893 53 100 1374 129878 7 1146 9 889 6179 2816 12 BLACK HAWK COUNTY. Barclay........... 13 56 6 487 200 673 1795 152 39 72 71 6495......... 14...... 75 262 12 21 Bennington...3 30 17 1357... 766 676 2034 195.................. 83 8166 4 1.... 41 203 97 83 BigCreekexc. La Porte........ L9 819 20 886 585 851 69 9 20 80 5940......... 53 33 151 200 87 Black Hawk......................... 25....1090 811 2104 2 8- 17 107 8326 32.................. 142 551 206 46 Cedar......... 5 383.. 458 338 1315 68.......... 62 4815... 10... 15 265 21 37 Cedar Falls, ex. of city 177 1346 10 1925 17 1487 821 1844 285 8 11 130 10368 2......... 7 587 202 25 ~~~~~Cedar ~Falls, city,of........... 3 5..... 8 5 75 14..... 25 21.............................~...........t........2 Eagle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.... 1..71 2716....80 757...2.807.4. East Waterloo, exc. of Waterloo.10 48 8 792 14 960 542 1476 83 5 10 93 6217......... 71......... 42 185 261 48 Fox..30 352 14 1066......1065 513 1580 417 54:1 103 60 5840......... 11......... 40 170 29 18 a Lester. 63 466 517 21561 93 1 2 83 8564..6.... - 57 403 171 1.23 Lincoln............................ 9 1 140 10......... 8 39.........6 321 90 66 Mt. Vernon.................................................... 60......... 1127 6,57 988 10.................. 71 4455 I......... 3.................................. Orai, ge.........................................................B31 1494 836 940 2053 45... 187 8241.. 33 11 177 60 28. Poyner............................... 19 65 641 2899 290 835 545 1132 20 2 4 61 6062 18 78 310 86 62 ~ i Spring Creek...................... 12 903 163 785 499 845 444 11. 18 38 2420..... 19..... 12 363.... 69 H Union........................... 19 1818..... 116 117 687..... 3 7 30 2220................. 8 239'6 39 C1 Washington....... 8 263 123 257 127 218 16 14 34 45 2186...... 17...... 1 333 46..... Waterloo, exc. of ciy.4 325...... 554 657 498........ 127.9234... 77 315 20 18 t4 Total................ 2531 19071 1861 13163 23871 141011 96941 245261 1996 196, 309 1485 1140861 4 278I 2 7251 48671 13781 770 BOONE COUNTY., Beaver................. 37 236.10 10 955............... 31 2345. Cass.12......................948 188 286 364 806..... 4 12 41 3523 2 108 40 32 230 7. 99.957.. 6 5677361....1773.......... 50 3891................101....10.10 151 Des Moines, exc. of Boone and Boonsboro.............. 6 910 5 59Sf 2087 2087 9 4 iS 161 6991 1 183...... 60 371 441 25 Dodge...............28 3674 159 433 543 2768 35.... 4 89 7316..... 67..... 32 316 10 21 Douglas............... 72.299 11 1662 981 132 220 7071...... 83 itS 53 27041.... 30..... 6 86 2 27 Garden..S.............. 1 4083 141 1585 341 94 -'198 22031................. 34 3381......... 14..... 18 377..... 97 Co Grant.................21..... 171... 8 1 12 8....13......1125...2.421.......22........4492..1.......... BOONE COUNTY.-CONTINUED. FLAX. SORGHUM..~ S HUNG P.RI- SWEET ONIONS. 4 0 AN GRASS. POTA TOES. SW0E..5 5 ~~~~ ~ ~ C 0.5 j - 4 i2.;-4 ~ ~ 5) 0 055w ) U NAMES OF TOWNSHIPOS 0 ~ 555 4-D0 00 0 TOWNSAND CITIES.~.0.~ 4- - - -47 _ 4-0 40. 40.4 4.0 4.0 4.0.4 0 0 P 0~ 0' ) 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 a).0~~~~~~~~~.__.... ~~ ~0 ~ o~.05.0~~. ~.0.~0.0.0 y0.0 m ____________ ~~~~~~~ ~~ z z z 0~~~~o. 0.4 0, ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0. 00 P ________ _____ zz z z z zm Ih z z I z I z Harrison..........2 316... 13981 7.. 38 2667 26... 10 82. 8 18.............. Jackson.................... 91 304 4 564 10 265 177 2383............5.......... Z Marcy.......................................6 371......... 14 183......... 11 28 8 3963......... Peoples.............................. 791 6 48 30 2132.. 41 3061 6 405......... 41 282 40 73 Pilot Mound............ 6 885......... 71 49 753 4 2 10 4 1960........................................................ Union.......................::::::. 8 607 10 41 78 1708......... 14 85 49 3049....155... 120........ Worth................................ 86 399......... 1267 199 338I 235 1082 11 1 2 59 4884. 1'.......... 12 92. ~~~~~~~~,486.... 4 34...............o 20 42 Yell......................15 1313 3 1121 98 1385 22 15 41 60 4848 19..... 159 618 83 49 j Total. 1107 ~~~~~ ~~~~7411, 120, 16031 712 2534 4384 26720 8 10 32 654 9 85 41 55 283 37 360 c Total~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1 2 a9 48 * —------- 2 | 2............................... 10 1 BREMER COUNTY. Day~ton....I......... 79 637 12 846...... 12.7 113 13,56 16....52 3187............ 18 1451 16 15 Douglas................. 4 49 20 1229 35 310 224 1626 38 2 75 5467..... 1..... 1 60 11 19 Franklin............... 34 282 7 648..... 468 474 1922 121 ljI 3 53 4482..................................... Frederika,........................ 3 301.... 147 1.60 1028 143 2.... 39 2488.... 4 35 3 1 Fremnont.......................... 23 1411 10 536 5621 3089' 279 3 14 88 7011...... 40! 117 26 32 Jackson........................... 13 1200 172 595 4331 238 6 30 60 68 4360............... 4~ 150 79 45 Jefferson........................... 3 624 2150 419 3951 1304............I.... 56 6524 K................. 213~ 1941 2651 98. La Fayette........................ 7 562 559 751 666 1223..... 11 22 65~ 6070... 17 256 30 36 Le~~~~~~~oy.. I ~~~~~~~~~~~ 9 8401...... 1881 208 156 91. 2 3[28. 201................ Maxfield............... 10 61 18.14851.... 321 98 2689 I 751 2 6 113 07651................ 321 553 17 44 Polk... 91 7881 12 814 434 15031 107 j107 152 721 5300................ 35! 185 17 2J 1 Sumne~r.......... 15 974......364 468 1645 50........... 57 3334...... 10...........175..... Warren........................... 20 1974...... 416 289 2526 91 3 11 138813335............ 20 555 151 19 9 Washington, exc. of Wa- III verly.......................... I 7 804 536 510 480 7401 60 7 10 85 6122j........... 2 542 438 21, 48 Waverly, city of....... 51 2311 2141 381 71 71 171 19001..201 50! 4501...............'......... Total. 127~~~~~~ ~ 102 106 1368.................. 127 1029 166 13686 3479 6200 5218 22493 1076 177 2901 1015 82415........2 96629131086 395. BUCHANAN COUNTY. Buffalo.............8 55 5 40 611 749 899 2712 25 14 43 4 90....40 184 71 44 Byron.... 16 1951 80 1857 1641 1509 24 47 56 7.........2 1 8 113 465 250 108 Jono............9 773. 227 230 1165................... 39 753........................... Fibn........17 1582 809 860 1334 23 5 10 65 6146 24 7 130 Fremont..............52.... 5.. 51......... I......... 121 867 28 23 ~~~~Hazelton*e..................................34 509... 617.1454 4.9.........1162 65 96 H ome.................................. 8 16 2......... 21 209 1378...............6.......0.......9...E 137.............................. 520............... Hmr.1812.202917.................... Liberty..................... 17 16 54 1 4 824 990 328 75..... 2 60 6890 56 413....'Madison....................................... 12 706 830 787 2283 509 11 26 57 4292......7 320 26 41 Middlefield.....................................111 1221! 375 689 226 1720 700 34 80 73 6087 12 40 886 81 33 Newton... 5 22 1981 183 853 549 2462 372.......77 6466 1 63. 3 619 84 57.................. 6 20 203 1998 4191 938 993 1661 160 226 72 79 Sumner10 70......... 7120 193 570 641 1049 70......... 21 2205......... Washing c. of In- I dependence-.......... 16 1443... 1610 1859 1827....115 9161 80.. 215 362 91 83 Wes e.............. 51! 515 15 1784......... 716 839 1402 245... 53 5510........ 5 I............... *11........... 2.....0...0...... Total............. 85 865 210 19471 1999 12615 777 25925 2270 355 355 1014 86222 2 348 24 856 62331 731 656 BUENA VISTA COUNTY. zI Barnes..... 6 467 4 1 11104 9 9863. 40... Broones..........1 223..... 133... 2136.0 Elk........ 44...........................743.............16 1681... 2. 72 Fair................... 2..... 636.... 18 1000....110 17 9 Grant...................2 42................. 323................ 12 907..3 80 71 7 Lee.............................. 933...21 154421 152 45 33 Maple.Valley..7..... i1 811... 23 1520 2. 7! 626 283 Newell................................1 1.....15. 60 18 9 4 27 1328.... 63.... Nokomis....................... 1! 106...... 101 3 1310................ 23! 2490................. 10 144...7 20 Poland....................................................... 415................. 10 488..................... 25........ Providence..........................I.. 577................. 19 1041................. 2 216 22. - Scott................. 351.....12 640.. 1 15 145 341 29 CO2 Storlil Lake, exc. of town!.................................... 8731.......28 1829! 12...., 39 817! 5861 51 CA BUENA VISTA COUNTY. —CONTINUED. d HUNGARI- POTATOES. SWEET O-N FLAX. SOG1M. AN EASS. PoTATo. oIONS. 0 o 0 ~~ ~~ ~~0 d.5 AN GRAS. POTATOES. 4.4 0 1 i r- E 0 r1 Q.. 4r.5 0~~~ ~~ (12 (12 6~~~~ 01 0.5; 0 2.5 4 0 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS,:_4.4 0 Ca0 0 U( 0 0~ 0 0A 4(.2(1 -, (.. 4. 44 44 - _ 0(12 00 0 ~~P4 0 0 0 0 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P4 > rj2 1~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 0.5.. 01;C~~~~~~~~~~~~~ d., 1`2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d 2z ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~0 _Ie 5 T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 0 0 0 0 r 5( 5(12 5;5 o S 4 ~ S S S S ~ ov Z 0.5bi 0 U 0z U ~ 0~ 0 0.5 0.0 00 0 P z~~~~~~ Storm Lake, town of...............I........................541...... 351.....I 9 971 651..... Total 1117 ~~~~~~~~~~~1811213...... 123 17999 4 256 17843 11281 546 BUTLER COUNTY. b.~~~~~~~~ Aihion................. 120 701 7 336'...... 482 320 1371 64 11 21 93 7290.......2 306 180..... 53 Beaver................. 4 27 19 910 5 545 415 1536 93 16 22 102 6862...... 18 1 14 827 125 231 W Bennezett......................... 2 138...... 261 210 552 49............ 17 2770................. 9 405 32 27 Butler, exc. of Clarksville............................ 8 802 180 1158 769 667 10 5 10 59 4929...... 13 1 71 834 55 48 Clarksville, town of.8.. Cold ater............................................................ 234.... 650 85 7 6 54......3621......3............... 541.....1....7 40 0...... 95......35 35 Dayton...6 426 59 201 96 945 103 23 36 332768......................... 33 197 50 23 Fremon............. 7 446 1 619 358 628 50 36 49 56 3959.... 101 630 91 81 Jackson.46 328 5 345 279 201 1108 12 28 37 55 3444............ Jefferson......................... 7 632 5 3891 237 1503..... 4 10 48 42-85....... 1 54 768 91 100 Madison............... 244 1794 3 159..... 18 26 990................. 38 3426........ 202 641 36 641 111 221 102 58 62.......... 4 Monroe.............................. 99 6531 6 504 172 388 401 1403..... 5 48912...... 18 7 Pittsford........................... 969 516 5 52067 3........ 841 164 1563 52................... 3 2538......... 17 304 2 43 Ripley.276 1904 3 266 163 190 1364....20 1898....................3..........35. i il l......... 6 Shell Rock.............25 201 6 4911 747 845 1591 216 7 10 59 6548 11 40. 30 1010 26 113 Washington...................... 1056 11101................... 180 48 90 32... 39 3473 65 450 35 50. W est WPtert................................... 11 60:[ 622:....8't..... 724 64........)......'..8'252........71...................'362.......... 2 1 2 Weston..t.3211 606.......2 52 22 271 290 458 0 Jefesn..63t 1381 271103..... 411-8 652651 5.....!....[ 182~i789110 Total. ~~~~2848 239641 95 632 5766 8 45...6 14 175 83 16 24 7901 1 26320 655.. CALHOUN COUNTY.,~ Butler........................... 76 538............................ 10 10 1494........................... 34 2671.........'.......................... 1006.... 3 4 967......... 10 10 2303......... I......... 48 2863......... 20......... 34 21509 ~ ~lhoun....................................... 761 5 3 0 Co Center............................................. 28 357.........I 10 618................................. 720.............'4-5 50 1927................................................... 610.................. Greenfield~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~0.........'i....................6 91..... Jackzson....................... 26 125 l0 3425......... 89 98 2364......... 49 3783......... 9. 26 1577 99 110 inoln.987........ 188 3 1743 35.................. 65 4746.................. 2 72.3........ 30 n'erm8 328.. 188......... 1643...................... 50 3869.................................... 505 Gh reeniel............................................5 1 ~W illiam.........................................................................I............~~~I ~~~~~~~~ 795.................. 20.~~~~ 966......~1~...........~........... 1 0 3 Total............................ 107 704 48 6243......... 491 127 11616 35 2 1 30 2 1....... 29......... 62 7760 742 248 CA4RROLL; COUNTY.Z~ A rcadia............................. 83 560........................................... 1158........................... 17 2110......... 75........................................... Carroll, exe. of tow n....... 59 381................................... 428...................~........ 13 1040,......... ~........ I......... 15 2...,....,U.ft rroll, town of............ 12811......... 32...................20 20C Carroll. tow n of.........................................,-................................................. o.................... Eden.~~...~~~.~.~........... 1 32......... 1 1 6230.........[............. 17 946....................... 8 210 40 10 o l n.................................................... 950...........................?i020........................ ~12 275 6 Gra, t....,.................... 6 2A4........................... 934.............[.......... IS 451................... 1 7 2 3 /.2 6 3 0 Jasper.......................... 4 475......... 20 2 632........................... 2 681.................. 6 87 138 4 17 Kniest................................. 390 -14 1012...~..... 20 33 1360........................... 81 3751................ 4 24 1040 66 24 N ew ton.......,...................................,....,.., 7 216..........................~~ 1288...............,.........~. 181 1020...........,....... 63 220 74 101 C1t Pleasant Valley...............'12 43 1 66 53 12 2 873........................ 21 1091........................... 30 255 2 15 Richland........................................ 47 47 503............................ 1 120..................... ~1o~ I R oselle.............................. - M:::: 12 939....................,..,,,,..,. 11 39......,..................,. 4: 213Us 22.90........ 163.......................... 1077........................... 49 2243............ 5........ Unon1..................... 75....................10..-. 1 —1190....,,, ~~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~..............l ~. C~~~rro11, ext ~ ~ ~.... "oft w....... 19'7'2:~..........:::::...........I2........4813 l4.................. 4 W a r onll, tow n o ~.................. 618........................... 14 1490................................17 W heatland.......................................... i6...........................946................[.........2.......................... 7 174 4 Tota. -~8121~Z 112 I22. 21111...~ I....... 11 ~......0 37 30 Eden......................... ~ 285. - 726:5 6 85 13162............................ o O CASS COUTNTY. Atlantic, exc, of town...... 1 135........ 135 92 1748 4 49 114 75 6018 4 535........ 6 25 601 102 &tlantic, tow n of................................................................................................ 2 40.......................................... Eear-Grove...........................,. 3 93......... 3 5 1323........ 3 8 26 1575..,.... 26......... 7..6 6.. Benton............................................. 12 1140......... 8 i032........ 11 30 33 3363...1... 16........ 21 639 18 19 Brighton...................................................... 40......... 29 8 1541........ 25 70 49 5384 2 178......... 8 1 2738 119 70 Co Cass.alley..........................................'.3 1 150 500.194i 182 1388 13 30 42 2521......... 52......... 61 186 19 3 CASS COUNTY,.-CONTINUED. cO ~,~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 ~ - U~( - A R oTATos. sw AE FLAX. SOEGHWI. 5 NG1 - POTATO SWEET ONIONS. r 4 4 P ~ AI GR. A roTATOES. TOWNSANDCITIES. ~~~~~~~~~~ 0~~~ ~ ~ C.0.01 4 0 0 0 Or) 0 b.5 0 q 0 3 0 0 m a a(, a> a a aa ___________ ~~~~~ C.CC1 or Cn~r C f s. C~ C0 3.0 C ________ _ _ _~z_~ZIZ Z Z Z Z Z z Z Z Z ZZZZ TQIIIP~S oW NS,~ o oI IC Z Edna.. 25~~~~~~4- 254 0 6- 344.~...12 5654 5 15- 45 4 3 6 Franklin....... 22..1295c~ 25 4-3 08 204 135 0 6'~ O O O O e, 0 Cd Grant.... 2~~~~~~~~4 0 101 32D 975 00 210 420 3292 211 40 0'9... Lincoln.. 30 240 1 ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~115 32 30745....2 2271 25 4063Z3. asEdna................ 5650 6 34 47............. 1 10985......1 50.... 15453 12 1 Noble............................. 3 390..... 19 15 1361 2 1 2 341 31301......1........ 10 115.......... Pleasant............... 85 150 3 300..... 35 35 970 61 16 47 30 24921....... 2..... 1 127...... 5 Pymosa......................... 7 517...:..... 1441 106 984 26 85) 108 92 7927....... 348 2 6777 180~ 80 51 Uno......................... 4 526 1 I 932 5 1759..........330] 7 2 0 20 H Victoria...8.82..2........ 852........21.1398 9.2726.4.10. Washin4,ton................. 67 87 6611]....... 1 231 3277......... Total............... 140] 640 51 5016 12572 57 74 41 251 5131 554J 49662i 8 1322 811391 3313 545 366 CEDAR COUNTY. Cass.-................. 75 571 12 805 1910 1010 7611 578 230 18 27.35 39412..... 55...... 6 57 2.2 32 Center, exo. of Tipton.... 2 12 21 1021 5080 3883 5331 1073 809 61 50 122 11918 3 175 5 98 364 1377 71 Dayton, exc. of Clarence............. 7 604 65 3267 1476 1024 612........... 144 9595................. 200 83 6 5 Fairfield................................... 615 2815 1989 895 398 14 39 77 8389................. 126 297 108 38 Farmington, exc. Durant 28 280 4 325 506 2258. 1508 879 296 15 26 103 14072..... 107 6 882 126 30 9 Fremnont.............e......... 5 415 3558 1696 2524 1075 210 6 13 50 4988... 4....... 75 120.......... Gower.................1090 8527 36 242.9 940 3123 1807 176 9999 8 14 58 6311 1.... 98.... 40 70 70 52 Inland..................~6...... 1 67 2564 1304 1546 472 -28 14 251 80 6171..... 1..... 2 13 37 8 Iowa.346................. 3404 10 1103 1095 3141 2613 157 3410 5 20 64 587...... 93..... 10 220 82 2 Linn............................... 5 540 479 1630] ]')05 1589 117.12 14 30 3030 2 59..... 10 39 20 9 3 Lrnuden, town of....... 60 651 30 40...................... 297..... 1..... 161 30..... Massillon......... 7 59j 5502..... 49..... 15 105 103 33 P P~ a,~~~~ ~ ~ ~ o o o H ( B cr c 0> O d O O O Q O ~1~ ~, c~'?F $~k lkd' k ~ k k k k k p c3 c3 O 4 I k k Fl E En.......................,....... W 5 4i.,,.,,,.,,,, 9~7.........,,,, 2 55..... 5..... 1 5 Franklin................... ~....,,,,..............22, i~~~i~~ 1295.,.. 2 31 3085.,,,. 8.,,,, 2 35 O 3 Grant~~~........................,............ ~..,......I. 81 10..... 3 5...... 201 3 92 131 500 21 80.. ~ Licon................"~. 0 ~'1 1........................,, 21 221........ 2...... 0 16 3 1 Grant...,...................................,.... 3 9.... 9 a~ 139~ 2 1_8 2 ~ 101 0 1..:......, ~~~z~ Pleasant.~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~,......:::i::::....".....'4~.. 36~~~~~~~r~~~~~ 150 3 30.,..,.,. 3 7 1 0 4.....,..,.,,.. 1 I,... Pms..................... I ~1.,.,,...,.,,. 1.,,., 14 0] 984 a, 8 0 7......, o~82 67 Isi 81 5 Lni n c o l n 5........ i'i,., 93.,,., 2 5 1 52............,. r~~~ 1VIassena...............................,,,, 30[ 56414 227 Victoria.........,.,.........,..,.,..,.,,,,.,,,,,,,, 8 81098.. /....,,,...I 850.,,.,..,.,,.. 15318,..,,,,,,, 12701:~ahNgoble.........,............,,,,..' ~ 3~(),..,.,...i' 9......i',5[.... 67 8 6161.......2.,].......].[........ 23 34[::::::::::::...,....[.),,,..I.,,.,I.,,,,..,..,,...... Ptleaat............................ 3 00 35 350 1 9701 62i 7''i 7~ 1 216 473 301 24962...... Pymsa.................................' 5 1 0 91 0 7 5 20 18 27 9127......... 5..,./ 341 2 6w 180 80] 51 Center, exe, ofTi~ton.....7 5 17 144 [8 3~3 531 103 8961 0 12191 7 98434137 7 ~iowria............................... 0082 6 22 1 13 10 7 99 8 1 8 61... 9..... 4 7 0 5 Inland.....~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~56 l......... 1719.......,.,...I.........I......., 26 10 5 4 8 5 17..[......... [ 2 3 301 70 20 Iowa........................... 3~6 3L~C4 1 110 82 5 31 L 21 5 ~ 0 5 2 4 ~ ~ 7.......~. 9......, 2 8 Washieng town o........, li~:~:.,.,,,.,.,...,..,..l 2 30 0.,...,,.,,.,,, 277......... ]~~~~ 6 30 r ~~~~ Masiion........,,,..,.,,.,.,,,,,,, 78 1021 38683 9533 16 1073 5 7~,,,,,,. 5 55'2,,, 496,,,, 15 3579 13 8i 1191 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ Pioneer............ 3 11991 2170 2126 297 56..... 6 12 47 5090 58 29 122 45 33 Red Oak....... 2 211 1197 1827 16-35 599 240 22 40 344467.. 47.. 29 527 6 239,Rochester..................................... 1. 12 714 513 1189 1430 203 22 10 17 51 4941..113 2 2 Sprngdale............. 867 728 30 2620 196541852683 3507286 8 8 766463 1 43 861 248 29 Springfeld, exc. of Louden............................ 5 429 867 ]1325 1004 1108 113 18 37 68 6000896 130 24 24 Suar Creek............. 37 323 3 265 1677 1248 1498 75 49 10 7 68 4341 7 67 T I 1...................... - -- - - 141.......... Total... 25041227......2445 204001 174 135351 28450 369601 30089 101 319 1166 1128i5 13 10648 19 2000 2598 2212 378 CERRO GORDO COUNTY. Clear Lake, exe. of town.................... 21 87........... 18 1784 1 I........... 39 31 5 73,Daugherty..................... 50 65 443 10 15 17 1350..... 150 3 6 Falls................................... 2 100......... 233 244 1620.......40 4045.........50......... 78 0 Geneseo........................ 40 8 10 1087 16...38 2429............................ 13 167 18 Grant......................... 40......... 2 2 1124........ 171172 5......... 114 177 17 Lake..............4 446 10 90................. 26 1249 5 2 0......... 10 W Lime Creek............... 42 2951 2 166 7 338 373 1037 154 1 2 63 5606.. 2 1 81 2129 678 78 7 Lincoln...... 100 38 121 28 2497.... 206.5 22 W - -i: 4 Masonex.ofMason City 124 50.......356 217 167 80......... 71 7 3 68 1427 7 ~~~~~...Owen....20 100..... 122 58......... 1878..................... 21 17 Portland.................4 4.....I5 141 157 11661 964 3785... 15 1059 150 27 Total.~~~........1 190 I485 11 8841 1841 1386 12341 143171 270 -201 351 431 319101I 12~1 19~1 10541 8982 ~156T1 410 7 Total ~...........'....... W91 2 6/ 7 38 7t13 5 CHEROKEE COUNTY. Afton..................................... 39 12 1653 6...... 35! 2804................ 12.801 26 60 Amherst..5 5 466. 7!......722...2... 32....... Cedar16~....... "'""85...30.1317.115 10 Cherokee, exc. of town.... 2 10.......................... 1434.... 12 14772...7 Cherokee, town of.................... 60..... 26 5 140.....5 315.2....... 10 8 5 DimnDi.........amond..369.12.............................. 69............... 2 59579........................... Liberty................. 52 -219.. *.......-392............... 10' 668......4 45 43. j Pilo!,.-.................. 10 15 1111 25 5 823 1..8 14 2631......I S..... 131 64 -241 38 Pitcher................... 45.............11605................29160...2112............ 23012......... 3 Sheridan...............100 631... 1017.................1 32 2092........ -. Silver..................................... 40 2...... 499............ 8617............3 154 33 7 Cc Spring. ~~ ~~ ~ ~~............4014......... 3..197.. CHEROKEE COUNTY.-CONTI NUED. FA G A 0 0 0 FLAX. SORGHUM. d H U NGARI- POTATOES. WE ONIONS..0.0 Xwl AN GRASS. POTATOES. ONIOS. 5) ~ ~ 1 3) 3.~,, 3 ~.3 3 3 33 TOWNSANDCITIES,~~~~~~~~~~'Q.0' S *s S w. n 3 Qnnn..................... 3................................. NAMES OF TOWNESHIPS, + 0~~ 0 0' 0 1%) C Ca C 5 5). 01. In 4-.04.0U TOWNS,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AN CIT _ mu n;u 0 CD00 0 Caa 30 m 4-3 u3. 43 3 u~, ~z ~z4z z z z~zz z 1 z Iz z z Tilden.8 8 224 16325.............3 7 - -_______ __ ____ -~_ _ - _ - Total................ 172 875 4 419 40 97 27 10786 7 8 8 224 16325..... 5...... 66 599 3 143 CHICKASAW COUNTY. Lk3 Bradford, exc. of Nashua............ 12 811 126 719 646 1018 140 4 4 66 6225................ 40.......... CIhickasaw....................... 25 2578 333 392 1998 13 9 18 79 7165.............. 29 590 94 44 DE-erlield......................... 9 706.160 220 268 2404... 4 5 49 4729.......26.......~ 386 47 38 Dresden........................... 13 1332..... 620 495 1679 1074 6 12 44 3744..................... 125 25 39 Fredericksburgh.................. 6 370 18 741 317 1626 1426........... 47 3455................ 33 135 35 94 Jacksonville...................... 1 52 11 282 561 4672 189........... 87 7464................ 17 848 15 27 Nashua, town of.................................... 6 6 26................. 5 408.................................... New Hampton, exc. town............ 3 162..... 161 87 1691 323........... 62 4740................. 33..9 4 NewH mtotonoHamp..........on,.......town2 0 3 0...of......65......42.......40.....3....200...................... Richland............... 38 49 9 2091 77 694 782 2134 898........... 41 I'4900................ 26 1205 398.3 Stapleton............... 2 15 4 -132 166 465 869 3405 2060........... 1501 10199................ 23 583 19 81. Watica...................... 5 3335 171..... 8 5 5211 580............... 92 81225,..........6 30 3140 2...... Toa.40............. 5101 126 I11244 I6231 48931 49051 301411 69381 231 34 8921 72064 6 500 5105 715, 385 P I-A P> CLARKE COU.NTY.. -0 Doyle, exc. of Hopeville.. 8 4'0 76 2771 91 4790 896 101 214 96 197 16 3774 82 13 117 153 53 467 Franklin.................................. 20 1783 123 1586 1334 5.37 629 97 149 26 2232 75.......... 50 82 51 56 Fremont.............................9 1226.... 536 622 723 69 15 20 28 1668 1 84. 378 49 29 Green Bay......................... 13235 1073 1017 424 83 84 150 48 3.596 1 162 1 46 641 25 76 I-opeville, town of. 18 151 26 264 30 308 308 83. 32 57 9 816.......... 11 34 211 89 8. Jackson........................ 20 1937.......... 948 849 36 102 33 55 24 1393........ 5 221.......... 15 Knox...................................31 2963 80 1063 1025 1083 454 85 127 50 5343.189.156 1277 180 204 Liberty............................... 11 979 12 560 571 638 72 3 3 20 1287 58 1 119 129 44 86 Madison....................... 30 33 21 2389 3 490 275 591 4 4 37 3205 5 12 91 2 Osceola, exc. of town............... 8 634 35 627 558 246 38 23 32 2.5 1464...... 115...... 5 97 58 21 Osceola, town of................. 1 80 4 626 678 282 1............ 33 2749 2 312 2 8 445 15 12 Troy.................... 112 1037 24 568...... 5391 630 973 386 26 57 276 2220..... 28..... 2 45.962 12 Ward...................... 2 916 1277 665 748 1041 25 39 4 2088. 6 177.35 Washington......17 1826 669 650J 867 19 11 14 30 1331 8.........1551 5 2. Total 168 1261 283 18336 1409 144621 10s378 7576 2048 534 904 626 33166 11 1134 57 718 3803 1397 1017 %DLAY COUNTY. 1 Bridgewater 634..5 6 2............ 4..1602.. 42 2893...1. 133 48 44 Clay 1054.2 83 23...24.............."..8. 24 1361.2.12. 2 Douglas.7 383 1 6 7 1267............28 1920......... Gillett's G r67....3.167 9..945.. 19 1159..5 175 5 13 Herdland..........I........... 3 317.............. 584................ 15 1170................. 19 427 87 18 Z4 Lincoln......................... 12 422................. 806................ 30 1687..... 10..................... 4 Riverton................................. 6........ 7 11121...........I....... 4 5..... 2 Spencer.......8..2576. 12. 62867.......... Washington ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................,,. {11.3 Summit............................ 100 400..........08............4...1....................2 5 Total.................. 205 8151 271 1372 1 50 7 10933 12 260 15538 10 52 870 CLAYTON COUNTY. Boardman.......... 952 389 511 1147 12............ 114 857424 1229 10 28 Buena Vista.......87.9.4...... I ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~2354.............. Cass............................. 5 443 384 11571 10281 886 425 10 291 54 4221................ 15 335 1. 7 Cla~yton................................................ 8 193 426 519 741 76 29 4 8 921 7946 1 72 1 63 1267 226 168. Cox Creek.12 1331 25 4301 529 4791 9 1 2 1101 8843..... - 68 1214 47 87 k —. Elk:...1710181254261526 36 65 671 73551......72 783 50 125 Farmersburg.2 21 5.53122 51 68 11...9...... Farmersburg...................... 2 215 153 12221 1510 ~~~~~~I.............. 92...8562............................. =....-.........1......... CLAYTON COUNTY.-CONTINUED. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o S H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UNGARI- f FLAX. SOEGIITM. 4 POTATO ES. S.WE ONIONS. __ c o AN GRASS. 1T(oTATOE 4_ o S 5 ~~~~~~~ 1~~~~A ~~~4 40 4- q 4 W 4 = o. 4,.. ~~~~~~~~~~ o o 5 XAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, S 0 o 0 i~c) ~ ~o' o ~ o 10 0 ~ 0 00~ 0 0* 0 a) 0 cc 0w 0 Z M P c 0 b Z o 4;~ 0~ 0 t l....................... 1434685 915 6741......... 2...... Girarnad o 6306..................8. 20 90......... 7......... Girard.. 129~~~-: 60 14 M 12982....' i 32 486 37 44 Grand Meadow................... 5 375......1665 1006 1584 371........... 82 9845'................ 99 322 105 100 Z CIo ~ 8.......... 24 4. 8......... I.................... 8 Guttenberg town o. 1 0..........220 20 Highland............................4 33 104 784 980 596 2...66 6186..... 50 300 15 berg 1 19 46 00......... 1232 218..... 142 148051......... Ledomillo........... 1 33 1094 96 1721 694 66. 77 1...... 6 226 1155 314 16 Mallory........18 1611 2327 856 630.82 7805. 54 84 1119 143 234. Marion................................ 10 564 546 829 924 1 4450 42... 405......... 6.. Me and Nonex.(rt M4cGrego.......... 7 50 78 38 496 488 41 4 4 54 11399........... 1 161 777 368 12.3 orandlle.........................e..... 10 825 18 4(90 316 136 2............ 56 5573]........... 6 58 271 145 65 Read.I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... 5 23Sf 799 8141 1000 61 2 5.......... 99 92"I. 12 72_-0 42 57 Sperry.............. 20 29297 i...... 849 862 1111 1 20. 841 7378,... 63 845 158 111 V olga a...................... 2 3071I 131 643 648 411..... 6 12 79 8832........ Wagner.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... 1 93] 53 1146 1162 424] 29!.....60... 7350................968 -51 7201111011265] 731 136] l8ls185O i f6154 1 1521 is! 101132141 22811_1576 Total..... 1551 133871 17557 201]135I_______________ 10]28]17 CLINTON COUNTY. Berlin.................. 89 1467] 2 277] 2134 598] 554 1720]..... 32 31 58 5327].......................... Bi' oinfield.I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 596 1144 3044 2740 710 58 17 35] 8097 1 155 214 - 1j2 13rookfield................... 1.... 5] 465 3487 1960 2027 525 4 54 991 57 422.0........200 348 16 157 o Camanche, exc. of town I 53 97-6 1267 776 2.2 9 15] 31 2513...... 48....j 310 4 81 Ceamanche, townof............... I.................................. 2 150............................. Clinton, exc. of city............................ 405 "527 670 42 8 13 28 30 4072 2 404 1 208 102 25. 350. Deep Creek.............. 50 513 1...... 120......4415 3260 404 75 19 25 63 4962.............. 35 65 20 17 p De Witt, exc. of town............... 11i 990 3551 2568 2,300 1880 54 59 131 108 9877..... 46 1 254 317 89 144.J iDe Witt, town of............................. 440 186 120 100..... 5 6 5 2858.... 90..... 18 77 138 140 Elk River....................::::.................... 2 344 4451 1544 19,122 828'.4 32 69 72 ~6607......."...."...'...... 193. 14 Hampshire..............................2013 810 995.467 45 5 14 129 11667. Liberty... 13 8121......... 9181 694 1522 65 3 6 491 4469............................ 5 Lincoln....................................... 1220 971 127 166 20 18 38 57 5456..7 1050 100 1025 5 Lyonex. — ofciy.... 112 269 352 380 11 5 9 28 2740 1...I 9. 38 45 48 24 Lyons, cit....'y'.......................................... Lyons, city of...........~~~~~~~~ ~ ~............................ 197.......74................. Olivei............................... 407 4139 2 339 2977.43 1003 2123 23 ooo...... 6...... 9....3... Orange................ 92 1518 2 110 299 1673 1312 982 428'13 28.102 7528 1 0 K 9 1917 64 7 Sharon...................... 81596.......260 27501365 14 7 81 85 53211 8 1 51 90 64 28 Spring Rock, exo. of Wheatland...... 7 328 2166 754 103 1254 14 24-67 5385'...12...........300.. Washing-ton......................... 2345 2752 10,54...... 92 8691...................oo Watefod... 2 107 195 1229 148 44 2 6 20 87 6397. 1 99 317 58 27 Waterford.......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..........................~I41 Welton a.......... 48 504i 7 20 1156 569 5881 1060 14 32 67 91 3818......... 3 670............... Wheatland, townof....24 10 20........20................. 2 110......... Total............... 8186 9 51129133334580120044 25301 505 804 1581 1318361 41 912 15 29 92 1905 12 CRAWFORD COUNTY. Charter Oak.................................................. 480... 1 15 Denison................................ 1i68..... 9 2 1552' 28 8 607 10' 21 76 12 4 East Boyer...............2 366 2 4 17811 3 4 39 3040 1.... I.... 25..... 65 Goodrich................ 4 6 819. 2 8 23 203 Hays.. 401 30.....1........ 25 2460................. Iowa......................5....9....2......................... 30: 799 101 4 8 Jack son.. 220 651.... I................. 12 1'26 0...3. 5 33 2331~ 2 101 260 12 Milford...................... 1 20 31 14 5 152 11 12 21 44 2293 3' 22 5566 A 5 MorganD.............................. 401..291................ 8 383.... 14 1.... Nishnabotanly.....3 1'6 2 86.......612'................ 1 1 918....40. Otter~~~~~~reek.~~............ 61 358........I. 1 1249..27 33 2161 3........ 83 10 Paradise..................................... 1 2 716 6 10 18 1726 1 125...... 29 80..... 3 Soldier................... 1 206. I.......... 400. 9 740.......................:....... Stockholm.....13 64 8 650......... 1030... 3 16 1330................. Union............................ 1160.... 3..20676 61 321 75 5K04 32400 3.... Washington...........1 148........718........... 11.... I........ 3 5'6 33i. West Side.1411........ -6 5-2 2 70 53..........1749............ 37, 4433..... 2...... 71 240 624 6 CRAWFORD COUNTY.-CONTINUED.'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~ ~~~~~ I HNAR-SWEET4FLAX. SORGHUM. NGARI POTATOES.SPOTATOES. ONIONS. SWE' WI AN GRASS. 0 T. Wu'; ~m t S.t S. a'...,..................., -.1~.......": --- a. 6''' 5 g. lI I~ I. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 ) ~...... 0'')'".... -- --- — I- -I-;~-,0 ~.;~4,- w 0. z Cd AMESOFTOWNSIPS,.... 2 093 1 247 510 4 8761 1. Ca b.0o A. - Ts. T A a0 5.0 ~0 0 040 0 0 0 Q 0.... I 6 9. I. 51 451. I ______ ___ __ __ ___ ___4__ Total................ 417 1413 24! 2248 31 131 -42 204931 11 2471 5101 4841 3084761 ~ 1 249 ~3 4851 ~3951j 10241 300 DALLAS COUNTY. H Adams............................ 2636951...... 397 5081 770..... 29 39 23 663 4 172..... 16 7070 11 25 Adel, exe. of town.........23 23191...... 300 342. 1149 5...... 2 76 5021...... 13................. 20 7 Z Adel, town of...........841................... Beaver.................5~0 32 9.......~"''"1194.....................129 1728.19.21 3 Boone............12 1373..... 283j 426 4461................ 60 80751...... 501 21 501..... 2...... Colfax.............12 1702 10 198 169 2338 51 1 1 43 3846 59 1 24 503 69 109 Dallas................. 20 150 13 1537..... 12 16 1574 9........... 36 2920.. Des Moines............ 26 231 7. 799 34 292 358 1039...... 3 5 17 2156........... 8.... 302.....4i.... 2-3Grant.3............... 0 308 7 673...... 125 67 1806................ 42 3949...... 20........... 494 135 55 Lincoln................ 185 1644 13 1473..... 1 4......1271 40 1 2, 33 2647... 74........... 561 72 56 Linn................... 22 180 27 2338 15 125 1691 1454..... 5 12 31 3168...... 24.......... 141 9 10 Sugar Grove............ 16 180 7 570 7 112 177 1667...... 211 37 45 5481...... 100 1 22 244 24.58 Union, exc. of Dexter.... 6 48 16' 1891 107 311 336 795........... 39 5083..192 1 24 885 77 49 Vanmeter. ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~20 144 14 1425 530 406 512 389 22. I45 64 3 501 1 12 27 0 57 Walnut............. 67 614 13 643 8 130 190 12388..... 2 3 51 5650 2 155 1 125 280 10 8 Wasin~gton............. 6 48 10! 1048..... 36 43 1649 50......201 1988..................... 221..... 7 Total................448 3867. 214 23021 711 2788 3358 22212 177 8 136 615 67910 6 1379 7 392 4731 537 459 DAVIS COUNTY. 0 Bloomfield, exc. of town.. 18 140 22 2618 229 2954 2695 152 1504 457 781 629028 3 522.118 1456 95 279'~~~Bloomfie~~~~~~~d,9 tono....... 6. 2500 183 231 85 174 53 63 250..... Drakeville, exc. of town..........'.. 531 431 758 552 133 101 29 2 222 1690.23 118 26 48 Drakeville town of.. 57 96 99 4....1 544. 214. Fabius........................................1..........24 3275 1571 2619 1523 59 1073 209 208 16 2792 244 15 460 48 Fox River....................... 301 3091 437 788 636 29 142 226 306 32 3671...... 286...... 87 332 51 92 Grove...................*....... 381 5639 2043 4354 2229 102 7425 409 512 54 5340..... 32............ 247 128 114 Lick Creek........................ 46 4245 365 1336 923 32 141 227 244 72 6217 1 29 1 128 947 42 129 Marion.......... 1 3860 891 1203 10221 87 64 86 117 4 1 4540148.......... 20 Perry........23 2323 1255 1943 1510! 97 534 220 331 37 3471 9 131......... 14 486 14 43 Prairie..24 1]791........ 2165 1843 131 3825 174 23.3 1 3 2540...... 129............ 108 20 202 Roscoe................. 38 309 26! 2866. 468 2261 13159 141 3733 2.55 265 3 1 3537..... 34... 44 170 17 858 Salt Creek.......................... 42 2731 416 1108 1090 22 63 83 44 4257 1 127...6 413 1 119 Soap Creek......................... 300 3489 5.51 1384 1117..... 36 50 62 64 5483.. 417..... 14 819, 8 39 Union.................................................. 39 3425 1087 2207 2322......... 418 129 160 59 4786 46......... 85 1351.......... 6 West Grove................................... 21 2325 1812 3672 2241 206 1807 438 499 42 36L9 1 329.24 41 42 103 I Wyacondah........................ 30 4087 1582.17830 1297 120..... 430 326 30 36951..... 211.......... 159..... 35 Z Total............... 56 449 4141 46296 1-4443 30631 22458 1293 20825 3402 41 —0 604- 657401 16 2924 1 -570 7337 ~450 2137 - DECATUR COUNTY. Bloomington................... 17 1174......... 311 346 470 59 35 45 23 1609......... 24 11 22 16 1 Burrell.7 85.40 2750 42 601 579 629 55 135 164 59 3505 1 77.. 105 993 22 37 Center, exc. ofLeon.................... 11 1441 74 1589 1657 455 380 137 204 24 3018 1 240 5. 14 240 12 27 Decatur...............................33 2756 654 1318 1403 374 45 224[ 359 43 4084......... 252.. 146 343 81 112 Eden............................... 35 3189 704 1372 1096 50 10 214 211 50 4728 1 288.. 102 1932 73 1.2 Fayette............................................ 6 433 4 417 473 875 440 96 131 31 1987......... 2 2 21 9 12 3 Franklin................................... 21 2714 88 1493 2694 1001 65 47 123 47 4712 1 111 77 389 79 150 Garden Grove..................................... 17 13029 699 1883 2013 868 323 103 179 76 7309.25 415 96 103 Grand River....................................... 11 1471......... 156 267 16.................. i......... 21 2493......... 21......... 13 37 9 22 Hamilton............... 1 45 20 1214 207 605 607 243 1! 72 72 31 225-0..... 36..... 4 273 10 18 High Point............. 30 2770 31 2896 211 1231 1128 3069 35 281 464 43 3562.... 65..... 76 253 10 50 Long Creek........................ 22 1789 175 922 1318 401 8 14 38 24 3459 2 174..... 79 566 39 41 Morgan................... 1 23 1945 225 1005 918 431 26 64 92 28 2018..... 35.... 33 470 8 6 New Buda......................... 9 1336 101 489 683) 1090 8 164 172 30! 2508...... 14..... 54 95 8.16 IRichland......................... 33 3661 2 375 437 1307 6 17 14 38 3753.... 87 1 180 300 99 133 Woodland......................... 30 3585 122 1177 1197 488 43 234 323 45 3390 2 270...... 126 1469 21! 59' Total................I 38~ 401 3691 33683 3398 14944 16816 9061 1504 1840 291 613 54385 8 1698, 3 1046 7806 595 900 DELAWARE COUNTY. S a s 0 HUNGARI- SWEET FLAX. SORGHUIM. = | AN G|ASSmPOTATOES..POTATOES. ONIONS. o o ~:l M A._N GR-AS__S POTATOES..'j 4-i 344 1831 2 1 W a. *||*!"* 10 488) 5 6 9 0 246;. t..4 332W..... 1420 1822 1089 96 15 22 83 6689 *8- i —-- 1 *88X —-....a W ). 0 W's (~~~) p Q W S Q3 +Z o NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, Q S.0.0d.. ~~~~~~ ~........~ Aa.1..5.657...1... 2 17 30 1 - Colony..3 17021 873 1:920 100 3 2 4 7 6.. 8 1 50 * * 0 4 Delaware, exo. of Man-~~~~~~~~~~04:;4 m chester~~~~~~~~~~~..4 33. 14201 18221 10391 961 15l2 8 6689... 42626.1.2 Delhi.. 210 647 1991173133011032.. 611... 2 Elk s................................ I......... 7 8231 92....... 1040 1108 6321 15 84 7130'.......... 25 8 3 Hazeln's Green.4............ 1 10 1 7 184. 202 22386 9295.676 615348 8.172 10. 6 Hooney Creek......................... 83 74 26845 1244 120 358 248 50 4 8 28 4 7815 1...128...... 149 1040 15 168 W~ Meanchese, town of..5 21M9a80 821 82 61- 5 51 3 5 0 07 7 Mi se...................o..... 3 5 501 7 14881 1082 20391 169 14 20 81 66389.... 446 1285 45 663 DelIhi Fork.....................42 364 367 8177 9660 1619 - 8.... 9.... 6 6827138..... -75 5. 289 OEida....................................................... 7 54 8 23 1 16812831841 250!.........'......... 63 6356.....1.317370 43 6.. 1 Praie ri e.-........... 1 1 4 1903 197..... 4513802 27389'.5......... 76 76253.........132 48 549 152~ - RiH andyCek...3.................. 3774 2 34 147 43858 1! 9 244 5 4 364 15 427..12910565 94 45 SoutheFork, excn of Hop-....... 1.... 6 697 3805 1750 18621 1542 52. 7 5 51..... 3.. 5 47 17 7 kinton ~ ~~~~~~~~~3 5 50 9 81 1 29 6 11 2 17 6704..... 10..... 684 185 25 76 Uneion........................... 959418250 1179 9463 6853 22...... 4.. 7 62156..... 37 66! 2607 11 60 Totalre......................15....... 10 198081 13478 14788 18077 265839 906.... 87.... 130.. 112. 1076796 13....I 246141..... 1314 803 1497 9 Rigustand.682..................... 322 503 62 3 7 4817 I 1 90!... 706 65041 98.............. 151 1521 235 9 4 Benton.24..................6 269 381 056 1275 10321 3520 528 3 3 16 17167081. 9 687 352 57 75 Bur alntn ex........ofct.5...... 11 18~ 3 2S06 1247 14758 145371 2532!.061 87 13 27 3 6 11! 21 -3268 I9 Danville.......................... 8 710 4402 3274 374!.... 1152!.II.. 112 112301 2 499 2! 54 394 4. 78 Flint River,......,................... 81 261 231 1779i 542[ 2017 2135......... |012138758.........75 1501 2301 243l 95 Go Huraorn........................................... 23 103 64 11 12 18 1 21 6 12258 4.............::..... Jackson ~~~~~~..........I 31721..........114 94........:......101g60o.......~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~...... 213615......... 85 7 1.........I'.................... 7926......... 5......................................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 9............... 15............ Plealant Grove...........,............. 16 1923 8 29 1106...... 52.......... 64 61..... Union.................................................. 7 69 20.198 2 2 28 5.............. 2121 248611 41 8791 21 5 9061 19512 W ashiington..........'.....................6 5731 4071 18321 1475. 2 9 21.85..............,573........ 3 190......... 2 Yellow Springs................. 2..... 12 12 106 494 87 49 61 8 12 5 13330 3 274 2 & 34 Toa.......................... 331 26. 8291 14235, 12151-23317, 164841 26531- — 02 — 1 1 — 24 — 1647 —0-' 160 —-6358 — -- 85 ——'2 DICKINSON COUNTY. D iam ond L k... 3 6........................... 4 2 0...... ~I I............... 2.....1.... E xcelsior................... 10' 439~~~~~~.........,.................. 17 25................................ 32 Lak vileo........k.e................................3............................. 45......................11 327.......4. 02. 7... i L loyd.................................... 1 61.....[..... 02.................. 19 1 5.....6 045 Okoboji~~~.............. 2:::: 72::.................. I......... 1057.................. I.........i 30 549..............................34.....1 R i h a d....... I.....::::::: I. I.!.. 5 1 2....................... 2 5.......................o04 5.............. 02 Si rLl o yd........................ I................. 20........................ 79 1156.......................... 31 0 16 Spirit Lake....................::::... 60.....193...... 6.........:::6:: 521........................... 913 Superior...................................... 3..................:.....8....................6............... 1..........6..............1.......... t ToaM.................r d..... 0 108........4...... 648................. 20. 6............7 301 29. 3C Cascade..............................:...........:::'......... 9 1 7 7 9 4 6 1 6 1 0 5 9.... 61 3.....1 Concord~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~....................................... ~1............ 1 36............ 66 59 101......[ 3 01 5902................................................ 3........ D odg........................-....................... 2::::::::::: 80~........... 12 6 9 7 3 5.........5'5 6......................................... D ubuque, city of............................................................. 72 4 9............................. 7 12 1 600............................................1..... D e s il,t w of.................................... 2........... 5................................:::::..........:: Iowa...................................... 1 2 3 2 8 1 3......... 0 977.................... 11 5 472 Jeff rsonak....................... I 97.........I........ I.......... 23 8 61 1022 18 4 2 5 21........ 2 8 2 9 5................ 13 164 1 8 103 Juie,ex.of u u u......................... 2 10 13 10 21 8. 10 96...... 15 3 70 234 Liberty~ ~ ~~:................................... 1 24 252 17 11 11 2.......... 7 530..........98..... Mosle............................................................... 98 110............... [............. 11 ~0......................................... vitll................................................. 1 1 1 5 2 57 2 5........................ Ceneru................................................... 6 17 01 65 1103 1226 1181234 8 3.................. 2 1 1 8 925 7 6........ 14 4 Pr reCreekr.............................I 1 [ 17[............ [ I 66 1942 2609152 47......... 116 1 08415................. 2040.......... DUBUQUE COUNTY. —CONTINUED. a 0 -- _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ __NAR - s sWEE FLAX. SORGHUM. NGA -POTATOES. SOWETN. 4os 4-4 TOWNS AN GRASS. POTATOES. _ * o a a *~~~~ I~~~~.3 ~ ~ 44 0 0~3 ~IA ~. 02 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O 105i~ a3 a 4 A 6 15 5.. +a 3' IA4 GO. NTAMES OFTOWNSHIPS, ~ 0 0 w —. Z a o P.03 0 d 03 Vernon~~~~~~~~~~~1_................- 125 18 44 960 42 9 31........, 18O 129....... 6 4 165 2 5 5 7 7 1200 0 0. 0 0 0............................................. Taylor.12 684 1759 1326 1227 1.066 105 4 6 135 10138.. 29 529 9'Washington...................... 1 177 1200 1915 1585 212 28 89 7303.1 23 114 57 i Whitewater....................... 15 820 616 770 1031 2 88 7974..16. 440 28 26 Total.42 9411............... 9411- 12750 230321 35339 8725 - 203 371 58- 2024161229[.. 56!-6- 117 126 1194 119-3 EMMET COUNTY. Armstrong Grove......I...............I.........I 2 125. I. 12171.................... 31 18407......... 5 Center.............................7 15..946.................. 18 459........ so...46........................................ E llsw orth.............................406........................ 1 65 1.............................. Emmet.... 9 1805.14......... 5......... 28 1146!............................ Estherville..... 4......... 2016........................... 1102....8 6 6 High~~~~~~~~~~ Lae.. 23/..29..267.....3 Iowa Lake...................... 500 10 4265. 3.......... 6 Preston................................................. 6 130...........................1695.......60..1 65.......... 25 598........................ Sw an L ak e.........................................................................90 1...,........................ 31 075......... IowanLake................30.,3 105. Total........................................ 37' 6 0........... 1 iiii 169.......... 10 3 1.......... 183iii~ 6558 17...............'......... 47 1 8 1 FAYETTE COUNTY. Auburn..I........................... I.................. 9! 496.........I 4331 5291 12201 89 61.......... I 451 50161....!....I.........I.........I........I......... 2......... 2 P Bethel.........................................].........[ 646] 531] 1643 17071.........I......... 43 2811...,........................ 19 820......... 13 -~ Center...............................'........ 935[.........] 692[ 524[ 1396 311.........[......... 52 3900....................................................... 56 c~ Clermont........................... 45[ 471 29.$] 414] 1079 4501.........]......... 87 12354......... ~-~ Dover................................. 806] 194[ 656[ 964] 930 11.........[......... 81 7376.........'....'21 i~i~i~....372 ""369.....'36......18 Eden................................'........... 2i41 10[ 670/ 394/ 2653] 8911........./......... 105 9321........................... 13 899 50 52 Fairfield 2224/ 12l 977/ 1046/...'......... Fayette, town of............... 114731......'........ 71 8257.................. 8 296.................. 29......................................o.. / 187.........' Fremont...........................'.....i'6....1'g5'"J0931~2[]]]i]]1....l'ff~l....2~i/"'i~alZiiiT[:111.......k......i'~......58 2929......... ZZZ iiiZ7~171......~81....~i'6i......ff~......ff~ 7[-Iarlan.............................. 28371.........I 503/ 357[ 10381 39t.........[......... 46 3400........................... 61 8851 31 96 Iilyri~............................... 33681 342 777/ 1037[ 790/ 6/ 7[ 15 58 7522[........................... 324[ 645[ 21a 78 JeIIerson........................... li'3 11371 10 283[ 323/ 1658[.........[ 2/ 10 51 4355[...........,............... 4[.........[ 2 71 Oran................ 129....1087 1540[ 30[ 340t 299[ 1848[ 45[......./......... 66 5386[......... 1......... 42[ 247] 4~ 85 Pleasant Valley................ 4161.........[ 593[ 847/ 832/ 20[ 1/ 4 59 4081[........................... 541,........ 3 13 Putnam 6421.........I 1110/ 10841 25451 153/.........I.......~1 6242......... 1......... 126 881 70 80............................. 75i Scott................................... 37 355()1........................... 71 260] 15] 26 555[.........] 91] 87] 1346/........./.........[ ( Smithfield.'.....~ ""33() 2037[.........] 919] 735[ 28891 119[.........].........[ 85 76211...........................[ 185] 542[ 50[ 74........................ 4c 54761..................I.........l 401 2285l.........] 20 Westfield, ext. of Fayette 1254[.........]1397[ 1682] 313/ 193t.........].........I West Union, exc. of town 74 79431......... 212] 43] 14501 1694] 706/ 92[.........].........[ 4......... 143[ 547] 551 80 ('~......... I........I........./........./......... WestUnion, town or'.......,, 664 1276 973 2285 806...,..... 8011779 /........................... Windsor................................................................ 165/ 222/ 289/ 62 /___221 Tot~......... — ~ — ~ ] I-k-~l-~t ~-~f x-~l 2-~-~1 ~Sl ~/-E,"~I~ /...-~..... ~1 ~01 ~s701 92~/ ~00s~ 960 FLOYD COITNTY. Cedar.................................................. 7[ 608] 14] 154[ 154 [ 16011 52 -'1[ II 69l 7563.................. ] 100[ 929[ 31] 49 P:J Charles City, city of.................................... 23.......................... 50 50......... Floyd....................................... 7101 1581[ 13 551 671 139t 10429......... ~ ~Tiles................................. ~....54() 14[ 9811 72] 1521 676] 1366]......... 3] 3] 891 7328.......................... I 15t 4721 281 79 l~ora Springs, town of............... /.~.;.... ~[~;;;:..;;......... 661 5931 4.........I.........I 20l 1711...........................] 25] 76] 201 29[ 24 Pleasant Grove................. $6t 6781.........I 61 61 401 26161.................. 3/ 2781 241'....'21....160 Riverton........................... 141 636~ i 6311 10161 13791 178t 551 1161 75] 59731.................. 11 2901'1071........................... 5/....,~ 5 2 4 72 57291..................... I 41 14661 ~oo~o~ ~ ~......... Rock Grove, exc. ofl~ora......... / 1~~~ t t I I....... i 5071 14951 ]250.........[148] Springs..,........................ 161 953 3 11] 7[ 130] 4936......... 1[.........[2211 212[ 53] 63 ~~~~~~~.....~~~~~ 7[.........[......,..] 205] 208/ 8/.........] 2] 4] 56! 5384..................I.........I 5 525/o........ 17 Rudd....................................... St. Charles. ext. of city....'i'2 6/ 5971 141 13361 1127 28331 621 8[ 131 202113339......... 41.........I 1461 5201 204/ 76'a..... Scott............., 641 II 57/.........I 167[ 11] 607] 142] 29[ 46/ 471 2~85.........,.......[.........I 4[ 357/ 53] 48............................oo................. 22 Ulster................................. 6 1481.........11011 1131 13271.........I 51 7/ 77t 5~07........................... 11041 301 130 Union............................... 586['....'42....'~1 6 395].........[ 561[ 3571 7601.........I 17/ 23/ 1061 7968........ 92 1171 ~o~............................. -xa -~ -~-~ -Tal-~/-~l 1-~/-~]-~l-~/-~ 8-~-:: -7 -71-~l-~l-Ta,;a FRANKLIN COUNTY. FLAx. soRGHUM..~ NS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~a — a > 4-4 FLAX.__ SORGH____1 1- 0 1 AN GRASS. PT OE.POTATOES.ON NS 0 1. 0 W ~~~~~~5 a).4 ). N1AMESOF TOWNSHIPS, - - 0 0. -- +a PI.,0 0o.Q6~ 0 Cd Q 4-~ C ~ 0 ~ P, - d) 0 0 0 0 0 X 104 ~0 ~0 S 5.3_ Sw Q:z0b SO SS Sb) 54; 04 30 3b 3 O 5 5 5 5 S0 50 a 5 ____________~~.zz z z ~i z z z ~z_~~z I z z zIz z z z z zo Clinton...,............................81 8 8 267 10 23t 12 2003......... 3................. 5174 1 50......... 18 905 8 Geneva............................................ 51......... 103 20 21 12841......... 30 49 75 5994......... 12......... 6 300 5. Grant................................................... 2 285......... 12 25 1108 498.................. 2241.............................. Hamilton.......................... 30 292................ 40 21 111 775.......................... 26 2023......... 4......... 8824 Hampton, town of.......................................................... 16 23.................................... 2 125...........................0. Lee.............................................30............... 26 32 4. 05.................. 6 Marion................................................................................ 8.........3 871....14... 1021.........5.... 26 2405........................... 24665 68.2 6 Morgan......................... 1 2 2 100... 1504.....28 2081......................... 17 571 101 23. Oakland.......................................................................... 122 82 1950......... 8 20 35 2208.................. 20.... 30.... Osceola................ 203 1673 2 92 233 252 311 1551 139........... 143 11474..... 39 1 119 373...... 134 7 Reeve.................. 13 125 6 402 4 171 116 1420 104 8 10 62 5707........... 3 254 800..... 82 Washington, e x c. o f Hampton....................... 5 130 65 685 400 1556 341........... 78 5918..... 8 1 30 450 14 75 West Fork........................ 1 40..... 95 75 325..... 15 35 34 1995................. 6 171 23 65 Total............... 2388 2385 73 1346- 455 1860. 1332 17178 1082 65 185 622 52887. 1 113, 5 472- 5530 327 605 FREMONT COUNTY. Benton, exe. of East PortII and Percival................................ 20 10 4,472..... 26 55 66 6405......1 96..... 28...... 91 1 Fisher, exe. of Fartikagut. 34 425 2 100 4 313 237 1558 8 61 120 88 2060..... 27..... 10 205 125..... Franklin, exc. of Ham-..... burg.............................. 40..... 60 143 2672..... 12 21 41 2753 2 160..... 20 1 5 Madison.......................... 101787...... 191 143 578 341 12 25 52 2.332 21 82, 5 634 16 P Monroe..........2621 24691 21 2501....i 42 6,31 1485 1971 521 115 361 1912....2... I5 37 Prairie..........53 4601 5 236 2 207.2641 22983041 361 99 161 11441.I.......... I.... Riertoss n, exe. of Tabownr..................... 2 1301.. 541 183 6031 28 4 5 32 14.53....... 37............................... Rosseco r35 300 23 2069 6 376 348 1 1 1 7 79 492 1 63 30 22....... 887 264 78 37 ~1720 i~ 6 I.... — 4 Scott.ofton.........8.887.64.78 74 501 99 33 2407 3 155 8 169 115 1071 18 C Sidney,0 ex.oftw... 7 71 33 189 15 2861 22 60 91 62 3750 9 551 9 4118......... Sidneyor, town of................................. 1 556 2 75......... 17 2 12......... 4 4 13 359....... 7 3..... 524 03...... 4......... Walnut.~~~~~~~273 1681 ~.....2........1 13..261. 19 7451.................................... I...... Total............................. 6571 5333 69 5240 333 1628 1733 19274 7081 438 825 53 317321 199 12715 251 403 378 428 35 GREENE COUNTY. Bristol............................................... 3 409 2 19 48 2251 8............... 30 2500 3 365........ 54 50 5 20 Cedar...........................................2 13 1170........ 13 8 1319....33 349 1.................1 30 1310 144 39 Dawson.........110....3 235 10 2 190 1 3 Dawson...............................~6...................... 36 21......................... 3 10............... 3 - 2358..... 190 1 3 Franklin................8 1 12 732......... 60 44 1014 6................. 36 2115.......... Grand Junction, town of...........................................97 31 38 9 3 HGhlae ndrer................9 2 41.............. 2 9.........6 58 29 3~~~~ ~~1 66 3.51. 164 158 1 2 9 1......................................4..................m Jackson......................................... 13.................. 0 1796.... 28323.. 99..... 83 148 7 42 Jefferson, exc. of town... 28 131 15 1768... 158 103 2507.... 10 82 3944..... 37........ 18 510 86 23 W ~~~Jefferson, ~town ~of.................... 1.....' 106 8 11...1 140............................ Junction, exc. of Grand I............... Junction......................... 81 500 13..18 1673 1........... 48 3273.... 40..... 9 20 3 74 H Hendricks.......................................... 6 625 65 63 1561...... 33 2380 3 225... 6 374 14 69 Scranton,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 ex.oftw....2 2....65..1 99..24 Scranton, exe. of town..................... town9................of...........605.........................171.995.10..............................20....... 25........... Washington........................................ 10 1180 64 77 10.. 69 1612 54 14 7120 18 42.........ii 58 82 92 2 Willow................................................ 4 301............................ 311... 3........1......................8......... Total............................. 51 222 107 8349 69 581 5141 17862 50 11125 3 31215 24 2... 2 GRUNDY COUNTY. Beaver............... 104 750 3 191.... 168 73 765 139 3 5 92 7168..1 54 145 122 19 BlackhaNVk............ 13 75 10...... 42 738 622 1215 1165..48 3521.................. 70 111 49 64 Clay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 5................................. Clay.494 3406 1 40..... 906 680 1323 845....... 47 35 4 1 958 63 37 Fairfield........................... 90 430.306 358 2"1'8.8 1.....I 97 7692...... 10.. lo 9... 10 1. 8 1 Felix.................................. 81 555 2 411......... 727, 5.37 1436 24.................. 74 6973..........:26 2 327 1372 56 75 German............................. 43 498 15 1058 4 841 841 1176 9 2 7 79 6339....................I.a........ 9 Lincoln................ 16 1681......I...... 3 1071 21 9341..............L........ 3411 3319.101 167 101..... GRUNDY COUNTY.-CONTINUED. C0 10HNGAI- WEE 4_ 4._-4 __ _ FLAX. SORGH~UM. P:T HENGARAN GRASS. POTATOES. 0~~~~0u NAMESOF TOWNSHIPS, 0 3~. ~. -~0..q.S --, TOWNS, AND CITIES. 4.5 4 -4 ~ 4-s 4Q.0. Q.. ~~0 oS o~~~~~~, o~~~ ~~S cS 0 0~~~~~~~) ~~~ o o~~ o 0 0. 0 05: Qelrc. se..................... a) 0 W Palermo.............................~~~~~wo ~ 0w~~~~ ~~~ 0 bj0.3 b.5 z u.;Z 0k 0 ku 0 19 0 0 0.. 0 A0 411..w..... 506 1oSoS~2 z z z z z z Z Z Z Z - Z Z-Z Z Z Z Merese............................ 37 270 4 506 142 632 204 15.56 181 5 74 8249 14......... 1 310 473 76133 Palermo............................. 52 414.17 972 586 2525 101 8 15 69 75781..........I 31 1 209 858 201 23 Pleasant Valley............... 211 1420' 8 437.......... 63 52 923 4.................... 821 60221.................... 2 464 131 5 Shiloh............................................... 1 40 4 2630 1803.............................. 1 54341................... Total............................ 1156 8159 44 2683 245 8541 5243 16050 2483 18 27 871 77702..........85 6 1480 4952 526 310. GUTHRTE COUNTY. r0 Bear Grove......................................... 14 1308......... 7 12 669.... 36 3475.......... I 1 235 63 14 16 Cass, exc. of Panora......... 582 4159.. 42 3262..............232i 264 2360 58 21 38 55 4.594 2 339 1 286 206 30 33 Center..................................2 11 131181. 75 96 354 2 2 2 363397.13 40 273 56 3 o...... 12 1225 15 8 23 37 52 36 Gans, t...................18' 113 4 331....5............. 3.... G ra n t.............................. 18 11 4 331......................... 513........ 10 7 3.................................. 620.........1 Highland 9 757 25 11 4 766.......... 15 1319......20....... 20 ackson................... 318 2599 150 175 147 65 29 3.........736.3 9 5 Panora,townof...... 15 71 60 11 30 116.. 2. 3 5 574 15......... 14 25 7.1 Penn............. 8 986......... 54 57 933......... 7 14 3 3.31 1 138 1 78 824 107 45 richland.................... 601 3817 6 535 5 44 12 1572 1121 1958. 141 11 381 25 38 Thompson.............. 75 723 3 265..... 62 7 1074............ 27 1928...... 15 15 2182 303.......... V ighland....................................1215.........' 10 Union.. 15~ ~ 7 100 44. 2 213.... 2113... 10158 Total.. 1639 11156. 146 15140 186 916 834 14403 141 117 222 387 37218 41 770.20 29961.2851 463 510' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -.... HAMILTON COUNTY. oo -q Bl ir b rg........... 4 11 4 18..... 3 1 129,, 1 3 4 372.............. 49 10 047....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-4..................,415 l55j3......... 59 2,1II 8 tc Boone................................. 87 388 15 1060[ 10 51 37J 423[............1432..... Cle r L ke.................... 2 183....... 2 146..................... 2 152J.....................4..............0...... Hamito.......................................' 1 110 5 12 J1 237 31...... 481 3982....................... CerLyon.............................4 39 18 9 6223 15......... lo..... 6....,5...... Marion~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~13 2 1 6......... J........................ 2 2071 2 1352964......... 9 1 0 40 8......... 6 6 9 EllsewG orth.............................. 4 7 [:::: 238...... 210[1 1..... 0 9,5.......].........19................. 28 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......................................i~ jiiii~ Scott................................................~ 1 6 1....... 10...... 277 5.............. 2 1 7.................... 10 Fremonte............................ 1 6! 3 5 8 18 0 3 45............. 0 75 Totam lto........................... 118 6 11 103 [94 5 12 4 1 2 43 2524 8 731J6 1 5 9 54.........J6......... 2926 102 37 29 A mst rda.................................. 3 9 9 60 61J......18 9132[5[..........15.1.'.............i' 0 1 Avery............................... 85]......... 30 1 0 8 617J....................... 7 6022 51 Brtt................................................................ 9 450.........J.............. 708.... 0Ib Ell.n- on........................... 22 5 2 1517......................... 3 37 8 1 1, 4.d1s-on................................. 3.................. 625767 [............. 57................... 5 1 1 w~~~~s~~~~e~ ~ ~...........82 0. 5 4.- 6................... 8 8 1........ 59..... 1 13 Total.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,.......! l j 1............ 94 2065.7.......20 0 A lden.................................. 10 1053 9 969~ 1 ~.........J518................... 1 1 7 9.....4 6 6.... Buckeye.................. I 10 7 488........ 19 19 323......... 19 38 46 2182................. 2 200:.......... 70!........ EloaTx.oftown......... 6 4 0 9~ g~ i 29 11 2 2 9 70......... 5......... 11840 —- 357 — 4-'-5 -'-11 —6- ----......... 104 876 16 1286 22 65 28 1263~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~5746.........J 6511 9 27 0 4.... 8 1~ 00.............. CA2 Hardin, exe. Iowa Falls.. 87 768 15 1419 197 Ei 2433 185 22 i8 8642...................................... Jackso............................. 78 5 3 6 34......... 3 1 9 10........... 74 5609.... 0....... 2 5[ 714 2[ Co HARDIN COUN4TY.-CONTINUED. FLAX. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~HUNGARI- SWEET4- 4 FA. SORGHUIV. POTATOES. ONIONS. o o 0 _________ _________~~1. Cd AN GRASS. POTATOES. S C) 3 0 3 C) 3,0,0a)~~~~~~~0 M 4 0, ~ ~ ~ ~ S. Providence..~~~~~~~~1-4.4.6 42 91 101 74, 8 48 168 127. 28 4 53 5288 65 4-4 50 15 7 Sherman.13~~~~~~~~~~' 60 4W 24.. 20 30 52.... 12 69.. 31 2210 Tipton.1 3 26 1872 291 231 871200 47 512128.. 1 127 282 57 40 ~~~~d;Union, exc. of town... 20~A-4 ~ 200 5 1319 92 48 65 1 1 57 85 79 7 2 Allvien.e........:.......1..!.... 2 61 31 88 18 149... 726... 3968...... 365.26... 4 15 7 BSyerma....... 71....... i 6 480 33.. 2 51. 219525........ 60 55374 1.....250..... 3255...10 Calhoun.......... a..... 40..... 3 26 17 21 87 1865 4 66 100.. 9 7128...... 1...108.. 50 1090 6740 c Cinionnatioftw................ 20 05 4 19927 92565 1 1 5 59....2624... 9.261. 158.. 1...3379 7 725 Clay......... 5...... 1 36124 1740 1789 516491820764 1513352 160 7 51 7 28 1764.1. 421 7., 63 b JAcklon................................ 81 1924............:.. 76.......2034...63 127... 19 3948...... 180.... 4.. Jefferso......1.7 1129 3 10 46.. 32853 193.... 4 294 47 17446 125 8 2575 8.... 13..i Lagalong.......3. 135 14............... 13265 88..... 6 1 12 766 108...... 450 1 39 2.... Lincolnai.52................. 290... 27 128... 819 6................ 15 55 34175..... 1000....... 33 2 Little,.....iou........ 1...... 63 8709 26 1 191277 53 91143 118-3 1 2 6........ 565 10.......... Magnolia.. I 17~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ 1549........2986..... 65 1527 47 33816 2.... 341........ 12 1268... 400. 20.. Mofrgan.........17 1668 10 4 5.....728546.......213 24 7214621.... 1 4..430. 2852085 28 713 Liaglan.. I 813128997202234.20.5.121389 2010... 1102.3. St. John, exc. of Mis- souri Valley.......... 2.. 33 39 2 235 0.......... 3 32147 5 7 X 14.1474.2437 11 23 46 2639 1 51 50 4 7 3 UniTaylonr.........on749.......o.......................... 620............ 4......... 2 2 694 Washington........1165.............633 3. 31....... 6.... 419 1 6.~~~~~~~~~~~~~........ Total............................. 821 540 168 14962 92 157 135 36328 1 865 1604 588 40345 13 17591 2 4871 16139 662 203 HENRY COUNTY. Baltimore.......32 2657 198780 820 2 431......... 105 9866 2 236...... 93 565 65 173 Canaan..........2585 224 1946 1373 291 505 2 2 19 5506 1 40......... Center, ex. Mt. Pleasant.13 1107 5100 2726 3432 61 1158 4 6 150 17458.......3 503...331 839 516 383 Jackson.8.9 3810 2681 2528 2122 30 1780 9 10 39 9390 401 76 559 84 171 Jefferson....24 1703 1848 1276 1523 7 89........ 116 6607 5 1457 2 222 489 103 198 Marion............4812 2509 1967 2869 57 766 3 5.. 7613 259 62 438 12 18 Mt. Pleasant, city of.........25 114 76 80.7......... 510 10 100....... New London, exc. town.1445 4751 2705 3 1881 4 4 4 81 9745....... 121 52 120 54 1269 Rome,townof............................................. 53 141 81 71....... 55 15 7. 1301...... 62 42 74 28 8 Salem, ex. of town.43 375 1729 2540 2316 14 2668 7 9 59 86187 5 2556 2 14 612 56 104 ~Scott ~~~~~....... 15 1165 637 4207 2667 140 443 11 19 70 7231.... 47 1......... 8..... Tippecanoe, ex. of Rome.45 4429 1643 1919 1799.. 312 11 7 40 8313 2 728 44 235 2 171 Trenton........................... 35 2243 1728 1761 1571. 63 26 13 67 463?0.......... 197....... 64 205 26 22. |' 184 2 2 56 WayneL........................ 28 4126 3076 1951 1971 272 14 2 2 68 1.7000..... 86 56 34 9 6 I Total........................... 286 339691 227841 28547~ 253151 # 9571 103251 94 8418161190974 17 67081 41 1067 4301 11171 1380 CI HOWARD COUNTY.Z Afton............................................... [2 206 88 83 3429.... 53 8110..20 575 23 Chse......................121 110 1313... 38 4202...427 1840 152 2 Forest City.............................................. 361 370 953 7 4 6 34 4794..3 1185 60 13 Howard........................................................................... 49 54! 1408........................... 15 3650............................ 365 20......20 42 Howard Center................................................... L07 89 1206 56 10 60 36 3809. I 41 654 23 33 Newsow...regon...............214.... 208....35... 1...3.23.13. 86 26 7562........14 449560..5... 100... Oa Dle....ale......................75... 116916.............35.... 50077....... 16.....308016 300... 36. 3 Paris..........................139 123 3076...... 4 25 70 6490..................... 4 150..... Vernon Springs, exc., of Total...................... 61 2 206 40 2529 2534 19371 369 181 91 518 62472......I........... 873 11729 445 285 C.Tt HUMBOLDT COUNTY. FLAX. SORGHUM. CZ HUNGARI- ToTAToEs. sw T FLAX. SORGHUM..5 5.0.00 AN GRASS.OT OE.S E S 0 0 _ _ _ _ X O~A SS POTATOES. 0 -~ 0 W.~ ~ ~ - -s.. -- __ __ - __ __ - _;_4;_4~ O WrW W W W uS W u; S.0r_.0 r2 NAMES 0 0 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. a 0W0c NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, 4 0. 0 a, 0 0 0- Q 0.. 0,~ 0~ 05 0~ 0 0 O~ 0~ On 0 0 0 0 0. 10 Ota................................ 2 1 0............10 5 20 13 1......................................0 kota.................................. 1 4 421.. 3 4 743S..........W.0 1 0.0.. Delana..................S..........S.........S.........9........... 5. 1.. mover.................2.17 0: 0041 37 3000........... De7aa.10 9480.2 2 1........292 19091..... 3............4 Gurnove.291d1 04.37 300.... 73 5 15 Humboldt, town of................................... Lake 40..............5............................... 5 Norway... 129 210...1506.. 7~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1317...........8 RutLand... 2.174. 3.1007.. 29.1......2.......0........................ Ngorway...222:::::::....12....2'........... i22::' 56'...........................'5 6 71 1317........./.............[............ 1 Springvale, exc. of Hum-.C boldt......................... 6 493 105 20 943..3.357....265 Vernon... ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~18 232..... 74 17 1446 97............ 32 2100....................7..1............................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............. i6........... Wacousta........................... 898.......... 16 1271.................................... 145....5..... Weaver.5 38. 249. 10 1165e........ Total.......................... 183. 3501, 8,204, 54 12752, 97........... 257, 20756 9 635...... 83, 988 165, 68 IDA COUNTY. Corwin................... 14-11........... 101 1203................ 710 10 15 Douglas...............:::::...~ ~ ~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::: o.............20576.......4 165..................... 19 10 16 Maple.~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~..........6 8 1188.............. 17 1517..........19 206 42 36 Silver~~~~~~ Creek....31.79.33104. Maple~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.............................................. Siv ernonee..................................................... 7 7 14 0 7........................ 31~ 0........./.........I......... 7795.........I............... 3 1 Total.20. 69 8.3508............................ 38 3106...................5.... 5 945 66,.76............................. 1..................................... IOWA COUNTY. 00 Amana.6 550. 1613 2320 330 247.................. 192 20578.4100............ Cono..........2 252 25 205 251 190{.................... 12 1477 1 72 7 32 177 425 18 Dayton........................... 264 2011 27 2827 196 926 990 2182 392................ 83 8613 1 65........... 16 127 14 134 English.................. 97 732 34 4060 48 1583 1443 2005 221. 4 14 82 9240 2 185........... 134 416 53 203 Fillmore.855 5691 113 237.. 1117 676 2107....2 107 9802 1 47........... 10 144 16 89.................. 5I91 Green............................. 1454 9597' 19 2218 1422 1205 2281 992.... 79 10256......... 4........... 5 196 20 11 Hartford, exc. of Victor... 243 2818 9 714. 757 651 1222 105 17 28 76 69451 1 320...................... 110 125 68 Hiilton.............................206 1846 9 611 984 671 1537...................... 78 3404..... 676 29 6 Honey Creek..................... 317 1874 20 1849 2i17 16831 1409 960 87( 30 35 78 3847.... 15 280 17 14 Iowa.153 1542 15 1128...1221 1163 1277 145........36 10883150 1800. 50 Lenox... 3 1048 759 597 62 8 3 80............3 80 Lincoln.433 1987 9 666 61 401 322 1181 350 4 10 65 60061......... 11.. 101 248.90 34 Marengo, exc. of town..... 50 400 7 655 556 1206 1349 12775 603 26 65 77 7027......... 36........... 60 961 80 8 Marengo, town of.....1 40 6 10 Pilot..... 368 25057 16 1907 30 451 353 2135 323... 64 6247 24 89 Sumner.............................. 266 2379 3 618 6 744 634 705 405 29 960 10 Troy................... 480 4681 8 471...... 858 728 26302 158........... 89 9160........................ 25............. Victor, town of........... 0. Washington....................... 5 32 12 1093 127 327 123 987................................50........4068 9 23.1,6,. 10'9......3i........ 0 York.............................. 1573 9611 5 334.. 466 193 1580 128 2 3 75 8517 25 7 74 18 67 [) Total............................ 68 8 221 22167 1272 17026! 15240 25216 4481 117 184 1345 137253 6 822 7 698 9024 10691 878 JACKSON COUNTY. Andrew, town of.........j..............................1.............. 2131............................. Bellevue, exc. of town................ 4 235 -. 194-5......1763.... 3 5 94 7042..........1I I 11................ Branrandon............................7.....369..........21..... 7 873 21 873 71712........ Y 17 1 25 55,21228....25............5........4225................... Butler....................................... 1875 1414 1326 391.... 150 10795... 18 32 646 Fairfield...................1.........128.........1941 120 211 1 68 642............................ 7 195 Farmers Creek.... 27 1878 380 1641 1400 38 16 37 74 79 6954.........6 202 8 106 Iowa................................... 4 434 158 3 5 33 1616 1021 117 20' 51 76 150155................. 68 200 82 141 520024t....... Jackson..... 987.........:27 1904 1 032 1057 633.4 4 86 61"75 10:...... 230.......6.......... 46 Maquoketa, ex. of city....................101 555 300 2026 1418 114 24 12 16 79 533.38 31 1434 72 171 Maquoketa, city of....................386 316 341 12 50 29 55 9 813 1 50 2 308 33 127 29 Monmut................................ u [ Monmouth 18 ~~~~........... 1492 288 2208 17126 1.4- 37 55 122 64 5-402..... 11........... 190...... 41 Otter............................. 316 301 1632 1018 68...~.. 2 3 78 65........ 16.........2367 5 1 7 Perry, exc. of Andrcw................. 8 941 6(18 15SS 1922...... 57 27 40 64 7143 2............ 45 493 48 162 Prairie Spring...................... 4 249 982 2117 153....-. 116........... 92 7412................ 50 200.............. Hichla, townd.f....................:.................................................................. 5...1 1 abeeueexa ftownof.......:::::.....1 2....1104.23 South Fork, exc. of Ma- C quoketa................................. 12 1079...1555 1688 239 8 76 162 44......38 4 JACKSON COUNTY.-CONTINUED. 0l 0 0~~~~~~- EUJNGAICI- ISWEET I 4 -4 4FLAX. SORGITEM.. ~,, A lRS POTATOES ONIONS. S W E C)C m C)AN GRASS. -POTATOES. TONS ANDs, crms.,.,C.~ *~~ ~ 0. O-4 4o 0~ 0 W S o' S' 0 0C; 0 ),;~~~~A 0~~1;L Tete Des Mort.I....j 0417 12...8358.1........490.........14.... Union, O.F Sabula.HI17 273463....134 770. 1 Van Buren...............6 5201 407 19761 2040 6151 20 1 27 457 24 1 25 Washington..9 69 39 70 57 18.. 4 44.. 4 24 12 5 d Cd dJAPE CONT. BueNa VistAN27C166E39 44525 321 1229 1157 889 18 64 15 58 6909 4 0 44 16 870 14 76 Clear Cre.279.830.8.355.77477.50.139.4...6154 4. 15.498 1785 Des Moines, exc. of~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,0 - 444- 0 0I E.k.Creek... 435375...10 11 5989 0987 53423727484 20 130895 30 Fairview, exc of Monroe...~~~~~~~ -41 75 131 386 2 08 927 84 2 5 9 2352. 11 4 31 HCear Gre ek.7 6313...1. 26 134 97 9 2 113282....32.....:::65 32-35 Jasper City, town of830 759 1 145I KellMogge, exc. of Jse PareCity.44......... 33 233700 5 140319 1 27 186 46 37385589]3410 138 4.... 09;7121 50... Lynn Grove.8 112 45 6776..2712.1181.420 38......... 7 5 106 16 aioa.................... 8......... 7 799 15 445... 1 64 4 5 Moknroeetkno..... ~8 63950 3.....20 13.7.1..0 Monncl Prairie.~ ~ 31 575 1211 6599 627 727. 21 31 706 34836. 528 1 0 aewton, exc. of ciy 105.3 3 297 310 356 345 108. 5 51 106.11 46 210 64 2 29 10 Buena Vista..................... 27 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~166 3 55 31 12 1157 88 1382 62 325 60......... 4.... 6 80 14 7 Ploealtoeek.. 47 3.5 9 1 7 12 7 5 0 7549 6........... 673.... 105.... 4 15 3 28 1788 Poawse Cityek........... 4'71 420 26o41 18 38 78 330 449 6 5213... 1....... 30 1. 3 Elk~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~.~.......................................................... 4 3511 9 8 33 7 44... 20 1 38 95................... Fairview, exe. ofrMoasper.......3.... 1 37001 57 1 03 1 386 2289 27 784 2'; 819' 6 25521.....9..... 5014..... 3 ikoyGoe................. 74 633.................... 12 134 9 09..... 2 2 11 282..... 31.... 2..... IyndpndGroce......................11..... 6 76.........-2 2195 9 284 484 143 5 1 5 78 09 3 2426 143 1971 40 169 Jasper ity, twn of...... 3 1208 979 173041................ I.................. I.............1....7..................2.................... Kellpogg, e. of....... Ciy................................... 44 339 l 123110457 10 19 7148 2274 57t 6559 3 167..... 1840 127 Lynn rove... o.................. 8 12 4 76........ 2712 61 01 242i~iii................. 0/ 43 1937......'.7i08...... 1 MoualPairi..................... 21 16 3'08 56 12 99 13......'..'.i 52 1 1612859..... I 267 0271 72172 Mariposa~~~~~.................. 2 7 9 90......... 16 12 11..... 6 2 57 45.......... 1 64 84 5 7 Moud Paiie........................... 6.315 12 659 62.72........623876 836................i8' 611...... Newton, exc. of city........, 0 5 31 297 3101 356[ 3451 10881..... 5 5 16151..... 4 210 6541 229.... PlAlo.......................... 4 5 27 1 4 2,4 26....... 23| 6739..... 0..... 14 1301 251 1 Pw hik........................4 40 26] 3401 1831 84-7:1 7981 330' 4412 61 521 6935......l7..... 30 1251 241 31 324 [ 1131 905! 3365, 340~ t Richland.................................... I.........] 491 4515.........! 1311 1[ 261] 795J 7[ 40 ~" / 1611 1066 33 390[ ~ r. Rock Creek................................ 7351.........I 203] 1811 1193l 631 1339[ 6[ 8[ 121 311 7525.........[ 116[ 2[ 1418[ 2961 19[ 65 co ~erm~........................... ~J ~1 ~ ~! ~0[ ~~go~...................... I /,,r;a ~[......... ~l ~t ~' ~' ~'.........'........."~' ~0........., ~ ~l s2~t n~.........1.........t.........!....._ ~' t 2561 12955......... Total........................... l 1715l 14414 45940i 30061 176601 130011 1~-~i ~ i ~l —-]~J-'~ l2~ ] 71 1449! 1Oi 41261 83~1,.~ ]' 9~ JEFFERSONCOUNTY............................... r~k ~k.....................'.....~ s5~] ~6i 2696'bg~l....~'.................'........................... "7ii6 40 4gi 62 ~0......... 65081 7731.;;..:::. 62 213 18 t~uchanan.......................... 2051] 3391 3542 1970] 51 3368] 19i 21l 76 56041 2 215! Cedar................................. 766[ 1435{ 2506 20211 I 27011 I,................................... 161 20l 62 6048......... 6 70 105!.....'i~ 12......... 112 I)es Moines....................... 4344[ 2541] 2961......... 222~......... 17i 232 171 104 Fairfield, exc. of city....... 70 1049[ 4420[ 4133 1452[ 24 34551 32l 39[ 79 6708 3089t 57411 381 60J 97 8854] 9 730 19................... 6n F~irtield, city of............... ]561 3. ~........ f.........f.........[ 2922.........:' 371~......... 139 Liberty............................. "'i'~11....223['"'~59'"2o0~[...... ~)'"18'~1 ~ 59i 59[......... 5311 11 265~......... 204.32. 19 I 3.~. Locust Grove, e x c. 0 rr-a t~atavia.................................... 221 28701 1947 ~844 9273 146 42961' 45 90[ 411 4277[ 156....;.... Penn....................,.............. 701 37641 910 2505 1582 16 1438] 21 25, 1t 9000f 1 853,......... Polk.................................. i ~ 7! 791 45 15l 1587[ 1485 3687 1376....... 82421 13 61 39[ 3312,......... 4................................. ~o7 66 542.....'~5 Round Prairie 30l 34601 814 24f6 1860 30 34491 2 4 39 5862~......... [-zj Walnut.............................. 1185 1436 1483........ 149 1 i 68 6824!......... 34~;;;;;]~ 10 540 60 I-] 32[.3007t Total..................................... -'3~134-~81"~ 1'~ 24143 632 37217J 2821 3711 6681795791 341~4212i 2i 647' 3432 693i 662 0o JOHNSON COUNTY. ~lig Grove.......................... 12!......... 334i 56 22 72 21 1064 408 23771 1675 838l 181 4 11 9076......... Cedar................................. 723; 1885 1093 1593] 1998 ] 7670 ] i 327 92 1~55 Clear Creek....................... 768 1076 1483 357[ 54[ 18 72 9457 13851 1640 1101[ 414] 25. ~ 64~31 13 2 3~[ Coralville, town of................................. 10 19 852 201 101 Graham............................ [ 325 2826 2587 90 4001[ 1946 715[ 11710[ 6 4554 76....... ~..... 1~'~[ 298i..... 114/'~ 53 H~rdin.............................. 524 4620 344 143 10231 1178 1438 199/..........0117............ 711 Iow~ City, additions to... 5[ 11 495 Jefferson........................... "'3~30'"'387 909[ 501 549i 24{:........'"""il I iii!!! 3[ ] ['*"111..... 43 3749...... Liberty.............................. 4009 IAn col n.............................'"i'498 1 1040 68 915[ 982 521 [ 57[ 21 63l 94i ~ 810 1940 1149 918 770 14901 I 141 2360....... 35 30 4906 17 3 Lucas, ext. of Iowa City ~_a anO additions and wor- ~ 91ville............................. 105~ 325 1436 2631] 3231 469] 8741 50t 96 134] 3325 205......... 85] 394 889 182 ~ I JOHNSON COUNTY.-CONTINUED. 4-4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y i~~~~~~~~~~~ HTJNLGARI- SWEET'- 44 - FLAX. SOEGHIT. T AI GE' ASS. POTATOES. ONIONS. o o o ~) ~ 00 Q) W, a) m 9 OCZ 8 a 8I AMSOF TOWNSHIPS, 0 I o 0a ~~on............................. TOWNS, AND CITIES. 4-. 46 P4 4 o.. a) 0 0 ),' 0 0 0 ~~~ CaL~~~~~~~ U aL 0..o.0.0. 0.0.0P 0.a Oa Madison............................ 62 597 60 1475 15701683 1364495 8 50 76 444216 1 40 677256 61 92 Newport.......................... 4 887 887 2,42 379 497 27.......... 9 865............... 105.. Oxford....................... " 151 481 14 1104 467 785 1005 382.77' 13..23 76 1167... 7 5 1......1 Penn.... 16.. 788 968 4 18 12 30 53 7060 1 24.................. 1 23.... Pleasant Valley............... 296.2525 5 421i 895 1464 1428 299 1350 39 74 39 3276. Scott................................... 438 3799 8 789 155 3517 2449 1449 4938 4 6 76 11789........ 10 2 100 50... 0 5 Sharon......................... 9 84 37 4317 96 3397 2442 731 175 8 13 72 8234 1 106 34 176 55 58 Union............................... 7 1327 4 839 1826 1874 2035 960 328 1 1 58 7011 8 11 71 6 3 Washigton....................8 161 1120 32 2333 277 078 2478 650 445 4. 8 50 6204 2 141 16 610 96 40 20 Total.....................26961 2029411 33-7 274651 13542 34504. 29955, 14343, 2,3120, 3,52 72 1530 154268. 9. 824 59 6776 10572 1622 682 Z JONES COUNTY. Cass................. 25181 2 237 1235 1599 1435 1561 19 8 2 785932. Castle Grove......6 33 370 2031 1229 1419 14. 14 71 6188.................. 2.8. Clay.......................... 13 1553 1921 1314 1183 343 27 61 109 53 4886 9 3 131 2.53 24 30 Fairview, exc. Anamosa........... 6 399 1027 1582 i779 307 33 2 4 61 6142..... 60..... 7 146 51 124 Greenfield....................... 9 1188 3129 1183 1547 1424 90..... 46 5950..... 94..... 60 1577 911 49 Hale................................ 10 774 1068 316 1082 57 9 7 II 64 6164..... 10 1 85 531.... 27'Jacksoin.......................... 6 397 414 966 82 1229 28 2 3 54 43-241.... 13..... 5 125 273 70 Madison....................... 1 50 110 1331 1338,1129 20 25 4 1115..40 40..... 4 Monticello, exc. of town............ 20 180..... 2899 1964 681 5 19 22 87 6 2 32..... 10..... 52 3217! 105 60 Monticello, town of1................................... 30............... 2 11.............. 2 68s... Oxford.................2I.............. 2 20 — 8 761 1520 3217 1950 608 t2'" —- 44 34271530.. —-...-6 461 3 Richland. re.... 4 14231 1588 398 10.................. 8..... Rome........................ 13 325 899 1179 1552 590 18 26 47 44 4080....... ScotmGoe..................................20 4 200 Scotch Grove................... 111 763 3270 1620 1932 790 86 31 43 31 3430 1 -7 Washington...........................I.......... 8 671 190 1621 1619 489......... 82 6115............................... Wayne.I 4 3]S.......................5.......... 346(1 2389 1976 248........ 64 5942.....14 55 4 24 j Wyoming, exc. of town... 18f 1276 117 26531 23221 164 571...... 601 4347. 7. 45 3641 84 46 Total....................... 27 201, 139 9621 13970 28694 25768 137091 812 411 698 899 802271 2 19 584 5139 777 512 KEOKUK COUNTY. Adams................................ 15 1430 333 2207 2130 943 985. 72 6798 4 92 9 547 565 67 109..................... 126989 ] 9 53-5 6 71 0 Benon.............................. 38 4584 1085 1725 1142 182 433 22 43 86 9511 194 33 779 Clear Creek...............11'8 37 3616 1910 1,545 1545 158 166. 69 6718 13................. 14,iglish River.................. 26 2403 115 2518 2354 1294 310 2 4 56 5948. 191 1.265 117 122 German........................ 48 5084 2073 1920 1013 2.................. 111 9617,8...... 9 109 101 3 Jack.on................................. 2427 370 1757 1445 266 20)8 18 21. 3200 2 701 47 345 6 5 LaFayette exc. of Keota..120 0 i78 2272 30 2211 1296 984]........................... 6900....... 1434......... 29 295 31 31 Lancaster.......................54 6128 1352 1852 1847 1270 476 51 83 79 7975 6 283......... 110 798 150 156 Li.berty....... 165 1403 28 2879 1204 1311 1921 1649 188.81 7003 9 518 31 337 80 44 Prairie.164 1198415 7 39 1206 104.........5.101S 105852 5006 3 2140. 10 7 Richiland, exc of town.. I 10 3108 2194 136 1435 11.................. 42 4933 12 1422.... 32 190 38 35 Richland, town of.5 513 232 71 256 1 53 19 1222 8 1193 4 68 34 243 Sigourney, exc. of town.................... 9 666 1231 1273 1414 336 30. 5.104! 47 5656 1 2681......... 33 163 26 63 _ Steady Run....................................... 27 3198 1268 1851 1130 160 782 2 13 50 4243 1 1831 37 1240 194 15 36 Van Buren.............. 25 2628 202 1684 1759 685 2831 1 1 661 7931 1 138... 26 852 32 94 Warren............................................ 27 2-78S5 460 1018 -95.3 492 53.................. 33 3524 1 63 1 61 98 28 64 c Wasington..................... 10..... 30 2170 150 1746 1644 1019 210 6 12 36 4734......... 67.87. Total_....................... 484 _3 4211f46566 12175 27413 2.5236 11S08 9180 117 281 899 100919 4957 52 50 2516 5172 757 873 KOSSUTH COUNTY. Algona, exc, of town.... 201 107'2 159'..... 43......... 3892............... 80 3282..................... 725 5..... Cresco...... 32 13 5 205 5.. 3329.....................842... 1 847 Fenton................. 43........... 21................. 7,55................ 35 753.................... 411.......... G retgon~,twnof........................ 68 1 15............. 6........................... 47i 2058...........{......... 3 4..... 1 Grenwood.. ~~~08 15 t 315 5. 664f25.... 381 1 Irvington....................... 5 450...... 246 60 3079................ 42 2434..................... 615........... Lott's',reck........... 8Sf...... 4 1(....1. 171f.....f. 1 1016............... 28 1333....... I.............. 317 5...... Portl and............... 118..... 6 435..... 10......143060.S............. 8 865.1...~~~~~ ~ ~ ~3..........I... 0 1892...................................... 891...............~..6 Wesley...................... 1 7......... 2 1....................... 8 Total........................ 762 24 28 5 33 424 6 18679 439............i 354 19 24 LEE COUNTY. FLAX. SORGHUM. o Ca HITNGARI- POTATO SWEET FLAX. S PT OES. POTATOESo C. ONIONS0. 4o 4........... 181 26931 2269-5556[ 3055 615t 112671 27[ 27 57 54131.........42 400)9 591 1677[ 1268 1114202174 16174........ 3~ ~~ 1.O 614.8 1 7 3.....-.... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1603 16 96 14 5 9 1 66 6 15 03 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........ 3 22 12 49 18 8 5 5 5 4 08**........ 2 37 2998l 1023 2784 2232...... 3 4 7 1 82 67172(}501 rn U) d)..54 76 8 4. 7......... 32 37W 35 NA............. 21 2375 3466 3133 2695 24210.46 38 79 6567 1.0....2 2064 282 1074 986 13 5 50 37 104 8010 7 ~TOWNS, AND CITIES. 4-. 4 4Q rt C 4o 4i 4.. 14.42 40 4A.0A,-4 00; -4~ 3 0~;'2/4 C - $2 4'2/'24'2/ p2/4A;2 Wg, C). C)) C) C) ) C) C) - 5) ~~~c'o 1. 0.0.. 0.03 2/ ~~~~~~~~ _____________ z ~~~~~~~z zi ~1 zz z z z z z z __ z z Cedar........................ -.... 18 2693 2269 5556 3055 615 11267 2-7 27 57 54131......... 581 2 108I 118 1651 114 Charleston........................ 42 4009 591 1677 1268 11 1134 28 22 174 16174......... 51..... 7 19 83 73 Demnark......................... 18 1603 1696 1459 1666 15 1090 36 42 68 7737..... 88..... 6 123 151 113 Z Des.Moines........................ 31. 2272 1222 2439 1884 889 950 35 59 248 9008..... 24.... 1 440 15 120 Franklin..................... 2 37 2998 102.3 2.784 2232......3471 18 28 167 172650 1 80..... 8 153... j.. 43 C Green Bay......................... 3 534.... 760 824 458 40..... 6 32 3735..... 60..... 76 155 130..... Harrison......................... 21 2375 346 31,33 2695 2 4210 46 38 79 6567 1 196........... 276 39 159 Jackson, exc. of Keokuk......... - 25 2064 282 1074 986 13 5 50 37 104 8010 7 543..... 24 475 430 334 Jefferson......................... 68 5312 578 753 727 73 138 154 94 322 28894 27 2422..... 39 218 38 131 Keoknk, city of.................................................................... 291 850.................................... Madison, e x c. of Fort I C Madison......................... 8 680 91 125 151 2..... 14 18 3713085 11 105 4 506 75 40 460 Marion........................... 32 2532 1446 3615 1972......7701 13 1 10 81 6800...... 81..... 8 171..... 16 Z Montrose exc. of town............. 41 3125 1822 1754 1300 28 428............ 293 2,7029 14 928.... 32 841 89 111 Pleasant itidge,..........20 2271 3057 3284 2940......6428 6..... 84 9553 4 335..... 10 172 1 71 Van Buren...............57 3050 2297 935 696 3 925 49 50 70 7845................ 35...... 97..... Washin2gton, exc. of Fort Madison........................ 11 592 2793 3839 2867 41 2101 7 I 7 111 10467...... 153..... 97. 2.531, 121 95 West Point, exc. of town.............321 2291 373 1565 1087 79 1098 3 6 125 11242 1 65..... 4 36 2 99 West Point, town of..... I................... 27..................................... 2 130...........1......................... Total...................... 2 4641 38428 280061 347521 263501 22291 409861 486 4441 2083 3351891 561 51841 6 1 9611 3525 1076 1939 LINN COUNTY. Bertram.......................... 13 1158 1799 828 1138 287 10 11 20 51 4885..... 1..... 8 339 57 22 Z Boulder.......................... 8 531...... 532 291 2060 31........... 32 3554................ 2 169 42 27 9 Brown................. 45 213 25 1550 2001 22-95.1054 620 64........ 441 4564 2 387 9 279 359 76 Buffalo........................... 5 1125 46 4706 446 894..... 13. 67 27 10 6 44 63 17 49? Cedar Rapids, city of.............................I............I............... 8.1........ 1351... 638 18 35 26 52 a) Clinton............... 225 1176 18 2140 1342 13731 1304 1703 80 8 11 109 11599:.... 3 1 1155 110. College, exc. of Western.. 14 40 1075 1321 826 1052 1758 15... 88 69181..... 486 94 75. airax.............. 8 80 32 3862... 2282 1560 1398 405............... 100 9792. 5 157 219 150 48 Fayette.....1 28 24 3284 821 804 926 474......................... 47 3883 7..... 14 1129 47 119 Franklin ec fM.Vr b I. non and Lisbon... 26 276 2313 2236 2937 262 126 28 44 63 6142....... 72..... 10 70 220 20 Grant..... 437 4036 23 2089 1179 477 484 1550 197 11 31 43 4715'1....... 22...... 36 268 28 85 ~~~J.;sc~~~~~~~ 26.kson....33.9495.1344.1148.1 2.....1...........60 472......... 49 765 10 76 Lin.36 315 3 304 451 301 2085 7 115 2 1 54 4952..931........ 79 235 43 23:::::: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......... 30....................... 37 1................... 3 07..................... Lisbon, town of......... Maie.65................559.............. 27 30...71445 1410 2497 173 48 46 65 56631 2 384!......... 2.115 Marion, exe. of city......... 159 1270 52 5808 5713 5053 4713 2477 8 10 12 132 12700 4 959.257 134. Mro f..................... 5 275 1 40 1 55 90 30 Monroe.....................39 5 715 1009 1379 521........ 7......... 97 87 655 23 42 ~Mount Vernon, town of8....~.... 1..... 157 88 115 6 8....5 8321...... 54 9 68 214 1 Otter Creek.87.... 794 32 3310 411 1211 1411 1363 6 6 8 62 71861......... 59 54 1 69 142 Putnam............................ 20 1539 766 644 725 664 40 5 10 53...48501.................................. 62 44 Rapids, ex. Cedar apids... 16 3006 1034 1438 1611 756 37.........133 13160 6 95 82 1400 729 380 Spring Grove.223 1890 32 3294 32 262 244 1372 5 9 14 41 3853......... 3 47 385 59 76 Washngton. 8 6 29 2203 14 14 29 38 4120 30..... 4.....14 Westeintown o.43.....:' 696 331.704 81230 107 11...........'.................. W estern town i............ 43................. 70 83 107 11........ I.......6........84,70........................................ Total 14231..... 114321 4661.501381 217101.293861 284951 249571 15361 153j81 2391 129911276211 15I 31071 11 9961 75801 2521 1544... _......~~~~~14 Columbus City, exc. Co- I II lumbus City and Co-1 lumbus Junction. I.......... 2,31 2122 21101 5820 2710! 92 223 40 35 67 9928...... 400..... 83 747 234 269 Columbus City, Sown of.... 65 64 70 10.... 1129 1. 14.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... Col umbus, Junction,town of...... 11 7 8.... 2 396 24 1 10 4 9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... Concord, exc. of Fredonia............ 137 3013 1014 1842 887 347 22 35 46 45 5.5 16.. 16... 9 94 393 121 20 Eliot.......... 6......... 17 1,679 568 843 461 241 24.. 22 3022 1 1561.::::::I 6 35 r'o............................ 21 4o3 Elm Grove.......................................... 15 1356......... 1429 1406 129 66 16 53 50 5372 1 64 33 Fredonia, town of...................................... 15 53 40 18 54 1.........2 46......... 98 17 30 8 9 Grandview...................... 18 1671 4592 2202 1266 145 11 5 8 134 14081..... 161:::: 16 325 6 40 Jefferson........................................... 16 1397 15 54.5 732~ 832 75 3 9 85 8773...... 021......... 152....... 51 Marshal.10 14 1393'1943 181.2 1301 85 525 29 47 68 6307 - 1 76......... 15 156 19 96 Morning Sun,.. ex~c. to~w" n' 13..... 6 423 729 314.0 1632 30 751 2 8 50 6101...... 206..... 37 117 40 30 Oakland...................................17 1422 602 5651 471 657 20 79. 6 8 3o.........,......... 6 8 1139 56 421 70. Port Louisa..................................... 21 2031......... 8951J 747 8S0........: 2 4 196 13880 27 1683........ 8 18 15. 21 Un ion............................................ 25 1584 1 25751 877 161 19 161 37 55 4304 2242 12 81 1 9 LOUISA COUNTY.- CONTINUED. __-H U NG.,Rl- SWEET T FLAX. SORGHUM. - POTATOES ONIONS. _ _ c - AN GRASS. POTATOES. U.2 m 4-o 0 0.. 0 I~~~~~ 0 ~~~~~~~~ ~ 0 0.8Q NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, +"a 4D.. 0 0 0 TOWNS, AND CITIES...... - S 43 7. 4....... -4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 00 0 0 0 0 LUCAS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ COU NTY. d;Z to 0 4-14 Ilk. P4.0.0 0.~.ct 0 0 0 "u, 5 bk 00 bb. Wapello, xc n......................... 23 2594 4701 3348 1948 269 147 87 135 68 7391.. 1 230 43 47 23.. Caedar ow o................................ 15 607 250 510 1 321 9l 3197.... 1 71 -06 200 1486.................17:....:':......'.................. Whapllon, town ofciy.... 1.6 250 0 31 7823 18........' Z...8O Total............................. 29.3. 207060 16642 25231 14672 3931 1893 322 459 957 91193 34 3218 151 645 2303 576 75 LUCAS COUNTY. i ~.~~~~~~~~~i Benton............................ 21 2588 181 1650 1468 98 268 125 2321 28 2844................... Cedar............................. 15 1637 255 1328 911 197 171 106 200 45 3353 1 175. 33.. 523......... Chariton, exc. of city............... 12 2369 44 1506 1388 491 548 93 1137 25 5173 1 95 1 180 647 256 7 English........................... 23 2760......1017 779 369 54 101 155 45 45257 1 114............. 370 13 15 Jackson........................... 15 1622..... 462 538 879 9 137 431 29 3179. j..... 69...... 87 385 75 113 Liberty...............................17 1972 40 573 695 839 67 123 192 21 2944........... 30....... 17 340 Otter Creek.................. 1i 1301......... 897 1017 214 146 44 96 10 684.................................. 6 3 Pleasant.............................................. 20 2860!........... 378 289 206............ 54 111 30 2665........... 9............ 19 600 2 49 Union................................. 13 12291 138 1787 1353 391 1174 541 117 28 21101........... 18... 175..... 4 Warren... 26 1856 175 3439 2925 660 686 174 189 69 4842 1 47 14 194 101 Washington...........5...........' 24 261 3871 132 766 539 602 120 110 182 26 4264.. 181 78 436 147 193 White Breast....... 6 1203 378 1775 1452 406 473 217 405 61 5570 1 90........... 35 631 57'54 ____~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~46 611___ -57 1. 90........_... I 5 7 ___5_____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I —' Dale.................................... 21 711..........I......... I.......... 51..........I........ 541 10391......I............ I................ D~Ion.........'...-.1 10.7............................ 975.................................. 34 84123 ~~~Gran~~~~t ~~....... 30 50.................................................. 214....................... 20 Lr.... -50o..................d.................2................................ 5. Lo.75 1.............. 5 3.................3.........3 L yon.........7.................................l............ 1 9 4........................................... 132 Rock....I..................... 1. Total........... 229 480 3 178...... 13 5 4210 284 38951....................... 1681 431 126 MADISON COUNTY. Crawford.............. 18 300 26 2308. 289 221 1320................5 7030 54 4 3 21 1 Douglas.......... 6 48 5 592 464 1064 1115 716......... 52 6255 1 50... 135 5 4 Grand River..........54 47 13 1019 10 210 275 994 7.....39 3658.. 30... 107 395 132 96 Jackson....................9 967 10 518 361 731 18... 34 5515 1 105 53 771 40 42 Jefferson....452 1760 11 828 79 530 536 1293 99 4 5 77 91.. 147.. 114 203 224 77 Lee........ 88 860 5 276 26 219 264 906...... 10 30 51 7090. Lincoln............ 28 211 10 1216 127 794 952 600 171 12 21 71 548 1 36254 607 52 Madison, ex. of Earlha......... 7 599 88 388 480 574 34 17 13' 6823.. 260 33 332 34 51 Monroe................... 156 1122 8 848.. 177 150 319. 4 6 22 31 101 22 Ohio................ 37 120 22 1196 70 375 447 865........1 17 30 30 5248 1 1 203 236 10. Penn, exc. of Earlham 291 228 2 415 97 971 728 7571 60..... 69 7576 8 20o7 31 12 824 50.71 W Scott........... 25 1912 314 834 1123 394 10.3 70 4457 2 267 97 205 26 12 ~~South.............. 10 751 24 2563....... 850 1002 269 68 23 41 424632 25 1 59 407 2 56 Union...........................: 10 80 41 3660 302 904 940 719 39 57 98 76 7090 1 147 1 36 862 190 88 Walnut................:........... 231 1752 15 433 446 296 47 6 11 32 2844..... 73 2 56 36 45 23 3 Webster,............... 12, 120 11 1435...... 117 139 998 4 3 5'30 3111 1 187...... 1181 531 79 67 C Winterset, city of...........-I.10...18 204..17 50. Total.................9001 5351 242 21586 1612 86911 91099 11751 557 200 321 791 87693 16 2253 221 109 547 984 779 MAHASKA COUNTY. Black Oak......................... 34 3987 643 1329 774 943 6......... 1721 20241...... 13. 44 400 1. Cedar....................... 42 5081 409 2590 1930 467 274 59 8 84 9698..... 97 85 227 24- 62 Des Moines................... 23 3010 1146 16341 14071 179 48 40 64A 77 9018.................................. Harrison....................... 24 2763 1686 4376 29401 311 311 6 12 68 8657 1 60............220 97.....~ Jefferson......................... 40 4030 143 2830 1511 132 371 54 90 -5 6368...... 110..... 82 289 40 70 Madison..................... 31 4274 102 1756 1528 1350 40.......... 57 6948..... 177..... 62 728 30 56 Monroe................ 4 60 33 3634 1290 1607.1760 773 65..ii1 621 6672 1 79 3 125 285 44 93 Oskaloosa, exc. of Oska- I I loosa and Beacon................. 57 9186 5,247 5406 4921 1120 1341 26'1 521 1181 183"86 5 1503..... 265 944 531 173 CA MAHASKA COUNTY.-CONTINUED. ~~~~FLAX. SORGHUM.~ ~Z -0 HUNGARH- POTATOES. SWEET ONIONS. I V - ANmI IM GRASS. POTATOES. 0~~ C) I w; *.,:, f i;:2;2 f'.. M. tM t, oS -8 9o 160.'_. I... 0............ *.-* —---—' -------- * —— 921-* —@.................... @ —- * —-. 0) +9 0~4 0~ 0 c00 I 81o......... 84 92. 7 224 1 2 ~~~1011 10807........I4778.64 8skaloosa, city of - ____ - ____ - 113 26......... Rhan..3548 5818511 47724 1 210110807.77 87t 6{ 42 ScOt NS,. 15D25I I2795T2199 1219 1 40 i 418 16.. 644 8377 4 2! 3! 12j 23 C Unon. 0 00 3 20 87393 9 72 39.......... 65 5687 2 220 40... 10 WhiteOak66410 5 16 18 79 13 1 124 7722 207 34 896 37 14 7 Clay.Grove................................. 6362239571 3451572 98 940 19 7 2 2045 6724.1 1320 2 51 3 1104 Prairell eNwSa ron 17 40 28 660 5 106 711 1083 4018 8137......... 85 918630..... 214. 107....... 534 117 106 W IRichanda......................... 53 47504 1543 1400 15167 7 224 26 0 133 0 4423...3 1 326...867 275 41 55 Snoxtville,...... 229 6398338. 0 13258 1 1 323. 11.. 22.... 152 283700.... 2 73.... 20.43 212 Lhike Prairke, c.........of............ 66 1241050 765 14 11628, 416 79 13 21124 7722 1 50770....33 235 7 12 5 Libetyl................ 6 46 534 626,~79 4424.. 165243 ~1137 9 2010 ~ 2. 6~i12 1389~ 1 85 5242017142836 08109 PCray......................I...... 6 241 291 7 835358 16 1918 24 2.... 4 41! 72 43......I 3.... 44 5 364 7! 15 Paleasa.....t....i.......e.. 12 12 24 2798 1740168 1391103 2401 513 94 17 32 6189 1.... 299..... 1075 822 1 1706 P antxville G oeexc.oftown.. of................ 63 8338........ ~i 2290 3258 323......... 11 22 152 281,00 2 73......... 20..............917 32 147. Polk... 37 3603 54 290 294......... 3 5 10 48 4578 1 52 1 238 217 321' 14 R e d R'c k i..........I.............. 5 4 6 0 5 1 4 7 4 8 6 2 1 0 1 8! 3 6 1 1 4 4!.......... 8 1 1 1 7 7 -4 1 1 7 2 1! 1 3 2 6 5 7 0 1 4 9! 8 8 S u m m it..................... 50 1 6 5 0 8 1 4 1 5 1 0 5 2 1 0 6 6! 9 5 1 4 1!........... 4 7 1 3 9 1 0 9..... 1 5 01. I 9 1 8 7 4 1 8 5! 1 0 2 Swan.....................63 1485 338 633 743! 269. I 7 18 53245!......... 1. 8 159! 511 17 9 Union.............. 119 739 8 10661. 883 736 218 15... 2 23 3108 1 39 2 66 67 64 70 - Washington........5 50 43 4316 356197 13 173 31 461 82 48 5229..... 141...... 63 260 57 83 I-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 Total........... 137 913 668 65250 69 17473 17068 5440 679 184 343 1663 186478 10 1811 4 1233 4.365 7337 761 MARSHALL COUNTY. Albion, town of.......i... ~.... 6 43..... 20 16 30...7 926 1 81..... 17 33 99 10 Bangor.......................1839 103 1015 876 615 6... 35 3597 5 617 1......... 442 79 77 Eden............................... 243 1965......... 30 146 363 298 978 144 561 5768 1 30......... 85 161 158 84 Green Castle..................... 70 466 4 381 126 486 431 1058 190 3 6 63 5955..... 2362 30 71 Iowa, xc. of Albion....... 30 350 10 934 81 1512 1188 694 38 7 13 37 2894. 19 31 150 53 7 Jefferson.267 2115 1 115......... 582 312 1204......... 2 3 70 6270i........ 60 2 406 1186 156 79 Le Grand........................... 46 321 10 1016 140 1470' 999 1602 150......... 180 13135. 20 1 165 466 51 44 Liberty.68 607 8 703 953 725 1291 1104 83... 46 6359 31...... 4 830 42 53 Liscomb, exc. of town 93 740 11 1046 215 1305 723 1168 506......... 58 5374....... 51......... 31 837 51 54 ( Liscomb, town of.................. 39 25 180 60......... 11 828 1 48.8 24 26.......... Logan........................... 142 1309 25 175 169 955 164 3 43 5244.... 24 2 7 40 Marietta.554... 4414.6.42.3 9.......... 29........ 17699 1470 1092 287 3 76 77 7866................ 20 120........ Marion............... 47 410 5 425 21 1243 613 123 358 11 29 218 19836! 381 8....... 7 683 21 49 Marshall, exc. of Mar- I shalltown....................... 2 16 2 204 150 967 817 7761 5 2 3 183I 10380.......I........ 4 232 685 256 Marshalltown, city of.......................... 7 675 203 254..... 10 5 134 9659 1 268 2 -458 697 906 482 Minerva.......... 531 4039................. 1599 595 2028 641........... 63 7095..... 2..... 45 50 4 53 6 M Stale Center, exc. of town 307 2912... 1028 414 1805 979.......... 109 9861...................... 726 6(0 69 HState Center, town of.... 48 408..:. -i.:..... 401... 93 425.....I...... 2 1696..... 110...... 60 307 125 61 (1 Taylor................. 69 541 2 23 3 1194 4 813 - 70 4..... 85' 6288............................... Timber Creek............ 2861 2061 1121 100 70~ 1125 809 1191 5 1 11 212 16801..... 76..... 65 815'.... 11 Z Vienna............ 705 6261 9 142 -:64 332 193 1199 359 99, 8434..... 32..... 63 99 13 36 C Washington.~~'.-:: 628 50461.... 5411...... 1705 8231 1468 7971 11. 15 1131 116415..... 4...... 221 35 2181 18 Total..-............ 42601 ~347921 ~1991 ~7709 ~20791 ~19369 ~13106~ I21570, 51221 86 1741 19061166211 91 1487 5 15931 10634. 29531 1507 MILLS COUNTY. Anderson............... 83 435............... 471 241 1675..... 97 92 44 3000 1 232....... 106 1131 1281 28' IDeer Creek............. 436 3643....41 270...... 82 47 978...... 3 7 41 3056 2 * 86..... 51 50 6 1 Imerson, town of.................3 2 98...................................... Glenwoodt, exc. of town........ 9 611 57 76 50 1138 2.5 1231 216 189 9707 10 1109...... 38 85 3...........1 Glenwood, town of..................1 75 3 300................ Hastings, town of. 15. 5.975...... 22........ 131 25 2 80........... I.............. Hiillsdale, town of...I..............I..... 1 40.......I.. I Inhian,- Creek, c xcc. ofkw EmIIII........... Orsrn anon Hastngsnd....,Hastings1..........166......901...80 128 73 13341.128..... 731 117133412161 65............1171........I.........I.........................7 MViILLS COUNTY.-CoNT NUED. _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r a) a) ~FLAX. SORGHIUM. 0 HUNGARI- POTATOES SWEET OION. ____ C=5~~. 0 2 0.,.L GRASS. POTAT ES. _ o O O.5 *; iw Dosa2 bw.5,Q -. a) U Q.NAMES OF...TOWNSHIPS, 6 1o...0 00.0 S00. -TOWNS, AND CITIES. S-'.4. ~ ~. rn~~ Q ~00 45 o n o a 0 o 4 O o 0 2 Ingraham.......................... 79 305...... 128 80 1288 50 10 22 44 2655 1 48 16 29 40 32 30 Lyons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................................. 10...................... 29 255.18 34.....1988..9........... 9 33 2304..........I 1 150 2 281 4 Malvern, town of.....................o..l7... Platteville.....................1 150..... 6 10 2378......... 12 25 195 10075 18 355 29 4680 12 62. Rawles........................... 4 387 36 91 69 1173..... 96 162 64 5144....... 107..... 192 48 61 4 St, Mary......................... 2 70................11900...... 4 8 23~ 1277 2 105...... 10 60 15..... Silver Creek, exe. ofH Hillsdale and Malvern............ 2 163 12 826j 167 1185...... 171 265 68 3)915..1....... 2 51.......... White Cloud.. 8 350. 2 7212 21430 1 9 0 71 Total............... 919 ~6259 48 211 18 211 5 111 19 81~6 ~1359 932 503 38 242 4 44 457 376 76 -MITCHELL COUNTY. Burr Oak.......................... 1355 456 1043 100 8 18 49 5936.................... Cedar........................ 4 ""4'40..... 763 82:, 1277 446 59 98 56 5913.1..142.721....32. 7 Dou-1as.. 7 2 12 16.. 0 61.... 5 5551 7 14 Jenkis.... 30 216 236 2041 18...58 7540.... 200 Liberty............................................ 1 50 104 1.2 157 5231... 15 35 24 4165..........108 1 Lincoln............................. 24 32 595 704 1098 608 10 27 60 7226................ 80 340 117 29 Mitchell..................................... 971 733 814 260 33 66 84 10594................. 159.592 89 23 Newberg........................................... 3'7 237..... 15 6 20 45 4497................................ 3 Osage, exc. of town....................... 20 18 599 563] 170 38 37 58 30 4285] 1........ 141 12 52 11' Osage, town of........................I............. 386 60 6 0.... 7 7 26 3380....................... 110..... 2 Otranto..................I............... 248 286 1244 4]1 41 87] 48] 4316................. 12 260 10 21 0 Rock....3.................::... 00..... 360 379 1226 8 8 121 521 5012................. 29 280 1L28 32 St.A sgr.Ansgar......................49....].. 769... 56779 67 3 3564 33 4- 64... 61.....7435..........7.70.......... S t a c y vi......................... e........... 99...111 657..... 12 19 23 2860 r....................... 200. 0 Union........................................................................... 415 387 575 5 28 54 63 8120.........1.........8...................[ i.. 100. W ay e............................l......1...... 54713.125742...................... 4. 587....... I............. 93 4 Wayne.54 44 103 132 1742 ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~.....44 598 19o 933 42 30.... ~ ~~~~~~~I —2[:Total..................................... 8 1296 198 5774 6134 14643 1537 297 565 773 93282........ 1 I1 460 4314 1088 256 MONONA COUNTY. Ashiton............................................... 1 28.......................... 2234.......... 854.................................... 170 225 Belvidere.7................................ 7 673................. 2483.......'.."........ 8 532.... 200......... 4 Center..8 757...15....1514...12 18 221 Cen er..................................... 7571....'................ 31.5:................;....... 15 1 646..................'..... i ~ lI.....5 12 18 22 s Fairview................ 3 263......... 1927.'.... 1927......... 4 5 18 1436 1 45........................... Frank~lin, exc. of Onawa..ona.......... 2. 2228......... 45......... 4437........................... 0 2004......... 15........ 214 3 39 Grant............... 14 1497........................... 2136........................... 7 661 3 250...... 237 55 21................. { 7.................. 2 Jordan.. ~~~~~~~~~~~6] 241[........662....9.57...15 62 791 Kennebec.......................... 12........ 12 1211..... 4157.......................... 773.... 4 115 5 Maple..24 18............ 2.................. St. Clair.. 57516...608....7.594.... 125............. Se an.........................7 855...... 2057.... 3......... 32 6 M apl...........................24'658..................... 074................ 39 2.5................:....... 3 " 114.. 10 75. St. lair.................................... 5 516...................... 608....................... 7 5 4........................... 12............... c Sherman ~~............................6........]~]117 ]~ 7 271 8275.........[.................. 2,7............... 239 10..... 8.. 161 23 260 7 r Soldier.......2 214... 100....9 512 10.................. 1 Spring Valley.12 720.............. 2481..........5 131 12441 25.................8 641 18 West~ork.... 15......... 10... W e t or..........................................6................................. 2........... Willow........................ 2 158.o.7..... 750..'... 1 65. 7 5 120 1 Total........................................ 151 9868. 6. 338 3 4 5 2401 20490 6......... 137 2898 77 293 MONROE COUNTY. Bluff Creek........................ 18 97 30 3218 1993 2628 2735 45 329 131 279 53 6780S......... 50......... 115 898 16 309 Cedar....8 26 3508 84 597 93 750 7 40 49 28 3791.. 112 217 54 159 Franklin............... 118 14 1498.. 961 835 658 73 211 439 47 4223.172................. Guilford......................... 22 1984 10 919 786 887..... 71 118 68 7884................ 12 38.......... Jackson............................................... 3 281 70 728 553 271 21 248 513 24 2030.................... 1 Mantua.............................. 6 20 94 4249 1668 4189 10304 101 69 52 62 92 8527 2 142.3. 113 25 Monroe...............60 385 32 163 2048 1749 106 330 161 236 47 5703................ 9 296 3 98....... 2....lo......................... 4 7850..............1 5 7 120...'30 46..i' Pleasant..............3 3579 1788 2264 2001 23........ 87 36 Troy, ex. of Albia...........0 14 158 1570 1862 1771 87......... 170 239 59 6598 103 68 56 125 Union......3 26 4790 144 1426 1294 167 79 132 259 92 63341.............. 71 831 131 156 Urbana........................ 3738 600 1498 978...".750. 48 45 72 1 4296. i............5. Wayne....................16 193i2 4 321 312 50......... 143 275 32 3355 165.................. Total........................ 205 681 308 33593 8094 19441 23711 3653 1104 1427 2541 630 67376 3 1677 11 1107 4307 544 999 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Q Q frA - _ _ _ o _ _ _ _ o _ _ __s._ _ _ _ _ _ FLAX. SORGHUMl. SNGR- POTATOES. SWEET ONIO _______ ____ _ = ~.0. |0 ~ AN GRASS. POTATOES. _ __ 0 t zj z; t; Sz; t; u t I t; SZ SZ t; t; t- 93l; 550 11 60] 71 241 1011 4 32{ 56 a) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~24173, 10' 196l 2192;~:1111311135~53 41;6......... i~:i... 1] 11o 1 - 1 7 2 385 0......... 5 7 37 110........ d 5 C) 1 0...............'..... 6721 31 167 253 176-3 2 414134 1 TOWNSAND CITIS....... 4..... 10 2 84......... 4. 3 4 2 Q 0 o5 odo 0 0 o 0 0 0.0 C) + s- DC ).4 C 6 C::::::.... 275] 16[ 803.01 3 0.0 21.... 81715~S5 55 o In 53 ~'3S 187 la 86 17 5 3 q0 4 ZM.0 0 Obn; OboD 0 0.;0 o0 0.~0 0 0 0 0 w 0 0 ________ z ~~~~~~~~~z Iz z_ z z z z zzz z z z I z z z z z: Douglas............................ 93 550 1 60 7 241.........1011 4 32 56 29 1793 1 0. 16 26 24......... Ira nor..196.. 218921 1385 5 37 24 164........ Grant.................. 1088 11575 12 672 87 78 78 903 24.......... 57 3396.10.55.. l Jackson, exc. of Villisca.............. 8 1672 3 167 2653 1763..... 24.4 14 3644 2 81..... 18 126..... 2 Lincoln.............................. 569 4722;.... 10 15 940........................ 31 2226......31 2226. Pilot Grove.................... 263 1978 275 16 89 61 1403......... 2.36 32 2619.................................... Red Oak, exc. of town... 84.7 533-31 187 50 86 127 961 39 84 170 85 5939 3 433..... 30 265 25 10 Scott.................................. 76 782:....... 235....571......... 26 1720... 9 6 Sherman................ 599 5230'....... 1401,16 84 901 854...... 37 71 65 37991.................... 251 40..... Villiscatownof.........42. 14 479 2 24 1 55 41 67 12 Walnut.............................. 1993 16477 95.9....1.47.. 1 44 123 9918.10 1 106.. Washington............. 94. 820..... 1401..... 40' 53 996 22 43 42 3162..... 25...................... 6 West................... 1392. 11997..... 66 331 49 371 1442..... 2.3 76 84 4442..... 15 1 34.1 12 4 21 rz Total............... 72101 61662, 22 4913 1321 768: 8741 13776 67 300 51 66 44782 7 2 1 29 50 10 8 MUSCATINE COUNTY. Bloomington, ex. of Mus- catine................ 1 3 20 7261 1698 23161 2570 1177 56 6 121 452 321051 162 115361...... 20 3841 882..... Cedar.......................... 14 1405' 203 1415 890 161 11 30 33 53 73413...... 1 47 38 1 16 Fnlton......................... 1 68 3655 1129 152.4 863..... 2- 5 194 13419..... 74 2 298 1')0 221 6 Goshen................ 25 349-'2 24-41 2321 4182 2984 633 2600'i9 133 128 1 1610 1 220 5 534 20 2,50 6 Lake............................ 14 1360 2.573 1671. 1672 539 241 55 82 269 23605 2 287...... 633 941..... 75 Montpelier..................... 9 1090 456 5'7 538)2 271 10 14 22 98 98538 1 20 2 103 187 2 12 Z Moscow................ 12 98 21 1247 941 841 1012 230 6 1 16 28 69 6152 1 172..... 15 88 13 31 P Musaono.45 f......... ~. 19.. 161.~ 6j 160... 114 1308 785. 2~............a 61 390 26 400......................... Musr tne... city.......of....... 26511 130... 11 18 15' Ji 2,00..................... ~~~~~Pike......... I {152 850 7 462 112 545 3941 897 25 25 49 73 6998 1 42 1 105' 70 10 19 Steventy-Sl -.......... - - 18 1587 274 2656 1339 529 85 8 18 221 27627 1 173.28 2. wetn...........I 24 200 38 2378 2489 2720 3171 25 137 3 5 ~~Wapsinonocexc. of West Liberty.................. 143 1295 19 2067 1711 3502 2114 478 2921 28 62 102 10880 2 131 4 534 189 570 2 Wilton, exc. of town 10 80 12 122 100 6759 3233 237 65 7 12 150126281 35200 Wiltontownof....1 280 1 1 28 230 2511 309 10.2 3 121 850......... 53 53 171..................... 447 3155 222 16507 16926 288931 22002 6838 6394 361 675 2030 183116 201 13672 16 2324 1281 220 361 O'BRIEN COUNTY. Baker...................... 110 2161......486.....1. Il 8 118 8....... 36..... 17 Carroll......103............ 13 226...................................................3 *.. 1 nter....... 599.... 1 1 675....................... 481 2289 2 631 74 1211 107 Floyd................ 85 161.........8.......................... 71 6 85 81 9 [ 7 0727......................105 Grant...........20 59 7 26......................2...................... Hihland. 7 30....7 7 995.5..423092 1 57 1 36 430..70 82. Libe...ty......2 12.........3 1..... 1 15 1 Liberty..................................... I...............................5 52.........33.............................1.......... 1 * —----— Summit — @ - - -.............. 133...........2 239.....8... 16580.........*- 2 W a e m n........................ 4 5........................... 9 0.................... 6 1 6............ 6 1 2 4 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 32......... 1 33 671.......................... 23 1 Total................ 5531 1291. 12 0 1 357 __K 47061 2 611 6 383, 1234 1443 297 OSCEOLA COUNTY. ~ Fairview..................... 2........ 11 __. 31 6517......... 102 8 7 Oilmnan.39........................... 120....................:....:..:......:.........:.........:.........:.........1... 13 785........................30-7..... Goewey................ 63 2144..... 30'.............. 1108.................. 13 3137...................... 120 40 10 Holman................ 25) 30.........5156................ 59 2979................ 11 101 105 14 Horton................ 7 20.........1339 1........... 6 510................ 3 158 112 2 Wilona................. 1 4........................ 6... 5j9........... 29 1098.3............. 0 1 8 4 30 Total............... 135 418..... 30...............5226 1........... 1531 11522.......49 1162 410 94 PAGE COUNTY. Amity................. 421 1331 Ill 11991 1101 310I 32'0 10101 1081 311 711 35'1 2706k 2 2901...... 13-1 161 1151..... Buchanan.............. 19 95 11 128811211 488I 7641 787 5 291 46 14o, 258,51..1... 551 1 1421 221 101 5 - PAGE COUNTY. —CowTINUED. 0 HUTNGARI- SWEET FLAX. SORGHUJM..~ 3A RS.POTATOES.' ONIONS. 0 4 I-UAN GRASS. IPOT ATOES. o~~r~~o~o~............ t 5) tO~~~~~c a). ~ ~ t t w ot t6o 0~.......... H CZ......... -NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, C) 0 5 0 5 3 1z.0 () 0 0 0Q 3 o o o I. 0 a g a) a a) 0 a 5d 0 q4 4 0,0 u ho bk 0 04;b.0 Z4. 0.0.0; P z zzz z z z Z Z Z Z z Z Z 4 ZZ Z Z Clarinda, town of...............................1063 2 79.........2 Colfax.7...478.....15....132....56... 1353..... 55 26 66 31 21637....................................42 East River........................................... 86 955 111 212 212 949 8 53 74 51 2487 1 81 1 121 18 59 48 i Fremont............................1 638 6776 6 480......... 1 1 1145......i 16 19 69 4960 2 52.......... 10 68 16, Grant, exe. Shenandoah.. 653 5706......... 30......... 288 118 1737 13 29 47 44 3637 3 129 2 210 39 23 7 Harlan............................... 35 370 23 850 272 596 482 1.354 112 44 28 163625 1 {85 29 7 7. Lincoln.............................. 23 237 6 548 15 255 204 1309 257 4 7 36 2490 2.......... 34 23 73 [6 Morton.............................. 149 1952 1 100 32 40 70 66 3743......... 7 935 Nebraska............................... 14 1732 32 210 256 494.....67 1853 1 57 3 4 7.:Nodaway, exc. Clarinda...: 76 911 14 1198 247 717 848 3498 24 56 81 68 5144 2 78.......... 1 75......... Pierce.704 6778 96 30 35 374 116............. 36 2865 2 132...................... Shenandoah,-town of...... 25 2 1..........5..7. 2 650 3 500............................ Tarkio.636 6940 5 818 10 85 60 1017...........6. 9 1731 1 52 12 6'Valley.......... 71 743 16 1556 109 184 226 1832........41 3751 1 168 106 166 74 29 Washington.......... 2 3 414............................................... Total...............13049 306771 2161 130721 952 3695 3733, 18971 971 340, 534, 4793, 51098, 21 183 1 1668 426 ~640, 119 PALO ALTO COUNTY. Ellington. 14 507.... 84.. 6 9 391998.. 1 2 923 13 57 Emme6sbur'.. 4'146 1.........212...............59.......... 46 3.........................5.9.. Great -Oak...................5....... 3............................ Highland........................ 1 42......... 1023.34 1651...................... 5 189 24 13 Lost Island...................... 51................ 52511 4251....................... 2 238 24 3 Ne-.,ada..................................................... 24 1245........................... 378......12 Ilush~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ake~~.....8 54.65...... 20 1628..* —-. —* —-- 743 18 19 L. S~.ile..................9..1................84.......26 8 Veron...............................................100....................... 2 7 1157.................... 455 2 1 Walnut......................1 58.2330.. 1.................. 233...............i 146 33'........... 1) 1 West fi[end...............2 1628....................................... 18_ 9 Total.............................13f 45 2119 6 1 20253 6 9_ 383 21713 33 1 33 5910 132 131 PLYMOUTH COUNTY. A merica................................................................80 2 4 2456 6...........12 6 895 12........... 40............ E lgin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................................ 1 5..................................... 5....... 0 1 4................................................................. Fredonia............... 91 111..........................1065............ 29 1208................................ t ~~Grant ~~~............ 196 876.......................80..... Z ~Johi~s..............................s 23 41.......................... 5 1383....1......2.8........... 18 Lincoln.... 20 50 8396 1...3961..................... 176 3324 2 1333167 37 ~~~~~~~~~~~~Marion ~~.........1............0........ 60............................. 1. 50 5...... Perry...................... 15 75 2 1750.......3 37 145 74 2457.1 27 56 4661 135 2 ~~~Plymoutt.................... 1 131... 154....42 266........... 1 43 66 719 7 Portland.62............................... 194........ 9..0[... 7.7................... [ ".............................I9 1 28..................................................... stanton. 9 44......1119. 27 2715.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... Sioux..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~......................................................::11........'..,.......'24..........8....604 2...... 2.............. i Union................................. 9 67........................... 1I........ 552 6 4 9 16)1498............................. 48 90 2 Washington.376. 27~~~~~~~I 58 6583.S.... Total............................. 432! 1555 12 743 80 4 41 18775 6 611 203 412. 18341 12 810 6 105 753 2002 181 POCAHJONTAS COUNTY. Bellville.............................. 9......... 5 205............................ 889............................6 54 36613...............1......13'.. 8 127 15 Cedar................................................ 3 118 1...1534.....41 25881.........4 1100 6 Center................................ 7 7 7 386 3........................ 6~............................ 10 543. Clinton.............................. 1.. J:.......... 69..161 1067... 252. S.17 1)es Moines......................... 7 386...... 72,......27321................ 27 1604!........................1290...... Gracksont............................. 1 5 3 2...... 16 1............................ Jickoln.1.....................................I......... 53 264.......1.76.......20....13............................. 141 88.. I..... CIO POCAHIONTAS COUNTY.-CONTINUED. FLAX. SOE~nITM.CRTJNGARI- SWEET ONION S. F AN GRASS' POTATOES. ____ 4__4.100.0W ri 0. 0 TOW~sAEDC1TIES. a ~* ~ ~ ~. o~~~ o~~~ C~~~ c0 0 ~I' aa a a ~ ~ ~ ~ a a )ala (Va ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c M 10 Q U 0 4Z.a C.,01I a. 03 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~ z 0 0 0 0 0 0 o+ 0. ________ _ _ ______ ZZ Z ZZZIZ Z ZZZ Z Z Z Z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z Z Swan Lake.....3.................... 249................ 5 2,351........10 470 472I Total. - ~~~~~~~~~171 12] 52 2468..... 73.....12984............... 333 21712............ 150 6003 5 205 POLK COUNTY. Allen................. 12 1167 958 602 479 125 8 15 29 62 7989 1 146 15 134, 310 98 27 C Beaver..,,............8,9 802 14 1074 184 622 658 1552 28 51 173 17200 7 67 5 3 33 1795 6 30 Bloomflel............. 32 246 4 472,.. 598 1283 724 25 15 33 325 31 991 17 2311 4 670 1395 756 265 Z Cam p.10 ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~60 39 3691 343 71 573,330..... 6 8 100 12138..... 33...................... 2 CrocCker r................ 85 573 15 1415 195 420 566 2116...... 1 8 32 100 13475.............. 256 20 4 Delaware............... 9 150 10 1023 235 785 919 1470 19 39 73 150 10808 24 2868 1 301 730 20 3:3 Des Moines, city of.................................................................. 13 1645 1 240..... 20 13 254 11 Dcuglas........750 6414 15 1603 169 344 494 2646..... 19 49 54 6530..... 105..... 5 30 28 4 Elkhart................ 7611 4767 81 874..... 102 84 2319..... 6 10 35 3784..... 17...... 12510 Four Mile...................i..... 11 1012 243 96 211 102' 7 10 16 30 3754.......................3i3. 2 Franklin............... 371 256 29 2149 35 167 3431 2267 21 21 42 381 43241...... 12.3...... 611 189 20 42 Grant........................... 7 924 389 158 219 264..... 32 55 88 90672 25 3169 1 2911 200 66 41 Jefferson............... 101 57 3 411) 16 101 117 2195...... 46 100 19 5457...... 60......................... Lincoln................ 64 555 13 1573. 2.. 9 39 3843 1..I,... d... ~ 58 6 930...... 13...... 13 104.4 3 Madison............... 863 5837 26 27739 47 1551 291 2139,. 34. 68 47 4652 1 94..... 102 26 51 8 Saylor.......................... 15 819 160 308 424 1897..... 40 79 75 5444 3 5761::..:... 2 300........ Valley....... I.... 7 508 1411 286 296 336. I........ 117 10996 7 8921...... 274 963 44 7 Walnut..........67 631 17 2085 122 583 590 1827 13.... 35 113 12805 1 83..... 30 365 321 39 Washington...... 1045 86037881 18 2011 35 396 512 2198..... 21 36 44 5614 1 74..... 30 237 16 70 o Total................38221 284331 263. 2,55491 3272- 6862. 8098, 28' 50 90 3641 718, 1641 175208I 88, 11479, 24, 22981 7040, 2111. 697 POTTAWATTAMIE.COUNTY. Avoca,townof.........................................53... 1 66. 25........... Belknap...................................3 640. 12 102 813...... 24 13 813......... 25 5 52 Boomer.............................. 2 160......1534 81 116 72 6855..1200... 40.........~~~8 116}............... Center...............................6 807........ 24 15 1861......... 28 37 57 3029 25 3273 589 73 72 Council Bluffs, city of................82 8 16 100 39 8 463900 252960 1 316 215 265 297 Grove.................................. 138 1246 5 411'......... 7 16 1424... 6 17 32 1859.........1.......... 25 40.. Harden.~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~2 80.114. 3 70 44 300 Hazel ell.........................2 1 186......... 14 16 1965 99 177 125 7910 26 4 470 3 8 James......................................... 2 160........ 1....... 742.22 1260 1 65...... 7 145 6 8 Kane xc. Council Bluffs..4 253.......... 20 14 3560 16 24 234 15814 13 2320 5 1050 900. Kegdreek.......................... 12 130 7 264!........................... 504 9 40 33 2433 1 33 8 2 5 Knox, exc. of Avoca..................5 750. 24 51 40 2428 40 12 26 94 8362 3 758 1 195 432 238 79 Layton..:........................... 104 1247 1 29..................:I49 5264.. Macedonia............. 10!...2...20...431282........4 10 27 1647..... 101........... Pleasant..1..... 1 8.......... 21 20 233........29......................... Rockford......................... 8 794................2359...... 1311 197 39 1257...... 25...........2036...... 7 Silver Creek............20703....................... 16 967.23.2 2 4. Washington.1...8....... 4 13.......... 24 1076 1 31.4 199 14 7 Waveland.............. 374........... 142.......3'7'... 3'7' 1094 5 31 11 13 2271..... 65..... 21..... 21 61 Wright................ 32 410 4 683 4 27 1 1110..... 2 3 14 2518.9 114 1 0 5 Yok.1~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12......I 58.30.35......[14 1323 Y ork~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~.....................................I. 12........................... la62................... 30 1 5..... 14 3 36 1 31471 5594 694 596 Total........... 6901 30351 541 59761 1121 2511 3 1 164 91547.1073.1 1157 807671 501 6759 POWESHIEK COUNTY. Bear Creek, exc. Brook-I lyn~~~~~~~~~~l~~8 137 5 4521 6691 13341 9861 1583 383 19 42 70 8600 31 49 9 133 228 35 69 Chester...1447 11997... 791...1759 1033 1569 513 17 18 97 10415......... 32859 40 180 12 63 Deep River................ 3 202 1089. 13 905 1694 692........................... 136 270 26 129 Grinnell, x. of town...... 997 9016......... 20 34 1409 1088 1553......... 38 97 99 11201 24 17 444.. 467 11 Gr nilnne nol.......l,.................................t..........wn.......... of.40............................. Jackson, exc. of Xontezumna........................... 9 3988 87 347 1680 1404 399...... 3 5 7456 3.... 12 671 89 Jefferson........................................... 39 1150 391 1198 391 876 4 1 2 77 7360 54 i 44 337 27 35 Lincoln............................................... 12 1221.. 1104 618 1678 2471 2 4 74 809 13 325......... 69 Madi son.................. 20 180 if 1334 254 1335 1150 730 2111 22 571 108 106051.... 13 4 726 241 2 71 Mvalcom, cxc. of town.... 313 2487...... 40..... 860 765 17781 414........... 49 59201...........I 10 -1520 115 8 22 ~Malcom town of.............I............ 10131 84 4.61 735....... 1... 2 4001 110 60...... Pleasant................I 39 303..19 2195 85 538 3921 13231 50........ 55 6416 21 28 1501 284 6 19 (:; POWESHIEK COUNTY.-CONTINUED. FLAX. SORGHUM. _ c~ 5 o HUNGARI- SWEET FLAX. ORGHUM.0POTATOES. ONIOS 0 ________ ______.... ~. AN GRASS. POTATOES. ONS. ~ O 0 0 0 0 1W W 0~C) W 0; ~.0 ~W~ 0 ~ i 0 O W. W........ NAM1ESOF TOWNSHIPS, 0 0* 0 0 C~ ro5o CW 4 5-. W...0.' 0~. I.. 0 0.~ TOWNS, ANDCITIES. Cd 4. 4~ 0 ~ 0 0 o o 2 o. 0o 4 ~~0 D bj 0 0 0 0i E0,,Z b l 0 P ________ z ~~~~~~~~~z z 4. z zz z z z z z zzzzz 0 Sheridan.103 1061 3 263 88 756 615 1423......... 2 95...... 20 1 444 66 13 r Creek......... 2 36 4484 1816 76 1148 161 5178......... 29 25 53 18 1042 1031 417 227 82 18 54 0 3020 3 Union................................ 29 2.5 255 2............. 27 2821 1 32........ 123 8 23.. Warren................... 22 2679 122 479 397 1258 101 2 4 91 8202........ 83 978 119 86 Washiebton.79 362 24 228 88 1014 t77 1178 19 7 13 66 8107......... 65 60 16007 793 110 71 Total...3151 2649 20.27842........ I28 1789513032 ~21014 3653 110 242. 1138 125193 23 954 154 RINGGOLD COUNTY. Athens........................ 146 1291 10 884 49 197 290 1116 76 12. 22 22 1969.42. 77 195 47 71 Benton.... 17 2098 103 402 183 18 16 8 22 1588....... 50 70 42 21 8 Clinton.... 16 150 40 80 129 1204 14.................. 5 1448... 2 67 67 38 38 Graut........................... 14 1356..... 213 143 1663 7.......... 23 1620 1 90..... 31 70 11 18 Jefferson.. 61 613 17 2.310 1 509 584 1373 117 35 17 21 2320 1;20..... 103 235 39 74 i rty..141 810 11 716 15 273 272 1634 76 1 3 25 1774......10 130 604 41 Lincoln..................................2.941 411 12 1277 8 20 1391.20 2.....1... 14 3 4 57 43 14 Lot's Creek............ 84 158 241 1456......... 211 21957 1222 18 26 3 29 1162 i1 36 5 120 10 21 14 x iddle Fork......................... 12 12".1.8 1 3804 833 1291 24......... 21 16206 2 83...... 73 127 38 18 Monroe..... 696 5680 5 381 251 341 808 16.. 16 1355 7................. 42 Mount Ayr.................. 285 226 5 276..... 942 1111 1978 21 38 81 24 i225................ 24 104 69 59 Rie............................5 2 1 1 1 4 3 10 18 15 Tingley............... 76 1062 2 28. 32 48 718......................10. Union.................. 68 496 1 180..... 103 173 8010 17........... 9 872....... 2 36.......35 9 Washington............... 86 648 24 2195..... 225 258 1749 38........... 32 2283....... 5..... 41 313 40~ 22 - Total....................1731 13764 173 16587 116 3887 4866 28770 587 149 300 300 23676 5 370 10. 6775 145 998~ 431 SAC COUNTY. Boyer......1067.................. 17 1739........... 215 38 Clinton 66..............................8 8 4 7 Eden......735......16 1007...17 175 1 3.Jackson............................ 42 342 9 l i~ ~ 1ii4 82..; 1596.........4.............2 82. 1226 5331 67 Levey.117 760 16..167 72 1523.......... 33 402 12 33 Sa.................10 60 7529 87 7 331432 40..... 352644.... 448 115 17 WalLake..................7 569. 7 4 736 17..... 11 2008 16 112 405 31 35. Total............................ 1 1162 29 2889 87 195 191 9773. 80 3 6 191 15169 16 2 263 3271 4867 201 SCOTT COUNTY. Allen's Grove.......1.............. 50.1050 937 811 92 20... 81 7856 1 250 Bluie Grass..................................... 40 2024 978 1330 687 27 18 23' 196 12944 49 6 800 2.80 35 Buffalo, exc. of town.1 40 2793 1243 1563 69 29 25 46 247 11620 1 54 5 280 350......... B utler........................... 1 32 2363 1495 1773 338 148............ 95 7640............ 2 282 105.... 5 Cleona.... 2364 491 656 1263. 10 10 212 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~481 13501. 1710 Davenport, exc. of city.............. 21 2010 3389 19.36 258 739 11 48 95 665 42405..1 1170 106 16330 720 3.273 76 Davenport, city of.13........................7 57 60........... 6 16- 1035 5 1100............. Hickory Grove..............................2708 612 846 1675 63 4 11 353 24822........... 2 195 034. 8.... Le Claire, exc. of town.............. 1 65 1264 1534 1655 243 14 25 47 77 7974........... 2 3209 3-421 177 64 Total.'...................'................I —-~l —~ / —38 25 26 75l —~9l —...[...........-...-........[ 40........8...... Liberty..................1 20 605 2431 1851 4........ Lincoln................ 2621 740 903 841 30 22 72 301 25095.....8 1260 30 14 Pleasant Valley.....................i 1 87 1192 161 2105 226 10 102 164 205 17529. 825 101 15748 340 2892 1 Princeton, exc. of town.... 4.770 1702 1333 772 1443 34 10 12 45 3952.........: 10 5 770......... 200..... Rockiegham.....................1 2 0..................87 609 681 304 1. 11 13 50 2690 4 600 2 110 271 166 22 Sheridan............... 3173 2278 1935 599 15 5 8 405 3335. 1 185 375. Wintield......................... 1 34 2084 747.887 1338...... 13 3S 199 15700...... 2 145 50........... Total.3 3.16 31132 17535 2041................. 318 571 3222234836 28 381 244 36804 2937 6988 344......... 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~K SHELBY COUNTY. 4-i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 -OG-' l 0 IIUN GARI- SWEET ____________ __ _ POTATOES.___FLAX. R:I o AN GRAS S. POTATOES. ONIONS. f o u~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ o............. NAMESOFTOWNSRIPS,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.... ~.... -~.... ZZ'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.E..o..'5 l s l o ~n~ TOWNSANDCITIES.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IZ~ ~.... zl4 Ca) 4-4 0 04 0 0 0... 01 u, 00 ~ 0C 0 0 0 0 0 - ( 3.0 a~~~~~~~ 9o a~~~~~~ a o~~~~~~ o~~~ ~~~ a ao 3 a L a 0.0 a7571 9..1 GreeleDy. TIE.. 1C 110 15, 300 8 204 4 43713 4 28 82 12 7 Grove.. ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~.10- 1026.. 314..158 430 494 3778....89 Harlan...17 900.12 24 1626.8 50 91 2688 1 0 Jackson... 3 270.. 681....1~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 816.... 1 M81 119.. 37 5 7 21171 Shelby..... 25) 231 1065... 19 2706 38 1 160 70 104 Union...........................................625 215...... 11 2 1200...... 6......30 184 1 4 3 Wesughlas.............................. 0........740 18 1 10 70851................ 2................. Toalriw................... 8 738... 3 9308 91.... 3 309 16768 3 9 2 0 4 41 2 332 1 24203.. 1 9 240.... 1064 3441 231 327 Freloyd................... 5 3...... 1 0.......455630......21 0 4735..... 1.1.... 2 8 17 1 Grant....................... 7 105.. 310 712............. 8512..... 18307 40 3770.. 3598 89.... F Holland................. 178 39 1 00 266... 10 20 12360..... 1 3 912 2788.75 9 22 254 Linckoln........37..... 467................ 6880................ 410 149....................I..... 4 Mnassau................ 662 1823 2 197................ 137601...... 517 1 16785 3.... 7..... 39....... 15.... 13..... Reading.. 821 358 1 1.. 8891... %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~39 21 51 33 220 925..........6,"3441 14.....p.... Rock.................................. 30 85.........1479.2........ 75..124 20 3.. Settler................. 5 18........... 8. 696....7214.......3............ 7 214 71 160 3 1... Sheridan...............120 378.......704.3............ 9 300... =.......................I.........,.........'......... Total. I 6411 1690 181 586......... 18 20. 4 10 3721 7720. 3 12 7 7 41 6 4 STORY COUNTY. Ames, town of.......... 83 3 6 12 2 439. Collins..... 425 3700 23 2169 20 148 96 18881......... 32 2475 1,72 2....... i. 69.....:.................. 7':,::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..........:::...6 24 79 1 Frainklin............ 37 168 26 1852 80 946 351 1947 175 4 4 59 3882.1 60 1751 40 35 Grant................................ 576 4680 7 424........ 1 81 52 2575......... 22 46 62 3901. 103 33 47 170 67 Howard.17 1089.. 280 71 4395~~; 87 5 16 50 3604. Howard............................. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~.................. 1 09..... 28 71 49 7 5 1 0 30..................................... Indian Creek.................... 481 4152 20 1415 44 609 578 2467 28....... 52 3533 3 99 3 72' 2,93 99. 84 La Fayette......................................... 4 446... 115 93 3021 113... 34 1813......... 4......... 8........8 o 10 7 Lincoln.....178 1047 3 162 12 57 30 1030 3.... 9 29 1217.............. 29 242 46 25 o Milford................ 179 1353 10 455 8 213, 177 3804!..................... 473......... 5.60 697 70 88s Nvada, xc. of town 278 2212 13 1059 63 220 303 2462 20 23 57 65 4924......... 127 36 539 145 107 Nevada, town of.......... %..:............................................ 18 24 317......... 2 3 17 1650 2 137..... 162 114 6 New Albany.... 231 1912 9 348 5 186 147 2083 78 18 41 50 4286.. 1 1 145 4 Palestine............................ 351 2956 19 1566 93 90 3507 30.................. 61 445......61.454... 17 210 86 36: Richland............................ 97 630 7 211 5 2.3 16 1863.........128 48 81 2395.........5 50 82 252 Sherman............. 82 766 11 838..... 62 4 1011 28 10 20 25 1829..... 11 1 23 109. 22 Uriion............... 1289 9155 15 948..... 131 60 3894 2.9 20 40. 63 5194 1 35..... 5 118 430 64 Warren. 1.6 96 1 32.........4......... 17.48 20 8 Washin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -I......'..... e o Wahntn x.A e 116 884 16 1441 54 424 272 2849 4 2 5 703 6412 18 2 1121 14 307 142 C Tot-al 428 33717. 2029 14 21 69237701 305543 6331 13 81 84582 7 980. 91 6901 3212. 2446 1056. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~5......................1 428 18o2I91 30,3. 29 84 58 TAMA COUNTY. Buckingham....................... 2 180......1230 1238 1597 105......... 40 4451 6......... 621 736! 12801 66 Carlton...353 2608 19 947 214 549 678 1486'675 24 31 80 C 510 1 53 1 591 5011 431 41 Carroll.~~~~~::' -6 664 28 94 64 954 26. 31 41 96! 31 Clark.................. 18.123 1 50...... 632 822 1400 312 2 3 47 3864..... 29'..... 211 128 166 18 Columbia.............. 96 694 9 1160...... 548 357 774 10........... 7t4 52821.... 351:......... 21..... 39 Crystal. 12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ 100 11 21..3 363 1285 16...3635...390!450. Geneseo...................................... 56 1084 778 1266 468............ 49 4838............3............... Grant.12 150....~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~209 139 910 42......... 301 25.6 150. Highland.............. 232 2.356 1 145...... 623 A439 1388 4.5.......... 451 40251.............. 5 4231 21 23 Howard ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-58.-405 -5 -474 218 805 753 1353 112 20 41 121....................... 1871... 56 Iin dian Village, exc.- of..I II Montour.............. 101 701 11 851..... 794 722 1460 11 21 4 100 7191...:. I..817' 21 81 -.z Lincoln................ 92 8501....... I1........ 581 19 868 1151 23 45 28 33915'1-::.-.... 400...... t TAMA COUNTY.-CoNTINUED. 0 o HUNGARI- - SWEET OIIS FLAX. SORGHUM. POTATOES. ONIONS..04 AN GASPOTATOES.'H.'0 40- 1~ r. ~ W ra0e ~00~ (V 4 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~o. ~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~o ~ S'H9 p 0 TOWNS, ANDCITIES. 4.,.,-4 4- 4-0 0. - - - gon t w..........,..0.0.......... 0 Q 05) a) 9~~) Pbs Pi~~~n 9a 9 gi'. 9 Montour, town of... ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~.30 40 0 15 2,:Z P Oneida.39................................1.........21'....'..'5' 5 21.....7 4 Otter'Creek.41 469 5 632 283 1694 47 7 14 481 49091. 25 1 7 34 6 9 CI'. Perry, exe. of Traer. 124 1151. 1 110. 5 1698 488 1916 307.................. 521 5,8241lo 10....... 1 195 805 16. Otteriiad2 224C....439 450 995.. 2 63 46571.... 54 13.. 59... 72 Richland~~~~~........................ 48 39696 511 481409......... 2 5 0......... Salt Creek..............8 704...... 682 612 1093 20. 60 48.96...80.....40 Spring Creek..................... 3411 3307 4 295 14 656 219 1727 303.................. 58 56511......................... 12 48 72 7 Tama, exe. of Tama City.....20.... 12....... 20 80 88 248 293 5 4 12 5 680 1........ 15 195 805. 1 Tama City, town of......114 114.1..............1551............................. Richland...........................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~61207.::::.l7...........71 5 Toledo, exc. of town.1 150 377 3133 876.9221...23... 66 27.. 7 3.61 Toledo, town of................28 200 30......... 10 273 297.........1. 9 927..... 3 Traer, town of 8.......................... 2].....1 100......... 542............ 9 8212546 402 4431601 9 4 1 3........................... Y ork.........................!.........I 8 1.............! 8 ~ 6 2 10938 83........... =9 6...0................................ Total..................... 142: 12529 132 90471 1589 15644 10169 27667 2724 141 166 1 95041 2 372 1 280 52311 3459 585 TAYLOR COUNTY. Bedford, town of. 2 9 5. 1........ 5 6.................. ]....... 12...... Benton, exc. o'f BTeafor...5 475.30212229........... 3 Clayton............................ 33 215 9 809 463 462 1302 39 49 52 37 3958.. 147 80 98 47 12 Dallas.........................66 5271 1 1313 40 136 131 1688 12 19 30 3203.. 1 148......... 7.192 48751 37 Gray..............................1 I 14 6 518 252 1 80 3642 331 487 631 20........1 66 126.......... 11t2......................... Grant..42455 4398 9 28 36 792 251 312027 1................... I.......................... Groer........................6 452 1.5 641 551 522 10 15 1293....... 23 2 173 60 Grove~~~~~~~~~~...............................I......... 66 46.5......... 2[.....4 Hlolt........................................ 9001 88651 SI 591 178.::... 1 109I 0......... I 40 3782......... I........... 13 Jackson.....................1............. 131 401 3 291 40 681 672 8701 101....511.....41 26 1762................................ JeT son.7 7021 25 272 3471 7391 1341........ 181 13361'.1.1 31 00 71 ll0......... 17 3............ 12..................... I........... Mason....,........................... 2~ 1209[ 106 1041 131[ 1~351 10[ 40[ 53[ 391 32811.........I' 117]......... oo [ 132[ 361' 1'151 Nodaway..............,............ 713~ 24 219[ 116] 14841 4[ 19[ 57[ 251 34.65/.........[ 50l' 1] 96[ 109[ 9 95[ Platte................................[ 44[ 415 ST/......... 188[ 864[ 15] 4[ 121 15, 2369],........t 85[ 6~ 465] 341[ 3241' 471[ 4~ 128[ u — Polk................. 20,.'..............] 20[ 218 6] 2581 1330I.... I..... 341 55] 431 3336].........]186[.........[1211 71[ 35] Ross:.................................. 2~31 I 51 64 8161 21 13071 471 33 361 50[ 85O21 8/ 2401.........I 421 75/ 53/ 14 Washington..................... 416[......... 220 11391 341 46[ 86] 40t 2617........./ 61........./ 41 15[ 25[ 161l TOtal......... [ 52[ 569] 91......'............{ —~2~I 12161 -— ~]~ 315 g3141 3395, 1 —~I —~] —-~ -— ~t —~ 4-'-~] —-— 4] —~1 —-~ — ~1-~] —-8-~ T~14 UNION COUNTY. Dodge l::2~:2;;:[ 1791 19[......... 10 38] 24] 4 ~og~,e~.o~O~,on.. ~ lS~.................. ~l~I ~"I.................. ~0 14 875:::::::::l.........I 7......... 775[ 901 50 o~ant............................................ ~~6::::::2.....'~l.....'~i]"'"/~[ZZ:::m 2120 285.............................. 100 ~ I............'~6..... c~ 1114 16 219 [ ttighland............... 3374!111111ill.................. 3981 4791 17041 81......'~ ]......'~ t 2402:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 200/..... Jones..................................~ [x-j 12 104 14 871[ ~. 060 ~0~ ~l ~~~1 12 1~2~6~1"....... 1~ 5102 201......... 17 2941 Lincoln.............................. 257 2098.........'87[ H61 161!...........................[ 40......... 5 ~ rjO 211 2 l~IewHope........................ 555......... 3201 435 5741 50 5 5 2~22 8 12631 119 6091 5091 1242! 451 211 38 ~4[ 1572 Platte................................. 2439 1121.........i 65[ 1101..... 8 C~ 160 1381 Pleasant 144 1271.~] 10 1115!......... 418/ 435 708] 4501 90t 178 1~!1 2665 58198 36 r-tl Sand Creek..................... 4611 10..... 2772 I 961......... 10411 88 10121 1171 4110 ~.........1.........I 441 228! 31 Spaulding.. 552] 161 -........I 441 551 7261 ~0l.........'........' 1748 125[ 51 10931 250] 841 ~ ~:~ 2166".....9I....8~J.........16481 7681 15801 761.....'59]....139 621 5291 94.........] 8 134! 271 16 [~ Union, exe. of Afton........ ~il 6................ o...................... VANBUREN COUNTY. Bentonsport, town of................................................................. o.............. ~I......'~.... 7771......... ~rm~.g~,~o~o,...... 7i'i ~1~,,......... o~I........~I ~I ~I ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~*~I ii:iiiiii Bonaparte....................... 47091 2 ~......... t~antril, town of.................. i542.....: 70......... Cedar..................................... ~..........g~ 400,].........'"'~[i''34.... ~J47'"~95....~'7 2~2~......ii[....~i'i]......iSI.....'F~ Chequest ~1 36 4504 1295 11691/ 601 285........................... 1156......... lg~l ~4 ~o 53171........2211 101 1191 557t 166[ 91......... 59011 16/ 809t 261 272 Farmingtonexc. oftown I:~:::~::: I ~ 1774 771 11691 10681......... 223[ 60 861 113 12873] 4 Itarrisburg.............................. ]~ 1477 1315 5529 2814......... 9713[ 1 63[ 4792[ 1 60...............,..[ 48 ttenry.................................................. 30...................[ 187[ 544 897 1429 1145.........::59/ 99 2732l 123 39231 56/...... 884 46431.......21 92 ~ 44 8131 227 848 Jackson, exc. of Cantrig. 189......... 70 4151 32 3078 4118 4 27531 I4:eosauqua, town of.........' ~ ~...................................... 225t!I"' IAck Creek......'.............'~'"2i68....49~1'"266'3i"'i67''2 116 0 11111!.......... Union, exc. Birmingham......... 22] 46 4679 OO 11 867 41931 2793 2500.......... 3657 VanBurenex. Keosa'qua 23 2585] 42261 2265 2116 30 798 57 611 100 1291......... 21 152[ 9564[ 3561.......... 901 378 ] ~ 45. 161 263 ~a VAN BUREN COUNTY. —CONTINED. ~~~~2..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HNAI SW-.~ ~T FLAX. SORGHUM. S HUNGASS. POTATOES. SWET OOS. ________.0 ~~ ~ ~~Cd.0 AN GRASS. POTATOES, ____.. 0;-4 00 i O 0 0.3 0 0~~~~~ aTAMEaOFTOWSOm Du 1o 1IPS, C) Ow 0 oS a 0 a = ='; 0 a'2 011 D 0 0 5 niQ)0 I 4z ~ 0n 0 0 0 0 0 0';-j;-4 0.0..4.0. 0.0..04 _______ z z z z z z z z z zz z z 1 z z Vernon................................... 2 2261 1656 2095 1642 171 1008 62 125 41 4655 1 106 37 142 11 Village........................... 22 3155 829 1646 1519 3 470 16 6 62 7281 1 69 50 642 66 Washington, exc. of Bentonsport............................. 2 138 150 956 1054......... 1173 11 13 2375 12 2 13 4. Total........ 70 415 282 30005 26531 32884 25209 592 28578 888 1120 806 81728 20 2144 23 498 3979 286 2528 WAPELLO COUNTY.H Adams............................ 46 4429 13871 2658 1140 1 38 117 181 92 9320...... 363'.-.... 110 I238 27 99 Agency, exc. Of town................ 3 491 10181 890 504 6 126 19 26 56 5137...... 142..... 44 423 61 49 Agency City, town of.............................. 4 6,66..... 118..... 3 2,44 1 10 Cass.. 14 934 145~~~~~~~~~~~~Yi 906 41 0 1..46 3686 1 22..... 7 28..... 29 center, exc. of Ottumwa............. 26 3412 1773 2400 1704 186 212 46 59 325 35832 10 1539 3 248 2224 810 349 Colnmbia, exc. of Eddyvyule.......................... 27 2836 519 2467 1251 46 30 5 6 51 7305..... 38. 4 107..... 14 Competine....................... 12 1415 1317 3142 1873 66 2632 30 60 58 5,590.339.......... Dahilonega......................... 5 352, 2219 1313 1006...... 273 9 13 I8 6969:::::....8.7 1.......... Eddyville, town of......1....0......... 0O........... 3.....1..... 8 7 Green.. 41 4704 609 1222 1023 12~~~~- 22 61 93 126.. 13380....42... 1655 25 74 Hig~fland.......................... 22 2399 650 2148 1445~ 227 91 SI 9 110 12081..... 30..... 6 180..... 5 Keokuk........................... 24 13241 2144..... 373 111 27 281 42 106 10011..... 37....jI..... 6 382..... 15 Pleasant.................... 26 2847 3797 2146 1162 170 1242 53 48 59 6743..... 131 4 9 275 8 42 Polk............................ 30 3038 315 1784 951 6 17 32 32 83 7876..... 43. 19 216 1 71 Richland...............21 2158 211 31 243 97 181 4 4 234 25311.. 30.....140......... Washington, ex.. of Eldon.......:.... 24 2321 1054 2332 1299 202 643 71 150 42 3780..... 32 60......... 122 12 9 Total........................ 321 ~327601 15258~ 27138~ 166451 1440 55351 480 723 1465 1514471 11' 26611 7 5281 7521 1056 814 ..........................' 10 1030 no 782~ 63s{ s86{ 9{ 4{ 9 60{ s5671.........l n4t......... 107 { 3771 13 ~e~........... ~0~, ~, 103~ t{elmont.................... ~,.........,........., ~ ~,......... ~......... ~, ~0~I:....... Greenfield-.........................~....207 148 32~ 2s ~.56 ls~l 972f 202 771 51 141 461 42401......... 251......... 133........ 11~ Indianola, town of........... I.45,-,'. 70[ 1271........' 21 3[ 141 43 48801~:~...... ii[:~:'.~.............208,......... Jackson............................. ""~ "'~'J5~ i~ "'J'gg~...... 5091 8471 766',........I 5/ Jefferson........................... 201868 ~ 580/ 5761 908 6.........[ [......... Liberty.............................. 2715213 [ I 51] 2&[ "'3'8 14'.....72....59i 20[ 1859 7301 6871 40~ 1191. 51 9[ 57 4457]~[:~:]~] 114 i~[[[ 11 Linn.................................. 3681 55 17~ 12 1255 669 564[ 1107[ 1502 5[.........[.........[.02 1955]............................................................;i![ Palmyra............................ sl4' 1691 118 8 916......... I ~4~ 63(i[ 729l 299........I.........[.........[ 76 8958i....... 1%ich'land...... 21 18~ ~]~]]]:': 19..................... *.....10.....'~ 16[. 1394 159 523] 731[ 49 15l 51] 45'i 58 6261......... Squaw............................... 23{ 1945 3841 381l 7~5.........[.........{......... 50 2504......... I! 203 137i'123'.106 ~n~o~................................ ~, ~0~ ~ ~.........I.........' ~1 ~~ ~ ~.......... ~ ~'! ~ 1111[ ~'~ 11461 3 48.......... 59 ~irginia..................................... 2 19': 1895 i 520 453.043.......... 41.........' 36 3508 Washington, exc. of In281 30[.......... dianol~........................... 3i69 41 485 1445 2742 3252 943 641 25' 40].19[ 20873 272......... 480.........! 421 2 ~VhiteBreast.................... 91 697 3958 743 727i 542......... [ 23[ 22i 16[ 3003.....,... 1211..........'79[ 161 ~ White Oak.................. 114 1014 9 870 62 608 600]'~-~9 4091 111 144...... 30: 46l 409~.........[ 59]......... 2H Total............~...............'-~ 581'81197i~ 44'57 3-~, 1 —~; l.~ -~[ —~1-~1 —95711~ --— ~t~1...~ ~1-~1 —i-~ -— 7~ ~i WASHIS'GTON COUNTY. p~ ~1 I.........I ]3riehton, exc. of town............. i.................. ~i~i[!]!!ii 109~ 633 1096 9521. 275 145[ i i 26.! 3064 [ [ [ /]righton, town of............ 117 185 163] 20 ~ 381.................. 6! 622 9 Cedar.................................'.....20....'~0 16:37 8 14[ 45 3464 1743l 429 360[....... 461 5664 ii~;[~:......8() i~]i:~[.......'4 3......g~ 55 P;J Clay.................................. 26 2674 1821 1605 1433[ 22 439[ 39, 5032......... 326.1..........[ 17[ 176[ 18 45 Crawford........................... 2 317........ 18 137[ 37 44? 3.~ 4004 22~ 3012 1.90] 222 138[ 81 8415'....'~ 293[ ~ I)utch Creek..................... 80 - 3814 1506 2202 18371 71 5951 75 8930....... English River.................. ]...... "'"'6~ 3375 3455 1728 2050[ 417 132[ 461 5518 [11~i[....122[ [ I 35 Franklin............................... 375 2825 2968 2421[ 733 391] 52 4903......... 4......................................'~S'0[ 291 26'~ 991 1677 1728[ 623 ~5[ 16 27!] I 1[ /-Iighland.......................... 3 43 2407 734 2760 1895] 395 430]......i'0 49 4986......... 25........I........' [ [ I~wa.................................................... 73 6747........................... 4....202[....20i Jackson.......................................... 1589 2147 2014 2136[ 701 495/ 11 51 8199........ 18......... 5 51 l ~.~ 2593 39 3407 2314 1770[ 347 23~]...... 7[... 17 i~Iarion.............................. 7674 46 36 3955'"i'102 190i 2162[ 38 222i...... 133......... 32 481......... I 39 1631 17 Oregon............................... [""13'2 "'i'4i'2 30 3082 7721 3540 2126~ 375 584[ 10 70 10 5~1.........[ 13 14......... Seventy-Six...................... 3 169 20 2602 682[ 1935 1435 769 222......... 70 7130 0 50 ~Vashington, ex~. of city 3869 23281 3055 110................. 5 1 13290 256 ~Vashington, city of................................. I 1 85 4 197 429 324 ] 469........................... ~o~............................,-~ -~-~[ ~-~ ~-~ ~1 ~-~ ~-~I~ —~-~-~ ~0-~ —~1~ 6 ~-1~,-~, ~ WAYNE COUNTY. FLAX. SORGH.UM. - U POTATOES WEET ONIONS. o o o ~~FLAX ~. SORG.6IUM. ~: | O AN GRASS. POTATOES. O 0 c M 0 | - ) ) 4)* 23 O3 ~ i O rt O rt~ ni w |n Oo g ~ M 53. |85; ) Ul,~ 5) 5) r: b.O 5) h5 5).5 5).8 n.8 no no noQ Q NAMES OF TW4 N IP 5 0 0.0 K no. n C3 5) ~C 3 5 z z t t t g t t. t t t - t _ 55 z %-. W Qd;., o o) o, o o.~~.~~.~~.o~~~.o,~~~.o.o~~~. IC~ ________ ~~~ z z z z z z z z ~~~z z z z z z z z4 z z z Benton................... 2 18 2088 97 2621 1819 771 3961 310 477 24 3439 84 15 187 5 206 Clay................72 573 17 1906 48 983 758 716 161 301 408 41 3026 35 3 103 173 12 131 Clinton.................... 36 2463 861 432 327 564 122 181 187 40 2868 12 2 38 466 3 37 Coryonexc.of town 44 140 25 2086 200 375 91 113.10 231 377 50 4211 90 3 6 400 17 86 Corydon, town...................................... 13 1226 712 8 422................ 10 1232 82 11 67 50 41 Grand River, exc. of 4Lineville..... 4 17 191 1191.......... 712 9171 219 253 244 28 2285 1 23 20 50 447 5 74 Howard.......................... 10 60 17 1496 81 546 411 5215 330 51 56 22 1422 20.301 28 Jackson................ 90 920 8 65,5!...... 570 57 8 695 286 254 374 26 1122...... 461 1 28 4761 80! 65 Jetterson...................24 17401 10 684 689 62.3..... 288 3021 36 365-7..... 150..... 95 924 28 51 Monroe................ 7 79! 7 895 4 1097! 650 545 825 100 117! 14 1519..... 2.13.... i 195 75 -40 z Richui ownan.......9...581. 1188........ 1095 42 67.... 9 2 7! 28 1817..............25................ Seymour, town of.......17.. 2~~~~~~~~ 38 4! 1!33..... 5..... 4 90.1 5 South Fork............ 65 420 19 1586 ~ i 1256 487! 2310 33 41 3 325 8 9 8 5 Union........... 15 1568 125 2233 1623 714 674 214 281 36 3583..... 31..... 32 432 32 112 Walnut, exc. o~fiSeymour 70 725 21 756 90 2227 1972 790 280 301 656 46 4416..... 73..221 316 16 57 Warren, exe. of Allerton 5 40 9 823.... 1175 807 565 62 350 650 2 5194..... 54 5 210 10 53 Waqhington...16.94.. 44.122 895 461 219 359 33 2.554 84 1 67 294 45 76'Wright........................... 28 2020 246 1285 1870 360 14 429 759 36 4550 1 115..... 3 965 99 135 Total................. 367, 2976, 288. 24729, 1055, 21289 16797. 9929, 9120- 3828. 5699 508. 50317 21 954 30 735 6068, 495, 1252 WEBSTER COUNTY. clay............................ 1 81............ 732................... 4 430.62...........8........... Cofxlfa............................. 59......548.1008.20 11.....................1210............ Dayoton.........37.....3469.......73.. 64 5301. 7 6 50.... 2. 4 3 31 73.....7315.......405..... 415......P Deer Creek.....7432......................................... ~,.......... 57 4372................................ Douglas.................... 21 100......221 11 3094........................ 108 9864..1......0.................. 1001.......... 22 Elkhorn.8 708....................... 2131...........362661......... 1 5 272 2 10 Fultorn........................ 1 136........................... 725.....................130 2. 6................................. 1 0 Fulto n 1....136......................................6.................. 725 1130............................. Gowrie........................................18.............,.......................~~ ~~~~~I... ~~ ~~~~~.~. ~~I~..~~ I~~~~. ~ 41i. ~~~~~... ~.~... 1 2 5... ~. I~... ~ ~~~~~I ~~. ~~I~~~ ~I~~.. ~~ ~~~~~ tHardin...............13 1506 9 16....... 1401......................... 20 2180................................................. Jackson 9 466 12 4 966..................,...... 4 6... 675 6198.................................... 500......... 50 Johnson................................; 1656......... 6 309......... 5i 6 3176....................... 66 5769............................ 3 875 16 13 Johnson...6395617..6656..3 875103 Lost Grove...................... 10 100 7 227 994............ 10 947......................2.... 2 Newark...................................... 2 261 2.............. 428..10 755......9.............. 7 29 8 Otho... 6 466....... 25 12 1200........................ 29 1904........ 6 15 105 2 6 Pleasnf Valley~~~~i~~i~~~.. I....... I....... 1 21~ 286,,...... 1 6 6 1041,.............,,,,., 35 755........... Pleasanthoal 2 286......... 6 6 1604......................... 35 i19o.................... 20 195 11 26 Pleasant Valley......2.8. 610.. 3519.. 20 19'12 Sumner............. 16 74' 11 1056 3 20 14 2010..45 3490 21......... 23 339 53 54 Wahkonsa, exe. of Ft. Dodge.............................. 107....................... 30 30 401065 2............... 954173........... 29 420 27 40 Washington............................. 16 1651......... 570 2320............ 3..... 34 4559.....................25 Webster.....................,...,...... 35 2850....2 39 50.1209 1........ 11 18 39 2911................'......... 40 174 82 74 Yell.................................. 762........... 5 75......... 1 28 3 500................................................................... Total....................... 133 174 17 14882 44 250 782 30660 2 28 50 811 67423... 33......... 135 4375 216 353 ci: WINNEBAGO COUNTY. Center................... 21. 240........................... 2629.................. 36 2455............... 70 455..... Forest............... 21 41 1389......... 30 2062 2 6 80 Iowa.....................................................2........... 23 1623......... 28.. N o r w a y........................................................................................................... Pleasa8nt................................................................... 0 1 17 0........ 3 2 6......1 2 3 ~~~~~~~~~~............................... 13 991......... 2............... 6 6 Pleasant...150 3169 11...................... 11 17 3231 Burr Oak......................................1085 1200 378 195................. 61 8195.26 615... Ca~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i'rnar"'221 2218..2640... 21.3 12.... Canoe...........................998 1166 562........................ 140 7027.....:...... 11 463 4 8 Decorah, exc. of city...................... 129 1128 1311 802..................... 40 5226 28 210 7...... 75 2261 357 45 WI~rNNESH3IEKELCOUNTY. Frankvi Il............,,..,........ I....................... )......... 1493 194 668 235.....,........,........ 60 6032 5................................... 250 1605 7. BFremon.............................671 505 335..........5 5..3.... 5 55...5............... 1 3...2 7 20 Glenwood.........................3...1..... 3...... 837826 2 82 33......... 49 41 13........ I13 7 40 Hesper...................9........ 134 1772 500 941......... 47 6030...... 16 651 1471 220 highlfand.....1......... 13 125.7.... 2 3................. 2 1 Burr~-~w00 Oak......................,.,,,.,., I........................... 2 3 1086 12(0 38 1229 353........8...1.......... 39 239 1 0 C Calmar~~,..................,...,,,.,.,,... 5 45..,...... 1-517 0 ~1.....,,.,,, 4 600 Jl,. gln.........,,................... I...... 2 13,..,., 10S6 24 703 5 3 2 3.i...,5.,. i[ 6171 20 O WINNESHIEK COUNTY.-CONTINUED. HT-TNGARI-SWEET4FLAX. SORGHUM.. H G POTATOESSE ONION Ca_______.. 9.3 AN GRASS. POTATOES. S c~o c7.~ o o Ii o....... cc~....~ 5 3 Q 3 c ).... i2 W NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, 0 0 ~ ~ c. c; c 3 9 3..........................~~~~,...................................... M~~~di ~so................ 78 589 237[......0::21t7 75!.............. 31..........0 TOWNS,ANDCITIES. tr... 9 3 6 1 1.I 0[ 02... 5 55... oU o0 o 0o~o 0~ C. 0o w 4. o ~ ~ Sc~ 4*Z 59 0 c3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 00 O~~~~~~~~~~~0.~~~~0c.08 Cac 0 bd 0 bD:Zq; Pi.0.0 0. 0 0.0.0 0~.0c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~........ s o l no _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __~~~~~z 1 z z 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z z Jackson............................... 7..... 177 108 22941 214........... 72 6060..................I 3631 6 20 Lincoln.148............................122........ 18 2070.46.......4645..... 4556.200........ 0........ Madison.............................780 589 2817 6.. 77 2725.... 312 3.i Military............................ 36 2203 934 691 1942 12.3.......... 120 1042-5..................... 445 550..... Orleans............................... 909 934 1737 604...57 6551'......3............ 18[ 1145 23 19 Pleasant............................. 293 888 954 919 25 1 3 51 5254....600 42 6 Springfield................................................... 263 264 1818......................... 3727.185. Sumner~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.10 66028. 8489 Su m ner.......................................... 106 6 8 22.........I............... 88 89........................................................ Total............................I......... I......... 5 1375168901 158441 15726 25567. 4756- 15. 26 1567 100314 31 244 2 691 10202 4984. 610 WOODBURY COUNTY. Arlington........................................ 1 4 4 175............ Concord....................................................... 30... 1163......................................12 540........ 70...........55 Fldroyd......................................................... 78279..................4 155........................... Kedron....9 679.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. Lakeport...................................................... 3-0-2-.... 14 8 75.........................26 6 4 Liberty..............................2......105....... 24 12......44 2206 1 100 1 175 230 644 55 Listtl Sioux.................................................... 22............. Move................................... Rock.e Sioux............................................. 460...................4......... 281........ 82 Sioux City, city of...... 3 6.......21. Union............................................. 150 1......... 3 30 1580............... 19 160 51 60' West Fork..................2 281........... 2236................. 28798............ 2 259 218 105 34 Woodbury.................................................. 2092 9 20 49 4910 1 150 3 192 75 795 85 L...j Total.I 51 492 211 12 ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~18573.... 24 70 285 17812 3 325 7 716 1098 1769 309 WORTH COUNTY. Bristol................................ 4............. 322 33 30 2706 22 44 38 3327..........17 39 12 32 Brookfield....... 2096...............15 809.. 2 282........6 a..... 5 791 12 1477 25 30 188 42 35 Deer Creek............................................. 20.. 16 26 658 7 1..5 17 1955.. 2 428 24 6 Fertile..... 3 3 1643......... 17 1786.. 142 192 419 14 Hart....... 0.. 12 13 3354.7......30 2440.....20. Kiensett.......................................1101 7 8990 3 6 21 1579.6205 Northwood.......... 8... 173 233 222 1 1 56 3311................... 33 38 Silver Lake 4.195.1................505..2 100 3 Union~~~~01[.......67[ 990 16....2932..3.021.1. Total.~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~10 7-27......316 408 18471 135 36 661 259.1209. 25256 2804 57521158 Bel..onthod.... 2122131016....3814... 135.....4...4 Bolvone....... 1009152....8 541.................. 19 4 Clarion.......................................................................... 32 21 764 2...........................241 35 Eagle Grove........................................ 8 646 45 78 44 1616........................... 1029.........1..15 52. 36 101 Iowa................................ 348......... 27 2264..................... 475 43 15 Liberty................ 1 2i 48 6 82 1502................ 14 132.3..... 3...... 250 506 62 18 Pleaant........................... 3 1 20......... 31 50 148628 1790.1 88 286 32 20 Troy...............95 13 1109 21. 2336 45 80 50 3062.. 21 633 79 77 Vernon.... 8 65.......... 36 15 1033 16...27 1890...12 722 20 108 WallLak..........................69..2 96..... 14. 1219....17.. 17 1................... Totalr.1018 39 375 412 312.13468 16 45 80 245 17313......... 3 1 386 3521 311 356 ]Eagle Grove..................... ~:::~:::::::::::........~}... 6~'6::::::4i......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ACRES OF TIMBER, RODS OF HEDGE, AND STATISTICS OF THE ORCHARD AND VINE. oo ADAIR COUNTY. CHER 0 GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN APPLES._ PEARS._PEACESPLU M. RES. - VINEYARD. VINEYARD. NTAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWN& - Kq _ -~ ce-~ AND CITIES. Cai. i.~ ~~o.5 ii j 0fi. i). i C).0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 bo - p0- 0. 00 8 — or-, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E _ _4 z.00 LI~ Eureka........................................... 1 16............................. 1555......131 110 I I I 161 600~~..................................... 1 89511...... Fontanelle, town of....... 18 1021i................. 49 9 166 16 321 2584...... 619 895. n' Grand River............................... 576 67 16231 487 261.6......' " 6......... 80 5 2 2574...... 1 099 2651 r i148, 43 35g50 5...............0......... 6 42........................ 6108....... 1354 530...... Greenfield~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~......................I:.19 Grove........................................... 126 38 1384...4.... 111896... 573............... Harrison.................................... 1075 21 2370' 381 350 2. 41 2 12 6752... 1462 4085 Jackson........................................ 708 18 1396.................................... 44 6 351 5897.... 400. 939 135. Jefferson..................................... 776 63 4072 829 755 10....4.' "i' 6.......... 32 20 13521 7181..... 1968 760 4 L~incoln........................... 9 9 11 8................................................ 80|............... 8035........... 1 0 620... Lincoln.~~~~~~~~149! 6l97 86].......I8. 8035. 1609{60 Orient.......52 2510!.........5. 999.907. I 6 1.........I5 20.............................................|............. t5 9...... 97 Prussia.............................I 29 1................I 27941...... 365... Richland~~........................ 5 6 1 1 4 0 o 8.............................. 3 25[:::5 7 4........... 0[ 3 Richan. I556 121 4405 0 8.....99 25 15 7746...10815 Summerset, exc. of Fontanelle. 191 25 2215 6 4.... 3......... 42 1 32 2845.432 23..... Sum m it..:...................:....................... 14....32....1...................................... 8 7....... 0........ 381 34 1680 94 70............. 7 2 20 8 1...... 126................ W2lnut......97.1 1.........4 00i WafshingLon..2248 1 05 156.228..... 1 1... 3 61 1.......4 6080.226854..... 0.......................................... 230 167 1......... 30 21 7I Walnt..................................9611 57141 191[.................... - Total,....... 70 289 171[ 71215 1~ 434...... ADAMS COUNTY. 01 Car]..377 21 2614 106 61.1. 14. 8 4350.689 1294. Colony.......................................... 84 79 2380 105 106 5.60 53 32 2 12 458..... 484 450...... Douglas........................................ 1468 17 1999 194 101 4 1... 2,39 9 67 2 26 3.....2 3..... 7 3........... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I".............. 5 1.........37.................. 55" 2. Grant...................140 62 5454 26 10.155225. Jasper...................................780 8 4500 214 100 2 5 20 1....75 6 3 4996............. 119 21...1.. Lincoln.................................... 359 32 4985........6260......1.....85...................../ 62.....i Mercer....14.2100 60 30........... 14 24 1. 3040 1.172. Nodwy...................................... 2184 33 43398 310 61[0 4 1 2........... 115 41 31 8.......31 87...5 1082 2510 1 Prescott..................... 784 20 33.30 1K:5 227..................1.... 49 2 10 3516. 2 4500 200 310 1750 125 Quincy, exc. of town................... 907 12 2290 249 92 4 1 9..........-.......... 71............... 2555...... 478 [ 230 20 Quincytownof.................................... 12 4......... 9 2 400........2 Union.......................................... 147 24 3050 2......... 1.............6....... 16.....766 365 Washington............................89 450 528 360 7 1......6 108 67 7 55 9205....1625 4825 2 Total.....................8687 411'41403 1929 1698 27 90 48 3 603 175 613 26 161 58730- 5 12800 553 9214 14585 155 "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C ALLAMAKEE COUNTY. Center.......................................... 1269~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~................. 983 43............... 63.............. 23 33 4, Fairview.......................... 6128....... 1 277 o......... Franklin..........................:.......... 7680....... 1 35....... 8 7....... 1.....6 2.8...70. French("re.......................... 618............ 848 287............................. 2628.. 331...... Haoer.. 70.. 20 12.o...0. 49. Iowa.........................1508 11802..10..... 4 26.......................... Jefferson....................................694.. 1295 586 13 2 06 2 0......6.. 368 11891 Lalayette.....................5439............12. 5 472 3.............. 16 2393.... 0 62 23 Lansing, exe. (f city.................5707.. 2334 756 2[ 50..... 58 16.2.. 33 1.0..... 692 230 15 Lwnsing' city of..............................20 21.................. 33'. 5288. I.8.... 20... 4 200 1 Lito.9681..... 625 409 10 30 14261..................... 44...... Ptincye, town of............... 1756t 2reek................................72 00'.........2..1...9 2807..........2 r32.434 8.........2.....8......... 2 5............. 7...... Tos tal.6of3 5 1 21 22.................4.............. 57 1 U nion City............................ 1806........................................ E... aide.............1............................'U n ion P rairie.............................. 1329.................. 434 283.........................}................ Centerlo.......................................... 12669.................. 983 149 8 66................ 13 27 6.... 95 82...... 21 7 353 48...... W aukov i t wn of 2.......................................- 14 62.............. 8 1 40...... 76................... 16 A T t l.....................................1sa 7 7,......I....... I696 2, 20 94, 84, 3 2...........20 13, 19 13 78 5 07........ 9 4. 31... 6 -16 r APPANOOSE COUNTY. |AESCHER- o GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN APPLE. PERS. E.CHES PLUMS.Cr..+ la,0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ECE PLUMS.j RIES. VINEYARD! VINEYARD. ~~~~~~~~~Lho1 DSs;~@|~6 t -*-Z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_,._7 2=, 3 0 3; 3 r E ES 30R g d c -~~~ ~ ~ S 9; S cS t' —..t..d. 809 667 100 40 1635 1421....2~ 12012ll 23571 7814 105 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~7 2 26 2,~ 92 32! *-0 —. 13 07 CC 4 07 7 2 52~0 76 142 34 102w7 86~......... 0 u 0 90 9.0 90 0.9. + -I o-09 o 4-4 4 -_q Z 24 7 6'37' 70!. 82 13 6 325 lG......3605...1217 185 137 Centr, ec. o Cenervile. 158 2 6643 2171 148 1 12 57 20 2 21 702 2..177 6100 4 07 77 2 Dogas29...0 01201 ~6 8 3 524 94 18 4608.,. 420 1835 Frnkln.2246 2 7 22 170 6 101 28 17 5 1062 316 2 8684 1g 600 185 1304 3522 3 X John.23.......................... 605 1905170 172 1357 10 8 526 2 42 8 6 1 9 9 2 8210.I 717 2309 5H Clncolln....................2473. 211713124653 12964 219 22.... 380 267 118 238 7001 1021 122 2014945... 6287 71642. Moultor, town of.Cne-.11....I8 2 6321041 644 11.12 57 2 26 4 21 712 325 5.... 1435.0.7.124 2472 7370230. Pleasnt.5074tono........................ 200 5158 2758 214 24 1206 15 76 14 3 1902 4675 257. 7540.3112 0... 30. 21006 9 13 2645 Taylor.46211 39 2 51 10706.....2152i.1325....52.....58..40...6..28...10 3880 1690,. 9461.1229;........404517 1 2018 Shugaron........................30892 2... 2102 1809 5037.0. 1 I 01 4 3 10 10 170 28'. 4476 1200,. 54 14123 1 Udelkln.........................45846 2 137009 42 225 7 25624 390 6 01 2 116 61 11942 4016 5 86351 1128. 048 11365 Iniopndn.e................... 31099. 10215 711 399 1 70 0 6123 2 492 49 354 14 175224...... 20........ 27 21474.... Walnut.............................23020 9 25007 1500 0695 17 3 161 21.... 47 1 617 197 45 5211.........83317 2600.... Wasin gtoln..... exc.......... of..Moulton..... 24749 5 171314 242513252 20 2 328 726 15 53 825 226. 12331.2072 928 162C Wells.Itw o.............. 4127... 2. 1289 2422 176 10...I.. 22 31 17 14 350....l.. 12 2 612.... 3620....... 24172 3676..72 Toeaata 62........................ 0374 141.. 15224618 543015 27524 2061 230461061 12314j 65 7 507591 34731 602508554 16 213 0!is 24485 1s5l808 6 Tauduon............................42 1610356 215219 25 521.. 01 8 1 6...... 1366......I.~.1629 4045 2 Dhaougla........................... 309 12 1105.09 90.4.. I...173 2....... 447......~ P2O... 55 11 Ueira.10........................... 562 12 50090 5638 123..5.5.2. 59 11 19 301 5 581 1 10...15,8135... Wrellsy.50............................42 14 2850.242 176 12 3 17 14.. 9.....:612:::1::::::::7186:61:7 Hamln............................... 563 12 2101 7 5........ Lelrill......................................... 1 021 5 48:..............I..... 1.................... Leroylle...............................2........ 5 86'............. Oakf~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1iel.............1..::::............... 96 17 28 32 8 Meville.. 3..86....6 Oaki.eld...................................... 138 1 1382 1 1 1529821 2 Viol3 28 1..3 6................... Tot2....................................... 843 1165749 1071 031 —...........-....106 10 156 11266.. 1......6 BENTON COUNTY. Belle Plaine, town of........................ renton:..........................:..............['"f~....... 65 18 103 10 1811329 7750 78 900 3220 40 Big Grove..................................... 709 289 11740 3049 1158........200 10 2 10867 1... 12 4360 38 Blairstown, town of................... 8......... 25 30.6........ 7 5....... 0140 1000......................~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~:........:........ "..........9 Bruce...713n'120 5740 933 525 1....... 5. 91 7 203 6...801 13560.939 3701 20 Canton, exc. of Shellsburg......... 1887 92 4235 7489 1027.....302 22..... 1887......... 253.27 1 [.1]..........I........... 2543 18287 1 Cedar........................................... 1503 169 4569 2182 348 4..7... 106 17 478 19..14172.....1322 2470 8 Eden........................................... 225 8767 1180 400 1.337 52 201 17 56 11105 2 800 3 973 3514 15.., Eldorado..................................... 5 220 9792 632 2281 1....38 1 19 2 559 8200....1670 440 49 Florence...................................... 561 207 10398 1494 8 8 7.......... 15 2 97 22 212 7716.1259 4390 53 Fremont..173 510'10684 2017 896.18....... 78 24 9489 1 8000 140 1098 3124 108 30 Harrison.....................................2663 37 277 1185 527. Homer.....:......::..:,........... 553 5680 184 26....20 2 14.5 3 47686.43........... 55 622.4 Iowa,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~7 27}e151521...o.B.e1.1Ie.~ii.~........../76 2 82178 11.... ~....../.... 2 4..... 3 476........... 435 6223... owe.ofBl2 31 1 280 10 209 12778 7 9100 804 1149....... Jackson.....................................292 4389 9164 500 12.479 98 246 6 17 90848 160 10535 950 505 3......... 9016........ 18 2225 80 Leroy, exc. of Blairstown........... 633 103 3200 4835 1033 10 3 6........9016.. 1296 Mon roe.6 1 323 59. 13051 1 1200... 99...... 4020 20 M;owa.nrx. of Belle lane..........{"''726198 164 9'70 808 358 4 11 59 18 40 8827...1018 3205......2. Polk....3662 80 326 1714 588.69 20 373 8 12 16635.... 100. 1182 29248. St. Clair...................... 229 151 10130 3998 17'7 5 2..... 240 35 486 85 26 8586........ 1561 8235 8 Shellsburg, town of....................................... 292,........................ Taylor, exe. of Vinton..................608 38........3............... 3 101 0 2658...... Union....................... 100 149 6786 437 79 1... 1.......78 13 61 11 24 4928.....591 473.... Vinton, city of............................................... 120 509.. 150 20 300... 400 1000 35 Total..18016 36031122055 60742 14139 228 10 27 3 1942 304 4454 369 2076 2110950 211 2750 1025 24865 7'992 529 BLACK HAWK COU-NTY. Barc) ay............................I...... 171 78 31755 812 408. 1...............1....... 61........i 21 119 9.1 52 5171. I 819 381. Bennington............................. 212 103 1925 673 122.............:40 Iso 2 1387 59 29......689 771 Big Creek, exc. of La Porte...:.. 9021 130 1025 2020 142`61 17...............157 103 495 45 237 134721............ 458 1735 12 Black Hawk. ~ ~~~~~~..... 6721 108 4120 2348 9221 7......I........ 505 105 532 81 1191 1 03081...........1291 18501.... Z Cedar...667 311 5'0 8531 374... I.. I...44 4'.. 5895.... I. 15201 1 BLACK HAWK COUNTY.-CONTINUED. e4Q 0 0 APPLES. PEARS. PEACHES PLITHS. ~~~~~~~CHEER 4 0 GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN APPLES PEARS PEACHE S PLS RIESVINEYARD. VINEYARD. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, D b.0P, AND CITIES. Cd r +0 +- 4 _4 ce 4 4.?3 00 a 0 bb~~~~0 bi~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i Cedar Falls, exc. of city.10 23101989.........B 30.1239 6296.... Cedar allscity f. 14 1 16 36.5 96 9. 235 12.~2 124 01 11180 3 2000 00 749 5657 60 East Waterlooexc.3 141 388 1 4.........14 17 24 15 1629165 8 Fox.235 1~~~19 ~ 2712 2. 4 8 245 23 1070 156 1 10 09 1806 Cedar FallP, town of.......................{12000..100l CEda.5Fa9l0 32 30 66 6 9 5........6 7. 11 3.2. 119128.32 74391 56 5470 60 Magle...Vernon... 103 11 48 270......... 1.2....................... 1 60 East Waterloo ex. Waterloo... 141 3 88 2151 407....4 51474 202 37 010 415"6 9 85765..........20 57{.... 2 875 204 prin Cre.336 0503614.I............2. 19.I 458 8575 UnFon............................24 192 5 3.................1.. La Porte, town of...........................1 1 4.. 80 3..0 2.......... 25. Lester........................................... 6 32 2 631 340......1..........06.........0....138 3 Orange~~~~~~~ ~~~~~.....'0"210....6....440....'1~~[~....~{[[[~ ~l....1'[............ 29 18 369c Waterlo807o,...... 202 37 910 city.of.......... 1300 200 Ton tln........................................ 17583 1812022 1368 9721 4 2....... 65 13 393 9 5450 2408...... 5!.... 2 824...... Spring Creeko.............................. 356 30 20 31 143...................... 9.... 51.......... 88 75... U nion~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9...............5...............{.........I 6 1274 121 90 4 8............{.............I.................................... 12.. BOONE COUNTY. Amaqua..................... 264! 43! 3130!....................... I................................. 341 100.... Beaver.15 2~~~7.62 10.21.3 Beaver................. ~~~~14 1 27...... 6 2 70.....................l.........13 4......................I...........{.........I....... 893.............. Boone, city of.... 0 Boonsboro, town................... 8 6.............4...33 1 2 25...... Cass................... 1.............356. 1340.161 307......... 14.9..........i 41581................ 6...... 1 561 71......13 Colfx.429...34...2070...20........ 4281 III........ 20 10 50 3 5735......204 50. Des Moines, exc. of Boonean Boonsoro................................ 3291 28 1621 2928 995 16.......477 93 354 90 432 13051 7 150 3937 10513 60 Dodge....................... 2509 35 3506 1014 414 2..............I 28 5 81 20 22 5927............2204 3516 97 Douglas........3610......8...725.. 895725 9 28........ 1....97...16....481...2383. 3000. 784.... 000.... 3010.... b~Garden...................... 97 8 1180 354 174 2 1......... 97 21 68 4 49 5760........... 728 2275.... C-11 Grant........36 9 3990 2 107....... 1910... 111 130. IHarrilon..................... 486 23 635 5641 8..27 6 84 1 29 2786........... 401 59 20 Ioo,, 2..I3...33.0 Jackson........................;............... 280, 11 2430 8 70........... 339...... Marcy....................... 2125 30 1534 809 68. 7 2.........109 17! 50 5 20 6328..........1454 2010... Peoples.....................52981 58 4629 883 107................ 6 1 491 3 17 9076!............. 736 530!.... Pilot Mound........ 705 7 580 200 155......... 700..... 40 200.... Worth.................................... 3775 6 460 2533 317 1 II 124 18 12 5595...... 2747 8870. Yell........2261 10 1087 318 79.28. 50. 160 3517............ 951 715. Total.....................275-50. 380. 32-1121 13784 3876 84 12..........1263 265! 1632 283 ~1251. 78965) 7 6650 7 19379 46671 188 BREMER COUNTY. Dayton........................... 702... 1.......... 11.4 25 Douglas..........................1023 34 3239 193 34......20 5 28 2.36 10.. Franklin................................... 1634 2 140 107! 34...60 100...... 30 2455..176 151 2. 1 1 3 19 21'............'"."..1, ~,................ 227..............."'':::: Frederika............1211..................3 194. 213 74.22.1542...... Fremont.................................. 2014 16 845 598 83..... 15 2 43 11 146 16.. 4744....386 52 8 Jackson..................... 2220 35......... 753 287.... 10......... 75 1 36 8612 1 3657 19 1639 2309 2 Jeilerson.~~~~~~~2140l 2. 938 590.. 1 3 42 2361.30 78...... z La Fayette.........1664 35 1174 482 135.......................... 41 1 72 5760.932 786.... Leroy.......................................... 502 1............................. Maxfield.............................. 1393 7 4954 583 76 25 1I.... 76 5 128 2....33661......459 97 7 Polk.............................................. 3299 14 275 447 195.3 6......... 44651.......465 50. 1664[ 35 11 7 4 [......[.................................41...........................'Warren......................................... 1152 39 1928 312 163 1......... 24 3......... 5043..................... 568 59.6...... Washington, exc. of Waverly.. 1810 56 190 697 384........ 6' 57 6 57 7281 1 460 42 1328 1173 85 Waverly, city of.............. 221 10 425 1355 52!................. 2..... 51 5 406 530 3 8500 66 1130 895.... Total......................21090! 379 16521! 7154, 2231 26!.....16 2 21 124, 706h 44, 701. 59832 5, 12617. 1271 7580! 7739. 104 BUCHANAN COUNTY. B t rIo o...................... 1240! 65 3123 467'239!....... 37 6......2508.9 42. no.117...16.326..411..16..........1 3.... 31. Fairbank.2311..3.1668......438.................16..3.. 229120. Fairban................................. 1 311 3 668 99 1 438...................................... 16 3.................................. 2...... BUCHANAN COUNTY.-CONTINITED. 0 0 APPLES. PEARS. PEACHES PLUMS. ~~~CERE- - 0 GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN.0.0 RIES. ViNEYARD. VINEYARD. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 0 d AND CITIES. Ca -4 % - 4Z 4-q4 - 0 4-4~ ~ 0 %) 1) C) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 05 0 0 0 o 0 0..n00 8nW 00 1. 0 0 0. 0 0 8.n 4o )O -48 _____________ __ ~~~~~~~~~ z ~~z P 4 A z P z zz~ o z P-4 Fremont.................... 5 231 6472 7501 380....I.........I.....1771 50 841T6 247! 2452.......... 188 2051 10 Homer........................... 220 30... 219 134..249 5967........ Jnefferndec.ct f......... 2021.. 16.... 850... 2130... 1168............... 1........ 5..... 51.... 13.7366..429....... Liberty...................... 2914 5 1318 340:3 1171................ 4 1 80 2 60 54295............. 621 2604 8 Middlefield.................. 681 22 1698 1223 514................ 78, 14 34 3 240 8323........... 416 745.... Newton...................... 726 4 1527 1967 762 1.............. 8......123 2 13 7488.47......... i7 1102.... Perry........................ 2465 58 3092 2349 391 90...............749 163 533 52 576 9495..............1626 3650 12 Sumner.597 18 595 1274~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 570.4314 Washington, ex. Independence 2879 23 630) 2033 604 5.............. 48 3 499 10 157 6005...........1481 365.... Total...................................... 207591 448 413501 20207 75561 99.. 2 5 1097 256 1649 104 2125 80107!.. 6409 13740 40 BUENA VISTA COUNTY. Barnes...................... 543 34 100............................. 13 8.............. 1150......................... Elk.........oon..............................6......54 3 836837 5....47. 2 4..................... 18 05..... lk........................8 7.... 3............ 2 5. Grant...............19 392.....3. 50.18. Lee.117 67 440 16! 5.....6799...22 3. LIencoln.. 8 520y'1'..... P ole Vl....................0 905 3 1..3 2... 49'7.....1 Newell..95..5 1..2.............................. "02....... N e e l........................................... 9<65........................ 4........ 2 0 1 6...4.....s... 92........ Nokomis......................... 93 3920..... 49 9............ 1183... 181......... 34 7525 *@@*....................................... * Poland...................................340..... 7...... 2.397 Providence.......................................22 2300.............433...... Scott.22 92 3...3419 ~Storm Lake, exc. of town...................~ 57 1930...................... 1.. 1....78...I 6172............... 322...................... f.................................. 2...................... 43......................- 79... Storm.ake, to of...2 1......43 13 342.. Total.8 642 23892 66 6.................. 194 31 52 277 10872... 1328... BUTLER COUNTY. Albion.... 378 72 2600 653 270..................... 10........... 8297...1090.... Beaver...........1985 55 1488 582 251..76 60 350 33 397 5542..1172 Bennezett............... 126 98 4640 79................................................. 24............. 2616..52. Butlerec. of Clarksville.. 1969 97 3034 1334 493......................... 202 2 582 Clarkville, town of:.............. 2. 35... 63...... - Cold Water..... 352089 363 107 1 3....6...... 6 3 4.. 105747 5.... Dayton......................................... 1141 61 1028 339 40.............5......9.........59.... 53 1....... 2342.........52 243... Fremont.....557 940 1707 80 21 7...... 357 54 53 2 146 5318... 296 427 Jackson.......... 510 81 547 150 191.................. 6...... C Jefferson............................... 1446 689 241 475 160.............. 118 15 44 5 33 5800... 498 Madison.......372 21 1601 40 15....-1823.133........... 40.. 1323 40 Monroe.......130 67 1240 179 120 4.. 352 94 32 6................. 45 116. Pittsford... 1186 54 38511 263 64...318 61 58 3 223 4712 1 100. 901 125'Shell Rock................... 1255 1144 1090 485 270........................ 248 41 219 10048.......... 459 15 CI Washington.................. 127 25 1940 56 7............... 157 38 21 2 6 3091............. 146 30. ~ West Point................... 413 26 2719 96 24.......-=..... 411 70.......... 16 2933......... 189 200.... t Total................... 12844 3496. 29714. 5177 1861 121 3.........1868 398 1120 62 1040 164176, 6 100.... 4695 6761 2 CALHOUN COUNTY. Butler............................ 56 206i 204 12................ 7 3...............2380................. Calhoun.461 126 1000..... 74. 3554...................................... 140... 74.21...155 51.. 4 Careon.....e.....d....44.120.6. 6...269..219.... Jackson.~~~~ ~~~~~~~829 89 4020 95................................. 267...... 595.5 60388 12 Sherman.....................:... 76 3285 570....................... 125 10............... 1267.............. 34.......... Williams........................... 23 0..................1150................................................................... Total........1290......520.... 2120752 0 370 88810......13....287.....22. 2742222...172222.....20022..554 318 2.. 55, 18 CARROLL COUNTY. APPLES. PEARS. PE PLUMS. CHER- 4- GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN PEARS. PEACHES PLUMS. RIBS VINEYARD. VINEYARD. N.AMES OF TOWNSHTPS, TOWNS, ANDOCITIES. d -;.;. a) 00 C 00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'a.4 )0 0 ~~~~.o~~~~~ r- 0.0.3.~~~~~~~~r 0~V3.3.0 -.' C) O ct' cd 1Z _4 I "4: ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ Zz PA Z ~ Aq Arcadia......................................... 53......................................................... Carroll, exc. of town....27......................2. Carroll, town of.............. 130 31 700 11 54 56 2182.450 380. Eden.. 51............................... 51 1710.1710...................................... 10. 24..... 1005...19......... 2......... 1005..................... 19100.."'"............ Glidden................15 360 Gra.~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.............................................200...... Grant...................... 550 40 2 00 122'0 1...62..........50 18 134 4 30 3000.......... 234...... Jasper..............................642 29 1613 27....7................ 6....... 305.48 Kniest..................... 165 2538 31 1 5......... 48 2. i 73809. 743 40...... tt Pleasant Valley...........................1000 50 900..... 4 1..113 195 3 tichland..................... 3.........3....... 2 1 95..................... 85....... Roselle..n56 2510..1... 2. 3...3.. 15857.. Sheridan.14..74..2190..................:Pleasant......... V....... 14e 4y19.......................1........ 8..... 3........ 03.......... 15........ Union.717 25 3040..... 20................. [Roselie~~~~~~~~~...........6,...................... 30.............. Wheat.and. 3 17:::520~.................. W h eatla nd............................~::::i....... 3 74 5290.......3............................................. 0..................... Total.3....................... 1 25787 1448 262 6...... 12 1 198 40 308 32 94 18702 3 1000 26721 760 3 CASS COUNTY. Atlantic, exc. of town......... 915 451 4277 581 115....1...... I....... 1 181 201 4611 411......I 85991.....Il.....I 2371 50501 88 Atlantic, town of.. 45 1 160 9 1.....30..44 5 Bear Grove..83 54 2349 30 30....22 12 50......... 4237....668 599 Benton........................................ 994 31 1090 207 129............... 5......... 3......... 68 2 9 4503 1......58.3... 8... Brighton................................. 291....... 18 1566........ 1.....6. ~ot~......................................... -~ -~ [ ~ —~7s~ -7~ ~:-q - - ~ —;o.....s....... -92............. 367-... —.. -... Cass.............................. 889 21 2580 550 424 13 4...... 51 15 386 64 168 10677 2 330 0 2395 4945...... Edna........................ 8521 14 8101 13 3...... 4 13.650...... 235.. Frai kln....................... 165 52z 2710 2241 651 3[ 1.........,...... 15 4 1 31 136[ 50~441........... 14 10... Gat............................ 6 25 520 25............................................f5... 40J 69301........34 5... 4 Lnon................................................ 22 360........................ 6..,.......... 265................... 41.......85.... Ca Massna.............................6...... 3. 68...........................................973............. 34........... Masslen............................................ 33874111...............I................................. Pymosa 5~~ ~~~~~~356 64 150 24 9.................14 8 44 10 34 92..................... 06 32 U nio...............................,66 5 1 40..................................... 2....... 22.............54................... 3 7........9.... Noble ~~~~~~~~~.:.: ~ 0, 90 -8 0.....................................,:::.... Washngto......................... 5 2........ 0......,,,......,.........,84 2...... Toal............................56...73 3538 158.97.17..........26. 59 13915..09..492 3.330.69141..557.0 P ar nc o w n of.......................................5 5 3.................:......... 16,0 5 25..............,...... 611 630.... Daytn, xe.of larnce........ 79 88 9, 123 830................................. 34 5. 2. 865..................151..540..... Durntto wno.......................................3 ~, 1......... 1 6 3............5...... 210......... 47 4610 40.. 2o6!~~~~~~3 17o s5 so....../................7 471153 69..2 F a r m i n g f-b ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:i~~...... 71 15295 55 79 4.....6~.......... 22 2 21 57640919 10 1 Fremongton............176 18 9 4............... 12 5 0 5 6 31...... -2......... 30791618 7 Gower 1738 84 4493 4946 3519 6........ 16 1 27 3 6661 87 2 6299 2 7000 12 1003 6415;~':..... Inlan....... 181 7 2554 1427 897 7 1 4....... 62 17 17 29 14 5120.................6835.2... Cetre of T i p t o n, 411 532 66 3...........* 6 745.7126 4308 690857 400 2 23694333 c Clirnceon....24of42 1 2..........................................7 3 1962 258 10...............[......I 6125 8 687...... ~ LoDaytn,..... 9f 2ls. rene.............'188 2068 1824 641.................... 36 10 20 t'"'7 23 566 19. 5...'. 5773... 3... 6 31 4...... 958332 Massillon................................ 9 6 12 8 1...... 1..... 97 Farioneen, exc. o f MDurqntevle 49 65 90 46 56 5 S02i....-.4-w6 58.2-256. -7-3202..... Rochester~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3..... 314471984........ 45 288 10 31 9 9 4.........[5619 8 13....../ 9 - 626 25790 1 4 FprinfemA.o oudnt...... 176 8 40 584 746l..... 350979 94[8 7 18... 40 0. 16 818 79174 Suare............... 198 1 897 43 166 7 2 4 21......... 71 77.......... 280792 10498 4102 925 G o w e r ~~::........................................ 85..3. 350..' 666 629[ 23 7000 99 2 [ 9 1006156 5 Tiptn, twn f........17 82 793 3976 1569.....6..... Totlan..........................................00 1 81 210995 4 3 12505 489 7 4 67.....1 36.....17 11723 257 24210452414.... 102016.....293911183587 677 Clear Lake, 14111 of4 263o63n........ 7 2' 0 7 1...400 2[293[143 2 Linn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........2..... 8 11.....I I...... 1:::..I...71...... 1.::...... I.... 292472[817 2......:......I12 40[......[.....81....]., 3....[ 25.88t.... ClassiLakiown of...................................................................... CERRO GORDO COUNTY.-CONTINUED. APPLES. PEARS. PEACHES' ~~CHER- GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN APPLES. PEARS.,RACHES PLUMS. RIES. VINEsD. VINsEYARD. AND CITES. -.- -e C 4Z - 4ia - NAMESOFTOW~~~~~sHIPSTOWNS, ~~~~~~ be,bi bi b~ b.0 bo.0 4. AND CITIES~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~... ~' ~A~~s o~ ~ow~~~~s~~s, ~ow~~~s, o C b') a~ be be be. ~be be 6 0 ~~~~ 0 0~~~~~~~~~ 04 0S. a) a) 0 0 w6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O -a 0, 0C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ 4 P zP z z z PL C~ z PL 4 Falls.............................................. 7 8 4 16 66 35 1 I............................... 2 2.......... 4687............................... F all s................................. 798 246 161 66. ~..... 5.....................2 2..... Geneseo........................................ 3711 2 2 1160........... Lake............................................ 87 36 3612 25 4........................2.............................. 212................ 6.........': Lime~~reek.1388 63 2072 117 412725] 56.43 6 Lime Creek....................................... 1388 63 2072 117, 4:..:...:::::.::::::::........................ I:::....... 27.... 25"16:..1:::::...............: 3431...... Liinicoln...... i................................. 841 38 1713 57 11.............................. 20 1o5........................ 800..................... 121 6...... imaso City, tono...... Masow, en e....................... 261 3 207 21 11................................... 2.................[.......7. 3.6. Pasor tla9 5 25n of2 9439........................................ 8....71. 7 1...................................................................'............. Oweon.............................. Maso City. 52 12 ].................................I.......1 70 32001................ Potasnd...................... town 89 58o2f9.............. 2 5............. 54..............39 17 Total............................. 4886 386 21230 775 125 1 126 32 42 4 37: 21839:. 5....... CHEROKEE COUNTY. Afton......................................~...... 142 73:;::075 61:: 2::::..........................~............... 6... L..... 37 5....... A m hers.............................................. 0 7 0........................... 8 3........ 15 9... Cedar..71 470 30......... Chierokee, exe. of town........ 232 59 1560........................................ 4 2204....I... 2........ D~~~~~~~~~~~~~6'iamnd.2 39.....5. C e o e,t w of................................................................................................................................. D ia on................................ 2 3 0............................................................... 5 5.................................... M arcus.........................................~ ~~......... 3................................."....................... 2............... Pilot................................... 345 124 2336..0. 26 19 24..67................ —...60 2..........62...0.............. P itch e................................................................................................ 5429....................1........ Silver......................................... 33 36 5 0.........36....................5......4............................................274................ Spring.......................................... 45............Tilden........................................... 26 130................. I.................... w.~ow~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............................... Willow.....................243 19 1535 7....... I............................. Total............................... 1085 570 19684 706 2 -8 5 - 9 6 23.11768.................... 1 1 CHICKASAW COUNTY. Bradford, exo. of Nashua........... 2039 22 675 596 52.............................. 1373 670 2 Chickasaw.................................... 2631 1220 22 56.............................................514 2 Dayton............................ 304 2 200 10 0 12............................................. Deerfield.............. 79 17.................1634 12 1236 79 17.6.17 1 6 25............. Dresden.........................1241 14 40 98 19............................................. Fredericksburgh.......................... 300 128 319 67.6.7 1. 5553.38 160...... Jacksonville............................. 1658 89 35 239' 44............................ 55 3 21 2958.155 4. Nashua, town of........................................ 9 9........ New Hampton, exc. of town..... 73 1......i5......194 67........................................... New Hampton, town of..........................................................................................................................................................I..... New Hampton, town of......3.97 2 Richl an.d.,........ 1008 46 624 404 71.............................. 106 912 Richland.1~~:::'008 46 624.. 404 71.10 9181,042 Stapleton....... 1938 72 1684 813 154............................. 22 3 46 28 3.24. Utica.............................................. 2109 521 40 301 60 2..... 2.3.. Washington..................... 1775 30 205 162 47............. 15.5.10...1.20..................3.................20.... Total.I 17374 ~~~~~~~~~483 4959. 3557 666 2............. 142 96. 198 46 114 31006 9. 400. 2 1208 2790- 28 - CLARKE COUNTY.Z Doyle, exo. of H-opeville.......1891 38 4265 1,352 2400 6......192..1 22 7638 59 31721 588.................10401 14981.... Franklin........29410 9 4135 1780 1132.................... 53 5 256 37........4147... 100.....104.5 27551 3 Fremoit.........1540......255.5 1479 872 4......63 11 8....... 109 19........4696 75 50......17211 78851 6 Green Bay...................2687 8 5177 1243 895 7 1 6....... 8....... 271 18 60 7334........... 2333 2980, 5 Hopeville, town of........... 556 4 1132 551 284 6 6 24 5 2....... 305 66......1317................ 406 2298 i25 Jackson..................... 453 9 5444 1797 665 4 1.......... 5417 34 66 11095.....'12770 13411..... Knox....................... 1825 45 6110 1978 2058 4...... 9......125 11 422 18 9 8906 1.... 7'5. 1942 18291.... Liberty......................1711 7 6606 1204 611 7......19...... 2...... 228 6 10 5541 1 3650..... 867 1408.... Madi sop.1233 14 11178 789 244 4 2 10 2 200 20 1 1.......6027.... 600 40 2008 25571.... Osceola, exc. of town.......... 1110 10 5000 470 364 3...... 4 25 167 39 192 171 24 16191................1014 2015!.... O sceola, town of.............. 910 10 18611 1883 466 77 11 31 3 243 42 1160 2511 92 9210 2 121000.....4642.102841..79 Troy........................ 482 11~ 10571' 891 20..........................................40418................ 249....... Ward.......................2198 8 7151 529 233 9 2 8...... 5 1 95 8 9 506.5...............10S60 23381.... Washington.................2067 18 7455 1876 1711 81 4....... 12.. 160 15 54 3322..............1781 59371.... -1 - I-I Tta I......................21573 191 78610, 17023. 11955 139. 27 3661 46 831 140 11254 5191 3496 87487 79151751!401 21374~ 145125~ 118. CLAY COUNTY. a) a) O~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~H. E-. ~~GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN APPLES. PEARS. PEACHES PLUM S. VINEYARD VI NYAt D. 3 j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3;1-'~'44 0 - O 4 ~t. l k v AND CITIES —'~1.~1 ~. I~ ~.. ~o I oI. 4)4.L'. a C) ~ ~ 5 a) a 4-4 EC;.-.0.;-4,J2 ~,.o a,,) ~ C 4.- =,.0 0.a 4a) ~~~~~~~a) ~~~~~~ 0 445a O 07................~.0.3......,........................... ____________.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 Z Z_- Z~ Z _ Z - 4 - Z Z 0 Bridgewater.................................... 59 1247....................................... 0 101........................ 12881............... Cay.............255 229 2160 34 7... 055 Douglas.9 684.5................ 9.45 I Dou'4 20.........................5.I:............... 34 2..."......... mi.................................... Gillett's Grove.107 80 2008'............ 1.........21...... 13 1552.73. Herdland...................................... 52 40 960..................62 10.:......... f............... 1552................................ Lincoln.74........................ 7 12...5120..........1..0............1.. 168......... 68........ Spencer..................... 3 178 2800.................................3 2133............ 262......... Summie.32. 50......5............... 0...............!i2 ~co,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......... 6... 0 2.........,....... 63............. CLAYTON COUNTY. Boardman.................................... 1857 2 60 730 690 4............... 25 24 36 10 25 600 23 40...15 Buena Vista.................. 2084........... 330 78 1 1.......... 5 1 6 3 48 284............. 193 725.... Clayton-i.................... 4688........... 1758 1097 17............... 23 5 4 1 76 4223 30 100.... 45 410 20 Cox Creek.5........................ 672.........730 295 8 1.. 7.[ 3....8.6 1386 47 Spencer ~~~~~~~~~~.......... 51............... 7...... 24 3 5 30 6........ 17 J2.:................ -Elk —8.4962.....-1916 1330. 181 40 4 12 5291 —...2. 7..... Elka dma.......................................... 48962 0 0 1......... 2 ]........ 60 28 5 746........ Farmersburg........... 5148.1033 496 54 56 24 31 293 734 138 Garnavillo................... 8229' 4......3153 1908 5.............67 43 48 11. 7130...... 2f~ 380 621 724~ 3973 94 G4irard...................... 5588 1......15739 592'............................................ 54.... 169 359 3 Guttenberg, town of................... 3t.4......... 185 193 8 1........................ 1.864 3 7500 520 45 134 2 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......................... 1............... Hi. hiand.2050 180 1102 860'.27~~~~18[ 3. 80 1 390 4 25915 406J Buena Vista ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....4.24......... 5 84...... 20.......9es exc......o....Guttenberg..... 10605.236 198 3.. 55.14.3534974.100 34 8.. Lodomillo.5063 33 5001 5524 2313 3~~~4 8..:l. 2. 20 912874 McGregor town of............................................................................ Mallory.8771. 82.3.2313.821 324 178 12. 6.........215.118 6 Marion....................... 1657 1 120 887 517..66 26 57 1 III 4196 1 225 65 15) 263 790 Mendon, exc. of McGregor and North McGregor. 5980........ 100 3112 1738.. 129 47 23 6. 7223 2 6920 46 1112 8193 50 Milville....................................... 362 2............ 742 483 1.59 21 17 2 14 1065.... 197 770 21 M-onon a........................................ 2 3 29 1 0 3 8 1 21...................................... 2 0 1.......... 1 2 2 0 1 68 Monona..~~~~~2732 29 160 2338 12...... 221....122)1 10~6 Nrorth McGregor, town of................................... Read. 584.5..... 1387 519.14 4 10 2 33 1531...... 318 337 13 Sperry.......................... 4591... 1547 423.2 52... 4711.... 759 772 47 Volga.......29..... 8 1. 12.16 219 2.... V ol a............................................... 227] 1 981...........'....."...........1'2 16 9 2 Wagner.. 4233...687 184... 12.. 30 1777. Total..99222 94 1232 39032 20324 56 7.1473 633 1121 174 900 93294 51 23275 716 8349 35739 1357 CLINTON COUNTY. tdj Berlin............................. 48 23 4888 1777 432 141 1 6...... 318 78? 340 26 1 3916 1, 77587 439 1285 95 Bloomfield................................... 167. 6525 4086 2077. I.508 348 358 168 4850 10569.80 1232 1460...... Brookfield............................... 77 102 2293 3097 1805 61 1.... 564 448 605 120........ 11587.... 1147 1821 Camanche, exc. of town. 854 1 5079 4300 4907 14 3.....6 1 486 91... 4766.1... 1023935. 486 9i[... 4766 ~I........10 33...... ~~ Calnanch, town of.................... 101 2 40....................... Deep River................................... 1452 3 8 6 4 1....... 53 11 114006.. 4 De Witt, cxc. of town.3084 16 6356 4829 1727 17 - 2 11 j 1 186 102 1395 360. 182 7338 2 1159..... 774 360 3 DC Witt, town of...... 2 945 759 31 14 3.. 149 60 929 345 21 1672'. 1 513 147 Eden........................ 952 19' 13392 4685 2083 12 7 2 13 40 34 509 661 435 4644 1 8500.30 963 62 10 38 El ie.3072 066816.......384..62.. 110 46663 Hampshire............... 1.371 1 5115 6313 1983 7 3 6 1 15....... 417 951 8'494 110 60 894 252i 1.60 Liberty....1282 21 1925 723 377 2 1.....364 78 31 1677......47 3260 20 Lincoln.2~~~ 5 3284 4751 253 ~~0 1[ 1... 53 2'.44:11981355 Lyons, cxc. of city............ 1116 8 1427 5264 2352 25 7 ii...... 15 2 812 97 260 5499 211 316941 1413 1233 871 40 Lyons, city of....... Olive............................................ 6..301 3.51 1 516................ 1606 4500 218 Orane....................... 1504.241 11233 1496k 537 8 1 83 23 651 1 804 971 210! 4863....1 800.... 646 4372 2 Sharon...................... 847 57 3005 2823' 820 1.............. 90 35 421 481 6 808............ 2060 8603 250 SpringRock, exc. of Wheatland. 1760 -23 565 1650! 435 10 2..2. 131 20. 4892 2 600 4. Washington.................... 676 8 9620 689 211 3 i..35 3 25. 4299.......7...6160. 65. Waterford........1564 2 1651 961 379 2. 1.71 21 1384 1717...1321 3204 125 Welton.146 54 4410.9 2 233 31 185 4560 2 520 46 335 1378 Wheatland, town of................................ 1 62 1.........6 8 9 100... 210 20 0 Total................... 22912 422133906, 62843 30912 262 541 172. 622312 1179 93i12016I 6566 105554 31 57428,1721 19141 79301 38092 CRAWFORD COUNTY. C APPLES. PEARS. PEACHES PLUMS. car,'-. 0 GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN RIES.' VINEYACD. VINEYARD. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 0....... NAME SOF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 0 0 0 0 0 B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y er~~~ ~...................... 5i.0 +0V-i 0......00............. 0. 0-............. AND CITIES. + 0-) C~~~~~ 0 ce ~~~~~~~~~~0.,0~C 0 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.........t. on.o n.o. n... 8 25........... C0..e.O.5 r....;005 B~~~yer.. 512~~~~~~~~ 30 264-20 0 4. 825- _. C) Charter Oak................... Dcnison.52 9 908....42 2..... 1.. 2062[1 2 363 300]]'105'6.0 5 Gosoderic.9 1................... Hays~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11.....52I.... 16..25........ Iowa...19~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 94....32.27 Jackson...170520...I.989... H Moodrgan..... 13.85.........4.I.............' Haotter Cre..145.................... 5 88..12.... Paradise.. 56 12~ "'~,::111:i:Z22:::.....: " Soldier.............1 5 3 5264.......................... 82....................... Itockholm.....................................5.....7..........6......................................................... Uenison..1 33 1280 427 2..........4......... 8 20 00.......1 20 Washigton.244.................... 5 0 6.........2........0..:.2....... Wanoves....Side..................................................................................25.............. 1' 8.620..........1.......421.. W illo w..................................................... 52 104 09............... 12630.................... 25- 8"......... lotal................................. 5........ 4. 1 19910 1021. 9...... 6.. 1 1 59161 6 3021...... 1 30 2 Jackson................................................. —.:.:...............................5....206 ]]]]] M o r g a n ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 2............................................I........... 99.............................. 8641............... M organ................~1' "i~0 ]:1]]::{.'.:.:'..]]........................ ]03.......................... 37....3411..... Nishnabdam n y 1 12 1 359 4 20. 15191....................4757..23990 ott r C e k.........14 5 00........................ 8 6..............1]27733 Paradi se..............56 2 3 6 0......................... 12 Io...... 5...... 4 94....................... 6...... Aoldie,.........o...................23............ 28 3 20. 1025.........6................3 2......... 17 27 4{ 1....... AdeS, tokh oflm.... I.I.1193 9 760............j...... 2....................... 567.....6............... 0 Wasoin-ten................................. 244 6 561 ~........................ 20. 2. i. WStockhol..................................... *'5 9 9 76202...................... 1421 29........."~....... Tnota............................................ 1331 4331 19958072 178t 61 I 1.......'1790339 3986 2209 1 3201231 51 Ada sa...h................................ 4..1. 71... 3581 247............ 2......... 40 12032 011591....I. 75..2 99 1. 2. 56~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11..............4.......... 97291:;:4 Adlx. o on...................... 238 20 i! 671951...................... 1635 5 A dell ow j- o..........................................I........... 11 4..........I......I................. Beaver. 389 171 0 3 9...192.. 3216...... 114... 293 464.... Boone......................... 1809 15 2385 1576 651 2 2. 4. 187...2 8. 38 1~~~~~~~0 6 465,...........21 80... Colfa.. 1166 51 4578 1218 6461.11 3 6 2 144 9. 15723.2892 8435. Dallas....................... 725 27 515 78 57......................... 8 2..... 6883........... 653 3000.... L_ Des Moines............. 2533 171 1781 1501 1213 7.. 12. 41 171 12 4104......... 841 3014 Dexter, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ town1 of............................................................................................... Dextertown o.......I~~ o Grant... 133 96 4475 496 94 4 2.8 1 199. 42 1047 28281. Lincoln..................... 127 49 2945 145 63.. 8 1 1!......786 1. I..... 627.260 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~63....................1.2......... 9151 7......I..... 67 20i... Linn....................... 2311 25 9183 3453 3005 2 1 15 3 20 5 169 351......159391............. 2461 10328. Spring Valley.......................... 1148 20 1477 353 192 2 5........ 20 1 140......... 11424....1619 2505[20 Sgar Grove.....1126 112 1265 1162 295-.191 3 1131 3 131 80 3 700. 978 3581. Union, exc. of Dexter.......... 2326 55 2457 1985, 1694 5......411 1 38 32 189' 67......11909.............27531 6020.~ a t.................... 36411 57 3384 24291 1451.... 13 2 208 23 26 12069 653 Vanmeter~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.........85 1304 Walnut...................... 281 115 3045 572 45.......................... 112 42......9151...........2189 5375.. Washington...............14491 29 20351 580 198 78 20......... 5826........1322 1125. I ~........ I2~ O'Total.............................. 24651 742 415891 25320 1 2 13 96 11 45 0201 11 26200 1481 30008 50831 136 DAVIS COUNTY. - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ci~ Bloomfield, exc. of town....... 4509 8 21461 6655 5085 276 9311080 412 92 41 2341 672......13812 6 40000 1593 3355 17960.... Bloomfield -town of............... 2 60 710 331 230 72 118 80 60 9 629 240...... 633...........3536 7330.... Drakeville, cxe. of town....... 2046 3 3675 2142 1523 10 2 93 7 4...... 389 48 21 874........... 430. 2645 2 Drakeville, town of.................. 198......... 425 264 11 10 47 13 19 9 211 72 2 1216.174 2327. Fabis... 5738 16 930 2487 2226 21...188 84 83 5 438 39. 7325 1 600..1308 188. Fox River.......3400 290 2274 1761 38 25 88 34 23 2 297 42 5 4285.... 250 6 394,I J-327.... Grove...........4979 41 313807 3009 2955 543 8 379 25 129 22 648 115 2 79981 6 13200 455 2272 86721.... d Lick Creek................... 6229. 2693 2302 1979 18 7 195 192 93 34 258 58......8713........... 1540 5746 30 t4 Marion............... 7237 6501 2346 1592 7 20 25......... 2011 7 2 12160...... 315 810..[ Perry.................6206........ 8206 4039 283 73 12 391 99 53 6 711 73... 306221......24... 8. Prairie.................................... 1817...... 10130 3898 2108 47 3 1711 18 4. 697 4 27! 40... 2181 6550 57 Roscoe.1188.......................... 4979.[.31.22084 2338 1782 7 1 387 759 16 21 807 230.. 10083 115 30381 5399 30 Salt Creek.......................... 99461......... 11451 3360 23011 80 9 263 98 581 13 540 75 83.7321...... Soap Creek.7199..... 5289 4008 2014 56 46 56 47 1.. 706 199 200 5630 200 828 10227...... Union..................................... 8264......... 9653 10698 3212 138 12 643 15 265 30 1471 15.. 5614. 139361 5645.........246 West Grove.................................. 6048 5 193521 2763 2466 31 14 2321 60 31 2 8.38 163 75 750;5 1200....... 921 4992 6 Wyaconda......6768. 9615, 3317 3795 34 8 11 23 20 12 139 37. 6673..... 51 2921. Bur ell............................ 2 9 9 1 6 5.......25...21 6 12141 10871 8641 41 611 14 7 21 2891 11...... 3 2 6 537 2 601. 7 DECATUR COUNTY.-CONTINUED. APPLES. PEAES. IPEACHES IPL-UMS. CHR RPSI9 RPSNTI.........3240!... 7546 38761 2805 8 01.............. 684[ 2641 10I 11154]3 481 - ___ ___ RIES. 1 VINEYARD. VINEYARD.......3861 "'0' 3053 36281 3145 25 47 245 1........i~.. 782 59 25 102471........~ 5) ~ 5) 5) 5)....... 49... ~~~~~~1-4 7... 4-.AMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, 3 3 5.3.3 1 3 5S.3 8299.......... 2 3 AND C S..... 5.... 451......... o 255 4 11o; 462 2.. 17 95 6 2 4(41..... 55 z......i......... 684 6 54 3 8000 93 2609 10560 470 2 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 Eden.4.....892..2.6 5470 3192 16711 1 36 39 19 243 7267] 5 8 698 Faytte64 49 9350... 360... 1....... 806 45 46 19 65 808 172 581 1319......... 1896. " Gardn.Gove2690 585 464 0 5 3 t 28 560 3 5. 316 215178 12 471 53008 51 GadRvr114912544 1.... 943 1642 86 1877 1 574 79 83 541.Hamilton.2555 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I (11 462 2 17i9 6 - - 2I40 1. 55 25 Z~~~~~, 5 4 p ~ q Z04C tgb, Poini.1889L6 5455.371........ 2 4 36 150 41 28 271510 18 135 2 5495.2947. LDeontur..7......... 341 2t87 214945 6 41 7 9 4 1 80 57 5 17 414 52.....1189 7665 52 1............................................ 40 277 92 17 1 1 1 4091 835 311 8109!10741 67 5105792 172601 23 136 7 DELAWARE COUNTY. Adamsette.................... 4 7 16 3 312 1231........ 1 423 10 301 4165.. Bremer.................. 16741...... 1946 182 911......54 201 7121 Co ns Grove.15...49............. "2 5 11 66 468 1 5......2 1 1 157 2 14 44871 2 00 30 13 17 2 6 Coln y n........6. 5.. 8 189 1423 2 1 1 1 4 2 472................ 1. 1 2 eDelwr, exc. of Manchester.................. 34 4 244749 281295658...... 2 37 290 5429............. 6185 2751' DLhi.49k................... 173 13 100 1853 15298 13 11 2......... 16 27 31 243 250... 30642 4000. 250... 108..379 1593 17 0 Elk.8268..............20771.... 90....8.53142 46........I 9 39 6...... 08 21 41 500 1490....320.5... ihlanel Gre.3.................. 88 4232 652 645 I 7 25........... 8 3017 17 412 4l..3971.... 0.... 479.30..... Honey Creek.........2-183 52 985 5026 1998 8........ 4. 70 23 375.25 85 12940 1 500...852 1594 12. Hopk tni twnton........., 9.....of.9. 2.150..........................0... 5 300......... Manchester, town of.......... 2185 10 320 1217 375 1.....32 6 77 3 3277....1104 1980 4 M1i Io...................!.... 1593 13 625. 1389 388 10 1 5......18 4 108 9 58 5306 * 2 4100..672 653.... C1 North Fork.3243 1.. 784 292....... 0 153 3 21 3555.........o0. 432 377. 1 Oneida.....889 136 382 41991 1322.................. 109 6 63, 3711.. 50 3380. Pra'irie ~~~.........,3 /..,......I....../' ""..........'::::,oi'6......... Prii................ 59 9 1051 1491~ 186( 2......... 58.. 1951 1.7 374 68..............57.....150 Richand............................. 3103 9... 61 346........ 11 South Fork, exc. of HopkinIton 38539 1 721 114 444...... 4 11 9 5 Union... 6770 2~6.....27.448 1669..996.53 1 6 2 497 78nion92...............................7 71...3...6811 352 3 i]]]]]]]] 8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~086 12 1355110 786.111 99....4 291 469 Total............................. 451811 652 17491 36824 12440 14221......14..12... 59 18 1839 135 31672121 7869935 16529469 DES MOINES COUNTY. Augusta............................ 2428. 1686 5147 4016 45 55 215. 11,. 116f 17 931 300 8 2632.. 5623 16'309 618 Bentoii................... 7204'........ 4502 7033 6850 44 41 353 157 8 2 1316 396 881 64163401 175 15 81'4. 2824 8889 118 Burlington, exc. of city. ~~4626 I.......5544 17825 26764 430 325 1487'1256 51.2 2171 1373 6 18314350025238438576 Burlington, co...............: 3 385 7 Danville............. 1856 171 16844 15080 17640 249 121 950 418 365 88 38741049j 24 10419.1 55001 150 335:3 29690 8 Flint River..................... 5931 6 4614 12431 11511 321 143 611 469 14 3 25211 660 57 8625 15 36725 146 4317 1098 231 Franklin..................................... 3956......... 9633 7836 8001 50 40 119 53 20 5 406. 288 60 859 1 385..0 80 1746 5034 2934 Huron...................... 4365 8 6125 9982 8395 154 17 337 252 18 1 11481 328 280 6007..............3190 15261.... Jacksn.................................... 751 48 160 63 2....10............ 3635258.24. Pl easant Grove........................... 8464... 7156 7017 3860 Si! 6 908 224 104 14. 10 157 9 2..... 6632.2076 1300...... Union....................... 50111 13 8810.1 24650 28587 99 100 687 380' 109 13 340811519....... 1314431 52'405900114968 1000'6 51720 775 130 10 29145 6931 2668 30 63 85 1182 88 10 78....7 0 Yellow Springs................. 4 22514 6 32584 18290 11641 86 33 760 156 7.. 3137 774 692 7956 8361 475.. 2207 15872...... Total.46976 60~~~~~~126833j 1325~~~57 129996 1561 89017001! 354518971 1771 21243j 6967 27 6 89596 44146..815040,42077 496141 202125 47 DICKINSON COUNTY. Center Grove................ 680 83 2280 13......................................... 3 1.031............126 20.... Excelsior.56 1420 3........949.63. Lakeville................... 54 32 700..!.......260. 4 8.......... 134. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................... 8 ~..........7................. Lloyd.641~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 2171173 160..... 1I846.11 2414i 581.. 220 2081.11 Okohoji.......................................... 25 80 1. Richiand'...........'......"...6........ 39 0112....9i............. Silver Lake......................... 16 9........I.6 11. ..............16 8 14Q 31....................111 iiii iiiii w.111!i~~1 ii:Z ii11......... iiii......... 1....... 23............ iiiiii.................... I. 1194J 3791 7663 — 2......-...... —... —.......-...-...... T. -- 1...-.......T.. -— 7-..-282......-......-.... D UBUQUEICKINSON COU NTY.-CONTINUED. a) a) APPTJFS. PEARS. PEACHES PIJUMS. ~~~~~~CHEE- GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN APPLES. PEARS. PE.A... _ aPU............... 6025I % 4.......... / 1763 5 1. 11 2...... f9514 -. ~~i) a) ~~~~~~~2 a) ~~~~~~ C w a) a)C~~~~~4D- 2 a) C ) a *- 1 o- 1351 618 i *8 2 NAMES OF TOWNS PS W, C 60 3 27 a) I) a a) - - --—.... Q - 1 ~~~~ C u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~.C.C 4998.C................. 602 3 1 27 I41 2 1... 1 0 0.................. 921 11.........]. 4721 5451 az11 8....... l~6 21.... 52 99 82 6116 0150.~~p0 0............. 4....1.1 134... 11... 9. 590 200...................'...... 10...... 139 2261 3016 60............. 5 0...................................... a.... C............. Superir...2 160.......4....................... 1 379 76 97 2..z....... 5. DUBUQUE COUNTY. Center......................5914............2565 919 121 1..........10 20 8 4......4998........... 2192 582 98 Concord.....................602S1f... 1.00 1351 618 1............28 2 10.......... 1631......... 493 2020 180 Dodge....................... 602 31 272 451 211..... 25 13.1100.100..... 6 Dubuque, city of.............. 92 if......4721 545 ~32 13. 2'8. 2"626....2'2.0 2512 399 22882 26210 6 300 510 3593 2400 340 IDyersville, town of............ 40.......... 134 2........ 1... 9......S99 2 200.... 228 -70... Iowa.8187 10 431 163 10 139 2265 3 3016 600... 254... 110....... 3... I...... (.... 39 225 316 60 54 11 Jefferson....................6775...8080 3266 14.......... j.26... 11 7791 1 4000 200 2722 5174 305 Julien, exc. of Dubuque........1000 6 60 4295 1412 4 1..... I.... 205 6Sf 43S1 2401 180 i94-75 36 5330 13Sf1 14541 11Sf.... Liberty......................3588.......... 1016 90 14 1..........13 4 24 2 f.......2S 25 135.... New Wine, exc. of Dyersville... 2751...... 300 619f S9..... I.1......... 6 1 28 2......2206.........I... 255 310.... Prairie Creek.......1923 4 105 kF37 99....... 45 4 9.... 6 2360...... 823 480 20 Table Mound.................5655...........2370 1010....375!.2.500.100 Taylor.......................2.585 17 510 2054 800 4f 1.........326 171 128 75 138 6455........... 968 3172 7 Vernon. 3833 15......3412 906. f.................22 16 176 5 129 2708 1 5258 341 7 600 141 Washingt o~n.3805 33...... 15S4 347................254 43 26 21 10 2584 6 40.... 206 73.... Total....................69773 1071 1357 48456237 40 18. 34..... 3650. 612 3729 855 32364 85816 -73 24944 2061 16367 16740 1132 EMMET COUNTY. ArmstrongGrove......... G67 27 740.................................................................. C en ter...............~...... 4..................... 64 9................................................................................................................................,. Ellsworth.................... 242 29.185................. ~~~~Emmet...... 267 57 160 18 1...............122.................129.......16. Estherville...... 376 40 960 11..10 2........... 6..................... 10 2......1 Iowa Lake......~~ ~.............................96 11 70 II......... I.................................... 2............... 2..................... 6................. I6 12 1711.1....;....I2.....5. Highsn........... 168 7.. 30 1........................................................................... owan Lake................................... i8 i........ 1... 2.............................. Total 12341 193 2215 70 2 1 13..1..6..........:......13..................16 201. FAYETTE COUNTY. ~~~~~~~ ABarn.2.. 3 1. o....:::.. 3 3 1 3'.41.....i:197......1 20 Bethel..3....... 00 110 2053 175 50 40 3............ i......... I...... I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............ 2S7................. 32 15 Center.396............ 3 80339 42. 2 3 79'.. 672393......... 98 46. Clermont......50.835.327.......1 200......................... 83......................................................' 2o.......... Th~ver.3561 100 40 600 521:1:......7 108 7009 9 12 147129 4 H Eden.267...........5 16.350.403 1 51..12 3. 186. 82.................. 4...............1.. 0 249...... Farden d.42...................... 267 44 37 0 5 11........... 12 1098 366.3....2..29 5,266 1....... 518 8462i......... Fayette, town of.....................................I.:.................... 20 400.... Fremont.828 20 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~2371 219 50...48 1,2.....3`1 3 2..50 2060............ 2.54 248... Ha rlan...................... 423 52 2855 208 29.......... 12....7... 2360....I.......... 163 178 10 Illyria......................3671 21.... 1169 629.i..... 81 8. 300.............. 231 545 248 Jefferson....................1310 3 1 9624' 686 2471 1... 1I.......... 491 31 119 lIII................. 6................. Oran........................2435 62 2300' 549 69 2'......28~ 8 121 2j1 30148....... 26 48 1 Pleasant Valley.....5893 6 290 885 593......................... 25 2596............. 345 846 433 Putnam....................... 465 172 2068 1132 393.....I............... 174 3 336 3722.....507 540 3 Smithfield................... 336 50 600 526 270'....... 10 il 1 34.......... 91........ Westfield, exe. of Fayette......1402 10 00 62 1641.......................100.10 10.... 1 187.. 38K:...:.... 9' West Union, exe. of town......3769 20 215 1765 6281 20'.................... 29' 40.....~~ 6052 500.... 408 1222 27 West Union, town of.......... 800. 2i...... 360 180 II..........I........... 1101 820........ 309 30281.... Windsor.~~~~~ ~~~~~~2555 1071 3540 601 243.........925 371.191.2. 336241............ 224 490 6 Total.....................385391 977 29447 12756 51221 681 4.... 12 119 4381 14861 781 1369 86411 2' 789 421 40251 94831748 FLOYD COUNTY. 0~~~~ 0 APPLES. PEARS. PEACHES PLUMS. CHER- ~ GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN.' R VI N EYARD. R VINEYARD. I) g NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, z P D + ~ AND~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ CITIES o~, I I o4- I Z a) I~ -. r... 0 11.~ - 1 -a M QOOq'a — ~ ~.o'.p —. jU P..'a... P P0 I~ 7! ~~~~~~~~~- l;i............. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c _ _ _ Z P d C edar.45............................... 42 20........ 22 2 0'.8. Charles City, city of................2 0.......................... 433 275... Riverton...............2423 47 1962 501 74.4 1 27 2 254 8503 1 500.... 373 20 2 Rockford.131 45 1415 5 31..8 1......47.2...........[...... 2 269 hoc GrvekeGroves 1497exc.104 N5or....Spri....ngs.. 1249... 71.. 680...10813... 1.48. 1428.......3502.380... 380 4427... Rtudd....342 28 3100 288 48.15.. 4 1763.159 324. St hrl1e~s",e'x'c". o~f ci..3093 60 1393 102.5 3381..2 1.....i........13-5' 26 1(0. 8044.............1708 10 Scott.............................................. 50 1529 18 II Ulster.844 16......103..191169......................3................ U lst ra............................ 8of6.... 9................................ 2169....I.....2I.. 9...i...... Union........................................... 1313 53 4935 28'1) 126...................... 5 4 39 47 1 205 743. 200......41.8 Total.17294.528..19973j.5032,.1158 2 1 670, 2571 709 4 30-927 53008! 700...... 6150 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Clinton............................ 337 49 2066 6 2...... 5 3144......... 9651 49 Geneva...................................... 3742 172 1160...13 8.....24........... 2615.1..... 346 1542 Grant......................... 10 45 2975..........................81 15.......................... il o..4 2203.4 46..............................209 5 1666......4 0. Ha ptontownof..................................... 5.. 62 15....... 4.6..... 43 6 1 227...75 155...... Z Ingham...........................i483 80 1915 12,31 III....................6........ 2579............ 316........ P ee.. 1..... 1 5...... Lereon..............41 13............................ 4~ ~~~~05!382l;.............. M ar on~............................13.................. 8}.I...... Morgan................531 36 1156............................... 22 61.110 2039.12 20...... Oakland.....466 351315 156.................... 28........ 3 36 2244 63...... Io Osceola..............w 733 196 870 242 50................. 100 20 961........ 273 8569.......... 551 Reeve........................................... 1779 85 190 660 1 191 1.......... 48 5 42 1 36 3109....... 516 1586. Richland....... 139 1A 847 911 9...............8.............. 8........I.........11613...... 201 251....... ~Washlngton, exc. of Hampton.. 91 38 40 143 16................ 41 5 23....... 73 3022......26 181. WestFork.................................... 205 62 5100 24440 88 13 3...... 2597. Total.14185 815 2434 1909 303............... 240 413 11 3687......38..... 2225 51 Tota.................................... —- 6871-~ 3l 3-~ - ~~ - ~ ~FREMONT COUNTY. B art ett to n o.................................................................................................................................. Benton, exc. of Eastport and Percival............1272 1 2530 906 542 8 4 12........ 12 8 37 37 2 4014............... 2105 2425...... Eattport, town of.0.......................... Farragut, town of.......................~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~"ii~.........iil........................................................................................................... Fisher, exc. of Farragut. 292 42 26427 344 160 117 1 117 55.....152 5 1498 10783 2.1587 950. Franklin, exe. of Hamburg.... 2167.. 4571 1737 1737 8 3 772 848 31......... 191 17 204 2142 4 900...... 0 3 0 Fremont City, town of............................................. Hamburg, town of........................ Mc~~~~~~~aul,~~~~~ii tono... I... Madison..................... 3211 39 1251 1 -661 196 15 ~... 45l 13466..857 82 40~ 414) ~y 1891 2 1830 9 7143.... 300 8.... Monroe...................... 567 27 12085 143 88 1.. 63 2650 9 15.. 2 7886...........1739. 1........ Percival, town of................'........... Prairie.463 28 7340 225 186 2 1 162 90. 10 4760................. 7 Riverton, ex. of town.618 14 3250 179 137 8 2 760 274.....................2 1...10879 2 60 760 650 1I Ross, exc. of Tabor.....................' 3989 95 19290 1607 1103 1 17.....12..""'11404 2 4000 50.'1910 4460 2 Scott, exc. of Fremont City.I - Bartlett, and MPaul.422.5 10 3470 1216 1043 46 23 284 152 27 3 543 57 45 5133............ 732. Sidney, exc. of town.645....... 6 2 14717 554.4 4143 298 240 4911 8812 4 2 687 100 61 15013 1 2650....2503 1979.... S o. 242 1 5 12 571 423 61 37 409 120.. 4997 4 1153150 43..... Srivdne, town of................................... 24 17 50 8 5050 Tabor, town of............................ 2 475 451 267 11. 112 80 16 8 50 5 100 414...... 100 135 441 1850.... Walnut ex.. 664 31 8415 260 69.35 5 16. 2919............ 410... 40......... Total..................................29 341121669 15443 11905 702) 34810468102 60 02 19231 87279)24 22293 7450 16525 19916 33 GREENE COUNTY. Bristol 9..........1115624511198............3............4251. Cedar.....................88 151840 541 9.....' 9 o' i6 1 2 261063......2 418............ 241 1...... Dawson. 6760 9.I.I. I................. I. 120. 137...... GREENE COUNTY.- CONTINUED. CIIER-. GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN APPLES. PEARS. PEACHES PIXhaS. RI'S. INYR. V SEA D CITIES. 5 +ZIINEYARD. VI iNEYARD. NAME oF ToWNSIP, ToWN, c~ ~ 1~~~~ 0 0~~~~~ ~ C7 0 0 o4 0. o.z So0 W. tc -o o.. 0. t~ 0. b!. S+Uo. S Grand Junction, town of.. 29 1........... 1 5....................... 5 Greenbrier................................... 24 13 2340.......50 5 3 6......376 100. Hardin......................................... 198 17 4185t' 5............... 67............... fligbland ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.....'56.....40..............0 Jigklan........................................ 141 3 343....50.... 400..... Jackson....................................... 1485 4 1217 159 58 7 1....2 47...... 10 4540 500 46 862 47.3 4 Jefferson, exc. of town............. 2114 17 3004 576 214.213 22 62 6 36 8065 1 100 1238 1897 1 pd Jefferson, town of...........................314 35 11 10.245 42 162 4 45 8794.2897 2088. Junction, exc. Grand Junction 24 4.....13 2 107 937......10 6 138 186. Kendrick................................... 1540' 3460 1157 77 20. 1.39 2. 3859.899 2470. Scranton, ex c. of town............. 36 2134...........62387259 30 Scranton, town of...8...........400.. 4.... Washington...................... 1382 50 21674 540 95.....65 11 61 6 60 8269 2 75 911 130. Willow...5 2....................~ W i lo................................. 5/ 220.................................................................................................................. Total.9410 ~~~~~~~~~~~230 48109 3304 611 46 13 2. 57... i8 81 636 36 285 51920 3 685 52 9260 8912 5 Total.......................,................. 9-~-~4101~- ~ ~ - 1- ~ —/~ ~ -~ l-3 - -'' t' 1GRUNDY COUNTY. Beaver......................... 1 78 3895 584 264 2.1........... 27 21 15 1...... 6914.636 5801. Black Hawk................................. 315 225 2755 87 24.........::.:........ 10 I......... 496 600......496 60.1 Clay.......207.....99.....7020..... 209 720 2 949.................58....4.....5043.4.......54. 985.....1230... 98.83 COlfa~K............................................ 60 57 140 212 1 1.... 109..... 50.. Eairtield.......................... 198 2650 1182 527..................14 11 1011f.... 39 7783....................... Felix........ 118 8353 946 164............................... 93 15 128 13......... 7239..................... 1260 857.... erman.66 3577 3381 2.51...............................412 53 77 41 852 45591... 347 24 1 P fant..5 480 74 5............................2 1.......... r'airfield...................................... 1 52 1680 46 3..........8.7.3. ~~~~~Mei~~rose ~~1........................................ 10.1081 1387 13247 21 152 13 v9 1037.......1............... 181 4 50 Palermo...... 217 251 12485 174 108.....13 73 45 13 31 16170............... 858 Pleasant Valley..................66 90 3760 75 3 13.... 81.................. Shiloh................................................. 72 101 15................................ 5.13.5866.... Total....I 8661 1420 57714 52791 1364 31 198 29...... 1 7......... 982 210 73 49 1119 76577 1100 51 6417 89571 59 GUTHRIE COUNTY. Bear Grove...............921 6. 845 193...... 50...1 16 9 _o 4 98 1... 60 IO...... 4 2 Beaver...................................... 238 83 9.............. 2922........ Cass, exc. of Panora... 2368 187 13585 3911 1044 1. 119 14 236 22 9 19626 2 6000..... 379.582.............~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~'........ 9192 2 600... 37 58 Center...................... 703 132 350 408 74............................... 94 5 17 7273............... 137 100. Dodge...................225 24 460 34 14.............. 0.... 1............................ Grant........................................... 175 14 4........................ 50 2 21 1443..................... 129. Highland.................... 873 24 1000 116............. i I...... 10.....15............... 15..... 1 645. Jackson............................ 3518 21 4494 1958 661 2..... 1...... 97 3 11872...... 305 410. Orange....... 103 13 1535 455 130......3...... 1230 2250... Panora, town of............ 228 5 768.1027 202 7.......... I 25 3 75 41 8 1563....... 195 0 1 Penn............................... 781 29 898 717 381......... 12 7 44 61.. 5921.597 100...... R3ichland................... 0 1 63 5 5.68 2 302...9 7...... 1 63 5 5 4688 1...... 15 Thompson.................... 398 25-.4 1372 50 25....... 55 4 77 1...... 9942 200 181 20.... Union.479.............11180 15 10....... 1...... 0783...................... 1463 Valley............ 959 51 3695 1092 3681... 108 3.'5i 78 4...... 10155... 800 1094.................. 2 6 5 41 15 43 4..1 95 1. 278 35......I.................- 1 Total......................................... 14180. 747 41116 12829, 3633 241!......... 6!1.........5. 442! 701 10281 55! 3261 87104 4! 6600......I 2186 26930 1 HAMILTON COUNTY. Blairsburg...................................52 3532............................286 7 348 33.... 2232........... 181............... Boone.1371................... ~ 380 1255 272 47............... 165 ii.f 13 23 4 38 78791.... 100!.... 6361 514.... Ellsworth..................... 242 18 2512 167 17....122 5 15 4 54 2172......70 Fremont............................. ":::':....3420 93.,.[67.... 12...... 2 490.......... Hamilton.................................... 1356 32 1542 3....3.......3........~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~4.........I.921.,...................I...........9.... Marion...................... 1647 21 3781 467 370 4 6.........768 38 92 3 1317 10126.... 60. 375 9.15.... Hose Grove................... 140 118 2160 40................................. 75 12....... 275.... 300.... 202 100.... Scott.21 4(89 28 13.991.~~121 7.~~~~~~~~7......[..........[ 9 2...... [ 200[...... 1 8: Webster...............72......3.........31 1313 471 87..............102..... Total................. 8172 8761 23166 1782 545 4 6 I.........1411 70 692 59 1701 32925...... 6 2259! 3071 1 - HANCOCK COUNTY. to APPLE PEARS. PEACHES PLU S. CHEr- 4 0 GRAPESIN GRAPES NOT IN S._ x IS.I —- - VINEYARD VINEYARD. EIES __ — _ - 4_ WAXE oF ToWNsHP, ToWN, A - ~ - 4Q QbC0 b)Q) 0) 0 0 hO0 n a i ~ ~ ~ %- z Amsterdam __ 111,11~~~~~~~~~~o s 0- 0C I o 0:=.,C 0 p Amsterdam................................. 241 33 3610 38 1..............6. 50 100.20 10...... A very........................................... 35I83 8 5 8.......... 16 2' 201......................... 7 I...... 383380.......................... 2 0 2......... 8.... 2 2 2 270...... Britt.~~~~15~ 30 711. Crysta............................................ 3. 1 7 5........................1 9 2............. i l....................... E llingto........................... 8970: 6:::28:21.......................'"'.............:::................................. 73........ Concord......14. 1920 7......5. 6.......50. Crystal..38287765.9032.......................2......... llngton. 8970......2.......... Total.................................. 0000 114 11919 152 12....96 34 41 2 50 1041.150 72 HARDIN COUNTY. A c k l e y, t o n o f.........................::::::::................................................... Alden....................................... 6 3892. Clay..................................... i019 27 60 9 0{ 442{i0.. —.................. 2 5 2.... 90........... 7 10... Eldora, ex. of town..................4027 71 3830 1617 654 4 1................. 252 63. 3614.713 2465. Eldora, town of.....671 24 210 415 76 7 3.13 106 1 1188.....................1156...17 Ellis........................................... 559 6 4630 4 78.............................178 69 46.................................... Etna, ex. of Ackley............................ 36.........1020 167.....373 1...... 829 368 Grant.......................................0 15 1485 28 11.166 56 62.1680.85 40. Hardin, exc. of Iowa Falls. 1116 68 2845 1510 187.........9 20....3....2...... 10509 1....462 110. Iowa Falls, town of..................................................................... 84o......~................... 8 1 9 5....... JaCkson.. 1746 79 5250 434.................... 7...... Pleasant................... 1847 8 4226 759 239... 2 1 138 30 41 5633... 630 330. Provdene. ~. 156 14132 355 51 10 2. 3 174 71[380 2"~~314 45.9673 Sermin.. 54 10 1390..102................ 73...................... 17 3 43141...... S Erm n,.............. 541 Ac k l e y 9.......I.........I............................ 10 20............ 17 2731........I...1 8291............ Tipton......................................... 1008 22 6426 266 98.143 57 179 10 39 381. 445 Uinex.of town....................'........'g 440 I,, 619 OD ~..~''~ 6 Union, exe. 2455 84 5903 2137 506 2. 159 7 411 61 146 8279 1 5 15 969 2097...... Union, town of........................... Total.................................... 18106 961 46638 13115 4063 26............... 481 213 4331 256 68728 21 3500 15 6910 14205 37 HARRISON COUNTY. Allen.. 601 I 5 31...' 4 8 Allen............................................ 102....2 8....17 ~ 0i.....[..... Boyer.. 1042 2481 170 163 208 9 10) 17 254 7 170.... 496......... Calhoun.......................... 881 4 130 117 4 2..64 5 57 3 27 1336 1 200........ 158 260. Cass........................ 811 4 90 146 136.......... 3......66 20 36 1......1955........ 278 353.... Cin in ati....I..................... 100 5 47 19 22...............................'1 14 302.... 0 1 29............. 129 152... Clay....... 2160 2.........2 1...25 1 302 802 1.90 12. Douglas........ 861 271 7621 152 26 2 1.0................. 32 14 130 41 143 4669 1 40. 266 200. Dunlap, o................ town.i.................. of........................................... Harrison,.ofDula.....exc........of...Dunlap..................6......... 9...... 1509!..109.................... t Jackon.81. 2 2. 20 10 48 15811 Jefferson......................................2994 39 841 231 14.I. Lagrange.................... 1702 3 10 2.51 341 4 1 2...... ~8 1... 89. 244... 12 23865..........2... 02.0.. L2)nittle ioux3 1f.14 2964................0.............. Litle iou......................... 7'51 1.........':'" 121........................... I 17 2 2 294............................. E Magnilia.3292 11 48 288 26 63. 9... 20 21 210 45 181 8478..................... 641.32. Missou[ri V,.......o...........................4'1 1................I.............'............................... Morgan....................................... 3 33 7 2 2222.325 611... Raglan.1303 2 71 151 18................................. 2236........... 218 35 St. John, exc.-o'f...M.'i s~s. o u~r i Val-. Taylor...1616 29 372 71 7 2..30 5. 1675...... 5 Union...................................... 0................ 65.1700.12 100 Washington................214...................... 14..........................679.248..... 69.... 48........ Total..................................... 23497 528 3138 3418 1117 95 4 26. 395 85 1304.. 96 735 43073 3 240....... 4809 2125. 8 HENRY COUNTY. Baltimore............. 6363..........2822 42785 4177l41 403 26 114 34 10 1346 382 9 9529 2 4520 35997 4665. I 3 252 934 35 2 89 78 10 159.................... Canoiaan v...........o.....................5.....09 1 640 127 36 1939 13580 Center, exc. of Mt. Pleasant.... 40-52 18 14895 16136 8360 200 48 1874 906 298 84 2929 992 26 14174 17 43628 507 2063 15823 344 Jackson................. 6705 14 15393 12662 7418 63 300 14.7- 571 17 28 3109 2015.. 11602. 8000 32 1441 9329 2 51 23 7 350 86 301 1782 5160 80 644 4003 33 Jeffro.................................. 1 8 3 91 5407 7218........... 314 7{ 14169 Marian...........................1269 137 34119 17021 19259 780 107 2561 2 96 3 216 523 42 9311 42 12000 2756 24230 1682 Mt. Pleasant, cityo...................................... 7103 643 1331 47 107 495 21.2 190 73 4346 904 3868 3 311...... 496.153402 266 New London, exg. of town. 2426 27 27895, 15834 10979 213 40 1575, SIS 179 40 3246 907. 8214 1250 20 2569 36204 53 HENRY COUNTY.-CONTINUED. A E P S A S SCHEE- ~ 0 GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN A SPH LI RIES.' VINEYARD. VINEYARD. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ AND CITIES. Ca4- 4-4~f Ss 4C', ) 1rZ "' Cd 4- 0- Ca 0~ 4 C) C) a) C 0 C.C CC~~~~~~h C bo C 0 3- ho 0 C bn bn C. 0- -,7 0'd ~~~ z ~~~~~~~~~ Z ~ ~~Pqz Pq; Z ZZ~ Z z PL New London, town of......40 1402 1108 28 13 317 159 48 18 649 30 1 556........301 29680 5 Rome, town of..................2......... 250 64......10.. 25 13....... 162 41.. 625..... 189 8401. Salem, exo. of town........... 7586 20 19876 12414 109271 510 466 1172 511 169 37 3965 1794 20 13377 32 1400 1' 1323 7705. Salem, town of...735 723 68 90 200 145 101 58 863 836 25 897.....302 8865.148 Scot t........................ 1473 37 36-170 7345 3742 25 4 63 12 32 6 1389 507. 8725 2 15750 95 1283 6959.... Tippecanoe, exc. of Rome. 5264. 5953 6015 4256. 100 50 368 179 42 13 2119 362 30 9503.... 1756 9095 130 Trenton....................................... 5269.. 1090 7748 4935 115 31 717 134 36 81277 251. 4651 3 900 60 1563 5392 178 11 Waynie.................................29502.581 1 7694 37 5 205 29 25 5 784 1841 47' 12491... 4000 841 2779 16617 150 ~ Total...........................44178. 3121 218998.131873 99150 3629 1673,12741, 4500 11451 538,3127 4 13654 1505 125864- 102,100119 12491 26870 319707 3006 HO WARD COUNTY. Afton.I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1529 450 12 475... 847....188 Afe, x. ftown................................ 11291 45 110327 5710..... 846 7]95...............794...{................... Albi on.................1353 66 2682 234 104 12.. 43 10 5 5.. 170....201 205. Chester.841! 6..33~~~~~ ~ ~~~~20 0 1.....''75 495.. 16 332 Crlesc, town of........I.30I854 oest C........................... 88 1 5 6 58 324 35 30 2 3 3....6 TipeForest].............. 5 5 658125 4256 100.................... 242 13 2193 2........ 0 [........ 17653................ 5 0... Hoadoward.843.............. 84 2 1.......7.....42........11........ 4.58...............30... 5... Howard Center........................... 294 108 3 51 3 4821 1311.5.... I167 62 6 2] 21 150.I. 2 1 150. Jamestown.1021 28 8 47.................14 2599......9... Oak Dale.................... 474 29 1310 40 10....................................... 622............ 26......... Paris.89 58 7611 2 3 Saratg.30.8 7624 5................................................ VernonSprings, ex. of Cresco 828 37 228 347 142.............................. 17 18 5 24 100..................... 00... Total.....................10493, 584, 8189, 2397, 647, 42,............. 381, 167, 48, 12, 180, 8851,............ 1...773 662. 20 ______________-_ —__ Pi1~~ ~~ o~ ~0 ~s~5- - i- V5~-1~~ ~~-~~-~ ~~ % ~~5 HUMBOLDT COUNTY. 0 A v ry........................... 113 35 895......................................... 8 1........ i...... D a o a...................................... 4 1 4- 8 3 1............ 15 6 0 9.......4 D e a a......................................... 79 40.... 1.....................,...................... ~0EI........"... G roeln........................................... 4 7 2 96 24 32..............i F............... H u m old..........................' 48 32 1 240 65 32.......................7...::.:............. 13 0......... 1 0....... L ak e~............................................ 3 20................::::::.........'.......:........:........:....:...::................................ N or ay..........................~.. ~ 1 7 5 4..................................................................................................... Spi ng ae-eI.oumboldt.. 30' 4 5 8......25........................ 8.......... 3734........ li 5 W eaver ~ o....................................... 1..18...................... L a k e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0...................................................... ~orw ay...................................... 87 35 1 06 5i 4 1............I.... 57 27 1 1 2 7 8......... 193782 4 C orw ilnd........................................ 314 420 0 26.....I........................................................ D ouiglase.....................xc2..........................................bold......... 453..................... M ap eno......................................... 193 2 1 6805 50............................. 27 2 0...,........... aosil er C r e................................. 40 3 2 0...........................:...!.................. 1 9............. 56s 110 5.................3........iZ~......... 27 82.............. 2 Tota................................................. ~ Daytn....................... 1298....... 1681 1477 961 2 2...... 20.8........ 7930134. 423..... Totglis............................. 67 3 2 365 1 74 11 8 198.... 20 rd x. o itr............ 467/"28":13335 98.3,. H l o.... 1 0 5 0 1 3.3 2.............................. 5.31.....'.... 75 2..........9113 5........ Honeu76 43 133i 255 83........................ 17 4 7, 3 2 991............... I... 11 619 Io apl..........................................::'... 0 57 2 17 7 8 5 5 &..........' 0..........1'7............. 7'2 8 7 42 5 1 0 36 9 6 1 6 Slver Cee.................................!.!...... 40 3 6i19, 12.............. 43 6 1 7 269'.....9...............30 29t Lin ol.....................]26 2551 5 166II80..... 5 0.......... 4.4. 2147.9..................6 4200 0 Maenot, x. o o n.............. 161 2177~ 1r 6 0 i... Y1........3.... 8.........[ 7-5 — 7-5 --- 601 -Z5,200 2 17 94 46V IOWA COUNTY. —CONTINUED. 0 Q APPLES. PEARS. PEACIIES PLUMS. CHER- GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN ________ ______ ______ ______ ERIES.' VINEYARD. VINEYARD. I ~~~~~! SI~111 9I 75 4-....,.q. 4 -. Q) a)C'0 J),a) ) 921 181 77901 4421 22:3[......I.~~~~~~~~~~~~~Q1 NAMES~~~~....... 9oF TOW SHPS TOWNS,.73 26 x5 I[1112........~...~5"6....3 37l1132 ANDOCITIES. Cd 4,- 4........ 76 5 529 12.... I a.........I5 I4l....I20 09l4J 370.7 02. bi................. 0.. 0 0 0 4C... 0 A 9 b U j l b or 0 o 40 a) q r2 a2 0r-;,a).- +rr a)1;-, Cr or, 4-ti )0 a r9 IC a r o:::::::...r~.0......~....r''")'0....:::: a) a)0.01 ~1 C.30).......~'. 0) a-t a~oa).coa-~ Z Z- t Q 3.1.0 0.0 0.0 93 0 ~;Z 9~ 0 U.Ce103 0 0 bl C ___________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z~~~~~~I Z~~P P qZ2 q P Z 74Z ZP Z _0. Marengo, town of.............I 12 2 420 132 52 1......... 13 3 45 6 25 77........ 33 300 5 0 Pio...................... 92 18 7790 442 22.3............8380............ 1610 3446 9 Sumner...................... 901 35 8822! 713 269! 150............. 1 2... 211' -5-0,. 3' 3379 18 30253 310 1087 2705.... Troy........................ 765 27 7902 52 162.................. 5 2 114.... 20 9099 4 3700. 1419 1015.... c Victor, town of...............................................9......4............120................... 9. 46....... 20.250o......... Washington................................ 631 4i 120 2858 72........... 3 6 8 6 120 10 30 6096 5 1650 4821.........6 2327 326 York.......... 3941 64 6815 1339 9................ 9 5 194 43 20 6442 2 12000 25 2149 10746...... _______________________________ __________ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _38151 8061 309 139474 512 6812 i0 8 2 7 9 83 0 3 1 Total.229731 506,111422651 21494~ 1 14 9 2. T225 _6___ ___13_ 5_0____1__C JACKSON COUNTY. Bellevue, exc. of town......... 4187..... 60 3112 1694 15 2 4 1......j..... 80.........3941 1.....100 296 558.... Brandon...................... 8682........... 2527 2.512 4 1.........25 11 157 39......3125....480..... 177 427.... Fairfield..................... 3295......1291 1804 782 5 1.... 19 9 64 12 68 4029 426.. 2196 20.... Farmers' Creek............... 5347 1 40 6:38.5 3791 3 1.........80 56 34 11 300 2353............. 239 1188 9 Iowa........................ 3050......9367 6775 3854 7 2 39 5 555 182 542 98......2293.35........ 4 231,5,.... Maquoketa, exc. of city........ 4062 1 1360 2879 1966 5 7.........184 81 100 21 75 5934 1 2500 100 1535 7727 14 Maquoketa, city of............ 318...... 180 833 792 6 4.........189 63 2,57 52 828 2428 1! 3500 30 965 3799 7 Monmouth.4971.. 3397 613. 14 1 46 14 222 14 158 15246 I 939 2775 41~~~~~~14 4 18 524............. 39.77 4 Otter Creek................... 4505 1 20 1168 176................ 5 10 77.. 2 928............. 192 59 0. Perry, exc of Andrew.......... 3835..... 90 4053 2130 20 4 6......73 52 175 3 6 7815 1 2500.... 700 5682 65 Prairie Spring................ 5418 8...... 642 540 1 1.........22 20 28 19......402;3.............. 260 524.... Richland...................... 5233 3 965 2995 595 2..................... 33 1......3690.. I........... 50......... nsl ~sl ~l ~ I" I ~ ~,~o~o~........... 8~71.... 6ss....................... ~'~91'......~I','"'~ ~0~ ~ ~ ~1~01 ~' ~' South Fork exc. of Maquoketa 421] 4622[...... I a881 10661...... ~............................ I..... 366 10 c.n exc..................s!I'.....G~5]'"U61....1861 ""l.....'20:::;::l............. f ~ " "l ~1 ~ZJ.... af7/"'5'SUSl:::]]: Union, of Sabula. ~1 ~,~o} x8~j ~1 886l ]]]]]]:]]J.....620 1278 9201......J..'.... ]]]]....., Van Buren..' 1896J 8 4575 4237 2096J 8J 8649 oo Washington................................. 83861 331 162 1830 I 308t 1069 520j 36 I 281 190 1601 t~......... 29 200 ~:~:]]~]~J'i]'6 6591...................... J 1660[ 31......... JASPER COUNTY. Buena Vista.................,...... 1881 43 11063 1881 13~71 5 983 1292 3771 10~95................ 311 121 1.................. 17301 553~ 2!iiii:i...... Clear Creek................................. 4899 9[ 4176 1890 8131 9i 2...... Des Moines, exc. of PraArie City 134 17 2 122~50 336~1 22926 30 2522 109 11052 2959 2586J 65i...............'.......g 260 19 98 5730..........J Elk Creek.................................... 1097 5 3810 1795 6001 j....... Fairview, exc. of Monroe......... 8.......4 466149 7 12785 3331J15275"'7~ k'~ 3744 71 11350 3119 15171 881 51 3.........[ 2986.......... 207 [x-j 9967 60 11 15'"'4 346 109......... 11403 1371 10120............ I............ ~ickory Grove...... 154 ~.0~ 3301 -Independence................ 19] ~0~I "~1....~'.........'"S ~0,~ OI ~0~ ~8~'"Sa 2,570 Jasper City, town or.........................'......... I]]]]]]]]: ]]]]]]......... Ct~ Kellogg ext. of Jasper City......'i[i'~"'59~6'~5 "'i4i'1....1'i'1J'"7Y69'"299'31....99'11 15 2 5....46'3'138......64J "'9863 ~ LynnG~ove................................. I823 471 130~7 25951 9081 22 21......'.....15 617 113......... 5189 13761 8050 37 r.D Malakt~...............,......... ~51 389J 22090 955t 717[ 97 201 44 142J 13121 20881 5017......................!~l....... M~riposs............................................. ~...... ~; 63! 9~95 185J liSJ 9 7.........[4170 1556J 434 58 Monroe, town of.......................... 1[ 704381 700J 36J 40[ ]]]]]]!]!J 12 2476J 9734 25 Mound Prairie.................... 3107 82064 ~. ]. ]i]! ]i ]i 5681 11{ 14145 1330{ 4321...... 130...............[ 8801 9500.............................. iiii 4311[ 589'.....'~ 306 45l 1811502 3655[ lffewton', city of........................... 23] 4374 60991 30605...... Palo Alto.......................... 97'3.....'561 "'39i01"'3t3'9t....60'61 11 41......'.......g....29'2'"5d[......68 "'7560 17571 4252............ 13J "65>5(J"'1'5 2123J 4985 ~ Poweshiek.......................... 1661 191 II 9882 v~,................ 27421 11J 1031J 3204[ 9741.... 1001 I 3 481[ 341.........15649 Prairie City, town of..............I.........I 58 753 3184 1211 201 68J 376 4101 9.430 100 l~ichl~nd.............. 431.;..~..'i..~]] "'751 11[ 69651 1555 7391 ~o~Oree~.................................. ~0 ~ ~1 ~7~........................ ~1 I [ i.....'~ 21.3[ l j 34J 345 ~ 14271 2900'"20 Sherman....................................... 1330 671 ~18801 11631 290 631 69 7449 1926J 7570 17 Washington................................ 544 581 6650J 2731 2461 681 71..........16942 ~o~........................................ 7561]]:]~.l]]]]]]?l}iiiiil 686J 726o..... ~-~-q~I~ —~ ~so2il ~ —~1-~ —~ —5~ — ~ ~ ~1 oo~ ~s.~ 7 ~ —~~ -~,~ —~ o —5 JEFFERSONCOUNTY. o no,.................................:I Bl~ck I-]]~Wk................................'"282'0: "13'88i 28991 18 1981 8000[......I 7931 37501...... 1~ ~l ~'~ ~'.......~[ ~-~.... 1250 785 139~4 1840/ 9798J Bueha, na, n......... i i!...............:.......................... 8244! 1~5 147-t2 10956[ 5601 2131 46 3991 8 76 621 10735 120001 8001 3Oi~I 25055/'"56 Cedar........................................... 53 14['13671 2831 76721 5660 71441 6817 69 80 14.571 68801 ~-~ 671 12 1971 77 96, 100251 ]~]~]J'"i'i................ 131021 Des Moines.................. 16781 -q' 6221i 1588~ 89281 11598 10~ 121 192J 907[ 1391 28J 1{ 6014[ 8000J 100/ 27631 9451................. JEFFERSON COUNTY.-CONTINUED. 0o APPLEI. CHER- 4- GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN.n ~ APPLES. PEARS. PEACHES PLTiVXS. C RIES.'~VINEYARD. VINEYARD. ~ ~o~o~s~.~,~ o ~. i C di - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, C4- C-4 C ~,. AND CITIES. +D 4e.. 4~ P., U.000 bb 0 8.o 8. i SCbB5. cc 4-4 b-0 0 X~~~~ CZ" 0.. C4 Ci ~ Fairfield, exc. of city.......... 4398 2 3500 9536 4926 1221 46 250 31 55 11 1785 507 284 9500 1 7000 4918 445381 146 Fairfield, city of.............................. 1789 774 278 82 299 98 430 188 2276 1071 791 3524......... 3608 363551 110 Liberty...................... 3423 7 11960 6774 7239 232 33 253 89 139 14 2281 390 891 5267 1 34501 2301 1731 131551 10 LoCkridge.................... 3717...... 63533 9275 6231 92 13 617 173 162 45 1120~ 2511 21' 7426 3 90001 20 4U02 256351 58.3 LOCUSt Grove, exC. of Batavia.. 5932 4 76851 6231 6300 80 69 187 38 74 23 10581 2881 221 65911 3 14340, 100 14921 183831 362 q Ppnn........................ 5173 18 11128, 11640 8578 85 44 152 20 75 1 241581 2041 1 74151 6 126001..60 29241 12292, 40 Pol1k........................ 1742 11 15379! 4860 32211 491 20....1.......... I..... 1 5351 79... I39751 5 112001. 1454 11200. Round Prairie. 6893 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12572' 7726 57061 911 42~ 6411 100 321 331 9991 248..45 6306J 4 46801 1581 119111 4875 1 Walnut...................... 4243......I 46.3 56431 34841 571 14 97 39 351 61 6421 130. 5897i 6 56201 5531 11921 3503 67 H Total I......... 554781 99 1186621 93471 7270!1416! 444 3297 715 12579 365 19586 5436 701 97343 32 95890 1521 33029 228521 1395 JOHNSON COUNTY. Big Grove........3........... 393 121 5945 42191 1279 4......... ~6 1 81 191..... 1517.... 50....121661 1890~ 411 Cedar....................... 3351 74 8981 45801 1738 101 12... 42 15' 3 04.1886 10766 234 Clear Creek.................... 754 14 3740 2254 1391.22....2..181 4 115......1414 73 201 56241 1 6000 2 11228 15250~ 56 Coralville, town of..................... 20 212 321.................... 10 8 5, 30.... 600.... 100 1075 120 Fremnont..................... 1008 13 7031 1312 1518 59...... 7 2.......... 219 27 3.... 00...... 383 16651.... Graham.. ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~2723 18 1162 5559 1632 15 1 4 4 91 10 450 75 5 49 1Y 40 2399 67131 718 Hard in...................... 857 24 2275 228 117!.....I...... 6 6.... 80 3094... 1023 2510. lowa City.................................. 1668. 7531 1121 25 4 1 53 55 784 446 16 16 12 6160004050 3218 24965 2 Iowa City, additions to........ 3....... 198 240.............. 29 31......1,55 21 50001..... 2707! 95401 355 Jefferson.......................167 7 3230 2167, 940 1 10 37 43 2. 3399....6000 801 1417 20501 40 Liberty........2684......4535...2479 i 71 21. 29 2' 20 21 195 30 3 2920 1 3000 160 1927 32.59 270) Lincoln....................... 4 41 182191 650 115 21...I........ 411 2 21 7 5827 1......... 20851 2891.... Lucas...............I............. 36281 31 60741 11174 6,5611 1021...371 71..:::l73 27 7431 3831 1691 213901 49 16100 550 11750 531851 42.0 Madison...:........................ 207 66 80741 1473 751 4... 1. 30 61 486 12 71 5726 1...1 — 1088 11942 84 o Monroe........................................ 2~8[ 21 13371 1662 11I~tl 131......... [ 3.........I 186[ 101 17['2957[......[.........1...... 3351 20901 84 ba lffewport....................................... I............... 1570[.........I 2801 5963 1921l......].........r............... 137 36 130i ~01.........[2237......[.........I 1585 11.651...... oo Oxford 1759[ 891 2598[ 1034 4301 9[......... t...... 6i 10t 356......... Penn............................................. 12681......1......'..' 1038 1925].,.... 2166] 4{ 995t 4273 2283J 12]......... i......... 3 3: ffa Pleasant Valley........................... 6861 11[ 7558T 2026 1837[ 121 I 4...,....................~ 270[ 151.........[ 2577I......l.........[ 696 1867/...... Scott............................................ 1830[ 78/ 8705] 5046 1966/ 121f........................ 44 11 ~ 222 32/ 5/ 4372] 4] 6600[ 1137 6769i............................................... i t......... Sttaron 111 61.........| 35/ 3f 311[ 22[ 3~ 6t68/ 3/ 8200{'9 62181 132 3099| 10 13331 4670 13i41 37[ 3330 j................................................... r......1......... Union 1772] 6 5212 1088 350/......~ 1163 4240 ~Vashington................................. / 150 16027 3821 1"~0{ 31 2 i......... 32 10 455 71] 351 9451....../ 6501150I 2532] JONES COUNTY. Anamosa, town of...............................]..i............... 87 34........................ 7......... 61 11[......... 133[... 429[ 3t55 4 Cass.............................................. 2168i 441 8962 1605 470 "'~ 45......... 161 2] 114 32821...'1'88'i 17921 2216...... C~ Castle Grove................................ 1487......... I 19~21 3~451 1285...... 10 12 [~...... 4...............[......... 3116]... 200 Fairview, exc. of Anamosa and C~o Strawberry IzIill....................... 41] 3344~.........136481 20711 00O 35 14 715 1341 188 54191........... 17951 7707 Greenfield.................................... 2056 67{ 7248] 1992 564.............. 733 165] 269 740;9.. 1259] 4460 4 5o i-Iale............................................ 2t87 74] 8442[ 19501 446....5 7......... 397 23[ 95 6775['{600 5t18...... Jackson 86~1 9193 13/ 4363[ 1570[ 388 135 56 218 16/ 51 41001 1875 Monticello, exe. of town...,........ 3270 23] 787J 973t 286....2.......3~ 296 2000 ~J.~ l~Ionticello, town of............................. / ~oo 152 p l.~o 4961 2~80......'i~ 371 [ [ O~fora.......................................... 6670{ 3006 657 918[ 2321 5,5 P$ 12.......~ 37~ "7~'.....i~ 60~8.. 51~ ]......... ~ichland...................................... ] 2039... 6771 1582 4440......... 80 1167 697...~....... l~ome........................................... ~ i~i 46 71 458 66[ 110[ 1292... 1 6520 5o 2939 25 4982 3587.~05 I............................. soot~ a~ov~............................... ~8~7 8 107~i....... t~? ~/ 4 ~ x7~ ~/ ~z~/ 4~....~' ~0~ ~ 7s~ 7......... 23[ 2l 121 113... 821................................. / / I I t.... Strawberry l~ill, town of........... ~;].~ 70.....~....... I............... 52 "~ ZZ~'i'"~.... Washington....................................... ~5'Wayne.......................................... 31i'"~'b'~ 7 561 135 3402 3866 718 ~Vyoming, exc. oftown.............. 23.t8 16 15801 3.t93 139 10/ 1 931 201 245[ 46/.........19897... "2'6~ 973 4809 25....... 11 Wyoming, town of....................................... 125t'2 10195 I 467 138 1............... 201 52 208/ 49[ 30{ 15~37... ~ o~......................................,k-7~ -77;1 5-7~ 3-7ii - ~ -~ — q -5 a3I-T/S/-~I-~ -i~l s-~ - x-b~.61~ 070~7 3597 KEOKUK cOUNTY. I............... iililil Adams...,........................................... 8521 m 2z~591 2633{ 1442 4 Benton.................................. 41',"i~i............ 1 462 67............ 7288j......[ 1236[ 4139'"{6 b~:................... 3712]........... 248141 31561 2020 Clear Creek............................................ 33661 88t1[ 2378[ 22~9 I 3 160 36 163 5696[ 3/'"ib66 521 2910 25 ~, English River................. 11]................................ 17671........25 260631 243i[ 2015 I 2.................. 152 801.......,..,J 10i83!......[ 300 1237 9993 24 KEOKUK COUNTY.- CONTINUED. - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C~~~~~~~~~~~C PEH L CHER- O GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN U E CHS LUHS. CRIES. VINEYARD. VINEYARD. U~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ OI a) U) C3 na a) na C ~ NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS,TOWNS,..................... AND CITIES. 59 4.1. C 1 30. 5..... 98 6 C x, Ca)R el) 0RrCrC) a 0~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 C Z;01 a I - ___________ <1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Z l~~~~~ Zl~~~~ ~~~ ~~ z A z A i Z z Z k1 Zi0~ German............6467......12144 2852 1121................. 30 19 114123 75 10453........... 3667 21400 399 Jackson..................... 2990 7 12540 4520 2451 23 7.......... 8 2 426 127......6001... 77 72 Ke~~~~~~~~~~~~ota tow of.~.~o LaFayette, cxc of Keota...... 203 108 34592 1519 378 10...... 6......394 59 412 30......130,34 1 2000 6 2034 692.. 61 Lancaster'................... 3840 21 11545 5217 2847 11 3 331, 35 45 21 868 81 68 7366 1 800 160 122 5920 22 Liberty,..................... 1385 1081 23660 2870 1183 17 1 17......185 30 530 115 36 12108.............. 1833 9781 63 Prairie................................. 69 8363 2095 1................ 48 7 40 767................ 2775 5119...... Richland, exc. of town...... 5004 4 4222 4558 23405 12 2 68 1 5 406 159....6235...... 2619 25299 163.. Richiand, town of............ 799 20 924 1549 1353 57 45 45 15 101' 44 574 158 29 3091 3 16000 522 1335 7311 4 Sigorney, 2195 1 715.3426 2302 8 1 63 7 207 161 595 163 3 7228 4 25000 530 1291 9680 71 7 Sigourney', town of................................................'798 2046 129 33 77 1 362 89 956 629 34 18531.....'...'..... 1175 32042 16' Steady Run............. 3438 6 23729 3792 2010 24 10 64 31 308 138 8921 233 140 3833 1 340 1435 4985 3 Van Buren................... 3540......79921 4066 1819.........36 6 49 19 220 34 130 2020........... 774 5876.... Warren...................................... 2805 1 3817 1913 785 21..........'... 25 2 118 20 10 5043 1 2000.......384 3620.... Washington................................. 2605 18 12430 26419 839............... 350 52 100 2 71 16.................................2...... 617 2133 280 Total..................... 450001 400i238750 52451 29473 323 111 1086 16211849 599 7284 2016 728 116474 14 50550 1268 266401170015 1151 KOSSUTH COUNTY. Algona,-exc. of town.......... 382 107..... 31 2............. 225 87'..........l....... 26 140.... aton f................ 538 61 640 20................... 10 2 1. 9....1........ 13 0... Algona tow ofI 50.0 Fenton...................... 26 494......j.................26..... 10.......... 232.........j.. 231 1.... Greenwood..15.3.100 14.::::I:....1609j.............. 579 11 Irvington................. 8 4 55 41 11.39....1::... Laotts Creek.............1 64 40..................::: ~ —. ' Wesley.................... "50 5331 3].................. 51 2.......,................. 934...............'583 -'~1 —~! —~ —.-~. —.. I 19..-~... -— ~..'~......~....I 2681 2101 56 LEE COUNTY. Cedar........................................... 1466 51950 10202 97481 268} 1321 T 611t 3681 106 2916! 9201 106 11882 "'3t"'9~261'"725 95571 27 Charleston.................................... 7466......~.9.I 13222 8990 7074] 591 67] ] 10311 141 3 1589 5871.......I 6604 68641 159 Denmark... /I 3~95.........I 10729 12171 2441 71[ I 931 21 20 981 4171 3721 1806 46[ 53001 6410...... L6848 Des Moines 6291 9.140 9007 51941 159/ 32[ [ 14141 201 2 1892 311[ 16} 9522 11 96001 521'01................................... 98181...... Fort Madison, city of.................. 2163 2526! 432/ 1391 [ 1538[ 85j 28 1657 956/ 31 4390 9 7700 3901 783.% 3570 Franklin....................................../"'4'60i ~'229 10102 8169 176/ 146t / 889} 60 10 1739 9431.......}7047 20] 15001 8005[ 40t5}1495 43-t8 80...... 3670 4571 4555 12/ 31 I 30[ 233 72~[ 1471 924 151 12775[29901 Green Bay......................................4603....... 6911 75 8 26889 10358 6807 241[ 1481 / 968[ 64......i'5 1950 H~rrison.............................................. i 2100 75 3599 I 4651 810 4665 5730 125[ 14 2 732...................13019 4957 4325 147 ~ 610fi 5666 67}- 18/;/ 476/ 22 2 1182 3814 11939 Jackson, exc. of Keokuk 781 31900[47270 321 3] J 15171 318/ 3722[ 140 Jefferson....................,.................. 5[ 92401 1210] [=j I42eokuk, city of...........................] 36g 50 1797 955 167/ 52];[ 630/ 32 fi 703 257 161 416001 1583~] Madison, exc. of Fort Madison..[ 214 "96&'d'380 2090 1086 1318 1171 14~;{ 235[.. 289 1061 ~]]]]~1"'i5'~ 81 18000{................................. { 8273.....'3'i.11505 968fi 7187 681' 74/;/ 702/ "63.....'~ 1971 511 70/ 8880 81 cJa 2001 890 14608 n~7~ ~oo 8~5oI ~ 11920 616i 1770 Marion......... / 4079 812[ [ 2791] 19 7 0o.............. o~ Montrose~town of........................ 371~ 307 24........-/;1 126/., 130 Pleasant Pddge............................1'"~i:188 "'....~ 87835 1182~ 12233 72 "i'8.....'14 16.~3 733'"'37["'7Y70'"2}"'4.g~1 2~'32{'~'5 [:~ [ 5060 7305 2~02 25381 56~ { 463/ Van Buren.................................. 21) 11,/ 23~/ 28 5 3172135 [~j [ 32991 777[ 51 110511 37[ 78229] 67351 7610[ 40~ ~'~ XWashington................................. 7!.424.~ 21312 163701 521 3301 ~1 2015{ 15~ 132i 4841 1431 121 4058 1/ 1400 "'2901 West Point, exc. of town.......... 8839 76.551 109 651 i[ 10571 7!!.~.. West Point, town of..................... 51 116'271 14t 370801 1~39] 67111 813 691 10681 22 151 1/ 2041 51-12971 3251............' 1.................................................? LINN COUNTY.......... Boulder 1581~"'"'r9t"'i'~)0 9681JI 2501 II................................ 54 1642...... 784 1918[.............................................. ZZZZ~Zii 367 533} 2~o............... ~...... 4s 4~6s!! Brown.......................... 1737] 8t.........'.....'i'"39 8 11 519 7037 ~"'3600 1363 89391....'............... I 2695 118/ 7120 2687 1~1...... 4~8 I......... 20 Buffalo........ 131 1704'......,.........................,....... 2.?,5 293[ ] 3748 7] 100 3131... Ceoar lq;apids, city of.................. 20 ~ 15 21......i2 "'9690....1 "'200'0 921 13170}'322~0 I'"i74~.~....'~/"'~'~g~ ~o2~ ~I 1,~].......X..... 25 ~i I s~~ ~ 8~,8 os4o[ Coilege, exc. ofWestern.............12371 48} 4885 104.3 188 28} 341 6808....4 "'~00'0 713 18271 22 Fairfax..........................................t 509 3107 37 11533 1702 4570 Fayette......................................... 2181'"'~ 3731 41 7106'!i 62/ 5450 377t 51......... 5461 34[ Franklin, exc. of Mr. Vernon [ 1157 and Lisbon................................14880 8[ 4087 5768 82bi 50[*........ 2 88 18 7871 178[ 428 12-50 8 21500/ P2 201718866 41 b~ Grant............................................{ 382 871 2672 ~ 665 I 13 281 12[ 6467 968 1536 ~0 Jackson......................................... 260] 11......... / 4269 211 868 1212 491......{......... 601 411....'1221 9't67 627 1672...... ~ — LINN COUNTY. —CONTINUED. 0 0 APPLES. PEARS. PEA~~~~hES PLUMS. CEER-.~0 GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN.0.0 ______PPLES PEARS_ PEACHES P___S_ PIES. VINEYARD. VINEYARD. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS 00 0 0 0 0 0 AND CITIES. 43 0D D bp b.0 0~~~~~~~~~~~~.0 J~ 0 0.0.4a..- n 05 I.t 0-4 0 ro W Q, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 00 d.r _________ __ _________ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~z z z _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ Z PQ Z Q Z q z. ZZ Z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Linn........................ 5057 54 7270 3113 1221 18...... 2...... 174 171 501 34 116 5662.1048.6175! 9 Lisbon, town of.............. 13 20 25 36.......................... 57 22.6............-. 179 20330 8 Marion, exc. of city........... 5392 107 9328 6402 1823... 1711 514 225 131......12162 1 5200....33491 13339 15 Marion, city..... o.................4I5...3 13 2................ 4 0 8 15 1.4I... 0. 501. 42 1007 20.. Mount Vernon, town of.........i...... 6741 239.................32 10 513 282 18 1134 6 12600.... 943' 987 0 12 Otter Creek.1487............... l 27 3328 1224 384 41 3.........32 7 251 23' 623 7282...........1246 7351 19 Putnam..........I......... 6712 1 1420 722 265:.................. 2...... 155 27 9 2873!.......'.11054 3000 13 Rapids, exo. of Cedar Rapids.. 5200 2 262 5124 514 37j......33......219 35 1583 105 433 89231 15 16890 45 3189 7810.... 1 Spring Grove~............. 1545 7 2340 381 94............... 20 6 68 6 381 48511............. 663 625... Washington~~............ 2(9291 37 1024 332.............. 10..: 49301 I..586 13451' Western, town of. 235 11 660 863 314 2.. 301..9 118 289 3175 70 1312. 1920.... 4270 1251 15 1K l -2.. -j -0 241821 87240! 2821 297671115355 -0 Total................. 6333 85164228 429112715 3 21 1451 72 6623 103 6~~ 491 8__ 0 LOUISA COUNTY. Columbus City, exc. of Colum-I I I bus City and Colun bus June. 40521..... 22057 12917 6354 921 39 2291 161 3491 44 1974 233 89 6125 1552 30000 489 3371 10960 7 Columbus City, town of......... 45...... 175 2147 810 21 1......... 12 7 141 44...... 150 2 16-50011000 290 8230.... Concord, exc. of Fredonia...... 1419.. 789 2707 1475 20......27...3' 689 84 15 3970....... 1921 10002 49 Eliot....................... 1937 63 4140 2587 1222 13 1 89 16 17 16 323 94 2 3270.... 500.... 638 1165....r Elm Grove................... 1192 14 16060- 4949 2441 18 8 78 16 26...... 1599 172 48, 3881. 75, 41 1182 6340... Fredonia, town of............ 179..... 200 183 27 1..... 3...... 12 1 101 17 141 283..........1 42 15 Gra ndvi ew.............. 4879 4 61 14 7630 33721 11 611047 36 58 4 14.651 396 5761 3i01 5 29300 61561 1678 15946 230 Jefferson...........e..... 3672,....... 1241 3238 2768 32 11 186 57 5 1 6491 196...... 91091....I........ 1983 27710 49? Marshall.................. 2692 17 86081 6172 3031 30 16 1411 41 3~9 11I 1873 3950 116 51722 2 2500 1o 126 6719... Morning Sun, exc. of town..", 3133 66! 259171 76431 379-0 78 14 726 164 158 18 1532 269 450 11227 550 33001.... 99 3... Morning Sun, town of.................................'........................................ Oakla...1704 9 7850...... 5.............................2. Port Louisa................................ 3321. 640 2478 1467 6 1 90 53 7 2 533 82- 60 5375 1 450 80 803 1410. Union.2409 3 11517 2674 1774 3 4 47 13............... 51 8 8 3443...................... 935 2695. Wapello, exc. of town6181........ 9717 7573 4355 49 10 689 2241 16 2 1678r 443 2 63071............. 1027 7397 17 Wapello, town of........ 482.. 440 839 5901 43 19 130 28 54 5 9981 276 9 8171................. 223 612 4 Total 372991.1781122565.650901.3403...42.1I13313437 672 752 1 13866127101 13891 6 2113 82625 7929 16428 105549 356 * NOTE BY COUNTY AUDITOR.-~ines and acres are evidently badly mixed. LUCAS COUNTY. Benton.................... 1949 271 17,347 19551 6501 8 1 3...... 22f S 184 24 37 3854.............. 722 1987 15:... 25..............,i5....... Cedar....... 2523 3 11145 1324 936' 3 1 53 19 4 2 115 21 620 3948 9267 9155 Chariton,"ex'c.'of'city,',]'.]]]i]]]]]i": 12581 3 14205 2958 1642 811 28...... 58 9 704 54.........146841 57 100 1117 860 Chariton, city of.............................. 8 8 5870 Chariton, city of............................................... 650 771 791 15 26 10 134 23 662 328' 428 2745.................. 2996 16980 5.. English..2225 17 14222 994 337 8 1 22 1 10 5 159 43.........7587.....................776...... Jackson........ 1473 5 5045 455 451 1 I.1 2.. 163 54 6 1640..823 5682. Liberty................................. 1544 2 8014 597 659 6 2 5..... 204 45.. 4278.. 521 2675 Otter Creek.. 2180 9 13470 742 923 2 1........................... 20 3 52 2735................. 66 2510 Pleasant................................. 1346 25 6353 913 546 16 3..........62 25 249 17 27 37341 50..... 730 21571. Union.......................................... 2124 11 16680 574 57 2 1.. 10 5 58 47 7016............... 702 2255 5 Warren..2004 41 30858 2262 8441 20 1 321.. 182 28 970 86 38 11952 2 360 1616 3445 22 Wasington.............................. 2224 5 13236 706 255 21 0......... 75 6 255 13 14....... 729 798...... White Breast.. 2034 2 144401 875 867 41 Si...... 305 48.........1 6174 1 2500 602 5592 Total....................................... 22884 15011650151 150051 92381 2301 601 1851 351 5591 1081 41011 9941 12691 748681 581 99601 1401 223911 646921 47 LYON COUNTY. Dale......................'.... 41'. I.............. DooJ.... 1130'.I.3651 1 Iiiiiiiiii~i~11111111~i1 104.32 Doon~~~~~~~~~~4...............I.......................... 0......... 1305........... G.4.............. Larchwooa.......................................... 4 30 Larchw0od.......................................: 4::::::::..::::::::......... Lyon.......................................................... 587 52 575.................... 1441 56............ Rock...................................... 25S580.............I......_............................. _......_......... Total 61 41.....0......................9..................1.1.......................... I.......................2I 561 4041........ 32..... Total.................... I.........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................. ta MADISON COUNTY. APPLES. PEARS. PEACHES PLUYMS. CHER-.~ 0 GRPEIINGAESYNOTDI RI S. VINEYARD VIEYARD. 4-~ + ~ ~ K i2 i [C -i' - L C........ ) 0 i]d.... C C.o Ca ~ NAMES OF TOWNS'HIPS, TOWNS.... "'i' "'....4 AND CITIES. 04 434....'"- t-'4'~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~5 9[ 20 8132,Cw CI 1 5 0 ~. t2 131 5257.... EDi 0 0.F hoo~~ o 0....... 15~~~~ 50 C4 833 1890 101 S9 26 S7'8C 10 i~,000. 7867[....0 28 5 9C5] 6E0l1' 2 C....I ] 0.. 1 2 Crawford.18129 3 4424084 19 614 7 11 19 5 8 1 4 110..........60111866 220 25 ougla.4800 4 234 58O5 2517 1543.. 38.. 15361 10' 35400[.. 4 1307551 250 3 Granford Ri.......1..365 50.0[.630..379[.1.27 1 022 1134 79............. 5 12... 895...... 1 742 1 601 1477 220 2 Douglas ~~~~........ 4800 24 575 25176 1544t 308......................7............. 4.5 0848........162 0350 43 30 751 0 Jackson.................. 828 40 7452 539 388 4 1 18............. 56 9 20 8132 1 150!... 1310 5257.... Jefferson.1550....................... 1 9 64 8313 1890 1041 9.. 58 13. 266 27 78 15660 1 400. 7.8..... 3 6175. 15... Lee~~~~.1082855 7 8........ 4699 1 30 115 200. Lincoln................ 3985 12 6544 2028 1220 2......... 152 10.. 9274... 3124 19720. Madison, exc. of Earlham;.-..- 1129, 1.24 10568 1763 725 19 100 49 1 2...... 524 87 10 11907....I...... 1841 8441.... Ohio........................ 742 35 6010 630 379 1..... 1......45 23 27 10 13 7959............ 1284 8291.... s Penn, exe. of Eariham..253 240 20326 1112 308 1 64 4 652 59 615607 1 208 4495 4848. Scott....................... 3919 SI 8165 3515 1354 22 5 38......32..... 134 6 27 7898...... 2304 636 15 if South....................... 4636~ 4, 2815 175 19 9 3 8 2 1..... 35 7 8 8411 4 200!... 1954 7272 63 Union.......4046 4 3376 4613 2116 26 5 30 10 18 5 322 39'6 12497 8 9500... 2292 9851...... Walnut............................. 2527 7 4.516 1759 697 23......... |70 40 180 7 256 4873 2 1150.. 1530 3152...... Webster................................ 1353 18 5870 786 398 19.. 121 2.91 94 98 6 100 6235...... 200. 832 1620...... Winterset, city of.............................. 1 180 1916 1016 96 56 28 6 384 195 756 298 101 5866 6 10000. 4991 55053 870 Total.34426 9l0Kl~~~ls8 29391 15140 251~~~ 170 414 3O80M 368 3586 ~~6081 650 1529637 35 61239 443 37924 148652 13 Toal............................ -49 111-158,29391 ~114-' -51 ~15 4 - ~-1 3';8-0 0 - - -;o86 8~71 o- ~-576 o1037 [- -1 ~ — oMAH-ASKA COUNTY. Adams..................... 20911 12 11842 1892 1031 6................... 38661 70..... 1 4888. I....10861 10010.... Beacon, town of. 27.........75...100 16001...... Black Oak................... 1362 39 10112 3180 1068 8 044017 82 42161 2 1600 65 9721 74011 26 Cdar................ 1462...21098 43151 3627 1 2... 1 4922.........7305.1005 6012 11 Des Moines.24551. 38421.........17501 628....2 6 7 8 5......:.......... 30971 652.5 170. Des Moines...... 2745........................)............ 3751 A20 8600]51 Harrison........................ 2178 5 13195 4266 3020 31 15 20 10 25 10 233 144 19 8066 1 2000 1378 27825 40 Jefferson..............................5220 11 7410 2638 1225 9 3 67 19 64 25 319 93.. 7204.... 881 10495 4 Madison............ 2566 28 11198 3818 674 13 3 1. 16 3 520 123 96 63241959 12189. ~~.Monroe.................... 6302 1 7260 2144 2103 11 8 4........ 110 55 230 70 42 9341 916 5965 8 New Sharon, town of........... 280 667 504 6 2........... 24 6 143 57 74 1443.........1901 1093 OOskaloosa, exc. of city and I Beacon................................ 5598....... 17166 18562 11756 108 14 63 6 190 17 1759 457 59 30574...... 7130 55099 5 Oskaloosa, city of.........8.............00........ 800 625 10.170 88 375 355 3 11400...... 544 5600...... Pleasant Grove............................ 845 6 7883 1922 720 4............ 169 19 8 6190 1 4250 100 650 16881. Prairieexc. of -New Sharon..... 550 44 30517 3399 1364 22 31 13......... 16 1 1386 323 263 17147. 1500. 2692 11865. Richiand...................................... 3115 17 7760 3824 18271 8 6...239 70.........6963............ 1997 9618 Scott.............................. 5477 39 5110 3407 708 15 116. 6 7 35 745 94 2 54651.2568 23680 87 Union................................ 2124 332 8956 2011 1244..................... 178 100 137 24 82 8620.793 58381. White Oak........................... 60 10 3560 3770 3069 12 6 13 6 6 237 59 89 7170.........972 6965 T........ 46132 544 167189 62395 35185 279 75 313 631 909 278 7970 212 1955 137411 10 225 16 2940 219468 449 Total~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.............................. 220165o2::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MARION COUNTY. 62... -~~~~~~~ ~~~Clay............................. 3564.......3478 435 1534 30 91 112. 44 9 338.... 41068 153817. Dallas..................... 2518 1254 22 14 14..... 43.. 275 57 851 1 01 575 2822 6888 3 Franklin............................... 853 30 14670 10)3 873 4 1164 24 10 9528. 3454 14018 Indiana............................... 4017.. 6932 4066 1281 35 3 24 4 69 13 742 191 135 6105.. 1213 9188 2 Liberty.3548.....7...4006....................... 7 4006 3120 1235 8 5 19 16 101 89 47 219 160 6182.........1311 15895 Pella, city of................................. 1028 189 36......24 12 1641 66 340 144......1706 4 5700.... 1890 21580! 9 Perry.1433..100~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18541... 1 21817 395.. 30123 Pleasant Grove, exc. of Pleasantville....................3154 15 9108 2357 1698 10..... 8......220 102 2,57 31 90 7677...............3627 14975 171 Pleasantville, town of.................................... III....I...................I............... Red ok..........6154... 25 30791 1611 27 11 401. 36 7 379 284 10' 649 2 40401 70 929 1260......81 Summit.I...................... 2411 27 5388 3275 2757... 3. 2 22 549 83 6 7676.. 1199 7527 21 Swan............I.......... 29311l...... 1400: 3250 2947 65 17 37..... 18 282 27 55 3958............. 1052 4076 65 Washington..2188 104923 2383 1102 15.....9 387 84 32 5437 1 1000. 1131 6595 101 Total......................49181 221 8333 55061.26330 3131 71 289 51256 445 7993 19851 607 95186 860 34230 645 31663198030 1026 MARSHALL COUNTY. Albion, town of..................... 5........ 347 5 120 10731 224 9 1.......... 211 644 259 68 38901 4 7000 2735 10985 15 61 7.15 18 868 101 874/ 11 1 1781 1983 22064 Bangor.............................4 07.......... 6 4 97 121 4105167 2765 12821 8681 2 "621 13 74162 1 01 MARSHALL COUNTY.-CONTINcUED. LID APPLFS CHER- 0 GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN APPLYS. PEARS. PEACHES PLUMS.' RIES._ VIE___YARD VINEYARD. a) 0 W a)~~~~~~~~Qr~ IIa NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS,. ). 0) bi AND CITIES. b. 1 4C 4 4~ 0 5 4 I C- t 0..4 4., 4- ) a) a) o ~~~~.6 ~~~ C.6C.6.6C....~~~~ 0 Q 6.0 C Eden.1517 - 100 14925 952 246 8 4...58 24 93 18..4484.. 790 2965 24 0., —, W W 0 eterson.118 114 11850 159 23 3.. 14 8 91 Le Grand.1706 157 12793 2419 1270 9~~~~~~~~~~~1- 2. 34 9 4 9 29106210188 It~~~ ~ cD/ rz Eden............................................. 1317 100 14925 952 246 i 4......... 58 24 93 18 4484.................... 790 265 2 J Logan.45 69 9555 4.20 28~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 28 38217.1245 11097 Greencastle................................. 116 57 1 8 4137.6......4.........4 2 0 175 531,153 816......4 95. 17 Iowa, exc ex. A lbi on................... 136 3 174 202 146 6.........2 1.........2 6 5 641 00 1193 82 8 9 6 7 1 JeMferson...................................... 304 11 4 1 2182 2.... 283 250 7 72 91890 9.170 1201 6152 39 C State~~~~~11 Cetr11.o tw 5 576850 3591 62.... 1.15.... 1415 819 12 649. 115274 40..... Le Gra nd...................................... 1706 5 12793 24196 2.7 2 10091 219 14036............ 217 0 1 0808 Liberty........... 827 1 6 5979 1..... 1.3 04 239 58 11 11326..........0 1046 170. Tiscomber Cexek of tow........ 1 48........ 91 12530 102 2. 62 5 77 74781 5 7500...... 2403 243...... Vienna.135ow215 4059172... 655115. 88.158 1239. Andes town.of...................... 1. 3 6773 217 762.......... 16 3 105 11 2 665...... 200. 452 86 5...... L oga n.........................79...10 65.. ]]]]]]i]]]].] 45 69 9555 4.................................. 2 8 387.............. 15 Marietta....................................... 868 116 5070 187 49 2 140 15 53 13 41863 55 53 90i Mari............................... 248 1 94 355 719 33......47.. 13'18 39 "'] 106 7142110 1... 29 755d Marsall exe ofMarsallown 613 3 1741 6321 242 60 6............I 2421 281 577, 2221 115 64811 2 1500...... 1193 88501 6 t Marshalltown, city of................ 303 19 830 2256 414 12 27............ 83,- 283 2 55772 712 18906 9 17650 31 20125 6115261 339 Po M inerva.................................. 666 551 5850 863 209 1] 6............ i........ 302 6 36 4227................. 629 7751...... Sta~te Center, exc. of town..,... 353 35271 6885 391 62 1................ 15 11 158I 191 12 64291................ 11852784 State Center, town of~~~....... 51 195 260 24 1......... 1......I......... I 7321 1001.......... 29051............. 9.9.0...10 Taylor...............'..................... 691 127t 8906 2597 492 37...... 151..... 5271 41 6 8413...... "500 5 1741 71701...... TimerCrek..................... 1385 48 5305 1092 234'....~............. 8 3/6211 85......... 9129 3.3500...... 30361745... Vienna......................................... 135 215 4107 592 175 2,.................. 6551 85t 1211 531.........I 89881................. 1581 13 Total....................................... 1167 5215T 51 2534 5 4818175281211774 64184 6915916 MILLS COUNTY. Glenwool, exc. of town............1655 1280 31 4 640 112.403. 36 54 22198 3 4200....:::::: Glenwood, town of...35 20.5.1...400...... Hastings, town of...............................:::::: H ils al,to n f............................................................................................... Ln Hilisdale, town of.................................... Indian Creek, exc. of Emerson and Hastings...................... 1023 38 8049 18 15 2 1 563.. 3858.675 150. Ingraham..................1001 54 5493 619 177 12167 9 1231 5227.729 235,. Lyons..3116 3 9 7201 12707 18173 209 1 2 46 5. 1000. 810 653 Malvern, two3 240.142.2 Oak...............................................94289 19 2111 1881 3166 3. 50 7 29 7 190 25.9314 3 50 1626 1 Platteville................ 479 12 470 16 3.......... 4 1 54.... 2 2090.... 100.... 607 1015.... Rawles....1570 95 15268 3869 91 278 5 3 289 49 50 10424. 1000. 2535 2068. Silver Creek, exc. of Hillsdale and Malvern.2933 115 15095 2322 3145.201 90 95 15 232 86 4! 14575 1503 1.0 190 3099 2129 450 White Cloud. 1023 68 17266 141 43.1............i25 24 201 7 32 4 12 4463.558 3460 25 Total.1 2 4 989 25 103 1121 38 1883 610 2521 43 1661 263 1572 86758,1588 17650 1901 14761 17552 495...........................180,71969 fi61154 MITCHELL COUNTY. Burr~~~~~~~~~~~~ak. 297~~~~~~~~~~~~: 3915152.... Cedar........................ 1186 78..... 63 9.42...............i 2......1968.............. 646 780 300 Doglas..288 27 270 116...............37 9 12.............. 42 27 oe ~k i........................... 11 0 4 63 96 7......................... 12.....................'.......:::::::"8................ L / 3 Lincoln................................2201 344 280 587 1.............50.128. Mitchell.363 20..2 52... Osage, exc. of town;........... 919 4 533 195 16 3.............. 1.... 132.... 87 1649......255.... 87 15... Osage, town of............... 122 2 180 296 50 1...... 85..... 255 171 23....,178 1502....... 4821 826 2 13 18 85 28 8.............................. 1...13 1125......... 130 170 4 Stock.10 53. 1925. 12.176....................................... St. Ansgar.694 11 56 20 38 1.2. 50 1.41 79g3 5 11 6..........6617............ 54............. Wayne...........1578..........657 5 818751.......41......1.......37... 1360.89.............. 8 100... Union7954311 2802 104.........I......... Total............................. 2188 810 11714 2183 376 255 1571 1918 306 MONONA COUNTY. Ashton..401 221 32.10....2 1 81 81........... 450...I....... 1191 601...... 122 Belvidere.................... 377 8. 51 I.......l..... 6........... 110 1001... MONONA COUNTY.-CONTINUED. t~ (CO APLS EAS E P CHER- 0 GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN RIES. VINEYARD. VINEYARD. a) -4~~~~~~~~~~~~~)a NAMES OFTOWNSHfP'S, TOWNS, p pp'D 0~~~o 0 AND CITIES. p'a) -H a,~~~.5 R~~~~ 0~~0 0 0-4 o.. 4o~ 0 0 0 o 0 ~~~~~~b 0b 0 bB Oa) a) a) 0 r -k K I0Q14I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~*. 0 4 -4 _ _ 0.0.0 0'4 0 4 0 z. + _ _0;?; I z P~~~~~~~~,-.,~ ~ o Center....................... 271 77 820 8.............................. 3.......... 200............ 120......... Franklin, ex. of Onawa. 992 77 1620 174 70......36 10 89 16.........2787......................... Grant............................ 464 25 82 25..... 4 1...1674...... 500...... 202........ Jordan.......................................... 117 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~20 1.............................-.....__.................................. Kennebec............................ 1065 44 100 215 186... 132 25....2383 100 5....... Lincoln.1708~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' 89 11 5... 7 753...66.50 L ak................................... 510 10....... 1............................. 1 2 4........................................................0.... Francolin....................... 170 0naw..a1...............7......53..................'66250... Maple.593 129 720 27 1..... 18...... 1513.....................89.......... St.Clair.35~117 ~ 11.'. oran 1.......................................... Sheman.e............................77.. 38.12..........................12. 3. 3...........10651.... 3....!14!.... Soldier.......................................... 85 21 4......5 13 1 25 659......"......104..... 104 236...... Spring Valley...............................622 22 2............. Wesaok. 22 7..405152. 302555..51...18 W estc ork.............................. 220 71~........ 40 7 15 2......6d......'.. 35 7 5 5..... 1........... 18........ Willow. 6~~~~~~~1701I...........3 Wipllo............................................6...........................1. 1........2..........1........................40........ Total..8728J 5361 3808 1164 382K15 20 -................1666 458 187 24 291 12194 -....... I636, 57 1982 883. 10 MONROE COUNTY. Bluff Creek......2887....1..12666......4013....118987i]83 1 447 41 272 20 1233 170 119 12470 2500 105 95 9......... 8 Cedar................................ 1137......... 891 818 536 1.........67 14 65 27 251 24......... 1734.... 585 1312 Frankl.......1322. 3954 881 194 3 10 6...20... 218 90 12 2607......112 Guilford..................... 4501. 2972 351 201 2.. 11.....65 13. 3 23 2 900 il 151 Jackson......................................... 320......... 5800 5971 272 5.........I25......... 79.......60 3012...... 600. 757 3400i..... Mantua.. 38341.........3979 3090 1012 36 1 119 9 57 7 1217 181 36 6092 2 2250 0 1563 6045 105 Monre............................... 895 9 737 064 126 45 27[ 148 { 2[ 185[ 74[ 684[ 90[ 3[ 8146[......1............. 10231 118731 3 )A Plasnt..........................142161 4 106, 53 80 475 7~ 109 12 168 48, 40 7 41 65......,........ 94 721 2o8 Troy, exe. of Albia................... 424, 78 41 219 41 13 57 1021 26 128 2 5 2326 1515 Union.......................................] 7142,......... 2950 21411 122'28 8 8 28[ 7 18 1 426] 195{.....6977[......[ 100.... I018 3918 C~a Urbana...................................... 2285414 17551 3156/ 4973.................... 23003. 47............... 3 50 9 Wayne~~75........................... 165: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 321 70 3.............. 803 8 126 5.............................'............................. Tota.......................... 69 38 6712 8715 7 01526 81017 9 87 3011 625['7 651.. Z;;O:5 16~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~52 57~623019 31 4 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Douglas........................................ 1-94 0 7085 16{ 5l.....1... 35 35........... 9 7 1137 587 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........... 104 4'......... 472........ Jackson exe. of Villisca.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'......... 4' 376911.....5 025 Frankfoln.......................g 0 0..................................................3.............................. 20 l 2 8 [60....................... PltGrove.................................91 7 i 10.......... 39621 209 8211 6......... 92 73 2 54.,..................... 4039107..... RedkOak, exc. of townsc............... 2 1 3 870 7 43....37 3... 1 6 12 587 9215 4 " 3i' "'25 31........2...... 1603 150... Red O k Ju ctio, to n of............................................................................. Sicott............................................ 4......... 37215...........................'"............... Shrm n........................ 70 16 570 3...........................:..: ~...[......270...........[.........l30 Vilsa ownrof.................................................. 1.................. 12 1 96 1 7 34............. 8 Wlnut........................ of0 37 190own................................ 11 6 1 734................ 36 90... Washiugton~~~~ 8 2................. 8209 7 5 230..... 3..........................i.E 6.....w... 6... West.......................................... 39 870 2025 II 1065.............. Total.....................................:7445' 3201104:8:1107:1:81:0:.......... 30,....146 49.889..10...473.49278..3.700.2.5480..6389.1 Shedrma......................................... 32'45....... 50 24 15 9 0 3 29.......... M 39 1 Fultn........................ 85 7 970 1]5091 240 38 1 640/ 23 13 5 1518 430 107 8027 i;;~ 1.............. 321 1]];;i 04 Gosen......................... 218 43 13.5 449.61.401s...... 6{312...........214 42500 40 449.1950 La e...................................... 45 9 185 189 61 5 2 3 0 2 19 4 1 70..I I323'4 Montpli er................... 4390o......... 575 3 0 283 1 6 23............... 41 65..... 3936 61 9 Muscatine, city of...................... ~~112.....1.... 10 450....7 5......I.................. 8 8.......... 6200... 5 0... OrnW.......................... 39.. 09. 56.. 2........"...'.....0 601 00 9957 320..... 3.10.... Seveny-Si........................... 386... 1 924 516 429 43[ 65[1612 7 2.71.156 16.220...... I 15..1160. SWeetlangto.................................. 472 i 13824 1194 [628{20 2 3....... 19740 14 17 0456 01 t Wasnnoee.o est Lib-.... 39 Total............................................ - 1792 01314 31468 14-,1- - -- 28- -1 17 2 655 8892-547-646 —2 — 3 -— l —lOl 285 —80 30 t MUSCATINE COUNTY.-CONTINUED. 0 0 ~~~~~APPLES. PEARS. PE'ACHES PLU MS. CHRG~0 RAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN _______________ _______ ~~~~~RIE S. VINEYA~RD. VINEYARD. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOW NaS, ),2 C) -4 AND CITIES. IC$ b). 0'0.C 0 i o 0. o~ hD h0o 0.0 o 00. k 00 ho 000,.,,.0. 0 Q 0 ~ S ~ 3,.Ss _________ _ ~~~~ Z ~~ Z Z ~~ Z ~~ Z Z ~4 _Z Q West Liberty, town of................347 184 6.i 10 3 360 120 16 1676 1 200. 777 6930. Wilton, exc. of town................. 3135 1289 19 3 22.. 26 5 966 167 3 71771. 2[ 29001......12301 12685 1 Z Wilton, town of...........58 5 500 5051 4 27 51 5 2 8 2 622 308......... 1 20861...............I 118241 17500 44. Total..3 7 3 6 40 291 5831 54 14773 1298 78396 41944211822 10462 O'BRIEN COUNTY. Hcl Baker..................41 1165...1585'......Z... Carroll.................47 1175...................... 587::......::.............g..... Center........................... 7.. 670......................... Waterman.58...26....1170...............-.... 2........... Gilman.5 1130 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii Garroewey. l.l 2................ 8...................... 21......... 8..... G rante.......................,.............. i 87 2 5..................................16......,..........7 0........... l ib r yd....................................... 1 2 3 9............,.....'"i9.7...............1848.............. 1...... W at rm ant................................... 5 6 1 0............................................. 6 2................................... - ---- ---................. Libety......................................... 20 1 4 4' 8 8................7... 1 21....I........1 9.....I... 6161...... Sumitv e................,.............. 0........ 80.................' Gilem an.............................58..... 1170............ G oew ey.......................................... 2 1 30 1... 1:............ H o llanm8a3591n..1.1 1..1. I 1.............................................I.............. Horton......................3.... 3 40.........490.162.58.............................. -......... ViOla 12491... 44...10...14................ Wilson......................5... 621620..4. 518.50........................ 4....58......2..... 5 Total.............122.......1278422178.....4......... 4. 4. 16904......... 60... 122...... 12 2.... PAGE COUNTY. Amity............................. 687 179 17508 5421 3820 58 15 4311 156 321 83 310 67......... 14998 1 3000 12 3198 13739 Buchanan........ 3149 9 11746 1886 2727 1 6 933 6311........... 431 26 180 6411......1000 1563 3145 Clarinda, town of..................... 406 1030 499 90 10 11......... 382 20 256 39 101 1803 500 8575 30660 220 Colfax.................................:.....'. 643j 119 9810 111 538 1... I.........t132 50 1..I......... 106 7 27 6091 200...... 661 800. Douglas.............................. 628 547 35582 1771 25 20 12 152 15......9... 9 36 5704..........0 1520. East River............................... 3446 3 9377 13091 1197, 303 1 196 56 38 22. { 214 43.........18961 10 10610 60 1790 19801 4 Fremont...................................... 678 61 23805 171 179 3......... 17 2[............ 68 4 11 6783...........04 176. Grant, exc. of Shenandoah..... 124 90 28527 37 6 1......25 1 254 22 145 3..... 9462.............1089 762... Harlan.................................. 815 27 26734 2165 1124' 3 1 247 451 I 1 96............... 8120 1 600. 1493 540. Lincoln............................ 106 88 23906 449 249 I......... 113 12 9......... 66 2 67 6517.......1419 855. Morton.............................. 70 73 17600 102 10...... 100 50[..[......... 162............... 80291 2 2797 808 Nebraska........2231 2 2001 647 746 5 3 16 4 1 2 57 9.........2727............... 441. 81 4 Nodaway, ex. of Clarinda........ 1509 91 39837 3804 3148 48 20 6 131 22 8 852 79 97 15029 5 5315 4786 6772 5 Pierce,......... 1 95............................................................ 9......................1406 1400...... Tarkio........................ 628 80 21859 330 89.........232 33......... 5 2......1034 532. Valley.............................. 1514 22 13446 535 530[..............[144 9 11 33 55 5 144 7576........450 939 Washington....................... 72 68 16143 286 46 6... 20 20......6.999....................... /......85....201 Total......................16756- 1502 3040334 18525. 15128 549. 68 30396 1215 -1039 161 2-988- 300. 668 125288 19 24522 1121 31022 82657 254 PALO ALTO COUNTY. Ellington.....;......................I.........1 141 16 3001......... f.-.....I- -.. 1............................ 1-4............... ~.......12..'-........ Emmetsbnrg............................ 287 35 7401 46...................................... 68 1 4...... 2 305......... 100 20 29 Fairfield.......:-....12 510....................................~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I.........I6 1................. 6............................ 5 3............ F ern V alley.......:.................::..................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................................. Freedom.. ~~~11 625.3 Great Oak.......... 110 53 1080..............0 Nevada.. 227. 8 20......i.......... I........... I.... 12..............I.......... Rush Lake..... 3011498............ 9 2 21............I......... Silver Lake... 23527...... I I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9......................... PALO ALTO COUNTY-CONTINUED. to o a APPLES. PE ARS. PEAC3HES PLUMS. CHER-. GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN APPLES. PEARS. _PEACHES______S. RIES. 9 VINEYARD. VINEYARD. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, C 4 z 3~ 3 + 3 Q AND CITIES. 4- 4. + 4 Z I CA - -4 4-4 Cd oC. C o 0 0 C. bb 0 iC C0I ) W ) a 0) Cl ~~j) Cl) ~~~ a)~~~.~l.. a)~~~~.31.1 a)~~~~.3C. O~~~.31.. a).311.3Q ) a) C. c 1 0 Co'- 5 043 C.0~C~ ~ C U.1)C CC Vernon........................... 27 3201............................................ 13.............79. Walnut. ~...... 2301 16 3072... 0 West Bend.309........55... 862............................ 1062 79 0......... 125.75.... Total......................1324, 3641 6277 481 6....... I......12271 9 7 24.. 2 954...........1 279 3201 124 c PLYMOUTH COUNTY. Amrmer............a..... 16... 16 7 71.......184........................ 1226......................12 Elgin.~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~25 66 2728.2658........................................... Marion............................14 246................................ Perry...............14 102 160 41.............. 2. 50 6. 46... 2 61.... 809.8.. Plymouth.60................ 60 6 00........62........100.........8. 585........... 8 2. 122....... 12..... StnoStanton.138.................. 1812...................1620.908.19..................... 98........... 9........ UnoUn......ion.65................. 6 340.118......................2. 1 2 6.6. 559.23.59............ 21........ Total...................... 578 917 7205 46.......... 2..... 3181 23 69... 269 9825 2........ 311 ~~~~~~~~ POCAHONTAS COUNTY. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-: co Bellville.................................. 29 80 791.15................Cedar......83 1140 2.1. 2749 ~~ ~ ~~~~1 5................................................................ Center........................................... 10..................................... 45 15 1080 8 26. 60.30. Ciolfax............................ 51 1462 26..... 3..... 2..... 2...... 17. 25 860........... 12......... Dover.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~21...... De o ne.................... 46 0 91 9 8 2................ 6 34........ 7.......... co~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~...................................................... 5 42............. Grant~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.19 66.::::::~I:: LDnolnr...................................................10 2................ Lizdoln................................... 41 0 5135 1... 16.....'......3. 70..... Lizard................................. 8 57 1 5 10........................... 6...........:........................... Swan................................... 10 6 100............................ Total.........................5114208331240 305......... 104 36 5. 195 2601........... 84............. PODLK COUNTY. Allen........................ 1270 1 4900 2317 1922 8 1 10 1 4...... 212 11 8 9935 314700 40 3547 25185 120 tti Beaver........................ 954 75 9935 1794 1279................37 14 576 108......19652 2 4150....5981 21175 8 HBloomfield..................... 1303 65 4928 11025 5215 67 12..........226 33 1130 407 9 16227 35 71300 160 7909 42900 34 Ci Camp......................... 6233 10 1796 3142 1707 5 1..........11 1 86 26..1... 4503 1 6000. 3086 23480 30 Crocker.......................3135 13 2562 3031 18951 12...............23 7 263 43 14 9344 2 3760 12 2061 15481 105 Z Delaware........................................1576 12 2496 3530 1584 8.. 12 1 107 12 253 72 60 16599 314000 80 5768 16176... Des Moines, city of............. 300..... 20 2480 156 343 28 13 3 135 291 1552 227 87 2335 29 35-750 354 10461 337191 520 Elkhart................................. 1166 361 2019 2139 1086 2..14 6 89 7 33 5421.. 1555 3930 32 Four Mile.....................1449 2 592 12,40 1350 7 1.......... 6 4 98 11 67 2510 1.. 20006.... 994 10834 19 Franklin......................1922 14 2843 1502 546 1......... I.... 2 3 130 91 8 5065............. 2142 6715.. Grant..................... 972 1 580 1346 *832 10 1....12 1 205 33 31 6412.. 2776 14287 7 Jeferoln........................... 69 4 2407 409221 192....... 014 268... 4599..... 1.. 26..................... Lincoln~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~... 2584027.. 11 200..47..... Madison.. 4395 5 9981 1800 688............................ 5 1 89 21.. 9512 2 13000 30 2002 13715 10 Saylor............................................ 1278 5 330 2133 798 54 12 11.. 17 2 299 109 6 9344...5384 26190 241 Valley..........................................2068 6 1330 9431 2927 140 2F.. 6.. 1139 3948. 209515 9 92200 270 14546 133690 20 Washington...................................... 78 7 465 14 3 1 41 7.8.........17 1 815 190.. 098..... 981 15805 16 Wahigon..................... 78 6 976 49 1 7............... 20 3...................... 1829 650 70 Total.38623 527 18 48 0 8 6 1 9 1 0768 4 979 8 5802072304219 o5 POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY. APPLES. PEARS. PEACHES PLUMS. CHER- GRAPE S IN GRAPES NOT IN C I IC I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~RE.~ 9 VIjNEYARD. VINEYARD. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS,ETOWNS, GRAES T IC C ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~LUi. ICHER' AND CITIES. 4- - )..he bf C ) 0 ~s bf bn 0 ~b b! bC.-. Ca) 0 4 a) r r., a, 3 a_4 a) o 4;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- CIZ ~ MI~~ ~ g g / C Avoca, town of........................... 12...... 258. 105 Belknap. ~~~~~~~~23 5400.....12.25.29 105.Belkn3p........................................99 14 720 108 14.2.27 2....403 100. Booner........................................ 761 5......... 5 15..................................... 1585..72........... Center............................... 985 110 4005 1657 1832 26 14 21 14 601 144 638 33 3245 7493 3' 10600 1687 1286. Council Bluffs, city of........... 649....2720 1539 316 90 108 34 693 328 1043 293 466 14003 455 54600 15 6166 26745 118 Crescent....................................... 1044 13 217 454 87 9 1 114 114 316 86 337 84 127 52721 2 400 246 140. Grove.1248 13 865 30 46~o~4.. 5... 2 19'267.i' Grove..........................................t 128 1}316 865 330 846....27.... 522 10........... 2.....19............ 26 17... Harden..........150 25.....15........................5... 45. HazelDell.1739 5...... 430 151 10........14...581 5 83 2 4......753 20. James..........14 11 738................ 1393.................. 5 Kane, exc. of Council Bluffs 4214 65 580 993 640.. 147 3 580 225 1105 20 170 19600 1 400.... 5088 5750. Keg Creek.302 21 835 117 1..... 101 200 49 5 214 1165 3............. 16 3 55.... 1739'I'4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~5 83..... " 2'.. 00...... 1 — Knox, exc. of Avoca.......... 1139 54 4080~ 154 68... 2...... 2 5 63 3 83 12405 2 105....2530 j08.6 WI Layton........................... 10 26761....................................... 25..........3374... 6.... 813........ Macedonia................... 683 12 8301 135 10 2 2 30 1 7..... 57 3 2 2358.... 6 355.22 Norwalk................................... 590 21 420...... 1 570......... 4 4 Pleasant........................... 10 560!.K'.......1.... 260 30 53 5~..........50.. 308.....'Rockfordo o..5152...... 115 20.. 416.260 3..170 2 9 8 2 1 153 349 50 124 Silver Creek................. 52 29.590 2............... 2..... 20... I 5 12531:::........... 282 150.... Washington.................. 220 28..... 161~ 13 2 1.... 2 4.......23 1 7 1121............. 236 25.... Waveland.533 41 2290 89 212............... 69 27..2003.. 31 40 Wright............................ 296 44 4340 75 8...... 7 2..... 26 4 2 1087 1300.. 327 450...... Yogrek.2 9.................................... 302 27 3 56 66.57 133[ 201.9 5 Total......... 20483 600 24236 7584 ~4896~1 3.69 17 06 81 4..8' 6651 5 218 388 128 0 220 POWESHIEK COUNTY. Bear Creek, exc. of Brooklyn... 451 68 16140 1047 604 14 1........ 4 2 400 46 140 17718 5 2230... 2105 9960.... Brooklyn, town of............ 14 7....1300 410 4600 Chester. 25) 203 20855 676 188.............. 39'.3 280 50 9 10745............ 2310 6518 49 Deep River.1230 2 22533 1255 1764,.[........233 77 382 48' 9 10211.. 1117 4555 46 Grinnell, exe. of town.365 43 11610 1056 480 2.851 132 25 102............2849 6370. Jackson, exc. of Montezuma,.... 918 37 26273 1300 972 2...17 6 291 43 148 6003............... 1470 2259... Jefferson.1416 43 8774 3061 1105 15 1...64 20 34 7 79 200 11 298 4...... Jefferson..................:::::::::............1............... 14 20 345 79 765 20....... 118 98 Lincoln...... 853 15 1751 367 119 4 I 48 32 9413........ 5134.. 631...... Madison..................... 866 58j 15891 1266 5211 9..... 2...... 7...... 247 7......100,541 1 500!1.... 1319 4923.... Malcom, town of...145....................9...... Malomexc o to n.............. 853 1 8 10541 1264, 77...................... 84 131........ 4637.....I.......I... M a co, ow o.............................. 1458............ 6................ 95[......... 10...'.1 M t una to no11 309 87. 20. 61.... 16 164 11.156 15657.... Pleasant............32 32 1732 2621 368.........I.. 10.....2 17.. 827.....872 4011 Scott........214 17180 620 34 5....17... 142... 8560 462............... Sheridsn..20 86 16660 430 33~~~~~~~~~~~~~......1...18 474...996.. Sheida............................. 20 8 16660 4301 331[............................ 176.........[ 18 1 2 7[...:..]..-'' 74.......... 96 11 Sugar Creek..1681 6 2892 1549 547.12.....2637 1888. Union........................... 1422 8 4500 1555 613 22 4 3....... 50 17 247 49 32 4708... 10 1104 4836 55.. Warren............................ 1415 16 7987 2330 671 6.... 9 1 250 58......... 8716 5 0300. 2595 6320 2................ 1236 13' 67691 564...20.............. 115 30. 5 350.......9225 649675. Total.12197 ~777. 224067, 22114, 9462, 111 27138, 12 575 17 65 7 8 389 6 73 28 46 758 RINGGOLD COUNTY. Athens..................... 687 19 7000 533 326... 120 23131 18 24 7738 1 200...... 1228 508.. Benton........................ 1913.... 8288 507 272 4. 43 1... 9 3 2 12 3389 40 435 30. Clinton... 1147 2 2793 148 377.. 58 41 5 101 37 243 3710 1 1000 462 595...... Grant........1033 15 10914 159 2 2 1 153 39 123 44 72 6 2 3618... 365 2144...... Jefferson................................... 1908 34 14524 204 397 3. 50 7........ 348 56 2 5877...478 1225. Liberty.........................i. 1118 16 8016 2.54 121.. 50..... 90 7..6788...1402 390. Lincoln.793 18 9305 322 186........ 70 8 184 25 102 5 707... 424 682. Lots Creek................... 1652.4 2510 461 205 10 6 6117 75 10 6 116 46 5 5722........... 604 445.... Middle Fork......986 7 5807 342 222- ~......164 541 11...... 1491 14 1 1 6083 3 50....761 861.... Monroe....................I... 624 29 9312 274 188.... 12 6 5...... 89......... 5998.... 50.... 413 65. Mount Ayr................... 2248 57 17495 642 566 13 9 434 38 3 1 1.92 79 16 12341........... 776 7024.... Riley........................ 940 8 3650 215 146 1...... 40 7......... 89 6 15 2820............. 216 505.... Ting1ey. 265.1120....... Union....................... 480 6 1981 18 4. 4 2 50 10 77 5 80 1629........... 200 375. Washngton......... 1794 11 7093 316 233 64 12 10 1 170 11 4 5809 1 150. 670 564 Total.~~~~~~ ~~~~18149 226 113108 4571 3615 51 17 1439 313 410 91 1819 292 417 72429 6S49W85 15323... Total ~ ~ ~ ~ ~}..Z.:...................... 6 149..... SAC COUNTY. t c~o APPLES. PEARS, PEACHES PLITH1S. CHER-.~ ~ GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN RIES.' VINEYARD. VINEYARD. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS,0 I. AND CITIES. 0,+0QObb I-D ~ ~0 o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~h 0 W c o o 0~~ o~ o~ o~g g ce 0 O., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0+ 0 no 0 __________ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z~~P I Pq Z Z-Z 4 P-4 Z Boyer Vallley................. 47 4706................ 20..2... 1872. Clinton..............8 120........ 960...... Douglas.33..............:.......3 135.7088.............................14'..... 3354......................... Eden..79.3229.2.......1889. 82. Jackson..................... 1319 203 2615 149 31.......... 5...... 79' 17 104 5 14 37250 113.......5245......... Levey............................ 24 160.................................... 34..........14451............... 48 350I.... Wall Lake........................ 268 49 1410 288 30.............. 3.. 2297.243. Total.....................2662, 624'21371 444 61......... 5..... 1 19 151 6 14 62073 313.........5655 350.... C SCOTT COUNTY. Allen's Grove................ 1624.....I 56901 1822 992 8 2 51....... 21 1 305 35........ 1 4500 40 183 12101.... Blue Grass................... 335 50 23991 7281 13073 34 11 907 349 155 17 162 19.. 4198 14 36000 2260 3551 100851 520 Buffalo, exc. of town...........3024......1870 113296 6031 96 6 1097 1991 112 3 653 104 2113075 3 16001 250 3094 55441 168 Buffalo, town of.............................. 346 27 15;' 1 17 4 47 5 56 12...... 147........ 9367 12635 967 Butler....................... 978.8 1 433 6 940 15913 28 SI 108 23 347 75 775 129 18 6665............... 865 5063 85 IDaIvenport, exc. of city.465........ 10 18540 17543 113-31 258 96 784 282 39'.6 1634 464.. 2'0 17354 49 190900 8155 139581 54685 1001 Davenport, city of................. 164 3497 2422 933 206 278 101 248 41 989 326 213 3017 111 8600 80 19042 118740 2224 Hickory Grove.............. 349 12 26141 3,974 1829 25 2 15 1 21 1 335 61 37 3027 1 200.....1767 4733 331 Le Claire, exc. of town......... 2654 22 15135 11023 12627 136 22 191 35 14 3 834 234 5 3858.............. 900 12865 77 Le Claire, town of................................. 432 272 22 2 13 8 5....... 201 29 1...... 4 4400 1090 408 6040... Liberty..................... 712 1,50 2050 609 16......45 3.......... 87 12 152 1935.............. 991 4,591 22 Lincoln..................22480 4885 37261 181 4................ 480 141......7230.............. 1415 3800 159 P Pleasant Valley.1668.............. 3' 15855 7669 105021 6671 79 311 105 421. 77 1165 272 104 8989 22 8120 151 1255 9985 30: Princeton,,exc. of town........ 1209......10796 5626 3505 31 1 2...... 5 2 631 133......4125.............. 511 2900 25? Rockingham.1051....1100 4871 8683 55 46 8....... 3...2 10 3315 17 87500 7980 1313 309. 4.. Sheridan...................................... 50 63 19336 3897 3313 4 2 130 17.. 5220 450 800 109 915 2115 95 Cn Winfield....................1345 49 10509 2549 1363 6 24 1 405 98 15 3198............. 346 1897 1 a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"...... 15~1 —81~ ~ II I~ Total................. 154641 228 223608 924451 77308 28221 472,3932 11042 2351 9168 21771 8 13 7 170215 07 65357 SHELBY COUNTY. Cas's........................................... 115 2 85............................................................ Clay..................................... 170 27 450 1 11... 16 172......... Douglas..................... 165 32 1270 110 100.......................... 7 1......29101.......................... Greeley.......................................12 4 590.' 205................ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. i...... 8.................................................... Grove... 3045 7. 1. 96 2 36 5 136 1795....................... 48 20.... Harlan.753 45 3139 36:3 583.....105 10. 9038.996 1645. Jackson........................................ 30 7 1289 354 159.....................3 3 174 735.319 206. Jef ron..........erson.......60 5..................4.......255.244.43.................. 24...... 3........ Lincoln........................................ 25 700........ 12...............62 12 3.3909. 200.68. Monroe.....................160 4 1000.................................... 5 1.............. 80..... 25......... Polk.~14608275....6..1 i1:[ PDoulka s.;..................... 4 7................................................................................................................ Shelbyy..............................5..........65 65 530.....530...................2.................1...........3.........026 1..........51361.................161... 513 1618...... Unioni.................................. 14 4 2 5................ 12.'....0..................................................... W ashington.........................2........................................140..................... 10.............................. Westphalia................................ 1 41.......1..........1...... 370..... Total........................................5632313 10238 993 953.2...80 16 228 22 310 26652 1 280..... 3576 2152. SIOUX COUNTY. Floyde........1 62 179.....6.8. F loyd................................. 4450...........................................5............................... Hollant.........................47......... 47.......6. 336.. 12. H olaland.......................... 457 3139........................3................. 6........ 3 6........... 126..... Lincoln........................................ 2 4... 3 552.5 1092.O Ro k..o........k........40.... 4 1 7.19...........270.......798.................. 63...................... Sherida............................ 184450............................1..I.............._...._.........._... Talkson........................................53218 276 72835.....276 142 2 T t l...................................... 13... 25 479...... STORY COUNTY..~. ~ __________ RIES. ~VINEYARD. VINEYARD.;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, $' AND CITIES. 4-4~~ei d 4ICId. -'2 ~~~~~) d) ~~~~' 0 -4 -W Tt, a~~~I) )- Q). I~~AMESOF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 55 ~~~C 3V +0 C Z 3. G IC 4 NDs CITIRS.'2,O S.n'2 d C'C e'Cl - 2t Q 0 8.' = C~-~ 3.o 04 0cb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ z ~~~ z z 4 z p z P z4 z z. p; I1P.Z i 0 Ames, town of................ 301...... 16 174 30 1..... -........... 9 430 41 144 1762 24 42 12 264 91 1 Collins...................... 1210 53 7818 430 307 8 2.......... 5 1 71 4 3 6107....... 920 2120.... Fran klin..................... 1821 115 6724 1452 496 24.................. 196.. 73070.244, Grant......................... 399 101 5365 682 82 5............... 644 60 314 6 1 142 6915 150. 62 6551... c Indian Creek.................. 2180 20 10029 1617 463 3............ 1591 45 297 26 108 6338............1363 2681 106 La Fayette.................... 370 17 5446 49 3 3.......1....... 4 1......1990........... 99... Lincoln...........30...........98 8246 432 138........... 202....121 16......4626 1 120 327...22K...... Milford....................... 976 59 178770 1205 290 7 1.;....... 258 62 123 12 40 8032.............. 623 453.... Nevada, exe. of town.......... 21-00 43 81792 2463 1097 12 o.46 16 312 32 111 8805....I.........1982 7480 5 Nevada, town of.......... 8 13 25 468 51 7f 2. I.........167 44 499 72 3 52241 1 3000....2940 9473 40 New Albhany.127............... 51 3220 110 65..1..................................... 54261............ 10 100.... t Palestine..................... 794 12 7350 1099 326 16 1..........47 3 110 4 163 4325....I........ 1092 2350 20 W Richland..................... 570 52 9265 565 91 1...............20...... 324.........2799........... 57......... Sherman..................... 72 33 2146.................. 13681............. 297........ Union....................... 1157 57 10642 3449 897 3...........15 4 151 28 56 4538 2 310 8 1398 831. 8 Warren......................... 9 690.................. 12 1 32 1 46 7'1`2......98........ Washington, exc. of Ames..... 1i457 44 5635 2235 430 8 132 5 327 24 1944 196391.. 1792 188. 3 Total.....................1416.5, 7781126354 16539 47811 981 101........ 16101 2501 3327, 2761 2760,101554I129 3572 -21 4901,~83~ 1 TAMA COUNTY. Bnckingham.........I........ 736 2441 9846 2220 8761 12 3.....I..... 91 1 220 171 178 96101....I......... 7041 2540. Carlton............................. 2365 74 6222 1625 501 27...............176 5 132 12 504 6442 10... 839 2392.... Clark................................................................ 134 3386 98 21.......... 8 2 30 6 27.6795................ 519 780. Colmbia.......................................... 1120j 10 46971 4101 158 1.l.21-..!............ 231 3 71 64I 8......8.......... 875 2065...... Crystal.218 117 6415 514 75.4 1. 3927. 628 3......3 Geneseo............................................... 718 147 1200 1446 129... 500 10 250..... 10078............ 6.................~~~~~~451............... 3]5.........| 97....../ C."'95 Grant........................... 15 52 2110 3......... I........43...5...1......................35. I~~~Aghland.53 25 4438 210~~~~~~~~']~ 8.. 5 567..4981 Howard.104 81 10895 1474 529.18 4 113~~~~~~~~45 161 8 828.273 32...: Ijighland ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~1~]]............................. 512 48 20 84.........3........305 62'749........5......... Indian Village, exc. ofMontour. 1522 18 1321 2638 1545 21........................311 5 416, 29.........7541.....I.......2730 2767...... Lincoln.18......................... i 3 440............................19;....I......1052........................ 90 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~699 1664... Montour, town of ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~'201.....8267.180 Oneida. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43! 0......i...[ ot....../'".7957. Otter Creek...........9........... 33 9 156 2030 473 12 1 2.....13........ 1911 21 73 10012.......... 699.164.4 Perry, exc. of Traer............. 565 179 8780 1309 591 1 1. *....4... 16 1 11270..........1104 30365 4 Richland................................................. 1409 47 3456 1744 215 1.. 3...20........ 5 106 10......... 400......3300......1409 5863 111 Salt Creek.............................................. 1844 12 1607 2384 946 6 4..... 29 6 75 6../ 15490...... 2000 3791 8745 75 S C.... 91 112 8900 2208 383 6...21. 1 116 6 12 9541 3 1000......1340 1430. Tama, exc. of Tara City......... 804...... 100 575 147 121..............20 5 121 1 8 1436. 2 40001.2001 140 810.... TamaCitytwnof. 72. 60 508 88.................... 27 9 92 12 29 1408 1 2000..... 962 1915..... Toledo, exe. of town.............. 28701... 4.7 1138 4485 918 42 2 4 1 92 4 221 20 105 7328.... 200 5 1213 4566 36 180 6830 840 Toledo, town of................................... 5751 14 1165 591 298 5 2...............125 45 84 21 1762 3955.........91823 6 840. Traer, town of...................................~~1 92.. 217 2 130 5................................ 55............ 121...... York........................................ 886 33 4758 1148 711 91 2.............. 10................5 9317 1...... 777 1370. Total.................................18282 1589 98835 284641 9207 1491 15 9 3... 11.98 1171 24041 213 2846 153635 7 13360 205 14411 374 TAYLOR COUNTY. Bed rfor of...d..........................ownof....................I..................Benton, exe. of Bedford........ 857 24 131 696 586 83 2 4. 1 2 99 23'. 1811.. 1..... 330.9-25.1 25......!............ 1 1 93 1 Clayton..................... 1698 21 140321 1143 821 6 3 157 63 4 1 29 171 8 63761.15 193 1 Z.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......... 1661 29 3....... 50 7..... il;;.'...."....'6....9..'~' Dallas.1...................... 969 15 13210 1018 394..........175 72... 91.13..505.. 8216 1566 14... Gay........................ 521 26 6791 290 2021....6.... 54 24, 10 2 1111 16.... 27.26 5. 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~''' 3.........'~' Grant.2................................... 29 7597 455 756 224 326 10 941...... 1021958..76...9675 500 Grove...79 32 7370........ 910.2. Holt......................... 1531 7 3311 138 134 2' 4 31 1 4...... 1361.. 6. 7192'00......... 704 813.... Jackson..................... 1647 83 7230.1131 688...... 20 42. 9........ 3347........... 635 225.... Jeffersor.2132 ~~~~~~~~~~25 6982 1019 669 3 3 123 27.6. 6 162 751 3 4951 1 1000.... 860 319. Marshall................... 6271 26 7597 3881 380 2...... 24 4 42 8 25 1......4165 2 1001.... 454 4251.... Mason.......................................'2429 38 984"7 906 1018 4. 141 46 2.. 534 281.. 5612... 961 2755 18 Platte..................... 3 60 12340 125 115. 9' 5 145 30 19 2 433 5169...........1015 85.... Polk.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~1613 4 17378 2042 1815 1 1264 321 10 10 296 57...... 140901!........... ~,6 1 1060.... Ross.......................... 15,56 7 8176 832 639 21......192 54 6 2 253 23. 570.1 70. 101.34 Washington.................. 1203 76 11821 2696 981 191......280 21 311 17 228 1281..... 5821............. -... 515 1760 -... Total.~~~~~~ ~~~~19039 500 147948 132811 88991 134 1713 0 5 4 378 389 454 81121 4 1800....10519 15681 56 Total....................................... t-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2/.. UNION COUNTY. ~~~~~~~CHER- 4z GRAPES IN GRAPES INOT IN APPLES. PEARS. IPEACHES PLUMS. RIES VINEYARD. VINEYAED. O 8'8 ri~~~~0 a C); 4 - z NAMES OF TOWNSHTFS, TOWNS, 4a C);C)C -q~'. AND CITIES. IC 4..8 o C)'8) d 4. Ct4- dfl - 4 *1 na ~. ~ ~.8 ~.8. 0 M Afton, ton of..... 330 90 16..................29 18 160 22 12 652...... 534 2770........ 17............................... I Creston, town of.........................1.75...............0. 1............ Dodge...................... 851 4 -2005 281 178,......... 25 2............ 10-0................3125...4..... 302 530.... Douglas, exc. of Creston....... 154 7 2790.......................................................... H igo a dg..................................... 36 20 74 7 7 31 1........... 50~........ 5 4..... 6 0.......... 14........ Jon es....................... 2189 16 8405 515 425 3......12 6 18 8 21 7......6065........... 700 1248.....306 261 5880 60 955....9.,"'.7.5 2 122 29.........:3343 6 400'. Lincoln........................................ 55 1 L~~~~~~1()::::J~::::::...... New Hoper...... 1028 54 4457 499 370 1.......... 14 2 36 5 80 13.........5398.................... 99 364...... Platte....................... 1201 64 16800 1670 60 7 2 27 4 23 5.265 33 5 9533 1. 200 6 1105 1295.... 1 Pleasant....................1446 11 2312 735 319 10 2 60 15 43 4 41...2472........... 219 925.... d Sand Creek.................................. 361 45 9605 359 195...............9............................. 906..... 500 50 870 745 Z...... t Spauldin...............10........................ 10.........1...............2908 12........... [ 2 0...... 215......... Union, exs of..................o....... 1193 51 6485 555 464 5 2.........57 10 125 181......... 6 800'......2757...... Tinotaln........................9203 623 69979 5923 3103 43 15 2260 29 215 56 1251 133 17 58 9 2200 56 7665 8562...... TNwotal....................................[ 08 ~ 47 9[30 1....... 14 t36 l80/1..... 381.....[...9 9.. 6:i VAN BUREN COUNTY. Bentonsport, town.................. 3......... 101 7031 1274 100 84 152 96 37 22 398 231 1 1529 1 6000 20 11805 10774 37 Birmingham, town of...........46. 1 786 433 37 8 118 25 680 15 553 200......... 735 1 8100...... 434...... Bonaparte.4091................ 1iI......13771 5179 4213 211 84 766 277 110 54 1376 608......5798 5 100001 630 22621 8037 97 Candrl townek...................................]3 1 5 6 5 5J15............I........................j......J.........]9 J 7.........J69J50508774...... Ceantril, too....di.............................. Chequest................................ 9951....... 7518 2508 2778 328 21 73 74 56 26 364 100 57 6847 1 500...... 91 3312 33 Des Moines.................................. 59,468......... 11119 6534 4939 104 41 17227 325 143 38 1410' 385 13 967 6......... 961 4566 129 0 Farmington, e xc. of town.........6148........ 1030 5207 4962 54 44 531 267 26 3 898 233 19 7372 1 5200 1858 5967 62: Farmington, town....................................... Harrisburg.4038. 37241 8620 6797 185 98 868 158 62 5 1791 629 20 8423.. 50....... 1428 6226 34 Henry.3713.. 3035 3540 3337 71 39 303 165 40 13os 734 289 7 3486...... 3500 310 883 5140...... Jackson, x. of Cantril. 3779 30710 6727 4954 97 34 428 225 42 121 789 526..... 11798..................... 797 2960 2 Keosauqua, town of.. 348.. 205 2472 2199 192 95 136 78 127 32 915 400 20 1169........ 3687 24320 610 Lick Creek.8964 1 2835 8033 10855 77 42 334 141 147 41 1545 340 34 7367 6 25600 70 2182 11177 12 C Union ex of Birmingham 5822.. 18457 11223 9956 60 36 824 130 146 37 2161 514 70 7628 6 20570 195 810 4456 10 Van Bren, ex. of Keosauqua 9692 1 8445 13392 11488 174 621255 255 228 64 1752 507 82 11554 1 7500 160 1261 9994 63 Vernon............ 3358 360 13964 3189 3527 53 25 o329 175 65 19 420 120 27 10229 1 10000........ 988 5,5 22 Village....... 5818... 6070 38431 5121 2S1 8 93 26 6 3 9 95 34 4 0761...... 17651 6239 18 Washington, exc. of Bentonsport... 24621....284f 3738 397 78 30 267 129 19 11 5921 20 141. 3701..............., 335 1600 30 Total.783....4....384186105......9377.....856741933 384 179905 9447 2611 1408 409 17709 5756 773 114615 23 97020 1385 23107 118689 1185 WAPELLO COUNTY. Adams..~5694 4 2820 3471 1504 55 10 92 4 41 5 1039 143......... 7695...... 400 8 895 43101.. Age. 1906 2 4252 6033 2921 73 9406 132 87 22 985 196 16 4132 5 8300 170 1423 6668 28 Agency, C. 0 5 8300 170 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1423 6668}2 Agency City, town of..... 30 833 405 52 7 99 71 65 19 567 229 4 290.....11100.....1 441 4546 778 ~~~~~~~~~~~Cass ~~~....................... 7 1 9535 850 660 2 1.7 1 69 8 30 1700. 200 1 434 1420........ Center cxc.of8Ottmwa. 400..563 606.3209 90 50 49.28............. 1879 528 14 25413 19 74100 2086 17768 36868 63 Columbia, cx. of Eddyville. 3474 10 2230 2403 1878 1 2 63 13 35 *15 205 89 85 -2353........ 3000...... 470 4170........ Comnpetine..................................... 2410 10 26869 2162 1766 5 2 12 6 24 5 616 62 680.1746 3695 78 Dahlonega................... 2575 12 8267 2822 1980 17 10 58 8............. 549 86 133 4332.....2188 7150.... Eddyville, town of.70........... 439 347 27 12..........68 32 273 116 76 675.....542 4065. c Eldon.tow of......... Green.712. 52.318.85.3.2334 26 26 1 584 41 275. 700 12....06 H ig hlIa nd.....1176 iS 3.4680 2324 2098 25 13............ 26 10 700 93 3429 7342..830 6216 4 Keokuk......................12219...........1506 1079 4 10 151 53 13 1 230 31 458 3820f.....1257........... Ottumwa, city of............................... 730 612 407 159 141 125 248'147 1516 958......2292......4S:31 58696 292 Pleasant..................... 4032 5 18725 6090 381)2 29 22 150 19 34 7 926 i51i...... S482..971f S 023 15 Polk......................... 3444 1 2067 2177 574 33 12 41 9 107 13 316 25 21 6182 200.... 942 2184 5 Rtichland......................2981 9 24598 5675 3321 8 22 20 1 15 5 S8S 137 11 5423 1 4000... 897 8985 3 Washington, cxc. of Eldon..... 46S8 8 60S0 6496- S393 71 11 201 20 36 6 1038 181 2 14732.1431 9981..... Total.S................... 7983 76 1372461 S3268~ 132364 10-32 ~354 18-17 SiS5 8-32 ~289~ 120-77 30-74 ~4281 1-0632-1 28 ~92000 22-651 ~37026~ 169083 1276 WARREN COUNTY. Allen........................ 1824 2 2109 2420 1554 11 4..... 17 6 102 37 2 13481........ 2888 2176S 2.63 Belmont..........llS.......... 11 7S 27840 2278 1453.............. 13g 9......20123 1000 a~... 2923 9390 15 k~ Greenfield................... 3117 28 12976 4539 2198 32 1 5 9 2 692 99 120 18974........ 6S06 39125 15 A~` Iid a o a t w,.......... town...............................Iof.............. 0 WARREN COUNTY-CONTINUED. APPLES. PEARS. PEACHES PLUMS. CHER- _ 0 GRAPES IN GRAPES NOT IN ~ ____ _ RIES. ~VINEYARD. VINEYARD. 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ W 0 4Z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r ~ * 0. * )* NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS 0 0 be -;_ 4~b~. U. ~ 0 ~ ANDOCITIES. d 5 a)b 0 O 0C3 1 0,., o o 0 bO ae bD ho C bh00- I 1.00 a)' U.; I'. a) a) i w W ~4 Jr o aa 0) a 0,0 0 4 0. _4.0 0..- 0.0 _.. 0.la0 o. +5:Z.,, a)'bl d _________~~~~~2: U:. ~ 2:.~ z'c,z,~ z~2' z ~ _ Jackson........................................ 3401 23 2759 17 1418....... 7........ 7246...... 300.... 1987 5325 30 Jefferson.1951 20 9568 25871199.......206 10 205 4057... 1 3870 12563 130 Jefferson~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~..............,.I............,91 2 96 57 19..........................-~...15 13 Liberty...................................... 1454 48 21380 195.3 1412 18....3 67 10 530 46 8 14454 1 Linn.~~~~~~~~~19572 968 11197 36099313 5.8. 163...16..22 11214. 30. 431 14552. Otter.................................. 2442 12 6020 1500 2020......... 881 34 40 8340..... 1280 5115 15. Palmyra.1784 81 5630 5030 3667 7 3 135 15 105 10 189 102 47 5866 1 5000.2528 19983. Richand............. 4595 5 485 3227 2844 42 10 10. 26 16 200 56. 9424 2 4500 8 2060 20240. Squaw.................. 1691 29 107)7 934 894 3... 34 3 75 8 95 9 4 10285.........1114 1885 2 Union....................... 1782 13 3848 2429 2089 11 1...........I 25 6 88 21 5679 11 1500..21277 15,5101 21 Virginia....................................... 1765 6 11221 218 297 3......... 2........................ 36 2 20 7988.........!1618 1920 3... Washington, exc. of Indianola... 5271 112 34546 7571 67111 35 1 70.....35 4 728 83 662 26296 9 32400 6508 21005 49 1 White B~reast................. 2755...... 9893 1173 1041 8 3................. 141 13.......6255 400 20 1812 6355.... White....................................1260 46 12517 1576 950. 11 2 4. 55 2 8 8857........1252 1809. Total.347~~~~~~~~18 5501182696 42071.1 3360 1-691 ~2330 2136 8 37 0 15 759 14 59400 29 44743 207878 550 Total.......................................~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~'....... 1I 46 8 37 06 1591859 WASHINGTON COUNTY., Brighton, exc. of town............... 2860 2 1998 4019 3675 54 13 41 4 33 3 573 68.....2..1..4025J 2 6500 670 4249. Brighton, town of............ 349..... 188. 1409 653 69 35 58 10 102 23 564 238....... 19241 2 1100 12 5.33 530721 Cedar........................................... 937 39 24635 6241 3090 7.74 6 859 75 53 5352........ 6810 3280 561 3287........ Clay..3100 11 6903 7384 4086 66 20 107 26 23 6 942 272 7 6840 4 20900.... 2536 15185 1 Crawford..................................... 3198 34 20082 6893 3865 41 6 212 20 61 12 1519 272 72 1067 5 24000 947 3573 44290 100 Dutch Creek...... 2707 4 25578 5588 3986 30 11 30 7 24 7 1380 187 3 4996.. 700 805 3260 6 English River....... 4643....9579 4709 3606 29 2 42.. 10 66 297 135 449 8185 1 500 100 5487 125 681 Franklin............1695.3.......6 27004 3 Squaw ~~~~............................... 1- 4 3- 4 5- 4 53 65 0 515 - 50.......... 2771 4700.18 3 913......... 4 Highland..... 2601 94 30 6 3......I.......... 2 20 36 9 1751t...............I,....... 49 340 2 Iowa~~~~~~ 41261 11461 10884l 9416 232[ 8 11 Ii 7 88 9 3 78 437 0I18 18 36721......: 40 I,~kowa....................................... 54 142 2 40 173............................. 8 7.....147... 80.....29 791. I Lime Cree.................................... 54 1 234 60 327721 13631............... 5.........6I1 5 085191 6 106 2 8:...............5 4Marion'..,..........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~7........i............13 281 0045 23100 260 0'1; 80 1178221 0 I.33~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2801 2129586 17349511. LimegCreek............................471......... 388 5320 4973 270 9 2 5..... 5 77 8 7 1268............ 20 1541 57 Seventy-SiX~~~..................... 97 791 42532 2546 0 27303...................... I'........ 687 C 4 200 11506 6 261...... 10898[ 0.... Washingon..ex.............................. 43521 14 0229 8 94 6 15 600 43 3 812. 2331 161 7 53 3 2198 35 16 1489301 2 62000 0 132027 84103 Orehig ton.i, city............................ 931 8 0 95886 1412,11 1 l 8250 12732 4420 192 25 25 128007................ 79 Ttl................................. ~...... 1 85,1,4 0E7 401466 91 21 4110,120....9 1J19026 254 025 weto.~ o, o c,............................ 225 13 10186 10'32 1 97;8 11'"'237 816 1 4 180 448 56 0 783 8401/ 3 WCshingon, eity o 219 19 105 4 2....... 15 6 21}5 3 1 892 4, 3275 19 10.5 27 Grand River, exc. of Lineville.. 4082 2 4330 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1206 343.... 21!3....... 8.... 5... 0 1 6 80t....... How ard........................................[ 185074 5[5-4 7021486.1 97 61 59 6 23 1 6 4 157 117 87104 lt 29 121/2' —{- 5i 102702 52411492800....... Alonro......................... 204..... 06 13 60 7 7 3.......................222..... Ribm n....... 25 717 04 25 47 25 1..... 2 2 24........ 665................. 41..0..... S ley m o un, tow n................................o....................... 4........ 6 4....... 7 0.... South Fok...........................i'. 11310 " i'3......1594 79 3'1 1' 4......... 173 /'20....."~"i.......i('2183 14 Benion.......................................... 142' ""90 24 13 8 1 1..... 4 16 86 71116......i o 18.......174[65~'...... Walnut, exe. of Seymour.......... 558 5 15723 276 1796 21 19 ~54 12 7........ 794[121 46 11968 2.16800 200"1216 1745 ]] Wlarre ex.ofAlr........... 4 7 77 81 31............... 12 3 1... 24 4 0112 1200..............6 169[58717 11 220206 Was~ig'on...................... 1707 9 6138 1476661 41...... 4................. 23.48 14 602.11.265. Wright.................................... 5009 98130 148 4912 7 172................ 9 0 91....... 96 Clinton....................26 29.........[:11......I 10........ 69 1714 222.... 1130[ 4 1500[ 707 160 7~~~~~...... 1.........I......'-.. 1 Corydon,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ex.0f o w...............15 4581 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....... ~ 5 8 1 7 512 31..........q.......................82.1..5... WEBSTER COUNTY.-CONTINUED. 0 GRAPE) r0G AP ~ I - ___- - - ---— i- _____~~~RIES VINEYARD. VINEYARD. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, TOWNS, A 0 os AND CITIES., a'd'~ c,.,' 4,~4 bb Co 0 0 -: - 5) 5 %-~~~~~a -0_4.0k0) I Q cOTS. W ~~~i) ~~ Q) C4 z pq 4 Z A? z P z Z~ P. z P-, _ Colfax.................................. 530.....I.................... Dayton.1735 60 4890 860 145... 11.. 86171.... 736 10.......... Deer 3r4ek.34 46 524 75 41................... 25 325.................... 6...... W:Douglas.3191 27 1823 49 1.527.7 Elkhorn.................... 30 28 2204 355 53................299 5 49 1 18 1287.104 ~~~~~~~~~~~...............................................................I...............................I......[ 7 7t:::............... 2 Fort Dodge, city of...................................................... Fulton........................................... Gowrie~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'... 17.20. Hardin.1933~~~~~~~... 1......17 128... 138................................. 1229....153........ 85............. Jackson......................................i259 147 1877.2210.....0 50. Johnson..............1................... 287 62 22i45 101 282. 2......... "'i. 114 17 41...... 1 21787.......... 96 4 Losarov.......................................40..... 1 ewark s on6 412 4........2.475......1............... 19.....47 1 Otho.......................................... 1016 1 209 2787......... 91 2361......1...... 6...... Pleasant Valley........................... 760 1 180 394..............150 15 13 1 4 671.... 18 25 1 Sumner.....................740 76 805 362 120 1........................0 1..................... Wahkonsa, exe. of Fort Dodge.. 295 25 690 2198 296 25.........2 226 14.. 6827...1225 220 WashOgthon.........................374 7 815 700 288.1009 2.... 205.. 20..... Washington ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~7..................... 31] i..... ]]].]:]] 16341 206.... Webster.............. 2558 4 520 -1353 146 1........................ 18......... 831... 21 35 2895 1 1600 63 161.19...... Yell..............361...50 24.......30...... 760. Total.......................................11330 652 23996 767 1500 2.........583 37 551 2 124 38061 3 1805 631 3381 30161 9 WINNEBAGO COUNTY. Center.....................70.............. 100 0............ Forest.................................... 671 221 40 1.................. 0 WINNESHIEK COUNTY. Bloomfield..3934 19! 430.964.608... 9248......... 6......02 2 Bl n954 4 160 296 157................ 2.......9......... oar.................... 8....................0 8 Pleasant...6 76 1........................................................../.........I.......~........ Canoe..2020...713 173... 10.. 49.4.... 338.695. i~ecorah ex..of cit.. 2140 9..339 175!... 20 333 4 90 150 338Tra lme.................42...... 15 92. 67.0 1857 9 2... 12.2.5...19.......12 8 lor eon.. 39 3 8.............................. 2 0 2 4.............. 0 6 Canood......................................... 22 7 111................ 1 7............... 1................363 Decorah, exs. of city.................. 2140 29 1..........5................2.......... 626 900 4 338. 5 Highland..1747..958~ ~ ~206 3313 8.....18...4.5C D ecorah, city of............................................................................................................... Frankville.................................. 42 9 67 187 29.................670...85.....' [[ [~~...... [i......'. 12 2 50 "5'132....'..... i'.. 009'17210 5' [MJ Fremont....................................... 1539 6 7311 2885 925............... 2 3649.598 130 6 Glenwood................... 16201......... 90 5793 1.1 101.....1.......... 25... 1071...... 20..... 363 140.6 Orleans..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~131 4940499...2 8..31....7 10 C esper s.................. 3203 22 470 17143 506............ 2... 3 46 3604...... C1 righlan d.. 1747......... 958 3133 896. 1 56 3.41... 4 7...... L n oln........................................ 1492 12......' 6......,................................. 6 12 4......................... Sumner. 1567~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 55 16 6..... M a inoln.....................:............... 2 8 0 2 5 5..........................:3 2 1 3 3 543............................14............... Military......................0............... 206 1 13 240 360 160............... 4 10 1 71 7 4220......4......0.... 4 2560 Arlington.12 1~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 0I 75 100. Orleans......................................... 13811 49 4001 4891 93[................. 2.....I...... 3816............ 177 10... PIeasan t............................ 74......... 31445...... 1 20[ 42 886.. 5 9.................. 3681.368 860 8; Sprigfied............................285........ 331l 86.............1,......................... 3 6.341.....3.......2..... 283 011 Sum ner.........................1 6 5i 6.....................................................................[.........[................. W ashi gton...............:...... 10591 3 24 1 2841 1021......I.........I..............'.....""............' 9 7................... Floyd.20 10 40 4...18.............."":::::::::: ~-$~l-~-~l,-$~l-l.~,- -~....-. WOODBURY COUNTY. A rlington.............................. 1 6............................ 0.:...........7 1 1 0... 121~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~..............:..................... 4 8............ 27........ Concord............................ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 0 [....... 74 3...................... I::: Grant.1.......................................... 030 34 111..............................6.. Kedron...............661 16 135...........................'......3............ Liberty.........................................650 218 88.......7!........ 7 8......8... Listn.101 26 8201 2..........1................ Lit n.......................................... 8 0................ 1 0 1 1......T WOODBURY COUNTY.-CONTINUED. 10 APPLES. PEARS. PEACHES PLUMS. CHE-. GES V INEYARD VINEYAR.I.-. l / 1 C C- D I. I.1 Ca_ 4) /1 5- 1 ) C4 4 5) 5) ) C 4_ 5) 4 5) 4. S'~~~~, ~~~~ Obs ~~~~~ ~ b bi) 5. bhb) fbo. 0 0 0 05)0 0~~~o..... o- t.............................. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)....)5)55)5 )W -0 a) ) 51C'ak ) wC') ) 0C 05)'0 a) 5 C).C4 dC5 0 5 0~ ~ ~ C~~~ C~~~ Co~_ 0ho d C. C. C Littlea.................................2320 20 80 4............... 1796...... Moville...............................17 4.......... 66.............. Rock~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.......................................... 142 i.............'............................................................ Sioux City, exc. of city............... 256 16.......... 577.. 530. Union.34~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ]]]1]]]]201 73 17...... 6...17.69 Sionx C t, iy o............................... 2 16 12 2........................iiii.......... 12ii~i 20 21............................. West Fork.70 32.........1 Hx' Wolf Creek...............................2 78 2405................5..... 1170.. 12 Woodbury.648 93 116.......................................... W est For............................... 32 10......'i'8................................................................ 1 5... W ood ur.................................. 6 8 9 1 8........................... 334: 521 531....... 36961......[................................. c Total......................7204, 503, 7640, 1-01 90, 2...... 60, 674, 80, 100, 7 177, 12636, 2......... 853 15 MI... WORTH COUNTY. B i t l..................................... 13 3 2 0 2 3 14..............................61 0.................. Brookfield.............................. 420 2 355 18 3............................. 31 9..i.......1 1...5 9 Dan istlle..................... 138 26 110267.....6...................................... 74.................. 1000 Feroot ie d....................................... 442 17 8355 20 2.............5................8......? I t....1]]]]: ]]]l......ji......'....... D~anville.....................................10 26{ 1267.'......... Deertlan.................................... 75 17{....... 120 14.....5.........................5........................ Fertile~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.....34. 17 3h204. Hartland. 1724~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::: 8134............... Kensett..................... 53 19 190 8......25.1.................. 139 633................. 57....... Northwood.................. 1009 38 610 280 30 1..2.......... 50.... 13 2109........... 135.20. Silver Lake................................. 270 3 85 14 2.............................. 11 2............. 50 492 1..... I......... 3623 U n io n................................ 0................................. 5 704.............................................. ention.140..................................... 4 2 220 10 2.....5.0..... Total..................................... 4281 161 5882 698 672......... 49 14 60......49611360 26......4631 339 36840. Kensrr................................ 3 19 l~c0 $.... WRIGHT COUNTY. " C.q ~~Belmond.................................. 388 103 7660 861 2.................221 435 8 B oone................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..................... 6 19 74................................................4 —-............................................. 7.8.......5...... Eagle Grove................ 481 25 1270 107.................165 24 27.............. 713 2 150 5 117 20. Iowa..............................."'.....,1......3 5..7....51.......62.5 1. 1. Liberty..........................-......... 53 13 1959 214 36 1 1......... 57....... Pleasant.. 441 581 3266 861 12........................... Pleasant --------......... *- * —*1.' * —-. —................... * - - - - - 1.....~Troy ~...499 61 2175 380 98..............5 17 3320...................488 500 86 Vernon~~~~~~~~~~...206 80 2890 13 2............................. I... 3237........... 110 130...... W all................. 82......................................................................................................................................................... W oolstock................................. 2.71 24 47.............................................................. —-............ - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - -.. Total.32321 5741 24141 14521 176 1........- —. —.. 1651 24 522 21 481 11193 2110 5 1245 1205 94 L ci 50 H ci STATISTICS. OF THE HERD, AND N-UMBER OF DOGS. F O~ ADAIR COUNTY. ~ 0. ~~o~~~~~~~o~ ~~~- 0 Ca +Q O Ca C 0~ ~ oa ) b -4c NA31ES~ ~~~ OFTWSIS,140M;~4 a ] ed~ ~ 901TOWN, A D CTIE. rl 44 4t 10 C[rc -p %-4 Cd — 4~~~ V~~~~~~ Ca'+.4 00 ~: 0 ~.~ o. Eureka.................................... 89..................[ 781 3464..................I...... 214 425......I 428[ 3 551 3131................:. 1 c Fontanelle, town of.. 121 16 7...... 12 41.. 40 2 5 3... 5 4 23... Gra d ivr................... 235 8 6......[ 253 10060 56......... 16 426 66 1] 1120[......... 286 692I 6j..~~...j... 4 Greenfi-eld................................ 244 37[ 7 7[ 157[ 9715 300............... 371 42 1[ 9261 235......... 9611 48 21 5 1 3 Grove..................................... 181 2[ 9......t 1431 8272......... ]........... 252 5......[ 557[ 133 20 522] 6.............5 Hariso........................ 64 9l 17 21 313l 24760..275.....'...-....... 685 85 2[ 2450l 9 165 1391l 312[ 1216] 19..~ 135.i' Jackson................................... 362 7l 20......t 2 35l 9124......... I..... 4 700 67...[1400l 9 8 1146[ 139] 991 [ 1..... 1 Jefferson................................. 509 16[ 38......] 366] 26725..'80.........[...... 1236 10......[ 22,87[ 403......... 2240[ 386l 1564[ 3 4 118 Linoln.................................. 47 7 2 305 412.................... 97......... 1 379 6 7 71.....,20 4 4 9 Orint............................ 149 23 0.... 7 WO.................. 551 255 4 153....... 71.78.....................l....... 94 Prussia.................................... 13... 0.... 106 4679............. Il 35... 208.....3 173.................. 5 Richland................................. 96 3 33 1 269 15400.................. 4 76 17.......1562... 218.1087. 177.804. 12 49 Prussia....................................... 17 - 3.... 16 89................... 5 8 0 1 67......... 27 74 2..................... 5 Summit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~2............. 1........ 73.... 1 06 2250......... ]........ 11!0 361......... 2 205......... 2 873...... 3 Uniohnd.................................... 199... 08 94 231........ 458.4 3 18 4 3 85 18 "6.I 5 Walnut~~~~ ~ 9....................................,......... 476........................2...18...... Wahnetle............................ 45 42.............. 24i 6 61.. 2154. 5641... 2359.!i516 Total................................. 391~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~71 5126 21, 3144010 i86 49...... III75 193I21094 981 1.56... 1587 31711489 14... 19 Summit I 32~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ADAMS COUNTY. Carl................ 324... 18...... 312 15145 500............. 2 580 11...... 1 4 1110 24 46 8601 108 Colony......232 10.... 248 9820 2000.................. 341 5...... 1554 16 47 1037......75 ND Corn in g, town of................. 131........... 98....... 263.....................117 Do as.464 16 52 5 422 20676 275. -20 1113 198 2 3601 45 400 1861 734 3919 131 8 Douglas~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~119.......................... 44 1 2 5 422668 4 Grant.............'".2.... 21....272...m251 2 2953......... 89 Jasper......................377 1 43.... 332 16610.......150 4.909 57 2 1619 5 87 1302 1 1000 60. incoln...............315.... 33 2 260 11950...:.... 8 836 45..... 1145 20 17 1108...... 101 Mercer........................ 234 2 11 2 203 10435........... 2 910 136 1174 81 16 855 113 580 6 1 77 Nodaway.528 19 18.... 569 21170 440......... 2 1151 445 5 2278 8 192 2259 183 1856 99 40 188 Prescott.246..... 14.... 262 16686 600 75 14 719 56 2 848 5 115 1128 570 2725 16 1 85 uincy, ex. of towns. 297 12 19 1 285 13600.. 10010...... 477 51 20 1894 208 71 819 1233 424 16.... uincytownof9 33.................. 7.... 2...............45 Union.243.... 15 1 228 14050 4108..10 755 177 4 1228 236 585....... 1 7 1 850 Washington.............. 484.... 10 439 21277 90............... 14 823 89 2426 1 1 6 1129 557 2274 36 61 162 Total~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ aal........[29016/......... 4211 5 22 171 35 21002 581 159]133 611 50 280 11 4055 189386 8013 10235 76 9272 1271 35 21002 581 1592 13393 601.~~~~~~ ALLA"'12MAEEE ~i~~~~~~~~~~....OUX~C ALLAMAKEE COUNTY. Center.................... 422 2 21.... 547 27997 1407 26 42 1001 210.... 786.......673 279 1130 110 431 194 HFairview.................. 180............ 168 10057............. 8 312 24 259.. 347 49 125 3.... 94 ci Franklin................................ 372 2 11... 358 28690 1400. 8 510 136...... 811 5 2 716 204 860 44 291 153 French Creek.432................... 9 42....................... 901 195...... 1341.5......... 1434 241 942 12 186 Hanover. 206 4 279 ~~~13720.. 8.0 140 0 4208.....518 174 55[1...11 4 Iowa...277 2 2. 274 12900......18 605 179.. 438.....586 384 1816 35 17 111 Jefferson................. 558.... 4... 414 43770 815...... 6 518' 271 4 1142 23 34 1492 434 2323 86 15 130 La Fayette............. 518 6 4... 415 19482..... 167 38 708 188....1333 13 1210 917 611 41 30 221 Lansing,1exc. of city. 349 26 6 438 22536 1820. 30 680 174 1 907 43 942 38 26 136 Lansing, city of city. 165.......... 349 26 2... 438 22536 12 0..5.........[..2816.... Linton..................................... 2991 15 6...... 280 14066................26 768 12.6. 771 1 11, 769 542 1066 70 40 178 Ludlow.823 33 2 537 37750 716. 8 904 179 2032 10 50 1988 431 2500 161 40 177 Makee, exc. of Wankon..... 489........... 4801 275651 1500 40 19 411 126....1134 2.5 90 1310 478 2271 34 10 139 Paint Creek................ 401 42 5 2 539 23425' 160......64 1121'211 1 2106..... 1 1200 837 2703 228 131 187 Post, exc. of Postville...... 564 40 8... 453 33513 376 375 8 1017 498 1 1563 22 197 1685 191 1293 122 7 131 Postville, town of.......... 41 1... I... 43 2868......14010........................................................ 37 Taylor.................... 323 11........ 369 13540. I..........31 642 146 1 1010........... 670 363 1177 52....i. 9 160 Union Prairie............. 430 21......... 406 21153.. 11 435 153... 15311........... 1172 1079 927 61'- 53 171 Waterloo.................. 354 16 8... 435 15235........... 6 468 62....1135........... 824 396 1758 15 71 164 Waukon, town of.......... 163... 2... 80 1840..... 55 6..... 32 6..... 57....................... 33 Total..................I76101 2181 86I 21 72941400562 81941 146731 3371 12021 2942 9 19770 97 441 18334 7372 23809 109.7 528 2937 4~ A PPANOOSE COUNTY. t 42$4- H-IOGS. SIHEEP. k~~o,I.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 Cen~~~~~~tervill, lonof.,.............. 1 NAMES~~~~~~ ~6 O.. lOW 7~...... *5.... 175...........I851..... 78 121 5 4;~ c4D~4+ Douglas......................4- 60 1]4 361 441 51 182 7 1 0 4 200 101 9 ~ ~................................; W ~;-4 $.4..;.....O 49t ]~]~ k a)8/ a)~:~;iii...,.,...... a)....................... 491 O23855 1O 15~ 6 10 314 Z3 la/ C680 F4 15 471 39 Z2 15 Beohns...................................... 434 29 49..... 4039 ]] 25531....... 77215 / 1260 253 137 47648 26 21 306 877 5803 88 195 0 - Licaldwl....................................2 52 1 6 4029 9 12 16 5 37 28 11 09 1 94 4 4 1 Centervile, townof............. 66..... 1055..... 71.................... 179' 235....../ 175............ 375........... 2308 I~~~~~~C Chaiouton,........ o... 56 14 7...... 45311................ 2 14 160... 30 0 2 76 64 32 7 6 15 Douglas..............:................... 11615 4/3... 28923307 49...... 197 2610 677 28361 146 8 22 710 2080 10 1 Frankli............................ 63 3 3......2.3 29...3 0 13~~,~0 20 0 0.... 1455, 43......, 27,16............302 761 25 04 574 39715 Ihrndpnec................................. 621 19 337 2 4823855.................. 63 21 14 374 3 5 260 15 27[38 1 13 Jodell...;.................................... 2 81 24 3 564 2.............I... 28008 517.. 7 5 64 1 216513 117251147541389 5271 182 Lincoln.... ~~~406 2739... 3781 30180 2A.........I16 327 4 230] 12......67 81 6 2 20 -i~~~ ~~~' "~~~i......~~~~8 13 03 161 9 4 139 1541......8 50 21 79 2... 75 4016 8 309 230........8 Plaat........................... 2 37 4 52 567 40 5 41196 46 6 28309 H Sharon..................................... 35 26 1 3 372.19................ 7 76 17 1 92073 0 1 3734[ 89955 27955 5926 38 120 Udl....................... 48 9 9 6 37 612......130.... 90 12....480 15151266147511781 8 3 Walnut....................................... 461 9 5t1.... 801 21985 -85.... 4 11391 230 24l 3359[ 123[ 2421 27501 726 22571 1251- 14( 145 Washington -exc. of Moulton 688 5 16 2 551 40540 500t..... 4 15061 4201 4/ 52941 74/ 2061 27767l 3003 74711 6441 571 194 Wels........................... 69.....50....5522381 200581153 52....028245 1 02 179 80 0118/8 Total................................ 109311 702 3 5554 67 123 82 069 45 67 746 779 201 439 160.385 541 75 23 AUDUBON COUNTY. Adbn............................... 21 9 33... 14 765............. 27 24 3 27 6 14 0 9 Do -l s..................... 5. 6.... 4 17 17...... 2 1.....l.... 14.............2 Exira................................. 418..... 2 35 1295 130 60..... 68 32:9 254 23 162..77.29 1561.................14 Gr el y....................... 92 4 13.... 4 4 9................. 8 2.... 6 1...... 94...........I.....27...... 3 Hamlin................................ 2141 11 25...... 122 61651 5 9 4 1364 34 5 733. 10 2. Leroy.............................. 97...... 16 136 2250 150. 229 136l~~~~~~~... 29 4 250...... 15022........................ 2 2 3 Melville....48 3...1 2...... 47 110........ 78 4...... 132 1 2 91.21 Oakfield................ 297 30 373 17280..............7 12 1061 12 50 117. Viola.126 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~I19 2111 6360. 13 287. 9 52 2] 136]5 Vio,..................................... 12.......:.... _... -3.................. -. 2I. Total.................... 5417 165 4 1480 59719 452 665 22 3277 63 18 7377 115 215 455 41 9301 27 5 55 BENTON COUNTY. Belle Plaine, town of....................................'"'................................ Belle Plaine, to wn....24329...... 954 3 41 7..... 0................. Big Grove........................ 762 8 38 501 43041 100 156 7 3350 32 286 2987 233 1129 17 159 Blairstown, town of............. 122................ 97 100......................2 Bruce...................................... 634 7 14 450 43995 80 4 1009 176 3 3880 41 393 1710 20 144 2 Canton, exc. of Shellsburg 734 26 30 562 47540 150. 1527 467 2 3179 15 44 2958 523 2579 150 24 185 Cedar.........................872 11 32.. 969 73315 30 8 1747 218 18 4041 35 52 3477 41 118 2 201 Eden...................570 362 28 2 48341180 460 35 1181 199 4 3255 21 89 2454 39150 7 5 164 Eldorado.......... 666...... 21... 54 35160 214......... 983 8 1978 19 76.166 Florence................................. 24 12 11 705 54265 2700....... 164892 739 20 147 Fremont..... 648 8 20 2 479 43469 200.273 1...... 3 132 Harriso n................................. 414 28 2 8 354 28750 430. 787 161 12 1510 75 78 1461 299 1490 98 19 91 Romer............................. 4. 7545 0 9 2 Iowa, exc. of Belle Plaine 890 19 7 592 28940 2602 2 974 294 2971 43 127 2162 192 1147 46 1 128 Jackson................... 740 9 31.... 563 35067 500 5.... 1341 1941 9 3008 17 67 2600 34 52 4... 181 ~Kane.................... 468 2 39.... 419 30800..........8 1283 244....2432 7 4l 1677................ 172. Leroy, exe. of Blairstown~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~'"h'h......~.... I 4 ~_ ~30~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~:~~ i. 17 c Leroy, cxc. of Blairstown ~705 6 46.... 550 40695..... 775 2 892 228 4 2182 27.59 2087 81................. 181 Monroe................... 668 1 40.... 489 44353............... 814 52 1 2649 3.44 1571...159 Z Polk......................888 24 71.... 889 50112 5280 70 4 1458 160 1 3325 72 30 29,38 617...2'8'03....1-4-2.....52 257 St. Clair................... 618 8 19... 575 33848 100.....1098 168 23 3285 34 500 2940' 204 1075 35 20 142 Shellsburg, town of........ 58 30 13 2 69 3 0240..... 445 20 2 150.... 6.5....4.......i.... 31 Taylor, exc. of Vinton....... 440 19 33 1 422 26175......7240.... 771 190 13 2376 73 35 624 11 68 4 19 104 Union.................... 644 39 25.... 497 26305............... 1069 172...I2555 iS 52 1668 19 82 7 188 Vinton, city of............ 356 16 15.... 206 4000.....10000.... 308.......... 342 20 40 200.................... 300 Total.................51372, 331, 624, 30, 11152, 776448~ 12846 20695~ 50 22681 3908 104 57947 563. 2423, 43460, 2932, 132421 586, 166, 3536 B3LACK HAWK COUNTY. Barclay...................... ] 565] 21] 27]..].. 647] 43743]. ]..... ].... 6] 1081] 108 3 2054] 4S5 27] 1494] 35] 133] 4 91 137 Bennington......... S69 15 22..... O0 38240].. 2 964 268 11 1384 131 29~ 1309 87 983] 198 2 121 Big Creek, cxc. of La Pre 498 50 11 3 395 23795 S.:......781 308 16 1754 21 46] 1684 87 275] 35 16 Black Hawk. ~~~~~~~~633 31 22 1 460 45850 110..2. 1057 122 1 2016 48 280] 1481 49 216] 12 1518 Cedar.458.............1......7.....393.36300 600 75..i 6 655 96......1836 28 36] 1646 40 130] 3] 1] 121 -. BLACK HAWK COUNTY. -CowTINUED. o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 0 0'02 b.0~~~ s Zfl OGS SHEEP. 4-i 0 0o.. b0 0.0~F~i 00 10 o.. o 0', sb a Cd 0 9 00 00 IWAXES'OFTOWNSHIPS, 0 Io.S50j -~~ oa.002 o ~~00~ o 4- 1~4 - -0 0 -.0 4-o 0 C 1- 0 0 -.'-4 0 44 0 +~ ~ ~ ~ a0 U;a04 d. - -,0o~ &.a a 0 ~..........!!40!-4 4O, 0 Z 0 0S a. ~90 So ~ S S InSQ 0- *' z S Cedar Falls, exo. of city.... 676 9 28.... 541 44765......18280 2 1092 174 3 2180 86 1459 633 276 880 20..... 144 Cedar Falls, city of............... 379 87 8...... 287 2732 8 7631 220 775 2 501 95 196 3115........ 70. 222 t Eagle....................................... 507 9...... 357 24515......................... 600 140...... 1978 10 80 1707 9... 113 East Waterloo, exc. of city.. 607 11 26 5 562 47507 100 14684 6 1006 265 6 3347 47 100 1809 308 2155 C Fox.......................................... 600 144 28 448 33836 9780... 4 1165 12......1 4019 15......... 2025 186 1600 40 112 LaPorte City, town of. 128 81 7 2 106 6663.... 1930... 191...... 184 30 13 1032..... 19 Lester...................................... 532 2 39 578 43268 20 15 1129 126 2 1578 8 3 1304 254 1958 206 7 170 Lincoln.............................. 592 15 11 1 350 24925 300... 5 689 92 3 2282 5 28 1799 9 80... 119 Mt. Vernon................ 622 8 27.... 503 35720............... 800 143....1844 9 19 1692 40 200 5..... 88 H Orange.736 12 18 647 44032.. 35339 1231 188 13 3013 271 406 2427...... 56... 138 Poyner................... 697 12 15.... 628 53694 2295 533.... 906 159 6 3913 16 28 2422 50 235 20 1 160 0 Spring Creek....... 448 5 24......3 421 25037 405.. 3 915 155 1 2772 27 100 1290.. 600 54 10 131 Union...........228 10 9 190 8424............ 2 337 71... 678 58 334 530............62 Washington. 319 17 15 ~ 290 32605 250 150.... 432 72 1 1110 25 27 944 92 44 7 6 7 Waterloo, ex. of city...... 277 23456......... 2000 1 467 71 4 889 34 73 922 86 4 666 Waterloo, city of...... 561....16.... 389............................................................................. 158 Total..................- 10627,536, 369, 22, 8969663700~ 13848 80642 54 15527 3445, 72, 39332, 10091 3284~ 31265, 2891, 14436, 912, 891 2590 BOONE COUNTY. Beaver.12..... 16 30..................4...... 699 12......4 6241 9 1 07 63 9 184 28.. 14 Boonsboro, town of......... 335 89 35 16 296 14982......3194 10 328 189 1 1027 299 330 800 (329............... as0 4e 5...........................1116 338 9 3578 121 64 241 1032 Cass........... 30 4 4...... 49225.................... oo,~x....................................... ~..... Des Moines, exc. of Boone 8~11869~1 1..................I I......'1~1 l~l i 189[...............I......... 1~2 ~21 6~71 ~1 71 89 and roonsboro........................ 522 40 4 1: ~21 679i 457551 8801 187701 2/ 1299J 473/ 1/ 33971 221 352 2334 230[ 16621 202/ 341 237 Dodge................................................ 765T 0 3~ 657T 35927I 338~ 62t......t 1848I 4221....[ 3853t 64I 381 3776 8581 2228t 1581 29f 201 ~-~ Douglas............................................. 393[ ~..... 233[ 18062[ 316[.........[ 2!'658[ 72[......[ 4421[ 3[ 64 1,538 669[ 24.11[ 89[ 65[ 144 Garden................................................ 453[....3..... 201[ 30455[.............:....] 5[ 1365[ 163] 4[ 1843[ 6]' 89 1777 303i 1204[ 26/ 381 144 Grant................................................... 2721 2..... 243[ 10675[ 527.........[ 8 2501 11[......[ 679[.........] 4 643 140 118[ 10 4t 100 I-!ar[ison......................................... 282/ 1..... 3341 14325]......... 1188[ 2[ 767[ 1609[......] 10601 98] 164 1108 625[ 2212[.........[.........] 87 1463 124 Jackson............................................ 76 185/......... 5 459 3 4 496[ 279201 6180.........1 41 15801 74/....../ 2361/......... 450 ~Zarcy.................................................. 648;4 ~i 7071'351001......... 16141 121 836/ 243/ 2/ 27561 30] 112 2038 27,5 964J 39! 31 316 Peoples............................................ 488;9..... 4.92[ 38125, 145.........[ 6, 1210/ 50/ 2[ 20621 60 154 1667 95 77[ 1! 2 131 Pilot Mound................................... 334 3.,... 299 15225[.................. t......[ 731/ 12/..../ 11131.........] 52 986 1651 5551.........[......... 65 ~nion................................................. 372..;6..... 442 30870 844.........[......I 1086 170 1[ 1475 151 1421 1408 269] 977 171 10 88............................................................... 2539] 1655[ 119l 84 135 Yell..................................................... 665 F 5000 215[ 491 855[ 73[......] 2934 42[ 143 480[33034 Total....................,..................... — 77-~ 1-~ 4 -75381455458[ 1 —~[ 2 —~[-~I 1 —~[ —~ —~[ 3 —~ 14771 237 865 51 I C~ BREMER COITNTY. 50 cl Daytnn..............................................[ 345[...... 473[ 32520 2400[......... 550[ 47[...... 4791 12 Douglas.......................................... 512[ 39431 5164.[......... 9691 94[ fi 1806 21[ 21 1209] 1061 421] 301 3 120 I'"~ 892 241 271 476] 16[ 57[........-1 1 ]~ran klin...........................................I 5161 595 44353.........I......... 1256 1231...... 1138 61 91 951t 721 2231 12 4 142 ~-J Frederika..............................] 231[ 289[ 21740 150[......... 567 [ 110[ 2 473 37[ 5[ 485 57[ 351 [ 26[ 7 86 Fremont.................................. 596[ ~ 825 65940 5861 50 1958 3431...... 2710 5/.........[ 1546[ 1781 866[ 531 15 141, 534[ 108 4431 2034 43[ 20] 2011[ 585[ 2433[ 1411 19 371001 6101 12173 [ 12.-0 50 Jackson.................................. 6901 ]59{...... 17 Jefferson,.................................[ 552 30'~01......,.t......... 10261 239....... 1648 18[ 4[ 1294{ 198 489.........[.........[ 178 502/:La Fayette..............................] 543/ 7....'2. 50 5151 38855] 501......... 1291] 177] 2 342l ~5] 32[ 1743[ 162i 1643 225[ 1191 111 Le Roy............................ 260[...... 380[ 272~[.........[......... 793[ 43[....., 616 1[ 1[ 654 237 972 211 6] 71 ~ 1Viaxfield..........................'........[....2 2914 2[.........[1561[ 137[ 600 22[ 2[ 205 555/ 7511 44395[ 201 900 1573[ 3351....... Polk......................................... 674[ i 643[ 44336[ 282[..~...... 930[ 270[ i 1984 161 821 2193 264 1706;........r 231 150 Sumner...................................! 4971 45271[__.....[......... 896l 301 1 1007 1[ 2] 1071[ 276] 1305 113[ 1] 151 11l Warren.................................. 178 686 4....2 779 602101......... 4531 I......... 21 1561[ I 3341 5 2 17~[ 1691 703 35' 41 Washington, exc. of Wa- [.[ verly...................................... 175[ 13 4171419551 2550[ 21601 2, 5951 1411 1 12641 14I 51 11121 47/ 163 17 41 131 ~Vaverly, city of....................... 246 246051.........I 3125......[ 131 14........ 41 12/.........[ 751.........I 200 50.........[ 96 ~o~...................................... 4~I -~-~, -~ -~-~1~0-~ ~-~l ~-~1~1 ~-~,~l-~l-~~l —~[-~1~-~i~ ~-~ ~-~ ~ BUCHANANCOUNTY. ]~uffa, lo.......... 1335 275 1347[ ]]yron....'........:::::::::[[::-::::] 5~241 56]'~ [.... 45 ~ ~;Jl 476 43085 410 4175...... ~l ~" ~' ~o~..................... ~l ~o~I 149 18841 17~21 272J BUCHANAN COUNTY.- CONTINUED. W.~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~ c 1-4 It`C 4-4 4-4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II 1_q -I.6 0 0 o 8 4o.SHEEP. 0 laoo!,TAMESOFTOWNSHH'S, 0~~~~~~~~Q l 0 ~..0 a) TOWNS, AND CITIES.~~~~~~~~~-, C C) 04 C) $.. d - 0 10 C;.2.0cc ~~.0.0~.0.0 P.06 U r.0 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 Cono.348~~~~~~~~~~~1 22 470318 0.8 82 4 57'97 1231,0 2 5 7 Fremont.~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~497 8.0 254 509 50 2137 4 104 1131 1441 6029 3 15 2 15 20 Hazieton.526 26 23 530 32898...2~~~0 0 0 113 45T$ 11 0 8 1 027 37 27 4 1 2 Homer.502~~~~~~~~~~~~k- 11. 439 43580 5.917 9 20.. 38 75...... 3 MaC on....................5346 4... 20 47 0 7 198 58766... 6375.. 107 92531....11728 19 22 1244 312 120 901 9 10 78 Maiddlefel................. 602 17 2 11 76 5284081 250 181...... 4.. 11252 165.... 204 181..... 22 18129 39 6 799 262 37 1365 Frewtont.65................ 47.... 22 727... 4825 509 30 50 617 4 14 288 1 25504 1 10 256 12 9836 4487 232 56 1201 Pazerry.7................. 506 2 23 4 716.. 54553 0 1509 1870.... 1.....: 0 11846 5 2 6 1 5 1259 44 42 20027 2072515 98. 218 12 Sumner.381 7 10 351 31200'.I..2~~~~~~..... 79.. 33 17 8 234 4 9 2 1 0.110 Wahigon~, exe. ofIne penenert.................. 6271 16 694, 315212 260.........50 8141I 39 1211727 280 7 245 405280 3844871 215 7 2)2 -6L Wedstbur.................. 5647 20 44 3485806 400.... 37.... 10136 7 93 16172 III 92 12477 81 1217 7..19 108 Totaeild.845............. 02 174 30023 9... 68407 819261 94201 3 70...... 18650 391206...... 4731 136 2618412 50781 2002 109 237 2234 Barnes.109.I~~~~~~~~~~~57 2. 114.. 799 8401. 335 26 4088 161.. 212 12 184 1406 183 72 1....41 Neoon.118..2.754065....18117......126.. 118. 2..5.. 2. Pelky.13................... 70...3 4 816 54,V3 5.. 327 10 146 341::: 52 2 09 1514 2712 27615 67 8 2.......... 498 Fairfield.~~381 7 10..... 358 342001...... 27......24 79 1373146 171 3 923 13 0 37 1........... 15 Barants..................32129 21..... 352201 1301. 7 4 0... 22 11 64086...252.....6...... 418 B rook es~~~~ ~................... 5 38 17 02 8... l, 4 6 6 11....... 1 C o n.......................... 1 8.... 27 4 65........I...... 8 17.....126.......... 18........... Elk~~ ~....................... 133 4... 86 5475.. ~........... =214... 2. 7 7168...... Fairfield~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.................. 3 1...o 1:.. 8 30 1 27.... 4 13 1 1 1... 3 12 7....I1 G r n t.......................... 3 1 3 2 5 0 1 0 1.....1 1 4 6.... 8 6.4.....5..................o 'Lee................................,..........I 156[.! 2[ [ 126[........... 9255 1251 205[ 42]-212 4171 9[ 12 248] 11[ 49] 1[......... 46 Lincoln....................................[ 30{......{......{......{ 27[ 2660........ [.........] 8[ 19 61..................16 oo..q Maple Valley........,................., 1521......I 8{......{114[ 4040 1001.........[ 57, 298 407[ ~I 25[......... 2~[....'~4[...."351.......2::::::~11 45. ca ~ ~..................................... lO~. ~0, ~,.,..... ~1~, ~o~l ~0, ~, 1~, ~ ~, ~, ~0 ~,.........,......... ~i/ Nokomis................ ~ "'.................{ 201[......[ 18[......I 1291 7011.........I 301 34] 170 454[ 20{ 5 70 Poland..................................../ 491......I 11......[ 451 3485.........[.........I $1 103 50f.........[........ 20...................................................'i!iiiii!iiiiiii!iil I Scott.........................................I 551......I 51.......1 50[ 45241 1:~5........./......I 3 731'7[ 291 40]::.......I......... 47 12 Storm Lake, ext. of town.....I Storm Lake, town of.............. 841......[ 2]..... I 881 9861......... 690t 3{ 3...... 24..........'........ 95 i 1881 iI 6......I 94 5872 120 141] 241 123......34 888 27 28 192.................. 37 ~o~1..................................../,-~l~l-~l.. —I-~} ~-~l-~-~l~i-~ — ~ —~ —~ —~c-~,-~ ~ ~; BUTLERCOUNTY. C~ A~bio~........... 485 44x 339~1 8000 ~7'8.1 25 ~658i 1299~ 20~ ~,.................. ~8~.......................... 175 851 tq ~l re~ver..................................... 593 I....~ 524 50e501 255....'~/ 22 195 1971 3 21751 36 4811 151 4 174 1251 9_0121 1161 Bennezett............................... 200 197 16835J 600......... 262 ii...... 29[....... 536l 84, 168.......,.I......... 52 r_~ Butler, exc. of Clerksville..... 609 485 376601 284....2 212 297 14 22241.....'8'i....2'2~8J 2199j 512J 1907j 441 4 153 Clerksville, town of............... 167 118 6730......... 366,., 13191 29 171 7661 702~.........I...... I....... Cold Water............................. J 1016' 398 300 162251.........'"2'10i...... 490 11201 8~ 8 8341 Dayton 326 761i 284" 161''8 li!..................................... 16 231 15248......... "'1'() 657 1116l 91 101 8481 891 6081 181 12' Fremont................................. 527 16 385 254451......... 10 633 11721 36 144{ 10991 2231 996[ 591 16 122 ~.] Jackson...... 375 471 28405] 31975 988 1406] 85'i 441 12811 137..,......[.........I......... 103 (2~ Jefferson.................................. 445 532 321951 150 984 14661 18; 21~ 12631 63[ 424[ 4{ 22 116 Madison................................... 324 226 144851......... 401 5981 1! 2 12.?,! 259[ 475{ 5101 144{ Monroe............. 2'[ 8! 90 448 13i/ 3 405 84100[.........'"i80t).... 858 18081 926] 11401 8141 55..........93 ~:i~ Pitts ford....... 439 323 179801 400 853 20041 51 51 10211 911 5231 61 4 108 ~ Ripley..................................... 282 252 ~540............. 477 li[.... 9311 191 473[ 65~, 16,188![ 701, ShellRock...........,.......... 689 1 522 46425 1770....237'~} 015 ]'i'511112~1 8594[ 4 17771 201[ 1080[ 41'I 71 Washington........................... 364... 279 20075 201 381 11 1629[ 934! 12291 2811 13......... 122 West Point;............................. 333 245 14080....1'20.....'30 546........ 9~1........ 83[ 36, 6781 9491 440[ 12 6[ 73 [ 1124, CALHOUN COUNTY. Butler................................... 1011........] 104[ 84251.........[ 130 46 2121............. y~g 8511 25 115 ~1 14'..... 105 62.................. 5.91 21175[ 250i 14 1761 ~....... ~6[ 89.......6I ~i 791......... 30 Calhoun..................................... 2911 ]] 307] 309301 200, 16 7761 8::;:::i:11 t'~ Center.................................... 57........ / 9:i]~i: ~';1 56361.........; [ Greenfield............................... 20 82..... I............. 50 CALHOUN COUNTY.-CONTTINUED. t~ 0 ~ 02 HOGS. SHEEP. i2.0;zO ~ 0 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, ~.0,~~*..' C.)~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~.: o o~~~0 ~~~ 0L~~ ~~ 0 0 0,~~~~~'0'd bp ~ ~~~~~ I~ I~ A NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, 00 4 - d 11.4a 0 a bD.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a 4,.. Q. 4-., W; 40F-z 0 9I-4~ TOWN, AN CITES..4- 0 0 C~ 4-S n; o.o 0 0~ 0 0.~0 0.C~~ ackson..................439 11 17.... 370221-50 215...19 817 74 2 2632 2..... 1190 39415121417 Liln.228......1.3 15 232... 21422 0 283316 315 27 718 35245829.4 112' 1 817 ho 0~ Sherma n................................. 151 11 2461 18985.......... 7 324 12 38......... 5 17. Wilcolam.................................62 28......13 2 5 662 521422 310 283 16 315 27...... 71852 458 29635.156. 17............. 81 Total................. 1411. 14, 90, 15, 1471 114858 1005 413, 138, 2871, 155, 21 5983, 204, 209, 3180, 1020, 1633, 25, 14, 666 CARROLL COUNTY. Arcadia................... 216....17 2 141 4475...... 250 25 253 54.... 417 5 4 250~ 10 50........... 76 Carroll, exc. of town........ 133.... 2.... 53 174.............. 79 8.... 422.......... 86'403........... 36 Carroll. town of......... 177....14.... 158 1717...... 1631 6 239.......... 532 8 2... 53 Eden~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~...18 1 7 2520 4 2 4 67..7 4...36 E den....................................... 1386...... 15.... 9 205 2110.. 4 2 1 4.... 6 7................. 27 8 4 6...........-.....~ Glidden... 210 14 148 15500....550 8 1650 4 5 1200 750 3560 6 45 Grant...................................... 103 2 4...... 65 3725..... 17...... 247 54 39 236......... Kniest................................. 372 3 14 234 9720 40 150 22 538 32 5 1249 100 96 1193 62 391 13 127 Newton........ 165..23.. 200 9261) 10.. 245 85. 881 31 2 947.... 124 Pleasant Valley.. 157 7 6.... 116 2075 180......22 291 15.... 717 6 15 438 70 156..... 58 Richland........81.... 7.... 68 3125............168......... 318........... 228...................... Sheridan.................. 271 9 18.... 186 13429 204......16 2451 13.... 807 64 7 859................. 91 Union..................... 171 4 21 20 143 1378............... 1551.... 2 820 13 81 1187 62........... 86 Wheatland................ 224....17 71 73 6320..... 1 2 97 12 1 369 53 25 193 1 4....... 87 0 Total..................................27 192- 1 20 3604 290 8.106 -363 298 8281 1964 5341 23.... 1034 CASS COUNTY. 0. 0i Atlantic, exc. of town........... 502 16 23 4 444 24458 100............... 1127 271 2 2679 16 81 3049...... 112 ~~~~~cz~~ Atlantic, town of.102... 2... 142..........4810..... 23 11 181 28 49 20.................................... 53 CBear Grove.324 23 284 16550 300.702 25... 1063 24 18 910 10 675 6 10 42 Benton.................. 45) 3 32..... 28 11485 40.792 155 3 1543 10 34 1050.................................. 117 Brighton.408...79...331.9..... 774 26 3 1383 55 56 362 18 70 4 138 Cass...... 613..46..3459 19780 60 24....460 3043 8 355 2891 600 2000 100 2 188 Edna..................................... 264 60 60 23 190 9900............. 45 435 74... 1574 9 17 901 57 247 10......... 190 Franklin.................... 452 42 27 2 319 26276.662 218 3 3306 431 1422 1756........ 140 Grant....... 243 1 13 2 211 10075. 3.2 435 55.... 886 7 7 421 17............160 Lincoln..............234..25 128 8193 3.278 60.... 768 1 96 477............... 768 Massena.............. 212. 8 1 86 2170...... 14 409 46... 875 74 139 362............................35 Noble.457 32 274 16165....... 534 6 1 1928 603 973 1355 1 2.......... 1289 Pleasant............. 408 11 24.. 394 9040.....2 602 108 1 2488 3 9 1161.................. 119 Pymosa.. 560 6 21. 517 23030 75. 10 935 306 3 1206 8 62 2322 54 116 3 183 Union................................... 210......13..... 163 10920..10 334 411 924 11 510 24 58 5 4 167 Victoria.....26......... 6.. 33... 175 809.33 925 12 46 507 649 150 23.... 66 Washington........................... 504.....39. 461 17488......4 1042 823 1 2229 158 412 1857................................. 125 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13 90 10547 2707 28 2700 1 1447 3787 19911 14 130 3318 151 16 2038! I~~~~~~/ CDRCOUNTY. -. Cass.515 26 21 6 432 24147 86 ~134 8 1891 9 7 244 46 1777 36 15 62 21 0 11 Clarence, town of.......... 337 14 7.... 145 7316 1500.... 151 17 14 817 235 2,33 260.................... 41 Datn xc. of Clarence.... 618 47 17.... 576 58270 186.........1455 461 12 4231 2012 2157 3816 147 620 12 3 111 Dunttwnof.................. 81 4 4...... 93 2990....236.. 41 143... 202......44 Fairileld!.......... 628 32 64 6 463 39178, 310.........1482 406 16 7968 25 80 4542 3704 28 18 6 128 Farmington, exc. o Durant. 620 11 117 1 549 28199 150 290 1837 252 21 2910 127 293 2973 84 325 11 10 123 Fremont.................................. 772 22 27 5 656 43270.16012 40001)..... 14227 578 29 5433 100 75 5155 8 28.................. 131 Gower.................... 714 21 25 1 495 45850 1320 2866....1467 271 2 2719 19 128 2364 2845 1260 12 14 174 Inland............................ 662 10 65 2 638 38234 4451... 1570 318 2 4099 204 301 4475 148 628 14....... 157 I.Wa...................... 816 53 40.... 770 58253 470 700....1796 366 7 3266 175 183 3794 2782 101,57{ 106 48 182 Linn...................... 393 16 6.... 3&5 17380............... 1268 162....5106 36 5 2453 379 1137 16 11 81 Loudennden, 3of4.33 2800.....4......68...... 139 2.....00......81529.....139............229.................10.....1............37 37 Massillon.................. 690 42 4 605 46405 370 15- 6 1175 384 3, 2987 2 124 2388 68 873 11...... 155 Mechanicsville, town of....... 96...... 9...... 49.................................................................................925 07[ 6498............ 1 61 Pioneer, exc. Mechanicsville 625 19 21 2 640 402921..... 75 4 1628 248....44,67 1462 111 30 07 41 7 5 150 R~ed Oak................... 555 22 12.... 482 32105 400 10 2 1463 353 3 32391 60 -7 2542 572 4195 312 41 88 Rochiester................. 515 5 37.... 479, 16991)..1206 88....1897 84 50 1641 230 1266 29 12 121 t-0 Springdsle.969 109 40 12~ 1072 53361 433.36358 2050 579 35 71861 380 768 12436 Springfield, exc. of Louden.. 690 10 381 21 615 41743.9................ 1193 370 61 3453 195 570 3001. 126 12195 28 3 161 CEDAR, COUNTY.-CONTINTED. tO Co 0 P.. 7e w~ o.1D 1, d? Ioh, I HOGS. SHEEP. U' 5 5.. C0 4' 0 2 0 04 O &O 0o0 ~ 3 ~ ~. 0 l, Ca u U' NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS 0 u 0) Pec;OU C -. be Ps,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r P.4 TOWNS, AND CITIES. +z 44K o,Q 4 4-I' K K~~~~~0. ~~~~~ 0 0'S ~~~~~~4-.4 0 4 4 Sugar Creek. 449 15 ~~~~~~~~~042 02 2489 0 925' 1 0 5 83 4 64 201 442 _______________________ 12303~P 61 115 109632 2 09 678 1276 7651 15 45 6369 5953_____ CERRO GORDO C~~~~~~~~oUNTY.e4t a C Clear~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~!o Lae tow of.~Daugherty.123 1.. 76 6440... 12 2201 29 475 21 61 192 99 4551 20 2 Fallsof.416. 111 3042753....4 120... 123525 5381252 13 9 Grant.120~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.74 1380... 14I 233 45. 88... 130 102.16.35. 2 Loake.199.............':- ~~~ 12-7 2698- 280.1-188 12-~i~ 7-130 12' 2-222 105~ 30-~52 5 —~8'609 Masone.ofMason y....2 2301 0 16 5. 6. 9 6 101 Sugar Creek~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~.................. 44 5 2 2 6422890...... 92 161... 183 4...61201 417 Mpaton Cit, town of..........4.2...I........0 ]..1......1...... 1............. Owughenty.................5...... 4.216172251150. 7.510.64 Poralad................................ 3 5 2 196821.655 6 21351 250: 2386259 1171 65 26 Clear Lake, exc. of t41wn......[ 209 9...... 2303 2010 71501 103833...... 4322 19 7 5......... 8::: [: 1' 2 2 2 0 1... 7 12 1 6 9 9 4 5....... 2 47 Daghertye.................... 12........... 7 -4438 2I Total:o............313 248 182 17......3 1472 10175 684961 12500 289143 7 118.15 40112 48 376 211 7 6 2 4 821 6 ]Lake........................................ 199/ 12/ 7 3 269l 8280...,.......... 18 38 2... 3 2 2 2221 1051 305] 5..... 60 Lime Creek..............................I 362l 5l'5...... 289l 19325 "5200......... 11 5071 116 3.. 859l 59[ 2 399l 196l 5661' 78 Lincon............................ 253 2..... 24 1148..... 8 34 22..... 384l I......... 493l 1951 7701 191 201 75 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......0................ 326..........16 527 633 9 672 507 42 94......... 4 7 Mason, ex~c. of Mason City... 210285[........ 32l225 "'3.1 2.Vason' City, town of.............] 2441....../........... 2041........:............................... Owen..........'...........................I 275126ii2...... 4'-.........] 2164... 5172 5........ 3559...... 4 Portland................................. 355 8,62..... 5 3 2 351! 20 2 382 1171 265/ 5 68 Total................................. 31 2 6 63189 20 5119 46. 116 5 41521 39 12 5 2 1-~1-~1~ -~1- ~-~1 -~ -~ -~, ~ ~-~l-~l-~-~-~-~/-~,-~, ~, CHEROKEE COUNTY. C,,? Afton...... 327....29.. 182 13533.. 2 12 297 36 560 15....... 1416.............. 95 Aet95......2 4.... 2 188... 62135........ Amherst....... ~~~~~12... 135................. 57......... I................... 2 Cedar.................... 206............. 115 5555... 10 169... 576........... 345 334................. 62 Cherokee, exc. of town......... 205.... 5.. 131 11867.......10 389 9 1 492 21 346 40 114......... 2 53 Cherokee, town of.112 14 2 2 96 1154 140 00 8 23 25...... 215 13........239..... 37 Diamond....................6.128.. 6...... 6 28...110 2. 69................ 19 Liberty......74..5. 53 600 150...236 63...43... 19..... 34 M'rcus.. 17 2' 12 490 20 33 5 9 820...5 Marcs......3..X............................... 5 Pilot....................................... 255 9......6275 8634 1..... 43 98 177..... 604 8 1 471 7 16................. 94 20 211 20 537 193 120 191.....85 S'Pitheridan................................ 1 133 15 561 8 2.................. 74 Sheridan................................. 7..... 126 2559................ 4 13 5...... 2 61................ 291................................. 74 Silver...................................... 119..... 7 74 5431.... 13 113.......... 228... 239.... 6 ~Spring..32.........4.......44 5348........... 23 57 9 122.209......... 0.....20.................... 2 Willow..160 28 15 7 110 6450...17 1481 66..... 689..450 337......41 -~~~.- * - 1 —i Total 207404 4 1167 9 7 8504 291j 3722 264 1941 _________ _ _ _._ _ -- c CHICKASAW COUNTY. Bradford, exc. of Nashua... 575....171... 526 38870 430 100 8 748 144 1 1526, 18 207! 1281 5420 2290 63 46 141 Chickasaw......471 4 14'... 455 37160 2900 25) 18 929 83 2 954 3 6! 867 ~682 1747 46 14 163 Z Dayton........': 360 16 16.... 431 34070 475...... 105657 85.... 875....... 1624 231 760.12 10 114 Deerfield........463 22 8.... 490 43950........... 8 1127 208 968 15 611038 958 867 24 14 131 Dresden................... 320........... 435 34043 800..... 4 712 81 1 818. 3 91 752 195 964 8 181 87 Fredericksburgh.......... 439 54 6.... 419 34110... 60.... 63 39 13 484 35 28 547 504 2770 31 3' 91 Nashua, town of........... 76.... 2.... 74 450............... 53....1.... 44..33......1..... 3 New Hampton, exc. of town 340 4 7 3 95 29446 150...... 2 603 63 1 471. 5 389 237 811 55.. -1,6 106 New Hampton, town of........................32 Hichland................... 359 38 6 539 37695 600...... 6 778 115 2 795 69 9 704 275 1877 26 23 98 Stapleton................. 577 87- 10 2 6611 55170 6000 603 38 1189 44 2 1229 4 2 882 243 840 50~ 2 197 Utica.................... 531 441 5 1 767 55097...........37 1767 276.... 874 --- 941 2155 717 3-1 53'208 Washington............... 492 29 16... 529 27540 20......16 1512 129... 1469..... 53 981 108 580 3 10 135 Total 5600..323.120...6278-495496 805 788 206 12294 12671 22 11912, 4 8 03 31169 32 29 12 CLARKE COUNTY. -4 d Id 4-4 4- - 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ow-s A~D CX.r SH. P ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15 I 0 rz~ -40 4-D 4 re W 0 ~ _4: ) ~ l~~~~~~~~~- d ~ —Dot: bD - - ~ 5 Ca C Fremont~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-................................. 27]g125 0o Gree B~.......................470 16341 2180 0016 ] ] 102]255 1]219] 4] 21] 8180421 96] 37-36]91 Hopeville, town of~~~~~~~~~~~;.1.......... 1812 -41 1811 46...... 8].... 314;482...[15110119 1 7 1].....46 l Jackson...................................T rn C Benton.I 621 14 I 48 SI~~~~~~~~~5 66 3643111.. 19701 3453 211 20541 61 311 255421 419 16081 80 31 231 O Burlington, exc. of city.....1 5451 71 231.... S5431 26079.......1 476291 431 473 1791 201 15021 1 941 14011 92 4631 361 24 422 Q DES MOINES COUNTY.-CONTINUED. 0 Ot 0~.'20 4) HOGS. SHEEP. o 8'C ~ 00 0 000. Zn O.,' ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~00 0 0 nz 4 M0 0 * 0 ~ c ~ 0 00 00t~0~' 0 0~ 05 (a)jP..0 (V 0U.OrA ~~~~~~ 0.Oo~~A~ Ca 0 ~o0o.0 0 ~0.0 -,d,0 Burlington, ci ty of........ -,....I......... I t "~... 0;'-4~ i~~1:::'~l.. lanv iler.119.............. 7103 11 23 857.. 7857481101 749.19.888366 Frnlint Rie.71.8..57.745..31017.. 66000 21 9271 332 3 30351 34 26 1858...~"2dil]:]'.. Franklin~~~......I753, 9 12.... 639i 552521.............I9571 1271... 3440....2927360 Hturon.................... 397[ 60 281... 6111 285301.............17311 3851 2 3017 6 02417 5131 21591 159 58166 Jackson..................113[....13[... 142[ 2595]..........I...]550[ 15[... 597 72479 341 72[......37 Pleasant Grove.740 46 42T.. I 564 35570 10177 4 749 321. 4679 1 74 2937 935 3911 204 246 Union.~~~~~~I 7751 681 109 14[ 6491 51.5551......21210....1065[ 2231... 2804 371 27301 401[ 14231 156[ 52[ 346 Washington. ~ [ 861[ 641 61 2 679 35483........21391 566 1i 48751'[11'4 18 [39 2641 983] 2 3 7 Yello Sprngs. 149 9 74 4 108770447 50 20 31 2923 4811 2 9373'28 578 65 63 159 30 3 - TONADCTotal.8409 471 60 48 4 7409'Z 4, 46448 43711944 5 170 411 5 39978 477 49 314 818 350 219 469 264 Z DICKINSON COUNTY. C~~~ -q32' 96'409 Center Grove..............241 9 6.]. 2891 20445 3501 67 20[ 308 414...... I... 4Z~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ 27[ 47 59 4 0.9 Diam ond Lake........... 8...........4 5.. 6.................. 4.6....... 6..................29................... Excelsior................................. s'19 "n12 7429.........6 55 lW 1240 1:11144....., EclsiotRiver............................. 47 610. 85...... 425 10815... 3 2 26 5 7..................... Lakevilie.................5 1 9 5......... 27 3 48 115 571 4 12 19 o............... 397...... 86 530 4...2 4 38 5 2 125 27 11 1 Pleasland Grove..25............... 740 46421.2... 65... [ 519 31......34... 1 4.12 SilverLake.. 14....19 2070...14 31...........317 2 19.....9 15.3 Waspiritoa 6995k650e... 13 1 7 173 0....... 2139 56 1 417....8 4 109 53 178 SuellowSprior..2..................... 1149 96 74 4 1087 70447 20 2923 481293732282578856556301559......3...1.........0 Tiamotd Lal e 766................... 35... 31..'8 70500 2224..... 921...... 1 1049 147 7.. 94 2...... 18..... 40 138......1.3. Exclsorboji................ 4748185...........81 6 7... 8 2~I.... 11111 Laevll..................... 1 1.... 97 6 5093101..... 6 17234 8......... 20 4 1 35 4 12 19 Lod....................................... 34 2......... 79 65 601......... 12 3 9 6 42......... 1 9 36 8 5 4 2 Milo rdn................................... 52!.... 7 i.... 5 31 20 2 4 4 0... 1......... 10 4 5.... 3 2 0 k, oji......................... 97............... 86 5.31.24........0.249 38.....35...... 12. 2.11........3 R ichla d............................ 25............... 33 245................ 6 59....... 34.............. 1.................................. 1 Sil1ver Lake........................ 14......... 191 2070..................l 14t 31........... 31.....19................... 9 Spirit Lake............................. 130....7...... 173[ 122101 120j.........] 36[ 9....5....... 167 178......I.........[ 5784 Su e i r................................ 2................. 4 3........ 0....... 1............................ Tota............................ 76, 3 31............0950.222. 92.66..049.147 7.93. 2.....897.06......7..9.30 DUBUQUE COUNTY. G Cascade....546 24 31 4 599 23672 80 415 1 1173 171...... 3510 17 2 2617 2521 2110 93 12 178 550 10 26 2 596 25981 440 50 4 1105 357 2 2513 236 292 1774 324 1152 131 22 351. 544 49 8. 557 2242.2 1400 149 2 1876 4 6 2471 787 2875 170 131 202 e. 478...... 7 3 44-16 20920.. 8 567 118 2 2262 6 18 2150 71 271......... 41 158 Dyebsvque, ctyw of.".......1013 1 15....1110 79145 750 12-5-1-0-0............... 505........... 407...... 40..........1948 Dyersville,..~i..towno.. 160...... 8...... 24 05...172..... 10 35...... 92...... 92'{l.....''::: 281..35. 1.............. 447 lo 10 5*-9 Iowa.... 440 30 41.. 534 17046.....10 489 202.... 3975 41 6 2186 433 1611 191 35 208 Jefferson... 678 28 52 2 943 46210 1200. 8 1173 472 2 3298 50 1 2379 453 2444 349 11 394 Julien, exc. of Dubuque... 637 14 7 4 790 38240 1590.6.9'965 3 1162 195 7 1734 46 45 1821 582 2210 259 10 268 Liberty.....562 53 44 2 673 12345.580 197 8 3605 9......... 2800 2173 1932 187 56 161 Mosalem.......485 43 2 1 468 16820....... 919 187.... 778................. 998 182 813 18 53 163 New Wine, exc. of Dyers-.... Vilule......................... 652 13 73 84....'886..31620 250 440. 974 2471 3878..4357 442 1638 153 14 269 Peru.432.....1..11..........298014....3.........5 4.... 705 35 174 4 2 220 Creek 784 33 35 5821 2587... 1636 348.... 40971. 9 34 3719 1850 4282 211 91 224 ~~~~~Table Mound ~ ~~~~.5........ 5078350 11202..735.4... 1..202 2024.................. 1957 230 910......22 154 Taylor...... 872 12 49 1 5 43107 360 11922 6 1624 545 7 4697 61 8 3389 335 1490 159 31 183 Z 875 44 35 4 795132432.... 6006 10 2171 398 85 3826 112 44 3979 839 3938 324 39 261 Washington..642 60 44. 633 32940...... 1192 269 1 5776 329 3 3395 384 1949 114 87 211 693 13 27 581 18108.. 132 916 150 1 3012 3 2 2659 566 1728 105 26 209. Total.................I 11563, 520, 5231 38 12617 649056 653,5.115867, 60I 18904, 4154 117 52341 9231 461 44210 12217 31602 24681683 5854 EMMET COUTNTY.z Armstrong Grove... 74.......... 107 8060 26,41......15 220 3 1 87..... 2 77...... 33 Center.. ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~57 5.......85 7700 112.......6 188 20.....23..... 3 24 142165. 10.. 36.... 20 Elsorh................... 31....... 40 4100......... 2 76.......... 26.... 2. 23 5... 11 Emmilet................... 86 2 96 139 12455 100......24 210 8.... 97 288 6 20 15 5 3 Hig Lake..... 107 3........ 179 12550 250...... 8 500 62 2 97............ 80 452 1151 82 17 40 Iowa Lake................ 15 1....... 56 2350 5000. 10.39 22.1.9..14 Peesj............... 83 8....... 193 15OOO 767. 32 544 49 3 6287 269 859 53 1. Sw tan Lake. 13...33.2400.. 16.103.13.....81 335 121 Total.649 19 21 1073 8321S ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~6493....... i 2346 301 6 5571 2 7 519 1155 3220 1971 51 237 FAYETTE COUNTY. —CONTITZ.~ED. O0Z ~ o~ ~ ~ ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 4-4 4-4 4-4 ~'~ ~ ~~~~~~~ Or 40 00;- HoGS SHE ~, 1~, 1~,, 0 1~.~.r~.................................... ~ ~...... ~~ ~' "~'" 00...... 00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~'11 241... 1...l25 581,....'........-4 499-0.. 9.. 38 4140... 343/..... 1 890 ]3tOWNS AND................. CIT...-IES 8 9 1100..... ot65 l.... 54.... 85 435-1419 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:i 0 0' 0-~ +..... 351l......114{~~~~~~~~~~~~T.....t 91269 80{.........6518, 6 937{4S191 Eden......................................I 540 11 21{ 6]51 5705 1 78 80 1 5 1 1 8 2 0 27l8 84 111 41Z I42 79 12Z5 Banksel.................................. 24.... 6... 1522..... 90..... 368 17[40 2 {...... 57 Cener........................... 35 1 1... 14!......I 392 29469 730 50......0... 6l12 557 18.....7 698/........ 649 0 7 144 9 6 957 Fayette, town of....................................................1109] Frem ont.................................. 405 ['"14::::...... 482 37930 [.::::':::[:::::.... 9~ ]..'..~ "... -.....i9'8"......165......1'"58........1'.........2.....'76/-........ -..'-........i...i2-. H~arlan.........,........................... 359 9] 201 2[ 339[ 279151 200.......... 12{ 686l 144 1 1409 3 0 7.57[ 549] 1960] 90 1 10 111ria............................ 50 1 43..... 508 46880[ 5000..........I......] 883 451 1 2826 2 2216591 700l 2324, 71 3 2102 Jfesn................................. 51 8...... 49365......... l1l 3 101 4.. 06 3 4121 272 74 6 2 130 o Oran....................................... 5-20 16] 13l...... 636] 48605] 140.......... 16] 1254] 136 ].. 1946 74 310691' 90 323] 76 5 15 Pleasant Valley..................... 530] 19l 10[...... 478l 37475[.........[.........I 141 5041 1561... 878............. 1105 362 2142 59....... 181 Putnuam.................................... 5201 14/ 10]......I 6991 601201 575..........I 8] 1558] 1451..4 1678]..'47 51107] 304 1044 54 24 130 Sot........ 34 1...... 34320 73........ 9 62...... 61....................... 662 97 57... 8 Smnithfieldi.............................. 754l...... 27]......] 564 476721 2,001................] 1025]...........1 1047.....i 9741 247 1107]...... 1 115 Westfield, ~~~~~5051...... 261......I 474 362141.............. 21 1045[ 210l......I 1576] 73 12 1588{ 770 3009 "4'9......... 140 West Union, exc. of town..... 5761 68 22l 7] 516] 43-7501.............0 1 0 10281 262t 11 26621......... 42203] 1549 7198] 179 25 127 West Union, town of............ 22819,8141130112320..,....... 1350l....6f... 26 1 0 27 17 20..... 2 9 Winso....................... 6021 2 9] 2 7001 52250! 35801 83951 20] 1144[ 17215215 21 1271/ 981451 71 6 12 Tota.........................I 75-21 31 —8 36 —3 21-~ 1055 —- 80644 —-1 22276-~ 11186-. 18 —3 1977 —-~ 325 —-~/ 251 24979l 303 0-~ 218791 11353- 41655' 1307 2711 2851 o FLOYD COUNTY. 0" 01 otI Cedar....... 378 32..... 242 32710 300 14 741 151 4 791 8 20 593 542 710 32 42 86 Charles City, ex. of city 378 5 247 10064 1586 769 8 101 119 49 149................. 335........ 135......... 4 134 Floyd........ 718 2 7. 633 41198.... 182 4 1970 172 5 1528 42 42 953 890 4729 246 19 178 Niles.......... 439 37 2. 429 37147... 30 884 135.... 816 30 3 690 349 1006 50 18 119 Nora Sprins town of.. 200 2 148 11940.... 152 28 1 109 1 8 173 100 660 18 29 50 Pleasant Grove....... 406 2 15.. 363 29050.. 5 534 42 1 809 2 20 829 69....................i.....l Riverton.......... 566 4 3. 508 33408 7. 50. 1444 92 1 1479 16 296 1521 615 2433 19 13 153 Rockford....553 9 4 2 459 60175 5700 2890 8 1356 284......1761 1 8 1122 758 2974 81 43 135 ~~~~~~~~Rock Grove, exc. of ora 7 776 147 3 506 2 29 530 195 705 25 16 100 Springs................... 488.... 4.... 370 37000........... 7 76 17 3 56 2 2 3 9 0 5 1 Rudd................ 5241 12.. 307 2.5118.... 497 117... 682 86 259 433 4...................... 86 4St. Charles, exc. ocity.... 98.5 50 13.77715.. 6 1507 147 3 20)12 106 75 21321 2051 723 63 7 242 Scott.......I. 317 13 4.. 2971 21558..12 564 123 3 1191 5 181 i371 2191 1193 261 29 71 Ulster......... 477 15 9 432 42250..... 22 800 119.. 868 86 32 882 277 1244 451 25 113 Union.............................. 639 1 0714 1 474 40320... 4 107 1711......1613 67 101 1497 579 2943 36 61 189 Total.................................. 7067 177. 82 3 5858 499739 83061 154781 155 12333 1847 70 14314 452 9111 12327 48022 19455 641 251 1767 FRANKLIN COUNTY. H Clinton....... 404 1 26...... *33624080 5106805 4950 276.... 1999 8 401362 49264 21 98 Geneva..................... 416 331 8... 339 24100 401)...... 8 797 1191 5' 1273 197 220 1196 1277..... 118 Z Grant....................... 176....32'2 6590........... 4 264....... 3071....6.... 374 320.......... I..1.... 53 Ha-milton................ 104 121 8 18 9890 100... 184 11.... 3581 8 342.....................I. 28 Hampton, town of.......... 161 11 2.... 100 39251. 290.. ~... 38 181... 1441 31...... 164:.................... 26 Inghiam.................... 418.... 2.... 257 13220...........16 986.......... 1492... 191.55.200 25 40 41 Lee....................... 121............ 141 9025....6 264 11 330 87 21 164 Marion................... 67.... 4.... 56 30,33........f 7 101 4.... 142 9 1 121 5 9.......... 2 Morgan................ 187 3 2... 185 14870...........12 495 23... 908 28 78 4419273 780.......... 7 Oakland..........::...... 251~ 3....... 303 17760.......1......18 812 317.... 657 113 13 522 316 16631 481 12 74 Osceola................. 504 30 13.... 352 26900 1001......... 890 80 5 2405 6 1 32 17021 6 421..........I... 119 Reeve..................... 367 11 11 7 3 12 28968......... 8 683 45 111611 6 21 1367 9 14 3 106 Richiand.136...5..5.87 5875.254 29 5 322 17.60.2211.2.1527 Washington, exc. ofHampton..................... 371 13 14 3 2981 22275 400 160011 10 979 304 13 2708.401 29 2039 3 32 1...... 112 Total.................. 3973~ 122, 104 10 3208 222366 24701 8695 97 7907 12-70 291 15244 63,51745 128 63 5682 74 57 1007 FREMONT COUNTY. 0 0 _ _ _ ___ _~~~~~ 0 - 0 0 Co 0 0 M o.. I 1 k ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~h ho 0 0 C ~ 0 - ~ b.0' BAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, 0 o... TOWNS AND~ CITIES. d 4-0, 4-i 1+-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0~q 3;,'0,- 0o Q, ~ ~0 0 0 0 0,.4 tL.. - -o c ).o o- 0o'a PI.0",.~ 0,~.0,00, C) 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~z o j 0a 0 ~ ~0 Q 0 0 k; Mw 0 O w. 0 O0.0 CD P 0 0 _______________ _ _ __ Z Z Z Z ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Z Z Z Z ZZ Z Z Z Bartlett, town of~ ~ ~ ~.............................~...............................................I......l..........~........................t..........,......... Bartlett,~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to....n. o...J.....l..... Benton, exo. of Eastport and 18190... Percival................ 320 1 47.... 501.11050.... 1886 300....26871...... 187 1855~ 139 875 20...... 103 Farragut, town of...........[].'........................ C Farragut,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ town.o....,,o....,o......................... J... oo..... I..................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........~~...................... Fisher exc. of Farragut.... 627...... 71 "2 541 19550.. 18 2189 897 3 5266 6 35441 40281 30 130.. 143 Franklin, exc. of Hamburg 403 99 85 39 867 20118........ 3127 10 1700 855 3129 101 182 3925........1........................... Fremont City, town of.-..~-.................... I..... I......t Hambregn t, town o f......... 31.........J88.... 10~...... 0............. ~ 1........................................... I... —,......~............. i.... H-Iamburg, town oS. 248 23 139 8..100 30.. 251...11................ 2 i M8Paul, town of............. 91... 30.""q..................................... Madison................... 695 4 184.. 627 29755. 1 2001 1. 5 4496 99 279 6801 650 -209 Locust Grov e ~ 2A~~~~~~~~07~'1'... 29...... 47 200 5......323 00..............................:Monroe.,. 5071.2.47.2090.25 8 2706 2024.3575 1t40 594;3253::::.....209 Percival, t................................................. Prairie...................................: 378 11 41 1 296 10150... 22 223 7 1519 28 55 1776 290 1279 20 23 106 Riverton, ex. otown......... 238 4 345 11485... 16 29 3 1866 509 1077 946 146 543......... 22 44 Riverton, town of..............240............. Ross, ex. of Tabor................ 761 24 97 100......... 9 4 4 o 7........... 4768.......3 1 Scott, exc. of Fremont City,.4 8...... Bartlett and McPa~ul........733....135....1000 25385 501 625f 14 2529 5441 71 5576 27 781 34-03 767 2950 214 551 249 Sidney, exe. of town........769 2 164... 935 2,7521 1101..22 2336 336 4 4238 110 1371 1863 92.7 3172 457 53 281 Sidney, town of................. 60 5 69 1594 12 16213 13 25 183 226.....22 Tabor, town of 91 6 79 3710 105013660... 67............. Walnut...308 21 30 1 436 11270 60.......... 869 1155 1, 13 2036 7 1,59 3505 392 53. 23 79 To.6378 17911009 48167841 731451 98121 1031 20110. 8031. 691 44757 10681 8152 34973 2 Total ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ------.-..... —-,I[.......... 177975126 88 16110,............................0 --.........~~~~~~ GREENE COUNTY. O~? k~ Bristol.................................... 311[ 45 331 321 384 34525[ 1710'......... 2 14021 103[ I 2302l 105[ 440 18931 1326[ 330 2........ 137 c~d~.....................,.................. 243r ~ ~s...... ~4o ~s~o~,.................. ~ 61or 9~1 ~ 2~3~ ~3 ~s ~xxl 9~a,, ~ mw~o~................................... o,~.~.........,......... 4 39 ~l...... ~6~ 51 1 75...... 95.~..?:iZ:::i:: ~:::::i~ ~'.::::;::l Franklin................................ 2i~1.... 12 537[ 78, 2 1053 171[ 28 1147 152 i289~......... 7[ 99 Grand Junction, town oL..... 85 2414!;........ 1690 4 150 9/...... 387 7[ 31 209]. t I I 58 Greenbrier.............................. 128] ~'"i9::~i:i 236 17665 200~......... 17.... 351'"~b'~ "'i~IZ~iZZ!ZliJi~i~i:Zi[ 56 s5 4537!.........i......... a 863 32/ ~ 551 291 39 ~ ai~.................................. 2~61 17,..... 3~91-~0~~.................. ~ 4~41 8~/ ~ ~7 ~61 ~7 9~81 ~051 ~001 ~61.........] ~s High]and................................ 31 oo~ ouevl........................ 210[ 44[ 3 317 56[ 8 3691 200] 600~.........[ 2[ 28 24~1.,.~ 48~11~i~ Jackson.................................. 3401 156111.........] 25...... 11131 37[...'... 1336 239t 591 13511 465[ 7701 6t. 7t 121 29[...... 174 Jefferson, exc. of town.......... I 4271335251 440t......... 14 ss9l 2411 7 23771 13~91 4~ 23131 1~1~{ 3020 as/ 111 127/ 5927......................... 84! [............... 161[, 13......... Jefferson, town of....... 3591......................................I 67,.......... 91 tion........,.................,,..........I 272 3...... Kendrick...............:.................. 4 421129352 75!......... 18 975l 170[ 1 3395l 84] 571 1867i'"'76'6i"'i'~0l......7'0.....'1i] 34~1 85!.................................................... ~ I''................ Scranton, town of..................I 36] 26[ 1405.........l 2....... 5[.........{...... 187[.........[ 171 68 41~.........................../'.~J Washington,........................... I 10431 ~t 27'~7 ~Sli 471 1 I 325] 13] 29......i 8901 277]5 30'.........I 28[ 822[ 1821...... 3035] 95[ 75'~ w~uow.................................... ss[...... ~......i ~l ~oo..................I ~ 80{ r~,...... ~/ ~.........[ ml ~~~l ~I.........I ~/ ~ 1 ~o~.................................. -- -~1~~1-~~~-~ ~ ~l~l-~l~l~ —~ p~ GRUNDY COUNTY. ~ I [121 914] 306[ 952[ 27[[108......... Beaver................................... 852.... 8[..... i ~2 14778 11385l 501..... 386 331...... 880I Black I-Iawk........................... 395 19. 19099.........I 1200] ~ 356] 211......[ 749] 731 21l[ 597[ 2~1 15[. 2[......... 1101 ~ CI a.y......................................... 496 18...... 34.9 8000 ~.........~.... Colfax 484 16...... 2691 19650 8851 153[......[ 2091[ 449 931 12291. 898[ 4050[ 150[........ 107...................................... 12375 i' " 639[.........I......I 1976I.................. 938........................... Fairfield.............~ 605....6 2 522[ 26230....4~::~i~ ~ 1071[ 2231 2[ 1992] 16761 5931 220[ 121....."2......................... ~'"~ 3931 ~7~16.... ~.~]]]]~]~]....] 9631 1061......[ 35721 1~1 71 ls~91 631 266t 31 sl 19s Felix....................................... 579 30 782[ 121[......[ 2880[ 2}.....'44] 1473[ 7] 28l.........[.........[ 123 German..................................: 438'"'24 8}' "2 589[ 23192 1......... Grant...................................... 442 17...... 305] 20562 9050].........[, 632[ 2931...... 1839] I 12051 41[ 304] 22] 2I ~47~.... I.... ~ 9501 84 3[ 3155i 56[ 73 2102 16[ 50~..........'......3 116 ~o~................................... ~01............... ~2~3,:::::::::i....~;6~[ so~l ~o~l x63~I.........I 6~ ~.... Melrose................................... ~[.~::::::i:I 580... Palern~o.................................. 766 246 5~1...... ii!/i~ [ [ 5~5i~ 846] 150 64235'317[ 1721 7]04[ 375[ 1200, 81 166 5441 44...... ~ I 3 133 Pleasant Yalley...................... 2644[ 572 12...... 340 18813 1077[ 443 1133] 52] 187[ 12]......... 10o [:t ~o~.................... ~o ~ ~....: ~ ~0........ ]....... ~l~[..... ___........................ ~?371 ~o~ Total.................................. —~ — ~ — ~ -'~ 28 —~ 29670 1945 — ~["~ 37 299631 ~ — ~ 239391 25951 8907[ 2361 1476 551[ 34753[......... GUTHRIE COUNTY. - ~ ~ ~ ~ r. 340 21 8..t 3811 24431.................... J 1103i.......,..... 18321 3I....... 1:~. 329..... 13.. 286 17402...... 305 2 1008 324.... 1324 219 786 1'. 821 42 30.... 74360150HOGS. SHEEP. 1023 237 11 343 42 48 2. 491 I 15[...... 367[ 3400[ 410[ 348[... 1287[ 275[ 5......[1939[ 7l 76/ 188. 128 2 15]..... 116] 2050J......................[. 253[ 9[.... 929[ 1] 5i],. 1511.... 8[... 1451. 8200[............ 11[ 198 30..... 535[.... 3 31. 205 11 7.....I 1601 89951..........[............l 410 201 11 1135[ 41 618. 6!2 7. Z1............~ 121652235 64 TOWNS AND CITIES. ~~~~~~~ ~~ o ~~ ~ ~ ~'- ~~ ~~ I~ ~~ ~ ~ o o % o.~~~~~~~~ ~~~.0~~~~u 0 0 o 0 0 0+'- - oZ 4..4-4 -.9 9 0, 9o ~ 9 S o 0 g'9c S4w..I Bear Grove. 34~~~~~~~ ~~~~0 2'4 8 80.13 145 01 427 5t 122 Cass, exc. of Panora. 821 42~~ 30- 74360 15 7 03 23 1 34 420 48 25 657 2754 6 4026 Dodge.128 2 15~ 116 2050....253 9 929 1 54 582 6 28... 48 w Orange.185 11 21 171 14370...2 365 14 1194 24 9 1638 727 200 2 16 70 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.,4 S M. Pe Goenn............... 498 16 28 45.. 824437695. 6500.. 2... 9106 108... 2... 2547 10 65.... 166123 1218 2.... 44 12062 Thompson................... 3293... 3... 8 1740305...... 35 2 1 2..439.. 67132 219 76 13. 0................ I 74 Cansion. o aoa....... 265 713 6 2316117.0. 70.... 7128 158 21 1705 38 489137 572 +74 4 0 267 Valley................... 4291 9... 4670 27900 410.. 8. 2.. 10587 340 2... 15969 33 16 2452 611 8075 208 8.... 129 C Vicorye.4................. 21 47 15 9... 3401 22950 40.......... 25110 32 2.. 1919 1..121 22 12482 708..... 131... 4 Takotal.................. 5587 128 224 9... 4984 327839 475.... 7525... 25.. 121 2769522 2957 49 128 247458 4327 18310 64609 199 1693 Branrbuge.236................ 8 9 5 2 08... 7 14841........... 62 3235 14... 4174 24 60 138 2 0 1..... 04~ Baor onone.8.......... 102 93 4 10. 796 47159 00 690 3 20... 23498.... 2 179 144 2340 330 148... 5..............32 3717 Censs.374...................16 386 5 306205 100..1 87 21 906.. 1013 824 650 1031 73 121 2 1 4 20146 Clear Lk.159................. 5.....225 146165.......O........15 78 590..13 17585 20 *63- 1350 25..20. 5 657 Vallsey................... 4209 1.. 368... 47 286001 40....~.... i1597 34 1 38759 23 36 369 691 23 305 0 829 Vitrymon.238................ 42 i 1.I9 3404 162941. 0 68 3....... 2 10137 2 19 9 1 22.... 94870 13 Hamilton............ 43..479 36415................. 37 928.......1243 7 23 978 60 82... 125 Lyon..1..................62 11950.... 7 12 195 14 46 137 1 363 29 20 459 17 373 6 Marion....... 522 2 14 2 555 26959 1747 4 1102 38...... 22(07 40 75 1395 326 813 15 38 128 R07 5800............... 254 86 455......... 2390 Scott.............. 250.. 2.. 457 31012........................ 795 46...... 684... 703 58 195.... 64 Webster.399 17 24 365 25835........... 8 773 40... 1621............. 1084 82 185.......11 _~~~~~~~~~~LI...... Total............................t3866 143 162 12 4355 290044 2 787 6970 126 10851 2178 16 13954 227 1152 10354 833 2110 641 46 1165 HANCOCK COUNTY. Amsterdam..... 861 3 11.. 125 5250 8390......... 8 270 18 1 74 2 71 140 27 144.......47 Avery.........871.. 6.. 81 5602.................. 11 162 17 1 107- 1 1 164 22 78 2 27 Britt............... 13.5 1300 1.................. 4 48 4 1 27..................I Concord........... 69. 2 21 103 4550.................. 6 158 11 1 76 1... 43 31 150..3.. 0 Crystal............... 41.53 4100 1............... 16 82 1...... 5......... 1 0 10 601.. 14 Ellington..... 221 1 14 4 309 13697 8000........ 28 516 69...... 150......... 8 217 66 325 12 15 91 Madison............... 63.79 5435................ 2 131 3...... 461......... 96 52 208.......21 -- 1- ~-I 1- I-I I I -I - 1 Total.5644336 8051 399341 163901.... 75 1367 1231 4 535 31 26 660 2081 965 12 HARDIN COUNTY. Alden..................... 421....12... 481, 28603......20170 8 696... 2 1502 48' 71 968 694............... 144 Buckeye.........I......... 137 15 3... 179 7745 950 1000 4 242 20 5 420 27 52 460 1264 5000 510... 49 Z Clay....................... 649 25 27 1 483 39045..... 550 2 712 117 35 3481 690 1593 2113 100 431 176 41 182 Concord..64~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2126034...10 5...8.... 2 Eldora, x. of town.... 524 70 8 1 410 7555. 7152 880 314 1 3689 1270 2559 1990 247 70'232 1 118 Eldoratown of.. 240 54 8.... 169 9570. 3250.... 74 21.... 787 6 151 396 12 75.... 4 82 Ellis...................... 302.... 3.... 317 20495 680 82495 10 584 49 3 848 b8 76 76 57 20 6 7 8 Etna, exc. of Ackley........ 598 20 11 4 284 234091.990.......... 907 37....2252 70 751 770 4 10..... I..... 172 Grant...... 157 15 16.... 129 8600.............. 2,51 o... 885 413 183 382 92 210 16'..... 49 iHardin, exc. of Iowa Falls.. 515.... 6.... 673 429321 1250 47675 41 1033 61....1876 223 103 1498 169 1117 26...... 128 Iowa Flalls, town of....................*1..... -11.....-...I....................................................... Jackson.................. 500 10 281... 470 58300 200 760 6 112 1481 7 2577 562 141 17911 90 3001 6 1 2 Pleasant................... 656 6.5 34.... 617 33873 150 15247 12 12-4l 2051 3 4249 36 107 1828 389 1427 93 45 169 Providence................ 715 54 30 20! 578 34187 330 14053 6 998 4811 18 4553 155 19 4139 180 20071 84 1 182 Sherman.................. 92 3,3.... 87 5698............... 186 23 1 5 2 103 184 85 290 12..... 4-2 Tipton.................... 309 6 15.... 2541 25690 lo...... 4 496 59 6 1038 61 65 642 93 279 3 6 87 Union, exc. of town......... 610.... 131.... 4971 37301 40 8801 4 1030 201 1 3300 31 10 31 27 1 55 1 6351 20..... 193 Union, town of............. 911 8 31.... 561 2074......1323... 56 251..... 317 3..... 27-3..... I.....I............ 39 Total................. 6778 3,56 232 28 58921425827 107720 194555 60 10649 1783 82 32249 3685 5172 214111 4131 145511 1194, 117 1927 HARRISON COUNTY. S.. SHEEP. / ~ or c-V-.. ~0ue XaR' C). 0 ~3 0 0 0 _ _2.o 6 C.5. _ oH Si>;- HOGS. S In o c 0AVxCUi1UJC~iJfi ~.Z I.3 0'.6 t 6 0Q 0.c-,1 62 2c56. 10 N A M E S OoFT O N S HoP S1.... 1 7n 1..C.... 1...o..... SC) 4- 00 60 Id 4 5 0 0... 0 0 Ow... 0 6.5 518 z zzz z z z z zz z z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~z z ~~z z zz z z -z Boyer.............. 398 2 9 1 395 15853 1330........1 1037 717 3 1618 42 201 3093 143 528 55 103 Cal houn.................................. 2 8 13 10 11, 2 346 15125 200................ 780 216...... 1052 1 3 912 40 180 3 15 7 78 Cass..........:.............................. 199 3............ 184 14670.................. 2 287 68.......2 730......I 1 475 46 320 2 7 66 W Cincinnati.............................. 328 5 18 3.. 95 17(099 100 50 2 1389 246 2 1340 4 21 1018 195.132 Clay................... 316 36 26 3 253 4711... 12 621 256......1711 2 27 1380. o 18 2.120 iDouglas................... 105 3 6.... 140 6487........... 2 486 79 11 713 1 53 520...................... 71 Harrison, exc. of Dunlap... 255....11.... 317 196,00 500.......... 732 307 25 606 23 57 930 3...... 10..... 81 (7i Jackson.211 7 4 395 11214 1726.. 496 ~~~ 169 728 5, 143 s9507 Jefferson..667 4 30. 617 31032 900.. 2 1611 638 6 3561 13 217 4063 167 815 94. 174 Lagrange.................. 2338 20 14.... 285 12495.............. 503 119....1926 25 259 1343 184 865 46 52 76 c~ Lincoln................... 100.. 131 4791.............. 433 54.... 476 9 2 556................... 34 Little Sioux.............. 4291 3 9 404 182-51..........I19 1172 23I4... 1642 1 33 1422 140 648 52 38 133 Magnolia.................. 581 10 9.... 677 26345 4200 368 2 1118 105 5 2228 10 12.5 2022 138 502 1...... 140 Missouri Valley, town of... 97............ 74..................................................................... 65 Morgan................... 366 2 45.... 306 16132...... 335 4 832 180 3 278 6 3 17481 132 395 9 7 144 Raglan................... 295....11.... 321 12702 385 200 8 959 257 1 1147 14 44 19411 145 625 8 1 94 St.John,ex liissouri Valley 710....33.... 742 45470......45',0 7 1677 530 1 3127.... 24 2942 148 1395 181 2.3 214 Taylor.................... 336 13 28 3 409 22870 566.....1002 216 2 1847 6 33 1624 124 3772 3 3 113 Union.................... 294............ 277 11725.............. 482 57....1231...........1001...................... 73 Washington. 170...143 6793. 2 261 45 673 11 418.. 46~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —66 46 13 04 Total................. 6539 1-20 2-85 -9 ~6978~ 3157321 ~9907 ~5473~ 641 16227 4534 59 29,365 217 1314 28496 160560346 13 29 0 HENRY COUNTY. OD Baltimore................. 517 47 571 9 650 21425!........... 10. 645 173 3 50,64 23 10011 3092 889 2667 333 102 238 Canaan.................. 795 4 551...... 676 33415!......1974 378 1 4758 47 462 2845 250 1464 44 8 194 Center, exc. of Mt. Pleasant 847 15 811 2 806 50522 200 / 16914 4 1552 2499 2 30a43 1 30 13199 3849 15014 1824 157 321 Jackson................... 753 331 54 10 622 432421 2818!.........1588'418 5 3192 218 624 3255 3378 9893 522 1209 215 Jefferson................................. 835 66 12 5 628 39480.... 2 1883 656 8 3672 2271 1050 4049 815 3994 156 98 144 Marion............ 799 841 75 11 663 49579 1295......... 6 2400 1839 16 4964 89 2005 5423 84 5643 921 153 198 Mt. Pleasant, city of............. 308 18 231 1 257 350.. 100. 7 1 189 4!.........1620.............320.. 345 New London, ex c. of town...1039 104 881 21 694 64622.. 2 2639 707 11 4302 316 2705 49971 1786 6565 320 40 235 NeNew dDtLondon,.... 0 8of.....62.....10.....40....282...5............32....................... 34. 3 Rome, town of....................... 67 7............. s55 3297!........./230 4 26 27. 3.. 40::::....... 1863....1.............. 22.......... 29 Salem, exc. of town........ 717 34'85.23 520 42281 235 551 4 1407 212 2 5037 16 167 3165 2337 10215 624 71 215 Salem, town of....................... 82 27 10 8 52 4320......... 175...... 3 89... 95......... 11 118... 18...... 41'ScottI......... So.................................. 812 19 49!...... 9 66907......... 2227 892 37 4472 47 156 4686 198 3265 199 61 157 Tippecanoe, exc. of Rome..... 699 17 571 535 38452... 20 1002 407 2 2218 60 66 2085 1390 5196 1271 50 265 Trenton..825 46 40 2 618 44680 25. 18 1249 229 482 1 9 2741 1079 4128 137 156 269 Wayne.............................. 767 28..41 807 41101 1008......... 6 1562 398 1 9664 180 1240 5969 751 2397 42 25 223 1 Total.99241 5491737192 8552 546518 55811 ~~~~~~~17990, 561 202611 89251 88. 563241 1229, 95301 57107, 168061 70451, 6413_ iosij 3123 ~~ Total~-.................... ~9i 491 7319.85 561 515 HOWARD COUNTY. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Afton..473 5 5 514 44260.10 1058 151 7 844 3 889 248 1021 110 5 169 Albion..................................... 440 5...... 305 20957.................. 8 418 104. 502................. 421........... Clhester.270......5....... 5. 312 29535......... 15 51 561 531.... 292 1 16 188. 121 477 23 62 Cresco,~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to n o............. 14................................'....................................................... Forest City......................... 383 14 7.. 356 34270 3-400 40 28 458 30...... 430...... 20 275.......5 6........ Howard................................ 233 3 6 263 21210 50... 10 840 10 1 309 6 58337 2 7. 1 76 Howard Center..................... 06 1 20 255 21485 54...... 6 487 32 447 20 15 270 246 28 82 Jamestown................. 260........... 324 173101 600,......28 547 125 259.... 9 334 244 1056 20 25 77 New Oregon................ 117 9 4... 832 41775 30 200 35 1180 144....1023 1 9 890 180 664 114 18 218 Ok Dale......208. 2 233 18290.... 12 418 52. 210 3 191 18 100 1 3 53 Paris.. 448 16 2 4 483 7960......38 1026 88 68 2 555 71 144 22 5 140 aratoga............................... 136 5 6.. 157 14125... 31 377 21 149 20 10 118 11 50 2 60 -Yernon Springs, exo. of Cresco.................... 243 12 3... 324 21950 124,37 5177 22 648 66 8 344 34 18 370 210.........i...... 52 Total...................3433~ 278~ 58 6 4358 323116 166711 5432 279 8018 87 6 16 5777 ~171 163 48381 1872. 3547 293 62, 1134 HUMBOLDT COUNTY.'~~~'~~ J~~~ 0 0- 0 S 9 4 HOGS. SHEEP. 0 / r c C o O O "Oo.I lA'l 0 0 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, 0.1H C0. 9 0 S0C TOWNS, AND CITIES.'.4d 4. 4. g'2 -4 D - 4-4 4-4 0 4.4 0 O 0 0 00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~000 ~' ~0 - 0 0. 00 00 a) ) a) 4-4 MO a, -- 05 0~~~0cS0C) ~0 0.a0 C)S 05: 3 0u,0 O ca 00 O 0 0 0.S R OC 0 z zz z z z z I ~z4. z zZ Z Z_ _ 0 Avery..................................... 85...... 4...... 196 7930... 430.. 455 1 316 267 1426 17.. 46 Dakota.................................... 182...... 4 343 13755...... 22 368 23 464 5 70......... 1 88 Delana.................................... 160 3...... 173 10025. I.................21 274 21 333 13 1 315 15 62 2......... 61 Grove....................................... 233 7...... 176 10790....6 604 39...... 864 7 5 814..........67.... 7...... 84 Humboldt..197 21 7. 1821 14645 o 22 395 10 4 647. 20 23 359 1.75 822 160 Humboldt, town of.............. 47 49............ 29 1928 350......... 5 7 8 45 25 6 123... 46 Lake..................... 51........... 71 75001 1650............. 140......... 801. I.......... 104 10 90........... 16 Norway.................................. 46.. 2...... 187 11890....24 167.............. 4 2 1., 9 25 861.........49 Rutland.................. 154 5I........190 10235 200. ~6.430 61 337 34... 519 18 10 229 48 320 15 4 46 H Springvaleexc2of Humboldt 185 11 13. 282 17435 550........4 360 15 31 515.....30 Vernon.................................... 235 12 16. 257 15773 1515..........29 233 13 295 5 9 185 255 779 72 W~acousta................. 67............. 121 7850...........13 345......... 302 1 3 198.......Z............... W eaver................................... 6 470......9 1..... 8 6 260............. 1... 1 4.............. 10............... Total..................................1702 98 57..... 2268135066 5365 430 158 3701 17 35 4698 133 63 3467 795 3593 93 6 621 IDA COUNTY. Corwin.................. 126... 4... 1571 6400...........22 491 29... 541 1 2 299.........31 Douglas................................... 71...... 3...... 46 2862.................. 4 176 35...... 271......... 2 240......20 Maple.................... 173 10 4... 136 10068........... 19 222 30 2 820 14 49 532 91 900 6 4.... 468 SilverCreek.................. 61..2 1 60 1505... 21 91 13 1 201 27 2 88..... Total.................. 431.10, 131 11 399 20835.......... 66 980 107 3- 1833142, 55 1159 91 900I16 4 165 0 ~Iumbo~dt.............................. 197] 2 IOWA COUNTY. Aniana.........176. 4.. 389........................... 127 672 250 7 1234............... 920 2775 169470 450 48 Cono.............. 189 10.... 147 6116... 1370 263 103 16 846 77 97 686 117 850 115 1 45 Dayton.............. 656 15 34 2 754 43390 590 22 1881 245 19 3039...... 109 2672 226 15 27 14 220 English.........849 35 48 6 876 48581 238 6...... 2205 201... 5087 119 699 2979 1223 688 302 99 305 Fillmore..640 38 45 6 665 37180 80...... 2410 195 1 4302 4 507 2504 318 1314 64 81 194 Green..712 34 29 1 542 32985 210.........1928 363 3563 9 8 3484 4781 2376 97 215 Hartford, ex. of Victor.. 566 69 45 10 509 35822 60 137...... 1093 420 13 2172 110 6 2503 21 284 25 145 Hilton.586 10 31 583 28430........................ 1104 337 2583... 2141.. 45...1...136 Honey Creek. 727 31 45 6 650 30335 942 1600 2 1600 365 3 3087 237 925 2287 290 1548 70 60 179 Iowa..446 34....... 479 31528 2400......... 358 1004 401 2 2377............ 1887... 4 ~~~~Lenox... 442 8 5 381 27975........................... 878 148.... 1788 3 37 1678 55 275... 126 Lincoln.......361 4 33... 3611 27723 200.. 135 127 20 1406 82 36830 3 120 124406 Marengo, exc. of town.. 496 39 8 2 457 31900......... 5160 1275 281... 2561 492......... 2511 60 369 50 8 122 Marengo, town of.. 249 8 10 1 223 400......19 1 10.....139......2....9... 1 Pilot...........494 14 31 589 32175 10356..................... 1943 337 9 2015 6 22 1783 54.... 17 166 Sumner........491 23 36... 518 32636 300.... 7883 147 20 1920 14 38 905 59 357.. Troy.............. 625 14 39 2 509 35805 170....... 1863 392 8 4556 35 117 2378 602 2455 43 3 162 Victortownof. 18 2 1 2 23 240.... 376 1 1... 31 2 27.... 2..... Washington.... 429 8 12 69 285 18845.......... 899 167 6 1645 28 1081.. 1240....143 York.... 450 5 19. 358 19690 2000....... 1671 180 3 2070 4 8 1992 112 1416 4 159 Total.......... 9602 393 475 1077 684781471962 7190 8649 509 24828 4656 117 46475 1178 2701 34753 819 18 1323 276 27648,JACKSON COUNTY. Andrew, town of........... 34 8....... 34 940............... 5 1... 62.......54...2.9 Bellevue, exc. of town....... 580 3 12.... 691 26335......2400....1175 375....1262 1......2267 211... 68.6.4 32... 230 Brandon.................. 507 29 33.... 410 28359........... 10 619 84 2 1156 2 6 768 301 1253 27 69 216 Butler.................... 625 57 29 5 444 856011..............1194 153... 3366............3026 966 34381 163 83 225 Fairfield.................. 698 11 16.... 627 311851 510.......... 1659 202 7 5260 42 7 3037 270 14421 127 10 185 Farmner's Creek............ 880....53.... 589 23705............... 1295 71 1 1941 63 87 2121 478 2.324 93 50 194 - Iowa...................... 862 67 13.... 781 45774............... 2469 850....3824 45 113 4246 765 3670 119 70 217 Jackson................. 576 35 28.... 626- 24541 275 10 4 1122 2151 31 3063 11......2772 2228 1097 4 29 237 Maquoketa, exc. of city..... 609 86 10 7 747 49210 40 95 2116 4171 61 4283 10 59 2497 4751 2224 94 20 204 Maquok eta, city of......... 217 8 4.... 222 12378......4960.... 103 I 22... 237 3 2411451237.....I........ 38 Monmouth........... 704 91 54 12 606 49480..... 20....13261 906 SI1 2411 32 2201 29581 259 12824 47 41 184 Otter Creek............... 510 41 26 2 519 26606............ 37561 238 91 6562 52 741 87271 4361 1881 1761 741 237 Perry, exc. of Andrew....... 850 43 5 6 563 42355) 3........ 11501 369.... 2710 2 71 19131 338 149 98 331 140 Prairie Spring............. 588....20.... 710 25875 150.......... 1670 146 1..1 1728.... 71 24153V 201 12111 31 22 187 Richland................... 6351 39 28 3 757 17805S.............. 1088 304. 4749 71 411 2713 1381 6621.... 131 162 Ito Sabula, town of............ 1441 331 14 3 117 2685S......3430.... 391 17... 1321.... 81 199) 34). I6. I....I6... 6 82..zr South Fork, exc. Maquoketa. I 4541 431 171 3 545 48291 i5i 5310....1130 439 2 13731 381' 771 1781 5231 09 0 0 119 — I JACKSON COUNTY.-CONTINUED. -.~ ~ - -~- ~ -~-.0 —-- 0 HOGS. SHEEP. 1j 0 0 0 J..~. ~~ 0 0 ~~~~~00~ 0 Ua q).~- 0 ~ r I I) 9 g ~1 -~ -4 A..o (v d NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, A., 00 Q 0 4-. 0 4-4 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 40 ci ~ 0 ~~~~~ 0~~~~~ ~~~~5 & O;8 0;o 00 5Z " I;'0 +-',0 0 )' ic 0 0 o Co - 0 -0.0 4cI 0,0 0 0. al:, C ) 0 0 ~ ~ or,~a -qz c Tete Des Morts.588 28 12...... 664 2185...11169 1080 339 1675 33 30 2219 399 1757 100 5 185 Union, exe. of Sabula17 24 5 2 145........... 28 81 5 176... 380 96 130 5 1 39 Van Buren............................... 748 79 2 956 60526. 13742 550...... 2929 821 1 130 22 15 4221 441 24961 129 9 196 Washington............................ 507 311 14 1i 607 20525 50......... 4 1302 347......1510 7 1785 238 2364 75 3 188 Total.11551 77 4 11503 576161 15248 30444 18 26505 6537 42 47612 13 45 645,83570 -1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5~......... Tota................................ I 551 77 7 2 549, 01 324 JASPER COUNTY. Buena Vista......... 775 16 591 5851 40330 375. 2351 449 2 3950 36 40 4447 3 45 2376 178 381 208 Clear Creek...................... 728 5 39 260 1 1416 127......6411 26 53 3128 3476 2120 100 47 197 Des Moines, exe. of Prairie City................................. 924 3 101...... 621 45205...... 1123 147 6449 103 710 3752 1166 3972... 103 256 Elk Creek.................... 849 3 62 816 55220 120. 1983 340 i 4489 7 66 4182 585 3127 390 51 213 Fairview, exc. of Monroe...... 998 2 198 2 948 69294......... 8 3204 1037 146 6726 9 50 6004 778 3076 108 23 344 Hickory Grove................ 400 132 225 25873.......... 680 20 2099 2 1 774 1.... 106 Independence... 649 24 563. 33045 1llO 1 253 2206 136 2 4058 32 96 3050 328 803 94 28 211 Jasper City, town of. 13 1............ 35 200. 140 71 108 81 2 276...... 8 Kellogg, exc. of Jasper City... 1207 58 36 8 500 34053 2340.1490 318 176 3045 391 256 3151 91 474 281 34 172 Lynn Grove............................ 665 7 123 486 27770......... 11 2760 854 2 4182 550 65 4983 263 18731 58 95 176 Malaka................................... 770 64 64 1 736 482 300......... 4 2243 463 1 5522 115 184 346 996 2274 140 1 228 Mariposa................................. 408 12 10 6 348 28550.................... 1132 120 1737 1 1 1136 306 1554 90 129 Monroe, town of........... 182 5 13 14 115 8240! 80 4825 38 4 724 192 42 485 90 300.............. 34 Mound Prairie........................ 607......44...... 386 255171.8. 610.......23501 2 23 1833 1241 414 2 6 145 Newton, city...........o.f..... 421 35 35 13 378 25925 1150 530 562 236. 1555 16 80 1613 137 600 2 35 133 4 Newton, city of.. 182.. 17 93..2560.....304 32....."579 Palo Alto.................. 609 161 5 31 598 38206...... 145-3 413....2772 51 57 2612 24-4.943 1 5.... 190 Poehik6 332 1630 391 4 5136 6 318 3313 465 1781 1745 14 183 Powewtohity o........................... 6 313 1 10.... Prairie City, town of..............' ~-, Richland................................ Oo-~l Rock Creek............ o~ Sherman.,..............~,'. Washington........................... Total.................................. j~rr~.Rso~ CO~TY..~~,~o~o~..................... ~ ~I i ~ ~ i~l ~ ~0~0 i!!.....~ ~ ~0 ]3lack I-Iawk.................................;.....~'i~]......~g "~'~ 821'3'2 3...... 617t 548531 200............ 41...... 370 209 31 ~ ~ ~ ]3uchanan............................... ~~~ 898 67 225 3~64 2313 11952[ 1020 53 660'1 422~01 458 12001... 17051 689[ 17 3230 Cedar....................................... g37 18 29 478i 238~01 120 15000 1323/ 3121...... 1871 176 2447 1019 4913[ 243 195 Des Moines............................. 873 90 73 644[ 72808l 240............ 4964 4809 740~[ 757 245 2') 18[ 337...... 9773........ Fairfield, city of..................... 230 330 151l 136751......... 11004[... 919[....:, 3'35 802 9 46[ 300 229 ~1 i 12268 146/ 1603i 402.63107 120 3896 1791 62481 457 222 290 ~r~................ 43 12~ 161 Liberty................... 735 546~. 48870[ 86 128l...' 1266[ 303 ~5 3788 176 3259 3159 6504 137..................... ~ Lockridge.......... 40 62 779 763 31252 Locust Grove, ext. of Batavia............................ 689 96 67.' 4?265790 1050t..... Penn.................. 56/ [ i... I... 905 25 40 50~ i 1585 328[ 3 3312 221 4671 1950 9294[ 809 126...................... 13 1166 206[ 2 3243 24 3857 1987 9263[ 219 244 Polk... 739 411 112[ 12[ 531 039..........,.......... 1433 509[ 17 7125 4253......... 5555 481 146 Bound Prairie........................ 474 209 700 71[ 611 71 527] 28351 17g/ 375[... 1756 263[ 6 3538....18'9 2505 1853 6275 328 16~ 193 ~" Walnut..:....................................] 632 29t 17]......I 558 19777 50.........[... 1212 3013 37 3~89 711 2378[ 136 104 209 290/__22 JOHNSON COUNTY. Big Grove..........................]..... 514 532[ "'2'6~01 56 24551 2 4 1623 510 2304l 1999 4[ 16 187 Cedar...... 649 ~67 62 27110 145I 2.......................................... 3060[ 299~ 7320[ 2 225.................. 628] il 2~81{ 144 [ Iii iii ~i iI Clear Creek........... 152 456 34 2 53 6681 Coralville, town of................. 56 ~ 27:" 44~ 26369 1284 271{ 3095[252~......... ""~d 206 5o21 512 3ool 90 4OOl Fremont................................ 763 37 34...... 6501 397971 100[ 2141 1041"'18 33741 521......2'] 90 43 27321 3151 5000 18 59 Graham.................................. 693 32~9 47 575[ 392001 2151....'90 1848 3851 5936[ 8 87 30991 3205 t0211 50 176.................................... 71 I-Iardin 583 63 5861 27770[ 5[..~ 27......... 876[ 17 3 886.........;/..... "~5..... Iowa City, city of.................... 412 34 77 i 282[ 3700[.........[.................. 285.........I'115 Jefferson.................................. 408'"18 40[ 412 9720/.........I........ 8 88[ 1676[ 57[ 207 1036...... 82.... ~;6.....'g'6 209 Liberty.................................. 583 10 I:[ 221.... 1062 12~t 2400[ 3 28 Lincoln.................................... 1766 701 1965t 83 53 ~,~ 441 22 39 429 235091.........[ 931 2t95 11[ 399 1945 562 2430 77 Lucas exc. of Iowa City, [..... additions, and Cor~lville... 702 1~ 63] 7161 42527 25501 367151 3 1160 283[ 221 3057 ~t 431t 18063, 471, 1681 679 180~ 81 4081 21 294 e~O JOHNSON COUNTY.-CONTINUED, D. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 42 + 1 HOGS. SHEEP. X. 00 ~ ~ 0~ 0 0 Pll's;4 b:1 0- ( 1 ) 8j h.1. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS,. ~ ~ ~. TOWNS, AND CITIES. i 0 0 O'd 0 +Z 0 0_ m r.. Z 0 4.-;' 0 0 0~~~. o~ ~ m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 15 -o n 1 b 4 1zzz z z' z z zz zz z z zz z z ~ z z Madison................................. 472 20 49 3 308 23665 224...... 1485 270 20 4477 13 39 2464 289 2774 44 40157 Monroe.................................. 2 55 503 29070 450......... 1051 221 1 3662 4 2 2 230 Newport................... 302 19 353 21770.............16491 48 831.1...........I 5521 58 515!..... I...... 108 Z Oxford.....599 1 33. 6491 31110 300 1 123 293 1 2442 52.23301 901 2521 2! 1 201 Penn.......... 15 338 19 3 5 3884 50...1...... 735 88 3 2053 59! 140 11661 181! 815!.. 1 141 wpleasantoValle. 432. 51 359 21617 1700.. 820 148. 2382! 701 19481 152 620 25 8 124 Scott.. 715 21 35 2 479 47230 160..~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~14351 3501 2 3238 66 725 31571 32451 35 I 581.... 137 Oxfott...................................... 715 2135 2 471'7~0[10.... I...... 1 71 51... 75 15 74 37 48 Y Sharon........................ 878 79 36 4 839 54690 660.. 1761.551.5725 46 431 103 231,3 Union..................................... 593 25 67 21 6150 3932.5............. 18301 5581 20 3845 15 51! 30341 371" 2991 115! 32 140 Washington.. 714 60 16 3 798 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~35225 24.19181 2621 18 4332 508 1700! 3137! 2079!166 6 81 178 (7 Peshn-n..................................8 71496 161 38 17598 0 86ij7651, 260 5]..14( 16 8185 Total 11886...................... 1186 506 976t 72 11337614617 20520 42006 16 28374 60461135 66594 1122 1 4 21 3 98 JONES COUNTY. Anamosa, town of............... 167... 9............16.. Cass....................................... 637 50 35 3 739 53905 8 1155 283 5 2655 180 166 2908 68 294 6. 355 Castle Grove. 603 15 13 742 3245. 33870......1314......... 1 4864 2 2378 915 2084 3. 1133 Clay...................574 10 34 656 31154.. 5815 2 1298 364 2574 66 109 2358 1053 3616 226 18 175 Fairview, exc. of Aanosa and Strawberry Hill........... 561 9 26 2 592 39611 745 54......1389 212 31 4962 69 97 2698 603 2693 59 38 189 Greenfield................ 967 89 38 4! 838 76110..............................8723! 6552! 14491 4960! 626~ 2483 237! 35 169 Hale...................... 752 18 31 2 778 48,570.......9632.... 1224 284 16 4910 1 140 2847 2,58 1198 43 28 132 Jackson............................... 603 4 8...... 798 43173.... 1061 197. 3284 25 54 2205 152 1189 35 5 25 - Madison............................ 506 10 30 656 25565.. 2100 817 399 1 2158 5 59 2258 336 596 14 4 03 Monticello, exc. of town....... 721 67 8.. 915! 46592 13256 88597.....2047 2...... 4198 50 iS 2418 313 1255 81 9 174 P Monticello, town of................ 922 91 1 1 141 10790.. 3095 34 505 223 52 2 617 14.. 25 1 90 - Oxford..................................... 647 39 32 14 679 4745.....7 1606 523 31 3685 44 173 3728 151 270 5 5 170 Ri chand................................. 526 36 29... 645 18825 400 32767...... 1644 175 8 2305 98 28.. 848 9 20 136 - Rome................................. 591 7 32 1 720 47667......... 2782...... 1211 68 7 2967 427 493 3139 500 1710 21 5 107 Scotch Grove.......................... 537 76 32 3 605 37115......... 24060 1359 541 4068 8 65 3060 157 1588 193 19 142 Strawberry Hiill, town of................................. 17 830......... 100 1856 Washington........................... 555 2 19......432 1686......... 1378 5.... 24 Wayne................................. 761 28 11...... 1078 59876 12900 34109...... 1774 28 1 3129 20 24 3447 1320 5599.198 Wyomrning, exc. of town........ 554 53 43 23...737 39571 100 23746. 1071 873 9 3104 29 65 3151 413 1488 27 24 170 Wyoming, town of 121 5 4...... 96 6365.........265211 27 44 92... Total................................10605 612 435 53 1186 682177 29428 2 8 1395 20885 5399 6100 7653 2985 43403 7743 290 1032 495 2751 KEOKUK COUNTY. Adams.................................... 648 45 43 3 584 49622 896..............1991 27 19 2663 221 596 256 196 1084 91 9 156 Benton.................................... 779.... 84...... 624 31900 425.*.......... 1530 385 3 3320 94 448 2827 892 3974 83 99 232 Clear Creek............................. 704 15 29 4 518 28435................. 2 1621 184 1 550. 1772 3381 488 1313 31 9 193 English River........................ 647 86 57 30 737 55782 1750 338 5 17 285 5 3225 71 173 3403 408 1532 339 32 149 German........................ 931 38 20...... 777 44589 400........ 2324 534 4608 60 174 4143 811 2407 242 108 306 Jackson................................... 786 7 50 543 35930 30..982 126 3730... 2889 2671 2350 119 78 279 Keota, town of...................... 85... 6 16 99 536.1........ 1 38270.... Lafayette, exc. of Keota........ 721 34 48 3 571 383301 1710 1 1951503 3078 70 220 88 13 158 Lancaster................................ 841 25 58 5 647 390301 570........ 4 1156 248 2 3506 90 365 3206 721 2673 104 53 241 Liberty.................................... 779 80 43 11 722 46005 35........ 8 1690 358 13 3044 309 2396 2799 579 2443 94 68 211 Prairie.446 63 32 6 499 35575 100... 847 6. 2620 22 1 1988 2719 11312 128 23 1A5 Richiand, exo. of town...... 695 21 26.... 516 31782............... 1575 193....4689 66 4 3470 1129 3582 104 38 205 H Richiand, town of.......... 176 8 121 5 1121 7325...... 614.... 178 72 2 6,55 190 16 648 441 1311 34..... 36 M Sigourney, exc. of town.... 317 17 18... 451 30322 530 12239... 759 497... 1640 27 46 1462 150 793 30 17 116 W Sigourney., town of......... 205 2 21j.. 152 7301......2435... 125 88... 219 2......1087........... 104 Z Steady Run................ 599....551 1 506 31567 83 35 4 1649 505 4 4273 76 785- 2551 1311 347i6 239~ 120~ 142 Van Buren......582 50 24 2 658 54270............... 1843 221....2784 26 229 3051 346 1448..... 22 203 Warren..........397 9 30.... 4171 25379............... 1083 301 1 1975 107 240 1694 498 1480 83 13 104 Washington............... 623 64, 12.... 6001 50305 100 7150 8 903 264....2390..... 621 21031 802 28771 92 31 194 Total...................10961 564 649 86 9733 644465 6629 25032 37 23575 4846 81 55126 1718 880 4616-4 430911 2101 732 3214 KOSSUTH COUNTY. Algona, exc. of town....... 269 -- 7 371 25715 400......11 680 59 4 237 1 331 322 108................. 71 Algona, town of........... 199.... 6.... 157 1100........... 16 41 92.... 404..... 12.162 134................. 96 Cresco................ 301.... 7.... 352 225.55 1350......40 761 430 5 658........... 476 44 150..... 8 110 Fenton............... 79.......... 79 6220........... 15 122 4 2 46........... 67 58 137 2 3 30 Greenwood................ 901........... 207 16150 290......57 32,5 25.... 115 1..... 91 40 138 4..... 49 LO Irvington................. 2881.. 2 21... 3131 174001 8101......I 281 8131 981......f 2681 391 101 3061 2231 9701..... j....7 76 00 Lotts Creek............... 106 8.... 1331 88501 1501....... 71 1221 4......1 881 11 1 125 901 2101 7 43. KOSSUT11 COUNTY.-CON~TINU10D. ~"oI~'- I HOGS. SHEEP. R ~ 4i2,..It 0 3 4- I s q.o t-,. " ~ 0.,: t- b. ~o r, - I: E;,.,, 0E E..... bo 0 7z a) T a NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, 4 4-. 4TOWNS, AND CITIES.,- rC5 I0 4-.0+~~~ ~ ~ ~.0 ~ o.1o~ ~Wo.2. o S- ~~~~~~~~~ S ortand.327 4 7 39 371 21304.5 17 58...... 23 2 91.77. Wesley.89 18 12 9200. 3922612 27110758 75712 90.. 48 Z Total5174827l 47 20 1185 1293 7 0 1 Des Moines.652 10 ~~106 1:" 559/ 31010 40 40 1433 385 46 3073 2321 13 195 86 3310 56 13 29 C8 6 "I M ~~~~~~~~ Z 5 6 133 FortMadison.. city. of............ 2027... 15 2132. 3640.. 709 5 2256.....388 Franklin.............................. 808 81..19 7 264005 2 36 2146 32 7... 360...76 23 1 Green B................ 42- 2 4a1...... 538 120 600... 195'78 2 12 2161 43 8 16 3 67 185 605 18 26 138 Jacson, e.c.. of. Keo.. k.453 9 51....... 872 158 404....2 0.........2 38 18 15 154 75 760 3228 11 11 791 Jefflerson.............. 662 50 9 11.. 516 239930............2 14602 4021 2 2535 19 22 15675 8709 10051 154 67 239 Deso ink, c.ty of2811 7061 709 31610 43 400.... 194 385 94 3'...3 1 185' 86 31 164.... 290 ison.8Madison, el 202......7 68 625' 5230... 36105 39 11 30 1 5196..... 46 Marrison.931..........0 71 2 7571 3455 206.... 16957 38 2 0045 4 3 3941 1299 72 147 123 Montrose, exc. of teownk. 6.. 384 4 ) 9 71 16... 493 411431. 23 37 78 12 8 2 53 8 185476 49 52 16751 1 103 6 11 7 30 208 Montrose, ownof. 44. 47......f 4 Ft 2M 180 2 1 Marion ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~_. _s??/00......:........................... 931 8 4 7 75 356 o............ 19 8 84......... 3 94 129 10 9 47 24 Pleasant Ridge............. 691 48 46 5 646 37480 6100 690....1421 240 5 3565 131 114 2289 1958, 6999 245 8 Van Buren................. 4,58 14 52 4 372 220,50 50i........ 930 110 2 1461 12 1 1379- 9291 3055 200 77 226 P Washington............... 704 54 57 3 656 474431.23230' 70,37 2 1544 389 1 3972 148 2311 22381 21961 36.541 156 91 178 West Point, exc. of town 48.9 44 53 25892. I1 301... 860 221 9 35 53 20 71 6 13721 62 53 207 0) West Point, town of........ 89 1131 71 21 681 22801..... 2551...... 20!.........I 119.!. 13711..1.....72 Total ~~~~~~~~~5......2.......119.474131.120 l72 464 I -~ —-I 1 ___________ - I I 1- - Total...... 108441 5941073 136 96511496719 98598 84134 9 20592 5680 127 439991 1133 1482 377291 188591 6253 4743 1207 46406 LINN COUNTY. Bertram.475.............................. 14 41 3 368 17779 34 1421 4611..... 4073 18s 30 2307 331 1177 53 62 162 Boulder... 644 15 17 1 641 28935 2460 185 2 863 212 16 25061 86 108 2036 178 521 4 15 171 Brown.................................... 780 24 27' 2 664 51337 4635 1451 2 1759 367 12 6122 104 129 3759 731 3615 193 65 167 Buffalo............ 389 2 17. 405 33824 60. 6 873 222 1855 36 2 1832 65 189 1 121 Cedar Rapids, city of... 461 12 0.. 403 16320..197.26 21 10...... 156.................. 25 10............ 348 Clinton.... 658 9 35. 803 57812...19136. 2415 179..... 3643 7 24 2632 22 162...... 4 195 College, ex. of Western 684 5 55 565 37064 42.. 1509 428 24 4251 7 59 2117 28 133 50 8 208 Fairfax............ 744 41 7. 3 52872 5172 90 1353 366 2 4311 21 7 2587 1291 417 6.131 Fayette.................. 450 1 17 9 436 40875 70.571 223 2 6473 48 136 1915 334 1919 71 45 75 Fran k i n, exo. of Mt. Vern on and Lisbon.. 687 6 29 802 67170 15.......... 1816 351 2 3821 73 30 3361 1983 7914 214 48 247 Grant.553...34..4.....7...51814........... 55 41106 276 2 1836 5 10{ 1772 1121 442 13 6 135 Jackson.687...11..20..780...36520.......1 1570 1471 61 4814......... 1 18....... 2912 346 1122 26 3 200 Linn................. 779 17 9. 821 58876 250 5 2075 4341 20 1 74151......... 43 3418 796 3965 1541 85 177 ~~0Lisbon, town of. 6 19.................3 1 19. 258 4 201..................' 44 Maine.................. 939 9 49.. 901 94070.1807 366 17 4494 8 131 3850 58 143...... 2 232 Marion, exe. of city.1338 68 61 9 1463 115055 3204 1200 1834 640 1 5051......... 162 6090 83l 3236 12 7 41 Marion, city of............ 151....26.... 1521 550 100.................... 42............ 1...................... 41 t~ Moi~roe.................. 69Sf 24 24 2 658 36634 L50...... 1109 406. 2061 28 22 2474 403 1426 92 42 218 H_ Mt. Vernon, town of1381 17 7.... 124 10075.....3509 77 61.... 343........... 310, 30................ 37 CI Olter Creek. ~~~~~~~669 28 26 3 3 635 0. 2 1246 344 2 27 76 44 274 2637 413 2296 318 24 175 Putnam................... 431 13 45 2 382 19836!............ 1003 1.37 1 2007 46 43 1432 221 1240 53 21 147!; Rapids, exc. of C. Rapids... 576 70 39 4 576. 44587 110 37785 10 926 574 8 1741 113 218.1615 2001 2186 181 35 212 W2 Spring Grove.............. 516 16 48... 5411 39764 120...... 1040 81 10 1769 18 62 1632 1381 762 4 26 171 Wasbington............... 629 21 55 9 512 31945.......... 4 1267 400 26 1 28 597 2656 173 61 177 Western, town of.......... 107 32 14 6 74 5310..... 770.... 121....... 621...... 2 39-4.....I....I.......... 18 Total..................14240, 460,. 752 54, 13776 10118691.18711 82618 -261 27785~:66861 125 -74-985- 667 1618, 540821 7-9-63-1 355411 1617, 560 3850 LOUISA COUNTY.. Columbus City. exc. of Co- -- ____________________________________________ lumbus City and Colum-1 Junction................. 1013 133 30 6 1020 53683 1721...... 3085 10571 15 6292 44 248 6052 956 43611 261 48 23 Columbus City, town of.... 4 6.... 14 1200.............. 17 13 6 246 93 27 91.........I........ 35 Columbus Junction, town of! 100 32 2.. 6 92 34001......2130 34 7.... 3371..... I 11 1368...............I.... 31 NO Concord, exc. of Fredonia. 488 46 52 1 407 247701 20..... 1358 502 12 21961 831 7491 25781. 2841 17341 1281 57 1.35 00 Eliot.286 18 9 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~2581 12420 30...... 2 797 432 -9 16191 181 42Sf. 9811 1341 5141 1f 9 7 LOUISA COUNTY.- CoNTINUED. t 4-4 4.- II4 04O3 0O GS SHEEP. 0-o 0.0 0 _IC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 886 10[~~~~~~~+ 63lf ~... U~~~~ 0 ~~~~~ o~~~~~s 0 0 0~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~W Iz 0 9 6F 00.I'0 851 3[ 00 082 24 051 56 427 26:376t.........0...... NAE FTOWNSHIPS, 0 0 30 2 309].. 70.6 81 45 147 7 oN0~~~~~~0'. 00 ~~~~~~~~~~ 0 00 00r-0 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'0C6~ ~ ~ I::::::::: "'~6:"~l..0~..0'".0.N. 0c~~ 0.~~ 00 00 0 0.0 OuS 0~~~~ 0 0o 00...~~~ 0.0 0 0~~~ 00 0w. 0 0O.~~~ 0~ 0'0 00 _________~~~~~~~z ~~~zz~z z z z_ z z z zZ Z ZI4 Z_ Z Z Elm Grove................. 513 131 39.... 460 327550 301 90....1857 3381....25551 25 213' 3675 168 640 17 24 i 103 Fredonia, town of........... 431 10' 3 7 37 1850.............. 30 3 ~ 85 3~ 46 106 25 100 5 3 20 Z2 Grandyjew.. 886 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~44 63 68313 5 62 2 127 14791....3672'I. 69 3632 148 570 251 10 196 2 Jefferson.................. 549 15 36 2 454 16932 100.........2013 1-12 1... 3273' 121 8 1684 287 1195 34 1 154 ci Marshall.. 582 24 25 56 427 26376.......1368 353 7 5186' 90 239 3007 154 834 52 41 163 Morning Suu, exo. of town.. 732 57 30 12 483 39099...... 720... 1-664 831 1 45451 1447 1713 3704 780 1799 196 36 137 ~ Oakland................................... 454 54 14.. 289 13719......1629 189 1 3670 20 47.... 1152 34 6 Port Louisa............................. 488 23 36....... 475 16720 250......... 1234 233 2 1379 15 2 19511 235 840 52 2 147 Union..................................... 451 26 231 1 416 20775 [................. 1962 445...... 3676 5 125 2098 45 112 2 103 Wapello, exc. of town........... 797 3 30 578......... 47675 295 100 2724 20911 36 3646 12 109 3660 426 2146 89 48 196 Wapello, town of.................. 171 8 11 4 156 5092 25 1609 4 298 1601...... 10561 39 17 376 57 439 12 15 61 Z Total7557 5114036781 56569347 9371 5218 21697 327590 4343331 4466 382 3986 16436 1023 361 1913 LUCAS COUNTY. Benton.................... 487 37j 36.... 446 47680 4372.......... 795 181....3742 3 l0ll 27541 652 3609 108 86 113 Cedar................................. 488 28 59 4 544 26063 5053 325 8 1970 496 2 4077 130 592 2411 1496 4588 29 56 162 Chariton, exc. of city...... 573 16 37[. 580 398701 814 3561 2 1207 211 8 3955 49 115 2204 720 3431 39 22 162 Chariton, city of................ 278 5 22 1 1961 12450 190 2885 21 80 435 23 5 467......11 English................... 427 9 46... 514 26046 310...... 4 1531 225....2306 3 82 2858 437 2538 1921 141 159 Jackson..388 36 405 2015........ 6 1053 199 1 3247 108 215 2564 603 1792 390 61 130 Liberty................... 400 9 20.... 443 274,55.............. 11731 2271 1 2644 2 9 17001 4561 25921 119 60 140 Otter Creek............... 534 45 32 6 386 23602 221.......1186 222.. 2965..... 1965 849 3135 72 27 148. Pleasant......................... 435 35 58 8 389 26350 251....... 812 110 1 18781 691 215 1657 485 1312 79 29 134 Union.................... 4951 2 35.... 556 31779 2501 20....1463 109 4 34391 381......2445 730.2269 608 62 118 - Warren................... 686' 20 65 4 637 41082 30101 60 1 1661 914 1 48201 2371 96 3640 475 297 5531 8 174? Washigton... 622 12 41 58 39365 200 125.... 1308 137... 6100........ 130 29471 5691 15641 421 19 162 Whi7 407 35540 200... 4 1268 358 22 2068 36 3 2130 397 1256 69 13 123 Total.................................. 6375 220 524 23 6103 402297 14645 6976 25 15448 3169 40 41976 6981 1564 29742 7869 28383 2300 457 1836 LYON COUNTY. Dale.102..................................... 1 9 6 108 3725... 49 96 11 83................. 176............. 25 Doon.............................. 85 1 3... 70 52 14 14 1 98 20 1 196 50 450 5 31.35~ ~ ~~~~~~::::: 40.........3 13w Grant.37 37....22 48... 31................. 26................................. 23 ~~~~Larchwood ~ ~~... 2 285.... 44.... 4......... 22 34 5 47...46 7 15.. 18 Lyon............................. 138 50 8 9 189 10520 452 243 63 80 229.... 202... 29 1 209 129 345 3 0 60 Rock.70.. 21 61........ 218 432 6............... 26........... 5 Total-.476 56 20 9 508 21330 852 243 211 444 272 1 509 20 19 699 186 810 35 182 0 z IN4COUNTY63 MADISON COUNTY. C 23 Crawford................................. 524 3 652 533 22904...........1542 177 2898 5 35 2208 467 1442 30 28 172 Douglas............................. 720..119.. 425 22485..... 4 1524 301 2 2462 2 2 2752 130 1589 17 18 178 C. Grand River........... 519 3 22...... 518 26580 123... 1146 251 1 2157 269 965 2171 645 2806 11.... Jackson~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xa 8.......i 6......... JacksoN.449 12 37 2 373 16850... 6 1301 406 4451 2 205 3413 337 1935 10 41 117CUT Jefferson................... 599 1 28... 489 41596 722..... 2 1064 95....5668 6......24 19 512 1863 272 14 174 Lee....................... 388 13 7 4 355 14670............... 1003 188....1963..... 10 1923 802 2505 1790 24 89 Lincoln.................. 618 6 50.. 508 38833 50...... 2 1581 280 7 5572 77 290 2700 2621 9458 620 37 173 Madison, exc. of Earlham... 570 2 59.... 471 18218 ~...............1 2&41 5 6414 72 272 2681 534 2207 20 60 127 Monroe................... 399 21 61 3 402 1,7610i 4400...... 4 1171 199 5 4684...........3062 681 2631 6 30 114 Ohio...................... 506 40 23 17 507 33385........... 2 1023 356....2746. 39 32 2211 594 1485 59 10 152 Penn, exc. of Earlham....... 5,47 11 33.... 380 23870 400 200 7 2057 834 2 8401 117 103 5677 3051 1014 3078 215 120 Scott...................... 579 8 72.... 560 39758........... 4 1757 4831 47 3537 6 107 2627 615 1897 18 24. 189 Sonthi..................... 477... 51.... 411 21450..............1811 278 3 3155 30 2 2737 856 2715 14 7 136 Union.................... 609 20 46 5 444 2.5227 123 10965 6 963 3311 8 32777 71 192 4754 799 4564 75 108 203 Walnut................... 428... 16.... 431 22251.......... 9 957 378 1 3664...... 216 2586 365 914.14 11 125, Webster................... 432 11 18 2 407 18929 210...... 6 968 160....1424. I..........1812 194 1671 111 28 124 Winterset, city of............358....21.... 210 21461......2163 2 3 5 1 362..... 30 10004 14................ 92 Total.8717..........151..... 728 35 7424 426077 6030 13328 54 21025 4986 82 62835 696 2461 55717 13237 49827 6244 66 21 0C MAHIASKA COUNTY. 0+_ 0, itG. 4EE 0 0 4 —i W N C. 3. - r0 0 6 t a Ci. o'0 f5,,, 00 0 Q 0 -#-Z a,0 ~bJ 3 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS,~~~~~~~~0 co F.-( ~. 0 ~~~~-.9 4~~~~~ 0~~~ O'~~~ ~~~'~~~'.;.8z 0 ~~~~~~~~ 0 ~~~~~~~0 0;-. 0 4 -4aj o o ea~ 4- 0 4)c -I- 0 4........ TOWNSAND CTIES,_,- 4-4 4zS. *cJ ~ce 0 0.o 0c3 05 0 ~0 0rd00 Orn 0 -. 0bBS Beacon, townof. 50.I 181 59 4740~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.9 54 105 4.. 40... 71 Black Oak~~~..608[ 2 44!... 474 32545 330.........I1572 4071 31 4015 79 259 2674 477'25 2 5 7 Cedar.789 7 8.3K. 581' 45350....6209.. 1891 257 10 3160 44 34 2987 43451381 93 8 0 Des Moines.690 164 iij 2 5261 38685. 4001 4 1600~ 6511 81 6994 19 13 3563 3454 52 74 10 27 Harrison.............. 745 4 3 63 432... 277 1642 398 1 5 140 5 100 3800 3909 5147 1036 15 236 CewdSharon.. town.. of...11823.62 7 5366...740 43 5 146...170....4426, ad Beaoines.15............. 92 53 41 6 142 1214445..... 19 0 0923 4 31480 937 90 69386 580 432 75613 6335 217570 9532 21 1 34617 Plarrsant Grov................. 7564 9 56 30... 1 03 427530670.. 6575...162 86 8 13 2140.5 15 1380 8302 31564 1936 21 136 Prairien exc.....of..New...Sh 7453 11 914......6 670 3845 50 480 8 1 36 7 36 39 7 4 5104 90 3574 137 35 217 Maisolnd.72................ 50 22 5 44 5605 36157 175.84.....18591 4039 3 52023 13 18 3415 3203 3998 229 81 186 Unon................... 863 81 43 59 4 826057383 250 61034 10058270124 123258 2 265 52 6237 4319 4824 838 23 5 2156 - Whie Ohak.694nf....... 1 423 22 7636673791! 6581... 74 2... 1494 312 5 13497 63.... 555... 2865 2965... 6541... 165.... 84!... 264 TotBalon.1.............1874 653 860 25.. 1048917263444 190592326 2...312606 6510 175 81121110 2582 76073 63838 210938 9515 2122 3408 Csklay a,.653........... 4 82 255 30... 355 3961 5 225... 2 1540. 22 67... 2 7554!.... 196!. 1 61321 2547... 159.....I........... 25 Dallas.nrv............ 580. 57.0 l 4277 02 7 65 7 12546 197 1.... 9240 83- 58 60 19 0892 32636.0113 Fraikin,.645NewS8 71! 64 6. 1658 34926 300 1675 38 1 343! 63! 11 3067 701 397. Rnichana................................. 723 22 491 57.. 605 3854 220 2 "........ 1591 403 3 52!2 1! 2 361 2528.P1 34 I 3998 229 A1 186 Knoxville, exc. of town....... 216.3 2 103...... 1133 79943!......... 1000..... 3563 50 8 10910. 31 26 5781 3817....... Knoviletown of............... 293......33. 185 15570......... 35...... 105....... 727......... 87 772 9 47 Lake Prairie, exc. of Pella... 1354 41 99....... 902 80135 5370 2000...... 2481 1167 87641 57 96 7455 197 2885 211 14 522 Liberty................................. 748 3 79.. 526 39221....876 53 3502 22 4140 1035 3461. Pella~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ct f................1... 19 72.... 90...................[...... 477.............. 3022[27 2...............[ 217 Perry....................................... 237...... 22....... 182 9925 3...............4.........25....... 1135 2 26 893 515 1946 33 41 98 Pleasant Grove, e x c. o f Pleasantville.......................:901 40:47...... 2525.2 2169. 3....5262 7 59. Pleasantville, town of............-I... I."I'".............. Polk.452......52.... 319 14555 10....... 3 582 121 2 4540..................."1905 2987 3206 Red Rock................................ 6 5 3 44~ 6 1 2 4111 290451.........{ 151 2 769 701...... 4000 3201 116 24i6 1619 6173 836 190 235 Summit................................. 812 20 39 3 549j 36780 325 -354...... 1792 754 1 4946 941 63 4185 6(19 3451 465 33 257 Swan...................................... 801 17 23...... 360 15325 105......... 2 902 303 1 3333 93I 447 1838 25541 5114 553 72 139 Union..................... 458 2 19.. 305 20725 100..1230 227 2933 2 60 2628 916 4044 83 41 128 Washington........................... 684 13 70...... 566 35911........... 1905 639 161 3900 106 402 712 912 59 184............. ~~~~4597 1364 57'~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~62745511 3409... 472........04~8'~ ~. Total...................... 12328 284 870 14 8485 567050 67011 11984 311 22555 4813 481 737021. 1058 1774 57676 227 MARSHALL COUNTY. T Albion, town of.................... 135 8 4...... 9O 6576 75 440 48 84...... 465 57 600 269....6 37 B.n gor.................................... 494 6 28...... 348 21995 498..4..........., 742 146 7 4108 65 10 1976 351 949 26.120. Edena.................... 421.... 32.... 353 2.7950 50.......... 574 74 1 4419 24 225 2114 2395. 10....ii 2 117 H Green Castle............... 622....58.... 467 35940...... 830....1097 178 4 2206 23 70 2125 2837 927 45 Q 114 (: Iowa, exc. of Albion........ 409 6 4... 254 19125..... 50 2 884 197 6 3497 14 227 1975 420 1591 113 8 78 Jefferson.. ~~~~~~~~624 59 13 4 451 28580 573...... 4 982 113 1 3275 14 83 2445 2 6 17 LeGrand.................. 759 8 23.... 597 60950 500.......... 959 252 3... 606 155 10 2727 690 3000 500 100 172 Liberty.................... 525 41 33 2 423 39450 1425.......... 1067 158 5 3043........... 2016 2177 1130 72 5 104 Liscomb, exc. or' lown..... 5141 26 151.... 373 286761 310 380 805 183....1981 18 82 1528 129 344 13 4 111 Liscomb, town of.......... 112............ 68 4970..270.... 50 57.... 268 13... 179....................... 21 Logan..................... 375 1 14.... 293 17675........... 710 41 2557 9 523 1291.................... 88 Marietta.. 65~~~~~~~ ~~7 6 24.... 518 45450 200..6... 1574 215 25 3449 10 17 28 35 56 514 Mario-n.................... 587 59 10.... 528 34'612 352 1757....1194 200..... 2865 227 315 2073 12-7 596 181.... 6 130 Marshall, exc. of Marshalltown.................... 293 32 2.... 235 16699......19963 2 738.5414 51 5793 1588 537 5192 131441 760 50 3 64 Marshalltown, city of....... 512 76 32 3 326 17299.......18728.... 109 130 6 750 45 81 1128 20 100 1 15 247 Minerva................... 314 1,541 8 6 5461 538501........... 2 13871 267 1 2644 1 21 2826 458 2265 38..... 140 State Center, exc. of town.. 501 19 27 455 33580..... 65....1181 334 3 2414 152 740 1821 55................. 101 State Center, town of....... 154 5 2 21 72 3240......2 8-2513.. 10 17.... 222 13 16 304....................... 67 Taylr.408 20 14 2 371 19554. 203 4 663 249 6 18.16 22 9 138.....10 Timber Creek.............. 561 25 7 389 37035 10.0.......... 810 1481....2107 141 241 1641 135 60 41 1 104 Vienna.................... 668 39 14.... 464;3265 300 4 770 136 3 2282 73 1401 1589...................... 162 Washington................ 637 18 48 3 508 38957 700..... 2 1213 356 28, 27861 55 108! 2470 39 283 10...... 102 Total.................I102821 6081412 1411 8135!625418 5083 663111 301 175571 8949 101 565532592 3318 415091.70621 132419 940 154 2502 MILLS COUNTY. Go 0o 00~~~~, I~ 1 ~1~~~~~~ ~~~~ 0 ~ -: ~ ~.~~~.l' ~ t.. ~0 InG SHEEP. ~l~~c~ ~ ~ o 0 0.~,.~,.~ ~ ~ r~ ~ F,.) 0 r~.,., ~ ~9 cd 100.,- 0 b,. ~)eer~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- C r e............... 5 0.... 489 128J.....0..... 97 43.[.... 1 343 9 Glenw~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ood exe of o w...... 187 I-asngesown o.................. 1 8 01........... 74 17551540 2775 16053 5 i... 3801 18 998... 22681 3.............................. E m e r s o n,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ t o0 o70 f2 8 5......1.........I............... 141 5 0......... 8.........[2.........].................. 9 0' 5 1......... 2 0 W/ G-Ilesdooe, town of............. 1...... 142I.. 0 40 249 85....................i4... 2 8[.................................... 7 Hastings, town of................. 42 3 1 1 18 600......... 1 175 2 103 1...... 32'8.........6226............................................. Indian Creek, exe. of Emer- t sonan Hstngs........... 51 3 5 2 29 1215......5......2........69..;13 9 38 3173117......12591 son andHastng........................ 46 5 29 5 52 6171 8205 17 49 2 24 5 23 203 1 00..'"'14 c Lyos...........................5 761 5.... 42r 297r1............. 1197247....165.................. 200 03 79 6913 P Maventonah a............ 7.. 3.......1.8.......145...... 1 7......70.........02....................4 Oak...............................47726 4 9 71 82 78 616 160.......71 20 8 9 237 1 29882 1 2243 23132 24 1"i5'5"10 83.... 246 Platteill............................... 32 1 6.......10 89 5 0 4 14 1 1 15 475618......] 51234l........................ 1 Rawles ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ 19I 6......I38........................ 76 54 2 55 20587015 45J15 243{1 73719 56 18 432 91 8.......... 193 S.Mavrn, tono............ 74......I3 [18[.........145....... 31{61.... 47........ 118 5640 150............... 39 11......... 32 20 5 09 4 1068 daean-Mavr............... 70......73...... 45223......... 20...... 26882 1788 237 615 154 82 6722........................82 24282 46 508.........I 173 Whitteviloud........................... M..... 538......I 45 132 89015 4000...... 114 84[ 9i 2412 8 146 29135 348 {.........{....................... 114 BurrwOak................................. 46 0.... 3J595 2587l15245......I........ 6 6148........... 5618......... 45521891 9815......... I......... 5788 Cear.............r........... 38.....1..... 53.810 2.0.......0 106 23..... 54... 95 4i 531 8950 3 Jeniins............................... 44I... 0 85 3.... 8 70 98/... 57.......... 67 5 5 1 Liberty................... 197.... 9.... 139 9825......32600 4 134......... 132..... 1 146 321 2140 52 17 51 - Lincol................................ 382.. 4.. 469 28996........... 8 808 1527 5 32 10 626 143 726 8 2 105 Mitchell.................................. 604 6 6..... 420 35965 700 900 14 393 156 3 647 8 9 578 459 1365 35 9 131 Cn ewburg................................. 455...... 4...... 362 23765 200.........20 328 66 2 385 1 1 311 123 553 4 129 Osage, exc. of town......... 174 171........ 133 10665 400 4662 4 2,57 59 22 319 6 96 231 245 487 17 13 51 Os,, ge, town of........................ 320 33 1...... 178 6461.......... 32.80...... 7 329 2 189 20 8 333... 120. 86'Otranto.................................... 397...... 14...... 409 26093 290 496 56 434 378 3 8 0......... 257 238 917 74 13 110 Rock....................................... 410 7 3...... 296 19710 700......... 6 886 65 3 462.................. 332 3.53 409 28......... 109 St. Ansgar................ 484 5 6.... 384 45950 200 6 365. 85 3 51........... 42 339 1685 49 2 110 Stacyville................. 279.... 2.... 216 1 38 05K:.:.......... 4 321 731.... 254 15 3 309 58 260 7..... 73 Union.................... 407 21 4.4.. 303 17915...........12 299 62 3 409..... 5 307 76 315 6 2 78 Wa~yne................... 273 2 4.... 263 19375 690......18 752 451 2 IL366 2 4 250 17..... 2 3 72 Total......... 6122 95 81 52121364520 6270 127381 216 7859 1898 48 6594 95 218 6135 30781 11828 528 86 1488 Total~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~........... 95 86 o........ o MONONA COUNTY. 132 Ashton................................ 122...... i.......... 271 4115... 6 77.3 13131742.. 476 479.............1.................. 27 Belvidere.. 164 15 13 4 1712 4100 20..14 1062 303...... 846..:... 202 490 90 4. 1 53 Center.................................... 177 8f 10 111... III 9345........................2515 39 1 566 8 113401 542.41 9 1 Fairview..'203 2.......267 13405:::l 17 908 642 5 70 12 814221 601 2761 Franklin, e-x-c-. o'f-. O.n~a'w-"a.... 341.... 16.... 293 1 2 245.2001.. 1'02'5 1 8 1908 329 1 1542 5 581 13211 550' 1415.......132 Grant.................... 217... 8... 243 1660 800'......... 740......... 872 3 20' 6581 569 28,80.............. 72 Jordan.................... 102 2 1.... 93 1550. I........ 4: 1131 17.... 162..... 64 128L 467 03007L...... 39 ennebec............................... 305......20.... 553 18087 5001... 6 1173 193 10 939...706 675 2900 10 20 76 Lake..................... 155........... 214...... 2001...... 2' 377 21.... 671 21 2 3921 1 1 39.52 Lincoln................... 18...16 425 14001...........50 1183 30....2655...1851 36 102 1116 Z4 Maple.................. 379 1 33.... 296 15878...........24 891 1181 2 1098 1 171 16371 50 384 1...... 131 pW Onawa, town of..':........ 172........... 192................... 247 358.... 2461 7 45 1541 13 115 70...... 70 St.Clair. 98~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~ 81256..26735 214....45 Sherman~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]~o.... 27.1.2041.4 9678 786 Soldier. 134 11 1... 1781 6775 40...... 8 288 141... 406..... 41 311 198 1860 801 21 43 Spring Valy219.... 16.... 2081' 10674 400...... 8 1203 266....1538 371 55 666 133 661 30 2 68 West Fork.............. 651...... 10...... 461 3700 6 619 78 1 681 26 16 437 2 15......... 15 Willow........54 5 6 591 4.500:......... 2 212 35 101 1701......I 91~ 151 43 152 1.........l 23 Total.................. 3571 39 172 10 4033129818 2340 10251 1-69 ~12891 1I99 1 40 14830 120 1(168 110251 34391 142871 297 28 1141 MONROE COUNTY. Albia.19........... 181 7..................}............8541...1... Bluf1 re652 6 50 86......530 3 271 5781 9 36 53 66 uff Creek ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~..... I5 5 9 156 11 ~152.......................... 4! MONROE COUNTY.-CONTINUED -I Id Id 4-4~~~~U 0 - O 4- i. w w ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~HOGS. SHEEP. O. 0 _ _ _ _ 0 P-qrc~~~~;-4 bh b.0~0 bO0 N'AMES OF TOWNSHIPS, 0.005. q..~~~~~~~~~~~~~c ~.'" (V C~.0 OcI TOWNTS, AND CITIES. 4- 4 4. 4 0,40 0 0 5 5 - 2. 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 454 51q alil 450d'4;-;- Cl4 5 005 h a)0w a) W Cl ) ) 00 WOr- t — ~n n x 0~0 0 ~ 0m; Z-., s a s 00 ~ __________~~~~~~~~~~~~z.4zz z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Cedar.................................... 440 29 43 4 424 18447..884 54 2908 28 6 2687 1136 3035 72 116 156 bd Franklin................................. 507 5 38 499 21170 800.1593 65...... 1801......... 1 1577 2353 2721 646 13 162 Guilford.................................. 524 26 33 4 540 23909......... 1441 284......[3068 9 9 2258 2196 2323 1550 117 178 Jackson................................. 395 12 24 4 527 24200. 170 2 1111 344 1868 1 9 2133 580 2225110 Mantua................................... 568 211 42 7 486 36883 1915 1318 19 987 250 5 4005........ 89 2371 1927 6664 239 108 182 Monroe.................................. 559 221 47 545 35818 160 2403 1611 8 2241 10 13 2721 821 2300 170 58 165 Pleasant.................................. 454 7 29 1 526 70225.11 1333 319 57 31351 18 3042 1683 6645 97 721 215 t Troy, exc. of Albia. 510 123 34 2 440 31985~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~.I18620 2 826 223 14 2015 138 154 2032 961 418 27 3 20 Toroyex.oAli.........................2 403185........ I. 230t70t8 Union.696................... 69 67 18 556 39075 250 24 18391 140 25 3518 391 174 3325 294 2875 175 91 210 H Urbana................... 489 7 15... 435 21705 130261 786 1 2855 1 54 2171 868 2464 5 26 139 C1 Wayne..................3................ 353 9 19 1 396 140501........ 1575 1 2059 242......... 545 1375 23 130 Total................ 6296 399441 48 0075 3755171 3175 56075 34 16471 3282 111 32934 5091 684 27660 15039 42090 3641 741 21005 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Douglas.. 468. 68 244........ 501 245937.........8 50 16 1432 299 21 1581 22 18 2063 67 397... 131 Frankfort............................... 294 2 50...... 414 7606..... 415 190...... 1722......... 102 1207 35 182 2.75 186 Grant...................................... 574 47 294 20975 770 86 1 5500 84 198 2591 42 150 12 21 183 Jackson, exc. of Yillisca 31... 2... 42... 4-75 20,552 40.........1086 94.. 2394 29 11 1638 259 1079..... 14 120 Lincoln403 35 2731290.. 45 1 156.. 192 25401.. 3 Libncol................................... 409...... 335.... 21730529.................. 45 13 2....856............. 109 25 2171........6.].5[.26 1393 C Pilot Grove............................. 441 8 31 2 382 17262...... 18 716 50 1 2754 53 72 1769 167 770 15 166 Red Oak, exc. of town.. 557. 33 4681 17285 6500 1650 43 1734 104 82 32501 81 3831 2933 461 313 31 15 173 Red Oak Junction, town of.. 229...............9.101 9 Sctt229.13 181..... 264 1.1179...683.....89 Scottl...................................... - -M............... 2647 375517[ 3-i — ~ 1-~]- -~:' 3-~ [ - — ~ ~- 1-~ 4 00134174[20 Sherman............................. 468 6 58 347... 908 2 1 2683 283 36 2222...5.. 203 Vilisca, town.................... 123 71 12 109 268223..... 402 1...14. 62 W alnut..........,......................... 25 401 37[ 41 111 17365 10001 451...I99.... 34 37!.................I0 Wa~shington........................... 348]...... I8J... 396 184101.........!.........1 2] 833t 130 1 1835!~......... 2 10 6 0..... 5 11~ West................................. 49 3 0 35 275 1........ 1 1 7 1 22 8 888J 16881.........[.........[ [[.i...............[ 172 c Total~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0.....................I-1-14 7 17 MUSCATINE COUFNTY. Bloomington, exe. of Mus-,'i catine............................... 1055 60 80...... 1017 66076......... 14490 2 1492 689t 21 18481 115! 597 20311 86I 62 5.... 3 Cedar....................................... 364 15 41... 246, 16005............ 898 3951......[ 15721.........1.........~ 1439] 302] 1580] 135 43 72 Fulton.................................... I8 2 8... 75 717 10 0... 10 4 12 1, I" 73 8. a"L 23 1 1 Goshen................................... 857 2.9 30..... 613) 5,5715..........::: 1951 555] 1061 44461 183 210 31591 2667/ 10476t 603 59 178 Lake....................................... 737 14 43! 619 41974 1..86............ 1790 722 81 2.0621 416 216 2i25[ 128 1297 I'33 19 140 Montpelier............................. 435 19 14 2 428 26803 340........ 728 2101 1 301431 22[ 22 2223 s0o 469[ 61 6 ]46 Mocsow;'~j............................. 52'~j:.......... 447 4 2 4 3 397 15087........................J 13941 67 173 1 15261 99 3881 26 7. 175 Muscatin c iy o................. 403...... 32............I......I26.................. ~j................ 26............[I................... 639................................. a 07' i14'5 10..............a1 15 15i 96i 6781 7i 28~ 3 4 61 Pike......................................... 698 14 33 571 28360.............. 1181 166[......125141 6261 1.3771 17601 94] 262[ 12 I 186 G Seventy Six........................... 483 37 6.... 472 32503 70............ 1909 18771 131 2336! 26J 671 22371 -527[ 17881 172 152 175 C Sweetland.............................. 1628 2 3 2 77 419 15....... 19 2 20 3 7 17 2 6........ 2 Wapsiinonoc, exc. of West Libert y................................ 78 1 27... 59 420 30.... 1908 7261 69J 44411 6331 1204[ 4059I 264[ 2012t 55 20 104 P West Liberty, town of........... III 342......]9545235......... 2896.........I1.........4 6.................. 25 "I Wilton, exc. of town........... 87 3 64 712 41005..... 16... 1631 8171 431 34651 771 296[ 4,5771...... $6 4'41 4"5 186 ~13 Will on, town of................ 128 9 7 4 147 6224..... 87.... 132 12.... 21 4..... 53 l..........13 i T oa................................. 20.- ~ - ~ 9 ~ - ~ 191521 7447 290. 40169. 1846 45461 34418. 455, 20317f~ 1 318 369 2865 O' BRTENq COUNTY. Carroll..9...... 19...... 70 3 11.................. 3 8...... 2i........ 9......... 2 Center~~~~~~~~~~~~~9.................. 16 155.................. 14 9 Floyde........ 0...... 27.................. 16 5............. 5 Flyd........................... 56......0......... 69. 3. 30. 8. 06 12..... 48..................... 2. 0.. 2 4 ighlant.................................... 18...... 15 114 20..... 4 12 1... 21 8 1 35 1....... 1 6 Liberty................................... 19 3 6 2 8 46.......... 2 0 4 1 36 4 7 4............... 3 Summit.................................. 28... 4.... 17 61.......... 9 8......... 3 1 0.......3 Waterman.............................. 51...... 5 9J.........1 9 4....... 17.......... 15.................... 3 Total................................. 11 7i 51 I 40 30 21 90 7. 191 1t8 13 2 05 5 OSCEOLA COUNTY. t _ - - HOGS. SHEEP. 0 c 0 9 4. 0$ k-4 M,:;4 _ 0 0 - f"-400 4f; i, ". 3. I +.| ~~~ ~~~). 0 0O~~~~~~~;_ If 0 -4 ho 3 9' ho b NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, 4.1. d. & -4 Ca A P. d Id0 TOWNS, AND CITIES. 4-'.- 4 4 4-'4 4' Of.;4 4- 0 0 o4j 4 IbJ 0.35. o.3~~~~~~~~.3~......O..48 o 145[...I11... 10940 50 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.... I......... -- Z Z~ Z Zz FZ HF- __ __ Z1z Z I_ __ Z Fairview.15 4 19 1080...15 25 3......16.................. 3......... 12 Gn.96....5..50..................... Goewey................... 145....121... 110 94901........... 60 41 5.50.2..38... 4 Holman................... 163.... 6.... 117 12:325...... 260 61 162 145.... 88..... 8 144 180 300........... 73 CI Horton.33 2 39 2350...12 21..16... 14.16 cheyedan...................... 65 3 55 3867... 21 4 3......... 5 3 42......... 7.................. Viola.......... 71.... 3...... 48 2628 650 25 44 73 13...... 57 7 37.22 Wilson....................................2 2 55 4405 50 26 66 1 34..38.........ota...... 4 2.l 63112 40 2 539 36145 700 296 29 484 175.. 348 24 Total~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~4 0 501 241 326 661 1/0........... 249:::::~ ~ PAGE COUNTY. Amity...... 722.... 64..... 533 344111 300 50 1512 356 8 5421 2 631 40-14 90 300... 320 Buchanan..............................1277 2 104...... 618 29245 10 4 6528 408 3506 10 5 11991 1026 2918 137 49 239 Clarinda, town of..... 149 14 124 3240.. 290...100.... 580 72 76 4496............ 85 Colfax.................................. 384 25 3R 2 345 19085 290................1097 291 3 6553....1516 4263 2253.... 139 Douglas................................... 612... 41 501 21302 200... 1842 691 1 3179 24 22 4707 3283 400 115 165 East River.............................. 676 47 55 5 491 36476... 10 13651 441 5 5.196 45 115 2995 432 1287 156 26 161 Fremont................................. 506...... 73 370 14500 620.. 15 748 108 2330' 1' 621 2203 30, 251 1 160 Grant, exc. of Shenandoah.. 464 1 56 214 15329.....' 90 2744 1963 1 4167 39 3841 2663 78 1041 4 92 Harlan.................................... 561 58 97 6 591 27050 110.... 9 1926 801 2 4084 1.. 3912 54 4171 2 24 191 Lincoln.554 23 61 376 26295... 6 1127 338 80 3678 3 971 3583 425 2345 61 23 167 Motn..................... 25~...... 6.... 20"06............ 2 7 297'4 i6 1490.....4................ 6 Nebraska................................ 358 20 24 10 232 17110 120.... 645 246 1782 9 2 1531 1253 3969 43 12 157 ~~~~~~~~~265 207 109524 17761 7811 232 30 Nodaway, exc. of Clarinda.. 1064 15 41 2 7121 40395........ 150 2065.. 1237 12 1072 7110 1121 342 30 30.321/ Pierce482 32 341 s 349 20575...................10 704 402 4.1395 66 322 2423 716 3450 9 141 Shenandoahtown of... 123 12 4.. 93 350. 46..1.... 124 17 29 2................. 28 Tarkio........ 464..52. 304 11991 400... 4 874 311 3 1999 37 448 2330 53 111.... 15 172 ValIey... 582 4 53 3 490 2000 625... 5 1152 112 12 2673 21 118 2447 758 3317 21 74 180 Washington.339 2...... 229 13184 500... 121 120 21 4292 1274 2498 5151.................................. 14 _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,._...... Total 9602.241.922.33.6776.343107.3165.0 63 26130 81031 86 58049 1823 8362 67818 11574 22297 622 268 2907 PALO ALTO COUNTY. Ellington.74.............b....[ 27020 166 10 2 184 1 12............... 35 Emmetsburg............ 64 1 179 19496 84 200 14 754 103|..... 240............. 231 20 64 4......... 66 Fairfield.................. 28 2.0.. 2 10 3.. 20......2..... 20...2.......................... 18 FernValley.50 4 8 75 3465 3 14 206 32. 73 23 2 88 6 7 1......... 21 Freedom................................. 79...... 10 9 204 7810... 19 452.. 3 74........ 41 8...~ ~ ~ ~~~'o............. ~:::": Great Oak.8.............................. 8 1 5.. 219 25085...... 7 743... 149................. 60 Highland............ 82........ 132 6451 700... 33 145 1..... 92... 2 81 8 12.........40 Lost Island............................. 57.................. 59 2990......... 10 9 117 1.. 18........... 38............................2.......'20 Nevada............................ 73 2..... 121 10825.2 684 90.... 184.............. 131 128 6................ 28 Rush Lake............................. 62...... 4...... 60 1210.. 8 102 3.. 86........... 85...................... I 39, SilverLake.67............... 27 14 2...... 82 4150................. 18 114 1 50.....105 1 4 1 27 Vernon..................................... 53..... 5. 114 8580 2125......12 149 7 1 9975......... 23 7 Walnut.............................. 96 6.~ 1 923035........9613... 16 569 214 141 26...... 27 74 1 7... 39 West Bend.143 6. 260 16983 452.. 22 773 121 2 6989 39 12 375 350 285... 47 Total.................I 1016~ 111 52. 9. 1914 134200. 4151. 213 196. 5084. 586. 8 2109. 88. 17. 1670. 587. 505 5. i 504 ~-3 PLYMOUTH COUNTY.z America.................. 222 b 10.... 167.........69) 2)100.... 185 4 8 460 117 150 6..... 98 Elgin..................... 112 4 4.... 70'3575....... 4) 421 9...1 172..... 34 119..................... 25 Fredonia................................. 130.. 8 81 7153... 22 121......108 59 26 124 4749 Grant.............I........................ 143...... 6...... 97 6262.......... 6 117........ 111..... Ill 3 4 116........3 5 Johnson................... 205.... 8.... 168 9603 100......30 216 51.... 470 1...... 313 3 17............ 83 Lincoln.......~........... 407 59 45 4 330 19950 280 35 28 726 207.... 840........... 575 6 15 1...... 126 Marion........I............................ 78...... 2...... 54 1845.................. 20 96 4...... 88......... 8 69 3 40 2 36..... Perry..................... 275 13 14.... 216 16770........... 78 490 59 4 553 23 58 474 263 204............ 143 Plymouth.............................. 169 11 ~2j 3172 6395 10 4 33 404 88...... 174 7 7 230 157 10....... 75 Portland................... 153 2 2... oi 3400........... 12 48 22.... 154........... 110 57........... 42 Sioux.17 106......2 146 12 189 5......32. 3 Stanton.. 167~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ 4 1 1221 440..3 216 24 6335 8913 172 2502... 40 Washington........................... 110 13 110 6115.........3650 19 83 15 1434. Total................. 2367 111 143 7 1830 88846. 410 38 39 276 607 4 35 1 7 19 8.46 9..... 6 - POCAHONTAS COUNTY. Ce. f' 0;m HOGS. SHEEP. 4-4 Id..;.... 0 4 0; * 0i i 3S i | ~ |h d so: ]J.0 ~' \ i~ 0 0 \. ~ w'c |..... 70..... 2o10 8000,........... 9 l5....... ~,, 12 6 17 1 0...... 138.0.....6, 19, bn 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q 0 NAMES OF TOWNSHIP%, 1 n TOWNS AND CITIES. 4 — 4ZC 0 Q0. -' 47....30, 240 06.............. o- % - 0 440 4-0 0 4 Z:$ 0 0 I -.0.. 69 0 0 0 0........0 0~5951I ~8'o(.....105. 166 91031.4.... 3 158 3.12.S S.....::256 x:::: 263 196901 177217. 0.......39 2 4.I _ Belville.... 70 2.... 109 8000.. 39 105......... 173 12 7916]...8 107 14 23 30 1 52 ~~~~~Cedar ~. l 6..... 2.......174......... 1 2.............59 241 2061............ Clinton.................... 69 1........ 78 4455........... 6 218......... 243..... 44 193....................... 21 Ce olfax..10.............. 56 6... 1... 65 19140 1002. 3.... 7 8........ Z1 48. 35 7 153 3612....4................ 56 Dover..................... 66.... 1.... 76 4880........... 2 79......... 65 1 1...... 130 Grant..................... 48.... 6.... 50 3000............12 158......... 52 2, 1 11......... 24 Lincoln................... 1.....1..... 51-2755........... 4 81........ 55~ 3 8 45 1 6........... 112 d Lizard..................... 227 2 9.... 296 19317............59 618......... 745 3 2 459 536 46 3'...... 105 ~ 6 Swan Lake................. 14....... 40, 2900........... 4 92......... 40............ 18.......i............ 12 z Toal.......................11201 5, 31... 1483 86172 7872.....215 3230........ 2608. 61, 384. 1947, 644 126 1 47 POLK( COUNTY. Alien.................... 357 SI 22....I 2.89 16548............ 588 178 8 2123; 5 1421 2095 345 873 64 56 78 Beaver................... 917 30 26.... 54 40810 100 802' 2 1264 294 3 61061 26~ 236 2983 3170 331,6 7 1 200 Bloomfield................ 735 26 43.... 760 47197 5250 3160 4 1243 396 137 3898. 207 324 2766 561 2253 420 4 156 Camp.................... 856....93 2 499 27728 20.........1749 438 1 532,5 14 39 3750 870 2659 24 23 269 Crocker................... 684 31 10.... 618 49505 136...... 2 1195 170... 3888 83 209 2358 33 6 929 33 25 182 Delaware................. 697....39.... 491 36468..... I.........1326 458 2 5742....i6.......36641 106' 3 75 4..... 147 Des Moines, city of......... 1147 2 66 940 4:65081......29091.... 97 53.... 1006' 25 405...................... 381 Douglas................... 528... 31... 624 316951........... 2 1581 246 2 3603 41 1 3422 748 3403 108 2 110 Z Elkhert.3................ 92 3 36.... 508 417371 50 7 1200 68....1951 31 115 18,32 20 64......... 111. Il Four Mile................. 213' 5 17 2 128 5895.....7 317 32 9 1013 26 27 690 228 210..... 21 47 Franklin.................. 5161....261....4591 36296 176......11.1440 275 2 4532. 1...... 3 2247-1 351 1785, 44 Slj 131 Grant,........................... 124I 181 7[......I 230f 14101...,....,[ 4536.... 683 139 2 1262 151 56 8571 198 869[ 151 61 61 ~' Jefferson...........................~..... 580[ 5! 26......I 6241 29810.........l......... 1202[ 5641......] 2758 51.........I 1935 88 300 5 141 oc } Lincoln.......................'........... 5451 14 81......1826143438 2150[......... I0501 84/......I 2200................. [ 18021 2201 917[ 157 "~ ~dison................................. 19['""'i~1 646 s 351......f 6311 26520 401......... 14 1172[ 130/ 1R 4252 31 121 22331 5001 17311 72/ "~ Saylor.........,........................... 4141 21 50.....,.I 420 22420......... 25550...... 1010 245[ 11 2453 12t 711 18971 234] 6551 6] 151 Valley............................ 393[ 29 12 4[ 447 20111 10000i 62220 5i7[ 92/ 13[ 2861 44[ 122[ 1541[ 99[ 450[ 29[ 111 66[...... 2~] 195 Walnut................................... [ 613[ 37041[ 33[ 262 2206[ 679l 26/ 4387[ 78[ 26 689 47 1201 3737[ 460[ 3972[ 114[ ~s~o~........................... t 211 1~......, ~, ~ ~......... ~ ~0~I~[ ~, ~/ 7~, 2~0, ~l ~7, ~/ ~ ~ ~o,~.................................. ~1...... ~,~, ~ ~]~/~-~l~0-~ ~-~ r~ -~ ~-~ -~~, ~-~ 60~ ~1 ~-~-~ ~-~l-~t-~ ~ —~ POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY. Avoca, town of....................... 129...... ]3elknap................................. 155i 554 94 2......[ 218 5 111 137] 28[ 140 1501 i 72 1~ 1755[........ 6725l 90.........'"1'~} 551[ 223 101 1151 5'62l 778l 14l........................... 46 ]3oomer................................... 367 3691 125601................. 739[ 238...... 997 4 2[ 1099[ 162[ 620, 201......... 154 Center..................................... 524 414[:13601 3760 25'"~ 760[ 154 1[ 15ll 2 42[ 1168[.........[..................I......... 180 Council Bluffs, city of....,...... 713 770;11551 18850 103275 95[ 53 2] 195 57 88[ 3659] 4[..................t......... 778 Crescent.....................~ 154 310 3291 6055[ 1600 20 7701 128 1[ 643 15.........[ 934i 47 65................ Grove..................................... 4~4 332';31401................... 2 596[ 23......[2060......... 221 194~................. 194 Igarden....... 279 4121:2700/................. 7591 109 3] 782 36 206[ 890] 15]....::~.. i~..i~ i.~11~11[ I-Iazel Dell.............................. 493....2 570 18965[ 250......... 1030 33...... 910 23 6[ 561[ 1001 10.........I......... James............................ 1!i ~D 128 120[ 84101........ 32 316[ 174 4[ 356 5 68[ 215[.........[..................I 1 Xane, exc, of Council Bluffs 830 898 ~)074[................ 2228...............{ 1994 I 3 2040 301 200 21 I ~0 ~J I Keg Creek............................... 232....3 310{ 315~/..................... 6901 162 171 869 15 3 439..........l..................[...... ~nox, exc. of ikvoca............ 596[;30061 380 1890 i'~ 14981 275 41 2806 28 161 199il 337[ 1204 53 48 297 (~ Layton........ 80~7 710[ 87 1! I286 26 24 289'.........[........................... 226........................... 3~i 225/................. IVIacedonia.............................. 316....2 228 7083................... 668 541...... 1282 32 393 662] I.................. 105 Neola............................... 311......... 196 217[ 0167/ 23 50....4 508[ 125[.....I 1644 9 47 1020 133.........I.................. 86 l~orwalk........................... 280 14200.................. 959[ 71[....../672 12 19 8761 1661 10001 100......... ~ 50 Pleasan t.........'..... ~6...... 349[ 140[ 324[ 11 1......... 289 9560, 100........................ 789[ 111 335 157 470 41......i l~ockford............................... 592....] 599 32385 240......... "'1'8 1211[ 2581 1! 3787[ 13 59 21091 40[ 820[ 29[ 4[ 173 Silver Creek........................... 177 116[ 62151.........[......... 6901 132[ 3 1124/ 8 4 939[.........].........[.........[.........[ 34 I......... Washington........................... 158 124 8455l 400[......... 386i 27[ 1 297[ 15[ 27 ~ 62 Waveland............................ 1.......................... 343 221 33175[ 3401 540 663[ 57[...... 1319 10 64 1085 302 2464[ 159[ 20[ 113 Wright................................... 265....................................... 166! 10935 328 31 609 11 50 I......... I I...... I........./.................... — Total................................ I I......... — ~ — ~ —~ 4-3-~1 2 —~110 —~ 1~1'-~'1/'-~'~-~1~1'~ 24513[ 1936 68471 5241 76l 3640 POWESHIEKCOUNTY. b~ Bear Creek ex. of Brooklyn.[ 646...... l::::::1 77 33831.........'36055]......1......................................... "'......... I:::::::::f 115 e.~ POWESHIEK COUNTY.-CONTINUED. 0 0 t- 0 0~: w 0 ). 0 HOGS. SHEEP. [TPS,~~~~~ 0= = b11 0 3 00. RW 3XSfr0 w O0 0) * ~ 00 0 - 0' O.w 00 otOJ Q IO NAMES~~~~~~ O:s~SIS 0,S ~~ |0 0 3 q i;o9 E 4JEi Si;JS E, =s|Oos:o. 4. _ TOWNS~...... A579IE 2" 3 5' o4..27 3 09010 - 6 1 9 5 31 42.189 03.......0.. 7- 0 0 4 5 0 31'~~~ ~~o ~~~-0 o. 000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ho 0 0 M 0 0 0 706. 10 2 54 140 000 1 0 2 0..-w 10 4 1 1411 1150..............'.. 6 30.. 19... Z. w fri % S.~~Ce0 4 4' TOWN, AD CIIES 4I 4-4~. OO 0 0 4c 00..4 0.0 0- Ow4 00 0w 0 4-4 40 04 Chester.. 5~~~~79 2 5 4 57 32.090 1600 761 1955 319 14, 2798 123 98 2032 I...7 Deep River~....... 72 153...514 38300 340 277~ 8 146 6301 1 29591 171 83~ 3191..57231922 20 Grinnll, ee. oftown. 706 190 27.. 5991 34935 1 406 400 818 720 9 2816 12 481 285~ 402 37 5 3 1 eackson, exc...... of1 Mont1 839 7 90 7 41881.... 1840 46 1 5775 1 58 865 647 234 0 4. 4.4.... Je1.6751 51 441 5201 55775. 1 2 1235 167 2 3215 23 1279] 2213 20 22 Linco. 645 81 26...I 614 29750.11 1!373 190 7 2794 18. —-: 2324 386 2124 Madison.. 6461~~I XNI N O1 36fu 22rcgu 509l 578 20.18 38 328 723 262 2144.w 11 1-c 143a IHA Malcom~~~townof.. 76 2 5 54 2815. 275 32 1~~ ~~~~~~68 17 4) 14 217.. 01 Montezuma, town of..105 4 65 3607. 117 2 227~~~4 — W 0 4'~ 458103... 8 Pleasant.. 681~~0 C~ 40 35 5~ 503 237 070.. 225. 53 2 498. 10 234 25 29 18 34 13 Shestridan............... 590 21 32 4682 434269 1800. 4... 19520 219 143 2836..3 83 21092 50...5.10 6.... 144 DeepRivr Creek........... 587, 17 42 614 28585.. 27 81272 750 22249 1 37 28 0 411 2.. 3"1834 9 332.... 2168 Gnionle.o on..4..... 706 110 26... 9 4 3417 10 20470.. 70.. 8 7 2 96 28178 345 487 1858 67 1342 237 5 132 1619 Warronen c. o o m 636 15 7 20... 572 401816 25.... 130...... 17220 1 46 23027 131 382 5 19 647333 4176 17 19 200 Washington................... 6572 44 19.. 52 0 4 5757815 17.4......... 1040 189 32271..115 1 999 521 879247225 1 541 1 Tinotln..................101 608 262 17. 8873 56866 2 9 422 40860.. 3.... 1 2322 9409 327 47852 2339...82 2 32479 4547 20913 525 44 2375 Matheons.2................ 40619 346 22... 529 154980 100......... 62 118 7 38... 294 73 262 21019 59... 513... 178 22 9243 Macont o on.2....... 416 33.. 47 11.. 3434 216535 230......... 20244 220 5... 2223 17 5315 23061 187 331 18 1 95 Caln,ton.29........... 76 3 36 13 278 5 1723...75150. 767 3 158.... 12 278 1 4 5 2170 1152... 4234....129 13.... 794 Ghriant.3................ 502118 4 32.... 48 1726137. 25.... 1501 2948 32 2079 15.......1514 440 9 873 37.6 1024 Jefferson........................ 434 57 14 11 412 19170 247......... Lefferson.484.57.14.11 41219170 247..8 1.304 370 1 19233 4,52 416 1915 292 942 18 21 143 Liberty............................... 241 18 12...... 304 11798........... 974 172 15 1167 18 41 1235 223 Li ncoln.............................. 318 13 23 12 294 15631 720......... 2 1020 155 6 1899 20 99 1542 77 278 15 2 108 Lots Creek...............4 441 20 30 2 347 14989...... 723 218 1 1196 2...1502 274 913 189 11 110 Middle Fork....................... 305 31 20 3 304 19957 362 929 147. 1691 14 10 1430 536 1676 9294 16 70 GoMonroe...................... 281 8 26...... 324 11270 575...... 872 144. 1012.1390 405 2099 1 46 48 Mount Ayr.......................... 468 77 67...... 433 17251 45 1145 4 1755 544 1 2989 1. 2315 25.116 R ice............................................. 733.................. Rice... ~~~~ ~~~251[ 12 f /264 1091573 14 7 3.5 20 38 3 5 8 Riley............................. 224 13 18....... 196 10343........... 2 6894 13 17 71 Tingley................................... 6 8 2 141 9305312 8 601..3................. 3 Union...................................... 137 6 16...... 1470 1900. 8 547 19...... 689.825 516 248 8 1 44 Washington........................ 409 36 23 4 454 16913 390...... 11 1008 198 2 1685 4 25 1521 169 1488 72 17 127 Total................................. 4736 431 59 4864 238744 2593 1145 64 15299 2747 36 2562 548 1708 22557 119 6686 1171 175 1420 SAC COUNTY. Boyer Valley........................ 144.... 2 114 2200........... 3 15 174. 14 Clinton........................ 100...... 3... 70 3450............... 4 107 6 2 75 13 186 604 4015 Douglas................................... 233 14 14... 210 16730............. 481 77630 1 Eden........................................ 124.... 3.. 91 52-0.. 8 11| 178| Jackson........................ 3........... 91 520 8 178 125 3 3441 2 3 196 12708. 447 12 3175 JLeasey on................2........447 201 317 2 1 916 5 22 1759 29 9... 1g 52159 Levey..................... 201....18.... 1)1 9915 400......18 559 184... 631 3 484 179 2000 5 - 52 Sac........................ 217 2 17.... 251 21150........... 13 498 59 2 1068 63 368 745 426 45........... 106 Wall Lake................ 137 15 14 1 149 1355-0 45...... 6 181 40.... 538 41 51 41.3..................... 60 Total.14744311121 1242 84953 445 ~~~~~~~~~~~~455 128 3071 510 8 4539 715! 476 4192 1248 22091 18..... 489 z SCOTT COUNTY. Allen's Grove............. 408... 46.... 489 20620 5100......... 918 125 3 2882 2 281 1994 2148 142 7 1 137 Blue Gr-ass...W........... 842 71 68.... 900 57714 2405..........1801 308....8497..... 166 4514 161'I 927 50'29 303 Buffalo, exc. oftwn....... 617 63 23 3 421 30369..... 200.... 681 159 1 2568...... 242 1957 202 1203 26 21 137 Buffalo, town of............ 56.... 2... 45 2642 910.............58..... 8 101....................... 64 Butler.................... 664 1 43.... 639 4,5140 50......... 1196z 4 292,5 24 178 2634 1445 3630 601 3 205 Cleo-na................... 576 1 1261::..:. 742 40450..800....1386 179 2 7 3392 1 91 2707 97 685 12 1 217 Davenport, exc. of city......1099 18 57 1 1515 100010 120,1180700.... 901 298....2983[ 27 101 1991 60' 503 79...... 621 Davenport, city of......... 8741 5 67 2 524 1.9090 150 80421.... 26 9.... 238 9.. 1... 62...... 25 2 3 1959 Hic-kory Grove............ 780 8 109.... 867 53770 7945..... 1481 243 1 4121...... 20 3463 102 261 6 2 282 LeClaire, exc, of town...... 590 8 12.... 561.5394. 4434 956 268....3106 45 8 3.353 543 2010 92 23 179 LeClaire, town of.......... 251... 4. 271......I........................ 63 3...... Liberty................... 6211 26 8212 7691 37,334. 3000.........1460 4.6 5 3 793 3 275 306 216 141 0. 7 Lincoln................... 8211 54 45 1 6971 59520.............. 986 2531....4076 8 621349j12 35 6 3 23 SCOTT COUNTY.-CoNTINUED. ~ 6i0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 ______- - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ 0 a) __ HOG-S. SHEEP. 459.23 5 427t 3 9930 ~ 1501 1932 16i 10 t) 20 2CZ 1 5 8! 05 2 TOWNSAND CITIES. 4- - - - Cd d; o 4- P. -1- - o 0 a) QaE 0'r. 4)t-1C4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~~~~~~ I I I C Pleasant Valley..459 23 31 5 427 399301...:. 2501... 7451i 272 20 2131 581 105 23920.1501 19321 1641251130 bd Princetonexc. of0town. 6.0 25 492 31185.. 1128 393 2942.. 2756 378 19 56 3 151 Z Princeton, town of.................................................................................................................. 171...... 3..~~~ ~:: 192125.........::::..'.2.!iiii:::::: i 15.............. 29........................ ~.......~ Rockingham............................... 1. 1... 715 1 Sheridan.......................... 840 18 52 3 680 60245....... 1171 262 3753....3167 3 1.......284 Winfield.748 20 29... 709 488.. 938 215 3199 4 82574 34 150 4 3 239 Total.10831j 252~~~~~~~~~~~8-24127 10~6 9 617 10~3 03 1 96 80 277013 -... 15929 3905 97 51025 184 1636 40530 8406 13874 1465 122 5398 Toa................................. 2674, 13 9 SHELBY COUNTY. Cass.......................................... 90 2...... 89 28201......... 2 515 47 840... 375.................................... 31 Clay......................................... 167 2 19...... 14725 20............... 573 11 2 666 2 2 363....74 Douglas................................... 259. 15 216 10500.... 50o4 69...... 893 14 1 437......60 airview................................. 535.. 21 391 19270 60 5 739 65 2767 9 106 1394 1 19 215 Greeley............................. 43 12.... 48 5490 10.... 109 50 150 1 190 84 375 2 13 Grove..457 8 16. 492 25469 200.. 2 1431 207 2 1000 1 47 950 565 2413 701 17 134 Harlan....................................383 22 13 4 505 72946. 8 675 402 1 2872 25 425 1145 211 98 419..116 Jackson...201 12 157 7080 230... 387 25 1118 23 4 63....73 Jefferson.................. 69 5 5.... 64 4995..... 15 4 71 9 2 188 6 14 140..0.77.4. 30 Lincoln.. 234 10 8 207 6370 800...234..2 596 95 150...... 467..... 47... 2 96 95 50 46...................... 4 L n o n.................................. 23 1...... 2 7 6 i.... Monroe................... 411... 22.... 306 295-5.. 31 6.......... 703 21 1 1 1891......I.......123 Polk......................................120 4 57 10... 86 1525.... 145 12 5.1..1....... 53 -arang1...............................I....... 69 Union..................................... 131......14...... 111 6775..........10 143 161.....1 1631.......I......1 1461.............. I 1 7. 1 1 Washington.......................... 111............ 1.. 465 151...... 700 2 1................ 37 SIOUX COUNTY. un be......................... 1221 16 1...... 76 4860 144........24 86 24 177 2.. 148......................... 28 Floyd...................................... 67 1 7...... 86 4400.................. 34 103 17...... 1044................ 59.................................. 5 1 Grant....................................... 93 2 2...... 75 7969... 21 93 20 212... 147........... 41 ~:Holland................... 372.....20. 213 15690' 300 175 88 235 14... 288 29 33 508 39 286................. 203 Lincoln....................................20 88 4787 240 55 160 25 2 171.. 6 150 7 245........... 0 Nassau.................................... 246 7 26...... 170 10209 382......... 43 152 25 2 462.....I............. 241 6 15 2......... 125 R eading................................. M...... 6..... 96 7600................. 18 63 1..... 65...... 3 1................................ 3 Rona................................ 2...... 2 756900.........1.....2 Rock.48~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 60 32155...38.6. 1827 li 6....24. MSettler....................... 2.......... 3 2...... 1 91 13 38 2 24 Sheridan.11ln 1 9....0 5 47571 21. 108 0 55...170.24.75....................................... 24.0.........I 21 100 0... 17.. 1......... 170 75........... 5 Nas~a~.......................... 2246 26 [[[[[[ 170] 10209 382......... 152 / ~~~~~~ I~~~~~~~124 6 5 143 I [~. I~ [~[! 241~~I Total..1343 14...... 2!14 997 66905 1066 175 356 1177 2 163 5[ 1757 59 50 1610 89 438 4.62......... ~ 1 I01..... 212.................. 3 Total................................9....... STORY COUNTY. ~4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 Ames, town of....................... 104 2 5 8 84 4623. 1900 2 58 215 1 222 10 9 1638.. 2300 20 4 36 Collins.. 483 31 50 ~~~~~~~~~~~1 449 33977 600.......... 987 409 3 190.5 3 10 2510 22 9.14 Collin..................................... 48 31 594....6......I 2 1 8 8 6.... 14 Settlernklin.................................. 531 12 26 2 639...... 71 43995 18325 4613 2 1 01 22 207 2191 1094 4615 64 42 69 Grant...................... 376'... 28.... 498 35914......8610 2 1145 90 4 2796 34 154 1209...................... 1I12 Howard................... 622.... 2....1125 92250........... 1747 214 1 4200..... 40 232.3 243 497... 1315 Indian Creek............... 651 75 58 4 718 125270 9.........1132 207 8 2576 393 646 3273 92 755 10 3 198 La F~ayette................. 317 20! 19...- 588 29,835 390.........1229 304 1 1156.... 1 2510 76 173 10 1 149 Lincoln................20....... 28................20...6 346 41 692 1 125 544.. 61 Milford.................... 374 42' 48 3 574 45575......5600!... 1825 261....3362 63.5 2846 2191 15.Y9' 166.33. 119 Nevada, ex.. of town.... 470.. 50 559 54670... 1074 48 25 2107 13 44 2220 259 1307 51 30 136 Nevada, town of............ 228 7 9.... 4421 3565 500 7645.... 138 54 3 372 35 37 654...................... 57, New Al1bany.............. 221 16 27.... 50.5' 28175 505..... 4 1461 85... 2005 1.. 11... 96 2 21........ 111.. II Palestine................. 460 24 12.... 740 47690..... 78 12 21235 123 1 2124 15 44 1858 177 589 19 5 15L Richiland.................. 302 6 16.... 388 33515 60 1721.... 773 97....1720 10 12 1135 6 20 1 2 88 Sherman.................. 190... 9.... 213 22293'............. 2 384 42 1 447 4 40 501 2................ 58 IUnion..................... 590k 75 38 5 748 66080..... 100 6 1652 5-49 1 6682 1023 5236 13397 3274 4809 1L4 0 1 9 193 Warren..............75 5........ 75 316.. 2 114 15... 128...., 59 118....................... 36 Washing-ton, exc. of Ames 513 21 33 -... 637! 55335 20 70 10 1321 241 1 299 411049 2229 84 290 5 7 117 Total........................ 6715 344 430 23 9167650982058 3650 48 1 1 55 38394 2550 10569 3 8697 5490 15636 444 135 19708 TAMA COUNTY. o o'- ~ 10, 00;i;_1 HOGS. SHEEP. 0 - 0 o'0r v.' 0_ M a) o -__ __ _ _ __ _ - 0.0 0 0' 00 0 o s.~-~8 0)*,~ 0~ 0. E~ I.~'4!".0~, ~; 0 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, Cd~~~~ ~~ ~ 50 TOWNS, AND CITIES.,4 C_ 400 4 4 454 4-,,-. Ca.-c IC$ kigam. 612 43 15 2 359 2370 20........ 1079 305....3836 33 92 8018.109.. 590 44 3 2 47532205.2 18 151 3 2052 646 194 1578 1 a rrol... 4 5 1 2 1704 9 71210.....1 i'5 _q a) ~ E.- ~ x.,.. uclk............................ 465 2 348 224735 750 290...... 589 7 13853 18 39 800 7.. 105 C olumbia.............................. 13 216 4447 0 22...........12 U.. Clark~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...........................l6...... 2..... 34 2427029...... 59 7....18 0 6 35 27..... 0 i Crystal...................... 57 2636 38 391 27490 425... 975 62" 12 224...1440 18.... 119 Geneseo................................ 532 291 13..... 410 26080'.572 71......2731..... 5 1751 41 200......... o 100 Grat.281....2.... 229.. 623 25....1437 2 15 1023 93 203 6 1 62 Hlighland................... 432 2 18.... 386 27724.............. 978 147 1 2016 20 1 1845 9............ 143 HHoward.................... 764 7 23.... 526 42155 175.........1205 162....2803............ 2086 238 1410 55 162 C1 Indian Village, exc. of Mon. tour..................... 613 26 29.... 570 34722 150 40 4 1575 278 27 3989 15 58 2037 2132 1882 79 27 190 t4 Lincoln.................... 356 5 37.... 261 15280 522......... 436 3 2 1203 1 2 161 2 8............ 108 W. Montour, town of.......... 96.... 3 18 54 3140 150 1100 2 101 13 - 306........... 215 10 65 1..... 22 Oneida.................... 598 6 46.... 399 25560 400. 696 151 1 2152 4......1360......... I........ 136 Otter Creek............... 731 3 27 2 557 277519 30. 12 1292 260 2 2018 12......1732 122 1041 971...... 168 Perry, exe. of Traer......... 639 2 17.... 487 35808 9300.........1235 339 3 2979 20 10 2611....... Ij....... 129 Richland.................. 53, 325 12.... 496 32.385........... 2 727 35 2 2074 14 47 23-52 40 204...4.. 189 Salt Creek................. 5531... 13.... 517 30250.... 4000 2 1,353 380....2040 3 169 1860 79 325' 401 10 164 Spring Creek.............. 472....28.... 334 31560 1000......... 5:36 56....1062...........1495 400 2708 301 2 152 Tama, exo. of Tama City.... 281 6 7.... 110 5545.... 3709 89 11 693 541 281 384 11 80 3'..... 35 Tama City, town of......... 2438 6 10... 138 5850. 1595...... 128 223 5 295 3 2 831............... 110 Toledo, exe. of town......... 357 6 14.... 335 2224,2......1895 6 761.127 2 2294 91 251 12036 400 1223 86 22 129 Toledo, town of............. 209 41 4 2 114 6618......30780 2 106 51... 47,3 2. 321..................... 90 York..................... 647 2 91 536 26799........... 2 1034 377 1 2079 8 5 1518.............. 238 Total. ~~~~~~~~~~~10419 635 479.... 29 ~8806.i5~74998~ 13195~ 40570~ 43. 18740 ~3654l 64 16379 966 1230 34218 38511 10874. 449- 71, 3092 Z TAYLOR COUNTY. O 0n ~~Be~~~~~~~dford~~~~towno~2 99............... 87 5 10 55......9.............................. 19 Bento, exc. of Bedford......... 425 22 16...... 435 25250 1000......... 1255 284 4 2228....... 62' 3025 279 710 31 22 56 Clayton...503 8 33 378 19636 643 3 20 1558 351 4 4303 37 339 2734 189 822 34 5 125 Dallas..4537 10 19 4 380 2940 300.. 4 859 269 1 2131 17 72 1962 352 1986 16 37 203 Gay....[ 262 3 41 2 274' 11125 40....634 311 1 875 3 12 1203 1691 4317 56 21 67 Grant....248 17 26 232 14295 12 14 840 10 6 1368 2 134 786 13 781.......... 71 Grove....................... 6.... 1...1... 116 3785 89...... 728 31 36 510.................................... 71 Holt.............................. 491 79 16 474 20595...... 2655.................. 1508 130 465.......:. 4 164 Jackson............. 376 1 117 1 308 12134.... 156 411.... 2592 7 81 1277 858`3519 831 7 105 Jefferson.....369 4 86 322 18975... 6 1340 326 2 3454........ 5 1739 155 490 8 3 101 Marshall..1...... 281 5 11. 292 22400..... 661 43...... 1068 2 220 951 1281 250 2131 14 96 Mason.....495 18 38 1 6011 25860 175 40 16 1182 248 1 1989 101 146 3411 671 1286 48 28 168 Nodaway....4351 571 38 11 385 15695! 18... 12501 2061 7 1992 101 376 1730 207 950 7 17 147 Platte........................ 375.2 6417 226 85...... 2 641 220 1412 12......... 1201 15 104 3......... 113 Polk...............555. 1396 199...... 2234......... 8 2381 427 1548 13 39 156 Ross...............437..7.0.412.12.... 984 330 5 1935 32 169 2255 275 1136 38 42 118 Washington.......... 398 5 26 6 312 19443.... 2 896 265 2 2020 23 110 1779 150 1096 1]6 15 1 24 Tota 6463 191 487 15 5850,290953 3534 321 66 15894- 3595 33 33071 191 17801 28507 5550 18787 566 25 1904 UNION COUNTY. ci Afton, town of.......... 123 12.... 140 70-35......1328.......... 309.... 51 1 29 340................. 30 Crete, owton, of. 87.... II 125.....11137..625.......2337....0.....10...130...................757 Dodge..................... 197 10 13.... 194 1225........... 2 471 50...1141...... 261 1050 977 693 2562 Douglas, exc. of Creston..... 266....31.... 263 540............... 277 220.... 893 31 245 737...................... 75 Grant..................... 199 3 13.... 237 6880............... 487 156 23 11.51'10 5 960..................... 56 Highland................. 269 12 20 2 222 123554 125 3650.... 935 98 5 860 15 407 723..................... 75 Jones..................... 458 25 37.... 518 34038 35 2 1325 249 2794........... 1551 351 820 28 7 149 Lincoln'.380 2 10... 273 174-70 947 148....110-3 -7....1133 2.... 941 78 126........... 99 New Hope...262 2 25.... 2441 12800........... 8 949 305 4 1397.. 317..886 53 263 361 2 71 Platte.470, 3 45.... 4981 29618 300...... 4 1396 692 3 3028, 26 39 2783 244 636 16...... 155 Pleasant.~~~~~~~~~311 40 39! 2 480 17603 450'...... 4'740 178....1(052 226. 1060 392 13,53 157 4 111 Sand Creek............... 277 2 21 2 265 8015 90.......... 770 135 19 921 7 13 785 374 151 3 6 75 Spaulding................. 145.. II...... 1 106 4720.............. 249 47... 1149 27 98 592 100 2,500 20 20 42 Union, exc. of Afton........ 436 82 23 6 436 30968........... 16 1441 499 2 1651 161 626 1743 453 1260 106 21 118 Total.......!..........3880 182. 305 12 3987 195251 10382 7498 36 10143 295,5 156 173351 -482 2153 14161 3422 7802 716 60 1193 OD, VAN BUREN COUNTY. ~~~~~~~~~~ ~oos S ~~~ 0,d HOGS. sHEEP. _ _ lY A t S O | O. | I nX.~... 113 15 73 ll..7563.5 8020Q. 744 t..421 9 13... 322 11 69 32 Ui0 12 4l 82.... 11'"64................................. 374............................ -4 52 7 2 232i................ NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, 1 ~ ~6 0 ~... 0 C~~ ~~ 415-41 240 P-8 + 00 0~ ~ 0 0. 4- 4 5 -M. ~ 9 - Bentonsport, town of.. 74 19 2 2 45 5895. 4.......... 11........................ 153 5 20.................. 5 0 Birmningham, town of.......... 133 15............ 73 5635 80200k 744...... 421 9 1 3291......... K........ 2311......... 10.................. 25 M Bonaparte................. 322 11 64... 374 24460'....1422... 415 84... 2494 38 2 1'59 3402 131131 1,18 13~ Cantril, town of............ 29.... 9.... 24............................... 17 115..1........................ 118... 193. Z~ Cedar................................. 704 52 70 12 524. 43071 30............... 1757 453 36 3599 119 197 3483 1816 7878 741 6 Chequest....................... 538 55 46 2 4838 31844 240......... 2 1229 233 1 4897 214 278 1998 2751 8985 264 172 213 Des Moines................... 848 67 36 6 646. 35257 599 22..1539 1013 6 4805 326 27 3341 5122 15434 1279 149 1756 Farin.gton, exe. of town 381 8 54 12 339 16096.. 220 916 131 1341 37 17 1153 2203 10855 346 60 176 Harrisbnrg....................... 653 30 105 3 571 64789 375.....1824 261 4453 28 58 3575 2902 10481:o 211 52 186 Henry.................... 317 8 26... 258 20409 15051 160... 790 88 10 3489 67 8 1651 2037 7360 332' 36 94 Jackson, exc. of CantriL...... 950 48 112 9 915. 54880 8700'....... I....... 27i32 637 2 4042 37 36 4081 579 11629 544 136 2.58 Keosauqua, town of........ 115 10 9 3 65 4810...... 1315.... 14 9.... 22; 4 2 298 56 168 4 16 57 -Lick Creek................ 595 61 14 8 521 307751 60 9120 2 896 143 2 1934 33 3 1927 1910 7005 4251 71 178 Union, exe. of Birmingham. 707 35 66.... 528 372091.....12250....1435 288 6 37 66 6......3477 2167 9519 330 78 157 Van Buren, exo. Keosauqua- 739 80 33 2 589 528401::...... 8-86 4 2064 226 4 50-35 661 221 3368 4959 20134 584 169 194 V'ernon................... 515 18 331... 6181 31615 1708......... 1370 265... 4082 4......2201 1797 7500 341 40 136 Village.623......50....27'....2..502 29652..... 14.... 77731 229 8 3464 25 23 228 1313 461 17 6 4 Washington, exc. of Ben- I I14 3 26 52 tonsport................. _275_ 3 14. 3 5 I52............... 5141 13.... 22-76 1 16 1138 854 3410 168 79 58 Total.................. 8528 570 720 641 732415045621 934171 275741 22 183121 40931 77 505901 1005 888 357161 33873 138264 5821. 13-0 2460 WAPELLO COUNTY. Adams.................. 7961 451 161.. 5791 258551 350......I 101 14711 1261 7[ 4592i 7f- 1451 26731 16941 57301 4611 1591 200 9 Agency, exc. of Agency City 2961 2,1 33 2 2221 12520 300 251......1 6591 871...3! 19231 13! 41 16081 591 26761...411... 01 113 Agency City, town of...... 63 211 61..... 651 50801...... 7771...... 181 9.1 2991 14 2! 72. I. 1 3 115 5 94 101, 9 1044 63 2 155........ 2 081,62 124, 11,5 4 ~~....~~....... ~.................. OO Center, exc. ofOttumwa....... ~o~521......t l~sst 8821 ~2[ 2789 2001 201 33631 613[ 24231 3,u2 1201 420 963, 966 842[73865 750[ 2] 1421/ 401, Columbia, exc. of:Eddyville 95, 283, 2504, 2064] 7634[ 340 202] 152 ~ 5421 51 438[ 20395 Competine.............................. 679[ 32 92 549t40~03..........[ 81211 533{ 4035 185t 531t 3753t 28051 8921[ 429 891 202 LL~ J0ahloneg~............................. 3941 44 3085 269[ 15759 i]11.i!'i!t.... it 3877 56} 601 084...................66 20.......... I.........[ 77...... { 908t 402[.... 3010 871 4051 2120. 741/ 23281 99 28t 99.Eddy ville, town of................. 93/ 19...... 9001 1/............... 69t 3225..... ]~ldon, town of........ 36... 42 1020..:....,......!......... 6581''9 52 494 37045 G~0~n~................!!!!!!!!! 21 ~3~7 541......... I.........'.........!........ i.........f..................I 41.............................. 137[.... 2438] 52 88 1757 1044] 3065i 299 18[ 285 klighlond................................. 727 17 56....7 577] 40258......... 7 1701[ 4101 3911] 125[ 826 4198 538 2894 315 104/ 176 Ke~,kuk.................................. 274[ 5 19 299 15230'...............I 5121.........f...... 17671...........[......... 7391 4571 15421......... 301 80 Ottumwa, cityof................... 261 136 22 "'1'6 166 146901......... "'4'7~'0......[ 23] 601i 2371 11 17 227151.........!.........[ 5891 51 377 Pleasant................................. 776[ 33 159 11 63,~ 298901 205.............[ 1482 2~6[....6 7246l 181 218 45511 225.6 80201 2931 112] 211 Polk........................................ 548[ 71 19 464 226841 402' 15 6[ 8591 1831...... 31=o81 4[ 148 1718! 15~0[ 37021 2381 1261 174 P~ichland............................... 8231 54 44 ~ 638 48078 50 40630......[ 1989 153 5212 42I 55 31471 1820 5443 86 208 201 Washington exc. ofEldon.. 5761 26 56 468 38366 100 357 2[ 1083 154....6 2662] 39]......... 3291.2708] 78731422 417 124 Total................... -;~ 7~74~-75 7073~69~87.222 7s581 ~.-~ i 4-~ ~ 48709 9~1 28~6 59~,~ ~s7~0 ~2~ 40~81............... 1721131o~ WARREN COUNTY. ry~ Allen....................................... 405] 171 331 5i 3051 19682[ 751 6401...... 6081 1461 1][ 3892[ 31 231 2845 1423[ 44891 6891 31 109................................................... Greenfield............................. 8521 5} 40[ 2[ 6631 3959_61 1601....... I......I1695 I 5294] 57[ 6271 4125 1101 3800 Indi~nol~. town of................ 43~ 2661 8 19....,.[ 2051 14820[..........[ 18451...... 79 613[ 33{ 391......... 21 212 [ Ja(.kson.................................. 525[ 3 291......I 507 20878.........[......... 2 17301 441....'6[ 2985] 22 67 2157....69'8["'~8'9[....1-7'i1 "'4i]....~57 Jefferson................................. 6351 2 331 21 836 20359 400......... 11 491 2770...... 3418[ 13891 19791 58 1037 291 158 / 105~......I [................................ Liberty.. 79 671 8 34 11 4721 328111 5001.........I...... 1475 293i 2 3778[ 241 221 3806 639[ 3314 9[ 179 Linn...................................... 803] 10 411...... 8071 406151 367[........ I'.....12410 632[ i 44841 3{ 91 4058 328] 1722 64 611 172 I............750]298~ 210] 791 145 344 521 381 3481 Otter....................................... 268501....... I 10[ 1531 672 11 37......1 359J........................... 22209'........................ 975 2...... 3552[ 123 161 4383 1891 743 441 161 Palmyra.......684[ i 28......[ 215 Richland................................. 603] 3[ 331...... 429 62790i.........] 30 6 584[ 308 4 3717] 281 1561 3454 8811 3945 46[ 130] 108 Squaw.................................... 3011 3 6980] 537[ 9 46[ 2!ii[ 4 1074 96[ 2 5500[ 7 79 2713 1434 3599 106[ 801 133 Union..................................... 416 ~ 131......]:::::::::I,~2~,~! 26!i 3] 1176 3321 2321 51 96i 2433] 454 149~ 7811 840...... I 1281 19951......[ 82661 41 551 24127 793 3890 291 991 124 ~r~,~................................ %~' ~ ~" ~ ~o~l ~.81 ~.~'Xi~61......,~ ~, ~, ~, ~, ~0, ~0~, ~.~ ~7~ ~'.~ ~0 Washingtonex.ol'Indianola 13741 84 110[ 131 White'Breast........ 576[..... [ 25[......[ 302[ 24904'......... 132[ ~ I 150[......] 937 178 61 28571 99l 28[ 2448[ 598 1490 198 White Oak.............................. 10 1270 581 51 231......1408125495'.........[......... 453 3! 3545J 9 184 31091 787 2485'..... __t__l 9iJ......i'i[ 110 __l______ 8529}515910i 5055 14115 35 22470j-7384["-~i"'68i05 670 2046[ 789351 13-'~ 4-'~ 9 —'~ ] —7341 2665 Total.................................. ]0766i 19~t 610 26t -- --—' --...... WASHINGTON COUNTY. Brighton, exc. of town.......... 19 11~] 1 Brighton, town of............. 391 26~! 3439 64] I 2~]....~] 409124653.9701 28011...... 2320} 26] 361 124 0...... 15 401 13161 2187} 5948[ 741 4316 17481...... I...... 3941 1991 201................ 43 O~ WASHINGTON COUNT~. —CoNTINV~I. co ~ H ~4 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HOGS. SHEEP,. C'0~ 0 ~utch Crek....................... 1-1 [ 492....]730 4906 0 A14.t5q (18 33 a)5.........[ TOWNS, AND CITIES. 4-4 ~f[ 120 2d09 33 980 1. -..;-4 0 4. 0 4. C) O' g 00~~~~921422 English t~~~iver........................ -8 0 73[4 42[ 26 73 3825 80 2095 9 49 4]5 8 36 8121 6 3 0 24 Cdr......................................... 0 2342 2 51597 0............... 120 29 1842[ 297 97 80C1 88~54 4 6 Clay......................................... 793 "'A 312.... 745 331558 3250.......9'5... 1442 232 3 3377 5 90 2...54'I 2086 8506 66854 1697 43 Jacksonee.................. 721 91 62....630 400 45.......184 3579 1 4537..... 9 21 33 8 2 4 2 I English River........................ 87 814 26 743 25 0..... 219 50 3 96 16 58 36t 13 89 34 3 3 Iow........................... 793 1 6 74 415 40 95....1151 28 3160 0 12828553197 89 43 27 JameCkson............................... 372902 4 9 6 0 3514 1000....... 1531 47 4 533 4 89 59 47 143 56 0 16 Lim Crek.................... 828[ i0 47~ 73 790 00........... 1315 166 1 3823 i 19 3299[ 698 3190' % 82 225 cj: Marion.................................... 5661 141 32....617 361811 4201 361 16-44 178 4 1892[ 971 93 3060 909 19821 145 40 158 P$ Oregon.................................... 8441 73 103[ 35 83 29...2083 532 13 6851 15[ 401 4717 491 12118 4 8 Seventy-Six........................... 67 16 412 91720......... 82 26071 544 5 4370 111 441 3664 705 27 871 12 29 152 667~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ 26 47[52 490 9 47420 101... 9 Wa~shington, exc. of city...... 107 5 Y 0 10 68 31'434~ 1846 3823 9 Wahigtashin g fto........n,0 1 ci....y171 132f......696.....1.8......!..................9......20 108 523 ]....792 1 1322 1 62914,2 6...... 12 2842 5:38 9 67076..................................] 10 Total................................. 1 -588 23 WAYNE COUNTY. Allerton, town of.................. 658 2i 53["'.(). 421 2160 [20......... 20...... 1735 27~.....2. 203123. ~..... 28 14 Benton........................... 63'4 5 6 59............ 79 3- 10....9'5' 3247....6 14 Cly...........................56..2..... 37.271...............10.49.......7035949207533 469101 722........................... Corydn tono............. 19 6 20" 5 4758 41 4...... 27708 55 5 49 5 Grand River, exe. Linevill 26 3601 211029 1820[...... 25 71-f... i6....... 086128]] 25 0 5 3 4621 6 151 181 631 152 ....................... 18..... ~ 338 8201 67 ~.L 1749 2481 4291 1781[ 1392 2828,..:....I.........[ 83.....'36 ""~ ~03U] 127 1605 ]......... 331 1281 926 3477 188J 46] 143 ov Jackson................................... 17[ 5 2801 1665 1102 221 35[ 998[ 1027 2895 44[ 9I 117 Jefferson.................................. 4~ 24'18341 170..... ~ o~ 502J 38172 100 Linevilte, town of..'................... 80i'"~J ~gdi'~&~f6.... Monroe................................... i~o[..........~'~3t....~;,'& "'i;/i'3....,'ill.....'8~l'"ii~6~l....'7i'd "'~'gg~....'ii'~l'....'&'i/.....'g~ -~ ~ZRichman...... I 10...... 4511 28720.......... 11901 132 2121 591 75[ 17001 300 1380 178J 3/ 111 ~'................................69 / "'19. 3~ "'1'2 [ 1719l 349 Seymour, town of.................. 50[ 1555.,....... 1254,..~ - 40J 297.........[......... I 1941...........................I........./ 33 South Fork.,....... 553' 2966 141 271 36311 373 1114.........I 271 132.................... ~ 451{ 24398..... ~;IZZ.... Union.................................... 14371 475 4868[ 1133[ 2211 32491 8747[ 24371 103{ 43{ 142 70'41 539 62...... 5841 89430..... Walnut, exc, of Seymour..... 37.......'g0'30 1992[ 440 638{ 4961 23565 5809[ 19[ 43[ 4209[ 4691 2001[ 1751 22/ 161 We~rren, exc. of Allerton...... 5421 ~ 161 3 4 527[ 19807 Washington........................... I 451!!0 511...... 145/]]]]]]]]].... ~ 15211 183 1 2157 1001 981 1896 107 505 44 11[ 90 ~ 445[ 22353 12521 403 Wright...... 6751 5 66 5 1352/ 470 ~"i........ ~t~, ~,~1 5~1~1,~1 ~ ~.............................. 5451 34040.... n01 n41 4'~081 ~aj 45~I ~61 601 ~99 ~71 Total.................. — ~['-~ ~J —~' —~402042 55001 2152 ~ 20974:4864 — 5 45077]-20361'~1 5 —~[ 1 —~] 4'-~['-~4[ —~[ WEBSTER COUNTY. Badger.................................... 2~1 345[22275 172[ 2 73~[.........[.......... 5151 22[ 110[ 21....'.... 75 C~ c~y'"'~...~ ~6~ ~651 9 nol.........I......... sol ~1 ~831 ~71 ~ 3~ Colfax...................................... 6~...... 19~[ 5~0.... 1001 21 33[.........{......... 971.........[,................. 5620 200 88 Dayton................................... 867... {......... 822 53950 800 900{ 510 2576 ~ 2......... 2753 3i7 13651 42 22.215 ~j Deer Creek......;....................... 170 ~ 262 14995 2551 45 4711 41 4 88tl 621 2461 401......... 84 I)ouglas................................... 287'"'g 5731 87465 "'82~ 22-51 425 ~'17041' 51 11. 112~I.........I.........{.........!.......... 138 I-~ Elkhorn........... 203 2811 303[ 19 2281 21 1 161 81 851.........I 61....,.... Fort Dodge, city of....., 869 9815 13 375[......... 131.......... I 9 1871.........[.........[..,......{.........[ 64 423 8 P~ Fulton.,.................................. 201] 73....4 17....2'107'50 246.......... 324{.........[......... 1561 23[ 131[ 3[.........I 40 ~owr~ ~'.... ~, ~ ~01 ~0............. I I }Iardin.................................... 257 253 696'0 "'i5~2 490] 30 7851.........[......... 529 *";]~ "'i~69.['"'139]......321.................................................................... ~ I.~92~ Jackson................................... 219....~ 376 22195 738[ 20 608[ 71 9 6631.........[.........[.........[.........[ 93 Johnson... 197 1~....2 340 27543 5101 57 726} 51.11 456[ 271.........I 51 71 110 Lost Grove........................ ~ 182 174 13074....620 2981 28 3551.....,...I 2()1 3921 161 501 71.........I 49 Newark................................... 72 ~'"' o~o ~ (. ~~l ~ ~' ~ ~' ~' ~' TM........., ~1,.................., ~........................................ 11557 770/ 127 1249l 21 163J 9611 8101 6301 201......... Pleasant Valley..................... ~ I 69 163 11 213I 14335{ [ 747[ 393~ 102 337l 5/ 34l 2521Z.......]......... I......... [.........{ 116 Sumner................................... 396 15 892[ 27675 "'i8001 1201 649[ 25 751l.........[ 4[ 933[ 140l 431[ 5l 8[ 137 Wahkonsa, exc. Fort Dodge. 320[ 151101 400[ 44801 6001 54 256l 23i 56[ 167l 141 33[.........l.........I 89 Webster................................... 154 "~'~l 3411...... 309 15......[ 295[ 23980]....100 5341 116 1014[ 6[ 90l 994] 174] 640} 31] 301'114 XZel[......................................... 201 21 21......I 140/ 10625......... 59 572/......'..I.........I 4991 2241 2901 1331 81 40 ~o~,................................. 443[ ~ 7~;-~{~-~:13~6~, ~,; ~-~zl —~l-~l ~-~{-~1;[ —~1-~[~-~ WINNEBAGO COUNTY. 4OGS. SHEEP. _ j 0' r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C004 27 5 0' 7 126 98 16 17 07 120 25 1 ] 0. 0 29 4 64 9 2 ] +~ d 281 89) NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, ~ 10 10. 10.1480 0.... 0o Forest.137. 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9......I1483.. 314 27 50 14 1 16 86 ]7 Norway.133 3..4......278 142,...10. 2 91014 107 404 71 Total 868 28 37~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 149 10012. 3 414226 33 88 43 8 2M 5 41 239 1 Burr Oak.. 569 19 4 39122040 200 12132 20 53 212]' 67 1 5. 64 I5C43 2 2] 9 Canoe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.I. 48....44 87 0..67814417..84592019247 i~~ecorah, exe. of city.. 487~~~C 5740 4 400 2595 150 620 5 7 559 234 8214 3 85 61 02676 19 7 69 Cetranvil.1................... 0 757]..22 053 2371555] ] 50 2167 67 1... 1562..... 10..... 120] 3132 1400 100... 8].... 146 Foremot~..........:......... 4134 22.. 2 3... 90 28304 10.. 3 624 133.... 7064 101 8 820 9 1 1 633 19 19 92 w Glew ood................... 4322 31.. 6 4... 5450 22050 370......... 2 632. 8.... 9725]........... 9261 504 2062 68 31 13 Hesprwy................... 64133 3... 4... 469 3812480.... 1320.. 4 887 872 184 2 966 4......... 9104 953 145 155] 16] 7135 Higleaand................. 4163 42 4862 30101875 640......... 147 4158 149.... 1906...... 8679 1 7135 160] 33] 140 L Tncoln.................. 4948 10 3 2 6482 100912 250..... 1 14 8967 108 2 83 560... 397 2 4 3915 88 9 4] 19 Milomitary................. 7158 49 25 61 78965310 2040 52667 22 13243 3289 41 22618] 2 4. 209,153411 139]2 31] 206 Ourleans.................. 584..4.... 52391 31 280..161328 20 588 2321 1 64 35. 1... 1 595 2657 14218 32] 28] 942 Plaante.................... 470 15.. 2... 152.. 44 293227...... 2. 6570 99. 121 16 65.. 746 8596 3179 1498 85] 1497 spr~.~od.........:..................!......~90~7~8,200,45000 6 ~9 ~,5...... ~....1 7 ~56 7.,8~,80 ~9 ~6 ~Sumner................................... 570........................,1 2 3,7..... ~o,~l 10911 2461.... c.n'W:~shington................j 1845 1344t.............I 628i...... 7981 689271 900......... t 6.,...... ] 484[ El 1505t 88 271 161 ~ot~................................. {20 1 ~-~l ~o ~1-; ~-7~-~ ~-~.-~;;-~1 ~ ~,~J.~o~ —;;; ~ ~o~ ~, ~o ~,.~.~ WOODBURY COUN'rY. Arlington 47 6 81251.........t............ 4 t561 21 T 141t......!16 11055..........I,.-...... 4{ 1971 211;i~111 326 I......... 207....................................... 74 Concora.................................. 1 1..............;;~2 Grant..............]]]]]']][~]]]]]~]]~]]]...... "'"6 103051.........I......... 20[ 6401 100... I 569 278t 2 6{ 381 695{ 1501 4301 431 71 89 Kedron................................. 1671 2 5 1 8380{ 800............ 10[ 359 42'6{ 570 2{ 47{ 296{ 8281............I.,..1... { 64 Lakeport................................ I l l................................ 162{....... 4 2174{.........[......... 89{ 726{ 116{ 1[ 7731!2{ 9 8251 211 50[.....8{.]..]].]] I 47 Liberty.,................................. 8251.... 21'~ 18050......:..,..[......... 4[ 11481 419[......[ 6041 84 6 1437 103 8001 501 3[ 79 Liston..................................... ~l 96i [ 7] 4817...........l........... I01 88 4...... 221[ 7,........, 88,.........[.......:..........J........., 86 Little Sioux.......................... 19] 889[ 1090 84 190 29 18l 119 8951 12 41 1175] 100...............,.{ 93{.........[......[ 105[........,......... 68[.,.................................... 13 I Rutland................................. 2735..........I......... 44f i]]:]] } ii]~i][ [ 4[ 911.........!......[ 170.........i 4[ 1411 1601..........[.........I......'..[ 26 l~ioux City, exc. of city.........' 22 11 854c...........186721 801 211 21r...... 861 2.5 4 131 281..................[.........I 61 1831'"1'31 Bioux City, city of................. 12 296] 23 87~..........] 700[ 3f 87J.........! 2[ 42 1[.........[ 131............[......:.....[.........I...........[ 206 UT~ion......................................228..........,....... 686......................................... 97 West Fork.............................. 19 1585C.....,.., 20, 30, 817, 20,....., 1088[ 149 1 23 771 298 701.................. I........./'~l 176 ~ ~001.........1~ ~, ~, ~, ~0,..................... 1566~ 275t....... ~~1.! Woif Creelr........,.I 141 2131 19l...:.. 9531.......................I 5'd81.........{..................{........./ 75 4741 Woodbury..................... 252!...... I.......... 1!12416[ 51196 74 162[ 610 65[.........................../ 49 12~a~ 102821 2515o[ To~l................................. 121 -~ -~ ~ ~-~:~-~ 1-~~~;~ 726;~-~-~-~1 —;; —~1~-~;[-~;'-~[ —~]~2~9. ~ WORTH COUNTY. Bristol................................... 2991...... Brookl~eld.................... 1691 5 421.... 4581328701...... ]i 2()1..... 286t.........l......... 2741 1761 6221 181 61 102...........&~ 73 609I 1781 21 806].23580[ 100......... 521 14611 941 II 1571.........I......... 2011 142[ 448[ 441 81 73 124...... 4[ 2871 28...... 1381 1] 1 114[ 121 1261 50.........[ 46 D~vme............. 1.20} 118701 Deer Creek.........~i~5:?,Zi:ll;~Z 2131...... 4....... 1641 18050) 221 254/ 581......} 1081.........]........: 1181 69[ 1631 3[ 21 82 Fertile.................................... 1431 42 ]~]]]] 834 76[ 216491'"90561"'i826 741 509 721.... I 2611 31......... 1821 1231 296 * 191 61 66 Hartland................................. 4. 2481...... 4941 869001 88] 871 1271......[ 466.................. 2591 2811 9551 801 16[ 93:Kense, t......,............................ 16~.... 6 ].]]]:....8-~6 Sl 828 21 132 7 43............................ 55 189] 118~I....;]9'9 561 808 1271....2 5281.........'......2 70]......... ~orthwood............. 3401....1'~1 490 321.........[121 l............... 442....... 4791 86530} Silver Lake............................ 10t...... 180t...... 29-2 209321 256!......... 16l ~51 521 441 II 881..................[ 1731 2161 7351 841 3Ot 64 IJnlon..,.................................. 334 273......'"'3 ~2~[ 208 17745{ 20......... [ 39}......[ 6601 2 2.627[ 9761 757) 23t 9~ 72 ] I~ WRIGHT COUNTY. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~a- HOGS. SHEEP. 4-3 0 t4u 3 3 n3 4_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ &a o 0 3,. 4 05);4'3) 5) - 5) ~~~~oo 3 ~~~~ bl)3.... -~~~~~~o U' ~~-~3 ~*.~~ ~ O5)fr~'-~~ - ~.8o 3 5)0'.3 3'330U 1-4 0 13' bi 0 PA~~~30' TOWNS, AND CITIES. 4. - - 0 4 40. 4Q —" - 3 bi0 z: Belmond. I h..- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~, ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 - do Bemod....................[2311 4l18 276.2356 I 28[ 4451 53l1 295[ 25l 5l40. 6 Boone.... I ~~~~881 11] 6 916125 14701......12l1231......109. 115..73150..1.4.32 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1-145 II3 1 01 -2.o-4.- Clarion..................................117 6. 110 7000 55... 4 186 151 404.. 6 243[....52:Eagle Grove.. 150............ 5 6 207 12975110.141 7521 331 542t 35 102 23l 7..63........ a I 150 63 z zz z Belowa................................. 23 4 8...... 762502 4485 53 1 295 2512148......... 6 Iowa............................... 206 5 12.. 2,2 23250.... 41 3591 52 [ 467 13 14 485 67 212.57 Liberty...................... 204 12 2. 209 9025.... 2 417 73 1 400 10 134 325 68 228......... 11 58 [ Pleasant.................................. 185 2... 12870......... 110 6 339 95 283.........440..57 Troy........................................ 2 20 18 19 318 292-30............. 32 714 254... 757 67 8 1073 70 285..........82 Vernon........................ 158l 7 6 183 16100 2860......... 8 357 31 1 392 1771 206 353 62 208 18 53 Wail~~~~~~~~~~~~ake~~{.... 155{ 2..2..184.....222[..7.35.....55 ~: Wall-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~r Lak............... 5... 14.. 2....... 275.................. 3o59................................ 55 Woolstock..173 4 1781~~~~~~~~~~ 89051..........I12 464. 2 57. I 0.....59.. W oolstock............................. 173............ 1781 1'2. 464......... 1 35711.................305..................,..................... Total..................................1887 66 81...... 2192 149040 281 3 475- 4415 340- 1083 191 15 636 0 ~1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. STATSTCS OF BEES, AND VALUES OF PRODUCTS, IN 1874 ADAIR COUNTY. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ ~ ~ ~~~4- _ -__ _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ - _ - ) Q TOWNSHIPS, W ~0 i X 1: * Q o X., Oc.X + S0 - a; i n t: 0 0 0 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, PA D 0 0 TOWNS, AND CITIE~S. 4- 4. 4 0...............................................$ 18177 $ 336 $...... $ xwlof...................... 7102 91561 16..... 15 o.........174 3s405 324 1......... 1 2W 54............................42248 4 14 45.....................................24422.............. 42.............................3...... 100 0 3 0 0 50 063 5 00 C0 CU 0;o o4 0a0 S PS )~ 0-., 4. i;-4 -4;4aa) - - Eureka...................................... 1817745240 40......... 33452 Fontanelle, town of..7102 915 61 156 150........... Grand River.245~':: i ~~ 83405...... 324 419 12548 1826..... Greenfield...................... 424.105 54..........29714.Grove.................. 24422..A4142 1947. Harrison................. 44 660 66178 231 791 1..08 17418 662 100 Jackson.................. 40 850 36895 100 10 30 17063........ 1850 Jefferson................ 4......145240 40............ 33452 8002 2371 Lincoln...........................161205 1227...... 7 29718 2803..... Orient...............49177................. 29416 1045..... Prussia...............12170.2304 658..... Richland..................2 230E 60960 54. 17 11740 3063..... Sumnmerset, exc. of Fonta nelle............................ 30190 1148 5 89..... 50. Summit.......................... 7925...............14...... Union.................... 1 86 32835 758 82 25 6181 8958..... Wanut.......................... 29228. —.................. 1513. Washington 72............912 71314 1891 264 195 38679 3562 42 Total................. 208 2483 ~828171 6700 1537 1001 222062 24916 9241 ADAMS COUNTY. C arl.............................. 449417..... 79 18 8064 3041 2471 Colony................... 7 10 36010...... 95 210 11387 2270..... Corning, town of..................~!6"F Douglas.................. 49 1075 69977 698 26 650 303 326 51 Grant.......................58298................ 9861 2029..... Jasper 49..........515~.....~ 57682 40 12 108. 15593 8466 1215 LiclnCOD................. 6 20 70051 1780...... 10 14735 3610..... Mercer............................. 49569................ 18745 1780..... Nodaway................ 61 907 82032 116 952 882 19092 5809 1074 Prescott................. 7 90 41391 988 354 32 13864 3903 2267 Quincy, exe. of town...... 42 170 744041 27 70 46 13641 2070 2996 Quincy, town of.......... 2...... 187................................ Union..............:..... j...... 56893 185........... 22359 1885 750 Washington.51.......... 534 53877 20 920 275 13819 2579 125 Total.................. 274, 3321 I 6953~18 8854 2508 1731 193186 85668 16611 ALLAMAKEE COUNTY. Center......................1012781 577 389... 501 138521....... Fairvi ew........................ 233831........I..... 55731....... Franklin............. 531 805 497281 18081 755.... 149411 5591 3990 French Creek............................ 674201 351 224.... 58171 21615..... 310 CENSUS RETRNS. [No 10. ALLAMAKEE COUNTY-CONTINED TAMFES OF TOWNSHIPS, *;; TowNs, ANI) CITIrS. u A go o~ > H}anover............................. $ 47616 Iowa.. 0~~~~~~~ 1....... 27725. Jefferson.......................... 16[ 300 998 5 La F~ayette........................ 4[3 150) 111283 Lansing, exc. of city........... 20 30 78228 Lansing, city of........................,....[..........:inton................. 5 10 "4 571 Ljuelow..........................[ 11....... 1600O)2. Makee, exe. of Va~ukonl.....I.........t.....*........... 95840. Paint Creek..................... 1. 127856 Post, ext. of Postville.........I.... 261 335 103408 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPSlle, town of................. Taylor.... fi 65.........['........... UiTOWNSAN City.........IES..- 201 225 5848 Union Pirie................... 80145. aterloo.............................4.....'WVaukon, town of................. 0;, ~~~~~~~~0 5, - ITowt~a.Il 27~...... 1961 709 145 Jefferson...16 300 85 490 46 60 28093 7739 7530 La Fayette............... 43 150 111283 25 295 77 4695 2518 4114 Lansing, exc. of city....... 20 30 78228 90 317 45 18497 16 3398 Lansing, city Of.......................I................... Linton.................. 5 100 45718 18 484 25 8837.... 2563 136 Ludlow.1.....................160902.................. 5628 18-3 Makee, exc. of XWaukon............... 95840..... 25......... 4549..... Paint Creek.............. 1......127856 2 147 129 19,5001 3414 1105 Post, exo. of Postville...... 26. 335 103408 2377 7951 207 30976f 5934 7084 -Postville, town of............................................... 2269. Taylor................... 6 5 461951................ 11554....... Union City....20 225 58480............... 23070. Union Prairie................ 80145................ 26041... Waterloo............................................. 86279 1782 27. 15736. Waukon, town of......................... 1300.... Total................. 192 1956 1415769 7230, 4113 5931 247446 45095 29240 APPANOOSE COUNTY. Bellair.:................. 124 740 105831 472 1311 954 65213j 6928..... Caldwell................. 197 1864 92067 2703 3145 942 22360 10416' 253 Center, exc. of Centerville 163 936 65202 742 989 1216 40537 5032 3194 Centerville, town of........ 26........... 50 135 2.50 6900........... Chari ton................. 141 361 102.554 261 613 450 44963 762 3678 Douglas...........101 309 53827 997 777 291 2,3056.3933 3598 Franklin..........134 721 1086,55 18-51 2635 1578 69280 6237 2771 Independence............ 244. 1475 107883 453 731 155 42t43 4,678..... Johns................... 152 977 198053 811 895 742 96674 14215..... Lincoln.................. 97.807 97086 1036 1188 415 47911 24,54. 60 Moulton, town of......... 6 49 6261 9951 31 1331 3280 944..... Pleasant................. 221 1403 828661 8761 22-54 8581 43-7.21 5558 4142 Taylor................... 267 62,5 -86264 2184 1426 600 33015 8865 3370 Sharon.................. 143 626 577 26 1058 758 260 23941 3426 48613 Uclell.................... 127 591 79769 3628 2124 1378 236371 69.53 4222 Union................... 103 306 37 869 936 389 128 152641 3371 7556 Walnut..~................. 140 258 86900 3045 787 345 39895 7235 1086 Washington, exc. of town of Moulton............. 207 1481 156530 354 2639 927 42476 8306 4881 Wells................... 179 142.0 922229 60 1607 485 28363 6118 7676 Total...........~... 2772 14949 1611937 22512 24434 12-107. 712629 112297 53745 AUDUBON COUNTY. Audubon.............. 3...... 21439. 69 5....... 1425..... Douglas......................... 5087........... 1052 10..... Exir................... 29 508J 56182 56 60 53 36559 4581.59 Greeley..................3183...........................I...... Hamlin.18............... 158. i 27094 828 110 581 15503 2685 1581 Leroy................... 4 25 9417................ 18801 60..... Melville........................... 6190........ 17701 2211'.... Oakfield................. 67 735 33935 1386. 1.. 115 240 7854.30 Viola.................... 3...... 216501..........I...... 3240 1539..... Total.............. 124 1426 184153! 2270 1067! 1831 60244j 17775 2476 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. BENTON COUNTY. NAME; oF Tow MsHIPs, ~-~ T OWNS, ASND CITIES. Belle Prairie town of...........I.................................. Benton.......................,... 169 1410 52280 Big Grove.................... 12...... 164473: Blairstown, town of.............].................................... B r u c e................................ 3.w........I 189862i kCanton, exc. of Shellsburg../.......... 351 140[ 102035| Oeda r................................ 113; 11351 201165 Eden............................... 10j 4 169551i E Ioldorado............................... 20 168790 Floren ce................................/ 441......... 188j 162234 Fremont............................ 111 100i 1807011 Hiarrison............................. 4271 482021! f-Iomer................................... 511................... C.. q548 Iowa, exc of Belle Pla~ine I 59 822i.. 112886} Jackson..........................[] 481 203[... 141878i NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS,....................................................' 94900 TeroyWNS, ADexcTIE. of Blairstown... 0.........0 16784 Monroe................................. 0I 5.....;' "'''1 2 IK43 18 1 4 P. 0.;_0 4- 4-5c4 i~~~enton.169 1410 52280 497~~~~~~~~~~~~ 118 50 1197 596 1160 Big Grove.12..164473..1115..50970 8359ja Cd 730 Blairstown, town o............................. 100. Bruce.3..............::... 189862 13 1428 1261 29581 8863 75 Canton, exc. of Shellsburg. 351 140 1020351 300 638 87 55530 9157 6223 Cedar.................... 113, 1135, 201165...... 570 538 56051 13721 6164 Eden.................... 10 4 1695511 46 440 318 36376 9276..... Eldorado................. 13 *.20 168790..... 334 323 24316 7098..... Florence................. 44 188 162234...... 535...... 56882 12064!..... Fremnont................. 11 100. 1897911 60 7001 190'36345 6178.... Harrison................. 51 4271 48202' 40 5081 5 26607 4379i 4380 Romer.............................151485. I.............. 211.27 4067...... Iowa, exc of Belle Plaine.. 59 821 112886~ 1001 584...... 41684 53941 2789 Jackson.................. 48 203 141878, 13,2' 680 311 42429 50371..... Kane.....94900................15842........... Leroy, ex.'fO'irto n 0 167834...... 1466 538 27815 6635! 6560 Monroe.............................113491...... 65 175 17888 7137 70 Polk..................... 123 4318, 1450011 7474 891 1188 40647 11315 10907 St. Clai r.........7 150' 148668..1747 375 38900 5554 Shellsburg, town of..........I............. 10....... Taylor, exe. of Vinton...... 95'..7401 75452! 50 129.5 57 20015 6527..... Union........................ I. 65017....27389 2857...... Vinton, town of.......... 93J 600....... i2500....... 2000. Total 896195472664995 ~~~~~~~~11212, 14181 6526~ 6783791 141583 39738 BLACK HAWK COUNTY. Barclay.................. 16 260 115214........ 17416 897 50 Bennington.~.......... 9 42 1372671 172 83 44, 201396 7654 85 Big Creek, exc. of La Porte. 220 1565 100425!...... 451 75 324,54 3695 80 Black Hawk.............. 26 185 150385 1015 1088 540.22389 11470 1550 Cedar.................... 56 360 99430 231 326. 82 20106 7004 2635 C,-dar Falls, exc. ofct.... 61 651) 176726 439 422 2600 37937 7467 3580 Cedar Falls, city of......... 88 615 2165. 135 997 3201 66400 7378 390 Eagle..............................121625................ 25110 6775..... East Waterloo, exc. of Waterloo................... 11 50 103269 437 702 816 29153 12615 1250 Fox...................... 24 360 108615 697 123 212 27001 7740 1693 La Porte City, town of..... 1,......................y~ 20 980..... Lester.................... 691 225 84264...... 509 12 3067 9492..... Lincoln.............................. 129607...... 106 138 27670 6407 165 Mt. Vernon......................I.......... 1096-73...... 95 201 23974 6075 3685 Orange........................... 65! 443 158649. 14381 969 390 37996 13462..... Poyner. 311 83 125-592 24 755 115 29318 7903 5335 Spring Cek1101 825 6458..... 679 4 15129 4553 1440 Union.................... 22 300 22400................. 2600 1691 2775 Washington.............. 49 95 40716...... 249 30 194 6479 4715 Waterloo, exc. of city...... 33 290 48144' 445 293 1283 15504 7557 9202 Waterloo, city of.......... 20........................................ -.... Total................. 911, 6348, 18984241 5033 7352, 9682, 466324, 137294, 39400 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. BOONE COUNTY................~,.... 0 Id5-.:...'OW~~iSIIIPS, 2 a- > X; o ri2 Ca 0 0 ~~0 0'D PITIS 5(12 O.~1 C -= +1 O S 0 S NAMESOF TOWNSHIPS, d l~7 c TOWNS, AND CITIES... 0 _.........................................~.~............ $577$37$............ $... $139..................::::........................""~ 6060,....;, "T................. 03 4-4 0 r, P4, 5, 5 A....................... I.............................. 0. 05 OcZ 0 0. 0 69 840 57996........ 4 Amaqua............54777 347 $........ $........ 15369. 98841...7 Bxc of Boone.....~ ~ Beaver................... 25060.1030 1635. ore..........78. 3301 974351 2817 1612[ 19943 97 Boone, city of........................... 96 888 116176 20 468 446 53802 Boonsboro, town of........................2......... 46604 99 508 2191 Cass.......................... 69 840 57996.....254 20 235588761 1 79 4 28901 Colfax..................4578...............................2...... 195733 615......... Des Moines, exc. of Boone and Boonsboro.................. 78 30 97435 2817 1612 1994 39476 12842 1868 Dodge -.................................. 96 888 116176 20 468 446 53802 5647 5222 Douglas............... 642.. 46604....959 508 21912 3750 6585 Garden..................................... 581........ 179 154 28908 6052 2155 ~Grant...................................... 8...............4 Harrison................................ 21. 38237......... 5..... 74930..2 Jackson..................................... 94078.......,...: 883......... Marcy......................................13....... 66 4.........'' 35 4614' Peoples................................... 55 105 71629 28 135 30 23450 7790 1685 Pilot Mound....................... 4 80 45599. 1251 25 9845 2147 Union............................................... 33777.. 225 200 22694 6810 Worth.................... 711 598 887271...... 14081 473 45782 5067 11003 Yell.................................... 74 540 76476 84 122 299 22232 7569 11430 Total................................. 1295 4152 1018453 3633 6863 6903 462260 82512 45314 BREMER COUNTY. Dayton...................42846.......... 7342 5926..... Douglas.................3..... 86,324 38.....15015 -8485 2338 Franklin................. 9 211 108999................. 6965 8606 5212 Frederika................ 52 650 252-54..... 101..... 8974 4.588 1494 Fremont.................. 22 57 94190 29...... 15 38545 13494 326 Jackson.................. 123 955 698871 55 2871 276 31507 8070,5248 J effe rson................. 80 1145 598-36 13-36 5701 229 17582' 10158 6406 Lafayette................ 60 760 104253 2605 180 213 28212 7403 6405 Leroy................... 7...... 48586.... 6::... 6673.........EL Maxfield................. 23 450 91371 480 7..... 27910 7248 56 Polk.23............::..... 5341 109075...1001 496...631 30154 7694 9568 Sumner........................... 97900... 143........... 2678 9633 Warren.................. 43 750 107664...... 130...... 30172 12130 1071 Washington, exc. Waverly 23 237 84250 2750 555 922 20359 10347 9250 Waverly, city of.......... 30 420 14185 200 6 735 20770 6105..... Total................... 498 6169 1144620 5155 2494 24531 290180' 112632 62813 BUCHANAN COUNTY. Buffalo.................. 68 20 194641 50 168 78 29648 9171'1790 Byron................... 59 205 115467 1340 697 370 27774 1743 220 Cono..................... 8 40 245809...... 184...... 14202 7316..... Fairbank................ 52 200 98401..... 25..20392 5672 250 Fremont................. 8 50 92502...... 243 23 16720 12636..... Hazleton................. 50 301 87711 27 5 3 20714 7517 30 Homer............................. 120293..... 134............. 6338 4528 Independence, city of...................................................... Jefferson................. 91 1010 128700...... 635 15 4030 7640 2310 Liberty.................. 37 210 878634...... 513 131 25965 5375 2135 Madison.................. 33 190 90606 20 493 610.13758 16468..... Middleton................ 5 25 1052351 200 326 646 22675 9889..... CENSUS RETURNS. 313 BUCHANAN COUNTY.-CONTINUED. N S TOWNSHIPS, " ~ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ _ _ _... ~ Newton.......57 321 $ 111141 $1205$ 750,$ 197$ 36328 2......rry............. 231 81708 245 544 120 59238 Sn............................ 2 41763 2~6~ Washington, e Of Inde- I pe........... n37 58 121948 221 404 25 44006 Wsur......................... -......... -101400. 345..23516 7 0 10~ ~~~~~~~~~5 4400...... Toa...............600 2861 2615949 3308 5678 2218.36.5027 193 79 4Q4BUENA VISTA COUNTY......................................... 18830 392................. 2919 BrookeS....................5609......... 972 Cn......... 1 804. Elk.~...3.....41698131... Far.l....6..... 603 721.. Grn.............................20) 5815......... 267 Linco.....24 70390'7 Nokomis.. 1..33319..25~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C 0 0 0 1 46. Scwott...................6 7 31 8 114 20. 5 9 6290$ 83658.62 WstormgLak, exc of ton.. 247e9. 3 73 05 StornLae, t....wn......of.... 13 8 12986 21504 2.440.9625-5 Trotal.3................ 0 206 2078289 3384 568 321 206950 101009 14607 BUTLERIST COUNTY. Barbine.....................92 770... 65750..40..1529'9 6932785 Beunezett.1 150~~~::::.:: 316382............. 3197 2091...1147 Coifld Water.8.60702..... 45.....165... 9635 47621 880... Dayton8 133 8117 20.... 2. 30.16133 2515.3399 Fremnt.7...40..102....5..17.57....1490247 3690273 Jackson.............................776. 011260 75.......... 27 4009. Monroe.54 632 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~76992 30. 10099.8070. Piottsfr.60...........880......... 568041 15.... 95.... 80.... 1280 3426 6110... Shell Rockex.15 on........1..... 236463 129 395... 52 27091 101)7 4104... Wtrashingtown.o...... 10 166... 869133....378... 6 5.... 10784.... 3450 158... Wesnzet Point............. 1..15 1632................. 31277 2766 1424 Treontal.398............... 4255 1020785 1515272 699....1492459 87980 45519 40k o........................... 7 6.... 0..... 116 40.... 314 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. CALHOUN COUNTY. 0 ~ ~~~ 7 Ca 0 0 0 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS,. e TOWN1S, AND CITIES.& 0 0 0 P 0. Butler................................................... $ 115:]8 $...... $.,..... $...... { 118415 1147 $...... Calhoun.............................................. 39404[........................... 9209 ]............[......... Center.............................................. 74671................... 7151 419[......... G reenfield............................. 11898[................... 7261..................... Jackson.............'.................. 43 70 9 70.....'4......7... 154071 2490]......... LinclnD~. 0 O' o........ 10125 2834......... Lincoln.......~ ~11~1.........I2531-30 -.......... Sherman249........................~ 1.........;i 336...... W li m......................................... 81 7............................... 1 0..... Total.................................. 43-37 2163,...-......- ~ 1-... —...... 76 16.... CARROLL COUNTY. Xrcad-ia............ 305................................... 421 8 2071..............I 4 7 2 0 Carroll, _ exz o to w....... 1 2_ 9 _ _ Carrollhoun c.3of.......'129404.9......................... 20779..................... Carroll, town of........................ E:den...........................................'..... 26'59'1................... 2'876..................... Glidden................... 26000.200 98.7.10 2000 6..3 625 Grant c... 25350.........1.................. 1 2335..................... Jasper.................................... 27174.... 7886. Kniest......... 90621 711619 602......... N e tn.................................'......3...... 1 0 9 2 1.] 6 6 "' 6 3eotoal.43 30 29216.........366......... 3656..115......2'9'43 i 1i ahla nd~ a iie.................. 497................ 309 24 70 R ich lan....................................'.................................. ~heridan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......................... 6..... 418i/.......85...............9 U nion......... 20.... 120..4 10 1620 970 295 n6............................. Wheatland............................ 35185. 10........ Pleasant ValleyI... 408....309.94.0 Total................................ 3 0 51365 1266 5701 14/ —-Z70 12034 12483 CASS COUNTY. Atlantic, exc. of town......................141382..... 50 4 67 7023 Atlantic, town of..................' I......... 10900............................ Bear Grove................................22820.....5..... 2 40;617 1400...... Benton................................ 28.....i5' 53517....13 162[ 28 25227[ 1392'"23~ Brighton...810... 28936 3350 2675 Cass....................................... 4516 11386....809...5 52122[ 3933'1206 Union... 1813~~5 401162 9708 295 Edn a...................................... 12 345 55525 1192 5..1.............. 0937 1535 2675 Franklin.......................................... 04390............... 168351 3932 3669 G a t............................... 1' 1 33 5 1........ 46 1568..... Aleant.. 25 4 4 700.....1 oar................................220 34060 1140 9 Benton~ ~ ~~~~~~.. 28 15431 316 82271924233 Bighton.. 12 1046 110... 3 660 350 2 675 Vicass..................4.........5 4225 66 805122 9 12 0 Ednabl..12...................... 345 1... 61937 315 267 Frasnint..................16835 3923 osan.................................. 11 32 10 4184 5 10 1 40696 156 Pymosa.. 35 ~~~57'5 161143 1660 113] 277 40047 4600 "1197 Union..2................. 60] 40726...........j.... 6777 22391 671 Victoria............... 4225......1266 126712118 Washington.............I 15.20 143764.61966315 Total~~~.11323 1249 357 163102 6923551 87 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 315 CEDAR COUNTY. 0 N 0 +4 + - + 0 4i~~~~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~~3 - 0 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, W 0 0 TOWNS, AND CITIES. d 0. 2 2. 0 03 1 P4 w 4. Clarence,~~~C to w o f..... c 0 0)4 0 0. o0 o 00 d ~ -, 0.o ~~~~~~~~~~:4 d 0 C d c~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~n ~ 4 0 Cl C I C Cl40 ) 4'.. Cass..................... 33 95$ 101840 $ 1690 1044 $2991$ 31596 $ 4899 $ 3655 Center, exc. of Tipton.......... 94 235 240589 110 4330 1447 171753 10591 14367 Clarence, town of.. Dayon.ecofClrece 8.... 1885 150....393 329....70196.''11584........ Durant, town of.............. 10 50.......... 35 10 216............ Fairfield............................. 0 455 218782 142 497 943 84270 8792. Farminirgton, exe. of Durant 27 8 221389 1950 27151 477' 939271 6747 1275 Fremont...............30 370 179632 400 165' 170 96796... Gower................................. 35 187 139095 20 29401 572' 46871 8780 Inland................................... 44 725 128794 144 245' 260 31632 492 1625 Iowa..................................... 74 470 224010 95 2421 1070 69290 135251 5792 Linn....................................... 45 150 78205 51 258' 570 43665 3398 Louden, town of.................. 4 100 1970 391. 97. Massillon........6.......8 500 155928 5 441 779 56231 29081., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1}.i..................................................... Mechanicsville, town of.... 11......I.... Pioneer, exc. of Mechanicsville................. 2.5 45 129182 159 380 866 50990 8634 7657 Red Oak................................. 36 315 98723 939 688 689 51090 6999 4944 Rochester.............................. 21 200 647921........................... 24047........... 5242 Springdale.......................... 68 872 176255 237 3117 2302 59684 20662 4370 Springfield, exc. of Louden.j 72 491 161672 502 653 567 46329 8205 4341 Sugar Creek.......................... 5 100 83406 134 762] 656, 15295 4362 3538 Tipton, town of.................... 3.1780.2622......... Total................................. 783 5418. 2606149. 7154 21059.14089. 1043962 149373. 67778 CERRO GORDO COUNTY. Clear Lake, exc. of town... 272911 65. 18 47...... 4189 5205 Clear Lake, town of5... Daugherty........................... 27 24820..................................... 253......... Falls.......................................93519......... 66......... 10582 5116 2397 Geneseo...... 48713 99...6159 1848 4050 Grant.......................31 245 13790 155......... 5 1046 1276 136 Lake~~~~~~""....................... [ 1......'. 2133i 30 68.....'... Lake~~~~~~ill.~~1] 29133[..........].... 380] 6385. Lime Creek.......................... 50 290 73696 771 14 65 8515 2011 3603 Lincoln............................. 60411 26................ 9725............ 1541 Mason, exc. of Mason City 12 142 101266...... 114371 5430 1820 Mason City, town o......... Owen........................................................ ii~3i'..'.............47331..475 Portland............ 10 125 71647 60... 6146 1630 178 a Total 1.4........... 829 591617 1766 153 117 59288 31613 19350 CHEROKEE COUNTY. Afton.................................... 59858 17 65 1407 9396 12 Anhurst................................10801 121.. 653 560......... Cedar.................................................... 17425......... Cherokee, ex. of town... 43774........................... 7830 2592 Cheroee, towntl................................. 5410 -'- 59288 12271 DiAmond............................................ 149 67....67.... 20 351......... Liberty......................................... 10 801 1. I.......... 24Sf 90. Marcus......................................0205............................. Pilot............... 21 5 51190 103.................9502 2276 925 Pitcher....................... 47550........................... 4777........ Sheridan.......................,........... 5..0 50................... 206.. 1..7. 82. CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10 CHEROKEE COUNTY.-CONTINUED. I~AE FTOWYSHEIPS, 0 +S 0 j 0ows~.,.......................................... $ 257765,$ 151$.... $.....$ 1931..................................................!!............ @................................................. [ 2.5441.......... 5341...~~~~~~~~r;- 42 54. 309 36... 52949 0 06 CHICKASAW COUNTY. of Nfashua..... 133 2640...91557[ 210 2()0 216071...................................25456i................... 2957.....~~~................. 1125.92360i 2.....79(... NhE i.OF 3..'37 68570 110 490 TOWN, AD CIIES 4) 4'o,.n 0 0 0 0~ 0,0 r. P -;_; 0 Sliv.......... 47 55 8979' 15. 33 1807 29 Srofg.5475....... 500 Tilden.215town- 5 40 32781....1790 675. CHICKASAW ~~~~~COUNTY. e'4 Bvradod exc... 133..2640 91755 210....$. 200... 216093 84 102 54.... Daytong.254756...................2957....... 5517 Dresden.213........58839.10 4. 3.. 13438.5125 815.... JaTonvle.................4 5 5 8509791 1 3 36.....182070 2312 277. Newfrd Haptnex o faha... town 3 240 315781 71.....2049 26030 6846.1570 Utedica.u........... 30 5 13217. 1 1 23 96 29029 6164 14. Wacshigonvle.............47 10 892701 1 3......... 14674 35667 40.... Doye, eampone. of Hoe 45 195 3569381 29.... 550 49 468975 68231 16224 Grencay.62................... 3 651 943497 19.... 937 215 190299 3232 4375... Hopevillegtown of..2........... 4 165 8270490.... 16..... 146715 447.4 Jakoylnx.3o oeil... 5 175 572048 293 612 227 421975 5230786.24 LibertBy.57.............. 6 6516 842867 19248 687 4754 414279 3132 4750 Madison................. 36 240 63902........... 70 158011, 1871 5734 Osceola, exc. of town...... 29 210 48200 12, 476 242 201102' 305.4 1163 Osceola, town of. 27 130 35180 484 11183 1295 4872 4458 735 Troy............... 6......308513................. 31817 408..... Ward.~~~~~'::42 179 70233 953 325 198 34086 3371 2715 Washington.............. 33 93 61441 155 1576 25 25491 2731 115 Total................. 5501 4086, 7054987 5270 10455 6062 964896 8694541195414 CLAY COUNTY. Bridgewater........................ 15665 34......2075' 2590..... Clay.............................. 39950...... 770.. 475 1L~ouglas........................... 12490....... 28461... 2.531i 3868 Gillett's Grove..........1,3757................ 2159 769 3738 Herdland.~~~~:............. 6756 758...... 1373 424 270 Lincoln........................................................ ~1875.1 CENSUS RETURNS. 7 CLAY COUNTY.-CONTINUED. NAMES.OTOWNSHIPS, 3; 0~~~~~. TWSAD CITIES.4w | 0 0 ~ o CD 0 S - 5 o oS3a) A d Q3 *-...........................................15 1778015......15......I...... 3720'...................................................................................................... Su m m it................................................... i6'-5 2.......... ~ ~~ _.._ a........................................... 12 313 10 15157 CLAYTON COUNTY. Boardman............................................ 135219 129 1335......... 6365 Buena Vista........................................... 8275......... 4 3 20. ~~Cass............................ 3......... 63688 165 798 113 32178 Clayton......................... 3 320 62248 615 1189 410 14767 4276 4410 Cox Creek......................................... 66456 98 220 70 23153 2836 3076 Elk............................... 29 665 49830 2132 1461 101 15666 6278 11092 Farmersburg....................... 4......... 190172......... 510 30 59526 7926 5079 Garnavillo.............................. 49 220 136897 5883 1875 760 51237 15820 10646 Giard.................................... 31 350 134076......... 764 171 30462 16038 4487 Grand Meadow.................. 11 215 157235 56 830 69 32569 8351 1482 Guttenberg, town of............ 11 260 1722 1396 210 43 5099 4936 491 Highland............................. 1.... 99350.. 675 200 3827 3520 4215 Jefferson, exe. Guttenberg. 13 175 162905 5445 1184 265 31675 186591 9075 Lodomillo................. 75 930 68407 2870 2653 551 24335 7442 11037 McGregor, town of..............I............................................ Mallory................... 63 780 67422...... 2321.11 27747 4247 15012 Marion........................... 91996! 45 46 15 18082 2916 90 Mendon, exc. of McGregor and Northi McGregor..... 21, 375 24330 3854 1338 1255 4200 4293 2260 Millville.................. 61 82 43857 135 599 44 3561 1401 4336 Monona.................. 13 50 184491......1037...... 23850 12890..... North McGregor, town of...................................................... Read..................... 5... 81415 3072 500 317 33653 471 76 Sperry.................... 23 222 103510...... 423 75 30335 10934..... Wagner.............................. 148292..... 89...... 17444 4... 68~7. Total..................I391, 4644, 2081793, 25895. 20100. 4503. 546351 157373 93077 CLINTON' COUNTY. Berlin.................... 10 175 162157......1791 65 50903 10426 5 Bloonifield................. 7 75 180884 3409 1573 1661 60054 16143...... Brookfield.........................194974 1764 1184 1515 86577 14956..... Camancebe, exc. of town.... 4 100 98995 800 4332 290 26098 9627 75 Camancnae, town of.,................... 6968................ 2687 1674..... Center...................1..... 9652......1114 87 1855340 17648.... Clinton, exe. of city........ 64 82 220185 2623 849 2760 5566 3420 5 Clinton, cily of..................... Deep Creek............... 1 82 1986 6d..... 72.1 1.... 2'6....95-6-7-3 14065'2..... De Witt, exc. of town........ 131 1.470 235073 102 1296 1220 82876 18393 35-0 IDe Witt, town of........... 19 325 83051 585 2736 1089 *217541 2699!..... Eden................................ 286947 1440 1366 697 400911 16871 939 Elk River... 72 430 214221...... 791...... 1009001 10726 6539 Hampshire.............. 104 1620 112707......1277 55 56117 7116 500 Liberty.................... 33 245 128817..... 344 279 34026 10028 2795 Lincoln............................ 65056 150 1595 137 42-361 6716..... Lyons exc. of city......... 29 1300 32796 102 1458 1489 4959 4004 1316 Lyons, city of........................................... Olive..................... 40 360. 2085,55 2097 165 110 54936 810.&~ 3 8 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. CLINTON COUNTY.-CONTINUED. o.~ 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~0. TOWNSprNDCiTIESg lc, e. of W 1~~~0 30 62!..... 2 5 0+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Z 4 ~~~~~ ~~ _ _ __4 - _ _ 4 Orange.70 459$ 132329 27! 561 633 231341 881157 7791..... land.25........... 300.37081....466 4 Oranger ~.......................... 1 65........., 70............ 13229....... 27.........334 1187$ 7 Sharson.................................. 27o00 1316 1o7 1096 17 67393 156.86f "1: lastndye................................ 25 4. 0 37081............................I 41 164 909 62 Washington..........................1......6""'. 0 11.58.........0................... 680......... W-anterford.............................. 13 50 983761 200 6 31 29998 2716......... Welton... 6 3( 135001......... 245 5 8811 5996......... Wheatland, town of.........1.... 30 625......... 25 20 600.. Total................ 657 8273 3049019 13322 24583 12186 1162289 219182 14513 CRAWFORD COUNTY. Boyer...................................... 16 100 30274..................1......... 1.................... Charterk.....................14605.5860.. Denison................................. 3 9 40686 902 65 2550 61108 18875 273 4618 East Byer............43709 Goodrich................................ 7 2.00 311751..................... 605 2369........ Hanover.................................................. 11190.........3.........0......... 1 05..9..17 Hays....................... 24735..................029 346. Iowa........................... 7687!................-980 1874... Jackson.....................................27501..... 1501 Milford.................... 8 100 44394 10 20 305 142 2743 4618 Morgan.................................................... 9200........................... 105 196 176 Nisenabotany.............. 4857........................... 2406 495...., Cra~s eek..........................6......... 38900....... 2300 446 1125 Pa rad ise ~:.5........50 22824 5.20S0, 59.. So'diet............................................ 43021.........I.........I......... I 474 86......... Soldier~~~~~~~~~~[... 40..474.8.;Mtockholm..................................... 25295.........3................. 10218.. Union................................... 30 182 50653 76 IS 500 16552 1807. 600 Washington.......................... 6 75o 20146.................. 4012. West Side........................................ 32418 45.................. 12909 1227......... Willow~~~~~~~~~~~'... 581..2915 W illow......................................1... 5 6...................... " 8 9 0.... Total.................1............... f 1302 483337 1138 323 1060 179516 32575 8359 DALLAS COUNTY. Adams.................................. 1N6 565 1126251 1415 1953. 160 35554 5175 Adel, exc. of town............... 46 675 129366 60 4353 620 51708 69.95 3751 Adel, town of....................... 19 285. 60. 1600 2106 Beaver............8 40 437 [ 20......... 27555 2538 ]3eve.............................'840439....... 75}2 3 Boone.................................... 45[ 415 1316121.. 260 200 47650 3180 2867 Colfax................................. 24i 187 111514( 5 350 85 64593 10285 2214 Dallas...................................... 234871 2021 Des Moines........................... 44 175 61507 315221 4206 3569 Dexter, town of...................... Grant.....................................86844 14 130 142 298091 4779 i~ncoln............................ 1 4 77 0......... 10 0 288....... Lincoln... ~~~~~1[ 401 57673 5 10.....I10630l 2088. Linn....................................... 48 248 118869......... 5509 310 44167 17460........ Spring Valley....................... 12 160 82786 90 210 151 26358 4006 1607 Sugar Grove......................... 49 290 82334 289 3172 273 14534 1375 1689 Union, exc. of Dexter.......... 80 540 109666 1171 2562 5231 616391 5642 196 Vanmeter.......................... 165 1166 115044 889 1782 1341 54570 5544 4469 W a~lnut..................................{............. 1253 17..... 0 98 4 1 46 Walnut.~~~~~~~~{128563 1170. 5051 190981 4171 465 Washington.......................... 27 485 63740 40 305 12 26108 6220 3935 Total................. 698 5337/ 1502047 5222 219191 44921 84986 87791 24763 ~1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. DAVIS COUNTY. 4-4 000)O ~ 4c, of town........ 1781 628$ 2018721$ 6124]$ 7437 $ 2045]$ 84014 2 00 wn o........ 9 20 20 50' 240152 TOW......N 63971 1 137 4298 n of....... 13 40 4917 7731 188 359 62S1 00...................... 214 10 79 170 1055 874.38...................... 107 3i 6 3 50.95 1141 3821 2532 Bloomfield, e Kc. of town... 178 6281$ 201872 $ 6124) 7437 $ 2045 $ 84014 $ 248-70 5186 Bloomield, town of....................... 210 20 501 240 175 28. Drakeville, exo. of town.... 25 136. 149939 397 i1397 137 42998 1640.1203 Drakeville-, town of........ 13 40 4917 773 183 359 6231 1365..... Fab ius.................... 172 1977 77798, 7721 1809 155 87438 5127.. Fox River................ 107 346 350353 931 1141 3821 25532 3112 3075 Grove.................................... 307 3480 221332.........2985 13541 55976 6187. Lick Creek....................... 100 843 99195 14 2288 5321 72244 7814 9442 Marion......................... 109 655 75660 1165 670 1151 35738 5610 5080 Perry.......................... 32 105 44850 444 79 17825 1797 638 Prairie......................... 121 591 77790 815 2111 10 31105 34. Roscoe....................... 147 668 75901 1220 2470 1043 39392 9035 S e..................... 81 334 87385 377 1578 252 42387 Soap Greek............................ 133 453 82312 169 1679 576 37585 3468 5617 Union.2.3........................ 231 1705 98023 2450 3215 1033 68002 6353 563 West Grove................ 197 1572 139068 281 2198 289 68921 13223 5314....................... 177' 842 13 1993......... 2300 118948 Wyacondah~~~~~~~~~~~~~20........1.89.. Total................................. 21 621 1603090 15541 34150 8536 834414 95455 52469 DECATUR COUNTY. Bloomington.............. 14 15.5 50356 40........... 13606 1884 2416 Burrell........86 396 55065 1846 860'84 25582 3676 786.~ Center, exc. ofLo. 47 335 8)2,03 610 1140 207 58671 2888 2.5 Decatur................... 66 385 80909 1827 2994 532 67152 4898 6480 E der.............I....... 82 1163 49842 1038 1463 383 21015 4414 7095 Fayette................... 16 202 39055S.... 186 131 193-34 5396.... Franklin................. 561 6901 11520.5 2753 1488) 341) 69088) 5146) 1226 G-trcen Grove............ 157 1479 130418 330 1640 894. 8735:3) 7242 4307 Graud. River.............. 19 87 395-355..... 100 10' 8372 1533 186.5 Homilton................ 88 462, 29262...... 412 15 16455) 1998 6592 High Point.............. 73 675 73302 1574 1177 367 28079 6932 5418 Leon, town of......................................................i..... Long Creek............... 59 -121 68150) 1898 820 10; 268-33 21 Morgan................... 47 135 38244 316 432 iSO 4903 2220 95 New Buda................ 39 102 41371 102 740..... 26891 194.5 2400 Richland................ 51 292 7,1694 560 510 193 21218 3676 1995 Woodland................ 133 647 61910 1470 1275 165 44337 5675 180 Total................. 1033 7276 1024541 14364 15237) 3482, 538911! 62789, 41737 DELAWARE COUNTY. Adams................... 12) 12 118868 10 554 147 49521 12209 5649 Bremen..................17 19 57277..............22458.......... Coffin's Grove............ 631 372 96780 523 S 04 318. 3282.3 14159.6 Colony................... 32) lOS 159331 162 1707 23 74849 8130 4233 Delaware, exc. of Manchester.................... 71 593 88513 1760 9931 146 25,315 170661 1155 Delhi..................... 53 6061 83375.30171 15341 1045 323671 9243 8817 Elk..................... 9 45 91771....I....I..... 30-330 92-72..... Hazel Green.............. 32 129i 75405 25 2,56 681 32975 12069 27 53 Honey Creek............. 126 2070' 144767 975 2029 6,54 41518 12166 3759 Hopkinton, town of....... 4........................... 7950........... Manchester, town of....... 37 800 77491 267 315 61 26106 2720.10 Milo.................... 17 SO 100b 55 170 260 449 25392 15839 3315 North Fork............... 21 131~ 72823. 145, 10 42338i 9311..... 320 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. DECATUR COUNTY.-CONTINUED..~~~ -~~~ ~~ Cd 0.- 0 o 0 h o 5. 0.-... NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, W ~ P' TOWNS, AND CITIES. 4- 0 c 0 $'a'a' * 0 0 0 Z ~~ sg~~ 3;.4 30 $ 8 d0 8e d 1tc Oneida.................. 32 810 $ 128530$ 320 $ 1098 $ 225 $ 88076 17489 $14851 Prairie.................. 17 15 89494...... 2.50...... 27263 10136..... Richland............. 18 455 66530 871 847 192 17360 9812 2585 South Fork, exo. of Hopkinton........................... 53 329'177302 2153 152 237 45509 21257 6123 Union................... 95 1113 61802 2728 72175 67 32885 6425 5293 729 718401 1690314 12984 82319 3 105035 187303 65548 Totalo.................... 62' DES MOINES COUNTY. Aug t......6: 74 43065 80 1955 513 18445 5672 3973 Be~nton................... 83 5051 143487 2496 3264 492 21161 130821 10280 Burlington, exe. of city ---- 160 591 87780 6988 11702 2716 9652 12350 7693 Burlington, city of...90.1..9....... Danville................. 106 291.. 22'11i92.. 3'17"2 "7"36"5 "2"7'47....84"5'53.... 271"17' -7-3.59 Flint River............... 34 171 1325611 2065 60411 2479 31884 17189 8655 Franklin................. 74 3921 187730......3915...... 54015 11230. 1915 Huron.1.................. 1I 30) 1103530......3530 100 49662 5539..... Jackson.................. 12 801 30526............... 25797............ Piea~ant Grove............ 241 112 104803 3664 106 66082 125345 1641 Union.................................... 731711 186340 8015 15725 7213 38245 11560 15110 Washington......................... 29 30 27267 15 1544 247 88980 7005 4145 Yellow Springs............ 81 421 2562511 6381 50253 2097 136460 181836 51853 Total......850 30381 1772992 23464 639581 18710 6249391 303125 112624 DICKINSON COUNTY. Center Grove.... 16756 334...47.19 3219 3193 Diamond Lake............................................................. Excelsior..'....................... 2011 49...... 5 1513.......... Lakeville......................... 4005.......... 3 822 994.~i Lloyd,......... 4902 38.926 1191. Milford........................ 6719... 11141 790......... Okoboji........... 7902.......... 1824 8161 I Richland.......................... J 1739 17.. 611 415......... Silver Lake.................................... o1300 Spirit Lake.....................2... 116. 60.' "'...'......o..i 21 60."'i.. Total 45344.................38.............. 7 87 131605 74851 5098 DUIBUQUE COUNTY. Cascade.......................... 23 195 68766 223 443 5 4969 404 923 Center.................................'52 3805 57361 167 1109 28 24972 5623 75658 Concord.95882. 343.....110..86907........................... 9......... 3 l 36907 401 Dodge...................... 2......... 8031......... 1......... 9245 1191........ Dubuque, city of.........3400 14100 150 300. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~61 11......... 6 50 0 2 2 576 28 Dyersville, town of......... 49 120 Iowa..........................10 50 62831 105 39 65 36609 40 6205 Jefferson..................................23 294 99465 - - - 2511 480 47386 9018 6465 Julien, exc. of Dubuque.8.5 16 85 89920 8525 1420 1585 31775121985 565 Liberty.33.....................................9438......... 9 3394.........33045.. ~1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. DUBUQUE COUNTY.-CONTINUED. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.6 It~sH~rss 0 0 0 TOWNS,AND CITIES. 0 0 3 1,| 03 1- ~ 5 %4. U' 54,.............; 0.......... 461 1 2 $ $..................... 3..............~............, 520.... 11..... 73o5o:~~Z:.................30 90 301.......... I 2s704.........~ xo......... o 87s0 _________ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~z z t> t> _ > >. Mosalem.$..... 54680$......$........$............$................4.. 4264 New Wine, exc. of Dyers- II yuvile.............................. 153250..... 61 12 73003 17565 1960 Peru..................... 6 30 71085 1830 970 35 8701 8240 6026 Prairie Creek............. 2......13445 -.......... 70504 5092..... Table Mound....................... 88470..... 19....... 37800.5051..... Taylor...................... 122 5030 109590 30 17 426 56425 7010 16430 Veron.................. 25 125 155569 200 594 22 79058 11887 6505 Washington....................... 13 50 172734 50 155 70 56663 6550. Whitewater....................... 61......... 97791......... 168 10 45577 3384 2379 Total........................ 349 9814 1636132 25240 8792 3450 646405 117905 127500 EMMET COUNTY. Armstrong Grove.. 2.... 3027 1............ 94275 -— Center......................... 370.......................... 1155 752 600 Ellsworth....................................................................... 15.... Emmet..5 1377 17.. 751 1868 760 Estherville................ 37 303 7110........... 4 4869 3578 878 High Lake........................... 1063 5........... 1904 1880 180 Iowa Lake...............................480 855..... Peterson................................18 11......... 6........ 2193 2250 Swan Lake........................................ 200 350..... Total................ 62 303 15244~ 25..... 4 124971 139571 2693 FAYETTE COUNTY. Auburn................. 63 575 64985................ 3345 4746'..... Banks.............................. 27972................ 6440 2633...... Bethel................... 3 10 49188 267 66 15 8137 5197 3631 Center................... 5...... 54361................. 14430 51411 3051 Clermont..........................128718...... 450...... 15274 5239..... Dover..............33 321 97481 224 814 119 23479 8608 7803 Eden.................... 108 776 87080...... 46 100 16808 11387. Fairfield................. 31 330 934.83..... 190 5 20643 8425 64 Fayette, town of.......... 154 1636..................................... Fremont................. 19 33 56107..... 24..... 12709 8240' 3109 Harlan................... 3 5050 63226...... 110...... 16452 5465 4872 Illyria................... 14 400 87351..456 10 26281 7148. 7270 Jefferson............... 70116.. i~ Oran.......21...'......100 8 81 2 3... 28 16986 Pleasant Valley........... 26 350 64720 150 438 81 15397........18506 Putnam.................. 26 85 69140 70 419 62 18446 12529 3886 Scott............................... 58895................. 8405 6170 3300 Smithfieid............... 26 158 119663 38 571..... 13674 8105 864 Westfield, exc. of Fayette.. 38 473~ 35271..... 30..... 1320 785 3565 West Union, exc. of town.. 68 1690, 115260 330 621 270 44471 9420, 6908 West Union, town of.................. 12254..... 30 967 4145 750 -1860 Windsor................. 82 346 91477 216 205 10 22880 11627 380 Total................. 720 7788 150312 12951 4470 1667 309722 131546'73890 41 8~22 ~CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. FLOYD COUNTY. TowlTsmr IPs, i A ~ d o o ~ be ~... 94 639$ 6337$ 59. g $s5 10 13Q' city'of...........]]]. 26 911 3043 1301 201 125 7208,AMES OF......4o -o.. 77 1 0067..................... 2 9 2 2 0 0 54; town of~~~~~788...........2 2 51....81l280 re..........................95......... 11188.................. 3525 132 168,. 15321.. 2690]..883 20062~ exc. ~ ~ of Norl S 00 ~ NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, Pilo* 0 i CarlesCit, city of 91 138.........13 2 811 4 17 8821....loyd............77 100.,.....75126 2 4 38 6486 KG.ofCharles...29.22070884 5 410660 3 r S....pi...................... 3 7 81 280 326 2 1........ 9.......................................... 609 8 Niles ~~.................................... 29 220 708845*.................. 410 680 3208 Pleasant Grove............. 95566 106........ 21 11878 6091 44...26 26601 Riverton................. 35 255 132168 1532 2690 883 20062 4555 6555 Rockford................. 47 139 112295 100 48 589 19527 13051 6690 Rtock Grove, exc. of Nora Springs................ 43...... 91138...... 811 417 8822 7295 5011 Rudd...................................... 13673778 6485 4520 3560 FRSt. Charles, exN. of Charles. City..................... 89 263 324464 592 241 54 78892 13909 18714 Scott...................... 5 50 78882..6098 5851 1090 Ulster.................. 29 210 9 9145!... 13753 6872 4447 Union.................... 21 43 878081 17.. 20...~ 6 26603 704 5609 Total.................. 522 2013 1367377f 6327 4392. 3025 230127~ 102657 66610 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Clinton.................. 14 775 81713 245 12j 104 26284 8314 209 Geneva............ 3...... 90061...... 8 72 12552 5246..... Grant....................... 26900................................. Hamilton................1I...... 24532 3.......... 4956 1853..... Hampton, town of45 300 1317..... 70 40 3405 7921..... Ingham............................ 6552................ 37575.... Lee................................ 18750.3315................. Marion............................. 11574 4........... 1808 41585' 1235 Morgan....................... 37024 2355........... 2598........... Oakland................. 11. 38495...........15312 370. 05 Osceola.............................. 177103..... 20 15 21222........5180 Reeve.................... 4 50 89380 450........... 15475 573:3 429 Rtichland........................... 40288...... 6 2 129391......... Washington.............. 24 150 101891 15....I 4 36416 359.3 92 West Fork......................... 31526. I............... 3732 280..... Total...................... 102 1275 777106 3072 116, 377j 194274 74416 7795 FREMONT COUNTY. Bartlett........................ Benton, exc. of Eastport I and Percival............. 12 20 106035' 300..... 1101 33107 3960 2,350 Eastport, town of..................................................... Farragut, town of.............. Fisher, exc. of Farragut 1 20 798 5 20 30 301 92 30 Franklin, exc. of Ham burg 81 249 115469 380 2856...... 82211 54 193-7 Fremont City, town of.. Hamburg, city of....... Locust Grove.................. 36798 350 520...... 2267........... McPaul, town of..................................................... Madison.................!. 811.. 640 10 i3582 644 22-36 209 97932 848. 66 Monroe.................. 11 130 973821 35 176 20 82547 4710..... Percival, town of.....................................I................ Prairie................... 7..... 70543..... 165.- 31593 1529..... Riverton, exe. of town..... 42 684 6772...... 10...... 29403 7600..... Rtiverton, town -of.................................................... ~1875.~ CENSUS RETURNS. 323 FREMONT COUNTY.-CONTINUED. 0 4 4cWaul Bart-I I IoI I 0I eit, ad remont City.144 1056 86146.950 529 7083I 8793 128 Sidney,......of.t. 2281 4324 154398 2744 8847 1917 4 65972 18 Tabo, tOwof. T S 4 20 2891 270 267 321 25204 40 TOWNS, AND CITIES. 4, _4. _q.. _. 0 W.alnu...... i 151 130 71 7$485. 65 78 532 12.0 m3nt 61tY. 1441 105 86 o......... 9 9 Tota..75 2 8 4031 104606 41111i398 91 792768 42313 83901 OS....................... 10 565 265 oo 1 1, f::.:.:::: 4 20 2891 270 2Cd 67 321 5 004 GREENE COUNTY. Scott, exe. of Mc~~~~~~~~aul, Bart- I~~. 3343 eart.2........................ 3 2 2 6 27685..1 65 533......... 36 awson.......................31........................ 70400 300...645.46 * o......... 33436 752 I i1 r 142 Franklin............ 18 11 40892 16 80 1 14784 3520 105 Grand Junction, town of............. 5002............... 2783 747 310, Greenbrier.......................... 73208............ 25 257....... 25 Hardtin........................ 42027.11257 2023..... Highland...............14048.2190........ Jackson.................. 19 85 31164 115........... 8571 1149... Jefferson, exc. of town...... 108 778 11L4032 640 389 258 38956 6009a 7881. Jef'ei s rn, town of......... 30 271................. 305.................'Junction, exc. of Grand. Junction..........I.............. 56938................. 9741 3527, 575 Kendrick.25..............:.... 59544 1111 135 72 27112 4134 567.4 Scianton, exc. of town............... 142351................ 3184 115..... Scranton, town of... 630................. 320 251L..... Washington.7.... 60100 2446........... 24198 11009 4576 Willow............................. 7930................ 1812 681..... Total.................. 209 1267 620905 3517 954 67 5 197581 43853 27703. GRUNDY COUNTY. Beaver................... 10 97 69489 47............ 6255 4569..... Black Hlawk...........................123362 2943......... 3,0898........... Clay..................... 12 400 118044...... 20....; 23306 *6775..... Col l ax.............................120017................ 21683............ Fairfield.................. 32 475 95450............... 257o49 4594. Felix..............................117072 225 119...... 22136 5181..... German............................118081 1859 240...... 21158 4740..... Grant.............................104170........... 41 15477 -5860..... Lincoln.................. 10...... 78709...........960........... Melrose.....................134106 1790 119 23 34765 5547..... Palermo.......................250254..... 30 8 40535 5514..... Pleasbant Valley..............114225......10 14182 3020..... Shiloh..150998..................... 57406 6911..... Total....................... 64 972 1593977 6864 528 312 314510 52711..... 824 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. GUTHRIE COUNTY. o 0 $.. C" 4. -, 0.Cd 0 0 0 0 0 4+z 4. Ba Cr.) 80 "' -'94......i35.. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, w C0 TOWNS, AND CITIES... P 52 4.'' 5 944 2 6 Bear Creek............. 21 -320$ 55920$ 10..... 10 8282') $ 1278 $ 120 Beaver............2..................2395... 1296......... Cass, exc. of Panora............. 71 280.116697. 1325 40 52496 5115. 950 Center.. 29 211 71228 40 155 92 23758 3443 2249 Dodge..........12671 655 24 10 7291 1413 890 Grant................................ 1 20 27335 50.. 640 415 700 Highland.............................. 15 143 27285..10782 1799......... Jackson.................. 20 195 91691 14 976 18.5 92090 6641 4006.Orange................................... 4 50 16852 985 302 16 9352 3827 2959 Panora,.town of.... 3365.........150 32 3423 387......... Penn....................................... 5 276 82288 225 190 103 24238 8396. Richland.....................................63516 474 10 55 34368 4106.25 Thompson.... 3 40 61109 200 10 103 10049 140 45 Union... 42534........................... 20492 2030 2605 Valley............................... 169 65318...... 35 117 46279 4722 10 Victory................... 30 I11 54652 20 767 65 34051 3775 4,58 Total............................... 240 1815 792461 2673 4265 881 421466 47487 15197 HAMILTON COUNTY. Blairsbnrg.37.......... 65109 -Boone.28.180.890..................... 42 25 10637 16478 9 Cass.1.0.634........... 530.... Clear Lake......................... 24.395 346...... 5 6733 2780..... Ellsworth....................................6675. 28 15 6658 5752. Fremont.....33462........ 3652.1 Hamilton......................... 67 486 37615.7488. Lyon........3 100 34185.9804 80:~~562""2 67817 arion............................... 11 175 111444 43 797 935 20252 3983 7817 HANCOCK COUNTY. Amsterdam........................ 13 1001 10348 751.... 897 1211 1495 Ae.........11744 65..................4000 577 1862 Britt..... 1790.0 0.................. 52876......... Concord..................................1 20 360 20......... 20 240 645 1080 Crystal...................................3........784...... 3 4.........1 5. 639........... Ellington.............................. 14 400 50..... 2054 255 Madison.............8100...................4...............................,Total................... 28!1 520 894051 160...... 20. 53921 7292. 6991 HARDIN COUNTY. Ackley, town of................................. 86............1....... "110. Alden........33 60380. 23. 10878 7261 Buckeye..............................123 295 1 25119.... 6296 1742 65 Clay... 12 487 1 135029 65 485 38125 6880 3272 ConCo9418.................4 530......... ~1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. HARDIN COUNTY.-C@NTINUED. 0OW!TSI1 0S, 4 0 E 8 S ~ wc0 o *D+ ~ t8 D Ca 0 0 0 0 0 or~ C) Z +-Z -- town 19 135 C$ 107497 58 $ 7841 618$ 4089 of......... l l 10295 501 100l 501 6800............................ 51 351. 37169[.........................-l 10270 kckley........................... 73837J...................] 10783..................................25529 57100.......43 92902 3.... 3.........................56....10...........~ 4.....1095...432........~~~~~~..................3 6..398 18100392 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS,'-4 c Ca 10 08 99 TOWNS, AND CITIES. - $44 14 4 139 42359 126.09 4_ 44 0 4-4C) 108 5 4 46 8 8 81 478 o f..................................................... 0) O)~~~~~~ 0; 0 ce 0 0. 0 ~ 0.0 C)1'0.... O'.a) 5.0 ~~~ CO~~~ 834~ QO CO-OS' Eldora, exc of town........ 19, 135 S107497 580 $ 784$ 618 $ 40898 $ 7844 $ 6150 Eldora, town of.................................0 35 6 100 50 68003 2135 845 Ellis....................5) 35) 37169............. I 10270 4695 1185 Etna, exc. of Ackley..........73837................ 10783........... Grant......................25529 567 100...... 4033 1720..... Hardin, exc. of Iowa Falls. 44 190 92908..... 91 20 22404 11750 250 Iowa Falls, town of......................................................... Jacksonw.65 1470 105823. 71 61 28702 10579 10630 Pleasant................... 31 85 88402 1371 326 125 33003 11619 8639 Providence............... 38 139 123859 126 - 3091 1062 85996 7658 8581 Sherman........................... 11095. 4..... 3218 1089. Tipton................... 31 160 39986 318 110 103 9528 4609 738 Union, exc. Of town........ 44 200 120281 5 468 381 47883 5276 495 _ _1 Union, townf............................. Total................. 345, 3276 1066627, 3082, 5653, 2320, 359871, 86497, 40841 HARRISON COUNTY. Allen....................7614........... 1175 355..... Boyer..........100.......... 6. 6110 51370 3..... 00 5 54990 3490 3243 Calhoun................... 30 410 28181..... 10 70 19796 3159 90 Cass............................... 19600 150 140...... 7010 2730..... Cincinnati................. 43 705 58305 80 18 15 13618 3260 561 Clay...................... 144 1510 23350........... 25 11509 105 1441 Douglas................... 211 330 34414..... 10 44 5053 836 1894 Dunlap, town of............................... Harson, exc. of Dunlap.44561.18183.. 2807.. Jackson.................. 18 90 15287....... 10727 2194 20.. ~ Jefferson.................. 84 15271 54616 301 575) 20 70523) 5404 62,56 Lagrange.....16 230 33361 27 530. 19320 7,59..... Lincoln............................ 23111................ 6887 946. Little Sioux.............. 132 1850 33400 230 17 37 24589 2685 40 Magnolia................ 8 200 77154 110 20 100 34782 59851 641 Missouri Valley, town of............. --...... ~...... Morgan................... 76 1533 48776 90 24 12 265i22. 32 Raglan................... 16 250 32314........... 5 19613 2057 2930 St. John, exc. of Missouri Valley.................. 34 740 104055 10 30..... 54549 10009 1571 Taylor.................... 16 150 63825................ 27209 7531 2449 Union............................... 21777........ 3425 Washington.......................... 11606........ 588-0.....109-8, 1575 Total................ 738,15635 786677, 7271'1674, 448, 432066 58132, 39402 HENRY COUNTY. Baltimore................ 23) 38 -68340 2490 - 2207 847 29511 11015 6923 Canaan................... 38) 169 197822.....12171...... 54881 6681..... Center, exc. of Mt. Pleasant 20 123'158092 6220 7600 2635 347548 32178 10578 Jackson.................. 70 505 100080 1214 7249 840 64221 7117 4781'Jefferson........... 28 175 106994 45 2371, 157 54225, 7141 3386 Marion............119 372 185190 987 5123) 1592 1805 738 26 Mt. Pleasant, city of20...... 1202......2712 4663 415 60. New London, exc. of town... 81 272 242392 3963 10560 2.095 104150 11838 3920 New London, town of................ 1319 746 225, 288....... 516..... Rome, town of............ 1..... 7153 712 5 15277 389 5823 ~326 ~CENSUS RETURNS. N. 10. HENRY COUNTY.-CONTINUED. 0 ~0 Ca 0 ~0 0 0 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS,' TOWNS, AND CITIES. 0 0 0 0 a o 0 0 A k. ~ MoD~~~~~~~~~~P. >dW==:=... 0 C4 0 0~ &;. 05 0~. 0 In~ 04'M 42 o o Salem, exc. of town............ 74 1835 1223471$ 905 5513 $ 2023 $ 52401 $ 7026 $ 4563 Salem, town of................................ 6 125 674. 549 5......... Scott.......................... 102 640 143232......... 3087 26 10141239405 310 Tippec~anoe, ex". of Rome... 39 55 103422 1610 2583 626 45871 6986 7967 HOWARD COUNTY. Afton.............................. 8920 9 1.................. 778 7587608 Albion........................................... 102218....... 33 5 6025 4284 1682 Chester.................................. 39 371 3448........................... 4915 6251 130 Cresco, town of.................................................................................. Forest City....................... 6 3.........90......... 610 0......... Howard....................... 51391 10. 4823 4385 E Howard Center........... 8 375 68573 9.102 105 2 4120 1366 Jamestown........................... 12 95 53328............2......... 317 New Oregon..............24 200 86755.... 14867 9861 1020 Oak Dale................. 5 50 35429..... 12 30 4232 3710 1295 Paris.................... 5 10 63886............. 8286 9027..... Saratoga............................ 19850............. 1655 3260 1878'Vernon Springs, e x c. o f Cresco.................. 3...... 51424 430 7..... 3945 4680..... Total.................I132- 1728. 734409. 2004 164 140 72v708 58777, 10421 HUMBOLDT COUNTY. Avery................................... 13457.....-....... 4410 4323..... Dakota................... 20 80 14825........... 2497 1 1509 Dean.................................. 13865..... 1..... 3997 1326 2493 Grove.............................. 3u461......... 9001........2127 Humboldt.......................... 234451........ 8050. 3008 1495 Humboldt, town of................. 5183 58..... 16 1209 377 225 Lake............................... 4156........................ 1628 1175 Norway.......... 11714........................ 227 0.... Rutland............2'6'... 2'5 14313..... 10 50 1843 2,311.2 Springvale, exo. Humboldt 5 12 18936................. 11798 6144 2249 Vernon..................-...... 30645................ 4496 2152..... Wacousta................35......... 10902................ 3815 1650.... Weaver............................ 8099................ 2312........... Total................. 86 117 200001 581 11 67 53428 251901 11298 IDA CONNTY. Corwin............................. 22088................. 1494 1600 77 Douglas............................ 7930 27........... 4897 429..... Maple............................. 3592.7................. 2298 2095 2139 Silver Creek........................ 8876...................... 289..... Total............................74821, 27........... 8689 4413 2216 ~1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. IOWA COUNTY. ~. to N 9 + TOWNSH P%, 4 O | | 4Z Cd 0 - o 0 o. S o ~ ~'5 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, 0 IdS TOWNS, AND CITIES. 4-4' Ca 0- - - na O 2* axos= -~ o,....................................4 6.$Ss8 Amana.45 260[. 3. S. 3. 3. 3. $. Cono....................................... 35 45 39776 22052 16010 352 8116 1115 1148 Dayton............... 99 581 115780 19 696 125 34789 880 9.English............. 19 19 1559 119693 1033 255 438 43651 5860 562 Fillmore........................................ 52 268 95459 10 1329 317 43246 6926 896 Greene........................ 66 125 165109 20 661 188 57401 3981 5261 Hartford, ex. Vito r 42 105 212627................................... H n........................................................... 139166........................... 43180. Hilton~~~~~~... 139166. 4"310i~80. Honey Creek.............................. 171 329 126229 4390 946 638 37733 8397 6590 Iowa................. 20 100.. 91147 250 55........ 67586 2500 2000 Lenox..............................5.... 9325........ 721 70 8630 4100 510 Lincoln................... 22 125 92950.. 183 226 19993 4988 1720 Marengo, ex. of town 207 440 138687 2005 812 1571 11451 4300 1070 Marengo, town of.............. 30 1100 100 1550 20......... Pilot................................. 33 137 117655 238 238......... 30110 6687 Sumner............................. 24 94 93125......... 100 22 13228 7656 20 Troy............................. 103. 1270 145280......... 311 20 47330 5199;f ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10.10.. 30..............18 Victor, town of.......................... 10 105 3'30....128. Washington...................................... 76428 115 300 109............ York......................................... 16 65 137773......... 541 966 5560 2525 4861 Total...........1144 5638 20050491 302321 24708 5190 472004 68114 24897 JACKSON COUNTY. Andrew, town of................. 132...... 136 69 221....... Belle~vue, exc. of town............. 100650................. 31212 2967 82 Beltevue, town of................................................ Brandon................. 18 125. 1684........... 10753.. 6156.... Butler........................ 60513...... 388...... 49357 2020 3994 Fairfleld.27............... 342 122156 30 668 125 52534 6397 7087 Farmer's Creek............ 7 54 88447......2339...... 36386 5173 4730 Iowa..................... 57 811 17-7592 50 4328 234 98844 10367 3564 Jackson.................. 5...... 84646..... 705...... 44253 3877 754 Maquoketa, exc. of city.... 29 280 77186 226 560 311 43735 10244 1081 Maquoketa, city of10 50 8647 1191 515 3,50 2534 2844 100 Monmouth............ 25' 965 96305 2850 598 224 70097 12236 7931 Utter Creek............... 6 11 96769.... 206 20 40189 4945 3356 Perry, exc. of Andrew..... 13 150 131172 5 1851...... 39032 7700 3535 Prairie Spring........................ 11024-6 562 465...... 33453 4470 3472 Richland.......................... 112627...... 595...... 52657 3611 4530 Sabula, town of........... 34 200........ 40 255 651 342.5. South Fork, exc. Maquoketa 154 1597 78417 1435 1423 813 45621 1250 680 Tete Des Morts.1.......... I..... 112912 20 1480 110 40568 6765 5993 Union, exc. of Sabula...... 11..... 25630...... 30...... 3136......... Van Buren..........62 1130 186173 457 1996.680 82905 14890 9351i Washington.5...........:8 1460 79869 35 1012 70 32902 4098 5207 Total................. 517. 7175 1750091 8585 19550 3067 813814 1149541 78472 JASPER COUNTY. BuenaVit. 1171 9981 182150 19101 11681 605 80411 52911 4456 Clear Creek............... 154 785 119721 2398 1020 512 54117 7783 7784 Des Moines, exo. of Prairie City.. 117 1010 244310 8 1755 97 60813 9190 369 Elk Creek.... 190 2030 167081...... 550 630) 661601 10923 2385 CENSUS RETURNS. [o. JASPER COUNTY.-CONT1NUED. 4 — 0 0 OW~sn~pS a a 0C0 0 0~~~~ aI o TOWNS, AND CITIES. 4-' l'4 0 0 E A o 03 A;_.;- d tH ~~P4,73 a P4 $P4 P4 n~~ ~~ ~. OP~ 0 ~ 0 0. 0 0+.0St CHESS'E'SP4 = O c= S a,6 6 Fairview, ex. of Monroe.... 282 1535 $ 305984 $........... $ 2213 $ 574 130955$ 13756$. Hickory Grove....................................... 113646........................... 1834...depende...ce.....*. * 165 776 119933 1328 1193' 423 38232 6188 4440 Jasper City, town of.............................. 2080........................... 131 Kellogg, exc. of Jasper City 98 520 133497 138 559 330 76645 6035 4 Linn Grove...................... 265 4650 132244.........1970 283 87032.. 2919 Malaka.................................. 50 943 200265 422 785 182 7120 10615. Mariposa.............2......... 2.......... 48499....................-.1741 Mo oo f.................. 6 10 216 25 45.. 3785....... Mond Pra............ 87 1130 133839.75 220 159 27924 5190... Newton, ex. of city............ 85 495 96444 585 475 884 26058 14266 150 Newtonciyf...................................................... Palo Alto.................... 02 1655 105957 OO 653 207....7 453 Pweshiek......................... 244 935 121370 13 1027 485 47818 3778 120 Prairie City, town of............................................................... 20 icand................................ 63 304 143769 2899 964 22 7 45713 Rock Creek............................ 19 20 103077 50 147 217 24415. Sherman.................................. 288 5821 235444 147 793 548 77841 14023.......................... 203... 115 5. Washington. ~~~~~~~211 150 207312......115[ 54 34...... Total.......................2...... 2355 23767 2916838 10098 15607 6482 9973290 JEFFERSON COUNTY. Batavia, town of.......... 3 20...311 33 1664 915..... Black Hawk............... 79 243 163 16 1813 938 91580 10403 3874 Bnchanan............. 83 4751 146963 3381 3173 1286 84829 7869, 5365 Cedar................. 41 620 71370 1170 3830 691 42183 5040 3780 Des Moines............... 92 318 141033 3392 6915 2857 81966 14559 5343 Fairflield, exc. of city....... 86 145 140577 1043 3081 2795 739955 13186 7427 Fairfield, city of.......... 152 300....... p101 2619 1012 85820 8040..... Liberty.................... 69 85 153567 1499 6017 1830 512-74 2607 4656 Lockridge................. 23 106 131264 2814 3538 2163 110402 5945 5960 Locust Grove. exc. of Batavia.................... 133 1025 138559 521 3817 1646 82164 250551 4773 Penn.................... 68 246 116782 1589 4568 1489 40155 5856 2515 Polk..................... 49 95 106798..... 2926 2015 55888. Ronnd Prairie............. 51 120 1080131 780 3363 263 50490 54 Walnut.................. 891 619 79207 47. 2121 240 60327-1 2798 1604 Total.1018~~~~~~~~ 4417 1530140 21314 46912 17448 912657 1082,18 45397 JOHNSON COUNTY. Big Grove................ 31 90 118253..... 664 38 39246 5423 5067 Cedar............;........ 87 547 158536 13 1678 296 73369 4068 4375 Clear Creek............... 73 325 107829 417 1416 863 48251 6249 40 Coralville, town of.............1250...... 20 35 10000........... Fremont................. 8 100 Y~ 1623.54..... 205...... 20696 650 4 Graham................. 51 361 174659 81 1388 566 57621 6357 59Y7 Hardin................... 11......107681..... 30...... 51920 4296 70 Iowa City, city of............................ 75...... 530....... 30 24000 Iowa City, additions to................ 925 1253 770 1395 979 1695.. Jefferson.................. 76...... 80972 3 3806...... 18100 2666 3931 Liberty.................. 60 79 100686 764 693 262 13693 3180 1766 Lincoln.................. 40 21 138349...... 113 1450 36608 4457 1105 Lucas, exc of Iowa City, additions, and Coralville.... 53 60 130432, 2705. 6350. 6442 35725 19765, 9007 CENSUS RETURNS. 329 JOHNSON COUNTY.-CONTINUED. I's'~'a _. 4-)4- ) ) C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 66 2518 1222015 36 s 84718469 2479.~~~~~~~~4. 49~~~~C.... C C 0 NA E FTOWNSHIPS, I4 10 ~ dc f TOWNS, AN{D CITIES. % 4 C 0 ~ 0 i O- U 2 a;4 r:;1 _ mk-E _~I 0 0 ~ PP.4 P -. 320 1 4~~ 024 21 0 ~ 6 0. 3 7 26 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~. C e05. Madison........................ 6 253 6125220$ 36 $ 2847 $ 4691 24794$ 7879 4184 Monroe................ 49.............. 765 17 1 34479 4441 6051..Newport................................. 3839 1975......... 19 4329 920 Oxford........................... 1 820 565 1140245 210 60 37 82563 4622 1740t Penn.................................. 17 61595.. 1965 257 13836 4101 3108 Pleasant Valley.................... 142 140103.. 2000.......40750 4669 3500 Scott....................................... 64 390' 182971......... 1493 25 64264 7667 1387 Sharon................................... 78 5651 161105 45 1134 323 9t886 9096. Union..89 1901 103852......... 35 16 72353 4423 1467 Washi.............................. 131 420 107403......... 1200 300 61258 6042 3500 Total. - 1102L ~~~~~~~~44381 24478751 5602 30607j 13321 85,34841 1218051 75765....................... -11...... 1 ]02; 1 2 56 0 2 I --- JONES COUNTY. Anamosa, town of......................................................... Cass2 32 24....6..............8 6 421 100.... CastleG ve........................................... 93615..306 116 45493 9725. "lay........................ 34 277 85169 80 614 219 39812 6459 2876 Fairview, exc. of Anamosa and Strawberry Hill..... 74 377 81760...... 777 1063 51689 6848 515.5 Greenfield................ 26 510 191131 7 1600 1239 87719 16530 7787 Hal e.................... 70 405 131331 34 259 275 49228 10243...... Jackson.................. 28 489 89250 27...... 100 35060 6030 1213 Madison.................. 29..... 78813 150 140 20 4050.3 4667 265 Monticello, exc. of towna... 10 15 89.588 2331 744 580 504951 21017 6256 Monti-cello, town of........ 19 69 7625 50 10 426 10161 2288 655 Oxford................... 41 560 123565..... 75 84 64963 2250 186 Rich land............................ 62680 20 60...... 34003 6320 3388 Home.................... 30 1131 130617................ 61108 9395..... Scotch Grove.............. 33 500 119197 23 740 301 59017 12224 10415 Strawberry Hill, town of...................... 101....................... Washington................. 95580................ 51895........... Wayne............1...........A.. 95 150105 152 1224 581 54744 18601.694 Wyoming, exc. of town..... 28 172 89929 174 934 325 42884 7588 8486 Wyoming, town of.............I..........I.......I............. Total.................I 4801 ~506 2 18964~161 950 7861 3396 812089 151037 54376 KEOKUK COUNTY. Adams..........I........ 37 90 133580f 37 1213 502 32816 7144 2749 Benton.......12 170 143018 1029 1564 464 49935 6957 3100 Clear Creek.............. 7...... 119449 29 1975 408 47714 4141..... English River............ 138 646 124338 1683 1820 1331 63194 12551 2432 German.................. 2......177651...... 1089 236 74272 9292 7432 Jackson....45 200 64620 15 1596 351 37715 5288 3335 Keota, town of............................................................ Lafayette, exc. of Keota.... 24 170 183288 17 450 145 57827 6280..... Lancaster................ 143 6141 167820 1004 3946 873 48756! 64861 6245 Liberty................... 154 8211 158760 2401 1718 779 47867 10501..... Prairie................... 138 5001 119775...... 4951 210 39418..... Richland, exc. of town..... 46 170 108511..... 812.. 64853 552. 827 Richland, town of....... 2...... 12485 63 971 11.51i 8940 1882 1534 Sigonrney, exc. of tow.... 57 539 81089 2022 2313 2368 35129 14908 3290 Sigourney, town of..3............ I.... 3629 785............. steady Rnn..........41 357 116747 2241 1569 585 67762 546. 07 Van Buren................ 271 260 96221 7501 1875...... 598151 11735 7230 42 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. KEOKUK COUNTY.-CONTINUED. - WS H I _, a,~ ~.~........................ 49489 19 1 92 4 0 2 780 1026707 ~ow0s~s, 0 r2~ ao 0 + ~ bD oo. If towns.a.. a......O..19685 0 0 0 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, 0 W dT 0f1 5 24 9 15 751 0... TOWNS............., AND CITI.........ES. 8 1-. 1 4 0 6 0o ow,.............I......i........................... 85...........0 15 014 o....................15.........I.8 3. 200.......-[......... 41......................................i 14269 79 6......... "'"9'1'.........................................-2. 3173..................55 488........., 15 _.0W~~46.O a,,.......,,0. a4............................ 10 7'8 53 4t 6 54 60 40 3... -6 ~z z -> ~ - ~ - Warren.................. 13 21 $87549 $ 75 $ 805 $ 78 $28980 $ 3344 90 Washington........................ 60 333 24827 81 10.. 25474 391 292 Total........................ 949 4891 1919728 9430 27850 10266 790467 111888 50635 KOSSUTH COUNTY. Algonai,exc. of town,........I....... 19585I... 40 52021 47151 70 Algona, town of........... 15 240 15................. Cresco.................... 8 181 19479 791 6..... 19012 3537. ~i Fenton............................. 3529..................... 891..... Greenwood.......................... 4885............ 15 1141 2728 546 Irvington................ 84 130 20010............... 4411 305o..... Lott's Creek....................... 4269................ 53 1763...Y Portland...................... 2 8173........... 5655 3730 10 Wesley........................ 5360 10...... 1169 2154. Total 107........388..... 105306 89 6 55 36643 22563 2310 LEE COUNTY. Cedar.................... 133 228- 208339 415 4641 1022 146126 6242 10929 Charleston................ 30 93 1040235 5 3443 662 23202 7156 3200 Denmark................. 52 207 60566..... 4486 711 25208' 16320 4578 Des Moines............... 71 61 94894 1628 2721 621 28135 7179 5891 Fort. Madison, city of....................... 4420 2880! 2965....... 730..... Franklin................ 50 202 145540......4256..49460...... 4200 Green Bay.............. 183 65 86900 1115 415..11593 4206 1150 Harrison................. 90 247 104731 81 3600 1604. 86104 6701 2064 Jackson, exe. of Keokuk... 1631 613 65405 5580 3034 4257 20058! 4347 5867 Jefferson......... 75 352 124826 5180 4924 471'33146 5701 3403 Keokuk, city of.......... 15 185............ 800 540.................. Madison, exo. of Fort Madison..................... 39 240 18125 2880 485 305 200 1470 300 Marion................... 119 70 139675......1,350...... 56936 570..... Montrose, exc. of town.... 60 474 95104 4051 7878 18941 44440, 9995 12177 Montrose, town of..............................................i6.. Pleasant Ridge............. 57 95 120414 40 5975 1085 40632 105 64 Van Buren................ 102 515 60345 300 1110 205 28527 4250 1745 Washington.............. 105 375 128564 926 10392 194 38221 14280 7976 West Point, exc. of town... 35 57 73570 195 5554..32187 3976 3945 West Point, town of....... 38 200 495...... 418 15 235........... Total.................1418 4279' 1631518 26816 683621 16551 664410 103782 68068 LINN COUNTY. Bertram.................. 17 95 64735 1136 215 78 43488 4460 24454 Boulder................. 16 120 1193-19..... 70 28 28708 17885 213 Brown................... 141 948 84536 150 965 481 66726 6903 4083 Buffalo.................. 132 1180 54720..... 89 8 25892 7180 11,17 Cedar Rapids, city of....... 21 515 165 1298...... 153 3183 8252..... Clinton.................. 63......168482 140 531 268 45569 14338..... Col lege, exc. of Western.... 21 71 166892 400 585 324 45060 7505 617]. Fairfax..................215......203151...... 149 280 54558 9796..... ~1875.1 CENSUS RETURNS. 331 LINN COUNTY.-CONTINUED. o frI 0 ~~~~~~~~~~ 0 TOWNSAND CITIES. 4- s O0 0 0 0 t; S~~~~~s =4:~~~;4;_4;.4t............... ^..... 5 481 $ 874 $ 234 $ &23 $ 209 $ 92 sb~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- o n 4 466 C" 7 5 9 411139........................ 7 1 1 0 3 6 ~~~~~ -~~~~ a~~~> a) C) a 0 ~L f........... 1..... 70..............6. 8 a)4 6. - 6 6 o l 030- C 0 c 0 C -0 Faete.................................. 56 41 864$234 $.. 1234 090. 2952 $.. 8201$ 67149 ofan..................................... 6 9 10220 202 9 6 20842.......... Jacson................................. 87 325 108806...... 452 219 31184215 541 Linrn........................... 7 181 390 30 14 329 62268 2758740 78758 tw of.....t...0 0..r.1 2-0 ae.................................... 4 18 54 4$ 897 440 23542$ 1 269 bon e anL isb........ 5......... 418 65 727 9 4 11319 6 1385 i......................... 8 85 Grant.. 63 ~~191 102520I 250 291 56~, 28842 835 58 Jacksn......................... 3..........2 112 0880.. 5 21 34 2055 52 1 11 Ln...............70 18 396101 30 11441 3291 62268 11457 MainerCree....................1... 1. 672 3 6514 3.................. Punm......................... ~ o ol......... 54 4558175 4 3O54 2'253 408 45 rn of............ 22 100 13620 205 150.. 5750 Mronu eCocity, ex166785.. 18. of80 1282 18327 M onmbu c City and Colmo.ction.............. 5 2 1 29 201304 2203 470530 22661 83 57 1280 mtV n ty, town of........... 325 65461 275 740 2352 229588 2 Cou bsJnct'n, town of 10 1......................................... t......................... 3 0 215 61872 28 4 59 95 40265 8 51......................... 23 5 1324 8 1671 112 98881 6403 2898 Rais x.Cedar Rapids. 118 56 297 945 1090[ 19561 38215 173 145............................. 67 2602 104102 912 1337 635 87314 8............................... 1 63 155 87839 301 1580 547 29849 r..................... 8........... 54 2 123924 2829 711 35209 3 2 Monn u, exc. of town. 24 340 1536401 1547.24311 668 977191 97... M o n ng S n tow n of............................................................................................ W'ashngt.... 50 1 70 364815 50 12 10 512316 83 04 te no................... 82 100 1365520 25 100 94 5 59 31798 4 Uno.......................... 35..... 1 58704 70 1596 384 52733 316 84 al. Of tOWn...... 1 217 40 18335 70 41259 1609 143754 22590 11616 Waelo on o f........ 15 1 18811 156 868 134 4297 128 79.......................... 691' —4-90 1-667-39- 16655 240859 la63 1 0070 8 735 LOUISA COUNTY. Clmu City, exc. ofl i I I ] CoubsCity and Co-I lubs uction.........[ 52 1291 201304 2203/ 47001 22661 138380 107 124 Coubu iy, town of.........I301 4175.....I300[ 2352] 2295 25 no..... tn, town of 101............................ 116514...........................I......... Concrd, xc.of Fredonia...{ 661 1961 88596 12531 973[ 7771..62105 5. 8 E........................3. 771 7751 61872 28 4591 951 40 265 1.88 5 Chrio,-x. of city........... 1001 3301 885901 5651 15751 9211 39248 904 34 El rv..............I231 5 132463 81 16711 1121 98881 64329 re on, tn of................. 76 17 240.1 -81 83 1089 3 1201849......................... I! 26027 104102 912 1337 635 87314 865 679 JEngeso............................I 63 155 878 39 304 15801 547 29 849 4880 6497 Macksban.......................... 54 27 123924..54..2829 7 11 3 3 52095 Monn u, exc. of town. 241 340] 153640! 15471 2431! 668] 97719! 97 Moberni of....... 70 255 59661.........I4.................. OtteraCr.543......0..................0. 7 0 364815 1 129 318 131.1".8.330 7. Porasant Louisa.......................... 82 246 755201 100 945 5 317 505 4420..... Union...........................70 5 84 8837.........70 1596 3849 52733 31 847 Waprenlo exc.. of town.......... 11 4 13352..4159 6097 143754 9590) 16515 Wploton of.. 151..18811 156 868 134/ 4297 128 79 Toa. 693.......] 1 4398.._ 1653.59.48.0631008 730.60 LUCAS COUNTY. Benton.51 402~ ~116514...-. 6342 98...l..I Csdar.77 ~~~~775l 68618 84 96 44 372 66. Chrtoex"of'city. 100 330 8859 5651 1575] 9211 39248 04 40 Chariton, 6.....~i118l 85~1 1271 81 9228 English.78 340 96651 ~~201 4161 1091 44532 504 16 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. LUCAS COUNTY.-CoNTINuED.........55 $1 $0 0............................5 5360410189 42408 5 0 5 0 0................. 82 5713541 404 67 45 1a5 LY ON COUNTY................................. [..........!....................... NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, ce c...........................................i.........f.119.............14 TOWNS, AND CITIES.'. A S... 0 0.............0 0.................................................... 1023..... o8 ~~ 0'C-.C)~~~~0 4*6~ [. 03 0 0 0......4 30 3 s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~1- _ _ M 4 Cd _ _ _ _ _'9 1z Washington.53 258 S115638 8 15$ 59$ 350 $ 37108 $ 7577 $5031..................... -- 51..30.. — 32. White BreasUT.55.513.63044'.1601 8981 442 41068 6338 3 Total.......................... 826 5527 1030554 4001 8673 4475 515975 72644 31717 LYON COUNTY. Dale......................................................... 140. Doon.............................. 11199................ 1348 1095.... Lar-chwood........................ 5440 60........... 569........... Lyon.............................. 16012 10........... 10047 1695 260 Rock................................. 3...... 1 280 23...... Total........................... 32651 73..... 1 12244 3093 260 MADISON COUNTY. Crawford................. 23 50 920811........... 30 29835, 1354 237 Douglas.................. 231 3945.1467051 3305 1386 1697 57913;........... Earlham, town of.......................................................... Grand River.............. 30 470 95236 1686 960 527 35766 7844 5275 Jackson.................. 18 360 106867 1307 398 73 82208 3121 277 Jefferson................. 81 525 111135 90 1154 443 35786 7818 2029 Lee...................... 12 100 77065................ 30478 -1439..... Lincoln................. 79 403 93234 98 1783 1109 833 56 5385 Madison, exc. of Earlham.. 42 450 1224 01...... 486 431 61606 3721 5132 Monroe.................. 6 20 84366................ 44008........... Ohio.................... 55 360 108692 2735 1721 10 312,53 5920 3099 Penn, exc. of Earlhamr..... 25 220 216883 88 567 179 146594 4787..... Scott.............46 527 141745 2537 1374 250 8650 181 South................... 77 370 77145 112 1622...... 37477 3151..... Union................... 139 938 96647 398 2236i 1316' 44462 6757 12594i Walnut.................. 46 313 65461 4-5 900i 215 41068 3575 2709 Webster.................. 28 48 72-787 43 321...... 27627 3947..... Winterset, city of.................... 580...... 13491 2450 150092 4557..... Total.................I 638, 9099 1709030, 12344i 159681 ~9824 -99-1296 ~798~25 36737 MAHIASKA COUNTY. Adams.................. 105 312 152176.. 952 60 63386........ 5375 Beacon, town of...................... 861 38..... 20 636 850 3378 Black Oak................ 61 424 157404 3 1201 514 71932 4494..... Cedar................... 104 307 169314 97 3793 648 57614 9004 2778 Des Moines....84 347 119464 4575 658 904 78413 7334 3586 Harrison................. 87 500 161039...... 1800 865 80111 9416 2485 Jefferson................. 177 340 133281.50 1197 661 88472 8602 5 Madison................ 161......144970......1166 314 81504 13443 2053 Monroe.................. 73 175 140024 790 1450 795 131513 125,30..... New Sharon, town of...... 16 175 1386...... 651 18 3558 1487.35 Oskaloosa, exc. of Oskaloosa and Bea-con........... 449 6038 264470 10534 10707 2783 156342 33118 18990 Oskaloosa, city of..............540 2000 7601 995 8592 7032..... Pleasant Grove............ 921 219 94966 2887 7981 632 32621- 5409- 2069 1875.~] CENSUS RETURNS. MAHASKA COUNTY. —CONTINUED. o 0 ~~~~~~c -~~~ 0~-'O~lKS~l~pff X0 lc X - d4d - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~0...................... 310 1980 136910 60 1820 776 5377 736. 120465) 292) 11 35911 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, Id, ~ 5,.....TOWNS, AND CITIES...... - 14 61285 23 1 17 9....................... 9.......... 1253 646 61 OcS 0 0. o0 o~~a 0)nz a~5 )~ aC 4 em.Prairie ex.. of New Sharo.............n 201 984 8 165993 24275 18 15461$ 1950 102756 16722$ 6371 Richand....................... 310 1980 13691 60 1820........ 76 53771 7937 278 Scott.....................61 494 115597 2920 729 1179 39911 7719 3434 Union..................103.........7....... 36 1240865 29 1326 167 35593 6768 3339 White........................ 6217 1234 116534 361922 1416 2 61242 4018 2395 of towntal.......... 23011 14262 21957851 26771 320487 53 1 5081 11479671 155883 56566 MARION COUFNTY. Cl1y..........I.......... 139 675j 146982.. 1253 626 61957 6367 334 Dallas................... 91 436 80109 245E6 1163 776 55748 4042 9644 Franklin................. 36 430 137779...... 583 4471 534135 10920 608 Indiana.................. 62 152 98419w 1922 1416 111 41827 4801..... Knoxville, ex. of town..... 33 595 351526- 586 3487 953 50804 11641 3774 Knoxville, town of 4......... 7525.........1135 1603 13453 3785. Lake Prairie, exc. of Pella... 120 4020 410300 230 3870 5 177160 18000 Liberty........................ 19 115 84709 213 809 735 46359. P l a el............................................................................................................................................. Perry.................... 61 153 26967 101 568 203 8739 3297.255 Pleasant Grove, exc. of Pleasantville............ 45 5-43.163790......2028 406 69516 9470 387 Pleasantville, town of.................................................. Polk.................... 32,352 78434 139 699 24 22206 2013. Red Rock................. 122 1236 118385' 2700 1791 545 30851 4918 7189 ~Summit.................. 74 658 199011 11 2659 855 88652 11915 3987 ~Swan..................... 91 537 65175 130 2095 381 29927 2311. Union................... 38.310 95315 209 574 218 446-79 2998 6270 Washin gton.............. 58 708 116920 25 932 352 74301 6524 2922 Total.................. 10251 109201 21813461 87221 250621 87901 8696141 1031021 41315, MARSHALL COUNTY.'Albion, town of........... 38 20 16771 1378 1308 381~ 5764 1200 3760 Bangor.................. 61 340 77948......1321 953 23976 2403 6186 Eden.................... 47 270 114895 j 100 106 130 3814 5231.....,Green Castle........................215458,.... 150 188 40360 6706..... Iowa, exc. of Albion....... 13 15 74585: 170 790 1361 40301.......... Jefferson...........................1611501 35...... 17 401271.5965. Le Grand................. 7...... 180741 100 2301 1230 48060 10812 86 Liberty.................. 33 200 155633...... 80 35....... 7716..... Liscomb, exc. of town..... 18 190 105795 128 379 406 29708 5718 3142 Liscomb, town of.......... 1.....75 10 300............ Logan... 122178.~~~~~~~~:...... 41 18005 395 Marietta.................. 33 390 160936 50 1002 1002 43869 6557 1058 Marion................... 21 80 153146 1558 1812' 1082 42632 81271 3732 Marshall, ex. Marshalltown 9...... 59652 655 444{ 13021 31112 46261 2758 Marshalltown, city of....... 274 1832 17941 12021 3832 7708 25502 28578 3665 Minerva............12 150 10300'0 262 60 44 46810 8085..... State Center, cxc. of town 3......110593~ 1018 24 203 52436 6564 40 State Center, town of....... 14 30 12838 14551 20 933 3765 1319..... Taylor.1....................... 97047..... 167 69 30215 6257 165 Timber Creek.............. 33 510 125001 130 831 915 134871 7817 660 Vienna..............20 120991 22 127 136 3073 6463 467 Washington............... 197073 70 270 382 47387 7896..... Total...................... 608 4047 2368678 10152 15099 18528 5907131 141945 34153 ~334 ~CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. MILLS COUNTY. ZOWNSEIPS, T$ + - 0 6 10...... 0 317. G. ofcity.."'105 "398 934.......710 13 7 31 T oo 5 9 yo...........................................v............. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS......................... 0 0 TOWNS, AND CITIES. 4-, 4- -. _ o.....540 24............... 1016 exc. of Em0~~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z z ~~~~~~~~~~'t 44 Ce Cd0 0.0C 4 c v. as tingson......................... 25 991 133153 $ 175 $ 17$ 138 64559 5721 8 8314 Deer Creek..................75............. Emerso, town of..........................6.. 25... 65 1031... 925...... 260 Glenwood, "exC. of city...... 105 398 935471 710 1530 877 83417 6627 8776 of...................... 43922 Glenwood, city of....................... 90 8.2......... 14. 155..28-464 Hastings, town of..................8710... 5.. 2660..0 12590 9 Hillsdale, town of................................ 7 0 28 34 82......34 Indian Creek exc. of Emerson and iHastings.............. 1153271.............. 98190........5200 Ingraham.............................84249 2123 329 333 43922 5487....... Lyons.................... 95 868 1425-86......1548 1801 26646 36551 2838 Malvern, town of.......... 51 200 52 120.. 4904 4491 60 Oak...................... 70 280 131551 3628 46 44641 97001 4211 Platteville....................... 65 139 33210. 350 10 1399........................ Rawles...................................... 625 1061971 18251 4844 1215 58210 5324 4400 St. Mary........................... 32 320 233041 25 825......... 3499 750. Silver Creek, exc. of Hills- I dale and Malvern................................102585 1073 3383 1238 188918 4805 8783 White Coud................... 15. 80212.......... 74665 3607. _ _ Total................................. 473 3218 1083509 7520 16170 5726 716952 46206 44101 MITCHELL COUNTY. Bunrr Oak................. 70 100 110163 23j......3705..... Cedar..................... 63 IW~ 121481 530 214 19 463 6593 7227 Douglas.................. 1 50 56744................. 4993 3673 6575 Jenkins.................. 41 105 107075................. 9845 6283 100 Liberty................... 11 75 321012................ 1731 1850..... Lincoln.................. 82 5078 115349 100 33............. 6354 4980 Mitchell................. 65 1050 89044 *200........... 8598 2288..... INewburg................. 50 450 56839................ 1961 385..... Osage, exc. of town........ 42 650 36543 480 39 255 2847 3265 937 Osage, town of.............. 14 245 12954 25 8 539 12584 1990 2765 Otranto................... 18 400 77636 79 154 55 11143 4794 6248 Rock.................... 1 78 98297 191........... 4346 3891..... St. Ansgar................ 1I......119700................. 6818 8607 1005 Stacyville..........................101396................ 4870 2008... Un ion................... 2 15 120541................ 4796 3785... Wayne.................... 20 254 56104........... 60 5773 4703 985 Total.................... 491 8690 1591878 1628 448 1038 941988 64174. 308212 MONONA COUNTY. Ashton.................. 2 85 293671...... 33 27 3936 795..... Belvidere................. 79 1500 134031........... 8 16269........... Center.22282......................68.....5605 155. 07 Fairview................ 176 655 220171............. 5264 1417 100 Franklin, cxc. of Onawa... 31 176 40105 8....6 257 29985 2660 3112 Grant.................... 25 250 6000................ 18942 100..... Jordan............................. 12576................ 1855 311..... Kennebec................ 32 440 41284...... 265 20 18358 2773 1706 Lake................................. 30225................ 5951........... Lincoln.................. 77 695 2.5004................. 18678 3049.65 Maple.................... 71 45 92140 2499 2 30 154101 7054 610 Onawa, town of.......................................... 248661........ 66 ~1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 335 MONONA COUNTY.-CONTINUED. 4o~~~~ o 4-4~~~~~. n S' ~ 4. 04. 0l ~~~ 0 o~~~~~~~~ ~4-4 4-4 4..................C.r...........$ 13107.$... $..$..$ 2020 Sherman........23 350 27862.................. 154622 S.........................21 200 17651...................3 545..pring..... Vall22 225/ 22486 378 7 22610 20 [ 275[ 2~0 0 { 12 We........ st... st D E. F-9 300 222122- 20 112 0..... Wl... 9944........... 7............ 4 0....................... 10851 447665 2972 661 t369 223424 44 MONROE COUNTY. ~~~~~~........ 1............ 1...'"~i' "''~6........ Bluff.... Creek. 13 1,698 173100 26 - 0'6-651 10..' Cedar:;]]:::;..... 56 393 60836 405 505 116 2731 Can i..............................59 1965710 20 60..733 85..............................65 82922 27 1 167 64 39115 69............................. 22 1 00 5497..................... t k........................ 1 184 82099 1124 451 1647 44824.... Blonfroek.214.1..........:.2.... 1 567 110228 2108 1541 55.5 48595 74 Pleadant.6.................. 6 693 10582 2058 370505 5462741 7557 5220... Urnkion.1..54 1465 85240 1505 165 10.... 7305 5642. 482 Guifrbana..725 6 844 251470 175 6 2391573 4869 5429... Waynre................2 214157 10 2235 2 105.51 5 459 45 40 Total.................. 1029 6867 938362 9702 13814 6320 434462 54798, 25,535 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Douglas............ 38...... 80887 65........... 334821........... Frankfort.............. I...... 76520........... 10 24154 981... Grant.................... 41...... 149227 50 382 83 32176 4295 292 Jackson, exo, of Villisca.. 100...... 38882...... 1795 133 18465 3807 40 Lincoln.....78401................ 5601~ 2133..... Pilot Grv.3 82400 100..... 50 18311 3519 2379 Red Oak, exc. of town...... 108..... 102638 70 34 236 46019' 4767 234 RedOak, town of...................:.................................. Scott....................1...... 42367................ 18865.........'Sherman.................... I 102901................. 24914.. 440.... ~ Villisca, towa of..................... 2970 502 7 49 154.6 926..... Walnut............................ 141722 20 40 45 42952 3499..... Washin-ton............... 13...... 77278 20..... 5 17345~ 6766 1297 West................................ 95934...... 146 72 20958 5758 5722 Total................. 305......1072127 817 2404 683 304791 36453 12403 MUSCATINE COUNTY. Bloomington, exc. of Mus- 36 1954 27 220 481 catine.................. 100 421195.154 27 22 47 8 44366 14396 28 Cedar.................... 25..... 29.... 57 2881 375,37 2 1153 Fulton................... 34 103 304652 128 2437 849 67460 14252. Goshen................... 56 355 189547...... 1380 1706 87314 9065 72 Lake..................... 611 29 118956 2991 4181 1747 52112 8447 2995 Montpelier................ 19 30 72601...... 1216 91 285371 4040 2907 ~836 ~CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. MUSCATINE COUNTY.-CONTINUED. 0-,owesmr s 125to, ~ ~ ro0sslw~ps 0 I: 0. r2 CT O. 8 41o 4o 4| c o - 3............................... 326jo582l 11 o~ 71 3 36 Y o........ * —-— 1 —- — 1 —— 1 —--................ ---- ----— ~....................... 6301 60...... 86. 2194 78 -~o ~7o ~.o +oo +,7...................... 1 9835 417 4 27819 lqAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, 0 0 Z TOWNS, AND CITIES. 22........ 4............. o..... 21. 1214 306 266 540 Sd 4- $o 4 P4 P4 e c 0oQ W I,. 53 $4 SO S- 5. Moscow........... 60$59822 1154 711 230 $336601 2065$ 3676 Muscatine, city of....................I............................ Orono............................... 0..... 9 761061......... 785 28 13948 229. Pikef...........90 325 123615 170 5 276189 512 677. of —---------------- -|-|-751 7114 2 4 2450311 Seventy-Six.................0677......... 2041 633 56410 51191 4123 O'BRIEN COUNTY. ~~~~~~Sweetland 4........21...... 121144........ 3061 2656 54305 820......... Waosinonoc, exc of West Liberty................. 71 360 179296 4510 1200 1778 02331 6594 8843 West Liberty....................... 9............. 2........ 786 1310. Wilton, ex c.. of town....... 2....77689 75 713 677 92878 10751 0 Wilton, town of..........1I... 1422 4..... 2450 3115........... Total................. 616 19671 1747906 9795 22672 15112 694378 88909 31413 O'BRIEN COUNTY. Baker............................ 11340.461..1533 761..........Carrol.21616.3068 0................... 10 Center.......................... 270191................ I 1984 2315..... Floyd............................. 20977 6564........... 6276 64,52..... Grant.......................... 29149................ 5390 i#328.... Highland.3...................... 6880 3416...... 1861 2172..... Liberty................. 1....... 29398 10....I...... 1621 6721 39 Summit......................... 3324 100........... 4 50..... Waterman.......................... 11839....................... 56..... Total.....................1I... 191542 10551........... 20278 13216 39 OSCEOLA COUNTY. Fairview..............1677.40 213..... Gilman...............14275................. Goewey..... 20510................ 588 959..... Holman12697 100.....198 2020..... Horton............................ 1665..........25 436..... OcIheyedan.......................... 6375 Viola... 8051...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5. 584......... Wilson............................. 4328 15876..... Total............................... 69581 1i5 ~........... 1435 5291...... PAGE COUNTY. Amity................... 102 110 93541......... 3939~ 1334 53729 65..... Buchanan................. 154 1011 110400....... 21661 1220 57263 6841..... Clarinda, town of......... 83 45....... 2075 7701 1459 14013 3125..... Colfax.................. 4...... 42772....... 3401 110 25606........... Douglas.................. 4 10 16670....... 23 21853 235, 2890 East River................ 127 392 64631. 2272 13101 39778 7355 8907 Fremont............................ 115235 290 30 10 26142 3583 122~5 Grant, exc. of Shenandoah 6 27 122095 94 2 1 90506 2719..... Harlan................. 50...... 109552 50 2814...... 76161 4640 4737 Lincoln.................. 7 10 77332 1040 275 209 63754 7335 1940 Morton................. 6...... 51684................ 24447 1481..... Nebraska................ 93 824- 32553 20 1062...... 24759 2563. 2962 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 33 PAGE COUNTY.-CoNTINUED. -4 4 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, Towns, AND CITIs. 4- 4i 0~~~~~~~ U) Uf4. 0. CC 0 0. Od + Nodaway, exc. of Clarinda.. 78 875 160079 30 3371 379 71126 4080 Pierce...........................a........ 3 0 -711 1 0 5 30 1 4 -... Pierce.35 50 ~~74514, 115 200t 95i 33001, 43151 364 Shenandoah.......................... 22001............. Tarkio.................................... 7 50 107545 9 yi~ ~ ~ k Waskingto n................................. 75.. 754452 8.. 07. 30. 33307............. 6.....5. i Total 805 3825, 1293463 4221 17877 6283 714592 54708 2.7612 PALO ALTO COUNTY. Ellington........................8189 632 1608 1326. Emmetsburg........................99.... 95. Fairfield........................... 31.0................ 30 220... Fern Valley... 5 1 30 3831..................... 2213 620 657 Freedom................................ 7989...19..81....... Greato.......................181470 - 3106 10 Highland...... 73361.".1.1...1461 1180. Lost Island............................282.............................. 487 124 Nevada................................. 9448..8078......... Rush Lake............................7.93......... 0........ 1 419 678......... Silver Lakey...................6441 33...(............ 221..20...7 Vernon...................................2298...... 9......... 902 1993......... Walnut............................2799......... 5348......1'8 l'. 348. West Bend.... 15507............................ 63 6 1928 241 Total.1 30 966161 156 131 ~~~3016158 22862 1643 TostaIlan....:............................... 2 8 0 216 5......... 4 714 PLYMOUTH COUNTY. America.................................. 32350......... ~........ 9.............'...... Elgin...................................... 27134.324 705...... Fredonia.... 42986.....76 1404 1439 Granto.......................................... 21901............................'9........... Johnson.....................42698....2987 14. Lin col n........... 79194 880 25... 3'3 15246 2734 -276, Marion....12799.14............59.................. 19...... Perry.............................. 48761 71))........... 3860 3254..... Plymouth................................... 27258 239... 2867. Portland............................ 10490.............................. Sioux................................ 4429....................-986 8. Stanton............................ 43775................ 3396 8,37..... Union..................................... 23726 84.... 2736 561 Washington.... 166227........................ 2028. Total4............................. 42,31.......... 331 33937 13008 2055 POCAHONTAS COUNTY. Bellville....................9069.50 167 Cedar.......................1........200.. 1268......::.~: I.......87.......061 Center..........................1...........1......... 1595....... Clinton................................036...... 870. Colfax.. 10385.1i 94... i4................................... 20 3~~~~~~~~~42[......... 8 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. POCAHONTAS COUNTY.-COTNUED. 0 M~~~~~~~~~~ CO rQ CO g eS _a..~ NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, ~ 0. ~~.................I..............1.1.1$ 200251....$.... 1$....I$ 1$ 8024 TOWNS, AND CITIES.'0 0 3 P CS 0 4....................... 545_.........[......... 5.........' 0 4o C 4S.3 C'3Grant.5702.........].................................................. 84..........N..:E E.......g59 Jackson~~~.8....5......, 1 770....5............... Lincoln~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.17.....I..l Lizard.29877.................................................................... Tota1........1.2666 12-........ 21877 W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ca POLK COUNTY. Al.....................I 321 243 49983 1653 17451 1238 11868 Beve................I 1271 910 215386 30 11741 1561 43354 B.o.......1 51 661 161186 3104 47081 2350 606491 CaMp ines....................... 73 794 139724 80.........1380 6528 roker........................ 33 843 107573..... 441 48942 Jeawar........................ 61 555..... 177891 6668... 890 1203 61606 5 ELkzard..... 88.. 25867 1223 823. 8 2199 7814 2963 Fr tan ln..................... 13 465... 117886 2 441........ 224 3973 17 15 78..... rAllnt..................... 32 157 84244 9753 6742 5123 121908 1117 13376 Jeaverson.................. 125..10 103676.... 29129 335 5398 1750 Bomadison...............220 766 1431625.4 7011 1358 16569 36334..... Cayokr.......9........ 138495 907057 425... 1345 498 289145 49076 22105 Yalley..~~~~':... 671 9 586189 613 29 66566298 15764 790, Dlwalnut.....110.251.239687.41 933 20 4 6160164 05 17 Wogash.......ngto.........n!~...14 650 117847... 1239 29570 2827-5 458330 7453 1371 Tohatal................. 129 7442 214002 22887 18926 1708 6741118 71090 51134 AFoca, town o................ 15 475 64913.30.1.30. 1585...... 15256 Beanlkia.8............... 205 1182491......4 1 522 1895371147 2575 Grenter................... 20 147 97963 245 2495 42 32955 40097 1376 Caiounci lfs city............ o.... 220 5065 194465 11940.. 5571 896 16334 44195 459 Calresen.20................. 9 3952 37737 1995 15 7767914 34064 836 Hazlnu Dell................271 211 439419 4 93 5. 614. 9 46088.67 Jamshigo.7........322... 14 5 174 24 9 25 8 46.. 8086 7425 1501 Toeg reek...............6393794 1403 28715 96101 667.. 1102 80160 51154 Kuoca, excn of A c........ 5 475 152331.... 53.... 3.... 31868 6528 9028 Ceotr...........a........ 20 14 963840....5 1 4877 00 36 Ploeasant..............41470.. 5020.91926 1237....818 21 20.... Rokfrden.94................ 885 75480 10......... 544755037 69 5837... Siler, Creek... 28.602. 4166...... 326184 81158.5 Washington.1.5 184681 290..28 212.137 99 ~1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY.-CONTINUED. row~sss, X an. E..3 SnZ>=o p 4I 0)n.~~~............................. 283181115 734181$.........$ 270;........$ 18110........................I 26.......... 6... 71448]...............82 12533........................! ~ ~t ~~........., 5 38...........544............................. - 27~ 2778 12662 m78] 1218 10o- 31-3 OWESHIEK COUNTY.4 0) ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~02 w Arco BrooyklynsI 24 6 182965 1(0 695 858 74115 nof............................................................. 0 9 of; town Q)...........i......1'6 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, k..82 100 TOW S, A ontezuma...CITIE.... 7 o 11 1 pabrb a oven 0;-~~~~~ %~~3., ~~20 )7 20 3.3 3 ce~ PA d Ce A Ca cS0) CU Wavelan m................ 23 3111$ 73418. $ 270 $......$ 13110$ 8119$ 204 Wright................... 26...... 71448....... 32 12538 3084 700 Yorii..................... 5 159 23187............ 5 4142 1654..... Total.................. 2871 2778 12526291 173121 12183~1 10829 319836 116,536 107852 POWESHIEK COUNTY. Bear Creek, exc. Brooklyn 24 65 182965 100 695 858 74115 7678 365 Brooklyn, town of........................................................ Chester................... 18 270.186185...... 310 461 45907 6470.Y Deep River................ 47 422 104427 39 1549 449 70790 7312 2872 Grinnell, exc. of town................180793 270 482 662 75629 7438..... Grinneli, town of..........182400........... Jacksoon, exe. Montezum~a,-,.... 99. 170133 752 2124 142 27732 8009..... Jefferson.............. 3......161159..200 100 27286 10255..... Lincoln................ 16 126 184230..... 92 133 37,276 6161 1185 Madison............................194997................ 10072 11247. Malcom, exc. of town.............. 14 93300 10 1013...... 17025 3538..... Malcom, town of.......... 2..... 3380........11318 454..... Montezuma, town of..................I...1076. 22....... 1432. Pleasant.................. 16 147 151063 63 508 814 88094 4016.::-:: Scott................ 144540................ 24564 5345..... Sheridan...9: 6 10 169262 1130 76 288 37637 14779..... Sugar Creek................ 122 955 113887...... 40...... 27068 3806.2 Union................... 86 311 63492...... 539 209 4648 4049..... Warren................... 44 352 135480 102 121 903 28850 7039 9214 Washington........ 80 355 147729...... 214 44 33506 5608 TqI I..................... 566 3013 2393022 354 7963 4790 81.8917 1146361 13668 RINGGOLT) COUINTY. Athens................... 11 124 40000 2574 475 214 19294 3020 5289 Benton...........:........ 44 410 74317..... 20 40 30996 690 Clinton................... 16 2,89 31628...... 385 215 24248 1195 2316Grant..... 33 132 57694 3 312 168 26105 5789 2089 Jeffers'on............... 46 700 6975i 293 623 196 31985 2967 60111 Liberty................... 21 405 48130 25 112 160 22228 2094..... Lincoln................... 21 50 57004 10 80 40 30707....... 620 Lot's Creek............... 19 138 28836 68 255 41 18842 2238 5667' Middle Fork............... 11 57 46681 20 321 165 25647 3054 3612 Monroe................... 12 139 40660 86 35 -70 21422........ 796Mount Ayr................ 4 75 452138 2517 590 717 43474 10676, 9625. Rice..................... 3...... 22507.................. 1643. Riley.. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~11 "10 15805 1062 134 149 168 3541 22 Tingley...............::-....... 46483..............141$...... Union..........6........... 58 34000.... 265 20 6012........1226Washington................ 30 278 50143 9750..... 150 22620 1930, 48. Total.288 2865~ 115782 16408836078235 339238 40254 43=12 CENSUS RETURNS. [No 10. SAC COUNTY. YOrNW>sHIPs, ~R |X t c ~ -- o W Id~~~~~~~~~~~~I 436'.........**@**~~ s@@** **...1' 29o1......... $-:-::1$ 43......................9...'9 47785.....0 0 0 0222.................................~v 323499 142**ez... 9 901.... ~......................... 26028 ***** 5**wv 22i3].................. 271 21'5 2388801'-"1 — 8 32]l 11092,.~~ ~ ~~~~~~ _ _. W Ce COUNTY. N iES........... 3 10 49827OW1 324..... 3504 TOWNS, AZqD CITIES. 4- 4. Id Ce 0 0 k k PC)....................... v v v * 16 4 180 30093..396 23821 1280 780.Yi of,,.,.,, 0...........C....... 0.,,-...:...-.-............ 0.3- CdC~C3 I e C3'e cBoyer Valley..............$........ 23684 1$................$ 4367' 2756 $..... Clinton...41811.......... 272905. Douglas.....................8 12 29030.............. 398 2764..... Eden... 22267................ 887......... Jackson....................... 19 90 47785 18 50 30 21222 470 920 Levey............................... 334991....... 4 2 -9901 7727. Sac................................. 524061 1421............. 52406 4697 3625 Wall Lake......:.................. 260281..... 35...... 22631........1807 Total.2............... 71 215 2388801 142 89, 32 110926 22026. 6352 SCOTT COUNTY. ~Allen's Grove............. 3 10 149827...... 324.. -... 350411 7684 3375 Blue Grass............... 16 180 300930 396 2382 1280 780316 11181. Buffalo, exc. of town....... 16 60 98335......1387 327 29054 4813 3067 Buffalo, town of......................................... Butler................... 22 215 212 576 1678 1525 635 603 149 Cleona................... 6 30 258683...... 383 5-i 350-15 6311..... Davenport, exc. of city..... 12 75 26-5635 6700 8560 10355 54040 51.395... Davenport, city of......... 9 315 2900 3075 965 3271 190 8430 110 Hickory Grove......................294323 5 945 83 58845 13813 4,38 LeClaire, exc, of town...... 20 100 130931 1502 6110 1849 56364 11215 1765 LeClaire, town of............................ Liberty........... 31.....156113 25 29 16 3072 567.P110-0 Lincoln.......... 2......298512......3749 124 673 142. Pleasant Valley............ 8 45 130660 905 8137 3616 45032 9992 3132 Princeton, exc. of town. 100 440 144526.....20031 20 61577 5797..... Princeton, town of................. Rockingham........................ 28326 92 2.395 537 4788' 5237.4815 Sheridan...........................399286......1052.... 62035. 12651..... Winfield.................. 3. 3 1703101 3 841 25 45377 9756. 65 Total.248K 1~~~~~~ ~ ~~~47313483 15213 41037 223221 731742 192777 17382 SHELBY COUNTY. Cass....................................I.................... 5245 438..... Clay.......I......................... 28081..... 6150 1152...... Douglas........................... 36616 30........... 3432........... Fairview............................ 104642 52........20194 230. 08 Greeley.............................. 6264 101............ 4916 966.. Grove.................... 35 170 27782 64............ 18191 3772 29 Harlan.................... 9 250 168491 27160.... 4.06 10326 9876 5664 Jackson.................. 52 2200 22921................ 301 717 354 Jefferson.......................... 9213 1831............ 1977 1373 300 Lincoln........................... 43807.............. 5260 1535..... Polk................................ 142,35 14........................... Shelby............................ 91951 15............ 14401 2240. 50 Union............................... 11267 128.......... 1525 507 479 Washington.......................... 7776......................... 771..... W e t h Total.................. 96. 26201 5730-46 ~3347~1... 406~ 919~201 2563531 131.22 ~1875.1 CENSUS RETURNS. 341 SIOUX COUNTY.,........0.................... i..i....!!ii.l..i!!..!!!!........... 32........... 5...............~~~~.........'................12Q...........9, ~~~~~~~.........,................ Ut.....................,**.... 4+1. +. 4..............@...~~........... 6@v99 5[..........'.....'.. 651............................... [. 35918[.............. 160.................)...-... 19160 0 0......... 9 ~~~~~~~,..*..............................[ 55281 12.......697..NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS,...... 9502......... 108..............~........................... 04............k oS,.. ca 0'Ca 0. STORY COUNTY.,3...................... 10 0 3.-........***e~eer1 1.52 00 8918 a)3 - 56Cd1 45..................z z _-_ _ 5 0 _ 6 __ 5 7 Id Bun combe.............................. 9807.....-........ 2217 606. Floyd.............................. 13929................ 751 653. Grant.............................. 12280............... 93 2682..... Holland............................ 46817...................... 1508. Lincoln............................ 6995............... 651 622... Nassau.8...................... 5918................ 160 1000. Reading............................ 19160................ 95 1211.. Rock.............................. 5528 12........... 697 801..... Settl er......................9502................ 1084 746..... Sheridan........................... 7044...................... 606..... Total..1..................... 166980 12............ 5756 9935..... STORY COUNTY. Ames, town of............I 91 40 5109 48....... 9601 1041 860 82 Collins................... 152 400 89189 1230 562 252 84459 5687 8687 Franklin................. 51 40 86685 48 579 25 31698 9958 5018 Grant.................... 11 43 44762 735 198 827 21180 7810 8396 Howard......................... 87045........... 40759.......... Indian Creek.............. 161 851 11443 50 564 42 46351 10743 7800 Lafayette................ 7 105 86670................. 13186 2415 1165 Lincoln............................ 36307 355 189 95 6515 2113 15 Milfordi................... 12 265 65,573 937 477 538 44415 13306 8498 Nevada, exci of town....... 145 845 99043 519 1194 914 4803 12225 535 Nevada, town of.0......... 0 255 3636 20 349 1558 8618 6409.. New Albany.............. 23 75 20397...... 8 10 11193 2479.y~ Palestine................. 3 10 74885 61 401 87 3830 9070 4158 Richland................. 4..... 57942...... 2641 67 3353 8392..... Sherman............................ 830079................. 6767 3920..... Union................... 154 1249 134265 2733 2077 1770 52082 1489-4 8095 Warren............................. 7972 115 1 5 1894 777. Washington, exc. of Ames. 137 1038 142741 95 577 88 4571 14830 3676 Total..................1011, 4716, 1033743, 6941 7440. 7143 836715 125338 41126 TAMA COUNTY. Buckinghiam.......... 9 120 153335 75 873 402 60585 5035 5425 Carlton............... 7. 6 106734 553 596 308 26643 8844 1527 Carroll.................. 13...... 86920 63 315 110 5638 5596 1260'Clark....................2......108730..... 10 72 9365 8749..... Columbia................ 19 165 113709.... 16414 7111..... Crystal................... 4 75 89523..... 275...... 23500 5498 396 Geneseo............................119910................ 29785............. Grant.8............ 3612833.. 12842 664..... Highland..... 2..:::: 105106... 25463 3773 1341 Howard.8................ 3......142,825..... 811 237 81930 6605 295 Indian Village, ex. Montour 77 630 94925..... 970 166 27261 5509 7800 Lincoln...............108698............ 5573 3415.... Montour, town of.2.... 40 300............... 100 50 3200 Oneida.......................... 152530........... 22 19665 6044.. Otter Creek........I....... 97 130 147486 25 565 158 37856 4996 4302 Perry, exc. of Traer........ 21 106 135576 51 1052 808 38463 14531 2248 Richland................. 51 295 110759...... 30 468 4865 5176...-. Salt Creek................ 18...... 97970 238...... 280 27243 363..... ~342 ~CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. TAMA COUNTY.-CONTINUED. rr~~~~~~~~~ 44 4S. 0 0 0 0 AE OF TOWNSHIPS, L 0 C TOWNS, AND CITIES. 4|, S i 0 0 0 4 0 o rn. 0 $ C) A 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z_ ~ _ - _ Spring Creek....................... 5 50 $1036751$..... $........$.... $ 6439 Tama, ex. of Tama City..... 16......... 19676 ]0 184 2 6876 668 Tama City, town of............. 132......... 150 150 40 90............. Toledo, exc. of town........... 21 59 56511 1357 1211 392 23805 4175 8490 Toledo, townf.................... 6......... 47980 1861 190 1059 6831 68060 597 Traer, f........... 5......... 2184.................. 8......... 45 York......................... 291 5......... 15010 1341 568 30407 5288 170 Total.............................I 542 1795 2316405 4383 84631 5142 478394 1670251 37285 TAYLOR COUNTY. Bedford, town of........................................................... Benton, x. of Bedford 16.. 85759 15 50......... 21439 1040 Cl ayton................................ 43 147 52560 163 864 195 46445 3165 1476 Dallas..................... 89 386 84596 229 420 145 25969 4780 1504) CGay...................... 8 90 34233...... 126 4 1 28289 250 1200) Grant..........1.......... 10 28880 25 20 10 6691 290 65 Grove.................................... 3.. 2.. 232557 3........8096 103 Holt....................................... 48......... 71215 200 158.......... 21255...... Jackson................... 33 60 51878.10468 2174.11 Jefferson............ 21 140 5,3881 1 8 860. 34037 455..... Marshall....... 14 140 2.3619............... 11826 1723.. Mason.................... 67 390 76204 85 1283 205 41097 7145 75 Nodaway............... 74 587 60156 222 335- 90 23360 2930 1 5 88 0 Platte...'................ 12 25 52865 2369 175 16 23422 24,53..... Polk.................... 16 20 71267 3701 11281'70 69i2251 6395..... Ross..................... 27 40 56251 10 8691 175 367,30 3532 5114 Washington.............. 73 9851 51855...... 9711 114 32920 3774 2t10 Total.................. 5561 30201 908476 37991 7259 1061 441269 41780 25000 UNION COUNTY. Afton, town of....................... 285...................... 1412..... Crest~n, town of....................................................... Dodge................... 17 312 26280................ 16735 2580...... Douglas, exc. of Creston.... 3 20 37721 1000....I...... 5787........... Grant.......................... 25403.... 2790 1165..... Highland................. 31 218 50605 135 7 19202 310 650 Jones.................... 83 380 78174 273 365 92........ 5991 1337 Lincoln..................1...... 65770.............................. New Hope................ 7 131 58474 717 561 137 28745 6725.8095 Platte.................... 41 190 35090 135 1244 114.50067 5 947 1220 Pleas~ant................. 49 420 36552 86 355..... 25640........... Sand Creek............. 12 50 45076 41 206 138 1584 1637...... Spaulding.......................... 33801 1945........... 8282 864..... Union, exc. of Afton....... 17 34 71.029'645 677 140 37496 3102 5149 Total................. 261 I'Z 624260 4977 3483 6211 1963281 29733~ 11451 ~1875.] CENSUS RETURNS.343 VAN BUREN COUNTY. r.4 4' &Q W ~ ~ ~.~ 0 0 o to of.N o 7 0 I 14 1 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, o''o TOWNS, AND CITIES. 4O O 0 0 O tow of........16] 110}$ 1427 $ 17 45$ 738]$ 3708 Ca P W 04 P4 0 town of.........28 50 4160 347 210 775 2557 98 1121 41575 Bonaparte.........98 112 41575 8020 4216 726 22872'of.'.::::::::::::::::::............................................ Cedar............122 457 153318..13 "300 74....3 3072234 Chqus...............85. 3671 80613 1692 2083 629 35594 Des........... M s.177 360 110956 1878 3942 876 121224 Far ngon exc. of tow';n 60:: 1 60195469 40 3138 120 22784 31810 Fmigntown of.1........................................... Hrsbr..................107 62 1538861.... 3478- 74 579321274 Henry.......62 200 52918 301 19271 478 3342130 874 90[0 Jackonexcf Cantril. 29 30..........01 08 127 1005 1 78 2 348 1055 7480 Beomnqha, town of..........13 100 4459 1....5 5 55 130 5 Licknapa..C.rteek.......... 6 2 3 78 80450 25 5488 76 87 12 16303 Unin, e n of..Birmingham 86 532 132358....4....' 1123 56850 ean B ec. Keosa.qua 14. 1 5o81 127 33845........ 1 00821 6 73 5028624 0 Vhernont................................. 50 36 6 94384 1295 1690 1048 40615 630 380 o...................... 396 106 324 90 2130 30 30696 5 18 Washington, exc. of Be;nHaonisport............................ 41 224 4686 15....18 55 1795 13750 51 Jackson WAPELLOantCOUNTY.. Agencya townof....... 3152 44596 32 1217 1040 419365 3566 1280 Agncy Cityek...............62 t78ow 0 150 2 509 8 1786 183 810 15 Cass.44e of 86 53251323583.2...... 375 128 15750 2239 77 CentBuer, ex. of eott umw a 179 978 150470 8009 2035213003 614728 95 17 84203 Cernopene.69........... 39 9438 15 126905 1308 4068 3061 258 DVilongeg.............930 96 81063246 9 0 179 34 4 5 25 3 Wadon, town o.. eoxp:"..................... 41- 224]: 46086......... 102 41 13021 Green.8......................... 107 201 8682 193 85023 542 33738 5 56 Highlndyx.oftw.......0 5 7 44 96153221. 1083 9730 841936 10064.28 Agencok ttonk.6..... 20 3493 600 280 201 12113 302 110 1 4 4 02.253330 17547 19 375 8 12514 14500.7 Pleasnter x.ofOtm a.. 179 426 115195 8094 24015 2593 76057 1854 4060 Polk7, x.ofEdv 1 635 7931068 2 711580 357 29263 4453 449 767 ichmeiand............... 99 5.. 2449082.. 638 170 47382 10679 6458 Washingon. x... of...... don.... 88. 30 90 1182691 253 8 297 4 80 48203 28505 3356 Totavlle 1077o4945...... 14 551 16 6330 1 2466 71103 594974 115723 25489 Aillend.1.............. 07 750 753901 3 10137 9738 4888 87714 3231.. Green,ciyffe.......d... 197 153 217738... 2198 24734 12671 706281 87870 10867.. Jefersont.................. 76 770 2051961 9 7240162 2197 64225 909 29360 Plbrt.48................... 7 594 189306 710 17 35 7 141 292640 82498 51767 Linlnd.56............... 196..... 2110827..... 39348 1700 9073214 6794 6442 Otter............ 98 495 145519 120.._i6189 0439 554307 44402 754 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. WARREN COUNTY.-CONTINUED. RoWS~l I:, ~ IS _ ~,.......... 6~n 3 10, 103109.8380 17 0 0 4 7 W 9 7 4 4409 0 0 * 0 f 0 I....................................483........ 10192 $7 889515 70 $90026~l................ 1013 10313 921 1 27 38 8 7 0041781 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, CUT ~ 390 38 7094 4 0 0 05 7 09[42'. of town........ 12 1492 341 166 29060 57 409 31041...... 1 o f 1 4 6 346362 2 00 15 743 [Zi~~ 0 %.......'") 4,2~ 0.............. - 87 15 48 185 5) ~~~~~~~00 0o oe o. o 0+ 0. 0 d. c5 t 3, 0 C~ 50? C Palmyra................. 6 25 $ 889551$S 30 $ 9001$ 104 6 535 $ 740.... Richland................. 63 4101 103130 92 27381 700 41471 13944 14000 Squaw........................ 794 757 197 42730 6794 1337 Union........................ 1166 90600 5 740 104 1050 2779 Virginia.................. 49.428 75721 1491 435 257 449 512 9 5533 Washington, exo. of Indianola....................................8 161 1444 316168 14506 6890 3130 179443 11790 19540 White Breast....................... 48 426 10946. 616 33 44759 White Oak................ 481 385 101927...... 975 291 709261.890. Total.................1213 10413 22083921 178611 27889, 101731 886 19 01 WASHIN GTON COUNTY. Brighton, exc. of town..... 125 1492 37421 16 2493 409 38104 5122 4530 Brighton, town of........... 3 6 3652 2 500 554 2738 1088 427 Cedar...................... 87 152 187231.......1537 487 18504 8349 2255 Clay...................... 65 275 67994 5 1686 963 455773 7172 5199 Crawford.................. 34 105 157611 1 2437 1803 62262 9649 6519 Dutch Creek............... 39 130 123225......1600 689 60569 18 5414 English River....70 180 42267 29 2221 21 702401 2812 1342 Franklin........8 5 178225..... 1961 70 83994........45,30 Highland................. 30 136 129112 201 446 292 40504 6128...... Iowa..................... 94 129 1307748 22-52I 1353 1134 41582 6597 6980 Jackson.................. 70 207 167447...... 400 218 64831 126801..... Lime Creek...............j 23 180 142508 65 11151 342'44284 6584 65 Marion.................. 411 97 90920: 2560 3015 408 48393 7058 7650 Oregon..................1 139 290 1662191 1890 24310 10435 83129 9025..... Seventy Six....... U1 51 197 200526 252 2510 398 65378 8733..... Washington, exc. of city.... 123 410 209857 452 5744 2662 80139 15086 17381 Washington, city of....... 14 72~ 3001......2380 979 12222 7563..... Total................ 1016 4063 20352641 7544 53709 21864 862506 ll3664K 2292 WAYNE COUNTY. Allerton, town of,.......... 6.. 61 Y6.. E...M...&6... i.. 6 Benton.119.980.113710.150.450.144.51646.3319 Clay..................... 36 3601 91635...... 467 4464 41814 3947 122 Clinton.................. 43 469 52082 1142, 179 231 23767 4551 2889 Corydon, exc. of town...... 51 536 65011 2449 571 739 51097.5656 371 Corydon, town of.......... 90 272 12-559 894 152 862 19284 1895o..... Grand River,ex.of Lineville 38 1250 46024 1517 288 97 32025 150 1540 Howard.................. 45 824 36312 30 1470 240 17147 2488 1914 Jackson.................. 82 231 53721 171 1154 316 36867 2370 2232 Jefferson................. 82 327 43372 87 2269 509 27793 9171..... Lineville, town of............................................... Monroe................... 1 43809 5 402 80 18409......... Rischman................. 16 145 83790...... 345...... 27314 5472.4~ Seymour, town of......... 1 40 511................ 1492 382 499 South Fork............... 132 1364 104502.. 523 25i 72156 3802.. Union.~~~~~~~~~~~~.92 681 116360..1147 8271 6229.5 7871. Walnut, exc. of Seymour... 135 12340 156529......1732 500 71860 1507 1698 Warren, exc. of Allerton... 25 91 117464 175 300 7701 30977 2430..... Washington.............. 71 727 111428 1726 890 377 51872 5411 1538 Wright................... 173 2443 113017 126 613 312 65197 4854..... Total.................. 1270, 12395 1361376, 8472 12952 10493 703012, 65276. 13528 ~1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 345 WEBSTER COUNTY. o~ ~, ~ ~ ~ e - __ ___ 4-i 0- 4-' 10 10 4 D..... CITIES.... { 1.... 4A9 GO X Aftg; De 0 + I i t NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS, Id~...................................... $ 9324 $........$.... $...$............................... 6........13738512..................... 0 53469............................... 0 0 0.........I.........I...........0 Clay.11501.~~~~~~~~0 ~ 6;.,6;4691.;at.67.................. 660 373 5 2 020 53240 1 0 5245 Deer Creek.................................. 24......................... 2......................................................... o f............... 81 2................. 2............120 Deerof 50 2210........................................ ~Douglas.........................................866........... 8................ 2 9 8 ~~~::::Elkhorn:::::.........::........................................................... Ft. Dodge, city of................. 27 140............................. F............lto.......87........................... 9 1......... ~~Gowrie...................................................................... 467 ~Hardin...................................103.............8......,........... 1465 Jackson........................... 21..................... 371.1 Johnson. 20 1...................... 1 2 113......... 910 4218 Lost Grove......................... 26886................ 46.97 1866..... Newark.................. 7687................ 1465........... Otho......................2 210. H 52;596...... 22 20 241811 186. 76 Pleasant Valley............ 14 121 18632...... 129 10 42181 2960 702 Sumner........................ 13 70 109602......... 69......... 20 25720248 Wahkonsa, exe. Ft. Dodge... 20......... 28005 1200 250 315 5585 6035 122 Washington..................... 10 1281 48420 65...........................75 Wester...................... 190 9511 38013......... 236 192 15902 5983 3672 ~Yell~...................... 124 684 36375........................... 9123 4000 100 Total.508 1159 733342 1345 1036 1094 189104 72418 10326 WINNEBAGO COUNTY. Center................... 3. 309871 1609........... 655 2812..... Forest................... 83 155 15695 616 26 40....... 2770..... Iowa............................... 43436................ 1156........... Norway............................ 16173............... 1230.... Pleasant................... 381.430 33928 1143 58 76 5340 2~791 Total.1241 ~......... 19651 140219. 19191 841 1161- 83811 83731..... WINNESHIEK COUNTY. Bloomfield................ 15 124.153137 1171 729 756 522931 17796 13708 Bluff'ton................... 21 210 66614........................ 3763 1580 Burr Oak............11 70 111875 25 45 42 15247 5094 70 Calmar........................ 1156215 105 132..... 2875 4396 30 Canoe..............31 5551 84308 2740 205 40 17438 50721 5188. Decorah, exc. of city..:": 8, 15 117872 1580 177...... 18519 6645 4662 Decorah, city of............................................................ Frankville................ 25 1000, 158231:...... 143 130 395 78 90 Fremont............................ 885661 110 90 35 15448 4501.. Glenwood................. 3 10'72320~ 11........... 16172 2743 3693 Hesper................... 6..... 1157641 45 519 3871 18613 6307. Highland........................... 98160...... 143..... 3778 34,58'98 Jackson.................. 2 1. 94766..... 89 141 14077 5745 5275 Lincoln............................ 64205................ 7015 3474..... Madison............................130836................ 1905-5 7579..... Military................... 26 290 180130..... 20...... 43360 10235 20100 Orleans................... 34, 125 163980...... 126 10 12724 8215 6897 Pleasant.................. 171 186 109527' 273 122 69 12601........... Springfield.......................... 854201 10 130...... 9061 488..... Snmner............................ 14041.9................. 9921 5592 6313 Washington.15............ i 42 113497...... 140 60 28426'9475..... Total................. 214 i 2628i 2265252 5016 28101 1543 350598 118314 127665 44 CENSUS RETURNS. [No 10 WOODBURY COUNTY. w~~~~~~.. 3 3 - NAWSO OWNSH]IPS, 0 As s v TWSAND CITIES. so 2 A ) O N 4_-.......* —.*.....:-.............................. 6871.............................. 169.....'............................I..........I 160 60.............1566020 181............................................. 6550.........I. 60.................... 189.................... J@.........I*-v*; 24.518 1611.................. 1126..............................................[- 14996........[.................. 431...................................I.........[4055................... 10655 636 o 2 20. 423 1.... 1850.....................,...........I.... 710..... 220183..............................2......... ~.......................[.........I 86.................. 8......... 92..................................................}. 6980......'....................... 19 ~c. of city.................[.........I. 13895[ 1389[......... 75........... ity of.................................[.. 500[..........I.................... 44........................ [..,............[.........[.. 28936[ 8811................. 9994........................ [.........[.........[..g. 10150] 2001[................. 232........,.....................................3...........I... 232......I..................51 Concord00........60 33709 20244.- 50 202Q65 Floyd.... 6550... 1898 550 825~_4 c 0 c Kern..l~6I.41 146 1245 TOWNS, ND CITES. 4I 4.N ll)l~ A099 74.2 1X.1 4 Little Sioux..... 7~~~~~~C 100 029 30.44 - Moville.2218.72~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 00 19 Arulantnd........................... 69801...........1694 2570. 490 Siouxor City, 15060.6.....40!8 756 Westo Fr........................ --- 10150 2001.............. 24325 2519 1838 Waeolf Creek.......................... 273402.! 5..j........ 5371 2875 21 Wooburty.................. 653 700 33709 2244 50. 20453 7468 7280 Brookfield... 19836~~~~~~~~~~~I....i6......... 424 34 3 Lanittle Sox................. 2028' —696 7.. 1775.... 2...... 4.... Fertile.10................ 100........ 25778 22.............. 19720 5119 263... HRtcland............................. 42847... Il....:...... 5442 4677.... 2110... Ketlnsett.......................... 329839........... 3190 2177 9 SiorxCt ywood.4o iy........ 90.... 60400 708 52.... 85 17940.... 88754....... Silver Lake.t o...........29196..... 0.................. 34087 2788 128.... Union..............................672890.444........... 98 3419. Total.................. 9 18 20 396506 [ 4389 62.... 10051- 6207 408091 4632 WORIGHT COUNTY. Clrison....................130 255 06..... 8 82413 15 —850 1 Eagkfle Grove................. 5 2..... 19144.................12 7164 2396 i35 Doanvle............................. 620584. 7........... 10131 6969 3517... Libertyek....................6 27 18705 1 30....10... 6259 2002 1255 Troy.. 19 116 60365 12.j3. 4 194~6 87718 1590 Nernhwon................2171 6400.70 52 21027320 Total.................87 24016 2886850 38 67 25 126 706381 3006446555 00 T ABILE I._ - Showing the Population by Countiesand the various classifications thereof; Number of -Dwelling Houses and Families, an. st, 1875, Nativity of Inhabitants, Foreign Parentage, and Numnber of Persons between Five and Twenty-One Years of Age. ~WHITE COLORED NATIVITY OF INHAB- FOREIGN BETWEEN 5 AND 21 POPULATION. POP'LATION ITA NTS. PARENTAGE. YEARS OLD. 0 rh CoU TE 2. _. _: i * >.> ~ M ~ T 9 4. | M |. M o H | r HO t;.0 4 0gio > S T 0 0 -~, 0 0.0 o, 0 0 9 0 m Adair.1335~~~~~~~~~- 135 71 324 7 g745 232 4166 1o651 134 68 377 16856 267 Adams.1512 1530 3991 3726 7716 25 31 56 7772 2732~~~~~~~~~- 457 606 -19 619 17 6 33 171 50 65 Appanoose.. 3186 8967 8410 17377 13 15 28 17405 8519 8510 346 279 143 77 710 4479 1692 6881 Audubon.. 475~~~~~~~~~~~C 128 10 230... 37 954 13 0 174 58,13 22 2 217 53 167 919 Benton.429.................. 1.5 1425 11865 10234 27885 12... 7.. 19.. 22075 8842 9989 3403 -57 3539 142 170 1377 59 1 90056 8635 Blak Haw.4.................. 522 4232 11809 11088 22897 12 41 16 22913 8068 47 60 1111 39 9 3192 1718 195 9103 5724 2706 86954 Breamaer................2.. 339 2545 6853 6346 13199 6 10 1116218132 4687 59 4582575. 2588 4106 1201 9615 32 1 062118 5005 P Buphannoe.................32.34... 3218 8989 8315 173071 83 112 17315 65197 801 2261-3 2785 1453 223 7105 3809 1469 6381 Buue ona.................. Vista.738. 4734 1926 1659 23561............ 23561 1011 1760 1799 9 673 79 242160 7935 234 9118 Buntler................... 42265 42276 11624559 1 193 2718 92 7 16 11873 4142 59689 1555 -5 68 51744227 870 5136 27987 1940864271 Blckalhou.559............. 42 5512 16891 14948 3185.1 1 213185 000 1684~ 3501 -151 3204 471 465 91056 717 2071 1809 -arroll.....................132642175' 301287 3267157580 7 2 2 57 6 4 154 2446 31437 -330 3770 6 2 59 9 304 1264 38 12 9 663 Casser.19................... 239 1992 6553 6493 105409 9 3 11 21 10552 4677 56858 1207 -567.. 1287 4128 42 486 29551 33 94161 50 Bcdar....3341 342,189177 8635 17820 30 29 59 17879 659 80 0 1795 221880..16765 288 1230 71 4273 16456 6689 Cuterr Cord.133.................. 25 1344 621 3507 931 116668 9 8 17 6683 41913 39693 15 8 0794 89 7 16859 6 4 27185 6148 2301 Cherokee.88............. 22 8875 22847 19671 4257......422576 12466 2403 64372 96 661 99 76 207 1260 302 13966. Chickasaw.................. 21491 2149 5927 54729. 11399 1.... 1 114001 42671 5114 2126.. 107 2209 213 88 626 2565 1091. 4281..4 TABLE I. —CowTINUED. 00 POPUATI N. OP'ATI ITNTS PrARENTAG~E.'YI~EARS OLD. 0 ~ ~~~~~~~~ 4 0 CO'UNTIES:. / 10 ~ / ~ ~ ~~ ~''~ 4-4~ a):/ l l ~, e~o.......................................... ~791-~ ~~ [ ~s~ ~ —~ ~ 4~~ i-~(-~-~i ~?wo l ~s 70 "'V~I ~s5~1 5-~T ~-65~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r 1 O64 Cak..................................... 85 W 492109 2173 11842,576 5710 28 10 31 37227 91 302 Dallas~~~~~~~~75 75 84165 36................. 364 508694 10399 197 8140 -7 1486 461470 867 22... 163 75046 ~6 23273 51136 Clayton..................... 457]J]]~::i] 98705 281 74132 77 130 627178 31 18 39 6 72718 8122,3 697150 — 722 60931 991832 10355 194 Davs.............................2987 298 67841 6387 15718 201 2183 6157 812 698 595 453 197 2621 10 995242681946152 Decatur...................................... 25 4268 638183 026 6 1295586921 370 45.......I67 3449[18 5411 Delaware..........................................33 87786 168 7 2 9 169 67970244 5,10 92 12 02 03123 38 Des Moines...............................53 6094i 176231 171361 347591 1811 166[ 3471 351061 15549' 11979] 77241 146i 11419 10391 4841 1373 76591 3192l 12224 Dicknso.......................... 362 354] 9291 8191 1748[......]......[......I 1748[ 502 1000 262 16 191 20 32[ Ill 441[ 148] 700 Dicknso........................... 280 280579 63 1313 1 4 13 4159141-4 63 2 0 4 l 6 Fyte...................................... 7392 9516398 049 5 12 051 8312 9100o287 -235 3593 476 32 7o63 5o0o4 8179 758 Floyd.......................................... 2376 2424 6761 63371 18098 2...... 2 13100 4178 6819] 21083......: 2291 342 I166 620 8011 1103[ 4734 Franklin.................................... 1272 1272 34281 31301 6558'......I......,.....5 8305 0093 10 038154 5725 Freont........................... 246 236 208648 1396 3 1 ~i 13719 5337 70796 56-30 5 1 679 23013943 Grumndy...................................... 58 12 3235 121 24834 2430359 72105....138t 12163710 57 88 Hamiltne................. 159159 1 3 676 29902, 1].... 2 7701 2605 37601 15647172 71 1 43 8673 3325 17719 4560 2706 Hanock.................................... 29125 78 09 47 2 3 482 41 76 95-80 3 4 3 5 6 2 54 Hardind....................................... 15082 12976 773 282 14710 81 27 12/..... 2151 583747911 -537 99 270 104 58....13528 1291 5261 190 Hny...................................... 408 41191 ~ 10i3 1038 j 12 246 225 il254 03195319 53 18 5 47953 0477 Howardto..........................I...........16 141419341786 1 12 785276 58 15-.7 159 52 462175 63 90 Humboldt....... 674 1807 1648 3155...83455 1116 1565 745- 29 562 117 57 185 819 288 1292 da.240 240. 383 411) 794............ 794. 794 237 406 86 - 65 79 152 68 31 159 65 255 n Iowa........ 3239 3027 9057 8389 17446 7 3 10 17456 7163 6374 369-30 3404 448 336 791 3960 1455 6206 Jackson....... 4296 11995 11055 23050 8 4 12 23062 11188 6762 4863-249 5534 768 186 1141 553 2000 8694 Jasper.......467 4611 12485 11568 24053 38 37 75 128 9760 12748 1620 1347 337 190 1203 5987 2034 9224 Jefferson.............3365 8705 8350 17055 40 2 7 171271 8691. 6843 1627 34 1648 323 136 645 204 1660 6509 Johnson.44.03 4403 123680 11874 24554 47 53 100 24654 11122 7961 4970 -601 6487 485 253 1178 6217 2463; 9858 Jones........ 3654 9873 9274 19147 12 7 19 19166 8689 8371 2329 223 2417 346 134 936 4890 1811 7637 Keokuk.. 3690 3763 10567 9918 20485 2 1 3 20488 9967 9028 1493...... 1718 443 93 933 4992 1900) 7825 Kossuth.................................................. 1930 1832 3762 2 1 3 3765 1179 1910 591w- 85 911 106 42 157 903 2891 1349 ~Lee..~6081 6354 16371 16115 32486 741 687,14281 33914 156561 11799 6420 - 39 4019 454 209 1486 8308 3386'131.80 Linn............................................ 6266 6292 16226 15483 31709 58 48) 106! 31.815 13425 142081 41841 2 5474 677 219 1233 7652 2955 11840 Lousa.................... 2352 2352 6172 5983 1 124991 6251 52851 789 -174 983 253 114 667 2985 1103 4755 Lucas......... 1699 6010 5691 11701 14 10 24 117251 4909 6105. 7111. 406 801 24 517 2896 1116 4529 Lyon..2.............................7... 297 673 559 1232..1232 370 511 217 -104 203 14 9 58 199 43 300 0 oI M86 Madison... 3114 3114 8410 7611 16021 6 3 9 16030 7189 82441 5971 591 190 77 731 4006 1404 6141 4 4454 4458 12012 11415 2457 133 128 261 23718 10596 11459 1583-80 1672 345 109 93 2 6028 225 9235 2 Marion.4154 4463 12420 11646 24066 16 12 28 24094 1216 95341 2360 - 64 2147 267 81 1341 5833 2326 9500 Marshall..3709 857 10235 9330 19565 37 27 64 19629 7617 10551, 2377 - 84 3168 374 175 857 4488 1641 6986 2 Mills.......... 1971) 1964 5564 4982 10546 8 1 9 10555 4207 5500 848 849 169 75 478 2655 954 4087 Mitchell..2152) 2175 6049 54721 11521 2. 2 11523 3505 4986 27631-269 2605 167 110 579 2555 980 4114. Monona.................... 11801 1183 3126 2799 5925 19 23 42f 5967 2267 2951 749..... 622 80 63 290 1421 469 2180 Monroe....................2326 2335 6524 6087 12611 46 54 100 12711 5781 5530 1342 - 58 1422 258 62 577 3269 1201 5047 Montgomery................ 497 1721 5676 5133 10809 14 16 30 10839 3406 6372 1145 84 1167 162 74 459 22-7 778 3524 C Mujscatine...,................ 4024 4107 10959 10503 21462 80, 81 161 21623 9952 7824 3846 - 1 3867 572 204 507 3382 1381 5270 O'Brien.................... 549 563 1230 1101 2331 9 9 18 2349 774 1412 163..... 134 15 11 130 419 123 672 Osceola..................... 464 4641, 934 844 1778....I....... 1778 456 1086 199 - 37 124 3.5 25 99 334 87 520 Page........................ 2687 2687 7463 6676 14139) 671 68 135 142-74.4811 8331 1132. 1260 194 84 671 3472 1185 5328 Palo Alto..................... 526 526 1448 1281 2729 3) 3 6 27351 829 1268 627 -...1 861 1,55 106 212 728 232 1172 Plymouth................... 1122 1122 2777 2505 5282............ 5288' 1527 2250 1071 — 434 861 138 63 275 1168 339 1782 Pochota...................... 485 485 1134 111.5 2249....)...... 2249) 650 858 482 -259 691 67 23 131 556 174 861 Polk....................... 5726 5947 16032 15151) 31183 196- 179 375) 31558 12185 15143) 4230.....3169) 490 179~ 1179 7488 2293 10360 PottaWattarje.............. 4057 4088 11467 10107 21574 49' 42 911 21665 7489 10113 3687 -376 4398 455 170 1066 4522, 1638 7226 Poweshiek.................. 3014 3011 8706 7727 16433 3,31 16 49, 16482 6121 8818 1161 -382 10910 282 118 802 3771 1535 6158 Itinggold................... 1328 1339 3896) 3638 7534 7 5 12 7546) 30165) 4100 281).... 270 224 52 287 2037 798 3122 Sac........575 568 1510 1363 2873.......... 2873 847 1641 335- 50 336' 56 20 142) 651 211 1004 Scott..................... 7205 7676 20173 19366 3.9539 88 109 197 39736 16645 94 55 13549)- 87 22209 833 298 1434 8755 27 70 12959,Shelby..................... 1087 1099 3035 2620 56,55 4 5 9 5664 20721 27 37 8,55..... 527 82 53 231 1282 396 1909 Sioux...................... 760 698 1782 1438 3220........... 30022)0 11441 923 877 -276 634 38 12 180 710 2.331 1123 cc Story...................... 2i90 2492. 6839 64-71 13810 1... 1 13311 4892 6118 2301.....2046 143. 67'636) 3329 1187) 5152 I4 TABLE I. —CONTINUIED. j WHITE COLORED NATIVITY OF IN- FOREIGN BETWEEN'15 AND POPULATION. POP'LATION HABITANTS. PA RENTA GE. 21 YEARS OLD. 0 4~~ c ~o.~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~60 Qc $Z 0 ce cq~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S4c -893 324 57547 97 95 4210 1528 6 Tam...................................... 33 52 92 87 179 2 1 4 87 98 80 181 Taylor......................................... 199 95 61 91 189 1 3 2 04181 2909 58 3 16 -3o "4 0 3 9 60 84 42 Waneo....................................... 25.58 26 66 30 5 4 9 198 5 72. 33 ~8 2 15 5 6J365 28 55 Wrigh.................................... 6919 7261 1739 15322]3 36....24 159178 9 470 4 2 1 49 70 162 5]66 Toaell............................ T5112283%7 1541,522,rl502(511........../~' 1: 8 213165,91~ 0~028 1602 1 61449 0 61 681496479 15199 4357 4365i 12215 11332] 23547[ 1511.1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -q T A-BLE IEI. Showing the number of Illiterate 4Perso~ns, number of -Deaf and -Dumb not in State Institution, number of.Blind not in the College for the, Blind, number of Insane not in tlospoitals,.Births and Deaths in 1874, number of V~oters and where.Born, _Foreigners and Militia. ILLITERATE. I~-I" ~ [~BIRTHPLACE OF VOTEIRS. ~ ~ ~~~h....... ~.....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C 0 ~ ~1::1 ~~~~~~0 I~~~~~~- t I I iI ~a,,................~ i~~ —...~ —ib- — V~. 9 -6i..~'-~-i-'s~W-~-~ —F~e.'..i'. c-..: Id Audubon...................... 1610 91 35 2 0] 2 127 9 6619 7 6 6 1 8...... 1.... 214 Audubon.................. 11 631i 5 21 23 1 1 1......181 121 14 86 8 20....... I 92 39 52.7 129 10 31 5 1 886 69 354 Benton......................~ 11 23 16 5o0 61 2 4 77 243 ri 7047 912 21 95 7oo,250 5 81 5 117 M 35 Blak awk.........24/ 29122/ 751 9 3 3 3 812046 641 12411981 2651491 489 5] 5 3! 14J 20] 231311........ 3921.I Boone........................135t 45] 37/ 117l 4J 81 3 4 331 6024 891 149[ 212 1671 2671 71 1 701 51827 13129 40581 488] 2385 Bremer.....................I 4/ 14l 11] 29] 8 2] 2 45 2 661842 421138[ 85 19 4831........6.[...... 11 4 41 9J 291.........I 370l 1471 Buchanan................ 28 68 47/ 1431 4t 2 16 5351539 444 138 191 479 431 419 6 15......1 4 9! 18] 16] 28821 108[ 2217 Buena, Vista............ 9 19......... 4 5 87 683 0 2 7 1 17 3 7 0- 3 9 6 EButler..................... 251 43 1 2 1331829 181 1615 20 31 89 0 9 6 3 4 5 3-41 1681 1810 Caroll3 1 1 I 11 257 104 119 481' 9 6 5 26 2 1...... 2 9 3 Ced ar....................... 37 28 22187 4 6 7513 1761 33 014 74 0 121' 17789 804 307 13 31 3 4 9 1- 2 264160 Cerrounro............... 3 2 5 1 3 122 9 5616 19 92 6 1 9 5 1......... 87129 C Carrll................. 13 713 31 189 53 30 8123 84 59 6j5 1 20 26 2109..... I.... 3 8 — 4 2 793 736 Cheo e...................73......... 578/~l ~0 Chicasa....................17 289 221814 68 7, 35 3 3901 4 7511021 278! 8 f40 366721 669 13t 38 1141L 1339 165-2820 -TABLE II.CONTINUED. ILLITERATE. ~ BIRTHPLACE OF VOTERS. 8 oE~~ 3 3 lo o.g oV; t S~~~~~T A- 0 00 COUNETIES. 3 4 C 0. 3%~ ~~~~~2 -~ o w~u. > >> *.oo 0 aQ Oi.~l; g = I.;a D ^- i~ ~- ~ % t- ~= f=i I~ ~'1 ~ ~11 2 3..53 1 5 1 3 1 TM 39 5 28 3 31........ 4 221 46 1 l 7 28 8 627. 126 09 IC; 34 1 86 3 2 7 78 4 3 1420 149.8 Clayton. 49 55 51 155 15 3 6 886~1'30 57 62 10718 690 79 2298l 26[ 3[ 7641 57l 5l 18l 68l 6668 860l 3289 Clinton. 73 55 47 175 14 4 8 962 390 5569 28 205 2661 635l9 943l 18l 8l 79i 43l 24l 19l 16l 10001 1194l 3644 Crawford. 17 8 13 38 5 4 3 255~~~~~~~~~;- 93 12 4 1987 126 10 15 4 186 2 78 M4 3 42 49 85,lZ97 7 3 2 6 9 11 1 38 90 138 25 114 11 3 1 16 13 4... 93 2285 Clavys.36....................... 69.... I 6. 17 73 9 1 344 1 4 8 630 53 33 1 36 31........ 2 6 55 7 20.58 2323 eCaitur.3.......... 3 38 247 975 12 5 962 455 17 6 92882 8265 5 20 6 68 53 12 944 I 81. 9 435 24 219. 16 211719 34 cH Delawaore.21........ 14 13 48 7 6 9 5 4 913 3625 234 197126 210 299 67 494 23 2 2 48 14 3 -... 172 279 8235 Dalae........oine.. 55 59 67 7 138 11 8 6 19106 1381665 4696 56 162 338 605 1575 25 9 21 168 18 3 4 27 527... 611 2258 Davkinson............. 3 9 2 5 17. 9 1 611 3441 57 15 3943552220 158 37. 53 2.... 5 10 2. 119. 5 6.3043 Decature............ 33 66 66 165 12l 7 1 5 7 2881607650228759 530 121 4674211721 278151 5 9 272 904 52317 Emrnet. 5. 5. 5511299156~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~148 2165 4 9.621 Feayette.43!.....35.. 21 4 13 248 97 36 89 653 187 4637 23759 11215 94 61 3494 83 1124 10..1 18 83 4117 5 27 812 Fls oyd. 301....... 5 29 67!....18 1 541462838654223712896 962 3286 55 256 6 12041 16 2713 522822611 56 Frankinso........... 11 8 3 221...... 3. 257 75 1374 2350 2 1 03 10 5 14 27 5.... 14.. 47 27 3... 4.... 1644 15 1019 Fubemont..........33206661265.28 284311075528799826032472176 716 943 55 2131 110782 58 24 Grundy. 1021 122~~~~~~~~~~~ 2373121253 42 26 6 1 9 2 -422779715835 Gmmthri.12141642..... 5...... 5..........51 2926 1 8 2 92155 422 81 78 8 74 12.815 9...... 110.. 624...... 6 25171 Hamilton....3 85 24 162 3 2 257 587 14557 1069 117 235 38 561 749 8... 2I11 105 7 18 8 411 17 6 264 866 Hanock............. 30124 167... 1. 344 16 6303 223 14514 1463 2 256 6 1 2 4....7 1.2152.-83 2 2276 Hrardin.15........ 1 2 16 43 52... 3 5 4351 200 137421 5 035 240 0 4 9 19 2199 24 147' 30 4 3 1 5-281 248 23439 Harrisont............ 3 5 20 82 65 4 4392 129 2658 2220 3177 84 123 28 6 1 3 1 1 0 7 2 2- 21 79 19143 Henryon.5......... 68 49 4 152 8 6 5... 2576 349 1465140691723 28 59 52 7 2114 206 57 1 164 4 33 2 179 180 28669 Howard. 26302480 1 2295 641712 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~958 111 167 203 59 121 14 16 41 16 5 5 111 15.140 1189 Humboldt.........7 16 1336........105 23 695556 3531 39 17 40.4 816111... 1 5213 42 538 Ida.....1 1 2......1 30 4 172 123 32 4 13 9 1...............[1 3 3 6 3 26 3 141 1 Iowva.,..., 94 67 54 215 49 9 597 261 3576 4019 94 200 394 77 687 23. 107 29 4 51 45 2184 368 2119 Jackson........... 62 5.3 36 151 11 3 6 725 2418 4901 7098 220 2454 506 70 1452 66 12 3 21 35 20 30 4886 361 2263 Jasper..................... 14 33 2t 68 5 4 10 805 280 5239 4433 62 205 143 36 298 8 13 4 17...... 9 11... 07 3554 Jefferson................. 17 30 25 72 5 11 18 504 215 3721 3175 21 101. 93 40 210 5...... 2 125 4 30 15 100 219 2680 Johnson.................. 101 65 30 196 10 10 19 767 217 5225 3238 43 179 422 64 631 5636 3 7 13 13 24 25 54......... 3762 Jones....................... 21 21 15 57 5 3 5 505 191 4180 6162 123 102 614 133 283 104... 1 3 1 17 37 3400 1076 2309 Keokuk........... 27 20 19 66 8 14 20 587~ 267 4202 ~429 15 56 107 60 500. 1.... 1 3 1 11 17 - 1 92 2945 Kossuth.. 7 5 618 1 1 12629 77312446636 6225 131 2. 3227 35386364510 Lee....... 37 103 86 226 12 11 7 1084 430 7509 5755 58 139 529 42. 1453 49 78 39 176 6 49 9 873 214 5421 Linn. 21 29 44 94 9 9 12 1073 335 7274 5817 99 162 298 82 274 433 9 4 7 8 25- 56. 466 4916 Louisa................:.... 25 64 37 126 5 7 7 348 150 2899 2480 33 104 78 7 176.1..... 15 11 10 4 10 54 2007 Lucas.................. 20 31 23 74 6 1 5 460 1931 2497 1993 6 34 55 11 29.o 1......I-349 164 1810 Lyon.2...................... 2 4....... 43 17287 3041985 11 5 11 6 49 2 2 1 2 30741 242 0 Madison.................. 18343284 7 1 4556 209 36323246186015528 95 7...... 2 8 2 9 2.... 56 2459 Mahaska............... 40 90 62 192 3 6 8 801 306 5287 4557 17 125 79 14 88 5 79 14 6 1 2 5-295 160.3910 M Marion............. 32 52J 29 113 3 9 10 757 308 4988 3980 4 39 55 17 124 4 633 1 1.... 7 5 -118 234 3519 Ci Marshall.................. 25 251 30 80 5 5 ~ 6 653 215 4445 3740 102 113 100 40 2,50 3...... 20 30 21 17 9 2.........1537 3234 _ Mills.............. 18 221 21 61 3 2 16395 178.2.365192323 119 70 11 173 7 8 2 9 6 7 7......106 1728 Mitchell............ 32 201 15 67 4 6 2 382 111 2338 2148 90 150 123 23 412 27 3 419 20 11 3 lit 1402 410 146.1 Monona......... 7 1611336 3.... 4246 96,1292 1035 35 43 35 12 41 3....531 0 1 5j 19'..... 63 967 Monroe....II....... 56 44' 42 142 11 4 6 336 187 2-743 2226 30 119 249 25 50 1 1 9 5 6' 6~ 16 93 1848' Montgomery....... 12 5 4 21 1.... 1 4441 1.30 24853 26-57 29 93 521 18 80 2 3.. 3 109 1 61 29' 597 400 1920 C Muscatine........ 71 93 75 239 11 9 41 625 194 6588 4286 43 134 336 102 813 5 14 2 5....11 62 775 421 1770 O'Brien........4.....2 2 4 2 1....116 265695458 2134 29 7 1 3 15 14.......2 21..... 8400 P Osceola.1............ 1.... I....`2... 92 14 4981 472 10 25 11'3 47..... 2 5 3 1... 6 87 1 355 Page.............. 52 2214 88 4 6 2 570 213' 3223 2766 91 44 102 28 61 3.... 5111 1'4 10 3 163 2468 Palo Alto......... 1829 15-62 2 3.... 84 171 556 772 62 49 161 5 68 3....71 1635 2.15 703 60 351 Plymouth......... 3 6 71'16 2.......25.5 109 1136 842 85 94 88 37 285 10 19 7 12 16 1 31 391 61 917 Pocahontas........ 8 17 17 42.....2.... 84 29 464 413 32 19 48 11 74 9 1 27 27 46.... 1 244 67 278 Polk. 32 114 113 259 7 9 8 1030 314 6842 5529 45 186 393 78 360 13 5 101 94~ 9 16 13......455 4916 Pottawatta..m~i'e..... 97 94 53 244 7 4 5.876 261 4392 4448 120 259 290 651 501 9,..j 5 16'I 30 22 31 1404 749 3235 Poweshiek........ 471 32 30 109, 9 5 8 516 186 3634 2867 99 119 209 801 165, 181 4 39 7 8 14 31 26 1491 2655, Ringgold......... 22 121 10 44j 3 4 4 272 109 1496 3780 41 32 82 16 32 12 20... 3.... 7 1 2530 12 1140 Sac.............. 5 5......5..... 1 981 33 657( 471 23 33 19 25 36..... 1 7 8 1....14 - 19 17 472 Scott............. 64'240'5 ~214Y 483 6 4 7 12301 365 7109 4414 94 255 654 116 2693 39 7 6 13 14 26 64 1286 3500 4819 Shelby............ 7 39 717 2 2 1 243 93 1084 821 35 59'30 14 50 7 2....2521.... 191..... 209 859 Sioux............ 15 1 1 17 1..... I 1.166 38 637 294 24141 39 13 53 180 9 1. 10... A.... 151 514 Wi Story.............. 75 74- 60 209 10 2... 4871 1591 2574! 1902 44 67 127- 27 63 3 5 267 516 0 9 1 7 282 1759 CJ1 TABLE II.-CoNTTVNuD. OI. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o~.l~i ILLITERATE B3IRTHPLACE O5 VOTERS. 0 -.~~~0 COUNTIES.- 52 0 0 0 0 -5 9o 9 Ca 0 Ca 0 Ca P Cs ~ _________ z z ~ z ~ I __ 1 ZI __ 0 Tanaa. ~~~~~~~~16 31 21) 68 7 2 6 706) 192 3911 4644 150 117 147 128 288 207 1 23 8 2 12 8 1824 507 2909 Taylor............. 22 8814 74,.. 3 2379 1442282 2045 15 93 4626 26 7 4 8.... 67 1 16 1717 Union............. 4 7 617 3.... 5246 92 1924 1509 26 40 129 26 112 81I20 76.... 7 8 88 30 1554 Van Buren-....... 35 65 71 171. 11- 4 11 548 215 3893 3466 23 108 110 19 154 3.......... 6 8 ii 70 2613 ~~~~~ I r..:," Wa-pello,........ 44 85 50 179 13 8 15 818 271 5346 4482 19 133 322 27 221 7 19~ 3 941 5 13...... 288 3773 Wagrren...... 28 4032 95 43 6 717 358 *23 34331 22 821 101 57 151 5. 5.. 517 4 -52 4 12684 t-3 Washington. ~~~~~~44 32 20 96 7 6 7 556 234 41.68 3598 41 501 122 28 186 103 2,.. 3 2 60 26 68 145 2503 8 Wayne ~~~~~~~~41 37129 107 5 54560 2662947 29638 44 39 4 73 10 2 10.1)8 2410 2146 t Westr............ 8 24 840 5 3 6 444 106 2747 1566 53 112 340143 203 13 6113 258 1 8 23- 3 273 2006 Winnebago 1 2 8............ 126 78 406 464 4) 14 13 4 5.. 270 72 10 1.1 452 1661 272 42 65712,6 13740 257 4117 6276 2421 198 455 36 742 374 17 8O5 53 23 27 84 6445 1386 2686 Woodbury........12 5 6 28 1 1....314 115 1776 1319 96' 61 164: 7 179 4.... 39 11 10 18 17 149 55 1204 Worth. ~~~~ ~~~~10 3....18....... 2220 71 763 331 15 22 26 6 43 2....1941 883130o- 80 251 660 Wright.~~~~~~....1 2 3 2 1100 16694 538 3118 3913 37 1IL. 53 68.-5 38 475 Total...~~~~I2513'312412511 8148 467. 3891 542145421 16146 2862821257301 6117 06201 18309 3403 306961 2721 J.407 6701!164 75811154 1520 23929 193918 0 T )- 3 L E Ill. Showing number of ArsoIpovdadUimproved -Land, Rods Of.Fenice, Acres in Cultivation in 1874, Acres and.Bushels Harvested of Spring W~heat, Winter W~heat, Corn, -Bye, Oats, Barley, and Muckwheat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INIA CORN RYE. OATS. BARLEY. B'UCKWHEAT. I I 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~c;- ~C O, c~ Adair..................... 812 560 164 66 75 304 7 50 380 1048 3 1 45193 13 212 2 7 Adams................... 65459 43735j 323186 54'352 17947J 281376 7 174 25474 969777 8613 951 141298J 982J 21374 38 392 Akllainaakee............ 134767 156821J 931883 109388 61880J 937639 181 1964 24825 905920 1420 27 489 86 235 1420 Appnose........ 61059 161083[ 832234 125188 96061 77798 1049 103]271 2854 6 311756 34821873 6 { 28 35 29 386 Audbo........... 21046 257368 63876 15986 6876 89235 10 97 225 394655 6 10 788 33233.84.1751 4 5 Benton.................. 297518 53911J 1025865 289408 99406J 1343666 7 280 83244 3328921 234134J1,9 445070J 11169 213871 292913 Black Hawk......,13025.50881J 701808 181256 89361J 1108024........ 56592 1939590 46 71684589 147 330 28 85 Boone..................... 156987 71810J 687752 108642 32505J 429257...'iI.... 46151 1595752 11 880 10401 442 51 374 5 3 Brmr.................. 166 70 797141 89 475.................. 273 1641 02 2714259 518571] 888] 18000 95 983 Buchanan.............190551 71414[ 824267 157239 64291] 812342 48830 1811250 60 911[ 1.7431 556209[ 598[ 10846 1128 Buena Vista......... 33118 37034[ 15655 27010 155131 162737 7887 228231 3 358{ 2789 67069[-30 3518 4 0 Clon............... 26996 ~7...........~252 2661 11040193 0 0 166 510 7 0 99 712 27 3,1 1 6 Bueler................289 11 120315 64820676044 2 95 724 8491 81658 204 787 912 2003 337 238 CeroGrd......... 580 399 715 468 219 143.............. 52 644 0 49/19289712 30 6 42 Casske............... 563 2870 197 412 1934107............7.349 3525 1/81 159 4 90,1 7106 C Chicasa.............96.......5303793741041 416210645319.6 1821 542479 6814051744 446... 819 1989 15 198 C TABLE III.-CoNTINTUED. SPRING WINTER BJK WHEAT.INDIAN CORN. RYE. OATS BARLEY. WHEAT.___ WHEAT.____ _________ _____ ___ WHEAT. o-4 4 — ri- o 0 06 a) a) 0~~~~. v ~ ~ COUNTIES.;- a 06 C dC eC 0 0 0 ~~~~0 0 0 0 0 0 > ~ 0 O ~ 0, ~ 0 0 0,-.0~4,0.0~.0.0!>.0.0!>.0.0>,.0.0!>. 0.0.0l> z z z z__ z z z z z z Z z z z z Z Z Clarke....... 98694 50486 432073 78803 17967 217090 7 55 39065 1580260 314 4345 12335 367643 626 14387 27 546 Clay...*........37059 39919 10399 33375 17481 153149....8797 180120 77 715 4436 98766 232 3816 18 1 Clayton...............212291 151908 1277821 173622 86883 1305125 1347 21030 37948 1471263 155 2090 20024 669895 1818 45391 233 3584 W Clinton................. 299855 57337 264505 257313 68683 1010345 12 428 89297 3061338 266 4138 23704 702059 12812 268738 203 3261 c Crawford.58058 383414 164055 45262 24000 324394... 17957 648858 72 1292 2901 99158 584 11586 50 471 1 Dallas................132435 57765 624799 114625 29256 44!5848 8 1861 57652 2484898 344J 6155 9937 335124 680 16379 25 320 Davis.....150938 116003 1010234 131597 5378 30993 5379 564051 621 2115569 1076 9705 13643 345707 8 254 2952 Decatur..........115751 87172 735391 95275 8211 77169 817 12239, 50484 1763140 1365 17299j 10555 344551 39 725 136 2093 H Delaware...........472029 62305 934956 161357 60401 741728 5 501 561501 1690335 219 1594 20577 632113 13,53 31723 219.2840 C Des Moines.......14366 58168 890558 97618 10615 113396 8688 1173101 102924 2307938 539 5499 9242 257392 196 3400 157 2843 M Dickinson.........15770 29850 24518 11961 5701. 25822.......... 3183 44455..... 10 2,403 37282 47 234 39 52 Z12 Dubuque.........187831 98565 1199796 146244 49240 634135 84 121 67114 1802291 135 1775 25115 643322 1689 37793 781 981 1 Emmet........... 9989 25586 27645 8387 3911 1510........... 2197 14273 20 60 1549 32411 93 132 14 85 Fayette..........179504 98156 1032961 133758 60779 863670 46 968 37091 1296480 27 304 20770 704407 1400 28127 224 3060 Floyd............147098 52130 642062 110708 62067 941439........... 26462 642448 70 1069 15461.487729 1929 39217 123 1202 Franklin......... 69859 43046 172184 65580 31096 455909............ 24066 758983 13 2.45 9532 328679 1600 34545 95 1540 Fremont.........115907 198832 443023 103039 13229 206901 841 16625 73845 1703985 1014 3231 5419 179645 3230 75747 12 112 Greene........... 59940 49838 243561 52323 19391 257760 2 44 22313'78,3037 120 17751 4227 120948 655 18550 39 429 Grundy..........146089 47926 160530 135108 67384 976607........... 40175 1482582 217 2978! 11786 401948 7845 152162 9'! 1108 Guthirie.......... 87259 47220 331162 76892 27489 393574 22 360 38902 1669134 48 802 4145 1535'05 498 11804 32 488 Hamilton........ 63966 39935 250006 52050 20676 294682........... 20441 670731 52 791 5108 168262 702 12792 79 609 Hancock......... 10462 341615 46888 9005 4889 700w6........... 2067 57899............1353 48816 92 1564 24 240 ~ Hardin..........128831 39930 500262 97765 38434 497251........ 41304- 1379961 147 2445 10982 356945 1785 29646 104 1689 Harrison......... 948481 337451 473101 72287 23948 143701 84 1200 44720 1620192 96 742 3462 69140 80 1056 109 1649 Henry...........182080 50249 992020 110831 15026 180229 9041 113.203'62672 24150770 1184 137,35 13393 358221 177 4528 214 3664 ~ Howard.... 1158231 171048 278844 618,71 36115 582806.. 9916 3079121 4 100 10210 -340268 1205 34047 92 1251 Humboldt.............. 29114 36906 41541 27012 12046 120902.........9998 297381 18 160 3974 90944 220 2991 82 512 Ida................... 7292 9494 8219 6514 3108 48815.. 2301 108465.. 455 14060 83 1725 13 30' Iowa............. 91041 89357 835167 158488 48410 670247 36 1080 62518 2713830 439 7697 11756 319071 3450 75332 217 3018 Lj vvJackson.......... 193290 142401 1301102 142401 43515 550000 491 7942 53962 1665518 272 3254 23652 521156 1030 19731 538 7412 Jasper................... 278881 179752 1018207 216949 79926 1107170.. 100217 4525889 411 8141 15267 532239 2989 70220 179 2811 Jefferson....... 167389 66979 1130584 125590 16237 164901 6192 66739 55061 1695510 26 27332 14005 446128 80 1551 343 6121 Johnson................ 241021 71257 1217751 193019 45306 666779 100 1274 77142 3158178 1506 19747 17760 522197 2623 56680 148 2139 Jones............... 297 63298 1060896 140684 36090 462478 81 409 65423 190954 147 2202 18260 464824 797 17236 321 2961 Keok............... 208125 98999 950234 149672 33278 368528 148 1363 75697 3327282 1024 11145 15582 447603 1380 25474 246 4398 Kossuth................ 31550 48793 42599 28835 10798 13139 140....... 781 119777 25 38 5143 27857 159 89 177 1745 Lee............... 183832 78692 829231 133580 10854 72624 15400 200407 59863 2190306 3908 42400 11817 279069 843 12628 305 38081 Lin............... 281118 62649 1419382 175655 52178 656597 12 160 91773 3439923 703 8213 22670 585648 1182 22883 358 4612 Louisa............... 151007 52921 680508 100065 19764 189939 1388 16267 49642 2184658 1466 14586 6792 175755 60 1411 209 2469 Lucas.................. 08952 59767 563227 88857 13954 153587 31 329 47022 1902530 398 5132 12374 342164 235 3767 150 2674 Lyon................ 15872 318841 3550 12766 8132 76742 54 2645 10396... 3477 13114 150 2666 6 35 Madison.............. 161998 188709 783405 137979 37553 628314 25 484 69494 2953630 142 2894 8743 285103 946 25951 60 786 Mahaska.............. 232398 122490 1180727 150368 34362 395532 205 2697 83775 3768209 454 5987 16646 496248.333 5817 235 3275 Marion................ 199669 82779 948730 153214 45136 598663 189 2212 84639 383563 356 4856 10937 335746 706 15450 131 2086 Marshall............... 223735 47552 680230 177303 69895 1125382 21 200 67679 2808256 203 3208 13611 465245 3194 67151 187 2561 Mills.............. 141512 53604 493182 99837 24385 342961 32 543 39543 1533976 161 2192 6528 232639 298 62938 13 79 Mitchell.............. 126384 70176 429690 94132 65534C 1083811......... 12 11274 411961 17 252 140781 542662 2971 78124 85 813 Monona...... 52242 57278 239905 39844 15334 18381121577 818388 16 330 2304 66475 127 3125 21 173 Monroe..........102215 78206 628331 91729 11638 101413 26 54 45571.t 1738916 409 3536 11511 241081! 15 130 345 3072 Montgomery......104633 50607 303567 86026 31381 551539 8 166 39251. 1441467 87 1389 5322 201635~ 510 13136...... 214 C Muscatine........178945 48832 759050 129699 32375 416471 63 629 547, uo 1715973 2541 29455 13287 405562 2358 59127 232 3445 O'Brien.......... 33626 332070i 2175 26434 14904 157526.......... 6373 106052, 105 1281 3107 53931 451 7388'36 200 Osceola........... 18490 31406 14 14651 8769 74757.... 26 2510 17279...........1390 263S29 21. 229 25 60 Page.............156782 175471 585113 115484 22689 355792 1220 20235 71386 2239043 950 14809 9758 346507 1078 27311 241 263 Palo Alto......... 18.517 32225 21607 16679 8606 23208 325..... 6641 142957 453.......2979 46859 287 33 66 228 Plymouth........ 58233 51912 26359 44379 33628 442736 10 160 10097 175778 6 55 4161 120437 331- 6592 201 16 Pocahontas....... 21928 35572 16181 19219 7434 30774........... 8981 229263 58 647 2541 40494 100 831 53 342 Polk.............207689 56821 842186 140450 37686 563389 21 394.77497 3272040 335 5510 -12188 431841 1306 30821 65 856 Pottawattamle....124630 119489 4639,35 90679 33369 588971 63 475 47258 1750038 93 1809 5278 168081 1809 35043 45 960 Poweshiek........208989 48697 783637 171588 57312 762826........... 86748 3571105 163.2006 11416 333565, 6611 109139 237 2332 Ringgold......... 68400 5829 395534 50873 10926 78851 125. 1762 35613 1145937) 519) 71631 9118 255007 55 1045 48 572 Sac............... 31336 47201 230661 2,4179 11056 110094..... 10 8662 2797161 28 2851 3035 -65996 180 2931 40 306 Scott..............235515 19123 754912 185742 47698 762315.40 618 59071 2226346 71 726 15915.528868 30903 692655 34 667 Shelby........... 55180 39326 148437 472,10 22029 317944........... 17674 689556 17 280 2254 71676 667 1507-8 9 89 Sioux............. 39824 367394 940 33515 22996 251286........... 6780 32038 33 195 4591 45096 188 2933 11 14 Wj Story............148649 43874. 544233 99387 26658 330897 8 20 51273 1783477 231 2890 11273 343265 461 8870 138 2024 CA TABLE II.-CONTINUED. Ou'0~ SPRING WINTER INDIAN CORN. RYE. OATS,. ARLEY. BUCKS WHEAT. WHEAT. BARLEY._ ____ WHEAT. 4-a4 4-D 8 - ci ca cDam o 0.. - I..... wj 0 406 1 5) 308 6 1 ). 3 44 IV w Q c/1' )'COUNTIES. O Ca0. 4-4 C 435n1 50211 9 1 109 1486 129 38 694 5 4 5 4-3 4168 or rat Q) r r! I) 19 68 a)1A o 0 6 48260 93 061 142765 0 0o.o o Q.0.00 0 ) S 10:5 550 3 0. 0 50 4 4. Tama............ 255182 90222 7432581 214941 97013T 1437807............ 732511 2842859 1091 1488 135741 384469 73051 1427651 130 1686 Taylor........... 102861 235515 423866 79442 1,5446 206818 244 3068 48260 1419680 502 6658 8718 269657 936 17343 1031 1330'Union............ 57005 33216 266401 45826 10586 141187 53 960 24063 1130930 249 3087 6127 187748 564 12275 36 464 Van Buren.......153674 99528 1821855 113263 7r455 58808 10928 121854 50211 1923622 1509 13466 12596 353698 55 459 487 8518 Wapello......... 150209 63491 876972 1851 73 17368 1.57-535 1617 159 705 2491 36110150 2390 54 4701 236 4284 Warren.......... 194265 1671781 885186 158737 47157 654679 61 9101 80280 3561365 294 4136 8391 281510: 1782 40818 110 1594 Washington...... 225176 55652 987401 157884 41646 469879 1439 14193 7 32655 2832241 1122 14888 15701 4523204 630 12939 244 3901 Wayne........... 147766 66795 5488578 117689 10375 76346 143 1236 65625 2405187 874 7701 13242 367396 99 1623 255 3496 Webster.......... 97238 61744 367537 70910 30554 8910531 5...... 28713 917911 110 1253 7491 207493 525 11274 64 950 Winnebago....... 17589 30625 97339 12421 8938 162281 11 270 13078 524255 5 66 1327 45109 88 1755 12 173 Z Winneshiek......246140 131670 1200575 259469 112175 1813465............ 27145 977316 85 1191 24307 826508 2853 64740 96 1323 P0 Woodlbury.41..... 179 57097 160076 33097 15243 218875,,.....~ 14667 4903711 6.3001 3072 91647 135 1503 10 28 Worth........... 48927 45957 171082 33157 23092 4I104871.......... 3530. 122291............ 444.5 1615.57 429 9626 14 240 Wright.......... 35516 32387 136903 28957 13629 1961661.......... 10089 281821 39~ 442 4134 135176 445 8431 22 222 Total 12658495 9803184 52164603T645961 176086 432$Q91$. 68868 8.50889, 4019738. 1469935,70 368-27432008 956687 29213891,16625233491254605 0 TABLE3 I V. Cn Showing number of acres and bushels of Flax Seed, acres of Sorghum antd gallons of Syrup from same; gallons o~f ]Jiaple Syrup, pounds of 3faple Sugar; acres of Blue Grass; of Tame Grass, and tons of hay from same; tons of Hay from wild grass; busheis of Grass Seed; of Clover Seed; acres of Hungarian Grass tons of Hay and bushels of Seed from same; statistics of Hops, Tobacco, Broom Corn and Potatoes..8.0.8 0 GRASS1. ___~__ __ ~~' CORN. _____ S~~~~~~~~~ O. O~ HEGRA *OP.- TO ACO OAOS 0- 0 O-4'. 0. 6 ~. 1 Om 0 O230 w3 M ~ ~ 0. w 0 ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ -Ga~ 0i 0i a | 2 ~ 0 3 0 w Oj,at; G = a5 t4. 0 9 w ~ _ O ~ t O' ~ i I.O O t O O: -W Q.0 0 O 0 5' bo 50 U`P bo4 la 8 COUNTIES. CdM 3 4 ~4 204.... M 3 0 A.; e 1 0 ~ 0 0 0, 0. 0 00 0 0 030 0 0 0 53 5~~~. ~ Z 10. Se O.R Ca sw 55 S 0 00 0. 0b.0 oS 00 ho Oo 0 — 04 O w 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 O z z z z z z z z z z z z Zz ZZI z, IZ Z z z z z Adair...........202 1274 44 4775 10 10'1311 1648 1231 15038 219..104 233.3....... 3.... 447 8 3 43 4 8773-8 Z Adams..........1563 12935 105 8604. 6 1 431 1018 1165 14619 82..122 284 169.............. 150 3....409 25378 Allamakee................. 57 5602 3 0 250 4275, 15608 16794 4770 692 134 17 30......11 8306.... 279 15 6 1326 134119 Appanoose......436 3085 436 44329 310 1263 8321 28354 22686 3570 12514 49 5241 7822 13457.... 16 4 5933 51 1 764 72456 Audubon........ 23 9 0 25 2860.............. 41 64 6351........... 53 101.................. 300 20 2 78 9365 Benton..........1997 18656 183 13804 57 655 4422 ~226-59 8389 35811 4893 122 53 1001 30 6 2031....1154 6 2 1374 129878 Black Hawk..... 253 1907 186 13163 639 711 2387 14101 9694 24526 1996 344 196 3091 27 10 410.... 668 57 15 1485 114086 Boone..........1107 7411 120 16031 357 3619 712 2534 292.5 28720 88...... 104 312 109 2 1805.... 387 2....860 65784 Bremer.......... 127 1029 166 13686 247 812 34791 6200 5218 22.493 1076 7 177 290 215 7 1200.... 310 6 5 101.5 82415 Buchanan....... 85 865 210 19471........... 19991 12615 12777 25925 22 6 9 25 355 355 79.... 5... 1421 12 402 1014 86222 Buena Yista..... 1 17 18 1213............... 23 17 9909........... 1 4 8... 5......... 35....256 17843 Butler..........2848 23296 95 6365 21...... 567 6680 4514 175-58 830 1 167 264 245.......... 1 204 20 8 790 65265 Calhoun......... 107 704 48 6243................... 491 127 11616 35..... 2 1 27'...... 3061 21143 Carroll. -.........289 17201 56 3812 90).... 531 112 85 13162............................1 3221 21111 Cass..... 140 640 51 5016.. 2 77 57 174 1 54 251 53 2.15554 1 49662 Cedar. 2445 204001 174 13535 10 32 28450 36960i 3')089 10516 25604 303 227 349 122.... 11.... 770 75, 13 1166 112835 OW Cerro Gordo. 190 4851 11 8841.......... 184 13396 1234 14317 2701 5 26 35 28................ 2 2 431 31910 Cn Cherokee......... 172 875 5 419.......... 40 971 27 10786 71...... 8 8 129.............I............ ~ 224 16325 C~ TABLE.-CoATINUED. c H Cd d 0 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~HUJNGARIA N-BRO'd ~~~~~ SUGAR AND SYRUP. -~: 0 0 HU NGARIA S- HOPS. TOBACCO. CORN. POTATOES..3 _____ ________.0 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~W W GRASS. CR.____ 4 2 -'23 -'' 5 892 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, -tk *'S 1S'.0 zi 04 0o G) z;.g r;; z ~ rj~,0 6 5 2 2 34 1 9 5 7 0 89 0. o. 57 6 2098 43 5 34 904 312...........3 11841 39 0... 626 331 0 0 0 W~~S S -~. 093 1 2........;.................0i....0 6 3 201 Chi~~~kasaw 40 510 126 1124~~~~~~4-131 8606 623 489C405314 6938422 344 2 - 1. 44 1773 583 7- 3- 892204 Clay. 205 815 27 1372~~ 1 50 7 093 20 6 2 20 153 Caytoa... 155 13387 3494 24005 9685 17557 2001 1305 1265 412 73 136 20.14 134. 3 2389 1,5 5 1815 l 5504 Clinton.. 686 8. 69 5418 20 405 26921 35343 34580 20044 2530 563 502 804 229 1 1311 672 214 43 1581 138361 M Craw rd. 417 1413 24 2248.31 130 42 20493 11. 247 510 152..................... 0 10 6 483 38476 Dallas................. 448 3867 214423021. 711 2788 3358 22212 177 11 615 67910 t Davis.......... 56 449' 414 46296 52 1340 14443 306311 22458 1293 20825 719! 3402 4150 599... 15 1 6746 6 5 604 65740 CI Decatur........ 38 401 369 33683 69 2294 3308 14944 16816 9061 1504 129 1840 2591 835.... 22 13 11908 27 11 613 5485 Delaware....... 15 118 103 8084 14 1210 13478 14788 18077 26583 906 60 87 130 2 32 12955.... 99 76 22 1125 109767 Des Moines..... 33 26' 8'9 14235 426 997 12715 23317 16484 2653 3027 94 18 24........ 99.... 542 43 14 1647 160235 Z Dickinson...... 70...... 20 1068................ 64........ 6548............................. 102..................210 7603 Y2 Dubuque................141 9411 235 2912 12750 23032' 35338 8725 203 10 37 58.... 2 1958 4 3351 9 3 2023 161229 Emmet.................. 27 643............... 18....10836 1..... 10..............................183 6847 Fayette......... 180 1672 204 201 7,5 382 8765 797 13681 14124 28024 6815 119 18 42 -4 50 233528.... 120 25 5 1236. 122044 Floyd.......... 153 1127 68 4172 363 2995 303 4734 51117 15187 459, 56 196 299 92 1! 5411... 205 14 7 1J129' 81153 Franklin....... 288 2.585 73 1346........... 455 1830 13 77 18 5 15 21.. 5 310 622 52887 Fremont....... 6.57 5333 60 5240 53...... 33.3 16-28 1733 19274 708 2 438 825 566.......... 6 386 50 10 553 31732 Greene......... 51 222 105 8349 6 55 69 581 514 17862 50.... 11 25 8.... 39......... 7 2 350 31215 Grundy........1156 8159 44 268:3.2........45 8541 5243 16050 2483..... 18 27 90......... 18 125 1 500 871 77702 Guthrie........1639 11156 154 15140 7...... 186 916 834 14403 141......117! 222 15....545 16! 81 387 37218 I~ ~ ~........... Hamilton.......... 118 631 103! 9148 5! 610 52 427!11 431 25214 86!......... 27 65 8...... 21. 30 6 4 519! 35746 Hancock................ 4 275.............. 82 105 5644 6..................... 81 6801 Z Hardin........ 414 3069 204 19774 17 420! 1789! 5216 4918! 20766 1195 1 135 169! 103..... 3!......... 13 4 9761 75410 Harrison....... 82 540 168 14962 9..92!.15721135! 363281 1......865 1.6041 2421.. 75....... 5881 40345 Henry.................... 286 33969[ 1813 8057 228j257 2315! 9.57 10325 861 94! 8413 6.!38 7 2 86107 I-Ioward............... ]........] 61 2 206i........1 40 2529 25341 193711 369 50 18 91.............. 2 2 Humboldt........... I I i: i i i I t [ [ 151816=............,.... 35011........i2Z s 20~ 5 1~5~ 97.......................................................... ~7 ~0756 / 183 t 6 152~] 85os............. iE......~ Z~Z~i....,'~'~'"~'~'~ "'i ~345 zaa..'................................................. 20......i....... ~ow~.................... ~ "'i'~ 17026 t~1~/=~:~ ~ / ~'~1~s~.... =~ Yo ~1 I~'~ Sackson.............../......../........./ 144:10171 2324 361701 91071 30010 22141[ 68041 574 2471 3071 6221 1601 27/ 207501 2/ 6481 15161 117781 Jasper..................117151 14414[ 407!5940 187 12791 3006[ 17660 130011 18969[ 1154 27} 74} 174....................... 1[ 10501 ~ 26651 238974 Jefferson............../........~.........[339;4478{ 219 544{ 218081 33774 24143{ 632] 37217 70.t{ 282[ 371{ 1756]......{ 122/ 668{. 51 6390} 2 79579 Johnson............... 34504 299551 743'43)23120 975 0521 728} 663}......) soil' 11 17531 15301 15t26s { 26961 22941[ 337 28694 698/ 100[ 182/ 14968l 96211........ 1115] 44 139701 25768t 12, I~eokuk............... 411] 484{ 37971 421 136 40.2.[ 442] 16906 27413 3.255[.,.,............... 13351 424[ 25236] 4861 117] 8991 100919 115081 9180 18679]...,.....:~! 281...... Lee......................./....... ~:1 / 21 46il 17561 23006] 347531 263501 2229[ 40986 4451 7581 12/ 125 151 11701 4 2083 179589 Linn.....................[ 1428I 11432[ 4661 290'~ 217101 293861 284951 249571 1.536 73[ 158[ 2391 921...~..... 75...... 893 42 9571 Louisa.................. 3221 459 1691 { 29/ 170/ 333[ 1807 16642[ 252311 14672[ 39311 1893 91193 Lyon.....................[229[ 480! 31 42101......... 489' 18;58/2447 285 2l 0601 72 [!!1............... 13..................,................ 3895.............. 2 Madison:........ 4111 42153.I.... 900 5351] 242[ 9411 1612] 8691 91991 11751] 557 39 200 321........ I 140 16 7911 87693 I Marion.............,...[ 137 914] 6681 1100 6498[ 174731 17068] 5440[ 679 2071 337t 57 ]212'~ 86 21 703[ 4 123,)] 139898 156 Marshall..............]4260 34792] 1991......... 2079 193691 131061 215701 5422 86[ 174 27......[ 2801 53 19061 166211 Mills................... { 919 62591 481......... 187] 2101] 191011 1891 10 8161 1359] 2111 "i'5........ 57741 2971 565 1381 93282 MiLchell..................... I 61 11 7731 ].................[ 81.........I 1981 61521 146131 15371 24 ~:~...."28 11 4991 11 ~o~o~............... I.................I x151 aa8~2t aol....,~ 41 5 ~ol......I aol 4o Monroe................} 205 681} 3081::::::::; "'809i 601 62~00 20490 19t411'23'7[il 86631 11041 07370 14271 2641] 1051 ii~i 41 350] 290 626 44782......... I I ~:1 I 874t 137761 671 3t)OI 5711 122.... ~...... i'd 11 551 15 183116 Montgomery......./7210 61662[ 221 21 132 28~8] 220 075 465 1VIuscatine............ 16926 1447 31551 222 6838] 63941 161 861 65171.............................. 2 O'Brien........ 1.. 236 14706,......1553 12911 12[ 30z......... 31 os~o~................ 52261 I I I 11" I~ ~1........I ~o........i 1~ ~,~ 3401 534[ 3861 19 69 318 Palo Alto............. 383/ 21713 ] 13......... 45[ 2119[ 871 621......... iiil iiiiiiii 1897~ 9711 21 793 51098 Plymouth.........../432 15551 121 743'i........[......... 80 18~75.......61:: 61 203 84 ]]]:i] I 5().[.12 412}18341 Poc&hontas.........I 17 12 ] 521 2468........] 78 12980;.................... 21712 Polk....................13822 28433[ 263[ 255191 15[.....'~[":3'272 080~ "~'~1 sSaSO SO'"i'5 ~741 1077xSI ~100{...... 61 1OaSdi 175208 Pottawattamie...[ 690 i..]]i!.. i[ ii~[ } 80351 541 59761........ 820/ 816Ni 98.. 11571 80767,owe~........... 2278~1........ 21014 3653 1138[ [25493 I~*~ ~1 "~'.........,,s~ ~,~1 ~o, ~4,~, ~1 13032i "609......l 18l 11 2501 7 ~osl ~ ~o~c~.............. 1,,~,~,,~, ~,,~, ~os~.................,~ ~o,4 ~oo ~11111........ i,~o ~ss,,I 4~ ~,,,,o ~c........................ ~ 1,o~ ~69 I~ ~6~1 ~ol ~,l........ ~ ~,,,,~ ~ o7,,~ ~o~...... Shelby.................. 84 738[ 391 30681........ 91 309 16276......... 204[ 451[ 19[...... 1525}...... 332 24203 Sioux....................I 641 16901 18] 586[........ 18 20 9277 Story....................14286 337171 202[ 14538[ 1....10i[....'~]1 8609 2370 39554....~g~l......jjil 1341 10] 14[!!!iiil......j]~]:::::::::l 10'"~] 371{ 7720 2891 1691 83tl 55882 TABLE.-CONTINUED. co BOO'~ SUGAR A D SYRUP. 6 HUNGARIANBRO S___VGAR~~~~~~~~~~: A' O EUGR4 N 4HOPS. TOBCCO. CRN POTATOES. A_ O__ __ 00t 0 G O___ _ O_ _ __O__O__OCORN.O O O 4 - W.4 4 S w I v |'S fl' n gf gX E g S g E g n ~~~~~~t.S = 3.Q 0a w 0' 0 o 0 t 0~~ 76 7416 1 4 16 32 35 165( 1 96 1&49a4 go 9 Id. m;-4 &177 4 73 53a2)................................ 247 17........ 0 0 $M4 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I — Cbi):'. 6 6 n d 0 ~ o o COUNTIES.'c nod Ce - c 64 1 0 0 0 C) 4 04 0d 0 00. 0o0 06 0 0 0 0 0 ~ C~ ) C C. ) )C ~ C 4 ) 00 C) C) C) C 0 ) C o o 6w 6 ~~~~~~ 6b0 00b0 60 6 6;6 64 6z 60 6 6.6 60 6 60 ~ Cj0z z z z z z z z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z zZ Z Tama...1423 1.2529 126 9047. 1589 15644 10169 27667 2724 166 148 166 32... 35... 165 19 6 1184 95041 0 Taylor. ~~~~~1279 12161 113 10022...... 315 3314 3395 17707 349- 7 359' 535 82................ 6 2 487 41379 Union..................2222 14495 61 7819 4 20 133 3779 4011 9551 2337 12 287 1599 2309.......................................... 352 33549 Van Buren. 70 4151 282 30005 2588 88 26531 32884 25209 592 28578 898 888 1120 2333...... 12 8 4851 33 11 806 81728 Wapello................. 320 32760 10 606 15258 27138 16645 1440 5535 331 480 72.3 374 1 465 3953 11 7 1465 154473 Warren......... 662 5581 279 31197 1117 348 4457 13619 14763 11331 794 460 1461 231 37.... 194....3354 1 1 9,55 120515 H Washington..... 660 5396 414 40537 181 457 19381 35544 27142 15052 5028 1404 961 202 189.... 7....1021 46 54 931 1012041 Wayne.......... 367 2976 288 2,4729........... 1055 21289 16797 9929 9120 73 38261 5699 10915 2 160 4 3028 2 2 503 50317 7 Webster... 133 174 173 14882 149 95 44 2.50 782 30660 2 2 23 50 35 2 1100.......... 6 2 811 67423 ~ Winneshiiek~....:....13 1375 55 4600 6890 15844 15726 25567 4756'.75.15.26..34... 3 1567 100314 Woodbury...:.:...5 492... 24 12 18573........... 23 70 10................. 5 2 284 17312 Worth................... 10 727 2. 316 408 18471 135...... 36 66........ 3.... 90........259 21209 Wright.......... 113 1018 39 3375 5..... 65 4121 312 13468 16... 45 80................... 135...... 245 17313 Total........ 72984 559836,15768 1386908 19613 132204 483'200 10557301908011 1506509 322497 15978 32427 51637 448001 426 113314 260 102782 2293 5036 8172917289953 z 8~64 ~CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. 364 [o 0 TABLE V. Showing number of acres and bushels of Sweet Potatoes and Natural Timber, of Planted Timber, Rods of Hedge; Number Pears, Peaches, Plums and Cherries; other Fruit Trees in BearPounds of Grapes gathered, Gallons of WTine made; Number not in Vineyard. SWEET. APPES POTATOES ON 0 0 0 APPLES. Z COUNTIES. [4 ~.. d.. 4-iO Co Co a) I a) ~3 3 ~F3Coa Adair.............[ 5 140 48 1213[91 6961 570 41191 2301 1676 12 Adams....... 15 850 1203 406 5 8687 411 41403 1929 1697 27 Allam~akee..... 10.... 755: 25835 959] 103 1956 326 250 19149 8242 33 lo C/ I) Co 3 3 C~ ~ppnose 15 3410 43 88 a a Apnoe 16 3396'33 2518: 6789 508[ 135 2037 140 1524 4306 2204 505 Benton......[ 7[ 114 9 89 6179 2816[ 14 18016 3603 1.22055 60742 14139 228 Bl'k Hawk[ 4[ 27' 7 4867 1378[ 77 5834 1812 23251[ 23276 9721 75 Boone........ C9. 2583 367 550 379 32112 37 84 3876 84 Bremer......[......I 1 96 2913 1086139 21090 379 16524l 7154 2232 26 Buchan~an..I 2138 24 86 62331 731[ 65:0759 448 413501 20207 7556 99 Bu'na Vstal......I 4 0 32501 1128[54 847 642 23892[ 66 6 Butler........ 1 2 6 88 6320 65 95 124 396 974 17 181 2 "o~~~~~~ C ~ o0 a) a a) ) Q)r Q. aA O O o~~ 11~ ~ 3 284 3i96~~ Calhoun.....[..... 29.... 6 7760 742124 1290 518 237001 880 2131....... Carroll............2501 3810 377 35 3912 685 25787 1448 22. Cass.......... 8'32218 -391 3813 545 36 5830 731] 35038 1 528s 76 1 Cedar.........[ 13]14119 20 2598 2212[37 36100 1010] 210989; 74335 25056 484 Croodo....... 12 1 104 88 151 40 48 38 220 75 15 ____~ z z zR z z z z O p zE ~c z, s i% 01%8 " 8 F Chickasaw[......] 6 50 5105 715] 385' 17374 483] 4959] 3557[ 666I Clarke........I 11] 57 71 3803 1397] 1017 2153 191] 78640l 170231 11955 139 ClAdairy............... 15 1410 4388 1213 914 6961 570 41191 2301 1676 129 ClAdams...... 1 552 5 850 1203 406 255 8687 411 41403 1929 1697 27 Clinton......[ 4[92 I 29 2962 1905] 12291 22912 4221 153906[ 628-13 30912[ 262 Crawfordlakee... 10 755 25835 959 1 024 33 6195376 326 250 19149 8242 33 Appanoos.e 1. 6 339 33 2518 6789 508 1315 62037 140 152246 41589 3006 2 53204 50524 Davis......... 2 364 37 385 1633 689450 2137 81772 189 2843 116 5749040 567071 30347 1580 Bentonur...... 7 1146 9 889 04 6179 2816 1290 18016 3603 122055 607429372 1477139 228610 BLk ak 4 278 7251 4867 131478 770 1970 5834 181 652 17232491 23276 9721 75132 BoDickinsone..........885 40 525 2583 367 360 2755029 62 119 379 32112 13784 3876 84 Brenier. 11 2 9661 2913 1086 395 21090 379 16524 7154 2232 26 Dubuquchnan 2 348 24 8561 6233 731 656 20759 448 41350 20207 7556 99 mBu 49 1 1063 3250 112...8 1545 847 642 23892 66 6 1 Butler...... 1 82 61 828 6320 655 954 12844 3496 29714 5177 1861 12 Calhoun............... 29 62 7760 742 248 1290 518 23700 880 13158 2 Carroll... 111 11 2501 3810 377 305 3912 685 25787 10448 22. 6 C3ssS....... 8 1322 8'13911 3813 545 366 5800 7311 35038 1528 976 17 Cedar.... 13 1048 19 2000 2598 2212 378 36100 1010 210989 74335 25056 484 Cereoenodo...... 12 82.19 10542 8982 1561 410 48860 386 21230 775 125 1 Cherokee... 1...... 51,..., 66 599 1233 14393 1085 570 19684 70 2. Chickasaw...........6 500 5105 715 385' 17374 2 483 4959 3557 666 2 Clarke. 1.... 1134 57 718 3803 1397 1017 1573 191 78164 17023 11955 139 Clay.. i,,,,. 10. 52 870 188 114 729 843 10979 39 81..... Clayton 1 152 15 1205 13214 2281 1576 99222 94 1232 39032 20324 56 Clinton.... 4 912 15; 2895 2962 1905 1229 22912 422 153906 28213 30912 262 Crawford,. 1 249 3 485 3951 10241 300 5376\ 434 199151 1072 178 6 Dallas...... 6 1379 7 392 4731 537 459 24651 742 415897 25320 15916 24 Davis........ 16 2924 1 570 7337 450 2137 81772 182 149040 56771 38347 1580 Decatur,, 8 1698 3 1046 7806 5j95 900 43041 200 75367 29372 17'713 61 Delaware.. 131 246 4 1314 8032 190 979 45181 652 174931 36824 12440 132 Des Mon's 36 3670 25 806 3584 854 462 46976 60 120833 132557 129996 1561 Dickinson. I,,,,,,,,,, 67 300 229 62 1194 379 7063 92.i Dubuquae...,, 56 6 1175 12863 1193 1193 69773 107 1357 48456 23077.404 Emmet....,,,I,,,,,13. 147;9 8 16 1234 193 2215 70 2 1 Fayette....,, 27 10 1870 9294 1008 960 38539 977 29447 12756 5122 68 Floyd..... i,, 5 6 1330 6199 754 764 17291( 528! 19973 5062 1158 2 Franklin.., 1 113 5 472 5530 327 605 4185 815 24431909 303 61 Fremont... 19 1271 52 403 378 428 35 23924 341 121669 15443 11905 702 Greene.... 24 842.. 290 36141 475 5301 9410 230 481091 3304 6111 46 G~rundy......I..... 1 85 6 1480 4952 5251 310 866 1420 57714 5279 1364 3 Guthrie 4 770 21 2996 2851 4631 510 14180 747 41116 12329 3633 24 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 35 36 5 TABL3E V. Onions, bushels of Turnips, Beets, Peas and Beans; acres of of Trees in Bearing and Bushels gathered in 1874 of Apples, ing and Fruit Trees not in Bearing; acres of Grapes in Vineyard, of Vines, Pounds gathered and Gallons of Wine made of Grapes.. ~ PEl~ACHES PLUMS. CHERRIES| P GEAPES IN VINE- GRAPES NOT IN ~ 1YARD. VINEYARD. 5, IH _S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __o O 4 t< t s CIS 8 2 75759 43..... 10 26 b~~~ 0 4) Ow~~~~~-d;-4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a ~~~~ ~ w..0~ i) c ~~ z ~~ z ~~ Z i~~~ ZZ Z P., 1 Z P- I —..... 30 21 75, -.53 705, 89 1791 71121, 1 434.... 13430 11238 268 9. 48 3 6031 175 613 26 161 587301 5 12800 553 9214 14585 155 3 12.. 220 113 21 9 13 l 789 529071- 297 43 3013 5764 167 230 4619 1203 14111 685. 15975 3473 608 1250851 16 24130 515 24485 932-57 808 1 1I 1....'.... 106 10 156 11266................. 1625 1440 6 10 271 3 1942. 304 4451 369 2076 211050 21 29750 1025 24865 72992 529 14 2 53 6524~ 1313 3936 399 5450 249028 9 8385 100 243538 82804 284 12........... 1263 265 1632 283 1251 78965 7 6650 7 19379 46671 188:4... 16 2 231 121t 706 44 701 59832 5 12617 12 7580 7739 104.... 2 51097 2.56 1649 104 2125 80107.................. 6409 13740 40...............191 31 52..... 277 10872................. 1328 108.... 3......... 1868 398 1120 62 4040 164176 6 100...... 4695 6761 2..... 287 22...... 422...... 17222..... 200 554 318 2 12 ~~~~~1 198 40 308 32 94 18702 3 1000.. 2672 760 3 5..276 ~~~59 1357 155 3996 64092 3 30 19 342 15537 106 58 1541 67 1001 360 11023 2367 2492 104524 11 102016 602 29397 185876 677 1............ 126 32'42 4 37 21839............1296 535-.... 68 5 9 6 23 11768.......679 isli1 36 142 96 198 46 114 31006 9 400 2 1 12081 27900 28 27 36-46 831 140 11254 549 3496 87487 79 125475 40 21374 45125~ 118..... 6 1 1 882j 46 56... 66 8226 1............ 63.....1.... 7........... 14731 6 33 1121 174 900 93294 51 2,3275 716 8349 379 1 35j7 54 172 62' 2312 1179 9831 2016 6566 105554 31 57428 1721 19141 79301 3092 1 13 1 583 179 339 39 161 22029 1 32,59 12 3911 555 158 13 96 11 451 87 2205 363 195 145020 11 26200 148 30008 95083 136 342 4575 1636 975 187 11341 2236 430 87553 13 71591 2254 28154 85546 371 61 1721 409 835 311 8109 1074 675 105792 17 26010 232 14417 34196 729 14 12.......592 181 1839 135 1672 70287 12 16310 786 9935 16529 469 890 7001 3545 897 177 21243 6967 2076 89596 4446 815040 42077 49614 202125 4470..............185 16.......... 17 2682................ 570 40..... 18 34.....3650 6k2 3729 855 32364 855816 73 249414 2061 16367 16740 1132..............132 11 3. 6 2515............... 16 20..... 4...... 12 1189, 438 1486 78 1369 86411 2 789 42 4025 9483 748 1........... 6701 257 709 4 30271 54008 1 700...... 6150 2611 26.............1032 240 413 11 687 34662..... 80...... 2225) 3366 51 348 10468 10952 623 163 3Q62 602 1923 87279 241 22293 745 16525 19916 33 13 2.....578 81 636 35 28 5 -51920 3 685 52 9260 8912 5 1..........982 210 743 49 1119 76577..... 1100 5 6417 8957- 59..... 61......442 70 1028 551 3261 87104 4 6600...... 12186 26930 1 366 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. TABLE V. —CONTINUED. SWEET O 4 4- 4 A ro.~ o, s o orus.'d'd $ F POTATOES 0 0 0 APPLES COUTNTIES. 4- 4. + 4z TZ 44 - W Wn U)i; -i+ 4-) ~~C a) a).. a A rv a)~..c a).3 ra *. wjQ U) UPc 5 a COUNTIES. Ca.0 m.0 n P 3 0 0 ~~~~~~~~~~ 94~~~. a. 4.494 a.'. a.O a.) ) a ).. a)~ a)~40 0 a)c 0 3 3. c39 cuE 9~ S C Hamilton.... 65..... 226 1022 873 2991 8172 876 23166j 1782 545 4 Hancock. 5. 61 1432 20,5' 100 10000 114 11919 152 12........ Hardin 3 377 10 1144 6412 6641 463 18106 961 46638 13115 4063 26 Harrison... 13 1759 2 487 16139 662 203 23497 528 3138 3418 1117 95 ]~ ~ r 17 67081~ 1 r Henry........ 17 6708 4 1067 4301 1117 1380 44178 312 218998 131873 99150 3629 I X; 1 F Howard....... 873 11729 445 285 10493 534 8189 2397 647 42 Hunmboldt. 9.6351 83 988 165 68 1878 309 12806 514 67 1 Ida......... 55 945 661 76 703 56 1150 50 2......... Iowa......... 6 822 7 698 9024 10691 878 22973 5069 142265 24494 11492 225 Jackson.... 3 126 24 978 4641 533 921 95160 27 18973 57522 29043 113 Jasper... 7 1449 10 4126 8334 4966 913 29223 1213 158923 38024 15057 198 Jetlerson... 34 4212 2 647 3432 693 662 55178 98 118662 93471 72790 1446 Johnson.. 8 824 58 6776 10572 1622 682 39971 622 135792 67748 30303 385 Jones......... 2 283 19 584 5139 777 512 52546 472 56993 34183 10840 77 Keokuk.... 48 5752 50 2516 5172 757 873 45000 400 238750 52425 29473 323 Kossuth....2.......... 2 5354 19 24 2313 5781 9815 200 4........ Lee.......55 5184 6 961 3525 1076 1939 68716 80 292035 146882 128262 3519 Linn.......... 15 3107 1 996 7F580 2521 1544 6338.3 815 61228 42790 11257 145 Louisa........ 33 3218 15 645 2303 576 725 37299 178 122565 65090 340341 425 Lucas... 5 828 1 469 4304 685 638 22884 150 165015 15005 9228 230 Lyon................ 5 168 43 126 691 145 2935.......... Madison.... 16 2253 22 1094 5547 984 7'79 34426 910 117158 29391 15140 251.Mahaska... 10 2895 5 1017 4814 1008 1097 46132 544 167189 62395 35185 279 Mlarion......10 1811 4 1233 4365 737 761 49181 221 80333 55061 26330 313 Marshall... 9 1487 5 1593 10634 2953 1507 15687 5526' 175847 25810 7215 364 Mitis......... 28 2492 48 5404 457 376 76 18502 749 96869 12956 15043 112 Mitchell 1...... I 460 4314 1088 258 12188 810 11714 2183 376 4 Monona 6 871.... 137 2898 770 293 8728 536 3808 1164 382 15 Monroe...... 3 1677 11 1107 4307 544 9 36397 38 60731 28745 10185 276 Montg'm'y 7 827 3 259 550 160 85 7445 320 106118 1107 1281 30 Muscatine. 201 13372 16 2324 1281 2204 361 32077 4373 226621 74823 42094 1446 O'Brien...... 2 61 6 383 1234 1443 297 201 484 18189 Osceola....................... 49 1162 410 9........... 122 12784 4.... Page......... 19 1873 11 1168 426 640 119 167561 1502 304334 18525 15128 549 Palo Alto.. 33...... 1 33 5910 132 131 1321 364 6277 48 6........ Plymouth.. 12 810 6 105 753 2002 181 578 917 7205 46......... Pocahont's............ 150 6003 58 205 651 420 8331 240 30.. Polk..........88 11479 24 2298 7040 2111 697 38623 705 52771 51882 24485 705 Pottawat'e 50 6722 12 3147 5594 694 596 20483 600 24236 7581 4896 369 Poweshiek 23 954 154 22348 5321 1030 10141 12197 777 224067 22114 9462 111 Ringgold... 5 370 10 675 1415 998 431 18149 226 133108 4571 3615 51 Sac............. 16 2 263 3271 486 200 2662 626 21371 444 61.... Scott..... 28 3808 244 36804 2937 6988 344 15464 228 223608 92445 77308 2322 Shelby...... 1 240 1 634 3441 235 327 5632 343 10238 993 953 1 Sioux......... 3 142 7 7 343 164 43 218 276 7285 Story......... 7 980 9 690 3212 2446 1056 14165 778 126354 16539 4781 98 Tama......... 2 372 1 280 5231 3459 584 18282 15 98835 28464 9207 149 Taylor........ 4 1174 10 1360 1041 889 174 19039 500 14798 13281 8899 134 Union....... 2 376 12 2126 2046 272 242 9203 623 69979 5923 3103 43 Van Buren 20 2144 28 498 3979 286 2528 78324 384 186105 93775 85674 1933 Wapello 11 2661 7 528 7521 1056 814 57983 76 1372416, 53268 32364 1032 Warren...... 7 2049 1465 4820 1856 792 34718 550 182696 42071 33560 169 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. TABLE V.-CONTINUED. PEACHES. - PLUMS. CHERRIES l a GRAPES IN VINE- GRAPES NOT IN PEACHES. PLUMS. CHERRIES,'YARD. V _______________ ________ $ YARD. VI NEYARD. d 4 ~ + - 4..,a.,4 a,, cI 2 a) g 6b a ra g) a) m~~~~a a) a) O~ -U"F B -c 4 b1 1......I 10 2. ~~4 "V -4;4~~~~$a"Q z 0~~~~~~~~~~. U i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.... ~.ZZ:ZZ~%e P' o F p ss 3p I 21 pd 3 o i 61.......... 1411 701 692 591 17011 329251........ 510 6 2259! 30711 1 96 34j 41 2 50 1041............................ 150 72. 7.... 2391 481 2513 433 256 68728 2 35001 15 6910 14205 37 4 26....... 295 85 1304 96 735 430731 3 240.........2 4809 21'25 8 1673 127411 4500 1451 538 31274!13654 1505 125864 101 100119' 1249 26870 19707 3006..... 381 167 48 12 180 88511...................,,( 773 662 20 572 27 101 2 15 7738'.... 2....... H19 387 382 45........................ 1 27 832......................... 26 5..... 6 38 13 560 116 815 806 309; 139474 512 68120 10882. 26789 83801 3513 46 75 8 1675 702 3609 719 1916 74405 8 15111 532' 9512 34945, 212 157 29....... 760 177 6247 2232 965 158585 7 11700 15 44157i 180489 670 444 3297 715 1259 365 19586 5436 701' 97343 31 95890 1521 330291 228521- 1395 80 132 14 1304 304 6393 2607 520. 91732 91 93820 6186 47718. 195192 3031 2 3....... 543 150 4260 - 667 1640 82797 6 10736 52 14612 670671 3597 111 1086 162 1849 599 7284 2016 728 116474 14 50550 1268 26640 170015 1151....1324 138 19... 33 2875....268 210 56 1717 29523 170241 985 262 266281 9853 808s 1334981 275 283784 75319 70188 196897 7712 131 62........ 2475 752 6623 1035 2642 128428, 48j 87240 282 29767 115355 502 132 3437 672 752 113 13816 2710 1389; 65549 2112 82625 7929 16428 105549 356 60 185 35 559 108 4101 994 1269 746681 58 9960 140 22391 64692 47..........2106.......... 56 404.. 32 ~1 1 ~ ~ 170 414 36 800 368 3586 608 650 152637 35 61239 443 37924 148652 1037 75 313 63 909 278 7970 2124 1955 137411 9 22250 165 28940 219468 449 71 280 35 1256 445 7993 19851 607 95186 860 34230 645 31663 198030 1026 58 5 i 5438 1389 10725 2484 2718 170754 36 47108 42 565951 145897 869 38 1883...10 252 43 1661 263 1572 86758 1586 17650 190 147611 17552 495 85 609 216 469 4 327 12197........ 255....... 1571 1918 306 201............. 1666 458 187 24 29 121941....... 636 5 1982 883 10 89 1017 95 1817 301 6255 1169 526 57651 6 24350 1190 10509 63918 243 340 28 146 49 889 102! 473 49278 3 700 20 5480 6389 19 620 1043 291 583 54 14773 3557 1298 78396 1648 109750 5303 41944 211822 1046 6 2.......................... 86321.616. 4......... 2.... 122 2........ 68 8396 1215 1039 161 2888 299 668! 125288 19 24522 112 31022 82657 254....................1227 97 24.... 2 954....... I........9.. 279 320 124.. 2.1....... 318 23 69..... 269 9825 2................... 31 1,,,............... 2........... 104 36 54 195 2601........ 84............ 88 46 17 699 119 7077 1689 648 193749 88 256860 1210 76253 405402 1295 108 460 175' 3269 1027 3890 667 6788 83971 468 66517 15 21298 38883 128 271 38 12 575 174 4645 571 480 133889 368 27630......... 22785 64967 4758 17! 1439 313 410 91 1819 292 417 72429 6 1490. 8558 15323... 5.... 113 19 151 6 14 62073 313. I.. 5655 350. 472' 3932 1156 1428 235 9168 2177 789 81430 572 415700 20115 60270 261593 5771.... 2.... 80 16 228 22 310! 29652 1 280..... 3576 2152..... 13................. 25 2796..................... 13.....9142... 10.. o.. 1610 250 3327 276 276 101554 29 372 20 14901 8332 314 15 9 3 1198 117 2404, 213 2846 153635 7 13360 205 21441 53107 374 17 1537 908 358 143 2378 389 451 81121 4 1800......10519 15681 56 15 226 29 215 56 1251 133 17 53288 10 2200 56 7665 8562.. 799 9447 2611 1408 409 17709 5756 773 114615 28 97020 1385 28107 118689 1185 3.54 1817 515 832 289 12077 30741 4281 106321 25 92000 2265 37026 169083 1276 24 303 21 346 81 3371 606 1159 178539 141 59400 291 44743 207878 350 368 CENSUS RETURNS. [NO. 10. TABLE V.-CONTINUED. SWEET ON] ONS. APPES. POTATOES 0 o c A S COUNTIES. Oct c O, | 4-o os 0, oos d 4 a) ) a a) a* a aW.a k0 ~.~ aO.Ok a Cl) 0 a)- c l- 0a_ sI ~ j S j Slp SI S a 5 i Ca 5 ) z Z ZI I Washn'ton 16 22051 61 484 1837 696 775 383.50 1759 309827 74502 48698- 596 Wayne 2 9541 30 735 6068 495 1250 242141 171 210880 23024 13688 213 W ebster........... 33...... 135 4375 216 353 11330 652 23996 7627 1500 29 Win'ebago...... 2...... 87 567 62 67 2979 92 814 191 57....... Win'shiek 31 244 2 691 10202 4984 610 39844 284 5059 10344 4000........ Woodbur'y 3 325 7 716 1098 1769 309 7204 503 7640 101[ 90 2 Worth............. 25 254 2504 552 158 5428 161 5882 698 67 20 Wright.......... 3 1 386 3521 311 356 3232 574 24141 1452 176 1 Total...... 1134 128579 1386 152758 462165 111152 593271 2312659 65549 7396662 12440934 1451037 30507 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 3 9 TABLE V.-CONTINsUED. GRAPES IN VINE- 4GRAPES NOT IN PEACHES. PLUMS. CHEERRIES D VINE3YARD.. _ -_ -__ _ -. I YARD. VINEYARD. P. 0 I b.3 32 77 1803 372 472 160 5539 1095 644 132758 15 54855 462 16379 47741 64 a 4_. Ca _ 2. _. 6 1) 49843 g0 2 21{, 3) 1 231 842 101 875 263T 14121 3003 2009 129979 51 119910 2670 32654 192000 2250 77 1803 372 472 160 5539 1005 644 132758 15 54855 462 16379 47741 64,.I..,..~......583 37 551 27 124 38061 3 1805 63 8381. 3016 9 20 32 1........ 20 1916........................ 52 20........................444 12SI 71 7 928 72796 4 920 * 150 4939 25690 528 49 11 60........ 264 6390 1 1...... 339 368 40 165 24 522 21 48 11193 2 150 5 1245 1205 94 10061 110729 49843 89640 22418 409,774 39051 135192 7185832 14343 3896154 196470 1514607 5504731J66284 TABLE LVI. Statistics concerning Htorses,.Mu!s, and Asses; ZIilch Cows, Milk, Butter, and Cheese; Work Oxen, thoroughbred Sh ort-horns, and cther imJrov(d bre(ds of Cattle; 94urnber of Hogs, together with inr29Cov(d breeds of same, and number slaughtered in 1874. Is 8 0 0.IMPROVED BEREDS OF HOGS. z W e,. 0.0 M.8 -O'UNTIES.0 4 -.1 w.. 8' 4 4-O,4....... 4- o~ 4". - c 0 4- 4b5-4) 4- 4. z4 c kO~~ r: d E E?.d ~ ~~ n.~F1 o Q> k'Ct a m m Q> r+t 4d, M - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~4)-Ik'5UNT~ES. 0 0 r;'5 a~ 0 b 051 m op o +-. I f 0 8 Adair........... 89 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~11715 7 2 38 760 57 9 l 7958 193 2.............. 203941 9481 2156 216~...........113351 15187 A m........ 495........... 13 1.... 48 9 Adamr. 1 1 6 4 171 5864 1 79 3 1... 2089 94 8215. 2. 13 1518 Adams 4261 50 280 11 455 189386 8013 10235 76l 9272 1271 113 21002 581 1592 50. 483O l.......... 13898 Allamakd e ~~ ~ e. 761 73i/.g, Aflamakee 7610 21 86 2 724 400562 8194 14673 837 120211 2942 9 10 19770l9 441 330I.......{2171 18334 3 AppPanoose. 99 31 70 36 95656 341 1 67 1282 8 Audbon... 154 1 16 4 1480 59719 45 6 2 37 3 8..20 77 1 1.0 48 Benton...13472 381 624 30 11152 776448 12846 20695 50 22681 3908 104 23..2 32... 57947 563 2423 92........388 43460 Bla'k Hawk 10627 536 369 22 8969 6637 00 13848 80642 54 1552.7 3445 72 25.....2.93210.38 80. 5 31265 Boone...... 7780 167 490 32 7538 4555468 14350 25043 102 17435 4435 20...... 3 37090 826 2.760 444 1 4921 28-898 Bremer........ 7185 398 98 6 7917 59"8191 118121 18408 55 14786 2300 13.... 2 25252 415 191 19........... 33 18116 Buchanan. 8450 174 300 23 9407 719264 9446 24013 701 19690 3099 220 2.......31445 473 1360 249 2 3 1286 26984 Buerna Vista 1495 25 66...... 1208 69853 1377 1161 326 2016 233 1 1.................... 3414 183 162 51...... 1 2044 Butler...... 7004 233 126 11 5936 433463 43554 6550 45 11795 1597 46 1............ 25860 743 998 163..... 301 18643 Calhoun. 1411 14 90 15 1471 114858 1005 413 138 2871 1551 2,.5983 204 209 2.318 1 5 5 ~ ~ z 4~B ~ j4165 "4 9565{ 5315 Caroll 2808 27 192 93 1975 93420 634 2042 117 3604 290 8! ~ 4.103 36 29 *2. 995 * 8281 Carroll...... 8 7 14 26 2 38 76 015'6 40 11 98 17 1....................... 10638 9463 298 a- 2........... 13 58 Cass........ 6206 139 491 32j 4806f 242600 807 54001 9 10547 2707 2.81 82........ 27001 1447 3787 1777... 19911 Cedar... 12303 610 717 53 11009 683821 20096 671871 21 27565 6726 512 22 55 4 715..... 971259 5456 6369 746 141..... 940 59653 CerroGordo 1 3113 821 685 3 2693 168496 12500 7531 139 467 1186 1 315...40151 227 48 27... 3994736 Benton.....3472 3 62413 11152]'776448 12846 20695 226811 3908 lC4 [3 3 74 6 43 9 8 36 Bla'k ~awk 0627 5 369{2 8969{ 663700 18848 80642 5 152r7 3445'"2.1 93 (0 2 8 5 26 Boone......... 770 17 40 3 58 45 8 130 20 0'45 43 03 37(,901 826l 2760[ 4441 11.....{4921[ 28.898 Bremer........ 71855 98,6 7917{ 598191 11812 18408 55[ 4786{ 2300 1.. I..I...I:... 25252l 415{ ]91 19[.....[. I 33[.... 3 18116 Cherokee. 20.. 1 2074 44 116 9 7504 7504 291 37221 264 1941 220 1....:... 513 2939 167 169............ 4391 ueChickasawt 1495 6 323 1 120 6 627 8 4954963 1377 1 8206 2041 1267 22.. 34141912 1843 8162........... 5 1 2044036 Butler..........:i{ 23 26 1 593 343 454 65 5 7947 156316 256 4 23 928 1...... i.. 0 84 Carrll....... 288 27126 59 36 197 4342 3 0 1 64 9 3 063 4359 1...1... 954 4528 2586 i01 4743 987 163 1...... {.....{ 31{.... 18643 Ce r....]houn...... 117951206 781 1256 72 1 215 1... 15955666 76111.. 90565 z Cerro Gord 14113 1478 3 Ci 1{ 89 1 458 00'531 4 138 2867 16 159{ 20 4 1 209 {4 2. (........... )...:....{ 3180 Il~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~.....[...... I...t 19911. Chedrok..... 27 4 1 5'i0 9 7 2 91 2.....1::I::::I1i.1 111 3 672~6 49 Cherokee..... 50 23 20 16.28 459 85 78~6 124116 2.........I... 4 8 21 03 Clarke......... 6047 184 468 42 5894 3221.49 1739[ 1907 14 26688 30441 1841 86 4r616 746 3281 00....2254 Clay..... 1580 53 91 2 1342 92236 245. 313 1629 147 3.708 28 28 26.... 1666 Clayton.....11041 631 620 36 11096 684568 14879 14237 182 16360 4549 78 2.. 6. 41057 560 1345 1194411 34011 CI a........J"............ 139'"!73 80 7....... 8595s Clinon. 1928 24 84 381429 103442 42021 456641 2 3176 8421 134[ 70 73096 10~44 811.9 641 1 19 742.... Dallas.......... 7707 245 679 33 7249 453567 1896. 4243 90 18289 2931 243.4-1690 658 2212 16 9 327 33912 Davis. 9154...692 1085 105 7192 450954 10424 1663 16 18679 4671 1..50576 1468 1573 155 11 545 44337 Decatur....... 7808 440 581 57 7848 8962431 7373 1197 53 185751 8839 94 2.. 37405 1007 2068 120 1 28 27573 Delaware..... 10461 622.310 52 11800 788205 642-02 251331 26 20,8120 3522 65 28. 1....... 40815 832 1193 557... 22 3367.9 Des Moines. 8098 471 603 48 74091 464483 497 219344 52 16700 4011 55 14........ 39978 2477 6490 109i.....31740 Dickinson.. 766 85 31.... 851 70950 2224 92 166 1049 1.47 7 1 1..... 1934 2 18 201..... 1 897 Dubuque....11568 5201 5231 881 12617 649056 6535 115867 60 18904 4154 1171............. 52341 923 461 322j.......2.. 44210 Emmet....... 649 19 21...... 1 1073 83215 6498 2346 301 6.... 151 2846 8 0...... 2. 7...519 Fyette..... 9752 318 9363 21 10554 806441 22276 11186 1831 19775 3250 25 5.............29180 27 51.... 14 21879 Floyd....... 7067 177 82 3 53858 4 997 39 8806 15478 1,55 12333 1847 -70 6......3. 14314 452 911 123..... 198 1232.7 FrankIi n.. 3973 122 104 10 3208 222366 2470 8695.97 7907 1270 29 40........ 15244 635 745 1001...... 1..... 12280 Fremont.... 6378 179 1009 48 6784 316787 3145 9812 103 20110 $031 50 80......... 44757 1068 8152 20........... 47 Greene...... 3311.112 305 34 8694 238642 2455 1717 113 8205 3104 18 21 1,.. 20187 2274 2429 76 10 650 14098 Giundy...... 6402 68 235 10 4727 280708 29670 1945 41 9431 1671 37.....1184. 2996:4 918 3510 906. 436 23939 Gui hrie. ~~~~5587 128 24 9 98 2769 47 5 7525 25 11875 2726 22. 6........25740 496 1285 %95 1 1 29 24748 I I I~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~............... Hamilton. 3866 143 1621 12 4355 290044 27871 697 0 126 10851 2178 16 4..............13954 227 11521 91..... 2 10354 Hancock...... 564 4 331 6- 805 3934 16090.. 75 1867 123 4........................... 535 3 /26........................... 660. Hardin..... 6778 356 232' 28 5892 425827 10720!94555 00 10649 1783 82 1......I. 2 32249 3085 5172, 80 9... 692 21411 HHarrison.... 6539 120 2851 9 6978 815732 9907 5473 64 16227 4534 59.................. 29865 217 1314 25.. 6 29 28496 CI Henry. 9.... 924 5491 7371 92~ 8552 546518. 5581 17990 56 202611 8925 88 19..............56324 1229 9530 8871..1846 57107 Ilo0W HIc.....3433 278 581 6' 4358 323116' 10071 5432 279 8018 876 1 6 4.... 5777 171 163 15..43 II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ u!.. [...... 80 mboldt.. 1702 98 57'. 2268 1350661 365 430 158 3701 173 35....4698 133 63 37 1......... 8 3467 Ida.431 10 13 1 399 2083566 980 107 3...................833 42 55 1 12 16 1159 Iowa............ 9602 393 475 1077 68478 4710-62 7190 8649 509 24828 4656 117k 52o....46475 1178 2701 1006..34753 Jakckson.......2 11551 774 404 44 11503 576161 15248 80444 18 26505 6537 42 17.... 47612 353 782 1908.. 18 50449 Ja-sper.... 13068 392 1040 49 10450 722369 7,55-54.9 67;3 73 29081, 6140 363 1... 2.. 75513 1068 26741........... 4231 59026 Jefferson.... 9448 i494 633 91 7428 523261 42;33 32461 20 18326 5706 72........ 4'6 59083 1418 151.9 147 845... 2611 46289 Johnson. 11886 506 976 72 1130 614617 20520 420,'06 16 28374 6046 1395 25 1...21.....66594 1122 4347 2980 1.... I1 47862 Jones... 1605 612 435 53 11864 682167.29426 28'9708 1895 20885 5399.111 5.......... 32 61050 7653 2985 423....11 2076 43403 Keokuk...10961 564 649' 86 9733 644465 662.9 25032 37 23575 4846 81 3. 258 55126 1718' 8801 30 625 1181 46716 Elossull.... 1748 7 47..I2108 128,510 80001......234 3788 797 121......1..... - 5 2157 44 58......... 24 1940 Lee......... 10844 594 1073 136 9651 496719 98508 84134 9 20592 5680 127 51 4 2 18' 2 143999 1133 1482 614. 8.. 4 5 37729 Linn.......14240 460 762 54 10'776 1011869 18711 82618 26 27785 6686 125 3......4... 12 74985 667j 1618j 878....4 108 54082 Louisa......7557 213 518 678 5656 347774 937 5271 8 21697 8275 00 15. 13 43433 3112 4466) 495 17 1647 85882 Co~ Lucas.......6375 220 52,4! 23 6103 402297 14645 6976 25 15448 3469 40 3. 13 41976 098 1564 40....... 91 29742 -.1 Lyon...... 476 56 201 9 sos! 21380 852. 243 211 444 272 1 7........... S.. 09 20 19! 7.14.......... 699 P.. TABLE VI. —CONTINUE~D.. -4 rd 1- 4 z o~oo 0~ 0..... E BEDSO HG ~~~~~~5 c o 0.2 ~~~~~~4 ~ ~~ ~ ~ I~i~ ~ I ~ I~ I A 22 ~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 6 -4-1 ~ 1-4~~~ ~ ~ ~ k~ k~~' I-4Cat 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... 1261 57676 Mahaska 11874 26~851 ~12~l' ~ 1~ 991 1 1151;-451396 Marion.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- - - 1228........~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c70 1488"575t71 194 255 834 1.-..I 7 7 215 Marsh~~~~all. 1028 608 i12 815 2 51 58la 61 1 7 567 8 9 49 101Z....I 5 5 Maak...., 17 0 1 5149763 5119 320061 7 7.......5...... 8112 1190 258 42 2o 075o3 to Marhal.... 108260841 41815 6548 5836631l0 1560899281..0...........]....555.252 31839....0 172015073 Mils.......69626 072h54e2876 642102...875.60.6......... I. 478162301573............356 Mithel.....612,2 935 1862...... 5212[ 364520 6270, 12738 26 7859[ 1898 48................... 7 6591t 5 28 6...1 8 6 Monon...... 351 39 72 104033 129818 23401 10251 1691 12891l 1991 40................... 14830 12 1068 I........... 2 11025: More....... 6-639414 05351 15505 34 1647 322Il.............. 3293415091 684 30........ 303 27660 6 Ocoa....... 633202 59 314 0 9 9 84 27..................... 38 2 4.......... 6 3. 102 239 46 109 6096 182071261 5465 21186794 209 6... 2...t..[.... 3 2731860311 4... 240 42829 Rcainggld.... 476384156 842374 29 145 6 129277 36 9........ 56 4 7814 4............257 1343 26...... 997 66905 1066 175 356 1177 163 5 1.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...0...1....... 15 59 50........ 3111 Soy.......... 675344 430 23916 761509 2058 60 7 48 18936611 3.............i 39425106945....1 8 367 574998 13495 405701 43 18740] 3654...... j 290953 3595 Tama............. 191i 487 [[[[[ oo 10419] 635] 479 29[ 8806 Taylor........... 6463 i 469791 966.1 12601 3221 391 31 21 24218 ~-' ~~.r~ ~1 ~0 ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0~t ~00~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~ ~0'~1 ~ ~1 ~e~o........ ~1 ~ ~ ~. ~0~ ~. ~ ~' ~' ~.0, ~ ~0~ ~0~ ~0~l ~1 ~1 ~l.....I ~l ~ Warren........ 107661 1951 610 26 8529 515910 5055 14115] 35 224701 7384 76 Washington. 107871 5~ 792 141 10047 6290471 22036 134381 28 26t52J 5338 68105 6701 2046 64/......I......~ 1116/ 78935 ~ Wayne 76051 407 554 86 7200 4020421 5500 21521 45 20974] 4864 ~ 67076 1~141 25321 92/ 214~ 73~ 805 52273 45 45077 2036[ 1807] 336[......l.....] 1811 52537 Webster........ 52411 1.30 345 20 6874 366304 13762 53771 193 12068] 1784 141911 63[ 403[ 74[....../...../ 15i 12077 Winneb~go.. 321 868[ 28 37 2 1498 1009121........... 3181 414 2926], 353 838] 131 8J........[11[.....[........[ 92~ Winneshiek 11473[ 419[ 108 5111629 736619[ 20020 21017~( 394 16116[ 3594 211041 316] 119] 48]......[.....J 58[ 17537 Woodbury.... 3375[ 47[ 148 3 3102 143505[ 17257[ 29542[ 242 7262[ 1510 ~ 93561 259] 686] 233] 4].....l 28(~] 5819 47[ 46 Wright......... 606 2192 43781..] 1490401 4495 161 4281[ 327/ 475t........[......]....~ 36,t 4415, 110{ 122 TABLE VII. Statistics concerning'Sheep; number of Pounds of Wrool Shorn in 1874; number of She'ep Killed by Dogs in 1874; number of Dogs; numer of Stands of. Bees, Pound.,; of Honey and Beeswax in 1874;1 Value of Products of Farm, Herd, Dairy, Orchard, Garden and Forest for 1874. co~~~~~~~~~sHE. ~67 -4 o 0 0w 6 0 a)~~~ 3 0 0 p~~~~~~~~~~~~~o a) ~ ~'~a 00 c~~ UD~~~~~ M COU STIES. ) a). a 5~~3 IC) b 0 "' ac 0 ~~~~~~ +- - 0. ~ ~c o a) 0 3 ~~~ ~~J)~* a), 0'a) 0~~a) 4 44 -4X l.a 0. 0 a o 0 0 0 0 00 Z 0 c 0'a lc ~ a'3 a, W 0 L"- ~ 6 6 6 6 6 ~~~~~ ~~0' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z z l z z~~~~~~~~~~~~~z - 0. 0 ~~~~~ 0 0 C 3,141 1t A C 30 C c d ______________~~~~A __ z z __ _ z z z C1. ~ ~ 6.~ a Adair................ 3117 4651 19........ 30 1-1689 148 119 1896 208 2483 $ 828171 $6700 $ 1537 $ 1001 222062;$ 24916 $ 92411 Adams............................ 3560 563..... 142 13824 364 191 1534 274 3321 695318 3854 2508 1731 193186 35668 16611 Allamakee.............. 7372 508... 351 23809 1097 528 2937 192 1950 1415769 7230 4113 593 247446 45095 29240 Appanoose.......................... 19690 145 19 22 22 40 63485 5444 795 2693 2772 14949 1611937 22512 24431 12107 712629 112297 53745 Audubon.................... 41............. 930 27 5 554 124 1426 184153 2270 1067 1831 60244 17775 2476 Benton................................2931 128 6 14...... 27 13242 586 166 3536 896 9547 26649951 11212 14181 6526 678,379 1415831 39738 Black Hawk..................... 2391 267 77 1 3.. 14436 912 891 2590 911 6348 1898424 5033 7852 9682 466324 1372941 39400 Boone.................................. 9122 842....385 19832 841 4181 2498 12951 4152 1018453 3633 6863 6903 462260 825121 45314 Bremer...... 2504 106' 20. 19 12132 745 208 1988 498 6169 1144620 5155 2194 2453 290180 1128321 62813 Buchanan........................... 5878 1686. 83 751 200721 1092 223 2234 600 2861 2615949 3308 5678 2218 3650271 1494391 27397 Buena Vista............. 748 108........... 13 1532 31 1 524 3 20 207828 848....... 32 20695 101001 1-160 Butler................. 6909 3941........... 120 8228 296 92 1840 398 4255 1209785 1515 24721 699 2,45159 879801 45519 Calhoun................ 1020 278............ 34 1633 2.5 14 660 43 3701 221316 3!..37366 115611....... Carroll..................................1964 798............. 5341 23....1034 3 10 45136 1266 5 16 7170 12034 12483 Cass....................1410 61........... 29 3318 151 16 20331 161 3263 1284899 3574 1673 1020 363962 375.511 18679' Cedar................................. 3328 1774 92 33952 1378 287 2609 783 5418 2606149 7154 21059 14089 10403962 149373 677787 CerroGordo........................ 2112 95 5.41 5379 162 45 821 114 829 591617 1766 153 117 59288 31613 19350 Cherokee............... 718 241 4............ 130..... 2 720 2 5 350197 306. 1..... 651 29049 23812 2315 Chickasaw......................... 43811 1290 10.447 14619 372 209 1723 356 4561 894656 444 569 399 165415 97279 22196 C' Clarke................................. 33610 668 940 36617[ 2090 4741 1751[ 550[ 4086i 7054987[ 5270 r0455 6082 964896 69~i 195t14 ~'~ Clay..................................... 88 1001 ]i i!11 / 123313]] 792.......... 101 15157 8602 8351 Oo Clayton............................... t 9295'....837 "'i'37 319494 ~2148 405 4449[ 3911 464tl 2,J817931 5895;0100 4503j 516851 57373 93077 Clinto,,...................,.].......... 8796~ 10t8'2i~i i~]]]] 106 22955] 3805 2981 44691 6574 8273] 3322:458;] 2186] 1162289;19182 14513' ~ 30i9019] ~_a Crawford............................ 43671 460 526 13566 966 98 1070 1091 1302/ 483337 1138 323 1060 179516 32575 8859 4111 584]]................. ]Davis.................;................ 2663 { 1516 789141 5602 836 23564 21621 145851 160:]0901 55tl;4150 85364 831414 95155 52169 Decatur...............................] 20211 55300] 5793 660] 22491 1033 7276] 1024~541J 4364 5'~7 3482[ 5389[1 62789 41737 Delaware.................... 706.....19 233144 1722 30t/ 25~2} 7291 7184/ 1690314] 2954;2319 3642 605035 87303 655t8 ]Des lVloines........................ 8128 1075 80 335301 2119 469t 2604] 8501 3038] 1772992] 3t64;3958 8710! 624939 93125 112624 ]Dickinson.......................... 406 36 13871 17 391 30t]........I........./ 45334t 438........... 84 ]3115 7485 5098 o i.......... 0 000 Emmet........................'....... 98 51 237 62 303 15244 12197 13957 2693 i........ Fayette................................ I 271 720 7788 73890 I 3374 989 41655 i 2851 1503127] 129.5 4470 1637i 30.q722 315t6 Floyd................................... 16121 19455~ 1767{ 5221;0181 18673771 6327 4392 3025 230127 02657 66610 Franklin............................ 1693 11 5682 2581 12751 ] 10071 1021 8072 116 377 19.t274 74~16 7795 ('~ Fremont.............................. 9875! 891...... 19263 176 21021 7521 84031 1046066 4816 18161 3989 792763 42313 33901 Greene................................. 777106] 13971 31 12~552 971 13731 2091 12671 62090.51 3517 95t 675 197581 43853 27703 Grundy................................ c/2 0 2595 4621'"i'9 89.07{ 10 14761 64{ 9721 15939771 686t 528 312 314510 52711 (~ Guthrie............................... 382 18310i 6t6 199 4327{ 250 68!69~{ 2401.18151 2673 4265 881 ~1466 47~7 "'i5'197 ~/~ 7924611 ~amilt~n............................ 833] [ 2110 64 11651 1121 10064 5276721 1028 16t8'1105 202010 53083 10011 llancock............................. 46] 4131{ 1264}~ "i'40 liardin................................ 14551m 119t 117 19274 3t5{ 32761 10666'27] 3082 5653 2320 359871 86i97 40811 ~'~ I-I~rrison............................. 1531 20491 73~{ 15635[ 7866271 1605[ 29, 21 6663i 466 727 1674 4t8 432066 58132 39 t02 Henry................................. 16806] 6081] 11'4 809 70451 6t13 ~:~ 10511 31234 729] 4483[ 1765670 19301 5823~ 17091 1218118 117487 59003.............................. i...... 11341 13a! 1728~ I-Iumboldt..... 67 53428 25190 11298 c_~..................... 795' 288'1...... 01 8598j 93 621 86 1171 200001 58 165/........ 11[ Ida...................................... I 74821 27............'....'[~.....{ 86S9 4413 2216 i 91 10...... 79 6 Iowa.................................. 114:t 7200 ~ 24897 8199 914 "17......I....... 2047 188~00i 1323 2761 2005019 302:32 24708t 51901 68114 Jackson.............................. 27641 i"'5'6'38 9034 1040 13 45 239 32445 1482 6~51 3570/ 5171 7175 1750091 8555 195501 30671 13814 11495~ 78472 Jasper.................................. 15312 370 13 3 599 28526 1668 569] 3779] 2355] 23767 2916838 10098 156071 61821 97329 126137 32390 Jefferson............................. 21816 3462...... 4591 79972 5228 1130] 27621 10181 4417 1530140 21314 46912i 174181 912657 108218 45397 Johnson......... 21617 3710 "11 56523] 1790 5881 38681 1102] 4438 2147875..................... 5602 30607] 13321] 853484 121805 75765 Jones................................... 7743 2A50 14'"47"'533 29055 10321 495t I { I Keokuk.............................. 14232 732 2...... 1536 43091 21011 7321 32141 9t9] 4891 1919728 9130 278501 102661 790467 111888 50635 I4 0 0. P _ __ _ _ 2;i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ 1450 $-4 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1001-q0 W 4' IzI - H P 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~1390 i...l................]........................................ 15..................6......'162 199 250 3539274 27020 8000.......2....80000 10400 7000 74572. 6 119 1 32 135 150 7420 7000 21800. 55400 15700 4500 186799 2 60 1 30 18.... 500. 1200....... 10149 4597....20822 5 87 38 216 194 1892 44900 260 18800.....489000 191000 3500 386090 12 134 3 25 141......133397 11401 21000......121865 42150 4500 238214 1 30 15 3417 103...... 33570 3200 25600......110000 8000 3200 168010.... 11 9400 500 4000 1200 22500 - 25 2500 27698 2 16 3.. 1200...................... 3000 4000 1000 2900........1 20 9...... 2200.................. 10000 500 250.62 4 93 2 ~~~~1 914643.................. 14132 10060 10.198 I...............2560............................. 1335 20' 657 26 394 39 62 1051300 10000 16450......452223 15027 7590 945050 37! 3177 11 188 1853 527.............. 38900... 154365 27198......2399435 3' 67 16 265 44 21 9000 16000 8200...... 95650 31525....... 86750 7. 210..... 36..... 5400......2000 48000 M2000...... 25000 15 471 2 25 841 1 259720 6000 1-01-9..... 20180, 18700...... 59822 41 103 16 137 141; 30 29012........ 22838.... 122592 62490 7000 281816 26 988 1 15' 1048 25400 5955800'........ 10680 3500 464061 7055 32700 2079029........4 59 4....i1~..!...... 45000 11000 1001 6000 86 1039. 24 286 2334 738,275494.300.223... 516610 104400.159900 6316635 7 118 17 470 148, 50 210550....... 5500. 242900 15400 6100 1521,50 6 138 10 210 168 32 97077.......'21119. 241000 27000 19000 387771.... 21 1 45694....... 5000..... 1829 12445...... 17825 11 19 6 33 38.................. 6300...... 70000 10500.....836000........2 20 40 10.600.20. 900.200.025.*1 10 8 1 60090052500 11000'900' 139967 61 149 10 2356 34.4000........ 1500 29623 20700 200: 171500 18 375 20 147 302 26500 242300 85000 116200...... 237400 95850 3000. 508490 46...1 41....10000 500..... 200 i~~b 6 13.5 103,200.137..................242000 882 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. TABLE IX.-CONTINUED. C__~. CHARACTER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, OR GOODS MADE. COITNTIES. laC C.0 b,..~ Jse.1192.14...5172... 127 18.....10. Jeffeson.... Johnson. 147. 08215 9 14 144878 35J L 9 1 84...3 1 0 621118 Madison. 33 135.~~~~~~~~~PqCAI 0 4. 2 22 3 1 Macsona................. 47...........1 1. 4 1 2. 1......... 4....1 1'... 3. 2 JMaserion.......5 11 7 2 1 3..6.1..2. 7..... JM rsonal.61 126 21 323 233..................9 Moiuhnl.3014 21. 322.. 2 23371..... 35 o........... 1......... 2 Lee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...................35 5416 175 72 06 1 Linn.............2 2... 3.. 2 3 2... 2. MonLgo mery.15..........23.. 1 4...... Osceola.9~~~ 23.1... 1.. Pageson................. 33 1 2341.. 2....4 3....2410 Marin.. 47........ 9.. 1 2 2 ~.......[....... Alills...............w.......31 101 61 42. 4 5 51 1... 4...[.. P lymouith.3 6 5........ 3 2.......42 2 3... 3 1.... Polne...... 141 56162...3 1 5 11 2 Myontgmr.........:iZ::..... i i ii.....i...i............... 411......... PMttawat ain e. 19.........94 19 91 291 1 7 8..... 126........ MO'eien................. Osceac.12..........2.1 1 1... 1.4'11. 2....... Shey............... 2 3 3 1. 4..... Tag...................3 31. 1... 1... Planouren................... 8.4........["'9.. 3..... 6 2 7 7. Pocahontas~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...'...................I........19.:.:.. ~ I WaPelko. 7756 1 2.....4 2 3 Warren.29 1 4.......1... 3 4. 2 4 4 1 Poe1 i s............ 3.............................................i............ WasRingtond. 42.... 1 7 5..... 22 4.... 1... Wayne.10 2.. 2. 2...............4.... Websyer.10............... 1........ Winnebago.x............. S to y............................................................................ T M ano.............. 22.......... $ 4... 1......2 1 1... 3..... 3 U i n.....................................................:..........................1......... Wontgombry....... Van Buren~ 8.....2....'"9 8................. 6 2 2 7 l3 Woat.e............ Wringt........... Teotal........... 320 3....8. 1238..................3 5.....506 2 108 4......1... 96 2 129 1 3 1 W i ne a o.......................1...2........................3............. Wingile........................................ -.......''"....11.......... W aoodbury....................................'.......~.....'..~ -::....... W orth.................................4..1...1..1.................. Wr~~~~~~~~~~~~~igt...............................[............................ Tota.................. 1320,4 3 4 9 j62 110412i7 669 291945231149 ~1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. TABLE IX.- CONTINUED. STEAM WATER C " ERS ~RAW MATERIAL CONSUMED IN 1874. POWER. POWER Q__ _ S WO.0' m ~~~~;, 3 ~:~~~~~ ~ 50 271 16 506670i 76 1135 245961 5951 17 0 530200...... 2275..... 28000 1100.... 100 174 108000, 103000 191l10.-...... 50000{ 1000t 8~ 48) W0) 4180013686 9000) 100 266 Id150 1133200 24780 11304 35 271 16 506670 76840 11335. 28885961 7100 35455 253574 4423961041 976 788 5 70 21536 80 17 60 30200... 22 32680010 00 1257050 40 74 20 300~ 7000() 5600 1 10 ll0( 10 171....... 100 174 108000 103000......... 191............... 50000......... 17270 13 359 18 602 549 3396 308200i 10000 60-135 94000 157300 15483 41464 1058434 1 20 2 8 48 100 41900.. 13636.. 21000 68......... 62560 13 262 15 266 161 50 1133200 24780 17200......169180 43200......357457 37 1968 1 35 2956 704 1328885 7150000 354551........ 253574 44236 12500 33395620( 17 523 28 276 788 76 41536, 8000 162400 63000 326000 125700 301 3119100 5 165 4 40 74 20 300 70001 5600...... 78000 1000..2. 5 70 8 8 20000.... 26248 3689 676 20700 8 123 1.... 131 42 2706001 50000 228001I.....130000 1500......403290 10 269 15 7,5 201 176 4500; 45000 800...... 92200 6000......472127 12 344 1...... 72 50 385400'i 36800 2650 3000 185000 1009... 32710 7 103 8 207 245 140 27000, 2000 32400 60000 165000 27000 700 609330 1 5 8'90 13 5 64018.. 1910.. 7843 52920.. 113850 3 26 20 255 102 100 55040 40000 15330......... 225000 18000 1500 326183 6 105 3 21....... 30300 5100...... 57420..... 21~~::.............................................. VO50 3o109.. 22......13500 1360 2000 23319 1 3 10 80 5 44800.. 719.. 118009 48255 1400 162612 1 30 56 ~~~.... ~ 1,7oI.....o 16 770 3 623 1330 2700.. 40950.. 25. 200 10800 18400 799925 41 90 8 98 43 5 13000 50000 11500...... 63800 6000...... 66350 38 ~ 117 1 7 99 32 3640 22610 76815 60000 33'000 53000 13000 2556427 18: 500 8.... 510 650 35560.................. 218500 25000.... 1L 12 1 7 1 898....... 2840..............12863.............2 57 18 7 500j 200 1200...... 11500 700............ 29 1469 1....1803 836 2890507 130000 141859. 7615-00 21250'2057,50 4714871 3 12 2::.....:::......105160....... 6950..... 67400 9500 100 79403........8 134 44..... 5020....... 6510...... 78500 13000...... 88895 17 333 25 280 246 4 318600 184095 17580...... 99080 32822......431922 21, 586........ 453......213000....... 265.... 59000 31700 102-00 1134815 6 165 4 117 76......593128 141400............ 16;500 13000 66 179345 3~ 72 2' 32 78 309.92060 15500 29350...... 37277 706..... 104466 8520 5 704 6000!............ 2400 6500...... 25535 7' 235 3 60 63............................. 920,00 28000......167000.i35~~~~~~~.....6-3 "1"003'0"01.....15-0......170000 10000..... 137 2 40 5............. 21.200...... 12940 3200 3715 24458 577 19198 512 7143, 1885413260 7327 09611263035 3886751 8845730 1711306 618.331 39293319 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. 38$4 TABLE X. Statistics of Mines and Quarries for 1874 as returned by the Assessors in 1875. OTHER MINES AND COAL_______1_________ QUARRIES. COUNTIES. 0 S 09 5 e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ z z z ~~~~~~ _ _ _ _ Adair...................................................... Adams..................................................... 9 21 8"3000 11250........ Allamakee.................................................. Appanoose.....................46 282 57858 110817. 450. Audubonos..........................................................................'............ a....B...... ub on.................................................. Boone................................................... 10 326 955 2505............ Bremer.1............. 180. Bucanan......................................... B utlmer................................................................................1.....18'..0......... -.... Ca ho n~...................................................................... Buena Vista........................................ Carr ler.........................................................................................3. Cas.............................................................!.................................... Ce arhu.................................................................................................. Cerrol Go d......................,............................................................... Cer............................. Cedas.................... CerroGordo........................................................................... Chickasaw................................................... Claytone.......................................................................................... C i t n......................................................,........ 2135 Clay......................................................... Crawford. Dallas..................................................... 2 20 27 8400 5 15290......... Davis.-...... 5 38 11430 25566......166. Decatur~~~~~....,...,D ecatur~............................................................ Delaware...............................582. Des Moines.................................13600............. Dickinson............................,................. Dubuque...................................................... Emmet............................................................................ Fayette.' Floyd......4 950......... 950 Franklin..........,..................................... Fremont..................................................... Grundy......800.........8 Guthrie................................................... 8 25 118 4155. Hamilton............................................... 5 21 787 1574.. 1000...... Hancock...................................................... Hardin..... 6 46 7193. Harrison................................................. 2. Henry............................ 2 2 120 1090 6 14450.15200.. Howard........................................................................................... Humboldt............................................... 2010..................... Ida..................... Iowa................................ 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 385 TABLE X.-CONTINUED. OTHER MINES AND COAL MINES.QARIS QUARRIES. S 5; - COUNTIES. S 103 03 G5.......................................... 2; 5) bo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ zzj _ _ Jaefson...........................605.63270.1.1000;........................ 1...2. 6300 Jonpes......................................................:. 19]]]] 313 70802]]]] 1531.................... Jefferson.................... 122 26............... Johnson.......................'....................... 541351..........54135 Jon ssuh.................................................................................... I 3.................. Keokuk....................................................17 94. 17120 54150 23 9770. Linn....................................................3.... "'074................ 0;.. Louisa.................................................................... Lucas.......................................................17720 2 30. Lyouis........................................~................................]]]]]................ Madison..............................100. Lyon~~~~ ~~~.......................................................................................... Madison.....................,.....................a...........................')2"89'...... 4201...................... Mahaska. 29 419 13550 9 42701. Marion....................................... 37 95............ 20791.......... 9777 Marshall.....................1 2 600 1800...... 29500 Mills............1 2000 2000 M~i I............................................................................... Monona............................................................................. Monroe.............................................. 19 219 236077 487437 2 40..... Montgomery.........2.'. "{';......7.......6620......................... Muscatine.................................................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~........................................................ O'Brien........................................... Osceola............................................ a e..................6.......................................................................:.................... Paso Alto............................................................................................... Plymouth............................................... Pocahontas..................... Polk...........................7 693 Pottawattamie...................................................... Poweshiek.......................................................... Riggold.......................................................... Sc..........'........................................................... Scott......................................................'7 7 9884 20777............. Shelby.......................................................................... 5250 Sioux............................................................. Story.582..............................60.......0................................ Union......................................................................... Van Buren.............................................. 6 14 300 4625 2 330 4925 Wapello.......................... 24 236 518644 1041198 9 20320 2000 22320 Warren...................................................26 95 8472 24399 6 836............... Washington..... 6 1i34....1134 Wraynren.....................94.........................9 49 403406. W ebster................................................. 9 227 78867 166641...................... Winnebago.................................................. 2....2 2..9 8.......... Winnesbek........................................... 6 1 1.4.........'.....i... Worth~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....... " W o b r.............................................................;................... W orthag....................................................::.. Wright.................................................... Total.................................................. 372 2928 1231547 2600140 20-21- 5450 178290 49 TAB LE XI. Statistics of Colleges, Academies, and other Private Schools. SEMINARIES AND SCHOOLS OF LOW- COLLEGIATE DE- OTHER DEPART~~ ER GRADE. ~~~~ PARTMENTS. MENTS. 600 COUNTIES. NAME OF COLLEGE OR OTHERPOST OFFICE CHARACTER OR SCHOOL. DENOMINATION 0 S 0 5 0. ~.z1 X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adair............................................................................................ A dam s............................... ~...................................................................................................... A lla ma kee~~~~ ~~~~. ~::.............~............g22222......~ _ Alam ak stee Sho............1.Sisters' SL.... 3 25............... 800s ig...... C.................. Audubon.........H2 5]4 Benton. 1......I Tlford Academy................Vinton...Independent.. 2 2 75 40 60 15 20 20 300 5100 Bla'k Hawk Lady of Victory.Waterloo.... Catholic.. 80 100. 200......... Boone........... i.tor......................Waelo................... Bremer..........~~~~~~~~~~~Cthli.................................. Boone........... Buchanan... Buena Vista. Butler................................. Calhoun............. Carroll.................... C s.........................[....................................111...............1.......................................... Cedar........,... Cerro Gordo....................................... Cherokeew...I Bradford Academy............. BBradford Congregational 21 50 35. Clark e....................................................................................... Clay.......................................................I.... Clay....................... Clayton.... Clinton.2Bns Colg.Citn.Bsns. 2.... *oI........... Roman Catholic Seminary... Lyons... Catholic................ *................ Crawford..'*........................................................... I............................................................ ......... rstitute. 1................ I #...................................................~~~16(~~~0..~~ ~.dd~~l 0.~~ld. CP Dallas....................................................[stitue...................t...,.................................................................................................................................. Davis......2 Southern Iowa Normal In- Bloomfield... I..*2 1.0.0........Troy Normal... Troy,. 2..... 65 50.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..... g [[............Troy Naroma].................... a........Troy............I................I 21..... 65t 501..............[..............{........,....................'"......... Decaturlical........44 4~.............................. 7 Des Moines~0.~~. 9 German Evangelica~l ion.Burlington.. %erman. 1-160 48 750. First German Evangelical 2 70 45........................................ 750 " i.....{. 2 otGerman American...............Germ. and Amn, I 1 44 47...........................St. Patrick's..................... Catholic..............3... 3 60 70|...Il....................................... Burlington Business College..... Business........... 3................................ 3.......................... "... Burlington University p t......20 3200tst............ 4.............................. 30........................... 3 8200. R. J. Graff's.............................. " 1 Private.............. 1 30 20.............. 900. St. Pauls Parish....................... Catholic................. ] 75 85.......................................................................... Mrs. Darwin's........................... Private...................I 1.............................. 25...........................................0 Dickinson.................................................................................................................................................................... Duuqe.... 6 St. artha's arochial............ Cacad...... Catolc............. 4 59 1.................................. I................... I 5W~~~~; ~~~~~~~ ".... St Peter's................................. Sherrill's Mt "................ 1 26 25......|......125....St. Matthew' s........................... Lutheran...... 1 7 1........... I......!.......... 2. St. Joseph.Fa............. Farley. Catholic...,........... 1 35 25.......................I...I 200 300 64 8 R5 l.................................. 1500I.. 3 2 6(r~~~~r~ 6rr~~(~~~1dls~.~~~~~Idd~~~~d~~~ O~~~~.. Epworth Seminary.................. Epworth............3..... I 85...,,.1500........ 0..................D................. Dyersville.. Catholic_...,..... 1! 40 30 -.4............................... I..............00.4 E m m et............................................................................................ I................ d1*....... I................. I'll.......................................... r~~~~~: s~~~~~~~ Fayette..... 2 Norwegian Evangelical.. Eldorado...... Lutheran,..... 1. I 1 61 81.1......... Y......... 11 —....... I............................ Upper Iowa University........ Fayette... Methodist......... 5.......... 7.... ~...... 65 481 3300 Frnlin.:::::p:............................,........................ Il...................................... Fremklnt..... a. or College..............bor................ Congregational............. 6...........150 75.80........... Greeone.......ITb C..le........... a r.........Conregaiona 6...........,.......... 150 75............................Z2800......... Hancock.................................................................................................~~~~~. t60~~~~ ~1~~~~~~~ ~~~In~~ ~b) fCO C Gut~ ~~~~~~~~!!!!!;iioii L~hrie.,..........I Eldpwortha Academinry.................. Epworah......Pia.....Private5.................... 0.. Harrisn.......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.D esil.C~~oi...a~r f I 03..~~r,~....o 30 H arrison................................................................................................ 0.................................... i.................. ll................O~~~ ~l~d~~~ ~ ~~~c~~~ C Henry...... 6 Iowa Wesleyan University..... Mt. Pleasant Methodist......... 19 10 19 18 74 45 26 26 2000 5458. High School and Fewn. -Sem A. Unsectarian.... 3 1 214 137... I.............................. 2000...........I~pGerman college.............. "4 IMethodist.... 2.. 2 6.........3.....5............... 2.2 5.......500 3000............ Mt. Pleasant Female Sem....... 66 Presbyterian. 2 3 57.300.................................................... 300............. New London Academy........... New Lond'n Insectarian 1..... I 1 35 40.1125.... 6.......... I....................................... 1125...Whittier College........ Salem......Friends........3 3................. 81 91 89 25 500 2000 Howard~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a....,o~, Froward,.......................................................................................... reHumboldt..... 1 Humboldt College.................... Humboldt................0 Ida.........................................................................................iona.... l'".....................................':'[.............. "..0 0.......-................................ Iowary...,.............................? sancot......p............................................................................................................................................................................................... * brtdent..... 1 El ademy........... a. Pr i vate............ 30 30....,............ Harsn/.........,... -r a olg.........I.. Ifltoi....,.......... ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ 0( 0)......... |....Mt. Pleasatnt Fiemale Sero..... Presby terian..... 2 31 571...~..........I ~.~................... d...........i~~.~~ "........./. |New London Academy..... New Lond'o IUnsectarian... 1 351 40{~~~~~~~........................................................../ ".........}il l~ hittier Colleg e..~...~..........'~[. [[ Salem a.......... Friends.....,...[[[[ 3...........,...................[ 81] 91 89[ 25~ 500/ 2000 ],bod.. [ Ium od leg.......,.....,...... um od.., I~s:~ra..... 4.................................. ]::::::::::..~~.r.~~l..r~~r~~ 6.........' ~... Hubodt~~...... i umodtCllg......................~..~.... H u mboldt.~~~..... [Tnse...rtarrian.p...~ ~..4.~............,.. 3.....~..........~.C.. r~~~~~~ ~.~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ Iow..,............................................,.......,...................,t~~~ ~~r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......,,'...................................~~~~~. I~~r+~ I~~~~. ~ ~ ~ Number of students rf~ot reported...... 'TABLE XI.-CONTINUED. 00 00 - - - ________________- _______ -SEMINARIES AND SCHOOL ES OF LOW COLLEGIATE DE- OTHER DEPARTSCHOOLS OF LOWEPART ENTS. MENTS. Q6 ER GRADE. COUNTIES. NAME OF COLLEGE OR OTHER POST-OFFICE CHARACTER OR +0).-.0) bCHOOL. a0)8 0) 0 4a ~u.~ a) )+ 5D 0) 0 Jackson......31 Lutheran.u............................. Bellevue...... Lutheran.. 1................ 13.....4......................1......... Jasper..........'. s... 1 StPars'ons Cl.Psbteintut........................... s e............ C............ it St. M ary's Institute................~~~~~~~~~~~~~................... Ca'o i......'........'4............... 30............_ -..................... 2500 Johnson.........[St. Agatha's Seminary.......... Iowa City... Catholic............ 12.......... 300..........25. 275 200 5000 St. Joseph's Institute..............' 0 7 2.............. 0 3000 x... Parochial Sch ool 84..................... 1......... 70 103............ 27........... 2..............................5.......0... Anawishe School.............................1.. 3 7,50. 160......................................................................... 1 *State University I..nsectarian...." 44... Academy and Commercial.... Pri vate........... 1 3 105 30.3000 Jones. 2 Olin Academy.Olin...........1. 22 15...........".................... I........Wyoming Independent. Wyoming.............4 116 132......... Keokuk. I... Sigourney Conservatory of Music.................................Sigourney.............1 3......'3'1..........................................7 42. Kossuh...... 1Algoat Clee.............Agne.... Mehoistri.........2 2..................... 4150/....................... Lee........ 2Denmark Academy..........Denmark... Congregational 3 4 142 13.0... I......I.....................400'2300.I Ft. Madison Academy... Ft. Madison Independent 2 3 44 24............................ 00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.............14400100 Liunz....... 2Cornell College............. Mt.. Pleas'nat Methodist.....9~ 91 252 207 38 1 14 12400 00.I Western -College.............Western....United Br~eth'n 7 3 103 58 38 24......1200 5412 Louisa...... ikI astern.Iowa Normal.......Grarnd View, Unsectarian....5 3 53 50....................66.... 0..E 350 3214 Lucas. 1.... Simisons Academy..........Chariton......................................................................... Mahsonk............ O Academy................................................e.................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................................ oigIneedn........................16.13............................. Penn College. Osaloosa... Friend....162 116 28 13 134 103 1100 5600 Oskaloosa College....................hristian........... 39 9 12 16 134 58 0500 3Caloa AcAdemy. Cloma.Lutheran....... 9.............. Marion.......... Knoxville Academy................Knoxville.... Unsectarian........... N...... No Report. Iowa Central University.........!Pella............tBaptist............... 3' 4 78 92....................'-' 780.... Marshall. 4 Hanford Seminary..................Hanford......Friends.............. 2 22 26......... 110 140~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.................................................. (o 3o A /lbion Seminary......,.....Albion......Methodist......6 41 1101 140.. I3050 ~-.J Le Grand Christian Ins................................ Christian....1...... I............................. 50 50..................... 500 Le Grand Friends' Seminary....................Friends.1 I.... 50. 50............................ 1500 Mills............ 3 Western Iowa Collegiate Ins. Glenwood.... Methodist..... 2 3................0............... 30!............................... L d e e i a y....................., 1 o g e a i n l I 1. I....................... Ladies Seminary..................... " Congregational 1.10............................. " Mi ss Mary Bosbyshell's........................4........................................... 4 10...'"i.'.. Mitchell. 1 Cedar Valley Seminarys...........2 5e 7............{... Monon..........................a.............. Mno........ Montom'y....... Wilton Collegiate Institute... Wilton......... Baptist.............. 17 17 4.................................... o'Biren.......... O' r e......o.....................................................m'.y......................................................'( Palo Alto.................. Pocah~~~ilontCllgat e.nti..................................................................5...0. C Pocahon. 1. Pok 6 Mitchell Seminary..........Mitchelville Universalist 1... 41 32 40................................. 1300... University of Des Moines...... Des Moines.. Baptist.. 4..............St. Mary's Ger. Cath. School. 50 50...... 0,......................................................... ed................... 1 7...........:....:....................:....................................: 1 111 [....... Po'ati...Iowa Musical Institute...... Musical.1...... 1............................... 1 - 14......... osein......o2.................................... Poweshiek... 11 Iowa College.Grinne......Congregational.' S c.......................................................................................................................... Scott.9. Germon.Free School. Dav"'e-n- p. o'r!t... Ger. Catholic.... 3.....59......................................................... Aly ut.... Kunigunde..........................4 55 65........................................................ 1500 k.....Wi. Geerdt's School...............Ger. Priv. Prim';1 40 36................................... 1800 Bryant & Stratton CoMin. Col Commercialo... 8................475 25..............30........0....... Academy of urn. Conception.. Catholic..........18....... 150......................... 40 500..... St. Anthony's........................... CatholicPrim'y 1 5 160 160....... 400 2500..Miss Pretman's.............Eng. Private... 1 7 8............................... 300..Griswold College........... Episcopal......3 1.....4..............................5000 1800 St. Marguerite. Eng. Catholic...1 3 120 120...... 300 1800 Sielby.................................................... 1S e e............................... Po t'wattm ie ][] ~ow ~ ~ ~u~f~L ~ T ~u~e:::::::::::....,...........{~ u s,~.............{ ~{..............I...................}...........................:.............. Sioux~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ][[]]]]]....... *NOTE iBY THE SECRETARY OF STATE.-The Iowa State University, located at Iowa City, has thirty male and four female instructors; with 180 male and 95 female students in the Preparatory Department; 112 male and 34 female students in the Collegiate Department, 87 male and 7 fe- c male students in the Medical Department, 104 male and 2 female students in the Law Department, 7000 volumes in its Library, and its income in 0 1874 was $54,000. TABLE XI. —-CONTINUED. SEMINARIES AND SCHOOLS OF LOW- COLLEGIATE DE- OTHER DEPARTSCHOOLS OF LOWPARTMENTS. MENTS. ECR GRADE. 0 l Ok~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 COUNTIES. NAME OF COLLEGE OR OTHER POST-OFFICE CHARACTER OR 4' 4J SCHOOL. 0E OMINATION S d i " a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 a a~~~~~~~~~~~C a~~~~~~~~5 5) +~5)5 Iz i PI T 44 It a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N - N - N -' Story......... t State Agricultural College.... Ames........... Unsectarian.......................................................................................................... Tama..................................................... Taylor......................................................................................................................................... Union................................................................................................................................................... Van Buren.. I Birmingham Academy.......... Birming'am Unsectarian..... 1 2 63 46................................ 1000 t m Wapello....... 8 Sisters of Visitation............... Ottumwa..... Catholic.............. 3.........62.............. 28............. 39 200 2600 C........... St. Joseph...................................... 1 1 65...........'............ 1500... Mrs. M. Squires'.......................'. Privale.............. 2 12 28...12 28 65 1200 W arren........ Ackworth Institute....... Ackworth.... Friends.............. 1 1 18 7..............9 6 300 500........... Simpson Centei ary................ Indianola... Methodist......... 9 3.......................... 104. 70 10 29 400 7500 Washlng-tn I Washington Academy............ Washington Unsectarian...... 8 1 101 89...... 2000 Wayne... 66.......... Academy our Lady ofL urdes " Catholic........... 10 60 120......................................................e............. Winnebago....................................................................... (L AWodemy our Lady ofl~wrens (I Catholfe.......,,.,,...,1............ 1.0........................................... W inneshiek 2 Decorah Institue......Isiu...... D c....Icorah......1...1.....1............................... 66... iel2Decorah Commercill Institute..., e4or............. 1..........I..,..,. - 6.......................... ~~~~~~,1.....................................~1~~~ ~~~~~~~ ((..IDecoraih Com~merci~l Institute."3.36......~~~~~ ~~s(~~~~ ~.~~~PP~~~~~~~~~~OOPO~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~Woodur...........,.,I........................,....,...........................~,....................,,....,..................,...............................,,......,....,....,..............................................,..... Worth............................... C$ iht...........,...,..,..,,.........,.,..............:-::::,..............,.....,............,..........,..................,...........................,......................... Wright.o.........dis.............. Total.2..... 99...................................5 1i............................................ 201220 4198 4 1491 812 91113445166783 t NOTE BY SECRETARY OF STATE.-The Iowa Agricultural College, at Ames, is a State institution; has thirteen male and four femyale instructors, one hundred and ninety-nine male and ninety-six female students, 3,60h volumes in library, and its income in 1874,'3,000... TABL]E XII. Showing the number of Acres of Land Assessed, the Average Value per Acre, and the Aggregate Valuation after.Ezualization. Also,the Aggregate Value of Townz Property, Railroad Property, and of Personal Property, and Total Valuation of Taxable Property, and State Tax thereon in each County, for the year 1875. m~~~~ Cl u, a) - PIoa CON TIS 4 34 Q Ce 4 ) ) a)C).) ~.) C) 3~4) a) - Co0t C0UNTTIES. 0l Z Oc 0 Ce 0 0 0 ~~~~~~a) Cl 0 a~~~~~~~ a) - P 4 A 0 C) 46 P6 -. C)~ ~ a)'a aa)a C)"'a Ca) a) Adair.-~~~~................ 368120 e6.50 $6.50 2391981 $86828.....j 2478809 8 2478809 5 4267495 7077 2968j$ 9685$ 925 Adams.............................. 269532 5.61 6.76 1520709 143466.20 1664175 1997010 396230 338002 2398407 2731242 5462:48 Allamakee................................................ 407084 4.07 5.69 1657510 339798 40. 1997308 2796231 508311 155583 2733202 3532125 7064.25 Z Appanoose.............................................. 322142 7.23 7.95 2329034 310856 10... 2639890 2903879 1305797 243970 4189657 4453646 8907.29 Audubon................................................. 278388 5.50 5.50 1521179 19458 1510637 1540637 179250.1719887 1719887 3439.77 Benton......................... 450977 7.55 8.30 8106160 744739 10... 4150899 4565988 1458182 402570 6011651 6426740 12853.48.................................... o c Black Hawk................. 363341 6.97 8.36 2538807 921661 201 3460471 4152.565 695835 297506 4453812 5145906 10291.81 Boone....................................... 365957 6.57 7.22 24105308 381818 10. 278712 3065838 7116502 292559 3796187 4074899 8149.80 Bremer............................................... 274858 6.51 7.16 1789926 1795471 10 1985397 2183936 480586 84029 2550012 27485.51 5497.10 Buchanan.......................... 346627 8.34 8.34 2889977 684908..... 3574885 3574885 1022159 232955 4829999 4829999 9660.00 Buena Vista.......................... 327943 4.09 4.09 1341522 101304... 14422 1442326 142472 13975.5 1725053 1725053 3450.11 Butler........................... 366265 5.58 6.69 2048051 196457 20... 2244508 2693409 427261 217009 28888-78 3337779 6675.56 Calhoun...... 338185 3.90 4.29 1319460 22197 10... 1341657 1475822 149804 81675 1573136 1707301 3414.60 Carroll..3..4 8187................0.1817777 199.... 10 2017312 2219043 184951 261723 2463989 2665720 5331.44 Car ol...................................................... 3668 6 4.95 5 44 Cass..............................3579177 11.24 8.06 2304040 257324.... 3061364 3061-364 532445 29,3929 3887738 38~87738 7775.48 Cedar.....4..................4..................... 35917 1.524 10 68 4036796 381049... 5 4417845 4196953 1203110 401024 6021979 5801087 11602.17 Cerro Gordo.3104.1690.175.0............................. 56024.56547 16900... 1856056 2227267 256844 252370 23657701 2736981 5473.96 Cherokee................................... 312004 4.59 1433685 106573... 15402.58 1540258 212467 163990 1916625 1916625 3833.25 O ]3utler........................~.....~~~~~~~~~~~ 366265 5.58 6.9 2101 165 0.. 224i508 630 26 179 858 379 5.C Calhounickasaw.................... 338185 3.90 31 11946034 119143 20 1525177 17830212 442510 118370 2086057 2391092 4782.18 Carke.roll........................ 3 66866 4.99 6.99 1910237 259451... 201731269688 2219043688 189023755 32617388 351031 3510831 7025331.6644 Cass................:........................ ~:::::: 347984]8.06 [.0 2804040/272.,. 3061364 306136~{ 532t45{ 298929 3878 3873 754 Cedatr.................'............ ~~~......... 359177]11.24j11 4036796] 38104191.../ 5, 4417845 41969j3, 1203110[ 40024:~79 5801087 11602.17 Cerro ~ ~:::::::::::::: Glod................ ~~~~~~ a5s~02, 4.56 14 16~39o06i 217050120,.../ 1856056 2227267l 25684l ~25270,2670i2368 939 Cherokee........................~...................... 312004 4.59 4.5 1433685 106573/...~... 1 150258 1540258] 2121671 163900[1162 19166' ~ 3.25 C ChiCkasaw~~.......................................:::~::: 317849[ 4.43i53 1406031 119143/20/.../ 1525177 1830212[ 4425101 118370]2865 2~391092 4782.18 e~ Clarke............................................. 27291616.99 1.9 1910237 2594511......1 2169688 2169688 l10231551 31738813~03 3510831 7021.66 TABLE XII.-CoNTINUED. 7.. 3 W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t;................... 0 7 7 W~~~~~~~~3' 0 Craw f o r d............~-. 2291 10930 cda~ ~~ c~ o 3 3 ~- 0e 33 3ca0 COUNTIES. 34 1 2 0 4 4 8 Ca Ca 00 44-i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C0 4O Q 4C 0 +-' + + 4-Z..+. 4-.;-;4;~- C.;k w 0 0W (1Q ( d -c 04 C.) P4' ) O a Cd Cd a vC C* ) 4 a Clay.......................................................4 7 193251 3.93 3.93 760228 18594 778822 778822 1312054............ 910027 910027 1820.050 Claytoh........................... 483988 6.25 7.18 3024214 63,3701 15... 3657915 4206601 1297408 361425 5316748 5865134 11730.87 Clinton............................ 430570 10.24 10 75 4408433 1750261 5... 6158694 6466628 1771402 735371 8665467 8973401 17946.80 C Crawford.......................... 459840 4.99 5.48 2295311 109303 1 0.. 2,404614 2645075 242235 325068 2971917 32123178 6424.76 Dallas............................. 372064 7.82 7.82 2911387, 297214.... 32908601 3208601 1153537 268952 4636090 4636090 9272.18 Dgvis............................. 315165 7.99 7.99 2518979 258935 2777914 2777914 1315516 239260 43,32690 4332690 8665.38 Decatur........................... 334716 5.18 6.47 1734999 150654 25 188565.3 2357066 770143 60042 2715838 3187251 6374.50 H Delaware................................................... 356759 8.95 8 51 3193195 311131 3504326 3329110 893211 244175 4641712 4466496 8932.99 C1 Des Moines.................... 257703 13 40 13.40 3453912 4156735 7610647 7610647 2692122 344049 10646818 10646818 21293 64 Dickinson............................... 192136 3.09 3.09 563696 10835...1 574531 574531 57420........... 631951 631951 1263.90 Dubuque................. 376775 7.17 9.32 2701931 3486558 30 6188489 8045033 2668332 317590 9174111 11030955 22061.91 Emmet..................................................... 222369 2.55 3.06 567078 9400 20 576478 691773 36181. 612659 727954 1455.91 Fayette..................... 460875, 6.54 7.51 3016048 272425 15... 3288473 3781743 970048 209360 4467881 4961151 9922.30 Floyd....................... 3145371 5.28 6.60 1661396 301357 25... 1962753 2453141 416352 230940 2610045 3100733 6201.47 Franklin....................... 365865 5.55 6.10 2020728 17792 10... 2038520 2242372 234080 122537 2395137 2,598989 5197.98 Fremont.................................................. 314746 8.02 8,82 2524061 302151 10... 2826212 3108833 873688 320932 4020832 4303453 8606.91 Greene..................................................... 365134 5.371 5.63 1961844 180863 5... 2142707 2249842 3577841 32145.3 2821944 2929079 5858.16 Grundy...321067 5.29 6.07 1699351 9106 15... 1708457 1964724 259468 935 1968860 2225127 445025 Guthrie.................................................. 78219 5 27 6.32 1993860 16214220 2156002 2587202 513992 226947 2896941 3328141 6656.28 721 5 27 6.3 99380 162142' d I OQ Hamilton................................................ 352683 4.35 5.22 5 150 90... 1704131 2044957 362987 127600 2194718 2535544 5071.09 Hancock............................361777 3.08 3.38 1114368 11330 10... 1125698 1238267 41673 84840 1252211 1364780 2729 56 Halirdin................................................ 359849 5.55 6.37 1998209 313835 15... 2312044 2658850 369084 254988 2936116 3282922 6565 84 Harrison............................................... 439013 8.14 7.33 3571988 31.66121 10 3888600 3499740 823079 423734 5135413 4746553 9493.11 Henry.................................. 268689110 56 10.56 2838070 859510...... 3697610 3697610 1528520 236400 5462.530 5462530 10925.06 Howard................................................... 297082 5.05 5.80 1500523 17057715... 1671100 1921765 310916 109710 2091726 2342391 4684.78 -A iHumboldt........................................... 259112 3.66 4.02 947970 5075710... 9987271 1098599 102854.............. 1101581 1201453 2402.91 Ida............................................................. 26.~916 3.00 8.60] 791739 1780{201 793519 95222~{ 4~720{.............. 84~c~239] 1000943 2001.89 )_a Iowa.... 3332258 3165646 1O2O367 269212 4621837 4455225 8910.45 oo 3726O8 8.38 7.971 3123389 208869[ ii5i......................................................... t Jackson..... I............................................... 401968 6.18 7.09 2484887 554053] 151 3038940 349t781] 1047511, 250710 4337161] 4793002 9586.00 ffa Jasper.,............,....................................... 452040 9.25 10.17 4180559 577974{ 101 4758533 52343561 1690718 ] 420150 69294011 7405~4 ] 4810.51 Jeftbrson..............................:.................. 271660 0.17 10.17 2762932 361724... f 312-t656 3124656{ 10o2255 407048 453~559{ 4534559 9069.12 Johnson.............................. 384886 0.50 10.50 4042612 5362731} 1504605 } 378088 7245424'245424 14490.85..................... 1320i19{...{ 5362731 Jones........................................................ 356694 8.88 8.38 2988445 3415679 427234...{... 917483 { 290580 4623742 L623742 9247.48 Keokuk......................... 363503 849 849 3087215 242699 3329914 3329914[ 14736491 41760 4845323 L845323 9690.65 Kossuth................................................... 501025 3.35 3.35 1677674 68196... 1745870 1745870 1066761 42000 1894546 894546 3789.09 Lee............................................................ 34156791 325755{ 9.14 9.14 2978650 3129987 6108637 6108637{ 2371894{ g35760 8786291;836291 17672.58 Linn......................................................... 455672{11.36 10.81 5178399 1890815{'5 7069214 67157541 1795284} 560266 9424761 ~071204 18142.61 Touisa.........................................,............ 249332{ 8.77 8.771 ),188088 298484 2486572 1486572i 8812741 2903.q3 3658229 1658229 7316.46....................................................... Lyon......................................................... 3226491 3.50 3.15!130375'19108{ 1149483 i034535 97286...;.......... 1246769 1131821 22~$.64.......................... 349773 ~ "' Madison......................... 35636l] 7.11 8 53 ~q32574 20... 2882347 ~4.~q816{ 1196307 { 124524 4203178 1779647 9o~9.~9 Mahaska..' 360363{ 9.84 9[~4 ~546489 656835 4203324 L203324{ 1784018{ 221333 620.q675 1208675 12417.35 ~J Marion..................................................... 370667{ 7.38 8.85{ 2736194 3192593 1831111{ 1684074 { 76850 4953517;592035 11184.07 Marshall................................................. 366124{ 6.62 8.601 2422795 663281 { 3086076 t011897] 941487 } 395794 4423357 i349178 10698.36 0o Mills................... 456399{ iii;................................... 26497918.71 8.71l 2309340 286698l 2596038 ~96038[ 1091099{ 510068 4197205 1197205 8394,41 Mitchell................................................... 296308{ 6.88 2038275 2236741 6.54{ 2261949 I148852{ 447154l 106645 2815748 30265] 5405.30 m Monona......................,............................ 409802{ 3.39 4.74 1387415 145108{ 1532523 ~145531] 267922[ 90125 1890570 2503578 5007.16 Monroe..................................................... 251418{ 7.73 7.73{ 1944454 300821{ [ 2'~5275 1245275} 896227} 390613 3532115 3532115 7064.23 Montgomery...:...... 5,..........,..................... 267147{ 8.61 8.61{ 23012t5 3039611 2605176 ~6051761 614242 ] 370070 3589488 3589488 7178.98 1 000................................................ O'Brien.,......,.:.......................................... 282023] 846069 3.00~ 3.001 I 851211 51421{ 85121.11 19860 910535 910535 1821.()7 Osceola.....................,..................,........... 394641 3.79 3.24 6S5855 22439::: i'5 708294 602051 69988 53970 832252 726009 1452.02 Page..... 180932[........,.......................................... 347149{ 6.71 8.72{ 2330568 255136{ 30~... 2585704 3361414 1149338 ~ 94495 3829537 4605247 ~ 9210.49 Palo Alto................................................. 2430001 3 00 3.301 736910 14940] 10'..: 751850 827035 94432 /.............. 846282 921467 1842.93 Plymouth................................................ 465138{ 4.361 4.36 2029824 1248911 2154715 2154715 126917 220575 2502207 2502207 5004.41 Pocahontas.............................,............... 323223[ 2 95 3.~-4 942799 9938[10 i[i 952737 1048010 67616 53900 1074253 1169526 2339.05 Polk......................................................... 368670{13.411 3.41 494444'~ 31844971 81289t4 8128944'510504 485963 1125411 [1125411 22250.82 Pottawattamie........................................ 586221 7.871 7.87 461160~ 480980 778526 9014442 2143331{ 6754936 6754936 9014442 18028.88 Poweshiek............................................... 368071 5.92 7.69 21787(~ 334574 l~inggold..................................... 348245] 4.9 5.45 172765'~ 64786 10 1792443 1971687 580484.............. 2372927 2552171 5104.34 Sac............................................................ 3735231 4.69{ 4.69 175119~ 19584{ 1770777 1770777 111288 1882065 1882065 3764.13 Scott..:.................................... { ii,................. 279926116.92i 6.92 473667: 3317178. 8053852 8053852:305437....240597 0599886 10599886 21199.77 Shelby...................................................... 375169 6.391 6.39 239998~ 754981 2475486 2475486 286905 68587 2830978 2830978 5661.96 Sioux 11009{ 2065665 1549249 63981 66210 1679440........................................................ 406218 205465t 219.5856 3358.88 5.061 3.80 Tama........................................................ 4574291 8.14t 8,14 372273/ 456676] 4179411 4179411 144185 297802 5621398 5621398 11242.80 Taylor 3383751 6.06, 6.66 2050371 15~10110 ii[ 2202588 2422846 613559 148564 2964711 318~t969 0369.94 c.~ TABLE XIl.-CONTTNUED. 0~~~~~~~ 1-4 0~~~~~~4 COUNTIES. d - 0 0 0~~~~f 3 0 5 5) N 5)~~~~~~~Q Id'.4 34 ~~~~~0 a'4.-4 3 340 0 Ca 5 V d 4) C3 ce V4 Cd~~- 34 Union.............................. 261605 6.83 6.83 $1807568 $ 880594.. $.. 2188162 $ 2188162$ 660550 $ 366227 $ 3214939$ 3214939$ 6429.88 Van Buren......................... 305441 11.01 10.46 3364556 530730... 5! 3895286 3700522 1478291 261850 563527 5140663 10881.33 Z Wapello........................I.. 2690Y76 8.80 9.68 2369435 12.30613 10.. 360048 39600-52 1578488 549027 5727563 6087567 12175.13 C Warren........................... 360569 9.53 9.153 314379361 326839.... 3761775 3764775 1318406 91805 5174986 5174986 10349.97 Washington....................... 358.297 9.39 9.39 33633271 409380.... 3772707 3772707 1446111 232740 5451858 5451858 1093.72 Wayne............................ 333144 7.20 7.20 2397082 184039.... 2531121 2581111 940508 127592 3649221 3649221 7298.44 Webster........................... 448978 5.34 5.87 2399961 392071 10.. 2792035 3071238 483028 223120 3498183 3777386 75.54.77 Winnebago......................... 246637 3.00 3.5 739911 2172 15.. 742083 853395 592.57......... 801340 912652 1825.30 c Winneshiek........................ 436441 6.29! 6.60' 2746698 509559' 5.. 3253257 3415919 1029784 2487 4288 4850 9377.10 Woodbury......................... 495976 3.99' 4.79 1977617 536')37.20.. 251,6654 3019985 3.55656 13.765 3006075 3509406 7019.81 Worth....................252546 4.08 4.08 1030605 37919..... 1068S524 1068524 206620 97315 1372459 1372459 2744.92 Z Wright........................... 361063 3.57 3.92 1238509 25000110.. 1313509. 1444860 120455........ 1433964 1565315 3130.63 Total...........................$34117735....I....$228413607. 848833740!.$277247347_$294313368,$9032896 $22076876,$783,57119..395428140.$790847.26 NOTE BY SECRETARY OF STATE.-The above table was prepared by- the Auditor of State, and containing as it does items of public interest, it is given a place in the State Census. 0o T-AE XIII. howing, for the years 1865 and 75, the mer of Acres of Land Assessed, Reported Value per Acre, Equalized Value per Acre~s, Reported alue of Lands, eported Value of Town Lots, Reported Value of Lands and Town Lots, and Equalized Vlue of Lands and Town Lots. EQUALIZED VALREPORTED EQUALIZED REPORTED VAL- REPORTED VALUE VALUEEROF LANDSVALUE PER UE OF TOWN OF LANDS AND UE OF LANDS ASSESSED. ACRE. ACRE. OF LANDS. LOTS. TOWN LOTS. AND TOWN * a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12 ~~~~~~~~~~18COUNTIES. ACE ACRE. O LANDS LOTS 7. TW LOTS| 87. |1~. | 87LOTS. 1865. 1875. 1865 j1875. 18,65. 1875. 1865. 1875. 1865. 1875. 1865. 1875. 1865. 187-5. Adair.8.................. 51880 868120$ 4.07 $ 6.50 $3.05 $6.50 $ 1421767I$ 2391981 $ 11259$ 86828$ 1443026 $ 2478809 $1082270 $ 2478809 C1 Adams............... 247152 269532 2.90 5.64 2.90 6.76 716463 1520709 35650 143466 752113 1661175 752113 1997010 Allamakee................ 397021 407084 3.45 4.0Y7 3.45 5.69 1369228 16,57510 163882 339798 153110 1997308 1538110 2796231 Appanoose................ 297723 322142 5.43 7.23 4.89 7.95 1616445~ 2329034 80312 3108,56 1696757 2689890 1527082 2903879 Audubon................. 106197 278388 4.39 5.50 2.64 5.50 466744 1521179 9950 19458 476694 1540637 286016 1540637 Benton................... 456459 450977 5.64 7.55 5.64 8.30 2575387 3406160 165-383 744739 2740770 4150899 2740770 4565988 Black Hawk.............. 354533 363841 6.72 6.97 6.05 8.36 2381453 25:38807 672910 921664 3054368 3460471 2748931 415'2165 Boone.................... 302199 365957 12.10 6.57 6.05 7.22 36574.31 2405308 144521 381818 3801952 2787126 1900976 3065838 Bremer................... 276480 274858 4.81 6.51 3.61 7.16 1329738 1789926- 114928 195471 1444661 1985397 1083496 2183936 Buchanan................. 355462 346627 7.00 8.34 5.83 8.34'2487597 2889977 345416- 684908 2838013 3574885 2360844 3574885 Butler.................... 362175 366265 3.50 5.58 3.06 6.69 1268322 2918051 54918 196457 1328240 2244508 1157835 2693409 Calhoun......:........... 297486 338185 2.37 3.90 2.37 4.29 706913 1319460 2440 22197 709353 1341657 709353 1475822 Carroll.................. 218919 366866 2.19 4.95 2.19 5.441 479882 1817777 5785 19953.5 485667 2017312 485667 2219043 Cass...................... 341384 347984 2.81 8.06 2.81 8.06 953194 2804040 43418 257324 1001612 3061364 1001612 3061364 Cedar.................... 361274 359177 9.10 11.21 6.82 10.68 3288763 4036796 290406 381049 3576169 4417845 2684,377 4196953 Cerro Gordo............... 353571 358602 3.14 4.56 2.51 5.47 1108313 1639006 19271 2170,50 1127584 1856056 902067 2227267 Cherokee................. 65225 312004 1.52 4.59 2.03 4.59 99272 14383685 1720 106573 100992 15402-58 134656 1546258 Chaickasaw.............. 315553 317349 3.08 4.43 3.08 5.31 971785 1406034 51607 119143 1023892 1525177 1023392 18.30212 11Clarke.................. 2692981 2729161 3.73- 6.99 3.73 6.99 100,5053 19102371 89828 2594151- 1094381 2160688 1094881 216968 co TABLE XIII.-CONTINUED. 0 REPORTED EQUALIZED REPORTED VAL- REPORTED VALUE EQUALIZED VALACRES OF LAND REPORTED VALUE UE OF LANDS ASSESSED. VALUE PER VALUE PE OF LANDS. UE OF TOWN OF LANDS AND AND TOWN COUNTIES. ACRE. ACRE. LOTS. TOWN LOTS. LOTS. I I -, ______~~~__ - 1865. 1875. 1865. 1875 185. 1 1865. 1875. 1865. 1875. 1865. 1875. 1865. 1875. Clay....... 130284 193251 2.00 $ 3.93$ 2.00 3.93$ 260496 $ 760228......... $ 18594$ 260496 $ 778822 -260496$ 778822 Clayton... 482360 483988 5.92 6.25 6.51 7.18 2855289 3024214 547631 633701! 3402920 3657915 3743212 4206601 Clinton... 381298 430570 7.28 10.24 8.01 10.75 2777141 4408433.791267 17)50261 3568408 6158694 3925248 6466628 Crawford.... 222782 459840 1.91 4.99 2.15 5.48 426286 2295311 10763 109303 437049 2404614 491680 2645075 Dallas.... 346578 372064 5.40 7.82 4.50 7.82 1871550 2911387 138179 297214 2009729 3208601 1674774 3208601 < Davis... 321063 315165 4.96 7.99 5.46 7.99 1595459 2518979 98957 258935 1694416 2777914 1803858 2777914 m Deatur....333658 334717 3.75 5.18 3.75 6.47 1251981 1734999 52089 150654 1301070 18856.53 1304070 2357066 Delaware.............................. 363108 356759 5.90 8.95 5.901 8.51 2140792 3193195 178260 311131 2310052 3501326 231952 3329110 Des Moines................ 259178 257703 10.41 13.40 10.41 13.40 2697833 3453912 1919302 4156735 4617135 7610647 4617135 7610647 td Dubuque................. 381889 376775 6 7 9.17 8.00 9.32 2547299 2701931 2319292 3486558 4866594 61884891. 58399015 8045033 C1 Emmet..........I........ 10633 222369 2.26 2.55 2.03 3.06 23988 567078 367 9400 265 576478 24845 691773 Z Fayette.................. 457261 460875 4.82 6.54 5.06 7.51 2204393 3016048 166781 272425 2371174 3283473 2489732 3781743 Floyd.................... 314486 3145.37 2.88 5.28 3.02 6.60 904538 1661396 111975 3013571- 1016513 19627,53 1067339 2453441 Franklin............. 383968 365865 5.23 5.55 3.14 6.10 1744700 2020728 10489 17792 1755189 20.38520 1053113 2242372 Fremont................ 303823 314746 2.99 8.02 3.49 8.82 909701 2524061 68490 302151 978191 2826212 1141223 3108833 Greene................... 308508 365134 3.031 5.37 3.03 5.63 935473 1961844 15867 180863 951340 2142702 951340 2249842 Grundy................... 313079 321067 3.09 5.29 3.09 6.07 970317 16993.51 2546 9106 972863 1708457 972863 -1964724 Guthrie.................. 344854 378219 4.35 5.27 3.48 6.32 1500850 1993860 3993.5 162142 1540785 2156002 1232628 2587202. Hamilton................. 317450! 352683 2.50 4.35 2.50 5.22'793911 1535230 62283 168901 856194 1704131 856194 2044957 HaiCoCk................. 356184 3617777 4.04 3.08 144011.2 1114368 4517 11330 1444629 1125698 963086 1238267 Hardin................... 328439 359849 4.55 5.55 3.41 6.37 1494134 1998209 161682 313835 1655816 2312044 1241862 2658850 Harrison................. 325113 439013 2.05 8.14 3.07 7.33 967969 3571988 76079, 316612 1044048 3888600 1566072 3499740 Henry.................... 266791 2686S9 8.48 10.56' 8.92 10.56 2262665 2838070 6065101 859540 2869175 3697610 3012633 3697610 _ Howard.................. 293351 297082 2.50 5.051 2.75 5.80! 734558 1500523 238531 1705777 758411 1671100, 831252 1921765 ~ Humboldt............... 137212- 259112! 2.388 3.66 2.88 4.021 394589 947970! 27611 50757 3973501 9987271 397350! 1098599 P Ida.......................................... 60625 263916 2.00 3.00 2.00 3 60 121051 791739........ 1780 121051 793519 121051 952223 Iowa.362520 372608 5.34 8.38 5.34 7.97 1937307 3123389 787137 20 2724444 3332258 2724444 3165646 -- Jackson................................. 391673 401968 5.21 6.18 6.51 7.09 2061221 2484887 3766770 554053 2437891 3038940 3047364 3494781 Jasper.................................. 449174 452040 7.62 9.25 5.71, 10.17 3414731 4180559 250257 577974 3664988 4758333 2748741 5234386 JefferSOn.27............................ T.59409 27166 6.06 10.17 7.07 10.17 1693456 2762932 198011 361724 1891467 3124656 2206711 3124656 John'son................................ 391393 384886 6.25 10:50 7.031 10:50 2451537 4042612 551932 1320119 3003469 5362731 3378903 5362731 Jones..................................... 354484 356694 7.06 8.38 6.35 1; 8 38 26503733 2988445 184606 427234 2688339 3415679 2419505 3415679 IKeokuk................................ 361175 10363503 5.29 8.49 5.29: 8:.49 1909794 3087215 105004 242699 2014798 3329914 2014798 3329914 ]Kossuth................................. 193378 50102.5 2.03 3.35 2.03 3.35 391184 1677674 8384 68196 399568 1745870 399568 1745870 Lee....................................... 313022 325755 7.32 9.14 8.0~ 9.14 2289951 29978650 3184984 3129987 5474935 6108637 6022428 6108637 Linn..................................... 448955 455672 7.02 11.36 7.021 10.81 3152517 5)78399 786344 1890815 3938861 7069214 3938861 6715754 Louisa............I..................... 247841 249332 5.81 8.77 6.971 8.77 1440743 2188088 153732 298484 1594475 2486572 1913370 2486572 Lucas................................... 267708 276041 3.74 6.19 393 7.42 1001481 1708572 99471 301029 1100952 2009601 1156000 2411521 Lyon...................................................322649.. 3.50.. 3.15.. 1130375...... 19108.. 1149483............ 1034535 Madison................. 357420 356361 5.07 7.11 4.56 8.53 1813520 2.532574 145266 349773 1958786 2882347 1762907 3458816 (0 Mahaska.............................. 361392 360363 7.91 9.84 6.92 9.84 2860029 3546489 -362062 656835 3222091 4203324 2819330 4203324 Marion..3.............................. 54137 370667 8.62 7.38 6.04 8.85 3051367 2736194 389074 456399 34404411 3192593 2408309 3831111 Z Marshall...............................7361726 366124 7.50 6.62 5.00 8.60 2711489 2422795 295796 663281 2917285 3086076 1944857 4011897. _ Mills..................................... 252128 264979 3.57 8.71 3.57 8.71 901226 26309340 87845 286698 989071 2596038 989071 2596038 8 2C Mitchell............................... 301445 296308 2.92 6.88 2.92 6.54 879762 2038275, 73110 223674 952872 2261949 952872- 2148852 t Monona................................. 23-4257 409802 1.86 3.39 1.95 4.74 434844 1387415 28700 145108 463544 1532523 486721 2145531 Monroe................................1 257974 261418 7.49 7.73 5.00 7.73 1932599 1944454 120315 300821 2052914 2245275 1368609 2245275 Montgomery............. 181433 267 147 2.94 8.61 2.94 8.61 532581 2301215 157749 303961 548330 2605176 548330'2605176 rMuscatine................ 258083 276994 11.00 11.38 9.60 11.38 2839482 3152046 1910410 1079157 4749892 4231203 4156156 4231203 C O'Brien........................ 282023...... 3.00 1.50 3.00......... 846069........ 5142......... 851211......... 851211 I Osceola......................... 180932...... 3.79...... 3.24......... 685855........ 22439......... 708294......... 6012651 Z Page..................... 315675 347149 2.82 6.71 3.44 8.72 1206072 2330568 85153 255136 1291225 25857041 1162103 3361414 Plymouth................ 46434 46.5138 2.00 4.36 2.00 4.36 92868 202-9824 450 124891 93318 2154715~ 93318 2154715 Pocahon tas............... 256854 32,32,23 2.00 2.95 2.00 3.24 513308 942799......... 9938 513308 952737, 513308 1048010 Polk...................I 380740 368670 7.58 13.41 6.63 13.41 2885004 49414447 1886959 3184497 4,771963 8128944 4175-168 8128944 Pottawattamnie............ 452558 586221 3.15 7.87 3.15 7.87 1428587 4611605 94109 2143331 2367677 6754936 2367677 6754936 Poweshiek............. 381822 368071 6.08 5.92 5.48 7.69 2077167 2178704.125647 334574 2202814 2513278 19825331 3267259 Ringgold................. 343521 348245 2.46 -4.96 2.95 5.45 845846 1727657 26347 64786 872193 1792443 1046632 1971687 Sac...................... 129216 373523 2.21 4.69 2.21 4.69 285994 1751193 11088 19584 297082 1770777 297082 1770777 Scott.................... 278348 279926. 11.10 16.92 9.89 16.-92 3090009 4736674 2264668 3317178 535467-7 8053852 4819209 8053852 Shelby................... 2103001 375169 2.88 6.39 2.88 6.39 606632 2399988 13661 75498 620293 2475486 620293 247,5486 Sioux................ 174140 406218 2.50 5.06 2.50 3.80 4 5350 2054656......... 11009 435350 2065665 348280 1549249 Story..................... 321747 354937 3.64 6.54 3.64 6.86 1170001 2321796 63327 189382 1233328 2511178 1233328 2636731 Tam a...........I........ 451010 457429 4.21 8.14 5.05 8.14 18990041 3722735 89479 456676, 1988483 4179411 2386180 4179411 Taylor................... 322523 338375 2.92 6.06 2.92 6.66 9436051 2050378 31725i 1522101 975330 2202588, 975330 2422846 1 TABLE XIII.-CONTINUED. O 00 REPORTEDYAL- ~ EQUALIZED VALDREPORTED EQUALIZED R EPORTED VAL- REPORTED VALUE EQUALZDV ACRESSOFELND. VALUE PER VALUE PER REPOF LA LUDS. UE OF TOWN OF LANDS AND UN OF N ASSESSED.OACRE. ACRE. OLDS. LOTS. TOWN LOTS AND TOWN LOTS. COUNTIES. 1865. 1875. 1865. 1875. 1865. 1875. 1865. 1375. 1865. 1875. 1865. 1875. 1865. 1875. Union...... 270068 264605 4.28 683 2.85 6.83 1156351 $ 1807568 $ 35103 $ 380594 $ 1191454 $ 2188162 $ 794303 $ 2188162 Van Buren......... 297087 305441 7.25 11.01 6.85 10.46 2152661 3364556 324416 53070 247707 3895286 2353224 3700522 Wapello................. 267227 269076 9.15 8.80 6.87 9.68 2446493 2,369435 886437 1230613 8332930 3600048 2499698 3960052 0 Warren.................. 359302 360569 7.13 9.53 4.99 9.53 3561852 3437936 13877 326839 2701729 3764775 18912.10 3764775 M Washington.....349985 358297 5.96 9.39 6.56 9.39 2086340 3363327 845975 409380 2432315 3772707 2675546 3772707 Z4 Wayne.........310648 333144 3.77 7.20 3.95 7.20 1170871 23977082 41348 184039 1212219 2581121 12-72830 2581121 wo Webster.............. 440967 44S-978 8.18 5.34 3.18 5.87 1401961 2399964 125200 392071 1527161 27922035 1527161 3071238 CI Winnebago........... 25076 246637 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.45 75228 731911 791 2172 76019 742083 50679 853395 w Winneshiek.............. 434974 436441 4.01 6.29 4.01 6.60 1745507 2746698 190530 5095,59 1936037 3253257 1936037 3415919 Woodbury............... 229681 495976 1.62 3.99 1.95 4.79 371928 1977617 90792 536037 462720 2516654 555264 3019985 Worth..........240934 252,546 2.601 4.08 1.95 4.08 625524 1030605 5125 37919 630649 1068524 472987 1068524 t Wright.i........345628 361063 2.43 3.57 2.43 3.92 838658 1288509 9623 25000 848281 1313509 848281 1444860 H Total.................$280410511$34117735.......$14006120151$2284186071$274883971$488337401 11675426021$277247347 $157485285 $29431336 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. T A B L E X I I I.ICo-NoUED. Showing value of Personalty, reported total Valuation, equalized total Value, and State Tax at two mills for the year 1865, and 1875. VALUE OF PER- REPORTED TO- EQUALIZED TO- STATE TA AT SONALTY. TAL VALUE. JTAL VALUE. TWO MILLS. COUNTIES. _ 1865. 1875. 1865. 1875. 1865. 1875. 1865. 1875. Adair...................$ 81156 $ 426749 $ 1524182 $ 2976285 $1163426 2976285 $ 2326.85 5952.57 Adams................. 155535 396230 907648 2398407 907648 2731242 1815.39 5462.48 Allamakee......... 576884 580311 2114994 2733202 2114994 3532125[ 4229 99 7064.25 Appanoose...... 933274 1305797 2630031 4189657 2460356 4453646 4920.71 8907.29 Audubon....... 166469 179250.643163 1719887 452485 1719887 904.97 3439.77 Benton............... 724101 1458182 3464871 6011651 3464871 6426740 6929.74 3.48 Black Hawk........ 987434 695935 4041802 4453812 3736365 5145906 7472.73 10291.81 Boone.................. 192045 716502 3993997 3796187 2093021 4074899 4186.04 8149.80 Bremer................. 331600 480586 1776261 2550012 1415096 2748551 2830.19 5497.10 Buchanan............ 641523 1022159 3474536 4829999 3002367 4829999 6004.73 960.00 Buena Vista...................... 142472. 1725053.......... 1725053.. 3450.11 ~~~~~~~125023"47802 "I337779[21.6 655 Butler................. 250247 427261 157347 2888878 148082 3337779 281616 Calhoun............. 20015 149804 729368 1573136 729368 1707301 1458.73 3414.60 Carroll.................. 28219 184954 513886 2463989 513886 2665720 1027.77 5331.44 Cass...................... 190950 532445 1192562 3887738 1 62 3887738 2385.12 7775.48 Cedar.................... 1126590 1203110 4705759 6021979 3810967 5801087 7621.93 11602.17 Cerro Gordo........ 143762 256844 1171346 2365770 95829 2736981 1891.66 5473.96 Cherokee............. 4790 212467 105782 1916625 139446 1916625 278.89 3833.25 Chickasaw.......... 223690 442510 1195475 286057 1247082 3391092 2494.16 4782.18 Clarke.......... 548663 1023755 1643544 3510831 1643544 3510881 3287.09 7021.66 Clay..................... 7901 131205 268397 910027 268397 910027 536.79 1820.05 Clayton............. 1268483 1297408 4671393 5316748 5011685 5865434 10023.7 11730.87 Clinton................ 1261044 1771402 4829452 8665467 5186292 8973401 10372.58 17946.80 Crawford... 39324 242235 476373 2971917 531004 32378 1002.01 6424.76 Dallas.......... 748094 1158587 2757823 4636090 2422868 4636090 4845.74 9272.18 Da~vis.......... 980202 1315,516 2674618 4332690 2844060 4332690 5388.12 8665.38 Decatur......... 477488 770143 1781558 2715838 1781558 3187251 3,563.12 6374.50 Delaware. 6...... 49781 893211 3168833 4641712 31638833 4466496 6337.67 8932.99 Des Moines......2302648 2692122 6919783 10046818 6919783 10646818 13839.56 21293.64 Dickinson............... 57420......... 631951......... 6319,51.......... 1263.90 Dubuque........2669775 2668332 7536369 9174411 8509688 11030955 17019.38 22001.91 Emmet.......... 26975 86181 54580 612659 51820 727954 103.64 1455.91 Fayette......... 579496 970048 2956670 4467881 3069228 4901151 6138.46 9922.30 Floyd........... 238297 416352 1254810 2610045 1305636 31007,33 2611.27 6201.47 Frakln.......... 69044 234080 1824235 2395137 1122157 259898.9 2244.31 6197.98 Fremont........ 509172 873638 148736 4020882 1650395 4303453 3300.79 8606.91 Greene......... 112959 357784 1064299 2821944 10642$9 2929079 2128.60 5858.16 Grundy..... 91429 259468 1004292 1968860 10041292 22125127 2128.58'4450.25 Guthrie..... 204711.513992 174,5496 2896941 1437339 3328141 2874.68 6656.28 Hamilton....... 157836 362987 1014630 2194718 1014030 2535544 2028.06 5971.09 Hancock........ 12706 41673 1457335 1252211 975792 1364780 1951.58 2729.56 Hardin.......... 379433 369084 2035249 2936116 1621295 3282922 3242.59 6565.84 Harrison........ 439956 823979 1484004 5135413 2000028 47465531 4012.06 9493.11 ~400 ~CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. TABLE XIII.-CoNTINUED. VALUE OF PER- REPORTED TO- EQUALIZED TO-. STATE TAX OF SONALTY. TAL VALUE. TAL VALUE TWO MIL COUNTIES. ________ _._.._._.__ __\__ - 1865. 11875. 1865. 1875. 1865. 1875. 185. 1875. Henry...... $1338598:$ 1528520 $ 4207773, 5462530 $4351231 $ 5462530 8702.46 $ 10925.06 Howard....... 119395 310916 877806 2091726 953647 2342391!.1907.29 468478 Humboldt..... 49275 102854 445625 1101581 446625 12014531 893.25 2402.91 Ida....... 4316 48720 125367 842239 125367 1000943 250.73 2001 89 Iowa....... 116056 1020367 2840500 4621837 2810500 4455225 5681.00 8910.45 Jackson........ 932945 1047511 3370836 4337161 3980309 4793002 7960.62 9586.00 Jasper........ 1548914 1690718 5213902 6929401 4297655 7405254 59531 14810.51 Jef...... 807490 1002855 2608957 4534559 3014201 4534559 6028.40 9069.12 Johnson...... 1263971 1504605 426744() 7245421 4612874 7245424 9285.75 14490.85 Jones..... 1059146 917483 3747785 4623742 3478951 4623742 6957.90 9247.48 Keokk..... 1056328. 1473649 3071126 4845323 3071126 4845323 6142.25 9690.65 Kossuth...... 37348 10676 436916 1894546 436916 1894546 3789.09 Lee.2..... 2215162 2371894 7690097 8836291 8237590 8836291 16475.18 17672.58 Linn........ 14959901 1795281 5431851] 9424764 5134851 9071304 10869.70 18142.61 ~Louisa~..... 8629)03 881274 2457378 365.8229 2776273 3658229 5552.5.5 7316.46 Lucas...... 408721 792141 1509673' 3171886 156-1721 3573806 3129.44 7147.61 Lyo................. 97286.............. 1246769........... 1131821.. 2263.64 Madison....... 755651 1196307 2714437 4203178 2518.550 4479647 5037.12 9559.29 Maaska...... 1655141 1784018 4877232 6208675 4-174471 6208675 8948.94 12417.35 Marion.155...... 1535680! 1684074 4976121 4953517 3943989 5592035 7887.98 11184.07 Marshall...... 743702 941487 3660987 4-123357 268,359 5349178 5377.12 1069836 Mills......... 624056 1091099 1613127 4197205 1613127 4197205 3226.25 839441 Mitchell...... 216397 447154 1169269 28L5748 1169269 2702651 233854 5405,30 Monona..... 93953 267922_, 557497) 1890570c 580674 2503578 1161.35 5007.16 Monroe......... 831342 896227 288.1256 3532115 2199951 3532115 4399.90 7064.23 Montgomrery.... 77396 614242 62~5726 3589188 6255726 3589488 1251.45 7178S.98 Muscatine...... 1327818 1265158 6077710 6125002 5483974 6125002 10967.95 12250.00 O'Brien................ 39464........ 91053.5........ 910535......... 1821.07 Osceola................. 69988......... 832252......... 726009.......... 1452.02 Page........... 469268 114.9338 1760493 3829537 1631 371 4605247 3262.74 9210.49 Palo Al1to................ 94432......... 846282......... 921467.. 1842.93 Plymouth....... 7269 126917 100587 2502207 1005-87 2502207 201.17 5004.41 Pocahontas..... 11709 67616 525017 1074253, 5'5017 1169-526. 105003 2339.05 Polk.....1746862 2510504 6518825 11125111' 5.922330 1112,5411 118044.66 22250.82 P ot tawatt amI e.. 789872) 1480980 3147569 9014442' 31175191 9014442 6295.10 18028.88 Poweshiek....... 862923: 11469772 30657371 4031504. 2845456 47864851 5690.91 9570.97 Ringgold........ 236395. 580484 1108588 2372927' 1283027 92J52171.2566.05 5104.34 Sac............. 225,34 111288 319616 1882065, 319616 18820)65 639.231 8764.13 Scott............1731599 2305137 7086276 10599886 6550808 10.599886 13101.61 21199.77 Shelby.......... 67271 236905 ~687561 28.30978 687564 2830978 1375.13 5661.96 Sioux........... 1600 63981 436950 2195856 349880~ 1679440 699.76 3358 88 Story........... 504205 589781 1737533 3368528 1737533. 3494081 3475.06. 6988.16 Tama....... 535812' 1144185 25%4295 5621398 2921992 5621398 5843.98 112412.80 Taylor...., 3611391 613-559 1336469 2964711 1336469 3184969 2672.94 6369.94 Union.......... 161504 660550 1352958 3214939 955807 3214939 1911.61 6429.88 Van Buren......1090314 14782-91 3567391 5635427 3443538 5,440663, 6887.08 10881.533 Wapello.........2364780 1578488 5697710' 57275631 4864478 6087567 92.6 12175.13 Warren......... 975108 1318406 3676937 5174986' 2866418 5174986 5732.84 10:349.97 Washington..... 1543397 1446411 3975712 54518581 4218943 5451858 843.789 10903.72 Waynie.......... 301300 940509 1513-519 3619221! 1574130 36492.21 3148.26 7298.44 Web~ster......... 234155 483028 1761316 3498183! 1761316 3777386 3522.63 7554.77 Winnebago..... 125131 59257 88532 801340) 63192i 912652 126.38 1825.30 Winneshiek..... 14580081 1029784 3394015 45258881 33940415 4688&550 6788.09 9377.10 Woodbury....... 175546- 355656 638266 3006075 730810 3509406 1461.62 7019.81 Worth......... 46277 206620 676926 1372459 519264 1372459 1038.53 2,744.92 Wright.......... 44971 120455 893252 1433964 893252 1565315 1786.50 3130.63 Total..........157578116 79032896-225120718 378357119.215063401 395423140 430126.83 790847.26 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 401 TABLIE XIV. Exhibiting the aggregate of certain items in the preceding Tables, and comparintg them with those of the Census of 1865. ITEMS. 1865. 1875. Number of dwelling heuses...................................................................... 114351 221568 Number of families......................................................................................... 249624 Number of white males..........................................................894................ 6~97 46 697057 Number of white females............................................ 371379 647420 Total white population....................................................... 75112.5 1344568 Number of colored males........................................................................ 1804 3123 Number of colored females...................................................................... 1803 2853 Total colored population......................................................... 3607 5976 Total population............................................................................. 75 4699 1350544 Number of inhabitants born in Iowa........................................... 5524-82 Number born in United States, but not in Iowa................................................. 581550 Number born in foreign countries........................................................................ 203501 Number whose parents were both foreign born.................................... 318159 Number whose father only was foreign born........................................ 25962 Number whose mother only was foreign born..................................................... 10927 Number between 5 and 6 years of age................................................................ 62144 Number between 6 and 16 years of age.............................................................. 317691 Number between 16 and 21 years of age........................................................... 116636 Number between 5 and 21 years of age.............................................................. 496471 Number 16 and under 21 who cannot read............................................................ 2513 Number of males over 21 who cannot read........................................................ 3124 Number of females over 21 who cannot read........................................................ 2511 Whole number over 16 who cannot read................................. 8148 Number of deaf and dumb......................76.............................. 467 Number of blind........................................................................................ 259 389 Number of insane..................................................................................... *613 542 Number of births in 1874.......................................................42.................... 45421 Number of deaths in 1874................................................................................ 16146.Number of voters....................................................................................... 14642 286282 Number of voters born in United States............................................... 257301 Number of voters born in British America........................................................ 6117 Number of voters born in England and Wales.................................. 9620 Number of voters born in Ireland......................................................................... 18369 Number of voters born in Scotland..................................................... 3403 Number of voters born in Germany.................................................... 30696 Number of voters born in Austria Hungary and Bohemia................ 2721 Number of voters born in Holland........................................................................ 1407 Number of voters born in Norway.................................................................... 6701 Number of Voters born in Sweden......................................................................... 3164 Number of voters born in Denmark...................................................... 758 Number of voters born in France........................................................... 1154 Number of voters born in all other countries...................................................... 1520 Number of Foreigners not naturalized.................................................... 10594 23929 Number of militia...................................................................................... 94734 193918 Number of acres of improved land........................................................................ 12658495 Number of acres of unimproved land.................................................................... 9803184 Number of rods of fence........................................................................................... 52164603 Number of acres in cultivation.............................................................. 9645961 Number of acres of spring wheat............................................................8 27487 3176086 Number of bushels of spring wheat......................................................... 7175784 43280918 Number of acres of winter wheat........................................................... 116965 68868 Number of bushels of winter wheat...................................... 1108781 850889 Number of acres of corn.......................,.................................... 1727777 4019738 Number of bushels of corn...................................................................... 48471133 146993570 Number of acres of rye............................................................................ 48992 36827 Number of bushels of rye.............................................................. 662388 432008 Number of acres of oats......................................................................... 5775 40 956687 Number of bushels of oats....................................................................... 15928777 29213891 Number of acres of barley....................................................................... 51804 166252. Number of bushels of barley.................................................................. I 950696 3534291 Number of acres of buckwheat.............................................................................. 12154 Number of bushels of buckwheat........................................................................... 160805 Number of acres of flax............................................................................ 12111 72984 * Includes those in State Institution for Deaf and Dumb, and Hospital for the Insane. 51 402 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. TABLE XIV.-CONTINUED. ITEMS. 1865. 1875. Number of bushels of flax seed............................................................... 75721 559836 Number of acres in sorghum................................................................... 21452 15768 Number of gallons of syrup from sorghum.......................................... 1443605 1386908 Number of gallons of maple syrup...................................... 19613 Number of pounds of maple sugar..........................................................132204 Number of acres of blue grass for pasture........... 483200 Number of acres of tame grass................................................................. 302899 10730 Number of tons of hay from tame grass............................................... 225349 908011 Number of tons of hay from wild grass................................................ 713119 1506509 Number of bushels of grass seed.............................................................. 62114 322497 Number of bushels of clover seed.........................1............... Number of acres in Hungarian grass...................... 32427 Number of tons of hay from Hungarian grass............................. 51637 Number of-bushels of Hungarian grass seed............................... 44800 Number of acres of hops.......................................................................... 426 Number of pounds of hops....................................................................... 113314 Number of acres of tobacco................................................................ 260 Number of pounds of tobacco.................................................................. 102782 Number of acres of broom corn...........2203...7. Number of tons of broom corn............................................................................... 5036 Number of acres of Irish potatoes.................................................................... 40198 81729 Number of bushels of Irish potatoes............................................................... 2730811 7289953 Number of acres of sweet potatoes.......................................................................................... 1134 Number of bushels of sweet potatoes........................1.8..9................................................ 128579 Number of acres of onions................................................................................ 1386 Number of bushels of onions..........2........................................................ 07638 152758 Number of bushels of turnips...................................................... 462165 Number of bushels of beets..................................................................... 111152 Number of bushels of peas and beans........... 59327 Acres of natural timber..2312659 Acres of planted timber................................................... 202.. 65549 Rods of hedge............................................................................................. 331741 7396662 Number of apple trees in bearing.......................... 2440934 Number of bushels of apples.................................................................... 1451037 Number of pear trees in bearing..............................................................30507 Number of bushels of pears.................................................................................... 10061 Number of peach trees in bearing................. 110729 Number of bushels of peaches................................................................. 49843 Number of plum trees in bearing... 89640 Number of bushels of plums.................................................................... 22418 Number of cherry trees in bearing....................................... 409774 Number of bushels of cherries................................................................................ 99051 Number of other fruit trees in bearing........................... 135192 Number of all fruit trees in bearing.......................................................... 636458 3216776 N umber of fruit trees not in bearing..................................................... 2523905 7135832 Number of acres of grapes in vineyard.................................................................. 14343 Number of pounds gathered..................................................................... 3896154 Gallons of wine made........................................................ 196470 Number of vines not in vineyard.......................... 1514607 Number of pounds gathered..................................................................... 5504731 Gallons of wine made....................... 66284 Number of horses ofall ages............................................................. 316702.698205 Number of borses sold for export....................................... 27318 Number of mules and asses.................................................................... 14303 37937 N~umber of muesanrases sold for export............................................................... 44918 _Number of mules and asses sold for export.....4498 Number of milch cows........................................................................... 310137 673523 Number of pounds of butter made........................................................ 14538216 37862540 Number of pounds of cheese made......................................................... *1000738 1145803 Number of gallons of milk sold......................................... 3285400 Number of work oxen..................................................3.........771...... 37717 12710 Number of all other cattle........................................................................ 901831 1389009 Number of cattle slaughtered or sold Ior slaughter............................................. 314677 Number of thoroughbred short-horns.................................... 9733 Number of Devons..................................................................................... 1126 Number of Herefords................................................................................ 93 IN umber of Ayrshires............................................................................... 148 Number of Jerseys.................................................................................... 117 Number of Holderness.............................................................................. 4 Number of all other improved breeds................... 939 Number of hogs......................................................... 3086161 Number of Berkshires........................................... 85466 Number of PolandChina................................. 196063 * This includes number of pounds of cheese made at factory while the return for 1875 does not. 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 403 TABLE XIV.-CONTINUED. ITEMS. 1865. 1875. Number of Chester-White..................................................................................... 27315 Number of Magee...................................................................................... 2175 Number of Essex.........................................................................3............. 40 Number of other improved breeds........................................................... 35451 Number of hogs slaughtered or sold for slaughter.................................................... 2534371 Number of sheep on hand............................................................................ 724204 Number of Merino.................................................................................... 82209 Number of Cotswold................................................................................. 3654 Number of Leicester...................................................................3116 Number of Southdown............................................................................ 1942 Number of all other improved breeds..................................................... 31460 Number of pounds of wool sheared........................................................................ 2340914 Number of sheep slaughtered or sold for slaughter............................................. 129406 Number of sheep killed by dogs............................................................................. 28934 Number of dogs......................................................................................... 86060 197509 Number of stands of bees.......................................................................... 87118 548386 Number of pounds of honey and beeswax............................................ t 1128399 432522 Value of products of the farm................................................................................. $124407078 Value of market garden produce................................'....................................... 726229 Value of products of the orchard.............................................................. 1215659 Value of small fruit................................................................................... 488259 Value of products of the herd............................. 42261039 Value of products of the dairy................................................................... 8398212 Value of products of the forest.................................... 3..... 3467020 Number of colleges, academies, universities, and private schools... 41 99 Number of male instructors................................................................................... 201 Number of female instructors................................................................ 220 Number of male students......................................................................... 6679 Number of female students.............................................................. 6205 Whole number of students.......................................................................237 12884 Volumes in library........................................................3..................... 34645 Amount of income.................................................................................................. 166783 Number of coal mines open......................................................... 372 Number of hands employed..................................................................... 2928 Number of tons of coal mined..................................................................66663 1231547 Value of coal mined....................................................................................... $ 2600140 Number of other mines open............................................................... 84 Value of building stone............................................................................. $ 202102 Number of manufacturing establishments........................................... 3203 Number of steam engines....................................................................................... 577 Number of water wheels........................................................................... 512 Average number of hands employed in 1874.................................................... 18854 Value of manufactures..............................................................................$ 7100465 $ 89263319 Number miles of railroad..............................3.75...................................... 793 376: t Does not include beeswax. 404 CENSUS RETURNS. LNo. 10. TAB1LE XV. Showing the Incorporated Towns and Cities in the State, their Population in 1870,1873 and 1875, and the Counties in which they are located. TOWNS AND CITIES. COUNTIES. 1870. 1873. 1875. Adel....................... Dallas........................... 711 726 815 Afton............................961 940 1123 Agency City.......................................... Wapello........................................ 630 612 658 Albia...................................... Monroe........................................ 1621 1082 1883 Albion................................................... Marshall....................................... 475: 641 508 Algona............ Kossuth......................................... 860 1057 989 Allerton........................................... Wayne...................................................1........ 571 Ames................................................ Story............................................ 636. 678 820 Anamosa................................................ Jones........................... 2083 1656 1605 Andrew......................................... Jackson......... 352 378 264 Anita..................................................... Cass......*......................................... *526 Atlantic..... Cass.........1200 1230 1832 Avoca;.................................... Pottawattamie..................................... 846 Beacon.................................................. Mahaska........................ 680 Belle Plaine........................................... Benton.......................................... 1488 1445 1615 Bellevue................................................. Jackson........................................ 13531 1552 1623 Bentonsport......... Van Buren.................................. 4321 371 338 Birmingham......... Van Buren............................ 626 562 595 Blairstown............................................ Benton.......................................... 682 631 714 BLoomfield......................... Davis........................................... 1553 916 969 Boone....................................... Boone............................................ 2415! 2154 2332 Boonisboro........................:................... Boone.............................. 58 147 53 3oonsboro Boon.e............................. 1518!' 1447 1532 Brighton................................................ Washington.............................. 785 669 634 Buffalo................................................... Sc t....................... 3 8: 4 ] Buffalo....... Scott.............................368 449 453 Burlington..................... Des Moines........*14930 *22047 19987 Camanche.............................................8........ 840 793 758 Carlisle....................................................................................... *869 Carr lile................................................... Carroll.......................................... 38 56 81 Cedar Falls............................................. Black Hawk 3..................... 70 3127 3270 Cedar Rapids.................. Linn. 5940 4089....... 7179 Center Point..................................................... *1487 Centerville........ Appanoose............................. 10371 1271 1226 Chariton........... Lucas............................................17281 1963 2174 Charles City........................................... o................................... 21661 2225 2269 Cherokee............................................. Cherokee......................................... 841 Cinceinnati................................. lAppano.................... *1093 Clarence...C......................................... r. 726 672 664 Clarksville............................................ Butle................................. 699 Clear ae......... Cerro Gordo.775 550 622 Clermont............... Fayette........... *1566 Clinton.................................................Clinton..........................6129 6149 7028 Colfaxr............................................. e............................................................. *955 College Springsae................................................................ *1152 Columbus City......... Louisa............................ 605 Columbus Junction...... La............................... 517 Coralville.................................................. 297 Corning........................................885 995 Council Bluffs....................................... 2a e......................... 10525 9287 Cresco....................................................................................... 1092 1201 Creston i...................................... o.................................... 1087 1819 Davenporto.............................. o..................................... 20038 20550 21234 Decatur City...............................................*1224 Decorah................................................. Winneshiek..................2110 2219 297 Des Moines.:......... Polk.12035 15061 14443 De Soto........Dal....................................................... *1510 De Witt.................... Clinton....................................... 1749 1,21 175 Dexter.....................Dallas........................................................ 660 Drakeville....................................... Da......................................... 20 7 275 286 Includes the township in which the town is situated.... * Includes the township in which the tovvn51i150itua14d. 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 405 TABLE XV.-CoNTINUED. TOWNS AND CITIES. COUNTIES. 1870. 1873. 1875. D~ubuque................................................ Dubuque.............,......................... 83 25 30 Dunlap................................................... Harrison......................................... Durant............................ edar........................ 37 1-8 370 Earham................................................Madison.............222 220 266 Eddyville................................................Wapello.. 1212 1195 50 Eldon......................................................eWapello.....................365 427 Fikader.................................................. layton.... *1709 Fairfield................................................Jefferson........222226 258 2343.................................... Farmengton...Fayette......8.............. 1 2.. Fontanelle........... Adair...416. Fort Dodge.........................................Webster.................................... 3095 3333 3537 Fort Madison.............. Lee................................................4011 4372 4305 Fredonia................................................ Louisa............."............... 123 Glidden.l.............................* 525 Grand Jion.Greene..444 404 479 ~~~~~~VnBrn............................. 5 7 Grinnell................................................. oweshiek.....................................1482 1261 1480 Guttenberg............................................ Clayton........................................ 40 1340 1045 Hamburg............................................. Fremont....................................... 1431 1018 2058 Hopkinton.............................................Delaware....................................... 661 Independence....................................... Buchanan...................................... 3424 Indianola....................W........... Warren................................... 1428 1445 18 Iowa City.Johnson..56.. 5 214 6371 Iowa Falls..............................................Hardin.........................................'1074'Jefferson................................Greene..779 806 895 Kellogg.............................................8..... Jasper................................... 1827 Keokuk.........................................111.........1......................... 11841 Keosauqua.......................Van Buren............... 869 772 788 Keota................................................ Ke...... k................................ 646 Knoxville.............................................Marion..800 1644 1699 Lansing................................................DAllamake..................................e.. 1.55 2087 2280 La Portenden....................................... Black Hawk....................................9.5. 715 Lawler............................................... Chickasaw...................................*19...... 113 Le Claire.............................................. Scott........................................10931 1137 1121 Leon........................Decr..................... Dca r.........................................889 Lewis............ Cass.............'"9..*.... 1008 Lineville................................................Wayne............... 465 Lisbon...................................................................................561..... 5 Liscomk............................................. ll........................................3.... 372 Louden........................................ Ced ar................................... 486 41 7.439 Lynille.............................................Jasper............................... 1281 Lyons..n..................................t........... Cion............................ 4088 3 3784 McGregor.................................. C........... 199la5y18........524 1995 1852 Malcom................................w........ Black..................................... 353 Malvern................................................ Mills....................................493 Delaware..1492 149 1566 Maquokota Jac.son..........................................1......................... 112 Marengo................................................ Iowa.................1693 1137 1650 Marion........................10...................8....... Lin..........2047...... 1 1008 Marshalltown........................................ Waynel........3218 4062 4384 Lisbon.......................... Ciny........................................... 6 Mason City.~~~~~~~~~~~Cerro Gordo... 1703 Mechanicsville......................................Ceda.. 598 Mediapolis...........................................Des Moines............................................626 Missouri Valley................arrison....................................... 948 Mitchellville..................................... Pl... k............................................... *1692 Montezuma.................oweshiek................................... 555 506 460 Monticello.......................Jones....................... 1337 1335 1587. Montrose......................................... Lee.......905 671 782 Morning Su........L..3.............................. 3 445 785 Moscow.................................................... wshine... 346 222 794 Moulton..5................................................ M l s 93 Mountyr.......................................... iggold.. *952 Mount Pleasant..........................................Henry....................................."'.'4 9 4245 4065 4563 Mount Vernon........................................ Lin..910 734 779 6718 6939 7537 Nashua..................................Chickasaw...............852 Nevadar.................................................. 3tony............................................. 982 92 1105 New Hampton......................hickasaw...................................................... 623 New Lonew n.............................Henry................................................ 98 553 New Sharon............Cedar.... Mahaska..'"'6..8.... 6 603 Newton.....Jasper...........................................1983 2000 2354 Noral Spings......................................... 74o2............................................................. 742 North McGregor.....................................Clayton........................................................ 478 Northwood............................................Worth...................p......................................... *1000 *Includes the township in which the town is situated. 406 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. TABLE XV.-CONTINUED. TOWNS AND CITIES. COUNTIES. 1870. 1873. 1875. Onawa City........................... Monona........................ 478 676 719 Orford........................................ -Tama............................................... *1059 Osage...................................... Mitchell......,........................... 14(00 1295 1488 Osceola................................................... Clarke.......................................... 1298 1351 1701 Oskaloosa............................................. Mahaska..................................... 3204 3425 4263 Ottumwa..................... Wapello....................................... 5214 5713 63z6 Panora................................................ Guthrie..................................................... 526 Parkersburg....................................... Butler............................................................ *513 Pella........................ Marion................................... 1909 2467 2536 Perry.................................................. Dallas....................................... *1142 Pleasantville................................... arion....................... 337 Polk City............................................... Polk........................... 1631 Postville................................................. 712 Prairie City......................................... Jasper............................................................. 781 Quincy................... Adams.................................. 283 209 265 Red Oak Junction.................... Montgomery....................... 1315 1665 1823 Richland............................................ Keokuk.......................................... 492 Ringwood.............................. Clinton................................. *363 Sabula................. Jackon........Jackson....................... 920 1033 1003 Sac City.................................a....*......... 492 811 Salem... Henry..........4.........................4................ 479 Seymou r...............yne.............................................. 408 Shell Rock.................................... Butler............ *594 Shellsburg........................................ Benton.................................................... 554 Shenandoah........................Page............ Page 258 711 Sidney....................................... Fremont.........................., 8171 6 13 822 Sigourney....................... eokuk........................................ 992 1290 1377 Sioux City........ Woodbury.................3401. 3137 4290 Springdale..................................... edar...................................... 528 *1481 Springfield~~~~~~~~~:'.................................................... *1254 State Center................................. Matrshall................................... 559 726 796 Steamboat Rock.................................. Hardin...........................................................*1371 Storm Lake............................... Buena Vista................................................. 479 Strawberry Hill............. Jones......... 130 Tabor................. Fremont....................................... 310 256 293 Tama City................................... Tama............................... 1161 1037 1197 Tipton.................. Cedar........................... 1246 1150 1243 Toledo....... Tama................................. 888 918 1022 Tinion............................................... 471 Victor........Iowa............................................ 420 496 Villisca................................... Montgomery............................ 836 Vinton.................................. Benton...................................... 2460 2400 2389 Wapello............................................... Louisa.......................................... 870 982 903 Washington........................... Washin gon............................... 2575 2211 2189 Waterloo.............................. Black Hawk......................... 4337 5901 5508 Waverly........................................... Bremer.................................... 2506 2405 Webster City................................... Hamilton.............................................. ~..*..... *2262 West Branch.............. Cedar............................................. 1481 Western........................................................ 238 Westfield.............................................. Plymouth................................................ *246 West Liberty.......................... Muscatine....................................... 908 937 West Mitchell.......................... Mitchell.......................... *1215 West Point........................................... Lee............. 794 711 709 West Union...................... ayette...................................... *2032 *2208 1388 WVh eatl andi o...................................... Clinton.........................................................,2804 W heat lan d................... uscainton.............................. 1317 1280 4 1351 Wilton........Muscatine.........1317 1230 1351 ~Winters et...............................................Madison........................................ 1485 1944 2343 Winterset..Ma... h I~dison........ 1485 1944 2343 W yoming.......................................... Jones..................................... 1689 * Includes the township in which the town is situated. -.l TA3BLE XVI. Showing the Population of the several Counties of Iowa at each enumeration 5lflce the organization of the Territory. TWIS. IO' TERSITORT. STATE OF IOWA, TER. I T T COUNTIES. - _ 1836. 1838. 1844. 1846. 1847. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1854. 18561 1859. 1860. 1863. 1865. 1867. 1869. 1870. 1873. 1875. e __________________ 8 1 13 8 4. 185I 16. 16. 17. 83 85 Adair....15.663.111........).071.1................................. 150 663 1011{ 98i 900{ 1071 1594 2312 3982 2 5264 7045 AdYams....... 339.................................. ~~~......~ 339 1019 1413 1533 1638 1818 2317 3302 4614 5865 7772 Allamakee........7......7.......7............. 22. 777 1300 2000 4266 7709 10843 12237 13465 13957 16003 16766 17868 18304 19168 Appanoose............... 1300....948 1281 3131 3951 4243 6265 9075 11449 11931 11866 10748 13064 14625 16156 16474 17405 Auduon............~.......~...~~........,..........................................,......................,..... 283 365 454 ~388 510 790 102111 83 2370 C Audubon.................283 365 454 388 510 790 1032 1212 1873 2370 Benton................................................... 297 312 312 673 753 1237 2623 6247 8063 8496 9561 11245 14772 19420 22454 22068 22807 ~Black Hawk.................................................................315 2514 5538 7095 8244 10014 122306 16036 18961 21706 23136 22913 Boone.................................................419 756 890 1024 1678 3518 4018 4232 4607 5236 9861 13912 14584 15167 17351 Bremer..................... 309 1095 3228 4336 4915 5404 7224 9337 11358 12528, 2517 13220 Buchallnan.............................................. 149 20 406 519 006 1023 2299 5125 6918 7906 8294 10037 1231 4973 17034 16325 17312 I~~~~~23 17386294131 Buena Vista...................................................... 151 242 1585 2669 3561 Butler..............................................................2141 3504 3724 412 5006 6542 8139 9951 10760 11734 Calhoun..................................................~~1.~~ ~.~.I.;...........119 136 147 170 224 546 944 1602. 2922 3185 Carroll.......................................... 251 250 21 297 400 688 1450 2451 3601 5760 Cass...............................::... Zi......... 416 815 1489 1612 1.623 1895 2479 3604 5464 7660 10552 Cedar............................. 5 1225 2217 262 2809 3183 3941 4084 4971 7643 9481 12175 12949 13274 14041 16076 18239 19731 17089 17879 Cerro Gordo............................................. 632 855 940 1007 27 1311 1988 266 4722 5636 6685 Cherokee.................................................... 85 581 20 64 209 459 1967 3297 4245 Chickasaw.............................................................. 400 588 2651 3816 4336 4397 5355 6220 3513 10180 10292 11400 Clarke.............................................................................. 549 1626 3978 5006 5427 5693 5716 6244 8027 8735 8778 10118 Clay.................................................................................................................. 52............... 369 450 1523 3585 3569 Clayton......................... 4 1044 1200 1500 2176 3000 3873 5000 6318 9337 15187 18669 2072 21235 21922 22879 25832 27771 26946 27184 Clinton....................... 45 800 1201 1300 1570 20441 2835 3001 38221 7306 13441 17395 18938 19821 22405 27234 31952 35357 33591 34295 < Crawford..........................................................'..I..... 235 429 3831 456 574 1070 1610 2530 3777 6038. TABLE XVI.-CONTINUED. IOWA TERRITORY. STATE OF IOWA. TER.IOATRTOY COUNTIES.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 186 1838 11840 1844.1846 1847. 11849. 1850. 11851. 1852. 1854 1856. 1859. 1860. 1863. 1865. 1867. 1869. 1870. 1873 1875. Dallas........-...........164 635 812 925 1216 2392 3991 4058 5244 5088 5886 7538 10361 12019 12689 14386 Davis............... 2622 3400 4464 4939 7264 7454 7553 9787 11258 13323 13764 13959 13123 13517 14921 15 134 15757 Decatur............................965 1016 1184 3025 6229 8238 8677 8373 8052 8501 10339 12018 11598 13249 ~Delaware....171~..;"171 300 "781 1111 1300 1759 2000 2615 4637 8099 10024 11024 11667 12508 14463 15557 17432 16522 16890 Des Moines...6257 4605 5546 9109 9391 10071 11649 12914 14488 12575 167001 20198 20781 19611 21213 19894 23444 25986 27256 34691 5106......Dickinson............................121 180 189 309 509 562 1889 1743 1748 5 Dubuque..............4274 2381 3056 4049 6030 7440 9185 10841 11000 12500 16662 25871 30581 31164 30839 33078 38860 36946 38969 41900 43845 EmmAet..........................................1..368 708 990 1392 1618 1436 9 C1 Fayette................................................................825 1200 2065 50 8375 11391 12073 12739 13124 1499 16391 16973 18796 20518 Floyd......................................................................2448 3458 3744 I- 65401 8 148611271 13100673 84 *-Franklin-......................... —....-..... 780 1159 1309 1448 1899 2321 3075 4738 5669 6558 Fe..mont......". "1244 1600"' 2044"30 38368 4327 5074 4778 5698 701.3 8051 11174 12394 13719 Greeone. I..... 1089.124.1374.1416,159.2353.3494.427.5755.7028 Grundy.................................................................. 435 680 793 1024 1382 2119 38.50 6399 7154 8134 Guthrie.................................................. 222 300 772 2149 2754 3056 3205 3249 3906 5219 7061 8017 9638 Z4 Hamilton.........655 1699 1602, 20,23 3154 4268 6055 6672 7701 Hancock..... ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~121 179 240 202 35-7 572 999 1397 1482 Harrison................1065 1900 3132 3621 366.3 4265 5836 741 83 108 188 Her.305.374 017685 659 22 877 915 9633 10159 153951 16299 18701 16780 17816 20110 20971 21463 20754 21594 Howard...................................................... 444 3017 3168 3382 3871 4401 5149 6282 7459 7875 Humboldt.............I...................................................... 519 382 394 606 1307 1810 2596 2788 3455 Ida................................................ 38 43...........90 144 226 449 794 Iowa.................................... 485 600 822 10006 1i3'2"3 2"3'07 4873 7098 8029 8544 102,58 12390 14738 16644 16572 17456 Jackson....:...........881 1452 ~2000 4767 4689 5677 7210 7597 82,31 12166, 14077 17710 18493 19158 19097 199710 20579 22619 22284 23062 Jasper.........560 122.3 1288 1492 1674 34661 7490 9195 9883 10627 12095 16239 20148 22116 22340 24128 Jefferson.................2780 5694 6000 8463 8825 9997 10081 10225 11117! 13305 14478 15038 14649 14772 16420 16772 17839 16778 1712 Johnson..............2,37 1504 2949 3000 3387 4010 4474 5061 5788 84671 14457 16900 17573 17184 18778 21641 23948 24898 24814 24654! Jones.................241 475 1112 1758 1779 2140 3007 3400 4201 60751i 9835 13475 13306 13495 14376 16228 18113 19731 189110 19166 Keokuk............2918 3953 4822 5105 5306 7299! 10646 12329 13271 13412 13996 15429 17230 19434 19974 20488 - Kossuth...........377..... 310.....416.....365......694....1573......1949...... 3351.. 4252041 35 94 17379961525 36 Lee...................................', 28391 60951 9830112860 132311 15000} 18783] 17625 20360l 22590 27273 3124'~ 292321 285.231 280631 31417i 34127 37210] 336441 33914 Linn........................... ~o;.....[ 2051 13851 2643 34111 3954{ 4762~ 5444~ 6160 ~6890{ 10802 14702 1772( 189471 I87001 207541 24549] 27467 28852~ 300191 31815 Louisa.....................!!!!iiii[.i...i.8~ ~9~ 32381 3644] 36481 5067, 5100 5476[ 7341 9568 1080~ 41551 10370[ 106731 11885i 1221c~ 12877, 12377, 12499 v, LYOn....................:::::................:::: 109481 ~ ~ 221 966] 11725................... 4.................... 1232...................,................ Mahaska............ i.;~41 t........ 29t2'377'4[ 5559[ 5986} 1492 183'2 3122i 5508 7071 13884 14698/ 16030.............~360 6758~ 13050 ~45~ 7479 9093 22508] 23718 Marion..................... 58O9 2350] 3797{ 54121 6289 9315j 14060 16167 24436] 24094 Marshall.................. ] [ [ ] [......... 454[ 710 1607'4460 571~ 17576] 18272, 19629 1Vfills......................... 1463 21.~.1. 3102 4381 8718] 96641 105.55 Mitchell.................... 1911 3291............ 9582/ 9563] 11523 ~ 459 885 832] 931 1096t 16641 2679 3654] 4989/ 5967 Monroe....... 6860 8377:'"'~61'"40'01'1~J:J "'45i'6'"577'3 Montgomery............ 872 12561 1218! 1535, 2072] 2892 10839 ]"'3430 ] 338] 4577 127241 12302] 1271'1 iY[uscatine................ 115~ 8612] 9322 94351 10208[ 11990'1~7'19'42'2~2'14~'3010 12569 21623 243~ O'Brien..................... 8.................. 20.51 715| 14~/ 2349........::.'.'.'.'::::::::::::::::::::............................................................................... Page;,....................,... /111111111[::i:i [.................. Palo Alto.................. 131 132 1421 216] 413} 535 Plymouth.......................... 2617/ 2735 112' 148[- 93[ 1051 214] 179 2199 5282 Pocahontas.............. I:]'' 1331 1221 2151 4~! 687 11.46 2249 rink.................... "'i'2[i/......... 1112~ 4968 4787t 5388{ 8733[ 10974 16893 21665....... ~ 5989 11625i 12956 16473';226301 26408 27857 31558 Poweshiek... J!!!iiii!!iii~i!!!!!ii' 443 615 534 636:::~,..~ 1 3674 4419~ 4662, 5211, 602.5] 7843 1993~ 11734| 14274 915 1958 4460 5338.....'...... I 12936 Ringgold............:..... 1472 2507 2923 3039 3089 3888 7546............................ I I I Scott......................... iiiii]i]iiii!ii i[iii[ iiiii!ilill!i!i!i!i i!!!~ii!i i!i~iii:1521 784} 25959 26327} ~6~1 28474 343621 37615 38599 39736 r.~ 24~ 2341 so4{ 5~f s40 nn ~7s Shelby............................. 828 456 818 828/ 900[ 12t8 1744 2540 5664' Sioux...... 10.........1.........I 18 576 8220..................'86~l'12'67'i i;7~[ [ Story........................'*~[i....'~'~8 "'3~~6~} 5918 6888....~~~7 1651 13311,.....'........................................................... I Tam~........................ 262[ 1163 5285 7027] 7882 1165 14254 6131 18771 iii:::::............... ~o ~7~ 4~ ~ ~ ~s~ xo~s Taylor.......................::::::::::::::::::: ]:]::::: ]]]:]]:]::]] 479] 8912128~2g Union........................... [.. 4.6~1.9 t..........I 98~ [.~;/1;~;7[ ~69] 3821 5986 6911 8827 VanBuren............... /. 5/. 8~].1..3~ 80, 81 806 1993[ 2012 2420 2528 3010 2753] 13843 5921 15879i 17081 15862 15599 6292 16839 7672 16860 16980 Wapello...,.............................. 2814 4422 5660 7 8500 8~88[ 10521 3246 15060 145181 16729 18794 8930 20672 ~346 22261 23865 Warren....................:'2~1'157~1'3~20]'34~["~'18[ 4434]. 49~1[ 1193 1488] 4446 8000 9150] 10281] 10932 11150 13162 15810 7980 17400 18528 Washington............ 5079 58811 7560 1113 133661 142351 15003 15739 17675 18648 8952 18975 19269 iiiiiiii!i Webster iiiiiiill::::::::][ 341 500 1665 4182 5860 6409 6522 6327i 7657 9566.11287, 11797 13978 Winnebago..............'................. 907 3088 - 2596 2504] 2858 3772 5631 7812 10484t 11603 13114 14~ ~8s ~8~ ~0~ 2~8 v~ ~072 x~o~ ~88 2~87 Winneshiek............. ~94[ "'"3(]d]....~fid....~6~l'"ig~l"~ig "7'd06 12211 139~21 15~21 15421 1.9302 21047 28570i 28061 2't233 e.~ TABLE XVI.-CONTINUED. o WIS IOWA TERRITORY. STATE OF IOWA. TER. COUNTIES. 1836 1838. 1840 1844 1846 1847. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1854. 1856. 1859. 1860. 1863. 1865. 1867. 1869 1870. 1873. 1875. Woodbury.......................................... —-1 —--............................................... 1701 20001 11001 11191 1106 12951 1970............................ 61721 6988 8568 Worth.......................................................................................................................... 759.75. 95..1143 1543....2892.391 4908 Wrigh t.................................................................................................................. 427632 693 908 1332 1765 2392 2826 3244 Worth...759.756.895..1143.1543.2135..2892.8913.4908 Wright.427 632 653 693 908 1332 1765.2392.282 3244 Total:.. 10531 22859 43114 75152 97 1116651 1529881191982 204774 230713 326013 519055 638775 674913 701732 7546991 90204011040819 1191792 1251333 1350544 td NOTE.-Calhoun county was originally called Fox county; Lyon was called Buncombe; Monroe, Kishkehosh; Washington, Slaughter; and Z Woodbury, Wahkaw. Hamilton wais created as Risley county, and subsequently formed a part of Webster. Humboldt county, originally m erected under that name, was afterwards divided between Kossuth and Webster; more recently. the territory which had been annexed to Kos- C suth, with the northern half of that detached to Webster, was re-erected into the county of Humboldt. The northern part of Kossuth county 0 was at first Bancroft county, which, with the northern half of Humboldt was united with Kossuth in 1855; subsequently the territory obtained from Humboldt was again detached. Webster cotntywwas at fitst called Yell connty, which in 1855 was united with Risley and two tiers of townships in Humboldt to form Web-ter; in 1857, Hamilton county was detachAd, and also one tier of townships to Humboldt. _4 >-;,By an act of the General Assembly of 1870, the territory now embraced in Kossuth county lying north of the north line of township ninety- 3 seven, was erected into the county of Crocker, but said act of the General Assembly was afterwards declared unconstitutional by the Supreme c Court, and said territory reverted to the county of Kossuth. t 0.o ~a ~1875.3 CENSUS RETURNS. 411 TABLE XVII. Showing the length of the several Railroads in the State of Iowa, January 1, 1875; also, the assessed valuation per mile, asfixed y the Executive Council, March 1, 1875, pursuant to theprovisions of Chapter 5, Title 10, of the Code of 1873. NAMES OF RAILROADS. 0, fl Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Minnesota Railway..................... 368.850 $ 1401630.00 Burlington and Missouri River Railroad.................................... 282.926 12000 395112.00 Brownville and Nodaway Valley Railroad................................. 14.190 3000 42570.00 *Burlington and Missouri River Railroad-Creston Branch...... 42.675 500 226177.50 *Burlington and Missouri River Railroad-Chariton Branch... 37.760 500 132160.00 *Burlington and Missouri River Railroad-Red Oak Branch... 39.291 5 196455.00 Burlington and Southwestern Railway................................... 79.600 3000 238800.00 Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. 368.450 10700 8942415.00 i-Chicago, R. I. and P. R. R.-Indianola and Winterset Branc 48.240 3500 168840.00 t-Chicago, R. I. and P. R. R.-Sigourney Branch..............28.390 8000 85170.00 t-Chicago and Southwestern Railway.......................129.580 3000 388740.00 Chicago, Newton and Southwestern Railway................3.750 150 5625.00 Chicago and Northwestern Railway........................355.010 10300 3656603.00 $Iowa Midland Railway..................................68.800 3000 296400.00 "'Stanwood and Tipton Railway............................8.500 3000 25500.00 TToledo and Northwestern Railway..............3.000 1500 4500.00 Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota Railroad........109.00 8700 4081300.00 Chicago, Clinton and Dubuque Railroad...........45.200 5000 226000.09 Central Railroad of Iowa..................................189.140 4300 813302.00 Chicago, Milwaukee -and St. Paul Railway...................93.608 4500 421236.00 Chi., Mil. and St. P. R'y-Algona and Mason City Brainches....158.582 3500 537~87.00 LSabula, Ackley and Dakota Railroad........86.640 3000 259020.00 Davenport and St. Paul Railroad...............1,56.460 3000 469380.00 Dakota Southern Railroad................................5.300 3000 15000.00 Des Moines and Ft. Dodge.................................87.190 8000 261570.00 Des Moines and Minnesota Railroad-Narrow Gauge..........30.000 150 54000.00 Dubuque end Southwestern Railroad......................54.760 3000 164280.00 Iowa Eastern Railroad-Narrow Gauge.....................16.000 1800 28800.00 Illinois Central Railroad...........326.580 5500 1796190.00 ~TCedar Falls and Minnesota Railroad.- 75.580 8500 264530.00 K~eokuk and St. Paul Railroad............................42.466 5000 212330.00 K4ainsas, City. St. Jo. and Council Bluffs Railway..............52.145 8000 417160.00 Keokuk and Des Moines Railroad......161.300 5800 854890.00 M i ss ou ri, I ow a a nd N e bra.s ka Ra ilway14.790 3000 44370.00 Mississippi Valley and Western Railway................... 250 8000 750.00 St. Louis and Cedar Rapids Railroad..............;........43.314 4000 1732,56.00 Sioux City and St. Paul Railroad....57.250.3000 171750.00 Sioux City and Pacific Railroad.....::...................79.860 3500 279510.00 Total................................................3765.421. $21986658.50 XAverag8 valuation per mile, 1874, $584.40. Average valuation per mile, 1878, 5828.96. Increase of average valuation over 1878, $15.44. *Operated by the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad. i-Operated by the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. jOperated by the Chicago and Northwestern Railway. Operated by the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. Operated by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. Operated by the Illinois Central Railroad. -_A TABLE XVIII. Showing classified statement of Gross Earnings, the Aggregate Gross Earnings, and Gross Earnings per mile, 1873 and 1874. CLASSIFED STATEMENT OF GROSS EARNINGS. 1 1 I ~ I I I c,|a. _ lNAMES OF RAILROADS. | | I- Q e Q - ~;-4 bo k...... Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Minnesota Railway........................................ $321645.15 8 884484.54 $14807.84 $ 15600.16 374.21 $1236901.90 $ 3086.48 $2719.20 _ * Burlington and Missouri River Railroad..........................91293.71 2299895.98............. 1..............................388015.29 8131.17 6759.71 Burlington and Missouri River Railroad-Main line only............................... 3136082.95 11087.64. Brownville and Nodaway Valley Railroad.................................................................................................... 12161.57 857.05..... Burlington and Missouri River Railroad-Creston Branch......................................................................... 115603.32 2708.92........... Burlington and Missouri River Railroad-Chariton Branch........................................................................................... 29994.22 794.33............ Burlington and Missouri River Railroad-Red Oak Branch.................................................. 94173.23 2396.81............ Burlington and Southwestern Railway.............................................................'25605.81 97027.45 1872.43 4818.50.. 126324.19 1090.42 920.20!Z * Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad................................................... 848717.81 2091973.67 43685.00 86085.00 691.50 3077412.98 5968.14 5747.16 Chicago and Southwestern Railway................................................................. 120013.13 2 745.00 7828.00.. 351045.75 2713.29 2215.31 Chicago, Newton and Southwestern Railroad...................................................... 1200.00 * Chicago and Northwestern Railway............................................................... 723730.20 2070911.77 59591.92 109582.2 67323'686156 6423.89 Iowa Midland Railway..................................................................................... 26632.33 55093.37 3866.53 3500.30 208.97 89301.50 1297.98 1349.61 Stanwood and Tipton Railway..................................................................... 4914.67 5574.52 1173.75 833.90 8.53 12505.37 1471.22 1139.68 Toledo and Northwestern Railway................................................................. No Report... I............................................... Chicago, Dubuque and Minnesota Railroad................... 93423.44 198988.26 1943.66.....5580.00 180.00 300115.3...6 2752.44 2615.32 Chicago, Clinton and Dubuque Railroad.......................................................... 44415.13 140870.25 1081.96 3600.00.... 189967.34 4202.81 2517.73 Central Railroad of Iowa................................................................................... 154686.80 439591.98 6341.40 9436.99 32642.33 642699.50 3396.00 3251.75 Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway...................................................... 183173.79 508667.45 22839.07 15613.00 2427.95 732721 26 2963.36 2191.64 Sabula, Ackley and Dakota Railroad.............................................................. 9433.44 63940.65 900.00 3514.00 572.44 78360.53 904.43 915.09 t Davenport and 8t. Paul Railroad.................................................................... 49828.471 108268.37 2527.36 7273.75 103.91 183335.00! 1171.76 1210.33 Dakota Southern Railroad.................................................................................. 5066.66 8909.71 199.85 393.17 83.39 14652.78 2570.66 2628.18 Des Moines and Fort Dodge Railroad.............................................................. 35798.05 63569.02 2587.50 4944.06 1932.19 108830.82 1248.20............ $ Des Moines and Minnesota Railroad-Narrow Gauge.................................. 10395.51 7535.24 2682.30.............................. 20613.05 551.91.. Dbubuque Southwestern Railroad...........8........................................................... 38046.84 70768.40 1491.79 2967.65 4608.31 117882.99 2171.31 2245.00 Iowa Eastern Railroad-Narrow Gauge....................................................... 1617.45 28171.85 84.88 887.50........ 30761.68 2190.12 1621.31 a Illinois Central ailroad...................................................................466545.52 195295.14 22201.53 36712.00 7143.98 1627898.17 4048.09 4170,72 Cedar Falls and Minnesota Railroad...............................................................................-......................................... Keokuk and St. Paul Railroad................................................... 61213.89 70671.22...... 5140.75l 143025.861 3368.00 3163.80 80. N o R eport.....s................................................................................ a Kansas City, St. Jo.and Council Bluffs Railwsy............... No.Report. Keokuk and Des Moines Railroad...................................................................... 183975.70 475343.90 17036.18 13239.85 16590.00 706185.63 4378.08....4378. Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska Railway....... 4... 860.00 12048.72 244.65 620.00 134.00 17907.37 1210.77 1000.00 Mississippi Valley and Western Railway......1833.00 1312.00 199.00 96.00............ 3440;00 1250.90 1220.73 St. Louis and Cedar Rapids Railroad.....29993.61 39453.25 1608.47 3384.66............ 74399.99 1718.77 1416.59 Sioux City and St. Paul Railroad..............33890.45 96535.89 3070.8s3 4831.21 16284.90 154613.28 2700.66 2071.24 Sioux City and Pacific Railroad................75785.55 121975.00 2548.23 5950.00 6515.39 212774.17 2664.331 3301.05 Total.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.4522536.11110372647.22 222021.131.. 346291.92 1041.2 10o175568907.65....... *Includes main line and branches. The classiled gross earnings are for eleven months only, while the total includes additional estimated earnings forDecember at $17333.14. Earnings are for six months only, the rotd having been operated only since July 1, 1874. Gross earnings included in Illinois Central Railroad. N OTrE-The average gross earnings per mile on mileage of 1873 is $4,138.99, anid for 1874, $4,136.56, showing an apparent decrease of 4.29, but really-there is an increase as com~pared with these yeats, when it is taken into account that the gross earnings of the Des Moines and Minnesota Railroad were only for six months.o SECRETARY OFZSTATE Ind ~414 ~CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. TABL1E XIX. SCHOOL STATISTICS. Abstract from the report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction for 1874. DISTRICTS. SCHOOLS. TEACHERS. SCHOLARS. -- J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Av.v com- i b 0 K Number A m corn a) s ensation. C E. S n.C employ'dper o 9 Xn on,|7De;.e _e r CO'UNTIES. 55 Cs0 5o 5..............16 83 2 6.5 62 51 $34.31 $28.87 236................. 67 21 6.5 50 76 34.86 26.081 0 4..............16 25 123 31 7.1 61 158 34.42 23.201 785..........:.13 28 144 2 5.8 89 96 35.06 27:58i 6944 n.....8...... 830 1 6.0 11 26 6.00 2928 89................. 15 50 178 6 7.0 112 231 36.85 27.53 857 3 a H.............30 133 5 7.3 97 122 34832 27:20 8091 25 3 Boon::: e::.::.... 17 5 103 6.7 87 127 41.01 28.55i 613i 0 322 e................ 9 3 4 99 11 7.4 52 160 32.51 238 4 471 3 1 Bunn................ 16 21 129 7 6.3 73 1 68 39.0 22.11 65 8 B e t......1 7.... 1 54 1 5.7 28 56 34.89 28.31 116 2 7 Buchanan ~................ 16 2 129 7 6:373 18 9.0211 68 14 02 Buena Vita............. 14 7 54 1 5.7 28 56 34.891 28.31 116 87 49 Butler................ 16 21 109 3 6.7 55 172 33.66 26.91 4297 3652 1942 Calhoun. 8 49 1 7.4 36 52 3.17 29.71 1132 895 539 Carroll.............. 15 1 53 5 6.0 47 43 40.25 30.62i 1799 1210 619 Cass................ 16 2 88 2 7.0 63 94 42.60 31.03' 3318 2503 1528 Cedar....... 15 23 130 9 7.4 104 169 43.39, 29.92 7103 5991 3675 Cerro Gro9 3 63 4 7.2 31 84 48.00 28.60 2468 1963 1232 Cherokee............ 18 1 60 1 5.7 43 67 35.13 29.37 1302 1020 554 Chickasaw.......... 6 43 87 4 6.1 52 97 81.73 22.94 4482 3283 1910 Clarie.............. 10 15 78 3 6.6 53 95 34.15 26.51 372.3 3286 1690 Clay. ~.............. 8 1 56....4.8 24 61 28.53 24.00 1241 930 600 Clayton............. 20 18 150 11 7.3 102 176 40.81 27.521 11164 7371 4052 Clinton............. 18 85 160 6 7.5 102 226 41.82 27.431 13153 9438 5549 Crawford............ 18.... 68 1 7.0 42 64 36.00 32.00 1957 1225 882 Dallas............... 15 11 119 3 6.4 90 146 88.57 85.54 5206 4358 2261 Davi s............... 8 43 97 1 6.0 103 78 31.38 24.21 6596 5313 3160 Decatur............. 11 85 42 10 7.0 79 94 38.68 22.59 5304 4851 2169 Delaware............. 15 13f 116 6 7.5 70 182 33.61 23.56 6441 5106 3215 Des Moines...... 1 501 85 9 6.8 67 142 59.38 32.30 11854 6635 4120 Dickinson......... II 21 33 1 6.6 24 87 81.87 25.40 726 664 33 Dubuque............. 11 45 110 14 7.2 57 166 40.04 26.82 16245 7603 5384 Emmet............. 7 1 21....6.3 18 19 80.84 25.87 613 463 212 Fayette............. 18 28 151 17 7.6 71 226 33.57 23.87 7826 5656 8243 Floyd.......... 12 2 95 5 7.4 61 138 38.99 27.12 4747, 4219 2199 Franklin............ 12 7 71 1 7.3 85 86 34.57 25.43 2333 1804 1002 Fremont............ 12 5 89 4 8.0 82 77 41.14 30.15 5122 3910 2078 Greene......... 14- 2 81 7 7.3 66 87 48.50 30.00 2397 1729 1057 Grundy........ 13....109 1 7.0 55 106 29.37 26.37 2814 2326 8449 Guthrie. ~~~ ~~~~~15 8 111 4 5.8 95 116 30.15 29.61 3420 3167 1713 Hamilton...... 12 2 5....6.7 55 78 84.51 26.95 2739 2315 1289 Hancock............ 7.... 55....5.7 13 29 85.89 30.94 597 502 292 Hardin........ 11 40 113 4 6.91 59 154 833.98 29.38 6040 4481 3051 Harrison....... 171 18j 94 6 7.1 81 104 89.49 33.87 4452 3242 2000 Henry.......... 7 57 99 12 6.8 75 152 85.91 24.46 8019 7305 2548 Howard......... 11 9 68 2 7.6 30 112 40.08 26.75 2875 23381 1219 Humboldt.......... 9 8 45 4 9.4 21 89 27.65 24.36 1340 919 586 Ida................. 4.. 121... 5.7 6 191 38.37 28.63 235 44 25 Iowa............... 13 60- 127 6 6.3 100 40 85.77 255.42 6885 5074 812 ~1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 415 TABLE XIX.-CONTINVED. SCHOOL STATISTICS. Abstractfrom the report of the Superintendent of Public Instructionfor 1874. APPA- LIBRA-PRVT SCHOOL-HO'USES. ATUS IES EXPENDITURES. RAPPA- LIBSA EXPENDITURES. SCHOLs. Number. I w ~~~~ 0 10 IN.' 22 $ 44030 $ 1878 4 $14783 7251$ 4871 26935.. 428~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~00 42c 66' 1 42800 359] 2 12272 5712 4188 22172. 83155 1543 8 28742 8021 7431 44194 85915 2516........ 24429 9052 5645 39126. 316820 525i.6231. 631 6922 3 266 16419. 126870 1170 254 50438 9632 14638 74708 7 1 12 91, 158940 1271 78 45448 20006 16162 81616 2 90365 1886 111 26666 16313 8701 51680. 80065 593 16 2332 \ 86x2 7937 40051 3 116995 1113 58 32342 15603 13345 61290 5 143560 1048 40 12007 12745 3904 28661. 081 2..68308 1630 18 2782 11613 8954 43349.. 46~)Q76 1.... 428 123'3 2 121194 42427 362 1900. 8625.2 30185 1093 18445 12921 69481 34320. 4 1 807 3. 442915 400.... 21450 905 1153 489 3 941980........... 128..... 1... 106855 1988 87... 36631 14723 21189 164276........... 149 2i... 1239575 1172 24 16048 196378 1698 778713 432902~ 572. 2 358241 250 68 122486 173063 45932 34242.21 87 1 2 06 5937361586 1852 829930 76522 5 1 3.3 55 568 21 3 2 5552Sf 1200 5 3::' 12042 1463 15 3795 3912.02 6 9 47...... 177260' 1424 200 12107127390 43974 23958........... 100 1 22 19.. 148308 13854278 1176330 1667 194 43493 30 ii 157 9 2.... 263866 2123 lOS 7441 747 128119424 33 9420 6... 15.. 416... 113 2..... 1.. 87250 12938. 2 999451 15915 11858 573006............ 83.... 9 45135 195....... 19212140 153 3786 314198.......... 100 I7... 101900 1984 194 308813 9147 933 5010 487 1.......... 49 24 14 182579 1492 30 164896 15022' 61812 8321159 3 1118 30. 2. 19696 1090. 5672 807 286 1178053 422............ 974 4 241 29364 156.......152930 39465S6 34 2125 39374 12 14 4 20.....3 1670, 2 00 3297149 7393 210 107 2958............ 130.... 9 42 1 9 48 14620 84 11758 37940 86714 60573 473557 2 9 255 87 3 11 2 999825 1009 37 25085 13185~~2704 18528 1926 46796 897 4... 228661 3715. 229746 875 632 380 157 783 2. 605250 425. 83038 6302... 99 113 15 857078.......... 8100'.. 57095135 2195.. 19021 81347 57821 38820.3 6 9 114 4. 57875 1599~~~~~~~.2302...144 86156 8013 393652............ 68, 15'.. 11 461135 470 27 105337 768 290 DO14 5 3.. 801900 1980 174 31391 91260 19643 50148 2 96241 7... 1870391 1084 92 26 8966 150927 98174 4727. 9 3 80 28 1. 1.. 139290 7430..... 30337 580729119 45326 6.............. 66, 14 324. 51 1172630 364 18 63567 861 63821 293172 1. 49.9 320....3 261000 329 12 46968 3945 2649 14661 1... 4... 80.... 12.1 9 4 94173 387 15 271684 4063 7607 6484. 25 1111 1...... 77298 2445 596 19296610 1348 5891 538490.............. ~416 ~CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. TABLE XIX.-CONTINUED. DISTRICTS. SCHOOLS. TEACHERS. SCHOLARS. _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~v _om.c _ _ I |. 4 N umber Av. corn n emloy'd pensation..........4 a) _ permo. 0 COUNTIES. U h' I e=i Jackso........ 38 10. 89 159 C29.05 23.57 988 0 Jcsn...................... 151 383 140 7 89 1596.05 64 515 840.6700 25.51372 Jasper......................181 19 3 157 7 7.6 128 2237 33.34 28.34 9242 6951 4134 Jefferson...................... 9 27 84 6 6.6 80 107 36.07 24.04 6692 5548 3209 Johnson.................. 37 159 8 7.4 87 94 29.74 24.96 10129 7260 3914 Jones.................. 10 54 131 3 6.7 86 175 29.64 21.84 8291 5993 3960 Keokuk...............6.... 128 8 6.2 92 126 33.64 29.35; 8042 5205 3553 Kossuth............. 1 1 1 3160 26.44 1452 10310 5096 Lee................. 12.33' 108 35 6.4 64 150 40.67 25.05 13723 8512 5225 Lin.................. 17 31 178 10 6.6 95 317 41.32 25.44 12349 9115 5811 Louisa....9 831 75 13 6.9 58 821 36.69 26.54 4933 3638 2203 Lucas....5 52 83 1 6.0 54 88 34.05 2.1 441946 Lyon....4 3 27 8.3 6 29 35.00 34.00 44.7 826 167 Madison............. 14 151 108 3 6.5 77 115 37.70 31.75 6008 4496 2699 Mahaska.................... 11 51 125 8 7.2 102 155 36.44 29.36 8966 7271 4096 Marion............. 7 90 113....6.1 103 119 32.92 24.51 9861 5851 3417 Marshall............... 713 8 44 150 6 6.5 95 160 41.60 32.73 6846.. 5625 Mills............ 7 34 72 1 6.9 57 75 39.72 31.18 3922 2612 1333 Mitchell.............. 10 41 79 4 6.7 45 101 38.39' 24.92 4273 2670 1990 Monona........... 17 1 63....6.0 48 62 34.65 30.07 2198 1502'954 Monroe... 9 32 88 3 6.1 62 96 35.41 2.26 5409 2772 2868 Montgomery.......... 12 2 74 2 6.4 501 97 43.90 29.901 3562 2593 1644 Muscatine............ 11 21 88 11 7.9 74 122 42.97 30.921 7892 5835 3768 O'Brien........................8...... 49......[6.5 39 45 32.00 26.57 752 591 264 Osceola..........6 30 5.8 3 29 28.33 23.69 620 407 230 Page.............14 16 114 3 6.6 80 100 40.12 32.1 5067 3528 2182 Palo Alto........ 13..... 6.5 24 56 27.29' 25.27 1137 980 479 Plymouth.............. 1 66.2 6.5 49 52 35.67 32.61 1807 1161 654 Pocahontas................. 11...... 52 5.9 24 57 29.93 27.80 905 799 441 Polk.............15 25 136 2 6.5 110 162 40.63 36.36 11213 7921 4803 Pottawattamie....... 22 1 110 9 7.1 80 114 39.21 34.41 7706 4493 3028 Poweshiek........... 14 22 I123 4 7.3 105 152 42.10 217.17 6001 4504 2700 Ringgold............ 13 28 98 1 6.0 80 87 31.03 24.56 2767.1811 1162 Sac................. 7... 37 1 7.2 31 39 36.02 27.52 1032 892 395 Scott................ 14 21 97 13 8 7 91 151 50.73 37.93 14352 8634 5384 Shelby.............. 14.... 53....6.7 45 51 33.35 29.25 1832 122.5 774 Sioux...............9... 47....4.6 26 38 29.73 28.08 1307 932 520 Story................ 15 12 108 5 6.2 84 126 33.93 26.25 4990 4227 2303 Tama............... 18 36; 15.3 4 6.9 109 1861 34.94 26.28 6405 5893 3186 Taylor.......................... 16 3[ 100 7 6.2 54 981 31.06 30.17 3642 3311 1870'Union..............12 2 72 10 6.1 53 81 38.31 28.68 3020 2448 1390 Van Buren.......... 9 37 102 7 7.3 95 127 32.26 26.60 6459 5466 3149 Wapello.............9 44 83 17 6.8 82 112 40.70 29.40 9167 5852 3494 Warren.............8 78 125 4 6.1 106 144 34.04 26.23 I7513 6008 3499 Washington.................7 76 72 8 6.7 92 219 34.03 23.80 7784 5526 3269 Wayne............... 14 22 91 3 6.41 76 91 35.14 26.79 5230 4362 2330 Webster............. 18 20 105 2 6.5 73 117 33.31 27.33 4589 3593 1880 Winnebago.......... 6... 20 2 6.5 26 12 33.50 26.50 897 414 191 Winneshiek.... 16 32 124 8 7.1 68 149 38.89 24.89 9264 6577 3890 Woodbury...... 17 2 66 4 6.7 37 73 40.60 32.84 2736 1797 1221 Worth.............. 11 1 36 1 6.3 12 52 30.08 25.58 1700 1207 502 Wright............. 11.... 48....70 34 59 33.17 27.00 1222 1082 645 Total............ 1195:20301187961 4641 6.7 6280 10713 $3. 98 $2766 506381 3651151227159 1875.1 CENSUS RETURNS. 417 TABLE XIX.-CONTINUED. SAPPA- LIBRA- PRIVATE SCHOOL-HOUSES. RATUS. RIES. EXPENDITURES. SCHOOLS. NUMBER. rj ~ 5 I 0 6~~~~~~~~~~~~r'1 1 0~ ~ 0 5 0850 121'"3 i5 00 98;: 15 23 11 109921 -3128 91 31446w 6459 9582 50487............ 160~ 4.. 167595 1988 73 46212 17423 14419 78054 1.4 5 85 6..1.. 102411 41 1 21218 9350 8624 34192 3 9 143 149 12 3 1 131487 2681 61 45288 9826 19210 74324 5 51 1116 117 71 4 5 96665 1637 202 32008 2593 13160 47761. 127 6 4..... 100655 891 32 26986 11643 8282 46911 4 6 151 55.""' ""/ 1 33530 499 412 14399 9873 4764 29036 1 3 ]50 65 40 12 4 227995 861.. 49731 15115 17085 81931 2 8. 154 31 4..... 2365 1951 695 54552 22716 21757 99025 2 27 57 72 4 1 1 55940 581 14 20884 5369 4452 30705 1 5 50 81 2 1. 55057 1002. 18128 11126 5538 34792 2 2 60 17.............. 29550 1448 3345 5371 2739 11455. 861 23.... 100400 490 160 27636 13278 9036 49950. 115 17.. 16620 1090 79 42844 22218 9348 74410 13 21 460 1209 3 73885 554.. 31197 6369 9354 46920 112 240 104 17.... 12852 2528 100.7631 19991 170761 74698 4 8 230 ~66 3.. 6542-2 896 26 19708 13628 5600 38936 2 3 123 67 12 81545 865 13 19970 1143.31 8118 39521 1 3 60 56 4....... 56659 14-31 277 15005 18692 4939 38636............ 83 415 67040 835 7 20527 14072 4528 39127 1. 66 5' 3..... 71600 439............ 1553 16340 5658 39551............... 81 13 1. 34650, 2485 64 39011 15041 12541 67193 4 12 285 30 711431............ 9447 5872 2673 1792. 26.............. 5794 3....2249 1029 551 3829 1 2 40 99 3..... 82601 1800 591' 27937 21801 9136 58874 1 1 20 50. 3 21153 1019 204 8538 5212 3640 17390. 66.37873 265 75 10299 13284 4881 28464...... 45 1 1 1'30140 345 40 9668 5460 8590 18718. 131 8...... 350290 892 332 56202 4826 21092 125559 2 10 250 86 31 1 177590 3695 1726 51584 37062 18644 107290 2 5 150 123 1.......... 108345 879 29 33470 16661 11974 62105 1 8. 91... 1 33947 752 95 15547 5418 3693 24658 2 2 42 33 5..... 32850.9648 8957 5504 24109. 93 10 6 322420 3848 415 85650 16766 28447 130863 6'32 1740 47 7. 28385 709 23 13227..9254 5799 28280.......... 4326306 568 425 8252 976 2602 20618.......... 106 10......... 66945 1055 74 25977 11840 9370 47187 1 12 292 152 4 3..... 111997 591 16 21343 17754 1112 52509.......... 88 1 1. 61555 321 140 18558 11784 6458 36800 1 2 60 75..... 37773 1113 34 20441 10398 5835 36674............ 84 18 4 1 132115 116 33 22192~ 106743 5120 38055 1 3 60 84 11 1 1 147420 1343 45 136590 9995 12511 59096 6 28 1026 125 3.. 75489 540.......I 28563 95501 6855! 44968 6 14! 318 123 6 1 65098 1715 58 30091 4094 10931 45116 2 71.52 93 1 1 47804 5097 5 19217 7168 47021 31087..1.........!. 91 3........ 83434 1215 321 27094 19738 10631 57463 2 6 243 13 3 2 19610 250 i01 4150 4146 1694 9990..... 89 23 12 5 119985 952 29 27953 12094 8928 48975 2 1. 8 58 7...1 2 8,3233 1271 6 26517 13323 10287 50127 I........... 35 1 1 1 21960 132 116 9610 8926 2400 20936. 48 2..... 29980 1575 250 10141 4083 3877 18101........ 8154 6501268 1534 9499075 1223081 1065192444886 1153336 821652 4429874 1496 522 15089 5 3 418 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. IOWA IN XLIVTH CONGRESS. SENATORS. George G. Wright, Des Moines, term expires March 4, 1877. William B. Allison, Dubuque, term expires March 4, 1879. REPRESENTATIVES. George W. McCrary, Keokuk, First District. John Q. Tufts, Wilton, Second District. L. L. Ainsworth, West Union, Third District. 11. O. Pratt, Charles City, Fourth District. James Wilson, Buckingham, Fifth District. E. S. Sampson, Sigourney, Sixth District. John A. Kasson, Des Moines, Seventh District. J. W. McDill, Afton, Eighth District. Addison Oliver, Onawa, Ninth District. 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 419 FEDERAL OFFICERS IN IOWA. UNITED STATES CIRCUIT JUDGES. Ion. Samuel F. Miller, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, Washington, D. C. Hon. John F. Dillon, Judge United States Circuit Court, Davenport, Iowa. Hon. J. M. Love, Judge United States District Court, Keokuk, Iowa. OFFICERS. Hon. Jas. T. Lane, United States District Attorney, Davenport. Col. John W. Chapman, United States Marshal, Council Bluffs. Hon. George B. Corkhill, Clerk United States Circuit Court, Des Moines. Hon. Lee R. Seaton, Assistant United States District Attorney, Keokuk. Gen. R. V. Ankeny, Des Moines, Deputy United States Marshal. Hon. Geo. C. Heberling, Dubuque, Deputy United States Marshal. Col. R. Root, Keokuk, Deputy United States Marshal. Hon. John T. Stuart, Council Bluffs, Deputy United States Marshal. Ed. R. Mason, Deputy Clerk United States Court, Des Moines. TERMS OF COURT. The United States Circuit Court for the District of Iowa meets in the United States /ourt House in Des Moines, on the second Monday in May and October in each year.. The United States District Court meets in Keokuk, third Tuesdays, of June and ranuary; Council Bluffs, fourth Monday of March and September; Des Moines, second Cuesday of May and third Tuesday of October; Dubuque, third Tuesday of April and.{ovember. OFFICERS UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. Hon. James M. Love, Judge, Keokuk, Iowa. Hon. H. K. Love, Clerk, Des Moines, Iowa. Ed. R. Mason, Deputy Clerk at Des Moines. Hon. Alfred Hobbs, Deputy Clerk at Dubuque. Hon. Erie J. Leech, Deputy Clerk at Keokuk. Hon. Fitz Henry Warren, Deputy Clerk at Council Bluffs. 420 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. OFFICIAL REGISTER FOR 1876. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. Samuel J. Kirkwood, of Johnson county, Governor. -- -- Private Secretary to the Governor. Joshua G. Newbold, of Henry county, Lieutenant-Governor; P. o., Hillsboro. Josiah T. Young, of Monroe county, Secretary of State..Fletcher W. Young, of Monroe county, Deputy Secretary of State. Buren R. Sherman, of Benton county, Auditor of State. John C. Parish, of Polk county, Deputy Auditor of State. William Christy, of Clarke county, Treasurer of State. J. D. Ingalls, of Warren county, Deputy Treasurer of State. David Secor, of Winnebago county, Register of the State Land Office. J. F. Thompson, of Winnebago county, Deputy Register of the State Land Office. Alonzo Abernethy, of Crawford county, Superintendent of Public Instruction. John W. Stewart, of Fayette county, Daputy Superintendent of Public Instruction. M. E. Cutts, of Mahaska county, Attorney-General; P. o., Oskaloosa. Richard P. Clarkson, of Polk county, State Printer. Henry A. Perkins, of Woodbury county, State Binder. Nathaniel B. Baker, of Clinton county, Adjutant and Inspector-General and acting Quarter-Master- General. William L. Baker, Clerk. Prof. Amos N. Currier, of Johnson county, Superintendent of Weights and Measures; P. o., Iowa City. Mrs. Ada North, of Polk county, State Librarian. NoTE.-Where not otherwise stated, the Post Office address of the State Officers is Des Moines. JUDICIAL OFFICERS. SUPREME COURT. Chester C. Cole, Chief Justice, Des Moines; term expires December 31, 1876. James G. Day, Judge, Sidney; term expires December 31, 1877. Joseph M. Beck, Judge, Fort Madison; term expires December 31, 1879. Austin Adams, Judge, Dubuque; term expires December 31, 1881. Edward J. Holmes, Clerk, Des Moines; term expires January 5, 1879. John S. Runnells, Des Moines, Reporter of the Decisions; term expires January 1879. 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 421 DISTRICT COURTS. JUDGES. 1st JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Thomas W. Newman, Burlington, Des Moines county. 2nd JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Joseph C. Knapp, Keosauqua, Van Buren county. 3rd JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Samuel Forrey, Leon, Decatur county. 4th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Charles H. Lewis, Cherokee, Cherokeo county. 5th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-John Leonard, Winterset, Madison county. 6th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Horace S. Winslow, Newton, Jasper county. 7th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Walter I. Hayes, Clinton, Clinton county. 8th JUDICIAL DIsTRICT.-James H. Rothrock, Tipton, Cedar county. 9th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-David S. Wilson, Dubuque, Dubuque county. 10th JUDICIAL DISTRIIT.-Reuben Noble, McGregor, Clayton county. 11th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Isaac J. Mitchell, Boonsboro, Boone county. 12th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-George W.;Ruddick, Waverly, Bremer county. 13th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Joseph R. Reed, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie county. The terms of all the Judges of the District Courts, except those for the 12th and 13th Districts, expire on the 31st of December, 1878. Those for the 12th and 13th expire on the 31st of December, 1876. DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. 1st JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Damon N. Sprague, Keokuk, Lee county. 2nd JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Thomas M. Fee, Centerville, Appanoose county. 3rd JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Smith McPherson, Red Oak, Montgomery county. 4th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-George B. McCarty, Emmetsburg, Palo Alto county. 5th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Hiram Y. Smith. Des Moines, Polk county. 6th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-George W. Lafferty, Oskaloosa, Mahaska county. 7th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Lyman A. Ellis, Lyons, Clinton county. 8th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Milo P. Smith, Marengo, Iowa county. 9th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Joseph B. Powers, Cedar Falls, Black Hawk county. 10th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Orlando J. Clark, Decorah, Winneshiek county. 11th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Maurice D. O'Connell, Fort Dodge, Webster county. 12th JUDICIAL DIsTRIcT.-Lindley S. Butler, Northwood, Worth county. 13th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-H. K. McJunkin, Glenwood, Mills county. The terms of office for all the District-Attorneys, except those for the 12th and 13th Districts, expire January 5, 1879. Those for the 12th and 13th Districts expire December 31,1876. SHORT-HAND REPORTERS. 1st JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-W. R. Sillon, Burlington, Des Moines county. 2nd JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-W. S. Briggs, Ottumwa, Wapello county. 3rd JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-J. M. Huston, Iowa City, Johnson cMtznty. 4th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-C. E. Walker, Sioux City, Woodbury county. 422 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. 5th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-C. A. Mosier, Des Moines, Polk county. 6th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Dosh Bros., Davenport, Scott county. 7th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Dosh Bros. and Leffingwell, Davenport, Scott county. 8th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Hudson Burr, La Porte City, Black Hawk county. 9th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-H. W. Holman, Dubuque, Dubuque county. 10th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-A. M. May, Waukon, Allamakee county. 11th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-W. H. Jayne, Boone, Boone county. 12th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-Charles M. Adams, Mason City, Cerro Gordo county. 13th JUDICIAL DISTRICT.-C. H. Sholes, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie county. CIRCUIT COURTS. JUDGES. 1st CIRCUIT.-John B. Drayer, Mt. Pleasant, Henry county. 2nd CIRcuIT.-Robert Sloan, Keosauqua, Van Buren county. 3rd CIRCUIT.-J. W. Hewitt, Red Oak, Montgomery county. 4th CIRUIT. —J. R. Zuver, Magnolia, Harrison county. 5th CIRCUIT.-John Mitchell, Des Moines, Polk county. 6th CIRcuIT.-Lucian C. Blanchard, Oskaloosa, Mahaska county. 7th CIRcuIT.-Daniel W. Ellis, Lyons, Clinton county. 8th CIRCUIT.-John McKean, Anamosa, Jones county. 9th CIRCUIT.-Sylvester Bagg, Waterloo, Black Hawk county. 10th CIRCUIT.-Charles T. Granger, Waukon, Allamakee county. 11th CIRCUIT.-John H,. Bradley, Marshalltown, Marshall county. 12th CIRCUIT.-RIobert G. Reiniger, Charles City, Floyd county. 13th CIRCUIT.-Thomas R. Stockton, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie county. The official terms of all the Circuit Judges expire December 31, 1876. The boundaries of the Circuits are the same as those of the Judicial Districts. SHORT-HAND REPORTERS. 1st CIRcuIT.-Frank Abbott, Burlington, Des Moines county. 2nd CIRCUIT.-L. A. Wilkinson. 3rd CIRCUIT.-W. E. Butler, Leon, Decatur county. 4th CIRCUIT. —Eldon Moran, Sioux City, Woodbury county. 5th CIRcuIT.-Frank M. Van Pelt, Indianola, Warren county. 6th CIRCUIT.-............................................................ 7th CIRCUIT.-T. P. Leffingwell and Dosh Bros., Davenport, Scott county. 8th CIRCUIT.-C. W. Michener, Marengo, Iowa county. 9th CIRCUIT.-E. V. Hayden, Waterloo, Black Hawk county. 10th CIRCUIT.-A. M. May, Waukon, Allamakee county. 11th CIRCUrIT.-Henry Wilcox, Independence, Buchanan county. 12th CIRCuIT.-Charles M. Adams, Mason City, Cerro Gordo county. 13th CIRcuIT.-John H. Clark, Jefferson, Greene county. 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 423 PUBLIC INSTITUT1ON S. STATE UNIVERSITY. IOWA CITY, JOHNSON COUNTY. BOARD OF REGENTS. Samuel J. Kirkwood, Governor, ex-officio, President. George Thacher, President of the Faculty, ex-officio. -lirst District-Christian W. Slagle, Fairfield; term expires 1876. ASecond District-John McKean, Anamosa; term expires 1876. Third District-Austin Adams, Dubuque; term expires 1878. Fourth District-Arthur T. Reeve, Hampton; term expires 1878. PFifth District-John W. Henderson, Cedar Rapids; term expires 1880.,Sixth District-Angus R. Campbell, Newton; term expires 1880. Seventh District-Phineas M. Casady, Des Moines; term expires 1876. Eighth District-Lewis W. Ross, Council Bluffs; term expires 1880. Ninth District-John F. Duncombe, Fort Dodge; term expires 1878. John N. Coldren, Iowa City, Treasurer. William J. Haddock, Secretary. The Regents are elected by the General Assembly for six years, one from each Con-;ressional District; one-third being elected at each regular session. IOWA STATE AGRICULTUAL COLLEGE AND FARM. AMES, STORY COUNTY. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Alvin Tracy, Spillville, Winneshiek county; term expires April 30,1876. Charles E. Whiting, Whiting, Monona county; term expires April 30, 1876. Charles C. Warden, Ottumwa, Wapello county; term expires April 30, 1878. Laurel Summers, Le Claire, Scott county; term expires April 30, 1878. Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa City, Johnson county; term expires April 30, 1878, president. A. S. Welch, President of the college; Winm. D. Lucas, Treasurer; E. W. Stanton, Secretary. 424 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. IOWA COLLEGE FOR THE BLIND. VINTON, BENTON COUNTY. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Jacob Springer, Florence, Benton county; term expires March 31, 1878. Ezekiel B. Kephart, Western, Linn county; term expires January 31, 1876. Jeremiah L. Gay, Waterloo, Black Hawk county; term expires January 31, 1876. Samuel H. Watson, Vinton, Benton county; term expires January 31, 1876. Christopher L. Flint, Hazel Green, Delaware county; term expires March 31,1878. Harmon C. Piatt, Tipton, Cedar county; term expires March 31, 1878. PRESIDENT-E. B. Kephart. SECRETARY-Orlando Clark. TREASURER-Samuel H. Watson. The Trustees are chosen by the General Assembly for four years, one-half being chosen at each regular session. IOWA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. COUNCIL BLUFFS, POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Nathan P. Dodge, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie county; term expires January 31, 1877. William Orr, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie county; term expires March 18, 1878. Paul Lange, Burlington, Des Moines county; term expires March 18, 1878. Jonathan W. Cattell, Des Moines, Polk county; term expires January 31,1879. Dexter C. Bloomer, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie county; term expires January 31, 1876. PRESIDENT-Dexter C. Bloomer. SECRETARY-Benj amin Talbot. TREASURER-Nathan P. Dodge. 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 425 IOWA SOLDIERS' ORPHANS' HOME. DAVENPORT, SCOTT COUNTY; CEDAR FALLS, BLACK HAWK COUNTY; AND GLENWOOD, MILLS COUNTY (CLOSED). BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Wm. H. Leas, Des Moines, Polk county, President. Seth P. Bryant, Davenport, Scott county. George B. Van Saun, Waterloo, Black Hawk county. J. C. Otis, Glenwood, Mills county. S. W. Pierce, Superintendent of the Home at Davenport. Henry F. Tucker, Superintendent of the Home at Cedar Falls. The Trustees are appointed by the General Assembly for two years, one from each county in which a home is located and one from the State at large. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. IOWA CITY, JOHNSON COUNTY. BOARD OF CURATORS. C. W. Slagle, Fairfield. John McK ean, Anamosa. Austin Adams, Dubuque. Arthur T Reeve, Hampton. Appointed by the Governor for two years, A. R. Campbell, Newton, term commencing on the last Wednesday P. M. Casady, Des Moines. of June, 1874. J. F. Duncombe, Fort Dodge. Lewis W. Ross, Council Bluffs. John W. Henderson, Cedar Rapids, Thomas M. Banbury. M. W. Lewis. William Emonds. William G. Hammond. Elected by the Society for the term of two Thomas Hughes. years, ending on the last Wednesday of Robert Hutchinson. June, 1877. S. M. Osmond. S. E. Paine. S. C. Trowbridge. William G. Hammond, President, Iowa City. Frederick Lloyd, Recording Secretary, Iowa City. Frederick Lloyd, Corresponding Secretary, Iowa City. S. C. Trowbridge, Acting Librarian, Iowa City. H. S. Welton, Treasurer, Iowa City. 54 426 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. IOWA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE AT MOUNT PLEASANT. MOUNT PLEASANT, HENRY COUNTY. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Luke Palmer, Burlington; term expires July 3, 1876. Andrew McClure, Mount Pleasant; term expires July 3, 1876. William C. Evans, West Liberty; term expires July 3, 1878. L. E. Fellows, Lansing; term expires July 3, 1878. Mrs. Ellen M. Elliott, Mount Pleasant; term expires July 3, 1878. The Trustees are elected by the General Assembly for the term of four years. IOWA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE AT INDEPENDENCE. INDEPENDENCE, BUCHANAN COUNTY. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Erastus G. Morgan, Fort Dodge; term expires July 3, 1876. C. C. Parker, Fayette; term expires July 3, 1876. Maturin L. Fisher, Farmersburg; term expires July 3, 1878. Prudence A. Appelman, Clermont; term expires, July 3, 1878. John G. House, Independence; term expires July 3, 1876. The Trustees are elected by the General Assembly for the term of four years. COMMITTEE TO VISIT HOSPITALS FOR THE INSANE. Mary A. P. Darwin, Burlington. Charles S. Watkins, Davenport. Dr. Stephen B. Olney, Fort Dodge. This Committee is appointed by the Governor. 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 427 IOWA REFORM SCHOOL. ELDORA, HARDIN COUNTY. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. John A. Parvin, Muscatine; term expires 1880. Mark A. Dashiell, Hartford; term expires 1876. Thomas E. Corkhill, Centerville; term expires 1878. Warner L. Vestal, Storm Lake; term expires 1876. Eleazer Andrews, Providence; term expires 1880. PRESIDENT-John A. Parvin. SECRETARY-Mark A. Dashiell. TREASURER-Warner L. Vestal. The Trustees are appointed by the Generai Assembly for six years; no two from the same Congressional District. IOWA PENITENTIARY. FORT MADISON, L]EE COUNTY. Seth H. Craig, Warden; term expires 1876. J. H. Reynolds, Deputy Warden. H. Clay Stuart, Clerk. Rev. C. F. Williams, Chaplain. J. J. Angear, M. D., Physician. The Warden is elected by the General Assembly at each regular session. The Warden appoints the Deputy, Clerk, Chaplain, and Guards, and with the concurrence of the Governor, the Physician, and on the nomination of the Physician appoints a Hospital Steward. 428 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. ADDITIONAL PENITENTIARY. ANAMOSA, JONES COUNTY. Martin Heisey, Warden, Anamosa, Jones county. Lewis Kinsey, Clerk, Anamosa, Jones county. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Foster L. Downing, Oskaloosa, Mahaska county. Charles H. Lull, Anamosa, Jones county. William Ure, Fairfax, Linn county. The Commissioners are elected by the General Assembly, term not limited. See Section 2, Chapter 43, General and Public Laws 1872. NEW CAPITOL. DES MOINES, POLK COUNTY. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Samuel J. Kirkwood, Governor, ex officio President. Maturin L. Fisher, Flrmersburg, Clayton county. John G. Foote, Burlington, Des Moines county. Robert S. Finkbine, Iowa City, Johnson county. Peter A. Dey, Iowa City, Johnson county. Ed Wright, Secretary of the Board, Des Moines, Polk county. A. H. Piquenard, Architect. Commissioners appointed by Chapter 35, General and Public Laws 1872. FISH COMMISSIONERS. Samuel B. Evans, Ottumwa, Wapello county, term expires April 7, 1876. Benjamin F. Shaw, Anamosa, Jones county, term expires April 1, 1876. Charles A. Haines, Waterloo, Black Hawk county, term expires April 1, 1876. Commissioners appointed for two years by the Governor. 00 cn TABLE XXI. Showing the Newspapers in the State by Counties as returned by the Census of 1875, with such additions and corrections as could be obtained by the Secretary of State since the returns were received. COUNTIES. NAMES OF NEWSPAPERS.E PUBLISHED. OF PUBLICATION. WHOM PUBLISED. CARACTER. Adair................ Adair County Register..... 1864 Fontanelle................. Thursday.............. James Rany........................... Democratic........,..... Adair County Reporter..... 1872 Fontanelle............... Friday................................ Gow Bros..................................Republican.....c.................. Casey Clarion.................... 1873 Casey........................ Saturday....................... L. H. Boydston.......................Republican.....,......... Greenfield Transcript...... 1875 Greenfield................ Friday.................................. Chas. Stuart and J. J. Flynn.. Republican........ "...... Stuart Locomotive............ 1873 Stuart....................... Monday............................ Chas. Stuart and J. J. Flynn.. Republican........ Adams..':.::.: Adams County Gazette.... 1867 Corning................ Wednesday.......................... W. HI. Hoxie........................... Republican............ "...... Adams County Union......1874 Corning..................... Thursday............................ O. E. Paul........................... Republican......... Allamakee....... Die Nord Iowa Post............... Lansing.................... Friday................................... Peter arberg......................R Inaependent............... Lansing Mirror................. Lansing.................... Friday................................ James F. Metcalf.................... Republican........... "........ New Albin Spectator.............. New Albin................. Thursday............................ S. Kilbourne..................... Independent.......... "......... North Iowa Journal......... Lansing.....W...............Wednesday................. T. C. Medary...................... De ocratic Lib'l.......... Postville Review............... Postville...................Wednesday................. W. N. Burdick....................... Republican.................... Wyaukon Standard........ aukon........... T...... Thursday.............................. May & Hancock;..................... Republican........ Appanoose....... Centerville Citizen. 1863 Centerville................ Friday................................ W. O. Crosby & Co................. Republican....... ".......... Moulton Weekly Record.. 1872 Moulton............ Thursday......................... Record Printing Co................ Republican.................. The Peoples Journal.....1872 Centerville.............. Friday................ S. Ehrman.................. Democratic...... Audubon........... Audubon Co. Defender..... 1872 Exira......................... TE. H. Kimball....................................................... Benton........... Belle Plaine Review............... Belle Plaine... Wednesday........................... S. S. Farrington..................... Independent......................................Bele Plaine Union........... Belle Plaine.. Thursday............................... D. H. Frost............................. Republican..................... Benton County Record....................... Saturday........... Smith Bros.............................. Republican........... "............ lairstown Advocate........ Blairstown...........Saturday.............................. L. H. Barnes...................... arnes Opposition........................... Peoples Journal..................... Vinton...................Friday.................................... C. R. Wilkinson & Co............ Republican........... " Vinton Eagle...................... Vinton....................... V ednesday.......................... Hanford & Rich....................lRepublican.......... Black Hawk..... Cedar Falls Gazette........... Cedar Falls..............Friday..................................C. W. & E. A. Snyder..............Republican........ "...... Cedar Falls Recorder............. Cedar Falls.............. Wednesday......................... H. C Shaver.............................Democratic.............. Der Deutsch Amerikaner......... Waterloo................ Friday................................. Martin Blim............................ Democratic........... ".....Iowa State Reporter............ Waterloo..........Wednesday......................... Parrott, Girton & Sherman...Republican........... TABLE XXI.- CONTINUED. COUNTIES. NAMES OF NEWSPAPERS. T WHERE PUBLISHED. DAY OF PUBLICATION. BY WHOM PUBLISHED. CHARACTER Black Hawk. La Porte City Progress............ La Porte City............ Wednesday............... Jesse Wasson.................... Waterloo Courier..................... Waterloo.................... Wednesday........................... Felt & Hartman.. Republican. Boone.. Boone County Democrat. 1867 Boone......................... Wednesday.......................... John ornstein........... Boone County Republican 1865 Boone......................... Wednesday.'...... Win. Means & Downing. Republican. Boone standard.................. 1864 Boone........................Saturday... John M. Brainard.. Republican................Boonsoro News............. 1874 Boonsboro................. Wednesday.................... Chas. Evans.. Republican........... Ogden Reporter.................. 1874 Ogden......................... Friday........................ Earl Billings..................... Neutral Bremer Co. Independent... 1867 Waverly......... Thursday.....................Daniel Fichthorn.. Republ...........Deutsche Volk-Zeitung........ 1874 Waverly.................John Weidmann.......dn.............. den....Waverly Republican......... 1856 Waverly......... Thurday..................... Lucas & Tyrrell.. Republican......... Buchanan. Buchanan Co. Bulletin............i ndependence........... Friday................................. Wm. Toman.....................Indep'nd'nce Conserv'tive... Independence........... Wednesday........................... W. Barnhart.. Opposition.......Jesup Vindicator...................... Jesup.......................... Thursday.....................Wm. Hatton.. eutral........... Buena Vista... Newell Mirror...........1874 Ne well.............. Friday....................Will White.......R..........epublican....... H.,Storm Lake Pilot..........1870 Storm Lake..........Wednesday................Vestal & Young.............Republican...... 6..........Clarksville Star...........1867.Cjai ks-ville.... Thursday....James 0. Stewart.............Republican...... M.Shell...... Rockhll o Enterprise.....172Shl18721.....Shell.. A Calhoun.......Lake City Joui nal........1874 Lake City..........Thursday.................T. B. Hotchkiss.............Republican...... Carroll........Carl ead..........188Carroll Herald. 1868...Carroll..Wednesday...............Hasting & Gray......................................Der Carroll Demokrat......1874 Carroll.Friday......... Schirck & Burkhardt..........................Glidden.. lddn xpes..Express. 185.. ddD............1875dy.....Glidden.....FridayJ.J. mih...................L.......Smith........ Cass...........Atlantic Telegraph..A....... tlantic............Wednesday............... Lafayette Young.............Republican.......Cass....... CountyssContyMessenger. AtlantiAtanicc. Saturday.Johnsonrdy.....................Johs WilWileey. Republican.blca....... Cedar..........Mechanicsville Press......1866 Mechanicsville......Friday...................F. H. Williams........... Democratic...........The Conservative........1875 Tipton.............Wednesday...............M. R. Jackscn...............Democratic.:::::.................Tipton Advertiser........1853 Tipton.............Thursda).................. Mulford & Longley..........Republican............W... Vest Branch Tms. 1874 West branch........Thursday.................- Rab er Brothers.......... Republican...... Cerro Gordo.... Cerro Gordo Republican... 1862 Mason City.........Thursday................Geo. R. Lanning............Republican.......Clear keOb Lake......Observer.Lae......187.... aClear.....Lake. Saturday.Ge.. oeo.E.Frst...E....Frost.......epublican...........Mason City Express......1872 Mason City. Thursday....Henry R. pnkRepublican....... Cherokee....... Cherokee Leader.........1871 Cherokee...hursday.......Johnson & Aldrich..........Independent......Cherokee.. ChroeeTTimes. 1870..... 87 CerCherokee. Friday.Robert..................... Buchanan. Republican..... epblca....... Chickasaw......Chickasaw County Times.' 1875i Lawler.............Wednesday. F. M. Haislet...............ndependent..... 6 6. I~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~atra.................:.O......New Hampton Courier..l. 86OlNew Hampton...... Thursday............... George M. Reynolds.........Republican....... - Clarke................Osceola Beacon.......1874Osceola...Thursday.........H. C. Ayers.. Independent..Osce....... lascoSentinel. 1857....... 85 OceOsceola......... tedm Leach. Republican....Reublca....... 44~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ia......Deortc...............The New Era............1874 OcoaWednesday...............J. IM. Estes..............Democraicn....... Clay................... Clay County News.................. Spepcer...................... Saturday................................Ford & Clayton........Clayton County Journal... 1853 Elkader............Wednesday................ Shannon & Co.Republi.......... can...............McGregor News............McGregor...........Wednesday............... ilsL. Osborne..R..p......... can....... 4.......Nordl Iowa Head.1869 Elkader............Wednesday.'..............Charles Re.necke. L.beral........North Iowa Times........1857 McGregor...........Thursday................Andriek & Richardson. Liberal....Weekly ree Pres. 1874 Srawberr Point. hursday.HB alr.eulcn CC ge............Clinton...Friday...E. H. Thayer.Democratic........Clinton Dail. Herald........Clini on.............Daily......................Josiah Russell.Republ........... ican........Clinton Wee ly He'rald. Cli.W nton e Thursda5y.Josiah Russell.Repulican...Delmar Journal..Dear. Thursdaye................ ntt.pubarn..........................~~~~~~~~~~,e~. Th rs a.....................F.B n e t............. c n.............De Witt Observer............De Witt............Friday...................S. H. Shoemaker..Republ...... ican............... Lon Aderise................Lyos................ Wdneda.................... Lyons Mirror...............Lyons..............Saturday........i...... Beers & Eaton..............Republican..0........ Folks Zeitung..............Clinton....................................iF. G. Pfeifer................Democratic.......Wheatland News. Wheatland~~~~~~~~~~~,*,. Frda.D W.CrtesRpbia.......: z Crawford.. Crawford County Bulletin......Denison.....................Thursday................................Stephen & Heith.......... Democratic.......Denison Review.............Denison............Friday...................J. Fred Meyers.Reulcn Dallas..........Dallas County Gaetews....1873 Adel............... Wednesday.................J. E. Williams..B........... epublican.' Dallas County Gazette.1865...... 183 de............Ade....l.. Thursday................ M.M.LaLandis........ "Wh....t..A isht sit.. Dexter.... DxerHHerald... 1870.... 87 exer..Dexter......... auraturday..........J..... J.. avsDavis........ Republican.pbicn............:.Dallas Center Mail........1875 Dallas Cetr Wednesday...............J. W. Jones................ Neutral....... Davis.......... Bloomfield Weekly Delm-ocrat...................1869 Bloomfield..........Thursday.................T. 0. Walker...............Democratic....... ".........Davis County Republican 1863 Bloomfield..........Thursday................J. A. T. HlRepublican................Drakeville Sun..........1875 Drakeville..........Saturday.................V. B.WodIepnnt A..........Odd Fellows Banner......1874 Blocnmileld..........Saturday.J.....B....King...1....0. 0. F......... Decatur........Decatur County Advocate 1874iLeon'...............Thursday.........I.......B. F. Knapp.R...............epublican....... 6........ Dc~trCounty Journal... 1868 Leon...............Thursday.................Mrs. M. E. Jae. eublican....... Delaware... Delhi Monitor......... 1870 Delhi................ Thursday.Democrat......Pub.....Co. Demobcratic..........Manchester Peoress.......18711 Manchester......... Frineday..H............. DeortPb. CRonn.Republ.... moaican....... Des Moines.....Burlington Evening Gazette. 1837............. Burlingtonligtn. Daily.......Gazette...............PrintingGaete riti Coo. Democratic.eocatc....... Des Moines.....Burlington Weekly GaDes Moines.....Burlington Daily Hawkeye................ 1839 Burlington.........Daily.....................Hawkeye Publishing Co....... Republican....... Des Moines.....Burlington Semi-WeeklyHawkeye............... 1839 Burlington.........Tuesday and Thursday......Hawkeye Publishing Co....... Republican...... Des Moines.....BurlingtonWeekly Rawk I eye..........1839....... Burlington. Thursday............Hawkeye.............Publishingakee ublsh CoCo.... epublicancn......... -A TABLE XXI.-CONTINUED. COUNTIES. NAMES OF NEWSPAPERS. WHERE PUBLISHED. DAY OF PUBLICATION. BY WHOM PUBLISHED. CHARACTER. DesMon'....EeigSr.... y...................................... Willis & Chamberlin.............Independent.......... Mediapolis Enterprise....................................................... A. Brown....................... Republican............ Die Iowa Tribune...........861........................................... Iowa Tribune Co..................... Republican............ Dickinson....... irihsday................................ Smith & Funk.......................SRepublican............ Dubuqe. Dubuque Dailyy....................................... W. J. Gannon..................... Neutrl..... Dubuque National Demo-_ krat......... Dubuque...Thursday........................ Frederick A. Gniffke............Democratic............ ~~Dubuque........... Dubuque Telty................Du............Dbq Daily.Telegraph Publishing Co........Independent..........Dubuue h........................................Telegraph Publishing Co........Independent...................Dyersieomcl.hsday............................... Jerome Rose............................. eutral.................Luxemberger Gaztte..... Dubuque..Tuesday................................. Ger. Catholic Printing Ass'n. Catholic....... heDbl...................................... Ham & Carver.................... Democratic..... 44.............. E~~~Ignesday........................... Ham & Carvm mo...........................................Th..Fayette D ubuqu Tim..D e. Dairkin &: Woodn ru...ff. Rep. lDaic a.n..........The Dubeque Tiews........ Db4 quete............Wednesday.Pe.............Brkin & Woodruff.............Republican...............The Ieowae Comecal 7Db alrmnd Davenport...... Frineday...M.............Clauryon& Sauntnders. Comm....In ercialnt..... Eme. Nor.... ethernViondiatr 188Eshrvll. atrayC WJrisRpulca. Fayette..Brush Craetek New...............18674 BrsW rekWdestio........Fr day.Lewis................C H. Osburnge.Indep......... endent....... Fl.......EChgine Weeky ITeimescr15 hre iy............gin.ay................... C. Hammondum...............eulcn............ Faoyett County Unionat...1866 Whrest Union. Wedn.....T esday.Fr.................Vank f Mc.inoc.D............. emoblcratic...........The. Faoyeoutte Nrewss....... 1874 Foayette. Wedne..... husday.B........rc.... H. H. SCobey..................Republican..............Th Pckople Paerele........ 1870 Rckfermon.Wedne.......Tusday.C........... e.....Rmbnont Printin Cayord.InaRepebin dn....... Floyd. Charlesmto Manet.Cit...y.. Intelligencer.........1856sdy Charles......City. T.....esday.C.n......A.......oc...m. Republican........ Frmn...... FleoyConty Tivmaes.. 186 CHarlesg Ct. Tues.......rday.V.................W WBat. Coead............epublican...............FloydmCunty Peoress... 1872.... NoamSprigs...........Thursday................. H. H. Colte..............RDepublaican....... 4....Hamp Rveton Mdoagnet. l873l-:-.:: ampvton.Tues........rday.W.................. C. ETyon.R.............. epublaican............ Sidney Union......... Sidney............ Friday...................Robert Simons.............Republican........ Greene...i...Grand Junction Head- 0 ~Light~.,p..................... aurday...........................-..... aOOK.................................... epul....... *Jeffersagnolia................... J. aThurday......................... Rhoads & Alpheus Davison....................Indepe.TSrno aet.......17 Missou........Friaday......................................................... Indepe CnaGrund............. Gu CMount Pleasant.......... Thursday.......a.............. ne & o.................... ndepen.M tThe Beacon-Light.Gutrie Center... Thursday......... Tednesdayale MAda ms Leech.. Republi Hamilton......Hamilton Fresoeman...........185............. Wednesday............. L E. McCrackenith.....................Republican. Webster City reso...........1874 Webster & BundyAnti-Republican. Hancock........Hacock Sigal..... Wedarner.ursday............. H rRepublican Hardin............Ackley Enterprise...AckIey...Friay...White* Courtwright.......A.M............................... ~~~~~,AiHublden News.A........ e.Friday.....J..... Bg..Mathews.................................. Herald.1873 Eldora. Wedesday....... a................................. Iowa Falls iel....... Sentinel.ls1856........WeIoway.. Falls. Wed..........esday. 0.ion.'...W....Garrison........ UionStar.............nio........................UoFriday.............................. L. Rowe......................................... Harr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~IImoldt........ Dunelap Re ore......... T~ D nafp........... a u d................L F.C o..........R p b ia...... Hariso. DunlapReporterar...........turday.............................. Harrison County Courier 187......... Mgno. leThursday.Apheus. Davison............... Missouri Valley Times.....1869 Missouri Valleys..Friday................Gore & CutterW a.................... ndependent....... ~H ~ ~ ~ ~~enry.oe........... F...Thursday.................... VZ S ehr & roIent........."[ [ Democ r t, I IMount Pleasant Journal ao........... M Pleasant. Thursday.......Teesdle, McAdams & Leech...... Republican. ~~HowardE.:'.:Howard County Times. Co...... rday.... i......Republic esco..[ Wednes...................... L. E. C i ap....... R.ep.u lian............. NeCta [ewitor......................... K' ellogev u e... Thusah.a Mc rid ne........Iowa Plaindealer...............1...............F. da n....................... ndep ndeubli nt.. ewtope's Reprsenttiv.....[873Thursday.Cgateo & rge................. epublic........ PMaegtoen.. Rpbi.............. Wednesday........................... r. Ben.................... Republic. Prestonmeek3Preston.S d................................................ Baiey................. Republic. Sa dent..... 187I~abulaa........................ Thursday.............................. F.. Fairbanks......................... ndepend Jumboldt.................... Friday................D...............euF. H. Tac........................... Neutral e.....................IdaCount.1868iNewton. F..........i........... F rday...............................C. A. Clark.Idp ende.............................. Jwaspe..................MarKellogg...........1.873 Kelog........... Thursday.............................. N. C. McBride....................IDepe et...........................MonroReM.1an o....a......L....................y........A.urd........................... epubli. J acks n..........B ell vue ead e............. 1 70. elle ue................. hursday............................. W.0 E v n................ R p b i a...............JasperCountyead-Light......... 1874New ton.T..............hursday....................... C ampb ell&Rogers................. epublic.. N.......... Mewtonee Press PNewton..................I... Wednesday................................ P. S. Benham..........................epublican. Jasper. ie C s 18 NPrairiet...............C. I Friday.................H.................. M.A. Inepeb... J as er......... "J e ff-D er so E ra."...... 8 3 e l g............ h r d y................ N. c r d............: n e e d n. TABLE XXI -CONTINUED. COUNTY. INAMES OF NEWSPAPERS. J )IWHERE PUBLISHED. DAY OF PUBLICATION. BY WHOM PUBLISHED. CHARACTER. Jasper............... Prairie City Union...........1870 Prairie City.Friday............G... eorge Miller......................... Republican............ Jefferson........... Fairfield Ledger.............. 18491Fairfield.............. Thursday..................... M....... W. Junkin.......................... Republican........................ Iowa Democrat..................18741Fairfield..................... Saturday.............................../M. M. Bleakmo're..................... Democratic............ Johnson...... D,..,. Daily State Press..............1871 Iowa City..................Daily......................................John P. Irish........................... Democratic............... ".... Iowa City Republican...... 1840/Iowa City.................. Wednesday.......................... Pryce & Wilson.....................,.Republican......................... Iowa State Press............ 1840 Iowa City................ Wednesday........................... }John P. Irish............................ Democratic......................... Slova Amerikansky.......... 1869 Iowa City..n..............|W ednesday........................... ILetovsky & Co............................................................. YThe Volkfreund................. 1874 Iowa City................. Friday................................. Henry Brede.........................................................University Reporter......... 1869 Iowa City........... I Monthly.............................. Students of the University..................................... M Jones.............. Anamosa Eureka.................. Anamosa.................... Thursday.............................. E. Booth & Son........................ Republican............... C1...... A namosa Journal....................Anamosa.................. Friday................................... C. Munger & Bro.................... Democratic,.....Jones.Conty Libeal..Montiello.Thusday.G..W.Hunt.Liemoralic.......................... Jones County Liberal.............. Monticello................ Thursday............................... G. W. Hunt.......,.........................................IMonticello Express.............,. Monticello............... Thursday............................... J.W. Blanchard.................. Republican...................... Wyoming Journal............... Wyoming..... Thursday.............................. P. D. Swigart Neutral...............yg.............]........... I............................................... Keokuk............. Richland Herald...............1875 Richland.................... Thursday............................... C.. Leonard.......... ndeenden.......... Sigourney News.................1860 Sigourney................... Wednesday...........................Havens & Farra....................... Republican........................ Sigourney Review............ 1872 Sigourney.................. Wednesday........................... W. R. Hollingsworth....... Liberal............................... Western Herald................. 1872 South English.......... Friday..................................e.Brown Brothers...................... Independent......... Kossuth..............Ilgona Collegian.........................!Algona........................ Monthly................................Students of Algona College.... Literary............................ AlgonaRepublican.A. Republican..................Upper Des Moines.Algo........................................................................................................... Republican............ ~~~~~~~~~~ Up er es oina,.........., ~~~I~~lgona............................................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~ e~bi aC~~~.............................. Lee.....................Daily Constitution............ 1862 Keokuk..................... Daily..................................... T. W, Clagett........................... Democratic.............................Daily Cate City................. 1853 Keokuk..................... Daily..................................... Howell & Clark........................ Republican.............................. Fort Madison Democrat... 1869 Fort Madison............ Wednesday........................... Roberts Schroeder............... Democratic............................... Fort Madison Plaindealer......IFort Madison............IThursday...................W............ Willson & Rasnick................. Republican..............................Weekly Constitution..............1Keokuk..................... Wednesday........................... T.W. Clagett........................... Democratic............................. Weekly Gate City.............. K......Keokuk................ Wednesday.......................... Howell & Clark...............R....... Republican............................. W eekly Keokuk Post......118691Keokuk..................... Wednesday........................... Charles Norman...................... Independent......... Linn.................Cedar Rapids Daily Republican....:...................... Cedar Rapids........... Daily'...................................... Republican Printing Co......... Republican..............................Cedar Rapids Weekly Re- I [publican.Cedar......... publican......i....................., Cedar Rapids............Wednesday........................... Republican Printing Co......... Republican............ ".................. Cedar Rapids Times....... Cedar Rapids............Wenesday........................ Ayres & Mc~ lelland............... Republican.......... ".............Farmers Journal............... Cedar Rapids............/Monthly................................ Republican Printing Co......... Agricultural............................. Linn County Pilot............18731Marion......................Wednesday.......................... A. Be.,ty.................................. Anti-Monopolist. -..................Lisbon Sun.......................1873 Lisbon........................Saturday.............................. V. T. Baker.......................... eutral..................... Linn.................. Marion Semi - W eekly'l I [I~ ~ [ Re~gister.............;............ 1873 Marion.......................]Tuesday and Friday:............iS. W. Rathbun................... Re u ic.......... 0 aesay.................... S.W. ath un................{Republican............ it.........Marion Weekly Register..i1852.MarJon.......... (ensa..................... S.Rtbn..............epubica........: "..[[.[..[.[[[..!Mount Vernon[ H:awkeye 1868:Mt. Vernon.[..........Friday...........'.......................... S. H. Bauman..................,......... Republican............ " ".................I Progressive Farmer...........i118741 Cedar Rapids............{ Monthly....................~:.............. T. G. N ewms n......................... A rclua.... "..............Sabbath Advocate............[......!Mro,.].........Monthly..................................]J. Brinkerhoof......................... Religious............... "'.........The Collegian...........,.......... 1R70:Mt. Vernon.............../Monthly.................................ICornell College Societies........ 1Literary....... I.......... "::.................The Lotus..:.........................{1871 Center Point............/W ednesday............................ H. Cook....................................]Independent......... "..................:The Standard.....................I......I Cedar Rapids............/W ednesday............................ T. G. Newman.........................(Democratic............ Louisa...............'Columbus City Nonpareil 1875j Columbus City..........Tu sa.................-le Hik k.....R p bicn...... i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~Tusa............................ JAunct-ionkr-...................... eulcn...... "~~~~~~~i........................... 175Columbus Junction. Frda-C oc er, StnIn ab e.. e ortc..... is~ ~ ~ ~ ~l...................R.H..[.......,......................Re u lcn.........CrceSina d rbc.... Col mbu Saegu rd...... {1870{Columbus Junction.. MF'redy.... L"f a C ou.n t yRee o rd......:!1870Waeo.........., Thursday................................ J. D. Barr & Co,............,............}Republican............ "...............[NMorning Sun Reporter.....}1875}Morning Sun............[W ednesday............................ T. N. Ives.................................Republican............ "............i..- Wapello Republican.........:11859 W apelio.....................]Friday..................................... S. W. Myers...........................Republican............. Lucas..................!Chariton Leader............... 11871 Chariton....................] Saturday................................ Best & Baker............................} Democratic............ "...........Chariton Patriot.............. 1857 Chariton....................]'W ednesday........................... W. H. Maple............,................}Republican......... Lyon..............,....!Bel oit Times....................... 1874 Beloit.........................}Saturday........................,....... Cyrus B. Ingham,...................../Independent...:..... C0 "..............Rock Rapids' Review........!18731!Rock R~apids............../Saturday............................:... Monlux. & Dickinson...............!~~epublican............ MJ M a d so............Vinterset Nadisna............18761W interset...............' F ia....................G.D Pa m r............... De o atc.....1........... I~~~~~~~~~~e S~/haronstar...........'.... 17 e h rn...........:'. CumngFSringer........................ H.J al...................R p blcn................I e 174 O kalooa............... onthl........................... Stu ents f Osk loosaColle p u blLiterry................ ".......[... Oskaloosaeta aews.......... 85O k loa......17{ieret.....,....... Satu] riday.................................... G. C.arlmeto........................Democratic............ a as...........i~lci Th be Ev Lelsson........I..1849 Oskaloosa................../Mothurd y................................. Central Book Concern.... R lgo s........... Weekl Refo m Leder... I'84 Os aloos............... T ursda........................... I~ote C.Welch.............u...................... Maio..............e ShaptsrB aon Str..................18741PellSaro.........................................................H..Val...................................Republican.............. "4 Kno viIIeJ un.......,......' OsnoosavClleg idte174saoa..........'........nthurd y...............................F.! Stuent fO loaCo[eeLtrr..............I............. u lcn...... ".............. Oskarin ountyStandard..........o18v5Osealoo........~........ {St uesday............................,.... iJ. L. MC or ackto..............i.......... Democratic..,..........'....... Maysile Evangelis.......... {187910 ka lo Thrysvill.................................Bok ocen....................R.C.M ~ n eligou................... eurl......... "....... Pel Bld............... el.................. We neda.......-.......... /atla &C....................... Re ubic n..........~.1.............P llW leek~kaBloa~ead180salo..................{Thursay..............................H. Nt e egtntNeedha m..............dependeat........... "...........t...Peeklyvll Refourmeaer..,i854POkalosanti.................. cThrsdack.......................[ot CWeh.............independent......... Marsall...........:Maroxh lle Cournty Ti e....185M rh ltw.............]Knoxily............Thray................................F. Cha i Barkwer...........................!Republican............ r "6............. Marshal Count y Ti e. 189mocrsall....t~owne...............Thursday........,........................J.L.MChrapin k S w r....................... Republcrani............ " a..,............ ayileinr...............1.:.1875!Marysb lltwSemiW e l................/.......... A................... H. eidic & Con l.......................Republian............... I a Bld.,............................ M e hll town................ Thurnsday............................... eilar & Co....................... Republican.........................!The Lad'ie Bue.B au...............I 1875...rshl lta w.....,......................(................................Mr. ~eteS nod...............H. d p net......... "~lsC u t Cho il..170G e w d................esnvll nli e.. ]17,lasatuilae....................I........Aio R st..................Mc mc Repubncan............ Mitchall...... Mitchell County Niews'85arhlow'............ Osaigy...............Capn&Swr...........,h rga............Ie b lcn................:.IS.. A Foster..............................'e ubia................ ~........... Mitchell County TPress............MaOshage o w................... Thursda y..........................T..M. Capth&Soerto........................IRepublican............ 'TABLE XXI.-CONTINUED. CONTIES. NAMES OF NEWSPAPERS' WHERE PUBLISHED. DAY OF PUBLICATION. BY WHOM PUBLISHED. CHARACTER. Mo a..... Monona County Gazette... 1865 Onawa City............... Saturday............................... Aldridge & Sain.............................. Peoples' Press..................... 1871 Onawa City............... Wednesday........................... Bassett & Bassett................. e.............. Weekly Albia Union..............Alba.......................... Thursday............................... Val Mendel....................................... The Industrial Era............ 1874 Albia........................ Tuesday................................. J. T Flint....Anti-Monopolist.. Montgomery..... Bed Oak Express................ 1867 Red Oak Junction.....u a........................... Mayne & Co..................... Red Oak Weekly Record.. 1870 Red Oak Junction..... Friday.................................... J. S. Stidger.......................... Anti-Monopolist..'. Villisca Weekly Review... 1871 Villisca....................... Thursday............................. H. G. Thurman....................Repblican Musatine.... Deutsche Zeitung................ 1874 Muscatine.................. Saturday................................ J. W. Weippiert............................. Muscatine Daily Journal.. 1854 Muscatine.................. Daily....................................... Mahin Bros......................... Muscatine Tri-Weekly Journal.......1861 Muscatine..................... Tues., Thur. and Sat.......... Mahin Bros.........Republican......... Muscatine Weekly Journal............... 1840 Muscatine.................. Friday.................................... Mahin Bros.......................... Republican......... The Muscatine Daily Tribune............... 1874 Muscatinely....................................... Van Horn & Betts................ Independent......... The Muscatine Weekly Tribune........................... 1840 Muscatine.................. Thursday................................ Van Horn & Betts.................... The Weekly Enterprise... 1872 West Liberty............ Thursday............................... J. W. McElravy............................ The Wilton Herald............ 1872 Wilton....................... Thursday............................... J. E. Wilton Exponent.. 1874 Wilton........................ IFriday........ J. M. Rider........t................ O'Brien.......O'Brien Pioneer. 1871 Primnghar......... Friday..................A. H. Willits & Son........Republican...... Ocol........Sibleyn Gaette. —...,,.-1872 Sheleyn.......... Friday.Glo...........v.....F.T ier.& Hawxh....t.. epublican...... Faffe..........Clarinda Herald............... Clarinda............Saturday.........*..... Ralph Robinson............. epublican...................Page County Democrat.......Clarinda............Thursday...............: N.0 Ridenour.............Democrat........ PaoAt......Palo Alto RPiorter...........1875 Emmetsburg. Satur... ededay.Henry............Pl A.t Jeinkins o.N.... eputral....... Plymouth. Iowa. ow Lbeal....Liberal. Le......LeMasMars. T... bhusdyrsday.John........... it.n. uCurry.......... Pocahontas....Northwestern Hawkeye... 1873 Fonda...Thursday.White.&.SonRepublican.Iowa...... SchoolScoolJJournal.... 1859esMones.......Des. MoMoines. Monthly.C............ MMGeee.reene..Educational.0dcatonl................... taoa ttaa3AAzzeer.g..... 1869 es oiDes...Moine....T.rshursday.Joseph...........Eibsph eck. Personal..........Liberty..ibety Polk.................. Iowa State Leader.................... 1848 D~es Moines..................................... Polk.................Iowa State Registader........... 1856 Des Moines.. Daily....................Di....Dai........ Iowa State Register........... Des Moines................ aiy................................. ria.................. Plain Talk........ 1869 )es Moines....................... arda WesternFarm Journal...............s... 1854 Des Moines........................................... aWestern Jurist..........................L PottawattamiernFr.ora.... Avoca Delta.........A....... oca........................Thursday.............. W estern Jurist.................. 1866 Des Mointhl......................... Milnlhs & C........................... L g i............... Potta'wat'tami'e.. Avoca Det.................... Avoca......................... Thursday..............I.................JCAdn.::.....Rpulc...... Christian Expositor.............. Council Bluffs........... emi-Monthly..................... Council Bluffs DailyGlobe Council Bluffs............DailyGlobe Printing CoDemocratic Council Bluffs Daily Nonpariel...................................... Council Bluffs............................................... Nonpariel Printing Co. Republican. Council Bluffs. Weekly Globe...................... Council Bluffs........... Friday.................................Globe Printing CoDemocratic. " Council Bluffs Weekly Nonpariel............................ Council Bluffs............ ThursdayNonparel Printing Co............Repub. " ree Presse............................ Coulcil Bluffs........................................................ Inland Christi'n Advocate...... Council Bluffs........... Friday................................. Knotts & CoReligious Weekly Bugle.................... Council Bluffs......................................................... Poweshiek........ Grinnell Herald................. 1867 Grinnell..................... Thursday..... "...... Mo ntezuma Republican... 1856 Montezuma............... Wednesday...........John W. Cheshire............ Republican Ringgold............ Mt. Ayr Journal.................... Mount Ayr................. Friday............................................ Ringgold Record................... M ount A yr................WednesdayD. D. Pratt........................ Republican. Sac..................... Sac Sun............................... 1871 Sac City..................... Thursday............................. Scott. Church Missionary..... 1870 Davenport.................Monthly.....................................common School..........187-4! Davenport..........Monthly..................W. E1. Crosby............ Educational:.................Daily Davenport Gazette.. 1854: Davenport..........Daily.. Gazette Company.R...... epublican................Daily Demokrat........ 1855 D enotaiyH. Lischer.Independent......::. ~............Davenport Times.........1874 Davenport.........Saturday.................Eldridge. & Bro..............Neutral...................Iowa Commercial........1875 Davenp't& Dubuque Friday....................McLaury & Sanders..........Commercial......Weekly Davenport Dem-..........Weekly Davenport Gazette..................1841 Davenport..........Wednesday..........Gazette Co..........Republican....... Shelby.........Harlan Herald...........1874 Harlan.............................Gerg P.Ross.R............epublican.................Shelby County Record....1870 Harlan...............H.............L onrod.epbicn S~~oux. De Volksvriend. 1874 Orange city. Wednesday. Henry Ilospers.~~~~~~~~~LRepublican...... 64Sioux County Herald.....1871 Orange City.........Thursday.................C. W. Harmon..............Republican..................Aurora................. 874' Ames..............Monthly..................Students of Ag. College......Literary.......... Morning... Glory. 1875 87 Nvda.........Nevada... Friday.............. James... JaeW..TanTanner.........Amaterteur...... Nevada Representative.. 1857 Nevada.............Wednesday.................. W. H. Gallup...............Republican..............Nevada Watchman.......1874 Nevada.............Tuesday...................... R.H. Rodermeal............Independent..... Taa..........Chelsea Bugle...........1874 Chelsea....Wednesday...............Chelsea Publishing Co....................... )..........Tama Citizen.............1866 Tama City.Friday.W..G.ambridge............epubllcan....... C TABLE XXI.-CONTINUED..0 COUNTIES. NAMES OF NEWSPAPERS. T WHEiRE PUBLISHED. DAY OF PUBLICATION, BY WHOIM PUBLTSHED. CHARACTER. Tama................. Tama County Indepen- dent.......................1874 Toledo........................ Thursday...........p.............o h Reighman................. Liberal.................................... Tama Press.................11874 Tama City................. Friday.................................. Chapman & Grove................... Democratic........................... Toledo Chronicle............... 155Toledo......................... Thursday............................... Jas. B. Hedge.......................... Kepublican.............................. Traer Clipper................ 1874iTraer.......................... Friday....................................Bernard Murphy.................... Republican........... Taylor...... Bedford Argus................... 1872Bedford.......................Thursday.ale Bros................................. Republican............ C................ Iowa South West.............. 1857 Bedford............... Saturday..............................S Lucas.................................... Anti- Monopolist.'M................ Lenox Time Table............ 1874 Lenox........................ Friday.................................. Townsend & Lupton............... Independent....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a......................send AfLuton...............In eednt.......... Union............... Afton Weekly News..........W dneday.......................... J F. Bishop............................ Independent........................ Afton Weekly Tribune..... 1867 Afton.......T................ Thursday...............................:W R. R obepublican.......... "....;,..... Creston Independent........ 1872iCre4to....................... Thursday............................. -Hamilton....................... Republican............................ Creston Wee kly Gazette.. 174 Creston....................... Thursday................................ Shoultz& Ougst............... Republican............ Van Buren........ Birmingham Enterprise... 1869 Birmingham......... Thursday................................ Sherwood & Parker................. Republican..................... Farmington Gazette......... 1873!Farmington...............Friday................................... L. M. ooers........... nd. Republican............ Keosauqua Republican..... 1856:Keosauq ua............... Thursday.......... George A. Henry.................... Republican.................. Van Buren Democrat..... 1869Bonapate........ ednesday........................... George F. Smith...................... Democratic........... Wapello......... Agency Independent. 1873Age........ CThursday.........C. L. Morehouse........................ Republican......................... Eddyville Advance........... 1875:Eddyville.................. Thursday................................ W. A. Fast................................ Democratic................... Eddyville Advertiser........ 1869,Eddyville................. Saturday................................ Win. L. Palmer........................ Republican............ "............. Ottumwa Daily Courier... 1865' Ottumw a.................... Daily....................................... J. M. Hedrick & Co.................. Republican........... "............ Ottumwa Journal............ 18711Ottumwa................... Saturday............................... A Danguard...........................t. Independent.... "'.... Ottuhawa Weekly Courier 1848 Ottumwa................... Wednesday.......................... J. M. Hedrick & Co.................. Republican......................... Spirft of the Times............ 1874 Ottumwa................... Tuesday................................Ottumwa Printing Co.............. Independent...........,The Daily Democrat.......,l875 Ottumwa.................... Daily....................................S B. Evans............... Democratic. "............ The Ottumwa Democrat... 1868 Ottumwa.................... Thursday.......S.................Sam. B. Evans................... Democratic............ Warren'....... Indianola Tribune............ 1873 Indianola.................. Thursday.......G...................George F. Parker..................... Democratic....................... Warren Record.................. 1870 Indiaol................... Thursday..........John A E ret....................... ARepublican............ "............. Weekly Indianola Herald 1857 Indianola.................. Thursday.G h &........ Graham Knox.............. Republican........... WBashington. B.... Brighton Star....................1874 Brighton............ Thursday......................... B. Fleak............................... Republican.................. Riverside News1... 1875 Riverside.................. Thursday...............................S. C. Bruce................................. Neutral................... Washington County Press 1855 Washington.............. Wednesday........................;..II A. Burrell............................ Republican............."' IWashington Gazette......... 1868IWashington.... Friday.............ia......................nWseman..................... Democratic............ P Wayne............ Corydon rTimes.................. 1875 Corydon..................... Thursday................................ S W. Miles............................... Independent........................ Lineville Tribune.............. 1873Line ville................... Thursday................................ Charles H. Austin................... Republican............ Wayne............... Seymour Head-Light... 18755 Seymour.................... Thursday............................... M. Belvel............................. Independent.......... Wayne County News...... 1872 Allerton..................... Thursday............... H..... M. Belvel..... Anti-Monopolist... ".;Wayne County Republi- 7Cr can...... 1872 Allerton.................... Thursday............................... B. S. Jones..................... Republican............ Webster............ Fort Dodge Messenger............ FFort Dodge......... Thursday....... A. & Pauline Swalm............... Republican............ Fort Dodge Semi-Weekly Times.................................. Fort Dodge............... Tuesday and Friday........... L. R. Train............................ Democratic............ Winnebago....... Independent Herald........ 1875 Lake Mills................ Thursday................................ Marcellus Halvorsen.............. Republican............ Winnebago Summit......... 1867 Forest City.......... Thursday................................ A. H. Chase......... Republican........... Winneshiek...... Decorah Independent........... Decorah..................... Tuesday................................ Wood & Haislett..................... Anti-Monopolist.... Decorah Pctern....................... Decorah................................................ B. Anundon....................................................... Decorah Register..................... Decorah..................... Wednesday........................... Henry Woodruff& Co............ Republican........... Decorah Republican............... Decorah................... Friday.................................. A. K. ailey & Bro.................. Republican.......... "i Ossian Enterprise............ 18751Ossian....................... Thursday................................ B. S. & W. B. Morey................................... Woodbury......... Sioux City Daily Journal. 1869 Sioux City................. Daily..................................... Geo. D. Perkins.............. Republican........... L.Sioux City Weekly Journal............................... Thursday............................... G eo. D. Perkins.......................Republican........... Woodbury......... Sioux CityWeeklyCourier 1869 sioux City................. Saturday.............................. C. J. Krejci............................... Democratic............ 4 Sioux City Weekly Times. 11869 Sioux City Saturday.......... Saturday................ Chas. Collins...........................Democratic............ Worth............... Northwood Pioneer........... 1869 Northwood........... Thursday............................... A. G McCargar............. Republican............ "4 Northwood Sentinel......... 1875 Northwood..... Tuesday................ Swick Independent...... Wright............. Belmond Herald...................Belmond.................... Friday.................................James H. Brayton....................Republcan............ " ~LIWright County Monitor.........Clarion...................... Tuesday................................. Gates & Hathaway................. Republican........... m zM 440 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. TABLE XXII. Alphabetical list of Post Offices in the State, November 1st, 1875. Offices with (c h) foliowing them indicate county seats; those with a * prefixed, denote Money Order Offices. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. NAMES OF POST-OFFICESo COUNTIES. Abbott............................... Hardin........... Austin................................. Fayette.............. Abingdon........................ Jefferson:....-...... very.............................. Monroe.......... ~Ackley.............................. Hardin.............. *Avoca.............................. Pottawattamie. Ackworth... W.............. Warren.............. Avondale........................... Adair................ Adair...........................Adair................ Avon ation................... Polk................... Adams.............................. Muscatine........ Bach Grove...................... Wright............ Adison................................ Humboldt......... Badger Hill................... Ta a. *Adel(c h)......................... Dallas.B.............. BAker..................... Jefferson..,......... Adephi.............................. Polk.................. Baldwin............................ Jackson............. Advance............................. G thrie.............. BallycWough................... Dub que........... *Afton (c h)........................Union................ Bangor...............................Marshall......... *Agency City..................... Wapello............ Bankston........................... Dubuque............ Agricola............................. Mahaska.......... Banner............................... Madison... *tAinsworth........................ Washington...... Barclay.......................... Black H.awk...... Albany.............................Davis......... Barnum........................... Webster........... *Albia (c h).Monroe........... Monro.............. Barryville.......................... Delaware........... Albion.............M........... arshall..........Bartlett..............Fremot...... *Alden.Hard.nBane.ckasa...................... Hardin...... b sett................................ Chickasaw........ *Algona.c h)...... Kost..h.. k ossuth..........5Batavia................Jefferson...... Alicer............................... Grundy.............. Baxter................................ Jasper....... Allamakee......................... Allamakee......... Beacon..............................Ma naska...... Allen's Grove..................... iScott............. Bear Grove........................Guthrie.............. *Allerton............................ Wayne.............. *Bedford(e h).................... Taylor.......... Allison............................... Dubu qrue............ Beetrace........................... Appanoo e........ Almont Station................. aClinton............ Belfast...... Lee..................... ~A lon c h...................iK suh.......~aai.........:......I fesn...... A moral................................Delaware........... Belida........................ Lucaspe.............. Alta m.......e........................ Iuena Vista...... Belknap...............D............. Davis............ Alta Vista..................... ic.... Chic asaw......... Belle Air............................ Johnson............ *Altoona............................ Polk.................... Belle Fountain...................Mahaska............ Amboy.................... Jasper................ *Belle Plaine......................Benton............... * Story.*Bellevue.................. Jackson............. Amish.........................s..... eJohns.. Belmond.........................Wright................ Amity........................ Scott......... B eaisctt.......:: I Beloitk a..........Lyon................. Amityville.........................Des Moines........ Belvidere...........................Mon na............. *Ana3mosa (c h)................ CJones.................. Bennington........................ Marion.............. ~Andrew................B.....n................. JBeesoin Grove.................... Winnebago........ *Anita.......C............ Cass.................... Benton....M........... ills... Ankeny............................... Polk................. *Bent onsport..................... i Van Buren........ Annieville............ Clay.................... Berlin.......H...................... Hiardin............. Aplington......................... utler................. Bertram.............................. Linn................ Arbor Hill........r................. d........ Bethelr.Faett.......................... Fayette........... Arcadia..h..a..oll.............. Carroll..... Bethel City........................ Marion.............. Arcola............................ Monona...... ethlehem....................... Wayne............... Argo.nas................... Lucas.................. Beula ton................. Clayton............... Armstrong's Grove........... Emmet.............. Bevingtonspr.........Madison........... Ashewa........................ Plk Goe......olk....... Big Gove.................... Pottawattamie. Ash Grove.................... D..... Davis................Big Mound B...........Lee...................... Ashland........Wa................... Wapello..........Big Rock........................... Scott.............. *Atalissa......................... Ms. Mluscatine......... Big Springs........................ Wayi ne............... Atlanta............................... Buchanan......... *Birmingham..................... Van Buren........ *Atlantic (c h).............C..... Lcass............... Bismarck......................., Clayton............. Atticar...........Marion........... Biven's Grove.............s...... Marshall........... Auburn......................Mahaska........... Bladensburgh.W................... W ipello r......... Augusta......................... Des oines........ Blairsburgb........................ Hamilton.......... Aurelia.............................. Cheroee........... *Blairstown...................... Benton............... Aurora.................. K..... Kreokuk............. Blakesburg...................... Wapello............ 1875.) CENSUS RETURNS. 441 TABLE XXII.-CONTINUED. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. Blakeville.......................... Black Hawk...... Carlisle............................... W arren.............. Blencoe............................... Monona.............. Carpenter................. Mitchell............ *Bloomfield (c h)............... Davis.................. *Carroll (c h)....................... Carroll............... Bloomington...................... Ringgold............. Carrollton.......................... Carroll............... Blue Cut............................. Jones................ Casady's Corner................. Boone................. Blue Grass.......................... Scott.................. *Cascade............................... Dubuque............ Bluffton...................... *Winneshie... Casey.......................... Guthrie............. Boltonville......................... Iowa................... Cass Center.........Cass.................... Bon Accord........................ Johnson............. Castalia............................... W inneshiek...... *Bonaparte.......................... Van Buren......... Castana............................... Monona............ *Boone.B........................oone................ Castle Grove...................... Jones.................. *Boonsbo ro (c h)................ Boone................. Castleville........................... Buchanan........ Booneville......................... Dallas................ Cedar................................... Mahaska............ Border Plains.................... W ebster............. Cedar Bluff.................. Cedar................. Bowen's Prairie.................. Jones.................. *Cedar Falls...................... Black Hawk...... Boylan's Grove.................. Butler................. Cedar Mines....................... Monroe............... Boyleston.......................... Henry................. *Cedar Rapids..................... Linn................... Bozaris............................... Ringgold........... Cedar Valley....................... Black Hawk...... Braddyville....................... Page.................... *Centerville (c h)................ Appanoose......... Bradford.............k.......... Chickasaw......... Central City........................ Linn.................. Brainard............................. Fayette.............. Centralia............................. Dubuque.......... Brandon.............................. Buchanan.......... Centre.................................. Page.................... Bridgeport......................... Jackson.............. Centredale........................... Cedar.................. *Brighton........................... W ashington...... Centre Junction................. Jones.................. Bristol................,............ Woith................. *Centre Point..................... Linn.................. Britt................................ Hancock............ Ceres.....:.............................. Clayton.............. Broken Kettle.................... Plymouth.......... Chandaller..........K................ Keokuk.............. *Brooklyn.......................... Poweshiek......... Chapin................................ Franklin............ Brooks................................. Adams............... *Chariton (c h).................... Lucas................. Brookville.......................... Jefferson............ *Charles City (c h).............. Floyd................. Brough................................ Dallas................. Charleston.......................... Lee.................... Browning........................... Carroll.............. *Charlotte.......................... Clinton............... Brown's Station................. Clinton.............. Chase................................. Johnson............ Brownville.......................... Mitchell............. Chatham........................... Buchanan........ *Brush Creek.................... Fayette............ Chelsea................................ Tama........... Bryant................................ Clinton............... *Cherokee (c h)................... Cherokee.......... Buck Creek....................... Bremer............... Chester................................ Howard............. Buck Horn.......................... M ahaska............ Chickas- aw.......................... Chickasaw......... Buckingham....................... Tama................. Chillicothe......................... W apello............. Buda........................... Pocahontas........ Cincinnati........................ Appanoose......... Beuna Vista........................ Clinton............. Clanton............................... Madison............ Buffalo................................ Scott.................. *Clarence......................... Cedar................. Buffalo Fork.................. Kossuth............. *Clarinda (c h).................... Page.................... Buffalo Grove..................... Buchanan.......... Clarion'(c h)........................ Wright............... Bunch....................... Davis........... Clarksville.......................... Putler................ Buncombe.......................... Dubuque............ Clay..................................... Washington...... Burgess................................ Clinton............... Clayford............................... Jones................. Burk................................... Benton............... Clay Mills........................... Jones.................. *Burlington (c h)............. Des Moines........ Clay's Grove....................... Lee................... Burr Ohak............................. W inneshiek...... Clayton................................ Clayton.............. Busti.................................. Howard.............. Clear Creek..................... A. Allamakee...... Butler...............................Keokuk........ *Clear Lake......................... Cerro Gordo.... *Butler Center (c h)............ Butler................. *Clermont......................... Fayette............. Butlerville.......................... Tama.................. Cliffiand........................... W.. Wapello............ Byron.................................. Humboldt........ Clifton.L.......................... Louisa............... Climax................................ Montgomery..... Cairo............L...................... Louisa.......... *Clinton (c h).................... Clinton.............. Caldwell.............................. Appanoose......... Clipper................................ Ringgold............ Caledonia....................... Ringgold.........., Clio.................................... W ayne............... Calliope.............................. Sioux................. Clyde................................. Jasper................. *Calmar.............................. Winneshiek...... Coal Creek......................... Keokuk............. Calmus............................... Clinton...............;Coalfield.............................. Monroe.............. Caloma.............................. Marion..............;Coalton................................ Monroe.............. Camackville....................... Lee..................... iCoalville............................ Webster............ *Camanche......................... Clinton...........:Coalbiurgh;....................We M ontgomery..... Cambria........................W..W ayne..............: Colbyville.......................... Story................. Cambridge.......................... Story.................. Coldville.............................. Tama.................. Campton............................. Delaware........... Coldwater........................ Franklin............ Canby.................................. Adair................. *Colesburgh........................ Delaware........... Canton................................ Jackson.............. Colfax................................ Jasper................. Cantril.............Van Buren........ *College Springs................. Page.................... Carbon................................. Adams............... Colo...................................... Story.................. Cardiff................................ M itchell.......... Columbia............................. M arion............... Carl..................................... Adams.............., *Columbus City.................. Louisa............... 56 ~442 C3~CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. 44:2 TABLE XXII.-CONTINUrED. NAMES OF POST-ONFICES. COUNTIES. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. Columbus Junction........... Louisa............... Discord.............................. W oodbury......... Commerce Mills............... Polk................... Dixon.................................. Scott.................. Communia...................... Clayton............. Dodge................................ Guthrie............. Competine........................ Wapello............ Dodgeville.......................... Des Moines....... Comstock........................... Wapello............. Donahue............................ Scott.................. Concord (c h)...................... Hancock............ Donelan............................ Dubuque............ Conesville........................... Muscatine......... Donnan.............................. Fayette.............. Confidence.......................... Wayne................ Donnellson........................ Lee..................... Congress.............................. Franklin.......... Doon..............L.......... y. Lyon.................. Connell............................... Tama.................. Doran................................ Mitchell............ Conwa.............................. Taylor............ Dorchester............... Allamnakee........ Coon Rapids................... Carroll.............. Doud Statibn........... Van Buren........ Cooper Springs.................. Marion............... Douglas Centre....... Clay.................... Coopersville....................... Wapello............. Douglass...................... Fayette.............. Coralville........................... Johnson........... Dover................................... Lee..................... *Corning (c h)..................... Adams............... Downey.............................. Cedar................... Correctionville.................. Woodbury......... DownsviUe..................... Pott awattamie. *Corydon (c h).................... Wayne.............. Dowville............. Crawford............ Cottage................................ Hardin....... *Drakesville............ Davis....... Cottage Hill....................... Dubuque............ Dryden.......................... Tam...... Cotton Grove..................... Henry................. Dry Lake........................... Wright............... Cottonville........................ Jackson.............. *Dubuque (c h).................... Dubuque............ *Council Bluffs (c h)........... Pottawattamie.. Dudley................................ Wapello............. Council Hill....................... Clayton.............. Duke.................................... Dubuque........... Counover........................... W inneshiek Duncombe.......................... Webster............. Cox's Creek........................ Clayton............. Dunlap............................... Harrison........... Crabb's M ills.................... Jackson.............. Durango.............................. Dubuque............ *Crawfordsville.................. Washington...... *Dnrant............................Cedar.................. Cresent City....................... Pottawattamie.. Dutch Creek....................... W ashington...... *Cresco (c h).........................Howard.............. *Dyersville......................... Dubuque........... *Creston................ Union.............. *Dysart............................... Tama.................. Creswell............................. Keokuk.............. Cromwell.............................Union................ Eagle Grove........................ W right...,.... Cromwell Centre...............Clay.................. *Earlham.......................... Madison............ Cross........................... Ringgold........... *Earlville.........................., Delaware.......... Croton.................... Lee..................... East Melrose....................... Monroe............. Crystal.............................. ITama.................. East Nodaway................... Adams............... Crystal Lake...............Hancock........... East Orange....................... Sioux.................. Eastport............................. Fremont.......... Dahlonega.~~~~....................I Wapello............. *Eddyville......................... Wapello............ Dairy.W.............................W ashington...... Eden.................................... Fayette.............. Dakota (c h)........................ Humboldt......... Edenville............................ Marshall............. Dalby.................................. Allamakee......... Edgewood........................... Clayton............ Dale City............................ Guthrie.............. Elba.................................... Carroll............... Dallas.................................. Marion............... Eldon.........................W......... W apello............ *Dallas Center...................Dallas................ *Eldora (c h)....................... Hardin............... Dalmanutha....................... Guthrie............. ElDorado...................... Fayette.............. Dan...................................... Taylor.............. Eldridge............................ Scott.................. Danforth............................. Jtohnson........... *Elgin................................. Fayette.............. *Danville............................ Des Moines....... Elizabeth............................ Grundy............ Darlington......................... Sioux.................. Elk...................................... Decatur............. *Davenport (c h)................ Scott.................. *Elkader (c h)..................... Clayton.............. Davis City. Decatur. ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~Elkhart.Polk.......... Davis City.......................... Decatur............. Elkha rt............................. P01k............... Dayton................................ Bremer.............. Elk Horn............................ Shelby............ Dean................................... Appanoose........ Elkport............................... Clayton.............. Decatur............................... Decatur.............. El ingten....................... Hancock............ *Decorah (c h)................... Winneshiek...... Ellis....H........................ Hardin............... Deep River......................... Poweshiek......... Elon.................................... Allamakee........ Deer Creek......................... Fremont............ Elvira................................. Clinton.............. Deerfield.................. Chickasaw......... Elwood................................ Clinton.............. Defiance............................ Shelby............... Ely.................................... Linn................... Delaware............................. Delaware........... Emeline.............................. Jackson............. *Delhi (oh).......................... Delaware.......... Emerson.............................M ills................. *Delmar.............................. Clinton............. Emmet............................. Emmet.............. Deloit................................ Crawford............ Emmetsburg (c h).............. Palo Alto........... *Denison (c h).................... Crawford............ Empire...... Wright............... *Denmark........................... Lee..................... English Settlement.......... Marion............... Dennis................................ Appanoose......... Enterprise.......................... Black Hawk...... Denver............................... Bremer.......... *Epworth............................ Dubuque............ Derby................................. Lucas................. Erie........O................. O'Brien.............. *Des Moines (c h)............... Polk................... Ernest.............................. Lyon................... *De Soto.............................. Dallas................ Essex.................................. Page................... *De Witt.............................. Clinton.............. Estherville (e h)............ Emmet............. *Dexter............................ Dallas.................'Eugene........................ Ringgold.......... 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 443 443 TABLE XXII.-CONTINUED. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. Evelband Grove.................. Mahaska............ i Gem................................. Clayton............. Evergreen........................... Tam................:Geneva........................... Franklin............ *Exira (c h)......................... Audubon.......... Genoa.................................. Wayne............... Genoa BIuff....................... Iowa............ Fairbank.............. Buchanan......... Georgetown........................ Monroe............ *Fairfax........................... Linn................. Germanville.......... Jefferson........... *Fairtield (c h).................... Jeterson........... Girard................................. Clayton.......... Fairhaven......................... Tama................ Gilberti................................ Scott......... Fairmount.......................... Marion.............. Gilbertville Black Hawk...... Fairport............................ Muscatine......... Gillett's Grove............... Clay.................... Fairview............................ Jones........... Gilman................................ Marshall............ *Parley.............................. Dubuque............ Givin.................................. Mahaska........... Farmers.............................. Sioux.................. Glasgow.............................. Jefferson............ Farmersburg...................... Clayton............. Glendale............................, Jefferson............ Farmei'sville..................... Jasper....... *..... Glen Roy.......................... Howard.............. *Farmington...................... Van Buren........ *Glenwood (c h).................. Mills............. Farragut.............................. Fremont........... Glidden............................... Carroll............... Faulkner............................. Franklin...._ G.....,. Godfrey............................... Wapello............. *Fayette..................... Fayette.............. Golden Prairie................. Delaware........ Fenton.... Kossuth............ Goldfield...:.................. Wright.............. Fern Valley...................... Palo Alto........... Goose Lake........................ Clinton.............. Ferry......... _..... Mahaska............ Gopher................................ Osceola............... Fertile................................. Worth............... Gorden's Ferry.................. Jackson.............. Festina................................ Winneshiek...... Goshen............................... Rinegold............. Fifteen Mile Grove......... Tama.................. Gosport.......................... Marion............. Fillmore............................ Dubuque............ Gower's Ferry................... Cedar.................. Finchford........................... Black Hawk...... Gowrie.............. Webster............. Fisk................................ Adair................ Grand Junction.................[Greene............... Flemingville....................... I nn............... Grand Mound..................... Clinton.............. Flint.................................... Mahaska............ (4rand View........................Louisa............... *Florence..................,,,,... Benton.............. Grant................................... Montgomery.... Florenceville..................... Howard.............. Grant Center...................... Monona............. Floris................................... Davis.................. Grant City.........................I'Sac..................... Floyd................................... Floyd.............. Granville............................ Mahaska............ Flushing.............................. Ringgold............ Gravity...............................Taylor................ Fonda.................................. Pocahontas........ Great Oak.........................Palo Alto........... *Fontano lle........................ Adair.................. Greeley..............................Delaware............ Foote................................... Iowa.................. *Greene.. Butler................ *Forest City (c h)............... Winnebago........ Green Bay..........................]Clarke............... Forest Home...................... Poweshiek....... Greencastle...................Jasper................. Forestville......................... Delaware............ Greenfield ic h).................. Adair.................. Fort Atkinson................. Winneshiek....... Green Island...................... Jackson.............. *Fort Dodge (c h).......... Webster............ Green Mountain................ Marshall........ *Fort Madison (c h)........... Lee.................. Greenvale....................... Dallas.......... Four Corners...................... Jefferson............ Green Valley................ Decatur.............. Frankfort...................... Montgomery... Greenville.................... Clay................ Franklin................... Decatur.............. Greenwood......................... Polk.................... Franklin Center...... Lee.................... Greenwood Center............ Kossuth.............. Franklin Grove........ age........ Page........... Griffinsville....................... Appan oose......... Franklin Mills................. Des Moines........ *Grinnell............................ Poweshiek......... Frank Pierce....................... Johnson............. Grove................................... Audubon............ Frankville.......................... Winnexhiek...... Grove Creek....................... Delaware........... Fredericksburg............... Chickasaw........ Grove Hill......................... Bremer.............. Fredonia............................. Louisa............... Groveland......................... Adair................ Fredric................................ Monroe...... *Grundy Center (c h)......... Grundy............ Fredricka.......................... Bremer............ *Guthrie.............................. Guthrie.............. Freedom............................. Lucas.................. *Guthrie Center, (c h)........ Guthrie.............. Freeman......................... Clay............ *Guttenburg....................... Clayton............, Freeport.............................. Winneshiek...... Fremont.............................. Mahaska........... Hale............................ Kossuth.............. French Creek..................... Allamakee......... Hale Village....................... Jones............. Fryeburg............................ Wright............... Half Way Prairie............... Monroe.............. Fulton............................ Jackson............ Hall Creek......................... Monona............. Funk's Mill......................... IDecatur.... *Hamburg......................... Fremont............ Hamilton............................ Marion............... Gale..................................... Woodbury.......... Hamlin............................... Audubon.......... Galesburgh....................... Jasper................ Hammondsburgh............... Warren.............. *Garden Grove.................. Decatur.............. *fHampton (c h)................... Franklin............ Garden Prairie.................. Boone............... Hanover........................... Allamakee......... Garibaldi........................... Keokuk............ Happy Hollow................... Wapello............ *Garnavillo........................Clayton............. Hardin.............................. Clayton....... Garner.............................. ancock........... Hardin City....................... Hardin......... Garrison.............................. Benton............... *Harlan (c h)..................... Shelby.............. Garry Owen....................... Jackson.......i....., Harper............................... Keokuk............ 444 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. TABLE XXII.-CoNTINUED. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. Harper's Feiry............... Allamakee......... Irvington........................... Kossuth.......... Hartford.............................Warren.............. Irwin................................... Audubon......... Hartland............ W:......: Worth................. Hastings............................. Mills.................. Jackson.............................. Adair........ Hatch.......................... Kossuth.............. Jacksonville.................... Chickasaw........ Haven................... Tama.................. James................................. Plymouth......... Hawk-Eye......................... Fayette.............. *Jaynesville...................... Bremer........... Hawleyville......................Page.............. *Jefferson ~c h)............... Greene............. Hawthorn..........................]Montgomery.... Jerome................................ Appanoose....... Hayesville.................... Keokuk............ *Jesup............................... Buchanan......... Hazard.,~~~~~~~~~~Cherokee...... Jewell.."Mills.... Hazard.............................. Cherokee.........,. Jewell.................................i............ Hazelton...........................Buchanan......... Johnson.............................. Jones........ Hazle Green.............. Delaware.......... Hebron.................... Adair................. Kasson...... Madison...... Heleona.T.,.............,,,,,, Iamair.K..,...:........ aKeg Creek.....................Pottawattamle. Helena................................ Tama................ Kelley................................. tory................. Hepburn.............Page...........Soy.......P. gKellogg.Jasper............... Hespery.................... Winneshiek.................................... Hespburin.... W btr..............Kedlv le..........Pae..............Wi ehek......Hesperian........... Webster. Worth........ Hibbsville.......... Appnoose........ Kent.................. Unionh.........Hic.ko.ry. V.,K alie..... Van Buren. se..... perian.............. W ee.............. Higgi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~Knseott....... Jcsn.............*K ou............. Leet.................. Higginspor................... Keosauqua ( h). Van Buren...... High Creek...:...................... Fremont............ K ta..........e..k.k...... Uo... Hic~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~keory.......................... Ka ueok......k Highland. l....,,.,.,,,,jClayton.................... Webster............ Highland Center............Wapello............. Kiero..........chanan... H~ighland Gl~rovea.. Jonesauqua( h)....Kilb...ourne.......BVan Buren...... Highland Groee......................nes... Fremo............ Highlandvillea...... Wne sh.............Winneshiek............................ V nB r... Highl Point....................Decatur.King........................n.............Dubque ~Hilil~Ksboro h.,..,,,,,Ml............ Knso.............................DeMons...... Hisdale.r.................................. Kirkville.....Wapello............ Hin r..............Kirkwood....... Appanoose........ Hind Grove........................ Lymou....... K e......n. Highla n i............................. t....................................... Waynes h............ Hire's...................Buena V t. Knoxville (C h).................. Marion....... Holaday's................Adair.... Kossuth........................ Des Moinesa............. Holt.................................. s ne......... Homes................................ en.............................. owa............. HomerH a.lo......................... H mitn... Wo........... Homestead............ Iowa.l.....e.. La..........l..................... rke..... Honey Crek..............................Potw t. Lappnoe.......Pt.....................aWarren Hook'sd l............................ eHamilton. La dora......................... owa........ *Hopeville..............................Clarke.......... La Fayette.....................Linn........... Hopntonw ell............Mahaska................La Grange............... Lucas......... H t,,..,, r ke n ifen 5................ W ayne.......... Hopinton...... Delaware. G.Lake City....................Cl. B un....Cl.. Howard Center.........;,, Howard La...* Knoxil e ( h.................. H mion Hudson.B.......... Black Hawk..... Lally.................... M i............. Moines..... HE3[u~ll~~~~~~~~~~~~.,,,,.,,,. Boone................. Lamoine................. arshll *Hum boldt............................ Humboldt.........La Motte............................. Jackson............. Humeston l...................,..........Wayne.............. Lancaster.................. K ou......... Keokuk... Hummaconna.. Monroe.... Langworthy...................Jones.............. Huron............................Des.oines........ nanm ingln...........A...e.. Alla ee.......... La Porte City.................... Black Hawk...... Iconium ey. Creek....... Appanoose.... Larchwood......................... Lyon..................... Ida (co h)........................ a...... I...........Last Chance........................ Lucas............... Illinois Grove.Cl......Marshall......Latham.............W.............Webster........ Illyria......Fayette.............. Lattners.................... ibn ne............ *Independence (c h).......... Buchanan......... Latty.......e........................... L es Moines...... Indianapolis......................Mahaska...... Laurel...........a...h.................... Marshall......... *Indianola (c h).................. Warren.............. La Vega........................... Des Moines...... Ingart Grove..................... Riggold............ *Lawler................. Chickasaw......... Ingham............................... iFranklin............. Lawrenceburgh................. iWarren........... Ingleville Center................Clay......... Lebanon.............a............... Van Buren....... Inland.............................. Cedar............e...... LeClaire............................. scott........... Hublt................ Kekk................Hmod.... Laote Gad.......................... ako..... oka.......Keokuk. Le Grand. Marshall.. —.. ola................................. a nLeighton........................... Mahaska.......... ion.....................A M kLro.............. nwrh............. Lemars c h)..................... Plymouth....... onia....C..............................Chickasaw........ Lenox............................... Taylor.......... Iowa Center........................ ory......po.......... Leon (c h)........................ Decatur............... *Iowa City (c h)................. Johnson............. Leroy....................... Bremer....... *Iowa Falls...........Hardin....... Leroyville........................... Audubon........... Iow la Lake................. Emmaett.............. Lester..B...l............... ub..... Hawk..... *Independence (c h) ~~~~..........Buhnn...... Latty...................... e ons... Irene............. Sio. Lega.............................. ois...... Iron Hills.......................... Jackson............. *Lewis............................. ss.............~. 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 445 TABLE XXII.-CONTINUED. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. Lewisburg........................... Wayne............. Martelle.................... Jones................. Lexington........................... Washington...... *Martinsburgh.................. Keokuk....... Liberty............................... Clarke................ Marysville....................... Marion.............. Liberty Center.............. Warren............. *Mason City (c h)............... Cerro Gordo...... Libertyville........................ Jefferson............ Masonville........................ Delaware........... Lima.................................... Fayette.............. Massillon........................... Cedar.................. Lime Spring....................... Howard......... Mauch Chunk.................... Mahaska............ Lincoln............................... Polk........ Maudville............ Butler............... Lincoln Center............... Grundy.............. Maxfileld......................... Bremer.............. *Lineville........................... Wayne............... Maynard............................. Fayette.............. Linton............................... Des Moines........ Mayville........................... Franklin.......... *Lisbon............................... Linn.................. Mead................................. Clinton............. Liscomb............................. Marshall............ *Mechanicsville....... Cedar.................. Listonville.......................... WVoodbury....... Mederville..................... Clayton.............. Little Cedar........................ Mitchell. M........ Mediapolis........ Des Moines........ Little Port......................... Clayton.............. Melleray............................ Dubuque............ Little River........................ Decatur.............. Melpine.............................. Muscatine......... *Little Sioux..................... Harrison............ Melrose....................... Grundy.............. Livingston........................ Appanaoose......... Memory.............Taylor............... L-ockridge............................ Jefferson............ Menoti................................ Buena Vista...... Locust Lane....................... Winneshiek...... Mentor..............................Bremer.............. Logan................................. Harrison............ Menzie................................ Frai klin............ Lone Tree........................... Johnson............. Meroa................................Mitchell.......... Long Creek................ Decatur.............. Merrill................................Plymouth......... Long Grove........'......... Scott.................. Merrimac........................... Jefferson............ Losh's Mills........................ Pottawattamie. Middleburgh......................Washington...... Lost Island........................ Palo Alto........... Middlefield........................]Buchanan......... jLost Nation....................... Clinton.............. Middle River..................... Madison............ ]ii)throp.............................. Warren.......... Middletown....................... Des Moines...... Lott's Creek....................... Humboldt...... Midland........................... Hardin..... *Louden....................... Cedar................. Mid Prairie........................ Louisa........... Louisville...................... Audubon........... Milan.................................. Lucas............... Loveland............................ Pottawattamie. Miles.................................. Jackson.......... Lovilia................................ Monroe.............. Milford............................... Dickinson........ Lowell.............................. -Henry................ Mill...................................... Fayette............. Low IMoore........................ Clinton............. Milledgeville..................... Appanoose........ Luana................................. Clayton...... Millersburg........................Iowa.................. Lucas................................. Lucas................. Miller's Creek....................Black Hawk...... Lucas Grove....................... Marion............... Millville......................... Clayton.............. Ludlow................................ Allamakee........ Milton................................. Van Buren....... Luni.W................................ Wright...... Minburn........................... Dallas................ *Luzerne............................. Benton.............. Minden............................... Pottawattamie. Lycurgus............................. Allamakee......... Mineral Ridge..................... Boone................. Lynnville.......................... Jasper................. Minerva.............................. Marshall........... *Lyons...................... li......Cinton.............. *Missouri Valley............... Harrison............ Lytle City.......................... Iowa............ *lvIitchell............................. Mitchell............ *Mitchellville.................... Polk........ *McGregor.......................C...... Modale............................... Harrison............ McKnight's Point.............. Humboldt.......... Moffitt's Grove........ G........ Guthrie............. McPaul................................ Fremont............ *Moingona........................... Boone................ Macedonia.........Pt............... Pottawattamie, Mona............................. Mitchell.......... Macksburgh........................ Madison........... Mondamin........................ Harrison........... Madora.............................. Warren.Monmouth..................... Jackson............ *Magnolia (c h).................. Harrison............ Monona.............................. Clayton............. *Malcom............................. Poweshiek........ *Monroe.............................. Jasper................ Mallory.............................. Shelby............ Monterey....................... Davis............... Malone.............................. Clinton............. Montezuma (c h)......... P(,weshiek......... *Malvern........................... Mills................. *Monticello........................ Jones...... *Manchester...................... Delaware........... *Montour........................... Tama..:.............. Manhattan.......................... Keokuk.............. *Montrose........................ Lee..................... Manson 1~~~~..........................i Calhoun........... Mooreville...... Tama....................... Mantena............................. Shelby............... Moorhead.......................... Monona............. Maple Grove....................... Madison............ Moravia............................... Appanoose....... Maple Landing.................. Monona............ Moriah............................... Iowa............... Mapleton............................. Monona............ Mormontown....... T............ Taylor............... *Maquoketa (c h)................ Jackson........ ~Morning Sun............ Louisa...... Marble Rock....................... Floyd........ Morse....................... John son..~.~ Marcus................................ Cherokee...... Moscow......................... Muscatine......... Marena.....R....................... Ringgold......... *Moulton.............. Appanoose.... *Marengo (c h)............... Iowa.................. *Mnunt Algor.................... Jackson............. Marietta.......................... Marshall.......... MountAuburn......,............. Benton.............. *Marion (c h)................... Linn........ Mount Ayr (c h)............ Ringgold.............'Marshall............................. Henry.............. Mount Carniel.................... Carroll................... *Marsballtown (c h)......... Marshall............ Mount Etna....................... Adams................ 446 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. TABLE XXII.- CONTINUED. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. Mount Joy......................... Scott.................. Oasis......................... Johnson............ Mount Pisgah......................Harriso. O'Brien................................O'Brien *Mount Pleasant c h),........lHenry................ Ocheyedan.......................... Osceola............... Mount Sterling.................Van Buren......... Oelwein................................ Fayette.............. MountValley................ Ogden....................... Boone................ *Mount Vernon................. Linn............... Ohio....................... iMadison............ Mount Zion........................ Van Buren......... Ola....................................Luc.s....... Moville................................ Woodbury.:...... Old Mission.......Wi............... nneshiek.. Muchachinock.................... Mahaska........... *Olin......................... Jones............ Munterville........................I Wapello...., Ol. Oliver.................................. Sac................ Murray Clarke.............. Clar Onawa City (e h)............... Monona.............. I*Muscatine (c h)i.................!Muscatine......... Onslow................................ Jones.............. Musquaka...........................'Iowa............... Ontario................... tory.......... Myron............................. Allamakee......... Oran................................ Fayette............. Orange................................ Clinton........... *Nashua.............................. Chickasaw......... *Orange City (c h).............. Sioux.............. Nashville............................ Jackson............. Orchard.............................. Mitchell....... National.................. Clayton.............. Orient.................................. Adair.................. Nautrill........................... Black Hawk...... Orleans................................ Appanoose........ Navan................................. Win neshiek...... Ormanville......................... i Wapello............. Neola................................... Pottawattamie., *Osage (c h..........M........ Mitchell........... *Nevada (e h)..................... Story.................. *Osceolo,c h)............... Clarke.......... Neviuville.......................... Adams............... Oslhkosh.............................. Sioux.................. New Alba........................... Winneshiek...... *Oskaloosa......................... Malaska............ New Albin......................... Allamakee......... *Ossian............................... Wtnne,-hiek...... New Bergen................... Emmet............... Otho.................................. Webster........... Newbern............................... Marion............... Otisville............................. Franklin............ New Boston........................ Lee..................... Otley.................................. Marion............... New Iuda........................... Decatur.............. Oto................................ Woodbury......... Newell................................ Buena Vista...... Otranto...........;....................Mitchell..... New Hampton (c h)........... Chickasaw......... Otter Creek...................... Jackson.............. New Harttord.................... Butler......... Otterville............ Buclianan.......... New Liberty....................... Scot.................. Ottuniw a,c h).W................ Wape!lo............. *New London..................... Henry................ *Oxford........................... Johnson.......... Newlon's Grove.................ICass............:....... Oxford Mills........................ Jones................. New Oregon........................I Howard.............. Oxford Junction................. Jones.................. Newport.............................. Johnson............ Ozark.........I......................... Jackson............. New Providence................ IHardin............... *New Sharon......................IMahaska........... Pacific City........... Mills.................. *Newton (c ii). Jasper. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Pacific Junction. Mills.......... *Newton (c i).....................[Jasper..,.... n..........[ Pui... Mills............. Newtonville.....................[Buchanan.......... Page City.................. ag................... New Vienna........................ Dubuque............ Palermo.............................. rundy.............. New Virginia.................... Warren.............. Palmer...........P...................... Polk.................... New York........................... Wayne......... f...... Palmyra.............................. Warren............. Nichol station.............M..... Muscatine. P.. i alo.........L..n......................... inn................. Nobleton............................ Polk.................... Palo Alto............................ Louisa................ Nodaway Mills................... Page.................... *Panora............................... Guthrie.............. Noebla................................ Kossuth...... Paralta....................... Linn................... Nora.................................... Humboldt 1.... Paris.................................... Linn.................. IN ora Springs....................... Floyd....... *.:IParkersburg........I........... Butler................ Nordyke............................. Dallas................ Park Grove........................ Humboldt.. North Branch..................... Guthrie............ Parma................................. Por;tawattamie.. North Buena Vista........... Clayton.............. Parrish.............................. Des Mioines........ North English.................... Iowa.............. Paton................................... Greene.............. Northfield....................... Des Moines........ Patriot...............................Decatur........... North Liberty................. Johnson.. Patterson........................... Madison.......... North McGregor...:............ Clayton.............. Paul.................................... Benton............... North River....................... Madison............ Pearl Rock.......................... Chickasaw......... Northvilte........................... Greene........ edee................................... Cedar................. North Washington............ Chickasaw......... *Pella........................ Marion........ *Northwood (e h)............... Worth................ Peoria................................. Manaska............ Nortonville....................... Clarke............... Peoria City......................... Polk................... Norwail............................ Warren............. Peosta.................. Dubuque............ Norwood........................... Lucas.................. PercivalFremnont............ Nugent's Grove.................. Linn.........P......... Perlee................................. Jefferson........... Numa................................. Appanoose.....Perry................... Dallas................. Per...............Madison............. Oak......................................Marion............Petersburg........................... Miawaredi so.......e. Oakfield............................... Audubon........... Peterson.............................Clay................ Oakland Mills.................... Aenry............ Piercevilleay............Van Buren......... Oakland Valley.................. Franklin.... Pilot Grov......................Lee.................. Oak Point........................Van Buren......... Pilot Mound...................... Boone........ Oak Spring.........................Davis.................. Pilot Rock............................Cherokee........... Oak Wood Station............ Polk...................[ Pine Mills...........................Muscatine........ 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 447 447 TAB13LE XXII.-CONTINUED. NAIMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. Pin Oak............................... Dubuque............ Rock Branch.................... Woodbury........ Pittsbur-gh.......................... Van Buren........ Rock Creek..................... Mitchell............ Plainfield............................ Bremer.............. Rock Dale.......................... Dubuque,......... Plain View....................... Scott.................. Rock Falls......................... Cerro Gordo... Platteville......................... Taylor............... Rockford............................. Floyd............ Pleasant Grove.................. Dea Moines........ Rock Rapids (c h)...... Lyon................. Pleasant Hill..................... Cedar................. Rtockville................... Delaware.......... Pleasanton.......................... Decatur.............. Rockwell.................... Cerro Gordo...... Pleasant Plain.................... Jeflerson............ Roland............................. Story................. Pleasant Prairie................. Muscatine......... Rolie (c h)........................... Pocahontas....... Pleasant Valley................. Scott................ Rome................................... Henry............... Pleasant View.................... Madison............. Rosbach.............................. Plymouth........... Pleasantville.................... Marion.............. Rose Grove........................ Hamilton........... Plum Hollow....... F........... Fremont............ Rose Mount........................ Warren.............. Plymouth....................... Cerro Gordo....... Rossville............................ Allamakee......... Plymouth Rock..............Winneshiek...... Round Grove.................... Scott............... Pocahontas Center............ Pocahontas........ Rousseau............................. Marion............... Point Pleasant.................... Hardin...............IRowley................................ Buchanan......... Polk City............................. Poik.................... Royal Ridge...S........... Sioux.......... Pomeroy........................... Calhoun.......... Rudd.................. Floyd............. Ponona.................................?lymouth........... Rural.................. Lin.................. Port Allen......................... Louisa.. Rusell........................... Lucas.................. Portland.............................. Cerro Gordo....... Rutland.............................. Humboldt......... Portlandville.................... Plymouth........... Port Louisa........................ Louisa................ *Sabula............Jackson........... Port Richmond.................. Wapello......... Sac City c h).......................Sac.......... *Postville........................... Allamakee......... SaInt Ansgar...................... Mitchell............. Prairieburg........................ Linn................... Saint Charles..................... Madison............ *Prairie City.......................Jasper............... Saint Clair.......................... onona............ Prairie Grove........... Clarke................ Sait Donatus............. Jackson.............. Prairie Hill........................ Boone.................Saint G(ilman..................... Osceolao......... Prescott.....................Adams............... Saintt Mary's................ Warren......... *Preston u................... Jackson.......... Saint Olaf.......................... Clayton........... Primi ose...........,............... Lee............. S....: aint Paul.......................... Lee............... *Princeton.........................Sctt...... Saint Sebald............ e...........Clayton............. Prim ghatr c h).................... O'Brien............... ale......Henry.......... Promise City..................... Wayne............... Salina............................,-Jefferson........... Pulaski..........Dvs...... Dai.Salix........... Woodbury..... Putnam..............................F ayette............. Sand Spring.................. Delaware........... Sandusky o.......................... Quasqueton.........................ucshaan..... Saratoga............... Howard......... Ha. m haltn......... Sohariat e....................................... Qaasqueonp..........................umod......... Howanbrd.....................I arn....... *Quincy........................... B a adams...............Sa n h........................EDavis mr........... r Polk.................... tedding..Ringold................... HamilCenteron.......... S arie................Fayette............. Sac. Redieldp............... Das...... Humboldt......... Scrantonberg...............Stto.... WG reene.............. *RedayO (.................... lack HawkMontgomery. Siearso rougla......................... MPow eshiekr..... Red.Rock........................... Clayon............ Scotch Grove...................... Jonest............... Reeddier's ills........................... Ringgold........ Scott Center........................ ayet............. Reed's Rid.............................. Alla......... Selma tion................. GreWayne............... Red Oinbeck. (.................... Mongomery...... Senecarsborough....................... Poweshiek......... Rie villed ock.......................... Maritchelon.............. Seaney...............................FaPlymouth........... Richfie lder's ills..................... Harrison............ Sergewiant.................... Decatur........ Rei d',,.............. Allamakee........ Selmae.t..E..h.................... Wayns n............. Reinbckh............................ Grundy.............. Seneca............................Kossuth.......... Ricaville.............................. Mit e.... Seney.................................. Plymouth.......... Richfield.......................... Fayette............. Sergeant Blnffs................... Woodbury... *Richland.................. KVneokuk........ Seventy-Eigh....t.............. Johnson............ Richmond....................... Washington...... *Seymvour..ry................'..Wayne.b.... Rihggo~dsvld e,............................... iggo...... Ripcka.dsvill G reene............ Sharon........................... Warren. Rising Sun.........................Polk................... Sheflleld........................................ Ridgedale.. Polak.......Sheeanklin. *Rietdgcway......... J Winneshiek...... Shelby................................. helby............... Riggs.................................. Clayton............. Shelbyville......................... oShelby........... Ringgold......................... Rieggold............ *Sheldon...................... O'Brien............ Rippey. Greene.........Shell Rock...............Bntler......... Rising Su. ok*Shellsburg..............Benton........ Riverdale.........ow.......a....... Io n................... Shenandoah............ P.......... Pa er.................. River Junction................. Johnson............ Sheridan........................Van Buren......... Riverside..........................Washington...... Sherman.......................... Poweshiek......... Riverton.......................... Fremont............Sherrill's Mount................. Dubuque........... Riverview........................ -. Lyon...................Shiloh.......................,.....Cedar.................. Robin................................ Benton............... Shoo Fly........................ Johnson............ Rochester...........................Cedar............... Shueyville........................... Jonnson............ Rock.................................... Cerro Gordo....... Siam.................................... Taylor................. 448 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. TABLE XXII.-CONTINUED. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. *Sibley (c h)..................... Osceola............... Taunton....................... W arren. *Sidney......................... Fremon t.. Taylor's Sation.............. P ottawatimie. *Sidney~~~~~~.Fremont Taylor's Statio'n. "."~"Pottawattamie. Sigel................................... Clayton............... Taylorsvil le........................ Fayette.............. *Sigourney.................... Keokuk.............. Teed's Grove...................... Clinton.............. Silver Creek.Ida..................... Terre Haute........................ Decatur.............. Silver Lake........................ Worth................. Thayer................................ Union................ *Sioux City (C h)........ Woodbury......... Thompson.......................... Audubon........... *.4ioux Rapids (C h).......... Buena Vista.... Ticonic............................... Monona............. Slagle................................ Keokuk.............. Tlffin................................... Johnson...... Sloan.................................. Woodbury......... Tilton..... i......... Poweshiek........ Smithland.......................... Woodbury......... Timber Creek [~~ ~.... Mai-shall............ Smyrna................ Clarke................. Tingley............................... Union................. Snow Hill........P....... Page.... -....... *Tipton (c h)....................... Cedar.................. Snyder............................... Dallas................. Tipton Grove..................... Hardin............... Soda Bar............................ Palo Alto........... Tivoli............................... Dubuque........... Soldier................ Monona.......... Toddville............................ Linn................... Soldier Valley.................... Harrison............ *Toledo (c h)....................... Ta................... *Solon................................. Johnson............ Toolsborough..................... Louisa................ South Amana................... Iowa.................. Toronto.............................. Clinton............. South English.........Keokuk........... Tower Hill.......................... Delaware........... South Flint........................ Des Moines..... *Traer................................. Tarma.................. *Spencer (c h)..................... Clay....................!Tranquility........................ Appanoose......... 5Spencer (C b).Cly. raqiltyApaooe Spencer Grove.................... Benton............... iTrent.............................. Polk.................... Sperry................................. Des Moines........:Trenton............................. Henry................ Spillvlle............................ W inneshiek...... Tremello............................ Clay.................... Spinneyvill e...................... Scott.................. Tripoli.............................. Bremer.............. *Spirit Lake (c h)............... Dickinson...... Troy................................. Davis................. Spragueville..................... Jackson.............. Troy Mills.......................... Linn................... Spring Brook.................. Jackson.............. Turkey' River.................... Clayton.............. Spring Creek................ Tama.................. Turner................................. Mills................... *Springdale........................ Cedar.................. Tuskeega............................ Decatur.............. Springlield.......................... Keokuk.............. Tuttle Grove....................... Guthrie............. Spring Grove..................... Linn.................. Twin Lakes......................... Calhoun............. Spring Hill...................... Warren........... Twin Oak........................... Louisa................ Spring Valley................... Decatur..............Tyrone.................. Monroe............... *Springville...................... Linn.................. Tyson's Mills..................... Webster............. Springwater....................... Winneshiek..... Staceyville........................ Mitchell............ Ulster.................................. Floyd................. Stanford............................. Marshall............ *Union................................ Hardin............... Stanton.............................. Montgomery..... Unionburgh........................ Harrison............ *Stanwood......................... Cedar.................. Union Center................. Jackson............. Stapleton.................. Chickasaw......... Union Grove.................... Page.................... Star............................. Marion............... Union Hill........................ inggold............ *State Center.................... Marshall............ Union Mills.................... Mahaska............ *Steamboat Rock.............. Hardin.............. Union Ridge...................... Butler................. Stelapolis........................... Iowa................... Uniontown........................ Delaware.......... Sterling............................... Jackson.............. Unionville.......................... Appanoose........ Stiles..................... Davis.................. Unity.......................... Johnson............ Stillwater........................... Mitchell.... Upper Grove................... Hancock............ Stockton............................. Muscatine......... Upton....................I............. Van Buren........ Stone City.......................... Jones.................. Urbana............................... Benton............... *Storm Lake...................... Buena Vista...... Urbana City...................... Monroe.............. Story City.........I.............. Story........... Utica.................................. Van Buren...... *Strawberry Point........ Clayton............. *Stuart............................... Guthrie.............. Vail................................ Crawford........... Sugar Creek Mills.............. Cedar.................. Valley..:............................. Washington..... Summers........................... Benton............... Valley Junction................ Polk................... Summ erset.................... W arren.............. Van Buren.......................... Jackson.............. LSumn~it....................... Clay.............. Vandalia........................... Jasper................ Summitville...................... Lee..................... *Van Meter...................... Dallas................ Sumner........................... Bremer.............. Vaughan..................... Fremont............ Sunny Side................. Black Hawk.,... Vega..................................... Jefferson............ Swanton............................. Butler................. Vernon................................ Van Buren........ Swea.................................. Kossuth............ Verona................................ Poweshiek........ Swede Point....................... Boone................ *'Victor................................ Poweshiek........ Swedesburgh................... Henry............. Viele................................... Lee.................... Sweetland Center.............. Muscatine......... Vienna................................ Marshall............ Village Creek..................... Allamakee......... *Tabor................ Fremont.' V.......... *illisca............................. Montgomery..... Tallahoma............. Lucas................ Vincennes......................... Lee...................... Talleyrand......................... Keokuk.............. Vineyard............................ Tama.................. *Tama City....................... Tama.................. Vino.................................... Adair.................. Tara.................................... W ebster............ *Vinton (c h)..................... Benton............... Tarkio................................. Page.................. Viola................................... Linn.................. 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 449 TABLE XXII.-CONTINUED. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. NAMES OF POST-OFFICES. COUNTIES. Viona............................ Humboldt......... *West Mitchell................. Mitchell............ Viroqua.............................!Jones............. Weston................................ Pottawattamie.. Volga City........................... Clayton.............. West Pilot............... I.......Iowa.... Volney.............................. Allamakee........ *West Point....................... Lee... Von...................................... Humboldt......... West Prairie..........n.... Lirn.................. Westside........................... Crawford............ Wacousta......................... Humboldt......... West Troy......................... Iowa................... Wadaloup.......................... Grundy...... W...... *West Union (c h).............. Fayette............... Wagner.............................. Clayton............. Wever............................. Lee.................... Walden......... Keokuk............. What Cheer........................ Keokuk............. WValker.............................. Linn.................. *Wheatland........................ Clinton.............. Walkerville........................ Page............ W heeler's Grove............... Pottawattamie.. Wallace.. Montgomery.. Wheeling........................... Marion.......... Walnut City..................... Appanoose......... White Ash.................... Washington...... Walnut Creek Station...... Pottawattamie.. White Breast.................... Lucas.................. Waltham............................ Tama.............. White Cloud....................... Mills.................. *Wapello (c h)................... Louisa......... White Oak....................... Mahaska......... Wardena........................ Fayette............ White Pigeon..................... Keokuk.............. Ward's Corners................. Buchanan.......... Whiting.................... Monona.............. Warren.................. Lee..................... Whitneyville..................... Cass.................... Wars~aw............................. Wayne............ Williams....H.................... Hamilton.......... *Washington (c h)........... Washin'gton...... Williamstown.................... Chickasaw......... Washington Prairie........W in neshiek...... Willida............................. Lyon.................. Washta,............................ Cherokee........... Willitts........................... Van Buren......... Wasson ville...................... Washington...... Willoughby...................... Butler................ *Waterloo (c h)................... Black Hawk...... Willow Creek.................. Clay.................... Waterman......................... Wright............... Willow Dale....................... Ida.............. Watertown...................... Floyd.,........ illowGrove tory.................. Waterville......................... Allamakee........ Wilson............................ Montgomery..... Watkins............................. Benton............ Willsonville................... Van Buren......... W atkyn's Glen................. Clinton.............. *Wilton Junction.............. Muscatine......... Watson............................... Allamakee........ Winchester.................. Van Buren......... Waubeck................ Linn.................. Windham.......................... Johnson............ Waucoma........................... Fayette............. Windsor............................. Fayette.............. Waukee.............................. Dallas................. Windfield........................... Henry................ *Waukon (c h)...........k........ llamakee........ WVinona....................... Henry.................. Waupaton....................... Dubuque............ *Winterset (c h).................. Madison........ *Waverly (c h).................... Bremer.......... W inthrop.......................... Buchanan.......... Waveland........................... Pottawattam ie.. Wiota........................., Cass.................... ZWayne............................ Henry................ Volcott........................ Scott. Webster................. Keokuk........... Wolf Dale........................... Woodbury......... *Webster City (c h)............ Hamilton.......... Woodbine........................... Harrison............ Weller.............................. Monroe............. W oodburn......................... Clarke............... Wells................................... Madison...... Woodville........................... W inneshiek...... We llsburgh........... Page.....W............ W oolstock................. Wright.............. Wells' Mills........................ Appanoose........ W ooster............................. Jefferson......... W elton.............................. Clint in............. Worthington..................... Dubuque............ W entworth........................ Mitchell............ *'Wyoming.......................... Jones.................. Wesley Station.................. K(ssuth.......... West Albany..................... Fayette........ Xenia.................................. Dallas................ West Bend......................... Palo Alto....... *West Branch.................... Cedar.................. Yatton....... Washington..... West Chester..................... Washington..;... Yazoo........................ Harrison............ West Dayton..................... Webster.......... York.................................... Delaware..... W estern College............... Linn.................. York Center............... Iowa............. Westerville........................ Decatur.............. West Grove................ Davis............... Zero.................................... Lucas.................. West Irving............... Tama................. Zwingle....;........................ Jackson............ *West Liberty................... Muscatine......... 57 COUNTY GOVEIINMEINTU. A Table Showing the XaNmes of the County Auditors, Clerks of the District and Circuit Courts, Treasurers, Recorders, and Sheriffs, with the County Seats of the several Counties, for the Year 1876; Also the Number of the Senatorial and Representative Districts in which each County is Located. CLERKS OF DISTRICT' COUNTIES. COUNTY SEATS. AUDITORS. AND CIRCUIT TREASURERS. RECORDERS. SHERIFFS. Mt COURTS. 0=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A~~~~~~~~~~~~~CI 17 21 A dair............... Greenfleld......... William B. Martin... I Jno. J. Hetherington L. J. Gray.............. R. Brown............. C. B Hunt.................. 17 20 Adams.............. Corning Walter E. McDufflee.. James Widner........... Westley Homan...... Jonas P. Cupp............ John W. Larimer..... 41 60 Allamakee........ Waukon.............. Wm. C. Thcmpson... H. O. Dayton.......... John Ryan.............. David W. Reed......... George Hewit........... 4' 9 Appanoose........ Centerville........ John B. Maring......... e alter S Johnson... William Evans.........John B. Wright B...... BF. Silknetler........ 49 21 A udubon......... Exira.................. Thomas Walker........ A.Lorenz zuCampbell Wm. F. Stotts........... John S. Ioft................ Joseph L. Stotts........ 33 51 Benton.......... Vinton............... Edward M. Evans.. Horace E. Warner.n.... Othniel Horne......... James W. Smock....... Peter S. mith........ 44 50 Black Hawk..... Waterloo............ Daniel W. Foote...... John C. Gates............ David B. Washburn.. Chesler B. Stillson... George W. Hayzlett. 45 44IBoone............... Boonsboro......... John A. Head......... Phil. Livingston...... John W. Snell........... John F. Bratt........... S. N. Canfield............ 48 62 Bremer............ Waverly............ Herman Rust. Aaron H. McCracken George Morehouse... Harmon S. Munger.. Lewis S. Hanchett... 37 52 Buchanan....... Independence... D A. McLeish.......... ID. L. Smith............... James A. Poor........... John Hollett.............. W. S. Van Osdal........ 47 71 Buena Vista..... Sioux Rnpids..... W. Byron Fariar...... Edgar E. Mack......... John W. Ayres......... Talmadge W. Lee..... Ed. E. Evans.............. 43 67 Butler............... Butler Center..... Rufus L. Chase. Wm. H. Budick......Edwa d S. Thomas... Elwood Wilson.. John R. Jones........... 47142 Calhoun............Lake City........... A. N. Jack......... H. Hutchinson... T. P. Gregg................. S. T. Hutchinson...... L. 11. Chase.... 49 42 Carroll.............. Carroll............... E. M. Betzer...............William Lynch Jr... P. M. Guthrie............]H. E. Russell............ Louis Bechler............ 17'21 Cass................. Atlantic. Win........ Wm. Gardner........H...I. E. Bacon.............. John T. Gerb nck..... Frank Aylesworth... J. S. Pressnale........... 24 32 Cedar............... Tipton................ Mareau Carroll....... Wm. H. Van Ness..... Samuel Wampler.....I Charles W. IHawley... lArthur B. Maynard.. 46 68 Cerro Gordo...... M ason City......... Henry H. Shepard...M. B. Schermnerhorn James Rule............. Owen T. Denison.....H. H. Schell............... 50 41 Cherokee......... Cherokee............ William B. Chick Oscar Chase............... M. Baumgardner...... John E. Davis..........Leon Moore.............. 48 63 Chickasaw...... INew Hampton... Lee Chapman..........John M. Gillilaud..... John Foley............... Charles A. Harris..... I Rcdolph 0. Sheldon. P 6 13 Clarke......... Osceola....... Philip L. Fowler. John H. Jamison....Jacob M. Linder........ A. C. John son............ IJoseph N. Ballou...... 47 721 Clay.................. ISpencer...............L. M. Pemberton......Ackley Hubbrd...... Marion E. Griffin......A. H. Cheney............ John E. Francis...... .39 58 Clayton-...Elkader...Martin Garber...arvin Cook.... Henry Kellner............lRobert L. Freeman...,Willard A. Benton.... 233Wlntn Cit...W. B. Leffingwell...... Edwin B. Lucas......... Da niel Correll.......... Michael Purcell......... 49 41 Crawford. Denison......A. D. Molony.............. L. Cornwell............... J. B. Poitevin........... A. C. Smith............... 16 38Dallas. Adel.Z.......W.... A. C. Hotchkiss.........Jesse Macy............. J. H. Mattox..............S J Ellis 83 7Davis.......Bloomfiid. Josph W Clayt.Abo.Hill....... Jol, n M. Sloane......... Win. Votaw...............John Mc'Kibben... ~~~~~~~7 1t~2: Decatur Le. Wn........... Jackson Abel E. Chase Francis Varga............ Win. J. Sullivan........ Albert Dilsaver......... 36 571)elaware. Delhi.Jeremiah B. Boggs...Jerme B. Satterlee.. Joseph M. Holbrook Henry C. Jackson..... John W. Corbin......... 10 2Des Moines........Burlington~..........Turton J. Copp... G. FosterAug. C. Hutchinson.. Fisher Morrison........ Win. Schaffher.......... 47 72 Dickinson. Spirit Lake.hSamuel S. Pillsbury h..h..... Albert W. Osborne... Albert A. Mosher......Albert L. Sawyer...... 35 56Dubuque...........Dubuque......gFrank McLauhlin...Patrick J. Quiley V. J. Williams........... Warren Lewis........... Peter Ferring............ ler........ -. Ballard............ Jesse Coverdale......... Knut Espeset........... 47 71 Emmet........Esthervill e......H, W. Halverson. John. M.Barker.....E. H. Ballard........Jesse oedl. ntEpst ~~~~~~40 59i~~ Fayette.~~~~~~~.. West Union......... Wh. F. Y. Mhitmore........ R. W. McFarland..... J. J. Welsh................. 43 66Floyd Charles City. Joseph S. Trig. Harvey Kellogg......... Eli Brownell.............Jacob Baler...............James M. Miner. aylor................ Abel N. Minor....... 46 68'Franklin........... Hampton.......John M. Wai...Thomas B. Taylor....Rufus S Benson......Guy C. Hayes. Abl...inr 8 17 Fremont. Sidney. Amos P. Stafford. H. Russell Laird........Aden D. King........... John B. Gray.......... Win. Weber Morgan 49 42 Greene. Jefferson. George G. Lawrence. James F. Anderson. Samuel Jay................ James W. Fitz......... John Ayers................ 83~~~~~4 48 ~Grundy Grundy..........Gn Center.. W........... E. IHI. Beckman... S. ea Raymond....... Levi Dily.................. ~49 39 ~Guthrie...............Gnuthrie Center.. Henry..Elijah J. Reynolds.. James H. RogersJaM.......... 1jocMillan........... C< c1 29 70 Hamilton. Wehster City..Charles Wickwares.... Albert A. Wicks..John Eckstein.......... John V Kearns.........Fred. A. Harris.......... 4669 Hancock. Concord. JohnChristie, J.C. l.e.. L. B. Baile y............. H. M. Bradsteet..............A. R. Barnes.............. ~~~~~~~~~~~29 46 l~~~~Hardin ~................... Elias auser............ ob Stout..............M. Boyd................... 50 40 Harrison. Magnolia........Wmn. H. Eaton......Henry W. Gleason... Isaac P.-Hill.........J. Cutter Millim~an... J. B. MoArthur...... 11 31 Henry....... Mt Pleasant.....Robert M. Lehen....John N. Allen.......Addison Roads...... Horton J. Howard.... Win. T. Spearman... 48 64i1Howard........Cresco..........Jeremiah Barker.... ijalvin F. Webster....Frank Kyte.........Win. H. Patterson.... Sam.l S. ~1 hompson C.. 46 70 Humboldt.....Dakota City.....Harlan Miner.......Wm. Thompson.....Ira L. Welch........S. K. Winne........A. B. W es-zt........: 47 341 Iowa........... Idarego Mat...... M. Graylr. Is......Aac.Ehlmn...... a. FanBumrns.M.........Lanferord Evn. Ed....... H. Burtns........ 80 55 Jackson........ Maquoketa......Allen J. House......John S. Ray.........John Donnelly.....John Griffin.........John 0. Bard....... 27 36 Jasper.........Newton.........Geo. R. Ledyard.....W. H. McCully.......Geo. T. Anderson....W. H. BHough.......J. H. Bollinger...... 12 4 Jefferson.......Fairfield........Sanford M. Boling.. Marshall S. Crawford Louis P. Vance.......Jno. A. Montgomery James M. Haughes... 25 33. Johnson.......Iowa City.......Aaron J. Hershire....Jacob C. Switzer.....Loveil Swisher......Geo. W. Hand.......Mathew Cavanagh.... 31 54 Jones....... A... namcsa........Robert Dott.........Benj. H. White.....Thos. E. Patterson... Ralph L. Diner...... Perry 0. Babcock.... 14 26 Keokuk.......Sigourney.......John Morrison......Minor Wiebhtman....Louis Hollingsworth John M. Jones......A. Stranahan... 46 69 Kossuth.........Algona..........Victor H-. Slough....John Wallace.......M. D. Blanchard.....H. M. H11orton.......John M. Pinkerton.. 1 ilLee. Fort Madison....Jacob C. Blackburn.. Win. P. Staub..... Herman Welsing....Henry Bank, Jr......George T. Higgins... 32 531Lihnn..........Marion.........Samutel. Daniels......John L. Crawford..... Stephen T. Berry.....Charles E. Putnam... George D. Gillilan... 15 28; Louisa.........Wapello,........James B. Gibbone y... John Huff..........Whitney S. Kremer.. N. W. M'Kay.........Albert Ellis........ 6 10 Lucas..........Chariton. I....... Lee Brown........N, B. Gardner.......James B. Custer.....J. B Smith.........George F. Holmes... 16,22 Madison.......Winterset.......C. C. Goodale....................M. A. Knight........J. W. Graham.......D. G. Ratliff........ COUNTY GOVRMENT.-CoNTINUED. t CLERKS OF DISTRICT ~ COUNTIES. I SEATS. AUDITORS.~ AND CIRCUIT TREASIJRERS. RECORDERS. SHERIFFS. S. -~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~COURTS. ~~~~18 25'~Mahaska ~....... Oskaloosa.Te............ H. R. Kendig............ Wm. R. Cowan..........TJas. E. Hetherington J 19 24 Marion. Knoxville. C. H. Robinson. Allen Hamrick.........]Richard M. Faris.....Peter K. Bonebrake Lucien W. Crozier... 34 47 Marshall.......lfeN rech....Ed R ones........aHenry A. Gerhar t..... N. C. Messenger........George S. Hickox...... ~~~9 18 Mills..........Glenwood.....Jason M.P................ Marshal M. Angell... J. L. Tryon.................James S. Hendrie.... 43 65 Mitchell..Osage..John R. Prime.. Me White...... E. P. Shepherd.......... Edwin L. Sawyer......L. D. Piper................ 50 41 Monona.....Onawa...John K. MomCaskey..... W. R. Hanscom..G. H. Bryant............. M. W. Bacon............. James Walker........... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1i5 8 Monroe................ H. H.ickenlooper...... James R. Castle......... I James M. Robb......... 8~20 Montgomery.... Red Oak Junct'n Henry Howard.... Henry H. Palmer.Thos. C. Lundy. W. B. Kenned Hiram G McMillan 21 29 Muscatine.....I.Muscatine.......R. H. MCCampbell... John H. Munroe......Jos. Morrison.......W. M. Kenedy......Robt. C. Jewett..... 50 72 O'Brien........Primghar.......Geo. W. Schee.......Alonzo H. Willetts... Stephen Harris......Andrew J Brock....Edward A. Nissen - 50 72i Osceola........Sibiey.........W. W. Moore.......J. F. Glover.........Levi Shell..........D. L. McCausland....John H. Douglass...: 8 16 Page........ Clarinda........Win. M. Alexander.. Joseph E. Hl. Henry Loranz.......Jas. L. Brown.......Isaac Damewood.... 47 71 Palo Alto.... mmetsburg... Benjamin Franklin. Thos. J. Prouty.......Michael L. Brown....Jeremiah L. Martin. James E. King....... 50 73 Plymouth......LeMars......... Gustave Haerling....E. E. Blake.........John Herron........Melancthon Hilbert James Hopkins. 47 71 Pocahontas....Rolfe..........A. 0. Garlock.......J. W. Wallace.......W. D. McEwen......Andrew Jackson....Jos. Brietenbach..... 28 37 Polk..........Des Moines......George C. Baker.....John H. McClellan.'-. William Lowry......James C. Read......George Lendrum.... 9 19 Pottawattamnie Couacil Bluffs... John Bennett........Reuben T. Bryant....Thomas Bowman....M. Flamant.........A. L. Kahle.... 88 35 Poweshiek.Montezuma.....H. B. Muscott.......J. W. Carr..........Thos. Rainsburg.....S. S. Snider.........J. W. Farmer..... 47I42 Sac............Sac City........Wm. Chapin........John F. Moody......Win. H. Hobbs......N. B. Flack.........Christopher Waddle 22380 Scott..........Davenport......James Dooley.......Win. H. Ga~bbert....Matthias J. Rohlfs.. Joseph A. LeClaire... Harvey Leonard.... 49'21hly. alnW. Wyland.........Geo. D. Ross........Thos. McDonald.....A. F. Holcomb.......John L. Long.... 50 73I Sioux..........Orange City.....John E. Wyatt.......Jelle Pelmulder..... Anto-nieJ. Betten, Jr Francis Lecocq......Thos. H. Dunhami~..-.. 45 451IStory..........Nevada.........John R. I-ays.......J. A. Fitchpatrick... Jay A. King.........Ole K. Hill..........J. F. Gillespie...... 0 38 49 Tama..........Toledo.........Jos. A. Bowelle......Chancy J. Stevens.... Leonard B. Bliann....IJohn B. M. Bishop.... Robt. E. Austin..... 7 1 15 lo.Taylor'...BefBedford......W...TEan Evans.....H.. HH.yloTaylor......Alexoh.John.......E.E..G edfMedford.....J.T 17 14 Uni o n.................. F. M. Em erson......E. J. Emmons...........A. Skinner........ B. F. Marts................ F. M. chey............. 2 5 Van Buren........ Keosauqua........ Bernard F. Rehkopf. Russell Johnston...... Robert L. Clarke.... Daniel K. Kittle. John W. Shane. 13 6 Wapello............ Ottumwa.......... M. B. Myers............... Leonidas M. Godley. Wm. H. H. Asbury.. Wade Kirkpatrick.... Thos. P. Spillman..... 20 23 Warren.............. Indianola.......... Joseph L. Wilson...... J. E. Lucas................. W. H. Anderson...... Miles W. Judkins...... Joseph T. Meek........ 15 27 Washington..... Washington...... D. J. Palmer.............. J. A. Cunningham.... Robert Fisher..T. S. Rowan........Abram Bunker. 5 11 Wayne..............Corydon..............James A. Harper...... George Albertson...... Jacob Brown............ Clark G. Nelson........ William Robb....:: 47 43 Webster............ Fort Dodge........ John B. Scott............ Moses H. Bliss........... J. Hutchison............. Jared Fuller.............. Peter W. Chantland 46 69 Winnebago....... Forest City........ Eugene Secor............ O. T. Severs...............Robert Clark............. E. L. Stilson.............. P eter Lewis............. 42 61 Winneshiek.. Decora............ Florenzo G. Hale...... Brownell.. Edwin Klove............Charles Steen............ Jacob H. Womeldorf. bO 73 Woodbury......... Sioux City.........D. W. Moffat..............E. B. Spalding........... Charles Kent............ Wm. I. Hepburn...... John M. McDonald... 46 69 Worth-.............. Northwood......... O. D. Eno.................. L. L. Carter............... S0. O. Peterson............ S. O. Peterson........... George F. Mattson.... 6 70 Wright.............. Clarion.............. Nicholas F. Weber... Lemuel P. Davis....... Joseph HI. Rowen...... Edward Hartsock.... Nicholas Malvin...... CI C12 Q Z COUNTY GOVERNMENT.-CONTTNUED. Table showing the names of the Superintendents of -Common Schools, County Surveyors, Coroners and Members Boards of Supervisors. SUPERINTENDENT MEMBERS BOARDS OF MEMBERS BOARDS OF MEMBERS BOARDS OF COUNTIES. OF COMMON SCHOOLS. COUTYSURVEYORS. CORSUPERVISORS, SUPERVISORS. SUPERVISORS. Adair.................. M. W. Hayer............. WJ A Pryor............... A. G. Carmicha el...... J.T. Graha m......I......J. W. Hastings........... George A. Davis..... Adams............... Wm. W. Roberts...... iWm. E. Dougherty... John P. Hanna......... J. S. Martin...............J. L. Adkins............. Jesse Orme............... Allamakee......... John W. Hinchon..... James McAnaney..... James Farrell............. Henry Bensch........... H. S. Cooper............ Robert Crawford...... Appanoose......... J. W. Carey.............. 1) N. Minor............... Miles A. Holshouser Joseph B. Gedney.... Robert K. Johnson... Winm. S. Llewellyn.... Audubon........... Benj. F. Thacker........ Rolert T. Smart....... Frank P. Bradley..... Isaac Thomas........... John Noon............ Thomas A. Miller..... Benton............... Miss S. Blackberry... James A. Brown...... Moses Denman......... Isaac N. Chenoweth Nelson Hawley......... Hyrcanus Guinn...... Black Hawk..... James S. George........ Edwin Rodenberger. Walter O. Richards.. Caleb May............... J. C. Burroham........... H. W. Jenney............. Boone................. Thomas A. Cutler.....I. A. Worcester....... Wm. D. Templin...... John Smyth............... D. F. Goodykunts.... I. N. Baynels............ Bremer............... Henry H.Burrington Henry S. Moore.... Horace Nichols......... Sidney H, Curtis...... Marvin Potter............ Albert L. Stevenson t Buchanan.......... W. E. Parker............. J. L. Seeley................ H. Hunt.............. H. Bryant.................. Samuel Miller........... Wm. Bunce.............. Buena Vista...... James D. Adams....... Samual W. Hobbs... Thomas Whitley...... Lewis T. Swezey......:Stephen Olney, Sr..... Edwin C. Cowles....... Butler................ John W. Stewart...... John G. Rockwelll.... Charles Murray....... Alex. Chrystie............ G. Hazlet.................. Calhoun............. Mrs.C.E.O.Donaghue IH. J. Griswold........... T. E. Hosman.......,......Byron Ellis......... E. S Clow.................. Love..................... Carroll......... C. I. Hinman......L..... McCurdy................ D. Wayne................eo. P. Weterill......D. J. McDougall......... L. Wolfe................ r Cass..................... Hiram A. Disbrow... Samuel Harlan......... David H. Stafford...... E. E. Herbert........... E. E. Huse................. E. J. Shields............. Cedar.................. Eunice E. Frink....... Martin G. Miller...... Lorenzo L. Sweet......I-erman G. Coe......... Chsrles P. Sheldon... Orlando H. Helmer... Cerro Gordo...... Ira C. Kling............... C. F. Vincent............ D. B. Mason..............Thomas Perrett........ George L. Herrick..... C. B. Leabury......... Cherokee............ Rodney L. Robie...... Joel H. Davenport... Watson Pelton......... Geo. W. Lebourveau David J. Hayes......... Hiram J. McManus... Chickasaw........Wm. D. Collins......... Wm. m.. Geeting....... Ira K. Gardner........... E. R. Dickinson......E. C. Abbott............. Thomas Kenyon...... Clarke................. Henry A. Tallman... James Elliott............ James Bonar.............. John McDonough.... John Stephenson...... WIm. T. Mathews..... Clay..... James F. Thompson.. Emmet Brown......... Joseph-C. Hoxsie...... Michael Ueriell......... Wm. Thomas........... Isaac Otis. Clayton..........J....Josiah E. Chase......... A. W. Drake............... Jacob Rood Wm. Harvey............. Cyrus H. Wait........... A. F. McConnell........ Clinton...... Kate Hudson............. Allen Slack......... Lyman P. Adams...... Wm. Lake............ |Henry Nure............. Arthur Lillie............. Crawford............ N. F. Smith........... George W. Heston... Dr. Win. Iseminger.. Robert Hope.............. Robert Bell........... J. D. Jones............... Dallas................. Amos Dilly........... A. A. Nolan................ Wesley Wright.........L em Warford............ J. C. Gooodson...... L. D. Burn............... Davis.................. Israel F. Jenkins...... Thomas Duffield........ John M. Duflield...... Jesse P. Fortune....... Henry N. Cramer..... David J. McConnell. Decatur.............J. C. Roberts.............o. W. Peck............... J. A. Snyder.............. G. W. Rudibaugh...... G. W. Shoenzaer......................................... Delaware........... Robert M. Ewart...... Oren E. Noble.........WinWm. H. Finley......... Jesse B. Bailey.......... Ferdinand Dunham.. Henry C. Merriem.... Des Moines........ Enoch S. Burrns......John Nau............... Fabian 3rydolf......... George Robertson.... Dennis Melchior................... Dickinson.......... Hunter C. Crary...... Emmet F. Hill..........Isaac mes............... W. A. Richards......... J. R. Upton.Andrew D. Foster.............. Dubuque...... Nicholas W. Boyes... Mathew Tschergi, Jr. Charles C. Coakley... Winm Coates...............ark Sullivan........... Jacob Kessler............ Emmet............... Frank Davey............ John M. Barker.. E. B. Campbell.........Mathew Richmond.. Welcome Barber...... Bryngle Kundson..... Fayette.. G.A. Mathews......... F. S. Palmer.............. L. Armstrong............. F. Snedigar.............. P. L. Champin......... H. Hoagland.............. cA Floyd................. Helen R. Duncan..... Horace Stearns......... John Kellogg............ W. B. Tonner............ L. H. Waterbury.....A. G. Merrill............ Franklin............ Orrilla M. Reeve....... L. B. Raymond......... (). B. Harriman......... David W. Elliott...... Lorenzo D. Lane......David Church. Fremont............Thos. J. Brant John Wilson............. Cyrus McCrackin...... Wm. Blair.................Moses Samuels Hugh Gammon......... Greene...............David Heagle.......... Nathan P. Stilson.....William Allinson...... C. B. Park................. Rensalaer Allen....... Richard E. Witt........ Grundy..............G. Riley Stoddard..... E. A. Crary................ W. P. Penfield........... L. D. Tracy...............Henry Johns............ Joseph Huse.............. Guthrie............ G iles C. Miller..........Arthem's'Clowan John Boblett.............. William Andirson.......................................................................... Hamilton........... Benjamin S. Baker... Myron L. Tracy.......... Joseph N. Medberry H. Corbin................. John W. Lee..............Edmund Crabtree...... Hancock............ A. R. Barnes............. W. C. Moak............... Z. C. Greene............... G. R. Maben............. J. H Melins............... John Burnside......... Hardin...............L. S. McCoy.............. Geo. M. Hunt............ M. J. Upright............. S R. Edgington........ J S. Hadley......... M.J. Dav s............... Harrison........... Samuel G. Rogers.....George Madison....... Geo. H. McGavrun.... A. S. Chase........ H. B. Cox............. H. V. Armstron Henry............... Samuel L. Howe.....John A. Schreiner..... Joseph B. Vernon...... George Hammond.... Wm. R. Crew............ George H. Spaher..... Howard.............Osmond N. Hoyt.......Laban Hussett......... James McCollum...... Thomas Griffin......... James Oakley........... Alonzo G. Hubbard.. Humboldt....... L. J. Anderson......... T. E. Collins............... W. M. D. Van Velsor George R. Hartwell.. 0O. F. Avery.............. A. H. Knowles........... Ida................... Thad S. Snell.............0. C. Thompson........M. M.P. Baldwin........... H. D. Squyer............George Henry........... John S. Kittle........... Iowa.................George Ingram.. A. Hickman.............. I.M. Lyon................ R. Grimes................ A.Cover..................... C. A. Schonborn........ Jackson..... Norman C. White..... Alex. C. Simpson.... James W. Eckles...... James Dunn.............. George H. Trumbull Daniel F. Farr........... C Jasper...... Wm. G. Work............ W. I,. Le Fever......... E. W.Mitchell............ G. Romans........... Jesse Slavers............ C. N. Doune C Jefferson............ McHenryRobinson.. Isaac H. Crumley..... Thos. D. Evans........ J. H. Allender........... Thomas Pollock........ Henry B Mitchell.. Johnson............ James M. Curry........ Henry N. Berry........ Henry Murray.......... George WV. Nelson..... John A. Stevenson.... Thomas Combe........ Jones... 0. E..Aldrich.......... Orson Burlingame... Geo. W. Birdsall....... Joseph Cool................ W. J. Brainard.........G. G. Baughart......... Keokuk........ H. D. Todd.......... N. Warrington.......... James McConnell..... Ge o. W. Morgan........ Levi Bower......... Win. Jackson.............. Kossu th......... |A. A. Bron son............ C. B. Hutchins.......... Henry C. McCoy....... Marcellus Taylor...... D. Rice.................. Philip Dorweiler...... Lee..... William J. Meades... Richard H. Heath..... William Stot's, Sr.....William Davis........... Elias Overton........... A. L. Conable............. Linn..'. Eli Johnston........... James E. Lyman...... Alexand'r Laurance Joseph Whitney......Daniel Travis........... James Yuill............. Louisa................ James A. Kennedy.... John M. Huston........ Frank Tustison......... lRobert T. Newell...... Cyril Carpenter........ Edson F. Smith........ Lucas................ Andrew Day............. F. C. Fearing............. H. S. Millan................ Stephen Julian.........John lurr y............Hugh Larimer........... Lyon.. O. A. Cheney............ La F. Knight............ S. B. Willard............. W. M. Lee.................. J.W, Monk......... John Albertson........ Madison........... H.W. Hardy.............. t. A. Patterson......... A. Hood...................... W. H.Lewis.............. Milton Wilson.......... S.M. Creger.............. Mahaska............ T. W. Johnson......... Samuel Thompson... J. M. Byers............. W. F. Schee.........W......Win. Stewart........... Samuel Knowlton...... Marion.............Aaron Yetter............Nathan J. Watkins.. Thos. G. Carr.............Daniel Sherwood...... Hamilton D. Lucas. Alonzo A. Welcher.. Marshall............ Abbie Gifford............ William Bremner.... L. E. Holt.................. William H. Steward Ed, P. Thompson...... John G. Brown......... Mills................... Frank E. Stephens... Gustave Seegar......... Samuel F. Brothers.. JohnBarbour............ Horace A. Norton...... Francis J. Taylor...... Mitchell............. Geo. D. Pattengill..... EugeneHuntington. R. F. Judd.................. George Brown...........C. Carpenter..S...... S. W Hastings......... Monona.............. C. N. Lyman............. J. B. P. Day............... D avi d Handel...........N. B Olson............... G e orge M. Scott........ H. E. Colby............... M onroe......... J. M. Porter........... T. R. Cole................... Casper Dull............... Joseph Nichol........................................................... Montgomery......W rn. P. Pattison...... B. J. Austin............. Charles M. Mills........ Winchell Stafford...... Frank G............ Samuel Ewing........... Muscatine......... R. W. Leverich..... Mathewson. John K. Scott............J. L. Graham.............. James E. Robb......... Thomas Birkett.........I o h A. M ahwo.[h.Sot...... O'Brien............... Israel B. Chrysler..... John T. Stearnes...... George F. Colcord...... Warren Walker......... William E. Welch.... Horace E. Hoagland $1 Osceola............... C. L. Gurney.............. H. G. Doolittle......... Win. R. Lawrence...... D. L. Riley........................................................................................ a COUNTY GOVERNMENT.-CONTINUED. SUPERINTENDENTS MEMBERS BOARDS OF MEMBERS BOARDS OF MEMBERS BOARDS OF COUNTIES. OF COMMON SCHOOLS. COUNTY SUR TEYORS. CORONERS. SUPERVISORS. SUPERVISORS. SUPERVISORS. Page.... Elijah Miller............. Leavorit A. Russell.. Thomas Evans........John X. Griffith........ GeorgeMcCullough.. Samel Gorman....... Palo Alto..John C. Bennett........ LeRoy Grout............ Thos. E. McMirtrie.. Charles Gibbs........... R. M. J. McFarland M.. M Ryan. Plymouth..Floyd B. Sibley.........J. B. Wynn................ Paul Stockfeld.......... Wrm. Barrett............... E. H. Shaw................ Le... Pocahontas...Claak.................. Wm. Marshall........... J. H. Johnson........... B. McCartan............... Wm. Stenson................. ~~Polk.....Robert S. Hfugles.... Frank Pelton............Isaac W. Griffith...... Nat Parmenter......... T. T. Morris................. Christy. Pottawattamie.. F. C. Childs.............. J. F. Brodbeck........... M. T. Palmer............. Wooster Fay..............R. L. Douglass.......... Kirkwoo. Poweshiek..W. R. Akers............... Jno. A. Griffith.......... B. Johnson.......... Thomas Morgan........Henry Sherman........ Sa r J. Ringgold. W. J. Work..E. B. Heaton........... Win. Millsaps............ James A. Millen......Win. H. Barns........... I. Keller. Sac..... John Dobson............. Wilfield S. Williams A. T. Brenton............N. Prentice............... S. E. Gordin.. Phil. Shaller............ SotCs. H. Clermmer..... Thos. Murray............Dr. W. W. Grant...... George Murray.........Julius Laughlin........Joh ~Shelb.. Aaon N. Buckman... Philetus C. Truman................... ore............. John Fritz..................... Sioux.....Simon Knyper.......... Henry Hazlett...........J. O. Beals.................. Henry Hospers Daniel. Gardner... Marquis D Burket..... Story.....Charles H. Balliett... George Giddings........ P. Robinson John Evanson...........Silas I. Shearer.........Walter Evans.. Tama......Henry A. Brown......... W H. Holstead......... J. C. Kendrick........... S. M. Hutton............ J. H. Landerdale...... Cr T. J. B. Owens..............:. W. C. Blackstone.....A. M. Golliday.......... D. W. Hamblin......... D. H. Hamilton........W.. Blakemore. Union......... Miss E.Lstr.... G.Kib......J.....Lck.E.......G.A Ie............I.KShu.Shll.......... C Van Buren......John W. Rowley.....Ira Claflin..........W. P. L. Muir.......Erastus Pitkin......Isaac Nixon.........Benj. Wagner...... Wapello........Clay, Wood..........Win H. McGlashon.-E. L. Lathrop.......D. H. Michael.....................I.... Warren........Miss E. S. Cook......Levi Reeves.........Win. P. Judkins.....-Saini. Irwin.........Richard Moore.W.... Mrsal Washington.....Mary M. Jerinan....Joseph Dudley.......Sainl. Melony.......J. A. Henderson.....W. McKiunie.........M. Goodspeed....... Wayne.........JJ.W.WlW.....Walkerrs.Burns.......Neso RgrsMoore..V.T.RiNelson.........Rogers..........V.....T.!...Riley........ Webster. Jabez A. Adams.....Charles H. Pierce....Sidney J. Bennett.... Chris. Kundson......David S. Coughlin... Norman H. Harris... Winnebago.....W. A. Chapman.....John W. Ambrose.... V. A. Jones..........S. D. Wadsworth....James W. Fisher....Peter H. Peterson... Winneshiek.....Nels Kessey...... James L. Cameron... Aclus H. Fannon....Morgan S. Drury....Geo. C. Winshik.... Peter Morton....... Woodbury......A. R. Wright.......::IFrank W. Davis.....W. 0. Davis.........James S. Horton.....Judson L. Follett... Norman Patterson... Worth..........Geo. H. Whitcomb... IH. V. Dwelle.......Gulbrand Oelson....Win. Rhodes.....:. Leinuel Dwelle......S. J. White......... Wright.........John 4. Hanna..... IM. H. Austin::::::.... Thomas Garth......JD. M. Inmhan.......IN. B. Paine —.......Henry Parker...... 1875.3 CENSUS RETURNS. 457 TABLE. Showing the times of holding the District and Circuit Courts in all the Counties of the State for the years 1876 and 1877, as officially reported utnder Section 165 of the Code. DISTRICT COURTS. CIRCUIT COURTS. 0 COUNTIES. COU NTY SEATS. __ __ 1873. 1877. 1876. 1877. I Des Moines...................... Burlington..................... Jan. 3 Jan. 1 Feb. 21 Feb. 19 1 Des Moines....................... Burlington....................... May 22 May 28 May 1 May 7 1 Des Moines...................... Burlington........................ Sept. 25.Sept. 24 Aug. 28 Aug. 27 1 Des Moines...................... Burlington..................................... Dec. 4 lDec. 3 1 Henry...................... Mt. Pleasant...........M.... arch6March 5 Jan. 24 Jan. 22 1 Henry...................... Mt. Pleasant.................... Nov. 20 Nov. 19 April 17 April 16 1 Henry............................... Mt. Pleasant................................................. Aug. 14 Aug. 13 1 Henry............................... Mt. Pleasant........................................Oct. 23 (ct. 22 1 Lee.................................... Keokuk............................. Aug. 28 Aug. 27 June 13 June 12 1 Lee.................................... Keokuk............................. Feb. 71 Feb. 5 Nov. 14 Nov. 13 1 Lee........ Fort Madison............. FApril 24 April 23 Jan. 4 Jan. 2 1 Lee.................................... Fort Madison.................... Dec. 11 Dec. 10 April 4 April 3 1 Lee.................................... Fort Madison................................I.............. Oct. 3 Oct. 2 1 Louisa.............................. Wapello............................ Mar. 27 Mar. 26 Mar. 14 Mar. 13 1 Louisa............................. Wapello............................ Oct. 23 Oct. 22 May 22 May 28 1 Louisa.............................. Wapello............................... ISept. 19 Sept. 18 1 Louisa................ Wapello.................................De.....................Dc. 19 Dec. 18 2 Appanoose....................... Centerville........ Feb. 28 Feb 26 Jan. 3 Jan 2 Appanoose....................... Centerville...... Oct. 9 Oct. 8 Aug. 14 Aug. 13 2 Davis............................... Bloomfield........................Feb. 14 Feb. 121April 24 April23 2 Davis................................ Bloomfield........................Sep. 251Sept. 24 Nov. 20 Nov. 19 2 Lucas............................... Chariton...........................April 3 April 2 Feb. 7 Feb. 5 2 Lucas................................ Chariton............................ Nov. 6 Nov. 5ISept. 11 Sept. 10 21Monroe........... Albia.................................April 17 April 161Feb. 21 Feb. 19 2 Monroe........... Albia.................................Nov. 20 Nov. 19 Sept. 25 Sept. 24 2 Van BueKeosauqua re............... KoJan. 3 Jan. 1 April 3jApril 2 2 Van Buren....................... Keosauqua........................ Aug. 14 Aug. 131 Oct. 9!0ct. 8 2 Wapello........................... Ottumwa.......................... Jan. 17 Jan. 15 Mar. 6 Mar. 5 2 Wapello.......................... Ottumwa............. Aug. 28 Aug. 27 Oct. 23 Oct. 22 2 Wayne............................... Corydon....... Mar. 20 Mar. 19 Jan. 24 Jan. 22 2 Wayne............................. Corydon...............23 Oct. 22 Aug. 28 Aug. 27 3 Adams.............................. Corning...........................April 24 April 23. Jan. 17 Jan. 15 3 Adams............................... Corning..............Oct. 23 Oct. 22 Aug. 71Aug. 6 3 Clarke.............................. Osceola.. May 22 May 21 Feb. 14 Feb. 12 3 Clarke.............................. Osceola..... Nov. 20 Nov. 19 Sept. 4 Sept. 3 3 Decatur............................ Leon.................... Jan. 17 Jan. 15 April 24 April 23 3 Decatur............................ Leon................................. Aug. 7 Aug. 6 Oct. 231 Oct. 22 3 Montgomery....................Red Oak............................May 8 May 7 Jan. 31 Jan. 29 3 Montgomery..................... Red Oak............................ Nov. 6 Nov. 5 Aug. 21 Aug. 20 3 Page................................ Clarinda............................ Feb. 28 Feb. 26 June 5 June 4 31Page................................. Clarinda............................ Sept. 18 Sept. 17 Dee. 4 Dec. 3 31Ringgold..........................Mt. Ayr............................. Jan. 31 Jan. 29 May 8 May 7 3 Ringgold....................... Mt. Ayr............................. Aug. 21 Aug. 20 Nov. 6 Nov. 5 3 Taylor.............................. Bedford.............................. Feb. 14 Feb. 121May 221May 21 3 Taylor.............................. Bedford............................. Sept. 4 Sept. 3 Nov. 201Nov. 19 3 Union.............................. Afton................................. June 5IJune 4 Feb. 28 Feb. 26 3 Union............................... Afton................................ Dec. 41 Dec. 31Sept. 18 Sept. 17 58 ~458 ~CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. TIMES OF HOLDING COURTS.-CONTINUED. DISTRICT CIR COURTS. 0 COUNTIES. COUNTY SEATS. 1876. 1877. 1876. 1877. z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..................... 4 Ba.................. Sioux Rapids....................Apr. 10 Apr. 9 Jan. 25 Jan. 23 4 u a V............... BSioux Rapids.................... Nov. 7 Nov. 6 Aug. 28 Aug. 27 4Calhon...................... Lake City......................... Mar. 23 Mar. 19 lay 8 May 7...................... Lake City......................... Oct. 16 Oct. 15 Dec. 18 Dec. 17 4 Cherokee................................................ Feb.. Ap 10............................ e.......................... Sept. 11 Sept. 10 Nov. 7 Nov. 6 4Clay...................... Spencer......... Apr. 13 Apr. 6 Jan. 31 Jan. 29 4 Clay....................... Spencer............................. Nov. 13 Nov. 12 Aug. 31 Aug. 30...................... D kis. Spirit Lake......... Apr. 17 Apr. 19 Feb. 7 Feb. 5 4Dickinson..................... Spirit Lake.N........... Nov. 16 Nov. 15 Sept. 4 Sept. 4.E.met............. Estherville....................... Apr. 20 Apr. 23Feb. 10 Feb. 8 4E met............................ Estherville...................... Nov. 20 Nov. 19 Sept. 7 Sept 6 4Harrison..................... Magnolia.........Jan. 11 lJan. 9 Mar. 28 Mar. 27 4 arrison....................... Magnolia..........................May 23 May 22 Oct. 24 Oct. 2 4 Humboldt..................... Dakota......... May 8 ay 10 Feb. 28Feb. 26 4 Humboldt....................... Dakota........................... De. 6 Sept. 25 Sept. 24 4 Ida............................. Ida..................................... 16 Mar. 12 May Apr. 30M 4......... Ida..................................... Oct. 9 Oct. 8 De. I De. 10 4'Koss............... Algora..............................May I Apr. 30 Feb. 21 Feb. 19 Kossnh........................ Agona............................. Nov. 27 Nov. 26 Sept. 18 Sept. 17 4 Lyon..............Rock Rapids..................... Feb. 22 Feb. 22 Apr. 17 Apr. 16 Rock Rapids................... Sept. 211Sept. 2 o No 4;Lyon.Rock..Rapids. Sept. 21 Sept. 20 N ov. 14 Nov. 13 4Monona..................... 24 Jan 22 Mar 13Mar. 12a 4 onoia........................... 28 Aug. 27 Oct. 9Oct. 8 4O.'Brien............ Primghar.Mar. 6 Ma. Apr. 24 April23 4O n.......Oe.............,............ Sept. 28 Sept. 27 Nov..27l Nov. 26ai 4 Osceola...............Sibley.................Feb. 28 Feb. 26 Apr. 20;Apr. 19 4 Osceola...............Sibley................ ~Sept. 25 Sept. 24 Nov. 20 Nov. 19 4 Palo Alto..............Emmetsburg...........IApr. 24 Apr. 26 Feb. 14 Feb. 12 4,Palo Alto..............Emmetsburg...........Nov. 23 N ov. 22 Sept. 11 Sept. 10 4'Plymouth.............Le Mars................Jan. 31 Jan. 29 Mar. 20 Mar. 19 4 Plymouth..............Le M ars................Sept. 4 Sept. 3 Oct. 16 Oct. 15 41 Pocahontas...........Rolfe..................Apr. 27 May 7 Feb. 17 Feb. 15 4 Pocahontas...........:Rolfe.................Dec. 4 Dec. 3 Sept. 14 Sept. 13 4 Sac....................Sac City................Mar. 20 Mar. 15 May 4 May 3 4 Sac.. Sac City.O.......... a... — t. 12 Uct. 11 Dec. 14 Dec. 13 4 Sioux. Oran,,e City............Mar. 9 Mar. 5 Apr. 27 April 26 4Sioux.................Orang~e City.............Oct. 2 Oct. 1 Dec. 4 Dec. 3 4Woodbury........... Siou city.....Mar. 27 Mar. 26 Jan. 3 Jan. 2 4 Woodbury.............Sioux City.............Oct. 23 Oct. 22 May 29 May 28 5 Adair.................Greenfield.....Feb. 28 Feb. 26 24 April 23 5 Adair.................Greenfield............Sept. 25 Sept. 24 N ov. 20 Nov. 19 5 Dallas.................. Adel..................Maxr. 20 Mar. 19 May is May 21 5Dallas:.AdlOct. 9 Ocet. ds Dec. 18 Dec. 1 5 Guthrie...............Gutlirie Center.........Mar. 9 Mar. 8 May 8 May 7 5, Guthrie................Gutbrie Center.........Oct. 2 Oct. 1 Dec. 4 Deci 3 5Madison...............Winterset.............Jan. 31 Jan. 29 Apr. 3 April 2 5 Madison...............Winterset..............Sept. 4 Sept. 3 Oct. 30 Oct. 29 5 Polk..Des Moines.............Apr. 10 Apr. 9 Jan. 3 Jan. 11 5 Polk.Des Moines.............IOct. 30 Oct. 29 Sept. 4 Sept. 3 lWarren................Indianola..............Jan. 3 Jan. 2 Mar. 6 March 5 5Warren......I......... Indianola.....Aug........ Au Aug.6)Ot. 9 Oct. 8 6 Jasper................ Newton................Jan..17 Jan. 15 Mar. 20, Mar. 19 6!Jasper................ Newton.................May 15 May.21 Nov. 201 Nov. 19 6'Jefferson.............Fairfield.............. Mar. 6 Mar. 5 Jan. 31 Jan. 1 6 Jefferson..............Fairfield...............Nov. 6 Nov. 5 Sept. -4Sept. 3 6 Keoku...............Sigourney...............Dec. 4 Dec. 3 Oct. 2 Oct. 1 6 Mahaska..............Os~kaloosa.....Apr. 17 Apr. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 19 6lMahaska...............Oskaloosa......Dec. 18 Dec. 17 Oct. 16 Oct. 15 6 Marion................Knoxville............. Jan. 3 Jan. 1 Mar. 6'Mar. 5 6 Marion:.............Knoxville..............May 1 May 7 Nov. 61INov. 5 61Poweshiek.............Montezuma..............'eb. 7 Feb. 5,Apr. 3! April 2 61 Poweshiek.............Montezuma.............June 5 June 4 Dec. 4 Dec. 3 6 Washington............Washington............Mar. 20 Mar. 19 Jan. 17j~an. 15 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 459 TIMES OF HOLDING COURTS.- CONTINUED. DISTRICT COURTS. CIRCUIT COURTS. COUNTIES. COUNTY SEATS. 0 1876. 1877. 1876. 1877. 6 6 Washington.................... Washington..................... Nov. 20 Nov. 19 Sept. 18 Sept. 17 7 Clinton............................. Clinton............................. 28 Feb. 26 Jan. 3 Jan. 1 7 Clinton............................. Clinton........................... May 22 May 28 April 10 April 9 7 Clini on............................. Clinton.......................... Nov. i Nov. 5 Sept. 4 Sept. 3 7 Jackson........................... Maquoketa....................... Mar. 21 Mar 20 Jan. 25 Jan. 23 7 Jackson...........................Maquoketa........June 9June 19 My 2 May 1 7 Jackson................. Maquoketa....................... Dec. 5 Dec. 4 Oct. 3 (ct. 2 7 Muscatine........................ ane.................... Jan 4 Jan. 2 Feb. 15 Feb. 20 7 Muscatine....................... Muscatine........................ April 11 April 10 May 23 May 22 7 Muscatine........................ Muscatine........................ Aug. 22 Aug. 28 Qct. 24 Oct. 2: 7 Scott........... Davenport...................... Feb. 8 Feb. 6 Mar. 21 Mar. 20 7 Scott................................. Davenport........................May 2 May 1 June 20 June 19 7 Scott................................. Davenport.................... 28 Nov. 27 7 Scott. Davenporb. ~~~~~Sept., 26 Sept. 25 N~ov. 28 Nov. 27 8 Benton...........................Vinton..................... 6 Mar. 5 May 15 May 21 8 Benton......... Vinton.................. Ot.........2 Oct. 1 Dec. 181IDec. 17 8 Cedar..........................Tipton..............................May 1 May 7 Feb. 21 Feb. 19 8 Cedar............ Tipton.............................. Nov. 27 Nov. 26 Aug. 28 Aug. 27 8 Iowwa................ Marengo........ Feb. 7 Feb. 5 April 17 April 16 8 Iowa.............................. Marengo...........................Sept. 4 Sept. 3 Nov. 20 Nov. 19 8 Johnson........................ Iowa City..........................Jan. 3 Jan. 1 Mar. 20 Mar. 19 8 Johnson....... Iowa City.......................June 5 June 4 Sept. 25 Sept. 24 8 Jones............................... Anamosa...................... May 15 May 21 Mar. 6 Mar. 5 8 Jones.............................. Anamosa..........................Dec. 11 Dec. 10 iSept. 11:Sept. 10 8 Linn................................. Marion.............................Mar 20 Mar. 191 Jan. 3 Jan. 1 8 Linn................................. Marion............................. Oct. 16 Oct. 15!June 5 June 4 8 Tama............. Toledo,............................Feb. 21 Feb. 19 May 1 May 7 8 Tama................................Toledo....... Sept. 18 Sept. 17 Dec. 4 De. 3 9 Black Hawk.................... Waterloo.......................... Jan. 3 Jan. 1 Mar. 6 Mar. 5 9 Black Hawk............. Waterloo....... April 3 April 2 May 29 June 4 9 Black Hawk................ Waterloo.......Oct. 2 Oct. 1 Nov. 13 Nov. 12 9 Buchanlan.................. Independence.. Mar. 13 Mar. 12 Feb. 21 Feb. 19 9 Buchanan................. Independence Sept. 11 Sept. 10 May 15 May...........21 9 Buchanan........................ Independence.................. Oct. 23 Oct. 0My 22 9 Delaware........Delhi........................ Feb. 28 Feb. 267 Feb. 2 2 9 Delaware........ Delhi................................. Aug. 28 Aug. 27 May 1 May 7 9 Delaware................. Delhi........................ Oct.. Oct 8 9 Dubuque.............................. Jan. 24 Jan. 22 Jan. 3 J....n. 1 9Dubuque...........Dubuque.....May 1 May 7 Mar. 27 Mar. 26 9Dubuque..............Dubuque............... Nov. 6 Nov. 5 Sept. 11 Sept. 10 9 Grundy.......... Grundy Center.............. April 24 April 23 Mar. 20 Mar. 19 9 |Grundy........... Grundy Center............... Sept. 25 Sept. 24 June 12 June 11 9 Grulndy......; rtdCeer....................... G u d e t r......................:No. 2o..... rndyGry...........e...Nov. 27 Nov. 26 10Allamakee....................... Waukonu...........................June 19 June 18 Jan. 31 Jan. 29 Allamakee........... un............ uue................... Nov. 20 Nov. 9June 5 June 4 101 Allamakee....................... Waukon.................................................... 2 Oct. 1 10 Chickasaw..................... n. ew Hasmpton................. May 1 April 30 1ar. 27 Mar. 26 10 Chickasaw.......... New ampton................. une ne.................Nov. 6 Nov. 5 June 15 June 14' Chickasaw..... New Hampton.........Dec. 4 Dec. 3 lO iClayton........................... Elkader...Ja. 17 Jan. 15 Mar......6 Mar. 5 l0Clayton......................... ae............................ May 15 May 14 June 8 June 7 10 Clayton...................... Elkader........................... 18 Sept. 17 1 Nov. 6 Nov. 5 10 Fayette....................... W n West Union................. May 29 May 28 Feb.. 14Feb. 12 10 Fayette....... West Union...................... Dec. May 18 May 17 10 Fayette.................................... Oct. 16 t. 15 10 Howard........................ eo................. April 24 April 23 Muar 20 Mar. 19 101 howard....................... Cresco................................ 29 June 12 June 11 10 Howard.......................... 27e ro.............................I 26 10 Winneshiek.................... lDecorah.......................... Feb 21 Feb. 19 Jan. 3 Jan. 8 10 loWinneshiek.................... Decorah.........June...................Sjune 12 June 11 May 15 May 14 10 Winneshiek....................Deorah.............................Oct. 160ct. 15 Sept. 11 Sept. 10 11 Boone........................... Boonsboro......................... June 14 June 13April 13 April 12 460 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. TIMES OF HOLDING COURTS.-CONTINUED. DISTRICT COURTS. CIRCUIT COURTS. 0 COUNTIES. COUNTY SEAT. * _ 1876. 1877. 1876. 1877. 11 Boone.............................. Boonsboro........................ Dec. 13 Dec. 12 Oct. 12 Oct. 11 11 Franklin........................ Hamptn........................ April 25 April 24 Feb. 14 Feb. 12 11 Franklin........................ Hampton........................ Oct. 24 Oct. 23 Aug. 14 Aug. 13 11 Hamilton........................ Webster City.................... April 4 April 3 Jan. 24 Jan. 22 11 Hamilton........................ Webster City....Oct. 3...3 Oct. 2 July 31 July 30 11 lHardin............... Eldora............... May 2 May 1 Feb. 24 Feb. 22 11 Hardin............... Eldora...............................Oct. 31 Oct. 30 Aug. 24 Aug. 23 11 Marshall................. Marshalltown.................. May 15 May 14 Mar. 13 Mar. 12 11 Marshall.......................Marshalltown.................. Nov. 13 Nov. 12 Sept 11 Sept. 10 11 Story............................... Nevada............................. June 5 June 4 April 3 April 2 11 Story............................. Nevada............................. Dec. 4 Dec. 3 Oct. 2 Oct. 1 11 Webster.............,Fort Dodge....................... Mar. 21 Mar. 20 Jan. 4 Jan. 2 11 Webster........................... Fort Dodg.......................Sept 19 Sept. 18 July 5 July 5 11 Wright............................. Clarion.............................April 18 April 17 Feb. 8 Feb. 6 11 Wright............................. Clarion............................. Oct. 17 Oct. 16 July 25 July 24 12 Bremer............................. Waverly......... Jan. 3 Jan. 1 Feb. 28(Feb. 26 12 Bremer............................. WVaverly.......................... April 17 April 16 June 19 June 18 12 Bremer............................ Waverly................. Oct. I Nov. 20 Nov. 19 12 Butler........... Butler Center.................. April 10 April 9 May 22 May 28 12 Butler.............................. Butler Center.................. Sept. 11 Sept. 10 Oct. 23 Oct. 22 12 Cerro Gordo.............. Mason City..................... Feb. 14 Feb. 12 Mar. 27 Mar. 26 12 Cerro Gordo.............. Mason City............... June 19 June 18 May 15 May 21 12 Cerro Gordo............ Mason City..................... Oct. 16 Oct. 15 Sept. 4 Sept. 3 12 Floyd............ Charles City.......... Mar. 13 Mar. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 15 12 Floyd............................ Charles City.......... Ju.......... 24 July 2 Jue 5 June 4 12 Floyd........... Charles City..................... Dec. 4 Dec. 3 Oct. 9 Oct. 8 12 Hancock......................... Concord.......................... June 5 June 4 May 8 May 14 12 Hancock.......................... Concord........................... Nov. 6 Nov. 5 Oct. 2 Oct. 1 12 Mitchell........................... Osage................................. Ma 8 May 14 Jan. 31 Jan. 29 12 Mitchell.ul........................... 17 July 16 June 26 June 25 12 Mitchellt h l.............. Osage................................ 8 Dec. 17 Nov. y6 Nov. 5 12 Winnebago.............. Forest City....................... June 8 June 7 May 1 May 7 12 Winnebago............... Forest City....................... 9 Nov. 8Sept 25 Sept. 24 12 Worth.......................North......... May 22 May 28 April 10!April 9 12 Worth.............................. Northwood..................... Nov. 13 Nov. 12 Sept. 18 Sept. 17 13Audubon.......................... Exira................................. 10 Jan. 8 Mar. 20 Mar. 19 13'Audubon.......................... A 14 Aug. 13 Oct. 16OCt. 15 13 Carroll............................. Carroll.............................. April 3 April 2 Jan. 101Jan. 8 13 Carroll.................. Carroll............................. Oct. 30 Oct. 29 July 31iJuly 30 13 Cass................................... Atlantic........................... Jan. 17 Jan. 15 Mar. 27;Mar. 26 13 Cass...................................Atlantic..........................Aug. AU21 Aug. 20 Oct. 23iOct. 22 13 Crawford.......................... Denison............................ M 27 Mar. 26 Jan. 3 Jan. 2 13 Crawford....................... Denison.............................Oct. 23 Oct. 22 July 24 July 23 13 Fremont........................... Sidney.............................. Feb. 28 Feb. 26My 81May 14 13 Fremont.........Sidney.. F.eb. 26 May 8 May 14 13, Fremont..........................Sidney.............................. Oct. 2 Oct. 1 Dec. 4 Dec. 3 13 Greene............................Jefferson........................... April10 April 9 Jan. 17 Jan. 15 13 Greene............................. Jefferson........................... Nov. 6 Nov. 5Aug. 7 Aug. 6 13'Mills................................ Glenwood........................ Feb. 7 Feb. 5 April 172 April 16 13 Mills................................. Glenwood........................ Se i Sept. 10 Nov. 13Nov. 12 13 Pottawattamie.............. Council Bluffs............... April 24 April 23 Jan. 31 Jan. 29 13 Pottawattamle.............. Council Bluffs.......... Nov. 20 Nov. 19 Aug. 21 Aug. 20 13 Shelby.................... Harlali.................. Ja 3 Jan. 2 Mar. 13 Mar. 12 13 Shelby....................... Harlan............................ Aug. 7 Aug. 6 ct. 9IOct. 8 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 461 ABSTIIRACT Of votes cast at the General Election held on the 12th day of October, A. D. 1875, by counties and townships for the offices of Governor and Lieutenant-Governor of Iowa. ADAIR COUNTY. LIEUTENANTGOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. 0.114; G~~~~OVERNOR. (t R]1:; NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS. - P.,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4Q...0 Eureka........................................................................ 23 6... 23 6 Grand River............................................................... 34 16.. 35 16 Greenfield.................................................................. 131 30 1. 31 30 Grove....................................... 44 7.. 43 8 Harrison..................................................................... 75 24...... 75 24 Jackson.................. 25 42...... 32 36 Jefferson..................................................................... 79 15.. 79 15 Lincoln........................................................................ 97 13.. 98 12 Orient.42 13.. 42 13 Prussia........................................ 17.26.17 26 Richland...... 60 27............................................................... 60 27 60 27 Summerset.................................................................. 93 52.. 93 52 Summit...47 7.. 47 7 Union................................28.................. 28 10 28 10 Walnut.............. 28 21...... 29 21 Washington.................................. 4.................. 53 46 Total................. 8.................3.................... 87685 349 Majority............................................................... 521............... 536.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~l..-~ ~.56....... ADAMS COUNTY. Colony..... 66 4... 66 4 Carl. 97 25. 97 25 Ca r......................................................................9] 2 9 75 Washington............119 36 119 36 Lincoln...., 81 101 81 10 Lincoln......................................................... 0...........81010 Union................ 36 16 36 16 Prescott............. 106 31 106 31 Quincy.............................. 284 68 283 69 ouglas............................................................. 73 37 72 38 Grant............................................................ 48 18 48 18 Mercer..................................... 36 28 36 28 Jasper.................................................................15...... 72! 1 J. asper........... 1001 15 100 15 Nodaway.....................80 70. 81 69 Total..................1126 358...... 1125 359 Majority................................. 7681.................. 766............ 462 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. ALLAMAKEE COUNTY. LIEUTENANTGOVRNR. GOVERNOR. 0 NATMES OF TOWNSHIPS. ~ 0 Center................................................................. 134 37...... 134 37 Fai rvi ew............................................................... 28 75...... 28 75 Fran kl in.......... 121 34...... 122 33 French Creek................... 16 115...... 16 115 Hanover........................... 34 53...... 34 53 Iowa.................................................37 126...... 56 111 Jefferson...................................................................... 116 98 116 98 Lafayette..................................................... 1................ 67 18 9...... 67 190 Lansing........................................................................ 275.... 432 281 423 Linton........................................................................ 43 64...... 44 63 Ludlow......................................................................... 160 69...... 160 69 Makee...........................248.... 2 26 221 250 226 Paint Creek....................................................... 124 106 124 106 Post...................................................................... 195 99...... 196 99 Taylor................ 40 167..... 40 167 Union City.................................................................. 61 45...... 61 45 Union Prairie.............................................................. 67 176..... 67 176 Waterloo..................................................................... 67 46...... 67 46 Total..........................................................!.......... 1833 2157 3 18 3 2132 Majority...................... 3................................................ 29 APPANOOSE COUNTY. Beliair.......................................................................... 76 37 77 36 Center............................................ 288 229...... 287 230 Charitoh n....... 70 70 70 70 Ca ldwell....................................................................... 76 1041 75 106 Douglas........... 50 351...... 51 34 Franklin..................... 85 35...... 86 34 Independence ~~~...................................................... Independence.......... 76 70..... 77 69 Johns.................... 67 68...... 66 69 L in c o ln.................................................... 44 68...... 46 68 Pleasant....................................................................... 83 641...... 87 65 Sharon.... 36 66...... 3 6 6 6 Taylor.......................................................................... 85 86... 88 85 Union.............................................................34 641...... 34... 63 Udell 76 921 78 89 Washington.............................................................. 1601 154 1 159 154 Wells........ 58 811 59 81 WValn ut........................................................................ 65 4.... 65 47 Walnut.1 651.... 471 65 47 Total.........................................1429 1370....... 1441 1366 Majority...................................................... 75 AUDUBON COUNTY. Hamlin34 21......... 34 21..... Viola......................................................... 24 20................. 23 21 Cameron........................................................ 12 7 11 8 Douglas 6......................... 15 6 17 Sharon..............................4 6 4 6.............................. ShLeroy........................28 17 28 17.................................................. Leroy -......................................................... 28 17.... 28 1 ~1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 463 463 AUDUBON COUNTY.- CONTINUED. GOVERNOR. LIEUTENANTGOVERNOR.____ GOVERNOR. ~ g ~ ~~~~~~ NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS. 0~~~~ _ 2o:-Melville............. —-.....-.. ——...5. 71...... I 5 7 Greeley.............................................................. 24 16...... 24 16 Aububon.............................................................. 27 34...... 23 38 Exira............................................................... 126 1 127...... 124 129 Oakfiel....................................................................... 5 26 6 Total............................................................... 17 275 308 286.... Majority.I 421...................... 22........ BENTON COUNTY. Polk............................................................................ 81 101.. 83 100 Harrison...................................................................... 52 13...... 52 13 Cedar............................................................................ 101 28.. 101 28 Bruce................................................................... 5 15...... 1 5 5 15. ~Benton............................................ 68 17...... 68 17 ~Taylor................................................ 533 110...... 534 110 Jackson........................................................................ 94 63.. 94 63 Monroe....................................*.............. 23 13. 22 14 Canton................................................... 126 67 124 68 Eden............................................................................. 56 21 56 21 Big ~....rove............................................. 4...................... 58 24.. 58 24 Homer..60 22 601 22 Homer ~~.......................................................................... 6 2...... 60 27 926 Fremont....................................................39 27...... 391 26 Eldorado....................................21 22......[ 211 22 Union...........................................................................6001806...... 2 Kane............. 25.30...... 25 30 lorence6 30.106 106 30 Florence ~................................e.......................................... 0 3 013 St. Clair................... G2 43 59 44 Le Roy...... 148 115...... 150 116 Iowa........................................................................175. 15 2 175...... 177 150 T t l................................................................. 190 917..... 190 6 9754 Maj ority.....................................9............................ 30............9...... 927............ ~~~~~~~~- - " BLACK HAWK COUNTY. Lester...66.46.666................................................................... 6 6 46. 1 66 46 Bennington................................................................. 49 31 43 38 1Mt. Vernon. 3........56 62..... 54 66 Washington...................................... I 37 22.7 22 Union....................................... 28 21 28 2 1 Barclay..................................... 52 39.... 52 39 Poyner...................................... 70 57.... 74. 57 East Waterloo................................ 356 242.... 3581 243 Waterloo................................370 154.... 377j 154 Cedar Falls...............................421 231.... 419 233 Fox......................................... 64 43.... 63 44 Cedar....................................... 49 32 50 31 Orange...................................... 70 19.... 71 18 Black Hawk................................. 69 55.... 69 55 Spring Creek.........41 61 41 61 ig Creek.................................... 193 115..:1 193. 117 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. BLACK HAWK COUNTY.-CONTINUED. GOV.NR. LIEUTENANTGOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. ~ NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS. s 0............................................................... 471 4 5...... 47 45............................................................... 65 1...... 65 19................................................................ 2103 1...... 2107 1309 129.[.....0 Majority............................................................... 809..........798...... BOONE COUNTY. A aqua................................................................ 54 37...... 54 37 Boone..379 ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~196 376[ 205.............................................................. 379 196.... 376 205 Boonsboro............................................................. 277 144.... 277 146............................................................... 17 41.... 17 41 Beaver..~~~ ~~~~~~~17 4117[ 41 as.................................................................. 20 35 20 35 Colfax............................................................... 42 30.... 44 28...................................................... 61 144.... 60 14, Dodge..~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~61 1460 ] 14i Douglass............................................................... 70 43... 69 43 G rant............................................................... 46 5.... 46 5 Garden................................................................ 79 25.... 79 25 H arrison............................................................... 38 18.... 38 18 Jackson...............................................................90 45.... 89 46 Marcy............................................................... 198 135.... 196 138 Pilot M ound.............................................................. 55 25.... 54 26 Peoples................................................................ 67 25...... 67 25 Union............................................................... 55 11 56 10 Worth............................................... 56 50 54. 3 Yell............................ 122 92 122 92 Total................................................................... 1726 1101.... 171881 1118..................................................... Majority................................................... 600............ -. BREMER COUNTY............................................................... 49 13...... 49 13 Dayton.~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~49[ Douglas..................................................................... 73 39.... 74 39 Franklin...................................................................... 77 21.... 77 21 Frederika.................................................................. 58 19 Fremont............................................................... 53 58 57 54 Jackson............................................................133 46 138 46 Jefferson.64 1 65 65 65 Maxfed.14 32 327 6.32 34 31............................................................................................................................. 14 76 15 75 Polk.............................................. 196 37 199 36 Sumner.......114.............. 114 36 115 35 W arren.71 21.............................................................. 71 28 71 Washington............................................................ 477 157... 485 152 Tota..................1 6........................................... 687 1520 672 — Majority.................... 8061...... 848............ 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 465 BUCHANAN COUNTY. LIEUTENANTGOVERNOR. GOVEROR. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS. n 0 Byron........................................................................... 106 79 Cono............................................................................. 47 23...... 50 21 Fairbank.................................................................... 68 83...... 67 84 F rem int..................................................................... 60 40...... 59 41 HaIzelton..................................................................... 104 97...... 105 96 H om er.......................................................................... 64 58 Jefferson...................................................................... 87 62...... 87 62 Liberty........................................................................ 14 16 117 114 Madison.............................................1...6........................ 6 34 Fremint~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 3J.... 604 5 341 Middlefield....................................................... 49 70...... 50 71 Newton...........................: 77 49...... 77 49 Perry............................................................. 150 105...... 150 106 Sumner................................................ 58 67...... 58 68 Washington........................................................417 400...... 423 395 Westburg................................................................... 56 51.... 57 50 Totals..................................................1584 1359..... 1595 1356 Majority.................................................................... 2391 BUENA VISTA COUNTY. Elk.............................................................................. Lincoln........................................................................ 12............ Fairfield........22........22. Fairfield....................................................................... 22............ 22............ Coon..33 21 33 21 Barnes........................................................................ Newell............................... 103 30... 103 3 Lee...................................... 67 5...... 68 4 Poland................13...................... 1..13 1 Storfn Lake... 153 31.......................................... 1354 29 Scott.............................27....... 7 Proyldence... ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~211 131.... 211 12 Proides.......................................................................... 12 2 1.1 1. Brooks.12......12.i Maple Valley.........I...................................... I 42 6 42 6 Grant..................................................................... 20 2...... 20 2 Nokomis... 164 6.. 64 6 Totals................................................................. 671 115..... 673 111 Majorityo...................................................................... 556.................. 562 BUTLER COUNTY. Fremont ll........................49 39.................................... 49 39 Dayton..................................................46 43 6...... 43 Cold Water |... 144 92...... 135 101 Bennezette ll...................... 201 2...... 27 10 Pittsford...................................................................... I 6 31...... 66 31 West Point.......... 53 20...... 53 20 Jackson................................ l..l.65 64...... 65 64 Butler.................... 208 84...... 208 84 Shell Rock................................................................... 188 88..... 187 88 Jefferson..................................100.......... 24 98 26 Ripley................................... 1 1 31 131 Madison............ 28 3.. i 59so............................................ 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~659 ~466 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. BUTLER COUNTY.-CONTINUED. LIEUTENANT_G_ OVERNOR. |GO VER NOR. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS. 3 M N ~~3 0 0 0 Washi.32 3......3 32 30 Wahn tn................................................................ 32... 7 30.... 32 93 Monroe......................................................... 79 30 80 29 Albion............................................................... 122125 31 Beaver............................................................... 137 22..137 2 Totals....................................133..........................4. 1.137 63 Maj ority.................................................................... 751.................. 3............ CALHOUN COUNTY. Calhoun........................................................................ 97 20. 101 21 Jackson........................................................................ 6 1 38...... 59 38 Lincoln........................................................................ 71 30 78 29 Sherman.............................................................. 49 3...... 49 3 W illiams............................................................... 2 2...... 25 2 Butler........................................................................... 38 15.... 38 16 ~Center.........................................................................1...... 8 12 Greenfield................................................... 10 32...... 9 34 Reading..........................................17.................... 4 17 4 Totals................................................................... 372 156 11 384 159 Maority.............................................................. 2-............. 2 1........ CARROLL COUNTY. Arcadia.................5 52............................................. 59 52...... 59 52 Carroll........................................................................... 145 142 1 1 147)* 143 Eden............................................................................. 23 14 1 1 231 14 Glidden.94.3.................................................................... 94 36 I Grant............................................................................ 21 23 21 23 Jasper.......................................................................... 40 10I 4 0 10 Kniest...................................................................................... 115.................. 1151....................................................................... 6 2........... 63 2311 Newton.63 23 ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 631 23 PleasantV ly....................Valley.19...... 6 19 16 Richland.21..8..................................................... 21 85 Roselle............................................................ 14 59 1 1 14 59 Sheridan......................................................... 54 24...... 55 24 Union........................................................................... 50 17 1.E. 49 18 Wheatland.............................................................................. 44 Washington.........................19 13 1- 13 ~W arren............................................................9......................9 1 ~~~Totals..632 596. 633 599 Majority............................. 36! 34...........CASS COUNTY. Atlantic.. 386 191..... 416 187 Bear Grove................................... 38 17.... 38 17 Benton...................................... 40 48.... 41 48 Brighton..................................... 51 51.... 52 51 Cass......................................... 1031 55....I 106 55 1875.] CENSUS RETURNS. 467 CASS COUNTY.-CONTINUE'D................................... 472..... 71 43 74..................................... 221 4..................................... S 5 GOVERNOR. LIEUTENANTGOVERNOR. GOVERNOR.................................. 89 44 9o................................... 23.. 1 2 ~ 6~~~~0 NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS. Cs 0 N.. 0 549 ~.02 02.~1 I0 Edn...................................................................... 47 32.... 47 32 ~~Franklin.................................76. 76 478 Grant................71................................ 74 41 Lincoln....................................................42 21 42 21 Massena.............................................. 45...... 4 9 Noble.....50 19 70.48.50 19 Pleasant.................................. 5 38 54 38 Pymosa,.....89 44 89 44 CEDAR COUNTY. Cass...............................33 75...... 33 75 Center.................................... 300 269......1 300 269 Dayton........................................................................ 153 81...... 152 81 ~~~Fremont..................................112 73...... 4I 74 Fairfield........................................... 64 45...... 64 45 Farmington........................................... 69 63...... 69 63 Gower................................. 65 41 4...... 65 1 ~~~~Inland........................... 7....... 70 48....4., 41 Iowa........................97 94...... 98 94 Linn... 37 39...... 37 39 Massilon:.................................. 57 62...... 57 61 Pioneer...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:- 132 116 131.117 Pioneer ~ ~~~~~~~.............................................................] 131] 11 Red Oak....................................................................... 40 35....../ 40 35 Rochester....................I................................................ 60l 581...... 6Ol Springdale................................. 209 15...... 215 15 Springfield.................................................................. 69 86...... 67 88 Sngar Creek................................................................ 58 38...... 57 39 Totals................................................................ 1625 1238../ 16261 1242 M ajority..................................1 387............ 3841....... CERRO GORDO COUNTY. Mason........................................ 295 73....i 294 74 Falls......................................... 95 12.... 95 12 Clear Lake................................... 101 53... 100 1 Lake........................................ 69 15 69 15. Grant....................7............. 36 1.. 36 1 Lime Creek............................ 53 13.... 52 13 Portland.................................... 31 4.... 31 4 Dougherty...............................3 19.... 3 19 Owens...................................26.......... 26....... Geneseo.................................... 65 30.... 65 30 Lincoln...................................... 52.......... 52....... Totals................................... 826 -220... 8231 179 Majority.................................... 6061........I.... 6441...... 408 CENSUS RETURNS. [No. 10. CHEROKEE COUNTY. LIEUTENANTGOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. NAMES OF TOWNSHIPS. ]; ~~ ~! ~'05 ~. Afton.......................................................................... 50 36...... 50 36 Amherst...................................................................... 1 19 1 Cherokee 16....165 56 167 6 Cedar............. 26 33 24 35 Diamond.20 1 20 1 Marcus........................................................................... 3 6 3 Liberty............................................ 22 4...... 22 4 P it ch er............................................................................ 0 3I Liberty..22.... 4...... 22 4 Pitcher..60 3 60 3 Sheridan........................................ 0 6 50 6 Silvero.................................28 8 31 8 Spring......................................................................... 3 I 11 3 Tilden 18......................................................................... 18 8 Willow.............................................8 19 I 8 19 Totals.5............................... 36 204.. 541 206 Majority................................................... 331 CHICKASAW COUNTY. Bradford...................................... 204 132.... 206 130 Richland.............................................. 69 14.... 70 14 Dresden................................................62 21...... 78 5 Fredericksburgh.............................................. 123 22... 125 22 Stapleton.................................................... 163..84.... 163 New Hampton...........,.,,.,,.,.,....... 163 93... 164 92 Dayton....; 32 47 33 47 Chickasaw..........................................102 79 102 79 Deerfield.................................................................51 23...... 52 22 Washington................................................................. 31 101..... 32 99 Jacksonville.............................................. 90 81.................. 9 1..... 90 81 Utica................................................ 42..... 42 56 Totals...1053...........................0........................ 1 32..... 1077 810 Majority........................................... 221...... 267 CLARKE COUNTY. Liberty.......................6 71.-7 —7......0..-..... 69 711...... 70 70 Fremont................. 73 23...... 72 23 Washington................................... 37 76 36 76 Madison........................................................ 40..58.... 44 53 Troy................. 120 9.... 5. 118 52 Ward.................................................I 1 35 47 47 Osceola.. 1 287 147...... 293 174 Jackson.............................................................9....... 69..... 198 69 Franklin..6. 41 5....... 5 67 45 Green Bay....................... 73.........................3431..... 73 34 Knox..............................................58 52 1..... 58 52 Doyle.....................................................116 631..... 118 62 Totals. 1........................................................... 1073 763.. 1082 1757 Majority............................................................ 310.................. 325 1875.1 ~CENSUS RETURNS. 469 CLAY COUNTY. GOVERNOR. LIEUTENANTGOEOR GOVERNOR. N~~l)Il