x#. j, -.4' 4;,/;r,,/1>-7't p"~:,, "'. St "f t I'' " y zr/.~. f,/, 9~..-a,.d_,.,f_,/...? @,.,'., A. d. ~'!..,,X z —. 7 /f$. *; / 0:: 177 i/ltt-W>-2j f s 1/ tc* g/U /$/ /5,!4-,$t /,t47 —?s g /> r,//*<(, $i'1 J?/g64,p. /2,;M 4~~~~~~~j-A #4 — -~~~~', - ___ _____________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ ~ —.~it.... ~ —-,-!."'~~~~~~~~~~~~ —?~ —~ —': —: — a~~~~~~~~~~~aE cc-~-o THE SETTINGIUP OF THE.........DNS [THE SETTING UP OF THE TABERNACLE IN THE WILDERNESS. CONTAINING TIE OL D AND NEW TEST'PAM ENTS: TRANSLATED OUT OF THE ORIGINAL TONGUES, AND WITIH'rIlE FORMIER TRAlNSLAT lIONS DILIGENTLY COMPARED AND, REVISED WITIh CANNE'S MARGINAL NOTES AND REFERENCES. TO WHICt ARE ADDED AN INDEX;, AN ALPhItABETICAL- TABLE OF ALL THE NAMES IN-THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS, WITII THEIR SIGNIFI6CATIOX' TABLEzS OF SCRIPTURNE EIGHTS, lEASURES, s AND COINS, &e..UB RN: PUBLISIlED BY ALDEN, BEARDSLEY & CO. ROCHESTER: 5TANZER, BEARDSLEY & CO. 18 j 2 The Aam.es and Order of all the Books of the Old and Newl Testaments, and of the Apocrypha, wath the numbers of their Chapters. TIIE BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. C ENESITS hath Clhapters. 50 IT. Chronicles.... 36 Daniel 12...' E_ Exodus. 40 Ezra..... 10 Hosea.14 Fleviticus...... 27 Nelemial... 13.Jocl... N1.lbe'rs o.... 36) Estlher..... e 01 Amos... 9 I}t, )uteranomSiy.. *. 34 Jobl...42 Olbadiah.... 1 Tsla....... 1 e e 24 Psalmls.... 150) Jonah.... 4 n-t,8 cs.. e. e 21 P)roverl)s.... 51 Micah.I.. 7 Th itli. e4 eclesia;stes.. 0. 12 a ) Nau... 3;.a m1uretlnf~....... 31 The Song of Soloion.. 8 tlabakkuk 3... l~. Samuel. e... 24 Isaiahl... 66 Zehaniah.... 3 1. Kings.. 22 Jereiah....... 52 laggai....... HI. Kings....... 25 I,ametations..... 5 Zechariall..... 14 1. Chronicles.... 29 Ezekiel..... 43 Malachi... 4 TIHE BOOKS OF TIHE NEW TESTAMENT. TQATTTIEW.....'28 Ephesians..... 6 To the ebres 13 tIMark...... 16 PIili)ialis...... 4 The Epistle of James. 5 ~lu.c..... 24 rColossilans...... 4 1. Peter....... 5 tihltn o e e e.. e. I' 1h 1 Itess.lonians. 5 l. Peter e...,,'l' Ats....... 28 i 1Thessalonians....3 1. Johin.......'T'llte Eistle t tthe Romlans. 16 I. Timothy....... I 1. John... 1 I. CoI.lthians.... 16. Timothy 4 III. John..... 1 Galatians.... 6 Philemon... a a.. 1 Revelation... 22 29 0 T m IE 11 E A D E P [i'EOJt COLLiNS' ii* LE. AS the D.vio, of tr E~iih tanslatio. of t,)e B[LE to Jkiw, James the f.rst of Egld seems t be wly nneccssry rr tlth- p uIooeS of o- diicrititit1a lnod oerlham"s 01'- osoci a ts iifl;)ropeir to he!ii)Lh ciue in ay). A nerican edition2, the Editors, hve substiuv.1.o r acecoDoi ot the tI'ran 1iatioxv of(. the Old and deow Testaments fromn t~he orgirjnal he1brew and Greek in, which they were writtei, t(h tih was,~ 61rsf.t c)nITIiitte; d tar c ne. o r the s a red r8ttins an fr rtmnn noms they were in a manner confined to that chosen ~ —'ne'.'I loel. T Ir too 0 A 1 t hnI I.atti! I iI) o Ioca i-n'tL'alsi yet was tie p:ovidence of God particularly mnii t:st in their,rect, -) I l 1,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~., se'va~' a: d j'.... a:.itatoI[ to t'a'~ic i:ntt_1:lt:it t'4t, tl't, when cI,.is of the!w or the p)rcp0et: were transcribe d, trioy o:Yh. per2i t ltoi. ol, t s;B ti nl!!3 eX4to;!lf,FsS; they nvt onil dligoently comiopa red the one wjiti the other, bht evc:i couited the number of lettsv 1t1 ca:i i booo,(, a Id coinl)ared aid riccoirded the nutniers. Th,: tirsit tra"tltno1:o t ait iv"ire m0 Odef t he 01 Te stanent wt'e ahcr t!.ei Bab' y onish cantiv;tily. eh are cil(led t he Targiums whiijt!, w.,rd i:~ the C':.t h lld lanvi,;i<~r sig1aiiie i 31~'n;daitian.,. ii~ey are a i l, o,,!e caIi(tle ti'le Chalo e Pa, aihrases; e soi1e of'thein are etxat trni ati::,i i':'t,a3t;'1' So-iti:e; otht- e rs are p)r1)DI liai-?a-hira:ses, cntninti ek nikiio'entuits, e(xpllanatins, anrd even adex c ru -1a" " i. t,~ ~_,''' ditiml Several of toftin iC1'e (t extan. a(id thley are often ntillloneed hi tCie ancient fthe;os of the Christian church. Stomne have afirrmed that the (ive h',o, of 1 t;d to0a of:Josnua were transl:ted'into G('eel befre thle days of Alexander the Great. But the m<~sst re~n:~rk'ible e t:'samslati:,.q of: Ct::~ O~ld Tg:':;;tnitmen[ into G~'.ee';.; @nie:!~....a~in,~,~i~t ir tieo)iil ~,sm rier!wie miost reo trie k~h tall t1-1 II' Ciig)i 01A o, —tatmneit itc: C'.. It:n wiit lib if" the onoofn of some eminent writers is to be credited, was t-udei 1: th' rein, 1,' Ptflro1- *v I'ila elel,,, aooit' O yoears beibre the Cititit n er-a. At any rate it is undoubtedly the mosqt a:ienlc t t:tt is aO v extnt, anid on t anty a ou ts deserving ni i'2, thou gh not to he put on a level with the Hiebrew text, as ias been somtetitnes done. Tle Ne-w Testament wat or g!i inllv writtei, in Gr eek; a nd ro sooner was the gospel spread throng{I the nations than it was fo:nd cecessary to tat'iate the in::i>reA l Vh dr inOTs fobr eacl iint, its proner to',one. Somrne translations of thire Old Testafment, diltrerent firom the Saptuagitln, were nad'~ intito Greek from tite year of' Cllrtt's )birth 21, to 200. It is gtneraity believed that the church of Antioch war i'tVi redl with a Syria ta.aaittioa of trie.,iole as early as the year 103). The Ithiopians of Abyssiria have a version of thie Bibe,;vitich ttey iascrtib to Oafm:m s o' tohe i;urth ceitury. Ch ry sost, m, whlo lived in tihe eid of'the fiur th, and h1 ecdorct, ctwho lived in etht" 11.iI e of tOle fictti c' Y' o iYA1th into ii. us ti-.t tey It tttre,' a Indian, Persian, Arinnian, LEthioii-:, ail Szythiivan version-i Th acient Jgypti:t;.;3 thoili, i trtan iiad i-itt to'ti eir l:ngr!i Ioge.Te G~c',rgians' IIave a version ii their ancient languna'.']'e miisi Li ient a ~ tt t.Ger m a'tn i:'uanslat isuposed to have be'en made by lphilas, A 1). D..'1. The Old Testanent of all these tai.!atio a, sexcptt thle Syrian, is taken froinm the S-ttuaintl, and not nilnle`:atcly ifrom the HIebrew text. We will now give someo acvcount of the tn'a.;l'atc'rs of the BiPible into the naglisai language. There have been some who have ararmed tat Ai define (.1;i,1, m:. afo Ser'']urnln whoo lived in the beminnin' o f tte ei ghith century, translated the Psalns into the Saxon tongue. Ihat in:/ 10"er is nceta in, as s0on".~'If tihe best histot'i ain miake no mcention of' it: yet it is possible, as he was a man of great parts, ant of grai~t learnting 1;r to,'}:;;,rle-,;; said it) " o l i i whol it" in t':.rtinte L atihn language. About the saine timtie, or a lit(Ie afr, Bed, coBA ntii v cahed the' venera';ie Bede, t anslated stnle }parts ofththe New Testament, so1e say tihe wholle Bible, but that is n:ot ipr.);i.:flt I~ea;'r!, yeas lat!,ki ~ AT!fitei trnsl ated the Pi:aims into tile same language. In t 38'2 Xickli'!finishcd tIis translation of tite Bile, whichvit yet exta!-t: that is to) say, there are copies f it some pItlblic and private libra:ries. All these tranlations were. ma1ie Crin the Vu gate. In the o reig oi 1a,'v the eighth several editiions of the Old and -New Testiment wre pu', is!ted Tin 1nlislt; one of" thle~ 1:sit re'ritorklx:le is; tha.t.'of I'' itia[:t TvnftaI in 15.)O. he tranislation of the New estament was made froin tihe orgina Greek, b,it prootu, ly toh01 Old'icstanit either finm the Latin of t'e Vulo'at', or tihe Greek of the Septuagint. This was soon flliowed by the ilnprovetne ats of. Cove rtdole anid I athe ws. By ordnr of tie ing, Taonstal Bishiop of Dirliam, a.d fleathi, Bishtop of Rochester, mde'E new traa:4atifi,, hic e wmtt ipu bish ed in 151: bl. t, not urn!-,a r 11 ry, it was suoressed by autholitv. Ii, t'eig n e lof ikg Ef d war d the sixth, anotther t:nislation wav siva'e,; two ed _t oui of whivilh wre publisled, one in 15-149, anl( the other in 1551. in the reign of'queent Etiza'oteih an tith'r t'anstatien was mrade, wvlvih, being- revised by sme of the most learned of the Bishops, went by the name of the Bisho' 1 e,1. Toh Llis pi of sed' to be a t,,a;slat'd fi't),n tfe 1.iere o' ftiie 011 TPestamni-it, and the Greek of the New, though in some instances, wheni thee was a dii.rence, it preferired the Septuagint to theLlA Iebrew. This lasIt circu msitnc e, with son otihers,i id~ced ingir James the first t. select flay-four persons, eminent in learning, and particularlv veil acquainteid wito tla t. riiitnal lann.ien:s in whichf thie OhI iad Ne Testaments were written, to rnaike a new translation of the whid B ble.- In tme vear -16)7, fe'ty- sven otf tliose persons,i the yother seven probably haviig died, assembled togethcr, and a:riangcd theniel~ves into cointt...e... t..t ea.z ofI i whi,. a o'. t,,. cWi w a; oivetr trfanda, te. They were favoured not ont' with the best translalions,, uot witih te mi)mst accurate copies, and tthe var'h)!i: reoainqinos of tiie or-,i':al text. After abolut three years assiduous labour, they severali, corn tAeted tie parts assit:ned them. They then met to.tr nandl while one read the translation newly foirmcd, the test had each a ci)py if'tle oiririnal text in nis hed, or so1mee o01 Orttoe an iciet versions, and wvhen any difficulty occulrred they stsopped till by commonol conqusttation it was determined what was most agreenale to the inspicid O'1giial. This transation was first liilished A.D. 1610, aid i: tloe ote whicth ihas been eiver since that time printed by pulicil a: ltority, anil t generally used in the British d(omi:ni)ns. It may be added iitti sa oty, that it haLi been genr:'altVy aol)roved by ie o of Itlea i: o and 1piety of al de totintations, of' whiclt its haaving never beea superseded by amy other, for two hundred years, is a sub cent prtiof Tie publis0ler fias only further to add, that Ite ha made the F dbxiln7 itnoression fromoi thi 0Aord edition of 173, by Jackson a.nd IaJiti,n — iid ha: been ~rticulaly attelltive in the revisal a,,1 aid,rreotiot'i to proofsleets with the Camsride o, "ditio of 1668 by J,ti:' FielI —with tae Edibhnlrgh edition of 1'775 iby Kinea:td, nd, in all variatitns. with the L dond~. edition of 17'72 by Eyre and Strtm{,an —-that wvhltrethere was any di-edrence in words, or ii the omisi:~in or addition of':Vords, an:.t.ng th ese, he foll:owed that which appearedt to be mist agreeable to the Hebrew of Arias Mo oanas, anld to, tle Greek of A:'ias [ontaunus ana Lcusden, ani aalwnvs adopted s.~e o~m'of teo e abov-mentioned 2nglish copies as his authority, except ia the tnmde, of spelling, in whtich he has generally tbilol ed Johascan 3 CO NTENTS OF THlE BOOKS OF TIIE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS. CHAP, CHAP. CHAP. CHAP. GENESIS. The bondage of the Israelites, 5 Denunciations for sins, 20 Strange communion forbidden, 7. God's promise renewed, 6:Priests' qualifications, 21 God's mercies claim obedience, 3 CTIi ATiON" 1Ito 7 Q2'Nrael's rebellion rehearsed, 9 FCormation of. man, ~ 1Moses goeth to Pharaoh, 7iNature of sacrifices, Israel's rebellion rehearse, 9 Formation of, manPlague of frogs, 8.Feasts of the LoRD, 23 Tle Tables restored, 10 he tkh ll, Plagues continued, 9!Shelomith's sons 24 An exhortation to obedience, 11,Death of Abelescotiue, heomit4' sn Death of Abelnr, 6 IPlagLues continued, 10 The Jubilee, 25 Blood forbidden, 12 G-enerations of' Adam, oh5reie bro ees aThe Israelites borrow jewels, 11 Obedience required, 26 Idolaters to be stoned, 13 The Ark, 6 Passover instituted, lO)Nature of vows, 710 f meats, clean and unclean, 14 The Deluge, 17tu Of the year of release 5Vaters rzup 8 Departure of the Israelites, 13- BERS. he ea of r.ase., ~atrs a suag ed. Egyptians drowned, 14 The feast of the Passover, 16 T)eath of Noah, Th le song of Moses, 15 The tribes numbered, 1 The choice and duty of a king, 17 Tioah's generations, l0TeS~fO ASS O Then pruiess' potintNoh e1 anna and quails sent, 16 Order of the tribes, 2 The priests' portion, 18 iBaMel built, ]11 Moe quils sent, Cabel built, Iof Moses builds an altar, 17 Levites appointed priests, 3 Cities of refuge appointed, 19 (.,all of Abram,'2Moses meets his wire and sons, 18 The service of the Kohathites, 4 1he priest's exhortation before Abram and Lot, 1Y3 ~,. ~.',,~~. Abram' ad fait, 14 Gid s message from Sinai, 19' rial of jealousy, 5 battle, 20 Battle of te ins, The ten commndments, Law of the Nazarite, 6 Expiation of uncertain murder, 21 Abram'st5Laws against murder, 21 Offerings of the princes, 7 Of humanity toward brethrenii, 22 1 at o Ws a1ainst ofthepce. Departure of Ilagar, 16 Laws agaifnst thef)t, &c9. 22 Levites consecrated, 8 Divers laws and ordinances, 23 Circum cision, -,Laws against false witness, &c. 23:Passover commanded, 9 Of divorce, 24 Abraham and the Angels, a: -oe called into the mount, j~24 The Israelites'rarch, 10 Stripes miuist not exceed forty, 25 IMestruction ofu Srdom, 1t- Ftorm he 26k, FI'oro orm of' the ark, 025 The Israelites loathe manna, 11 Of the offering of fist-fiuits, 6 ArhmdesithSr a, 2Cuctaions offOf the oaeinrkfis-fut, Abraham denieth Sarah, 2A. Ciirtatins for tile ark, I 26 Miriam's leprosy, 12 The law to be written on stones, 027 Isaiac s burn, 21 Altar of burnt-offering, 27 Delegates search thelnd, 13 ess and curses declared, 28 Isaac ofl~ied lp, Aaron and his sons made priests,28 The people murmur at the re- God's covenant with his people, 29 Death of Saralh, 23 Priests consecrated, 29 port, 14 Mercy promised tothe penitent, 30 Isaac'and Rpebe,:ca meet, 0o4 Isaacand eecRa meet, 24 Ransom of souls, 30 Sundry laws given, 1l Mdses giveth Joshua a charge, 31 Isal Thes song of Moses, sed il~~rnllall:'~ death, 2;,, Moses receiveth the. two tables,31 Korah, Dathabn, &Cc. 1li, I~Th ogo Poe,3 Isasarc lbfilumisheh, 17 The majesty of God, 33 ZJutc bleM~cct, L7.Goh-)Iden cand...... Fables broken, 37G Aaron's rod flteurish th, jacntb aftid 1 Siaui, G7 Gd talketh with MIoses, 33 Portion of the priests and Le- Moses vicweth the land and Jacob's vision and vow, 2~ 1Tables renewed, 34 vites, 18 dicth, 34 Jacob inarrieth Rachel, 09, 9 Free gifts for the Tabernacles, 35 Law of purification, 19OSHU. 3Birth of Joselph,. 83 People's liberality restrained, 36 Moses smiteth the rock, 2 Departr -kjc o, 8 Ark lercy - c zseretappointed Bl.Depture of Jacob, 31 Ark, Mercy-sea, &c. 37 razen serpent appointed, 21 Joshua succeedeth Moses, 1 Jacob and the angel, 32 Sum of the offerings, 33 Balak sends for Balaam, 22 Rahab concealeth the spies, 2 Jalc,) and Esan mineet, 83 [Ioly garments rmadle, 39 lalak's sacrifices, 2,.3 The waters of Jordan divided, 1 1mchemites Eslauine, 2.1ol Trabrnae aontsaed, S ~iechemites slain, Tabernacle anointed, 40 Balaam's prophecy, 24 Twelve stones for a. unsmorial, 4 Jacob's altar at 1Beth-el, 35 Zimri and Cozbi slain, 25 M11anna ceaseth, 5 Generations of Esau, $6 LEVITICUSZiriadCzisin.3 6 Generations of IEau, 36 LEIITICUS Israel numbered, 06 Jericho besieged and takt, 6 Jocseph s,)Id by his brethren,,.,. Jseph sld by his brethren, 3 Burnt-offeinns, Death of Moses foretold, 2o AVhan's sin punished, 7 Judah's incest, ($S 0ea-ofein's ~Jud~ah'~S~ incest, \i~3eat-off'erios 2Offerings to be observed, 28 Joshua taketh Ai, 8 Josephi and hris mistress, $31 Pece Qf~g, J ~se ph and his mistre~ss, 3 Peace-Oferings, 3 Offerings at feasts,.: The craft of the Gibeonites, 9 Pharaoh's butler, &c. in rlaofftirno's 4 Vows not to be broken, 3Ci The sun and moon stand still, 10 Pharaoh's dreams, 41 TrspssoM ins'haraohl's dream~s, 41 ~Trespa uis-odbhig:s, 5-5 Midianites spoiled, $1 Divers kings conquered, 11 Joseph's brethren in Egypt, 4 r iespass-offerings, 6'lhe Reubenites and Gadites re Names of the conquered kings, 12 Joseph entertains his bretlrcn,4 9aw of res pass-offrngs, 7 proved, 36) r al- m slain, 13 J~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~Lwof rseph'spolytsbrethrenc, 47 Aaroveadhi son tese r$Balsam slain, 1 Joseph-'s policytc his brethien, 41 Aaron and his sons conse- Journo.ys of the Israelites, 331 The inheritance of the tribes, 14 Joseph known to his brethren, 4.5 crated, ~Jos-Uph kn~own to his:~ bret~ren3 crated, c8 Borders of the land appointed, 34 The borders of the lot of Judah, 165 Jacob) aoeth into Ecrypt, 46 AQEharon's sin-oeriange, 1 J~acob goeth int~oEgypt, 4 Aaron's sin-offering, 9 Cities of refuge appointed, 35 Ephrain's inheritance, 16 Joseph presem~s his brethren, 48 Nadab and Abihu slain, 1' Gilead's inheritance retained, 36 The lot of lanassch, 17 Jsephc goeth to his father, 4 Unclean beasts, 1' The lot of Benjamin, 18 Jacob blesseth his sons, 49Purif tions, 1 DEUTERONOMY.''he lot of Simeon, 19 iath of Joseph, 5 aCits of r eleposy, Dfxi~~th of Josep~~h, 5Law of leprosy, Moses rehcarseth God's pro- Cities of refuge, &c. 20 Law for the lepers, 14 misc, I God giveth Israel rest, 21 EXO~US. IUncleanness of issues, 15 Story of the Edomites, 2r'he two tribes and half sent T!he Israelites oppressed, 1ISin-offerings, lI- Muoses prayeth to see Canaan, 3 home, 1lses born, 2 Blood forbidden, 17 ~n exhortation to obedience, 4 Joshua's exhortation before his The burning bush, S Unlawful marriages, 18 Ten Commandments, 5 death, 23 Gud's message to Pharaoh, 4 Repetition of laws, 15 Obedience to the law enjoined, 6jJoshua's death and burial, 24 CONTENTS. &G JUIDGES. CHA P. 1 CPt, cHA.. n, cHAPv. David's officers, 8The posterity of Judmlh, 4 The temple finished, 6 The acts of Judah and Simeon, 1 David sends for MIephibosheth, 9 The line of Reuben, 5 Ezra goeth to Jerusalem, 7 The Israelites fhll into idolatry; 2 Hanun's villany, 10The sons of Levi, 6 Ezra keepeth a fast, 8 The nations left to prove Israel, 3 David's adultery, II Tlhe sons of Issachar, 7 Ezra's prayer, 9 Deborah and Barak deliver Is- Nathani's parable, 12, The sons of Benjamin, 8, Ezra's mourning, 10 raei, 4 Arinnon and Tamar, 1.3 Genealogies of Israel and Judah,9i? n ~~~~~~~~~~~ I ~~~~~~NEHEM1IATI. The song of Deborah and Barak, 5 Absalom's return, 14, Saul's overthrow and death, 10E The Israelites oppressed by lIi- Absalom's policy, 15 David made king of Israel, 11 Nehemiahi mournethi for Jerudian, 6 Shitnei curseth David, 16'Tie armies that helped David, 1.i salem, Gideon's army, 7 Ahithophel hangeth himself, 17'David fetcheth the ark, 13 Artaxerxes encourageth NlehcThe Eiphraimites pacified, 8 Absalom slain by Joab, 18 Hiram's kindness to David, 14 miah, Abimelech made king, 9 Shimei is pardoned, 19 David bringeth the ark to Zion, 15 The names of the builders, ", Tolah judgeth Israel, 10 Sheba's revolt, 20, David's psalm of thanksgiving, 16Nehemrniah appointeth a watch, 4'" Je)Phltha!l's rash vow, 11 Saul's sons lhanged, 21 Nathan's message to David, 17 Reformation of usuryO The Ephraimites slain, 12 David's thanksgiving, 2' David's victories, I1 Sanballat's practices, 6 Samson born, 13 David's fiaith, 23, David's messengers ill-treated, 19 Ilanani and Hananiah's charge,7 Samson's marriage and riddle, 14 David numbereth the people, 24 Rabbah taken and spoiled, 20. The reading of the law, 8 Sarmson is denied his wife, 15 SaD son is flehood tosamsn, 1 FIRST d dOOK OF KIwCS. The plague stayed, 21 A solemn fhst appointed, 9 Dhelilah's fialsehood to Samson, 16 Preparation for the temple, 22 The points of' the covenant, 10 Micah's idolatry, 17 Solomon anointed king, I Solomon made king, 215 Who dwelt at Jcrusalcm, 1 The Danites seek an inherit- David's death, 2 The order of Aaron's sons, 24 The high priest's succession, 19 ance, 18 Solomon chooseth wisdom, 3 The number of the singers, 25 Divers abuses reformed, W; The Levite and his concubine, 19 Solomon's prosperity, 4 The division of the porters, 26 The complaint of the Levite, 20 Hiram and Solomon agree, 6 The twelve captains, 27 ESTHER. Benjamin's desolation bewailed,21 The building of the temple, 6 David's exhortation, 28 Ahasucrus' royal feast, Ornaments of the temple, 7 David's reign and death, 29 Esther made queen, RUTILI. Trhe temple dedicated, 8 Haian despised by Mordecai, $ Elimelech driven into Moab, 1I God's covenant with Solomon, 9 II. CRNICLE. The ourning of the Jews, 4 Ruth gleaneth in Boaz's field, 2 The queen of Sheba, 10 Solomon's offering, I Esther obtainethi the king's faBoaz's bounty to Ruth, 3 Ahijah's prophecy, 11 Solomon sendeth to Iluram, 2 your, 5 Bloaz marrieth Ruth, 4 The ten tribes revolt, 12~ The building of the temple, 3 Mordecai's good services, 6 Jeroboam's hand withcreth, 13 The vessels of the temple, 4 Haman is hanged, F-IRST BOOK OF SAM UEgL. FRST BOO OF S;AaEL. Abijah's sickness and death, 14 The temple finished, The rejoicing of the Jews, 8 Samuel born, I Jeroboam's sin punished, 15 Solomon blesseth the people, 6 Hiaman's ten sons hanged, H-annah's song, 2 Jericho rebuilt, 16 Solomon's sacrifice, 7 Mordecai's advancement, 10 rhe lord calleth Samuel, 3 The widow's son raised, 17 Solomon buildeth cities, 8 Eli's death, 4 Elijah obtaineth rain, 18 The queen of Sheba visitet JB. Dagon falleth before the ark, 5 Elisha followeth Elijah, 19 Solomon, 9 Job's losses and temptations, 1 The ark sent back, 6 Samaria besieged, 20 Rehoboam made king, 10 Job smitten with biles,`The Israelites repent, 7 Naboth stoned, 21 Juda strengthened, i Job curseth the day of his birth, $ The Israelites desire a king, 21[Judah strengthened, The Israelites desire a king, 8 Ahab seduced, 20_ Rehoboam's reign and death, 12 Eliphaz reproveth.Job, 4 Samuel entertaineth Saul, 9 SECOND BOOK OF KINGS. Abijah overcometh Jeroboam, 131 Afflictions are firom God, 5 st.coreD nJoo~K o~' KINI'GS 4J ws.et ~o e Saul anointed, 10 Asa destroyeth idolatry, 14[Job wisheth for death,; The Ammonites smitten, 11 ioab rebelleth, 1 Asa's covenant with God, 15b excuseth his desire of death Samuel's integrity, 12 Elijah's translation, 2 Asa's death and burial, 16 Bildad sheweth God's justice, Saul reproved, 13 Moabites defeated, 3 Jehoshaphat's good reign, 17 The innocent often afflicted, 9 Saul's victories, 14 The widow's oil multiplied, 4 Micai's prophecy, 18 Job expostulateth with God, I 3 Saul spareth Agag, 15 Naaman cleansed, 5 Jehoshaphat's care for justice, 19 Zophar reproveth Job, 1: Samuel anointeth David, 16 A famine in Samaria, C Jehoshaphat's fast and prayer, 20 God's omnipotence maintained, 12 David slayeth Goliath, 17 Plenty in Samaria, 7 Jehoram's wicked reign, 21 Jlob's confidence in God, Jonathan's love to David, 18 Ben-hadad killed, 8 Ahaziah's wicked reign, 22 The conditions of man's life, 14 Saul's jealously of David, 19 Jezebel eaten by dogs, 9 Joash mnade king, 23 E!iphaz reproveth Job, 1 David and Jonathan consult, 20 Prophets of Baal slain, 10 Zechariah stoned, 24 Job reproveth his friends, 1: David feigns himself mad, 21 Jehoash anointed king, 11 The Edomites overc.:r, 25 Job's appeal to God, 17 Nob destroyed, 22 The temple repaired, 12 Uzziah's leprosy, 26 Bildad reproveth Job, 1 David rescueth Keilah, 23 Elisha's death, 13 Jotham's good reign, A7 Job's complaint of his friends, 1., David spareth Saul, 21 Amariah reigueth, hz's wicked reign, 8 The portion of'the wicked, The death of Samuel, 25 Azariah's leprosy, 15 Hezekiah's good reign, 29 The destruction of the wicked, 2. David findeth Saul asleep, 26 Ahaz's wicked reign, 16 The passover proclaimed, 3g0Job accused of divers sins, 2 David fleeth to Gath, 27 Ten tribes taken captive, 17 Provision for the priests, 31i God's decree is immutable, 2 Saul consults a witch, 28 Rabshakeh's blasphemy, 18 Hlezekiah's death, 32 Sin goeth often unplunished,4 Achish dismisseth' David, 29 Hezekiah's prayer, 19 Manasseh's wicked reign, 33 Man cannot be justified before Amalekites spoil ZiklagT, 30 Hezekiah's death, 20 Josiah's good reign, 34. God, Saul and his sons slain, 3il/ Manasseh's iniquity, 2I Josiah slain in battle, $51Job reproveth Bildad, 2 SECOND aFgO AIE uudlah prophesieth, 22 Jerusalem destroyed, 36 The hypocrite is without hope, 27 Josiah destroyeth the idolators, 23 Wisdom is the gift of God, 28 David laments Saul, I Judah taken captive, 24..znA. Job bemoaneth himself, S. David made king of Judah, 2 The temple destroyed, 25 The proclamation of Cyrus, 1 Job's honour turned to conJoab killeth Abner, 3 The people return from Baby- tempt, s. Fsh-bo~l~th irinrdredx CHIRONICLES. sh-bosheth murdered, 4Ion, o2Job professeth his integrity, 31 David's age and reign, S Adam's line to Noah. 1 The altar erected, 3 Elihu reproveth Job, 82 Uzzah smitten,. 6The posterity of Israel, 2 The decree of Artaxerxes, 4:Elilm reasonethwitlh Job, 83 God's promise to David, 7 The sons of David, ~3 Tatnai's letter to Darius, 5[God cannot be up.,ust, l84 COQNTEY"T S, &c. CTAo P., PSA.LMI PSALM. C.TAP Comparison notto be made with David in prayer fleeth to God, 57 God praised for his mercy and PRe.mcdies a-ainst vanities,' 35 David describeth the wvicked, 5 3 truth, 117 Kings are to be respceteQ 2 The justice of Gad's ways, 36 D-avid prayeth for deliverance, 9i David's trust in God, 118 Xisdsiim is btter i/ia strcngthl,. G'.d's great works., 37 David's comfort ia God's pro- M5[editation,prayer,and praise, 119 01 wvisdom and fhly, 10 (1c's wisdom isa unsearchable, 33 riises, 601iDavild praveth against Doeg, l i0 ]irections for charity, I Gd's rpower in his creatures, 39, David voweth perpetual ser- The safty of tle godly, 121;The preacher's care to eCdify, 2 Jo!) lituinbileth himself to God, 40 vice 61 David's joy for the church I.....';' "(~....~ c t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE SONG] OF SOL,0510N' Grd's piogwer ia the creation, 41 No trust in worldly things, 62 The godly's confidence in God, 123 TE SON' SOOON. Job's age and death, 4'2 David's thirst for God, 63 The church blesseth God, 124 The church s love to Christ, David's complaint of his erne- A prayer for the godly, 125 Christ's care of the church, 2 PSALM~~S. 1Imies, 64 The chlurch prayeth for mer- Th'le church gloriethi in Christ, 3 JTappinezs of the godly, PSALM 1 The blessedness of' God's cho- cies, 126;The graces of the church, 4 The kiogdoun of Christ, seon, 65 The virtue'of God's blessing, 127 Christ's love fbr his church,.5 The security of God's protection,3 iDavid exhorteth to praise God, 66 Those blessed that fear God, 128]The church's tirth in Clhrist, 6 David prayeth fbr audience, 4 A prayer for God's kingdom, 67 The haters of the church The graces of the church, 7 I)avid's profession of his faith, 5 A prayer at the removing of the cursed, 129, The calling of the Gentiles, 8 D)avid's complaint in sickness, 6 Ark, 68 God to be hoped in, 130 The destrucin otewickd SAIAH. The destruction of the -wicked, 7 David's complaint in affliction, 69 David professeth his humility, 131 SA. G.d's love to man, 8 David's prayer for the godly, 70 David's care for the ark, 132 Isniah's complaint of Judah, 1 (G;,d praised for his jndgments, 9 David's prayer for perseve- The benefits of the saints' Christ's kingdomt prophesied, 2 The outrage of the wicked, 10 rance, 71 communion, 133Thel oplpression of the rulers, 3 (God's providenqe and justice, 11 David's prayer for Solomon, 72 An exhortation to bless God, 134;Christ's kingdomn a sanctuary, 4 David craveth God's help, 1'2 The righteous sustained, 73 God praised fbr his judgments, 13S5 God's judgmnents for sin, 5 D)avid boasteth of divine mi6rcy, 13 David prayeth for the sanctu- God Ipraisedfor manifold mer- aiadh' s vision of God's glory, 6 The natural man described, 14 ary, 74 tiCs, 156iChrist pronmisedl, 7 A citizen of Zion described, 15 David rebukethf the proud, 75 TIhe constancy of the Jews, 137 Israel and Judah threatened, 8 Divid's hope of his callingo 16 God's majesty in the church, 7 Davds confidence in God, 138 The church's joy in Christ's David's hope ind confidence, 17 David's combat with diffidence,77 I)3xd defieth the wicked, 139 bhith, 9 Ivi praisth God,18:God's wrath against Is;rael, 78 David's prayer for deliver- God'sjudgments upon Israel, IC David prayeth for grace, 19 The psalmist's complaint, 79 ance, 140 The calling of the Gentiles, 11 TJhe ehurch's confidence in David's prayer for the church, 80 David prayeth for sincerity, 141 Thanksgiving fbr God's merG"d, 2'0 An exhortation to praise God, 81 David's comfort in touble, 14 ces, 12 A tlhanksgiving for victory, 2o! David reproveth the judges, 82 D)avid complaineth of his grief, 143 Babylon threatened, 13 David's complaint and prayer, 22 The church's enemies, 83 David's prayer fbr his king- ti;'wel's restoration, 4 David's confidence in God's David longeth for the sanctu- dom, 144 The lamentable state of Moab, la'grace, o3 amy, 84 God's help to the g,-dly, 145oabot exhorted toobedienc2, 16 Godswrah?intewod, o.Daid ryt o ece,15Ma xotdtoein God's worship in the world, 2 iDavid prayeth for mercies, D85David voweth perpetual praise Syria and Israel threatened, I David's confidence in prayer, 25 David's complaint of the proud,8rj to God, 14GiGod's care of his people, 18 David resorteth unto God, 2(6 The nature and glory of the God praised for his provi- The confusion of Egypt, 19 D)avid's love to God's service, 27 church, 87 dence, 147 Egypt and Ethliopia's captivity, 2) D)ivid blesseth God, 28 David's grievous complaint, 88 All creatures should praise The fall of Babylon, 21 Why God must be honoured, o9 G od praised fbr his power, 8:9 God, 148 The invasion of Jewry, 2 David's praise for deliverance, 30 Godl's providence set forth, 90 God praised for his benefits, 149 Tyre's miserable overthrow, 23 David rejoiceth in God's mer- The state of the godly, 91 God praised upon instruments, 150 Judgments of God for sin, 24 cy, 31,rod plraised for his great wvorks,9'2 Tile prolihet praisethi God, 25 Who are b l e s s e d,~~~~~~~~~~~ THIE ProvERBs. Wh ~o are blessed, 32 The majesty of Christ's king- A song of praise to CGod, 26 G,d is to be prnised, 33 dom, 93 T!he use of the proverbs, cmHAr. 1 God's care of his vineyard, 27 Those blessed wuio trust in God,.q' David's complaint of impiety, 9:1 The benefit of wisdom, 2 Ephraimrn threatened, 28 J)avid prayeth for his safety, 3 r'The danger of tempting God, 95 Exhortation to sundry duties, $ God's judgment on Jerusalem, 29 Tile excellency of God's mercy, 36 GUod praised for his greatness, 90 Persuasions to obedience, 4 God's mercies towards his I)avid persuadeth to patience, 37 TLie majesty of' God, 97 The mischiefs of whoredom, 5 church, 30 David moveth God to compas- All creatures exhorted to praise Seven thLings hatefil to God, 6 An exhortation to turn to God, 31. sion, 38 God, 9~ Description of a harlot, 7 Desolation fbreshewn, 7Jhc brevity of life, 8, GCod to be worshipped, 99 The call of wisdom, 8 ThIe privileges of the godly, 33 O/bedience the best sacrifice, 40 God to be praised cheerfully, 100 The doctrine of wisdom, 9 God revengeth his chrcch, 31 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1)God'sreve t his chu orh GDd's care of the poor, 4' David's profession of godli- Virtues and vices contrasted, 10 The blessings of the gospel, 35 D)aviil's; zeal to semve God, 40 ness, 101 Continued, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. abshakeh insulteth Ilezekiah, 36 David prayeth to be restored, 43 God's mercies to be recorded, 10 I[ 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, O2i Hezekiah's prayer, 37 The chlureh's complaint to God, 44 (1 d blessed for his constancy, 1O3 Observations about kings, 25 Hezekiah's thanksgiving, 8 The majesty of Christ's king- God wonderful in providence, 104 Sunndy. maxims, 06 Babylonian captivity foretold, 39 domln 45 he plagues of Egypt, 105 Sund ry manxirms, ~7 The promulgation of tihe gosdThe church's confidence in lsrael's rebellion, 10; Observations of impiety, 28, 40 (.,A,, 4oGods marnifold providcnce, 107 Of pub!ic government, 91 (God's mercies to his church, 41 Tihe kingidom of Christ, 47 David's confidence in God, 108 Agur' s prayer, 3OChrist's mission to the GenTie privileges of the church, 483Da-vid's complaint of his ene- Lemauel's lesson of chastity, 31 tiles, 42 Worldly prosperity conternned, 4i9 mM, 109 God comforteth his church, 43 cECCLESIASTES,'' God's malesty in tae church, 50{The kingdom of Christ, 11 E.I-he vanity of idols, 44 i])avid's p~raver and confession, 5o God pm'aised for his works, 1Il The vanity of 2ll huiman things, 1 God calleth Cyrus, 45 David's con{!idence iia God, 5'IThe happiness of the godly, 11h2I' Wisdom and folly have one end, o~Idols not to be comparedl with The natur'al man (lescril)ed, 53 God pmaised for his mercy, 113) A tim,' for all things, 3' God, 48 D)vid's prayer fo;r salvation, 54 An exhortation to praise, 114{The ~ood of contentment, 4q God's judgment upon Babylon 47 David's conplaint in p'rayer, 55 The vanity of idols, 115 The vanity of riches, 5iThe intent of prophecy, 4a David's promnise of praise, 6$'.David studieth to be thankful, 116 The conclusion of vanities, 6 Christ sent to the Gentiles, 4t9 6 CONTENTS, &c CHAP'. LAMENTATIONS. ~ IOSEA. I,. Christ's s iTerings anid patience,50j CHAP. cHAr.PRedemption of Zion, 0 Fle certainty of God's salva- Jerusalefm's misery, 1 Judgments for whoredom, 1 The type of Joshua, 3 I,.1'' 4 tion, 51 Israel's misery lamented, 2The idolatry of the people, o IThe gt(olden candlestick, 4 Christ's free redemption, 52. So:rrows of the righteous, 3 T'he desol;ation of Israel, 3 Cursc of' thieves, 5 Tihe humiliatio n of Christ, 53 Zion's pitiful estate, 4,Judgmcnt threatened, 4 \'ision of the chariots, Tule church's~ enlugemnient, 5.4 Zion's complairt, 5 Israel a treacherous people, 5Captivps' inquiry of' thsting, 7 The happy state of believers, 5:51 Exhortation to relpentancc, 6Jerusalenm's restoration, 8 Exhortation to holiness, 56 EZEKIEL. Reproof of manifiold sins, 7 Th comi0ng of Christ, 9 G:)d reproveth the Jews, 571 E i Israel threatened, 8 God to be sought unto, 10 _F zekiel's vision I 1:O'.yp,cr! sy reproved, 58 VISI I. ~ ~o~ "~:tf F-[ypocrisy reproved, 58~....'..onlrnissio, Captivity of Israel, 9l)estruction of Jerusalem, It Israel's impiety, I0 IJudah'is I'2sto1a The covenant of the Redeemer, o9i; athte rl, Israel's mpiety, 0Jud h' s restoration, The alory of mhe clmrcll,'0'!Isrsel'd injiratitlrde to God, it.Icrusalem si ret,entance, I The glory of the church, 6 h type o a sbe, The office of Chrlis~t, cI e~~ type of Ilii ig, ~ 1rin'l el~1? to Gohd, 11 Jerusalemn's reentani c ued, 1.3 e le of Chrisp reproved, Jerusalei's enemies plagued, 14 Jh fie fCrs, 61.....The type of hairm1lprm~-vd 0~o God's promises to his church, 6! Ie t "Ephraim's glory vanished, 13 Israel threatened, 6o MALACIII. Christ shwevth his power to l' Blessings promised, 14 I~srael's desolation, 7r save 638 i. Israel's unkindness,' ~~~~~~~~~~~Vision of jealousy, 8 JOEL, The church's prayer, 6 of jelous, JOELThe priests reproved, 2 1l6e calling of the Gentiles, The marked preserved, 9' G d' sundry judgens 9The calling of the cuh Gent iles oflre1 God's sundr udments, 1The majesty of Christ, 3 c ~ ~ ~ ~~6Vision of~coals of fire, The growth of the church, 66 Tlepicsi'Exhortation to repentance, ~ Judgmnents of the wicked, 4 The prince' presumption, J1 God's judgmets against his JEREMIAH. Tihe type of removing, 12 j es n is MATTHEW. T.he callin of Jeremiah, 1 Lying prophets, 13 people's enemies, The genealogy of Christ, 1 1 Idolaters exhorted, AMOS. Israel is spoiled f'or his sins, The rdjectionrof e erusatem, 14 Christ's nativity, c God's mercy to Judah, 3h Gods judgments upon Syria, 1 The preaching of John Baptist, 3 ~5 Gbd's love to Jerusalem Mo,, Israel called to repentance, GJerusalm, lods wrath against Moab, o Christ tempted, 4 The eagoles and the vine,nts ainst Israel, Chist' sermon o te unt, Go)d's judgments upon the Jews, 5 Parable of sour grapes, d rprovet s ist Israel, 4 Christ'Of alms sermon on the mount, 5 Eaemies sent against Judah, 6 o wheprovet Israel, Of als ad prayer, 6 Jeremiah's call r repentance, 7Of the lion's whelps, 19 A lmentation for Israel, 5 Rash judgmrent reproved, 7 The calamities ofrthe Jews, 8 Irae rins ulisr.Ll's wantonness plagued, 6 Christ's miracles, 8 e amitiesof Prophecy against Jerusalem, 1hJudmnts of thme grasshoppers, 7 Matthew called, iermviah s larmentation, 9lJerusalem's sins, 2 Iihe vanity of idols, 10 IsrAhola h's end typified, 8 Tlhe apostles sent forth, 10 God's covenant procaimed, 11 sadestructio n,llsrcel's restoration promised, 9 John sendeth to Christ, 11 C',d'scoenat pocaimd, 1 Jerusalem'sY destruction 0-4 The prosperity of the wicked, 1Jru es 4. Blasphemy amgainst the Holy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.yammoitest thretnd oBADAH An exhortation to repentance, 13 A o tre Ghost, 12 The thall of Tyrus, o6 Ti proT phet's pflf rs, 14 Ed.m's destruction for their Parable of the sower, 13 The pi ophet's prayer, us's rich supply,'7.. $~ 1 Tyrus's rich supply, t h i a, a l oteS oe,1 Jeremiah's complaint, 1 TZido threatened, ride and violence, 1 John Baptist behealdd, 14 The utter ruin of the Jews, 16 The judgment of Pharaoh, 29 JONATH. The scribes reproved, 15 The captivity of Judah, 17 Desolation of The sign of Jonas, 16 T the type of the potter, Joah senTrnnsfiguration of' Christ, 17 typeof.tepotr 18 The glory and fall of Assyria, 31 T prayer of Joa, Crs t teaheth huiity, The desolation of the Jews 19 Te prayer of Jonah, Christ teacheth humifity, I8 l'a.shur smiteth Jeremiah, 2 20 Thle fall of Egypt, $3TeNnrte'rpnac,) N'ebuhadnezr' var, 2 zileNinevites' repentance, 3Christ healeth the sick, 19,Ezekiel admonished, g3 Ja eie tGdsmry Nlebuchadcnezzar's war, 2 God's care of his flock, 34ah repines at God's niercy, 4 The labourers in the vineyard, 20 The judagment of Shallum, oJud aent of Sir te, 35MIA4 The fig-tree cursed, 21 V3 ~ ~ " Judgment of Seir, 3 a MICAH. Restoration of God's people, 23 The marriare of. the king's son, 22 Israel comforted, The type of good and bad figs, 24 Vision of dry bones, g7 G~d's wrath against Jacob, 1 The P harisees exposed, Terymiape roproveth the Jeba s, 24'himaion of dry: Arainst oppression, 2o Destruction of the temple foreJeremiah reproveth the Jews, 2.5 e malic~e ones, wrath against Jacob, 1 The Phariseeslexposed, Jeremiah is arraigned, Trae m ic o Gog, 38 Trie cruelty of the princes, 3 told, 24 Israel's victory over Gogr F.'ectrc' glr, Nebuchadnezzar's conquests, 27 Desliption ove,'Te church's glory, 4 Parable of ten virgins, o5 D ~ ~ ~~~~~~0Tes birth of therepe, 4 ist, Hananiah's prophecy, r t of the temple, 4 The birth of Christ, Judas betrayeth Christ, 26 28 Ornaments of the templs controversy, 6Christcrucified, Jeremiah's letter, 29~ Trhe return of the Jews, 3 h ret cnes 4'2? Gbod's controversy, 6 (Chrisat crucified,' 7 Jhe remirn of ltterJ 2s he priests' chambers, T- he church's complaint, 7 Christ's resurrection, in Return of God's glory, 43 The restoration of Israel, 31l Jeremiah imprisoned, 32 Th priests reproved, 4i, MARK.,Division of the land, 45 Christ the Branch promised, 33 D ndBaptism of Christ, hel'J~ fi foretold, 3,Ordinances for the princes, ajesty of God, Bapism of Christ,.1ie bese k. cate e8 Vision of the holy waters, 4 (rods armies against Nineveh, 2 Matthew called, God blesseth theRechabites, Potions of the twelve tribes, 48 The ruin of Nieveh 3 The apostles chosen, 3~~~~~~ ~4 The Prtions of Ninetevehies4 Jeremiah's prophecies, 36 Portions Parable of the sower, 4 fihe Chaldeans seige raised, 37 DANIEL.. Christ heals the bloody issue, 5 Jeremiah cast into a dungeon, 38 Fl-abtkkuk's complaint, 1 Christ walks on the sea, 6 Jerusalem is taken, 39 Jehoiakim's captivity, I Judgment on the Chaldeans, 2 The Syrophenician woman, 7 Jeremiah set at liberty, 40 Daniel advanced, 2 Habakkuk's prayer, 3 The multitude fed, 8 Ishmacl killeth Gedaliah, 41 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed- Jesus transfigured, 9 Johanan prorniseth obedience, 42 nego, 3 Children brought to Christ, 10 Jeremiah carried to Egypt, 43 Nebuchadnezzar's pride and God's severe judgments, 1 The barren fig-tree. 11 Judah's desolation, 44 fall, 4 Exhortation to repentance, 2 The widow and her two mites, 12 Jaruch comforted, 45 lelshazznr's impious feast, 5 Jerusalem sharply reproved,:3 The destruction of the temple Overthrow of Pharaoh's army, 46 Daniel in the lions' den, 6 foretold, 13 The Philistines' destruction, 47 Vision of four beasts, 7 A.Peter denieth Christ, The judgment of Moab, 48 Vision of the ram, 8 The people reproved, 1 Crucifixion of Christ, 15 The restoration of Elam, 49 Daniel's confession, 9 Glory of the second temple, 2 Resurrection of Christ, 16 The redemption of Israel, S0 Daniel comforted, 10 God's severe judgment, 6S Overthrow~ of Persia, 11 LUKE. Zedekiah's wicked reign, 52 Israel's deliverance, 12 Exhortation to repentance,, I Christ's conception, 1?1 CONTENTS, &c, ~tA?. l CHCAP.' CHAP. r CHAI Christ's circumcision, 2 Paul preacheth at Corinth, 18 The liberty of the gospel, 5 The sacrifices of the law, 9 John's testimony of Christ, 3 Exorcists beaten, 19' Lenity recommended, 6 Christ's perfect sacrifice, 10' Christ teimpted by Satan, 4,Eutychus raised to life, 2 EPIIESIASThe power Qffaith, Mliraculoas draught of fishes, 5 Paul goethll to Jerusalem, 21 IDivers exhortations, 1 The twelve apostles chosen, 6 Paul's defence, 22 Of election and adoption,'1 Obedience to spiritual rulers, 13 Christ's testimony of John, 7 Paul smitten, 3S Christ our peace, JairuH' daughter raised, 8 Paul accused before Felix, 24 The hidden mystery, 3 J S 9How to attain eternal life, Paul appealeth to Cesar, 25 Exhortation to unity, 4'Wisdom to be sought of God, 1 Seventy disciples sent out, 10 Agrippa almost a christian, 26 Exhortation to love, 5:Of faith and works, 2 A dumb devil cast out, I1 Paul shipwrecked, 27 The christian armour, 6 The truly wise, 3 Covetousness to be avoided, 12 A viper fastens on Paul's hand, 28 Against covetousness, 4A The crooked woman healed, 13 PHILIPPIANS. The trial of faith, The great supper, 14 RONs. Paul's prayer to God, 1 The prodigal son, 15 Paul greeteth the Romans; 1 Exhortation to humility, 2. T:l The unjust steward, 16 Who are justified, 2 All loss for Christ, 310f God's spiritual graces, The power of faith, 174Justification by faith, 3 General exhortations, 4 Christ the corner stone, The. importunate widow-, 18!Abraham's faith acceptable, 4 Duty of wives and husbands, 3 Zaceheus called 19 Sin and death camne by Adam s COLOSSIANS. Of ceasing from sin, 4 Parable of the vineyard, 20iDying to sin, 6 Christ described IThe duty of elders, 5 The widow's two miteS, 2l The law not sin,? lxhortation to constancy, 2 Christ condemned, L22 What frees from condemnatioA, 8 Household duties, 3 Chfrist's death and burial, 23I Calling of the Gentiles, 9 Prayer recommended, 4 Exhortation to duties, 1 Christ's resurrection, 24 Paul's prayer for Israel, 10 False teachers tbretold, 2 All ~~~~ ITre are no1atof. THE.SSALONIANSo All Israel are not cast o HESSALO NS, Certainty of judgment, 3 JOHN. T.Love required, 1?2 History of their conversion, 1 he divinity of Christ,. JOHN. The divinity of Christ, 1 Love the fulfilling of the law, 13 How the gospel was preached Water turned into wine, 12 How to use christian liberty, 14 to the Thessalonians, 2 Christ's person described, 1 Necessity of regeneration, 3 The intent of the scriptures, 1.5 Paul's love in sending Timothy, 3 Christ our advocate, and proThe woman of Samaria, 4 Paul's salutations, 1G6 Exhortation to godliness, 4 pitiation, The imrotent man healed, I. CORINTHIS. Description of Christ's coming, 5 God's great love, 3 1. CORINTHtIANS.' FIive thousand fed, 1 Try the spirits, 4 Christ tencheth in the temple, 7 The wisdom of God, I TESSALONIANS The three witnesses, 5 Christ's doctrine justified, 8 Christ the foundation, 2 Comfort against persecution, 1 Pn ~~~~~~~~~~II. JOHN'. The blind healed, 9 Christians are God's temple, 38Of steadfastness in the truth, 2 Christ the good shepherd, 10 Distinctions are from God, 4 To avoid idleness, 3 An elect lady exhorted, 6 L~azarus raised, 11 The incestuous person, 5 Christ foretclleth his death, 12 Law forbid brethren, I OT III JOHN Ch rist's humility, 13 Paul treateth of marriage,? Paul's charge to Timothy, 1 Gaius' piety commended, 1 The Comforter promised, 14 Of meats offered to idols, l Prayers madle for all men, 2 Christ the true vine, 15 Paul's zeal to gain converts,, Of bishops and deacons, 3 JUDE. Christ warneth his disciples of Old examples, 10 Apostacy foretold, 4 Of constancy in the faith, 1 their sufferings, 16 Rules for divine worship, Ill Of' widows and elders, 5 Christ's prayer, 17 Spiritual gifts are diverse, 1 The gain of godliness, 6 REVELATION, jesus betrayed, 18 Charity commended, 13 Of the coming of Christ, 1 Christ's death and burial, 19 Of strange tongues, II.lann's doctrine, Christ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l Bla's deathadbrial, n I Christ's resurrection, 20 Of Christ's resurrection, 1 iPaul's love to Timothy, The key of David, 3 Christ appeareth to his disci- Paul commendcth Timothy, 16Exhortation to Timothy, 4jThe vision of a throne, 4 pies, 21 CORITHINSAll scripture inspired, $iThe book with seven seals, 6 II. CORINTHIANS. ~~~~~~~ACTS. in 1~~ualification of ministers, 4 The seven seals opened, 6 Consolation in trouble, U The number of the sealed, 7 MIatthias chosen, i Paul's success in preaching, 2 TITUS. Seven angels with trumpets, 8 Matthias chosen, o ThMxelnyo h opl Peter's sermon, 2 The excellency of the gospel, 3 $ualifications for ministers, 1 A star falleth from heaven, 9 T'Ihe lame healed, 3 The christian'sparadox, 4 Christians' duty, ~ii The book eaten, 10 Peter and John imprisoned, 4 Paul assured of immortality, S Paul directeth what to teach, The two witnesses, 11 Ananias and Sapphira, 5 Exhortations to purity, 6 and what not, 3 The red dragon, 12 Seven deacons chosen, 6 Godly sorrow profitable, 7 The beast with seven heads, 13 Stephen stoned, 7 Liberality extolled, PILEMO. The harvest of the world,,14 Philip planteth the church in Bounty praised, 9 Philemon's faith commended, 1 The seven angels with thQ seSamaria, 8 Paul's spiritual might, 10 Er. s en last plagues, 15 Saul's conversion, 9 Paul's godly boastin,, 11 HEBE Of the vials of'wrath, 16 Peter's vision, 10 Paul's revelations, 12 Christ far above angels, 1 The scarlet whore, 17 Peter's defence, 11Paul's charge, 13 Obedience due to Christ, 2The fall of Babylon, 18 ierod killeth James, 12 GLATIANS. Christ above NMoses, 3 The Lamb's marriage, 19 Paul preacheth at Antioch, 1 TG. Thle christian's rest, 4 The first resurrection, 20 P'anl stoned, 14: Of their leaving the gospel, I Of Christ's priesthood, The heavenly Jerusalem de. Circumcision disputed, 15! Peter reproved, 2 Th'e danger of apostacy, 6 scribed, 21 Timothy circumcised, 161Justification by faith, 3 Melchisedek and Christ, 7 The tree of life,'22 Paul persecuted, 171 Christ fieeth us from the law, 4 A new covenant, 81 THE FIRST BOOK OF MIOSES, CALLED t Uleb. BDresfhith,that is, in the beginnbi.g. cBrefa re Co HAPTER 1. 18 And to i rule over theo day, and over tile night, ci;isv. C4HRaI4. 1 TIe creation of heaven and earth....14 Of the sun, moon, and stars.... iald to divide the light fr'om tile darkness: and God " _ 2(026 Of mail in the inlmag of God.... 2Z) Also the appoinltlent of ftod. saw that it 1'as good. 1, JhI i, IN the beginning a God created the b heaven and 19 And the evening and the morning were the.Pryo;. at. 4 the earth. fourth day. 17co 1, ~ 2 A nd hthe earth was without form, and void; and 20 Andt God said, Let the waters brinz fortlh darlkness vwas upon the fice of thlle dee(p: and tlhei tlundantly the moving creature that hatll t liif:, and dta:K i,, cJob26,13.C Slpirit of God moved u)pon tile ice of tile wvaters. fowl i/aut tllay fly above the earth in the open firnmad P33, 6, 6 3 And d God said, Let there be light: and thlerle ilent of' heaven. was liglt. 21 And God created great whales, and every living 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and creatulre that mnoveth, which the waters brouglht foirth J1lTeb. God t divided the light ft'rol tlhe darknell ss. abundantly after their kind, and levry winged fowl Wi,,,r,,etll 5 And God called tle light. Day, and the dark- aft(r his kind: and Gol saw that it was good higltdi,ld ess he called Night anl the t evening and trle 22 And God m blessed them, saying, Be fruitfi:dl, m',.7'':"s,. mlornl-ingl werCe the first day. and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas; and P1' is,:/,,itg,", 6 ~ And God said, Let there be t a firmament let fowl multiply in the earth. and the,,ol.ir,,.g in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the' 23 And the evening. and the morning were the t e,, Cc. waters from the warters. fifth day, Ie. Ahnd divided the7 24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the w,,,o,, waters whlich wrere under the firmanient i'om the wa- living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping ters 7which.were above the firmament' and it was so-. thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it 8 And God called the lirmament IIeaven' andI was so. the evening and thle morning wvere the second day. 25 And God made tle 1)east of the eartl after 9 ~ And God said, Let the waters under lthe hiis kind, and cattle after their kind, and every rJr, %,,,,.2 heaven be gathered together unto fone place, and: tllng that creepetll upon the earth after his kind let thle dry land appear: andt it was so. and God saw that it was good. g 2ret. 3,. 1.0 A nd God called, the g dry lind Earthl; and the, 26 11 An d God said, nL et us im ake m a n i n ~our im a ge," l gathering together of tile waters called lie Seas: and& after our likeness: and let them have Pdominion over 6i. SGod sawv that it was good. I ithe fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, anli cd. i tleb. buLd 11 And God said, Let the Earth f bring forthi over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every: 2ite ge' rass, the herb yieldin.g seed, and the fruit-tree yicld-l creeping thing that creepeth ipon the earth. C g'7; i aig fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, uponl 27 So God created mal in his ow07 image, in the the cadh: and it was so. image of God created le lim; q male and female 12 And the IEarth broughlt forth grass, and herb created lie tlem. hLuko6, yietllinig seed after his " kind, ald the tree yielding 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto:;i;oH f iuit, wrvhose seed was in itself, after his kind: andi them, r Be fruitful, and multhiply, and replenish the' i- i God saw that it was good. earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over tile's, 13 And thle evening anld the morning were the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over thllird tday. every living thing that movetli $ upon the eartlh. IPs. 74, 16. 14 [ And God said, Let there be lights in the1 29 ~ And God said, Behold, I have given you every t leb. be- firmament of the heaven, to divide t the day firom herb t bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the j:.a'*,,en,,, the night; and let theim be fbr signs, and for seasons,, earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a anrd for days, and years. tree yielding seed; 5 to you it shall be for meat. "'h c''0 15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of 30 And to t every beast of the earth, and to every t:.a,,6 the heaven to give liglt upon tile earth: and it was so. fowl of the air, and to every tling that crleepeth upo 16 And God mu:adle two great lights: the greater the earth, wherein there is t life, I have givena ev ery:i asiE bebr.of liglt to f rule tile day, and the lesser light to rule the green herb for neat: and it was so. /:,, /,e dy. nirght: he Imade the stars also. 31 And God saw every thing thlat lie had made,,Joh3S.12. 17 And Godi k set theml in the firmanent of the land behold, it was U very good. And the eveningu:.o.v.....,' 8'S heavern to give light upon the earth, and the mornling were the sixth day B;: 9 The garden qf Eden GENESIS. MAlan's mnserablefall. CIf~"aT r * * * O Ilq Before TSy eforeCHAPT PER IL. /23 And Adam said, This is now bone f y C~I.IST 1 The first Sabbath... 4 The manner of'the creation....19,20 The nn- h ones, and fleshi "of m-y flesh she sll be called 44 ino' of the creatures...21 The making of woman, anti institution o fWoman, because shel- was taken'out of mtan. E. ncarriare. the heavens and the earth were finished, 24'I'4Therefore shiall a "leae is father and (I Cor. 11, Fia111US the heavens oanl tle earrth were finisaed,;:hns n(oifclr, alld shall cleave Unto his wil:: alnlu1 at. 19, -ad all the ihost of them. thev slhall he one flc:h.. 2 Andi on tile seventllh day God ende-d his work 25 Atnd they w'ere both naked, the man and his LUk.,. w'vhic.li hec ad nade; anId he l rested on tile scventhil wifi, and were not xashlanmed. X "ut. 28, Lu, day from all his work vhich he hItad made. C4APT. Nch. 9. H ~~~~~~~~~~~CIIAP'rFF.R Il. cNt. O;,I,. 3 And God c blessed the sevnth day, aii(l sane- I T'he serpent deciveth ve.... C6 Man's shanrfiel all.... 16 The punishisa. S8, 13i rested fi'om all int of rnkind....2 S Their casting out of paradise.!it it: bee-ause fliat in i -i o -lresed froml all' fit, t I l, I va li~`h(Od~ rctf:l ad re S J. tI,. crea- 1hi s work which God t created and made. - T w OW tie serpent was more" subtile than any beast a 2 Cor. 11 ted to ~. make. 4 I[ T-he-se a,"e the d gsenerations of the heavens and i' of the field which the LoRD God i1a(l inade: ds. 9, 1, of the earth when they were created, in t.he day that an(d'i he said unto the wonian, - Yea, lath God said, b Num. 11 2. Y1 Job 3, 28. thet LORD God made the earth and the heavens, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Heb. Fca eps 1(14,14. 5 And every plant of the e field before it was in the 2 And thle C woman said unto tilhe serpent, We bee''se. earth, and every lhrb of the field before it grew: for may eat of the firuit of the trees of the garden c P. 8 4. Yo1 a3, 26. Ihe Lot:I God hlad not'caused it to rain upon the 3 But of the firuit of the tree which is in the midst arth, and there was not a man to till the ground. of lthe garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, 6 But there went up a nist from the earth, and neither shall ye "touch it, lest ye die. d ch. 2, 17. watered the wholec face of the ground. 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall g m. 6, S. 7 And the LonID God g formed man oft the dust'not suirely lie: ech. 2, 17. Rol] o. 9, 20.,..t, of the ground, and breathed "into his nostrils the 5 For God doth know, that in the day ye eat hCc31.1 bre1atdof - life; and man became a. i VI l tlel Ceo f en yonr eyes sa e open.; ye er. hEcl.3 321, t her1e opee thcd yet 26,, 18 Ieb. lives, 8 Andc the Lorn) God plantedl a garden east- shall be as gos, knowing good and evil. Acts 6, ch. 7, 12. 1 Al b 1 1kg a 1 v ch. 13, 10. ward in Eden; and there he put the man whonm hlie 6. wen te woman saw at te tree g John 2, had formed. good for food, and that it was t pieasant to the eyes, Io, 9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to and a tree to be desired to make one wise; sl:e took desire. k John 0,48. g..0W ever k ii e 17. rrov. 31. grow every k tree that is Ileasant to the g;it,, and ofj tche fIruit thereof, and did eat; and'.gave also untoi e vlr.o17, l'rov. 8~ is. i eofaddiegvaloU ITh.21 good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the hier husband with her, and he did eat. garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.i 7 Antd the eyes of them bo)th were ropened, and i 2Kills Rev.4,. 2 10 And a'river went out of Eden to water thIe they knew that they were naked: and they sewed 6, 0. garden: and from thence it was parted, and became' figleaves together, and made themselves II aprons. k Jobr, 1ng [I Or, t!,inge iIto four hleads. 8 And they lheard the voice of thle Loin God,ogrd aill The naime of the first is Pison: that is iti walking in tile garden in tile t cool of the day: and J'~a", which comrpasseth the whole land of Havilah,where Adam and his wift h lid thenmsclves firont time presence te,,.win. there is gotd in~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amos 9,$ there is gold; of the Lom God amongst the trees of the garden. Rom.t, 6 12 And the gold of that land is good: there is 9 And the LoRD God called unto Adam, and bdellium and the onyx-stone. said unto him, Where art theou 1 3 And the name of the second river is Gihon:the' 10 And he said, I heard thy voice in thegarden: ell.,,,,, samisit that compasseth the whole land of[Etfhiopia. and I was "aftaid, because I was naked; I 3,. 14 And the name of the third river is Htiddekel: hid mnyself. that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. II And he said, Who told thee that then wast And tihe ftinrth river is Euphrates. naked! IHast thou eaten of the tree whereof I com15 And tlhe LORDn God took the man, and put him manded thee, that tlhou shouldest not eat! Ps'. 128,2' into the garden of Eden, to n dress it, and to keep it 12 And thle man said, 0 The woman who thou o'ob31,83 Eph. 4,28. Aa Prov. 19, 3 ni. Sam. 16 And the LoRD God" c ommn andc d the man,say- gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and ingOf every tree of tihe garden thou imayest fi'eely eat: Ii did eat., 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and 13 And tile Lond God said umito the woman,' evil, thou 0 shalt not eat of it: for in thie day that What is this that thou hast done? And the woian f h-.'ying" thou eatest thereof thou shalt t surely'die. said, p The serpent beguiled me, and I dideat. p2 Cor. 11, thou shalt d&e. 18 ~ And the LORDn God said, it is P not good that 14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Tim. 2,14 Co,.,,26. tiledl sould e ablone' I will makIe hiim a hielp-i Because thou hast done this, thou a. cursed above q Mat. 28, 41. t.. mIIeet fotr him. all cattle, and above every beast of the field: upon. 1 Peter 3,7. 19 And out of the ground the LoRD God formed thy b)elly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all every beast of the field, and every fowl of tihe air, tme days of thy life: qrs. 8,' and rbrought them unto Adam to see what e would 15 And I i put enmity between thee and the rMat. 23, 38. call them; and whatsoever Adam called every liv- wonman, and between thy seed and her seed: t it shall UN. l,,ie, ing creature, that was the nanme thereof. bruise tlhy'head, and thou shalt bruise his heel., 4. 1113 n d Lgv aesotoio wmnImli John 12,' 20 And Adam' gave names to all cattle and to the 16 Unto the woman lihe said, I will greatly multi- 13. =ax Gel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2,1.5. fowl of the air, and to every beast of the iield: but p!y thy sorrow and thy conception; tin sorrow thou t 2,., for Adam there was not found a help meet for hIin. shalt bring torth children: and thy desire shall be to.Pt 21 ~i[ And the Loan God caused a deep sleep to thy husband, U and hc shall rule over thee. fall upon Adam, and he slept; andl he took one of 17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast lhis ribs, and closed up time flesh instead thereof: hearkened unto the voice ofthywife,and hast eaten of ~"w~' 22 And the rib which the LORD God had:akenj the tree of wviich [ conmmanded thee, saying, Thou x cL1, 2, Ps. froni man, t made hle a woman, and r brought her shalt not eat of it: X cursed is the ground for thy sake; 3. F Pr. 18,1. in sorrow shalt thou eat ofitall the days of thy life; io x, Pn~~~~P 13,4, ~~~~~~~~~~a~~~aco %gae ~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~aa~~~~ao 3 ~~~~~~~g.20 10 ,in y s17y-c:~ Abel. CHAPTER i V, v. e aog wdo- A'aid -Icfor,~ 13!.SoT 18 Y Thorns also and tisties shall it bring forth 1G And Cain we-nt out rfrom the presence of the J r CIIR ISTcus 4001. to thee; and thou shalt eat the lherb of tile field LoRD, and dwelt in the land of 1] Nod, on the east:3.75. "'"'3140 19 In the zsweat of thy ft ce sh ala, thou eat bread,tili of Edien.I, z2 Thess.3, thou retur0 n unto the grolnd; fr out of itdast thou ta- 17 And Cain knew his wife, and she crnceived, 6.:. li). N. 96, 3. Ecl. 1, 13. ken: for dust thou a)rt. and unto diust shalt thou return. and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, an( ca iled theo 1o,1 Vg 20,A.lnd Adam called hiis wNvife's naime Eve, be- namne of the city after t!e name of Ilis son Enoch.,d,, a Gal4, 24. cause tshle was the mniotrber of all living. I18 And unto Enoch was born Irad: and Itrad be-'.49,1 21 Unto Adam also and to Ihis wife did the LoR g'at Mehuiaei: andi Melhuael begat Methusaci: and ~ev.3,~8. God makc b coats of skins, and clothed them. Methusaei begat Lamech. 2 Cor 5, 2, D.'ic okut ii w' a. 122 ~ And the Looii God sadl, Behold, the man 1.9 ~ And Lamech took unto lim two' ives: the t ch. 2, 18 is beconelc as one of us, to knvow good and evil. And nalme of the one was Adah, and the name of the othnow, lest lie put forth his hand, and take also of the er Ziliah. coCol. 3,1, 2, 30. 3 tree of litfe, and ceat, and live fotrever 20 Anid Adah bare Jabal: lie was the father of 23 Therefore the LORD) God sent him forth firom such as dwell in tents, and of sach ias have cattle. d Ecc. ", the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence 21 And his broather's name was Jubal: le was he was taken. the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. e Jhn 2, 24 SO h1, d;'ove out the man: and hle placed at 2'2 And Zilla, she also bare Tubal-Cain, ant in- elet' the east of the garden of Eden Cherutbimnis, and a structor cof every artificer in brass and iron: and the f Hb. 1, 7. flaiing sword. vwhich turned g cvery way, to keep sister of Tu'al-cain was Naamah. g'Roinl. 3,I a!anwsNaah o0. the way of the tree of life. 23 And Lamech said unto his wives, Adahi and CHAF PTER TV. Zillah, Hear muy voice, ye wives of Lamech, hearken 1 Tile birth, trade, and religion of Cain and Ahel....8 The murder of unto nlily speech: for I have slain a man to mny woundAbel....11 The curse of Cain. ing, and a young man to my hurt. it NUM. 31, N~~~~~~~~~~e IJ;S d YO llf ljft l.ll I1rt j7 rn, I. AND Adnam a k'new Eve h~lis wife;' and sloe con- 24 If Cain shall be avenged seven-fold, truly La-'- cev(ed, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten mclh seventy and seven-fold. Ith,, ma: the t a ina'i firo the LonP 25 ~f An]d A dain knew his wife again, and she Lord, 41 2 Aidshe asrailal'are his brotheir'Ael. Anid Abeiwa? bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said chap. 411,38.' a keep"er of shliep, blut Cain was atiller of the. grou.ind site, hathi appointed ine U another seed instead of'"'oe.2,s flieh. at the' x I Kin. 19 en dof d. Ad ) nAd n +process of tunge it camie to pass. that. Abel, wAhom Cain slew. 2. Cain brobl..t of the fruit of the do:,d an offering 26 And to Setdi, to him also there was born a son;,,, unto tle ILon. an d lie called his nanMe Enos: then x began men to,ed pona&c,~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ordbithisral bProva. 3,. 4 A odbel, lie also broughlt of the b firstlings of call upon the name of thle LORiD. hga1 to 12.'., Ilis flock, and of the, C fat thelreof: And the Lon, CHAPTER V. Ld I~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hb II d CHAIPTER V. alLod ]Heb. 11, had ( resphet unto Abel, and to his offi.n W: The genealogv, age. and death of the pa..triarchs from Adam unto t. 2,,, 5 But unto Cain, and to Ihs offering, he lhad not re- Noah....24 The godliness and translation of Enoch.. MMat. 1., -IM-9'I Chr. t, 14 spect. And Cain wias veoy wvroth, a.nd his counte- HiIS is the abnook of the geneoations of Adam: sW~"r 11 nmance fell. In the (lay that God created man, in the b like- Lkt"i,'' b c:h. 1,'G. 6 And the LORD said unto Cain, W,~hy art thou ness of God made he him: w1roth I and why is thy c.ountenance fallen 1 2 Male and feimale created he them; and blessed Jobh.15,9 f~~~~~~~ ffeb'~~ ob1. 114.. Ih 7 If thol n,doest well, shalt thou not I. beaccepted thel, and C called their name Adam, in the day when I'1' 11 Or, ah.e 1, 8. re. xcel- and if thou doest not well, s., lieth at the door. they were c.reated. rrh. 2, 23. gchap.316. And lunto thee shall be mis g desire, and thou slalt S ~ And Adam lived a llmndlred and thirty years, A"''' 1' 1ue over him d liePs. ovr, 21. h H ll..1 and begat a son in ihisd own likeness, after his imagre; a,. ~ Pa~~~~F. 61, 5 h Ps. 5, 21. 8And Cain h talkerd with Abel his brother: and( it and called his name Seth: "n., 19 r's. 1,2 came to pass when they were in the field, that Cain 4 And the days of Adam, after he load begotten i I John 3,',, e e ch. 1, 2$.. Jh.3, rose up ag:ainst Abel his brother, and'slew him. Seth were eight hundred years: and lie begat sons c:1,/7, 8. Irs. 9, 12.kWlle & 128, 3, 4 1 Poh,0.,. 9 ~ And the LORD said utnto Cain, Where is,anmd daughters, Jo,4. Abel thy brother I And he said, I I know not: An 5 And all the lays that Adam lived were I' nine frs. 0, 10. b rothdr'skl anti Deut. 20,:20 my brotlmer's ]keeper. hundred and thirty years: and lie gdicd. gib.d. Hb. 10 And lie said, What hast thou done? the voice of 6 ~[ And Seth lived a hundred and five years, and 27. Ab.,thy brother's blood m crieth uInto me from tihe ground egat EOS 11 And now art thou cursed fron thfle earth, Nwhich 7 And Seth lived after lie begat Enos eight hunhath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood dred and seven years, and begat sons and daughtcrs: from thy hand. 8 A.nd all the days of Seth were mile hundred and ] 2 Whemn thou tillest tihe ground,, it shall not hence- twelve years; and he died.,r,.,0~, fortl~yield unto tim her strenoth' "A tfugtive and{ tleban' s. forth ield unto thee her strenth: fitive and 9And Enos lived ninety years,and begattCainan',a,,htai, 50.'I nwai, that ies, a vagaboond shalt thou be in the earth. 10 And Enos lived after hlie begat Cainan eight hun- tooearn,,1 o0 r, 15~ A n oarn samd ntoheLR,! Piptit is 13 And Cain said nito the LORD, fJ My punish- dired and fifteen years, and b;egat sonis and daughters: Luke 3,3 g'reate ment is greater th-an I can bear. 1II And all the days of Enos were nine humndred chk., 11 ~-~:~g7~l,. 14 Beltold, thou hast driven me out this dav firom and five years; and hlie died. job 1o.. 22. o ch,. 2. the o face of the earth; and ftomi1th fesa I 1e 1) T An (n Jl sev()1ty y emr and T~a' ch~'p]~~ thr, " fa om th,. I. from iy faie shall I ie 12 5 And Cainan lived seventy years, and begat hid; and I shall le a fugitive and a vagabond in thle Mfahalalcel e earth; and it salla come to pass, that every one that 13 And Cainan lived after lie begat Mahalaleel eight 0, findeth me shall 1 slay me. hundrehd and tfomty years,anud begat sons and daughters: ~-~Lv. 2, 17, 15 And the iLenD said unto him, Therefore who- 14 And all the days of Cainan were nine huundred soever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on hlimn and ten years; and lie died. Ezek.9, 4. seven-fold. And time Lord set' a mark upon Cain, 15 ~I And Mahmalaleel lived sixty and five years, "' -' lest any finding him should kill hhmn. and begat Jared: I1 Alan s vwr.icr2dess causeut the fIlood. G2ENESIS. The order andform of the ark. CHfRS" 16 And Mahalaleel lived after hlie begat Jared was m a just man, awd perfect in his generations, and CHRlST 382. eight hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and Noah " walked with Gocd. 2348. daughlters: 10 And Noah begat three sons, Shec, 1am, and m, 1 And all the days of Mahlallcel were eight ihun- Japheth. 7Ro.' dred ninety and five years; and he died. I I The earth also was corrupt 0 before God; and eb. 1,. 111 olh. 5, 22 18 ~I[ And area'lived a hundred sixty and t the earth was filled with violence.,t, 2,5. yearJaand rhe begdt Enoch. Acts 13, 36. years, and ha ee bc;at Enoch. 12 And God looked upon the earth, and behold, cts o1,6. 19 And Jared lived after he begat Enoch eight it was corrupt:' for all flesh had corrupted his way hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: upon the earth. 20 And all the days of Jared were nine hundred 13 And God said unto Noah, P The end of all pAmois,2 Ezek.7, 3,6 sixty and two years; and lie died. flesh i's come before me; for the earth is q filled with ~r-.5' 13'. 21 ~ And Etioch lived sixty and five years, and violence through them': and behold, I will destroy q ch. 49, 5 begat Methuselah thenm with the earth. 22 And Enoch walked with God after he begat 14 ~ Make thee an ark of gopher-wood: rooms Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and shalt thou make in the ark, and shall pitch it within daulghters' and without with pitch. inha. 1, i 23 And all the days of Enoch were h three hun- 15 And this is the fashion which thou sha!t make g 13., dred sixty and five years: it qf: The length of the ark shall be three hundred i oh. 9, ~. Micah,8. 24 And Enoch walked with God, and'he was cubits, tlh breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height Hfeb.11, 6.b' not for God took him. of it thirty cubits. VEpI.5,. 25 ~ And Methluselah lived a hundred eighty and 16 A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in col. 4,. seven years. and begat Lamech' a cubit shalt thou finislh it above; and the door of.i 26 And Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof: with lower, Luke 23.43. seven hundred eighty and two years, and begat sons second, and third stories shalt thou nmake it. and daughters: 17 And behold, I, even I, do bring a flood ofr Ps. 2D, 0 t dagtes 17 Ai c h dap. 9, 9, 27 And all the days off Mehiuselah were nine hun- waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, iwhereinc dred sixty and nine years; and he died. i the breath of life, from under heaven: and every 28'[ And Lamniech lived a hundred eighty and thing that is in the earthl S shall die. p 1o0,3'" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Ps. 107, 8,4 two years, and begat a son: 18 But with thee will I establish my covenant: i~lb. 31,7. 29 And lie called his name N oah, saying, This and tthou shalt come into the ark, hon, and thytHb.,W. UhO islO IIOII, aim tihy Isa. 26, 21. n.~,. ~men shall m comfort us concerning our woirk and' soiis, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee. toil of our hands, because of the ground which the 19 And of every living thing of all flesh, "two of1:c 7,2' 9 ry r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sal. 86, t nch. 3,:17. LORD hath1 "cursed. every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them 30 And Lamech lived after hlie begat Noah five alive with thee: they shall be male and female. hundred ninety and five years, and begat sons and 20 Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after daughters: ~their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after; 31 And all the days of Lamech were seven hun- his kind; two of every sort shall come x unto thee, j.ol7.s4. idred seventy and seven years:' and he died. to keep them alive. 3"' 2 And Noah was 0five hundred years old: and 21 And take thou unto thee of all food that is P Cl. n,. Noah P begat Shein, Ham, and Japheth. eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall CHAPTER VI. be for food for thee, and for them. I The wickedness of the world, which provoked God's wrath, and. 22 y TLhus did Noah h; according to all that God y T"b. II, caused the flood....14 The order and form of the ark. commanded him, so did" h le. Ex. 40, 18. AND it came to pass, when men began to "mul- CAPTER VII. c., tipy~ n te fce f te crthanddauhtes ICHtAPTERr VII. zcip, Ltip!y on the face of the earth and daught1ers 1 Noah, with his family, and the living creatures, enter the ark....17 The were horn unto them, beginning and continuance of the flood. 2349. b;Dent. 14, the d'' a' 2 That the b sons of God C saw the d daughters of ND the LORD said unto Noah, Come thenou and 2 Pt,. 2,,5. c 2 Pt. 2, men t1hat they were fair; and they took them wives all thy b, house into the ark: for thee have C IEzek. 9,4, d Ia t. 2,11. of all which they chose. seen righteous before me in this d generation. bIver. 3. e Dli. 7,. $ An h osi, ~ ysirtshlnoahysh. 17, 1 0. )et. l,, 3And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always 2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by'Act 2,:9. 3,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L Itt S c2 49. IPet. 3,1s. strive w ith man, for that he also is flesh: yet his t sevens, the male and his female; and of beasts is. a33, 18 $ Gal. 8, 16.Prv 09 Itl. IPe. days shall be " a hundred and twenty years that are not clean by o, the mae and: his feale.., lit Pet. and Lwen~~~~~~~~y years. by ~~ r chap. 6', 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; 3 Of fowls also ofthe air by sevens, the male and the ~, P. and also after that, when the sons of God came in un- female;to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth. HebX,, to the daughters of men, and they bare children to 4 For yet seven days, and e I will cause it to rain eJob28, them: the same became mighty men, which were of upon the earth forty days and forty nights: and 23. old, men of renown. every living substance that I have made will I t f H 5 i[ And God saw that the wickedness of man vwas destroy from off the face of the earth. Job 22,16 15, 29. great in tile earth, and that every imagination of the 5 And Noah did according unto all that the LORD m~. 3;,. thoughts of his heart wcas only evil continually. commanded him. k; Isa. 63,10. c o m n e h i E.h. 4, 30. 6 And it repented the LORD that e he ad made 6 And Noah was six hundred years old when the,ar,, man on the earth, and it k grieved l1m at his heart, flood of waters was upon the earth. Riom. 8, 2 ndma lob. 4, 2.' nd the LoRD said, I will destroy man whom I 7 ~I And Noah went in, and f his sons, and his g rea.8, 1 Heb. 4, l5. q. 2 Tu. l,lS. have created from the face of tihe earth; t bothi nian wife, and his sons' wives witli him, into the ark, chap. 19,191 item. 4, 4. and beast & 11,6., and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the - because of tlhe waters of the flood. j"' Ex. a.3, 12, air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. 8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean,,fof, 13. 8 But Noah fobund grace in the eyes of the LORD. and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon Acts'7, 46r fNoh: I erh Luke a, a 9 ~1 These are the generations of Noah: Noah the earth, 12 The world drowned. CHAPTER VIII, TX. Noah goeth out of the arit. Berore 9 There went g in two and two unto Noah into 6 ~ And it camo to pass at the end of forty days, cDixsr CERISTY1 HT 2349 the ark, the male and the female, as God had corn- that Noah e opened the window of the ark which he 2o1. manded Noah. had maci: g~~~~~~~~ ~ chad 2made' Cch. 6, ltL h Heb. 6, 7. 10 And h it came to pass, after seven days, that the 7 And he sent forth a'raven,which went forth tto and Dn. 6, o0. zec.14,,,6. waters of the flood were upon the earth. fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth. i.17 11 ~[ In the sixth hundreth year of Noah's life, in the 8 Also he sent forth g a dove from him, to see if the t 1i101. go-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'li'g forthl second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the waters were abated ftom off the face of the ground;.;dreturnI Jlob ~S, 4. ier g. r~.,0s..o. same day wvere all the fountains of the great deep 9 But the, dove " found no rest for the sole ot' her.1 iou k chap. 1,7. broken up, and the k windows of heaven were opened. foot,'and she returned unto him into the ark; for the b,.,~ 6. 1~. 73, 23. 112 And the rain was upon the earth forty (lays waters were on the face of the whole earth. Then he 6e.7 and forty nights. put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in 1'"; I'A* 1,3 In the self-same day entered Noah, and Shem, unto him into the ark. and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah's 10 And he'stayed yet other seven days, and again. s' wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into lie s ent forth the dove out of the ark. the ark: 11 And the dove came in to him in the evening, 14 They, and every beast after his kind, and all and ho- in her mouth was an k olive-leaf pluckt off.. the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing`So Noah knew that the waters were abated tifom off ~. that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and evei vthe earth. fowl after his kini, every bird of every sort. 12 And he stayed'yet other seven days, and sent iJames 5,7, ia. 11, 6. 15 And they went in unto Noah into the ark,' two forth the dove; which returned not again unto him and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life. any more. 16 and they that went in, went in male and hemale 1 3 ~ And it came to pass in the sixth Iundreth and of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the first year, in the first month, the first day of the m 2 Kingag L ordi shut him in1. ~imonth, the waters were dried up firom off the earth: 1 7 And the flood was forty days upon the earth:' and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and looked, and behold, the'ahce of the ground was dry. it Was lifted up above the earth. 14 And in the second month, on the mn seven and ma,.7,, n Ps. 69,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 14. Sned V~.63, 13. 18 And the waters "prevailed, and were increased'twentiethc day of the month, was the earth dried. o Ps. 104, greatly upon the earth: and the ark ~went upon the'i 15 ~ And God spake unto Noah, saying,:x. 14, 29, faice of the waters. 16 1G Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and Ze. 0.19 -o _ Ps.% 91, 1I. 1.9 And the waters prevailed exceedingily upon the thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee. p Jer. 3,23. earth; and all the p high hills that were under the 17 Bring forth with thee every living thing that?s whole heaven were covered.:with thee, of all flesh, bolh of fowl, andlof cattle, and 20 Fifteen cubits tupward (lid the waters prevail:'of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; q Ps. 104, and tihe q mountains were covered. that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be 2IAnid allflesh died thatmovecdiuponthe earth, bothl fruitful, and multiply upon the earth. of fiiwl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creep- 18 And Noah 0 went forth, and his sons, and his oS 12. r Luke 17, ing thIing that creepethi upon.theearth,and'everyman: wife, and his sons' wives with hiin 27. Job 22,16. 22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of 19 Every beast, every creeping thing, and every 2 Pet. 2, all that was in the dry land, (lied. fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, after 62.3 And every living substance was destroyed their t kinds, went forth out of the ark. which was upon the face of the ground, both nian, 20 ~ And Noah builded "an altar unto the LORD. p leb.13, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of and took of every clean beast, and of every clean, f~. 12, the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth; tfowl, and offered' burnt-offerings on the altar. 11 and" Noah only remained alive, and they that wer 21 Amid the LORD smelled a sweet savour' andr r'2vP~t. 2,9. with him in the ark. the LORD said in Ihis heart, I will not again curse lie. riov.,a. 24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth a!ground any miore for man'ssake;fortheimnagnilation of 2,,.. t vr. II hundred and fifty days. intan s heart is evil from his youth: neither will I again LC.6, 19. ~;h. 8~ 3.-L q Vs..2~, lo CIAPTER VIII. smite any more every thing hiving, as! have q done. q2 Pet,.-7 CHAPTER V111~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Joh 22, 20: 1 The waters assuage....4 The ark restet2 on Ararat... 18 Noah 22 t While the earth remnaineth, seed-time and 4jb...,,,e goeth forth of the ark....20 Ile buildeth an altar, and offereth sacri- harvest and col' and hee at, and summer~ an~d winter,. Ih u. fice. Od t/e eco'-il'; eand day and night, shall not cease. Ia 1.b.,3, /, ND God a remembered Noah, and every livingC oh. 19, 29. timing, and ball thle cattle that was with him in o Ii P's. 1&, 6. the ark: amid God made a winch to pass over t~me earth, 1 God blosseth Noah....4 Blood and murder are forbidden....8 God's. r.,.thc ark: and God mnade, a wind to pass over tbe, e earthIovntlsiifebyhe.in,,.. oenant, 13 signified by the rainbow....IS Noah' replenisheth lhte and the waters assuaged; world: 21 fs drunken. and mocked of his son....25 Cursethd Ca oan,. 2 Them fountains also of the deep, and the win- 29 and d11th. dows of heaven were stopped, and the rain'rom ND God blessed Noah and his sons, and said a c. 2,., heaven was restrained unto filhem, Be b fruitful, and multiply, and re- 2x $ And time wvaters returnied fIrom off t"e earth0 pipenishte, earth. I Ieb.go-~ ontnualy: ad dftr tme ii] o t~e unded ud 2 Anid cthe lear of you, and the dread of you, shalcl,].:';'.ng anod re- continal:. 2', 2.. e'tehnr, n t;~.;naig. fifty clays time waters wxere abfated. b~e uipom every lbeast ot time eartl, and upon every fo~wl Joi,'k. 23. dclh. 7,u1'4; ~ Antitlme ark rested iii time seventh month, on~ of thle air, upon all' that mlovetim upon. thle eamill the seventeenth clay of thme mionthm, upon thme mnoun-iand upon ali the fishies of the sea; into your hand are tains of Ararat. z., they delivered. and. 5 And the waters t decreased c'ontinually utild the 3 Every umoving thing that d livethishahl ebe meat d Le' 22,3 ~,,,tng.' tenth mmonthi: intime tenth month, on the'first day ofj for you; ecven tas'the green herb2 have I given you f'~ i, ~. th.. ie month, were the tops of the mountafins seen.:all th~ings. 13 God's corenanlt WWth Noah. GEN ESiS The generatkion f Aroah and his sons. troU T 4 ~f But flesh with the life thereof, which is the CHAPATER X. CRIS, ICHRIST'CHRIST cir. 234. blood tihereof, shall ye not eat. I The generations of Noah....8 Nilmrod the first monarch. 2S47 gV 5 And surely your blood of your lives will I h re-'OW these ae t generations (A the sons of'eh, -t~gr Lev. 17, N' a ch.s ar h ~gnrtin t s. 1. quire: at the hand of' every beast will I require it, Noah; Shem, iain, and Jajhetih and unto h.. 2,0s. and at the hand of man; at the hand of everyk man's them were sons born after the flood. k Acts 17, brother will I require the life of man. 2 The b sons of Japheih;;;Gomer, and Magog, and I Chr 1, i Job,19. 6 Whososheddeth man's blood,' byvmman shall his Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Nun,. a., blood be shed: for in the image of Gol made ie an. iTi iras. 2.1.',e of Gsod made lie ilina, ad lki Rtn.:a, 4. 7 And you, o be ye fruitfil, and niultiply; bring forth 3 And the sons of G omer; Ashkenaz, and Rieh.1, 27. atbundn:- tly in the earth, and multiply therein. pht, and Tor al ch. 1'26. aound! nt T phth, -and Togarmih. ol.1,2h. 8 ~. And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons 4 And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, wi;t him, savrng, Kittini, and Dodanin. rh. 617,. 9 And I, P "bcho!d, I establish' my covenant with 5 By these were the c isles of the Gentiles divided J.e' 25, qg ba..54 9. and I after in 22. c 2,.,17. you, and with your r seed after you;I in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their,on,,. 1. 3. 10 And witlih everyliving creature thatis witih you,. fianilies, in their nations. s [Is. 1435, 9. nYdICh.4 of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the 6 ~ And the sons of a I1am; Cush, and Misraim, Ch40.4 ealrtthwith you, from all that go out of tihe ark, to and Phut, and Canaan. Ps. 105, 27 every beast of the earth. 7 And the sons of Cush; Seba, and Havilabh, and 11 And I will establish my covenant with you; Sabtab, and Raamfah, and e kabtecha; and the sons neither shall all flesh be cut off any minore by the of Raamahi; Sheba, and Dedan. waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be 8 And Cush begat NI Nimrcd: lie began to be a That is, a rebel. c. 8,2'1. a 1100foot to estlov te earth. ight one in the earth. m t 12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant 9 Ie was a mighty hunter f lbefore the LORD n eer.,,16.1.' R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ev. 17, 6. w11hich I make between inc and you, and every living wherelfre it is said, Even g as Nimnrod the mighty v:ek.3,18,. f chap. 6,, creature lat is vith you, for perpetual generations. hunter before the Lon. f Chp. 6, Rev. 4,3. 13 1 do set,y " bow in the cloud, amd it siall 1dw 10 And the beginning of his kingdom was B3abel,and 2 C. s for a token of the covenant between mie and the earth. Ereclh, and A ccad, and Calnel,in the land of Shinar. 4And it shall come to pass. whenl I bring a cloud 1! Out of that land 11 wvent forth Asshur, and build- Ort IPaet over the earth, that the bow shallbe seen in the cloud: ed Nineveh, and the city of Rehoboth, and Calal',.4"ia,' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~vers'e 22.' 15 And I will remember my covenant, wvhich i,: 12 And Resen between Nineveh and Calah:the h Nah., I between me and you, and every living creature of samle is a h great city. 2a. all flesh; and tle waters shall no more become a flood 13 And M'zraim begat Ludim, and Anamim, and to dstrovy all flesh. Leobsim, and Naplituhim, 16 And the bow shall be in the clond; and I will 14 And Patbrusim, and Casluhim, (out of whom,ll.?.. look upon it, that I may remember the ecverlasting came Philistbm,) and Caphtoritn. Ex. 28, 12.' 28, coIvenant between God and every living creature of 15 And Canaan begat Sidon his first-born, and all flesh that is upon the earth. Iletli, y,i. 41, 32. 17 And God said nto Noah, This 1is tIe token of 16 And the Jebusite, and the Amnorite, and the the covenant which I have established between me Girgasite, and all flesh that is upon the earth. 17 And the Hivite, and the Arkitc, and the Sinite, 18 ~ And the sons of Noah that went forth of the 18 And the Arvadite, and the Zemaritre, and tlmc ark, wr'e Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Hiam HIlamathite: and afterward were the faimniles of the is tlhe father of Canaan. Canaanites spread abroad. 19 These are the three sons of Noah: and of them 19 And the border of the Canaanites was from was the wvhole earth overspread. Sidon, as thou conmest to Gerar, unto Gaza.; as thou 7, rnv. 12, 20 And Noah beganii to be a Z husbandman, and hlie:oest unto Sodom and Gomorrah, and Admah, and ch. 2., 27. planted a vineyard: Zeboinm, even unto Lasha..., 6 ". 21 And lie drank of the wine, and,was drunken; 20 ~ These are the sons of Ham, after their famni- i.,'a7 s3 I %. 0 chap. 4, 17. 12. and he was " uncovered within his tent. lies, after tlheir tongues, in their countrie:s, and in Pra. 20, 22 And 1am, the father of Canaan, saw thle naked- their nations. r.ne. to. ness of hiis father, and C told his two brethren withrout. 21'~ Unto Shem also, the " father of all the chlil- " ch. 14,13, 2:3 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and dren I of Eber, tihe brother of Japheth thwe t elder, 1, Th'tsOf l, laid it upon hboth their shoulders, and weht backward, even to him were childre,, born. I 4 T'ti4' N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rmn. 2~4,24 and covered the nakedness of their father: and their 22 The children of Shem'Elam, amd m Assimr, fRob. faces were backward, and they saw not their father's and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Arain..ha'.., 32 nakedness. 23 And the chiidren of Aram; "Uz, and Hull, i^ 29."' 24 And Noah awoke friom his wine, and knew and Gether, and Mash. IS, 1 what his younger son had done unto him. 24 And Arphaxad begat Salah; and Salah begat'Jb 1,'. c cl, 4t. 18. 25 And he said, d Cursedbe Canaan; e a servant Eber. e John o'At. f servants shall lie be unto his brethren. 25 And unto Eber were born two sons t:lme name fP'. 114 1. 26 And he said, f Blessed be the LorD God of of one was ~Peleg, for in his days was tile earth di- ~,Lke30 a.,1,. Shem: and Canaan shall be his servant. vie dAmnd h rother's nanme was.Joktan.,t Aihod, I% Or. per- 27 God shall!l enlarge Ja.hethiand he shall gdwell in 26 And Joktan hs beatAlnrdad, and Sheaeph, and -i~a- 2.14. the h tents of Sh:rn and Canaan shall he his servant. azarmavetim, and Jerah, 18ph. 3,6, 28 ~ And Noah lived after the flood'three hundred 27 And Hadoram, and IJzal, and Diklah, -orn.1.12.amm fifty years. 28 Amd Obal, and Abinacel, and Sheba, p2Chr 8, Im~~~~~~ Ne. 1 10, 18~, 11. 29 And all the days of Noah were nine hundred 29 And P Ophir, and q Havilah, and Jobab: all Jo,,. 24. h.:.,:and fmiy years: and he died. these were the sons of Joktan.,q~"~'~ 14 The butldzng of Babel. CHAPTER XI, XII. God calleth Abran. Bero~re I Ifre CB,,I T 0 And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou 26 And Terah lived seventy years, and begat,1Le.r C14RIST111RV eir..247. goest unto Sephar, a lmount of the east. q Abram, Nahor, and ilaran. cir.,7. "'"V,S' These are the sons of Shem, after their families, 27 ~ Now these are thle generations of Terahbq r NIire, 23, ~sn 4 after their tongues, in tlheir lands, atter their nations. Terah begat Abram, Nahor and liaran: and Hia- 35`2 These are the hitnilies of tile sons otf Noah, af- ran begat Lot. ter their generations, in tlheir nations and Iby these 28 And HIaran died before his father Terah in the were the nations dlividled in the earth after the flood. land of his nativity, in r Ur of the Chaldees. rArtu7,2, CHA'TTER XL' 29 And Abraml and Nahor took them wives; the an. 9,, 1 One language in the world....3 The building of Babcl....5 The con- name of Abram's wife was S Sarai; and the name Somes.read, fusion of to-ngutes.outh fu.Awlesietona of oonelagucae. aof Nahor's wife Milcah, the daughter of Ilaran, thle 7il,,l'",e eal.6, I. ND the whole a earth as of one t language, and fater of Milca, and tIe ter of sa.ffattler of'Mih-ahi, andi the fthtler of Ischa.'rU tRob. 1- of ()one speech. 30 But Sari was barren; she had no cl1ild.' "l.Uid' - "journeyed~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ly li!t~ bl. 10, 10. 2 And it came to pass, as they "journeyed fi'om 31 And'J erah took Abram his son, anl Lot tle i,. 31 And uheIa. 2is so. the east, that they tound a plain in the land of Slhi- son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai hris daughter-,h 17 ~: n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~or;o lra i onssn and taaihis dwuhelt hn ticr.. nar; and they dwelt there. in law, Ihis sonil Albram's wife; and they went brtoh &ra1. elrov.ll,. 3 And they said one to another, cGo to, let us wilh the, from Ur oi' tle Chaldees, to go into lte,,,:.. I-lob. I10,'A.,4. wt lenfo ro'teCaces og tt make brick, and burn them thorouglly. And they land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and Nh., a19. had brick foir stone, and slinime had theyfior iiortai. dwvelt there. s 2. lpt 195. u.,,. ~. 1 ~pt..s -5. 4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city, and' 32 And the days of Terab were two hundred and A, x Act,;,, 4'. e Det.,, a tower, whose e top may reach unto heaven; and let five years: and T'eral died in Haran. &,..,. 28. f Prov. S us make us a name, lest we be g scattered abroad C T X ~0. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ CHAPTER X ll. g'I 1n upon the face of thle whl-iole earth. h.1. 5 u nd th e Lofte wchle down th I God calleth Abram, and blesseth him with a promise of Christ.... ~hch. ~~'~: 5 And the Loa aine down tose ite cityv anidl6 He jyurneyeth through Canaan....l10 He is driven by a famine Psal. 14,2. the tower, whichl thle clhildren of men b ui ied. into Egypt. ch3,.22. 6 A nd the Lonu said, Behold, tile peole.'s one,'j-O the Lon " lad said unto Abram, Getac,7~,. andi tlhey lhave all one language; aind this tlhev be-! _', liee out of thy country, and from thy kindred 2cor.6, gin to do andtl now notlingo' will be restrained firomi and frolu tly lather's house, into a land that I wvill c Rv. l, 4. them, whiclih they hiave inagined to (tlo. sl thre: lilhe ~ erl 1. 1. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there m confiound 2 And I will n:ake of thee d a great nation, anid IRno,. 4. "l J"'L'~'O. their lan',iagr e that they may " not understand one will less thee, tid make tly name great; and thou;Gal., a.. xioDem. 21,- gr 49.r31. 2 another's speechl.f sh1alt be a Iblessing etal. 3,14s o cr 8So the Lomn oscatteredl them abroad fi'oni thence 3 A 11d I will bless them that bless thee, and curse upon the face of all the eartlh: and the let off tol him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all ftunilies fr(.:., 9 build thle cit3'. of tle earth be blessed. Roa.l,41. 9''herefore is the name of it called Babel, be- 4 So A lrain departed,as the LOnD lad spoken unto cause the LouD did there confound the language of him, and Lot went wi th lhim: and Albramin was seven-g leb. 1l1,9. all the eartih: and friomrn tlhence did the Loen scatter t3y and five years old when lie Edeparted out of liaran. them abroad upon tile face of all the earth. 5 Anrid Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his 10 ~1 These are the generations of Shem: Shem blrotl er's son, and all their substance that they had was a hiundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two gathered, and tlhe souls that they had " gotten in IHa- hch 14, 14 years after the flood: ran; and they went lbrtih to go into the land of Ca- ch. 10, 19 II And Slhem lived after he begat Arphaxad five naan; and into thle' land of Canaan they caine. hundred years, and b[egat sons and daughters. 6 ~ And Ahran k passed througlh tle land unto k e 11,9., 12 And Arphaxad lived five and thirty years, and the place of' Sichlem, unto the plain of Moreh. And $o,,n 4,,5. gP frPI&O gp g Ihcgat j~ Salah. nl~~~~~~~~~~~~' Dent. 1'~ p lo3, p begat-t Salah. the m Canaanite was then in the land. o Det. 12, JrI,,,,s 13 And Arphaxad lived, after hlie begat Salah, four 7 And the _Lomn"appeared unto Abram, and said,,,,. 7,1 brought in'' o.9, I,,,:i,1. htundred and threeyears,and begatsons and daughters.! Unto 0 thy seed will I give this land: and there build-.""" 8ulah. "d 14 And Salah lived tiirty years, and begat Eber ed he an altar unto the IorD,who appeared ulo him. ph:i3, is la Mh. I u3te zne ~ont)!r~enlo aulutoll Ha~b. 15a And Salah t lived after he Ibegat Eber four hun- 8 And he p removed from thence unto a mountain Sr/aa,'. dred and ltree years, and begat sons and da&uglhtcrs.! on th'e east of Betlh-el, and pitched his teot, having 16 And Eber lived four and thirty years, and be- Beili-el on the vwest, and Hlni on tihe east' and ihere C'cAWle gat I Peleg he bunilded an altar unto the LORD, and called upon JP&alre, Lu.ke:1. 3. 17 And Eber lived after hlie begat Peleg four hun- the name of the [Loon. 1m. ],19. dred and thirty years, and biegat sons adtd dauglhters 9 And A.bram journeyed, going on still toward the 18 And Peleg lived thirty years, and begat Recun south. 19 And Peleg lived after he begat Ren two hitUn- 10 ~I And there was2 a ftamine, in tile lanl: and qLuke2,, fy K17pt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s 33, 19r. dred and nine years, and begat sons and daughlters. Abramn s went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for.,. s, 20 And Reu lived two and thirty years, and begat thle famrine was grievous in tile land. P" 14o7. 4. 1 OrSa- II Serum 11 And it came to pass, when lie was come near s-Mat.2,13, ruth,`!' La, 33. 21 And Ren lived after he begat Serug two hlun- to enter into Egypt, that he said unto Sarai his wife, 4. dred and seven years, and begat sons and doaugelters. Behold now, I know that thou art a t fair woman to,,er I. 22 Antd Serug lived thirty years, and begat Nalhor: look upon: 23 And Serug live(d after he begat Nahor two hun- 12 Therefore it shall come to pass,when the Egypdred years, and begat sons and daughters. tians shall see thee, that they shallsay,Thisis hIis wife: 24 And Nahor lived nine and twenty years, and' and they will U kill me, but they will save thee alive. ~ t Sam.27 begat Terara. 13 Say, I pray thee, th~ou a'rt X my sister: thla.t it Horn.,,6. 25 Atnd Nahor lived after he begat Terah a hun- may be well wit me for thy sake; and my soul shall ~ e". 29, dred and nineteen years,and begat sons and daughters. [live because of thee. C'll' ~'~ 15 AI;ram and Le t returnedfrom Egypt. GENE SIS. The battle of the kIngs.'Before to, e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bfor e,~ 14 ~ And it came to pass that when Abram was 15 For all tile land whlich thou seest,. P to thee CHsT CiI.,131. 0come into ]gypt, the Egypgans y behleld the woman will I give it, and to q thy seed r for ever. cir. ie. tllhat shre w(as very fair. 16 And I will made thy seed as the dust of the p,,',t..,.*. 3,. 15 Tihe princes also of Pharaoll saw hIer, and earth so that if a man can number thle dust S of the Heb. II, a Noves. 29,(I 011. 1. 12" C"' IIcomm ended her before Pllaraoll: and the woman eartlJ, then shall thy seed also be numbered. D1 C. 14, 7. ak Lth.2,9. was taken into Pharaoh's house. 17 Arise, walk thlrough the land in thet length of it le..a, 1s 16 And lie entreated Abram well for her sake: and and in the breadth of it; fOr I wvill give it unto thee...,, h-e lhad sllcep, and oxen, and hle-asses, and men-ser- 18 Then Abram removed his tent, and camie and &22, 17. & vants, and nmaid-scrvants, and she-asses, and camrels. dwelt in the plain of Matire, which is in Riebron, Ieb. 1, 12'.Rev. 7, 9. bPs. 15, 17 And the LoRn b plagued Phlaraoh and his house and built there u an altar unto the LORD. t H-b., ilChr. 2, with great plagues because of Sarai, Abrami's wife. CAPTR XV. 12, 7 22. t CHAPTER XIV.U i 1 7,a 34, 1,. 18 And Pharaoh called Abram, and said, What is 1 The battle of tile kings....12 Lot is taken prisoner.... 18 Melchizedek Ub. s, 4' this ithat thou hast done unto me. why didst thou blesseth Abram....20 Abram giveth him tythe. not tell rne that she was thy wife? 4ND it caine to pass, in the days of Amnraphel 19 Why saidst thou, She is my sister. so I migl- i of inar, ioch ing of Elasar, have taken her to me to wi now therefore behold dorlaoiner king of"' Elam, and Tidal king of nations; ch.0 thy wit, take her, and go thy way. 2 That these made war with Belra king of Sodoni, 20 And Pharaoh commanded his men concern- anid with Birsha king of Gomorrah, Siinab king i. 18,27. 1ing hi and theyCsent him away, and his wife, of Adinah, and Shetl )er king of Zeboiimn, and the Peyoa. igh2'adtesnt1hiaw, amd alita lie, hdking of Bela, which is c Zoar. c l.:and all that lie had.., ler in~~~~~~osi 12" ~. Dent. 29,2:h CHAPTER XIII. 3 All these were joined together in the vale of Jos.' Abra and Lot return out of Egypt....14 God reneweth the promise Siddin, which is the d salt sea. 1 3 to Abran...l1s lie remnoveth to Hebron, and there buildeth an 4 Twelve years they e served Chedorlaomer and ee,, l9, 26. alta. Uge.1; in the thirtecntlh year they I rebelled. 1l& sa. 31, 1. ND Abram a went up out of Egypt, he, and his 5 And in the fourteenth year came Chedorlaomer, altar. in the thirteenth year they ~~~~~~~~' I'el~~elloed.t C Ezek. 17, wite, and all that lie had, and Lot with him, in- and the kings that werev with him, and smote the g De",., 3 fchl. 1c12, 9. to thle b0 sonuthi. Rephai ns'in'" r8Ashterotl Karnaiin, and tImhe Zuzitns IJosh. 13,:rey. 10,,1. 2. 2 And Abram was C very rich in cattle, in silver, in Ham, and the Einirms in Shaveh Kiriathaima De. 1,4. Timt. 4, an i gol. 6 And the'Horites in their mount Scir, unto m DC,. 2,: a c. 12,6. 3 And le a went on his journeys friom the south, El-paran, which is by the wildernless. k DReu.2, even to Beth-el, unto time place wherel his tent had 7 And they returned and came to En-mishpat,. bee.n ait the beginning,. between Beth-el and IIai; whilch is Kadeshi, and smote all time country of the m l. a,3 Prov.. 3,09. 4 Unto the place of the altar, which hlie had e made' "Amalekites, and also the Amorites that dwelt in::h"2l~'a.., lltere at tihe first' and there Abram called on the 0 Hazezon-tamnar. o2 Clh. 20, name oh thfe LORD. 8 And there went out the king of Sodom, and ong 1, 14. _ ph. 4, 2s. 5 And Lot also, which went with Abram,' had the king of Goniorrah, and the king of Admah, and flocks, and herds, and tents. the king of Zeboiimn, and the king of Bela, (thle same 6 And the laimd was not able to bear them, that is Zoar;) and they joined battle with them in the: Tim. 6, they immighit g dwell together: for their sulbstance was vale of Siddim great so that they could not dwell together. 9 With Chedorlaomer the king of Elam, and with, ch.l~,as. 7 An d there was a strife h between the herdmen of Tidal king of nations, and Amraphel king of Shinar, Alram's cattle and the herdmnen of Lot's cattle: and and Arioch king of Ellasar; fbur kings with five..Neh.5,9. the m Canaanite and the Perizzite' dwelled then in 10 And the vale of Siddim was full of slime-pits te land, i and the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled, and'P fell psosli.8,a2. It p'ov. 1, 8 A lnd Abram said unrto Lot, k Let there be no strife, there: and they that remained fled to the mountain. IS. Mr. 5, 9 I pray thee, Ibectween me and thee, and between my 11 And they took all the q goods of Sodomn and Go- q ch: 12, 5 herdnien and thy herdimen; for we be brethren. morrah, and all their victuals and went their way. r33,t.2, 9.1s not the whole land before thee? Separate 12 And they took 8 Lot, Abram's brother's son,,cl. 1,, It 11 cor. 6. 7. tlysel; I pray thee, irom me tif tho wilt ta ke thc who dwelt in Sodom, and his goodsand departed. -Re 1, 4. I-Te. 12, 14. 1 g P 7 12O,. le hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou de- 13 ~ And there came one that had escaped, and part to the right hand, then I will go to the left. told Abram the' Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain ot t~Job, 1 10 And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the Mauire the Amnorite, brother of Eschol, and brother ils. 6,12.z plain of Jordan, that it was w vell watered every of Aner: ai,] these were confederate with Abram'. ~iwhere::, beolitre the LoaRD (destroyed Sodom and Go- 14 And when Abram heard that his " brother was " ch. 11,2' mlorrali, even as the garden of the LORD, like the taken captive, hlie armed his trained servants, w born:1h. 15.3 laud of Egypt, as tlhou comest unto Zoar. in his own house, three hundred and eighteen and " 1917 1 Th Vn Lot "chose him all tihe plain of Jordan; pursued them unto Dan, rot. 2,,a. anld Lot journeyeh east: and they separated, then- 15 And ihe " divided himself against:them, he and X PS.,12, selves lthe ouney fromn the other. his servants by night, and smiote them, and pursued 12 Albram dwelled in tlhe land of Canaan, and them unto Hobah, vwhich is on the left hand of Dalot dwclledl in the cities of tme plain, and pitched mlascus. his tent to~ward Sodomn. ~16 And he y' brought back all the goods, and also ysa. 41. i Saml. 30, c ~".' ~. 1'.3 But the mnen of Sodomn were wicked 0 and brought again his brother Lot, and' his. goods, and 13. Ezck.12,49. sinne~lrs lefore thle Lourn, exceedimgly. the women also, and the people., 1 4 I And the Lori) said unto Abram, after that 17'I[ And the king of Sodom went out to meet [fo. 19, Lot was separated fir{om him, Lift up now thmine eyes, him (after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaanmd look from the place where thou art, northward omner, and of the kings that were with: him,) at the and southward, and eastward, and westward: v ow h l' e 1~alley of Ghaveh,, which is tim kin=: s: dale, 16 (oi9ds promise to Abram. CHAPTER" XV, XVI.. Hagar fieeth from Sarai. %~fo,.~ Boil)re HR 18 And b Melchizedek king of Salem brought( 16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hith- cBefor.citJ. f~ort h bread and wine: and hlie was the d priest of eragain tforthe iniquittyofthe Amorites isnot yett fuli. e. 1.1a. t ip most Ili-,Ih God. 17 And it came to pass that when the. sun went 0 P-x. I I~,1,,4. 7k,.,'. 3 And he e blessed him, and said, c Blessed be down, and it was dark, behold a snokingifirnace, and: a. fish. God~~~edhi, of sid bur Blessetda h be a.tI(~ cl-leb. 7, 1,II Thee. 7, J:,fio,.. Abirm of the most high GOd, possesso a a burng lap that epassed eteen taose Piecs.,' 3Ji 6, 10. and earth' 18 In that same day the Loiw miade, a ('oentant" fIS,. i Heb 7, 3. Utamp offire 6e N, 2 ) A ni d g blessed be the most high God, wlhich. with Abram, saying, b Unto thy seed have I giv'en i,.h.u,7 f.Eph 1, ath " delivered thine enemines into thy hand. And this land, frion the river of Egypt unto the great D.,., 6f, 0lihe gave him tithes of all. river, the river Euphrates h s4p4 c, 21 And thle king of Sodom said unto Abram, 19 The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Give me the persons, and taike the goods to thyself. Kadmionites,.2 And Abram said to the king of Sodoin, I have 20( And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the.4D1:~.2,7. lifted up my hand unto the Lon), the most highl Rephaims, G.Vt.19,5.Gd hel possessor of hleven and earth, 21 And the Ainorites, and the Canaanites, and k 2 Xin- s, %ssr 17fil sa not k ICth. r,ing 623 That I twill not ta/e frionl a thread even to a the Girgashites, and the Jebusites. J3. Kin. 13 S. shoe-latchet, and that I will not take any thing that is CHAPTER XVI.,t., thine,' lest tllou shouldest smy,i have madeAbralu rich: 1 Sarai being barren giveth Hagar to Abran....15 Ishmael is born, wit. i' 3' 19 ~hn les thosietsyhv nde rii6,:11 24Save only that whichll the young men have eaten, OW Sarai, Abram's wife, bare him no chil- ach.25, 2 and the portion of the men which went witlh me, dren: and she had a b handmaid, an Egyptian, bch., 16 Aner, Eschol,and Matire; let them take their portion. whose name was Ilagar. C 2 And Sarai said unto Abram, Behold, now, the CHAPTER XV. lLoRD hiathi restrained me froim bearing:- I pray thee* C. 2.0, it I God encourageth Abram. 4 promiseth him a son, and a multiplyiin u hati Cestraind im from bearin I pray the o. g, of his seed....6 Abram is justified by faith....7 Canaan is promised go in unlto mll Maid; it inay be that I may t obtain Hyeb. be and confirmed by a vision, children by her. And Abram, hearkened to the hedre.dby 0t, A FTER these things the word of the LORD, camel voice of Sarai. dch.3,6 Acts 10, L unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, 3 And Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar her 10.d I oan. 10, Abram I am thy C shield, and thy exceeding d great maid, the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt' ten e ch, 12, 1 2. EPs.5, 12. reward. years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her Prov 11, 2 And Abram said, LORD God, what wilt thou husband Abram to be his'wife. fGal. 4, 22 18 Ps. 127, 3. give me,' seeing I go childless, and the steward ofi 4 [ An id hlie went in unto Hagar, and she coInmy house is this Eliezer of Damascus. ceived: an d when she saw that she had conceived, 3 And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hlast given her mistress was despised in her eyes. g PO. so n:ol 2,.oseed: and ho, one born in my house is mine heir. 5 And Sarai said unto Abram,h My wrong be upon, r,.D 1 4 And behold,the word of the LORD came unto hinm, thee: I have given miy maid into thy bosom; and ". saying, This shall not be thine heir; but he that slaall when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised g2 Sam., come forth out of thine own bowelsgshall be thine heir. in her eyes: the LoRD'judge between me and thee. Sam. 24 5 And he brought'hllim forth abroad, and said, 6 But Abram said unto Sarai, Behold, thy maid` h Rom 9, Look now toward heaven, and tell the h stars, if is k in thy hand; do to her as it pleaseth thee. And k ch. 24,10 7. 15, 1 thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, when Sarai' dealt hardly with her, she m fled from.. 2s,7 So shall thy seed be. her face. I Pro. 29, ~' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~19. iRom. 4. 6 And he' believed k in the LORD; and he count- 7 ~ And the angel of the LORD "found her by a m Ecel., I0 U,;,0. Ri I.4,.ed it to him for riglhteousness. fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain' 4,3 ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~nPe. 15 Roll. 4,2, 7 And he said unto him, I am thle LORD that in the way to Shur.. 3..Co. 5,19. brolught thee out of n Ur of the Chaldees, to give 8 And he said, Hagar, Sarai's maid, 0 wheneo h.S 39. tachl.,. thee this land to inherit it. camest thou' and whither wilt thou go'! And she,. udge 6, pTmtefc fil tils'rc,,S. 2, nJud'e 6 8 And he said, LORD God, "whereby shall I said, P I flee froim the face of my mistress SaUrai. Sm. Luke 1, s18. know that I shall inherit it! 9 And the angel of the LoRn, said unto her, ReP,,, 9 And lhe. said unto him,eTake me a heifelr of three turn to thy mistress, and q submit thyself under her q Titus 2, Lev., 2. years old, and a she-goat of three, years old, and a1 hands. i's. 1 rain of three years old, and a turtle-dove, and a' 10 And the angel of the LonR said unto lher, I young pigeon. will r multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not r chll. 25, is pa,,o28, 25. 10 And lie took unto him all these, and P divided be numibered for multitude., 2Tiim. 2,15. them in the midst, and laid each piece one against 11 And the angel of the LORD said unto her, another: but the birds divided hlie not. Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, qMat. 13,4. 11 And when the q foivls camne dclown upon the and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD Ezek. 17, 3 s 7;.'~ carcasses, Abram drove themr away. hath heard thy affliction. JobEx. 4. y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Job SS, 41. h 2,21 12 And when the sun was going down,' a deep/ 12 And he will be a wild man: his hand wtill be sleep fell upon Abram; and ho, a horror of greati tagainst everyman,and every man's hand against him; ePs., o,. Ps. 35, 4. darkniless fell upon him. and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren 13 And lie said unto Abram, Know of a surety,! 13 And she called the name of the LoRDl th.,at = s. 17, 1s. that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not spake unto her, U Thou God seest tile: for she said, a:. is. 12.'0, ~, theirs, and shall serve them; and* they shall afflict ilave I also here X looked after him thlat seethm me ch.a 32,, G~a1.3,17. tlm'tn "four hundred ye~ars; ~114 Wherefore the well was callr-d I Beer-lahai-,r,:~, ~, 14 Arid also that nation, whom they shall serve, {roi; behold, it is between Kadesh atnd Beredr ~Ps.l,,4. will I'I judge: and afterwards shall they come out{ 15~ And Hagar bare Abram a son: an:d Abram s'eemey E. 12,37,.with Y great sub~stance. caletid his son's name, which Hagar bare, Is rmael. ~Eel. 1, 15 And thou shalt go to " thy fathers in peace; Il 16 And Abram was fourscore and six ye ars old, Joe 5, 21. thou shalt be buried in a good chd age. ~ ien LGa~ar bare bhnnael to A C 417 (Nircmczmao n'is instituted. GE ESIS. Abraham entertatmetn three angels B,,,:,,., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Before~ God iTCHAPTER XVII. 21 But C my covenant will I establishl with Isaac, CHRsTr CI-!I[.TE 1,.YI Re S T. Grod reneweth the covet'nat....10 Circumcision is instituted....l16 Isaac wlom iSarah shall belar unto thee at this set time in Cii tss. is pr rnised....23 Abraham and Ishmael are circuncisted. lth iext year. c Raow. 9,,: ND when Ab.ramn was, n inety years old mand nie, 22 Anlid he left off talking with him, and God 6. ch~. 1,. 1 f't..t'-,L.7 ~ s a r. 12,1. Iitit' LODl) aptpeared to Abia:all, anId said unto wen-t ti on A. Lb'n. 5 b P~ l1i,. t, ~1: ~nnttlli " ~lllj~ltY.OC; cWiil Z~fi)C Gral. 3ke, 29. bP,. 1,, III. I, amn thie b Almighty God; * walk betbre me, 23 ~[And Abrahaml e took Ishmacel Iris son, andc',l 3,2.9. Pd e. 35, 13'"'and }be thou perflect.;ill tllhat were bol] in his hlouse, and all that were emlat. 1e, d- RutP.') 2 And I will make my covenant d between Inc Iliglit with his money, every lnitie amlog the men4. I Cur.'4, 7 anld thee, anwd will ultiply thee extceedifigly. of Abr'aham's house; aud (circuncised the tlesh of'fRm'4'12 " vers~' 3 And Abram e fell on his face aind God talked their iforeskin,,n the g self-same day, as God had g Ps. 119, Dan. 8: 10. 0 w itII h hi~ sal yjing, said unto hrish. 4 As lr mn, behold, my covenant is with thee, 24 And Albraham wcas " innety years old and nine, h ch. 12, 4 fROm.4,16. and tho b shieit hif a fia-her of manv natiois. xvthn lIe was circumcised in the flesh otf his foreskin. 29. 32 Neither shall thy nanme any milore be called 25 And Ishimacl his son was thirteen years old, Abram; but thy naime shall be called AIbralam; for when lie was circumtcised in the flesh of his fbreskin. gRum.4,17. gthcronaynat i n gaeImd he g Rni.,1. a 9~ father of riy nations have I umade thee. 26 In the self-same day was Abrahami circuml6 And I will make thee exceeding firuitful, and cised, and Ishmael his son; h Mat. 1, 1. I will make nations of thee; and' kings shall come 27 And all tile men of' his house, born in the'out of. thee. i ou01~t of'~~ th~e'e.~ house, and bought with money of the stranger, were 7 And I will establish nmy covenant betVween circumcised with Jiln. i ch. 13, 13. lRoun.9,, me d t e, an d thee in tiv seed after thee, in their ge- CHAPE XVIII. CHlAPTER XV111I k Lu.e,, niei'ations,, tfr an u exelrlasting ov enanllt;, to be'at 1 Abralham entertaineth tlhee ange]s....17 TiC destruction of Sodom is ";, 7:" God unto thee and to thy seed aflter thee. I revealed to Abralham. I HAb 8, 10. Gdut he w Lev. 26, 1 8 And I w il give unto thee, and to thy seed after! ND the Lona appeared unto him in the plains James2, tlhee, the laudv wherein thou art a stranger, all tlhe j~ of Mamire: and hlie sat in the tent-door in the mrb. 9. larnd of Canaan, for' an everlasting p,;ssession; heat of tlhe day''2 Pet. 1, I. ao ld w'ill be their God. 2 And lhe lifted up his eyes and looked, and lo, ~9 ~[ And God said unto'}Abralhan, Thou shalt " three ina stoo d hy him and when lie saw them, he eb Hab. 13,2 ket-ep my covnauit therefore, thou and thy seed after C ranii to meet them fi'omi thile tent-door, and d bowed c,,m,. 12 ther, in their generations. himt sclt' toward tie groundI, th. 23, 7 r,.,12,11 r.'12. 10 This i myi covena.nt w il, ich y sA1 difowlhavtind fOu'inech a. col., 12... Ru.,,. -~.,,. between me and you, and thy seed after thee; Every I thy sight, pass not away, I pr'ay thee, ficn' thy servant: in-child amo you shall b circumcised 4 ].Let a little water, I pray you, lie fi`tched, and p De~;t. 10,"'~' 2,2.;.!. 1 And ye shall circumn'Ise the itsh l t' yoer fore- i wash your feect, and rest yourselves under thle tree: feh.,,2. skin; and it shliall be a token of the coveiant Le- 5 And I wvill fetch a morsel oif." bread, and" coin- g "'I. 6'". h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l Is'& 40, l' twixt mIe antd vou. fQrt ye your hlearts; after that you shall pass on: Isa. 0, f,;,h,,,oan 12 And hlie that is eight days old slhall be cii- for therefore are ye come to your servant. d An 1 S a;,~ cmlncised among you, every man-child in your gene they said, S do, as thou hast said. rations, lhe that is born in the uO)use, or'bougght with 6 And Ab)raham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, money of any stranger., vhil(' is not of thv seed. an( said, Make ready quickly' three measures ofkMat. l, 13 He that is born in thy house, ani he that is'fine mnealkn(ead it, anid make cakes upon the hearth.I ch. 44. bought with thy money, nust needs be c~ir:ctmnlc:isdl: 7 And Abrahani ran unto the herd, and fetched (I'Rom. 2, OU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lg ~~~~~m Mal 1} jq uom. 2, and( my covenant shall be in " your' fletsh fI.:r an tver — a calf " tender and good, and gave it unto a young Ma 1, ha,.ting cov(enant. man; annd lie hasted to dress it. 14 And the uncircumcised man-child, whose flesh 8 And hle took butter, atd nmilk, and the calf r:x. 4,24. of his foreskin is not circtlunl('ised, thlat soul shlall be' lr hich lie had ldressed, and set -it before theln; and aICol.. I 11, n e 2. cut off friom his people; lie hath 8 broken mry cove- lie" stood by them under the tree, and they did 0 eat. n:el, 12, 27 2 1 y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44. ~~~~~~~naiin~~~~~t. 9 ~1 And they said unto him, W here is Sarah thy Gal. 5, 13. o J udg. IS)~ 15 ~ And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarail wife, And hlie said, Behold, in the P tent. I, thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but' 10 And he said, I will certainly q retun untopeh. 24,1t Sarah shlall her name be. thee according to the time of life; and lo, Sarah thy io.9, 3,9 dch. 1, 28. 16 And I will'bless her, and give thee a son also wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the of her: yea, I will b-less her, and she shall be a moth- tent-door, which was behind him., Pet.,G of " nations; kings of people shall be of leu. 11 Now Abrahami and Sarah were old nd hier.ie',7 Gal. 4, a.6. A and a' erl a w'',,,,4 17 Then Abrallhan fe ull on his tace, and i lauigh- stricken in age; andit ceased to be with Sarah aiter 9 en~, l~v 15,,. 0 ed, an]d said in his heart, Shall a chiMd l)e born unto the' manner of women. 19. loll I ~ 55.,~1.9. him that is a hundred. years old and shall Sarah, 12 Therefore Sarah laughed wiihin herself, say-'i-'~. -, 41' " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t Ver'se 13. that is nintety yea-1rs old, bear!ing, After I amni waxed old shall I have pleasure, h,,p. 9, 2a 18 And Abraham said unto God,; 0 that Ishmael U my lou'd being old also I Pet. 3,5 [v,.~.:. miiht live y lefotre thee! 13 And the LORD said unto Abrahani, x Where- xJobn,,2, 12. 19 Anid God said, " Sarah thy wife shall beartheei fore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear,,,. i.. a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: a child, which am old. a~" and I will establish my covenant with hium for an 1.4 Is any thin t a (;at. 4,28 14~~~~~~~~eitl Ispon an Ythly to h~ard for thie Lon~. At!:r tlheyn,k, aiii. 9,1,s everIasting covenant, and with his seed after him. time appointed' Z;.vill return unto the", according, Micah %, 20 And as r ishima: I, I have heard tlee: Behold,' to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a soti. L u;ke 1. 13 b have blessed' him, and will miake hit fri'itful, andi *15 Then Sarah ~ denied, saying, I laughed not',. b~~j'h\''wi multiply him exceedingly,: b twelve princesflobr she was afiraid, And lie said, Nay; but thou c"'i'. shall le beget, and I will make him a gre.4t nation. l1di ist lugh.. ~..~~~ai Altlvham intercedethljor Sodom. CIiA"1IAIER XIX. The 8edomtes sirwen b17ui' W~~o,~e Betbrohr CHRIeST 16 And the ien rose up from thence, and look- 2 Andlr lie said, Bebold now, mvy lords, turn ill, I,,.r 1'S- aed toward Sodo'ii and Abrahaml Xwelnt with them pray you, illtio your servant's house, ad trry a rll toal brv tti ~)ij onl thl wV1 Ili-git, and wash your Wet, and,e shall rise up early, b Ru. ICli. 1$, 4 24~. 17 ~ And 1 tih[e OD said Shall I hide f iom Abra- and go on yourways. And they said, Niay biut we d sLi'ke 24, c 2Chr. 20, ham thiat thinmg whiVh h I do; wil abide in the street all night. Amos~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u 37.3alnd e m iu-.o t hei streatl allradr m,,,, l. is a 1 I See:zL hat Artahaiin shall surely becom!le a n l epressed upo te gtly; ad t 2, Ih 15, 15. great and ighty ntion, and all the nations of the i turned ii uito him, a"Irid entued into his h'ous,,; ai.d 1 Luke li,s Pv. 25, 14. nh, 12 3. earth shall be blIessed din himh I he inade them a least, aild did baiie g u.leavened cii. i,& A.. 3, 2.' 19 Fore I[ know him. ttat Ihe will I conmmand his lbread, and they did eat. GAi d 3, S5.. P s. t,. children and his household after him, and they slhall 4 ~[ But before they lay down, the men of the city, t7rov. 6, 2 Timl. 2 I9. 9' 2,o1., keep the way of the LORD, to do.justice and judg- evei.. tihe imen of Uodom, comnpassed the house rountd tlwR.. 3,1 i E. 16, 2. mIeat; that the Loire nmay bring upon Abraham, that both old and yong, all te people from every quarter:,. %vhich lie hath spoke;(,o Ioiit. (5 And k tihey caliid unto Lot, and said unto liii k k. 3, 9 gch. 4, 0. 20) And the Loav said, Because the g cry of Sodomn Where Care tihe me1n wv hichi came in to thee this night and Goinorrah is great, and because thieir' sin is very bring them out unto us, that we may' know them. Ich. 4. 1. ~~~~~grievous,~~ 6~ And Lot went onut at thile door unto theil, andg 12, ch. 11, 5. 21 1 will go down now, and see whether they, shut tie door aftier him, Rm. 1,23, have done altogether according to the cry of it, which1 7 And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wick-. I Ex. 33, 5. Is coirote unto nme; and fi not, I will know. ledly i E. j, j ISC:0r1~ l~~2t 11C; n~ f nt, ~V1I'fr'BI eh~yi~Wlold nowY, I have two daughlter~s wlicl~ hav~e 22 And the men turned their faces fi'rom thence 8 Behold now, I iave o dauhters which ave tJer.5, 1 and went toward Sodom: but Abraham k stood yet Inot known man; let nme, I pray you, "' bring them out, ni Ro,.3,, before the Loan,, unto you, and do ye to theim as is good in your eyes: is., Ic 2,3 ~ And Abraham 1 drew near, and said, Wilt ionly unto these men do nothing; for therefore caInle.niee 1,,. thou also destroy m the righteous wim tre wick-ed Ithey under the shadow oif my!roof. ng. 9,:t /c u3Lnde t~hel shai tnd o of, na~ny tre SE ootG, Ezek.. 20, Pera.dventure there be fifty riglhteous witdin2 the' 9 And they said, oStand back. And tlhey said city: wilt thou also destroy anld not spare the place qzaw'., this one fellow cane in to sojourn, and he, S:,m.,7,..~~~~~flo, ce i. to..q~ n an hea for thile ifity righteous that are therein w ill 1 ueds b a judge: Now vill we r deal WorsC p2r.,.1 27. 2,'5 That be Ear fr omi three to do after this iinn nier,! with thlte thaen witl tlerm. And they pressed sore upon i Mdt. i, ilS. to slay the righteouts with the wicked; and that thile tihe nlall, even, Lot, and canie near to breakli tihe door. r Mat. 7, 6 rightcoU: should,be as the wicked, that be far fir, om 10 But time nen put forth their lhand, and pulled ae.,.n, thee: " Sha`l not the.undue of all the car hit do rig(o iht Lot into the bouse to thnim and shut to thle door. 2. 26) And the LoRn said, If' lFind in Sodom fifty' ri1.imt- i t And they Siote tlhe men that iere at tlhe. door eous within the city, then I will spare all 0 the place'of thme house with i- blindmness, both small and great' tfI"b. Czek. 22,30. for, their sakes. so ti ihat tly wearied themnsclves to find thle door. 2 Kings 6, 15a. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -.sa.',8s. 27 And Albraham answered and said, Behold now, 1' And the tin-i said unto Lot, last thou lhere I have taken upon mine to speak unto the LornD, which'any besides'! son-ii-law, and thy sons, and thy p ch. a, 19. anm P but dust and ashes: dauoltcrs, and whmatsoever thou hast in the city, job 4.19 238 Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty' brits/Wieil out of thjs place' ci,.T. 1. Eccl, 12, 7.''- Js.,. as.,. righteous; wilt thou destroy all tile city foir lai(k (f- 1 3 i'or we will destroy this place, because the Jl. Luke,8. five;! And he said, If I find there forty and five, I cry of tlhem is waxen great before tihe face of the will not destroy it. Lo0D k; amid tire LoRn hath senit us to destroy it. qoeb.4, 16. 29 Anid hle spake unto him q yet again, and saild,' 14 And Lot welnt out, andi spalike unto his sons-inLpth.6,. Peradventure tihere shall be forty tound there. And law wvhich " miarried hiis daught,irs, anid said, Up, Mat. 1, he said, I will not do it for forty's sake. ix got you out of this place; fbr thie LoeA] will destroy x:,. t,.3j rPe. 9, 12. 30 And he said uwto him, r Ohl, let not the LORDm tis (J i-tv but he setiled as one that Y imocked unto yMat..4, k i,,u. as. 0, be angry, and I will speak:Peradventure there t his sons-in-law. 3. shall tlhirty be toundi there. And Ire said, I will niot 15 ~ Anid when the morning1 arose, thecr the an do it, if I find thirty there. gels hastened Lot, savinig, Arise( take thy xviti, and Luke 19,1. 31 And he said, Behold now, a I have taken upon thy fytwo dauighters wvhmich are here, lest thou be con-,,&.s. nmeto speak unto the LORD: Peradventure there shall suined in the iniquity of hdin (it.,n,, I i It~~hn~ ai: _._-_.__..-,1 ulcnn aic! "Ilol~b a cit. 12,It be twenty toumnl there. And hlie said, I will not 16 And vhile lie linaered, tde men laid b hold.ah.,,:~,~,;i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a' 44 destroy it for tw enty's sake. upon Irs hand, and upon-ite i thand of his wife, and zeh.A,:3. 32 Anrd he sait, Oh, let not the Lonm be angry, upon the hand of his two daughters time Lodn) beiig anrd will speak yet but this once: Peradvei ture C inerciful unto him; and they broughtlhint forth, and. a.s, 9 James.5, ten shall be: found tlhere. Ard lie said, II will not set him without time city. Jer.4,! destroy it for tenr's sake. 17 And it camne to pass, when they had brotught genk. 16, toycH2 k. 3 Arnd the LoRn went his way, as soon as h]e had thei forth ablroad, that d lie said, Escape e r rIy litipd 1,. 22 483. I Lgl Mdt. 7,7. left conmu-ni ng. with Abraham' ahd Abrahamn re- rlook not I)elhind thie, neithier stay thor in all thW * plain:,,.g Ex. 32., 9, _'. 10,14. turmied unto his place. escape to tlie g umountai ns, lst thou be consuned. rLLuke 90,6 LttrnhCHAPPTIER XIX. 18 And Lot said uznto themi, Ohs, r not so, my od.,, 13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~., o SO.iy1l 14. 19 Beltold now, thy sevarnt hath found grace in this iia;. 24 1I Ilot ente~rt~ain,,th two angels...4 Thet vicious Sodomires aRe strickertn Ii with blindness....24 Sotdon and Gomrrth are destroyed....1i r.ot' sight, and thou last imagnihied thy mercy, which thioul P,. t 1 1 wife is made a pillar of salt....31 The incestuous origin of Moab andt hiast sitew e unto ine in saving my lift ~ ld! ('an- xcts Io0 Amrnon. rgn.,my ai al Il not escape to the nountain, lest soime evil take e h.,18, 22.ND there came two angels to Sodom at even; and I d e',,h. 1u. 1 and Lot sat b in the gate of Sodomn; an:] Lo)t, 29 B'eliold now. this city is near to flee unto, andi4t Khg,,, seeing them, rose up to meet them; amid Ire bowed jit is a little one' Gh, let ime escape thither! (iis it binnself w ith his face toward the grounad; ot a little one.) and mny soul shalI byve. o3aom and (i~)omorrah destroyed. GENESIS. Abimelech reproved by God Before B fore CHRIST 21 And he said unto him, See, I have k accepted dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken for r CHRIST e acceptedho hst akn:for CHRIST 18J8. thee concerning thiss hing, also, that I will not over- she is a man's wife. 1s97. throw this city, for the which thou h"ast spoken. 4 But Abinelech had fnot come near her: and lie," k Ps-,. 145, 6 14, 2 IIHaste thee, escape thither; for' I cannot do said, Lorn), wilt thou slay also g a righteous nation1* g rses 17 IMark6, any thi n taill thou be come thither: therefore the 5 Said lihe not unto me, She is my sister 1 and she,'. Isa. 61, 8.. name of the city was called Zoar. even she herself said, lIe is my brother: h in the h I Kingn s.47, 23 ~[ The sun was m risen upon the earth when integrity of my heart and innocency of my hands 9,4. Lot entered inito Zoar have I done this. Deut. 29, 21 Thei the Lofd rained upon " Sodomn and 6 And God said unto him in a dream, Yea, Ii King, Hosea I S. upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LoRD know that thou didst this in the integrity of thy heart Jona3, 10 H~sB,fi Jon lnra h 3rmtn n ir onteLR, I(Y~.V t1jv. "7 out of heaaven; for I also k withheld thee fi'orn sinning against meInc k Proy. 21. Jo, 23. 6,. thrfrxufrdIte o otu-e. ISm 5 25 And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, therefore t suffered I thee not to touch her. I Sam. 25, 1. and all the inhabitants of the cities, and 0 that which 7 Now therefore restore the man his wife; for hechap 39, 9 Deut. 19,13. gre upnte4rud gret1,1 wi upon the ground. is m a prophet, and he n shall pray for thee, and thou'r. P', I - hapon tile gl~oll~nd. Fc. 81,7. p ver. 17. 26 ~i But his wife p' looked back from behind him, shalt live: and if thou o restore her not, know thou tc Heb. g-av Luke 17,q-dePto adaltaarthn.he7o,,1, 3.. and she became q a pillar of salt. that thou shalt surely die, P thou and all that are thine. t,,e,,t, 1 2Sa.. 27 of And Abraham gat up early in the morning to 8 Therefore Abimelech q rose early in the morning, PnaP. 74,1 is, 2S. Al u Jr P. 14 oh. 18, 21, the place where he stood before the LORD and called all his servants, and told all these things'4, 22. 28 And hlie looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, in their ears: and the men were sore afraid..Kin 13, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and 9 Then Abimelech called Abraham, and said Unto o Lev. 6, 4, aev. 18,9. lo, the' smoke of the country went up as the smokie him, What hast thou done unto us! and what have 7~ Sam.24, of a fiurnace. I offended thee, that thou hast r brought on me and. a2, 11. ch. 1 2, 15. 29 ~f And it came to pass, when God destroyed on my kingdom a' great sin'! thou hast done deeds q Job 1, 5. tc 18, 22. the cities of the plain, that God remembered Abra- unto me that ought not to be done. r Rev 2,14 citie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s plinodn.2,1 ham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, J10 And Abimelech said unto A braham, What saw- el. 2s, when lie overthrew the cities in thex which Lot dwelt. est thou, that thou hast done this thing. 2 Sam. 12,'w verses 17, 30 ~ And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt " in 11 And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely "''0!9, 21.'~ James 1, 8. the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for the fear of God is not in this place; and they will t Pro,. 1,6 he fearer] to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, slay nme for nyv wife's sake. ch. 42, 1Ihe, and his two cdaunghters. 12 And yet indeed she is U my sister;. she is the ch. 11,:29,3.1 ~ And the first-born said unto the younger, Our daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my r Mark 9,6. father is old, and there is x not a man in the earth y to mother': and she becalne mny wife. verse 28. hverse.,4. come in unto us after the manner of all the earth: 13 And it came to pass, when God caused mt to ch. (61, 4.COeIn11t &':., 24. 32 7 Comr, letus make our father drink wine, and x wander from my father's house, that I said unto her, x1e 11,2 Deuit. 25, 5.'' ch. 11,a. we will lie with himn, that we may preserve seed of This is thy kindness which thou shalt shew unto me; our father. at every place whither we shall come, say of me, He no. g, 9.,33 A d they made their father drink wine that is my brother. night: and the first-born went in, and lay with he 14 A nid Abimnelechtook sheep, and oxen, andmenfather; and hie perceived not wheii she lay down, nor servants, and women-servants, and gave them unto when she arose. Abraham, and restored him Sarah his wife. 34 And it came to pass on thie morrow, that the 15 And Abimelech said, Behold, my land is before first-born said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yester- thee: dwell where it pleaseth thee. night with my father: let us make him drink wine 16 And unto Sarah he said, Behold, I have given this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that y thy brother a thousand pieces of silver: behold, he Y verse 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~n I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Prov. 27, t) we may preserve seed of our father. is to thee a covering of the ey'es unto all that are with 35 And they made their father drink wine that thee, and with all other: z thus she was reproved. Jonah 1.6 night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him: 17 ~I So Abraham prayed unto God: and God s. and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when a healed Abimnehech, and his wife, and his maid-ser-;po.es5 J i!.!. I 7. 3:~:i_,, t.,'she arose. vants; and they bare children. %,g 19, 36 Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child 18 For the LORD had b fast closed up all the wombs b sam S.! b by their father. of the house of Abimnelech, because of Sarah, Abra-10 Ai;,',V,?f. 37 And the first-born bare a son, and called his ham's wife. C,,,t, j. name [1 Moab: the same is the father of the C Moab- CHAPTER XXI.:Mut.', ites unto this day. 1 isaac is born...4 He is circumcised....9 Hagar and IshmaeI are 29. c Hastr s fbrth. Jdg. 3 14. 38 And the younger, she also bare a son,and called ctbrth., Tha, his name [1 Ben-ammi: the same is the father of tihe AND tie LORD a visited Sarah ashehad said and a Luke 1, T:;sye son ofut A to b 6a. w.ypeqopZ. children of Ammon unto this dav. the LORD did unto Sarah b as he had spoken. b Ich. 17, W ~ -~' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ps..12, 6, CHAPTER XX. 2 For Sarah c conceived, and bare Abraham a son Titus,,2. 1 Abraham sojourneth at Gerar....2 HIe denieth his wife, and loseth in his old age, at the d set time of which God had ce b.'1, her~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1. her. spoken to him. II.d ch. 1s, 10 1 ND Abraham journeyed a from thence toward 3 And Abraham called the name of his son that was Gal., 22. *eh. 16,7. h the south country, and dwelled between b Ka- born unto him, whom Sarah bare to him,'lIsaac. ech 17, 19 desh and Shur, and sojour'ned in Gerar. 4 And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac, being ~o Pra.24, 2 AAnd Abraham said of Sarah his wife, C She is ~ eight days old, as God had commanded him. f Deat. 12, 16... my sister: and Abimelech king of Gerar sent and 5 And Abraham was a hundred years old, when s. 14 okSaa. his, 1.1 Ltok Sarah. his son Isaac was born unto hinm. ev~ese7. 3 But d God came to Abim'lech in a dream by 6 ~ And Sarahsaid. God hath made me to laugh, g'la.64,1 E ze~k. 33, 3d..l~~l~l: L p~..'~tC~1! 14, 11. night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but ~ a g,o that all that hear will laugh with mo. 206 . fla - urni, Mucl c. ulj CIIA.P'Lh XX_~ ii ACbrtl len'pited to offer 1saac. cHIIsT 7'Atili she said,'Who would h.ave said unto' 30 And hei, For fi seven ewe-lambs shalt,ci,:.'., AAlbrailan, that Sarah should have given children thou tallke ot my b Id, -th1at they may be'a witness Isa49 sucktEs. t'r I have borne him a son in his old age. unto ime that ii haive ii6,ed this well. Isa -qt. 9,2. 1 Ps. 22, 9. 8 Atid the child grew, and was k weaned' and 31'Wherefi)re he (ailed that place i Beer-sheba; 4i. s. 131,2. Albraham minade a great feast the same day that Isaac because there they sware both of them., * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~thewelo was w'.'aned. 32 Thus they made.a covenant at Beer-sheba: ch x,.6:,. 9 ~ And Sarah saw the son of tiagar the Egyp-i then Abimelech rose up), and Pliichol the chief cap-., G. 4, 29. tian, whtich she had borne unto Abraham,' mocking. tain of his host, and they returned into the land of ob,.30, 1. afii. 1, 7. 10 Wherefore she said unto Abraham, m Cast out the Philistines. Gal.4,24. this bond-woiman,and her son: for the son of this bond- 33 ~ And Abraham planted a grove in Beer-sheba,'rsy. 20,11. xvm1 ~e'n o. a,. wonma slhall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac. and called there on the name of the LounD the ever- i Rom. l0, G,:,43, 10. 26. p, 4 2,O. 11 And the thing was very grevious in Abraham's' lasting God. I Tim. 1,i1 WillS, sight, because of his son. 3I 4 And Abraham sojourned in the Philistines' i,1 12' And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be land many days. lit. 17, 18. grevious in thy sight, because of the lad, and because CHAPTER XXIi. of thy bond-woman; in all that Sarah lath said un- I Abrahm is tempted to ofl-r Isaac....3 Hie giveth proof of his faith Rom. 9, 7, to thee, hearken unto her voice: for P in Isaac shall and obedience. 1972. thy seed be called. ND it calme to pass a after these things, thataActs.7,, 13 And also of tle son of tile bond-woman will God did tenipt Abralham, and said unto him, ob 3, 25,, 226. ch. 17, 0. I q make a nation, because lie is thy seed. Abraham: and lie said, Behold, c here I am. b James 1 14 And Abraham rose up early in the morning, 2 Andl he said, Take now thy son, thine only son l2Co. 1o, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it Isaac, ewlhomn thou lovest, and get thee into the land'3. c James I unto Hagar (puttingit on her shoulder) and the child, of f Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt-offihring isg.I Gal. 4,23. and sent her away: and she departed, and r wan- upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. d ib. 11 dered in the wilderness of Beer-sheba. 3 ~ And Abraham g rose up early in the morning; eRom 8,, 15 And the water was s spent in the bottle, and and saddled his ass, anti took two of his young men'hr.,1 she cast the child under one of the shrubs, with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the wood f'or ch. 21, 14. 16 And she went and sat her down over against the burnt-offering, and rose up, and went unto the P,. 11,60.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HebN 11, 19 him,, a good way off, as it were a bow-shot: for slhe place of which God had told 1him. Prov. 21, said,: Let rnce not see the t death of the child. Andshe: 4 Then on the third day Abraham lited up his;sltl over aaInst him, and lifted up her voice, and wept. eyes, and h saw the place afhr ofF. hi Sam A7 nd God heard the voice of the lad: and the 5 And Abraham said unto his young men,' Abide 1' 12. 171 And God heard tire voice of the lad: a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- i Heb. 12, 1 angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, arnd said ye hlere with the ass, and I and the lad will go yon- Ma. 9, 6. unto lher, Yhat aileth thee, Hagar I fear not; for der and worship, and " come again to you e. God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is. I 6 And Abraham took the wood of the burnt-offer18 Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in thy ing, and' laid it upon Isaac his son; and he took I John19 hand: for I will make him a great nation. the fire in his hand and a knife: and they went both Luce 24,Z1 6s..*s, 19 And God opened her eyes, and she saw a uwell'of them together. of water: and she went, and filled the bottle with 7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and water, and gave the lad drink. said, My father: and lie said, Here am 1, my son. 20 And God was with the lad; and he grew, and And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: -but dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer. where is the'm lamb for a burnt-offring' mEx. 12,5 21 And he dwelt in thewilderness of Paran: and 8 And Abraham said, My son,' God will provide n2 chr. a25,. Judg. 14, hisnmother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt. himself a lamb tfor a burnt-offering: so they went 9 Cor. 7, 38. 22 ~ And it came to pass at that time that y Abhi- both of them togethier. ch.,20,. melech and Phichol the chief captain of his host, spake 9 And they came to the place which God had Samn. 2,30 oc.,2 Kings 1, unto Abraham, saying, z God is with thee in all that told him of; and Abraham built 0 an altar there, and och. 8, 20'O..todos~' p Mark 15, ), -.thou doest: laid the wood in order; and P bound Isaac his son, 1.Ik,,ei. 2, 6. 23 Now therefore a swear unto me here by God, and laid him on the altar upon the wood. )'an. $, 30.b b. 41', 3, that thou wilt not deal falsely with me, nor wvith my 10 And Abraham stretched forth his land, and t8. c, el. 30, I. so, nor with my son's son: but according to the kind- took the knife q to slay his son.., osih. 3, 7. ness that C I have done unto thee, thou shalt do unto! 11 And the r angel of the LoRD called unto him 17. iSam. 30, me, and to the land wherein thou hast sojourned. out of heaven, and said, A1raham, Abrahami. An ic.:2i1. 24 And Abraham said, d I will swear. he said, Here am I. 1.4, 23. 25 And Abraham reproved Abimelech because of 12 And hie said, Lay not thmine hand upon time lad,' eb. 1), er.4, 2. ea wvell of water, which Abimelech's servants had' neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I,. ch. 20, 14. voent God. 1 g Hib1. 6,violently taken away. know that thou x fearest God, seeing thou Iast not x Ps. 2, 11. 11. 8 26 And Abimelech said, I I wot not who hath done withheld thy son, thine only son, from miC. Rom. 12,18. h. 4, 13'.. this thling: neither didst thou tell me, neither yet 13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, ch. 26, 19. heard I of it, but to-day. and behold, Y behind him Z a rai caught in" a thicket y la. 30.1 Tudg. 1, 13. 11 to"11A 27 And Abraham g took sheep and oxen, and gave by his horns: And Abraham went and took l'n'.z P.. I, 2K'Iig s, them unto Abimnelech: and both of them made a and offered him up for a burnt-offeriing in time stead aMat. ~7, 22. 29. ~~i~rov~~~u, covenant, ~~~of his son. 28 And Abraham set seven ewe-lambs of the 14 And Abraham called the name of that place is, flock by themselves. II Jehovah-jireh:as it is said to this day, In the "*~'"' Lad 29 And Abimelech said unto Abraham,What mean mount of the LORD li it shall be seen. ~,,.,,~,,,. these seven ewe-lambs, which thou hast set by them- 15 ~i[ And the angel of the LorD called unto rE.l, 15 selves! Abraham out of heaven a second time, 85. 62i$ ara/,'"V acre an7d death. GENESIS. Abraham pourchaseIth Michipelah. ntrr.: —...qB SlbirC CR, iT7'16 Andi said, By myself have I sworn, saith dle 14 And Ephron answered Abraham, saying unto CIs ~ Lop.,,otfi)r b('ause thou hast d(one this tiing, and hiilm, 1 ~,ast not witlhelid thy son, thline only son:' 15 My lord, hearken unto ine the land is worth, 3.du, 7 T2 t i l I wil l blcss thee, ad( in iult- iifliour lhuiilred slickels of silver; whalt is that betwvixt d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m acilte' uyt.,rl'r U~ dead o;oi. 4,3, 3plying I will mulntiplyv tlhy: seed as thle stars of the lic la- in and die! bury thle re o Iy lad.,e. 13,16. yentl, aud as the sand1 which is upon the, sea-shore; 16 And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron, and 1.r. 21,' Iand thty seed slill possess tile gate of Ils eneiiies; Abraham weighlcd to Ephlron the silver xvhichl lie,:.,. 18 Atidt iA l tlhy seed shliall all tlhe natilons of tie halid naeicd in thet audieince of the sons of Hetla, four tD-.h2 44, eart-i bessed I because thou hast ofleved m? voice. lJundr.red shekels of silver, current flltLey with the I,or..), 19 3. So Abrahliani returt-ned un to his yolngi Iu(ll, and mlerclant. 67 i 0:.3, 29. y.the) os up, and cwent togethcr to Becr-shcha; ani 17 ~I And tlhe field of Epihron, whlich 1was in r r',l.4. 32.' ",~ Abrhatml dwelt at Beer-sibeba!. RMahclpelah, h1'imcl i w(s lif.otres Mature, tilm'e fieli attl e,.. 2a0 23 ~[ And it ctamle to pass after tlese tlnirs, that ile cave whichl cas tliereiIn, and all the trees.hloat it was told Abrahanm, sa.yitig, Bchoid, Milcahli, s!e were in tle field, that were in all the, borders round liath also blorne cildren unto thy brother N alm(r; about,' were mnadte' sureT Je,. 92, 7, iib.,. 21 h Itl luz his first-born, and BLz his brotler, 18 Unto Abrahamn f)or a possession in tle pr- filb iOoba32, 2.:J:!3 2' a ip nl ua el the father of Aramn, seccD of the cl(1ldren of' Itlih, befire al'l that went.....tp, o Aind,lihesed, and Hlazo, and Piidaish, and Jid- nll at tihe " gate of his city. Jr.: 32,7, ~.. aph, and Betli ncl. 19 And after this, AbIraham buried Sara i hhis wife:'iT.,0, 3 And cthu-el begat Rebekah these eight Mil- in the cave of the fiod1 of'[ahlipelali, before Mature p. 112,, cal td (1i( b tar to Nahllor, A.brahlam's 1roth(er. tile satne is IHe'bron in the!alnld of Canaan. Ruth 4. k Pv., 2 1, -I Ant Iis ('doI' lnlu)iie, whOse iale a R/S eumai, 20 Andti the field, and the cave tlat iisteiu were,.;,l 0...... 15' - she'har e mlso Tebah, and Galian, and Thahash, made sure unto Abialain toira )ossessio of a 11- ol.49 [?vp ~.5, an e aachah & 50, 5, 13. land k Maacliah. rying-place, by tlhe sons oh' iletl. & 2.9., 9. CHAPTER XXIII. CHAPTER XXIV. I The age and death of Sarah....3 The purchase of Machpelah. I Abraham sweareth his servant; 12 his prayer; 14 his sign....15 Recekah meeteth him, 18 and fulfilleth his sign....34 The servant HI 17, *' ND Sarah was "a hundred atnd seven an[d txren — shlweth his inessa'e....50 Labarn and Bethuel approve it....58 b I PE,. 3, 6. ty es old ts c te years ot tIme yf life of. Rebekah consenteth to go. 57. Sia.13I. a / ND Ab1raham was old andt well stricken in age: f Hel. To,,.':~""~: ~' 2 And Sar~~-ah dimd " in Kir aflh-arl)a; tlhe sae is ch 252 And Smram! died in Klerjat-arb; thet saimie Is and tihe LoRnD had blessed Abraham in all'h. 25. 20 wit~h 5,.. iicbron in the land of Canaan: An Al Alrahtan came things. 2;,el. o, to, 2. 1.t to ou lt' Saralh, and to (p to i,' er. 2 And Abraham said unto his ") eldest servant of' Prv. 10.22 e.l~ i i 3 A l Abraham stoo1d up fironi Infitr his dead, hlis Ihouse, tllat ruled over all that hlie had, Put, I pray,, I Th,..5 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1. I 7. 10. IS0.5.and1 spake 1unto the sons of ftlht say-lig, thliee, thy band undder my thit.h c ch. 47,29 I cr. 2, 4 am, g a stra.nier and a soourner nt ithi y on give 8 Alnd I will make theed svear by the Lown, d cI:i.:31,.53 t5. Deut'6,13,,~. me a possession of a" lurvint-nphlace vx ith you, dltlhatl l the God of hleavem, and thea God of die arthl, th'at t'', Ah tiS,. r' Ex. 34,16 i ZecclI.1,1. i1ayv l)'ury ily dead i out of mv s:lit. t 1ou shalt iiot take a. vifi( unto mD son of the fdaugh- DCii. 7, 3. 5 And the children of Heth t answxxrod Xbrahan, tet's of' the Canaa-nitCs amnongx ntici I dwell saying unto hmini, 4 Bnil thou shalt go unto g iy'ouDntry, and to my ch. I, k~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ k.8 29. 4";!:""- 6 Hear us, my lord; tlhou art a migh!ty jpi'ce k kindred, an(i take a wife unto mny son isaac. ~ iJl,-f amog s' -, among us' in t4. heciojee oi ofur1 s{e.tpu!~:hrs bury rlhyo 5 Amind time'servanAt said iniito 11him1, h P ieradventlure h Prov. 13 Ps.,47.4. eli. 1, 22,. (dea(ld none of us shall withholdl trot i lice his se pl- tlhe wonian will not' be willing to tfolow mne nuto'1' I.)lalm 3, I,-i I.Iibi -' clhare, lbut that thou mnayest bury tly tlead. tIlis land: lnutst I needs lring thy son again unto the k.h. 21,22. 7 t AAbraham stood up amld bowevd liiimsel' to) land firo m wihN'ence thou cami.)est'. 1 2 Saim. I j, tep,, l of'tel d ereni to)fnec 4'S.,,the pe.-ople otie lando, etnti le children of 11(-1t. 6 Anl Abraham said untolihim, Beware thou, that 8 And lihe communeid ithi themu, sayig, If it be thou b'ing inot my 1soi thither again. l, ~'I fl"b,. {I your mnind that [ should bury i3y' defad out of mny 7' ThIe Lolt) God of' heaven, which k took inc k Ps. 31,4, ~,F,.e~4i. s lgt, r me,, and entreat for mtile to Ephlrom thet fhon iy father's house, and firom the land of my~6' Ps. 27, I ~.'a t'S Pa-3. 277,10. 8)1 0) Zolhar, kintdred, amid whmich spake unto mile, and that sware 9 hlit hie may give me tihe cave of Mala ipelalb,l unto mne, saying, Unto thy seed will I give this land whiich he hlath, which -is in tdhe end of' his titld; bfor lihe shall send l his angel before thee, and thou shalt'I Hb.3,4 as ~nniu( money as it is worthl lie shall give it tile, for take a wifh unto my son friom thence. a e*"i,'" Ia posscssion of a burying-place an-iong'you. 8 And if the woman will not be willing to follow I) Alnd Ephron dwelt anmong thte chil{ren of tice, then thou shalt be "' clear fi'omn this mine oath;,Josh, 2,. Ileth. And Ephr'on the Hittite answered Ab)rahamn only bring not my soi thitlhier again. ill the anid ence of the children of lctl i, eUven. of all 9 And the servant put his hand under the tlhigh of,M:,,,,, ~.tlhat went in at the gate of o his city, sayiig, -Arahan his master; and sware to hinit concerning'u'e 2,4 1 Nay, mly lord, hear iic: the fild give I thee, thiat muatter.,and thle cave that is tlherin, I give it thee; in thie 10 ~ And tie servant took ten eamnels, ofthe canels p,,lte 10, prl'eselioe of the sons of p nu people give I it thee' of his nmaster, and departed; (for all the goods of his, urV t1, y ded. inmaster we. re mu his hand;) and he arose, and went to 12 And And braham bowed down himself before time Mesopotaimmia, unto the city of Nahor. peonle of the land. ii nAd he miade his camels" to kneel down with-,rh. 33,13 18i And he spake unto Ephiron in the audinceeoftle out the city by a well of water, at the time of the.r 12.10,,..s,,,.,, pt:ople o) the land, saying. But if thou wdtilt gi e it, I eevenimlg, even the timmie that women go out to drawo J.,-)1av thee, hear inc: q I will give thee nmone for tiel iwater': o2 IingR ru~'" g, ". fi,:l take ii of meo-!, and I W-ill bury my dead there. 1 ~ Andhe said, 0 LoRD God of my master Abra- l. Abraha's s(:ruidnt.jourieyilh' CIHAPTE R XXIV. Ire ~ e tler/ained:by Lac,,B e for e I' fre Hcm.IS T lha,, I pray thee, P send me good speed this day, and tlhe canmels, and water to r wash his feect, and thc ca.'s~?. slew kildness unto my master Abralham. men's teet that.ere wvith timlli. 1i.'h7. v4' 1'3 BeIholdt, I q stand here by tile well of water; 33 Anid thre was set m,,! Ilefkre bliln Ah to cat: ut"'"" pch. 27, 20. and the daughters of the men of the city coiie out lie said, g i x ill not eat until I have told mine erralid a',:~ P s. 1.27, 1. 1Tl,.3,11i. to (Iranw waAdter A lie said Sp(-k o.,,., 14 And" ldet it come. to pass, that the damsel to 34 And h( sid, Arah servant. ob hrLameal. 3, $4Si Aztld hce saidt, II am."~' Arl-1;lalll~'s se~rv~ult. aobS,.'..'Lune. 3 as t'1. h verse'2. 2.v7. whonm I shall say, Letdown tlhy pitcheqr, I Pray thee,: 35 Alnd the. Lo(, 1) iat l~!esse(d my master greatly. 7J,,Js. thla I 1ay drink; and she shall say, Drink, and I:'anld lhe is hI{(-oillle( gr.iat d lli he ( ath glivein hti l)' I Juilges 6, t ti Sanm. 14 will give thy camels drink also: let the same be she! flocks, and herds, and slvera, and gold, aind mnen-ser- pI:.,, 9,'" that! thou lhast appointed fo ty servant Isaac; antd vants, and niaid-servants, and camets, and asses. I T",,.,, thereby shall I knowv that thou hast shewed kindness 3(3 And Sarahl, mIiy niaster's wite, bare a son to my unto mty master. master arwhen she k was old: and unto him liath it k,~s'.It, i. P,:,n 4 6 " 15 ~fAnd( it came to pass,shefore hlie had dlone speak- igiven all tlhat le lath. i:S 23. Cin,, that behold, Rebekah camie out, who was born 37 And mny mastcr niade me swear,saying, Thou; ) an.9,2. 9. 2.-!...a. 6..3. 21. to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wifi, of Nahor, Abra- shalt not take a wife to miny son of thile dlaughters o'f K 9,I Ifs. 145, 1IS.':, u-..:,x, hani's brother, with her' pitcher upon her shoulder. the Canaanites, in whose land I dwell: cl. 6. IProv. el1,6 27. 1( ndte lmne EPx. 12, 16 And the dwasel t Was very fair to look upon, a 38 But thlou shalt go unto'. mny tllhcr's house, and.' & I E x. 2, 1 6. vi1i;nott rIad a~ I 1.i Isa.., 16. virgin;' neithr had any man u" known her: and she to my kindred, and take a wife unto m1y son., ) ch. 1, t'i[t)., ood,vent down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and 39 And I said unto my master," Peradventure t1he ""I"e' of'suo,,,- cameup C(.Z?'tl:O. P. Iwoman will not fiollow le.,, c. 4., 1. 1 7 And the servant ran to meet her, and said, Let 40 And he said unto me, The LonD, obefore whom,in')-, s&., 2. me, I pray thee, drink a little water of thy pitcher. I walk, will send his angel vitth thee, nd P prosper i,1 18 And she said, Drink, my lord: and she hasted, thy way; and thou shalt take a wifte for my son of' ell 0115(:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 s.1 amnd letl down her pitcher upon her hand, and gave my kindred, and of my Flther's house.1, him drink. 41 Then shalt thou be clear firom this q my oath, q?C~.e4 19 And when she had done giving him.drink, she Iwhen thou comest to nmy kindred; and if they give said, I will draw uwater for thy camels also, until they not'thee one, thou shalt hie clear fronm my oath. have d onem drin'king. 42 And I came this day unto the well, and said, 20 And sihe hasted, and emptied her pitcher into 0O Lotr, God of my master Abrahlanl, if now thou r', 12. thetro h, and ran again unto the well to draw do prosper m vy way which I go: " "' th- ti n iv Nvaal ri crltls L: eue1?va/er, and drew for all his camels.j 43 Behold, s I stand by the Well of water; and it'r':se 13 2,.,s 21 And thie man, x wondering at her, Y held his shall co:nme to pass, that when the, virgin (oineith lMo'thl Lu~e2,19,. peace, to wit, whether the LORD had made his jour- to draw waleir, and I say to lier, Give mie, I pray note pIrospcerous, or hot. Ithee, a little water of thy pitcher to drink; 22 And it came to pass, as the camels had done 44 And she say to mie, Both drink thou, and Itib"'3.2 I, Or,i.,,el drinking, that the man took a golden II ear-ring, of will also draw for thy camels: let the samne be the forthe/ore orj rhefud,, half a shekel weight, and two bracelets for her woman wvhom the LorD hIath appointced out for my I Pet. 8, 4 Pet. 3,4. hands of ten shekels weight of gold, mse'son. Ieo.3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1at, r21.ll,:x. 3 2, 3. 23 And said, Whose daughter art thou*? tell me, 1 45 And before I had done speaking "in mine 1RiT's' 26;. pray thee: is there room in thy father's house for us heart, belhol, IRebekah caine lorih with her pitcher s'",,., N\ob. 2~.t. to lodge in? on her shoulder; and she went down unto the well,,,.? 24 And she said unto him, I am the daughter of Iand drew water': and I said unto hier, Let me drink, 2?' uch.22,23. Bethuel " the son of Milcah, which she bare unto I pray thee. Nahor. 46 And she made ha'ste, and letdown herpitcher 25 She said, moreover, unto hmn, We have both Ifrom her soulder, and said, Drink, and I will give strawv and provender enough, aind room to lodge in. thy camnes drink also: so I drank, and she made the a. 2, 31. 26 And the man " bowed down his head, anu wor- ca mlels drink 1a-o. ~h. 22, -5.I Ps.66,4. shipped the LORD. 47 And I askoed herm, and said, Whlose dangnter 27 And lie said, Blessed be the LorD God of my art thou? And she said, Th'le daughter of Bethuel, beh.2, 10. master Abraham, who: b hath not left destitute my NNahor's son, whomn Milcah bare unto hiul: and I putse 22. x verse 22. master of his mercy and his truth: I being in tihe tie ear-ring' upo n her faice, and the bracelets upon E:zk.li,,2 lsit 62, 4 way, the LorD led me to the house of my n master's her hiandls. 6 ~h.~a, S. ci brethrpen. ch. 13,. C brethren. 48 And I bowed down mry head, adworshipped zp,,,., i; lsa. 62, 5 28 And the damsel ran, and told them of her thle Loit., and blessed the LOrD) God of nIy master d ve.49,?. n6thr' hos ths things.2 dher., 67. illother's i house these things. Abraa, which had d iie in the y right way to y zraS,2 29 [ And Rebekah had a brother, and his name take mIy master's brother's daughter unto his son. was Laban: and Laban ran out unto the man, unto 49 And now il ye will deal T kindly and truly witnh i lub... the~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. welm~ercyan the well.'myv miaster, tell inc: and if not, tell mee; that I may i ""', ehi. 32, l0 30 And it cameto pass,when hlie saw the ear-ring, turn to the right hand, or to the left. 1 Sarn.2, a ~' - o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h. 47,"'29 and bracelets upon his sister's hands, and whn lie 50 Then Laban and. Bethlinel answered, andl said, Jos.h.2,, heard the words of Rebekah his sister, saying, Tihais TThe thing proce'edeth firom thie Lorn) we canumot:;2s,,,, ~a spake the man unto me.; that he caine unto the man, speak unto thee { bad or good. 2 Sam. 13 and behold, he stood by the carnels at the well. 5l Behold, Rebekah is Ibefore thee, take lier, and 22' 3t. 1,10. 1 And he said, Come in, thou' blessed of the go, and let her be thy master's son's wife, as the i'. r.~, ~. LORD; wVherefore standest thou without? for I have iLoRD hath spoken. prepared the house, and room for the'camels. 52 And it ('at8e to pass, that, when Abr'ahtam's,,,,se,2 32 Ard the man came into time house: and he un- 1servant heard their words, hle"' worslhipped the Lomnb.,, girded his camels, and gave straw and pm ovender for ibowing himself to the ea1rthl. Pr u11, 1. Of Abraham's servant and Rebkah. (ENESIS. Abraham's death. Jacob and LE'au's birth. Bere~ 5. And the servant br1ou'ht forth jewels o f gv die lvBefr, CHRIST 53 An th servat bro t fothels of siler 8 Then Abraham gave up the ghost, and died i iS, t. and,jewels of gold, and railient, anid gave them, to a good old age, an old mian, and full oj' years; and ri;3, De Rebekal. lie gave also to her brother and to her was 0 gath:ered to his people. Pout 33,.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~neoh, s5, 35 th. II- ther precious things. 9 And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in P,.rv 20,29 $o, tg 4, 13. Job 4:4, 17. ~Chr.Zr, 54 And they did eat and drink, hlie and the men the cave of Machpelah, in the P ield of Lphron the oAc 13,,. ".. that were with him, andl tarried all night; and they son of Zohar the iittite, which is before ianire; 37 29 — ~~~~ ch. 37, 29', verse,6. rose up in' the morning, and lie said, c Send ie away 10 The field which Abralham purchased of the pch. 23, 9 unto my master. sons of Heth: there was Abraham q buried, and qch.49,22 55 And her brother and her mother said, Let the Sarah his wife. damsel abide with us a few days, at the least ten; 11 [ And it came to pass after the death of Abraafter that she shall go. ham, that God r blessed his son Isaac: and Isaac r ch. 12, 2 Rom 4,:~ 56 And he said unto them, IHinder me not, seeing dwelt by the well Lahllai-roi. Rum the LORu hath prospered my way: send ine away, 12 I Now these are the generations of Ishmael, hat I may go to my master. Abraham's son, whom IHagar the Egyptian, Sarah's 57 And they said, We will call the damsel, and handmaid, bare unto Abraham. d1,2 1 inqui-vre d at her mouth. 13 And these are the names of the sons of Ish58 And they called Rebekah, and said unto her, macl, by their names, accordingto their generations: Wilt thou go with this man? And she said, I willgo. the first-born of Ishniael, S Nebajoth; and' Kedar, Isa.,I,1 59 And they sent away Rebekab their sister, and and Adbeel, and Mibsam, t Song i, * h.l MS. her e nurse, and Abraham's servant, and his men. 14 And Mishma, " and Dumah, and Massa, u Isa. 21,10 1'Tes.:2,7. N.int, I1, 60 And they f blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, 15 HIadar, and X Tenia, Jetur, Naphish, and Ke- xJob 2, 1I1,'ch, 1,. ~. Thou art our sister; belhou the nolther of g thousands demnah -,... of mnillions, and let thy seed I" possess the gate of those 16 These are the sons of Ishnacl, and these are Riith 4,. I b1y,,. nb ii Ley. 25, which hate them. their names, by their towns, and by the.ir castles; ch. 6 2. 61 ~ And Rebekah arose, and herdamsels,and thev y twelve princes according to their nations. y ch. 12,', s.~,. rode upon the camels, and tfollowved the man: and 1 7 And these are the years of the life of Ishmael the servant took Rebekah, and wcit. his way. a hundred and thirty and seven years: and lie gave 6!2 And Isaac canme firom tlhe way of the well np the ghost and died, and was gathered unto his k o h. 16, 14. A~. 2.' k Lahlai-roi; lbr he dwelt in the I smcttlh (ountry. people. I h: 9a. ~a.I I6. 3 And Isac wventout to in melditate in tile fieldl 18 And tlhey dwelt friom n Havilah unto Shur, that Ps. 1, 2. at the even-tide: and he lift.ed up his eyes, and saw, is before Egypt, as thou goest toward Assyria: and and behold, the camels vwere conling. he + died in the presence of all his brehren. ~11 h e 711 I t1 died91 And tlepeseno allee hi ben. ch. 14, 10 64 And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when se 19 ~ Aid these are the generations of isaac, Abrasaw Isaac, she lighted off' the caneil. hant's son: Abraham begat Isaac' 65 For she had said unto the servant, VWhatmani 20 And Isaac was iforty years old when he took is this that walketh in the field to meet us'! And the Rebeckah to wife the daughter of Bethtel the Syrian servant had said, It is my nmaster: therufore she took tof Padan-aram, tihe sister to Laban the" Syrian., Luke4.27 a2 Corinth. "a veil and covered herself. 21 And isaac a entreated the Lonn for his wife, a.d 21, 12' 21, 5. ver-ses 20, 66 And the servant told Isaac all things that hlie because she was b barren: and the LORD was en- 26m1, o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I S,- r. 1, had done. treated of himn, and Rebekali his wife conceived. bh h. 24, h.e 67 And Isaac brought her into his motlher Sarah's 22 And thie children II struggled together within Or~i,,.,d Son- S, 2.'.one azainsj tent, aid took Rebekah, and shle became his wifi; her: and she said, If it be so, why am I thus' And anolr to p E.,, 2,. an-d lie P loved her: and Isaac was comtforted after she went to inqire of t R. dsiwg shewen to inquire ftime LORD). a d,.,,., his mother's death. 23 And the LORu saidl unto her, Two nations are,h. 3 13. CPIIAPTER ~XXV. in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated fi'om thy bowels: and the one people shall The sons of Abraham by Keturah...7 Itisage and death....1 Th be stronger than the other people; and the elder generations of Ishmael.... 21 Isaac prayeth fbr Rebekah, beinbrp Isa~cpr~lt~t.fbr Rebekalh, ben / 2 Sam. 8, barren....24 The birth of Esau and Jacob....29 Esau selletmh m1f shall serve tie younger..8, birthright.'Gl4 ". ~~~~~~~birthright. ~24 i Ai-d when her days to be delivered were ful-Malac4:. a ch. 23, 1. L11'N a again Abraham took a b an 2,31, b c., IE N again braha m too k a ife, and her filled behold, there wer e twins in her womb. 2,3. bame 1as Ch 1, Rem. 9, 1 32. nanmte was Keturalb. 25 And the first came out d red, all over like a 11,'.) eh, 1, 1. 2 And she, bare him Zimran, and Joksn,, and hairy garment: and they called his name Esau. ach. 27, 0 d ch. S7, Id.dJosaadhiygret:id ~ee,.,,. fMedan, acnd Meidian, anmt Ishbak,' and Shuah. 26 And after that came his brother out, and liis erch. 31t, 8.4. -M dn n i' 6i i (Job 2, 11. 3 And Jokshan begat Sheba, and Dedan. And hand e took hold on Esau's heel; and his name was.I~ osea 1~ the sons of Dedan were Asshurin, and Letushim, called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years old andl Leummimn. when she bare them. h.s 60, 6. 4 And the sons of Midian; e Ephah, and Epher. 27 And the boys grew: and Esau was (a cunning.'h. 10, 9. and IHanoch, and Abidah, and Eldaah. All these hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a g plain ch. 6, 9 h ch 46, 34, 2 were the children of Keturah. man h dwelling in tents. fHeb.v,lkch. 24, 00 i a,' 5 ~ And Abraham gave h all that he had unto 28 And Isaac loved Esau, because t he did eat of,,,& Isaac.'his venison: but Rebhekah loved Jacob.ot i.,rseI. 6 But unto the sons of the' concubines which 29 ~ And Jacob sod pottage: and Esau came m,.6, U. Abraham had, Abrahamn gave k gifts, and sent them from the field, and le was' faint. iPt 13, 25n liob ~. t.. away fi'om Isaac his son (while he yet lived.) L east- 30 And Esau said to Jacob, Feed mmc, I pray thee, ward, unto the east country. ]' with that same red p7oattag'e; for I anm faint: there- t e. ilIr.e. 7 And thieseare the days of theyears ofAbraham's fore was his name ('alle:d Edom.,o..A thao ca 12,4. life whfich he livedd, a hundred threescore and fif- 31 And Jacob said, Sell mime this day thy " birth- &. teen years. frighit. 24 Isaac s/ourxneth a.t Uerar: CHAPTER XXV1, XXVI. Abimelech's corenant wZith lim. Before O!" B(Lfb-BreH,,,R,,T 32 Anti Esan said, Behllold, I am t1 at the point to I father; for the Philistines h ad stopped them after the J,?ts+ CHfRISTUrS ci". 104 hdie and what profit shall this birthriglt do to lle' death (of Abrallhan and lIe called their names ater l 104,o, )3 And Jacolb said, Swear to mie tlhis day; and tihe names by which his fathter had called them.'..n.. to di,,s hlit sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto 19 And Isaac's servants'digged in the valley, and:*, m lis, 1~ ~ P~o. 6,16. Johi foundl there a well of t- springing water. Zech., 2 m Heb. 12, 16Go., 4 T hen.Jacob gave Esan bread and pottage of 2 5(0 And the lherdlien of Gerar d(id strive with Isaac's s,,; li n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IHeo. I-f liv, 32~". lentiles and hlie (lid eat and drink, and rose up, and d h men, saying, The water is ours: and lie calledn mg tvt~~~~~~~~~~~~~lhrmn, Ls ayin, thes Esx.r atetur~ h~s ours:it an hetl cal d,,, went his way thus Esau despised his birthright the name of the wvell I[ Esek; because they stroveJohn 4, O, C{APTER XXVI. w itxh him. I Isaac because of fanine goeth to Gerar....26 Abimelech's cove- 2 1 And they digged another well, and strove for,T},,,o< Corh:.n~lion. nant with him at Beer-shleba. tlit also: and he caled the anae of it I Sitnah. I Thstis, bch 2, I. ND there was a famine in the land, besides the 2 h a And lie relled tfrome thenei, and diggted, hit b~ 2, 0. fistfamine that was in th(e days of' Albraham. ~5 n i eoe i'(n hne n ilgd.,..~ firsaat faine that u as A ini tle( dkys oft Ablah il another well; and for thliat. they strove not: and he tAnd Isa ac went unto Abiniltch king of the Philis called the name of it 11 Rehoboth; and lie said, For *3't:' tines unto Ge~rar e, ja. Pa ro n. i flow the LoD hiath a made roomin for us, and we a Ps.4, coh 12, 1 2 And the LoRD O appeared unto him, and said, he fiuitfl in the land. d Fs. 3d i', 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~sh-all be fruitfiul in thle land. Go 1not down into Egypt: d dwell in the land which 2 And e went p froIn tene to b Beer-sheba. b h. 2, I shall tell thee of. nch~~~ 28 And lie xvent tip fr~om thence to b B~eer-sheha. b c~h. 2i,3s1 I sli,,Il tel there of.,I8n thshland ad e wh te 24 And the LORD alppeared unto himi the same'Hh 7, 9 e Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee night, and said, I at tlhe God c of Abraham thv father: cc. 7,7 and will bless thee: for unt e, a nto they an o yseed d ear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, anid 17, 7. f ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dci1, f ch 13, 15 I will give c all these (coiountries, and I will g i)ertform multiply thy seed for my servant Abralmar's sake.., gch. 2, 16. the oiath which I sware unto Abralham thy hthrier; 25 And lie builded an aGlfar there, and called upon e h 12,,7. 4 And I will make thy seed to multiply as the thte nane h there t eb. hh., stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these tani -Gal. 3, 16. ante I ses: andr in' thy seed shall all the nations of I t s evants diggei a well..30, 2,countries' and in ~thy seed shall all the nations of] 6 I Then Ablimelech went to himn from Gerar, thme ear'th be blessed' and Ahuzzath one of his tifriends, and Phichol the ch. 22, 16. 5 Because that Abraham k obeyed my voice, and chief captain of his ary. Ichief cap~taiin of his armly. kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, 27 nd Isaac sa unto them, Wherefoe coeye and my laws. utes, 2~~~~'7 And Isaac saidl unto them, Wherefore c,-ome ye and'My laws. Ii),Sh~~~~~~. 12; 1,]L.~~~~~~ ato me,' seeing"ye hate ime, and have sent me away fverse 1, (2 6 And Isaac dwelt in I Gerar: from you"! 7 And the men of the place asked him of his wife; 2 A mn ch.m20.13 and he s23d, She is m my sister: flor le feared 28 Andl lie said,'[ We saw certainly that the PTle. Seeinch. 20.13 and he said, She is my sist(," tbr he tharet, ~ Pro 29, to LoRDt was with thee: and we said, Let there be now 2, ". siv, She is nmy wife; lest, sr~zid he, the inefn olf thee 2::. c say, She is my wife; lest, s ai he, the iieen of the g an oath betwixt us, even betwixt us and thee, and gch. 24, 4. place should kill me for Rebekah; because she wa let us make' a covenant with thee fair to look upon. i 29'2Ilat thou wilt do us no hurt, as,ehave h not h verses n, 8 And it'came to pass when lie had been there a" touched thee, ani( aswe have done unto thee nothing 14, 15. 2 long tifie, that Abitnelech kino of the Philistines!but go(ml, and liave sent thee. away in pecace: thou. 2 Sam.I, " looked out at a window, and saw, and i behold, Isaac (ar n1w the blessed of tlhe LoPu. pro. 5,was sportinw with Rebekah his wifiI. -(p Prov, ~,2.'1/IQ~u P S~J)Ol'fl I ~8 And he made thctn ~a least, and they did eat, ell,. si,,~ 1s. 9 Anad Abinelech- called Isaac. and said. Beliold, and drink oI.,1?' n dik Heb. 12, 14 qch. 20, 10. of a surety she is, tly wift': and q how sai(dst thou, 1 e 1 $1 And( they rose 11p l(;tinis in the nmorning, and She is my sister?. Anrd Isaac said unto him, Becauses.sllt~ is Lr st I die for ber' swarI (,Cne to another: ani(l Isaac sent them away, I said, Lest I die for hti'I..,Iand they departed trom hii in peace. 10 And AbJmeleel) sai{!, Wh~at is tbi-,; t!hon hasti n hydpr,~ io i npae oe10 Antd} Ahineolechf salid, W'lat is this thlohlu haest 32 An d it camel to pass time same day, that Isaac's k verse 29 done, unto us! one of tili twople utiFnt li".11tv llave-`14 done untous' ne o lepeople ght lighly servants came and told him concerning the wellPm.,4'lain with thy wife, and thou shouldest have brought which they had " digged, and said'unto him,' We Mat. 7, 7. guitiness upon us. II That is, g have found) water..J>,oath, Ari A bit nemc ~echl cliarlaed a~l l h~is peroplerr saying,! """a unr~ 11 Amid Abimelech charge all his people, saying, 33 And lie called it I Shebah thlerefore the name zcl.~ rPs..05,15, lie that toncheth this maim oir his wifet shall surely of the city cis 3eer-sl;)a unto this day. mh.25,2. gcrs. 2, 5. zech. 2, S. ofte puty ito'isi-b noti deay. t rh. 2. Prov.6,29. b)e putt to death.. 34'! And Esau was 3 forty years old wh en he took Heli 1"2,s' b. 2Then Isasowed ithat iano 4d re-' w1 Cor. 7, 2. d. 1 Th Isaac so d in hat land and i re- to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Ilttite, and tHo. bit-Mt. 13, ceived in the same year' a hundred-iold' and the h itenm'.~.ss of a23. a B daugteo on te ittite: sphlt. mV,,,oRD blessed himi: 3,5 Wlhich were f a grief of mind unto Isaac and c,.apter2f, zh.s ht 13 And. the man waxed great, and f went forward, to Rebekah. o22., and grew until hie becanre verv great Jl 42 12 CHAPTER XXVII' 42, 1. 1 4 For lihe had " possession of flocks, and possession sendeth Esau for vnison..... $i'ii. ieemt I Isaac eEsa for veison....6 Rebekah. instructeth Jacob to, obo,.w. of herds, and great stoi'e of servants: And thie Philis- tain the blessing....34 Esau complaineth, and by importunity obtaineth II. 1,',16. tines envied him. a blessing. 11o~ t2 15 For all the wells which his father's servants ND it came to pass, that when Isaac was old,f r.,;Ec..4, 4. h ad digged in the days of Arala h is ther, the. his his eyes wer'e dim, so that lie could not Ei"l 3,'y ch.l.21, 25. Philistines had y stopped theim, and filled theIm with sec, ie called Esau his beldest son, and said nto tb h c'-. 2 ~~ ~~~ earhi. ~~~~~~~i himl, MPiy son: amid lie saidt unto him, Behold, her~e 24 1..h And Abhnelech sa~id unto Isaac, Go from us,h aim I. for thlou ar~t mluclh milgh~tietr thatn we. 1 2 And lie said, Behold now, I am old, I know.':arK 13, 17 And Isaac departed thence, and pitc(hed his Inot the day of my death: ti. 3, 28. tent in the valley of Gerair, and dwelt there i. [3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weaponsq Ll;, t 18 And Isaa.c (igged am~ain time wells of water: thy quiver and thy bow, and go cut to tie fild, an aoii~g,, which they had digg~e'd in the days of Abraham hisis t take me some venison; m';:.;';~ DB ~25 .saac se.ndth Esaufgr VZinson. GENESIS..kzcoh obtaineth a $e'ssing. 4 Andt mtike ie. svonrv meat, such -as I lo oc, and f'1 Thrl'eforeIGod wive thele of the idexv ofhicav,,n, cH~is 1i.5,2 bring it to ileC thlat" tay at.; thil oly' solld Iay Iand the a' ftness of the earth, and plenty of'" corn and ci. 1760o. a Ne~b.bss 1 thee bhlore I die. wV I.,e J, I e b. I 1, S tlt:blc~I(i(: YI11 Hosea:.5 Anti Rehrekab heard xvlien Isaac spake toEaii 2 lt pople srve tlete, and nations bow down 14,6,7. 15 t, 1 II lI Dent. i31,1 Pr-1, G his son. anlt E.s;aui went to the fihold to llttut Jfi to telle be olrd ove'r thy hre ctelln, antdlct l otil tyi-no "'"" 2?'*2 K 81, 6 J'r~ 1-Iu 2 14 g~a, venison), and to bri'ai it. er's Sors 1)0W (hoWII to tHie cursed he every one ihati cr~~s s()us bow d~)wnr t() th(~e.! ~ "c~urs,;~t t,~~ c:.'vv (:~nc! lha t " s,,,,,.,,z 14. -- - ~ Dctl~. 82, 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s.111,3 e 6 T Anl Re}bckai{ spal e unto Jav:dl hIr son, say- cirseth tlee, and Idssed he he that blesseithee.,. veme 7. L.. f., ~~~~~~~~~~~~IS-P a m ", -in~~'~.L~. 4 6, 8' u5irn,. Beholdl, I heard thy father speak tuito oEsa tl dy 0'!3 Attd it camnle( to prass, as soon aIs Ilsaa.c had,:. 44. ch.28, b. brothler, saying,,aIl an enlld ol' l(ssi fg Jacolb, and.0la.ob was yc I"' P0 7 Bring I he v'enison, and miake mie savoury eat,'scarce.gone out tro the presence o' Isaac his i'-'....... Zeeh. 9 1" that I may et, and bless thee belore the Lon, timer, that Esal his brotiher ciame in l fromhi islimtinlg. xl, Cr.5,2 ~Dwit, 33,'g before I~ aclh g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> Dcii. 13, i'.,~ x' g umieore ry d31 And heas tais ad niade sa-voirv n('c,:-t, antl''" s:i,,,,, 8 Now- th-ferefore, mly son, obey ily voice, accord- brohlit it t unto his tfather; and said Iu.1lo huis fatlher,'. 26, 19. versa,3. inlZ to tlhat which I conionand tlhee. let my fttier arise, atid eat of is soi1's venison, ic,.:4,2.'9 (-o now to thile flock, and lfetc'h me firom tlience that'ly soul unay blless t1t'. clp.:~42 9.0 6,., =,,, tX( gowo,. ki Mds of the goats; anid I will ake thenn, 32 Anrd Isaac hlis fithter said unto 11110 W Iho!ar savollSury meat for thy father, suIch as he lov eAt, thon Arid liesall, I a thy son, thy first-l orn, I sa. 10) Aind thou sthalt lbring it to thy fathr, that he A I d Isaac t trellmbled very exceeldingly, and ti F,,. nmay eat. and t.h-tt lie mnay bless thele beiore his dceath. said,,Vlo! witere is lie lia bath taken vc1IJsoin, antil.. ] 1 And Jac.ob said to Reb)elah his itotler, Be- 1i )rouhlIt it te, and I lhave eaten of all leiot(re tiou (i'"ti'ng. ich. 2, 23. 0hold, Esaun mIy brother/ is a hairy man, and( I a(lU a carnest, anid have blessed hlinm'! yea, and hLc shall z Rm. 11, ch 5,2.lod sau ybrthe it,'ahair nt, a.:: I ~'"a. smooth iia )c b lessed. oh. 29, 3, I' ciif Fleb. IS, 10 12 My father peradventure willeel melte and I shall 34 Amtd wNhen Esan heard the words oflis father, 11, kh. 2:;,27. seem to hiim " as a deceiver; and I shall bring a he c ried wvith a great and exceeding a I tter cry, an ib Dem. 27, r ma 17. ~6. c rtrse upol me, and not a blessin g. said lnto his hither, Bless mIle, eve. roe also,O ( my iSai.30,4. ~irs e 1)r. 4e,, ai0o M'(. icr. 48, i 13 And his mother said tnto hinm,'m Upon mne be ather,1, 2 thy curse, my son; only obey ity voice, and go fetch 3, And he said, Thy brother camne with b subtilty, b Rom. 3,7, s 3 i. lme h'. 1(and liath taken awaya thy blessing. 14 And lie went, and fe-tched, and brought thernm to 36 Andt hle said, Is lie not rightly c named Jacob c cl. 25,28. his mother' and his mother made savoury meat, such for he hatli supplantecd tite these tvwo timnes: lie took as his fither loved. -'away il ly birthrlilght; anid. behold, nowV he,hath taliken Htel. 15 And Rebekah toolik goodly raiment of hertaway my blessing. Anid hlie said, last thou not relntrentsof "' qur,,Le~~~~~ltr~~n~~ 1' er\It~~~~~tj a I~~~~lessiag 1:ot~ nle?~,' eldest son Esan, which were with,er in the house, Sit a blsi.or e anid put themn upon Jacob her yo0unger so"n 37 And Isaai answered and said unto Esau, Be16 And she put'the skins of the kids of the goats:liolld, I have made him tly lord, and all V's bretliren upon his hands, and upon the smoot]t ot his neck' have I gi.ven to hibun ftb servants; and Xvrtlh corn and 1 7 And she, gave the savouiry umiat and the bread, x hiave I sustained him ~ and vwhat shall I do now which sihe had prepared;into the hand oflier son.lt1 a(,ob. unto th(e,, my son! 18 ~ And lihe caine uint) his thathtlr, and said, My f- 38 And Esau said unto his father, Ilast thou lbut ther. And he said, Here.ain I; who art thou, my so!one essing, nv fither blless me, even ne also, (),,.r.20.24.!d Ii'.12 Run. 2,:r. 19 And Jacob said unto his fathcer, I a/m Esa tlh y ry tther! And EsarI lifted up his voice, and a wept. I1 61,. 12, first-born; I have done according as thou badlest mei 39 And Isaac his fatl:er ansvwered, and said unto Prov. 1, 24 arise, I pray thee, sit and eat of my venison, that tlhy himn, Belhold, thy dwelling shall be the e fatness of the c h. 36,&,8 soul may bless me. earth, and of the dew of heaven fron above 20 And Isaac said unto his son, HIow is it that thou, 40 And tby thy fsword s halt thou live, and shalt fDe..3, hast found it so quickly, mny sort? And lie said, Bei g serve tlhy brother and it shall come to pass wheCn. 10,34 cause the LORD thy Godl blrou_;,it it to mie. thou shalt hlave the dominion, that thou shalt h break. 2s,,,,. s earn,4,81. 21 And Isaac said unto Jacobh, Collme near, I Ihis yoke front ol' th2y neck. 1. 12 T. pray theet-hat I may feel thee, miy son, whetier thou 41 ~ And Esau' hated Jacob because of the bless- &,, 1,8.' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Psa1 hn 60), a be my very son Esau, or not. ing wvl,.rewith his faither blessed hiim: and Esau k saidet. 3,9 22 And Jacob went near unto Isaac Iris father; iin his heart, The days of mourning for mlty father are 2 Kis, and he feilt hiU, and said,l The voice is Jacob's voice, at hand,'tlhen wvill I slay my 1)brother Jacob. i 1 John 3, but the hands are the hands of Esau. 42 And these words of Esau her elder son were'zek. 35, 5. 23 And lie discerned himi not, Ibecause his hands told to Releckah: and she sent and called Jacob her ^"~iii" 1' were hairy, as his brother Esau's hands so he youngr son, and said unto lim, Behold, thy brother 1,ve,.n: i1 blessed 9i) Esau, as touching thee,'" doth comfort himself, pu'-,~ Sam i,, 24 And ie said, Art thou my veryson Esau Aind posing to lkill tlhe{e.,q Mtom. 3, 7. Po.2:..h said, q am. 43 Now thie'efore, my son, obey my voice: and,P4. E'x.L, 19, sid, Ln. 43 Now thei 0. 4 5 6.And hlie said, Bring it near to me, and I will arise, flee tho to Laban my brother to Haran s.0.2Cor. 4.8 25A6.ig na'o naie int oyaa a.3, Joba3, 7. eat of tmv son's venison, that my soul mnay bless thee. 44 And.tarry with him a few "days, until thy nch. 31,8 Ant lie brought it near to hlinm, and -he didl eat: and brother's fury turn away; he brought him wine, and he drank. i43 Until thy brother's anger tur n away from thee, 26 And his father Isaac said unto him, Come near and he forget that which thou hast done to him: then now, and kiss me, my son. I will senld, and fetch thee fri.on thence. Why should 27 And he came near, and kissed him': and het I Ite d(prived also of yout " both in one day. ~~'",~' smelled the smell of his ra.inIeIit, andl blessed1 hlimn, atnd 46 And Rebekah said to Isaac, P I am weary of my Ch.A,,,16s. ~sn,2,,1,, said, $ee, the smell of toy son is as the smell' of a lifes, biecause of the daugjhters of I'Ieth: if Jacob take P helP. 2,.. 1 e h t l a b sai, ah. -4i o la~,u~, x,,, fi.eld w~5hich the lor~d hatll~t,le~ssedt: a wifec of the daughters of tteth, such as fi~ese whk'~ Eh.E (}~~ The ision of Jacob's latler. CHAPTER XXV'Ii, XXIX. Jacob (nd Rache/ meet. CH';?Sr are of the daughters of the land, vwhat good shlall 20 And Jacob vowed a vow, savin, If (thGd wiil c;7 li~'l~ mcO py life do n with m,? nld will keep.) e in thi: wa y t1hat I,";'' and wl li e 1te e1 to eat, and rainlent to Put on). ChIAP)T.ER~ XXV Ill. 2I 1 ~.o that [ co:on,: agai a to l tmy2ather'1s ihotr use In J'.~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ I) |,'.A,I- dI ~' t I, 16 q 1 Isaac blesseth,Jaob, and sendeth hin- to lP',IIam-ararm. 1' Th'e vision:p(ece; hene. 1 L Ih all he Loln) hC d nlGo (, 1 3 7: of Jacolb's ltdaer. h The stone of Bethel, 20 lac(,ob vow -1. A lAd this stone, hic I ave se or a pll, ti Aoh.=?,aa. AND Isaac called Jacob. and a blessed him, andl slall t(; "G(od's lou-se' ant lt all thalt Illt shalt give:''". - - (hiar;el ]dniii, andi said irto hlim,P'l'imo shalt not tue f I will su-lv elive thle te(nthl unto tlhce. i 1. 20.'Dut 14, ti!. 2,4, 3. take a wiie of the,'clau,,:hIte:s( ol' Canaani. (HAlIA IPlItE XXIX. 2, 2S cl -- ~.. A..s got Ich.i.: 2............ d! a.. ra.i ii hus t Jat cob CtothI to the well of' t-HarmP: Im Hle coveii:nteth foir Rachel] } H sea 12, to me of Ile is deceivedl with L'e'I": 2 lIle Iarrieth also. Riachel, andI er1i2."e'~ lnut u elthy ili0flher s fatlier; and take tthvee a wile t ro01 v.tl, for tier seven years cnore.,,:t,:,0. othee(tleau~llt irlters of Labfa tl thy mothe, ml' r(t)llir' lll [I ~IE,N lIa.coh 4 went otn his Jcourneony, and canme,.h.,.SAnd e God Almtnihlty bless tliee,:, andl m.ake the i nto the land of the pco'ple of thile east. r,.,'~'.s',. fui'tirfil, andi multiply tlee, fthiat tholu [Iayest he i''a I A nd le ooked, and tehold, "a well in tlhie field,"'"' 1' as-; illfl1tirtmuL of people'; land lo, tlere were tlree flocks ot shee'in, l:i i t; g l, 4 A:il giT Vthee tle bilessing of Abrahal, totlee,,: tor out of tlhat wuell they Nwat ercd the flocks: and a nilr,..'a to tlhv seed with tlh'e; that thou mnayst ithteri.g ]rvat ston"e ws upon llie well's 11mouth. a MA)h.!1.9.I'"' 1''..' "'' J.....'.. -~ q tc, It:]d e wdNIi-ren1 thou art a straniger, xivltcli God; { 3 And thlithr wvere all the flocks gatlered and g1 c i, g~e~ t~unto Xbr'iha~n~. dthev " rollecl the stonefiom htie wellsm's moutlh and wa-ci. 2, I A:bt sac setut away'(acob' and lie went to Pa-! ter'[d the slhee.3. nd "put the stone again uon tle h c 0'2., dan-a1tam ulto Laban, so0 of.iethucel thle,yriai, thc velwl's mont:li in his place. Ti us,, 9. brother of Rebekalih, Jacob's and Esauts mo0thi {r. 4 And Jacobf said untlo them, My: bretlhren, 6'~V hen's;atu saw that Isaac had blessed J.a- iwh1t.,nce be vYe. And they said, O)f Hlaran are we. cob, and sent himii away to Padan-aran, to take liiin', 5 Anl ie said uinto lthein, Know ye Laban I thei.le", 2.' a, wi-e froni thence; and that as he blessed 1i111, i son of Nahor And they saail, Wie knhow tisom.] ~ a"::~~~,~,,",:,l Al'l l-' An thcsid W nekwii. gave him a chareig'vlou shalt not take a: 3 6 lt ie stad tuno them, I s he wll And:thiey ". Nwife of' the daughters of Canaan; said, He is well;,and behold, Rachel his danliter """.'.,'.....'. ~ 1].........' - ~ I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sam. 25,;5 n nd tlhat Ja coh obye d iiis Iatlier, and his mo-! cocmeth with tlhe shlp. tlher, and was gone to PIadai - an; i l 7 Aitd 1he, said, Lo, it is "yet high day, neithef r i E_:.'l. *'.~' ~,'' t ~,.'........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~al 6 8 Antd Esau seeing t1hl It til Idauglhters of Canaan, t tuime that tle. cattle should be gathered together: ich. 21,II. i pleailse'd nlot Isaac huts fathet, water ye- thue shed) rif go and fetAd ihemi. a9 ct. 2, 1.9 tie ent 9Esau unto k bIsl'iael, and took unto! 8'And they s iid, g WeV caiitot, until all the flocks,":,,~I'. 34, 3. l< we w, h a i llk4 h wives wihicl hII Inhad Miiiala ath thle datughter of he gl, atihered tother atid till tlhey roll the stonu friom....sl ac, nrlAbraham's son, the sister of' Nbl)aioth, ti'the Wveh's motlth th1en wi e warter' the sh11(cI). be his wife. 9 ~ And h( wuie hik! e yet spak( wxith them, Rachel h., ~'' ~'. ~L. ~~~~~~~~~i Ex. 2. 16 10 ~ And Jacob went out fi'om Beer-sheba, and: cam wit!her tather's ssheelp: for she kliept l thliI. Soi,;?, went toward Haran. t 10 And it cainhe to Ipass, wlcn Jacol) saw Racliel II Aind lie liebted upon a certain place, and tar-i the dlaugl:lter of Laban his mother's brother', and tlhe tied there all night, because thile sumi was set: andi slceep of I, aban his mnother's brother, that Jacobwent var 18 1:~~~~ tot,)kand Omit Ihve t stoHes bdro" ther, ll d tlea sto'ae ndat.st h nti ell's s outln and c 6. Iui tokof the of that I~a e 1 ~.... Ie 111 ~ i l~litl 1 1 In, oihI jwS, and lay down iii fjlat place to sheep). wvatered thle flock of Laban his mothier's brothleux k 27 11Ji,33,' 1'I And h(- P dreatnc%-I, and beliold, 9 a ladder set 11 And Jaob k kissed Rachel, and lifted i) his jij. u 1u o n the. r (N it'qhi, uid tlue " top of' it. reached. to! 1voice'1,;nid- wvept. &43, 3i.0 John 1,ho AltCii: Rlantd behold, time angels of God ascendingi 12 A 11( Ja(co1) told Rachel tliat he w.as her if- in t:lt. 13, 8 r Jiirk 3, ammmdI descending on it. G Ilier's brothii'r, and that hle was Rebekah's son; and M ItleL. 1'3 And 1beiold, thle LO,)r "stood above it, and' she ran and told lher father,. t Iii[. I, said, aI n, tihe Lorn God of' A bralha: tly fihtherm 13 And it caine to pass when Laban heard the 12. atitl the God of Isaac' the; h!and wllereon thou hiest, tidings of.lacob hIiis sister's sonI, that lie ran to ineet c~h. 1, tollhe ~b il I.,Ive i:.:t and. Vt() thy. Sedl. iIu, andenibraced iini, and kissed him, and Ibroulgit x c~~ I, 1 EO'c~1C~: ~111I fl ill 1n)e, as i i L,7~~:~r 3, d.1 4 And thy seed slall he as time dust of the earth;!iiini to his house. And lie told Labaai all these. Ia'andI tiou sidalt t spreada aIbroad to thle west, and tol things. rtwl.'orth~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,I - 2~ Sm.1 ~.rtiaj~rt. tlue teast. and to tie north, nd t(Io lthe south aund in[ 14 And Laban sail to hijn, Su]'hy thou art 0, I an.P GIails3.' t lie, and in thy seed shall z all the familites of the llbone nd niy fleshl: and he abode with him the sm:,'l,,'llt. 12,'e au tlhi be blelssed. space of a monthi. 1 5 And thelold, I am with thee, and will keep thee 15 And Labani said unto Jacob, Because thiouHna/t in dll Jpla(cs xwluither tlhou goest, anid will briin tiee P my I'brothier, shouldst thou thierefore serve mne ftr p hc. 13, aoi 31-, a. u;I n inito this land: 6Ior I will mlot leave ithee, untill!nonughit? tell Me, what shall tlhy -twages be? H 1,,. I have dotmue that whllich I have! xspoken to tihe,, of. 16 Anrid Laban had two daughlters: thle namne;e M"ii.'", ld~1 ~j~; And Jaco) amvakehd ont of'his sleep,a rid luesaid thie elde~r was Leah, anl the iame of the youcig.er Suuely ttie L[oru is in this pla; e; and I knew it not. was R/ach. l. 17 A i1(d hle was afr~aid, and saint, Hlow dreadfu l i~s 17 Leai was tender-eyed, but Rachel was beauthis place! this is none o)their but the house of God,] tifiu and we. ll-,tvour'eci. and this is the gate of heaven. } 18 And Jacob loved Riachel; and said, [ will 1.8 And Jacob rose up eaily iii the morning, and[ q sei've thee seven years fbr Rachel thy -vountger 1 h. 34,32 took the. stone that lie had put f.or Ills 1)illows, ani set daughter.",i t uplg r a pillar, and pourehd oil upon the top of it. t 19 And Laban said, ft s betteih r 3h, e i~, ~' 19 And he c('alld the name of thllat pla'ce Bet]h-el: to thee, thtan that I should give her to amothelu' man but the nuame of that city was callcd Luuz at the first. i abide with mln. Jacob marrieth Leah anld Rachel. GENE:S IS. Qf 1cuben's m,.andrakes, 4'c. frtoee ~}iR T 20 " And Jacob served oseven y ehars fo)r a' cl' - 7 And Bilhllia Rachel's maid, conceived again, J8.s 1 and they seemuledl unto hini bul' a w (:ta:y d.-iUl' t lle and ilare Jac'Ilb a second son. eir. 1749. U ~ love hlie had to her.... (8 And Racilcl said, Wi1th J' great wvrestling have 1 b. ch. 3i, 40." lov he hAmhe. Ma.., 13,. 21 f And Jacob said unto Labian, Give?ine my wrestled.with tny sist er, and i have prevailed: and t,,Gestdgu Anios i, 18o.K I~IfCd um Io., S. wioe (ior my days are tfulfilled) that I may o g i unto she callcd his name 11 Naprtali. th. 23, 6. Gl 3v, 2,1. 7. her. 9 When Iealil s tlhat sllhe ihad f left bearing, she t 2i. Song 8, 7. 1I Tht is,,ch 24. 67. 22 AUnd Laban gathired togetner aei tile in of took Zigalh, ier maid, acfd gave her J acob n to wife. Wr'estling. Mat. 1,1I. e ma idh.09, 3 gav son w h.:9, 3 =~.~,,s. the pJacob a son. ver. aa JtgsM th e placead made a 1east. 10 And Zilpala, LeaI's maid, tare Jacob a son 1. y Judges h'6 s, 1u. - 23 NAnd it came to pass illn the vcenhin, that he 11 And LeaIi said, Ah troop coitli and she call- geh. 16, 3. z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JJge That is, J, ge. a tosk Leahii hi.s dlaughter, and'brotgtne hr to him; CUd Ils name (1 G-ad..i tpat i, 14, 12. took Leah dauwhterIP(In John 2, and -e went in unto her 12 And Zilpah, Leah's maid, bare Jacob a se-' "'a. 4h. 38, 1. 24 And Laban gave unto his daughter Leah, Zil- cond son.,ch. 16, 1. pall his maild, /o b a handiiaid 13 Aid. Leah said, 1[appy am 1, for the daughters & 24, 59. -ICur. 3, 25A id it came to pass, that iw tle * norning, be- will h call ine blessed: and1 she called his name i Aslhr. L,- k,1, 3. hold, it,was Leah and he said to Lalbani, What is 14 1I And Reulben went in the days ot wheat- Sng 6, s this thou hast done unto inc Did not I se(rvce with lthee iharvest, and ifoundi mandrakes in the field, and iT-,,')J, d ch. 2735. for Rachel? wherefore then hast thou" beguiled ie I. brought them unto his mother Leah. ThenRachel sog7, 13; Pr. It, al.: Ieb Mat. 7,2,12. 26 And Laban said, It must not be so dt(ne in our said to Leah, Give me, I pray thee, of thy son's jt'' country, to give the younger before the first-born. mandrakes. WO o ejuses 27 Fulfil her week, and we will give tlee this 15 And she said unto her, Is it a small matterthat aid Sung 14,,10. fl. I2,10. also, g for the service which thou shalt serve witlh me thou hast taken my husband and wouldst thou 7''13 g Tini.6, yet seven other years. take away my son's mandrakes also? And Rachel 28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her week: and said, Therefore hlie shall lie with thee to-night forthy he gave hinm Rachel his dauhditer to wife also. son's mandrakes. 29 And Laban gave to Rachel his daughter, Bil- 16 And Jacob came out of the field in the evening, hah his handmaid, to be her maid. and Leah went out to meet him, and said, Thou must 30 And lie went in also unto Rachel, and he loved come in unto me; for surely I have hired thee with also Rachel more than Leah, and served with him my son's mandrakles. And lie lay with her that night. yet seven other years. 17 And God k hearkened unto Leah, and shecon- kver. 1, h Ex. 3: 7. 31 ~ And when the LORD h saw that Lealh was ceJved, and bare Jacob the fifth son.,vet. 420,36O,h. 20, is. hated, he k opened her womb: but Rachel was' bar- 18 And Leah said, God hath given me my hire, I Sam.a,1. ren. )be-ause t hlave given my maiden to iiy husband:'T,1 That i,, 32 And Leah conceived, and bare a son; and she and she called his nanme I1 Issachar. Wages o0 bThat is, called his name I Reuben: f'or she said, Surely the 19 And Leah conceived again, and bare Jacob Se*~ Loan hath looked upon my affliction; now therefore the sixth son. my husband will love tue. 20 And Leah said, God hath endowed me with a 33 And she conceived again, and bare a son; and good dowry; now will my husband dwell with me, saidBecauise the LORD hath heard that I was hated,l because I lhave b)orne him six sons: and she called II That i, he hath therefore given me this son also: and she his name IJ Z)eJHlun. DwellTngi,,Tat t5 called his name II Simeon. 21 And afterward she bare a daughter, and calllearing. 34 And she conceived again, and bare a son; and ed her name! I)inah., Thai is, Judgment. said, Now this time will my husband be joined un-i 22 ~ And God' remembered Rachel, and God ch..8,1. I Sam1.l,19 i, That is, to mie, because I have borne him three sois: thiere-i hearkened to her, and opened her womb. 20. Join7ed, aine,,,24. fore was his name called IlLevi. 23 And she conceived, and bare a son; and said, PrThaise, 35 Anrd she conceived again, and bare a son: and. God hath taken away iny reproach ml. Praise. f lleb.siood she said, Now will I praise the LoI): therefore she 24 And she called his name I Joseph; and said, Luke 1, 2 t.rorabear- caldhsnam 72Jdh n'lf ern. ~n'mliear- called his name 11 Judah, and t left thearing. ThIe LORD "shall add to me another son. Ii That is, tng.I[AP'P`IE~~R, 25 ~ And it came to pass, when Rachel had borne d"'ing. ~~CHAPTER XXX. Joseph, that Jacob said unto Laban, Send me away, h.,7 1 Rachel's grief for her barrenness....5 Bilhah beareth Dan and Naphta- that I may go unto mine own place, and to my och. 2s, 13 li....9 Leah beareth Gad and Asher....14 Reuben findeth mandrakes... Heb. 11, 9. 17 Leah beareth Issachar, Zebulun, and Dinah....22 Rachel beareth country. ch. 26, 3. Joseph....25 Jacob desireth to depart....37 His policy, whereby he be. 26 Give me my wives and my children, for whom cometh rich. I have served tlhee, and let me go: forthou knowest 1c9. z pND when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no my service which I have done thee. ch.3,, _ children, Rachel a envied her sister; and said 27 And Laban said unto him, I pray thee, if I bJob,,2. unto Jacob, Give me children, or b else I die. have found favour in thine eyes, tarry'for I have ~Eph 4,26.!2 And Jacob's c anger was kindled against Ra- learned by experience that the LORD hath blessed dl Sam. 2, che'l; and he said, Am I d in God's stead, who hath, inme P for thy sake. pch. 30,9 6, 8. ci. 2, 9. witahielid from thee the firuit of tmhe womb. 28 Andl he said, q Appoint me thy wages, and I h. is, 2. 3. nd she said, Behold'my maid Bilhahi, o in will give it. rlt., unto hi er; and she shall bear upon my knees, that I 29' Ard le said unto him, r hou knowest how I ~,; 10 P~~~~~~~eh,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 An e said unto him' Thukoes chowre Iy ~' ~" Webl b~he~ may also 0 have hildren by her. have served thee, and how thy cattle was with me. sch. 32, 8a. - ~Ain dLU 111 gav e L1 himihh eantfdmuid to wife'30 For it was little which thou hadst beifore IHeb. and Ja co b wvent in unto her, camne, and it is ~ now increased unto a multitude; and bru,6eos 5 Ai n, Bilhah conceived, and bare Jacob a son. the LORD hath blessed thee'[' since my coming: and ~~*er' 4a. 6 An d Rachel said, God hath judged me,'and now. when shall I tprovide for mine own house also! ot,1 dia, hath al;o h ard my voice,r:e a son: $1 And he said, What shall I give tlee. And Ja- Dent., 1,s,,a.~ d, therefo:'e cailed she his name II Pan. Icob said, Thou shalth not give me any thing. If thou ue -P, 28 Jacob's policy to become rich. CHAPTER XXXI. Jacob dtparteth from Labanz.'Refblre Be~fore,CHRI, wilt do this thing for me, I will again feed and keep 7 And your father hath deceived me, and changed cIIs 17CH z RIST'"'~ thy flock: my wages "'ten times: but" God suffered him not'739 3 2 I will pass through all thy flock to-day, remov- ito hurt me.n um 1 ng friom thence all the speckled and spotted cattle, 8 If lie said thus, The speckled shall be thy 22. ~and all the brown cattle among the sheep, and the wages; then all the cattle lbare speckled: and if' lie 20 6 spotted and speckled among the goats: and of such said thus, The ring-streaked shall be thy hire: then Och. 80, 3 x h, 31,10.shlbe mhi. sxal, 31,1 be 111" beL inhire.:bare all the cattle ring-streaked. y Rom. 12, y answer mser t aken cr.33$ So shall y my righteousness answer for me 9 P'rThs God hath taken away the cattle of your P vr", Hab. 5,12 in time to come, when it shall come for my hire father, and given themr to rme. to-.morrow, before thy face: every one that is not speckled and 10 And it came to pass at the time that the cattle., 4. spotted among the goats, and brown among the conceived, that I lifted up mine eyes, and q saw in a q ch 28, 1 sheep, that shall be counted stolen with me. dream, and behold, the ramns wvhich leaped upon the 34 And Laban said, Behold, I would it might be cattle. wvere ring-streaked, speckled, and grizzled. according to thy word. II And the r angel of God spake unto me in a rver., i ch.. 48, 16.`35 And he removed that day the he-goats, that dream, saying, Jacob: And I said, Here amz h 48,. were ring-streakled and spotted, and all the she-goatsr 12 And he said, Lift up now thine eyes and see, that were speckled and spotted, and every one that all the rams which leap upon the cattle are rings Ex. 3, 7 had some white in it, and all the brown among the streaked, speckled, and grizzled: S for I have seen Eph.6,9. sheep, and gave themnz into the hands of his sons.!all that Laban doeth unto thee. 36 And he set three days' jonrney betwixt himself 13 I am the God of Beth-el, where thou anoint- tch.28, 13 and Jacob: and Jacob fed the rest of Laban's flocks. edst the pillar, and where thou vowedst a vow unto ch. 31, 9, 37 And Jacob took him a rods of green ipoplar, me ~ i now arise, get thee out from this land, and return t Heb. L,,, and of the t hazel and b chesnut-tree; and pilled unto the land of thy kindred. chap. 2S,19. white streaks in them, and made the white appear 14 And u Rachel and Leah answered, and said u uth4,11 b Ezek. 31,x SEzek.,which was in the rods. unto him, is there yet x any portion or inllheritance xch. 22,24 38 And he set the rods which he had pilled before for us in our father's house? the flocks in the gutters in the watering-troughs when 15 Are we not (ouInted of him strangers? for he l geb. be in the flocks came to drink; that they should t conceive hath Y sold us, a rid hath quite devoured also our money. Y 0, 1 heat. help. 31,10 when they came to drink. 16 For all the riches which God hath taken firom E, x. 12, 35, 2. 3, 39 And the flocks conceived before the rods, and our father, that is ours, and our children's: now then, chap. 31,38S, brought forth cattle ring-streaked, speckled, and Zwhatsoever God hath said unto thee, do. Z's. 4., 1 40, 42. _ * spotted. 17 ~1 Then Jacob rose up, and set his sons and 40 And Jacob did separate the lambs, and set the his wives upon camrels; faces of the flocks toward the ring-streaked, and all 18 And he carried away all his cattle, and all his the brown in the flock of Laban: and hlie put his own goods wthich he had gotten, the cattle of his getting, flocks by themselves, and put them not unto Laban's which he had gotten in Padan-aram; for to go to cattle. Isaac his fther in the land of Canaan. 41 And it came to pass whensoever the stronger 19 And Laban went to shear his sheep: and Ra-;.I Heb. tera. cattle did conceive, that Jacob laid the rods before chcel had stolen the t images that were her father's. jbe,. tihe eyes of the cattle in the gutters, that they night 20 And Jacob stole away unaware-s to Laban i the djartrs, conceive among the rods. Syrian, ii that ]he told him not that hie fled. Hosea 3,4 flab 2, 9. 42 But when the cattle were cfeeblle, he put them 21 So hlie fled with all that lie had; and he rose not in: so thIe feebler were Laban's, aund the stronger up, and passed over the river, and set his face Josh 2, 3. Heb. Jacob's. towar'd the imount C Gilead. ch, 1. bra'I,.5' I frh, 43 And the man t increased' exceedingly, and 22 And it was told Laban on the d third day, that bJer. 90, forth., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Luke 9, 51, verse 30. 53. fibe0tH~,. had much cattle, and imiaid-servants, and mnen-ser- Jacob was fled.h. 13, much m1ch, 7 vants, and camnels, and asses. 23 hnd e took his e brethren with him, and pur- Jos 13,. oh. 31, 7,42. ran ts a caesI n asses. Deut. 3, 12 sued after him seven days' journey: and they over-,d.0, 2 CHAPTER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cXX. 30'2 CHArPTER XXXJ. took him in the mount Gilead. Job 5,12, 1 Jacob departeth secretly....19 Rachel stealeth her father's images.... 24 And g God camne to Laban the Syrian in a e ch. 13, 9,. 36 Jacob's complaint of Laban....43 The covenant of Laban and Jacob dream by night, and said unto him, "Take heed r Ex. 14, 5, a t G ale..n'at Galeed. *that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad. 6,. a Ps. 120, 5 NDa t~me words b g ch. 20, 3. ND a he heard the words of Laban's sons,'say- 25'rTien Laban overtook Jacob. Now Jacoob Nnm.23,2 4Ezek. 16, ing, Jacob hath ctaken away all th'at was our Ihad pitched his tent in the mount: and Laban with 6. verses0,. fathm-r's; and of that which was our father's hath he his brethren pitched in the uount of Gilead h verse 42, I Ps. 49, 16. gotten all this dglory. 26 And Laban said to Jacob, What hast thou done, i;.1,ch 30, 27. 2 And Jacob beheld e the countenance of Laban, that thou hast stolen away unawares to mie, and car- ISa..3, 23. and behold, it was not toward him as before. t ied away my daughters, k as captives taken with the k verse 16. Ps. 46, 1. 3 And f the LORUD said unto Jacob, Return unto'sword. chap., 2 ch. 13, 15. the g land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred; and I 27 Wherefore didst thou flee away secretly, and I Prov. 26, ica. 32,9. willbe h with thee. steal away a firom me, and (idst not tell me, that'I.s,6. 4 And Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah to might have sent thee away with mirth, and whith -15, verse 14. the field'unto his flock, songs, with m tabret, and with harp? n cl, 29, ~ 5 And said unto them, I see your father's counte- 28 And hast not suffered me' to kiss my sons. 4, 23. nance, that it is not toward rue as before: but the land my daughters, Thou hast now done a looish-.,verse 13. God of my father hath been ii with me. uael in so doing~ Seii 19,'1 I ver. 40, 4~. 6 And ye know that with all my power29 I: is Pin the power of my hand to do you hlrt: q Dan. 2, ~ served y our father. but the God of qyow' father spake uiu to me yesternight, & a Jacob's complaint of Laban. GENESIS. Laban)'s covenant wiUth Jcob. elresT SaY il, Take thou heed that tllou speak not to Ja- me and thee this day. Therefore was the namne o'f B'"? "MS "~:' - CH-RIST'ic! r eitir goor,," or bad. it calle G(al.eed: 1739.:1i An::tl niw, tho/'i.h.thlou wouldest ileds he gone, 4 [9 And II Mi',pali, for lie said, The Lon, watch hIt is. Iv('-aflse. th)ou sore lonigedst aflter thy htatler:l's house bttween ienc and thee, when we are absent one fi'o(l.I,q,',,/-,je..:M.I yp,! whieretfire liast thon stolen r y(ds a' " ". {ia~ii~i br gods. ali~tller. tti~1ss. my. d.,~.,:. 31. 6 Khig-s 1'.3~ t. 31I IB A d Jacob answered and said to Laban, Be- 50 If thou shalt afflict my daughters, or ifthou shalt U." Nutat.'33l, 4.( WaI SSafi'i'il ~ r I said, Peradventumr e thou take othlier wives stlcs d l s; no il is ~..~., won!le..:lt. take by ftrce thy (lalllte.rs hfi'on n. wirh us; see, God is witnlss betwixt ue and thlee. sctel. 20o. It. tc' 3'' With wVlomsoever thou findost thy gods, let 51 Anid Laban sait to J:acob, BehIoll this hleap, cl.,7. I hi ai not live t efbre our irethren discert'ln thollu and behold this pillar, wvliich I have cast betwixt ine Ac 4,lw. hWait i._ tlline wvitlh me, and take it to thlee tfor Ja- and thee; 0)i kniew not that Rachel hIad stolenl themn. 52 Thlislheap be witness, and this pillar be wit(ness, 33 And Laban went into Jacolf,'s tent, and into that I will not pass over this heap to tliee, and tlat ch. 21, 6. " Leahli's tent, and into( tthe to w 1 d( s(l vats, tents; thliou slhalt not pass over this heap and this pIillar unto but lie foiind them not. Then wvent lie out of Leah's Ine, fir harn. tent, and entered into Rachel's tent. 53 he od of Abraham, and the God of" Nahor, n Jost 24,2 VeFarde Ii. 34 Now " Rachel had taken the l nages and put1 the God ot' theiur fathier, *Jlge lbetwixt us. And Jatllem in the cam rels furniture, and sat upon ii. co sware 0 1v tlhe t}ear of his athter Isaac. DeL, A tnd Laban searched all thie tent, but found themi 54 Tlien Jacob P'offired sacrifice upon the mount, vere 42. not. and called Iris bret!hren to q eat biread l and they did p h. 26,':. 35 And she said to her father, Let it not displease eat bIread, and tarried all night i the mount. 2 - ell. 18, 12. P.t. 4. niyx lordP that I cannot rise up bctbre thdic oimr tle 55 And early in ti.he morning Laban rose up, and 3 3, 6. cuswtom of women is upon mime. lAnd hlie searclied, kissed his sons and his daugihters, antd r blessed tlhenm " D'l. 23, z L:v. 1.9, b.11'' p n m.II- IsI aL. but fmund not the ilnages. and Laban departed, and returned unto his place. Acts 28,4, ~Lev. 0-,,, 3=3 ~[ Armd Jacob wvas I wroth, and chode with La- APTER XXXII. b Pt-, 10, M CPrAP.'ER"X1 L..., bm anad.Jacob aMIswiered, aid sai to,;atidto, 3 Jaeob's message to Ewsau....9 I-e prayetl'fur his deliverance....13 ie WVtat Is my trespass! hat is my sin, that thou hast sedeth a present to Esau...24 lHe wrestleth with an angel at'Peniel, so Ihotly pursued ater m i lee lIe is called Isrtael....31 tIe hatlteth.;7 Whereas thou hast searcehe d all my stuff, ihat AN Jaof went on "his way, and tile angels of "a i..,' - ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hobi. 1. li Ihast thou tfito d of all thty houseltold-stlnf? sit ilt here God it!t him. befo re aniy bretlhren, iand thly brethren, that tley may 2 An(l whien Jacob) saw tlhem, lie said, This is,~l e ttwlxt us oot~.J 1)1"~,,)(l's [lost; and lie called the namne of that place bLa2,,,i.9.J 2 Kin. 9, 1I..,o I _is twentty years hamre I been, wvith t'lee tiy} 1J A"!aha:in. P, s.l, ewes and thiy s;ie-goats have not cast then' young 3 Anld Jacob sent mnessengers before him to,,,o,,38, R 4zek., and the ramis of tlhy flocks have j1 C not eaten. LEsau his bro.thei', unto the lan of'' Seir, the country i. 1 39 That which was torn of beasts, I broiught noti of Edon'. Luke 915 Ct h. 1,4, 6. ilato th"e; I bare the loss of it of lilty hand-i didtlt 4 And he commanuded them, saying, Thus shall ve D.. 2, 22 E~..22, a, t rhou require it, whetlher stolen by day, or stolen by. spcak unto jily lord Esa u;i' sevn aco it lb ~ s J'a.ob'!ut, 3, 36. nili-t. tlnts, I have sojourntd with Laian, and stayed there Pr'c. 1.,1 e Ltt, z..Une a..-, 1 40 Thts I was; in tlhe day the drlougihit e consunmedi until now' Lila. a',10.''. ~,:e, arind the frost by night; and iiy sleep departed 5 And I have oxen, and asses, flocks, ani menIPo. P,, r3 itte e. iserva:ts, and'lo yiesn-servants, o-and I have sent to I C.. a. 4'1 t Thus hatve I been twenty years in thy house tell moy lord, that I may fintd grace in thy sight. t. I s-cl',v-d tlcee'o,"Caltr or I se~vnl thee fou1rteen years tIm thly two dl i 6ltcrs, i And the.lessengrers returned to Jacob, saving,'2 Cor. II,'. and six years fom: thy cattle' and thou hlast changedj We ('attie to tly brother Esau, and also lie coineth lily wao:eS gten tines. g verse 7. illy m-1'-wes 9 ell ti"Llito nlecto'ee~ttte,, and rfi-ur hundred nien with him. r,,,.., Lq Amos 5, 19 42 Except the God of my fatherm, the God of Abra- 7 Then Jacob was g greatly afraid, and distressed: P-.3(0,7. h'1':'la, and thle h fte-ar of Isaac had been. with me, and hle divided tlh people tlhat pwas with h1iii, and 14,1h, Isa. -6, 13 r 4. 7, 1:. slmely thou Ihadst sent ume away now enmpty. God the flocks, and herds, and the camels into two is.12,~,1:. I hat k S k ol. I~i, tatlik seen mine affliction, and thne labour of my bands 4a, h3.. haudts, andt riebuked thee yesternight. 8 And said, If Esau come to the one company, and I.,: l 43 And Laban answered, and said unto Jacol), smite it, then the other comtpany which is left shall ~h tl,. These daughters are m y daughiters, and these chilmdren escape. a,'e my childr'en, and these cattle aree miy cattle, amid! 9 ~ And Jacob said, h O God of mily fatheir i r...Po, 15,. all that thou seest is mine; and what can I do this AI)raham, antid God of my fhther Isaac, the Lord day unto these illy daughters, or unto their children which saidst unito me,' Return unto thv country, and ci.t, 3. which they have borne?'! to thy kinded, and I will deal well with thee.,Om. 1., L8 44 Now therefore colie thou, let ns I make a co- 10 t' I am not worthy of the least of' all the me.r- t I-T. Trn, venaint, I and thou.; and let it be for a witness be- cies, and of all the k truth, which thou hast shuetwed'..hi,,,a' tween nce and thee. unto thy servant tbfor with miry staff I passed over JobS. 7 45 And Jacob took a stone, and set it up for a this Jordatn, and now I anm becomie two bands. pillar., 11 Deliver miie, I pray thee, fromii the hand of my ~ ~, 4i3 Amid Jacob said fnto m his!~re, thren, Gather brotm the lmand of Esau ~ for I fear Imimmin, lest stones ~ and they' took stones, and made a heap: andi lhe will cone and sutite me, and the mother w, ith the ntthey did eat there upon thle hleap.'ciildrei. PIe,,,,a., 47A Ai Laban called it I! Jegar-sahadutha: but[ 112 And thou saidst, I will sin'ely do thee. good(, Jac'o!) called it Galeed and make "'thy seed as the sand of the sea, which,,nc 8,,. iit,:i,: 48 And Laban said, This heap is a witness between icannot be numibered for itituhtude. Jacob wrestleth with an anget. CLAPTER XXXIii, XXXTV. Jacob's pre.sent to Esau, CHRIST 13 ~And he lodged there that same night, and 2 And he put thle handinaids and their children lsr CttR(IST Bt,~,rotlleircliil~lren HI~"'CI 3 took of thllat whic(:h caItIe to his }lanid "a present for foremtlost, alnd I,ah anud lher clhildren alter, and Ir- a.ilr. 1 b.' n 1.13 6 -Is-ati his b~rother; cieI and.-iospdjdr~)t,.14 T'wo hlundrled sh,-goaotsm and twenty hie-goats, 3 A tl itl passed over eibre lite, and lbowed. I d Se~~~~~~ell tijjj(,,S, U11til ll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ch Cl'l'!-. 2. two Irmiud red ewes and twenty rains, hlimiself to the roud il lie came NO, It I4. 15 FThirty nmilcl calnels with their cols. forty ear to is brothr.. kine andi ten bulls, tweIltv sen-asse s an1d Ien oals. 4 And Lsau' ran to m(eet hiln, and eln'brace edhin,, 1. 16 And he delivered them into the hand0 n II of his' an isIck, and ki ISSd hidiI: and tley A wc l) I. LkI..:4 servants, every drove l)y thlemselves; and said unto 5 Ad (1I h, ilfitd ti) Iis,:s, alnd saw tile wLo, ov'rse2O. v rahs aiis 1 e.. chi 33,9 s ervants, Pass over ite me, and put a space and 11 ci i, ad id'Wh are hose itl hc'' v. 1,,. ell~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-3,'or.... r. 1,,,. betwiXt drove and drove. And lh said, Ihe' l iildr(t, which God hathl gra-,.,o,16,.` 17 And he commanded the foremost, saving, cionsly give tlly servant It I Sam. 1. WVlen Esau nyv brother meetetlh thee, anl( aslketli 6 1 hen tie handlnllidens cam'nle near, they and'""' thee, saying, Whose vart theoti u and wahither goest lthir ciltidrn, and they bowed tlhenselves. thou? and whose are tlhese Ibetre tchee 7 Andl Lealh also with her chlildren camie near, 18 Thlen thou shalt say, Thwy be thy servant.Ja- and lhowe(t themselves; and after caine Joseph near co0b's it is a present sent unto my lord Esau and and Rachel, andl they bowetd tienise.slves. behold also he is behind us. 8 And lie said,'Wlhat neanesil thou by all tlis ch. 32, 18 19 And so commanded he thle second, an(1 tlhe drove wlhich I mett'! anti le Sai(d, These are to fimid tlhird, and all that followed tile droves, saying, ()Oi grace in the siglht of my' lord. this manner shall ye speak unto Esaun, whet ye find 9 And Esan said, I have enough, my brother; hiiii. ti keep that thou hast moub thysel. t /e. be ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~that, ta thetl 20 And say ye moreover, Behold, thy servant Ja- l0 An(d Jacobl said, Nay I pray thee, if now I tais apc,,se h,, c0b is behind us. For lie said, I will ap)ease him have found grace in thy sight, then receive my pwre-, f,,,* w1. ith tlhe present that goetlh biefor me, and aftierwardl se't mt n.y lihand ~ for thereftre l have seen thy lace I will seehisfiace; pcradvetnr Ie will accept o le..a is thounih I hald sen the k flace of God, and thou k PS. 41,11. 21,S wvent the prt-..ent ov.h f..4e.,e hinim and wAast Plea.seitd with me. hiiusehlf l(odg:ed that nit timtn tlcolnpany. l.i Take, I liav thee, my l blessing that is Sam 25, p ch.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-' 22. 27. pclt 3, 22. 22 And 1h,, rose upii that nigt.,' and took Ills tw~o hionght to thlitt bt ( use God hath dealt graciously 2Cor.9,5,. wives, anid his two womlen-servants, antd hris'lctven uwitll nme, and becamuse t I have enough: and lie tH"b' sons, alli p:.sse d over the ford IJablbok. 1rndI IiI, amid ht took i. Rrn. 8, 32 223 And lie took tlhemn, and sent tuenm over tih 12 And he said, ILet us take our journey, aind let I Cor*'' 2. Corl. 3,'2'2 iro.)ik, atd sent ovir tliat he h- [ad. us go,( aml I mA'h go bIlorttiee. Phil.,1 q ttos. 12, 3. 1 E,.6,;a.~.l 24 ~[ And.laeob was left alone arnti there " 1 3 And l.e said unto limi, My lord knoweth. that Rom,.:1,:. twrestleay r a man wVith him, until the breaking of tim. children ame tetider, anld the flocks and herds y. er. 28,30. H.... V,:4. the day. wita youig ate witlh me, and if men should overE.'\. 1450. 6 And whenm he saw that lhe'prevailed not dlrive tlmein one day, all the flock will die. &,S. aruainst hli-l, he tout'hml'd the hollow of his ih'li: 14 Let my Ird, 1 pray tlhee, pass over i)efore his. 41.4 a1ln tile Iollow of ictoh's tahigh " was Out of )jont, servant: amtl I Iwill lead oil m softly, according " as m Ta. 4, Chap. 1,6,In2'o.'m:Ma&. 13, — as hle a restled k ith him. thle cattle that go.4th before ime and the children be'~ n Ex. 10, 25, u2 Cot.. 23An hesa, 2 AL sai, Let mc go, for the olay hireak- iable to e.nu(durm;until I cone unto miny Lord unto nStir. Ron. 16, t;11.33.14. eth Amid he said, I will not let thee go, excl)t I 15 A id Esau said, Let me now leave with thee LWk e xpt,2 sLil. thLI o lss me. hIes.sm e of'i te foik thIat are with ile: Anud hlie said, WViat yi,. 1,4. 27 And hlie said unto) hini, What is thy nanmit Inmc~etli it' t o 0 nLut mc ufi-ld grmace in tIe sight of y h loid. o~nutha2,13 Uik ~ An Id he said, Ja~oh shllbe16 TclldSoolb E0 |sa nI't mrni. d tlhat dlay on his way unto Seir. ng 3, 4 23 Anid lie said Thy ndame slal 1be call e d no And Jao0b jo)i rneye'd to: Succoth, and built p~jOsh' la, X,n. 1,6 more Jacob, i)nt Israel: for " as a prince hast thou Ihun a house, aid made booths for his cattle: tmere- At, 7,16. a flos. I,2, 3. b Wit], E x. 12, 37. f HoS. 1,,3. lpowe.r witlh Got(, and with i)eI, andl(i htast IprevailCd. tire the name of thIe place is caIled Succoth. Lev.;3, 3 b oil~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L. 2.5, 31 b,.h. 2.o,3. 29 And Jacob asked Immt, atdm saidl, Tell mne 1 18 I And Jacob caine to q Shalen, a city ofr S]e- qjans. & 31, 2). 23. Like i, pray thee, thy name: Amtl he said,' Wlbmrefioreis it chem, wVhich is in the land of Camaan, when lhe rJohn 4,, thait thoum dost ask after mny name! Atid lie blessed caim~3e firom Padan-aran; and pitched his tent bebfore him therie. the city..Th- its, 3) And Jacob called the name of the place Ij 19 And he sbouglita parcel of a field,where lie had sHeb.11,9 T'/,tjace of 11 ftie. f Pentil ftor I have seen God tice to lace, and my spreatd his tent, at the hammd of the children of' IHamor, t Act7 i7, Kfei,2 is purstvetd. Sheclietmn's fathelr, for a hIndreld pieces of. money.., 31. I' And as he passed over Petinel, the d sun rose 20 And he erected there " an altar, and called it ue,. 1,T e2:Cr.,o, Upo hmtn athand hle e halted upon his thigh. Ii EI-elohe-Isracli. Tat is,. 38, 17. o2 Irnetrore the children of Israel eat notofthe CHAP ER XXXV. Ie CHIAPTER XXX!V. Go do'f sinew wnich shrank, whichm is upon the hollow Of 1 Dinah is ravished by Shechem....4 He snthe to ma her....3 The Zl~ttl.,le thigl~ unto tills dav; 4e tst to mrhedr ni....1The t, ra,.t. the thigh, unto this day; belcause he touched the sons of Jacob offir the condition of circumcision to the Shechenites... hollow- of Jacob's thigh in tlhe sinew that shmrank. 30 Jao reroetm Simn and LeVi. CHAPTER XXXIII. /[ ND Dinah the dauglhter of Leah, which she i The kindness of Ja~ob and Esau at theirmeetlin?....i At Sh _.em he bare unto Jacob, a wcnt out to see time " dauglh-.. ~,~,~ buyeth a field, and bhildeth an altar called.Ei-emouclir ei. ters of the lant. bc. 3s, 1 A Ni) Jacob lifted up his eves, anid itokem, d, anml 2 Amid whem hiechemn the son of Iiarmior thtc,,h. 1, 1n _.Ea_ behmold, Esan canuc, and withl him four iniudrel f [ivte, primnce oh time c!untry, d saw her, lie took 3,.h. 6, act'. 2, 16. men. And he "divided the children unto LealmahII he, a hyithe an t defiled lier. Job~'1 1., han, u ah and ui th hd a, and -{- dauihte fer. and uat o REachel and tlto the two handlcmakls. 3 And liis soul dave unto Dinah the dIaughter off ulea~, 36,~~~~~~~~~~~ &hrchcm sueth to marry Thnah. GENESIS, God s'endeth Jacob to Bet/-el. ~~i Jacob, and" he loved the damsel, and spake kindly Sieon and Levi, inh's eten, took each man,,i! c unto ther dnamsel. ihis sword, ai came upon the city boldly, and slew u4 An] hehem m s spake unto his father Ianor, Z all the riales. an d h 4i 6. Pr dashayirs, ("et o e this dtamsel'to wife. 26 And they slew Hlamor and Shechem his son 2 Cnr. 32, 5 And Jacob heard that he had defiled Dinah' with the eduge of the sword, and took Dinah out ol 25. hlis diuvlihter1 tiow his sols were with his cattle in Sheclhen's house, atis- g~llht out. L. v,. 3 thL!e fioeld and Jacob g held his peace until they were, 27 T'he sons of Jacob came a upon the slain, and a Esth.9,n P C3..1 9) 9. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b Joshiua T Coll,. spoiled the ocity; bncause they had ddefiled their sister., 6 ~ And hamior tohe father of Shechem went out 28 Tenyt took their sh-ep, and their oxen, a.d.2. 1 ~unto Jacob~ to co ~u~ e xvith hini~. tlGdheir asses, and that whiclh wfas in the city, andta 7 And the sons of Jacob catie out of the field which wvas in the field. w..2, when they heard it: and the men were grieved, andu 29 And all their i ealth and all their, Orr 21 De they were very wrotl, necause ne, nal wro-tglit oii'onesy and their wives took tucy captive, ani spoiled 1; ug19, in Israel, in lying, with Jacob's daughter; which even' all that wvas in the house. Ci\ nfl., i et. 23, thing y ougllht not to be done. t30 And Jacib said mto d Simeon and Levi, Yet1hI4 soul of my son Shechem longeth for your daughter inhabitants of the la d, amcong the Canaanites, an f Ex. 5,21. I pray you give her him to wife.!the Perizzires: and I1 being- t few in numbei-, the.m.k h.199' 1,? veon I eYf e. 46 n 9,,. And make ye marriages with us, and k give Gyour shall gather tieniselves together against ie, and J i daughlters unto us, and take our daughters unto you. shylay mle, and I shall be destroyed, I and my house. 10 An-id ye shall dwell with Lis: and the landi 1 And they said, g Should lie deal with our sis- g ch. 49, 7 Deam. 7, shall be' before you; dwell and trade you therei, ter as with a harlot!. and get you possessions therein. CHAPTER XXXV. 1 1 And Shechienh said unto her father, and unto I God sendeth Jacob to Beth-el....2 He purgethwhis house of idols....9 m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~God blesseth Jacob at Beth-el....i1b Rachel travaileth of Benjmnad -M 01.13, 1.5. lier brerthren, Let me m lind grac!e il your eyes, and I"d"'"t "" t"l'~'~~" R"''t""eho ejmn n:"i ch'"3, 1.5.her brethiren'~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Ldieth in the way to Edar....23 The sons of Jacob....2i The age, death, fffeb~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. m2,,4, VPq fY.ou what ye shall say unto me I will give, and burial of Isaac. ni IS.21, oorv~12 tF Ask me never 50) muc~h " dowr~y and gift, aidi BNTD a God said unto~ Jacob, Ar~ise, go up to f',~6, 2 Sam. 6, I will give according as ye shall say unto me: but; b Beth-e-l, and dwell there: and make there an 26. 14. el. P.33, 1. give me the damsel to wife. altar unto God, that appeared unto thee when thou M1i t.1, 4 1 3 And the sons of Jacob answered Shiechem C fleddest fi'omn the face of Esau thy brothler. c ch. 27, 43,.. and Iarnor his father 0 deceitfully, and said, Be- 2 Theti Jacob said unto his household, and to djosh. 24, Dent 9_2.29. Ch. 24,5a. cause he had defiled Dinah their sister. all that were with him, e Put away the strange gods' I Sam-1, 2-0. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e 2 Cor.6,13 1 Sal, 2. 14 And they said unto them, We cannot do this that are among you, and r be clean, and change your MHeb. 10, o Prov. 12 19, 22.,.l. 12 2 thing, to give our sister to one that is P uncircum- g garments: 1,2 Psal. 12, 2, M g Jude 23 chap,. 25,27. cised: q for that were a reproach unto us: 3' And let us arise, and go up to Beth-el; and I 2,,m.1,90. 15 But in this will we consent unto you: If ye will will there malke an altar unto God, who b answered hls.s0,19 M28i. s, 13. be as we be, that every male of you be circumcised me in the day of my'distress, and was with me i Ps. 10,7, 6 I Kin. 21, 9. ~1.~., 9. 16 Then will we give our daughters unto you, the way which I went. 1'm. d, ~' and we will take your daulghters to us, and we will 4 And they gave unto Jacob all kthe strange gods k sm. s, dwell with you, and we will become one people. which were in their hand, and all their 1 ear-rings IHos. 2, 13 17 But if ye will not heamlken unto us, to be cir- which vwere in their ears; and Jacob m hid them mEx.32,20 cumeised; then will we take our daughter, and we under the oak whiich was by Shechem. will be gone. 5 And they journeyed: and the " terror of God n ch. 34,'9 18 And their words pleased Ilamor, and She- was upon tIhe cities that were round about them, and chem, Hamnor's son. they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob. 19 And the young man deferred not to do the thing, 6 ~ So Jacob came to Luz, which isin the land O co 2,8. because he had delight in Jacob's daughter: and lie of Canaan (that is Beth-el) he and all the people was more honourable than all r the house of his athter. that were with him. r c. 4, 40. I rch. 2,24. 20 6 And I-Hamior and Shet hem his son came 7 And he built P there an altar, and called the 5.,2Z unto the' gate of their city, and communed with place q El-beth-el; because there God appeared unto qce. ri,4,, c.,22, 17. t~ mex of17i ct,15yig ro. 32 17,23. tle mien of their city, saying, him when hlie fled from the face of his brother. IrPr hYs. 31,23nurse, Butds a i d hr4 Dent. 17,. 9 21. These men are peaceable with us, therefore 8 But Deborah, Re:ekahs nurse, died, and she ch. 24,59 let them dwell in the land, and trade therein: for was buried beneath Beth-el, under an oak: and the the land, behold, it is large enough for tlhemn: let is name of it was called t Allon-Bachuth. Ta take their daughlters to us for wives, and let us give 9 [ And G'od s appeared unto Jacob again when lveep"ng -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lidg-es 2, 5, them our daughters. he came out of Padan-aram; and blessed him. s ch. 28, II, 22 Only herein will the men consent unto us for 10 And God said unto him,Thy nanme is Jacob: thy 12. to dwell with us, to be one people, if every male name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel amon, us bie circumcised, as they are circumcised. shall be thy nanme; and he called his namee Israel. h. 32,,,,28 23 S/tall not their cattle, and their substance, and 11 And God said unto him, I am u God Almighty: u c. 17, l. atTim. 6, every beast of theirs t be ours? only let us consent be fruitful and multiply; a nation, and a conipany of Mat.. 8 19. them, and they will dwell with us. nations shall be of thee, and " kings shall come outx nCl.17,8 3ahn8,,=. 24 And unto Hamor, and unto Shechem his son, of thy loins, hearkened all that went out of the gate of his city: 12 And the land which I gi've Abraham and Mat. 7, 0. and every maiIe was "circumcised, all that wenit out Isaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed after y ch. is,1, o~f th-le ga;ite of his city. tthee will I give the land. ~s,. s, s. ~25 ~ And i' camne to pass on the third day, whent 13 And God' went up from him, in tle place z c. 1,22 i.'2, 22, they were = act% that y two of the aosn of Jacob, where he talked with hini, 32 Isaac's age anid death. CHAPTER XXXV1 7"he generations of Esau. Ilefore, IRIST 14 And Jacob set up a a pillar in the place where 10 These are the names of Esau's sons; Eliphaz cHRIST fi. 1732 hlie talked with him, even a pillar of stone: and he pour- the son of Adah the wife of Esau; Renel the son of 1790. h.~ 28, 18. ed a drink-offering thereon, and he poured oil thereon. Bashemath the wife of Esau. 15 And Jacob called the name of the place where I1 And the sons of Eliphaz were, Teman, Omar, God spake with him, Beth-el. oZepho, and Gatam, and Kenaz. 16 ~f And they journeyed from Beth-el; and there 12 And d Tinna was concubine to Eliphaz, Esau's 16. bIChr. 2, was but a little way to come to' Ephrath: and Ra- son; and she bare to Eliphaz, q Amalek: these were q verse 22. t9. wa u itl a o onewreq verse -M Mat. 2, 1. chel travailed, and she had c hard labour. the sons of Adah, Esau's wife. Ex. i7,8, c Ch. 3, 16. 17 And it came to pass when she was in hard Ia- 13 And these are the sons of r Reuel; Nahath, and Deut. 25,17 hour, that the midwife said unto her, Fear not; thou Zerah, Shanmah, and Mizzah: these were the sons: Chr3.7 shalt have this son also. of Bashemath, Esan's wife. 18 And it came to pass as her soul was in depart- 14 ~ff And these were the sons of Aholibamah, the ithell. 30, 1. ing, (for she d died,) that she called his name I Ben- daughter ofAnah,the daughter of Zibeon,Esau's wife: That is, oni: hut his father called him If Benjamin. and she bare to Esan, Jeush, and Jaalani, and Korah. V/,e son of 1A y Sorrow, 19 And Rachel died, and was buried in the way 15 ~ These were s dukes of the sons of Esau: the i 1Saai.4,20. toEhrtebhn sn 4'i 1 Ptdk 11 Thati ti Epsrath, e which is Beth-lehemi. sons of Eliphaz, the first-born son of E~sau duke So f y 20 And Jacob set a pillar upon her grave: that is Teman, duke Omar, duke Zepho, duke Kenaz, e Josh. 19,l's gve this ay. 16 Duke I Korah, duke Gatan, and duke Amalek: tve. i t Jos. 1ish ilro aheut e.6 4 Mat. 2,1. 21 ~ff And Israel journeyed, and spread his tent these are the dukes that came of Eliphaz, in the land i hr 1,36 beyond the tower of Edar. of Edom:: thesei were the sons of Adah. 22 And it came to pass, when Israel dwelt in that 17 ~1 And these are the sons of Reuel, Esau's son; f th. 49,4. land, that Reuben went and I lay with Bilhah his duke Nahath, duke Zerah, duke Shammali, duke father's concubine: and Israel heard it. Now the Mizzah: these are the dukes that came of Renel, in g Acts 7, 8. sons of Jacob were g twelve: the land of Edom: these are the sons of Bashemath, v 21, 423 The sons of Leah; Reuben, Jacob's first-born, Esau's wife. and Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Issachar and 18 ~ -And these are the sons of Aholibamah, Esau's Zebulun: wife; duke Jeush, duke Jaalanm, duke Korah: these 24 The sons of Rachel; Joseph, and Benjamin: were the dukes that came of Ahiolibamah th e daugh25 And the sons of Bilhah, Rachel's handmraid; ter of Anah, Esau's wife. Dan, and Naphtali: 19 These are the sons of Esau (who is Edom) and 26 And the sons of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid; these are their dukes. Gad, and Asher. These are the sons of Jacob, which 20 ~f These are the sons of Seir u the Horite, whou ch. 14, f h cb.25, 20. I_1___ ~,,,,~ha,,,,,, verse 18. were born to him. in" Padan-arani. inhabited the land; Lotan, and Shobal, and Zibeon, ver., 24 Judg. 20, An.aeut no12. 27 ~ And Jacob came unto Isaac his father unto and Anah, ll 18, 13. Miamre, unto the city of k arbah (which is Iebron) 21'And Dishon a ze, and Dishan: thes & 31, 23,2t'ch 23, 17.~1 n Dson zear 3,288' 13, 18. wherej A ranam Isaacsojourned. the dukes~of the Horites, the children of Seir'n tb ei ch. 13, is. 28 And the days of Isaac were 1 a ~Hundred and land of Edom. ~cl 27, 1. I~fourscore years. 22 And the children of Lotan were Hori, and Y He- Y chr. 1,3 29 And Isaac gave up the ghost and died, and was man: and Lotan's sister was z Timna. D er. 2, 12 ch. 25,8, gathered untotm his people, being old and full of days; 23 And the children of Shobal were these a Alvan, ch. 27, 4)?9. w~/ ~~I~~ ~~~ VII*I~Z~VIL, ~ r ~,, hl~ ~CVV V VLVUVI P IP, a I Chr. 1, ch. 23, 19. and his sons Esan and Jacob buried hint, and Manahath, and Ebal, Shepho, and Onam. 40. *& 23,9y. CIHAPTER XXXVI. 24 And, these are the children of Zibeon; both, 3 Esau's three wives....6 His removing to mount Seir.... 15 The dukes.Ajah, and Anah: this was that Anah that found which descended of his sons. the t imles in the wilderness, as he fed the asses of Jernn., no a ci. 22,17. T OW these are the aner of Esau, who is Zibeon' his father where else. -, 239,40.;dgeerti. 25n And the children of Anah were these: ]iShon, Waeroad I Chr. 1, the Jof d b chi. 1, 24. 4'ch~l3j. ~ 2 Esan C took his wives of time daughters of d Ca- ant lAholibamal the daughter of Anah. 6,19, 20. cli. 2, 34.; naan; e Adah the daulylhter of Elon the Hittite, and 26 And these are the children of F Dishon;Hem-' d ch. 9, 25. Aholibamali the daughter of Aiah, the daughter of dan, and Eshban, and Ithran, and Cheran. ech. 26, 34.' Ziheon the Hlivited 27 The children of Ezer are these Bilban, and i cigi,4. f ch. 28, 9. 3 And'Bashemath, Ishm-ael's daughter, sister of Zaavan,: and Akan. gch. 25, 13. g Nebajoth. 28 The children of Dishan are these; Uz, and hJob2, 1n. 4 And Adah bare to Esan, l Eliphaz;and Bashe- A ran. math bare Reuel; 29 These are the dukes that caome of the d Horites ver. 21. 5 And, Aholibamah bare Jeush, and Jaalam, and duke Lotan, duke Shobal, duke Zibeon, duke Anah1 Korah: These are the sons:of Esan, which were 30. Duke Dishon, duke Ezer, duke Dishan: these zh. 33,26. born unto him in the: land of Canaan. are the dukes that came of Hon, among their II dukes dok saw, t. 32, 3. 6 And Esan k took his wives,'and his sons, and his in the land of Seir. Da5. 2, 17 daughters, and all the persons of his house, and his 31 ~ff And these are the kings that reigned in the 23k cattle, and all his beasts, and all his substance which land of Edom, before there reigned any king over he had got in the land of Canaan; and went into the- lthe: children of Israel. D country from the face of his: brother Jacob.: 32 And Bela the son of Beor reigned in Edom:~l, 7 For ~their ri-ches watere more than thrat thley might and the ~name of his city waGs Dinhtsabah. & 17, 11,1&:ch. 13,6. 1 l together: and the land -wherein they were 33 And Bela died, and Job-ab the son of Zerah of w cli 17, 8.' stra~nger'scould not bear them, because of threir cattle.' Bozrah reigned in his stead.fsa 4 ver~s 20. 8 T1Ehus dwelt Esau in mount0 S ~eir: Esan is Edomn. 34: And Jobab died, and H1-usharm of thj land of Amos 1, 12 itcht. 9 ~r And these are the generations of Esanu the g Temnani reigned in his stead. giultm 2,11:h. 19, Sr. father o th -1 ~1LmiteL inmun eu':, 5 ~ n us died, an i auau Like son o Josel)h's two Idreams: GINEDl. le ws sold into Eg',ypt.'Befo~re thehfi B e f ree BCefoRI Bdad (who smote Midian in thehfield of Moab)reig 14 Ai,i' hlie said to him, Go I pray thee, see InT1729. _/,sid hhy,reehr ciST. C''_ il steal ~ and the name of his city was Avith. whether it be well with thy brethren, and well with cir. 1729.!h h.14 7 38 And IJHaiad died, and Saallah of lasrekab the flocks; and bring me word again. So he sent,,,be 1h ch. 14, 7. I'm t 11ob.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ see reigned in his stad. ihim out of the vale of Hebron, and hlie came to cIPeae,; th. 30, 7. And Samlaib died, and Saul of' Rechoboth by Shehem.. brehthe river reigned, in his steCad. 15 ~ And a certain man found him, and behold, 1'p,:26 33 And Saul died, anid Iaal-hanan the son of he was wandering in the field: and the man asked Lue 19,42, I Kini. 2..33 Achbor reigned in his stead. him, saying, What seekest thou P s.,. jer. 29, 7. 39 And B3aal(-hanan the son of Achbor died, and 16 And he said, P I seek my brethren: tell me, 12 Sam., Hadar reigned in his stead: and the name of his city pray thee, where they feed their flocks. 4. - Ps. 818, 4. was Pan; -and his wife's name was Mehetabel, the 17 And the man said, They are departed hence: nb. 16, - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~26. odau-hter of MTatreci, the daughter of Mezalhab. for I heard them say, Let us go to q Dothan. And p Luke 19, 40 And these arxe tihe names of the dukes that came Joseph went after his brethren, and found them in q 2 Kings 6 of Esau, accordini to their hfamilies, after their places, Dothan. by their names; duke Tilnmihah, duke Alvah, duke 13 And when they saw him afar off, even before bJetheth, hlie came near unto them, they r conspired against rs. 250, 41 Duke AhRolibamah, duke Elah, duke Pinon. him to slay him. Luke 20,1 42 Duke Kenaz, duke Teman, duke Mibzar, 19 And they said one to another, Behold, this verse 21. 43 Duke lagddiel, duke Iram: these be the k dukes t dreamer cometh. tfleb.mad.'Ex. 15, I15. -0I)rlro XAum. 20f,. OfEdom, cecording to their habitations, in the land 20 Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and f I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dreams. 3vee,7. of their' possession. he is Esau, the m father of the cast him into some pit; and we will say, t Somne sAcrts 7, 9. De7.i,2. Edoinites. evil beast hath devoured him; and we shall see whatt I Mug, 1h. 25, 13, 24.'. C T, 4. will become of his dreams. 2die h 24. pch. 25,30. CATRX VI21 And" Reuben heard it, and he delivered hinm 24. u ch. 42, 2. Joseph is hated of his'brethren....5 His two dreams....18 His brethren out of their hands; and said, Let us not kill him. & 35, 22. conspire his death....21 Reuben saveth lirn....26 They sell him to the 22 And Reuben said unto them, Shied no blood. ghzteie..36 He is sold to PotiphaLr in Egypt. shaelites...36 Hb is sold to Potiparin Egypt. but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness, Ar Heb. of hi D _f_',,,s.r to & D Jacob dweltin the jand ] wherein his father andi lay no hand upon him; thIat he might rid him z'r ns f, wvas a stranger, in the land of Canaan. out of their hands, to X deliver him to his father again. x ch. 42, 22 2 These are the generations of Jacob. Joseph 23 ~I[ And it came to pass when Joseph was come being seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with unto his brethren, that they y stripped Joseph out of yMe. 23 81 Mat. 27, 25. his tDretnren, and the lad was with the sons of Bil- his coat, his coat of mzany colours, that was on him. cl. 42, 21.1 ch. 35,. 22ob and with the sons of Zilpah, his father's awives: 24 And they took him, and cast him into a pit: John 7, 7 and Josep)h brouiht unto his father their b evil report. and the pit was empty, there was z no water in'it. ze- zV....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w Zrcn. 9,' Jobh 13, 1. NOW Israel loved Joseph more than all his clhil- 25 And they sat do "to eat bread: a nd they 9,. 23. 2 ~0W tsmae all uoxvn ch.and ey a EStl.. dch. 44, 20. dren, because he vwas the " son of his old age: and hlie lifted up their eyes and looked, and behold, a coni- Ah.3, 5. eL2 Samn, e ade him ea coat of mal17 colour1s. pany of Ishimaelites came from b Gilead, with their b Jr.,- 2, eP~~~arn. in, 11Pade 1E'i-lfl e a coat of n21n21/ colonl~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~cha. 3,21 4 Aid when his brethren saw that their father canmels bearing spicery, and balm, and myrrh, going c. 1,21. verse 1. hOedI him nmore than all Iris brethren, they Ihated to carry it down to Egypt. him, Iand could not speak peaceably unto him. 26 And Judah said unto his brethren, c Whatc Mat. 16, 12,,,,.'2,5 3 ~ And Joseplh g dreamed a dream, anrid lie told it profit is it if we slay our brother, and conceal his Rom. 6, 2t, Ili,,, h 37 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d cli. 4, 10., 2. his brethren: and they hated hiil yet the more. blood J dch., Io. Joe-, 2, 28. his And' blooad m.'' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ob 16, 1g. i' Joh 17, 6 And he said unto them, HL ear, I pray you, this 27 Come, and let us e sell him to tbe Ishmaelites Deut. 17, 8 2 Sam. 1, 15 dream n hlich I have dreamed: and let not our hand be upon him; for he is our bro- e verse 22. For behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, ther, and our flesh: and his brethren were content. xod. 21, and Io, mv sheaf arose, and also stood uprigiht; and 28 Then there passed by'Midianites, merchant- f ch. 2, 2. 1,7m. 2, bestan, yonr sheaves stood' round about, and k made minen; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of tihe ev4,. obeisance to my sheaf. pit, and sold Joseph to the lshmaelites for g twenty gMat. 27,, Ic ch.4 2, 6 8 And his brethren said unto him, Shalt thou in- pieces of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt. x., 2 I Luke 1, deed i reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have do- 29 ~ And Reuben returned unto the pit; and beminion over us? And they hated him yet the more hold,Joseph wasnot in thie pit: andhe"rent his clothes. h2King for his dreams and for his words. 30 And he returned unto his brethren, and said, i verse 20. 9 I[ And lie dreamed yet another dream, and told The child is'not: and I, whither shall I go? Jer. 31, V it his brethren, and said; Behold, I have dreamed a 31 And they took Joseph's coat, and killed a kid ch~'44","dreain more: and behold, the'm sun and the moon of the goats, and dipped the coat in the blood:'nlI.2, i,~ and the eleven " stars made obeisance to me. 32 And they sent the coat of nanzy colours, and 10IO And hlie told it to his father, and to his brethren: they brought it to their father;and said, This have we and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What found: know now whether it be thy son's coat or no. is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and 33 And he knew it, and said, It is my son's coat; thy mother and thy brethren indeed comie to bow an evil beast hath devoured him: Joseph is k without k ch.44, 2& ~dann ourselves to thee to the earth? doubt rent in pieces. 1i And his brethren envied himn; but his father 34 And Jacob rent his clothes, qnd put saekeloth S2 Sam. 8, cstk,,~t,~. ~9 obsFerved the sayinmg. " 1 upon his loins, and ml ourned for his son many days. 12 ~[ And his brethren went to feed their father's 35 And all his sons and all m his daughters rose up m cC. 1,4Sm flock ~n Shechemn. to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted i S. 13 knd Israel said unto Joseph, Do not thy breth- and ihe said, For I will go down into the grave unto ren feel the flock in Shechem? Come, and I will my son mQurniug. This his father wept for him. send the,. unto theni. And lie said tQ h!!m, Here a. 36 And the Midianites sold him into Egypt unto ~eh. 20 1 Tamnar deceiveth Jmdal, CHAPTER XXXVIII, XXXIX and beareth twins. Beibre D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ efr cH'S;T Potiplhar, [[ an officer of Pharaoh's, andcaptain of VlWhcre is the t harlot mat was openly by the way- cBHT C1 I 25'. the guard. side? And they said, There was no harlot in thisplce. Ci'. 127. CHAPTER XXXVI1I. 22 And lie returned to Jadah, andi said, I cannot t ijb.Ke,. iUalCh. 6 Er marrieth Tamar....13 She deceiveth Judah....27 She beareth twins, find her; and also the men of the place said, that s oJ'si56 Pharez anid Zarah. i. aah Isai. jG, 3 Phlarez and Zarah. there was no harlot int this place. that is, hoAND it came to pass at that time, that Judah went/.there was no liarlot in this l~lace...... 12, ~ it caine to pass at that time, that Judah went 23 And Judah said, Let her take it to her, lest we Henc a ~_~ Joa, ~o, _~ a_ down fi'om his brethren, and turned ~n to a ~ cer-/f' ~ $odoinito,,~~~~~~~~~~n odomi~ a~~~ ~ down from~ his brethren, and turned in to a cer- be shamed: behold, I sent this kid, and thou hast cS/ i' tain Adullamlite, whose name wuas liralh. not ound her. cld/ ch. 6, 2. 2 And Judah saw there a daughter of a rta Kings 23, b~ ch. 6 2 A~nd Judah "saw ther~e a d~aughter of a certain 24 ~ And it came to pass about three months after, 7. I Chr.2,3. Canaanite, whose name was C Shuah; and hlie d took that It was told Judah, saying, Tamar thy daughter- t Hb. ledch. 2.1, 3. t ie a cone ch. 6, 1. Uer, Thd " went inr unto her. in-law hatl played the harlot; and also, behold, she {,?Or,_ ch.~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a, - wen in unto he. r-6 23~. el. 3 And she' conceived, and bare a son; and he is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring 2s/. 6, 23..called his namne Er. Psa. 51, 4:: ~-alled his name EHr. her forth, and let her x be burnt. Psi.p. 20'4 4 And she conceived again, and bare a son; and 25 When she was.brought forth, she sent to her 9. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~25Weshe was b,llt otsed lfsnaeOntn t['erD' ~""22'2 he called his name Onan. father-in-law, saying, By the man whose these are, 2 4,13 1727 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~~~~~m. 2,1,3 1727 5 And she yet again conceived, and bare a son; a) I with child: and she said, Discern, I pray thee, 2 Sam. 1l,, 44oh.., and called his name Shelah: and he was at g Chezib, whose are these, the signet, and bracelets, and staff. Le 21, 9. when she bare him.. 26 And Judah acknowledged them, and said, She DLII. 24,16 zn~~~~~3~U r1~ Jer. 29, 22, Mat.,12. 6 And Judah took a wife for Er his first-born, hath been y more righteous than I; because that 2a3. a Tla.ns, whose name was I Tamar. gave her not to Shelah my son: and hlie' knew her 17 Sim.24, palmn-tree,. -.~so-g7, 7. An ~ ch',I`a7n Ere, JAn udah's first-born, was wicked in the again4 o r Sag 7 7. 7 F,.a~u again n-o nomore. oh. 4,. Mat'.' 1,3. sih of teoand I.And *..travaoin Ik 423 im ch. 6, R. i2sllLo the LORD; a tue LORD siew i'7 And it came to pass in the time of her travail, I.. 0oi?. cPs. 5;', 23. 8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy that behold, twins were in her womb. & Deut. 2s5. brother's wife, and' marry her, and raise up seed to 28 Amd it cane topass when she travailed, that Lev. 18, 16;2 And it' cale t s hnselrvie, mat. 22, 24. thy brother. thle one lunt out his hand; and the midwife took and Det 9 And Onan knew that the seed should m not be bound upon his hand a scarlet thread, saying, This 6.'his: and it came to pass, when hie wvent in unto his came out first. Rnuth 1,1. brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest 29 And it came to pass as he drew back his hand, that lie should give seed to his brother. that behold, his brother came out; and she said, IHow 10 And the thing which he did displeased the hast thou broken forth? this breach be upon thee:. 1That is, Loan' wherefore he slew him also. therefore his name was called Ij Pharez. M. 1,3. 11 Then said Judah to Tamar his daughter-in- 30 And afterward came out his brother that had hTI"",,it n oLev 22, law, " Remain a widow at thy father's house till the scarlet thread upon his hand: and his name was mat. II, 1 is Acts 13,'ffi Shelah my son be grown; (for he said, lest perad- called II Zarah. 4. venture he die also as his brethren did:) and Tamar CHAPTER XXXIX. CHAPTER XXXIX. went and dwelt in her father's house. I Joseph advanced in Potiphar's house....7 He resistethhis mistress's 12 ~ And in process of time, the daughter of temptation....20 lie is cast into prison. Shuah, Judah's wife died: and Judah was com- / ND Joseph was brought down to Egypt: and 1 Sam.a25, forted,and went up unto his 0 sheep-shearers to p Tim- - Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the a oh. 3, s3. Josh. 5, nath, le and his friend Iirah the Adullamite. guard, an Egyptian, bought him of the hands of the 5,. 13 And it was told Taar, saying, Behold, thy Ishmaelites, which had brought him down thither. father-in-law goeth up to Tinmnath, to shear his sheep. 2 And thie LORD was b With Joseph, and he was bActs7,9. 14 And she pumt her widow's garments off'froim her, C a prosperous man: and hlie was in the house of his Ps. 1, 3. a Sam. 18, qPr. 7,12. and covered her with q a vail, and wrapped herself,I master the Egyptian. 14. Heb. the and sat t in an open place, which is by the way to 3 And d his master saw that the LORD waS With dch. 30,27 doors of P n i atr. saw 6ha 7h o~wswtd., Timnath ~ for she saw that Shelah was grown, and him, and that the LoRD made all that he did to pros- P,.1. 1,, 7. Ena~iaz.r.verse she was r not given unto him to wife. per in his hand. 15 When Judah saw her, he thought her to be a 4 And Joseph e found grace in his sight, and hee Neh. 2,4: harlot; because she had. covered her face. served him' and hlie made him' overseer over his chap. 1, S. 16 And he tlurned unto her by the way, and said, house, and all that hlie had hlie put into his hand. f r. 27, 1S Go to, I pray thee, let me come in unto thee; (for lie 5 And it came to pass firom the time that lie lhad chp. 4, 2 knew not that she wqas his daughter-in-law:) and made him overseer in his house, and over all that he she said, What wilt thou give me, that thou fiayest had, that the LORD blessed the Egyptian's house g for g h. S0, 2I SIOs. 43, 2, 4, come in unto me. Joseph's sake; and the blessing of the LORD was Acts 7, 24. 17 And he said, I will send thee a kid from the upon all that he had in tthe house, and in thIe field. verses 24, flock: and she said, Wilt thou give me " a pledge. 6 And he left all that he had in Joseph's lhand; 25. FEzek.e16,33 till t0hou send it and lihe knew not aught lie had,h save the bread which h Pr..1. I 18 And he said, What pledge shall I give thee,? he (id eat: and Joseph was a goodly person, and hSap. 16, vers ~25 And she said, Thyv signet, and thy bracelets, and thy well-favoured. 12 staff that is in thy hand: and hlie gave it her, and 7 ~ And it came to pass after these things, that came in unto her, and she conceived by him.. his master's wife t' cast her eyes upon Joseph: amd riib. 19 And she arose and went away and laid by she said, k Lie with me. krr.:,,~ her vail from her, and put on the garnments of her B ut le 1 refused, amd said unto his master's widowhood. wife, m Behold, my master wotteth not what is with I Pr.;, t1. 20 And Judah sent the kid by the hand of his me in the house, and he hath committed all that lie m Pt..1s,2~ U ch.20, U friend the A dullamite, to receive his pledge from hath to my hand; t~lme womI~an')s hand: but lie found her iot. 9 There is nonie greater in this house than I; nei21 Then he asked the men of thatplace, saying, thor hath he kept back anay thling fr'om me, but thee, Joseph faldey accused and imp'rsoned. GENESIS. He tnterpreieth two dreams. Before -V~ife n'BelbreB ~e because thou art his wTifeI: how then can I do this him in the ward of his lord's house, saying, Where- -Befor ~HBAST against Go~d I foeir.oo y1sdl20-d cir. 1729. o great wickedness, and sin against God fore t look ye so sadly to-day'! cir. 70 10 And it came to pass, as she spake to Joseph 8 And they said unto him, We have dreamed a tb.y,,, I John3,9- e.. r.6, 4. t day by da y, that hlie hearkened not unto her, to lie dream, and there is no interpreter of it. And Joseph faes evil Heb. day byhro to b ihhr g ch. 41,] H day by her, or to be P with lie. said unto them, Do not interpretations g belong to gIsliah 8,1,Prov. 5,8. 11 And it came to pass, about this time, that Jo- God. h Tell me them, I pray you. Dan. 2, 2( hi l chi. 37, seph went into the house to do his business; and there 9 And the chief butler told his dream to Joseph, cnie. 4,, qJob 34,15. was q none of the men of the house there within. and said unto him, In my dream, behold, a vine was 412. ir~. g7, 13. 12 And she r caught him by his garment, saying, before me; ch 1, Lie with me: and he left his garment in her hand, 10 And in the vine were three branches: and it J *' I 96Eccles. 7, and fled apd s him out. was as thoughit budded, andher blossoms shot forth;verse.. 26i. go itL~ andtgr~ni v~nln 13 And it came to pass, when she saw thathehad and the clusters thereof brought forth ripe grapes: left his -arment in her hand, and was fled forth, 11 And Pharaoh's cup was in my hand: and I 14 That she called unto the men of her house, and took the grapes, and pressed them into Pharaoh's sprie unto them, saying, See, hlie hath brought in a cup, and I gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand..Mat. 26, Hebrew unto us to' mock us: he came in unto me 12 And Joseph said unto him, This is the interpretKings 15, u to lie with me, and I cried with a loud voice: ation of it: The three branches are k three days: k ch. 41. 2 17. 1 Cor. h0, u verse 7. 15 And it came to pass, when hlie heard that I lifted 18 Yet'within three days shall Pharaoh II lift up 1 verse 20. Nsal. 120, I3ha. 7 up my voice and cried, that he left his garment with thy head, and restore thee unto thy place: and thou chap. 7,4 2 Cor. 6, 8. n 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 Or, me, and fled, and got him out. shalt deliver Pharaoh's cup into his hand, after the /reckon, Je. 52, 31 16 And she laid up his garnnent by her, until his former manner when thou wast his butler. lord came home. 14 But think on me when it shall be well with 17 And she spake unto him according to these thee, and shew kindness, I pray thee, unto me, and words, saying, The Hebrew servant which thou hast make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me'brought unto us, came in unto me to mnock me: out of this house: 18 And it came to pass as I lifted up my voice 15 For indeed I was n stolen away out of the ~landn ch. 37, 2 and cried, that hlie left his garment with me, and of the Hebrews: and here also have I P done nothing "ob10 fled out. that they should put me into the dungeon. 32. 19 And it came to pass, when his master heard the 16 When the chief baker saw that the interpretawords of his' wife, which she spake unto him, saying, tion was good, he said unto Joseph, I also was in my cIh,4,,6.: After this manner did thy servant to me; that x his dream, and behold, I had three white baskets on my IPet. 2, 19. wrath was kindled. head KJob 2;10o 20 And Joseph's master Y took him, and put him 17 And in the uppermost basket there was of all Dan. 3, 21) J22. into the prison, a place where the king's pnrisoners manner of bake-meats for Pharaoh: and the birds Psal. 10, were bound: and he was there in the prison, did eat them out of the basket upon my head. 2Tim. 2,. 21 ~ But the LORDn was a with Joseph, and shew- 18 And Joseph answered, and said, This is the I Pet. 2, 19. i. 53., s. ed him mercy, and t gave him favour in the sight of interpretation thereof: The three baskets are three Isl.53 es. d i mry, gv averse 2. the bkeeper of the prison. days: Psal. 124, 4. Dai. 6, 22. 22 And the keeper of the prison committed to Jo- 19 Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thy Isai. 43, 2. Rom'. s, 32. seph's hand all the prisoners that were in the prison; head from off thee, and shall hang thee on a tree; ieb. gave and whatsoever they did there, he was the doer of it. and q the birds shall eat thy flesh from off thee. 2. 2, imns grace. 22. bclh.,0 s. 2 The keeper of the prison looked not to any 20 ~[ And it came to pass the third day, which was Jer. 23, 29. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ thing that was under his hand; because the LORD Pharaoh's r birth-day, that he made a feast unto all Pro. 30,, was with himn: and that which he did, the LORD his s rvants: and he lifted up the head of the chief Job; I,, P aJ. i, 9. C made it to prosper. butler and of the chief baker among his servants. 49, 2.mad to CHAPTER XL. 21 And he restored the chief butler unto his butler1. The butler and baker of Pharaoh in prison....5 I-Ie interpreteth their ship again; and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's dreams....23 The ingratitude of the butler. hand ND it came to pass after these things, that the 22 But he hanged the chief baker,' as Josephs Lk 2s2,. 33, 39..o, cu- butler of the king of Egypt and his baker had had interpreted to them. c., learer, tepietd1o he. Ece]. 9, Noh./1,11. 0 Nehe r,1. offended their lord the king of Egypt. 28 Yet did notthe chief butler remember Joseph,, 6. i6,. 2 And Pharaoh was wroth against two of his but: forgat him. Ps, 1. officers, against the chief of the butlers, and against HAPTER XL. the chief ofthe bakers.CHAPTER XL1. the chief of the bakers. i Pharaohs two dreams....25 Joseph interpreteth them....33 He giveth a Pr. 16, 14. 3 And he put them a in vard in the house of the Pharaoh counsel....38 Josephis advanced....50 He begetteth Manasseh cnh. 3,a20. captain of the guard, into the prison, the place and Ephraim....54 the famine beginneth. w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~adEherai.... 4 he famin beginhe. % wh ere Joseph was bound. AND it came to pass at the end of two fullyears, a17n2'1. cli. 33, 23. where Joseph u'as bound. ND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a Dan. 2,1 ch.37, 36. 4 And the C captain of the guard charged Joseph I -that Pharaoh a dreamed: and behold, he stoodEsther 6, 1 37,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ b6 b Ex. 1, 22 r.a.3, 5. with them, and he served them; and they continued by the b river. ch. 1i, 1. a season in ward. 2 And behold, there came up out of the river seven ach. 20, 3. 5 ~[ And they d dreamed a dream both of them, welI-favoured kine and fat-fleshed; and they fed in cli. 41, i, each. man his dream in one night, each man " accord- a meadow. 32~ 18, ing to the interpretation of his dream; the butler and 3 And behold, seven other kine came up after themr the baker of the king of Egypt, which were bound out of the river, C ill-favoured and lean-fleshed; and a0,18 a in the prison. stood by the other kine upon the brink of the river. 6 And Joseph came in unto them in the morning, 4 And the ill-favoured and lean-fleshed kine did:ve 1, ~. and looked upon them, and beholt, they were f sad. eat up the seven well-favoured andl fat kine. So p 7 And'ho asked Pharaoh's officers that were with Pharaoh awoke. 3.. 6 PI/tara/dls O:/ltS dlroeitms ICHAPTE[R XLI. inler.preted by &Josep4i, C1{R1-S T 5 r-.1 he slept and dreamed te second time: and empty ears bl asted xvid: tht east wind shllii b s Beve-r c,.,,si!7 i-) behold, seven ears of corn came up upon one stalk, years of faminlle. I'. rankl an good. 28 This is the thingr which It lave spokeenl unto' 6 Atd behold, seven thin ears and blasted with Pharaoh: what God is about to do he shlleweth unl.to Ezek. 7, te d east wind sprung up after tllhem. Phaaoll. k0. & i9,12. P ha UP 7 Andl the seven thin ears devoured the seven rank 29 Behold, there come seven years of great plent) and full ears. And Pharaolr awoke, and behold, it throughout all the la-ld of Egypt:,ac. 0,3- Mwas e a dream. 30 And there shiall arise after thelm seaen years i;37, - 8 And it came. to pass in the morning, that his spirit of faminle; and all the plenty shall be firgotten in the'Dan.2,.13. was f troubled; and lie sent and called for all the g land of Egypt; and thle faiine shall consume them i Ex. 7, 11. magiclans of Egypt, and all the h wise men thereof: land: it. 2s,2;. and Pharaoh told them his dreams; but there Iwas 31 And the plenty shall not be known in the lfand I At 1 t lem unto Pharaoh ~. 2,. 34. 1 none that could interpret thel unto Pharaoh. by reason of that famine following: foir it ihall be,on..2 10. 9 I Then spake the chief butler unto Pharaoh, very grievous. sa2z' 4,.: saying, I do rememberk my faults this day: 32 A ud for that the drear was doubled unto Phil 3,CI. 40, 2. 10 Phara'ohI was wroth with his servants, and put Pharaoh twice; it is because the t!ing is establishch. 37,36. Ime in ward in the'captain of the guard's house, both ed by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass. 4me, and the chief baker: 33 Now therefore let Pharaoh look out a man disch. 40, s. 11 And m we ldreamed a dream in one night, l and creet and'wise, and set him over the land of Egypt.. he: we dreamed each man according to the inter- 34 Let Pharaoh do this, and let him appoint of- Heb. papretation of his dream. ficers over the land, and take up the Y fifti part of thistos, 12 And there was there with us a young man, a the land of Egypt in the seven plenteous years'. usM, Hebrew, servant to the captain of the guard; and we 35 And let them gather all the food of those J0ood 14.i told him, and he interpreted to us our dreams; to years that coime, and lay up corn Z under the hand I2; each man according to his dream he did interpret. of Pharaoh; and let them keep food in the cities. l2 13 And it came to pass, as hlie interpreted to us, so 36 And that food shall be a for store to the land y,'6. tch. 40 20. it was: ne " he restored unto mine office, and him lagainst the seven years of famine, whichl shall be in Luke l16, he Ihaneed. the land of Egypt; that the land -F perish nlot throughl a Le.. 6, 12 14 it Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and the faminne. tHeb. be Yieh,":~ "they ti. brought him hastily out of the dungeon: and 7 And b the thing was good in the ees of Pha- ct,7,, 1o T 1in4 nP ot, n Pao d the famin good in the eyes of Pha- f0, 1c2f i. )n. 2, 2. he ~ shaved hinself, and changed his P raiment, and raoh, and in the eyes of all his servants. P., 12.:.,. 0,. camle in unto Pharaoh. 38 And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we,Sm. 2,7, 35 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I have dream- find such, a one as this is, a man in whonin the pirt Dn,. 4, 2 Samm ed a dream, and there is none that can interpret it: of God is? Ps. 10, "M sth. 4,3. and I have heard say of thee, iI that thou canst un- 39 And Pharaoh said unto Joseplh, Forasnmuh as O,t hen-,derstand a dreamn to interpret it. God hath shiewed thee' all this, there is none so dis- d ch. 37,9. 9tadreain,, 16 And Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, q It is creet and wise as thou art: terprel it, not in me: God shall give Pharaoh r an answer of 40 Thou shalt be e over my house, and according gp.505,21. Kin. 6,27. peace. unto fthy wTord shall all my people be t ruled only fJob 292 Dan. 2,2S. 17 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, In my dream, in the throne will I be greater than thou. Job 31, 27. Cor. 3,.'s. 31,,. behold, I stood upon the bank of the river: 41 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have g g rer. 43. h. 437, 24. 18 And behold, there came up out of the river set thee over all the land of Egypt. Eccles. 9, seven kine, fat-fleshed, and well-favoured;.and they 42 And Pharaoh took off his " ring from his hand, h Esth. 8,2 fed in a meadow: and put it upon Joseph's hand, and arrayed him in 19 And behold, seven other kine came up after vestures of ifine linen, and put ka gold chain about Ezek.27,7 them, poor, and very ill-favoured, and lean-fleshed, his neck; k Pr 1, 9. such as I never saw in all the land of Egypt for bad- 43 And he made him to ride in the' second chariot Esth., 8 ness: which he had: and they cried before hima, t BowXT rek, that 20 And the lean and the ill-favoured kine did eat the knee: and he made hilim ruler over all the land to thte kg; up the first seven fat kine: of Egypt. 21 And when they had eaten them up, it could 44 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I am Pharaoh, not be known that they had eaten them; but they and without thee shall no man lift up his hand or Isa.9. 23. wvere still ill-favoured, as at the beginning. So I foot in all the land of Egypt..37,19 awoke. 45 And Pharaoh called Joseph's namle 1! Zaphnath- Ir That is, 22 And I saw in my dream, and behold, seven paaneah; and he gave him to wife Asenath the frsecrets. ears came up in one stalk, fill and good: daughter of Poti-pherah fl priest of' On: and Jo- Others say,C 23 And behold, seven ears, withered, thin, and seph went out over all the land of Egypt. of the world, blasted with the east wind, sprung up after them: 46 And Joseph was nthirty years old when lie Dan.1,7. 24 A.nd the thin ears devoured the seven good stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt: and Josep h.cs ears: and I told this unto the magicians; but there went out froml the presence of Pharaoh, and went 2Satss1' was nrone that could declare it unto me. throughout all the land of Egypt. 7 7,. 25 And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, The dream of 47 And in the seven plenteous years the earth lnk'33,'23 Pharaoh is one: God hath shewed Pharaoh what he brought forth by handfills. Ntm. 4,3. i,~., 9 4. is U about to do. 48 And he gathered up all the food of the seven at. 23, o0. 26 The seven good kine are seven years; and the years which were in the land of Egypt, and laid up..41,'2i, seven good ears are seven years: the dream is one. the food in the cities: the food ofttie field which was 2. 27 And the seven thin and ill-favoured kine tlhat round about every city, laid he up in thle same. came up after them are seven years; and the seven 49 And Joseph gathered corn as the sand of the;g.,2, 7 37 Jacob sendeth his sons into Egypt: GENESIS. They are imprisoned by nosepa. DffforeBewore CHRis'r sea, very much, until he left numbering; for it was and behold, the youngest is this day with our father, Bebre 6 ~~~~~~~~CHRIST',ir 1:,,. P without number. and one'is not. cir. 1707. J Jtigz 65. 50 And unto Joseph were born two sons before 14 And Joseph said unto them, That is it that I %, a. 2,,'~ o.;, 33. thle years of famine came which Asenath, thle daugh- spaIke unto you, saying, Ye are spies: hs. ter of Poti-pherahl priest of On bare unto him. 15 Hereby ye shall be proved: t By the life of tH. Bi4. 51 And Joseph called the name of the first-born Pharaoh ye shall not go forth hence, except your r.i v,2, }{ That i, {{ Manasseh; For God, said he, hath made me for- youngest brother come hither. S e Forgetting, Dent. 6, 13.,.;,3, t. get all my toil, and all my father's house. 16 Send one of you, let him fetch your brother, ii Trhtis, 5, 2And the name ofthesecond called heflEphraim: and ye shall be kept in prison, that your words may t?~fut. PFor God hath caused me to be fruitful in the land be proved, whether there be any truth in you: or else, cit. 48,.,!6.' 2cit:,.., 2. of my affliction. by the life of Pharaoh, surely ye are spies. 1708. 53 ~. And the seven years of plenteousness that 17 And he put them all together into ward three was in the land of Egypt, were ended. days. 54 And the seven years of dearth began to come, 18 And Joseph said unto them the third day, according as Joseph had said: and the dearth was This do, and live; for nI fear God: rNeh.5, 1.5 in all lands; but in all the land of Egypt there was 19 If ye be true men, let one of your brethren be bread. bound in the house of your prison: go ye, carry t re ob. breaking oj 55 And when all the land of Egypt was famished, corn for the famine of your houses theftnime, the people cried to Pharaohll for bread: and Pharaoh 20 But bring your youngest brother unto me; i. 4,, said unto all the Egyptians, Go unto Joseph; what so shall your words be verified, anti ye shall not die. he saith to you, do. And they did so. 56 And the fatmine was ov'er all the face of the 21 ~f And they said one to another, o~We are verily o ~.s-5,51 earth and Joseph opened all the store-houses, and guiity concerning our brother, in that we saw P theJob36, 7,8, sold unto the Egyptians; and the famine waxed sore anguish of his soul, when he besought us, and we p ch. 37,23 in~~~~1 the usand of 9v p' Mt r. 27, 2. in the land of Egypt. would not hear; q therefore is this distress come up- t., 2.3 57 And all,countriorels camme in to Egypt to Joseph on us. 1John 1,' for to buy corn; because that the famine was so! 22 And Reuben answered them, saying,' Spake IJ r'i. 7, 1 q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,Ps. 1, sore q in all lands. not unto you, saying, Do not sin against the child; cli. 4,. CHAPTETR XLI[. and ye would not hear? therefore behold also his CHAPTER XL11. Ic,~~ blood i~s requre. chl. 9, 5. 1 Jacob sendeth his ten sons to buy corn in Erypt....16 They are im- blood is reuired. s prisoned by Joseph for spies...'24 Simeon is kept for a pledge....36; 23 And they knew not that Joseph understood 32. 1707. Jacob refuseth to send Benjalnmin. i the; for he spake unto them by an interpreter. 2 Chr. 24, mi for lie spake unto them b -1 interpreter. ~~22.,~.~o,,-~]OW w~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~hen ao sa tat hr'ascr n iSO when saw S that wtl cor ii 2 24 And he turned himself about from them, and.k22.:,.... 21 Luke 11,50 bActs 7, 1,. L Egypt, Jacob said unto his sons, b Why do y:'wept; and returned to them again, and cornmmtnned P. 9, 12. t Isa. 49, 15 look~~~~ o'e upnaohr with th em, and to k fi'om themn uSim eon, an d botLid a& 6, 9.:(okl one: upon anothrer co h,.2 And ihe said, Behold, I have heard that there is. him before their eyes.h S4, 5 lokonrpnbnthr.wihthm4ndtokfo te 9Smon.n b un &b 34, 9. corn in Egypt: get you C down thither, and bIuy for! 25 ~ Then Joseph commanded to fill their sacks a 49,7.:ch 45,28. us fro thence; that we umay d live and not die. with corn, and to restore every man's money into his,;,1,. 4, 3. $ And Joseph's ten brethren went down to buy sack, and to give themn provision for the way: and ci373corn in Egypt. X thus did lhe unto them. x ch. 21, 14 o'ch.37,. 3. 4 But Beaianiin, Rom. 12,17 4 e But Benijan'n, Joseph's brother, Jacob sent 26a And they laded their asses with the corn, and mt, 44. Cr1. 3, 22. not wvith his l'etlf'en: for he said,' Lest peradven- departed thence. Exc. 3'2 22~ E''; not With ah is bretlef i elinn_: fier he said 23 ture mischief befill him. 27 And'as bne of them opened his sack to give 5 And the sons of Israel came to buy Corn among his ass provenderin the inn, he espied his money those that came': for the famine was in the land of for behold, it was in his sack's mouth. Canaan. 28 And he said unto his brethren, My money is 6Ecl 8, 6 And Joseph was the g governor over the land, restored; and lo, it is even in my sack: and their anwd he it was that sold to all the people of the land: heart r filed them, and they were y afaid, saying one tae. h ch 19, 2. and Joseph's brethren canle, and ( bowed down them- to another, W~hat is this that God hath done unto usi. SInI, 6. t.3, 7, S. a&. I Kin. 10, K. 4,18.& selves 1before him witlh their faces to tihe earth. 29 ~ And they came unto Jacob their father unto.y h. 27, a 7 And Joseph saw his brethren, and hlie knew the land of Canaan, and told him all that befell unto Lev. 26,0 them, but made hinselfstrange unto them, andi them, saying, Heb.,,ardsp ake t rougtihly unto them; and lie said unto themn, 30 The man who is the lord of the land, spake vith tet,., Whence comIe ye And they said, From the land t routhly to us, and took us for spies of the country. t, u har of Canaan, to buy food. 31 And we said unto him, We are true mnen; we hi,,igs. 8 And Joseph knew his brethren, but they knew are no spies not him. 32 We be twelve brethren, sons of our father: one ch. V,S. 9 And Joseph remembered thei dreams which lie is not, and the youngest is this day with our father dreamed of them, and said unto them, Ye are spies; in the land of Canaan. k Jo,,,t to see the" nakedness of tilhe land ye are come. 33 And the ian, the lord of the country, said unto & 13, 24. 1 n ht r e z..a~,~. I2 And they said unto him, Nay, my lord, but to us, Htereby shall I know that ye are true vlze.,:leave 18il, 2'buy food rthy servants come. one of your brethren here with me, and take food 8 11 X~e are all one man's sons; we are true men; for the famine of your households, and be gone: thy servants are no spies. 34 And bring your youngest brother unto me: then 12 And he said unto them, Nay, but to see the shall I know that ye are no spies, but that ye are nakedness of the land ye are come. true men: so will I deliver you your'brother, and ye 13 And they said, Thy servants are twelve bre- shall traffic in the land. thren, the sons of one uman in the land of Canaan: 35 ~I And it came to pass as they emptied their gg;a Jdco; swbJ nib "o EZrp.- CIHA?'TE X LI1i1, Y IoV.`, p ectu:mi:inwh his8 bret/rc:'P1V/' (~oT(1fT )YVlfl llflrllCC (Vt -d iT (. scks,: ot behold, every man's bundle of monejl home, and slay, and make reay fior i:iLee men,:,,. H was in h!issadk; and when both they and their father shall dine with me at nooi..o. saw the, bundles of money, they were afraid. 17 And the man did Josh d: and -' - ~t" i I-!'eb~~P 1.,4il! 36 And Jacob their flather said unto them, Me man brought the men into Joseph's house.; have ye bereaved of mq children: Joseph is not, and 13 And the men were'afraid, because thiey we:r( s,. i, Ps. 34,'9. Sllneon is not, and z ye will take Benjamin away brought into Joseph's house; andf they said, Becal,~e U.el, 2,'fob t, 14%r aIj 1 All thes-e things are aagainst me. of the money that was relurned in our sackl-s at tl- 1:, 2:'2. Ps.'49, 7. N'l +t riI 1,27 aRom., 7 Anud Reuben spake unto his father, saying, first time, are we brougiht in; that le may 1-sk I:"io i"o [-Ic. to,o. Slay b my two sons, if Ibring him not to thee: deliver occasion against us, alnd fiall upon us, and tae1 s /'., 1Cor. 10,._.- It'DOl?.18, 13. him into my hand, and v wiiI bring hlim to thee again. for bondmnen, and our asses. Jl'b.o, J b,.h..4I, 9.I ~.''' 83 And hlie said, My son shall C not go down wvithi' 19 And they came near to the steward of Oseeh'H.'S c..s.. you; for his brother d is dead, and le is e left alone house, and they commuuned with him at the dcotr of 5:. 37, oa. mf mischief befall him by the way in the which ye go, the house, cii. 44, 27. then shall ye bring down my grey hairs with sorrow 20 And said,'t O sir, q we came indeei down at f l"ord,", to~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ toe ~ to the f grave. the first time to buy food':,Job:, 72. fE h. 87, 85. CHAPTER XLII1. 21 And it caine to pass, when we carme to tl inn, q Ci. 2, a. I Jacob is hardly persuaded to send Benjamin...15 Joseph entertaineth that we r opened our sacks, and behold, eeer./man', r ch. 42, 27. his brethren....al He maketh themn a feast. imoney wvas in the mouth of his sack. ouir ~ac in, Ih. 1. A Dte inn as - oein the land. 2,R 1 i NDA the: aineas a ore i land. full weight: and we have brought t i a:abiJ in our lbend. Ec. 9,,2. 2 And it came to pass, when they had eaten 22 And other money have we broug.ht down in up the corn which they had brought out of Egypt, our lands to buy food: we canrot ti e who put:our H their father said unto themn, Go again, J- buy us a nloney in our sacks., little ood0. 23 And lie said,s Peace be to y0', tear not' sJob21,9 i.41, 20. 3AnJ a er. 4,. 3 And Judah spake unto himn, saying, Thle you God, and the God of l, lA enl. iS, 19 ITb/. 0~8. did soleiminly protest unto us, saying, Ye shall d notl you tr e i our scs: ha i., Pt. 31,.1yi0'A bPr. 1., 16. see my face, except your brother be with you. e brought Sameon out unto them. & 16, 8. ~~~~~~~~~~he brought Simeon out unto thci). 10,5ii. 4, W,Ti. 6,, 4 If thou wilt send our brother with us, we will 24 And the man brought the mtn' into.'ph1i! a rch.42,3. go down alnd buy thee food: house, and lgave/en atroand tb/dy wahdJtos ir phs 8~4,. &..:'X~?~}S~.~ ~~i 241 3~,, &44, 23. 5 But if thou wilt not send hinm, we will not go feet;and lie gave their asses provuend'r. d 2 Sami 14, fe.an igaetirasspoeic-r S.a.1, down: for the man said unto us, Ye shall not seel 25 And they made iready the p"res,:raainst Jo-:Is20, 27. my fice, except your brother be with you. se cae at noon: for they hea l shoi seph. canme at noon' for they heard thar triy slhould 6 And Israel said, Wherefore dealt ye so ill with eat bread there. ime, as to tell tihe man whether ye had yet abrotler p 26 ~ And when Joseph came rhome they brought 7 And they said, Thle man asked us straitly of hini the present wVhichm was in their apnld into tihe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x, _ b. 37 oh.1 our state, and of our kindred, saying, Is your father house, x and bowed themmselves to I1i' - eatl. a,, yet alive'! have ye another brother'! and we told 27 And he asked them of their' -wliar, amd ltfeb. hin according to tile tenor of these words: Could said, t Is your father well, tie old mian of whom ye:~a we certainly know that hlie would say, Bring your spalie l Isl he yet alive a,, bo. d$, 7. brother dowin. 28 And they answered, Thy servant our fatherj Li,,? cs, 10, ch. 46, 21. 8 And Judah said unto Israel his father, Send is in good health, he is yet alive: and they bowed t'm.2, &3.47, 0. the e lad witlh me, and we will arise and go; that we down their heads, and made obeisance. /S. may live, and not die, both we and thou, and also 29 And he lifted up his eyes, and saw his brother theo.sreaour little ones. Benjamin, his mother's son, and said, Is this yourt`? 9 1 will be surety for him; of my hand shalt thou younger l rother, of whommi ye spake unto me'! And require him: if I bring hin not unto thee, and set he said, God be gracious unto thee, m y son. y ch. 45,8. - ch. 44,. him before thee, then let me bear tihe blame for ever: 30 And Joseph made haste; for his bowels z did zl 1S5 I "'~'n' 8, 21326. 1Iii. 1, 21. 10 For except we had lingered, surely now we yearn upon his broth.er and he sought where to Iili. 2, 5. REa~~~~~~~~~~~eb,. 7, ~2) yernup his 1te:an ogh e Col. 2,. had returned tlhis second Wiile. o 3 2 had returned this second time. weep, and lie entered into his chamlber, and wept Jer. 1, 20. 11 And their father Israel said unto them, If it there. Heb. the igmust be so now, do this; take of the ~ best fruits in 31 And he washed his fac, and went out, and,2,od,'O the land in your vessels, and carry down the man refrained himself, and said, Set on bread. the land, g i Deut. 33,14. a present, a little bal, and alittle honey, spices, 32 And they set on tr li y hisf, and for g ch. 32, 20. and ey oh, nr ann aynondse Pr. 1, 1. and myrri, nuts, amd imiom ds them by themselves, and ibr im Egptians which did Ps. 72, 9. 12 And take double money in your hand; and eat wit im, by themselves because the-Egyptians lcv.2,2the money that was brought again in the mouth ofmight not eat bread with the Hebrews; f that is ach s, 5. I L~ev. 20,24. mi- -o a ra ba sac 1 4 k Thess.4, your sacks, k carry it. again in your hand; peradven- an b abomination unto the Egypti'tans cli. 46, 34. ture it -itas an oversight:' 33 And they sat beifore him), the first-born ac1 ch. 42, 39. 1 3 Take also your brother, and arise, go again cording to his bitright, and theyun;est according unto th~e nian: hr no Ch. 17t 1man to his youth: and the mten marvelled oie cat another. ch. 47, 24 Prov. 21,,,. 14 And nm God Ahnighty give you mercy beforeJ ry.21,1. 14 Amid God Almighty you mercy 34 Amd lie took and sent messes tinto themn from IfIe. 1iey the man, that hlie may send away your othlerbrother, before mim: but Benjamin's ness was C five timnes' dr//k themc/selves Acts 21, 14. a Bentjam ~ets21, I~i. amu 1jl~ereaved. If be bereaved of my22/ childrenz, so munch as aly of, threirs. Amid they dranlk, amid ti. s,,ere ~. I mn bereaved. og i 15 ~ And the men took that present, and they took w ere mmierry wvitli him. - double oney in tlieirhand, amid BenamnimC; and rose PCHA up, and vent cown to Egypt,and stood Beniaie Joseplmi 1 Joseph's policy to stay his brethren....18 Judah's humble suppication l- ieb. hs -. s h. 1/0,/.s bv1rse6 19 6And when Joseph saxw Benjamnin with tlem, AND. he commanded the t stexvard of his house,,h.a3, 16. cap.~' 44,h~ line said to the 0 ruler of his house, Brimig these ment saying, Fill tie men's sacks wit/ a food, as much Isaiah 3 1 39 Judtah's humble suplkication. GENESIS. Joseph made known to his brethren. Betc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~re Be~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oy eore,CorIS as they can carry, and put every man's money in hisl your youngest brother come down with you, ye,,roI. CHtRIST q CHRIST 1707. sack's mouth. shall see my faice q no more. 1707. "2Co 1 2 And b put my cup, the silver cup, in the sack's 24 And it came to pass, when we came up unto thy q n.43,a:..Cr mouth of the youngest,and his corn-money: and he servant my father, we told him the words of my lord. did according to the word that Joseph had spoken. 25 And our father said, Go again, and buy us a 3 ~ As soon as the morning was light, the men/little food. were sent away, they, and their asses. 26 And we said, We cannot go down: if our 4 And when they were gone out of the city, and youngest brother be with us, then will we go down; not yet far off, Joseph said unto his steward, Up, for we may not see the man's face, except our follow after the men; and when thou dost overtake youngest brother be with us. them, say unto them, Wherefore have ye rewarded 27 And thy servant my father said unto us, Ye evil for good! know that r my wife bare me two sons: r ch. 46, V 5 Is not this it in which my lord drinketh, and 28 And the one went out from me, and I said, t Neb. whereby indeed he t divineth 1 ye have done evil in'Surely he is torn in pieces; and I saw him not since:,h. 17, 37 would earching sodoing. 29 And if ye take this also from me, and mischief tach,t 1b I King 20, 6 ~[ And he ~overtook them, and he spake unto befall him, ye shall bring down my t gray hairs with t,ls, 33. ths4ors2rano,IS s.30,27 them these samerds,: wo' dsorrow to the grave. ch. 42, 8. ohI. 30, 27. tHb vl Lev. 19, 7 And they said, unto him Wherefore saith my 30 Now therefore when I come to thyservant y lverv i.31 2 v. 19, SB. L And ihey,aid. thyto mym! Tdgillerefole saitr vr 31.31. aKi.21,0 6lord these words? God:,forbid that thy servants father, and the lad be not with us; (seeing that his Dt.31,,17 should do according to this thing: life' is bound up in the lad's life;) t Sam. 18, 8 Behold, the money which we found in our 31 It shall come to pass, when he seeth that the sacks' mouths, we brought again unto thee out of lad is not with uts, that he will die: and thy servant the land of Canaan: how then should we steal out shall bring down the gray hairs of thy servant our of thy lord's house silver or gold! father with sorrow to the grave. 9 With whomsoever of thy servants it be found, 82 For thy servant became surety for the lad ch. 81, 32. both clet 1him h die, and we also will be my lord's Iunto my father, saying, If I bring him not unto thee, bond-lien. then I shall bear the blame to my father for ever. 10 And he said, Now also let it be according un- 33 Now therefore, I pray thee, let thy servant u Rev. 5 5 to your words: he with whom it is found shall be abide " instead of the lad a bond-man to my lord; He. 7,. dEx. 20,17. mservant; and ye shall be d blameless. and let the lad go up with his brethren. 1 Joht 3,16 & 31, 7. 1 t Ifeb.Jfnd II Then they speedily took down every man his 34 For how shall I go up to my father, and the,y.fihr,, 11~~~ I1,.t sack to the ground, and opened every man his sack. lad be not with me! lest peradventure I see the evilPs. 10T~ 3 12 And he searched, and began at the eldest, and that shall t come on my father. ~.Xis, 8. Esth. 8, 6. left at the youngest: and the cup was found in Ben- CHAPTER XLV. Job 31, 29. namln's sacli. Ps.119,143 jamin's sack. 1 Joseph maketh himself known to his brethrcn.... 9 He sendeth for his ihi. 17, 2. 13 Then they e rent their clothes, and laded every father....25 Jacob is revived with the news. m,,, his as, and returned to the city. HEN Joseph could not refrain a himself before a ch. 43, 31 14 I And Judah and his brethren came to Joseph's all them that stood by him; and he cried, Cause, Isa. 42, 1,4. Jdges 10, house, (for he was yet there:) and they fell before every man b to go out from me: and there stood no 16., him on the ground. man with himn, while Joseph made himself known o. 3 Mat. 18, 15 15 And Joseph said unto them, What deed is unto his brethren. 2Sam.,2 this that ye have done 1 wot ye not that such a man 2 And lie t wept aloud; and the Egyptians aridf eb. gar forth his Ieb. as [ can f certainly divine the house of Pharaoh heard. voice in sea.rrhin........'1 2e,.;i- Y 16 And Judah said, What shall we say unto my 3 And Joseph said unto his brethren, I C am Jo- Nr. 1,:3d7. 1ram wvhat shall we speak. or I how shallwe clear seph; doth my father yet live? And his brethren 2C4r. 24,9 DEnt. 24, 7. speakdg.dActs 7, 13 Den2, i,. ourselves. God hath found out the iniquity of thy could not answer him; for they were d troubled at, zec. 12, Ps. 31, 6. h 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0. iro. 17,15. servants: behold hwe are my lord's servants, both his presence. Rev. I Isa. 5, 23. ~ g Isa. 2, s. we, and he also with whom the cup is found. 4 And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near Dan. 9, 7. 17 And he said, God forbid that I should do so: to me, I pray you: and they came near. And he said, cha. 4,9.. e Ma.f4 hch.37,26, but the man in whose hand the cup is found, hee Iam Joseph your brother,'whom ye sold into Egypt.'a.4,t.;. shall be my servant; and as for you, get you up in 5 Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with'ch. 37, 2a Judges 1, 7 ~Acts 9, 5. j~god:: pace unto yo~ur father. yourselves, that ye sold me hither: h for God did gsI.40, 2.,ch.2 peae utha yeo i fat.e 2. " 18 [ Then Judah came near unto him, ind said, send'me before you'to preserve life. LCo. 2o. 11. t h. 43, 20. k Oh my lord, let thy servant, I pray thee, speak a 6 For these two years Ihath the famine been in the Luke a23,34 a. 50, 17. word in my lord's' ears, and letnot thine anger burn land: and yet there are fiveyears, in the which there 191 Smu,, 19J 6,?rov.,9 against thy servant: for thou art even m as Pharaoh. shall neither be k earing nor harvest. iJudges 6, 12. 14. & 17, 10 19 My lord asked his servants, saying, Have ye 7 And God sent me before you, to preserve you,,,110 hk cn. 47, 23. a father or a brother! a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a 20 And we said unto my lord, We have a father, great'deliverance..b.[ 35, 1 ach.3,7 0.an old man, and a child of his "old age, 0 a little 8 So: now it was not you that sent me hither, a8, 91. one: and his brother is dead, and he alone is left of m but God: and he hathi made me" a father to Pha- m verse. his mother, and his father lovethi him. raoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler through- nJudg. 17, 21 And thou saidst unto thy servants, Bring him out all the land of Egypt.'', down unto me, tatI may set mine eyes upon him. 9 Haste ye, and go up to my father, and sayunto',~ do.~ 22 And we said unto my lord, The lad cannot him, Thus saith thy son Joseph, God hath made me leave hlis father: for if he should leave his father, lord of all Egypt: come down unto me, tarry not: his.father would die. 1i0 And'thou shalt dwell in the land of Goshen, 23 And thou saidst unto thy servants, Except and thou shalt be near unto me, thou, and thy chil40 Joseph sze~detll for his father. CJAPTE1 1 XLV. Jacob gr di 1yginto Elgypt. o,.eIS dren, and thy children's children, and thy flocks, and' 4 g I will go down with thee into Egypt; and I,s: 170'. thy herds, and all that thou hast: will also surely h bring thee up again: and Joseph,. 1' 11 And there will I nourish thee, (for yet there are shall put his hand upon thine eyes. ch~. 2, 1'1 five years of famine;) lest thou, and thy household, 5 And Jacob rose up from Beer-sheba: and the l'.., 2 Be'r heba: and the kx- 11, 21 and all that thou hast come to poverty. sons of Israel carried Jacob their father, and their h 3,h.5 12 And behold, your eyes see, and the eyes of my little ones, and their wives, in the wagons which ch. 42, 2s. brother,Benjamin, that it is 0 my mouth that speaketh Pharaoh had sent to carry him. unto you. 6 And they took their cattle, and their goods 13 And ye shall tell my father of all my glory in which they had gotten in the land of Canaan, and Egypt, and of all that ye have seen: and ye shall came into Egypt, Jacob, and all his seed with him } 9; Ac07 haste, and bring down my father hither. 7 His sons,and his sons' sons with him, his k daugh- Isa.;4. 14 And he fell upon his brother Benjamin's neck, ters, and his sons' dauhters, and all his seed brought ~. 1'! njami wept upon his neck. he with i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ k verses la poh. 29, ii and wept; and Benjamin wept upon is neck. he wit i nto Egypt. 1u7, s23. 15 Moreover, he kissed all his brethren, and wept 8 [ And these are ithe names of the children of oPa. 7:, upon them: and after that his brethren q talked with Israel, Which came into Egypt, Jacob and his sons: him2.. Reuben, Jacob's first-born. 16 ~[ And the fame thereof was heard in Pharaoh's 9 And the sons of Reuben;'Hanoch, and Phallu, NF;u 26,5 house, saying, Joseph's brethren are come: and it and Hezron, and Carmi. I Chr. 5, 3'.. h~ m ~~~~~~~~~Nm.u 26, pleased Pharaoh well, and his servants. 1.0 Arnd the sons of Simeon; Jemuel, and Ja- " 6 17 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Say unto thy main, and Ohad, and Jachin, and Zohar, and Shaul Chr. 4,24 ofn n ch. 28, 1. brethren, This do ye; lade your beasts, and go, get the son of a Canaanitish woman. nch 28, 1. o~~~~~~~~~~ I Chr. ~, you unto the land of Canaan; 11 ~I And the sons of Levi; 0 Gershon, P Kohathl Cr. 6, I 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~16. 1 8 And take your father,' and your households, and and Merari.p Ex6, pI;x.6, 18 cofme unto me: and I will give you the good of the 12 A nd the sons of Judah; Er, and Onan, au Nd n 0 rNum. s18, land of Egypt, and ye shall eat ther fat of the land. Shelah, and Pharez, and Zarah:: but Er and Onan &4, 3. Deut. 32,14. 19 Now thou art commanded, this do ye; take died in the land of Canaan. And the sons of Pha-,h3,7, s,.4,,. you wagons out of th land of Egypt for your little rez werer Hezron, and Hamul.r Mat. 1 Isa. 49,1, yo O..lndre.wre. r'at.1 3,'' s.. t' u sch. 35, 23 23. ones, and for your wives, and bnrng your father, and 13 I And tile sons of sIssachar; Tola, and Phu- Chr. 3, 2, Exod. 1,8. wvs n n ft lr,2 come. vah, and Job, and Shimron. Judg. 10,I tHeb. you 20 Also t regard not your stuff: for the good of 14 I~ And the sons of Zebulun; Sered, and Elon, u Chr.7,.b,,eyess, all the land of Egypt is yours. and Jahleel. Deut 7, 16. S e sois 0 C a1, ~,.: 21 And the children of Israel did so: And Joseph 15 Thee b the Leab, whih se bare.zek,'4',9-gave them wagons, according to the t command- unto Jacob in'Padan-aram, with his daughter xe."25,2 verse1. ment of Pharaoh, and gave them provision for the Dinah: all the souls of his sons and his daughters Eccl., 2. ay. were Y thirty and:three. Judges 14, z Num. 26.Judges 14, La 22 To all of them he gave each man changes of 16 if And the sons of Gad; z Ziphion, and Haggi,,um. 2~ Rev 6, 11. raiment: but to Benjamin hlie gave three hundred Shuni, and EZbon, Eri, and Arodi, and Areli. p7eces of silver, and five anges of rairnet. 17 And the sns of er; imah d Ishuah, pieceso nsivr an~ c nes ofriment 23 And to his father hesent after this manner; ten and Isui, and Beriah, and ISerah their sister. And assesladen with the good things of Egypt, and ten the sons of:Beriah; Heber, and Malchiel. she-asses laden with corn and bread and meat for 18 These are the sonso0f Zilpah, whom Laban his father by the way.~ gave to Leah his daughter: and these she bare'unto 24 So he sent hiis brethren away, and they de- acob, even. sixteen souls. Heb.he parted: and he said unto them, See that ye t fall 19 The sons of Rachel, Jacob's I"wife; Jose;ph a ch. 29,18 seat sC~red,' il chap. 7,22. not out bythe way. and Benjamin. &4;,'22.': &ro,:9,.; 25 I[ And they went up out of Egypt, and came 20 And unto Joseph, in the land of Egypt were 2~6~ss. 19, into the land of Canaan unto Jacob their father. born Manasseh and'Ephraim, which Asenath the 26 And told him, saying, Joseph is yet; alive, and daughter of Poti-pherah I[priest of On bare unto him..rpni44 he is governor over all the land of Egypt. And Ja- 21 ~[ And the sons of'Benjamin were b Belahi, and bh. 4 4 uRom:,19. cob's heart u fainted, for he believed them not. Becher, and c Ashbel, Gera, and Naama, Ehi, and lChr 8 Luke. %,41. dehr n sbl ea n Naaman Ehan' ""* 27 And they told him all the words of Joseph, Rosh, dMuppim, and Huppim, and Ard.. which he had said unto them: and when hesaw 22 These are the sons of:Rachel, Which were thle wagons which Joseph had sent tocarry hihn, born to Jacob; all the souls were fourteen. the spirit of Jacob their father revived: 23 ~f And the sons of Dan;'tshin e verse Luk~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 [Adte 2, son s o f zeand;:us ira x Luka 2, 28 And Israel said, It is enough: Joseph my 24 And thesons of' Naphtali; Jahzeel,'and Guni, 28,29. son is yet alive: I will go and'see him before I die. and Jezer, and Shillem.. CHAPTER XIVI. 25 These are the sons of Bilhah, which'Laban 1 Jacob is comforted by God at Beer-sheba....5 Thence he with his com. gave unto Rachel his daughter, and'she bare these patny goeth into Egypt. unto Jacob: all:the souls were'seve n.... ND I'srael took his journey with all that' he had, 26 All the l th t came with Jicbb into-Egypt, ace., 21,.- and came to "Beer-slieba, and b offered:sacri- Which came out of his t loins,: besides; Jaob's sons' highb bol. 2, 12. flees unto the~C God of his fathe Isaac.:1E.6 Ceh.. 31e wives, all the souls were threesCore and six';'eh. 35, 1',. 2 And God spake unto Israel in the visions of 27 And the sons of Josepha which wbre born him in g te.,1. ".22, 11.' the night, and said, eJacob, Jacob! And he said, Egyptywere tw6 s~ils b1: ~flli th'>souI o fthe house of Ja-:& a, Here am I. cob, which came intoEgypt,;wer ~ ethree'score and ten.., ~ r 18,. 3 And he said, I am rGod, tile God of thy father: 28 ~'And he sent Judah befdre hlim unro Jo8seph,'h~Other fear not to go dowVin into Egypt; for I will tliere make to' direct his face unto G oslien; and theycame' into ~'e EXd4ua of thee a great nation: Fthe: lahid;;of Goshen. 312, 7. F 41 Joseph presenteth his brethren before Pharaoh. GENESIS. Joseph's deaings in theJfnimine.'Before Be lbBre CHRIST 29 And Joseph made ready his cl(harlot, and ent V I(, f 14'.nAd Jose ph gathered up all the money thatwas CHRIST up to meet Israel his fathler to (Trshtenil anldl precu t- fundct in thle lane of ofEypt, and in the land of Ca- i"70.. ed himsel f U3nto him' and lie fet on his nci, iH i:if, c.. h. 33ed sli to him: aid ie o, F. the cor n whi{ - h they nought and Joseph 452, 14. wept on his niieck a good while. brouglht tlhe nolley into Pha raoh's. house. Lukie 15,20. —' iLukc 2,2. 30 And Israel said unto Joseph, Now' let i11 (lie 15 Anad when money fi ilcd in the land of Egypt, since I have seen thy face, because thotu art yet alive. and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came 31 And Joseph said unto his brethren, and unto his unto Joseph, anlid said, Give us'bread: for why ImMat.6, 11 father's house, I will go up, and shliew Phlaraoh, and should we (:lie in thy presence'! for the money ftaileth. kErch. 47 uto,,.,+ 1':~,~.l kP~ d k cb. 2, 7. say Iunto him, My brethren, and my father's house, 1_6 And Joseph said, Give y our cattle; andi- will m hii.4,S Reb. 2, 11. _, n1w l h14 Rom. 12,11. which were in the land of Canaan, are come unto me: give you for yolr catltle, if!1onely fail. Cl..,oleWhe 32 And the men are shepherds, for t their trade 17 And' they brouglht their cattle unto Joseph: and Cor:10,3a cat'*, hath been to feed cattle; and they hlave brought their Joseph gave them bread in exchang-e for horses, and chap. 9, 20.,~igs',27. flocks, and their herds, and all that they have. for the flocks, and for the cattle ofthe ierds, and for 33 And it shall come to pass, when Pharaoh shall the asses; and he feid them with bread, for all their wIoHs. call you, and shall Why, Whatis your t- occupationh T cattle, foar tat yeai. 34 That ye shall say, Thy servants' trade hath 18 When that year was ended, they came unto him been about cattle from our youth even until now, the second year, and said unto him, Wi/e will" nothide n Ps. 32, 6 both we, and also our fathers: that ye m1ay dwell in it fiomn my lord, how that our money is spent; my lord Pro,. 28,13 c.~ 43, 32. the land of Goshen; for every shepherd is an' abomi- also hath our herds of cattle: there is not aught left nation unto the Egyptians. in the sight of my lord, but our bodies and our lands: CHtAPTER XLV]IT. bt CHIAPTERXLVII. 19 Wherei'e shall we die befoire thine eyes, both 1 Joseph presenteth five of his brethren, and his father, before Pharaoh.... We and our land'! buy us and our land for bread, and 23 Jacob's age....29 He sweareth Joseph to bury him with his fathers. we and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh: and i R HEN Joseph came and told Pharaoh, and said, give ts seedl, that we may live, and not die, that tlhe ach. 46, 31. a_ My father and my brethren, and their flocks, land be not desolate. and their herds, and all that they have, are come out And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for of the land of Canaan; and behold, they are in the Pharaoh; for the Egyptians sold eveiy man his held, land of Goshen. because the famine prevailed over them: so the land 2 And he took some of his brethren, even five became Plharaoh's. men, and presented them unto Pharaoh. 21 And as for the people, he removed them to bJohn, 3 And Pharaoh said unto his brethren, b What cities from one end of the borders of Egypt even to i. ts your occupation I And they said unto Pharaoh> the other end thereof. Th. 4 2 hy servants are C shepherds, both we, and also our 22 Only the land of the II priests bought he not; 1 Or, fathers. for the priests had a portion as~signed themn of Pha-" "41j &4 4 They said moreover unto Pharaoh, For to so-; raoh, and did eat their opoition x n hich Pharaoh gave 14, 1~. o Prov. 30, journ in the land are we come: forthy servants have. them; wherefore they sold not their lands. 8. no pasture for their flocks, for the famine is sore in 23 Then Joseph said unto the people, Behold, I,r0, 0. the land of Canaan: now therefore, we pray thee, let have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh: Ge. 3%, 6. thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen. lo, here is p seed for you, and ye shall sow the land. ITim.5,I7. -~ nd DPlza~aoh slpake unto Joseph, saying,'P~lly Duue. 12,19. 5 And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph, saying, Thy 24 And it shall come to pass, in the increase, that 2Thss..3, father and thy brethren are come unto thee: ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh, and four I0sa. 56, 10, d ch. 13, I'v i 6 d 41 21. 3,. 6 The land of Egypt is d before thee; in the best t parts shall be your own, for seed of the field, and 112,. o. 2. of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell; for your food, and for them of your households, and a. 24, 4.' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Prov. 13,23. in the land of Goshen let thein dwell; and if thou for food for your little ones. & 1, A Ex. 18,21. knowest any men of e activity among them, then 25 And they said, Thou hast t saved our lives: 1H 1zek. 34hm oer ctl.le idi the hs ofsve lourd aiesn FU 31. make them rulers over gmy cattle. ands, 3!. ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ilet as qfindl grac~e in t-he' sight of my lord, and we C~,~,a,, Ezra 4, 23. 7. And Joseph brought in Jacob his father, and set will be Pharaoh's servants. ch. 43 34 t H-eh.made f2 Kings 4, him before Pharaoh: and Jacob'blessed Pharaoh. 26 And Joseph made it a law over the land of u ie 29. c.6 9 Num. 6, 23. 8 And Pharaoh said unto Jacob, - Howv old art Egypt unto this day, that Pharaoh should have the 45,7. Mat. 26, 26. yqc,3,1'it. Luke thou fifth part; except the land of the priests only, which q cs, 15 Ho"' 9 And Jacob said unto Pharaoh, The days of the became not Pharaoh's. Ruth2,13 Ifeb, ttowv ~an.y'o years of my g pilgrimage are a hundred and thirty 27 ~f And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the the (lays of h6 Z v yer Lofyears: "few and evil have the days of the years of my country of Goshen; and they had possessions therelay 1fe.? life been, and have not attained unto the days of the in, and grew, and multiplied r exceedingly. rch. 46, 3. g lieb.919. 1 the lifeo fte. Io. 14,,1. years of the life of my fathers in the days of their 28 And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt sevensobI4,'.' the wholegof Jrimage.ach. 35, 28 pige. I teen years: so the whole age of Jacob was a hun- eb. he kversoeT. 10 And Jacob blessed Pharaoh, and went out dred forty and seven years. days of 1 yeaor of his from hefore Pharaoh. 29 And the time drew nigh that Israel'mst die: 2,' 11 ~[ And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and he called his son Joseph, and said unto him, If s ch. 2, S. and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in now I have found grace in thy sight, put, I pray thee, the best of the land, in the land of Ramneses, as Pha- thy hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly ch.24, 2 raoh had commanded. with me; )ury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt: 1Or,,s~ 12 And Joseph nourished his father, and his bre- 30 Bu t I will li e with my fathers, and thou shalt,,,iaeda. thren, and. all his father's household,with bread I{ ac- carry me out of Egypt, and bury me in their "bury- u23Ieb. 1I, t aie,, coding ~ to their families. in-pac. h H corinoo he lug-place. And he said, I will do as thou hast said. ch.10, 24, hts one. 13 11 And there was no bread in all the land;for the 31 nd he said, Swear unto me: and le sxare xb. I Thea 2,7. famine was very sore, so that the land of Egypt, and all unto him. And Israel bowed himself upon the 21. t Heb the laud of Canaan, ~ fainted by reason of the thruinc. bed's head. I Kig, L I % reason Zamnmne. i7 Jacob blesseth Joseph's sons, CHAPTER XLVIII, XLIX. and his ownl in parliculat 9.~ 1 JoseCHAPTER Xh LVIII. he also shall be great: lut truly his younger brot.her cs C16i. 1 Joseph with his s-n.3 visiteth his sick iather....2 Jacob strengtheneth shall te'greater than he, and his seed shall becolle I' 6,. himself to bless them....3 IHe repeateth the promiise....21 Heprophesi- tt f.. eth their return to Canaan. lunations. Nurn.l,32 NDitcame to pass aft~er thaese thi n gs, that onzei sh~ll Israel muless, sayhe set ai l ~tue o' nations,1. I ND it caie to pass after these things, that onei 20 And he blessed them that day, saying, In thee.~. a2, 1, - told Joseph, Behohl, thy father is sick: and he shall Israel bless, saying, God make thee as Epliraim Ruth4,11. told Jose 11, Behodffv a iI IIt t took with him his two sons, MIanasseh and Ephraim.i and as Manasseh: and e set Epraim before M2 ~ And one told Jacob, and said, Behold, thy soni nasselih. Joseph comieth unto thee: And Israel strengthened: 21 And Israel said unto Joseph, Behold, I die; humslel-,i and sat upon the.bed. but God shall be with you, andl bring you again unto husfan ell. upon t he. a l. 17,, $ And Jacob said unto Joseph, " God Almightyi the land of your fathers. bch 2, 19. appeared unto mie at b Luz in the land of Canaan, ad 2 oreover "uI have iven to thee one portionu Deut. 21 &'*~' ~' blessed mie, above thy bretlhren, which took out of the hand of'x. ch. 35) II. the Amorite with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x msw x Josh. 17:cl'. 3' 4 And said unto me, Behold, c I will make thee! the Arorite with n my sword and with my bow. x s. 17 fruiful, and multiply thee, and I wvill make of thee aj CHAPTER XLIX. multitude of people; and will give this land to thyl 1 Jacob calleth his sons to bless them... 3 Their blessings in particular... ch. 13,.s.oed after thee, for an everlastin possession. 29 He cHhargeth them about his burisal....33 He dieth. 17, 13. I tan IPet. 1, 4 5 ~ And now, thy two sons, ELphrainm and Ma- /ND Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather a Ps. 133, t, nasseh, which were born unto thee in the land of yourselves together, that I may u tell you that'2,3. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b'Aros 3,7 ch, 43, 3 E4gypt, before I came unto thee into Egypt, e are which shall befall you in the C last cdays. Num. 24, lchr. 3,, c gp4 bef I Ghr. 6, 11, n o 14 2. mine: f as Reuben and Simueon, they shall be mine. 2 Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of 4. 34Num., 33. 6 And thy issue, which thou lbegettest after them, Jacob; and hearken d unto Israel your father. d Psal. 34, Rev. 7, 6,7. shall be thine, and shall be called g after the name of 3 ~ Reuben, thou at my first-born, my might echap, 25, ch. 49, 3, 4. - excellency5o Acs, 10, their brethren in their inheritance. and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of 31. &29, 34 Ca 32. gmos9, 7 And as foir me, when I came fiom h Padan, dignity, andl the excellency oF' power: 12.' Rachel died by me in the land of Canaan, in the 4 Unstable as water, t thou shalt not excel; be- f Heb. excel h chli. 25, 20. p ou, 35, 9. way, when yet ther.e was but a little way to come cause to f test up houto thy fathler's bed; then Deut. 33, 6 iCh. 35, 19. unto Ephrath: and Iburiced her there in the way of defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch. f ch. 35, 22 Ephrath, the same is Beth-lehem. 5 ~ Simeon and Levi are g brethren; h instru- grov.1,, 9. 8 And Israel beheld Joseph's sons, and said, ments of cruelty are in their iabitations. h chap. 34, ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30. Who aw'e these. 6 0 my soul, come not thou into their i secret'Jem 15; 9 And Joseph said unto his father, They are my unto their assembly, mine " honour, be not thou 17. kch. gO, 5. sons, k whom God hath given nme in this place. And united I for in their anger they slew a man, and in r"Psam 1 Ps. 127, 1. unte 9. he said, Bring them, Ipray thee, unto me, and I will their self-will they digged down a wall.,h. 27, 4.'bless them, 7 Cursed be their anger, for,it was fierce: and 1 Sam. 15 & Z'8, 3.'1.,,ob. 10 (Now the eyes of Israel were t dim for age, so their wrath, for it was cruel: I will m divide them Hosea 6 heavy, fl. m. 6','i that lie could not see:) And he brought them near in Jacob, and "scatter them in Israel. n Josh,, 19, 2,. unto him; and hlie kissed them, and embraced them. 8 ~ Judah, thou art he whon thy brethren shall'. 11 And Israel said unto Joseph, Ihad not thought praise; thy hand shall be in the 0 neck of thine ene-os, to see thy face: and lo, God hath shiewed inme also iles; thy father's childrenshall bw downbefore thee.~ 7, thy seed. 9 Judah is P a lion's whelp; from the prey,iny son, p Rev. 5, 5 12 And Joseph brought them out fi'om between his thou art gone up: he stooped down, he q couched as q Nsum. 24 knees, and he bowed himself with his faice to the earth. a lion, and as an old lion: who dhall rouse hinm up.' 13 And Joseph took them both, Ephraim in his 10 The sceptre shall not depart fromi Judah, nor right hand toward Israel's left hand, and Manassehl r a lawgiver fiom between his feet, until Shiloh come: r Mat. 17, in his left hand toward Israel's right hand, and and unto him shall tlhe gathering of the people be. 2'ia. 11, 10 brought then near unto him. II Binding his foal unto the'tvine, and his ass's Roe..13,' Hag. 2, 7. mEx. 1. 6 14 And Israel stretched out.his right hand, and colt unto the choice vine; lie ashed his garments t,. Pa3,12. an of 11, 1. jI. & ts, laid it upon Epliraim's lhead(, who was thIe younger, in wine, and his clothes in the "blood of grapes: UIa. 63, 16,,,, and his left hand upon Manasseh's head, t guiding 12 His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth t~. he his hands wittingly; for Manasseh was the first- white with milk. made Ihis,,,sews,,. born. 13 1[ Zebulun shall dwell at the x haven of the sea; x Josh. 19 n chau. 4, 15 ~ And lie blessed Josephandsaid,God,before and he shall be for a haven of ships; and his bor-0 2. I Chr.., 2. wVhoim my fathers Abraham and Isaac 0 did walk, the der shall be unto Zidon. verse 1 6.,71 oct. 5. 22. God which " fed me all my life long unto this day 14'] Issachar is Ya strong ass, couching dowyn yudges. verse lb. ~ all' if oday is stong cochngu 15, 16. PS. 23, 1. 16 The q Angel which redeemed me from all evil, between two bumdens: 10. 3a,16.I -a. 3, 1. bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, 15 And he sawcthat rest was good, and the land [x. 23, 2C. and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac: and that it was pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to bear, toeb. let them t grow into a multitude in the mnidst of thel and becamne a servant unto tribute. increase likef f~~ec ~ish. ea rth. 16 ~i Dan shall 2 judge his people, as one of the zades 15.' 1 7 And when Joseph saw that his father laid his tribes of Israel the. 2,4, clh. 25,. riglit hand upon the head of Ephbraim, it' displeased 17 Dan shall be aa servant by the way, an adder a, mt. 1skom.~,'i,, him: andl he held up his father's hand, to remove~ in the path, that biteth the horse-heels, so that his ah~p., 32. it from Ephraim's head unto Manassc h's head. rider shall fall backward. Chr. 5, 1, 18 And Joseph said unto his father, Not so, my 18 I have n waited for thy salvation, 0 LORn! is. 23,5. father':for this is the first-born; put thy right hand 19 ~ Gad, Ca troop shall overcome him-: but he ~s.17 upon htis head. shall overcome at the last. cJosb. 1.8 19 And his father refused, and said, I knowit, my1 20 ~ Out of Asher d his bread shall be fat, and he ~,e,,,3,5 son, I know it: he also shall become a people, andi shall yield royal dainties. 24. 43 Jacob's charge concerning %is burial. GENESIS. J sejph's age and death. Befor~e B61'ore BefReST O~~21 A. et givet 6 And Pharaoh said, Go up, and bury thy father Balbre CHIRI ST Naltai a hinold-losA:IndRIS 1689. N t hind ac~cording kias lie made thee swear. 1635. lywords.in'sfienaet 1833 22 ~ Joseph is'a fruitful bough, even a fruitful 7 ~ And Joseph went up to bury his fath er: and with kh73 sut..33, bough by a well, whose branches run over the wall: him went up all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders'9. 3 9 Therehers have sorely grieved hin, and shot of his house, and al elders of the land of t.gch. 39, 7. /_3 alThe-archersrhavofmhsiotndouseEgypt, at him, -ad hated him:: 8 And all the house of Joseph, and his brethren, 24 But his bow abode in strength, and the arms and his father's house: only their little ones, and their hrPs.44, 7. Of his hands were made strong by the h hands of the fl,,ocks, and their herds, they left in the land of Goshen. mig-hty God ofJacob: (from thenlce is the Shepherd, 9 And there went up with him both chariots and the Stone of Israel:) horsemen: and it was a very great company. 1 Acts 6, 21 25 Even by the God of thy father, who shall help 10 And they came to thoe treshing-floor of Atad, U That is, thee, and by thle Almghty, wbo shall bless thee with whicis hi" beyond Jordan, ani there they mourned bramble. Beas~t. 3, iblessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that with a great and very sore lamentation: and lie made m Deut. 11 x Deut. 33, lieth under, blessings of the k breasts and of the a mourning for his faither' seven -days. nNum. 19 Hosea9,14. womb: 11 And when the inhabitants of the land, the 0 Ca- o C1. 10, 16 I Mat. 1t,9, 26 The blessings of thy father have prevailed 1 naanites, saw the mourning in the floor of Atad, 30, ii. John 1, 13, above the blessings of my progenitors unto them ut- they said-, Tiis is a grievous mourning to the Egyp19, 36.. nb 11te f t I hatis mDeut 23, most bound of the " everlasting hills; they shall be tians: wvherefore the name of it was called,liAbel- T/e 13, 1k6 1 on the head of Joseph,' and on the crown of the head mizraim, which is beyond Jordan. Bng t; h n ze.'6, gytin.37, 38. of'him that was 0 separate from his brethren. 12 And his sons did unto him" according as he, ch 47, U1 )'m. jmn 27 ~f Ben hamin shall' ravin as a wolf; in the morn- commanded them: 29, 36. r'sal.89,40. ing he shall devour the prey, and q at night he shall 13 For his sons carried him into the land of Ca17.:1,divide the spoil. naan, and buried him in the cave ofq the field of7 qch.23, Acts 8, 28~If All these are the r twelve tribes of Israel: Machpelah, which Abraham bought with the field, 2 Kings 21 9, IIh. 8,, and this is it that their father spake unto them, and for a possession of a burying-place of Ephron the'"* GNal.i, i3. blessed themn: every'one according to his blessing he Hittite, before' Mamire. r I Cor. 1, blessed them. 14 ~ And Joseph returned into Egypt, he and his ch. 33, 22. 29 And he charged-them, and said unto them, I lbrethren, and all that went up with him to bury his ch.2,9 am to be gathered unto my people: bury me with father, after lie had buried his father. lHeb. 12,21'. a ob ahrdut ypol uym ih Ich. 23,8S. my fathers in the cave that is in the field of I Ephron 15 ~ And when Joseph's brethren sav that their the Hittite, father was dead, they said, Joseph will r peradven- r Lev. 20, 30 In the cave that is in'the field of Machpelah, ture hate us, and will s certainly requite us all the sch. 42, 21 which is before Marnre, in the land of Canaan, which evil which we did unto him.tHb Abraham bought vitb tme field of Ephron' the Hit- 16 And they t sent a messenger unto Joseph, say- Heb. tite, for a possession of a burying-place. ing, Thy father did command before he died, saying, Pr. 29,2. 31 (There they buried Abraham and Sarah his 17 So shall ye s t wife;:there they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife; thee now, the trespassof u thy brethren, and' their 4,31 and there I buried Leah.) sin; for they did unto thee evil: and now, we pray, 4. 32 The purchase of the field and of the cave that thee, forgive the trespass of the servants of x the God & isltherein, was from ttue children of Heth. of thy father. And Joseph wept when they spake 33 And when Jacob had made an end-of command- unto him. PIl. 37, 23. ing his'sons, he gathered up his u feet into the bed,'18 And his brethren also went and Y fell down be- y c. 37, 7 Isa. 6,1,2. and yielded up the ghost, and was P gathered unto fore his face: and they said,'Behold, we be thy servants. his people. 19 And Joseph saidd unto them, 7Fear not: for am Z ch.49, 3 a I Gda Rom. 8, CHAPTE~;R. L. II in aithe place:of God 33, 34 20 But as for you, ye thought evil against me Deu. 3.1,3 1 The'mourning for Jacob...4 Joseph getteth leave of Pharaoh to go to 20 But as fo yu, ye thoughtevi ast me.;. bury him....24 He prophesieth unto his brethren of their return...,25 but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, a 11eRol 12,2 He taketh an oath of then for his bones...26:He dieth. is this day, to save much people alive. a Deut. A1~~~T~~h Joseph fell h~~is fathe Qb not: b ch. 45,35. 6,7eut.6,7 ND Joseph fel'iupon h fte' face, and 21 Now therefore fear ye not: c I will nourish you, A,, Eph. 6, 4. wept upon him, and C kissed him. and your little ones. And he courted them, and. 119,7 13. 2 And Joseph commanded his servants the physi- spae unto hcMat. 5,44. Thess.4, Andaie 1- kindly Lu~t llthenS. tiH. to 2 Kings1S, cians to embalm his father: and the physicians d em- 22 And Joseph dweltin Egypt, he, and his father's tHeb. rs 34h. and 4 aae hundred yers lheirhleas'ts, c ch. 46, 4. balmed Israel. house-: and Joseph lived a hundred and ten years. Ia. 40, 2. dJoha 19, 3 And forty days were fulfilled for him; for so 23 And Joseph saw Ephraini's children of the 39. fuflld das Lii5das o ncimcu -49,22 2 Chc, 16, are fulfilled the davs of those which are embalmed: d'third generation:- the children also oson dol4, 49 IMrk 141. and the Egyptians mourned forhimm e threescore and iof Manasseh,'ere ubrougut up Rupon Joseph's:knees. e Numb. 20,ten days. 24 And Joseph said uito his brethren, I die; and eut. 2 4 And when the days of his mourning were past, God will surely visit you, and bring you out ot this:eth. 4,2 sph' spake unto the house of Pharaoh, saying, land, unto the land which he sware to Abraham, to If now I have found grace in your eyes, speak, I pray'Isaac, and to Jacob. you, in the ears oF Pharaoh, saying, 25 And Joseph took an oath of the chilren of Isgch. 47,29. 5 M'y father made me swear, saying, Lo, g I die: rael, say~ing, G~od will surely visit you, and ye shall hM~t. 27, in my g~rave which I have" digged for me in the land carr~y iup e my bones fr~om hence. e EX. 13,mi~ 30., i. 4O"1 ~aa 3.ter salt Iho ibry'e. therefore Sodidan cts 7, 311'1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~2 2216 oajnaSiee ni unorym.IO z Joseph de being a nunurea tedIen Ps.'76, 13. let me go up, I pray thee;, and bury my father, and years old: and they emb~almed him, and he was put shy 1 I will come again. i ofni ~31t The SECOND Book of Moses, called EXODUS. Beforeo CHRIST CHAPTER1. 2 And the woman conceived and bare a son: and r i06. 22 Pharaoh commandeth the male children to be cast into the river. when she saw him that he was d a goodly child, she''~.,-.'-~ N OW these are the a names of ithe children of e hfid him three months.!h. 6, 14. Israel, w whnen she could'not longer hide him, she cha. 7, 7. his household came with Jacob. took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with" Hb. 2 1, 22 2 b Reuben, Sinieon, Levi, and Judah, slime and with ~pitch, and put the child therein; and,Ps 37, 3. 2en. 35, 3 Issachar, Zebulun, and d Benjamin, she lay it in the flags by the river's brink. Ats 7, 20. Gern. 35 4 Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. 4 And g his sister stood afar off, to wit what would ac11, 25, 5 And all the souls that came out of the loins of be done to him. fch. 1, 22 e Gen. 46,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ & 3, 22. 20.o~. 46, Jacob were ~ seventy souls' f ior Joseph was in Egypt 5 [ And the h daughter of Pharaoh came down to gch. 15, 20. ch. 12, 37.a'ed. Deut. 10Q22. a wash herself at the river; and her maidens walkedh Jonah I, Acts 7,14. 6 And Joseph died, and all g his brethren, and all along by the river's side: and when she saw the ark Ge~ 46, t7Andhat ghilrenesrae'tfhin. among the flags, she sent her maid to fetch it. 20, 27. 7 And the children of Israel were fruitful, and h~ in-_ n hnsehdoeediseswtecid g Acts 7,15 ~~~~~~~~~6 And when she had opened it, she saw the child' h Gen. 48, creased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed ex- and, behold, the babe wept. And she had compas- iProv.21,,. ceeding mighty; and the land was filled With them. sion on him, and said, This is one of the k Hebrews' kce 7, 20 i Prov.28,2. 8 ~ Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, children. Acts 7, 18.k k Ec.o,. 2, which k knew not Joseph. 7 Then said his sister to Pharaoh's daughter, 9 And he said unto his people, Belhold, the peo- Shall I go, and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew 2. ple of the children of Israel are'more and mightier women, that she may nurse the child for thee. than we. 8 And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Go. And tarrov. 1, 10m~ Come on, let us n deal wisely with them, lest the maid went and called the 1 child's mother. IrP.&, a.a 11. 27,10. Acts 7,19. they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there 9 And Pharaoh's daughter said unto her, Take fatleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, this child away and nurse it for me, and I will give and fight against us, and so get thenil up out of the land. thee thy wages. And the woman took the child and I1 Therefore they did set over them taskmasters,'nursed it. ccoh. 2,1. to afflict them with their 0 burdens. And they built 10 And the child grew, and she brought him unto for Pharaoh treasure-cities, Pithom, and Raamses. Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. And s 7, ahey aj- 12 a r But the more they afflicted them, the more she called his name II Moses: and she said, Because Heb. 1;, 2a;lirtedt. they multiplied and grew. A hey were [ I htV Timheati so~~~~~~~~~ theysnt theye anp grieved i drew h~im u of' h water. ITa s so theyrout- /D, w, out,.iphed. because of the children of Israel. 1 I And pass those p~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~1 Prey 27, it'camess to pasin toedays, when p.Pr.ov. 27, 4. 13 And the Egyptians made the children of Israel Moses was Agrown, that he went out unto his bre- "*'7,'22. q ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Heb. 11, 24:, 4q3e. 25, to serve with q rigour. thren, and looked on their burdens: and lie espied 25, a2 14 And they made their lives bitter with hard'an Egyptian smiting a Hebrew, one of his brethren. bondage, in mortar, and in brick, and in all manner 12 And he looked this way and that way, and of service in the field: all their service wherein they when he saw that there was no man, he 0 slew the o Acts 7, 2, made them serve was with rigour. Egyptian, and hid him in the sand. 15 And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew' 13 And when lie went out P the second day, Be- p Acts 7,26 midwives (of which the name of one was Shiphirah, hold, two men of the Hebrews strove together: and and the name of the other Puah ) he Said q to him that did the wrong, Wherefore q Acts 7,20', 16 And he said, When ye do the office of a mid- smitest thou thy fellow. wife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the' 14 And he said, Who made thee r Gen. 19,9. r Rev. 12,4. stools; if it be a son, then ye shall r kill him; but if.udge over us'. intandest thou to kill me, as thou. it be a daughter, then she shall live. killedst the Egyptian'. And Moses 8 feared, and said, 1,2ov. 1. 8 Prov.16,6. 1 7 But the midwives! feared God, and did not' as. Surely this thing is known. Dan. 3,16. Acts 5,29. the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the 15 Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought men-children alive.s to slay Moses. But Moses'fled from the face of t Acts 7, 29, 18 And the king of Egypt called for the midwives, Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of u Midian: and hle ~n. 2,6,7: tt2Sam.13, and said unto them, u Why have ye done this thing, sat down bya X well n.en. 25.9 28, ye tisb x Gen 24, Rct. 8, 4. and have saved the men-children alive'? 16 Now the Jj priest of Midian had seven daugh- 4,. 19 And the midwives said unto Pharaoh, Because ters: and they came and drew water, and filled the 10. rme, the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; troughs to water their father's flock. x Josh. 2,5, for they are lively, and are delivered x ere the mid- 17 And the shepherds caie and drove them Sam.21,2. wives come in unto themy y verse 12. S~m~l,. iv e coe n utothem.. away' but Moses st'ood up and yhelped them,an eY'' ands.Ge.29, 9, y Pe. 4, 1. 20 Therefore God dealt Y well with the midwives: watered their flock. 10. ~. 6, 0. and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty. 18 And when they came to z Reuel their father, he z cs. 3, 11 21 And it came to pass, because the midwives said, How is it that ye are come so soon to-day Numl.10, 29 z 1 Sam. 2, feared God, that he z made them houses. 19 And they said, An Egyptian delivered us out 2 Sanm.7, 11. 22 And Pharaoh a charged all his people, saying, of the hand ofe the shepherds, and also drew water o. s, Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river, enough for us, and watered the flock. 5. Acts7,19 an evey daghtr yeshal sae alve.20 And he said unto his a daughters, And where as. CHAPTER, II. is he'?. why is it that ye have left the man'. call 2 Moses is born, 3 and in an ark cast into thse flags....11 He slayeth an him, that lie may eat bbread. b Gra. 1,, acli 6,1, Egyptian..21 He married Ziporah. ~ A ~ * h5 16, 20. 21zi A~ndaoe was content todwell witiihe Ntim. 26,59. a a man man: C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deut. 7, 0. b,,mLe. 11 ND there went ~ a of the house of Levi, mn and he gave Moses, d Zipporah his daughter. d Nn1, 12. A ndb tok to'~fe daugher ofLevi.22 And she bare him a son, and he called his name' 45 iloses sent to aetwer l3rad i EX )DUS. God's message to them. ]Before B efore? B F,,,, Gershoin; for he said, I have been a stranger in a shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD c1s'~ strange land. God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God 14fiI 23 ~ And it came to pass, in process of time, that of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me untoz rszi,,i rt That is,he kg otsE t ra,,r,,, the, king of Egypt e died: and the children of Israel you this ismny name for ever, and this is my zil- & 102, 12 a i i, g, e I, 1~' Hos. 12, 5...a33,'2. an ghed by reason of the bondage, and they cried; morial unto all generatons. -os. 12, "'c 4, 1'9 and their cry gcane up unto God, by reason of the 16 Go, and gather the " elders of Israel together, a ch. 5 1 f, l S. 1 2, fl. b,20, bondage. and say unto tlhem, the Lo ZDGod of your iathers, 6, 7. 24 And God heard their groaiing, and God re- the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and-of Jacob, appearGen. 1, reinebered his h covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, ed unto me, saying, I have surely b visited you, and,eh. 15, 14'4' and with Jacob. seen that which' is done to you in EgyptL b. 25 And God looked upon the children of Israel, 17 And I have said, I will bring you up out of T Hb.knet, and God t had respect unto them. the affliction of Egypt, unto the land of the Canaanmean CHAPTER IIH. ites, and the Hittites, and the Amnorites, and the 2 God appeareth to Moses in a burning bush....9 He sendeth him to Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, unto deliver Israel....14 The name of God....15 His mess-age to Israel. a land flowing with milk and honey. A OW Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father- 18 And they shall hearken to thy voice; and thou Ao2.I _ in-law, the priest of Midian: and lie led the shalt come, thou and the elders of Israel, unto the Luke 2, 8. flock to the back side of the desert, and came to the king of Egypt, and ye shallsay unto him, Trhe LORD Heb. 11, 2,4. b)ee oHrb b ch. 19, 3. mountain of God, even to Horeb God of tile Hebrews hath c met with us; and now ivm 2.3 bcha. 11, 8. Cngl1 metwtu; neo 3, 4, 15, 16 1 Kii. 19,8. 2 And the Angel of the LORD appeared unto him let us go (we beseech thee) dthree days' journey into d,,,-verse 12. CGen. 48~ widrns,2 eos d. in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush; and he ildness, that we may sacrifice to te LO cap. 13,1" Asa 730..looked and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and o. & 19, d. d Acts 7,30. our Go.e Ps. 107.,4 1en., the bush was not consumed. 19 And I am sure that the king of Egypt will not er. 2, 6. Dan. 3,27. 3 And Moses said, I will now'turn aside, and let you go, no, not by a mighty hand. Lule4,,. fl see this great sight, 2.hy the bus Rev. 12,14. Dan. 10., se g hthae bus is not bur ned. 20 And I will stretch out my hand, and smite f cl.6,. 15 4 And when the LORD saw that lie turned aside Erypt with all my wonders wvhich I will do in the g Mat. 22, to see, God called g unto himn out of the midst of the mrdi'st thereof: andg after that he will let you go. gJtigs Gen. 46, h Mo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eS, Moses 1 - 16.':"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, 6 hoen.46,s bush, and said, "ioses, Moses And lIe said, Here 21 And I will give this people h favour in the 8. s,1. 0. Isa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ e. 26,11 amc. sight of the Egyptians: and it shall come to pass," en. 39. o h. 19, 10. 21P Dest. 25, 9. 5 And he said, Draw not nigh hither:'put off tat, when ye go, ye shall not go empty. ch. 11,,. a thy shoes from off thy feet' for the place whereon 22 But every woman shall borrow of her neigh- r1.06, 46 k 2 Pet. 1,' 1s. thou standest is k holy grouad. bour, and of her that sojourneth in her house, jewels rov. 16, 7 6 Mloreover he said, I ait the God of thy father, of silver, and 1jewels of gold, and raiment: andi Gen. 15, K.ig s the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the ye shall put them upon your sons, and upon your "1 Kin-s God of Jacob. Andi Moses n hid his face; for he daughters: and ye shall k spoil the Egyptians. k Job 27 19,13. 17. W. as afraid to look upon God, CHAPTER I. ov. 13 44. 10S, 7 4~ And the LORD said, I have surely seen the 1 Moses' rod is turned into a serpent....14 Aaron is appointed to assist Z: 39, 10. 4. affliction of mny pepple which ar)e in Egypt, and him....21 God's message to Pharaoh....24 Zipporah Circumciseth her have heard their cry by reason of their task-mmasters; son....27 Aaron is sent to meet Moses. oe." 2,~. ~" for o I knaow thleir sorr1ows: p0clh. 2,253. for 0 1 know their sorre ows: ND Moses answered and said, But, behold, they p Gen. 11,5. 8 And I am P come down to liver them out of the will "a not believe me, nor hearken unto my a Acts 7,25 q Luke 1, q hand of the Egyptians, and tc bring them up out of voice: for they will say, The LORDn hath not appear-. that land, unto a good land, and a large, unto a land ed unto thee. Ez. 20, 6. flowing with r milk and honey unto the place of the 2 And the LORD said unto him, What is that in Canaanites, and the Hittites, aad the'Amorites, and thine hand And he said, b A rod. b Mic. 7,14 tihe Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jehusites. 3 And He said, Cast it on the ground. And lihe s Ps. 12, 3. 9! Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children cast it on the ground, and it became c a serpent: c verse 17. cch. 7, 15. of Israel is come unto me: And I have also seen the and Moses a fled from before it. d Rev. 12 ic64oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them-. 4 And the LORD said unto Moses, Put forth thine 14. M., 4. 10 Come now therefore, and I will send thee hand, and take it e by the tail. And he put forth his eJosh. 10, unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my peo- hand, and'caught it, and it became a rod in his`1,. f Ps. 91, 13 pie, the children of Israel, out of Egypt. hand: not. 18, ch. 6. 12. 11 ~ And Moses said unto God, " Who am 1, that 5 Thbat they g may believe that the LORD God of Job 20, -USa. 186. S Sm. 8s, I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,. 18. ~ forth the children of Israel out of Egypt. and the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee. Thim. 8, 12 And he said, x Certainly I will be with thee; 6 ~ And the LORD said furthermore unto himi, 31. 31. and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent JPut now thy hand into thy bosom. And hlie put thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out his hand into his boson: and when he,took it out, of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain. behold, his hand was h leprous as snow. 10. 13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I 7 And he said, Put thy hand into thy bosom 1 Cor. 1, 25 i Prey. 21, come unto the children of Israel, and shall say untolagain. And lie put his hand into his boson again,, them, The God of your fathers hath sent ine unto and plucked it out of his bosom, and behold, it was you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? Iturned again k as his other flesh. kDeu1. 529 What shall I say unto them? 8 And it shall come to pass, if they will not be-s. Mat. 8, 8. lsa. 10,17. 14 And God said unto Moses, yI AM THAT/ lieve thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first Elas. 12, 9., 1e,4,~ a~.i,,,s I AM: And he said, Thius shalt thou say unto the] sign, that they will believe the' voice of the latter sign. ~"4"c children of Israel, I AM,sim sent mie unto you. 9 Andt it shall come to pass, if they will not believe 15 And God said moreover' unto Moses, Thusl also these two signs, neither hearken unto, thy voice, 46 Moses zs sent into Egypt. CHAP1E iR V.'I'he israeltes' task increased. Befin'e cumlSfT( that thou shalt take ofthe water of the river, and pour that he had looked upon their affliction, then they nfo~ IRIST 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CRIST*'~'" it upon the dry land: and the water which thou takest P bowed their heads and wvorshipped.,. llc. 1, 22.out of the river shall becomne m blood upon the dry land. CHAPTER V. p (Gon. 17, Mat. 7,., 10 I And Moses said unto the Lou d,O my Lord, I i Pharaooh chideth Moses and Aaron for their nmessage...6 He increaseth 2 Chr. 20 ]' Heb. a I8h salie'ts. 13 sncof aim not T eloquent, neither iheretotbre, nor since thou the IsraeliteI' task. Words, Jobr, 2. hast spolken unto thy servant: but I a + t slow of A ND afterward Moses and Aaron went in, and a ch. 4, 14 Jeb~~. I:' 5 a h spee ch, and of a slow tongue. _ btold Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD God of Is- b Ps. 119, heavy of peech, an of a slo tongue.' 46. Imoaed 11 And the LOPD said unto him, Who hath" made rac], Let my pcolge go, that they may hold C a feast Ezek. 2, 6. heavy of n I cur. 5,8r lo,,o,. man's mouth? or who minaketh the dumb, or deaf, or unto me in the wilderness. nilsa. 35, 5 w o. &,,, t. the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD I 2 And Pharaoh said, Who is thle LORD, that I a a, "" Job 21, 15 12 Now theref'ore go,and I will be with thy mouth, should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the Ps. 12, 3. {Mat. 10, 0 and teach thee what thou shalt say. LoD, neither will I let Israel go. 19. L cer 7. 22. 13 And lie said, " O my Lord, send, I pray thee, 3 And they said, The God of the Hebrews e hath e ch. 3, I1. p Jer. 1, 6. a s Jonah, 3. by the hand qf him whom thou wilt send. met with us: let us go, we pray thee, three days' jour-.9,. 14 ~ And the anger of the LORD was kindled ney into the desert, and sacrifice unto the LORD our against Moses, and lihe said,s not Aaron the Levite God; lest hlie fall upon us with f pestilence, or with f zcch. 14 q 1 or. 12, thy brother' I know that hlie cai q speak well. And the sword. 17. also, behold, Ihe cometh forth to meet thee: and when 4 And the king of Egypt said unto them,gWhere- g TLuke 23,, Ezek 44, he seeth thee, he will be glad in his heart. fore do ye, Moses and Aaron, let the people from c 23,2, 24. 15 Ainid thou shalt speak unto him, and put r words their works'! get you unto your burdens. in his mouth: and I will be with thy mouth, and with 5 ~ And Pharaoh said, Behold, the people of the his niouth, and will steach you what ye shall do. lalndl now are h many, and ye make them rest fiomn I ch. 1, 9. sMat. 29, Prov. 14,28 20. 16 And lie shall be thy spokesinma unto the peo- their burdens. 1 Cor. 11, 23u. 11, pie and he shall be, even hlie shall be to thiee instead 6 And Pharaoh commanded the same day the chap.,. 1. of a mouth, and thou shalt be to hiii instead " of God.'task-masters of the people, and their officers, saying, i ch. 1, 11. Jo5,34, S 17 And thou shalt take this rod in thy hand, 7 re slial"no more give the people straw to make k cI. 4, 30. Jch.t 22, 1 3 4 c uai I Cor. 10, s3. wherewith thou shalt x do signs. brick, t as heretofore: let them go and gather straw it., Cor. I,, 18 [ A n d Moses went, and returned to Jethro his for themselves., H1,. Ye-,27, terdasy and' father-in-law, and said unto him, Y Let me go, I pray 8 And the tale of thle bricks which they did make the tJrd Acts 7, 29. day bef'ore. thee, and return unto rmy brethren which arein Ei gypt, heretotfore, ye shall lay upon them; ye shall not and see whether they be yet alive. And.Jethro said diminish aught ther(~of: for they be idle; therefore to Moses, Go in peace. they cry, saying, Let us go and sacrifice to our God. 19 And the LORD said unto Mosesin Midian, Go, 9 i Let there more work be laid upon the men, fIlch Let return into Egypt: for all the men are dead whichl that they may labour therein: and let them not regard the zork bi the wok e:a -t.' heavy ilsa za,. 2:20. sought thy lin. anon vain fwo s.me. Sa m o 1 Jer. 43, 2. ach is,3. 20 And Mose took his wife, and his sons, and set 10 And thie tasklnasters of the peoplem went ot, Z er,.,26. 10~ ~~~~ miA 5LJi5LA' L~I. "U" ~'" Zrey. 1,6 them upon an ass, and hlie returned to the land of and their officers, and they spake to the people, say-,Prov. 2k b ver. 3, 17. Egypt. And Moses took the b rod of'God in his hand. ing, Thus saithi Pharaoh, I will not give you straw. chap. 17, 9. 21 ~ And the Lor said unto Mosels, When thou 111 Go ye, get you straw where ye can find it: 2P 91 nnd tile LORD Said nntht of o r " wrk shal be dimnish d goest to return into Egypt, see thal thou do all those yet not aught of your" eworTk shall le dininished. verses, wonders before Pharaoh whiclh I have put in thy 12 So the people were scattered abroad through-'1 hand: but " I will harden his heart, that lie shall not out all the land of Egypt, to gather stubble instead coh. 7,.. Deut. 2, a0. let thIe people go. of straw. Josh. 11, 20. Js. 101, 2. 220 And thou sh1alt Say unto Pharao h, Thus saithi 1 And the vuskmnasters hasted them, saying, Fulfil 1sa. 6, 10. the LORD, Israel is d lily son., even m1y e first-born: your works, your daily tasks, as when there was straw. R~om. 11, 8. d Gen. 32, 23 And I say unto thee, Let my son go, that lie: 14 And the officers of the children of Israel, which 2S.' eHeb. 12, may serve ime: and if thou refuse to let him go, be- Pharaoh's tasnkmasters had set over them, were beat23. hold, I will slay thy son, even thy first-born. en, and demanded, Wherefore have ye not fulfilled 24 ~f And it came to pass by the way in tihe inn, your task in making brick, both yesterday and to-day, f Num. 21, that tihe LORD "met him, and sought to g kill him. as heretofore. 31. g Gen. 17, 25 Then Zipporah took "a sharp stone,and cut off 15 ~[ Then the officers ofthe children of Israel came Lev. 10, 3. the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and and cried unto Pharaoh, saying, Wherefore dealest h Josh. 5,2. said, Surely' a bloody husband a't thou to ine. thou thus with thy servants. 72am. 19, 6 So lie let him go: then she said, A bloody hus- 16 There is no straw given unto thy servants, band thou art, because of the circumcision. and they say to us, Make brick: and behold, thy ser27 ~ And the LoRnD said to Aaron, Go into the vants are beaten; but tihe fault is in thine own people. kEcci 4,9. wilderness " to meet Moses. And he went, and met 17 But he said, Ye are idle, ye are idle: therefore him in the mount of God, and I kissed him. ye say, Let us go, and do sacrifice to the Loran. 1 en. 29, 28 And Moses told Aaron all the words of the 18 Go therefore now, and work: for there shall no verses ii, LORD who had sent him, and m all thIe signs which he straw be given you, yet shall ye deliver the tate of 12''3. had co mm anded him. bricks. uI 29 ~ And Moses and Aaronwent,and gathered to- 19 ~[ And the officers of the children of Israel did see a h. 3, 16. gether all the n elders of the children of Israel. that they were 0 in evil case, after it was said, Ye shall Mt. 14, 30 And Aaron spake all the words which the not minish aughtfirom your bricks of your daily task. 26. LoRD had spoken unto Moses, and did the signs in 20 And they met Moses and Aaron, who stood in the sight of the people. 1 the way, as they came forth fromPharaoh PGen. 31. e,~ ch ~. 31 ~ And the people believed: and when they heard i 21 And they said unto tlenm, The LoRmuhdook upon 42; Luk. t, 6a. that the LoRD had0 visited the children of Israel, and you, and q judg~; because ye have ] made, our savyoutr qap.:, s: 47 Uod renelweh ihZs promise to Israel. EXODUS. Reuben, Sieon, and Levi's genealogy,;,RsT to be t abhorred in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the and Hebron, and Uzziel: and the years of the life BoIre,L~~~~~~~~HRIST~~~~~~~~~ ~~ tCadHRIST "4'. eyes of his servants, to put a sword in their hand to of Kohath were a hundred andthirty and three years.'aO. t,,,'~~' slay us.,'119 And the sons of Merari; Mahali and Mushi: i:,k, 22 r And Moses returned unto the LoRD, and these are the families of Levi, according tO:their G~em 38% 80.'' Sa, s,. said, LoaD, wherefore hast thou so evil-entreated this generations. 7 2. nch. 2, 1 Ps. 7,. people. why is it that thou hast sent me 1 20 And Amram took him Jochebed his father's iCh. 2,1 Ps. 73, 25j. Numurb. 26, l 4,10 23 For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in I thy sister to wife; and she bare him Aaron and Moses. 59. J9,4, 10. name, he hath done evil to this eople: "neither hast And the years of the life of Amrnramn were 0 a hundred vrses 1W,Jer. 20, 7. naiiie,.heeatho evil to th'is peple ue.19,,. 11, 1.2. thou delivered thy people at all. and thirty a'd seven years. Jer. 11, 21. John, 6, 1. CHAPTER VI. 21 And the sons of Izhar; P Korah, and Nepheg, rPNum. 10u 1ch. 4,1, 1I God reneweth his promise by his name JEHOVAH. and Zich. omise by ~~~and Zichri'.Ecc. 3, 1. HEN the LorD said unto Moses, Now shalt 22 And the sons of Uzziel; Mishael, and Elza- qLe. 10,4 Isa. 28, 16. 22A'dtesn UzilMiheadEa om..2,7. thou see what'I will do to Pharaoh forwith a phan, and Zithri. Uc L0, 6. strong hand shall he:let them go and a with a strong 23 And Aaron took him I Elisheba, daughter of to Thais, -ach 3 20. r he t u dii eth 10, 3. g hand shall he drive them out of his land. sorn. hand sna ~ drive this land. r Amminadab, sister of Naashon,to wife; and she bare Nm. ~ 3. 2 And God spake unto Moses, and said unto. him, him Nadab and Abihu,'Eleazar and Ithamar Lev..10, I anethhe Lonn: a5' 3 Anzthe LIR apaeunoArhmunoIaca 24 And the sons of Korah; Assir, and Elkanah, I Num. 20, A nd tappeared unto Abra ham, unto Isaac, and and Abiasaph': these are the families of the Korhites. 15.,& 17,. unt e e of od Alighty, Jut by 25 And Eleazar, Aaron's son, took him one of the Isa. 4,. nly name JEHOVAH was I 1not known to them. daughters of Putiel to wife; and she bare him "Phi- Num 2 ActS 17, 25. I That is, 4 And I have also destablislhed my covenant with nehas these are the heads of the fathers of the Le~o,,par- them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of vites, acording to their families. iien.,.6,1. their pilgrimage, wherein they were strangers. 2 These are that Aaron andMoses, towhom the & 15; 13, 15. 26 These are that Aaron and Moses, to whom the ch.2, 2. 5 And I have also heard e the groaning of the chil- LoRD said, Bring out the children of Israel firom the dren of Israel, whom the Egyptians keep in bondage: land of Egypt according to their 1] armies. I Or, kosto, e-o9..I, and1 I have remnembered ~ my covenant. Ge.2'1 en.,1. and I have remembered my covenant. 27 These are they which spake to Pharaoh king Gen.,. 6 Wherefore say unto the children of Israel, I am of Egypt, x to bring out thlie children of Israel from xvere 13. the LORD, ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~chap. 32, 7 the LORD, and I:will bring you out from under the Egypt: these are that Moses and Aaron. P.772 burdens of the Eyptians, and I will rid you out of 28 And it came to pass on the day when the u. 4, their bondage, and I will redeem you g with a. LORD spake unto Moses in the land of Egypt, 12.,, stretched-out arm, and with great judgments: 29 That the LORDnspakeunto Moses, saying, I am 7 And I will take you to me for a people, and 1the LoRD: speak thou unto Pharaoh king of Egypt Heb Rhe. 17,7 willbe to you a God: and ye shall know thatI am' all that I say unto thee. ult, chap. 4. 10. the LORD your God, which bringeth you out from 30 And loses said before the LoRD,Behold, lan. Mat. 9, under the burdens of the Egyptians. of t uncircumcised lips, and y how shall Pharaoh Csonr, 16 8 And I willbring you in unto the land, concern- hearken unto me'! 17. f Heb. lift upi.yhead,, ing the which I t did swear to give it to Abraham, CHAPTER VII. Gen. 14,22. to isaac, and to Jacob and I will give it you for a i Gen. 28, aac, acob you 1 Moses encouraged to go to Pharaoh....7 His age....10 His rod is turned 13e. heritage: I am the LORD.. into a serpent....13 Pharaoh's heart ishardened....i9 The river is turnHeb. 11, 10, 16.'o 9 And Moses spake so unto the children of Is- ed into blood. Hbotm. rael: but they hearkened not uml o Moses, for t an- ND the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have ~_~.t~~.~~ uisho prit, adfr crUel'bondage. I ah:a -hap.14,12. guish of spirit, and for cruel ibondage- made thee 5a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy a'r 1, 10' zuln.21, 4.and'"o Ntin214 An-1LR nt aig'' be' b ch. 4~ 16. or, strait- 10 And the LORD spake untoMoses, saying, brother shall be bthy prophet. ness, 1, Go speakunto Pharaoh, ling ofIEgypt, that 2 Thou shalt cspeak all that I command thee:and CMa. 28, Job 21,4. 1'in, s unto tha T20., Freo. 4,12, he let:the children of Israel go out of his land. Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, that lihe 14, 29.. 112 And Moses spake before the LORD, saying, Be- send the children of Israel out of his land. nold, the children of Israel have not hearkened-unto 3 And I will a harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply a ch. 3, 19. me; how then shall Pharaoh hear me, who am of mly signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt. eJohn4,48 fe,. t uncircumcise4d lips 4 But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto youthatI,,8. ous. 1 13 ~ And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto may lay y hand upon Egypt, and bring forth g me Judges 2, Gen. 17,?I'. 15. chi.,4,. Aaron, and gave them a charge unto the children of armies, and my people the children of Israel out of gch. 6,2s. Isa.'. Israel, and unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, to bring the the land of Egypt, by h great judgments h Psal. 125 Jo,,.0 chlre'Israel oat 1of the l lan d of Eg yp.:.. children of Israel out of the land of Egypt. 5 And the Egyptians shall know that I am the,s.9,16 14 These be the heads of their fathers' houses: LonR, when I stretch forth my hand'upon Egypt, k,~..,~s,6. The sons of k Reuben the first-born of Israel; Ha- and bring out the children of Israel from among 1.Iir.' noch, and Palli, Hezron, and Carmi: these be:the them. families of Reuben. 6 And Moses and Aaron did as the LORD com-.fa,,ie ofRubn k ch.,12, 25 4 15 I And the sons of 1 Simeon; Jemuel, and Jamin, manded them, k so did they. ch.. 11, 2. Ps. 119, 4. and Ohad, and Jachin, and Zohar, and, Shaul the 7 ~ And Moses was fourscore years old, and In, 13. Bon of a Canaanitish woman: these are the families Aaron fourscore and three years old, wh en theyh. 2, De,,,. 3.1, 7. ~f Simneon. sp)ake unto Pharaoh. A 7. 16 ~I And these are the names of the sons of Levi, 8 And the LORD spake unto Moses, and unto ~,..26, a ecording to their generation; Gershon, and m Ko- Aaron, saying,........ 1 Chr.O, 1. hiath, and Meran. And the years of the life of Levi 9 When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying,.23.. were a hundred thirty and seven years. Shew a miracle for you: then thou, shalt say unto? 7' The sons of Gershon; Libni, and Shimi, ac- Aaron, Take thy m rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, mchap.4,2 4~ordin, g to thleir families, and it shall become "a serpent. l8 in, d the sons of K ohath; Amram, and Izhar, 10 ~I And Moses and Aaron went in unto P haraoh. ~,~.a,,a, 48 w...2.,. The river is turned into blood. CHAPTER VIII. The plague of frogs and ice. Befror and they did so as the LoRd had corniandd: a 1 4 And the fogs shal come up both bon dede, CHBRorS 14. Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before' and upon thy people, and upon. all thy servants. 191. his servants, and it became a serpent. I 5 [ And the LORDt spake unto Moses, Say unto b''. 1 11 I Tiien Pharaoh also called the wise men, and; Aaron, Stretch forth thy hand with thy rod over 40.&s3, 15. o 2Tim. 3, the 0 sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, theyi the streams, over the rivers, and over the ponds, and.al. 3,1. also did in like manner with their It enchantments.. cause frogs to come up upon the land of Egypt. I Or, secret gvne.9, a.- 12 For they cast down every man his rod and 6Ad Ad aron stretched out his hand over tile 0"s, 6' they becatn- serpents but Aaron's rod "swallowed waters of Egypt; and the C friogs came up, and,CL.I, Ephll. 4, 14. ~. 2T.ea.s.6,9. up their rods. covered the land of Egypt. Ps. 78, 45. p.~,~s,0 1:3~[A1nd qhe hardened Pl)araoh's heart thathe. S etR. 1, 4s, 13 Ad qhe hardened Pharaoh's heart that lie 7 And the magicians did so with their enchant- n.ss. 4. hearkened not unto thein; as the LORD had said. ments, and brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt. d.e.e'-2 q Ropn. 2,o. 14 ~ And the LoaD said unto Moses, Pharaoh's 8 ~ Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron,;, heart i.s t hardened, lie refiseth to let the people go. and said, Entreat the LorD that he may take away fchap. 5,2 Z,:.~ " 15 Get thee unto Pharaoh in the r morning; lo, he tile frogs friom me, and from mny people: and I will.10,s. goeth out unto the water, and thou shalt stand by theI let the people g go, that they may do sacrifice unto g.r. 26,27. river's brink against hlie come: and the rod which! the LORD. was turned to a serpent shalt thou take in thy hanid. 9 And Moses said unto Pharaoh, II Glory over ri Ofmou 16 And thou shalt say unto him, The LORD God tue: when shall I entreat for thee and for thy ser-,q,,nm,~ of the Hebrews hath sent me unto thee, saying, Let' vants, and for thy people, to t destroy the frogs from is.-1, t., my people go, that they may serve me in the wilder- thee, and thy houses, that they may remain in the t LtU. cut Off, ness: and behold, hitherto thou wouldst not hear. river only'! erse 13., ch. 5, 2.I h7,2. h 5,2. 17 Thus saith the Lorn), In this thoi shalt know: 10 And lIe said, To-morrow. And hlie said, Be it h.?,Li P,. 9, 13.. 9r 15. that I a/m the LORD: behold, I will smite with thel according to thy word': that tliou mayest 1knowv.,. rod that is in my hand upon the water.s wvhich are in that there is none like unto the ILor our God. the river, and they shall be turned to blood. 11 And the frogs shall depart from thee, and from 18 And the fish that is in the river shall die, and thly houses, and from thy servants, and friom thy the river shall stink: and the Egyptians shall t loathe people; they shall remain in the river only. {- ffeb. brfeb. to drink of the water of the river. A 12 ~I AndMoses "d MAaron went out'from Phla2verse4. 19 i And the LOuD spake unto Moses, Say unto aolmto and Moses "cried nUto the LORD, because of'Li.. t diap. I, 24K z..36, 37. l. 9:.. Aaron, Take thy rod, and stretch out thy hand upon I the fio-s which he hadi brought against iPharaoh. l,,,eat 9,7, the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, upon their 13 And tle LorD'lid according to tIme word 1ot,.1. rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon all their' Moses' and the frogs died out of the houses, cut of 10,. eab. t pools of water, that they may become blood: and' thie villages, and out of the fields. pools o 1 wa1teral li-rn 1Afic a/:lering that there may be blood tihroughout all the land ot'! 14 And they gathered them together upon t heaps: ",,.g Egypt, both in vessels qf wood, and in vessels of stone. and time la5nd m stank.e, f'et S. ML' 1,No trk 6, 40..,en0. 1,0 20 And Moses and Aaron did so, as the Lo0D' 15 But wheni Pharaoh saw that there was " re-, c.li 7,1:. Isa.3:14, 3. conmmanded; and hlie tlifted up the rod and smnote spite, hlie t hardened his heart, and hearkened not J{1e2,2,ll.17. tIme waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pha- unto themn;as the LORD had said. D 0.,aI raoh, and in the sigbt of his servants; and all thel 16 if And tlie Lor) said unto Moses, Say unto tH:b.niade Ps 78, 15. waters that were in the river were turned to U bllood. Aaron, Stretch out thy orod, anid smite the dust of,,,I,,. Rov. 8, S. xE:ek. 47, 21 And the fish that was in the river x died; and the land, that it may become lice throughout all the c"hp. 4', 1'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Isa. 2t;,{. ". the river y stank, and tihe Egyptians could not drinki land of Egypt. 0 vr.e 17 ReV. $, 9. 11 9 yJer 2,1 s. of the water of the river; and there was blood 17 And they did so; for Aaron stretched out his ves.throughout all time land of Egypt.,hand with his, rod, and smote the dust of tile earth, pP. 10. ach.8u 7,. 22 And thie imagicians of Egypt adid so with their' and it became " lice in tuan and in beast: all the P' a oh. 8, 7138.S"b,vers 13w. enchiantimentits: ad Pharaoh's heart was" hardened, dust the land became lice throughout all the land neither did hlie hearken unto them; as tihe LORD had of Egypt. said. 18 And the magicians did so with their enchant- L 10 23 And Pharaoh turned and wxent into his house, iments to bring forth lice, but they qcould not: 0so iL. ch.9, 21. neither did hle c set his heart to this also. there were lice upon man, amd upon beast. 1 2 Sa". 19, 24 And all the Egyptians digged round aboutthe: 19 Then the magicians said unto Phalaraoh, This 2'i'. 3, s 2KIngs 10, r Mat. 12, cv. 2,17O. river for water to drink; for they could not drink of is the finger of God: and Pharaoh's heart wvas 2s. wi, tiv. 22,17. the watei' of the river. I hardened, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LUk.,,c 25 And seven days were fulfilled after that the' LORD had said. LORD had smitten tihe river. I20 ~ And the LoRD said unto Moses, Rise up CHAPTER VIII. early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh; (ho, 1 Frogs are sent....25 Pharaoh inclineth to let the people go....32 but lie cometh forth to the water;) and say unto.i hut, yet is hardened. Thus saitlh the LORD, Let miy people go, that they a e., 4 ND the LORD spake unto Moses, a Go unto Pha- may serve ime: J.'. 1,,7, raoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LoaD, 21 Else, if thou wilt not let my people go, belhold 13..,, Let my people o that they may serve me. will send swarms offiev s upon thee, and upon thy 2 Aind if thou refuse to let them go, behold, I will servants, and upon thy people, and into thy houses: simmite all thy borders with frogs: and the Ihouses of the Egyptians shall be fhll of 3 Anmd the river shall bring forth frogs abundantly, Ilswarmsofflies,and also tihe ground whereon they are..ion. in,. which shall go up and come into thy house, amd 22 And I will sever in thatday the land of Goshen,'"'"~ into thy bed-chamber, and upon thy bed, and intol in which my people dwell, that no swamis of.flies time house of thy servants, and upon thy people, and1 shall k~e there; to the end thou mmnyest know that I into thine ovens, and into thy eneadina troughs ~ am tme LoRD in thc )nidst of the earth. G,.q The plague of fiEs. EXODUS* J-idrram, biles, blanzs, and hai B(fore- 23 And I will put a division between my people: heaven: and it became a lile breaking forth wilh Df;rIST C1,1,1sT, CHRIST and tthy people: to-norrowv shall this sgb. blAins upon man, and upon beast. 24 And the Lor) did so: and there canto a griev- II An id tlhe h magicians could not stand before ch. 7, 1 o'us swarn orflwie.s into the house otf Pharah i, ad to Moses, because of the bile itor the bile was upon 12. &,, bi:;8 servants' houses, and into all tile land of' Egypt~ the the nagicians, and upon all thie Egyptians. 2 Tin,. 3, 8 landi was corrupted by reason of the swarms of /ties. 12 And the LORI) " hiardened tile heart of Plla-.ev. 1, 2. 25 And Pharaoh called fortb Moses, and tor Aaron,i raoh, and he hearkened not unto thenl; as the LORI n ch.l 4,21. I Vev~~~~~~~~~~~~. 16, l, and said, Go ye sacrifice to your God in the land. had spoken unto Moses. el.3, IS. 26 And Mouses said, It is;not mee t so to do; tor' 1 3 And the LORD saidl unto Moses, Rise up 2Cor. 6, 14. we shall sacrifi'ce the abo-mination of the Egyptians j early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh, and to the LornD our God: Lo, shall w sacriIice thit say unto himn, Thus saith the Lorn God of the He-,n..4 a, t abomination of the Egyptians beibre their eyes, brews, Let my people go, that they may serve me. 3)?. &.t6,34.pta sy, be, D,,,, s.' and " will they not stone us'! 14 For I will at this time send all my plagues bt I. 3.:,3 1. IK I,.,)~,~. 27 We will go three days' journey into the vwii- upon 0 thy heart, and upon thy servants, and upon oKing Ezva!)j 1. Isa. 6,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8, 38 derress, and sacrifice to the LORD our God, as he thy people: that thou mayest know that there is Isa6,, 9 tI G,"~ll,'.lj 7.'Mic. 6, 13. &a13,. shall xcommlland us. none like e in all the earth. &:, 2,,1. 28 And Pharaoh said, Iwii let you go, that yei may 15 For now I will P stretch out my hand, that IP'.3A,' S 10 9,. sacrifice to the Lolno your God in the wilderness' may smite thee and thy people with pestilence;and Mztt. 2,,8, 20.' A.aIs, 19, only ye shall not go very far away: y entrcat for me. thou shalt be cut o from thIe earth. 20. q. 8, 29.8 29 And K.'oses said, Behold, I go out from thee, 16 And in very deed q for this cautre have I t- raised 1t.Rm. 9, a8, 2, alnd I will entreat the LoaD tlhat the swarms offiies thee up, r for to shew in thee my power; and that t1Hb.7aa. Ezra 6, 10a nmay depart friom Pharaoh, from his servants, and S my name may be declared throughout all the earth. u,**.: fiom his people, to-morrow: but let not Pharaoh 17 t As yet exaltest thou thyself against my peo- s',;1'-te S, j.K-.s.;l, deal deceitfully any minore, in not letting the people ple, that thou wilt not let them go PsIhee, 2,13, go to sacrifice to tile LOeD. 18 Behold, to-mlorrow about thistime, I will cause G 9.., job 13' s Geri. 32,~~~' P. 7S, 34, 30 And Moses went out friom Pharaoh, and en- it to rain a very grievous hail, such as hath not been 29. 3-3, 3. 7 Ps' 83, 17, Ga treated the LonRD in Egypt since tile foundation thereof even until now. is. 7, 31 And the LOrnD did according to the word of 19 Send therefore now, and gather thy cattle, and lsa. 26,1, Moses; and lie removed the swarms of flies fromnt all that thou hast in the field:for tpon every ntan Pharaoh, from his servants,' and friom his people; and beast which shall be found in the field, and shall thiere remained nlot one. not be brought home, the hail shall come down upon 32 And Pharaoh hardened his heart at this time them, and tlhey shall die. also, neither would he let the people go. 20 He that" u feared the word of the LORD among u John 3, CHAPTER ImX. the servants of Pharaoh made his servants and his 1 The murrain of beasts....27 Pharaoh sueth to M1oses, 35 but yet is cattle flee into the, hlouses: hardened. 21 And hlie that t regarded not the word of the t Ib. set a]chap.lS. lTIlEN the LORD said unto Moses, "a Go in unto LOrjD le]ft his servanits and his cattle in the field. no,, shearl Jlj~i~f, 1311 U70~ al.. 9. Phl araoh, and tell him, Thus.saith tl:e Lorn 22 ~[ And the LoRn said unto Moses, Stretch God of tihe Hebrews, Let my people go, that they forth thy hand toward heaven, that there may be may serve me. hail in all the land of Egypt, upon man, andi upon 2 Fior if thou refuse to let them go, and wilt hold beast, and upon every herb of the field, throughout them- still, the land of Egypt. ch'. 8, 19 3 Behold, the b hand of thIe LORD is upon thy 23, And Moses stretched forth his rod toward cattle which is in the field, upon the horses, upon hleaven, and the LORDn sent x thunder and y hail, and x ch. 19,1 thile asses, upon the camels, upon thie oxen, and upon the Z fire ran along upon tle ground: and the LoRD is. eCdl.s, 3. the sheep: there shall be a very grievous ~ InLi pin. rained hail upon the land of Egypt. y Josh.10, d oh.s, 22. J 10 2,.;2. 4 And the LOeRD shall d sever between the cattle 24 So there was hail, and fire mingled with the Job 3, 22, of Israel, and the cattle of-Egypt: and there shall hail, very grievous, such as there was "a none like it.rs, 47 nothing die of all that is the children's of [srael. in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation. averse 23. eEcl. 3,1, 5 And the LORD e appointed a set time, saying, 25 And the hail smote thrloughout all tihe land of 105, 32, feb. 8, 23. f To-tmorrow thIe LORD shall do this thing in the land. Egypt all that was in the field, bothl man and beast, 6 And the LoRD did that thling on the morrow, and the hail smote every herb of the field and brake 1), 2,5. and gall the cattle of Egypt died: but of the cattler every tree of the field... ~0.j) of the children of Israel died not one. 26 Only in the land of Goshlen, where the chil7 And Pharaohl sent, and )ehold, there was not dren of Israel were, was there b no hail. bIcs ], ls Isn1. 3), 1,4 one of the cattle of the Israelites dead. And the' 27 ~I And Pharaohl sent, and called for Moses and ch. 10, t6,.,.heart of Pharaoh was h hardened, and hlie did not Aaron, and said unto them, cI have sinned this time: 21.s, let the people go. i the LORDnis righteous,and I and my people are wicked. d ci. 9, 2s. 6 d r O) 8 ~[ And the LoRn) said unto Moses and unto' 28 dEntreat the LORD (for it is enough) that there 4o'cs of.1, ~13. Aaron, Take to you'imandidfls of ashes of the ltr- be no 0more mighty t thunderings and hail; and I will ~e, 3,4 nate, and let Moses sprinkle it toward the heaven in let you go, and ye shall stay no longer. time sig,~ht of Pharaoh.. 29 And Moses said unto him, As soon as [ am Ps. 143,6 And it shall become small dust in all the land gone out of the city, I will spread abroad' my hands Urtu. 10, Lsv.., of Egypt, and shall he a kbile breaking forthilwitih unto the LoRD; and the thuinder shall cease, neither P". 24, 1. 1~, 19, 23. &~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 135, 6i. m,~.'L, l)lalns uPn man, and upon beast, throughout all the shall there be any more hail; that thou mayest know Cur. 10, ev. 2.land of EgYpt. how that the r eartll is the LoIID'S. g 1 Kingi 10 Aad they took ashes of the furnace, and stood:30 But as for thee and thy servants, I know that ~,. before Pharaoh: and Moses sprinkled it up toward yev wiil g not yet fear the LorD God. The p1ag zte of locusts CHAPTER X, X1. -ind darkness, &c4 Befo. $-1 And tile flax and the barley was smitten ~ for 14 And tle locusts went up over all the land ol' Be"bve cH s~ CH!SST,:91 the barley wasin ithe ear, and the flax was holled. Egypt' and rested in all the coasts of Egypt: " very s 02'" But tlhe wheat and the rye were not smitten I grievous vwerethey; before them there were "' Do such, Hfe'. dark, o,....for ithey were - not grown up. i locusts as they, lneither alter them shall be such. J(e, l,: 3'33 and Moses went out of the city fiom Phllaraoh, 15 For tlhwy covered the face of the whole (a1, rh. i, I. and spread abroad hishands unto tthe LORD' and the so that the land wvas darkened; ald tlhey did cat r,j,'7 h ch io, is, tlhunders and hail h ceased, and the rain was not pour- every herb of the land, and ail the fi'uit of the trees II,. ed upon the earth. which the hail had le't: and there remained not any'', 1' 34 And when Pharaoh saw that the rain and the green thing in the trees, or in the herbs of the field, hail and the thunders were ceased, hlie sinned yet through all the land of Egypt. i,..;ti more, and'hardened his heart, lie and his servants. 16 1 Then Plh:araoh called for Moses and Aaron, Ao, n) iiu5 LAd tiet0eartiodPcaiaoiwasIlardeti itlh ier in ] iste; ancdi 1e saida, i I havve sinned against the Sat,h.,..... &. \ would hlie let the children of Israel go; as tihle Lonr LoRD your God, and u against you. uI I Satm had spoken by Mloses. 17 Now therefobre forive I pray thee, my sin 1 4. X 111) I Nu~~~~Am. 21, t CHIAPTERg~;e~ ~only this once, and entrea t the I onuRD your God 8," 23 CtHAPTER X.I 7 Pharaoh, moved by his servants, inclined to let the Israelites go.... tt lie may tae aay on n tis death only. s The plague of the locusts....16 Pharaoh sueth unto Moses. 18 And lie went out fioni Pharaoh, and z entreatred,. K.dile Lonf[. 15:.3P, ND the LoaD said unto Moses, Go in unto Pha- te Lo.[t2 i Ft,4._ raoh: for I have a hardened his heart, and the 19 And the LorD turned a miglhty strong west 4,4''0. r~ ha~r d e e rshart, and the LORDs tus wind, which too ~~~~~~~~~~~~~. away t 44.a. ~ ~~1 o heart of his servants; that I might shew these my wind, whlich took away tie locusts, and veast thenm mm.,. signs before hlim into them Red sea: there remainled not one locust" I". 1,,In~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 c, ens. 2 And that thou mayest tell b in the ears of thy ill all the coasts of Eaypt. Ps son, and of thy sons' son, what things I have wrought 20i Bt tlhe Loin) hardened Pharaoh's rt, so. in Egypt, and my signs which I have done among that he would not let the children of Israel go. them; that ye may kn:ow how that I amn the Lomb. 21 ~I And the Lonn said unto Moses, Stretch out 3 And Moses and Aaron camnein un.to Pharaoli,and tthy hand toward heaven, that there nmay be darksaild unto him, Thus saith the LORD God of the ile- ness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which 5',. brews, flow long wilt thou refuse to C humble thysef may 1)e ftlt. erte 2, 4that they 22ay serve And Moses stretched forth his hand toward nbefore. leavi and thetre was a C thick darkness in all thetoh,,,1em 4 Else, if' thou refuse to let my people go, Lehold, land of Egypt three d(ays: liuv. I' d.vr. 17. to-iliorrow will I bring the a locusts into thy coast: 23 They " sawv not one another, neitlher rose any J"o I, j 1'. 30, 27. 5Amid they shall cover the' f'ace of the earth, that fri'o his place for thlree days' but all the children f lieb. eye, - And they shaol cover the t face oft'he eart' tria (Ct..13. one cannot be able to see the earth and they shall' "a ih i t dlin..i. 9,2 cit. 9, 32. eat the residue of that which is escaped, whichl re- 24 i And Pharaoh callced unto Moses, and said, loel, 4. maineth unto you froin the hail, and shall eat every Go ye, serve thle LoRn only let your flocks andl your tree which groweth for vou out of the field:. herds be staved:c let your little ones also go with you. Cdt. 9, 6. 6 And they shall fillthy houses, and the houses of 25 And Moses said, Thou must give us also g sa- gc. 20, ciies, and burnt-of~rinns,s tha~t we may sacfrifiCC Lv. 9,2 all thy servants, and the houses of all the Egyptians; criftices, and burnt-ofrings, that e may sacrifice L. 9, whIichi neither thy flithers, nor thy fathers' fathers unlto the LORD our God. 16,9. have seen, since the day that they were upon the' 26 Our cattle also shall go witlh us; there shall ", oI,. 3., earth unto this day. And lie turned himnsei; and "not a hoof be left belhind; lbr thereof nust we take bS. earth~~~~~~~ unoti aDA-dfeturtdhmelad. e 17,16 went out from Pharaoh. I to scrve the LORD our God; and we know not wvith loes.,, a 7 And Pharaoh's selrvants said unto him, I-tow longi what we m ust serve tie Lonn, until we come thither.:lt. 23, 33. shall this man be a snare unto us! Let the men go, 27 ~[ But the LoDnn' hardened Pharaoh's heart, 1 cl. 4, 21 Josh. 23,13.sat ii b as en u Lteing Il Sam. is, that they may serve the Lorn their God: Knowest and lie would not let them go. r.216. thou not yet that Egypt g is destroyed! 28 And Pharaoh said unto him, Get thee firom e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~k10kfe. I0I, s. I, 8 And Moss and Aaron rie. br ougt gain un to mie, take heed to lthysef, see my facek no oe for k ieb. 1. 13 ICtah Phdaraoh: and lie said unto them, Go, serve tie Lend1 in ai/ day thou seest my f:ace, thou shalt i. Rev. 9,20 j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~eb. who & 1,I,,i W.i,,o. your God: ba/t v who are they that shall go 29 And Moses said, Thou hast spoken wvell, I liih.l1,,' ht Josh. 24, will see ty ace aain no ore. 1.3 9 And 5oses said, We will go with ourh young il i:e ain no re. 12:0l,6, L and with our old, with our sons and wvith our daugh —l CHAPTER XI. p.a,. ters, with our flocks and with our herds wili we 1. God's message to the Israelites to borrow jewels of their neigbhbours. k c'. 5 1. go: for we nats/ hold k a feast unto the LoRD. 4 Moses tlreatenetlh Pharatol with the death of tihe first-bh.rn.,l,.. 12,, 10 And he saiDl unto them, Let the oLon e so ND te I said unto Moses, Yet will I bring 10 And lie said unto~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~..ein L'), -1 Lo'" es 31 & 13,21. cIi2 n lgenr pnPaah n pnEytn w a,. ith you, as I vill let you go, and your little ones: one plague oe pon hao, and upon Egypt; s Jet. 13'S. M look /o i/; for evil is before you. afterwardshe will let you go mence: when hlie shall 11 Not so: go now ye tht/i are men, and serve the let you go, hlie shall surely 1thrust you out hence al-=~h1. us Ps. 35, 3. LoRD; fir that "ye did desire. And they were together. le. 119, 6. driven out fri'om Pharaoh's presence. 2 Speak now in the ears of the people,and let every 12 ~ And the LoRd said unto Moses, Stretch out ian n 1 borrow of hris neighbour, and every woman of h ch. 3, 22 thy hand over the land of Egypt for the locusts, that 1 her neighbour, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold. ~''~'~.. they may colni up unon the land of Egypt, amid eati 3 And the Loan gave tlhe people'tfavour in the sight i:,:.~.. o o~n 41,6, every herb of the land, even all that time hail hath left. of th e Egyptians..oreover, the man Moses d was 2:,:.. po Dnt 2oss stretchmed frth his rod over the iandt very great in the land of Egypt, in ti: si ght of PIha- ct'"" 2 47. 103. 3 of Egypt, and the Lon, broughmt ~an east wvind uponm raoh's servants, and in the sight of tie p(eople. Sm 7. ~. time land all that day, and all that night: and when it 4 And Moses said, Thius saitli the Loa), e A~bout Esth. 9, 4..; was mormning, the east wind brought the P locusts. midnight will I go out into the mnmidt oh Egypt:'c"'h'1,' 2' ~.,Am~' -51; 1'/u" paSsoivar n-Islituted. EXODUS. like Fgyptians' fist-bc'rn ain. llfre ] 1 i f Fli,.,.1 i al Before 1~"R~3T 5 And all the first-borhn in the land of Egypt sha.! I will pass over you, and tle p!ague sh allnot be upon B,,C1r IH~3 In'-H 1, die, fi'rom the' first-born of Phlaraoh that sitneth upon'you t to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.,,,t. """' hi~s throneeven unto the first-born. of the maid-servant 14 And this day shall be unto you for a nemorial; C., II. 2.2, 2 -9. t I These g ch. WI, o. thatis' behind the mill; and all tie first-born of beasts. land ye shall keep it a feast to the LoR n throuigh- 0,7 Mat. 21,. 6 And there shall be a great cry thronughot ill'out ayour. generations ye shall keep it u a feast biy n /1a,7 the land of Egypt, such as there was none like it, an ordinance xfor ever. d,..o nor snall be like it any minore. 15 Y Setven dlays shall ye eat unleavened bread Det. 6,, 5. Ne.3, 9, 7 BuPt against any of thile children of Israel sh.all even the first day ye z shall put away leaven out of 1eu.1, not a "' dog move his tongue, against man or beast: your houses:fior whosoever eateth leavened bread, x De:..16,I Jub 5, 15.B I I o.576 that ye may know how tlhat tihe Loan doth put a firoll the first day until the seventh day, that soul yLv. 23, dii.fereace between the Egyptians and israel. shall be a cut off friom Israel.' 16, 3, 8 And all these thy servants shall come down un- 16 And in the first day there shall be b a holy con- *, 8. I;'a.4, 2t6. to me, and' bow down themselves unto me, saying, vocation, and in the seventh day there shall be a 12.at Dike 12, Get thee out, and all the people that follow thee; and1 holy convocation to you: no manner of work shall 0 1 C., 7. after that I will go out. And hlie went out from Pha- be done in them, save that which every man must a,Ge. 17, Treb~.,, rah in fageat nr 14. vfi]' htraooh in t a great anger. eat, that only may be done of you. b Lev. 23.2.Nm,. e;- L 3, 7, ~~1,;~,, 9 L,. And the LORD said unto Moses, Pharaoh shall 17 And ye shall observe thefeast ofunleavened bread;2,,35..Marki 3, 6. k,n.9., no()t heatrrken unto you; thlat k miy wonders may be for in this self-sane dlay liaved brought your armies cch. 16, 5, "' ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ 23~j,'29. imlultiplivd in the land of Egypt. out of the land of Egypt: therefore shall ye observe 2, 22u.0, 10 And Moses and Aaron did all these wonders this day in your generations by an ordinance for ever.',s,. 2, 5. before Pharaoh; and thile Lon) hardened Pharaoh's 18 ~ In the e first month, on the fourteenth day of ver., 2. &Ij,?Z.e ou 12, I. heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel the month at even, ye shall eat unleavened bread ungo out of his land. til the one and twentieth day of the month at even. CHAPFTER ~xii~. 19 Seven days shall there be no leaven'found in e. 1. CHAPTER X11. your houses: fbr whosoever eate'th that which is -1 The beginning of the ear is changed....3 The passovor is institu- yorv oues f w e a that whichni ted....2i) The first-born are slain....i The Israelites are driven out of evened, even that sou shal be cut offfom the conthe land....4:3 The ordinance of the passover. gregation of Israel, whether hlie be a g stranger, or g ver. 43,48,%ND the LORD spake nnto Moses and Aaron in born in the land. - i te land of Egypt, saying, 20 Ye shall eat nothing leavened: in all your habacl 13, 4. 2 This "m aouth sha(l he unto you the beginning of itations shall ye eat unleavened bread. months: it sha~l he thm first ulontli of the year to you. 21 ~[ Then Moses called for all thIe elders ofisrael, 3 ~_ Spetak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, and said unto thenm, Draw out, and take you a lamb, bver 6, 17, it Car. 10 18.,,,,.yn, in th1, b tenth d:ty of this ont ey snall according to your families, and kill the 1' passover., 0 _111 tj'11t~~~~~~~~~~~l d.~~~~~, is 111011tll they sw ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3, 4. Jos,. 4, 19. take to themn every lna: Ca lamrb according to the 22 And ye shall take a bunch of1 hyssop, and dlip i Heb. 9.10 John 12, 1,.. k~~~~~~~~~~~~'.' house olf their fitthers, a lamnb fior a house: i in the )1loo0 that is in the bason, and k strike the kleb. 9. Jolt 1,294. Cor. 5, 7 4 And if the housethold be too little fior the lamb, lintel and tIme two side-posts witli thIe blood that is in I Pet. 1. 2 let himi and his neighbour next unto his hlouse take the bason: and none of yon shall'go out at the loor ~'"'' take'... Luke9 Mat. 26, it accorlding to the nunmber of the souls: d every man of his house until the morning. according to his eating shall make your count for the 23 For the LORD will pass through to smite the lamnb).' Egyptians; and when lie seeth the blood upon the.,,, 114. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male lintel, and on the two side-posts, the Lorn willpass of the first year: ye shall take it out friom the sheep over the door, and will m not suffer tile destroyer to 0, Im or iroum tI-e goats:I come in unto your houses to smite you. Heb. 11, 2. fLee. 23,. 6 And ye shlal I keep it up until the' fourteenth day 24 And ye shall observe this thing for an ordinance _R., oh. of the samie month: and the g whole assembly of the to thee and to thy sons for ever. i ima.k 15, congregationi of Israel shall kill it" in the evening. i 25 And it shall come to pass, when ye be come 25, 331 otg. Jo, l, 9. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and'strike! to tioe land which the LoRDo will give you, according 9,1., ~ 3. on the two side-posts, and on thie k upper door-post, i as lie hath promised, that yc shall keep this service. K Heb 10, 20 of the houses, wherein the.y shall eat it. 26 And it shall come to pass, when your children 8 And they shall eat the fleshi in that nig:ht, roast shall say unto you, " What mean ye by this service? n cl. 13 I Car 5, 8 9. mnch l, 14. cvit~m fire and' unrleavened breadt; nld with m bitter 27, That ye shall say, It is tile sacrifice of tmhe Deat.32, Ch 1, 14. A~~~~itli firelp and I anleavened bread.; and with bitter. 27, Josh. 4, 6.~~~~~~~Josh 4, 6 therbs they shall eat it. LORD'S passover, who passed over the houses of the P"' 7, 6. Jhn 19, 9 Eat not of it " raw, nor sodden at all with wa- children of.Israel in Egypt, when lhie smote the Egypo Aat 3,1. ter, but roast oloith fire; his head with his legs, and tians, and delivered our houses. And the people with the pr'tenance thereof. ibowed the head and worshipped. 10 And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the' 28 And the children of Israel went away, and morniing: antti'af which remaineth of it until tihe did 0 as the LORD had commanded Moses and Aaron, o Heb. K, ~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~28. miorning ye shall P burn with fire. so did they. pCol. 2,16. 11'i[ And thus shall ye eat it; with your qloins 29 I And it came to pass, that p at midnight time p ch. 1,4 II I Pet.1, fril./l~ct(I'171-%1111 011rICIC,' a' I-b I f " A + T T +,,4.L-I +1 b -A %4 V ry-tN J:34, A2,~,~t.i, girded, your shoes on your feet, andi your staff in LoRDsmote all q the first-born in the land of Egypt, 1Th~..Z, your hanid': and ye shall eat it r in haste; it,is the fr'om the first-born of Pharaoh that sat on his throne, 2' 76 rMt ~, Lo R's passover. nnto the first-born of tile captive that was in the & 55,036. 12 For I will pass throu~gh thme land of Egypt this dunmieoni;;and all the first-born of cattle.. tHb. 12, 2 night, and will smite all the flrst-hbrn in the land of 30 Amnd Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all uis9 I....oth man and beaist: and againstall the godshis servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was T r rrn~ o ouerh t.u~.~, ~. of Egypt L will execute.judat en(t: I am the Lonm. q a great cry in Egypt f: r there was not a housePrh. 2, 1 13 And tihe blood shall be to you fora token upon where there was not one dead. Jamoe 2,'', t hoaaus where ye are: and when I see the blood,jj SI! Aa4 fhe'ealed for, oses and Aaron by night, eel.:o ~ The or.i.a.. o. Ihe passove7. CHAPTER XH.The L'rad.itcs go out qf _Egypt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ise, u P ~CHRISTEXt.' CroIS- and said, Rise up, and get you forth friom among soever openeth twe womb. anong thechildrenofls- c12t.'T 1491~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. my lily people, both ye and the children of Israel andi rael, both of man and of beast it is nine. 1491. go se;ve the LORD, as ye have said. 3 ~[ And Moses said unto the people, "' flemeiber ~i2.cmemb~~Cer,.,4,.2 32 Also take your flocks and your herds, as ye this day, in which ye canme out from E gyp t, out od. 1, 4, 28. have said, and be gone andt bless mie also. tn 9,,h 3, tnd the Egyptians were U urgent upon the peo- the L oii biought you out fron t s,ace there shall L,,. 11,21 f cI. 12, 8. pie, that they might send them out of the land in no lieaeed bread1 be eaten. Gcn. 20, haste; for they said, We bx x all dead men. 4 TIhis day camne ye out, in the month Abib. I Cor.., 8 1V.0, 3 34 And the people took their dough before it was 5 ~ And it shall be, when the Loud shall lbring Ch. 8, 29. leavened, their,kneading-troughs being bound up thee into the land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, in their clothes upon their shoulders. and the Anmorites, and the Hivites, and the Jebu35 And the children of Israel did according to the sites, which he sware unto thy fathers to give thee, I.,3, 22. word of Moses: and they z borrowed of the Egyp- a land flowing with milk and honey, that thou shalt tians, jewels ofsilver, andjewels of gold, andrainment. keep this service in this Month. Clm. 3. 7 36 And the LoRD gave the people tfavour in the 6 Seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread,.~tGen.,, sight of the Egyp tians, so that they b lent unto them and in the seventh (ay shall be g a feast to the LoRn. guL'.238 such thing-s as they required: and they spoiled the 7 Unleavened bread shall be eaten seven days Egyptians. and there shall no leaavcned bread be seen, with thee, Gen. 47, 37 ~ And the children of Israel journeyed friom ~ neither shall there be leaven seen with thee in all thy A1 Gen 15, Ramueses to Succoth, about d SiX iundred thousandl quarters. 5. on foot that were men, besides children. 8 [ A rid thou shalt " shew thy son in that day Iitc'. 12,26, vs. 105, 37. Ps I 44', ~. - 33 And a ]' mixed multitude went up also with saying, This is done because Of thativhich the LOI) 8 g-et,,- telm.; and flocks, and herds, even very much cattle. did unto ine when I came forth out of Egyl't. Nu"ll. 1, 4 39 And they baked unleavened cakes of the dough 9 And it shall be for a sign unto thuee k upon thy i Dew. 6, s which they brought forth out of Eg3'pt, for it was not hand, and for a mnemorial between thine eves; that.Debt. 6,,6 c. 6, 16. leavened' because they were e thrust out of Egypt, the Lo-)'s law may be in thy fmouth or with a & 7,:. 4Rev. 14, 1 and could not tarry, neither had they prepared for strong hiandhath the Loau brought thee out of Egypt. 0osti.,8. themselves any victual. 10 Thou shall therefore keep this ordinance in 1,9. 40 I Now the Isojourning of the children of Israel his season fironm year to year. h. wt, 9. who dwelt in Eg yptw.s four hundred and thirty years. 11 ~ And it shall be when the LowD shall bring 12,&1, 41 And it came to pass, at the end of the four thee into the land of tle Canaanites, as he sware u-.3,10, hundred and thirty years, even " the self-same day iti to thee and to thyl fathmers, and shall give it thee,,7. came to pass, that all the hosts of the LORD went out'12 That thou shalt set apart. unto the LOUD m all.n verse 2.,I Ps. 102,om te lan of Egypt. that openeth the matrix; and every "firstling that n ut. 25,,b. 2,3. 42 It is a night t to be much observed unto the cometh of a beast which thou hast, the n-ales s'all4'',Re=-' of LORD, for bringing them out fi'omn the land of Egypt: be the Loire's. this is that night of the LORD to be observed of all 13 And every firstling of an 0 ass thou shalt redeem oc,. 34,20 the children of Israel in their generations. with P a laimb; and it thou wilt not red ceni it, thien p ch. 12, 3. 43 ~ And the LoRD said unto Moses and Aaron, thou shalt q break his neck: and all the first-born of q Deut. 24, This is the ordinance of the passover: There shall man among thy children shalt thou r redeen. rNum. IS, I16, Gen. 17, 1no stranyer eat thereof: 14 ~[ And it shall be when thy son asketi thee t-'in i..h..to12. no strang iauni,, 2, 44 But every man's servant that is k bought for time to conme, saying,' What is this'! that thou shalt. 1. c B oh. 12, 26 k Gen. 37, money, when thou hast circumcised him, then'shall say unto himni, By streng0th of hand the Lo a h rought Dt. 6, 20 Gen. 1 7, t oaey. time Josh1. 4, 22., 12, 13. lie, eat thereof. foom Eut, from the ouse cmf bondage 6. I NUM. 1 Egp, Hsea. 66, 6. n Le. 22, 45 A foreigner, and a hired servant shall not eat 15 And it caine to pass, when Pharaoh "would'....a'1,1. Mat. 1, 21... thereof. hardly let us go, that the LORD slew all the first-born i ch. 7,3,4. 10. 1j(? t first-horn of man audJ num.9, 46 "In one house shalt it be eaten; thou shalt not in the land of Egypt, both the 4 12d. carry forth aught of time flesh abroad out of the house: the first-born of beasts: therefore I sacrifice to the,Joh 19, neither shall ye break a 0 bone thereof. LORD all that openeth the matrix, being males; but u 47 All the congregation of Israel shall P keep it. all the first-born of my children I redeem. 210. 48 And when q a stranger shall sojourn with thee, 16 And it shall be for a token upon thy hand, and q Acts 2, 10. KD t.6 Mat. 26, and will r keep the passover to the LORD, let all his forx frontiers between thine eves: for by strength of.Dot.6.8 Y ~~~~~~Mat. 23, a'~ I8. males be circumcised, and then S let him come near! hand the LoRD brought us forth out of Egypt. a Gen. 17, 12, 13, 14. and keep it; and he shall be as one that is born in the 17 ~ And it caime to pass, w'hen Pharaoh had let rEzek. 44, land: for I no umncircumcised person shall eat thereof. time people go, that God led them not through y the way y Num. 14, u 49 u One law shall be to him that is home-born, of the land of theI Philistines, although that was near; 2 Gen. 1.% 26 and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you. for God said, Lest peradventure the people repent 0C Acts 15,9 astLORDreturn tot, Ch3, 21 Nuns. 10, 50 Thus did allthe children of Israel; asthe LORD when they seewar, and Egypthe a y I tu, o 12. commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they. 18 But God led the people about, through the way 1,. 51 And it came to pass the self-same day, that of the wilderness of li me Red sea: and the children ave-e,0. the LORD did bring the children of Israel out of the!of Israel went up tharnessed out ofthe land of Eg3pt. f He,.~vt land of Egypt by their armies. I19 And Moses took the bhones of Joseph with himm:"n'~ CHA~PTER XIII [ for lie had straitly sworn time children of Israel, say-~ cr,,m. 3, I The first-born are sanctified to God... 1 The firstilings of beasts imng, God will surely visit you; amid ye shall carry r'~ 78, 14. are set apart....1 T'he Isalie o oii'E gypt....2 o guidetul i u mYb oe away hnewith you-., 1, 2. them by a pillar of a cloud, and a pillar of fire.' 120~~ And they took thmeir journey fi'om Succoth,and,, Judg. 20, ~ as,2a, 2. A ND the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, lencamped imn Etham, in the edge of thme wilderness. 40Pa 99, 6,?~ b~urt' 18, 2' Sanctify unto me all the b first-b5orn, what-t ~21 And time LoRDC'wen~tbefore them by day in d a lb. a4' ~'s P]haraoh pursueth the Israelites; EXODUS. ie its drowned in the Red sea. B~HIS jI, 1 1 1 all' - Before C it pHillar of a cloud, to lead themn the way;and by night inme nonour upon Pharaoh, and upon all his hIost, up- CIHfRIS7:m i a pillar.of' fire, to give them light to go by day on his chariots, and upon his horsemen. 1491.'c14, and ig llti. 18 [ And the Egyptians shall " know that I am the p 1 Cor 10,. 22 He took not away the pillar of tlhe cloud by day, Lon), when I have gotten ulehonour upon Pharaoh,' nor the pillar of fire by niglit,f'ow before the people. upon his chariots, and upon Iris horsemen. CHAPTER XIV. 19 ~ And the Y angel of God which went before yel. 13,21 I God instructeth the Israelites in their journey....5 Pilaraoh pur- the camp of hsrael, reiuoved, and went behind them suIeth after thiem....21 The Israelites pass through the Red sea, 23 and the pillar of the cloud went from before their which drownetil the Egyptians. iface, and stood l)ellind them' / ND the LormU spake unto Moses, saying, 20 And it (caise between the camp of the Egyp~,,, N l_2 Stpeak unto the children of Israel, that they tians and the camnip of Israel; and it was a cloud and zP s. 1, II,, 3S. turn andl encamp bebfore Pi-halhiroth. between Mig- darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these:, jdol and the sea, over against b Baal-zephon: befrcl, so that the one came not near the other all the night. bNun. 2,, o ct a s iat shall ye e.ncamnp ly the sea. 21 And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea 3 For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, fand the LoanD caused the sean to go hack by a strong I_ 12 C Ps. 37, 321b37&114,5 7i,'*.3 TIhey are entangled in the land, the wilderness hathdi east wind all that night, and lnade the seac dry (r7,4,5. Sllad, and tile waters wre d divided. Jsa48, S',. shuit tlem iin.'1 Cl 4,"1 4 Andl I will d harden Pharaoh's heart that hlie shall 22 And the children of Israel went into e the midst J1i:'Is, 17.:erIes i;, Iivow after them; and I will'lbe honotired upon of the sea upon the dry g'round: and the 6waters J. 66,'5, I;;,., 2r 111aol, and. upon all his host; that the Egyptians were Ta wall unto them on their right hand, and on 6'&7, 13, 23.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~16 miy know that I an, the Loni,. And they did so. itheir left. 1 1.,i'[5 And it was told the king of Egypt tlhat the 1 23 ~ And the Egyptians pursued, and went in,%.'4 f Fri. 3I, 18 5"linl tAE;'tas prnd niwn lJ,,r.nople filed: and the lheart of Pharaoh and of his ser- after them, to the midst of thesea, even all Pharaoh's I, 2Lbs frants was tuined against the people, and they said', lorses, his chariots, and his horsemen. f'Isa. 63, I1 gch. 12, 3 g hthat we have let cla 38, y have? dwe tis, that Av~e ave let ~IsraelY 24 And it came to pass,thatn theg inorning-watch 1fMa't. 14, go from s-,'r~vinw us ti the OIUD, o " lookedI unto the host of the EgyptiaIns j.. 6 And un, made ready his chariot, and took his through the pillar of firet and of the cloud, and ktrou-';.7 1 ~peoni'e wth~l hI~im~:blled tihe host of the ELxvptians, 1H. 3, *.''' 7' And he took six hundred "'cllosen chalriots, and 25 And took off tlheir chariot-wheels, that they k'P. 1s,11, N"~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ 63 I al ~ Ne~b. oh ea. [, U"~", all the cldariots of Egypt, and captains over every I drave them T heIavily: so that the Egyptians said,,, i,. one o'f them. Let us flee firomn tme face of Israel; for the LoRJdg".': 25 8 And the LoRn hardened the heart of Pharaoh figlheth for theinagainst the Egptians. kitm, of Egypt, anud hl, pursued after thlle children of 26 [ And the LoRD said unto Moses,'Stretch out I.7,.9 -i "i' nICih. 15,, Israel: aniid the children of Israel went out with a thy hand over tlhe sea, that the waters may come l.' 1a, 1a ~. 1 hig1'11h hIand.!again upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots, and 9(I. 9 But the Egyptians pursued after them (all the upon their horsemen.''' horses and chariiots of Pharaoh, Fand his horsemeinan, 27 And Mloses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and his army) and overtook them encallping by the and tihe sea returned to his strenytl when the morning a s. 46,,'~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P ), 1,ir- t sea, b eside i i-hahiroth, before Baal-zephon. appeared; and the Egyptians fled against it; and tie 1i0'I Aind whenla Pharaoh drew nigh, the children LoMu)overtirew the Egyptians in tl:he miidstoftlhe sea. 0 Mat. 7, of Israel lifted up their eyes, and behold, the Egyp- 28 And the waters returned, and covered the chaI W, 8, 26, 26i.r.:o" Juiw,4,. tians inarclhed after them; and they were1 sore afraid: riots, and the horsemen, am all tile host of Pharaoh and the chilidren of Israel cried out unto the LoRD. that came into tihe sea after theni: there remained 11 iAnd they said unto Moses, Because there were P not so much as one of thm.. Ps. 103, m r. 106, m raves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die } 29 But the children of Israel q walked upon dry qr}.77, 20 in the wilderness I' i- Wherefore hlast thou dealt ths iads in the idst f e sea; and the waters were a witjh us to carry us forth out of Egypt? wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. 12 is not this tihe word tiat we did tell thee in 80 Thus the LonRD saved Israel that day out of the r r rs,Ps.q, 10 achap.6,9 Eyvpt. saying "Let us alone, that we may serve the I land of the Egyptians and Israel saw the Egyp-p 8 10 E.yptians,.for it had been, better for us to selrve tians dead upon the sea-shore. tlhe Egyptians, than that we should die in the wil- 31 And Israel saw that great work which the derness. LoRD did upon the Egyptians: and tihe people fearo La. 41,14. 13 ~f And Moses said unto the people, ~ Fear ye yed the LouD, and " believed thle LORD, and his ser- 2 Chr. 20 pChir. 20, not, Pstand still, and see q the salvation of the LORD, vant M'loses. -'~ wlhich he will shlew to you to-day; for the Egyptians CATER XV. Gcn. 49, CHAPTER XV. I whom ye have seen to-day, ye shall se e theii again i I Moses' song....23 The waters at Marab are bitter.:,.a. Q,. no mlOre for ever. -IHEN sang Moses and the children of Israel''~"P 1a, 113. 3, S. %, - F i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2. 111. 13, 41. f He b. rx-r.a P; 0F ii. 3', 4. 14 The LorD shall fight for you and ye shall this song unto the LORU, and spake, saying, *'.,war. 30. sOsliyg (r-,~h.l~ 0,, IhoId your peace. clch NI9 9,9a. 1 hold your peace. si no tse thI will sing unto the LORD, for hlie hath triumphed cl.,. - Ps. I104, 35. nbP 78,. 15 ~ And the LoRD said unto Moses, Wherefore" t gloriously; the horse and his rider hath lie thrown. 78, 3,,3el.5. criest thou unto me, speak unto the children of Is- into the sea.Lk 1':i) 3... rael, that they go forward:' 2 The LoRD is my b strength and song, and he is 1 Ezra 7, Isa..~,, 15. 16 But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thy becone my C salvation' le is my God, and I wil l pre- 17,,iii.. 17, 4. hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of pare him" a habitation.; e my father's God, and I will'3., N,.hI. 9, 9. - f P. 30, 1. k i,. 4Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of f exalt him.,b~. 5s,8 itulac. $, 26 the sea. 8 The LoRn is g a man of war: b the Load is his Rev. 19, 11 17 And i, behold, I will harden the hearts of the Iname. le, 8 s3,,6 Egyptians, and they shall follow them' and I will get, 4 Pharaoh's chariots and his hos t h ath he cast'into si,. ~, 2 - ksra(l's sfln22 /f d,;:.,:rance. CHIAPT1EER XVL. TLe people nZrInnt1'. CI{ IS tlr seea: his k chosen captains also arc drowned in Imade for them a sitatune and ain ordinance, and there Bnnr'e'1~. tlhe R~,d sea. he proved he,. 1 4, 5 rT11le depths h ave covered them they sank into 26 Aiid said, If thou wvilt Adilveutly hlarken to te;,., 2: k ohl. 14, 7. I,,t1. NIi,,u.8 Jer.a,63. the o()toi() as a stone. voice of thie Lon':) fv t od. atd. wilt do h:lat'A li'h is,-, Ps. 11s, 6 fllhy ri-ht hland, 0 LORD, is " become glorious S rig;llt in his sight, an(d'wiIt g.iv e ciar to) Ils (hi:contllaiAd- col. 1, 10 in power: thy right hand, O LonnRD, hath dashed in muents, andl kc.]p all lhis statutes, I will put none of pieces the enemy. tlhese diseases upon tlhCe, wichl [I have broIught u)(pot,. 20, 2 7. 7 And in the greatness of thine excellency tlhou tlhe Egyptians: fbr i am the Loen) that U Itearetli:ii hee. 4., 4. Zech.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2,8u. t33 P Z.,. hast overthro'wn them that rose up against thee: 27 ~ And they canie to X Elim, w, hlere erey c tweix e in. 3, thou sentest forth thy wrath, qwhich consumned them Iels of water, and treescore tn -ts as stfubble.;and they encamped there by the waters.'o.b, 89 And with the 0blast off.thy nostrils the waters CI-APTFR XVI. were gathered togethler, the floods stood upright as i The Israelites murmur for wnnt of'bread....4 God promiseth tlhem bread Ia. s,1,.. a heap, anzd the depthlis were P congealed in the heart from heaven.... I Quails are sent, 14 and manna. of tlhe sea. zND they took atheir jOlliuey Iroma Lilmn anti all a Nm. 3.3, q I M113 juing' 10. k0. n0. 9 The enemy said, I will pursue, I will overtak the congregation of the children of brad cmle0 ukthe conretn ote clldren of srae caIeiil 22.I,~,'I will.~divide the spoil' my lust shall be satisfied unto lthe wilderness of" i.,, whliclh is between Elisi 1) Ezek. 20, upon them; I will draw my sword, my hand shall and Sinai, on the c fifteenth day of the setond month's.po el Se~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oll ~~~~~~~~~~~~ c Mat. 15,32. destroy them. after tlheir departing out of the land of Egyp't. ch. 14,,21., I0 Thlou didst blow with thy wind, tile sea co- 2 And the d wvhole compgretation of the children a0o,,.10,4 ti'. 106,11. vered tlhem: they sank as lead in the mighty waters. of Israel munLrmured against Moses and Aaron in the e cli. n,,z 11 Who is like unto thee, 0 LRnD, among the wilderness: Isa. 6, a. gods? who is like thee " glorious in holiness, fear- 3 Aud the children of Israel said unto them, Would I, Isa. 6, 5. f I ful i, praises, doing wonders?. to God we 1had (tied by the hanIld of the LornD in C Lnm. 4,9 ych. 14.1, 30. 12 Thlon stretchedst out thy right hand, Y the earth the land of Egypt, when we sat by tlhe gflesh-pots, I tcr. 1(, swa!lowed them. and when we did eat bread to tile fuill: for ye hav1e g ch. 2,23. ePs. 77,20. 13 Thou in thy mercy hast " led forth the people brought us t1r01} into this wilderness, to kill'this ~~~~sebwill ht I,,ngr hak I, ti. wt hich thou hast redeenmed: tlou hast guided /hem in h wlole ass bly with hLrn ge. iJer. 2, 6..thy strength unto thy holy habitation. 4 Then said the Loi) unto Moses, Behold, I.Dfeut., 2 1 i4 The people slhall hear, an d ale aftraid: sorrow will' rain bread from heaven for you; and the pco- 2s. shall take hold on the inhab)itants of Palestina. pIe shall go out and gatlr t a certain rate every o1 15 Then the dukes of Edoin shall be anazed; day, that I may k prove theml, whether they will walk t;tlfH the'"oiroJ sa the tniglhity men of Moab, trembling slhall take hold in mv a, or no., men ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g a or no. (lay Pit his.'be. 63, 2. upon them; all the inhabitants of Canaan shall b 5 And it shall come to pass, that on thle sixth d(ay:", I1. melt away. they shall 1)recpare thlat which they bring in; and it k c[,. 5.26 16 Fear.and dread shall fall upon them; by the sha"l be twice as 1:uch as tltev gatlher daily. t., greatness of thine arm they shall be as still as a stone; 6 And Moses and Aaron saitl'unto all the chillren till thy people pass over, O LORD, till the people pass of Israel, At even, then ve slall know that the LoRu 2 Pet. 2,1. over, which thou hast C purchased. hath brought you out irom the land of Egypt Ps.60, S. 17 Thout shalt bring them in, and d plant them in 7 Andin the m:ornini, then ye shall sece thIe glory the mountain of thine inheritance, in, tihe place, 0 of the LoRb' f)or tha.t he hleareth your nr'munrin s' 10 LORD, which thou hast minade for thee to dwell in;m against the LORD and what are we, e that mu- i Num. 16 in the sanctuary, 0 LORD which thy hands have es- tmur against us Luke 10, 16 talblished. 8 And Moses said, This shall be when tlhe LORD V. 11,5 18 The LonRD shall reign for e ever and ever. shall give you in the evening flesh to eat, and in the f Pr 21, ii. 19 For the I horse of Pharaoh went in with his morning bread to thie ftll; for that the Lo) h'earchariots and with his horsemen into the sea, and the eth your murmurings whichli ye murllut against him: etne~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n vet nurg 12t ri LoRD brought again the waters of the sea upon them: And what arewe your mnrlutiriniiriigs are i not against n s., but the children of Israelwent on dry land in the us, but against the LORnD. midst of the sea. 9 ~ And Moses spakie unto Aaron, Say unto all Ar('ts1.9 20 ~[ And Miriam the g prophetess, the sister of the congregation of the children of ]srac!, Colme IPs. 6, 25. Aaron, took h a timbrel in her hand; and all the wo- near o before the LORD': for he bath heard y..o ver10. men went out after her, with timlnI)rels, and with dances. murnmurin gs. 3,6. 2Cthr5, 13,. 21 And Miriam answereld them, Sing ye to the 10 And it came to pass, as Aaron spake unto the LonRD, for he hat!h triumphed gloriously: the horse whole congregation of the children of I.srael, that.Nu ns. and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. they looked toward the P xvilderness, and lbehold, the pCl.I:. 21.ch. 8,. 22 So Moses brought Israel from tife Red sea; q glory of the LORD appeared in thle (loud. q Ezek. 2. N um, 10, 33.'01dq zk.2. uh, 1'033 and they went out into the wilderness of k Shur; 11 ~ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, s. 20.th, and they went'three days in the wilderness, and 12 I have heard the nlrnrin of the cilrn Mat. 17, 6 a.1'6,, 2. found no water. of Israel; speak unto thenm, saying, At even ye shall & 17,:1 3. n o ae. hl o0 at. 6.25. 23 ~I And when they came to m Marah, they could eat r flesh, and in the Inorning ye shall be 8 filled rver.,. p ci 7,4. not drink of the xwaters of Marah; for they wee with bread: and ye shall know that I am, the LORD..',.'. Ps. 60, IS. of it called your~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,sPs 0,'. q 2:,Wgs bitter: therefore the name of it was called God. I tsr. 10, 3,,21. r Rmn. 5, 3. 24 And the' people "murmured against Moses, 1:3 And it came to pass, thiat at even tlhe quails t Num. 11 &co 6, 3, 4. saying, 0 WXhat shall w e drink. came up, and covered ti'e camtp: and in thie umorn- rs. 103, 40. 2Cor.~~~~~~~~~~~ ~n 1th, drinka rup, aovuto inhst l.3, 17. 25 And he P cried unto the LoUnD; and the LORD ing tie dew hay round about tme host. rt,.,.~i. shewed him q a tree, which w henbhe had cast into 14 And when t tie dew that lay was ne up, bethe waters. the waters were;imade sweet: there he hold upon the face of the wilderness there lay a 55 Manna preserved. EXOD US. Amalek ovcir:ome. CBITU smiall round " thing, as small as the hoar-frost on the years, until they came to a land inhabited: they did ce~g14J~bI.~~; g1-o U]nd eat manna, until they came unto the borders of tile [191.,. ~',,. 15 And when the chlildren of Israel saw it, they and of Canaan. ti Nam. it, 9" j.' said one to another, 1 It is manna: for they wist not $6 Now an omer is the tenth part of an ephah. h1,c,, Owh hat it,was. And Moses said unto themn, This isl C APT F!,,,, rll! trtna ~!ic th lpmn hrt girnyo toea. C11PTER XVILa s the bread' 1w'e hich the LOD bath given you to eat Th'e people murmur for water at Renpbidim... Arnalekr is overcome.... John 6, 31 16 1 Thlis is' the thing whtich the Lo an fiath 1A Moses buildeth the altar JEHOVAt-i-nissi..on,-mande.d, Gather of it every man according to his [ ND all the congregation of the children of IsY~r 3, )eating: an oier x for every man according to the _a rael Journeyedi'fro the wilderness of Sin, " af- Nu-,.a. number of your persons, take ye every man for /hem/ ter( theirjournies, according to the b comn1an(tntlt ofP 1 7, 14 wlhl,4Ic aIe in his tents. ithe LoaR, and pitched in Rephidim: and there was 17 And tlie children of Israel did so, and gathered, no water for the pcop16 to drink. c Nvn Vr... l som more, some less. 2 Wherefore the people dit C chide wivth Moses, 3. uC,., 18 And when they did mete it wivth an omer, he!and said, d Give us water that we ima y drink. Anid dcl. 16, 2. z c,.., tlat gathered much had Z nothingc over, and lie that Moses said unto them, Why clhide ye with rue! 2.;3, 2a gs athertd little h}ad no lack: tney gathered every an wlherefore do ye temlpt the Lo). e Mat. 13, aceormdarni to his eBiating. if, 3 And the people 1thirsted therle for water;' anfd the 1 9 Anrd Moses said, Let no man leave of it till! people1 mnurm' red against Moses, and said, Whlerefore tle 1morning. " is this that tho(u Ist broughs t us up out of Eg ypt to 20 Notwithstanding, they hearkened not unto Mo- kill us and our children and our cattle witl thirst'! ses: but sonice of th'em left of it until the morning,! 4 And MAoses. cried unto the Loiu~, sayinlg, What Crh. 14, V x,, s.31. and it b red worms, and stank: and Moses was shall I do unto this people'! g they be alnmost rieady to N'ai "'I WU3. 13, a. t withl themn}. S estone Ps. I'!, 7. 21. And they gathered it every morning, every man i 5 Aad the LORD said unto Moses, Go on bcoie A,i according to lis eating: and when the sun axed p he people, and take with thee of the elders of Israi: z ie'.,: to his eating and when the waxed the take~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A~tsn 0, 2a P, r. 6,6, 7~ o. 1 1 1 1smutet', 4&.' [ot "it melted. and o thy rod, wlierewmith thou snotes the river, take 4 Jli 1. 35. ~} ch 7, 0 2;2 1 And it came to pass, that on tae sixth day in thinie hand, and go.. eve r. i, 6. 1"''' ~ tfiey gathered C twice ais muclh iread, two m(15rs fo)r (6 Behold I viii stand before theethere unpon the one man and all the rulers oi the congregation cauie rocki in Hort-; and thou shalt smite the rock,, and there d Ml. 2, 7. and d told'oses..shall come k nater out of it, that the people may drinlk.'"]] 23 And hie said unto them, T'his is that wxhiceh And Moses did so in the siht of the elders of Israel'..en 2, 2. the Low,) hath said, To-morrow is the rest of thle e i 7 And lite called the name of thle pic Massah, IThtis, git, 3;i. 2. Y'7,n)aI;o zo,..~a. ly(lv sabbath unto thle Lorin) bake thal which ye'aid I!I Neribah, because of the chiding of the children This, Lev. z X'3 3 ond se 0 e tand 11 Aleribah, becau e of t:ele ohedi1 oen tnea wilI bake lo-dly, and seethe, that ye.i will se ed. of Israel, and b~ecause they temIpted the LoRD, say-sun. 20, 2 an I that which remaineth over, lay up for you to heI; ing Is the LoRD among U.S, or not'! kept until the morning. i 8 ~ Then came'Amalek, and foughlt with Israel sen'a3 24 And thiey laid it up till the morning, as.I1oses in ERcpiliidn. o1G.:,2. biade and it did Inot stink, neither was there an9y i 9An,d Moses. said unto Joshua, Choose us out men, ch. 29,'s. v C,,. 2w, theri. cIand go (lt, fight witth Amnalek: to-morrow I will 2 Cr. 12, 16. p ofotnietherein.i c,,...25 And Moses said, g Eat that to-day,for to-day Istand on the top of the hill with the m rod of God in,,m,,a.4, g Julre16s 7. &79 ts a sabbath unto the Lorn; to-clay ye shall not find my hand. & 7,,. it in the field. 10 So Joshua did as Moses had said to him, and 26 Six days ye shall gather it; but on the seventh i fou olht with Amalek: and Moses, Aaron, and iHur, ih Mit. 2.,8. day, which is the sabbath, in it there shall h be none. went up to the top of the hill. io, Dt 1a:. 27 ~[ And it camte to pass, that there' went out 11 And it came to pass, when Moses a held up his n Ps. 2,,11 Nmn111g20 12..2. &,56,9.2,,.0, some of tihe people on the seventh day for to gather, 1hand, thlat Israel prevailed': and Wlen lie let a down jam,.5,~e 14.t, a n tL3fundnoe.1, 14ik I'mu 7, 9 a id thI ie y k fopund none. m eeh1iis hiand, Amalek prevailed.Lue, 28 And ihe LoRD said unto Moses, How long re' 12 But Moses' hands were lheavy; and they took pmat.2a IJ.,,, 2, fuse ye to keep my commandments and my laws q a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon:41,43. l0 Romnl, 12,1% 1 29 See, for that the LORD hath given you the sab- and Aaron anti Hur stayed tip his hands, the one on (Is, 11 s, batlh, therefore hlie giveth you on the sixth day thie the one side, and the other on the other side; and his Rom. 9, 2h bread of two days: abide ye every man in his place, hands were r steady until the going down of tihe sun. rJanieu s, 6, 7. m L. 23, let, no man go m out of Iris place oni the seventh day. 13 And Joshua discomrnfited Amalek and his peo- &., 1, 3. n 1l. S,,,, J.... 30 So the people "rested on the seventh day. pie with the edge of the sword. Josh;t, i. AI, ii, 21. 31 And the house of Israel called the name thereof 14 And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this 9ch. & "., h. 20, s. Manna: and it was olike coriander-seed, white; and for a mem!orial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears:3, 7. NNI I. 11, the taste of it wv(as like Nvafers mnade with honev. of Joshua': for I will utterly put out the reinerm-. 5 32 ~I And Moses said, This is the thing which the brance of Amalek fromni under heaven. Lo.D conimnandeth, Fill an omer of it to be kept 15 I And Moses built an altar, and called the name..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 That Los, p,,m. 15, P tbr your generations; that they I may see the }bread of it JE HOVAH-niTssi: L_ Y~ha ~~ ofiW11~~~h~Te Load w4 herewitih I have fed you in the wilderness, when I 16 For ie said, Because the LORD hath sworn 7b" qflb. 9, b, brought you forth fromim the land of Egypt. that the Loan) will have war with Ainalek front gen- Gen22, 19 33 And Moses said unto Aaron, Take q a pot, and eration to generation.'"'*[ put an omer full of manna therein, and lay it tip rChAPTER X'VII. h2, a, bef})re time LORD, to be kept for your gen erations. 2 Jethro bringeth to Moses his witf and two sons....7' Moses entertaineth 21. 34 As tlhe LoRD comumanded Moses, so Aaron laid him. D.,,t.!:', &5 h 11 t.:,,,,~. -.~. it np before the Testimony, to le kept. HEN Jethro the prest of Midian, Moses' fa- a. 3,,,..,.;,.~.85 And the children of Israel did' eat manna forty ~ ther-in-law, heanr of all that b God had done L' Y54'' 56 Jc1hro's cournsel to loses. CHAPTER XIX. CG: d' s n7essage to the people. efohe fi)r Moses, and for Israel his people, and that the 22 And let them judge tihe dpeople at all seasons: Beloro k" RfsT I~ CHR I STI'19 LORD had brounht Isimdl out of E1gypt: aid it shall be, l/at every great matter tlhey shall'"'0.Lord h:4d brought Israel ouit of t!,.-ypt' 2 rTen Jet!hre, Moses' lather-in-law, took Zip-'ring unto thee, but evel'y small matter tlhey shall "e 3ch. 4,*5. porah, Moses' wife, C afte.r he had sent lher back, juddge': so shall it be easier for thyself, and they.3 And her two sons; of whlich the name of thie shall ebear the burden willh thee. C Deut. 1, ah. 2, 22. one uwas d Gershom; (for he said, 1 have beenan 2n 3 If thlou shalt do this- thing, rand God coIn- fNumn,. l alien in a strange land:) and t ihee so, then thou shalt ibe alsle to endure, and'. P Tht k, 4 And the name of the other wass II Eliezer;(for all this lpeoplc shall also go to their place in peace. ily Gott is-,I he the G2d of ly fatther, said he, was my help, and 24 So Moses g hearkened to the voice of his fa- g cor. 2 " 13, 2. delivererd mie fromn theI sword of Pharraoh:) tier-in-law, and did all that he had said. 5 And Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, came wNith 25 And Moses " chose able men out of all Israel, h Acts 14. his sons and his wife unto Moses intotheil wilderness, and made them heads over the people, rulers of.n,1 oCh. a 1. wVhere.t he (ICncamp ed at the e mounlt of God ~ ci. 3 1. Where, he encamped at thes eoutof God:i t 1thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and 14. 6 And lie said unto Moses, I hy fyather-in-law rulers of tens. Jethro amni come unto thee, and thy wite, and her 26 And tlhe judged the.people at all seasons: the two sons wvith her. liard causes they brought unto Moses, but every fActs 28, 7 ~ And Moses went out to' meet his father-in- small matter they judged themselves. g Kings 2, law, and did obeisance, and kissed hii: and 27 Aid Moses let his father-in-law depart: and ch.s, Kings ""2, lawY, IN tin!. lo.ce;nc' Iisldhin a~lii(3.3 19. N nt ul9~..i h Ger. 2., they asked each other of thei-r t welAre: and tlhey he went his way into his own land. camne into the tent. CIAPTER XIX. t Hob. Pen'e. 8 An,1d Moses told his father-in-law all thllat the m The people come to Sinai....3 God's message by Moses unto the 21 dm. 11,'~ Lo).'m [o ad done uLnto Pharaolh, and to the L gypti1ns br peopl out of the inont....12 The mountain must not be touched. Pr. 122, 6. IsrIael's sake, and all the travail that. had t coui upon 16 The presence of God upon the mount. foidt1m. them 1)b' the way, and how the Louti deliverend them. i N the th!ird month, when the children of Israel a G" 28 i:a.,. 10. 9 And Jethro' r(joiced for all tlIe goodlness wlii h — were ge go i'rth out of tle land of Egypt, the OA..,17 in. 1t2,12. the LOUD had done to Israel, whom hlie had deli- same day came tlhey into the wilderness of) Sinai.,,S 4,2US vtered out of the hand of the Egyptians. 2 For tlhey were departed from Rephidini, andl were 38. 10 And Jethlro said, Blessed be tIle LORD, who comei to the desertof Sinai, and had pitched in tihe wiihath delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptiamns, derness; and there Israel encanmped betfre tlie mount. and out of the hand of Pharaohl, who hath deliver ed.3 ~[ And Moses went up c unto God, and the clN\um.n, the peophe fi'om under the hliand of the Fgyptians. LORD called mno him out of the mountain, saying, Is. 63 D. k GeO 22, 1 1 k Now I know that thile LORD is greater than Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell Acts 7,38. all gods: for in the thing wherein they dealt proud- the children of Israel 1(,. 10, 16. 1y, he was' above them. 4 d Ye lhave seen what I did unto the Egyptians, d Maic. 6,. e..s, too e I Det. 32, 20. 12 And Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, took a and how I bear you oi e eagles' wings, and brought 11l,.12 n eh. 24, 5. burnt-offiering and " sacrifices for God: and Aaron! you unto myselfi Rev. 12, 14 Lev. 7, 15.:Le. 0, (came, afnd all the elders of Israel to eat o broad with 5 Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice in12,t M loses' father-in-law before God. deed, and kep my covenant, then ye shall be i ar 2 1"-4 5.7C.!, 13 ~[ And it caine to pass on the morrow, that peculiar treasure unto me g above all people: tfor all glsa.41, 6 I Cor. 10. J S, Ii. Moses q sat to judge the people: and the people the earth is nulne q Judes,'stood by Moses from the nIomrning tunto tihe evemuing. 6 And ye sh all be unto me ha kingdom ofpriests, ljom 12' I0}. I Kings 1, 14 And when Moses' farther-in-law saw all tiat and a Iholy nation. These are the words which I Pet. 2, 9 1a. " Ii Ki"gs3'. he did to the people, he said, WVhat is this thing that! thou shalt speaik unto the children of Israel.Kig, thou doest to the people'! Why sittest tiou thyselfj 7 ~ And k Moses caine and called for the elders I ~~~~~~,.8 I d oses came an ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~k ch. 34, 37 alone, and all the people stand by thee from morn- of the people, and laid before their lices all these ilg unto even words which 11lhe LORD comma011 nded him. 15 And Moses said unto his father-in-law, Be- 8 And all the people answered I together, and said, Ich. 24, r verse 19. r t 6o, k. cause the people come unto me to inquire of God: All that tie LORn hath spoken "m we will do. And 23. 16 When they have a matter, they come unto me,! Moses returned the words of the people unto the LonD. and I judge between one allnd another, and 1 do make 9 And the Lopn said unto Moses, Lo, I comme unto them know the statutes of God, and his laws. tice in a" tlhick cloud, that the people may hear when Mt. 17, 17 And'll Moses' father-in-law said unto hitm, The I. speak 0o with thee, and Ibelieve thee for ever. And 2o.,7.o,,.tis tttatt,/ Jtobs is, 1no. od. I 12 Cor..3,7,6 P81 3thIting that tho'u do(est is " not good. I Moses told the words of the people unto the LouD. o cit. 14, 11, RIvh. 18 Th ou wilt t surely wear away, botlh thou, and 10 ~ And the LORD said unto Moses, Go unto the Jo9, 2"' ot;:t~, tiis people that is wit thee: for tliistlhingis too heavy, people, and P sanctify them to-day and to-morrovw, po. l., jilfade,.i pol htiswt l(.e it let- ltes i,Ii, N40,5, 7. for thee; thou art t not able to peliormn it thyselfalone. and let them wash their clothes, Heb. 10, 2a t Duet. 1, 9, 112I4 1n. 9 H, earken now unto my voice, I will give thee 11 And be ready agzainst time third day: for the & 12' 1. UA Gt,.n. al1,u, & 2,9. coun1sel, u and God shall be with thee: Be thou for " third day the LoRD will conme down in the sight of',,h. 23, i 3naxrest the.all Acts 20, l1 i Nnl. I5, thGple to d-ward that thou iayest bring tl al e A, I 33D4. 3 causes unto 3od': I 12 ~ And thou shalt set bounds unto the people rverse21 y Dem. 1.15.ohua,,Den. 47,. 20 And thou shalt teach them ordinances and round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves, thatJhua Le,,,.;, rs laws, and shalt shew thiem time way wherein they yie (go yot up into the mount, or touch the bord+er of' =a 2 San. ii do. whosoever touchethe mo unt shall be surely, e. b,. 281.3. must walk, aind: the work that they must do. ith wosoevy 19,-20, 22. lhr.26,6. 21 Moreov thou sTllt provide out ofiall theput I to death' 2 C',r. 19,9. oevr latji~u u Net. 2. 7 people,' able meim, such as "feiar God, b men of 13 There shall not a hand touch it, but lie shall i Acts6,3. trut C h covetousiess 1e1. Z,,,i:. 7, 9.truth, ~ h. in.. c ov eto u sness anl place suach over surely be stoned or shot through' whether it be b east 13, them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers ofhundreds, ior man, it shall not live: when tIme trumpet sound- itLv.2, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: Ii eth long, they shall cohe up to the mount, H,57 frtd'spresence oil, the mount. EXODUS. Idolat'y Jbrb. dden. Bef"r Bethre C.IfIbsT 14 And Moses went down friom thle mount unto 11I For in six (lays ilie LoRD nmade hleaven and cHnS, Ithle people, and sanctified tiae people; and they earth, the sea anl all thiat in tlhein i', and rested tile''.'""" wasd I:ir clths. seentll day (' wtthelreor t1he LoRd blessed the sabbath-,Ct G,.. 1.5 And hie said unto tile peolle,'I ready against day anid ailloe11owd it. u Cor.7,t. tihe third day: come not " at your' wives.12 0 Honour thy fatlier and thy othe; tt th IL 6 16i ~ And it canoe to pass oin the third day in thIe days may IIc lll on tU l the land which the LoRD morning, that there were thunders and lightuing,, thy God giveth thee. Gal.3, 19.0 and x a thick cloud upon the inount, and the voice 13 Tou shalt not kill. pMat 5,1 yI a. 5s, 1. of th0e y trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the 14.'TIhou shalt not commnlit q adultery. qMat,5, uRm. 8, people thlat was in the camip z tremle. 15 Thlou shalt r not steal. 21, =8. Rom.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~al~ 8, I Thouslat otsta. 17 And Moses brought forth thie people out of 16 Trhou shalt not* bear false witness against "h' D Dent,. t5, ctailp to"'iect with Godl and they stood at the thys Lev. 5, 1 t Acts 20P nether part of the n1ount. 17 lihou sthalt not covet thly neighbour's house,.,cll.40,34. 18 And mount Sinai was altogether on b a smoke, thou shalt not covet hy neighbour's wife, nor his.:2 Chr. 6, 1 4. c.&6,. aL because the LoRn descended upon it C in fire and mlan-sexrvant, nor hdis mnaid-servant, nor his ox, nor Is. the smioke thereof ascendled as the smoke of a fur- his ass, nor any thing that is thy neDghbour0's. Ism. 6. 4. n ~ 11sf,,.: nace, and the d whiole moun1t quaked greatly. 18 ~ And all the people saw" U thie tunderings, "Ieb. 12, Rev. 1,3, S.' Rev,..;, 8. 1.9 And whven tlhe voice of the trumpet sounded' and the lightnings, an thlie noise of tl~ p trun't et, dllab. 3,1o. lon<, and waxed louder and lotudel, e Moses spake, and the mountain smoking and when the people e llct). I-2,:- x 21 t'' and God answered him b ly a voice. saw it, tlty recoved, and stood aftar of x Rm 8, fJ,, 1,17. 20 And the LORD caine down upon mount Sinai 19 And y they said unto Moses, s-'ie lu Wif y Dtut. 5. on the tolp of the mournt: and the, LoRn called Moses us, and we will hear but let not God speak withn z D-en. 5,27 up to thile top of the 1mount: and, Moses went up. us, a lest we die. a Deut.5,2, ~ - lq ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~on' 6,1,2 2 1 And tie Loano said uinto Moses, Go down, 20 And Moses said unto the people, b Fear not' 8,,,,, 3 S il ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~G al1. 3, 1 1. charge the people,'lest they btreak throughl unto the for God is come C to prove you, and that his fear. I' gch.3,5. LORl-D to g gaze, an i any Iofte,is. may e before your faces, tlhat ye sin not. bDet 4, 10. hch. 24,5. 22 And let h tihe priests also wlhich come near 21 And the people stood afar off, and M oses e,(n. 2. iLev. 10, 3. to the Lom1o, sanctify themselves, lest the LORD drew near unto tile e thick darkness iwhere God w as. ch. 13, 2i' d Gal. 3, 19 break forth upon them.'22 And tIhe LORD said unto Moses, Thus thou,, Hb. 12, 23 And Moses saidl unto thle ALorn, the people,'shalt say unto the children of Israel: Ye lhave seen 18' k 2 Cor. 3, k cannot come up to miount Sinai: for tioul chargedst;that I have talked witih you firom f heaven. f Nell. 9,13 us, sayin., Set ounds about the niount, and sancti(y it. 23 Y all ot ake With me g go(s of slver, 24 And tile Lo'nD said unto() him, Away, get thee neitlher sliall ye make unto vou gods ofgold. down, and thou shalt comenic up, tlhou, and Aaroin wilt 24 ~ An altar of earlth tlon shalt make unto me, rs. il, 1. thee: but let not tIhe priests and thle people' break and shlalt sacrifice tihereon thy burnt-offerin gs, and Blant. II,hii et12,1i Luke 16,1. through, to coinie up unto the LORD, lest lie break thy peace-offprings, thy sheep,; and thine oxen: h in Deut, 22, 23. forth upon el ali places whnere, I record my name I will co me i eu,. 2, 25 So Moses went down unto the people, and unto th1ee, and I will bMless thee. 2 Sam. 18, spake unto them. 25 And if' tlhou wilt make me an altar of Istone, k. 147,3 CHAPTER XX. Ithou shalt not build it of hewn stone, for if thou lift ch..27, 1. 1 The ten cornmandments4...22 Idolatry is forbidden..... 24 Of what up tlhy tool upon it, thiou last I' polluted it. C17r. sort the altar should be. 26 Neitiher shalt thou go upby steps unto minine alach. 19,24. ND God spake all these words, sain that ty nakedness be not discovered thereon Gen. 9, Acts 7, U tat, that thy naked'ness, not, discovered thereon.. b Deut, 2 I am the LoRD C thy God, which have CAPT XXI. 2' CItAPTER XXI.' 2. brouglht thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the Sundry laws for,nen-servants. C Ps. 33, 112. Gen.1,,7,. homise ofd b~ondage. Ged Lk 1, 7 -. i dge 1 OW these are the judgments which thou shalt or. 3 Thou shalt have no other gods hefre me. o set!befiore them. 1Cor. 0, eICor.s, 4 r Thou shalt not mmake unto thee any graven 2 If thllou buy b a Hebrew servant, six years he b h. 3,. 4, goa.dD-ft 51 Johlm4,24.image, or any g likeness of any 1/hing that is in hea- shiall c serve: and in the seventh he shall go out e,,.,1,a g Mat. 15,'" ntil Lev25 gMt,. ven above, or that is in tihe earth beneath, or that is free for nothing. L., in the water under the earth 3 If lie came in by hiniself, lie shliall go out by oum. 6, 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, himself: it' he were married, then his wife shall go ~ 4.' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e Gen. 29, nor serve thenm: for I the LORD thy God aim a jeal- out wifti mium. 5.. ous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the 4 [f his mnaster Iave!given him a wife, and she re1. i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f Lev. 25, cltildren unto thIe third and fourth generation of Ihave borne hfiml sons or daughters, thIe wife and her 44. them that hate me; childlen shall be her master's, and he shall go out 6. And slihowing mercy unto tlhousands of them g by himself. g Gen., h John 14, thath love ie, and keep my comumlmlmlntdnts. 5 ~ And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my 9 Mit., 9. 7 Thou shalt not' take the name of the LORDn master, my wifi, and my children; I will hot go thy God in vain: for thie LotuD will not hold hiin out free guiltless that taketh his name in vain. 6Trl Ten Imis umaster shall bring him unto the'judges: tfeb.god, 2.o 0 8 i t Rnmemeber the sabbath-day to keep it hol. hlie shall also bring him to the door, or unto the door-,ch..=2, 1.. 9 1 Six days shalt thoulabo ur, anil do all thy work: post: and hris master shall h bore his ear thiougih bPs. 40, 6. 10 But time seventh day is time salbbath of the wirt an awl' and he shall serve him * for ever. i Le.lu,40 mNbh.13, IORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do " any work,i 7 ~i And ifra man k sell his daughter to be a maid- kNi,.5,1.ema6. 0.thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, servant, she shall not go out' as tie men-servants do. j. nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stran- 8 Iftsle please not her mmaster, who hath betrothed 1ese21, ger that is within thy gates: her to himself, then shall he let her be redeenmed:to 58 Divers lawvs and ordinances. CHAPTER XXI. DLtvers laws a?;d'rdmances. ef,.re sell lier unto a strange nation hlie shall have no power 2 If the ox shall push a n-servant, or a aid Bere ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,2I nft() ax shal O pus a ma-evn, or a (1i- c,,.,,,,. see i n 4-,r'thirty she~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHRI' W'lt4~~. seeing he batht dealt deceitfhilly witlh her. servant; he slhail give un nto hceir. master'thirty shee- 9 And if he hlave!betrothed lher uinto his son, he 1kels of silver, and rithe ox shall be stoned. hall deal witht her after the mananer of danghiters. [ 3.3 It And ifa nian shIll open apit,orifa man slli t: I,;n n not Co -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ma-t.Az, 1,5 1I) If he take him another wTf;; her lood, her rai- dig' a pit, and not cover it, and an ox or an ass fall In. inent, and her duty ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~'Ir~~~~e~~.V..II - tb.4,. Rev. 2, 14~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.3 b mICor. 7, m('nt, and hermduty of marriage shall lie" not di- therein. 3. 111inish. 34 1The owner of the pit sihall make itgood, an d & 9 2.' n fICor. 7, ntnoii 1 Tim. 1, 1.1 And if he d(o not these three unto her, then give money unto the owner of them; and the dead 13, 14, i. shall she go out fri'ee without money. beast shall be his. o Le.24, 12 1 lie that 0 smiteth a man, so that he die, shall 35 ~ And if one man's ox hurt another's, that he p Num.35, be surely P put to death. die, then they shall sell the live ox, and divide the qi Sam.24, 13 Arid if a man qlie not in wait, but rGod de- money of it, and thel dead ox also they shall divide. ~~12. liver him into his hland; tlhen I will appoint thee " a 36 Or if it b)e known vthat thle ox hlath 0 used to oJcr.22,21 r Deut. 19, place wlither lie shall flee. push in tille past, and his owner hath not kept himu.~,N;m. a~, 14 But if a man comine tpresumptuously upon his in he shall surely pay ox fot OX, and the dead shall Na. 1,,n ihm be his own.,c'um. 13, neighbbour, to slay him with guile; thou shalt take him be his own. uiDeut. 19, fronm m11ie altar, that lie may die. CH-APTER XX11. 21:...An(.lh irtfris Kings And lie that smniteth x his father, or his mother, I of theft and other offences... ~9 Of the first fruits. Js. shall be surely put to death. JF a man shall steal an ox, or f1 a sheep, and kill it, Or, 4aoa, Vese... 16 Ti And" lie that y2 stealth a mian, and'3 selleth or sell it; lhe shlall restore' five oxen for an ox,'chaP. a,3. Xversa 12 1 And he that rsreaie12 a man,Nand lshletli -0Simi. o r Dy Dit. 24, hin, or if he be found in his hand, lie shall surely bei and l tour sheep for a sheep. P7. 1, y I P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r. 14, 4, 6 Gen. 37, put to death. 2 If a thief be found t breaking up, and be smitten b 2 sau.12 28. Lie It 2lo5., sp'ak- 17 ~ And he thatilcurseth his ather or his mnother, tlat he die, there shall C no blood be shed for him'L j~r,,evo, shall- suelyie paaut1~.,I~s~La1 ~ ~ tor 110 d)~a~th. ~ Lke.19,8 el,/ evil ts, all surelly be nut to death. 3 If the sun hre risen upon imii there shall be blood n[l-il, th, Lev. 20, 9. dig Prov. 20,20. 18 And if men strive together, and one smite1i shed fori him:for hIe Should m e ll restitution; it lI,,o,,., f~l hs s(t Mit. a~4,,4, another wvith a stone, or with Iis fist, and he die not, he have inotlhing, then he shall bed sold for h is thefi. m,, hlnt kee-peth'~ h~is bed: hut keepeth Ihis bed gi n w.l p 4 If the ttheftlbe certainly found in his hland alive, 27(I,4tch. 21, 7 19 -if he rise again, and walk abroad upon his, whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep, lie shall restore oa G.,. 4,1 a 2 Sam. 3, a staff, then shall he that smote him be quit: only he' e doublev Pv.in, 31 Ze8h.s, 4. shall pay for tile t loss of his time, and shall cause 5 ~ I a nan shall cause a field or vineyard to le 3 Rgor, hnt to be t oughly healed. eaten, and sh Put in his beast, and shal feed in CLev. 2 19, 20 1 And if a man smite his b servant, or his maid, another man's field oftlhe best of his own field,and of 20.;with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be the best of his own vineyard shall ihe make restitution.,erse 223. surely ~ ns. 6 If fire break out, and catch in thorns, so that:Lev. 2:'3 2e1 Notwithstanding, ifhe, continueda day ortwo, the stacks of corn, or the standing corn, or the field 40 om. 1, lie shall not be punished for lie is is noney. e consumed therewith; lie that kindleth the fire d Geo.R,. 22 ~ If men strive, arnd hurt a woman with child, shall surely make restitution. Jul-io 33. gso that ter fruitdepartffrom Iwre, and yet no mischlief 7 If a man shall deliver unto his neighlbour nionfollow: he shallbe surely punishedl, according as the, ey or stuff to kieel), and it be stolen out of the mana's womianl's husband will lay upon him; and le shall house; if the tlhief be found, let him pay douhle., cut. 22, e. pay as the judg-es delterie ~a c. 229, Opaasthejudges etrine. 8 If the thief he not found, then the master of tie 23 And if ay nmischief follow, then thou shalt h.ouse shall be brouhIlt unto tette judges, to see vwhe- t,,t.gt give life for life, ther he have put hishand unto his neig;hbour's goods. haI ftLv.24,,20. 24'Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, 9 For all nmanner of trespass, wihether it be fobr ox, Nimi. 35 31., oot for foot, for ass, for sheep, for raiment, or ifor any manner of I Ssam. 15, 23 Burningfor burning, wound for wound, stripe l hst tling wlich anotherI. challengeth to be his the Isa, s. 1 for strip{;. Ccause of both parties shall coetn before the judges 1r?,lt. 5, 38, - i9 a7, &2. 26 And if a man smite the eye of his servant, or and whomn the judges shall t condemn, lie shall pay f pb.,a LuKaba3. the eye of Ihis maid, that it perish; he shall let himt double unto his neighbour. Det. 25, 1., go firee fbr his eye's sake. 10 If a mnan deliver unto his neighbor an ass, or 27 And if' he smite out his minan-servant's tooth, an ox, or a sheep, or any beast g to keep and it die, g j;,..?0`, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~35, 3i.& as,.*, 11. 0or his nmaid-servant's tooth; lie shall let lihim go free g or be hurt, or driven away, no man seein g it:~ Miash 7, 8. L. 1 hhI Kbing " fbir" hn~is tooth's sakke.11 i Then, shall han oath of the LoRD be between 2, 43. 28 ~ If an ox gore a man or a womnan, that they.themn both, that lie hath not put his hand unto his on. 9,. dtice thlen the ox shall be surely "stoned, andr his flesh nciighbour's goods; anld thle owner of it shall accept 3.5, [.& shall'not be eaten; but the owner of the ox shallbe llthereof, and he shall not make it good. 13.9, 19. 1 y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gert.31 qi(t. 12 And if it be Istolen friom him, hlie shall make, 3, ~29 But: if tie ox were wont to push with Iris horn restitution unto the owner thereof. in time past, and it hat!h b!een testified to his owner, 1S If it be torn in.1iiecs; the,, let hlim bring it fork mAas 3 and hie hiath not lkept him in, butt that lie Ihathli killed wirtness, and lie shall not make good that which was a mtan or a Vwoman; the ox shall be stoned, and 1his tor n.i owner also shall be put to death. 14 ~ And if a man'borrow aught of lis neighlbour,. s', 3Uj2. 30 If there he laid on him k a sum of money, then and it be }hWt, or die, the owner thereof being not Num. la,,' 31 he shall give for tie ransom of his life whiatsoever with it, lie slall surely make it good. is laid upon hin. I1.5 But if time owner th~ereof be with it, lie shall d h $ a coe it if31 W'hether he ha ave gored a son, rr have gored not make it good' if it be a hired thing, it camne for a daughter, cong t i judgejs e.d man entice a maid that is not ie- mPa".2~ done unlto haimn. Sundr'y laes and ordinances. EXODUS. God's promi I'wo io tm Ipeopk. B e fBre Btfi~Kt cforc trothod, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her 1( And six years thou shalt sow thy land,!nd C111sT CIIRIST'~' CRS'' to ble his wifeN. fli]shalt atlier in thie friuits thereof. 17 F her fathlerutterly refhise to gic her unto hin, 11 But the seventh'year tlou shalt let nit rest, L. 2 he shall pivy inone accordinu, to the ldowry ol virguins. andl lie still; that the poor of thy pieople inmay eat',:. D~~~~~~~~~ut. ~0, n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mat. 6.31 nD ut. 1, 18 1 ~ Thou shalt not su'fer " a -aitch to live. atdl what they leave the beasts of the field shall eat.,,., 10. I Cor 7,2 aS~m. 2q.9. 930 1 iam2q9. 19 ~ Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely In lik]e manner thou slhalt deal with thy vineyard, 30, 31 Ga[, 3, 1.I oGLev. -,, be put to death. and with thy oliveyard. 23.0, 1[ I{e that sacrificeth unto P any god, save unto 12 ~ Six days thou shalt do thy work, and on p Deut. 17, 2, 3. the LoRn) only, lie shall be q utterly destroyted. the seventhl day thou shalt rest: tlhat thine ox and q Numn. 15, r...?n'um, lj, 21 1 Ilrlre;LS S L1~~~~I~Y rest- t (Id tire so)n of thy hiandinaid, 27. 21 1 heou shalt neither vex a stra r,- 1 ass may rest, and the so of thy handaid, Det. 1, 5. press him' for ye were strangers in thle land of Evpt. and the stranger, may be refreshed. r Lev. 19, pt a' h tagr a erfehd Dt. 21 Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless 1'3 ~ And in all hin' that I havesaid unto you, be Zc:h. 7, o10' hi. circumsppect: and make no mention of the P nanle oph., JaIes.f 1,217. ~2: IF dmi aint therm in any wise, v r at of other crods, neitlher let it be hIeard out of tIly nmo1th Piot.' 16,4 James 127. I thou a cany i, and they c Zech. 13,2 IDut. to, all u:to me, I will su,"ly I hear their cry; 14 ~[ Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto me 18.. W,49. 04 And my wrath si:all wax hot, andI will kill in the yfeae. 7J"g' 1,2' you with the swvor(l; and u your wives shall be 15 Thou salt keepthe feast of unleavenedlread 7, wi(ows, and your children fatherless. (tIou shalt eat unleavened bread seven days, as I,Dci. 23, 25 ~ If thou lend money to any of(? my people that coiani led thee, in the time appointed of the month N Hot)., is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as a t' usu- Abib; tor in it thou camest out froi'Oi Egypt; and Nresebech, f~,1 ieep *J biting. rer, neitlher shalt thou lay upon him usury. none siall aippear before me epty ) q Dent. 15 26 ~I[ If thou at all take thy neiglhbour's raiment 16 And thle fIast of harvest, the first-fruits of thy'1. to pledge, thou shalt deliver it unto himi by that the labours wluich thou hast sown in the field: and the yDcul. 23, Y sun oethi down feast of ingatherinfg, which is in the end of thle year, Job 31. 16 27 For that is his covering only, it is his raiment when thou hast gathered in thy labours out ofthe field. for his skin' wherein shall lie sleep,.and it shall 17 1Thnree times in thile year'all thy males shall rDut. 12, conie to pass, when lie crieth unto nrie, that I will appear before the LORD God. 5,6. hear; forT I am gracious. 18 ~ Thou shalt not ofer the blood of my sacri-,ec., 15 28 ~[ Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the flee wxith leave1ned bread' neither shall the fat of my cNum.7 2, Z ruler of thy people. I' sacrtifice renmain until the morning. 1Or fc1 y~~~~~~~~~~ S 1 Or,/'east P. 3~~~'3 ~ ~~lle hrst of tile " first-ii~~~~~~~uits o f thy land fl-loudi.34,25.j Acts 23, 5 2.9' Thou shalt not delay to qffer the first of thy 19 The firs of the first-fruits of thy and ou.,. a Prov. 3, 9. ot 34, 26.,b Nun. is, ripe firuits, and ofthy liquors: tile first-born of thy shalt bring into tle u house of the LORD thy God. cr A,'In (I I Chr. 5 soins shalt thou give unto ine. Thou shalt not x seethe a kid in his mother's milk. 3,2".. 30 Likewise shlialt thou do with thine oxen, and 20 1 Behold, I send y an Angel before thee, z to yh.4, with thy sheep seven days it shall be with his dam; keep thee in tlte way, and to bring thee into the a' Cor. 10, 0. D ~euh' 14, 1 i' T "1z Ps. 91, 11. 21. on the eighth day thou shalt wive it the. place which I have prepared. aJohn14, 31zek 4.'4,3 [ And ye shal be holy een unto her 21 Beware of hiim, and obey his voice, provoke2 d Ezek,44, 31 And ye shall be cli~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~le illb 1 shall ye eat any flesh that is d torn of beasts inii tihe him not; for ie will b not pardon your transgressions:- bu. 1, aLev. 22,0. field; ye shall e cast it to the dogs, for my name ts c in himn. 3. M~t. 7, 6. ~nI.'d ings 24: Bls~ia~~~~~t. 7,6 ~. ~22 But if thou shalt indeed d obey his voice, and do 4.ig 2 CHAPTER XX IIeI. all tlhat I speak; then I will. be an enemly unto thine eJer. 2,. 1 Of slander and false witness....3,6 Of justice....4 Of charitableness. 10 Joall that I speak; te10 I wi e a enemy unto thine cJer., 06. Of te ye1ar of rest....2 Of the Stbah.....14 Of the enemies, and an adlversary unto thine adversaries.. Of' the year of rest....1.2 Of the S, 13 Of idolatry..14 Of th ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~2 ot., 1 three feassts....18 Of the blood and thile fat of the sacrifice....20 An angel 23 For mine Angel shall go before thee, and 2 Cr. 5,19 is promised. 9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P. 1 3 Irrreisis promised. satnti afle:pun t lbring thee in unto the g Amorites, and tihe Hittites, cs.19, is. 11Or,reeeva O hl no.1 ai flsan. 42,16 a, Isa.33. 19. OU raise falsreport put not and tile Perizzites, and thile Canaanites, and the Hi- O:...a21 16y. Dei thy lhand with the wicked to be an b unright- vites, and the Jehusites; and I will cut themn off. Gen., 1a. sisnd1. I":l, 1. eous witness. 24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor cGen.6, 12. 2 Thou shalt not follow C a multitude to do evil serve them, nor do h after their works: but thou shalt hLev. 18,.3 neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their many to wrest jucg'ment: images. a Le,. 19, 3 ~ Neither shalt thou d countenance a poor man 25 And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he. in his cause. shall e1.ss'tly bread, and thy water; and I will take i Dane i 4 I If thou meet thine encmy's ox or his ass going sickness away from the midst of thee.h 15,28 eDeut. 22, 11 y1 e k cit1'5 2' 2 %.tl. 2=, astray, thlou shalt surely briing it tack to hin again. 26 There shliall nothing'cast their young, nor be 1 clh 22. 5 If thou see the ass of hin thiat hateth thee lyingj barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I willmJob 42, fIt con.9,9 nder this burden, and wouldest forbear to help him, m fulfil. 17. (Ja.6,2. thou shalt surely help with' him. 27 I will send "my fear before thee, and will de- n Cle. 35; Deut. 27, 6 [ Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of g thy stroy all the people to whom thou shalt come, and Isa. 4, hP.4poor hin his cause. will make all tlhine enemimes turn their backs unto thee. h1ro,., 7 h Keep thee far fi'om a false matter; and the in- 28 And I will send 0 hornets before thee, wllich o DUeut. 7, 14. toin.2, i, nocent and righteous slay thou not: for I will miot shall d'ive out tie Hivite, tie Canaanite, and the' 20. 2. justify time wicked. Ilittite frombefore thee. kDent. 16, 8 And thou shalt take kno gift; for the gift hin- 29 I will not drive them out from before thee in ~~ 26, ~. deth t the wise, and'perverteth the words of the1 oneyear; lest tli land become desolate, and tie beast 19t tleb. oe~cr ettl:l~l't cr l eoae n h es open-eyed, righteous. of tile field mutiply against thee. 9 Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye 30 By little and little I will drive them out from be9'Sa~3 Allso thou shea ltt oppe s a stranger' f orin ye tp rae ll sams,8. kniow the heart of a stranger,seemng ye were strangers' fore theeuntil thou be increased,and inherit the land. in the land of Egypt. 1 t31 And I wvill set thy bounds from t~he Red sea 60 The glory of God apjeeareth. CHAPTER XXi V, XXV, The form of the ark and mercy-seat. BeoIST even unto the sea of the Philistines, and fi'om the I devouiring fire on the top of the mount in the eyes of'149 desert unto tile river: for I will deliver thle inhabit- the children of Israel. 114 ants of the leInd into your hands; and thou shalt diwiVe 18 And MAloses went into the midst of tlhe cloud, themn out before thee. Iand gat him up into tler mIount: and Moses was in', 1 Kilgs in c. 34,12, tljm ot betr t! e e, 84. ch. 31, 32 Thou shalt make no covenant r with them, the loult b forty days and forty nights., q Nw11 5 l 12-..25, nor with their gods. C APTER XXV. 25.t7 I& 1230. They shal no wlnthy ldlest 1thahheeyalie Deti5.,. 33 hey shall not dwell in tly nd, lest they I hat the Isreits must offer for the minaking of the tabernacle....1 Psalm 1o0, make thee sin against me for if thon serve their The formi ofthe ark.....17 The mercy-seat with the cherubims....23 The 34, 3.5. 1 Prov. 13, gods, it will surely be q a snare unto thee. table with the furniture thereof. 14,!17. 4, 29. CHAPTER XXIV. ND the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 27,0 9V. _62 Sp1eak ) nto U e( child:'en ofIsrael, tlat they I Moses is called up into the mountain...A. Moses buildeth an altar. andtSofselhMi twelve pillars....li Ie sprinlkleth the blood of the covenant.... T I bring me an offerin: of every man that giveth it tfieb. glory of God appeareth....15 Moses continueth forty days and forty' wilfigly with his ieart e shall take my offering. f takefrmc. nights in the mount.~~~~~nights in the mount. 3 And this is thle offbring which ye shall take of d.,. a ch. 1, 9 ND he said tinto loses, Come up unto the LORD, themn; gold, and silver, and brass, a t~~~lon, an n 1) 4 Ahe nd c bl, arl-l sue e, id basd 20, 1o. thou, and Aaron, "Nadab, and Ablhn, and 4 And C blue, n.d purple, and dscarlet, and fine b,, ~l. ) 0,1 b ch. 28, 1. ty of thep( d Y(~ e 9( d Ro t Lev bh.S,. seventy of the elders of Israel; and worship ye Ilinen, and goats' lai, d Reoe. 6,. 2. afar off. 5 And rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins, c., C Nuin 11,d 1 2 Cor. S, I.6, 17. 2 And Moses alone shlall come near the LORD: and shittim-woo d, Dout 10,22.shtin-yo d D:ut. 1o0,2. but they shiall not come nigh; neither shall the peo- 6 Oil tfor thie g light, spices for dnointing oil, and gch. a27, 0 d fleb. 10, 19. & 2,15. pie go up with hinm. for sweet incense, i., 3 1, And Moses came and told tle people all the 7 Onyx-stories, and stones to be set in the h ephod, h ch. 28, words of the LORD, and all tlhe judgments' and all and in the 1)reast-plate. the people answered with one voice, and said, All 8 And let tlheni inake me a sanctuary that I2 cor. a, fverse7. the words which the Lon)D hath said I will we do. may k dwell among tle(n. k r. 19,7 glieb. 9, 4 ~ And Moses g wrote all the words of the LoRD 9 According to all that I shew thee, qa'aer tllhe,,Is. 1,23 19. 2I nce n 0m Gon 31, and rose up early in the nmornin, and buil(led h an ipattern of the tabernacle, anti tlhepattern of all the altar under tlhe hill, and twelve pillars according to instruments thiercot, even so shall ye make it. 25,.:"'~' t(he k~twelve tlribes of Israel. 10 [ A mid thely shall nmake n" an ark qf sl]ittimln- mc. 26,33 & 40. 18,~ 2 Cor. 3, 5 And lie sent yoinn mren oftlhe children of Israel, wood two cublits and a half shall he the lengthJ,r. 14t.'-' J r, ch. 33,1:1.v which offiered burnt-offerings, and sacrificed'" peace- thlereof, and a culbit and a half the breadth theeore 0;.,,9 ma ILL. 13, P~.d.- there t, iv, 11 i. offerings3 of" oxen nito the LJ and a cubit anid a half the height thereof. 21, a ieb9,19. G ~ And Moses took hlalf of the l1)ood, and put 11 And thou shalt oerlay it with pure gold, withoa fe. 9,i. Zt in basons; and half of the bloodi hlie sprinkled 0 in and without shalt tiou overlay it, and shalt mnalke on the altar. upon it a crown of g'old round about. 7 And he took the book of the covenant, and read 12 And thiou shalt cast four rings of gold for it, in the audience of the people: and they said, All that and put fh/m, in the (four corners thereof; and two the LoRI) hath said will we do, and be olcedient. rings shalli be in tlhe one side of it, and two rings in,ve.rse 4. 8 Andi Moses took the blood, and spritn kled it p on the other side of it. Ile. I, 1.q Het. 9, the people, and said, q Behold tihe blood of tilhe co- 13 Anid thou shalt make staves of shittim-wood, 10, i. venant, which the Lou hliath made with you con- and overlay themn with gold. cerning all these words. 14 An1(1 thou shalt pua t the staves into the rings l)y the T9 i Thlen went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, sides ofthe- ark, tlhat tie ark nmay be borne with tlem. n Nu,. 7,9 r 1o,n 1,s. and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel: 15 TThe sta ves shall lbe in the rings of the ark: they,zek..0 And they r saw the G(od of Israel: and there shall not be taken fi'ow' It. 2. was under his feet as it were a paved (vwork of a 16 And tlhou shatit put into the ark the o testimony ovoets 21. UAW. 17, 2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Delit. 51, Mt.. saplilhire-stone, and as it were the tbodv of' heaven wlich I shall give thee.,. ch. 19.21.in his clearness. 17'If A. d tliou shalt make P a mercy-seat f' pure 2Kingsii, N'el. 132 11 And upon the nobles of the chlildiren of Israel gold: two c.ubits and a halfsh ll be the length thereof, Is7,4. Ps. 355, 21.Co'2,. & mos, 7.he laid not his hand: also they saw God, and y did anti a cubit and a half the breadth therceof. 2 Tim., 8 Xvecrse 5. 1t 1011 ii Ii*Johno 2. vL.k.2. ~~eat and drink. I 81A1d thon shait mahe chernbiuso c Luke 22,80. 1And ttmu shalt n ke two ch e 2rublus o gold, of 2. J,,} ". y.Jer.31 33. 12 And the LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends Rom. 3, 25'2 Ctsr. 3, 3.'' HeNb 9, 5. 7. 1, into the mount, amd be there: an.' I will give tliie of0 tIe omercy-seat. b. 9, 111'2. d cont 1o, 20., tablles of stone, and a law, and commandiments 19 And wake one cherub on the one end, and the which h lhave written; that thou mayest teach them. other cherul) on the other end: even of the nercy-seat 13 And Moses rose up, and his minister Joshua: shall ye make tile (clierubixns on the two ends thereof. and Moses wvent up into the mount of God.' 20 Ant thie chierulbinls shall stretch forthl their wings 14 ~I And hlie said unto the elders, Tarry ye here on high, covering the mecrcy-seat with their wings,,L, 5., o. fior us, until w~e come again unto you and b e h o l d, -Ps. 10.1, 4 for us, until e come again unto you: and behold, and their faces shall look one to another: toward the &,.0, 1 Aaron, and IlHur are, with You: if any nian have any vmer'cy-seat shliall the fces of tlie cherubims be. Heb., 0. matters to do, let laim comne unto them. 521 And thlou shalt put tIle mercy-seat abtove upon raat m7,5. 15 ~[[ And Moses went up into the mount, and " a the ark; and in the ark thou shalt put the ~rtestinony,~n. as, t. cloud covered the motnt. tlhat I slhall give thee..t. 16 And the glory of the LIORD abode upon mount 22 And there I wvill S meet with thee, and I will,~h. 20, 6, Sinai, and theecloud covereld it six days: and thie c(nlnune with tlee fi'om above the mercy-seat, firom ~' 0, seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst between the two cherubims which are upon the ark 27. of the cloud, of the testimnony, of all things which I xwill give thee,s' m'S' ~' 17 And the sight of the glory of the LORD was like in comnmand ment unto the children of!bra.el o,, 61 Of the table and candlestzcw. EXODUS. Special things belonging to the tabernacle. e, fo re 6 0 BBefore,,~,,, 2.3 I Thou shalt also make a table of slrittih- or f th oie icurtain fiom the selvedge in tile coupling;,C,,:zp ipi, wMod: two cuLi)its shall he hie lellngh tleretof and a anrd likewise shalt tholti`iake in the uttermost edge 4. cubit the breadth thereof, aId a "ubit and a half the of'not/heri curtain, in t0he coupilitng {ofIthe second. tl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~e teat tee o f -Ijvu~ hi~~~~eigtht thlereof.'I~~~ "5 Fifty! Ih ( oops slhalt t hon make tile one curtaln, 24 And thou shalt ovcerlayv it with pure gold, and and filty "loops slhalt thou make in thle edge of tlie niake t IlJeret a crovwn of gold ronii about. cturtain that is in Ihe coupling of tlhle sc' ond; that 2; Au id t hon slialt imake unto it a I(irdler of a hand- tl e loops m ay take hold one of anoltler. breadth rollud about, and thoul shalt tiake a golden 6 And thiou sllalt nimakefifty laclies of gold, and crown to tlie border thereof rottnd about. couple the curtains together/;with the taches: and 26 Aind thou shalt make fo' it four rings of gold, it slhall be d one talebti:iacle. 1 verse U. E I Ih. 2, 22. and put the rigs in the tour corners that are on the 7'~[ And thlou shaIt make curtains of goats' hair le.:, 2,3 fbur feet thereof. to be a covering upon the tabernacle eleven cur- elh. 35, 2I 27 Over against the border shalV the rings be'for tains shalt thou make.' places of tire staves to bear the table. 8'T'he lengtih of one(curtain shall be lthirty clbits, 28 And thou shalt make tile staves of shittlim- and thle breadtlh of one curtain four cul)its and the wood, atid overlay them with gold, that thle table eleven curtains shall be all of one measure. nmay be be orne wilti them. 9 And thou shalt couple five curtains by themNv n 1r 29 And thoushait makete the dislhes thereof, and selves, and six curtains by themselves, and sh'alt u L.., 24i7. U sp-oons tlhereof, and c.vers thereof, and bowls dlouble the sixth curtain in tihe fore-front of the taNur.n,r tle,.er cof, to cover withal: of y pure gold shalt thoul herniacle. x NUM, 4,7. in jet. 2"'i, n make tlhem. 10 And thou shalt make fifty loops on thle edge yLev. 2,6. 30 Atrid thou shalt set upon the table tshew-bread of the one curtain that is outmost in the coupling tiread thebefor ne in always. and filfty loops in the edge of the curtain which bap,'eaofa the, eo f,,),1'~[ And tlhou shalt nmake " a candlestick a fpurei coupletd the second, Lev., S. gold ~ of beaten work shall the candllestick be made I 1 And thou shalt make fifty taches of brass, and Mark 2.. his shaft, anld his branct-ies, his howls. his knops, and. put the taches into the loops, and couple the tent John6, 3, his,') flowers, srall be of the samie. to lher that it may be one. Acts 26, " to'-rlhe h'timabeoe Cor. 5 32 And six branclhes shrall come out of tle sides 12 And tihe re:iunant that remaineith of the cur& 10,1. i., of it three brau-ches of the candlestick out of thle rtains of the tent, thle half curtain that remtnaineth, Hc,:h. 3,,14. z h. 33 14 Side d ee branche of the candlestick out sllall lani, over t[ ba1ck side of tile talernRcle. a ixv. 2,t4. o e and three otaciile s of tie brr. Io of the otlier side 13 Alndl a cubit on Ire one side, and a cu it on t lie 10,5. c2) o -' i'te egh fh PAM.f,5 36 l3. 3 Tree bowls made c like unto -almonds, P/lh a other side of tlhat wlhich rernainetl in le lenglh ofthe Nui,.. 17, kno)p ard a flower in one lratncl; aid three bowls curtains of the Itent, it slhall bang over the sides of the Jr. i, I. Lrtade like almonds in the otlher branch, wit/h a knop i tabernacle on this side and o that side, to cover it. I r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nu'n. 4,5 and a flower' so in tihe six branches that conie out 14 ~ And thou, shalt rmake'a covering for the.,n. of. thef, candlestick. tent of ranis' skins dyed red, and a covering above P,~0` ".' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1-21, 5, 6. 34 And in the candlestick shall be four bowls made of badgers' skins, a. 4,. 6 Rev. 4,!. likeunt alond, wih. rei' kopsand hr it lowrs. 15 ~I lAnd I hou shalt make g boards for the taber- Rev.4, I. & 35 Anid /tere shall b' a knop ulidertwo branches nacle of shittim-wood standing up. 7, 16. & 21, of thle sarte, and a knop under two branrches of the 16 i'en cubits shall hbe tle length of a boarid, and gI Tim.3, samne, and a knop under two branches of the samne, a cubit and a half shall be tire breadth of one board.'' according to the six branches that proceed out of tIle 17 Twvo tenons shall the;re be in one board, set in candlestick. order one against another: thus shalt thou make for 36'lTh'eir knops and their branches shall be of the all tlhe boards of the tabernacle. same all ofit shall1 be one beaten work of p~ure gold. 18 And thou shlalt nmake the boards for the taberd IRev. I1.1%d,,0.,' 357 -And thou shalt make the d seven lamps thereof: nacle, twenty boar'ds on the south side southward. 1. and they slmall liglht tile lamps thereof, that they may 19 And thotiu shaft ma. ke forty h sockets of silver hch. 38, 27 e.ol. 27, 20. give e light over agaiust it. under the twenty boards: two sockets under one & a0, s. Z!5?-' C C13,11 33 Andl tire tongs thereof, and the snuff-dishes board for Iris two ten.ons, and two sockets under anthiereof, shall he qf pure gold. other board for Iis two tenons. 39 Of a talent of pure gold shall lie make it, wir 20 And fo r tIre second side of thle tabernacle on f fHb 8, all liese vessels. the nortlh side there shall be twenty hoards. g oh. 26, 30 1 soc a Ch., 2.2. 40 And t look tmat thou make them after their 21 Aind their forty sockets of silver;to sockets ohK,t pattern, which was siewed thee in the mount. under one board, and two sockets under another Icor 3- 9' CHAPTER XXV. board. gp., t0. C. I-API. i~~ph. 2,1. ~ Directions for the T'abernacle. 22 And for the sides of the tabernacle. west- fib h verse 3 seeriac ws, 1.2... OREOVER, thou shalt make thea tabernacle ward thou shalt iake six Iboards. s Ge.., HebIork?f a 7v/ith ten curtains of fine b iied linen, amid 23 And two Iboards stalt thou nake for the cor-8. ofcrk a verse 7......;-. Yblae, and purple, and scarlet: withi C clierubiims of ners of the tabernacle in tihe two sides. dO,,r ri-j (c unnirig work shalt thou make then. 24 And they slhall he con pled togetlher beneath i ch-.,6 1,0 6,.:-,. 2'T(e length of onre curtain s/all 7be eighlt and and they shall be copled togetheri alove tile hle;a. 133 12,a:" twenty c.ulbits, and tihe breadth of one cur'tain four of' it unto one ring:' thus shall it be for thenl both i Cor. I, 10.?'n~. 2,0a. CUibtS: and every one of tile curtains shall have one theyshall be t tire two corners.'Heb, the t~y~~l ~ irtr l\o(clnls,,i,,C,,,o uieasu:'e. 25 And they shralh be eiglht bloards, and theirsock-,~.~, C 11. 13.. f ~ sxte,M,,,.. ol'he five curtains slia.ir be coupled toaetirer! one ets of siver, six tee n sockets; two s,)ciets urnder one 0.:<,0 to anotl:er; atrd other fi,'e curtains shall be cotpledl bo ar~d, arid two sockets unelcr another' toar' Ret. ~", one to another. i 26 And thou shalt make b lalrs of shittimn-wood;..o,..0' t,~ ~,,, 4 And thou shalt make loops of blue upon the edge lfie for the boards of' the o~ie side of the taheracle, ao. 652 The altar of burnt-offering. CIHAPTER XXVI1, XXVIII. The court f the tabernac le CHRIls 27 And five bars fior the boards of tile other side II And likewise for the north side in length there,t,, " of tile tabernacle, and five lars for the boards of the shall be hangings of a hlundred cubits long, andl Iis 1491. side of the tabernacle, fir the two sides westwvard. twenty pillars anod their tvwenty sockets of brass: tihe "" 28 And tlhe middllle bar in the midst of the boards hooks of thie pillars a11( tlcir fillets of silver. shall reach firom end to enld. 12 And/br tile IbrcadIh of the court on thile west 29 And thou shralt overlay the boards with gold, side shall be hangings of fifty cubits' their pillars trob. and make their rings qfgoldtfor t places for the bars:' ten, -and their sockets len. ci. 29, 27. and tliou shalt overlay the bars wvith gold. 13 And the breadth of the court on the east side 30 And thou shalt rear up the tabernacle accord- eastwvard shall be fifty cubits.' ~b. inug to the t fashion thereof which was shewed thee 14 The'1hanging.s of one side of the gate shall.,be ih. 26, 3& iudgment, ch.. 9,40. in the nmount. fifteen cubits' their pillars three, and their s'ockets Acts,7, 44. 31 ~ And thou shalt make la vail of blue, and three. I ver.. purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen of cunning 15 And on the other side shallbe hangings, fifteen Le~v. 4, 6..2 C;or.. 2. 1work wvith "' cherubims shall it be made. cubits ~ their pillars three, and their sockets three.,.; 32 And thou shalt hang it upon four pillars of 16 And for the gate of the court shall be a hanging s. slittim-wood overlaid with gold: their hooks shallbe of twenty cubits, oqf m blue, anti purple, and scarlet, n John o,,h. 25,,9. 9..,, of gold upon the four sockets of silvert. and fine twined linen, wrought wiih needle-work: Rom., 1,,,Pet., 12. 33 And thou shalt hang up the. vail under the and thetir pillars shall be four, and their sockets four. tac:hes, that thou mavest bring in tlhither within thel 17 All the pillars round about the court shall be n ch. 93, 16. I I lst Or, ocli 4, a. ai teil he ark of the testimony - and the vail shallf illetted with silver their hooks shall be oj'silver, and!I, Wrbik,,,b. 9, 8, o divide unto you between the holy place and the their sockets qf,rass. z,,. 19,'t,0.,'lsa,. 2:,?, 2.3, fatlleh.I,- - most holy. 18 The length of thccourtshall bea h undred cubits, &.3, o. nF.ss of ho. Ze.1,4 ef:.: 34 And tiou shalt put tie mercy-seat upon the and the breaadth fiity every where, and the height five,h. o rmu..9, 24.akofhetsioyithmothypc. Dki. i~ r' ark of the testilony in the m1ost holy plce. cubits qf fine twined line n and theirsockets of brass. -F..5. 9. t HeO. 9, r-) P Rev. 11, 5 9.. 35 And thou shalt set the tabile P wirtlout the vail, 19 All th vessels iof the tabernacle in all the ser- o2Cor., qPs. 99, 12.and t~he candlestick over againstthe table on the sidel v'ice thereoi, and all the pins thereof, and all t 4he.l.&,., of the tabernacle toward tlhe q south: and tlhou shalt pins of the court, shal be of brass. i 3 put the table on tilhe north side. 20 nd th sit co an d th i en of forthebi d tho yhalt c t he ohil-oien o ee.i' 1b. 9, 2, 36~ [ And thou shalt makme a rhanaing for theI srael, thiat they brin, thee pure 1 oil-,olive3 ~ late,:. door of the tent, of blue, and puirple, and scarlet,and tior the light, to tause the lamp to burn " always. 2ci. 13,.Ezek. G,' line twined linen, wrought with needle-work. 21 In the ta li ui 1ch- of the congregation with out hMat. 4, 18. 10.37 And thou shalt make foir the htanging five )il- the vail, xhich is befoore the testimony, Aaron and his,o,,:,, ~o Ep.3, 8. ~:~h.,, as3. lars of shittim-.wood, and toverlay them witl gold, sons shali4orider it fron ellening to morning before tle Pet. th Iv and their hooks shall be of gold: and thou shalt cast LoRDn: It shall be a statute -or ever unto their gene- 1,3. five sockets of brass for thdiem, rations on the behalf of the children of Israel.CHAPTER XXVII. CHAPTER XXVIII. The altar of brnt-offerin'r with the vessels thereof, I Aaron and his sons are set apart for the priest's office....2 IHoly garments ~The~~~ it zn-frg tare appointed....30 The Urimn and Thummin....31 The robe of the a Heb. 13, ND thou slhalt mnake a an altar of shittim-wood, ephod....40 The garments fbr Aaron's sons. * -five cubits long, and five cubsits broad;the altarl/ ND take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother, and b Ezek. 49, shall be b four square: and the height thereof shall his sons with him, from among the children of 20. Ta* tI' aI-., Re,. 21, 16. be three cubits. Israel, that he nmay " Inimster unto me in the priestls 5 4. k. 2 And thou shalt make the C horns of it upon the office, even Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and' four corners thereof.: his horns shall be of tile same: thaiar, Aaron's sons. Job 6, 12. and thou shalt overlay it with i brass. 2 ~1 And thou shalt make bholy garments for Aaron 6' 1'. 6,10 Zech. 6, 1. Heb. 7i, 20. 3 And thou shalt make his pans to receive his thy brother, for c glory and for beauty. Rev. 19, 8. Kings ashes, and htis ~shovels, and his basons, and Ihis 3 And thou shalt speak unto all thal are d wisc-' Jn 1,4b 7, 40 aIe.,3 ft Snm. 2, flesh-h-ooks, and his g fire-pans: all the vessels tiiere- hearted,l whonoIu h alave filled with the spirit ofwisdom, del. 31, 8 13. eIsa. 28, g Lev. 1, of thou shalt make of brass. that they many miake Aaron's garments to consecrate'. 2. 1. & 16, 12. 4 And thou shlialt make for it 11 a grate of net-work him,that lie miay mi-nister unto n-e in the priest's office. [[ Or, sieve, A11,oj, 0,f brass9; and upon the net shalt thou make four 4 And tlhese are the garme.nts whilth they shall brazen rings in tie four corners thereof. make; a breast-plate, and ran ephod, g and a robe,:h.2,,. h Ch. 38, 4. 5 n hoshlptitndr bel. 38,4 5 And thou shalt put it under hthe comnpass of the alnd a broideIred coat, ha mnitre,and a girdle: and theiny ac. 29, 3. altar beneath, that the net may 1)e even to the midst shall make holy garme.nts for Aaron thy brother, and h Z:'c''3 of the altar. his sons, that he may minister unto me in tihe priest's song, it. 6 And thou shalt make staves for the altar, staves office. of shittim-woocd, and overlay them with brass. 5 And they shall take i gold, and blue, and purple, h.. 39,. 7 And tilt staves shiall be 1put intotme rin>s, adnd the anu scarlet, and fine linen.. 2., — N -e~b. 92, 17. kb staves shall benpon the tvo sidAes 3f the alta-r, to bmar it 6 ~ And they shall make the ephod of gold,?f & 9, 12, 1, s/,eweei 8 H-ollowl with bolards shalt thou make it: as + i blue, and of' pTr)iple, fscarlet, and fine twined linen, was showed thee in the mount, so slhall they nake it. with cunning work. trs.lo0o,4. 9 ~ And thou shralt make the 1 court of thle taber- 7 It shall hlave the two shoulder-pieces thereof nacle: for the southt side southward there shall be joined at thle two edges thereof; and so it shall be hangings for the court. f fine twined linen of a bun- joined tog. ether. tcr.,1i dr'ed cubits long for one side': 8 And thet ",curious girdle of the ephod which is''"~,' 10 And the twenty k pillars thereof: and their upon it; shall be of the same, according to the work Rev. 1,t. twenty sockets shall be of brass: the hooks of the thereof; even. ofzold, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, pillars and their fillets shall be of silver, and fine twined linen. 63 The fiszon of the breast-plate EXODUS. The Urirn and Thutimmzrn, &c. c~ 9'r 9 And thou shalt take twoonyx-stones, and grave judgment the I1U rim and the Thumnmii m; and they BefTor 1n4., on thetn the names of thle clhildren of Israel shall e po Aaron's heart, when he go'et in e- 1 Y 10 Six of their namnes on one stone, arnd the othler lore the Loin): and Aaron shall I)ear the judgment T i six nani 1es of the rest on the other stone, according of tlhe children of Israel upon his heart betfore the 7;ei tih 1a alld pefec.. Q Gen. 43, to theiri. t Lr.itL con tiLmuail[y. irfecls. 33.,,, o,. 11 With thie work of an engraver in stone, like 31'I[ And thou shalt make the robe of thle ephod,7..~. the engravings of a signet, shalt tliou "' engrave the all of bIlue. 111.ljh 1.9,23.' Songs, 9. two stornes withj thle namies of the cllildren of Israel: 32 And there shall he a hole in the top of it. in' John 19, thou siart imake tlhem to be set in ottches of gold. the midst thllereof: it shall h[ave a binding of' woven 23. 12 And tlhou shalt put the two stones up01i the work round about tie hole of it, as it ere the hole iI oGal. 6,,6. sloulders of the ephod for stones of" menorial unto of a habergeonl, hat' it be not rent. 2Ti Cm. 1 3.0 b. taS. the chlildren of Israel: and Aaron shall bear their 33 And beneath. uion lthe hem of it thou shalt make S olsTa. 9,6. natnes betfore thile Lord upon his two 0 shoulders for pomnegranates of blue, anld ofpurple, and of scar Ilet, kS&,,7 &L?2.:z'2. J,7, n Le1d,. roun. ablout Ithe lheni thereof; and bells of gold beEph. 5, 25.a 13 And thou shalt make ouches of gold; tween thelle roun(d aboiut p Gen. 41, 14 And two P chains of pure gold at the ends; of 34 A golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell 2... wreathen work shalt thou make them, and fasten tihe and a pomegranate, upon the hem of the robe round wreathen cliains to the ouches. about.,ver. 2930. 15 [ And thli()u shalt make the q lreast-plate of 35 And it slhall lbe upon Aaron, to minister' and I fb. 2,7 o. s, S. jutdglnent with cunning wvork; after thle work of the lis I sound slall be leard when hlie m goeth in unto ni Nun. 27 17. epliod thou shlgt make it; qf gold, f' Iblue, and qf thle holy place before the LoRo, and when he coineth i Chr.27, 1 purple, anid of scarlet, and oJ fine twined linen shaltn ou., Ithat he die not. A 1, tho(u wiake it. 36 [ And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold, 16 Four-square it shall be, heig doubled; a span and grave upon it lihke thle engravings of a signet, h29,0. tile ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n o h. 29, 80. shall be thile length thereof, and a span s/hall be the 110IINESS TO THIE LORD. Ps. 93. 5. breadtl, thereof. 37 And thlou shalt put it on a blue lace, that it may Zech. 14,20 17 And thiou shalt set in it settings of stones, even be upon the mitre; upon the fore-front of the mitre vrthv. 21, four rows of stones; the first rov shallt b a r sardius, it shlall be. a,,0.be,~ Sa topazand at carbruncle: this shall be tle first row. 38 And it shall be upon Aaron's forehead, that R.eI,'). 2 18 And thle second row shaill be an " emerald, " a Aairon mlay}o)ear the iniqiity of tIle holy things, v'liic4, 2 ohn I,29 e Roy, 21, hi1yI P 19 0o. sal)l'ire, and a y diani()id. the children ofIsrael shall hallow in all tleir holy I Pet.',,o,,. 19 And thle third row a " figure, an' agate, and gifts; and it shlall be alwa.ys upon his foirehead, that 1e V. 21,19. al beteLR) r,19.: an atnetlhyst. ~ they may be accepted before the Loo.,~o,,e.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p Lev. 8,?. toe. 20 And the fourth row a C Irryh,and an'-onyx, and 39 And thou shalt embroider the coat of fine 9,.Leo,%. iRe.2,e: y sbi. l.1 setilgodi hericst s 1129 -.r19' jasper' riey sliall be set i g(id in heir inhoosings. linen, and thou shalt make thie nmitre of fine linen, ev. I,. Jto/'Ze. 21 And the stonies shall Ibe wvith the names of (lhe aind thou shalt make the girdle of needle-work. qch. 39, 29 JxRev.21, children of Israel, twelve, according to their names, 40 And for Aaron's sons thou shalt make coats, rRev.7, 7. 19. zn.si''he,. 5 ssachr,,s, like the engravings of a signeat; every one with his and thou shalt make for them girdles, and' bonnets s. ntame. ae shall tl.iey be according to the twelve tribes. shalt thou make fior. them, for glory and for beauty. Rom.6,2 0'' 22 And thliou shalt make upon the brea'st-plate 41 And thou shalt put tllhen upon Aaron thy bro zo,,,, itschains at the endss (f wreathen worik of pure gold. ther, and his sons with him: and shalt annoint tlhem, V!orle. t Rev, 2., 23 And t hou shalt make upon the breast-plate two and consecrate them, and sanctify them, that they UO. i,,mitone. rings of gold, and shalt put the two rings on the two may minister unto me in the priest's office. a0Rev.21. eends of tile breast-plate. 42 And thou shalt make them linen breeches to.plsatciU 24 And tthou shlalt.put the two wreathen chains cover their tnakedness: firom the loins even untoR""'6, 21, 8 /tsgt'?. & Rom 6, 21, 2,1. O, f gold in the two rings which are on thIe ends of the the u thighs they shall reach ~ 3,19. b Rev. 21, zn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n ~~~~~~Rev. 3, 18. G0d'ssono. breast-plate. 43 And they shall be upon Aaron, and upon his u cr. 12, aCev. 21, 25 And the other two ends of the two wreathen sons, when they co()e in unto the tabernacle of the 23. 20. dsher's chai.ns thou shahlt fasten iin thile two ouchles, and put congregation, or when they cofme near unto the altar Sthe.o thl te shoulder-pieces cf the ephod before it. p zlanister in tile l.i~,. tle bear not iab. 1,15 elRe. 1, oflt. erpe -oit.placI WJI fJtW r ial they ~7 beat not Mat. 22, 22 dt Rev. 21, 19. 26 And thou shalt make two rings of gold, and iniquity and die. It shall be a statute for ever unto Joseph's.,o,,1. thout shalt put theul upon the two ends of thle breast- him, and his seed after him. Rev.21, plate in, tlie border thereof, which is in the side of the CA TER xxix. 19. CHAPTER XXIX. 7erjurnings eplod in ward. 1 The sacrifice and ceremonies of consecrating the priests......38 The con Qe 27 A mid two other ringsr of gold thou shalt nmake,) tinual burnt-offering.....45 God's promise to dwell among the children and sljalt put tahem on the two sides of the ephliod of Israel. ach. a. Ma. I, lI, underneaeth, toward thle fore-plart thie:eof, over again st / ND this is the thing that thou shalt do unto tlem tI' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Pet. 1, 19 the other coupling thereof, above the curious girdle to hallow theni,to minister unto me in tlhe triest's c,PoY. S. of the eplhod. office' Take one young bullock, and two rains c ci o,.., J,,hn. 7 28 Anid they shall bind the breast-plate by the rings without bilemish, dDet. 2, thbereof unto tIle rings of tlhe ephod with a lace of blue, 2 And b unleavened b~read, and cakes unleavened, Sl. 16. that it may I~e above the curious girdle of the ephod, tempered C with oil, and wa~firs unleavened anointed Jo,,, s, 32. a [lrdt hatI the blreast-plate lme not loosed firom lie ephod. with oil: of d wheaten flour shalt thou make then. ed eh. li..29 And Aaron shall (ear tlhe natiells of the clhildren 3And th(ou shalt put them into one 1 )asket,8nd bring s&, 6,,. so~,,. of Israel in the im-east-plate of judgment upon Ihis1 them in the l)asket,with the bullotk and the two ramls. 1,6,,,,. hleart, when t lie goethl in unto the holy place, for a 4 And Aaron and his sons thou shalt bring unto'Tm. 3, gl~.Su. gm metlorial before the LorD continually. the door of the 8 talernficle of the congregation,amd Titus 1, 6,7 50 ~I And thou shalt put in the breast-plate of shalt'wash them with water. mv. 7t4 64 The sacrfice and ceremoMe s CHAPTER XXIX. of consecrathng the pnese. Be;Proro Befbre. BHRIorS 5 And thou shttlt tae the tal.ments, aand t put upon burn them upon the altar for a burnt-ofiering, for k a cutT CHRIST ~ i.a h m'~~ "'aCURIST Aaron t-e coat, and thle robe of tile epho(l, and the sweet savour before the LORD it is an offering made',, P39jihod ad the hreast-plate, and h gird hiim with the!by fire unto the LoRn. kvv.e Lukie, r riot girdle (i the ephod 26 And thou shalt take the breast of the ram of wcr.,.4, Si ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~15 Pl~,~.,~4. 6;\vl thou slhalrt put the mitre upon his head, A ar on's consecration, and wave it for a wave-offer1)hv.(,I14. a nti' k t1 i-.sI i t al- T iin bend 1 Lev.S,9 13 ua put the k holy crown upon thie tnitre. ing betore tile LORD' and it shall be thy part. I Lev.7,a tPeR8.Si3. 7 Then shalt thou take the anointing oil, and 97 And thou shalt sanctify thle breast of the wave27J.l pour i2 upon his lhead, and anoint Ili. Ioffetinc, and the should(er of the' heave-offering, m Lev.7,O. 8 Atd thou shalt bring his sons, and put coats which is waved, and which is heaved tip, of the ra in tr 6 upon them. of the conseration, eve,, of that which is for Aaron, Heb. 2, 10. 9 And thou shalt gird them with girdles ( Aaron and of that whic.h is for his sons: and his sons) and put the bonnets on them; and the 28 And it shall be Aaron's and his sons' by a statute pri.est's office shall be theirs for a perpetual statute:n for ever, friom the children of Israel for it is a heave- nch. 12,1,1. m fleb.7, 1 1 25.-7 and thou shalt'n consecrate Aaron and his sons. offering and it shall be a heave-offering from the 10 And thou shalt cause a bullock to be brought children of Israel of the sacrifice of their peace-offerbefore the tabernacle of the congregation; and Aaron ings, even their heave-oflbring unto the LorD. ",ls.53,s and his sons shall n put their hands upon the head of 29 And the holy garments of Aaron shall be his the bullock. sons' after him, to be 0 anointed therein, and to be o ch. 10, 0N 11 And thou shalt kill the bullock before the LORD, consecrated in them. Lev.1 a: by the 0 (1oor of the tabernacle of the congregation. 30 And that son that is priest in his stead shall put 12 And thou shalt take of the blood if the bullock, themn on "Pseven days, when he cometh into the taber- Gen. 17, Hcb.W9,1. and putitupon the hornsof the Paltar with thy finger, nacle of the congregation to minster in the holyplace.; 2.Like 1, and pour all the blood beside the bottom of the altar. 31 And thou shalt take the rami of the consccration, r~., 13 And thou shalt take all the fat that covereth the and seethe his flesh in the q holy place. q Lev. 8, 3a. Deut.32, inwarlds, and the caul that is above the liver, and the 32 And r Aaron and his sons shall eat the flesh of r Lev 8,.1. 15, tvwo kidneys, and the rfat that is upon them, and burn the ram, and the bread that is in the basket, by the 4,9. them uron the altar. door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 14 But the flesh of the bullock, and his skin, and 33 And they shall eat those thirngs wherewith the Heb.13, Ha',~2. his dung, shalt thou burn with fire " without the satonemnent was made, to consecrate and to sanctify sJ alld6,30. camp': it is a sin-offering. them: but a stranger shall not eat thereof, because iLov.10,1; 15 Thou shalt also take one ram; and Aaron and they are holy. his sons shall put their hands upon the bead of the ram. 84 And if aught of the flesh of the consecrations, 16 And thou shalt slay the ram, and thou shalt take or of the bread, remain unto the morning, then thou his blood, and sprinkle it round about upon the altar. shalt burn the U remainder with fire: it shall not be rh. 1b, i0 -~er.4,4. 17 And thou shalt cut the ram in pieces, and twash eaten because it is holy. Lev., i, - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~19 the inwards of him, anti his legs, and put them unto 35 And thuins shalt thou do unto Aaron, and to his 9 his pieces, and unto his head. sons, according to all things which I have conmmandGen".22, 18 And thou shalt "burn the whole ram upon the ed thee: seven days shalt thou consecrate them. e,.~ alt r: it is a burnt-offring unto the LORD: it is a 36 And thou shalt offer every day a bullock for a -offeri or atonement; and thou sah ls Y clean cx Gen. a2,:Lev.,9. sweet savour, an offering made by y fire unto the sin-ofring for tonent and thou halt clase aten. 32, Mat.3, 11. Mark L. the altar, when thou hst ade a atoneent for it, Lev. 16,30 tP.4,et.,. 19 And thou shalt take the other ram; and Aaron and thou shalt anoint it, to sanctify it. He~"., 3. z verse 1.5. 1 m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~liJoh 2, 2,.r and his sons shall put Z their hands upon the head of 87 Seven days thou shalt make an atonement for y Ps..i, 7. Heb. 9. 21, the ram. the altar, and sanctify it; and it shall be an altarU,,.~,,0 20( Then shalt thou kill the ram, and take of his z most holy: whatsoever a toucheth the altar shall be 19 2' a Lev. 14,' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ z Da~n. 9,21 a e.14,.it 1a~ ofi 1 of fohn 17,19, 14. blood, and put it upon the tip f the right ear of holy. John 17, 19 Isa.50,5.a 2 Cor. 5, 21.ek.3,i7.A Aaron, upnd upon the tip of the right ear of his sons, 38 ~ Now this is that which thou shalt offer upon a Hag. 2,13, Mark3 17.33 Aaon ofil 9 4 i. ail,33. and upon the thumb of their right b hand, and upon the altar; two lambs of the first year b day by day ub. 9, 14. I Cor-1l, b Num. I8. 3. the- a rrelat toe of their ritht C foot, an d sprinkle ithe continually. 3. b Deut.33~ ra o fthi gtcf6 It.'33 blood upon the d altar round about. 39 The one lamb thou shalt offer in the morning; 6.,~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~~~~~~~~~t~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ch.1,,,~. Acts 5,2. 21 And thou shalt take of the blood that is upon and the other lamb thou shalt offer cat even: Acts 26, 7. ICll, the altar, and of e the anointing oil, and fsprinkle it 40 And witlh the one lamb a tenth-deal of flour orn. 12, 1 cal.2,14. I Pet. 1, 2, iu)37 upon Aaron, and upon his garments and upon hsmin gled with d the fourth part of a hin of beaten oil nk, d2. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~duo Thismnes". 25, 2Ies. psonA, soi, and upon the sarments of his sons with him' and the fourth part of a hin of wine foi a drink-lN: 2 d,~,Cor. 3, and lihe shall be hallowed, and his garments, andh his offering. 5, 6.'.cli.30, 22. sons, and his sons' garments with him. 41 And the otherlamb thou shalt offer at even, and iI'Cor -,10. 22 Also thou shalt take of the ram the fat and the shalt do thereto according to the meat-offering of the Heb.U,2. te dink-offrin thereof runmp, and the fat that covereth the inwards, and the morning, and according to the drink-offering thereof, caul above the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat for a sweet savour, an offering made byfire unto the g Lev.7,32. that is upon them, and the g right shoulder: for it is LORD. a rain of consecration: 42 IThis shall be a e continual burnt-offering aDan.6.11 aLev.0,,2 23 And one "loaf of bread, and one cake of oiled throunghout your generations at the' door of the ta- Cch. s1, 9, bread, and one wafer out of the basket of the un- bernacle of the congregation before the LoaD: where i0:& 40, leavened bread, that is before the LoRD. I will g meet you to speak there unto thee. g ch. 40,34 ~24 And thou shalt p~ut all in the hands of Aaron, 48 And there I will mneet with the childretn of Israel, Lev. 1,1. mat.3,12. and in the hands of his sons; and shalt iwave thmland the tabernacle shall be sanctified h b)y tiy glory. }"Kiigs3 for a wave~P-otffering ber~fo~re thie LORD.'44 Anmd I will san{'tifjy the tabernacl, of time con- 60, 3.' 25 AnId thou shalt receive them of their hands, andi gregation, and the altar: I will sanctif.y alsc Lsth uev.'21, in fo:25awav-ofern~ ~efretheLou The altar of incense, EXODUS. The composthon of the pefime. Before~~~~~~~~ Before C I -?T Aaron and his sons, to minister to me in the priest's' I foot also of brass, to wash withal: and thou shalt put Cala 1131 offie.' it ~betweten tihe tabernacle of the congregation and.0 h, t3., 45 ~ And'I will dwell'among the children of Is- the altar, aind thou shalt put water therein. oiam 14, 2. rael, and wNvill be their G((od. 19 For Aaron and his sons shallv twash their hands Lea h, I' A l II 1 1 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ I~~~~ chi. 40, 32. 46 And ithey shiall know tuat I am the LoaiD their and theirt u feet thereat., 6.32 y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ adter i~ttll(iit Pq. 26, 6. Isa. 1, 16. God, that brouglht theim frl h out of the land of Egypt,i, 20 htlheyn theN ote tabernacle of thec., ~,, 0 When they go into the tabernacle of the con_ Heb. 10, 2I tihat I may dwell among them: I am the LORD their gregation, they shall wash with water, that they x die u ch. 3,. y Zn I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x igh. 12.1,5 God. not: or when they come near to the altarto minister, Lev. 10, 1 OCHAPTER XXX. to burn offering made by fire unto the LORD' 2. 1 The altar of incense...Il t le ranson, of souls....l8 The brazen layer. 21 So they shall wash their hands and their feet, 22 The holy anointing oil....34 The composition of the perfuime. that they die not and it shall be a statute for ever ~,h.2,,3 AN thu slaltmakean alta toburnincnsethat they die not': and it shall be a statute for ever ach.27,23 ND thou shliat make an "aatar to bu1'1 incense a.8, a. a.~.1upon: qf shittim- wood shalt tehou make it to them, even to him and to his seed throughout their 2 A cubit shall be thtlelgth thereof, and a cubit generations.; ( 2 Ti oreover,the LteORD spake unto Moses, saying, the breadth thereof; fiur-sqllare slball it be; and two y.n9. hebradh hco t sa e slibe and2" Take thou also unto thee y principal spices, of y Song4, bch.27. cubits shall be the height thereof: the bhorns thereof W 4 shall be of the same. pure m1yr fiv. hiunhdedsheke and of seet cI- zck.27,22 3a C i.ittf so niuch, event two hutid anSong 1, 13. [Num. 4, 3 And thlou shalt overlay it. with ~pure gold, the nao half s0 muc:h, even two hundred and fl ony z, 13. II. -ike~, ad of' swveet calanius t~wo hlundre~d and fif'ty 6 nRe.S. top thereof, and the sides thlereof round about, and,tekels, and of sweet calaus two hundred and ify.. ich.~ 2, i,, the horns -thereof; and thou salt make unto it da aels, crown of gold round ablout. [ shekel of the sanctuiary, and of oil-olive a hiin: ch. 29, 40 4 And two gold(en rings shalt thou make to it un-t A oi e.t29, 40 der the crown of it, by the two corners thereof, upon nd ou slt akta oil of 2oy oint _ent, h. the two sides of it shalt thou make it; and they shall an oiitmelt coipound alter the art of the d apotle- Ch 9 be for places for the staves to bear it withal. cary: it shall be e a holy anointing Oil. e John 2, tcary' it shall be a holy anointin~ oi l. ~ I John2,s, 132, 5 And tou shat m~ct ~,.~'ae q l26 And thou s-halt anoint the f talbernacle of the re.a 132, And thou shalt make t staves qf smtttn-wood,! congregation therewith, and the ark of the testimony, t ~. and overlay them with gold.Acs1,3 an nd thou shalt p'it hre the vail that is ovyer tm i gl27 And the table and all his vessels, and the canthe arnd of thou shalt put it before the rvail cy-sat is bthaty dlestick and his vessels, and the altar of incense,..42. itesa over the testimony, wbeore I till neet wir t thatee. 28 And the altar of burnt-offering with all his Luke is over the testimony, wherelve I adill meet with thee. 0' Luke 1,9. 7 And'Aaron shall b}urn thereon sweet iense vessels, and the laver and his foot. 29 And thou shalt sanctify them, that they may be b, every morning: whn he dresseth the lams, he shall most holy: whatsoever touicheth themii shall be iholy. g Hag. 2,l12 burn incense Upon it. 30O And thou shalt anoint Aaron and his sons, and hch.27, 20 8 And when Aaron hlidllteth the lamps at even, ht Heb. 8, 1,2, shall burn incense upon it; pe rt incnsebe- consecrate them, that they may minister unto Mne in, & 9, 24. a brinesup.1 apeptaineebe v. 8,3, 4. for the LORD, throudlwt your geneprations. the priest's.office. IIThess, the o, trtiIot geaton 31 And thou shalt speak unto the children of Is1b7,-. 9 Ye shall offer no' strange incense thereon, norael, saying, Trs sall e a holy aonng oil unto M., k.ese. 34burnt-sacrifice, nor meat-offering; neither shall ye g is shall ne a toholy anonn. k verses 34,me throughot your generations. S::)-, a0. pour drink-offering thereon. 1 aro shall make a atonment pn te 32 Upon man's flesh shall it not be poured, neither i Lev. 21,1@ mLev. 16, Ahorns it m once a w 1 he shall ye make any other like it, after the cormposition L.,,horns oi' it " once in a year, with tihe b~lood of rite ",. 29,7. sn-offri o tonents onc iie year shall of it: it is holy, and it shall be holy unto you. s min-offering of atonements once it teho year shgenll her 33 Whosoever componneth k any like it, or who- k verse 32 n Heh 1, 3.' 3 Wi~hosoeve~r comploundfeth. k any like it, or~wl-~~e~g~3 &2, 17 m atoeEientzek 44 2, atoneient uponit throughoutyou genesoever putteth any of it upon a stranger, shall even it is most holy unto the LORD.his people 11 ~I And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, b e cut off fiom his people. t12 When thou takest the sumh of the children of:34 I[ And the Lorn said unto Moses, Take unto thee sweet soices, stacte, and onycha, and galbaIsrael after their number, then shall they give every tht e sw eet spic, s, with pure frankincense: of oEzek. 20, man o a ransom for his soul unto the LoRD, when thou num; these sweet spices, with pure frankincense 43. each shall there be a like weight I cor. 1, ntinibrest them:that there be p no plague among ec hl hr ealk egt Cor., them that there be no plaue aong 35 And thou shalt make it a perfume, a confection I Tim. 2,6. athee wien thoyu numberest them. 3. 1,18. 13 This they shall give, every one that passeth after the art of the apothecary, t tempered together, iei. p2$Sanm.24, ll, rel that are numbered, I lialf a shekel after pure and holy:Le. 2,13. I. h, thl)o th e nuay 36 And thou shalt 1 beat some of it very small, and Mark 9,49 awnt/ /. 11llr shekeil -of -the-sanctuary: a sheklel is twenty iyj,7 A.'.ie s hl sothekel san ( a s twenty put of it before the testimony in the tabernacle of the Acts 26. 22 If,,e 1ce. geralts:) a half shekel shall be the offering of the LORD.p T,,," 14 y( one that passeth among the tt are congregation, where I will meet with thee: itshall /I b'e; threem willewith *h)a ill-PIe 1 E7e, n that1 passeth,1 aLoig be unto you most holy.,L,,1e., numlnbered, fr'om twenty years old and above, shall 3e nto you most holy. L I. 25 a'''"""`' ""'""""- "'"' ""` 7 n n o' Ipr~m ~vih tensatmk MaL. 17, 24. give an offering unto the LORD 3. And asfor the perfue which tou shalt make, m., 15 The rich shall not give moie, and the poor shall ye shall not make to yourselves according to the 20. not give less than half a shekel, wh}e.n they give an composition thereof: it shall be unto thee holy r for om2 offring unto the LoRD to make an atonement for'the Lon.! 33. $8 Whosoever shall 0 make like unto that, to PI Job 34, 19. your S0tils. o ere 33. 16 And thou shalt take the atonement-money of smell thereto, shall even be cut off from his people.. Pow.. 33,25. the chiltren of Israel, and shalt appoint it q for the; CHAP TER XXXI. 14e1,. 10,3a. service of the tabernacle of the congregation; that 2 Bezaleel and Aholiab are called, and made meet for the work of'the tab- a.e s~, 8 LthidL' ernacle....12 The observation of the sabbath is again commanded....18 a ch. 33, 3. it may be a memorial unto the children of [srael he- Moses receiveth the two tables. ri~inS?, fore the Loiu, to make an atonement for your souls. AND the LoRD spake unto Moses, saying, bch. 17.14. 3;ht, 17 ~ AndI the Lorn) spake unto Moses, saying, { 2 ~ See, I have a called by name Bezaleel the 9. 14,6 i:r,. 18 Thou shalt also make a hlaver of brass,.and his; son of b Uiri, the son of Ilur, of the tribe of Judah' 1 Chr 2,12 66 The sabbath to be kept holy. CHAPTER XXXII. The molten calf cH1sr r 3 And I have filled him'wit tile spirit of God, in 4 And he[received themr attheir hand, and fashion-,e,, BC1bre It I SspiritT, And Ld ll, I RI ST 149. wisdom, and in un(lerstanding, and in knowledge, ed it with a graving'tool, after he had inaIde it a r. atid 22,26a.1 1( in aii mann-er of workm-anusbip, bih molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, 0 hRo "" Acts. 1s1.. and 0 in al manro okn hpt o. 4 Cor.To ei( -4d:.. devise cunning works, to work in gold, andi Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of -E. pt. 1. I Gar. 12, 4, iu I Kings in. silver, and in brass, 5 And when Aaron saw it, lie built an altar b cJi r oe 12, rig Eph. 4, 9, e l'Cor.e V_,. 5 And in cutting ostones to set them, and in carv- it; and Aaron made proclanmation, and said, 10o-'''' "':~': of ti2her, 1o) work in all manner of workmanship. morrow is a k feast to the LoRD. k Acts?, 4, ICol.. 1, 4~ 5. (i6 And I, beholdl, I have given with him Aholiab 6 And they rose up earlyon the morrow, and offirs oh. 28,11 theyaynoe 3,. tlhe son of Ahisamiach, of the tribe of Dan; and in ed burnt-offering, and brought peace-olrf(-ri. gs' and,',.4. the hearts of all that are g wise-hearted I have put the people'sat down to eat and to drink, and roseup t co'. uo Mat'. 1, 2,..:,.,,,isdoin; that they may make all that I have coin- to play. -.1eo,0,, maujded thee': I 7 1'And the LoaR said unto _111'oses,T o, etf.em.Dcut..9,,Acts 13. 2. trF n 2. 7 f The tabernacle of the congregation, and the arki down: for thy "people, which thou bronghltest out of,,,,r,,r &"ia~. of the testiniony, and the mercy-seat that is there- tthe land of Egypt, have 0 corrupted th'emsei D,6s:, h upln, and all the furniture of the tabernacle, 8 They have P turned aside quickly out of tle Nway,2. ch. 2,31 Alnd the tablel and his furniture, and the "' pure'which I commanded theni they hlave made them a 23h.','24 (candtlestick with all ins furniture, and the altar of lniolten calf, and have worshippe d it, and hlave sacr1iincense, riced thereunto, andi said, These be tlhy gods, ( Israel, 9 And the altar of burnt-offering with all his fur- which have brought thee up out of the land of' IE pt. niture, and the laver and his foot, 9 Andt te Lo d said unto Moses, haespeo l s n Acts 7 h INum.4, 6, 10 And tlhe- clothes of service, and the holy gar- people, and betolt, it is a. q stiff-necked peopleA ments tor Aaron the priest, and the garments ohis 10 Now therefbre let me alone tlhat iiv wratlih,,. sons, to minister in the priest's office, i may wax hot against then), andi that I may consunme 11 And the anointing oil, and sweet incense for thee themn and I will make of thee S a great nation. sNu. 14, holy place: according to all that I have commanrlded 11 1 And Moses besoughtt the LORD) Ihis God, and DDL), 14.' - Ma~~~~~~~~~Wt 3, 9. thee shall tlhey do. said, Lorn3, t why doth thy wrath wax hot against Ih3 E,. I,;I 12 ~I And the LORD, spake unto MToses, saying,'people, which thou hast brought tforth ouit of Ine land &"'44 13 Spt.ak thou also unto the children of Israel, of Egypt with great power, and with a iiiglt5y han!:! saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a 12 " Whei'efore should the Egyptians speak Mi(,, um. 14, sign between me and you throughout your genera- say, For miscthief did he bring them out, to slay them Jhua 7. Joshua 7, 9 a.eh:9,4. tions; k that ye may know that I am the LoRD that in the mountains, and to c(,nsullle tlhem fiomn thle face ~zeic.2Q,12. doth sanctify you'of the eaithl 1 urn fro thy fierce wrath, and xre- x"Gn. 6,.. 14 Ye shall keep the sa)hath therefore: for it is pent of this evil -against thy people. ioly unto you. Every one that defileth it shall surely I 1.3 y Remembler Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, thy ych.2, 24. D ti.9, 27. be put to death: for whosoever doeth any work there- servants, to whom thou swarest " by thine own self,; J,1., 22. oh. 17,14. in that soul shall be 1 cut offfi'fom among his people. and saidst unto thpem, a will mutiply your seed as " ie', 13 uni. tL,3.'15 Six days rmay work be done, but in the seventh' the stars of heaven, and all this land thlat I havea Ge. 12,7,,ch.16,23. is the sabbath of rest, t holy to the LORD: whoso- spoken of will I give unto your seed, and they shall Heb. holi. ~~."' ever doeth any work in the sabbatli-day he shall inherit it for ever. I~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Iv 1erse 12. surely he put to death. i 14 And the bLORD repented of the evil which he Jo,rsa, 120 16 Wherefore the children of Israel shall keepi thought to do unto his people. the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their: 15 1 And Moses turned, and went down fi'om the Gen. 7,7 generations,for a perpetual covenant. C mount. and the two tables of the testimony were in cich. 24, I. OGen. 17, 17 It is a sign between n me and the children of his hland: the tables were written on both their sides poen. 1,a1 Israel for ever: for in P six days the LORD made on the one side and don the other werie they written. d Hrm. 7, heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested 16 And the tables were the work of G(,d, and he ( al 4,24. Ezek.and was refreshed. w iting was the writing of God, graven ipomi the tables. ech.'6, 16 10. 18 ~f[ And hlie gave unto Moses, when he had made:! 1 7 And when FJoshua heard the noise of tlhe peCo- fch. 17, 9.. an end of commugning with himi upon mount Sinai, pie as they shouted, he said unto Moses, Th'ere is a.20. & 3, 3. of qne fGd.% Ln ~esi, Zc o:t~ oceo tlenI~ two tables of testimony, tables of q stone, written noise of war in the camp. Lu.ke 1, withl tile r inge ofGd r20ke H~ with the r finger of God. 1 18 And lie said, It is not the voice of them that 20.CH~APTER XXXII~. shout for mastery, neither is it the voice of,hem, that CHAPTER XXXII.:cry for being overcome' but the noise of then, that 1 The people, in the absence of Moses, cause Aaron to make a calf.... 15 cry f eng oveoe: bt the noise o them at Moses cometnh down witht the tables....19 He breaketh thern....20 HIe sing do I hear. Moestcoyleth thdal..owne ryti o thep:p. destroyeth the calf....30 ie prayeth for the pcople. 19 ~ And it came to pass as soon as hlie came nigh a ch. 34, 20.e h lo8esw' Mssah a 2 h. 24, N. ND when the people saw that Moses a delayed unto the camp, that hesaw the calf, and the danrcing M:at. 24148 to come down out of the mount, the people ga- and Moses' g anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables ~Num. 12 Mat. 24, 48. 3., thered themselves together unto Aaron, and said unto out of his hands, andh brake them beneath thle niount. Mark 3, 5 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h Demt. 9, ch. 19is, 16. 1hinm,b Up, inmake us c gods which shalld go before us: 20 ~ And lie took the calf which they ha(d made, 17. c ch. 20, 4. iDn.,2 Rah.. 0, 4. for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out land burnt it in the fire, and'ground it to powder, "I Cor. 10 R~om. 8, 3.;k I Cor. 10 drbh. 14. 1. of tile land of Egypt, we wot not what e is become ]and strewed it k upon the water, and made the chi!-'. Det. ofhi. d K-i. of Israel1 d Link of it. 12. 0.1 111111.~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ uli ~ n~ICo.. 10, A4cs 7,,39, 2 And Aaron said unto them, Break off the tgo1- 21 And Moses said unto Aaron, What did this 3O1.3, 10, fc h. 12, 3s. den ear-rings which are in thie ears of your w.ives, of people unto thee, that thou hast brought so gr'eat a 2*' your sons, and of your dauglhters, and bring them sin upon them? unto me. 22 ~I[ And Aaron said, Let not the angei of-my, i P,. 6.4. Lea2,8. 3 And all the peoplegbrake off the aolden ear-rings lord wax hot: thou knowest the people, that they P:,,.4 6,19 which were in their ears, and brought them unto Aaron. m are set on mischief. MfIoses prayeth for the people EXODUS. The Lord lalceth wUth ih., Before Befiore CHfoRIST 2 For l hey said unto me, Make us gods which.7 ~1 And Mioses took the tabernacle, and pitched it CHRBSr 1491. shall go hefi)re us: for as f0or this Moses, the iIf wilio t tit caiip ahar m off from the camp, and ('all- 119 that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot ed it the Tabernacle of the Congregation. And it mi Numn. 2, nIot whnat tIas becomen of hiun. carne to pass, that every one which sought the Lotto, 17, ut., Ps. 10, 1. 4 24 And I said unto them, Whosoever hath any;'went out unto the talbernacle of the congregation, aa,22.29 Pr. 153, 29. gold, let them break it off. So they gave it nle: then] whi ich was without the camp. Isa. 3, 1., n ver. 4, 19. [ cast it into the fire, and there " camle out this calf. 8 And it caile to pass when Moses went out unen. 3,10. 25 And when Moses saw that the people were o, to the tabernacle, that all the people rose up, and Renv. 3, 18. p Deu, 7, naked, (fobr Aaron had lmade them naked P unto their stood every man " at his tent-door, and looked after nIab. 2, 25 Rom. 6, 21. shame among t-their enemies,) Moses, until he was gone into the tabernacle. thatroseup 26 Then Moses q stood in the gate of the camp, 9 [ And it came to pass, as Moses entered into the, and said, r Iho is on the LoDn's side' let him comnze tabernacle, the cloudy pillar descended, and stood cit 1. 7, unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered them- the door of the tabernacle, and o the LORD talked oPs. 99,,7 r 2 KiIs selves together unto him. with Moses. 9, 1,2 27 And lihe said unto them, Thus saith the LoRn 10 And all the people saw the cloudy pillar stand ~0~ 9,: God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, at the tabernacle-door and all the people rose up and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the and P worshipped, every man in his tent-door. pch. 4, S1,,k,., camp, and slay every man his brother, and every 11 And the LORD spake unto Moses qface to q Deut.,4 man his companion, and every man his neighbour. face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turn28 And the children of Levi did according to the ed again into the camp: but his servant Joshua the word of Moses: and there fill of the people that day son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the er.. about u three thousand men. tabernacle. xl Sam. 29 For Moses had said, "Consecrate yourselves 12 ~ And Moses said unto the LORD,'See, r thou rDeut. 32, 15, iS, 232. todee veymnuo ~, rs,`. to-day to the:LORD, even every ain upon his Y son, sayest unto me, Bring up this people: and thou hast Deut. 13, and upon his brother; that he may bestow upon you not let me know whom thou wilt send with me. Zech. 13, 3. a blessing this day. Yet thou hast said, s I know thee by name, and thou h. 21,,2 Deut. 33, 9 dy..Pq. 1, 6. Dent.a,. $30 ~ And it came to pass on the morrow, that hast also found grace in my sight. Moses said unto the people, Ye have sinned a great 13 Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found, Sam. sin: and now z I will go up unto tie LORD per- grace in thy sight, shew me now thy way, that I tJob 40, I- Ps. 25, 4.,,a advenLuee I shall make an b atonement for your sin. may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: a Luke la,adetie yusi yknwteht 2s. A1 And Moses returned c unto the LORD, and said, and consider that this nation is U thy people. u eh. 32, 7 48. Oh, thispeoplehavesinned a greatsin, and have made 14 And he said, X My presence shall go with thee, x2 Sam c Deut. 9.. 17~, II. Dent. %g them gods of gold. and I will give thee rest. h. 6, 9. ch. 4, a. 32 Yet now, d if thou wilt, forgive their sin: and 15 And he said unto him, If Ythy presence go y P.s3,20 ePhil. 4, 3. if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy e book which not with me, carry us not up hence. thou Iast written. 16 For wherein shall it be known here that I and 33 And the LoRD said unto Moses, Whosoever hath thy people have found grace in thy sight? Is it not f Rev. 3, 5. sinned a' ainst me, f him will I blot out of my book. in that thou goest with us? So shall we be z separa- oh.,322 Isa 59, 1. 4 Therefore now go, lead the people unto thel ted, I and thy people, from all the people that are place of wlich I have spoken unto thee: Behold, mine upon the face of the earth. Ange l shall go before thee: nevertheless, in the day 17 And the LoRD said unto Moses, a I will do this a"sa 63,2 when I visit, I will visit their sin upon them. thing also that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found h j Sam. 35 And the LORD plagued the people, because: grace in my sight, and I know thee by name. A,s7, 42. they made the calf which Aaron made. 18 And he said, I beseech thee, shew me b thy glory.,veT 20. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tim. 6.1(~ CHAPTER XXXIII. 19 And he said, I will make all my cgoodnesscJer 31,14 1 The Lord refuseth to go, as he had promised, with the.people.... 9 pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of ~Thle Lord talketlh famiiiarly with Moses....12 Moses desireth to see the the LoRD betore thee; and will be gracious to whom glory of God. A ND the LORD said unto Moses, Depart and go i will be d gracious,will will shew mercy on whom Rm. 9 - up hence, thou and the people which thou hast I will shew mercy. 4, a Gen. 12, brought up out of the land of Egypt, unto the land 20 And hlie said, Thou f canst not see my face: for fRum.3,23 7. e there sh~all no myan see me, 9 and live. g I or. 13 bch. 2.,20, which I sware unto Abraham, to Isaac, and to Ja-.. there shall no man see me, g and live. gior. 23l 32i:3 cob saying, Unto thy a seed will I give it: 21 And the LORD said, Behold, there is a place 1 Dut. 7. 21. cosaig Unt thy Pedwl iei'hs 18, 2. Gen. o10, 2 And I will send b an angel before thee; and I by me, and thou shalt stand upon h a rock: Ps, 2. D,,.7,.1. will drive out the Canaanite, te Aorite, and the 22 And it shall come to pass, while my glory pass-iSorg2,,4 DI~~ut.7, 1. Will drive out %be"C~~~~~~~~tnaaaite, tile Arnor~~~~~~ite, and the kP~~~~k t, 91 d l.,. Iittite and the Perizzite the Hivite and the Jebusite:th by, that I will put thee in a cleft of the rock and Ps 119, vert. b5y, ta9a,;' 123.,,l. 3 Unto a land flowing with d milk and honey: for will cover kthee with 1 my hand while I pass by: m I'or. febh. 32,9.n ihml adhny o n._, l. I will e notgo up in the midst of thee; for thou art a 23 And I will take away my hand, aiid thou- shalt 13, aI. Deut. 9, 13.oUpinth wds om bk;fo tomyr fan Jolin II, gAmos,. stiff-necked people: lest I g consume thee in the way. see my m back parts: but my face shall "not be 44.,13, t4. s e i 2 Sam. 4 ~ And when the people heard these evil tidings, they seen, 14, 2. 2 mourned: and no man did put on him his ornaments. CHAPTER XXXIV. Dan. 10: 2,. 5 For the Lorn had said unto Moses, Say unto the I he tables are reewed....5 The name of the LORD proclaimed. 10 God maketh a covenant with them....29 Moses cometh down with the. Sanm.12, children of Israel, Ye are a stiff-necked people: I tables: His face shineth, and he covereth it with a vai. k Ger. 22, will come up into thle midst of thee in a momlent, and ~ND tND e LOR said unto Moses, " Hew thee two ha ci. 32, 1, k. coen.uethe 22,e r nof iput. time said Mosnaens, At1, 18.consume thee: fore now I pt off thy ornaents tables of stone b like unto the. first: and I will D 19, I A~~Put from thee, that k J1 may know what to do unto thee. write upon these tables. the words that were in the bMaL.3, 6 6 And t he cildren of Israel stripped thlemselves first tabmles which Cthou brakest. and of their ornaments by the' mount Horeb. 2 And be ready d in the morning, and come up in &"' 3. 14... 68.., ~ God makelh az Cove/act with the people. CHJAI'tEr X XXV. loses cometlh, down from the mount. Before ~'I* the mn rnig unto mount Sinai, and present thyself 22 And thou shalt observe the feast hof weeks, of CfoR.S CHR.STh S CHRIST':! there toti me in the top of the mount. the first-fi'uits of wheat-harvest, and the feast of in- 149,. C.1,1 3 A12 d no man e shall come up wibh thee, neither gathering at the year's end. Le. 25, *r.' let any man be seen throughout all the mount' nei- 23 Thrice in the year shall all your men-children 1. tiher let the flocks nor herds feed before that mnount. appear before the Loa God, the God of srael. ch. 23, 17. 4 Aitd lhe hewed two tables of stone, like unto the 24 For I will cast out the nations before thee, and first; and Moses rose up early in the morning, and enlarge thy borders: neither shall any man k desire k Gn.35,5 went up unto Mount Sinai, as the LORD had corn- thy land, when thou shalt go up to appear before the At"1'0. manded him, and took in his hand the two tables LORD thy God thrice in the year. of stone. t25 Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifi.ce 5 ~ And the LORD descended in the cloud, andlwith leaven, neither shall the sacrifi(. of the fiast I ch. 23, 5 f Num. 14, stood with him there, and' proclaimed the name of of the passover be left until the morning I ch. 12,10 ItUhe LORD. 26 The first of "the first-fruits of thy land thou nch. 23, 9 6 And the LORD passed by before him, and pro- ishalt bring unto the house of the LorD tlhy God. claimed The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and Thou shalt not seethe 0 a kid in his motlher's mflk. och. 23,19 N',m rac, ious, long-suffering, and abundant h in goodness 27 And the LORD said unto Moses, P Write thou p,ese Prov. 1417. and truth, these words: for after the tenor of these words Det.4,3. Eccl., 17. 7 Keeping mercy for thousands, k forlgiving iniqui- have made a covenant with thee, and with Israel. PsaL. 31, 19. ty and transgression and sin, and that will'by no 28 ~ And he was there with the LORD forty days,aidt, chap. 30, i. I eie chap. 20,6. 3 mean}s clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the and forty nights; he lid neither eat bread nor drink Ex. 24, 18..a. 2. fathers upon the children, and upon the children's water. And q he wrote upon the tables the words q ch. 17. 1 R~om. 4,6, 7. tlrDent. 1.0, 2. Nunm. 14, children, unto the third and to the fourth generation. of the covenant, the rten commandments. r,,a. 0,14 o John 4, 8 ~[ And Moses made haste, and bowed his 29 ~And it camne to pass when Moses came down mn John 4, i4.~. head toward the earth, and worshipped. from mount Sinai (with the two tables ot testimony 9 And he said, If now I have found grace in thy in loses' hand, when he camne down from the mount) s s Mat 17,2 nch. 13, 14. sight, 0 LoRn, let my Lord, I pray thee, " go among that Moses wist not that the skin of his face'shone, Con 17,2 us (for it is a stiff-necked people) and pardon our while He talked with bii. 41. oZech. 2, iniquity and our sin, and take us for thine "inheritance. 30 And when Aaron and all the children of Israel oa,14. 10 ~ And he said, Behold, I make a covenant saw Moses, behold, the skinll of his face shone, and pPs. 114, 3. before all thy people I will do P marvels, such as have they were afraid to com:e nigh him. 4 Rm. 3.20 not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation: and 31 And Moses called "ultto them; and Aaron and 3a', all the people among which thou art shall see the all the rulers of tlie congregation returned unto him': 2Car.a,. pavl.45,4. work of the Lotto: for it is q a terrible thing that I and Moses tallied wit thiem. Cor. 15s, will do with thee. 32 And afterward all the children of Israel came J 1oh, 1 Observe thou that which " I command thee this nigh: and he, gave tlhem in commandment all that x.s, 20 ajosh. 1,1 9. MatS. 28.0 day: Behold, I drive out before thee the Amnorite, and the LORD had spoken xvith him in mount Sinaa. l C. 1, P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 23, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, 33 And till Moses had dlone speaking with them, iiip.'1, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite. he put y a vail on his face. y Pt. 4,11. ch 23, 32. to a cove- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eit ~~~~y 2 Cor. 3, ch 23u, 2. 12 Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a cove-,4 But when Moses went in before the Lonn to 4. nant with the inhabitants of the land whither thou speak with him, he took thle Z vail off, until lie came z 2 Cor. 4,,ch. 23,33. goest, lest it be for u a snare in the midst of thee out. And he camie out and spalie unto the children b'.4,13 Dent. 7, 16.He. 4 1 Judges Z, a. 13 But ye shall destroy their altais, break their of Israel that which lie was commanded. I S am. IS,x 1 Sam. 1ima8 es, and cut down their groves 35 And thle childrcen of Israel saw the face of 51o21D u. im1 sad u 2Dut.32, 14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the scs, that the skin.of Moses' favce shone: and Moses ych 20, 5..LORD, whose name is Jealous, y is a jealous God a put the vail upon his fice again, until he went in Co.8, 15 Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabi- to speak with im. in Jer. 3, 9. tants of the land, and they go a z whoring after their CHAPTER XXxv. losiea 2,16. aCHPE X XV ames 4, 4. gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and one a call 2 The sabbath....4 The freet gift for the tabernacle....30 Bezaleel and Alho. a um. 25, ee, and thou eat of his scifie; liab are called to the work. 1, 2. thee., and thou eat of his sacrifice; I Kins 16 And thou take of b their daughters unto thy ND Moses gathered all thile congregation of the 11, 2.'-6 n t o ezra9,02. sons,and their daughters go a whoring after their gods, children of Israel together, and said unto them,,ih.13,23. and make thy sons go a whoring after their gods. These are the woi.ds which the LORD ath coinman17 Thou shalt make thee no molten gods. ded, that ye should a do them. a Rom. 2, 18 The feast of unleavenedbread shalt thou keep. 2 I' Six days shall work be done, but on the James,, 1 Seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread, as I seventh day there shall be to youc a holy day, asab- ch. 20,. of d t1, e h~~~~~~~~~~~~Luke 13,14 commanded thee in the time of the month Abib: fori bath of d rest to the LoaR: whosoever doeth e work C h., 31, a Bch. 13, 4. in the month Abib thou camniest out om Egypt. therein shall be put to deathh. 1, 0. d fromn Lgypt. t~~~~~~~iem tin Sildi, Ot put. to (iedtil. ~~~~~~~~~~~~e Isa. 5% 13 lch.22, 29. 19 All that openeth the matrix is mine:and 3 Ye shall kindle no fire throughout your habita- f ch. 12, I0 ZE~k.44,10. every firstling among thy cattle, whether ox or sheep, tions upon the salbbath-day. — that is male. 74 ~I And Moses spake unto all the congregation 20 But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem of the children of Israel, saying, This is the thing *ca. s, 13. with ea lamb: and if thou redeem him not, then which the LORD commuanded, saying, shalt thou break his neck. All the first-born of thy 5 Take ye firom amnong you an offering unto the sons thou shalt redeem. And none shall appear be- LORD: whosoever is of a g willing heart, let hii g2cor.9,a ech.2, 3.. fore f empty. bring it, h an offering of the Lo DP; gold, and silver,,.. 310,, gch 29,9. 21. Six days thou shalt g work, but on the seventh and brass, day thou shalt rest: in earing-time and in harvest 6 And )blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine rh.=&,4, thou shalt rest. linen, and goat's hair, Gifts for the tabernacle. EXODUS. Thepeople's liberalhy restratnea Beo,-.'Beforbr C HR IT 7 And rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins, in wisdom, in understandinc, and in knowledge, and CRIS'""'. and shitti:i-wood, in all manner of workmian ship; 14A1 8 Anrd' oil for the light, and spices for' anointing 32 And to devise curious works, to work in gold, k,'h 2],:i0 el,. 0,',i oil, and for the sweet incense, and in silver, and in brass, VD h. 28, 9, 9 And onyx-stones, and stones I to be set for the 33 And in the cutting of stones, to set them, and 10. ephod, and for the breast-plate. in carving of wood, to make any manner of cun10 And every wise-hearted among you shall come, ning work. and nmake allthat the LORD hath commanded; 34 And he hath put in his heart that he may c h.21,1. 11 TIhe "tabernacle, his tent, and his covering, te:c:h, bbth lie, and mAholiab, the son of Ahisamach, ia ch. 31,0. his taches, and his boards, his bars, Ihis pillars, and oi the trilbe of Dan. his sockets; 35 Tliem hath he filled with wisdom of heart, to och. 25, 10to. 12 The o ark, and the staves thereof, with the work all mlanner of work, of the engraver, and of ph. 2,7. iimercy-seat, and the vail of the " covering "the cunning workman, and of the embroiderer in ch 2i, 1 ch. 25, 23. 13 Thle table, and his staves, and all his vessels, blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and 22. 1, rch.,2, and the r slew-bread; of the weaver, even of them that do any work, and,'1 cr 1: i, 7. &1,. aP. 148, 3. 14 The candlestick also for the" light, and his fur- of those that 0 devise cunning work. 8, o, 10. Mitt. 5, 14,.t e l-l m.,' niture, and his lamtps, with thIe oil for the light; CHAPTER XXXVI. tch. 30, 1. 15 And the incense-altar, and his staves, and the The offerings are delivered to the workmen. 1490. 4, anointing oil, and the sweet incense, and the hang- HEN wrought Bezaleel and Aholiab, andevery ing for thie (door at the.entcering in of the tabernac:le; wise-hearted man, in whom the LonD put wisuch. 27,1. 16 The " altar of burnt-ofirring, with his brazen dom and understanding to know how to work all ach. 3.5, 31 grate', his staves, and all his vessels, the laver and manner of work for the service of the sanctuary, acxch. 30, Is. Ihis x fiot; cording to b all that the Lorn had comnmnanded. b P. 119,6 yh.7n, 9. ['7 Tihe y hangirng of the court, hispillars, and their And Moses called c Bezaleel and Aloliab, and Ma. 2.2a sockets, and the hanging for' the door of the court every wise-hearted nman, in whose heart the Lopc Luke 1, 6. At6. 3 zch. 27, 19. 18'The pins of tmi tabernacle, and the" pins of liad put wisdom, even every one whose heart stirred col.4,17. the, cournt, "and therll. cords; [him Up to come unto the work to do ite ach. 31, 10. 19 Thei clothes of "serviceto do service in the holy 3 And they received of Moses all the offering which plce, the holy garmnentsfor Aaron the primst, and the the children of Israel had brought for te work of the garltments of hiis sons, to minister in the priest's office. service of the sanctuary, to make it withal. And they 20 ~ And all the congregation of tlhie ciildren of brought yet unto him friee-oflbrings every d morning. dd 5, znn " & I01, S. i~srael departed ifrom the presence of Moses. 4 Andt all e the wise men, that wrought all tife s.50, 4. bJimlhes 5, 21 And they came, every one whose leamrt stirred work of the sanctuary, came every man from hsis M~at. 24, 12. 2sa.,27. himm up, and every one whom Ihis spirit ittdlme wiiligt: work which they mnade; Co. s, 1, Pt-, 3i, a3}, t. ancd they brought the Loiz)'s oferititg to the work 5 ~[ And they spake unto Moses, saying, The peoTr,-v. 4,23. of the tabernacle of the congcegation, and for all his ple bring minuch more than enough for the service,(hi. 32, 3 Maut. 12, 34..-.' 2 o. 8 service, and for the holy garnments. of thle work which the LoiRD comlmanded to nmake. 3co, s,2 22 A mnd they came, both men and women, as many 6 And Moses gave commandment, and they caUS- Philip 2,21:clh. 3, 3. as werewilling-hearted, and brought c bracelets and ed it to be proclaimed throughoout the camp, sayinlg, ear-rings, and rings, atnd tablets, all jewels of gold: Let neither man nor wonan make any nmore work tHeb. and every man that t offered, ofrecl an offering of for te offering of the sanctuary. So the people ed gold unto the LORD. were g restrained firom bringing. g?val. 3,8 gold 23 And every man with whom was found blue, and 7 For the hstuff they had was sufficient for all,. b. 9,1 purple, and scarlet, and fine,ilcen, and goats' hair, and the work to make it, and too much. red skins of ramins, and badgers' skins, brought them. 8 ~ And every wise-hearted man among them 24 Every one that did offert an offoring of silver that wrought thle work of the tabernacle mnade ten ich c, i. and brass brought the LoRm's offering and every curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, I Ch. 3,1 d2 cor. 8, man xvith whomm' was found shittimn-wood for any and scarlet: with k cherubimns of cunning work niade k ch. 26 1 i work of the service, brought it. lie them. 1 Kings e W2 Chr 3, 1 Luke8, 2, 25 And all the women that were wise-hearted 9 Tile length of one curtain was twenty and eight 2.. Cr 3. E ze k1 Gil. 3,28. did' spin with their hands, and brought that which culbits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits: & 10,1, is 23 Kiris they lhad spun, both of blue, and of purple, anzd of the curtains were all of one size. c. 26,. 28, 7.., ubl o le n Prov. 1, 1. scarlet, and of fine linen. 10 And he coupled the five curtains one unto & 31, 19. Ruii. 16, 3, 26 And all the wvomen whose heart stirred them another: and the other five curtains he coupled one Phil. 4,3. up in wisdom spun goats' hair. unto nother. m. 26.3 27 And thIe rulers brought onyx-stones, an(l stones 11 And he made loops of blue on the" edge of &';.~' to be set, for the ephod, anid for the breast-plate; one curtain; firom the selvedge in the coupling: like- Pov. 17,11 ch. 30,23. 28 And g spice, and oil for the light, and for the wise he made in the uttermost side of another cur- Ars.,19'~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Cop,.!, 10 anointing oil, and for thesweet incense. tain, in the coupling of the second. I.20, C. ffyGal. b, 20. 29'he children of Israel brought a willing offeir- 12 o Fifty loops made he in one c(urtain, and fifty ~:,. hc.-,.,,ing uR) th L, evey an and womIan, whose loops made he in the edge of time curtain which was aw & 2, 15, 19, 2,r.""' niartade them h willing to bring, for all mnanner of in the coupling of the second: the loops held one 21: & 4, 18. 6,2 Imert. &74 16, i Dci.i 13,8. work' which thme LORD hiad commnanded to be made cnrtainz to anotlher. g;1. P, 2. ~.~, ~*,. by the hiand of Moses. 13 And he made fifty taches of gold, and coupled nci, 20,4. Mat.Ld, 8). try the Iland of I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~loses. &;j, iS.~~~~nh. 25 4,,r.,:30 I And Moses said unto the children of Israel, the curtains one unto another with the taches. So oci. 26, 10 1 c~,~.2,~0. See, the LORD hatne r Bezaleel, the1 it became one tabernacle. l;i;;. s~lo of Ur, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; 14 ~[ And he made curtains ofgoats' hair for the tent t c,~ ~,.31 And'he hath filled him with the spirit of God,I over the tabernacle: eleven curtains he made them. p'"vr' 70 The boards,'c. qf Ithe labernacle. CHAPT.E R XXXVI. Tia ark, mercy-eat, tale,,. BeforA Before CB, I ST 115'T'he length of one curtain was thirty cubits,lj'ubit and a half tie readth: oif it, and a cubit and a cHIST 1490 and four cubits was thelbreadth of one curtain: the half tile leight, of it: 1490. eleven c:urtains were of one size. 2 And lhe overlaid it with pure'gold b wit!in ad 16 And hlie coupled five curtains by themselves, without, an(l niade ca crown of gold to i rotttd aboat. (.,.30, 3. and six curtains by themselves. 3 And lhe cast for it bfour rings of gold, to be set by 17 And he made fifty loops upon the uttermost:the d four corners of it: even two rings upon the one dMat.S,11 edge of the curtain in the coupling, and fifty loops!side of it, and two' rings upon the other side of(it. made hlie upon the edge of the curtain'which coup- 4 And he made staves of shittim-wood, and overletli the second; laid them e with gold. letll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c tiescn;Pet. 1, 18 And he made fifty taches of brass to couple 5 And he put the f staves into the rings by the 7, 19.' he tent together, that it might be one. sides of the ark, to bar the ark. 4, 19 I And hlie nmade a covering for the tent of rams 6 ~1 And he miade the g mercy-seat of pure gold: Sm. 6,31 skins dyed red, and a covering of badgers' skins two cubits and a half was the length tereof, and h i, Iaboe.that.' above that. jone cubit and a lalf the breadth thereof. eb. 9, 5 20 ~ And he made boards for the tabernacle of 7 And lie lnadie two cherubuimns of gold, beaten out. q ch. 25,.:5. ~ hti-odsadn p Ch. 25L. s hittrimn-wood,0 standing up. of one piece made he them, on the two ends of the tn.25, I. St~n~ Deut. 10, 3. 2 1 The length of a board was ten cubits, and the milercy-seat breadth of a board one cubit and a half. 8 One cherub on the end on this side, and another tfeb. 22. One board had two t tenons, equally distant cherub on the olther enld on that side: out of the mercyh,6. one from another: thus did lie make for all the seat made he tle cluerubinis on the two ends thereof. boards of ther tabernacle. 9 And the cherubitms " spread out their wings on h ch. 25, 1. 23 And he made boards for the tabernacle; twenty high, tland covered with their wings over the mercy-.0, 2. boards for the south side southward: seat, with their faces one to another; even to the 24 And forty sockets of silver he made under the cy-seat-ward were the faces of the cherubims. twenty boards; two sockets under one board for his 10 ~[ And hde made tlhe 1tableofshllttim-wood: two ich.5. s: two tenons, and two sockets under another board for ic ibits was thle lenmth thereof, and a cubit the breadth his two tenons. thereofiand a cubit and a half the height thereof: 25 And foir the other side of thetab~ernacle Ih. i/C 11 And he overlaid it with pure gold, and made is toward the north corner, he,imade twenty boards, thereunto a crown of gold round about. 26 And theirfortysocketsofsilver; tvwosockets un- 12 Also hlie made thlereunto a border of a handder one board, and two sockets under another Iboard. breadth round about: and mhade a crown of gold for lhb. 27 And for the sides of the tabernacle t westward I the border there-of round about. reaivardt 3ALdle atfri orrn' 1. 4,. hlie made six boards. 13 And he cast fijr it four rings of gold, and put 28 And two boards made he for the corners of thle the riigs upon the four corners that were in the four tabernacle in the' two sides. feet tlhereof. iTed,, 29 And they were t coupled beneath, and coupled 14 Over against tIhe border were the rings, the ch., 17, together at the head thereof, to one riung: thus he did places f(or the staves to bear thie table. 2,Sam.,. to bo)th of the-m in both the corners.. 15 And he nadle tile staves e/shittinn-wood, and Ps. 1 2, 3.'I Cor. 1, S. 30 And there were eight boards; and their sockets overlaid tlem with gold to bear the table. 2 Cot. 1, 10.' ph. 2, 2. vwere sixteen sockets of silver, under t every board 16 AndI lhe niade the vessels wlhich weree upon the f Heb. two sockets. tahle, his k dishles, and his e spoons, and his m bowls, k ch. 25,2 ~ocke~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~un 4s, 7.o sockets un- 31 And he made bars of shittim-wood; five for and his covers to cover Withlal, of pure gold. II. King der one I I Kingz board, the I)oards of the one side of the tabernacle, 17 ~0 A.nd he te clestick fre gol 2 19. bO~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ IAdh ae iecandletc (fur god e. fi2 1. ch. 26, 25.. 26,. 32 And five bars for the boards of the other side of qf beaten work lmade he the candlestick; his sllaft, mn Ch.S25,9 ech. 26, 26. the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the and his branch, his bowls, his knops, and his flowersI Kg, tabernacle for the sides westward. were of tihe samnle: 2King 12, 33 And lie made the middle bar to shoot throughli 18 And six branches going omt of the sides tlere- Jer.52, 1s.'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'-i - D. 15, 3-. 4. the boards from the one end to the other. of; thiree branches of' the candlestick out of the onen h.,,25,i 34 And he overlaid the boards with gold, and side tlh(reof and three hraichlies of the candlestickI 6r 2', made their rings of gold to be places for the bars, and out of the other side thereof': 42. -,-' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Zceh. 4, 2, overlaid the bars with gold. 19 Tlree, bowls nmade after the fashion of al-'t. 2,. 35 ~ And he made a vail of blue, and purple, and monds in one branch, a knop and a flower; and''Rm. 12,17 )f ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ph1ili. 2, 15, scarlet, and fine twined linen' with chierubims made three bowls mnade like almonds in another branch, a, 4, s rih. 26, a. he it " of cunning work. knop and a flower-: so througohout the six branches I rPt 2, 12,.' B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1ey, 1, 20. Jer.,, 1. 36 And me made thereunto four I pillars ofshittim- going out of thle candlestick. 1, 2. Jer. 1,16. oo he thereunto pillars-he &i 2,1.e fur bwlsmad wood, and overlaid them with gold: their hooks were 20 And in the candlestick were four bowls made rh 25,33 of gold; and he cast for them four sockets of silver. like 0 almonds, his kmops and his flowers N: m. 17, 8 Fclee 12, 5 37 And he made a hanging for the tabernacle- 21 And a knop under two branches of the same, je',I..l t. door of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined and a knop nndeir tVwo branches of the samle, and a dorlk of a linen, of t needle work; knop under two( branches of the same, according to. 8 And the five pillars of it, with.their hooks: and the six branches going out oft. 25. embrhiderer on, 3nu tne iive pillars i LIo * ~ I qeh 23.31 Se.26, 39. he overlaid their t chapiters and their "fillets with 22 TIieir knops amd their branches were of the I Cor., 27 nch.27, 10. gold: but th~eir five sockets woere olf b~rass. samne: all of it was one q beaten work of pure,gold. ~ 3.~. CHAPTER XXXV IJ. 23 And he made his rseven lamps, a hi uf- Zm., 2. 1 The ark...,6 The mercy-seat with cherubims....i0 The table with his fers, and his snuff-dishes, of pure gold. Rev, 4,5. l'rhat t, vessels. 24 Of a talent of pure gold made he it, and' all' "hj', n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hat~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IsChr. 26, behua o od ND 11 Bezaleel made the a ark of shittim-:ood ~ the vessels thereof..Is. ~h. ~., 10. two cubits and a half was the length of it, and a 25 ~ And lie madle the'S incense altar of hihttim- L~,, Lu 71 The altarof burnt-offertng. EXODUS. The sum ofthe offerings. CHIST wood: the length of it was a cubit, and the breadth l 18 And the hanging for the gate of the court was,RS'4",. ofit a cubit; it was four-square; and two cubits was needle-work, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and wb "'"' 1the height of it; thle horns thereot were of the same. fine twined linen: and twenty cubits was the length, "" Ich.2, M. 26 And hie overlaid it with pure gold, both the ttop and the height. in thebreadth was five cubits, anof it, and the sides thereof round about, and the swerable to the hangings of the court. horns of it: also hlie made unto it a crown of gold! 19 And their pillars were fiur, and their sockets of round about.'brass four; their hooks qf silver, and the overlaying 27 And he made two rings of gold for it under of their chapiters and their fillets of silver. tihe crown tlhereof, by the two corners of it, upon 20 And all the IJ pins of the tabernacle, and of ai~"ls tihe two sides thereof, to be places for the staves to the court round alout, wuere qf brass. bear it wvithal. o za9 ~~~bear~ it wit?~has~l. ~21 I This is the sum of the tabernacle, even of Ecel. 2, 1 28 And lie made the staves qf shittim-wood and the tabernacle P of testimony, as it was counted ac-, overlalid them~n wilrith gSold. i~j(.-" pch. ~j, ph overlaid them with gold. cording to the commandment of Moses, for the ser-,. ten ufhoii- ~ And he maue doty oil, anu ociiie i~~~~evmtes, the l~~..A of q & 40,3. feb.,,,ne 29 j And he made the f holy anointing oil, and vice of the Levites, by the had of Ithamiar, son 1ev 11, 19 to f holi-IqNu.4,,.o. thIe pure " incense of sweet spices, according to the to Aaron the priest. q Na,3m.4, I JoI12n, 2o. work of the apothecary. 22 And Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, ueh. 30, 38. CIAPTER XXXVIII. I 1 heala0o b4n-CHAPTER XXXVTla. ofr the tribe of Judah, made r all that the LORD cornUrnch~. I The altar of burnt-offering....8 The laver f brass i inanded Moses. Jer. 1, 7. ach. 27,,. ND lie made the altar of burnt-offering t 23 And with him was Aholiab, son'of Ahisamah, Mat. 28, P,,om. 12)..~ tim-wood: five cubits was the length theref io5 tim~1-wr~ood wafive cubits 7ons the Ir thereof; /of the: tribe: of Dan, an engr-aver, and s a cunning b Rev.2, aid five' cubits the breadth thereof; it Wabs b fi o w orkmrl anm, and an nroid e blu, and inpurple, C 2 2 square;and three cubits the height thereof. n ae lin ch. 27, 2.2 And;lie aiade the c hor~ns tieof ol thae fo ad in scarlet, and fine linen. 2 And he made the horns hereof onthe ur' All the gold that was occupied for the work corners of it; the horns thereof were of the same in all the work of the holy place, even the gold of dJob,6, 12and he overlaid it with " brass.y the golt of tetofring, was twenty anid nine Jtlnsant..~, c 3 And he made all the vessels of the ltar, t t, he was tenty ad nine talents, ad.2 2 ech. 27,'3. pots, anl- hols, and the basons, an, tlie fish sh']'nb und red and thirty shekels, after the shekel 3, 22. I pa osm ao, an ti sn a i - of the sanctuary. II Every tal. h. ooks, and the fire-pans: all the vessels taereo And tie silver of them that ere numbered of en was A5 And the silver of them that were numbered 12f 0pouns made he of brass. gts gch. 34, 16. And he made for the altar g a brazen grate of the congregation was a hundred talents, and a thou-,, sand seven hundred and threescore and fifteen ol0u0~ net-wolorka under the compass thereof benea[th unto} sh'1 ~ aIter thousand the midst of it. after the shekel of the sanctuay ound s7 Ag A bekah for T every nian, tha is, half a shekel, Serling, 5 ADA lie cast four rings for the four ends of' the I Chr. 29, A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Cr. 2, 4 And 2 cast four rings br the four ds f t after the sihekel of the sanctuary, for every one that Ch. 3, S ch. 2, 4.h grate of brass, to be places for the staves. vt t b ee, f w nY lThat i Num. Ev~~~~~~~~~~~~ents to be nutnbered, fr'om twenty years old and u- Is~~ & 41,50. I3 6'Anid he made'the staves ofk shittim-wood, and f x dye o up- Aihals wva~tr, for usix hundred thousand alnd -three thousand, -'e,~.: k,h. 23, 3. overlaid them with brass. wr, tlosand and hree thousand b. N1u, 1'mud five hundred and fifty, en. a poll. iu,. t0, 3. 7 And he put the staves into the rings on the sides 7And of th e hundred talentsofsilver were casth, of the altar, to bear it withal; he madce tile altar;7Adoteh drdalnsfsivrweCatuc128 of the altar, to bear it withals; he miade the altar the sockets of the sanctuary, and the sockets of the Num. 3, 46 ~h. 30, 1Shollow with boards. v a ch.,. And he made theelave r ofbrass, and the foot vail; a x hundred sockets of the hundred talents, ax h.,2,19 Lev. 10, 1. 8 I And line miade the 1 layer of brass, and the, foottaeifoasck. 2. 3. talent for a socket. Psal. 26, 6.; of it qf brass, of the m looking-glasses of the wo en tuan ent h set Ecl.,, mle of 28 And of the thousand seven hundtretd seventy m.0, t assmbig, which assenbed at door ote ad five shekels he mad hooks for the pillars, and z9. tabernacle, oifthe (c.ongregation. e Jam9s o, 23, overlaid their chapiters, and filleted them., 23. 9"1 And he made the court: on the south side 29 And the brass of the offering was seventy Heb.i aa- -southard the hlo ~(ngiDelrgS'of the court welre of finefilrle riral ~"...~ ssouthward the hangings of the court were of fine talents, and two thousand and four hundred sliekels. IT"oo,, twined' linen, a hundred cubits ~ rs, tied len, a hundred cubits: 30 A d therewith hlie made the sockets to the P, 34~.. 10 Their pillars were twenty, and their brazen door of the talbernacle of the congregation, and the Luke, 3,7. sockets twenty; the hooks of tihe pillars, and their Iraz altar, and tie brazen grate for it, and all the ITii,., 5 fillets, were Qf silver. vessels ofthe altar, 1 And for the north side, the hangings were a 31 And the s ockets of the court round about, and 3.1 And the sockets of the conle l rdzbu,;n hundred cubits, their pillars were twenty, and their the sckts of te court gate, and all thepins of the sockets of brass twenty: the hoboks of tlme pillars, and tab ernacle, and all the pins ofe court rond abut. their fillets, of silver. tabernacle, and all the pins of the court round about. their. 19,12. CHAPTER XXXIX. hSam.,. 12 And for the west side were hangings offifty The clothes of service, and holy garments, viewed and approved "cubits, their pillars ten, and their sockets ten; the by Moses. hooks of the pillars, and their fillets, of silver. -AND of the a blue, and purple, and scarlet, they ach. 26',. And for te east side eastward fifty cubits. made clothes of service, to do sece m the =,, 27, 14. 14 The hangings ofthe 0 one side ofthegatewerefif- b holy place, and made the c holy garments for Aaron; h's. 93,5, teen cubits; their pillars three, and their sockets three. as the LORD commanded Moses. c., 15 And for the other side of the court-gate, on this 2 ~I[ And he made the d ephod qf gold, blue, and dch. 2,7 hand and that hand, were hangings of fifteen cubits; purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen. Ly. t 7 their pillars three, and their sockets three. 3 And they did beat the gold into thin plates, and 16 All the hangings of the court round about were cut it into wires, to work it in the blue,.and in the of flue twined linen, purple, and in the scarlet, and in the fine linen, with 17 And the sockets for time pillars were of brass;' cunning work. e.h.26 the hooks of the pillars, and their fillets, of silver; 4 They made shoulder-pieces for it, to couple itu,'h:s,, and the overlaying of their chapiters of silver; and to~ ethen;by the two ed~es was it cupled fogether. a a,~'s.'-all the pillars of the court were filleted with silver And the f curious girdle of his ephod, th.at wras'"..;t,'72 71r'he cdot/es qJ sertwee, Ac. GUAPTER XL. viewed and qpproved by Moses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ber Bef'oie upon it, was of the same, according to the work there- of fine linen, and linen breeches qf fine twined J~7s CH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dST ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CRS of; of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine1 linen,,1490. Nl,'~.., twined linen; gas the LORD commanded Moses. 29 And a c girdle of fine twined linen, and blue,,. 3" 20. 6 And they wrought " onyx-stones enclosed in and purple, and scarlet, of needle-work; as the LORD I Cor. 11, 23.' ouches of gold, graven as signets are graven, with commanded Moses.,rh. 20, 7 1 h nmso h cidrnoIsal d ch. 28,'86 h ll282o~7'tlhe names of the children ofIsrae'l. 30 ~ And they made the plate of the holy crown a, Job 28, 16. y..' ot e&2,6 Ezek.29,1. 7 And he put them on the shoulders of the ephod, of pure gold, and wrote upon it a writing,'like to the. el. 9. that they should be stones for k a memorial to the engravings of a signet, e HOLINESS TO THE ch. 28, 36 Pr,) v. 10, 7....g o ineH LNEST H kch. 28.12. children of Israel; as the LORD commanded Moses. LORD. Josh. 4, 7. 0 NA,. 2, 0. o ~[ And he made the'breast-plate of cunning 31 And they tied unto it a lace of blue, to fasten Mari-k t4, 9. 11o. 25, 7.work, like the work of the ephod; of gold, blue, and it on high upon the mitre;'as the LORD commanded fch. 40. a ~s,4 purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen. Moses. 9 It was four-square; they made the breast-plate 32 ~Thus was all the work ofthe tabernacle of m ch. 28,16. double: a span was the length thereof, and a m span the tent of the congregation finished and the chilthe breadth thereof, being doubled. dren of Israel did according to all that the LORD 1c0 And they set in it nfour rows of stones: the commanded Moses, gso did they. 6c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ h. 281ci25, 40 first row was a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle: 33 And they brought the tabernacle unto Moses, Ichron,.2 this was the first row. the tent, and all his furniture, his taches, his boards, 91. Tim5,21 h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13, 13. 1,4 11 And the second row, an emerald, a sapphire, h his bars, and his pillars, and his sockets; eb. 3, 2. and a diamond. 34 And the covering ofA rams' skins dyed red, and 3, 31 h ch. 35, 11 12 And the third row, a ligure, an agate, and an the covering of badgers' skins, and the vail of the imt. 11, amethyst. covering;. 13 And the-fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and a 35 The ark of the-testimony, and the staves therejasper: they were enclosed in ouches of gold in their of, and the kmercy-seat; k ch. 2.,17 enclosings. 36 The table, and all the vessels thereof, and the eb. 9,5,2 och 28, 21. 14 And the stones were 0 according to the names' shew-bread; I Cli. 95, 19 Of the children of'Israel, twelve, according to their 37 The pure candlestick, with the m lamps thereof, Neh. 10,.3 I Kings 7, names, likethe engravings of a signet, every one with even with the lamps to be set in order, and all the 43. 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m ch: 27,2'i, hisname, according to the twelve tribes. vessels thereof, and the oil for light; -m h. 2, 1,. p ch.2s,,14 a15 16. 2Chr. 3,5. 15 And they made upon the breast-plate P chains 38 And nd the altar,.an song 1, ~0. at the ends, of wreathen wv ork of pure gold. the sweet incense, and the hanging,for the'taberna- Philip.2,1!9 16 And they made two ouches of gold, and two Cle-door; ch. 23, 12. q gdld rings, and put the two rings in the two ends 39'The "brazen altar, and his grate of brass, his n ch.38..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IKings 8, of tfhe breast-plate. staves, and all his vessels, the laver and his foot; 64. Ch. 28, 14.'17 And they put the two r wreathen chains of 40 The hangings of the court, ~his pillars, andshis ~_,,,,~ 8,1,4. gold in the two rings on the ends of the breast-plate. sockets, and the hanging for the court-gate, his cords 1.8 And the two ends of the two wreat hen chains and his o pins, and all the vessels of the service of omeb.?~ 2 they fastened in the two ouches, and put themn on the time tabernacle, for the tent of the congregation;,,fse 2. sholder-pieces of'the ephod, before it. 41 The clothes of'serviceto do service in the holy 19 And they m,,ade two rings of gold, and put them place, and the "holy garments for Aaron the priest, and pch.i. 29, I. onethe'two ends0of the breast-plate, upon the border his sons' garments, to minister in the priest's office. of it, which was on the side of the ephod inward. 42 q According to all that the'LORD'commanded qderse 92 20 And they made two other golden rings, and put Moses, so the children of Israel made all the work. themn on the two sides'ofthe ephod underneath,towiard 43 And Moses did rlook upon all the work, and roG.,.:3l - oh. ~~~~~~4 40, 25.,cll. 26. 3. thie forepart of it, over against the other t coupling behold, they haddone itas the Lomm had commanded, ) 14, 4,16. thieireof albove the, ctiiious git(l~e of tlw ephi: even so had rihey done it'and Moses wblessed themii. Tim 4, 7. 21' And they did bind the breast-plate by his rings C. unto the rings of the ephod with a lace of blue, that CHAPTER XL. it might be above the curious girdle of the epihod, and I The tabernacile is commanded to lie reared....13'Aaron and his sons to that time bieast-plate might riot be loosed from the be sanctified....134 A cloud covered the tabernacle. UMat. 16, ehod;as the LORI conlmanded Moses. spake unto Moses, saying, c,,r. 1.25, ~22 ~ And he made the robe of the ephod of wove 2 On the first day of the firs 27t. 3,16. worI k2 all of blue. set tenth bha tho els IPe.. 3, 16. wk, alfbu. se up the tabecrnacle of the tetof the bcongregation. ver.e 17 2c3 And there was a hole in the midst of the robe, 3 And thou shalt put therein the ark of the testi- NUM 7. b ch.; it as the hole of a habergeon, with a band round about mony, and C cover the ark with the vail. &30,:.. d a~~~~~~~ N'u m 4, 5 the hole, that it should not rend. 4 And thou shalt bring in the dtable, and set in d.. 24 And they made upon the hems of the robe order the things that are to be set in order-upon it; ech. 25, O-). potumegranates of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and and thou shalt bring in the fcandlestick, and light ch.2,a9. x ch.s28,33 x twined linen,. the lamps thereof. - ych 28. 33. 25 And they made bells of pure gold, and put the 5 And thou shalt set the altar of gold for the inDe3,13.:~,, ylnels between the pomnegranates upon the'hem of cenise before the ark of the testimrony, andi put the & ~. the robe, round about between the pomegranates; g hanging of'the door to the tabernacle. gh'6'', 267. beladaZpmgaae eladap- 6 Arid thou s1,alt set the altar of' the burnt-offering 1o..2,4. megranat.e, round about the hem of the robe to mm- before the door of the hi tabernacle of the tent of the h vr~c 1 Gal..3, 2'2. nmster in; as the LoRD commanded Moses. congregation. lil,. 12 15. 27'1~ And they made a coats of fine linen, of woven 7 Arnd thoi shalt set theelayer b~etween the tentis'3,1 l re.. 4.10 work, for Aaron and for his sons, of the o e.Ato amdte0la, anIsal u w-vr, 0 clh.'2S, 40. o h oz e~to n h atr n hl~u a-, & ~a,,:.2-8 And a mitre of fine linen, and b goodly bonnets ter' therein. K 7 Aaron and his sons to he sancti'fied. jEVITICUS.. A cloud covereth the tabernace. CIR I~T 8 And tlhou shalt set up the court round about, andl 23 And lie set the y hread in ordler upon it before cBesr' hIang u th e hanging at the court-gate. the o) as th o had co anded Moses. 1490. 9,.And thou shalt take the anointin oil, and 24 An ie put the " candilestick in the renlt of the,:,,23:. a. foii{t tl the tabernacle, and all tllhat is tlrieirei,,aned congre:g;ation, over agaillst the table, on the side of iib-. 9, 2. Lcv.?, 10. v. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~zch. 25, 31 A~m47, I. SllT It hall(oW it, and all the vessels thereof: and it the tatbernacle southward. Ps. 119, 05 Slihall be holy. 25 And lie alighted the lamps before the LORD, a Rev. 4,5. It ) And thou shalt anoint the altar of the burnt- as the LoRD conmmanded Moses. oftfriilg, and all his vessels, and sanctify the altar: 26 And he put the, b golden altar in the tent of the bch. 80, 1 a'2.,ch. 29,37. aI(.ld it slall be an altar mimost holy. congregation, before the vail' Heb. 10, 1 I I And thou shalt anoint the laver and his foot, 27 And hlie burned sweet incense thereon; as the and sanctify t. ILORD comman led Moses. 1~2 And thou shalt bring Aaron and his sons unto 28 And he set up the hanging at the door of the the door of thle tabernacle of the congregation, and' tabernacle. watsh thel:m with water. 29 And he put the C altar of burnt-offeiring by the c:ls. as, 1. 13 ~ And thou shalt put upon Aaron the holy! door of the tabernacle of the tent of the congt;rc,:t, 1o.0,, garme.nts, and anoint him, and sanctify him; that and offered upon it the burnt-oifering, and tile meathl:e may mlinister unto me in the priest's office. offerming; d as the LornD commanded Moses. d:li. 30,9 14 Aind thou shalt bring his sons, and clothe thenim 30 And hie set the e laver between the tent of thle i,,.,. s16 with coats: congregation and the altar, and put water therv, to 114. 10, 24 15 And thou shalt anoint them, as thou didst anoint wash wilhal. tlheir fatller, that they minay minister unto tile in the 31 And Moses, and Aaron, and his sons,' waslhed fch. 30,.5 priest's office: for their anointing shall surely be an their hands and their feet thereat o:h. 12, 14. everlasting priesthood throughout their genleratio ns. 32 When they went into the tent of tlhe con:grega&30,:33, Lev..4,.16 I Thus did Moses; ac:cording to all that the tion, and when they came near unto the altar, they LoR)D couninanded liim; so did he. washed g as the LORD commnanled Moses.:vers 19. 17 And it canme to J)ass in lthe first month, in the 33 And he reared lp the h court round albout the hMNss. I 1.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0. o verse 1 Num::,,. second year, on thle first day of the montih, that the tabernacle and the altar, and set up tile ngg of Nhg 1,. 1. K1 of. 9, 1. 3c~c~~l~ J tnl) ~irl Heb 9, 6, 7 L.,. tabe'rnacle was reared up. the court-gate ~so Moses finished the work. nei. 21,27 plev.26ill. /Q A].1 1 tabernacle, q a tent con- 1 Ni I 11,9 Ez,.k.37,27, 18 And 1Moses rearecd up the Ptabernacle, and fas- 4 Then a cloud covered thle tent of the con-,. gIll., 1. 2ev. 21, 3. tened his sockets, and set utip the boards t-hereotf, and gri egation, and the k glory of the LORD filled the Isaiah, 31.'& 14,381. q Iaiah 14, put in the bars thereof, and reared up his pillars. tabernale tv. 1. 5, S. 3 2. & 3 3,'.'0 h. 2,S., 19 And he spread abroad tent over the taber- 5 And Moses was not able to enter into the tent h2.5,. Ma odh sprea abr~oadl the'el v taber 35An oss2 l.5 John 6,59. 1 I -.~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hr LP. 15,i 1 14i ins, Pili,..28. naclet, and put the' covering of the tent above upon of tile congregation, because the cloud aiode thereon, 10 I:iIS$, Phi~li, I.; a10, 14. 2 Tint; as3 the LoR o commlanded MI.oses. anid the g1ory of the Log[) illed the tabernale. 2Chr.,:1 2 Tim.3,12. I Pet., 5. 20 And he took and put tlhe' testimony into the 36 And when the cloud was taken up friom overm Nun.. IJ:,hn 4, 4. ch.2', 7. ark, and set the staves on the ark, and put the the tabernacle, the children of Israel m went onward 23.9 Neh. 9, 19 c. -26, 1:. mercy-seat above upon the ark: in all theirjounrneys t ch. 25, 16. 41el. 35, 17: 21 And hlie brought the ark into the tabernacle, andt 37 But if tihe cloud were not taken up, then they Prov. 11,, set up the vail of the covering, and x covered the ark ljourneyed not till the day that it was taken up. t9. t u.0 eb. 10, 19, of the testimony; as the LORD commanded Moses. 38 For " the cloud of the Loiv was upon tie m', 22 And 1he6 put the table in the tent of the congre- talbernacle by day, and fire was on it lby niglht, ill the without the vail. Jjourneys. ~ The THIRD Book of Moses, called LEVITICUS. CHAPTER I. 6 And he shall flay the burnt-offering, and jJ cut it 1O0r,di'de,' I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tim.2,15 I The burnt-offerings....3 of the herd....10 of the flocks....14 of the into his pieces. a Exod. 29, fowls. 7 And the sons of Aaron the priest shall 0 put fire o Mat.3,11, AND the LoRD a called unto Moses, and spake upon the altar, and lay the wood in order upon the I Corh. Ii, unto him out of the b tabernacle of the congre- fire. 2b 3,o. gation, saying, 8 And the priests, Aaron's sons, shall lay the P pah. 22,21.John 2, 19 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto parts, the head, and the fat, in order upon the wood gRom. 12, them, If any man of you bring C an offering unto the thiat is on the fire which is upon the altar. h.b., 19. LORD, ye shall bring your offering of the cattle, even 9 But his inwards and his legs shall he wash in d Acts 20, of the herd and of the d flock.: water: and the priest shall b1urn all on the altar, to qi Ezek. 6, Heb. 10, 4. 3 i If this offering be a e burnt-sacrifice of the herd, be a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a Heb. 10, 22 e Gen.8,20. let him offer a male without fblemish; lie shall offer' sweet savour unto the LORD. rlPet'.2,5 f Z 3. 12, 5.t g Cur.9,7. it Of his own g voluntary will at hthe door of the 10 ~I And if his ofifering be of the flocks, namely, g2 ohr.9,7 itaeneo f his owgeain gbfr heLr) nJomn 10,7jI a. tabsernacle of the comgregation'before the LORD. of the sheep, or of te goats, for a burnt-sacrifice;,, a 5. t I Sam. 3,:., 4 And he shall put his hand upon the head of the he shall bring_ it a ihale without blemish. k Dan9,24. burnt-offering; and it shall be accepted for him k to 1 And he shall kill it on the side of the altar northI Jehn 2, 2. -ad Sla o i o, e ~i sie nln 1 Ex. 29,::. make atonement for him. war'd before the LORDn: and the priests, Aaron's sons, 1,1 Miush 6, 5 And' he shall kill the m bullock before the LORD' sl all sprinkle his blood round about upon the altar: and the priests, Aaron's sons, shall bring the blood, 12 And he shall cut it into his pieces, with his head.c 5Z~, and sprinkle the blood round about upon the altar' and his fat: and the priest shall lay them in order on that is by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.] the wood that is on the fire whichl isupon the altar; 74 The meat-qferinug, CHAPTER II, II. and peace-offering. Beforeo f 1r 13 But he shall wash the in wards and the legswith fi'uits unto the LonD, thou shalt offer for tile meat- Befirs Ctt IsT Cetbr~9,40. wafter' and the priest saltl ibrin; ii'all, and burn it offi:ug' ol thy first-f'ults,,reeii ears of corn dried m. Gal. 1,0. upton the altar: it is a birttrt(-sacr(iice, an offering by the fire, even coin Ieaten out of fultl ears. 23,10 Made Ihy fire, of a sweet savouir unt(o the Loun. 15 And thou shalt put t oil upon it, and lay fiat'k- - it. 14 And it the burlnst-sa,( I ice( flo his offering to the incense thereon: it is a rneat-otfi rin.. j. Lomn) be of fotwls, then he slhall bring his offering of 16 And the priest slhall burn thile memorial of it, t 2or. * Uiap. 5,7. 4 turtle-doves, or of young pigeons. part of the beaten corn thereof, and part of the oil x en is, 15 And the priest shall bring it unto the altar, and thereof, with all the friankincense thereof: it i4 an 17. Isa.6s,14. wreing off his head, and burn it on the altar: and. the offering made by fire unto the LorD. Mat. 10, 16. blo(od tllhereof shall be wrung out at the side of the altar: GCHAPTER III. 16 And he shall pluck away his crop with ais I The peace-offering of the herd....6 of' the flock. I., Or, dung, 1 fi.~athl. rs, and past it beside the altar on the east i f hi oi ascfic of peae-e a'.~' Ps 61 Ps!)3, i. pat- N'g' blto e a sacri it bepac-"".B,~ i. 4, 12. patoy the place Y of the ashe s _t offering, if Ihe offer it of the herd, whether it be 17 And lie shall cleave it with the wings thereof, a ale b or female; he shall offer it without ble- bhp. XJohn is. but' shall" nriot divide it asunder: and the priest shall ish before the LOa RD. E x.I 1 burn it upon the altar, upon the wood that is upon 2 And he shall d lay his hands upon the head of his (I chap. I,. the fire: it is a lurnt-sacrifice, an offering made by offering, and kill it at the door of the tabernai'Cle of a Cur. 8, fire, a of a sweet savour unto the LORD. te con io and aron's sons press al 12. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the co~ngregation and Aaron's sons'ilie, priests shtall CH1AP'TER II. e sprinkle the blood upon the altar round labout. eChap 1, 8 The meat-offering of' flour with oil and' incense. 3 And he shall offer of the sacrifice of the peace-..hs, 66 A0 ND when any will offer a a meat-oflfering unto offering, an offering made by fire f unto tile Lor ); fchap.7,13 Mal.!. 10 Rol,,. _,1 the LoRD,' his offering shall be qf" hitle flour; the g faht that covereth the inwards, and all the fat gOen. 4,, I's0. an(d lhe shall C pour oil upon it, and put d firankincense that is upon the inwards, bEF.x. 2,2. thlereon: 4 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, Hal. 1, 14' hE.2,1 zPs,,B,7. 2 And hlie shall bring it to Aaron's sons tihe priests: which is by the flanks, and the h caul aabo(ve the liver, h Fx.2, 1. t johil 2! 20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n'y ICr~ VVIL ~~Gah S, 24. d ph,, and lie shall take thereout his handf'ul of the flouri with the kidneys, it shall he take away. thereof, and of the oil thereof, with all the frankin- 5 And Aaron's sons shall blurn it on the altar, i ch. 4, i5,a. 0,.3 (ense lthereof, and the priest shall b1urn the e'emo- upon the burnt-sacrifice, which is upon k the woodi k GCL. 4,, A? -0, 4. rial of it upon the altar, to be an offelring mnade by tlhat is on the fire: it is an offering made by fire, Eph.1,h fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD: of a sweet savour unto the Lornj. 3 And the remnant of the meat-offering shall be 6 ~ And if his offering for a sacrifice of peacef Phil. 4,8. f 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.fI verse 1. tikh, 1, 1. Aaron's a id his sons': it is a thing' most holy of offering unto the LORD be qf the flo'ck, nmale o C fi.h 1,. 1_i, the offerings of the LORD made b)y fire. male; he shall offer it withlou hilemishi. Act 14, 38,4 C~ And if thou bring an ollation of a meat- 7 ~ If lie offer a laml, tfor his offering, then shall 311. 3,, 28a -' H v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rb, 13. 15 C otfiferi.ng baken in the oven, it shall be g unleavened hie off'r it before the LoRD..7 cakes of fine flour mingled with oil, or unleavened 8 And lie shiall lay his handi upon tlhe head of i el.,,. wVaflers anoinied with oil. his offering, and kill it b}efre the tabernacle of the 5 ~ And if thy oblation be a meat-offering baken congregation and Aaron's sons shall sm.rinkle the h,,.4.',, in a h pani, it shall be of fine flour unleavened, min- blood thereof foutnl about upon tlhe a ltar. gore. 12,11i,gled with oil. 9 And hlie shall offet'r of the sacrifice of the peaceIchap. 1, 6, 6 Thou shalt part it'in pieces, and pour oil there- offering an offering, made by fire unto the LARD: tihe on: it is a ineat-offering,. fat thereof, and the " whole ru1mp, (it slhall iIe take off ncn. 17, 7 ~ And if thy oblation be a meat-offering balen in hard by thle back-bone;) and thile fat that covereyr i the M,,t. 10. 2,, c,,r. 1, I: the fr'ving-pan, it shall be made (?f fine flour with oil. inwards, and all the fat that i, upon tie inwards, Rv la ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C.2 ~ e.g 0. 8 And thou shalt bring the meat-offiering that is 1.0 And the two kidneys, and the fa.t that is upon made of these things unto the LORD: and Wlhen it them, which.is by the flanks, and the caul above the is presented unto the priest, he shall bring it unto the liver, with thile kidneys, it shall lie take away. altar. 11 And the priest shall burn it upon the altar: it is 9 And the priest shall take fromnt the meat-offering, the food of the offering made by fire unto thile LoRuD. a memnorial thereof, and shall burn it upon the altar- 12 ~ And if his offering be a goat, then lie shall k ch., 23. it is an offering made by fire, of a k sweet savour un- offei' it before the LORD. to thle LORD. 13 And he shall lay his hand upon the head of it, 10 And that which is left of the meat-offering shall: and kill it before the tabernacle of the congregation be Aaron's and his sons': it is a thing most holy, of and the sons of Aaron shall sprinklile the blood therethe offerings of the LORD made by fire. of upon the altar round about. 11 No meat-offering which ve shall bring unto 14 And he shall offer tlhereof his offering, evenl the LORD shall be made with heaven: for ye shall: an offering made by fire unto the Lorn; the fat that Mat. 16,6. hutrn no leaven, nor any m honey, in any offering; covereth the inwards, and all the flt that is upon the Luke 12, 1. m Prov. a, Of thie LORD made by fire. inwards, 16, r. 12, 3. I 1g2 ~I As for the oblation of the first-fiuits, ye 15 And the two kidneys, and tie fat tat is upon c. 7,o n,,h. 23, 17. sh;all " offer' themn unto the LORD: but they shall not1 them, which is by the flanks, and the caul above j;. =,l. be buarnt on the altar for a sweet savour. I the liver, with the kidneys, it shall he take away. Neh.8, 1o.,e 16, 13S ~ And every oblation of thy meat-offeringi 16 And the pri'est shall burn them upon the altar::~h,,,..: Ma, 5, 13. shlalt thou season with 0 salt; neitler shalt thou it is the food of the offering made b5y fire for a sweet &' 14.' ~oi. 4, 6. tho Sa.'pNum $11 r'f.'. t18e salt of the P covenant of thy God to he savour: all the 0fat is the ILouu's. 32, 33, 14.:9. 0 1''' wtItsal preulfrActs 15, 9.O a-k9,j ~lac'king from thy meat-offering': qwith all thine of- Cr. io l~a~ 9,$. 17 it sh~a~ be a pe~rpetua~l st;{tu~te for yor~ gene-,or. a~~,s Eek..a, 4frings thou shalt offer salt. rations throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat 3,26.'' ~ ~,,. 14 And if thou offer a mieat-offering of thy first- neither fat nor P blood. M. 0, m.75 The smt-offerng of ignorance, for LEVITICUS. the congregation, ruler and peopte. Betre. Befi.,ro CHIllST CHAPTER IV. in the taherina.cle of tlhe congregation, and shall Befor J',~,, I The sin-offering of ignorance, 3 tr tte priest, 27 for any of the peo- 1)our out all tie blood at the bottom of the. altar of 14o. ple. ~p~~ie.~ ~the burnt.-olb-ring, whichi is at thile door of the ta- ND the LORD spake unto Moses, saving, bernacle of thile confreg ation. 2 Speak unto the clhildren of Israel, saying, 19 And he shall take all his fat from him, and a&leb. 10, If a soul shall sin through" a _i-gnorauce against b any burn it upon the a.ltar. I Kings 2, of the commandments of the I 011D concerning 20 And lhe shall do with the bullocks as he did t3. hings which ought not to be done, and shall do with the bullock foir a sin-offering, so shall lihe do against any of them with this: and the priest shall make an atonement cch. 21, 10. 3 ~ If the priest that is C anointed do sin t accord- for them, and it shall be forgiven them. }led(. to 7 tha.-e Me ing to the sinl of thile people; then let him bring, for 21 ADnd hIe shall carry forth th.e bullock withoutz verse 12..... ~' - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ex. 29, 14 v,-,Ot, his sin which he hath sinned, a young bullock the camp, and burn hilm as he burned the first bul-E.,4, i.,, a. d witlhoult blenish unto the LORI for t a. sin-offering. lock i it is a sin-offering for the congregation. I~. Heb., 4 And hlie shall bring the bullock unto the door of 22 ~f When a ruler bath sinned and done some- Ex. 19,22 CGon. 5, 2 1Mm 1,7.. the tabernacle of the congregation bcetbire the Lorut; what thirough ignorance against any of the comn-7,2. & 16,2 e Heb. I0. 4., "1-E e 4..4. nd shtiall 0 lay his hand upon the bullock's head, and mandients of the Lorn his God concerning thng zek. 34, rn a 81.nts f tlne 1rov ris od c/ocen~i/~~ t~y4. 3-& 539, 2. kill the bullock before the LORD. which should not be done, and is guilty; &7 fl'eb. 9,14, 5 And the priest that is anointed shall take of 23 Orif his sin, wherein he hath sinned, come to the bullock's blood, and bring it to the tabernacle. his knoMwledge; hlie shall bring his offering, a kid of of the congregation: the goats, a male without blemish 6 And the priest shall dip his finger in the blood, 24 And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the g Ps 31, 2. an prnlef h lodI bx 93 gb,,. and g sprinkle of the bluood h seven timies before the goat, and kill it iii the place bwhere they kill the burnt- Ex. 0,38 W.Ie,. 9;13.'chap. 1, 11 1r,. 1,. Lo Ri), before the vail of the sanctuary. offiring beftre the LoRD: it is a sin-offering. 7 And the priest shall put some of the blood upon, 25 And the priest shall take of the blood of the Ch. 16, 0 the horns of thile altar of" slweet ilncense beftire the sin-offering with his finger, and put it upon the horns Luke 22,441. ke LORD, which is in the tabernacle of the congregation; of the altar of C burnt-o0ffring, and shall pour out his c verses7,. and shall pour all the blood of the bulloclk at the hot- blood at the bottom of the altar of bu, rnt-offieIing'I.,' 20. tom of the altar of the burnt-offiering, which is at the 26 And lie shall burn all his fat upon tlhe altar, door of the tabernacle of the congregation. as the fat of the sacrifice ot peace-offerings: and 8 And he shall take off from it all the fat of the'the priest shall make an atonemlnent tbr him as conch ap.3,4. bullock for the sin-offering; the k fat that covereth cerning his sin, and it shall be forgiven himh. the inwards, and all the fat that is upon the inwards, 27 ~[ And if d any one of the e conmmon people sin d Nrnm. 51,f 9 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon through ignorance, while hlie doeth somewha1t against e, r:x..5,1 _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;llf:(/C~/ I(Lb6~ Njum.15,16 them, wlhich is by the flanks, and the caul above the any of the commandments of the LoRn) concerning liver, with the kidneys, it shall he take away, thin.es which ought not to be done, and be guilty; 10 As it was taken off from the bullock of the 28 Or if his sin which he hath sinned come to his sacrifice of peace-offerings: and thle priest shall burn knowledge: thlen he shall bring his offering, a kid of them -upon the altar of the burnt-offering. the goats, a female without blemish, for his sin fchap!",7 4ehi.6, 30. 11 And the skin of the bullock, and all his flesh, which he hath sinned. Acts 10,34 with his head, and with his legs, and his inwards, 29 And he shall g lay his hand upon the head of Gal. 3, 2. gch. 1, 4. &' andi his dung; the sin-offering, and slay the sin-offElring in the place4, 4.& 0.21. Heb. 10,4,, 12 Even the whole,bullock shall he carry forth of the burnt-offering. 10,22. m'c~b. 13, = without the camp unto a clean place, where the 30 And the priest shall take of the blood thereof rJohnS9, ashes are poured out, and burn lhim on the wood with his finger, and put it upon the horns of the altar 1'. with fire: wlere the ashes are poured out shall he of burnt-offering, and shall pour out all the blood be burnt. thereof at the bottom of the altar. Josh. 7, 1. 13 ~ And if the ~whole congregation of Israel 31 And he shall htake away all the fat thereof, hch.3, 14 pHeb. 10, sin through Pignorance, and the thing be q hid from as the fat is taken away from off the sacrifice of u,,. 15,27. the eyes of the assembly, and they have done some- peace-offerings; and the priest shall burn it upon ~' 19'3 what against any of the commandments of the LORDu the altar for a sweet savour unto the LORDn; and i chap., 0, 119.,7. oenit Eb12,9. ao 16.30. concerning things which should not be done, and are the priest shall make an atonement for him, and it Zra6,,10 e,li 16. t0. Jom. 12, 8 Ch., s,,,. gu; shall be forgiven him. E5. Rom. 12, ~~~~ ~~~~~ACLY sia e him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Eph., 2. 14 When tie sin which they have sinned against 32 And if he bring k a lamb for a sin-offering, he Peter' 2.. 24um.,, it is known, then the congregation shall offer a young shall bring it a female' without blemish. kh. 3. 12. 24.. th Ex. 12,2 ehap. 1, 6. bullock for the sin, and bring him before the taber- 33 Anl he shall lay his hand upon the head of cx22, 21. I Chr. 28. nacle of the congregation. the sin-offering, and slay it for a sin-offering in the. UA., 9. aEx. 8, 16. 2 Gor. 5, 21 ch.~24,,. 15 And the s elders of the congregation shall I lay place where they kill the burnt-offering. Eph. 5, 27. tchap. 1,4. their hands upon the head of the'bullock before the 34 And the priest shall take of the blood of the i14, PeA,2. 4,-LORD' and the "bullock shall be killed before the m sin-offering with his finger, and put it upon th lret. 2,24C eb. 9,22. LORD: Uam 18 4.,verse,. LORD.'horns of the altar of burnt-offering, and shall pour meti 4 9 h., 16.2a. 16 And the priest that is - anointed shall bring of out all the blood thereof at the bottom of the altar: 21~,10 the bullock's blood to the tabernacle of the congre- 35 And he shall take away all the fat thereof, as Psal. 47. gation ~ the fat of the lamb is taken away from the sacrifice John2,27.'17 And the priest shall:dip his finger in some of of the pea'ce-offerings; and the priest shall burn,~o.t2m the blood, and sprinkle it Y seven timnes before the them upon the altar, according to the offerings made LoRaD, even.before the vail. by fire unto the LorD: and the priest shall make 18 And he shall put some of the blood upon the an atonemnent for his sin that he hath committed, ho'rns of the altar which is before the LoRD, that is and it shall be forgiven him. 76 The tresplass-oqferzrwg in sacrilege, CHAPTER V, V1. andfor sins done wittinu gy C foreT fCHIAPTER V. Ihe bath done in n the loly thing, and shall addi tlae ri:. 14Vu 14 The trespiss-offering in sacrilege, 17 and in sins of ignorance. b fifth parl thereto, and give it unto the C priest: and ~14"i'1r5eS / ND if r a soul sin, and hear the voice of bswear- Ithe priest shall nmake an atoenement for himl ith the Hr.. 7 4 i ng, and is a witness, whether lie hath seen or raam of the trespass-fltieinlg, and it shall be flrgiven b: 27, Ge. 2, known of it; if he do not utter it, then he shall bear him. " IJO 41., Ijo,)1 ) Prov.,2463. his iniquity. 17 S1 And if a soul sin, and coinnmit any of these c Num. 19, 2'I Or if a soul touch any cunclean thing, whether things whic(h are forbidden to be done by tlhe conl16, d ch, 2. dchap. 1, it be a d carcass of an unclean beast, or a carc'ass of |iianDidtients of tile LORD; though d le wist it not, yet Ps. ll4, 11. s,' 3. unclean cattle, or the carcass of unclean creeping is he guilty, and shall bear his iniquity. Luke 1, 48 2Cor. 6, things, and if it be hidden from himl; he also shall 18 And lie shall bring a ram without blemish out 17.6 *2' be e unclean, and guilty. of the flock, with thy estiration, for a trespass-offerf ch., 3 Or if he touch the uncleanness of man, r what- ing alto the priest; and the priest shall mtake an soever uncleanness it be that a man shall be defiled atonement for hn l concerning his e ignorancewherle-, NUf'. i5, withal, and it be hid fiorm him; when he knoweth in. he erred and wist it not, and it shall be forgiven of it, then he shall be guilty. hiIm. gActs 13, 4 ~ QOr if a soul swear, pronouncing with his lips g 19 It ts fa trespass-bffering he hath certainly f',,:h.','. to do evil, or to do good, whatsoever it be that a trespassed against the LORD. I John 7 mian shall pronounce with an oath, and it be hid C fi'rom himn; when lie knoweth of it, then he shall be HAPTER VI gulitytx inl one of these. 1 The'trespass-offering for sins done wittingly....19 The offeuinr at the 5 A-trdl it shaill be, when le shall be guilty in one consecration of a priest....'24 The law of the sin-offernig. of ttlte / Ith'iils, at lie shall b confess that he hath ND the LoRD spake unto Moses, saying, 1a.? silled in tlat thizg: 2 If a soul sin, and commrnlit a a trespass "against a. s i chap. 617. O And lie shall bring his' trespass-offering unto the LontD, and c lie unto his neighblour in that which'c 1,. Ic,~:s:. i 0.~ the Louna for his sin which lhe hath sinned7, k a fe- was ddelivered himi to keep, or in fel1owship, or in a Acis i, 4. l Con 11, c ch. p9, 1[ 31.'male fi'om the flock, a lamb or a kid of the goats, thing taken away t by violence, or bath e deceived Til.., kch. 4, 32. tor a sin-offering; and the priest shall make an atone- his neighbour; 1t2.e. pe' trient for him concerning: his sin. 3 Or have found that which was ]lost and lieth 2tIng fj t1 htirdcfa-o. 7 ~ And if he be t not able to bring a lamb, then he concerning it, and sweareth falsely; in any of all e Luke It), reac, to the shall bring for his trespass which he hath commit- these that a man doeth, sinninig therein: of.ai.Ynb ted, two turtle-ddves, or two'young pigeons, un- 4 Then it shall be, because hle hath sinned'and is Deut. 22 Co.., 9 tO the LORgD; one for a sin-offering and the otheri guilty, that he shall g restore that which he took vio- g"N'*'' 1Pet. 1, fo. a burnt-offering.lently away, or tile thing which he hathl deceitfully James 2,9. 8 And he shall bring them unto the priest, who gotten, or that which was deliverqd hini to keep, mch. 1, 4 shall offer thit which is for the sin-offering' first, or the lost thing which he found, I et.2, 2. and wring off his head from his neck but shall not 5 Or all that about which he hathl sworn falsely; divide it asunder: he shall even restore it in the l)rincipal, aid shall 9 And he shall sprinkle of the blood of the sin- add the h fifthl part miore theireto, and gixve it u ito hIh,l 1., 1.ohn 17 offering upon the side of the altar; and the rest of him to whom it appertaineth, i in the day of his tresthe blood shall be wrung out'at the bottom of the pass-offering. altar: it is a sin-offering. 6 And he shall bring his k trespass-offeringunto the 17P.' ), 14, 10 And he shall offer the second for a burnt-offer- LORD, a ramn without blemish out of the flock, with Jr.,'22, ing, according to the manner: and the priest shall thy estimation, for a trespass-offering, unto the priest: Heb. 10, 14. Rom. 5, 11. make 0 an atonement for him for his sin which he 7 And the priest shall make' an atonement for him Ich.,4. John2, hath sinned, and it shall be forgiven him. before the LoRD: and it shall be forgiven him for any 1,2. 11 % But if he be not able to bring two turtle- thing of all that he hath done in trespassing therein~ doves, or two young pigeons; then he that sinned 8 ~f And the LORD spake unto Mltoses, saying, shall bring for his offering the tenth part of an ephah 9 Command Aaron and his sons, saying, This is pNum. 6 of fine flour for a sin-offeiring: he shall put P no oil m tthe law of the bulrnt-offering: It is the burnt-offer- mEx 291, Mjt, 17, upon it, neither shall he put any frankincense there- ing, because of the burning upon the altar all n night ch. 1, S. on: for it is a sin-offering. unto the morning, and the fire of the altai shall be' Ex. 12,; 12 Then shall he bring it to the priest, and the burning in it.,qch.2, 2. priest shall take his handful of it, even q a memorial 10 And the priestshall put on his ~ linen garment, iE.x.2, 46 thereof, and burn it on the altar, according to the and his linen breeches shall lie put upon Phis flesh, p Ezek. 44 rch. 6, 15. offerings rmade by fire unto the LORD: it is a sin- and take up the ashes which the fire hath q consunmed 7, IS. offering. with the burnt-offerinlg on the altar, and he shall q i C'13 13 And the'priest shall make an atonement for put thenm beside the altar. him as touching his sin that he hath sinned in one 11 And he shall put off his garments, and put on, rEzek. 44, of these, and it shall be forgiven him: and the rein- other garments, and carry forth the ashes S without,ab.1,, nant shall be the priest's, as a meat -offering. the canlp unto a clean place. 1 14 [ And thie LOpD ospake unto Moses, saying, 12 And the fire upon tilhe altir shall be burning in tch. 4, 2. 15 If a soul (oemrnit a trespass, and sinl t throuh it; it shlall t not l,e put out aitd the p'riest shall bturn tch. 9,2 uch. 22, 2. inorance, in the Uholy thin.gs of the LOPRD; theni he wood on it every mlorn ig and lay the burnt-offerxch.4, s. shall bring for his trespass unto the on1) a ram ing in order upon;', and he shall burn'thereon the u.eut. c.i, 10. y witlout lemis~ out of the flockls, with' thy estima-!fat of the pea.e-offerings 6;r. as, ash 27, 8 tion by shlekel- of silver, after the sheke! of t':e 13 The fire shall U" ever he burning upon the al- t~l'b ~ 1.0 12 sanctta.rv fn a trespass-offerilg: tar; it,siva! never g:ou. mi. it j And he shall make amlends for the harm that 1. ~I And thlis is the law of the xmeat-offering,', The law of the sin-ofermng, LEVITICUS. and of the peace-oferrngs.,Thesonsof Aaron shall offer it,before the Lofl) hic\ h i- b) the flanks, and the caul that is ahove the jP1s~ C}H a ST - beifore 1 li. altar. liver, 5itli tile kidnexys, it slhall lie tak( e ay -:'. 15 Aund lih shall take of it his liandfiil, of the flour 5 And thle priest shallurn ie upor the al ar (}f tdie icat- it:offri'n,, anld of' the o(l the.r'eotf, and all fiow an offilrig ilade by fire unto the 0oR11) it i: a tile franinlkcaelse WNli'lh is 1l)0in tile i.lcat-o(Q'lt ilrg, trespss of( t1t;1. cl. 2,2. and shail bIurn id U1oll) the altar jor Ya s'weet sayour, 6 1very 1.inl ie among the priests shall eat tbelreof even thv, memoirial of it, unto (the Lofmn. it shall he eate in In hl heoiy place: it is mlost l(oly.,a:.::,22. 16 Ad d the'remainder tlhereof shall Aaron and 7 Asthlt sin-oli mc is, so is tilrens tass- otiennig: "eb. sin, 1 (., 93., YlisS Sois at: with t unleavened bread slhall it be there is one law fob then: the priest that inaketli ".., 2( t{ ch 2.2 6.:.~, 2e.i te3 in the holy npla('e; in thle court of the taber- atonement thiereiwtith shall h ave i i P..,Z ~0.~' ~' at'I f tlit con- regation they shall eat it. 8 And the priest thlat of(ireth any man's burntBCor. 1 17 It sitall " not be haken with leaven. I have f ng, even thle priest shall ihave to himsei ttheotdn g,..': 31.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'' 7, 1 6. 14. d'l II. givenl it?w/ro th(ll in fo then'r portionl of' my offe'iaigs of' the t Irnlt-of~e!ir inL x bi hlie:I hdthi otfi~el u"':~a e 1)m.l2, iade by fir. It is o' tst holy, as is the in-offering, 9 And all the nm at-ofiiring that is hake in thle i.. 3, 9. a 11u as tle tt ensp ass-oilferin. oven, ant all tlat is di essed in the' fi'yii.<- pan an ti"" 6 Gl. 18 All ticn males aimong thie children of Aaron shall in tlhe pan,'shall be the priest's that olfi-rn el it. I C:;.. 7 eat of it. P sxhall be a statute for ever in your gener-T 10 Andl every me at-oirig nnnindgled " Iith oil, kch., II atiolis tcon(-ernina the ofirinigs of the Lorn ade Idby anti dir, shall all the sons of Aaron have, one as I'l 1 lyby an dry Shal allthe, sons of Aaron have, ole as1 ati 3y'I's. emicertl n thie otfiI1 s of t he Loms n, adgrng v**.27:,2f. ire': (ever yV oe that toudheth them slhall he holy. i mw1/h as anothir K.1.1:, 29, 1.; 19 I' Attnd thte, LOL'D spake iunto Moses, saying I1 ~ And this s the law of the sacrifice of' I peace- I Gen. 29, 20 fhis is tite oftering of Aaron and of his sons, offtrinis, wlhi('h lite shall oiler unto thile L,(oi). 2,. which thiey slhill offer unto the LORD in the day 12 if lif oilcr it fior a thanksgivin thlien hlie shall' 10,,4. g] H I 1-ig~ Fleb, 13, 15;(.,b8, 1.' wlcn l(ie is atintited;' the tenth part of an epitah ofI of/l witi the msatrifice of thanksgivin.g 1tillt'a',etiVed Iln cl. 22,29 Chr. 29, fine floit loir a nueat-olh'.ring perpetual, half of' it in cakes in-ingled withi oil, and " unleavenied watfers (,& 3:, the m(orini,, and Ihalfd thereof at night. alnoin ted with oil, and cakes ningled with oil, of ".,,14. I n eh. 2, 4. 21 In a pan it sh[all be made with oil; and when.- itle filour, 0 f'ried. oC. 2,., 4.,tis lbaken, thou shalt bring it in: a(ln thle lbatkc 13 Besides the cakes, he shall offer/foi his offiferpieces (if the meat-offering shalt thou offerJbfoasweet( ing, leavened bread, witlh the sacrifice of thanks-.3 13, savour i.nto the Loan. givin ) of Lis peace-offerintgs.. or., 61o)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~ 2, Aind the priest of his sons that is anointed in 14. Anid of' it he shall offe-r one out of tlhe whole x.Ex2 his steatl shall olier it: it is a statute for ever unto oblation fori a q heave-offering unto the Lmu[, andit q. 27 ei,7. 1...the L.o(0RD; it shall be h wholly burnt. shall be the priest's that sprinkleth the blood of the Rteb 7. 4?.' o 2e 2, Foi'r every meat-offiering for the priest shall be peace-oftBerings. wliolly )urnt' it shall not be eaten. 15 And thile flesh of the sacrifice of his peace-of- rch. 22, 0 24 T And tli'e LoRn spake unto Moses, saying, ferings for th{anksgiving shallr be eaten the same day o.L 12, 25 Swpeak unto Aaron and to his sons,saying,T[his that it is offered; he shall not leave any of it until is tihe law of thile sin-offering' In the place Where the,norning...the hurtt-offeuriig is'killed shall the sin-offering be 16 ~ But if the sacrifice of his offering be a vow,.Num., killedt beifore tihe LORD: it is 8 most holy. or a t voluntary offering, it shall be eatent the same ch''. 22, 2. cehk.0, 17. 26 Tilhe priest that k offereth it for sin shall eat it: day that lie ofireth his sacrifice and on the mnorEzek.44,25..hssciie: n ntemr oiea 4. 8. in the holy place shall it be eaten, in the court of row also the remainder of' it shall he eaten John 6, 26. IP,. 2, 3. the tabe!rnacle of the congr egation. 17 But the remaindler of the flesh of the sacrifice 1,R 6., W 2 7W hatsoever shall touc the flesh thereof shall on the " thlird day shall be burnt with fi're. E.1, 27 w x. 10, 12.,Ex 29,3S be'holy: and when there is sprinkled of the m blood 18 And if any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his m}7h~ thereotf upon'anyti garmnent, tholl "shalt wash that peace-offerings be eaten at all on the thirda day, it m IThes.! u.1 4,4. whereon it was sprinkled in the holy place. shall x not be accepted, neither shall it be inputed 27.um aom. 6, 13. ()h m)toiYc-1,7 n'ch, 11: 28 But the earthen vessel wherein it is sodden unto him tlat offereth it: it shall be an Y abonmiaaIo:in, yh..19, 4. n oh, 11, 32. s. 6.1 2 Cr. 7,. shall be broken: and if it be sodden in a brazen pot, anti the sou.l that eateth of it shall z bear his iniutluity. z Gen. 19, och. 8, 21. it shall be both scoured, and rinsed in water. 19 And the flesh that toucheth any unclean thing. eu2, 29 All the males among the priests shall eat there- shall not be eaten; it shall be burnt with fire: and as 13. of: it is most holy, for the flesh, all that be clean shall eat thereof. pch. 4, 5. 30. And no P sin-offeritng whereof any of the blood i 20 But the soul that eateth of the flesh of tile sais brought into the tabernacle of the conguregation to crifice of peace-offerings thatpertaia unto the LotD, h10, 7. recoucile withal in the holy place, shall be eaten: having his uncleanness upon hlim,cven that soul shall Heb.9, n. it shall be q burnt in the fire. be cut off from his people. 21 Moreover, thile soul that shall touch any unCHAPTER I. clean V the uncleanness of b man, or an b tn- c.5, 1. 1 The law of the trespass-offering, 11 and of the peace-offerings... Clean. as the uncleanness man, or y - 22 The fit, 26 and the blood, are forbidden.....28 The priest's portion clean beast, or any albominable unclean thing, and in the peace-offerings. eat of the flesh of the sacrifice of c peace-offerinigs 7,t Ior. I., ach.., 6. IKEWISE this is the law of a the trespass-of- which pertain unto the LORD, even that soul shall ha 2, 1. tering: it is b most holy. be cut off fi'om his people. ocih. 6, 2. 2 In the c place where they kill the bu' n t-offerin g 22 ~ And the Loan spake unto Moses, saying, shall they kill the trespass-offering: and the blood 23 Speak unto the children of israel, saying, Ye ~h.1,5. thtJ,'"of shall he a sprinkle round about upon the' shall eat no d manner of fat, of ox, or of sheep, or of dch.3, 17. altar. goat. 3 And i1.' shall offer of it all the fat thereof; the 24 And the fat of the e beast that dieth of itself, eEx. 22,R. *TX. 31,,. rump, and the!'t that cove'reth tile e tinwards, and tile fat of that xwhich is torn with beasts, may be DC,. 34 1. ~. a, 4 And the two kidneys,and the f't that is ton them, used in any other use: but ye shall in no wise eat of it.'"~' 14' 78 o T-he prCets' portion. CHAPTER VIII. The sm-ofcirin71gfor Aaroin. 4L Bhhr 6)oovre~o b f 8~ b~~ Befror:'i S T 25 For whosoever eateti the fhit of the beast, of 8 A.d e put the ii breast-phite upon [lii.): als( ile CUMST 149w. hich mien offer an offering inade. by fire unto the'put in the breast-plate the' Urim and the'Thumminini [0. s. LORD, even the soul that eateth it shall' be cut oftf I 9 And hie put the mitre upon his head; ak-o uton$wi firom his people. the m1itre, esen uponl hjis k fore-front, did lie put tli(N. ~8, G(en. 9, 4. 26 Moreover, ye shall eat no manner of g blood, golplen palte, the'holy crown; as the Loal co Hein.S..S' 17, 1 h. wether it be of fowl or of beast, in any of your iiianded Moses. dwellings. it) And Mo tses took thli "anointing oil, and anoint. fii t.30, 27' Wh atsoever soul itbe tIhat eateth any manner of'ed the tabernac-le'nd all that was therein, and saucblood, even that soul shall be cut off fr-om his peo0le. tified themci. 28 ~ Andt the Lown spakc unto iM'oses, sayni, I 11 And lie spl inkh d thereof upon the altar seven 29 Speak unto the childien of Israel, saying H-1 e tisan(d anotd the altar ard all hi.s " vessels, Ex.80.16 that offereth t-he sacrifice of his peace-offilrings unto lboth the lav 1r and his loot, to sanctity them. the Lonnm, shall bring his obldtion unto thle LoRDOf ol 2 And he po ured ofthe anointinitg oil upono 0Aaroni's (Fo. i93 1 the sacrifice of his peace offeirngs. h(ad, and anointtd(1 um, to sanctity hun. 2 Cor. 2, 15 nch. 3,5. 30 ii His own h'ands shall hri ng the offierings of tin 13 AndY Moses broulht Aaron 7's sons, annl put coats Loin) made by firh(; the fat w'ith the b)reast, it shall uipon them111, and girdled them with girdfles, and put iEx. 29 24. hie bring, that tire b1)east may be' waved for a wavme- bonnets ulpon) them; as the LIJ01) c(oimnlanded lMlo(SVs. 12 7 b. o b the Ill D14 ~ Ani(d hie brought the bullockfrt sl I - fpr x. 29W.t'"l'"'"j 31 And the prin st shall burn the fat uporr the altar: in g and Ai:.ron and his sons laid q t(liiiiatis upon, 291 Prov. qax,2 I Rom.6,3,4. but the breast sh ill be. Aaron's anI his sonts'. thie head of the l ullock or tdie t sin-offiring chi. 1. 4. 32 And thie iigt shoulder shall] ye give unto the 15 And ie r slew it; alid Moses took th.e blood, n; J th' kfTO~ Pro loiestfor K a heaive-offering of the sacrifices of your and pit it upon the hornis of the altar- round aihout mllii Uil. 3, 20. pCace-offeringsS wi til hiis fi t"-', at lid -- pii i fled the altar, lnd p I 0. c,2 James 1, I'd 33Hiiin h ~l fAao htofr htetebod ~ j.. ilt'6 ar-:prlo~:Ir snsofi$ilon that offer~eth. lie!tile bltod at tHe bottom of tile abalr, and sanctified si>., blood of thi pe'1a-otffiings, and thle fat, shall have "it, to imake recooncihiation u'poni it. no. lEx 29, 22, 1 the i.rt I dorldti for his part. 163 Andi he took all time " fit theat was upon the ili- Ex. 29, 36. i Coi. "'2 34 tj4 For the'wave-bleast an d thie heave-shouldci xx Wards, and tile ('aulabove the,l iver, anlld thte two kid- 1'Iat a" hay V e % t-' i iken of tIn( children of' tsr'iel fr-om off the sa- tirs, and their fat, and %K2oses burned it upon Ow a Iatr. 13 e 1' crifices of the-.ir p-ae-offeirings, and h ave given thn im 17 But the bullock, and his hide, his flesh, and 3,11) A. ii to 0 0 dii -prinst, duid auto his sons, lby a stitaut his Idung, d le burnt with fire' without the camip: as), Ev. 0,14 im. Gr ever hrom amonom the cfhildreiii of Ism(a- I the Lonzoi- c(onii)nai.t1dedh Moses. 9,1 tils SI 51/pton. of' the "anointing_ of Aaron 18 ~N And lie brouight the ram for the Z lburnt-offetI- ci. 2,3 b. (10 nd ofrio antiointlii of his soiis,r utof the offi ings of' ing and Aarorn and hiis soIs laid their hands 0pion Rol-II, 12, I cu: 1~ ttlie L in' rnL ae Iby fi-t I iii the day when he presented the head of the rain. i Johu2,'27, tlictin to 1uiii mstel' unto the Lotta iat the piest's office; 19 And he killed it; A 36 Whiivhi the Loa'n c(oiiiiiian det to be given then f blood uipon tie -alta r round about. of thic chldlire t. of 1srel, in tile day that he anointe(i 20 Antd he ('lit the i'am into pieces; and MKt oses4 them,b ta sttit(tutulo 1 vet thi'oughiout thtlien igenei- ations, b~ui-nt the head, and the pieces, and the fat. 347 T"h'inis iz~s thle law of die bul~irnt-offerinig, of the 21 Andlie washed t me inwards and the legs in mneat-offering, and of the sin-offering, and of the tres- wvater; and Moses bulrtt the wvhole rann lmipon the & Ex 29, 4. pass-offi'mi n-, and of tIhe 0consecrations, and of the laltar: it bu'ts a b t-saci'ifice foL a sL~Ct saviour, b Gen 9,2 I Ki3igs 13, sacuifice of the peace-offerings;'and an offering mnatde 1y'ire unto the Lo i; as the 13. x. 1923 38 Which the LoRD comnmand ed Moses in P mount Loitu) Co1ninWanced Moses. Gal. 4,24. Silnlai in the day that lie commanded the children of 22 1 And he brought the other c raom, the ran-1 of c Ex. 29,19 isa. sa, to.Israel to oft i their q oblations unto the LORd, in the consecration and Ai'on and his sons lai'd their chap. i wilderness of Sinai. hands upon the head of thle'am. CHAPTER VIII. 223 Aid lie slew it; and Moses took of the blood of 1.Moses consecrateth Aaron and his sons....31 The place and time of it, and put it upon tie tip of Aaron's right ear, and their consecration, upon the thumb of(liis right hand, and upon the great ND the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, toe of his d right foot. d EX.20,2 ~x.23.1. 2 Take " Aaroi and his sons with him, and the 24 And lie brought Aai'on'ssons, and i2oses put of 3CO. Li bEx. 30,23. garments, and thle b anointing oil, and a bullock for the blood upon the tip o'f theii right eat's, and upon the Ex. 29, t, the c sin-offering, and two rains, ant a basket of tn- thumbs of their right iiands, ant upon the goreat toes chap.4,3. leavened bread; of their righit feet: (and ~Aoses sprinkled the blood 3 Anti gather thou all the congregation together upon the altar round about. d Ex. 29,ti. unto the d door of the tabernacle of the coingregation. 25 Anti he took thee fat, and the " rump, and all ech.3,% Mat~. 1 20 4 And Moses did e as the LORD commanded him I; the fat that was upon the inwards, and the caul above Ex. 39,43. and the assembly was gathered together unto the door the livei', aid the two kidneys, and their fat, and the Keb. 31 5. zn` r~ ~V"~'J'`' of the tabernacle of the congregation. right shoulder: 5 And Moses said unto the congregation, This is 26 And out of the basket of unleavened bread, that the thing xvhich the Lonn~I comtnauded to be, done. w7ras befor~e the Lonn, lie tooks one' unleavened cake, 6 And Moses brought Aaron and his sons, andj andi a catke of' oiled bread, and one &wafei', and put Eix. 29, C isa. 1, 116.EcfS wa~ashedt thlem wit~h fwaiter. themz on tle: f'at, a~nd up:on- thet right shmouldem': go E~ 29, ~Ia zf0 %~eb', d 7 Aud lie put upon himn die g c~oat, anti gir~ded him 2'7 Andi nel put all upon Aaron's hands, and~ upon ~Ex.6,4.withthegirde, ad cothed him ith'r tlim robe, anti his sons' hiatuls, atild h wav~ed thetnfor a viave-offer. ht~x.29%z~ puat the ephiod upon hiun, anti he g~irded hm~i~n with the-i iig imefor~e tIn'~ LoiRn. clurious gir~dle of the ephiod, and bound it unto himL11 28 Andt M9goses t~ookl them fi'om off thicit han~ds, amidl therewit-h.. bui'nt the@m on the ahtai' tpo'n theld b mtn-offer:ing: OJ Aaron and his soas' consecration. LEVITICUS. Aloses and Aaron bless tMe peope. lthey were consecrations for a sweet savour: it is an above tile liver of the sin-offe'in,, he burnt upon the RIS'I9"'0. o'firi m ma de Iby fire Unto the Lo., ). altalr; as the Lontl comnrnanded Moses. 1490. 2$) 4 Anat Mu oses took the bnreast, and waved itofi? 1 I And ht, cl ish and the "' hide he, burnt with fire,. a a, e-offorimg,bore tte Loan) for of thlc ratll of' withbout the camllp.,. 1 7:'a. 2:,'I;2s(' i:ratiod it was & oses k part; as tile LORD corn- 12 ~ And he slew the burnt-offering; and Aaron's tn uided Moses. sons presented unto lin) t hle blood, which hlie sprink-:0 And Moi oes took of the 1anointing oil, and of led round abtout upon the altar. " W100(ood wthich wna. upoi)n the altar, and sprinkled,i 13 And they presented thie burnt-offeiring unto him, upO Aaron, and upon his garments, and upti1 his with the n pieces rheireof, and the head and he burnt ":If' so;, atnd upon his sons garmients wvith lilni;and sanc- /thein upon tile altar. titied Aarton, aid his garmllents, and his sons, and his 14 And he did 0 wash tile inwards and the legs,,,'- 1, 9 SOl1S gr arreuts with him1. and burnt then, upon the[ burnt-oflering on the altar. 31 ~ And MVioses said unto Aaron and to his sons, 15 ~ Anid lie brought the people's ofri-,'i-igl and to(ok i: nr..,,. W, Boil the flesh "' at the door of the tabelrrnacle of the tilhe goat, which was the sin-offering for the people, cong regaioti; an d there eat it with the Ibread that is and slew it, and off;red it P forsin, as the first.., inu r.,d. 29. in the baskcet of consecrations, as" I commanded, 16 And hlie brought the blurnt-offer1ing, and ofler-:".. 10. 3- 1 q cc~~tie o tePIianr ch l. 1, 101 Lke 10, s16. saying, Aar{on and his sons shall eat it. ed it according to the q manner. X,I 32 Ar.d that which ~ remaineth of the flesh and of 17 And hlie brought the neat-offering, and r took a rch 2,2. the blread shall ye burn with fire. handfil thereof, and burnt it upon the altar, besides 33 And ye shall not go out of thedoor of the taber- the lburnt-sacrifice of the S mnorning. s Ex. 29, 3. pEx. 993..,.r:,n. nacle of the congregation in p seven days, until the 18 He slew also the bullock and the ranm for a'S,,.t 1,2 days of your consecration be at an end: fior seven sacrifice of peace-offerings, which was fbrtlhe people,, d(ays shall he consecrate you. and Aaron's sons presented unto himn the blood, which 14 As he hatlh done this day, so the LORD hath he tsprinkled upon the altar round about, clh 3,,2 F -eb 7,16. commaIclnded to do, to make an atonement" for you. 19 And the fat of the bullock, and of the ram, the r 7h. 12,35 Therefore shall ye ralbide at tihe door of the U rumnp, and that which covereth the inwards, and the uch. 3,. Joshuaa,, tabermiicle of the congregation day and night seven kidneys, and the caul above the liver: Nut-II.; lays, ar2d keep the charge of the LoID, that ye die 20 And they put the K fat upon the breasts, and lie x ch. 4,. 19. & 3, 7,8 Luke2, 2,s. iot,.br so I am commanded. burnt the fat upon the altar:.a. l,, 36 So Aaron and his sons did all things which the 21 And the breasts and the right shoulder Aaron LOaD coimmanded by the hand of Moses. waved for y a wave-offering before the LORD); as' h.~7, 30. CHAPT'ER IX. Moses commanded. I The first-offerings of Aaron for himself and the people...23 Moses 22 And Aaron lifted z up his hand towards the peo- z Isa.49,22 the people....23 Moses. a IlChr. 23 and Aaron bless the people....24 Fire coineth from the Lord upon ple, and a blessed them; and came down C from of - 13. the altar.' fering of the sin-offering, and the burnt-offering, and b Ex. 20,2?i ch. 8, 33. t, r'.,c; verse 7, Pe. /,. ND it came to pass a on the eighth day,' that peace-offerings. - Moses called Aaron and his sons, and the b el- 23 ~ And Moses and Aaron d went into thie taher- aix., i. b ch. 4,,s. des If Isal e. 7t &1 b ci. o,1. desf Israel; nacle of the congregation, and came out, and el)l,ss- "& 11 of Isra~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~el ePs. 118.26 2 Arid he said unto Aaron, Take thee a young calf ed the people: and the glory of the LORD appeared r:x. 16,10 echap. 9, 2. for a sin-offering, and C a ram for a burnt-offering, unto all the people. cliap.,, S. without blemish, and d offer them before the LoRD. 24 ~ And there came a fire out firom efore g the gl Sam.3, cur2. $3 Antd unto the children of Israel thoushalt'speak, LoRD, and consumed upon tie alter theburrnt-offer- h s. 20,. saying, Take ye a kid of the goats for a sin-offering; ing and the fat: which when all the people saw, they 2r'i 2Chr 7, a and a calf and a lamb, both of the first year, without'shouted, and fell on their faces. blemish, for a burnt-offering; C APTER. CHAPTER X. 4 Also a bullock and a ram for peace-offerings,I 1 Nadab and Abihu, for offering of strange fire, are burnt by fire.... Pa'.2'to sacrifice before the LORD; and a meat-offering 8 The priests are forbidden wine when they are to go into ithe tabfL JohnS, mingled with oil: for to-day the LORD will f appear ernacle. g, 3.aEx6,2 2,. unto you. ND a Nadab and bihu, the sons ofAaron, took 3Ex. 2, 3. tev. 14,8. unto and., of,.:7, 3. 5 And they brought that which Moses commanded __ either of them his "censer, and put fire therein, nm. 16,17t el f ~~~~~~~~c ch. 1, 7. before the tabernacle of the congregation: and all and put incense thereon, and Coffered strang.e fi, Re v.s, the congregation drew near and stood before the before the LORD, which he commanded them not. LORD. 2 And there went d out fire from the Lorn), and d ch.., 24. e H~eb. 12, 6 And Moses said, This is the thing which the e devoured them, and they died f before the LORI). 2,' LORD coimmanded that ye should do:'and the g glory 3 Then Moses said unto Aaron, This is it that the "((12p,. & 4,of the LORD shall appear unto you. LORD spake, saying, I will be g sanctified in ilbem'.4 Irt~~ldS1, 3j, V1 Lrlr/ srvnh~~~~~~~ r3~~1C~~ll n~~~cnr L~~~~r~~~ Y v~~a. h Ezck. 42 i." 4,2.'7 And Moses said unto Aaron, 6 Go unto the altar, that come h nigh me, and before all the people I will 1.3. 2, 1, 15I Thes 1, and offer thy sin-offering, and thy burnt-offering, and{ be glorified. And Aaron k held his peace. 10 Thes. i hIt.,,,0 make an atonement'for thyself, and for the people: 4 And Moses called Mishael anrid Elzaphan, the k Ps.39,9 iCh.S,.4 and offer the offering of the people, and make an lsons of Uzziel the'uncle of Aaron, and said unto I0.K' H,.ob 5, 3. 20 &', 2, 2s. atonement for them; as the LORD commanded. them, Come near, carry your brethren from before the n.Luke, 8 ~ Aaron therefore went unto the altar, and slew sanctuary m out of the camlp. the calf of the sin-ofrrning, which was for himself. 5 So they went near, and carried them in their,kc.h~~ s, of Aarn d the uno n of 1Aaid.bouht[ 7, 13, I7,2L6 9 Arid time sous brought blood unto[ coats out of the camp; as Moses had said.;.-,' "ikm: and hle dipped his finger in t.he blood, and put 6 ~ And Moses said unto Aaron, and unto Eleazar Ii:,h.,. ~.'it uplnoon the " horns of tile altar, and poured out the and unto Itllamar, his sons," Unco'(>ver' not your heads, 18. 4.' bloo1d at the b'ottom of the altar: neithemr rend your clothes; lest ye die, anrd lest wrath r~.:, 1s. 10 But thre'fat, anl the kidneys, and the caul comiie upon oall the people: but let your brethren, the Jha 8() eThe taw of eating the holy things. CHAPTER XI. Of meats clean andrunclean. cret whole house of Israel, bewail the Pburning which 5 And the h coney, because he cheweth the cud, Befrre,:0. the Lonl) hatl, kindled.'but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto yoU. CI0. p Psalm 7 And ye shall not go out fr'om the door of the 6 And the'hare, becaugeihe cheweth the cud, but "" ",,,. talbernacle of the congregation lest ye die: for the ivideth not tfli, hoof; he isunclean unto you. 26. ~0qCII.* 6 2, j1}'- e. 1 ctl, 6, 2, q anointinge oil o) the Lo) upon You. And they 7 And the k swine, though he divide thle hoof, and'v2 n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~It;., Pet. 2, did accordting, to tle xvor~ of I tses. be cloven-fboted, yet he cheweth not the cud; lhe is 22. 8 ~[ And the LomU spake unto Aaron, saying, unclean to you. {eb. shle- 9 Do not drink wine nor strong t drink, thou, 8 Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass 1ar, thei is, al/ldkinds of nor thy sons with thee, when ye go into the taber- shall ye'not touch; they aret unclean to you. 12 Cor. 6 drink/ 17. her~h,-eby nacle of the congrrega1tion, lest ye die: it shall be 9 ~ These shall ye eat, of all that are in the waters:,,....he, a statute for ever throughout nyour generations whatsoever hatd fin nd scales in the waters, inin Acts 10 dnk. 10 And that ye mray rput difference between holy the seas and in the rivers, them shall ye eat. r eh. 20 25 2. Jo,-. tU~. - and unholy, and between unclean and clean; 10 And all that havenot fins and scales in the seas, E'z Pk.2 2,-,6.Al. II. o1 *'I &44. 23.. 11 And that ye may teach tihe children of Israel and in the riveis, o all that move inthe waters, and N,,a., 7. all the statutes which the Lorn hath spoken uinto of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall ~,~, L. ~,z.them by the hand of Moses. be:an abomination unto you: n DeL. 14, 12 ~ And Moses spake unto Aaron, and unto 11 They shall be even an abomination unto you: Eleazar and unto i-thamar, his sons that were left, iye shall not eat of their 0flesh, but ye shall have their 01 cor. 18 ch.9,7 Take the' meat-offering that remaineth of the offer- carcasses in abomination. Mal. 1, o ings of the LouR made by fire, and eat it without 12 Whatsoeverhath no fills nor scales in the watleaven beside the altar: for it is most holy: ers, that shall be an abomination unto you. 13 And ye shall eat it in the holy place, because it! 13 It And these are they which ye slhall have in Is thy due, and thy sons' due, of the sacrifices of thei abomination among the fowls; they shall not be eatLoan made by fire: for so I am commanded. en, they are an abomination: The P eagle, and the psJO3, r X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:7. 14 And the wave-breast and heave-shoulder shall q ossifrage, and the o(spray, qDeut. 14, ye eat in a clean place,; thou, and thy sons, and thy 14 And the'vulture, and the Ikite after his kind; rJer, 22. daugh, ters with tliee: for lhey be thy due, and th 15 Every"ulraven after his kind s uWI3, 1, sons' due, which are given out of the sacrifices 16 And the Xowl, and the Y night-hawk, and the'~'* -17 I u Job 38, 41 peace-offerings of the children of Israel. cuckoo, and the hawk after his kind, xJo130.29 15 The heave-shoulder and the wave-breast shall 17 And the b little owl, and the c cormorant, and y z jph-5'' the d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~z flos. 7, 1 they bring, with the offerings made by fire of the fat, the d great owl, aJobiO,2a to wave itfor a wave-offering before the Lorn; and, 18 And the'swan, and the pelican, and the Igier- cbab. 1,14. -ah.7, 34. it shall be thine, and thy sons' with thee, by~ a sta- eagle, dEph., II tute for ever; as the LoRnn hath commanded. 19 And the g stork, the h heron after her kind, and,o "'14,., ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~16. tch. 9, 15. 16 ~[[ And Moses diligently sought the goat of the the'lapwing, and the bat. f Ps. 102,a. sin-offering, and behold, it was burnt: and hlie was 20 All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shallo".' 1, angry with Eleazar and Ithainar, the sons of Aaron' be an abomination unto you. hII Job 39,3. whrich were left alive, saying, 21 Yet these may ye eat, of every flying creeping Epil 4, 31 17 Wherefore have ye not eaten the sin-offering' thing that goeth upon all fiour, which have legs above in the holyplace, seeing it is most holy, and God hath their feet, to leap withal upon the earth Ex. 29, k locus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~k Exod,,x. S:,,6given it you Yto bear the iniquity of the cong regation, 22 Even these of them ye mav eat; the k locust k.d 38. &33, 6. 4-'5 ea.20 9. to make atonement for them before the Load I after his kind, and the bald locust after hlis kind, and, John 1, 7, n' 29. 18 Behold, the blood ofit was not brought in with-, rthe beetle after his kind, and the grasshopper ater I Peot. 2, 24, in the z holy place: ye should indeed have eaten it his kind. zch6 4, 1%,. 12. &, 30. in the holy place, as I commanded. 23 But all other flying creeping things, which have 19 And Aaron said unto Moses, Belhold, this day four feet,shall be an abomination unto you. have they offered their sin-oflering, and their burnt- 24 And for these ye shall be unclean: whosoever offering before tile LoRnD; and such thiings have be- toucheth the carcass of them shall. be unclean' until. 1 Cor. 5, U. Denut. 12, nV,14. fallen me: and?f I had eaten the sin-offering to-day, the even. Col. 2, 16, Hoses 9, 4. a 17 0. Sb,h430, should it have been accepted in tlhe sight of the 25 And whosoever beareth aug'ht of tihe carcass IS, 1, 20. Lornm of them shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until Mitt. U2, 3. a1b. 7,. 20 And when Moses heard that, b hlie was content. the even. 26 The carcasses of every beast which dividcth m rO.7, CHVAPTER XI. 2 Thes. 3, Ithe hoof and is rinot cloven-footcd, nor cheweth the tlhs 3 2 What beasts may, 4 and what may not be eaten.... 9 What fishes..... cud, are unclean unto you: every one that touch- nI Sam. 5, 13 What fowls....29 The creeping things which are unclean. th them shall e unclean.. r., ~~~~eth them. shall be unclean. Isa. 66,,.,.., Chr. 2s,/AND the Lortn spake unto Moses and a to Aaron, 27 And whatsoever goeth upon his paws, a1mongu 7r o.,, aron, goeth upoD hiS 1)aWS, aniongo Ps. 73, 6, saying unto themr., b all manner of beasts that go on all foubnr, those arei,,8. bP. 147, 2 Iff Speak unto the'children of Israel, saCving, 1unclean unto you' whoso roucheth their carcassshall u 19, 20 that is, 12t, " IThese are the beasts which ye shall c eat among d be unclean until the even. thi, I6. all the beasts that are on the earth. cloven 28 rAnd he that bearethli the calrcass of them shall.owero Rein.'2, 3 S WvhatsOCVeel parteth the hoot, and is' cloven-wIwash lms clothes, an d be unclean until the even: they thik to IS. boo a /~cige fraoote nd, a~ fcheweth the cud among the beasts, that "are unclean unto yo'.og, othl,,, ~~e~,.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~heeunla unt thal e ea.'?Tlo'llS~ 2. shall ye neat. I 29~T hes e alsoshall beunclan unto yo among the w1,~.~ 4 ~iI Nevertheless, these shiall ye not eat, of thtem' creeping things that creep upon the earth; the w Vea- Luit 12,1 that chew the cnd, or of them that divide the hoof: sel and the mouse, and the h totoise after his kind, of glsa.l,, as the gcamel, because he cheweth the cud, but divi-H 30 And,lhe T ferret, and the r chameleon, and the Phli.a4,4 deth not the hoof: he is unclean unto you. 1 lizard, pnd the qshail and the mole.. la C~reepbin thinh?'s which are unclean. LEVITICUS. Of women's pzrtficatons and afferin; r rc~l'P;e Before C3ST (i r'ise are unclean to you ambon all that creep 1 4 And she shall then continue in the blood of her,-J, 1 h19o0. IsioIver doth touch tlien, wvcn they be dead, g purifying h three and thirty days: she shall tonuliG no 90. sh'""'' s ui b nclean until ile even. lhallowed thing, nor colme into the sanctuary, until gLuke2,22 th e?Z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h verse8.~ 2 A d upjon wxhatsoever a'ny of them, when they the (lays of her purifying, be fulfilled. h verse are d:ad?. )1dot fall, it shall be unclean; whlether it be 5 But if she bear a maid-child, then she shall be ""~'.2,". ~ - k M'at. 8~ I-%~~~~-kS a ally vessel off wood, or raihnent, or skin, or sa( k, unclean two weeks, as in her separation: ant she Lue,,: whatscoever vessel it be, wherein any work is done, slhall continue in the blood of her purifying tlriee- Gal. 4,,. r F..ek.,, it lutts be put into r water, antd it shall be unclean score and six days. 25. Hub., 1s, until the even; so it shall be cleansed. 6 ~ And when the days of her purifying are' ful- Ih. 12, 6.. &I0, 2 S 33 And every earthen vessel, Whereinto any of filled, for a son, or bfor a daughter, she shall bring a tfthen fah whatsoever is in it shall be unccan; lamb of the first year fior -a burnt-offering, an.:d a and ye h sall break it. i young pigeon, or a turtle-dove, r for a sin-offeving, 2Cor. 5 34 0f ill menat which may be eaten, that on which I unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, such water cometh shiall be unclean: and all drink unto the priest that may hbe drunk in everysuchvessel,shallbe unclean. 7 Who slhall offer it before the LORD, and make 2 35 And every lhing whereupon any part1 of their n an atonement for her; and she shall be cleansed n Cor.7 eh. 26, 26 Isb 1,4,,ose,a 7 carcass talleth, shall he unclean; whetherit be oven, fioom tile o issue of her blood. This is the law for.,i,4. Mal. 4,. or ranges tfor pots, they shall be broken down for her that hath borne a male P or a female. o Mat. 9. p y fo i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20, 22. they are unclean, and shall be unclean unto you. 3 8 And if she q be not able to bring a lamb, then Mrk, 29. 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p Gal. 3,'2,1k 36 Nevertheless, a fountain or pit, wherein therere she shall bring two turtles, or two young pigeons; qCoa.3, is plenty of wivater, shall be clean: but that which the one for the burnt-offering, and the other fior a. toucheth their carcass slhall be unclean. sin-offiering and the priest shall nmake an atonement 37 And it' an! part of tleir carcass fall upon any for her, and she shall be clean. tJohn 12, t sowing-sfeed which is to be sown, it shall be clean.t CI-APTER XIII. 24,CATRXI. I Cor. 15, 33 But if an/y water be put upon the sed, and any The laws and tokens whereby the priest is to be guided in discerning the 36. part of their carcass tall thereon, it shall be unclean eItprosy., unto you. Ii ND the LORD spalke unto Moses and Aaron 53,39 And if any b)east, of which ye may eat, die saying,, 39"'" hetandtuh~ h if carcas Ihro shayingun 2Cur. 6, 17 he that u touclieth the carcass thereof shall be un 2 When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh Col 2,2l). clean until the Y even. a rising, a a scab, or b lbriglht spot, and it be in the,Deu. 32, x oh. 7, 2.1. x the c Plague of eprosy; then, liPs. 41, S. c h. 1,V,. 40 And he that eateth of the carcass of it shall'skin of his flsl like the plague of leprosy; then he s. 41, 8. Ve..22,28. wash his clothes, and be unclean until tlhe even; he:slall be broulht unto Aaron the priest, or unto one b1.s. 3,. wa- - l sv h~ LIIL,,pi sIsa. 1, 6. zDeut. 14, also that beareth the carcass of it shall "wash his of his sons the priests: cch. 14, 3 2 t. De Lit. 24, N om.I.3.0. clothes, and be unclean until the even. 3 And d the priest shall'look on the plague in the,et. 39, 8, Rev.a 1, 16. AlAd viy a'i s 9 Isaiah l, 16. 41 And every creeping thing that creepeth upon skin of the flesh:'and when. the hair in' the pla gue is 3, 20 &.v 7, 5. Ro WI'8, 20 &'", the earth shall bean abomination; it shall notbe eaten.'turned white, and the plague in sight be' deeper 7Ek., a Ps. 17, 14. e'zk 16,,,. 42 Whatsoever goeth upon tile " belly, and what- than the skin of his flesh, it is a plague of leprosy: 3o. Phil 3. 19. Hos. 7,9.,'en.u3,14. soever goeth upon all four, or whatsoever hath C mo re and the priest shall look on him, t and pronounce f Ti,. 2, rni, 1,12,. feet among all creeping thinas that creep upon the him unclean. 1. Gail. 2,14. earth, them. ye shall not eat; for they are an aboni- 4 if the bright spot be white in the skin of hispolhtt him. nation. flesh, and in sight be not d.eeper than the skin, and 43 Ye shall not make yourselves abominable with the hair thereof be not turned white; then the priest any creeping thing that creepeth, neitlher shll e sha ll shut up g him that hdth the plague seven days:'1e'Le.4 make yourselves unclean with them, that ye should 5 And the priest shall look on him the seventh Rom., 26 be defiled thereby. day: and behold, if the plague in his sight be at a d Ex. 20, 1. 44 For d I am th e LORD your God: ye shall there stay, and the plague spread not in the skin; then the e Mack 7, fore e sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I priest shall shut him up seven days more 19 i'''i li1"n thelrestesal Rmn. 14,14. am, holy: neither shall ye defime yourselves with any 6 And the priest shall look on bi agamn the sev1Cor. 8,8. mannerof creepingthin,., that creepeth upon the earth. enth day: and behold, if the plague be sonmewhat 45 For I am the LORD that bringeth you up out dark, and the plague spread not in the skin, tlhe fOn.:77. of the land of Egypt, to be'your God: ye shall priest shall pronounce him clean: it is but a scab: P 20, 9 P~e~t.,1, theretore be holy, for g I amn holy. Sh Pr.. 20, 9, giPet. 1, therefore be holy, forl g I tra holy. and he shall h wash his clothes, and be clean. Ezek. 35, 46 This is the law of the beasts, and of the fowl, 7 But if the scab spread minuch abroad in the skin,,j,s,, 7 and of every living creature that moveth in the waters, after that he hath been seen of the priest for his 2 Cor. 7, L. 1I be seen of tI~~~~~~ I John 1",, and of every creature that creepeth upon the earth; cleansing, he shall be seen of the priest again~. h h. 10, 10. 47 To h make a difference between the unclean 8 And if thile priest see, that behold, the scab k Ieh. 10,' 2 i ve'.27, 35 and the clean, and between the beast that may be spreadeth in the skin, then the priest shall pro- Th,, 2,17 eaten and the beast that may not be eaten. nounce him unclean: it is a leprosy. CHAPTER XII. 9 When the plague of leprosy is in a man, then Lam. 1,17. 11i priest 2 Timr. 2,17. The purification of a woman after child-birth, he shall be brought unto the priest: I vese 3. AND the T LORD spakec unto Moses, saying, 10 Anol the priest shallsee him: and behold, if the 6om., 12, aMat 23, 1 - 2 ~I a Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, rising bey~hite in the skin, and it have turned the hair bo~,.u,| a woman have b conceived seed, and borne a C white, and there be m quick raw flesh in the rising: mvers~e2':ch. 3, 2.m -child: then she shall be unclean seven days; 11 It is an old leprosy in the sliin of his flesh, 2 Kings ~.am cc~rino to the days of the d separation for h~r e in- and the priest shall pronounce him unclean, and ~ r,,:,,c..lmry~r~t shu il dash b fte un(:epaatin.i~ e eCIn. Ii, 20. h mr~llity sha~ll she be unclean. shall not shut hin up: for lie is unclean. f~,a on A d inu the eighth day the flesh of his t fore- 12 And if a leprosy break out abroad in the skin, nvereeo. ""!I~I'L. skin'shaill be (:ircumncise d_. aand the leprosy c qver all the skin "of him that hatlh n, ~. The laws and tokens CHAPTER XIII. in discernig the eprosy. V e, Fore ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Before CHIIST the plague fiom his head even to his foot, whereso- 32 And in the seventh day the priest shall look on BeRo.ST 4 ever thie priest looketh; the plague: and behold, if hdie scall spread not, and'.,0 13 Then the priest shall consider: and behold, if there be in it no yellow hair and tile scall be not da d 2in, ~ d DeUL. 2.9s m necb. n,/ec the leprosy have covered all his flesh, he shall h pro- sight deeper than the skin; 9. nle oucthhIcea the pa 1gu i p 3.au, nou ice him clean that hath the plague it is all turn- 33 He shallal be 0 shaven, but the scall shall he not 6,7. ver'ses 3, Tbs.5 a.vs', ed hhite: e is clean. shave; and the priest shall shut up him that hath the Thes.6, 14 lut when raw flesh appeareth in him, lie shall scalls seven days more: Jon4 1. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rev. 2, 2. be unclean. 34 And in the seventh day the priest shall look on 15 And the priest shall see the raw flesh, and the scall: and behold, if the scall be not spread in pronounce him to be unclean: for tihe raw flesh is the skin, nor be in sight deeper than the skin; then I Cot. I1, unclean: it is 0 a leprosy. the priest shall pronounce himi clean: and he shall GI. 2,16:. 16 Or if the raw flesh turn again, and be changed washi his clothes, and be clean.:,li 2. into white, lie shall come unto the priest; 35 But if the scall spread much in the skin r after C Jer. 51,0.:1 3ullnl, 9.'"'"\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1''"'""$ WeC. 10, 26.~~~~~~~~~~~~e!. 0,20 1 Join 1, 9. 17 And the priest shall see him: and behold, ifthe his cleansing;. 10, 26. plague be turned into white; then the priest shall pro- 36 Then the priest shall look on him: and behold, nounce him clean that hath the plague: he is clean. if the scall be spread in thile skin, the priest shhll not 18 The flesh also, in which, even in the skin *seek for yellow hair; he is unclean.,1 Or, hot thereof, xyasI a bile, and Pis healed, 37 But if the scall be in his sight at a stay, and,, 19 And in the place of the bile there be a white that there is black hair grown up therein; the scall ii 1'3,26. rising, ora bright spot, white, and somewhat reddish, is healed, he is clean: and g the priest shall pro-g Ism. 8, 20. 13, zn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ~~~~~~~~~~~~M at, 25, 20. and it be shewed to the priest; nounce him clean. pJorep7,ro7 20 And if, when the priest seeth it, behold, it be in 38 If a man also or ha woman have in the skin Acts 17,. lien th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Cor. I 1, sight lower.than the skin, and the hair thereof be of their flesh bright spots, even white bright spots;.3, 2 Cot. 13, 8 2 Pet. 2, turned white; the priest shall pronounce him unclean: 39 Then the priest shall look: and beholld, if the h Num. 12, 20. it is a plague of leprosy q broken out of the bile. bright spots in the skin of their flesh be darkish wlhite; it;R. 2,6,7" 21 But if the priest look on it, and behold, there is a fireckled spot that groweth in the skin; he is clean. Gal. 3, 2. be no white hairs therein, and if it be not lower than 40 And the man whose k hair is fallen off his head,'ere40, Nuim. 23, the skin, but be somewhat dark; then the priest shall he is bald; yet is he clean.. shut him up seven days: 41 And lhe that liath his hair fallen off firom the eu. 32,,.6 Y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sol) 1, i15. 22 And if it spread much abroad in the skin, then part of his head toward his face, he is forehead-bald; k Go.. 3, 1: Rev. 2, 4. the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is a plague. yet is lie clea n.,., 4. o~ c~ m m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nMi,:ah 8, 23 But if the briglht spot stay in his place, and 42 And if there be in the bald head, or mbald fore-. si(pa. spread not, it is a burning bile; and the priest shall head, a white reddish sore; it is a leprosy sprung up Isa.. 95. pronounce him clean. in his bald head, or his bald forehead. 24 Or if there be any flesh, in the skin whereof 43 Then the priest shall look upon it: and behold, 7 verse8 there is r a hot t burning, and the quickflesh that ifthe rising of the sore be white reddish in his bald tIleb.'n -,.in,'g oj burneth have as white bright spot, somewhat reddish, head, or in his bald forehead, as thile leprosy appear- ~Gen. 37,, 1, 27 or white;`rh in the skin of the flesh I; ch. 10, 6. vere 19. 25 Then the priest shall look upon it; and behol(. 44 Hle is a leprous mnan, hlie is unclean: the priest John 4,'34. Re.4i. i, f the hair in the bright spot be turned white, and,shall pronounce him utterly unclean; his plague is ITi.s 20,2. be in sight dleeper than the skin: itis a leprosy broken in his head. Heb. 13, 7. out of the b1.urning: wherefore the priest shall pro- 45 And the leper in whom the plague is,his clothes nounce him unclean: it is the plague of leprosy. shall be rent, and his0 head bare, and ihe shall P put'e14. 26 But if thle priest look on it, and behold, there a covering upon his upper lip, and shall cry, q Un- oh. 10,. be no white hair in the bright spot, and it be no lower clean, unclean. 2Sam. 1, than the other skia, but be somewhat dark; then the' 46 All the days wherein theplagueslallbe in him 0p Mic.', 7 II~~~~~/ uL~~~~~~~i~ 1I.,. e n 11 LI. II 1e 4,17 u1Ezek. 44, priest shall u shut him tp seven days: Ihe shall be defiled; he is uncle:in: he shall dwell:'k 24,17 I LamA3, 1. I Cor., 6. 27 And the priest slhall look upon himn the seventh alone, without the camp s/laill his halbitation be. Isa, i x Jer. 9, 3. 4 gra 3..oa. day' and if it be spread abmucl abroad in the skin, T 7 The garment also that the plague of leprosy is13lr, 2 T im. 2,17. uk 15, 5.3, 3. then the priest shall pronounce him unclk.an: it is in,whether it be a woollen garment,or a linen garment, uu el,1 the plaue of leprosy. 48 VWhetherit be in the warp, or woof, of linen, or 28 And if the bright spot stay in his place, and of woollen: whether in a skin, or in any thing made y2Sam. Y spread not in the skin, but it be somewhat dark; it of skin I12, 13, Jobo 4,,. is a rising of the burning, and die priest shall pro- 49 And if the plague be greenish or reddish in the Ma~t 2i,'75. Pci.462,3:. nounce him clean: for it i an inflammation of the garment, or in the skin, either in the warp, or in the burning. w oof, or in any thing of skin; it is a plague of le29 If a man or a woman have a plague upon the' prosy, and shall be shewed unto the priest: isa. 1,.. head or the "a beard; 50 And the priest shall look upon the plague, and Micah 3,11. 2 Pet.,1,i. 30 Then the priest shall see the plague: and be- shut up it that hath the plague seven days: aL Kings.8 hold, if it be in sight deeper than the skin, and there 51 And lie shall look on the plague on the seventh 1 be in it a yellow thin hair; then the priest shall pro-' day: if the plague be spread in the garment, eitlher Acts8, 2!. nounce hun unclean: it is a dry scahl, even a leprosy in the warp, or in the woof, or in a skin, or in any b I Kings br sI 12". 2s. upon 1 the ht.ad or beard.. work that is made of skin; the plague is a ffrettinv, sch. 14 44 Jer.. 3, S. 31 And if the priest look on the plague of the scall, leprosy; it is unclean. and behold, it be not in sight deeper than the skin, 52 He shall therefore burn that garment, whether tv,,t.,2,. c.on~ j,,, and t/hat there is no C black hair in it; then the priest warp or woof, in woollen 0or in lin~en, or any thing Isa.30, 22. shall shut up him that ha/h the plague of the scall of skin, wherein the plague is for it is ai'etting " seven days:' leprosy; it shall be burnt in the fire. The rites and sacri/icev LEVITICUS. in cleansing qf the leper.,~ooBefore CHRIST Bfr Befor 53 And if the priest shall look and behold, the things, before tile Lon, iat the door of thile tahbcrna- CHRST mo.v plague be not spread in the garment, either in the cie of tilhe congre gation. 0. warp or in the woof, or in any thing of skin; 12 And the priest shall take one he-lamb, and of54 Then the piiest shall coommand that they fer him for.a U trespass-offering, and the log (;f oil, u Isa.53,1i w.ash the thing wherein the plague is, and he shall and wave them for a wave-offiering before the LOraD. shut it up seven days more 13 And he shall slay the lamb in the place x u icre x ch 1, 11 55 And the priest slhall look on the plague after he shall kill the sin-offering and the burnt-oflfetin, yeh. 6,2 that it is washed: and hehlold, if' tllhe plague have not in the holy place: for as thile sin-ofiering' tile 27c.2 itjib. chanued his t colour, and thle plague lbe not spread; priests, so is the trespass-offering: it is most h 1riy. 9,y it is unclean; thou shalt burn it in the fire; it is fet 14 And the priest shall take some of the blood of Ezek. 1, 16. inward, whether it be f bare withlin or vitlihout. the trespass-offering, and the priest shall put it ipon & 8, 2. InF. C2 t Ieb. the 56 And if the priest look, and behold, the plague the Z tip of the right ear of hillm that is to be clean- c'.,, ifoj~re-bald-c -., 4 2o,,~d be somewhat dark after the washing of it; then hlie sed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, andi up-_,. 1, I es, or, the21Pi.1,,,,inder- shall read it out of the garment, or out of the skin, on the great toe of his right foot. 1,.,aldr~$8..... t/,~er. *or out of the warip, or out of the woof 15 And the priest shall take some of the log of 57 And if it appear still in the garmient, either in oil, and pour it into the palm of his own left hand: the warp, or in tihe oof; or in any thing of skin; it 16 And the priest shall dip his right finger in the?s a spreading plague: thou shalt burn that wherein oil that is in his left hand, and shall spriikle of the the plague is with fire. oil with his finger seven times before the LORD. 58 And the garment, either warp,or woof, or what- 17 And of the rest of the oil' that is in his hand, soever thing of skin it be which thou shalt wash, if' shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of the plpgae be departed from them, then it shall bet hi-m that is to be cleansed, and upon tle thtumb of e62Cor.7,1. U vasped the X second time, and shall be clean. his right hand, and upon the great toe of his righ ieb.9,10. washed9 the 1second te, and l cn Rev., &. 59 This is the law of the plague of leprosy in a foot, a upon the blood of the trespass-offering. eres 1, 7,14. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~28. x,..h. 9, garmente of woollen or linen, eitlher in the warp or 18 And the remnant of the b oil that is in the b2Cor.1, x 2 Chr.14 I21. 12, 13. woof, or any thing of skins, to pronounce it clean, priest's hand he shall pour upon the head of him 1 John2,20 cor. 9, 17. or to pronounce it unclean that is to be cleansed: and the priest shallimakie an. 0,1 CHAPTER XIV. atonement for him before the LORD. 2. The rites and sacrifices in cleansing of the leper....37 The signs of 19 And the priest shall offer the sin-offering,and,tsa 5." 1 leprosy in a house. nmake an atonement for him that is to be cleansed & ND the Lom~ spake unto Moses, saying, from his uncleanness; and afterward he shall kill A 2 ~ This shall be the law of the leper in the e the burnt-offering. ech. 1,3. fi'om hiis uncleansing: We ss; and afte brwag nrd Rhe som. 12, 0day -of his cleansing: He shall be brought unto the 20 And the priest shall offer the burnt-offering,and Heb. 10, priPst: the I meat-offering upon the altar: and the priest shall 9ch. 2, 1. 3 And tihe priest shall go forth out of the camp: make an atonement for him, and he shall be clean. So1 gUl verses 12. and lhe priest shall look and behold, if the plague 21 And if he be poor, and cannot get so much;0eres 12 a CIx. 6,21. of leprosy be a healed in the leper, then lie shall take one lamb for a trespass-offering c.,,. 1i" Car,. 6 4 Then shall the priest (command to take for hinto be waved, to make an atonement for hi; and & 27, 81, 3. to n be waved, to matke an atonement tbr himl; and a~7, b. bRom.4, that is to be cleansed two bilrds alive and clean, one tenth-deal of fine flour mingled with oil for a hEx. 29,24 20 - d - verses 12) d and cedar-wood, e and scarlet, land hyssop. meat-offering, and a log of oil; 24, 25. c ch. 11, 13. d.Ezek. 17, 5 And the priest shall command that one of the 22 And two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, 22e Ieb. 9birds Ibe killed in g an earthen vessel, over T running such as he is able to get; and the one shall be a sine Heb. 9,19. and%-rig rix. 12,22. water. offering, and the other a burnt-offering. g Nurn., 6 As for the living bird, liheshall take it, and the 23 And he shall bring them on the eighth day for 1g7. 2Cor.4,7. cedar-wood, and the scarlet, and tle hyssop, and his cleansing unto the priest, unto the door of tihe f Heb. tliving, shall dip them, and the living bird, in "the blood of tabernacle of the congregation, before the LORD. John 4, 10. the bird that was killed over the running water. 24 And the priest shall take the lamb of the tres7. 13,4.,. 7 And he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be pass-offering, and the log of oil, and the priest shall H e b. 9, 14.,,eb. 14. cleansed from the leprosy seven times, and shall wave them for a wave-offering etbfore the LORD. IPet. 21,18k,pooI/1tepaso-iJh,2. p unce him clean and shall let the living bird 25 And he shall kill the lamb of tle trespass-of- iJohn,2 IJehuln3 6 monounce 5~r Car~nln 5hl 7e ielvn i~ I JKin 5, 6 into m.s, loose nto the open field. ferin, and the priest shall take some of the blood' c Ps. 51,2. 8 And he that is to be cleansed shall wash his of the trespass-offering, and put it upon the tip of kch. 13, 39. clothes, and shave off all his hair, and " wash him- the k right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and up- kr.0, lIsa. 5, 4 self in water, that lie may be clean: and after that he oni tie thhuimb of his right' hand, and upon the great Ezel,.,177 rn Hob. 6, 6. Det33 II Z.a,0. shall come into the camp, and shall tarry abroad out toe of his l'ightm foot. IDeut. 33, of his tent seven days. 26 And the plriest shall pour of the oil into the Ps 00, 17. m Gal. 2, 11 9 But it shall be on the seventh day, thathe shall pali of lhis own left hand. PFil. 3, 17 oNm. 8,7. shave 0 all his hair off his head, and his beard, and 27 And the priest shall asprinkle with his right'a. 52,15 fleb. 10, 22 his eye-brow-s, even all his hair he shall shave off; finger some of the oil that is in his left hand 0 seven och. 4,6. prI Cor.,0 and hlie shall wash his clothes, also hlie shall wash his tinies before p the LORD: Cor. 1. plJohnS 3, flesh in water, and he shall P be clean. 28 And the priest shall put of the oil that is in his qch. 1,3. 10 And on the eighth day he shall take q two le- hand, upon the tip of tme right ear of himi that is to rEx. 12, a. lambs without rblemish, and one ewe-lammi of the be cleansed, and upon the thumb of hus right hand, first year without blemish, and three tenth-deals of'! and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the 2Cor.,1, fine flourfor a meat-offering, mingled with Soil, and place of q the blood of the trespass-offering. q eb. 9,10: 2t one iCg of oil. 29 And the rest of the oil that is iii the priest's hiand, 1H1I And the.priest that maketh hum clean, shall he shall iptut upon ther head of him thatis to be cleans- ris. 133, s ~l. 5,2e, scn t the man that is tro be tmade clean, and those ed, to make an' atonement for him before the LoRD.,ch.7, - 8 Of iepr,"o~. no.;a,:,'.,se. CHAIPTEc. XV. ~/'UflCl(N1*fLf& liJ 8Se. W CIIAPTEI_,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~' XV.(' k;,vmclaness bu'tissues. C-BeWor 30 And he shall offtr the t one of the tul.tle-doves, thel in the k blood of the slain 11 bird, and in the run-,, 1490. or of the young pizeons, such as he can get; nin ater, and sprinkle the house seven tinkes 1Acts4. 12.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~niz gete, an hpike clem~os e heve n~ timsL,:o.3. 1 Elven such as he is able to get, the onefor a sin- 2 And i shall clhse II ose with e blood AL facts 4, 12. k' Acthesv! e20ue,ehus ihth lo Eph. 4,3, 4. offering, and the other for a burnt-offi-ring, with the of the tbird, and with the rlunning water, and wiith'2,,Mat 3,17 in'.' le 0,14. mi 17, 20. tneat-ooffernl. AnA " the -Jiesti siall makei an atone- tilhe livinig bird, and withi the cedar-wood, and with IJl)'" 1,"7. Eph.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jo6leuV 1, 7 P;. 1,6'. ment for him that is to be cleansed, bere tlie LORDu. the hyssop, and ith the scarlet Rev. 1,5 & I Tim. 2,5. is to * J.-.-3, C,-~A i~L1 LI1~.,.W(CiltL 0,0 & 7,14 Heb. 7, 25. 32 This is the law of him in whom is the plague 53 But he shall let go thle living bird out of the & 9, 24. x''' I -' ITh, I 2. of le p r SI nosy n'tnwetIE.2, ~7 I, of leprosy, X whose hand is not able to get that which! city into the open fields, and make an ato nement l. 2,?1 x 28 Chr. 29, ~ ~ ~:' h. $ - pertainteth to his cleansing, for the house' and it shall be clean.'P. ~ nd the Lo spake unto oses and unto 54 This is the law for niall manner of plague of 17, 3 A nd tIe LORD spake unoMoses isfondUane o tO 3, 1!6. 1%, 17,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- P.3S 5 H,6. 12,Q,. Aaron, saying, leprosy, and scall, p 6. 34 When ye be come into the land of Canaan 55 And for the leprosy of a garment, andof a house,, 2 Tim. 3, v N,. 21, whc i e, n T p h 132 whicli I give to you for a possession, and I Z put the 56 And for a rising, and for a scab, and tfor at Ieb. in &,,~i. 7, p. plague of leprosy in a house of the land of your pos- bright spot: te day qf & 8, 17. the uwnclan Josh. 12,. Session; 57 n' To teach when it is unclean, and t' when it and in I, e Ps. 4 4, 3, 4. dyq'h,,E. 5,2. 35 And he that owneth the house sh'all come and is clean: this is the law of leprosy. dc o the x x. 10,26. e aidsnscoe s: s awclean Deot.7, 15. tell the priest, saying, It seemeth to me there is as it I Sam. 2, 6. sayn CHAPTER XV. Ps. 41,:. were a plague in the house: 2 The uncleanness of men in their issues....19 The uncleanness of women Isa. 45, 5, 7. i hi sus & 5s. a. 36. Then the priest shall command that they empty in their issues. Mat.s, 2, 3. the house, before the priest go intoit to see the plague, ND the Lord spake unto Moses " and to Aaron, ach. 11i, aHosea 4, that all that.is in the house a be not made unclean; saying, 2. & 13, 2. 17. ITim.a,22. and afterward the priest shall go in to see the house 2 ~I Speak unto the children of Israel, and say 37 ~ And he shall look on the plague, and be- unto them, When any man hath a rutnning iSS tIh Gen. 17, Deut. 28, hold, if the plague be in b the walls of the house, out of his flesh, because of his eissue he is ti:n:c'leam. 1,,,, 30. — iap. 12, 3c Ezek., 4. with hollow streaks, greenish or reddish, which in 3 And this shall be his uncleanness in his issue: Nsum. 12, sigrht are lower than the wall; whether his flesh run with his issue, or his flesh be1 38 Then the priest shall go out of the house, to the stopped from his issue, it is his uncleanness. door of the house, and shut up the house seven days 4 Every bed whereon he lieth thathath the issue,'39 And the priest shall coime again the seventh day, -is unclean: and d every thingx whereon he sitteth, d Tit, 1,15 and shall look; and behold, if the plague be spread1 shall be un.clan. in the walls of the house; 5 And whosoever toucheth his bed, shall e wash ever. 13, 40'Then the priest shall command that they take his clothes, and bathe hinnseU' in wrater, and be un-:,1i.,2,. away thle stones in which the plague is, and they shall clean f until tlhe even. leb.10, 22. -' ~ -' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f oh. 11, 24, cast them into an unclean place without thie city' 6 And lie thlat sitteth on cany thing whereon lie 12'~~~~~~~~~ 41 And hlie shall cause the house to be scraped sat that hatlh the issue, shall x wash his clothes, and within round about, and they shall pour out the dust bathe himnself in water, and b(e unclean until the even. that they scrape off without the city into an unclean 7 And he that toutcheth the flesh of him that hath place the issue, shall wash his clothes, nd bathe himsef~ 42 And they shall take other stones, and put toem ine water, and be unclean until the even. in the place of those stones; and hlie shall take other 8 And if hlie that batht the issue g Spit upon him that gMark7, mortar, and shall plaster the house. is clean; then he shall wash his clothes, and bathe`h. a 8 23a John 9% fl. 43 And if the plague come again, and break out hionsel/' in water, and tbe unclean u'itil the even. I'rTim. 4, 1, in the house, after that he hath taken away the stones, 9 And what saddtle soever hlie ridetlh upon that itus 1,9,, o,. and after hie hath scraped the house, and after it is hi!thi the issue, shall te unclean. 2Pet.2, 1, plastered; 10 And whosoever tontbeth any thing that was23 44 Then the priest shall come and look; and under him, shall be unclean until the even: and lihe beholdif the plague be spread in the house, it is a that I bearethi any of those things, shall wash his hMat 7, 15 -. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ Cor. 6, 17 c.c 13, 51. C fretting leprosy in the house: it is unclean. clothes, and bhathe hinnsef in vater, and be unclean oTim.,22 dIsa.30,22. 45 And lihe shall dbreak down the house, the'until the even.John,2 stones of it, and the timber thereof, and all the mor- 11 And whomrsoeve rhe touch.eth that hath theissue tar of the house: andl he shall carry them forth.out (and hathi not rinsed lhis hands in water) he shall of the city into an unclean place. wash his clotlhes, and'baathe himseYf in water, and i2Cor.7 1 e Prov. 5,8. t e goeth I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Heb. I0, 22 ~Po,. 14. 46 Moreover, he that' goeth into the house all the1 be unclean, until the even. James 4, 8. -'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~V S k h.,'28 4.. while thlat it is shut up, shall be unclean untilthie even. 1.2 And the kvessel, of earth that he toucheth 3i5,,. 47 And lie that lieth in the house shall wash his which hatlh the issue, shall he broklen: and every 2,3:.un.2, clothes: and lihe that'eateth. in the house shall wash vessel of wood shall be rinsed in water. 2, 3. his clothes. 13 ~[ And when lie that hathi an issue is cleansed 48 ~ And if the priest shall come in, and look upon of his issue; then lihe shall number to hinuself seven it, and behold, the plague hiath not spread in the days for his cleansing, anId wash his clothes, and house, after the house was plastered: then tihe priest bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean. gch. 13, 13. shall e pronounce the house clean, because the plague 14 And on the eighth day he shall take to hini is healed. two turtle-doves, or'two yo)ung pigeons, and come''h.12,6,8 a.verses 52, 49 And he shall take to h cleanse the house two. before the LoRDn, unto the doo)r of the tahbernacle of fi3. 1h.&., birds, and cedar-wood, and 1scarlet, and hyssop: the cong. whereof was a hundred and thirty sAi/f els, one silver this was the offering of Abidan tile so.n of Gideoni. bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanc- 66 ~ On the tenth day Ahiezer the son of Amtuituary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with shaddai, prince of the children of Dan, q/oered: oil for a meat-offering 67 His oflhr'ing was one silver cliairger, the weight Mal 1, 4.,. 38 One golden spoon of ten shekels, fitll ofincense: whlereof wa3n a hundred a-d thty shic/i one silver Igx. gS5, 25. crdadt'i'ysh/'.,oeilr Zech. 4, 2. 9 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the bowl of seventy slh els, after the shekel of the saneAe v.,,20. f is Ier fo a un-f'rn..'a,.e h hklo h ac fiv. 1,20. frst year, for a burnt-offeming: tm uary; both of' themn mfii of fine flour mingled with 40 One kid of the goats for a sin-offiering: oil for a meat-offerig~ 41 And for a sacrifice of peace-ofierings, two oxen, 68 One golden spoon of tell ske/els, full of incense: five rams, five he-goats. five lambs of tiLe first year: 69 One young bullock, one ran, one lamb of the this was the offering of Shelumiel the son of Zuri- first year, fior a burnt-omfei n-n shaddcai. 70 One kid of the goats for a sin-ofifring 42 ~ On the sixth day Eliasaph the son of Dnea, 71 And for a sacrifice of'peace-offrinogs, two oxen, priice of thEe children of Gad,et f e:ivere rams, five he-goats, five lambs of the first year 43 His offiering was one silver charger, of the this was the offering of Ahiezer the son of Amnmiweight of a hundred and thirty shekes, a silver bowl shaddai. of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; 72 I On the -. elevent4h day Pagiel the son of t Hb. on Lev. 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, 5heday,,,of k2'"'0.'' both of them full of fine flour P mingled with oil for Ocran, prince of the chilldren of Asher, qg?,rred:' 14, -0 the elevet!,1eb.,9. a meat-offering: 73 His offeriinr was one silver charer, tlhe weight',, I John 2,27. verse 78 Rev. 6,6. 44 One golden spoon often sheke's. full ofincense: whereof was a htundred and thllrty sheels, one silv'er 45 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the bowl of seventy she(iels, after the shekel of the first year, for a burnt-offering sanctuary; both of tlIem full of fine flour mingled 46 One kid of the goats for a sin-ofering: with oil for a meat-offering,or,~: Fris~. 141, 2 Or, a 47And for a sacrifice of I[peace-offerings, two oxen, 740ne golde(n spooni often she/als 0full ofincCnse: nse a4,2 0;eri,,ngs. b.,.c- five rams, five lie-goats, five lambs of the first year: 75 One young bullock, one ran, one lamb of the Di,.2. rifice if ti 9s h feofROM ~ c *Ti. 1.,10 ce,,m this was th r offering of Eliasaph the son of DeCel. first year, for a tairnt offerinh4,i o' percc. 48 i On the seventh day Elishamna the son ofAm- 76 One kid of the oaits for a sn-offering: Ieb. 13, 15, Lev. 3, 1. a mihud, prince of the children of Ephraim, qfered:' 77 And cir a sacrific of peace 0 oferings, two oxen, 7,!I. Pe.56, 13. 49 His offering was one silver charger, the weigllt five rams, five he-oa ts, five lainrbs of the first year eb. 1t, 1. whereof was a hundred and tlhirty shelels, one silver this w1as the offiiing of,gi;l the son of Ocran. bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sane- 78 I On the twelfh. day Ahira the son of Enan, tuary; both of themrn full of fine flour mingled with prince of the children of Naphtalit,' ed qExod.29, oil for a meat-offering: 79 His offering was one silver charger, the weight Lev. 2,1. 50 One golden spoon often she hels, fu~l of incense: w'hereof was a Itmndreid and tlirtv shekels, one silver t1T.ereere 51 One young bullock, one ramn, one lamb of the bowl of seventy shekle]s, after the shekel of the three slhe. WS~; [e, first year, for a burnt-offering: sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour ningled valued to 52 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering:'ith oil for a meat-offeri 29 6hrn. aftc o An di for a seatoe s n nf 29, 6. pc; 53 And for a sacrifice of peace-offerings, two 80 One golden spoon ofte sle/eLs, fll ofincense Ezra 2,68 ot~ec; te -'Ly 69. actu~/aro oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first 81 One young bullocko nr, o a, o ne lammb of the Ne.7, 79, sanditary ~llkC IdL11 fi8 e, P~eh. 71, 72. toice as year: this was the offering of Elishama the son of first year, for a burnt-offerin7g1, 72 much; and the cwn inos Armmihud. 82 One kid of the goats for a sin-offerinT: 0o. t commonn "tll Jr ~.IC ehelceleehich&~"~/'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AActs 26, 6. dfekedic not 54 ~ On the eigahth day offered Gamaliel the sonl 83 And for a sacrifice of pea e-ofKferings, two oxen, Rev. 21,24,,nseh fron, of Pedahizur, prince of the children of Manasseh r verse 10. an~n'2ssh His, pr of the o Manasseb five rm, five e-oats, five lanibs of the first year' Eod. 27,1 e~nalihill i s 55 offermu wets one silver charger, of the this was tile ofibring of Ahira the son of Enan. 1ev. 7, 13. 3Xd3 weig ht of a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver] 84 This was the dedication of the U altar (in the'13, JO. Sam. P, bowl of.seventy shekels, atcer the shekel of the! day when it was X apointed) by the Y' princes (if s, 1. er. a, 32 jsanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled Israel: twelve chargers of silver, twelve silver bowls. ~ o Ez.k. 4, 10 with oil, for a meat-offering twelve spoons of gold ~ Amos,,, 56 One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense:] 85 Each charger of silver weighing a hundred and Et~, 10. 7. 1 03 The consecration of the Levmtes. NUMBERS. The age and time of their service CHIUoT thirty shekels. each bowl seventy: all thile silver thou shalt cleanse them, and q offer them for an cs MURST Bi n fer hmforea RS'mo. vessels weighed txtwo thousand and four hundred offerifg. 1490. r shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary: 16 For they are wholly given unto me from among.. Ez:r a 8,%vrss1 2,, 26. 86 The golden spoons were twelve, full of incense, the children of Israel; instead of such as ropen every 13, 14. weighing ten shekels apiece, after the shekel of the womb, even instead of the first born of all the child- }.Eo. 13, sanctuary: all the gold of the spoons was a hundred ren of Israel, have I taken them unto me. ch. 3, 13. and~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ twnyseels Luke 2,23 and twenty shekels. 17 For all the first-born of the children of Israel Luke 2, 23 87 All the oxen for the burnt-offering were twelve are mine, both man and beast: on the day that I bullocks, the rams twelve, the lambs of the first smote every first-born in the land of Egypt I sanc-s.Gen 25, a ch. 23,. year twelve, with their ameat-offering: and the kids tified them for myself. 1xob 1, 23. Exob. 13, 28 of thie goats for sin-offering, twelve. 18 And I have taken the Levites for all the first- Jammes 1,156. hLey. 7,,5. 88 And all the oxen for the sacrifice of the bpeace- born of the children of Israel. Rev. 163 4, oftfrings we're twenty and four lullocks, the rams 19 And I have given the Levites as a gift to Aaron lJoh,716 sixty, the lie-goats sixty, the lambs of the first year and to his sons from among the children of Israel, 11u. 2,13. sixty. This was the dedication of the altar, after " to do the service of the children of Israel in the ta- U ch 12. that it was anointed. bernacle' of the congregation, and to make an atonech. 12, 8. 89 ~[ And when Moses was gone into the taber- ment for the children of Israel: that there be X no xch. 25,7, d Exod. 25, 22. inacle of tile congregation to speak C with Him, then plague among the children of Israel, when the a, ham4le heard the voice of one speaking unto him fi'om children of Israel come nigh unto the y sanctuary. y Lev. 10, 1 r Dout., off the d mercy-seat that was upon the ark of testi- 20 And z Mbses, and Aaron, and all the congre- ii" 10 d6. Exod. 25, mony, from between the two cherubims: and he gation of the children of Israel, did to the Levites 23. ~spaki e unto Him,1 according unto all that the LoR.n commanded Moses CHAPTsE~R ~ VIBII[. concerning the Levites, so did the children of Israel 1 How the lamps are to be lighted....5 The consecration of the Levites.... lltO th em. 23 The age and time of their service. 21 And the Levites were t purified, and they Heb. un. AND the Lonv spake unto M o s e s, s a y ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ingnmed iCND the LORD spalke unto Moses, saying, washed their clothes; and Aaron offered them as therselve, - 2 2 Speak unto Aaron, and say unto him, When an offering before the LORD; and Aaron a made a a2 Chron. xl,. th, thou a lightest the lamps, tile seven lamps shall give atonement for tlel to cleanse th. 37. atnmen.ote to cleanse them. Levit 24, 2. lighlt overt. against the candlestick. 22 And after that went the Levites in to do their 3 And Aaron did so; he lighted the lamps thereof service in the tabernacle of the congregation before over against the candlestick, as the LORD colnmand- Aaron and before his sons: as the LORD had coined Moses. bmanded Moses concerning the Levites, so did they b Rev. 4, 4, 4 And this work of the b candlesti ck was of beatn unto te. 5. aten ~~~~~~~~~~~~unto th~em. 2Tim.i,9. gold. unto the shaft thereof, unto the flowers thereoft; 23 And the LORDspake unto Moses,saying, P'hil. 2, O5. I. 2 1.,. 1,,.o. wast beaten work: according unto theCpattern which 24 This is itthat belongeth unto the Levites~ Rev.!, 20. h"LR a hle oe, s i id a:, he., L iOD had shewed Moses, so lie made the can- From'b twenty and five years old and upward they bch. 4, 3. 40. tHob. to Fcc!, dlestickl. shall go in t to wait upon the service of the taber-,a.Xre, E-cdl 12, I I. 2Ti2, Mit,., 20. 5 ~[ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, nacle of the congregation 2 Tim. 2, 2 11u, the fromnaleo te onreaeo d. 3,8. C6 Take thed Levites from among the children 25 And firom the age of fifty years they shall e I Chr.n. of Israel, and'cleanse them. r cease waiting upon tIe service thereof, and shall lmeb. c. 9, 2. turn from 2' Cor.7,. 7 And thus shalt thou do unto tlhem, to cleanse serve no more: hewarfar rls 26. 6. t a1 no ehe of h serPlsa ie. 3b2,:I1 Sprinkle t water of purify'ing upon thiem, 26 But shall minister with their brethren in the vice. $1p.,8,}- and(1 let them shave all their flesh, and let them wash tabernacle of the congregation, to keep the charge, Wfa. 1,, tlheir g clothes, and so make themselves clean. a sall no sevice salt thou g Exod. 19, ~~~~~~~~and shall (lo no servic-e. Thus shalt thou do unto lo. 8 Then let them take a young bullock with his the Levites touching their charge. meat-offering, even fine flour mingled with oil, andi CHAPTER IX. another young bullock shalt thou take for a sin-of- 15 The cloud guideth the removings and encampings of the ferin g. Israelites. And thou shalt bring the Levites before the t A ND the LORD spake unto Moses in the a wil- axol 12 _L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~25. bernacle of the congregation: and thou shalt gather derness of Sinai, in the b first month of the bNeoh.2,1 the whole assembly of the children of Israel together: second year after they were come out of the land h es, 6 10 And thou shalt bring tile Levites before the of Egypt, saying, h.Leit. 1,.LORD: and the h children of Israel shall Iput their 2 Let the children of Israel also keep the C pass- cExd. 12, i Lev~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~it.1,. hands upon the Levites over at his d appointed season. 1 Cor. 5, 7. kRnn., 1. I. 11 And Aaron shall "offer the Levites before the 3 In the fourteenth day of this month, at even, o., 8Ti. 1, LODfor an' offering of tie children of Israel, that ye shall keep it in his appointed season: according. 2 ~ ~o~.~, they may execute the service of the LouD. Lev. 23, 84~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lv. 2, 3 m l cor. 1i, they mlay m execute the service of the BLORD. to all the t rites of it, and according to all the t cere- I Kings 12,,0.T 2 12 And the Levites shall lay their hands upon the monies thereof, shall ye keep it. 32. heads of the bullocks: and thou shalt offer the one 4 And Moses spake unto the children of Israel, 6at.27, for a sin-offering, and the otherfor a burnt-offering, that they should keep the passover. He,2.. ~~~~~n f He~~~~~~~~b. 4t14 tLCor.k, unto the LonRD,to make nan atonement for theLevites. 5 Anrid they kept the passover on the fourteenth tq,.. lo', t Heb. 13 And thou shalt set the Levites before Aaron day of the first month at even in the wilderness of jutent. and before his sons, and offer them for an offering Sinai: according to all that the LORD commanded unto the Loan. Moses, so did the children of Israel. ~ch.,a 1 4Thus shal!t thou separate theLevites from among 6 ~[ And there were certain men, who were de&"' ~ the children ofIsrael: and the Levites shall o be mine, filed by the radead body of a man, that they could fLev 21 p Ezek. 43, 11.,s 15 And after that shall the Levites go in to do the not keep the passover on that day: and they came chap. 6,6 Btl, ~.2 ~ servico of tine tabernacle of the congregation: and before Moses and before Aaron on that dva: &: 1, i8; 104 A cloud gurdeth the Israelites: CHAPTER X. Thcy remove from S&na to.Paran. Before eBora CIRIST 7 And those men said unto him, We are defiled by li whole piece shalt thou make them that thou Ber 14.90. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'1PCHRIST the dead body of a man: wheretfore are we kept back, mayest use them for the calling of tilhe assembly, and, 194 gF.,2,7''. that we may not offer g an offering of the LoaRDin for the journeying of the camps. x.,,r7. his appointed season among the children of Israel'! 3 And when they shall blow with them, all the ch.9, i 8 And Moses said unto them, Standstill, and I will assembly shall assemble themselves to thee at the II eb. 3, hear h what the LonRD will command concerning you. door of the tabernacle of the congregation. John 7, 17 9 ~I And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 4 And if they blow but with one trumpet, then the 10 Speak unto the children of Israel, -saying, If princes, which are d heads of the thousands of Isra-dEx. 1,21 any man of you or of your posterity shall be unclean el, shall gather themselves unto thee. IEph. 2,1, by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar 5 When ye blow an e larm, then the camps that ieLv 23,Z, 13. I Cor. 14,8 off, yet lie shall keep the passover unto the LoRD. lie on the feast parts shall go forward. fch. 2,,.I 11 The fourteenth day of the second month at 6 When ye blow an alarm the second time, then k Dent 16, even they shall keep it, and k eat it with Iunleaven- the camps that lie on the gsouth side shall take their gch. 2,10 7. i Ex. 12, s. ed bread and " bitter herbs.. journey: they shall blow an alarm for their journeys. 1Cr, co. E. 1;,s. 12~ They shall leave nopn e of it " unto the maornin~g, or. 5,8. 12 Theyshall leave none of it u1nto the morning, 7 But when the congregation is to be gathered tonEx. 12,10. nor break any bone of it': according to all the ordi- gether, ye shall blow, but ye shall not sound an alarm. oJohn 19, nances of the passover they shall keep it. 8 And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall blow 33. 13 But the man that is clean, and is not in a jour- with the trumpets; and they shall be to you for an pch. 15, 10. ney, and P forbeareth to keep the passover, even the ordinance for ever throughout your generations. qGen. 17, same soul shall be q cut off r from among his people: 9 And if ye go to war in your land against the 14. rEx. 12, 1. because he brought not the offering of the LORD in enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an h cl. 31,6. chi. 1913. 1k 2 CGhr. 13, 1h.9s, 22. his appointed season that man shall bear " his sin. alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remem- 12. LX.. 12, 14 And if a stranger shall sqjourn among you, bered before the LoRDn your God, and ye shall be sa- Joe1 2, 15. journ among you ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 Chr. 1.3, ~s,~o.~ I~,14. S 9 and will keep the passover unito the LORD; accord- ved from your enemies. 14. t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~k Gen.s8, ing to the ordinance of the passover, and according 10 Also in the day of your 1 gladness, and in yourz., Le. m'10. 3'7,xcv.1,10. to the u manner thereof, so shall he do: ye shall hlave m solemn days, and in the "beginnings ofyour months,, 2 Cr., one ordinance both for the stranger, and fbr him ye shall blow 0 with the trumpets over your r burnt- 1,1. that was born in the land. offerings, and over the sacrifices of your q peace-of- r e,. 1 xEx.40,10. 15 ~ And on the day that the tabernacle was x ferings; that they may be to you for a memorial be-,,4. 13,21. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n Ps. 81,.3. yEx. 13,21. 1reared up, the y cloud covered the tabernacle, namely, fore your God: I am the LORD your God. o2 Chr, 7, 3 38, 11. 6. & 40, 4. the' tent of the testimony: and at even there was 11 ~ And it came to pass on the twentieth day of 2Chr. 2 ch. 14,14, Ezek. 10,, upon the tabernacle as it were the appearance of the rsecond month, in the "second year, that the 2s. 1'0. fire, until the morning, tcloud was taken up from off the tabernacle of the, Ezra.3. 1, ch.'Coh 3, 16. aEx. 14,20. 16 So it was always: the b cloud covered it by day, testimony. r cl. 1,1 & 40, 38. sch.9, 1. s. o0, 19. and the appearance of fire by night. 12 And the children of Israel took their journeys h. 9,5.:sa. 4, 5, 63.IIS I!e. 41, li 17 And when the cloud was taken up from the out of the wilderness of" Sinai; and the cloud rested Deut. 1,6,7. Ifeb. 12, L u, Ex. 19, 1, 2 Pe.t. tabernacle, then C after that the children of Israel in the wilderness of Paran. X 1,. 1,1. b Ex. 40,318. i p c took journey D 1,. r.I o,,9. journeyed: andin the place where the cloud abode, And they first took theirourney according y.,. & ch. 10, X t z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 16.o, 1, 2.there the children of Israel pitched their tents. the Y commandment of the LORD by the hand of z,. 4,13 s., $0, 1, 2. la. 49,9. 18 At the commandment of the LORD the children Moses. snr hl 116, Johna 10, 9. aPa.106, of Israel journeyed, and at the commandment of 14 In the firstplace went the standard of the camp e2,, 6. the LORD they pitched: as long as the cloud abode of the children a of Judah according to their armies aGen.49,0S upon their tabernacle they rested in their tents. iand Over his hostwas Nahshon the son of A mminadab. mAs1,7. 19 And when the' cloud' tarried long upon the 15 And over the host of the tribe of the children tabernacle many days, then the children of Israel of Issachar was Nethaneel the son of Zuar. kept the charge of the LORD, and journeyed not. 16 And over the host of the tribe of the children 20 And so it was, when the cloud was a few days of Zebulun was Eliab the son of Helon. upon the tabernacle; according to the commandment 17 And the tabernacle was b taken down; and the b eb., 12, of the LORD) they abodein their tents, and according sons of Gershon and the sons of Merari set forward, 7 to the commandment of the LORDn they journeyed. c bearing the tabernacle. ccl. 7,, 6, 21 Andso itwas,whenthe cloud abodefirom even un- 18 ~ And the standard of the camp of d Reuben cI. 2, 10, to the morning, and that the cloud was taken up in the set forward according to their armies: and over his morning, then they journeyed: whetherit was by day host was Elizur the son of Shedeur. or by night that the cloud was taken up,theyjourneyed. 19 And over the host of the tribe of the children 22 Or whether it were two days, or a month, or a'of Simeon was Shelami' the son of Zurishaddai. year, that the cloud tarried upon the tabernacle, re- 20 And over the host of the tribe of the children maining thereon, the childrentof Israel abode in their of Gad was Eliasaph the son of Deuel. tents, and journeyed not: but when -it was taken up, 21 And the Kohathites set forward, bearing the they journeyed. sanctuary: and the other did set up the tabernacle tch 4,8. (Deut., 6, 23At the commandment ofthe LORD they rested in,against they caine.. & 2, a3 their tents,and at the commandment of the LonR they 22 ~ And the standard of the camp of the children journeyed: they kept the charge of the LORD, at the of Ephraim set forward according to their armies: ~,. ~,0. commandment of the LoRD by the g hand of Moses. and over his host was Elishama the son of Ammihud. CHAPTER X. 23 And over the host of the tribe of the children II The Israelites remove from Sinai to Paran....14 The order of their of Manasseh was Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur. march. 24 And over the host of the tribe of the children,aChr.5, AND the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, of Benjamin was Abidan the son of Gideoni. ha2~ 8,1. 2 Make thee two " trumpets of silver; of a 25 ~I And the standard of the camp of the children 0 105 .Manna loaitecd. NUMBERS. Seventy elders appointed. Be.,"re Bfr CBRIbT of Dan set for'ward, which was the' rere-ward of all 1 thou P afflicted thy servant? and wvlerefore.have I forore CFIRIST y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHRIST. the C~camps throughout tlheir osts' and over his host not q foi)und favotlr in thy sight, llat thou layest the t 4~0. was Ahiezer the son of AInmislladdai.' b urden of all this people upon mep. 5 12i~. 6 And over the host ol' the tribe of the children 112 Have I conceived all this people? have I be- pGen. 9, 5 ea. 5'2, 12, rDu.tI s. of Ashur was Pagiel the son of Oo'ran. gotteln hel, that thou shouldest say unto me, Carry rDlu, 1,,2. 27'And over tile host of thie tribie of the children tlem in thy S bosom, as a nursing-father beareth s Isa. 40,11 - ~~~~~n ~~t Isla. 49. 23 of Naphtali was Ahira the son of I' I" anf. the suckin[ child, unto the land which thou swarest I Thcs. 2,7, of Napllt~~~rli ~zo/rs Ahi!~a tl~~~~ie son of Bi~~~11;1~~7. r Isa. 74 1. 2 Reb. h 283t 1 Thus were thej.ourney ins ot'thechildren of Is- unto their fathers. These, _ eh. 2,9. & rael according to their armies, wien they set forward., 13 u WilenCe should I have flesh to give unto all aom,3. 10,,5. a Jor h 6, 24, 5. & 29'I~ And M~loses said unto g Hobab, the son of this people 2 for they weep unto me, saying, Give us 54. OP. 8 0, 2. & Raguel the lMidianite, Moses' father-in-law, We are flesl, that we may eat. 68, 2, Si 9. Song 6, L0. journeving unto the place of which the IonOD saith, I 14 I am not able to bear all thiis people alone beCol.'2, 5. " hc heLRsih g Ex.3, 1. will give it you ~ come thou with us, and we will do cause it is too heavy for me. 1, thee good: for the LorD hath spoken good concern- 15 And if-.thou deal thus xwith me, kill me, I pray ing Israel. thee, out of hand, if I have found favour in thly siglit; 16 4ih A sj J II m see I'g And le said unto him, I will not go; but I and let me not see my x wretchedness. xKins 16. S. 4, Ill' A~ dunohm 19, 4. ISam17. wviil depart to mine own land, and to my hindred. 1.6 ~ And the Louno said unto Moses,Gather unto Jer. 20,7,, Je. i, 2. 31 And hlie said, Leave us not, I pray thee ~ bras- mie Y seventy men of the elders of Israel, whiom thou y Gen. 46 27. much as tlhou knowest how we are to encamp in tile knowest t(o b)e the elders of the people, and z officers Deut. 16 Job,. wilderness, and thou mayest be to us instead oft eyes. over themrn; and bring them unto the tabernacle of the Ti m.,3, Zech. 2, 8. III 1 5 I Tim. 3e is oal. 4, iS. 32 And it shall le, if thou go witli us, yea, it shiall congregation, that they may stand there with thee. he, that what goodness the LOrD shall do unto us, 17 And I will come down" and talk with thee *Gen.11,5 the same will We do unto thee. there and I will b take of tile spirit which is upon bi Cor. 12 ~r(.3.a 1.:33 ~I And they departed from the k mount of the thee, and will put ii upon them; c and they shall Kings2, lEx.3,1.S. LORD'three days'journey and the ark of tIle co- bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou j'o' Luke 13,23. I ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joel 2, 28. Rom, 4, 25. venant of the LORDx went before them in the three bear it not thyself alone. r.,, 13., & o1i4 lp otny o e~~ taretn-l~e~b tim on 7,39 Cor, 15,. davs'journey, to search out a resting-place for them 8 And say thou unto the people, Sanctify your- c Ex. 18,21 ro Ex. 13, 34 And the m cloud of the Loi waVs" upon them selves against to-morrow, and ye shall eat flesh: d Acts 6,. 21, 2t. ~bdawethywnotoftecpd Judg. 2,4. 2Ps. 105, obyday, when they went out of the camp. for ye hlave wept in thle ears of the LORD, saying, &21,2. o3h9 12, 35 And it came to pass, when the ark set forward, Whio shall give us flesh to eat 2 for it was well with o Neh. 9, 12. * p Ps. 6s, 1. that Moses said, P Rise up, LORD, and let q tline us in Egypt: therefore the LORD will give you flesh, qActs9,. enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee and ye shall eat. rPs.2,9. flee befbore thee. 19 Ye shall not eat one day, nor two days, nor 36 And when it rested, lie said, Return, 0 LouD, five days, neither ten days, nor twenty days; unto tile many thousands of Israel. 20 Put even a whole month, until it come out at CHAPTER XI. your nostrils,and it be loathesome unto you; because 4'rhe people lust for flesh, and loathe manna....31 Quails are given in that ye have despised the LORDn which is among you, wrath at Kibroth-hattavah. a!d have wept before him, saying, Why came we a ch. 10, 33. _ ND when the people a complained, it b displeas- forth out of Egypt bEz,. 16,7 _. ed the LoRD: and the Lonod heard it and his 21 And Moses said, Tile people among whom I 2KIngsI, anger was kindled;and the c fire of the Lon burnt amIn, are e six hundred thousand footmen; and thou e Gen. 1,a3. 12. Ex. 12, 37 among them, and consumed them that vwere in the hast said, I will give them flesh, that they may eat a ch. 1, 48 uttermost parts of tile camp. wbole month. 2 And the people cried unto Moses; and when Ml- 22 Sllall the flocks and the herds be slain for them, d Ps.78,34, ses prayed unto the LoRD, the fire was d qnen:hed. to suffice them? or shall all the fish of the sea be, Tiat is, 3 And hlie called the name of the place I1 Taberah: gathered togetlher for them, to I suffice them? f John6,7, bur g'2AndteL sid ntoMoe, IteLOD9. _, h. 3 16. because the fire of thie LORD burnt among them. 23 And time LoRn said unto Moses, Is the LORD'S 2lKings?, Ex. 12,38. 4 I And the e mixed multitude that was among r hand waxed short 2 thou shalt see now whethergDeut.s2,. fHe. nst-them t fell a lusting: and the children of Israel also my word shall come to pass unto thee, or not. Josh.4, 24. ed a l"st, 8, 20 I Cor. 0, 6. wept again, and said,f Who shall give us fleshi to eat? 24 ~ And Moses went out,and told tohe people the 5,. 59,1. ri's. 106,14. we &&50, 2. fx.~. 106,u-. 5 WTBe renmember the fish which we did eat in Egypt words of the LORD, and gathered the sehventy men h ver.16,26. fireely; thle cucumbers, and the melons, and the of tile elders of the people, and set them round about gPhil.3,19. leeks, and tie onions, and tIme g garlic. the tabernacle. 12Sam. i x. 40, 39, 13, 4. 6 But now our soul is h dried away; there is no- 25 And the LouD came down in a cloud, and lx.4, 3. 13, 4.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~icli. 12, 5. Ex. 16, 14. thingat all, besides this manna, i bfore our eyes. spake unto him, and took of the spirit that was upon k James 1, 7 And the manna was as coriander-seed, and the him, and gave it unto the seventy elders: and it''2 Cor. 3, 5. kGen.2,12. colour thereof as the colour of k bdelium. camne to pass, that wlhen the spirit rested upon them,. 8 And the people went about, anti gathered it they prophesied, and did not cease. I J0el 2, 20 1 John6,48, and I ground it in mills, or beat it in a mortar, and 26 But there renmained two of the men in theActs 2, 18. 61 b I Cor, 14, $ e1. G baked lt in pans, and made m cakes of it: and the camnp, the name of tihe one was Eldad,and the name m Gen. 15,. taste of it was as the taste of" fresh oil, of the other Medad: and the spirit rested upon themn; w 09. n9 nd,when the dew 0 fell upon the camp in the and they weire of them that were m written,but went mver.i16:24. EX 16,13. night, the manna fell upon it. " not out unto the tabernacle: and they prophesied nlSam.A&, 10 ~[ Then Moses heard the people weep through- in tthe camp. 22. out their families, every man in the door of his tent: 27 And there ran a young man, and told Moses, and the anger of tlhe LoRD was kindled greatly; and said, Eldad and Medad do prophesy in the Moses also was displeased. camp. 11 And Moses said unto the LoaD,Wherefore hast 28 And Joshua tlhe son of Nun, the servant of 106 Quails miraculously sent. CHAPTER XJI, XYII. Spies sent to search Canaan. P fro r oItI M. oses, one of his young men, answered and said, 13 And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, Heal C:1jS0 1.90. My lord Moses, forlbid them. her now, O God, I beseech thee. 0 o Mark 9, 29 And Mloses said unto him, P Enviest tlou for 14 ~ And the Lor) said unto Moses, If her father~ 3s. my sake. qwould God' that all the Loiln's people had but y spit in her face,should she not be aslhamed j:,3,:, pJohn 2,26. Par ple the put llS oa. 50, 6. q 1h.,1. we re prop hets,1 an8ht.eL )wu pthsseven days'! let her be sh ouout foni thie camp se- cv. 13, r Cor. 1 spirit upon them. yen days, and after that let her be received in again,'' ~.' prtu m eSaSu a Lev. 19, 30 And Moses gat him into the camp, hlie and the 15 And Miriam was " shut out from the camp se I 1. elders of Israel. yen days: and the people bjourneyed not till Mirian 2Chr.26,0 ss. 78, 26. 31'[ And. there went forth "a wind from the was brought in againn.' bMiah0, LORD, and brought quails friom the sea, and let 16 And afterward the people removed firom Haze then tfall by the camp, as it were a day's journey roth, and pitched in the wilderness of Paran. on this side, and as it were a day's journey onil the CH-APTER XIII. other side, round about the camip, and as it were I The names of the men who were sent to search the land....26 Thei two cubits hig]h upon the face of tlhe earth. relation. 32 And the people stood up all that day, and ali ND the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, a DeuI.,22 that night, and all the next day, and they gathered 2 Send thou men, that they may search the U, out 22 Ex. 8, 4. thle quails hlie that gathered least gathered ten ho- land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Lzk. 0, o & 16, 18,. uzoI.4,11. neers: and they spread thenm u all abroad for them- Israel: of every tribe of their fathers shall ye send uP's. 7,7' selves round about thile (calli). a nian, ever one a ruler among them. eb. not 33 And while the, tlesh t was yet between thleir 3 And Moses by the commandmient of the LoR)a ade 9, a1 ue1,,. teeth, ere. it was cliewed, tile wr'ath of the LoRi) sent them friom the wilderness of ratran all those was kindled aainst tile people, and the LorD smote men wer e l heads of the children of Israel. e Ex. 15,25 rPs.7, 31. the people with X a very great plague. 4 And these were their names: Of the tribe of 106 1 t, 13. 34 And he y called the name of that place [] Kib- Reuben, Shamtua the son of Zaccur. yDent 9,22. Cur. it, roth-lhattaavah: because there they buriedthe peo- 5 Of the tribe of Simeon, Shaphat the son of Hori. aI1 That is, T2e gra' s ple that lusted. 6 Of thlie tril)e ofJudalh,llCaleb the son ofJephunneh. T11ht i, 0J. least. II-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Har ty, 3f st.. 35 Awd the people journeyed from Kibroth-hattaa- 7 Of the tribe of' issachar, Igal thile son of Joseph. J,'. i4,. z ch. 333, 17.1323. 1', A. vah unto I Hazeroth: and abode at Hazeroth. 8 Of the tribe of Ephraim, Oshea the son of Nun. Co'. 23. C~-HAPTE~~R'- XIIFg. 9 Of the tribe of Benjamin, Palti the son of RaIphu. God rebukieth the sedition of Miriam and Aaron. 10 Of thle tribe ofZebulnn, Gaddiel the son of Sodi. iti. ND t Miriam and Aarona sapake against iMoses 11 Of the tribe of Joseph, namely, of the tribe of,pake also, because of theb Ethiopihn woman whom he had Manasseb, Gaddi the son of Susi. a Pcov. 13, lo. married' for he had married an Ethiopian woman, 12 Of the tribe of Dan, Annmmiel the son of Gemahli. bEx,.2,16. 2 And they said, Hlath the LORD indeed spoken 13 Ofthe tribe ofAsher,1 Sethus the son ofMichaeli Hism cEx. 1,20. only by Moses? hath hlie not spoken also c by us'! 1 4 Ofthe tribe ofNaphtali,,Naltbi the soni of Vophsi. I'R''"t' d aoen. 29, And the LORD d heard it. 15 Oftlie tribe of Gad, Geuel the son of Machi. Re 3 18 P. 3 (Now the ian Mioses very meek,'above 16 These are the names of the men which Moses e mat. 1i, all the men which vwere upon the face of the earth.) sent to spy out the land. And Moses called Oshea 29. f f2Cor., 4 And the LORD gspake saddenly unto Moses, tihe son of Nun, Jehoslia. tI,023, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come " out ye 17 ~ And Moses sent them to spy out the land of'2. thlree unto the tabernacle of the congregation. And Canaan, and said unto them, Get you up this waiy P's. 64, 7. ftote mutifJd1,5 i769.,: t.Hy tnree came out. southward, and go up into the g mountain Dug., Gen. 11,.tlytreceou.Josh. 15, 3. ~ et. ii,.. 5 And the LoRD'came down in the pillar of the 18 And see the land, what itis; and the people r,,T 16,., A,,, 14, 22.,Psa.9.7 kclouid, and'stood in, the door of the tabernacle, and that dwelleth therein, whether they be Istrong r gch.. 140 called Aaron and Miriam: and they both came forth. weak, few or many: Deut. 1, 44. 6 And hlie said, Hear now my words: If there be 19 And what the land is that tlhey dwell in, wheGen.o 20,7. a' prophet amiong you, I tmhe LORD will make my- ther it be good or bad; and what cities they be that hi 2 Kings Y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2~ 1-3. mJob4, 13. self known unto him in. a m vision, and will speak they dwell in, xwhether in tents, or in strong liolds; lKings unto lim in a " dream.' 20' And what the land is. whether it be' fat or lean, Neb.. 7 My servant loses is not so, who is faithful in whether there be wood therein, or not. And be ye zeki.a4,14 ol Tim. 3, all 0 mny house. of good courage, and bring of t"e fruit of the land. I1Joh, 1, 8 With him will I speak P mouth to mouth, even Now tile time was the time of the first ripe grapes. i',S. q apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the si- 21 So they vent up, and searched tme land q lTin.6,6O. militude of the LOR) shall he behold: wherefore firom the wilderness of k Zin unto'Rehob, as hmen kch. 4, 3, T2PeL.2, then were ye not afraid to speak r against my ser- come to m Hamath. 1 Josh. 19,!3.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, vant WMoses w' 22 And they ascended by the south, and came 2$Jh.., 9 Anmd tihe anger of time LORD was kindled against unto n Hebron; where o Ahiman, Sheshai, an( P Tel- nG. 13, them; an hlie departed. mai, q the children of Anak, we)re. (Now Hebron.oh 14,9, I Josh - 14~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, 9. 10 And the cloud departed from off the taber- was r built seven years before;Zoan in Egypt.) 10, 14. a 2 Ki,,ungse a n ehl, i~ira Jeae~lpoush1, w 27.Kins, nacle; ad Iehold, Miriam became leprous, while 23 And they camie unto the brook offl Eshcol, and o Jo4h. 1,'e.3, j.' as snow': and Aaron looked upon IMiriam, and be- cut down firom thlence a branch with one cluster of PJudg'1, hold, ~she was leprous. grapes, and they Ibare it b~etween two uponi a staff; q, virss 2. 11 And Aaron said unto Maoses, Alas, my lord, I iind they, brought of the pomegranates, and of the figs.,3. 1,28. ~ch. 18, 32. beseech thee, lay not time tsimn mpon us, whereiin we 24 The place was called the brook Eshcol, be- r'Ps.'7,14. uPs. 38,5. have done u foolishly, and wherein we have sinned cause of the cluster of grapes which the children s. ~7, 12.,xchap.3,2. 12 Let her not be as one X dead, of whom the of Israel cut down from thence. ithat is, flesh is half consuned when he cometh out of his 25 And they returned firomm searching of the land g~,~,~, k/V larl~t LI~/J LIJL~~L~LI\~C~ rVLLI,,ULVII*,;Judg. 16, 48, mother's womb. after forty t days, t,,. 107 Thepeople murmur at the spws report. NUMBERS. Mloses intercecleth with God CaoT~ 26 ~ And they went and came to M6ses, and to it be ere they q believe me, for all the signs which ror CHRIST ~""CHRIST 14o0. Aaron, and to all the congregation of the children 1 have shewed among them 1490. uoGe. 4,""6 of Israel, unto tile wilderness of "Paran, to X Ha- 12 1 will smite them with the " pestilence, and,,, ~ D., 1, desh; and brought back word unto them, and unto disinherit themrn, and will tmiake of thee a greater na- reoh. 1, all the congregation, and shewed them thle ifruit of tion and mig.htier than they. x53:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ s Ex. 5, 3. the land. 13 ~ And Moses said unto the Lorn), Then the tEx. 32, 10. 27 And they told him, and said, We came unto Egyptians shall hear it, (for thou broughtest up this y Peut. 1, -o mngte 21.,the land whither thou sentest us, and surely Yit flow- people in thy might fiom among them:) eth With milk an(l honey; and this is the fruit of it. 14 And they will tell it to the inhabitants of this 28 Nevertheless, the people be strong that dwell in land:for they have heard that thou LoRM art among Deut. 9,' the land, and the cities are' walled, and very great: this people, that thou Lo30 art seen face to face, ". 12, & 3,.o a Ps. 127 2. and moreover, wesaw the children of Anak there. and that thy cloud x standeth over them, and tiat Ex. 33. Jer. 5 10. AI chap. 1'2, 3. a Deut. 9,2. 29 The' Amalekites dwell in the land of the south: thou goest before them, by dlay-time ina pillar of ax Ex. 19.21 bEx. 17, s. and the ~ Hittites, and the Jebusites, and the Amor-'cloud and in a pillar of''e by night. chap. 9, 7. cGen. 15, tsdv i d Cnaie~1 o ilr ur iu.a n ns, ires, dwell in the mountains; and the Canaanites 15 Now?f thou shalt kill all this people as one daudg.,21. ddwell bythe sea, and by the coast of Jordan. man, then the nations which have heard the fame eCh.14,6,7. 30 And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, of thee, will speak, saying, ch. 14, 30. and sail, Let us go() up at once, and possess it; for 16 Because the Lonuo Y was not able to bring this yDeu..2s. Josh. 14, 7. t 7 Rorn.8,31. we are well able to overcome it. people into the land which lie sware unto them, Jo~h. 7'. gch. 14, 6 31 But the g men that went up with him said, therefore he hath slain them in the wilderness. We be not able to go up against the people; for 17 And now, I beseech thee, let the power of my they are stronger than we. LoRD be great,according as thou hast spoken, saying, hPr. 10, 13. 32 And they brought up h an evil report of the land 18 The LoRnis zlong-suffering, and of great mercy, Mal. 3, 14. which they had searched unto the childred of Israel, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by o means z Ex. 34, 5 saying, The land through which we have gone to clearingihe guily, b visiting the iniquity of the fathers a Nah.,, Ich.21, 2. search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants upon the children untothe third and fourth generalion. b Ex 20,. ]kAmos 2,9. thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are k 19 Partdon, I beseech thee, the iniquity of this men of great stature. people according unto the greatness of thy mercy, 33 And there we saw the giants, the son of Anak, and as thou hast forgiven this people, from Egypt Isa. 40, 22. whjiCh come of the giants: and we were in our own even c until now. C Ez. 20,8,9 in 1 Sam.d =, 42s. sight as gashpesndso we were i 17, 42. sigh as'grasshoppers,and so we were intheir sigh't. 20 And the LORD said, I have d pardoned accor- d Ps. 106, CHAPTER XIV. 13eE' 8 CHfl~lAPTER~pJ~ xivding to thy word: 183 The people murmur at the news. 21 But as e truly as I live, all the earth shall be % fs'. 72,1' ach.16, 4,. ND aallthe congregation lifted up their voice, filled with the glory of the LORD. bPr.29a, 2l.k3 and b cried; and the people wept that night. 22 Because all those men which have seen g my gEx. 16,7. Ex. l16,2, 2 And all the children of Israel miurnumd C against glory, and my miracles,.which I did in Egypt and in s.04 Moses and against Aaron: and the whole congrega- the wilderness, and have tempted me now these ten -4' tion said unto them, i Would God that we had died times, and have not hearkened to my voice; in the land of Egypt! or would God we had died 23 t Surely they shall not seethe h land which I Imeb. in this wilderness! sware unto their fathers, neither shall any of them t heliad, eJor. 9, 3 And wherefore e hath the LORD brought us un- that provoked me see it: lt5n. 12, b ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h Gen. 12, to this land to fall by the sword, that our wives and 24 But my servant i Caleb, because he had k an- 5,7. our children should be a prey? were it not better for other'spirit with him, and hath t followed me fully, "e11, 12. us to return into Egypt? him will I bring into the land whereinto he went;i Josh. 14,6 WeTb. Lt A 1t et t n' ed.k Gal. 3,2.,US. Ez 4 And they said one to another, - Let us make a and his seed shall' possess;t. Heb. ucs gfe a kGl,2 e(a 9,6. captain, and let us f return into Egypt. 25 (Now the Amalekites,and the Canaanites dwelt hath ful. Neh. 9, 16. welt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~filled aj'ter f De 28, 5 Tlen Moses and Aaron g fell on their faces be- in the valley.) mTo-morrow turn you, and get you, e, (Deut. 28, Then get you m 6, 68,. fore all the assembly of the congregation of the chil- into the wilderness b the way of the Red sea ph. 6, 6. g ch. 16, 22. foealteteldC-y I ea ch.14,t9. dren of Israel. 26 ~ And the LoR spake unto Moses and'unto m ch. 13,16. 6 ~ And Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the Aaron, saying Ps. 106, ach. 13,6,8. son of Jephunneh,which were of them that "searched 27 0 HI-low long shall I bear with this evil congre- o lat. 17, 29Ge.a?, the land, rent their clothes: gation, which murmur against me? I have heard the 17' 7 And they spake unto all the company of the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they children of Israel, saying, The land,which we passed murmur against me. kD,8.s,s6. through to search it, is an k exceeding good land. 28 Say unto them, As trulys P I live, saith the Ph 3210 8 If the LORD delight in us, then he will bring us LORD, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do into this land, and give it us; a land which floweth to you: with milk and honey.'29 Your carcasses shall q fall in this wilderness; C;0. 0.2,. 9 Only rebel not ye against the LORD, neither and all that were r numbered of you, according to rch. 26,64 Dei,. 7,. fear ye the people of the land: for they are 1 bread your whole number, from twenty years old and up11s. 79, 7. *' M~. for us: their - defence is departed from them, and ward which have murmured against me. Heb. I. sadoow. the LORD is m with us: fear them not. 30 Doubtless ye shall not come into the land conPs. 121, utcn5. o ad IIJ~mk teen pnkn,.~s, ~. 10 But all the congregation bade" stone them cerning which' I s ware t o make you d well therein,eHob.l~fte in G0,. 2;with stones. And the glory of the Lott Oarreared save Cal'eb the son of JephTieh, and Joshua the Gen. 14,22. 22. in the tabernacle of the congregation before all the son of Num. Sam. 30,6. children of Israel. 31 Butyour little ones, which ve shidould be a oLx~a.16. CI1LLC 1 And unto ye~l ~~~x, 16. 11'i[ And the LoRD said unto owoses, tow long prey, them will I bring in, and they' shall know the "s"st'1,BP' ps,9.,,8. will this people r provoke me I and ho1w long will land which ye have despised. 108 The murmurer's punishmeozt. CHAPTER XV. Thle law of sundry offerings Before ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Befora ro 32 But as for you, your cai'casses, they shall fall offering, or for a sacrifice in performing a vow, or, Ts CHtRISTCDRI 1490. in this wilderness. Jeace-offeings unto the LoRD 1490. ch. 33, 8. 3 And your children shall wander in the wilder- 9 Then shall he bring with a bullock a meat-offer- euM,1, a. ness tforty years, and bear your u whoredoms, until ing of three tenth-deals of flour mingled with half a Jer.,, 9. your carcasses be wasted in the wilderness. hin of oil. 34 After the number of the days in which ye 10 And thou shalt bring for a drink-offering halfa xEzek. 4,6. searched the land, even forty days (x each day for a hin of wine, for an offering made by fire, of a sweet Dan. 9,24. year) shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, savour unto the LORD. y Dut. 31, and ye shall know my y breach of promise. II Thus shall it be done for one bullock, or for Zech. 11,10. 5 I the LORD have said, z I will surely do it unto one ram, or for a lamb, or a kid. Jude 5. all this evil congregation, that are gathered together 12 According to the number that ye shall prepare, z I Cor. I0, 19. against me: in this wilderness they shall be con- so shall ye do to every one according to their number. Web. 8, 19. su mod, and there they shall die. 13 All that are born of the country shall do these 36 And the men which Moses sent to search the things after this manner, in offering an offering made land, who returned, and made all the congregation to by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD. a~h. 13, 30. murmur against him, by bringing upi a a slander upon 14 And if a stranger sojourn with you, or whosothe land, ever be among you in your generations, and will ofbfer 37 Even those men that did bring up the evil an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the berse 10, report upon the land, died by the plague b before the LORD; as ye do, so he shall do. Lo1 D. 15 kOne ordinance shall be both for you of the con- ~9.0' 38 But Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son gregation, and also for the stranger that sojourneth Lev. 19, of Jephunneh, which were of the men that went to wvith you, an ordinance' for ever in your generations:' Gen. 17,7. c -Tosh. 11 4 los.~h. 14, search the land, C lived sti.l as ye are so shall the stranger be before tlhe LORD. Jude 5. 39 And Moses told these sayings unto all the chil- 16 One law and one manner shall be for you, and t Hub. 12, dren of Israel: and the people d mourned greatly. for the stranger that sojourneth witlh you. o Deut.1,41. 40 I And they e rose up early in the morning, and l17 ~ And the LORnD spake unto Moses, saying, gat them up into the top of the mountain, saying, 18 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto Mte4,4. Lo,' we be here, and will go up unto the place them, When ye come into the land whither I bring Acts 14, 13.. which the LORD bath promised: for we have sinned. you, 41 And Moses said, Wherefore now do'ye trans- 19 Then it shall be, that when ye eat of the m bread gIsa. 25, gress the commandnent of the LORD! but it shall of the land, ye shall offer "up a heave-offering unto n ch. 18, 1 not prosper. the LORD. gDcu'.1, 42 Go not up, for the LORD is not among you; 20 Ye shall offer up a cake of the 0 first of your oProv. 3,, los. 9, 12. that ye be not smitten before your enemies. P doughfor a heave-offering: as ye do the heave- Ezek.44, S'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rom. 11,16', 43 For the Amalekites and the Canaanites are offering of the q threshing-floor, so shall ye hieave it. i Exoa. 2 there before you, and ye shall fall by the sword he- 21 Of the first of your dough ye shall give unto Lev. 2;3 22 cause ye are turned away friom the LoRD, therefore the LORD a heave-offering in your generations. ch'1,-, 012, -~~~~~~~~Wt - u I1 Cor. 5,~ the LORD will not be with you. 22 ~ And if ye have S erred, and not observed all q Deut. 13, 44 But they presumed to go up unto the hill-top': these commandments which the LORD hath spoken eh. 10, h oh. 9,15. nevertheless the hark of the covenant of the LORDp unto Moses, 37. Deut. 1,44. Deut. 8, 9. kDeut. 1, and Moses, departed not out of the camp. 23 Even all that the LoRD hath commanded you Rom. le a. 63, 10. 45 Then the Ainalekites came down, and the by the hand of Moses, firom the day that the LORD v L4, 4,o 5sa, 68, to. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ve~rses 2~4v Ich, 21,8.' Canaaniteswhich dwelt in that hill, and smote them, co1mmantded M1oses, and henceforward among your 10. I Cor. 10, k,,r. 10, and kdiscomfited them, even unto' ]ormah. generations t Lev. 4, 2. CHAPTER XV. 24 Then it shall be, if aught be committed by ftHrb.from The law of the meat-offerincr, and the drink-offering. ignorance t without the knowledge of the congre- the,. - 6 oo t u Lev. 4,14 ND the LORDn spake Unto 1Moses, saying, gation, that U all the congregation shall offer one x Lev.4, a21 Lev.23, 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say X young bullock for a burnt-offering, for a sweet salo. Ezek.20,4, unito thern, When ye be come into the land of your your unto the LoRD, with his meat-offering, and his 85, 3, 37. a habitations, which I give unto you, drink-offering, according to the manner, and one kid b Lev. 1, 3, 4. $ 3 And will make an offerilng by fire unto the LORD, of the goats for y a sin-offering. y. 9 Ezek.45,17. a b burnt-offering, or a C sacrifice in t- performing a 25 And the priest shall make an atonement for all Y Heb. 9, 14.d _ o iny re & l0, 8,,0. vow, or in a d firee-will-offering, or in your e solemn the congregation of the children of Israel, and it shall c Exod. 18,... 2xod., feasts, to make a f sweet savour unto the LORD, of be forgiven them; for it is ignorance: and they shall Le. 7, 2, the herd, or of the flock: bring their offering, a sacrifice made by fire unto the Det. 12,27. 4 Then shall he that offereth his offering unto the LoORD, and their sin-offering before the LORD,. for t Heb. separig, LORD bring g a meat-offering of ha tenth-deal of their ignorance Lev 27, 2. flour mingled with the fourth,art a bin of oil. 26 And it shall be forgiven all the congregation d Lev. 7, 156. of ~m.,& Lev. 23,4. 5 And the fourth part of a bin of wine for a drink- of the children of Israel, and the " stranger that so- zRom9,2; f n8,21.'' offering shalt thou prepare with the burnt-offering ourneth among them; seeing all the peoplewere in Le.1, 9.c Mat., 17. or sacrifice, for one lamb. ignorance.i eph.s,~. 6 Or for a ram, thou shalt prepare for a meat-i any soul ill ignorance. Isa. 66,:0. offering two tenth-deals of flour mingled with the then he shall bring a she-goat of the t.first year for dae.ghfrr Rom. S,16. third part of a bin of oil. a sin-offering, her year.,ch.28,5. 7 And for a'drink-offerin, thou shalt offer the' 28 And tle priest shall make an atonement for Lev. 19, 36. ~ alsat tl hl a~ o I Mat. 26, third part of a bin of wine, for a sweet savour unto the soul that sinneth ignorantly, when he sinneth by hiL2, 17. the LoRD. ignorance before the LoRD, to make an atonehent 2 Tim. 4,6. 8 And when thou preparest a bullock for a burnt- for him: and it shall be forgiven him. 109 The sabbath breaker stonec. NUMBERS. The rebellion of Kforah, 4'e. CHroIS 29 Ye shall have one law for him that sinneth 8 And oses said unto orah ear, pray eiR 1480. thrlouli ignorance, both for him that is born afoong ye sons of Levi: cir. 14S "" the children of Israel, and for tlhe stranger that so- 9 Seemelh it but a p small thing unto you, that tlhe p"h., 41. journeth amoong them. God of Israel liath "separated you from the congre- 1sa. 18, e. wit 0 ~ But the soul that doeth aught t' presumptu- gation of Israel, to bring you near to himself to do qL.20,20 /,,. ously, uwhether he be born in the land, or a stranger, ithe service of the tabernacle of the LORD), and to A: ts,,. b 2K, tire saln- 3 Ga Ioachetl~ Rom. i1 1. 2K,gs the same breproacheth the LORD; and that souli stand befbre the congregation to ministerunto theme G. I.,, l0. 19, 22. c Acts3, 23. shall be ~ cut off fr'om among his people. 10 And he hath brought thee near to him, and all'Ni.s, ~. P3u. 1, 31 Because he hath d (espised the word of the thy brethren thIe sons of Levi with thee: and seek ye td.,l, 2,a e Mark 7,9. Lone, and hath e broken his commandment, thatsoul the priesthood also C. 8,2,3, f Lev. 22,9. shall utterly be cut off; his finiquity shallbe upon him. 11 For which cause both thou and all thy company 32 ~[ And while the children of Israel were in the are gathered together ".against the LORD: and x what. I Sam 7 wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks is Aaron, that ye murmur against him x I Cor.3,5 upon the sabbath-day. 12 [ And Moses y sent to call Dathan and Abiram, 9'~" 25, 33 And they that found him gathering sticks the sons of Eliab: which said,We will not come up: brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and unto all 13 Is it a sniall thing that thou hast brought us up the congregFation. out of a land that floweth with milk and honey, to gLe2. 24, 34 And they put him in ward, because it was not klll us in the wilderness, except thou make thyself 12t. -~bcas4,u i the wi0eness~,' makethon., Ex. 31j 4. h declared what should be done to him. altogether z a prince over us zPs. 33, 1 835 And the LoRn said unto Mloses,'F The man shall 14 Moreover, thou hast a not brought us into a a Ex. 3,S. be surely put to death: all the congregation shall land that floweth with milk and honey, or given, us I. 21,12.18 A s tone him xvith stones I without the camp. inheritance of fields and vineyards: wilt thou t put oteb. k cts,.5 dgu I Ains.2,, 36And all the congregation brought him without out the eyes of these men I we will not come up. 13." the camnp, and stoned him with stones, and he died; 15 And Moses was very hwroth, and said unto the bch. 12,3. ob. 4, 1',2 as the LonRD commanded Moses. LORD, C Respect not thou their offering: I have not c Gen. 4,34 a. &; 13, 1 1. 37 If And the LoRD spake unto Mloses, saying, taken d one ass from them, neither have I hurt one adl Sam.1, 38 Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them of them. 3. I. Deut 6,8. that they make them'firinges in tile borders of their 16 And Moses said unto Korab, Be thou and all - -a lI, is. "n garments throughout their generations, and that they thy company before the LORD, thou, and they, and put upon the fiinge of the borders a riband of blue: Aaron, to-morrow 39 And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye 17 And take every manhis censer, and put incense. Mat. 1i, may look upon it, and m rememnber all the comnmand- in them, and bring ye before the LORD every man his Rom.13,14 teCiltS of tihe LoRD, and do them; and that ye " seek censer, two hundred and fifty censers; thou also and W. ~,4. not after your own heart and your 0 own eyes, after Aaron each of you his censer. oEccl.l1,9. wlhich ye use to go a' whoring 18 And they took every man his censer, and put pJ 2.,0, 40 That ye may remember, and do all my comr- fire in them, and laid incense thereon, and stood in SD mandmernts, and be holy unto your God. the door of the tabernacle of the congregation with.,,.41 I aim the LonD your God, whichm brought you Moses and Aaron. q Gen. 17,7. out of the laundl of Egypt, to be your God: I an, the 19 And Korah gathered e all the congregation eh. 14,3 a esen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~o. 19,7 LORDu " your God. against them unto tlhe door of the tabernacle of the Ie. 13, ~ ir. 1471. CHAPTER XVI. congregation: and the' glory of the LonR appeared f c. f ch. 12, The rebellion of Korab, Dathan, and Abiram. unto all the congregation. &14,.10. a Jud 11 ~ verse 42. - JuOXVt..~OW a Korah, the son of Izhar,the son of Kohath, 20 And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto _tlhe son of Levi; and Dathan and Abiram, the Aaron, saying,' ch. 26, sons of b Eliab; and On, the son of Peleth, C sons of 21 g Separate yourselves from among this congre- g Gen. 19,,~h., 10. Rebnhokmn F, ch110Reuben, took ien; gation, that I may consume them in a moment. Acts 2, 40. d verse e. sd, 40. 2 And they rose up before Moses, with certain of 22 And they fell upon their faces, and said, 0 God, h bx. 3, the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes the'God of the spirits ofk all flesh, shall I one man sin, ve, 4. Heb.,me of tie assembly, t famous in the congregation, men and wilt thou be wroth with all the congregation 1 Dan. 4, 30, oy,,,m~. of renown: 3... a.4 0 f a.of renown: 232 f And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, iZech. 12,1 3 And they gathered themselves together against 24 Speak unto the congregation, sayin, Get you Jo 2, 10.,.hfo~r' Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, t Ye up from about the tabernacle of Korah, Dah and Iah4.0,5 -OU Yqf, tooJoel 2, 28. verse s. take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation Abiram. I ver. 1,4,5 e verse 5. —.....' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i ver. 1, 4,9 are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among 25 And Moses rose up, and went unto Dathan and tlhem: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above Abiram; and the m elders of Israel followed him. m Pet. 5, the congregation of the LORD. 26 And he spake unto the congregation, saying, Heb. 13, 7 f ch. 14, 5. cig. 14, 4 And when Moses heard it, he'fell upon his face: Depart, I pray you, fmom the tents of these wicked or. g.'s. 01,-8. b2Tim. 2, 5 And he spake unto Korah and unto all his com- men, and" touch nothing of theirs, o lest ye be con- 17. s.lo 0, 0f. pany, saying, Even gto-morrow the LORD ih will shew sumned in all their sins. o Rev. 18,4 Pk iet. 2,54. who are his, and who is holy; and will cause him to 27 So they gat up from tie tabernacle of Korah, P 65, 4.nhK~A7 " Eph'2,,s. come neair unto him: even him w Thhom he hath Dathan, and Abiram, on every side: and Dathan and m, ~r.,g~ chosen will he cause to k commie near unto him. Abiram came out, and P stood in the door of their Prov. 10 it. vese 6 This do; Take you 1 censers, Korah, and all his tents, and their wives, and their sons, and their little Job bs, o verses 46,&41 47,418. company; ~child ren.,7 And put fire tierein, and put incense in them be- 28 A nd Moses said, Qereby ye shall know that. ter.2,. fore te LOuRD to-mnoriOw: and it shall be that the the LORD hath sent me to (1o all these works; for I 1 Iigs1. man whom the Lown doth mchoose, hle sha1 benho- hav'e not clo~,e thelm of mine q own mind qEzok. a es, n7.?~-*ktrk o cu-l un e, ~ ns f$v. * 8,' 17.o 0vze take too much unDa you, ye sons of Levi. I29 If these men die time comnmon death of all men, 110) I'a~s nwrcm~sl~t., of Korah, &'c. CHAPTER XVII, XVIII. Aaron's rodfJounsJeth. Beflre * V CHRIST or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; 50 And Aaron returned unto Moses unto the,,C15 CHRIST R ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ClIST~ cir.;~ then the Lorn ha th not sent me. u door of the tabernacle of the congregation: and r. 1471. risa. 4 3, 7. 30'But if the Lorn make r a new thing, and the ithe plague was stayed Job. 31,7 plague wasei- y'd U 2 Sami.24 Job 31, 3. earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, witht -I T X upl CHAPTER XV1I. 1 Chron. 21 all that ap)p)serftin unto them, and they go do.wn; quick Aaron's rod among all thle rods of' the tribe only flourisheth. 6.2 a1P. s,,s. into the pit; then ye shall understand that these _ND the LoRD spake unto Moses, saying, men have provoked the LoRD. 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and take 31 ~ And it came to pass, as hlie had made an end of every one of them " a rod according to the house a Ps. 1ll, 2, of speaking all these words, that the ground dclave of their fathers, of all their princes according to the 3,4. asunlder that was under them house of their fathers, twelve rods: write thou every tr Ps. 106,17. 32 And the earth opened her mouth, and t swal- man's name upon his rod.,Ur-oV.' lowed thenim up, and their u houses, and x all the men 3 And thou shalt write Aaron's name upon the rod 4. x clk 26,11. that appertauied unto Korah, and all their goods. of b Levi' for cone rod shall be for the head of the bch. 20, 9. Heb. 9, 4. 33 They, and all that appertained to them went house of their fathers. He. 6, 4. Ps. 309, down al l a int th e arnthed earh c hx. 6, upo. 5. ito the pit, and the earth closed pon 4 And thou shalt lay them up in the tabernacle of h,,37. them: and they perished from among the congregation. the congregation, d before the testimony, e where I Ex..25,16. e Ex. 25, 22~ 134 And all Israel that were round about them, fled will meet with you. & 3a, 36. aJr49 21 at the z cry of them:for they said, a Lest te earth 5 And it shall come to pass, that the man's rod 11. swallow us up also. whom I shall choose shall f blossom: and I wllIf.ut' 3, bLev.10,l. 35 And there came out ba fire fromrn the LoRD, nmke to cease friom me the murmurings of the cil- ver.se. Ps. 106, 17, Isa. 9, 7. 10, 17, and consumed the c two hundred and fifty men that dren of Israel, whereby they mutrmur against you. Ps. 132, C verses2, offered incense. 6 And Moses spake unto the children of Israel, 17,18.. S17, 18. 36 ~ And the LORD spalke unto Moses, saying, and every one of their princes gave him a rod apiece, 37 Speak unto Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, - for each prince one, according to their fathers' faob.aroa e one, ac Dg to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~for. one that lie take up the censers out of the bturning, ard houses, even twelve rods: and the rod of Aaron waspicee a d Rev. 8, 5. U the fi..e d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,rod for en~ n1ev. 8,. scatter thou the fire d yonder; for they are ha1lloved. among their rods. prince, ci Sam. 15, 38 The censers of these e sinners against their own 7 And M3oses laid up the rods before tie LORD 18. Grn. 13, 13. Souls, let them make them broad plates Jbr a cover- in thIe tabernacle of witness. L.o 2, 2. ing of the altar: for they offered them before the 8 And it caine to pass, that on the morrow MoI Kings 2,. LORD, therefore they are hallowed: and they shall seos went into the tabernacle of witness; and behold, f cli. 17, 10. be I a sign unto the children of Israel. i the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was budded, Eze.k. 14,,S. Gt.' 10, 39 And Eleazar the priest took the brazen censers, and brought forth r butds, and bloomed blossoms, and a, o n. 40. wherCthatuburntrd.they ahnoImds verse 40. wherewith they that were burnt had offeredl; and they yielded alIaonds. E:zk.;7,24, 2rPe 2,6 were made broad plates for a covering of the altar: 9 And M1oses brought out all the rods from i before ~"E 12,' 40 To be a memorial unto the children of Israel, the LoJ ii unto all the children of Israel: and they Jer. 1, 11. gch. 1,. that g no stranger, which is not of the seed of Aaron, looked, and took every man his rod. 9,9.' 16.come near to offer incense before the Lonn; that lihe 10 ~ And thie Lo said'unto Moses,BringAaron's 1h2 8Sm. 6, be not h as Korah, and as his company: as tue LomID!rod again before the testimony, to be l, kept for a to- k'E.l6,32 6, 7. ~ n'''.~phr. 26. said ~to him by; thbe hand of Maoses. 1 e.sn 2Chr 26, said to i by the a of oses. ken aaiust the rebels; and thou shalt quite takeof e'). sons erss2, 41 ~1 But on thek morrow all the co1ngregation of a t rfaway their murrmli1rings fioini me, that they die not..a0. Jume!I. the children of Israel minnrnured against loses and Ii A nd Moscs did so as the LORD commanded,rls.1m, against Aaron, saying, Ye-have killed the people him, so did he. 13. Ps. 1093. the LORD. 12 Aind thet children of Israel spake unto Moses, I~~~s. 109,3. Of ~ ~ -Vjhe the cogrgaio ws Rm sa.6 t09,. 42 And it came to pass when the congregation was sayingi, Behold, we die, we perish, we all perish. 1 Rom. 7, Isa.'2S,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. gathered against Moses and against Aaron, that they lo Whosoever cometh any thing near unto the vrs. looked toward the tabernacle (If the congregation' tabernacle of the LORD shall die: shall we be con-I. Ps" 8. 5 ich. 12, 6. and behold, tihe cloud covered it, and thIe glory of suimed with dying? Isa. 64, 22. the LORD appeared. CHAPTE X I. CHAPTER XV111. 43 And Moses and Aaron came before the taber- 1 The charge of the priests and Levites.... 8 Tihe priests'portion....21 The nacle of the congregation. Levites' portion. 44 ~I And time LORD spake unto Moses, saying, A ND the Lop i said unto Aaron, Thou, and thy~ ch. 17,, z "' H e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b. 2, 15. nverses 21, 45 " Get you up firom almiong this congregation, -- sons, antd thy father's Iouse with thee, shall bear H' 2' 1 that I may consume them as in a moment. And the iniquity of the -sanctuary: and thou and thy sons bLcv. 5, I?dIChr.21, they fell' upon their fimes,'with thee shall bear tie iniquity of your priesthood. 16. t ey fell l upon teeir f fces..I I Yerse 22. 46 S And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a censer,! 2 And thy brethren also of the tribe of Levi, the and put fire therein from off the altar, and put on tribe of thy father, bring thou with thee, that they pRev.8,. Pincense, and go quickly unto the congregation, and may e joined unto teen nister unto thee: cGn. 2 aIom.5, make an q atonement for them: for there is wrath but thou and thy sons with tihee shall minister e be-' a, 2, gone out firom tile LORD; the plague is begun. foe taernac of witness. d ci,. 16, 9. c 2 Chr. 30 47 And Aaron took as M1oses commanded, and' 3 And they shall' keep thly charge, and tie charge 1.2 Cr ran into the midst of the congregation; and behold, of all the tabernacle: only they shall not come ni'eh. 3f., 7, 8 rDeut. 13, the plague was begun among the people: and hel put the vessels of time sanctuary and the altar, that nei26, 1 1. Is. 33, 12. on incense, and made an atomemnent for the people. ther they, nor ye,also, die. s.cci. 4,6, 48 Andli e stood1 between the diad and tie liv 4 And the~y shall be joined unto thee, and keep the BE,,. s,,s. rag and the st~oi pl ewe ue wcas sayed. "h i- I Isa. 38, 15. mug; a rid time plague was stayed. I{ charge of tlhe tabernacle of the con regatiomm forlOiOr,,tcn, ]Esa. 35, 18. ing; ~ntt th ~ —'' s. lances 3, A1.' wee Pa34, 3. 7 Sanies)349 Now they thlat died in time plague we four- all time service of the tabernacle' and ga sranger g ci. 8, 10. lJolmn,14. teen thousand and seven hundred, beTsides them that shall not colne nig[h unto you. d a 5 Aind ye shall keep the charge of tihe l sanctuary, s, 111 The priests' and the Levites' portions NUMBERS. Of the heave-offering to the priests, -c. 13~~~~~~~~Cmre ~Efef~~~~~~~~~~q 1ore CH/UlST and the charge of whe altar; that there be no wrath! come nigh the tabernacle of tie congregation, lest CHRIS ir. I., t any more upon the children of Israeli they bear sin., and die. ci. 471..6 And I, behold, I have ktaken your brethren the 23 But the Levites shall do the service'of the c2t, 1o 4, hl ~'d.." q ch., 16, ll} r.ev.d i,I, Levites from among the children of Israel: to you tabernacle of the congregation, and they shall bear k cit. 8~, 12. e r';~'' thcl. ey are given as a gift for the LORD, to do the service r their iniquity: It shall be a statute bfor ever through- r Ezek. 18, of the tabernacle of the congregation. out your generations, that among the children of o4.5,0. 7 Therefore thou and thy sons with thee shall keep Israel they have no inheritance. l your priest's office for every thing of the altar, and 24 But the tithes of the children of Israel which I Hb-~'Iwithin the vail; and ye shall serve: I have given they offer as S a heave-offering unto the LORD, Ihave sHeb.7,4 faeb.gt, your priest's office unto you as a t service of gift: and given to the Levites to inherit: therefore 1 have said Isa. 9, 6 a m uno- th', Amn:tecide o salte hl Rom. a, 24. the I stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death. ulto thdm, Among the children of Israel they shall i e. 16~4 8 IffAnd the LORD spake unto Aaron, Behold, I have no inheritance. mch. 16,~40. n - r n cor.9, also have given thee the charge of my heave-offer- 25 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Lev. 5,15. igS Of all the o hallowed things of the children of Is- 26 Thus speak unto the Levites, and say unto pLev. 21, rael; unto thee have I given them P by reason of the them, When ye take of the children of Israel the anointing, and to thy sons, by an ordinance for ever. tithes wvhich I have given you from them for your qLev. 2, 3. 9 This shall be thine of the q most holy things re- inheritance, then ye shall offer up a heave-offering served from the fire: every oblation of theirs, every of it for the LORD, even a tenth part of the tithe. rLev.6, 20. r meat-offering of theirs, and every sin-offering of 27 And this your heave-offering shall be reckoned theirs, and every* trespass-offering of theirs, which unto you, as though it were the corn of the threshingthey shall render unto me, shall be most holy for thee floor, and as the Ifulness of the wine-press.,Je 22~, 2 and for thy sons. 28 Thus ye also shall offer a heave-offering unto Ex 29,37. 18 s In the most holy place shalt thou eat it; every the LoRD of all your tithes which ye receive of the Neh.13,,,. t male shall eat it: it shall be holy unto thee. children of Israel; and ye shall give thereof the 1 Cor.,. L hegve the U Nels. 10, Heb. 9,, 7. 11 And this is thine; the u heave-offering of their LORD's heave-oferin g uto Aaron the priest. 30. L. 9, tg. ift, with all the X wave-offerings of the children of 29 Out of allyour gifts ye shall offer every heave- Heb. 7,19. Israel: I have given them unto thee, and to thy sons, offering of the LORDu, of all the t best thereof, even t Her.fa Lev. 7,11, an b h verses 12,.12,, 14 and to thy y daughters with thee, by a statute for ever: the hallowed part thereof out of it. 21, 32. Lev. 7 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y Deut 14s La.7,30. every one that is clean in thy house shall eat of it. 30 Therefore thou shalt say unto them, When ye 22, 2" 12l': 22' 12 All the best of the oil, and all the best of the'have heaved the best thereof from it, then it shall z Tim.. deh. 10, wine and of the wheat, the' first-fruits of them be counted unto the Levites as the increase of the oen. sl,, i which they shall offer unto the LoRD, them have I threshing-floor, and as the increase of the wine-press. Deu 1219 Isa. 56, 11. given thee. 31 And ye shall eat it Y in every place, ye and your a'. O, la Luke 10, 7 13 And whatsoever is first ripe in the land, which households: for it is your 7 reward for your service Cor., 10. Gal. ~, 6. they shall bring unto the LORD, shall be thine; every in the tabernacle of the congregation. 2 Tim. 4, 7, Lev. 22,3. one that is clean in thy hQuse shall "a eat qf it. 32 And ye shall bear no sin by reason of it, when h. 3 2 Thes. 3, Lev. 27, 14 Every thing b devoted in Israel shall be thine. ye have heaved from it the best of it: neither shall 10., 28.' - 11 ye a p0111,1t I a Lev. 19,7,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8 &22 23 Ex. 3, 2. 15 Every thing that openeth tihe matrix inall ye pollute the holy things of the children of Isral, 10, flesh, which they bring unto the LORD, w Ielhe it be lest ye die., I Tim.,1. of men or beasts, shall be thine: nevertheless, the CHAPTER XIX. d Pet. 1, first-born of man shalt tlhou surely d redeem, and the The water o' separation made of the ashes of a red heifer. eE. 13,13. firstlings of e unclean beasts shalt thou redeem.'{ND the a LnORD spake unto Moses and unto aMat. 29, Lev. 27, 6.' f 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0. LeBV.27,6. 16 And those that are to be redeemed fidom a - Aaron, saying, 1 Cor. 11 month old shalt thou redeem, according to thine 2 This is the ordinance of the law which the LORDa' 63,'. Isab. 2 14. estimation, for the money of five shekels, aifter the ath commanded, saying, Speak unto the children Heb. 214, ~e sanctua~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rywich theent gared b Lukel1, shekel of the sanctuary, which is twenty gerahs. of Israel that they bng thee a red heifer b withoutb Luke, g Ex, 34,19. 17 But the firstling of a cow, or the,firstling of a spot, wherein is no blemish, and upon which c never s.I Pet. 1, 19. h Deut. 15, sheep, or the firstling of a goat, thou shalt h not re- camne yoke: & 2,22. 19. -- c Lami. 1,14. deem; they are holy: thou shalt sprinkle their blood 3 iA nd ye shall give her unto d Eleazar the priest, Deut. 21, 3. upon the altar, and shalt burn their fat for an offr- that he may bring her forth without the camp, and r e34 I Cur. 7, 23 ing made by fire, for a sweet savour unto the LORD. one shall slay her before his face:IC. 72 18 And the flesh of them shall be thine, as the 4 And Eleazar the priest shall take of her blood 14. wave-breast and as the right shoulder are thine. with his finger, and g sprinkle of her blood directly e'er. 4, "n Y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e Lev. 24% It Mal. 1, 10. h 7 4'aM'1'a. 19 All the'heave-offerings of the holy things, before the "tabernacle of the congregation seven Neob I3 of Irae Is~a. 53, 6. 2 Chr.31,4. which the children of Israel offer unto the LORD, times: Acts 2,27. have I given thee, and thy sons and thy daughters 5 And one shall burn the heifer in his sight; her. 1c. 1 2 Chron. with thee, by a statute for ever:itis a k covenant of skin, and her flesh and her blood, with herdung, Mat. 1, 13,5. with thee, by for it is k of skin, amid her, and blood, her ~ 28. a. salt for ever before the LORD unto thee and to thy shall lie burn: g Heb 9,21, seed with thee. 6 And the priest shall take cedar-wood, and,'9.&a''10 Ich. 20, 28. 20 ~ And the LORD spake unto Aaron, 1 Thou hyssop, and 1 scarlet, and cast it into the midst of theh Heb.9,2 4, ~~~~''~~~~~~~~' ~~~~~~~~ 1~~~~ Lev. 14, 4 mch.2-,53. shalt have no m inheritance in their lanPneither shalt burnins of the heifer. k Px. 12,22. Josh. 1, thou have any" part among them: 1 am thy 0 part and 7 Then the priest shall m wash his clothes, and le i e,1. Du. is, thine inheritance among the children of Israel. shall bathe his flesh in water, and afterward he shall mLey. 11, Jh.,13,14. 21 And behold, I have given the children of Levi come into the camp, and the priest shall be unclean 23. Lam,234. all the Ptenth in Israel for an inheritance, for their until the even. p fleet. 14, 2, service which they serve, even the service of the ta- 8 And he that burneth her shall wash his clothes Nel. 702, ~, bernacle of the congregation. in water, and bathe his flesh in water, and shall be 22 Neitlher must thle children of Israel henceforth unclean until the even.'11l The law of purification. CHAP'T'ER XX. Moses smsteth the rock, 4c. Before CHRIST 9 And a man that ts clean shall gatlher up the 4 And why have ye brought up the congregation Belof' 1471. n CHRISTT "'i' ashes of the heifer, and lay thenm up without the of the LORD into this wilderness, that we and our 1453. jleb 13 camp in a ~ clean place, and it shall be kept for the Icattle should die there? A''congregation of the children of Israel for a water of 5 And wherefore have ye made us to come up out A'cts 15,9. P separation: it ts a purification q for sin. of Egypt, to bring us in unto this evil place it is 24h. 3 10 And he that gatheretll the ashes of the heiferl no place of seed, or of figs, or of vines, or of pomeZh shall wasth his clothes, and be unclean until the even: granates; neither is there any water to drink. and it shall be unto the chlildren of IEsrael, and unto 6 And Moses and Aaron went from the'presence 1Rev. 12, the stran-er that sojourneth among them, for a stat- of the assembly unto the door of the tabernacle of ute for eVer. the congregation, and they mfell upon their faces:n ch. 1C,4. 11 ~ I Ie that touchleth the dead body of any man and the glory of tlhe LORD nappeared unto them. nch. 16,. rLev. 7,'9. Shall r be unclean seven days. 7 ~f And the LonRD spake unto Moses, saying, 0ACtS 1, 9. 12 He shall -purify thilmself with it on the third 8 Take the 0 rod, and gather thou the assembly o Ex. 17, 5. day, and on the seventlh day he shall be clean: but together, thou and Aaron thy brother, and P speakp er 011. I q gi V e _11 — q P". 78, is, if he purify not hinmself tlhe third day, then the sev- lye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall q give l enth day he shall not be clean. forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to thlem ih "9, 16 13 Whosoever toucheth the dead body of any water out of tlhe rock: so thou shalt give the conman that is dead, and purlifieth not himselfl; defileth gregation and their beasts drink. the tabernacle of the LORD; and that soul shall be 9 And.oses took the rod r from before the LORD, rh. 17,J LLev. 3, cut off from Israel: because the water of separa- as he conmmanded him.16, 6. tion was not sprinkled upon him, hle shall be unclean; 10 And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregahis uncleanness is yet upon him. tion together before the rock, and he said unto them, 14 This is the lawM, when a man dieth in a tent: ls Healr now, ye t rebels; U must we fetch you water s verse 8. all tlhat come into the tent, and all that is in the tent out of this rock? ch 110, 23 shall be unclean seven days. 11 And Moses lifted up his hand, and with hiserse S T2 Le' 15 And every u open vessel vllhich hath no cover-llrod he smote the rock tvwice: and the water came ing bound upon it, is unclean. out abunldantly, and the Y congregation drank, andx Ps. 78, 15 16 And whosoever touchleth one that is slain with a their " beasts also.. 8, 21. ch. 31,19. 1sword in the open fields, or a dead body, or a Y bone 12 ~ And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, 1 fs 10,. y Ezek. 39 of a man, or Z a grave, shall be unclean seven days. Because ye a believed nle not, to b sanctify me in thle ch. 27, 14,R om.6,2323. 17 And for an uncleanperson they shall take of the Ic eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall d chL.v,6 2 Col2h5 2, ashes of the burnt heifer of purification for sin, alld not bring this congregation into the land whichd Dut. 8, I Tim. 5, 6. running water shall be put thereto in a vessel: I have given them. ba TI Cor. 5,6. 18 And a clean person shall take hyssop, and dip 13 This is the water of || Meribah; because the IS That aL Heb. liv-. Sfe. ing water, it in the water, and sprinkle it upon the tent, and up- children of Israel strove with the LORD, and he Oe~n.o~e 19.saclie n h ePs. 68, CS ach. 2623. on all athe vessels, and upon the persons that were was sanctified in them. there, and upon him that touched a bone, or one slain, 14 ~ And Moses sent messengers from Kadesh or one dead, or a grave: unto the king of Edom, Thus saith thy brother Is- f en.25, bIsa. 52,15. 19 And the clean person shall b sprinkle upon the rael, Thou knowest all the travail that hath f be- tiHeb. rICor. 13, unclean on the c third day, and on the seventh day: fallen us: found. dEx. 12,15. and on the dseventh day he shall purify himself, 15 HlEow our fathers gwent down into Egypt,gGen. 46 lieb. 4, 9.h1 eLev. 1',. and ewash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and we have dwelt in Egypt a h long time; and the h'Ex.12,40 and shall be clean at even. Egyptians vexed us, and our fathers: 20 But the mian that shall be unclean, and shall 16 And when we ctried unto the LORD, he heard not purify himself,; that soul shall be cut off froml our voice, and sent an angel, and hatlh brought us Ex., 2. fch 5, 2. among the congregation, because he lath. defiled forth out of Egypt: and behold, we are in Kadesh, the sanctuary of the LORDn: the water of sepalration a city In the uttermost of thy border: hath not been sprinkled upon hil; he is unclean. 17 Let us pass, I pray thee, through k thy coun- kDsu 1A 21 And it shall be a perpetual statute unto tblem, try: we will not pass thlrough the fields, or through that he that sprinkleth the v ater of separation shall the vineyards, neither wTill we drink of the water g ileb.9, gwash hlis clothes; and he that touchleth. the water of tile Wlells: we will go by the king's high-way, 13. of separation shall be unclean until even. we will not turn to the right hand nor to the left, hRom.i6,4 22 And whatsoever thle unclean person l toulchletll until we lhave passed thy borders. shall be unclean; and the soul that toucheth it shall 18 And Edom said unto him, Thou shalt not pass be unclean until even. by me, lest I come out against thee with the sword. 1413. CHAPTER vxx 19 And the children of Israel said unto him, We 1453. CHA XX. 2 The children of Israel murmur for wvant of water....7 Moses, smitingthe will go by the highway: and if I and my cattle drink rock, bringeth forth water at Meribah. of thy water, then I will' pay for it: I will only, with- 1 Dei; R, AHEII~N came the children of Israel, even the out doing any thing else, go thrlough on my feet. ach. 14,29. whole congregation, into the desertofbZin 20 And he said, Thoushalt not go through. And b cl. 136, 21. in the c first mlonth: and the people d abode in e K a-| Edom came out against him with much people, and d ch. 33, 38. desh; and MIiriam f died there, and was buried there. withl a strong hand. cClhi 14, 25, 2 And there was gno water for the congregation: 21 Tlhus Edom refused to give Israel passage f Ex. 13,20 and they gathlered themselves together against Moses througlh his border: wherefare Israel m turned away en JUdg. ii gEx. 17,1. and against Aaron. frorm him. D2e!. a, 6. hEx. 17,2. 3 And the people h chode with Maoses, and spake,l1 22 ~ And the children of Israel, even the whole rfh 1;, 29. saying, i Would God that we had died when k our congregation, journeyed from Kadesh, and came unbrethren died before the LORD 1 to'n mount H-or..h. ~S. p 1,13 The death of A.aron. NUIMBERS.,~hon a&ho Uf %~' Ofn"h. co lr,' Before CHRIST 23 And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in the other side of d Arnon, which is in the wyilderness!? 1x,~'5. mount Hor, by the coast of the land of Edom, saying, that cometh out of the coasts of the Amonrites: for f 4o. Heb. 12, 24 Aaron shaill be 0 gathered unto his people: for Arnon is the border of Moab, between Moab and Jg.,'s he shall not enter into the land which I have given the Arnorites. lie. 67rn f srel bcasey Acs.unto the, children of Israel, because -e rebelled' 14 Wherefore it is said in the book of the wars of against my word at the water of Meribah. the LoPir, Yhat he did in the Red sea, and in the %~=, 32. 25 Take r Aaron and Eleazar his son, and bring ie brooks of Arnon, eActs,7, them up unto mount Hor 15 And atthestream ofthebrooks thatgoeth down to. Isq. Ex. 20,i2. 26 And strip Aaron of his garments, and put the dweliilgof t, an. liethupon the border of Moab Isa. 22, 19. Al)f amesa *. VCII, ianrtibodr oa. Nb. 7,11, them upon Eleazar his son: and Aaron shall be 16 And from thence they went to Beer: thlat is the S 6 ~ gathered unto his people, and shall die there. well whereof the LoRn spake unto Mfoses, Gather I oq 27 And Moses did asthe LORD commanded and the people together, and I fwill give thernm water. frs. 4, 9. they went up into mount Hor in the sight of all the 17 ~ Then Israel g sang this song, Spring up, 0 -aJam'z 5, 12 Cor. 3, congregation. I,6well; sing ye unto it 13.MOSr Job 19,. 28 And Moses'stripped Aaron of his garments, I 18 The " princes digged the well, the nobles of h,s, l. isch. 2, 32. 2 Ctirol. 17, Jer. 23, 1. and put them s upon Eleazar his son; and Aaronithe people digged it, by tle direcltiol of tile law- hr'v Heb. ~3, IISI i. 5, 17. Heb.~10, ~. died there in the Itop of the mount: and Moses and giver, with their 2 staves. nd fm e l s i n tie' " tavs.And fi'om the wildernessTm''' t Gem 2' j,111, *I)V lr IIU~IIPL~Si I Deut. 33, ton. 34, I, ileazar came down from the mount. ltey went to 5,attanah: 1. Dcut. a~ 1,I Yqett Ge. 4'9 2 1. Luke 23,33. 29 And when all the conregation saw that AaronI 19 And from Mattanah to Nahaliel: and from esa. 49, 12. _ egatioI sa Jamesa. 43, 22. ucl. 33.39. U was dead, tihe'y inourned for Aaron X thirty days, Nahaliel to Bampoth: James4, 1. x Gen.50, Jk ch. 17, 2. 10. even all the house of Israel. 20 And firom Bamoth in the valley, that is in the k 3. 23, 4. CHAPTER XXL.'count'y of Moab, to the top of Pisgah, which look7 The people repenfting, are healed by a brazen serpent....21 Sihon is over- eth toward Jeshimon.. t ncomet, 33 and Og. T21 And Israel sent messengers unto Sihon king Deut. 2,2 aJosh. 12, ND when = king Arad the Canaanite, which iof the Aliorites, saying, beh. 31, 40. — dwelt in the b south, heard tell that Israel came 22 s Let inme pass through thy land: we will not sm. Doe. 2, cch'. 14, 2. by the way of the spies; then lie fought against Is- turn into the fields, or into thle vineyards; we will 7. d cli. 31,12. rael, and took d so:,ne of them prisoners. not drink of the waters of the well: but we will go eGen. 23, 2 And Israel e vowed a vow unto the LORD, and along by the king's h'g/h-way, until we be past thy 20. said, If thou wilt indeed deliver this people into my borders. f~ev.= 27, hand, then I will'utterly destroy their cities. 23 And Sihn would not suffer Israel to pass n Ju. 1 gPs. 10, 17. 3 And the Lo R Dhearkened Ito the voice of Israel, through his border: but Sihon gathered all his people' and delivered up the Canaanites; and they utterly together, and went out against Israel into the wilderdestroyed them and their cities: and he called the ness: and he cameto oJahaz, and fought against Israel: Dout. 2, name of the place Hormah. 24 And P Israel sniote him with the edge of the Jer. s, 21. 4 ~ And they journeyed from mount Hor by the sword, and possessed his land from Arnmen unto Jab-.Jd. 1 hch. 20, 19. way of the Red sea, to h compass the land of Edom: bok, even unto the children of Ammon: for the bor- let. 2,. Ps. 13, 1% i Zech. ii, and the soul of the people was much' discouraged der of the children of Ammon was strong.,. kActs, becaus e of the kway. 25 And Israel took all these cities: and Israel Am'os"2, 9 22. 1 5 And the people spaie against God, and against dwelt in all the cities of the Amorites, in Heshbon, zEx.1,,'..Loses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of and in all the villages thereof. Egypt to die in the wilderness. for there is no bread, 26 For Heshbon was the city of Sihon the king neither is there an'y water; and our soul loatheth of the Amorites, who had ifouglht against the former =nch. 11 5, this "I light bread. king of Moab, and taken all his lan out of his hand, Deut.s 8, 6 And the LORD sent fiery " serpents among the even unto Arnon. 1'' qin1 Ezek. 17,' people, and they bit the people; and much people of 27 Wherefore they that speak.q in proverbs say, ~Ee.17 Israel died. rCome into Heshbon, let the city of Sihion be built 2 Chr.7,20 I ~~~~~~~~~~~~r Judg. 11, 7 [ Therefore the people came to M3oses, and said, and prepared. Judg. 11, o,.,,a. 78e have sind fo e aespknagans 17e ta 7,3. We have 0 sinned, for we ha~ve spo~en against te 28 For there is sa fire gone out of Heshbon, a flame I 17,., We have 0 sinned, for we ha ken a ainst the of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Amos 1, 7, LoRD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, that< from the city of t Sihon: it hath u consumed Ar of A0. s1, lie take away the serpents from us. And Moses'Moab, and the lords of the high places of Arnon. tJei. 43, 45,,- ~~~~~~~~u Deut. 2, I- Sam.12,, prayeTd for the people. 21 29 ~o0 to thee, Moab! thou art undone, O Z peo- 9, s. 8 And the LoaRD said unto Moses, Make thee aa pie of Che 3s3h: ahe bath given his sons that esca- 48, 45. Jbhn 3, q hi I 1'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ e -1 n y Jer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~48, 46. q J'ohn, q fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall ped, and his danuhters, into captivity unto Sihon Yaer4s,1. 14. z 2 Kings corme to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he king cf the Amnorites. 1, 23;g rJohn3, 14. r ooketh upon it, shall live. e have shot at them; Heshbon is perished "9ag.1, s John S,24. 9lAdoosesh O made a Uepnto of2 Ez3;21: 9 And Moses made a serpent of I brass, and put even unto " Dibon, and we have laid them waste aJer. 49,7, u Jloh 3,14. it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that " if a ser- even unto Noplhah, which rYeacheth unto C Medeba. iidg. 11, 1John 1, pent had bitten any man, when he Y beheld the ser- 31 9 Thus Israel dwelt in the land df the Amorites.. 16, 12.'/~ 8. ~[ Thus lsrael dwelt in the land %fthe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~morites.~4'Isa.y 16,e 12.r.8, 4 yZech. 12, pent of brass, he lived. 32 And M5oses sent to spy out Jaazer and they o.,. 10 91 And the children of Israel set forward, and took the villages thereof, and drove out the Aonoites b13, 2. zch.31, 43. pitched in z Oboth. that were there. rich. 12, 33. 11 And they journeyed from Oboth, and pitched 33 And they turned and went up by the way of Ba- eJer.a48,3 arh. 33a4.1. at a Ije-abarim, in the' wilderness which is before shian: and Og tthe king frsJBashan went out against fch. 12,1,, b~en 19, b Moab, toward the sun-r~ising, them, he, and all his people, to the battle at Edrei. 10. 81. 12 9 From thence they removed, and pitched in 34 And the LOn D said unto Moses, Fear him not: cflst.2, the valley of C Zared. for I have delivered him into thy hand, and all his peo1.3 From thence they removed, and pitched on pIe, and his landd; and thou shalt " do to him as thou Us. 133, IA. Balaik seindeth for Bailatam: CHAPTER XXII. An angeln meeteth hmm m thie way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Before Bfr Beforeo didstunto Sihlon king of the Amorites, which dwelt full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the.word Befor ia2. at Heshbon. of the LoaRD b my God, to do C less or more. 1452. 35 So they smote him,and his sons, and all his 19 Now therefore, I pray'you, tarry ye also here'bJoh..8 people, u util there was none left him alive: and they this night, that d I may know what the LORD will c Ps. 12, 2. D Heut. 3, 2, ~ possessed his land. say unto me more. al.ere 12. CHAPTER XXH. 20 And God came unto Balaam at night, and said Gal.,s,9. 1 Balak's message for Balaam....22 An angel would have slain him, if his unto him, If the men come to call thee, rise up, and h~~~~~d ~ot ~,~d him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e Ezek. 14, ass hlead not saved igO win-th them; but yet f the word which I shall say,ek 14,. a e.aa, 44, ND the children of Israel a set forward, and unto thee, that g sllalt thou do. fI Pet. 2, 8 ch. 33, 44, -A, -i the -1 this side' Jor- In h ro~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e Ps' "g P. 3,IO 45, s._ pitched in the plains of Moab on this side Jor- 21 And Balaam h rose up in the morning, and sad- h.,o, dan by barichow died his ass, and went with thile princes of Moab. Prov 16,19. bMicah 0, 2 Ad b Balak the son of Zippor saw all that 22 ~ And i'God's anger was kindled hecause lie Ps. 68,6 N17 y k G,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iF. 36,, udg. 11, Israel had done to the Amorites. w ent: and. the " angel of the LORD stood in the way kG. 4, 2s. 3, 3 - And Moab was sore d af'aid of the people, e be- for an adversary against him. Now he was riding 1.4,3 cause thev wer;e many: and Moab was distressed be- upon his ass, and his two servants iwere with him.?r. 24, 32.CUe d Ex. 15. cause of the children of israel. 23 And the 1 ass saw the angel of the LORD stand- 11 Cor.1,. en, s.)% 4 And Mioab said unto the elders of Midian, Now ing in the way, and his n' sword drawn in his hand: ml Cor. 21, Deut..2, 9. I 16. crh. 24, 17. shall this co mpany flick up all that are round about and the n ass turned aside out of the way, and wentt 16J. s, 7. Jer. 4, 138. on Jer. 8, 7. us, as the ox licketh up the grass of the field. And into the field: and Balaam 0 smote the ass, to turn vre2.2, Balak the sonof Zippor was king of the Moabites. her into the way. Rom. 2, 1. at that time. 24 But the angel of the LonRD stood in a path of g 2 Pet. 2, 5 He sent messengers therefore unto g Balaam thle the vineyards, a wall being on this side, and a wall 3pJer. 48, 15,1 6. t hth.23,. son of Beor to h Pethor, which is by the river of the on that side. land of the children of his people, to call him, say- 25 And when the ass saw the angel of the LORD, ing, Behold, there is a people come out firom Egypt: she thrust herself unto the wall: and q crushed B- qa. 47,12' behold, they cover the face of the earth, and they laam'sfoot against the wall: and he smote her again. abide over against nme: 26 And the angel of the LORD went further, and I ch. 22, 4. 6'CrIrtae81 a 2,9. 6' Come now therefore, I pray thee, curse me stood in a narrow place, where a r no way to turn rs' 28,1 Mark 1, this people; for they are' too mighty for me: perad- either to the right hand or to the left. 91..1 Ps.105,24. venture I shall prevail, that we may smite them, and 27 And vwhen the ass saw the angel of the LORD, mcIs,.that I may drive them out of the land: for I wot that she fell down under Balaam: and Balaam's anger'st",Zl 2a m~~~~~~~~~cts 8 10. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~verse 28.. s. I, 12,8. he m whom thou blessest is blessed, and lie whom was kindled, and he smote the ass with a staff. t2Pet.2, Preo. 16,2. thou curss is cursed. t 2et. 21 thou IcSest is eursed. 28 lAnd the LORD t opened the mouth of the ass, verse 2o. - Gen. 8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, 1 7 And the elders of Moab and the elders of Mi- and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto Luke 1,1s8 2"et2, dian departed with n the rewards of divination in thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times nJohn 12,37 t5.'ha deare thrwrsoIiiaini he htto atsitnm hs he ie Cor. i, 12T their hand; and they came unto Balaam, and spake 29 And Balaam said unto the ass, Because thou Eph. 4, f. ui Gal 6," unto him the words of Balak. hast u mocked me: I would there were a sword ine rsea. Oh. 12, 6. 8 And hlie said unto them, Lodge here this night, my hand, for now would I kill thee. Prov. 12, p verse 12. and I will bring you word again, P as the LORD 30 And the ass said unto Balaam, Am not I thine Ps. 92,. & shall speak unto me: and the princes of Moab abode ass, upon wlhich thou hast ridden ever since I was with Balaam. thine unto this day'! was I ever wont to do so unto q Gen. 20,3. 9 And q God came unto Balaam, and said, What thee? And he said, Nay. Mat. 24, 24.Goiaaa, si, htthesid at. 2, 2. men are these with thee'l 31 Then the LonrD t opened the eyes of Balaam, tfle. 10 And Balaam said unto God, Balak the son of and lie saw the angel of the LORD standing in the rs. 119, l Zippor, king of M1oah, hath sent unto me, saying, way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bow- 47,'1' 11 Behold, there is a people come out of Egypt,: ed down his head, and fell flat on his face. which covereth the face of the earth: come now, 32 And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Lev. 24, 11n r curse me themni; peradvernture I shall be able to, Wherefore hast thou smitten thine ass these three overcome them, and drive them out. t-imes'! lbehold, I went out to withstand thee, because 2Pet.2, 12 And God said unto Balaai, Thou shalt not thy way is a perverse before me 14. s'om. 4, 6go with them' thou shalt' not curse the people ~c And thne ass saw me, and turned from me these 7. t Rom. II, for they I are blessed. three times: Unless she had' turned from me, surely Kg 2i9. a aIKn 2a. 27, 33. 13 And Balaam rose up in the morning, and said now also I had slain thee, and a saved her alive. 13, 24. unto the princes of Balak, Get you into your land: for 34 And Balaam said unto the angel of the LORD, I u h. 24, 10. veres 23, ou. 23, 10. the LORD u refuseth to give me leave to go with you. have b sinned; for I knew not that thou stoodest in 27. 32. Bet2,5. Ll 4s~k~ CI3'/ L 7 2 14 And the princes of IMoab rose up, and they the way against me: now therefore, if it displease Pa.78, 34. verses 2, went unto Balak, and said,Balaam x refuseth to come thee, I will get me back again. 13, 16. with us. 35 And the angel of the LoRD said unto Balaam,rse2 Acts 20, 27. Rev. 22,9. 15 ~ And Balak sent yet again princes, more, and C Go with the men: but only the word that I shall as'L4, 8,'5. more honourable than they. speak unto thee, that thou shalt speak so Balaanm 16 And they came to Balaam, and said to him, went with the princes of Balak. Thius saith Balak the son of Zippor, Let nothing, I 36 ~[And when Balak hieard that Balaam was come, dGen. 18,7. pray thee, hinder thee from coming unto me: he d wvent out to meet him unto a city ofMoab,which iS ech. 21, 33. 17 For I will promote thee unto very great honour, in the border of e Arnon, which is in the utmost coast. y 1Kings3,, and Y I will do whatsoever thou sayest unto me: 37 ~I[ And Balak said pnto Balaam, Did I not earcome therefore, I pray thee, curse me this people. nestly send unto thee to call thee? wherefore caniest 18 And Balaam answered and said unto the ser- thou not unto me. f am 1 not able indeed to promote f ch., 10.,T h., 16. vants of Balak, If Balak would give me his a house thee to honour? Mar. 4, 0,~ 115 Balak's sacrifices. NUMBERS. Balaam prophesie,4 dihe happmen ss Of Israel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Before Bfr ro 38 And Balaam said unto Balak, Lo, I am come Balak, and hear; hearken unto me, thou son of cI CHtRISTel 16F 1452. unto thee: have I now any g power at all to say any Zippor::I4 2 gW.,, thing. the word that God putteth in my mouth, that 19 God is not a man, that he should 7 lie; neither "' 2Cor. 3, 5. shall I speak. the son of man, that he should " repent: hath he said, 39 And Balaam went with Balak, and they came and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall h ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a Gert. 6, hJer.48,45. unto h Kirgath-huzoth. hlie not make it good. 1 Sam. 16, ich. 25, 1. 40 And Balak'offered oxen and sheep, and sent 20 Behold, I have received commandment to b 5A=5. to Balaam, and to the princes that were with him. bless: and he hath blessed, and I cannot c reverse it. 6th e k ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jam 1, 17, k Prov. 1, 41 And it came to pass on the k morrow, that Ba- 21 He hath not d beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither JamGen. 2,1 1 2, lak took Balaam, and brought him up into the'high hath he seen perverseness in Israel: the LoRD his Iom.,'.~Dem. 12, - Ro 8.23, 13. places of Baal, that thence' he might see the ut- God is with him, and the' shout of a king is g among 3Y ni ch.23,13.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l 116 o-arl~~ d Roem. 4, a. hmost part of the people. them. e zek. 48, CHAPTER XXIII. 22 God h brought them out of Egypt;'he hath v.e. 2,1. 1, 13,28 Balak'ssacrifice...7,18 Balaam's parable. as it were kthe strength of a unicorn..:,'. a verse 29. ND Balaam said unto Balak, Build me here 23 Surely there is'no enchantment against Ja-g2 Cr., b Gn. 41,6. b seven altars, and prepare me here seven oxen cob, neither is there any divination against Israel: ac- hch. 22, 5. Job 42, S. of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i Ps. 68, 35. Job 42,. and seven rams. cording to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of k JobS, 5, ~h.~,s0.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JLob.9,19 ch 11, 0. 2 And Balak did as Balaam had spoken; and Israel, "What hath God wrought! 26ev. 2 Kings 17, Balak and Balaam offered on every altar a bullock 24 Behold the people shall rise up as a great o li-m mat. 16 and a ram. on, and P lift up himself as a young lion: he shall not 4,2s.,42 Gen. 4,4, 3 And Balaam said unto Balak, d Stand by thy lie down until he eat of the prey, and drink the.. ~'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Gert. 49, 9~ burnt-offering, and I will go: peradventure the LORD blood of the slain. pIPet. 5, 9. och. 24,1. will come to emeet me: and whatsoever he sheweth 25 And Balak said unto Balaam, Neither r curseq Dan.2,44 me I will tell thee. And he went to a high place. them at all, nor bless them at all. rP.2, 1 f ch. 4, i. 4 And God met Balaam: and he said unto him, 26 But Balaam answered and said unto Balak, Deut. 28,0. Ihave prepared seven altars, and I have offered Told not I thee, saying, All that the LORD speaketh, g P cut. 23, 1 am.1 upon every altar a bullock and a rain. that I must do I 1 Sam. lsMt4 15~ 2ro., 5 And the LORD put ha word in Balaam'smouth, 27 [ And Balak said unto Balaam, sCome, I pray sM''a'. 2,,. and, said, Return unto Balak, and thus thou shalt thee, I will bring thee unto another place; peradven-'.Proo. 16, speak. ture it will please God that thou mayst curse me 6 And he returned unto him, and lo, he stood by themni from thence. his burnt-sacrifice, he, and all the princes of Moab. 28 And Balak brought Balaam unto the t top of tnh 28, 7 And he took up his parable, and said, Balakthe Peor, that looketh toward Jeshimnon..Gen. 24, king of Moab hath brought me friom'Aram, out of 29 And Balaam said unto Balak, Build me here 22, 5the mountains of'the east, saying, Come, curse me seven altars, and prepare me here seven bullocks and Deut. 23, Jacob, and come,'defy Israel. seven rams. k Isa. 2, 6. k Sam. 2, 8 maHow shallI curse, whom God hath not cursed? 30 And Balak did as Balaam had said, and offer10.,, or how shall I defy, whom the LoRnD hath not defied 1 ed a bullock and a ramin on every altar. 2. 9 Forfrom the top of the rocks I see him,and from CHAPTER XXIV. Jer.43, a the hills I behold him: lo, the people shall " dwell 1 Balaam prophesieth the happiness of Israel....15 He prophesieth of the o Lev. 25, alone, and shall 0 not be reckoned among the nations. Star of Jacob. 60. Ezra 9, 2. 10 Who can count the P dust of Jacob, and the ND when Balaam saw that it pleased the LORD pGOn.22, number of the fourth part of Israel? Let me die the to bless Israel, he went not, as at other times, n7.At bless Israel, be went not, as at other times,, Or, 3,. q death oftherighteous,andlet my Il lastend belikehis! j to seek ior enchantments, but he set his facet ~eb. to IIOr, posts n eet.t riy, or, re. 11 And Balak said unto Balaam, What hast thou toward the wilderness. enchantrs. 109,4. done unto me. I took thee to curse mine r enemies, 2 And Balaam lifted up his eyes, and he saw Is. s aitusl,16 n"d behold, thou hast blessed tlhem altogether. rael a abiding in his tents according to their tribes, a Song 1,5 Tim, 12 And hlie answered and said, s Must I not take and the b Spirit of God came upon him. b ch. 11, 2 heed to speak that which the LonRD hath put in my 3 And he took up his parable, and said, Balaam John' 11,5L mouth? the son of Beor hath said, and the man t whose eyes f Heb. who had his eyea 13 And Balak said unto him, Come, I pray thee, are open hath said: shut, ut with me unto another plac:e, from whence thou may- 4 He hath said, which heard the words of God,'",Po~, tach. 22, 41. est see them: thou shalt see but the'utmost part of which saw the vision of the Almighty, C falling into c Rev.," them, and shalt not see them all: and curse me them a trance, but having his eyes open firom thence. 5 How goodly are thy d tents, 0 Jacob, and thy dHeb. 1,9 14 ~ And he brought him into the field of Zophim, tabernacles, O Israel! ol sa. 46, 6. to the top of Pisgah, and built rseven altars, and of- 6 As the valleys are they spread fforth, as gar- son6, 11 fe~~~~~~~~~~~~bituseen vablleys are the fam on- 4vry1lal.~ fered a bullock and a ram on every alta%. dens by the g river's side, as the trees ofh lign-aloes Ps.ng1.' 15 And hlie said unto Balak, Stand here by thy which the Lon'hath planted, and as k cedar-trees h Ecl. 7, L. i Ps. 104,1~. burnt-offering, while I m et the LORD yonder. beside the waters. k Ps. 1,3. cb. 22, 5. 16 And the LoRD met Balaam, apd' put a word 7 lie shall'pour the water out of his buckets, IIsa. 48,. m Rev. 17V in his mouth, and said, Go again unto Balak, and and mhis seed shall be in many waters, and his king R say thus. shall be higher than'Agag, and his kingdom shall s Joh: 17 And when he came to him, behold, he stood be 0 exalted. l. by his burnt-offering, and the princes of Moab with 8 God brought him forth out ofEgypt: he hath pch.2;2 him. And Balak said unto him, What hath the as it were the strength of a P unicorn: he shall q eat q ma~ oo,, LoRD spoken? up the nations his enemies, and shall rbreak their rjs.*2,9. I,'"*~'~'a 18 And he took up his parable,and said, r Rise up, bones, and pierce them through with his 5arrows. H.6.. RBzalazi's prophecy of Christ. CHIfAPTER XXV, XXV1. Zimrt anzd (oz-bz slain by Phielhas. oCHRIST 9 I let couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a 5 And Moses said unto the judges of Israel, Slav cbefrs 14b2. great lion: U who shall stir him up? Blessed is lie that ye every one his men that werejoined untoBaal-peor. 1451. on. 49, 9 biesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee. 6 ~I And, behold, one of the children of Israel uRoov.6,. 10 ~And Balak's anger was kindled against Ba- came and brought unto his brethren a Midianitish Job 27. laam, and he x smote his hands together: and Ba- woman in the sight of lMoses, and in the sight of all lak said unto Balaam, I called thee to curse mine the congregation of the children of Israel, who iwere enemies, and behold, thou hast altogether blessed' weeping before the door of the tabernacle of the iEzek. 9. 4. then these three times. congregation. Isa. 48, 11 Therefore now Y flee thou to thy place: I thought 7 And when Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son to promote thee unto great honour; but lo, the LoRD of Aaron the priest, saw it, lie rose up from, aimong zPr. 11, Hs. hath Z kept thee back from honour. the congregation, and took a javelin in his hand; 12 And Balaam said unto Balak, Spake I not also 8 And he went after the man of Israel into the tent, to thy messengers which thou sentest unto me, saying, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, 13 If Balak would give me-his house full of silver and the woman through her belly: So the k plague k ch. 16, 5 and gold, I cannot go beyond the commandment of was stayed fronm the children of Israel. 2,. a ch. 21, 18s. the LORD, to do either good or bad of a mine own 9 And those that died in the plague were twenty I Deut. 4, mind; but what the LORD saith, that will I speak? and four thousand. w cor 1d, S. 14 And now, behold, I go unto my people: come 10 i And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, bCh. 3,. therefore, and I will advertise b thee what this peo- 11 Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron cen 49, 1. pie shall do to thy people in the Clatter days. the priest, hath turned my wrath away from the 15 ~ And he took up his parable, and said, Balaam children of. Israel (while lie was m zealous for my m 2 Cor. the son of Beor hath said, and the man whose eyes sake among them) that I consumed not the children 11, 2 are open hath said: of Israel in my " jealousy. n Ex. 20, a 16 lie hath said, which heard the words of God, 12 Wherefore say, Behold, I give unto him my and knew the knowledge of the Most High, which o covenant of peace: oMal. 2, 5 saw the vision of the Almhnighty, falling into a trance, 13 And he shall have it, and his seed after him,',. but having his eyes open: even the covenant of an " everlasting priesthood; -p J ""g1es Rye. 1, 7. 17 I shall dsee him, but not now: I shall behold because he q was zealous for his God, and made an Jr 33, 17, e.eb. 1, 2. him, but not e nigh: there shall come fa Star out of r atonement for the children of Islrael. qZech. 1, f Mat. 2, 2. Jacaob, and a g Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and 14 Now the name of tle Israelite tlat was slain, 1 4,s. t0. shall smite the h corners of Moab, and t destroy all even that was slain with the Midianitish woman, rJosh.7, Iier. 4, 4, 1, 12. i.Jr 4s' 4, the children of Sheth. was Zimri, the son of Salu, a prince of a chief house Pr.. 6, 14. it eb.un. 18 And'Edom shall be a possession, Seir also among the Simeonites. Isai. 63, 1, shall be a possession for his enemies; and Israel 15 And the name of the Midianitish woman that k Sam. shall do k valiantly. was slain was Cozbi the daughter of Zuir; he was 1448s. 6 19 Out of Jacob shall come' he that shall have head over a people, and of a chief house in Mlidian.,~. dominion, and shall destroy him that remaineth of 16 ~[ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, the city. 17' Vex the Midianites and smite them s ch. 3, 2. 20 And when he looked on Amalek, he took up his 18 For they vex you with their wiles, wherewithh e., 29o. mEx.17s. parable, and said, Amalek was the first of the na- they have beguiled you in the matter of Peor, andRev. 2, 14. ~,Ex.17,S. and Amalek was na- beguiled in matter andt Ex. 1, 10. tions, but his latter end shall be that he perish for ever. in the matter of Cozbi, the daughter of a prince of Ps. 106 25. nJudaesl, 21 And he looked on the n Kenites, and took up Midian their sister, which was slain in the day oftthe &18,. his parable, and said, Strong is thy dwelling-place, plague for Peor's sake. o Job 29,18. and thou puttest thy e nest in a rock. CHAPTER XXVI. t eb. 22 Nevertheless, the t Kenite shall be wasted, 1iun- The sum of all Israel is taken in tile plains of Moab. Kain. til Asshur shall carry thee aay capt ive. ND it came to pass a after the plague, that the ach. 25,9. yOr how esesursad unto Eleazarithe ong's al it 23 And he took up his parable, alnd said, Alas, LORD spake unlto Moses, and unto Eleazar the seZurcarrY who shalllhive wnen God doets this i son of Aaron the priest, saying, thee cway who shall live when God doet co this! tap iv 24 And ships shall come firom the coast of Chit- 2 Take the b sul of all the congregation of the b ch. I, captive. 24 And'ships shall come from the codst of Chittim, and shall afflict Asshur, and shall afflict Eber,.l children of Israel, fiomi twenty years old and up- 11 Th/,,is and he also shall perish for ever. ward, throughoutt their fathers' house, all that are tf,,tird 25 And Balaam rose up, and went and returned able to go to war in Israel. to his place: and Balak also went his way. 1 And Moses and Eleazar the priest spake with CHlAPTEl~R XSXV. [them in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho, c ch. 22, 1. 6 hinehas killeth Zimri and Cozbi.... 10 God therefore giveth him an saying, everlasting priesthood. 4 Tacke the sml, of the people, from twenty years ach.33, A ND Israel abode in a Sh1ittim, and the bpeople d and nupward; as the LORD commanded Moses 45, Del. 4, began to c(ommit C whoredom with the d daugh- and the children of Israel,. which went forth out of S3 4. ters of Moab. thle land of Egypt. d ccI.7,26. 2 And they called the people unto the sacrifices 5 ~[ Reuben thle deldest son of Israel: the children a chl. 2, 10. I Kings of their gods: and the people f did eat, and bowed of Reuben;e Hanoch, of whomn coneth thle falmlily of 1Clr. L,. r co. lo, down to their gods. thef Hanochites: of Pallu, the family of the Palluites: f Gen. 46,7. 18.:: 3 And Israel joined hlimself unto { Baal-peor: and 6 Of Hezron, the family of tlle Hezronites: of 14.' the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel. Carmi, the family of the Carmites. hThatis 4 And the LORD said unto lMoses, Take all the 7 These are the g families of the Reubenites and oo Gn.4O,9 opening,or, heads of the people, and hang them up before the they that were numbered of them were h forty and nt~,6,3. hPs. 00 LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the three thousand and seven hundred and thlirty. Ezek.,:I 100~ LORD may be turned away firom Israel. 8 And the sons of Pallu; Eliab. 117 The sum of all Israel NUMBERS. taken in the plains of ]Thab. CiT 9 And the sons of Eliab; Nemuel, and Dathan, 33 And Zelophehad the son of Hepher had no CBefore CI'IIST B r 34U. and Abiram. This is that Dathan and Abiramn which sons, but m daughters: and the names of the daugh- 1402. wvere'famous in the congregation, who strove against ters of Zelophehad were Mahlah, and Noah, IHog-'~~ Ex. 16, 1 s, amch. 27, 2. Moses and against Aaron in the company of Korah, lah, Milcah, and Tirzah. n Song-6, k ch. 16, 2. when they k'strove against the LORD: 34 These are the families of Manasseh, and those, 4 10 And the earth opened her mouth, and swallow- that were numbered of them, 11 fifty and two thou- UmIcreaced oh., 32. ed them up together with'Korah, when that compa- sand and seven hundred..49, 22 Gem. 49, 22 m Ex.16, ny I" died, what time the fire devoured two hundred 35 These are the sons of Ephraim after theirfami- ch. 2, 21. 85. JtHeb. and fifty men: and they became a t sign. lies: of Shuthelah, the family of the Shuthalhites!aCot.10 11 Notwithstanding the children of Korah" died of Becher, the family of the Bachrites: of Tahan,:6. nt h. 1 5not. the family of the Tahanites. rich. 16,5.' E.. 6, 2. 12 The sons of Simeon after their families: of 36 And these are the sons of Shuthelah: of ~ Eran, o Chri. 7, o Ex. 6, 1. 0 Nemuel, the family of the Nemuelites: of Jamin, the family of the Eranites. 20,21 p Chr. 4, the family of the Jaminites: of P Jachin, the family 37 These are the families of the sons of Ephraim'ings 7, of the Jachinites: according to those that were numbered of them, p P ch.2,1 qGen. 46, 13 Of q Zerah, the family of the Zarhites: ofr thirty and two thousand and five hundred. These 10. Shaul, the family of the Shaulites. are the sons of Joseph after their families. r Gen. 46,., 1c0., 14 These are the'families of the Simeonites, 38 The sons of Benjamin after their families: of Job 1s,. twenty and two thousand and two hundred. q Bela, the family of the Belaites: of r Ashbel, the q 1 Chr. 8, l ch. 1, 23. T udc.,2, 1. 15 ~ The children of Gad after their families: family of the Ashbelites of Ahiram, the family of;l Chr. 8, *Gen.43, of Zephon, the family of the Zephonites ~ of Hag- the Ahiramites. la. sa Gen. 46, gi the family of the Haggites: of Shuni, the family 39 Of Shuplham, the family of the' Shuphamites: Gn 46, of the Shunites:. of Hupham, the family of the 1-luphamites., On. 46, Gen. 46, 16 Of Ozni, the family of tihe Oznites: of Eifi, 40And the sons of Bela were Ard and Naaman: 1 Cr. 7, 12 the family of the Erites of itrd, the famnily of the Ardites: and of Naaman, z Oen. 46, 17? Of A.rod, the family of the Arodites: of Areli, the family of the Naa-mites. th. iyo'teAeite u ii Gen. 4. th e Tfarmi.ly of the Arelites: 4t These aare the sons of Benjamin after their 21en 46. 18 These are the faimilies of the children of Gad, families: and they that were numbered of them were according to those that were numbered. of them, [] forty and five thousand and six hundred. Increas,. ach.2,1. a forty thousand and five hundred. 42 These e the sons of Dan after t1r families: cl02003. 42Teeare t h osof Dan after thlelir families: cli. 2 23. 1i9 The sons of Judah were Er and Onan: and of Shuham, the family of the Shuhamites. These b Gen. 3 b Er. and Onan died in the land of Canaan. are the families of Dan after their families. 4, I0. c 0 -ite fam~ilies of the Shubamitesnnte according 20 And the sons of Judah aft:er their finilies were; All the families of the Shuhamites according of Shelah, the family of the Shelanites: of Pharez, to those that were numbered of them, were X three- xch. 2,2& tie family of the Pharezites: of Zerah, the family score and four thousand and four hundred. of the Zarhites. 44 Qf the children of Asher after their families Gen. 3, 21 And the sons of c Pharez were; of Hezron, the of Jimna, the family of the.Jimnites: of Jesui, the 28. 1 Chr. 2,4. family of the Hezronites: of Hamul, tile finaily of family of the Jesuites: of Beriah, the family of the mt. 1, I. the -amuit Bertes. the Han ~~~~~~~~~~~Beriites. ~ocreased 22 These are the families of Judahi according Il to 45 Of the sons ofBeriah: of Heber, the family ofthe C~h. 2,4. those that were numbered of them, threescore and Heberites: of Malchiel, the family of the Malchielites. I Chr.,2. sixteen thousand and five hundred. 46And the name ofthedaughter ofAsher was Sarah. Ps a-,1. of 1.at Ileb., 14. 23 0 /the sons of d ssaciar after their families 47 These are the families of the sons of Asher acGe. 3,13. of Tola the family of the Tolaites: of Pua, the cording to those that were numbered of them who ych. 2, 28 cli. 2,. family of the Pnites: were y fty and three thousand and four hundred. zcI. 2. 30. a Chr. 7, ff 1 of the of Fewer.24 Of'Jashub, ihe famile of the Jashuteites of 48 Of the sons of INaphtali after their families: than beforo en.4, Shimron, the family of the Shiimronites. of Jahzeel, the family of the Jahzeelites: of Guni, men2 25 These are the famiies of Issachar acco'Qrdinhe famly of the Gunites: ch. 2, 32. _ ith family ofheGnie Neh. 9, 20, Irncreasedto those that were numbered of them, 11 threescore I 49 Of Jezer, the family,of the Jezerites: of Shil- 30 9900.. ~ Job 12, 9, and four thousand and three hundred. 11em, the family of the hillenites. 10, 14, 23. g,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P. 78, 21m... g Gen. 30 26 Ofthe- sons olf Zebulon after their families: of 50 These are the f'ai;ni':,f Naphltali according to.7,' 21, 9 Sered,the family of the Sardites: of Elon,the family of their families: and they that wv;cj numbered of them, Rom. 4, 16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gal. 4, 24. tile Elonites: of Jahleel, tile family of the Jahleelites. were Z forty and five thousand and four hundred. a Geri. 12, 27 These are the families of the Zebulunites, ac- 51 These were the numbered of the children of.9, 14. Lise. 47, 11 cordingto those that were numberedof themn,II three- Israel, I six hundred thousand and a thousand seven 22i. 7, fiIncreased score tlhousand and five hundred. hune an thiry. Dan. 7, 27.'$1000, [ hundred and thirfyf Mat. 3, hl Chr. 5, 28 The sons of J oseph after their families werel 2 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Rn.,,3, 2' 5 Adth oDsak unto Ioset. saig, 2r~,, 2. Manasseh and Ephraim. 53a Unto these the land shall be divided for an 3.12 Gn.4 8,,4. 29 Of the sons of 1 Manasseh: of Machir, the inheritance accordingto the numberof names. R 50 k 1 Clir. 7, -A- I, Lilel inieianceto the numuer & 21, 27. family of the iachirites: aid i achir begat Gilead: 54 To many thou shalt give tile more inheritance: bh.,, of Gilead come the family of the Gileadites. and to few thou shalt give the less inheritance: to cch. 31, 13 Joelt.17,2. 30 These are the sons of Gilead: of 1 Jeezer, the every one shall his inheritance be given, according,g181. amily of the Jeezerites,: of Hele-k, the family of the to those that were numbered of him. Acts,,~ I~~~eleliites~~~~ & 6 26, 18! Ilelekites: 55 Notwith sta nding, the land shall be divided Col. C, 1. 31 And of Asriel, the family of the Asrielites: and by lot: according to the names of the tribes of their IPet. 1, 3 of Shelhem, the family of the Sheche-mitees: fathers they shall inherit. t 32 And of Shemidathe family of the Sheniidaites: 56 t According to the lot shall the possession or the,,o, and of Hepher, the family of the Hepheritcs. thereof be divided between many and few.. 118 '. 1 Tu T IL~.~'"T..~~ The law J inher.dances. CGi>'~ XX~,:VI'X. 2oXhzIa appoi.h:ed to soucceed i-6ses. B,~efore R, IST 57 ~f And these are they that were numbered of shall give his inheritance unto his krinsnan Il:hat is,, lTfor a. the d Levites after their families: of' Gershon, the fa- inext to him of his family, and he shall possess it: and -2. i mily of the Gershonites: of Kdhath, the family of the it slalI1 be unto the children of Israel a'statutce o~ Le'.1". d Ex. 6, 16 Le. 1,6 ~h.35,2,3. lKohiatihites of Merarie the family of the Merarites. judgment, as the Lon) commanded Moses. kch.35,29 58 These are the families of the Levites: the fa- 12 ~[ And the LoUD said unto Moses, Get thee' ech., 19. mily of the Libnites, the family of the lHebronites, up into this mniount'Abarim, and m see the landn D't'2 fch. 3, 20. the family of the Mahlites, the family of the f~ju- which I have given unto the children of Israel. 49. g ch. 16, I. shites, the family of the g Korathites. And Kohath 13 And when thou hast seen it, thou also shalt begat Amrarm. be "gathered unto thy people, as Aai'on thy brother nGen. 13, h Exod. 2, 59 And the name of Amram's wife wa's h Joche- was gathered. 1,2. bed, the daughter of Levi, whom her mother bare 14 For ye O rebelled against my comm andnient och. 20,, to Levi in Egypt: and she bare unto Amram, Aaron in the desert of Zin, in the strife of the congregaand Moses, and Miriam their sister. tion, to P sanctify me at the water before their eyes: pDeut. 3", 32 60 And unto Aaron' was born Nadab, and Abi- that is the wvater of q Meribah in Kadesh in the Lev.22, 2. hu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. wilderness of Zin. h. 20, 12. Lev 10, Uk unoqE x.17, T 1 L2., 61 And Nadab and Abihu k died, when they of- 15 ~ And Moses spake o the LORD sying eut. 31. fered strange fire before the LoPD.. 16 Let the LoRD, the God of the r spirits of all rch. 16, 22. 62 And those that were numbered of them were flesh, set a man over the congregation, Deu.4,21. Ecc. 10, 17. ch 3, 89. 1 twenty and three thousand, all males f'rom a month 17 Which may t go out befotie them, and which E ceut.2s,6, old and upward: for they were not numbered among, may goin before them, and wXhich may lead themr out, Chr. 24 y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10. the. children of Israel, because there was no inherit- and which may bring them in; that the congregation ance givei them among te cldre of srael. ofthe c thLoR be not U as sheep which have no shepherd. uMat. 9,3 63 2I These are they that were nnmbered by Moses 18 a And the LORD said unto Moses, Take thee * xxet 4 and Eleazar the priest,who numbered the children of Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the " spirit, xeut. 34, Israel in the plains of Moab by Jordan near J eicho. and lay thy hand upon him; Jln 3, 14. 64 But among these there was not a man of themi 19 And set himn before Eleazar the priest, and be- 2T'm'' " Tlwhom M*oses and Aaron the priest numnbered, when fore all the congregation: aid y give him a charge in Deut. 31, bh.,2. they num1bered the children of Israel in toe wiilder- their sigt. Deut. 31,1. ness of -Sinai. 20 Andt thou shalt put',sone of thine honour upon, I Chr. 20, Rom. II, 22.2. oChn..a,2." 65 For the Loadn had said of tlethu, T hex shal him o, that all the c(.ngregatiou of the children of Is-23eb. 8 3. 2 Co.r. 25,2. curegiy ieof the childrernes oa s eb. I Cor. 10, 5,M n 11~Cur. 10, An surely (ie in the wilderness. And there was " not raeli ma he oayed.ilent. hear J may hear, nEx.12,37. left a mani of them, save Caleb the son of lephun- ]21 And he shall stand before Eleazar the priest,., l'.90,3, 5, neh, and Joshua the son of Nun. ]who shall ask cousel fbr him after the judgment of Peter 1, CHAPTEI. XXV. aUrinm before the LOD: at his word shall they a Ex. 28,30 The law of inheritances....12 Moses being told of his death, sueth for otw, and at his word'they shall come in, bsoh he, andb I Sam.23, ~a ~successor. all the children of Israel with him, even all the con- 9 P.11, 2, IHEN a came the daughter of Zelophehad, the'gregration. atl 6, 2. son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, the son of 22 And Moses did as the LORD commanded hilMachir, the son of Manasseh, of the famiiiies of and he took Joshua, and set him before Eleazar the Manasseh the son of Joseph: and these are the priest, and before all the congregation. 0ch.26,33. b niaimes of his daughters; Mahlah, Noah, and 23 And he laid his hands upon him1, and gave him a,oah 17,3. Hoglah, and Milcah, and Tirzah. charge,as the LouD corn ui lded by the }rand of Moses. 2 And they stood before Moses, and before Elea- CAP R I. Ai ~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER{ XXV111. zar the priest, and before the princes, and all the Oferinos are to be observed. congregation, by the door of the tabernacie of the AND the Lon.O spalk,-, unto Mose,, saying, congregation, saying,,~ 2 " Coinmand the childlren of Israel, and say ~r1.'03, 1~~~/T b,'f~~~~~~~~~ - ~~44, 45. ch.14,,,. 3 0 ur father C died in the wilderness, anud lie was unto them, My 1 oiherin:m, ancd my C bread for my sa-b Lev. 1,2. &. 26, 64, 65. 3 Our father e 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c Lev. 3, 11 264not in the company of them that gathered them- crifices made by lire, Jor a sweet savour unto ine, ctevI. 1 selves together against the LoDa in t'h.e company of shall ye observe to olker unto me in their'due vo, of rest. dch.16,1, d Koral; but died in his own sin, and hCad no sons. season. dL. 23,2. 2,3. thl Lev. 6, eEx. 32, n11. 4 Thy should the name of our father e be done 3 ~ Aid thou shalt say unto them, This is the e.,9 Ps. 109, 13. 3 Pr.o,13, 9. away1 firoi anong his family, because f he hath no offer' rinkg male y d 1 (fi:' wichb ye shall offer unto the iThesefivesou II Give unto us therefore a possession among Loa..; two lainlbs of the first year fwithout spot fE.12,5. lo5t/urike tehle thebrethren of our fether. " d ay by day, for a continual burnt-offering.g Ex, 29,42. g ns,. 5 And Moses brought theirfcause before the LORD. 14 The one lambi shalt thou offer " in the morning, hE.x.1, 36. f gxod. 25,',4 6 ~ And the LOReD spake unto Mioses, saying, and tihe other lamb snalt thou offer at t even f Ileb. hecoh. 15, 34. I wee h Ps 6.s, 5. 7 The daughters of Zelophehad -speak rightt thou 5 And a tenth ]:parl of ain ephah of flour for a """"n' h Josh. 17, shalt surely h give them a possession of an inheritance meat-offering, mingled with the. fourth part of a hin "g9' 4,, oal. 3, 2 among their father's. brethren; and thou shalt cause of beaten oil. the inheritance of their father to pass unto themr. 6 it is a contilnual btuxrnt-offei: 1ring, wh1icl: 1was or8 And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israe, ddained in mount Sinai fbr a sweet savour, a sacrisaying, If a man die, and have no son, then ye shall'fle made by fire unto the LoPD. cause his inheritance to. pass unto his daughter. 7 And the drink-ofing thereof sall be th'e 9 And if he have no daughiter, then ye shall give fourth part of a hinx for the one lamb: in the holy his inheritance unto his brethren. place shalt thou cause the strong wine to be poured 10 And if he have no brethren, then ye shall give unto the LoDifor a drink-offering: hisinheritance unto his father's brethren. 8 And the other lamb shalt thou offer at even: as 1i And if his father have no brethren, then ye the meat-offering of the morning, and as the drink119 Offerings atfeasts on several days. NUIMBERS. Sundry solemn feasts, eHfrST ofring thereof, thou shalt offer it, a sacrifice made 31 Ye shall offer them besides the continual burnt- CHRsr 13. by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD. offering aad his meat-offering (they shall be unto 1452. Es.20, 11. 9 And on the sabbath-day two lambs of the first you without Cblemish) and their drink-offerings. cGe 4, 4 yearwithout spot, and two tenth-deals of flour for CHAPTER. 12,5 a meat-offering, mingled with oil, and the drink- The offering at the feasts. offering thereofaeas offering thereof: A ND in the a seventh month, on the first day of 1a6.23' 10 This is the burnt-offering of every sabbath,beside _L_ the month, ye shall have a holy convocation; the continual burnt-offering, and his drink-offering. ye shall do no servile work: it is a day of b blow- bLV 23 kF'X..2, 2. 11 And in the k beginnings of your II months ye ing the trumpets unto you. 1 That is shall offer a burnt-offering unto the LORDn; two 2 And ye shall offer a burnt-offering for aC sweet cGen. 8,21 2eChr. 4. young bullocks, and one ram, seven lambs of the savour unto the LORD;d one young bullock, one ram, ad Lev. 1, 4 a. 6, 20. first year without spot; and seven lambs of the first year without blemish; Fzek. 4,. 12 And' three tenth-deals of flour for a meat-of- 3 And their meat-offerings shall be of flour minohn 4, 21. fering, mingled with oil, for one bullock; and two gled with oil, three tenth-deals for a bullock, and c28, 6 17.2,' 16, tenth-deals of flour for a meat-offering, mingled two tenth-deals for a ram, chGal. 5, 09 with oil, for one ram; 4 And one tenth-deal for f one lamb, throughout f ch' 28 mch.29,10. 13 And a several m tenth-deal of flour mingled the seven lambs: nEzek. 46, "with oil for a meat-offering unto one lamb, Jor a 5 And one kid of the goats for a sin-offering, to burnt-offering of a sweet savour, a sacrifice made make an gatonement for you gch. 28, by fire unto the LORD. 6 Besides the burnt-offering of the h month, andh ch. 28, 11 14 And their drink-offerings shall be half a hin his' meat-offering, and the daily burnt-offering, and Ls. 57' of wine unto a bullock, and the third part of a bin his meat-offering, and their drink-offerings, accordunto a ram, and a fourth part of a hin unto a lamb; ing unto their manner, for a sweet savour, a sacrithis is the burnt-offering of every month throughout fice made by fire unto the LoRD. the months of the year. 7 ~ And ye shall have on the k tenth dlay of thisk7l"et' 2 ~Le'4, 2. 15 And one kid of the goats for a o sin-offeringl seventh month a holy convocation: and ye shallActs27'9. 8. & 1u, so1. I,oIee2. unto the LORD shall lbe offered, besides the continual afflict your souls: ye shall not do any work t/erein: Ps;."3'13 Ps. 35, 13. burnt-offering, and his drinl-offering. 8 But ye shall offer a burnt-offering unto thelc~".9,21' 16 ~ And in the fourteenth day of the first month LORD for a sweet savour; one young bullock, one is the passover of the LORD.. ram, and seven lambs of the first year; they shall 17 And in the fifteenth day of this month is the be unto you without blemish: EX."12,16. feast: seven days shall P unleavened bread be eaten. 9 And their meat-offering shall be of flour minICor. 5,. 18 In the first day shall be a holy convocation; gled with oil, three tenth-deals to a bullock, and q Ex. 12,16. al n Lev. 2.2, 7. ye shall do no manner of q servile work therein: two tenth-deals to one ram. I f'og 4,, 19 But ye shall offer a sacrifice made by fire for a 10 A several m tenth-deal for one lamb, through- verse 15. 2,13, 20, burnt-offering unto the LORDn; two r young bullocks, out the seven lambs: Ezek. 45, and one ram, and seven lamnbs of the first year: they 11 One kid of the goats for a sin-offering; "be- 2l, 2,V 6, 9 22, 23, 24 slhall be unto you without blemish: sides the sin-offering of atonement, and the con- ver. 16, 22. 20 And their meat-offering shall be of flour min- tinual burnt-offering, and the meat-offering of itm.6, 3,4 gled with oil: three tenth-deals shall ye offer for a and their drink-offerings. Hbetb., 2 bullock, and two tenth-deals for a ram; 12 And on the 0 fifteenth day of the seventh month 2Johni 2,. 21 A several tenth-deal shalt thou offer for every ye shall have a holy convocation; ye shall do no oLev.-.3, lamb, throughout the seven lambs: servile work, and ye shall keep a feast unto theDeut. 16,18 Le8,'2. 22 And one goat for a ssin-offering, to make an lLoRD seven days: Isa-3,5, atonement for you. 13 ~ And ye shall offer a burnt-offering, a sacriOal. 8,. 23 Ye shall offer these t besides the burnt-offering fice made'by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD; LO.23, 10. in the morning, which is fora continual burnt-offering. p thirteen young bullocks, two rams, and fourteen 2p 2'6, 24 After this manner ye shall offer daily through- lambs of the first year; they shall be without blemish: 29, 32. Deut. 16,13 out the seven days, the meat of the sacrifice made 14 And their meat-offering shall be of flour min- Zech.4,16. by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LoiRD: it shall gled with oil, three tenth-deals unto every bullock Ezek.45,2 be offered beside the continual burnt-offering, and of the thirteen bullocks, two tenth-deals to each his drink-offering. ram of the two ratns. t x12, 16. 25 And on the U seventh day ye shall have a holy 15 And a several tenth-deal to each lamb of the Lev.23,S convocation; ye shall do no servile work. fourteen lambs: X& 3, 21. 26 ~[ Also il the day of the x first-fruits, when ye 16 Amnd one kid of the goatsfor a sin-offering:beAeC'82, bring a new leat-offeling unto the LonnD, after sides the continual burnt-offering, his meat-offering, yLer. 23, your weeks be out, ye shall have a holy convoca- and his drink-offering.,L..23, tion; ye shall do no servile work: 17 ~ And on the second day ye shall offer II twelve II in eve' day of this Leo 23 27 But ye shall offer the burnt-offering for a youn.g bullocks, two rams, fourteen lambs of the firsteast{one a Lev. 23, tw yon is Is. sweet savour unto the LORD; two young a bullocks, year without spot: -bloc i one ram, seven lambs of th8e first year; 18 And their tmeat-offering, and their drink-offer r. 20: 23, 28 And thleir merlat-offering of flour mingled with iings, for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, a1 o0, 9. oil, three tenth-deals unto one bullock, two tenth- shallbe according to theirnumber, q after the manner: 69',12.' deals unto one ram,' 19 And one kid of the goats for a sin-offering; ao o0,. 29 A several tenth-cdleal unto one lamb, througlh- lbesides the continual burnt-offering, and the meat- otm. 12,. ~Rom.. out the seven lambs; offering thereof, and their drink-offerings. q Dent. 12, Ha. 9, 24. 30 And one kid of the goats, to ne an b atone- 20 ~i And on the third day eleven bullocks, two' Chron. I,, ~l9,. meint for you. rams, fourteen lambs of the firstyear without blemish-:'os', I1 with their offerings, 4'c. CHAPTER XXX, XXXI. Vows not to be broken. cBeroe 21 And their meat-offering and their drink-offer- 3 ~ If g a woman also vow a vow unto the LORD, Cnfso 113. ings, for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lamnbs, and bind herself by a bond, being in her father's 14,. -"~ shall be according to their number, after the manner: house in her youth; 22 And one goatfor a sin-offering; besides the 4 And her father hear her vow, and her bond gs.es? continual burnt-offering, and his meat-offering, and wherewith she hath bound her soul, and her father his drink-offering. shall hold his peace at her; then all her vows shall 23 ~ And on the fourth day ten bullocks, two stand, and every bond wherewith she hath bound rams, and fourteen lambs of the first year without her soul h shall stand. hGe. 23. blemish: 5 But if her father disallow her in the day that ble Pro, 19,2 I Oen. sa 24 Their r meat-offering and their " drink-offer- heareth, not any of her vows or of her bonds whereL4. 7,,, ings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, with she hath bound her soul shall stand; and the iwveres7,, x29,40.shall be according to their number, after the manner. LonD shall forgive her, because her father disalLev. 23, 37. 25 And one kid of the goats for a sin-offering; lowed her. Joel 16, b3. besides the tcontinual burnt-offering, his meat-offer- 6 I And if she had at all a husband when t she t Rb. tJohl 6, 31. ing, and his drink-offe1ing. vowed, or uttered aught out of her lips, wherewith op, Acts 13, 43. paz tier & 24, 16. 26 ~[ And on the fifth day nine bullocks, two rams, she bound her soul: Gal 2,. and fourteen lambs of the first year without spot: 7 And her husband heard it, and held his peace I Thess. 5, 717hes. 27 And their meat-offering and their drink-offer- at her in the day that he heard it: then her vows,Te. 2,1. ings for their bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, shall stand, and her bonds wherewith she bound her & I1, 5. shall be according to their number, after the manner: soul shall stand. 28 And one goat for a sin-offering; besides the 8 But if her husband k disallowed her on the day wGen.3,10 continual burnt-offering, and his meat-offering, and that he heard it, then he shall make her vow which his drink-offering. she vowed, and that which she uttered with her 29 ~[And on the sixth day eight bullocks, two rams, lips, wherewith she bound her soul, of none effect and fourteen lambs of the first year without blemish: and the LORD shall forgive her. 30 And their meat-offering and their drink-offer- 9 ~ But every vow of a'widow, and of her that!Luke 2,3 ings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the larnbs, is m divorced, wherewith they have bound their mLv.,,, shall be according to their number, after the manner: souls, shall stand against her. 31 And one goat for a sin-offering; besides the 10 And if she vowed in her husband's house, oi continual burnt-offering, his meat-offering, and his bound her soul by a bond with an oath; drink-offering. 11 And her husband heard it, and held his peaci 32 ~[ And on the seventh day seven bullocks, two at her, and disallowed her not: then all her vow) rams, and fourteen lambs of the first year without shall stand, and every bond wherewith she bounl blemish: her soul shall stand. 33 And their meat-offering and their drink-offer- 12. But if her hlusband hath F utterly made then Hab,,ka ings for the bullocks, for the rams, and forthe lambs, void on the day he heard them; then whatsoevr, kah made shall be according to their number, after the manner. proceeded out of her lips concerning her vows, )r thern oid. 34 And one goatfor a sin-offering; besides the concerning the bond of her soul, shall not stant: continual burnt-offering, his meat-offering, and his her husband hath made them void; and the LorD drink-offering,. shall forgive her. t lst anrd 35 ~ I[ On the eighth day ye shall have a solemn 13 Every vow, and every binding oath to affict ~.xoa. 23 great dayof assembly: ye shall do no servile work therein: the soul, her husband may establish it, or her lusLev.23,36. 36 But ye shall offer a burnt-offering, a sacrifice band may make it void. verse 17. o4 u-t if ner husband altoet hold his pace Heb. ho John7, 37, made by fire, of t a sweet savour unto the LORD:|| 14 But if her husband t altogether hold his pace ii eb.hols 38, 39. ItHeb.asa. one bullock, one ram, seven lambs of the first year at her from day to day; then lie establisheth allher peace hold or,,ofes,,, without blemish: vows, or all her bonds, which are upon her: lie IonLev. 2, 3. 37 Their meat-offering and their drink-offeringsi firmeth them, because he held his peace at hir in 1 Sam. 26, 19.am2 for the bullock, for the ram, and for the lambs, shall. the day that lie heard them. Son 1,. be according to their number, after the manner: 15 But if he shall any ways make them void' Or, take & 4, 11. 3sa.,24. 38 And one goatfor a sin-offering; besides the! after that he hath heard them; then he shall ] bear Le.' A fos 5, 21. verses 5, 8, Eph,.,. 2. continual burnt-offering, and his meat-offering, and er iniquity. 12.r Ul.Cr 10, drink-ofering 16 These are the statutes which the LORD'coin-0Mat 2s, xlsa., 20. s39 These thinzgs ye shall do U unto the LORD in manded Moses between a man and his P wife, be- Cor. 31, y Lev. 7,16. du1 2& zLev. 22, your X set feasts, besides your Y vows, andyourZ fi'ee- tween the father and his daughter, being yetin her pGal.3,28 23 will-offerings, for your burnt-offerings, and for yourl youth in her father's house. a Dent. 16, 10. meat-offerings, and for your drink-offerings, and for' CHAPTER XXXI. a ch. 1, 4, your a peace-offerings. The Midianites are spoiled, and Balalllm slain..ha 2, 1 40 And Moses told the children of Israel accord- ND the LORD spale unto Moses, sayin bE 2 ing to alltat the OPD commanded oe. 2 aAvenge the children of Israel of theb Midi- ach. 2,317. c 20. CHAPTER XXX. anites: aflterward shalt thou be gathered Unto thy b Ocn. 23, Lev. 7, 16. Vows are not to be broken. people., 2. & 27,2. ND 1 the A os the Aunto tpeople, sarm, Am ch. 20, 240 Det.u23,21, A IND MIoses spake unto the heads of the tribes 3 nd oses spake unto te people, sayig,A 32,1e. 6,, concerning the children of Israel, saying, This some of yourselves unto the war, and let them go 4'. 1is the thing which the LoRnD hath commanded. against the Midianites, and d avenge the LORDn of d 3er. 50, Preo.7,'14. 2 If a man C vow a vow unto the LORD, or swearl Midian. tfHb.,not an d oath to e bind his soul with a bond; he shall t/ 4 t Of every tribe a thousand, throughloat all the tIeb J Jro ane,'Itousand o] s, 53, 20. not break his word, he shall do according to f all that tribes of Israel, shall ye send to the war. a t.ibe, a s,~t23't~,4 proceedeth out of his mouth i 5 So there were delivered out of the thousands of thousand c 121 The Jildianiles spoiled. NUMBERS. Th.e sunm of Ihi prey, and d&visioi of za. ef"oe' Israel, a thousand of every tribe, twelve thousand 27 An' diC bvide te pw c Bef.i CRIST Lai, e an'pr it to partsv, beteen CHRIST armed for war. them that took the war upon themi, who wrent out to 1452.'~"' 6 And Moses sent them to the war, a thousand of battle, and between all the congregation J 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c JoS1'.2,s6 ech.23,7. every tribe, them and e Phinehas the son of Eleazarl 23 And levy a tribute a unto the L onm of the men i Sam. 30, On~e SU, Offi'Ve24,25. fch. 14, 44 the priest, to the war, with the fholy instruments, of war which went out to battle on2e soul of five dsim.l g ch~. 1O, 9and thue g trumpetes to llowv in hiis hand. hundred, both of the persons, and of the beeves, and 18 2. 7 And they warred against the NMidianites, as the of the asses, and of the sheep' LORDn commanded Moses; and they slew all the males. 29 Take it of their half, and give it unto e Eleazar e Gen. 24, ell. 1.1, 23. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20. hoh. c,23. 3 And they slew the kings of h Miidian, besides the the priest, for a heave-offering of the LoRD. 1h. 18, 21, ~I~~~~~,m tl't 1 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And of'1 of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~24, 26, 28. rest of them that were slain;zaynely/,Evi,and Rekem, $ 0 And of the children of Israel's half, thlon shalt Deu' t.18,1 2...ch. 2, 1s. and' Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five k kings of M1idian: take one portion of fifty, of tile persons, of the beeves, k~ i 1o3, XBalaam also the son of Beor they slew with the of the asses, and of the flocks, of'all manner of f 1en.17, I ch. 2z1 2.' 1, cl;...;s.2. sword. beasts, and give them unto thie Levites, which g keep. 413, 1. 2 Chr.,-3, 5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~& 34, 19,20 Eph. 4,s: 9 And the chilidren of Israel took all the women of the charge of the tabernacle of the LORD. g Gen. 31, Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the 31 And 1/Ioses and Eleaiar the priest did as the 3 7. spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all LORD co0mmanded Moses. s, 2. " A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cts 20, 29. their goods. 32 And the booty, being the rest of tihe prey which Col. 4, 17. 2 Trim. 4, 2 10 And they burnt all their cities wherein theyl the men of war had caughlt, was six hundred thou- Heu1. 72 dwelt, and all their goodly castles, withl fire. sand an seventy thousand and five thousand sheep, 11 And they took all the spoil, Iand all the prey, 33 And tllreescore and twelve thousand beeves, both of men and of beists. 34 And threescore and one thousand asses,.er 26 1.2 And they brought the captives, and the m prey, 35 And thirty and two thousand persons in all, of aev. 19,. and tile spoil unto Moses and Eleazar the priest, and women that had not known man by lying with him. unto the congregation of the children of Israel, unto 36 And the half which was the portion of them the camp at tile plains of Moab, which are by Jordan that went out to war, was in nurnmber tllree l hundred. near Jericho. thousand, and seven and thirty thousand and five 13 ~ And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and all hundred sheep: 8Gcm 14, the princes of the congregation, went forth to n meet 37 And the LoRD's tribute of the sheep was six thenm without the camp. lhundred and threescore and fifteen. 14 And Moses was wroth with the officers of the 38 And thle beeves were thlirty and six thousand; of t Heb.hIost I. host, with the captains over thousands, and captains whiichl the LoRn's tribute was threescore and twelve. qJ war. wer hundreds, which came from the battle. 39 And the asses were thirty thousand and five 15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all hundred; of which the LORD'S tribute was thre- ver..I7' - 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8, 43. he women alive. score and one., Prov. 3, 9. 16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, 40 And tilhe persons were sixteen thousand, of 1'7 16 Behold, Rom. 18, 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~im 8 oh. 24, 14. trough thie 0 counsel of Balaam, to coimmit trespass wh'nich the LoDn's tribute was thirty and two persons. a. gainst the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there 41 And Moses gave the tribute, which was the was a plague among the congregation of the LoRD. LoRD's heave-of-fering, unto'Eleazar the priest, as c.,0 _ ) " Dent. 10, 9. 17 Now therefore kill every miale among the the LOPDcon mmanded M'oses. M:. 10, 10 p~~~~~~~~~en.4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,l~~~~litle~~ o'Luke 10, 6. 41, 8. litle ones, and kill every woman that hath r known 42c And of tihe cilildren of Israel's half, which o.. 9, IC 19'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a'8 Lev. 18, 22. m by lying with t him. Moses divided from the men that warred, Gal. 6, 6. by divied0 Gal 16.3 Judg. 1A, 8But all the women-chlildrenthat have not knowvn 43 (Now tihe half that pertained unto the congre- 1 Tim. 5,17 11. Heb. 7, 12. Luke 1, 12. a nanby lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. gation was three lundred tholsand and thirty thoufHeb.a 9 And do ye abide without the camp q seven sand anzd seven thousand and five hundred sheep, mhale,.n ~ evs. Lev. 13, days: whosoever hath killed any person, and who- 44 And thirty and six thousandbeeves, 13. r. 19h,1. soererr hath touched any slain, spurify both your- 45 And thirty thousand asses and five hundred, rPr.4,13. selvws and your t captives on the third day, antd on 46 And sixteen thousand persons;) 2 Co r.6, 17. t,ch.s, 2. the seventh day. 47 Even of the children of Israel's half, Moses t Ieb. 21 And purify all your " raiment, and all t that took one portion of fifty, bolh of man and of beast, captivity. li. 19, 19. is mide of skins, and all work of goats' hair, and all and gave them uto te Levites, which k kept the cr. s34,1 Ps~~....,'. Isa. 56, 1 0, uscv. 8,13 thinis made of wood... charge oF thIe tabernacle of the LORD; as the LoRD:,. uLev. 8,15.''Acts 2%) 2[} tHeb. in- 21And x Eleazar the priest said unto the nien of commanded Moses.. cts 2, 2 strumentsesf war vhich went to the battle, This is the y ordinance 4' f And the officers which we over thousands e/kn. of th( law which the LORD conmmanded Moses; of the host, tile captains of thousands, and captains x Dent. 33,'. 220nly the gold, and the silver, the brass, the of hundreds, came near unto Moses: ytom. 2, le tn and 26. r. ironn, -e tin, and the lead 49 And they said unto M/oses, Thy servants have I Cor. 3, 23 Every thing that may " abide the fire, ye shall taken the sum of the men of war which are under t Heo -13. Ot /i I and, make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean: our t chlarge, and there t lacketh not one man of us. Gn.., ah. 19,9. nevertmeless it shall be purified with the a water of 50 We have therefore brought an oblation for tihe t. 0t, n,, separa;ion: and all that abideth not the fire ye shall Lon P,what every man hath t- gotten, of jewels ofgold, bered, or bTim. 4, make " o through the l water. clains, and bracelets, rings, ear-rings, ard tablets, to that is, no 24 And ye shall wash your clothes on the seventh make an' atonemlent for our souls before the LORa., ISm. L day, and ye shall be clean, and afterward ye shall 51 And Moses and Eleazar the priest took tile' 72,14.& come irto the camp. gold of themn, eve~n all wvrought jewels. 25 ~ And time LoRD spake unto Moses, saying, 52 And all time gold of the offering that they tub. 26 T' ke the sum of the prey that was taken, both offered up to the LonD, of the captains of thousands, rX, 22'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1;'gPusl~i~x. 4, 22 of man and of beast, thou, and Eleazar the priest, and of tile captains of hundreds, was sixteen thou-iE.. 10,,l and the chief fathers of the congregation': [sand seven hundred and fity m shekels, *2 122 The Reubeniles anmd Gadites C-HAPTER XXXII. sue for their inheritance. B~tc~ore Borers 53 (For the inen of war bad taken spoil every children of Israbl have inherited every man his in-,eo,,re CHRIST ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHRIST 452I.I man for himself.) heritance. C4RIS 54 And loses and Eleazar the priest took the 19 For we will not inherit a with them on yonderaG. n 13, gold of the captains of thousands, and of hundreds, side Jordan, or forward; because out inheritance is 1, & 814, 2 2 King-s 17, and brought it into the tabernacle of the congrega-!fallen to us on this side Jordan eastward. 6.Kings osh. P 7. tion, for " a memorial for the clildren of Israel o be- g20 And Moses said unto them, Ifye will do this 21hren., OJ lj fore the LORD. thing, if ye will go armed b befobre the LORD to war, ch. 21,3. Josh. 4, ]13. 21 And will go C all of you armed over Jordan Jud., 23 O~t his ene1 larn. 18, 1 The Reubenites and Gadites sue for their inheritance on that side Jor- before the LORD, until lie hath driven out his ene- 7, dan: 39 They conquer it. miiies friom before him, c ch. 26, 2, Gn. 29,'TTOW the children of a Reuben and the children 22 And the land e subdued before the LORD Josh. 4,12. a2. ofs 22 And the land, be sub.dued be e d L lees 7, 2 Gen. 30, b Gad had a very great cmnultitude of cattle then afterward ye shall return, and be d guiltless be- J.". 744,2 b Gen. 30, Y f g _a'a' Ps.y 44,a 2,~lttd 3.cat II.,and when they saw the land of d Jaazer, and the fore the LORD, and before Israel; and this land shall d2 Sam. 3, cGert. 46, eIsaladthsIadslld25Sa. 32.1, land of e Gilead, that behold, the place was f a place be e 3your possession before the LORD. e verse 33 d ~h. 21, 32. frctl d cheut. 3, for cattle; 23 But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sin- Deut. 3,18. e'eo.:2 The children of Gad and the children of Reu- ned against the LoRD: and be sure your sin will fLe. 21,90 f Micah 7, an te y out. 14. ben came and spake unto Moses, and to Eleazar the g find you oGt. gen.4,7 priest,and unto the princes of the congregation, saying, 24 Build you cities for your little ones and folds 44, 34. g-josh.dyou Kings 2, oh. 3 g Ataroth, and Dibhon, and Jaazer, and'Nim- for your sheep; and do that wvhich hath hproceeded u.,.4 h Josh. 13, rah, and " Ileshbon, and Elealeh, and I Shebam, and out of your mouth h ch. 30, 3. 9, 17. ~o h., Nebo, and m B~eon, 25 And the children of Gad and the children of a:"'1 Joshh 13, Ne chi li, re 27. 4 Even the country which the LORD "n smote be- Reuben spake unto Moses, saying, Thy servants 1, h. fore the congregation of Israel, is a land for cattle, will do as my lord commandeth. k ch. 21,26. 17 JoUh.2a. l:. and thv servants have cattle: 26 Our little ones, our wives, our flocks, and all IJosh. 13, 5 Wherefore, said they, if we have found grace our cattle, shall be there in the cities of Gilead 39. Jer. 49, 32. in thy sight, let this land be given unto thy servants 27 But thy servants will pass over, every man Josh. 4,1= m Josh. 13,-k mJsh. for a possession, and 0 bring us not over Jordan. armed for war, before the LORD to battle, as my k ICor. 1, n Deut.2,4, 5'* 33.2, 6'~ And Moses said unto the children of Gad and lord saith. Eph. 6, 12, Ps. 4.1, 2, 3. to the children of Reuben, Shall your brethren go to 2 So concerning them Moses commanded Elea- 3. och.,. war, an d shlie son 2ee~ Tim. 4, 7,.Ch. 23, t~war, and shall ye sit her le zar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun, and the s. tr e the ~ And wherefore t discourage ye " the heart of tlhe chief fathers of the tribes of the children of Israel: Heb. 4,12 hea,:. children of Israel from going over into the land which 29 And Moses said unto them, If the children of pDeut. 1,129Det. the LORD lhath given them'! Gad and the children of Reuben will pass with you acts 21, 13. 8 Thuns did your fathers, when I sent them firom over Jordan, every man armed to battle, before the Kadesih-barue a to see the land. LoanD,and the land shall be subdued before you; then I cor. 9 Kadesh-barnea to see the land. LORD El ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~24, 25. q.ch. 13, 23, 9 For q when they went up unto the valley of Esh- ye shall give them the land of Gilead bfor a possession: 2 Tim. 4,7 24. 6. Deut. 1. 24. col, and saw the land, they discouraged the heart of 30 Bt f if they will not pass over with you arf- Pet.,3, the children of'Israel, that they should not go into ed, they shall have possessions among you in the land. the land which the LORD) had given them. of Canaan. 10 And the LoRD's anger was kindled the same 31 And the children of Gad and the children of time, and he sware, saying, Reuben answered, saying, As the LORD hath said;eh. 14, 23. 11 Surely none of the men that came up out of unto tlhy servants, so will wve do. Egypt, firom twenty years old and upward, shall see 32 We will pass over armed before the LorD inthe land which I sware unto Abraham, unto Isaac, to the land of Canaan, that the possession of our t c. and unto Jacob; because they have not -- wholly fol- inheritance on this side Jordan may be ours. fulfild,,,t. m Deut. 8, aflr elowed me: 33 And Moses "' gave unto them, even to the,.Det 17M. 1 12 Save Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kene- children of Gad, and to the childrcn of Reuben, and JudLIE., 3 zite, and Joshua the son of Nun: for they have unto "n half the tribe of Manasseh, the son of Joseph, nJosh.4,12 1 Cfron. 4, 13. wholly,followed the LOun. the kingdom of Sihon king of the Arnorites, and 13 And the LorD's anger was kindled against Is- the kingdo'm of Og king of Bashan, the land, with I h 14, I. rael, and he made them wander in the wilderness the cities thereof in the coasts, even. the cities of the foirty years, until all the generation that had done country round about. ch. 2Q,64. evil in the sight of the LORD was U consumed. 34 And the children of Gad built Dibon, and 14 And behold, ye are risen up in your iftl:er's Ataroth, and Aroer, stead, an increase of sinful men, to augment yet the 35 And Atroth, Shophan, and Jaazer, and Jog6.Dut1 x fierce anger of the LORD toward Israel. behah, v Mt. 4,2 15 For if ye turn away y friom after him, he will 36 And Beth-nimrah, and Beth-haran, fenced -,0 yet again leave them in the wilderness; and ye shall cities: and folds for sheep. aestroy all this people.'3 7 And the children of Reuben built leshbon, I6 ~ And they came near unto himr, and said, We and Elealeh, and Ki:jathaim, oJud will build sheep-folds here for our cattle, and cities 38 And oNebo, and Baal-ineon, (their names be- 31. for our' little o n e s: ing p changed,) and Shibmahi and j ga.e otherp san4,., ZJoB =4, 1s7 But we ourselves will "go ready armed before names unto the cities which they builded. s the children of Israel, until we have brought them 39 And the children of Machir the son of Manas-''~. t' e. unto their place: and our little ones shall dwell in seh vent to Gilead, and took it, and dispossessedy? ole the fenced cities, because of the inhabitants of the the Armorite which was in it.,n~,esf c.:land. 40 And Moses 6gaye Gilead unto r Machir thiqentB., 18 XWe will not return unto our houses, until the son of Manasseh;and he dwelt therein. 12. 123 Jesh. 17,1 Two and forty journeys NUMBERS. of the Israelites. eforo 41' And Jair the son ofManassch went and II took 25 And they removed from Haradah, and pitched Be~r CHRIST CHRIST "'~. the small towns thlereof; and called them Havoth-jair. in II Makheloth. 1452. 42 And Noba'l n and Ioh Keniath, and 1he 26 Adte Det. 2 And Noba went and too nath, and the 26 And they removed from Makheloth, and Un- That is, i These had villages thereof, and called it Nobahll, after his own camped at Tahath. Tlieplace 9heiin,,ri. of' the as tance first, name. 27 And they departed from Tahath, and pitched,'Z,,, 2~ Kings 15, 29n.s 1 CHAPTER XXXIIi. at Tarah. Two and forty journeys of the Israelites. 28 And they removed from Tarah, and pitched 9. 9~eut. 12, HESE are the "journeys of the children of Is- in Mitbcah. Heb. 4, 3. rael, which went forth out of the land of Egypt! 29 And they went from Mithcah, and pitched in bEx. 12,37. with their b armies under the C hand of Moses and Hashmonah. A7, 20 Aaron. 30 And they departed from Hashmonah, and en 2 And Moses wrote their goings out according to camped at y Moseroth.. 9, IS. their journeys by the dcommandment of the LORD: 31 And they departed from Moseroth, and pitched 6.Dt and these are their journeys according to their goings in Bene-jaakan.' Chron out. 32 And they removed from Bene-jaakan, and en- 1,42 Gen. 47, 3 And they departed from e Rameses in the f first, camped at a Hor-hagidgad. a Deut. 10 f E. 13, 4. month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the 33 And they went ifrom Hor-hliagidgad, and pitch- _ morrow after the passover the children of Israel went ed in I1 Jotbathah. Ex. 14, S. out with a 1hiah hand in the ii That is, E, out with a ghigh hand in the sight of all the Egyptians. 34 And they removed from Jotbathah, and en- a oJ 4 For the Egyptians buried all their first-born, camped at Ebronah. Isa..0, 23 I Ex. 12,29. ~vlii~.li h: upon departed T~1 & 32, 2..~.,.which the LoRD had h smitten among them: upon 35 A'nd they departed from Ebronah, and encamp- Jr. 1,9. iE. 12, 12. their gods also the LORD executed judgments. ed at b Ezion-'gaber. b ch. 14, 25 5 And the children of Israel removed fiom Rame- 36 And they removed from Ezion-gaber,andpitch- out. 2,. 1 King-s 9, kEx.12,37. ses, and pitched in k Succoth. ed in the wilderness C of Zin, which is Kadesh. 26. 22, 4 6 And they departed from Succoth, and pitched 37 And they removed from Kadesh, and pitched& 20,2.2,1 I.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EX01, 20. IEx.SJ20. in IEtham, which is in the edge of the wilderness, in mount Hor, in the d edge of the land of Edom. dch. 20 23. 7 And they removed from Etham, and turned 38 And Aaron thepriest went up into mount Nor Ex. 14,2, again unto m Pi-hhiroth, which is before Baal-ze- at the commandment of the Lo D,and e died there, e ch. 20, 24 9. phon: and they pitched before Migdol. in the fortieth year after the children of Israel were 8 And they departed from before Pi-hahiroth, and come out of the land of Egypt, in the first day of r.4, passed through the " midst of the sea into the wilder- the fifth month. Ex. 15,22. ness, and went three days' journey in the wilderness 39 And Aaron was a hundred and twenty and pEx. 15,23. of 0 Etham, and pitched in P Marah. three years old when he died in Mount Hor. pEx. 1'2' 9 And they removed friom Marah, and came unto 40 And king f Arad the Canaanite, which dwelt fIh.21,1. Elim: and in Elim were twelve fountains of water, in the south in the land of Canaan, g heard of the gch' 21,2' and threescore and ten q palm-trees; and they pitch- coming of the children of Israel. ed there. 41 And they departed from h mount Hor, and h chl. 21,4., 10 And they removed from Elim, and encamped pitched in Zalmonah. by the Red sea. 42 And they departed from Zalmonah, and pitch 11 And they removed from the Red sea, and en- ed in Punon. ~~b~f 18,i, cmpedin th wilern f r fSin. 2' x.1'I camped in the wilderness ofr Sin. 43 And they departed friom Punon, and pitched o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bt, 8 b2,''.Ezek 0, 12 And they took their journey out of the wilder- in Oboth. ih. 21, ness of Sin, and encamped in Dophkah. 44 And they departed from Obothand pitched in 13 And they departed from Dophkah, and en- Ije-abarim, in the border of Moab. camped in Alush. 45 And they departed from Iim, and pitched in 14 And they removed from Alush, and encamped k Dibon-gad. kJosh. 13 y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aod.~ t ~x.17,1,2. at'Rephidim, where was no water for the people to 46 And they removed from Dibon-gad, and in- 17. drink. camped in Almon-diblathaim. 1Ir. 45,2 15 And they departed from Rephidim, and pitched 47 And they removed from Almon-diblathaim,and c'hap. 1 in the wilderness of t Sinai. pitched in the mountains of Abarim, before it Nebo. m Dcut. 32 11,12' 16 And they removed from the desert of Sinai, 48 And they departed from the mountains of Aba- 49' Acts 7, 80. l Thatis, and pitched at II Kibroth-hattaavah. rim, and pitched in the plains of Moab by Jordan T.e graves 17 And they departed from Kibroth-hattaavah, near Jericho. ofh. 11, 4. and encamped at 4 Hazeroth. 49 And they pitched by Jordan, from "Beth-jesi- - Josh. 13, & 12,1, 2. hath the 18 And they departed from Hazeroth, and pitch- moth even unto Abel-shittim I1 in the plains of Moab. Ezek. 25, 9,I,,,,of ed in {{ Rithmah. 50 ~ And the LORD spake unto Moses in the From, Juniper, Egypt chap., 1. 19 And they departed from Rithmah, and pitched plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho, saying, hitherto, Ps. 120, 4. forty-two?Thatis, at 11 Rimmon-parez. 51 Speak nnto the children of Israel, and say un-jorey, The lijing 20 And they departed from Rimmon-parez, and to them, When ye are passed over Jordan into the 1,.. 17, up of the Mat. 1, 17nan breach, pitched in x Libnah. land of Canaan ch. 14, 34. - A 1 1Cthrom13, 2 And they removed from ibnah, and pitched 52 Then ye shall o drive out allthe inhabitantsof ~.~t. 2, ar at Rissah. the land from before you, and destroy all their 9pic- p Lev. 26,1 z Deut. 1 22 And they journeyed from Rissah, and pitched tures, and destroy all their qmolten images, and a Ex. 20,4. in Kehelathah. r quite pluck down all their' high places r L e 26, 23 And they went from Kehelathah, and pitched 53 And ye shall'dispossess the inhabitants of the saosa.,,7 in mount Shapher. land, and dwell therein: for I have given you the 24 And they removed from mount Shapher, and land to possess it. encamped in Haradah. 54 And ye shall divide the land tby lot for an in- ~'~ 124 The borders of Canaan. CHAPTER XXXIV, XXXV. The cities of refuge.'B~~~~~~~~~~~t fo r C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Before CHroST heritance among your families: and to u the more 18 And ye shall take I one prince of every tribe, BamsT CHRIST RS 1452. ye shall give the more inheritance, and to the fewer to " divide the land by inheritance. 11'.ch. 2654.ye shall gve the less inheritance: every man's inhe- 19 And the names of the men are these: of the tCh.13, 2., uch. 26,54. shl give aebtesn f ehnei tc.1,2 riltace shall be in the place where his lot falleth: ac- tribe of Judah, x Caleb thie son of Jephunneh. u Jos. 19, cording to the tribes of your fathers ye shall inherit. 20 And of the tribe of the children of Simeon, h 1.6. 55 But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of Shemuel the son of YAmmihud. ych. 1, 10 x Josh. 23, the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, 21 Of the tribe of Benjamin, Elidad the son of i. that those which ye let remain of them shall be Chislon. Ps. 10o, 34, x rcsi oreead hrsi orsds n 35.cks in your eyes, and thors in your sides, and 22 And the prince of the tribe of the children of zek.23.24. shall y vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. Dan, Bukki the son of Jogli. y Ex. 23, 33 Dorone, comktoi salthe snof 1oli Deut. 7, 16. 56 Moreover, it shall come to pass, that I shall do 23 The prince of the children of Joseph, for the Josh. 23,13. e of the children of anasseh, ael the son udga. 2, 3. unto you, as I thought to do unto them. ibe of the children of Manasseh, Hanniel the son CHAPTER XXXIV. of Ephod. The names of the men which shall divide the land. he names of thL e men wich shall dide the aind.,24 And the prince of the tribe of the children of A ND the Logo spake unto Moses, saying, Command the, children of Israel, and sa' Ephraim, Kemuel the son of Shiphtan. 2 Command the children of Israel, and say 25 And the prince of the tribe of the children of unto them, When ye come into the land of Canaan; Zebulun, Elizaphan the son of Parnach.,Ps. 16,6 (this is the land that shall t fall unto you for an inhe- 26 And the prince of the tribe of the children of t[~ 78, 55. Acts 26, 7 9ritance, even the land of Canaan with the b coasts Issachar, Paltiel the son of Azzan. b Gen. 10, thereof: ben. 10, thereof:)9. 27 And the prince of the tribe of the children of I)eu. 1, 7 3 Then your south quarter shall befrom the cwil- Asher, Ahihud the son of Shelomi. Art.74, 7. derness of Zin along by the coast of d Edom, and derness of Zin along by the coast of Eom, and 28 And the prince of the tribe of the children of z2sam. ~h. aa, 6. your south border shall be the outmost coast of the Naphtali, Pedahel the son of' Ammlihud. 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,., d Josh. 15) i,2. Ge salt sea eastward: 29 These aret they whovo the LORD Z commanded 51J'o.09, Gen 14,3. 4 And your border shall turn from the south to to a divide the inheritance unto the b children of Is- b Rev. 2, 15. the f ascent of Akrabbim, and pass on to Zin: and rael in the land of Canaan..eut 8,Th. the going forth thereof shall be from the south to R~sh. 15, 3. C~-~BI~QCHAPTER XXXV. o., Kadesh-barnea, and shall go on to Hazar-addar, and 1 Eight and forty cities for the Levites with their suburbs, and measure pass on to Azman: thereof....6 Six of them are to be cities of refuge....9 The laws of mur. 5 And the border shall fetch a compass from der....31 No satisfaction for murder. g:Gen..15. Azmion unto the g river of Egypt, and the goings ND the LORD spake unto Moses in the plains 1451. Josh. 13, 3. out of it shall be at the sea. of Moab by Jordan near Jericho, saying, 6 And as for the western border, ye shall even 2 Comman d the children of Israel, that they give have the great sea for a border: this shall be your unto the Levites a of the inheritance of their posses- ah. 24,23 UnoProy. II, ~. west border. sion cities to dwell in; and ye shall give also unto zk.45, 3. 7 And this shall be your north border: from the the Levites suburbs for the cities round about them. 489, IN0 1a.,. great sea ye shall point out for you h mount Hor: 3 And the cities shall they have to dwell in; and Ga.6,6 of"h. 13, 5. 8 From mount Hor ye shall point out your border the suburbs of them shall he for their cattle, and for I Ezek. 47, unto the entrance of Hamath: and the goings forth their goods, and for all their beasts. 16, 17. t Amos 6, 2. of the border shall be to k Zedad: 4 And the suburbs of the cities which ye shall k Ezek. 47, 9 And the border shall go on to Ziphron, and the give unto the Levites, shall reach from the wall of IEzek.47, goings out of it shall be at'Hazar-enan: this shall the city and outward a thousand cubits round about. be your north border. 5 And ye shall measure from without the city on 10 And ye shall point out your east border from the b east side two thousand cubits, and on the south bch. 34, m Sam. Hazar-enan to m Shephan: side two thousand cubits, and on the west side two 10,25. 11 And the coast shall go down from Shepham thousand cubits, and on the north side two thousand,n 2 Kings to "nRihlah, on the east side of Ain; and the border cubits; and the city shall be in the midst: tlfis shall shall descend, and shall reach unto the side of the be to them the suburbs of the city. oMatl, 14, sea of 0 Chinnereth eastward: 6 And among the cities which ye shall give unto Mark 6, 5,3. 12 And ihe border shall go down to P Jordanand the Levites there shall be six cities for t refuge, whIlch k hb. Luke 5,1I. -tfi oJra, h vistie u& esx lefgteig'Jo. 13. the goings out of it shall be at the salt sea. This shall ye shall appoint for the manslayer, that he may flee ikathe,.f, 2iKigs 5, be your land with the coasts thereof q round about. thither: and to them ye shall add cforty and two cities. Deuit.4, 41. 10. as S. Il oh2,7 Mark 1,5,9. 13 And Moses commanded the children of Israel, 7 So all the cities which ye shall give to the Le- Js~h 2,7. q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P sa. 124,2 6.II qPs. 12s,2. saying, This is the land which ye shall inherit by lot, vites shall be forty and eight cities: them shall ye give me. 6, 1s which the LORDn commanded to give unto the nine with their suburbs. c Gee. 4s1,* Ex. 32, 29. reut. 32, tribes, and to the half-tribe: 8 And the cities which ye shall give shall be of ther3i a. 33, s t he 14 For the tribe of the children of Reuben, accord- possession of the children of Israel: from them that'Joh. 21,19 fIoiurth gen- I' h 3 4 tourh gen- ing to the house of their fathers, and the tribe of the have many ye shall d give many; but from them that d c. 33,5. they,were children of Gad according to the house of their fa- have few ye shall give few: every one shall give of to return,.. r''-'' Gen. ~1,,us, thers, have received Zheir inuheritance; and half the1 his cities unto the Levites according to his inherit1,rhath tribe of M~anasseh have received their inheritance' ance whichl he inheriteth. Jacob into 15 The two tribes and the half-tribe have received 9 ~ And the LeORd spake unto Moses, saying, E~ypt,' their inheritance on this side Jordan near Jericho 10 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unGen. 46, 14. e of him.sn6- eastward, toward the sun-rising, to them, When ye be come over Jordan into the v'*"s rans, of him e Raon,oy 16 9[ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, land of Canaan; /mElee- ~17 These are the names of the men which shall 11 Then ye shall appoint you cities to be cities -'"dr. 6, 1, divide the land unto you: ~ Eleazar the priest, and of refuge for you; that the slayer may flee thither, im~ 4 Joshua the son of Nun. which killeth any person at t unawares. }~'125 Laws concerning mrurder and manslaughtier. IN' U M 2 E R ~ Zelophehad's daugihters' marriage. CHRIST 12 And they shall be tinto you cities for refuge 33 So ye snail not pollute the land wherein ye I. mIs 14Th. from ithe avenger; that the manslayer die not, un- are: for blood it' defileth the t land: and the tiland 1i. "'leGc til hlie stand'before the congregation in judgment. cannot be cleansedl of the blood that is stied therein, tJer,2, HoRb. Goel,'n ntJr.3 9 o.o:, 13 Anid of these cities which ye shall give, six but by the blood of him that shed it. s Heb. thcr too itie sl y have for rbfue. oa bo i cities sall ye have for refuge. 3 Defile not therebfore the land which ye shall eoiaion hinrd l14 Ye shall give g three cities on this side Jordan, inhabit, wherein I dwell for I the LornU dwell.a Ut hDot.,4. and three cities shall ye give in the land of Canaan, among the children of Israel. Hose 9, g Dc t44.3 h Josl.20, w hih shall be cities of retige. 7. - HAT RX X. 715 These six cities shall be a refuge, both for the cl~i~ren of Israel, aiid for the strauer, and for the The daughters of Zelophehad marry their father's brothers' sons. children of Israel, and for the stranger, and for the ut.,, sojourn er among them that every one that killeth / ND the chief fathers of the families of the chilTim. 2, 6. any person unaw ares may flee thther.., dren of a Gilead, the son of Machir the son of a rh. 27, 1. 1X. 24, 16 And if lie smite him with an Iinstrnment of Manasseh, of thle families of the sons of Joseph, iron, so that hlie die, hlie is a murderer the murderer, came near, and spake before Moses, and before the I~Gen.9, 6. shall surely he'put to (eath. Iprinces, the chief fathers of the, children of Israel,-e.. 17, 1,, 1Euo. 1,1, 17 Anld if he smite him with throwing a stone,; 2 And tlhey said, The LonR b conmanded my hch. 27, Cp Dout. 10,11, 1 2 t 1wherewvith he may die, and hlie die, hlie is a murderer lord to giwv the land for -an inheritance by lot to the 2. the murderer shall surely be put to death. children of sael and y lord as comnded children~~~~~ ofIrael n y.lr a omaddpo 31, 39. 18 Or?f lie smite him with a hand-weapon of by the Lorn) to gve the inheritance of ZelophehadMat.?22,'4 45' wood, wherewith hlie may die, and lie die, lie is a our brother unto his daughters. Titus 2, 5 murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to death. 3 And if they be married to any of the sons of I Put 3, 19 The revengerof blood himrnself shall slay the the other tribes of the children of Israel, then shall n veraesl, murderer when he m mleeteth hin hlie shail slay him. their inheritance be taken from the inheritance of out,. 19,11, 20 But if he thrust him "of hatred, or hurl at im i our fathers, and shall be put to the inheritance of 12. s~Ge. 4,, by laying 0 of wait, that lie die; the tribe whereunto they are received: so shall it be erse 21. 21 Or in enmity smite him with his hand, that lie taken from the lot of our inheritance. verse 21. dLv. Prov. 26,24. die: lie that smote him shall surely be put to death; 4 And when the djubilee of the children of Israel d L0o. 2 o1adgeS for h e is a murderer: the revenger of' blood shall shall be, then shall their inheritance be put unto the isa. 61,2 16, 2. 1Sam. 24, fo eL uk e 49 Lam., slay the murderer, when hlie meeteth him. inheritance of the tribe whereunto they are received: L 4, 19 Luke 1,,I. 22 But if lie thrust him suddenly without enmity, so shall their inheritance be taken away firom the in- a'oh8, 34, Acts 20, 3. or have cast upon him any thing without laying of wait, heritance of the tribe of our fathers. 1eb 9,10, &23, 1. 23 Or with any stone, wherewith a man may die, 5 And Moses commanded the children of Israel seeing himn not, and cast it upon him, that hlie die, according to the word e of the LORD, saying, The e li2,. Mat. 23, 20 and was not his eneml y, neithier sought his harm tribe of the sons of Joseph hath said well., Cor. 1, 24 Then the congregation shall judge between 6 This is the thing which the LORD doth com- 23. the slayer and the revenger of blood according to m'and concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saythese judgments ing, Let then t marry to whom they think best; only fehav.soa, towhom72 it 25 And the congregation shall deliver the slayer out to tihe "family of the tribe of their fathers shall they is good i of the hand of the revenger of blo.od, and the congrega- marry. Ge 24,7 ~~~-nn~1y G~en. 24, 57 tion shall restore him to the city of his refushge, whither 7 So shall not the inheritance of the children of f verse 12. he was fled: and he shall abide in it unto the death of Israel remove from tribe to tribe: *for every one of Lev. s, 9. the P high priest, which was anointed with the holy oil. the children of Israel shall t keep himself to the in- t Hebi Eph. 2, 16, cleave to 2,1. 26 But if the slayer shall at any time coie. q with- heritance of the tribe'of his fathers. thie, C ol. 2, 14. Ie.2 4 Heb. 4, 14. out the border of the city of his refuge, whither he 8 And every daughter, that possesseth an inherit- ves. 24,. ~leb,~ 9, 1~. 8&4, 4. t~aas fled;27 An the reve~geP: o-T lossi f~nd hirra ~vtllont., ve r s e 9. &,,13. &wa fedance in any tribe of the children of Israel, shall be I.Kigs 21 10, 21. wsfe q isa. 2,1. 27 And the revenger of blood find him without the wife unto one of the family of the tribe of her father, &; 30,is ~ o' o'.ad'o 15tm. o sre John 13, borders of tie city otnhis'efuee, and the revenger of that the cmildren of srael may enjoy every man the Acts 27, 31. blood kill the slayer; ti he shall not be guilty of blood: inheritance of his fathers f. lieb no6bood o 28 Because lie should have remained in the city 9 Neither shall the inheritance remove g from one g scor. 14,'of his refuge until the death of the high priest: but tribe to another tribe; but every one of the tribes of 40. after the death of the high priest the slayer shall re-I the children of Israel shall keep himself to his own turn into the land of his possession, inheritance. c.h. 27,'11. 29 So these things shall be forra statute of jud- 10 1 Even has the Loa D commanded Moses, so Lev. 24, 12. ment unto you throughout your' generations in all did the daughters of Zelophehad: ch. 15, 34. your dwellings. 11 For aMhlah, Tirzah, and Hoglah, and Milcah 30 Whoso killeth any person, the murderer shall and Noah, the dautghters of Zelophehad, were marsDeut. 17, be put to death by the mouth of witnesses: but one ied unto their f rather's brothers' sons: i Le. 1, 6. 8 19, 15. ~'' 1'' 12. MIa. Is,,s. witness shall not testify against any person to cause 12 And they were iarried t into the families of 12.eb. of 2 C'r. 13,I1. toed Heb. 10,28. him to die. the sons of Manasseh the son of Joseph, and their i/ia faily Rev. 11,1,31 Moreover, ye shall take'no satisfaction for the inheritance t remained'in the tribe of the famnily of t }~~b'" ITaHb. slife of a murderer, w hich is guilty of death: but their father. die, he shall be surely put to death. I 13 These are the commandments and the judg-,. 109~, 32 And ye shall take no satisfaction for him that is ments, which the Loru commanded by the hand fled to the city of his refuge, that he should come again of Moses unito the children of Israel in thu plains of to dwell in time hand, until the death of the priest. 1M oab bY Jordan nzear Jericho. T The FIFTH Book of MOS ES, called DEUTERONOMY. ]Before -CHAPTER I. Amorites, as the LOuD our God commanded us; and cmis CIPITCHRIST 1490. 1 Moses' speech rehearsing the story of God's promise, 19 of sending, we came to Kadesh-barnea. 1490. tihe spies to search the land. the spie to searcthe lad. 20 And I said unto you, Ye are come unto the, aNum. a43, r ~HESE be the words which Moses spalke unto mountain of the Anmorites, which the LORD our God s, 8, 12. all Israel a on this side Jordan in the wilderness, doth give unto us. 1h.5, in the plain over against the Red sea, between Pa- 21 Behold, thle LoRD thy God bath set the land b.Num. 13,p. ran, and Tophel, and Laban, and Hazeroth, and before thee: go up and possess it, as the LoRD God ~~ Di;ielr dp'ozzahab.or/ E~mh of thy fathers hath said unto thee; fear not, neither versa 3. 2 (2TIere are " eleven days'.journey from Horeb by be discouraged. d Gen. 86,s. t h wa of pon eir uno~K ds-bre. den16~~,58 the, ay of dmount ei nto e adesh-barrnea.) 22 ~ And ye came nearunto me every one of you, a verse 6. in-' ntl ad eexi ~ bfr A+ hl fNum.20,1. o And it came to pass in the f iortieth year, in the and said, We will send men before us, and they shall gZech. 1,7. g eleventh month, on the first day of the month, that search us out the land, and bring us word again by Moses sppike unto the children of Israel, accordin what way we must go up, and into what cities we unto all that the LoRn had given him in command- shall come. ment unto them: 23 And the saying d pleased me well: and I took d Nu, 13, h Num. 21, n wlemno ooeo rb 2, a. 1Nu4. 21, 4 After he had slain h Sihon the king of the Am- twelve men of you, one of a tribe: Josh. 2,1, orites, which dwelt in Heshbon, and Ogthe king of 24 And they turned and went up into the InounNum 21, Bash an, wBhichg dwelt at'Astarolth in Edreid: tain, and caime unto the valley of e Eschol,and search-.,um. i3, 3.1 25. 5 On this side Jordan, in the land of:foab, began ed it out.,ud,. 1,04. Moses to declare this law, saying, 25 And they took of the firuit of the land in their son?,7,, t US If Num. 13, 6 The Loir our God spake unto us in Horeb, hands, and brought it down unto us, and brought us 23. k Ex. 19,1, sayinuz, Ye have dwelt k long enough in this mount: word agan, and said, It is g a good land which the gNum. 13, 2um. 0,', 7 Turnyou, and take your joun'ey, and go to the LO our God dotli five us. 12. Gal. 3, 16, mount of the Amorites, and unto all the places nigh 26 Notwithstanding, ye would not go up, hbut re-,, Nu 14, 67, 1s' thereunto, in the plain, in the hills, and in the vale, belied against the commandme nt of the LorD your 2' 3. Hob. 4, 6,ou ~1. and in the south, and by the' sea-side, to the land of God kNum.' the Canaanites, and unto Lebanon, unto the great 27 And ye murmured in your tents, and said, Beriver, the river Euphrates. cause the LoRD 1 hated us, he hath brought us forth ich. 4, 37 Ti all, 8 Behold, I have t set the land before you: go in out of the land of E-.ypt, to deliver us into the hand Ly. 25, 23. and possess the land which the LORD sware unto of the Amorites, to destroy us. Jsdg. 11, t 23. your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give 28 Whither shall we go up? our brethren have m Gn. 13, 23unto them and to'n their seed after them. discouraged our hceart, saying, The people is areater tb. Rem. 6,2 no~ n hi fe epegee eisi.2,1 9 And I spake unto you at a that time, saying, I and taller than we; the cities are great and walled Josh. 2, 11' n Ex. 19,14, inExs, 1.9 am not able to, bear you myself alone: k"utp to beaven; and moreover, we have seen the kOGen. 1I, 6IS~~~~~~~~~~~~~, 19. am not able to:~~~~~- klileyoadSsoftsthe. Nua. 13,28, 10 The LoRD your God hath multiplied you, and sons of the nakims there. ich. 2, 10. o Gen. 15,L-.,1.5,6. behold, ye are this day as the 0 stars of heaven for 29 Then I said unto you, Dread not, neither be Judg.i, 10 Num. 1, 46. multitude. afraid of them. tl~~~~~~~eb. ~~~~~~~aft'aid of yr ethe~s —m.le b,. add 11 (The LORD God of your fathers ~ make you a 30 The Lond your God which goeth lbefore you, ioyou. thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless he shall filit fior you, according to all that hlie did you, as he hath promised you!) for you in Egypt before your eyes pIKings3, 12 How can I myself alone bear your " cumbrance, 31 And in the wilderness, where thou hast seen 8, 9. s 2 Cor., and your burden, and your strife w ha te IO thy God m bare thee, as a man 1Ex19 4 ~=s.2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n. Ntm. 11,12, Ex 18,25. 13 q Take you w17ise men d r understan ding, and doth bear n:~s son, in all the way that ye went, until c,. 32, 10. c~ts, 14. known among your tribes, and I will maile themii {ye came i]ito huis pace. a I 6 P.7, 22,5 r sa. i, 2. t rulers over you. 32 Yet in this thin.. vec did nnot believe the LORD nps. s, 22' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hob. 3, 1, 2, sEx. 18,21. 14 Amnd he answered me, dd said, The, thing iyour Go 2.doJc. 5 Isaiah 533 LIVt5A e, 3fu.il ol''J t2 Sam. 23, which thou hast spoken is good for urs to do. t3 Wio o0 went in the way before you, t- search Nux.10,3, a 15 So I took the chief of your tribes, wise men, you out a place to puitc ur e n ns in, in fire by nght, and known, and made them heads over you, captains to shew you by what wiay ye should go, andi in a over thousands, and captains over hundreds, and cloud iby day. captains over fifties, and captalns over tens, and 34 And the LonD henard the voice of your words, officers among your tribes. and was wroth, anld swaire, saying, Num. 13 unohn7,24. 1.6 And I charged your judges at that time,saying, 35 Surely there shlall pnot onle of these men of this,m. 1 34,2 f Leb. ac- Hear the causes between your brethren, and ".}udge evil generation see that good land, wvhich i sware to 30. & 34, 6. knowledg,,e fr HebN laces, righteously between every man and his brother, and give unto your fathers, fzaleb. Lev. 1, 1. thltagrta i i h h m' o go after, LayCh. 19, 14h stranger tat is with him. 36 Save q Caleb the son of Jephunneh;he shall m.,, o.. 17 Ye sphall not t respect persons in judgment; but see it, and to him will g g ive the land that he hath r Num. 20, yZ=.a s, ye shall hear the sinall as well as _he;reat- ye 0troddsn upon, and to his children, because he hath ~ ur.20, 20. shall not he afraid of the face of inman for -thejudg- - whoilly ftllowved the LORD.,0 John 15, 13~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~F. 1c4. H, 32, Acts 20, 20. men t is God's: an dY tthe cause that is too hard for 37 Also the LOun was angry r with me for your as. sHb2. ~,. yOU b rin g it unto me, and I wil hea itn. 2, aMat. 17,4. brigatk es, an i ersaying, T ~hou shalt otgo in thither. 1.2, b Nunm 10, 18 And 1 commanded you at that time Z all the 38 But " Joshua the son of Nun, which X standeth ~Num. 13, s, Is. things which ye should do. before thee, he shall go in thither. Encourage him: xi Kings 1, Psalm 63,. 19 ~[ And,&zhen we " departed fiom Torib, we for he shall cause Israel to inherit it. 1,2. Isa. 40, 3, 4. de pateum. ori Jar. 2, 6. went through all that great and b terrible wilderness, 39 Moreover, your ittle ones, which ye said should us2 Mark 10,19.$aMroeyu iteoewihv adsol s clnsos 2, 9. which ye saw by the way of the C mou'ntain of the be Z a prey, and your children, which in that day had aoNum i.4 127 7The histor q israet.. DEUTERONOMY. on their way to Canaan. Beflore geaybrBefore CHRIST no knowledge a between good and evil, they b slhall their stead; as Israej did unto the land of his pos-'[] ~~~~~~~~~~ IPS-CHRIST'90. go in thither, and unto them will I give it, and they session, which the LORD gave unto them.) 141. sa. 7, 1. shall possess it. 13 Now rise up, said I, and get you over the brook b Num. 14, 40 But as foryou, turn you and take your journey Zered: and we went over the brook Zered. 23,24. /Num. 1., into'the wilderness by C the way of the Red sea. 14 And the space in which we came from Kadesh- 1u 2, 25. 41 Then ye answered and said unto me, We have barnea, until we were come over the br~ook Zered d Num. 14, dsned y agis woupwsyer;Num. 1, 3 9. 1d sinned against the LORD, we will go up and fight, was thirty and eight years until t all the generationNm, according to all that the LORD our God commanded of the men of war were wasted out from among the us. And when he had girded on every man his wea- host, as the LORD sware unto them. pons of war, ye were ready to go up into the hill. 15 F.or indeed the " hand of the LORD was against P.7, S. 42 And the LORDn said unto me, Say unto them,Go them, to destroy them from among the host, until they HoSn, 12. ot up, neither fight; for I an2 enot among you; lest were consumed. ye be smitten before your enemies. 16 So it came to pass, when all the men of war 43 So I spake unto you; and ye would not hear, were consumed and dead firom among the people, but rebelled against the commandment of the LoRD, 17 ~f That the LORDn spake unto me, saying, and went presumptuously up into the hill. 18 Thou art to pass over through Ar, the coast of 44 And the Amorites, which dwelt in that moun- Moab, this day: f. 11,,12. tain, came out against you, and chased you, as f bees 19 And when thou comest nigh over against the do, and destroyed you in Seir even unto Ilormah. children of x Aminon, distress them not, nor meddle sGen. 19, 45 And ye returned and wept before the LORD; with them: for I will not give thee of the land of the verse 37. g Ieb. 12, but the LORD would g not hearken to your voice, nor children of Ammon any possession; because I have 17.chlrn T1t#,s give ear unto you. given it unto the children of Lotfor a possession. h Num. -, 46 So ye abode in hKadesh many days, according 20 (That also was accounted a land of giants: 27. & 20, 14. unto the days that ye abode there. giants dwelt therein in old time; and the AmmonCH~APTER 1. ites call them y Zamzummims; y en. 4, The story is cortinued, that they were not to meddle with the Edomites, 21 A people great, and many, and tall as the AnaMoabites, nor Ammonites, &c. kims; but the LORD destroyed them before them; F.HEN we turned, and took our journey into the and they succeeded them, and dwelt in their stead: wilderness by the way of the Red sea, as the 22 As he did to the children of Esau, which dwelt c,. 11, 40. LORD aspake unto me: and we compassed b mount in Seir, when he destroyed the t Horims firom before eb. the b Num. 21, Ch..t orite, Num.1, Seir many days. them; and they succeeded them, and dwelt in theirGn. 14, 6. 2 And the LORDn spake unto me, saying, stead even unto this day: echap. 1, $3 Ye have compassed this mountain c long enough: 23 And the z Avims which dwelt in Hazerim, even3 o.J0 1, turn you northward..unto a Azzah, the Caphtorims, which came forth out 2 Kings 17, fb C,.2 4 And command thou the people, saying, Ye are of Caphtor,destroyedthem, and dwelt in their stead.) a en. 0o, 14.2' to pass through the coast of your' brethren the chil- 24 ~[ Rise ye up, take your journey, and pass overb Gen. 10, dren of Esau, which dwell in Seir; and they shall be the C river Arnon: behold, I have given into thy handob 12, 23. Ex. 3. 15 afrai, take ye,1 good heed unto, yourselve d Sihon the Anmorite, king of Heshbon, and his land: Act1, 26,/m. ~, 1f, aid of you: 17,e y2 6ood erlves. fMat. 5, 16. therefore: begin to possess it, and contend with him in battle. C Num. 21 Eph. 5,15. 13g... col., 5 5 g Meddle not with them; for I wil not give you 25 This day will I blgin to put the edread of thee Num.2 g verses9, of their land, t no, not so much as a foot-breadth; be- and the fear of thee upon the nations that are under ~ h 11 25 24. 1 - ch. 119, Ps. 1446. cause I have h given mount Seir unto Esaufor a pos- the whole heaven, who snail hear report of thee, andJosh. 2,9, Prov. 24, 6. a10 Rom. 12,18. session. shall tremble, and be in fanguish because of thee. Job 12, 24 Heb. even 6 Ye shall' buy meat of them for money, that ye 26 And I sent messengers out of the wilderness of Ps. 48, 6......... e tread g Josh. 13,.gof te, may eat; and ye shall also [ buy water of them for Kedemoth unto Sihon king of Heshbon with words s, sole of the 18. & 21,37 soot, money, that ye may drink, of h peace, saying, hch. 20,10 M~E. 9, itI —1 ch. 32, 8 7 For the LORD thy God hath blessed thee in all 27 Let me pass through thy land: I will go along Ich. 11,9. the works of thy hand: he k' knoweth thy walking t by the highway, I willneither turn unto the right t, wlt rHeb.ds' through this great wilderness: these fortyyears the hand nor to the left. the wy, kPs. 1, to Num. 21,21 1 Gen. 21, LORD thy God hath been with'thee: thou hast lack- 28 Thou shalt sell me meat for money,that I may Col. 4.,5. 22. ed nothing. eat; and give me water for money, that I may drink: 0, m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Num "-' i i Nurn.,W sNum.~ 20, 8 And when we mpassed by from our brethren the only I wilt pass through' on my feet, 19. children of Esau, which dwelt in Seir, through the 29 (As the children ofk Esau which dwell in Seir,'dgi, 71' n I kin gs9, f'' n. way of the plain from Elath, and from Ezion-gaber, and the Moabites which dwell in Ar, did unto me;) 2 Sam. 15, ~. " ~.. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~17. we turned and passed by the way of the wilderness until I shall pass over Jordan into the land which kNum. 23, of MCoab. teLR siuomthe LoRD our God giveth us. Judges 11, Jel 9 And the LorD said unto me, Distress not 30 But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us 17. the Moabites, neither contend with tlhem in battle: pass by him; for the LORD thy God hardened his Ex. 4,21 for I will not give thee of their land for a possession; spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that hie mIight Josh. 11,20 pNam.21, because I have given P Ar unto the children of Lot deliver him into thy hand, as appeareth this day. for a possession. 31 And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have q}Gen 14,5 q t h1 110 (The Emins dwelt therein in times past, a begn m give Sihon and his land before thee 8.be- Rum. 6, people great, and many, and tall as the Anakims; gin to possess, that thou mayest inherit his land. 11 Which also were accounted giants, as the Ana- 32 Then Sihon caime out against us, he and all n,x 1 kirns; but the Moabites call them Emims. his people, "to fight at 0 Jahaz. f o. 1, 12 The Horims also dwelt in Seir before-time, 33 And the LoRDt our God delivered him before us; ~. but the children of Esan succeeded them, when they and we r smote him, and his sons, and all his people. had deatroyed them fi'om hefore them, and dwelt inj 34 And we took all his cities at that time, and ut- Ue. 17,14.128 Of Og king qf Bashan. CHAPTER III, IV. M2oses' prayer to enter the land. Hl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~efore tloc Befor. terly destroyedtthe Imen, and tile women, and the 17 Tiheplain also, anid Jordan, and thie coast there- c""sTo CHRIR!ST CRS 145. little ones of every city; we left none to remain of, friom " Chinnereth even unto the sea of the plain,,40, 3muev 5 Only the cattle we took for a prey unto our- even the Y salt sea, under z Ashdoth-pisgah eastward. u,, fIfeb. every x NUm. 34, cityoJte selves, and the spoil of the cities which we took. 18 And I commanded you at that time, saying, i an lse 36 From Aroer which is by the brink of the river The LORDn your God hath given you this land to pos- y," "'""~ and little 3Cj 117rorn Aroer V~~~~~~~~~~ilich is by the bhnk of tile nver uall. 131~~~z Jos. 13 o.j 21, of q Arnon, and jfrom the city that is by the river, sess it;ye shall pass over armed before your brethren 20. even unto Gilead, there was not one city too strong the children of Israel, all that are t nmeet for the war. 20. 82 Ps 44 " for us: Qthe LORD our God r delivered all unto us 19 But your wives, and your little ones, and your_ tJ'5b'," 37 Only unto the land of the children of Ainmon cattle, (for I know that ye have much cattle,) shall 74m.21, thou cam est not, nor unto S any place of the river abide in your cities which I have given you; 2 Chr.20, Jabbolk, nor unto the cities in the mountains,'nor 20 Until the LORD have given rest unto your breAmos 1, 13. unto whatsoever the LoRD our God forbade us. thren, as well as unto you, and until they also possess CHAPTER III. the land which the LoRD your God hath given them N 23 Moses' prayer to enter into the land....27 He is permitted to see it. beyond Jordan: and then shall ye return every man a Num. ~, a2 o ss pryer ne notead.. r33. TlEN we turned, and went up the away to Ba- unto his possession which I have givenyou. zap. 29.,7. - shan: and Og the king of Bashan came out 21 And I commanded b Joshua at that time, say- "'..m'a* against us, he and all his people, to battle at Edrei. ing, Thine eyes have seen allthatthe LoRPD your God 2 And the LORDD said unto me, Fear him not; for hath done unto these two kings: c so shall the LORD' Sam. 17, I will deliver him, and all his people, and his land, do unto all the kingdoms whither thou passest. into thy Ihand; and thou shalt do unto himn as thou 22 Ye shall not fear thei: for the LJORD your didst unto Sihon king of the Amorites, which dwelt God he shall d fg~ht for you. 2 Chr., b Num. 21, at b I'estibon.2 4m. 21 b [eshbon. 23 ~ And I besought the LoRD at that time, saying, Isa C3,. t e ~~~~~~~~Rev. 19, Ill~ 3 So the LonRD our God delivered into our hands 24 O LORD God, thou hast begun to shew thy.Y'1'.~, Og also the king of Bashan, and C all his people: and servant thy greatness,and thy mighty hand: for what ch. 1, 2. "n I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Exod. 1'5, we smote him until none was left to him remaining. God is there in heaven or in earth, that can do accord- i,. 2 Sam. 7. 4 And we took all his cities at that time, there was ing to thy works, and according to thy t might? ~ 22. sJosh.2,0. not a city which we took not from them, three- 25 1 pray thee, let Inme go over, and see the g good Ps, s. 12, 4, i. y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~89, ~. 124'~'score cities, all t the region of Argob, the kingdomV land that is beyond Jordan, that goodly mountain,i He.'~' 127:2 scr ll'i of eO~gouot iunum Ban shhJranLa hIb. Jer. 5, 10. Ps. 106,. BHrb. l 10. of Og in Bashan. and' Lebanon. goodly 2. Heb. iire, 4, 4 or, o, 5 All these cities were fenced with high walls, 26 But the LORD was'wroth with me " for your,. e I Bills 4, "n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mat. 7, 22. ci Kiang, gates, and bars; besides'unwalled towns a great sakes, and would not hear me: and the LORD said. g Ezek. 20, Esther S, nimany. unto me, Let it suffice thee; speak no more untohrs. l, i. 19 6 And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto me of this matter. I. 2,2 1 Songe 4. 1 g-Amo2,9,. Silon king of Heshbon, g utterly destroying the men, 27 ~ Get thee up into the top of Pisgah, and lift up k Num. 20 womnen, and children of every city. thine eyes westward, and northward, and southward3, 20 21. _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f.2.~h. 4, 21. 7 But all the cattle, and the spoil of the cities, and eastward, and behold it with thine eyes: for 1 2 Cor. 12, we took for a prey to ourselves. thou shalt not go over this Jordan. ftP. 136, 8 And we took at that time out of the hand of the 28 But charge [I Joshua, and encourage him, and vore,,1 17. two kings of the Amorites the " land that was on strengthen him: bfor he shall go over before this peo-J"i1, 1 this side Jordan, from the river of Arnon unto mount pie, and lie shall cause them to inherit the land which h Hermdon; thou shalt see. ich. 4, 48. kS,d 3. 9 (Which Hermon the Sidonians call k Sirion; 29 So we abode in the valley over against Beth-peor. Ps. 29, 6. and the Aniorites call it II Shenir;) CAPTER V. 11That is, CHtAPTER IV. snoi 1 0 All the cities of the plain, and all Gilead, and Moses appointeth the three cities of refuge on that side Jordan. all Bashan, unto Salchah and Edrei, cities of the ]OW therefore hearken, 0 Israel, unto the stakindoni of Og in Bashan. I tutes and unto the judgments whllich 1 teach 111~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~a o6m. it, G 11n. II For only Og king of Bashan remained of thle you, for to do a them, that ye b may live, and go in 13.m l Gen. 14, 65. remnant of'giants; behold his bedstead was a bed- and Cpossess the land vwhich the LoRD God of yourbRom' 10, 2. 136, stead of n iron; is it not- in " Rabbath of the clhildren fathers giveth you. c Gen. 12,5 n 2Sam.12, of Anmmon. nine 0 cubits was the length thereof, and 2 Ye shal d not add unto the word wih I com Irov. 30, 26. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 Ye shlall a not addl unto the word which I corn-s, fi. 26~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M~. L)5, IS. oGen. 6,,. four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a minan. mand you, neither shall ye diminish aug-ht from it, ml..5, S. 12 1 And this land, which we possessed at that that ye may keep the commandmients of the LORI 2Tiim 3,16. P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rev. 22, is. tinme, from Aroer, which is by the river Arnon, and your God which I command you. v. 2, 1. half mount Gilead, and the cities thereof; gave I 3 Your eyes have seen what the LoRD did beHeb Ni.2 Reubenite. unto the t Reubenites and to the Gadites. cause of " Baal-peor: for all the menl that followed em. 23, 13 And the rest of Gilead, and all Bashan, being Baal-peor, the Lo0RD thy God hlath destroyed theem Ps, 106, 28. the kingdom of Og, gave I[ unto the half-tribe of firom among you. pNum. 32, n el 0 0 39.42, P Manasseh; all the region of Argob, wvitlh all Ba- 4 But ye that did cleave'unto the LORDn Your Ezerk. 9,4,. shan, which was called the land of giants. God, are alive every one of you this day. 2TiR. 2,19 n 2sam.a, 14 Jair the son of Manasseh took all the country 5 Behold, I have taught you statutes, and judg10, o. of Argob, unto the coasts of q Geshuri, and Maa- imeaets, even as the LORDf mny God commanded me, ItNurn. 32,. — 4,. cchathl; and called them after his own name, r Ba- that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to,a,,4. shan-havoth-jair, unto this day. possess it. 2 Kings, 1.5 And I gave Gilead unto t'Machir. 6 Keep therefore and do tlhem:' for t'his is yourm v.,.'2.JChron. 2, 16 And unto the Reubenites and unto the Gadites g wisdom and your nulderstannding in the h sight of;Tir.3,!, Iaen. 0, "I gave f Gom Gilead even unto the river Arnon, half the nations, whLich shall hear all these statutes, and h,~,~..,~. 3,~ the valley, and the border, even unto the river Jab- say, Surely this great nation is a wise and under29.,=.~ bok, wh~ich is the border of the children of Aremnon: standing people. R!, Moses exhortetlh the DEUTERONOM oY people to obedience. BeforeBefr CHRIsT 7 For what nation is there so great, who hcatlh God iland, and shall corrupt yourselves, and make a graven,Bere soiil* T ourlage, Gi~~rhe~iken ess is. inly all)2R, cnd shah1 Iro eyil ~eC.. so nih unto them, as the LoRD our God is in all image, or the likeness of any thing, and shall do evil. I hm,-s t tbglS 1hat/ we call upon him for? in the sight of the LORD thy God, to provoke him o~s. a,.' 8 And what nation is there so great, that hath sta- to anger; Ps. 143,5 IS. - tutes and judgments so riahteous as all this law, 26 k I call heaven and earth to witness against you kch. 30, 19 which I set betore you this day?. this day, that ye shall soon utterly'perish firom off ch 30, 1A 9 Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul the land vwhereunto ye go over Jordan to possess diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine it: ye shall not prolong your days upon it, but shall kPro.3,2, eyes have seen, altd lest they depart from ithy ieart utterly be destroyed. 3. 4:,21.ee it ie ~cL b yiel teyo o1 Ge. is, all the days of thy life: but' teach them thy sons, 27 And the LORD shall scatter you among the chap. 6, 7. and thy sons' sons:: nations, and ye shall be left t few in number among ~t;,l;,JS~~ 6. 10 Specially m lhe day that thou stoodest before the Iheathen, whither the LORD shall lead you. en. 34, 30,Eph, 6, 4.ofJb1,2,,Ex.io,,. the LORD thy God in Horeb, when the LORD said 28 And there ye shall serve gods, the work of Job 16, 2:. b. 1,'18. unto me, Gather me the people together, and I will men's hands, wood and stone, which neither m seem'Ps.l 1,4' n Ps. 51, S. ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jer. 10, 2, 9..!,. make them hear my words, that they may learn to nor hear, nor eat, nor smell. fear me all the days that they shall live upon the 29 But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD,9h. 1,9. earth, and lhat they may teach their children. thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with Ji. 2, 11 And ye came near and stood under the moun- all thy heart, and with all thy soul. ch. 9,23. tain; and the mountain 0 burned with fire unto the 30 When thou art in tribulation, and all these Ex. 20,21. midst of heaven, with darkness, clouds, P and thick things T are come upon thee, even in 0 the latter days, tieb. shal. darkness. if thou "turn to the LORD thy God, and shalt be p.;317 o Hosea 3,5 12 And the LORD spake unto you out of the midst obedient unto his voice; Joel 2,12 of the fire: ye heard the voice of the words, but 31 (For the LoRnD thy God is a merciful God;) lihe q Isa. 40,P saw q no similitude; only ye heard a Voice. will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget 13 And he declared unto you his covenant, which the covenant ofthy fathers, which he swareanto them. lie commanded you to perform, even ten command- 32 For ask now of the days that are past, which qJob',. "X 5.3,s3. ments; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone. were before thee, since the day that God created man 14 And the LORD commanded me at that time to upon the earth, and ask from the r one side of heaven rh. 30, 4. E. 21, 1, teach you statutes and judgments, that ye might do unto the other, whether there ha th been any such thing them in the land whither ye go over to possess it. as thiss great thing is, or hath been heard like it? ~Amos a,2 iJosh. 23, 15 Take ye therefore goodl heed unto yourselves; 33 Did ever people hear the voice of God speaking Jer. 17, 21. (for ye saw u no manner of similitude on the day out of the midst of the fire; as thou hast heard,' and 1t Jud 3,' Isa.40,S. that the LoRD spake unto you in. Horeb out of the live? Col., l. midst of the fire;) 34 Or hath God assayed to go and take him a na16 Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a tion from the midst of anolher nation, by U tempta- uGen. 22,1 Ex. 20, 4. raven imag, the similtude any p x E]'1xva,~ xX. 3, 12. Ex. 2.0, 4. graven image, the similitude of any X figure, the tions, by signs, and by y wonders, and bdyw a, and 7. x' likeness of imale or female, by a mighty hand, and by a " stretched out arm, an d y a. 9, 12 R'B.om. 1, a.26 23 ~t. 17 The likeness of any Y beast that is on the earth, by great a terrors, according to all that the LORD ch. 2,s thle likeness of any winged fowvl that flieth in the air, your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes? 18 The likeness of any thing that creepeth on th 35 Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the waters b know that the LORD he is God: there is none elsebl. 46,. beneath the earth: besides hiinm. c Ex. 19, 9 2 Kinair 19 And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, 36 c Out of heaven he made theeto hear his voice, Ps. 94,19 7,l. xl, and when thou seest the Zsun, andt the,noon, and that hlie might d instruct thee: and e upon earth he a Ex 4,16 Job3l,26. the stars, even all the host of ]heaven, shouldest be slhewed thee his great fire; and thou heardest his Atnos,5,2. adriven to worship them, and serve them, which words out of the midst of the fire. a lh. 13, 5bMat.,,1t. the LORD thy hGod hath divided unto all nations 37 And because he loved thy fathers, therefore lihe bao,.b;,~..une the whlePIL heaven Romi. 1,20. under the whN1oIle heaven. chose their seed after them, and brought thee out Lii~hJ, tii'.i JiougimL ilee 1.Ex. 13,21 20 But thie Lorn) hath taken you, and brought you fin his sight with his mighty powver out of Egypt & 14, 19. c IKings S,' c''' r. 11.4. forth out of C the iron furnace, even out of Egypt, to be 38 To drive out nations from before thee, g greater Isih: 6.,9 Jor. 11.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. I Cor. 10,L, EX.., 5. unto him, a people of d inheritance, as ye are this day'. and mightier than thou art, to bring thee in, to give. ch. 3 4, Titus 2, 14. 21 Furthermore, tihe LO-D was angry wxithi me thee their land for an inheritance, as it is this day. 21.' 31.,,, 2 for your sakes, and sware that I should not go over 39 h Know therefore this day, and consider it in "'Chr. 29 Jordan, and that I should not go in unto that good thy heart, that the LoRD he is God in heaven above, land which the LORD thy God giveth theefor an and upon the earth beneath: there is none else. inheritance: 40 Thou shalt keep therefore his statutes and his f Gal.3, 24. 1m i n~lnI~ntg vr' ~ + lab. n7,6,7. 22 But I must die in this land, must u not go over commandment s which I commmand thee this day, that. Jordan: but ye shall go over, and possess that good it may'go well wvith thee, and with thy children after 2':' 1. gICorl, iland. thee, andt that thou mayest prolong thy days upon the ~oi,; 6,,3. 23.'23 Take heed unto yourselves, g lest ye forget the earth, which the LoRD thy God giveth thee, for ever. 2 Cor. 4, 1. covenant of the Lon) your God, which lie niade 41 ~[ Then Moses severed k three cities on this 1'im.4,S. with you, and make you a graven image, or the side Jordan, toward tie sun-rising; eb. 11, 26 l,. ikeness of any thing which the LoRd thy God hlath 42 That the slayer might flee thi'ther, which should 21 9, fo,:~, fi)rbiddemi thee. kill his neighbour unawares, and hated him not in'chp 19 2. Zoph,l. 24 For the LoRD> thy God is a consuming h fire, times past; and that fleeing unto one of these cities Ileb. 12,', even~ a'jealous God. le might live i Provy 6,3t. h e l niV, ht live:.He.. 25 W hen thou shalt beget children, antd children's 43 INanl:lp, m' Bezer in the wilderness, in the plain rsJ.2, e""'lre children, and ye shall have t remained long in thej country, of the Rcubenites; and Ramnoth in Gilead,.... ~~~~150' The ten commandments. CHAPTER V, VI. Aoses receiveth the law. efor.e of the Gaditcs; and Golan in Bashan, of the Ma-'stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God c,"~', ~i! RZ IST Ocrr'li'". nassites. commanded thee to " keep the sabbat-day. 44 It And this is the law which Moses set before c 16 ~ Honour thy father and thy inother, as th-e. tile cilil~~~~~~~~~~~~ril~~~~~en of Israel: "'" n I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x. ZUI EX.2I I the children of Israel ~ LORD thy God hath commanded thee; thlat thy days 17. ~. xT. 45 " These are the testimonies, and the statutes,i may be prolonged, and that it may go 0 well with thee, 19, 7. LKigp 2,3 and the jldgtnents, which Moses spake unto the clhil-:in the land which the LORD thy -God giveth thee. dren of israel, after they came forth out of Egypt. 17 Thou'shalt not Pkill. pEx. 2o0,:3. 46 On this side Jordan, in the valley over against 18 q Neither shalt thou r commit adultery. qJames2, Betlh-peor, in the land of Sihon king of the Arnorites, 119 Neither shalt thou S steal., Ex. 20.14,, vwho dwvvelt at Heshbon, whom Moses and the chil- 20 Neither shalt thou bear'false witness against 2. 1,1.9. dren of Israel smote, after they were come forth out thy neighbour., lf a.s(.7[ of E gypt 21 Neither shalt thou " desire thy neighbour's wife. >'', 47 And they possessed his land, and the land of neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house, his or-n.4.1 flo~~~~1i~~wc~~~ lr~~~io-~~~ ~~f'th~~~. A~~~ 1-~~~~owli~~~'l. #JA 1~~~~~~O 1~~lmn.'i ) s Nun.21, o Ok king of Bashan,two kings of the Anorites, whi ch field, or hIis maniservant, or his maiidU-servant, is oxTles. 1. zap..,3. were on this side Jordan, toward the sun-rising; or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour's. Tio,,,),0 48 From Aroer, which is by the I-ank of the river 22 These words the LORD spake unto all your as- HabL 1:. och. 3,9. Arnon, even unto mount P Sion, which is Hermnon, sembly in the mount, out of the midst of the fire, of Ex'20 r Num. 24, 49 And all the plain on this side Jordan eastward, the cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a great qqr the,,, x chum. 24, 37even unto the q sea, of the plain, under the springs voice; and liex added no more: and lie wrote them xch.p. 4, chp. 3,17. of Pisgali in two tables Yof stone, and delivered thenm unto me.. 8Y E1,18 eel317CHAPTER V. 23 And it came to pass, when ye heard the voie Job 19"' 3. 1 The covenant in Iloreb......6 The ten commandments......27 At the out of the midst of the darkness, (for the Z mountain z E. 2:0p1s people's request Moses receiveth the' law from God. did burn with fire,) that ye came near unto me, evenl. 3,19. C.29,o. AC ND Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, all the heads of your tribes, and your elders ax. 20,1. Hear, 0 Israel, the statutes and judgments 24 And ye said, Behold, the LORD our God bath which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may shewed us his glory, and his greatness, and b we hlaveb"x. 19,19' Ileb. keep learn theme, and t keep, and do themn. heard his voice out of the midst of the fire: we have.~o ao there, ib 111 ~ 1 M(t. 23hn, 2 The LORD our God mainade a covenant with us seen this day tat o ot talk with man, and11 cch.4, Mat. 23, 3. enthsd~ that Godi doth talki with m~an, andc e"h,8 b:ch.4, 23. in c Horeb. iveth., x. 19,20. 3 The LORD made not this covenant with our 25 Now therefore d why should we die? for thlis, d.en 16, dGal. 3,21. fathers, but d with us, even us, who are all of us here' great efire will consume us: if we hear thievoice of Jtig. 6, 2 alive thllis day. the LORD our God any more, then we sliall die. n,10. &,,. a 3x. a3, z. 4 The LORD talled with you e face to face in the 26 For who is there of gall flesh that hath heard eh. 33, 2. t~~~~~~~~~~~le ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jeor. 20,9O. mount, out of the midst of the fire, the voice of thle h living God speaking out of the midst Hb. 12, 9 E. 19,16, 5 (1 stood'between the LORD and you at that time, of the fire, as we have, and' lived'' f2 Cor. 3,a 19. h Gal. 3, 21. Gal, 3,19. to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were 27 ~ k Go thou near, and hear all that the LORD g, Inlt1. afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into thle our God shall say: and'speak thou unto us all thlia Josl.3,0. mount,) saying, the LORD our God shall sp.eak unto thee; and vwesTe1 6 1 am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out will hear it, and do it. 1 Ib. 2, 15. Hleb. of the land of Egypt, from the house oft bondage. 28 And tie LoPD heard the voice of your words k2Ac ts, 22 Er. 20,2. 7 Tvantst g none eu wo.r 18s, 1., 8ee. %f0, Z. 7 Thou shalt have g none other gods before m11e. 1when ye spake unto me; and the LORD said unto mie, 2 qam. 7,23. hon shalt make thee any graveima'r 1 Fzek. 8 Thou shalt not make thee a raven nage, or I have heard the voice of the words oftis people, any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or which they lhave spoken unto thee: they have m well m eCl. 1,1.7 Fx.20, ". that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters said all that they have spoken. beneath the earth. //29 Oh that there were such a heart in them, that 9 Thou. shalt not bow down thyself nnto tlhem, nor they would fear me, and keep all my comniandinents serve them: for I the LORD tly God am, a jealous "always, that it might be wvell with them., aind with"h'l 1 God, visiting the iniquity of thle fathers upon thie their children for ever children unto the third and fourth generation of 30 Go say to them, Get you into your tents again. them that hate me, 31 But as for thee, stand thou Ihere( by mle, and I 10 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them will 0speak unto'thee all the comtnandmeilets, and the 02 Pa'1, hJohn14, that: love me, and keep mly'conmmandments. statutes, and the judgments, which thou shall teach [verse 31l. 11 Thou shalt not take the name of tIle LonnD thy them, that they may do thenm in the land which I diap. 8, 2. i hp. 9, 4. God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guilt- give theml to possess it. 4m. 9,ulWitr it. less that taketh his namne in vain. 32 Ye shall observe to do thlerefore as the LORD 12 Keep the sabbath-day to sanctify it, as the your God hath commanded you' ye shall not turn LORD thy God hath commanded thee. iaside to the P right hand or to te left. i 30.21. 13 Six days thou shalt latbour, and do all thy work;I 33 Ye shall walk in all q tle Vways wlich theq rs 1i 15i k Gen. 2, 2. 14 But the seventh day is the k sabbath of the LORD your God hath commanded you, that e mnay Heb~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~Lu 4orGdht o~are o, tha v,,y Heli.. LoRD thy God: im it thou shalt not do any work, thou, live, and thatilt may e vwell with'eon, and that rch. 4, 40 nor thy son, nor thy dauglhter, nor thy m an-servant,'may prolong your days in the land w~hich ye shallV nor thy maid-servant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor possess. ~ ~oh. 13, any of. thy cattle, nor thy'stranger that is within thy} o CHtAPiTER VI. gates; that thy man-servant and thy maid-servant; I Th. end of the law is obedi'nce....3 An exhortation thereto. m keyv. 23, mnay rest as wet~ll m as thou. 1 ~TO X these are tile commandments, tile statutes, 15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the[ i and the judgments vhichi the LORD your -od'Z~'- "' l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~-~and ofEyt,~ aumndthatnc the LORD tyGortid brou,.;ht.1 [ ~~~o tec e a lames l 22, aPnd of Egypt, and thant the 3Le, thy God bronghtl commande(t to tla-h you, that ye miglht do them in.' "'kb thee out thence through a mighty hand and by ajithe land whither ye go t to possess it: t,;o,.!S!~ An/ e.W ortation lo obeclience. DEUTERONOMY. Communion wtth the nations forbidden Bef'oro bBe1,ore CGIlST 2 That thou mightest bfear the LoRD thy God. 24 And the LOPRD commanded us to do all these c4is,4,,. to keep all his statutes and his commandments which statutes, to fear the LonD our God, g for our good 14U. ~Ps1 I commiand thee, thou, and thy son, and thy son's always, that hlie might preserve us L alive, as it is atgj3., 0. sonl all the days of thy life; and that thy days may this day. h Luke 10, r~o,. 3,.2. IeCprlned * cpo.,.be"CproloDgcd. 25 And it shall be our rigIhteousness, if we observe L iS, 5. o Hear therefore, O Israel, and observe to do it; to do all these commandments before the LORD our that it may be well with thee, and that ye may in- God, as he hath commanded us. crease mightily, as the LoaD God of thy fathers hath C ATER. I ~~CHAPTER Vii. d x. 3, 8. promised thee, in the land that floweth with d milk 1 All communion with the nations is forbidden. and honey. I7-EN1 the LORD thy God shall bring thee into eMark 12, 4 dllear,O Israel: The LORD our God islone LoRD: VVthe land whither thou goest to possess it, and 29. Mrk,1 2, all5 And thou shalt g love the LORD thy God with hath a cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, ae. 4s,;32. all thy "heart, and with all thy soul, and with all and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Cag I Tim. 1,. thy'might. naanites, and the Perizzites, and the [ivites, and hPor. 2o, 6 iAnd these words, which I command thee this the Jebusites, b seven nations greater and mightierb x. 33, 2 10. 12 King day, shall be in thy k heart than thou 23, 24'. k Pro... 7 And thou shalt t teach them diligently unto thy 2 And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them 2 Cor. 3,. children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in C before thee, thou shalt smite them and utterly h, s 23 s,,.e,, thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and destroy them, thou shalt d make no covenant with dEzraO, 2 whet, or,..I Kings II, ri,,a, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. them, nor shew iercy unto them 2. ap 8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy 38 Neither shalt thou make e marriages with them; 2 Cor. 6,14 Eph. 6, 4.Ezra 9, I 2 Pet.l, 3. hand, and they shall be as' firontlets between thy eyes. thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his 2., 1 Ex. 13, 9.m Prov., 3. 9 And thou shalt write them upon the mposts of daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. in x. 12, 7. thy house, and on thy gates. 4-~ For they will turn away thy son from follow10 And it shall be, when the LoR'D thy God shall ing me, that they may serve'other gods: so will theSam. I2,4. have brought thee into the land whic:h hlie sware unto anger of the LORD be g kindled against you, and g Kings ~..11,9. thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to destroy thee suddenly. 1Joh. 2, give thee great and goodly cities, which thou 5 But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall debuildest not, an stroy their altars, and break down their t images, and fueb. otey19~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 23.5~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3.B ~ 0t~ cuts ~ 1,~ ds tatues, or oLev.26,. 711 And houses o full of all good things, which thou cut down their " groves, and burn their graven pillars. filledst not, and wells tdigged, which thou dig;edst images with fire. h3Exod. 34, 9, X, 1 line ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,es ~~~~~~~~13. not, vineyards and olive-trees, which thou plautedst 6 ~f For thou art a i holy people unto the LORD thy i ch. 26, 19. not; when thou shalt have eaten and be full; God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be k a kEx. 19, p h., 11. 12 Then beware lest thou P forget the LORD,which special people unto himself, albove all people that brought thee forth out of the laud of Egypt, from are upon the face of the earth. the house of bondage. 7 The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor qMat. 4,10. 13 Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, and q serve choose you, because ye were more in number than sar. 4, 2. him, and shalt r swear by his name. any people; for ye were the 1 fewest of all people I o' 22 a ch. 6,m19. 9 l1 h. 14 Ye shall not - go after other gods, of the gods 8 But because the LORD loved m you, and because m cl. 10,13 Mal. 1, 2. of the people which are round about you; he would keep the" oath which he had sworn unto Slat. 11,2, tEx. 20, 3. 15 (For the LORD thy God is t a jealous God your fathers, hath the LoRD brought you out with a.n Exod. 32 among you;) lest the anger of the LoRn thy God be [mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of I0 bond-men, from. the ha aoh king of Egypt. o John 8,84 kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the 0 bond-men, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. ro..4 face of the earth. 9 ~ Know therefore that the LORDthy God, he uMat.4,. 16 Ye shall not tempt the LORD your God, as ye is God, the P faithful God, which heepeth covenant p~,;4',, Mat. 4, 7. II that q love P. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cor. 1, 9. x,,E1.7, 2 tempted him in x Massah. and mercy with them that q love him and keep his q Neh. 1, 5 * Rx. 17 2 Da~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n.8, 4. Num. 20,': 17 Ye shall y diligently keep the commandments commandments to a thousand generations; n.,4. FProv. 30, 8. o.,4: of the LorD) your God, and his testimonies and his 10 And repayeth thiem that hate him to theirface, -bari. 11D, 22.,2. statutes, which he hath commanded thee. to diestroy them: he will not be slack to him that,zJohnl,9,. 18 And thou shaltdo that which ismzright and good hateth him, he will r repay him to his s face. rscha. 32,5 12 in the sight of the LORD: that it may be well with 11 Thou shalt therefore keep the commandments, thee, and that thou mayest go in and possess the good and the statutes, and the judgments, which I comland which the LORD sware unto thy fathlers, mand thee this day, to do them. a Judg. 2, 1 a lieN' ~a,., 19 To0 a cast out all thine enemies from before 12 Wherefore it shall come to pass, t ifye hearken be1u., thee, as the Lor D hath spoken. to these judgments, and'keep, and do them, that the tI Tim. 4,8 to-aErrow. 20 And when thy son asketh thee in t time to LORD thy God shall keep upto thee the covenant come, saying, What mean the testimonies, and the and the u mercy which lie x sware unto thy fathters:u evs. 26., statutes, and the judgments, which the LonD our 13 And hlie will y love thee, and bless thee; and l. bPsalm 7,shath b c ommanded you ~ Luke 1,.55.. 5, 6. God hath conmanted you h multiply thee: he will also bless the ifruit of thy y vere 7. 21 Then thou shalt say unto thy son, Ye were womb, and the firuit of thy land, thy corn, and thy John 14,2i gEx~',S'cPharaoh's bond-men in Egypt; and the LoRD wine, and thine oil, the increaseof thy kine, and tilhe 2chapters. 2om. 6 ht. ~,. bog usot of Egypt with d a mighty hand' flocks of thy sheep, in the land which he sware unto a,:olt., 22 And the LoRD shewed signs and wonders, thy fathers to give thee. 19. &0-,'.~,,* and -t sore, upon Egyptr, upon Pllaraoh, and 1"4 Thou slalt be blessed above all people: therle R. ob. eav;!, ~*ea,_upon.ndn.natabv:x. 7, 8,9. upon all his household, e before our eyes: shall not be male or female a barren among you, or " %a~x.23, r,.,2k~a 23 And he fbrought us out fron thence, that hte among your cattle. might bring us in, to give us the land which he sware 15 And the LORD will take away from thee all unto our fathers. sickness, and will put none of the' evil diseases of-' x..2. Aihoies exhiow t A the CHA PTER VIII, IX. 1s'rariittes to obedience. CRIST of e Co rer 1451re Egypt which thou knowest upon thee; but wvill lay good land, a land of brook s of w,-eite of ftu'utains, C AT T~J5VT them upon all theni that hate thee. and depths that spring out of 0 vaIiey3 and hills; 16 And thou shalt econsume all the people which 81 A land of whleat, and barley, an1d inns inn fg-,Lzk.4, * the LORD thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall trees, and pomegranates, a land of t oA 0oh ve and 47, dch. 13, S. have no d pity upon themn neither shalt thou serve honey; 04s.14, Ex ~23,3. their gods; for that will beea snare unto thee. 9 A land rhereihi thou shalt P eat 1)1 ead vidhoutj cdi,,.flce f ch 8,17. 17 If thou shalt say'in thine heart, These nations scarceness, thou shalt not lack any hiveng' in It;'Ca o oil, Num. 14, are more than I, how can I g dispossess them?i land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills s~42 1a 1.8 Thou shalt not be afraid of theml: but shalt thou mayest dig brass. pGen. 3,19 I P's. 77, 1 well l remember what the LORD thy God did unto 10 When thou heast eaten and artq full, then thour Mat.14 4, il1. Pharaoh, and unto all'Egypt; shalt r bless the LORD thy God for the good land 20, 21. c h43 19 The great k temptations which tline eyes saw, which he hath given thee. and the signs, and the wonders, and the mighty hand, 11 Beware that thou S forget not the LoRD thy God, "s Ps- 106 and tre stretlled out arm, wherebynthe LORD thi19S 20. and te strtchedwhierl~y te LOR thyin n keeping his commandmients,and lnis jud~ninents God brought thee out: so shall the LORD thy God and his statutes, xvhici I coirnnand thee this day: do unto all the people of whom thou art afraid. 12 Lest wdhen thou hast eaten, and iart fill, and ch.82, 15 20 Moreover, the. LORD thy God will send the hast built goodly houses, and dw elt ei Idosh.24, 1 hornet among them, until they that are left, and 13 And wvh~en thy herds and thy flocks multiply, hide thiemselves from thee, be destroyed. and thy silver and thy gold is miultiplied, and all that 21 Thou shalt not be affrighted at them: for the thou hast is multiplied E x. 17, LORD thy God is among"' you, a mighty God and n 14 Then thy heart U be lifted up,,and thou forgetu I Cor.4, nI Samn.4, terrible, the Lo1nnD thy God, which brought thee forth out of s. 79,6. 22 And the LORD thy God vill t put out those na- the land of Egypt, fromn the house of hondao-e; offH.. tions before thee by 0 little and little: thou nmayest 15 W7ho " led thee through that great and Y tekrible x Isa, 63,13 pluck of. y Jer. 2, 6. ch. 9, S. not consume themi at once, lest the P beasts of the wilderness, wVherebin7 w,9Yere Z fiery serpents, and SCor- Num. 21, ~zck.340. ffield increase upon thee. pions, and adroutolit, whlere there was no water who.58,11 23 ~f But the LORD thy God shall deliver themi bron lit thee forth water out of the b rock of flnt; bch. 32- 1I tileb. t unto thee, and shall q destroy them with a mighty16 Xlo fed thee in the vilderness with an, the re thy ad he n hewldra es n tltla, face, destruction, until they be destroyed. which thy fathers kne w not, tharet heiight huihble il 11 0 24 And lie shall deliver rtheir kings into thy thee, and that lie maijht proV'e thee, to do thee good 11 ch. 2,15. hand, and thou shalt destroy their name fromn under at thy " latter end c tJer. 24, 5 24, heaven: there shall no man be able to stand before 17 And thou say in thy heart, MBy power a nd b. 12, 11 thee, until thou have destroyed them. the might of my hand hath gotten me this wvealth, er t Isa. 0, 22.:t I h. 1 2511The graven images of s their gods shall ye'burn 18 But thou shalt remember the LORDd thy God 12. waith fire: thou shall not desire the u silver or r e it is le that giveCtlyt thee power to syet wealh e Pr'. 10, 22 a Isa. 30,22. desire silvr gold forit s lie gveth oe calth, Hosea 2, a s on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared, that he may establish his covenant which lie sware therein: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God.' unto thy fathers, as it is this day. J6 26 Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into 19 And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the 1Josh.6, thy house, lest thou be "a cursed thing like it: but LORD thy God, and walk after'other gods, andid,1 06, thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly ab- serve them, and worship tl'em, r I testify against you gch. 30, 19. hor it; for it is a cursed thing. this day that ye shall surely perishi. CHAPTER VIII. 20 As the nations whi ci the LORD destroyetli beAn exhortation to obedience in regard of God's dealing with them. fore your face, hso shall ye prish; because ye vouldh a. 9,12. LL the commandments which I command thee not be obedient unto the voice of the LORD yonrGod. Luke 12,49 chi. 4,2. this day shall ye a observe to do, that ye mnay ChAPTER IX. live, and multiply, and go in and possess the land Moses dissnadeth them from the opinion of their own righteousness. O~~~y~~~l to aMm.54 which the LORD swvare unto your fathers. EA-R, 0 Israel: Tbhouart to 5pass over Jordan Nuo. 84, bPs 136, 2 And thou shalt remember ball the way which b this day, to go in to possess nations 12. 15. bti aSt y n opsesnain g~ea~terch. 1, 1 Amos 2, 10. the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in tIme and mightier than thyself, cities great and fenced up b ch. 1, 3. Gin 2h21. wilderness, to humble thee, and to c prove thee, dto to heaven, 2 Cor. 6,2. 32. 31. know what was in thy heart, whether thou wvouldest 2 A people great and tall, the children of the " AnaJohn2,25 keep his commandments, or no. kirns, whoim thou knowlrest, and of w-hoim thot hast 23. aPo. 102, 3 And lie ehuibled thee, and suffered thee to hun- heard say, d Who can stand before the children of d Rev 13, 1. 6,1 ger, and fed thee with'manna, vhich thou knewest Anak? 2,3, 4. not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might 3 Understand therefore this day, that the LORD make thee know that man doth not live by bread thy God is ie vhich e goethi over before thee; as a eNum, 14, Mat 4, 4. g only, hut by every word that proceedeth out of the, Iconsuming fire he shall destroy them-, and he shallP's. 50, 34. Rom. 4i,1. mouth of the LORD,' doth man live, bring tbemu down before mhly face: so shalt thou drive fch. 4, 24. u ch. 21145. 4 TrpV raiment wax2eYd 1not old uponthee, neither themi out, and destroy them quickly,'s the LORD gcls.7,22 didi thy foot swe~ll these forty years. hathi saidi unto thee. 5 Trhou shalt also consider in thy heart, that a~s 4 Speakr not'' thou in thy heart, afiter that the h ms. 14, E. kPr.3, kl a, man k chastenjethi his son, so thre LORDa thyr God ]LOR)D thy G-od bath cas~t theml out frodnm befor~e thefe, ehasteneth thee. saying,For my' r~ighteou~sness thle LORD hath broughlt i ver.. 5, 6. EX, 102. herefore thou shalt keep the commandments me in to possess ihlis hand:but k for the wicked less k aen. 15, Qx Bo. f the LdORD thy GFod, to wyalk I in his ways, and to of these nations the LOP~D dothP driv~e thenia out fr~om3 1 irn. 1, 3 fear him-n. before thee, Cii 6, 10 7 For the LOLRD thy Godl m bringetch thee into al 5 Not for' thy righteousness, or for the upr'ightness a33 Israde's rebeihons reearsed. DEUTERONOMY. The tabeks renewed.'0 I~~~~~~~~~~~ K rossh-hfiattaavab, ye p1rovoked the LoRD tovwrath. "cnms~ Clfroro of thy heart, d(ost thou ro to possess their land but "K "' frI.T'4. tile wlicked e of these nations, thie'LORD thy 23 Likewise wlhCn the LORD Sent you from 0 Ka- 4:,, "'""~ G;od doth drive them out from before thee, andi that deGo upand possess the lanl hnich 1 Gem 12,,~ 3 e, up nd pdssc'.s the lan wmill.. ~x 1 & 13, i5. he may I perfornm the word which the Loii sware 1 have given you; thlen ye rebelled against the t coi - 4, unto thy faithers, Abrahamn, Isaac, and Jacob. Imandinent otthe Lounl your God, and ve believed l 1 6 Understand therefore, that the Loi.n) thy God lhim not, nor hearkened to his voice. Num la, moe.12, givethl thee not this good land to possess it for thy 24 Ye have been rebellious against the Loin) tf eb. I Rx. 32,29. righteousness; for thou art a stiff-necked people. from the day that P I knew you. mo24,.di. 33,6,9. 7 o Relneinber,andl forget not, how thou provokedst 25 Thus I q fell down lhefore the LonD forty days I (. the LORn) tly God to wrath in the wilderness' from and forty nights, as f r iell down at lhe first; because, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Gal. 3, 22. the day that thou didst depart out of the land of the LoRn had said he would destroy you. r.e.. 19. 8 I 32, 11 Egypt, until ye came unto this place, ye have been 26 I prayed therefore unto the LoRI, and said,O,c 3,1 reb:llious against the LORD. LoRn God,'destroy not tthy people and thine u in-., 10 p Ex 2. xi, 9 0e 19. 8 Also in P Horeb ye provoked the LotD to wrath, heritance, which thou hast redeemed through thy ver 29. so that the LORD was angry with you to have de- xgreatness, whlich thou hast brought forth out of y Ex 32,13 stroyed you. Egypt with a mighty hand. qEX..24,,2 9 When [ was gone up into the q mount, to receive 27 Remnember thy yservants, Abraham, Isaac, and the tal)les of stone, eLeCU the tables of the covenant Jacob; look not unto the stubbornness of this people, which the LoRD made with you, then I abode in the nor to their wickedness, nor to their sin r ver' ""' mount forty days and forty yights, I r did eat 28 z Lest the land whence thou broughtest us out, zEx T2,1. KIigs i3, tNu H14 6.:. bread nor drink water say, Because the L-ORD was not able to bring thlem 2 Kings 6, - 2ju. 0, 10 And the Loal delivered unto me two tables into the land which he proinised them, and because a Ex.4, 3.1 of stone written with the "finger of God; and oni he hated them, lie hath brought them out to slay them s Ex. 31,!. tMat. 12, them was w/'it-ew according to all the words which! in the wilderness. ~8.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r h a P s. 9,05, 70 Luke 11,20. the LonR spacke with you in the mount, out of the 29 Yet they are athy people and thin(e inheritance, cf..14, 9. midst of the fire, in the day of the assembly. i which thou broughtest out by thy mighty power and 11 And it carne to pass at the end of forty days' by thy stretched out arm. and forty nighlts, that the LoRD gave me the two n Jer. 31 ~~~~~~~~CH1APTEPR X. 31. tables of stone, even the tables of the ucovenant. 1 God's mercy in restoring the two tables, 6 and in continuing thie,~,,.8, priesthood. tL~,.3. 8, 12 And thei LoRD said unto me, Arise, get theep 13.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a.-1,2 down quickly from hience; for thy people which thou: _/ T a that time the LoRD said unto me, "Hew thee,b,.o3.s X:x.2.0.`hast brought forth out of Egypt have x corrupted, atwo tables of stone like unto the first, anic come & 32, 1 & 34, 9. - C Ex.34,:2 y' is, thems tmlthey are Y quicly turned aside out of tup unto me into the mount, and make thee d an ark C EX. x.=,, 17ia. 1,teU&e r u n d Ex. 23,10 ver. 16. the way which I commanded them; they have madei of wood. Ji,. 2, 17. themi z a molten image.2 And e I will write on the tables the words that ier.3aa3 z Z X. T2, 8 vr It).' 13 Furthernore, the LoRD spake unto me, saying, were in the first tables which thou brakest, and thou a cli. 32, 1f. a I have seen this people, and behold, it is a stiff- shalt put them in the ark. b x.3') 9, bEx.. necked people 3 And I made an ark of I shittim-wood, and hewed I.x, 25,10 e.x. 32,10, 14 - Let me alone, that I may destroy them, andc two tables of stone like unto the first, and went up inblot Out their name from under heaven' and I wili to the mount, having the two tables in my hand. make ofthiee a nation mightier and greater than they 4 Anti lie wrote on the tables, according to the first 15 So I turned and came down from the moUtunt, writing, the t ten commandments, which the LolD t words, ~":"~' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ex.- 34, 27.,r nn,,', anti the mount t- burn ed with fire' and the two tables spake unto you in the mount, out of the midst of the:x, T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'E"" Ex. 20, 1s. of tle covenant were in my two Hands. fire, in the g day of the assembly: and the LORD gave ch..5, 22. & y'9~~~~~~~~., t 0. &,,s, E Vx.32,19. 16 And: I looked, and be holt, ye lad sinned them unto me. 16. against the LorD) your God, ant bad mace you a 5 And I turned myself and ctame down from the 7,,35. molten calf: ye had turned aside quickly out of the! mountand put the tables in the ark which I had made; h Rx.2., 10 way whichthe LORI) had commanded. you. nd h there they be, as the LoRD commanded mc.,..,,,way, whilch th o r)hdcmandeyu ".',S, of. 17 And tl I took the two tables, and cast them out 6 ~ And the children of Israel took their 1Journey handle the Gt. 6 shia. of mv two hands, and brake them before your eyes. from Beroth of the children of k Jakan to Mosera:k2. e':'. 32,3'. 18 e And I fell down before the Lorn:, as at the ihere Aaron died, and there lie was buried; and Ele-,l,.,11 f Ex. 34 28. r1,06, ~'. first' forty days and forty nights: I did neither eat azar his son ministered in the priest's office'iin his breadi nor drink water, because of all your sins which stead. mi Num.,?3' ve sinned, in doing wickedly in the sight of the 7 From thence they journeyed unto nm Gudgoldah s2. hot32~34.-Lomn i), to provoke himn to anger. and from Gudgodah to Jotbath, a land of rivers of 1'. 119, 120. 19 (For I was g afraid of the anger and hot dis- waters. pleasure wherewith the LoiD was wroth against you 8 ~ At that time the LORD separated the tribe TM 23,4 tt.3, 4, to destroy you.) But the Lorn hearkened unto mie of Levi, 0 to bear the ark of the covenant of the', at that time also. LoRD, to stand before the LORD to minister unto ONLUn.4, kx. 32,21. 20 And the LORD was very angry h with Aaron him, and Pto, bless in his name, unto this day. 1.,5 to have destroyed himim ~ and I prayed for Aaron also 9 Wherefo're Levi hath q no part nor inheritance,f.m. 2 the same time. with his brethren; the LorD) is his inhemritance, ac-ocl. 12,,1. 1,,..~,l. 521 And I took'your sin, the calf which ye had cording as the LOnl thy God promised! himn. k made, anti bur'nt it with fire, and stamped it, and 10 And I stayed in tie mount, according'to th~e I:.~o a0 ground it, very small, evei until itwas as small1 as firsli mefrt day n otyngt;anh on ir,. 3, dust: and I cast the dust thiereof into time k brook hearkened unto ine at that time also, and thme LORD =.. 7,7,. that descended o)ut of the mount, would not destroy thee. a ~ a,. 22 And at I Tabera},, dud at JM assab, and at 11 And the LORDi said unto me~, Arise, take thy, 134 Moses exho?'leth;ht1 CHAPTER X. isreaehites to obedieecc CHRT journey before the people, that they may go in and lwhich thile Lorim sware unto your fIIth(ers to give unto T,,'' possess the land which I sware unto their fithers to the1m, and to their. seed, a land that flow;eth with m.ik c14sr1 sB give unto tuhem. and honey. 12 If And now, Israel, what doth the LonD thy 10'For the land, nTither thou goest in to possess T'Mic. 6, 8 Gdrreuroftebuth, noas. (IN C ~God require of thee but tofear t[e LolD thy God, it, is not as thle Inad of 1AE,Uypt, fri',fi wlr eCC y Y: ( Ps 2.,3,I. to 1ralk' in all his Ways and to u love him, and to out, wllere thou " Sowetdst tih seed, and Wateredst jt 1Zcch. 14,,.,, serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and ith ty foot, as a tren of Ierbs: I o Gen. 30, 1,'n,,,.,,.a. 2..y ~IS. John,,d with all thy soul, But the land hiher ye o to possess It, Is aP. 1282. Is. 13 To keep the commnandmnents of the LORD, and land of hills and P valicys, nd drinketh water of the co y Mat. 6,3. lhis statutes, which I command thee this day. for thy qrain of heaven pch, 7. good'? 12 A laud wxhuicli the Lori) thy God t caredi for B"' 5 14 Behold, the heaven and ih heaven 1of hea- tie eyes of the Lo. o t upon th, H..q0. Hat.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~',6 14 ie Z. a',J rr /kO~ —c%. oI [ oc, a- it, 9d f 2 (Co. 12, vens is the LORD'S thy God, the " earth also, with from the beginning of tle ear even nto te end o...~nt.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yea eve. unto...~.....e- Ln T _er 40,... s 24, 1 all that therein is. the year. Ex33,1'9. i Only the LORD had a c delight in thy fathers 13 And it sliall come to pass, if ye shall s hearven sc'i.6, 4. to love tLhem, and he chose their seed after them, diligently unto my commandments which I command even you above all people, as it is this day. you this (lay, to love the LORiD your God, and to serve d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gen... 17., t. e. S16 Ge.IG Circumcise therefore the d foreskin of your him. wvith all your heart and wvith all your soul, heart, and be no more stiiffneckted. 14 hlat I will give yout tile rain of your land in his a' s. 82, I. 17 For the LORD your God is'God of gods, and due season, the'first rain and the latter rain, tiliatt>12,;23 _e )'1, 7 LORD of lords, a great God, a, mighty, and a. terrible, thou mayest gatlier in thy U corn, and thy wine, and u Ps. 101, g ctI Sam. which' regardeth not persons, nor. 9 takietlih.reward: thine oil. 18 He doth execute the h jud-ment of the father- 15 And Iwill send grass in thy fields for thy cattle, 19.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ h anIS,"~Y~l anu wiviow,~..d IPCtht siiangei, in gixing iildc toou ma;yest e~at ant nie lUll. Joel 2, I9. i cii i,'29. him food and railnent..6 Take Ileed to yourselves, that your heart bf- not Lev.1y 19 k Love ye therefiore the stanger: for ye were Y deceived, an ye turn asde, and serve other gods, "-,2 strangers in the land of Egypt. and wvorshiip themj; 20 Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God; him shalt 1 ~. And then tihe Loan's wrat lh (e kiadled ain st IGen. 2, 24. thou serve, and to him. shalt thou'cleave, and swear you, and hie zshu17t up1- the heaven, that there, he no i 3 Kings S by his name. rain, and that thile land yield not her fruit; anid lest rr. 1, 21 He is'thy praise, and lie is thy God, that ye agperinsli quickly from off the good land wict e P''c7 2.Ps. 106, hath done for thee these t great and terrible t'hings Lo. t giveth you. 22. lwhich thiine eyes, have seen. 18?Therelfore shall ye lay up these my whords in co Gen. 46, -i~~rd die f 48~ ~,,,_22 Thy fathers went down into Egypt with lthiee. your heart and inu your soul and indth or s l~h score and ten persons; and now the LORD thy God upon your hand, that they Jnlay be as frontiets' be-,)Ex. 13, p ch 1, 10. hath P ijiade thee as the stars of heaven for multitude. tween your eyes. CHAPTER XI. 19 And ye shall C teach them youir children, spe~ak- cch. 6,7. 18 A careful study is required in God's words.... 26 The blessingand ing of then avhen thou sittest in thy house, and curse is set before them. when thou d walkest by the way, wien lio st d Prey. 6 aB ch. 10(, 12 Vff t_ t a;ie~33~ IIe vg; he ho i 2.,f~c ach.10, 812 H; EREFORE~] thou shalt a hove the LORD thy down, and when thou risest up. b Lcv. 8,35 God, and keep his b charge, and his statutes, and 20 And thou shall write thfemn upoln the edoorposts tl 6,9. his iudgnents, and his commandlments, always. of thy house, and upon thy gat-Ifes 2 ~ And know ye this (ay for Ispeak not with 21 That your' days may he multipled, and thef Prov. 4.1 or~~~~~~s~,,,.,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~dy nmi oi mo~'t~led sujnd lefe;~.a....a your children which have not known.and wvhich have cays of your children, in the land ielic the~ Lonn,ch. 4, 3G not seen the C chastisement of the LORD your God, this sware unto your fathers to give them, as the days of d ch. 3,24. dgreatness, his mighty hand, and his stretched-out arm,' heavern upon the earth. &4, 34. & And e.'..i.... 1 9a, 2s. 3 A: nd~ wh iracles, arded his ntactrs, nr.h ich readidt in 22 For if ye shll anili ntly k anee l hse coll- crs 130 eEx. 7, S. the midst of Egypdt, unto Pharaoh dte king of Egypt, i nadmients which I coun and you, to (o thei, to and unto all his land; love the LORD) your God, to wallk in all his wvays, and 19.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,Ex., 4,es 4 And what lie dii nto the n to rfiito... Cli. 10 20 army~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ofie d Egypt, catleav their horses, and to their chariots; how lie mache the 23 Then will the LL oD drive out all thlese, nations water of the Red sea to overflov them as they pur- froa before you, and ye shall possess reaterIa-., stied after you, and howv the LORD hiath destroyed tions and mightier than y1ourl0sselves. them unto this day; 24 Every place whereon' the soles of your f'ee!t shall gPI. 77, 20 5 And what lie did unto you in the 9 wilderness,'tread shall be yours: fr'om11 thle xvIldleressa 1(1 and Le-'Jostit1I I1 until ye came into thiis place n1Con, fr'omh thle river, tile'"10ie ~ uphral;tes, feven unto mncli 1,7 ~02sl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. nP7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~3. & 14, 9. 3X11. Is 6 whtcDttia. l.'.141 hNnmi 6And lie did unto h D a iand A-biram, tie " uttermost sea shall Sdsi 0 coa-st be.0 Ps. 106, 17 the sons of EMiab, the, son of Reuben: how the earth 25 Th(nere shall no mian e able "'to stal-id before lJ1sh.1,5 opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their you; for the Lonn your God shall lay the q fear of ich.2,25. households, and their tents, ard all the substance that you, the drea of you on all te land ta ye tbjeh twa tuns in their possession, in the mi dst of' all Israel: shalil treadl upon, as lie hilill saidi uiito you. c h. 6, 3. 7 But 1 your eyes have seen all the great acts of 26 ~~ Behold, rI set b~efore: you this diay a lblessing ccli, 30, 16 the LORD which he did. and a cur~se: 8 ~1 Therefore shall ye keep all the commandments 27 A bJlessing h te~inadmnsO kr Josh. 1, 6, C, v pf sclier h ollntmnt f". 28,12". 7.i~g which I comlmand you this day, that y~e may be /the LORD your G~od whiich I collinala d you this 1 Isa. dv, 21. Stroang, and go san ot'possess A.os ye2? an cli. 3,16. go to possess it,; c,[t, 2 8 yp Jland orsti~ taem- i 1 ".1 1]~~~~~3'lo:~r snai thou le av rln;oe, c ay nd swea y, l and ma o he a~R1 sorGohu t, thel haviten t t,1..... ~'.,' [,,~ n z~]ano~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ssE Theplace of God's worship. DEUTERONOMY. Blood forbidden, 4, before Bnpobr CilRiT way which I command you this day, to go after other in one of thy tribes, there thou shalt offer thy burnt- Cll1uST -sigods w~hich ye have not known. lofifrings, and there thou shalt bdo all that I coin-,16i. 29 And it shall cotme to pass when the LORD thy inand thee. God hath brought thee in unto the land whither thou 15 Notwithstanding, thou mayest kill and eat flesh 2. uas. a133,. goest to possess it, that thou shalt " put the blessing in all thy gates, whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, ac-a as. 204: xch.'7, 2, upon X mount Gerizim, and the y curse upon mount cording to the blessing of the LoRD thy God which R,,.. I,1 a.l. i he hliath given thee: the c unclean and the clean may c co. 2,.14 y Josh $, 38, E15oai. YC c h. 14, 5, 34's. $, 0 Are they not on the other side Jordan, by the eat thereof, as of the roe-buck, and as of tile hart. z Josh, 5, 9. tile d (I Lev. 7 26.a G. 12, way where the sun goeth down in the land of the.16 Only ye shall not eat the blood; ye shall pour Jg,6,7.' Canaanites- which dwell in the champaign over it upon the earth as water. Judtg.'./6%7..'.I JOshIL., against "Gilgal, beside a the plains of Moreh! 17 Thou nmayest not eat within thy e gates the ch.' 14,22 e-Ps. ~~2, 31 For ye shall b pass over Jordan, to go in to pos- f tithe of thy corn, or of thy wine, or of thy oil, or the fLev.27,3,:-,,l. sess the land which the LORD your God giveth you, firstlings of thy herds or of thy flock, nor any of thy Ro.m. 6, 23..., d..? 5. and ye shall possess it, and dwell therein, vows which thlou vowest, nor thy free-will-offerings, MaI t. z 3,3. to- d.e R.,13:. 32 And ye shall observe to d do all " the statutes or heave-offering of thy hand Ps. 119, 6. and judgments which I set before you this day. 18 But thou nmust eat them g before the LORD thy g 11. s, I, ~ ~',~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Cot. 10, CHAPTER X1i. God in the place which the LORD thy God shall 31a. 2 Monuments of idolatry are to be destroyed....16, 23 Bloois for- oose, thou, and thy son, and thy daugter, and thy bidden. rman-servant, and thy maid-servant, and the Levite r11HESE are the statutes and judgments which ye that is within thy gates: and thou shalt rejoice beL shall observe to do in theland which the LoRDan fore the LORD thy God in all that thou puttest tlhy 4oi 0igs, God of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it, a all the hands unto. days that ye live upon the earth. 19 h'T'ake heed to thyself that thou forsake not" P.: b Num. 33, EpCh.., b 2um. 2 ~[ Ye shall'utterly destroy all c the places, where- the Levite as long as thou livest upon thle earth. i2 Chr. 13, chp 7,3. in the nations which ye shall possess served their d 20 S When the Lont) thy God slhall k enlarge thy e.,, c 2 K-~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~hord,' ahe Neh. p,'om 3 0,o,7. 23, gods, upon the e high mountains, and upon the hills, border, as lie hath promised thee, and thou shalt say, kPs. 17,1 13. and Ltnunder every f green, tree I will eat flesh, because thy soul longeth to eat flesh d I Cor. 8, ~,6. 3 And ye slhall overthrow their altars, and break thou inayest eat flesh,whatsoever thy soul lustethl after. 1 to. " their g pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and 21 If the place which the LORDn thy God bath le.3 67 E.2, 20.,f.2.6. ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, chosen to put his name there be too far from thiee,.0, f2 Kiri-s 16, 4 and dlestroy the h names of them out of that place. then thou shalt kill bf thly herd and of thy flock,which g Ex. 23,24. 4 Ye shall'not do so unto the LORD your God. the LonD hath given thee, as I have comnmanded h Neti. 32,.f' 5 If~ Bat unto k the place wch the Lo your God thee, and thou shalt eat in thy gates whatsoever thy L's. 16,4,2. shall choose out of all your tribes to. put his name soul lusteth after. 1 Lev 20,231.Sal ooeotoalyurtisnn Ps. 74,r, thee eve unto his habitation shall m ye seek, and 22 Even as the m roe-buck and the hart is eaten, ch. 1',22 k Ps. 76, 67 CS. thither thou shalt "come so thou shalt eat them: tlhe unclean and the clean ~II Kings8, 6 And thither ye shall bring your burnt-offierings, shall eat of them alike. 290,~n n. in Nu,. 7, and your sacrifices, and your tithes, and heave-of. 23 Only be sure that thou "eat not the blood: for' Lev. 17,:S~.'~7 ferings of your hand, and your vows and your firee- the blood is the life; and thou miayest not eat the ISam. 4, w. ill-offeirings, and the P firstlings of your herds, and life with the flesh. 32. o Lcv. 27, riu 82. of your flocks: 24 Thou snalt not eat it; thlou shalt pour it upon p Num. s, 7 And there ye shall q eat before the LoanRD your the earth as water. qNum. 19, God, and ye shall r rejoice in all that ye put your 25 Thou shalt not eat it; that it may o go well with Psa., S.o 9, t. handt unto, ye and your households, wherein thIe thee, and with thy P children after thee, when thou. 2, 16. r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tira. 4o.I e.2, 16 l.10w1LORD thy God hath blessed thee. shalt do that which is right q in the sight of the LORD. I Ti. 4.t a cA 7, a. 8 Ye shall not do after all the thing's that' we do 26 Only thy - holy things which thou hast, and F 2. 1 26sam. 19,1 t1 i isq~ n~ 1 11., i ut lc Gen. 17,1 1.o, here this day, every man whatsoever is right in his lthy vows, thou shalt takie, and go unto the place2 Kings, 0. ~Kinlgs 20 own eyes. which the Loan shall choose Ps. 16, 86,,Ci. 23, 9 For ye are not as yet come to the u rest and to 27 And thou shalt offer thy burnt-offerings, the 1at. 6,,. the inlheritance which the Loan your God giveth you. flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LoaD thy 16, I. 10 But whenz ye go over Jordan, and dwvell in the God: and the blood of thy ssacrifices shall be poured hs..and which the LoRa your God giveth you to inherit, out upon thile altar of thle Load thy God, and thou rI Sam., and when hel giveth you rest fromn all your enemies shalt eat the flesh. sLev. 7, jl' Jr3 8round about, so that ye Iwell X safety: 8 1Observe and hear all these words which II comr- tisa. 1 20. 11 Then there shall be a place which the Lowd miand thee, that it may go well with thee, and with a Yvre. your God shall y choose to cause his name to dwell thy children " after thee fior ever, when thou doest that U isa. 48,18..,1tlhere; thither shall ye bring all that I commluand you; whichisgoodandrightin thesight ofthe LoanthyGod..eyour burnt-offerings, and your sacrifices, your tithesi 29 ~V When the Load thy God shall cut off' the ca,,,,ah and the heave-offerinD of your hand, amnd all q- your nations friom before thee, whither thou goest to poschoice of yourvows. chioice vows wthich. ye vov unto the LoRD: sess them, and thou succcedest them, and dwellest 12 Aind ye shall rcjoice betfre the Loan your God, in their land; ye, and your sons, and your daughters, and your men- 30 Take heed to thyself, that thou be not X snared x eh.,. 16. servants, and your maid-servants, and the Levite that y by following them, after that the.y be destroyed fr'om y Ex 3,sa is within your gates; forasmiiuchi as he hath no part betbre thee; and that thou inmquire not after their gods, Lev. 1s, nor inheritance with you. saying, flow did these nations serve thmeir gods' z 1La. 18, s Lov.17 I S 1 Take heed to thyself that thou offer not thy even so will I do likewise. 1.1. c.1ng, s. burnt-offerings " in every place that thou seest: 31 Thou shalt not do so unto the LonD thy God 8,.8' 14 But in the place whiclh the LoRD shall choose for every abomniination to the Loin) which he hateth 136 Lnticers to zdolatry to be stoned. CHAPTEiR X I11 XIV. ,iEc.5, 3.,blirenleot- con9regation A f tile LoRD. 23 Thath i ou tlgs nor 2 a A bastarr~ld still nllot enter into the conzgrega- 23 T'hat. Which is gon-e Out of thy lips thous shalt bear: anyof. ~r a fLee in tion of the LORD; even to his tenth generation keep and perform; even a' fie-wll-offerigr ac- 2J.44 chsure!h or -P ewi-c n, 2. state, and shall lie not enter in-to the congregation of the LoRu. cordin-g as thou biast vowed unto the Lonn thy God, Iev 7, 18 wg~ibe. 3 An b Amm onite or iM oahite shall iot cuter in- which thou hast promised m with thy mouth. aZech., 6. to the congregation of the LORD; even to thelr 24 TU.~lien tio "co ii stinto tl.y. iieig!our'svine- r. D'~ 9,7, b Neh. 13, ODLil ~I Tieiilt Olet tmYn~~uu 23~eh. 13, tenth generation shall tucy not enter into tme con- yard, then thou mayest eat grapes thy fill,at thine own CNell. 13,l. gregation of thle LORD C forever: plemsule; hut thou shalt not put any in thy vessel. d Mat. 25, dht 1 n'teo 46. 43 ecause they imet yo,..iot wvith bread and with( 2S vnen thou comeest into th stauding-corno 1 water in the way, when ye came forth out of E gypt;l thy iieisbbour~, then thou imayest pluck time ear-s " wiithi'MaWi2. and because they hired against thee Balaam the son thy hand: but thou. shalt not move a sickle unto 2 Cor. 6, 13 e.Nu. 22; of Beor, of Pethor of Mesopotamia, to e cur-se thee.j thy neighbour's standing corn. 5 Nevertheless the LORD thy God wvould not: CHAPTER XXIV. hearken unto Balaam: but the LORD thy God turned, 1 Of divorce....6 10 Of piedges.... 7 Of iwjan-stealers....14 The hire is to the curse into a blessing unto thee, because tile LonRD be given....i16 Of justice....19 Of charity. thy God loved thee. - THEN a. ian bath Ct en a wife, and a married ach. 21,13 (Ezra 9, 12. 6 Thou shalt'not seekl their peace, nor their pros- her, amd it comnict topass. that She find no favour perity all thy days for ever, in his evesbecause lie bath foand some I uncleannCess $at;.Of g Gen 2.3, 7 ri Tliou shalt iot abhor an g 9Edomite, for lie iss in hier: then let hini Write her a. hill ofU divorcement ntzkednesa~ 30. not.an out ch - 23, 14. h' Obal. 10, thy brother: thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian, amd give it in her handl, and send her out of his house. Or or, f he 12. because, thou wvast a stranger in his land. 2 And wvhen she is departed out of hlis house, she 2{"Cte, 8 he chmihdren that are begotten of them sia.ll may go and be b another man's ic-fe..,29. l,~"enter iito the conowreration of the LoRn in their' 3 And if the latter h1usban d hate her, and write tji7g f Ephi. 2,12. third generation. her a bill of ddivorcemuent, andl giveth it in her hand, 1)1. 2, 2 & 3 1. 9 IT When tile host goeth forth agaiist thine ee- and semdeth her out of his houses or if tile latter kNunl,2, mines, then keep thee from every k wickedl thing. husband die, which took hier to be his wifex Luke 3, 14. 10 ~ If there be among you any mnan that is not 4 Her,fornmer hiusband whichi sent hem away, may clean by reason of uncleanness that chianceth. hiin C not take her againi to be his w ifWe, after that she is c Mal. 2,14 I Lev 15,. 1 by niiight, then shall lie go abroad out of the n'camnp, defiled; for thliat is abomination hulforie the LOR) "1Nurn.5,I. he shall not conic within the camp: amid thou, shalt not cause the land to sin, xxhimeli the IJosh. 22, II But it I-hall he, when evening comethl on, lie LoRuD thiy God giveth theefao an inheritance. Jer, a, 18. h. 10, 22 sallal " xvash himlself withl water: and whena time suii 5 ~ Wihen a imman hiath takecn a newv wife, lie shall Lev0 "is down, le shall coni ItO the camp agn. e not go out to war, neithler sll he be charged whm ar ci2,7 1.2 ~I 7 Thou shalt have a place also wiNl7hotit 1 hei any busne t i camp, whlithler thou shalt go for'th ab.road: andi shall' ('beer tip hris wvifo wh~ich lie bath takien.:a., 13 Audil thou sha~lt have a paddletr upon thy wcea- 6 ~iNo man shall take time miethler or thie upper~tmmill- gcrx. 11.6. pon: and it shall b-e wvhen thlou wilt, ease thyself 1 stone- to pledge: for~ lie t kieth a ~man's ife to pledgeo.ic.3,1 n q abix ax, thlou shalt dig ther~ewith, audi shall turn hack, 7 ~ I f a man be found stealing " amiy of his bre~thren h Ex. 21,1 I~etk2,12. anoi cover thiat whizch 0 comietn iromn Oee: 01 tuie (niltd cii of Ia~sra audi niaket1~i n~cet~l anoiser 1 ci. 2!, 14. j~LcV. 26, 14 For' the LORD thy God P wralketh! in the midst (if himn, or se-lieth hlim; dmenI that thief sh~all (lie; andi hey. 19,13 of thy camnp, to dieliver thaee, and to give up thlinel Ithou shalt put evril aivay fromn among you. 143 Of justice and charity. DEUTERONOMY. Of unjtst weights. Before kBfr'c~rL, 8T ~kBe1rAo erosl~ bmt~~.J'1 ntk hr 8 J Take heed ini the plague of leprosy, that thor ther shal go in nto her, and take herto mmin to wie, I.sT -1 It IS T tn.7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHIRIST 1 observe diligently, and d(o according to all that the and perfoirm tlhe duty of a husband's brother unto her 1. priests tihe Levitesslhall teach you: as I commranded 6 And it shall be, that thle first-born which she ".'.'2 6i, W them, so ye shall observe to do. beareth, shall 9succeed in the name of his brother auth4 17. I Luike'"'1 ll, 4 132~. 99' Rermember what the LoRD thy God did unto which is dlead, that his name be not " put out of Israel. h 2, 9, 1. I co,..J0, 0. Miriad l-y 4he way, after that were come forth Ruth o, 20. 1. J. 0. Miriam bIy the way, after that ye were come ~forth 7 And if the man like not to take his brother's &I.~, 1 out of E,!,ypt. wife, then let his brother's wife go up to the' gate unto aRuth4,L 10 ~ When thou dost lend thy brother any thing, the elders, and say, My husband's brother refuseth 2. thou shalt not go into his house to fetch his pledge: to raise up unto his brother a name in Israel, hlie will 11 Thou shalt stand abroad, and tihe man to' not perform the duty of my husband's brother. whom thou dost lend shall bring out the pledge 8 Then the elders of his city shall call him, and abroad unto thee: speak unto him: and f he k stand to it, and say, I k Ezek. 44 speak~~~~~~~~ unt hi 2,4. 12 And if the man be poor, thou shalt not sleepi like not to take her,2 with his pledge: 9 Then shall his brother's wife come unto him in 13 In any case thou shalt deliver him the pledge' the presence of thle elders, and loose his shoe from Er-.22, ag ain when the m sun goeth down, that he may sleep off his foot, and nspit in his face, and shall answer th4,7. Z":!Co_9. In 21 n 6 0J& Wpairnent, and "bless thee; aiald it slia ll~m Num. 12 C2Cor. 9, in his own raiment, and bless thee; and it shall be and say, So shall it be done unto that man that will 14. 2Tyi.1,17, riglteousness unto thee before the LORD thy God. not " build up hris brother's house. nRuth4,L1 oh, 0, 25. 14 ~ Thou shalt not oppress a Phired servant that. 10 And his name shall be called in Israel, The &,,. ispoor and needy, lheter he be of thy brethren, or of 0 house of him that ath his shoe loosed. Ruth 4,. p Ley. 10,. o m a a loe,19. thy strangers that are in thy land within thy gates II ~ When men strive together one with another, Mark,0, 9., 15 At his day thou shalt give him his hire, neither and tue wiie of the one draweth near for P to deliver P Ro Jam.5,,4. s:all the sun q go down upon it, for hlie is poor, and her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth q Lev. 1.9, 13e. 19' settethi his heart upon it: lest he cry against thee him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by' Heb. li he L un Ueth his unto the Lo D, and it be sin unt thee. the serets SoWi,,,o it, 16 I[ T fhea fathers shall not be put to death for the 12 Tlhen thou shalt q cut off her hand, thine eye qr. 7, 13. Jer. 22, 27. n. 2,.verse 13. cldiidren,neithe rshallthechildren Ibeputto deathforthe shall not pity her. Prov. 24 9. fas in tdi e ars o 2 l at hers: every ma sllaibe putto death foris own sin. 13 ~ Thou shalt not have in thy bag - divebrs tanS. 14, (1. 1~~~~~~~~~ ~~f p111 shalt 1.~~~~~~~~~~~~]' and'~~~~~~~~t~~~ I a~stone and a~ 24, 6. 17,4 Thou shalt not pervert thejudgmnent of the weights, a great and a small: alone, P. Clkr. 2i,4i. st~~an~ea, n Mi,r tile U fatherlessnsr talae tile ~rido~~sci 6, 11.. x23, t. strang-er, nor of the u latherless,nor take time widow's 114 Th.hou shalt not have in thy house I divers mea- tf Heb. an "''':"ra ien to pedge ~ pil ellx. 21im.22. i to pedge sures, a great and a small: e,,lh an.t u Ex. 2t,22. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~an elphaht. Elruv. 22,%2. wq~~tto latpeexbrta huast a to, r Amos 8, a~ Irov. 2,2. 18 But thou shalt remember that thou wast abond- 15 But thou shalt have a rperfect and just weight, rA'htS, man in Egypt, and the LORD thy God redeemed thee a perfect and just measure shalt thou have; that thy thence: therefore I command thee to do this thing. dlays may be lengthened in the land which theE'x. 20,12. x Lev. 190,9.' & 2, 22. 19 i When thou x cuttest dowVn thv harvest in tIJv LoID ty God giveth thlee. Job 39,,. field, and hast Y forgot a sheaf in the field, thou shalt 16 For all that (do such things, and all that do un- I Thess.4, Ruth 2,1. nIot go again to fetch it: it shall be for the z stranger,. righteousl y,arean abomination unto theLonnD thvGod. for tihe faterless, and forthe widow: thlattheLoRDthy 17 u" Remember what Amalek did unto thee byu E. 17,5 a.Po.v. 19God may bless thee " in all the work of thy hands. the way, when ye were come forth out of Egypt; MN. 25,40. 20 When thou beatest thine olive-tree, thou Ishalt 18 How lie met thee by the way, and smote the t Heb. thou xl, 1 sh,,tnot not go over the boughs again: it shall be for the hindmost of thee, even all that were X feeble behind Mt.1, bough it S thee, when thou wast faint and weary~~~~~~~ —" fel~l: aehnd lief.".te:,. stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow.thee, when thou ast faint and weary: and he 2t Wl(hen thou gatherest the grapes of thy vine- y feared not God. yProv. 16, yard, thou shalt not glean it afterward: it shall be for 19 Therefore it shall be, Z when the LORD thy 6'oa. the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widowv. God hath given thee rest firom all thine eeneties 22 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a round albout, in the land which the LORDn thy God bond-man in the land of Egypt: therefore I corn- giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it, that thou maud~~~~~~C thet othstig a oh. 9, 14 iuiand thlee to do this thing. shalt a blot out the remembrance of Amalek from un-,h. s, 1 CHAPTER XXV. der heaven; tlhou shalt not forget it. 2 3 Stripes must not exceed forty....4 Thile ox is notto be muzzed....13 01 CHAPTER XXV1. unjust weights. The covenant between God and the people. F there be a controversy between men, and they /ND it shall be, when thou art come in unto the conme unto judgment, that the judges may judge' land which the LOID thy God giveth thee for an,, them; then thy shall justiy te righteous, and inheritance, and possessest it, and dwellest tlherein; n,,,n..s, aa, condm ah ikd a Num. 15. Itoin.,33, condldmnn the wicked. 2 That thou shalt take of the a first of all the fr'nit hN. 2 And it shall be, if the wicked man be worthy of the earth, which thou shalt bring of thy land that e-vo. 3 9, bIPet. 4, b to be beaten, that thejudge shall cause him to lie the LORD thy God giveth thee, and shalt put it in a Jer.2, 3. 14' >11~ ROm. 8,23. cdown, and to be beaten before his face,according to basket, and shalt b go unto the place which the LorD James I, 1 2Cor., hI f, in her. 24.2 his fault, by a certain number. thy God shall choose to place his name there. &4. 23,., ~~Irl~na so 3c I,Ilirt emygiehm ndntece & 34, 22. 3d 2, 0. C Forty stripes lie may give him and not exceed ~: 3 And thou shalt go unto tBe c priest that shall be in c 4b. 13, a0Cnr. lest i' hle should exceed, and beat him above these those days, andI say unto him, I profess this day unto'j ~}~' with many stripes, then thy brother should d seem the LoRD thy God, that I anm come unto the country,thl~esheih,, ~S'~"'71 vile unto thee. which tile LORD sware unto our fathers for to give us. I j1"'. a 17 4'~ Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he 4 And the priest shall take the basket out of thy ~:~?..~,~ p trecadethl out the corn. band. and set it down d before the altar of the Lorn d at. 23, Luke,, 2 5.f brethren C cwell together, and tone of then i thy God. 39.!l o,, one~ die, ad h yave no child, the xvife of the dead shall not 5 And thou shalt speak and say before the LORD 1 Or, poer,. -~.mnarr5 w it:hout unto a straner: her I{ husband's bro-tiiy God, A Syrian 11 ready to perish was my fauer;y, ta?) 144 The covenant belween God and the people. CHAPTER XX VJ. The cunrser prono,' ced ptzcn m0oun7t Ebal. Before Bef, roe CHs'r and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there giveth thee, that thou shalt d set thee up great stones, cLRzsT 1". with a e few, and became there a nation, great, and plaster therm with Tpla ster 4. e u 5j i:nhty, and populous; And thou shalt write upon them' all thle words,,, elG.. 46,.11~IE.2,4 e7. 6 And the Egyptians fevil-entreated us, and af- of this law, when thou art passed over, tlhat olrds eE:x..24,4. 27 E" ~ 1a1. A t Eytasho 2e3, 7 Ev. li, 14.fictedus, and laid upon us g hard bondage. Inmayest go in unto the land which the LoR) thiy Grod 3.. E'x. 2, 23. Rc.9,8 x 2,3 7 And when we " cried unto the LORD God of olm giveth thee, a land that fioweth with milk and hon1ey; V:cn. 9,- 3 i Ge 16, 34 3. fathers, the LoaoD heard our voice, and looPked on as the LORD God of thy fathers hati promised thee. ver.s. E 3. our affliction, antd our labour, and our oppression 4 Therefore it shall be, when ve be gone over 8 And the LORD brouyht us forth out of Egyypt Jordan, that ye shall set up these stones, which I Ex,-, 6. with a mighty hand, and with an k out-stretched comteand you this day, in mnount g Ebal, and thou g"'"e.' ch. 6, 13. it a..gt anade Ic h.4,3 arm, and with great'terribleness, and with signs, and shalt plaster them with plaster. with wonders; 5 And there shalt thou build h an altar unto the hEx. 24,4 9 And lie hath brought us into this place, and hath LORD thy God, an altar of stones: thou shalt not given us this land, even a land that floweth with lift up any nil'on tool upolon thlcm. i Ex. 20.25 m x..S, s. milk and honey. 6 Thou shalt build the altar of the, LORD thv God' 6'':,. 10 And now, behold, I have brought the first- of kwhole stones; and thou shalt offir' burnt-offer- akosh. 8, 23.s fruits ofthe land, which thon, O LoRD, hast given ings thereon unto the LORD thy God I en,, 20 Re v. 14, 4. t m Lev..1, t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o.-.m'' ev. 14,4. me n and thou shalt 0 set it before the LOPD thy 7 And thou shalt offer " peace-ofienrigs, and shalt, Ler. 3,. o ver. 2. Rono. 12, i. God, and worship before the LORD thy God eat there, and rejoice before the LonrD thy God. i. ch. I 2, 7. Vey q ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,oott Thin?., 8~~~~~~~~~~ A,, ULo. ~0,IS 16, 117. 11 And thou shalt p reioice in every q good thing 8 And thou' slialt write upon the stones all the Ia.s,13;, Mat. 7,11. which the Lorn thy. God hath given unto thee, and words of this law, very ~ plainly. U) 2, 2 uke 11,13. unto thy house, thou, and the Levite, and the 9 And Moses and thle priests thle Levites, spake Co. 3., 2, stranger that is among you. unto all Israel, saying, Take heed, and hearken, 0 Rev. 2, 17. 12 ~~ When thou hast rmade an end of tithing[ all Israel; this day thou art become the people of the pch.26, 17. 12 Iff When thou hast made an end of tithij P_ AEC. 4, 5.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mic 4,fl ~Le.27, the tithes of thine r increase tihe third'year, w/hichis Louao thy God. Num. 18,24. the yearof tithing, and hast given it unto the Levite, 10r Tliousttalt theiefore obey tihe voiceof tle LonRD ch. 14, 2l. the stranger, the itherless, and the widow, that thliy God, and " do his commandments and his statutes."m,j2Me they may eat within thy gates, and be filled i which I command th,:ee this (lay. 13 Then thou shalt say before the Lon, ) thy God, HI ~ And Moses charged the people the same day; i lave brouoht away the hallowed things out of my saying, house and also have given them unto the Levite, and 12 These shall stand upon mount r Gerizim to'Ill. I,, 0 Jud. 9,7 unto the stranger, to tihe fatherless, and to the widow, bless the people, when ye are come over Jordan according to all thy commandments, which thou hast Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Issachar, and h. 17, 2. commanded me: I t have not transgressed thy corn- Joseph, and Benjaniin mandinents, neither have I forgotten thenzm. 13 And these shall stand upon mount Ebal to c 1. 4 I have not eaten thereof in my imeourning. curse;'Reuben,'Gad, and Asher, and u Zebulun, en.2,,ev 7, 20. f n l. 30 fls. 9,04. neither have I taken away aught thereof for DX van, and Naphtali Gen. 30, XPs. 106, W'10 K s. 103, unclean use, nor given augztht theieof for the X dead 14 I[ And thIe y Levites shall speak, and say unto u,en. 10, E..24, 17. but I have hearkened to the voice of the LoaRD my all the men of Israel with a loud voice, X"', os.9, 4. God, and have done according to all that thou Ihast 15 Cursed be the man that maketh any grraven 4,, 6,7. commnd ~ V h. 33, 10. coimmanded me. or molten image, b an abomNinatiron unto thle Lonez,,so.. i, I z ch. It, p.0 y Ps. 2, 1, 15 Y Look down fi'rom thy holy habitation, from the work of the hands of the'craftsman, and puttetm njt..1,: t 2. G a I, -10. aRom. 2,29. heaven, and bless thy people Israel, and the land it in a d secret place: and all the people shall answer G, 3l.,0. thou swarest umito o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r say, s~~~~~Ex. 20, 4 which thou hast given us, as'thou swarest unto our and sav, An)en. 1, 2 Kigs s 12,. fathers, a land that fiowethi with milk and honey. 116 Curased be lie that e setteth light by his father j:' 2' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ — os 12}l os. 18,2 16 ~I z This day the Lown thy God hath coin- or Ihis mother: and all the people slhall say, Amten. ti zek. s, manded thee to do these statutes and judgments 17 Cursed be lie that reimoveth his neighbour's,...0 1 I e Ex.?Ilslna lot; I:, 7 12 thou shalt therefore keep and do them with all tih? c landmark: and all.the people shall say, Amen. fch. 19, 14 heart, -and with- all thy soul. 18 Cursed be hie that maketli the g blind to wander gi~b' a Ex. 19, 3, 4. 17 Thou hast a avouched the Lonn this ciay to out of the way: and all tile people shall say, Amen. Ehb. 6,o3. be thy God, and to walk in his' ways, and to keep 19 Cursedl be he that perverteth the judgment of b Gen.6 12. his statutes, and his commandments, and his judl- the stranger, fatherless, anti widow and all the c I Sam. t5, ~ 2 Sa. 15, ments, and to e hearken unto his voice, people shall say, Amen. ii cli. 22,30 18 And the LonRD hath avouched thee this day to 20 Cur-ed be hlie that hlieth with his father's dEx. 19, 5. he his d peculiar people, as he hath promised thee, wife; becalse lie uncovereth his father's skirt iend and that thou shouldest keep all his command- all the people shall say, Amen. ments; 21 Cursed be lie that lieth with any manner of eh. 28, 1. 19 And to e make thee high above all nations beast' and all the people shall say, Amen. V' Zeph. 3, ln tep.!which he hath made, in f praise, and in g name, and 22 Cursed be lie that lieth with his sister, the sa.~"',, h honour; and that thou Inayest be a ~holy peo- daughter of his father, or' the dauglhrer of his mother' hi!sa..61, 3. pie unto thie LORD thy God, as lie hath spoken. amid all the people shall say, Amen. l Rom.6,22. CHAPTER xxvH. 23 Cursed be lie that lieth with his mother-in-law: The curses pronounced on!~~ount Ebal. iand all1 the people shall say, Amecn. AND Moses, whti the a elders of Israel, corn- 24 Cursed be lie that ismmitethm hiis neighbouon n.'a 1 *i b Gal. 3, 10 ~n:anded the people, saying, Keep ball the corn- secretly and all the people shall say, A men. k cli. 1,. i,. Luke 2mandments w ich I command you this day. 25 Cursed be he that takethm reward k to slay an re nk', OEc And it shall be on " the day when ye shall pass i nnocent person: and all thie people shall say, Amden. ~. {n. iu. over Jordan unto the land which the Loa~ thy God 26 Cursed be he that I con lirmeth not all the words. T 1~~~~~~~~~~45 The blessings for obedience, DEUTERONOMY. and curses for disobedience. CH,,ST of this law to do them: and all the people shall thou perish quickly: because of the wickedness of C1orf 14i say, i Amen. thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me.. mNum..5, CHAPTER XXVHI. 21 The LouD shall make the g pestilence cleave, 22.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ g E.5, 2r. ~ 1 The blessingrs for obedience....15 The curses for disobedience. unto thee, until he have consumed thee firom off the Exa. I,2, I t E.. 15,26./ ND it shall come to pass, if thou shalt a hearken lanDd, whither thou goest to possess it. _ diligently unto the voice of the LOYPD thy God, 22 The LORD shall smite thec with a h consump-h Ley. 26, to observe and to do all his commandments w hich II tion, and with a fever, and with an inflammation,' command thee this day: that the LORD thy God will andi with an extreme burning, and with 11 the sword II Or, brhil. 3,14 b, stl, L L *rl 1I~~. a*' kain *.teel~h:'' drought," e1. Col., 1,2. set thee on high above all nations of the earth and with blasting, and with k mildew: and they Lev. 6, 25 2 And all these blessinfgs shall come on thee, andi shall pursue thee until thou perish. i2 K1in,'~' ~ 19. Amo, 4?4. ~ va.r.s. 15 Covertake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice 23 And the 1heaven that is over thy head shall Ao,o4. zech.1,, of t k Jar. 3o; 6 of the LoRD thy God. /kbe brass, and the earth that isunder thee shall be iron. 1Lev. 26. 0G n. 4, 4 3 d Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed 24 The LORD shall make the rain of thy land 1'' P's. 107, 38. & 18s,. shalt thou be in the field. mpowder and dust: from heaven it shall come down'sa'5' 2 Gn. 1,22. 4 Blessed shall be the a fruit of thy body, and thl upon thee, until thou be destroyed. E x. i, 12. L.26,4. firuit of thy ground, and the fruit of thy cattle, the 25 The LORD shall cause thee to be smitten Ps. 128, 1.. O -' 1 Tim. 4, 8. increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep. before thine enemies: thou shalt go out one way f ch. 26, 2. 5 Blessed shall be thy "basket and thy store. against them, and flee seven ways before them; and g2 Clhron. 6 Blessed shalt thou be when thou g comest in, shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth. 1, 12. 96 n., 12.S. andi blessed shall thou be when thou goest out. 26And thy carcass shall be meat unto all fowls n Jer. 7, 63 "Acts' 21. 7 The LORD shall cause thine enemies that rise of the air, and unto the beasts of the earth, and no h2Sam. 22, up against thee to be h smitten before thy face: they man shall fray therm away. 38. 1omn. 16, shall come out against thee one way, and flee before 27 The LopR,D will smite thee with the 0 botch of o., 2o~.,0, n p I Sam. a; 1 e.16 thee kseven ways. Egypt, and with the ermerods, and wvith the scab,,S). 15..'. 8 The LoRn) shall'command the blessing upon and with the itch whereof thou q canst not be healed. q Ex. 15,2, k Gen. 33, tho n' a. thee in thy ymstore-houses, and in all that thou" settest 28 T[he LORD shall smite thee with r madness, r Sam. 23, Lev. 4, 6. th h a d u t o3n e hl best L Lev1 thy hland unto and lie shall bless thee in the land land'blindness, and astonishment of heart sl:a.42, 19 I Pro.2. 3which the LORDthyGod giveth thee. 29 And thou shalt Ugrope at noon-day, as the Jer. 4,"t inPo. hr ic 1h iot't l 0d lestabih thee a, ~ ~ "~""'i n'mp o i 7 loP. 9 Tire LoR. shall establish thee a holy peoplei bind gropth in darkness; and thou shalt not pros- 27. Ftc. 12 7 cno. 12,7. unto himself, as hlie hath sworn unto thee, if thou per in thy ways: and thou shalt be only oppressed 2'm.2 23. shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God,! and spoiled evermore, and no man shall X save thee, S.Z 42. p. and walk in his ways. 30 Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man pch. 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, II, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ sa 1,1 1h4, 1, 10 And all people of the earth shall see that P thou} shall Y lie with her: thou shalt build a house, and Isa.'1 art called by the name of the LORD; and they shall thou shalt not dwell therein: thou shalt plant a vineq cli. 11,o2. be q afraid of thee. yard, and shalt not' gather the grapes thereof. Hea. miake it 11. And the LORD shall make thee plenteous in 31 Thine ox shall be slain before thine eyes, and commas, goods, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy thou shalt not eat thereof: thine ass shall be violently ch. 20, 6., cattle, and in the fruit of thy ground, in the land, taken away from before thy face, and shall not be rewhich the LORD sware unto thy fathers to gi;ve thee. stored to thee: thy sheep shall be given unto thine rJob38,22. 12 Tile LORD shall open unto thee his good rtrea- enemies, and thou shalt have none to rescue them. sure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his 32 Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto Lev. II,'season, and to bless all the work of thy hand: and another people, and thine eves shall look, and 7fail ZI Ps. 119, 14. Y s22 1rov.22, thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt ith longinmg for them all the ay long: and there n. ot borrow. shall be no a might in thy hand. a Mic. 2, e. ii, 16. 13 And the LORD shall make thee the U head, and 33 The fruit of thy land, and all thy labours, shall over. 2. not the tail; and thou shalt be x above only, and thou a nation which thou knowest not b eat up: and thou baJar., 17 6oh, s, as. shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the shalt be only oppressed and crushed always commandments of the LoRD thy God, which I comrn- 34 So that thou shalt be mad for the C sight of c ver. 67. iiand thee this day, to observe and to do them ~ thine eyes which thou shalt see. Gal. 3, 12. 14 And thou shalt not go aside from any of the 35 Tle LORD shall smite thee in the knees, and in words which I command thee this day, to the right the legs, with d a sore botch that cannot be healed dJob2, 7. hand or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them. from the sole of thy foot unto the top of thy head. 2. 1,2, Lev. 26, 15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt Y not 36 The LORD shall bring thee, and Ithy ing e2 ins Lay. 2, ~ itsalcnctiu'nt 17,6. hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to ob- which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation whichi r2 Kligs serve to do all his commandments andl Ais statutes neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there 24, 14. which I command thee this day: that all these shalt thou serve g other gods; wood and stone. g Isa. 44. curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee: 37 And thou shalt become " an astonishment, a haJer. 21, za c. 27,.. 16 z Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed proverb, and a by-word, among all nations whither ye'. 3.,aveor. 5. shalt thou be in the field. the Loun shall lead thee.'a var. 17 Cuse shall ae stor ase. n a 1, 6 17 Cursed shall be thy basket and a store. 38 Thou shalt carry much seed out into the field,.. 18 Cursed sIhall be the b fiuit of thy body, and the and shalt gather but little in: for the locust shall1Joe'l 4. c yer. 9. ".c',.",.i'ait of thy land, the increase of thy kine, and the consume it. S Mat. 2, 2. flockls of thy sheep. 39 Thou shalt plant vineyards and'dress themn, as=. 7,t2, 19 Cursed shalt thou be when thou e comest in, but shalt neither duilnlk of the wine, nor gather t/e Zech.14,,, andcursed shalt thou be when thou goest out. grapes; for the k wvorms shall eat them. f'. 5,,~. 20 The LORD shall send upon thee d cursing, 40 Thou shalt have olive-trees throughout all thy:. a~vexation, and "rebuke, in all that thou settest thy coasts, but thou shalt Inot anoint thyself with the 26, hand unto for to do, until thou be destroyed,olive shall cast hisfuit. Plagues threatened CHAPTER XXIX. for disobedience, Sefore ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Befbr~o ~i,,f,, 41 Thou shaltbege t sons and daughters, but' thou 59 Then the LoRD will make thy plagues g won- cRS,?tt BUST 41TosltbgtsnandagtrFRS *14S.S shalt not enjoy them f bir they sthall go into captivity. derful, and the plagues ofthy seed; elven great p)lagues,'1. "'" 42 All thy trees and fruit of thy land shall the! and of long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of.",. heb. the loCUSt consume. long continuance. Dan. 9 shatll not be,'in be. 43 The, stronger that is within thee shall get up 60 Moreover, he will bring upon thee all the disHet,.:e. above tlbee' very high; and thou shalt conic down eases of " Egypt, which thou wast aftraid of; and they h EX 6,9. alsatm l, only el 5',ere. very low. shall cleave unto thee. thought to aI thou,,,gh 44 H shll" en d to thece, and thou shalt not lend to 61 Also every sickness, and every plague which re.and. hin:he shall bhc the head, and thou shlialt he the tail. is not written in thle book of this law, them will the Job0, 45 0 I.'or eoyer, all these curses shall come upon LORDn) bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed. chI. 1,:8.' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cause t~ tfil.ch, hihee, e a- shallpurs d overtake thee till 62 And ye shall be left'few in tnumber, whereas, se,7i-ed, k'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x. l 16. J',$,~,.thou be destroyed: because thou hearkenest not unto ye were as k the stars of heaven foir multitude; be- F,,.s, 1. Uerlowlow, iln 4 13r. 13. the voice of the LonRD thy G(od, to keep his commnand- cause thou wouldest not obey the voice of the LORD 30.., rn Lev. 26, Le. ments and his statutes hich h e comma nded thee Nun. 9, 20. gt;. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~um~~~~~~~~~~-,. 0, 20. v mevu, lents anII i1S.ll tPS war.Ca. 1ei COl12 Pllifl~ te( dees. 90, 3. over. 15. 46 And they shall be upon thee for a P sign and 63 And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD Isa. 1,9. o etl 1%3. p Isa. 34,0. for a vwonder, anid upon thy seed for ever. rejoiced over yon'to do you good, and to multiply kGe. 2,. Isa 34, 5. for a'vv m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~17. & 26,4. 47 Bec ause thou servedst not the LoR.D thy God you; so the LORD m will recjoice over you to destroy c,12,:2.. q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Neh ~,5 Wi-,q Neh. 9, 23. qNeh. 9,35. with.joyfilness and wit q gladness of heart, for the you and to briing you to nought; and ye shall be i ch.30, 9. L~a. 005, 14.'n J32 1 abundance of all things; plucked from off the land whither thou goest to pos-m ", 4 48 Therefoi'eshalt thou serve thine enemies, whict sess it. Rev. 18 20 the LornuD shall send against tthee, in hunger, and in 64 And the LORDn shall scatter thee among all peo-. thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: ~ pie from the one end of the earth even unto the other a2 Chron. and hlie shall put r a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until and there tion shalt serve other gods, which neither 12, S. lat. x1, 30. lie have destroyed thee. thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and stone. n it Jer. 31, 2 49 Tfhe Lona shall bring a nation against thee 65 And amrong these nations shalt thou find Io Mtt,.,, = from far, fr'om tie end of the earth, as s'vwft as the ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest: but sLam.4,19. S eagle flieth, a ration whose tongue thou shalt not the LonD shall give thee there a 0 trenbling heart, aLev. 26, Ezek. 17, ond 06 3, 12. understand; and failing of eyes, and P soirro of m.ind. Lev. 26,. 50 A niation o fierce countenance, which shall 66 And tiy life shall ha-,,in doubt before ihee:''.ruog of not regard the parson of tlhe old, nor shew favour to and thou shalt fear day and night, and shall have face, e. 7,s6,.theyoung none assurance ot thy life Dan. 8, 231. D.n I., 51 And he shall eat thet fruit of thy cattle, and 67 In the norning thou shalt say, Would God it lab. 3,17. the fi'uit of thy land, until thou be destroyed: which wv' e even and at even thou shalt. say, Would God usa.62, 8, also shall not leave thee either u corn, wVine, or oil, it were morning! for the fear of thy heart whereor the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy sheep, Iwith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes until hlie have destroyed thee. which thou shalt see. 2 Kings 52 And ie shall besiege thee x in all thy gates, 68 And the LORD shall bring thee into q Egypth. x', 1 ii7, & -*, 6oh. 1H, 1 2 Kings until thy hiTgh and y fenced valls come down, wherein again with ships, by the way Whereof I spiake ullto( Hose',3 12. thou trustedst, thlroughout all thy land: and lie shall thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land shall be sold unto your enemies fbr bond-men and wvhich the LORD thy God hath given thee. bond-women, and no m1an shall buy you. 3 Lev. 26, 53 And thou shalt eat Z the fi'uit of thine own body, CHAPTER XXIX. 29. CHAnd X X. i~ obedienre 2K ings6, the flesh of thy sons nd of thiy daughIters wlit'li thle Ioses exhorteth them to oeince, by the memory of the works they have-seen....2.9 Secret tidngs belong unto God. Lam.4, 10 LORD t113h God haltlh given thee, in the siewe and in the laveseen....29 Secret thtings belong unto God. icr. 19,9. straitness wherewith thiine enemies shall distress thee: H-ESE are the woids of the covenant which the 54 So that the ian that is tenldecr am