A COLLECTION OF PSALM AN IID MN TJN, CHANTS, ANT EMS, AND SENTENCES, ORIGINAL AND SELECTED, FROM THE BEST STANDARD COMPOSERS: ADAPTED FOR THE USE OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN AMERICA, AND FOR CONGREGATIONS OF OTHER DENOMINATIONS, AS WELL AS FOR SOCIETIES, AND SCHOOLS. BY Hl We GREATOREX, ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR. OF THE MUSIC IN CALVARY CHURCH, NEW YORK. HARTFOIRD: A. C. GOODMAN & CO. NEW YORK:-STANFORD & SWORDS, AND D. APPLETON & CO. PHILADELPHIAA:. —TllOMAS, COWPERTHWAIT & CO. BOSTON:-PHILLIPS, SAMPSON & CO. ENTEREID, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1851, BY A. C. GOODMAN & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Connecticut. TERE~OTYD R'BY IPRINTED BY THOrMAS B. SMITH, W. S. WILLIAMS. 216 William Street. Hartford, Conn. PREF ACE. THE Editor of this work trusts that the following pages will be found generally useful in the service of the church. His aim has been to furnish good music, rather than light, frivolous melody-to restore, as nearly as practicable, the old standard tunes and chants to their original harmonies, while, in the selection of the new, he has endeavored to avoid vulgarity, or straining after effect. He flatters himself that the large number of chants will be- found acceptable, for even where chanting is not practiced, hymns in metre, of four lines in each stanza, may be sung to almost all of the double chants, thus giving nearly one hundred new tunes if required. He would recommend to those in favor of congregational singing, to use the same words to the same tunes, invariably, and in a short time the association between the words and the music will enable the congregation to sing most of the tunes. It will be observed that the time marks are omitted throughout'the whole work, as the space they usually occupy more. than compensates for their loss. Marks of expression are also avoided-the character of the words sufficiently indicating the sentiment of the music to which they are attached. A SHORT CATECHISM ON THE ELEMENTS OF M1'USIC. FART Is CHAPTER II. Q. Does not the performance of a piece of music occupy a certain portion'RHYTHM. of time? A. Yes. QM Must that time be divided? C HAP T E IR J A. Yes, into equal parts, called Measures. Q. By what character are the measures separated? QUESTION.- What is a musical sound or tone? A. By a Bar. ANSWER. A sound produced by the vibration of any sonorous substance,- Q. Are measures divided? as, a.bell, an organ pipe, a string, wire, or reed; or by the human voice, &c. A. Yes, into parts of measures. Q. What distinct properties has every pure musical tone? Q. When a measure is divided into two parts, what is it called? A. It may be long or short, high or low, loud or soft. A. -Double Miieasure. -Q. Into how many departments, then, may the elementary principles be Q. How is it accented? divided? A. On the first part. A.'Three. Q. Can you illustrate it by an example in words? Q. What is the first? A. ilo-ly, I Fa-ther, I Mighty, I Spirit. A. Rhythm-treating of the length of tones. Q. What is a measure of three parts called? Q. What the second? A. Triple Melasure. A. Melody-relating to the pitch of tones. Q. How accented? Q. What the third?, A. On the first part,-as, Trinity, 1 Unity. A..Ex2pression-determiued by the loudness of tones. Q. What is a measure of four parts called? A. Quadrucple ieaswre. ELElMENTS OP MUSIC. v Q. How-accented? Q. The sound I have just sung is therefore one beat long. How is it repreA. Strongly on the first, and slightly on the third,-as, Whensoever, sented? Powerfully. J A. By a character made thus, * called a Quarter Note. Q. What is a measure of six parts called? Q. I will now sing a note as long as two beats. Will you beat time as A. Sextuple Measure, before? Q. How accented? A. (Teacher singing la.) Downward beat, upward beat. A. On the first and fourth parts,-as, Infallibility, I Infinitessimal. Q. How is this represented? Q. How must we mark the parts of measures in order to insure their A. By a character shaped thus, r- called a Haif Note. equality? Q. How is a sound as long as three quarters represented? A. By a motion of the hand, usually called Beating- time. A. By placing a dot after the half note, thus,' A dot after a note Q. What motions or beats has Double time? adds one half to its length. A. Two-Downward beat, and Upward beat. Q. How is a sound as long as four quarters represented? Q. What Triple? A. Thus, c called a Whole Note. A. Three-Downward beat, Inward beat, and Upward beat. Q. Are there any other notes in common use? Q. What Quadruple? A. Yes. Eighth Notes, made thus, or tied together, A. Four-Downward beat, Inward beat, Outward beat, Upward beat. Sixteenth Notes, made thus, P or tied together, 6 Q. What Sextuple Dae A. Six-Downward beat, Downward beat, Inward beat, Outward beat, Thirty-second Notes, made thus, E or tied together, Upward beat, Upward beat. Q. When three notes are sung to one part of. a measure, what are they called? 3 "Wr=9e A. Triplets,-and are marked thus, ea P. or a a e 3 Q. We are often required in music to beat a part, or parts, of a measure,CHAPTER III. Wa laatr or a whole measure, or a number of measures,-in silence. What characters Q. How are the various lengths of sounds represented? are used to denote this? A. By differently shaped characters. A. Certain characters, called Rests, which correspond in length to the notes Q. Will you now beat Quadruple time? from which they receive their names. (While the teacher sings la to each beat, at a convenient pitch, say F in Q. How many are in common use? the first space in the treble, the pupils count,) A. The Whole Rest, made thus w. Half Rest,'. Quarter Rest, r A. Downward beat, inward beat, outward beat, upward beat. Eighth Rest,'1. Sixteenth Rest, t1 VI A SHORT CATECHISM A. No. Different notes may be used, but the value must not exceed the C HAP T ER IV. primitive notes, as,Q. Are there any varieties of measure? 4 A. Yes. or,Q How obtained? 3 l p I PI P I A. By the use of different notes on each part of the measure. 4 Q. If the parts of Fourfold measure are quarter notes, what is it called? A. Four-four Measure, and is marked thus, 4 or C It is also called Common Time. Q. What do the figures at the commencement of a piece of music indicate? A, The upper figure shows the number of parts in each measure, the lower P A R T I I. indicates the kind of note used to fill each of those parts. Thus means four half notes in each measure. means three quarters in each measure. M E O D Y. three halves. g six eighths, &c. CHAPTER V. Q. What varieties of time are in common useHAP R V. A. In Double Measure. Q. Of what does Melody treat? 2 IIlIIi7~Il 2I A. Of the pitch of sounds. 4 1 Ii 2 I1'Id'I Q. What is that series of sounds, called the Scale In Triple Measure. A. A succession of eight sounds, which may be represented as follows: In Sextuple Measure... 4rr I;; i3; f 1 2 3 4 5 68 Q. Is it necessary that the same kind of notes should be used in each Q. How do we designate the sounds of the scale? measure? A. By numerals. ON THE ELEMENTS OF MUSIC. VII Q. How is the scale written? Q. Seven? A. On five horizontal lines, called a Sta~f. A. Si. (See.) 5th line. _ 4th space. Q Eight? 3d line. — ___ _ s acse. 4t line. — ____ ___ A. Do, again. Id line. Ist space. and on the 1st line. _________ 1st p Q. Have they any other names? and~ on the spaces between those lines, A. They are also named from the first seven letters of the alphabet; but, Q. What is each line and space called? as one is placed on the first added linebelow, we must commence with C. A. A degree. A staff contains nine degrees,-five lines and four spaces. -~ - Q. If more than nine degrees are wanted, what is used? A. The spaces above and below the lines, also additional lines, called L~eger, or added lines. Space above. Leger Lines. Leger Lines. CHAPTER VI. Q. We will place one on the first leger line below,-how are the rest placed? A. Q Q. What characters are used to determine the names of the degrees of the =~=~-~_~ =7~ staff? A. Clefs,-the Treble, or G Clef, and the Bass, or F Clef, Q. When the scale is thus written, what name do we give one? A. Do. (Pronounced Doe.) the Treble Clef fixes G upon the second line of the staff; the Bass Clef fixes Q. W~hat, twoz ~i~on the fourth line of the staff. A. Re. (Ray.) Q. Is then the F on the fourth line on the bass staff only one note below Q. What, three? the pitch of the G on the second line of the treble staff? A. 1VU. (Mee.) A. No. It is nine tones lower in pitch,-for example:-_ Q. Four? A. Pa. (As fa, in father.) -b2 Q. Five? E P G A B C A. Sol. (Sole.) Q. Six.? A. La. (A, as in father.) C D XI P G A B C VIIl A SHORT CATECHISM The male voices generally sing in the bass clef, and the female in the treble. Q. What is the best method to fix these intervals in the memory The treble clef is also used for the tenor,-the voices singing eight tones, or an A. Sing in the following order:octave below the real pitch. 1 3 5 8 3 1 5 8 5 1 3 8 8 1 3 5 1385 3185 5183 8153 -1538 3518 5318 8315 1583 3581 5381 8351 CHAPTER VII. 185 31 ~8 513 ~~HAP~~~~F~~~a VIZ. ~~~~~1 8 3 5; 3 8 1 5 5 8 I - 1~ Q. Is there any term for expressing the distance of one tone to another 1 8 5 3 3 8 5 1 -5 8 3 1 8 5 3 1 A. The distance or step from one tone in the scale to another is called an Q. How can we strike seven correctly? Interval. A. Sing one, then thiak of eight, and sing the next sound of the scale below Q. Of what intervals is the scale composed? it. Seven naturally leads to eight. A. Of whole tones and half tones. Q. How can we strike four? Q. In what order? A. Sing 1, then think of 3, and sing the next sound above it. Four natuA. From one to two, and from two to three, are whole tones; fr-om three to rally falls to three. four a half tone; fr-om four to five, from five to six, and fr-om six to seven, are Q. How can we strike two? whole tones; and from seven to eight a half tone. A. 1 or 3 will serve as a guide to 2; as 5 will to 6. Q. When we have learned to sing the scale in regular progression, what should we do next? A. We should learn to strike each sound separately, or in connection with any other sound. CHAPTER VIII. Q.. How ought we to commence? Qt. As the human voice is capable of producing sounds higher and lower A. By learning the perfect intervals,-as the third, fifth, and eighth, and than the eight sounds of the scale, how can we represent those toness? determining the imperfect intervals,-as the second, fourth, sixth, and seventh, A. When we sing above eight, we consider eight as one of a scale above, and from them. when we sing below one, we think of one as eight of a new scale below. Q. How can we fix in our minds the interval of the third-?. How can we write this? A. By singing 1, 2, 3,-i, 3,-i, 3,-i, &c. A. Thus: Q. How the fifth? _ - - - A. By singing 1. 2, 3, 4, 5,-I, 5,-i, 5,-i, &cC. Q. How the eighth? ~ -- - A. Sing 1, 2,3,4, 5,6, 67, 8,-i, 8,-1, 8,-i, &c. 7 A 3 4 5 6 r 8 12 3 4 6 7 7~~~~~~~~~~~~ ON THE ELEMENTS OF MUSIC. I Q. Into how many classes is the human voice generally divided? A. The sharp,-thus, A. Into four,-Treble or Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass. Q. What is the usual compass of each class _ A. The Bass from F toC, G the Tenor from C to G, _4 1 Q. Which is used mostly in descending? A. The flat,-thus, or the Alto from G to C, or and the Treble _ A -j ~8 7 6 5 4 3 from C to A, ____ Q. How do we name these chromatic tones? _-6.- |A. In speaking of them by numerals we say, sharp one, sharp two, flat four,....__. ____- __ _ &c.; by letters, C sharp, D flat, &c. By syllables, the termination of the syllable appropriated to the natural note is changed,-for the sharps to i (proCH APTER IX. nounced ee,) as, do, di,-re, ri, —fa, fi, —sol, si,-la, li. For the flats to e. (pronounced as a, in late,) as si, se,-la, le,-sol, se, —mi, me, &c. Q. The Natural (or Diatonic) Scale consists of five tones and two semi- Q. If a note-has been sharped or flatted, how is it restored? tones. Can the tones be divided? A. By a $t (Natural) placed before it. A. Between any two sounds a tone distant from each other,-as from one Q. What are these characters called when they occur in a piece of music? to two, another sound may be sung. A. Accidentals. Q. What is that scale termed which consists of semitones only? Q. Does an accidental affect a note throughout the whole piece? A. The Chromatic Scale. A. No,-only throughout the measure in which they occur. A bar destroys Q. How are these semitones obtained? their effect. A. Either by elevating the lower, or depressing the upper, of the two sounds. ___Q. What is the sign of elevation? A. A # (Sharp) placed before the note. HAPTER X. Q. What is the character used to depress a note A. A b (Flat) placed before the note intended to be lowered. Q. Is there any other scale besides the Diatonic and Chromatic? Q. What character is usually employed in ascending?. A. Yes,-there is the Minor Scale. x A SHORT CATECHISM Q. How is that fomed? Fs in the piece. It is then called the Signature. The signature of the key of A. From one to two a whole tone, from two to three a half tone, firom three G is therefore one sharp. to four a whole tone, fiom four to five a whole tone, from five to six a half tone, __ a from six to seven a whole tone and a half, from seven to eight a semitone: — _| ___ _____~ Do -Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do Ft.....-. Q. How much higher than the key of C is that of G? A. A fifth higher, or a fourth lower,-as a fifth above, and a fourth below, <- t~ —--—'~* *'-is the same thing. Q. What is the next regular transposition by sharps? CHAPTER XI. A. The fifth of the scale of G:-D. But as, if we continued the scale upwards, it would take it out of the range of the voice, we will write D on the Q. We have hitherto taken C as one of the scale, or as the key note. As space bel th li the scale is then-said to be in its natural position: can any other note be taken Q. What note must we sharp in order to preserve the order of intervals? as the key note, or tonic? m A. The fourth of the old scale, C, which becomes the seventh of the new key. A. Any other note may be taken as one of the scale, from which note the scale derives its name,-as, the scale or key of G, the key of D, &c. 7 4_; _ Q. When any other letter than C is taken as the tonic, what is said of the _ - scale?8 Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do A. It is transposed. Q. What is the signature of the key of D l Q. In transposing a scale, what is of the utmost importance? A Two sharps. A. Two sharps. A. To preserve the order of the intervals.. What is the next regular transposition by sharps? Q. If we take G (the fifth of the scale) as the tonic, how can we preserve A. A- being the fifth of the key of D. A. A —being the fifth of the key of D. the order of the intervals?. Q. Is the same rule followed as in the previous transpositions? A. The intervals will be all correct till we come to F, the fourth of the old, A. Yes. The fourth of D is made sharp, and becomes the seventh of A,and the seventh of the new scale, when, as there must be a whole tone between the signature of A being three sharps. 6 and 7, and a semitone between 7 and 8, we must make F sharp by placing a 8 before it. ___ _ Q. Is this character to be placed before every F? i A. No. It is placed at the commencement of the line, and affects all the Do Re Mi Fa Sol Li Si Do ON THE ELEMENTS OF MUSIC. XI Q. What is the next regular transposition by sharps? A. E -the fifth of the scale of A. And by following the same rule, and | -__ — sharping D, (the fourth of the key of A,) which becomes the seventh of the i Fe Sol La Si De new scale, we make the signature of the key of E to be four sharps. De Re Q. VWhat keys are the next in order? Q. What kseexnDer?~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~& Q. What is the next regular transposition by flats? A. B:-five sharps. F:-six sharps. C#: —seven sharps, &c. But as A. E flat, the fourth of the key of B flat. these are seldom used, and follow the same rule, there is no necessity to proQ. How is the scale transposed into E fiat 8 ceed further. A. According to the same rules as before. Flatten the seventh of the old l key, which becomes the fourth of the new, and the signature will be three flats, CHAPTER XII. Q. We will now take F (the fourth of the natural scale) as the key note. Me Fe Sol Le Se De Re Me What note must we alter to preserve the proper order of intervals! A. We must flatten the seventh of the scale of C-which becomes the Q What are the next keys in succession fourth of the key of F-in order to make the intervals correct: as there must be a semitone between three and four, and a whole tone between four and the same rules for transposition. five. Q. What will be the signature of the key of F? A. One flat. _ _ — ___ CHAPTER XIII. Do: -. Q.. The key is frequently changed, (transposed,) during the performance of Do Re Mi Fe Sol La Si Do a piece of music. What is that change called? Q. What is the next regular transposition by flats? A. Modulation. A. The fourth of the scale of F, which will be B flat. Q. What are the most common modulations? Q. How do we transpose the scale into the key of B fiat? A. From one to five, and from one to four. A. We must flatten E, the seventh of the key of F, the fourth of the new Q. How is the modulation from one to five effected? scale of B flat, —which therefore will have as its signature two flats. A. By sharping the fourth of the key, which immediately becomes the X1i A SHORT CATECHISM seventh of a new key. A sharp seventh is called the leading note, as it leads to eight. CHAPTER XIV. Q. Which is the note of modulation from any key to its fifth e Q. Which is the note of modulationQ. We have hitherto spoken of tones and semitones as intervals. Are there A. The sharp fourth. any others? A. Yes. Unisons, Seconds, Thirds, Fourths, Fifths, Sixths, Sevenths, t > 1 L mu4 $____ _F | i'Eighths, or Octaves, besides others, which are now immaterial to our purpose. — q —-q~ —— ~ — -- =a 3 _ Q. What is an unison? S [D-o iIi Re Dos A. The unison, (though not strictly an interval, is treated as such in the Si Do Mi Re Do 7 8 3, theory of music,) is from one to one. In counting intervals, the note from which you begin to count is always reckoned as one. Re Xlii Fti Q. When a modulation occurs, do we make any change?- - A. The melodic relations of sounds, and often the syllables applied in sol- Au Unison. mization, must be changed according to the new key. Q. What is a second Q. How is the modulation friom one to four effected'>'? A. A second is an interval fiom one letter to the next. If it includes a A. By flatting the seventh of the key, which becomes the fourth of the new semitone, it is called a minor second; if a tone, a major second. key. _ Q. What is the note of modulation by fourths? -a-e —A. The flat seventh. -nr Secnds Major Seconds. EXAMPLE. D"~ /.......i.....o I Q. What is a third? JRb i4=4-4S —— ~ 27I[ —?-~L- -- A. An interval from one letter to the next but one. If it includes a tone 4-~ —-~: —~- -- Do Se and a semitone, it is called a minor third; if two tones, a major third. Q. The examples have been given in the natural key of C. Are the same rules followed in other keys? _ _ ____ A. The same rule is applied in all the keys. Minior Third. Major Third. ON THE ELEMENTS OF MUSIC. xtI, Q. What is a fourth? Q. What is an octave? A. From any one letter to the next but two. Including two tones and a A. All octaves are equal, including five tones and two semitones. semitone, it is a perfect fourth; if it includes three tones, a sharp fourth. _ —--- - =_ Y-__ —'9 Octaves ___________ O -.-Octaves -~'~ ~ Sharp Fourth. Perfect Fourth. Q. What is a fifth? A. An interval containing two tones and two semitones is a flat fifth; one including three tones and a semitone a perfect fifth. CH A P T E R XV. Q. What are Passing Notes? — ~ A. When notes not properly belonging to the harmony are introduced, they Flat Fifth. Perfect Fifthfth. are called Passing Notes. Q. What is a sixthhat is an Appogiatura? Q. What is a sixth? A. When a passing note precedes the principal note, it is called an ApA. An interval of three tones and two semitones is a minor sixth; one of 1ogiatura' four tones and a semitone a major sixth. EXApPLo. EXAMPLE. i___ ______________________________ _.Written,1Minor Sixth. Major Sixth. Q. What is a seventh Sung,A. An interval of four tones and two semitones is a minor, or fiat seventh; of five tones and one semitone, a major, or sharp seventh. Q. What is a Syncope? A. When a note commences on an unaccented, and is continued on the Flat Seventh. Sharp Seventh. accented part of a measure, it is said to be syncopated. xIV A SHORT CATECHISM EXAMPLE OF SYNCOPATION. Q. What is the use of a Double Bar? A; ~_,_______~~__ ~A. To indicate a division of the phrases of the piece. ____...... -:~:: — I Q. What is a Close?,1 -A. A Close denotes the termination or end of a piece of music. Q. What is a Tie? EXAMPLES. Repeat. Double Bar. Close. A. A Tie ~ is used to connect two notes together so that they become Reeat. but one,-as in the above example. It is also used to show how many notes |_.__ | al are to be sung to one syllable. It is used also to denote a Legato style of performance. Q. What is the meaning of Legato A. When music is to be performed in a smooth, gliding manner, it is marked Legato. Q. What is Staccato? PART III. A. When the notes are to be performed in a short, pointed, detached manner, it is said to be Staccato, and is generally marked thus,Written,- E X P RE S SIO N.. i t:: I | CHAPTER XVI. Performed,__Performed, — Q. What are the principal means of giving Expression to a piece of music? -,' _ _:.::- ~ A. The Dynamic degrees of force, and the appropriate delivery of the words. Q. What is a Pause? Q. How many degrees of force are in common use? A. A Pause - indicates that a note or rest is to be prolonged beyond its A. Six: —Pianissimo, (pp) Very Soft; Piano, (p) Soft; Mezzo Sousual length. prano, (mp) Rather Soft; Mezzo Forte, (mf) Rather Loud; Forte, (f) Q. What is a Repeat? Loud; Fortissimo, (ff) Very Loud. A.- Dots across the staff require the repetition of certain parts of the piece. Q. What is an " organ tone"? ON THE ELEMENTS OF MUSIC. xy A. A tone commenced, continued, and ended, with an equal degree of Q. What is Sforzando? force. A. A single sound, struck suddenly and with force. It is marked sf. or ft. Q. What is a crescendo? or > or A. A. A tone commencing soft, and increasing in force to the end, is Ores- Q. What is most essential-in order to give expression? cendo, and is marked Cres., or - A. To study attentively the character of the words; to deliver them with Q. What is Diminuendo? a distinct and clear articulation, duly emphasizing those words which require A. A tone commenced loud, and diminishing to soft. It is marked Dim., it; to preserve the vowel sounds in all their purity; to take breath at those or - places only in which you can pause while reading the words, and avoid equally Q. What is a Swell? the extremes of a tame, lifeless delivery, and ranting. A. A tone partaking of the Crescendo and Diminuendo. It is designated thus,- ~ INDEX TO THE PSALMS, Psalm. Tune. Page. Psalm. Tune. Page. Psahn. Tune. Page. Psalm. Tune. Page. Psalm. Tune. Page. Psalm. Tune. Page. 1........St. Ansehn......45 23.......St. James's.. 22 47.......St. l~eot's.. 70 68.......Monmouth. 60 83, Pt. 2, Lancaster... 61 103,....York...... 11 2........!)edham.........28 24.......Truro...... 68 48.......~iner......72 69.......I)owland.. 8 85,.......Irish. 2 104.....Brigham....83 3........Dayspring....... 44 25.......Coupar.....14 49,......Preston....93 69, V. 3, Windsor... 29 86,.......Angel's Song 54 105.....Solitude....115 4........Gower..........31 26.......Christ Church 79 50.......St. Paneras. 57 70.......Henwick,.. 94 90........St. Olave's... 57 106.....Repton..... 17 5........Nayland........20 27.......Peckham....63 51,......St. Matthews 32 70, P~. 2, Solney....126 91......Melcombe... 59 108.....Farrant..... 4 6........Carlisle.........86 28.......Abridge.... 19 52.......St. Olaf....86 71.......Ditchling.. 6 92........Aston....... 92 109,....St. Paul's... 44 7.........Bedford.........30 281 Pt. 2, St.~Gregorius 23 53.......Rockingham 58 73.......Mear...... 20 93........Bangor.... 16 112.....Andrewes... 40 10,.......Trenf,............47 30.......Wareham... 56 54, Pt. 2, Drew......64 73, Pt. 2, Zurich.....22 94........Strasburg... 49 113.....Walton.....71 12........St. David's...... 21 32.......Crucifixion.. 7 55,......Axbridge... 35 74.......Magdalen.. 71 95........St. Ann's.... I 114.....Compton.... 2 14........Rochester.......69 33.......Bemerton... 41 55.......Geer......40 75.......ttarmer...106 96........St. Michael's. 86 115.....Manchester. 30 15........Mai'low..........27 34.......Selsea...... 53 57.......Willington.. 59 76,....Epping....60 97,.......Borne.......43 117.....Shropshire.. 26 15, Part2, Tiverton....... 15 36,......Taylor......45 61.......Sumner....52 77.......Tottenham. 41 97, Pt. 2, Bishopthorp. 37 1i8.....Portland.... 126 17........St. Mary's....... 28 38.......St. Bede.... 55 62.......CarleyIe... 23 78,......Winchester. 21 97, Pt. 3, Colet....... 12 119.....Clifton.....48 17, Part 2, Old Common Tune 29 41.......St. Cuthbert. 66 63.......St. George's 47 79.......Old 100th.. 51 97, Pk 5, Burton.... 42 121....St. Stephens 43 17, Part 3, Gorton..........24 42,......London I~ew 19 64,......Older..... 39 80.......Benoni....46 97, Pt. 8, Lewes...... 25 122.....Irenmus....102 18........Eastham........42 43.......Brevint..... 91 65,......Dundee... 27 81.......Ivy Bridge. 52 97, Pt. 12,Manheim....50 123.....Old 104th...1'29 19.......St. Martin's...... 3 44.......Leighton....83 66.......Stonefield.. 98 82.......Comber....84 97, Pt. 22,Tintern Abbey 48 124.....Grostete....58 20........Kirkdale........~9 45........Norwood... 24 671......Ferrar.....54 83,......Highgate.. 65 101,.......Laud....... 4 124,....Marlborough. 56 22........St. ~iagnus...... 14 46,......St. Cecilia... 9 INDEX TO THE HYMNS, Hymn. Tune. Page. Hymn. Tune. Page. Hymn. Tune. Page. Hymn. Tune. Page. Hymn. Tune. Page. Hymn. Tune. Page. 1, Turnham Green....16 37, Dunluce...........72 66, Milman............75 112, Mancab........36 147, Arabia..........10 173, Resignation......130 2, Frome............ 8 38, Worship...,......119 67, Baun...............67 115, Whitehouse... 3 148, Norton.......... 11 174, St. Mark's........49 5, Exmouth.........89 39, Wimborne........76 69, Moira..............114 119, Mariner's.....133 149, Ridley.......... 87 175', Wilhelm.........67 6, Ilkley............90 40, ~ernou...........128 72, Wesley............61 128, Matlock......108 150, Madeley.........122 177, Mant............124 8, St. Gabriel........73 41, Lydia............ 17 74, Adams.............33 129, Dovedale.....119 151, Wheeler.........111 179, Thornton........85 9, Carey............99 42, I-Iomewards......123 75, I~obart............31 131, Shirland......81 153, Chin4es..........130 180, Christmas........13 I0, Warwick......... 13 45, Coxe.............109 79, Mount Sinai........101 132, Ken.......... 7 154, Old Hundredth... 51 182, Bellefield........ 9 11, Vincent...........117 47, Stafford.......... 34 83, Thanksgiving l:Iymn.120 132, Medfield...... 15 155, Triumph.........111 183, Monsuldale.......118 ].q, Whithington...... 85 49, Eden.............39 86, t~athbun...........123 133, Burlington....26 156, Chesterfield...... 5 186, Germany........63 14, Walthamstowe.....62 51, Latimer.......... 33 87, Tutbury............80 134, Lullington.....18 158, Horne........... 6 187, I-Ieber...........132 15, Bretby........... 78 52, Kidderminster.....87 88, Brainston..........80 135, Balclutha.....76 159, Wi!~on.......... 97 194, Luther's Hymn...105 ]7, Randal........... 5 53, Beveridge........103 89, Rest................ 62 138, Eitham....... 18 160, Leicester........95 195, Cholmondcley....107 18, Nelson............125 56, Glcnelg...........110 92, Angmering......... 25 139, Sherwood.....121 161, Oxford.......... 65 196, St. Bride's.......82 25,:Newark..........84 59, Clemens.......... 37 94, Alfreton............68 142, Martyrdom....34 163, Ridgeway........ 7"/ 201, Wingfield........116 27. Sacrifice.......... 82 60, Belshazzar........64 96, Sacrament..........70 143, Juxon........113 164, Morning Hymn... 74 203, Silesia...........125 28, Stanhope.........88 61, Talbot............127 100, Deep River.........78 143, Seymour......112 167, Beckwith........107 205, St. Austin........59 34, Arne.............96 62, Lowth............69 107, Hodnet............104 144, Refuge.......131 168, Evening Hymn.. 74 210, Stapenhill.......81 35, Portsmouth.......100 63, Messiah............ 38 111, ])ownes............115 146, Incense.......114 172, Worthington.....112 211, St. Helen's.......118 36, Salvation.........55 GREATORPEX'S COLLECTION OF CHURCH MUSIC. ST. AN'S., C. M. With cheer - ful notes let all the earth To heaven their voi - ces raise; Let all, inspired with god - ly mirth, Sing solemn hymns of praise. Me p P P P Q o,~~_ __.' "..... l:'- -- - ~fi ~aLE~ko.... -~ ej rP.. -'BAS~~~[.. -~_~: - --— ~-F=-.~ - -:1= —-=-....,....-l —=- — =- -~ ~.... —' 7 =w, 2 IRISH. C. MV. I _-_q~r~-~ Eq~~ ~ - ~ ~- -__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:___'r__h'yh_ —_ ___ %-r__[-_,_E ___-: _j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ren -der thanks, and bless the Lord; In - yoke his sa- cred name; Ac - quaint the na - tions with his deeds,-His match - less deeds pro - claim. d~~~~~~~~~ ~ __ __ b~-:4'r- T- P o o h I.PI o P o 3 F P P P_ ( -i-, - -, — r - -G_ _ -$ -i~- p jPJ hll, ~~~~'- - ""5 -\ d-, d -~- -e-d-E'COMPTON. C. M. ~__7EF-TTJ~~~.__ 1F I-____~_...... ~_... _I- T.:.... __~_f1~~'__ _ Lord, in thy sight, 0 let my prayer, Like morn - ing in - cense rise; My ift - ed hands ac - cept - ed be, As evening sac- ri - fice. I^~~ ~ ~~ ~ I I. r 1Pi? I, r 1, _~- 1 - I 1, 1~ I, I P PF P P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a o d l j ja I... d. __....z ___ _ — -.___-. - -—:.....~. —-- -.__.... __ _-...- -_- __....F -- ST. MARTIN'S. C. M.e 3......'-5......[........... —-....... |-.... -I - -7 --... The spa - cious earth is all the Lord's, The Lord her full -ness is; The world, and they that dwell there-in, By sovereign right are his. S ~ I I r P P P 0-. p| --, i|' ~ p rp ~ i WHITEHOUSE. C. M.. — - — I —f;t.... J. — ~.;, —_ _._,-_ — Blest is the man, whose softening heart Feels all an - oth - er's pain; To whom the sup pli - a- ting eye Is nev - er raised in vain. __ 7FZP5F P~ —-- + 4 -+ { -T-.,___ -- ____,__ -___ _ - -- -- 9 —.. 4 FARRANT. C. M. Bless God, ye ser - vants, that at - tend Up - on his sol - emn state, That in his ter - pie's hallowed courts With hum - ble reverence wait. P P P ~5, P P P -2 - & -rP -f3- -O- -P-~ ~ ~ -s- -B- p —n- -f~- -re z ___ - ___:i Pxiz: ~zz I d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAUD. C. M. 4 — Who place on Sion's God their trust, Like Sion's rock shall stand, Like her im-move-a - bly be fixed By his al migh -ty hand, By his al-muigh ty hand X-) - _ _ _ J-_ _ _ P F'_P 1 r _ - [ -_ - 1 _ _ ___'j ~ [ —— 1-t —FIF1-f+eno_ _' - FJete-~~~-~ --- Who pace o Sions Godtheirtrust LikeSion' trockshll soteanrd, Lik aae hrnmovte-a -n blye fcomixaied yhsa ih-y hnB i a-ih-t ad RANBDAL. C. M. 5 fw Q. __ __ __ - _ _ _ _ To our Re - deem - er's glo - rious name A-wake the sa - cred song! 0, may his love (im - mor - tal flame!) Tune ev - ery heart and tongue. ~~~_~~~~~~~- - - - CHESTERFIELD. C. I. -, —— i- j z - -F - - -,-, Father, what-e'er of earth-ly bliss Thy sovereign will de - nies, Ac - cept - ed at thy throne, let this, My hum-ble prayer a - rise. _ _d- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M -b l pae a- r -ri | __ j._.L 1 (_ 4 —7 6 DITCHLING. C. M. F__ -- - +F 3 F — I h _ — i-..... _ I -- How good and pleasant must it be To thank the Lord most high! And, with re - peat-ed hymns of praise, His name to mag-ni - fy! - ~ —-- T - I p i._ __ _ - I _ r - I,__I _Q~# _= 4IL - 1 -, —~ - - rHear, gracious God! my humble moan, To thee I breathe my sighs; When will the mournful night be gone? When shall my joys a - rise? -_r- - - — r-__: __ _-_ — w - - -— r-. -: - I_ -3-7-ffi-a-; MIT-r-rr —r I I - r- I E I - X I fS CRUCIFIXION. C. M. 7 __. __ ____ -_,. _ -_f __ _. _ _ Thy chastening wrath, O Lord, re-strain, Though I deserve it all; Nor let on me the heavy storm Of thy displeasure fall. ____, -o —-- --- n - m= — __ - - ---- _ 5 -_ —.... c' ---- d — g-_T....;-'=r- -~ —~ - - f _i~ r _7 - -- KEN. C. M. \ A Ye humble souls, approach your God With songs of sa - cred praise, For he is good, su - premely good, And kind are all his ways. fC ~ h 1 1 -.-,,_ I'-'_ I, I I h -, I IF d 71117 iF I __ 1EEJ-i[ __[-u K,I l' _ _'I. IT) ______________ ___________0 ___ %LI~i5 ~(~~1 TI ~i- 4 i'H'' _ I _I —tE. I ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —r __ll!! - I II i iT [ii, — I'' I I ~~sI~'~ ~ ~ ]1i /1 I0 IlI ~. /1111 -] ~1 I- -' I l ~J IllIt J,, i1 _'"'1iq. ~ ~ K lii Tt — TiILj.;L -H\_ ij i III l I,I I 7Th~f,J 7II -~'I I I -. I IN I~~~~~~O''''i P I1 ~~~NJ2H-b I Y4L] r4i ~ L1j I r tI B i I 1\ -_ I I I rii-i — -ID " " rli-TI al7~, -:'I4 ~JJ. I I:,~t i91 ",ia I rlll ~ l — {I ~1 _ l l-, i - m~- ~q, i i I~ I I~1 I I I [ I~ f I- U _ i II I I ~ I'I'"T'!l, Dt] i i'I I "!1 I i II I i i 1~~~~~~~~~~I ji'll' I I Ii II I ~ i 1 iui It-!-: *_''i~ij,~!i' "ii.-U *.~ l~ li-,i 4i4 4'1!:,I Id lll I~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ I _~,,Il 1 i;~ ci h i-,, i. -l, 7,J O ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ii~!-etl Ill/dI pI Il~tll,-~'i~,,,' i~ lll ~ - i1 11 {'~{ l l'~ ZI~Il I l )~ l_ ~i~~~~~~~~~ll, I II'~I ff- Ul',~ r' I t- — I {._,. ~I i i_ ~- I~_ {I _,,, /~! I- q "-'i-~ {~~Z -- I L1_ II Ii, I IIIi IBII i'~H-{; i,::~ -,1 =IIia:~lu,._,,.,I +I," H I I I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.-mq,, m — ".~_.u -"mt I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' I 1[ii mlf~ l-'- im i~?B l ~TB BELLEFIELD. C. M 9 \-, 0, for a do - ser walk with God, A calm and heavenly frame! A light to shine up - on the road That leads me to the Lamb! 2 m: ~vP o a_ 0 P_,.. P_ ST. CECILIA. C. M. -e —e-wyI 4 —HF4 m -' - Lord! tho' at timles surprised by fear, On danger's first a - larma, Yet still for sue - cor I de - pend On thy al - mighty arm. "r-e j...7 -.- ----..." --- _4: _......-7 fP r 7- -~ 1- -P Z _ IE4 -,~..., -,~,~-.~ - ~.~~-_~_~E,,_=~ 8~. ~3g~,I&. ~. 1E. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ e 10 ARABIA. C. M. -ate l-....l When I can read my ti - tle clear To man- sions in the skies, I'll bid fare - well to ev - ery fear, -| - __, 1 r- - - -- -1 -= =- [ __ —_- -_ —' r n — — r -- -F-.... Q — -- - - ) 12 F-'-q-F —-— =- F —t — --- — F- -=7fI_ b —tU- _ a= ___-_ _ [... E,_ _ —-— i-..:___ __ ___-_ __ __ -- - _ 1 -le7I- *zzi7 — 7 Z3, __ And wipe my weep - ing eyes, I'11 bid fare - well to ev - ery fear, And wipe my weep - ing eyes. _' —13-_-] -- —'- -- r __P_ —- P_ ---— 9 — u _ T-, - ~. - _ _ _ _ _ _.. F_ _i -_-_ — ~- E pF _ _ NORTON. C. M. 11 AHa I' -F~ —F- r --- ___- --- F —~-Z — T Joy is a fruit that will not grow In na - ture's bar- ren soil; All we can boast, till Christ we know, Is van - i - ty and toil. P I I YORK. C. Mi l[ I i _ __ d1 8 d' - The man is blest that fears the Lord, or on - ly wor - ship pays, But keeps his steps confined with care To his ap - point-ed ways. 71 1 FF_ —: —:::-:- -- = — - ___==_: _ rt 12 COLET. C. M,. Double, - _' —[ -- __ _ ~ -__ __ Be gracious to thy ser-vant, Lord; Do thou my life de - fend, That I, ac - cording to thy word, My time to come may spend. — k -d-_-~_-~ — t- _o._ -:;- -:- -. __ F _ — __ P P P 1 >7- 2I I~ —.-~:TM' _~-E:_~ -~=~~:~:_ —~_e:~:~_~: ~_-~~::~-~=-=~_~~:e:~-~.: —I iI~z1z _ —_ r- ___ En- lighten both my eyes and mind, That so I may dis - cern The wondrous thingswhich they be - hold, Who thy just precepts learn. _:o - _ _' - p W#i" =: 5 P r I P _ S,- - 1 CHRISTMJIAS. C. M. 13 ~LZZTE~__ -I _ zze-n Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve, And press with vigor on, A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown, And an immortal crown. a r' F 0 r I a _d7__ _ _ B -d d n "LBa WARWICK. C# M. YN__~~F _ K; - ~t- ~- ~I-i-jL~ _ - - When all thy mer - cies, 0 my God, IMy ris - ing soul sur - veys, Tramsport -ed with the view, I'm lost In ~won -der, love, and praise! O-1 1 f I ~$ —'~ - ___ cd 1 I~~~~~~~ -' i _ _ _ _ _ - ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 _ _ 4 _ _ J I 4 J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _2 ___ _ _ _ __ II II7~~~~~IIII~~7 ~ -~~_ ~i ~~I~jf7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ZXI 14 ST. MAGNUS. C. M. Whom should I fear, since God to me Is sav - ing health and light? Since strongly he my life sup - ports, What can my soul af- fright? -P- -- - r ~ t-7-%~- —, f p — r-~ r COUPAR. C. M. _ f 6_ P _._ _-e-... __ Inm d- -'I d d r-t- r - %1e.... l.... TIVERTON. C.. 15 -—, --— ~~_-E~-F~:r% —~ —F~~ —: --- _Z God's per- feet law con- verts the soul, Reclaimus from false de - sires; With sa - cred wis- dom his sure word The ig - no -rant in - spires. _ _ _,L I _ as d d d d cl -$- I -r- f — MEDFIELD. C. M. ( _ _' - - d,- - 5, _ _ t - _ I _ 16 TURNHAM GREEN. C. M.'4F' ~~~~~~~~~~ i~~~~~~4~~~~m~~F'___ Great God!i with won - der and with praise On all thy works I look; But still thy wis - dom, power, and grace, Shine brightest in thy hook. _____ 7FhII UIFF PLFL II I I d l d d -sl —~I d B33ANGOR. C. M. Lord, not to us, we claim no share, But to thy sa - cred name, Give glo - ry for thy mer - cy's sake, And truth's e - ter - nal fame. I —i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1_ P P p4[4I — " ETFIP r i~it -4 Lr P ~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~P E1-,d —J- o' r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I f$ F_] LYDIA C. C.M. 17..... P- _-'r... -..r........ __ __ __ -- -- 1 ___.,L — r —-L _ -— c -r l- - -.-i — — r-, -~_ _ _ 9-.__1 — F — -- ---:-s-tl~~ -_;[2] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~p... 18 ELTHAM. Co M. __~ —Z __ -— pt ~I-~ -i Rise, 0O my soul, the hours re - view, When, awed by guilt and fear, To heaven for grace thou durst not sue, And found no res - cue here. P P 1P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -[ -i ______________ -; P _ ____J~j~ Li $- __ —d e i IT~~~~~~~~ LULLINGTON. C. M. Prayeris the soul's sin -cere de - sire, Ut - tered or un - ex - pressed; The mo - tion of a hid -den fire, That trembles in the breast. P P P r —P —j —-- r______ P P __ --- P_- - ___ ~~ -$- -$- $- -$- Id-. cl -$- $- -1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- -L r- e —— ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T~~~~~t~~~~ —p —~ —J J — J-d —,- J dd d d LONDON NEW. C. x. 19 %v F W+AZ — F -- 1 maZ+ITLI[I7Z[[ The Lord, the on - ly God, is great, And greatly to be praised In Si - on, on whose hap - py mount His sa - cred throne is raised. _ Prn zrP P P -- _- __ A XI> 1S- I,, I:I:! —-~-r —- ~-" —:F: p-~ —- -- — e — -- --- - Z —-- -.# 10~~~~~3~~~~~~ —--- -- -- )l~ -— ~ —r —~' 4 —-,4? ~ r — -4 —— rI -~ P-: —Pzz~TF cm i-iP P P r _ _ _ -'' I, I _ I I _:..... d_ d __ - fgs, ~~p ~ I _ _ __ F _ I I~b1 I ~_ LI I I IJ, 1. {fl 2 j. jj 1i fs 1?ii"~~~ i~~~ I~,IP~I iii 1 i CL J~i{ m I 1 I P"1 e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C TTPI~~~~~~~~C CD04~ ~?~?-r~~~~~b I I I I~~~~~~~~~ I r I I!II a~~~C -i~~~~iui ~~~~i_ i3; ~ ~~ ~~~~I li~~~~~FI CP~~~CD ST. DAVID'S. C. M. 21 Lord, who's the hap - py man that may To thy blest courts re - pair, Not, stranger - like, to vis - it them, But to in - hab - it there? -e- -~P P P P d 12.. 3-i d 1Fr T -r P _ WINCHESTER. C. Me 1 -V Z7 —mZ- iZ- ZX - Z -t7J-t - - W —-'-, Je - ho - vahreigns: let therefore all The guilt - y na -tions quake; On cherub's wings he sits enthroned; Let earth's foun - da - tions shake. 1..P.P. P P P P P _, -T- F RE7E.,, I I P dd d I, -j- _ I _ 4- 1' = p. d..1 -- 22 ST. JAMES'9S. C. A - dored for ev - er be the Lord;- His praise I will re - sound, From whom the cries of my dis - tress A gracious an- swer found. FF V- r F T F E ZURICH. C. M. Bless'd is the man whom thou, 0 Lord, In kindness dost chas -tise, And by thy sa- cred rules to walk Dost lov - ing - ly ad - vise..~,, I I I - -!,,. k _ _ _ _ _,, —-, d d' d d _ _ _ _ What - e'er the mighty Lord de - crees Shall stand for ev - er sure; The settled purpose of his heart To a- ges shall en- dure. ~~1~flI fl7 7TZ ]ZI IL~ _ — P - -P- P ~~ - -__ _ r P ii1- I - 14 d1~ - 14 tCARLEYLE. C. NO -0 —b-'- Ik ~~~~~ F~~~~~~~~-e~- - -- To God, our nev - er fail - ing strength, With loud ap - plaus- es sing; And joint - ly make a cheerful noise To Ja - cobs aw -ful King. I __ ___, — -- -- -f 5 P P P P _ p _P P r __ - 4 tI _ __ I I f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ d d~ ~~~~C~E9St. o~~ J, d' d d d~~~~~~~~ 2 4 N80RWOOD. C. M.. __:__ ____ _ _l_-... - --- - ----— u —-- -[Give ear, thou Judge of all the earth, And lis- ten when I pray; Nor from thy hum- ble suppliant turn Thy glo - rious face a - way..~~~~r rr — F -r-....................-~...- _ —. ----- o- - t — _ Lord, to my brethren I'll de - clare The tri - umphs of thy name: In presence of as - sem - bled saints Thy glo - ry thus pro - claim. i _1 _ _ -- _ _I _ 4_ I - _ _ —--....- ---- _ ~~__ d__ _~___ o_ - __ 3- -..~.~~_~....-~_- pr ~-:~-~.... —-~-~~...... /I____!~__,,~~~=1~~~__,-~~ _-~1-,-~ - ~I-~1~~-o - - - - - F —\!.....I —— ~x"~ L___L_~,m —~ —r-_:E~'~~~p_8-~-~_ —~:-::T- r: _i: —c —, — ANGMERIG. C. MI. 25 -- -s — _,_ -_____ F- -- - O, in the morn of life, when youth With vi - tal ar - dor glows, And shines in all the fair -est charms That beau - ty can dis - close. I _L 0 Lord, my God, my por- tion, thou And sure pos - ses - sion art; Thy words I stead - fast - ly re - solve To treas - ure in my heart. d d1 -- - -_ —F I A —r- -- I -E-.- r — ~, - + -,-' o - E- 7L i_-,- [ r F- -, ~-~'.... ~.....~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i r~~~ntcpI i A~~~i T P* ~~~Ti~~~P), i r ITI I IiCDI I 4111-, H I I 1 m, III ~I'~, — I 11 ___ 1t 2'' l:kA 9b-i~~~~~~T s-~~P II fI i io~~~~~~~4 TF9 i-i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 ~~E1I," "-.'l'" H~ I 1a ~~~i~~~~~q~~~~S~~~~~ I I ~~~~~~~~CDEJ~ I""'I.....''. ITti- I~i I IITI-4jfj i I I _ i I.""~tl 11 /thI ~~ "'~1- Ii,'~,][i ~~i~~ -al.J i __ T1~'IThi I~iUr TI 7 tI'1f 8 ITIjj I-.i tt~i,..,1,~' II Iii IIaII E.~2I1 -1'~1 Hi,41=' I ]Io' 111i, j,.~~.u_ ii111 ~] tuqt] c I nll Il'' —~i:.,11111.~~,.,.~.. ~!1,,,,,~,,~~~~~~~~~~-~B~ IDUlNDEIE. C. M~. 27 __ -_ - F-u r F l -_ —h-=F — F-_= _- F -_=S _e ) -TeL __ _ - -=F7IT _ iLv - To my complaint, 0 Lord my God, Thy gracious ear in - cline; Hear me, distressed and des - ti - tute Of all re - lief but thine. d ~I' - __ _? __ u??? ~ -- r _ __ _ _ 1? -~ - -- -- tS p e __, * I_ d J -- 8-~... 1W!= - - -p —- — ~__~ I-p j~__... = -— n- ~::II ST. MARY'S. C. M. ""P P 1-' __ _ o. —t-'-=-F —.. --— F _ I~~~~I _ - o1 ~~Ii~, ~t ~' ~.... —g~'a- 2>J — _' m' J_ Thus God de- odares his sovereign will: The King that I or - dae, Whose throne is fixed on Si - on's hill, Shallthere se - cure - ly reign. ____ —_ - --— I -1 - ~ ___ _ __ 6 — * 77I-LI~_ -. i~~~~~~~~~D~tI.C I WINDSOR. C. M. 29 Thou turn - est man, 0 Lord, to dust, Of which he first was made; And when thou speak'st the word, "Re - turn,"'Tis in - stant - ly o - beyed. ___ _ - _ _ - --—... _ __ __ _ [... _____ ____I. —- i _ i d OLD COMMON TUNE. C. M. -d_ _ _ _-_ _ _ -. i 7 iI I ['.. Like wa - ter is my life poured out-'My joints are out of frame; My heart dis - solves with - in my breast, Like wax be - fore the flame. -]- 1, _, -s- d ip e - p p - I P -l 1 l~~i [ ~ —~ —~[~ —~P,=~ —~ —— r —>~~l~ —~ —~ —~~ —~[~ —F~__[~:l~ —[~ —~[__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d 30 MANCHESTER. C. M. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_'-ZZF='i~~f~~-~_ F~_ ___ — b — -,, - ~ -. _-... ___ _ _ —-- _ __ -— E-= ____ ___ —- Lord, hear my prayer, and to my cry Thy won - ted au - dience lend; In thy ac-customed faith and truth A gra - cious an - swer send. P P P~~~~~ P _- r' - P LZE —ELE-Z -A )1I. -~- r,.,,-9- I-,I k d d d d d BEDFORD. C. M. --— ~.... - c- -— _ __~- __ _ ___q __~_._-_-, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j.rlj__.__. _-4~4 _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f _ I'On ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - o Thou, to whom all creatures bow, With - in this earthly frame, Thro' all the world how great art thou! How glorious is thy name! (~Ia-k_ 4-_ - __ - -__ —-- __ -r o - _ - _ \!' - - - I 25~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~e d d 0 d d k~ ~"~~P dd d iv__j _3 __-____r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~__ - ~ __ _ 7A'+~~ ~ -- __ -A Con sid - er that the right - eons man Is God's pe - cu - liar choice; And when to him I make my prayer, lie al - ways hears my voice. P P P~~~~i3DP ~~~~~~~~_P P - P 2:T OT PD P P — P; - ~ ~ ~ ~ ------- 1:ziit~ -- _' iZ~~PPZ-EpI -L — ~pp~l-1 —i-~ —i —~ -r iii [% —l —~-l —~ —I-t-9 — Izz -—,'-7 Come, Ho - ly Spir -it, heavenly Dove! With all thy quickening powers, Kin- dle a flame of sa -cred love In these cold hearts of ours. P P~~~~~~~~~~~ - I li I __~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p __i _ ---- iFI-hi -F 7i7 r'-i - ~~~- -h —- ___ -d- r-dH__ $: hzzzrm ~____ ____ __ Zzz~zf-z 32 ST. MATTHEWS. C. M. Double. A-In _ Let all the lands, with shouts of joy; To God their voi - ces raise; Sing psalms in hon - or of his name, And spread his glo - rious praise. 1q —I it- 1X i_3 rz z 1- ~.~ —-::. -, —- --:' p. _ [_-_ —L- — ~z —-- - -, - -e- -e-'' -I -r' -' _' _ _ _51kr~~~~~~~~~~~. *_. -m lJ~!- 1: --- ~- -,:-' -I I -o And le4 them say, How dread-4fu, Lord, In all thy works art thouI To thy great power thy stub - born foes Shall all be forced to bow.'' I' ~ ~'~' " i — I — ~, -- -~-' P P.... 1 -"'- ~?-:'- -~-' i r ~ ~ -....., -bl" —-- zz~ I - = C z~i~lr"_-.r-Fx...... LATIMER. C. C.. 33 _IL~ _ ~-_ _7-_ _ __ _ _ _- -- - _ — As o'er the past my memory strays, Why heaves the se -cret sigh 2'Tis that I mourn de - part - ed days, Still un - pre - pared to die. d e d I ADAMS. C. M. Come, o - y Ghost! Cre-a - tor, come, In - spire thesesouls of thine; Till ev - eryheartwhichthohstmade Be filled withgracedi - vine. /IZ L~ __........Z II - -_1 - _ _ il o -:,~-he__- __ -~ -_-., _... _ _ _ -, _LI _ - - -,,, _ _t _ —' v ----- - — 7 —-=iv= — ~J~ —p, —~-:, —~::,=_~=,,~=.=F~=~_~_,_~__ _,_;~~_,___A_ 34 STAFFORD. C. M. _ -- -___ d d -J- J d. d d j "- I _ a 1 -- i-F —'__ _ De - lu - ded souls! that dream of heaven, And make their emp - ty boast Of in - ward joys, and sins for - given, While they are slaves to lust...._~ _ ___ 3IF —F,,_ ~F' o,p -' — AXRIDGE C. M. 35 1i-'. z1EI z', fr —Li__ _ -n ______n In Thee I put my stead - fast trust: De - fend me, Lord, from shame; In - cline thine ear, and p p 1:-_ -— r- r t —-___ -- --. save my soul, For right - - eous is thy name, For right - eous is thy name. di 0 __ ______ ___________t_ oo- --,~-r-f........ __ -:- --- - _ —-___ __k _...........i..._ 36 XAlOAH. C. M. I" -. 36L6 When Je - sus left his heavenly throne, ile chose an humble birth; Like us, un- honored and unknown, He came to dwell on earth. o"- - [ I I 1 #I;' - IL t,f P P P- - - __ O. praise the Lord, for he is good, His mer-cies ne'er de - cay; That his kind fa - vors ev - er last, Let thankful Is - rael say. P _- ii -4 4. __ ___ _f,__..p. 9. _........_.. _.. _.. ____;- _ __- ---- -- _ B'ISHOPTHORP. C. M. 37 — ~ -7~' ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ — ~ —q — m~ How shall the young preserve their ways From all pol - lu - tion free? By mak - ing still their course of life With thy corn - mands a - gree. _ I I 1 I _ _ ~~3~~8f " ii ~~~~ h~~, P 2 ~~P P P. - -P- i- z- -P: _ -_ PZF P_ -_....._.._ __ _ -- __.... — ~-_ __ _........ _ p _ 6...- __ _ __...... )ie cs?, "_C~- L~-?d D o~~~~:~_~:~~l~:l F-~ P ~;-r:~, ~,~ i~~3-. _~_ -;-; - p,.?;_,__: _________ -~~~~~~~~~~~~% - I "~_~~~~~~- -_;-,E,,,z~ 1, - _-;- I~ ~__ ~ I-.. __?-_..,L __ _ — I -- _-L-_-;-~. - ~" — 4" — - &t__ -+ ~~~~~~ ~~~ +~~~1L~ —- -— ~-+jCLEMEN~S. C. M~. How oft, alas! this wretched heart Has wandered from the Lord!1 How oft my roving thoughts de - part, For - get - ful of his word! Forgetful of his word! _I- - -- -.. - -I _ _.. I -I I I (D a P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P P P;-gI` -Bi- s-'F: — k~-m......T~~?; -d-~ —-m.' — JT — ~-;... ~m - —,- — a- __ d_ ~'~ F_ — -,F: — -i-,,8,l pd -;- ~L,,,d -''. -r' 38 MiIMESSIAH. C. M. — __ = X- -- -----------— r Be - hold the Sa - viour of man - kind Nailed to the shame - ful tree; How vast the love that: -:. - __ _.... —_ _ -_-.._ __ —-_ __............... him in - lined To bleed and die for me I To bleed and die for me! To bleed and die for me! 7@-'1-_..... — --. - _ d_ - - - -a- -.....- - a. _: I " F, _ __ t 1~~~~~~-~t1 —Fg —-....., —---- E — - [ — ~ ~ —-FF -A —rF= OLDER. C. Di. 39 O God, our Sa- viour, all our hearts To thy o - be - dience turn; That, quenched with our re - pent - ing tears, Thy wrath no more may burn. I A 4, tAEN. C. M. ___ __ i _- — " — --- -~- -:'- j -r 4 —-_4 —-- _ pp-:-r, _ —--- ___ _ _ __ _ ________ - See, in the vine - yard of the Lord, A'bar - ren fig - tree stands; No fruit it yields, no blos - som bears, Though plant - ed by his hands. -|18 -C- - -e-? - - -s -s__ r d _ _ -s- s - __ -s - -_ __ ( 0'-bHp~ft2?-W~Sps t~m SLd 40 GEER. C. M. __ —- -_t_ __." 4 - _____ _ _ _-F I —z; --. —.... — 7 —-— _-_-_ In thee I put my stead - fast trust- De - fend me, Lord, from shame; In - cline thine ear, and save my soul, For right - eous is thy name. _ -b-T- -fi..._-r-.....-_ - -nY,-n — ---' -- _ # -_ -_ _-~ —- -_ _ _ -l __ _ _ __ _-__- _d — - ___- -z-__ ____- — *_ d_ —---: — [_-1jt- _ _- _With my whole heart, my God and King, Thy praise I will pro- claim; Be- fore the migh- ty I will sing, And bless thy ho- ly name..... q- --- -T --- --- _ — Z _, i —_- _-_ —---- -____-_ _' -'- _.- -_ —-- - -— _- -- — 6 - _ -- -- MM~r~ ~E~Ef $~"5~_ TOTTENHAM C. M. 41 1= F4 Sing to the Lord a new-made song, Who wondrous things has done; With his right hand and ho - ly arm The con- quest he has won. 1w-' o — p p P i r - _ _- _ - - _Lord, let me know my term of days, How soon my life will end; The nu- merous train of ills dis - close, Which this frail state at -tend. d it = —MdF —Kf F-F:-,3 *L _ d __ -_ _ -_ __-____ -,._ rp... 7"'1 I -. ~5-~_ ea-e~a-`~=-~gg~'~i~- 1~7~i f~ r 87~a I i -i-I e>~3_&I.3 42 EASTHAM. C. M. 1-F- -6_ The Lord him-self, the migh - ty Lord, Vouchsafes to be my guide; The Shep- herd by whose constant care My wants are all sup-plied. A,,_I', - --- ---- -- _-__- - - - -- --- - --' —: -- i'i t.....i --- F'___ -=0====== Instruct me in thy stat - utes, Lord, Thy righteous paths dis- play; And I from them, thro' all my life, Will nev- er go a- stray. __5~ T __e __ "- -- (K -i~~~~~~~~ —4~~~~~~~-r~- - ~:~~~~-~~~~~d: -~ —,- - -_ _ __l __Z: _-...._._ ST. STEP H N'S. C. M. 43 r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 —--— H 1 —FT_ -_ --- -___-: -— _ 0, praise the Lord with hymns of joy, And cel - e - brate his fame; For plea- sant, good, and come - ly'tis To praise his ho - ly name. IlP-'P _ _ _ d_ _ _ dd d ___1 ___..., _ ___ — F...-.-.............. —-.... BORNE. C. M. _'F —; _ Xi-L- _' —ri.I........i~X i 1 _ _-!_ __ _- — _- It —0-1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. -e-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\. \_, _, — ~ ~ ~ _gh~ ~4 —j.ih; —.2ji —- - —'I_-I~ —— __ - ~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, — rI —T' —1 _-_ —-— T _ ~7Z How bless'd are thei who al-ways keep The pure and perfect way; Who nev-er from te sa- red paths Of God's commandments strayI e/ -P P P F —P~ — "-~ — -,-'..;.. _ d -r.i r-~. —___ E_1]...........~_ ~_~...... Is'-i -- r- _- _ - ~__.........~r- _.-_... 44 DAYSPRING. C. M. 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thou, gra - cious God, art my defence, On thee my hopes re - ly; Thou art my glo -ry, and shalt yet Lift up my head on high....,,, 1_'~- -t:~,~-I~~~ - - d ", - ) —,.......- -- p1 _ - -i-~~~-'F__ ~ ~ ~ -— Ft —- ~~~ ~I~IFZZZ __ f~~~fflhI~~- ~~~~~~~~~~ZTT __T —F — -~ F....._-~..._I...__ - _.~ T... ~ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -'~~~~~~~''~~~ -~~ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _F' - ~ ",,, ~iI_.__- —'_ —7F —--- — _ L- _ _ --'' - SP~~o ~ ~:~=~~ —==~~-~:.... - _. ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ — ~_ -'ST.?AUL'S. C. M. _ —:- _-=, T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 praise the Lord with one con - sent, And mag - ni - fy his name; Let all the ser - vants of the Lord His wor - thy praise pro-claim. T_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"-' P P p ~-~:~~-~~?~:-Dp 3 O....... ~~~~~~~ —i I —~a- e, _4e%- ~~ s_~' r _ T3 --- -~....... ~~j___- I __ r _ ST. ANSELM. C. MO ~~~~~~45 F-r —- Frn-i ~ iii _ _ ____ How blest is he who ne'er con - sents By ill ad - vice to walk, Nor stands in sinners' ways, nor sits Where men-pro - fanely talk. P P P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- + 1 -? - J _ - -__ - __ __d 1~~~~~~~~~~lftn~ H8 _ As pants the hart for -cool - ing streams, When heat - ed in the chase, So longs my soul, 0 God, for thee, And thy re - fresh - ing grace. __~~~~~ __ - - r f KII~_ o o ra PP ~~~~~~~~~~P P F.) P - c T r - r- _ - d, d d b $ —__d. - d _ d d d _ _ _ _ ~ 1~J__=_ __ 46 BEN1FOI.' C. M. _____, — F — --- - 7_ —_ r-_ PPI Do thou,........ O Lord, at - tend; When I pour out my soul g in prayer, Do thou, O Lord, at - tend; ( | - _____ - ---— 4 _-i —- L_-[: g 1t #xir —' —3 —t9 — FF9 —-i — _ _F_ [ I i -z_- --' l_ t T the-te-na t ho of grae Le- y apras e, Lethmsr as - nt -d ________ — I _ V _ V V V I V ViV Q~~I __ __I lF [ _ =- r _ _ _- _.._.. __ __ ________ ___. _ __ __ __ __ _ ___ __ ___ __ __ _ _ ___ ( To thy e -- ter - cend. -~-m —— n- - J -J-, d___'_ —- - - --— _ -r-_ — _ ——:~ ~,_-d = —-_ _ —.- -- ST. GEORGE'S. C.. 47 __ ~., _ _ 1 & - ~ —q- -'-1~-' - 1- -- - - - - -- - O God of hosts, the migh - ty Lord! How love - ly is the place, Where thou, enthroned in glo - ry, show'st The bright - ness of thy face. __ II i-* __ e ~ P I_ P ~ P P o. _ (P o j P P P- P P — -— G'- -' PV I -S —-- Wb; — =i =tF - M1J -~ -' ___ _zz-__ __ -- _ _....-...~.....____ _-pj-n; 1-jd d 77_i....... itJ 7~X I~T7~Ii7_ 47ZIi$ - - J1 _ —_ How long wilt thou for - get me, Lord? Must I for ev - er mourn? How long wilt thou withdraw from me, 0! nev- er to re turn? 1___,_._~_, _.. -_c-.@ $ pu _d -_ j.....- I=_. —rr-4 — -=. —'-,I....-_-,__ ~ _.- _- ____-_ —-_-__'- - --- G —---- -- - r-~ —,-. —_ —-__-_-__;___ — -— ~ 48 TI1TERN ABBEY. C. CM. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -__-' hzz-z -- — r-i'~7~i [_ ~__*_F___ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To my re -quest and earnest cry, At -tend, 0 gra - cious Lord; In - spire my heart with heavenly skill, Ac-cord - ing to thy word. yr-~ ~F -q d.I~, d~- ~,, d - IT LIZ ~C4IFTO'.4C.dM. 0, praise the Lord, and thou, myr soul, For ~ev - er bless his name; His won - drous love,while life shall last, My con stant praise shall claim. P 1~- - ___ - - P P P I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ _ __ —__._ _.. P P ___ - F 7 Z-_ _ - -.' - _0,paieth' orad.humsu, Fo'v r:is hsnaeHswn, rosloe-wielie shl lsMycn tatpaieshl cam Ho, - d'E I - -, _ _~ -" - d —:. p-:d.'-'I —'~-~ ~- -~- F 1T ~ P - —: -~ — I —'~- -:~-q- ~ —-:.._ _ _- _ ~_ _ -_ __ I; ~ ~ ~ ~ _ -~~:- - -, —:=~~I O paie heLodan tou m sulFo'v e bes hs am; iswon- ros ov, hie if sal lstMyco -iat raseshllclim ST. MARK'S. C. M. 49 (l 8 I m e S'IF —-F_J__ STRASEUGH. C. M. Letwoy soul with grateful thoughts of love En - tire - ly is poss-liessed, Be - cause the Lord vouchsafed to hear The voice of my re - quest. 19 1 P P 7",~iL~aF P P - PI,; I,- ~ __~....... - -.... - ~ ~,: 4 — -- -- — ___ — __ —— _ ~__~ _ -— i-4_- --- [4] 50 ANEI. C. I — — r —---— z"" -- _ — 7 - = ----- __ __ -~~~~~ 7d~fff ~~____~_JU_~___~__,~ —-— L —--------- -— ~ —--- For ev - er and for ev - er, Lord, Un- changed thou dost re - main; Thy word, es - tab - lished in the heavens, I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, I I 1, I= -,,, I- - 5 | ~ =r I-e i r i- - - - _"_-" = <)1_ _ _ _0>_J_ __ __ ___ t -_ __'ii' _Z9 _ _ ~_ g ~-~ —o-___ -c —-*- ~*.... -—,... ( ~- - — ~- -~ —- - 1E — --- - Wb ~ -~ -l — >>=B_ -t- I ( -~-= -.-;,~-~'_ ____ __ ~..... r — - r -~- z t._ ____ _ _ _ _ _ 1~ - — _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ -._ _ - _ ___ ---- ~Iz2T. _ _____...... __-_ -:b —-— __. -...... __ _ —, - __; __~_ __ -- --- _ ----- _ Does all their orbs sus - tain; Thy word, es - tab- lished in the heavens, Does all their orbs sus - tain. ~~-~-~:,_=~=-_ _;_.... _ ____...._..._ =_ __ ~~-1-. __ o___ ~ -.,,., — _ 47.!~_....~'- j, i -~1-~-'- -| *'_...; —-'-* -:: -' ----- ~... --- =-= ) L.. _-_ —'-i —--- _ —-._ - - -. —-- _ _ f-[: ra-n _ E~Z 11ZD__ _ ~-~IWTI_ _ _P v O__ l_ v,-. ":,_I'_ -F - 1_? __ -'-'-. i~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OLD REDTH. L. M.* 51 2~~~~~~~~L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ _e _~1[ _ _ _ _ I. All peo - pie that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice, Him servewith fear, his praise forthtell-Come ye be - fore him and re - joice. _ 5~z_ _ e l __ _3 C3_ - p- --- 1 -- -~ _ — I —$ ~ ~ -a -8- _t -— a _ii s-6_-P- j&_$=jIS~ja ___ - BaL_- _ kz T _ ___ 4-' BI- O ~- zzF~1T T- - * The Harmony as it was printed in the first English collection of Psalm Tunes, published in 1592. THF~E HUNDREDTH rSALM. L. M.~gd~,~La 3~ With one con-sent let all the earth To God their cheerful voi - ces raise; Glad homage pay, with awfuf- mirth, And sing be - fore him songs of praise. P P -e -0-r- r -r P ~-i~ —-~:zm P I -I --- -rzz-4ZiTIZ 52 IY BRIDGE. L. M. -_ _, _ — tz-v-r, ---- 7 My soul, inspired with sa - cred love, God's ho - ly name for ev - er bless; Of all his fa - vors mindful prove, And still thy grate - ful thanks express. I I1I _.... — L - E - = —- -~ —A -B —-1- -__ -- =- - __ __ __-I4 -[. a es -' ~i iii 1 -t - -l. d _ -F —= —!-~: 4...I.._ ____ -. J d d d d J__ J~/ __r4[. ~ ~_F~_r~_Wr<_L___ MELCOMBE. L. M. 53 -— I T — -'/- — ~- ~ —:riz-r- -r- — r blessed, F _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-F__-__ ---- — _'- — I-E _ — __-3 — 7- - _ _ _ _ That man is blessed, who stands in awe Of God, and loves his sa - cred law; His seed on earth shall be re - nowned, And with suc- cess- ive honors crowned.,, i~gr~7,I I,_ -u....... d ~ ~ ~ - 4 _ ___I~ __ —i —- __ -- j -le-~~~~~4~ -Pr~h,, T ~- ~ — ~-J gi.......... —; — t-" r —- T - r - - ~.&-n r-n ri-i-, q -$~-Tr —1 —r —f — 1-~ —l-t-r-i-T~~~b ~~~~~~~~7SELSEA. L. M. I wait - ed meek - ly for the Lord, Till he vouchsafed a kind re - ply; Who did his gracious ear af - ford, And heard from heaven my humble cry. ____r_ F_ F7 r 1- - 7......~~ 7] ~ —...__~_.... ~__~e'?~ ~ ~~ —~~hI ~~ ~~~~~ -................... -T i, -1 -- ~ —q- -I — — d — ~~' — i... -ie-~ P~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —~-r —— ~ —-~ r-4..... -$- -"l-d t/ d d d o' &I c d id 3- ~ ~' 1~~~~~~~~~ -~_ -- - --- ~ ~ ~~-. -- - -, -__~ 54 ANGEL'S SONG. L. M. 1 et5~~~~9~~~,T%$'-V-7- -[- -- -- 4Rzx7L_____ rv-r- _____ F- — = — = P'-F- jP — -ti —~- - - -_ _ KF_._ O ren-der thanks to God a-bove, The fountain of e - ter - nal love, Whose mercy firm, thro' a - ges past, Has stood,andshall for ev - er last. |- t [__- -_ -- _6 _ _____._. ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F ERRAR. L M. ~ —-' -—.-.-.F -— _- - _ -T God of my life, 0 Lord most high! To thee by day and night I cry; Vouchsafe my mournful voice to hear,- To my distress in - cline thine ear. ~~~~,d J1 J., ___B, IL ~ _-'4-' 4 ~. —. __- -..,-Z~F'_., ST. BEDE. L. M. 55 __ -__ --..., T —q — _- — n -- E F___ -__~- _~- -?,+ __ _ __ ~__F7 __........ ~ —~..-.- __ -7- ~____T~ -- r-r —nr _ r —_rv- -b~ ~ _ -_-~- ~-_-_I —_ -_ _-_._m-_ T —-~~ — — ~~~q _ —— z_ __- — T-z-T -— l r i7[ [~7TZF __ Let me withlight and truthbe blessed, Be these my guides to lead the way; Till on thy ho -ly hill I rest, And in thy sacred tern - pie pray.!i4 —+- f-7-? -. —e- - j- 7 --- 1 - -- - - -'r -~- ~ % xT - 7 f - -,~ r- r - - c- __ r -_;_'' _ 1- 7... — I ____.. r r p r-T. - [ SALVATION. L. D. ____ _ _ _......._-.E....t.......__,~b__ -- 4 L7IL...... - -, — _-7 --—, -- - ----, li I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 -__...._..... - - tq ——,- -~-l- -'z ——'- -_-__- z_ —_ _K z~ _-__' -_ irn_ —- - _..... — 2-_ - -- __ +{z~~~~z'Z7-i -nT~ —— ~ — 1F+Ia —_' -f_ —_-_- [~o __r~ _~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n rol -om 7Fnion 7or1 wit - hZ Far from my tho'ts, vainworld, be - gone Let my re - li - gious hours a - lone: From flesh and sense I would be free, And hold corn - munion Lord with thee ___ ~~~~~~~~~~__,__ --------- --........ 67 r-i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........ _- -___-, -~ -~-7.....~-~ —- -- ~- --- — 1-__ —~ ~, ~____.___;;I__ ~__-. —-. __ ~~~~~~~~l-,e-pp-~ —, — - -,,..... —F —~ —— c.. —~ P - I-t"',,., —-— 7-....'2_, l1 ~r ~~~~~~~ - --— ~ _~ —— _.. 56 WAREHAM. L. M. -_L ~_ __.~ — __ — ~rzz 4~ -: -— __:........... _-;- __ _ _~- ~-_.l~~_~~I-~4~~~.-~-,~ — F- - ___ — P ~: —,~' —'-4= >-[ i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i o Lord, thy mercy, my sure hope, The high - est orb of heaven transcends; Thy sa - cred truth's unmeasured scope Be - yond the spreading sky ex - tends. P Tr-P-' — PZ P P T-7 r -P-P PI -pir- r P P _ _ _ _-=-, --- - i,_[ - -- J - _ — IdA~8P OTI. d 1I _ ___ _ _ - - -.. MARLBOROUGH L. M ___ _ ___ ~ -— ~ — - - _ _ _ __~za ~ ~~'...._ _ __- -~K - 7 — -7TF 10, praise the Lord in that blest place, From whence his goodness large - ly flows; Praise him in heaven, where he his face, Unveiled, in per - fect glo]- ry shows. - ~ Y-....i-q —--— q -n - __ -I -~~7 ~-[_ _ i —r —__ ~-_- ~_z —qL —_ ~ - i- -- --- - - P_ —_ -- d f- - I - - ___ I, _ ~L ~., ~~~- -c-,.... -I ~~~~V~~~,, —7 - ".._~- - --— ~.......... ST. PACRAS. L. I 7 \- LWT OLtAVE b L. C -7 For thee, 0 God, our constant praise In Si - on waits, thy cho - sen seat; Our promised al - tars there we'll raise, And all our zealous ows complete. P 8 o P:a P -_e e -7 P- P P 5-. - _ _ _ o d_r- ~'-JL — Praise ye the Lord! our God to praise My soul her utmost power shall raise; With private friends, and in the throng Of saints, his praise shall be my song.., S,, L M. ~P.....____ _ 5:cI_~_l:_:q:-_!:~_ _ -e=W F t I _ > ac 74# a-.. AC-n CS;a ~~~~~~C-~~~~~~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~C3~~~ 58 ROCKINGHAMo L. N. JnJ The servants of Je - ho - vah's will His fa - vor's gentle beams en -joy; Their upright hearts let gladness fill, And cheerful songs their tongues employ.. _ 7 __- __.... - _,B-' e-~- p~ —-Lp- l —, _ __'__ - f-il? - ------— _- ----- F 1 $ IIi: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ _ _ _ _ ___3 peak ____ -k —- -— i-'-..-. - - -... 0, praise the Lo rd in that blest pwo-y P m,, -- ry: shows. ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ — L'rc~~ F_~~1_ _ —- ~ _ r _ _ _ _~~ —_ - ST. AUSTIN. L. M. 59 -F f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T7-T f 7 "" FE~'~'~~- 7 - T -c t1 I1~i-L -- _ - ___ ~1_1- 1 ___ ___ __- ks,- - _ — The morning flowers display their sweets, And gay their silken leaves un - fold, As care - less of the noonday heats, And fear - less of the evening cold. 7) L$-i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -7-~~~~~~~~~~~~ —7 _ _ _ _a, __3 _- -T P- 4 -$-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~71T7 ~~~~~I~~uIO -- -- F EF n- 0__ iT _ F 7 —---- - I- P I - -, _ _ _ Thy presence, Lord, hath me supplied, Thou my right hand support dost give; Thou first shalt with thy counsel guide, And then to glo - ry me receive. f-~~~~~~~~~F~~~~~~~~~-2\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~li __, - -— WT — -- ---- _~7~ 1'17-I - __ 60 MONMOUTHL. L. W T-v —T~T _ _ iI+~z-~_ _ _ -F-F_ — F- ~ - Thy mercies, Lord, shall be my song, My song on them shall ev - er dwell; To a - ges yet un - born, my tongue Thy nev- er fail - ing truth shall tell __ -'_ — _-_ s~: F _~. -;_ - __ -B I —F - _ _ _-......__... d-...,_... EPPING. L. lI. ~_ ~ {~" ~4~__ _ ______ ______ Z7r_ - ___L~_-~'....................-___ -]-~ —----- - --- Je - hovah reigns, let all- the earth In, his just govern - ment re - joice; Let all the lands, with sa - cred mirth, In his applause u - nite their voice. P<~~~I P — _.._ -- - - --,. _ i- I i~7 i___- r_- _~_ —__~_ —,-~F~~~;~-~!I i'P ci c d c' c: d ~~~~~~~~~~1 d l_ WESLEY L. Me61 +- { b I - -- I -1- - FI'- 7 F T — - e3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ I-il lb dies! the friend of sinners dies! Lo! Salem's daughters weep a - round! A solemn darkness veils the skies! A sud - den trem - bling shakes the ground!I L I~ — T3~~ L ~[ ~4 _ _ _ _/ _ i7 i i _ _ _ _ __- __- kI- T- z' -r- I _ __ ( I, I ~ — 7- 17 7 - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ - - _~ — - - ~~B~~~a~~lk~~~~~; 4~~~,~~~~"~~~P~~~~, F-P# ANHiow various, Lord, thy works are found, For tvhic~h thy wisdomn we a - dore! The eartrr is with thy treasure crowned, Till nature's band can grasp no m~ore. P P a P L d i P~ ~~~ " a 7`1J P 62'bWALTHAi STOW. L..M. ~~~~ ~~~_ _____ _i_-:-~F:: ___ _ _ _ _- ~ jzz _- i-i [z+4 F~~~g...... ~~- -~-B- - r-61-_ ~'- -~ —~' -r — ~ —r — r-F-r-. — ~-~Though I should seek to wash me clean In wa - ter of the driv- en snow, My soul would yet its spot re - tain, And sink in con- scions guilt and wo. _ r ~~~~~~~~~~rFF'F F-TZ ~ —... - _ _~__- -n- 3-_ - -t"7 -r-'%. -T- -- -_- __.... -- _Z -T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~... ___,_ _3,-~~z~ _~_ ___ __o- — ~...~, — ~ L ~V -E-~ --- L_ r P LosFm +- - -- ~ I~-~i...._ I- ~__ _ I....>, t\... P____PU 1 F-F _ __ d!7jr J— I I -b-~~~~~~~_7 — — ~ fE —_-TE_ —_ -' — _ - __:1 _ - _% ~,- —,- -f-q n —--- — 7 ~ -b~~~~~~~~~~~ -IF —--— ~ — F.....~....- -,,.. — 63 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- 7 _ II Z Z V I S ~ ~fzzzz Fm- -, - __ __ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 - I__ _ _ ___ — 1-p _- - --.. — 1- - - - ---'..-.. —-_rc-_[-r.. _.__r_... - ~ -~ r — ------— r, —.T__7_____ __~~.~ _ _ _~_ _' ~~z ~e's bles,, whose sins have pardon gained, ~To more in judgment,o ap -pear; W~hose ~uilt re - mission has ob - ained,. And whose repenf.ance is sin - cere. -- — ~- -n-~-. -~?__:-,-_-~~-~ -..~ -_7 -~ - ~ ~-_-:q-~ ~_ ~ I ____ ~__ __....~~_o___g__ 4_ __-r —&-~-~ _-4-g-~ --........__: ___ — F_ __ _....... ----- -.. -- -— _ -. III~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 _ —, 1~~~~~~~",,-. $ i~'' [~ T -,- 4....' ~ s —-— ~-,- - ~; -g-L,-' —-~~ —-6 d —— ~- a~-~I-......;_~__.~~_-__...I, __ ~__......._z.... tlss- a-~~ 64 BELSSHAZZRL. L.. 11__me~~~ ~~-F-_ F- -— F-,: - -~ —-er-.Cx - [ -'F- -__ —_:-__' — _ -— _ — r- I —='T-i - -— = — _-'~-: -—:-: —g-I — - ~ =i= - 0 Thou, to whose all searching sight, The darkness shineth as the light, Search, prove my heart-it looks to thee; O, burst its bonds, and set it free. e' My soul, howeer distressed and poor, Thy strong al - ---— " - e -- — brate with thanks thy ame. -- -- K -_ =-I7- l- m 4 _ _ j'4~_f1L ~ ~:I6 — 1 -1 /J[I ~It _- rn.. E HIGHGATE. L. L.M. 65 Bless God, my soul; thou, Lord, a - lone Pos - sessest em - pire without bounds, With honor thou art crowned, thy throne E - ter - nal ma - jes - ty surrounds. OXFORD. L. M. Azz4 Y7 — j Lord! un - af - flicted, un - dismayed, In pleasure's path how long I strayed; But thou hast made me feel thy rod, And turned my soul to thee, my God. z-'u __..-~,- --- - -. p-F-f — r- --. h -- I -----—' — -~' i —tz~_ _ F-isI~z Yif I r!o L _____ __-. ~ — 2-_~......I 66 ST. CUTHBERT. L. M. -- _'_ _ —____ _ __ _ _ 1L- ___ _ _ -II _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * 4 -. O, all ye peo - pie, clap your hands, And with tri - umph - ant vol - ces sing *J _d d. * I I. d ~ -—. —, x No force the migh - - ty power with - stands Of God, the u - - - - ni - ver - sal King. \ ~~1 — ~ -- i —-F —--- _ *__ * -— _' —:-... I-: —~ —-:-t: ~ —t-',~ —~-~..= —-—,'-~ — ~ —~ — Z:z-~ —---------— ASj WILHELY. L. M. 67 Je - sus! and shall it ev -er be, A mortal man ashamed of thee! Ashamed of thee, whom angels praise, Whose glories shine thro' endless days! P P ZP1t ea T -_ _ I _ _. - _ _ _BAUN L. H e -F- F- I P-P -,:. __.yd _ __ _ _. _ - _ _ 81 p~] * __ -IL- I 68 TRURO. L. M. Ye, that in might and power excel, Your grateful sa - cri - fice pre - pare; God's glorious actions loud - ly tell, His wondrous power to all de - clare. \ P[i, 1, _ I I,,, I _ n,. I [,- -~ # KbB- r r. r- rT &. X. -_. _ - [ My God, and is thy ta - blespread? And does thy cup with love o'er- flows Thither be all thy chil- dren led, And let them thy sweet mercies know. __ _____.____ rii~ z fI~KZ4-..- — "- -=:~-~V = r —:-:_ RIf~,OC STER. L M. ~h~. 69 c~~7_ _ ~7 No change of time shall ev - er shock My firm af - fec - tion, Lord, to thee, For thou hast al - ways been my rock, A fortress and de - fence to me. -r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P P P P P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _________ _ - - v —- — l P"- p " I-3 zzz — ~ _B -l~- ~ B tC d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \-, ~ ~ Fi lael~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F 0 When I sur - vey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of glo- ry died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. a P~~P (P7fr p - - -F __ L ___ ____ __, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~~~~ ~~~p-~~~ —--- i-i 70 SACRADIE L. He To Jesus, our ex - alted Lord, That name in heaven and earth adored, Fain would our hearts-and voi - ces raise A cheerful song of sacred praise. 7 T ~ O ~ b P o - - - - -e ~ _ _ _ P P _ _ P -e-~~~_ ~-J- -rp -B~ —f- __ 1 _ - ST. NET'S. L. M. ___ -_ —'- -s _-$ ____d0 God, my heart is fixed,'tis bent, Its thankful tri,'bute to present; And, with my heart, my voice I'll raise To thee, my God, in songs of praise. r~~~~~n i~~~~~~~~_ _, __ _ _ -- -i --- _ -e XAGDALEN. L M. 71 I U _I - F -- ~ _ _ x — 0 come, loud anthems let us sing, Loud thanks to our al- mighty King; -For we our voi - ces high should raise, When our salvation's rock we praise. W I -, WO_ — _ + llr r.. _ _ t-__- -i- - ___- - -_' _- _WALIFTON -T-~. [. 4.!1"_ — ~i \-.. -i~ —-i -_~ caij- - -7 7_ Thou, Lord, by strictest search hast known My ris, ing up and ly - ing down; My se - cret tho'ts are known to thee, Known long be - fore conceived by me. _ _ --- -- -- _ - P is -a-~ -p —— "' ~,. —— "" -(:- - - "P- ". __; F~4ii 47 a ____,,, I t l,...-,~ — — n- -:l-g-d - - di~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ —_. —&- -P-:_,~__~ 72 DUlLUCE. L. M. My opening eyes with rap - ture see The dawn of thy re - turn - ing day; My thoughts, 0God, as - cend to thee, While thus my ear - ly vows I pay. 7 I _ _ _____' I - -, _'I4 [~~'f I I I I _ _ _ d j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _C I ~ ~ ~ _ _ ___ ~ _ - -~ i -rI~- ~ I dMy soul, for help on God re - ly, On him a - lone thy trust re - pose; My rock and health will strength supply To bear the shock of all my foes. Ir7 1~~~I I - -p ~ ~ ~~TT LLB~~ 8-IP1~~1~~Z5 I I _. -, - ~ ~ y __-.....__ __ -_ ~_, ~___ II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ~I1~1~R. L _____. ( EL Z -Y - - _ —- -.- -_ _-.... ~~i..... e~- Ie.. - _ My soul~~d $,) for Idl Id God re-d, nhma - oety r s e- ps;M okadhat ilsrnt upyT ertesoko l yfe. ~" ~ ~ ~~~~F f- 1 -,' i: I " " ST. GABRIEL. L. M. 73 _ —e -- _, E - ter - nal Source of ev - er.y joy Well may thy praise our lips em - ploy, While in thy tem - ple __~..,,,- 1"~,_ _4I- L,_ _ _z _ ___ e# -; ___ [ -- - -, - - = —' - _ _ _ P P_ _ _ _ _ -*_ B __ = —-Fp —- io o = _ --------— r - - - ---- _ L_._ - 7 ___ __________- < L! ___ __ _:-_' __ _ _~ __ ___. PZ, I- _~_- _ _LL-~ __ __ __-_ - - 74 MORNING HYMN. L. Awake, my soul, and with the sun Thy dai - ly course of du - ty run; Shake off dull sloth, and ear - ly rise To pay thy morn - ing sa - cri - fice..- - __- d -.. _ K -,-- IF_ i- 5-" -I,VENING HYMN, L. M. r —0 — _ -_ - --- __ _ _~, _ d _ ~Szi _~__ _ -1 F.IF?-n-FrFiF-_r__ Glo - ry to thee, my God, this night, For all the blessings of the light; Keep me, 0 keep'me, King of kings, Un - der thine own al - migh - ty wings. -P P P7 P -13 PZ~Z~- Pi-iI! cv- -v- -- __ MILMAN, L. M. 75 _~::~: _:: — _ - - — __'Tis finished- so the Sa - viour cried, And meekly bowed his head and died;'Tis finished- yes, the _work is done, The bat - tle fought, the - The bat tle fought, the vi tory won. i 10....1! —-I -__... -- -.- __ — C l i-— Ct#7 r_ --,....... Lj-..... -J _ o -w —' — work is done, The bat-tie fought, the via - tory won,-w The b a n - tie fought, the vie - tory won. el d - _ z _ -____, —,_:,- zz. E-_ —i-z_..~ ~T;_7I —-_-I —~, L4P ~~~r Lcli i~~~~~i- b'l j- r_ V p~i— ~~~~~~~ei - ~"'- ---- zzzz 76 WIIBORNE. L. M. Al -miigh - ty Father!I bless the word Which, through thy grace, we now have heard; 0 may the precious seed take root, Spring up, and bear a - bundant fruit. _-_.__ ~__ ~_ ~-z ~'': - -iF -'7 — ~-o' -- p:~' —-'' --— ~~ ~~- ~. ~ ~,,- J,-+v ~- -L ~-~_- _ _._,,. —.BALCLUT A. L. M. _~ - _ _ _ —_ — -- ~m —.__ -,_ _H - F-... d-__ — ~~~~~~~-~ —:__xm' -:I~-: f- L ____~_ ~ _.__ _LL _ _~ _ ~_~_ __ 4r _ _~_..- _:_:__ - _0-' —-- -. 0 Thou that hear'st when sinners cry, Though all my crimes be -fore thee lie, Behold them not with an -gry look, But blot their memory from thy book. r —r ~ ~ (~~ll-7~ —. ~ -9_._.~ ~~_ __ _g-_ —— ~-. — -— *- --—: —-: — ~ _ —-~ ~~~~~ 4~~~~~~_-r -? ~-~ —2_F~ —~ —~ —rF - - -_F —Fr —------— ~-F-T -~-7_r- _ — _ — ----- _.... j __ I ___r'_ ~ r_ _ _ _ _ ___ __ ______ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z Ii-~~- I ~ __, ~ I., d b-~ —-— ~ —-~ — --— ~: — -r-~ —-~ —-~ —---—'-~ ~~~~~~~~~~~__-_j-_0~ RE~~IDGEWAY. L. M1~. ~77 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'-~ — _e —-r —I~~_Er-~-~- r,'-~r,~ ccC zczc ___~ ~~~~- ____-___ -- _..-7-.K-r- -— r —,__ ___ ___ _- _ -- _r__ - - -' z~~zz~z~~zz - __ xzz__~ —_ i —%~-n — __ — ____ F',' _.' _+Czzi__. Sa - viour! when night in - volves the skies, My soul, a - dor - ing, turns to thee,- Thee, self - a - based, in ____ ~__......- K-~T..-. — --'....... — 1 —- -p-q —--— ~ —- -~..... __ _[ i j- -jr -V - _ _ _ _ _=,_ —-— ~ _, —_- ~ _ i _p_'t a d S;2 ______ __ _ hz-* __ z_.~. __ ~ H1~~31~ 1''- -- _ —-------— _-~ —r —- F-~' —-". — r- U~~ ~_ P ---,,,::-: —~ —-F:F 1-K- r —Z-I-7mnor - tal guise, And wrapt in shades of death for me,- And wrapt in shades of.death for me. _.... _ ____ _ __.... ____ (. -r1 ~-4- __ __ ____ { Ih~ ~ ~ ~~~~~-.,_ -... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~z 78 DEEP RIVER. L. M. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I~_ _ _ _ _ _; 7' -I - Father of mercies! bow thine ear, At - ten - tive to our earnest prayer; We plead for those who plead for thee- Suc - cess - ful plead - ers may they be! 1 P I - I- #F~?I Ci__~- T. _ F-d d d d ___ _ __ _ -eI~,1 -D =- A Al glorious Godwhat hymns of praise Shall ou trans -ported voi-ces raise What ardent love and zeal are due, While heaven stnds o- pen to our view I ~ —~~-,~- - - ~ ~~^~-CFBI —---—:~-='',-? —r-:-? —— 7t-J~~'~-r:: —_l-i:r-~:-P?~~:-~-?=F:~r?~ CHRIST CHURCH. S. M. 79.. 1~ Pr~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~ —~ —~ -F'~, ~~ ~-~ —~~ —~~~ —~~ De -fend me, Lord, from shame, For still I trust in thee; As just and right - eous is thy'name, From dan - ger set me free. _._ -I _ 1 4 _ -..... IKIRI)AL3E. S. M. -LI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S. __ ~~~ F~~~, ___ __,_r_'_' r [ Y r. __ -t_ — ~__ _d — ___ d — _To God, in whom I trust, I lift my heart and voice; Oh, let me not be put to shame, Nor let thy foes re - joice. _,..d _ JJ. d, d Ji, + (.. -_- __ - ~....~l......I ~T —~ --...I —-I I- I ~ o. ~ 80 TU'TBURY. S. _ —g-'-1 __ — g... r _...'_. — - —! __-F____ ___- _The gentle Sa- viour calls Our chil- dren to his breast; He folds them in his gracious arms, Him - self de - clares them blest. - - - -o_ 4.... — __ 4 - -.. _ _,_ _ -- Jo _ = j ___ d __ _ ~ d _ d4 - _ LA z _ # BRNSToN.. s.. Soldiers of Christ, a - rise, And put your ar - mor on, Strong in the strength which God supplies Thro' his e - ter -nal Son. alper 3- - r,p — 3T~,-d- i 12 — rF — er f-Fe-[-1 = F STAPENHILL. S. M. 81 1 F:j —T___q__ --'- F —-T..... _- - - 7 —F ---- - ---— ____ I Heirs of un - end - ing life, While yet we so - journ here, 0, let us our sal-va- tion work With trembling and with fear. __ I I -:-,-_ —-- -_ -- - --," --- —: --- _ _ _ _ - - a - - -- -' -_ __-' - - —'' -!,_ - SHI6]A-D.. S... The Spi-rit in our hearts Is whispering, Sin -ner, come! The Bride, the church of Christ, pro - claims To all is chil - dren, come [6] 82 SACRIFICE. S. M. Blest is the tie that binds Our hearts in Chris - tian love: The fel - low -ship of kin - dred minds Is like to that a - bove. T -t — --- - — k —T — -- d d d d LbA ST. BRIDE'S. S. M. g —-~- -— ~- -~ —-r- — I —— ~- ~ —~ ~_- ~- -T —1, =, a-c' R 4~ZI+ZFZ174 T —--- O, where shall rest be found? Rest for the wea- ry soul?'Twere vain the o - cean's depths to sound, Or pierce to ei - ther pole..J..,, I,J _,/ ~ 1 t _.~_ r / r ~. -~P=~ —~-.- - -- - - - __... l_-=-! ~-!~: _ --' —-—: —-i-X ~A c-e BRIGHAM. S. M. 83. _ 7'F_-. —_ — _ _From low-est depths of wo To God I sent my cry: Lord, hear my sup - pli - ca - ting voice, And gracious - ly re - ply.' n g rciu - y __r_ 7 wL-:- -_ _ _. _ -,-,~...-c.,- FJLJ,-i.,.. d -___-..-.. - _f_ ( l')~~I Ir I= E__- __ I I._..__ - - & -b — --— t-, - -~- _ — - _ F —- -- -._ ~ __ — - -~- -n —t —-- $, - 7 -,-B-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- -- L _ d - __ -P- -e-'p ~-....__ - 4, -, __. -S _ —-- - v~~~~~~~~~~~B ~ ~ ~~-,, 84 COMBER. S. M. _b _ ~ - — i —H —I —~ __- I ______ - ___ ___ -_ O, bless the Lord, my soul, His grace to thee proclaim; And all that is with - in me, join To bless his ho - ly name. ___-, ___, -~....... -- IEWARD. S. M. A ____,-......' —--—...l.. —--- -— T ---' -_ —-_ - - I love thy king - dom, Lord, The house of thine a - bode, The Church our blest Re - deem - er saved With his own pre - cious blood. rr - -.....r ~ P-r- -- I _______ _ _d _ dv __d_ _,, __ I ___,,Z,,,F F, I-! L F+7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHITHINGTON. S. M. 85 -_ - -__ —_ —--- - -- --- Ah! how shall fall - en',man Be just be - fore his God! If he con - tend in right - eous -ness, We sink be - neath his rod. _ _ __ _ _:- - - _ _ _- _ _ _ THORNTON. S. M. A charge to keep I have, A God to glo - ri - fy; A nev- er- dy- ing soul to save, And fit it for the sky. J id If - _, _, - _ _... _- - - -e- k I -e- -- -. -, __ ---. — c — _~' ~ -- -- -- e — E iiB -F1_-"izz a J ____ -_-_ __ —— _ f__ ~: ~'-r —=:i-~F-z-' — -— F —~ —~~-'- ~,- - ~ 86 ST. OLAF. S. M. To bless thy cho - sen race, In mer - cy, Lord, in - cline; And cause the brightness of thy face On all thy saints to shine. 111 - j — - r-P - -. P j — l-n - _- -. —- ---- - - - ____, __ r_ ~' - _ _ __ _ ~ [ -- _ F=-.. In mer - cy, not in wrath, Re - buke me, gra - cious God, Lest, if thy whole dis - pleas - ure rise, I1 fall be - neath thy rod. — ~ ~__, ~ -[ — _ _ —---, - ~ --: ____ _.. -... _ _ i~ 1-3 - li, = RIDLEY. S. M. 87 _7~~~~~8 i'- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --. —-_T_ —.......... —.- B_-z-_ _ —- - Come, ye that love the Lord, And let your joys be known; Join in a song with sweet ac- cord, And thus sur - round the throne..~_, i~.L__II'',! I, ~ ___ I! _____ —,......- ~...e —, -' —~-T —-' — -[ -;_ — I-[~ —-~ - - d d e~ p r-,m — it- P r p F {-? F- -~. i p I r r ~ ~ ~ p. P P P P I4 L- ~- - -d ——:, ~,iT -e- — d'i _~ ~"___-____~___~ --.. _ -- T 4z J-,,____~....______ ___,,: -_._ /i _ -k~ rzk~ ~_ ~~ ~ ~ f:~ —~~, ~ —~-B-~-~-.~'~-F-;~~ p-i ]gQE~DD]]~M~~~. ~'~i~W. M.W~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ —-7 — — ~!- ii K r -~ —q — r~- __E ——' -'rF -8_~-~-F~ltz~riz=l-~- -- ___-: _ —-- _ How beau-teous are their feet, Who stand on Zi - on's hill; Who-bring sal -va - tion on their tongues, And words of peace re - veal! I~~~~~ __'___~! F r. I ~,, I z E _ ~~~ —?- -- - f-p, ~3 ~~~~~ — -—'-~...... 88 STANHOPE. II. 1. _____________| r -1F _ _. _~=w_ — - -"~_~~n4r_=-~ —-~ ——, ~~~.-~_. With joy shall I be - hold the day That calls my will - ing soul a - way, To dwell a - mong the blest; ~~_ _ 1 —--- _____ For lo! my great Re - deem-er's power Un folds the ev er last - ing door, And points me to his rest. — z_. —-—, -- - 1 74 —4 —--— 1 4- i ~ — ~ — __ ____ __ __ k o. —, EXMOUTH. II. 1. 89 #_______ -I ~- - "- -'- ------ Be - gin, my soul, th' ex - alt - ed lay, Let each en - rap - tured thought o - bey, And praise th' Almighty's name,- And praise th' Almighty's name. f I x: —4 —- -— F-r ~ —_ — _- ~ —: — F-2 — -: — _-~? _ -. —-T —;_- - --- 1- = <_,-,,=_-._-,r _ I-I -- tit_~-S ___-_. __ _ - _ *_ H —FLet heaven and earth, and seas and skies, In one me - lo - dious con - cert rise, To swell th' inspiring theme,- To swell th'inspiring theme. __._.....,__, _ _ ___ _-_ ___, ___ *_ __ D_ _, _~__(_ I- — ~-7y — j —.. — ----- - -,-F-I —. __. - - - - I_ _ __:~' 1 90 ILRLEY. II. 1. Ye fields of light, ce - les - tial plains, Where pure, se - rene ef - fulgence reigns, Ye scenes di - vine - ly fair, Your Maker's wondrcus -— 3....T-r__F ~__-II_ _ — t =EgrF'__b ___ _:. - -_ L power pro - claim: Tell how he formed your shi - ning frame, And breathed the flu id air,- And breathed the flu -id air. A L __<_ J J, a — - _ _ *- J __ J ~__....... ~ —--........,.....-_ -- _: IL —-~~ —-:_:-~_ —-z —:7 — ~: BREVINT. II. 2. 91 iAnz __ UI__ _ __ _ ___ - __ _ __ __ _ _N ___ l X =;=t.~~~~~~~~~~~~~-@ —a=t — -— =s; 6 4<-W-71 The Lord hath spoke, the migh - ty God rath sent his sum -'mons all abroad, From dawn - inglight till day de - clines; I _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ — __ — ~-~'",....,-'b -- ___ _- __1-m_ —~ —— ~-T _: "=t — -r-e Z- -f -t-_:' —n- _-F~_ _ _ __ _, _ __!-r F - - ~ Irr_ Wrt' __ _ __.__,.__,_ _ __ _ ____ I ~ ~~j —~ —; —-- -... - I 27t -4- - _.... __~ _ _ _ _______. _ _ V_____ -n, -;WFvF | IlL= S L 3 J__ —--- - o 4 1 D l F=T — n 1+11 -___-W S E g The list-'ning earth his voice hath heard, And he from Si - on hath appeared, Where beau - ty in per - fec - tion shines..~.~ v~__ V, I ___._~,~,,.-,,._,,_,!_ I..'P A h3-~ ——'_ _.... __ -yjF ge-t-t - J I'r P-_.-r —r-r... vr-.' -l_ r r —...... ----— __ __....... __.__., J,... d __ -— ( —~ —— ~ -i t'z~ziz~ ii::~z ~ ~ & i~~-b —' k z zbr F i T[ ___ _ __ _______L_______ — ____ ~i~z i L - ~ I! ~ ~ ~ ~, I",,t " u. r —-_-r ------..r. A. i A A. A I IA iAii i 92 ASTON. II. 2. - ----—. [~ ~', —— _~-_-r —F — -e.~ —~ —~_zr —~' —r.' _;d;m" Ye saints and ser-vants of the Lord, The tri - umphs of his name re - cord, His sa- cred name for ev - er bless; D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P 3 P _ -, ___~_ ___ ~- - ~ —r —z — Th~Z -- - 71~... - _ -__~... ~ —--— ~-~- m. — _ 2 — uzpzLil-Flz 7 P 111 _62__ -- ___ _ _c zrxz_ __ - -_ ___- - ~:~~,~ ---. _ - ~ —~-Ia-~ -— rz ---— s —-s' — xz,.z: -if, ___ ~. ~ dZ0 d 0 P P P ) P D o ___ — 7- 7-7... t ~~ ~~~~~, p-q........ __ F77 TBF ___ 17 P T_ ~-_ -- - — _ __ I _ ~__ ~....... ~.... _ __ __ _ —-_-.-_ —.. —---- _-F-. -~. _ -- -~~____._ L Fp ___:$~~~~~~~~~~- F — i-~-... -— ~ ~~..~..~ — ~-~ —TFVIZ -~:~-...-, PRESTON. II. 2. 93 I -— r-,= -- r —n —— I-. ----— c — _ _' —F __ __--t; -_ Ft =-r________|~~~~~~~~~' —- - - — n —... - -- ___>-S~ [Frl-_oz-t=e-= - n- ~ - =... O God! my gra-cious God, to thee My morning prayers, My morning prayers shall of - fered be- For thee, like one who thirsts, I pant; i {B - -: | — t~- h~ - P P P P- --------'~ ~Le -— ~-~'-,(-.~-~ —f-~-~,~r- f?-==: —,~ ~ —-'~-F-F%/ —- —? -'-?;"'- =- —: ~: -— ~:2, —-— W~ —— rF-e. —7+IF —- — =.F )" —?_, -— I_,; —- - ---,- -. —?,, _=i..: -d ------ 4_ __- - -. _____ LJ —_ —.4...i.....-it -e1 — -- P -. F —--— F- — __ --....... [T7 I ____ - --- --—. And still my soul im - plores thy grace, As in a dry and bar - ren place, When I re - fresh - ing, When I re fresh -ing wa - ters want. 4~~~ L' - -"~~e I-1 *P -, — y F p - 94 CK. II. 2. __ d_ _ _IpeI I____ He that has God his guar - dian made, Shall un - der the Al - migh - ty's shade Se - cure and un - dis - turbed a - bide; P~i~ zijP __ -- - _P __P p P r~7- F- 1 I PhL e!~ O_____ d d d d Thus, to my soul, of him I'll say, He is my for - tress and my stay, My God, in whom I will con- fide. p D p _ p p p P - _ _ _ _ y p F __ -3- i -B i,1 _r d d -~I- d I-d- gId 1, J d' -_~~~~~~~~iI~~~~~-ziz 4- _____ — ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-jI~~~~~~~ —— ~ ~ ~ ~ o LECESTER. IL. 3. 95 rTI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ls ~4 L~ 4~ 7 --— F 1J11V [1 zLL~~r 1 TI~ 3 - j+7= _L ThlII7 __J4L 1-eir When gathering clouds a - round I view, And days are dark, and friends are few, On him I lean, who, not in vain, P P -# — I-~ — —F-JT1___ tn- T2 rTAc_ d~I_ d 1 C d d d r d-d d d~~ B-~ ~ ~ Zf " -_ —z - - _B~a137-7 _ ~~ —I8 Ex - per-enced ev - ery hu - man pain; HEe feels my griefs, he sees my fears, And counts and treasures up my tears.'p1 ___ _: i z ------ -___ -P- -I iil i -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~d,$,, 4 I 4 ~,_ _ -, - d 4da d -- d __ F r 96 ARNE. II. 3. ~ W;=-4 —~- F-?- ~= 7 —_ ~_~__fF_ _~_ L-. -. - __ Great God! this sa- cred day of thine De - mands the soul's col-lect - ed powers; Glad- ly we now to thee re- sign _ n rm - __ 1 07'VI1~ 1 ___ 17 I- -— F —H- 4 —-1__ P P te~~ D PL ___PI- -e —--—. —4- _~ -~__- ~' - _ P # —-- - ---- -. -- -. -.- -- I'!- -p- -F'_ m=[FI d 7al __________ --— a —------------ _ _ _ - _ — - IL- _ __ F 2: -T-: - - [ —-- - - - Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe in -to the ha- ven guide; 0, re - ceive my soul at last _@ F d _, __ __ _ ~ I1, _e= _j __, __- _ _-T _ —__, ——,, Cl- ----- - -- --,= I'~ I'Iz r, - ts] ~ ~ - r' ~__- m....~ 114 MOIRA. III. 1. I -— I - I- ------ — n —- -- Christ the Lord is risen to-day, Sons of men and angels say: Raise your joys and triumphs high, Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply! Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply! __~r__ _ I _i_ l..I 1 ~,Ii.' I Ir- -.' - -_ Ir -ft -Pqftfr _i I -. _ I I -— ~-r —- -_. -........ —-- - - -_-_ -:- -: —-: __-_ —'' — --— ~-4-' ------- - ------- INCENSE. III. 1. \,_ _ r\;r _-5c!_ I ---- -1 —-r — _-_j07- F- - IsB-T_~~~~~~~~S 1_ ~ ~ ~ W SOLITUDE. III. 1. 115 -__ —-~- ____ —~_ __ __-_- ~'u _- __ ___ 5~~~~~~~~~"$~~~~~~~~ ~ —-n-" e - J —-_I [__if ------— _E[-[-_7 ~ -F-__-_-7_t7._- __ —1 —.7 —Er-.... Lord, for ev er at thy. side, Let my place and portion be: Strip me of the robe of pride, Clothe me with hu - mil - i- ty. r) P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' - - - -r-,,b' - J J d d J ~~~.__ ____ r ___,_.__ D~~~~~~~~ — I u _ _ —-- - r _- -r — _ _-_ —_ —. —-.~-' —,_ S. j —,pEt DOWNES. III. 1. -I —- ~.........~ —~- — T-~......-_~-....m —m- — _ D....... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ —— w Glo- r'y to the Fa- ther give, God in whom we move and live; Children's prayers he deigns to hear, Children's songs de - light his ear. B — P-~-....3 1 _-_- v_ ~ _- ___u __.. -.. _- P —__- _ F F —-- 1 —i —- -I r-I — r:F6F z... ____ __. ~~ —-__ _ [ — __ - - [- - -~ —-I.. — -----..r z~~zzz~~z~~zzz~~z~~mzxcz:n- ~ —--....... P D d I,, JI I, I I, d J d — __ —--- _ —-_ -- _ ___ 116 WINGFIELD. III. 1. Double., __ _-F —_t~ t — _ I-c —,-_ Who are these in bright ar - ray a This in - nu- mer -a - ble throng, Round the al - tar, night and day, Tu - ning their tri - umphant song a S~aS I__ r- __ _1_ F~ — _ ~ -.. _ _, _ W' Worthy is the Lambonce slain, Blessing, hon - or, glo - ry, power, Wisdom, rich - es, to ob - tain Nlew do - min - ion every hour." ___.__ I__,__, I Z.~, i~!, lziiF-~ -- -... - i-= — ---— _-_ —— _J —- - — =- -~i-_' -d, —-- - __ —./~'~ __ _i7 I= 1' i 7,K- P - -- - ~- _ —!-: - I --- - ---— T —--. F ____ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ — ~ ___ —------ ~ — VINCENT., III. 1. Double. 117 i z —-- -- --— F —-- _- 9 __L_-f v-L'It- _F_7_F~~ _ dl 1z~z W3=z — 3 F __ —_ _- - Sovereign Ru - ler of the skies, Ev- er gracious, ev- er wise, All our times are in thy hand, All e - vents at thy command. C m[ —-i-H'F [i-l- __ 1''~F __ ~ I -;-r- -- — r-o —- _-r ~ —, —- --— D —-- --- m- -:- -- - 9 --- -- -- -— T ql _1.r ur.,,. r S''',. 4. ~ __ __-t —-' ~- ___.r.r.~,, ~~ ~~-~ 4 —-~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ P p~ LJP ~.4 r6 He that formed us in the womb, HEe shall guide us to the tomb; All our ways shall ev - er be Ordered by his wise de - cree. ri~ —---— e-~ —-.-1-V- - F- i —p-.-:-T —q. - - -- L-f H~Ie that formed us in the womb, /Se shall guide us to the tomb; All our ways shall ev - er be Ordered by his wise de -cree..... ~- P~ -- ~ —-— ~7 -r —-i- r-. ~S- -I-F —'. -— r —------ --- r- ---'"' — -'... o - ~ I I- r1 -~' I ~-.K - ~ o ~; _~...____ i f - ~ i' "....'~~~~~~~- — ~ r t~ 1..~ 118 MONSULDALE. III. 1...._ -C -_- __ _,-_ _q_ —_. =- =-__ - -:...- _ _7____ ~ - = —.z___ _ - -- _..'Tis my hap -pi - ness be - low, Not to live with-out the cross; But the Sa-viour'spower to know, Sanc- ti - fy- ing ev- ery loss. ____F___ __ _ - -) --— r- - - -_ )t -e- -$- I -~~z I -- b4.!d b4 b~ -- F -- 1~~ 44Z~ ___ - cr 8~ Iid r-F ST. HELEN'S III. 1. F LSin - ner, rouse thee from th sleep, Wake, and o'er thy fl - ly weep; Raise thy spi - rit dark and dead, Je -sus waits his light to shed. /;h ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I~~~~~~~~ki~~~~~~~101 I -- J 1-,r-'B — ~ —~~ B~-~~-r~-r -_ - _ —-r —__-I —— Z —-— z —- -_ _ —_ zzj~f~IZ ___ [ 1 ~ ~ ___ -~.~__-_-_ —F[ — [- -r-__ h N ~-H - =- -_ — J- _... ~..... ~.] ]J - -- - - J...... J....... — I.......... ~l~ —.; -=-z-, —~ —-E —F, —-B-.;F:_ —=-,-F-;I=~=-F= —r~-~.~-E~-I:=;:~-'-~-=;=Bx=.=-t —[ WORSHIP. IIL 1. 119 -- - I L P C tl a ~ I -_e% _~ "_C-__-__L To thy tem - ple I re - pair; Lord, I love to worship there; While thy glorious praise is sung, Touch my lips, un-loose my tongue. ( P = [ _ _ t f;i_:- -_ P-,I _P J. DOVEDALE. III. 1. I I I -- F J>.t —- _ e- ~s- -_t - -— c- ----—:-:- = —@SI i SI-SI --- _r _ ___ _i- SI__~- uZ, I -, —-; - - "~~'~_I" —~~-~=F= F~~r_=F-_ --- f l........~l_ U' 120'X.TH&ANKSGIVING HYMN. III. 2. +_-,r___ ---- ---— t _ — -.... P _ — a mg=QL==!_S_4=Slr= —-— =-iF-._ - ~.~ixx~,, —-I~LIZ ___ Praise to God, im - mor - tal praise, For the love that crowns our days; Bounteous source of ev - ery joy, ___- _ z ---'I I r1, _ _, - 1 __ r- -_1 A__ d _J_ d *_ ~e J4_ d dz J - _ ~_ —--, -...... _ I ____ __ _ _ _H_ _ _ __ --.......... (1_ _ _- __=S__ -b — _ - _............... t.. P_ —-_ P_ _ ___ ____x[= — _It/ L.".'I -~-., 2 d SHEORWOOD. III. 2. 121 ~-_-__~_T —i- _ ~ -(-7__- __ ______7 —-_ _ rn~4zr~r Rock of a - ges! cleft for me, Let me hide my - self in thee; Let the wa - ter and the blood, ___ -i-l —F-~~~a — __~ —- ~ __ ___I -P I o P ~~~ L3 a r ~~~3 P P Zl~ P a -__Jzzzz - ~ -- ~z __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- i i ___ -` —---— 1 —— [ —-------- v~-_ _____ From thy side, a heal- ing flood, Be of sin the dou - ble cure, Save from wrath, and make me pure. -i — ~ ~ ~ ~ F II i'3F _ 1__ _ _____ —— ~ —— T —---- -------- -p 6______ ___ 0~S -a - _ __ _____ 1 13'~~~~~~~~~~~d -- — ~ — - j __ _ _ 122 MADELEY. III. 3. Double. Dizz rn- -___3l T__ Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise thee- For-the bliss thy love bestows; For the pardoning grace that saves me, And the peace that from it flows; 1 —'-FL: d->=F== d U i' I ______ ->;Xt_- -- -— S- L!i. __ I I -, I,_ Help, O God, my weak en - deavor; This dull soul to rapture raise; Thou must light the flame, or never Can my love be warmed to praise. - _ - ~ d' — i., _-~ 7 --,_ _... _____lk-~=~b~ _ i3 -mF~'EF~fH ~77:F... O__ -F_ c~1$~l r RATEBUN. III. 3. 123 ~ —--—, —---- - -—'-_:: —r - Saviour! who thy flock art feeding With the shepherd's kindest care, All the fee - ble gent - ly leading, While the lambs thy bosom share. _ __ 717Z1E1 — -- - - - - - ]11 ~_J - --- 5' -'- 4 — F [__ p.. HOMEWARDS. III. 3. ___"' T7 17~- - -....- L /g: @@#___= ='- -_ _____HEIail, thou long ex - pected Jesus, Born to set thy people free! From our sins and fears re - lease us, Let us find our rest in thee. (I -~..... -4 = -=-,....'.___ —-r __ I - _ 124 KANT. III. 3. Double. z1~~I ~ -i s I __ Guide me, 0 thou great Je - ho, vab, Pil - grim thro' this barren land; I am weak, but thou art mighty, Hold me with thy powerful hand. /~~ rb1nz ~ ~ -~ —~_ __1 ______p --— ~.-d —,Ze - 27~ _______ r 7- s7I0 I -~__- $[ $- ma- 1- ~F - zb 8pz a- - P — P-b i —4. _ -_ — 6 $-L - 0 - pen now the crystal fountains, Whence the liv - ing waters fow; Let the fiery, cloudy pil lar Lead me all my journey through. P — [ P1Z2Z711 T7 F~ -t- -m ~3i~z~mT _ _3~- _ _ _ F - - 1 n rn_ — Firm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L 4-' -K -4 __ __ _ (L~irxx ___ — - -- - _ _ __ ____ ---- __ - ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~-~~j~~- ~~~ ---- — ZZli ]NAELSON. III. 3. 125 ~~ —---— d- -. —--- ~- -- -___ ~I —-~ —-~ — _ _ -DO-a V-Fm~~r —- -_ __ ~ 1 0 T Ii_ ~ ~ —1 —i —r [d~__7 Kz —-zL __ K r1K - Ii Saviour, source of ev - ery bless - ing, Tune my harp to grate - ful lays; Streams of mercy, nev - er ceas - ing, Call for cease - less songs of praise. I~- I I "II ___ 7___ 11 -L —:-~ ________ -__ — l"-j~ — F-_11 SILESIA. III. 3. -J- 1 - ~ - -— ~-~ - Blessed be thou, the God of Is- rael, Thou, our Father, and our Lord.; Blessed thy Ma- jes- ty for ev - er, 1EY - er be thy name a- dored! 11111 -- I I ~~~~- -I i- _ ) F Li s _ 31I 7 k 00 0,~e 126 SOLNEY. III. 3. — t —. —-'-F — - _- ____ - - - i-zii-2TL7~ _ God shall charge his angel legions Watch and ward o'er thee to keep; Tho' thou walk thro' hostile regions, Thoughin desert wilds thou sleep.. _o_ __ ____ _ PORTLAND. III. 3........ —-- - _- ~ ___ -,- -- __ _ — i — - -- --.. [ _ — F — = ~...........: —r-_ —r-:J J I i _. I ~-$-d- $- -t-a:_~ d - - ~ — -.. b — J: ~-~-,-=~ -~-~-~-~-:........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 -~:-m —-— ~:~-z-F=? ~=[ —-~:fm~e-~~-'~-z~~ —~t;'r-~ — T —-4 p~__ —r~ —r- t~:~.~-: —r-,~ —;~-~_or TALBOT. III. 4. 127 ~i~~I~ _ @*_ __ _ ____ _ _ _______ - I _L- I - _ -__ -aWho is he that comes from E - dom, All his gar - ments stained with blood, To the cap - tive speaking free - dom, (2 " |" + E;. _ H -;_ _ -a. * S r -~ - - i'.a-F-_- -_'_ r - I_ _ _F_ - _I- i _ I _ _ _,, 12b-=-E-<-E J=- - _ - -, —__ - _I_ =__.... __ ( 1.-'_ —--- __ # f__ - -r_ _-__ _ ---...._-. —-_ r.. ______;. ~ - I1 1 V I, - V | - -_ -r_ z: i~-__-~ —-~~:~: ~ — | 123 VERNON. III. 5. F~' ~izT,_ _.___ Lord dis - miss us with thy bless - ing, Fill our hearts with joy and peace; Let us each, thy love pos -sess -ing, sT ___ ___F~1flF — 10-, _- $ - -._.- =-Z- _ __ _._ - ___ * ~ - a~ |- -_~= ~- —..1_,g-_ ---..... Tri - umph in re - deem - ing grace; 0 re - fresh us, 0 re - fresh us, Travelling through this wil - der- ess! tx D - -~........ ____/ 1t_________ F- r ~'4~-F —-T- -i OLD 104th. IV. 1. 129 0 praise ye the Lord, Pre - pare your glad voice His praise in the great As - sem - bly to sing:....... — -q -.. —__ - — i -__ — T- -- — i. -- __ -_ -, _ } i -11-I-[ <')1 - - -a d _ - J - a - d d -D d J _ I — -- _i _-_ —ii _ —--. 1 _ _._... A__._,__ _ _=: -_ __ _.= _ _I In their great Cre - a - tor Let Is - rael re - joice; And chil- dren of Si - on Be glad in their King. ___ | __ I_ ___ _ _ LJ __ I_ f_ d __ d _aL___ -F_ s_ _ -$- +" _ _ - -r - --- (. ~+FfI- >-'f7=SE _WL -T=_iFt-l~-[-l — z~i I Y7T7E -____ -4-~ ~ ~ ~ -4 [9 _ _ ___ _ 130 RESIGNATION. IV. 2.'~- __ _ _ -_ — __ _ _ _ _ 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~- ~::~ —' —* -~ - i-' I~-T In - spirer and hearer of prayer, Thou Shepherd and Guardian of thine; My all to thy coy -enant care, I, sleeping or waking, re - sign. i_ er,yIy,' I I, -t:,z~z ______...._ -* —- - - -1'... d,~,I __ - i....., __, -~ -___ ~ ~ __~~~~' — -- -r.... — -- ~ —_-..._-_... - - - - - —' —--- -' —-rn _ CHIM'lES.:IV. 3. I I r r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earth, 0 serve him with gladness and fear, Ex -ult in his presence with music and mirthi, With love and devotion draw near. 1,,~~~~~~~~~~ _LII _....l -___, -s — X-r —m-n -r --— P- -'- — F-r —-- IF1- -_._ ~~~~~~~~ 7T-1 —.. — - ]Be joyful'in- God, all ye lands of the earih, 0 serve him with gladness and fear, Ex - u in his presence with music and mirth, With love and devotion drainear. [zr~zI.7 CI -~___ —~- LF [ii-_- I io 3,o lo -1 I___ _._ -_- - -_- - -7- -n-.....Z~ZLZFZ ~tF-___...- -K- -F- -T- -- -- z ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ -- -~-~..~ —-~~-~-~ —~ ~ —' --- — ~...~ --- ~-~ —...." —- - ~ ~~~~ ~-~-= —-r.. ——..'- r-,r ~r..., r-r —--- ~.. ~~... REFUGE. IV. 4. 131 *_ _ _ _ _ _n ~~r _ =-z r-.. -F — i —-- = —r- - - F —-_ i: r-.-. - ~-___ _____ _ _ ____ ___ _ _ I ______IiZ_7Zii~i_ = -T _ I2- =_ _ A- Vj <~j HIow firm a foun - da - tion, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in his ex - cel - lent word! I — w- r-r-r- ---- -T- r- — l r -r- i —\ii — Z-;- + __ _z~uzr____4-. ___ ______ _____ __ - - _ _____ -— r-_ -__ I_ —- ___- ----- ____ -I 4 _ _ —- -- _ _ _ _ _ _ - ~~v-t-iF~~_._r............T ~7-zzI~__ _~_____~4_Z.-~ 1 i- >1-S-=3-dr -~~~~~~~~~~-i __ 2 =-F — P - -- -— ~ —-=-F- ~ — -a=..'_a..-__=- -~=bF —-— ~...-b...... 1_ — __- _F [ t =.......... -- ___....... ~~~~~~~______ -~-, —-...... — ~i L —o_...___ B ~ ~ ~ _ __ B P -I:. h' —: rcr —[ —-~-r,-,,_ —-_[ ~ -_-~ - - -- -p -— p — _-_r-4z n-zr-n —F Thv~ _ —, —- - __-_ —-F —: _ _ —-—' __1_ - T~..... —~- _ ___ ~_____ — T. — I~~~~~~'F T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n-....._ ~___~_ __ r_n_N........ ~~~ r..~.....r — i,......-;-' ——; —-- -~ i-~..... —~e —r —-r-...... —. —r.... ~........... —--- - -,_ —_- - 132 HEBER. IV. 4. -II _ —— r — - -t = -- 9 —y, - 3 m -- _ z _'n:-I __ _ Lz.i z —.=-... _......=...... I would not live al - way; I ask not to stay Where storm af - ter storm ri - ses dark o'er the way; -~ —, -:~-~ —-~- ~_~-_ ~_ -~-_~_:_= ~_:- ~ x —-Tmq _ ___ _ _ _- ___~_ i_~ =4-r —?_r~ —-- ~ —~~~-.b — -~~ — ~ -~-~-~ —--— ~ —-~rr-~F-~-F~-~-~~~-xk-T-~-k —-,~ —p-r- r-3 g -'51i~~~ d c _d d d d > = -r- r- ggZZ r =.- __- ~ -------- _- _ — I _ —_ _- — _-_ - __ -__ _,c; __: _'._ i d 1 d —d, -it The few ui - cid morn - ings that dawn on us here, Are e-nough for life's woes, full e - nough for its cheer. - - J —,L-J-S-d- - >- ------— J- d -_- -_- -s-. L d — ~-.....=t- = - ~d 9 —~ — -9 -d_ ____........-[~~-~..._ #L111 zrn:~z4 ~'i7__- JI -- MARINER'S. IV. 5. 133 X ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ #_ 1-l [ 1lf st-r b S r —S 9_p /=7 4 _ F~~~~F_-___ ___; __ —_ — 4 —-t-:- -- -.Whenthrough the torn sail the wild tem- pest is streaming, When o'er the dark wave the red light- ning is gleaming, < 1 # e s t r r S J 2 r -... W =_ _ —~z-:zm- _... =<-k2=t_-n- —-S~-1-U- -= —_ -'- =,= —(~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~j~~~~~~~~~~~~~Z Z7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ _ __ P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ -T I L — — A __.... - -F- _ - --- 1- -zt — z I F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.... whose constant care My wants are all sup - plied,% —: _- 7L: -_- -__ — c |_-: -~,-.-~ —~___~~ __ I____: —- __: con - - - stant care My wants are all sup - plied,- The Shepherd by whose constant care My wants, my wants are all supplied. d~~~~~~~~~~~~h Shpedb WoeCrP,.~;r.y'-~~l', r~ ~a..~ ~r ll:8pi~._-_._-_ j 7' _ —___ -----— _ - x_~ ___ —* —- ~_.-, —_ — F i-:-__________ ____ _ __ *.....__- -____ _ —_ - P J- -P 1._ - __' —'. —-= —........-, —_-. _ ~-. ~-I-~-* — ~F- -~ —- -K3....' ——,7'- --- '"The Lord himself." Concluded. 143 _ _ _ - r _ _ s~ ~ - 1 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ And gent - - ly there re - pose, Then leads me to..... cool _-w - _ — ___ —E —Eh -— _ —— __ —_ __ ~~~~~~~~~~ —56, --- r~.....i —-_ BG~l yb; <,>F_1__~ F.l... —~ —-_$ _.'-?- F — --, —rX2;-i~ Glo - ry be to the Fa - ther, and to the Son, and to- the IHo - - ly Ghost; As it __~ __ 1 — A1 211 d Jv X f v f i"'t' f' ~' ~- t__ _ ___- -..-_ j~ —— ~ z —- ~-L-~~~...... —-,- -, — _r -_S=...... —— r —-=W- e-............. __-_==_ H — -crH -— ~.. — _ -- was in the be - gin - ning, is now, and ev - er shall be, world with- out end. A - - men. A - - men. I T-1 —~ — -9, --- -- 7 —-e ~~r — ~i I~1 >__ ______ -r _ -- _-.. F.. -- -- F V.. __1_ - -_.I...o — -— _ -_ -,, —_ _ _~_ —_i _'~ _. "~~~~~~~~ -'........ — _ GLORIA PATRI. No. 2. 147 - + =-_ ___ ---'- _r Glo - ry be to the Fa - ther, and to the Son, and to the Ho - - ly Ghost; As it I -~ —o —S............I......-A —=P 7 —704Z1Z-.7- Z = I _ — _ L _ 9' —7 -zz' _ — ---- __ __ __ I _ _ - was in the be - gin - ning, is now, and ev - er shall be, world with - out end. A - men. A - men. __ r_-_.:.j, - _, _ — 148 GLORIA PATRI. No. 3, r... ---------—. —--- —!Glo - ry be to the- Pa - ther, and to the Son, and to the Ho - ly Ghost; As it - - ---- _-_ 5 > —__ 1 _.- r — o -______ ____ _-__-_-_ 5 1Sz — 5= —-= _F_-W —1-1F- — F _[-_rr khp_ =S —__@1- I — T — -:-r4 —Z-L- --,zT- = —-F — 7_ -- F-_ — I = —-= —; F r -—. - =_ -- ___ ~~~__ _____ ______-r —-- — m -24 wzif __ - ___ _.___ __ _. ff # _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _~~~~' —d — ---— n- ---— _ - _... 1- n -{, #- w-,.-Uaww i _____ ___ _ was in the be - gin-ning, is now, and ev - er shall be, world with-out end. A - men. A - men. ]l,- - ---— ~ —< —— r-i —-~ -I —-; —-r-........- -----—,.. F-......; r ~ P P-~'-........ ~x_ _> I I,=-~ rI r?=, - -- ~ I 1 — Ii - r__ —. — __.......4.... ~-~-~...-, —......__...__ (-i — ~.... --- - _-_ —— __.. —— ~ ~- ~.....-~ —.. GLXUORIA PATRI. No. 4. 149 ___ ___ w___ __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —n- m —~Glo ry be to the Fa - ther, and to the Son, and to the Ho - ly Ghost; As it (%~z_~~~L_7 — s ——' —-.~ z L-4_ _ —~i —~- _ I ~ ~ I~ - __r 19- ~-PtE~E j — P'iizz z-T~~~~~~~~$ -~~~f- W --- ~~~ ~- -7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~: was in the be - - gin - ning, is now, and ev - er shall be, world with - out end, A —- men. ~~~~~~~~~ __~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ _ I -r___ ~-F —— ~ __ -— f__ - ___ _______ T'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T 150 GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. No. 1. 1,v _-S<-74 — i_ -_- -__- I- ~ —:-J 1. Glory be to................ God on 1 high,........ I and on earth peace, good I will* towards I men. 2. We praise thee, we bless thee, we.... wor- ship thee;........ we glorify thee, we give thanks to.. thee ~ for thy great glory. __ _ __HZ _4_ __ 3. 0 Lord God.... he -l i..y KiLg, God the..................... Fa- ther Al- migh.......... I ty 4. 0 Lord, the only begotten Son, Je- ~ sus Christ;...... O Lord God, Lamb of God,. Son * of the Fa-.. ther, GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. Concluded. 151 li. That tak~est away the....... ~~0~9~~~ Sins - of the w orld.......... have.......o....................I mer- cy UP - on us. 6. Thou that takest away the.......... sins - of the world......... have........................... mer- C y up - on us. 7. Thou that takest -away the.......~~ sins - of the world,..,.:,:::I re-........................~~~~~~~ ceive ourP prayer. S. Thou that sittest at the right hand oi.. GodB the Father,. have...........,.................i mer- cyc up - on us. T7_ ~~3 —_______ ____ ____-:9 ---- ---- -—. 9. For thou takest.away only nart hoy, thourld...r. on- hro art thehao rdu 10. Thou taly, t Christs with test ato- rly Ghahost, n,art most high in the lory of God the F r her - A o nu. 10. Thu witthe.1Ho-~ l I Ghst,..I art thighI gloy~ of God'the IFather, I A-) ~C~.IO~ maen. 152 GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. No. 2.'-r —-,_- - a...-_ 1. Glory be to.......................... God o high...... and on earth...... peace, good will* towards en. 2. We praise thee, we bless thee, we........ wor- ship the;..... we glorify thee, we give........... thanks to thee for th great mnglory. th I thanks to thee for thy great glory. I~ _ -- _ * _ _' _ ____ _ —-/!: — _t _- - ___________l______ _ - 9 —- - - - 3. 0, Lord God...............j.......... heavenly King.. God........................ the.. Fa- ther Al- migh-..... ty. __ __-_:_____ _ _ ____:_,K A _O-i:2d --.... - *____ _ ass 3-1:Bass.:_ —: ----- - GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. Continued. 153 l -- t r -- -I_ L 4. 0 Lord, the only begotten Son,..... Je- sus Christ;... 0..Lord God.... I Lamb ~ of God, [ Son of the I Father, ___(:; - _:i — F —----- _ —- -— 1 ___-_: __ _7 O- P- " _ _ _ _ —--— ____ __F_ Ii]S__S,, L q3~ —.:,.- --— = —?_ _ —,__ —- -:-::~-' o-_ 5i. That takest away the................ sins of the world.................. have J mer - cy up-...... on. us. OLO._ _ _ F_ _ L t- - — = Fff —— + -- Izii 1 III~IP _!I I I,'1 -i ii I ii i~~~~ ~ Jj iIl I i ii jJ I I i i ii -' - IIf ~ I Is II I I ~~~~~,1 Ijii " 1~~t111 II~, ii'i~ I'! i1i I 11 III bI11 /,,,1 jjl "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l I~~~~~~~~ Hi -rvr ii Ii~_-aI ii~ i~i~e U I MI ~~i ~~ii liii 11)1 ii IH -i "'I —l- I H ITh}i M_ jri f 1 I i i) I4J HIl I iTH l ii~ h lii 1fIiini fL ~4444 Tm ~ L!iii) i Ill ______ ~~I III. ol I ~i nI }III GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. Concluded. 155 __- - _ _o, n_. _ _ __ _ _ ___- ____,- ___ _ 8. Thou that sittest at the right hand of....! God ~ the J Father................. have mer - cy up- I.... on............ us. 0 i__ __ __ _ __, ___ D_ _ __ D _} |~_ _ _5~___ ifit~ _ —---— _-, — __ w _ __. _ _____ —"- _-_ _ —- ___-F —9. For thou...................... only art holy. thouon- ly art the Lord. 10. Thou only, O Christ! with the... Ho- ly Ghos.t.... art most high in the glory ~ of God ~ the Father..... A-....... men. _ — __- _:_ [ =____-_ —_ —-F-__ —: - _ u-~ —_- - -: ___ _ - F - 3 — --'' ~' --, "':' 1 I I I I' -F-~ FJ'~'-~E — ~~ 156 TE DEUM LAUDAMUS. No. 1. ___ - _==r_ __I ~W — ___ _ _________ __ __ FT-Z7 -::::::::t' ~. ~i —— z -- 1. We praise............. * e* e1 thee, 0 God.we acknowledge thee* too 3. To thee all angels.............. cry a - loud.....the heavens, and........................ all the powers there- in. 6. The glorious company of the apostles. praise..... thee.the goodly fellowship of the.......... pro-. phets praise........ thee. 8~ ~~~~~~~~~IGdi. The Fakolde ~~~~~~~~Ither tof1 an....... Ih poro-pe 8. The Father of an............. infi- ~ nite Majesty,. thine adorable............. true, and on- ly Son. r~~~~~~~~. Z-I~~ - __- -E — L -~' —-=-~ — _-' — _ _ - - 4 _H —Z _ —_-_-__~,__F _____L_ r _ ---- ___ ----' -- _ -z o 2. All the earth doth.................. wor- ~ ship thee,.......l the.................................. Fa- ~ ther ev- ~ er - lasting. 4. To thee cherubim and.............. ser- a- phim, con-................................. tin- ual ly do cry.'7. The noble army of martyrs.......... praise.. thee, the holy Church, throughout all the world,. I doth ~ ac - know- ledge thee, 9. Also the....... Ho- ly Ghost,.. the....... Con- fort-....... er. 01 Is ~l-;-~ —--......!.!r-_ -; —-...- -;-2- — _ -d~- -....' (-r* —: —--- r- r- t - I rn- r- T3 V'" f - I -s,, t ~~~~~~~~~~~I~ ~V —-~........ _ _ _ _ ___. Holy, ho- ly, ho -, Lord God of Sab-a - oth, heaenand earth are full of the ma- jes - - _y. 5. Holy, ho -ly, ho - ly, Lord God of Sab- a - oth, heaven and earth are full of the ma -jes - ty of thy glo - - ry. TE DEUM. Concluded. 157 e5~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~e Male Voices. 10. Thou art the King of....... glo-ry 0, Christ!.... Thou art the ever-............. last- ing Son of the Father. Remale Voices. 11. When thou tookest upon thee to de- liv- er man, thou didst humble thyself to be. born........ of a virgin. JMale. 12. When thou hadst overcome the.. sharpness'of death,. thou didst open the kingdom of. heaven to all. be - I lievers. Female. 13. Thou sittest at the right...... hand of God....... in the...................... glo — ry of the 1 Father. Male. 14. We believe that.thou shalt come..... shalt....................... come. to be our I Judge. Female. 15. We therefore pray thee.help thy servants,.. whom thou hast redeemed. with thy pre- cious I blood. Male..16. Make them to be numbered. with thy saints..... in........... glo- ry ev- er- lasting. Female. 17. 0 Lord, save thy people, and. bless thine heritage,.: govern them, and.I lift them up for ever. Male. 18. Day by day we...........j...... magni- fy thee,.... and we worship thy name ever, world with - out........ end. Female. 19. Vouch-..........................safe, 0 Lord,. to keep us.................. this day with- out sin. Male. 20. 0 Lord, have...................I mercy up- on us, have.mer- -y up- on US. Female. 21. 0 Lord, let thy mercy............. be up- as our.trust.is in thee. To be sung alternately by male and female voices. For the male voices play the Treble an octave lower. For the female voices play and sing the Bass an octave higher. If there are not voices enough to fill all the parts, let the air be sung alternately by Tenor and Soprano. I_ _L_ IF ~__rrn__ K~~~~-~C ~fiL -ci~z ~___ -- __L7- 0 Lord, in thee, in thee have I trusted; let me nev- er be con - founded,- let me ney - er be con - - found - ed. 158 TE DEUM LAUDAMUS. No. 2. -.. r _ _...._ ___ __ _,_ _ __r_ __ —-E —T —-_ —-- We praise thee, 0 God, we acknowledge thee to be the Lord, all the earth doth worship thee, the Father ev - er - last - ing; To thee all angels ( _~_z B —— F-t s:-Fr-r-, —__F - ThFT,, _rFA__ ____ [r~~E7~' r — P Jz~~I~_ -=F==== --—? —-F —- --------— f -[ —q-1, - I P.I I I E10 j7 P J J F d J I _ _ ~ _ -_ --- - -=4 —— K -''-_ — r-. — — k r — = —~ —F —'F -- - _ —--.. -- c~ry a- ti - ai cnin!-_ I- l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- — I TE DEUM. Continued. 159. -izz~_n7, —-rr - - -? -- ____q ---- ___ __ ____ b1 —-— t-'x~ --- __-I-f[ - -,' Ho - - - ly Lord God of Sab - a - oth, Heaven and earth are full of the ma -jes-ty of thy great glo - - ry. / f.. _-_ E ___,-__lN,m.... - -i --—. - E -. ~i~-~. —-. ----- -- --- I _ The glo - rious com - pa - ny of the a - pos - tles praise thee; the good - ly fel - lowship of the prophets praise thee; the _ -1 = _ 7F-k-X-k=n-i=5 ____ p r ~,-..I.... -' --- -- " -— __ --— =...... ---— r- - -- L_ _-_ "_1 - J glo_- - s- -nha- ie -t - I I 160 TE DEUM. Continued. no - ble ar - my of mar - tyrs praise thee; the ho - ly churchthroughout all the world doth ac - knowledge thee, the father of an /t — r --— r. —7r __R = fI* —----— r- |.-J —-_ _ _____ ____ ____ ______ —-7 —-I — _r- r —- -_-_, —~r-r _ _r-__- ____ _r — r- -r —- - r-t- _ - A ____ _ 7 ~h d~~~- d' in - nite ma - jes -ty, thine a - dor - a ble, true, and on - ly Son; al- so the Ho -Iy host, the Com - fort - er. ___- ~ __-__ -~ - _-_........... r ~ rL'[ -__ __ -_ F -- --- - TE DEUM. Continued. 161 -— ~ —~.~ —-. -.- -I -, —w --- Thou art the King of glo - ry, 0 Christ, Thou art the ev- er - last - ing Son of the Fa - ther. Whenthou tookest up - on thee to de - I,is, is I I...!..P a _...... __ _ — F...... I.r.... —- - -. -- i ~ _* r.. [__ -F __ - __ ____ 1 i_ r_ F -F- -'- - -__ — ~z~h ~-_ _ _ -* liv - - - er man, thoudidst hum - ble thy - self, thou didst hum - ble thy - self to be born of a virgin; when thou hadst over - come the sharpness of ~f;::r_- _N _-_ —--- - -F:- 1 - - -: —-I,... - _J__ __ _ __ _____ V1.- - --— = _________-_____ I-~ _r ~_______ ________ ~ -'__ -I J:' — dC —- IFV- _-__-' - --' —w-,-t-__- - -.- -.....,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a 162 TE DEUM. Continued. ~ ~, —,~-k__- _ -- -— _ —.-1 —- --— ___ —, death, thou didst o - pen the kingdom of heaven to all be - lievers. Thou sittest at the right hand of God, in the glory of the...._r_ _u: _..... -"- I-1 —_- _ _ —- -__-_ —-__-'_________ ~ —1 —?._ r --— I t — --— 9-_r_ -: —— r —-- — t —= —= --....r -- _______ -L~__ ___ ==___iF-=Z-I -_F-.- _ _ ____[ 5B iFathr W b-leththualcmt:J -, help thy servants, whom (II. —---- -- - -— _-__ r I" i C d7 Az - - dS. -- d * [ -- [- -. --- i e r rr - [ r _.... -..... - -f - IISO__. _ _ __ __L~_~: TE DEUlYL Continued. 163 __~~ II- EII-r __ thou hast re - deemed with thy pre - cious blood, whom thou hast re - deemed with thy pre.- cious blood, Make them to be numberedwiththy _ _ —-- -- 7 P_ 07 P Is~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i~~~~~~ ___ - ___ P — P~I~ Fi —9 — ~~7 L _ _ - J- ZV 7mI- _ _- _J 31 _ _ _ _ _ _-J _ _ _ _ * saints in glo -ry ev - er -last - ing, in glo - ry ev - er -last - n; 0 Lord, save thy J d~u ___ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I'' __- -' - ___- __r I L I I _ r WL L2 p P~ ~ ~ T f f L PrIP1 z 4~ 1641 TE DEUM Continued. PILL _ ------ worship th name, ev er, worldwithout en, ev - er, world wifth out end. Vouch-safe, 0 Lordto keep us this day, -with ou P_ _1_P. s,-di. P _c: _ d t cT J ____ __, r 1 1 1 I_ ~19~ _ __ _l_ I_ __ i __ l r 8~i" a hr II,- -_______ ____ ___a I- r IIr I ~~~~~ -r - 1 3 IP I I ci. ~~~~ 0 0 d.~d ____ __ -8- ii wosi h ame r wrdwtotene r wrdwt ot ed oc - sae 0 Lod, toke s hs dy wt u TE DEUM. Concluded. 165 __ -r-FF~ __ _~ E- —.-e.Zj —-_- _ —- _ _-_ sin. O Lord, have mer -cy up -on us, have mer - - cy up - on us, O Lord, let thy mer - cy be up - on us, fod _P 4 __=X — a![7p~_ - LL _ pIfs P 0,' I I'~-F~, I, __ --- __ --— _,T * - - - as our trust is in thee. 0 Lord, in thee, in thee have I trusted, let me nev - er, nev - er be con - found - - - ed. F _ ____- i~ __ - P P F B P P A 1'-+, 1, -- --- - I.. ---- -d- -4- --- li~ 1__ __-: I__-_:-....'_....., - __.. —- _~__ _ —;___ __ 166 BENEDICITE, OMNIA OPERA DOMINI. - TRE-BLE SOLO. —-- - _-1vi, i- ~ A- --— I —--- ____ —— = ----— _ _-__ — -- 4L -ice __e_ _ __ __ _ _ V.b — _ _ -_- _-___ _._ -_ 1. 0, all ye works of the Lord, bless............... ye the Lord...... praise him, and magnify................... him for ev - er. 5. 0, all ye powers of the Lord, bless.............. ye the Lord,. praise him, and magnify.................... him for ev - er. 9. 0, ye winds of God, bless...................... ye the Lord...... praise him, and magnify................ him for ev - er. 13. 0, ye frost and cold, bless................ ye the Lord,...... praise him, and magnify.................. him for ev - er. 17. 0, ye lightnings-and clouds, bless............... ye the Lord...................... praise him, and magnify................. him for ev - er. 21O.0, ye wells, bless...................b...s..... ye the Lord.....i.. praise him, and magnify............... him' for ev - er. 25. 0, ye beasts and cattle, bless................ ye the Lord....... praise him, and magnify.................... him for ev - er. 29. 0, ye servants of the Lord, bless................ ye the Lord,...... praise him, and magnify... him for ev - er. 32. Glory be to theather...................... to Father,...., and to the................. Ho- ly Ghost K _ h ALTO SOLO._ _,_ __ _______ ___ _ __ _-_ __ _G hos 2. 0, ye angels of the Lord, bless........ ye the Lord.... praise him, and magnify.him for ev - er.. 0, e un and moon, bless.......... the Lord...... praise him, and magnify........... him for ev - er. 10. 0, ye fire and heat, bless................... ye the Lord....... praise him, and magnify.................... him for cv - er. 2. O, ye angels of the Lord, bless...................... ye ~ the Lord,... | praise him, and magnify...................... him ~ for ev - er. 26. 0, ye children of men, bless.................... ye the Lord,.. praise him, and magnify..................... him for ev - er. 10. 0, ye spirits and souls of the righteous, bless ye the Lord,.... praise him, and magnify..................... him ~ for ev - er. BENEDICITE. Concluded. 167 &. __ _ _._ _ __L -A - _____ —TENOR SOLOe___ _- — W —3. 0, ye heavens, bless....................... ye the Lord....... praise him, and magnify.................. him for ev - er. 19. 0, ye mountains and hills, bless............. ye. the Lord...... praise him, and magnify..................... him for ev - er. 23., ye whales, and all that m ove in the waters,.bless ye - the Lord,...... praise him, and magnify................... him for ev - er. 27 let Israel................................ bless the Lord..... praise him, and magnify................... him for ev - er. i4. 0, ye waters that be above the firmament, bless ye the _Lord...... praisehim,_andmagnify..................... him for ev - er. 5. O, ye showers and dew, bless.............. ye the Lord,...... praise him, and magnify..................... him for e~ - er. HASS id_ — SOLO. -___ _ -__h -i for -v — er. 12. 0, ye dews and frost, bless..................... ye the Lord...... praise him, and magnify.................... him for ev - er. 16. 0, ye light and darkness, bless.................. ye the Lord,...... praise him, and magnify...him* for ev - er. 16. 0, ye lights and darknes, bless........................ - ye *the Lord, praise him, and magnify him for ev - er. 20. 0, all ye green things upon the earth, bless....... ye the Lord...... praise him, and magnify..................... him for ev - er. 24. 0, all ye fowls of the air, bless.ye the Lord...... praise him, and magnify..................... him ~ for ev - er. 28. 0, ye priests of the Lord, bless............ ye the Lord,. praise him, and magnify.................... him for ev - er. 81. 0, ye holy and humble men of heart, bless....... ye the Lord,...... praise him, and magnify..................... him for ev - er 33. As it was in the beginning, is now and....... ev- er shall be, world without end.......................... for e -..... en. 168 JUBILATE DEO. No. 8. W. RUSSELL. (A _ -' --- _ — i —--,_I_ -_3Vi M__ -._.............. —... __IL ___________ 7 [S - - -i I _ _ 1 — ______ -— z -=$- [-I*_ __ — r-4 1. 0 be joyful in the Lord............................. all ye lands;.. serve the Lord with gladness, and come before his pres- ~ ence with ~ a song. 2. Be ye sure that the Lord................... he ~ is God;... it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves, we are his people, and' the sheepof' his pasture. 3. 0 go your way into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise;.. be thankful unto him, and................... speak ~ good of his name. 4. For the Lord is gracious, his mercy is................ ev - er - lasting, and his truth endureth from gene-........... ration to gen- ~ er- ation. 5. Glory be to the Father............................. and ~ to the Son,.... and.......................... to the Ho- ly Ghost. 6. As it was in the beginning, is now, and............... ev- er shall be, world itl-............................... A men. No, 9, J. CALAI. Lz3ZF1IZZZ_ — _:- * - _ go. 10. ROBINSON. -_~ _bk _- r —--- ~__ -z — -:- -.... __ F I — R- - _- _ ~F --- _ — I No. 11. 169 -'' e_, —_ I!-_S - ~ e~ I ~ I -_-w_! _ _ No. 12. HENLEY. \ _ -.. —-— r-z m.... --— =,.....r, ___ __ — F ~-'L7I',o I J - F No. 13. RANDAL. _ __ ___ iit-T-Lk4 IF1= —_.. __... _ _ __.____ —-- _ No.; 14. EBDON.' —4 -, —;-r —---...... Q r'- |-rF-[-!,. =1,',..I: - F-o —-J 170 JUBILATE DEO. No. 2. ~z-j: lzr rio __ — J F _ 1 0, be joy - ful in the Lord, all ye lands! Serve the Lord with glad - ness, serve the Lord with glad - ness, and ___T UL- LL EFT~ F7P w- P r -I fI __ -[ T _ I ___C r __rIr P-~~~~~~ - - - ~~~~~- - - come be - Lore his pres - ernce with a song. Be ye sure that the Lord he is God, it is he that has I~ ~ ~ I I I I I 1 p P r P~~~~~~~~~ ) d a - d d ___~~~~ ~i - a —z-r - JUBILATE DEO. Continued. 171 i~'-~,~-,~ ~:___ __ -, —------— ~-_ I —___ -f_- -_._ _._.____/~: wr_ _-! —i=@@ _- a-F-![-__ _-I-. -T-ii= ac- ___ -_!_ q~-F' ----— ~-___- _I- ___- ~I7-'-I —-____- _...... 1ZZZ_-_11_ Z11[Za= I _= =~-1 —-- =-t —I-~ -------. _ ___._____ __, _ 1 +____ l1z~ __ r - _ __ F'tmade us, and not we our - selves; we are his peo - pie, and the sheep, the sheep of his pas ture., _!_ __ __ ___| __ _ _,_ _ - I. ___ — 7 —-_ —-— i -- -.- -e. --..... ___ ___ ___ _ -i- _.. — ctEr_ P i F - P P __ - r- P P _ I_:Z~ _ -e- S- J;_ _J — d _d;_:_____I__ --- d d _1 __ ___ d / 12 =l ~~~-:.......... —'r-=P —-=' r —qF?-_w= --— " —r..... -...: -—.. - - - - - r * - - "' r f - - f _ _1_ 4 - - r- - r. -_, — __ 1___1 -____ __ —— _ q-^ __-F — - "~" —-H — _=:j 1EF1= 1_ - F- -, _, __, _ _ 1 # ~~~_ _.__ __ _ _. __ _._ *b~~ —-z —-.' —r -: —- r- i ~- -F --— Fe - ---- r-~ — -~ —rF —~-t zj:r_ —U.F~__ __'_ — o -i 0 i. _ _ aL-___ o0, go your way in - to his gates with thanks - giv - ing, and in m - to his courts, his courts with / _- __.- I _..- F-1- — I._. ___ L1 -E-r -_- f T 1-~ TT F_ __ _ —:-.. —-___.F \ cz= —Lzz — Iz~*==-t-=,-l-C~ —-=Ft __- — =- 3 -' Kz~ZLE I-~- --- __ __ __ __ ___7- -::: -_ _- ~... -- - 1....... r-..............,, — 3___ dr__+ ___ ________ _.,___ d EI J _-_ _ -—'- - - 1 -_ — __: ____ - rz z~~~~zzz z~~3E~izz 3K __ —::-q__ T_,...__ — _-.. - ~-I, i _ ~ 1 -— ~ _. _ _ _'....' _" 172 JUBILATE DEO. Continued. |_- - _-_ =t-:x[ —4 —-_ _ =T: praise, be thank - ful un - to him, and speak good of his name; for the Lord is gra - cious, his c -— ~~- r-, —_-L-_ -—' —-- - -..L= ——' —t - - 1 1. 1 - | L V_,,d- _ __ -___ 1 _ __ _ __r __ _____ __ ___ 1___ I_ _ _ -_ __ —0 —-------- --— ___.... -1 —- _ - F i — - - mer- cy is ev -er-last- ing, and his truth en- dur -eth from gen -er a - tion to gen - er - a - - - tion. _________ 0: _le __ __,,___ ~- -_ ____ -_-_- _ __I _I_ _I_ - _ — — I-_I —----- --- ________ -,= -__w~o_ aF —' —rz=b —! — --.- ---- -.. JUBILATE D:EO. Concluded. 173 _ ~ -o._____ _____ ____ __ =- -- — _-_ —-_-_ _ --- L T-__-_-I -_ -— 7z- _: —--— _ 1- ____S S __ __ ___Jt4iiZZ l__t i - __ -U - D Glo - ry be to the Fa - - ther, and to the Son, and to the Ho - ly Ghost; ~'-M -------- -.. —-.- -- ----. —-— n-.. ___ ___ __ ~ ~ ~ $,i,.P __ N-1 --:-4_ as it was in he be - gin- ning, is now, and ev- er shall be, world with- out end. A- men. A - men. 7T j -- -- - --- -- - -- -s —= --,=-7w —~ —-f —-F_ ---— r-J- - -,' —-J_F_ —:-F l* — r - __-I __ _ —- _-r t t __ ~_ —a-_ —-.= - ----- = —~=F-S- - - — _=__ —-— _=[ - -~zz -:~~~z r7Vr1-IZ zz~ZI~ _LO__ 174 BENEDICTUS. No. 15.?ARRANT. ___________ __ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ — — 3~ ____ ____ 1. Blessed be the Lord........................ God of Israel,.. for be bath visited,...................... and re - deemed his people; 2. And hath raised up a mighty sal-.......... va-s tion for us,.. in the house............-.............. of his ser- ~ vant David; 3. As he spake by the mouth of his.......... bho ly prophets, which bave been....................... since - the world be - gan; 4. That.we should be saved......... from - our enemies, and from the......................... hand -of all that hate us. 5. Glory be to the Father.................. and ~ to the Son,... and...................to the Ho- ly Ghost. 6. As it was in the beginning, is now, and.... ev-. er shall be, world with-.......... out. end. A......... -men. No. 16. LANGDON. 0_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __ _ _ _ _ F 4 4'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~ ~ ~~~..........(_ No. 17. C. CLARKE. _ _T- - 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___L 1-iifdtic 03 — No. 18. ARR. BY H. W. G. 175 _ -- - 1J _ — 1_ I-_Th.- _ _' _.... --....__ -r.- t -, — 7- -. -- r-Fr — | - o — _. _ I _ __ No. 19. H. W. G. ~~___ _ __._ _ _ -- __- __,I -_ ------ I_ —__-_-... -F AF __- =_ _!::r- --— L _ _ -—:__L No. 20. WORGAN. I...' — C_ _ —— _-__ —__ I ~ __ _I- _.... _ —-,. _. _. —- - No. 21. w. RUSSELL. _-_- _ _-..-, __ I - -- I~ —-'-. —-I -- =I -- -.~E~-z_~?......~~ — _ - ___ --', —' —-- j -— _ _ —- - = -r —,. —-. — _ r 176 mKYRIE ELEEISON. No. 1. __-1 - - z|zT,z21VZZ __~z~~zz ___ _ rI _ __* I _ - - F ____ __ __ ____i# L ord, have mer - cy up - on I on us, I and rite all thesend thy la in our I hearts, hearts to keep this law.eech thee. Ahfter the' Tenth Commandmentt. _ __dd _ _ _ _____ ______- - _ -_d__ Lord, have mer - cy up - on us, and write all these thy laws in our hearts, we be seech thee. __ _ _._ ____ __ _.......... _ _~z_-:__-_ _ — # - --- I —--- - -- ____ —- - t __r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-; — 1 | > C= t YRIE ELEEISON. No. 2. 177 J 1 ---- -1:-= ___ I~ —~-~ —-3...., __ ____ ___-__ -_ _ ____ Lord, have mer - cy, have mer - cy up - on us, and in - cline our hearts to keep this law. 1 I_ ___r _ ____ ___ (1~a ——:_: _-:__ _-:_-p _:-F ----: — _:_:1-,:)l ~_ -1 — 1- ___ _1 _ __ I____ _d_ ___ _ _ ____ t1- b —F= C -,<,- g=:ge- I~gP = - F-r — e —— __r zy -___ _r__t After the Tenth Commandment. and write all these thy laws in our hearts, — _......, _................__ _ ___ ____ ____ /! ~~~I~iT~~a 4 =__:_l __,_'1.___ I __ (-I -f ——:._ — —:= —: — 178 GLORIA TIBI. No. 1. GLORIA TIBI. No. 2. After the Minister has declared from whence the Gospel for the day is taken.'I o __ _. _ Glo - ry be to thee, 0 Lord. Glo - ry be to thee, 0 Lord. n z1h- -I ~-_ = — -_- =~ _. (_ _2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F _ _ _-! _ _ - _ __ _ ~- re -o __~ _ ___ _, _ _ -a —_ —— _-. The Glori may be sung to the last clause of any Chant, dividing the words thus:Glory be, to thee, O Lord. I___ -~- -~~~L~t- - ___ —__ Therefore with angels and archangels, and with all the comrn- pa- ny of heaven, we laud. and mag-ni- fy thy glorious name, ev - er - more praising -LPn - o r1- mI pri::: ~..... - - ~_ —- ~ —:. GTI — ~:.-2.-r ------ 2, - _ TRISAGION. Concluded. 179 =~_-_- s- -__ __-E —-_ — _...... 1:W --— W~ —-o-[_ -- F -=F —-[ -[ —H —[ —-[ -_ _' -F __ _- - o - _ _ thee, ev- er -more praising thee, and say - ing, Ho - ly! Ho - ly! Ho - ly! Lord God of Hosts, heaven and I- __..._ _,L___n —_ —Z__. ___. _ _ io i * o o o P P _ X -; -- _ d _- _ __ _-_ - E _____ — 4 —- — 4 ----— _-_-__- - - — z -.- ____ ~ _ —— __ -— ii —,. -_ I -_ _ -- --- - -- _ earth are full, are full of thy glo - ry. Glo - ry be to thee, 0 Lord most highb A - men. A - men......_.___... i - _- __-_- -.-.. -._ -. (-% — - - -. _- - __': — -4-8- ---- __ —— _ __ -- Q | P~ S —-~'T —-7-.P —r-~ -P-S ~ _' - oG G a ~ -S s______ L_ I _ I _ -p-. -,- -r- -ti- __,-o, __ 180 CONNATE DOMINO. No. 22. GREENE. _____-h -__' I _ __ - ____ ____ ___=______|:===___ __ —-E_____t_== _[ —Ad 1. 0, sing unto the................................ Lord a ~ new song,., for...... he hath done marvel-' lons things. 2, With his own right hand, and with his.............. ho- ly arm.... hath he............................... gotten him- self the victory. 3. The Lord declared.............................. his sal- vation,. his righteousness hath he openly shewed...., in the sight of the heathen. ai He hath remembered his mercy and truth toward the house* of Israel, and all the ends of the world have seen the sal- va- tion of our God. 6. Show yourselves joyful unto the Lord.............. all ye lands,.. sing, re-.......................... joice and give...... thanks. 6. Praise the old up-........................... on the I harp,... sing to the harp with a.................... psalm of thanks-.... giving. 7. With trumpets.......................... also, and shawms, 0, show yourselves joyful be-............... fore the Lord - the King. 8. Let the sea make a noise, ard all that............... there-' in is,.... the round world, and...................... they that dwell ~there- in. 9, Let the floods clap their hands, and let the hills be joyi'..-...: -......ifui together be- fore' the Lord, for he.................................. cometh, to judge ~ the earth. 10. With righieousne~,haI1 he...............,.. j,, |judge the world, and the............................. peo- pie with'..... equity. 11. Glory be to the Father,?..,... nd tothe Son,.... and ~. to the o- ly Ght; 1g2r, As it was in the beg~i gl ~is~ new? afd *..,... - *! er shall be, world with-............................. out end. A-....... men. No. 23. DUPUIS.' I~ 24=.,.>+BATTISHILL. --," —- f —-—, —'......D...-q —-— q..... __ w - -- E _ -..... _ j-je_':i..... ~_,-~- ~ —— ~......... -— ~~,~'.... ~........ f~~~~~~~~_ —,c N i~o. 25. SOAPER. 181.... — m —-~- ~ —~ —T -n r.......-n —-T ~ — -~-" ~ —- — a --------- ~_~_-_- _ ~_....__ __ _ _ _ ~_ _.... -~-.~ --- — _ ___I_ - - -a - "- -"-~-o~___ 1Yo 26, ~e~. SMT..!=,._~___ Nol,-,". __'-_ _ —_,'e___. — -_- ~~~,~ —~- -''; — ~u~ — -~ — __-~-...... ~....4............ —...__,__ __ _-__ ~ii~_ -4..~ ~ — ~ ~ — L I.......__._.-......._ __...-....___ _ __ I 1 ~~~- -~-,~.......... ~- "4..... _ 4___~.....c- e I~~~ - _...... _~_ —, -: — ~ — - ~,~, ~ ~ e3~ ——,, —-~ —~- -.....~-~-~_~-7_~ —_ —~_ —,.... S —— ~..... \1;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-J r —— g —r —-— ~- -----— / rr~..~Ic —-- -I-~ -:- ---- P-q, 182 BONUM EST CONFITERI. No. 29. BYRD. _ _-___ _ -z_ a- a__ _ (u Z Z T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - _ I! L 1. Itis a good thing to give thanksun-........ to the Lord........ and to sing praises unto thy................ name, 0. Most.... Highest. 2. To tell of thy loving kindnessq........ in ~ the morning..... and of thy............................... truth~ in the night... season. 3. Upon an instrument of ten strings, and up on ~ the lute....... upon a loud instrument................... and up - on the harp. 4. For thou, Lord, hast made me glad........ through' thy works,...... and I will rejoice in giving praise for the oper- a- tions of thy hands. 5. Glory be to the Father,.and to the Son........ and.................................... to the Ho- ly Ghost; 6. As it was in the beginning, is now, and.... ev- er shall be,.... world with-............................. out end. A-. men. No. 30. MORNINGTON. )i — ~ —.... _-a —- _.. ---- -d, I _ L t -'I _ No. 31. DUPUIS. -P.... — -.............................~~~~J No. 32. SMYTH. 183 -p Ieer,._ - L - _.. — =-~ -a "_ Ah -_ _L,,_ __ A__ No. 33. T. G. _ —~'- 1~- | __ __i-__:____ - — F- ------— ~ —[-t —-- -...._ No. 34. BECKWITH. ____ _-__ _-__ - _-_. -____ ___ -_ ___ — _ J y -' —-'-I i eI~- = - --' No. 35. RUSSELL... — i4 _ _b —- o _1W___Xtk_ -p*- _ ~ _ —_ — = —__-_ —— _ — - - L I __ 184 BONU1 EST COFrERI. No. 2. I~b-tt-@>L —, -k? -k-' —t -s-~- --— __-_ -— __ il jz- = _=__,___ z? —- -= r=.F —r —-r - ~- -c-__....-F I 4-, __ - — I _- _It is a good thing to give thanks un- to the Lord, and to sing prais - es, and to sing prais - es - _ --— [.. - _ -k-[ T; — ____ ___-_ _- -- ____ -_ _ _.. _'..,EIT I - - ----- ------ -- ---- 3 un - to thy name, Most High - est; to tell of thy lov- ing kind - ness ear - ly in the morn - ing I_ __ - F —- --- -—' —, —-.~.i: -- -,I p-~ -r- -13 g-''~-.*_ ___ __...-*. - J- -L _ _, __ -Ja - - _i BO]IV EST CO0FITERI. Continued. 185 l'-t _= -1.....q —T-X......{ —--- ==- = — ---....... ___ — ___ _ __ — [ - =_E —-r..... -......;t — and of thy truth, and of thy truth, and of thy truth in the night sea - son. -- _ _= 4. --: ___. __ -: —~ —-— ~ —---! —-: — - -— A —'? —-----,, ------— r — r —--- — | zh_-z==- -- - _ _ —: -= —- -=: -— F —zz _ —. --—. —-_Up - on an in - strument of ten strings, and up - on the lute; up - on a loud in - strument, __V1~~~ _~_ - _ 186 BONUMI EST CONFITERI. Continued. - a -n u_ p-on- _r-h__ -e h-r — _. |~- f - and up - on the harp. For thou, Lord, hast made me glad through thy works, and I will re - joice in -) g d ___ ---— i- - - zz I; — _ — FZ~ — F I —Ie (-I — _ - -__._ _-:X — -_ _ __ —-- 1. Christ our Passover, is........................... sacri- ficed for us,...... therefore.................. let us keep the feast; 2. Not with the old leaven, neither with the leaven of.. malice and wickedness,.. but with the unleavened bread... of ~ sin - cerity and truth. 3. Christ: being raised from the dead >................ dieth' no more;....... death hath no more do-......... min- ~ ion o- ~ ver him. 4. For in that he died, he died unto................ sin. once,........ but in that he liveth, he........ liv- eth un- ~ to God. 5. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed un- to sin,......... but alive unto God through. Je- sus Christ ~ our Lord. 6. Christ is risen.............................. from the dead........ and become the first........... fruits ~ of them ~ that slept. 7. For since by................................... man came death,...... by man came also the resur-.... rec- tion of the dead. 8. For as in............................... dam all die.......... even so in Christ shall.......... all ~ be made ~ a- live. 9. Glory be to the Father......................... and ~ to the Son.........and.............. to the Ho- - ly Ghost; 10. As it was in the beginning, is now, and.......... ev- ~ er shall be,..... world with-.......... end. A-........ men. No. 51. R. ANDREWS. _ _o. 52 _ CHARD. I -l~~ze'zzztU-z _ 3-3 —-OF —~- -~ _~ —F -—.. __~ -s-: -4 J~~ETr —— r —-: — -~ _ —--— ~ OFFICE OF INSTITUTION OF MINISTERS. 197 No. 53. DEAN. _ ___ --- __-.......- __.. __ 1. 0 praise the Lord; laud ye the........ name of the |Lord...... praise it, O ye........................ ser- * vants of the Lord. 2. Ye that stand in the................ house * of the Lord....... in the courts of the.................... house of our....... God. 3. O praise the Lord, for the............. Lord is gracious;... 0 sing praises unto his name.. for.i...... name.for is lovely. 4, The Lord is.........l............... gracious - and merciful,... long-suffering,.......................... and of great... goodness. 5. The Lord is loving unto.............. ev- ery man, and his mercy is..................... 0- ver all his works. 6. All thy works praise................. thee, 0O Lord....... and thy........... saints give thanks un- to thee. 7. The Lord doth...................... build ~ up Je- rusalem,... and gather together the............. out- casts of...... Israel. 8. He healeth those that are............. broken in heart...... and giveth............................ medicine to heal their sickness. 9. The Lord's delight is in.............. them that fear him,.... and put their........... trust in his...... mercy. 10. Praise the Lord.............. 0O Je - rusalem,... praise...................... thy God, Zion. 11. For he hath made fast the............ bars of thy gates....... and hath.......... blessed thy children with- in thee. 12. He maketh peace.................... in thy borders,,..... and filleth thee........................ with the flour of wheat. 13. He is our God, even the God of whom.. cometh sal - vation,..... God is the Lord by.................... whom we es- cape.... eath. 14. 0 God, wonderful art thou in thy...... ho- ly places...... even the God of Israel, he will give strength and power unto his peo- ple. Blessed' be God. 15. Glory be to the Father............... and to the Son,....... and.................................. to the Ho- ly Ghost; 16. As it was in the beginning, is now, and.. ev- er shall be,... world with-.................. out end...... e. a..en. N1Cso, 54. ALCOCK.?1~ -8 I 3 198 THANKSGIVING DAY. No. 55. KING. 1. Praise ye the Lord; for it is good to sing praises un-.. to our God..... for it is................. pleasant and praise is comely. 2. The Lord doth.................................. build up Je- rusalem,.. he gathereth together the.. out- casts of......israel.. He healeth those that are.................... broken in heart. and. bind- eth up their wounds. 5. He giveth to then............... _...........beast his food..... and to the.............. young ravens ~ which cry. 7. For he hath strengthened the...................... bars of thy gates... he ath. blessed thy children with- in thee. 6. Praise the Lod. ~ J- rse pi thy.Gd'o 0 Z 8. He maketh..................................... peace in thy borders,.. and filleth thee with the... fi- nest of the wheat. 9. Glory be to the Father...................... and to the Son,...... and.......to the Ho- ly Ghost 10. As it was in the beginning, is now, and.............. ev- er shall be, world with-....... out end A...........men. No. 56. TRAVERS. _'' 1 1 _-,_ -F _ __ (_ __ _ __ _ _ No. 57. Z. &. W. G. itlj>- — ms -' -- __ ---- -~~"~-F~-~~-F~=IF~~ze BURIAL O64F THIE DEAD. 199 No. 58. FELTON. - - - - - - - I.~~~~~$7 —-- ~~ ____ __ 0 ~~~~r_ ~-7_=_____ ____-__ _ 1. Lord, let me know mine end, and the number.............of my days,... that I may be certified how.... long I have to live. 2. Behold thou hast made my days as it were a span long, and mine age is even as nothing in re-.......... spect of thee,.... and verily every man living is.. al-. to - geth- er vanity. 3. For man walketh in a vain shadow, and disquieteth him-.......self in vain,. he heapeth up riches, and cannot tell who shall gather thenm. 4. And now, Lord.what is ray hope? Truly my hope.............. is even in thee. 5. Deliver me from........................ all. mine of- fences, and make me not a re-........ buke un - to the foolish. 6. When thou with rehukes dost chasten man for sin, thou makest his beauty to consume away, like as it were a moth........ fretting a garment; I every man.................. there- fore is but vanity. 7. Hear my prayer, 0 Lord, and with thine ears con-........... sider my calling,... hold not thy................. peace at my tears. 8. For I am a stranger with thee.......................... and a sojourner, as......................... all my... fa- thers were. 9. 0 spare me a little, that I may re-...................... cover my strength, before I go hence............. and be no more seen. 10. Lord, thou hast...................................... been our refuge, from one gene-.............ra- tion to an - other. 11. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever the earth and the world. were made, thou art God from everlasting, and world with - out....... end. 12. Thou turnest man..................................... to de - struction, again thou sayest, Come a-... gain, ye children - of men. 13. For a thousand years in thy sight are....................... but as yesterday, seeing that it is past.......... as a'watch - in the night. 14. As soon as thou scatterest them they are even............... as a sleep, and fade away.sudden-....... sud.en- - ly like the grass. 15. In the morning it is green, and.grow- eth up;. but in the evening it is cut. down, dried up, and withered. 16. For we consume away in............................... thy dis - pleasure, and are afraid at thy.......... wrath- ful in- dig nation. 17. Thou hast set our mis-.......... deeds - be - fore thee, and our secret sins in the. light of thy countenance. 18. For when thou art angry, all our..........................I days are gone....I We bring our years to an end, as it were a tale that is told. 19. The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and though men he so strong that they come to fourscore years, yet is their strength then hut......................................labor - and sorrow,., so soon passes it a-... way,. and we are gone. 20. So teach us to.....................................I.... number. our days,... that we may ap-.ply our hearts unto wisdom. 21. Glory he to the-Father.............I................... and ~ to the Son,... and................... to the Ho- ly Ghost; 22. As it was in the beginning, is now, and.... ev- er shall he,. world with-................. out end. A-........ men. No. 59. MORLEY. __ _ __ __ -liii -- - --- -e3 -52 __ 2P_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a 200 ANTHEM IN BURIAL SERVICE. TsEN o. SOI_ - - ClOS_ __ __..=-__ _ —-- __ --— _-.- =... _, —F —— _-_-....- -.... - -Fi-' ---- - — _ ==, ( - -- _ __- — t - -— 1___:____ _ l_. ___ —-- I _ —-_= —-_ —.F6_ — -— ~-1 = 3 -rE 5~_','~ -- I e I_= -'zi —i[=FTi=-_ E -- -- - _ —- ---- _________V~~~~~~~~ 1 — - _ -1- - _ *- r _I_- I I MzE L- z -= - 1-X -— iz;1' o-7 -— r z — I__- --..iIe_ _ w __..___ _...-.. 7 ____ _ _____ _- e_ Z - --- I -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j z -— E — - - - - - - -...r —-' -' -n - __-t~.. wh die _ ~-..'. LAUDATE DOMINUM. 201 No. 60. TRAVERS. — WH __- - U-_ —-z. _ ____ —'- __: i 12 >#_1 = f I __ __ __ Ce __ __ —---— F ----- a r —_ 1. 0 p raise -d.................... ____ _~ 1. 0 praise God......................... in his.........holiness........... praise him in the............... firma- ment of his power. 2. Praise him in his...................... no- ble acts;....... praise him according........... to* his excel- lent greatness. 3. Praise him in the sound................ of the trumpet;.... praise him up-................. on the lute and harp. 4. Praise him in the...................... cymbals ~ and dances;..... praise him up-................ on the strings ~ and pipe. 5. Praise him upon the.................. well- tuned cymbals;.... praise him up-................ on the loud ~.... cymbals. 7. Glory be to the Father... and ~ o the Son......... and.............to................. o- ly Ghost; 8. As it was in the beginning, is now, and... ev- er shall be,..... world with-.................... out end. A-. men. No. 61. SIMMS.:_:: —-— __: _-: 7F-' n;-f_.Tf:j __- -- __... r-~- ___ --- No. 62. MORNINGTON. ) 1 =-y - iL. I- -I -=F - I _G c- e _ l0.l......-t _ --- —.- M --- --- -......._^-[ 202 GREGORIAN CHANTS. No 63. MORLEY. No., 67. H. W. G. TON._E.j O~ I I I T NE I., NTo. 64. TALLIS. No,. 68. DYCE. C.40g C — - (o it- (___i A-'........ No. 65. MORLEY. No. 69. DYCE. _TO,.... No_ 66. DYCE. No. 70t DzCE. ~~~3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sl 11~~~~~~~2 SINGLE CHANTS. 203 No. 71. DR. W. HAYES. No. 72. J. BATTISHILL. -...-..-. -........ — I —-,- __....' No. 73. J. KENT. O,. 74. CORFE. z,! __ I _ No. 75. J. BATTISHILL. No. 76. LEE. No. 77. A. BENNET. No. 78. DUPUIS. ( 1_Ee_ -j. -- - ~a —— tF3 —_ 204 PENITE IAL CHANTS. No. 79. FARRANT. I_ — ~-~- — _-_1 rn_ __-~ _~_ - -,'- - _ __. -_~_ —— z_-q < o I I -"- -' - Q I s/-z';sL — = —-= —77=~iz~g~ -F' — b ~-'-_L~e_ —— e —---— 1t — e —- 9-! —T —-— r. —-— r-F —— r —- -r —-?- r —— _ _- -_._ _ _ r u.___ ~ - ~ -.... —.................... - No. 80. LEE. ____- ~- a - "'_ —_ _. __~' _ —....' —"'.....z" "'z-[r......f.[-zr_ --- ~L-F-j~-= F2.... —-1 —- -~- r_ B 1I~e = I..F_- - __ —_- _ ___ ____ ___ _ (~ ~z~~.........________~....-____~_~_ No. 81. FLINTOFF. _' —m —-n.FnFE -— _'_ - -— t —_ —- — __-, —— [ —. —F-...- -' -'- -- -----— r —— m —. —-~ —------— L --- - --- - -- -.-.... __ ~__ _-.. _.____ _____ _ _ _o, 82.' ALCOCK.,A I _ _j ~~~ I, I, __ ______ _ _ _ _ r -y ~f. — 1I' ___ _' g t~tb_6 —x —-t=........ --— ~ —F~- -=- - -t....... —— m —t - ~ —-.... _~d.....~~__ _-~_~~~Fi__ _~.. I~..__!__,~~~~~~~~~~c I, I 1 o. 83. R.COOKE. 25 z~~ -~~'iPF~~rn~zi~~[Z -~~ ziiI~? -___ __ _ _ -~-~ -- -~-~ ~__.. _j_ _ _ ___-z'-__ __ ___.... s..__ i __-_-__-___ —— _. __ _ __ _ ____- - ___.L no 84. CROTCH. 1. II,''' [ - - _. -,&, _ -~ _ -~ -6~-. a _ - - ------—, - __ - I7 __ E___ _ —-_ Nao. 85. SKARRAT. _:=_ -:.-=-A-i-,No. 86. I. CONIEY. _-~c...., b.,.... —:I — i —z ---- _i _ ~am — C~ ~B — zzzE ziz~zZZy —.~c:-:-.... _-T-I-:- jj ——: 206 OCCASIONAL CHANTS. _ No. 87., TRAVERS. No. 88. HIGGINS. _z__~ _ — - --... -- _-._ —q- -- -'-n — - -5'-~...... —-- _ _1_]-E y —-- No. 89. BOYCE. 4 i _ __ -d L- ___ 1 1 _ __ _ __ __; - -m - ~ --- - -- -- - --- ---- __- -r —r. FIF F' _12<=-FI r F —-t if4WJI_ d _ I E ___- -- - - I-r! _, _I_ J_ I 1 1C-1I._____ — _ —-- - -— c..... No. 90. WOODWARD. (I~:~~ —~-~ —~= —[ —-~Y- ------- __-_-_ _ —--- --- __..-.-'::=: L_ ___ ___ P_....~~~~~~~ -A-...f...~, AV' —),,.... —-- —: No. 91. DUPUIS. 207 (i _IY _ L+Vr - _ _- __. _ _ -. __ __, - - No. 92. DUPUISc _ _ _ _ ____.. —F —...-.-i-= - 1 —..._... No. 93. SOAPER. l _~-z-qq-__ — -~- -~_ —-_ r__ -_-__ —:_ -_ ___-....___ r_ -o —- -___ _ff. __ _.. — No. 94. R. COORE. _.. _-__-Im_-__. —--—: ____{ d — d —--— l- f_ _.__ y _ __ _ — I O _'_' I i _.... -- _ri — 208 lNo. 95. ___ ___-a-G = ____I I 7 ___ — - __ -Fat -— I - ___4-@ Hi~~Z -1zkz z li[o -t, _ _ l v - No. 96. - WALTER WILSON. 1, —-_ -=_=_ —~_. —. -.,..... ~ ~- ~7I:r-,- -_ _ --:. _____ -~6 0_ -t _ _ — _ai z-i- a zi3 zr~zzr — -— _ — -- --- - No. 97. H. W. G. r7LfFIZIZ Z. I-P - I I, (I-o' -F-S-'- z 7'-~ -a —-___ ___- _ _ V'' --- -- i-" ——'' r r -r- I I-At --' ""::-r-q —~-r —r~....', I,rdz, _ _,', No. 98. THOS. BENNETT. _~ ~ ~ ~ _.,Z1__~.____.___ —_L~~ —=.-..r+~ —--- ~ —L~:'-~, — ____-__ [== ___[ —-[-..2.. Ci = 1_:_ ___- ----..._1_:-.__ ~I,Z ~~~~~~~~_ ____ I__ L_., ____.... (No. 99. AUNTLETT. 209 __ — -__-...... - -- _ _. - -_.... —-— F _., __... I s i ~' r,;ff8 -J _- -23- ia4z r rlTt,~ ~ __ _ _ —_. — -. --.....r No 10........__ —...._ Nl —-- - HACKETT.` -b= — C_ = = I -r 7tL4tlI-5~I __-___.._ _ _ _. _ _ - -0 C A ~..I~~~~~~~~~1 _~~II7~~~~ ~~~ ~~ii~~~L t~~~~t~~ -~~~~z ~~~ -'z~rz 4~iZ~-I =Z _- _-_ _ ___ _ [141 No. 103. iv. F. -. -- — _-~ — _ —-----.' -.5 I~a -- --- r — T —r:+ —--...... _3 —-.... i-....31 -,- --...1............l- W r zrFR-___ — -I _ _. z ___ _ _ _ _ _ No. 105. L. T.. __ _ =-idz-====- =-r=r ----— _ __=H W —- --- __16. — 84 K — -+-fto ____ F-l E _ — ---- 91: i l,_:____ _ - __ -~- d _ _ __2 __ No. 06.. W. G. ___- - ---— t — = —=1-=-Y —tUE-Y —-- _ I —L — __ ---..._ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~...~-~ —— ~.....t~r PLg- SENTENCE. No. 1. "The Lord is in his holy temple." 211 - _ =n -=_-_ —, —- ---—: -- -- I___ [ --- _.___ - ______ —-— _ -- -- -- -' —: —zz........ The Lord is in his ho - ly tem - pie,- Let all the earth keep si - lence, keep ) -? _7_ —-e- ------ — __ —_ _ -r - --— P —-- >1 ___ S;_F_2 __ _ _ __d d _ _ _ _! _ _ _ _2_ I F __ keep si - lence, Fi - lence, keep si - lence be - fore him, keep si lence be fore him. IZ t}H1__-_' ——: —-- r - - F —T --.... I4 f9iZ~ -h' —m::-q —-l=: —---— qV= -__ _____ ____:~:.:_~~:: ~-__ ___E_:: —------ -__ — _-_-_. —— r —t:-q —-.....: ~eep s —--- - ].e —~.. i I -. —-. 212 SENTENCE. No. 2. "Let the words of my mouth." _~ILIZ~__ _ IIZL - G- _ -~ —- - -------— i —-.Let the words of my mouth, and the med - i - ta- tions of my heart, be al - way ac - cept - a - ble, be al - way ac - cept — a - ble in thy /l~-b-~ —--- -1 ---— b _ ~_e- c3-r — - --- F —., —-D-F- -.-i V — a- -= k i 1__-....- -— j __ — _ -; ------ - --- --- ---- - - -- _- - _ -— H —-- 7 _ 7_ -[v. - 0 Lord, my strength,;i-;. ~ ~ ~ r, ~ -- -I-'-,~,,, F,1' F sight, O Lord, my strength, O Lord, my strength and my Re - deem - er, my Re -deem - er. __ __ t =__ _ _ -=_c:P bo d r _.___- J --- --- - *-' d d.. _.. d \ 1f__- F —-_-r- I-_ - ---- _- -w-'-5-~ ~___........__ -- __~__~__- - IF!~~~-' —— ~ —-~_ —~ SENTENCE. No. 3.'-'The sacrifices of God." 213 ___________-L~~ C ~ - __ -s — - - - [ ~- _- -F The sac ri fi-ces of God are a bro, ken spi-rit: A bro,-ken and a con trite r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s iLZZIZEIZ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ __ -- __-i 3~ ____ __ F- ---- -__ ----- --- -___t" -"'P ______ ----— I —--- - ~ _______ ~~~~a~~~~~ —--— F _____h FrLT _ _ _ _I — _ _ _ _ ___ — rI —---— F "'' --— 1-[ - - __ _ heart, A bro ken and a con trite heart, 0 God, 0 God, thou wilt not des - pise. B-$__-'-h- -P~ O —~ - P —-- D- - __ __ r j_- -_r ___ 8_ ~~ ~:b —-_ —d cd s _ ____ —-_ P~9~ ~~~~~~~J~~~~~~~~~~~~-T" — 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d 214 SENTENCE. No. 4. "Rend your heart." __ ___ _ __ __ _Ej I' 1 K- - p= S=-a-t< —3T7 —T-I -- -- Rend your heart and not your gar - ments, and turn un - to the Lord your God, for he is gra - cious, is e50 / -L- _I_ _ - -p __ _1 fP r r, r r )i........._-_F~-~ — -—, —-" —---— T —3 ---—. —....-, —~ — _-_,,. 4...i...____.......................... _ _ ______ __ __ ___ __ _ gra - cios and mer - ci - ful, slow to an - ger, and of great kind - nes, and re-pent-eth him of the e vil. _ 19 ___ -- - - -!- -----— f —---. -- -- - - -- \1:, --.. _... fW~ ~ ~~~_ ~-_.. SENTENCE. No. 5. "Repent ye." 215 Re- pent ye, re - pent ye, for the king - dom of heaven is at hand,- Re - pent ye, re~!~ —7-.. __ l..... — -— o-,- --— J-) —. —F —--- _ } 3_ _|_ r. -e~p==- l = r -._ __ r _ - ---- __ — =m —------- - --' --..- -r —_ ------- -F —pent ye, for the king - dom of heaven is at hand, — Re - pent ye, re- pent ye. ___ re. - penye,( ^- _ - r —9-, -LF t ~7__'Z- __i —:[- -i- - _ _- ---- -._ __- _ —— _ —- --: -— _ —__...... -ii... - --..- _ _ _ _._ _ _e i___ — -_E_ __ —-----.... —-...... - = - f F —-__ _ _ —r —-— F - ___E V V V V I~~~~~~~~i __ ~~~~~~zEL~~~~~~zzz~~~~~~xz~~~~z~~~~z _ -_ __ __ ____LL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 216 SENTENCE. o. 6. " If we say that we have no sin." ~ ~ ~~.............. —-~ —---— o ___~ E~-~..r -,,~":~ -....... ~ —~_- __... ___ ____ — ___..._..... tS-.=__X- _-....,= _,.,... I -— zn- -j-Iz-fi —--- - -- _ - -F F __ _ _- ___ _ _ - -_ -~~~~~~~~~~~ -_'~l ~' If we say that we have no sin, we de - ceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us: but if we con - )- iD —-_ —-- __ _ —-_ — Z — +_ —. _ -' - -, - —, ---- (_ __ = —----- =a- -- -.-__P___ [ -= i- - = r=, ~~~~'~~ ~ i;,~, a -hi cS t-=T —_ F;-@ —=Fr-ffi-=r__ __ =- rlSZ~ —~ —-- - - _r-_ —_-E__. ~ ~ F _ _._ _..... 7 ~ - 1 - --: —-_,.I. b7. | fess our sin, CGod is faith- ful, and just to for-give us our sin, and to cleanse us fromall un - righteousness. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......... [.q -_ _. - "' 5 -_~ e —_ —___ ---— I- -a_'-_ —_ —............__-.......... - - -____ _ __-___ -_ - - __ -______ ~ e: — ------ _-_ - I —------- -.~ —--... _................,__ _~ ~ - - -q. _ _ ~_- -K_- - -_-_ - _________J- -p.~jli [Ix~ -[i' _ ==r-$ __ - 7 7 F -- -__ I ANTHEM. "The Lord is my Shepherd." 217 lst TR2dl EBLEL. __ - -. - - [ - ~- - i...-S-'-.-.... —.-E- -- The Lord is my Shepherd, the Lord is my' 1 I Il; I _.- F I -— F — -- I~ —i- ----- _-i — _1, -_ — T --—: —~ —-~ —-- _-. -_> —!.-'i=;=3LL;r -H —' — The Lord is my Shepherd, the Lord is my _I_ _______ - - 7~-__ ___i_-_ —-- -_ Shepherd, therefore can I lack nothing, therefore can I lack nothing; He is my Shepherd, he is my I 1L: - = r1, -, n_ __ —-------- [ —--- _ _ __ ___ —-_4 __ --— F- F - = —--...,~,...~,~,.. 218 "The Lord is my Shepherd." Continued. Shepherd, therefore can I lack nothing, therefore can I lack nothing. He shall feed me in a green pasture, z,'F —-'X-F-'- 4 —-- _ —--— _ —~ —_/~f~ _T~izj1_ _ _'1 --? —-j —-- -'I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y ___ I —' —---: —,_ __ _ - - _- _~__'hl o-etm' ol,n b in m, rn frh n ig e ig, ig ot, ___ ____ __ -~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -' -x -~ z-~ —t __,- _ _,,_ _,_-___ ___...-___~..._-_:-,, —- ~, — __ -"'r-,4'L ____ ___-___-: - -r -.. —~ —-. I t -— _ -.. —-—. 1 -:.!- — _ —-_ -~~-......,:- -I'-:~ —- - ~____........ I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, "The Lord is my Shepherd." Continued. 219 r__ F - -- wa - ters of corn -fort, in the paths of righteousness, for his name's sake, for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk in the e~~~~~t r; E iJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hyrd n OF -7- - _ -__ _L_ —'- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~b -P -__ _ _ I~I~ -- g e 8 —-_ _ - - - - — ~I - val -ley of the shadow of death, I will fear no e - il, for thou art with me, thy rod and staff corn - fort me. -— ~ —— F__ __i-7 —- thy rod and S ( -v 1-r v-rF- __ _n _ ~~~ -Ie_ -1 _ _1 _ _ rB__~~~ 7-"" ~- ____ __-7 -~ 220 "The Lord is my Shepherd." Concluded. MCfORUS. ___ ______ - -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~c BF_________ hal-le - lu-jah, hal-le - in-jab, _ _ _ _ C zr n - _ _ ~ ~' ~ L - - E ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hal - le - lu - j ah, bal - le - lu-jab,hal-le - lu - jah, hal - le lu- jah, hal- -le lu - jab, __~~d _~ _ _ ___ P _F 4 __le-~~ _-~ _ers~k~- _"___ - -. - HBal le lu j ah, bal le lu jab, hal le lu jab, I ~l~ 1 hl e ___ __ ~ ~ -[~- __- T @ - le lu - le -~~~ -Ha le [- __ ah Zba leuiah hl-l l - jab L hal l u- ab A - men.s -- -— ~ ___ — i- p * ___ ____~ ~~~~~~~ -`- -- Z~ZI - Fr ______ -lal- le - Lu - jab, hal - le lu-jah, hal-le -lu-jjab, hal-le - Lu-ja, 77-F-~ hal -le lu - ja-, A — men._a_ l ___ - j _ hal-le - lu-jab, bal- le - lu-jab, hal-le - lu-jah, A -men. A-men. Hal -le - lu-jab, bal-le - lu-jab, i~~~~~~~~~ I Lu -j~ab.... al-lZe -Lu -jab, hal -le -lu-jab, A-men.L-~V ____ ------ -r -jm-'~' - r hal- le - lu -jab, A-men. Hal - le - lu-jab,halle - iu-jlab. is"Ca ALPHABETICAL iNDEX. Page. Page. Page. Abridge...........O. M......Tr. Smith...... 19 Carey............. IL 3....... Carey............. 99 Epping...........L. M........................ 60 Adams............ C. M....... T. Adams.......... 33 Carleyle.......... C. M....... Ravenscroft....... 23 Evening Hymn.....L. MV....... Y41lis............ 74 Alfreton.......... L. M.....Beasteed......68 Carlisle............ S. M....... Lockhart...... 86 Exmnouth.......... ILI........ F. WV. W.......... 89 Andrews.......... C. M.......-H. W]. G~.......... 40 Cecilia, St.......... 0. M....... Handel........... 9 Angel's Song........L. M.......COroft............ 54 Chesterfield....... C. M.......Haweis........... 5 Farrant..........(. MJ......._Farrant....... 4 Anumreeing.........C. M....... Mozart........... 25 Chimes............ IV. 3...... Hornt............. 130 Ferrar............. L. M....... H. W. G........ 64 Ann's, St........... C. M....... Croft............ I Cholmondeley...... 11.1............ 107 Frome............. C. M.......JBond.............. 8 Anslem, St......... C. M.......T G........ 45 Christ Churchl...... S. M.......S. S. Wesley....... q9 Arabia.............C. M....... Ford............ 10 Christmas...........O. M....... Handel........... 13 Gabriel, St.......... L. M:....... Haydn........... 73 Arne............. II. 3........A4rne............ 96 Clemens...........(C. M....... H. W.(...... 37 Geer.............. C. M..-.....-H. W~r. G.......... A- ) Aston............. II. 2........................ 92 Clifton............ C. M....... Mesley........... 48 Germany.......... L. M....... Beethoven......... 63 Austin, St.......... L-. M....G..Loder.......... 159 Colet.............. C. M....... H. W. G........... 12 Georges, St.......O. C.. **. Sat...........t. 47 Axbridg-e.......... C. M......Clar k.......a obr......S...f~W.6..... 84 Glenelg........... III. 1...... H. W~. G.....110 Compton.......... C. M......Harmony by T...2 Gorton............ C. M~....... Harrison.......... 24: Balclutba.......... L. M....... Flint........ 76 Coilpar............(C. M....... Scotch, Psalter..'... 14: Gower............ O. M........................ St Bangor..........C. M......Javenscroft....... 16 oe.......III. 1......MAozart........... 109 Gregorius, St....... C. M.......:Fallis............. 23:Baun............. L. M....... Arr. by Gauntlett.. 67 Crucifixion........(C. M....... H. W:. G........... 7 Grostete........... L. M....... H. W~. G........58:Beckwith.......... III. I....................... 107 Cuthbert, Mt........ -...H. WV. Gz........... 66 Bede. St........... L. M....... H. WV. G...... 55 H-armer_...........I. 8.......(G. Eoder.......... 106:Bedford........... C. M....... Wheal........... 30 David's, St......... C. M....... Ravenscroft....... 21 H-eber.......IV. 4......_Pleyel............ 132 Bellefield.......... C. M.....Tucker........... 9 D~ayspring...... M....... Hawkins........... 44 Helen's, St......... 1I. 1...... Beet/koven......... 118 Belshazzar......... L. M....... Shore.............. 64: Deep RZiver........ L. M....... W. J. B3abcock..... 78 H-enwick..........IL. 2....... Arr. from Hravergall. 94 ~Bemerton.......... C..... W'. G_.......... 41 Dedham........... C. MI....... Gardiner.......... 2 8 H-ighgate.......... L. M....... Davison~.......... 65:Benoni............. C. W...h. GV 6........... 46 Ditchling..........(C. -M....... Morn'ington....... 6 Hobart............ C. M....... H. ff.(]...... 31 ZBeveridge.........IL. 5....... H.. W:. G~........... 103 Dovedale.......... III. I......~ H. W ~. 119 }Hodnet...........IL. 6....... Thaiberg...'........ 104 Bishopthorpe...... C. M....... Clarke............ 37 Dowland..........(C. M.......J. Dowland, 1592... 8 Homewards.......I111.3...... Ogden............. 123 B3orne.............O:,M.......H. W~. G........... 43 Downes........ 11 I....._. T. Downers...... 115 Horne............ C. M......H. W. G~........... 6 Brainston.......... S. M....... H. WV.~....... 80 Drew.............. L. M.......S. Leach......... 64 Hundredth Psalm...L. M.......GClauede le Jeune.... 51 Bret-by............ L. M....... Lovoff............. IS Dundee............ C. M....... Scotch Psalter..... 27 ]Brevint............IL. 2....... H. W~r. G........... 91 Danluce........... L. AlI....... T. Y. Chubb....... q2 Ilkley.............IL. 1......................... 90 Brides,St...... M....... Howard........... 82 Incense........... III 1...... Ogden............ 114: Brigham........... S. M.......TYuckerman........ 83 Easthamn.......... O. M....... E. Taylor......... 42 Ireneeus........... II. 4....... Havergal.......... 1021 Bu-rlington......... C. M.......,Burrows.......... 26 Eden.............. C. M....... G. Loder.. 3 rs............. 39.................. 2:Burton............. C.... G~.............. 42 Eltham........... C. MI........................ 18 Ivy Bridge.......L. M......._ovello:...... 2 222 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. James's, St........0. M........Courtville......... 22 Nayland..........0. M........Jones.............. 20 St. James's........C. M........Courtville......... 32 Juxou...........III. 1.......H.. IV. (7........... 118 Nelson...........III. 8.......li. IV. G........... 125 St. Magnus........C. M........Clark............ 14 Sect's, St.........L. M........H. IV. (7........... 70 St. Martin's.......C. M........Tansur........... 8 Ken..............C. M........li. }V.. (7........... 7 l~ewark..........S. M......................... 84 St. Mary's.........C. M........2~low............. 28 Kidderminster....S. M........Baxter............ 87 Norton...........C. M........ttandel........... 11 St. Matthew's.....C. 3/1........Croft............ 32 Kirkdale.........S. M........S. Webbe.......... 79 Brorwood.........C. M........Nares............ 24 St. Michael's.......C. M......................,.. 30 St. Neot's.........L. M........//. W. G........... 70 Lancaster........L. M........Rink.............. 61 Olaf, St..........S. M........liaydn............ 86 St. Olaf..........S. M........Haydn............ 86 Latimer..........(J. M........H. IV. (7........... 33 Clave's, St........L. M........~attishill......... 57 St. Olave's........L.M........Battishill......... 57 Laud............17. M........._/-/.. W[. (7........... 4 Older............C. M........(7. ~oder.......... 89 St. Pancras,.......L. M........Iirudson........... 57 Leicester.........II. 8.......................... 95 Old Common Tune. C. M........1)owland.......... g9 St. Paul's.........C. M........ Harmony by T. (7....44 Leighton.........S. M........li. W. (7........... 88 Old Hundredth....L. M........liar. by ~Dowland... 51 St. Stephen's......17. M........................: 43 Lewes.............C. M........Davy.............. 25 Old 104th.........IV. 1.......liandel. f......... 129 Sacrament........L. M........(7..Loder.......... 70 ]London New......(J. M........Croft............ 19 Oxford...........L.M.......................... 65 Sacrifice...........S. M........~Dyke............. 82 Lowth...........1,. M.........Noyes.........,.. 69 Salvation.........L. M........2]Iendelssohn........ 55 Lullington........C. M........Frazer............ 18 Pancras, St........L. M........liudson........... 57 Selsea............L. M.........Mozart........... 53 Luther's Hymn....II. 7........Luther............ 105 Paul's, St.........C. M........liar. by T. (7....... 44 Seymour.........III. 1......Weber.............112 Lydia.............(J[M........YLeach............ 17 Peckam..........L. M........Stothert........... 63 Shirland.........S. M........Stanley........... 81 Portland..........III. 3.......H. IF.. (7............ 126 Shropshire.......C. M........Pratt............. 26 3Iadeley.........III. 3.......I-[andel............ 122 Portsmouth.......II. 4........IDarwall.......... 100 Silesia............III. 3.......Seb. Bach......... 125 Magdalen........L. M........Jarvis............ 71 Preston...........II. 2........liandel........... 93 Solitude...........III. 1.......Z. T. lPownes...... 115 [Magnus, St........C. M........Clark............ 14 Solhey...........III. 3.......Schulz.............126 [Manchester........O. M........Wainwright....... 30 Randal............17. M.;......t~andal........... 15 Stafford..........C. M........Wainwright....... 34 Manheim..........C. M........Seb. ~Bach......... 50 Rathbun.........III. 3......./.. Conkey......... 123 Starthope.........II. 1..:.....H. IV. (7........... 88 Manoah...........C. M......................... 36 Refuge...........IV. 4.......(7. ~Loder..........131 Stapenhill.S.M.. Clarke............ 81 [Mant.............III. 3.......Spanish JlIelody..... 124 Repton..........C. M........12'an Se!erift........ 17 Stonefield.........II. 3........Alteredfr. Stanley.. 98 Mariner's.........IV. 5.......(7. roder.......... 133 Resignation.......IV. 2.......G. Loder.......... 130 Strasburg.........C. M........Seb. 1each........... 49 Marlborough......L. M........ttar..Perrecta...... 56 Rest.............L. M........Chard...,........ 62 Sumner...........L. M........li. IV. (7.......... 52 Marlow...........0. M........Old English Tune.. 27 Ridley...........S. M........li. W. (7........... 87 Martin's, St.......C. M........Tansur........... 3 Ridgeway........L. M......................... 77 Talbot............III. 3.......li. W. (7...........127 [Martyrdom.......t3. M......................... 34 Rochester.........L. M......................... 69 Taylor...........C. M........21. t'ettet.......... 45 [Mary's, St........C. M........Blow............ 28 Rockingham.......L. M........tlarrington....... 58 Thornton.........S. M......................... 85 Matlock..........III. 1........//. IF[. (7........... 108 Tintern Abbey.....C. M........grovello........... 48 [Matthew's, St......C. M........Croft............. 32 St. Ann's.........17. M........Croft............. I Tiverton.........C. M........Grigg............ 15 [Meat.............C. M......................... 20 St. Anselm........C. M........T. (7.............. 45 Tottenham.......C. M........T. (7.............. 41 [Medfield..........O. M........Mather........... 15 St. Austin.........L. M........ (7. ~Loder.......... 59 Trent............C. M........li. W. (7........... 47 Melcombe.........L. M........Webbe............ 53 St. Bede..........L. M........~ }V. G........... 55 Triumph..........III. 1......./L. W]. (7........... 111 [Messiah..........C. M........Handel........... 38 St. Bride's.........S. M........Iiroward........... 82 Truro............L. M........Burney........... 68 Michael's, St.......C. M......................... 36 St. Cecilia........O. M........liandel........... 9 Turnham Green....C. M........Davison.......... 16 Milman...........L. M........l~eethoven......... 75 St. Cuthbert.......L. M........li. }V. (7........... 66 Tutbury...........S. M........H. W. (7........... 80 [Moira.;...........III. 1......./~. W]. (7........... 114 St. David's........C. M........~avenscroft....... 21 Monmouth.........L. M........E. J[. JLoder........ 60 St. Gabriel.......L. M........liaydn............ 73 Vernon...........III. 5.......~'ovello........... 128 Monsuldale.......III. 1.......Ogden.....~....... 118 St. George's.......C. M........Smart............ 47 Vincent...........III. 1...... -Novello........... 117 Morning Hymn.....L. M........~Bartheleraon....... 74 St. Gregorius......C. M........Tallis............. 23 Viner............L. M....... W. ~. Viner....... ~2 Mount Sinai.......II. 4:........3rei2komm......... 101 St. Helen's........III. 1.......~Beethover~......... 118